677 values
1 value
2 values
[ "MIT" ]
# try include("sparse_eigen_test.jl") catch end # try include("./test/sparse_eigen_test.jl") catch end # test_native_eigen() import LinearAlgebra using MatrixCompletion.Utilities.FastEigen using Test function create_symmetric_matrix(n) a = rand(n,n) * 5 return a+a' end function correct_output_sparseeigen(input,k) eigen_dcp = LinearAlgebra.eigen(input); eigen_val = eigen_dcp.values; eigen_vec = eigen_dcp.vectors; first_k_idx = Base.sortperm(eigen_val,rev=true)[1:k]; return eigen_val[first_k_idx],eigen_vec[:,first_k_idx]; end function project(v,e) return e * LinearAlgebra.Diagonal(v) * e'; end function test_native_eigen(;n = 200, nev = 20) input = create_symmetric_matrix(n); @time λ, X = eigs(NativeEigen(), input ;nev = nev); λ₀, X₀ = correct_output_sparseeigen(input, nev); p = project(λ, X) p₀ = project(λ₀, X₀) @test LinearAlgebra.norm(p - p₀) < 0.01 end function test_krylov(;n = 200, nev = 20) a = create_symmetric_matrix(n) * 5 @info("doing krylov eigen") @time λ, X = eigs(KrylovMethods(), a, nev = nev) @info("doing full eigen") @time λ₀, X₀ = correct_output_sparseeigen(a, nev) p = project(λ, X) p₀ = project(λ₀, X₀) @test LinearAlgebra.norm(p - p₀)^2 / LinearAlgebra.norm(p₀)^2 < 0.01 end function test_arpack(;n = 200, nev = 20) a = create_symmetric_matrix(n) * 5 @info("doing Arpack eigen") # @time λ, X = eigs(ARPACK(), a, nev = nev) @info("doing full eigen") @time λ₀, X₀ = correct_output_sparseeigen(a, nev) p = project(λ, X) p₀ = project(λ₀, X₀) @test LinearAlgebra.norm(p - p₀)^2 / LinearAlgebra.norm(p₀)^2 < 0.01 end test_arpack(n = 4000, nev = 1000) function test_lobpcg(;dim= 2000,nev=20,repeat=5) input = create_symmetric_matrix(dim); for i = 1:repeat @time begin λ, X = eigs(NativeLOBPCG(), input; nev=nev) p1 = get_projection(λ, X) end @time begin v0, e0 = correct_output_sparseeigen(input, 20) p2 = get_projection(v0, e0) end @test LinearAlgebra.norm(p1 - p2) < 0.01 end end @testset "$(format("Sparse Eigen: KrylovKit Wrapper"))" begin let for i in 1:10 test_krylov(n = 2000, nev = 20) end end end # @testset "$(format("Sparse Eigen: NativeEigen Wrapper"))" begin # let # for i in 1:10 # test_native_eigen(n = 2000, nev = 20) # end # end # end
[ "MIT" ]
@info "Visualization: [PoissonMatrix (5x5) (λ=5)]" display(PoissonMatrix(5,5,rank=3,λ=5)) @info "Visualization: [GaussianMatrix (5x5) (μ=0,σ=1)]" display(GaussianMatrix(5,5,rank=3,σ=1,μ=0)) @info "Visualization: [BinomialMatrix (5x5) (p=0.5)]" display(BernoulliMatrix(5,5,rank=3,p=0.5)) @info "Visualization: [GammaMatrix (5,5) (α=5,θ=0.5)]" display(GammaMatrix(5,5,rank=3,α=5,θ=0.5))
[ "MIT" ]
# MatrixCompletion.jl MatrixCompletion.jl is Julia package for completion low rank matrices with missing entries. The problem of matrix completion has a wide range of applications, such as collaborative filtering, system identification, data imputation, and Internet of things localization. MatrixCompletion.jl by default uses algorithm proposed in Robust Matrix Completion with Mix Data Types, see [paper](), which is a convex algorithm that minimizes the joint likelihood reguluaized by both nuclear norm and max norm. It can complete low rank matrices with hetergenous data (columnwise or row wise) data types, which are in the exponential family such as: * Bernoulli (binary data) * Poisson (count data) * Gaussian (continuous data) * Negative Binomial (count) * Gamma (skewed continuous data) ## Installation To install, simply type ```julia Pkg.add("MatrixCompletion) ``` in the Julia REPL. ## Minimal Working Example For example, the following simulation snippet demonstrates how to complete a manually generated mixed-type low rank matrix. ``` using MatrixCompletion import Distributions, Random input_rank = 20 truth_matrix = rand([(FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Gaussian(0, 1), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Bernoulli(0.5), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Gamma(10, 0.5), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Poisson(5), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.NegativeBinomial(6, 0.8), rank = input_rank), 500, 100)]) sample_model = provide(Sampler{BernoulliModel}(), rate = 80 / 100) input_matrix = sample_model.draw(truth_matrix) manual_type_matrix = Array{Symbol}(undef, 500, 500) manual_type_matrix[:, 1:100] .= :Gaussian manual_type_matrix[:, 101:200] .= :Bernoulli manual_type_matrix[:, 201:300] .= :Gamma manual_type_matrix[:, 301:400] .= :Poisson manual_type_matrix[:, 401:500] .= :NegativeBinomial user_input_estimators = Dict(:NegativeBinomial=> Dict(:r=>6, :p=>0.8)) completed_matrix, type_tracker, tracker = complete(A = input_matrix, maxiter = 200, ρ = 0.3, use_autodiff = false, gd_iter = 3, debug_mode = false, user_input_estimators = user_input_estimators, project_rank = input_rank * 10, io = io, type_assignment = manual_type_matrix) predicted_matrix = predict(MatrixCompletionModel(), completed_matrix = completed_matrix, type_tracker = type_tracker, estimators = user_input_estimators) summary_object = summary(MatrixCompletionModel(), predicted_matrix = predicted_matrix, truth_matrix = truth_matrix, type_tracker = type_tracker, tracker = tracker) ``` ## Automatic data type detection We note that in the MWE, the data type of the observed matrix was entered manually. Although doing so in most cases guarantees maximum recovery rate, in reality it is often unknown that what are the exact distributions of the underlying data. To address this issue, we provided an API that allows the algorithm to automatically detect the best fitting distributed within the supported range and after doing so, also acquire the MLE of the corresponding parameters. Traditional goodness-and-fit often has less power when the input data size are large. To address this problem, we adopted a different approach combining a simple trivial decision tree and comparing the empirical distribution to its exponential family candidates in the frequency domain, i.e. MGF. In order to use automatic data type detection, one simply need to not provide the `user_input_estimators` parameter in the `complete` function. **Note.** While useful, according to preliminary simulations results, using automatic data type detection often results in recovery rate loss when the underlying data is continuous and strongly skewed. ## Simulation Utilities ### Different Fast Eigen Solvers Due to potential unforseen numerical instabilitis, multiple fast eigen libraries are shipped with MatrixCompletion.jl. Arpack is tested to be the fastest when using the MKL patched Julia 1.2. By default, this is not enabled due to licensing issues; and a Julia native Lancozs library is used by default. ### Sampling Schemes MatrixCompletion.jl supports two sampling schemes, Uniform Sampling and Bernoulli Sampling. Researchers can use `x = provide(Sampler{BernoulliModel}(), rate = 80 / 100)` to get an instance of the corresponding sampler and bind it to `x`, and use `x.draw(M)` to draw a partially observed matrix from full input matrix `M`. ### Random Fixed Rank Matrix Generator MatrixCompletion.jl also provides a random fixed rank matrix generator that supports generating low rank matrix of target rank and specified (combination of) distributions. For example, ```julia input_rank = 10 M = rand([(FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Gaussian(0, 1), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Bernoulli(0.5), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Gamma(10, 0.5), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.Poisson(5), rank = input_rank), 500, 100), (FixedRankMatrix(Distributions.NegativeBinomial(6, 0.8), rank = input_rank), 500, 100)]) ``` generates a 500*500 matrix `M` with target rank 50, with the five listed distribution divided according to the dimension parameters. # On going work ## GUI front end A Gui front end is to be created using Genie to * provide interactive plotting of convergence path and regularization path. * provide a simple and easy to use interface for user to try to apply the algorithm to pictures of users' choice. ## More Algorithms MatrixCompletion.jl aims to be the most comprehensive matrix completion algorithm library in Julia consisting of both popular non-convex and convex algorithms proposed in the past decade, including (on going work): * LMaFit: Low-Rank Matrix Fitting [(Wen et al. 2012)]( [website]( * OptSpace: Matrix Completion from Noisy Entries [(Keshavan et al. 2009)]( [website]( * OR1MP: Orthogonal rank-one matrix pursuit for low rank matrix completion [(Wang et al. 2015)]( * SVT: A singular value thresholding algorithm for matrix completion [(Cai et al. 2008)]( [website](
[ "MIT" ]
# Note that this script can accept some limited command-line arguments, run # `julia build_tarballs.jl --help` to see a usage message. using BinaryBuilder name = "GR" version = v"0.73.7" # Collection of sources required to complete build sources = [ GitSource("", "a8f4f0b867ad8e40e9a927d72e4ada571fdca461"), FileSource("$version/gr-$version.js", "89a114eac7e96f0a32441da01e1929068aeaa286ad2ea22f923420cff8d4e2a4", "gr.js"), ArchiveSource("", "0f03869f72df8705b832910517b47dd5b79eb4e160512602f593ed243b28715f") ] # Bash recipe for building across all platforms script = raw""" cd $WORKSPACE/srcdir/gr update_configure_scripts make -C 3rdparty/qhull -j${nproc} if [[ $target == *"mingw"* ]]; then winflags=-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0f00" tifflags=-DTIFF_LIBRARY=${libdir}/libtiff-6.dll else tifflags=-DTIFF_LIBRARY=${libdir}/libtiff.${dlext} fi if [[ "${target}" == x86_64-apple-darwin* ]]; then apple_sdk_root=$WORKSPACE/srcdir/MacOSX10.14.sdk sed -i "s!/opt/x86_64-apple-darwin14/x86_64-apple-darwin14/sys-root!$apple_sdk_root!" $CMAKE_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 fi if [[ "${target}" == *apple* ]]; then make -C 3rdparty/zeromq ZEROMQ_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--host=${target}" fi if [[ "${target}" == arm-* ]]; then export CXXFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/${target}/${target}/lib" fi mkdir build cd build cmake $winflags -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=$prefix -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${CMAKE_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN} -DGR_USE_BUNDLED_LIBRARIES=ON $tifflags -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. VERBOSE=ON cmake --build . --config Release --target install -- -j${nproc} cp ../../gr.js ${libdir}/ install_license $WORKSPACE/srcdir/gr/ if [[ $target == *"apple-darwin"* ]]; then cd ${bindir} ln -s ../Applications/ ./ ln -s ../Applications/ ./ ln -s ../Applications/ ./ fi """ # These are the platforms we will build for by default, unless further # platforms are passed in on the command line platforms = [ Platform("armv7l", "linux"; libc="glibc"), Platform("aarch64", "linux"; libc="glibc"), Platform("x86_64", "linux"; libc="glibc"), Platform("i686", "linux"; libc="glibc"), Platform("powerpc64le", "linux"; libc="glibc"), Platform("x86_64", "windows"), Platform("i686", "windows"), Platform("x86_64", "macos"), Platform("aarch64", "macos"), Platform("x86_64", "freebsd"), ] platforms = expand_cxxstring_abis(platforms) # The products that we will ensure are always built products = [ LibraryProduct("libGR", :libGR, dont_dlopen=true), LibraryProduct("libGR3", :libGR3, dont_dlopen=true), LibraryProduct("libGRM", :libGRM, dont_dlopen=true), LibraryProduct("libGKS", :libGKS, dont_dlopen=true), ExecutableProduct("gksqt", :gksqt), ExecutableProduct("grplot", :grplot), ] # Dependencies that must be installed before this package can be built dependencies = [ Dependency("Bzip2_jll"; compat="1.0.8"), Dependency("Cairo_jll"; compat="1.16.1"), Dependency("FFMPEG_jll"), Dependency("Fontconfig_jll"), Dependency("FreeType2_jll"; compat="2.10.4"), Dependency("GLFW_jll"), Dependency("JpegTurbo_jll"), Dependency("libpng_jll"), Dependency("Libtiff_jll"; compat="~4.5.1"), Dependency("Pixman_jll"), HostBuildDependency("Qt6Base_jll"), Dependency("Qt6Base_jll"; compat="~6.7.1"), # Never allow upgrading more than the minor version without recompilation BuildDependency("Xorg_libX11_jll"), BuildDependency("Xorg_xproto_jll"), Dependency("Zlib_jll"), ] # Build the tarballs, and possibly a `build.jl` as well. # GCC version 10 because of Qt6.7 build_tarballs(ARGS, name, version, sources, script, platforms, products, dependencies; preferred_gcc_version = v"10", julia_compat="1.6")
[ "MIT" ]
using GR inline("iterm", false) x = collect(0:0.01:2*pi) for i = 1:100 plot(x, sin.(x .+ i / 10.0)) end
[ "MIT" ]
# Compare line drawing performance of Matplotlib vs. GR # # The results depend strongly on which backend is used in GR and/or Matplotlib. # Depending on the selection, however, improvements by a factor of 50 are possible. # The best results can be achieved with the Qt driver (gksqt). # # The increase in drawing speed through the GR Matplotlib backend is comparatively # small, since most of the time is spent in Matplotlib/Python. ENV["JULIA_PYTHONCALL_EXE"] = "/usr/local/bin/python3" ENV["GKSwstype"] = "gksqt" ENV["MPLBACKEND"]="module://gr.matplotlib.backend_gr" import PythonPlot import GR function mpl() x = collect(0:0.01:2*pi) PythonPlot.plot(x, sin.(x)) PythonPlot.ion() t = time_ns() for i = 1:100 PythonPlot.cla() PythonPlot.plot(x .+ i / 10.0, sin.(x .+ i / 10.0)) if haskey(ENV, "MPLBACKEND") else PythonPlot.pause(0.0001) end end fps = round(Int64, 100 / (1e-9 * (time_ns() - t))) end function gr() x = collect(0:0.01:2*pi) GR.plot(x, sin.(x)) t = time_ns() for i = 1:100 GR.plot(x .+ i / 10.0, sin.(x .+ i / 10.0)) end fps = round(Int64, 100 / (1e-9 * (time_ns() - t))) end using Printf for i in 1:10 fps_mpl = mpl() fps_gr = gr() speedup = float(fps_gr) / fps_mpl @printf("MPL: %4d fps GR: %4d fps => speedup: %6.1f\r", fps_mpl, fps_gr, speedup) end @printf("\n")
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "mov" # or "webm", "mp4" ENV["GKS_VIDEO_OPTS"] = "600x450@25@2x" using GR x = LinRange(0, 2π, 200) for i = 0:100 plot(x, sin.(x .+ i / 10.0)) end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using SpecialFunctions x = 0:0.1:20 j0, j1, j2, j3 = [besselj.(order, x) for order in 0:3] plot(x, j0, x, j1, x, j2, x, j3, labels=["J_0", "J_1", "J_2", "J_3"], location=11)
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR const gr3 = GR.gr3 function draw(mesh::Cint) gr3.clear() gr3.drawmesh(mesh, 1, (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,1,1), (1,1,1)) GR.clearws() gr3.drawimage(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, gr3.DRAWABLE_GKS) GR.updatews() end data = open(stream -> read!(stream, Array{UInt16}(undef, 93, 64, 64)), "mri.raw") data = min.(data, 2000) / 2000.0 * typemax(UInt16) data = convert(Array{UInt16, 3}, floor.(data)) data = permutedims(data, [3, 2, 1]) GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr3.cameralookat(-3, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) mesh = gr3.createisosurfacemesh(data, (2.0/63, 2.0/63, 2.0/92), (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), 40000) GR.setcolormap(1) gr3.setlightsources(2, [0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1], [0.45, 0.7, 0.9, 0.93, 0.91, 0.2]) directions, colors = gr3.getlightsources(2) @show directions, colors draw(mesh)
[ "MIT" ]
import GLFW import GR const gr3 = GR.gr3 function display() steps = (1.0 / size(data)[1], 1.0 / size(data)[2], 1.0 / size(data)[3]) offsets = (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) mesh = gr3.createisosurfacemesh(data, steps, offsets, isolevel) gr3.drawmesh(mesh, 1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)) r = 1.5 gr3.cameralookat(center[1], center[2], center[3], 0, 0, 0, up[1], up[2], up[3]) gr3.drawimage(0.0, w, 0.0, h, width, height, gr3.DRAWABLE_OPENGL) GLFW.SwapBuffers(window) gr3.deletemesh(mesh) gr3.clear() end function spherical_to_cartesian(r, theta, phi) x = r * sin.(theta) * cos.(phi) y = r * sin.(theta) * sin.(phi) z = r * cos.(theta) return (x, y, z) end function cursor(motion, x, y) global center, up global isolevel if GLFW.GetMouseButton(window, GLFW.MOUSE_BUTTON_1) center = spherical_to_cartesian(-2, pi * y / height + pi/2, pi * x / width) up = spherical_to_cartesian(1, pi * y / height + pi, pi * x / width) elseif GLFW.GetMouseButton(window, GLFW.MOUSE_BUTTON_2) if y >= 0 isolevel = round(Int, 255 * y / height) end end display() end ENV["GR3_USE_OPENGL"] = "true" f = open("brain.bin", "r") data = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 5120000) data = reshape(read!(f, data), 200, 160, 160) close(f) width = height = 500 isolevel = 128 center = (0., 0., 2.) up = (-1., 0., 0.) monitor = GLFW.GetPrimaryMonitor() xscale, yscale = GLFW.GetMonitorContentScale(monitor) w = xscale * width h = yscale * height window = GLFW.CreateWindow(width, height, "MRI example") GLFW.MakeContextCurrent(window) GLFW.SetCursorPosCallback(window, cursor) gr3.setbackgroundcolor(1, 1, 1, 0) while !GLFW.WindowShouldClose(window) GLFW.PollEvents() end GLFW.DestroyWindow(window)
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings formula = L"- \frac{{\hbar ^2}}{{2m}}\frac{{\partial ^2 \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial x^2 }} + U(x)\psi (x,t) = i\hbar \frac{{\partial \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial t}}" selntran(0) settextfontprec(232, 3) settextalign(2, 3) setbordercolorind(6) mathtex(0.5, 0.5, formula) tbx, tby = inqmathtex(0.5, 0.5, formula) Δx = (tbx[2] - tbx[1]) / √2 Δy = (tby[3] - tby[1]) / √2 path([0.5+Δx, Δx, 2π], [0.5, Δy, 0], "MAs"); updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR const maps=["uniform", "temperature", "grayscale", "glowing", "rainbowlike", "geologic", "greenscale", "cyanscale", "bluescale", "magentascale", "redscale", "flame", "brownscale", "pilatus", "autumn", "bone", "cool", "copper", "gray", "hot", "hsv", "jet", "pink", "spectral", "spring", "summer", "winter", "gist_earth", "gist_heat", "gist_ncar", "gist_rainbow", "gist_stern", "afmhot", "brg", "bwr", "coolwarm", "CMRmap", "cubehelix", "gnuplot", "gnuplot2", "ocean", "rainbow", "seismic", "terrain", "viridis", "inferno", "plasma", "magma"] function main() a = round.(Int32,LinRange(1000,1255,256)) xl = 0 setwsviewport(0, 0.25, 0, 0.125) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 0.5) setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.025, 0.475) setcharheight(0.010) setcharup(-1,0) settextcolorind(255) for cmap in 0:47 setcolormap(cmap) xr = (cmap + 1) / 48.0 cellarray(xl+0.002, xr-0.002, 0.2, 1, 1, 256, a) settextalign(1,3) text(0.04 + xr * 0.9, 0.48, string(cmap)) settextalign(3,3) text(0.04 + xr * 0.9, 0.1, string(maps[cmap+1])) xl = xr end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR function points_from_image(img, npts) w, h = size(img) xpts = Float64[] ypts = Float64[] cols = Int[] for i in 1:npts x = rand() * w y = rand() * h c = img[Int64(floor(x)) + 1, Int64(floor(h-y)) + 1] r = ( c & 0xff) / 255.0 g = ((c >> 8 ) & 0xff) / 255.0 b = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0 if 0.2989 * r + 0.5870 * g + 0.1140 * b > 0.8 if rand() < 0.1 push!(xpts, x) push!(ypts, y) push!(cols, 1) end continue end push!(xpts, x) push!(ypts, y) push!(cols, inqcolorfromrgb(r, g, b)) end xpts, ypts, cols end w, h, img = readimage("julia_logo.png") x, y, cols = points_from_image(img, 30_000) setwsviewport(0, 0.24, 0, 0.16) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 2/3) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 2/3) setwindow(0, w, 0, h) setmarkersize(2/3) setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) settransparency(0.5) polymarker(x, y) n, tri = delaunay(x, y) for i in 1:n if all(cols[tri[i,:]] .!= 1) settransparency(0.5) setfillcolorind(cols[tri[i,1]]) else settransparency(0.1) setfillcolorind(1) end fillarea(x[tri[i,:]], y[tri[i,:]]) end updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR const g = 9.8 # gravitational constant function main() function rk4(x, h, y, f) k1 = h * f(x, y) k2 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k1) k3 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k2) k4 = h * f(x + h, y + k3) x + h, y + (k1 + 2 * (k2 + k3) + k4) / 6.0 end function derivs(t, state) # The following derivation is from: # t1, w1, t2, w2 = state a = (m1 + m2) * l1 b = m2 * l2 * cos(t1 - t2) c = m2 * l1 * cos(t1 - t2) d = m2 * l2 e = -m2 * l2 * w2^2 * sin(t1 - t2) - g * (m1 + m2) * sin(t1) f = m2 * l1 * w1^2 * sin(t1 - t2) - m2 * g * sin(t2) [w1, (e*d-b*f) / (a*d-c*b), w2, (a*f-c*e) / (a*d-c*b)] end function pendulum(theta, length, mass) l = length[1] + length[2] GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.setwindow(-l, l, -l, l) GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) GR.setmarkercolorind(86) GR.setborderwidth(0) pivot = [0, 0.775] # draw pivot point GR.fillarea([-0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -0.2], [0.75, 0.75, 0.8, 0.8]) for i in 1:2 x = [pivot[1], pivot[1] + sin(theta[i]) * length[i]] y = [pivot[2], pivot[2] - cos(theta[i]) * length[i]] GR.polyline(x, y) # draw rod GR.setmarkersize(3 * mass[i]) GR.polymarker([x[2]], [y[2]]) # draw bob pivot = [x[2], y[2]] end GR.updatews() end l1 = 1.2 # length of rods l2 = 1.0 m1 = 1.0 # weights of bobs m2 = 1.5 t1 = 100.0 # inintial angles t2 = -20.0 w1 = 0.0 w2 = 0.0 t = 1.0 dt = 0.04 state = [t1, w1, t2, w2] * pi / 180 now = start = time_ns() while t < 30 t, state = rk4(t, dt, state, derivs) t1, w1, t2, w2 = state pendulum([t1, t2], [l1, l2], [m1, m2]) now = (time_ns() - start) / 1000000000 if t > now sleep(t - now) end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR const gr3 = GR.gr3 const g = 9.8 # gravitational constant function rk4(x, h, y, f) k1 = h * f(x, y) k2 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k1) k3 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k2) k4 = h * f(x + h, y + k3) return x + h, y + (k1 + 2 * (k2 + k3) + k4) / 6.0 end function double_pendulum(theta, length, mass) GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) direction = zeros(3, 2) position = zeros(3, 3) for i=1:2 direction[:,i] = [ sin(theta[i]) * length[i] * 2, -cos(theta[i]) * length[i] * 2, 0] position[:,i+1] = position[:,i] + direction[:,i] end gr3.clear() # draw pivot point gr3.drawcylindermesh(1, [0,0.2,0], [0,1,0], [0.4,0.4,0.4], [0.4], [0.05]) gr3.drawcylindermesh(1, [0,0.2,0], [0,-1,0], [0.4,0.4,0.4], [0.05], [0.2]) gr3.drawspheremesh(1, [0,0,0], [0.4,0.4,0.4], [0.05]) # draw rods gr3.drawcylindermesh(2, position, direction, [0.6 for i=1:6], [0.05, 0.05], length * 2) # draw bobs gr3.drawspheremesh(2, position[:,2:3], [1 for i=1:6], mass * 0.2) gr3.drawimage(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, gr3.DRAWABLE_GKS) GR.updatews() end function main() function derivs(t, state) # The following derivation is from: # t1, w1, t2, w2 = state a = (m1 + m2) * l1 b = m2 * l2 * cos(t1 - t2) c = m2 * l1 * cos(t1 - t2) d = m2 * l2 e = -m2 * l2 * w2^2 * sin(t1 - t2) - g * (m1 + m2) * sin(t1) f = m2 * l1 * w1^2 * sin(t1 - t2) - m2 * g * sin(t2) return ([w1, (e*d-b*f) / (a*d-c*b), w2, (a*f-c*e) / (a*d-c*b)]) end l1 = 1.2 # length of rods l2 = 1.0 m1 = 1.0 # weights of bobs m2 = 1.5 t1 = 100.0 # inintial angles t2 = -20.0 w1 = 0.0 w2 = 0.0 t = 1.0 dt = 0.04 state = [t1, w1, t2, w2] * pi / 180 GR.setprojectiontype(2) gr3.setcameraprojectionparameters(45, 1, 100) gr3.cameralookat(6, -2, 4, 0, -2, 0, 0, 1, 0) gr3.setbackgroundcolor(1, 1, 1, 1) gr3.setlightdirection(1, 1, 10) now = start = time_ns() while t < 30 t, state = rk4(t, dt, state, derivs) t1, w1, t2, w2 = state double_pendulum([t1, t2], [l1, l2], [m1, m2]) now = (time_ns() - start) / 1000000000 if t > now sleep(t - now) end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia using GR x = [-3.3 + t*0.1 for t in 0:66] y = [(t^5 - 13*t^3 + 36*t)::Float64 for t in x] plot(x, y)
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings 𝒩(μ, σ) = 1 / (σ * √(2π)) * exp.(-0.5 * ((x .- μ) / σ) .^ 2) x = LinRange(-5, 5, 500); y = hcat(𝒩(0, √0.2), 𝒩(0, √1), 𝒩(0, √5), 𝒩(-2, √0.5)); plot(x, y, xlabel=L"\mathcal{X}", ylabel=L"\mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^{2})", title=L"\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2} \left({\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}}\right)^2}", labels=(L"\mu=0, \sigma^2=0.2", L"\mu=0, \sigma^2=1", L"\mu=0, \sigma^2=5", L"\mu={-2}, \sigma^2=0.5"), xlim=(-5.2, 5.2), ylim=(-0.05, 1.05), linewidth=3)
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import Random srand(seed) = Random.seed!(seed) import GR function main() srand(0); xd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(100) yd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(100) zd = [xd[i] * exp(-xd[i]^2 - yd[i]^2) for i = 1:100] GR.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) GR.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) GR.setmarkersize(1) GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) GR.setcharheight(0.024) GR.settextalign(2, 0) GR.settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = GR.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = -0.6:0.05:0.6 GR.contourf(x, y, h, z, 2) GR.polymarker(xd, yd) GR.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) GR.updatews() end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using Gtk4 using GR using Printf c = GtkCanvas() function _plot(ctx, w, h) ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "142" ENV["GKSconid"] = @sprintf("%lu", UInt64(ctx.ptr)) plot(randn(10, 3), size=(w, h)) end @guarded draw(c) do widget ctx = getgc(c) w = width(c) h = height(c) @show w, h rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, w, h) set_source_rgb(ctx, 1, 1, 1) fill(ctx) _plot(ctx, w, h) end win = GtkWindow("Gtk4 example", 600, 450) win[] = c e = GtkEventControllerMotion(c) function on_motion(controller, x, y) win.title = @sprintf("(%g, %g)", x, y) reveal(c) # triggers a redraw end signal_connect(on_motion, e, "motion")
[ "MIT" ]
using Gtk.ShortNames, Gtk.GConstants using Printf using GR x = randn(1000000) y = randn(1000000) function plot(ctx, w, h) global sl ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "142" ENV["GKSconid"] = @sprintf("%lu", UInt64(ctx.ptr)) plt = kvs() plt[:size] = (w, h) nbins = Int64(Gtk.GAccessor.value(sl)) hexbin(x, y, nbins=nbins) end function draw(widget) ctx = Gtk.getgc(widget) w = Gtk.width(widget) h = Gtk.height(widget) Gtk.rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, w, h) Gtk.set_source_rgb(ctx, 1, 1, 1) Gtk.fill(ctx) plot(ctx, w, h) end function resize_event(widget) ctx = Gtk.getgc(widget) h = Gtk.height(widget) w = Gtk.width(widget) Gtk.paint(ctx) end function motion_notify_event(widget::Gtk.GtkCanvas, event::Gtk.GdkEventMotion) Gtk.GAccessor.text(lb, @sprintf("(%g, %g)", event.x, event.y)) end function value_changed(widget::Gtk.GtkScale) global canvas draw(canvas) reveal(canvas, true) end win = Window("Gtk") |> (bx = Box(:v)) lb = Label("(-, -)") sl = Scale(false, 10, 100, 1) Gtk.GAccessor.value(sl, 30) canvas = Canvas(600, 450) push!(bx, lb, sl, canvas) signal_connect(motion_notify_event, canvas, "motion-notify-event") signal_connect(value_changed, sl, "value_changed") canvas.resize = resize_event canvas.draw = draw Gtk.showall(win) if !isinteractive() c = Condition() signal_connect(win, :destroy) do widget notify(c) end wait(c) end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR function hopalong(num, a, b, c) x::Float64, y::Float64 = 0, 0 u, v, d = Float64[], Float64[], Float64[] for i = 1:num xx = y - sign(x) * sqrt(abs(b*x - c)); yy = a - x; x = xx; y = yy; push!(u, x); push!(v, y); push!(d, sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) end setborderwidth(0) scatter(u, v, ones(num), d, colormap=GR.COLORMAP_TERRAIN, title="Orbit of Hopalong attractor, num=$num, a=$a, b=$b, c=$c") end hopalong(1_000_000, 17.0, 0.314, 0.7773)
[ "MIT" ]
using Plots const x = [ 0, 0.850651, 0.850651, -0.850651, -0.850651, -0.525731, 0.525731, 0.525731, -0.525731, 0, 0, 0 ] const y = [ -0.525731, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.850651, 0.850651, -0.850651, -0.850651, -0.525731, 0.525731, 0.525731 ] const z = [ 0.850651, 0.525731, -0.525731, -0.525731, 0.525731, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.850651, -0.850651, 0.850651 ] const connections = [ [ 3, 7, 2 ], [ 8, 3, 2 ], [ 5, 6, 4 ], [ 4, 9, 5 ], [ 6, 12, 7 ], [ 7, 11, 6 ], [ 11, 3, 10 ], [ 10, 4, 11 ], [ 9, 10, 8 ], [ 8, 1, 9 ], [ 1, 2, 12 ], [ 12, 5, 1 ], [ 3, 11, 7 ], [ 7, 12, 2 ], [ 6, 11, 4 ], [ 5, 12, 6 ], [ 8, 10, 3 ], [ 2, 1, 8 ], [ 10, 9, 4 ], [ 9, 1, 5 ] ] mesh3d(x, y, z; connections = connections, title = "triangles", legend = false, xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y", zlabel = "z", fillcolor = RGBA.(palette(:tab20)))
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_DOUBLE_BUF"] = "1" using GR const x = [ 0, 0.850651, 0.850651, -0.850651, -0.850651, -0.525731, 0.525731, 0.525731, -0.525731, 0, 0, 0 ] const y = [ -0.525731, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.850651, 0.850651, -0.850651, -0.850651, -0.525731, 0.525731, 0.525731 ] const z = [ 0.850651, 0.525731, -0.525731, -0.525731, 0.525731, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.850651, -0.850651, 0.850651 ] const connections = [ [ 3, 3, 7, 2 ], [ 3, 8, 3, 2 ], [ 3, 5, 6, 4 ], [ 3, 4, 9, 5 ], [ 3, 6, 12, 7 ], [ 3, 7, 11, 6 ], [ 3, 11, 3, 10 ], [ 3, 10, 4, 11 ], [ 3, 9, 10, 8 ], [ 3, 8, 1, 9 ], [ 3, 1, 2, 12 ], [ 3, 12, 5, 1 ], [ 3, 3, 11, 7 ], [ 3, 7, 12, 2 ], [ 3, 6, 11, 4 ], [ 3, 5, 12, 6 ], [ 3, 8, 10, 3 ], [ 3, 2, 1, 8 ], [ 3, 10, 9, 4 ], [ 3, 9, 1, 5 ] ] # use GR's distinct colors const colors = signed.([inqcolor(979+i) | 0xdf000000 for i in 1:size(connections)[1]]) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setwindow(-1, 1, -1, 1) setwindow3d(-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1) for angle in 0:360 clearws() setspace3d(30 + angle, 80, 0, 0) polygonmesh3d(x, y, z, vcat(connections...), colors) updatews() sleep(0.01) end
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "100" using GR using Printf using BenchmarkTools w, h = (800, 600) image = rand(UInt32, w, h) # allocate the memory mem = Printf.@sprintf("%p", pointer(image)) conid = Printf.@sprintf("!%dx%d@%s.mem", w, h, mem[3:end]) @btime begin beginprint(conid) plot(rand(1000), size=(w, h)) endprint() end emergencyclosegks() delete!(ENV, "GKS_WSTYPE") mwidth, mheight, width, height = inqdspsize() size = 400 * mwidth / width setwsviewport(0, size, 0, 3/4 * size) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 3/4) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 3/4) setwindow(0, 1, 0, 3/4) drawimage(0, 1, 0, 3/4, w, h, image) updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
# This example requires CImGui#v1.82.2 # # import Pkg; Pkg.add(name="CImGui", rev="v1.82.2") # using CImGui using CImGui.ImGuiGLFWBackend using CImGui.ImGuiGLFWBackend.LibCImGui using CImGui.ImGuiGLFWBackend.LibGLFW using CImGui.ImGuiOpenGLBackend using CImGui.ImGuiOpenGLBackend.ModernGL using CImGui.CSyntax using CImGui.CSyntax.CStatic using Printf using GR using LaTeXStrings glfwDefaultWindowHints() glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 2) if Sys.isapple() glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) # 3.2+ only glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_TRUE) # required on Mac end function draw(phi) formulas = ( L"- \frac{{\hbar ^2}}{{2m}}\frac{{\partial ^2 \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial x^2 }} + U(x)\psi (x,t) = i\hbar \frac{{\partial \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial t}}", L"\zeta \left({s}\right) := \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s} \quad \sigma = \Re(s) > 1", L"\zeta \left({s}\right) := \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)} \int_{0}^\infty \frac{x^{s-1}}{e^x-1} dx" ) selntran(0) settextfontprec(232, 3) settextalign(2, 3) settextcolorind(0) # white chh = 0.036 clearws() setcharheight(chh) setcharup(sin(phi), cos(phi)) y = 0.6 for s in formulas mathtex(0.5, y, s) tbx, tby = inqmathtex(0.5, y, s) fillarea(tbx, tby) y -= 0.2 end updatews() end # create window window = glfwCreateWindow(960, 720, "Demo", C_NULL, C_NULL) @assert window != C_NULL glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) glfwSwapInterval(1) # enable vsync # create OpenGL and GLFW context window_ctx = ImGuiGLFWBackend.create_context(window) gl_ctx = ImGuiOpenGLBackend.create_context() # setup Dear ImGui context ctx = CImGui.CreateContext() # create texture for image drawing img_width, img_height = 500, 500 image_id = ImGuiOpenGLBackend.ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_CreateImageTexture(img_width, img_height) ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "100" image = rand(GLuint, img_width, img_height) # allocate the memory mem = Printf.@sprintf("%p",pointer(image)) conid = Printf.@sprintf("!%dx%d@%s.mem", img_width, img_height, mem[3:end]) # setup Platform/Renderer bindings ImGuiGLFWBackend.init(window_ctx) ImGuiOpenGLBackend.init(gl_ctx) try clear_color = Cfloat[0.45, 0.55, 0.60, 1.00] while glfwWindowShouldClose(window) == 0 glfwPollEvents() # start the Dear ImGui frame ImGuiOpenGLBackend.new_frame(gl_ctx) ImGuiGLFWBackend.new_frame(window_ctx) CImGui.NewFrame() # show image example CImGui.Begin("GR Demo") @cstatic phi = Cfloat(0.0) begin @c CImGui.SliderFloat("Angle", &phi, 0, 360, "%.4f") beginprint(conid) draw(phi * π/180) endprint() ImGuiOpenGLBackend.ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_UpdateImageTexture(image_id, image, img_width, img_height) CImGui.Image(Ptr{Cvoid}(image_id), CImGui.ImVec2(img_width, img_height)) CImGui.End() end # rendering CImGui.Render() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) width, height = Ref{Cint}(), Ref{Cint}() #! need helper fcn glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, width, height) display_w = width[] display_h = height[] glViewport(0, 0, display_w, display_h) glClearColor(clear_color...) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) ImGuiOpenGLBackend.render(gl_ctx) glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) glfwSwapBuffers(window) end catch e @error "Error in renderloop!" exception=e Base.show_backtrace(stderr, catch_backtrace()) finally ImGuiOpenGLBackend.shutdown(gl_ctx) ImGuiGLFWBackend.shutdown(window_ctx) CImGui.DestroyContext(ctx) glfwDestroyWindow(window) end
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia # Calculate Julia set in Julia import GR function julia(z, c, iters) ci = 0 inc = 1 for i in 0:iters z = z^2 + c if abs2(z) >= 4 return ci end ci += inc if ci == 0 || ci == 255 inc = -inc end end return 255 end function main() function create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters) height = size(image, 1) width = size(image, 2) pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for i in 1:width real = min_x + (i - 1) * pixel_size_x for j in 1:height imag = min_y + (j - 1) * pixel_size_y color = julia(complex(real, imag), seed, iters) image[j, i] = color end end end seed = complex(-0.156844471694257101941, -0.649707745759247905171) x, y = (-0.16, -0.64) f = 1.5 for i in 0:100 image = zeros(Int32, 500, 500) dt = @elapsed create_fractal(x-f, x+f, y-f, y+f, image, 500) println("Julia set created in $dt s") GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.setcolormap(13) GR.cellarray(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, image .+ 1000) GR.updatews() f *= 0.9 end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_ENCODING"] = "latin1" import GR GR.selntran(0) GR.setcharheight(0.024) function main() GR.settextfontprec(2, 0) y = 0 for i in 0:1 GR.text(0.05, 0.85-y, " !\"#\$\$%&'()*+,-./") GR.text(0.05, 0.80-y, "0123456789:;<=>?") GR.text(0.05, 0.75-y, "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO") GR.text(0.05, 0.70-y, "PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_") GR.text(0.05, 0.65-y, "`abcdefghijklmno") GR.text(0.05, 0.60-y, "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ") GR.text(0.5, 0.85-y, collect(0xa0:0x1:0xaf)) GR.text(0.5, 0.80-y, collect(0xb0:0x1:0xbf)) GR.text(0.5, 0.75-y, collect(0xc0:0x1:0xcf)) GR.text(0.5, 0.70-y, collect(0xd0:0x1:0xdf)) GR.text(0.5, 0.65-y, collect(0xe0:0x1:0xef)) GR.text(0.5, 0.60-y, collect(0xf0:0x1:0xff)) GR.settextfontprec(233, 3) y = 0.4 end GR.updatews() end main()
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "gksqt" using GR function simulation(c::Channel) z = peaks() for step = 10:0.1:100 put!(c, z .* step) end end function main() mouse = Nothing rotation = 30 tilt = 60 for data in Channel(simulation) x, y, buttons = samplelocator() if mouse != Nothing && buttons != 0 rotation += 50 * (x - mouse[1]) tilt += 50 * (y - mouse[2]) end mouse = [x, y] surface(data, rotation=rotation, tilt=tilt, title="Press MB1 to rotate, MB2 to quit") if buttons & 0x02 != 0 break end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR function main() x = LinRange(0, 20, 50) y = x .^ 2 GR.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) GR.setwindow(0, 20, 0.2, 400) GR.setscale(GR.OPTION_Y_LOG2) GR.settextfontprec(233, 3) GR.setmarkersize(1) GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) GR.polymarker(x, y) GR.axes(2, 2, 0, 0.2, 1, 2, 0.005) GR.updatews() end main()
[ "MIT" ]
import GR j = [0.19454, 0.1194, 0.19454, 0.41129, 0.10807, 0.3875, 0.10807, 0.07711, 0.10807, 0.06075, 0.10681, 0.04973, 0.1043, 0.04407, 0.10178, 0.0384, 0.09813, 0.03557, 0.09335, 0.03557, 0.09108, 0.03557, 0.08856, 0.03645, 0.08579, 0.03822, 0.08303, 0.03998, 0.07963, 0.0435, 0.0756, 0.04879, 0.07207, 0.05357, 0.06761, 0.05842, 0.06219, 0.06333, 0.05678, 0.06824, 0.04954, 0.07069, 0.04048, 0.07069, 0.0284, 0.07069, 0.01877, 0.06767, 0.0116, 0.06163, 0.00442, 0.05559, 0.00083, 0.04816, 0.00083, 0.03935, 0.00083, 0.02878, 0.00725, 0.01971, 0.02009, 0.01216, 0.03293, 0.00461, 0.05143, 0.00083, 0.0756, 0.00083, 0.09347, 0.00083, 0.10971, 0.00228, 0.12431, 0.00518, 0.13891, 0.00807, 0.15143, 0.0138, 0.16188, 0.02236, 0.17233, 0.03092, 0.18038, 0.04294, 0.18605, 0.05842, 0.19171, 0.0739, 0.19454, 0.09423, 0.19454, 0.1194] u = [0.31464, 0.40298, 0.22855, 0.40298, 0.22855, 0.20323, 0.22855, 0.1909, 0.23113, 0.17932, 0.23629, 0.16849, 0.24145, 0.15767, 0.24856, 0.14823, 0.25763, 0.14017, 0.26669, 0.13212, 0.27726, 0.12576, 0.28935, 0.1211, 0.30143, 0.11644, 0.31452, 0.11412, 0.32862, 0.11412, 0.3407, 0.11412, 0.35316, 0.11701, 0.366, 0.1228, 0.37884, 0.12859, 0.39092, 0.13627, 0.40225, 0.14583, 0.40225, 0.1194, 0.48834, 0.1194, 0.48834, 0.40298, 0.40225, 0.40298, 0.40225, 0.19832, 0.3957, 0.18825, 0.38803, 0.17988, 0.37922, 0.17321, 0.3704, 0.16654, 0.36273, 0.1632, 0.35618, 0.1632, 0.35039, 0.1632, 0.34498, 0.16427, 0.33994, 0.16641, 0.33491, 0.16855, 0.3305, 0.17139, 0.32673, 0.17491, 0.32295, 0.17843, 0.31999, 0.18265, 0.31785, 0.18756, 0.31571, 0.19247, 0.31464, 0.19769, 0.31464, 0.20323] l = [0.60797, 0.1194, 0.60797, 0.54081, 0.52225, 0.51702, 0.52225, 0.1194] i = [0.64226, 0.3875, 0.64226, 0.1194, 0.72835, 0.1194, 0.72835, 0.41129] a = [0.91001, 0.26591, 0.91001, 0.18397, 0.9012, 0.17743, 0.89321, 0.17201, 0.88604, 0.16773, 0.87886, 0.16345, 0.87175, 0.16132, 0.8647, 0.16132, 0.86118, 0.16132, 0.8579, 0.16238, 0.85488, 0.16452, 0.85186, 0.16666, 0.84909, 0.1695, 0.84658, 0.17302, 0.84406, 0.17655, 0.84211, 0.18076, 0.84072, 0.18567, 0.83934, 0.19058, 0.83865, 0.19568, 0.83865, 0.20096, 0.83865, 0.20776, 0.84079, 0.21431, 0.84507, 0.2206, 0.84934, 0.22689, 0.85495, 0.23281, 0.86187, 0.23835, 0.86879, 0.24388, 0.87647, 0.24898, 0.8849, 0.25364, 0.89334, 0.2583, 0.90171, 0.26239, 0.91001, 0.26591, 0.99648, 0.1194, 0.99648, 0.33199, 0.99648, 0.34382, 0.99422, 0.35452, 0.98969, 0.36409, 0.98516, 0.37365, 0.97811, 0.38184, 0.96854, 0.38863, 0.95898, 0.39543, 0.94683, 0.40065, 0.9321, 0.4043, 0.91738, 0.40795, 0.89982, 0.40978, 0.87943, 0.40978, 0.86281, 0.40978, 0.84708, 0.40802, 0.83223, 0.40449, 0.81737, 0.40097, 0.80428, 0.39618, 0.79296, 0.39014, 0.78163, 0.3841, 0.77263, 0.37686, 0.76596, 0.36843, 0.75929, 0.36, 0.75595, 0.35087, 0.75595, 0.34105, 0.75595, 0.33048, 0.75973, 0.32173, 0.76728, 0.31481, 0.77483, 0.30789, 0.78465, 0.30443, 0.79673, 0.30443, 0.80454, 0.30443, 0.81102, 0.30556, 0.81618, 0.30783, 0.82134, 0.31009, 0.8253, 0.31311, 0.82807, 0.31689, 0.83084, 0.32066, 0.83279, 0.32507, 0.83393, 0.3301, 0.83506, 0.33514, 0.83563, 0.3403, 0.83563, 0.34559, 0.83563, 0.3549, 0.83827, 0.36283, 0.84356, 0.36937, 0.84884, 0.37592, 0.85828, 0.37919, 0.87188, 0.37919, 0.88346, 0.37919, 0.89271, 0.37542, 0.89963, 0.36786, 0.90655, 0.36031, 0.91001, 0.34747, 0.91001, 0.32935, 0.91001, 0.30141, 0.90057, 0.29914, 0.88899, 0.29562, 0.87729, 0.2919, 0.86546, 0.288, 0.85362, 0.2841, 0.84223, 0.27982, 0.83128, 0.27516, 0.82033, 0.27051, 0.81007, 0.26541, 0.80051, 0.25987, 0.79094, 0.25433, 0.78257, 0.24804, 0.7754, 0.24099, 0.76822, 0.23394, 0.76256, 0.22601, 0.75841, 0.2172, 0.75425, 0.20839, 0.75217, 0.19857, 0.75217, 0.18775, 0.75217, 0.17717, 0.75413, 0.16742, 0.75803, 0.15848, 0.76193, 0.14955, 0.76753, 0.14181, 0.77483, 0.13526, 0.78213, 0.12872, 0.791, 0.12355, 0.80145, 0.11978, 0.8119, 0.116, 0.82367, 0.11411, 0.83676, 0.11411, 0.84632, 0.11411, 0.85463, 0.11481, 0.86168, 0.11619, 0.86873, 0.11758, 0.87508, 0.11953, 0.88075, 0.12204, 0.88641, 0.12456, 0.89151, 0.12752, 0.89604, 0.13092, 0.90057, 0.13432, 0.90523, 0.13803, 0.91001, 0.14206, 0.91001, 0.1194] function draw_path(p, codes, fill, border) GR.setfillcolorind(fill) GR.setbordercolorind(border) op = border == 0 ? 'f' : 'F' GR.path(p[1:2:end], p[2:2:end], codes) end function circle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, fill, border) GR.setfillintstyle(4) GR.setfillcolorind(fill) GR.setbordercolorind(border) GR.fillarc(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 360) end GR.setcolorrep(1, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14) GR.setcolorrep(2, 0.251, 0.388, 0.847) # darker blue GR.setcolorrep(3, 0.796, 0.235, 0.2) # darker red GR.setcolorrep(4, 0.584, 0.345, 0.698) # darker purple GR.setcolorrep(5, 0.22, 0.596, 0.149) # darker green GR.setcolorrep(6, 0.4, 0.51, 0.878) # lighter blue GR.setcolorrep(7, 0.835, 0.388, 0.361) # lighter red GR.setcolorrep(8, 0.667, 0.475, 0.757) # lighter purple GR.setcolorrep(9, 0.376, 0.678, 0.318) # lighter green GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.setwindow(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.updatews() for s in 0.1:0.01:0.5 GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0.5 - s, 0.5 + s, 0.5 - s, 0.5 + s) GR.setborderwidth(s * 8) draw_path(j, "MLLLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCf", 1, 0) draw_path(u, "MLLCCCCCCLLLLLCCCCCCf", 1, 0) draw_path(l, "MLLLf", 1, 0) draw_path(i, "MLLLf", 1, 0) draw_path(a, "MLCCCCCCCCCCZMLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLf", 1, 0) circle(0.09698, 0.43274, 0.20364, 0.5394, 2, 6) circle(0.63794, 0.43274, 0.7446, 0.5394, 3, 7) circle(0.70794, 0.55274, 0.8146, 0.6594, 4, 8) circle(0.77794, 0.43274, 0.8846, 0.5394, 5, 9) GR.updatews() sleep(0.01) end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR Base.@kwdef mutable struct Lorenz dt::Float64 = 0.02 σ::Float64 = 10 ρ::Float64 = 28 β::Float64 = 8/3 x::Float64 = 1 y::Float64 = 1 z::Float64 = 1 end function step!(l::Lorenz) dx = l.σ * (l.y - l.x) l.x += l.dt * dx dy = l.x * (l.ρ - l.z) - l.y l.y += l.dt * dy dz = l.x * l.y - l.β * l.z l.z += l.dt * dz end attractor = Lorenz() x = [1.0] y = [1.0] z = [1.0] for i = 1:1500 step!(attractor) push!(x, attractor.x) push!(y, attractor.y) push!(z, attractor.z) plot3(x, y, z, xlim = (-30, 30), ylim = (-30, 30), zlim = (0, 60), title = "Lorenz Attractor") end
[ "MIT" ]
using DSP using GR fs = 96_000 tmax = (8192 - 1) / fs t = 0:1/fs:tmax N = length(t) signal = randn.(N) # noise for f in (261.3, 329.63, 392.00) global signal signal = signal .+ sin.(2π * f .* t) end responsetype = Lowpass(500; fs) designmethod = FIRWindow(hanning(128; zerophase=false)) f = filt(digitalfilter(responsetype, designmethod), signal) plot(t, f, title="Low-pass filtered signal")
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR function mandel(x, y, iters) c = complex(x, y) z = 0.0im ci = 0 inc = 1 for i in 0:iters z = z^2 + c if abs2(z) >= 4 return ci end ci += inc if ci == 0 || ci == 255 inc = -inc end end return 255 end function main() function create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters) height = size(image, 1) width = size(image, 2) pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for i in 1:width real = min_x + (i - 1) * pixel_size_x for j in 1:height imag = min_y + (j - 1) * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[j, i] = color end end end x = -0.9223327810370947027656057193752719757635 y = 0.3102598350874576432708737495917724836010 f = 0.5 for i in 0:200 image = zeros(Int32, 500, 500) dt = @elapsed create_fractal(x-f, x+f, y-f, y+f, image, 400) println("Mandelbrot created in $dt s") GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.setcolormap(13) GR.cellarray(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, image .+ 1000) GR.updatews() f *= 0.9 end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia # Calculate Mandelbrot set using OpenCL using OpenCL import GR const mandel_kernel = " #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable __kernel void mandelbrot(__global double2 *q, __global ushort *output, double const min_x, double const max_x, double const min_y, double const max_y, ushort const width, ushort const height, ushort const iters) { int ci = 0, inc = 1; int gid = get_global_id(0); double nreal, real = 0; double imag = 0; q[gid].x = min_x + (gid % width) * (max_x - min_x) / width; q[gid].y = min_y + (gid / width) * (max_y - min_y) / height; output[gid] = iters; for (int curiter = 0; curiter < iters; curiter++) { nreal = real * real - imag * imag + q[gid].x; imag = 2 * real * imag + q[gid].y; real = nreal; if (real * real + imag * imag >= 4) { output[gid] = ci; return; } ci += inc; if (ci == 0 || ci == 255) inc = -inc; } }" for device in reverse(cl.available_devices(cl.platforms()[1])) global ctx, queue, prg ctx = cl.Context(device) queue = cl.CmdQueue(ctx) try prg = cl.Program(ctx, source = mandel_kernel) |>! println(device[:name]) break catch true end end function calc_fractal(q, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, width, height, iters) global ctx, queue, prg output = Array{UInt16}(undef, size(q)) q_opencl = cl.Buffer(ComplexF64, ctx, (:r, :copy), hostbuf=q) output_opencl = cl.Buffer(UInt16, ctx, :w, length(output)) k = cl.Kernel(prg, "mandelbrot") queue(k, length(q), nothing, q_opencl, output_opencl, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, UInt16(width), UInt16(height), UInt16(iters)) cl.copy!(queue, output, output_opencl) return output end function create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, width, height, iters) q = zeros(ComplexF64, (width, height)) output = calc_fractal(q, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, width, height, iters) return output end x = -0.9223327810370947027656057193752719757635 y = 0.3102598350874576432708737495917724836010 for i in 1:200 f = 0.5 * 0.9^i dt = @elapsed image = create_fractal(x-f, x+f, y-f, y+f, 500, 500, 400) println("Mandelbrot created in $dt s") GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.setcolormap(13) GR.cellarray(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, image .+ 1000) GR.updatews() end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings hor_align = Dict("Left" => 1, "Center" => 2, "Right" => 3) vert_align = Dict("Top" => 1, "Cap" => 2, "Half" => 3, "Base" => 4, "Bottom" => 5) selntran(0) setcharheight(0.018) settextfontprec(232, 3) for angle in 0:360 setcharup(sin(-angle * pi/180), cos(-angle * pi/180)) setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_PLUS) setmarkercolorind(4) clearws() for halign in keys(hor_align) for valign in keys(vert_align) settextalign(hor_align[halign], vert_align[valign]) x = -0.1 + hor_align[halign] * 0.3; y = 1.1 - vert_align[valign] * 0.2; s = L"1+\frac{1+\frac{a}{b}}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{a}}}" mathtex(x, y, s) tbx, tby = inqmathtex(x, y, s) fillarea(tbx, tby) polymarker([x], [y]) end end updatews() end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings formulas = ( L"- \frac{{\hbar ^2}}{{2m}}\frac{{\partial ^2 \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial x^2 }} + U(x)\psi (x,t) = i\hbar \frac{{\partial \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial t}}", L"\zeta \left({s}\right) := \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s} \quad \sigma = \Re(s) > 1", L"\zeta \left({s}\right) := \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)} \int_{0}^\infty \frac{x^{s-1}}{e^x-1} dx" ) selntran(0) settextfontprec(232, 3) settextalign(2, 3) chh = 0.036 for phi in LinRange(0, 2pi, 360) clearws() setcharheight(chh) setcharup(sin(phi), cos(phi)) y = 0.6 for s in formulas mathtex(0.5, y, s) tbx, tby = inqmathtex(0.5, y, s) fillarea(tbx, tby) y -= 0.2 end updatews() end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings s = "Using inline math \$\\frac{2hc^2}{\\lambda^5} \\frac{1}{e^{\\frac{hc}{\\lambda k_B T}} - 1}\$ in GR text\nmixed with LaTeXStrings " * L"- \frac{{\hbar ^2}}{{2m}}\frac{{\partial ^2 \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial x^2 }} + U(x)\psi (x,t) = i\hbar \frac{{\partial \psi (x,t)}}{{\partial t}}" * "\n– with line breaks\nand UTF-8 characters (ħπ),\nand rendered using GR's text attributes" selntran(0) settextfontprec(232, 3) settextalign(2, 3) setcharheight(0.02) for ϕ in LinRange(0, 2π, 360) clearws() setcharup(sin(ϕ), cos(ϕ)) text(0.5, 0.5, s) tbx, tby = inqtext(0.5, 0.5, s) fillarea(tbx, tby) updatews() end
[ "MIT" ]
using MAT D = matread("mri.mat") vol = dropdims(D["D"], dims=3) using GR for slice in 1:27 imshow(255 .- vol[:, : , slice], colormap=GR.COLORMAP_BONE) end
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR const theta = 70.0 # initial angle const gamma = 0.1 # damping coefficient const L = 0.2 # wire length w, h, ball = GR.readimage("ball.png") function rk4(x, h, y, f) k1 = h * f(x, y) k2 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k1) k3 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k2) k4 = h * f(x + h, y + k3) return x + h, y + (k1 + 2 * (k2 + k3) + k4) / 6.0 end function deriv(t, state) theta, omega = state return [omega, -gamma * omega - 9.81 / L * sin(theta)] end function draw_cradle(theta) GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR.setcolorrep(1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7) # draw pivot point GR.fillarea([0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.3], [0.79, 0.79, 0.81, 0.81]) # draw balls for i = -2:2 x = [0.5, 0.5] .+ i * 0.06 y = [0.8, 0.4] if (theta < 0 && i == -2) || (theta > 0 && i == 2) x[2] += sin(theta) * 0.4 y[2] = 0.8 - cos(theta) * 0.4 end GR.polyline(x, y) # draw wire GR.drawimage(x[2]-0.03, x[2]+0.03, y[2]-0.03, y[2]+0.03, 50, 50, ball) end GR.updatews() end function main() t = 0.0 dt = 0.01 state = [theta * pi / 180, 0] start = refresh = time_ns() while t < 30 t, state = rk4(t, dt, state, deriv) theta, omega = state if time_ns() - refresh > 20 * 1000000 # 20ms draw_cradle(theta) refresh = time_ns() end now = (time_ns() - start) / 1000000000 if t > now sleep(t - now) end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
# # Atomic Orbitals - based on Christina C. Lee's blog post # (see # using GSL # GSL holds the special functions using GR a0 = 5.291772109217e-11 # The unitless radial coordinate ρ(r,n) = 2r/(n*a0) # The θ and ϕ dependence function Yml(m::Int,l::Int,θ::Real,ϕ::Real) (-1.0)^m*sf_legendre_Plm(l,abs(m),cos(θ))*ℯ^(im*m*ϕ) end # The Radial dependence function R(n::Int,l::Int,ρ::Real) sf_laguerre_n(n-l-1,2*l+1,ρ)*ℯ^(-ρ/2)*ρ^l end # A normalization: This is dependent on the choice of polynomial representation function norm(n::Int,l::Int) sqrt((2/n)^3 * factorial(n-l-1)/(2n*factorial(n+l))) end # Generates an Orbital Funtion of (r,θ,ϕ) for a specificied n,l,m. function Orbital(n::Int,l::Int,m::Int) # we make sure l and m are within proper bounds if l > n || abs(m) > l throw(DomainError()) end Ψ(ρ,θ,ϕ) = norm(n,l) * R(n,l,ρ) * abs(Yml(m,l,θ,ϕ)) Ψ end function CarttoSph(x::Array,y::Array,z::Array) r = sqrt.(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2) θ = acos.(z./r) ϕ = atan.(y./x) r,θ,ϕ end function calculate_electronic_density(n,l,m) N = 50 r = 1e-9 s = LinRange(-r,r,N) x,y,z = meshgrid(s,s,s) r,θ,ϕ = CarttoSph(x,y,z) Ψ = Orbital(n,l,m) Ψv = zeros(Float32,N,N,N) for i in 1:N for j in 1:N for k in 1:N Ψv[i,j,k] = abs(Ψ(ρ(r[i,j,k],n),θ[i,j,k],ϕ[i,j,k])) end end end (Ψv.-minimum(Ψv))./(maximum(Ψv).-minimum(Ψv)) end Ψv = calculate_electronic_density(3,2,0) for alpha in 0:360 isosurface(Ψv,isovalue=0.25,rotation=alpha) end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR r = 1 θ, φ = meshgrid(range(0, stop=2π, length=200), range(0, stop=2π, length=100)) x = r * sin.(θ) .* sin.(φ) y = r * sin.(θ) .* cos.(φ) z = r * cos.(θ) surface(x, y, z)
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using Printf using LinearAlgebra # Simple particle simulation const N = 500 # number of particles M = 0.05 * ones(Float64, N) # masses const S = 0.04 # size of particles const dt = 1.0 / 30 function step(dt, p, v) # update positions p[:,:] += dt * v[:,:] # find pairs of particles undergoing a collision for i in 1:N for j in i+1:N dx = p[i,1] - p[j,1] dy = p[i,2] - p[j,2] d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) if d < 2*S # relative location & velocity vectors r_rel = p[i] - p[j] v_rel = v[i] - v[j] # momentum vector of the center of mass v_cm = (M[i] * v[i] + M[j] * v[j]) / (M[i] + M[j]) # collisions of spheres reflect v_rel over r_rel rr_rel = dot(r_rel, r_rel) vr_rel = dot(v_rel, r_rel) v_rel = 2 * r_rel * vr_rel / rr_rel - v_rel # assign new velocities v[i] = v_cm + v_rel * M[j] / (M[i] + M[j]) v[j] = v_cm - v_rel * M[i] / (M[i] + M[j]) end end end # check for crossing boundary for i in 1:N if p[i,1] < -2 + S p[i,1] = -2 + S v[i,1] *= -1 elseif p[i,1] > 2 - S p[i,1] = 2 - S v[i,1] *= -1 end if p[i,2] < -2 + S p[i,2] = -2 + S v[i,2] *= -1 elseif p[i,2] > 2 - S p[i,2] = 2 - S v[i,2] *= -1 end end return p, v end function main() setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) setmarkersize(1.0) n = 0 t = 0.0 p = (rand(N,2) .- 0.5) .* (4 .- 2 .* S) # initial positions v = rand(N,2) .- 0.5 # initial velocities s = time_ns() while n < 300 p, v = step(dt, p, v) clearws() setmarkercolorind(983) polymarker(p[:,1], p[:,2]) if n > 0 text(0.01, 0.95, @sprintf("%10s: %4d fps", "Julia", round(n / (1e-9 * (time_ns() - s))))) end updatews() n += 1 t += dt end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import GR using LaTeXStrings using Printf const g = 9.81 # gravity acceleration const Γ = 0.1 # damping coefficient function main() function rk4(x, h, y, f) k1 = h * f(x, y) k2 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k1) k3 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k2) k4 = h * f(x + h, y + k3) x + h, y + (k1 + 2 * (k2 + k3) + k4) / 6.0 end function derivs(t, state) θ, ω = state [ω, -Γ * ω - g / L * sin(θ)] end function pendulum(t, θ, ω, acceleration) GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) x = [0.5, 0.5 + sin(θ) * 0.4] y = [0.8, 0.8 - cos(θ) * 0.4] # draw pivot point GR.fillarea([0.46, 0.54, 0.54, 0.46], [0.79, 0.79, 0.81, 0.81]), GR.setlinecolorind(1) GR.setlinewidth(2) GR.polyline(x, y) # draw rod GR.setmarkersize(5) GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) GR.setmarkercolorind(86) GR.setborderwidth(0) GR.polymarker([x[2]], [y[2]]) # draw bob GR.setlinecolorind(4) V = 0.05 * ω # show angular velocity GR.drawarrow(x[2], y[2], x[2] + V * cos(θ), y[2] + V * sin(θ)) GR.setlinecolorind(2) A = 0.05 * acceleration # show angular acceleration GR.drawarrow(x[2], y[2], x[2] + A * sin(θ), y[2] + A * cos(θ)) GR.settextfontprec(232, 3) # CM Serif Roman GR.setcharheight(0.032) GR.settextcolorind(1) GR.text(0.05, 0.95, "Damped Pendulum") GR.setcharheight(0.040) GR.text(0.4, 0.22, L"\omega=\dot{\theta}") GR.text(0.4, 0.1, L"\dot{\omega}=-\gamma\omega-\frac{g}{l}sin(\theta)") GR.settextfontprec(GR.FONT_COURIER, 0) # Courier GR.setcharheight(0.024) GR.text(0.05, 0.22, "t:$(@sprintf("%7.2f", t))") GR.text(0.05, 0.16, "θ:$(@sprintf("%7.2f", θ / π * 180))") GR.settextcolorind(4) GR.text(0.05, 0.10, "ω:$(@sprintf("%7.2f", ω))") GR.settextcolorind(2) GR.text(0.05, 0.04, "A:$(@sprintf("%7.2f", acceleration))") GR.updatews() end θ = 70.0 # initial angle L = 1 # pendulum length t = 0 dt = 0.04 state = [θ * π / 180, 0] now = start = time_ns() while t < 30 t, state = rk4(t, dt, state, derivs) θ, ω = state acceleration = sqrt(2 * g * L * (1 - cos(θ))) pendulum(t, θ, ω, acceleration) now = (time_ns() - start) / 1000000000 if t > now sleep(t - now) end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings f(x) = x*exp(-2x*im) x = 0:0.01:π w = f.(x) plot(real.(w), imag.(w), x, linewidth=5, title=L"f(x) = xe^{-2xi} \forall x \in [0,\pi]", xlabel=L"\Re e\{f(x)\}", ylabel=L"\Im e\{f(x)\}")
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings f(x) = x*exp(-2x*im) x = 0:0.01:π w = f.(x) setscientificformat(3) plot3(real.(w), imag.(w), abs.(w), linewidth=3, xlabel=L"\Re e\{f(x)\}", ylabel=L"\Im e\{f(x)\}", zlabel=L"|f(x)|", title=L"f(x) = xe^{-2xi} \forall x \in [0,\pi]")
[ "MIT" ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.19.27 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). macro bind(def, element) quote local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end local el = $(esc(element)) global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el) el end end # ╔═╡ 43e5cbb6-5557-492e-9aeb-f7cbde220e15 begin import Pkg Pkg.activate() # disable Pluto's package management end # ╔═╡ e2d1cb38-2698-11eb-2e59-632faa201d6f begin using DelimitedFiles using PlutoUI ENV["GRDISPLAY"] = "pluto" using GR end # ╔═╡ 49d120ea-2699-11eb-203d-fddbb33bb08b begin url = "" download(url, "covid19.csv") end; # ╔═╡ 4b5f800a-2699-11eb-2528-b5917c0461cf begin data = readdlm("covid19.csv", ',') ncountries, ncols = size(data) ndays = ncols - 4 end; # ╔═╡ 1c4aec86-269a-11eb-2204-098352e8267c @bind countries MultiSelect(["Germany", "Austria", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "France", "Italy", "Spain", "US"], default=["Germany"]) # ╔═╡ 75ad9770-2699-11eb-0db7-5948da39d6e1 begin cummulated = Dict() for i in 1:ncountries country = data[i,2] if country in countries if !haskey(cummulated, country) cummulated[country] = zeros(ndays) end cummulated[country] .+= collect(data[i,5:end]) end end end # ╔═╡ 86c70334-2699-11eb-1b52-cfa50b314e2b begin day = collect(Float64, 1:ndays); confirmed = hcat([cummulated[country] for country in countries]...) end; # ╔═╡ 918f640a-2699-11eb-02d8-998ed76c614a plot(day, confirmed, xlim=(0, ndays+1), ylim=(10, 100_000_000), ylog=true, title="Confirmed SARS–CoV–2 infections", xlabel="Day", ylabel="Confirmed", labels=countries, location=4) # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╠═43e5cbb6-5557-492e-9aeb-f7cbde220e15 # ╠═e2d1cb38-2698-11eb-2e59-632faa201d6f # ╠═49d120ea-2699-11eb-203d-fddbb33bb08b # ╠═4b5f800a-2699-11eb-2528-b5917c0461cf # ╠═75ad9770-2699-11eb-0db7-5948da39d6e1 # ╠═86c70334-2699-11eb-1b52-cfa50b314e2b # ╠═1c4aec86-269a-11eb-2204-098352e8267c # ╠═918f640a-2699-11eb-02d8-998ed76c614a
[ "MIT" ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.19.22 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). macro bind(def, element) quote local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end local el = $(esc(element)) global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el) el end end # ╔═╡ 1954018c-4a07-4ca5-9011-d340ccd9996f begin import Pkg Pkg.activate() # disable Pluto's package management end # ╔═╡ 1b8554d8-fd89-11ea-3760-d960e6f55ebd begin using SpecialFunctions x = 0:0.1:15 j0, j1, j2, j3 = [besselj.(order, x) for order in 0:3] end # ╔═╡ 05ec2818-fd89-11ea-3da8-23ea406ba0da begin ENV["GRDISPLAY"] = "pluto" using GR end # ╔═╡ 6a7c464e-fd8b-11ea-042f-cfbcaddf2d0e begin using PlutoUI @bind xmax Slider(5:15) end # ╔═╡ 25f44cb2-fd89-11ea-1bfb-ad13a07d717e plot(x, j0, x, j1, x, j2, x, j3, labels=["J_0", "J_1", "J_2", "J_3"], location=11, xlim=(0, xmax)) # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╠═1954018c-4a07-4ca5-9011-d340ccd9996f # ╠═1b8554d8-fd89-11ea-3760-d960e6f55ebd # ╠═05ec2818-fd89-11ea-3da8-23ea406ba0da # ╠═6a7c464e-fd8b-11ea-042f-cfbcaddf2d0e # ╠═25f44cb2-fd89-11ea-1bfb-ad13a07d717e
[ "MIT" ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.19.0 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). macro bind(def, element) quote local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end local el = $(esc(element)) global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el) el end end # ╔═╡ 5323b5ac-0c51-4952-8f27-4f489c1f2d1a begin import Pkg Pkg.activate() # disable Pluto's package management end # ╔═╡ d8aeb9f4-990c-11eb-0dbb-078cda4928d5 begin using GSL # provides the special functions using GR using PlutoUI end # ╔═╡ 6127fb6a-22fc-4f35-8228-cc06ffebf9c0 begin a0 = 5.291772109217e-11 # The unitless radial coordinate ρ(r, n) = 2r/(n*a0) end # ╔═╡ 7aa443bd-b706-41e2-bdc8-0d8c10c99b02 # The θ and ϕ dependence function Yml(m::Int, l::Int, θ::Real, ϕ::Real) (-1.0)^m*sf_legendre_Plm(l, abs(m), cos(θ))*ℯ^(im*m*ϕ) end # ╔═╡ 778c4fa2-68c0-494f-ae22-477189a27f2b # The Radial dependence function R(n::Int, l::Int, ρ::Real) sf_laguerre_n(n-l-1, 2*l+1, ρ)*ℯ^(-ρ/2)*ρ^l end # ╔═╡ cf4d7a50-afea-4f10-b08d-0f0150b7da7a # A normalization: This is dependent on the choice of polynomial representation function norm(n::Int, l::Int) sqrt((2/n)^3 * factorial(n-l-1)/(2n*factorial(n+l))) end # ╔═╡ d3ff17f0-3dd6-4ffe-a045-5b573aec02a5 # Generates an Orbital Funtion of (r, θ, ϕ) for a specificied n, l, m. function Orbital(n::Int, l::Int, m::Int) # we make sure l and m are within proper bounds if l > n || abs(m) > l throw(DomainError()) end Ψ(ρ, θ, ϕ) = norm(n, l) * R(n, l, ρ) * abs(Yml(m, l, θ, ϕ)) Ψ end # ╔═╡ 94158386-447f-40cd-a321-8b333053d558 function CarttoSph(x::Array, y::Array, z::Array) r = sqrt.(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2) θ = acos.(z./r) ϕ = atan.(y./x) r, θ, ϕ end # ╔═╡ ad5ffb61-b2cc-499a-87a4-ad71833de766 function calculate_electronic_density(n, l, m) N = 50 r = 1e-9 s = LinRange(-r, r, N) x, y, z = meshgrid(s, s, s) r, θ, ϕ = CarttoSph(x, y, z) Ψ = Orbital(n, l, m) Ψv = zeros(Float32, N, N, N) for i in 1:N for j in 1:N for k in 1:N Ψv[i, j, k] = abs(Ψ(ρ(r[i, j, k], n), θ[i, j, k], ϕ[i, j, k])) end end end (Ψv.-minimum(Ψv))./(maximum(Ψv).-minimum(Ψv)) end # ╔═╡ a4c51114-4bf9-4d40-b123-1629a3be54e1 @bind Ψ Select(["2,0,0", "3,0,0", "2,1,0", "3,1,0", "3,1,1", "2,1,1", "3,2,0", "3,2,1", "3,2,2", "4,0,0", "4, 1,0", "4,2,0", "4,2,1", "4,2,2", "4,3,0", "4,3,1", "4,3,2", "4,3,3"], default="3,2,0") # ╔═╡ 11cfffdf-91d6-4909-bb59-e8d12a95e5e8 @bind ϕ Slider(0:360, default=30) # ╔═╡ 9899f86c-2fba-4d72-abab-acbef1dc6988 @bind iso Slider(0.1:0.05:0.8, default=0.2) # ╔═╡ 16697f21-f879-48d1-ad41-f39e1dde5830 begin n, m, l = parse.(Int, split(Ψ, ',')) Ψv = calculate_electronic_density(n, m, l) isosurface(Ψv, isovalue=iso, rotation=ϕ) end # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╠═5323b5ac-0c51-4952-8f27-4f489c1f2d1a # ╠═d8aeb9f4-990c-11eb-0dbb-078cda4928d5 # ╠═6127fb6a-22fc-4f35-8228-cc06ffebf9c0 # ╠═7aa443bd-b706-41e2-bdc8-0d8c10c99b02 # ╠═778c4fa2-68c0-494f-ae22-477189a27f2b # ╠═cf4d7a50-afea-4f10-b08d-0f0150b7da7a # ╠═d3ff17f0-3dd6-4ffe-a045-5b573aec02a5 # ╠═94158386-447f-40cd-a321-8b333053d558 # ╠═ad5ffb61-b2cc-499a-87a4-ad71833de766 # ╠═a4c51114-4bf9-4d40-b123-1629a3be54e1 # ╠═11cfffdf-91d6-4909-bb59-e8d12a95e5e8 # ╠═9899f86c-2fba-4d72-abab-acbef1dc6988 # ╠═16697f21-f879-48d1-ad41-f39e1dde5830
[ "MIT" ]
using GR d, h = 200, 1200 # pixel density (= image width) and image height n, r = 800, 1000 # number of iterations and escape radius (r > 2) x = range(0, 2, length=d+1) y = range(0, 2 * h / d, length=h+1) A, B = x .* pi, y .* pi C = (.- 8.0im) .* exp.((A' .+ B .* im) .* im) .- 0.7436636774 .+ 0.1318632144im Z, dZ = zero(C), zero(C) D = zeros(size(C)) for k in 1:n M = abs2.(Z) .< abs2(r) Z[M], dZ[M] = Z[M] .^ 2 .+ C[M], 2 .* Z[M] .* dZ[M] .+ 1 end N = abs.(Z) .> 2 # exterior distance estimation D[N] = 0.5 .* log.(abs.(Z[N])) .* abs.(Z[N]) ./ abs.(dZ[N]) X, Y = real(C), imag(C) # zoom images (adjust circle size 120 and zoom level 20 as needed) R, c, z = 120 .* 2 ./ d .* pi .* exp.(.- ones(d+1)' .* B), min(d, h) + 1, max(0, h - d) ÷ 20 setwsviewport(0, 0.3, 0, 0.3) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setwindow(-2.5, 1, -1.6, 1.9) setcolormap(GR.COLORMAP_UNIFORM) setborderwidth(0) setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) polymarker(vec(X[1*z+1:1*z+c,:]), vec(Y[1*z+1:1*z+c,:]), vec(R[1*z+1:1*z+c,:]), vec(D[1*z+1:1*z+c,:].^0.5)) updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR const x = [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0.707 ] const y = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.707] const z = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.707 ] const connections = [ [ 4, 1, 2, 4, 3 ], # 1 quadrilateral [ 3, 1, 2, 5 ], # 4 triangles [ 3, 2, 4, 5 ], [ 3, 4, 3, 5 ], [ 3, 3, 1, 5 ] ] # AABBGGRR const colors = signed.(UInt32[0xdf753e80, 0xdf0068ff, 0xdfc0a35a, 0xdf2000c1, 0xdf62a2ce]) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setwindow(-1, 1, -1, 1) setwindow3d(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1) setspace3d(30, 80, 0, 0) polygonmesh3d(x, y, z, vcat(connections...), colors) updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["QSG_RENDER_LOOP"] = "basic" using CxxWrap # for safe_cfunction using QML using Observables using GR const qmlfile = joinpath(dirname(Base.source_path()), "qml_3d.qml") rot = -30 tilt = 45 fov = Observable(30) cam = Observable(0.0) w, h = (500, 500) mouse = Nothing function paint(p::CxxPtr{QPainter}, item::CxxPtr{JuliaPaintedItem}) global rot, tilt ENV["GKSwstype"] = 381 ENV["GKSconid"] = split(repr(p.cpp_object), "@")[2] dev = device(p[])[] r = effectiveDevicePixelRatio(window(item[])[]) w, h = width(dev) / r, height(dev) / r clearws() mwidth, mheight, pwidth, pheight = inqdspsize() if w > h ratio = float(h) / w msize = mwidth * w / pwidth setwsviewport(0, msize, 0, msize * ratio) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, ratio) else ratio = float(w) / h msize = mheight * h / pheight setwsviewport(0, msize * ratio, 0, msize) setwswindow(0, ratio, 0, 1) end x = LinRange(-1, 1, 49) y = LinRange(-1, 1, 49) z = peaks() selntran(1) setwindow(-1, 1, -1, 1) setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95) setlinewidth(0.5) # should be adjusted internally! setresamplemethod(0x2020202) # linear setcharheight(0.016) settextfontprec(232, 4) setwindow3d(-1, 1, -1, 1, -10, 10) setspace3d(rot, tilt, fov[], cam[]) settransparency(0.5) xtick, ytick, ztick = (0.1, 0.1, 1) xorg = (-1, 1) yorg = (-1, 1) zorg = (-10, 10) rotation = -rot while rotation < 0 rotation += 360 end while tilt < 0 tilt += 360 end zi = 0 <= tilt <= 90 ? 1 : 2 if 0 <= rotation < 90 grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2) grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) elseif 90 <= rotation < 180 grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2) grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) elseif 180 <= rotation < 270 grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2) grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) else grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[1], 2, 0, 2) grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) end settransparency(0.3) gr3.surface(x, y, z', 4) gr3.surface(x, y, z', 1) settransparency(0.8) setcharheight(0.016 * 1.5) titles3d("X title", "Y title", "Z title") setcharheight(0.016) if 0 <= rotation < 90 axes3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2, -0.01) axes3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0, 0.01) elseif 90 <= rotation < 180 axes3d(0, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 0, 0, 2, -0.01) axes3d(xtick, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 2, 2, 0, -0.01) elseif 180 <= rotation < 270 axes3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2, 0.01) axes3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0, -0.01) else axes3d(0, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 0, 2, -0.01) axes3d(xtick, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 2, 2, 0, 0.01) end updatews() return end function mousePosition(eventx, eventy, buttons) global mouse, rot, tilt if mouse != Nothing rot += 0.2 * (mouse[1] - eventx) tilt += 0.2 * (mouse[2] - eventy) end if buttons != 0 mouse = [eventx, eventy] else mouse = Nothing end end loadqml(qmlfile, paint_cfunction = @safe_cfunction(paint, Cvoid, (CxxPtr{QPainter}, CxxPtr{JuliaPaintedItem})), parameters = JuliaPropertyMap("fov" => fov, "cam" => cam)) @qmlfunction mousePosition exec()
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["QSG_RENDER_LOOP"] = "basic" using CxxWrap # for safe_cfunction using QML using Observables using GR const qmlfile = joinpath(dirname(Base.source_path()), "qml_ex.qml") x = randn(1000000) y = randn(1000000) nbins = Observable(30) w, h = (600, 450) zoom = Nothing # Arguments here need to be the "reference types", hence the "Ref" suffix function paint(p::CxxPtr{QPainter}, item::CxxPtr{JuliaPaintedItem}) global w, h global zoom ENV["GKSwstype"] = 381 ENV["GKSconid"] = split(repr(p.cpp_object), "@")[2] dev = device(p[])[] r = effectiveDevicePixelRatio(window(item[])[]) w, h = width(dev) / r, height(dev) / r plt = kvs() plt[:size] = (w, h) if zoom === Nothing xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (-5, 5, -5, 5) elseif zoom != 0 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = panzoom(0, 0, zoom) else xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = inqwindow() end num_bins = Int64(round(nbins[])) hexbin(x, y, nbins=num_bins, xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax), title="nbins: $num_bins") return end function mousePosition(eventx, eventy, deltay) global zoom if deltay != 0 zoom = deltay < 0 ? 1.02 : 1/1.02 else zoom = 0 end if w > h xn = eventx / w yn = (h - eventy) / w else xn = eventx / h yn = (h - eventy) / h end x, y = ndctowc(xn, yn) "($(round(x,digits=4)), $(round(y,digits=4)))" end loadqml(qmlfile, paint_cfunction = @safe_cfunction(paint, Cvoid, (CxxPtr{QPainter}, CxxPtr{JuliaPaintedItem})), parameters = JuliaPropertyMap("nbins" => nbins)) @qmlfunction mousePosition exec()
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["QSG_RENDER_LOOP"] = "basic" using CxxWrap # for safe_cfunction using QML using Observables using Plots import GR ENV["GKSwstype"] = "use_default" gr(show=true) const qmlfile = joinpath(dirname(Base.source_path()), "qml_ex.qml") nbins = Observable(30) w, h = (600, 450) # Arguments here need to be the "reference types", hence the "Ref" suffix function paint(p::CxxPtr{QPainter}, item::CxxPtr{JuliaPaintedItem}) global w, h ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = 381 ENV["GKS_CONID"] = split(repr(p.cpp_object), "@")[2] dev = device(p[])[] r = effectiveDevicePixelRatio(window(item[])[]) w, h = width(dev) / r, height(dev) / r num_bins = Int64(round(nbins[])) histogram(randn(10000), nbins=num_bins, size=(w, h)) return end function mousePosition(eventx, eventy, deltay) if w > h xn = eventx / w yn = (h - eventy) / w else xn = eventx / h yn = (h - eventy) / h end x, y = GR.ndctowc(xn, yn) "($(round(x,digits=4)), $(round(y,digits=4)))" end loadqml(qmlfile, paint_cfunction = @safe_cfunction(paint, Cvoid, (CxxPtr{QPainter}, CxxPtr{JuliaPaintedItem})), parameters = JuliaPropertyMap("nbins" => nbins)) @qmlfunction mousePosition exec()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR function tα_qubit(β, ψ1, ψ2, fα, f) 2 + 2 * β - cos(ψ1) - cos(ψ2) - 2 * β * cos(π * fα) * cos(2 * π * f + π * fα - ψ1 - ψ2) end ψ1 = ψ2 = range(0, 4 * π, length=100) z = [tα_qubit(0.61, x, y, 0.2, 0.1) for x in ψ1, y in ψ2] contour(ψ1, ψ2, z, levels=20, xlabel="ψ1", ylabel="ψ2", xlim=(0, 4π), ylim=(0, 4π))
[ "MIT" ]
import GR import Random srand(seed) = Random.seed!(seed) function main() srand(37) y = randn(20, 500) GR.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) GR.setcharheight(0.020) GR.settextcolorind(82) GR.setfillcolorind(90) GR.setfillintstyle(1) for x in 1:5000 GR.clearws() GR.setwindow(x, x+500, -200, 200) GR.fillrect(x, x+500, -200, 200) GR.setlinecolorind(0); GR.grid(50, 50, 0, -200, 2, 2) GR.setlinecolorind(82); GR.axes(50, 50, x, -200, 2, 2, -0.005) y = hcat(y, randn(20)) for i in 1:20 GR.setlinecolorind(980 + i) s = cumsum(reshape(y[i,:], x+500)) GR.polyline([x:x+500;], s[x:x+500]) end GR.updatews() end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia # A view of the Riemann Zeta function using the domain coloring method import GR import SpecialFunctions function domain_colors(w, n) H = mod.(angle.(w[:]) / 2pi .+ 1, 1) m = 0.7 M = 1 isol = m .+ (M - m) * (H[:] * n - floor.(H[:] * n)) modul = abs.(w[:]) Logm = log.(modul[:]) modc = m .+ (M - m) * (Logm[:] - floor.(Logm[:])) V = [modc[i] * isol[i] for i = 1:length(modc)] S = 0.9 .* fill!(similar(H), 1) HSV = cat(H, S, V, dims=2) return HSV end function func_vals(f, re, im, N) # evaluates the complex function at the nodes of the grid # re and im are tuples defining the rectangular region # N is the number of nodes per unit interval l = re[2] - re[1] h = im[2] - im[1] resL = N * l # horizontal resolution resH = N * h # vertical resolution x = LinRange(re[1], re[2], resL) y = LinRange(im[1], im[2], resH) z = complex.(x', y) w = f.(z) return w end function plot_domain(color_func, f; re=[-1, 1], im=[-1, 1], N=100, n=15) w = func_vals(f, re, im, N) domc = color_func(w, n) * 255 h = round.(domc[:,1]) s = round.(domc[:,2]) v = round.(domc[:,3]) alpha = 255 width, height = size(w) c = Array{UInt32, 1}(undef, width * height) c = h .+ 256 * (s .+ 256 * (v .+ 256 * alpha)) c = rotr90(reshape(c, width, height)) GR.clearws() GR.setviewport(0.3725, 0.6275, 0.1, 0.95) GR.setwindow(-6, 6, -20, 20) GR.drawimage(-6, 6, -20, 20, height, width, c, GR.MODEL_HSV) GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_HALF) GR.setcharheight(0.018) GR.mathtex(0.825, 0.575, "\\zeta \\left({s}\\right) := \\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{1}{n^s} \\quad \\sigma = \\Re(s) > 1") GR.mathtex(0.825, 0.475, "\\zeta \\left({s}\\right) := \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(s)} \\int_{0}^\\infty \\frac{x^{s-1}}{e^x-1} dx") GR.axes(1, 1, -6, -20, 3, 10, -0.005) GR.setcharheight(0.024) GR.mathtex(0.5, 0.975, "\\zeta \\left({s}\\right)") GR.mathtex(0.5, 0.025, "\\Re(z)") GR.mathtex(0.3, 0.525, "\\Im(z)") GR.updatews() end f = SpecialFunctions.zeta for n = 5:30 plot_domain(domain_colors, f, re=(-6, 6), im=(-20, 20), N=15, n=n) end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using DelimitedFiles function main() z = Z = readdlm("sans.dat", skipstart=3) G = [ exp(-x^2 -y^2) for x in LinRange(-1.5, 1.5, 128), y in LinRange(-1.5, 1.5, 128) ] for t = 0:500 surface(z, title="Time: $t s") z += 0.05 * Z .* G .* rand(Float64, (128, 128)) end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR const hello = Dict( "Chinese" => "你好世界", "Dutch" => "Hallo wereld", "English" => "Hello world", "French" => "Bonjour monde", "German" => "Hallo Welt", "Greek" => "γειά σου κόσμος", "Italian" => "Ciao mondo", "Japanese" => "こんにちは世界", "Korean" => "여보세요 세계", "Portuguese" => "Olá mundo", "Russian" => "Здравствуй, мир", "Spanish" => "Hola mundo" ) function say_hello() y = 0.9 for (lang, trans) in hello text(0.1, y, lang) text(0.4, y, trans) y -= 0.072 end updatews() end say_hello()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia import Random srand(seed) = Random.seed!(seed) import GR function draw(selection, x_offset, y_offset) GR.clearws() srand(0) xd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(100) yd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(100) zd = [xd[i] * exp(-xd[i]^2 - yd[i]^2) for i = 1:100] GR.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) GR.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) GR.setmarkersize(1) GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) GR.setcharheight(0.024) GR.settextalign(2, 0) GR.settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = GR.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = -0.6:0.05:0.6 GR.contourf(x, y, h, z, 2) GR.polymarker(xd, yd) if selection > 0 GR.beginselection(selection, 0) end GR.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) if selection > 0 GR.endselection() GR.moveselection(x_offset, y_offset) end GR.updatews() end function main() mouse = Nothing x_offset = y_offset = 0 draw(0, 0, 0) while true x, y, buttons = GR.samplelocator() if mouse != Nothing && buttons != 0 x_offset += x - mouse[1] y_offset += y - mouse[2] end mouse = [x, y] draw(1, x_offset, y_offset) if buttons & 0x02 != 0 break end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR const viridis = [0x440154, 0x472c7a, 0x3b518b, 0x2c718e, 0x21908d, 0x27ad81, 0x5cc863, 0xaadc32, 0xfde725] const inferno = [0x000004, 0x1f0c48, 0x550f6d, 0x88226a, 0xa83655, 0xe35933, 0xf9950a, 0xf8c932, 0xfcffa4] const plasma = [0x0c0887, 0x4b03a1, 0x7d03a8, 0xa82296, 0xcb4679, 0xe56b5d, 0xf89441, 0xfdc328, 0xf0f921] const magma = [0x000004, 0x1c1044, 0x4f127b, 0x812581, 0xb5367a, 0xe55964, 0xfb8761, 0xfec287, 0xfbfdbf] red(a) = ((a .>> 16) .& 0xff ) ./ 256 green(a) = ((a .>> 8) .& 0xff ) ./ 256 blue(a) = ( a .& 0xff ) ./ 256 function show_colormaps() setwindow(1, 5, 0, 1) for (x, cmap) in enumerate((viridis, inferno, plasma, magma)) setcolormapfromrgb(red(cmap), green(cmap), blue(cmap)) cellarray(x, x + 0.25, 0, 1, 1, 255, 1000:1255) setcolormap(GR.COLORMAP_VIRIDIS + x - 1) cellarray(x + 0.5, x + 0.75, 0, 1, 1, 255, 1000:1255) end updatews() end show_colormaps()
[ "MIT" ]
using Distributions function dists(specs; N=50) X = Float64[] Y = Float64[] for (x, y, σ) in specs xd = rand(Normal(x, σ), N) yd = rand(Normal(y, σ), N) append!(X, xd) append!(Y, yd) end X, Y end N = 1000000 x, y = dists([(2,2,0.02), (2,-2,0.1), (-2,-2,0.5), (-2,2,1.0), (0,0,3.0)], N=N) println("# of points: ", length(x)) using GR setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) setwindow(-10, 10, -10, 10) setcharheight(0.02) axes2d(0.5, 0.5, -10, -10, 4, 4, -0.005) setcolormap(GR.COLORMAP_HOT) @time shadepoints(x, y, xform=GR.XFORM_EQUALIZED) updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
using WAV using GR file = joinpath(dirname(Base.find_package("GR")), "..", "examples", "Monty_Python.wav") y, fs = WAV.wavread(file) shade(y, colormap=-GR.COLORMAP_BLUESCALE, ylim=(-1,1))
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia # Rendering slices and an isosurface of MRI data. import GR const gr3 = GR.gr3 function draw(mesh::Cint; x::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, y::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, z::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing) gr3.clear() gr3.drawmesh(mesh, 1, (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,1,1), (1,1,1)) gr3.drawslicemeshes(data, x=x, y=y, z=z) GR.clearws() gr3.drawimage(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, gr3.DRAWABLE_GKS) GR.updatews() end data = open(stream -> read!(stream, Array{UInt16}(undef, 93, 64, 64)), "mri.raw") data = min.(data, 2000) / 2000.0 * typemax(UInt16) data = convert(Array{UInt16, 3}, floor.(data)) data = permutedims(data, [3, 2, 1]) GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr3.cameralookat(-3, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) mesh = gr3.createisosurfacemesh(data, (2.0/63, 2.0/63, 2.0/92), (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), 40000) GR.setcolormap(1) for z in 0:0.005:1 draw(mesh, x=0.9, z=z) end for y in 1:-0.0025:0.5 draw(mesh, x=0.9, y=y, z=1) end GR.setcolormap(19) for x in 0.9:-0.003:0 draw(mesh, x=x, y=0.5, z=1) end for x in 0:0.003:0.9 draw(mesh, x=x, z=1) end gr3.terminate()
[ "MIT" ]
using Random rng = MersenneTwister(1234) import Plots const GR = Plots.GR x = 0:π/100:2π y = sin.(x) GR.plot(x, y) x = LinRange(0, 1, 51) y = x .- x.^2 GR.scatter(x, y) sz = LinRange(0.5, 3, length(x)) c = LinRange(0, 255, length(x)) GR.scatter(x, y, sz, c) GR.stem(x, y) GR.histogram(randn(rng, 10000)) GR.plot(randn(rng, 50)) GR.oplot(randn(rng, 50, 3)) x = LinRange(0, 30, 1000) y = cos.(x) .* x z = sin.(x) .* x GR.plot3(x, y, z) angles = LinRange(0, 2pi, 40) radii = LinRange(0, 2, 40) GR.polar(angles, radii) x = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 y = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 z = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 GR.scatter3(x, y, z) c = 999 .* rand(rng, 100) .+ 1 GR.scatter3(x, y, z, c) x = randn(rng, 100000) y = randn(rng, 100000) GR.hexbin(x, y) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) GR.contour(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) GR.contour(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) GR.contourf(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) GR.contourf(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) + cos.(y) GR.tricont(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) GR.surface(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) GR.surface(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) GR.trisurf(x, y, z) z = GR.peaks() GR.surface(z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) GR.wireframe(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) GR.heatmap(z) GR.imshow(z) s = LinRange(-1, 1, 40) v = 1 .- (s .^ 2 .+ (s .^ 2)' .+ reshape(s,1,1,:) .^ 2) .^ 0.5 GR.isosurface(v, isovalue=0.2) GR.GR3.terminate() GR.volume(randn(rng, 50, 50, 50)) N = 1_000_000 x = randn(rng, N) y = randn(rng, N) GR.shade(x, y) GR.setprojectiontype(0) GR.clearws() xd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(rng, 100) yd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(rng, 100) zd = [xd[i] * exp(-xd[i]^2 - yd[i]^2) for i = 1:100] GR.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.70) GR.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) GR.setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90) GR.setcolormap(0) GR.setlinecolorind(1) GR.setmarkersize(1) GR.setmarkertype(-1) GR.setmarkercolorind(1) GR.setcharheight(0.024) GR.settextalign(2, 0) GR.settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = GR.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = -0.5:0.05:0.5 GR.surface(x, y, z, 5) GR.contour(x, y, h, z, 0) GR.polymarker(xd, yd) GR.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) GR.updatews() sleep(3) GR.emergencyclosegks() x = 1:10; y = rand(rng, 10); Plots.plot(x,y) Plots.scatter(x,y) Plots.histogram(randn(rng, 10000)) z = GR.peaks(); Plots.surface(z) Plots.contour(z) x = LinRange(0, 30, 1000); y = cos.(x) .* x; z = sin.(x) .* x Plots.plot3d(x, y, z) import StatsPlots y = rand(rng, 100, 4) StatsPlots.violin(["Series 1" "Series 2" "Series 3" "Series 4"], y, leg = false) StatsPlots.boxplot!(["Series 1" "Series 2" "Series 3" "Series 4"], y, leg = false) sleep(3)
[ "MIT" ]
using Random rng = MersenneTwister(1234) using GR x = 0:π/100:2π y = sin.(x) plot(x, y) x = LinRange(0, 1, 51) y = x .- x.^2 scatter(x, y) sz = LinRange(0.5, 3, length(x)) c = LinRange(0, 255, length(x)) scatter(x, y, sz, c) stem(x, y) histogram(randn(rng, 10000)) plot(randn(rng, 50)) oplot(randn(rng, 50, 3)) x = LinRange(0, 30, 1000) y = cos.(x) .* x z = sin.(x) .* x plot3(x, y, z) angles = LinRange(0, 2pi, 40) radii = LinRange(0, 2, 40) polar(angles, radii) x = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 y = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 z = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 scatter3(x, y, z) c = 999 .* rand(rng, 100) .+ 1 scatter3(x, y, z, c) x = randn(rng, 100000) y = randn(rng, 100000) hexbin(x, y) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) contour(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) contour(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) contourf(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) contourf(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) + cos.(y) tricont(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) surface(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) surface(x, y, z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) trisurf(x, y, z) z = peaks() surface(z) x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) wireframe(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) wireframe(x, y, z) x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) heatmap(z) imshow(z) if !haskey(ENV, "GRDISPLAY") ρ = LinRange(0, 7, 200) θ = LinRange(0, 2π, 360) polarheatmap(θ, ρ, sin.(2ρ) .* cos.(θ')) end s = LinRange(-1, 1, 40) v = 1 .- (s .^ 2 .+ (s .^ 2)' .+ reshape(s, 1, 1, :) .^ 2) .^ 0.5 isosurface(v, isovalue=0.2) volume(randn(rng, 50, 50, 50)) N = 1_000_000 x = randn(rng, N) y = randn(rng, N) shade(x, y) if !haskey(ENV, "GRDISPLAY") setprojectiontype(0) clearws() xd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(rng, 100) yd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(rng, 100) zd = [xd[i] * exp(-xd[i]^2 - yd[i]^2) for i = 1:100] setwsviewport(0, 0.1, 0, 0.1) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 1) setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90) setcolormap(0) setlinecolorind(1) setmarkersize(1) setmarkertype(-1) setmarkercolorind(1) setcharheight(0.024) settextalign(2, 0) settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = -0.5:0.05:0.5 surface(x, y, z, 5) contour(x, y, h, z, 0) polymarker(xd, yd) x_axis = axis('X', tick=0.25, org=-2, major_count=2, tick_size=0.01) y_axis = axis('Y', tick=0.25, org=-2, major_count=2, tick_size=0.01) drawaxes(x_axis, y_axis, GR.AXES_SIMPLE_AXES) updatews() end
[ "MIT" ]
import PortAudio, FileIO using GR using FFTW function play(c::Channel) data, = FileIO.load("Monty_Python.wav") stream = PortAudio.PortAudioStream(0, 1) spectrum = zeros(Int32, 300, 225) offset = 1 while offset + 1024 < length(data) amplitudes = data[offset:offset+1024] offset += 1024 PortAudio.write(stream, amplitudes) power = log.(abs.(fft(float(amplitudes))) .+ 1) * 50 spectrum[1, :] = round.(Int, power[1:225]) spectrum = circshift(spectrum, [-1, 0]) put!(c, spectrum') end put!(c, nothing) end function main() c = Channel(0) task = @task play(c::Channel) bind(c, task) schedule(task) start = time_ns() while isopen(c) spectrum = take!(c) if spectrum === nothing break end if time_ns() - start > 20 * 1000000 # 20ms imshow(spectrum, colormap=-13, yflip=true) start = time_ns() end end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
# Plot a real-time spectrogram # see using GR, PortAudio, SampledSignals, FFTW const N = 1024 const stream = PortAudioStream(1, 0) const buf = read(stream, N) const fmin = 0Hz const fmax = 10000Hz const fs = Float32[float(f) for f in domain(fft(buf)[fmin..fmax])] while true read!(stream, buf) plot(fs, abs.(fft(buf)[fmin..fmax]), xlim=(fs[1],fs[end]), ylim=(0,100)) end
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra import GR const GR3 = GR.gr3 rate = 100 const μ0 = [0.03, 0., 0.09] const Β = [0., 0., 0.8] const γ = 2.0 const η = 0.1 const ΔT = 0.001 function calcualate_magnetic_moment(c::Channel) μ = μ0 while true put!(c, μ) P = - γ * μ × Β # precession G = η * (μ / norm(μ)) × P # Gilbert damping dμ = (P + G) * ΔT if norm(dμ) < 1e-6 break end μ += dμ end put!(c, nothing) end function calculate_cone_length(radius, cone_angle) 2 * radius / tand(cone_angle) end function drawarrowmesh(start, end_, color, radius, cone_angle=20) direction = end_ - start length = norm(direction) cone_length = calculate_cone_length(radius, cone_angle) cylinder_length = length - cone_length direction /= length cone_start = start + cylinder_length * direction if cylinder_length > 0 GR3.drawcylindermesh(1, start, direction, color, [radius], [cylinder_length]) end GR3.drawconemesh(1, cone_start, direction, color, [2 * radius], [cone_length]) end function main() c = Channel(calcualate_magnetic_moment) i = 0 GR.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) GR3.setbackgroundcolor(1, 1, 1, 1) while isopen(c) magmom = take!(c) if magmom === nothing break end i += 1 if i % rate != 0 continue end point = 5 * magmom / norm(magmom) GR.clearws() GR3.clear() GR3.drawspheremesh(1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0.75, 0.75], [1]) drawarrowmesh([0, 0, 0], point, [1, 0, 0], 0.1) GR3.drawspheremesh(1, point, [0, 1, 0], [0.2]) GR3.cameralookat(10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) GR3.drawimage(0, 1, 0, 1, 500, 500, GR3.DRAWABLE_GKS) GR.updatews() end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using Plots, Test @info("Interactive tests") Plots.test_examples(:gr, disp=true) @info("Figure output tests") prefix = tempname() @time for i ∈ 1:length(Plots._examples) i ∈ Plots._backend_skips[:gr] && continue # skip unsupported examples Plots._examples[i].imports ≡ nothing || continue # skip examples requiring optional test deps pl = Plots.test_examples(:gr, i; disp = false) for ext in (".png", ".pdf", ".svg") fn = string(prefix, i, ext) Plots.savefig(pl, fn) @test filesize(fn) > 1_000 end end
[ "MIT" ]
using GR paths = [ [0xffffff, 0, [0.12949, 0.12949, 0.12966, 0.12829, 0.12692, 0.09949, 0.06528, 0.06528, 0.09492, 0.12949], [0.52619, 0.52619, 0.52304, 0.52307, 0.5231, 0.60322, 0.59949, 0.59949, 0.61174, 0.52619], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.13538, 0.13538, 0.13446, 0.13318, 0.1319, 0.13337, 0.09993, 0.09993, 0.13197, 0.13538], [0.53123, 0.53123, 0.5282, 0.5287, 0.5292, 0.61387, 0.622, 0.622, 0.62344, 0.53123], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.18119, 0.18119, 0.18392, 0.18314, 0.18235, 0.1004, 0.08464, 0.08464, 0.09077, 0.18119], [0.46068, 0.46068, 0.45908, 0.45796, 0.45683, 0.47816, 0.44757, 0.44757, 0.47905, 0.46068], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.17651, 0.17651, 0.1796, 0.17922, 0.17883, 0.09432, 0.089, 0.089, 0.08491, 0.17651], [0.44366, 0.44366, 0.443, 0.44169, 0.44037, 0.4348, 0.4008, 0.4008, 0.4326, 0.44366], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.16949, 0.16949, 0.17246, 0.17188, 0.1713, 0.08689, 0.07667, 0.07667, 0.07726, 0.16949], [0.45287, 0.45287, 0.45177, 0.45052, 0.44928, 0.45609, 0.42323, 0.42323, 0.45529, 0.45287], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.15165, 0.15165, 0.15383, 0.15277, 0.1517, 0.0788, 0.05522, 0.05522, 0.06979, 0.15165], [0.48321, 0.48321, 0.48092, 0.48006, 0.47919, 0.52228, 0.49721, 0.49721, 0.52578, 0.48321], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.13908, 0.13908, 0.1415, 0.14054, 0.13958, 0.06227, 0.04168, 0.04168, 0.05292, 0.13908], [0.47623, 0.47623, 0.4742, 0.47321, 0.47223, 0.5068, 0.47922, 0.47922, 0.50926, 0.47623], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.13474, 0.13474, 0.13742, 0.13661, 0.13579, 0.05449, 0.03785, 0.03785, 0.04489, 0.13474], [0.46944, 0.46944, 0.46776, 0.46666, 0.46555, 0.48926, 0.45913, 0.45913, 0.49042, 0.46944], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.15263, 0.15263, 0.1545, 0.15334, 0.15217, 0.08538, 0.05879, 0.05879, 0.0769, 0.15263], [0.46842, 0.46842, 0.46587, 0.46514, 0.46442, 0.5165, 0.49466, 0.49466, 0.52112, 0.46842], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.11967, 0.11967, 0.12067, 0.11933, 0.118, 0.07033, 0.03833, 0.03833, 0.06367, 0.11967], [0.51667, 0.51667, 0.51367, 0.51333, 0.513, 0.583, 0.57033, 0.57033, 0.59, 0.51667], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.12082, 0.12082, 0.12245, 0.12122, 0.11999, 0.05835, 0.02983, 0.02983, 0.05033, 0.12082], [0.50504, 0.50504, 0.50232, 0.50171, 0.50109, 0.55917, 0.5399, 0.5399, 0.56456, 0.50504], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.12063, 0.12063, 0.1225, 0.12134, 0.12017, 0.05339, 0.02679, 0.02679, 0.0449, 0.12063], [0.49775, 0.49775, 0.4952, 0.49448, 0.49375, 0.54583, 0.52399, 0.52399, 0.55046, 0.49775], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.11695, 0.11779, 0.11944, 0.12233, 0.12233, 0.11633, 0.131, 0.131, 0.13033, 0.133, 0.133, 0.13967, 0.14767, 0.15414, 0.16868, 0.18511, 0.18511, 0.21367, 0.20833, 0.20833, 0.20767, 0.20167, 0.20167, 0.221, 0.205, 0.19767, 0.19767, 0.24033, 0.21433, 0.19767, 0.19767, 0.23033, 0.21833, 0.213, 0.213, 0.285, 0.23367, 0.23367, 0.247, 0.25433, 0.25433, 0.26567, 0.26433, 0.26433, 0.22967, 0.22367, 0.22367, 0.23767, 0.23233, 0.233, 0.233, 0.23967, 0.239, 0.239, 0.271, 0.25167, 0.25167, 0.25167, 0.277, 0.26633, 0.26633, 0.283, 0.27633, 0.27633, 0.275, 0.28233, 0.28233, 0.309, 0.299, 0.299, 0.29767, 0.30567, 0.30567, 0.30633, 0.32167, 0.32167, 0.31967, 0.341, 0.34767, 0.34767, 0.35233, 0.35167, 0.35167, 0.37633, 0.365, 0.365, 0.39033, 0.385, 0.385, 0.37233, 0.375, 0.375, 0.403, 0.405, 0.405, 0.40167, 0.41967, 0.41967, 0.429, 0.42433, 0.42433, 0.43767, 0.43633, 0.43633, 0.444, 0.44867, 0.44867, 0.45167, 0.45433, 0.45433, 0.461, 0.463, 0.463, 0.46567, 0.45367, 0.45367, 0.455, 0.45033, 0.45033, 0.473, 0.461, 0.461, 0.47967, 0.48167, 0.48167, 0.459, 0.47367, 0.47367, 0.465, 0.495, 0.495, 0.46833, 0.49767, 0.49767, 0.511, 0.49834, 0.49834, 0.47433, 0.511, 0.511, 0.53034, 0.53167, 0.53167, 0.515, 0.50767, 0.50767, 0.52167, 0.59034, 0.59034, 0.60167, 0.609, 0.609, 0.63034, 0.649, 0.649, 0.65567, 0.65434, 0.65434, 0.66567, 0.66434, 0.66434, 0.68634, 0.68833, 0.68833, 0.69967, 0.70034, 0.70034, 0.71567, 0.71234, 0.71234, 0.727, 0.72767, 0.73167, 0.735, 0.735, 0.73767, 0.73634, 0.735, 0.76967, 0.77767, 0.781, 0.781, 0.791, 0.78834, 0.78834, 0.797, 0.79767, 0.79767, 0.80434, 0.79634, 0.79634, 0.80367, 0.80567, 0.80567, 0.80567, 0.81767, 0.81767, 0.81767, 0.825, 0.82834, 0.82834, 0.80767, 0.83834, 0.83834, 0.85034, 0.84434, 0.83834, 0.83167, 0.83967, 0.83967, 0.841, 0.83767, 0.83434, 0.83967, 0.83967, 0.83967, 0.84767, 0.839, 0.839, 0.84967, 0.82967, 0.82967, 0.83434, 0.82767, 0.82767, 0.841, 0.84567, 0.84567, 0.845, 0.83967, 0.83967, 0.80367, 0.83767, 0.83767, 0.85742, 0.84675, 0.84675, 0.83157, 0.83286, 0.11695], [0.49489, 0.48481, 0.47386, 0.46866, 0.46866, 0.448, 0.426, 0.426, 0.414, 0.40866, 0.40866, 0.39466, 0.39333, 0.39225, 0.38714, 0.3848, 0.3848, 0.36133, 0.34, 0.34, 0.31266, 0.31, 0.31, 0.32867, 0.30066, 0.26933, 0.26933, 0.30533, 0.27466, 0.23133, 0.23133, 0.262, 0.248, 0.23333, 0.23333, 0.27866, 0.22933, 0.22933, 0.23533, 0.23066, 0.23066, 0.23266, 0.23, 0.23, 0.21266, 0.182, 0.182, 0.19866, 0.18066, 0.16133, 0.16133, 0.19733, 0.13466, 0.13466, 0.16466, 0.13, 0.102, 0.102, 0.12933, 0.108, 0.108, 0.12266, 0.09733, 0.09733, 0.08, 0.09867, 0.09867, 0.14966, 0.106, 0.106, 0.074, 0.09867, 0.09867, 0.08133, 0.06933, 0.06933, 0.154, 0.094, 0.06667, 0.06667, 0.082, 0.09066, 0.09066, 0.118, 0.07733, 0.07733, 0.11533, 0.09333, 0.09333, 0.06667, 0.05867, 0.05867, 0.11667, 0.11933, 0.11933, 0.04866, 0.10867, 0.10867, 0.08867, 0.08133, 0.08133, 0.09466, 0.1, 0.1, 0.11367, 0.091, 0.091, 0.07533, 0.08066, 0.08066, 0.04066, 0.07867, 0.07867, 0.10133, 0.12066, 0.12066, 0.126, 0.13266, 0.13266, 0.09667, 0.14466, 0.14466, 0.13133, 0.13133, 0.13133, 0.17, 0.162, 0.162, 0.17933, 0.15933, 0.15933, 0.186, 0.17, 0.17, 0.15933, 0.176, 0.176, 0.20266, 0.17266, 0.17266, 0.14533, 0.14067, 0.14067, 0.18933, 0.194, 0.194, 0.25467, 0.22866, 0.22866, 0.2, 0.23066, 0.23066, 0.24133, 0.19533, 0.19533, 0.218, 0.22266, 0.22266, 0.22066, 0.22266, 0.22266, 0.21533, 0.21667, 0.21667, 0.20533, 0.21133, 0.21133, 0.20667, 0.21266, 0.21266, 0.18667, 0.18066, 0.204, 0.19933, 0.19933, 0.212, 0.214, 0.216, 0.20266, 0.168, 0.154, 0.154, 0.17867, 0.18533, 0.18533, 0.184, 0.17667, 0.17667, 0.21533, 0.22533, 0.22533, 0.22667, 0.22066, 0.23266, 0.23266, 0.23133, 0.23533, 0.23533, 0.242, 0.234, 0.234, 0.29266, 0.26066, 0.26066, 0.24266, 0.274, 0.30533, 0.308, 0.30867, 0.30867, 0.31467, 0.31733, 0.32, 0.31733, 0.31733, 0.31733, 0.31067, 0.34733, 0.34733, 0.34466, 0.39333, 0.39333, 0.39733, 0.41133, 0.41133, 0.404, 0.40666, 0.40666, 0.40933, 0.416, 0.416, 0.50733, 0.47066, 0.47066, 0.44808, 0.48608, 0.48608, 0.5261, 0.53326, 0.49489], "MCCCCCCCCLCLCLCCCCCLCCLCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLLCCLCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLZ"], [0xcc7226, 0, [0.83286, 0.83391, 0.83758, 0.83967, 0.83967, 0.851, 0.84234, 0.84234, 0.827, 0.84167, 0.84167, 0.85167, 0.84634, 0.83989, 0.83567, 0.83567, 0.83567, 0.855, 0.81034, 0.825, 0.825, 0.79234, 0.75634, 0.743, 0.743, 0.807, 0.78567, 0.78567, 0.77434, 0.75834, 0.75834, 0.74767, 0.73767, 0.73767, 0.68634, 0.683, 0.67967, 0.62167, 0.51234, 0.51234, 0.50367, 0.49634, 0.49634, 0.46567, 0.38433, 0.38433, 0.36767, 0.365, 0.36233, 0.35767, 0.34433, 0.331, 0.33033, 0.327, 0.327, 0.29967, 0.29167, 0.29167, 0.27233, 0.265, 0.259, 0.259, 0.25633, 0.25567, 0.25567, 0.24767, 0.24633, 0.24633, 0.23167, 0.23233, 0.23233, 0.22967, 0.22833, 0.22833, 0.21633, 0.21767, 0.21767, 0.205, 0.207, 0.207, 0.19633, 0.19167, 0.19167, 0.19033, 0.18767, 0.18767, 0.183, 0.187, 0.187, 0.18433, 0.18367, 0.18367, 0.185, 0.17767, 0.17767, 0.167, 0.17033, 0.17033, 0.171, 0.16633, 0.16633, 0.16033, 0.17433, 0.17433, 0.17567, 0.17033, 0.17033, 0.14167, 0.13767, 0.13767, 0.115, 0.115, 0.115, 0.11545, 0.11662, 0.11662, 0.11567, 0.16167, 0.20767, 0.83286, 0.83286], [0.53292, 0.53262, 0.53075, 0.528, 0.528, 0.51, 0.54067, 0.54067, 0.58867, 0.57, 0.57, 0.558, 0.58067, 0.60804, 0.61867, 0.61867, 0.61867, 0.61067, 0.67667, 0.67067, 0.67067, 0.73667, 0.74533, 0.75533, 0.75533, 0.81867, 0.88, 0.88, 0.88867, 0.87333, 0.87333, 0.86533, 0.868, 0.868, 0.866, 0.866, 0.866, 0.928, 0.89867, 0.89867, 0.89533, 0.89733, 0.89733, 0.924, 0.886, 0.886, 0.88267, 0.88267, 0.88267, 0.88267, 0.872, 0.86133, 0.86, 0.85733, 0.85733, 0.83867, 0.83733, 0.83733, 0.82667, 0.81, 0.808, 0.808, 0.796, 0.794, 0.794, 0.788, 0.77867, 0.77867, 0.76867, 0.76133, 0.76133, 0.75267, 0.74467, 0.74467, 0.73667, 0.732, 0.732, 0.70867, 0.69733, 0.69733, 0.698, 0.694, 0.694, 0.686, 0.68533, 0.68533, 0.68333, 0.67667, 0.67667, 0.672, 0.66933, 0.66933, 0.66467, 0.65533, 0.65533, 0.624, 0.61533, 0.61533, 0.60733, 0.60467, 0.60467, 0.60533, 0.58533, 0.58533, 0.58333, 0.57933, 0.57933, 0.57333, 0.546, 0.546, 0.52133, 0.51267, 0.50882, 0.50358, 0.49589, 0.49589, 0.482, 0.48066, 0.47933, 0.53292, 0.53292], "MCCCCCCLCLCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.14067, 0.099, 0.123, 0.123, 0.13767, 0.35367, 0.35367, 0.35367, 0.635, 0.65367, 0.67234, 0.831, 0.831, 0.82167, 0.71367, 0.68167, 0.659, 0.63634, 0.64034, 0.635, 0.62967, 0.56434, 0.55367, 0.543, 0.50076, 0.52567, 0.55234, 0.42833, 0.40033, 0.37233, 0.41233, 0.41233, 0.443, 0.38567, 0.38567, 0.32833, 0.28833, 0.283, 0.27767, 0.26967, 0.26833, 0.267, 0.25448, 0.20167, 0.16833, 0.14533, 0.14533, 0.14067], [0.49567, 0.56133, 0.46733, 0.46733, 0.41, 0.47266, 0.47266, 0.47266, 0.52333, 0.53, 0.53667, 0.526, 0.526, 0.554, 0.63133, 0.59267, 0.59933, 0.606, 0.59, 0.58867, 0.58733, 0.62867, 0.62733, 0.626, 0.66558, 0.61267, 0.556, 0.54733, 0.566, 0.58467, 0.53533, 0.53533, 0.502, 0.53, 0.53, 0.55133, 0.50867, 0.50733, 0.506, 0.50067, 0.51133, 0.522, 0.54983, 0.506, 0.47833, 0.515, 0.515, 0.49567], "MCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCLZ"], [0xe87f3a, -1, [0.55585, 0.54518, 0.50291, 0.52785, 0.55552, 0.43052, 0.40252, 0.37452, 0.41452, 0.41452, 0.44518, 0.38785, 0.38785, 0.33052, 0.29052, 0.28518, 0.27985, 0.27185, 0.27052, 0.26918, 0.25688, 0.20385, 0.16846, 0.14597, 0.14597, 0.14064, 0.09897, 0.12409, 0.12409, 0.13876, 0.35585, 0.35585, 0.35585, 0.63718, 0.65585, 0.67452, 0.83173, 0.83173, 0.82252, 0.71452, 0.68385, 0.66118, 0.63852, 0.64252, 0.63718, 0.63185, 0.56652, 0.55585], [0.62442, 0.62309, 0.66266, 0.60976, 0.55109, 0.54442, 0.56309, 0.58176, 0.53242, 0.53242, 0.49909, 0.52709, 0.52709, 0.54842, 0.50576, 0.50442, 0.50309, 0.49776, 0.50842, 0.51909, 0.54665, 0.50309, 0.47418, 0.50994, 0.50994, 0.49309, 0.55942, 0.46224, 0.46224, 0.40491, 0.46976, 0.46976, 0.46976, 0.52042, 0.52709, 0.53376, 0.52321, 0.52321, 0.55206, 0.62939, 0.58976, 0.59642, 0.60309, 0.58709, 0.58576, 0.58442, 0.62576, 0.62442], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xea8c4d, -1, [0.55803, 0.54736, 0.50614, 0.53003, 0.55703, 0.4327, 0.4047, 0.3767, 0.4167, 0.4167, 0.44736, 0.39003, 0.39003, 0.3327, 0.2927, 0.28736, 0.28203, 0.27403, 0.2727, 0.27136, 0.25928, 0.20603, 0.16858, 0.14661, 0.14661, 0.14061, 0.10094, 0.12518, 0.12518, 0.13985, 0.35803, 0.35803, 0.35803, 0.63937, 0.65803, 0.6767, 0.83246, 0.83246, 0.82337, 0.71536, 0.68603, 0.66336, 0.6407, 0.6447, 0.63937, 0.63403, 0.5687, 0.55803], [0.62152, 0.62018, 0.66023, 0.60685, 0.54651, 0.54151, 0.56018, 0.57885, 0.52951, 0.52951, 0.49618, 0.52418, 0.52418, 0.54551, 0.50285, 0.50151, 0.50018, 0.49485, 0.50551, 0.51618, 0.54346, 0.50018, 0.47003, 0.50488, 0.50488, 0.49051, 0.55551, 0.45715, 0.45715, 0.39982, 0.46685, 0.46685, 0.46685, 0.51751, 0.52418, 0.53085, 0.52042, 0.52042, 0.55012, 0.62745, 0.58685, 0.59352, 0.60018, 0.58418, 0.58285, 0.58151, 0.62285, 0.62152], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xec9961, -1, [0.56021, 0.54955, 0.50833, 0.53221, 0.56021, 0.43399, 0.40688, 0.37888, 0.41888, 0.41888, 0.44955, 0.39221, 0.39221, 0.33488, 0.29488, 0.28955, 0.28421, 0.27621, 0.27488, 0.27355, 0.26168, 0.20821, 0.1687, 0.14724, 0.14724, 0.14058, 0.10424, 0.12627, 0.12627, 0.14094, 0.36021, 0.36021, 0.36021, 0.64155, 0.66022, 0.67888, 0.83318, 0.83318, 0.82422, 0.71622, 0.68821, 0.66555, 0.64288, 0.64688, 0.64155, 0.63621, 0.57088, 0.56021], [0.61861, 0.61727, 0.65732, 0.60394, 0.54135, 0.5392, 0.55727, 0.57594, 0.5266, 0.5266, 0.49327, 0.52127, 0.52127, 0.5426, 0.49994, 0.4986, 0.49727, 0.49194, 0.5026, 0.51327, 0.54027, 0.49727, 0.46588, 0.49982, 0.49982, 0.48794, 0.54927, 0.45206, 0.45206, 0.39472, 0.46394, 0.46394, 0.46394, 0.51461, 0.52127, 0.52794, 0.51764, 0.51764, 0.54818, 0.62552, 0.58394, 0.59061, 0.59727, 0.58127, 0.57994, 0.5786, 0.61994, 0.61861], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xeea575, -1, [0.5624, 0.55173, 0.51136, 0.53439, 0.5624, 0.43706, 0.40906, 0.38106, 0.42106, 0.42106, 0.45173, 0.3944, 0.3944, 0.33706, 0.29706, 0.29173, 0.28639, 0.2784, 0.27706, 0.27573, 0.26409, 0.2104, 0.16882, 0.14788, 0.14788, 0.14054, 0.10754, 0.12736, 0.12736, 0.14203, 0.3624, 0.3624, 0.3624, 0.64373, 0.6624, 0.68106, 0.83391, 0.83391, 0.82506, 0.71706, 0.6904, 0.66773, 0.64506, 0.64906, 0.64373, 0.6384, 0.57306, 0.5624], [0.6157, 0.61436, 0.65478, 0.60103, 0.5357, 0.5357, 0.55436, 0.57303, 0.5237, 0.5237, 0.49036, 0.51836, 0.51836, 0.5397, 0.49703, 0.4957, 0.49436, 0.48903, 0.4997, 0.51036, 0.53708, 0.49436, 0.46172, 0.49476, 0.49476, 0.48536, 0.54336, 0.44697, 0.44697, 0.38963, 0.46103, 0.46103, 0.46103, 0.5117, 0.51836, 0.52503, 0.51485, 0.51485, 0.54624, 0.62358, 0.58103, 0.5877, 0.59436, 0.57836, 0.57703, 0.5757, 0.61703, 0.6157], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xf1b288, -1, [0.56458, 0.55391, 0.51064, 0.53658, 0.56858, 0.43924, 0.41124, 0.38324, 0.42324, 0.42324, 0.45391, 0.39658, 0.39658, 0.33924, 0.29924, 0.29391, 0.28858, 0.28058, 0.27924, 0.27791, 0.26649, 0.21258, 0.16894, 0.14851, 0.14851, 0.14052, 0.11052, 0.12845, 0.12845, 0.14312, 0.36458, 0.36458, 0.36458, 0.64591, 0.66458, 0.68324, 0.83464, 0.83464, 0.82591, 0.71791, 0.69258, 0.66991, 0.64724, 0.65125, 0.64591, 0.64058, 0.57524, 0.56458], [0.61279, 0.61145, 0.65054, 0.59812, 0.53345, 0.53279, 0.55145, 0.57012, 0.52079, 0.52079, 0.48745, 0.51545, 0.51545, 0.53679, 0.49412, 0.49279, 0.49145, 0.48612, 0.49679, 0.50745, 0.53389, 0.49145, 0.45757, 0.4897, 0.4897, 0.48279, 0.53812, 0.44188, 0.44188, 0.38454, 0.45812, 0.45812, 0.45812, 0.50879, 0.51545, 0.52212, 0.51206, 0.51206, 0.5443, 0.62163, 0.57812, 0.58479, 0.59145, 0.57545, 0.57412, 0.57279, 0.61412, 0.61279], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xf3bf9c, -1, [0.56676, 0.55609, 0.51219, 0.53876, 0.57276, 0.44142, 0.41342, 0.38542, 0.42542, 0.42542, 0.45609, 0.39876, 0.39876, 0.34142, 0.30142, 0.29609, 0.29076, 0.28276, 0.28142, 0.28009, 0.26889, 0.21476, 0.16906, 0.14915, 0.14915, 0.14048, 0.11382, 0.12954, 0.12954, 0.14421, 0.36676, 0.36676, 0.36676, 0.64809, 0.66676, 0.68543, 0.83537, 0.83537, 0.82676, 0.71876, 0.69476, 0.67209, 0.64943, 0.65343, 0.64809, 0.64276, 0.57743, 0.56676], [0.60988, 0.60854, 0.64731, 0.59521, 0.52854, 0.52988, 0.54854, 0.56721, 0.51788, 0.51788, 0.48454, 0.51254, 0.51254, 0.53388, 0.49121, 0.48988, 0.48854, 0.48321, 0.49388, 0.50454, 0.5307, 0.48854, 0.45342, 0.48464, 0.48464, 0.48021, 0.53054, 0.43678, 0.43678, 0.37945, 0.45521, 0.45521, 0.45521, 0.50588, 0.51254, 0.51921, 0.50927, 0.50927, 0.54236, 0.6197, 0.57521, 0.58188, 0.58854, 0.57254, 0.57121, 0.56988, 0.61121, 0.60988], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xf5ccb0, -1, [0.56894, 0.55828, 0.51254, 0.54094, 0.57761, 0.44361, 0.41561, 0.38761, 0.42761, 0.42761, 0.45827, 0.40094, 0.40094, 0.34361, 0.30361, 0.29827, 0.29294, 0.28494, 0.28361, 0.28227, 0.27129, 0.21694, 0.16918, 0.14979, 0.14979, 0.14046, 0.11645, 0.13064, 0.13064, 0.1453, 0.36894, 0.36894, 0.36894, 0.65027, 0.66894, 0.68761, 0.83609, 0.83609, 0.82761, 0.71961, 0.69694, 0.67428, 0.65161, 0.65561, 0.65027, 0.64494, 0.57961, 0.56894], [0.60697, 0.60563, 0.64343, 0.5923, 0.5263, 0.52697, 0.54564, 0.5643, 0.51497, 0.51497, 0.48164, 0.50964, 0.50964, 0.53097, 0.4883, 0.48697, 0.48563, 0.4803, 0.49097, 0.50163, 0.52751, 0.48563, 0.44927, 0.47957, 0.47957, 0.47764, 0.52497, 0.4317, 0.4317, 0.37436, 0.4523, 0.4523, 0.4523, 0.50297, 0.50964, 0.5163, 0.50648, 0.50648, 0.54042, 0.61776, 0.5723, 0.57897, 0.58563, 0.56964, 0.5683, 0.56697, 0.6083, 0.60697], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xf8d8c4, -1, [0.57112, 0.56046, 0.51472, 0.54312, 0.57979, 0.44579, 0.41779, 0.38979, 0.42979, 0.42979, 0.46046, 0.40312, 0.40312, 0.34579, 0.30579, 0.30045, 0.29512, 0.28712, 0.28579, 0.28446, 0.27369, 0.21912, 0.1693, 0.15042, 0.15042, 0.14042, 0.11776, 0.13173, 0.13173, 0.1464, 0.37112, 0.37112, 0.37112, 0.65246, 0.67112, 0.68979, 0.83682, 0.83682, 0.82846, 0.72046, 0.69912, 0.67646, 0.65379, 0.65779, 0.65246, 0.64712, 0.58179, 0.57112], [0.60406, 0.60272, 0.64052, 0.58939, 0.52339, 0.52406, 0.54272, 0.56139, 0.51206, 0.51206, 0.47872, 0.50672, 0.50672, 0.52806, 0.48539, 0.48406, 0.48272, 0.47739, 0.48806, 0.49872, 0.52433, 0.48272, 0.44512, 0.47451, 0.47451, 0.47506, 0.51906, 0.4266, 0.4266, 0.36927, 0.44939, 0.44939, 0.44939, 0.50006, 0.50672, 0.51339, 0.5037, 0.5037, 0.53848, 0.61582, 0.56939, 0.57606, 0.58272, 0.56672, 0.56539, 0.56406, 0.60539, 0.60406], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xfae5d7, -1, [0.5733, 0.56264, 0.51755, 0.54531, 0.58197, 0.44797, 0.41997, 0.39197, 0.43197, 0.43197, 0.46264, 0.4053, 0.4053, 0.34797, 0.30797, 0.30264, 0.2973, 0.2893, 0.28797, 0.28664, 0.27609, 0.2213, 0.16942, 0.15106, 0.15106, 0.14039, 0.11873, 0.13282, 0.13282, 0.14748, 0.3733, 0.3733, 0.3733, 0.65464, 0.6733, 0.69197, 0.83755, 0.83755, 0.8293, 0.7213, 0.7013, 0.67864, 0.65597, 0.65997, 0.65464, 0.6493, 0.58397, 0.5733], [0.60115, 0.59982, 0.63796, 0.58648, 0.51848, 0.52115, 0.53982, 0.55848, 0.50915, 0.50915, 0.47582, 0.50382, 0.50382, 0.52515, 0.48248, 0.48115, 0.47982, 0.47448, 0.48515, 0.49582, 0.52114, 0.47982, 0.44097, 0.46945, 0.46945, 0.47248, 0.51248, 0.42151, 0.42151, 0.36418, 0.44648, 0.44648, 0.44648, 0.49715, 0.50382, 0.51048, 0.50091, 0.50091, 0.53654, 0.61388, 0.56648, 0.57315, 0.57982, 0.56382, 0.56248, 0.56115, 0.60248, 0.60115], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xfcf2eb, -1, [0.57549, 0.56482, 0.52153, 0.54749, 0.58282, 0.45015, 0.42215, 0.39415, 0.43415, 0.43415, 0.46482, 0.40749, 0.40749, 0.35015, 0.31015, 0.30482, 0.29949, 0.29149, 0.29015, 0.28882, 0.27849, 0.22349, 0.16954, 0.1517, 0.1517, 0.14036, 0.11903, 0.13391, 0.13391, 0.14858, 0.37549, 0.37549, 0.37549, 0.65682, 0.67549, 0.69416, 0.83828, 0.83828, 0.83016, 0.72215, 0.70349, 0.68082, 0.65816, 0.66216, 0.65682, 0.65149, 0.58615, 0.57549], [0.59824, 0.59691, 0.63598, 0.58357, 0.51224, 0.51824, 0.53691, 0.55557, 0.50624, 0.50624, 0.47291, 0.50091, 0.50091, 0.52224, 0.47957, 0.47824, 0.47691, 0.47157, 0.48224, 0.49291, 0.51795, 0.47691, 0.43682, 0.46439, 0.46439, 0.46991, 0.50857, 0.41642, 0.41642, 0.35909, 0.44357, 0.44357, 0.44357, 0.49424, 0.50091, 0.50757, 0.49812, 0.49812, 0.53461, 0.61194, 0.56357, 0.57024, 0.57691, 0.56091, 0.55957, 0.55824, 0.59958, 0.59824], "MCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.14033, 0.119, 0.135, 0.135, 0.14967, 0.37767, 0.37767, 0.37767, 0.659, 0.67767, 0.69633, 0.839, 0.839, 0.831, 0.723, 0.70567, 0.683, 0.66034, 0.66434, 0.659, 0.65367, 0.58833, 0.57767, 0.567, 0.52497, 0.54967, 0.58671, 0.4484, 0.42433, 0.39633, 0.43633, 0.43633, 0.467, 0.40967, 0.40967, 0.35233, 0.31233, 0.307, 0.30167, 0.29367, 0.29233, 0.291, 0.28089, 0.22567, 0.16967, 0.15233, 0.15233, 0.14033], [0.46733, 0.504, 0.41133, 0.41133, 0.354, 0.44066, 0.44066, 0.44066, 0.49133, 0.498, 0.50467, 0.49533, 0.49533, 0.53267, 0.61, 0.56067, 0.56733, 0.574, 0.558, 0.55667, 0.55533, 0.59667, 0.59533, 0.594, 0.63368, 0.58067, 0.50116, 0.51796, 0.534, 0.55267, 0.50333, 0.50333, 0.47, 0.498, 0.498, 0.51933, 0.47667, 0.47533, 0.474, 0.46866, 0.47933, 0.49, 0.51476, 0.474, 0.43266, 0.45933, 0.45933, 0.46733], "MCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.20967, 0.20967, 0.19767, 0.23233, 0.23233, 0.23467, 0.20467, 0.20467, 0.19433, 0.19167, 0.19167, 0.18367, 0.17567, 0.16767, 0.20967, 0.20967], [0.41733, 0.41733, 0.398, 0.376, 0.376, 0.37366, 0.38066, 0.38066, 0.384, 0.40133, 0.40133, 0.40866, 0.418, 0.42733, 0.41733, 0.41733], "MCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.443, 0.443, 0.4725, 0.4715, 0.46933, 0.469, 0.47433, 0.47967, 0.49434, 0.49434, 0.49434, 0.49367, 0.51434, 0.51434, 0.53367, 0.50034, 0.50034, 0.44167, 0.443], [0.49667, 0.49667, 0.45196, 0.444, 0.42666, 0.41066, 0.404, 0.39733, 0.342, 0.342, 0.342, 0.34, 0.40333, 0.40333, 0.43, 0.46066, 0.46066, 0.50867, 0.49667], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.243, 0.243, 0.26167, 0.23767, 0.24833, 0.24833, 0.247, 0.24167, 0.25367, 0.25367, 0.26167, 0.255, 0.255, 0.283, 0.28167, 0.28167, 0.29233, 0.28567, 0.279, 0.267, 0.26833, 0.25367, 0.25367, 0.263, 0.263, 0.24967, 0.24967, 0.27545, 0.25767, 0.24767, 0.243, 0.243], [0.37266, 0.37266, 0.36066, 0.30867, 0.31266, 0.31266, 0.294, 0.29, 0.29533, 0.29533, 0.282, 0.274, 0.274, 0.26066, 0.25, 0.25, 0.26333, 0.274, 0.28466, 0.278, 0.30867, 0.30333, 0.30333, 0.318, 0.32867, 0.32467, 0.32467, 0.36896, 0.37133, 0.37266, 0.37266, 0.37266], "MCLCLCCCCLCLCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.297, 0.297, 0.30167, 0.297, 0.29233, 0.24033, 0.23033, 0.23033, 0.28767, 0.297], [0.34466, 0.34466, 0.352, 0.35066, 0.34933, 0.32467, 0.30867, 0.30867, 0.34933, 0.34466], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.31433, 0.31433, 0.319, 0.31433, 0.30967, 0.25767, 0.24767, 0.24767, 0.305, 0.31433], [0.33133, 0.33133, 0.33866, 0.33733, 0.336, 0.31133, 0.29533, 0.29533, 0.336, 0.33133], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.33633, 0.33633, 0.341, 0.33633, 0.33167, 0.27967, 0.26967, 0.26967, 0.327, 0.33633], [0.35666, 0.35666, 0.364, 0.36266, 0.36133, 0.33666, 0.32066, 0.32066, 0.36133, 0.35666], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.29767, 0.29767, 0.29767, 0.293, 0.28833, 0.22833, 0.21833, 0.21833, 0.28833, 0.29767], [0.284, 0.284, 0.294, 0.29266, 0.29133, 0.262, 0.246, 0.246, 0.28866, 0.284], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.29967, 0.29967, 0.30167, 0.297, 0.29367, 0.24967, 0.23967, 0.23967, 0.289, 0.29967], [0.302, 0.302, 0.31, 0.30867, 0.30867, 0.28933, 0.27333, 0.27333, 0.30933, 0.302], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.27567, 0.259, 0.259, 0.27633, 0.28233, 0.28233, 0.271, 0.26967, 0.26967, 0.287, 0.29633, 0.29633, 0.309, 0.309, 0.309, 0.31833, 0.32367, 0.32367, 0.32567, 0.32367, 0.32367, 0.33033, 0.337, 0.337, 0.34767, 0.34633, 0.34633, 0.34633, 0.345, 0.345, 0.35433, 0.35833, 0.35833, 0.37167, 0.37967, 0.37967, 0.373, 0.381, 0.381, 0.399, 0.40433, 0.40433, 0.393, 0.40233, 0.40233, 0.41367, 0.41567, 0.41567, 0.42967, 0.433, 0.433, 0.42033, 0.423, 0.423, 0.41967, 0.42833, 0.42833, 0.423, 0.43233, 0.44167, 0.449, 0.463, 0.463, 0.479, 0.48234, 0.27567], [0.22266, 0.21, 0.21, 0.22266, 0.22066, 0.22066, 0.202, 0.19333, 0.19333, 0.21466, 0.214, 0.214, 0.21333, 0.19533, 0.19533, 0.21266, 0.212, 0.212, 0.20133, 0.19, 0.19, 0.20266, 0.2, 0.2, 0.20333, 0.184, 0.184, 0.16667, 0.162, 0.162, 0.206, 0.20667, 0.20667, 0.20866, 0.194, 0.194, 0.20667, 0.20333, 0.20333, 0.20066, 0.18933, 0.18933, 0.20933, 0.204, 0.204, 0.204, 0.19333, 0.19333, 0.158, 0.15533, 0.15533, 0.19133, 0.19133, 0.19133, 0.21133, 0.18667, 0.18667, 0.21, 0.20866, 0.20733, 0.19066, 0.19466, 0.19466, 0.18533, 0.30066, 0.22266], "MLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.28367, 0.28367, 0.30833, 0.375, 0.375, 0.387, 0.39833, 0.40967, 0.45433, 0.465, 0.481, 0.48234, 0.48234, 0.503, 0.50367, 0.50434, 0.47967, 0.46367, 0.44767, 0.43167, 0.39967, 0.39967, 0.365, 0.32233, 0.32233, 0.27367, 0.269, 0.26433, 0.28767, 0.28767, 0.28767, 0.295, 0.293, 0.291, 0.29167, 0.28367], [0.37733, 0.37733, 0.38733, 0.37733, 0.37733, 0.37666, 0.39133, 0.406, 0.418, 0.41466, 0.404, 0.402, 0.402, 0.38466, 0.372, 0.35933, 0.27933, 0.25266, 0.226, 0.20533, 0.20933, 0.20933, 0.216, 0.20933, 0.20933, 0.212, 0.22533, 0.23866, 0.264, 0.264, 0.264, 0.278, 0.302, 0.326, 0.37266, 0.37733], "MCCCLLCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xe5668c, -1, [0.32033, 0.33433, 0.285, 0.285, 0.28167, 0.3061, 0.323, 0.34124, 0.40833, 0.40833, 0.44767, 0.469, 0.469, 0.469, 0.48633, 0.457, 0.42767, 0.32033, 0.32033], [0.374, 0.34333, 0.23466, 0.23466, 0.232, 0.22192, 0.226, 0.2304, 0.22333, 0.22333, 0.24933, 0.32333, 0.32333, 0.32333, 0.36333, 0.36866, 0.374, 0.374, 0.374], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0xb23259, -1, [0.31695, 0.32249, 0.32513, 0.32033, 0.32033, 0.42433, 0.443, 0.45007, 0.47467, 0.474, 0.474, 0.369, 0.34433, 0.31695], [0.3225, 0.34382, 0.36349, 0.374, 0.374, 0.36333, 0.398, 0.41112, 0.36, 0.344, 0.344, 0.32, 0.33866, 0.3225], "MCCCCLZ"], [0xa5264c, -1, [0.32433, 0.32433, 0.32767, 0.32367, 0.32367, 0.321, 0.319, 0.319, 0.321, 0.331, 0.331, 0.33433, 0.33833, 0.34233, 0.35033, 0.357, 0.36367, 0.38233, 0.38233, 0.38233, 0.39167, 0.40633, 0.40633, 0.41029, 0.411, 0.41183, 0.417, 0.42033, 0.42367, 0.43967, 0.43767, 0.43567, 0.32433, 0.32433], [0.29533, 0.29533, 0.28333, 0.27666, 0.27666, 0.27533, 0.27466, 0.27466, 0.26867, 0.266, 0.266, 0.25867, 0.258, 0.25733, 0.248, 0.25, 0.252, 0.25867, 0.25867, 0.25867, 0.264, 0.258, 0.258, 0.25934, 0.266, 0.27383, 0.28, 0.28333, 0.28666, 0.308, 0.30867, 0.30933, 0.29533, 0.29533], "MCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xff727f, 0, [0.317, 0.317, 0.31233, 0.31767, 0.323, 0.32167, 0.32033, 0.319, 0.32633, 0.33567, 0.35567, 0.35567, 0.381, 0.39633, 0.39633, 0.41132, 0.417, 0.417, 0.425, 0.437, 0.449, 0.461, 0.45433, 0.44767, 0.42367, 0.397, 0.37033, 0.367, 0.317], [0.376, 0.376, 0.33866, 0.32467, 0.31067, 0.30733, 0.30066, 0.294, 0.27733, 0.26733, 0.26466, 0.26466, 0.27066, 0.266, 0.266, 0.26376, 0.28866, 0.28866, 0.29933, 0.304, 0.30867, 0.378, 0.39133, 0.40466, 0.412, 0.386, 0.36, 0.388, 0.376], "MCCCLCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.31967, 0.31967, 0.31833, 0.311, 0.311, 0.27367, 0.25967, 0.25967, 0.24833, 0.25567, 0.25567, 0.273, 0.28433, 0.28433, 0.31167, 0.31967], [0.25133, 0.25133, 0.25467, 0.25533, 0.25533, 0.26133, 0.282, 0.282, 0.29133, 0.272, 0.272, 0.238, 0.23333, 0.23333, 0.22667, 0.25133], "MCCCCCZ"], [0xcc3f4c, -1, [0.4529, 0.454, 0.45726, 0.45433, 0.44359, 0.4153, 0.397, 0.37033, 0.367, 0.317, 0.317, 0.31409, 0.31549, 0.31549, 0.37767, 0.379, 0.379, 0.38167, 0.397, 0.41233, 0.45024, 0.4529], [0.35795, 0.37113, 0.38548, 0.39133, 0.41282, 0.40384, 0.386, 0.36, 0.388, 0.376, 0.376, 0.35273, 0.33604, 0.33604, 0.35533, 0.346, 0.346, 0.35133, 0.35133, 0.35133, 0.35328, 0.35795], "MCCCCCCCZ"], [-1, 0xa51926, [0.381, 0.381, 0.389, 0.383, 0.383, 0.359, 0.36233], [0.37466, 0.37466, 0.36666, 0.35066, 0.35066, 0.324, 0.30066], "MCC"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.301, 0.301, 0.29367, 0.30833, 0.30833, 0.31633, 0.31433, 0.31233, 0.303, 0.301], [0.23333, 0.23333, 0.25467, 0.24333, 0.24333, 0.24, 0.23733, 0.23466, 0.228, 0.23333], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.3094, 0.3094, 0.30353, 0.31527, 0.31527, 0.32264, 0.32007, 0.31247, 0.32007, 0.3094], [0.23133, 0.23133, 0.2484, 0.23933, 0.23933, 0.23525, 0.23453, 0.2324, 0.22813, 0.23133], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.3174, 0.3174, 0.31153, 0.32327, 0.32327, 0.33056, 0.32807, 0.32247, 0.32807, 0.3174], [0.23133, 0.23133, 0.2484, 0.23933, 0.23933, 0.23548, 0.23453, 0.2324, 0.22813, 0.23133], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.3284, 0.3284, 0.32253, 0.33427, 0.33427, 0.34157, 0.33907, 0.33413, 0.33907, 0.3284], [0.231, 0.231, 0.24806, 0.239, 0.239, 0.23511, 0.2342, 0.2324, 0.2278, 0.231], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.3392, 0.3392, 0.33333, 0.34507, 0.34507, 0.35147, 0.34987, 0.34827, 0.34987, 0.3392], [0.23113, 0.23113, 0.2482, 0.23913, 0.23913, 0.23647, 0.23433, 0.2322, 0.22793, 0.23113], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.35033, 0.35033, 0.34233, 0.35767, 0.35767, 0.36567, 0.36367, 0.36167, 0.36367, 0.35033], [0.23, 0.23, 0.25067, 0.24, 0.24, 0.23667, 0.234, 0.23133, 0.226, 0.23], "MCCCZ"], [-1, 0xa5264c, [0.303, 0.303, 0.325, 0.335, 0.335, 0.345, 0.347, 0.349, 0.35433, 0.35433], [0.25867, 0.25867, 0.26333, 0.258, 0.258, 0.256, 0.25666, 0.25733, 0.258, 0.258], "MCCC"], [-1, 0xa5264c, [0.35967, 0.35967, 0.37967, 0.39967, 0.41136, 0.40967, 0.411, 0.41233, 0.41267, 0.421], [0.244, 0.244, 0.26666, 0.25933, 0.25504, 0.26066, 0.26533, 0.27, 0.277, 0.282], "MCCC"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.38833, 0.38833, 0.38167, 0.377, 0.37233, 0.367, 0.36433, 0.36433, 0.36433, 0.37833, 0.37833, 0.39633, 0.397, 0.39767, 0.395, 0.38833], [0.27066, 0.27066, 0.28866, 0.26733, 0.246, 0.24, 0.23533, 0.23533, 0.22667, 0.22733, 0.22733, 0.228, 0.23266, 0.23733, 0.25666, 0.27066], "MCCCCCZ"], [-1, 0xa5264c, [0.41167, 0.41167, 0.41767, 0.42167], [0.25867, 0.25867, 0.26266, 0.26066], "MC"], [-1, 0xa5264c, [0.4225, 0.4225, 0.42733, 0.43533], [0.286, 0.286, 0.29416, 0.2955], "MC"], [0xb2b2b2, -1, [0.29033, 0.29033, 0.32033, 0.32767, 0.32767, 0.34233, 0.32833, 0.32833, 0.307, 0.29367, 0.29367, 0.27433, 0.29033], [0.22466, 0.22466, 0.21933, 0.222, 0.222, 0.222, 0.21867, 0.21867, 0.21867, 0.22066, 0.22066, 0.23, 0.22466], "MCCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.31367, 0.31367, 0.343, 0.34633, 0.34633, 0.35833, 0.35233, 0.35233, 0.35033, 0.34567, 0.34567, 0.315, 0.30967, 0.30433, 0.31167, 0.31367], [0.38, 0.38, 0.38, 0.37866, 0.37866, 0.32733, 0.31467, 0.31467, 0.31, 0.31933, 0.31933, 0.374, 0.37733, 0.38066, 0.38, 0.38], "MCCCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.18517, 0.18517, 0.2, 0.221, 0.221, 0.229, 0.23433, 0.23967, 0.23367, 0.22767, 0.22167, 0.197, 0.19367, 0.19033, 0.18517, 0.18517], [0.3845, 0.3845, 0.38166, 0.37733, 0.37733, 0.34, 0.332, 0.324, 0.324, 0.32867, 0.33333, 0.35666, 0.364, 0.37133, 0.3845, 0.3845], "MCCCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.2216, 0.2216, 0.23127, 0.23295, 0.23463, 0.23095, 0.23095, 0.23095, 0.22928, 0.22728, 0.22527, 0.22049, 0.2216], [0.37697, 0.37697, 0.37439, 0.3707, 0.36701, 0.36151, 0.36151, 0.36151, 0.356, 0.35961, 0.36321, 0.37598, 0.37697], "MCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.22167, 0.22167, 0.22767, 0.23367, 0.23967, 0.2403, 0.245, 0.25267, 0.252, 0.263, 0.2674, 0.27167, 0.27633, 0.281, 0.28633, 0.28833, 0.29033, 0.29833, 0.29833, 0.29833, 0.277, 0.27233, 0.27233, 0.235, 0.22167], [0.37733, 0.37733, 0.36866, 0.36866, 0.36866, 0.36935, 0.36833, 0.36666, 0.37, 0.368, 0.3672, 0.36866, 0.36666, 0.36466, 0.366, 0.36933, 0.37266, 0.37966, 0.37966, 0.37966, 0.37666, 0.37533, 0.37533, 0.37333, 0.37733], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.296, 0.296, 0.28525, 0.28458, 0.28392, 0.29333, 0.29333, 0.29333, 0.29792, 0.29892, 0.29992, 0.29733, 0.296], [0.377, 0.377, 0.37116, 0.36716, 0.36316, 0.357, 0.357, 0.357, 0.34933, 0.35333, 0.35733, 0.37633, 0.377], "MCCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.23352, 0.23352, 0.2452, 0.24556, 0.24556, 0.24649, 0.24356, 0.23344, 0.23597, 0.23352], [0.36789, 0.36789, 0.34924, 0.36793, 0.36793, 0.37003, 0.37006, 0.37019, 0.37703, 0.36789], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.24549, 0.24549, 0.25869, 0.25763, 0.25763, 0.25764, 0.25472, 0.24681, 0.24738, 0.24549], [0.36748, 0.36748, 0.34883, 0.36763, 0.36763, 0.36818, 0.36844, 0.36913, 0.37666, 0.36748], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.25751, 0.25751, 0.27078, 0.26966, 0.26966, 0.26986, 0.2671, 0.26062, 0.26026, 0.25751], [0.36746, 0.36746, 0.34975, 0.36586, 0.36586, 0.36792, 0.36842, 0.36959, 0.37501, 0.36746], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffcc, 0, [0.26897, 0.26897, 0.28214, 0.28272, 0.28272, 0.28546, 0.28255, 0.27285, 0.27418, 0.26897], [0.36733, 0.36733, 0.34806, 0.36436, 0.36436, 0.36666, 0.36703, 0.36826, 0.37569, 0.36733], "MCCCZ"], [0xe5e5b2, -1, [0.20868, 0.19592, 0.19158, 0.18808, 0.18808, 0.18808, 0.19867, 0.2195, 0.2195, 0.22096, 0.22341, 0.20868], [0.36145, 0.364, 0.37233, 0.38258, 0.38258, 0.38258, 0.38092, 0.37625, 0.37625, 0.37072, 0.36106, 0.36145], "MLCCCLZ"], [0xe5e5b2, -1, [0.31713, 0.31435, 0.31216, 0.31107, 0.30605, 0.31296, 0.31484, 0.31484, 0.34246, 0.34559, 0.34559, 0.34647, 0.34761, 0.34761, 0.33079, 0.31713], [0.36922, 0.37339, 0.37632, 0.377, 0.38014, 0.37951, 0.37951, 0.37951, 0.37951, 0.37826, 0.37826, 0.37452, 0.36887, 0.36887, 0.37222, 0.36922], "MCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.40647, 0.45267, 0.4952, 0.49813, 0.50107, 0.4842, 0.4842, 0.4864, 0.47833, 0.46954, 0.46074, 0.43423, 0.405, 0.3786, 0.3478, 0.3456, 0.3434, 0.35367, 0.35587, 0.35807, 0.35367, 0.35367, 0.41073, 0.36027, 0.40647], [0.59946, 0.59286, 0.65226, 0.6684, 0.68453, 0.70433, 0.70433, 0.70947, 0.73293, 0.74833, 0.76373, 0.76211, 0.76373, 0.7652, 0.72633, 0.7234, 0.72047, 0.65666, 0.64713, 0.6376, 0.5936, 0.5936, 0.60876, 0.60606, 0.59946], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xea8e51, -1, [0.34681, 0.34465, 0.35473, 0.35689, 0.35905, 0.35473, 0.35473, 0.40919, 0.36121, 0.40657, 0.45194, 0.4937, 0.49658, 0.49946, 0.48289, 0.48289, 0.48506, 0.47714, 0.46849, 0.45986, 0.43384, 0.40513, 0.37921, 0.34897, 0.34681], [0.72232, 0.71944, 0.6568, 0.64744, 0.63808, 0.59488, 0.59488, 0.60968, 0.60712, 0.60064, 0.59416, 0.65248, 0.66832, 0.68416, 0.7036, 0.7036, 0.70864, 0.73168, 0.7468, 0.76192, 0.76032, 0.76192, 0.76336, 0.7252, 0.72232], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xefaa7c, -1, [0.34803, 0.34591, 0.3558, 0.35792, 0.36004, 0.3558, 0.3558, 0.40814, 0.36216, 0.40668, 0.4512, 0.49219, 0.49502, 0.49784, 0.48159, 0.48159, 0.48371, 0.47594, 0.46746, 0.45898, 0.43344, 0.40527, 0.37983, 0.35015, 0.34803], [0.72124, 0.71841, 0.65693, 0.64774, 0.63856, 0.59616, 0.59616, 0.61142, 0.60817, 0.60181, 0.59545, 0.65269, 0.66824, 0.68379, 0.70287, 0.70287, 0.70781, 0.73043, 0.74527, 0.76011, 0.75854, 0.76011, 0.76152, 0.72407, 0.72124], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xf4c6a8, -1, [0.34924, 0.34716, 0.35687, 0.35895, 0.36103, 0.35687, 0.35687, 0.40593, 0.36311, 0.40679, 0.45047, 0.49068, 0.49346, 0.49623, 0.48028, 0.48028, 0.48236, 0.47474, 0.46642, 0.4581, 0.43304, 0.4054, 0.38044, 0.35132, 0.34924], [0.72016, 0.71739, 0.65706, 0.64805, 0.63904, 0.59744, 0.59744, 0.6125, 0.60922, 0.60298, 0.59675, 0.6529, 0.66816, 0.68341, 0.70213, 0.70213, 0.70699, 0.72917, 0.74373, 0.75829, 0.75676, 0.75829, 0.75968, 0.72293, 0.72016], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xf9e2d3, -1, [0.35045, 0.34841, 0.35793, 0.35997, 0.36201, 0.35793, 0.35793, 0.40438, 0.36405, 0.40689, 0.44974, 0.48918, 0.4919, 0.49462, 0.47898, 0.47898, 0.48102, 0.47354, 0.46538, 0.45722, 0.43264, 0.40553, 0.38105, 0.35249, 0.35045], [0.71908, 0.71636, 0.6572, 0.64836, 0.63952, 0.59872, 0.59872, 0.61359, 0.61028, 0.60416, 0.59804, 0.65312, 0.66808, 0.68304, 0.7014, 0.7014, 0.70616, 0.72792, 0.7422, 0.75648, 0.75498, 0.75648, 0.75784, 0.7218, 0.71908], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.407, 0.449, 0.48767, 0.49034, 0.493, 0.47767, 0.47767, 0.47967, 0.47233, 0.46433, 0.45633, 0.43224, 0.40567, 0.38167, 0.35367, 0.35167, 0.34967, 0.359, 0.361, 0.363, 0.359, 0.359, 0.4015, 0.365, 0.407], [0.60533, 0.59933, 0.65333, 0.668, 0.68267, 0.70067, 0.70067, 0.70533, 0.72667, 0.74067, 0.75467, 0.75319, 0.75467, 0.756, 0.72067, 0.718, 0.71533, 0.65733, 0.64867, 0.64, 0.6, 0.6, 0.61433, 0.61133, 0.60533], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.48434, 0.48434, 0.438, 0.41867, 0.41867, 0.39233, 0.37767, 0.37767, 0.37167, 0.36833, 0.365, 0.48434, 0.48434], [0.662, 0.662, 0.64933, 0.652, 0.652, 0.663, 0.62667, 0.62667, 0.61467, 0.61133, 0.608, 0.662, 0.662], "MCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.49067, 0.49067, 0.44233, 0.42567, 0.42567, 0.39833, 0.38433, 0.38433, 0.37033, 0.365, 0.365, 0.36433, 0.375, 0.39233, 0.39233, 0.417, 0.433, 0.433, 0.43967, 0.43967, 0.43967, 0.475, 0.47767, 0.48034, 0.49134, 0.49067], [0.66567, 0.66567, 0.64533, 0.646, 0.646, 0.65367, 0.62933, 0.62933, 0.614, 0.61133, 0.61133, 0.60867, 0.61533, 0.60667, 0.60667, 0.59067, 0.61733, 0.61733, 0.636, 0.63933, 0.64267, 0.652, 0.65267, 0.65333, 0.66033, 0.66567], "MCCCCLCCCCZ"], [0x99cc32, -1, [0.41167, 0.40021, 0.38626, 0.38626, 0.38626, 0.40021, 0.41167, 0.42312, 0.43241, 0.43241, 0.43241, 0.42312, 0.41167], [0.60581, 0.60581, 0.61225, 0.62267, 0.63308, 0.64352, 0.64352, 0.64352, 0.63508, 0.62467, 0.61425, 0.60581, 0.60581], "MCCCCZ"], [0x659900, -1, [0.40563, 0.39755, 0.38907, 0.38919, 0.39176, 0.40236, 0.41167, 0.41883, 0.42514, 0.42887, 0.42887, 0.42001, 0.40563], [0.63362, 0.63241, 0.62991, 0.63027, 0.63797, 0.64352, 0.64352, 0.64352, 0.64022, 0.63521, 0.63521, 0.63576, 0.63362], "MCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.42567, 0.42567, 0.41833, 0.41833, 0.41833, 0.42433, 0.42567], [0.634, 0.634, 0.63933, 0.63567, 0.63567, 0.62833, 0.634], "MCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.409, 0.40484, 0.40146, 0.40146, 0.40146, 0.40484, 0.409, 0.41317, 0.41654, 0.41654, 0.41654, 0.41317, 0.409], [0.62046, 0.62046, 0.62383, 0.628, 0.63216, 0.63554, 0.63554, 0.63554, 0.63216, 0.628, 0.62383, 0.62046, 0.62046], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.23567, 0.23567, 0.23033, 0.23433, 0.23433, 0.25233, 0.25167, 0.25167, 0.251, 0.249, 0.247, 0.23433, 0.22433, 0.22433, 0.207, 0.20833, 0.20833, 0.20833, 0.19567, 0.193, 0.193, 0.191, 0.189, 0.189, 0.18433, 0.18767, 0.18767, 0.18433, 0.185, 0.19767, 0.19767, 0.201, 0.219, 0.22706, 0.23233, 0.23567], [0.64267, 0.64267, 0.678, 0.68533, 0.68533, 0.702, 0.708, 0.708, 0.738, 0.73933, 0.74067, 0.75067, 0.74, 0.74, 0.71, 0.69933, 0.696, 0.696, 0.69667, 0.69333, 0.69333, 0.68467, 0.684, 0.684, 0.68, 0.67533, 0.67533, 0.67133, 0.66467, 0.658, 0.658, 0.634, 0.62533, 0.62145, 0.63267, 0.64267], "MCCCCCLCCCCLCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.234, 0.234, 0.2292, 0.2328, 0.2328, 0.249, 0.2484, 0.2484, 0.2478, 0.246, 0.2442, 0.2328, 0.2238, 0.2238, 0.2082, 0.2094, 0.2094, 0.2094, 0.198, 0.1956, 0.1956, 0.1938, 0.192, 0.192, 0.1878, 0.1908, 0.1908, 0.1878, 0.1884, 0.1998, 0.1998, 0.2028, 0.219, 0.22625, 0.231, 0.234], [0.64573, 0.64573, 0.67753, 0.68413, 0.68413, 0.69913, 0.70453, 0.70453, 0.73153, 0.73273, 0.73393, 0.74293, 0.73333, 0.73333, 0.70633, 0.69673, 0.69373, 0.69373, 0.69433, 0.69133, 0.69133, 0.68353, 0.68293, 0.68293, 0.67933, 0.67513, 0.67513, 0.67153, 0.66553, 0.65953, 0.65953, 0.63793, 0.63013, 0.62664, 0.63673, 0.64573], "MCCCCCLCCCCLCCZ"], [0xeb955c, -1, [0.24825, 0.24643, 0.23395, 0.2242, 0.2242, 0.2073, 0.2086, 0.2086, 0.2086, 0.19625, 0.19365, 0.19365, 0.1917, 0.18975, 0.18975, 0.1852, 0.18845, 0.18845, 0.1852, 0.18585, 0.1982, 0.1982, 0.20145, 0.219, 0.22686, 0.232, 0.23525, 0.23525, 0.23005, 0.23395, 0.23395, 0.2515, 0.25085, 0.25085, 0.2502, 0.24825], [0.73768, 0.73912, 0.74873, 0.73833, 0.73833, 0.70908, 0.69868, 0.69543, 0.69543, 0.69608, 0.69283, 0.69283, 0.68438, 0.68373, 0.68373, 0.67983, 0.67528, 0.67528, 0.67138, 0.66488, 0.65838, 0.65838, 0.63498, 0.62653, 0.62275, 0.63368, 0.64343, 0.64343, 0.67788, 0.68503, 0.68503, 0.70128, 0.70713, 0.70713, 0.73638, 0.73768], "MCCLCCCCLCCCCCZ"], [0xf2b892, -1, [0.2475, 0.24587, 0.23357, 0.22407, 0.22407, 0.2076, 0.20887, 0.20887, 0.20887, 0.19683, 0.1943, 0.1943, 0.1924, 0.1905, 0.1905, 0.18607, 0.18923, 0.18923, 0.18607, 0.1867, 0.19873, 0.19873, 0.2019, 0.219, 0.22666, 0.23167, 0.23483, 0.23483, 0.22977, 0.23357, 0.23357, 0.25067, 0.25003, 0.25003, 0.2494, 0.2475], [0.73603, 0.73757, 0.7468, 0.73667, 0.73667, 0.70817, 0.69803, 0.69487, 0.69487, 0.6955, 0.69233, 0.69233, 0.6841, 0.68347, 0.68347, 0.67967, 0.67523, 0.67523, 0.67143, 0.6651, 0.65877, 0.65877, 0.63597, 0.62773, 0.62405, 0.6347, 0.6442, 0.6442, 0.67777, 0.68473, 0.68473, 0.70057, 0.70627, 0.70627, 0.73477, 0.73603], "MCCLCCCCLCCCCCZ"], [0xf8dcc8, -1, [0.24675, 0.2453, 0.23318, 0.22393, 0.22393, 0.2079, 0.20913, 0.20913, 0.20913, 0.19742, 0.19495, 0.19495, 0.1931, 0.19125, 0.19125, 0.18693, 0.19002, 0.19002, 0.18693, 0.18755, 0.19927, 0.19927, 0.20235, 0.219, 0.22646, 0.23133, 0.23442, 0.23442, 0.22948, 0.23318, 0.23318, 0.24983, 0.24922, 0.24922, 0.2486, 0.24675], [0.73438, 0.73602, 0.74487, 0.735, 0.735, 0.70725, 0.69738, 0.6943, 0.6943, 0.69492, 0.69183, 0.69183, 0.68382, 0.6832, 0.6832, 0.6795, 0.67518, 0.67518, 0.67148, 0.66532, 0.65915, 0.65915, 0.63695, 0.62893, 0.62534, 0.63572, 0.64497, 0.64497, 0.67765, 0.68443, 0.68443, 0.69985, 0.7054, 0.7054, 0.73315, 0.73438], "MCCLCCCCLCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.234, 0.234, 0.2292, 0.2328, 0.2328, 0.249, 0.2484, 0.2484, 0.2478, 0.246, 0.24473, 0.2328, 0.2238, 0.2238, 0.2082, 0.2094, 0.2094, 0.2094, 0.198, 0.1956, 0.1956, 0.1938, 0.192, 0.192, 0.1878, 0.1908, 0.1908, 0.1878, 0.1884, 0.1998, 0.1998, 0.2028, 0.219, 0.22625, 0.231, 0.234], [0.6459, 0.6459, 0.67753, 0.68413, 0.68413, 0.69913, 0.70453, 0.70453, 0.73153, 0.73273, 0.73447, 0.74293, 0.73333, 0.73333, 0.70633, 0.69673, 0.69373, 0.69373, 0.69433, 0.69133, 0.69133, 0.68353, 0.68293, 0.68293, 0.67933, 0.67513, 0.67513, 0.67153, 0.66553, 0.65953, 0.65953, 0.63793, 0.63013, 0.62664, 0.6369, 0.6459], "MCCCCCLCCCCLCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.22883, 0.22883, 0.19283, 0.19133, 0.19133, 0.2065, 0.20783, 0.20917, 0.22883, 0.22883], [0.65633, 0.65633, 0.67333, 0.67467, 0.67467, 0.661, 0.661, 0.661, 0.65633, 0.65633], "MCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.20033, 0.20033, 0.231, 0.231, 0.231, 0.2306, 0.22167, 0.20767, 0.21367, 0.20033], [0.66667, 0.66667, 0.66067, 0.65333, 0.64848, 0.62612, 0.62867, 0.63267, 0.65667, 0.66667], "MCCCZ"], [0x99cc32, -1, [0.21433, 0.21433, 0.2293, 0.231, 0.232, 0.2331, 0.224, 0.21641, 0.2127, 0.21433], [0.66033, 0.66033, 0.65788, 0.65333, 0.65067, 0.63682, 0.635, 0.63348, 0.65052, 0.66033], "MCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.35766, 0.35683, 0.35902, 0.362, 0.36533, 0.38567, 0.387, 0.38833, 0.41033, 0.41033, 0.41333, 0.42067, 0.42067, 0.42867, 0.43967, 0.43967, 0.44367, 0.44933, 0.44933, 0.47367, 0.49434, 0.49434, 0.52767, 0.51767, 0.51767, 0.51267, 0.518, 0.518, 0.51834, 0.53034, 0.53034, 0.53467, 0.536, 0.536, 0.54934, 0.54367, 0.54367, 0.544, 0.53934, 0.53934, 0.53934, 0.53634, 0.53634, 0.53134, 0.53534, 0.53534, 0.53834, 0.53467, 0.53467, 0.53267, 0.51734, 0.51734, 0.51367, 0.50367, 0.50367, 0.499, 0.49334, 0.49334, 0.489, 0.47967, 0.47967, 0.48434, 0.48833, 0.49234, 0.49634, 0.49934, 0.502, 0.50467, 0.50934, 0.50934, 0.51, 0.50067, 0.50067, 0.5, 0.49734, 0.49734, 0.49234, 0.49034, 0.48867, 0.487, 0.48, 0.48, 0.47734, 0.47533, 0.47533, 0.475, 0.465, 0.465, 0.463, 0.45533, 0.45533, 0.444, 0.448, 0.448, 0.451, 0.46967, 0.46967, 0.47333, 0.46, 0.46, 0.459, 0.46067, 0.46067, 0.46267, 0.474, 0.474, 0.48967, 0.485, 0.485, 0.47467, 0.465, 0.465, 0.46133, 0.43233, 0.43233, 0.42433, 0.42867, 0.422, 0.41533, 0.381, 0.381, 0.36173, 0.35718, 0.3513, 0.3513, 0.36032, 0.35766], [0.58942, 0.59232, 0.5921, 0.593, 0.594, 0.60033, 0.60467, 0.609, 0.60167, 0.60167, 0.60033, 0.596, 0.596, 0.594, 0.59333, 0.59333, 0.59167, 0.587, 0.587, 0.57, 0.582, 0.582, 0.593, 0.62167, 0.62167, 0.63667, 0.64233, 0.64233, 0.64867, 0.638, 0.638, 0.631, 0.62267, 0.62267, 0.604, 0.63367, 0.63367, 0.63533, 0.64133, 0.64333, 0.64533, 0.651, 0.651, 0.65667, 0.66833, 0.66833, 0.69133, 0.68833, 0.68833, 0.69133, 0.67467, 0.67467, 0.669, 0.66633, 0.66633, 0.66333, 0.66567, 0.66567, 0.66633, 0.65467, 0.65467, 0.655, 0.64767, 0.64733, 0.647, 0.65133, 0.65233, 0.65333, 0.64367, 0.64367, 0.63933, 0.63133, 0.63133, 0.62367, 0.62633, 0.62633, 0.62733, 0.621, 0.61333, 0.60567, 0.605, 0.605, 0.59267, 0.59767, 0.59767, 0.607, 0.59733, 0.59733, 0.594, 0.59767, 0.59767, 0.601, 0.60433, 0.60433, 0.608, 0.60433, 0.60433, 0.607, 0.61367, 0.61367, 0.61667, 0.624, 0.624, 0.62933, 0.63867, 0.63867, 0.64067, 0.64333, 0.64333, 0.652, 0.63933, 0.63933, 0.629, 0.604, 0.604, 0.59833, 0.60967, 0.604, 0.59833, 0.61333, 0.61333, 0.61532, 0.58909, 0.59429, 0.59429, 0.58008, 0.58942], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.68234, 0.68234, 0.63967, 0.635, 0.635, 0.631, 0.665, 0.665, 0.66567, 0.669, 0.669, 0.66634, 0.69767, 0.743, 0.743, 0.75367, 0.76234, 0.771, 0.79634, 0.79034, 0.79034, 0.79234, 0.78234, 0.78234, 0.76834, 0.75634, 0.75634, 0.745, 0.741, 0.68234], [0.86667, 0.86667, 0.85333, 0.822, 0.822, 0.784, 0.75467, 0.75467, 0.744, 0.73867, 0.73867, 0.73067, 0.74333, 0.75733, 0.75733, 0.76133, 0.776, 0.79067, 0.822, 0.864, 0.864, 0.88267, 0.88333, 0.88333, 0.886, 0.87333, 0.87333, 0.868, 0.86867, 0.86667], "MCCCCLCCCCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.77337, 0.77337, 0.77687, 0.7688, 0.7688, 0.75707, 0.7446, 0.7446, 0.7204, 0.71307, 0.71307, 0.70647, 0.71967, 0.71967, 0.72773, 0.73947, 0.7512, 0.77704, 0.77337], [0.86832, 0.86832, 0.8832, 0.87513, 0.87513, 0.8656, 0.8656, 0.8656, 0.86193, 0.83993, 0.83993, 0.7952, 0.78567, 0.78567, 0.7732, 0.7842, 0.7952, 0.84558, 0.86832], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0x323232, -1, [0.77275, 0.77275, 0.77623, 0.76831, 0.76831, 0.75679, 0.74455, 0.74455, 0.72079, 0.71359, 0.71359, 0.70711, 0.72007, 0.72007, 0.72799, 0.73951, 0.75103, 0.77635, 0.77275], [0.86772, 0.86772, 0.88229, 0.87437, 0.87437, 0.86501, 0.86501, 0.86501, 0.86141, 0.83981, 0.83981, 0.79589, 0.78653, 0.78653, 0.77429, 0.78509, 0.79589, 0.8454, 0.86772], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0x666666, -1, [0.77212, 0.77212, 0.77559, 0.76782, 0.76782, 0.75651, 0.7445, 0.7445, 0.72118, 0.71411, 0.71411, 0.70775, 0.72047, 0.72047, 0.72824, 0.73955, 0.75086, 0.77566, 0.77212], [0.86712, 0.86712, 0.88139, 0.87361, 0.87361, 0.86443, 0.86443, 0.86443, 0.86089, 0.83969, 0.83969, 0.79659, 0.7874, 0.7874, 0.77539, 0.78599, 0.79659, 0.84522, 0.86712], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0x999999, -1, [0.7715, 0.7715, 0.77495, 0.76732, 0.76732, 0.75623, 0.74444, 0.74444, 0.72156, 0.71463, 0.71463, 0.70839, 0.72087, 0.72087, 0.7285, 0.73959, 0.75068, 0.77497, 0.7715], [0.86653, 0.86653, 0.88048, 0.87285, 0.87285, 0.86384, 0.86384, 0.86384, 0.86037, 0.83957, 0.83957, 0.79728, 0.78827, 0.78827, 0.77648, 0.78688, 0.79728, 0.84503, 0.86653], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.77088, 0.77088, 0.77431, 0.76683, 0.76683, 0.75595, 0.74439, 0.74439, 0.72195, 0.71515, 0.71515, 0.70903, 0.72127, 0.72127, 0.72875, 0.73963, 0.75051, 0.77428, 0.77088], [0.86593, 0.86593, 0.87957, 0.87209, 0.87209, 0.86325, 0.86325, 0.86325, 0.85985, 0.83945, 0.83945, 0.79797, 0.78913, 0.78913, 0.77757, 0.78777, 0.79797, 0.84485, 0.86593], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.77025, 0.77025, 0.77367, 0.76634, 0.76634, 0.75567, 0.74434, 0.74434, 0.72234, 0.71567, 0.71567, 0.70967, 0.72167, 0.72167, 0.729, 0.73967, 0.75034, 0.77358, 0.77025], [0.86533, 0.86533, 0.87867, 0.87133, 0.87133, 0.86267, 0.86267, 0.86267, 0.85933, 0.83933, 0.83933, 0.79867, 0.79, 0.79, 0.77867, 0.78867, 0.79867, 0.84467, 0.86533], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0x992600, -1, [0.41767, 0.41767, 0.38367, 0.37033, 0.37033, 0.313, 0.28833, 0.28833, 0.31767, 0.36367, 0.36367, 0.32767, 0.307, 0.307, 0.279, 0.263, 0.25833, 0.25833, 0.265, 0.29567, 0.29567, 0.33367, 0.35167, 0.35167, 0.31567, 0.299, 0.299, 0.24833, 0.227, 0.227, 0.23367, 0.25833, 0.25833, 0.281, 0.315, 0.315, 0.339, 0.34767, 0.35633, 0.35433, 0.34033, 0.34033, 0.331, 0.30767, 0.30767, 0.23633, 0.219, 0.219, 0.24167, 0.259, 0.259, 0.29633, 0.31033, 0.31033, 0.35167, 0.36433, 0.36433, 0.34567, 0.351, 0.35633, 0.36767, 0.36767, 0.36767, 0.408, 0.414, 0.41767], [0.52667, 0.52667, 0.55867, 0.56, 0.56, 0.56667, 0.53667, 0.53667, 0.57067, 0.56133, 0.56133, 0.56867, 0.56333, 0.56333, 0.56333, 0.54, 0.532, 0.532, 0.55667, 0.56667, 0.56667, 0.57467, 0.56667, 0.56667, 0.578, 0.57467, 0.57467, 0.57867, 0.53467, 0.53467, 0.55867, 0.57067, 0.57067, 0.58533, 0.58067, 0.58067, 0.57533, 0.57133, 0.56733, 0.572, 0.58, 0.58, 0.59667, 0.596, 0.596, 0.59, 0.57, 0.57, 0.58867, 0.59333, 0.59333, 0.60667, 0.60533, 0.60533, 0.60367, 0.61033, 0.61033, 0.602, 0.59667, 0.59133, 0.57867, 0.57667, 0.57467, 0.53783, 0.5305, 0.52667], "MCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.64833, 0.64833, 0.6225, 0.60167, 0.60167, 0.645, 0.65083, 0.65083, 0.65083, 0.64833], [0.20333, 0.20333, 0.26417, 0.28, 0.28, 0.25333, 0.22333, 0.22333, 0.20667, 0.20333], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.72667, 0.72667, 0.6825, 0.65167, 0.65167, 0.72417, 0.7325, 0.73333, 0.72833, 0.72833, 0.7275, 0.72667], [0.19083, 0.19083, 0.2825, 0.3225, 0.3225, 0.26, 0.21583, 0.20667, 0.21083, 0.21083, 0.19583, 0.19083], "MCCLLCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.82083, 0.82083, 0.71667, 0.71417, 0.71417, 0.815, 0.82, 0.82, 0.81667, 0.82083], [0.27167, 0.27167, 0.37083, 0.375, 0.375, 0.265, 0.2525, 0.2525, 0.2675, 0.27167], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.50667, 0.50667, 0.53917, 0.57083, 0.57083, 0.59583, 0.595, 0.595, 0.58833, 0.55833, 0.55833, 0.52667, 0.50667], [0.19917, 0.19917, 0.28583, 0.24833, 0.24833, 0.23167, 0.22667, 0.22667, 0.2375, 0.23667, 0.23667, 0.24167, 0.19917], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.82417, 0.82417, 0.74917, 0.73667, 0.71699, 0.81917, 0.8275, 0.8275, 0.83083, 0.82417], [0.41167, 0.41167, 0.45917, 0.46167, 0.4656, 0.41333, 0.39583, 0.39583, 0.4, 0.41167], "MCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.573, 0.573, 0.607, 0.61834, 0.62567, 0.655, 0.661, 0.661, 0.685, 0.68367, 0.68234, 0.705, 0.705, 0.705, 0.70367, 0.71567, 0.71567, 0.71167, 0.72567, 0.72567, 0.70811, 0.74567, 0.755, 0.74767, 0.74767, 0.74767, 0.70434, 0.74034, 0.74034, 0.74367, 0.74167, 0.73967, 0.73634, 0.72834, 0.72034, 0.729, 0.73834, 0.73834, 0.71967, 0.74167, 0.74167, 0.73567, 0.72834, 0.72834, 0.719, 0.74434, 0.74434, 0.737, 0.73167, 0.73167, 0.71234, 0.72434, 0.73167, 0.73167, 0.72034, 0.731, 0.74167, 0.74167, 0.74167, 0.74167, 0.70634, 0.74034, 0.74034, 0.72674, 0.721, 0.721, 0.68967, 0.71367, 0.72167, 0.72167, 0.707, 0.69367, 0.68034, 0.69767, 0.70834, 0.719, 0.745, 0.745, 0.745, 0.76634, 0.773, 0.773, 0.73967, 0.74967, 0.74967, 0.77367, 0.76167, 0.76167, 0.75167, 0.75967, 0.75967, 0.7289, 0.75367, 0.765, 0.765, 0.72434, 0.743, 0.743, 0.77167, 0.775, 0.77834, 0.78567, 0.78567, 0.77834, 0.787, 0.787, 0.76834, 0.77834, 0.78767, 0.78767, 0.75367, 0.77634, 0.77634, 0.749, 0.76367, 0.76367, 0.761, 0.76167, 0.76234, 0.76434, 0.757, 0.74967, 0.767, 0.77034, 0.77367, 0.77967, 0.765, 0.75034, 0.75767, 0.761, 0.76434, 0.77434, 0.773, 0.773, 0.771, 0.76567, 0.76567, 0.741, 0.74367, 0.74367, 0.74167, 0.73634, 0.73634, 0.731, 0.731, 0.731, 0.72567, 0.721, 0.71634, 0.71034, 0.70567, 0.701, 0.69234, 0.69034, 0.69034, 0.67034, 0.66234, 0.643, 0.643, 0.64234, 0.64034, 0.64034, 0.59034, 0.573], [0.234, 0.234, 0.23733, 0.24867, 0.24266, 0.30666, 0.298, 0.298, 0.32266, 0.336, 0.34933, 0.326, 0.326, 0.326, 0.34533, 0.334, 0.334, 0.36, 0.34666, 0.34666, 0.39693, 0.354, 0.34333, 0.35466, 0.35466, 0.35466, 0.43466, 0.41066, 0.41066, 0.44866, 0.456, 0.46333, 0.50067, 0.50933, 0.518, 0.52067, 0.512, 0.512, 0.552, 0.532, 0.532, 0.55733, 0.562, 0.562, 0.59067, 0.57267, 0.57267, 0.59333, 0.59867, 0.59867, 0.64467, 0.63667, 0.63067, 0.63067, 0.654, 0.64667, 0.63933, 0.64, 0.64, 0.64, 0.69533, 0.666, 0.666, 0.6892, 0.70067, 0.70067, 0.73467, 0.724, 0.72133, 0.72133, 0.738, 0.74067, 0.74333, 0.754, 0.75067, 0.74733, 0.73467, 0.73467, 0.73467, 0.70333, 0.70267, 0.70267, 0.71533, 0.702, 0.702, 0.67867, 0.67933, 0.67933, 0.66733, 0.65267, 0.65267, 0.68332, 0.64067, 0.61333, 0.61333, 0.65467, 0.618, 0.618, 0.57867, 0.578, 0.57733, 0.56267, 0.56267, 0.566, 0.55133, 0.55133, 0.57133, 0.54933, 0.52533, 0.52533, 0.562, 0.51267, 0.51267, 0.52133, 0.49267, 0.49267, 0.466, 0.45733, 0.44866, 0.40133, 0.388, 0.37466, 0.34266, 0.336, 0.32933, 0.31133, 0.32666, 0.342, 0.33266, 0.318, 0.30333, 0.27733, 0.268, 0.268, 0.266, 0.272, 0.272, 0.31, 0.286, 0.286, 0.27266, 0.258, 0.258, 0.24, 0.25467, 0.25467, 0.28266, 0.27, 0.25733, 0.24733, 0.24333, 0.23933, 0.27733, 0.26, 0.26, 0.28066, 0.25333, 0.226, 0.226, 0.24666, 0.23667, 0.23667, 0.22667, 0.234], "MCLLLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCLCCCCCCCCLCCCLLCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.51567, 0.51567, 0.49634, 0.48967, 0.483, 0.53567, 0.60433, 0.60433, 0.61233, 0.61834, 0.61834, 0.62367, 0.619, 0.619, 0.60433, 0.623, 0.623, 0.65367, 0.64434, 0.64434, 0.66234, 0.66634, 0.67034, 0.66834, 0.66834, 0.66834, 0.65767, 0.64767, 0.64767, 0.639, 0.63434, 0.62967, 0.62567, 0.633, 0.633, 0.62634, 0.62767, 0.629, 0.635, 0.63767, 0.64034, 0.66767, 0.679, 0.679, 0.66367, 0.65867, 0.65367, 0.60933, 0.59933, 0.59933, 0.57133, 0.59133, 0.59133, 0.651, 0.68134, 0.68134, 0.66934, 0.63867, 0.63867, 0.60167, 0.543, 0.543, 0.51334, 0.50034, 0.50034, 0.496, 0.495, 0.494, 0.47433, 0.42833, 0.42833, 0.4, 0.38567, 0.38567, 0.36033, 0.35433, 0.35433, 0.32333, 0.32, 0.31667, 0.29767, 0.29633, 0.29633, 0.33733, 0.34133, 0.34533, 0.37433, 0.37833, 0.38233, 0.39633, 0.38033, 0.38033, 0.50634, 0.50767, 0.509, 0.51567, 0.51567], [0.82867, 0.82867, 0.842, 0.84133, 0.84067, 0.856, 0.81, 0.81, 0.80533, 0.806, 0.806, 0.802, 0.796, 0.796, 0.78, 0.76133, 0.76133, 0.75, 0.76467, 0.76467, 0.758, 0.75133, 0.74467, 0.75133, 0.75133, 0.75133, 0.76333, 0.772, 0.772, 0.77533, 0.78933, 0.80333, 0.82, 0.82533, 0.82533, 0.818, 0.82467, 0.83133, 0.83733, 0.838, 0.83867, 0.865, 0.86567, 0.86567, 0.86333, 0.865, 0.86667, 0.88567, 0.88767, 0.88767, 0.89867, 0.89533, 0.89533, 0.889, 0.867, 0.867, 0.881, 0.89267, 0.89267, 0.91367, 0.90533, 0.90533, 0.9, 0.897, 0.897, 0.898, 0.89867, 0.89933, 0.91433, 0.90267, 0.90267, 0.895, 0.887, 0.887, 0.885, 0.87967, 0.87967, 0.85533, 0.854, 0.85267, 0.84, 0.83933, 0.83933, 0.85033, 0.85433, 0.85833, 0.86267, 0.86033, 0.858, 0.859, 0.858, 0.858, 0.83333, 0.83, 0.82667, 0.82867, 0.82867], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.63467, 0.63467, 0.61767, 0.61434, 0.611, 0.59034, 0.58333, 0.57633, 0.556, 0.51034, 0.51034, 0.50934, 0.51534, 0.51534, 0.526, 0.52667, 0.52667, 0.56034, 0.57234, 0.57234, 0.58767, 0.598, 0.598, 0.61667, 0.622, 0.622, 0.63667, 0.63734, 0.63734, 0.647, 0.644, 0.644, 0.64467, 0.63467], [0.844, 0.844, 0.85633, 0.85633, 0.85633, 0.87333, 0.87267, 0.872, 0.88867, 0.875, 0.875, 0.87833, 0.87967, 0.87967, 0.88333, 0.88433, 0.88433, 0.89133, 0.88533, 0.88533, 0.881, 0.87067, 0.87067, 0.86533, 0.867, 0.867, 0.86333, 0.86033, 0.86033, 0.85533, 0.851, 0.851, 0.84833, 0.844], "MCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.61388, 0.61523, 0.61693, 0.61793, 0.61832, 0.61784, 0.61732, 0.61558, 0.61382, 0.61192, 0.61125, 0.61018, 0.60926, 0.60653, 0.60349, 0.60067, 0.59736, 0.59343, 0.58996, 0.58986, 0.58949, 0.58937, 0.58429, 0.57805, 0.574, 0.56996, 0.56603, 0.56198, 0.55895, 0.5566, 0.5539, 0.55161, 0.54918, 0.54662, 0.54352, 0.54046, 0.53731, 0.53716, 0.53683, 0.5367, 0.53616, 0.53567, 0.53539, 0.53259, 0.53011, 0.52734, 0.52537, 0.52249, 0.51992, 0.51498, 0.50972, 0.50467, 0.51152, 0.51934, 0.52611, 0.52998, 0.53442, 0.5387, 0.53952, 0.54067, 0.54134, 0.54156, 0.54186, 0.54196, 0.54604, 0.5499, 0.55404, 0.5546, 0.55549, 0.55591, 0.55844, 0.56168, 0.564, 0.56683, 0.56982, 0.5727, 0.57283, 0.57322, 0.57328, 0.57516, 0.57708, 0.57857, 0.57913, 0.58024, 0.58075, 0.58262, 0.58405, 0.58602, 0.5862, 0.58651, 0.58663, 0.58851, 0.59024, 0.59133, 0.59156, 0.59184, 0.59197, 0.59368, 0.59477, 0.5966, 0.59741, 0.59843, 0.59939, 0.60338, 0.60645, 0.6101, 0.61137, 0.61283, 0.61388], [0.84752, 0.84646, 0.8463, 0.84495, 0.84443, 0.84388, 0.84372, 0.84319, 0.84414, 0.84316, 0.84282, 0.84312, 0.84337, 0.8441, 0.84415, 0.843, 0.84488, 0.84391, 0.84558, 0.84562, 0.84504, 0.84509, 0.847, 0.84653, 0.85033, 0.85102, 0.85179, 0.85292, 0.85377, 0.85542, 0.85681, 0.85799, 0.85886, 0.85948, 0.86023, 0.86004, 0.86091, 0.86095, 0.86038, 0.86042, 0.8606, 0.86157, 0.86149, 0.86062, 0.86224, 0.86167, 0.86371, 0.8633, 0.86404, 0.86545, 0.86333, 0.865, 0.86807, 0.86602, 0.86946, 0.87144, 0.8696, 0.87087, 0.87111, 0.87145, 0.87033, 0.87056, 0.87096, 0.87091, 0.86898, 0.86686, 0.86508, 0.86484, 0.86522, 0.86489, 0.86286, 0.86303, 0.861, 0.86184, 0.8612, 0.86224, 0.86229, 0.86172, 0.86176, 0.863, 0.86255, 0.86204, 0.86185, 0.86144, 0.86132, 0.86086, 0.86006, 0.85975, 0.85972, 0.86029, 0.86024, 0.85951, 0.85961, 0.85767, 0.85789, 0.85829, 0.85824, 0.85768, 0.85642, 0.85602, 0.85584, 0.8548, 0.85451, 0.85329, 0.85074, 0.84925, 0.84873, 0.84834, 0.84752], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.48616, 0.48196, 0.47802, 0.47395, 0.47365, 0.47304, 0.47271, 0.47103, 0.46955, 0.46791, 0.46702, 0.46565, 0.4648, 0.46056, 0.45618, 0.452, 0.45314, 0.45501, 0.456, 0.45632, 0.45672, 0.45731, 0.46011, 0.46319, 0.46598, 0.46882, 0.47169, 0.47465, 0.47516, 0.47549, 0.47603, 0.47974, 0.48372, 0.48726, 0.48991, 0.49252, 0.49459, 0.49501, 0.49447, 0.494, 0.49465, 0.4951, 0.49529, 0.49543, 0.49543, 0.49529, 0.4951, 0.49464, 0.49401, 0.49167, 0.49462, 0.49346, 0.49133, 0.49258, 0.49134, 0.49087, 0.49048, 0.49067, 0.49106, 0.49006, 0.48978, 0.48913, 0.48764, 0.48616], [0.87123, 0.87411, 0.87595, 0.87893, 0.87915, 0.87886, 0.87907, 0.88008, 0.88105, 0.88221, 0.88285, 0.88283, 0.88326, 0.88541, 0.88634, 0.88833, 0.8894, 0.88899, 0.89033, 0.88987, 0.88939, 0.88971, 0.89122, 0.89147, 0.89132, 0.89117, 0.89066, 0.89021, 0.89013, 0.88926, 0.8891, 0.88799, 0.88887, 0.88747, 0.88642, 0.88505, 0.88292, 0.88249, 0.88199, 0.88167, 0.88185, 0.8815, 0.88098, 0.88058, 0.88008, 0.87968, 0.87916, 0.879, 0.87891, 0.87859, 0.88089, 0.88015, 0.87879, 0.87645, 0.87433, 0.87466, 0.87502, 0.87567, 0.8748, 0.87431, 0.87379, 0.87258, 0.87022, 0.87123], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.432, 0.42674, 0.42166, 0.41663, 0.41652, 0.41615, 0.41604, 0.41376, 0.41223, 0.41044, 0.40892, 0.40616, 0.40403, 0.40349, 0.40315, 0.40265, 0.40062, 0.39908, 0.39733, 0.40123, 0.40524, 0.40935, 0.40954, 0.40978, 0.41, 0.41023, 0.41044, 0.41067, 0.41099, 0.4115, 0.41192, 0.41284, 0.41376, 0.41466, 0.4149, 0.41511, 0.41533, 0.41556, 0.41578, 0.416, 0.41623, 0.41644, 0.41667, 0.41689, 0.41711, 0.41733, 0.41849, 0.41996, 0.42133, 0.42306, 0.42351, 0.4253, 0.43316, 0.44005, 0.44732, 0.44783, 0.44818, 0.448, 0.44845, 0.44897, 0.44928, 0.45105, 0.45278, 0.45394, 0.4543, 0.45376, 0.45337, 0.44598, 0.43931, 0.432], [0.85898, 0.86031, 0.86012, 0.86224, 0.86229, 0.86171, 0.86176, 0.86275, 0.86436, 0.8661, 0.86758, 0.86694, 0.86775, 0.86795, 0.86881, 0.86887, 0.86913, 0.87071, 0.87167, 0.87299, 0.87294, 0.87358, 0.87361, 0.87308, 0.87308, 0.87308, 0.87344, 0.87367, 0.8732, 0.87266, 0.87308, 0.87398, 0.87366, 0.8736, 0.87358, 0.87308, 0.87308, 0.87308, 0.87359, 0.87359, 0.87359, 0.87308, 0.87308, 0.87308, 0.87344, 0.87367, 0.87236, 0.87329, 0.87299, 0.87261, 0.8707, 0.8702, 0.86803, 0.86445, 0.86097, 0.86073, 0.86032, 0.85967, 0.85967, 0.85981, 0.85959, 0.85837, 0.85746, 0.85563, 0.85506, 0.85439, 0.85447, 0.85613, 0.85714, 0.85898], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.4089, 0.40624, 0.40527, 0.40339, 0.40303, 0.40349, 0.40402, 0.40495, 0.40586, 0.40654, 0.40945, 0.412, 0.41533, 0.41865, 0.42575, 0.42576, 0.42576, 0.42338, 0.42267, 0.41858, 0.4146, 0.41063, 0.4096, 0.41016, 0.4089], [0.7853, 0.78733, 0.79072, 0.7937, 0.79427, 0.79479, 0.79494, 0.7952, 0.79441, 0.79407, 0.79264, 0.79056, 0.79033, 0.78661, 0.78597, 0.78033, 0.7789, 0.78043, 0.779, 0.78067, 0.7805, 0.78294, 0.78358, 0.78434, 0.7853], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcc7226, -1, [0.363, 0.36322, 0.37494, 0.37492, 0.37484, 0.36196, 0.36135, 0.36108, 0.34856, 0.34833, 0.34878, 0.36256, 0.363], [0.87293, 0.87292, 0.87254, 0.87235, 0.87183, 0.87008, 0.87037, 0.87049, 0.86644, 0.86667, 0.86689, 0.87293, 0.87293], "MCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.38867, 0.38867, 0.364, 0.35667, 0.34933, 0.31833, 0.31333, 0.31333, 0.291, 0.26267, 0.26267, 0.27533, 0.279, 0.279, 0.30167, 0.30133, 0.30133, 0.32167, 0.32067, 0.32067, 0.36133, 0.358, 0.358, 0.394, 0.39233, 0.39233, 0.42367, 0.419, 0.419, 0.40933, 0.42, 0.42, 0.41433, 0.40533, 0.39633, 0.40133, 0.393, 0.393, 0.38867, 0.381, 0.381, 0.37167, 0.357, 0.357, 0.306, 0.30267, 0.30267, 0.29667, 0.29267, 0.29267, 0.283, 0.278, 0.278, 0.25667, 0.25467, 0.25467, 0.249, 0.24767, 0.24767, 0.25833, 0.26167, 0.26167, 0.285, 0.294, 0.294, 0.30133, 0.30267, 0.30267, 0.32667, 0.33367, 0.33367, 0.349, 0.353, 0.353, 0.36267, 0.372, 0.372, 0.37733, 0.376, 0.376, 0.37867, 0.38033, 0.38033, 0.386, 0.394, 0.394, 0.40067, 0.39733, 0.39733, 0.39, 0.37033, 0.37033, 0.34967, 0.32233, 0.32233, 0.27267, 0.25733, 0.25733, 0.24667, 0.23767, 0.23767, 0.228, 0.218, 0.218, 0.23433, 0.24933, 0.24933, 0.256, 0.24967, 0.24967, 0.24367, 0.24633, 0.24633, 0.24533, 0.244, 0.244, 0.231, 0.231, 0.231, 0.233, 0.23367, 0.23433, 0.232, 0.23833, 0.24467, 0.24933, 0.25067, 0.252, 0.24733, 0.247, 0.24667, 0.23967, 0.241, 0.241, 0.24267, 0.244, 0.244, 0.243, 0.244, 0.244, 0.24533, 0.24767, 0.25, 0.25333, 0.254, 0.25467, 0.25467, 0.257, 0.26267, 0.26267, 0.258, 0.26167, 0.26167, 0.26, 0.263, 0.263, 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0.76533, 0.77167, 0.775, 0.775, 0.79167, 0.793, 0.793, 0.798, 0.80033, 0.80033, 0.81567, 0.81567, 0.81567, 0.807, 0.81867, 0.81867, 0.82167, 0.81967, 0.81967, 0.824, 0.82767, 0.82767, 0.83067, 0.82433, 0.82433, 0.81833, 0.82167, 0.82167, 0.822, 0.818, 0.818, 0.81167, 0.81133, 0.81133, 0.81033, 0.79767, 0.79767, 0.78033, 0.763, 0.763, 0.74833, 0.74633, 0.74633, 0.745, 0.73267, 0.73267, 0.74233, 0.74233, 0.74233, 0.74633, 0.74033, 0.74033, 0.72767, 0.71867, 0.71867, 0.71, 0.70733, 0.70733, 0.686, 0.682, 0.678, 0.66167, 0.66067, 0.65967, 0.66333, 0.65933, 0.65533, 0.65267, 0.648, 0.64333, 0.657, 0.66, 0.663, 0.675, 0.679, 0.679, 0.67733, 0.675, 0.675, 0.676, 0.682, 0.682, 0.69067, 0.696, 0.70133, 0.70767, 0.709, 0.71033, 0.72, 0.71567, 0.71133, 0.71133, 0.71567, 0.71933, 0.71933, 0.72867, 0.733, 0.733, 0.747, 0.74867, 0.75033, 0.74967, 0.74967, 0.74967, 0.75667, 0.754, 0.754, 0.75133, 0.75133, 0.75133, 0.748, 0.755, 0.762, 0.771, 0.77067, 0.768, 0.772, 0.77067, 0.77067, 0.771, 0.77167, 0.77233, 0.77, 0.773, 0.776, 0.77767, 0.77533, 0.773, 0.76967, 0.76967, 0.76967, 0.77933, 0.77567, 0.772, 0.76333, 0.753, 0.76667, 0.77167, 0.77167, 0.768, 0.77067, 0.77333, 0.783, 0.78267, 0.78233, 0.787, 0.78267, 0.77833, 0.76933, 0.76933, 0.76933, 0.77233, 0.77, 0.76767, 0.803, 0.803, 0.82067, 0.82633, 0.83767, 0.85667], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCLLLCCCCCCLLCCCCCCLLLLZ"], [-1, 0x4c0000, [0.419, 0.419, 0.394, 0.38, 0.38, 0.35767, 0.31667], [0.525, 0.525, 0.553, 0.55733, 0.55733, 0.56867, 0.55567], "MCC"], [-1, 0x4c0000, [0.37467, 0.37467, 0.33267, 0.307, 0.307, 0.27633, 0.26233], [0.55967, 0.55967, 0.573, 0.566, 0.566, 0.56267, 0.53967], "MCC"], [-1, 0x4c0000, [0.36867, 0.36867, 0.34033, 0.31567, 0.31567, 0.288, 0.26033, 0.26033, 0.24, 0.231], [0.56167, 0.56167, 0.57367, 0.57733, 0.57733, 0.58167, 0.56967, 0.56967, 0.55967, 0.54267], "MCCC"], [-1, 0x4c0000, [0.37033, 0.37033, 0.34467, 0.343, 0.343, 0.33133, 0.30967, 0.30967, 0.274, 0.24533], [0.561, 0.561, 0.57933, 0.58167, 0.58167, 0.6, 0.60067, 0.60067, 0.59933, 0.586], "MCCC"], [0, -1, [0.36816, 0.37073, 0.41567, 0.41567, 0.47433, 0.42767, 0.42767, 0.415, 0.39967, 0.39967, 0.39767, 0.423, 0.423, 0.42967, 0.45233, 0.45233, 0.441, 0.449, 0.449, 0.45367, 0.48767, 0.48767, 0.49367, 0.50034, 0.50034, 0.52367, 0.513, 0.513, 0.517, 0.52634, 0.52634, 0.545, 0.51767, 0.51767, 0.46767, 0.45633, 0.45633, 0.45233, 0.467, 0.467, 0.481, 0.455, 0.455, 0.459, 0.47433, 0.47433, 0.49167, 0.495, 0.495, 0.525, 0.54234, 0.54234, 0.54567, 0.53634, 0.539, 0.54167, 0.54967, 0.54967, 0.54567, 0.54634, 0.54634, 0.57434, 0.55833, 0.55833, 0.53234, 0.557, 0.557, 0.56234, 0.577, 0.577, 0.57234, 0.56967, 0.56967, 0.57767, 0.573, 0.573, 0.563, 0.561, 0.561, 0.57234, 0.55567, 0.55567, 0.56167, 0.55367, 0.55367, 0.54567, 0.535, 0.535, 0.539, 0.52167, 0.52167, 0.50767, 0.51234, 0.51234, 0.499, 0.495, 0.495, 0.49367, 0.48967, 0.49834, 0.507, 0.50567, 0.50567, 0.49767, 0.569, 0.569, 0.57567, 0.577, 0.577, 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0.543, 0.543, 0.543, 0.543, 0.54267, 0.54233, 0.54367, 0.54733, 0.551, 0.551, 0.551, 0.551, 0.548, 0.54833, 0.54867, 0.544, 0.544, 0.54467, 0.552, 0.55167, 0.55133, 0.56067, 0.55967, 0.55694, 0.574, 0.574, 0.57633, 0.581, 0.581, 0.58433, 0.56033, 0.56033, 0.558, 0.55633, 0.55633, 0.559, 0.568, 0.568, 0.56962, 0.57184, 0.57599], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0x4c0000, -1, [0.32833, 0.32833, 0.34767, 0.352, 0.35633, 0.37967, 0.37967, 0.37967, 0.37067, 0.36633, 0.362, 0.344, 0.344, 0.344, 0.33767, 0.32833], [0.59533, 0.59533, 0.586, 0.58133, 0.57667, 0.55767, 0.55767, 0.55767, 0.561, 0.564, 0.567, 0.58067, 0.58067, 0.58067, 0.59067, 0.59533], "MCCCCCZ"], [0x99cc32, -1, [0.23165, 0.23221, 0.23134, 0.231, 0.2293, 0.21433, 0.21433, 0.21395, 0.21386, 0.21404, 0.21404, 0.22215, 0.23165], [0.64733, 0.64758, 0.6521, 0.653, 0.65754, 0.66, 0.66, 0.65772, 0.65506, 0.65234, 0.65234, 0.64314, 0.64733], "MCCCCZ"], [0x659900, -1, [0.23165, 0.2309, 0.23163, 0.23133, 0.22963, 0.21433, 0.21433, 0.21395, 0.21386, 0.21404, 0.21404, 0.22115, 0.23165], [0.64766, 0.6474, 0.65222, 0.653, 0.65754, 0.66017, 0.66017, 0.65789, 0.65523, 0.6525, 0.6525, 0.64397, 0.64766], "MCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.22433, 0.22329, 0.22245, 0.22245, 0.22245, 0.22329, 0.22433, 0.22538, 0.22622, 0.22622, 0.22622, 0.22538, 0.22433], [0.64742, 0.64742, 0.64932, 0.65167, 0.65401, 0.65591, 0.65591, 0.65591, 0.65401, 0.65167, 0.64932, 0.64742, 0.64742], "MCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.22433], [0.65167], "MZ"], [0, -1, [0.14833, 0.14833, 0.139, 0.18033, 0.18033, 0.20367, 0.20767, 0.20967, 0.22361, 0.22833, 0.23967, 0.25367, 0.25367, 0.25367, 0.26133, 0.266, 0.27067, 0.26533, 0.26533, 0.26533, 0.25433, 0.255, 0.255, 0.24633, 0.21967, 0.21967, 0.19275, 0.195, 0.195, 0.20967, 0.21367, 0.21367, 0.23167, 0.21833, 0.207, 0.207, 0.20723, 0.19033, 0.174, 0.15683, 0.15683, 0.15683, 0.13025, 0.14833], [0.484, 0.484, 0.46733, 0.47733, 0.47733, 0.47933, 0.48333, 0.482, 0.47711, 0.476, 0.47333, 0.49, 0.49, 0.49, 0.5075, 0.5075, 0.5075, 0.50483, 0.50483, 0.50483, 0.488, 0.48533, 0.48533, 0.452, 0.45066, 0.45066, 0.44908, 0.43933, 0.43933, 0.44333, 0.43933, 0.43933, 0.44, 0.42933, 0.41, 0.41, 0.40347, 0.40933, 0.415, 0.4365, 0.4365, 0.4365, 0.46075, 0.484], "MCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCZ"], [0xe59999, -1, [0.14633, 0.14633, 0.143, 0.20433, 0.20433, 0.21167, 0.21567, 0.21967, 0.23967, 0.243, 0.243, 0.231, 0.21167, 0.21167, 0.18967, 0.19033, 0.19033, 0.197, 0.205, 0.205, 0.20967, 0.209, 0.20833, 0.20367, 0.20033, 0.197, 0.19167, 0.189, 0.18633, 0.17233, 0.165, 0.15767, 0.14367, 0.14433, 0.145, 0.14633, 0.14633], [0.47733, 0.47733, 0.46133, 0.47866, 0.47866, 0.47866, 0.47733, 0.476, 0.47133, 0.47333, 0.47333, 0.45066, 0.45333, 0.45333, 0.45066, 0.44266, 0.44266, 0.43066, 0.42666, 0.42666, 0.42266, 0.41733, 0.412, 0.40933, 0.408, 0.40666, 0.412, 0.412, 0.412, 0.42266, 0.43066, 0.43866, 0.45867, 0.46333, 0.468, 0.47733, 0.47733], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xb26565, -1, [0.15167, 0.156, 0.16133, 0.165, 0.17233, 0.18633, 0.189, 0.19167, 0.197, 0.20033, 0.20367, 0.20833, 0.209, 0.20967, 0.205, 0.205, 0.19989, 0.19532, 0.19269, 0.19269, 0.193, 0.18433, 0.17567, 0.167, 0.16433, 0.16167, 0.15767, 0.16033, 0.163, 0.167, 0.16967, 0.17233, 0.17167, 0.16767, 0.16367, 0.159, 0.15167], [0.44825, 0.44166, 0.43466, 0.43066, 0.42266, 0.412, 0.412, 0.412, 0.40666, 0.408, 0.40933, 0.412, 0.41733, 0.42266, 0.42666, 0.42666, 0.42922, 0.43504, 0.43891, 0.43891, 0.43466, 0.436, 0.43733, 0.442, 0.44733, 0.45266, 0.45667, 0.45066, 0.44466, 0.43866, 0.438, 0.43733, 0.43533, 0.436, 0.43666, 0.43733, 0.446], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0x992600, -1, [0.14733, 0.14733, 0.15033, 0.15233, 0.15233, 0.151, 0.155, 0.159, 0.16233, 0.16733, 0.17233, 0.17267, 0.17933, 0.186, 0.196, 0.20067, 0.20533, 0.205, 0.205, 0.205, 0.21633, 0.239, 0.239, 0.212, 0.23833, 0.23833, 0.23033, 0.23583, 0.2395, 0.23867, 0.22033, 0.22033, 0.212, 0.20333, 0.19467, 0.17467, 0.17267, 0.17067, 0.16533, 0.162, 0.15867, 0.154, 0.15333, 0.15333, 0.15133, 0.149, 0.14667, 0.14633, 0.14633, 0.14633, 0.143, 0.14333, 0.14333, 0.14467, 0.144, 0.14733], [0.48333, 0.48333, 0.506, 0.51267, 0.51267, 0.524, 0.531, 0.538, 0.54833, 0.55733, 0.56633, 0.573, 0.57567, 0.57833, 0.59267, 0.59433, 0.596, 0.59467, 0.59467, 0.59467, 0.61933, 0.61267, 0.61267, 0.61733, 0.633, 0.633, 0.63117, 0.64283, 0.65061, 0.63933, 0.61967, 0.61967, 0.60533, 0.60033, 0.59533, 0.58367, 0.57733, 0.571, 0.56133, 0.55867, 0.556, 0.549, 0.54333, 0.54333, 0.53667, 0.53467, 0.53267, 0.52733, 0.524, 0.52067, 0.516, 0.512, 0.512, 0.48033, 0.477, 0.48333], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.133, 0.133, 0.12967, 0.12233, 0.12233, 0.1345, 0.1345, 0.1345, 0.13633, 0.13417, 0.132, 0.1305, 0.1305, 0.133], [0.47566, 0.47566, 0.478, 0.468, 0.468, 0.413, 0.41066, 0.41066, 0.41416, 0.42616, 0.43816, 0.45933, 0.45933, 0.47566], "MCCCCLZ"], [0x992600, -1, [0.169, 0.169, 0.13967, 0.14033, 0.139, 0.139, 0.137, 0.135, 0.133, 0.13967, 0.13433, 0.13433, 0.111, 0.12433, 0.12433, 0.12683, 0.12183, 0.12183, 0.11417, 0.116, 0.116, 0.11633, 0.1195, 0.1195, 0.13383, 0.13833, 0.13833, 0.14133, 0.167, 0.167, 0.1765, 0.169], [0.57667, 0.57667, 0.57133, 0.52267, 0.48133, 0.48133, 0.524, 0.52667, 0.52933, 0.548, 0.538, 0.538, 0.51467, 0.47933, 0.47933, 0.47383, 0.4815, 0.4815, 0.5025, 0.51317, 0.51317, 0.51683, 0.5215, 0.5215, 0.541, 0.54483, 0.54483, 0.56883, 0.5775, 0.5775, 0.58133, 0.57667], "MCLCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.40133, 0.40243, 0.40242, 0.40338, 0.4053, 0.40557, 0.40644, 0.40789, 0.40821, 0.40918, 0.40964, 0.40968, 0.40916, 0.4072, 0.40603, 0.40363, 0.40318, 0.40275, 0.40241, 0.40164, 0.39954, 0.39811, 0.39763, 0.39851, 0.39731, 0.39582, 0.3934, 0.39302, 0.39204, 0.39372, 0.39533, 0.39403, 0.39459, 0.39484, 0.39602, 0.39403, 0.39276, 0.39272, 0.39329, 0.39324, 0.39121, 0.38879, 0.38576, 0.38449, 0.38304, 0.38221, 0.3816, 0.38092, 0.38133, 0.37561, 0.37186, 0.36751, 0.36674, 0.36722, 0.36814, 0.3695, 0.37109, 0.37187, 0.37252, 0.37311, 0.37393, 0.37415, 0.37385, 0.37408, 0.37846, 0.38124, 0.38533, 0.38858, 0.39114, 0.39406, 0.39457, 0.39544, 0.39593, 0.39885, 0.39885, 0.39902, 0.39911, 0.39943, 0.40133], [0.687, 0.68759, 0.68921, 0.6895, 0.69007, 0.69185, 0.69315, 0.69535, 0.69791, 0.70039, 0.70156, 0.70315, 0.70425, 0.70838, 0.71247, 0.71651, 0.71726, 0.71858, 0.71958, 0.72189, 0.72354, 0.72574, 0.72647, 0.72802, 0.72816, 0.72833, 0.7293, 0.72759, 0.72328, 0.71907, 0.715, 0.71385, 0.71231, 0.71103, 0.70502, 0.69944, 0.69365, 0.69347, 0.69314, 0.69304, 0.68856, 0.68449, 0.68052, 0.67887, 0.67734, 0.67557, 0.67426, 0.67265, 0.671, 0.66637, 0.65996, 0.65355, 0.65242, 0.6504, 0.64995, 0.64929, 0.651, 0.6524, 0.65357, 0.65465, 0.65572, 0.65602, 0.65671, 0.65692, 0.66083, 0.66572, 0.66967, 0.67022, 0.67188, 0.67357, 0.67386, 0.67345, 0.67378, 0.67574, 0.67913, 0.68231, 0.68379, 0.68598, 0.687], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.3866, 0.3868, 0.38655, 0.38673, 0.387, 0.38767, 0.38794, 0.38812, 0.38785, 0.38808, 0.39196, 0.39239, 0.39067, 0.39237, 0.39248, 0.39177, 0.39034, 0.39002, 0.3884, 0.38706, 0.38443, 0.38215, 0.38144, 0.38091, 0.38137, 0.38148, 0.38196, 0.38191, 0.38173, 0.38082, 0.38081, 0.38076, 0.37917, 0.38022, 0.38151, 0.38287, 0.384, 0.38194, 0.38366, 0.38074, 0.38052, 0.38053, 0.38074, 0.38122, 0.3819, 0.38271, 0.38304, 0.38362, 0.38396, 0.38492, 0.38558, 0.3866], [0.69444, 0.69457, 0.69528, 0.69564, 0.69618, 0.69649, 0.69703, 0.69739, 0.69802, 0.69826, 0.70234, 0.70738, 0.71233, 0.71337, 0.71547, 0.71688, 0.71972, 0.72292, 0.7255, 0.72761, 0.72968, 0.72751, 0.72685, 0.72554, 0.72435, 0.72408, 0.72383, 0.7237, 0.72316, 0.72278, 0.72233, 0.71984, 0.71732, 0.7151, 0.71239, 0.70929, 0.70633, 0.70281, 0.69872, 0.6956, 0.69535, 0.69471, 0.69437, 0.69356, 0.69289, 0.6924, 0.6922, 0.6922, 0.6924, 0.693, 0.69382, 0.69444], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.49128, 0.4936, 0.49408, 0.49067, 0.49159, 0.49717, 0.50067, 0.50049, 0.50086, 0.50134, 0.5031, 0.50423, 0.506, 0.50672, 0.50946, 0.51053, 0.5134, 0.51242, 0.50811, 0.50778, 0.50814, 0.50793, 0.50667, 0.50322, 0.5, 0.49804, 0.49694, 0.494, 0.49131, 0.49015, 0.48792, 0.4857, 0.48475, 0.48482, 0.48483, 0.48558, 0.4853, 0.48518, 0.48474, 0.48474, 0.48474, 0.48511, 0.48534, 0.48381, 0.48143, 0.48094, 0.47935, 0.48364, 0.48642, 0.4874, 0.48618, 0.48491, 0.48418, 0.48436, 0.48482, 0.48608, 0.48873, 0.49128], [0.71163, 0.70864, 0.70398, 0.70167, 0.69615, 0.69945, 0.70033, 0.70098, 0.70155, 0.70156, 0.70159, 0.70331, 0.703, 0.7056, 0.70677, 0.70906, 0.71522, 0.72234, 0.72776, 0.72818, 0.72904, 0.72964, 0.73333, 0.73385, 0.735, 0.74146, 0.74818, 0.75433, 0.75475, 0.75765, 0.75885, 0.76005, 0.75742, 0.75567, 0.75533, 0.75496, 0.75435, 0.75408, 0.75389, 0.75367, 0.75344, 0.75322, 0.753, 0.75163, 0.75084, 0.74893, 0.74275, 0.73754, 0.7322, 0.73031, 0.72819, 0.72618, 0.72502, 0.72314, 0.72172, 0.71783, 0.71493, 0.71163], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.42935, 0.42687, 0.42119, 0.42605, 0.42637, 0.42699, 0.42728, 0.43064, 0.43398, 0.43804, 0.43825, 0.43871, 0.43932, 0.44201, 0.44536, 0.44733, 0.45361, 0.45955, 0.4652, 0.46714, 0.46926, 0.47126, 0.47355, 0.47556, 0.47741, 0.47763, 0.47822, 0.47867, 0.4786, 0.4802, 0.48062, 0.48077, 0.48052, 0.48074, 0.4843, 0.48584, 0.48389, 0.48342, 0.483, 0.48206, 0.48025, 0.47841, 0.47667, 0.4764, 0.47519, 0.47454, 0.47311, 0.47089, 0.46946, 0.46719, 0.46512, 0.46275, 0.46223, 0.46093, 0.46067, 0.46044, 0.4602, 0.46002, 0.45684, 0.45474, 0.45257, 0.4524, 0.45166, 0.4514, 0.4498, 0.44913, 0.44729, 0.44696, 0.44637, 0.44605, 0.44497, 0.44436, 0.44329, 0.44274, 0.44208, 0.44213, 0.44254, 0.44362, 0.44267, 0.44613, 0.45032, 0.45333, 0.45336, 0.45451, 0.45432, 0.45431, 0.45383, 0.45362, 0.4531, 0.45461, 0.4532, 0.45086, 0.44871, 0.44733, 0.44427, 0.44083, 0.4382, 0.43652, 0.43556, 0.43422, 0.43258, 0.43314, 0.43326, 0.43327, 0.43274, 0.43274, 0.43274, 0.43311, 0.43333, 0.43216, 0.4317, 0.43, 0.43051, 0.42938, 0.42793, 0.4246, 0.42181, 0.41866, 0.4178, 0.41702, 0.41594, 0.41522, 0.41405, 0.41344, 0.4123, 0.41132, 0.41005, 0.40736, 0.40523, 0.40276, 0.40028, 0.39869, 0.39689, 0.39532, 0.3951, 0.39746, 0.40054, 0.40271, 0.40599, 0.40651, 0.40685, 0.40667, 0.40732, 0.40768, 0.408, 0.40943, 0.41137, 0.41293, 0.41455, 0.41746, 0.41915, 0.4217, 0.42077, 0.424, 0.42302, 0.42201, 0.42145, 0.42098, 0.42264, 0.42466, 0.42676, 0.42719, 0.428, 0.42844, 0.42923, 0.42916, 0.4284, 0.42669, 0.42592, 0.42582, 0.42532, 0.42467, 0.42389, 0.41713, 0.41289, 0.41222, 0.41221, 0.4129, 0.41523, 0.4185, 0.42133, 0.42169, 0.42312, 0.42534, 0.42577, 0.42616, 0.4267, 0.42728, 0.42812, 0.42859, 0.43147, 0.43382, 0.43672, 0.43704, 0.43761, 0.43797, 0.43851, 0.43882, 0.43936, 0.43994, 0.44034, 0.44067, 0.43959, 0.43958, 0.43861, 0.43732, 0.43639, 0.43526, 0.43478, 0.43368, 0.4335, 0.43251, 0.43054, 0.42935], [0.68098, 0.6779, 0.67362, 0.6704, 0.67019, 0.67018, 0.67041, 0.67302, 0.67452, 0.67549, 0.67554, 0.67476, 0.67503, 0.6762, 0.6761, 0.67833, 0.67796, 0.67982, 0.682, 0.68275, 0.68368, 0.68452, 0.68548, 0.68702, 0.68892, 0.68915, 0.689, 0.689, 0.69044, 0.69065, 0.69169, 0.69207, 0.69273, 0.6929, 0.69562, 0.69898, 0.70294, 0.70391, 0.70494, 0.70573, 0.70725, 0.70583, 0.70633, 0.70529, 0.70557, 0.70524, 0.70451, 0.70549, 0.70476, 0.7036, 0.70332, 0.70269, 0.70255, 0.70271, 0.70167, 0.70189, 0.70228, 0.70224, 0.70158, 0.70123, 0.69841, 0.69818, 0.69848, 0.69826, 0.69691, 0.69486, 0.69374, 0.69353, 0.69381, 0.6936, 0.69288, 0.69181, 0.69106, 0.69068, 0.69122, 0.69165, 0.6949, 0.69787, 0.701, 0.7052, 0.70845, 0.713, 0.71661, 0.72019, 0.72365, 0.72397, 0.72519, 0.72577, 0.72719, 0.72897, 0.73018, 0.73218, 0.73072, 0.72833, 0.72768, 0.72653, 0.72858, 0.7299, 0.73141, 0.73317, 0.73534, 0.73773, 0.74034, 0.74055, 0.74078, 0.741, 0.74122, 0.74144, 0.74167, 0.74271, 0.74447, 0.745, 0.74682, 0.74829, 0.7488, 0.74995, 0.74676, 0.74664, 0.74661, 0.74834, 0.74888, 0.74924, 0.7493, 0.74885, 0.74801, 0.74782, 0.74748, 0.74675, 0.74493, 0.7435, 0.74208, 0.73968, 0.73748, 0.73556, 0.73154, 0.7307, 0.72962, 0.73413, 0.73358, 0.7335, 0.73298, 0.73233, 0.73215, 0.73253, 0.733, 0.7313, 0.73074, 0.72928, 0.72778, 0.72848, 0.72681, 0.72431, 0.71984, 0.71767, 0.71548, 0.71335, 0.71097, 0.70896, 0.70697, 0.70712, 0.70728, 0.70854, 0.71033, 0.70989, 0.70939, 0.70903, 0.70506, 0.70173, 0.69768, 0.69715, 0.69682, 0.697, 0.69008, 0.6861, 0.68082, 0.67998, 0.6779, 0.67723, 0.67492, 0.6775, 0.67833, 0.68034, 0.68191, 0.68182, 0.6818, 0.68271, 0.68292, 0.68315, 0.68278, 0.68311, 0.6851, 0.68694, 0.68893, 0.68914, 0.68888, 0.68906, 0.68933, 0.68998, 0.69028, 0.69062, 0.69013, 0.68967, 0.68908, 0.68749, 0.68715, 0.68671, 0.68585, 0.68511, 0.68478, 0.6852, 0.6849, 0.68319, 0.68246, 0.68098], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.337, 0.337, 0.3216, 0.303, 0.303, 0.299, 0.295, 0.291, 0.27233, 0.269, 0.25167, 0.25167, 0.27633, 0.28167, 0.28167, 0.295, 0.28967, 0.28967, 0.26633, 0.26833, 0.26833, 0.259, 0.25767, 0.25767, 0.28433, 0.28833, 0.29233, 0.29433, 0.29233, 0.29033, 0.28967, 0.285, 0.285, 0.29833, 0.297, 0.297, 0.30233, 0.30633, 0.30433, 0.31167, 0.31167, 0.30767, 0.31033, 0.31033, 0.307, 0.31367, 0.32033, 0.33633, 0.33633, 0.33633, 0.32767, 0.31233, 0.30567, 0.30367, 0.30367, 0.29767, 0.305, 0.31233, 0.31167, 0.31167, 0.31167, 0.32233, 0.325, 0.325, 0.347, 0.349, 0.349, 0.36033, 0.345, 0.345, 0.32033, 0.32233, 0.33433, 0.34033, 0.33767, 0.33767], [0.76333, 0.76333, 0.76812, 0.72533, 0.72533, 0.71667, 0.71333, 0.71, 0.704, 0.69733, 0.67067, 0.67067, 0.69733, 0.70133, 0.70133, 0.71533, 0.704, 0.704, 0.686, 0.67067, 0.67067, 0.64667, 0.64333, 0.64333, 0.69667, 0.69867, 0.70067, 0.70067, 0.69467, 0.68867, 0.66133, 0.658, 0.658, 0.692, 0.69733, 0.69733, 0.70333, 0.69467, 0.668, 0.648, 0.648, 0.66667, 0.69267, 0.69267, 0.71, 0.70067, 0.69133, 0.68133, 0.67333, 0.67333, 0.70267, 0.71067, 0.70067, 0.704, 0.704, 0.70533, 0.71667, 0.728, 0.72933, 0.72933, 0.72933, 0.71733, 0.71733, 0.71733, 0.73, 0.68933, 0.68933, 0.71333, 0.72467, 0.72467, 0.728, 0.73667, 0.75733, 0.766, 0.76133, 0.76133], "MCCCLCCCCCCCCCLLCCCCLLCCCCCCLCZ"], [0, -1, [0.30367, 0.30367, 0.28233, 0.277, 0.265, 0.265, 0.29367, 0.30033, 0.307, 0.30367, 0.30367], [0.736, 0.736, 0.736, 0.72733, 0.71133, 0.71133, 0.728, 0.73, 0.732, 0.736, 0.736], "MCLCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.237, 0.237, 0.23367, 0.233, 0.23233, 0.22833, 0.22967, 0.231, 0.23433, 0.23433, 0.23433, 0.237, 0.23833, 0.23967, 0.24233, 0.237], [0.72533, 0.72533, 0.72333, 0.71867, 0.714, 0.71333, 0.70867, 0.704, 0.7, 0.70667, 0.71333, 0.71667, 0.71867, 0.72067, 0.728, 0.72533], "MCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.22233, 0.22233, 0.20833, 0.203, 0.19767, 0.19842, 0.19033, 0.18059, 0.18233, 0.18233, 0.17567, 0.17567, 0.17367, 0.187, 0.19351, 0.19567, 0.193, 0.19033, 0.20233, 0.19767, 0.193, 0.217, 0.213, 0.22233], [0.62333, 0.62333, 0.63, 0.636, 0.642, 0.63339, 0.634, 0.63474, 0.66133, 0.66133, 0.64867, 0.64867, 0.62467, 0.62867, 0.63062, 0.628, 0.62667, 0.62533, 0.62467, 0.622, 0.61933, 0.628, 0.61067, 0.62333], "MCCCLCCCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.20133, 0.20133, 0.17567, 0.16967, 0.16967, 0.16167, 0.16533, 0.169, 0.171, 0.171, 0.171, 0.18, 0.179, 0.178, 0.174, 0.174, 0.174, 0.191, 0.20133], [0.59933, 0.59933, 0.592, 0.608, 0.608, 0.604, 0.599, 0.594, 0.59333, 0.59333, 0.59333, 0.59133, 0.59, 0.58867, 0.583, 0.583, 0.583, 0.593, 0.59933], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.582, 0.58129, 0.57851, 0.57534, 0.57214, 0.56781, 0.56467, 0.56388, 0.56258, 0.56201, 0.56123, 0.56168, 0.56111, 0.56021, 0.55902, 0.55934, 0.56235, 0.56334, 0.56255, 0.56243, 0.56172, 0.56205, 0.56236, 0.56289, 0.56333, 0.56311, 0.56287, 0.56268, 0.56167, 0.56187, 0.56209, 0.56307, 0.56642, 0.56867, 0.5691, 0.56994, 0.57067, 0.57058, 0.57126, 0.5716, 0.57246, 0.57517, 0.5765, 0.5783, 0.58007, 0.58186, 0.58488, 0.58773, 0.58973, 0.59068, 0.59108, 0.59099, 0.59092, 0.58862, 0.58805, 0.58698, 0.59003, 0.59129, 0.59162, 0.59118, 0.59065, 0.58997, 0.58866, 0.58889, 0.59051, 0.58592, 0.582], [0.469, 0.46544, 0.46411, 0.463, 0.4646, 0.46977, 0.46633, 0.46713, 0.46723, 0.46833, 0.46983, 0.47158, 0.4729, 0.47502, 0.4773, 0.47966, 0.48085, 0.48403, 0.48697, 0.4874, 0.48772, 0.4883, 0.48884, 0.48922, 0.48967, 0.48944, 0.48905, 0.48909, 0.48926, 0.49032, 0.49097, 0.49388, 0.49432, 0.49233, 0.49328, 0.49295, 0.493, 0.49397, 0.49484, 0.49554, 0.49737, 0.49553, 0.49655, 0.49792, 0.49909, 0.49808, 0.4964, 0.49438, 0.49148, 0.49008, 0.48795, 0.48635, 0.48528, 0.48586, 0.48431, 0.4814, 0.48054, 0.4783, 0.47772, 0.47722, 0.47705, 0.47684, 0.47716, 0.4764, 0.47108, 0.46995, 0.469], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, -1, [0.566, 0.56599, 0.56332, 0.56534, 0.56556, 0.56578, 0.566, 0.56623, 0.56644, 0.56667, 0.56916, 0.57525, 0.57501, 0.57497, 0.57316, 0.57467, 0.57165, 0.57156, 0.57, 0.56794, 0.56592, 0.564, 0.56459, 0.56439, 0.56576, 0.56648, 0.566, 0.566], [0.43633, 0.43923, 0.44216, 0.445, 0.44478, 0.44441, 0.44441, 0.44441, 0.44478, 0.445, 0.4413, 0.43976, 0.43502, 0.43427, 0.43274, 0.43166, 0.42942, 0.42547, 0.42233, 0.42281, 0.42341, 0.42433, 0.42681, 0.42962, 0.43182, 0.43298, 0.43478, 0.43633], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.289, 0.289, 0.2609, 0.28433, 0.299, 0.31567, 0.31567, 0.31567, 0.333, 0.339, 0.345, 0.37033, 0.37567, 0.381, 0.397, 0.40833, 0.41967, 0.433, 0.433, 0.433, 0.40567, 0.39967, 0.39367, 0.38167, 0.37167, 0.37167, 0.347, 0.34167, 0.33633, 0.319, 0.31633, 0.31367, 0.317, 0.319, 0.321, 0.31767, 0.30433, 0.291, 0.289, 0.289], [0.45133, 0.45133, 0.43444, 0.46, 0.476, 0.48533, 0.48533, 0.48533, 0.49267, 0.49467, 0.49667, 0.50533, 0.506, 0.50667, 0.51333, 0.50667, 0.5, 0.49267, 0.49267, 0.49267, 0.50667, 0.50267, 0.49867, 0.49933, 0.494, 0.494, 0.48666, 0.48333, 0.48, 0.46066, 0.462, 0.46333, 0.464, 0.46866, 0.47333, 0.476, 0.46533, 0.45466, 0.45133, 0.45133], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.30134, 0.30134, 0.30369, 0.31782, 0.31782, 0.33153, 0.33607, 0.33607, 0.34963, 0.35182, 0.38262, 0.40715, 0.40806, 0.40897, 0.44168, 0.44769, 0.44834, 0.43064, 0.41448, 0.40069, 0.36469, 0.34651, 0.34155, 0.32665, 0.32243, 0.31821, 0.30134, 0.30134], [0.46128, 0.46128, 0.48301, 0.48024, 0.48024, 0.48718, 0.49046, 0.49046, 0.4933, 0.49433, 0.50883, 0.5013, 0.50316, 0.50503, 0.49317, 0.48636, 0.48562, 0.49569, 0.49884, 0.50153, 0.49843, 0.4892, 0.48668, 0.47704, 0.47723, 0.47742, 0.46128, 0.46128], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.295, 0.295, 0.26967, 0.29767, 0.29767, 0.32767, 0.33433, 0.33433, 0.357, 0.36167, 0.36633, 0.41633, 0.417, 0.41767, 0.427, 0.42967, 0.43233, 0.431, 0.42633, 0.42167, 0.36967, 0.359, 0.34833, 0.329, 0.321, 0.313, 0.295, 0.295], [0.41866, 0.41866, 0.42266, 0.42533, 0.42533, 0.42866, 0.43733, 0.43733, 0.45266, 0.45333, 0.454, 0.466, 0.47, 0.474, 0.474, 0.47266, 0.47133, 0.46933, 0.468, 0.46667, 0.43933, 0.43733, 0.43533, 0.42266, 0.42066, 0.41866, 0.41866, 0.41866], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.32753, 0.32753, 0.31323, 0.32756, 0.32756, 0.34226, 0.34567, 0.34567, 0.35728, 0.35967, 0.36206, 0.38532, 0.38566, 0.38601, 0.44278, 0.45015, 0.455, 0.4385, 0.42244, 0.42018, 0.36376, 0.3583, 0.35284, 0.34294, 0.33884, 0.33475, 0.32753, 0.32753], [0.43099, 0.43099, 0.43238, 0.43374, 0.43374, 0.43945, 0.44389, 0.44389, 0.45174, 0.45208, 0.45242, 0.45856, 0.46061, 0.46266, 0.48363, 0.47831, 0.47481, 0.4776, 0.47026, 0.46922, 0.44491, 0.44389, 0.44286, 0.43638, 0.43535, 0.43433, 0.43099, 0.43099], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.31433, 0.31433, 0.323, 0.321, 0.319, 0.315, 0.315, 0.31433], [0.42733, 0.42733, 0.428, 0.42533, 0.42266, 0.424, 0.424, 0.42733], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.30233, 0.30233, 0.311, 0.309, 0.307, 0.303, 0.303, 0.30233], [0.42466, 0.42466, 0.42533, 0.42266, 0.42, 0.42133, 0.42133, 0.42466], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.285, 0.285, 0.29367, 0.29167, 0.28967, 0.28567, 0.28567, 0.285], [0.422, 0.422, 0.42266, 0.42, 0.41733, 0.41866, 0.41866, 0.422], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.27233, 0.27233, 0.281, 0.279, 0.277, 0.273, 0.273, 0.27233], [0.42066, 0.42066, 0.42133, 0.41866, 0.416, 0.41733, 0.41733, 0.42066], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.33633, 0.33633, 0.34367, 0.34167, 0.33967, 0.33433, 0.33433, 0.33633], [0.48666, 0.48666, 0.48666, 0.484, 0.48133, 0.482, 0.482, 0.48666], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.31967, 0.31967, 0.33051, 0.32633, 0.32433, 0.32033, 0.32033, 0.31967], [0.47733, 0.47733, 0.4809, 0.47533, 0.47266, 0.474, 0.474, 0.47733], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.301, 0.301, 0.30967, 0.30767, 0.30567, 0.30167, 0.30167, 0.301], [0.46933, 0.46933, 0.47, 0.46733, 0.46466, 0.466, 0.466, 0.46933], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.28833, 0.28833, 0.297, 0.295, 0.293, 0.289, 0.289, 0.28833], [0.45933, 0.45933, 0.46, 0.45733, 0.45466, 0.456, 0.456, 0.45933], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.277, 0.277, 0.28567, 0.28367, 0.28167, 0.27767, 0.27767, 0.277], [0.45133, 0.45133, 0.452, 0.44933, 0.44666, 0.448, 0.448, 0.45133], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.34214, 0.34214, 0.35367, 0.35101, 0.34835, 0.34302, 0.34302, 0.34214], [0.44067, 0.44067, 0.44156, 0.43801, 0.43446, 0.43623, 0.43623, 0.44067], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.35947, 0.35947, 0.371, 0.36834, 0.36568, 0.36036, 0.36036, 0.35947], [0.44867, 0.44867, 0.44956, 0.44601, 0.44246, 0.44423, 0.44423, 0.44867], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.37747, 0.37747, 0.389, 0.38634, 0.38368, 0.37836, 0.37836, 0.37747], [0.456, 0.456, 0.45689, 0.45334, 0.44979, 0.45157, 0.45157, 0.456], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.3948, 0.3948, 0.40634, 0.40368, 0.40102, 0.39569, 0.39569, 0.3948], [0.464, 0.464, 0.46489, 0.46134, 0.45779, 0.45957, 0.45957, 0.464], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.3488, 0.3488, 0.36034, 0.35768, 0.35502, 0.34836, 0.34836, 0.3488], [0.494, 0.494, 0.49489, 0.49134, 0.48779, 0.48823, 0.48823, 0.494], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.36547, 0.36547, 0.377, 0.37434, 0.37168, 0.36436, 0.36436, 0.36547], [0.49934, 0.49934, 0.50022, 0.49668, 0.49312, 0.49357, 0.49357, 0.49934], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.32767, 0.32767, 0.33633, 0.33433, 0.33233, 0.32833, 0.32833, 0.32767], [0.43266, 0.43266, 0.43333, 0.43066, 0.428, 0.42933, 0.42933, 0.43266], "MCCLZ"], [0x992600, -1, [0.20567, 0.20567, 0.19833, 0.19767, 0.19767, 0.199, 0.201, 0.203, 0.20567, 0.20567], [0.598, 0.598, 0.58333, 0.578, 0.578, 0.59267, 0.596, 0.59933, 0.598, 0.598], "MCCCZ"], [0x992600, -1, [0.175, 0.175, 0.16967, 0.17033, 0.17033, 0.16833, 0.169, 0.16967, 0.175, 0.175], [0.57467, 0.57467, 0.55067, 0.546, 0.546, 0.56533, 0.56733, 0.56933, 0.57467, 0.57467], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.20967, 0.20933, 0.20567, 0.20567, 0.22933, 0.23033, 0.23033, 0.23167, 0.20967], [0.699, 0.69367, 0.69333, 0.69333, 0.67233, 0.65967, 0.65967, 0.67333, 0.699], "MLLCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.21631, 0.21559, 0.21595, 0.21527, 0.21393, 0.21744, 0.21706, 0.21642, 0.21673, 0.21653, 0.21643, 0.21741, 0.21805, 0.22046, 0.21826, 0.22099, 0.2215, 0.22212, 0.2226, 0.2237, 0.22567, 0.22725, 0.22778, 0.22745, 0.2284, 0.22959, 0.23166, 0.23158, 0.23139, 0.22918, 0.22704, 0.2278, 0.22703, 0.22656, 0.22433, 0.22465, 0.22436, 0.22435, 0.22384, 0.22385, 0.22444, 0.22541, 0.22688, 0.22749, 0.22827, 0.22852, 0.22871, 0.22888, 0.2282, 0.23159, 0.22941, 0.23136, 0.2317, 0.23452, 0.23375, 0.22956, 0.22938, 0.22908, 0.22884, 0.22829, 0.22789, 0.22779, 0.2275, 0.22737, 0.22485, 0.22711, 0.22483, 0.22245, 0.22084, 0.21897, 0.21864, 0.22054, 0.22024, 0.21842, 0.2165, 0.21706, 0.21732, 0.21755, 0.21631], [0.69689, 0.69758, 0.69883, 0.69926, 0.70012, 0.70022, 0.70141, 0.70342, 0.70345, 0.70558, 0.70658, 0.70914, 0.70988, 0.71263, 0.71752, 0.7201, 0.72058, 0.7215, 0.7222, 0.7238, 0.72462, 0.726, 0.72646, 0.72784, 0.72768, 0.72749, 0.72771, 0.72631, 0.72277, 0.71991, 0.71713, 0.71595, 0.7149, 0.71397, 0.7096, 0.70486, 0.70013, 0.69999, 0.69986, 0.69977, 0.69588, 0.69222, 0.6885, 0.68695, 0.68546, 0.68391, 0.68277, 0.68138, 0.68021, 0.67539, 0.67097, 0.66509, 0.66404, 0.66086, 0.66112, 0.66258, 0.66324, 0.66449, 0.66553, 0.66783, 0.66883, 0.6691, 0.67224, 0.67245, 0.67642, 0.67612, 0.68005, 0.68119, 0.68303, 0.68496, 0.6853, 0.68651, 0.68686, 0.68901, 0.69029, 0.69278, 0.69393, 0.69569, 0.69689], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.21033, 0.21033, 0.211, 0.215, 0.219, 0.217, 0.21167, 0.20633, 0.20833, 0.20833, 0.20833, 0.20367, 0.20767, 0.21167, 0.21767, 0.215, 0.21233, 0.19967, 0.19967, 0.19967, 0.198, 0.198, 0.198, 0.19983, 0.20783, 0.20783, 0.21017, 0.21033], [0.694, 0.694, 0.68267, 0.68, 0.67733, 0.67867, 0.68067, 0.68267, 0.684, 0.684, 0.684, 0.68333, 0.68, 0.67667, 0.67267, 0.67267, 0.67267, 0.67933, 0.684, 0.68867, 0.6955, 0.6955, 0.6955, 0.69683, 0.69667, 0.69667, 0.6955, 0.694], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.209, 0.209, 0.1948, 0.164, 0.164, 0.17905, 0.21033, 0.2275, 0.209, 0.209], [0.663, 0.663, 0.66765, 0.662, 0.662, 0.66546, 0.66167, 0.65958, 0.663, 0.663], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.2125, 0.2125, 0.19875, 0.16758, 0.16758, 0.18288, 0.21371, 0.23063, 0.2125, 0.2125], [0.66312, 0.66312, 0.66898, 0.66601, 0.66601, 0.66816, 0.66168, 0.65812, 0.66312, 0.66312], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.21548, 0.21548, 0.20221, 0.1709, 0.1709, 0.18631, 0.21658, 0.23319, 0.21548, 0.21548], [0.66296, 0.66296, 0.66983, 0.66919, 0.66919, 0.6702, 0.66143, 0.65662, 0.66296, 0.66296], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.21759, 0.21759, 0.20622, 0.1781, 0.1781, 0.192, 0.21846, 0.23299, 0.21759, 0.21759], [0.66259, 0.66259, 0.66977, 0.6716, 0.6716, 0.67132, 0.66113, 0.65555, 0.66259, 0.66259], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.40973, 0.40973, 0.40818, 0.40854, 0.4089, 0.45591, 0.46194, 0.46194, 0.41152, 0.40973], [0.64506, 0.64506, 0.64399, 0.64596, 0.64793, 0.66988, 0.66946, 0.66946, 0.64745, 0.64506], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.40408, 0.40408, 0.40262, 0.40282, 0.40302, 0.44816, 0.4542, 0.4542, 0.40567, 0.40408], [0.644, 0.644, 0.64281, 0.6448, 0.64679, 0.67236, 0.67242, 0.67242, 0.64652, 0.644], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.3986, 0.3986, 0.39722, 0.39729, 0.39736, 0.43039, 0.44674, 0.44674, 0.41669, 0.3986], [0.64171, 0.64171, 0.64042, 0.64242, 0.64442, 0.67025, 0.67337, 0.67337, 0.65983, 0.64171], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.39381, 0.39381, 0.39256, 0.39263, 0.39269, 0.42242, 0.43713, 0.43713, 0.41009, 0.39381], [0.6386, 0.6386, 0.63745, 0.63925, 0.64104, 0.66429, 0.6671, 0.6671, 0.65491, 0.6386], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.341, 0.341, 0.31567, 0.34367, 0.34367, 0.37367, 0.38033, 0.38033, 0.403, 0.40767, 0.41233, 0.43967, 0.44033, 0.441, 0.451, 0.45367, 0.45633, 0.45633, 0.45167, 0.447, 0.41567, 0.405, 0.39433, 0.375, 0.367, 0.359, 0.341, 0.341], [0.392, 0.392, 0.396, 0.39867, 0.39867, 0.402, 0.41066, 0.41066, 0.426, 0.42666, 0.42733, 0.43333, 0.43733, 0.44133, 0.44533, 0.444, 0.44266, 0.42733, 0.426, 0.42466, 0.41266, 0.41066, 0.40866, 0.396, 0.394, 0.392, 0.392, 0.392], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.46267, 0.46267, 0.45767, 0.45567, 0.45567, 0.445, 0.42133, 0.42133, 0.383, 0.37, 0.37, 0.34767, 0.33533, 0.33533, 0.32367, 0.334, 0.334, 0.36767, 0.37333, 0.37333, 0.39933, 0.40433, 0.40933, 0.43967, 0.44333, 0.447, 0.46333, 0.46267], [0.45433, 0.45433, 0.45167, 0.44733, 0.44733, 0.42966, 0.42433, 0.42433, 0.40933, 0.406, 0.406, 0.39766, 0.399, 0.399, 0.39867, 0.396, 0.396, 0.39933, 0.40233, 0.40233, 0.411, 0.41533, 0.41966, 0.428, 0.43133, 0.43466, 0.44866, 0.45433], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.3648, 0.3648, 0.37352, 0.3716, 0.36968, 0.3656, 0.3656, 0.3648], [0.40182, 0.40182, 0.40219, 0.39961, 0.39703, 0.39848, 0.39848, 0.40182], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.3528, 0.3528, 0.36151, 0.35959, 0.35767, 0.35359, 0.35359, 0.3528], [0.39956, 0.39956, 0.39994, 0.39736, 0.39477, 0.39623, 0.39623, 0.39956], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.33542, 0.33542, 0.34413, 0.34221, 0.34029, 0.33621, 0.33621, 0.33542], [0.39748, 0.39748, 0.39786, 0.39528, 0.39269, 0.39415, 0.39415, 0.39748], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.3227, 0.3227, 0.33141, 0.32949, 0.32757, 0.32349, 0.32349, 0.3227], [0.39658, 0.39658, 0.39695, 0.39437, 0.39179, 0.39324, 0.39324, 0.39658], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.39236, 0.39236, 0.40396, 0.4014, 0.39884, 0.39341, 0.39341, 0.39236], [0.41414, 0.41414, 0.41465, 0.41121, 0.40777, 0.40971, 0.40971, 0.41414], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.40955, 0.40955, 0.41948, 0.41859, 0.41814, 0.4106, 0.4106, 0.40955], [0.42152, 0.42152, 0.42702, 0.41859, 0.41432, 0.41708, 0.41708, 0.42152], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.42477, 0.42477, 0.4367, 0.43381, 0.43252, 0.42582, 0.42582, 0.42477], [0.42621, 0.42621, 0.43238, 0.42328, 0.41919, 0.42178, 0.42178, 0.42621], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.44063, 0.44063, 0.44789, 0.44967, 0.45034, 0.44168, 0.44168, 0.44063], [0.43425, 0.43425, 0.44242, 0.43132, 0.42709, 0.42982, 0.42982, 0.43425], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.37806, 0.37806, 0.38677, 0.38485, 0.38293, 0.37885, 0.37885, 0.37806], [0.40667, 0.40667, 0.40705, 0.40447, 0.40188, 0.40334, 0.40334, 0.40667], "MCCLZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.43739, 0.43739, 0.43618, 0.43618, 0.43618, 0.46532, 0.48006, 0.48006, 0.45322, 0.43739], [0.60899, 0.60899, 0.60789, 0.60967, 0.61146, 0.63356, 0.63587, 0.63587, 0.62465, 0.60899], "MCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.44233, 0.44233, 0.479, 0.49434, 0.49434, 0.50967, 0.503, 0.503, 0.49767, 0.49234, 0.49234, 0.49767, 0.479, 0.479, 0.465, 0.47567, 0.47567, 0.481, 0.48167, 0.48234, 0.469, 0.44033, 0.41167, 0.44233, 0.44233], [0.50267, 0.50267, 0.46533, 0.45933, 0.45933, 0.44066, 0.39733, 0.39733, 0.38466, 0.41933, 0.41933, 0.46133, 0.43466, 0.43466, 0.45117, 0.45066, 0.45066, 0.44733, 0.45, 0.45266, 0.47533, 0.49933, 0.52333, 0.50267, 0.50267], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.345, 0.345, 0.34467, 0.34767, 0.35067, 0.50767, 0.56034, 0.56034, 0.485, 0.345], [0.438, 0.438, 0.441, 0.43966, 0.43833, 0.428, 0.388, 0.388, 0.42666, 0.438], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.36233, 0.36233, 0.362, 0.365, 0.368, 0.59567, 0.635, 0.635, 0.59833, 0.36233], [0.44533, 0.44533, 0.44833, 0.447, 0.44566, 0.44733, 0.39333, 0.39333, 0.43533, 0.44533], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.38167, 0.38167, 0.38133, 0.38433, 0.38733, 0.67634, 0.71567, 0.71567, 0.69967, 0.38167], [0.452, 0.452, 0.455, 0.45367, 0.45233, 0.474, 0.42, 0.42, 0.46266, 0.452], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.39833, 0.39833, 0.398, 0.401, 0.404, 0.60767, 0.647, 0.647, 0.62467, 0.39833], [0.46, 0.46, 0.463, 0.46167, 0.46033, 0.52467, 0.47066, 0.47066, 0.51167, 0.46], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.30167, 0.30167, 0.30133, 0.30433, 0.30733, 0.337, 0.34033, 0.34033, 0.32833, 0.30167], [0.422, 0.422, 0.425, 0.42366, 0.42233, 0.41866, 0.354, 0.354, 0.424, 0.422], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.287, 0.287, 0.28667, 0.28967, 0.29267, 0.31633, 0.31167, 0.31167, 0.31367, 0.287], [0.41933, 0.41933, 0.42233, 0.421, 0.41966, 0.42733, 0.36266, 0.36266, 0.42133, 0.41933], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.27367, 0.27367, 0.27333, 0.27633, 0.27933, 0.305, 0.28433, 0.28433, 0.30033, 0.27367], [0.41866, 0.41866, 0.42166, 0.42033, 0.419, 0.418, 0.38066, 0.38066, 0.42066, 0.41866], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.35254, 0.35254, 0.3518, 0.35438, 0.38116, 0.43524, 0.52804, 0.52804, 0.4642, 0.35254], [0.49256, 0.49256, 0.48923, 0.49126, 0.5123, 0.61047, 0.61986, 0.61986, 0.64004, 0.49256], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.37121, 0.37121, 0.36894, 0.37205, 0.37516, 0.56257, 0.62804, 0.62804, 0.58286, 0.37121], [0.49556, 0.49556, 0.49755, 0.49859, 0.49963, 0.62047, 0.60719, 0.60719, 0.61971, 0.49556], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.33648, 0.33648, 0.33563, 0.33848, 0.35344, 0.35946, 0.43209, 0.43209, 0.37807, 0.33648], [0.48539, 0.48539, 0.48272, 0.48435, 0.49288, 0.58824, 0.59033, 0.59033, 0.61485, 0.48539], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.30327, 0.30327, 0.30148, 0.30473, 0.32181, 0.35748, 0.43155, 0.43155, 0.37827, 0.30327], [0.46701, 0.46701, 0.46487, 0.46529, 0.46751, 0.5363, 0.52783, 0.52783, 0.55174, 0.46701], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.322, 0.322, 0.32065, 0.32376, 0.3401, 0.3619, 0.43622, 0.43622, 0.37934, 0.322], [0.47722, 0.47722, 0.47477, 0.47582, 0.48127, 0.55562, 0.56154, 0.56154, 0.57478, 0.47722], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.29154, 0.29154, 0.29008, 0.29272, 0.30655, 0.33545, 0.39544, 0.39544, 0.35228, 0.29154], [0.45848, 0.45848, 0.45674, 0.45709, 0.45889, 0.5146, 0.50774, 0.50774, 0.52711, 0.45848], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.27887, 0.27887, 0.2772, 0.27985, 0.2868, 0.33786, 0.36864, 0.36864, 0.34861, 0.27887], [0.44863, 0.44863, 0.44689, 0.44709, 0.4476, 0.50273, 0.4769, 0.4769, 0.5081, 0.44863], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.39476, 0.39476, 0.39276, 0.39598, 0.3992, 0.60037, 0.66364, 0.66364, 0.6204, 0.39476], [0.50184, 0.50184, 0.50409, 0.50474, 0.50538, 0.60156, 0.58012, 0.58012, 0.59824, 0.50184], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.339, 0.339, 0.33867, 0.34167, 0.34467, 0.37033, 0.34967, 0.34967, 0.36567, 0.339], [0.39466, 0.39466, 0.39766, 0.39633, 0.395, 0.394, 0.35666, 0.35666, 0.39666, 0.39466], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.35633, 0.35633, 0.356, 0.359, 0.362, 0.39167, 0.395, 0.395, 0.383, 0.35633], [0.39733, 0.39733, 0.40033, 0.399, 0.39766, 0.394, 0.32933, 0.32933, 0.39933, 0.39733], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.36767, 0.36767, 0.36733, 0.37033, 0.37333, 0.41433, 0.45367, 0.45367, 0.39433, 0.36767], [0.4, 0.4, 0.403, 0.40166, 0.40033, 0.39466, 0.34066, 0.34066, 0.402, 0.4], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.38037, 0.38037, 0.37965, 0.3828, 0.38595, 0.42, 0.4835, 0.4835, 0.40654, 0.38037], [0.40338, 0.40338, 0.40631, 0.40539, 0.40446, 0.40763, 0.35067, 0.35067, 0.40891, 0.40338], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.39771, 0.39771, 0.39698, 0.40013, 0.40328, 0.46134, 0.5475, 0.5475, 0.42387, 0.39771], [0.41071, 0.41071, 0.41364, 0.41272, 0.4118, 0.4043, 0.346, 0.346, 0.41624, 0.41071], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.33033, 0.33033, 0.33, 0.333, 0.336, 0.425, 0.47567, 0.47567, 0.4175, 0.33033], [0.43, 0.43, 0.433, 0.43166, 0.43033, 0.426, 0.38133, 0.38133, 0.42262, 0.43], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.31367, 0.31367, 0.31333, 0.31633, 0.31933, 0.36033, 0.39967, 0.39967, 0.34033, 0.31367], [0.42333, 0.42333, 0.42633, 0.425, 0.42366, 0.418, 0.364, 0.364, 0.42533, 0.42333], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.41584, 0.41584, 0.4149, 0.41811, 0.42132, 0.47977, 0.56997, 0.56997, 0.44053, 0.41584], [0.4184, 0.4184, 0.42126, 0.42058, 0.41989, 0.41666, 0.36484, 0.36484, 0.42216, 0.4184], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.42984, 0.42984, 0.4289, 0.43211, 0.43532, 0.49377, 0.58397, 0.58397, 0.45553, 0.42984], [0.4224, 0.4224, 0.42526, 0.42458, 0.42389, 0.42066, 0.36884, 0.36884, 0.42683, 0.4224], "MCCCZ"], [0xffffff, 0, [0.44584, 0.44584, 0.4449, 0.44811, 0.45132, 0.5231, 0.67264, 0.67264, 0.47153, 0.44584], [0.43073, 0.43073, 0.4336, 0.43291, 0.43222, 0.42499, 0.36784, 0.36784, 0.43516, 0.43073], "MCCCZ"], [0, -1, [0.26033, 0.26033, 0.269, 0.267, 0.265, 0.261, 0.261, 0.26033], [0.41933, 0.41933, 0.42, 0.41733, 0.41466, 0.416, 0.416, 0.41933], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.31167, 0.31167, 0.32033, 0.31833, 0.31633, 0.31233, 0.31233, 0.31167], [0.396, 0.396, 0.39666, 0.394, 0.39133, 0.39266, 0.39266, 0.396], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.297, 0.297, 0.30567, 0.30367, 0.30167, 0.29767, 0.29767, 0.297], [0.39666, 0.39666, 0.39733, 0.39466, 0.392, 0.39333, 0.39333, 0.39666], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.13805, 0.13805, 0.14646, 0.1437, 0.14094, 0.13759, 0.13759, 0.13805], [0.41636, 0.41636, 0.41416, 0.41229, 0.41043, 0.413, 0.413, 0.41636], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.14139, 0.14139, 0.14979, 0.14703, 0.14427, 0.14092, 0.14092, 0.14139], [0.43236, 0.43236, 0.43016, 0.42829, 0.42643, 0.429, 0.429, 0.43236], "MCCLZ"], [0, -1, [0.12938, 0.12938, 0.13779, 0.13503, 0.13227, 0.12892, 0.12892, 0.12938], [0.4397, 0.4397, 0.43749, 0.43563, 0.43376, 0.43633, 0.43633, 0.4397], "MCCLZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.26233, 0.26233, 0.25967, 0.253, 0.24967, 0.231, 0.22167, 0.22167, 0.24233, 0.26233], [0.31467, 0.31467, 0.31467, 0.31133, 0.31133, 0.30533, 0.28866, 0.28866, 0.30467, 0.31467], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.40853, 0.40876, 0.40885, 0.40934, 0.41044, 0.41249, 0.41228, 0.41087, 0.40941, 0.40252, 0.40146, 0.39906, 0.39893, 0.39872, 0.39853, 0.39904, 0.39954, 0.40314, 0.40467, 0.40623, 0.40695, 0.40853], [0.16026, 0.15982, 0.15913, 0.1591, 0.15903, 0.15853, 0.15959, 0.16677, 0.17499, 0.178, 0.17847, 0.17778, 0.17631, 0.17377, 0.17152, 0.16908, 0.16671, 0.16669, 0.169, 0.16621, 0.16314, 0.16026], "MCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.39006, 0.39131, 0.3911, 0.39346, 0.39469, 0.39777, 0.39708, 0.39574, 0.39509, 0.39278, 0.39244, 0.39284, 0.39258, 0.39159, 0.38968, 0.38733, 0.38548, 0.38739, 0.38992, 0.39015, 0.38988, 0.39006], [0.15236, 0.15001, 0.14691, 0.14597, 0.14548, 0.14711, 0.1489, 0.15233, 0.15607, 0.15908, 0.15952, 0.16041, 0.16095, 0.16299, 0.16421, 0.16367, 0.15999, 0.15645, 0.1536, 0.15334, 0.15272, 0.15236], "MCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.32406, 0.32388, 0.32382, 0.32409, 0.32498, 0.3263, 0.32574, 0.32516, 0.3233, 0.32221, 0.32032, 0.32024, 0.31909, 0.31876, 0.31885, 0.31811, 0.31732, 0.31659, 0.31675, 0.31684, 0.31653, 0.3169, 0.31793, 0.32302, 0.32313, 0.32323, 0.32445, 0.32406], [0.16101, 0.16164, 0.16242, 0.16295, 0.16467, 0.16654, 0.16824, 0.17, 0.1697, 0.16875, 0.1671, 0.16405, 0.16179, 0.16115, 0.16019, 0.15954, 0.15884, 0.1563, 0.15534, 0.15482, 0.13831, 0.13875, 0.13997, 0.15619, 0.15768, 0.1589, 0.15967, 0.16101], "MCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.28133, 0.28572, 0.29037, 0.28963, 0.28944, 0.28648, 0.28617, 0.28483, 0.28144, 0.27716, 0.2735, 0.27039, 0.27, 0.27616, 0.27992, 0.28133], [0.17234, 0.1765, 0.18144, 0.18762, 0.18925, 0.18837, 0.18696, 0.18092, 0.17648, 0.1725, 0.16909, 0.15851, 0.15766, 0.16642, 0.171, 0.17234], "MCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.25871, 0.25958, 0.25908, 0.25944, 0.26102, 0.26319, 0.26322, 0.26323, 0.2626, 0.26204, 0.26158, 0.26101, 0.26083, 0.25744, 0.25511, 0.25271, 0.2524, 0.25049, 0.25102, 0.25142, 0.25428, 0.25463, 0.25674, 0.25676, 0.25871], [0.18228, 0.18289, 0.18371, 0.18426, 0.18669, 0.18877, 0.19167, 0.19213, 0.19264, 0.19227, 0.19196, 0.19175, 0.19153, 0.18745, 0.183, 0.17831, 0.17772, 0.17023, 0.17004, 0.1699, 0.17687, 0.17706, 0.1782, 0.1809, 0.18228], "MCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.2866, 0.28734, 0.28996, 0.28977, 0.28958, 0.29036, 0.28884, 0.28674, 0.28099, 0.28054, 0.2805, 0.28546, 0.2866], [0.1497, 0.15115, 0.15315, 0.15464, 0.15618, 0.15859, 0.15744, 0.15586, 0.15361, 0.14393, 0.14298, 0.14747, 0.1497], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.31067, 0.31133, 0.31251, 0.31328, 0.31436, 0.31538, 0.31586, 0.31748, 0.32043, 0.32067, 0.31818, 0.31705, 0.316, 0.3138, 0.31213, 0.30996, 0.30985, 0.30949, 0.30937, 0.30741, 0.30627, 0.30461, 0.30432, 0.30365, 0.3034, 0.30232, 0.3007, 0.30023, 0.29838, 0.29314, 0.29, 0.29063, 0.29752, 0.29833, 0.29973, 0.29992, 0.30205, 0.30213, 0.30244, 0.30267, 0.30299, 0.30335, 0.304, 0.304, 0.30378, 0.30411, 0.30617, 0.30603, 0.30733, 0.3081, 0.30986, 0.31067], [0.17833, 0.17944, 0.17866, 0.17909, 0.17972, 0.18064, 0.18173, 0.18531, 0.18834, 0.19233, 0.19467, 0.19127, 0.18966, 0.19241, 0.18929, 0.18842, 0.18837, 0.18895, 0.18891, 0.18817, 0.18637, 0.18507, 0.18485, 0.18515, 0.18492, 0.18392, 0.18337, 0.18224, 0.17773, 0.17424, 0.16167, 0.16015, 0.17274, 0.1739, 0.17589, 0.17113, 0.17224, 0.17228, 0.17189, 0.17167, 0.17213, 0.17251, 0.17233, 0.173, 0.17393, 0.17419, 0.17582, 0.1776, 0.17966, 0.17835, 0.17955, 0.17833], "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.41033, 0.41033, 0.42267, 0.41533, 0.41533, 0.43433, 0.42667, 0.42667, 0.426, 0.41933, 0.41933, 0.41267, 0.41033], [0.08766, 0.08766, 0.12167, 0.14033, 0.14033, 0.10433, 0.08566, 0.08566, 0.103, 0.11133, 0.11133, 0.09, 0.08766], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.38567, 0.38567, 0.39467, 0.38133, 0.38133, 0.38, 0.36867, 0.36867, 0.39233, 0.38567], [0.092, 0.092, 0.10667, 0.13733, 0.13733, 0.10333, 0.085, 0.085, 0.11867, 0.092], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.369, 0.369, 0.36867, 0.36933, 0.36933, 0.363, 0.346, 0.346, 0.37, 0.369], [0.09533, 0.09533, 0.12867, 0.13367, 0.13367, 0.106, 0.09, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09533], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.353, 0.353, 0.363, 0.34633, 0.34633, 0.357, 0.349, 0.349, 0.35333, 0.353], [0.14867, 0.14867, 0.126, 0.09533, 0.09533, 0.11566, 0.12733, 0.12733, 0.133, 0.14867], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.321, 0.321, 0.31933, 0.32233, 0.32233, 0.32267, 0.322, 0.322, 0.32867, 0.329, 0.329, 0.33133, 0.336, 0.336, 0.342, 0.34167, 0.34167, 0.325, 0.321], [0.096, 0.096, 0.122, 0.12566, 0.12566, 0.13633, 0.138, 0.138, 0.14833, 0.136, 0.136, 0.123, 0.11533, 0.11533, 0.10633, 0.09566, 0.09566, 0.146, 0.096], "MCCCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.315, 0.315, 0.304, 0.301, 0.301, 0.29867, 0.305, 0.305, 0.312, 0.315], [0.142, 0.142, 0.124, 0.09233, 0.09233, 0.10266, 0.12667, 0.12667, 0.15233, 0.142], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.27867, 0.27867, 0.287, 0.28933, 0.28933, 0.29533, 0.28467, 0.28467, 0.285, 0.27133, 0.27133, 0.27933, 0.27867], [0.109, 0.109, 0.118, 0.12633, 0.12633, 0.15266, 0.13833, 0.13833, 0.125, 0.11266, 0.11266, 0.11667, 0.109], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.269, 0.269, 0.27467, 0.276, 0.276, 0.279, 0.27433, 0.27433, 0.25967, 0.253, 0.253, 0.26633, 0.269], [0.11733, 0.11733, 0.14633, 0.14766, 0.14766, 0.15333, 0.148, 0.148, 0.116, 0.105, 0.105, 0.12033, 0.11733], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.25933, 0.25933, 0.27867, 0.24233, 0.24233, 0.26067, 0.25933], [0.145, 0.145, 0.18233, 0.13933, 0.13933, 0.15566, 0.145], "MCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.23367, 0.23367, 0.24167, 0.246, 0.246, 0.25967, 0.24867, 0.24867, 0.23867, 0.23967, 0.23967, 0.23867, 0.23367], [0.16933, 0.16933, 0.20066, 0.20033, 0.20033, 0.21533, 0.19766, 0.19766, 0.18167, 0.16533, 0.16533, 0.18133, 0.16933], "MCCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.78417, 0.78417, 0.76417, 0.76, 0.76, 0.7825, 0.7825, 0.7825, 0.78667, 0.78417], [0.18833, 0.18833, 0.205, 0.21083, 0.21083, 0.18, 0.16833, 0.16833, 0.18083, 0.18833], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.79333, 0.79333, 0.75833, 0.7525, 0.7525, 0.79667, 0.79667, 0.79667, 0.7975, 0.79333], [0.225, 0.225, 0.25, 0.2625, 0.2625, 0.21333, 0.20583, 0.20583, 0.22083, 0.225], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.82167, 0.82167, 0.80167, 0.79917, 0.79917, 0.81667, 0.82083, 0.82083, 0.81833, 0.82167], [0.48167, 0.48167, 0.495, 0.49167, 0.49167, 0.48083, 0.46667, 0.46667, 0.48167, 0.48167], "MCCCZ"], [0xcccccc, -1, [0.83583, 0.80667, 0.80667, 0.83833, 0.83917, 0.83583], [0.3475, 0.3675, 0.3675, 0.33917, 0.3325, 0.3475], "MLCLZ"], [-1, 0, [0.18458, 0.22125], [0.385, 0.37708], "ML"], [-1, 0, [0.26833, 0.26833, 0.2675, 0.2525], [0.115, 0.115, 0.12083, 0.10333], "MC"], [-1, 0, [0.2775, 0.2775, 0.28083, 0.27], [0.10667, 0.10667, 0.1175, 0.11], "MC"], [-1, 0, [0.3675, 0.3675, 0.37, 0.35083], [0.0925, 0.0925, 0.11083, 0.08917], "MC"] ] function getcolorind(rgbmask) r = ((rgbmask >> 16) & 0xff) / 255 g = ((rgbmask >> 8) & 0xff) / 255 b = ((rgbmask >> 0) & 0xff) / 255 Int(inqcolorfromrgb(r, g, b)) end setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setborderwidth(0.5) for (fill, stroke, x, y, codes) in paths if fill != -1 setfillcolorind(getcolorind(fill)) op = 'f' end if stroke != -1 setbordercolorind(getcolorind(stroke)) op = 'S' end if fill != -1 && stroke != -1 op = 'F' end path(x, y, codes * op) end updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR using LaTeXStrings setscientificformat(3) R, r = 2, 1/2 θ = φ = LinRange(0, 2π, 200) f(θ, φ) = ((R + r*cos(θ)) * cos(φ), (R + r*cos(θ)) * sin(φ), r * sin(θ)) x, y, z = [[v[i] for v in f.(θ, φ')] for i in 1:3] surface(x, y, z, xlabel=L"x(\theta,\varphi) = R + r \cos \theta \cos \varphi", ylabel=L"y(\theta,\varphi) = R + r \cos \theta \sin \varphi", zlabel=L"z(\theta,\varphi) = r \sin \theta", title="Torus")
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_DOUBLE_BUF"] = "True" using GR using BenchmarkTools const GDP_DRAW_TRIANGLES = 4 function points_from_image(img, npts) w, h = size(img) xpts = Float64[] ypts = Float64[] cols = Int32[] for i in 1:npts x = rand() * w y = rand() * h c = img[Int64(floor(x)) + 1, Int64(floor(h-y)) + 1] & 0xffffff r = ( c & 0xff) / 255.0 g = ((c >> 8 ) & 0xff) / 255.0 b = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0 if 0.2989 * r + 0.5870 * g + 0.1140 * b > 0.8 if rand() < 0.1 push!(xpts, x) push!(ypts, y) push!(cols, 0xc0c0c0) end continue end push!(xpts, x) push!(ypts, y) push!(cols, c) end xpts, ypts, cols end w, h, img = readimage("julia_logo.png") x, y, cols = points_from_image(img, 100_000) setwsviewport(0, 0.24, 0, 0.16) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 2/3) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 2/3) setwindow(0, w, 0, h) setmarkersize(2/3) setborderwidth(0.2) setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) settransparency(0.5) polymarker(x, y) n, tri = delaunay(x, y) @show n tri = convert(Matrix{Int32}, tri) color = zeros(Int32, n) for i in 1:n color[i] = cols[tri[i,1]] end attributes = vec(hcat(tri, color)') setlinewidth(0.4) # Draw a vector of triangles for given vertices x and y using point indices and color triplets # x: x coordinates # y: y coordinates # attributes: indices of the triangle points (i₁₁, i₁₂, i₁₃, rrggbb₁, i₂₁, i₂₂, i₂₃, rrggbb₂, ...) @time gdp(x, y, GDP_DRAW_TRIANGLES, attributes) updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
download("", "fonts.tgz") run(`tar xzf fonts.tgz`) rm("fonts.tgz") ENV["GKS_FONT_DIRS"] = joinpath(pwd(), "fonts", "urw-base35") const fonts = ("Times Roman", "Times Italic", "Times Bold", "Times Bold Italic", "Helvetica", "Helvetica Oblique", "Helvetica Bold", "Helvetica Bold Oblique", "Courier", "Courier Oblique", "Courier Bold", "Courier Bold Oblique", "Bookman Light", "Bookman Light Italic", "Bookman Demi", "Bookman Demi Italic", "New Century Schoolbook Roman", "New Century Schoolbook Italic", "New Century Schoolbook Bold", "New Century Schoolbook Bold Italic", "Avantgarde Book", "Avantgarde Book Oblique", "Avantgarde Demi", "Avantgarde Demi Oblique", "Palatino Roman", "Palatino Italic", "Palatino Bold", "Palatino Bold Italic", "Zapf Chancery Medium Italica", "Zapf Dingbats") using GR selntran(0) setcharheight(0.018) settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_HALF) y = 0.95 for fontname in fonts global y font = loadfont(fontname) settextfontprec(font, GR.TEXT_PRECISION_OUTLINE) text(0.5, y, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") tbx, tby = inqtext(0.5, y, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") fillrect(tbx[1], tbx[2], tby[1], tby[3]) y -= 0.03 end updatews()
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["GKS_ENCODING"] = "utf8" import GR GR.selntran(0) GR.setcharheight(0.024) function main() GR.settextfontprec(2, 0) y = 0 for i in 0:1 GR.text(0.05, 0.85-y, " !\"#\$\$%&'()*+,-./") GR.text(0.05, 0.80-y, "0123456789:;<=>?") GR.text(0.05, 0.75-y, "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO") GR.text(0.05, 0.70-y, "PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_") GR.text(0.05, 0.65-y, "`abcdefghijklmno") GR.text(0.05, 0.60-y, "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ") GR.text(0.5, 0.85-y, " ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯") GR.text(0.5, 0.80-y, "°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿") GR.text(0.5, 0.75-y, "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏ") GR.text(0.5, 0.70-y, "ÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞß") GR.text(0.5, 0.65-y, "àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîï") GR.text(0.5, 0.60-y, "ðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ") GR.settextfontprec(233, 3) y = 0.4 end GR.updatews() end main()
[ "MIT" ]
using GR include("noise.jl") const n = 100000 const radius = 200 const width, height = 500, 500 const length = 50 const scale = 0.005 function main() T = rand(n) * 2pi R = sqrt.(rand(n)) X = R .* cos.(T) Y = R .* sin.(T) intensity = (1.001 .- sqrt.(X.^2 .+ Y.^2)) .^ 0.75 X = X .* radius .+ div(width, 2) Y = Y .* radius .+ div(height, 2) w, h, I = readimage("julia-logo.png") P = zeros(UInt32, width, height) settextfontprec(128, 0) settextalign(2, 3) setcharheight(0.036) for time in 0:0.004:1 P .= 0xffffffff cos_t = 1.5 * cos(2pi * time) sin_t = 1.5 * sin(2pi * time) for i in 1:n x, y = X[i], Y[i] dx = noise4(scale * x, scale * y, cos_t, sin_t, 2) dx *= intensity[i] * length dy = noise4(100 + scale * x, 200 + scale * y, cos_t, sin_t, 2) dy *= intensity[i] * length P[round(Int, x + dx), round(Int, y + dy)] = I[round(Int, x), round(Int, y)] end clearws() setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) drawimage(0, 1, 0, 1, width, height, P) textext(0.5, -0.2 + 1.5*time, "Julia Noise\\n\\nMade with GR.jl\\n\\nOriginal idea by Necessary Disorder") updatews() end end main()
[ "MIT" ]
#= # Perlin noise ported from: # with the license: Copyright (c) 2008 Casey Duncan Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =# const F2 = 0.5 * (sqrt(3.0) - 1.0) const G2 = (3.0 - sqrt(3.0)) / 6.0 const F4 = (sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 4.0 const G4 = (5.0 - sqrt(5.0)) / 20.0 const SIMPLEX = [ (0, 1, 2, 3), (0, 1, 3, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 2, 3, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 2, 3, 0), (0, 2, 1, 3), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 3, 1, 2), (0, 3, 2, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 3, 2, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 2, 0, 3), (0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 3, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 3, 0, 1), (2, 3, 1, 0), (1, 0, 2, 3), (1, 0, 3, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 3, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 1, 3, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 1, 3), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (3, 0, 1, 2), (3, 0, 2, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0), (3, 1, 2, 0), (2, 1, 0, 3), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (3, 1, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (3, 2, 0, 1), (3, 2, 1, 0) ] const GRAD4 = NTuple{4, Float32}[ (0, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, -1), (0, 1, -1, 1), (0, 1, -1, -1), (0, -1, 1, 1), (0, -1, 1, -1), (0, -1, -1, 1), (0, -1, -1, -1), (1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, -1), (1, 0, -1, 1), (1, 0, -1, -1), (-1, 0, 1, 1), (-1, 0, 1, -1), (-1, 0, -1, 1), (-1, 0, -1, -1), (1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0, -1), (1, -1, 0, 1), (1, -1, 0, -1), (-1, 1, 0, 1), (-1, 1, 0, -1), (-1, -1, 0, 1), (-1, -1, 0, -1), (1, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, -1, 0), (1, -1, 1, 0), (1, -1, -1, 0), (-1, 1, 1, 0), (-1, 1, -1, 0), (-1, -1, 1, 0), (-1, -1, -1, 0) ] const PERM = [ 151, 160, 137, 91, 90, 15, 131, 13, 201, 95, 96, 53, 194, 233, 7, 225, 140, 36, 103, 30, 69, 142, 8, 99, 37, 240, 21, 10, 23, 190, 6, 148, 247, 120, 234, 75, 0, 26, 197, 62, 94, 252, 219, 203, 117, 35, 11, 32, 57, 177, 33, 88, 237, 149, 56, 87, 174, 20, 125, 136, 171, 168, 68, 175, 74, 165, 71, 134, 139, 48, 27, 166, 77, 146, 158, 231, 83, 111, 229, 122, 60, 211, 133, 230, 220, 105, 92, 41, 55, 46, 245, 40, 244, 102, 143, 54, 65, 25, 63, 161, 1, 216, 80, 73, 209, 76, 132, 187, 208, 89, 18, 169, 200, 196, 135, 130, 116, 188, 159, 86, 164, 100, 109, 198, 173, 186, 3, 64, 52, 217, 226, 250, 124, 123, 5, 202, 38, 147, 118, 126, 255, 82, 85, 212, 207, 206, 59, 227, 47, 16, 58, 17, 182, 189, 28, 42, 223, 183, 170, 213, 119, 248, 152, 2, 44, 154, 163, 70, 221, 153, 101, 155, 167, 43, 172, 9, 129, 22, 39, 253, 19, 98, 108, 110, 79, 113, 224, 232, 178, 185, 112, 104, 218, 246, 97, 228, 251, 34, 242, 193, 238, 210, 144, 12, 191, 179, 162, 241, 81, 51, 145, 235, 249, 14, 239, 107, 49, 192, 214, 31, 181, 199, 106, 157, 184, 84, 204, 176, 115, 121, 50, 45, 127, 4, 150, 254, 138, 236, 205, 93, 222, 114, 67, 29, 24, 72, 243, 141, 128, 195, 78, 66, 215, 61, 156, 180, 151, 160, 137, 91, 90, 15, 131, 13, 201, 95, 96, 53, 194, 233, 7, 225, 140, 36, 103, 30, 69, 142, 8, 99, 37, 240, 21, 10, 23, 190, 6, 148, 247, 120, 234, 75, 0, 26, 197, 62, 94, 252, 219, 203, 117, 35, 11, 32, 57, 177, 33, 88, 237, 149, 56, 87, 174, 20, 125, 136, 171, 168, 68, 175, 74, 165, 71, 134, 139, 48, 27, 166, 77, 146, 158, 231, 83, 111, 229, 122, 60, 211, 133, 230, 220, 105, 92, 41, 55, 46, 245, 40, 244, 102, 143, 54, 65, 25, 63, 161, 1, 216, 80, 73, 209, 76, 132, 187, 208, 89, 18, 169, 200, 196, 135, 130, 116, 188, 159, 86, 164, 100, 109, 198, 173, 186, 3, 64, 52, 217, 226, 250, 124, 123, 5, 202, 38, 147, 118, 126, 255, 82, 85, 212, 207, 206, 59, 227, 47, 16, 58, 17, 182, 189, 28, 42, 223, 183, 170, 213, 119, 248, 152, 2, 44, 154, 163, 70, 221, 153, 101, 155, 167, 43, 172, 9, 129, 22, 39, 253, 19, 98, 108, 110, 79, 113, 224, 232, 178, 185, 112, 104, 218, 246, 97, 228, 251, 34, 242, 193, 238, 210, 144, 12, 191, 179, 162, 241, 81, 51, 145, 235, 249, 14, 239, 107, 49, 192, 214, 31, 181, 199, 106, 157, 184, 84, 204, 176, 115, 121, 50, 45, 127, 4, 150, 254, 138, 236, 205, 93, 222, 114, 67, 29, 24, 72, 243, 141, 128, 195, 78, 66, 215, 61, 156, 180 ] dot4(v1, x, y, z, w) = ((v1)[1]*(x) + (v1)[2]*(y) + (v1)[3]*(z) + (v1)[4]*(w)) function noise4(x, y, z, w) s = (x + y + z + w) * F4 i = floor(x + s) j = floor(y + s) k = floor(z + s) l = floor(w + s) t = (i + j + k + l) * G4 x0 = x - (i - t) y0 = y - (j - t) z0 = z - (k - t) w0 = w - (l - t) c = (x0 > y0)*32 + (x0 > z0)*16 + (y0 > z0)*8 + (x0 > w0)*4 + (y0 > w0)*2 + (z0 > w0) c += 1 i1 = SIMPLEX[c][1] >= 3 j1 = SIMPLEX[c][2] >= 3 k1 = SIMPLEX[c][3] >= 3 l1 = SIMPLEX[c][4] >= 3 i2 = SIMPLEX[c][1] >= 2 j2 = SIMPLEX[c][2] >= 2 k2 = SIMPLEX[c][3] >= 2 l2 = SIMPLEX[c][4] >= 2 i3 = SIMPLEX[c][1] >= 1 j3 = SIMPLEX[c][2] >= 1 k3 = SIMPLEX[c][3] >= 1 l3 = SIMPLEX[c][4] >= 1 x1 = x0 - i1 + G4 y1 = y0 - j1 + G4 z1 = z0 - k1 + G4 w1 = w0 - l1 + G4 x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0*G4 y2 = y0 - j2 + 2.0*G4 z2 = z0 - k2 + 2.0*G4 w2 = w0 - l2 + 2.0*G4 x3 = x0 - i3 + 3.0*G4 y3 = y0 - j3 + 3.0*G4 z3 = z0 - k3 + 3.0*G4 w3 = w0 - l3 + 3.0*G4 x4 = x0 - 1.0 + 4.0*G4 y4 = y0 - 1.0 + 4.0*G4 z4 = z0 - 1.0 + 4.0*G4 w4 = w0 - 1.0 + 4.0*G4 I = Int(i) & 255 J = Int(j) & 255 K = Int(k) & 255 L = Int(l) & 255 gi0 = PERM[1 + I + PERM[1 + J + PERM[1 + K + PERM[1 + L]]]] & 0x1f gi1 = PERM[1 + I + i1 + PERM[1 + J + j1 + PERM[1 + K + k1 + PERM[1 + L + l1]]]] & 0x1f gi2 = PERM[1 + I + i2 + PERM[1 + J + j2 + PERM[1 + K + k2 + PERM[1 + L + l2]]]] & 0x1f gi3 = PERM[1 + I + i3 + PERM[1 + J + j3 + PERM[1 + K + k3 + PERM[1 + L + l3]]]] & 0x1f gi4 = PERM[1 + I + 1 + PERM[1 + J + 1 + PERM[1 + K + 1 + PERM[1 + L + 1]]]] & 0x1f t0 = 0.6 - x0*x0 - y0*y0 - z0*z0 - w0*w0 noise = zeros(5) if t0 >= 0.0 t0 *= t0 noise[1] = t0 * t0 * dot4(GRAD4[gi0 + 1], x0, y0, z0, w0) end t1 = 0.6 - x1*x1 - y1*y1 - z1*z1 - w1*w1 if t1 >= 0.0 t1 *= t1 noise[2]= t1 * t1 * dot4(GRAD4[gi1 + 1], x1, y1, z1, w1) end t2 = 0.6 - x2*x2 - y2*y2 - z2*z2 - w2*w2 if t2 >= 0.0 t2 *= t2 noise[3] = t2 * t2 * dot4(GRAD4[gi2 + 1], x2, y2, z2, w2) end t3 = 0.6 - x3*x3 - y3*y3 - z3*z3 - w3*w3 if t3 >= 0.0 t3 *= t3 noise[4] = t3 * t3 * dot4(GRAD4[gi3 + 1], x3, y3, z3, w3) end t4 = 0.6 - x4*x4 - y4*y4 - z4*z4 - w4*w4 if t4 >= 0.0 t4 *= t4 noise[5] = t4 * t4 * dot4(GRAD4[gi4 + 1], x4, y4, z4, w4) end return 27.0 * sum(noise) end function noise4(x, y, z, w, octaves, persistence = 0.5, lacunarity = 2) freq = 1.0 amp = 1.0 max = 1.0 total = noise4(x, y, z, w) for i = 1:(octaves-1) freq *= lacunarity amp *= persistence max += amp total += noise4(x * freq, y * freq, z * freq, w * freq) * amp end return total / max end
[ "MIT" ]
""" GR is a universal framework for cross-platform visualization applications. It offers developers a compact, portable and consistent graphics library for their programs. Applications range from publication quality 2D graphs to the representation of complex 3D scenes. See for full documentation. Basic usage: ```julia using GR GR.init() # optional plot( [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0], [0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 0.7] ) # # Use if in a Jupyter Notebook ``` """ module GR @static if isdefined(Base, :Experimental) && isdefined(Base.Experimental, Symbol("@optlevel")) Base.Experimental.@optlevel 1 end if haskey(ENV, "WAYLAND_DISPLAY") || get(ENV, "XDG_SESSION_TYPE", "") == "wayland" # loading this automatially on Wayland ensures that applications run natively on Wayland without user intervention using Qt6Wayland_jll end import Base64 import Libdl export init, initgr, opengks, closegks, inqdspsize, openws, closews, activatews, deactivatews, clearws, updatews, polyline, polymarker, text, inqtext, textx, inqtextx, fillarea, cellarray, nonuniformcellarray, polarcellarray, nonuniformpolarcellarray, gdp, path, spline, gridit, setlinetype, setlinewidth, setlinecolorind, setmarkertype, setmarkersize, setmarkercolorind, settextfontprec, setcharexpan, setcharspace, settextcolorind, setcharheight, inqcharheight, setcharup, settextpath, settextalign, setfillintstyle, setfillstyle, setfillcolorind, setcolorrep, setscale, inqscale, setwindow, inqwindow, setviewport, inqviewport, selntran, setclip, setwswindow, setwsviewport, createseg, copyseg, redrawseg, setsegtran, closeseg, samplelocator, emergencyclosegks, updategks, setspace, textext, inqtextext, axes2d, # to avoid WARNING: both GR and Base export "axes" axeslbl, grid, grid3d, verrorbars, herrorbars, polyline3d, polymarker3d, axes3d, settitles3d, titles3d, surface, volume, contour, hexbin, setcolormap, colorbar, inqcolor, inqcolorfromrgb, hsvtorgb, tick, validaterange, adjustlimits, adjustrange, beginprint, beginprintext, endprint, ndctowc, wctondc, wc3towc, drawrect, fillrect, drawarc, fillarc, drawpath, setarrowstyle, setarrowsize, drawarrow, readimage, drawimage, importgraphics, setshadow, settransparency, setcoordxform, begingraphics, endgraphics, getgraphics, drawgraphics, startlistener, mathtex, inqmathtex, selectcontext, destroycontext, delaunay, interp2, trisurface, tricontour, # gradient, # deprecated, but still in Base quiver, reducepoints, version, check_for_updates, openmeta, sendmeta, sendmetaref, closemeta, grplot, shadepoints, shadelines, setcolormapfromrgb, setborderwidth, setbordercolorind, setprojectiontype, setperspectiveprojection, setorthographicprojection, settransformationparameters, setresamplemethod, setwindow3d, setspace3d, text3d, inqtext3d, settextencoding, inqtextencoding, loadfont, inqvpsize, setpicturesizeforvolume, inqtransformationparameters, polygonmesh3d, setscientificformat, setresizebehaviour, inqprojectiontype, setmathfont, inqmathfont, setclipregion, inqclipregion, # Convenience functions jlgr, colormap, figure, kvs, gcf, hold, usecolorscheme, subplot, plot, oplot, stairs, scatter, stem, barplot, histogram, polarhistogram, contourf, heatmap, polarheatmap, wireframe, plot3, scatter3, redraw, title, xlabel, ylabel, drawgrid, xticks, yticks, zticks, xticklabels, yticklabels, legend, xlim, ylim, savefig, meshgrid, peaks, imshow, isosurface, cart2sph, sph2cart, polar, trisurf, tricont, shade, panzoom, setpanzoom, libGR3, gr3, libGRM, isinline, inline, displayname, mainloop, axis, drawaxis, drawaxes, GRAxis, GRTick, GRTickLabel const ENCODING_LATIN1 = 300 const ENCODING_UTF8 = 301 const display_name = Ref("") const mime_type = Ref("") const file_path = Ref("") const figure_count = Ref(-1) const send_c = Ref(C_NULL) const recv_c = Ref(C_NULL) const text_encoding = Ref(ENCODING_UTF8) const check_env = Ref(true) isijulia() = isdefined(Main, :IJulia) && Main.IJulia isa Module && isdefined(Main.IJulia, :clear_output) isatom() = isdefined(Main, :Atom) && Main.Atom isa Module && Main.Atom.isconnected() && (isdefined(Main.Atom, :PlotPaneEnabled) ? Main.Atom.PlotPaneEnabled[] : true) ispluto() = isdefined(Main, :PlutoRunner) && Main.PlutoRunner isa Module isvscode() = isdefined(Main, :VSCodeServer) && Main.VSCodeServer isa Module && (isdefined(Main.VSCodeServer, :PLOT_PANE_ENABLED) ? Main.VSCodeServer.PLOT_PANE_ENABLED[] : true) setraw!(raw) = ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int32), stdin.handle, raw) include("preferences.jl") # Load function pointer caching mechanism include("funcptrs.jl") """ function set_callback() callback_c = @cfunction(callback, Cstring, (Cstring, )) ccall(libGR_ptr(:gr_setcallback), Nothing, (Ptr{Cvoid}, ), callback_c) end """ """ init(always::Bool = false) Initialize GR's environmental variables before plotting and ensure that the binary shared libraries are loaded. Initialization usually only needs to be done once, but reinitialized may be required when settings change. The `always` argument is true if initialization should be forced in the current and subsequent calls. It is `false` by default so that initialization only is done once. # Extended Help Environmental variables which influence `init`: GRDISPLAY - if "js" or "pluto", javascript support is initialized GKS_NO_GUI - no initialization is done GKS_IGNORE_ENCODING - Force use of UTF-8 for font encoding, ignore GKS_ENCODING Environmental variables set by `init`: GKS_FONTPATH - path to GR fonts, often the same as GRDIR GKS_USE_CAIRO_PNG GKSwstype - Graphics workstation type, see help for `openws` GKS_QT - Command to start QT backend via gksqt executable GKS_ENCODING - Sets the text encoding (e.g. Latin1 or UTF-8) """ function init(always::Bool = false) if !libs_loaded[] load_libs(always) return end if check_env[] || always haskey(ENV, "GKS_FONTPATH") || get!(ENV, "GKS_FONTPATH", GRPreferences.grdir[]) ENV["GKS_USE_CAIRO_PNG"] = "true" if "GRDISPLAY" in keys(ENV) display_name[] = ENV["GRDISPLAY"] if display_name[] == "js" || display_name[] == "pluto" || display_name[] == "js-server" send_c[], recv_c[] = js.initjs() elseif display_name[] == "plot" || display_name[] == "edit" ENV["GR_PLOT"] = if Sys.iswindows() "set PATH=$(GRPreferences.libpath[]) & \"$(GRPreferences.grplot[])\" --listen" else key = Sys.isapple() ? "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" : "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" "env $key=$(GRPreferences.libpath[]) $(GRPreferences.grplot[]) --listen" end GR.startlistener() ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "nul" end @debug "Found GRDISPLAY in ENV" display_name[] elseif "GKS_NO_GUI" in keys(ENV) @debug "Found GKS_NO_GUI in ENV, returning" return elseif "GKS_WSTYPE" in keys(ENV) mime_type[] = "" @debug "Force user-defined output type" ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] elseif isijulia() || ispluto() || isvscode() || isatom() mime_type[] = "svg" file_path[] = tempname() * ".svg" ENV["GKSwstype"] = "svg" ENV["GKS_FILEPATH"] = file_path[] @debug "Found an embedded environment" mime_type[] file_path[] ENV["GKSwstype"] ENV["GKS_FILEPATH"] else default_wstype = haskey(ENV, "DISPLAY") ? "gksqt" : "" haskey(ENV, "GKSwstype") || get!(ENV, "GKSwstype", default_wstype) if !haskey(ENV, "GKS_QT") ENV["GKS_QT"] = if Sys.iswindows() "set PATH=$(GRPreferences.libpath[]) & \"$(GRPreferences.gksqt[])\"" else key = Sys.isapple() ? "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" : "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" "env $key=$(GRPreferences.libpath[]) $(GRPreferences.gksqt[])" end end @debug "Artifacts setup" ENV["GKSwstype"] ENV["GKS_QT"] end if "GKS_IGNORE_ENCODING" in keys(ENV) text_encoding[] = ENCODING_UTF8 @debug "Found GKS_IGNORE_ENCODING in ENV" text_encoding[] elseif "GKS_ENCODING" in keys(ENV) text_encoding[] = if (enc = ENV["GKS_ENCODING"]) == "latin1" || enc == "latin-1" ENCODING_LATIN1 else ENCODING_UTF8 end @debug "Found GKS_ENCODING in ENV" text_encoding[] else ENV["GKS_ENCODING"] = "utf8" @debug "Default GKS_ENCODING" ENV["GKS_ENCODING"] end check_env[] = always end end function initgr() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_initgr), Nothing, () ) end function opengks() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_opengks), Nothing, () ) end function closegks() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_closegks), Nothing, () ) end # (Information taken from <>.) # tmux requires unrecognized OSC sequences to be wrapped with DCS # tmux; <sequence> ST, and for all ESCs in <sequence> to be replaced # with ESC ESC. It only accepts ESC backslash for ST. We use TERM # instead of TMUX because TERM gets passed through ssh. function osc_seq() if startswith(get(ENV, "TERM", ""), "screen") "\033Ptmux;\033\033]" else "\033]" end end function st_seq() if startswith(get(ENV, "TERM", ""), "screen") "\a\033\\" else "\a" end end function is_dark_mode() try setraw!(true) print(stdin, "\033]11;?\033\\") resp = read(stdin, 24) setraw!(false) bg = String(resp)[10:23] red, green, blue = parse.(Int, rsplit(bg, '/'), base=16) ./ 0xffff return 0.3 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue < 0.5 catch e setraw!(false) return false end end function inqdspsize() mwidth = Cdouble[0] mheight = Cdouble[0] width = Cint[0] height = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqdspsize), Nothing, (Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}), mwidth, mheight, width, height) return mwidth[1], mheight[1], width[1], height[1] end """ openws(workstation_id::Int, connection, workstation_type::Int) Open a graphical workstation. **Parameters:** `workstation_id` : A workstation identifier. `connection` : A connection identifier. `workstation_type` : The desired workstation type. Available workstation types: +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 5|Workstation Independent Segment Storage | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 7, 8|Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM binary, clear text) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 41|Windows GDI | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 51|Mac Quickdraw | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 61 - 64|PostScript (b/w, color) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 101, 102|Portable Document Format (plain, compressed) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 210 - 213|X Windows | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 214|Sun Raster file (RF) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 215, 218|Graphics Interchange Format (GIF87, GIF89) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 216|Motif User Interface Language (UIL) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 320|Windows Bitmap (BMP) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 321|JPEG image file | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 322|Portable Network Graphics file (PNG) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 323|Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 370|Xfig vector graphics file | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 371|Gtk | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 380|wxWidgets | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 381|Qt4 | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 382|Scaleable Vector Graphics (SVG) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 390|Windows Metafile | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 400|Quartz | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 410|Socket driver | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 415|0MQ driver | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 420|OpenGL | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 430|HTML5 Canvas | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+ """ function openws(workstation_id::Int, connection, workstation_type::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_openws), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Cchar}, Int32), workstation_id, connection, workstation_type) end """ closews(workstation_id::Int) Close the specified workstation. **Parameters:** `workstation_id` : A workstation identifier. """ function closews(workstation_id::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_closews), Nothing, (Int32, ), workstation_id) end """ activatews(workstation_id::Int) Activate the specified workstation. **Parameters:** `workstation_id` : A workstation identifier. """ function activatews(workstation_id::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_activatews), Nothing, (Int32, ), workstation_id) end """ deactivatews(workstation_id::Int) Deactivate the specified workstation. **Parameters:** `workstation_id` : A workstation identifier. """ function deactivatews(workstation_id::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_deactivatews), Nothing, (Int32, ), workstation_id) end function clearws() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_clearws), Nothing, () ) end function updatews() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_updatews), Nothing, () ) end """ polyline(x, y) Draw a polyline using the current line attributes, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates The values for `x` and `y` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polyline are linetype, linewidth and color index. """ function polyline(x, y) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_polyline), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y)) end """ polymarker(x, y) Draw marker symbols centered at the given data points. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates The values for `x` and `y` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polymarker are marker type, marker size scale factor and color index. """ function polymarker(x, y) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_polymarker), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y)) end function latin1(string) if text_encoding[] == ENCODING_UTF8 # add null character '\0' for SubString types (see GR.jl SubString issue #336) if typeof(string) == SubString{String} return string * "\0" else return string end end b = unsafe_wrap(Array{UInt8,1}, pointer(string), sizeof(string)) s = zeros(UInt8, sizeof(string) * 2) len = 0 mask = 0 for c in b if mask == -1 mask = 0 continue end if c == 0xce || c == 0xcf len += 1 s[len] = 0x3f mask = -1 continue end if c != 0xc2 && c != 0xc3 len += 1 s[len] = c | mask end if c == 0xc3 mask = 0x40 else mask = 0 end end return s[1:len] end """ text(x::Real, y::Real, string) Draw a text at position `x`, `y` using the current text attributes. **Parameters:** `x` : The X coordinate of starting position of the text string `y` : The Y coordinate of starting position of the text string `string` : The text to be drawn The values for `x` and `y` are in normalized device coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of text are text font and precision, character expansion factor, character spacing, text color index, character height, character up vector, text path and text alignment. """ function text(x::Real, y::Real, string) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_text), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}), x, y, latin1(string)) end function inqtext(x, y, string) tbx = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] tby = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqtext), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), x, y, latin1(string), tbx, tby) return tbx, tby end function textx(x::Real, y::Real, string, opts::UInt32) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_textx), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, UInt32), x, y, latin1(string), opts) end function inqtextx(x, y, string, opts::UInt32) tbx = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] tby = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqtextx), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, UInt32, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), x, y, latin1(string), opts, tbx, tby) return tbx, tby end """ fillarea(x, y) Allows you to specify a polygonal shape of an area to be filled. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates The attributes that control the appearance of fill areas are fill area interior style, fill area style index and fill area color index. """ function fillarea(x, y) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_fillarea), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y)) end """ cellarray(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, dimx::Int, dimy::Int, color) Display rasterlike images in a device-independent manner. The cell array function partitions a rectangle given by two corner points into DIMX X DIMY cells, each of them colored individually by the corresponding color index of the given cell array. **Parameters:** `xmin`, `ymin` : Lower left point of the rectangle `xmax`, `ymax` : Upper right point of the rectangle `dimx`, `dimy` : X and Y dimension of the color index array `color` : Color index array The values for `xmin`, `xmax`, `ymin` and `ymax` are in world coordinates. """ function cellarray(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, dimx::Int, dimy::Int, color) if ndims(color) == 2 color = reshape(color, dimx * dimy) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_cellarray), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dimx, dimy, 1, 1, dimx, dimy, convert(Vector{Int32}, color)) end """ nonuniformcellarray(x, y, dimx::Int, dimy::Int, color) Display a two dimensional color index array with nonuniform cell sizes. **Parameters:** `x`, `y` : X and Y coordinates of the cell edges `dimx`, `dimy` : X and Y dimension of the color index array `color` : Color index array The values for `x` and `y` are in world coordinates. `x` must contain `dimx` + 1 elements and `y` must contain `dimy` + 1 elements. The elements i and i+1 are respectively the edges of the i-th cell in X and Y direction. """ function nonuniformcellarray(x, y, dimx::Int, dimy::Int, color) @assert dimx <= length(x) <= dimx+1 && dimy <= length(y) <= dimy+1 if ndims(color) == 2 color = reshape(color, dimx * dimy) end nx = dimx == length(x) ? -dimx : dimx ny = dimy == length(y) ? -dimy : dimy ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_nonuniformcellarray), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}), convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), nx, ny, 1, 1, dimx, dimy, convert(Vector{Int32}, color)) end """ polarcellarray(xorg::Real, yorg::Real, phimin::Real, phimax::Real, rmin::Real, rmax::Real, imphi::Int, dimr::Int, color) Display a two dimensional color index array mapped to a disk using polar coordinates. **Parameters:** `xorg` : X coordinate of the disk center in world coordinates `yorg` : Y coordinate of the disk center in world coordinates `phimin` : start angle of the disk sector in degrees `phimax` : end angle of the disk sector in degrees `rmin` : inner radius of the punctured disk in world coordinates `rmax` : outer radius of the punctured disk in world coordinates `dimiphi`, `dimr` : Phi (X) and iR (Y) dimension of the color index array `color` : Color index array The two dimensional color index array is mapped to the resulting image by interpreting the X-axis of the array as the angle and the Y-axis as the radius. The center point of the resulting disk is located at `xorg`, `yorg` and the radius of the disk is `rmax`. """ function polarcellarray(xorg::Real, yorg::Real, phimin::Real, phimax::Real, rmin::Real, rmax::Real, dimphi::Int, dimr::Int, color) if ndims(color) == 2 color = reshape(color, dimphi * dimr) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_polarcellarray), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}), xorg, yorg, phimin, phimax, rmin, rmax, dimphi, dimr, 1, 1, dimphi, dimr, convert(Vector{Int32}, color)) end """ nonuniformpolarcellarray(x, y, dimx::Int, dimy::Int, color) Display a two dimensional color index array mapped to a disk using nonuniform polar coordinates. **Parameters:** `x`, `y` : X and Y coordinates of the cell edges `dimx`, `dimy` : X and Y dimension of the color index array `color` : Color index array The two dimensional color index array is mapped to the resulting image by interpreting the X-axis of the array as the angle and the Y-axis as the radius. """ function nonuniformpolarcellarray(x, y, dimx::Int, dimy::Int, color) @assert dimx <= length(x) <= dimx+1 && dimy <= length(y) <= dimy+1 if ndims(color) == 2 color = reshape(color, dimx * dimy) end nx = dimx == length(x) ? -dimx : dimx ny = dimy == length(y) ? -dimy : dimy ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_nonuniformpolarcellarray), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}), 0, 0, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), nx, ny, 1, 1, dimx, dimy, convert(Vector{Int32}, color)) end """ gdp(x, y, primid, datrec) Generates a generalized drawing primitive (GDP) of the type you specify, using specified points and any additional information contained in a data record. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `primid` : Primitive identifier `datrec` : Primitive data record """ function gdp(x, y, primid, datrec) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) ldr = length(datrec) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_gdp), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), primid, ldr, convert(Vector{Int32}, datrec)) end """ path(x, y, codes) Draw paths using the given vertices and path codes. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `codes` : A list containing the path codes The values for `x` and `y` are in world coordinates. The `codes` describe several path primitives that can be used to create compound paths. The following path codes are recognized: +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | **Code** | **Description** | **x** | **y** | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | M, m | move | x | y | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | L, l | line | x | y | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | Q, q | quadratic Bezier | x1, x2 | y1, y2 | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | C, c | cubic Bezier | x1, x2, x3 | y1, y2, y3 | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | A, a | arc | rx, a1, reserved | ry, a2, reserved | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | Z | close path | | | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | S | stroke | | | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | s | close path and stroke | | | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | f | close path and fill | | | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | F | close path, fill and stroke | | | +----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ - Move: `M`, `m` Moves the current position to (`x`, `y`). The new position is either absolute (`M`) or relative to the current position (`m`). The initial position of :code:`path` is (0, 0). Example: >>> path([0.5, -0.1], [0.2, 0.1], "Mm") The first move command in this example moves the current position to the absolute coordinates (0.5, 0.2). The second move to performs a movement by (-0.1, 0.1) relative to the current position resulting in the point (0.4, 0.3). - Line: `L`, `l` Draws a line from the current position to the given position (`x`, `y`). The end point of the line is either absolute (`L`) or relative to the current position (`l`). The current position is set to the end point of the line. Example: >>> path([0.1, 0.5, 0.0], [0.1, 0.1, 0.2], "MLlS") The first line to command draws a straight line from the current position (0.1, 0.1) to the absolute position (0.5, 0.1) resulting in a horizontal line. The second line to command draws a vertical line relative to the current position resulting in the end point (0.5, 0.3). - Quadratic Bezier curve: `Q`, `q` Draws a quadratic bezier curve from the current position to the end point (`x2`, `y2`) using (`x1`, `y1`) as the control point. Both points are either absolute (`Q`) or relative to the current position (`q`). The current position is set to the end point of the bezier curve. Example: >>> path([0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2, 0.4], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0], "MQqS") This example will generate two bezier curves whose start and end points are each located at y=0.1. As the control points are horizontally in the middle of each bezier curve with a higher y value both curves are symmetrical and bend slightly upwards in the middle. The current position is set to (0.9, 0.1) at the end. - Cubic Bezier curve: `C`, `c` Draws a cubic bezier curve from the current position to the end point (`x3`, `y3`) using (`x1`, `y1`) and (`x2`, `y2`) as the control points. All three points are either absolute (`C`) or relative to the current position (`c`). The current position is set to the end point of the bezier curve. Example: >>> path( ... [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ... [0.1, 0.2, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.0], ... "MCcS" ... ) This example will generate two bezier curves whose start and end points are each located at y=0.1. As the control points are equally spaced along the x-axis and the first is above and the second is below the start and end points this creates a wave-like shape for both bezier curves. The current position is set to (0.8, 0.1) at the end. - Ellipctical arc: `A`, `a` Draws an elliptical arc starting at the current position. The major axis of the ellipse is aligned with the x-axis and the minor axis is aligned with the y-axis of the plot. `rx` and `ry` are the ellipses radii along the major and minor axis. `a1` and `a2` define the start and end angle of the arc in radians. The current position is set to the end point of the arc. If `a2` is greater than `a1` the arc is drawn counter-clockwise, otherwise it is drawn clockwise. The `a` and `A` commands draw the same arc. The third coordinates of the `x` and `y` array are ignored and reserved for future use. Examples: >>> path([0.1, 0.2, -3.14159 / 2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.4, 3.14159 / 2, 0.0], "MAS") This example draws an arc starting at (0.1, 0.1). As the start angle -pi/2 is smaller than the end angle pi/2 the arc is drawn counter-clockwise. In this case the right half of an ellipse with an x radius of 0.2 and a y radius of 0.4 is shown. Therefore the current position is set to (0.1, 0.9) at the end. >>> path([0.1, 0.2, 3.14159 / 2, 0.0], [0.9, 0.4, -3.14159 / 2, 0.0], "MAS") This examples draws the same arc as the previous one. The only difference is that the starting point is now at (0.1, 0.9) and the start angle pi/2 is greater than the end angle -pi/2 so that the ellipse arc is drawn clockwise. Therefore the current position is set to (0.1, 0.1) at the end. - Close path: `Z` Closes the current path by connecting the current position to the target position of the last move command (`m` or `M`) with a straight line. If no move to was performed in this path it connects the current position to (0, 0). When the path is stroked this line will also be drawn. - Stroke path: `S`, `s` Strokes the path with the current border width and border color (set with :code:`gr.setborderwidth` and :code:`gr.setbordercolorind`). In case of `s` the path is closed beforehand, which is equivalent to `ZS`. - Fill path: `F`, `f` Fills the current path using the even-odd-rule using the current fill color. Filling a path implicitly closes the path. The fill color can be set using :code:`gr.setfillcolorind`. In case of `F` the path is also stroked using the current border width and color afterwards. """ function path(x, y, codes) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_path), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Cstring), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), codes) end function to_rgb_color(z) z = (z .- minimum(z)) ./ (maximum(z) - minimum(z)) n = length(z) rgb = zeros(Int, n) for i in 1:n rgb[i] = inqcolor(1000 + round(Int, z[i] * 255)) end rgb end function polyline(x, y, linewidth, line_z) if length(linewidth) == 1 linewidth = ones(length(x)) .* linewidth end linewidth = round.(Int, 1000 .* linewidth) @assert length(x) == length(y) == length(linewidth) == length(line_z) color = to_rgb_color(line_z) attributes = vec(hcat(linewidth, color)') gdp(x, y, GDP_DRAW_LINES, attributes) end function polymarker(x, y, markersize, marker_z) if length(markersize) == 1 markersize = ones(length(x)) .* markersize end markersize = round.(Int, 1000 .* markersize) @assert length(x) == length(y) == length(markersize) == length(marker_z) color = to_rgb_color(marker_z) attributes = vec(hcat(markersize, color)') gdp(x, y, GDP_DRAW_MARKERS, attributes) end """ spline(x, y, m, method) Generate a cubic spline-fit, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `m` : The number of points in the polygon to be drawn (`m` > len(`x`)) `method` : The smoothing method The values for `x` and `y` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a spline-fit are linetype, linewidth and color index. If `method` is > 0, then a generalized cross-validated smoothing spline is calculated. If `method` is 0, then an interpolating natural cubic spline is calculated. If `method` is < -1, then a cubic B-spline is calculated. """ function spline(x, y, m, method) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_spline), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), m, method) end function gridit(xd, yd, zd, nx, ny) @assert length(xd) == length(yd) == length(zd) nd = length(xd) x = Cdouble[1 : nx ;] y = Cdouble[1 : ny ;] z = Cdouble[1 : nx*ny ;] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_gridit), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), nd, convert(Vector{Float64}, xd), convert(Vector{Float64}, yd), convert(Vector{Float64}, zd), nx, ny, x, y, z) return x, y, z end """ setlinetype(style::Int) Specify the line style for polylines. **Parameters:** `style` : The polyline line style The available line types are: +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_SOLID | 1|Solid line | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_DASHED | 2|Dashed line | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_DOTTED | 3|Dotted line | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_DASHED_DOTTED | 4|Dashed-dotted line | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_DASH_2_DOT | -1|Sequence of one dash followed by two dots | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_DASH_3_DOT | -2|Sequence of one dash followed by three dots | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_LONG_DASH | -3|Sequence of long dashes | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_LONG_SHORT_DASH | -4|Sequence of a long dash followed by a short dash | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_SPACED_DASH | -5|Sequence of dashes double spaced | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_SPACED_DOT | -6|Sequence of dots double spaced | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_DOUBLE_DOT | -7|Sequence of pairs of dots | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ |LINETYPE_TRIPLE_DOT | -8|Sequence of groups of three dots | +---------------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ """ function setlinetype(style::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setlinetype), Nothing, (Int32, ), style) end """ setlinewidth(width::Real) Define the line width of subsequent polyline output primitives. **Parameters:** `width` : The polyline line width scale factor The line width is calculated as the nominal line width generated on the workstation multiplied by the line width scale factor. This value is mapped by the workstation to the nearest available line width. The default line width is 1.0, or 1 times the line width generated on the graphics device. """ function setlinewidth(width::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setlinewidth), Nothing, (Float64, ), width) end """ setlinecolorind(color::Int) Define the color of subsequent polyline output primitives. **Parameters:** `color` : The polyline color index (COLOR < 1256) """ function setlinecolorind(color::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setlinecolorind), Nothing, (Int32, ), color) end """ setmarkertype(mtype::Int) Specifiy the marker type for polymarkers. **Parameters:** `style` : The polymarker marker type The available marker types are: +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_DOT | 1|Smallest displayable dot | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_PLUS | 2|Plus sign | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_ASTERISK | 3|Asterisk | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_CIRCLE | 4|Hollow circle | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_DIAGONAL_CROSS | 5|Diagonal cross | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE | -1|Filled circle | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_TRIANGLE_UP | -2|Hollow triangle pointing upward | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_UP | -3|Filled triangle pointing upward | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_TRIANGLE_DOWN | -4|Hollow triangle pointing downward | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_DOWN | -5|Filled triangle pointing downward | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SQUARE | -6|Hollow square | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_SQUARE | -7|Filled square | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_BOWTIE | -8|Hollow bowtie | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_BOWTIE | -9|Filled bowtie | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_HGLASS | -10|Hollow hourglass | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_HGLASS | -11|Filled hourglass | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_DIAMOND | -12|Hollow diamond | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_DIAMOND | -13|Filled Diamond | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_STAR | -14|Hollow star | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_STAR | -15|Filled Star | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_TRI_UP_DOWN | -16|Hollow triangles pointing up and down overlaid | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_RIGHT | -17|Filled triangle point right | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_LEFT | -18|Filled triangle pointing left | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_HOLLOW PLUS | -19|Hollow plus sign | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_SOLID PLUS | -20|Solid plus sign | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_PENTAGON | -21|Pentagon | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_HEXAGON | -22|Hexagon | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_HEPTAGON | -23|Heptagon | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_OCTAGON | -24|Octagon | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_STAR_4 | -25|4-pointed star | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_STAR_5 | -26|5-pointed star (pentagram) | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_STAR_6 | -27|6-pointed star (hexagram) | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_STAR_7 | -28|7-pointed star (heptagram) | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_STAR_8 | -29|8-pointed star (octagram) | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_VLINE | -30|verical line | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_HLINE | -31|horizontal line | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ |MARKERTYPE_OMARK | -32|o-mark | +-----------------------------+-----+------------------------------------------------+ Polymarkers appear centered over their specified coordinates. """ function setmarkertype(mtype::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setmarkertype), Nothing, (Int32, ), mtype) end """ setmarkersize(mtype::Real) Specify the marker size for polymarkers. **Parameters:** `size` : Scale factor applied to the nominal marker size The polymarker size is calculated as the nominal size generated on the graphics device multiplied by the marker size scale factor. """ function setmarkersize(mtype::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setmarkersize), Nothing, (Float64, ), mtype) end """ setmarkercolorind(color::Int) Define the color of subsequent polymarker output primitives. **Parameters:** `color` : The polymarker color index (COLOR < 1256) """ function setmarkercolorind(color::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setmarkercolorind), Nothing, (Int32, ), color) end """ settextfontprec(font::Int, precision::Int) Specify the text font and precision for subsequent text output primitives. **Parameters:** `font` : Text font (see tables below) `precision` : Text precision (see table below) The available text fonts are: +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_TIMES_ROMAN | 101| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_TIMES_ITALIC | 102| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_TIMES_BOLD | 103| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_TIMES_BOLDITALIC | 104| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_HELVETICA | 105| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_HELVETICA_OBLIQUE | 106| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD | 107| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE | 108| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_COURIER | 109| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_COURIER_OBLIQUE | 110| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_COURIER_BOLD | 111| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE | 112| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_SYMBOL | 113| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_BOOKMAN_LIGHT | 114| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_BOOKMAN_LIGHTITALIC | 115| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_BOOKMAN_DEMI | 116| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_BOOKMAN_DEMIITALIC | 117| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_ROMAN | 118| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_ITALIC | 119| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_BOLD | 120| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_BOLDITALIC | 121| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_AVANTGARDE_BOOK | 122| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_AVANTGARDE_BOOKOBLIQUE | 123| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_AVANTGARDE_DEMI | 124| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_AVANTGARDE_DEMIOBLIQUE | 125| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_PALATINO_ROMAN | 126| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_PALATINO_ITALIC | 127| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_PALATINO_BOLD | 128| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_PALATINO_BOLDITALIC | 129| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_ZAPFCHANCERY_MEDIUMITALIC | 130| +--------------------------------------+-----+ |FONT_ZAPFDINGBATS | 131| +--------------------------------------+-----+ The available text precisions are: +---------------------------+---+--------------------------------------+ |TEXT_PRECISION_STRING | 0|String precision (higher quality) | +---------------------------+---+--------------------------------------+ |TEXT_PRECISION_CHAR | 1|Character precision (medium quality) | +---------------------------+---+--------------------------------------+ |TEXT_PRECISION_STROKE | 2|Stroke precision (lower quality) | +---------------------------+---+--------------------------------------+ The appearance of a font depends on the text precision value specified. STRING, CHARACTER or STROKE precision allows for a greater or lesser realization of the text primitives, for efficiency. STRING is the default precision for GR and produces the highest quality output. """ function settextfontprec(font::Int, precision::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settextfontprec), Nothing, (Int32, Int32), font, precision) end """ setcharexpan(factor::Real) Set the current character expansion factor (width to height ratio). **Parameters:** `factor` : Text expansion factor applied to the nominal text width-to-height ratio `setcharexpan` defines the width of subsequent text output primitives. The expansion factor alters the width of the generated characters, but not their height. The default text expansion factor is 1, or one times the normal width-to-height ratio of the text. """ function setcharexpan(factor::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcharexpan), Nothing, (Float64, ), factor) end function setcharspace(spacing::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcharspace), Nothing, (Float64, ), spacing) end """ settextcolorind(color::Int) Sets the current text color index. **Parameters:** `color` : The text color index (COLOR < 1256) `settextcolorind` defines the color of subsequent text output primitives. GR uses the default foreground color (black=1) for the default text color index. """ function settextcolorind(color::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settextcolorind), Nothing, (Int32, ), color) end """ setcharheight(height::Real) Set the current character height. **Parameters:** `height` : Text height value `setcharheight` defines the height of subsequent text output primitives. Text height is defined as a percentage of the default window. GR uses the default text height of 0.027 (2.7% of the height of the default window). """ function setcharheight(height::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcharheight), Nothing, (Float64, ), height) end function inqcharheight() _height = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqcharheight), Nothing, (Ptr{Cdouble}, ), _height) return _height[1] end """ setcharup(ux::Real, uy::Real) Set the current character text angle up vector. **Parameters:** `ux`, `uy` : Text up vector `setcharup` defines the vertical rotation of subsequent text output primitives. The text up vector is initially set to (0, 1), horizontal to the baseline. """ function setcharup(ux::Real, uy::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcharup), Nothing, (Float64, Float64), ux, uy) end """ settextpath(path::Int) Define the current direction in which subsequent text will be drawn. **Parameters:** `path` : Text path (see table below) +----------------------+---+---------------+ |TEXT_PATH_RIGHT | 0|left-to-right | +----------------------+---+---------------+ |TEXT_PATH_LEFT | 1|right-to-left | +----------------------+---+---------------+ |TEXT_PATH_UP | 2|downside-up | +----------------------+---+---------------+ |TEXT_PATH_DOWN | 3|upside-down | +----------------------+---+---------------+ """ function settextpath(path::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settextpath), Nothing, (Int32, ), path) end """ settextalign(horizontal::Int, vertical::Int) Set the current horizontal and vertical alignment for text. **Parameters:** `horizontal` : Horizontal text alignment (see the table below) `vertical` : Vertical text alignment (see the table below) `settextalign` specifies how the characters in a text primitive will be aligned in horizontal and vertical space. The default text alignment indicates horizontal left alignment and vertical baseline alignment. +-------------------------+---+----------------+ |TEXT_HALIGN_NORMAL | 0| | +-------------------------+---+----------------+ |TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT | 1|Left justify | +-------------------------+---+----------------+ |TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER | 2|Center justify | +-------------------------+---+----------------+ |TEXT_HALIGN_RIGHT | 3|Right justify | +-------------------------+---+----------------+ +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ |TEXT_VALIGN_NORMAL | 0| | +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ |TEXT_VALIGN_TOP | 1|Align with the top of the characters | +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ |TEXT_VALIGN_CAP | 2|Aligned with the cap of the characters | +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ |TEXT_VALIGN_HALF | 3|Aligned with the half line of the characters | +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ |TEXT_VALIGN_BASE | 4|Aligned with the base line of the characters | +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ |TEXT_VALIGN_BOTTOM | 5|Aligned with the bottom line of the characters | +-------------------------+---+------------------------------------------------+ """ function settextalign(horizontal::Int, vertical::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settextalign), Nothing, (Int32, Int32), horizontal, vertical) end """ setfillintstyle(style::Int) Set the fill area interior style to be used for fill areas. **Parameters:** `style` : The style of fill to be used `setfillintstyle` defines the interior style for subsequent fill area output primitives. The default interior style is HOLLOW. +---------+---+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |HOLLOW | 0|No filling. Just draw the bounding polyline | +---------+---+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SOLID | 1|Fill the interior of the polygon using the fill color index | +---------+---+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |PATTERN | 2|Fill the interior of the polygon using the style index as a pattern index | +---------+---+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |HATCH | 3|Fill the interior of the polygon using the style index as a cross-hatched style | +---------+---+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ """ function setfillintstyle(style::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setfillintstyle), Nothing, (Int32, ), style) end """ setfillstyle(index::Int) Sets the fill style to be used for subsequent fill areas. **Parameters:** `index` : The fill style index to be used `setfillstyle` specifies an index when PATTERN fill or HATCH fill is requested by the `setfillintstyle` function. If the interior style is set to PATTERN, the fill style index points to a device-independent pattern table. If interior style is set to HATCH the fill style index indicates different hatch styles. If HOLLOW or SOLID is specified for the interior style, the fill style index is unused. """ function setfillstyle(index::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setfillstyle), Nothing, (Int32, ), index) end """ setfillcolorind(color::Int) Sets the current fill area color index. **Parameters:** `color` : The fill area color index (COLOR < 1256) `setfillcolorind` defines the color of subsequent fill area output primitives. GR uses the default foreground color (black=1) for the default fill area color index. """ function setfillcolorind(color::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setfillcolorind), Nothing, (Int32, ), color) end """ setcolorrep(index::Int, red::Real, green::Real, blue::Real) `setcolorrep` allows to redefine an existing color index representation by specifying an RGB color triplet. **Parameters:** `index` : Color index in the range 0 to 1256 `red` : Red intensity in the range 0.0 to 1.0 `green` : Green intensity in the range 0.0 to 1.0 `blue`: Blue intensity in the range 0.0 to 1.0 """ function setcolorrep(index::Int, red::Real, green::Real, blue::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcolorrep), Nothing, (Int32, Float64, Float64, Float64), index, red, green, blue) end """ setscale(options::Int) `setscale` sets the type of transformation to be used for subsequent GR output primitives. **Parameters:** `options` : Scale specification (see Table below) +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_X_LOG |Logarithmic X-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_Y_LOG |Logarithmic Y-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_Z_LOG |Logarithmic Z-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_FLIP_X |Flip X-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_FLIP_Y |Flip Y-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_FLIP_Z |Flip Z-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_X_LOG2 |log2 scaled X-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_Y_LOG2 |log2 scaled Y-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_Z_LOG2 |log2 scaled Z-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_X_LN |ln scaled X-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_Y_LN |ln scaled Y-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ |OPTION_Z_LN |ln scaled Z-axis | +---------------+--------------------+ `setscale` defines the current transformation according to the given scale specification which may be or'ed together using any of the above options. GR uses these options for all subsequent output primitives until another value is provided. The scale options are used to transform points from an abstract logarithmic or semi-logarithmic coordinate system, which may be flipped along each axis, into the world coordinate system. Note: When applying a logarithmic transformation to a specific axis, the system assumes that the axes limits are greater than zero. """ function setscale(options::Int) scale = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setscale), Int32, (Int32, ), options) return scale end function inqscale() _options = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqscale), Nothing, (Ptr{Int32}, ), _options) return _options[1] end """ setwindow(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) `setwindow` establishes a window, or rectangular subspace, of world coordinates to be plotted. If you desire log scaling or mirror-imaging of axes, use the SETSCALE function. **Parameters:** `xmin` : The left horizontal coordinate of the window (`xmin` < `xmax`). `xmax` : The right horizontal coordinate of the window. `ymin` : The bottom vertical coordinate of the window (`ymin` < `ymax`). `ymax` : The top vertical coordinate of the window. `setwindow` defines the rectangular portion of the World Coordinate space (WC) to be associated with the specified normalization transformation. The WC window and the Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC) viewport define the normalization transformation through which all output primitives are mapped. The WC window is mapped onto the rectangular NDC viewport which is, in turn, mapped onto the display surface of the open and active workstation, in device coordinates. By default, GR uses the range [0,1] x [0,1], in world coordinates, as the normalization transformation window. """ function setwindow(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setwindow), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end function inqwindow() _xmin = Cdouble[0] _xmax = Cdouble[0] _ymin = Cdouble[0] _ymax = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqwindow), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax) return _xmin[1], _xmax[1], _ymin[1], _ymax[1] end """ setviewport(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) `setviewport` establishes a rectangular subspace of normalized device coordinates. **Parameters:** `xmin` : The left horizontal coordinate of the viewport. `xmax` : The right horizontal coordinate of the viewport (0 <= `xmin` < `xmax` <= 1). `ymin` : The bottom vertical coordinate of the viewport. `ymax` : The top vertical coordinate of the viewport (0 <= `ymin` < `ymax` <= 1). `setviewport` defines the rectangular portion of the Normalized Device Coordinate (NDC) space to be associated with the specified normalization transformation. The NDC viewport and World Coordinate (WC) window define the normalization transformation through which all output primitives pass. The WC window is mapped onto the rectangular NDC viewport which is, in turn, mapped onto the display surface of the open and active workstation, in device coordinates. """ function setviewport(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setviewport), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end function inqviewport() _xmin = Cdouble[0] _xmax = Cdouble[0] _ymin = Cdouble[0] _ymax = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqviewport), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax) return _xmin[1], _xmax[1], _ymin[1], _ymax[1] end """ selntran(transform::Int) `selntran` selects a predefined transformation from world coordinates to normalized device coordinates. **Parameters:** `transform` : A normalization transformation number. +------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0|Selects the identity transformation in which both the window and viewport have the range of 0 to 1 | +------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | >= 1|Selects a normalization transformation as defined by `setwindow` and `setviewport` | +------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ """ function selntran(transform::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_selntran), Nothing, (Int32, ), transform) end """ setclip(indicator::Int) Set the clipping indicator. **Parameters:** `indicator` : An indicator specifying whether clipping is on or off. +----+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0|Clipping is off. Data outside of the window will be drawn. | +----+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1|Clipping is on. Data outside of the window will not be drawn. | +----+---------------------------------------------------------------+ `setclip` enables or disables clipping of the image drawn in the current window. Clipping is defined as the removal of those portions of the graph that lie outside of the defined viewport. If clipping is on, GR does not draw generated output primitives past the viewport boundaries. If clipping is off, primitives may exceed the viewport boundaries, and they will be drawn to the edge of the workstation window. By default, clipping is on. """ function setclip(indicator::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setclip), Nothing, (Int32, ), indicator) end """ setwswindow(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) Set the area of the NDC viewport that is to be drawn in the workstation window. **Parameters:** `xmin` : The left horizontal coordinate of the workstation window. `xmax` : The right horizontal coordinate of the workstation window (0 <= `xmin` < `xmax` <= 1). `ymin` : The bottom vertical coordinate of the workstation window. `ymax` : The top vertical coordinate of the workstation window (0 <= `ymin` < `ymax` <= 1). `setwswindow` defines the rectangular area of the Normalized Device Coordinate space to be output to the device. By default, the workstation transformation will map the range [0,1] x [0,1] in NDC onto the largest square on the workstation’s display surface. The aspect ratio of the workstation window is maintained at 1 to 1. """ function setwswindow(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setwswindow), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end """ setwsviewport(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) Define the size of the workstation graphics window in meters. **Parameters:** `xmin` : The left horizontal coordinate of the workstation viewport. `xmax` : The right horizontal coordinate of the workstation viewport. `ymin` : The bottom vertical coordinate of the workstation viewport. `ymax` : The top vertical coordinate of the workstation viewport. `setwsviewport` places a workstation window on the display of the specified size in meters. This command allows the workstation window to be accurately sized for a display or hardcopy device, and is often useful for sizing graphs for desktop publishing applications. """ function setwsviewport(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setwsviewport), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end function createseg(segment::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_createseg), Nothing, (Int32, ), segment) end function copyseg(segment::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_copysegws), Nothing, (Int32, ), segment) end function redrawseg() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_redrawsegws), Nothing, () ) end function setsegtran(segment::Int, fx::Real, fy::Real, transx::Real, transy::Real, phi::Real, scalex::Real, scaley::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setsegtran), Nothing, (Int32, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), segment, fx, fy, transx, transy, phi, scalex, scaley) end function closeseg() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_closeseg), Nothing, () ) end function samplelocator() x = Cdouble[0] y = Cdouble[0] buttons = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_samplelocator), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Int32}), x, y, buttons) return x[1], y[1], buttons[1] end function emergencyclosegks() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_emergencyclosegks), Nothing, () ) end function updategks() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_updategks), Nothing, () ) end """ setspace(zmin::Real, zmax::Real, rotation::Int, tilt::Int) Set the abstract Z-space used for mapping three-dimensional output primitives into the current world coordinate space. **Parameters:** `zmin` : Minimum value for the Z-axis. `zmax` : Maximum value for the Z-axis. `rotation` : Angle for the rotation of the X axis, in degrees. `tilt` : Viewing angle of the Z axis in degrees. `setspace` establishes the limits of an abstract Z-axis and defines the angles for rotation and for the viewing angle (tilt) of a simulated three-dimensional graph, used for mapping corresponding output primitives into the current window. These settings are used for all subsequent three-dimensional output primitives until other values are specified. Angles of rotation and viewing angle must be specified between 0° and 90°. """ function setspace(zmin::Real, zmax::Real, rotation::Int, tilt::Int) space = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setspace), Int32, (Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32), zmin, zmax, rotation, tilt) return space end """ textext(x::Real, y::Real, string) Draw a text at position `x`, `y` using the current text attributes. Strings can be defined to create basic mathematical expressions and Greek letters. **Parameters:** `x` : The X coordinate of starting position of the text string `y` : The Y coordinate of starting position of the text string `string` : The text to be drawn The values for X and Y are in normalized device coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of text are text font and precision, character expansion factor, character spacing, text color index, character height, character up vector, text path and text alignment. The character string is interpreted to be a simple mathematical formula. The following notations apply: Subscripts and superscripts: These are indicated by carets ('^') and underscores ('_'). If the sub/superscript contains more than one character, it must be enclosed in curly braces ('{}'). Fractions are typeset with A '/' B, where A stands for the numerator and B for the denominator. To include a Greek letter you must specify the corresponding keyword after a backslash ('\') character. The text translator produces uppercase or lowercase Greek letters depending on the case of the keyword. +--------+---------+ |Letter |Keyword | +--------+---------+ |Α α |alpha | +--------+---------+ |Β β |beta | +--------+---------+ |Γ γ |gamma | +--------+---------+ |Δ δ |delta | +--------+---------+ |Ε ε |epsilon | +--------+---------+ |Ζ ζ |zeta | +--------+---------+ |Η η |eta | +--------+---------+ |Θ θ |theta | +--------+---------+ |Ι ι |iota | +--------+---------+ |Κ κ |kappa | +--------+---------+ |Λ λ |lambda | +--------+---------+ |Μ μ |mu | +--------+---------+ |Ν ν |nu | +--------+---------+ |Ξ ξ |xi | +--------+---------+ |Ο ο |omicron | +--------+---------+ |Π π |pi | +--------+---------+ |Ρ ρ |rho | +--------+---------+ |Σ σ |sigma | +--------+---------+ |Τ τ |tau | +--------+---------+ |Υ υ |upsilon | +--------+---------+ |Φ φ |phi | +--------+---------+ |Χ χ |chi | +--------+---------+ |Ψ ψ |psi | +--------+---------+ |Ω ω |omega | +--------+---------+ For more sophisticated mathematical formulas, you should use the `gr.mathtex` function. """ function textext(x::Real, y::Real, string) result = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_textext), Int32, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}), x, y, latin1(string)) return result end function inqtextext(x::Real, y::Real, string) tbx = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] tby = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqtextext), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), x, y, latin1(string), tbx, tby) return tbx, tby end """ axes2d(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, tick_size::Real) Draw X and Y coordinate axes with linearly and/or logarithmically spaced tick marks. **Parameters:** `x_tick`, `y_tick` : The interval between minor tick marks on each axis. `x_org`, `y_org` : The world coordinates of the origin (point of intersection) of the X and Y axes. `major_x`, `major_y` : Unitless integer values specifying the number of minor tick intervals between major tick marks. Values of 0 or 1 imply no minor ticks. Negative values specify no labels will be drawn for the associated axis. `tick_size` : The length of minor tick marks specified in a normalized device coordinate unit. Major tick marks are twice as long as minor tick marks. A negative value reverses the tick marks on the axes from inward facing to outward facing (or vice versa). Tick marks are positioned along each axis so that major tick marks fall on the axes origin (whether visible or not). Major tick marks are labeled with the corresponding data values. Axes are drawn according to the scale of the window. Axes and tick marks are drawn using solid lines; line color and width can be modified using the `setlinetype` and `setlinewidth` functions. Axes are drawn according to the linear or logarithmic transformation established by the `setscale` function. """ function axes2d(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, tick_size::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_axes), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Float64), x_tick, y_tick, x_org, y_org, major_x, major_y, tick_size) end axes(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, tick_size::Real) = axes2d(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, tick_size::Real) """ function axeslbl(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, tick_size::Real, fpx::Function, fpy::Function) Draw X and Y coordinate axes with linearly and/or logarithmically spaced tick marks. Tick marks are positioned along each axis so that major tick marks fall on the axes origin (whether visible or not). Major tick marks are labeled with the corresponding data values. Axes are drawn according to the scale of the window. Axes and tick marks are drawn using solid lines; line color and width can be modified using the `setlinetype` and `setlinewidth` functions. Axes are drawn according to the linear or logarithmic transformation established by the `setscale` function. **Parameters:** `x_tick`, `y_tick` : The interval between minor tick marks on each axis. `x_org`, `y_org` : The world coordinates of the origin (point of intersection) of the X and Y axes. `major_x`, `major_y` : Unitless integer values specifying the number of minor tick intervals between major tick marks. Values of 0 or 1 imply no minor ticks. Negative values specify no labels will be drawn for the associated axis. `tick_size` : The length of minor tick marks specified in a normalized device coordinate unit. Major tick marks are twice as long as minor tick marks. A negative value reverses the tick marks on the axes from inward facing to outward facing (or vice versa). `fx`, `fy` : Functions that returns a label for a given tick on the X or Y axis. Those functions should have the following arguments: `x`, `y` : Normalized device coordinates of the label in X and Y directions. `svalue` : Internal string representation of the text drawn at `(x,y)`. `value` : Floating point representation of the label drawn at `(x,y)`. """ function axeslbl(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, tick_size::Real, fx::Function, fy::Function) fx_c = @cfunction($fx, Int32, (Float64, Float64, Cstring, Float64)) fy_c = @cfunction($fy, Int32, (Float64, Float64, Cstring, Float64)) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_axeslbl), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Float64, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}), x_tick, y_tick, x_org, y_org, major_x, major_y, tick_size, fx_c, fy_c) end """ grid(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int) Draw a linear and/or logarithmic grid. **Parameters:** `x_tick`, `y_tick` : The length in world coordinates of the interval between minor grid lines. `x_org`, `y_org` : The world coordinates of the origin (point of intersection) of the grid. `major_x`, `major_y` : Unitless integer values specifying the number of minor grid lines between major grid lines. Values of 0 or 1 imply no grid lines. Major grid lines correspond to the axes origin and major tick marks whether visible or not. Minor grid lines are drawn at points equal to minor tick marks. Major grid lines are drawn using black lines and minor grid lines are drawn using gray lines. """ function grid(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_grid), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32), x_tick, y_tick, x_org, y_org, major_x, major_y) end function grid3d(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, z_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, z_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, major_z::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_grid3d), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Int32), x_tick, y_tick, z_tick, x_org, y_org, z_org, major_x, major_y, major_z) end """ verrorbars(px, py, e1, e2) Draw a standard vertical error bar graph. **Parameters:** `px` : A list of length N containing the X coordinates `py` : A list of length N containing the Y coordinates `e1` : The absolute values of the lower error bar data `e2` : The absolute values of the upper error bar data """ function verrorbars(px, py, e1, e2) @assert length(px) == length(py) == length(e1) == length(e2) n = length(px) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_verrorbars), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, e1), convert(Vector{Float64}, e2)) end """ herrorbars(px, py, e1, e2) Draw a standard horizontal error bar graph. **Parameters:** `px` : A list of length N containing the X coordinates `py` : A list of length N containing the Y coordinates `e1` : The absolute values of the lower error bar data `e2` : The absolute values of the upper error bar data """ function herrorbars(px, py, e1, e2) @assert length(px) == length(py) == length(e1) == length(e2) n = length(px) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_herrorbars), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, e1), convert(Vector{Float64}, e2)) end """ polyline3d(px, py, pz) Draw a 3D curve using the current line attributes, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point. **Parameters:** `x` : A list of length N containing the X coordinates `y` : A list of length N containing the Y coordinates `z` : A list of length N containing the Z coordinates The values for `x`, `y` and `z` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polyline are linetype, linewidth and color index. """ function polyline3d(px, py, pz) @assert length(px) == length(py) == length(pz) n = length(px) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_polyline3d), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, pz)) end """ polymarker3d(px, py, pz) Draw marker symbols centered at the given 3D data points. **Parameters:** `x` : A list of length N containing the X coordinates `y` : A list of length N containing the Y coordinates `z` : A list of length N containing the Z coordinates The values for `x`, `y` and `z` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polymarker are marker type, marker size scale factor and color index. """ function polymarker3d(px, py, pz) @assert length(px) == length(py) == length(pz) n = length(px) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_polymarker3d), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, pz)) end function axes3d(x_tick::Real, y_tick::Real, z_tick::Real, x_org::Real, y_org::Real, z_org::Real, major_x::Int, major_y::Int, major_z::Int, tick_size::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_axes3d), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Int32, Float64), x_tick, y_tick, z_tick, x_org, y_org, z_org, major_x, major_y, major_z, tick_size) end """ settitles3d(x_title, y_title, z_title) Set axis titles to be displayed in subsequent axes calls. **Parameters:** `x_title`, `y_title`, `z_title` : The text to be displayed on each axis """ function settitles3d(x_title, y_title, z_title) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settitles3d), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), latin1(x_title), latin1(y_title), latin1(z_title)) end """ titles3d(x_title, y_title, z_title) Display axis titles just outside of their respective axes. **Parameters:** `x_title`, `y_title`, `z_title` : The text to be displayed on each axis """ function titles3d(x_title, y_title, z_title) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_titles3d), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), latin1(x_title), latin1(y_title), latin1(z_title)) end """ surface(px, py, pz, option::Int) Draw a three-dimensional surface plot for the given data points. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `z` : A list of length `len(x)` * `len(y)` or an appropriately dimensioned array containing the Z coordinates `option` : Surface display option (see table below) `x` and `y` define a grid. `z` is a singly dimensioned array containing at least `nx` * `ny` data points. Z describes the surface height at each point on the grid. Data is ordered as shown in the following table: +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |LINES | 0|Use X Y polylines to denote the surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |MESH | 1|Use a wire grid to denote the surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |FILLED_MESH | 2|Applies an opaque grid to the surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |Z_SHADED_MESH | 3|Applies Z-value shading to the surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |COLORED_MESH | 4|Applies a colored grid to the surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |CELL_ARRAY | 5|Applies a grid of individually-colored cells to the surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ |SHADED_MESH | 6|Applies light source shading to the 3-D surface | +------------------+--+--------------------------------------------------------------+ """ function surface(px, py, pz, option::Int) nx = length(px) ny = length(py) if isa(pz, Function) f = pz pz = Float64[f(x,y) for y in py, x in px] end nz = length(pz) if ndims(pz) == 1 out_of_bounds = nz != nx * ny elseif ndims(pz) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(pz)[1] != nx || size(pz)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end if !out_of_bounds if ndims(pz) == 2 pz = reshape(pz, nx * ny) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_surface), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32), nx, ny, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, pz), option) else error("Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.") end end """ contour(px, py, h, pz, major_h::Int) Draw contours of a three-dimensional data set whose values are specified over a rectangular mesh. Contour lines may optionally be labeled. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `h` : A list containing the Z coordinate for the height values `z` : A list of length `len(x)` * `len(y)` or an appropriately dimensioned array containing the Z coordinates `major_h` : Directs GR to label contour lines. For example, a value of 3 would label every third line. A value of 1 will label every line. A value of 0 produces no labels. To produce colored contour lines, add an offset of 1000 to `major_h`. """ function contour(px, py, h, pz, major_h::Int) nx = length(px) ny = length(py) nh = length(h) if isa(pz, Function) f = pz pz = Float64[f(x,y) for y in py, x in px] end nz = length(pz) if ndims(pz) == 1 out_of_bounds = nz != nx * ny elseif ndims(pz) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(pz)[1] != nx || size(pz)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end if !out_of_bounds if ndims(pz) == 2 pz = reshape(pz, nx * ny) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_contour), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32), nx, ny, nh, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, h), convert(Vector{Float64}, pz), major_h) else error("Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.") end end """ contourf(px, py, h, pz, major_h::Int) Draw filled contours of a three-dimensional data set whose values are specified over a rectangular mesh. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `h` : A list containing the Z coordinate for the height values `z` : A list of length `len(x)` * `len(y)` or an appropriately dimensioned array containing the Z coordinates `major_h` : (intended for future use) """ function contourf(px, py, h, pz, major_h::Int) nx = length(px) ny = length(py) nh = length(h) if isa(pz, Function) f = pz pz = Float64[f(x,y) for y in py, x in px] end nz = length(pz) if ndims(pz) == 1 out_of_bounds = nz != nx * ny elseif ndims(pz) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(pz)[1] != nx || size(pz)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end if !out_of_bounds if ndims(pz) == 2 pz = reshape(pz, nx * ny) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_contourf), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32), nx, ny, nh, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, h), convert(Vector{Float64}, pz), major_h) else error("Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.") end end function hexbin(x, y, nbins) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) cntmax = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_hexbin), Int32, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), nbins) return cntmax end function setcolormap(index::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcolormap), Nothing, (Int32, ), index) end function colorbar() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_colorbar), Nothing, () ) end function inqcolor(color::Int) rgb = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqcolor), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Int32}), color, rgb) return rgb[1] end function inqcolorfromrgb(red::Real, green::Real, blue::Real) color = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqcolorfromrgb), Int32, (Float64, Float64, Float64), red, green, blue) return color end function hsvtorgb(h::Real, s::Real, v::Real) r = Cdouble[0] g = Cdouble[0] b = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_hsvtorgb), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), h, s, v, r, g, b) return r[1], g[1], b[1] end function tick(amin::Real, amax::Real) return ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_tick), Float64, (Float64, Float64), amin, amax) end function validaterange(amin::Real, amax::Real) return ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_validaterange), Int32, (Float64, Float64), amin, amax) end function adjustlimits(amin::Real, amax::Real) _amin = Cdouble[amin] _amax = Cdouble[amax] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_adjustlimits), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _amin, _amax) return _amin[1], _amax[1] end function adjustrange(amin::Real, amax::Real) _amin = Cdouble[amin] _amax = Cdouble[amax] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_adjustrange), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _amin, _amax) return _amin[1], _amax[1] end """ beginprint(pathname) Open and activate a print device. **Parameters:** `pathname` : Filename for the print device. `beginprint` opens an additional graphics output device. The device type is obtained from the given file extension. The following file types are supported: +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.ps, .eps |PostScript | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.pdf |Portable Document Format | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.bmp |Windows Bitmap (BMP) | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.jpeg, .jpg |JPEG image file | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.png |Portable Network Graphics file (PNG) | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.tiff, .tif |Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.fig |Xfig vector graphics file | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.svg |Scalable Vector Graphics | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ |.wmf |Windows Metafile | +-------------+---------------------------------------+ """ function beginprint(pathname) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_beginprint), Nothing, (Ptr{Cchar}, ), pathname) end """ beginprintext(pathname, mode, fmt, orientation) Open and activate a print device with the given layout attributes. **Parameters:** `pathname` : Filename for the print device. `mode` : Output mode (Color, GrayScale) `fmt` : Output format (see table below) `orientation` : Page orientation (Landscape, Portait) The available formats are: +-----------+---------------+ |A4 |0.210 x 0.297 | +-----------+---------------+ |B5 |0.176 x 0.250 | +-----------+---------------+ |Letter |0.216 x 0.279 | +-----------+---------------+ |Legal |0.216 x 0.356 | +-----------+---------------+ |Executive |0.191 x 0.254 | +-----------+---------------+ |A0 |0.841 x 1.189 | +-----------+---------------+ |A1 |0.594 x 0.841 | +-----------+---------------+ |A2 |0.420 x 0.594 | +-----------+---------------+ |A3 |0.297 x 0.420 | +-----------+---------------+ |A5 |0.148 x 0.210 | +-----------+---------------+ |A6 |0.105 x 0.148 | +-----------+---------------+ |A7 |0.074 x 0.105 | +-----------+---------------+ |A8 |0.052 x 0.074 | +-----------+---------------+ |A9 |0.037 x 0.052 | +-----------+---------------+ |B0 |1.000 x 1.414 | +-----------+---------------+ |B1 |0.500 x 0.707 | +-----------+---------------+ |B10 |0.031 x 0.044 | +-----------+---------------+ |B2 |0.500 x 0.707 | +-----------+---------------+ |B3 |0.353 x 0.500 | +-----------+---------------+ |B4 |0.250 x 0.353 | +-----------+---------------+ |B6 |0.125 x 0.176 | +-----------+---------------+ |B7 |0.088 x 0.125 | +-----------+---------------+ |B8 |0.062 x 0.088 | +-----------+---------------+ |B9 |0.044 x 0.062 | +-----------+---------------+ |C5E |0.163 x 0.229 | +-----------+---------------+ |Comm10E |0.105 x 0.241 | +-----------+---------------+ |DLE |0.110 x 0.220 | +-----------+---------------+ |Folio |0.210 x 0.330 | +-----------+---------------+ |Ledger |0.432 x 0.279 | +-----------+---------------+ |Tabloid |0.279 x 0.432 | +-----------+---------------+ """ function beginprintext(pathname, mode, fmt, orientation) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_beginprintext), Nothing, (Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cchar}), pathname, mode, fmt, orientation) end function endprint() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_endprint), Nothing, () ) end function ndctowc(x::Real, y::Real) _x = Cdouble[x] _y = Cdouble[y] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_ndctowc), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _x, _y) return _x[1], _y[1] end function wctondc(x::Real, y::Real) _x = Cdouble[x] _y = Cdouble[y] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_wctondc), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _x, _y) return _x[1], _y[1] end function wc3towc(x::Real, y::Real, z::Real) _x = Cdouble[x] _y = Cdouble[y] _z = Cdouble[z] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_wc3towc), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), _x, _y, _z) return _x[1], _y[1], _z[1] end """ drawrect(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) Draw a rectangle using the current line attributes. **Parameters:** `xmin` : Lower left edge of the rectangle `xmax` : Lower right edge of the rectangle `ymin` : Upper left edge of the rectangle `ymax` : Upper right edge of the rectangle """ function drawrect(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawrect), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end """ fillrect(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) Draw a filled rectangle using the current fill attributes. **Parameters:** `xmin` : Lower left edge of the rectangle `xmax` : Lower right edge of the rectangle `ymin` : Upper left edge of the rectangle `ymax` : Upper right edge of the rectangle """ function fillrect(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_fillrect), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end """ drawarc(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, a1::Real, a2::Real) Draw a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle. **Parameters:** `xmin` : Lower left edge of the rectangle `xmax` : Lower right edge of the rectangle `ymin` : Upper left edge of the rectangle `ymax` : Upper right edge of the rectangle `a1` : The start angle `a2` : The end angle The resulting arc begins at `a1` and ends at `a2` degrees. Angles are interpreted such that 0 degrees is at the 3 o'clock position. The center of the arc is the center of the given rectangle. """ function drawarc(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, a1::Real, a2::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawarc), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, a1, a2) end """ fillarc(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, a1::Real, a2::Real) Fill a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle. **Parameters:** `xmin` : Lower left edge of the rectangle `xmax` : Lower right edge of the rectangle `ymin` : Upper left edge of the rectangle `ymax` : Upper right edge of the rectangle `a1` : The start angle `a2` : The end angle The resulting arc begins at `a1` and ends at `a2` degrees. Angles are interpreted such that 0 degrees is at the 3 o'clock position. The center of the arc is the center of the given rectangle. """ function fillarc(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, a1::Real, a2::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_fillarc), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, a1, a2) end """ drawpath(points, codes, fill::Int) Draw simple and compound outlines consisting of line segments and bezier curves. **Parameters:** `points` : (N, 2) array of (x, y) vertices `codes` : N-length array of path codes `fill` : A flag indication whether resulting path is to be filled or not The following path codes are recognized: +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | STOP|end the entire path | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | MOVETO|move to the given vertex | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | LINETO|draw a line from the current position to the given vertex | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | CURVE3|draw a quadratic Bézier curve | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | CURVE4|draw a cubic Bézier curve | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | CLOSEPOLY|draw a line segment to the start point of the current path | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ """ function drawpath(points, codes, fill::Int) len = length(codes) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawpath), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), len, convert(Vector{Float64}, points), convert(Vector{UInt8}, codes), fill) end """ setarrowstyle(style::Int) Set the arrow style to be used for subsequent arrow commands. **Parameters:** `style` : The arrow style to be used `setarrowstyle` defines the arrow style for subsequent arrow primitives. The default arrow style is 1. +---+----------------------------------+ | 1|simple, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 2|simple, single-ended, acute head | +---+----------------------------------+ | 3|hollow, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 4|filled, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 5|triangle, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 6|filled triangle, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 7|kite, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 8|filled kite, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 9|simple, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 10|simple, double-ended, acute head | +---+----------------------------------+ | 11|hollow, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 12|filled, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 13|triangle, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 14|filled triangle, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 15|kite, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 16|filled kite, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 17|double line, single-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ | 18|double line, double-ended | +---+----------------------------------+ """ function setarrowstyle(style::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setarrowstyle), Nothing, (Int32, ), style) end """ setarrowsize(size::Real) Set the arrow size to be used for subsequent arrow commands. **Parameters:** `size` : The arrow size to be used `setarrowsize` defines the arrow size for subsequent arrow primitives. The default arrow size is 1. """ function setarrowsize(size::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setarrowsize), Nothing, (Float64, ), size) end """ drawarrow(x1::Real, y1::Real, x2::Real, y2::Real) Draw an arrow between two points. **Parameters:** `x1`, `y1` : Starting point of the arrow (tail) `x2`, `y2` : Head of the arrow Different arrow styles (angles between arrow tail and wing, optionally filled heads, double headed arrows) are available and can be set with the `setarrowstyle` function. """ function drawarrow(x1::Real, y1::Real, x2::Real, y2::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawarrow), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), x1, y1, x2, y2) end function readimage(path) width = Cint[0] height = Cint[0] data = Array{Ptr{UInt32}}(undef, 1) ret = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_readimage), Int32, (Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Ptr{UInt32}}), path, width, height, data) if width[1] > 0 && height[1] > 0 img = unsafe_wrap(Array{UInt32}, data[1], (width[1], height[1])) return Int(width[1]), Int(height[1]), img else return 0, 0, zeros(UInt32, 0) end end """ drawimage(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, width::Int, height::Int, data, model::Int = 0) Draw an image into a given rectangular area. **Parameters:** `xmin`, `ymin` : First corner point of the rectangle `xmax`, `ymax` : Second corner point of the rectangle `width`, `height` : The width and the height of the image `data` : An array of color values dimensioned `width` by `height` `model` : Color model (default=0) The available color models are: +-----------------------+---+-----------+ |MODEL_RGB | 0| AABBGGRR| +-----------------------+---+-----------+ |MODEL_HSV | 1| AAVVSSHH| +-----------------------+---+-----------+ The points (`xminx`, `ymin`) and (`xmax`, `ymax`) are world coordinates defining diagonally opposite corner points of a rectangle. This rectangle is divided into `width` by `height` cells. The two-dimensional array `data` specifies colors for each cell. """ function drawimage(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, width::Int, height::Int, data, model::Int = 0) if ndims(data) == 2 data = reshape(data, width * height) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawimage), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int32, Int32, Ptr{UInt32}, Int32), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, convert(Vector{UInt32}, data), model) end function importgraphics(path) return ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_importgraphics), Int32, (Ptr{Cchar}, ), path) end """ setshadow(offsetx::Real, offsety::Real, blur::Real) `setshadow` allows drawing of shadows, realized by images painted underneath, and offset from, graphics objects such that the shadow mimics the effect of a light source cast on the graphics objects. **Parameters:** `offsetx` : An x-offset, which specifies how far in the horizontal direction the shadow is offset from the object `offsety` : A y-offset, which specifies how far in the vertical direction the shadow is offset from the object `blur` : A blur value, which specifies whether the object has a hard or a diffuse edge """ function setshadow(offsetx::Real, offsety::Real, blur::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setshadow), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64), offsetx, offsety, blur) end """ settransparency(alpha::Real) Set the value of the alpha component associated with GR colors. **Parameters:** `alpha` : An alpha value (0.0 - 1.0) """ function settransparency(alpha::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settransparency), Nothing, (Float64, ), alpha) end """ setcoordxform(mat) Change the coordinate transformation according to the given matrix. **Parameters:** `mat[3][2]` : 2D transformation matrix """ function setcoordxform(mat) @assert length(mat) == 6 ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcoordxform), Nothing, (Ptr{Float64}, ), convert(Vector{Float64}, mat)) end """ begingraphics(path) Open a file for graphics output. **Parameters:** `path` : Filename for the graphics file. `begingraphics` allows to write all graphics output into a XML-formatted file until the `endgraphics` functions is called. The resulting file may later be imported with the `importgraphics` function. """ function begingraphics(path) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_begingraphics), Nothing, (Ptr{Cchar}, ), path) end function endgraphics() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_endgraphics), Nothing, () ) end function getgraphics() string = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_getgraphics), Ptr{Cchar}, (), ) return string != C_NULL ? unsafe_string(string) : "" end function drawgraphics(string) ret = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawgraphics), Int32, (Ptr{Cchar}, ), string) return Int(ret) end function startlistener() ret = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_startlistener), Int32, (), ) return Int(ret) end """ mathtex(x::Real, y::Real, string) Generate a character string starting at the given location. Strings can be defined to create mathematical symbols and Greek letters using LaTeX syntax. **Parameters:** `x`, `y` : Position of the text string specified in world coordinates `string` : The text string to be drawn """ function mathtex(x::Real, y::Real, string) if length(string) >= 2 && string[1] == '$' && string[end] == '$' string = string[2:end-1] end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_mathtex), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{Cchar}), x, y, string) end function inqmathtex(x, y, string) if length(string) >= 2 && string[1] == '$' && string[end] == '$' string = string[2:end-1] end tbx = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] tby = Cdouble[0, 0, 0, 0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqmathtex), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), x, y, string, tbx, tby) return tbx, tby end const ASF_BUNDLED = 0 const ASF_INDIVIDUAL = 1 const NOCLIP = 0 const CLIP = 1 const COORDINATES_WC = 0 const COORDINATES_NDC = 1 const INTSTYLE_HOLLOW = 0 const INTSTYLE_SOLID = 1 const INTSTYLE_PATTERN = 2 const INTSTYLE_HATCH = 3 const TEXT_HALIGN_NORMAL = 0 const TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT = 1 const TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER = 2 const TEXT_HALIGN_RIGHT = 3 const TEXT_VALIGN_NORMAL = 0 const TEXT_VALIGN_TOP = 1 const TEXT_VALIGN_CAP = 2 const TEXT_VALIGN_HALF = 3 const TEXT_VALIGN_BASE = 4 const TEXT_VALIGN_BOTTOM = 5 const TEXT_PATH_RIGHT = 0 const TEXT_PATH_LEFT = 1 const TEXT_PATH_UP = 2 const TEXT_PATH_DOWN = 3 const TEXT_PRECISION_STRING = 0 const TEXT_PRECISION_CHAR = 1 const TEXT_PRECISION_STROKE = 2 const TEXT_PRECISION_OUTLINE = 3 const LINETYPE_SOLID = 1 const LINETYPE_DASHED = 2 const LINETYPE_DOTTED = 3 const LINETYPE_DASHED_DOTTED = 4 const LINETYPE_DASH_2_DOT = -1 const LINETYPE_DASH_3_DOT = -2 const LINETYPE_LONG_DASH = -3 const LINETYPE_LONG_SHORT_DASH = -4 const LINETYPE_SPACED_DASH = -5 const LINETYPE_SPACED_DOT = -6 const LINETYPE_DOUBLE_DOT = -7 const LINETYPE_TRIPLE_DOT = -8 const MARKERTYPE_DOT = 1 const MARKERTYPE_PLUS = 2 const MARKERTYPE_ASTERISK = 3 const MARKERTYPE_CIRCLE = 4 const MARKERTYPE_DIAGONAL_CROSS = 5 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE = -1 const MARKERTYPE_TRIANGLE_UP = -2 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_UP = -3 const MARKERTYPE_TRIANGLE_DOWN = -4 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_DOWN = -5 const MARKERTYPE_SQUARE = -6 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_SQUARE = -7 const MARKERTYPE_BOWTIE = -8 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_BOWTIE = -9 const MARKERTYPE_HOURGLASS = -10 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_HGLASS = -11 const MARKERTYPE_DIAMOND = -12 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_DIAMOND = -13 const MARKERTYPE_STAR = -14 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_STAR = -15 const MARKERTYPE_TRI_UP_DOWN = -16 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_RIGHT = -17 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_TRI_LEFT = -18 const MARKERTYPE_HOLLOW_PLUS = -19 const MARKERTYPE_SOLID_PLUS = -20 const MARKERTYPE_PENTAGON = -21 const MARKERTYPE_HEXAGON = -22 const MARKERTYPE_HEPTAGON = -23 const MARKERTYPE_OCTAGON = -24 const MARKERTYPE_STAR_4 = -25 const MARKERTYPE_STAR_5 = -26 const MARKERTYPE_STAR_6 = -27 const MARKERTYPE_STAR_7 = -28 const MARKERTYPE_STAR_8 = -29 const MARKERTYPE_VLINE = -30 const MARKERTYPE_HLINE = -31 const MARKERTYPE_OMARK = -32 const OPTION_X_LOG = 1 const OPTION_Y_LOG = 2 const OPTION_Z_LOG = 4 const OPTION_FLIP_X = 8 const OPTION_FLIP_Y = 16 const OPTION_FLIP_Z = 32 const OPTION_X_LOG2 = 64 const OPTION_Y_LOG2 = 128 const OPTION_Z_LOG2 = 256 const OPTION_X_LN = 512 const OPTION_Y_LN = 1024 const OPTION_Z_LN = 2048 const SPEC_LINE = 1 const SPEC_MARKER = 2 const SPEC_COLOR = 4 const OPTION_LINES = 0 const OPTION_MESH = 1 const OPTION_FILLED_MESH = 2 const OPTION_Z_SHADED_MESH = 3 const OPTION_COLORED_MESH = 4 const OPTION_CELL_ARRAY = 5 const OPTION_SHADED_MESH = 6 const OPTION_3D_MESH = 7 const MODEL_RGB = 0 const MODEL_HSV = 1 const COLORMAP_UNIFORM = 0 const COLORMAP_TEMPERATURE = 1 const COLORMAP_GRAYSCALE = 2 const COLORMAP_GLOWING = 3 const COLORMAP_RAINBOWLIKE = 4 const COLORMAP_GEOLOGIC = 5 const COLORMAP_GREENSCALE = 6 const COLORMAP_CYANSCALE = 7 const COLORMAP_BLUESCALE = 8 const COLORMAP_MAGENTASCALE = 9 const COLORMAP_REDSCALE = 10 const COLORMAP_FLAME = 11 const COLORMAP_BROWNSCALE = 12 const COLORMAP_PILATUS = 13 const COLORMAP_AUTUMN = 14 const COLORMAP_BONE = 15 const COLORMAP_COOL = 16 const COLORMAP_COPPER = 17 const COLORMAP_GRAY = 18 const COLORMAP_HOT = 19 const COLORMAP_HSV = 20 const COLORMAP_JET = 21 const COLORMAP_PINK = 22 const COLORMAP_SPECTRAL = 23 const COLORMAP_SPRING = 24 const COLORMAP_SUMMER = 25 const COLORMAP_WINTER = 26 const COLORMAP_GIST_EARTH = 27 const COLORMAP_GIST_HEAT = 28 const COLORMAP_GIST_NCAR = 29 const COLORMAP_GIST_RAINBOW = 30 const COLORMAP_GIST_STERN = 31 const COLORMAP_AFMHOT = 32 const COLORMAP_BRG = 33 const COLORMAP_BWR = 34 const COLORMAP_COOLWARM = 35 const COLORMAP_CMRMAP = 36 const COLORMAP_CUBEHELIX = 37 const COLORMAP_GNUPLOT = 38 const COLORMAP_GNUPLOT2 = 39 const COLORMAP_OCEAN = 40 const COLORMAP_RAINBOW = 41 const COLORMAP_SEISMIC = 42 const COLORMAP_TERRAIN = 43 const COLORMAP_VIRIDIS = 44 const COLORMAP_INFERNO = 45 const COLORMAP_PLASMA = 46 const COLORMAP_MAGMA = 47 const FONT_TIMES_ROMAN = 101 const FONT_TIMES_ITALIC = 102 const FONT_TIMES_BOLD = 103 const FONT_TIMES_BOLDITALIC = 104 const FONT_HELVETICA = 105 const FONT_HELVETICA_OBLIQUE = 106 const FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD = 107 const FONT_HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE = 108 const FONT_COURIER = 109 const FONT_COURIER_OBLIQUE = 110 const FONT_COURIER_BOLD = 111 const FONT_COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE = 112 const FONT_SYMBOL = 113 const FONT_BOOKMAN_LIGHT = 114 const FONT_BOOKMAN_LIGHTITALIC = 115 const FONT_BOOKMAN_DEMI = 116 const FONT_BOOKMAN_DEMIITALIC = 117 const FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_ROMAN = 118 const FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_ITALIC = 119 const FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_BOLD = 120 const FONT_NEWCENTURYSCHLBK_BOLDITALIC = 121 const FONT_AVANTGARDE_BOOK = 122 const FONT_AVANTGARDE_BOOKOBLIQUE = 123 const FONT_AVANTGARDE_DEMI = 124 const FONT_AVANTGARDE_DEMIOBLIQUE = 125 const FONT_PALATINO_ROMAN = 126 const FONT_PALATINO_ITALIC = 127 const FONT_PALATINO_BOLD = 128 const FONT_PALATINO_BOLDITALIC = 129 const FONT_ZAPFCHANCERY_MEDIUMITALIC = 130 const FONT_ZAPFDINGBATS = 131 const TEXT_USE_WC = 1 const TEXT_ENABLE_INLINE_MATH = 2 const PATH_STOP = 0x00 const PATH_MOVETO = 0x01 const PATH_LINETO = 0x02 const PATH_CURVE3 = 0x03 const PATH_CURVE4 = 0x04 const PATH_CLOSEPOLY = 0x4f const GDP_DRAW_PATH = 1 const GDP_DRAW_LINES = 2 const GDP_DRAW_MARKERS = 3 const MPL_SUPPRESS_CLEAR = 1 const MPL_POSTPONE_UPDATE = 2 const XFORM_BOOLEAN = 0 const XFORM_LINEAR = 1 const XFORM_LOG = 2 const XFORM_LOGLOG = 3 const XFORM_CUBIC = 4 const XFORM_EQUALIZED = 5 const AXES_SIMPLE_AXES = 1 const AXES_TWIN_AXES = 2 const AXES_WITH_GRID = 4 # GR3 functions include("gr3.jl") const gr3 = GR.GR3 # Convenience functions include("jlgr.jl") # Rather than redefining the methods in GR # 1. Export them in jlgr # 2. Import them here via using using .jlgr mutable struct SVG s::Array{UInt8} end mutable struct PNG s::Array{UInt8} end mutable struct HTML s::AbstractString end, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", x::SVG) = write(io, x.s), ::MIME"image/png", x::PNG) = write(io, x.s), ::MIME"text/html", x::HTML) = print(io, x.s) struct c_tick_t value::Cdouble is_major::Cint end struct c_tick_label_t tick::Cdouble label::Cstring width::Cdouble end Base.@kwdef mutable struct c_axis_t min::Cdouble = NaN max::Cdouble = NaN tick::Cdouble = NaN org::Cdouble = NaN position::Cdouble = NaN major_count::Cint = 1 num_ticks::Cint = 0 ticks::Ptr{c_tick_t} = C_NULL tick_size::Cdouble = NaN num_tick_labels::Cint = 0 tick_labels::Ptr{c_tick_label_t} = C_NULL label_position::Cdouble = NaN draw_axis_line::Cint = 1 end mutable struct GRTick value::Real is_major::Int end mutable struct GRTickLabel tick::Real label::String width::Real end Base.@kwdef mutable struct GRAxis min::Real = NaN max::Real = NaN tick::Real = NaN org::Real = NaN position::Real = NaN major_count::Int = 1 num_ticks::Int = 0 ticks::Vector{GRTick} = nothing tick_size::Real = NaN tick_labels::Vector{GRTickLabel} = nothing label_position::Real = NaN draw_axis_line::Int = 1 end function _readfile(path) data = Array{UInt8}(undef, filesize(path)) s = open(path, "r") content = read!(s, data) close(s) content end function isinline() return !(mime_type[] in ("", "mov", "mp4", "webm")) end function displayname() return display_name[] end function inline(mime="svg", scroll=true) init() if mime_type[] != mime @debug "MIME type change" mime_type[] mime if mime == "iterm" file_path[] = tempname() * ".png" ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "png" usecolorscheme(is_dark_mode() ? 2 : 1) elseif mime == "mlterm" file_path[] = tempname() * ".six" ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "six" elseif mime == "js" file_path[] = nothing ENV["GRDISPLAY"] = "js" send_c[], recv_c[] = js.initjs() else file_path[] = tempname() * "." * mime ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = mime end if file_path[] !== nothing ENV["GKS_FILEPATH"] = file_path[] end @debug mime file_path[] ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] emergencyclosegks() mime_type[] = mime end figure_count[] = scroll ? -1 : 0 @debug mime_type[] mime_type[] end function reset() mime_type[] = "" file_path[] = "" figure_count[] = -1 delete!(ENV, "GKS_WSTYPE") delete!(ENV, "GKS_FILEPATH") emergencyclosegks() end function show() if !isempty(mime_type[]) emergencyclosegks() end if mime_type[] == "svg" content = SVG(_readfile(file_path[])) rm(file_path[]) return content elseif mime_type[] == "png" content = PNG(_readfile(file_path[])) rm(file_path[]) return content elseif mime_type[] in ("mov", "mp4", "webm") mimespec = mime_type[] == "mov" ? "video/mp4" : "video/$(mime_type[])" content = HTML(string("""<video autoplay controls><source type="$mimespec" src="data:$mimespec;base64,""", Base64.base64encode(open(read,file_path[])),""""></video>""")) rm(file_path[]) return content elseif mime_type[] == "iterm" content = string(osc_seq(), "1337;File=inline=1;height=24;preserveAspectRatio=0:", Base64.base64encode(open(read,file_path[])), st_seq()) if figure_count[] != -1 figure_count[] += 1 (figure_count[] > 1) && print("\e[24A") end println(content) rm(file_path[]) return nothing elseif mime_type[] == "mlterm" content = read(file_path[], String) println(content) rm(file_path[]) return nothing end return nothing end function setregenflags(flags=0) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setregenflags), Nothing, (Int32, ), flags) end function inqregenflags() flags = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqregenflags), Int32, () ) return flags end function savestate() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_savestate), Nothing, () ) end function restorestate() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_restorestate), Nothing, () ) end function selectcontext(context::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_selectcontext), Nothing, (Int32, ), context) end function destroycontext(context::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_destroycontext), Nothing, (Int32, ), context) end function uselinespec(linespec) return ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_uselinespec), Int32, (Ptr{Cchar}, ), linespec) end function delaunay(x, y) @assert length(x) == length(y) npoints = length(x) ntri = Cint[0] dim = Cint[3] triangles = Array{Ptr{Int32}}(undef, 1) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_delaunay), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Ptr{Int32}}), npoints, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), ntri, triangles) if ntri[1] > 0 tri = unsafe_wrap(Array{Int32}, triangles[1], (dim[1], ntri[1])) return Int(ntri[1]), tri' .+ 1 else return 0, zeros(Int32, 0) end end function interp2(X, Y, Z, Xq, Yq, method::Int=0, extrapval=0) nx = length(X) ny = length(Y) if isa(Z, Function) f = Z Z = Float64[f(x,y) for x in X, y in Y] end nz = length(Z) if ndims(Z) == 1 out_of_bounds = nz != nx * ny elseif ndims(Z) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(Z)[1] != ny || size(Z)[2] != nx else out_of_bounds = true end Zq = [] if !out_of_bounds if ndims(Z) == 2 Z = reshape(Z, nx * ny) end nxq = length(Xq) nyq = length(Yq) Zq = Cdouble[1 : nxq * nyq; ] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_interp2), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Int32, Float64), ny, nx, convert(Vector{Float64}, Y), convert(Vector{Float64}, X), convert(Vector{Float64}, Z), nyq, nxq, convert(Vector{Float64}, Yq), convert(Vector{Float64}, Xq), Zq, method, extrapval) reshape(Zq, nyq, nxq) else error("Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.") Z end end """ trisurface(x, y, z) Draw a triangular surface plot for the given data points. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `z` : A list containing the Z coordinates """ function trisurface(x, y, z) nx = length(x) ny = length(y) nz = length(z) n = min(nx, ny, nz) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_trisurface), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), convert(Vector{Float64}, z)) end """ tricontour(x, y, z, levels) Draw a contour plot for the given triangle mesh. **Parameters:** `x` : A list containing the X coordinates `y` : A list containing the Y coordinates `z` : A list containing the Z coordinates `levels` : A list containing the contour levels """ function tricontour(x, y, z, levels) npoints = length(x) nlevels = length(levels) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_tricontour), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Ptr{Float64}), npoints, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), convert(Vector{Float64}, z), nlevels, convert(Vector{Float64}, levels)) end function gradient(x, y, z) nx = length(x) ny = length(y) nz = length(z) if ndims(z) == 1 out_of_bounds = nz != nx * ny elseif ndims(z) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(z)[1] != nx || size(z)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end if !out_of_bounds if ndims(z) == 2 z = reshape(z, nx * ny) end u = Cdouble[1 : nx*ny ;] v = Cdouble[1 : nx*ny ;] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_gradient), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), nx, ny, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), convert(Vector{Float64}, z), u, v) return u, v else return [], [] end end function quiver(x, y, u, v, color::Bool=false) nx = length(x) ny = length(y) nu = length(u) nv = length(v) if ndims(u) == 1 out_of_bounds = nu != nx * ny elseif ndims(u) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(u)[1] != nx || size(u)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end if !out_of_bounds if ndims(v) == 1 out_of_bounds = nv != nx * ny elseif ndims(v) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(v)[1] != nx || size(v)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end end if !out_of_bounds if ndims(u) == 2 u = reshape(u, nx * ny) end if ndims(v) == 2 v = reshape(v, nx * ny) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_quiver), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32), nx, ny, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), convert(Vector{Float64}, u), convert(Vector{Float64}, v), convert(Int32, color)) else error("Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.") end end function reducepoints(xd, yd, n) @assert length(xd) == length(yd) nd = length(xd) x = Cdouble[1 : n ;] y = Cdouble[1 : n ;] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_reducepoints), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), nd, convert(Vector{Float64}, xd), convert(Vector{Float64}, yd), n, x, y) return x, y end function version() info = ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_version), Cstring, () ) unsafe_string(info) end function check_for_updates() @eval GR begin import HTTP requ = HTTP.request("GET", "") body = String(requ.body) import JSON tag = JSON.parse(body)["tag_name"] end release = replace(string("v", version()), ".post" => " patchlevel ") if release < tag println("An update is available: GR $tag. You're using GR $release.") elseif release == tag println("You're up-to-date. GR $tag is currently the newest version available.") else println("You're using a pre-release version: GR $release.") end release < tag end function openmeta(target=0, device="localhost", port=8002) handle = ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_open), Ptr{Nothing}, (Int32, Cstring, Int64, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), target, device, port, send_c[], recv_c[]) return handle end function sendmeta(handle, string::AbstractString) ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_send), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, Cstring), handle, string) end function sendmetaref(handle, key::AbstractString, fmt::Char, data, len=-1) if typeof(data) <: String if len == -1 len = length(data) end ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_send_ref), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, Cstring, Cchar, Cstring, Int32), handle, key, fmt, data, len) else if len == -1 len = length(data) end if typeof(data) <: Array if typeof(data[1]) <: String ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_send_ref), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, Cstring, Cchar, Ptr{Ptr{Cchar}}, Int32), handle, key, fmt, data, len) return else ref = Ref(data, 1) end else ref = Ref(data) end ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_send_ref), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, Cstring, Cchar, Ptr{Nothing}, Int32), handle, key, fmt, ref, len) end end function recvmeta(handle, args=C_NULL) args = ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_recv), Ptr{Nothing}, (Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}), handle, args) return args end function plotmeta(args) ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_plot), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, ), args) end function deletemeta(args) ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_args_delete), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, ), args) end function closemeta(handle) ccall(libGRM_ptr(:grm_close), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, ), handle) end function shadepoints(x, y; dims=[1200, 1200], xform=1) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) w, h = dims ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_shadepoints), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Int32), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), xform, w, h) end function shadelines(x, y; dims=[1200, 1200], xform=1) @assert length(x) == length(y) n = length(x) w, h = dims ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_shadelines), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Int32, Int32), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, x), convert(Vector{Float64}, y), xform, w, h) end function setcolormapfromrgb(r, g, b; positions=Nothing) @assert length(r) == length(g) == length(b) n = length(r) if positions === Nothing positions = C_NULL else @assert length(positions) == n positions = convert(Vector{Float64}, positions) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setcolormapfromrgb), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), n, convert(Vector{Float64}, r), convert(Vector{Float64}, g), convert(Vector{Float64}, b), positions) end function panzoom(x, y, zoom) xmin = Cdouble[0] xmax = Cdouble[0] ymin = Cdouble[0] ymax = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_panzoom), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}), x, y, zoom, zoom, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) return xmin[1], xmax[1], ymin[1], ymax[1] end """ setborderwidth(width::Real) Define the border width of subsequent path output primitives. **Parameters:** `width` : The border width scale factor """ function setborderwidth(width::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setborderwidth), Nothing, (Float64, ), width) end """ setbordercolorind(color::Int) Define the color of subsequent path output primitives. **Parameters:** `color` : The border color index (COLOR < 1256) """ function setbordercolorind(color::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setbordercolorind), Nothing, (Int32, ), color) end function setprojectiontype(type::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setprojectiontype), Nothing, (Int32, ), type) end function setperspectiveprojection(near_plane::Real, far_plane::Real, fov::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setperspectiveprojection), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64), near_plane, far_plane, fov) end function setorthographicprojection(left::Real, right::Real, bottom::Real, top::Real, near_plane::Real, far_plane::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setorthographicprojection), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), left, right, bottom, top, near_plane, far_plane) end function settransformationparameters(camera_pos_x::Real, camera_pos_y::Real, camera_pos_z::Real, up_x::Real, up_y::Real, up_z::Real, focus_point_x::Real, focus_point_y::Real, focus_point_z::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settransformationparameters), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), camera_pos_x, camera_pos_y, camera_pos_z, up_x, up_y, up_z, focus_point_x, focus_point_y, focus_point_z) end function setresamplemethod(method::UInt32) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setresamplemethod), Nothing, (UInt32, ), method) end function setwindow3d(xmin::Real, xmax::Real, ymin::Real, ymax::Real, zmin::Real, zmax::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setwindow3d), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) end function setspace3d(rot::Real, tilt::Real, fov::Real, dist::Real) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setspace3d), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), rot, tilt, fov, dist) end function text3d(x::Real, y::Real, z::Real, string, axis::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_text3d), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), x, y, z, latin1(string), axis) end function inqtext3d(x::Real, y::Real, z::Real, string, axis::Int) tbx = Cdouble[0 for i in 1:16] tby = Cdouble[0 for i in 1:16] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqtext3d), Nothing, (Float64, Float64, Float64, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), x, y, z, latin1(string), axis, tbx, tby) return tbx, tby end function settextencoding(encoding) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_settextencoding), Nothing, (Int32, ), encoding) text_encoding[] = encoding end function inqtextencoding() encoding = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqtextencoding), Nothing, (Ptr{Cint}, ), encoding) return encoding[1] end function loadfont(name::String) font = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_loadfont), Cstring, (Cstring, Ptr{Cint}), name, font) return Int(font[1]) end function inqvpsize() width = Cint[0] height = Cint[0] device_pixel_ratio = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqvpsize), Nothing, (Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), width, height, device_pixel_ratio) return width[1], height[1], device_pixel_ratio[1] end function setpicturesizeforvolume(width::Int, height::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setpicturesizeforvolume), Nothing, (Cint, Cint), width, height) end function inqtransformationparameters() cam_x = Cdouble[0] cam_y = Cdouble[0] cam_z = Cdouble[0] up_x = Cdouble[0] up_y = Cdouble[0] up_z = Cdouble[0] foc_x = Cdouble[0] foc_y = Cdouble[0] foc_z = Cdouble[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqtransformationparameters), Nothing, (Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), cam_x, cam_y, cam_z, up_x, up_y, up_z, foc_x, foc_y, foc_z) return cam_x[1], cam_y[1], cam_z[1], up_x[1], up_y[1], up_z[1], foc_x[1], foc_y[1], foc_z[1] end function polygonmesh3d(px, py, pz, connections, colors) @assert length(px) == length(py) == length(pz) num_points = length(px) num_connections = length(colors) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_polygonmesh3d), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Float64}, Int32, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Int32}), num_points, convert(Vector{Float64}, px), convert(Vector{Float64}, py), convert(Vector{Float64}, pz), num_connections, convert(Vector{Int32}, connections), convert(Vector{Int32}, colors)) end function setscientificformat(format_option) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setscientificformat), Nothing, (Int32, ), format_option) end function setresizebehaviour(flag) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setresizebehaviour), Nothing, (Int32, ), flag) end function inqprojectiontype() proj = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqprojectiontype), Nothing, (Ptr{Cint}, ), proj) return Int(proj[1]) end function beginselection(index, type) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_beginselection), Nothing, (Cint, Cint), index, type) end function endselection() ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_endselection), Nothing, (), ) end function moveselection(x, y) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_moveselection), Nothing, (Cdouble, Cdouble), x, y) end function setmathfont(font::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setmathfont), Nothing, (Int32, ), font) end function inqmathfont() _font = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqmathfont), Nothing, (Ptr{Cint}, ), _font) return _font[1] end function setclipregion(region::Int) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_setclipregion), Nothing, (Int32, ), region) end function inqclipregion() _region = Cint[0] ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_inqclipregion), Nothing, (Ptr{Cint}, ), _region) return _region[1] end function axis(which::Char; min::Real = NaN, max::Real = NaN, tick::Real = NaN, org::Real = NaN, position::Real = NaN, major_count::Int = 1, ticks::Union{Vector{GRTick}, Nothing} = nothing, tick_size::Real = NaN, tick_labels::Union{Vector{GRTickLabel}, Nothing} = nothing, label_position::Real = NaN, draw_axis_line::Int = 1)::GRAxis c_axis = c_axis_t(min=min, max=max, tick=tick, org=org, position=position, major_count=major_count, tick_size=tick_size, label_position=label_position, draw_axis_line=draw_axis_line) if ticks != nothing c_axis.ticks = pointer(ticks) c_axis.num_ticks = size(ticks)[1] else c_axis.ticks = C_NULL c_axis.num_ticks = 0 end if tick_labels != nothing c_axis.tick_labels = pointer(tick_labels) c_axis.num_tick_labels = size(tick_labels)[1] else c_axis.tick_labels = C_NULL c_axis.num_tick_labels = 0 end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_axis), Nothing, (Cchar, Ptr{c_axis_t}), which, Ref(c_axis)) ticks = GRTick[] for i in 1:c_axis.num_ticks tick = unsafe_load(c_axis.ticks, i) push!(ticks, GRTick(tick.value, tick.is_major)) end tick_labels = GRTickLabel[] for i in 1:c_axis.num_tick_labels tick_label = unsafe_load(c_axis.tick_labels, i) if tick_label.label != C_NULL push!(tick_labels, GRTickLabel(tick_label.tick, unsafe_string(tick_label.label), tick_label.width)) end end return GRAxis(min=c_axis.min, max=c_axis.max, tick=c_axis.tick,, position=c_axis.position, major_count=c_axis.major_count, ticks=ticks, tick_size=c_axis.tick_size, tick_labels=tick_labels, label_position=c_axis.label_position, draw_axis_line=c_axis.draw_axis_line) end function to_c_axis(axis::GRAxis)::c_axis_t c_axis = c_axis_t(min=axis.min, max=axis.max, tick=axis.tick,, position=axis.position, major_count=axis.major_count, tick_size=axis.tick_size, label_position=axis.label_position, draw_axis_line=axis.draw_axis_line) if axis.ticks != nothing ticks = c_tick_t[] for tick in axis.ticks push!(ticks, c_tick_t(tick.value, tick.is_major)) end c_axis.ticks = pointer(ticks) c_axis.num_ticks = size(axis.ticks)[1] else c_axis.ticks = C_NULL c_axis.num_ticks = 0 end if axis.tick_labels != nothing tick_labels = c_tick_label_t[] for tick_label in axis.tick_labels push!(tick_labels, c_tick_label_t(tick_label.tick, pointer(tick_label.label), tick_label.width)) end c_axis.tick_labels = pointer(tick_labels) c_axis.num_tick_labels = size(axis.tick_labels)[1] else c_axis.tick_labels = C_NULL c_axis.num_tick_labels = 0 end c_axis end function drawaxis(which::Char, axis::GRAxis) c_axis = to_c_axis(axis) ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawaxis), Nothing, (Cchar, Ptr{c_axis_t}), which, Ref(c_axis)) end function drawaxes(x_axis::Union{GRAxis, Nothing}, y_axis::Union{GRAxis, Nothing}, options::Int=AXES_SIMPLE_AXES|AXES_TWIN_AXES|AXES_WITH_GRID) if x_axis !== nothing c_x_axis = to_c_axis(x_axis) end if y_axis !== nothing c_y_axis = to_c_axis(y_axis) end ccall( libGR_ptr(:gr_drawaxes), Nothing, (Ptr{c_axis_t}, Ptr{c_axis_t}, Cint), x_axis !== nothing ? Ref(c_x_axis) : C_NULL, y_axis !== nothing ? Ref(c_y_axis) : C_NULL, options) end # JS functions include("js.jl") include("precompile.jl") _precompile_() end # module
[ "MIT" ]
""" GR.GRPreferences.Downloader is a Module that contains the GR download script. can be invoked manually. """ module Downloader using Tar using Downloads using p7zip_jll const version = v"0.73.7" """ get_grdir() Try to locate an existing GR install. The search will look in the following places: 1. ENV["GRDIR"] 2. ~/gr 3. /opt/gr 4. /usr/local/gr 5. /usr/gr It will confirm the install by checking for the existence of a fonts subdirectory. The function will return a `String` representing one of the paths above or `nothing` if a GR install is not located in any of those locations. """ function get_grdir() if "GRDIR" in keys(ENV) grdir = ENV["GRDIR"] if (have_dir = !isempty(grdir)) have_dir = isdir(joinpath(grdir, "fonts")) end else have_dir = false for d in (homedir(), "/opt", "/usr/local", "/usr") grdir = joinpath(d, "gr") if isdir(joinpath(grdir, "fonts")) have_dir = true break end end end have_dir && @info "Found existing GR run-time in $grdir" return have_dir ? grdir : nothing end """ get_version() Get the version of GR.jl package. If ENV["GRDIR"] exists and non-empty, this will return "latest" """ function get_version() _version = version if "GRDIR" in keys(ENV) if isempty(ENV["GRDIR"]) _version = "latest" end end return _version end """ get_os_release(key) Grep for key in /etc/os-release """ function get_os_release(key) value = "" try #String(read(pipeline(`cat /etc/os-release`, `grep ^$key=`, `cut -d= -f2`)))[1:end-1] for line in readlines("/etc/os-release") if startswith(line, "$key=") value = split(line, "=")[2] end end catch end return replace(value, "\"" => "") end """ get_os_and_arch() Figure out which specific operating system this, including the specific Linux distribution. """ function get_os_and_arch() os = Sys.iswindows() ? "Windows" : string(Sys.KERNEL) arch = Sys.ARCH if Sys.islinux() && Sys.ARCH == :x86_64 if isfile("/etc/redhat-release") # example = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)" #= rel = String( read( pipeline( `cat /etc/redhat-release`, `sed s/.\*release\ //`, `sed s/\ .\*//`, ), ), )[1:end-1] =# rel = read("/etc/redhat-release", String) rel = replace(rel, r".*release " => "", r" .*" => "") rel = strip(rel) if rel > "7.0" os = "Redhat" end elseif isfile("/etc/os-release") #= example = """ PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION_ID="22.04" VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)" VERSION_CODENAME=jammy ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="" UBUNTU_CODENAME=jammy """ =# id = get_os_release("ID") id_like = get_os_release("ID_LIKE") if id == "ubuntu" || id == "pop" || id_like == "ubuntu" os = "Ubuntu" elseif id == "debian" || id_like == "debian" os = "Debian" elseif id == "arch" || id_like == "arch" || id_like == "archlinux" os = "ArchLinux" elseif id == "opensuse-tumbleweed" os = "CentOS" end end elseif Sys.islinux() && Sys.ARCH in [:i386, :i686] arch = :i386 elseif Sys.islinux() && Sys.ARCH == :arm id = get_os_release("ID") if id == "raspbian" os = "Debian" end arch = "armhf" elseif Sys.islinux() && Sys.ARCH == :aarch64 id = get_os_release("ID") id_like = get_os_release("ID_LIKE") if id == "debian" || id_like == "debian" || id == "archarm" || id_like == "arch" os = "Debian" end end return os, arch end """ try_download(url, file) Try to download url to file. Return `true` if successful, or `false` otherwise. """ function try_download(url, file) try, file) true catch err rethrow() false end end """ check_dependencies(grdir::String) Check dependencies using ldd on Linux and FreeBSD """ function check_dependencies(grdir::String) try gksqt = joinpath(grdir, "bin", "gksqt") res = read(`ldd $gksqt`, String) if occursin("not found", res) @warn """ Missing dependencies for GKS QtTerm. Did you install the Qt5 run-time ? Please refer to for further information. """ end catch # Fail silently end end """ apple_install(grdir::String) Register launch services and install rpath for """ function apple_install(grdir::String) app = joinpath(grdir, "Applications", "") run( `/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -f $app`, ) nothing end """ get_default_install_dir() Return the default install directory where we have write permissions. Currently, this is the deps directory of the GR package: `joinpath(pathof(GR), "..", "deps")` """ get_default_install_dir() = abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps")) """ download_tarball(version, os, arch, downloads_dir = mktempdir()) Download tarball to downloads_dir. """ function download_tarball(version, os, arch, downloads_dir = mktempdir()) tarball = "gr-$version-$os-$arch.tar.gz" file = joinpath(downloads_dir, tarball) @info("Downloading pre-compiled GR $version $os binary", file) # Download versioned tarballs from Github ok = if version != "latest" try_download( "$version/$tarball", file, ) else false end # Download latest tarball from if !ok && !try_download("$tarball", file) @warn "Using insecure connection" try_download("$tarball", file) || error("Cannot download GR run-time") end return file end """ download(install_dir) Download tarball from and extract the tarball into install_dir. """ function download(install_dir = get_default_install_dir(); force = false) # If the install_dir path ends in gr, then install in the parent dir # Use a trailing slash if you really want the install in gr/gr basename(install_dir) == "gr" && (install_dir = dirname(install_dir)) # Configure directories destination_dir = joinpath(install_dir, "gr") # Ensure the install directory exists mkpath(install_dir) grdir = if force # Download regardless if an existing installation exists nothing else # Check for an existing installation get_grdir() end # We did not find an existing installation if isnothing(grdir) # Identify the following so we can download a proper tarball # 1. version (version of the GR package) version = get_version() # 2. os (operating system) # 3. arch (processor architecture) os, arch = get_os_and_arch() # Download the tarball mktempdir() do downloads_dir file = download_tarball(version, os, arch, downloads_dir) # Extract the tarball if isdir(destination_dir) || force rm(destination_dir; force=force, recursive=true) end mktempdir() do extract_dir @static if VERSION >= v"1.7" kwargs = (; set_permissions = !Sys.iswindows()) else kwargs = (;) end Tar.extract(`$(p7zip_jll.p7zip()) x $file -so`, extract_dir; kwargs...) mv(joinpath(extract_dir, "gr"), destination_dir) end rm(file) end # Address Mac specific framework and rpath issues Sys.isapple() && apple_install(destination_dir) grdir = destination_dir end # if isnothing(grdir) # Check dependencies when using Linux or FreeBSD (Sys.islinux() || Sys.isfreebsd()) && check_dependencies(grdir) @info "grdir" grdir return grdir end # download() end # module Builder
[ "MIT" ]
# Create mutable structs to cache function pointers macro create_func_ptr_struct(name, syms) e = :(mutable struct $name end) for s in eval(syms) push!(e.args[3].args, :($s::Ptr{Nothing})) end push!(e.args[3].args, :( $name() = new( fill(C_NULL,length($syms))... ) ) ) e end @create_func_ptr_struct LibGR_Ptrs include("libgr_syms.jl") @create_func_ptr_struct LibGRM_Ptrs include("libgrm_syms.jl") @create_func_ptr_struct LibGR3_Ptrs include("libgr3_syms.jl") const libGR_handle = Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}() const libGR3_handle = Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}() const libGRM_handle = Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}() const libGR_ptrs = LibGR_Ptrs() const libGRM_ptrs = LibGRM_Ptrs() const libGR3_ptrs = LibGR3_Ptrs() const libs_loaded = Ref(false) @static if Sys.iswindows() # See AddDllDirectory const dll_directory_cookies = Ptr{Nothing}[] end """ load_libs(always = false) Load shared GR libraries from either GR_jll or from GR tarball. always is a boolean flag that is passed through to init. """ function load_libs(always::Bool = false) libGR_handle[] = Libdl.dlopen(GRPreferences.libGR[]) libGR3_handle[] = Libdl.dlopen(GRPreferences.libGR3[]) libGRM_handle[] = Libdl.dlopen(GRPreferences.libGRM[]) lp = GRPreferences.libpath[] @static if Sys.iswindows() try # Use Win32 lib loader API # # To use these paths, use # LoadLibraryExW with LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS (0x00000400) for d in split(lp, ";") if !isempty(d) cookie = @ccall "kernel32".AddDllDirectory(push!(transcode(UInt16, String(d)),0x0000)::Ptr{UInt16})::Ptr{Nothing} if cookie == C_NULL error("`windows`: Could not run kernel32.AddDllDirectory(\"$d\"). $(Libc.FormatMessage())") end push!(dll_directory_cookies, cookie) end @debug "`windows`: AddDllDirectory($d)" end catch err @debug "`windows`: Could not use Win32 lib loader API. Using PATH environment variable instead." exception=(err, catch_backtrace()) # Set PATH as a fallback option ENV["PATH"] = join((lp, get(ENV, "PATH", "")), ';') @debug "`windows`: set library search path to" ENV["PATH"] end elseif Sys.isapple() # Might not be needed if ENV["GRDIR"] is set ENV["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = join((lp, get(ENV, "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", "")), ':') @debug "`macOS`: set fallback library search path to" ENV["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] end libs_loaded[] = true check_env[] = true init(always) end function get_func_ptr(handle::Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}, ptrs::Union{LibGR_Ptrs, LibGRM_Ptrs, LibGR3_Ptrs}, func::Symbol, loaded=libs_loaded[]) loaded || load_libs(true) s = getfield(ptrs, func) if s == C_NULL s = Libdl.dlsym(handle[], func) setfield!(ptrs, func, s) end return getfield(ptrs,func) end libGR_ptr(func) = get_func_ptr(libGR_handle, libGR_ptrs, func) libGRM_ptr(func) = get_func_ptr(libGRM_handle, libGRM_ptrs, func) libGR3_ptr(func) = get_func_ptr(libGR3_handle, libGR3_ptrs, func)
[ "MIT" ]
module GR3 import GR import Libdl macro triplet(t) :( Tuple{$t, $t, $t} ) end macro ArrayToVector(ctype, data) return :( convert(Vector{$(esc(ctype))}, vec($(esc(data)))) ) end mutable struct PNG s::Array{UInt8} end mutable struct HTML s::AbstractString end, ::MIME"image/png", x::PNG) = write(io, x.s), ::MIME"text/html", x::HTML) = print(io, x.s) function _readfile(path) data = Array(UInt8, filesize(path)) s = open(path, "r") read!(s, data) end mutable struct GR3Exception <: Exception msg::AbstractString end Base.showerror(io::IO, e::GR3Exception) = print(io, e.msg); const msgs = [ "none", "invalid value", "invalid attribute", "init failed", "OpenGL error", "out of memory", "not initialized", "camera not initialized", "unknown file extension", "cannot open file", "export failed" ] function _check_error() line = Cint[0] file = Ptr{UInt8}[0] error_code = ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_geterror), Int32, (Int32, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}), 1, line, file) if (error_code != 0) line = line[1] file = unsafe_string(file[1]) if 0 <= error_code < length(msgs) msg = msgs[error_code + 1] else msg = "unknown error" end message = string("GR3 error (", file, ", l. ", line, "): ", msg) throw(GR3Exception(message)) end end function init(attrib_list) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_init), Int32, (Ptr{Int}, ), attrib_list) _check_error() end export init function free(pointer) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_free), Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing}, ), pointer) _check_error() end export free function terminate() ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_terminate), Nothing, ()) _check_error() end export terminate function useframebuffer(framebuffer) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_useframebuffer), Nothing, (UInt32, ), framebuffer) _check_error() end export useframebuffer function usecurrentframebuffer() ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_usecurrentframebuffer), Nothing, ()) _check_error() end export usecurrentframebuffer function getimage(width, height, use_alpha=true) bpp = use_alpha ? 4 : 3 bitmap = zeros(UInt8, width * height * bpp) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_getimage), Int32, (Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{UInt8}), width, height, use_alpha, bitmap) _check_error() return bitmap end export getimage function save(filename, width, height) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_export), Int32, (Ptr{Cchar}, Int32, Int32), filename, width, height) _check_error() ext = splitext(filename)[end:end][1] if ext == ".png" content = PNG(_readfile(filename)) elseif ext == ".html" content = HTML("<iframe src=\"files/$filename\" width=$width height=$height></iframe>") else content = nothing end return content end export save function getrenderpathstring() val = ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_getrenderpathstring), Ptr{UInt8}, (), ) _check_error() unsafe_string(val) end export getrenderpathstring function drawimage(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, pixel_width, pixel_height, window) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawimage), Int32, (Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Int32, Int32, Int32), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, pixel_width, pixel_height, window) _check_error() end export drawimage function createmesh(n, vertices, normals, colors) mesh = Cint[0] _vertices = [ Float32(x) for x in vertices ] _normals = [ Float32(x) for x in normals ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createmesh), Int32, (Ptr{Cint}, Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), mesh, n, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _vertices), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _normals), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors)) _check_error() return mesh[1] end export createmesh function createindexedmesh(num_vertices, vertices, normals, colors, num_indices, indices) mesh = Cint[0] _vertices = [ Float32(x) for x in vertices ] _normals = [ Float32(x) for x in normals ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] _indices = [ Float32(x) for x in indices ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createindexedmesh), Int32, (Ptr{Cint}, Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Int32, Ptr{Int32}), mesh, num_vertices, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _vertices), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _normals), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors), num_indices, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _indices)) _check_error() return mesh[1] end export createindexedmesh function drawmesh(mesh::Int32, n, positions::@triplet(Real), directions::@triplet(Real), ups::@triplet(Real), colors::@triplet(Real), scales::@triplet(Real)) _positions = [ Float32(x) for x in positions ] _directions = [ Float32(x) for x in directions ] _ups = [ Float32(x) for x in ups ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] _scales = [ Float32(x) for x in scales ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawmesh), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), mesh, n, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _positions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _directions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _ups), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _scales)) _check_error() end export drawmesh function createheightmapmesh(heightmap, num_columns, num_rows) if num_columns * num_rows == length(heightmap) if ndims(heightmap) == 2 heightmap = reshape(heightmap, num_columns * num_rows) end ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createheightmapmesh), Nothing, (Ptr{Float32}, Int32, Int32), @ArrayToVector(Float32, heightmap), num_columns, num_rows) _check_error() else error("Array has incorrect length or dimension.") end end export createheightmapmesh function drawheightmap(heightmap, num_columns, num_rows, positions, scales) if num_columns * num_rows == length(heightmap) if ndims(heightmap) == 2 heightmap = reshape(heightmap, num_columns * num_rows) end _positions = [ Float32(x) for x in positions ] _scales = [ Float32(x) for x in scales ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawheightmap), Nothing, (Ptr{Float32}, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), @ArrayToVector(Float32, heightmap), num_columns, num_rows, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _positions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _scales)) _check_error() else error("Array has incorrect length or dimension.") end end export drawheightmap function deletemesh(mesh) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_deletemesh), Nothing, (Int32, ), mesh) _check_error() end export deletemesh function setquality(quality) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setquality), Nothing, (Int32, ), quality) _check_error() end export setquality function clear() ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_clear), Nothing, ()) _check_error() end export clear function cameralookat(camera_x, camera_y, camera_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, up_x, up_y, up_z) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_cameralookat), Nothing, (Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32), camera_x, camera_y, camera_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, up_x, up_y, up_z) _check_error() end export cameralookat function setcameraprojectionparameters(vertical_field_of_view, zNear, zFar) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setcameraprojectionparameters), Nothing, (Float32, Float32, Float32), vertical_field_of_view, zNear, zFar) _check_error() end export setcameraprojectionparameters function setlightdirection(x, y, z) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setlightdirection), Nothing, (Float32, Float32, Float32), x, y, z) _check_error() end export setlightdirection function drawcylindermesh(n, positions, directions, colors, radii, lengths) _positions = [ Float32(x) for x in positions ] _directions = [ Float32(x) for x in directions ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] _radii = [ Float32(x) for x in radii ] _lengths = [ Float32(x) for x in lengths ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawcylindermesh), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), n, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _positions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _directions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _radii), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _lengths)) _check_error() end export drawcylindermesh function drawconemesh(n, positions, directions, colors, radii, lengths) _positions = [ Float32(x) for x in positions ] _directions = [ Float32(x) for x in directions ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] _radii = [ Float32(x) for x in radii ] _lengths = [ Float32(x) for x in lengths ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawconemesh), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), n, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _positions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _directions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _radii), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _lengths)) _check_error() end export drawconemesh function drawspheremesh(n, positions, colors, radii) _positions = [ Float32(x) for x in positions ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] _radii = [ Float32(x) for x in radii ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawspheremesh), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), n, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _positions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _radii)) _check_error() end export drawspheremesh function drawcubemesh(n, positions, directions, ups, colors, scales) _positions = [ Float32(x) for x in positions ] _directions = [ Float32(x) for x in directions ] _ups = [ Float32(x) for x in ups ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] _scales = [ Float32(x) for x in scales ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_drawcubemesh), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), n, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _positions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _directions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _ups), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _scales)) _check_error() end export drawcubemesh function setbackgroundcolor(red, green, blue, alpha) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setbackgroundcolor), Nothing, (Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32), red, green, blue, alpha) _check_error() end export setbackgroundcolor function createisosurfacemesh(grid::Array{UInt16,3}, step::@triplet(Float64), offset::@triplet(Float64), isolevel::Int64) mesh = Cint[0] dim_x, dim_y, dim_z = size(grid) data = reshape(grid, dim_x * dim_y * dim_z) stride_x, stride_y, stride_z = strides(grid) step_x, step_y, step_z = [ float(x) for x in step ] offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = [ float(x) for x in offset ] err = ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createisosurfacemesh), Int32, (Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{UInt16}, UInt16, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), mesh, @ArrayToVector(UInt16, data), UInt16(isolevel), dim_x, dim_y, dim_z, stride_x, stride_y, stride_z, step_x, step_y, step_z, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z) _check_error() return mesh[1] end export createisosurfacemesh function surface(px, py, pz, option::Int) nx = length(px) ny = length(py) nz = length(pz) if ndims(pz) == 1 out_of_bounds = nz != nx * ny elseif ndims(px) == ndims(py) == ndims(pz) == 2 nx, ny = size(pz) out_of_bounds = size(px)[1] != ny || size(px)[2] != nx || size(py)[1] != ny || size(py)[2] != nx elseif ndims(pz) == 2 out_of_bounds = size(pz)[1] != nx || size(pz)[2] != ny else out_of_bounds = true end if !out_of_bounds if option != GR.OPTION_3D_MESH if ndims(pz) == 2 pz = reshape(pz, nx * ny) end _px = [ Float32(x) for x in px ] _py = [ Float32(y) for y in py ] _pz = [ Float32(z) for z in pz ] else _px = px' _py = py' _pz = pz end ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_surface), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Int32), nx, ny, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _px), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _py), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _pz), option) _check_error() else error("Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.") end end function setalphamode(mode) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setalphamode), Nothing, (Int32, ), mode) _check_error() end function getalphamode(mode) mode = Cint[0] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_getalphamode), Cint, (Ptr{Cint}, ), mode) _check_error() return mode end function setlightparameters(ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setlightparameters), Nothing, (Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32), ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power) _check_error() end function getlightparameters() ambient = Cfloat[1] diffuse = Cfloat[1] specular = Cfloat[1] specular_power = Cfloat[1] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_getlightparameters), Nothing, (Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power) _check_error() return ambient[1], diffuse[1], specular[1], specular_power[1] end function isosurface(data::Array{Float64,3}, iso::Float64, color) _data = [ Float32(value) for value in data ] nx, ny, nz = size(data) _color = [ Float32(value) for value in color ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_isosurface), Nothing, (Int32, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Float32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Int32}), nx, ny, nz, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _data), Float32(iso), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _color), C_NULL) _check_error() end function volume(data::Array{Float64,3}, algorithm::Int64) dmin = Cdouble[-1] dmax = Cdouble[-1] nx, ny, nz = size(data) data = reshape(data, nx * ny * nz) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr_volume), Nothing, (Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), nx, ny, nz, data, algorithm, dmin, dmax) return dmin[1], dmax[1] end function createslicemeshes(grid; x::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, y::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, z::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing) if x === nothing && y === nothing && z === nothing x = 0.5 y = 0.5 z = 0.5 end if typeof(grid[1,1,1]) <: Unsigned input_max = typemax(typeof(grid[1,1,1])) elseif typeof(grid[1,1,1]) <: Real input_max = convert(typeof(grid[1,1,1]), 1.0) grid = min.(grid, input_max) else error("grid must be three dimensional array of Real numbers") return(nothing) end scaling_factor = typemax(UInt16) / input_max grid = Array{UInt16, 3}(floor.(grid * scaling_factor)) nx, ny, nz = size(grid) if step === nothing && offset === nothing step = (2.0/(nx-1), 2.0/(ny-1), 2.0/(nz-1)) offset = (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) elseif offset === nothing offset = (-step[1] * (nx-1) / 2.0, -step[2] * (ny-1) / 2.0, -step[3] * (nz-1) / 2.0) elseif step === nothing step = (-offset[1] * 2.0 / (nx-1), -offset[2] * 2.0 / (ny-1), -offset[3] * 2.0 / (nz-1)) end stride_x, stride_y, stride_z = 1, nx, nx*ny dim_x, dim_y, dim_z = convert(Tuple{UInt32, UInt32, UInt32}, size(grid)) step_x, step_y, step_z = convert(Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}, step) offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = convert(Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}, offset) if x !== nothing x = convert(UInt32, floor(clamp(x, 0, 1) * nx)) mesh = Cint[0] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createxslicemesh), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), mesh, grid, x, dim_x, dim_y, dim_z, stride_x, stride_y, stride_z, step_x, step_y, step_z, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z) _check_error() _mesh_x = mesh[1] else _mesh_x = nothing end if y !== nothing y = convert(UInt32, floor(clamp(y, 0, 1) * ny)) mesh = Cint[0] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createyslicemesh), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), mesh, grid, y, dim_x, dim_y, dim_z, stride_x, stride_y, stride_z, step_x, step_y, step_z, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z) _check_error() _mesh_y = mesh[1] else _mesh_y = nothing end if z !== nothing z = convert(UInt32, floor(clamp(z, 0, 1) * nz)) mesh = Cint[0] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_createzslicemesh), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64), mesh, grid, z, dim_x, dim_y, dim_z, stride_x, stride_y, stride_z, step_x, step_y, step_z, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z) _check_error() _mesh_z = mesh[1] else _mesh_z = nothing end return(_mesh_x, _mesh_y, _mesh_z) end export createslicemeshes function createxslicemesh(grid, x::Real=0.5; step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing) return createslicemeshes(grid, x=x, step=step, offset=offset)[1] end export createxslicemesh function createyslicemesh(grid, y::Real=0.5; step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing) return createslicemeshes(grid, y=y, step=step, offset=offset)[2] end export createyslicemesh function createzslicemesh(grid, z::Real=0.5; step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing) return createslicemeshes(grid, z=z, step=step, offset=offset)[3] end export createzslicemesh function drawxslicemesh(grid, x::Real=0.5; step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, position::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 0), direction::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 1), up::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 1, 0), color::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1), scale::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1)) mesh = createxslicemesh(grid, x, step=step, offset=offset) drawmesh(mesh, 1, position, direction, up, color, scale) deletemesh(mesh) end export drawxslicemesh function drawyslicemesh(grid, y::Real=0.5; step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, position::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 0), direction::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 1), up::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 1, 0), color::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1), scale::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1)) mesh = createxslicemesh(grid, y, step=step, offset=offset) drawmesh(mesh, 1, position, direction, up, color, scale) deletemesh(mesh) end export drawyslicemesh function drawzslicemesh(grid, z::Real=0.5; step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, position::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 0), direction::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 1), up::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 1, 0), color::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1), scale::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1)) mesh = createxslicemesh(grid, z, step=step, offset=offset) drawmesh(mesh, 1, position, direction, up, color, scale) deletemesh(mesh) end export drawzslicemesh function drawslicemeshes(data; x::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, y::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, z::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing, step::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, offset::Union{Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Nothing}=nothing, position::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 0), direction::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 0, 1), up::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(0, 1, 0), color::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1), scale::Tuple{Real, Real, Real}=(1, 1, 1)) meshes = createslicemeshes(data, x=x, y=y, z=z, step=step, offset=offset) for mesh in meshes if mesh !== nothing drawmesh(mesh, 1, position, direction, up, color, scale) deletemesh(mesh) end end end export drawslicemeshes function setlightsources(num_lights, directions, colors) @assert length(directions) == length(colors) _directions = [ Float32(x) for x in directions ] _colors = [ Float32(x) for x in colors ] ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_setlightsources), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}), num_lights, @ArrayToVector(Float32, _directions), @ArrayToVector(Float32, _colors)) end export setlightsources function getlightsources(num_lights) directions = Vector{Cfloat}(undef, num_lights * 3) colors = Vector{Cfloat}(undef, num_lights * 3) ccall(GR.libGR3_ptr(:gr3_getlightsources), Nothing, (Int32, Ptr{Cfloat}, Ptr{Cfloat}), num_lights, directions, colors) return directions, colors end export getlightsources const IA_END_OF_LIST = 0 const IA_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH = 1 const IA_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT = 2 const ERROR_NONE = 0 const ERROR_INVALID_VALUE = 1 const ERROR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE = 2 const ERROR_INIT_FAILED = 3 const ERROR_OPENGL_ERR = 4 const ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM = 5 const ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = 6 const ERROR_CAMERA_NOT_INITIALIZED = 7 const ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION = 8 const ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE = 9 const ERROR_EXPORT = 10 const QUALITY_OPENGL_NO_SSAA = 0 const QUALITY_OPENGL_2X_SSAA = 2 const QUALITY_OPENGL_4X_SSAA = 4 const QUALITY_OPENGL_8X_SSAA = 8 const QUALITY_OPENGL_16X_SSAA = 16 const QUALITY_POVRAY_NO_SSAA = 0+1 const QUALITY_POVRAY_2X_SSAA = 2+1 const QUALITY_POVRAY_4X_SSAA = 4+1 const QUALITY_POVRAY_8X_SSAA = 8+1 const QUALITY_POVRAY_16X_SSAA = 16+1 const DRAWABLE_OPENGL = 1 const DRAWABLE_GKS = 2 const SURFACE_DEFAULT = 0 const SURFACE_NORMALS = 1 const SURFACE_FLAT = 2 const SURFACE_GRTRANSFORM = 4 const SURFACE_GRCOLOR = 8 const SURFACE_GRZSHADED = 16 end # module
[ "MIT" ]
module jlgr import GR # These methods are extended in jlgr import GR: hexbin, contour, contourf, surface using Serialization using Sockets export colormap, figure, kvs, gcf, hold, usecolorscheme, subplot, plot, oplot, stairs, scatter, stem, barplot, histogram, polarhistogram, contour, contourf, hexbin, heatmap, polarheatmap, wireframe, surface, volume, plot3, scatter3, title, redraw, xlabel, ylabel, drawgrid, xticks, yticks, zticks, xticklabels, yticklabels, legend, xlim, ylim, savefig, meshgrid, meshgrid, peaks, imshow, isosurface, cart2sph, sph2cart, polar, trisurf, tricont, shade, setpanzoom, mainloop signif(x, digits; base = 10) = round(x, sigdigits = digits, base = base) const PlotArg = Union{AbstractString, AbstractVector, AbstractMatrix, Function} const kw_args = [:accelerate, :algorithm, :alpha, :backgroundcolor, :barwidth, :baseline, :clabels, :clines, :color, :colormap, :figsize, :font, :isovalue, :labels, :levels, :location, :nbins, :rotation, :size, :tilt, :title, :where, :xflip, :xform, :xlabel, :xlim, :xlog, :yflip, :ylabel, :ylim, :ylog, :zflip, :zlabel, :zlim, :zlog, :clim, :subplot, :linewidth, :grid, :scale, :theta_direction, :theta_zero_location, :dpi, :keepaspect] const grm_aliases = Dict( :nbins => :num_bins, :xform => :transform, :xlim => :x_lim, :ylim => :y_lim, :zlim => :z_lim, :clim => :c_lim, :xlabel => :x_label, :ylabel => :y_label, :zlabel => :z_label, :xflip => :x_flip, :yflip => :y_flip, :zflip => :z_flip, :xlog => :x_log, :ylog => :y_log, :zlog => :z_log) const colors = [ [0xffffff, 0x000000, 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0x00ffff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff] [0x282c34, 0xd7dae0, 0xcb4e42, 0x99c27c, 0x85a9fc, 0x5ab6c1, 0xd09a6a, 0xc57bdb] [0xfdf6e3, 0x657b83, 0xdc322f, 0x859900, 0x268bd2, 0x2aa198, 0xb58900, 0xd33682] [0x002b36, 0x839496, 0xdc322f, 0x859900, 0x268bd2, 0x2aa198, 0xb58900, 0xd33682] ] const fonts = Dict( "Times_Roman" => 101, "Times_Italic" => 102, "Times_Bold" => 103, "Times_BoldItalic" => 104, "Helvetica_Regular" => 105, "Helvetica_Oblique" => 106, "Helvetica_Bold" => 107, "Helvetica_BoldOblique" => 108, "Courier_Regular" => 109, "Courier_Oblique" => 110, "Courier_Bold" => 111, "Courier_BoldOblique" => 112, "Symbol" => 113, "Bookman_Light" => 114, "Bookman_LightItalic" => 115, "Bookman_Demi" => 116, "Bookman_DemiItalic" => 117, "NewCenturySchlbk_Roman" => 118, "NewCenturySchlbk_Italic" => 119, "NewCenturySchlbk_Bold" => 120, "NewCenturySchlbk_BoldItalic" => 121, "AvantGarde_Book" => 122, "AvantGarde_BookOblique" => 123, "AvantGarde_Demi" => 124, "AvantGarde_DemiOblique" => 125, "Palatino_Roman" => 126, "Palatino_Italic" => 127, "Palatino_Bold" => 128, "Palatino_BoldItalic" => 129, "ZapfChancery_MediumItalic" => 130, "ZapfDingbats" => 131, "CMUSerif-Math" => 232, "DejaVuSans" => 233, "STIXTwoMath" => 234) const distinct_cmap = (0, 1, 984, 987, 989, 983, 994, 988) const theta_zero_location = Dict( "E" => 0, "N" => π/2, "W" => π, "S" => 1.5π) const default_kvs = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :ax => false, :subplot => [0, 1, 0, 1], :clear => true, :update => true, :panzoom => nothing) function linspace(start, stop, length) range(start, stop=stop, length=length) end function _min(a) minimum(filter(!isnan, a)) end function _max(a) maximum(filter(!isnan, a)) end mutable struct PlotObject obj::Dict{Symbol, Any} args::Vector{NTuple{5, Any}} kvs::Dict{Symbol, Any} end function Figure(width=600, height=450, dpi=nothing) obj = Dict{Symbol, Any}() args = [] kvs = copy(default_kvs) kvs[:size] = (width, height) kvs[:dpi] = dpi PlotObject(obj, args, kvs) end const plt = Ref{PlotObject}(Figure()) const ctx = Dict{Symbol, Any}() const scheme = Ref(0) const handle = Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}(C_NULL) function kvs() plt[].kvs end function gcf() obj = deepcopy(plt[].obj) args = deepcopy(plt[].args) kvs = deepcopy(plt[].kvs) PlotObject(obj, args, kvs) end function plot(p::PlotObject) plt[] = p plot_data() end isrowvec(x::AbstractArray) = ndims(x) == 2 && size(x, 1) == 1 && size(x, 2) > 1 isvector(x::AbstractVector) = true isvector(x::AbstractMatrix) = size(x, 1) == 1 function set_viewport(kind, subplot, plt=plt[]) mwidth, mheight, width, height = GR.inqdspsize() if haskey(plt.kvs, :figsize) w, h = plt.kvs[:figsize] if w < 2 && h < 2 # size values < 2 are interpreted as metric values w = width * w / mwidth h = height * h / mheight end else if haskey(plt.kvs, :dpi) dpi = plt.kvs[:dpi] end if (dpi === nothing) dpi = round(width / mwidth * 0.0254, RoundNearestTiesUp) end if dpi > 200 w, h = plt.kvs[:size] .* (dpi / 100) else w, h = plt.kvs[:size] end end viewport = zeros(4) vp = copy(float(subplot)) if w > h ratio = w / h msize = mwidth * w / width GR.setwsviewport(0, msize, 0, msize / ratio) GR.setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 1 / ratio) vp[3] /= ratio vp[4] /= ratio else ratio = h / w msize = mheight * h / height GR.setwsviewport(0, msize / ratio, 0, msize) GR.setwswindow(0, 1 / ratio, 0, 1) vp[1] /= ratio vp[2] /= ratio end if kind === :wireframe || kind === :surface || kind === :plot3 || kind === :scatter3 || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume extent = min(vp[2] - vp[1], vp[4] - vp[3]) vp1 = 0.5 * (vp[1] + vp[2] - extent) vp2 = 0.5 * (vp[1] + vp[2] + extent) vp3 = 0.5 * (vp[3] + vp[4] - extent) vp4 = 0.5 * (vp[3] + vp[4] + extent) else vp1, vp2, vp3, vp4 = vp end left_margin = haskey(plt.kvs, :ylabel) ? 0.05 : 0 if kind === :contour || kind === :contourf || kind === :tricont || kind === :hexbin || kind === :heatmap || kind === :nonuniformheatmap || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap || kind === :surface || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume right_margin = (vp2 - vp1) * 0.1 else right_margin = 0 end bottom_margin = haskey(plt.kvs, :xlabel) ? 0.05 : 0 top_margin = haskey(plt.kvs, :title) ? 0.075 : 0 viewport[1] = vp1 + (0.075 + left_margin) * (vp2 - vp1) viewport[2] = vp1 + (0.95 - right_margin) * (vp2 - vp1) viewport[3] = vp3 + (0.075 + bottom_margin) * (vp4 - vp3) viewport[4] = vp3 + (0.975 - top_margin) * (vp4 - vp3) if (kind === :line || kind === :stairs || kind === :scatter || kind === :stem) && haskey(plt.kvs, :labels) location = get(plt.kvs, :location, 1) if location == 11 || location == 12 || location == 13 w, h = legend_size() viewport[2] -= w + 0.1 end end if kind === :polar || kind === :polarhist || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = viewport xcenter = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) ycenter = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) r = 0.45 * min(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin) if haskey(plt.kvs, :title) r *= 0.975 ycenter -= 0.025 * r end viewport[1] = xcenter - r; viewport[2] = xcenter + r; viewport[3] = ycenter - r; viewport[4] = ycenter + r; end GR.setviewport(viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3], viewport[4]) plt.kvs[:viewport] = viewport plt.kvs[:vp] = vp plt.kvs[:ratio] = ratio if haskey(plt.kvs, :backgroundcolor) GR.savestate() GR.selntran(0) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_SOLID) GR.setfillcolorind(plt.kvs[:backgroundcolor]) if w > h GR.fillrect(subplot[1], subplot[2], ratio * subplot[3], ratio * subplot[4]) else GR.fillrect(ratio * subplot[1], ratio * subplot[2], subplot[3], subplot[4]) end GR.selntran(1) GR.restorestate() end end function fix_minmax(a, b) if a == b a -= a != 0 ? 0.1 * a : 0.1 b += b != 0 ? 0.1 * b : 0.1 end a, b end function Extrema64(a) amin = typemax(Float64) amax = typemin(Float64) for el in a if !isnan(el) if el < amin amin = el end if el > amax amax = el end end end amin, amax end function minmax(kind, plt=plt[]) xmin = ymin = zmin = cmin = typemax(Float64) xmax = ymax = zmax = cmax = -typemax(Float64) scale = plt.kvs[:scale] for (x, y, z, c, spec) in plt.args if x !== nothing if scale & GR.OPTION_X_LOG != 0 x = map(v -> v>0 ? v : NaN, x) end x0, x1 = Extrema64(x) xmin = min(x0, xmin) xmax = max(x1, xmax) elseif kind === :volume || kind === :isosurface xmin, xmax = -1, 1 else xmin, xmax = 0, 1 end if y !== nothing if scale & GR.OPTION_Y_LOG != 0 y = map(v -> v>0 ? v : NaN, y) end y0, y1 = Extrema64(y) ymin = min(y0, ymin) ymax = max(y1, ymax) elseif kind === :volume || kind === :isosurface ymin, ymax = -1, 1 else ymin, ymax = 0, 1 end if z !== nothing if scale & GR.OPTION_Z_LOG != 0 z = map(v -> v>0 ? v : NaN, z) end z0, z1 = Extrema64(z) zmin = min(z0, zmin) zmax = max(z1, zmax) elseif kind === :volume || kind === :isosurface zmin, zmax = -1, 1 else zmin, zmax = 0, 1 end if c !== nothing c0, c1 = Extrema64(c) cmin = min(c0, cmin) cmax = max(c1, cmax) elseif z !== nothing c0, c1 = Extrema64(z) cmin = min(c0, cmin) cmax = max(c1, cmax) end end xmin, xmax = fix_minmax(xmin, xmax) ymin, ymax = fix_minmax(ymin, ymax) zmin, zmax = fix_minmax(zmin, zmax) if haskey(plt.kvs, :xlim) x0, x1 = plt.kvs[:xlim] if x0 === nothing x0 = xmin end if x1 === nothing x1 = xmax end plt.kvs[:xrange] = (x0, x1) else plt.kvs[:xrange] = xmin, xmax end if haskey(plt.kvs, :ylim) y0, y1 = plt.kvs[:ylim] if y0 === nothing y0 = ymin end if y1 === nothing y1 = ymax end plt.kvs[:yrange] = (y0, y1) else plt.kvs[:yrange] = ymin, ymax end if haskey(plt.kvs, :zlim) z0, z1 = plt.kvs[:zlim] if z0 === nothing z0 = zmin end if z1 === nothing z1 = zmax end plt.kvs[:zrange] = (z0, z1) else plt.kvs[:zrange] = zmin, zmax end if haskey(plt.kvs, :clim) c0, c1 = plt.kvs[:clim] if c0 === nothing c0 = cmin end if c1 === nothing c1 = cmax end plt.kvs[:crange] = (c0, c1) else plt.kvs[:crange] = cmin, cmax end end function to_wc(wn) xmin, ymin = GR.ndctowc(wn[1], wn[3]) xmax, ymax = GR.ndctowc(wn[2], wn[4]) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax end fract(x) = modf(x)[1] function auto_tick(amin, amax) scale = 10.0 ^ trunc(log10(amax - amin)) tick_size = (5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01) tick = 1.0 for i in 1:length(tick_size) n = trunc((amax - amin) / scale / tick_size[i]) if n > 7 tick = tick_size[i - 1] break end end tick * scale end function set_window(kind, plt=plt[]) if !(kind === :polar || kind === :polarhist || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap) scale = get(plt.kvs, :scale, 0) get(plt.kvs, :xlog, false) && (scale |= GR.OPTION_X_LOG) get(plt.kvs, :ylog, false) && (scale |= GR.OPTION_Y_LOG) get(plt.kvs, :zlog, false) && (scale |= GR.OPTION_Z_LOG) get(plt.kvs, :xflip, false) && (scale |= GR.OPTION_FLIP_X) get(plt.kvs, :yflip, false) && (scale |= GR.OPTION_FLIP_Y) get(plt.kvs, :zflip, false) && (scale |= GR.OPTION_FLIP_Z) else scale = 0 end plt.kvs[:scale] = scale if plt.kvs[:panzoom] !== nothing xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = GR.panzoom(plt.kvs[:panzoom]...) plt.kvs[:xrange] = (xmin, xmax) plt.kvs[:yrange] = (ymin, ymax) else minmax(kind) end if kind === :wireframe || kind === :surface || kind === :plot3 || kind === :scatter3 || kind === :polar || kind === :polarhist || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume major_count = 2 else major_count = 5 end xmin, xmax = plt.kvs[:xrange] if kind === :heatmap && !haskey(plt.kvs, :xlim) xmin -= 0.5 xmax += 0.5 end if scale & GR.OPTION_X_LOG == 0 if !haskey(plt.kvs, :xlim) && plt.kvs[:panzoom] === nothing && !(kind === :heatmap || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap) xmin, xmax = GR.adjustlimits(xmin, xmax) end if haskey(plt.kvs, :xticks) xtick, majorx = plt.kvs[:xticks] else majorx = major_count xtick = auto_tick(xmin, xmax) / major_count end else xtick = majorx = 1 end if scale & GR.OPTION_FLIP_X == 0 xorg = (xmin, xmax) else xorg = (xmax, xmin) end plt.kvs[:xaxis] = xtick, xorg, majorx ymin, ymax = plt.kvs[:yrange] if kind === :heatmap && !haskey(plt.kvs, :ylim) ymin -= 0.5 ymax += 0.5 end if kind === :hist && !haskey(plt.kvs, :ylim) ymin = scale & GR.OPTION_Y_LOG == 0 ? 0 : 1 end if scale & GR.OPTION_Y_LOG == 0 if !haskey(plt.kvs, :ylim) && plt.kvs[:panzoom] === nothing && !(kind === :heatmap || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap) ymin, ymax = GR.adjustlimits(ymin, ymax) end if haskey(plt.kvs, :yticks) ytick, majory = plt.kvs[:yticks] else majory = major_count ytick = auto_tick(ymin, ymax) / major_count end else ytick = majory = 1 end if scale & GR.OPTION_FLIP_Y == 0 yorg = (ymin, ymax) else yorg = (ymax, ymin) end plt.kvs[:yaxis] = ytick, yorg, majory if kind === :wireframe || kind === :surface || kind === :plot3 || kind === :scatter3 || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume zmin, zmax = plt.kvs[:zrange] if scale & GR.OPTION_Z_LOG == 0 if !haskey(plt.kvs, :zlim) zmin, zmax = GR.adjustlimits(zmin, zmax) end if haskey(plt.kvs, :zticks) ztick, majorz = plt.kvs[:zticks] else majorz = major_count ztick = auto_tick(zmin, zmax) / major_count end else ztick = majorz = 1 end if scale & GR.OPTION_FLIP_Z == 0 zorg = (zmin, zmax) else zorg = (zmax, zmin) end plt.kvs[:zaxis] = ztick, zorg, majorz end plt.kvs[:window] = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax if !(kind === :polar || kind === :polarhist || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap) GR.setwindow(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) else GR.setwindow(-1, 1, -1, 1) end if kind === :wireframe || kind === :surface || kind === :plot3 || kind === :scatter3 || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume rotation = get(plt.kvs, :rotation, 40) tilt = get(plt.kvs, :tilt, 60) GR.setwindow3d(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) GR.setspace3d(-rotation, tilt, 30, 0) end plt.kvs[:scale] = scale GR.setscale(scale) end function ticklabel_fun(f::Function) return (x, y, svalue, value) -> GR.textext(x, y, string(f(value))) end function ticklabel_fun(labels::AbstractVecOrMat{T}) where T <: AbstractString (x, y, svalue, value) -> begin pos = findfirst(t->(value≈t), collect(1:length(labels))) lab = (pos === nothing) ? "" : labels[pos] GR.textext(x, y, lab) end end function draw_axes(kind, pass=1, plt=plt[]) viewport = plt.kvs[:viewport] vp = plt.kvs[:vp] xtick, xorg, majorx = plt.kvs[:xaxis] ytick, yorg, majory = plt.kvs[:yaxis] drawgrid = get(plt.kvs, :grid, true) # enforce scientific notation for logarithmic axes labels if plt.kvs[:scale] & GR.OPTION_X_LOG != 0 xtick = 10 end if plt.kvs[:scale] & GR.OPTION_Y_LOG != 0 ytick = 10 end GR.setlinecolorind(1) diag = sqrt((viewport[2] - viewport[1])^2 + (viewport[4] - viewport[3])^2) GR.setlinewidth(1) ticksize = 0.0075 * diag if kind === :wireframe || kind === :surface || kind === :plot3 || kind === :scatter3 || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume charheight = max(0.024 * diag, 0.012) ztick, zorg, majorz = plt.kvs[:zaxis] rotation = get(plt.kvs, :rotation, 40) tilt = get(plt.kvs, :tilt, 60) zi = 0 <= tilt <= 90 ? 1 : 2 xlabel = get(plt.kvs, :xlabel, "") ylabel = get(plt.kvs, :ylabel, "") zlabel = get(plt.kvs, :zlabel, "") GR.setcharheight(charheight * 1.5) GR.settitles3d(xlabel, ylabel, zlabel) GR.setcharheight(charheight) if pass == 1 && drawgrid if 0 <= rotation < 90 GR.grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2) GR.grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) elseif 90 <= rotation < 180 GR.grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2) GR.grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) elseif 180 <= rotation < 270 GR.grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 2, 0, 2) GR.grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) else GR.grid3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[1], 2, 0, 2) GR.grid3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 2, 0) end else if 0 <= rotation < 90 GR.axes3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], majorx, 0, majorz, -ticksize) GR.axes3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, majory, 0, ticksize) elseif 90 <= rotation < 180 GR.axes3d(0, 0, ztick, xorg[1], yorg[2], zorg[zi], 0, 0, majorz, -ticksize) GR.axes3d(xtick, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], majorx, majory, 0, -ticksize) elseif 180 <= rotation < 270 GR.axes3d(xtick, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], majorx, 0, majorz, ticksize) GR.axes3d(0, ytick, 0, xorg[1], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, majory, 0, -ticksize) else GR.axes3d(0, 0, ztick, xorg[2], yorg[1], zorg[zi], 0, 0, majorz, -ticksize) GR.axes3d(xtick, ytick, 0, xorg[2], yorg[2], zorg[zi], majorx, majory, 0, ticksize) end end else charheight = max(0.018 * diag, 0.012) GR.setcharheight(charheight) if kind === :heatmap || kind === :nonuniformheatmap || kind === :shade ticksize = -ticksize if kind === :shade drawgrid = false end end if haskey(plt.kvs, :xticklabels) || haskey(plt.kvs, :yticklabels) drawgrid && GR.grid(xtick, ytick, 0, 0, majorx, majory) fx = get(plt.kvs, :xticklabels, identity) |> ticklabel_fun fy = get(plt.kvs, :yticklabels, identity) |> ticklabel_fun GR.axeslbl(xtick, ytick, xorg[1], yorg[1], majorx, majory, ticksize, fx, fy) else x_axis = GR.axis('X', tick=xtick, org=xorg[1], major_count=majorx, tick_size=ticksize) y_axis = GR.axis('Y', tick=ytick, org=yorg[1], major_count=majory, tick_size=ticksize) options = GR.AXES_SIMPLE_AXES|GR.AXES_TWIN_AXES if drawgrid options |= GR.AXES_WITH_GRID end GR.drawaxes(x_axis, y_axis, options) end end if haskey(plt.kvs, :title) GR.savestate() GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_TOP) text(0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2]), vp[4], plt.kvs[:title]) GR.restorestate() end if !(kind === :wireframe || kind === :surface || kind === :plot3 || kind === :scatter3 || kind === :trisurf || kind === :volume) if haskey(plt.kvs, :xlabel) GR.savestate() GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_BOTTOM) text(0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2]), vp[3] + 0.5 * charheight, plt.kvs[:xlabel]) GR.restorestate() end if haskey(plt.kvs, :ylabel) GR.savestate() GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_TOP) GR.setcharup(-1, 0) text(vp[1] + 0.5 * charheight, 0.5 * (viewport[3] + viewport[4]), plt.kvs[:ylabel]) GR.restorestate() end end end function draw_polar_axes(plt=plt[]) viewport = plt.kvs[:viewport] vp = plt.kvs[:vp] diag = sqrt((viewport[2] - viewport[1])^2 + (viewport[4] - viewport[3])^2) charheight = max(0.018 * diag, 0.012) window = plt.kvs[:window] rmin, rmax = window[3], window[4] GR.savestate() GR.setcharheight(charheight) GR.setlinetype(GR.LINETYPE_SOLID) tick = auto_tick(rmin, rmax) n = trunc(Int, (rmax - rmin) / tick) for i in 0:n r = rmin + i * tick / (rmax - rmin) if i % 2 == 0 GR.setlinecolorind(88) if i > 0 GR.drawarc(-r, r, -r, r, 0, 360) end else GR.setlinecolorind(90) GR.drawarc(-r, r, -r, r, 0, 360) end end sign = if get(plt.kvs, :theta_direction, 1) > 0 1 else -1 end offs = theta_zero_location[get(plt.kvs, :theta_zero_location, "E")] for alpha in 0:45:315 sinf = sin((alpha * sign) * π / 180 + offs) cosf = cos((alpha * sign) * π / 180 + offs) GR.setlinecolorind(88) GR.polyline([cosf, 0], [sinf, 0]) GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_HALF) x, y = GR.wctondc(1.1 * cosf, 1.1 * sinf) GR.text(x, y, string(alpha, "°")) end for i in 0:n r = rmin + i * tick / (rmax - rmin) if i % 2 == 0 || i == n GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_HALF) x, y = GR.wctondc(0.05, r) GR.text(x, y, string(signif(rmin + i * tick, 12))) end end if haskey(plt.kvs, :title) GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_TOP) text(0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2]), vp[4] - 0.02, plt.kvs[:title]) end GR.restorestate() end function inqtext(x, y, s) if (in('\\', s) || in('_', s) || in('^', s)) && match(r".*\$[^\$]+?\$.*", String(s)) === nothing GR.inqtextext(x, y, s) else GR.inqtext(x, y, s) end end function text(x, y, s) if (in('\\', s) || in('_', s) || in('^', s)) && match(r".*\$[^\$]+?\$.*", String(s)) === nothing GR.textext(x, y, s) else GR.text(x, y, s) end nothing end function legend_size(plt=plt[]) scale = Int(GR.inqscale()) GR.selntran(0) GR.setscale(0) w = 0 h = 0 num_labels = length(plt.kvs[:labels]) for i in 1:num_labels label = plt.kvs[:labels][i] tbx, tby = inqtext(0, 0, label) w = max(w, tbx[3] - tbx[1]) h += max(tby[3] - tby[1], 0.03) end GR.setscale(scale) GR.selntran(1) w, h end hasline(mask) = ( mask == 0x00 || (mask & GR.SPEC_LINE != 0) ) hasmarker(mask) = ( mask & GR.SPEC_MARKER != 0 ) hascolor(mask) = ( mask & GR.SPEC_COLOR != 0 ) function draw_legend(plt=plt[]) w, h = legend_size() viewport = plt.kvs[:viewport] location = get(plt.kvs, :location, 1) num_labels = length(plt.kvs[:labels]) GR.savestate() GR.selntran(0) GR.setscale(0) if location == 11 || location == 12 || location == 13 px = viewport[2] + 0.11 elseif location == 8 || location == 9 || location == 10 px = 0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2] - w + 0.05) elseif location == 2 || location == 3 || location == 6 px = viewport[1] + 0.11 else px = viewport[2] - 0.05 - w end if location == 5 || location == 6 || location == 7 || location == 10 || location == 12 py = 0.5 * (viewport[3] + viewport[4] + h - 0.03) elseif location == 13 py = viewport[3] + h elseif location == 3 || location == 4 || location == 8 py = viewport[3] + h + 0.03 elseif location == 11 py = viewport[4] - 0.03 else py = viewport[4] - 0.06 end GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_SOLID) GR.setfillcolorind(0) GR.fillrect(px - 0.08, px + w + 0.02, py + 0.03, py - h) GR.setlinetype(GR.LINETYPE_SOLID) GR.setlinecolorind(1) GR.setlinewidth(1) GR.drawrect(px - 0.08, px + w + 0.02, py + 0.03, py - h) i = 1 GR.uselinespec(" ") for (x, y, z, c, spec) in plt.args if i <= num_labels label = plt.kvs[:labels][i] tbx, tby = inqtext(0, 0, label) dy = max((tby[3] - tby[1]) - 0.03, 0) py -= 0.5 * dy end GR.savestate() mask = GR.uselinespec(spec) hasline(mask) && GR.polyline([px - 0.07, px - 0.01], [py, py]) hasmarker(mask) && GR.polymarker([px - 0.06, px - 0.02], [py, py]) GR.restorestate() GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_HALF) if i <= num_labels text(px, py, label) py -= 0.5 * dy i += 1 end py -= 0.03 end GR.selntran(1) GR.restorestate() end function colorbar(off=0, colors=256, plt=plt[]) GR.savestate() viewport = plt.kvs[:viewport] zmin, zmax = plt.kvs[:zrange] mask = (GR.OPTION_Z_LOG | GR.OPTION_FLIP_Y | GR.OPTION_FLIP_Z) if get(plt.kvs, :zflip, false) options = (GR.inqscale() | GR.OPTION_FLIP_Y) GR.setscale(options & mask) elseif get(plt.kvs, :yflip, false) options = GR.inqscale() & ~GR.OPTION_FLIP_Y GR.setscale(options & mask) else options = GR.inqscale() GR.setscale(options & mask) end h = 0 ###0.5 * (zmax - zmin) / (colors - 1) GR.setwindow(0, 1, zmin, zmax) GR.setviewport(viewport[2] + 0.02 + off, viewport[2] + 0.05 + off, viewport[3], viewport[4]) l = Int32[round(1000 + _i * 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) for _i in linspace(0, 1, colors)] GR.cellarray(0, 1, zmax + h, zmin - h, 1, colors, l) GR.setlinecolorind(1) diag = sqrt((viewport[2] - viewport[1])^2 + (viewport[4] - viewport[3])^2) charheight = max(0.016 * diag, 0.012) GR.setcharheight(charheight) if plt.kvs[:scale] & GR.OPTION_Z_LOG == 0 ztick = auto_tick(zmin, zmax) y_axis = GR.axis('Y', position=1, tick=ztick, org=zmin, major_count=1, tick_size=0.005) GR.drawaxis('Y', y_axis) else GR.setscale(GR.OPTION_Y_LOG) y_axis = GR.axis('Y', position=1, tick=2, org=zmin, major_count=1, tick_size=0.005) GR.drawaxis('Y', y_axis) end GR.restorestate() end function colormap() rgb = Vector{UInt32}(undef, 256) @inbounds for colorind in 1:256 color = GR.inqcolor(999 + colorind) r = color & 0xff g = (color >> 8) & 0xff b = (color >> 16) & 0xff rgb[colorind] = 0xff000000 + b << 16 + g << 8 + r end rgb end function to_rgba(value, cmap) if !isnan(value) i = round(Int, value * 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) cmap[i + 1] else zero(UInt32) end end function create_context(kind::Symbol, dict=plt[].kvs) plt[].kvs[:kind] = kind create_context(dict) end function create_context(dict::AbstractDict) plt[].obj = copy(plt[].kvs) for k in keys(dict) if ! (k in kw_args) error("Invalid keyword: $k") end end merge!(plt[].kvs, dict) end function restore_context(plt=plt[]) empty!(ctx) merge!(ctx, plt.kvs) plt.kvs = copy(plt.obj) end """ Create a new figure with the given settings. Settings like the current colormap, title or axis limits as stored in the current figure. This function creates a new figure, restores the default settings and applies any settings passed to the function as keyword arguments. **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Restore all default settings julia> figure() julia> # Restore all default settings and set the title julia> figure(title="Example Figure") """ function figure(width::Int, height::Int, dpi::Int; kv...) plt[] = Figure(width, height, dpi) merge!(plt[].kvs, Dict(kv)) plt[] end function figure(; kv...) plt[] = Figure() merge!(plt[].kvs, Dict(kv)) plt[] end """ Set the hold flag for combining multiple plots. The hold flag prevents drawing of axes and clearing of previous plots, so that the next plot will be drawn on top of the previous one. :param flag: the value of the hold flag **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(0, 1, 100) julia> # Draw the first plot julia> plot(x, x.^2) julia> # Set the hold flag julia> hold(true) julia> # Draw additional plots julia> plot(x, x.^4) julia> plot(x, x.^8) julia> # Reset the hold flag julia> hold(false) """ function hold(flag, plt=plt[]) if !isempty(plt.args) plt.kvs[:ax] = flag plt.kvs[:clear] = !flag for k in (:window, :scale, :xaxis, :yaxis, :zaxis) if haskey(ctx, k) plt.kvs[k] = ctx[k] end end else error("Invalid hold state") end flag end function usecolorscheme(index) if 1 <= index <= 4 scheme[] = index else error("Invalid color sheme") end nothing end """ Set current subplot index. By default, the current plot will cover the whole window. To display more than one plot, the window can be split into a number of rows and columns, with the current plot covering one or more cells in the resulting grid. Subplot indices are one-based and start at the upper left corner, with a new row starting after every **num_columns** subplots. :param num_rows: the number of subplot rows :param num_columns: the number of subplot columns :param subplot_indices: - the subplot index to be used by the current plot - a pair of subplot indices, setting which subplots should be covered by the current plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Set the current plot to the second subplot in a 2x3 grid julia> subplot(2, 3, 2) julia> # Set the current plot to cover the first two rows of a 4x2 grid julia> subplot(4, 2, (1, 4)) julia> # Use the full window for the current plot julia> subplot(1, 1, 1) """ function subplot(nr, nc, p, plt=plt[]) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 1, 0, 1, 0 for i in collect(p) r = nr - div(i-1, nc) c = (i-1) % nc + 1 xmin = min(xmin, (c-1)/nc) xmax = max(xmax, c/nc) ymin = min(ymin, (r-1)/nr) ymax = max(ymax, r/nr) end plt.kvs[:subplot] = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] plt.kvs[:clear] = collect(p)[1] == 1 plt.kvs[:update] = collect(p)[end] == nr * nc end """ Set the flag to draw a grid in the plot axes. :param flag: the value of the grid flag (`true` by default) **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Hid the grid on the next plot julia> grid(false) julia> # Restore the grid julia> grid(true) """ drawgrid(flag, plt=plt[]) = (plt.kvs[:grid] = flag) const doc_ticks = """ Set the intervals of the ticks for the X, Y or Z axis. Use the function `xticks`, `yticks` or `zticks` for the corresponding axis. :param minor: the interval between minor ticks. :param major: (optional) the number of minor ticks between major ticks. **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Minor ticks every 0.2 units in the X axis julia> xticks(0.2) julia> # Major ticks every 1 unit (5 minor ticks) in the Y axis julia> yticks(0.2, 5) """ @doc doc_ticks xticks(minor, major::Int=1, plt=plt[]) = (plt.kvs[:xticks] = (minor, major)) @doc doc_ticks yticks(minor, major::Int=1, plt=plt[]) = (plt.kvs[:yticks] = (minor, major)) @doc doc_ticks zticks(minor, major::Int=1, plt=plt[]) = (plt.kvs[:zticks] = (minor, major)) const doc_ticklabels = """ Customize the string of the X and Y axes tick labels. The labels of the tick axis can be defined through a function with one argument (the numeric value of the tick position) and returns a string, or through an array of strings that are located sequentially at X = 1, 2, etc. :param s: function or array of strings that define the tick labels. **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Label the range (0-1) of the Y-axis as percent values julia> yticklabels(p -> Base.Printf.@sprintf("%0.0f%%", 100p)) julia> # Label the X-axis with a sequence of strings julia> xticklabels(["first", "second", "third"]) """ @doc doc_ticklabels xticklabels(s, plt=plt[]) = (plt.kvs[:xticklabels] = s) @doc doc_ticklabels yticklabels(s, plt=plt[]) = (plt.kvs[:yticklabels] = s) # Normalize a color c with the range [cmin, cmax] # 0 <= normalize_color(c, cmin, cmax) <= 1 function normalize_color(c, cmin, cmax) c = clamp(c, cmin, cmax) - cmin if cmin != cmax c /= cmax - cmin end c end function plot_img(I, plt=plt[]) viewport = plt.kvs[:vp][:] if haskey(plt.kvs, :title) viewport[4] -= 0.05 end vp = plt.kvs[:vp] if isa(I, AbstractString) width, height, data = GR.readimage(I) else I = I' width, height = size(I) cmin, cmax = plt.kvs[:crange] data = map(x -> normalize_color(x, cmin, cmax), I) data = Int32[round(1000 + _i * 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) for _i in data] end if width * (viewport[4] - viewport[3]) < height * (viewport[2] - viewport[1]) w = width / height * (viewport[4] - viewport[3]) xmin = max(0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2] - w), viewport[1]) xmax = min(0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2] + w), viewport[2]) ymin = viewport[3] ymax = viewport[4] else h = height / width * (viewport[2] - viewport[1]) xmin = viewport[1] xmax = viewport[2] ymin = max(0.5 * (viewport[4] + viewport[3] - h), viewport[3]) ymax = min(0.5 * (viewport[4] + viewport[3] + h), viewport[4]) end GR.selntran(0) GR.setscale(0) if get(plt.kvs, :xflip, false) tmp = xmax; xmax = xmin; xmin = tmp; end if get(plt.kvs, :yflip, false) tmp = ymax; ymax = ymin; ymin = tmp; end if isa(I, AbstractString) GR.drawimage(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, data) else GR.cellarray(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, data) end if haskey(plt.kvs, :title) GR.savestate() GR.settextalign(GR.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, GR.TEXT_VALIGN_TOP) text(0.5 * (viewport[1] + viewport[2]), vp[4], plt.kvs[:title]) GR.restorestate() end GR.selntran(1) end function plot_iso(V, plt=plt[]) nx, ny, nz = size(V) isovalue = get(plt.kvs, :isovalue, 0.5) rotation = get(plt.kvs, :rotation, 40) tilt = get(plt.kvs, :tilt, 60) if haskey(plt.kvs, :color) color = plt.kvs[:color] else color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.8) end GR.setwindow3d(-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1) GR.setspace3d(-rotation, tilt, 45, 2.5) ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power = GR.gr3.getlightparameters() GR.gr3.setlightparameters(0.2, 0.8, 0.7, 128.0) GR.gr3.isosurface(V, isovalue, color) GR.gr3.setlightparameters(ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power) end function plot_polar(θ, ρ, plt=plt[]) window = plt.kvs[:window] rmin, rmax = window[3], window[4] sign = if get(plt.kvs, :theta_direction, 1) > 0 1 else -1 end offs = theta_zero_location[get(plt.kvs, :theta_zero_location, "E")] ρ = ρ ./ rmax n = length(ρ) x, y = zeros(n), zeros(n) for i in 1:n x[i] = ρ[i] * cos(θ[i] * sign + offs) y[i] = ρ[i] * sin(θ[i] * sign + offs) end GR.polyline(x, y) end function RGB(color) float((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255, float((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255, float( color & 0xff) / 255 end to_double(a) = Float64[float(el) for el in a] to_int(a) = Int32[round(Int32, el) for el in a] function send_data(handle, name, data) GR.sendmetaref(handle, name, 'D', to_double(data)) dims = size(data) if length(dims) > 1 GR.sendmetaref(handle, string(name, "_dims"), 'I', to_int(dims)) end nothing end function shutdown() if handle[] != C_NULL GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "request", 's', "close"); GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "", '\0', "", 0); end end function send_meta(target, plt=plt[]) if handle[] === C_NULL handle[] = GR.openmeta(target) atexit(shutdown) end if handle[] != C_NULL for (k, v) in plt.kvs if haskey(grm_aliases, k) k = grm_aliases[k] end if k === :backgroundcolor || k === :color || k === :colormap || k === :location || k === :nbins || k === :rotation || k === :tilt || k === :transform GR.sendmetaref(handle[], string(k), 'i', Int32(v)) elseif k === :alpha || k === :isovalue GR.sendmetaref(handle[], string(k), 'd', Float64(v)) elseif k === :x_lim || k === :y_lim || k === :z_lim || k === :c_lim || k === :size GR.sendmetaref(handle[], string(k), 'D', to_double(v)) elseif k === :title || k === :x_label || k === :y_label || k === :z_label GR.sendmetaref(handle[], string(k), 's', String(v)) elseif k === :labels s = [String(el) for el in v] GR.sendmetaref(handle[], string(k), 'S', s, length(s)) elseif k === :x_flip || k === :y_flip || k === :z_flip || k === :x_log || k === :y_log || k === :z_log GR.sendmetaref(handle[], string(k), 'i', v ? 1 : 0) end end num_series = length(plt.args) GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "series", 'O', "[", num_series) for (i, (x, y, z, c, spec)) in enumerate(plt.args) x !== nothing && send_data(handle[], "x", to_double(x)) y !== nothing && send_data(handle[], "y", to_double(y)) z !== nothing && send_data(handle[], "z", to_double(z)) c !== nothing && send_data(handle[], "c", to_double(c)) spec !== nothing && GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "line_spec", 's', spec) GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "", 'O', i < num_series ? "," : "]", 1) end if plt.kvs[:kind] === :hist GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "kind", 's', "barplot"); else GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "kind", 's', string(plt.kvs[:kind])); end if get(plt.kvs, :keepaspect, false) GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "keep_aspect_ratio", 'i', 1) end GR.sendmetaref(handle[], "", '\0', "", 0); end nothing end function send_serialized(target, plt=plt[]) sock = connect(target, 8001) serialize(sock, Dict("kvs" => plt.kvs, "args" => plt.args)) close(sock) end function contains_NaN(a) for el in a if el === NaN return true end end false end function plot_data(flag=true, plt=plt[]) if isempty(plt.args) return end GR.init() target = GR.displayname() if flag && target !== "" if target == "js" || target == "meta" || target == "plot" || target == "edit" || target == "pluto" || target == "js-server" send_meta(0) else send_serialized(target) end if target == "pluto" || target == "js" return GR.js.get_html() end return end kind = get(plt.kvs, :kind, :line) plt.kvs[:clear] && GR.clearws() if scheme[] != 0 for colorind in 1:8 color = colors[colorind, scheme[]] r, g, b = RGB(color) GR.setcolorrep(colorind - 1, r, g, b) if scheme != 1 GR.setcolorrep(distinct_cmap[colorind], r, g, b) end end r, g, b = RGB(colors[1, scheme[]]) rdiff, gdiff, bdiff = RGB(colors[2, scheme[]]) .- (r, g, b) for colorind in 1:12 f = (colorind - 1) / 11.0 GR.setcolorrep(92 - colorind, r + f*rdiff, g + f*gdiff, b + f*bdiff) end end if haskey(plt.kvs, :font) name = plt.kvs[:font] if haskey(fonts, name) font = fonts[name] GR.settextfontprec(font, font > 200 ? 3 : 0) else font = GR.loadfont(name) if font >= 0 GR.settextfontprec(font, 3) end end else GR.settextfontprec(232, 3) # CM Serif Roman end set_viewport(kind, plt.kvs[:subplot], plt) if !plt.kvs[:ax] set_window(kind, plt) if kind === :polar || kind === :polarhist draw_polar_axes() elseif !(kind === :imshow || kind === :isosurface || kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap) draw_axes(kind) end end if haskey(plt.kvs, :colormap) GR.setcolormap(plt.kvs[:colormap]) else GR.setcolormap(GR.COLORMAP_VIRIDIS) end GR.uselinespec(" ") for (x, y, z, c, spec) in plt.args GR.savestate() if haskey(plt.kvs, :alpha) GR.settransparency(plt.kvs[:alpha]) end if kind === :line mask = GR.uselinespec(spec) if c !== nothing linewidth = get(plt.kvs, :linewidth, 1) z = ones(length(x)) * linewidth GR.polyline(x, y, z, c) else if hasline(mask) linewidth = get(plt.kvs, :linewidth, 1) GR.setlinewidth(linewidth) GR.polyline(x, y) end hasmarker(mask) && GR.polymarker(x, y) end elseif kind === :stairs mask = GR.uselinespec(spec) if hasline(mask) where = get(plt.kvs, :where, "mid") if where == "pre" n = length(x) xs = zeros(2 * n - 1) ys = zeros(2 * n - 1) xs[1] = x[1] ys[1] = y[1] for i in 1:n-1 xs[2*i] = x[i] xs[2*i+1] = x[i+1] ys[2*i] = y[i+1] ys[2*i+1] = y[i+1] end elseif where == "post" n = length(x) xs = zeros(2 * n - 1) ys = zeros(2 * n - 1) xs[1] = x[1] ys[1] = y[1] for i in 1:n-1 xs[2*i] = x[i+1] xs[2*i+1] = x[i+1] ys[2*i] = y[i] ys[2*i+1] = y[i+1] end else n = length(x) xs = zeros(2 * n) ys = zeros(2 * n) xs[1] = x[1] for i in 1:n-1 xs[2*i] = 0.5 * (x[i] + x[i+1]) xs[2*i+1] = 0.5 * (x[i] + x[i+1]) ys[2*i-1] = y[i] ys[2*i] = y[i] end xs[2*n] = x[n] ys[2*n-1] = y[n] ys[2*n] = y[n] end GR.polyline(xs, ys) end hasmarker(mask) && GR.polymarker(x, y) elseif kind === :scatter GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) if z !== nothing || c !== nothing if c !== nothing cmin, cmax = plt.kvs[:crange] c = map(x -> normalize_color(x, cmin, cmax), c) cind = Int[round(1000 + _i * 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) for _i in c] end GR.polymarker(x, y, z, cind) else GR.polymarker(x, y) end elseif kind === :stem GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) GR.uselinespec(spec) for i = 1:length(y) GR.polyline([x[i]; x[i]], [0; y[i]]) GR.polymarker([x[i]], [y[i]]) end GR.setlinecolorind(1) GR.polyline([plt.kvs[:window][1]; plt.kvs[:window][2]], [0; 0]) elseif kind === :hist ymin = plt.kvs[:window][3] GR.setfillcolorind(989) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_SOLID) for i = 1:length(y) GR.fillrect(x[i], x[i+1], ymin, y[i]) end GR.setfillcolorind(1) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_HOLLOW) for i = 1:length(y) GR.fillrect(x[i], x[i+1], ymin, y[i]) end elseif kind === :polarhist ymax = plt.kvs[:window][4] ρ = y ./ ymax θ = x * 180/π for i = 2:length(ρ) GR.setfillcolorind(989) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_SOLID) GR.fillarc(-ρ[i], ρ[i], -ρ[i], ρ[i], θ[i-1], θ[i]) GR.setfillcolorind(1) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_HOLLOW) GR.fillarc(-ρ[i], ρ[i], -ρ[i], ρ[i], θ[i-1], θ[i]) end elseif kind === :polarheatmap || kind === :nonuniformpolarheatmap w, h = size(z) cmap = colormap() cmin, cmax = plt.kvs[:zrange] data = map(x -> normalize_color(x, cmin, cmax), z) if get(plt.kvs, :xflip, false) data = reverse(data, dims=1) end if get(plt.kvs, :yflip, false) data = reverse(data, dims=2) end colors = round.(Int32, 1000 .+ data .* 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) if kind === :polarheatmap GR.polarcellarray(0, 0, 0, 360, 0, 1, w, h, colors) else ymin, ymax = plt.kvs[:window][3:4] ρ = ymin .+ y ./ (ymax - ymin) θ = x * 180/π GR.nonuniformpolarcellarray(θ, ρ, w, h, colors) end draw_polar_axes() plt.kvs[:zrange] = cmin, cmax colorbar(0.025) elseif kind === :contour zmin, zmax = plt.kvs[:zrange] if length(x) == length(y) == length(z) x, y, z = GR.gridit(vec(x), vec(y), vec(z'), 200, 200) zmin, zmax = get(plt.kvs, :zlim, (_min(z), _max(z))) end proj = GR.inqprojectiontype() GR.setprojectiontype(0) GR.setspace(zmin, zmax, 0, 90) levels = get(plt.kvs, :levels, 0) clabels = get(plt.kvs, :clabels, false) if typeof(levels) <: Int if levels == 0 levels = 20 end h = [zmin + (_i - 1) * (zmax - zmin) / levels for _i = 1:levels] else h = float(levels) end GR.contour(x, y, h, z, clabels ? 1001 : 1000) colorbar(0, length(h)) GR.setprojectiontype(proj) elseif kind === :contourf zmin, zmax = plt.kvs[:zrange] if length(x) == length(y) == length(z) x, y, z = GR.gridit(vec(x), vec(y), vec(z'), 200, 200) zmin, zmax = get(plt.kvs, :zlim, (_min(z), _max(z))) end proj = GR.inqprojectiontype() GR.setprojectiontype(0) GR.setspace(zmin, zmax, 0, 90) levels = get(plt.kvs, :levels, 0) clabels = get(plt.kvs, :clabels, false) clines = get(plt.kvs, :clines, true) if typeof(levels) <: Int if levels == 0 levels = 20 end h = [zmin + (_i - 1) * (zmax - zmin) / levels for _i = 1:levels] else h = float(levels) end GR.contourf(x, y, h, z, clines ? (clabels ? 1 : 0) : -1) colorbar(0, length(h)) GR.setprojectiontype(proj) elseif kind === :hexbin nbins = get(plt.kvs, :nbins, 40) cntmax = GR.hexbin(x, y, nbins) if cntmax > 0 plt.kvs[:zrange] = 0, cntmax colorbar() end elseif kind === :heatmap || kind === :nonuniformheatmap w, h = size(z) cmap = colormap() cmin, cmax = plt.kvs[:crange] levels = get(plt.kvs, :levels, 256) data = map(x -> normalize_color(x, cmin, cmax), z) if kind === :heatmap && !haskey(ENV, "GR_SCALE_FACTOR") rgba = [to_rgba(value, cmap) for value = data] GR.drawimage(0.5, w + 0.5, h + 0.5, 0.5, w, h, rgba) else colors = Int[round(isnan(_i) ? 1256 : 1000 + _i * 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) for _i in data] GR.nonuniformcellarray(x, y, w, h, colors) end colorbar(0, levels) elseif kind === :wireframe if length(x) == length(y) == length(z) x, y, z = GR.gridit(vec(x), vec(y), vec(z'), 50, 50) end GR.setfillcolorind(0) GR.surface(x, y, z, GR.OPTION_FILLED_MESH) draw_axes(kind, 2) elseif kind === :surface if isa(x, AbstractMatrix) && isa(y, AbstractMatrix) && isa(z, AbstractMatrix) option = GR.OPTION_3D_MESH else option = GR.OPTION_COLORED_MESH if length(x) == length(y) == length(z) x, y, z = GR.gridit(vec(x), vec(y), vec(z'), 200, 200) end end ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power = GR.gr3.getlightparameters() GR.gr3.setlightparameters(0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 10.0) if get(plt.kvs, :accelerate, true) GR.gr3.surface(x, y, z, option) else GR.surface(x, y, z, option) end GR.gr3.setlightparameters(ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power) draw_axes(kind, 2) colorbar(0.05) GR.gr3.terminate() elseif kind === :volume algorithm = get(plt.kvs, :algorithm, 0) w, h, ratio = GR.inqvpsize() GR.setpicturesizeforvolume(round(Int, w * ratio), round(Int, h * ratio)) ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power = GR.gr3.getlightparameters() GR.gr3.setlightparameters(0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 10.0) dmin, dmax = GR.gr3.volume(c, algorithm) GR.gr3.setlightparameters(ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power) draw_axes(kind, 2) plt.kvs[:zrange] = dmin, dmax colorbar(0.05) elseif kind === :plot3 linewidth = get(plt.kvs, :linewidth, 1) GR.setlinewidth(linewidth) GR.polyline3d(x, y, z) draw_axes(kind, 2) elseif kind === :scatter3 GR.setmarkertype(GR.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) if c !== nothing cmin, cmax = plt.kvs[:crange] c = map(x -> normalize_color(x, cmin, cmax), c) cind = Int[round(1000 + _i * 255, RoundNearestTiesUp) for _i in c] for i in 1:length(x) GR.setmarkercolorind(cind[i]) GR.polymarker3d([x[i]], [y[i]], [z[i]]) end else GR.polymarker3d(x, y, z) end draw_axes(kind, 2) elseif kind === :imshow plot_img(c) elseif kind === :isosurface plot_iso(c) elseif kind === :polar GR.uselinespec(spec) plot_polar(x, y) elseif kind === :trisurf GR.trisurface(x, y, z) draw_axes(kind, 2) colorbar(0.05) elseif kind === :tricont zmin, zmax = plt.kvs[:zrange] levels = linspace(zmin, zmax, 20) GR.tricontour(x, y, z, levels) colorbar() elseif kind === :shade xform = get(plt.kvs, :xform, 5) if contains_NaN(x) GR.shadelines(x, y, xform=xform) else GR.shadepoints(x, y, xform=xform) end elseif kind === :bar for i = 1:2:length(x) GR.setfillcolorind(989) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_SOLID) GR.fillrect(x[i], x[i+1], y[i], y[i+1]) GR.setfillcolorind(1) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_HOLLOW) GR.fillrect(x[i], x[i+1], y[i], y[i+1]) end end GR.restorestate() end if (kind === :line || kind === :stairs || kind === :scatter || kind === :stem) && haskey(plt.kvs, :labels) draw_legend() end if plt.kvs[:update] GR.updatews() if GR.isinline() restore_context() return end end flag && restore_context() return end function plot_args(@nospecialize args; fmt=:xys, plt=plt[]) args = Any[args...] pltargs = NTuple{5, Any}[] while length(args) > 0 # parse arguments for plotting local x, y, z, c a = popfirst!(args) if isa(a, AbstractVecOrMat) || isa(a, Function) elt = eltype(a) if elt <: Complex x = real(a) y = imag(a) z = nothing c = nothing elseif elt <: Real || isa(a, Function) if fmt === :xys if length(args) >= 1 && (isa(args[1], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[1]) <: Real || isa(args[1], Function)) x = a y = popfirst!(args) z = nothing c = nothing else y = a n = isrowvec(y) ? size(y, 2) : size(y, 1) x = linspace(1, n, n) z = nothing c = nothing end elseif fmt === :xyac || fmt === :xyzc if length(args) >= 3 && isa(args[1], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[1]) <: Real && (isa(args[2], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[2]) <: Real || isa(args[2], Function)) && (isa(args[3], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[3]) <: Real || isa(args[3], Function)) x = a y = popfirst!(args) z = popfirst!(args) if !isa(z, Function) z = z' end c = popfirst!(args) elseif length(args) >= 2 && isa(args[1], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[1]) <: Real && (isa(args[2], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[2]) <: Real || isa(args[2], Function)) x = a y = popfirst!(args) z = popfirst!(args) if !isa(z, Function) z = z' end c = nothing elseif fmt === :xyac && length(args) >= 1 && (isa(args[1], AbstractVecOrMat) && eltype(args[1]) <: Real || isa(args[1], Function)) x = a y = popfirst!(args) z = nothing c = nothing elseif fmt === :xyzc && length(args) == 0 z = a' nx, ny = size(z) x = linspace(1, nx, nx) y = linspace(1, ny, ny) c = nothing end end else error("expected Real or Complex") end else error("expected array or function") end if isa(y, Function) f = y y = Float64[f(a) for a in x] end if isa(z, Function) f = z z = Float64[f(a,b) for a in x, b in y] end spec = "" if fmt === :xys && length(args) > 0 if isa(args[1], AbstractString) spec = popfirst!(args) elseif length(args) == 1 c = popfirst!(args) end end # Setup arguments for plotting isa(x, UnitRange) && (x = collect(x)) isa(y, UnitRange) && (y = collect(y)) isa(z, UnitRange) && (z = collect(z)) isa(c, UnitRange) && (c = collect(c)) isvector(x) && (x = vec(x)) if isa(y, Function) y = [y(a) for a in x] else isvector(y) && (y = vec(y)) end if z !== nothing if fmt === :xyzc && isa(z, Function) z = [z(a,b) for a in x, b in y] else isvector(z) && (z = vec(z)) end end if c !== nothing isvector(c) && (c = vec(c)) end if z === nothing if isa(x, AbstractVector) && isa(y, AbstractVector) push!(pltargs, (x, y, z, c, spec)) elseif isa(x, AbstractVector) if length(x) == size(y, 1) for j = 1:size(y, 2) push!(pltargs, (x, view(y,:,j), z, c, spec)) end else for i = 1:size(y, 1) push!(pltargs, (x, view(y,i,:), z, c, spec)) end end elseif isa(y, AbstractVector) if size(x, 1) == length(y) for j = 1:size(x, 2) push!(pltargs, (view(x,:,j), y, z, c, spec)) end else for i = 1:size(x, 1) push!(pltargs, (view(x,i,:), y, z, c, spec)) end end else @assert size(x) == size(y) for j = 1:size(y, 2) push!(pltargs, (view(x,:,j), view(y,:,j), z, c, spec)) end end elseif (isa(x, AbstractVector) && isa(y, AbstractVector) && (isa(z, AbstractVector) || typeof(z) == Array{Float64,2} || typeof(z) == Array{Int32,2} || typeof(z) == Array{Any,2})) || (isa(x, AbstractMatrix) && isa(y, AbstractMatrix) && (isa(z, AbstractMatrix))) push!(pltargs, (x, y, z, c, spec)) else push!(pltargs, (vec(float(x)), vec(float(y)), vec(float(z)), c, spec) ) end end pltargs end """ Draw one or more line plots. This function can receive one or more of the following: - x values and y values, or - x values and a callable to determine y values, or - y values only, with their indices as x values :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia-repl julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = 2 .* x .+ 4 julia> # Plot x and y julia> plot(x, y) julia> # Plot x and a callable julia> plot(x, t -> t^3 + t^2 + t) julia> # Plot y, using its indices for the x values julia> plot(y) """ function plot(args::PlotArg...; kv...) create_context(:line, Dict(kv)) if plt[].kvs[:ax] plt[].args = append!(plt[].args, plot_args(args)) else plt[].args = plot_args(args) end plot_data() end """ Draw one or more line plots over another plot. This function can receive one or more of the following: - x values and y values, or - x values and a callable to determine y values, or - y values only, with their indices as x values :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = 2 .* x .+ 4 julia> # Draw the first plot julia> plot(x, y) julia> # Plot graph over it julia> oplot(x, x -> x^3 + x^2 + x) """ function oplot(args::PlotArg...; kv...) create_context(:line, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = append!(plt[].args, plot_args(args)) plot_data() end """ Draw one or more step or staircase plots. This function can receive one or more of the following: - x values and y values, or - x values and a callable to determine y values, or - y values only, with their indices as x values :param args: the data to plot :param where: pre, mid or post, to decide where the step between two y values should be placed **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = 2 .* x .+ 4 julia> # Plot x and y julia> stairs(x, y) julia> # Plot x and a callable julia> stairs(x, x -> x^3 + x^2 + x) julia> # Plot y, using its indices for the x values julia> stairs(y) julia> # Use next y step directly after x each position julia> stairs(y, where="pre") julia> # Use next y step between two x positions julia> stairs(y, where="mid") julia> # Use next y step immediately before next x position julia> stairs(y, where="post") """ function stairs(args...; kv...) create_context(:stairs, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyac) plot_data() end """ Draw one or more scatter plots. This function can receive one or more of the following: - x values and y values, or - x values and a callable to determine y values, or - y values only, with their indices as x values Additional to x and y values, you can provide values for the markers' size and color. Size values will determine the marker size in percent of the regular size, and color values will be used in combination with the current colormap. :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = 0.2 .* x .+ 0.4 julia> # Plot x and y julia> scatter(x, y) julia> # Plot x and a callable julia> scatter(x, x -> 0.2 * x + 0.4) julia> # Plot y, using its indices for the x values julia> scatter(y) julia> # Plot a diagonal with increasing size and color julia> x = LinRange(0, 1, 11) julia> y = LinRange(0, 1, 11) julia> s = LinRange(50, 400, 11) julia> c = LinRange(0, 255, 11) julia> scatter(x, y, s, c) """ function scatter(args...; kv...) create_context(:scatter, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyac) plot_data() end """ Draw a stem plot. This function can receive one or more of the following: - x values and y values, or - x values and a callable to determine y values, or - y values only, with their indices as x values :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = 0.2 .* x .+ 0.4 julia> # Plot x and y julia> stem(x, y) julia> # Plot x and a callable julia> stem(x, x -> x^3 + x^2 + x + 6) julia> # Plot y, using its indices for the x values julia> stem(y) """ function stem(args...; kv...) create_context(:stem, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args) plot_data() end function barcoordinates(heights; barwidth=0.8, baseline=0.0, kv...) n = length(heights) halfw = barwidth/2 wc = zeros(2n) hc = zeros(2n) for (i, value) in enumerate(heights) wc[2i-1] = i - halfw wc[2i] = i + halfw hc[2i-1] = baseline hc[2i] = value end (wc, hc) end """ Draw a bar plot. If no specific labels are given, the axis is labelled with integer numbers starting from 1. Use the keyword arguments **barwidth**, **baseline** or **horizontal** to modify the default width of the bars (by default 0.8 times the separation between bars), the baseline value (by default zero), or the direction of the bars (by default vertical). :param labels: the labels of the bars :param heights: the heights of the bars **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # World population by continents (millions) julia> population = Dict("Africa" => 1216, "America" => 1002, "Asia" => 4436, "Europe" => 739, "Oceania" => 38) julia> barplot(keys(population), values(population)) julia> # Horizontal bar plot julia> barplot(keys(population), values(population), horizontal=true) """ function barplot(labels, heights, plt=plt[]; kv...) kv = Dict(kv) wc, hc = barcoordinates(heights; kv...) horizontal = pop!(kv, :horizontal, false) create_context(:bar, kv) if horizontal plt.args = [(hc, wc, nothing, nothing, "")] yticks(1,1) yticklabels(string.(labels)) else plt.args = [(wc, hc, nothing, nothing, "")] xticks(1,1) xticklabels(string.(labels)) end plot_data() end barplot(heights; kv...) = barplot(string.(1:length(heights)), heights; kv...) function hist(x, nbins::Integer=0) if nbins <= 1 nbins = round(Int, 3.3 * log10(length(x))) + 1 end xmin, xmax = extrema(x) edges = linspace(xmin, xmax, nbins + 1) counts = zeros(nbins) buckets = Int[max(2, min(searchsortedfirst(edges, xᵢ), length(edges)))-1 for xᵢ in x] for b in buckets counts[b] += 1 end collect(edges), counts end """ Draw a histogram. If **nbins** is **nothing** or 0, this function computes the number of bins as 3.3 * log10(n) + 1, with n as the number of elements in x, otherwise the given number of bins is used for the histogram. :param x: the values to draw as histogram :param num_bins: the number of bins in the histogram **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = 2 .* rand(100) .- 1 julia> # Draw the histogram julia> histogram(x) julia> # Draw the histogram with 19 bins julia> histogram(x, nbins=19) """ function histogram(x, plt=plt[]; kv...) create_context(:hist, Dict(kv)) nbins = get(plt.kvs, :nbins, 0) x, y = hist(x, nbins) plt.args = [(x, y, nothing, nothing, "")] plot_data() end """ Draw a polar histogram. If **nbins** is **nothing** or 0, this function computes the number of bins as 3.3 * log10(n) + 1, with n as the number of elements in x, otherwise the given number of bins is used for the histogram. :param x: the values to draw as a polar histogram :param num_bins: the number of bins in the polar histogram **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = 2 .* rand(100) .- 1 julia> # Draw the polar histogram julia> polarhistogram(x, alpha=0.5) julia> # Draw the polar histogram with 19 bins julia> polarhistogram(x, nbins=19, alpha=0.5) """ function polarhistogram(x, plt=plt[]; kv...) create_context(:polarhist, Dict(kv)) nbins = get(plt.kvs, :nbins, 0) x, y = hist(x, nbins) plt.args = [(x, y, nothing, nothing, "")] plot_data() end """ Draw a contour plot. This function uses the current colormap to display a either a series of points or a two-dimensional array as a contour plot. It can receive one or more of the following: - x values, y values and z values, or - M x values, N y values and z values on a NxM grid, or - M x values, N y values and a callable to determine z values If a series of points is passed to this function, their values will be interpolated on a grid. For grid points outside the convex hull of the provided points, a value of 0 will be used. :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example point data julia> x = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> y = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the contour plot julia> contour(x, y, z) julia> # Create example grid data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) julia> z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the contour plot julia> contour(x, y, z) julia> # Draw the contour plot using a callable julia> contour(x, y, (x,y) -> sin(x) + cos(y)) """ function contour(args...; kv...) create_context(:contour, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end """ Draw a filled contour plot. This function uses the current colormap to display a either a series of points or a two-dimensional array as a filled contour plot. It can receive one or more of the following: - x values, y values and z values, or - M x values, N y values and z values on a NxM grid, or - M x values, N y values and a callable to determine z values If a series of points is passed to this function, their values will be interpolated on a grid. For grid points outside the convex hull of the provided points, a value of 0 will be used. :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example point data julia> x = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> y = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the contour plot julia> contourf(x, y, z) julia> # Create example grid data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) julia> z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the contour plot julia> contourf(x, y, z) julia> # Draw the contour plot using a callable julia> contourf(x, y, (x,y) -> sin(x) + cos(y)) """ function contourf(args...; kv...) create_context(:contourf, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end """ Draw a hexagon binning plot. This function uses hexagonal binning and the the current colormap to display a series of points. It can receive one or more of the following: - x values and y values, or - x values and a callable to determine y values, or - y values only, with their indices as x values :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = randn(100000) julia> y = randn(100000) julia> # Draw the hexbin plot julia> hexbin(x, y) """ function hexbin(args...; kv...) create_context(:hexbin, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args) plot_data() end """ Draw a heatmap. This function uses the current colormap to display a two-dimensional array as a heatmap. The array is drawn with its first value in the bottom left corner, so in some cases it may be neccessary to flip the columns (see the example below). By default the function will use the column and row indices for the x- and y-axes, respectively, so setting the axis limits is recommended. Also note that the values in the array must lie within the current z-axis limits so it may be neccessary to adjust these limits or clip the range of array values. :param data: the heatmap data **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) julia> z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the heatmap julia> heatmap(z) """ function heatmap(D, plt=plt[]; kv...) create_context(:heatmap, Dict(kv)) if ndims(D) == 2 z = D' width, height = size(z) plt.args = [(1:width, 1:height, z, nothing, "")] plot_data() else error("expected 2-D array") end nothing end is_uniformly_spaced(v; tol = 1e-6) = let dv = diff(v) maximum(dv) - minimum(dv) < tol * sum(abs.(dv)) / length(dv) end function heatmap(x, y, z, plt=plt[]; kv...) if is_uniformly_spaced(x) && is_uniformly_spaced(y) create_context(:heatmap, Dict(kv)) else create_context(:nonuniformheatmap, Dict(kv)) end if ndims(z) == 2 plt.args = [(x, y, z', nothing, "")] plot_data() else error("expected 2-D array") end nothing end function polarheatmap(D; kv...) create_context(:polarheatmap, Dict(kv)) if ndims(D) == 2 z = D' width, height = size(z) plt[].args = [(1:width, 1:height, z, nothing, "")] plot_data() else error("expected 2-D array") end nothing end function polarheatmap(x, y, z, plt=plt[]; kv...) if is_uniformly_spaced(x) && is_uniformly_spaced(y) create_context(:polarheatmap, Dict(kv)) else create_context(:nonuniformpolarheatmap, Dict(kv)) end if ndims(z) == 2 plt.args = [(x, y, z', nothing, "")] plot_data() else error("expected 2-D array") end nothing end """ Draw a three-dimensional wireframe plot. This function uses the current colormap to display a either a series of points or a two-dimensional array as a wireframe plot. It can receive one or more of the following: - x values, y values and z values, or - M x values, N y values and z values on a NxM grid, or - M x values, N y values and a callable to determine z values If a series of points is passed to this function, their values will be interpolated on a grid. For grid points outside the convex hull of the provided points, a value of 0 will be used. :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example point data julia> x = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> y = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the wireframe plot julia> wireframe(x, y, z) julia> # Create example grid data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) julia> z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the wireframe plot julia> wireframe(x, y, z) julia> # Draw the wireframe plot using a callable julia> wireframe(x, y, (x,y) -> sin(x) + cos(y)) """ function wireframe(args...; kv...) create_context(:wireframe, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end """ Draw a three-dimensional surface plot. This function uses the current colormap to display a either a series of points or a two-dimensional array as a surface plot. It can receive one or more of the following: - x values, y values and z values, or - M x values, N y values and z values on a NxM grid, or - M x values, N y values and a callable to determine z values If a series of points is passed to this function, their values will be interpolated on a grid. For grid points outside the convex hull of the provided points, a value of 0 will be used. :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example point data julia> x = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> y = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the surface plot julia> surface(x, y, z) julia> # Create example grid data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) julia> z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the surface plot julia> surface(x, y, z) julia> # Draw the surface plot using a callable julia> surface(x, y, (x,y) -> sin(x) + cos(y)) """ function surface(args...; kv...) create_context(:surface, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end function volume(V, plt=plt[]; kv...) create_context(:volume, Dict(kv)) plt.args = [(nothing, nothing, nothing, V, "")] plot_data() end """ Draw one or more three-dimensional line plots. :param x: the x coordinates to plot :param y: the y coordinates to plot :param z: the z coordinates to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(0, 30, 1000) julia> y = cos.(x) .* x julia> z = sin.(x) .* x julia> # Plot the points julia> plot3(x, y, z) """ function plot3(args...; kv...) create_context(:plot3, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end """ Draw one or more three-dimensional scatter plots. Additional to x, y and z values, you can provide values for the markers' color. Color values will be used in combination with the current colormap. :param x: the x coordinates to plot :param y: the y coordinates to plot :param z: the z coordinates to plot :param c: the optional color values to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = 2 .* rand(100) .- 1 julia> y = 2 .* rand(100) .- 1 julia> z = 2 .* rand(100) .- 1 julia> c = 999 .* rand(100) .+ 1 julia> # Plot the points julia> scatter3(x, y, z) julia> # Plot the points with colors julia> scatter3(x, y, z, c) """ function scatter3(args...; kv...) create_context(:scatter3, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end """ Redraw current plot This can be used to update the current plot, after setting some attributes like the title, axes labels, legend, etc. **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia-repl julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = 2 .* x .+ 4 julia> # Add title and labels julia> title("Example plot") julia> xlabel("x") julia> ylabel("y") julia> # Redraw the plot with the new attributes julia> redraw() """ function redraw(; kv...) create_context(Dict(kv)) plot_data() end """ Set the plot title. The plot title is drawn using the extended text function GR.textext. You can use a subset of LaTeX math syntax, but will need to escape certain characters, e.g. parentheses. For more information see the documentation of GR.textext. :param title: the plot title **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Set the plot title to "Example Plot" julia> title("Example Plot") julia> # Clear the plot title julia> title("") """ function title(s, plt=plt[]) if s != "" plt.kvs[:title] = s else delete!(plt.kvs, :title) end s end """ Set the x-axis label. The axis labels are drawn using the extended text function GR.textext. You can use a subset of LaTeX math syntax, but will need to escape certain characters, e.g. parentheses. For more information see the documentation of GR.textext. :param x_label: the x-axis label **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Set the x-axis label to "x" julia> xlabel("x") julia> # Clear the x-axis label julia> xlabel("") """ function xlabel(s, plt=plt[]) if s != "" plt.kvs[:xlabel] = s else delete!(plt.kvs, :xlabel) end s end """ Set the y-axis label. The axis labels are drawn using the extended text function GR.textext. You can use a subset of LaTeX math syntax, but will need to escape certain characters, e.g. parentheses. For more information see the documentation of GR.textext. :param y_label: the y-axis label """ function ylabel(s, plt=plt[]) if s != "" plt.kvs[:ylabel] = s else delete!(plt.kvs, :ylabel) end s end """ Set the legend of the plot. The plot legend is drawn using the extended text function GR.textext. You can use a subset of LaTeX math syntax, but will need to escape certain characters, e.g. parentheses. For more information see the documentation of GR.textext. :param args: The legend strings **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Set the legends to "a" and "b" julia> legend("a", "b") """ function legend(args::AbstractString...; kv...) plt[].kvs[:labels] = args end """ Set the limits for the x-axis. The x-axis limits can either be passed as individual arguments or as a tuple of (**x_min**, **x_max**). Setting either limit to **nothing** will cause it to be automatically determined based on the data, which is the default behavior. :param x_min: - the x-axis lower limit, or - **nothing** to use an automatic lower limit, or - a tuple of both x-axis limits :param x_max: - the x-axis upper limit, or - **nothing** to use an automatic upper limit, or - **nothing** if both x-axis limits were passed as first argument :param adjust: whether or not the limits may be adjusted **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Set the x-axis limits to -1 and 1 julia> xlim((-1, 1)) julia> # Reset the x-axis limits to be determined automatically julia> xlim() julia> # Reset the x-axis upper limit and set the lower limit to 0 julia> xlim((0, nothing)) julia> # Reset the x-axis lower limit and set the upper limit to 1 julia> xlim((nothing, 1)) """ function xlim(a, plt=plt[]) plt.kvs[:xlim] = a end """ Set the limits for the y-axis. The y-axis limits can either be passed as individual arguments or as a tuple of (**y_min**, **y_max**). Setting either limit to **nothing** will cause it to be automatically determined based on the data, which is the default behavior. :param y_min: - the y-axis lower limit, or - **nothing** to use an automatic lower limit, or - a tuple of both y-axis limits :param y_max: - the y-axis upper limit, or - **nothing** to use an automatic upper limit, or - **nothing** if both y-axis limits were passed as first argument :param adjust: whether or not the limits may be adjusted **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Set the y-axis limits to -1 and 1 julia> ylim((-1, 1)) julia> # Reset the y-axis limits to be determined automatically julia> ylim() julia> # Reset the y-axis upper limit and set the lower limit to 0 julia> ylim((0, nothing)) julia> # Reset the y-axis lower limit and set the upper limit to 1 julia> ylim((nothing, 1)) """ function ylim(a, plt=plt[]) plt.kvs[:ylim] = a end """ Save the current figure to a file. This function draw the current figure using one of GR's workstation types to create a file of the given name. Which file types are supported depends on the installed workstation types, but GR usually is built with support for .png, .jpg, .pdf, .ps, .gif and various other file formats. :param filename: the filename the figure should be saved to **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create a simple plot julia> x = 1:100 julia> plot(x, 1 ./ (x .+ 1)) julia> # Save the figure to a file julia> savefig("example.png") """ function savefig(filename, plt=plt[]; kv...) merge!(plt.kvs, Dict(kv)) GR.beginprint(filename) plot_data(false) GR.endprint() end function meshgrid(vx, vy) [x for x in vx, y in vy], [y for x in vx, y in vy] end function meshgrid(vx, vy, vz) [x for x in vx, y in vy, z in vz], [y for x in vx, y in vy, z in vz], [z for x in vx, y in vy, z in vz] end function peaks(n=49) x = LinRange(-3, 3, n) y = LinRange(-3, 3, n)' 3 * (1 .- x).^2 .* exp.(-(x.^2) .- (y.+1).^2) .- 10*(x/5 .- x.^3 .- y.^5) .* exp.(-x.^2 .- y.^2) .- 1/3 * exp.(-(x.+1).^2 .- y.^2) end """ Draw an image. This function can draw an image either from reading a file or using a two-dimensional array and the current colormap. :param image: an image file name or two-dimensional array **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) julia> y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) julia> z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw an image from a 2d array julia> imshow(z) julia> # Draw an image from a file julia> imshow("example.png") """ function imshow(I, plt=plt[]; kv...) create_context(:imshow, Dict(kv)) plt.args = [(nothing, nothing, nothing, I, "")] plot_data() end """ Draw an isosurface. This function can draw an image either from reading a file or using a two-dimensional array and the current colormap. Values greater than the isovalue will be seen as outside the isosurface, while values less than the isovalue will be seen as inside the isosurface. :param v: the volume data :param isovalue: the isovalue **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> s = LinRange(-1, 1, 40) julia> v = 1 .- (s .^ 2 .+ (s .^ 2)' .+ reshape(s,1,1,:) .^ 2) .^ 0.5 julia> # Draw an image from a 2d array julia> isosurface(v, isovalue=0.2) """ function isosurface(V; kv...) create_context(:isosurface, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = [(nothing, nothing, nothing, V, "")] plot_data() end # Backwards compatability where isovalue can be specified as a second positional argument isosurface(V, v; kv...) = isosurface(V; isovalue = v, kv...) function cart2sph(x, y, z) azimuth = atan.(y, x) elevation = atan.(z, sqrt.(x.^2 + y.^2)) r = sqrt.(x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2) azimuth, elevation, r end function sph2cart(azimuth, elevation, r) x = r .* cos.(elevation) .* cos.(azimuth) y = r .* cos.(elevation) .* sin.(azimuth) z = r .* sin.(elevation) x, y, z end """ Draw one or more polar plots. This function can receive one or more of the following: - angle values and radius values, or - angle values and a callable to determine radius values :param args: the data to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example data julia> angles = LinRange(0, 2pi, 40) julia> radii = LinRange(0, 2, 40) julia> # Plot angles and radii julia> polar(angles, radii) julia> # Plot angles and a callable julia> polar(angles, r -> cos(r) ^ 2) """ function polar(args...; kv...) create_context(:polar, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args) plot_data() end """ Draw a triangular surface plot. This function uses the current colormap to display a series of points as a triangular surface plot. It will use a Delaunay triangulation to interpolate the z values between x and y values. If the series of points is concave, this can lead to interpolation artifacts on the edges of the plot, as the interpolation may occur in very acute triangles. :param x: the x coordinates to plot :param y: the y coordinates to plot :param z: the z coordinates to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example point data julia> x = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> y = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) julia> # Draw the triangular surface plot julia> trisurf(x, y, z) """ function trisurf(args...; kv...) create_context(:trisurf, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end """ Draw a triangular contour plot. This function uses the current colormap to display a series of points as a triangular contour plot. It will use a Delaunay triangulation to interpolate the z values between x and y values. If the series of points is concave, this can lead to interpolation artifacts on the edges of the plot, as the interpolation may occur in very acute triangles. :param x: the x coordinates to plot :param y: the y coordinates to plot :param z: the z coordinates to plot **Usage examples:** .. code-block:: julia julia> # Create example point data julia> x = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> y = 8 .* rand(100) .- 4 julia> z = sin.(x) + cos.(y) julia> # Draw the triangular contour plot julia> tricont(x, y, z) """ function tricont(args...; kv...) create_context(:tricont, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xyzc) plot_data() end function shade(args...; kv...) create_context(:shade, Dict(kv)) plt[].args = plot_args(args, fmt=:xys) plot_data() end function setpanzoom(x, y, zoom, plt=plt[]) empty!(plt.kvs) merge!(plt.kvs, ctx) plt.kvs[:panzoom] = (x, y, zoom) plot_data() end function mainloop(plt=plt[]) server = listen(8001) try while true sock = accept(server) while isopen(sock) io = IOBuffer() write(io, read(sock)) seekstart(io) obj = deserialize(io) merge!(plt.kvs, obj["kvs"]) plt.args = obj["args"] plot_data(false) end end catch true end end function plot(path::String; kwargs...) args = [["julia", path]; [string(k, ":", v) for (k, v) in pairs(kwargs)]] ccall(GR.libGRM_ptr(:grm_plot_from_file), Nothing, (Cint, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, ), length(args), args) end end # module
[ "MIT" ]
module js import GR pxwidth = 640 pxheight = 480 id_count = 0 const js_running = Ref(false) const checking_js = Ref(false) const port = Ref(0) const connected = Ref(false) const connect_cond = Ref(Condition()) conditions = Dict() l = ReentrantLock() mutable struct JSTermWidget identifier::Int width::Int height::Int disp::Int visible::Bool end function inject_js() global wss wss = nothing gr_js_source = joinpath(ENV["GRDIR"], "lib", "gr.js") _gr_js = if isfile(gr_js_source) _gr_js = try _gr_js = open(gr_js_source) do f _gr_js = read(f, String) _gr_js end catch e nothing end _gr_js end if _gr_js === nothing error(string("Unable to open '", gr_js_source, "'.")) else display(HTML(string(""" <script type="text/javascript" id="jsterm-javascript"> WEB_SOCKET_ADDRESS = 'ws://""", port[], """'; if (typeof jsterm === 'undefined') { """, _gr_js, """ jsterm = new JSTerm(); jsterm.connectWs(); } </script> """))) end end function check_js() if !checking_js[] checking_js[] = true d = Dict("text/html"=>string(""" <script type="text/javascript"> WEB_SOCKET_ADDRESS = 'ws://""", port[], """'; if (typeof JSTerm !== 'undefined') { if (typeof jsterm === 'undefined') { jsterm = new JSTerm(); } jsterm.connectWs(); } else { ws = new WebSocket('ws://""", port[], """'); ws.onopen = function() { ws.send("inject-js"); ws.close(); } } </script> """)) transient = Dict("display_id"=>"jsterm_check") Main.IJulia.send_ipython(Main.IJulia.publish[], Main.IJulia.msg_pub(Main.IJulia.execute_msg, "display_data", Dict("data"=>d, "metadata"=>Dict(), "transient"=>transient))) end end function JSTermWidget(id::Int, width::Int, height::Int, disp::Int) global id_count if GR.isijulia() && GR.displayname() == "js-server" id_count += 1 if !js_running[] @async check_js() end JSTermWidget(id, width, height, disp, false) else error("JSTermWidget is only available in IJulia environments") end end wss = nothing evthandler = Dict{Int32,Any}() global_evthandler = nothing function register_evthandler(f::Function, id) global evthandler, l if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "enable_events"), "request", id) lock(l) do evthandler[id] = f end else error("register_evthandler is only available in IJulia environments") end end function unregister_evthandler(id) global evthandler, l if GR.isijulia() if global_evthandler === nothing send_command(Dict("command" => "disable_events"), "request", id) end lock(l) do evthandler[id] = nothing end else error("unregister_evthandler is only available in IJulia environments") end end function register_evthandler(f::Function) global global_evthandler, l if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "enable_events"), "request", nothing) lock(l) do evthandler[id] = f end else error("register_evthandler is only available in IJulia environments") end end function unregister_evthandler() global global_evthandler, evthandler, l if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "disable_events"), "request", nothing) lock(l) do for key in keys(evthandler) if evthandler[key] !== nothing send_command(Dict("command" => "enable_events"), "request", key) end end evthandler[id] = nothing end else error("unregister_evthandler is only available in IJulia environments") end end function send_command(msg, msgtype, id=nothing) global wss, ws if GR.isijulia() && GR.displayname() == "js-server" if id !== nothing m = merge(msg, Dict("type" => msgtype, "id" => id)) else m = merge(msg, Dict("type" => msgtype)) end if !js_running[] conditions["sendonconnect"] = Condition() @async check_js() wait(conditions["sendonconnect"]) end if ws !== nothing try HTTP.write(ws, Array{UInt8}(JSON.json(m))) catch e ws = nothing js_running[] = false end end elseif GR.displayname() == "js-server" error("'js-server' is only available in IJulia environments.") else error(str("Display '", GR.displayname(), "' does not support send_command().")) end end function send_evt(msg, id) if GR.isijulia() send_command(msg, "evt", id) else error("send_evt is only available in IJulia environments") end end function disable_jseventhandling(id) if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "disable_jseventhandling"), "request", id) else error("disable_jseventhandling is only available in IJulia environments") end end function enable_jseventhandling(id) if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "enable_jseventhandling"), "request", id) else error("enable_jseventhandling is only available in IJulia environments") end end function disable_jseventhandling() if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "disable_jseventhandling"), "request", nothing) else error("disable_jseventhandling is only available in IJulia environments") end end function enable_jseventhandling() global ws if GR.isijulia() send_command(Dict("command" => "enable_jseventhandling"), "request", nothing) else error("enable_jseventhandling is only available in IJulia environments") end end function comm_msg_callback(msg) global conditions, evthandler, l data = msg if haskey(data, "type") if data["type"] == "save" d = Dict("text/html"=>string("<script type=\"text/javascript\" class=\"jsterm-data-widget\">", data["content"]["data"]["widget_data"], "</script>")) transient = Dict("display_id"=>string("save_display_", data["display_id"])) Main.IJulia.send_ipython(Main.IJulia.publish[], Main.IJulia.msg_pub(Main.IJulia.execute_msg, "update_display_data", Dict("data"=>d, "metadata"=>Dict(), "transient"=>transient))) elseif data["type"] == "evt" lock(l) do if haskey(evthandler, data["id"]) && evthandler[data["id"]] !== nothing evthandler[data["id"]](data["content"]) end end elseif data["type"] == "value" elseif data["type"] == "createDisplay" d = Dict("text/html"=>"") transient = Dict("display_id"=>string("save_display_", data["dispid"])) Main.IJulia.send_ipython(Main.IJulia.publish[], Main.IJulia.msg_pub(Main.IJulia.execute_msg, "display_data", Dict("data"=>d, "metadata"=>Dict(), "transient"=>transient))) display(HTML(string("<div style=\"display: none;\" id=\"jsterm-display-", data["dispid"], "\">"))) elseif data["type"] == "ack" notify(conditions[data["dispid"]]) end end end function settooltip(tthtml, ttdata, id) send_command(Dict("command" => "settooltip", "html" => tthtml, "data" => ttdata), "request", id) return nothing end const pluto_data = Ref("") const pluto_disp = Ref("") function get_html() outp = string(""" <div id="jsterm-display-""", pluto_disp[], """\"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (typeof jsterm === "undefined") { var jsterm = null; } function run_on_start(data, display) { if (typeof JSTerm === "undefined") { setTimeout(function() {run_on_start(data, display)}, 100); return; } if (jsterm === null) { jsterm = new JSTerm(true); } jsterm.draw({ "json": data, "display": display }) } run_on_start('""", pluto_data[], """', '""", pluto_disp[], """'); </script> """) if GR.isijulia() display(HTML(string(""" <script type="text/javascript"> if (typeof JSTerm === "undefined" && document.getElementById('jstermImport') == null) { let jstermScript = document.createElement("script"); jstermScript.setAttribute("src", \"""", jssource[], """\"); jstermScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript") jstermScript.setAttribute("id", "jstermImport") document.body.appendChild(jstermScript); } </script> """, outp))) return end if plutoisinit[] return HTML(outp) else return HTML(string("""<script type="text/javascript" src=" """, jssource[], """ "></script>""", outp)) end end function jsterm_send(data::String, disp) global draw_end_condition, ws, conditions if GR.isijulia() && GR.displayname() == "js-server" if !js_running[] conditions["sendonconnect"] = Condition() @async check_js() wait(conditions["sendonconnect"]) end if ws !== nothing try conditions[disp] = Condition() HTTP.write(ws, Array{UInt8}(JSON.json(Dict("json" => data, "type"=>"draw", "display"=>disp)))) wait(conditions[disp]) catch e ws = nothing js_running[] = false end end elseif GR.displayname() == "pluto" || GR.displayname() == "js" pluto_data[] = data pluto_disp[] = disp else error("jsterm_send is only available in IJulia environments and Pluto.jl notebooks") end end function get_prev_plot_id() send_command(Dict("value"=>"prev_id"), "inq") end function set_ref_id(id::Int) send_command(Dict("id"=>id), "set_ref_id") end function recv(name::Cstring, id::Int32, msg::Cstring) # receives string from C and sends it to JS via Comm global draw_end_condition id = string(Base.UUID(rand(UInt128))) jsterm_send(unsafe_string(msg), id) return convert(Int32, 1) end function send(name::Cstring, id::Int32) # Dummy function, not in use return convert(Cstring, "String") end const send_c = Ref(C_NULL) const recv_c = Ref(C_NULL) const init = Ref(false) function ws_cb(webs) global comm_msg_callback, ws, conditions check = false while !eof(webs) data = readavailable(webs) if length(data) > 0 data = String(data) if data == "inject-js" check = true inject_js() d = Dict("text/html"=>string("")) transient = Dict("display_id"=>"jsterm_check") Main.IJulia.send_ipython(Main.IJulia.publish[], Main.IJulia.msg_pub(Main.IJulia.execute_msg, "update_display_data", Dict("data"=>d, "metadata"=>Dict(), "transient"=>transient))) checking_js[] = false elseif data == "js-running" d = Dict("text/html"=>string("")) transient = Dict("display_id"=>"jsterm_check") Main.IJulia.send_ipython(Main.IJulia.publish[], Main.IJulia.msg_pub(Main.IJulia.execute_msg, "update_display_data", Dict("data"=>d, "metadata"=>Dict(), "transient"=>transient))) ws = webs js_running[] = true if haskey(conditions, "sendonconnect") notify(conditions["sendonconnect"]) end else comm_msg_callback(JSON.parse(data)) end end end if !check ws = nothing js_running[] = false @async check_js() end end const plutoisinit = Ref(false) const jssource = Ref("") function init_pluto(source=jssource[]::String) plutoisinit[] = true return HTML(string(""" <script type="text/javascript" src=" """, source, """ "></script> """)) end function initjs() if !init[] init[] = true send_c[] = @cfunction(send, Cstring, (Cstring, Int32)) recv_c[] = @cfunction(recv, Int32, (Cstring, Int32, Cstring)) @eval js begin import JSON end if haskey(ENV, "GR_JS") jssource[] = ENV["GR_JS"] elseif occursin(".post", GR.version()) jssource[] = "" end if GR.displayname() == "js-server" if GR.isijulia() @eval js begin import HTTP import Sockets end connect_cond[] = Condition() connected[] = false ws_server_task = @async begin port[], server = Sockets.listenany(8081) @async HTTP.listen(server=server) do webs HTTP.WebSockets.upgrade(ws_cb, webs) end connected[] = true notify(connect_cond[]) end if !connected[] wait(connect_cond[]) end else error("'js-server' is only available in IJulia environments.") end end end send_c[], recv_c[] end precompile(initjs, ()) end # module
[ "MIT" ]
[ :gr3_geterror :gr3_init :gr3_free :gr3_terminate :gr3_useframebuffer :gr3_usecurrentframebuffer :gr3_getimage :gr3_export :gr3_getrenderpathstring :gr3_drawimage :gr3_createmesh :gr3_createindexedmesh :gr3_drawmesh :gr3_createheightmapmesh :gr3_drawheightmap :gr3_deletemesh :gr3_setquality :gr3_clear :gr3_cameralookat :gr3_setcameraprojectionparameters :gr3_setlightdirection :gr3_drawcylindermesh :gr3_drawconemesh :gr3_drawspheremesh :gr3_drawcubemesh :gr3_setbackgroundcolor :gr3_createisosurfacemesh :gr3_surface :gr3_setalphamode :gr3_getalphamode :gr3_setlightparameters :gr3_getlightparameters :gr3_isosurface :gr_volume :gr3_createxslicemesh :gr3_createyslicemesh :gr3_createzslicemesh :gr3_setlightsources :gr3_getlightsources ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ :gr_setcallback :gr_initgr :gr_opengks :gr_closegks :gr_inqdspsize :gr_openws :gr_closews :gr_activatews :gr_deactivatews :gr_clearws :gr_updatews :gr_polyline :gr_polymarker :gr_text :gr_inqtext :gr_textx :gr_inqtextx :gr_fillarea :gr_cellarray :gr_nonuniformcellarray :gr_polarcellarray :gr_nonuniformpolarcellarray :gr_gdp :gr_path :gr_spline :gr_gridit :gr_setlinetype :gr_setlinewidth :gr_setlinecolorind :gr_setmarkertype :gr_setmarkersize :gr_setmarkercolorind :gr_settextfontprec :gr_setcharexpan :gr_setcharspace :gr_settextcolorind :gr_setcharheight :gr_inqcharheight :gr_setcharup :gr_settextpath :gr_settextalign :gr_setfillintstyle :gr_setfillstyle :gr_setfillcolorind :gr_setcolorrep :gr_setscale :gr_inqscale :gr_setwindow :gr_inqwindow :gr_setviewport :gr_inqviewport :gr_selntran :gr_setclip :gr_setwswindow :gr_setwsviewport :gr_createseg :gr_copysegws :gr_redrawsegws :gr_setsegtran :gr_closeseg :gr_samplelocator :gr_emergencyclosegks :gr_updategks :gr_setspace :gr_textext :gr_inqtextext :gr_axes :gr_axeslbl :gr_grid :gr_grid3d :gr_verrorbars :gr_herrorbars :gr_polyline3d :gr_polymarker3d :gr_axes3d :gr_settitles3d :gr_titles3d :gr_surface :gr_contour :gr_contourf :gr_hexbin :gr_setcolormap :gr_colorbar :gr_inqcolor :gr_inqcolorfromrgb :gr_hsvtorgb :gr_tick :gr_validaterange :gr_adjustlimits :gr_adjustrange :gr_beginprint :gr_beginprintext :gr_endprint :gr_ndctowc :gr_wctondc :gr_wc3towc :gr_drawrect :gr_fillrect :gr_drawarc :gr_fillarc :gr_drawpath :gr_setarrowstyle :gr_setarrowsize :gr_drawarrow :gr_readimage :gr_drawimage :gr_importgraphics :gr_setshadow :gr_settransparency :gr_setcoordxform :gr_begingraphics :gr_endgraphics :gr_getgraphics :gr_drawgraphics :gr_startlistener :gr_mathtex :gr_inqmathtex :gr_setregenflags :gr_inqregenflags :gr_savestate :gr_restorestate :gr_selectcontext :gr_destroycontext :gr_uselinespec :gr_delaunay :gr_interp2 :gr_trisurface :gr_tricontour :gr_gradient :gr_quiver :gr_reducepoints :gr_version :gr_shadepoints :gr_shadelines :gr_setcolormapfromrgb :gr_panzoom :gr_setborderwidth :gr_setbordercolorind :gr_setprojectiontype :gr_setperspectiveprojection :gr_setorthographicprojection :gr_settransformationparameters :gr_setresamplemethod :gr_setwindow3d :gr_setspace3d :gr_text3d :gr_inqtext3d :gr_settextencoding :gr_inqtextencoding :gr_loadfont :gr_inqvpsize :gr_setpicturesizeforvolume :gr_inqtransformationparameters :gr_polygonmesh3d :gr_setscientificformat :gr_setresizebehaviour :gr_inqprojectiontype :gr_beginselection :gr_endselection :gr_moveselection :gr_setmathfont :gr_inqmathfont :gr_setclipregion :gr_inqclipregion :gr_axis :gr_drawaxis :gr_drawaxes ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ :grm_open :grm_send :grm_send_ref :grm_recv :grm_plot :grm_args_delete :grm_close :grm_plot_from_file ]
[ "MIT" ]
macro warnpcfail(ex::Expr) modl = __module__ file = __source__.file === nothing ? "?" : String(__source__.file) line = __source__.line quote $(esc(ex)) || @warn """precompile directive $($(Expr(:quote, ex))) failed. Please report an issue in $($modl) (after checking for duplicates) or remove this directive.""" _file=$file _line=$line end end function _precompile_() ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 1 || return nothing @warnpcfail precompile(init,(Bool,)) @warnpcfail precompile(ispluto,()) @warnpcfail precompile(isvscode,()) @warnpcfail precompile(isatom,()) @warnpcfail precompile(get_func_ptr, (Base.RefValue{Ptr{Nothing}},LibGR_Ptrs, Symbol) ) @warnpcfail precompile(get_func_ptr, (Base.RefValue{Ptr{Nothing}},LibGRM_Ptrs, Symbol) ) @warnpcfail precompile(get_func_ptr, (Base.RefValue{Ptr{Nothing}},LibGR3_Ptrs, Symbol) ) @warnpcfail precompile(libGR_ptr, (Symbol,)) @warnpcfail precompile(libGRM_ptr, (Symbol,)) @warnpcfail precompile(libGR3_ptr, (Symbol,)) end
[ "MIT" ]
module GRPreferences using Preferences using Artifacts using TOML try import GR_jll catch err @error """ import GR_jll failed. Consider using `GR.GRPreferences.use_jll_binary()` or `GR.GRPreferences.use_upstream_binary()` to repair. Importing GR a second time will allow use of these functions. """ # We use GR_jll on __init__. We cannot ignore the error. # Ignoring the error causes issues with precompilation. rethrow() end include("downloader.jl") const grdir = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const gksqt = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const grplot = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const libGR = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const libGR3 = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const libGRM = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const libGKS = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() const libpath = Ref{Union{Nothing,String}}() lib_path(grdir::AbstractString, lib::AbstractString) = if Sys.iswindows() joinpath(grdir, "bin", lib) else joinpath(grdir, "lib", lib) end # Default grdir to deps/gr if nothing lib_path(grdir::Nothing, lib::AbstractString) = lib_path(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "gr"), lib) gksqt_path(grdir) = if Sys.iswindows() joinpath(grdir, "bin", "gksqt.exe") elseif Sys.isapple() joinpath(grdir, "Applications", "", "Contents", "MacOS", "gksqt") else joinpath(grdir, "bin", "gksqt") end # Default grdir to deps/gr if nothing gksqt_path(grdir::Nothing) = gksqt_path(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "gr")) grplot_path(grdir) = if Sys.iswindows() joinpath(grdir, "bin", "grplot.exe") elseif Sys.isapple() joinpath(grdir, "Applications", "", "Contents", "MacOS", "grplot") else joinpath(grdir, "bin", "grplot") end # Default grdir to deps/gr if nothing grplot_path(grdir::Nothing) = grplot_path(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "gr")) function __init__() gr_jll_artifact_dir = GR_jll.artifact_dir default_binary = haskey(ENV, "GRDIR") && ENV["GRDIR"] != gr_jll_artifact_dir ? "system" : "GR_jll" binary = @load_preference("binary", default_binary) if binary == "GR_jll" grdir[] = gr_jll_artifact_dir gksqt[] = GR_jll.gksqt_path grplot[] = GR_jll.grplot_path libGR[] = GR_jll.libGR libGR3[] = GR_jll.libGR3 libGRM[] = GR_jll.libGRM libGKS[] = GR_jll.libGKS # Because GR_jll does not dlopen as of 0.69.1+1, we need to append # the LIBPATH_list similar to JLLWrappers.@init_library_product push!(GR_jll.LIBPATH_list, dirname(GR_jll.libGR)) # Recompute LIBPATH similar to JLLWrappers.@generate_init_footer unique!(GR_jll.LIBPATH_list) pathsep = GR_jll.JLLWrappers.pathsep GR_jll.LIBPATH[] = join(vcat(GR_jll.LIBPATH_list, Base.invokelatest(GR_jll.JLLWrappers.get_julia_libpaths))::Vector{String}, pathsep) libpath[] = GR_jll.LIBPATH[] ENV["GRDIR"] = grdir[] elseif binary == "system" grdir[] = haskey(ENV, "GRDIR") ? ENV["GRDIR"] : @load_preference("grdir") gksqt[] = gksqt_path(grdir[]) grplot[] = grplot_path(grdir[]) libGR[] = lib_path(grdir[], "libGR") libGR3[] = lib_path(grdir[], "libGR3") libGRM[] = lib_path(grdir[], "libGRM") libGKS[] = lib_path(grdir[], "libGKS") libpath[] = lib_path(grdir[], "") ENV["GRDIR"] = grdir[] else error("Unknown GR binary: $binary") end end """ use_system_binary(grdir; export_prefs = false, force = false, override = :depot) Use the system binaries located at `grdir`. See `Preferences.set_preferences!` for the `export_prefs` and `force` keywords. The override keyword can be either: * :depot, Override GR_jll using the depot Overrides.toml * :project, Override GR_jll using the project Preferences.toml * (:depot, :project), Overide GR_jll in both the depot and the project """ function use_system_binary(grdir; export_prefs = false, force = false, override = :depot) try set_preferences!( GRPreferences, "binary" => "system", "grdir" => grdir, export_prefs = export_prefs, force = force ) catch err if err isa ArgumentError throw(ArgumentError("Could not set GR system binary preference. Consider using the `force = true` keyword argument.")) end end if override isa Symbol override = (override,) end :depot in override && override_depot(grdir) :project in override && override_project(grdir; force) __init__() @info "Please restart Julia to change the GR binary configuration." end """ use_jll_binary(; export_prefs = false, force = false) Use GR_jll in the its standard configuration from See `Preferences.set_preferences!` for the `export_prefs` and `force` keywords. """ function use_jll_binary(; export_prefs = false, force = false) try set_preferences!( GRPreferences, "binary" => "GR_jll", "grdir" => nothing, export_prefs = export_prefs, force = force ) catch err if err isa ArgumentError throw(ArgumentError("Could not set GR jll binary preference. Consider using the `force = true` keyword argument.")) end end unoverride_depot() unoverride_project(; force) __init__() @info "Please restart Julia to change the GR binary configuration." end """ use_upstream_binary([install_dir]; export_prefs = false, force = false, override = :depot) Download the binaries from and configure GR to use those. A directory "gr" will be placed within `install_dir` containing the upstream binaries. By default install_dir will be `joinpath(pathof(GR), "deps")`. See `use_system_binary` for details. """ function use_upstream_binary(args...; export_prefs = false, force = false, override = :depot) grdir =; force) use_system_binary(grdir; export_prefs, force, override) end """ get_overrides_toml_path() Get the path the depot's Overrides.toml """ function get_overrides_toml_path() overrides_toml_path = joinpath(Artifacts.artifacts_dirs()[1], "Overrides.toml") end """ override_depot([grdir]) Override GR_jll in the DEPOT_PATH[1]/artifacts/Overrides.toml with `grdir`. """ function override_depot(grdir = grdir[]) overrides_toml_path = get_overrides_toml_path() override_dict = if isfile(overrides_toml_path) TOML.parsefile(overrides_toml_path) else Dict{String,Any}() end override_dict["d2c73de3-f751-5644-a686-071e5b155ba9"] = Dict("GR" => grdir) open(overrides_toml_path, "w") do io TOML.print(io, override_dict) end end """ unoverride_depot() Remove the override for GR_jll in DEPOT_PATH[1]/artifats/Overrides.toml """ function unoverride_depot() overrides_toml_path = get_overrides_toml_path() override_dict = if isfile(overrides_toml_path) TOML.parsefile(overrides_toml_path) else Dict{String,Any}() end delete!(override_dict, "d2c73de3-f751-5644-a686-071e5b155ba9") open(overrides_toml_path, "w") do io TOML.print(io, override_dict) end end """ override_project([grdir]) Override individual GR_jll artifacts in the (Local)Preferences.toml of the project. """ function override_project(grdir = grdir[]; force = false) set_preferences!( Base.UUID("d2c73de3-f751-5644-a686-071e5b155ba9"), # GR_jll "libGR_path" => lib_path(grdir, "libGR"), "libGR3_path" => lib_path(grdir, "libGR3"), "libGRM_path" => lib_path(grdir, "libGRM"), "libGKS_path" => lib_path(grdir, "libGKS"), "gksqt_path" => gksqt_path(grdir), "grplot_path" => grplot_path(grdir); force ) end """ unoverride_project() Remove overrides for GR_jll artifacts in the (Local)Preferences.toml of the project. """ function unoverride_project(; force = false) delete_preferences!( Base.UUID("d2c73de3-f751-5644-a686-071e5b155ba9"), # GR_jll "libGR_path", "libGR3_path", "libGRM_path", "libGKS_path", "gksqt_path", "grplot_path"; force ) end """ diagnostics() Output diagnostics about preferences and overrides for GR and GR_jll. """ function diagnostics() # GR Preferences binary = @load_preference("binary") grdir = @load_preference("grdir") # GR_jll Preferences GR_jll_uuid = Base.UUID("d2c73de3-f751-5644-a686-071e5b155ba9") libGR_path = load_preference(GR_jll_uuid, "libGR_path") libGR3_path = load_preference(GR_jll_uuid, "libGR3_path") libGRM_path = load_preference(GR_jll_uuid, "libGRM_path") libGKS_path = load_preference(GR_jll_uuid, "libGKS_path") gksqt_path = load_preference(GR_jll_uuid, "gksqt_path") grplot_path = load_preference(GR_jll_uuid, "grplot_path") # Override.toml in DEPOT_PATH overrides_toml_path = get_overrides_toml_path() override_dict = if isfile(overrides_toml_path) TOML.parsefile(overrides_toml_path) else Dict{String,Any}() end gr_jll_override_dict = get(override_dict, string(GR_jll_uuid), Dict{String,Any}()) resolved_grdir = haskey(ENV, "GRDIR") ? ENV["GRDIR"] : grdir # Output @info "GRDIR Environment Variable" get(ENV, "GRDIR", missing) @info "GR Preferences" binary grdir isnothing(resolved_grdir) || @info "resolved_grdir" resolved_grdir isdir(resolved_grdir) isdir.(joinpath.((resolved_grdir,), ("bin", "lib", "include", "fonts"))) @info "GR_jll Preferences" libGR_path libGR3_path libGRM_path libGKS_path gksqt_path grplot_path @info "GR_jll Overrides.toml" overrides_toml_path isfile(overrides_toml_path) get(gr_jll_override_dict, "GR", nothing) if(isdefined(@__MODULE__, :GR_jll)) @info "GR_jll" GR_jll.libGR_path GR_jll.libGR3_path GR_jll.libGRM_path GR_jll.libGKS_path GR_jll.gksqt_path GR_jll.grplot_path else @info "GR_jll is not loaded" end return (; binary, grdir, libGR_path, libGR3_path, libGRM_path, libGKS_path, gksqt_path, grplot_path, overrides_toml_path, gr_jll_override_dict ) end end
[ "MIT" ]
using Pkg, GR LibGit2 = Pkg.GitTools.LibGit2 TOML = Pkg.TOML Plots_jl = joinpath(mkpath(tempname()), "Plots.jl") Plots_toml = joinpath(Plots_jl, "Project.toml") # clone and checkout the latest stable version of Plots stable = try rg = first(Pkg.Registry.reachable_registries()) Plots_UUID = first(Pkg.Registry.uuids_from_name(rg, "Plots")) Plots_PkgEntry = rg.pkgs[Plots_UUID] Plots_version_info = Pkg.Registry.registry_info(Plots_PkgEntry).version_info maximum(keys(Plots_version_info)) catch depot = joinpath(first(DEPOT_PATH), "registries", "General", "P", "Plots", "Versions.toml") maximum(VersionNumber.(keys(TOML.parse(read(depot, String))))) end for i ∈ 1:6 try global repo = Pkg.GitTools.ensure_clone(stdout, Plots_jl, "") break catch err @warn err sleep(20i) end end @assert isfile(Plots_toml) "spurious network error: clone failed, bailing out" tag = LibGit2.GitObject(repo, "v$stable") hash = string( LibGit2.checkout!(repo, hash) # fake the supported GR version for testing (for `Pkg.develop`) toml = TOML.parse(read(Plots_toml, String)) toml["compat"]["GR"] = GR.version() open(Plots_toml, "w") do io TOML.print(io, toml) end Pkg.develop(path=Plots_jl) Pkg.status(["GR", "Plots"]) # test basic plots creation and bitmap or vector exports using Plots, Test prefix = tempname() @time for i ∈ 1:length(Plots._examples) i ∈ Plots._backend_skips[:gr] && continue # skip unsupported examples Plots._examples[i].imports ≡ nothing || continue # skip examples requiring optional test deps pl = Plots.test_examples(:gr, i; disp = false) for ext in (".png", ".pdf") # TODO: maybe more ? fn = string(prefix, i, ext) Plots.savefig(pl, fn) @test filesize(fn) > 1_000 end end
[ "MIT" ]
ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "GR" using Random using Test using GR rng = MersenneTwister(1234) mutable struct Example title::AbstractString code::Expr end const _examples = Example[ Example("Simple line plot", quote x = 0:π/100:2π y = sin.(x) plot(x, y) end), Example("Scatter plot", quote x = LinRange(0, 1, 51) y = x .- x.^2 scatter(x, y) end), Example("Colored scatter plot", quote sz = LinRange(0.5, 3, length(x)) c = LinRange(0, 255, length(x)) scatter(x, y, sz, c) end), Example("Stem plot", quote stem(x, y) end), Example("Histogram plot", quote histogram(randn(rng, 10000)) end), Example("Multi-line plot", quote plot(randn(rng, 50)) end), Example("Overlay plot", quote oplot(randn(rng, 50, 3)) end), Example("3-d line plot", quote x = LinRange(0, 30, 1000) y = cos.(x) .* x z = sin.(x) .* x plot3(x, y, z) end), Example("Polar plot", quote angles = LinRange(0, 2pi, 40) radii = LinRange(0, 2, 40) polar(angles, radii) end), Example("3-d point plot", quote x = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 y = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 z = 2 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 1 scatter3(x, y, z) end), Example("Colored 3-d point plot", quote c = 999 .* rand(rng, 100) .+ 1 scatter3(x, y, z, c) end), Example("Hexbin plot", quote x = randn(rng, 100000) y = randn(rng, 100000) hexbin(x, y) end), Example("Contour plot", quote x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) contour(x, y, z) end), Example("Contour plot of matrix", quote x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) contour(x, y, z) end), Example("Filled contour plot", quote x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) contourf(x, y, z) end), Example("Filled contour plot of matrix", quote x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) contourf(x, y, z) end), Example("Filled contour plot on a triangular mesh", quote x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) + cos.(y) tricont(x, y, z) end), Example("Surface plot", quote x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) surface(x, y, z) end), Example("Surface plot of matrix", quote x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) surface(x, y, z) end), Example("Surface plot on a triangular mesh", quote x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) trisurf(x, y, z) end), Example("Simple surface plot", quote z = peaks() surface(z) end), Example("Wireframe plot", quote x = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 y = 8 .* rand(rng, 100) .- 4 z = sin.(x) .+ cos.(y) wireframe(x, y, z) end), Example("Wireframe plot of matrix", quote x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) wireframe(x, y, z) end), Example("Heatmap plot", quote x = LinRange(-2, 2, 40) y = LinRange(0, pi, 20) z = sin.(x') .+ cos.(y) heatmap(z) end), Example("Image plot", quote imshow(z) end), Example("Polar heatmap plot", quote ρ = LinRange(0, 7, 200) θ = LinRange(0, 2π, 360) polarheatmap(θ, ρ, sin.(2ρ) .* cos.(θ')) end), Example("Isosurface plot", quote s = LinRange(-1, 1, 40) v = 1 .- (s .^ 2 .+ (s .^ 2)' .+ reshape(s, 1, 1, :) .^ 2) .^ 0.5 isosurface(v, isovalue=0.2) end), Example("Volume plot", quote GR.GR3.terminate() volume(randn(rng, 50, 50, 50)) end), Example("Shade points", quote N = 1_000_000 x = randn(rng, N) y = randn(rng, N) shade(x, y) end), Example("Discrete plot", quote xd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(rng, 100) yd = -2 .+ 4 * rand(rng, 100) zd = [xd[i] * exp(-xd[i]^2 - yd[i]^2) for i = 1:100] setprojectiontype(0) setwsviewport(0, 0.1, 0, 0.1) setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 1) setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90) setcolormap(0) setlinecolorind(1) setmarkersize(1) setmarkertype(-1) setmarkercolorind(1) setcharheight(0.024) settextalign(2, 0) settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = -0.5:0.05:0.5 surface(x, y, z, 5) contour(x, y, h, z, 0) polymarker(xd, yd) GR.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) end) ] function basic_tests(title; wstype="nul", fig="") if wstype != "nul" file_path = tempname() * '.' * wstype ENV["GKS_WSTYPE"] = wstype ENV["GKS_FILEPATH"] = file_path elseif fig == "" delete!(ENV, "GKS_WSTYPE") delete!(ENV, "GKS_FILEPATH") end ENV["GR3_USE_SR"] = "true" @info("Testing $(title)") res = nothing ok = failed = 0 for ex in _examples if fig != "" fn = tempname() * '.' * fig end try clearws() eval(ex.code) updatews() if fig != "" savefig(fn) end res = "\e[32mok\e[0m" ok += 1 catch e res = "\e[31mfailed\e[0m" failed += 1 end if fig != "" @test isfile(fn) @test filesize(fn) > 0 end @info("Testing plot: $(ex.title) => $res") end @info("$ok tests passed. $failed tests failed.") emergencyclosegks() if wstype != "nul" @test isfile(file_path) @test filesize(file_path) > 0 end end @timev basic_tests("interactive graphics") @timev basic_tests("multi-page PDF", wstype="pdf") @timev basic_tests("single-page PDF files", fig="pdf") @timev basic_tests("SVG output", fig="svg") @timev basic_tests("PNG images", fig="png"); force = true), "gr"); force = true) readdir("gr") .|> println; force = true) GR.GRPreferences.use_upstream_binary(; force = true) GR.GRPreferences.diagnostics() GR.GRPreferences.use_jll_binary(; force = true) GR.GRPreferences.diagnostics()
[ "MIT" ]
# The GR module for Julia [![The MIT License](]( [![GitHub tag](]( [![GR Downloads](]( [![DOI](]( [![Binder](]( [![Join the chat at](]( [![PkgEval](]( [![CI](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Screenshots](]( This module provides a Julia interface to [GR](, a framework for visualisation applications. ## Installation From the Julia REPL an up to date version can be installed with: ```julia julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.add("GR") ``` or in the [Pkg REPL-mode]( ```julia pkg> add GR ``` The Julia package manager will download and install a pre-compiled run-time (for your hardware architecture), if the GR software is not already installed in the recommended locations. ## Getting started In Julia simply type ``using GR`` and begin calling functions in the [GR framework]( API. Let's start with a simple example. We generate 10,000 random numbers and create a histogram. The histogram function automatically chooses an appropriate number of bins to cover the range of values in x and show the shape of the underlying distribution. ```julia using GR histogram(randn(10000)) ``` ## Using GR as backend for Plots.jl ``Plots`` is a powerful wrapper around other Julia visualization "backends", where ``GR`` seems to be one of the favorite ones. To get an impression how complex visualizations may become easier with [Plots](, take a look at [these]( examples. ``Plots`` is great on its own, but the real power comes from the ecosystem surrounding it. You can find more information [here]( ## Alternatives Besides ``GR`` and ``Plots`` there is a nice package called [GRUtils]( which provides a user-friendly interface to the low-level ``GR`` subsytem, but in a more "Julian" and modular style. Newcomers are recommended to use this package. A detailed documentation can be found [here]( ``GR`` and ``GRUtils`` are currently still being developed in parallel - but there are plans to merge the two modules in the future. ## Run-time environment ``GR.jl`` is a wrapper for the ``GR`` Framework. Therefore, the ``GR`` run-time libraries are required to use the software. These are provided via the [GR_jll.jl]( package, which is an autogenerated package constructed using [BinaryBuilder]( This is the default setting. Another alternative is the use of binaries from GR tarballs, which are provided directly by the GR developers as stand-alone distributions for selected platforms - regardless of the programming language. In this case, only one GR runtime environment is required for different language environments (Julia, Python, C/C++), whose installation path can be specified by the environment variable `GRDIR`. ```julia ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "GR" # Turn on debug statements for the GR package ENV["GRDIR"] = "<path of you GR installation>" # e.g. "/usr/local/gr" using GR ``` For more information about setting up a local GR installation, see the [GR Framework]( website. However, if you want to permanently use your own GR run-time, you have to set the environment variable ``GRDIR`` accordingly before starting Julia, e.g. - macOS or Linux: ```export GRDIR=/usr/local/gr``` - Windows: ```set GRDIR=C:\gr``` Please note that with the method shown here, `GR_jll` is not imported. ### Switching binaries via GR.GRPreferences To aid in switching between BinaryBuilder and upstream framework binaries, the `GR.GRPReferences` module implements three methods `use_system_binary()`, `use_upstream_binary()`, and `use_jll_binary()`. These use [Preferences.jl]( to configure GR.jl and GR_jll.jl. To use an existing GR install, invoke `use_system_binary`. ```julia using GR GR.GRPreferences.use_system_binary("/path/to/gr"; force = true) ``` To download and switch to [upstream binaries]( invoke `use_upstream_binary`. ```julia using GR # repeat this if there is an error GR.GRPreferences.use_upstream_binary(; force = true) ``` `use_system_binary` and `use_upstream_binary` accept an `override` keyword. This may be set to one of the following: * `:depot` (default) - Use Overrides.toml in the Julia depot. This normally resides in `.julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml` * `:project` - Use LocalPreferences.toml. This is usually located near the Project.toml of your active project environment. * `(:depot, :project)` - Use both of the override mechanisms above. To switch back to BinaryBuilder binaries supplied with [GR_jll](, invoke `use_jll_binary`: ```julia using GR # repeat this if there is an error GR.GRPreferences.use_jll_binary(; force = true) ``` This will reset both the `:depot` and `:project` override mechanisms above. If you encounter difficulties switching between binaries, the `diagnostics()` function will provide useful information. Please include this information when asking for assistance. ```julia using GR GR.GRPreferences.diagnostics() ```
[ "MIT" ]
import Dates.AbstractTime using BrazilCentralBank using Documenter DocMeta.setdocmeta!(BrazilCentralBank, :DocTestSetup, :(using BrazilCentralBank); recursive=true) makedocs( sitename = "BrazilCentralBank.jl", format = Documenter.HTML(), modules = [BrazilCentralBank], pages = [ "Home" => "", "Notes on Implementation" => "", "API Documentation" => "" ], doctest = false ) deploydocs( repo="", push_preview=true )
[ "MIT" ]
""" The BrazilCentralBank package aims to provide a user interface to Brazil's Central Bank (BCB) web data API. AUTHOR: azeredo-e@github\\ GITHUB:\\ LICENSE: MIT License\\ VERSION: 0.1.0 """ module BrazilCentralBank include("Currency.jl") include("Sgs.jl") export getcurrency_list, getcurrencyseries, Currency, # Sgs gettimeseries greetBCB() = println("Hello, BCB! It\'s Julia!\n") end # module BCB
[ "MIT" ]
#* Created by azeredo-e@GitHub """ The GetCurrency module is responsible for managing all querys to the BCB FOREX (Foreign Exchange) API """ #module GetCurrency # Changed implementation of modules, previously each file contained a module as defined in the line above, # changing to files where the module defined in BCB.jl manages everything. May change this in the future to # use the PatModules package or go back to the previous implementation of each file a module. import Base.@kwdef import Dates.AbstractTime using CSV using DataFrames using Dates using Gumbo using HTTP using StringEncodings #export gettimeseries, getcurrency_list #TODO: Add a multiple dispatch option to plot const CACHE = Dict() const ENCODING = "ISO-8859-1" #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #* STRUCT #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- " Instance of the Currency type. A `Currency` is an instance of the Currency type attribuited to a specific currency supported by the BrazilCentralBank.jl API, you can check the list of avaliable currencies with. `getcurrency_list()`. A `Currency` has many fields that describe not only the information for the coin but also provides methods applied directly on the instance for retrieving information about the currency. For more notes on the implementation check the \"Strucs Methods\" section in the documentation. # Fields code(<:Integer): Currency code as in `getcurrency_list`.\\ name(<:AbstractString): Name of the currency.\\ symbol(<:AbstractString): ISO three letter currency code.\\ country_code(<:AbstractString): ISO country code.\\ country_name(<:AbstractString): Country name in portuguese.\\ type(<:AbstractString): In ype A currencies, to convert the value to USD divide the currency. In type B\\ you multiply.\\ exclusion_date(<:AbstractTime): Exclusion date of currency. When it was discontinued. # \"Methods\" getforex(target::Union{AbstractString, Array{AbstractString}}; kwargs...) ## Args target(Union{AbstractString, Array{AbstractString}}): ISO code of selected currencies.\\ kwargs: `kwargs` passed to `gettimeseries()` ## Returns DataFrame: Selected currencies information. " @kwdef struct Currency{I<:Integer, F<:Function, S<:AbstractString, D<:Union{AbstractTime, Missing}} code::I name::S symbol::S country_code::I country_name::S type::S exclusion_date::D # "Methods" getcurrencyseries::F = function _getcurrencyseries( target::Union{AbstractString, Array}, start::Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}, finish::Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}; kwargs... ) if target isa Array return getcurrencyseries([symbol, target...], start, finish; kwargs...) else return getcurrencyseries([symbol, target], start, finish; kwargs...) end end end #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #* FUNCTIONS #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- function _currency_url(currency_id, start_date, end_date) start_date = Date(start_date) end_date = Date(end_date) url = ""* "method=gerarCSVFechamentoMoedaNoPeriodo&"* "ChkMoeda=$currency_id"* "&DATAINI=$(Dates.format(start_date, "dd/mm/Y"))"* "&DATAFIM=$(Dates.format(end_date, "dd/mm/Y"))" return url end function _get_currency_id_list() if haskey(CACHE, :CURRENCY_ID_LIST) return get(CACHE, :CURRENCY_ID_LIST, missing) end url = ""* "method=exibeFormularioConsultaBoletim" res = HTTP.get(url).body |> String |> parsehtml xpath_currency_id = children(res.root[2][2][1][3][1][4][2][1]) select_vals = [(select[1].text, getattr(select, "value")) for select in xpath_currency_id] df = DataFrame(map(idx -> getindex.(select_vals, idx), eachindex(first(select_vals))), [:name, :id]) = parse.(Int32, CACHE[:CURRENCY_ID_LIST] = df return df end function _get_current_currency_list(_date, n=0) url = "$(Dates.format(_date, "yyyymmdd")).csv" consulta() = try return HTTP.get(url) catch err if isa(err, HTTP.Exceptions.ConnectError) if n >= 3 throw(HTTP.Exceptions.ConnectError(url=url, error="Connection failed")) end end return _get_current_currency_list(_date, n+1) end res = consulta() if res.status == 200 return res else return _get_current_currency_list(_date - Day(1), 0) end end function _get_currency_id(symbol::String) id_list = _get_currency_id_list() all_currencies = getcurrency_list() df = innerjoin(id_list, all_currencies, on=:name) if symbol in df.symbol return maximum(df[df.symbol .== symbol, :].id) else throw(ArgumentError("Symbol not found. Check valid currencies list")) end end function _get_symbol(symbol::String, start_date, end_date) cid = _get_currency_id(symbol) url = _currency_url(cid, start_date, end_date) res = HTTP.get(url) #For some god forsaken reason, HTTP.jl uses a vector of pairs in res.headers, that's why the weird syntax if startswith(res.headers[3][2], "text/html") doc = parsehtml(String(decode(res.body, ENCODING))) res_msg::String = children(doc.root[2][1])[1].text res_msg = replace(res_msg, r"^\W+" => "") res_msg = replace(res_msg, r"^\W+$" => "") msg = "BCB API returned error: $res_msg - $symbol" @warn msg return nothing end col_types = Dict( :Column1 => Date, :Column2 => Int64, :Column3 => String, :Column4 => String, :Column5 => Float64, :Column6 => Float64, :Column7 => Float64, :Column8 => Float64, ) df = IOBuffer(decode(res.body, ENCODING)), DataFrame; header=false, delim=';', decimal=',', types=col_types, dateformat="ddmmyyyy" ) rename!(df, [:Date, :aa, :bb, :cc, :bid, :ask, :dd, :ee] ) #TODO: How the f* do I do a multilayer index in julia?! #? Answer, I can't, changing approach until they fix this df_bidask = df[:, [:Date, :bid, :ask]] rename!(df_bidask, :bid => "bid_$symbol", :ask => "ask_$symbol" ) return df_bidask end """ Currency(code::Integer) -> Currency A `Currency` is an instance of the Currency type attribuited to a specific currency supported by the BrazilCentralBank.jl API, you can check the list of avaliable currencies with. `getcurrency_list()`. A `Currency` has many fields that describe not only the information for the coin but also provides methods applied directly on the instance for retrieving information about the currency. For more notes on the implementation check the "Strucs Methods" section in the documentation. # Args code(Integer): Code for the currency as is in `getcurrency_list()`. # Returns Currency: Desired currency ``` """ function Currency(code::Integer) if haskey(CACHE, :CURRENCY_LIST) df = get(CACHE, :CURRENCY_LIST, missing) else df = getcurrency_list() end return Currency( code = df[df.code .== code, 1][1], name = df[df.code .== code, 2][1], symbol = df[df.code .== code, 3][1], country_code = df[df.code .== code, 4][1], country_name = df[df.code .== code, 5][1], type = df[df.code .== code, 6][1], exclusion_date = df[df.code .== code, 7][1] ) end """ Currency(code::String) -> Currency A `Currency` is an instance of the Currency type attribuited to a specific currency supported by the BrazilCentralBank.jl API, you can check the list of avaliable currencies with. `getcurrency_list()`. A `Currency` has many fields that describe not only the information for the coin but also provides methods applied directly on the instance for retrieving information about the currency. For more notes on the implementation check the "Strucs Methods" section in the documentation. # Args: symbol(String): ISO three letter code for the currency. # Returns Currency: Desired currency """ function Currency(symbol::String) if haskey(CACHE, :CURRENCY_LIST) df = get(CACHE, :CURRENCY_LIST, missing) else df = getcurrency_list() end #TODO: Include ID return Currency( code = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 1][1], name = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 2][1], symbol = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 3][1], country_code = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 4][1], country_name = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 5][1], type = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 6][1], exclusion_date = df[df.symbol .== symbol, 7][1] ) end """ get_currency_list(;convert_to_utf=true) -> DataFrame List all avaliables currencies in the BCB API, as well as basic information such as currency code, country of origin, etc. # Args: convert_to_utf (Bool, optional): By default BCB information comes in the ISO-8859-1 encoding, different from the UTF-8 pattern used by Julia. This argument forces the API result to come in UTF-8, preventing encoding errors. Defaults to true. # Returns: DataFrames.DataFrame: DataFrame with all avaliable currencies information. # Examples: ```jldoctest julia> getcurrency_list() 273×7 DataFrame Row │ code name symbol country_code country_name ⋯ │ Int32 String String Int32 String ⋯ ─────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ 5 AFEGANE AFEGANIST AFN 132 AFEGANISTAO ⋯ 2 │ 785 RANDE/AFRICA SUL ZAR 7560 AFRICA DO SU 3 │ 490 LEK ALBANIA REP ALL 175 ALBANIA, REP 4 │ 610 MARCO ALEMAO DEM 230 ALEMANHA 5 │ 978 EURO EUR 230 ALEMANHA ⋯ 6 │ 690 PESETA/ANDORA ADP 370 ANDORRA 7 │ 635 KWANZA/ANGOLA AOA 400 ANGOLA 8 │ 215 DOLAR CARIBE ORIENTAL XCD 418 ANGUILLA ⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 267 │ 26 BOLIVAR VENEZUELANO VEF 8508 VENEZUELA ⋯ 268 │ 260 DONGUE/VIETNAN VND 8583 VIETNA 269 │ 220 DOLAR DOS EUA USD 8630 VIRGENS,ILHA 270 │ 220 DOLAR DOS EUA USD 8664 VIRGENS,ILHA 271 │ 766 QUACHA ZAMBIA ZMW 8907 ZAMBIA ⋯ 272 │ 765 QUACHA ZAMBIA ZMK 8907 ZAMBIA 273 │ 217 DOLAR ZIMBABUE ZWL 6653 ZIMBABUE 3 columns and 258 rows omitted ``` """ function getcurrency_list(;convert_to_utf::Bool=true) if haskey(CACHE, :CURRENCY_LIST) return get(CACHE, :CURRENCY_LIST, missing) end res = _get_current_currency_list(today()) if convert_to_utf df =, ENCODING)), DataFrame) else df =, DataFrame) end # nomes_originais = names(df) rename!(df, [:code, :name, :symbol, :country_code, :country_name, :type, :exclusion_date] ) df = subset(df, :country_code => ByRow(!ismissing)) df.symbol = map(x -> strip(x, [' ', '\n', '\t']), df.symbol) = map(x -> strip(x, [' ', '\n', '\t']), df.country_name = map(x -> strip(x, [' ', '\n', '\t']), df.country_name) df.code = passmissing(convert).(Int32, df.code) = passmissing(convert).(String, df.symbol = passmissing(convert).(String, df.symbol) df.country_code = passmissing(convert).(Int32, df.country_code) df.country_name = passmissing(convert).(String, df.country_name) df.type = passmissing(convert).(String, df.type) df.exclusion_date = passmissing(x -> Date(x, DateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy"))).(df.exclusion_date) CACHE[:CURRENCY_LIST] = df return df # if english_names # CACHE["CURRENCY_LIST"] = df # return df # else # rename!(df, nomes_originais) # CACHE["CURRENCY_LIST"] = df # return df # end end """ getcurrencyseries(symbols::Union{String, Array}, start::Any, finish::Any, side::String="ask", groupby::String="symbol") DataFrame with the time series of selected currencies. # Args: symbol (Union{String, Array}): ISO code of desired currencies.\\ start (Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}): Desired start date. The type are set this way because it can accept any valid input to Dates.Date().\\ end (Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}): Desired end date.\\ side (String, optional): Which FOREX prices to return "ask" prices, "side" prices or "both". Defaults to "ask".\\ groupby (String, optional): In what way the columns are grouped, "symbol" or "side". # Returns: DataFrames.DataFrame: DataFrame with foreign currency prices. # Raises: ArgumentError: Values passed to `side` or `groupby` are not valid. # Examples: ```jldoctest julia> getcurrencyseries("USD", "2023-12-01", "2023-12-10") 6×2 DataFrame Row │ Date ask_USD │ Date Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 2023-12-01 4.9191 2 │ 2023-12-04 4.9091 3 │ 2023-12-05 4.9522 4 │ 2023-12-06 4.9031 5 │ 2023-12-07 4.8949 6 │ 2023-12-08 4.9158 ``` """ function getcurrencyseries(symbols::Union{String, Array}, start::Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}, finish::Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}; #Keyword arguments starts here side::String="ask", groupby::String="symbol") if isa(symbols, String) symbols = [symbols] end dss = [] for symbol ∈ symbols df_symbol = _get_symbol(symbol, start, finish) if !isnothing(df_symbol) push!(dss, df_symbol) end end if length(dss) == 1 df = dss[1] if side ∈ ("bid", "ask") return df[:, Regex("Date|$side")] elseif side == "both" if groupby == "symbol" return df elseif groupby == "side" return select(df, Regex("$side"), :) else thow(ArgumentError("Unknown groupby value, use: symbol, side")) end else thow(ArgumentError("Unknown side value, use: bid, ask, both")) end elseif length(dss) > 1 df = innerjoin(dss..., on=:Date) if side ∈ ("bid", "ask") return df[:, Regex("Date|$side")] elseif side == "both" if groupby == "symbol" return df elseif groupby == "side" return select(df, Regex("$side"), :) else thow(ArgumentError("Unknown groupby value, use: symbol, side")) end else thow(ArgumentError("Unknown side value, use: bid, ask, both")) end else return nothing end end #end # GetCurrency module
[ "MIT" ]
# Created by azeredo-e@GitHub using Dates using HTTP using JSON using DataFrames # A função get usa a função _codes para entender o input do usuário # com isso ela manda para a classe SGSCode para guardar o valor como # se fosse um struct #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #* STRUCTS #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- struct SGSCode{S<:AbstractString, N<:Integer} name::S value::N function SGSCode(code::Union{Integer, AbstractString}) new{AbstractString, Integer}(string(code), convertToInt32(code)) end function SGSCode(code::Pair) new{AbstractString, Integer}(code.first, convertToInt32(code.second)) end #TODO: Add support to named tuples # function SGSCode(code::Tuple{AbstractString, Number}) # typeof(code[1]) <: AbstractString ? # new{AbstractString, Number}(string(code[1]), convertToInt32(code[2])) : # new{AbstractString, Number}(string(code[2]), code[1]) # end # function SGSCode(code::AbstractArray) # typeof(code[1]) <: AbstractString ? # new{AbstractString, Number}(string(code[1]), convertToInt32(code[2])) : # new{AbstractString, Number}(string(code[2]), convertToInt32(code[1])) # end end #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #* FUNCTIONS #* #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- function convertToInt32(input) if typeof(input) <: Number return Int32(input) elseif typeof(input) <: AbstractString return parse(Int32, input) else throw(ArgumentError("Input must be a number or string")) end end function _get_url_payload(code, start_date, end_date, last) payload = Dict(:format => "json") end_date_exists = @isdefined end_date if last == 0 if start_date !== nothing || end_date !== nothing payload[:dataInicial] = Dates.format(Date(start_date), "dd/mm/Y") end_date = end_date_exists ? end_date : today() payload[:dataFinal] = Dates.format(Date(end_date), "dd/mm/Y") end url = "$code/dados" else url = "$code/dados/ultimos/$last" end return Dict(:payload => payload, :url => url) end function _format_df(df, code) if :datafim in names(df) rename!(df, :data => "Date", :valor =>, :datafim => "enddate" ) else rename!(df, :data => "Date", :valor =>, ) end df = select(df, "Date", names(df, Not("Date"))) if "Date" in names(df) df.Date = passmissing(x -> Date(x, DateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy"))).(df.Date) end if "enddate" in names(df) df.enddate = passmissing(x -> Date(x, DateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy"))).(df.enddate) end df[!,] = parse.(Float64, df[:,]) #TODO: Implement frequency, maybe create a type or something return df end """ gettimeseries(codes; start=nothing, finish=nothing, last=0, multi=true) Returns a DataFrame with the SGS time series. # Args codes(Integer, AbstractString, Dict{AbstractString, Number}, Tuple{Integer, Vararg{Int}}):\\ The codes for the desired time series.\\ The codes can be in one of the following formats:\\ - `Integer`: time-series code\\ - `Tuple`: tuple containing the desired time-series' codes\\ - `Dict`: Dictionary with the pair ("SeriesName" => code)\\ When using a Dict, you can define a name for the series. This is the name to be used in the column name, if not defined, it will default to the code. start(Number, String...): Any value that can be converted to a date with `Date()` is valid.\\ Start date of the series. end(Number, String...): Any value that can be converted to a date with `Date()` is valid.\\ End date of the series. last(Integer): If last is bigger than 0, `start` and `end` are ignored. Return the last *n* values of the series. multi(Bool): If true, returns a single series with multiple variable, if false, returns a tuple of single variable series. # Returns `DataFrame`: univariate or multivariate time series when `multi=true`. `Vector{DataFrame}`: vector of univariate time series when `multi=false`. # Raises ErrorException: Failed to fetch time-series data. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> gettimeseries(1, last=5) 5×2 DataFrame Row │ Date 1 │ Date Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 2024-04-16 5.2635 2 │ 2024-04-17 5.2469 3 │ 2024-04-18 5.2512 4 │ 2024-04-19 5.2269 5 │ 2024-04-22 5.2043 julia> gettimeseries(Dict("USDBRL" => 1), last=5) 5×2 DataFrame Row │ Date USDBRL │ Date Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 2024-04-15 5.1746 2 │ 2024-04-16 5.2635 3 │ 2024-04-17 5.2469 4 │ 2024-04-18 5.2512 5 │ 2024-04-19 5.2269 julia> gettimeseries(Dict("USDBRL" => 1), start="2021-01-18", finish="2021-01-22") 5×2 DataFrame Row │ Date USDBRL │ Date Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 2021-01-18 5.2788 2 │ 2021-01-19 5.2945 3 │ 2021-01-20 5.3033 4 │ 2021-01-21 5.3166 5 │ 2021-01-22 5.4301 julia> gettimeseries((1, 433), last=5) 10×3 DataFrame Row │ Date 1 433 │ Date Float64? Float64? ─────┼────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ 2023-11-01 missing 0.28 2 │ 2023-12-01 missing 0.56 3 │ 2024-01-01 missing 0.42 4 │ 2024-02-01 missing 0.83 5 │ 2024-03-01 missing 0.16 6 │ 2024-04-16 5.2635 missing 7 │ 2024-04-17 5.2469 missing 8 │ 2024-04-18 5.2512 missing 9 │ 2024-04-19 5.2269 missing 10 │ 2024-04-22 5.2043 missing julia> gettimeseries((1, 433), last=5, multi=false) 2-element Vector{DataFrames.DataFrame}: 5×2 DataFrame Row │ Date 1 │ Date Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 2024-04-16 5.2635 2 │ 2024-04-17 5.2469 3 │ 2024-04-18 5.2512 4 │ 2024-04-19 5.2269 5 │ 2024-04-22 5.2043 5×2 DataFrame Row │ Date 433 │ Date Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 2023-11-01 0.28 2 │ 2023-12-01 0.56 3 │ 2024-01-01 0.42 4 │ 2024-02-01 0.83 5 │ 2024-03-01 0.16 ``` """ function gettimeseries(codes; start=nothing, finish=nothing, last=0, multi=true) dfs::Vector{DataFrame} = [] if typeof(codes) <: AbstractString codes = [codes] end for code in (SGSCode(i) for i in codes) urd = _get_url_payload(code.value, start, finish, last) res = HTTP.get(urd[:url]; query=urd[:payload]) if res.status != 200 throw(ErrorException("Download error: code = $(code.value)")) end try df = res.body |> String |> JSON.parse |> DataFrame df = _format_df(df, code) push!(dfs, df) catch err if err isa ErrorException @warn "Invalid time series code, code = $(code.value)" end end end if length(dfs) == 0 return nothing elseif length(dfs) == 1 return dfs[1] else if multi df_join = outerjoin(dfs..., on=:Date) sort!(df_join, :Date) return df_join else return dfs end end end
[ "MIT" ]
include("../src/BrazilCentralBank.jl") using .BrazilCentralBank using DataFrames using Dates using Test BrazilCentralBank.greetBCB() #For Ver. 0.2.0 function test_series_code() code = BrazilCentralBank.SGSCode(1) @assert == "1" @assert code.value == 1 code = BrazilCentralBank.SGSCode("name" => 1) @assert == "name" @assert code.value == 1 return true end function test_series_code_iter(codes) i = 0 for code in (BrazilCentralBank.SGSCode(i) for i in codes) @assert == "$(i+1)" @assert code.value == i+1 i += 1 end @assert length(codes) == i return true end function test_gettimeseries() x = gettimeseries(1, last=5) println(x) @assert x isa DataFrame @assert names(x) == ["Date", "1"] @assert nrow(x) == 5 x = gettimeseries(Dict("USDBRL" => 1), last=5) println(x) @assert x isa DataFrame @assert names(x) == ["Date", "USDBRL"] @assert nrow(x) == 5 x = gettimeseries(Dict("USDBRL" => 1), start="2021-01-18", finish="2021-01-22") println(x) @assert x isa DataFrame @assert names(x) == ["Date", "USDBRL"] @assert nrow(x) == 5 @assert x[1, "Date"] == Date("2021-01-18") @assert x[end, "Date"] == Date("2021-01-22") x = gettimeseries((1, 433), last=5) println(x) @assert x isa DataFrame @assert names(x) |> length == 3 x = gettimeseries((1, 433), last=5, multi=false) println(x) @assert x isa Array{DataFrame} # Invalid series value test gettimeseries(2, last=5) return true end @testset begin # Ver. 0.1.0 @test BrazilCentralBank._get_currency_id("USD") == 61 @test getcurrency_list() isa DataFrame @test BrazilCentralBank.CACHE[:CURRENCY_LIST] isa DataFrame @test getcurrencyseries("USD", 2023, 2024; side="both") isa DataFrame @test getcurrencyseries(["USD", "CHF"], Date(2023), Date(2024)) isa DataFrame try df = getcurrencyseries("test", Date(2020, 12, 01), Date(2020, 12, 05)) catch err @test err isa ArgumentError end # Ver. 0.1.1 @test Currency("EUR") isa BrazilCentralBank.Currency EUR = Currency(978) @test EUR isa BrazilCentralBank.Currency @test EUR.symbol == "EUR" @test EUR.getcurrencyseries("USD", Date(2020, 12, 01), Date(2020, 12, 05)) isa DataFrame @test EUR.getcurrencyseries(["USD", "CHF"], Date(2020, 12, 01), Date(2020, 12, 05)) isa DataFrame @test EUR.getcurrencyseries(["USD", "CHF"], Date(2020, 12, 01), Date(2020, 12, 05), groupby="symbol") isa DataFrame # Ver. 0.2.0 @test test_series_code() @test test_series_code_iter((1, 2)) @test test_series_code_iter([1, 2]) @test test_series_code_iter(Dict("1" => 1, "2" => 2)) @test test_gettimeseries() end
[ "MIT" ]
# CHANGELOG ## Ver. 0.1.0 (First release!) - 2024-03-14 ### Release Highlights Creation of the foreign currency API. Implementation of two function `getcurrency_list` e `gettimeseries`, the first returns a dataframe of all avaliable currencies in the BCB's data API, and the second returns a time series in a dataframe format of foreign exchange prices between any currencies avaliable. ## Ver. 0.1.1 - 2024-03-25 ## Release Highlights Creation of the Currency type. ## Bug fixes - Fixed bug where country name would come with trailing white spaces when using `getcurrency_list`. ## Breaking Changes None. ### Future breaks In version 0.2.0 the `gettimeseries` function will be renamed to `getcurrencyseries`. ## Ver. 0.2.0 - 2024-04-23 ## Release highlights Creation of the SGS module, giving the API access to the time series database of the Brazilian Central Bank. ## Breaking changes - `gettimeseries` from the currency module renamed to `getcurrencyseries` - `getCurrency` from the currency module renamed to `Currency`
[ "MIT" ]
# BrazilCentralBank.jl BrazilCentralBank.jl é uma interface na linguagem de programação Julia para a API de dados do Banco Central do Brasil. O projeto foi inspirado por [python-bcb]( criado por wilsonfreitas@GitHub. BrazilCentralBank.jl is an interface in the Julia programming language for the data API of Brazil's Central Bank (BCB). The project was inspired by [python-bcb]( created by wilsonfreitas@GitHub. ## About the project > Current release: 0.2.0 (2024-04-23) Based on the python-bcb package for python, BrazilCentralBank.jl aims to provide the same level of features to the Julia Language. Currently the package can interact with the foreign exchange (FOREX) prices as shows in the time series availiable in the Brazil's Central Bank (BCB) website. Right now the project is in its early days and the implementation still resembles a lot the original python project. Future updates include the addition other data sources from the BCB's site such as interest rates, inflation, etc. The final goal is for this to be a comprehensive set of tools for anyone trying to analyse the brazilian economy using Julia! ## Instalation Source code are avaliable in this project directory, but instalation through Julia's package manager is also avaliable. ```julia julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add(BrazilCentralBank) ```
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# API Documentation ```@docs BrazilCentralBank getcurrency_list(;convert_to_utf=true) Currency Currency(code::Integer) Currency(code::String) getcurrencyseries(symbols::Union{String, Array}, start::Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}, finish::Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}; side::String="side", groupby::String="symbol") gettimeseries(codes; start=nothing, finish=nothing, last=0, multi=true) ```
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# Notes in implementation This page is a more in depth look into how some concepts were implemetes in the package. Although most of it is relatively straight forward for anyone with some familiarity with Julia, some parts may own a deeper explanation. ## Struct Methods ### Personal ramblings before content Julia is not a OO language in the same way that Ruby, Python, or even C++ is. Although some form of concepts such as polymorphism or inheritance are integrated in the language, they do not behave in the same way an obejct oriented language would. Another great example is how Julia opted in for multiple dispatch where methods are global and don't belong to a single class (or, in this case, a struct), contrary to languages like Python where a class methods exists and you can implement a method of class A in class B. Those are different paradigms and that is fine. However, as programmers, we have preferences, and I prefer to keep my option to what method to use just a dot away. In this section I will explain how it was done for anyone interested in an explanation (even though is a relatively simple one). ### "Struct-method" Throught this package there are instances of sructs with methods directly associated with them. The functions they are correlated to were declared directly inside the struct. Doing so two things happen: 1) functions declared in this manner are accessible outside of the struct, you can call the method while referencing an instance of the struct, but never the method on it's own because the method is not defined in the global scope an `UndefVarError` will be thrown at runtime; 2) the "struct-method", as I will call it henceforth, will have access to all arguments of the struct as if they were local variables. Both of this topics will be explored, but first lets look at how a struct with methods is created ```julia julia> import Base.@kwdef julia> @kwdef struct St_with_anon_func ... #Any number of properties can be put here f = x -> x + 1 end ``` There's a lot to unpack here, so lets go line by line. In the first line we call `import Base.@kwdef`, that allow us to use the `@kwdef` macro. The docstring for this macro is as follows: > This is a helper macro that automatically defines a keyword-based constructor for the type declared in the expression typedef, which must be a struct or mutable struct expression. The default argument is supplied by declaring fields of the form field::T = default or field = default. If no default is provided then the keyword argument becomes a required keyword argument in the resulting type constructor. Meaning, we can have deafult value in structs when this macro is used. The importance of default values is that it allows us to apply to one of our properties of the struct a default value of a function as we will see next. !!! note "Unexpected behaviour" The current version of `BrazilCentralBank` doesn't implement an inner-constructor for its structs. If you are planning on using `@kwdef` it on your projects know that some unexpected behavious may occur as well as some other not well defined behaviour when using this macro. For a more complete version check `@with_kw` from Parameters.jl In the second line we call the `@kwdef` macro to our struct, and in the third line we see its effect. There we define the property such that `St().f` exists, but not only that, because of the keyword def macro we may assign to it a value, in this case a function, an anonynmous function. We can see its use in the following: ```julia julia> st = St(...) #Any number of arguments can be passed here julia> st.f(1) 2 ``` The function `f` is a member of the struct `St` and it's instances, and because of that it is not accessible from outside of it. For example the first example works, but the second returns an error: ```julia julia> st.f(1) 2 julia> f(1) # ERROR: UndefVarError: `f` not defined ``` This behaviour can be quite useful in handling which method to be used. This approach is different from Julia's standard multiple dispatch approach (a system that, I must say, is excellent), and is probably a bit frowned upon in the Julia community. Regardless, I think is the best way for an end user to know what tools are avaliable to them, by listing every single one with just the touch of a dot. However, in respect to Julia's core philosophy of multiple dispatch, both option are avaliable. You can call a method directly from a struct or as a function imported from the module directly as so: ```julia julia> using BrazilCentralBank julia> USD = getCurrency("USD") julia> USD.getforexseries("EUR") # OUTPUT julia> gettimeseries(["USD", "EUR"]) # As of version 0.2.0 the gettimeseries function will be renamed to getforexseries # OUTPUT ``` Throught this explanation I've used anonymous functions for when binding the struct value to a function, however is also possible to use a named function written outside of the declaration of the struct. ```julia julia> import Base.@kwdef julia> _f(x) = x + 1 julia> @kwdef struct St_with_out_func ... #Any number of properties can be put here f = x -> _f(x) end ``` Note that you still need to call it as a anonymous function. If it's not done, Julia will thrown an error because it will treat the declaration inside the struct `f = _f(x)` as f being equal to the result of `x` being applied to function `_f`, and because `x` is not defined an `UndefVarError` will be thrown. An alternative to escape the anonymous functions declaration is declaring the function inside the body of the struct as such: ```julia julia> import Base.@kwdef julia> _f(x) = x + 1 julia> @kwdef struct St_with_inner_func ... #Any number of properties can be put here f = function f(x) return x + 1 end end ``` The above implementation is the one chosen for the BrazilCentralBank package. ### Performance tests W.I.P.
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# BrazilCentralBank.jl Documentation Welcome to the documentation page! ## About the Project > Current release: 0.2.0 (2024-04-23) Based on the python-bcb package for python, BrazilCentralBank.jl aims to provide the same level of features to the Julia Language. Currently the package can interact with the foreign exchange (FOREX) prices as shows in the time series availiable in the Brazil's Central Bank (BCB) website. Right now the project is in its early days and the implementation still resembles a lot the original python project. Future updates include the addition other data sources from the BCB's site such as interest rates, inflation, etc. The final goal is for this to be a comprehensive set of tools for anyone trying to analyse the brazilian economy using Julia! ## Instalation Source code are avaliable in this project directory, but instalation through Julia's package manager is also avaliable. ```julia julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add(BrazilCentralBank) ```