677 values
1 value
2 values
[ "MIT" ]
using REPL abstract type CharStyle end struct Block <: CharStyle end struct Braile <: CharStyle end """ REPLOutput <: GraphicOutput REPLOutput(init; tspan, kw...) An output that is displayed directly in the REPL. It can either store or discard simulation frames. # Arguments: - `init`: initialisation `AbstractArrayArray` or `NamedTuple` of `AbstractArrayArray`. # Keywords - `color`: a color from Crayons.jl - `cutoff`: `Real` cutoff point to display a full or empty cell. Default is `0.5` - `style`: `CharStyle` `Block()` or `Braile()` printing. `Braile` uses 1/4 the screen space of `Block`. $GRAPHICOUTPUT_KEYWORDS e `GraphicConfig` object can be also passed to the `graphicconfig` keyword, and other keywords will be ignored. """ mutable struct REPLOutput{T,F<:AbstractVector{T},E,GC,Co,St,Cu} <: GraphicOutput{T,F} frames::F running::Bool extent::E graphicconfig::GC color::Co style::St cutoff::Cu end function REPLOutput(; frames, running, extent, graphicconfig, color=:white, cutoff=0.5, style=Block(), kw... ) if store(graphicconfig) append!(frames, _zerogrids(init(extent), length(tspan(extent))-1)) end REPLOutput(frames, running, extent, graphicconfig, color, style, cutoff) end function showframe(frame::AbstractArray, o::REPLOutput, data::AbstractSimData) _print_to_repl((0, 0), o.color, _replframe(o, frame, currentframe(data))) # Print the timestamp in the top right corner _print_to_repl((0, 0), o.color, string("Time $(currenttime(data))")) end # Terminal commands _savepos(io::IO=terminal.out_stream) = print(io, "\x1b[s") _restorepos(io::IO=terminal.out_stream) = print(io, "\x1b[u") _movepos(io::IO, c=(0,0)) = print(io, "\x1b[$(c[2]);$(c[1])H") _cursor_hide(io::IO=terminal.out_stream) = print(io, "\x1b[?25l") _cursor_show(io::IO=terminal.out_stream) = print(io, "\x1b[?25h") _print_to_repl(pos, c::Symbol, s::String) = _print_to_repl(pos, Crayon(foreground=c), s) function _print_to_repl(pos, color::Crayon, str::String) io = terminal.out_stream _savepos(io) _cursor_hide(io) _movepos(io, pos) print(io, color) print(io, str) _cursor_show(io) _restorepos(io) end # Block size constants to calculate the frame size as # braile pixels are half the height and width of block pixels const YBRAILE = 4 const XBRAILE = 2 const YBLOCK = 2 const XBLOCK = 1 _chartype(o::REPLOutput) = _chartype( _chartype(s::Braile) = YBRAILE, XBRAILE, brailize _chartype(s::Block) = YBLOCK, XBLOCK, blockize function _replframe(o, frame::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, currentframe) where N ystep, xstep, charfunc = _chartype(o) # Limit output area to available terminal size. dispy, dispx = displaysize(stdout) if N === 1 offset = 0 rnge = max(1, xstep * offset):min(length(frame)) f = currentframe nrows = min(f, dispy) # For 1D we show all the rows every time tlen = length(tspan(o)) rowstrings = map(f - nrows + 1:f) do i framewindow1 = view(adapt(Array, frames(o)[i]), rnge) framewindow2 = if i == tlen framewindow1 else view(adapt(Array, frames(o)[i]), rnge) end charfunc(PermutedDimsArray(hcat(framewindow1, framewindow2), (2, 1)), o.cutoff) end return join(rowstrings, "\n") else youtput, xoutput = outputsize = size(frame) yoffset, xoffset = (0, 0) yrange = max(1, ystep * yoffset):min(youtput, ystep * (dispy + yoffset - 1)) xrange = max(1, xstep * xoffset):min(xoutput, xstep * (dispx + xoffset - 1)) framewindow = view(adapt(Array, frame), yrange, xrange) # TODO make this more efficient on GPU return charfunc(framewindow, o.cutoff) end end
[ "MIT" ]
""" Greyscale Greyscale(min=nothing, max=nothing) A greeyscale scheme ith better performance than using a Colorschemes.jl scheme as there is not array access or interpolation. `min` and `max` are values between `0.0` and `1.0` that define the range of greys used. """ struct Greyscale{M1,M2} min::M1 max::M2 end Greyscale(; min=nothing, max=nothing) = Greyscale(min, max) Base.get(scheme::Greyscale, x::Real) = scale(x, scheme.min, scheme.max) const Grayscale = Greyscale """ ObjectScheme ObjectScheme() Default colorscheme. Similar to `GreyScale` for `Number`. Other grid objects can define a custom method to return colors from composite objects: ```julia DynamicGrids.to_rgb(::ObjectScheme, obj::MyObjectType) = ... ``` Which must return an `ARGB32` value. """ struct ObjectScheme end to_rgb(scheme::ObjectScheme, x::Real) = to_rgb(x)
[ "MIT" ]
""" TextConfig TextConfig(; kw...) TextConfig(face, namepixels, namepos, timepixels, timepos, fcolor, bcolor) Text configuration for printing timestep and grid name on the image. # Arguments / Keywords - `font`: A `FreeTypeAbstraction.FTFont`, or a `String` with the font name to look for. The `FTFont` may load more quickly. - `namepixels` and `timepixels`: the pixel size of the font. - `timepos` and `namepos`: tuples that set the label positions, in `Int` pixels. - `fcolor` and `bcolor`: the foreground and background colors, as `ARGB32`. """ struct TextConfig{F,NPi,NPo,TPi,TPo,FC,BC} face::F namepixels::NPi namepos::NPo timepixels::TPi timepos::TPo fcolor::FC bcolor::BC end function TextConfig(; font=autofont(), namepixels=12, timepixels=12, namepos=(3timepixels + namepixels, timepixels), timepos=(2timepixels, timepixels), fcolor=ARGB32(1.0), bcolor=ZEROCOL, ) if font isa FreeTypeAbstraction.FTFont face = font elseif font isa AbstractString face = FreeTypeAbstraction.findfont(font) face isa Nothing && _fontnotfounderror(font) else _fontnotstring(font) end TextConfig(face, namepixels, namepos, timepixels, timepos, fcolor, bcolor) end function autofont() fonts = if Sys.islinux() ("cantarell", "sans-serif", "Bookman") else ("arial", "sans-serif") end for font in fonts face = FreeTypeAbstraction.findfont(font) face isa Nothing || return font end _nodefaultfonterror(fonts) end @noinline _fontnotstring(font) = throw(ArgumentError("font $font is not a String")) @noinline _fontnotfounderror(font) = throw(ArgumentError( """ Font "$font" wasn't be found in this system. Specify an existing font name with the `font` keyword, or use `text=nothing` to display no text." """ )) @noinline _nodefaultfonterror(font) = error( """ Your system does not contain the default font $font. Specify an existing font name `String` with the keyword-argument `font`, for the `Output` or `ImageConfig`. """ ) # Render time `name` and `t` as text onto the image, following config settings. function _rendertime! end function _rendertext!(img, config::TextConfig, name, t) _rendername!(img, config::TextConfig, name) _rendertime!(img, config::TextConfig, t) img end _rendertext!(img, config::Nothing, name, t) = nothing # Render `name` as text on the image following config settings. function _rendername!(img, config::TextConfig, name) renderstring!(img, name, config.face, config.namepixels, config.namepos...; fcolor=config.fcolor, bcolor=config.bcolor ) img end _rendername!(img, config::TextConfig, name::Nothing) = img _rendername!(img, config::Nothing, name) = img _rendername!(img, config::Nothing, name::Nothing) = img # Render time `t` as text on the image following config settings. function _rendertime!(img, config::TextConfig, t) renderstring!(img, string(t), config.face, config.timepixels, config.timepos...; fcolor=config.fcolor, bcolor=config.bcolor ) img end _rendertime!(img, config::Nothing, t) = img _rendertime!(img, config::TextConfig, t::Nothing) = img _rendertime!(img, config::Nothing, t::Nothing) = img
[ "MIT" ]
""" TransformedOutput(f, init; tspan::AbstractRange, kw...) An output that stores the result of some function `f` of the grid/s. # Arguments - `f`: a function or functor that accepts an `AbstractArray` or `NamedTuple` of `AbstractArray` with names matching `init`. The `AbstractArray` will be a view into the grid the same size as the init grids, removing any padding that has been added. - `init`: initialisation `Array` or `NamedTuple` of `Array` # Keywords - `tspan`: `AbstractRange` timespan for the simulation - `aux`: NamedTuple of arbitrary input data. Use `get(data, Aux(:key), I...)` to access from a `Rule` in a type-stable way. - `mask`: `BitArray` for defining cells that will/will not be run. - `padval`: padding value for grids with neighborhood rules. The default is `zero(eltype(init))`. $EXPERIMENTAL """ mutable struct TransformedOutput{T,A<:AbstractVector{T},E,F,B} <: Output{T,A} frames::A running::Bool extent::E f::F buffer::B end function TransformedOutput(f::Function, init::Union{NamedTuple,AbstractMatrix}; extent=nothing, kw...) # We have to handle some things manually as we are changing the standard output frames extent = extent isa Nothing ? Extent(; init=init, kw...) : extent # Define buffers to copy to before applying `f` buffer = init isa NamedTuple ? map(zero, init) : zero(init) zeroframe = f(buffer) # Build simulation frames from the output of `f` for empty frames frames = [deepcopy(zeroframe) for f in eachindex(tspan(extent))] # Set the first frame to the output of `f` for `init` frames[1] = f(init) return TransformedOutput(frames, false, extent, f, buffer) end function TransformedOutput(init; kw...) throw(ArgumentError("TransformedOutput must be passed a function and the init grid(s) as arguments")) end function storeframe!(o::TransformedOutput, data::AbstractSimData) transformed = _transform_grids(o, grids(data)) i = frameindex(o, data) # Copy the transformed grid/s to the output frames, # instead of just assigning (see issue #169) o[i] = _copytransformed!(o[i], transformed) end # Copy arrays manually as reducing functions can return the original object without copy. _copytransformed!(dest::NamedTuple, src::NamedTuple) = map(_copytransformed!, dest, src) _copytransformed!(dest::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray) = dest .= src # Non-array output is just assigned _copytransformed!(dest, src) = src # Multi/named grid simulation, f is passed a NamedTuple function _transform_grids(o::TransformedOutput, grids::NamedTuple) # Make a new named tuple of raw arrays without wrappers, copying # to the buffer where an OffsetArray was used for padding. # Often it's faster to copy than use a view when f is sum/mean etc. nt = map(grids, o.buffer) do g, b source(g) isa OffsetArray ? copy!(b, sourceview(g)) : source(g) end o.f(nt) end # Single unnamed grid simulation, f is passed an AbstractArray function _transform_grids(o::TransformedOutput, grids::NamedTuple{(DEFAULT_KEY,)}) g = first(grids) A = source(g) isa OffsetArray ? copy!(o.buffer, sourceview(g)) : source(g) o.f(A) end init_output_grids!(o::TransformedOutput, init) = nothing initdata!(o::TransformedOutput, init) = nothing
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test, Adapt using DynamicGrids: SimData output = ArrayOutput(BitArray(rand(Bool, 10, 10)); tspan=1:10, mask=BitArray(rand(Bool, 10, 10)), aux=(aux1=BitArray(rand(Bool, 10, 10)),), ) rs1 = Ruleset(Life(); opt=NoOpt()) rs2 = Ruleset(Life(); opt=SparseOpt()) sd1 = SimData(output, rs1) sd2 = SimData(output, rs2) Adapt.adapt(Array, rs1) Adapt.adapt(Array, rs2) b_sd1 = Adapt.adapt(Array, sd1) b_sd2 = Adapt.adapt(Array, sd2) @test b_sd2.extent.init._default_ isa Array @test b_sd2.extent.mask isa Array @test b_sd2.extent.aux.aux1 isa Array @test parent(b_sd2.grids[:_default_].source) isa Array @test parent(b_sd2.grids[:_default_].dest) isa Array @test parent(b_sd2.grids[:_default_].optdata.sourcestatus) isa Array @test Adapt.adapt(Array, output)[1] isa Array
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test, BenchmarkTools using DynamicGrids: SimData, radius, rules, _readkeys, _writekeys, applyrule, neighborhood, neighborhoodkey, Extent, ruletype @testset "CellRule chain" begin rule1 = Cell{:a,:b}() do data, a, I 2a end rule2 = Cell{Tuple{:b,:d},:c}() do data, (b, d), I b + d end rule3 = Cell{Tuple{:a,:c,:d},Tuple{:d,:e}}() do data, (a, c, d), I a + c + d, 3a end rule4 = Cell{Tuple{:a,:b,:c,:d},Tuple{:a,:b,:c,:d}}() do data, (a, b, c, d), I 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d end # These aren't actually used yet, they just build SimData agrid = [1 0 0 0 0 2] bgrid = [0 0 0 0 0 0] cgrid = [0 0 0 0 0 0] dgrid = [0 0 0 0 0 0] egrid = [0 0 0 0 0 0] chain = Chain(rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4) @test ruletype(chain) == CellRule @test _readkeys(chain) == (:a, :b, :d, :c) @test _writekeys(chain) == (:b, :c, :d, :e, :a) ruleset = Ruleset(chain) init = (a=agrid, b=bgrid, c=cgrid, d=dgrid, e=egrid) data = SimData(Extent(init=init, tspan=1:1), ruleset) @test radius(ruleset) == (b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, a=0) @test applyrule(data, chain, (b=1, c=1, d=1, a=1), (1, 1)) == (4, 6, 10, 3, 2) # @inferred applyrule(data, chain, (b=1, c=1, d=1, a=1), (1, 1)) state = (b=1, c=1, d=1, a=1) ind = (1, 1) # This breaks with --inline=no # b = @benchmark applyrule($data, $chain, $state, $ind) # @test b.allocs == 0 output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output[2][:a] == [2 0 0 0 0 4] @test output[3][:a] == [4 0 0 0 0 8] @test output[2][:b] == [4 0 0 0 0 8] @test output[3][:b] == [8 0 0 0 0 16] @test output[2][:c] == [4 0 0 0 0 8] @test output[3][:c] == [20 0 0 0 0 40] @test output[3][:d] == [36 0 0 0 0 72] @test output[3][:d] == [36 0 0 0 0 72] @test output[2][:e] == [3 0 0 0 0 6] @test output[3][:e] == [6 0 0 0 0 12] @test isinferred(output, ruleset) end @testset "NeighborhoodRule, CellRule chain" begin buf = reshape(1:9, 3, 3) hood = Moore{1}(buf) hoodrule = Neighbors{:a,:a}(hood) do data, neighborhodhood, cell, I sum(neighborhodhood) end rule = Cell{Tuple{:a,:c},:b}() do data, (b, c), I b + c end init = ( a = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], b = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], c = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] ) chain = Chain(hoodrule, rule) @test radius(chain) === 1 @test ruletype(chain) == NeighborhoodRule @test neighborhood(chain) == hood @test Tuple(neighbors(chain)) === (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9) @test neighborhoodkey(chain) === :a @test rules(Base.tail(chain)) === (rule,) @test chain[1] === first(chain) === hoodrule @test chain[end] === last(chain) === rule @test length(chain) === 2 @test iterate(chain) === (hoodrule, 2) @test firstindex(chain) === 1 @test lastindex(chain) === 2 ruleset = Ruleset(chain; opt=NoOpt()) noopt_output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) @btime sim!($noopt_output, $ruleset) @test isinferred(noopt_output, ruleset) ruleset = Ruleset(Chain(hoodrule, rule); opt=SparseOpt()) sparseopt_output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) @btime sim!($sparseopt_output, $ruleset; init=$init) @test isinferred(sparseopt_output, ruleset) noopt_output[2][:a] == sparseopt_output[2][:a] == [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] noopt_output[2][:b] == sparseopt_output[2][:b] == [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1] noopt_output[3][:a] == sparseopt_output[3][:a] == [1 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 8 4 3 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 3 2 1] noopt_output[3][:b] == sparseopt_output[3][:b] == [2 3 4 3 2 3 3 5 3 3 4 5 9 5 4 3 3 5 3 3 2 3 4 3 2] end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test, Dates using DynamicGrids: ruletype @testset "RunIf" begin @testset "CellRule" begin rule = Cell{:a,:a}() do data, a, I 10a end condition = RunIf(rule) do data, state, index state < 3oneunit(state) end init = (a=[1 2 3; 0 4 -1],) @test radius(condition) == (a=0) @test ruletype(condition) == CellRule @test ruletype(condition) == CellRule output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, condition) @test output[2][:a] == [10 20 3; 0 4 -10] @test output[3][:a] == [10 20 3; 0 4 -100] end @testset "NeighborhoodRule" begin neighborsrule = Neighbors{:a,:a}(Moore{1}()) do data, hood, a, I sum(hood) end condition = RunIf(neighborsrule) do data, state, index state == 1 end init = (a=[0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1],) @test radius(condition) == (a=1) @test ruletype(condition) == NeighborhoodRule output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, condition) @test output[2][:a] == [0 0 0 0; 0 2 0 0; 1 0 2 0; 0 0 0 1] @test output[3][:a] == [0 0 0 0; 0 2 0 0; 2 0 2 0; 0 0 0 2] # @test isinferred(output, condition) end end @testset "RunAt" begin rule = Cell{:a,:a}((d, a, I) -> a + 1) timedrule1 = Cell{:a,:a}((d, a, I) -> 4a) timedrule2 = Cell{:a,:a}((d, a, I) -> a ÷ 2) runatrule = RunAt(timedrule1, timedrule2; times=DateTime(2001, 3):Month(2):DateTime(2001, 5)) init = (a=[1 2 3; 0 4 -5],) @test radius(runatrule) == 0 @test length(runatrule) == 2 @test runatrule[1] === timedrule1 @test runatrule[2] === timedrule2 @test Tuple(rule for rule in runatrule) == rules(runatrule) @test Base.tail(runatrule) == RunAt(timedrule2; times=DateTime(2001, 3):Month(2):DateTime(2001, 5)) @test firstindex(runatrule) === 1 @test lastindex(runatrule) === 2 output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=DateTime(2001,1):Month(1):DateTime(2001,5)) sim!(output, rule, runatrule) @test output[2][:a] == [2 3 4; 1 5 -4] @test output[3][:a] == [6 8 10; 4 12 -6] @test output[4][:a] == [7 9 11; 5 13 -5] @test output[5][:a] == [16 20 24; 12 28 -8] end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test using DynamicGrids: SimData, WritableGridData, Extent, _getreadgrids, _getwritegrids, _readcell, _writecell!, grids, source, dest rule = Cell{Tuple{:c,:a,:b},Tuple{:a,:c}}(identity) init = (a=fill(1, 4, 4), b=fill(2, 4, 4), c=fill(3, 4, 4)) simdata = SimData(Extent(;init=init, tspan=1:1), Ruleset(rule)) @testset "_getreadgrids gets read grids for a Rule" begin rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, simdata) @test rkeys === (Val(:c), Val(:a), Val(:b)) @test rgrids === (simdata[:c], simdata[:a], simdata[:b]) end @testset "_getwritegrids gets write grids for a Rule" begin wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, simdata) @test wkeys === (Val(:a), Val(:c)) @test wgrids === map(WritableGridData, (simdata[:a], simdata[:c])) end @testset "_readcell read from specified grids" begin @test _readcell(simdata, Val(:a), 1, 1) == 1 @test _readcell(simdata, Val(:b), 1, 1) == 2 @test _readcell(simdata, Val(:c), 1, 1) == 3 @test _readcell(simdata, (Val(:c), Val(:a), Val(:b)), 1, 1) == (c=3, a=1, b=2) @test _readcell(simdata, (Val(:a), Val(:c)), 1, 1) == (a=1, c=3) end @testset "_writecell writes to source for CellRule" begin simdata = SimData(Extent(;init=init, tspan=1:1), Ruleset(rule)) _writecell!(simdata, Val(CellRule), (Val(:c), Val(:a), Val(:b)), (8, 6, 7), 1, 2) @test map(g -> source(g)[1, 2], grids(simdata)) == (a=6, b=7, c=8) @test map(g -> dest(g)[1, 2], grids(simdata)) == (a=1, b=2, c=3) simdata = SimData(Extent(;init=init, tspan=1:1), Ruleset(rule)) _writecell!(simdata, Val(CellRule), Val(:c), 99, 4, 3) @test source(simdata[:c])[4, 3] == 99 @test dest(simdata[:c])[4, 3] == 3 end @testset "_writecell writes to dest for other Rules" begin simdata = SimData(Extent(;init=init, tspan=1:1), Ruleset(rule)) _writecell!(simdata, Val(Rule), (Val(:b), Val(:a)), (11, 10), 4, 4) @test map(g -> source(g)[4, 4], grids(simdata)) == (a=1, b=2, c=3) @test map(g -> dest(g)[4, 4], grids(simdata)) == (a=10, b=11, c=3) simdata = SimData(Extent(;init=init, tspan=1:1), Ruleset(rule)) _writecell!(simdata, Val(Rule), Val(:c), 99, 4, 3) @test source(simdata[:c])[4, 3] == 3 @test dest(simdata[:c])[4, 3] == 99 end nothing
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Dates, Test, Colors, ColorSchemes, FileIO using FreeTypeAbstraction using DynamicGrids: render!, renderer, minval, maxval, normalise, SimData, NoDisplayImageOutput, isstored, isasync, initialise!, finalise!, maybesleep, fps, settimestamp!, timestamp, textconfig, tspan, setfps!, frames, isshowable, showframe, to_rgb, scale, Extent, extent, _autokeys, _autolayout using ColorSchemes: leonardo @testset "to_rgb" begin @test to_rgb(0.5) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) @test to_rgb((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) @test to_rgb((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) @test to_rgb(RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) @test to_rgb(ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) @test to_rgb(Greyscale(), 0.5) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) @test to_rgb(ObjectScheme(), 0.5) === ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) end @testset "normalise" begin @test normalise(-.2, 0.0, 1.0) == 0.0 @test normalise(1.2, 0.0, 1.0) == 1.0 @test normalise(-.2, 0.0, nothing) == 0.0 @test normalise(1.2, nothing, 1.0) == 1.0 @test normalise(1.2, nothing, nothing) == 1.2 end @testset "scale" begin @test scale(0.0, 5.0, 10.0) == 5.0 @test scale(0.5, 5.0, 10.0) == 7.5 @test scale(1.0, nothing, 10.0) == 10.0 @test scale(0.0, -2.0, nothing) == -2.0 @test scale(1.2, nothing, nothing) == 1.2 end l0 = ARGB32(get(leonardo, 0)) l05 = ARGB32(get(leonardo, 0.5)) l08 = ARGB32(get(leonardo, 0.8)) l1 = ARGB32(get(leonardo, 1)) images = [] DynamicGrids.showimage(image, o::NoDisplayImageOutput) = begin push!(images, image) image end @testset "basic ImageOutput" begin init_ = [8.0 10.0; NaN 5.0] output = NoDisplayImageOutput(init_; tspan=1:1, maxval=40.0, text=nothing) @test all(parent(output)[1] .=== init_) @test minval(output) === 0 @test maxval(output) === 40.0 @test textconfig(output) === nothing @test renderer(output).scheme == ObjectScheme() @test isasync(output) == false @test isstored(output) == false @test maybesleep(output, 1.0) === nothing @test timestamp(output) === 0.0 pre = time() settimestamp!(output, 1) @test timestamp(output) > pre @test length(output) == 1 push!(output, 2init_) @test length(output) == 2 @test all(output[2] .=== 2init_) @test tspan(output) == 1:1 @test fps(output) === 25.0 @test setfps!(output, 1000.0) === 1000.0 @test fps(output) === 1000.0 output[1] = 5init_ @test all(frames(output)[1] .=== 5init_) @test isshowable(output, 1) rndr = Image() output = NoDisplayImageOutput(init_; tspan=1:10, maxval=40.0, renderer=rndr, text=nothing ) simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset(Life())) z0 = DynamicGrids.ZEROCOL ref = [ARGB32(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) ARGB32(0.25, 0.25, 0.25) z0 ARGB32(0.125, 0.125, 0.125)] @test showframe(output, simdata) == ref savegif("test.gif", output) gif = load("test.gif") @test gif == RGB.(ref) rm("test.gif") end @testset "Renderer" begin @testset "auto render layout" begin @test _autokeys((a=[0], b=[0], c=[0])) == (:a, :b, :c) @test _autokeys((a=[[0,0]], b=[1], c=[[3,4]])) == (:a=>1, :a=>2, :b, :c=>1, :c=>2) @test _autolayout([0]) == reshape(Any[1], 1, 1) @test _autolayout((a=[0], b=[0], c=[0])) == Any[:a :b :c] @testset "Empty layout cells are filled with nothing" begin @test _autolayout((a=[[0,0]], b=[1], c=[[3,4]])) == Any[:a=>1 :b :c=>2; :a=>2 :c=>1 nothing] end end init_ = [8.0 10.0; 0.0 5.0] mask_ = Bool[0 1; 1 1] rndr = Image(zerocolor=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), maskcolor=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ic = DynamicGrids.ImageConfig(init_; renderer=rndr, textconfig=nothing) @test ic.renderer === rndr output = NoDisplayImageOutput((a=init_,); tspan=DateTime(2001):Year(1):DateTime(2010), mask=mask_, renderer=rndr, text=nothing, minval=0.0, maxval=10.0, store=true ) @test renderer(output) === output.imageconfig.renderer === rndr @test minval(output) === 0.0 @test maxval(output) === 10.0 @test renderer(output).zerocolor == Image(zerocolor=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)).zerocolor @test isstored(output) == true simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset(Life())) # Test level normalisation normed = normalise.(output[1][:a], minval(output), maxval(output)) @test normed == [0.8 1.0 0.0 0.5] # Test greyscale Image conversion img = render!(output, simdata) @test img == [ARGB32(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) ARGB32(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ARGB32(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)] output = NoDisplayImageOutput((a=init_,); tspan=DateTime(2001):Year(1):DateTime(2010), mask=mask_, renderer=Image(; scheme=leonardo), text=nothing, minval=0.0, maxval=10.0, store=true ) img = render!(output, simdata) @test img == [DynamicGrids.MASKCOL l1 DynamicGrids.ZEROCOL l05] z0 = ARGB32(1, 0, 0) output = NoDisplayImageOutput((a=init_,); tspan=DateTime(2001):Year(1):DateTime(2010), mask=mask_, renderer = Image(scheme=leonardo, zerocolor=z0), text=nothing, minval=0.0, maxval=10.0, store=true ) img = render!(output, simdata) @test img == [DynamicGrids.MASKCOL l1 z0 l05] @testset "text captions" begin pixelsize = 20 timepos = 2pixelsize, pixelsize textinit = zeros(200, 200) font = "arial" face = findfont(font) # Swap fonts on linux if face === nothing font = "sans-serif" face = findfont(font) end if face !== nothing refimg = ARGB32.(map(x -> ARGB32(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), textinit)) renderstring!(refimg, string(DateTime(2001)), face, pixelsize, timepos...; fcolor=ARGB32(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), bcolor=ARGB32(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) textconfig=TextConfig(; font=font, timepixels=pixelsize, namepixels=pixelsize, bcolor=ARGB32(0)) output = NoDisplayImageOutput(textinit; tspan=DateTime(2001):Year(1):DateTime(2001), renderer=Image(zerocolor=ARGB32(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), text=textconfig, store=true, ) simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset()) img = render!(output, simdata); @test img == refimg end end end @testset "SparseOptInspector" begin init = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] ruleset = Ruleset(Life(); timestep=Day(1), boundary=Wrap(), opt=SparseOpt(), ) rndr = SparseOptInspector() output = NoDisplayImageOutput(init; tspan=Date(2001, 1, 1):Day(1):Date(2001, 1, 5), renderer=rndr, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, store=true ) @test minval(output) === 0.0 @test maxval(output) === 1.0 @test renderer(output) == SparseOptInspector() @test isstored(output) == true global images = [] sim!(output, ruleset) w, y, c = ARGB32(1), ARGB32(.0, .0, .5), ARGB32(.5, .5, .5) @test_broken images[1] == [ y y y y y y y y y y c w w w y y y c c c w y y y y y w c y y y y y c c y y y y y y y ] end @testset "Layout Renderer" begin init = [8.0 10.0; 0.0 5.0] z0 = DynamicGrids.ZEROCOL grey = Greyscale() multiinit = (a=init, b=2init) rndr = Layout([:a nothing :b], [grey nothing leonardo]) @test DynamicGrids.imagesize(rndr, init, 1:1) == (2, 6) output = NoDisplayImageOutput(multiinit; tspan=DateTime(2001):Year(1):DateTime(2002), renderer=rndr, text=nothing, minval=[0 nothing 0], maxval=[10 nothing 20], store=true ) @test minval(output) == [0 nothing 0] @test maxval(output) == [10 nothing 20] @test renderer(output) === rndr @test isstored(output) == true simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset(Life())) # Test image is joined from :a, nothing, :b @test render!(output, simdata) == [ARGB32(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) ARGB32(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ARGB32(0.0) ARGB32(0.0) l08 l1 z0 ARGB32(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) ARGB32(0.0) ARGB32(0.0) z0 l05] @testset "text captions" begin timepixels = 20 timepos = 2timepixels, timepixels textinit = (a=zeros(200, 200), b=zeros(200, 200)) font = "arial" face = findfont(font) if face === nothing font = "cantarell" face = findfont(font) end if face !== nothing # Set up refernce image refimg = cat(fill(z0, 200, 200), fill(ARGB32(0), 200, 200), fill(z0, 200, 200); dims=1) renderstring!(refimg, string(DateTime(2001)), face, timepixels, timepos...; fcolor=ARGB32(RGB(1.0), 1.0), bcolor=ARGB32(RGB(0.0), 1.0)) namepixels = 15 nameposa = 3timepixels + namepixels, timepixels renderstring!(refimg, "a", face, namepixels, nameposa...; fcolor=ARGB32(RGB(1.0), 1.0), bcolor=ARGB32(RGB(0.0), 1.0)) nameposb = 3timepixels + namepixels + 400, timepixels renderstring!(refimg, "b", face, namepixels, nameposb...; fcolor=ARGB32(RGB(1.0), 1.0), bcolor=ARGB32(RGB(0.0), 1.0)) textconf = TextConfig(; font=font, timepixels=timepixels, namepixels=namepixels, bcolor=ARGB32(0)) # Build renderer output = NoDisplayImageOutput(textinit; tspan=DateTime(2001):Year(1):DateTime(2001), text=textconf, store=true, layout=[:a, nothing, :b], scheme=[grey, nothing, leonardo], minval=[0, nothing, 0], maxval=[1, nothing, 1] ) output.imageconfig.renderer simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset()) img = render!(output, simdata); @test img == refimg end end @testset "errors" begin output = NoDisplayImageOutput(multiinit; tspan=1:10, renderer=rndr, minval=[0, 0, 0], maxval=[10, 20], ) simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset(Life())) @test_throws ArgumentError render!(output, simdata) broken_rndr = Layout([:d, :c], (grey, leonardo)) output = NoDisplayImageOutput(multiinit; tspan=1:10, renderer=broken_rndr, text=nothing, minval=[0, 0], maxval=[10, 20], ) simdata = SimData(output, Ruleset(Life())) @test_throws ArgumentError render!(output, simdata) end @testset "Layout is the default for NamedTuple of grids" begin output = NoDisplayImageOutput(multiinit; tspan=1:10) @test renderer(output) isa Layout @test DynamicGrids.imagesize(renderer(output), multiinit, 1:1) == (2, 4) end end @testset "simulation savegif from ArrayOutput" begin init_ = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ] ig = Image(zerocolor=RGB(0.0)) output = ArrayOutput(init_; tspan=1:10) @test minval(output) == 0 @test maxval(output) == 1 @test renderer(output) isa Image @test fps(output) === nothing sim!(output, Life()) savegif("test2.gif", output; renderer=Image(zerocolor=RGB(0.0)), text=nothing) gif = load("test2.gif") @test gif[:, :, 1] == RGB.(cat(output...; dims=3))[:, :, 1] rm("test2.gif") savegif("test2.gif", output; zerocolor=RGB(0.0)) end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, DimensionalData, Test, Dates, Unitful, CUDAKernels, FileIO, FixedPointNumbers, Colors using DynamicGrids: Extent, SimData, gridview if CUDAKernels.CUDA.has_cuda_gpu() CUDAKernels.CUDA.allowscalar(false) hardware = (SingleCPU(), ThreadedCPU(), CPUGPU(), CuGPU()) else hardware = (SingleCPU(), ThreadedCPU(), CPUGPU()) end opts = (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) # proc = CPUGPU() proc = SingleCPU() # opt = SparseOpt() opt = NoOpt() # life glider sims # Test all cycled variants of the array cyclei!(arrays) = begin for A in arrays v = A[1, :] @inbounds copyto!(A, CartesianIndices((1:size(A, 1)-1, 1:size(A, 2))), A, CartesianIndices((2:size(A, 1), 1:size(A, 2)))) A[end, :] = v end end cyclej!(arrays) = begin for A in arrays v = A[:, 1] @inbounds copyto!(A, CartesianIndices((1:size(A, 1), 1:size(A, 2)-1)), A, CartesianIndices((1:size(A, 1), 2:size(A, 2)))) A[:, end] = v end end test6_7 = ( init = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test2 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test3 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test4 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test5 = Bool[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test7 = Bool[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ] ) test5_6 = ( init = DimArray(Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], (Y, X)), test2 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test3 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test4 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test5 = Bool[ 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], test7 = Bool[ 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ] ) test = test5_6 @testset "Life simulation Wrap" begin # Test on two sizes to test half blocks on both axes # Loop over shifing init arrays to make sure they all work for test in (test5_6, test6_7), i in 1:size(test[:init], 1) for j in 1:size(test[:init], 2) for proc in hardware, opt in opts tspan = Date(2001, 1, 1):Day(2):Date(2001, 1, 14) ruleset = Ruleset(; rules=(Life(),), timestep=Day(2), boundary=Wrap(), proc=proc, opt=opt, ) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(proc))) $(nameof(typeof(opt))) results match glider behaviour" begin output = ArrayOutput(test[:init], tspan=tspan) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output[2] == test[:test2] # || (println(2); display(output[2]); display(test[:test2])) @test output[3] == test[:test3] # || (println(3); display(output[3]); display(test[:test3])) @test output[4] == test[:test4] # || (println(4); display(output[4]); display(test[:test4])) @test output[5] == test[:test5] # || (println(5); display(output[5]); display(test[:test5])) @test output[7] == test[:test7] # || (println(7); display(output[7]); display(test[:test7])) end @testset "$(nameof(typeof(proc))) $(nameof(typeof(opt))) using step!" begin simdata = DynamicGrids._proc_setup(SimData(Extent(; init=test[:init], tspan=tspan), ruleset)) # Need Array here to copy from GPU to CPU @test Array(gridview(first(simdata))) == test[:init] simdata = step!(simdata) Array(gridview(first(simdata))) @test Array(gridview(first(simdata))) == test[:test2] || (println("s2"); display(Array(gridview(first(simdata)))); display(test[:test2])) simdata = step!(simdata) @test Array(gridview(first(simdata))) == test[:test3] || (println("s3"); display(Array(gridview(first(simdata)))); display(test[:test3])) simdata = step!(simdata) @test Array(gridview(first(simdata))) == test[:test4] || (println("s4"); display(Array(gridview(first(simdata)))); display(test[:test4])) simdata = step!(simdata) @test Array(gridview(first(simdata))) == test[:test5] || (println("s5"); display(Array(gridview(first(simdata)))); display(test[:test5])) simdata = step!(simdata) simdata = step!(simdata) @test Array(gridview(first(simdata))) == test[:test7] || (println("s7"); display(Array(gridview(first(simdata)))); display(test[:test7])) end end cyclej!(test) end cyclei!(test) end nothing end @testset "Life simulation with Remove boudary" begin init_ = DimArray(Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ], (X, Y)) test2_rem = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] test3_rem = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] test4_rem = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] test5_rem = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] test7_rem = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] rule = Life{:a,:a}(neighborhood=Moore(1)) @testset "Wrong timestep throws an error" begin rs = Ruleset(rule; timestep=Day(2), boundary=Remove(), opt=NoOpt()) output = ArrayOutput((a=init_,); tspan=1:7) @test_throws ArgumentError sim!(output, rs; tspan=Date(2001, 1, 1):Month(1):Date(2001, 3, 1)) end @testset "Results match glider behaviour" begin output = ArrayOutput((a=init_,); tspan=1:7) for proc in hardware, opt in opts sim!(output, rule; boundary=Remove(), proc=proc, opt=opt) output[2][:a] output[3][:a] output[4][:a] output[5][:a] output[7][:a] @test output[2][:a] == test2_rem @test output[3][:a] == test3_rem @test output[4][:a] == test4_rem @test output[5][:a] == test5_rem @test output[7][:a] == test7_rem end end @testset "Combinatoric comparisons in a larger Life sim" begin rule = Life(neighborhood=Moore(1)) init_ = rand(Bool, 100, 99) mask_ = ones(Bool, size(init_)...) mask_[1:50, 1:50] .= false wrap_rs_ref = Ruleset(rule; boundary=Wrap()) remove_rs_ref = Ruleset(rule; boundary=Remove()) wrap_output_ref = ArrayOutput(init_; tspan=1:100, mask=mask_) remove_output_ref = ArrayOutput(init_; tspan=1:100, mask=mask_) sim!(remove_output_ref, remove_rs_ref) sim!(wrap_output_ref, wrap_rs_ref) for proc in hardware, opt in opts @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin @testset "Wrap" begin wrap_rs = Ruleset(rule; boundary=Wrap(), proc=proc, opt=opt) wrap_output = ArrayOutput(init_; tspan=1:100, mask=mask_) sim!(wrap_output, wrap_rs) wrap_output_ref[2] .- wrap_output[2] @test wrap_output_ref[2] == wrap_output[2] wrap_output_ref[3] .- wrap_output[3] @test wrap_output_ref[3] == wrap_output[3] @test wrap_output_ref[10] == wrap_output[10] @test wrap_output_ref[100] == wrap_output[100] end @testset "Remove" begin remove_rs = Ruleset(rule; boundary=Remove(), proc=proc, opt=opt) remove_output = ArrayOutput(init_; tspan=1:100, mask=mask_) sim!(remove_output, remove_rs); @test remove_output_ref[2] == remove_output[2] @test remove_output_ref[3] == remove_output[3] remove_output_ref[3] .- remove_output[3] @test remove_output_ref[10] == remove_output[10] @test remove_output_ref[100] == remove_output[100] end end end end end @testset "sim! with other outputs" begin for proc in hardware, opt in opts @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin @testset "Transformed output" begin ruleset = Ruleset(Life(); timestep=Month(1), boundary=Wrap(), proc=proc, opt=opt, ) tspan_ = Date(2010, 4):Month(1):Date(2010, 7) output = TransformedOutput(sum, test6_7[:init]; tspan=tspan_) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output[1] == sum(test6_7[:init]) @test output[2] == sum(test6_7[:test2]) @test output[3] == sum(test6_7[:test3]) @test output[4] == sum(test6_7[:test4]) end @testset "REPLOutput block works, in Unitful.jl seconds" begin ruleset = Ruleset(; rules=(Life(),), timestep=5u"s", boundary=Wrap(), proc=proc, opt=opt, ) output = REPLOutput(test6_7[:init]; tspan=0u"s":5u"s":6u"s", style=Block(), fps=1000, store=true ) @test DynamicGrids.isstored(output) == true sim!(output, ruleset) resume!(output, ruleset; tstop=30u"s") @test output[At(5u"s")] == test6_7[:test2] @test output[At(10u"s")] == test6_7[:test3] @test output[At(20u"s")] == test6_7[:test5] @test output[At(30u"s")] == test6_7[:test7] end @testset "REPLOutput braile works, in Months" begin ruleset = Ruleset(Life(); timestep=Month(1), boundary=Wrap(), proc=proc, opt=opt, ) tspan_ = Date(2010, 4):Month(1):Date(2010, 7) output = REPLOutput(test6_7[:init]; tspan=tspan_, style=Braile(), fps=1000, store=false) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output[At(Date(2010, 7))] == test6_7[:test4] @test DynamicGrids.tspan(output) == Date(2010, 4):Month(1):Date(2010, 7) resume!(output, ruleset; tstop=Date(2010, 10)) @test DynamicGrids.tspan(output) == Date(2010, 4):Month(1):Date(2010, 10) @test output[1] == test6_7[:test7] end end end end @testset "GifOutput saves" begin @testset "Image generator" begin # TODO fix on CUDA: cell_to_rgb indexes a CuArray ruleset = Ruleset(; rules=(Life(),), boundary=Wrap(), timestep=5u"s", opt=NoOpt(), ) output = GifOutput(test6_7[:init]; filename="test_gifoutput.gif", text=nothing, tspan=0u"s":5u"s":30u"s", fps=10, store=true, ) @test output.imageconfig.renderer isa Image @test output.imageconfig.textconfig == nothing @test DynamicGrids.isstored(output) == true sim!(output, ruleset) @test output[At(5u"s")] == test6_7[:test2] @test output[At(10u"s")] == test6_7[:test3] @test output[At(20u"s")] == test6_7[:test5] @test output[At(30u"s")] == test6_7[:test7] gif = load("test_gifoutput.gif") @test gif == RGB.(output.gif) rm("test_gifoutput.gif") end @testset "Layout" begin # TODO fix on CUDA zeroed = test6_7[:init] ruleset = Ruleset(Life{:a}(); boundary=Wrap()) output = GifOutput((a=test6_7[:init], b=zeroed); filename="test_gifoutput2.gif", text=nothing, tspan=0u"s":5u"s":30u"s", fps=10, store=true ) @test DynamicGrids.isstored(output) == true @test output.imageconfig.renderer isa Layout @test output.imageconfig.textconfig == nothing sim!(output, ruleset) @test all(map(==, output[At(5u"s")], (a=test6_7[:test2], b=zeroed))) @test all(map(==, output[At(10u"s")], (a=test6_7[:test3], b=zeroed))) @test all(map(==, output[At(20u"s")], (a=test6_7[:test5], b=zeroed))) @test all(map(==, output[At(30u"s")], (a=test6_7[:test7], b=zeroed))) gif = load("test_gifoutput2.gif") @test gif == RGB.(output.gif) @test gif[:, 1, 7] == RGB{N0f8}.([1.0, 1.0, 0.298, 0.298, 0.298, 1.0]) rm("test_gifoutput2.gif") end end @testset "SparseOpt rules run everywhere with non zero values" begin set_hood = SetNeighbors() do data, hood, val, I for p in positions(hood, I) data[p...] = 2 end end clearcell = Cell() do data, val, I zero(val) end output = ArrayOutput(ones(10, 11); tspan=1:3) sim!(output, set_hood; opt=SparseOpt()) @test all(output[3] .=== 2.0) sim!(output, set_hood, clearcell; opt=SparseOpt()) @test all(output[3] .=== 0.0) end @testset "Single dimension rules" begin init = zeros(Int, 7) init[6] = true rule110 = Neighbors(Moore(1; ndims=1)) do data, hood, c, I l, r = neighbors(hood) (c + r + c * r + l * c * r) % 2 end REPLOutput(init; store=false, tspan=1:5, fps=100) output = REPLOutput(init; tspan=1:5, fps=100) @test DynamicGrids.isstored(output) sim!(output, rule110) tests = ( [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0,], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,], ) map(tests, output) do t, o @test t == o end init = zeros(Int, 50) init[50] = true filename = "test_1d_gifoutput.gif" output = GifOutput(init; filename=filename, text=nothing, tspan=1:50) sim!(output, rule110) simgif = load(filename) @test simgif == RGB.(output.gif) rm(filename) end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Setfield, Test, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays, OffsetArrays using DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods import DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods: _window, hoodsize, radius init = [0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0] win1 = [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] win2 = [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1] win3 = [1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1] @testset "Moore" begin moore = Moore{1}(init[1:3, 1:3]) @test _window(moore) == init[1:3, 1:3] @test hoodsize(moore) == 3 @test moore[1] == 0 @test length(moore) == 8 @test eltype(moore) == Int @test neighbors(moore) isa Tuple @test collect(neighbors(moore)) == [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1] @test sum(moore) == sum(neighbors(moore)) == 4 @test offsets(moore) == ((-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)) moore1 = @set moore._window = win1 @test moore1._window == win1 moore2 = DynamicGrids.setwindow(moore, win2) @test moore2._window == win2 @test sum(Moore{1}(win1)) == 0 @test sum(Moore{1}(win2)) == 8 @test sum(Moore{1}(win3)) == 5 end @testset "Window" begin @test Window{1}() == Window(1) == Window(zeros(3, 3)) window = Window{1}(init[1:3, 1:3]) @test _window(window) == init[1:3, 1:3] @test hoodsize(window) == 3 @test window[1] == 0 @test window[2] == 1 @test length(window) == 9 @test eltype(window) == Int @test neighbors(window) isa Array @test neighbors(window) == _window(window) @test sum(window) == sum(neighbors(window)) == 4 @test offsets(window) == ((-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)) window1 = @set window._window = win1 @test window1._window == win1 window2 = DynamicGrids.setwindow(window, win2) @test window2._window == win2 @test sum(Window{1}(win1)) == 1 @test sum(Window{1}(win2)) == 8 @test sum(Window{1}(win3)) == 5 end @testset "VonNeumann" begin vonneumann = VonNeumann(1, init[1:3, 1:3]) @test offsets(vonneumann) == ((0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)) @test _window(vonneumann) == init[1:3, 1:3] @test hoodsize(vonneumann) == 3 @test vonneumann[1] == 1 @test vonneumann[2] == 0 @test length(vonneumann) == 4 @test eltype(vonneumann) == Int @test neighbors(vonneumann) isa Tuple @test collect(neighbors(vonneumann)) == [1, 0, 1, 1] @test sum(neighbors(vonneumann)) == 3 vonneumann2 = VonNeumann(2) @test offsets(vonneumann2) == ((0, -2), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-2 , 0), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 2)) vonneumann1 = @set vonneumann._window = win2 @test vonneumann1._window == win2 vonneumann2 = DynamicGrids.setwindow(vonneumann, win3) @test vonneumann2._window == win3 @test sum(VonNeumann(1, win1)) == 0 @test sum(VonNeumann(1, win2)) == 4 @test sum(VonNeumann(1, win3)) == 2 end @testset "Positional" begin win = [0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1] custom1 = Positional(((-1,-1), (2,-2), (2,2), (-1,2), (0,0)), win) custom2 = Positional{((-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1), (2,-1), (0,0))}(win) layered = LayeredPositional( (Positional((-1,1), (-2,2)), Positional((1,2), (2,2))), win) @test neighbors(custom1) isa Tuple @test collect(neighbors(custom1)) == [0, 1, 1, 0, 0] @test sum(custom1) == 2 @test sum(custom2) == 0 @test sum(layered) == (1, 2) @test offsets(layered) == (((-1, 1), (-2, 2)), ((1, 2), (2, 2))) layered1 = @set layered._window = 2win @test layered1._window == 2win layered2 = DynamicGrids.setwindow(layered, 3win) @test layered2._window == 3win win = reshape(2:10, 3, 3) hood = Positional(((-1, -1), (1, 1)), win) @test neighbors(hood) == (2, 10) @test offsets(hood) == ((-1, -1), (1, 1)) @test positions(hood, (2, 2)) == ((1, 1), (3, 3)) end @testset "LayeredPositional" begin lhood = LayeredPositional( Positional(((-1, -1), (1, 1)), ), Positional(((-2, -2), (2, 2)), ) ) @test offsets(lhood) == (((-1, -1), (1, 1)), ((-2, -2), (2, 2))) @test collect.(collect(positions(lhood, (1, 1)))) == [[(0, 0), (2, 2)], [(-1, -1), (3, 3)]] win = reshape(1:25, 5, 5) lhood_win = DynamicGrids.setwindow(lhood, win) @test lhood_win._window == lhood_win.layers[1]._window === lhood_win.layers[2]._window === win lhood_win.layers[2]._window @test map(radius, lhood_win.layers) == (2, 2) @test neighbors(lhood_win) == ((7, 19), (1, 25)) end @testset "Kernel" begin win = reshape(1:9, 3, 3) @testset "Window" begin mat = zeros(3, 3) @test Kernel(mat) == Kernel(Window(1), mat) @test_throws ArgumentError Kernel(Window(2), mat) k = Kernel(Window{1,2,9,typeof(win)}(win), SMatrix{3,3}(reshape(1:9, 3, 3))) @test kernelproduct(k) == sum((1:9).^2) @test neighbors(k) == reshape(1:9, 3, 3) @test offsets(k) == ((-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)) @test positions(k, (2, 2)) == ((1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)) end @testset "Moore" begin k = Kernel(Moore{1,2,8,typeof(win)}(win), (1:4..., 6:9...)) @test kernelproduct(k) == sum((1:4).^2) + sum((6:9).^2) end @testset "Positional" begin off = ((0,-1),(-1,0),(1,0),(0,1)) hood = Positional{off,1,2,4,typeof(win)}(win) k = Kernel(hood, 1:4) @test kernelproduct(k) == 1 * 2 + 2 * 4 + 3 * 6 + 4 * 8 end end @testset "neighbors works on rule" begin rule = Life(;neighborhood=Moore{1}([0 1 1; 0 0 0; 1 1 1])) @test sum(neighbors(rule)) == 5 end @testset "readwindow" begin grid1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0] grid2 = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 5 6 7 8 0 0 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] @test DynamicGrids.readwindow(Moore{1,1}(), grid1, (2,)) == [0, 1, 2] @test DynamicGrids.readwindow(Moore{1,1}(), OffsetArray(grid1, (0:5)), (2,)) == [1, 2, 3] @test_throws DimensionMismatch DynamicGrids.readwindow(Moore{1,1}(), grid2, (2,)) @test_throws DimensionMismatch DynamicGrids.readwindow(Moore{1,2}(), grid2, (2,)) @test DynamicGrids.readwindow(Moore{1,2}(), grid2, (2, 2)) == [0 0 0; 0 1 2; 0 5 6] @test DynamicGrids.readwindow(Moore{1,2}(), OffsetArray(grid2, (0:4, 0:5)), (2, 2)) == [1 2 3; 5 6 7; 9 10 11] end @testset "pad/unpad axes" begin A = zeros(6, 7) @test pad_axes(A, 2) == (-1:8, -1:9) @test pad_axes(A, Moore(3)) == (-2:9, -2:10) @test unpad_axes(A, 2) == (3:4, 3:5) @test unpad_axes(A, VonNeumann(1)) == (2:5, 2:6) end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, StaticArrays, Test, FileIO, Colors, FixedPointNumbers using DynamicGrids: SimData, NoDisplayImageOutput @testset "CellRule that multiples a StaticArray" begin rule = Cell{:grid1}() do data, state, I 2state end init = (grid1 = fill(SA[1.0, 2.0], 5, 5),) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, rule) @test output[2][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0], SA[2.0, 4.0] ], (5, 5)) @test output[3][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0], SA[4.0, 8.0] ], (5, 5)) end @testset "Neighborhood Rule that sums a Neighborhood of StaticArrays" begin rule = Neighbors{Tuple{:grid1,:grid2},:grid1}(Moore(1)) do data, hood, (s1, s2), I sum(hood) .+ s2 end init = ( grid1 = fill(SA[1.0, 2.0], 5, 5), grid2 = fill(0.5, 5, 5), ) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) sim!(output, rule) @test output[2][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this SA[3.5, 6.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[3.5, 6.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[8.5, 16.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[3.5, 6.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[5.5, 10.5], SA[3.5, 6.5] ], (5, 5)) end @testset "SetCell randomly updates a StaticArray" begin rule = SetCell{:grid1}() do data, state, I if I == (2, 2) || I == (1, 3) data[:grid1][I...] = SA[99.0, 100.0] end end init = (grid1 = fill(SA[0.0, 0.0], 3, 3),) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) sim!(output, rule) @test output[2][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[99.0, 100.0], SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[99.0, 100.0], SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[0.0, 0.0] ], (3, 3)) end struct TestStruct{A,B} a::A b::B end const TS = TestStruct Base.:*(ts::TestStruct, x::Number) = TestStruct(ts.a * x, ts.b * x) Base.:*(x::Number, ts::TestStruct) = TestStruct(x * ts.a, x * ts.b) Base.:/(ts::TestStruct, x::Number) = TestStruct(ts.a / x, ts.b / x) Base.:+(ts1::TestStruct, ts2::TestStruct) = TestStruct(ts1.a + ts2.a, ts1.b + ts2.b) Base.:-(ts1::TestStruct, ts2::TestStruct) = TestStruct(ts1.a - ts2.a, ts1.b - ts2.b) Base.:+(ts::TestStruct, x::Number) = TestStruct(ts.a + x, ts.b + x) Base.:-(ts::TestStruct, x::Number) = TestStruct(ts.a - x, ts.b - x) Base.isless(a::TestStruct, b::TestStruct) = isless(a.a, b.a){<:TestStruct{T1,T2}}) where {T1,T2} = TestStruct(zero(T1), zero(T2)) Base.oneunit(::Type{<:TestStruct{T1,T2}}) where {T1,T2} = TestStruct(oneunit(T1), oneunit(T2)) DynamicGrids.to_rgb(scheme::ObjectScheme, obj::TestStruct) = ARGB32(obj.a) DynamicGrids.to_rgb(scheme, obj::TestStruct) = get(scheme, obj.a) @testset "CellRule that multiples a struct" begin rule = Cell{:grid1,:grid1}() do data, state, I 2state end init = (grid1 = fill(TS(1.0, 2.0), 5, 5),) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, rule) @test output[2][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0), TS(2.0, 4.0) ], (5, 5)) @test output[3][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0) ], (5, 5)) end @testset "Neighborhood Rule that sums a Neighborhood of stucts" begin rule = Neighbors{Tuple{:grid1,:grid2},:grid1}(Moore(1)) do data, hood, (s1, s2), I sum(hood) * s2 end init = ( grid1 = fill(TS(1.0, 2.0), 5, 5), grid2 = fill(0.5, 5, 5), ) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) sim!(output, rule) @test output[2][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this TS(1.5, 3.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(1.5, 3.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(4.0, 8.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(1.5, 3.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(2.5, 5.0), TS(1.5, 3.0), ], (5, 5)) end @testset "SetCell rule randomly updates a struct" begin rule = SetCell{:grid1,:grid1}() do data, state, I if I == (2, 2) || I == (1, 3) data[:grid1][I...] = TS(99.0, 100.0) end end init = (grid1 = fill(TS(0.0, 0.0), 3, 3),) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) sim!(output, rule) @test output[2][:grid1] == reshape([ # Have to use reshape to construct this TS(0.0, 0.0), TS(0.0, 0.0), TS(0.0, 0.0), TS(0.0, 0.0), TS(99.0, 100.0), TS(0.0, 0.0), TS(99.0, 100.0), TS(0.0, 0.0), TS(0.0, 0.0) ], (3, 3)) end @testset "object grid can generate an image" begin @testset "normalise" begin @test DynamicGrids.to_rgb(ObjectScheme(), TestStruct(99.0, 1.0) / 99) == ARGB32(1.0) @test DynamicGrids.to_rgb(ObjectScheme(), TestStruct(00.0, 0.0) / 99) == ARGB32(0.0) @test DynamicGrids.to_rgb(ObjectScheme(), DynamicGrids.normalise(TestStruct(99.0, 1.0), nothing, 99)) == ARGB32(1.0) end rule = SetCell{:grid1,:grid1}() do data, state, I if I == (2, 2) || I == (1, 3) data[:grid1][I...] = TS(99.0, 100.0) end end init = (grid1=fill(TS(0.0, 0.0), 3, 3),) # These should have the same answer output1 = GifOutput(init; filename="objectgrid.gif", store=true, tspan=1:2, maxval=[99.0], text=nothing ) output2 = GifOutput(init; filename="objectgrid_greyscale.gif", scheme=Greyscale(), store=true, tspan=1:2, maxval=reshape([99.0], 1, 1), text=nothing ) sim!(output1, rule) sim!(output2, rule) @test output1[2][:grid1] == [TS(0.0, 0.0) TS(0.0, 0.0) TS(99.0, 100.0) TS(0.0, 0.0) TS(99.0, 100.0) TS(0.0, 0.0) TS(0.0, 0.0) TS(0.0, 0.0) TS(0.0, 0.0)] @test RGB.(output1.gif[:, :, 2]) == RGB.(output2.gif[:, :, 2]) == load("objectgrid.gif")[:, :, 2] == load("objectgrid_greyscale.gif")[:, :, 2] == map(xs -> RGB{N0f8}(xs...), [(0.298,0.298,0.298) (0.298,0.298,0.298) (1.0,1.0,1.0) (0.298,0.298,0.298) (1.0,1.0,1.0) (0.298,0.298,0.298) (0.298,0.298,0.298) (0.298,0.298,0.298) (0.298,0.298,0.298)] ) end @testset "static arrays grid can generate an image" begin rule = Cell{:grid1}() do data, state, I 2state end init = (grid1 = fill(SA[1.0, 2.0], 5, 5),) # We can index into the SArray or access # it with a function, defined using a Pair output = GifOutput(init; filename="sa.gif", tspan=1:3, store=true, layout=[:grid1=>1 :grid1=>x->x[2]], scheme=[Greyscale() Greyscale()], minval=[0.0 0.0], maxval=[10.0 10.0], text=nothing, ) sim!(output, rule) a02 = ARGB32(0.2) a04 = ARGB32(0.4) @test output.gif[:, :, 2] == [a02 a02 a02 a02 a02 a04 a04 a04 a04 a04 a02 a02 a02 a02 a02 a04 a04 a04 a04 a04 a02 a02 a02 a02 a02 a04 a04 a04 a04 a04 a02 a02 a02 a02 a02 a04 a04 a04 a04 a04 a02 a02 a02 a02 a02 a04 a04 a04 a04 a04] end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, DimensionalData, Dates, Test using DynamicGrids: isshowable, frameindex, storeframe!, SimData, stoppedframe using DimensionalData.LookupArrays, DimensionalData.Dimensions # Mostly outputs are tested in integration.jl @testset "Output construction" begin init = [10.0 11.0 0.0 5.0] output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=Date(2001):Year(1):Date(2010)) ruleset = Ruleset(Life()) @test length(output) == 10 @test size(output) == (10,) @test step(output) == Year(1) @test stoppedframe(output) == 10 @test timestep(output) == Year(1) @test_throws ArgumentError DynamicGrids.ruleset(output) @test frameindex(output, 5) == 5 @test isshowable(output, 5) == false @test output[1] == output[Ti(1)] == init @testset "DimensionalData interface" begin @test output isa AbstractDimArray{<:Array,1,<:Tuple{<:Ti}} @test dims(output) isa Tuple{<:Ti} @test == Symbol("") @test metadata(output) == NoMetadata() da = output[Ti(Between(Date(2002), Date(2003)))] @test da isa DimArray{<:Array,1,<:Tuple{<:Ti}} @test lookup(da) == (Date(2002):Year(1):Date(2002),) end @testset "errors" begin @test_throws UndefKeywordError ArrayOutput(ones(5, 5)) @test_throws ArgumentError ArrayOutput((a=ones(5, 5), b=ones(4, 4)); tspan=1:10) @test_throws ArgumentError ArrayOutput(ones(5, 5); mask=ones(2, 2), tspan=1:10) end end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Dates, DimensionalData, Setfield, Unitful, Test using Unitful: d using DynamicGrids: SimData, Extent, _calc_auxframe, _cyclic_index const DG = DynamicGrids @testset "Aux" begin @testset "sequence cycling" begin @test _cyclic_index(-4, 2) == 2 @test _cyclic_index(-3, 2) == 1 @test _cyclic_index(-2, 2) == 2 @test _cyclic_index(-1, 2) == 1 @test _cyclic_index(0, 2) == 2 @test _cyclic_index(1, 2) == 1 @test _cyclic_index(2, 2) == 2 @test _cyclic_index(3, 2) == 1 @test _cyclic_index(4, 2) == 2 @test _cyclic_index(20, 10) == 10 @test _cyclic_index(21, 10) == 1 @test _cyclic_index(27, 10) == 7 end @testset "aux sequence" begin a = cat([0.1 0.2; 0.3 0.4], [1.1 1.2; 1.3 1.4], [2.1 2.2; 2.3 2.4]; dims=3) @testset "the correct frame is calculated for aux data" begin dimz = X(1:2), Y(1:2), Ti(15d:5d:25d) seq = DimArray(a, dimz) init = zero(seq[Ti(1)]) sd = SimData(Extent(init=init, aux=(seq=seq,), tspan=1d:1d:100d), Ruleset()) @test DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd, Aux{:seq}()) == true tests = (1, 1), (4, 1), (5, 2), (6, 2), (9, 2), (10, 3), (11, 3), (14, 3), (15, 1), (19, 1), (20, 2), (25, 3), (29, 3), (30, 1), (34, 1), (35, 2) for (f, ref_af) in tests @set! sd.currentframe = f af = _calc_auxframe(sd).seq @test af == ref_af end end @testset "boundscheck_aux" begin seq1 = zeros(Ti(15d:5d:25d)) seq3 = zeros((X(1:2), Y(1:2), Ti(15d:5d:25d))) auxarray1 = zeros(X(3)) auxarray2 = zeros(dims(seq3, (X, Y))) bigseq = zeros((X(1:5), Y(1:2), Ti(15d:5d:25d))) aux1 = (seq=seq1, a1=auxarray1, a2=auxarray2) sd1 = SimData(Extent(init=zeros(3), aux=aux1, tspan=1d:1d:100d), Ruleset()) aux2 = (seq=seq3, bigseq=bigseq, a1=auxarray1, a2=auxarray2) sd2 = SimData(Extent(init=zero(seq3[Ti(1)]), aux=aux2, tspan=1d:1d:100d), Ruleset()) @test DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd1, Aux{:seq}()) == true @test DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd1, Aux{:a1}()) == true @test DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd2, Aux{:seq}()) == true @test DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd2, Aux{:a2}()) == true @test_throws ErrorException DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd1, Aux{:a2}()) @test_throws ErrorException DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd2, Aux{:a1}()) @test_throws ErrorException DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd2, Aux{:bigseq}()) @test_throws ErrorException DynamicGrids.boundscheck_aux(sd2, Aux{:missingseq}()) end @testset "correct values are returned by get" begin x, y, ti = X(1:2), Y(1:2), Ti(Date(2001, 1, 15):Day(5):Date(2001, 1, 25)) @testset "1d" begin seq1 = DimArray(a[2, 2, :], ti) seq3 = DimArray(a[:, 1, :], (x, ti)) init = zero(seq3[Ti(1)]) tspan = Date(2001):Day(1):Date(2001, 3) data = SimData(Extent(init=init, aux=(; seq1, seq3), tspan=tspan), Ruleset()) data1 = DG._updatetime(data, 1) @test data1.auxframe == (seq1 = 1, seq3 = 1,) # I is ignored for 1d with Ti dim @test get(data1, Aux(:seq1), (-10,)) == 0.4 @test get(data1, Aux(:seq3), (1)) == 0.1 dims(seq1, Ti) === dims(seq3, Ti) data2 = DG._updatetime(data, 5); @test data2.auxframe == (seq1 = 2, seq3 = 2,) @test get(data2, Aux(:seq1), 11) == 1.4 @test get(data2, Aux(:seq3), 1) == 1.1 data3 = DG._updatetime(data, 10) @test data3.auxframe == (seq1 = 3, seq3 = 3,) @test get(data3, Aux(:seq1), (1,)) == 2.4 @test get(data3, Aux(:seq3), (1,)) == 2.1 data4 = DG._updatetime(data, 15) @test data4.auxframe == (seq1 = 1, seq3 = 1,) @test get(data4, Aux(:seq1), CartesianIndex(1,)) == 0.4 @test get(data4, Aux(:seq3), CartesianIndex(1,)) == 0.1 end @testset "2d" begin seq1 = DimArray(a[2, 2, :], ti) seq3 = DimArray(a, (x, y, ti)) init = zero(seq3[Ti(1)]) tspan = Date(2001):Day(1):Date(2001, 3) data = SimData(Extent(init=init, aux=(; seq1, seq3), tspan=tspan), Ruleset()) data1 = DG._updatetime(data, 1) @test data1.auxframe == (seq1 = 1, seq3 = 1,) # I is ignored for 1d with Ti dim @test get(data1, Aux(:seq1), (-10, 17)) == 0.4 @test get(data1, Aux(:seq3), (1, 1)) == 0.1 dims(seq1, Ti) === dims(seq3, Ti) data2 = DG._updatetime(data, 5); @test data2.auxframe == (seq1 = 2, seq3 = 2,) @test get(data2, Aux(:seq1), 11, 1) == 1.4 @test get(data2, Aux(:seq3), 1, 1) == 1.1 data3 = DG._updatetime(data, 10) @test data3.auxframe == (seq1 = 3, seq3 = 3,) @test get(data3, Aux(:seq1), (1, 10)) == 2.4 @test get(data3, Aux(:seq3), (1, 1)) == 2.1 data4 = DG._updatetime(data, 15) @test data4.auxframe == (seq1 = 1, seq3 = 1,) @test get(data4, Aux(:seq1), CartesianIndex(1, 1)) == 0.4 @test get(data4, Aux(:seq3), CartesianIndex(1, 1)) == 0.1 end end @testset "errors" begin output = ArrayOutput(zeros(3, 3); tspan=1:3) @test_throws ArgumentError DynamicGrids.aux(output, Aux{:somekey}()) end end end # Use copyto to test all parametersources, as well as testing CopyTo itself @testset "CopyTo" begin init = [0 0] @testset "Copy construction" begin rule = CopyTo(7) rule2 = @set rule.from = Aux{:a}() @test rule2.from == Aux{:a}() end @testset "CopyTo from value" begin ruleset = Ruleset(CopyTo(7)) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1d:1d:3d) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [[0 0], [7 7], [7 7]] end @testset "CopyTo from Grid" begin @test CopyTo(Aux(:l)) === CopyTo(; from=Aux(:l)) @test CopyTo{:a}(; from=Aux(:l)) === CopyTo{:a}(Aux(:l)) ruleset = Ruleset(CopyTo(Aux(:l))) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3, aux=(l=[3 4],)) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [[0 0], [3 4], [3 4]] da = DimArray(cat([1 2], [3 4]; dims=3) , (X(), Y(), Ti(4d:1d:5d))) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1d:1d:3d, aux=(l=da,)) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [[0 0], [1 2], [3 4]] end @testset "CopyTo from Grid" begin ruleset = Ruleset(Cell{:s,:s}((d, x, I) -> x + 1), CopyTo{:d}(from=Grid(:s))) output = ArrayOutput((s=[1 3], d=[0 0],); tspan=1d:1d:3d) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [(s=[1 3], d=[0 0]), (s=[2 4], d=[2 4]), (s=[3 5], d=[3 5])] ruleset = Ruleset(Cell{:s,:s}((d, x, I) -> x + 1), CopyTo{Tuple{:d1,:d2}}(from=Grid{:s}())) output = ArrayOutput((s=[1 3], d1=[0 0], d2=[-1 -1],); tspan=1d:1d:3d) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [(s=[1 3], d1=[0 0], d2=[-1 -1]), (s=[2 4], d1=[2 4], d2=[2 4]), (s=[3 5], d1=[3 5], d2=[3 5])] end @testset "CopyTo from Delay" begin ruleset = Ruleset(Cell{:s,:s}((d, x, I) -> x + 1), CopyTo{:d}(from=Delay{:s}(1d))) @test DynamicGrids.hasdelay(rules(ruleset)) == true output = ArrayOutput((s=[1 3], d=[0 0],); tspan=1d:1d:4d) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [ (s=[1 3], d=[0 0]), (s=[2 4], d=[1 3]), (s=[3 5], d=[2 4]), (s=[4 6], d=[3 5]) ] ruleset = Ruleset(Cell{:s,:s}((d, x, I) -> x + 1), CopyTo{:d}(from=Delay{:s}(Month(2)))) @test DynamicGrids.hasdelay(rules(ruleset)) == true output = ArrayOutput((s=[1 3], d=[0 0]); tspan=Date(2001):Month(1):Date(2001, 6)) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [ (s=[1 3], d=[0 0]), (s=[2 4], d=[1 3]), (s=[3 5], d=[1 3]), (s=[4 6], d=[2 4]), (s=[5 7], d=[3 5]), (s=[6 8], d=[4 6]), ] end @testset "CopyTo from Lag" begin ruleset = Ruleset(Cell{:s,:s}((d, x, I) -> x + 1), CopyTo{:d}(from=Lag{:s}(1))) @test DynamicGrids.hasdelay(rules(ruleset)) == true output = ArrayOutput((s=[1 3], d=[0 0],); tspan=1d:1d:4d) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output == [ (s=[1 3], d=[0 0]), (s=[2 4], d=[1 3]), (s=[3 5], d=[2 4]), (s=[4 6], d=[3 5]) ] end end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, ModelParameters, Setfield, Test, StaticArrays, LinearAlgebra, CUDAKernels import DynamicGrids: applyrule, applyrule!, maprule!, ruletype, extent, source, dest, _getreadgrids, _getwritegrids, _combinegrids, _readkeys, _writekeys, SimData, WritableGridData, Rule, Extent, CPUGPU, neighborhoodkey if CUDAKernels.CUDA.has_cuda_gpu() CUDAKernels.CUDA.allowscalar(false) hardware = (SingleCPU(), ThreadedCPU(), CPUGPU(), CuGPU()) else hardware = (SingleCPU(), ThreadedCPU(), CPUGPU()) end init = [0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0] proc = SingleCPU() opt = NoOpt() @testset "Generic rule constructors" begin rule1 = Cell{:a}(identity) @test rule1.f == identity @test_throws ArgumentError Cell() rule2 = Cell{:a,:a}(identity) @test rule1 == rule2 #@test_throws ArgumentError Cell(identity, identity) rule1 = Neighbors{:a,:b}(identity, Moore(1)) @test rule1.f == identity rule2 = Neighbors{:a,:b}(identity; neighborhood=Moore(1)) @test rule1 == rule2 @test typeof(rule1) == Neighbors{:a,:b,typeof(identity),Moore{1,2,8,Nothing}} rule1 = Neighbors(identity, Moore(1)) @test rule1.f == identity rule2 = Neighbors(identity; neighborhood=Moore(1)) @test typeof(rule1) == Neighbors{:_default_,:_default_,typeof(identity),Moore{1,2,8,Nothing}} @test rule1 == rule2 @test_throws ArgumentError Neighbors() # @test_throws ArgumentError Neighbors(identity, identity, identity) rule1 = SetNeighbors{:a,:b}(identity, Moore(1)) @test rule1.f == identity rule2 = SetNeighbors{:a,:b}(identity; neighborhood=Moore(1)) @test rule1 == rule2 @test typeof(rule1) == SetNeighbors{:a,:b,typeof(identity),Moore{1,2,8,Nothing}} rule1 = SetNeighbors(identity, Moore(1)) @test rule1.f == identity rule2 = SetNeighbors(identity; neighborhood=Moore(1)) @test typeof(rule1) == SetNeighbors{:_default_,:_default_,typeof(identity),Moore{1,2,8,Nothing}} @test rule1 == rule2 @test_throws ArgumentError Neighbors() # @test_throws ArgumentError Neighbors(identity, identity, identity) rule1 = SetCell{:a,:b}(identity) @test rule1.f == identity @test_throws ArgumentError SetCell() # @test_throws ArgumentError SetCell(identity, identity) end @testset "Rulesets" begin rule1 = Cell(x -> 2x) rule2 = Cell(x -> 3x) rs1 = Ruleset((rule1, rule2); opt=NoOpt()) rs2 = Ruleset(rule1, rule2; opt=NoOpt()) @test rules(rs1) == rules(rs2) @test typeof(Ruleset(StaticRuleset(rs1))) == typeof(rs1) for fn in fieldnames(typeof(rs1)) @test getfield(Ruleset(StaticRuleset(rs1)), fn) == getfield(rs1, fn) end @test typeof(Ruleset(StaticRuleset(rs1))) == typeof(rs1) ModelParameters.setparent!(rs2, (rule1,)) @test rs2.rules == (rule1,) end @testset "Cell" begin rule = Cell((d, x, I) -> 2x) @test applyrule(nothing, rule, 1, (0, 0)) == 2 end @testset "Neighbors" begin window = [1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 1] rule = Neighbors(VonNeumann(1, window)) do data, hood, state, I sum(hood) end @test applyrule(nothing, rule, 0, (3, 3)) == 1 rule = Neighbors(Moore{1}(window)) do data, hood, state, I sum(hood) end @test applyrule(nothing, rule, 0, (3, 3)) == 3 end struct TestNeighborhoodRule{R,W,N} <: NeighborhoodRule{R,W} neighborhood::N end DynamicGrids.applyrule(data, rule::TestNeighborhoodRule, state, index) = state struct TestSetNeighborhoodRule{R,W,N} <: SetNeighborhoodRule{R,W} neighborhood::N end function DynamicGrids.applyrule!( data, rule::TestSetNeighborhoodRule{R,Tuple{W1,}}, state, index ) where {R,W1} add!(data[W1], state[1], index...) end win5x5 = zeros(5, 5) win7x7 = zeros(7, 7) @testset "neighborhood rules" begin ruleA = TestSetNeighborhoodRule{:a,:a}(Moore{3}(win7x7)) ruleB = TestSetNeighborhoodRule{Tuple{:b},Tuple{:b}}(Moore{2}(win5x5)) @test offsets(ruleA) isa Tuple @test positions(ruleA, (1, 1)) isa Tuple @test neighborhood(ruleA) == Moore{3}(win7x7) @test neighborhood(ruleB) == Moore{2}(win5x5) @test neighborhoodkey(ruleA) == :a @test neighborhoodkey(ruleB) == :b ruleA = TestNeighborhoodRule{:a,:a}(Moore{3}(win7x7)) ruleB = TestNeighborhoodRule{Tuple{:b},Tuple{:b}}(Moore{2}(win5x5)) @test offsets(ruleA) isa Tuple @test neighborhood(ruleA) == Moore{3}(win7x7) @test neighborhood(ruleB) == Moore{2}(win5x5) @test neighborhoodkey(ruleA) == :a @test neighborhoodkey(ruleB) == :b @test offsets(ruleB) === ((-2,-2), (-1,-2), (0,-2), (1,-2), (2,-2), (-2,-1), (-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1), (2,-1), (-2,0), (-1,0), (1,0), (2,0), (-2,1), (-1,1), (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (-2,2), (-1,2), (0,2), (1,2), (2,2)) @test positions(ruleB, (10, 10)) == ((8, 8), (9, 8), (10, 8), (11, 8), (12, 8), (8, 9), (9, 9), (10, 9), (11, 9), (12, 9), (8, 10), (9, 10), (11, 10), (12, 10), (8, 11), (9, 11), (10, 11), (11, 11), (12, 11), (8, 12), (9, 12), (10, 12), (11, 12), (12, 12)) end @testset "radius" begin init = (a=[1.0 2.0], b=[10.0 11.0]) ruleA = TestNeighborhoodRule{:a,:a}(Moore{3}(win7x7)) ruleB = TestSetNeighborhoodRule{Tuple{:b},Tuple{:b}}(Moore{2}(win5x5)) ruleset = Ruleset(ruleA, ruleB) @test radius(ruleA) == 3 @test radius(ruleB) == 2 @test radius(ruleset) == (a=3, b=2) @test radius(Ruleset()) == NamedTuple() output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, ruleset) # TODO make sure 2 radii can coexist end @testset "Convolution" begin k = SA[1 0 1; 0 0 0; 1 0 1] @test Convolution{:a}(k) == Convolution{:a,:a}(; neighborhood=Kernel(Window(1), k)) window = SA[1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 1] hood = Window{1,2,9,typeof(window)}(window) rule = Convolution{:a,:a}(; neighborhood=Kernel(hood, k)) @test DynamicGrids.kernel(rule) === k @test applyrule(nothing, rule, 0, (3, 3)) == k ⋅ window output = ArrayOutput((a=init,); tspan=1:2) sim!(output, rule) end @testset "SetNeighbors" begin init = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] @test_throws ArgumentError SetNeighbors() @testset "atomics" begin rule = SetNeighbors(VonNeumann(1)) do data, hood, state, I if state > 0 for pos in positions(hood, I) add!(data, 1, pos...) end end end output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin ref_output = [1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 1] sim!(output, rule, proc=proc, opt=opt) @test output[2] == ref_output end end end @testset "setindex" begin rule = SetNeighbors(VonNeumann(1)) do data, hood, state, I state == 0 && return nothing for pos in positions(hood, I) data[pos...] = 1 end end output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin ref_output = [1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1] sim!(output, rule, proc=proc, opt=opt) @test output[2] == ref_output end end end end @testset "SetCell" begin init = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] @testset "add!" begin output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) rule = SetCell() do data, state, I if state > 0 pos = I[1] - 2, I[2] isinbounds(data, pos) && add!(first(data), 1, pos...) end end for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin sim!(output, rule; proc=proc, opt=opt) ref_out = [0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] @test output[2] == ref_out end end end @testset "setindex!" begin output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) rule = SetCell() do data, state, I if state > 0 pos = I[1] - 2, I[2] isinbounds(data, pos) && (data[pos...] = 5) end end sim!(output, rule) @test output[2] == [0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] end end @testset "SetGrid" begin @test_throws ArgumentError SetGrid() rule = SetGrid() do r, w w .*= 2 end init = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:2) for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin sim!(output, rule; proc=proc, opt=opt) @test output[2] == [0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0] end end end struct AddOneRule{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end DynamicGrids.applyrule(data, ::AddOneRule, state, args...) = state + 1 @testset "Rulset mask ignores false cells" begin init = [0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 6.0 0.0] mask = Bool[0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0] ruleset1 = Ruleset(AddOneRule{:_default_,:_default_}(); opt=NoOpt()) ruleset2 = Ruleset(AddOneRule{:_default_,:_default_}(); opt=SparseOpt()) output1 = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3, mask=mask) output2 = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3, mask=mask) sim!(output1, ruleset1) sim!(output2, ruleset2) @test output1[1] == output2[1] == [0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 6.0 0.0] @test output1[2] == output2[2] == [0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 9.0 4.0 7.0 0.0] @test output1[3] == output2[3] == [0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 10.0 5.0 8.0 0.0] end # Single grid rules struct TestRule{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end applyrule(data, ::TestRule, state, index) = 0 @testset "A rule that returns zero gives zero outputs" begin final = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] mask = nothing rule = TestRule{:a,:a}() for proc in (SingleCPU(), ThreadedCPU()), opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin ruleset = Ruleset(rule; opt=opt, proc=proc) @test DynamicGrids.boundary(ruleset) === Remove() @test DynamicGrids.opt(ruleset) === opt @test DynamicGrids.proc(ruleset) === proc @test DynamicGrids.cellsize(ruleset) === 1 @test DynamicGrids.timestep(ruleset) === nothing @test DynamicGrids.ruleset(ruleset) === ruleset ext = Extent(; init=(a=init,), tspan=1:1) simdata = SimData(ext, ruleset) # Test maprules components rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, simdata) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, simdata) @test rkeys == Val{:a}() @test wkeys == Val{:a}() newsimdata = @set simdata.grids = _combinegrids(rkeys, rgrids, wkeys, wgrids) @test newsimdata.grids[1] isa WritableGridData # Test type stability T = Val{DynamicGrids.ruletype(rule)}() @inferred maprule!(newsimdata, proc, opt, T, rule, rkeys, wkeys) resultdata = maprule!(simdata, rule) @test source(resultdata[:a]) == final end end end struct TestSetCell{R,W} <: SetCellRule{R,W} end applyrule!(data, ::TestSetCell, state, index) = 0 @testset "A SetRule that returns zero does nothing" begin rule = TestSetCell() mask = nothing for proc in (SingleCPU(), ThreadedCPU()), opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin ruleset = Ruleset(rule; opt=NoOpt()) # Test type stability ext = Extent(; init=(_default_=init,), tspan=1:1) simdata = SimData(ext, ruleset) rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, simdata) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, simdata) newsimdata = @set simdata.grids = _combinegrids(wkeys, wgrids, rkeys, rgrids) T = Val{DynamicGrids.ruletype(rule)}() @inferred maprule!(newsimdata, proc, opt, T, rule, rkeys, wkeys) resultdata = maprule!(simdata, rule) @test source(resultdata[:_default_]) == init end end end struct TestSetCellWrite{R,W} <: SetCellRule{R,W} end applyrule!(data, ::TestSetCellWrite{R,W}, state, index) where {R,W} = add!(data[W], 1, index[1], 2) @testset "A partial rule that writes to dest affects output" begin init = [0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0] final = [0 5 1 0; 0 5 1 0; 0 5 1 0; 0 5 1 0; 0 5 1 0] for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin rule = TestSetCellWrite() ruleset = Ruleset(rule; opt=opt, proc=proc) ext = Extent(; init=(_default_=init,), tspan=1:1) simdata = DynamicGrids._proc_setup(SimData(ext, ruleset)); resultdata = maprule!(simdata, rule); @test Array(source(first(resultdata))) == final end end end struct TestCellTriple{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end applyrule(data, ::TestCellTriple, state, index) = 3state struct TestCellSquare{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end applyrule(data, ::TestCellSquare, (state,), index) = state^2 @testset "Chained cell rules work" begin init = [0 1 2 3; 4 5 6 7] final = [0 9 36 81; 144 225 324 441] for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin rule = Chain(TestCellTriple(), TestCellSquare()) ruleset = Ruleset(rule; opt=opt, proc=proc) ext = Extent(; init=(_default_=init,), tspan=1:1) simdata = DynamicGrids._proc_setup(SimData(ext, ruleset)) resultdata = maprule!(simdata, rule); @test Array(source(first(resultdata))) == final end end end struct PrecalcRule{R,W,P} <: CellRule{R,W} precalc::P end DynamicGrids.modifyrule(rule::PrecalcRule, simdata) = PrecalcRule(currenttime(simdata)) applyrule(data, rule::PrecalcRule, state, index) = rule.precalc[] @testset "Rule precalculations work" begin init = [1 1; 1 1] out2 = [2 2; 2 2] out3 = [3 3; 3 3] for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin rule = PrecalcRule(1) ruleset = Ruleset(rule; proc=proc, opt=opt) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, ruleset) # Copy for GPU @test output[2] == out2 @test output[3] == out3 end end end # Multi grid rules struct DoubleY{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end applyrule(data, rule::DoubleY, (x, y), index) = y * 2 struct HalfX{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end applyrule(data, rule::HalfX, x, index) = x, x * 0.5 struct Predation{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end Predation(; prey=:prey, predator=:predator) = Predation{Tuple{predator,prey},Tuple{prey,predator}}() applyrule(data, ::Predation, (predators, prey), index) = begin caught = 2predators # Output order is the reverse of input to test that can work prey - caught, predators + caught * 0.5 end predation = Predation(; prey=:prey, predator=:predator) @testset "Multi-grid keys are inferred" begin @test _writekeys(predation) == (:prey, :predator) @test _readkeys(predation) == (:predator, :prey) @test keys(predation) == (:prey, :predator) @inferred _writekeys(predation) @inferred _readkeys(predation) @inferred keys(predation) end @testset "Multi-grid rules work" begin init = (prey=[10. 10.], predator=[1. 0.]) rules = DoubleY{Tuple{:predator,:prey},:prey}(), predation output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin sim!(output, rules; opt=opt, proc=proc) @test output[2] == (prey=[18. 20.], predator=[2. 0.]) @test output[3] == (prey=[32. 40.], predator=[4. 0.]) end end end @testset "Multi-grid rules work" begin init = (prey=[10. 10.], predator=[0. 0.]) output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:3) for proc in hardware, opt in (NoOpt(), SparseOpt()) @testset "$(nameof(typeof(opt))) $(nameof(typeof(proc)))" begin ruleset = Ruleset((HalfX{:prey,Tuple{:prey,:predator}}(),); opt=opt, proc=proc) sim!(output, ruleset) @test output[2] == (prey=[10. 10.], predator=[5. 5.]) @test output[3] == (prey=[10. 10.], predator=[5. 5.]) end end end @testset "life with generic constructors" begin @test Life(Moore(1), (1, 1), (5, 5)) == Life(; neighborhood=Moore(1), born=(1, 1), survive=(5, 5)) @test Life{:a,:b}(Moore(1), (7, 1), (5, 3)) == Life{:a,:b}(neighborhood=Moore(1), born=(7, 1), survive=(5, 3)) # Defaults @test Life() == Life( Moore(1), Param(3, bounds=(0, 8)), (Param(2, bounds=(0, 8)), Param(3, bounds=(0, 8))) ) @test Life{:a,:b}() == Life{:a,:b}( Moore(1), Param(3, bounds=(0, 8)), (Param(2, bounds=(0, 8)), Param(3, bounds=(0, 8))) ) end @testset "generic ConstructionBase compatability" begin life = Life{:x,:y}(; neighborhood=Moore(2), born=(1, 1), survive=(2, 2)) @set! life.born = (5, 6) @test life.born == (5, 6) @test life.survive == (2, 2) @test _readkeys(life) == :x @test _writekeys(life) == :y @test DynamicGrids.neighborhood(life) == Moore(2) end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Aqua, SafeTestsets if VERSION >= v"1.5.0" # Amibiguities are not owned by DynamicGrids # Aqua.test_ambiguities([DynamicGrids, Base, Core]) Aqua.test_unbound_args(DynamicGrids) Aqua.test_undefined_exports(DynamicGrids) Aqua.test_project_extras(DynamicGrids) # Aqua.test_stale_deps(DynamicGrids) Aqua.test_deps_compat(DynamicGrids) Aqua.test_project_toml_formatting(DynamicGrids) end @time @safetestset "generated" begin include("generated.jl") end @time @safetestset "rules" begin include("rules.jl") end @time @safetestset "neighborhoods" begin include("neighborhoods.jl") end @time @safetestset "simulationdata" begin include("simulationdata.jl") end @time @safetestset "utils" begin include("utils.jl") end @time @safetestset "chain" begin include("chain.jl") end @time @safetestset "condition" begin include("condition.jl") end @time @safetestset "outputs" begin include("outputs.jl") end @time @safetestset "transformed" begin include("transformed.jl") end @time @safetestset "integration" begin include("integration.jl") end @time @safetestset "objectgrids" begin include("objectgrids.jl") end @time @safetestset "parametersources" begin include("parametersources.jl") end @time @safetestset "show" begin include("show.jl") end @time @safetestset "textconfig" begin include("textconfig.jl") end # ImageMagick breaks in windows travis for some reason if !Sys.iswindows() @time @safetestset "image" begin include("image.jl") end end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test, Dates import DynamicGrids: Remove, NoOpt life = Life() @test occursin("Life", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), life)) rs = Ruleset(; rules=(Life(),), timestep=Day(1), boundary=Remove(), opt=NoOpt(), ) rs @test occursin("Ruleset", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), rs)) @test occursin("Life", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), rs)) @test occursin(r"opt = .*NoOpt()", "nopt = DynamicGrids.NoOpt()") @test occursin(r"boundary = .*Remove()", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), rs)) rule1 = Cell{:a,:b}() do a 2a end @test occursin("Cell{:a,:b}", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), rule1)) rule2 = Cell{Tuple{:b,:d},:c}() do b, d b + d end @test occursin("Cell{Tuple{:b, :d},:c}", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), rule2)) chain = Chain(rule1, rule2) @test occursin("Chain{Tuple{:a, :b, :d},Tuple{:b, :c}}", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), chain)) @test occursin("Cell{:a,:b}", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), chain)) @test occursin("Cell{Tuple{:b, :d},:c}", sprint((io, s) -> show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), s), chain))
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, OffsetArrays, Test, Dates using DynamicGrids: initdata!, init, mask, boundary, source, dest, sourcestatus, deststatus, gridsize, ruleset, grids, SimData, Extent, _updatetime, WritableGridData, tspan, extent, optdata inita = [0 1 1 0 1 1] initb = [2 2 2 2 2 2] initab = (a=inita, b=initb) life = Life{:a,:a}() tspan_ = DateTime(2001):Day(1):DateTime(2001, 2) @testset "initdata!" begin rs = Ruleset(life, timestep=Day(1); opt=SparseOpt()); ext = Extent(; init=initab, tspan=tspan_) simdata = SimData(ext, rs) @test simdata isa SimData @test init(simdata) == initab @test mask(simdata) === nothing @test ruleset(simdata) === StaticRuleset(rs) @test tspan(simdata) === tspan_ @test currentframe(simdata) === 1 @test first(simdata) === simdata[:a] @test last(simdata) === simdata[:b] @test boundary(simdata) === Remove() @test gridsize(simdata) == (2, 3) updated = _updatetime(simdata, 2) @test currenttimestep(simdata) == Millisecond(86400000) gs = grids(simdata) grida = gs[:a] gridb = gs[:b] @test parent(source(grida)) == parent(dest(grida)) == [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] wgrida = WritableGridData(grida) @test parent(source(grida)) === parent(source(wgrida)) @test parent(dest(grida)) === parent(dest(wgrida)) @test parent(grida) == parent(wgrida) == [0 1 1 0 1 1] @test sourcestatus(grida) == deststatus(grida) == [0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] @test parent(source(gridb)) == parent(dest(gridb)) == [2 2 2 2 2 2] @test optdata(gridb) == optdata(gridb) == nothing @test firstindex(grida) == 1 @test lastindex(grida) == 6 @test gridsize(grida) == (2, 3) == size(grida) == (2, 3) @test axes(grida) == (1:2, 1:3) @test ndims(grida) == 2 @test eltype(grida) == Int output = ArrayOutput(initab; tspan=tspan_) initdata!(simdata, output, extent(output), rs) end @testset "initdata! with :_default_" begin initx = [1 0] rs = Ruleset(Life()) output = ArrayOutput((_default_=initx,); tspan=tspan_) simdata = SimData(output, rs) simdata2 = initdata!(simdata, output, extent(output), rs) @test keys(simdata2) == (:_default_,) @test DynamicGrids.ruleset(simdata2) == DynamicGrids.StaticRuleset(rs) @test DynamicGrids.init(simdata2)[:_default_] == [1 0] @test DynamicGrids.source(simdata2[:_default_]) == OffsetArray([0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], (0:4, 0:3)) end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, FreeTypeAbstraction, Test @testset "Fonts" begin @test DynamicGrids.autofont() isa String name = DynamicGrids.autofont() face = FreeTypeAbstraction.findfont(name) @testset "TextConfig accepts font as String" begin @test name isa String textconfig = TextConfig(; font=name) @test textconfig.face isa FreeTypeAbstraction.FTFont end @testset "TextConfig accepts font as FTFont" begin @test face isa FreeTypeAbstraction.FTFont textconfig = TextConfig(; font=face) @test textconfig.face === face end @test_throws ArgumentError TextConfig(; font="not_a_font") @test_throws ArgumentError TextConfig(; font=:not_a_string) end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test # Reducing functions may return the original grid, # not a copy, so we need to be careful with them. @testset "Reducing functions over NamedTuple" begin rule = Cell{:a}() do data, state, I state + 10 end @testset "single named grid" begin init = (a=[1 3],) transformed_output = TransformedOutput(sum, init; tspan=1:3) @test length(transformed_output) == 3 @test transformed_output[1] == [1 3] @test transformed_output[2] == [0 0] @test transformed_output[3] == [0 0] sim!(transformed_output, rule) @test transformed_output[1] == [1 3] @test transformed_output[2] == [11 13] @test transformed_output[3] == [21 23] end @testset "multiple named grids" begin init = (a=[1 3], b=[5 5],) transformed_output = TransformedOutput(sum, init; tspan=1:3) @test length(transformed_output) == 3 @test transformed_output[1] == [6 8] @test transformed_output[2] == [0 0] @test transformed_output[3] == [0 0] sim!(transformed_output, rule) @test transformed_output[1] == [6 8] @test transformed_output[2] == [16 18] @test transformed_output[3] == [26 28] end end @testset "Reducing functions over Array" begin rule = Cell() do data, state, I state + 10.0 end init = [1 3] transformed_output = TransformedOutput(sum, init; tspan=1:3) @test length(transformed_output) == 3 @test transformed_output[1] == 4 @test transformed_output[2] == 0 @test transformed_output[3] == 0 sim!(transformed_output, rule) @test transformed_output[1] == 4 @test transformed_output[2] == 24 @test transformed_output[3] == 44 end @testset "Padded grids" begin init = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] test2 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] test3 = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] # Sum the last column in the grid output = TransformedOutput(A -> sum(view(A, :, 7)), init; tspan=1:3) sim!(output, Life()) output == [2, 2, 3] # Sum the first row in the :a grid of the NamedTuple output = TransformedOutput(gs -> sum(view(gs[:a], 1, :)), (a=init,); tspan=1:3) sim!(output, Life{:a}()) output == [0, 1, 2] end @testset "Defining new function" begin ruleAR = Cell() do data, state, I state + 10.0 end ruleNT = Cell{:a, :a}() do data, state, I state + 10.0 end # Defining 2 functions giving square of all single values f_square(AR::AbstractArray) = map(x -> x^2, AR) function f_square(NT::NamedTuple) v = [map(x -> x^2, el) for el in values(NT)] return NamedTuple{keys(NT)}(v) end @testset "Array" begin init = [1 3] f_square(init) == [1 9] transformed_output = TransformedOutput(f_square, init; tspan=1:3) sim!(transformed_output, ruleAR) @test transformed_output[1] == [1 3] .^2 @test transformed_output[2] == ([1 3] .+ 10) .^2 @test transformed_output[3] == ([1 3] .+ 10 .+ 10) .^2 end @testset "Single NamedTuple" begin init = (a = [1 3],) f_square(init) == (a = [ 1 9],) transformed_output = TransformedOutput(f_square, init; tspan=1:3) sim!(transformed_output, ruleNT) @test transformed_output[1] == (a=[1 3] .^2 ,) @test transformed_output[2] == (a=([1 3] .+ 10) .^2 ,) @test transformed_output[3] == (a=([1 3] .+ 10 .+ 10) .^2 ,) end @testset "Multiple NamedTuple" begin init = (a = [1 3], b = [2 5]) @test f_square(init) == (a = [1 9], b = [4 25]) transformed_output = TransformedOutput(f_square, init; tspan=1:3) sim!(transformed_output, ruleNT) @test transformed_output[1] == (a=[1 3] .^2 , b=[2 5] .^2) @test transformed_output[2] == (a=([1 3] .+ 10) .^2 , b=[2 5] .^2) @test transformed_output[3] == (a=([1 3] .+ 10 .+ 10) .^2 , b=[2 5] .^2) end end
[ "MIT" ]
using DynamicGrids, Test using DynamicGrids: inbounds, isinbounds, _inbounds, _isinbounds, _cyclic_index, SimData, _unwrap, ismasked @testset "boundary boundary checks are working" begin @testset "inbounds with Remove() returns index and false for an boundaryed index" begin @test _inbounds(Remove(), (4, 5), 1, 1) == ((1,1), true) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (4, 5), 2, 3) == ((2,3), true) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (4, 5), 4, 5) == ((4,5), true) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (4, 5), 0, 0) == ((0,0), false) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (3, 2), 2, 3) == ((2,3), false) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (1, 4), 2, 3) == ((2,3), false) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (2, 3), 200, 300) == ((200,300), false) @test _inbounds(Remove(), (4, 5), -3, -100) == ((-3,-100), false) end @testset "inbounds with Wrap() returns new index and true for an boundaryed index" begin @test _inbounds(Wrap(), (10, 10), -2, 3) == ((8, 3), true) @test _inbounds(Wrap(), (10, 10), 2, 0) == ((2, 10), true) @test _inbounds(Wrap(), (10, 10), 22, 0) == ((2, 10), true) @test _inbounds(Wrap(), (10, 10), -22, 0) == ((8, 10), true) end @testset "isinbounds" begin @test _isinbounds((4, 5), 4, 5) == true @test _isinbounds((2, 3), 200, 300) == false @test _isinbounds((10, 10), -22, 0) == false end @testset "boundscheck objects" begin output = ArrayOutput(zeros(Int, 10, 10); tspan=1:10) sd = SimData(output.extent, Ruleset()) @test inbounds(sd, 5, 5) == ((5, 5), true) @test inbounds(first(sd), 5, 5) == ((5, 5), true) @test inbounds(sd, 12, 5) == ((12, 5), false) sd_wrap = SimData(output.extent, Ruleset(; boundary=Wrap())) @test inbounds(sd_wrap, 5, 5) == ((5, 5), true) @test inbounds(sd_wrap, 12, 5) == ((2, 5), true) @test inbounds(first(sd_wrap), 12, 5) == ((2, 5), true) end end @testset "isinferred" begin @testset "unstable conditional" begin rule = let threshold = 20 Cell() do data, x, I x > 1 ? 2 : 0.0 end end output = ArrayOutput(rand(Int, 10, 10); tspan=1:10) @test_throws ErrorException isinferred(output, rule) end @testset "return type" begin rule = Neighbors{:a,:a}(Moore{1}(zeros(Bool, 3, 3))) do data, hood, x, I round(Int, x + sum(hood)) end output = ArrayOutput((a=rand(Int, 10, 10),); tspan=1:10) @test isinferred(output, rule) output = ArrayOutput((a=rand(Bool, 10, 10),); tspan=1:10) @test_throws ErrorException isinferred(output, rule) end @testset "let blocks" begin a = 0.7 rule = SetCell() do data, x, I add!(first(data), round(Int, a + x), I...) end output = ArrayOutput(zeros(Int, 10, 10); tspan=1:10) @test_throws ErrorException isinferred(output, Ruleset(rule)) a = 0.7 rule = let a = a SetCell() do data, x, I add!(first(data), round(Int, a), I...) end end output = ArrayOutput(zeros(Int, 10, 10); tspan=1:10) @test isinferred(output, Ruleset(rule)) end end @testset "ismasked" begin output = ArrayOutput(zeros(2, 2); mask=Bool[1 0; 0 1], tspan=1:10) sd = SimData(output.extent, Ruleset()) @test ismasked(sd, 1, 2) == true @test ismasked(sd, 2, 2) == false output_nomask = ArrayOutput(zeros(2, 2); tspan=1:10) sd = SimData(output_nomask.extent, Ruleset()) @test ismasked(sd, 1, 2) == false end @testset "unwrap" begin @test _unwrap(1) == 1 @test _unwrap(Val(:a)) == :a @test _unwrap(Aux(:a)) == :a @test _unwrap(Grid(:a)) == :a @test _unwrap(Aux{:x}) == :x @test _unwrap(Grid{:x}) == :x @test _unwrap(Val{:x}) == :x end
[ "MIT" ]
![DynamicGrids]( [![](]( [![](]( [![CI](]( [![](]( [![Aqua.jl Quality Assurance](]( DynamicGrids is a generalised framework for building high-performance grid-based spatial simulations, including cellular automata, but also allowing a wider range of behaviours like random jumps and interactions between multiple grids. It is extended by [Dispersal.jl]( for modelling organism dispersal processes. [DynamicGridsGtk.jl]( provides a simple live interface, while [DynamicGridsInteract.jl]( also has live control over model parameters while the simulation runs: real-time visual feedback for manual parametrisation and model exploration. DynamicGrids can run rules on single CPUs, threaded CPUs, and on CUDA GPUs. Simulation run-time is usually measured in fractions of a second. ![Dispersal quarantine]( *A dispersal simulation with quarantine interactions, using Dispersal.jl, custom rules and the GtkOuput from [DynamicGridsGtk]( Note that this is indicative of the real-time frame-rate on a laptop.* A DynamicGrids.jl simulation is run with a script like this one running the included game of life model `Life()`: ```julia using DynamicGrids, Crayons init = rand(Bool, 150, 200) output = REPLOutput(init; tspan=1:200, fps=30, color=Crayon(foreground=:red, background=:black, bold=true)) sim!(output, Life()) # Or define it from scratch (yes this is actually the whole implementation!) life = Neighbors(Moore(1)) do data, hood, state, I born_survive = (false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false), (false, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false) born_survive[state + 1][sum(hood) + 1] end sim!(output, life) ``` ![REPL life]( *A game of life simulation being displayed directly in a terminal.* # Concepts The framework is highly customisable, but there are some central ideas that define how a simulation works: *grids*, *rules*, and *outputs*. ## Grids Simulations run over one or many grids, derived from `init` of a single `AbstractArray` or a `NamedTuple` of multiple `AbstractArray`. Grids (`GridData` types) are, however not a single array but both source and destination arrays, to maintain independence between cell reads and writes where required. These may be padded or otherwise altered for specific performance optimisations. However, broadcasted `getindex` operations are guaranteed to work on them as if the grid is a regular array. This may be useful running simulations manually with `step!`. ### Grid contents Often grids contain simple values of some kind of `Number`, but other types are possible, such as `SArray`, `FieldVector` or other custom structs. Grids are updated by `Rule`s that are run for every cell, at every timestep. NOTE: Grids of mutable objects (e.g `Array` or any `mutable struct` have undefined behaviour. DynamicGrids.jl does not `deepcopy` grids between frames as it is expensive, so successive frames will contain the same objects. Mutable objects will not work at all on GPUs, and are relatively slow on CPUs. Instead, use regular immutable structs and `StaticArrays.jl` if you need arrays. Update them using `@set` from Setfield.jl or Accessors.jl, and generally use functional programming approaches over object-oriented ones. ### Init The `init` grid/s contain whatever initialisation data is required to start a simulation: the array type, size and element type, as well as providing the initial conditions: ```julia init = rand(Float32, 100, 100) ``` An `init` grid can be attached to an `Output`: ```julia output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:100) ``` or passed in to `sim!`, where it will take preference over the `init` attached to the `Output`, but must be the same type and size: ```julia sim!(output, ruleset; init=init) ``` For multiple grids, `init` is a `NamedTuple` of equal-sized arrays matching the names used in each `Ruleset` : ```julia init = (predator=rand(100, 100), prey=(rand(100, 100)) ``` Handling and passing of the correct grids to a `Rule` is automated by DynamicGrids.jl, as a no-cost abstraction. `Rule`s specify which grids they require in what order using the first two (`R` and `W`) type parameters. Dimensional or spatial `init` grids from [DimensionalData.jl]( or [GeoData.jl]( will propagate through the model to return output with explicit dimensions. This will plot correctly as a map using [Plots.jl](, to which shape files and observation points can be easily added. ### Non-Number Grids Grids containing custom and non-`Number` types are possible, with some caveats. They must define `` for their element type, and should be a bitstype for performance. Tuple does not define `zero`. `Array` is not a bitstype, and does not define `zero`. `SArray` from StaticArrays.jl is both, and can be used as the contents of a grid. Custom structs that defne `zero` should also work. However, for any multi-values grid element type, you will need to define a method of `DynamicGrids.to_rgb` that returns an `ARGB32` for them to work in `ImageOutput`s, and `isless` for the `REPLoutput` to work. A definition for multiplication by a scalar `Real` and addition are required to use `Convolution` kernels. ## Rules Rules hold the parameters for running a simulation, and are applied in `applyrule` method that is called for each of the active cells in the grid. Rules come in a number of flavours (outlined in the [docs]( This allows using specialised methods for different types of rules, ecoding assumtions about their behaviours that can greatly improve performance through more efficient use of caches and parallelisation. Rules can be collected in a `Ruleset`, with some additional arguments to control the simulation: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(Life(2, 3); opt=SparseOpt(), proc=CuGPU()) ``` Multiple rules can be combined in a `Ruleset` or simply passed to `sim!` directly. Each rule will be run for the whole grid, in sequence, using appropriate optimisations depending on the parent types of each rule: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule1, rule2; timestep=Day(1), opt=SparseOpt(), proc=ThreadedCPU()) ``` ## Output [Outputs]( are ways of storing or viewing a simulation. They can be used interchangeably depending on your needs: `ArrayOutput` is a simple storage structure for high performance-simulations. As with most outputs, it is initialised with the `init` array, but in this case it also requires the number of simulation frames to preallocate before the simulation runs. ```julia output = ArrayOutput(init; tspan=1:10) ``` The `REPLOutput` shown above is a `GraphicOutput` that can be useful for checking a simulation when working in a terminal or over ssh: ```julia output = REPLOutput(init; tspan=1:100) ``` `ImageOutput` is the most complex class of outputs, allowing full color visual simulations using ColorSchemes.jl. It can also display multiple grids using color composites or layouts, as shown above in the quarantine simulation. [DynamicGridsInteract.jl]( provides simulation interfaces for use in Juno, Jupyter, web pages or electron apps, with live interactive control over parameters, using [ModelParameters.jl]( [DynamicGridsGtk.jl]( is a simple graphical output for Gtk. These packages are kept separate to avoid dependencies when being used in non-graphical simulations. Outputs are also easy to write, and high performance applications may benefit from writing a custom output to reduce memory use, or using `TransformedOuput`. Performance of DynamicGrids.jl is dominated by cache interactions, so reducing memory use has positive effects. ## Example: Forest Fire This example implements the classic stochastic forest fire model in a few different ways, and benchmarks them. Note you will need ImageMagick.jl installed for `.gif` output to work. First we will define a Forest Fire algorithm that sets the current cell to burning, if a neighbor is burning. Dead cells can come back to life, and living cells can spontaneously catch fire: ```julia using DynamicGrids, ColorSchemes, Colors, BenchmarkTools const DEAD, ALIVE, BURNING = 1, 2, 3 neighbors_rule = let prob_combustion=0.0001, prob_regrowth=0.01 Neighbors(Moore(1)) do data, neighborhood, cell, I if cell == ALIVE if BURNING in neighborhood BURNING else rand() <= prob_combustion ? BURNING : ALIVE end elseif cell == BURNING DEAD else rand() <= prob_regrowth ? ALIVE : DEAD end end end # Set up the init array and output (using a Gtk window) init = fill(ALIVE, 400, 400) output = GifOutput(init; filename="forestfire.gif", tspan=1:200, fps=25, minval=DEAD, maxval=BURNING, scheme=ColorSchemes.rainbow, zerocolor=RGB24(0.0) ) # Run the simulation, which will save a gif when it completes sim!(output, neighbors_rule) ``` ![forestfire]( Timing the simulation for 200 steps, the performance is quite good. This particular CPU has six cores, and we get a 5.25x speedup by using all of them, which indicates good scaling: ```julia bench_output = ResultOutput(init; tspan=1:200) julia> @btime sim!($bench_output, $neighbors_rule); 477.183 ms (903 allocations: 2.57 MiB) julia> @btime sim!($bench_output, $neighbors_rule; proc=ThreadedCPU()); 91.321 ms (15188 allocations: 4.07 MiB) ``` We can also _invert_ the algorithm, setting cells in the neighborhood to burning if the current cell is burning, by using the `SetNeighbors` rule: ```julia setneighbors_rule = let prob_combustion=0.0001, prob_regrowth=0.01 SetNeighbors(Moore(1)) do data, neighborhood, cell, I if cell == DEAD if rand() <= prob_regrowth data[I...] = ALIVE end elseif cell == BURNING for pos in positions(neighborhood, I) if data[pos...] == ALIVE data[pos...] = BURNING end end data[I...] = DEAD elseif cell == ALIVE if rand() <= prob_combustion data[I...] = BURNING end end end end ``` _Note: we are not using `add!`, instead we just set the grid value directly. This usually risks errors if multiple cells set different values. Here they only ever set a currently living cell to burning in the next timestep. It doesn't matter if this happens multiple times, the result is the same._ And in this case (a fairly sparse simulation), this rule is faster: ```julia julia> @btime sim!($bench_output, $setneighbors_rule); 261.969 ms (903 allocations: 2.57 MiB) julia> @btime sim!($bench_output, $setneighbors_rule; proc=ThreadedCPU()); 65.489 ms (7154 allocations: 3.17 MiB) ``` But the scaling is not quite as good, at 3.9x for 6 cores. The first method may be better on a machine with a lot of cores. Last, we slightly rewrite these rules for GPU, as `rand` was not available within a GPU kernel. It is now, but it turns out that this method is faster! and interesting to demonstrate using multiple grids and `SetGrid`. This way we call `CUDA.rand!` on the entire parent array of the `:rand` grid, using a `SetGrid` rule: ```julia using CUDAKernels, CUDA randomiser = SetGrid{Tuple{},:rand}() do randgrid CUDA.rand!(parent(randgrid)) end ``` Now we define a Neighbors version for GPU, using the `:rand` grid values instead of `rand()`: ```julia neighbors_gpu = let prob_combustion=0.0001, prob_regrowth=0.01 Neighbors{Tuple{:ff,:rand},:ff}(Moore(1)) do data, neighborhood, (cell, rand), I if cell == ALIVE if BURNING in neighborhood BURNING else rand <= prob_combustion ? BURNING : ALIVE end elseif cell == BURNING DEAD else rand <= prob_regrowth ? ALIVE : DEAD end end end ``` And a SetNeighbors version for GPU: ```julia setneighbors_gpu = let prob_combustion=0.0001, prob_regrowth=0.01 SetNeighbors{Tuple{:ff,:rand},:ff}(Moore(1)) do data, neighborhood, (cell, rand), I if cell == DEAD if rand <= prob_regrowth data[:ff][I...] = ALIVE end elseif cell == BURNING for pos in positions(neighborhood, I) if data[:ff][pos...] == ALIVE data[:ff][pos...] = BURNING end end data[:ff][I...] = DEAD elseif cell == ALIVE if rand <= prob_combustion data[:ff][I...] = BURNING end end end end ``` Now benchmark both version on a GTX 1080 GPU. Despite the overhead of reading and writing two grids, this turns out to be even faster again: ```julia bench_output_rand = ResultOutput((ff=init, rand=zeros(size(init))); tspan=1:200) julia> @btime sim!($bench_output_rand, $randomiser, $neighbors_gpu; proc=CuGPU()); 30.621 ms (186284 allocations: 17.19 MiB) julia> @btime sim!($bench_output_rand, $randomiser, $setneighbors_gpu; proc=CuGPU()); 22.685 ms (147339 allocations: 15.61 MiB) ``` That is, we are running the rule at a rate of _1.4 billion times per second_. These timings could be improved (maybe 10-20%) by using grids of `Int32` or `Int16` to use less memory and cache. But we will stop here.
[ "MIT" ]
# DynamicGrids ```@docs DynamicGrids ``` ## Running simulations ```@docs sim! resume! step! ``` ## Rulesets ```@docs AbstractRuleset Ruleset ``` ## Options/Flags ### Boundary conditions ```@docs BoundaryCondition Wrap Remove ``` ### Hardware selection ```@docs DynamicGrids.Processor DynamicGrids.CPU SingleCPU ThreadedCPU DynamicGrids.GPU CuGPU CPUGPU ``` ### Performance optimisation ```@docs PerformanceOpt NoOpt SparseOpt ``` ## Rules ```@docs Rule DynamicGrids.SetRule ``` ### CellRule ```@docs CellRule Cell CopyTo ``` ### NeighborhoodRule ```@docs NeighborhoodRule Neighbors Convolution Life ``` ### SetCellRule ```@docs SetCellRule SetCell ``` ### SetNeighborhoodRule ```@docs SetNeighborhoodRule SetNeighbors ``` ### SetGridRule ```@docs SetGridRule SetGrid ``` ### Rule wrappers ```@docs RuleWrapper Chain RunIf RunAt ``` ### Parameter sources ```@docs ParameterSource Aux Grid DynamicGrids.AbstractDelay Delay Frame Lag ``` ### Custom Rule interface and helpers ```@docs DynamicGrids.applyrule DynamicGrids.applyrule! DynamicGrids.modifyrule isinferred ``` ### Methods and objects for use in `applyrule` and/or `modifyrule` ```@docs get DynamicGrids.isinbounds DynamicGrids.inbounds DynamicGrids.ismasked DynamicGrids.init DynamicGrids.aux DynamicGrids.mask DynamicGrids.tspan DynamicGrids.timestep DynamicGrids.currenttimestep DynamicGrids.currenttime DynamicGrids.currentframe DynamicGrids.AbstractSimData DynamicGrids.SimData DynamicGrids.RuleData DynamicGrids.GridData DynamicGrids.ReadableGridData DynamicGrids.WritableGridData DynamicGrids.AbstractSimSettings DynamicGrids.SimSettings ``` ## Neighborhoods ```@docs Neighborhood Moore VonNeumann Window DynamicGrids.AbstractPositionalNeighborhood Positional LayeredPositional ``` ### Methods for use with neighborhood rules and neighborhoods ```@docs neighborhood radius distances ``` Useful with [`NeighborhoodRule`](@ref): ```@docs neighbors ``` Useful with [`SetNeighborhoodRule`](@ref): ```@docs positions offsets ``` ### Convolution kernel neighborhoods ```@docs AbstractKernelNeighborhood Kernel kernel kernelproduct ``` ### Low level use of neighborhoods ```@docs DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.readwindow DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.unsafe_readwindow DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.updatewindow DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.unsafe_updatewindow DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.pad_axes DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.unpad_axes ``` ### Generic neighborhood applicators These can be used without the full simulation mechanisms, like `broadcast`. ```@docs DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.broadcast_neighborhood DynamicGrids.Neighborhoods.broadcast_neighborhood! ``` ## Atomic methods for SetCellRule and SetNeighborhoodRule Using these methods to modify grid values ensures cell independence, and also prevent race conditions with [`ThreadedCPU`](@ref) or [`CuGPU`]. ```@docs add! sub! min! max! and! or! xor! ``` ## Output ### Output Types and Constructors ```@docs Output ArrayOutput ResultOutput TransformedOutput GraphicOutput REPLOutput ImageOutput GifOutput ``` ### Renderers ```@docs Renderer DynamicGrids.SingleGridRenderer Image DynamicGrids.MultiGridRenderer Layout SparseOptInspector ``` ### Color schemes Schemes from Colorschemes.jl can be used for the `scheme` argument to `ImageOutput`, `Renderer`s. `Greyscale` control over the band of grey used, and is very fast. `ObjectScheme` is the default. ```@docs ObjectScheme Greyscale ``` ### Text labels ```@docs TextConfig ``` ### Saving gifs ```@docs savegif ``` ### `Output` interface These are used for defining your own outputs and `GridProcessors`, not for general scripting. ```@docs DynamicGrids.AbstractExtent DynamicGrids.Extent DynamicGrids.extent DynamicGrids.isasync DynamicGrids.storeframe! DynamicGrids.isrunning DynamicGrids.isshowable DynamicGrids.isstored DynamicGrids.initialise! DynamicGrids.finalise! DynamicGrids.frameindex ``` ### `GraphicOutput` interface Also includes `Output` interface. ```@docs DynamicGrids.GraphicConfig DynamicGrids.graphicconfig DynamicGrids.fps DynamicGrids.setfps! DynamicGrids.showframe DynamicGrids.initialisegraphics DynamicGrids.finalisegraphics ``` ### `ImageOutput` components and interface Also uses `Output` and `GraphicOutput` interfaces. ```@docs DynamicGrids.ImageConfig DynamicGrids.imageconfig DynamicGrids.showimage DynamicGrids.render! DynamicGrids.to_rgb ``` ## Custom grid element types It is common to use `Bool`, `Int` or `Float64` as the contents of a grid. But a range of object types can be used if they meet the interface criteria. Immutable, `isbits` objects are usually better and the only type officially to work - as they are loaded directly in the simulation. Mutable objects, especially containing pointers, may lead to incorrect stored results, and wont work at all on GPUs. Methods to define are: - `zero`: define zero of the object type - `oneunit`: define one of the object type - `isless`: define comparison between two of the objects - `*`: multiplication by a `Real` scalar. - `/`: division by a `Real` scalar. - `+`: addition to another object of the same type - `-`: subtraction from another object of the same type - `to_rgb`: return and `ARGB32` to visualise the object as a pixel In this example we define a struct with two fields. You will need to determine the correct behaviours for your own types, but hopefully this will get you started. ```julia struct MYStruct{A,B} a::A b::B end Base.isless(a::MyStruct, b::MyStruct) = isless(a.a, b.a){<:MyStruct{T1,T2}}) where {T1,T2} = MyStruct(zero(T1), zero(T2)) Base.oneunit(::Type{<:MyStruct{T1,T2}}) where {T1,T2} = MyStruct(one(T1), one(T2)) Base.:*(x::MyStruct, x::Number) = MyStruct(x.a * x, x.b * x) Base.:*(x::Number, x::MyStruct) = MyStruct(x * x.a, x * x.b) Base.:/(x::MyStruct, x::Number) = MyStruct(x.a / x, x.b / x) Base.:+(x1::MyStruct, x2::MyStruct) = MyStruct(x1.a + x2.a, x1.b + x2.b) Base.:-(x1::MyStruct, x2::MyStruct) = MyStruct(x1.a - x2.a, x1.b - x2.b) ``` To generate rgb colors for an `ImageOuput`, you must define `to_rgb`, at least for the default `ObjectScheme`, but this can also be done for other schemes such as ColorSchemes.jl, or `GreyScale`, by calling `get` on the scheme and a `Real` value. Note that the objects will be normalised to values between zero and one by `minval` and `maxval` scalars prior to this, using the division operators defined above. It is preferable to use `minval` and `maxval` over normalising in `to_rgb` - as this will not be as flexible for scripting. ```julia DynamicGrids.to_rgb(::ObjectScheme, obj::MyStruct) = ARGB32(obj.a, obj.b, 0) DynamicGrids.to_rgb(scheme, obj::MyStruct) = get(scheme, obj.a) ``` See the `test/objectgrids.jl` tests for more details on using complex objects in grids.
[ "MIT" ]
push!(LOAD_PATH,"../src/") using ExifViewer using Documenter DocMeta.setdocmeta!(ExifViewer, :DocTestSetup, :(using ExifViewer); recursive=true) makedocs(; modules=[ExifViewer], sitename="ExifViewer.jl", ) deploydocs(; repo="", )
[ "MIT" ]
using Clang.JLLEnvs using Clang.Generators using libexif_jll include_dir = normpath(libexif_jll.artifact_dir, "include") prefix = "/libexif/" headers = [ joinpath(include_dir * prefix, header) for header in readdir(include_dir * prefix) if endswith(header, ".h") ] options = load_options(joinpath(@__DIR__, "generator.toml")) args = get_default_args() push!(args, "-I$include_dir") push!(args, "--include=stdint.h") ctx = create_context(headers, args, options) build!(ctx)
[ "MIT" ]
module LibExif using libexif_jll export libexif_jll @enum ExifByteOrder::UInt32 begin EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_MOTOROLA = 0 EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL = 1 end function exif_byte_order_get_name(order) ccall((:exif_byte_order_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifByteOrder,), order) end mutable struct _ExifContentPrivate end ExifContentPrivate = _ExifContentPrivate mutable struct _ExifContent entries::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} # entries::Ptr{Ptr{ExifEntry}} count::Cuint parent::Ptr{Cvoid} # parent::Ptr{ExifData} priv::Ptr{ExifContentPrivate} end function Base.getproperty(x::_ExifContent, f::Symbol) f === :entries && return Ptr{Ptr{ExifEntry}}(getfield(x, f)) f === :parent && return Ptr{ExifData}(getfield(x, f)) return getfield(x, f) end ExifContent = _ExifContent @enum ExifIfd::UInt32 begin EXIF_IFD_0 = 0 EXIF_IFD_1 = 1 EXIF_IFD_EXIF = 2 EXIF_IFD_GPS = 3 EXIF_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY = 4 EXIF_IFD_COUNT = 5 end function exif_content_get_ifd(c) ccall((:exif_content_get_ifd, libexif), ExifIfd, (Ptr{ExifContent},), c) end @enum ExifTag::UInt32 begin EXIF_TAG_INTEROPERABILITY_INDEX = 1 EXIF_TAG_INTEROPERABILITY_VERSION = 2 EXIF_TAG_NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE = 254 EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH = 256 EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH = 257 EXIF_TAG_BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 258 EXIF_TAG_COMPRESSION = 259 EXIF_TAG_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION = 262 EXIF_TAG_FILL_ORDER = 266 EXIF_TAG_DOCUMENT_NAME = 269 EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION = 270 EXIF_TAG_MAKE = 271 EXIF_TAG_MODEL = 272 EXIF_TAG_STRIP_OFFSETS = 273 EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION = 274 EXIF_TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL = 277 EXIF_TAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP = 278 EXIF_TAG_STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS = 279 EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION = 282 EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION = 283 EXIF_TAG_PLANAR_CONFIGURATION = 284 EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT = 296 EXIF_TAG_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = 301 EXIF_TAG_SOFTWARE = 305 EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME = 306 EXIF_TAG_ARTIST = 315 EXIF_TAG_WHITE_POINT = 318 EXIF_TAG_PRIMARY_CHROMATICITIES = 319 EXIF_TAG_SUB_IFDS = 330 EXIF_TAG_TRANSFER_RANGE = 342 EXIF_TAG_JPEG_PROC = 512 EXIF_TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = 513 EXIF_TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_LENGTH = 514 EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_COEFFICIENTS = 529 EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_SUB_SAMPLING = 530 EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING = 531 EXIF_TAG_REFERENCE_BLACK_WHITE = 532 EXIF_TAG_XML_PACKET = 700 EXIF_TAG_RELATED_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT = 4096 EXIF_TAG_RELATED_IMAGE_WIDTH = 4097 EXIF_TAG_RELATED_IMAGE_LENGTH = 4098 EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_DEPTH = 32997 EXIF_TAG_CFA_REPEAT_PATTERN_DIM = 33421 EXIF_TAG_CFA_PATTERN = 33422 EXIF_TAG_BATTERY_LEVEL = 33423 EXIF_TAG_COPYRIGHT = 33432 EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME = 33434 EXIF_TAG_FNUMBER = 33437 EXIF_TAG_IPTC_NAA = 33723 EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_RESOURCES = 34377 EXIF_TAG_EXIF_IFD_POINTER = 34665 EXIF_TAG_INTER_COLOR_PROFILE = 34675 EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM = 34850 EXIF_TAG_SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY = 34852 EXIF_TAG_GPS_INFO_IFD_POINTER = 34853 EXIF_TAG_ISO_SPEED_RATINGS = 34855 EXIF_TAG_OECF = 34856 EXIF_TAG_TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = 34858 EXIF_TAG_SENSITIVITY_TYPE = 34864 EXIF_TAG_STANDARD_OUTPUT_SENSITIVITY = 34865 EXIF_TAG_RECOMMENDED_EXPOSURE_INDEX = 34866 EXIF_TAG_ISO_SPEED = 34867 EXIF_TAG_ISO_SPEEDLatitudeYYY = 34868 EXIF_TAG_ISO_SPEEDLatitudeZZZ = 34869 EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION = 36864 EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL = 36867 EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED = 36868 EXIF_TAG_OFFSET_TIME = 36880 EXIF_TAG_OFFSET_TIME_ORIGINAL = 36881 EXIF_TAG_OFFSET_TIME_DIGITIZED = 36882 EXIF_TAG_COMPONENTS_CONFIGURATION = 37121 EXIF_TAG_COMPRESSED_BITS_PER_PIXEL = 37122 EXIF_TAG_SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE = 37377 EXIF_TAG_APERTURE_VALUE = 37378 EXIF_TAG_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE = 37379 EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_BIAS_VALUE = 37380 EXIF_TAG_MAX_APERTURE_VALUE = 37381 EXIF_TAG_SUBJECT_DISTANCE = 37382 EXIF_TAG_METERING_MODE = 37383 EXIF_TAG_LIGHT_SOURCE = 37384 EXIF_TAG_FLASH = 37385 EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH = 37386 EXIF_TAG_SUBJECT_AREA = 37396 EXIF_TAG_TIFF_EP_STANDARD_ID = 37398 EXIF_TAG_MAKER_NOTE = 37500 EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT = 37510 EXIF_TAG_SUB_SEC_TIME = 37520 EXIF_TAG_SUB_SEC_TIME_ORIGINAL = 37521 EXIF_TAG_SUB_SEC_TIME_DIGITIZED = 37522 EXIF_TAG_XP_TITLE = 40091 EXIF_TAG_XP_COMMENT = 40092 EXIF_TAG_XP_AUTHOR = 40093 EXIF_TAG_XP_KEYWORDS = 40094 EXIF_TAG_XP_SUBJECT = 40095 EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION = 40960 EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE = 40961 EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION = 40962 EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_Y_DIMENSION = 40963 EXIF_TAG_RELATED_SOUND_FILE = 40964 EXIF_TAG_INTEROPERABILITY_IFD_POINTER = 40965 EXIF_TAG_FLASH_ENERGY = 41483 EXIF_TAG_SPATIAL_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE = 41484 EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_X_RESOLUTION = 41486 EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_Y_RESOLUTION = 41487 EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT = 41488 EXIF_TAG_SUBJECT_LOCATION = 41492 EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_INDEX = 41493 EXIF_TAG_SENSING_METHOD = 41495 EXIF_TAG_FILE_SOURCE = 41728 EXIF_TAG_SCENE_TYPE = 41729 EXIF_TAG_NEW_CFA_PATTERN = 41730 EXIF_TAG_CUSTOM_RENDERED = 41985 EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_MODE = 41986 EXIF_TAG_WHITE_BALANCE = 41987 EXIF_TAG_DIGITAL_ZOOM_RATIO = 41988 EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH_IN_35MM_FILM = 41989 EXIF_TAG_SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE = 41990 EXIF_TAG_GAIN_CONTROL = 41991 EXIF_TAG_CONTRAST = 41992 EXIF_TAG_SATURATION = 41993 EXIF_TAG_SHARPNESS = 41994 EXIF_TAG_DEVICE_SETTING_DESCRIPTION = 41995 EXIF_TAG_SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE = 41996 EXIF_TAG_IMAGE_UNIQUE_ID = 42016 EXIF_TAG_CAMERA_OWNER_NAME = 42032 EXIF_TAG_BODY_SERIAL_NUMBER = 42033 EXIF_TAG_LENS_SPECIFICATION = 42034 EXIF_TAG_LENS_MAKE = 42035 EXIF_TAG_LENS_MODEL = 42036 EXIF_TAG_LENS_SERIAL_NUMBER = 42037 EXIF_TAG_COMPOSITE_IMAGE = 42080 EXIF_TAG_SOURCE_IMAGE_NUMBER_OF_COMPOSITE_IMAGE = 42081 EXIF_TAG_SOURCE_EXPOSURE_TIMES_OF_COMPOSITE_IMAGE = 42082 EXIF_TAG_GAMMA = 42240 EXIF_TAG_PRINT_IMAGE_MATCHING = 50341 EXIF_TAG_PADDING = 59932 end @enum ExifFormat::UInt32 begin EXIF_FORMAT_BYTE = 1 EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII = 2 EXIF_FORMAT_SHORT = 3 EXIF_FORMAT_LONG = 4 EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL = 5 EXIF_FORMAT_SBYTE = 6 EXIF_FORMAT_UNDEFINED = 7 EXIF_FORMAT_SSHORT = 8 EXIF_FORMAT_SLONG = 9 EXIF_FORMAT_SRATIONAL = 10 EXIF_FORMAT_FLOAT = 11 EXIF_FORMAT_DOUBLE = 12 end mutable struct _ExifEntryPrivate end ExifEntryPrivate = _ExifEntryPrivate mutable struct _ExifEntry tag::ExifTag format::ExifFormat components::Culong data::Ptr{Cuchar} size::Cuint parent::Ptr{ExifContent} priv::Ptr{ExifEntryPrivate} end function Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{_ExifEntry}, f::Symbol) f === :tag && return Ptr{ExifTag}(x + 0) f === :format && return Ptr{ExifFormat}(x + 4) f === :components && return Ptr{Culong}(x + 8) f === :data && return Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}}(x + 16) f === :size && return Ptr{Cuint}(x + 24) f === :parent && return Ptr{Ptr{ExifContent}}(x + 32) f === :priv && return Ptr{Ptr{ExifEntryPrivate}}(x + 40) return getfield(x, f) end function Base.setproperty!(x::Ptr{_ExifEntry}, f::Symbol, v) unsafe_store!(getproperty(x, f), v) end ExifEntry = _ExifEntry function exif_content_get_entry(content, tag) ccall((:exif_content_get_entry, libexif), Ptr{ExifEntry}, (Ptr{ExifContent}, ExifTag), content, tag) end function exif_entry_get_value(entry, val, maxlen) ccall((:exif_entry_get_value, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{ExifEntry}, Ptr{Cchar}, Cuint), entry, val, maxlen) end function exif_ifd_get_name(ifd) ccall((:exif_ifd_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifIfd,), ifd) end @enum ExifDataType::UInt32 begin EXIF_DATA_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED_CHUNKY = 0 EXIF_DATA_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED_PLANAR = 1 EXIF_DATA_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED_YCC = 2 EXIF_DATA_TYPE_COMPRESSED = 3 EXIF_DATA_TYPE_COUNT = 4 # EXIF_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 4 end @enum ExifSupportLevel::UInt32 begin EXIF_SUPPORT_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 0 EXIF_SUPPORT_LEVEL_NOT_RECORDED = 1 EXIF_SUPPORT_LEVEL_MANDATORY = 2 EXIF_SUPPORT_LEVEL_OPTIONAL = 3 end function exif_tag_from_name(name) ccall((:exif_tag_from_name, libexif), ExifTag, (Ptr{Cchar},), name) end function exif_tag_get_name_in_ifd(tag, ifd) ccall((:exif_tag_get_name_in_ifd, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifTag, ExifIfd), tag, ifd) end function exif_tag_get_title_in_ifd(tag, ifd) ccall((:exif_tag_get_title_in_ifd, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifTag, ExifIfd), tag, ifd) end function exif_tag_get_description_in_ifd(tag, ifd) ccall((:exif_tag_get_description_in_ifd, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifTag, ExifIfd), tag, ifd) end function exif_tag_get_support_level_in_ifd(tag, ifd, t) ccall((:exif_tag_get_support_level_in_ifd, libexif), ExifSupportLevel, (ExifTag, ExifIfd, ExifDataType), tag, ifd, t) end function exif_tag_get_name(tag) ccall((:exif_tag_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifTag,), tag) end function exif_tag_get_title(tag) ccall((:exif_tag_get_title, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifTag,), tag) end function exif_tag_get_description(tag) ccall((:exif_tag_get_description, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifTag,), tag) end function exif_tag_table_get_tag(n) ccall((:exif_tag_table_get_tag, libexif), ExifTag, (Cuint,), n) end function exif_tag_table_get_name(n) ccall((:exif_tag_table_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (Cuint,), n) end function exif_tag_table_count() ccall((:exif_tag_table_count, libexif), Cuint, ()) end function exif_format_get_name(format) ccall((:exif_format_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifFormat,), format) end function exif_format_get_size(format) ccall((:exif_format_get_size, libexif), Cuchar, (ExifFormat,), format) end ExifByte = Cuchar ExifSByte = Int8 ExifAscii = Ptr{Cchar} ExifShort = UInt16 ExifSShort = Int16 ExifLong = UInt32 ExifSLong = Int32 struct ExifRational numerator::ExifLong denominator::ExifLong end ExifUndefined = Cchar struct ExifSRational numerator::ExifSLong denominator::ExifSLong end function exif_get_short(b, order) ccall((:exif_get_short, libexif), ExifShort, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder), b, order) end function exif_get_sshort(b, order) ccall((:exif_get_sshort, libexif), ExifSShort, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder), b, order) end function exif_get_long(b, order) ccall((:exif_get_long, libexif), ExifLong, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder), b, order) end function exif_get_slong(b, order) ccall((:exif_get_slong, libexif), ExifSLong, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder), b, order) end function exif_get_rational(b, order) ccall((:exif_get_rational, libexif), ExifRational, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder), b, order) end function exif_get_srational(b, order) ccall((:exif_get_srational, libexif), ExifSRational, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder), b, order) end function exif_set_short(b, order, value) ccall((:exif_set_short, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder, ExifShort), b, order, value) end function exif_set_sshort(b, order, value) ccall((:exif_set_sshort, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder, ExifSShort), b, order, value) end function exif_set_long(b, order, value) ccall((:exif_set_long, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder, ExifLong), b, order, value) end function exif_set_slong(b, order, value) ccall((:exif_set_slong, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder, ExifSLong), b, order, value) end function exif_set_rational(b, order, value) ccall((:exif_set_rational, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder, ExifRational), b, order, value) end function exif_set_srational(b, order, value) ccall((:exif_set_srational, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cuchar}, ExifByteOrder, ExifSRational), b, order, value) end function exif_convert_utf16_to_utf8(out, in, maxlen) ccall((:exif_convert_utf16_to_utf8, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cuchar}, Cint), out, in, maxlen) end function exif_array_set_byte_order(arg1, arg2, arg3, o_orig, o_new) ccall((:exif_array_set_byte_order, libexif), Cvoid, (ExifFormat, Ptr{Cuchar}, Cuint, ExifByteOrder, ExifByteOrder), arg1, arg2, arg3, o_orig, o_new) end # typedef void * ( * ExifMemAllocFunc ) ( ExifLong s ) ExifMemAllocFunc = Ptr{Cvoid} # typedef void * ( * ExifMemReallocFunc ) ( void * p , ExifLong s ) ExifMemReallocFunc = Ptr{Cvoid} # typedef void ( * ExifMemFreeFunc ) ( void * p ) ExifMemFreeFunc = Ptr{Cvoid} mutable struct _ExifMem end ExifMem = _ExifMem function exif_mem_new(a, r, f) ccall((:exif_mem_new, libexif), Ptr{ExifMem}, (ExifMemAllocFunc, ExifMemReallocFunc, ExifMemFreeFunc), a, r, f) end function exif_mem_ref(arg1) ccall((:exif_mem_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMem},), arg1) end function exif_mem_unref(arg1) ccall((:exif_mem_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMem},), arg1) end function exif_mem_alloc(m, s) ccall((:exif_mem_alloc, libexif), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{ExifMem}, ExifLong), m, s) end function exif_mem_realloc(m, p, s) ccall((:exif_mem_realloc, libexif), Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{ExifMem}, Ptr{Cvoid}, ExifLong), m, p, s) end function exif_mem_free(m, p) ccall((:exif_mem_free, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMem}, Ptr{Cvoid}), m, p) end function exif_mem_new_default() ccall((:exif_mem_new_default, libexif), Ptr{ExifMem}, ()) end function exif_entry_new() ccall((:exif_entry_new, libexif), Ptr{ExifEntry}, ()) end function exif_entry_new_mem(arg1) ccall((:exif_entry_new_mem, libexif), Ptr{ExifEntry}, (Ptr{ExifMem},), arg1) end function exif_entry_ref(entry) ccall((:exif_entry_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifEntry},), entry) end function exif_entry_unref(entry) ccall((:exif_entry_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifEntry},), entry) end function exif_entry_free(entry) ccall((:exif_entry_free, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifEntry},), entry) end function exif_entry_initialize(e, tag) ccall((:exif_entry_initialize, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifEntry}, ExifTag), e, tag) end function exif_entry_fix(entry) ccall((:exif_entry_fix, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifEntry},), entry) end function exif_entry_dump(entry, indent) ccall((:exif_entry_dump, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifEntry}, Cuint), entry, indent) end mutable struct _ExifLog end ExifLog = _ExifLog function exif_log_new() ccall((:exif_log_new, libexif), Ptr{ExifLog}, ()) end function exif_log_new_mem(arg1) ccall((:exif_log_new_mem, libexif), Ptr{ExifLog}, (Ptr{ExifMem},), arg1) end function exif_log_ref(log) ccall((:exif_log_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLog},), log) end function exif_log_unref(log) ccall((:exif_log_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLog},), log) end function exif_log_free(log) ccall((:exif_log_free, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLog},), log) end @enum ExifLogCode::UInt32 begin EXIF_LOG_CODE_NONE = 0 EXIF_LOG_CODE_DEBUG = 1 EXIF_LOG_CODE_NO_MEMORY = 2 EXIF_LOG_CODE_CORRUPT_DATA = 3 end function exif_log_code_get_title(code) ccall((:exif_log_code_get_title, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifLogCode,), code) end function exif_log_code_get_message(code) ccall((:exif_log_code_get_message, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifLogCode,), code) end # typedef void ( * ExifLogFunc ) ( ExifLog * log , ExifLogCode , char * domain , char * format , va_list args , void * data ) ExifLogFunc = Ptr{Cvoid} function exif_log_set_func(log, func, data) ccall((:exif_log_set_func, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLog}, ExifLogFunc, Ptr{Cvoid}), log, func, data) end mutable struct _ExifDataPrivate end ExifDataPrivate = _ExifDataPrivate struct _ExifData ifd::NTuple{5, Ptr{ExifContent}} data::Ptr{Cuchar} size::Cuint priv::Ptr{ExifDataPrivate} end ExifData = _ExifData mutable struct _ExifMnoteData end ExifMnoteData = _ExifMnoteData function exif_mnote_data_ref(arg1) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData},), arg1) end function exif_mnote_data_unref(arg1) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData},), arg1) end function exif_mnote_data_load(d, buf, buf_size) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_load, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Ptr{Cuchar}, Cuint), d, buf, buf_size) end function exif_mnote_data_save(d, buf, buf_size) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_save, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}}, Ptr{Cuint}), d, buf, buf_size) end function exif_mnote_data_count(d) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_count, libexif), Cuint, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData},), d) end function exif_mnote_data_get_id(d, n) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_get_id, libexif), Cuint, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Cuint), d, n) end function exif_mnote_data_get_name(d, n) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Cuint), d, n) end function exif_mnote_data_get_title(d, n) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_get_title, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Cuint), d, n) end function exif_mnote_data_get_description(d, n) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_get_description, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Cuint), d, n) end function exif_mnote_data_get_value(d, n, val, maxlen) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_get_value, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Cuint, Ptr{Cchar}, Cuint), d, n, val, maxlen) end function exif_mnote_data_log(arg1, arg2) ccall((:exif_mnote_data_log, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, Ptr{ExifLog}), arg1, arg2) end function exif_data_new() ccall((:exif_data_new, libexif), Ptr{ExifData}, ()) end function exif_data_new_mem(arg1) ccall((:exif_data_new_mem, libexif), Ptr{ExifData}, (Ptr{ExifMem},), arg1) end function exif_data_new_from_file(path) ccall((:exif_data_new_from_file, libexif), Ptr{ExifData}, (Ptr{Cchar},), path) end function exif_data_new_from_data(data, size) ccall((:exif_data_new_from_data, libexif), Ptr{ExifData}, (Ptr{Cuchar}, Cuint), data, size) end function exif_data_load_data(data, d, size) ccall((:exif_data_load_data, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, Ptr{Cuchar}, Cuint), data, d, size) end function exif_data_save_data(data, d, ds) ccall((:exif_data_save_data, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}}, Ptr{Cuint}), data, d, ds) end function exif_data_ref(data) ccall((:exif_data_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData},), data) end function exif_data_unref(data) ccall((:exif_data_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData},), data) end function exif_data_free(data) ccall((:exif_data_free, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData},), data) end function exif_data_get_byte_order(data) ccall((:exif_data_get_byte_order, libexif), ExifByteOrder, (Ptr{ExifData},), data) end function exif_data_set_byte_order(data, order) ccall((:exif_data_set_byte_order, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, ExifByteOrder), data, order) end function exif_data_get_mnote_data(d) ccall((:exif_data_get_mnote_data, libexif), Ptr{ExifMnoteData}, (Ptr{ExifData},), d) end function exif_data_fix(d) ccall((:exif_data_fix, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData},), d) end # typedef void ( * ExifDataForeachContentFunc ) ( ExifContent * , void * user_data ) ExifDataForeachContentFunc = Ptr{Cvoid} function exif_data_foreach_content(data, func, user_data) ccall((:exif_data_foreach_content, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, ExifDataForeachContentFunc, Ptr{Cvoid}), data, func, user_data) end @enum ExifDataOption::UInt32 begin EXIF_DATA_OPTION_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_TAGS = 1 EXIF_DATA_OPTION_FOLLOW_SPECIFICATION = 2 EXIF_DATA_OPTION_DONT_CHANGE_MAKER_NOTE = 4 end function exif_data_option_get_name(o) ccall((:exif_data_option_get_name, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifDataOption,), o) end function exif_data_option_get_description(o) ccall((:exif_data_option_get_description, libexif), Ptr{Cchar}, (ExifDataOption,), o) end function exif_data_set_option(d, o) ccall((:exif_data_set_option, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, ExifDataOption), d, o) end function exif_data_unset_option(d, o) ccall((:exif_data_unset_option, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, ExifDataOption), d, o) end function exif_data_set_data_type(d, dt) ccall((:exif_data_set_data_type, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, ExifDataType), d, dt) end function exif_data_get_data_type(d) ccall((:exif_data_get_data_type, libexif), ExifDataType, (Ptr{ExifData},), d) end function exif_data_dump(data) ccall((:exif_data_dump, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData},), data) end function exif_data_log(data, log) ccall((:exif_data_log, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifData}, Ptr{ExifLog}), data, log) end function exif_content_new() ccall((:exif_content_new, libexif), Ptr{ExifContent}, ()) end function exif_content_new_mem(arg1) ccall((:exif_content_new_mem, libexif), Ptr{ExifContent}, (Ptr{ExifMem},), arg1) end function exif_content_ref(content) ccall((:exif_content_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent},), content) end function exif_content_unref(content) ccall((:exif_content_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent},), content) end function exif_content_free(content) ccall((:exif_content_free, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent},), content) end function exif_content_add_entry(c, entry) ccall((:exif_content_add_entry, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent}, Ptr{ExifEntry}), c, entry) end function exif_content_remove_entry(c, e) ccall((:exif_content_remove_entry, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent}, Ptr{ExifEntry}), c, e) end function exif_content_fix(c) ccall((:exif_content_fix, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent},), c) end # typedef void ( * ExifContentForeachEntryFunc ) ( ExifEntry * , void * user_data ) ExifContentForeachEntryFunc = Ptr{Cvoid} function exif_content_foreach_entry(content, func, user_data) ccall((:exif_content_foreach_entry, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent}, ExifContentForeachEntryFunc, Ptr{Cvoid}), content, func, user_data) end function exif_content_dump(content, indent) ccall((:exif_content_dump, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent}, Cuint), content, indent) end function exif_content_log(content, log) ccall((:exif_content_log, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifContent}, Ptr{ExifLog}), content, log) end mutable struct _ExifLoader end ExifLoader = _ExifLoader function exif_loader_new() ccall((:exif_loader_new, libexif), Ptr{ExifLoader}, ()) end function exif_loader_new_mem(mem) ccall((:exif_loader_new_mem, libexif), Ptr{ExifLoader}, (Ptr{ExifMem},), mem) end function exif_loader_ref(loader) ccall((:exif_loader_ref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLoader},), loader) end function exif_loader_unref(loader) ccall((:exif_loader_unref, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLoader},), loader) end function exif_loader_write_file(loader, fname) ccall((:exif_loader_write_file, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLoader}, Ptr{Cchar}), loader, fname) end function exif_loader_write(loader, buf, sz) ccall((:exif_loader_write, libexif), Cuchar, (Ptr{ExifLoader}, Ptr{Cuchar}, Cuint), loader, buf, sz) end function exif_loader_reset(loader) ccall((:exif_loader_reset, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLoader},), loader) end function exif_loader_get_data(loader) ccall((:exif_loader_get_data, libexif), Ptr{ExifData}, (Ptr{ExifLoader},), loader) end function exif_loader_get_buf(loader, buf, buf_size) ccall((:exif_loader_get_buf, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLoader}, Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}}, Ptr{Cuint}), loader, buf, buf_size) end function exif_loader_log(loader, log) ccall((:exif_loader_log, libexif), Cvoid, (Ptr{ExifLoader}, Ptr{ExifLog}), loader, log) end @enum ExifTagGPS::UInt16 begin EXIF_TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID = 0x0000 EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF = 0x0001 EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE = 0x0002 EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF = 0x0003 EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE = 0x0004 EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF = 0x0005 EXIF_TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE = 0x0006 EXIF_TAG_GPS_TIME_STAMP = 0x0007 EXIF_TAG_GPS_SATELLITES = 0x0008 EXIF_TAG_GPS_STATUS = 0x0009 EXIF_TAG_GPS_MEASURE_MODE = 0x000a EXIF_TAG_GPS_DOP = 0x000b EXIF_TAG_GPS_SPEED_REF = 0x000c EXIF_TAG_GPS_SPEED = 0x000d EXIF_TAG_GPS_TRACK_REF = 0x000e EXIF_TAG_GPS_TRACK = 0x000f EXIF_TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION_REF = 0x0010 EXIF_TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION = 0x0011 EXIF_TAG_GPS_MAP_DATUM = 0x0012 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_LATITUDE_REF = 0x0013 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_LATITUDE = 0x0014 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_LONGITUDE_REF = 0x0015 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_LONGITUDE = 0x0016 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_BEARING_REF = 0x0017 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_BEARING = 0x0018 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_DISTANCE_REF = 0x0019 EXIF_TAG_GPS_DEST_DISTANCE = 0x001a EXIF_TAG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD = 0x001b EXIF_TAG_GPS_AREA_INFORMATION = 0x001c EXIF_TAG_GPS_DATE_STAMP = 0x001d EXIF_TAG_GPS_DIFFERENTIAL = 0x001e EXIF_TAG_GPS_H_POSITIONING_ERROR = 0x001f # EXIF_TAG_UNKNOWN_C4A5 = EXIF_TAG_PRINT_IMAGE_MATCHING EXIF_TAG_UNKNOWN_C4A5 = 0xc4a5 # EXIF_TAG_SUBSEC_TIME = EXIF_TAG_SUB_SEC_TIME EXIF_TAG_SUBSEC_TIME = 0x9290 end end # module
[ "MIT" ]
module ExifViewer include("../lib/LibExif.jl") using .LibExif using ColorTypes using JpegTurbo include("utils.jl") include("read.jl") include("write.jl") include("precompile.jl") export read_tags, write_tags end
[ "MIT" ]
using SnoopPrecompile # setup for precompilation @precompile_setup begin file = UInt8[0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe1, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x45, 0x78, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x49, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x1a, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x56, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1b, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3b, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x69, 0x87, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x73, 0x68, 0x77, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, 0x07, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x32, 0x31, 0x30, 0x01, 0x91, 0x07, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x30, 0x01, 0xa0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x10, 0x4a, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xdb, 0x00, 0x43, 0x00, 0x03, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08, 0x06, 0x06, 0x05, 0x06, 0x09, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x08, 0x09, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0e, 0x0b, 0x09, 0x09, 0x0d, 0x11, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x12, 0x13, 0x12, 0x10, 0x13, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xff, 0xdb, 0x00, 0x43, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x0b, 0x09, 0x0b, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x11, 0x08, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x22, 0x00, 0x02, 0x11, 0x01, 0x03, 0x11, 0x01, 0xff, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0xff, 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb5, 0x10, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, 0x02, 0x04, 0x03, 0x05, 0x05, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x7d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x04, 0x11, 0x05, 0x12, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41, 0x06, 0x13, 0x51, 0x61, 0x07, 0x22, 0x71, 0x14, 0x32, 0x81, 0x91, 0xa1, 0x08, 0x23, 0x42, 0xb1, 0xc1, 0x15, 0x52, 0xd1, 0xf0, 0x24, 0x33, 0x62, 0x72, 0x82, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xff, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0xff, 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb5, 0x11, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x07, 0x05, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x77, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x11, 0x04, 0x05, 0x21, 0x31, 0x06, 0x12, 0x41, 0x51, 0x07, 0x61, 0x71, 0x13, 0x22, 0x32, 0x81, 0x08, 0x14, 0x42, 0x91, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0xc1, 0x09, 0x23, 0x33, 0x52, 0xf0, 0x15, 0x62, 0x72, 0xd1, 0x0a, 0x16, 0x24, 0x34, 0xe1, 0x25, 0xf1, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xff, 0xda, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x11, 0x03, 0x11, 0x00, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xaa, 0xa2, 0x8a, 0x28, 0x03, 0xff, 0xd9] path = joinpath(tempdir(), "tmp.jpg") write(path, file) tags = Dict{String, String}( "EXIF_TAG_MAKE" => "test", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left", "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION" => "300", "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION" => "300", ) imgs_list = Any[ rand(Gray{ColorTypes.N0f8}, 32, 32), rand(RGB{ColorTypes.N0f8}, 32, 32), rand(Gray{ColorTypes.Float64}, 32, 32), rand(RGB{Float64}, 32, 32), rand(ColorTypes.N0f8, 32, 32), rand(ColorTypes.Float64, 32, 32) ] # precompiling the calls for future, therefore future calls are faster @precompile_all_calls begin read_tags(file; read_all=true) read_tags(path; read_all=true) open(path, "r") do io read_tags(io; read_all=true) end for img in imgs_list write_tags(path; img, tags) end end rm(path) end
[ "MIT" ]
const IFDS_ALL_FIELDS = 1:5 # Specifies all IFDs(Image File Directory) """ read_tags(data::Vector{UInt8}; kwargs...}) read_tags(filepath::AbstractString; kwargs...) read_tags(io::IO; kwargs...) Read EXIF tags from the input source data. Return an empty dictionary if the source data doesn't contain EXIF tags. #### Keyword Arguments - `ifds::Union{Int,NTuple,UnitRange}` : Defines which IFD(Image file directory) to search in for the EXIF tags. Default is all ifds i.e. 1:5. - `read_all::Bool` : Defines if all EXIF tags are to be read or not. By default, `read_all` is true. - `tags::Vector{LibExif.ExifTag}` : Defines which tags to search, in case `read_all` is false. When `read_all` is false, tags that need to be searched need to defined manually. Tags can be provided using bunch of methods but its suggested to supply a vector of strings with each string representing a EXIF tag i.e. ["`EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION`", "`EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION`"] - `extract_thumbnail::Bool` : Defines whether to read the thumbnail data or not. By default, `extract_thumbnail` is false. - `read_mnote::Bool` : Defines whether to read the mnote(MakerNote) tags data or not. By default, `read_mnote` is false. List of all available tags to search is available here: #### Examples ```jl julia> using TestImages, ExifViewer julia> filepath = testimage("earth_apollo17.jpg", download_only=true) julia> io = open(filepath, "r") julia> read_tags(io; read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{Any, Any} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" julia> read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{Any, Any} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" julia> data = read(filepath) julia> read_tags(data, read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{Any, Any} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" ``` """ function read_tags( data::Vector{UInt8}; ifds::Union{Int,NTuple,UnitRange} = IFDS_ALL_FIELDS, read_all::Bool = true, tags::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple} = Vector{LibExif.ExifTag}([]), extract_thumbnail::Bool = false, read_mnote::Bool = false, ) ed_ptr = LibExif.exif_data_new_from_data(data, length(data)) if (ed_ptr == C_NULL) return error("Unable to read EXIF data: invalid pointer") end tags = normalize_exif_flag(tags) typeassert(tags, Vector{LibExif.ExifTag}) result = Dict{String,String}() thumbnail_data = UInt8[] try ed = unsafe_load(ed_ptr) ifds = collect(ifds) # ifds = read_all ? collect(1:numifds(ed)) : collect(ifds) checkbounds(Bool, collect(1:numifds(ed)), ifds) || throw(BoundsError(collect(1:numifds(ed)), ifds)) tags = read_all ? tags : Set(tags) str = Vector{Cuchar}(undef, 1024) for i in ifds content_ptr = ed.ifd[i] if (content_ptr == C_NULL) return error("Unable to read IFD:", i) end data = unsafe_load(content_ptr) if data.count == 0 continue end res = unsafe_wrap(Array, data.entries, data.count) for j = 1:data.count entry = unsafe_load(res[j]) condition = read_all ? read_all : entry.tag in tags if condition LibExif.exif_entry_get_value(Ref(entry), str, length(str)) tag = String(copy(str))[1:max(findfirst(iszero, str) - 1, 1)] # @info entry.tag entry.format if string(entry.tag) ∉ keys(result) tagname = string(entry.tag) # to update name if its gps ifd if (i == 4 && UInt16(entry.tag) in keys(Base.Enums.namemap(LibExif.ExifTagGPS))) tagname = string(LibExif.ExifTagGPS(UInt16(entry.tag))) end result[tagname] = strip(tag) end end if read_all == false delete!(tags, entry.tag) if tags == Set() break end end end end # not sure we should include this # if isempty(tags) != true # @info "Non-Existent Tags:" tags # end if (read_mnote == true) md_ptr = LibExif.exif_data_get_mnote_data(ed_ptr) if (md_ptr == C_NULL) return error("Unable to read MNOTE data") end LibExif.exif_mnote_data_ref(md_ptr) LibExif.exif_mnote_data_unref(md_ptr) c = LibExif.exif_mnote_data_count(md_ptr) for i = 0:c-1 mnote = LibExif.exif_mnote_data_get_name(md_ptr, i) if (mnote == C_NULL) continue end data = unsafe_string(mnote) name = uppercase(replace(data, " " => "_")) # preprocess LibExif.exif_mnote_data_get_value(md_ptr, i, str, length(str)) tag = String(copy(str))[1:max(findfirst(iszero, str) - 1, 1)] if name ∉ keys(result) result["MNOTE_"*name] = tag end end end if (extract_thumbnail == true) thumbnail_size = Int(ed.size) thumbnail_data = unsafe_wrap(Array,, thumbnail_size) end finally LibExif.exif_data_unref(ed_ptr) end if (extract_thumbnail) return result, thumbnail_data else return result end end function read_tags(filepath::AbstractString; kwargs...) open(filepath, "r") do io read_tags(read(io); kwargs...) end end function read_tags(io::IO; kwargs...) try read_tags(read(io); kwargs...) finally close(io) end end
[ "MIT" ]
""" numifds(ed::LibExif._ExifData) Returns the number of IFDs in the EXIF data. """ function numifds(ed::LibExif._ExifData) return length(ed.ifd) end """ numentriesinifd(data::LibExif._ExifContent) Returns the number of entries in the IFD. """ function numentriesinifd(data::LibExif._ExifContent) return Int(data.count) end """ normalize_exif_flag(flags::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}) = map(normalize_exif_flag, flags) normalize_exif_flag(flag::AbstractString) = normalize_exif_flag(Symbol(flag)) normalize_exif_flag(flag::Symbol) = getfield(LibExif, flag) normalize_exif_flag(flag::LibExif.ExifTag) = flag normalize_exif_flag(flag::Int) = LibExif.ExifTag(flag) Converts the input to `LibExif.ExifTag` type if possible. """ normalize_exif_flag(flags::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}) = map(normalize_exif_flag, flags) normalize_exif_flag(flag::AbstractString) = normalize_exif_flag(Symbol(flag)) normalize_exif_flag(flag::Symbol) = getfield(LibExif, flag) normalize_exif_flag(flag::LibExif.ExifTag) = flag normalize_exif_flag(flag::Int) = LibExif.ExifTag(flag) TagsDict = Dict( LibExif.EXIF_TAG_COMPRESSION => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Uncompressed" => 1, "LZW compression" => 5, "JPEG compression" => 6, "Deflate/ZIP compression" => 8, "PackBits compression" => 32773, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE => Dict{String,UInt16}( "sRGB" => 1, "Adobe RGB" => 2, "Uncalibrated" => 0xff, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Unknown" => 0, "Macro" => 1, "Close view" => 2, "Distant view" => 3, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION => Dict{String,UInt64}( "Top-left" => 1, "Top-right" => 2, "Bottom-right" => 3, "Bottom-left" => 4, "Left-top" => 5, "Right-top" => 6, "Right-bottom" => 7, "Left-bottom" => 8, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_METERING_MODE => Dict{String,UInt64}( "Average" => 1, "Avg" => 1, "Center-weighted average" => 2, "Center-weight" => 2, "Spot" => 3, "Multi spot" => 4, "Pattern" => 5, "Partial" => 6, "Other" => 255, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_SENSING_METHOD => Dict{String,UInt64}( "Not defined" => 1, "One-chip color area sensor" => 2, "Two-chip color area sensor" => 3, "Three-chip color area sensor" => 4, "Color sequential area sensor" => 5, "Trilinear sensor" => 6, "Color sequential linear sensor" => 7, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_FLASH => Dict{String,UInt64}( "Flash did not fire" => 0x0000, "No flash" => 0x0000, "Flash fired" => 0x0001, "Flash" => 0x0001, "Yes" => 0x0001, "Strobe return light not detected" => 0x0005, "Without strobe" => 0x0005, "Strobe return light detected" => 0x0007, "With strobe" => 0x0007, "Flash did not fire" => 0x0007, "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode" => 0x0009, "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected" => 0x000d, "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected" => 0x000f, "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode" => 0x0010, "Flash did not fire, auto mode" => 0x0018, "Flash fired, auto mode" => 0x0019, "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected" => 0x001d, "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected" => 0x001f, "No flash function" => 0x0020, "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode" => 0x0041, "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected" => 0x0045, "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected" => 0x0047, "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode" => 0x0049, "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected" => 0x004d, "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected" => 0x004f, "Flash did not fire, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode" => 0x0058, "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode" => 0x0059, "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode" => 0x005d, "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode" => 0x005f, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING => Dict{String,UInt64}("Centered" => 1, "Co-sited" => 2, "" => 0), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT => Dict{String,UInt64}( "Inch" => 2, "in" => 2, "Centimeter" => 3, "cm" => 3, "" => 0, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT => Dict{String,UInt64}( "Inch" => 2, "in" => 2, "Centimeter" => 3, "cm" => 3, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_PLANAR_CONFIGURATION => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Chunky format" => 0, "Planar format" => 1, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Reversed mono" => 0, "Normal mono" => 1, "RGB" => 2, "Palette" => 3, "CMYK" => 5, "YCbCr" => 6, "CieLAB" => 8, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_CUSTOM_RENDERED => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Normal process" => 0, "Custom process" => 1, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_MODE => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Auto exposure" => 0, "Manual exposure" => 1, "Auto Bracket" => 2, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_WHITE_BALANCE => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Auto white balance" => 0, "Manual white balance" => 1, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Standard" => 0, "Landscape" => 1, "Portrait" => 2, "Night scene" => 3, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_GAIN_CONTROL => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Normal" => 0, "Low gain up" => 1, "High gain up" => 2, "Low gain down" => 3, "High gain down" => 4, ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_SATURATION => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Normal" => 0, "Low saturation" => 1, "High saturation" => 2 ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_CONTRAST => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Normal" => 0, "Soft" => 1, "Hard" => 2 ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_SHARPNESS => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Normal" => 0, "Soft" => 1, "Hard" => 2 ), LibExif.EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM => Dict{String,UInt16}( "Not defined" => 0, "Manual" => 1, "Normal program" => 2, "Normal" => 2, "Aperture priority" => 3, "Aperture" => 3, "Shutter priority" => 4, "Shutter" => 4, "Creative program (biased toward depth of field)" => 5, "Creative" => 5, "Creative program (biased toward fast shutter speed)" => 6, "Action" => 6, "Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus" => 7, "Portrait" => 7, "Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)" => 8, "Landscape" => 8, ) )
[ "MIT" ]
const FILE_BYTE_ORDER = LibExif.EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL """ init_tag(exif, ifd, tag) Initialize the entry of `tag` in `ifd` of `exif`. """ function init_tag(exif, ifd, tag) exif1 = unsafe_load(exif) entry = LibExif.exif_content_get_entry(exif1.ifd[ifd], tag) if entry == C_NULL entry = LibExif.exif_entry_new() entry.tag = tag LibExif.exif_content_add_entry(exif1.ifd[ifd], entry) LibExif.exif_entry_initialize(entry, tag) LibExif.exif_entry_unref(entry) end return entry end function get_ascii_buffer(ptrentry, tagv) len = sizeof(tagv) + 1 unsafe_store!(ptrentry.size, Cuint(len), 1) unsafe_store!(ptrentry.components, Culong(len), 1) mem = LibExif.exif_mem_new_default() buf = LibExif.exif_mem_alloc(mem, len) unsafe_copyto!(buf, pointer(Vector{UInt8}(tagv * "\0")), len) return buf end """ set_value(ptrentry, tagv) Set the value of the entry pointed by `ptrentry` to `tagv`. """ function set_value(ptrentry, tagv) entry = unsafe_load(ptrentry) if entry.format == LibExif.EXIF_FORMAT_SHORT if entry.tag in keys(TagsDict) LibExif.exif_set_short(,LibExif.EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL, TagsDict[entry.tag][tagv]) elseif entry.tag == LibExif.EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_SUB_SAMPLING val = split(tagv, ",") LibExif.exif_set_short(,LibExif.EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL, parse(Int, val[1])) LibExif.exif_set_short( + 4,LibExif.EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL, parse(Int, val[2])) else @info entry.tag tagv LibExif.exif_set_short(,LibExif.EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL, parse(Int, tagv)) end elseif entry.format == LibExif.EXIF_FORMAT_LONG LibExif.exif_set_long(, FILE_BYTE_ORDER, parse(Cuint, tagv)) elseif entry.format == LibExif.EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL if entry.tag in (LibExif.EXIF_TAG_FNUMBER, LibExif.EXIF_TAG_APERTURE_VALUE, LibExif.EXIF_TAG_MAX_APERTURE_VALUE) p = Rational(parse(Float32, split(tagv, "/")[2])) else p = rationalize(parse(Float32, tagv);tol=0.1) end LibExif.exif_set_rational(,FILE_BYTE_ORDER, LibExif.ExifRational(p.num, p.den)) elseif entry.format == LibExif.EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII = get_ascii_buffer(ptrentry, tagv) elseif entry.format == LibExif.EXIF_FORMAT_SRATIONAL p = Rational(parse(Float32, tagv)) LibExif.exif_set_srational(, FILE_BYTE_ORDER, LibExif.ExifSRational(p.num, p.den)) elseif entry.format == LibExif.EXIF_FORMAT_UNDEFINED if entry.tag == LibExif.EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION data = Dict{String,String}( "FlashPix Version 1.0" => "0100\0", "FlashPix Version 1.01" => "0101\0", "Unknown FlashPix Version" => "0000\0", ) unsafe_copyto!(, pointer(Vector{UInt8}(data[tagv])), 5) elseif entry.tag == LibExif.EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT = get_ascii_buffer(ptrentry, tagv) else @debug "Tag unsupported (EXIF_FORMAT_UNDEFINED)" entry.tag end else @debug "Tag unsupported" entry.tag end end """ create_exif_data(tags::Dict{String, String}) Create an exif data structure from a dictionary of tags. """ function create_exif_data(tags) exif = LibExif.exif_data_new() LibExif.exif_data_set_option(exif, LibExif.EXIF_DATA_OPTION_FOLLOW_SPECIFICATION) LibExif.exif_data_set_data_type(exif, LibExif.EXIF_DATA_TYPE_COMPRESSED) LibExif.exif_data_set_byte_order(exif, LibExif.EXIF_BYTE_ORDER_INTEL) LibExif.exif_data_fix(exif) inputs = keys(tags) for i in inputs key = normalize_exif_flag(i) x = LibExif.EXIF_DATA_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED_CHUNKY # indentify which ifds tag goes in ifds = [ LibExif.EXIF_IFD_0, LibExif.EXIF_IFD_1, LibExif.EXIF_IFD_EXIF, LibExif.EXIF_IFD_GPS, LibExif.EXIF_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY, LibExif.EXIF_IFD_COUNT, ] A = [LibExif.exif_tag_get_support_level_in_ifd(key, i, x) for i in ifds] ifd = findfirst(==(LibExif.EXIF_SUPPORT_LEVEL_MANDATORY), A) if ifd === nothing ifd = findfirst(==(LibExif.EXIF_SUPPORT_LEVEL_OPTIONAL), A) end if key == LibExif.EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING ifd = 1 end if key in (LibExif.EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION, LibExif.EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_Y_DIMENSION) ifd = 3 end if ifd === nothing @debug "Tag not supported currently or No Appropriate IFD found " key continue end entry = init_tag(exif, ifd, key) set_value(entry, tags[i]) end return exif end """ write_tags(filepath::AbstractString; img::AbstractArray, tags::Dict{String,String}) Write EXIF tags to a filepath(currently support for jpeg and jpg available). ### Keyword Arguments - `filepath::AbstractString` : Name of the file to which image and exif is written. - `img::AbstractArray` : Image Array whose exif data is being written to the filepath mentioned above. - `tags::Dict{String,String}` : EXIF tags and their corresponding values as defined in libexif library ### Examples ```jl julia> using ExifViewer, TestImages julia> img = testimage("mandrill") julia> tags = Dict{String, String}( "EXIF_TAG_MAKE"=>"Canon", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"=>"Top-left", "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION"=>"300", "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION"=>"300", ) julia> write_tags("test.jpg"; img, tags) julia> read_tags("test.jpg") Dict{String, String} with 10 entries: "EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE" => "Uncalibrated" "EXIF_TAG_COMPONENTS_CONFIGURATION" => "Y Cb Cr -" "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION" => "300" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" "EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION" => "Exif Version 2.1" "EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT" => "Inch" "EXIF_TAG_MAKE" => "Canon" "EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING" => "Centered" "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION" => "300" ``` Note: some tags are present by default like EXIF version, FLASHPIX version etc as can be seen in example above. """ function write_tags(filepath::AbstractString; img::AbstractArray, tags::Dict{String,String}) # restricting filetype to .jpeg and .jpg if (!(splitext(filepath)[2] in (".jpeg", ".jpg"))) throw(DomainError("Currently only jpeg and jpg files are supported for EXIF write operation.")) end data = jpeg_encode(img) exif = create_exif_data(tags) exif_header = Vector{Cuchar}([0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe1]) exif_data = Ref{Ptr{Cuchar}}() exif_data_len = Cuint(length(exif_data)) ref_exif_data_len = Ref(exif_data_len) LibExif.exif_data_save_data(exif, exif_data, ref_exif_data_len) groups_vec = unsafe_wrap(Array, exif_data[], 5000) len = findfirst([0xff], groups_vec)[1] groups_vec = groups_vec[1:max(len, 1)] open(filepath, "w") do file write(file, exif_header) # done write(file, UInt8((len + 2) >> 8)) write(file, UInt8((len + 2) & 0xff)) write(file, groups_vec) write(file, data[3:end]) end end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "exifviewer.jl" begin @testset "Basic IO" begin open(filepath, "r") do io @test read_tags(io; read_all=true)["EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION"] == "3000" end io = IOBuffer() try write(io, read(filepath)) @test read_tags(take!(io); read_all=true)["EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION"] == "3000" finally close(io) end @test read_tags(filepath; read_all=true)["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"] == "Exif Version 2.1" open(filepath, "r") do file @test read_tags(file; read_all=true)["EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"] == "Top-left" end open(filepath, "r") do io @test read_tags(io; tags = ["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"])["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"] == "Exif Version 2.1" end @test read_tags(filepath; tags = ["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"])["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"] == "Exif Version 2.1" open(filepath, "r") do io @test read_tags(io; tags = ["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"])["EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"] == "Exif Version 2.1" end @test typeof(read_tags([0x00, 0x01])) == Dict{String, String} # to see behavior when garbage data in end @testset "Different IFDs" begin @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = 1)) == 6 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = 1:2)) == 7 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = (1, 2))) == 7 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"])) == 2 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = 1),) == 1 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = 1:4),) == 2 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = 4:5),) == 0 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = (1, 2, 3)),) == 2 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = (4, 5)),) == 0 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = 1)) == 1 @test length(read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags = ["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"], ifds = (1, 2, 3))) == 2 # all wrongs @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = 6) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = 6:7) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = (6, 7, 8)) # some right some wrongs @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = -1) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = -1:6) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, ifds = (-1, 2, 3)) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; ifds = 6) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; ifds = 6:7) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; ifds = (6, 7, 8)) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; ifds = -1) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; ifds = -1:6) @test_throws BoundsError read_tags(filepath; ifds = (-1, 2, 3)) end @testset "Thumbnail Data" begin ed_ptr = LE.exif_data_new_from_file(filepath) if (ed_ptr == C_NULL) return error("Unable to read EXIF data: invalid pointer") end ed = unsafe_load(ed_ptr) tagsinfo , thumbnaildata = read_tags(filepath; tags = ["EXIF_TAG_ARTIST"], extract_thumbnail = true) @test length(thumbnaildata) == ed.size tagsinfo, thumbnaildata = read_tags(filepath; read_all=true, extract_thumbnail = true) @test length(thumbnaildata) == ed.size end @testset "Mnote Data" begin @test length(read_tags(get_example("canon", 1); read_mnote=true)) == 115 @test length(read_tags(get_example("fuji",1); read_mnote=true)) == 68 @test length(read_tags(get_example("olympus", 2); read_mnote=true)) == 67 @test length(read_tags(get_example("olympus", 3); read_mnote=true)) == 53 @test length(read_tags(get_example("olympus", 4); read_mnote=true)) == 48 @test length(read_tags(get_example("olympus", 5); read_mnote=true)) == 73 @test length(read_tags(get_example("pentax", 2); read_mnote=true)) == 58 @test length(read_tags(get_example("pentax", 3); read_mnote=true)) == 77 @test length(read_tags(get_example("pentax", 4); read_mnote=true)) == 63 end end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "libexif.jl" begin @testset "Types check" begin data_ptr = LE.exif_data_new_from_file(filepath) @test typeof(data_ptr) == Ptr{LE._ExifData} @test data_ptr != C_NULL data = unsafe_load(data_ptr) @test typeof(data) === LE._ExifData @test typeof(data.ifd) == NTuple{5, Ptr{LE._ExifContent}} end end
[ "MIT" ]
using ExifViewer import ExifViewer.LibExif as LE using Test, TestImages using Downloads filepath = testimage("earth_apollo17.jpg",download_only=true) _wrap(name, num) = "$(name)_makernote_variant_$num.jpg?raw=true" get_example(x, y) =, y)) include("libexif.jl") include("exifviewer.jl") include("write.jl")
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "write-exif.jl" begin img = testimage("mandrill") tags = Dict{String, String}( "EXIF_TAG_MAKE"=>"Canon", "EXIF_TAG_ARTIST"=>"Ashwani", "EXIF_TAG_MODEL"=>"R70", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"=>"Top-left", "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION"=>"300", "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION"=>"300", "EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT"=>"Centimeter", "EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT"=>"Inch", "EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING"=>"Co-sited", "EXIF_TAG_COMPRESSION"=>"JPEG compression", "EXIF_TAG_FNUMBER"=>"f/2.8", "EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION"=> "Exif Version 2.1", "EXIF_TAG_METERING_MODE"=>"Pattern", "EXIF_TAG_FLASH"=>"Flash fired", "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION"=> "FlashPix Version 1.0", "EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE"=>"sRGB", "EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_Y_DIMENSION"=>"2", "EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION"=>"2", "EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_X_RESOLUTION"=>"4.5", "EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_PLANE_Y_RESOLUTION"=>"4.5", "EXIF_TAG_SENSING_METHOD"=>"One-chip color area sensor", "EXIF_TAG_SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE"=>"Close view", "EXIF_TAG_PLANAR_CONFIGURATION"=>"Planar format", "EXIF_TAG_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION"=>"CieLAB", "EXIF_TAG_CUSTOM_RENDERED"=>"Normal process", "EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_MODE"=>"Auto exposure", "EXIF_TAG_WHITE_BALANCE"=>"Auto white balance", "EXIF_TAG_SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE"=>"Standard", "EXIF_TAG_GAIN_CONTROL"=>"Normal", "EXIF_TAG_SATURATION"=>"Normal", "EXIF_TAG_CONTRAST"=>"Normal", "EXIF_TAG_SHARPNESS"=>"Normal", "EXIF_TAG_COMPONENTS_CONFIGURATION"=> "Y Cb Cr -", "EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT"=>"Dummy comment", # "EXIF_TAG_MAKER_NOTE"=>"Maker Note", # TODO: support `EXIF_TAG_MAKER_NOTE` ) path = joinpath(tempdir(), "tmp.jpg") write_tags(path; img, tags) # currently only .jpg supported, different value of these were already checked # case where key in dict is not found needs to be handled, # support level issue needs to be handled @test read_tags(path) == tags rm(path) end
[ "MIT" ]
![]( <p style="text-align: center;"> ExifViewer.jl is a Julia wrapper of the C library libexif that provides EXIF support. EXIF is short for Exchangeable Image File, a format that is a standard for storing interchange information in digital photography image files using JPEG compression. </p> [![Docs-dev](]( [![Slack](]( [![License: MIT](]( [![Downloads](]( ### Installation --- If you have not yet installed Julia, please follow the [instructions]( for your operating system. Stable Version ```julia # Enter ']' from the REPL to enter Pkg mode. pkg> add ExifViewer ``` Dev Version ```julia using Pkg # Enter ']' from the REPL to enter Pkg mode. pkg> add ``` ### Usage ExifViewer.jl provides method to read EXIF tags from images using `read_tags` methods which can take input in form of Filepath, IO, and bytes sequence(`Vector{UInt8}`) `read_tags` reads EXIF tags from the input source data and it returns an empty dictionary if the source data doesn't contain EXIF tags. There are couple of keyword arguments that are used by `read_tags` which have been described below: #### Keyword Arguments - `ifds::Union{Int,NTuple,UnitRange}` : Defines which IFD(Image file directory) to search in for the EXIF tags. Default is all ifds i.e. 1:5. - `read_all::Bool` : Defines if all EXIF tags are to be read or not. By default, `read_all` is true. - `tags::Vector{LibExif.ExifTag}` : Defines which tags to search, in case `read_all` is false. When `read_all` is false, tags that need to be searched need to defined manually. Tags can be provided using bunch of methods but its suggested to supply a vector of strings with each string representing a EXIF tag i.e. ["`EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION`", "`EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION`"] - `extract_thumbnail::Bool` : Defines whether to read the thumbnail data or not. By default, `extract_thumbnail` is false. - `read_mnote::Bool` : Defines whether to read the mnote(MakerNote) tags data or not. By default, `read_mnote` is false. List of all available tags to search is available here: #### Examples ```jl julia> using TestImages, ExifViewer julia> filepath = testimage("earth_apollo17.jpg", download_only=true) julia> io = open(filepath, "r") julia> read_tags(io; read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{String, String} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" julia> read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{String, String} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" julia> data = read(filepath) julia> read_tags(data, read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{String, String} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" ``` Method to write exif data to files is also provided using `write_tags` and it writes EXIF tags to a filepath(currently support for jpeg and jpg available). #### Keyword Arguments - `filepath::AbstractString` : Name of the file to which image and exif is written. - `img::AbstractArray` : Image Array whose exif data is being written to the filepath mentioned above. - `tags::Dict{String,String}` : EXIF tags and their corresponding values as defined in libexif library #### Examples ```jl julia> using ExifViewer, TestImages julia> img = testimage("mandrill") julia> tags = Dict{String, String}( "EXIF_TAG_MAKE"=>"Canon", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"=>"Top-left", "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION"=>"300", "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION"=>"300", ) julia> write_tags("test.jpg"; img, tags) julia> read_tags("test.jpg") Dict{String, String} with 10 entries: "EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE" => "Uncalibrated" "EXIF_TAG_COMPONENTS_CONFIGURATION" => "Y Cb Cr -" "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION" => "300" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" "EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION" => "Exif Version 2.1" "EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT" => "Inch" "EXIF_TAG_MAKE" => "Canon" "EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING" => "Centered" "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION" => "300" ``` Note: Some tags are present by default like EXIF version, FLASHPIX version etc as can be seen in example above. ### Contributions and Issues: If you have questions about ExifViewer.jl, feel free to get in touch via Slack or open an issue :hearts:
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = ExifViewer ``` # ExifViewer This is the documentation for [ExifViewer]( ExifViewer.jl is a Julia wrapper of the C library libexif that provides EXIF support. # Usage We provide method to read EXIF tags from images using `read_tags` methods which can take input in form of Filepath, IO, and bytes sequence(`Vector{UInt8}`) `read_tags` reads EXIF tags from the input source data and it returns an empty dictionary if the source data doesn't contain EXIF tags. There are couple of keyword arguments that are used by `read_tags` which have been described below: #### Keyword Arguments - `ifds::Union{Int,NTuple,UnitRange}` : Defines which IFD(Image file directory) to search in for the EXIF tags. Default is all ifds i.e. 1:5. - `read_all::Bool` : Defines if all EXIF tags are to be read or not. By default, `read_all` is true. - `tags::Vector{LibExif.ExifTag}` : Defines which tags to search, in case `read_all` is false. When `read_all` is false, tags that need to be searched need to defined manually. Tags can be provided using bunch of methods but its suggested to supply a vector of strings with each string representing a EXIF tag i.e. ["`EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION`", "`EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION`"] - `extract_thumbnail::Bool` : Defines whether to read the thumbnail data or not. By default, `extract_thumbnail` is false. - `read_mnote::Bool` : Defines whether to read the mnote(MakerNote) tags data or not. By default, `read_mnote` is false. List of all available tags to search is available here: #### Examples ```jl julia> using TestImages, ExifViewer julia> filepath = testimage("earth_apollo17.jpg", download_only=true) julia> io = open(filepath, "r") julia> read_tags(io; read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{Any, Any} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" julia> read_tags(filepath; read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{Any, Any} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" julia> data = read(filepath) julia> read_tags(data, read_all=false, tags=["EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"]) Dict{Any, Any} with 2 entries: "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" ``` Method to write exif data to files is also provided using `write_tags` and it writes EXIF tags to a filepath(currently support for jpeg and jpg available). ### Keyword Arguments - `filepath::AbstractString` : Name of the file to which image and exif is written. - `img::AbstractArray` : Image Array whose exif data is being written to the filepath mentioned above. - `tags::Dict{String,Any}` : EXIF tags and their corresponding values as defined in libexif library ### Examples ```jl julia> using ExifViewer, TestImages julia> img = testimage("mandrill") julia> tags = Dict{String, Any}( "EXIF_TAG_MAKE"=>"Canon", "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION"=>"Top-left", "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION"=>"300", "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION"=>"300", ) julia> write_tags("test.jpg"; img, tags=tags) julia> read_tags("test.jpg") Dict{String, Any} with 10 entries: "EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE" => "Uncalibrated" "EXIF_TAG_COMPONENTS_CONFIGURATION" => "Y Cb Cr -" "EXIF_TAG_FLASH_PIX_VERSION" => "FlashPix Version 1.0" "EXIF_TAG_Y_RESOLUTION" => "300" "EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION" => "Top-left" "EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION" => "Exif Version 2.1" "EXIF_TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT" => "Inch" "EXIF_TAG_MAKE" => "Canon" "EXIF_TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING" => "Centered" "EXIF_TAG_X_RESOLUTION" => "300" ``` Note: some tags are present by default like EXIF version, FLASHPIX version etc as can be seen in example above. ```@autodocs Modules = [ExifViewer]] ```
[ "MIT" ]
The files in `lib/` folder automatically generated by Clang.jl, to regenerate the files: ```console julia --project=gen -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' julia --project=gen gen/generator.jl ```
[ "MIT" ]
""" This module groups all callback functions that are called at various points during the solution process. See their respective docstrings for more information. Every callback takes an observer as its first argument, which is passed via an optional keyword argument to `solve`. During `solve(::GALEProblem, ::LyapunovSolver; observer)`: * [`observe_gale_start!`](@ref) * [`observe_gale_step!`](@ref) * [`observe_gale_done!`](@ref) * [`observe_gale_failed!`](@ref) * [`observe_gale_metadata!`](@ref) During `solve(::GAREProblem, ::AlgebraicRiccatiSolver; observer)`: * [`observe_gare_start!`](@ref) * [`observe_gare_step!`](@ref) * [`observe_gare_done!`](@ref) * [`observe_gare_failed!`](@ref) During `solve(::GDREProblem, ::Algorithm; observer)`: * [`observe_gdre_start!`](@ref) * [`observe_gdre_step!`](@ref) * [`observe_gdre_done!`](@ref) # Extended help Hook into above callbacks by first defining a custom observer type. ```julia mutable struct ResidualObserver norms::Vector{Float64} abstol::Float64 ResidualObserver() = new(Float64[], -1.0) end ``` Then, create custom methods to above callbacks. If the observer needs to store any information, use some global variables (not recommended), have the observer be mutable. Note that `Callbacks` has to be imported manually; this is a deliberate choice. ```julia import DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Callbacks function Callbacks.observe_gale_step!(o::ResidualObserver, _prob, _alg, abstol::Float64, _reltol) o.abstol = abstol end function Callbacks.observe_gale_step!(o::ResidualObserver, _iter, _sol, _residual, residual_norm::Float64) push!(o.norms, residual_norm) end ``` The observer is passed into the solution procedure as follows. ```julia prob = GALEProblem(E, A, C) alg = ADI() obs = ResidualObserver() solve(prob, alg; observer=obs) @show obs.norms[end] <= obs.abstol ``` !!! todo Update extended help to use doctests. """ module Callbacks export observe_gale_start!, observe_gale_step!, observe_gale_done!, observe_gale_failed!, observe_gale_metadata! export observe_gare_start!, observe_gare_step!, observe_gare_done!, observe_gare_failed!, observe_gare_metadata! export observe_gdre_start!, observe_gdre_step!, observe_gdre_done! """ observe_gale_start!(observer, prob::GALEProblem, alg::LyapunovSolver) Notify `observer` at the start of solving the GALE. """ observe_gale_start!(::Any, args...) = nothing const COMMON_GALE_DESC = """ The observer may compute ans store any metrics of the subsequent arguments, but it must not modify any of them. * `X`: solution candidate * `residual`: residual corresponding to `X`; usually of the same data type as `X` * `residual_norm`: internal approximation of the norm of `residual` """ """ observe_gale_step!(observer, iter::Int, X, residual, residual_norm) Notify `observer` for an iterative GALE algorithm, that iteration number `iter` has been completed. $COMMON_GALE_DESC !!! note The iterations `iter` may not be consequtive. If an algorithm computes multiple steps at once and has no (cheap) representation of the intermediate solution candidates, the difference between the values of `iter` of subsequent calls to `observe_gale_step!` may differ by more than one. """ observe_gale_step!(::Any, args...) = nothing """ observe_gale_done!(observer, iters::Int, X, residual, residual_norm) Notify `observer` at the end of solving the GALE. $COMMON_GALE_DESC """ observe_gale_done!(::Any, args...) = nothing """ observe_gale_failed!(observer) Notify `observer` that the algorithm has failed to solve the GALE. [`observe_gale_done!`](@ref) will be called regardless. """ observe_gale_failed!(::Any) = nothing """ observe_gale_metadata!(observer, desc::String, metadata) Notify `observer` on some `metadata` the algorithm has computed. `desc` gives a brief description of the metadata. ### Example The [`ADI`](@ref) calls `observe_gale_metadata!(observer, "ADI shifts", μ)`, where `μ` are the (newly) computed ADI shift parameters. """ observe_gale_metadata!(::Any, args...) = nothing """ observe_gdre_start!(observer, ::GDREProblem, ::Algorithm) Notify `observer` at the start of solving the GDRE. """ observe_gdre_start!(::Any, args...) = nothing """ observe_gdre_step!(observer, t::Float64, X, K) Notify `observer` that the step to time point `t` has been completed. * `X`: solution at time `t` * `K`: feedback matrix `K = B' * X * E` where `B` denotes the input map of the associated [`GDREProblem`](@ref) """ observe_gdre_step!(::Any, args...) = nothing """ observe_gdre_done!(observer) Notify `observer` at the end of solving the GDRE. """ observe_gdre_done!(::Any) = nothing # TODO: refactor callbacks to receive problem instance: # observe_start(::Handler, ::Problem, args...) observe_gare_start!(::Any, args...) = nothing observe_gare_step!(::Any, args...) = nothing observe_gare_done!(::Any, args...) = nothing observe_gare_failed!(::Any) = nothing observe_gare_metadata!(::Any, args...) = nothing end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: module DifferentialRiccatiEquations using CommonSolve: CommonSolve, solve using Compat: @something using LinearAlgebra using MatrixEquations: lyapc, lyapcs!, utqu! using UnPack: @unpack using SparseArrays: SparseArrays, SparseMatrixCSC, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, issparse, spzeros, spdiagm using TimerOutputs: @timeit_debug include("Stuff.jl") include("Shifts.jl") include("Callbacks.jl") using .Callbacks include("LDLt.jl") include("LowRankUpdate.jl") include("lyapunov/types.jl") include("lyapunov/adi.jl") include("util/_zeros.jl") include("util/_diagm.jl") include("util/_dcat.jl") include("util/_hcat.jl") include("util/restrict.jl") abstract type Algorithm end struct Ros1 <: Algorithm end struct Ros2 <: Algorithm end struct Ros3 <: Algorithm end struct Ros4 <: Algorithm end include("riccati/types.jl") include("riccati/residual.jl") include("riccati/dense_ros1.jl") include("riccati/dense_ros2.jl") include("riccati/dense_ros3.jl") include("riccati/dense_ros4.jl") include("riccati/lowrank_ros1.jl") include("riccati/lowrank_ros2.jl") include("riccati/newton-adi.jl") function CommonSolve.solve( p::GDREProblem, a::Algorithm; dt::Real, save_state::Bool=false, observer=nothing, kwargs..., ) _solve( p, a; dt=dt, save_state=save_state, observer=observer, kwargs..., ) end export solve export GDREProblem, Ros1, Ros2, Ros3, Ros4 export GAREProblem, NewtonADI export GALEProblem, ADI export LDLᵀ, concatenate!, compress! end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Compat: allequal """ LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(L::TL, D::TD) LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(Ls::Vector{TL}, Ds::Vector{TD}) A lazy representation of `L * D * L'` that supports the following functions: * `+(::LDLᵀ, ::LDLᵀ)` and `+(::LDLᵀ{TL,TD}, ::Tuple{TL,TD})` * `*(::Real, ::LDLᵀ)` * `size` * `rank` which yields the length of the inner dimension, i.e. `size(D, 1)` * `zero` which yields a rank 0 representation * [`concatenate!`](@ref) (expert use only) * [`compress!`](@ref) (expert use only) Iterating the structure yields `L::TL` and `D::TD`. This calls [`compress!`](@ref), if necessary. For convenience, the structure might be converted to a matrix via `Matrix`. It is recommended to use this only for testing. """ struct LDLᵀ{TL,TD} Ls::Vector{TL} Ds::Vector{TD} LDLᵀ(L::TL, D::TD) where {TL, TD} = new{TL,TD}([L], [D]) LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(L::TL, D::TD) where {TL, TD} = new{TL,TD}([L], [D]) LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(L::Vector{TL}, D::Vector{TD}) where {TL, TD} = new{TL,TD}(L, D) end Base.eltype(::Type{LDLᵀ{TL,TD}}) where {TL,TD} = promote_type(eltype(TL), eltype(TD)) # Mainly for testing function Base.Matrix(X::LDLᵀ) @unpack Ls, Ds = X L = first(Ls) n = size(L, 1) M = zeros(eltype(L), n, n) for (L, D) in zip(Ls, Ds) M .+= L * D * L' end return M end # Destructuring via iteration function Base.iterate(X::LDLᵀ) length(X.Ls) > 1 && compress!(X) only(X.Ls), Val(:D) end Base.iterate(LD::LDLᵀ, ::Val{:D}) = only(LD.Ds), nothing Base.iterate(::LDLᵀ, _) = nothing Base.size(X::LDLᵀ, i) = i <= 2 ? size(first(X.Ls), 1) : 1 Base.size(X::LDLᵀ) = (n = size(X, 1); (n, n)) """ norm(::LDLᵀ) Compute the Frobenius norm of a LDLᵀ factorization. The technique is similar to the one described in > Benner, Li, Penzl. Numerical solution of large-scale Lyapunov equations, > Riccati equations, and linear-quadratic optimal control problems. > Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 2008. DOI: 10.1002/nla.622 """ @timeit_debug "norm(::LDLᵀ)" function LinearAlgebra.norm(X::LDLᵀ) # Decompose while not triggering compression. concatenate!(X) L = only(X.Ls) D = only(X.Ds) # TODO: use specialized TSQR ("tall and skinny QR") algorithm. # TODO: evaluate whether `compress!` could share any code with `norm`. if VERSION < v"1.7" _, R = qr(L, Val(false)) # no pivoting else _, R = qr(L, NoPivot()) end # The Q operator of the QR decomposition does not alter the Frobenius norm. # It may therefore be omitted from the matrix inside the norm. norm(R * D * R') end LinearAlgebra.rank(X::LDLᵀ) = sum(D -> size(D, 1), X.Ds) functionᵀ{TL,TD}) where {TL,TD} n = size(X, 1) L = _zeros(TL, n, 0) D = _zeros(TD, 0, 0) LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(L, D) end function Base.:(+)(X1::LDLᵀ{TL,TD}, X2::LDLᵀ) where {TL,TD} if (n1 = size(X1, 1)) != (n2 = size(X2, 1)) throw(DimensionMismatch("outer dimensions must match, got $n1 and $n2 instead")) end Ls = copy(X1.Ls) Ds = copy(X1.Ds) append!(Ls, X2.Ls) append!(Ds, X2.Ds) X = LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(Ls, Ds) maybe_compress!(X) end Base.:(-)(X::LDLᵀ{TL,TD}) where {TL,TD} = LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(X.Ls, -X.Ds) Base.:(-)(X::LDLᵀ, Y::LDLᵀ) = X + (-Y) # TODO: Make this more efficient by storing the scalar as a field of LDLᵀ. function Base.:(*)(α::Real, X::LDLᵀ) L, D = X LDLᵀ(L, α*D) end function compression_due(X::LDLᵀ) # If there is only one component, it has likely already been compressed: length(X.Ls) == 1 && return false # Compression is due every couple of modifications: # TODO: make this configurable length(X.Ls) >= 10 && return true # Compression is due if rank is too large: # TODO: make this configurable n = size(X, 1) r = rank(X) return r >= 0.5n end function maybe_compress!(X::LDLᵀ) compression_due(X) || return X compress!(X) end """ concatenate!(X::LDLᵀ) Concatenate the internal components such that `L` and `D` may be obtained via `L, D = X`. This function is roughly equivalent to `L = foldl(hcat, X.Ls)` and `D = foldl(dcat, Ds)`, where `dcat` is pseudo-code for "diagonal concatenation". This is a somewhat cheap operation. See also: [`compress!`](@ref) """ @timeit_debug "concatenate!(::LDLᵀ)" function concatenate!(X::LDLᵀ{TL,TD}) where {TL,TD} @unpack Ls, Ds = X @assert length(Ls) == length(Ds) length(Ls) == 1 && return X L = _hcat(TL, Ls) D = _dcat(TD, Ds) resize!(X.Ls, 1) resize!(X.Ds, 1) X.Ls[1] = L X.Ds[1] = D return X end """ compress!(X::LDLᵀ) Concatenate the internal components and perform a column compression following [^Lang2015]. This is an expensive operation. See also: [`concatenate!`](@ref) [^Lang2015]: N Lang, H Mena, and J Saak, "On the benefits of the LDLT factorization for large-scale differential matrix equation solvers" Linear Algebra and its Applications 480 (2015): 44-71. [doi:10.1016/j.laa.2015.04.006]( """ @timeit_debug "compress!(::LDLᵀ)" function compress!(X::LDLᵀ{TL,TD}) where {TL,TD} concatenate!(X) L = only(X.Ls) D = only(X.Ds) @timeit_debug "QR" if VERSION < v"1.7" Q, R, p = qr(L, Val(true)) # pivoting else Q, R, p = qr(L, ColumnNorm()) end ip = invperm(p) RΠᵀ = R[:,ip] S = Symmetric(RΠᵀ*D*(RΠᵀ)') λ, V = @timeit_debug "Eigen" eigen(S; sortby = x -> -abs(x)) # only use "large" eigenvalues, # cf. [Kürschner2016, p. 94] # (modified to retain negative ones) ε = max(1, abs(λ[1])) * length(λ) * eps() r = something(findlast(l -> abs(l) >= ε, λ), 0) @debug "compress!(::LDLᵀ)" λ[1] λ[end] count(>(ε), λ) count(<(-ε), λ) oldrank=size(D,1) newrank=r Vᵣ = @view V[:, 1:r] X.Ls[1] = (Q * Vᵣ)::TL X.Ds[1] = _diagm(TD, λ[1:r])::TD return X end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: """ LowRankUpdate{TA,T,TU,TV}(A::TA, α::T, U::TU, V::TV) Lazy representation of `A + inv(α)*U*V` that supports the following functions: * `\\` via the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula * `+(::LowRankUpdate, ::AbstractMatrix)` to update `A` * `adjoint` which returns a `LowRankUpdate` * `size` Iterating the structure produces the components `A`, `α`, `U` and `V`. It is recommended to use [`lr_update`](@ref) to create a suitable representation of `A + inv(α)*U*V`. """ struct LowRankUpdate{TA,T,TU,TV} A::TA α::T U::TU V::TV LowRankUpdate{T,TA,TU,TV}(A, α, U, V) where {TA,T,TU,TV} = new{TA,T,TU,TV}(A, α, U, V) LowRankUpdate(A::TA, α::T, U::TU, V::TV) where {TA,T,TU,TV} = new{TA,T,TU,TV}(A, α, U, V) end """ lr_update(A::Matrix, α, U, V) lr_update(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, α, U, V) Return a suitable representation of `A + inv(α)*U*V`. For dense `A`, compute `A + inv(α)*U*V` directly. For sparse `A`, return a [`LowRankUpdate`](@ref). """ lr_update lr_update(A::Matrix{T}, α, U, V) where {T} = A + (inv(α)*U)*V lr_update(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, α, U, V) = LowRankUpdate(A, α, U, V) Base.eltype(::Type{LowRankUpdate{TA,T,TU,TV}}) where {TA,T,TU,TV} = Base.promote_eltype(TA, T, TU, TV) Base.iterate(AUV::LowRankUpdate) = AUV.A, Val(:a) Base.iterate(AUV::LowRankUpdate, ::Val{:a}) = AUV.α, Val(:U) Base.iterate(AUV::LowRankUpdate, ::Val{:U}) = AUV.U, Val(:V) Base.iterate(AUV::LowRankUpdate, ::Val{:V}) = AUV.V, nothing Base.size(AUV::LowRankUpdate) = size(AUV.A) Base.size(AUV::LowRankUpdate, i) = size(AUV.A, i) function Base.adjoint(AUV::LowRankUpdate) A, α, U, V = AUV LowRankUpdate(A', α', V', U') end function Matrix(AUV::LowRankUpdate) A, α, U, V = AUV A + inv(α) * (U * V) end _factorize(X) = factorize(X) function _factorize(X::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC) F = factorize(X) F isa Diagonal || return F # If `F` is a `Diagonal`, its diagonal `F.diag` will be a `SparseVector`. # Given that `F` defines an invertible operator, its diagonal is effectively # a dense vector. In this setting, the sparse vector type incurs a certain # runtime overhead when solving linear systems in `F` as compared to a dense # vector type. Get rid of this overhead: D = Diagonal(Vector(F.diag)) return D end @timeit_debug "Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury" function Base.:(\)(AUV::LowRankUpdate, B::AbstractVecOrMat) A, α, U, V = AUV FA = @timeit_debug "factorize (sparse)" _factorize(A) A⁻¹B = @timeit_debug "solve (sparse 1)" FA \ B A⁻¹U = @timeit_debug "solve (sparse 2)" FA \ U @timeit_debug "solve (dense)" begin S = α*I + V * A⁻¹U S⁻¹VA⁻¹B = S \ (V * A⁻¹B) end X = A⁻¹B - A⁻¹U*S⁻¹VA⁻¹B return X end function Base.:(+)(AUV::LowRankUpdate, E::AbstractMatrix) @assert issparse(E) A, α, U, V = AUV LowRankUpdate(A+E, α, U, V) end function Base.:(*)(AUV::LowRankUpdate, X::AbstractVecOrMat) size(X, 1) == size(X, 2) && @warn( "Multiplying LowRankUpdate by square matrix; memory usage may increase severely", dim = size(X, 1), ) A, α, U, V = AUV A*X + inv(α)*(U*(V*X)) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: """ This module groups all pre-defined shift strategies. * [`Shifts.Heuristic`](@ref) * [`Shifts.Projection`](@ref) * [`Shifts.Cyclic`](@ref) * [`Shifts.Wrapped`](@ref) # Extended help To define a custom shift strategy, create a mutable subtype of `Shifts.Strategy`, define a method for [`Shifts.init`](@ref) and, optionally, methods for [`Shifts.update!`](@ref) and [`Shifts.take!`](@ref). ```julia struct FortyTwo <: Shifts.Strategy end Shifts.init(::FortyTwo, _...) = FortyTwo() Shifts.take!(::FortyTwo) = 42 ``` If it is customary to generate multiple shift parameters at once, that are then to be used one-by-one, define a method for [`Shifts.take_many!`](@ref) and have [`Shifts.init`](@ref) return a [`Shifts.BufferedIterator`](@ref). ```julia struct FibonacciShifts <: Shifts.Strategy "Number of shifts to generate at a time" n::Int function FibonacciShifts(n::Int) n >= 2 || error("batch size is too small") new(n) end end struct FibonacciShiftsIterator n::Int f1::Int f2::Int end function Shifts.init(f::FibonacciShifts) Shifts.BufferedIterator(FibonacciShiftsIterator(f.n, 0, 1)) end function Shifts.take_many!(it::FibonacciShiftsIterator) n = it.n # Generate n shifts at once: f = Vector{Int}(undef, n) f[1] = it.f1 f[2] = it.f2 for i in 3:n f[i] = f[i-1] + f[i-2] end # Prepare next batch: it.f1 = f[end-1] + f[end] it.f2 = f[end] + it.f1 return f end ``` """ module Shifts export Cyclic, Wrapped export Heuristic, Projection abstract type Strategy end """ Shifts.init(::Shifts.Strategy, prob) Create and initialize a shift generator from problem data. The returned iterator will immediately be [`Shifts.update!`](@ref)ed with initial guess and residual of the iteration. """ init """ Shifts.update!(shifts, X, R, Vs...) Pass most recent solution update to shift generator `shifts`. * `X`: current solution candidate * `R`: outer factor of residual corresponding to `X` * `Vs`: outer factors of most recent updates comprising `X` This operation must be cheap. Defer the computation of new shift parameters to [`Shifts.take!`](@ref) or [`Shifts.take_many!`](@ref). Default: no-op. """ update!(_, _, _, _...) = nothing """ Shifts.take!(shifts) Return the next shift parameter from shift generator `shifts`. This operation may be expensive. Compute new shift parameters, if needed. Default: `popfirst!(shifts)` """ take!(shifts) = popfirst!(shifts) using ..Stuff include("shifts/helpers.jl") include("shifts/heuristic.jl") include("shifts/projection.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: module Stuff using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra export orth, restrict restrict(A::AbstractMatrix, Q) = Q' * A * Q orth(N::SparseMatrixCSC) = orth(Matrix(N)) function orth(N::Matrix{T}) where {T} if VERSION < v"1.7" QR = qr(N, Val(true)) # pivoted else QR = qr(N, ColumnNorm()) end R = QR.R # TODO: Find reference! As of LAPACK 3.1.2 or so, # the diagonal of R is sorted with decreasing absolute value, # and R is diagonal dominant. Therefore, it may be used to discover the rank. # Note that column permutations don't matter for span(N) == span(Q). ε = size(N, 1) * eps() r = 0 for outer r in 1:size(R, 1) abs(R[r,r]) > ε && continue r -= 1 break end Q = zeros(T, size(N, 1), r) for i in 1:r Q[i,i] = 1 end lmul!(QR.Q, Q) return Q end end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Compat: @something function CommonSolve.solve( prob::GALEProblem{LDLᵀ{TL,TD}}, ::ADI; initial_guess::Union{Nothing,LDLᵀ{TL,TD}}=nothing, maxiters=100, reltol=size(prob.A, 1) * eps(), abstol=reltol * norm(prob.C), # use same tolerance as if initial_guess=zero(C) observer=nothing, shifts::Shifts.Strategy=Shifts.Projection(2), ) where {TL,TD} @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_start!(observer, prob, ADI()) initial_guess = @something initial_guess zero(prob.C) @unpack E, A, C = prob # Compute initial residual X::LDLᵀ{TL,TD} = initial_guess::LDLᵀ{TL,TD} R::TL, T::TD = initial_residual = residual(prob, X)::LDLᵀ{TL,TD} initial_residual_norm = norm(initial_residual) # Initialize shifts @timeit_debug "shifts" begin shifts = Shifts.init(shifts, prob) Shifts.update!(shifts, X, R) end # Perform actual ADI i = 1 local V, V₁, V₂ # ADI increments local ρR # norm of residual @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_step!(observer, 0, X, initial_residual, initial_residual_norm) while true μ = @timeit_debug "shifts" Shifts.take!(shifts) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_metadata!(observer, "ADI shifts", μ) # Continue with ADI: Y = (-2real(μ) * T)::TD if isreal(μ) μᵢ = real(μ) F = A' + μᵢ*E @timeit_debug "solve (real)" V = (F \ R)::TL X += LDLᵀ(V, Y) R -= (2μᵢ * (E'*V))::TL i += 1 @timeit_debug "shifts" Shifts.update!(shifts, X, R, V) else μ_next = @timeit_debug "shifts" Shifts.take!(shifts) @assert μ_next ≈ conj(μ) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_metadata!(observer, "ADI shifts", μ_next) μᵢ = μ F = A' + μᵢ*E @timeit_debug "solve (complex)" V = F \ R δ = real(μᵢ) / imag(μᵢ) Vᵣ = real(V) Vᵢ = imag(V) V′ = Vᵣ + δ*Vᵢ V₁ = √2 * V′ V₂ = sqrt(2δ^2 + 2) * Vᵢ X = X + LDLᵀ(V₁, Y) + LDLᵀ(V₂, Y) R -= (4real(μ) * (E'*V′))::TL i += 2 @timeit_debug "shifts" Shifts.update!(shifts, X, R, V₁, V₂) end residual = LDLᵀ(R, T) ρR = norm(residual) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_step!(observer, i-1, X, residual, ρR) @debug "ADI" i rank(X) residual=ρR ρR <= abstol && break if i > maxiters @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_failed!(observer) @warn "ADI did not converge" residual=ρR abstol maxiters break end end _, D = X # run compression, if necessary iters = i - 1 # actual number of ADI steps performed @debug "ADI done" i=iters maxiters residual=ρR abstol rank(X) rank_initial_guess=rank(initial_guess) rank_rhs=rank(C) rank_residual=size(R) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gale_done!(observer, iters, X, LDLᵀ(R, T), ρR) return X end @timeit_debug "residual(::GALEProblem, ::LDLᵀ)" function residual( prob::GALEProblem{LDLᵀ{TL,TD}}, val::LDLᵀ{TL,TD}, ) where {TL,TD} @unpack E, A, C = prob G, S = C L, D = val n_G = size(G, 2) n_0 = size(L, 2) dim = n_G + 2n_0 dim == n_G && return C R::TL = _hcat(TL, G, E'L, A'L) T::TD = _zeros(TD, dim, dim) i1 = 1:n_G i2 = (1:n_0) .+ n_G i3 = i2 .+ n_0 T[i1, i1] = S T[i3, i2] = D T[i2, i3] = D R̃ = LDLᵀ(R, T)::LDLᵀ{TL,TD} compress!(R̃) # unconditionally end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: """ Generalized algebraic Lyapunov equation A'XE + E'XA = -C having the fields `A`, `E` and `C`. """ struct GALEProblem{T} E A C::T GALEProblem(E, A, C::T) where {T} = new{T}(E, A, C) end abstract type LyapunovSolver end struct ADI <: LyapunovSolver end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: function _solve( prob::GDREProblem{<:Matrix}, alg::Ros1; dt::Real, save_state::Bool, observer, ) observe_gdre_start!(observer, prob, alg) @unpack E, A, B, C, tspan = prob Ed = collect(E) X = prob.X0 tstops = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2] len = length(tstops) # Output Trajectories Xs = [X] save_state && sizehint!(Xs, len) K = (B'*X)*E Ks = [K] sizehint!(Ks, len) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[1], X, K) for i in 2:len τ = tstops[i-1] - tstops[i] # Coefficient Matrix of the Lyapunov Equation F = (A-B*K) - E/(2τ) R = C'*C + K'*K + (1/τ)*E'*X*E # Only for safety R = real(R+R')/2 # Update X X = lyapc(F', Ed', R) save_state && push!(Xs, X) # Update K K = (B'*X)*E push!(Ks, K) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[i], X, K) end save_state || push!(Xs, X) observe_gdre_done!(observer) return DRESolution(Xs, Ks, tstops) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: function _solve( prob::GDREProblem{<:Matrix}, alg::Ros2; dt::Real, save_state::Bool, observer, ) observe_gdre_start!(observer, prob, alg) @unpack E, A, B, C, tspan = prob Ed = collect(E) X = prob.X0 tstops = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2] len = length(tstops) # Global parameter for the method γ = 1+(1/sqrt(2)) # Output Trajectories Xs = [X] save_state && sizehint!(Xs, len) K = (B'*X)*E Ks = [K] sizehint!(Ks, len) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[1], X, K) CᵀC = C'C for i in 2:len τ = tstops[i-1] - tstops[i] gF = γ*τ*(A-B*K) - E/2 Fs, Es, Q, Z = schur(gF, Ed) # Solve Lyapunov equation of 1st stage AᵀXE = (A' * X) * E R = CᵀC + AᵀXE + (AᵀXE)' - K'K R = real(R+R')/2 utqu!(R, Z) # R = Z'*R*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R; adj=true) K1 = R utqu!(K1, Q') # K1 = Q*K1*Q' # Solve Lyapunov equation of 2nd stage BᵀK₁E = (B' * K1) * E R2 = (-τ^2 * BᵀK₁E)' * BᵀK₁E - (2-1/γ)*E'*K1*E R2 = real(R2+R2')/2 utqu!(R2, Z) # R2 = Z'*R2*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R2; adj=true) K̃2 = R2 utqu!(K̃2, Q') # K̃2 = Q*K̃2*Q' K2 = K̃2 + (4-1/γ)*K1 # Update X X = X + (τ/2)*K2 save_state && push!(Xs, X) # Update K K = (B'*X)*E push!(Ks, K) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[i], X, K) end save_state || push!(Xs, X) observe_gdre_done!(observer) return DRESolution(Xs, Ks, tstops) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: function _solve( prob::GDREProblem{<:Matrix}, alg::Ros3; dt::Real, save_state::Bool, observer, ) observe_gdre_start!(observer, prob, alg) @unpack E, A, B, C, tspan = prob Ed = collect(E) X = prob.X0 tstops = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2] len = length(tstops) # Output Trajectories Xs = [X] save_state && sizehint!(Xs, len) K = (B'*X)*E Ks = [K] sizehint!(Ks, len) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[1], X, K) # Global parameter for the method γ = 7.886751345948129e-1 a21 = 1.267949192431123 c21 = -1.607695154586736 c31 = -3.464101615137755 c32 = -1.732050807568877 m1 = 2 m2 = 5.773502691896258e-1 m3 = 4.226497308103742e-1 CᵀC = C'C for i in 2:len τ = tstops[i-1] - tstops[i] gF = (A - B*K) - E/(2γ*τ) Fs, Es, Q, Z = schur(gF, Ed) # Solve Lyapunov equation of 1st stage AXE = A'X*E R = CᵀC + AXE + AXE' - K'K R = real(R+R')/2 utqu!(R, Z) # R = Z'*R*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R; adj=true) K1 = R utqu!(K1, Q') # K1 = Q*K1*Q' # Solve Lyapunov equation of 2nd stage RX = (A'K1 - K'*(B'K1))*E R23 = a21*(RX+RX') R2 = R23 + (c21/τ)*E'K1*E R2 = real(R2+R2')/2 utqu!(R2, Z) # R2 = Z'*R2*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R2; adj=true) K21 = R2 utqu!(K21, Q') # K21 = Q*K21*Q' # Solve Lyapunov equation of 3rd stage R3 = R23 + E'*(((c31/τ)+(c32/τ))*K1 + (c32/τ)*K21)*E R3 = real(R3+R3')/2 utqu!(R3, Z) # R3 = Z'*R3*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R3; adj=true) K31 = R3 utqu!(K31, Q') # K31 = Q*K31*Q' # Update X X = X + (m1+m2+m3)*K1 + m2*K21 + m3*K31 save_state && push!(Xs, X) # Update K K = (B'*X)*E push!(Ks, K) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[i], X, K) end save_state || push!(Xs, X) observe_gdre_done!(observer) return DRESolution(Xs, Ks, tstops) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: function _solve( prob::GDREProblem{<:Matrix}, alg::Ros4; dt::Real, save_state::Bool, observer, ) observe_gdre_start!(observer, prob, alg) @unpack E, A, B, C, tspan = prob Ed = collect(E) X = prob.X0 tstops = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2] len = length(tstops) # Output Trajectories Xs = [X] save_state && sizehint!(Xs, len) K = (B'*X)*E Ks = [K] sizehint!(Ks, len) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[1], X, K) # Global parameter for the method CᵀC = C'C for i in 2:len τ = tstops[i-1] - tstops[i] gF = (τ*(A-B*K)-E)/2 Fs, Es, Q, Z = schur(gF, Ed) # Solve Lyapunov equation of 1st stage AXE = A'X*E R = CᵀC + AXE + AXE' - K'K R = real(R+R')/2 utqu!(R, Z) # R = Z'*R*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R; adj=true) K1 = R utqu!(K1, Q') # K1 = Q*K1*Q' # Solve Lyapunov equation of 2nd stage EK1E = E'*K1*E EK1B = E'*(K1*B) R2 = -τ^2*(EK1B*EK1B')-2*EK1E R2 = real(R2+R2')/2 utqu!(R2, Z) # R2 = Z'*R2*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R2; adj=true) K21 = R2 utqu!(K21, Q') # K21 = Q*K21*Q' K2 = K21 - K1 # Solve Lyapunov equation of 3rd stage α = (24/25)*τ β = (3/25)*τ EK2E = E'*K2*E EK2B = E'*(K2*B) TMP = EK2B*EK1B' R3 = (245/25)*EK1E + (36/25)*EK2E - (426/625)*τ^2*(EK1B*EK1B') - β^2*(EK2B*EK2B') - α*β*(TMP+TMP') R3 = real(R3+R3')/2 utqu!(R3, Z) # R3 = Z'*R3*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R3; adj=true) K31 = R3 utqu!(K31, Q') # K31 = Q*K31*Q' K3 = K31 - (17/25)*K1 # Solve Lyapunov equation of 4th stage R4 = -(981/125)*EK1E-(177/125)*EK2E-(1/5)*E'*K3*E R4 = real(R4+R4')/2 utqu!(R4, Z) # R4 = Z'*R4*Z lyapcs!(Fs, Es, R4; adj=true) K41 = R4 utqu!(K41, Q') # K41 = Q*K41*Q' K4 = K41 + K3 # Update X X = X + τ*((19/18)*K1 + 0.25*K2 + (25/216)*K3 + (125/216)*K4) save_state && push!(Xs, X) # Update K K = (B'*X)*E push!(Ks, K) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[i], X, K) end save_state || push!(Xs, X) observe_gdre_done!(observer) return DRESolution(Xs, Ks, tstops) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: function _solve( prob::GDREProblem{LDLᵀ{TL,TD}}, ::Ros1; dt::Real, save_state::Bool, adi_initprev::Bool=true, adi_kwargs=NamedTuple(), observer, ) where {TL,TD} @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gdre_start!(observer, prob, Ros1()) T = LDLᵀ{TL,TD} @unpack E, A, B, C, tspan = prob q = size(C, 1) X = prob.X0::T tstops = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2] len = length(tstops) # Output Trajectories Xs = [X] save_state && sizehint!(Xs, len) L, D = X BᵀLD = (B'*L)*D K = BᵀLD*(L'*E) Ks = [K] sizehint!(Ks, len) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[1], X, K) for i in 2:len τ = tstops[i-1] - tstops[i] # Coefficient Matrix of the Lyapunov Equation F = lr_update(A - E/(2τ), -1, B, K) # Right-hand side: G::TL = _hcat(TL, C', E'L) S::TD = _dcat(TD, I(q), (BᵀLD)' * BᵀLD + D/τ) R::T = compress!(LDLᵀ(G, S)) # Update X lyap = GALEProblem(E, F, R) initial_guess = adi_initprev ? X : nothing X = @timeit_debug "ADI" solve(lyap, ADI(); observer, initial_guess, adi_kwargs...) save_state && push!(Xs, X) # Update K L, D = X BᵀLD = (B'*L)*D K = BᵀLD*(L'*E) push!(Ks, K) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[i], X, K) end save_state || push!(Xs, X) @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gdre_done!(observer) return DRESolution(Xs, Ks, tstops) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: function _solve( prob::GDREProblem{LDLᵀ{TL,TD}}, alg::Ros2; dt::Real, save_state::Bool, observer, adi_kwargs=NamedTuple(), ) where {TL,TD} observe_gdre_start!(observer, prob, Ros2()) @unpack E, A, B, C, tspan = prob q = size(C, 1) X = prob.X0 tstops = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2] len = length(tstops) # Global parameter for the method γ = 1+(1/sqrt(2)) # Output Trajectories Xs = [X] save_state && sizehint!(Xs, len) L, D = X BᵀLD = (B'*L)*D K = BᵀLD*(L'*E) Ks = [K] sizehint!(Ks, len) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[1], X, K) for i in 2:len τ = tstops[i-1] - tstops[i] γτ = γ*τ F = lr_update(γτ*A - E/2, inv(-γτ), B, K) # Solve Lyapunov equation of 1st stage G::TL = _hcat(TL, C', A'L, E'L) n_G = size(G, 2) n_L = size(L, 2) S::TD = _zeros(TD, n_G) b1 = 1:q b2 = q+1:q+n_L b3 = n_G-n_L+1:n_G S[b1, b1] = I(q) S[b2, b3] = D S[b3, b2] = D S[b3, b3] = - (BᵀLD)' * BᵀLD R1 = compress!(LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(G, S)) lyap = GALEProblem(E, F, R1) K1 = solve(lyap, ADI(); observer, adi_kwargs...) # Solve Lyapunov equation of 2nd stage T₁, D₁ = K1 BᵀT₁D₁ = (B'*T₁)*D₁ G₂::TL = E'T₁ S₂::TD = (τ^2 * BᵀT₁D₁)' * BᵀT₁D₁ + (2-1/γ) * D₁ R2 = LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(G₂, S₂) lyap = GALEProblem(E, F, R2) K2 = solve(lyap, ADI(); observer, adi_kwargs...) # Update X X = X + ((2-1/2γ)*τ)*K1 + (-τ/2)*K2 save_state && push!(Xs, X) # Update K L, D = X BᵀLD = (B'*L)*D K = BᵀLD*(L'*E) push!(Ks, K) observe_gdre_step!(observer, tstops[i], X, K) end save_state || push!(Xs, X) observe_gdre_done!(observer) return DRESolution(Xs, Ks, tstops) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: # Keep defaults in sync with docstring of NewtonADI! function CommonSolve.solve( prob::GAREProblem{TG,TQ}, ::NewtonADI; reltol = size(prob.A, 1) * eps(), maxiters = 5, observer = nothing, adi_initprev::Bool = false, adi_kwargs = NamedTuple(), inexact::Bool = true, inexact_hybrid::Bool = true, inexact_forcing = quadratic_forcing, linesearch::Bool = true, ) where {TG,TQ} TG <: LDLᵀ{<:AbstractMatrix,UniformScaling{Bool}} || error("TG=$TG not yet implemented") TQ <: LDLᵀ{<:AbstractMatrix,UniformScaling{Bool}} || error("TQ=$TQ not yet implemented") @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_start!(observer, prob, NewtonADI()) TL = TD = Matrix{Float64} @unpack E, A, Q = prob B, _ = prob.G Cᵀ, _ = Q n = size(A, 2) X = LDLᵀ{TL,TD}(zeros(n, 0), zeros(0, 0)) # this is ugly res = Q res_norm = norm(res) abstol = reltol * res_norm i = 0 local X_prev while true # Compute residual L, D = X EᵀL = E'L BᵀLD = (B'L)*D DLᵀGLD = (BᵀLD)'BᵀLD K = BᵀLD * (EᵀL)' res = residual(prob, X; EᵀL, DLᵀGLD) res_norm_prev = res_norm res_norm = norm(res) if i > 0 && linesearch @timeit_debug "Armijo line search" begin α = 0.1 # The line search is mostly triggered for early Newton iterations `i`, # where the linear systems to be solved have few columns and `X` has low rank. # Therefore, an efficient implementation is not that important for now. if res_norm > (1-α) * res_norm_prev X̃ = X # backup if line search fails β = 1/2 # Armijo parameter λ = β # step size while true # Check sufficient decrease condition: # (naive implementation) X = (1 - λ) * X_prev + λ * X̃ res = residual(prob, X) res_norm = norm(res) if res_norm < (1 - λ*α) * res_norm_prev @debug "Accepting line search λ=$λ" # Update feedback matrix K and other auxillary variables: # (naive implementation) L, D = X EᵀL = E'L BᵀLD = (B'L)*D DLᵀGLD = (BᵀLD)'BᵀLD K .= BᵀLD * (EᵀL)' break end # Prepare next step size: λ *= β if λ < eps() @warn "Line search failed; using un-modified iterate" λ = 1.0 X = X̃ break end end @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_metadata!(observer, "line search", λ) end end end @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_step!(observer, i, X, res, res_norm) res_norm <= abstol && break if i >= maxiters @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_failed!(observer) @warn "NewtonADI did not converge" residual=res_norm abstol maxiters break end i += 1 # Coefficient Matrix of the Lyapunov Equation F = lr_update(A, -1, B, K) # Right-hand side: m = size(B, 2) q = size(Cᵀ, 2) EᵀXB = EᵀL * (BᵀLD)' G::TL = _hcat(TL, Cᵀ, EᵀXB) S::TD = _dcat(TD, I(q), I(m)) RHS = LDLᵀ(G, S) # ADI setup lyap = GALEProblem(E, F, RHS) initial_guess = adi_initprev ? X : nothing adi_reltol = get(adi_kwargs, :reltol, reltol / 10) if inexact η = inexact_forcing(i, res_norm) adi_abstol = η * res_norm if inexact_hybrid # If the classical/"exact" tolerance is less strict than # the one of the Inexact Newton, use that tolerance instead. classical_abstol = adi_reltol * norm(lyap.C) switch_back = classical_abstol > adi_abstol @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_metadata!(observer, "inexact", !switch_back) if switch_back @debug "Switching from inexact to classical Newton method" i inexact_abstol=adi_abstol classical_abstol adi_abstol = classical_abstol end else @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_metadata!(observer, "inexact", true) end else adi_abstol = adi_reltol * norm(lyap.C) end # Newton step: X_prev = X X = @timeit_debug "ADI" solve( lyap, ADI(); maxiters=100, observer, initial_guess, abstol=adi_abstol, adi_kwargs...) end @timeit_debug "callbacks" observe_gare_done!(observer, i, X, res, res_norm) X end """ superlinear_forcing(i, _) = 1 / (i^3 + 1) Exemplary forcing term to obtain superlinear convergence in the inexact Newton method. `i::Int` refers to the current Newton step. See [`NewtonADI`](@ref). """ superlinear_forcing(i, _) = 1 / (i^3 + 1) """ quadratic_forcing(_, residual_norm) = min(0.1, 0.9 * residual_norm) Exemplary forcing term to obtain quadratic convergence in the inexact Newton method. `residual_norm::Float64` refers to the norm of the previous Newton residual. See [`NewtonADI`](@ref). """ quadratic_forcing(_, residual_norm) = min(0.1, 0.9 * residual_norm)
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Compat: @something @timeit_debug "residual(::GAREProblem, ::LDLᵀ)" function residual( prob::GAREProblem, X::LDLᵀ; AᵀL = nothing, EᵀL = nothing, BᵀLD = nothing, DLᵀGLD = nothing, ) @unpack E, A, Q, G = prob Cᵀ, _ = Q B, _ = G L, D = X h = size(Cᵀ, 2) zₖ = size(L, 2) dim = h + 2zₖ @debug "Assembling ARE residual" h zₖ # Compute optional inputs AᵀL = @something(AᵀL, A'L) EᵀL = @something(EᵀL, E'L) if DLᵀGLD === nothing BᵀLD = @something(BᵀLD, (B'L)*D) DLᵀGLD = (BᵀLD)'BᵀLD end # Compute residual following Benner, Li, Penzl (2008) R = [Cᵀ AᵀL EᵀL] T = zeros(dim, dim) b1 = 1:h b2 = h+1:h+zₖ b3 = b2 .+ zₖ for i in b1 T[i, i] = 1 end T[b2, b3] .= T[b3, b2] .= D T[b3, b3] .= -DLᵀGLD LDLᵀ(R, T) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: """ Generalized differential Riccati equation E'ẊE = C'C + A'XE + E'XA - E'XBB'XE X(t0) = X0 having the fields `E`, `A`, `C`, `X0`, and `tspan`=`(t0, tf)`. """ struct GDREProblem{XT} E A B C X0::XT tspan GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0::XT, tspan) where {XT} = new{XT}(E, A, B, C, X0, tspan) end """ Solution to a generalized differential Riccati equation (DRE) as returned by [`solve(::GDREProblem, alg; kwargs...)`](@ref GDREProblem). The solution has three fields: * `X::Vector{T}`: state `X(t)`; `T` may be a `Matrix` or [`LDLᵀ`](@ref) * `K::Vector{<:Matrix}`: feedback `K(t) := B' * X(t) * E` * `t::Vector{<:Real}`: discretization time By default, the state `X` is only stored at the boundaries of the time span, as one is mostly interested only in the feedback matrices `K`. To store the full state trajectory, pass `save_state=true` to `solve`. """ struct DRESolution X K t end """ Generalized algebraic (continuous time) algebraic Riccati equation Q + A'XE + E'XA - E'XGXE = 0 """ struct GAREProblem{TG,TQ} E A G::TG Q::TQ end abstract type AlgebraicRiccatiSolver end """ NewtonADI() Kleinman-Newton method to solve algebraic Riccati equations. The algebraic Lyapunov equations arizing at every Newton steps are solved using the [`ADI`](@ref). solve(prob::GAREProblem, NewtonADI(); kwargs...) Supported keyword arguments: * `reltol = size(prob.A, 1) * eps()`: relative Riccati residual tolerance * `maxiters = 5`: maximum number of Newton steps * `observer`: see [`Callbacks`](@ref) * `adi_initprev = false`: whether to use previous Newton iterate as the initial guess for the [`ADI`](@ref). If `false`, the default initial value of zero is used. * `adi_kwargs::NamedTuple`: keyword arguments to pass to `solve(_, ::ADI; adi_kwargs...)` * `inexact = true`: whether to allow (more) inexact Lyapunov solutions * `inexact_forcing = quadratic_forcing`: compute the forcing parameter `η = inexact_forcing(i, residual_norm)` as described by Dembo et al. (1982), where `i::Int` is the Newton step and `residual_norm::Float64` is the norm of the Riccati residual. See [`quadratic_forcing`](@ref), and [`superlinear_forcing`](@ref). * `inexact_hybrid = true`: whether to switch to the classical Newton method, if the absolute Lyapunov tolerance of the classical Newton method is less strict (i.e. larger) than the tolerance `η * residual_norm`. * `linesearch = true`: whether to perform an Armijo line search if the Riccati residual did not decrease sufficiently, see e.g. Benner et al. (2015). Default arguments to Lyapunov solver, which can all be overwritten by `adi_kwargs`: * `maxiters = 100`: maximum number of ADI iterations * `observer = observer` * `initial_guess`: see `adi_initprev` above * `reltol`: defaults a fraction of the Riccati tolerance, `reltol/10` * `abstol`: controlled by `inexact*` above, if `inexact = true`. References: * Dembo, Eisenstat, Steihaug: Inexact Newton Methods. 1982. * Benner, Heinkenschloss, Saak, Weichelt: Inexact low-rank Newton-ADI method for large-scale algebraic Riccati equations. 2015. """ struct NewtonADI <: AlgebraicRiccatiSolver end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Base.Iterators: Stateful, cycle """ Cyclic(::Shifts.Strategy) Cyclic(values) Cycle through precomputed `values` or the shifts produced by the inner strategy. That is, continue with the first parameter once the last one has been consumed. Examples: ```julia Cyclic(Heuristic(10, 20, 20)) Cyclic(Float64[-1, -2, -3]) ``` """ struct Cyclic <: Strategy inner end """ Wrapped(func!, ::Shifts.Strategy) Apply `func!` to the set of shifts produced by the inner strategy via [`Shifts.take_many!`](@ref). This strategy may be used, e.g., to filter or reorder the shifts. Complex-valued shifts must occur in conjugated pairs. Examples: ```julia Wrapped(reverse, Projection(2)) Wrapped(Projection(4)) do shifts filter(s -> real(s) < -1, shifts) end ``` """ struct Wrapped <: Strategy func! inner::Strategy end ### """ BufferedIterator(generator) Initialize an internal buffer of type `Vector{<:Number}` from [`Shifts.take_many!(generator)`](@ref Shifts.take_many!) and return shifts one-by-one using `popfirst!`. Refill the buffer once it is depleated. """ mutable struct BufferedIterator buffer::Vector{<:Number} generator BufferedIterator(gen) = new(ComplexF64[], gen) end """ Shifts.take_many!(generator) Return a `Vector{<:Number}` of shift parameters to be used within a [`Shifts.BufferedIterator`](@ref). """ take_many! mutable struct WrappedIterator func! generator end # Allow Cyclic(42) for convenience: _init(values, _) = values _init(s::Strategy, prob) = init(s, prob) init(c::Cyclic, prob) = Stateful(cycle(_init(c.inner, prob))) # Ensure that BufferedIterator remains the outer-most structure: _wrap(it, func!) = WrappedIterator(func!, it) _wrap(it::BufferedIterator, func!) = BufferedIterator(WrappedIterator(func!, it.generator)) init(w::Wrapped, prob) = _wrap(init(w.inner, prob), w.func!) update!(it::BufferedIterator, args...) = update!(it.generator, args...) update!(it::WrappedIterator, args...) = update!(it.generator, args...) take_many!(it::WrappedIterator) = it.func!(take_many!(it.generator)) function take!(it::BufferedIterator) if isempty(it.buffer) it.buffer = take_many!(it.generator) @debug "Obtained $(length(it.buffer)) new shifts" end # TODO: Using `popfirst!` feels inefficient, even though there should be only 10s of elements buffered. popfirst!(it.buffer) end ### """ safe_sort!(shifts) Ensure that complex conjugated values are located adjacent to one another. """ safe_sort!(shifts) = sort!(shifts; by = v -> (real(v), abs(imag(v))))
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using UnPack """ Shifts.Heuristic(nshifts, k₊, k₋) Compute heuristic or sub-optimal shift parameters following Algorithm 5.1 of > Penzl: A cyclic low rank Smith method for large sparse Lyapunov equations, > SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 21 (1999), pp. 1401-1418. DOI: 10.1137/S1064827598347666 """ struct Heuristic <: Strategy nshifts::Int k₊::Int k₋::Int end function init(strategy::Heuristic, prob) @unpack nshifts, k₊, k₋ = strategy @unpack E, A = prob # TODO: Make solver configurable. # TODO: Think about caching of properties of E. # The matrix E shouldn't change all that much between iterations of the same algorithm, # or between algorithms in general. Ef = factorize(E) b0 = ones(size(E, 1)) R₊ = compute_ritz_values(x -> Ef \ (A * x), b0, k₊, "E⁻¹A") R₋ = compute_ritz_values(x -> A \ (E * x), b0, k₋, "A⁻¹E") # TODO: R₊ and R₋ may not be disjoint. Remove duplicates, or replace values that differ # by an eps with their average. R = vcat(R₊, inv.(R₋)) heuristic(R, nshifts) end function heuristic(R, nshifts=length(R)) s(t, P) = prod(abs(t - p) / abs(t + p) for p in P) p = argmin(R) do p maximum(s(t, (p,)) for t in R) end P = isreal(p) ? [p] : [p, conj(p)] while length(P) < nshifts p = argmax(R) do t s(t, P) end if isreal(p) push!(P, p) else append!(P, (p, conj(p))) end end return P end function compute_ritz_values(A, b0, k::Int, desc::String) n = length(b0) H = zeros(k + 1, k) V = zeros(n, k + 1) V[:, 1] .= (1.0 / norm(b0)) * b0 # Arnoldi for j in 1:k w = A(V[:, j]) # Repeated modified Gram-Schmidt (MGS) for _ = 1:2 for i = 1:j g = V[:, i]' * w H[i, j] += g w -= V[:, i] * g end end H[j+1, j] = beta = norm(w) V[:, j+1] .= (1.0 / beta) * w end ritz = eigvals(@view H[1:k, 1:k]) isstable(v) = real(v) < 0 all(isstable, ritz) && return ritz @warn "Discarding unstable Ritz values of $desc" filter!(isstable, ritz) end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays using UnPack using Compat: keepat! """ Shifts.Projection(u::Int) Compute shift parameters based on the `u` most recent increments comprising the solution candidate. Only even `u > 1` are allowed, such that an ADI double-step can properly be accounted for. See section 5.3.1 of > Kürschner: Efficient low-rank solution of large-scale matrix equations. > Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (2016). The strategy has first been presented in > Benner, Kürschner, Saak: Self-generating and efficient shift parameters in ADI methods for large Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, > Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 43 (2014), pp. 142-162. > """ struct Projection <: Strategy n_history::Int function Projection(u) isodd(u) && throw(ArgumentError("History must be even; got $u")) new(u) end end mutable struct ProjectionShiftIterator prob n_history::Int Vs::Vector{Any} end function init(strategy::Projection, prob) it = ProjectionShiftIterator(prob, strategy.n_history, []) BufferedIterator(it) end function update!(it::ProjectionShiftIterator, _, R, Vs...) isempty(Vs) && push!(it.Vs, R) append!(it.Vs, Vs) lst = length(it.Vs) fst = max(1, lst - it.n_history + 1) keepat!(it.Vs, fst:lst) return end function take_many!(it::ProjectionShiftIterator) @unpack E, A = it.prob @unpack Vs = it N = hcat(Vs...)::AbstractMatrix{<:Real} Q = orth(N) Ẽ = restrict(E, Q) Ã = restrict(A, Q) λ = eigvals(Ã, Ẽ) # TODO: flip values at imaginary axes instead λ₋ = filter(l -> real(l) < 0, λ) safe_sort!(λ₋) return λ₋ end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: _dcat(::Type{T}, X, Xs...) where {T} = _dcat(T, (X, Xs...)) function _dcat(::Type{T}, Xs) where {T} n = sum(X -> size(X, 1), Xs) D = _zeros(T, n, n) k = 0 for X in Xs l = size(X, 1) span = k+1:k+l D[span,span] = X k += l end @assert k == n return D end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: _diagm(::Type{<:Matrix}, v) = diagm(v) _diagm(::Type{<:SparseMatrixCSC}, v) = spdiagm(v)
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: _hcat(::Type{T}, X, Xs...) where {T} = _hcat(T, (X, Xs...)) function _hcat(::Type{T}, Xs) where {T} m = size(first(Xs), 1) n = sum(X -> size(X, 2), Xs) L = _zeros(T, m, n) k = 0 for X in Xs l = size(X, 2) span = k+1:k+l L[:,span] = X k += l end @assert k == n return L end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: _zeros(::Type{Matrix{T}}, m::Int, n::Int=m) where {T} = zeros(T, m, n) _zeros(::Type{<:SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{T}}, m::Int, n::Int=m) where {T} = spzeros(T, m, n)
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: import .Stuff: restrict function restrict(AUV::LowRankUpdate, Q) A, α, U, V = AUV restrict(A, Q) + inv(α) * ((Q'U) * (V*Q)) end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Test, DifferentialRiccatiEquations using LinearAlgebra n = 10 k = 2 @testset "Conversions" begin L = randn(n, k) D = rand(k, k) X = LDLᵀ(L, D) M = Matrix(X) @test M isa Matrix{Float64} @test size(M) == (n, n) @test M ≈ L*D*L' @test norm(M) ≈ norm(X) end function sample(n, k) local D, L while true L = randn(n, k) rank(L) == k && break end λ = rand(k) .+ 0.1 D = diagm(λ) return LDLᵀ(L, D) end @testset "Rank k" begin X = sample(n, k) M = Matrix(X) @test M isa Matrix{Float64} @test rank(X) == rank(M) == k _L = only(X.Ls) _D = only(X.Ds) L, D = X @test L === _L @test D === _D for d in 2:k D[d,d] = 0 end compress!(X) @test rank(X) == 1 end @testset "Rank 0" begin X = LDLᵀ(randn(n, 1), zeros(1, 1)) @test rank(X) == 1 # not the actual rank compress!(X) @test rank(X) == 0 @test Matrix(X) == zeros(n, n) X = sample(n, 0) @test rank(X) == 0 @test Matrix(X) == zeros(n, n) Z = zero(X) @test typeof(Z) == typeof(X) @test rank(Z) == 0 end @testset "Compression" begin # TODO: Once compression is configurable, this must be adjusted. @assert 2k < 0.5n # U+U does not trigger compression U = sample(n, k) V = Matrix(U) W = U + U @test rank(V) == k @test rank(W) == 2k @test Matrix(W) ≈ 2V @testset "Implicit Compression" begin # Implicit compression upon iteration: W = U + U @test rank(W) == 2k L, D = W @test rank(W) == k @test size(L, 1) == n @test size(L, 2) == size(D, 1) == size(D, 2) == k @test Matrix(W) ≈ L*D*L' ≈ 2V # Repeated iteration does not alter the components: L1, D1 = W @test L1 === L @test D1 === D end @testset "Skipped Compression" begin # Don't compress singleton components: W = U + U concatenate!(W) @test rank(W) == 2k L, D = W @test size(L, 1) == n @test size(L, 2) == size(D, 1) == size(D, 2) == 2k @test Matrix(W) ≈ L*D*L' ≈ 2V end desc = ("w/ ", "w/o") concat = (true, false) @testset "Explicit Compression $d Concatenation" for (d, cc) in zip(desc, concat) # Explicit compression reduces rank: W = U + U cc && concatenate!(W) @test rank(W) == 2k compress!(W) @test rank(W) == k L, D = W @test size(L, 1) == n @test size(L, 2) == size(D, 1) == size(D, 2) == k @test Matrix(W) ≈ L*D*L' ≈ 2V end end @testset "Arithmetic" begin # TODO: Once compression is configurable, this must be adjusted. @assert 3k > 0.5n # X+X+X does trigger compression X = sample(n, k) @test rank(X) == k @test rank(compress!(X+X)) == k @test rank(X+X+X) == k #@test rank(X-X) == 0 # flaky end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Test using LinearAlgebra using DifferentialRiccatiEquations: LowRankUpdate, lr_update using SparseArrays n = 10 k = 3 @testset "Dense A" begin A = rand(n, n) U = rand(n, k) V = rand(k, n) AUV = lr_update(A, 1, U, V) @test AUV isa Matrix end function test_lr_update(A, U, V) AUV = lr_update(A, -1, U, V) # technically a downdate @test AUV isa LowRankUpdate # Decomposition: _A, _α, _U, _V = AUV @test _A === A @test _U === U @test _V === V @test _α === -1 # Vector solve: M = A - U*V B = rand(n) X = AUV \ B @test M * X ≈ B # Matrix solve: B1 = rand(n, 1) X1 = AUV \ B1 @test M * X1 ≈ B1 # Addition: E = sprand(n, n, 0.2) EUV = AUV + E @test typeof(EUV) == typeof(AUV) _E, _α, _U, _V = EUV @test _E ≈ A + E @test _U === U @test _V === V @test _α === -1 end @testset "Sparse A" begin A = spdiagm(1.0:n) # invertible A[2,1] = 1 # not diagonal A[3,2] = 2 # not triangular or symmetric desc = ["Dense", "Sparse"] Us = [rand(n, k), sprand(n, k, 0.5)] Vs = [rand(k, n), sprand(k, n, 0.5)] tests = Iterators.product( zip(desc, Us), zip(desc, Vs), ) @testset "$descU U, $descV V" for ((descU, U), (descV, V)) in tests test_lr_update(A, U, V) end end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using LinearAlgebra using SparseArrays using Test using DifferentialRiccatiEquations using DifferentialRiccatiEquations: Shifts using .Shifts using .Shifts: take!, init penzl(p) = [-1 p; -p -1] modified_penzl(v) = abs(real(v)) * penzl(imag(v) / real(v)) n = 3 E = sparse(1.0I(n)) A = spzeros(n, n) A[1:2, 1:2] = penzl(1) A[3:n, 3:n] .= -1/2 # Internally, the Ritz values are computed with a naive Arnoldi implementation, # which is not very accurate. Therefore, the following testset is mostly broken. # However, in practise, the shifts it produces work much better than accurate Ritz values. @testset "Heuristic Penzl Shifts" begin k = 2 strategy = Heuristic(k, 2, 2) shifts = init(strategy, (; E, A)) @test shifts isa Vector{ComplexF64} @test k <= length(shifts) <= k + 1 @test_broken any(≈(-1 + im), shifts) @test_broken any(≈(-1 - im), shifts) if length(shifts) > k # The strategy may only report more shifts than requested # if the last one has been complex, i.e., both the complex # parameters as well as its conjugate had to be returned. # In that case, the real shift had to be the first one. @test any(≈(-1/2), shifts) @test shifts[1] ≈ -1/2 end # Ensure complex shifts occur in conjugated pairs: i = findfirst(!isreal, shifts) @test_broken !isnothing(i) @test_broken shifts[i] == conj(shifts[i+1]) end @testset "Cyclic helper" begin shifts = init(Cyclic(1:3), nothing) @test take!(shifts) == 1 @test take!(shifts) == 2 @test take!(shifts) == 3 @test take!(shifts) == 1 @testset "Type Stability ($(eltype(values)))" for values in ( 1:2, # iterable (1.0, 2.0), # Tuple ComplexF64[1, 2], # Vector ) shifts = init(Cyclic(values), nothing) a, b = values # Check value and type: @test take!(shifts) === a @test take!(shifts) === b end shifts = init(Cyclic(Heuristic(1, 1, 1)), (; E, A)) p = take!(shifts) if isreal(p) @test take!(shifts) == p else @test take!(shifts) == conj(p) @test take!(shifts) == p end end struct Dummy <: Shifts.Strategy values end struct DummyIterator values end Shifts.init(d::Dummy, _) = Shifts.BufferedIterator(DummyIterator(d.values)) Shifts.take_many!(d::DummyIterator) = d.values # Prerequisite: @test init(Dummy(nothing), nothing) isa Shifts.BufferedIterator @testset "BufferedIterator helper" begin @testset "Type Stability $(eltype(values))" for values in ( [1, 2, 3], ComplexF64[1, 2, 3], ) shifts = init(Dummy(copy(values)), nothing) # Check value and type stability: for v in values @test take!(shifts) === v end end end @testset "Wrapped helper" begin shifts = init(Wrapped(reverse, Dummy([1,2,3])), nothing) @test shifts isa Shifts.BufferedIterator @test shifts.generator isa Shifts.WrappedIterator @test shifts.generator.generator isa DummyIterator @test take!(shifts) == 3 @test take!(shifts) == 2 @test take!(shifts) == 1 end @testset "Adaptive Projection Shifts" begin @test_throws ArgumentError Projection(1) strategy = Projection(2) shifts = init(strategy, (; E, A)) # Ensure that no shifts have been computed so far: @test shifts isa Shifts.BufferedIterator @test isempty(shifts.buffer) # Pass some initial data: Shifts.update!(shifts, LDLᵀ(zeros(n, 0), zeros(0, 0)), ones(n)) @test isempty(shifts.buffer) # As the initial residual was rank one, # only one shift should have been computed: @test Shifts.take!(shifts) ≈ -5/6 @test isempty(shifts.buffer) end function preserves_conj_pairs(shifts, n=length(shifts); verbose=true) i = 0 while i < n i += 1 v = take!(shifts) if !isreal(v) i += 1 w = take!(shifts) w ≈ conj(v) && continue verbose && @error "Error at shift $i: expected conj($v), got $w" return false end end return true end # Ensure that complex shifts occur in conjugated pairs. @testset "Conjugated Pairs" begin @testset "Same $desc" for (desc, f) in [ ("magnitude", a -> -exp(a*im)), ("real part", a -> -1 - a*im), ] @testset "Helper $(length(vals))" for vals in (-1:1, -3:2:3) vals = [f(v) for v in -n:2:n] @test !preserves_conj_pairs(copy(vals); verbose=false) Shifts.safe_sort!(vals) @test preserves_conj_pairs(copy(vals)) end @testset "Hacky Projection shifts" begin I4 = 1.0 * I(4) A = zeros(4, 4) A[1:2, 1:2] .= modified_penzl(f(1)) A[3:4, 3:4] .= modified_penzl(f(2)) shifts = init(Shifts.Projection(2), (; E=I4, A)) # Hack input such that full spectrum of A is returned. Shifts.update!(shifts, nothing, nothing, I4) @test preserves_conj_pairs(shifts, 4) end end end
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# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Test using DifferentialRiccatiEquations using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays using MAT, UnPack const DREs = DifferentialRiccatiEquations # Dense Setup P = matread(joinpath(@__DIR__, "Rail371.mat")) @unpack E, A, B, C, X0 = P tspan = (4500., 4400.) # backwards in time prob = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0, tspan) # Low-Rank Setup With Dense D q = size(C, 1) L = E \ C' D = Matrix(0.01I(q)) X0s = LDLᵀ(L, D) sprob1 = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0s, tspan) # Low-Rank Setup With Sparse D Ds = sparse(0.01I(q)) X0ss = LDLᵀ(L, Ds) sprob2 = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0ss, tspan) Δt(nsteps::Int) = (tspan[2] - tspan[1]) ÷ nsteps function smoketest(prob, alg) sol = solve(prob, alg; dt=Δt(1)) @test sol isa DREs.DRESolution @test length(sol.X) == 2 # only store first and last state by default @test first(sol.X) === prob.X0 # do not copy sol = solve(prob, alg; dt=Δt(2), save_state=true) @test sol isa DREs.DRESolution @test length(sol.t) == length(sol.X) == length(sol.K) == 3 @test issorted(sol.t) == issorted(tspan) # do not alter direction of time end @testset "Dense $alg" for alg in (Ros1(), Ros2(), Ros3(), Ros4()) smoketest(prob, alg) end # Verify Low-Rank Setup @test Matrix(X0s) ≈ X0 @test Matrix(X0ss) ≈ X0 @testset "Low-Rank Ros1()" begin alg = Ros1() # Replicate K with dense solver: ref = solve(prob, alg; dt=Δt(5)) ε = norm(ref.K[end]) * size(E, 1) * eps() * 100 @testset "Dense D" begin smoketest(sprob1, alg) sol1 = solve(sprob1, alg; dt=Δt(5)) @test norm(ref.K[end] - sol1.K[end]) < ε end @testset "Sparse D" begin smoketest(sprob2, alg) sol2 = solve(sprob2, alg; dt=Δt(5)) @test norm(ref.K[end] - sol2.K[end]) < ε end end @testset "Low-Rank Ros2()" begin alg = Ros2() # Replicate K with dense solver: ref = solve(prob, alg; dt=Δt(5)) ε = norm(ref.K[end]) * size(E, 1) * eps() * 100 @testset "Dense D" begin smoketest(sprob1, alg) sol1 = solve(sprob1, alg; dt=Δt(5)) @test norm(ref.K[end] - sol1.K[end]) < ε end @testset "Sparse D" begin smoketest(sprob2, alg) sol2 = solve(sprob2, alg; dt=Δt(5)) @test norm(ref.K[end] - sol2.K[end]) < ε end end using DifferentialRiccatiEquations: residual using DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Shifts @testset "NewtonADI()" begin G = LDLᵀ(B, I) Q = LDLᵀ(C', I) are = GAREProblem(E, A, G, Q) reltol = 1e-10 @testset "$(adi_kwargs.shifts)" for adi_kwargs in [ (shifts = Projection(2),), # leads to some complex shifts (shifts = Cyclic(Heuristic(10, 20, 20)), maxiters = 200), ] X = solve(are, NewtonADI(); reltol, adi_kwargs, maxiters=10) @test norm(residual(are, X)) < reltol * norm(Q) end end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of DifferentialRiccatiEquations. License is MIT: using Test using DifferentialRiccatiEquations using SparseArrays using DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Stuff: orth @testset "DifferentialRiccatiEquations.jl" begin @testset "LDLᵀ" begin include("LDLt.jl") end @testset "LowRankUpdate" begin include("LowRankUpdate.jl") end @testset "orth" begin N = zeros(4, 1) Q = orth(N) @test size(Q) == (4, 0) Ns = sparse(N) Qs = orth(Ns) @test size(Qs) == (4, 0) end @testset "ADI Shifts" begin include("Shifts.jl") end @testset "Oberwolfach Rail" begin include("rail.jl") end end
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# v0.4 * Fix LDLᵀ compression for indefinite objects (d6a649ad62ab6d413ce82e5a2b0090de813a33de) * Add callbacks to allow user to gather information during `solve` calls; see docstring of the `Callbacks` module for more info * Add configurable shift strategies; see docstring of the `Shifts` module for more info * Change default shift strategy. While this is not API breaking, it does affect the convergence behavior. (7b32660af73c23c0d710b215705688842aa0bb70) * Fix order of automatic/projection shifts: ensure that complex shifts occur in conjugated pairs directly one after the other (e36a1163f9db4796b334fbdf23c23ea4fd0aab9d) * Add Inexact Newton method following Dembo et al. (1982) and Benner et al. (2015) to solve AREs; see docstring of `NewtonADI` for more info # v0.3 * Add license * Improve documentation * Breaking: Rename keyword arguments of `solve(::GALEProblem, ::ADI; nsteps, rtol)` to `maxiters` and `reltol` * Rename default branch to `main` # v0.2.2 * Fix ADI (425d4001112fcff88b30c58f020b106e10a7ef7b) # v0.2.1 * Add low-rank Ros2 (1345647c610c4561e0d63e8fbee65a85693d8156) # v0.2 * Add LDLᵀ factorization (4811939893a98b6ebc6e442f6a85ff0dcde4b42e) * Add LowRankUpdate representation which supports `\` via Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury (2b00c7bf0d817973d41d883773a68db173faaaa6) * Add low-rank Ros1 (implicit Euler) (c1d4bcf5c22fb71f85512e78c0071e58ffaf1397) * Dense solvers now support sparse `E` (331094d0ca4cc84f4ae2d13df41cc52b5d229663) # v0.1 * Port Rosenbrock solvers from Lang 2017 * Reuse Schur decomposition within Rosenbrock steps (3706742ac179c312b66de1ec41d57a7c2924a7af)
[ "MIT" ]
# DifferentialRiccatiEquations.jl [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( This package provides algorithms to solve autonomous Generalized Differential Riccati Equations (GDRE) ```math \left\{ \begin{aligned} E^T \dot X E &= C^T C + A^T X E + E^T X A - E^T X BB^T X E,\\ X(t_0) &= X_0. \end{aligned} \right. ``` More specifically: * Dense Rosenbrock methods of orders 1 to 4 * Low-rank symmetric indefinite (LRSIF) Rosenbrock methods of order 1 and 2, $X = LDL^T$ In the latter case, the (generalized) Lyapunov equations arizing in the Rosenbrock stages are solved using a LRSIF formulation of the Alternating-Direction Implicit (ADI) method, as described by [LangEtAl2015]. The ADI uses the self-generating parameters described by [Kuerschner2016]. > **Warning** > The low-rank 2nd order Rosenbrock method suffers from the same problems as described by [LangEtAl2015]. [Kuerschner2016]: [LangEtAl2015]: The user interface hooks into [CommonSolve.jl] by providing the `GDREProblem` problem type as well as the `Ros1`, `Ros2`, `Ros3`, and `Ros4` solver types. [CommonSolve.jl]: # Getting started The package can be installed from Julia's REPL: ``` pkg> add ``` To run the following demos, you further need the following packages and standard libraries: ``` pkg> add LinearAlgebra MAT SparseArrays UnPack ``` What follows is a slightly more hands-on version of `test/rail.jl`. Please refer to the latter for missing details. ## Dense formulation The easiest setting is perhaps the dense one, i.e. the system matrices `E`, `A`, `B`, and `C` as well as the solution trajectory `X` are dense. First, load the system matrices from e.g. `test/Rail371.mat` (see [License](#license) section below) and define the problem parameters. ```julia using DifferentialRiccatiEquations using LinearAlgebra using MAT, UnPack P = matread("Rail371.mat") @unpack E, A, B, C, X0 = P tspan = (4500., 0.) # backwards in time ``` Then, instantiate the GDRE and call `solve` on it. ```julia prob = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0, tspan) sol = solve(prob, Ros1(); dt=-100) ``` The trajectories $X(t)$, $K(t) := B^T X(t) E$, and $t$ may be accessed as follows. ```julia sol.X # X(t) sol.K # K(t) := B^T X(t) E sol.t # discretization points ``` By default, the state $X$ is only stored at the boundaries of the time span `tspan`, as one is mostly interested only in the feedback matrices $K$. To store the full state trajectory, pass `save_state=true` to `solve`. ```julia sol_full = solve(prob, Ros1(); dt=-100, save_state=true) ``` ## Low-rank formulation Continuing from the dense setup, assemble a low-rank variant of the initial value, $X_0 = LDL^T$ where $E^T X_0 E = C^T C / 100$ in this case. Both dense and sparse factors are allowed for $D$. ```julia using SparseArrays q = size(C, 1) L = E \ C' D = sparse(0.01I(q)) X0_lr = LDLᵀ(L, D) Matrix(X0_lr) ≈ X0 ``` Passing this low-rank initial value to the GDRE instance selects the low-rank algorithms and computes the whole trajectories in $X$ that way. Recall that these trajectories are only stored iff one passes the keyword argument `save_state=true` to `solve`. ```julia prob_lr = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0_lr, tspan) sol_lr = solve(prob_lr, Ros1(); dt=-100) ``` > **Note** > The type of the initial value, `X0` or `X0_lr`, > dictates the type used for the whole trajectory, `sol.X` and `sol_lr.X`. ## Solver introspection / Callbacks To record information during the solution process, e.g. the residual norms of every ADI step at every GDRE time step, define a custom observer object and associated callback methods. Refer to the documentation of the `Callbacks` module for further information. ``` julia> import DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Callbacks help?> Callbacks ``` Note that there are currently no pre-built observers. ## ADI shift parameter selection The ADI shifts may be configured using keyword arguments of `solve`. ```julia shifts = Shifts.Projection(2) solve(::GALEProblem, ::ADI; shifts) adi_kwargs = (; shifts) solve(::GDREProblem, ::Ros1; adi_kwargs) solve(::GAREProblem, ::NewtonADI; adi_kwargs) ``` Pre-built shift strategies include: * `Heuristic` shifts described by [Penzl1999] * `Projection` shifts described by [BennerKuerschnerSaak2014] * User-supplied shifts via the `Cyclic` wrapper Refer to the documentation of the `Shifts` module for further information. ``` julia> import DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Shifts help?> Shifts ``` # Acknowledgments I would like to thank the code reviewers: * Jens Saak ( * Martin Köhler ( * Fan Wang ( # License The DifferentialRiccatiEquations package is licensed under [MIT], see `LICENSE`. The `test/Rail371.mat` data file stems from [BennerSaak2005] and is licensed under [CC-BY-4.0]. See [MOR Wiki] for further information. > **Warning** > The output matrix `C` of the included configuration differs from all the other configurations hosted at [MOR Wiki] by a factor of 10. [Penzl1999]: [BennerSaak2005]: [BennerKuerschnerSaak2014]: [CC-BY-4.0]: [MIT]: [MOR Wiki]:
[ "MIT" ]
using SoleDecisionTreeInterface using Documenter DocMeta.setdocmeta!(SoleDecisionTreeInterface, :DocTestSetup, :(using SoleDecisionTreeInterface); recursive=true) makedocs(; modules=[SoleDecisionTreeInterface], authors="Giovanni Pagliarini", sitename="SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl", format=Documenter.HTML(; canonical="", edit_link="main", assets=String[], ), pages=[ "Home" => "", ], ) deploydocs(; repo="", devbranch="main", )
[ "MIT" ]
module SoleDecisionTreeInterface using Reexport import DecisionTree as DT @reexport using Sole using Sole: DecisionTree export solemodel function solemodel(tree::DT.InfoNode, keep_condensed = false, use_featurenames = true, kwargs...) # @show fieldnames(typeof(tree)) use_featurenames = use_featurenames ? : false root, info = begin if keep_condensed root = solemodel(tree.node; use_featurenames = use_featurenames, kwargs...) info = (; apply_preprocess=(y -> UInt32(findfirst(x -> x == y,, apply_postprocess=(y ->[y]), ) root, info else root = solemodel(tree.node; replace_classlabels =, use_featurenames = use_featurenames, kwargs...) info = (;) root, info end end info = merge(info, (;, #[:supporting_predictions],[:supporting_labels], ) ) return DecisionTree(root, info) end # function solemodel(tree::DT.Root) # root = solemodel(tree.node) # # @show fieldnames(typeof(tree)) # info = (; # n_feat = tree.n_feat, # featim = tree.featim, # supporting_predictions =[:supporting_predictions], # supporting_labels =[:supporting_labels], # ) # return DecisionTree(root, info) # end function solemodel(tree::DT.Node; replace_classlabels = nothing, use_featurenames = false) test_operator = (<) # @show fieldnames(typeof(tree)) feature = (use_featurenames != false) ? Sole.VariableValue(use_featurenames[tree.featid]) : Sole.VariableValue(tree.featid) cond = ScalarCondition(feature, test_operator, tree.featval) antecedent = Atom(cond) lefttree = solemodel(tree.left; replace_classlabels = replace_classlabels, use_featurenames = use_featurenames) righttree = solemodel(tree.right; replace_classlabels = replace_classlabels, use_featurenames = use_featurenames) info = (; supporting_predictions = [[:supporting_predictions]...,[:supporting_predictions]...], supporting_labels = [[:supporting_labels]...,[:supporting_labels]...], ) return Branch(antecedent, lefttree, righttree, info) end function solemodel(tree::DT.Leaf; replace_classlabels = nothing, use_featurenames = false) # @show fieldnames(typeof(tree)) prediction = tree.majority labels = tree.values if !isnothing(replace_classlabels) prediction = replace_classlabels[prediction] labels = replace_classlabels[labels] end info = (; supporting_predictions = fill(prediction, length(labels)), supporting_labels = labels, ) return SoleModels.ConstantModel(prediction, info) end end
[ "MIT" ]
using Test using MLJ using MLJBase using DataFrames using MLJDecisionTreeInterface using SoleDecisionTreeInterface using Sole X, y = @load_iris X = DataFrame(X) train_ratio = 0.8 train, test = partition(eachindex(y), train_ratio, shuffle=true) X_train, y_train = X[train, :], y[train] X_test, y_test = X[test, :], y[test] println("Training set size: ", size(X_train), " - ", size(y_train)) println("Test set size: ", size(X_test), " - ", size(y_test)) println("Training set type: ", typeof(X_train), " - ", typeof(y_train)) println("Test set type: ", typeof(X_test), " - ", typeof(y_test)) Tree = MLJ.@load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree model = Tree( max_depth=-1, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, ) # Bind the model and data into a machine mach = machine(model, X_train, y_train) # Fit the model fit!(mach) sole_dt = solemodel(fitted_params(mach).tree) @test SoleData.scalarlogiset(X_test; allow_propositional = true) isa PropositionalLogiset # Make test instances flow into the model apply!(sole_dt, X_test, y_test) # apply!(sole_dt, X_test, y_test, mode = :append) sole_dt = @test_nowarn @btime solemodel(fitted_params(mach).tree, true) sole_dt = @test_nowarn @btime solemodel(fitted_params(mach).tree, false) printmodel(sole_dt; max_depth = 7, show_intermediate_finals = true, show_metrics = true) printmodel.(listrules(sole_dt, min_lift = 1.0, min_ninstances = 0); show_metrics = true); printmodel.(listrules(sole_dt, min_lift = 1.0, min_ninstances = 0); show_metrics = true, show_subtree_metrics = true); printmodel.(listrules(sole_dt, min_lift = 1.0, min_ninstances = 0); show_metrics = true, show_subtree_metrics= true, tree_mode=true); readmetrics.(listrules(sole_dt; min_lift=1.0, min_ninstances = 0)) printmodel.(listrules(sole_dt, min_lift = 1.0, min_ninstances = 0); show_metrics = true); interesting_rules = listrules(sole_dt; min_lift=1.0, min_ninstances = 0, custom_thresholding_callback = (ms)->ms.coverage*ms.ninstances >= 4) # printmodel.(sort(interesting_rules, by = readmetrics); show_metrics = (; round_digits = nothing, )); printmodel.(sort(interesting_rules, by = readmetrics); show_metrics = (; round_digits = nothing, additional_metrics = (; length = r->natoms(antecedent(r))))); @test_broken joinrules(interesting_rules)
[ "MIT" ]
using SoleDecisionTreeInterface using Test using Random function run_tests(list) println("\n" * ("#"^50)) for test in list println("TEST: $test") include(test) end end println("Julia version: ", VERSION) test_suites = [ ("Core", ["core.jl",]), ] @testset "SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl" begin for ts in eachindex(test_suites) name = test_suites[ts][1] list = test_suites[ts][2] let @testset "$name" begin run_tests(list) end end end println() end
[ "MIT" ]
# SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl [![Stable](]( [![Dev](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( <!-- [![Build Status](]( --> Ever wondered what to do with a trained decision tree? Start by inspecting its knowledge, and end up evaluating it in a dedicated framework! This package allows you to convert learned [DecisionTree]( models to [Sole]( decision tree models. With a Sole model in your hand, you can then to treat the extracted knowledge in symbolic form, that is, as a set of logical formulas, which allows you to: - Evaluate them in terms of + accuracy (e.g., confidence, lift), + relevance (e.g., support), + interpretability (e.g., syntax height, number of atoms); - Modify them; - Merge them. <!-- Note: this is a newly developed package; its potential is still unknown. --> ## Usage ### Converting to a Sole model ```julia using MLJ using MLJDecisionTreeInterface using DataFrames X, y = @load_iris X = DataFrame(X) train, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.8, shuffle=true); X_train, y_train = X[train, :], y[train]; X_test, y_test = X[test, :], y[test]; # Train a model learned_dt_tree = begin Tree = MLJ.@load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree model = Tree(max_depth=-1, ) mach = machine(model, X_train, y_train) fit!(mach) fitted_params(mach).tree end using SoleDecisionTreeInterface # Convert to Sole model sole_dt = solemodel(learned_dt_tree) ``` ### Model inspection & rule study ```julia-repl julia> using Sole; julia> # Make test instances flow into the model, so that test metrics can, then, be computed. apply!(sole_dt, X_test, y_test); julia> # Print Sole model printmodel(sole_dt; show_metrics = true); ▣ V4 < 0.8 ├✔ setosa : (ninstances = 7, ncovered = 7, confidence = 1.0, lift = 1.0) └✘ V3 < 4.95 ├✔ V4 < 1.65 │├✔ versicolor : (ninstances = 10, ncovered = 10, confidence = 1.0, lift = 1.0) │└✘ V2 < 3.1 │ ├✔ virginica : (ninstances = 2, ncovered = 2, confidence = 1.0, lift = 1.0) │ └✘ versicolor : (ninstances = 0, ncovered = 0, confidence = NaN, lift = NaN) └✘ V3 < 5.05 ├✔ V1 < 6.5 │├✔ virginica : (ninstances = 0, ncovered = 0, confidence = NaN, lift = NaN) │└✘ versicolor : (ninstances = 0, ncovered = 0, confidence = NaN, lift = NaN) └✘ virginica : (ninstances = 11, ncovered = 11, confidence = 0.91, lift = 1.0) julia> # Extract rules that are at least as good as a random baseline model interesting_rules = listrules(sole_dt, min_lift = 1.0, min_ninstances = 0); julia> printmodel.(interesting_rules; show_metrics = true); ▣ (V4 < 0.8) ∧ (⊤) ↣ setosa : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 7, coverage = 0.23, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 1, lift = 4.29) ▣ (¬(V4 < 0.8)) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ∧ (V4 < 1.65) ∧ (⊤) ↣ versicolor : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 10, coverage = 0.33, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 3, lift = 2.73) ▣ (¬(V4 < 0.8)) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ∧ (¬(V4 < 1.65)) ∧ (V2 < 3.1) ∧ (⊤) ↣ virginica : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 2, coverage = 0.07, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 4, lift = 2.5) ▣ (¬(V4 < 0.8)) ∧ (¬(V3 < 4.95)) ∧ (¬(V3 < 5.05)) ∧ (⊤) ↣ virginica : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 11, coverage = 0.37, confidence = 0.91, natoms = 3, lift = 2.27) julia> # Simplify rules while extracting and prettify result interesting_rules = listrules(sole_dt, min_lift = 1.0, min_ninstances = 0, normalize = true); julia> printmodel.(interesting_rules; show_metrics = true, syntaxstring_kwargs = (; threshold_digits = 2)); ▣ V4 < 0.8 ↣ setosa : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 7, coverage = 0.23, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 1, lift = 4.29) ▣ (V4 ∈ [0.8,1.65)) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ↣ versicolor : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 10, coverage = 0.33, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 2, lift = 2.73) ▣ (V4 ≥ 1.65) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ∧ (V2 < 3.1) ↣ virginica : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 2, coverage = 0.07, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 3, lift = 2.5) ▣ (V4 ≥ 0.8) ∧ (V3 ≥ 5.05) ↣ virginica : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 11, coverage = 0.37, confidence = 0.91, natoms = 2, lift = 2.27) julia> # Directly access rule metrics readmetrics.(listrules(sole_dt; min_lift=1.0, min_ninstances = 0)) 4-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:ninstances, :ncovered, :coverage, :confidence, :natoms, :lift), Tuple{Int64, Int64, Float64, Float64, Int64, Float64}}}: (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 7, coverage = 0.23333333333333334, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 1, lift = 4.285714285714286) (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 10, coverage = 0.3333333333333333, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 3, lift = 2.7272727272727275) (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 2, coverage = 0.06666666666666667, confidence = 1.0, natoms = 4, lift = 2.5) (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 11, coverage = 0.36666666666666664, confidence = 0.9090909090909091, natoms = 3, lift = 2.2727272727272725) julia> # Show rules with an additional metric (syntax height of the rule's antecedent) printmodel.(sort(interesting_rules, by = readmetrics); show_metrics = (; round_digits = nothing, additional_metrics = (; height = r->SoleLogics.height(antecedent(r))))); ▣ (V4 ≥ 1.65) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ∧ (V2 < 3.1) ↣ virginica : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 2, coverage = 0.06666666666666667, confidence = 1.0, height = 2, lift = 2.5) ▣ V4 < 0.8 ↣ setosa : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 7, coverage = 0.23333333333333334, confidence = 1.0, height = 0, lift = 4.285714285714286) ▣ (V4 ∈ [0.8,1.65)) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ↣ versicolor : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 10, coverage = 0.3333333333333333, confidence = 1.0, height = 1, lift = 2.7272727272727275) ▣ (V4 ≥ 0.8) ∧ (V3 ≥ 5.05) ↣ virginica : (ninstances = 30, ncovered = 11, coverage = 0.36666666666666664, confidence = 0.9090909090909091, height = 1, lift = 2.2727272727272725) julia> # Pretty table of rules and their metrics metricstable(interesting_rules; metrics_kwargs = (; round_digits = nothing, additional_metrics = (; height = r->SoleLogics.height(antecedent(r))))) ┌────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────┬──────────┬───────────┬────────────┬────────┬─────────┐ │ Antecedent │ Consequent │ ninstances │ ncovered │ coverage │ confidence │ height │ lift │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼────────────┼────────┼─────────┤ │ V4 < 0.8 │ setosa │ 30 │ 7 │ 0.233333 │ 1.0 │ 0 │ 4.28571 │ │ (V4 ∈ [0.8,1.65)) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) │ versicolor │ 30 │ 10 │ 0.333333 │ 1.0 │ 1 │ 2.72727 │ │ (V4 ≥ 1.65) ∧ (V3 < 4.95) ∧ (V2 < 3.1) │ virginica │ 30 │ 2 │ 0.0666667 │ 1.0 │ 2 │ 2.5 │ │ (V4 ≥ 0.8) ∧ (V3 ≥ 5.05) │ virginica │ 30 │ 11 │ 0.366667 │ 0.909091 │ 1 │ 2.27273 │ └────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴──────────┴───────────┴────────────┴────────┴─────────┘ ```
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = SoleDecisionTreeInterface ``` # SoleDecisionTreeInterface Documentation for [SoleDecisionTreeInterface]( ```@index ``` ```@autodocs Modules = [SoleDecisionTreeInterface] ```
[ "MIT" ]
module CodeTransformation import Core: SimpleVector, svec, CodeInfo import Base: uncompressed_ast, unwrap_unionall export addmethod!, codetransform! # Most of this code is derived from Nathan Daly's DeepcopyModules.jl # which is under the MIT license. # """ jl_method_def(argdata, ci, mod) - C function wrapper This is a wrapper of the C function with the same name, found in the Julia source tree at julia/src/method.c Use `addmethod!` or `codetransform!` instead of calling this function directly. """ jl_method_def(argdata::SimpleVector, ci::CodeInfo, mod::Module) = ccall(:jl_method_def, Cvoid, (SimpleVector, Any, Ptr{Module}), argdata, ci, pointer_from_objref(mod)) # `argdata` is `svec(svec(types...), svec(typevars...))` "Recursively get the typevars from a `UnionAll` type" typevars(T::UnionAll) = (T.var, typevars(T.body)...) typevars(T::DataType) = () @nospecialize # the below functions need not specialize on arguments "Get the module of a function" getmodule(F::Type{<:Function}) = getmodule(f::Function) = getmodule(typeof(f)) "Create a call singature" makesig(f::Function, args) = Tuple{typeof(f), args...} """ argdata(sig[, f]) Turn a call signature into the 'argdata' `svec` that `jl_method_def` uses When a function is given in the second argument, it replaces the one in the call signature. """ argdata(sig) = svec(unwrap_unionall(sig).parameters::SimpleVector, svec(typevars(sig)...)) argdata(sig, f::Function) = svec(svec(typeof(f), unwrap_unionall(sig).parameters[2:end]...), svec(typevars(sig)...)) """ addmethod!(f, argtypes, ci) Add a method to a function. The types of the arguments is given as a `Tuple`. Example: ``` g(x) = x + 13 ci = code_lowered(g)[1] function f end addmethod!(f, (Any,), ci) f(1) # returns 14 ``` """ addmethod!(f::Function, argtypes::Tuple, ci::CodeInfo) = addmethod!(makesig(f, argtypes), ci) """ addmethod(sig, ci) Alternative syntax where the call signature is a `Tuple` type. Example: ``` addmethod!(Tuple{typeof(f), Any}, ci) ``` """ function addmethod!(sig::Type{<:Tuple{F, Vararg}}, ci::CodeInfo) where {F<:Function} jl_method_def(argdata(sig), ci, getmodule(F)) end @specialize # restore default """ codetransform!(tr, dst, src) Apply a code transformation function `tr` on the methods of a function `src`, adding the transformed methods to another function `dst`. Example: Search-and-replace a constant in a function. ``` g(x) = x + 13 function e end codetransform!(g => e) do ci for ex in ci.code if ex isa Expr map!(x -> x === 13 ? 7 : x, ex.args, ex.args) end end ci end e(1) # returns 8 ``` """ function codetransform!(tr::Function, @nospecialize(dst::Function), @nospecialize(src::Function)) mod = getmodule(dst) for m in methods(src).ms ci = uncompressed_ast(m) ci = tr(ci) jl_method_def(argdata(m.sig, dst), ci, mod) end end "Alternative syntax: codetransform!(tr, src => dst)" codetransform!(tr::Function, @nospecialize(p::Pair{<:Function, <:Function})) = codetransform!(tr, p.second, p.first) end # module
[ "MIT" ]
using CodeTransformation using Test @testset "CodeTransformation.jl" begin @test CodeTransformation.getmodule(typeof(sin)) === Base @test CodeTransformation.getmodule(sin) === Base let # Test example from doctring to addmethod! g(x) = x + 13 ci = code_lowered(g)[1] function f end addmethod!(f, (Any,), ci) @test f(1) === 14 # Alternative syntax function f2 end @test CodeTransformation.makesig(f2, (Any,)) === Tuple{typeof(f2), Any} addmethod!(Tuple{typeof(f2), Any}, ci) @test f2(1) === 14 end let # Test example from doctring to codetransform! g(x) = x + 13 function e end codetransform!(g => e) do ci for ex in ci.code if ex isa Expr map!(x -> x === 13 ? 7 : x, ex.args, ex.args) end end ci end @test e(1) === 8 @test g(1) === 14 end let a = Vector{T} where T b = CodeTransformation.typevars(a) @test b isa Tuple @test length(b) == 1 @test b[1] isa TypeVar @test b[1].name == :T @test b[1].lb === Union{} @test b[1].ub === Any end end
[ "MIT" ]
# CodeTransformation [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Codecov](]( This is an experimental package for working with the [`CodeInfo`]( objects that are containded in the vectors that Julia's `code_lowered` and `code_typed` functions return. These objects can be modified and then turned back into functions (technically methods), making it possible to apply code transformations to functions defined in other packages, or in Julia itself. ## Examples Copy a method from one function to another via a `CodeInfo` object. ```julia using CodeTransformation g(x) = x + 13 ci = code_lowered(g)[1] # get the CodeInfo from g's first (and only) method function f end # create an empty function that we can add a method to addmethod!(Tuple{typeof(f), Any}, ci) f(1) # returns 14 ``` Search-and-replace in the function `g` from the previous example. (Applies to all methods, but `g` only has one.) ```julia function e end codetransform!(g => e) do ci for ex in ci.code if ex isa Expr map!(x -> x === 13 ? 7 : x, ex.args, ex.args) end end ci end e(1) # returns 8 g(1) # still returns 14 ``` Note: The syntax may change in the next minor release of this package.
[ "MIT" ]
module Concepts import LinearAlgebra import Distributions using Printf #==============================================================================# # Customized Exceptions # #==============================================================================# struct UnrecognizedSymbolException <: Exception symbol_name::String end Base.showerror(io::IO,e::UnrecognizedSymbolException) = @printf(io,"[%s]: Unrecognized symbol",e.symbol_name) struct NotOverLoadedException <: Exception fcn_name::String end Base.showerror(io::IO,e::NotOverLoadedException) = @printf(io,"[%s]: Abstract method called. Concrete implementation is required.",e.fcn_name) struct Unimplemented <: Exception fcn_name::String end Base.showerror(io::IO,e::Unimplemented) = @printf(io,"[%s]: Notimplemented",e.fcn_name) export UnrecognizedSymbolException, NotOverLoadedException, Unimplemented #==============================================================================# # Customized Macros # #==============================================================================# # Serves as a annotator. So far it is sufficient. We can always add actual defi- # nitions later if we want to enforce the property. I don't think Julia currently # supports private functions.. It maybe possible with some dark-art style trick.. macro private() end macro overload() end macro abstract_instance() end export @overload, @abstract_instance, @private #==============================================================================# # Type Declearations # #==============================================================================# const Optional{T} = Union{T,Nothing} const VecOrMatOfNumbers = VecOrMat{<:Number} const VecOrMatOfReals = VecOrMat{<:Real} const VecOrMatOfFloats = VecOrMat{<:AbstractFloat} const VecOrMatOfIntegers = VecOrMat{<:Integer} const VecOrMatOf{T} = VecOrMat{<:T} where T<:Any const MaybeMissing{T} = Union{Missing,T} where T<:Number const AutoboxedArray{T} = Union{S,Array{S}} where S<:T export Optional, VecOrMatOfReals, VecOrMatOfFloats, VecOrMatOfIntegers, VecOrMatOf, MaybeMissing, AutoboxedArray global SYMBOL_LIST = Set([:Poisson,:Gaussian,:Gamma,:Bernoulli,:NegativeBinomial, :Count,:Binary, :dimension,:rank,:l2diff,:l2difference]) global AVAILABLE_DATA_LAYOUT = Set([:flatten,:bycol,:byrow,:asmatrix,:astensor]) #==============================================================================# # Exponential Family # #==============================================================================# abstract type ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractBernoulli <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractBinomial <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractGaussian <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractPoisson <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractGamma <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractExponential <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractNegativeBinomial <: ExponentialFamily end struct AbstractGeometric <: ExponentialFamily end export ExponentialFamily, AbstractBernoulli, AbstractBinomial, AbstractGaussian, AbstractGamma, AbstractExponential, AbstractNegativeBinomial, AbstractPoisson, forward_map function forward_map() end # function forward_map(distribution::T, args...;kwargs...) where T<:Any # throw(NotOverLoadedException("forward_map")) # end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# struct Diagnostics{T<:Any} end export Diagnostics abstract type AbstractLoss end export AbstractLoss struct ErrorMetric end struct LpSpace p::Real norm function LpSpace(p::Real) return new(p, x -> LinearAlgebra.norm(x,p)) end end struct SchattenClass end struct BoundedLinearOperator end export LpSpace, SchattenClass, BoundedLinearOperator #==============================================================================# # Model Fitting # #==============================================================================# abstract type AbstractModelView end abstract type AbstractFittingMethods end #==============================================================================# # Tracker # #==============================================================================# abstract type AbstractTracker end abstract type AbstractView end struct Continuous end struct Categorical end struct Binary end struct Support end export Continuous, Categorical, AbstractTracker, Binary, Support, AbstractView #==============================================================================# # Sampling Models # #==============================================================================# abstract type AbstractSamplingModels end export AbstractSamplingModels, BernoulliModel, UniformModel, NonUniformModel struct BernoulliModel <: AbstractSamplingModels rate::AbstractFloat function BernoulliModel() # AbstractType Constructor return new() end function BernoulliModel(rate::T) where T<:AbstractFloat return new(rate); end end struct UniformModel <: AbstractSamplingModels rate::AbstractFloat function UniformModel() #Abstract Type Constructor return new() end function UniformModel(rate::T) where T<:AbstractFloat return new(rate) end end struct NonUniformModel <: AbstractSamplingModels rate::AbstractFloat function NonUniformModel() #Abstract Type Constructor return new() end function NonUniformModel(rate::T) where T<:AbstractFloat return new(rate) end end #==============================================================================# # Frequency Domain Objects # #==============================================================================# abstract type FrequencyDomainObjects end abstract type AbstractMGF <: FrequencyDomainObjects end export FrequencyDomainObjects, AbstractMGF #==============================================================================# # Estimator # #==============================================================================# abstract type AbstractEstimator end function estimator(of::T=nothing,arg...;kwargs...) where T<:Any throw(NotOverLoadedException("estimator")) end export AbstractEstimator, estimator #==============================================================================# # Comparator # #==============================================================================# abstract type AbstractComparator end struct Comparator{T<:Any} <:AbstractComparator field::Optional{Dict} @abstract_instance function Comparator{T}() where T<:Any return new{T}(nothing) end function Comparator{T}(by::Type{T}) where T<:Any return new{T}(nothing) end function Comparator{T}(by::T) where T<:Any return new{T}(nothing) end function Comparator{T}(by::T;eval_at::Optional{AutoboxedArray{Real}}=nothing) where T<:AbstractMGF return new{T}(Dict(:eval_at => eval_at)) end end const Comparator(of::T;eval_at::Optional{AutoboxedArray{Real}}=nothing) where T<:AbstractMGF = begin Comparator{T}(of,eval_at=eval_at) end const Comparator(of::T) where T<:Any = begin if !isa(of,Symbol) if isa(of,Type) Comparator{of}(of) else Comparator{T}(of) end else Comparator(type_conversion(of)) end end export AbstractComparator, Comparator #==============================================================================# # Random Structures # #==============================================================================# const UnivariateDistributions = Distributions.Distribution{Distributions.Univariate,S} where S<:Distributions.ValueSupport abstract type AbstractFixedRankMatrix end export UnivariateDistributions, AbstractFixedRankMatrix #==============================================================================# # Abstract Inteface # #==============================================================================# export provide, predict, check, evaluate, choose, join, disjoint_join, groupby, complete, type_conversion # convert, function type_conversion() end function complete() end function groupby() end function join() end function disjoint_join() end function provide(object::T=nothing,arg...;kwargs...) where T<:Any throw(DomainError("[provide]: calling abstract method. Concrete implementation needed")) return 0; end function is(is_object::T,arg...;kwargs...) where T<:Any throw(DomainError("[is]: calling abstract method. Concrete implementation needed")) end function check() throw(DomainError("[check]: calling abstract method. Concrete implementation needed")) end function pretty_print() end # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg...;kwargs::Optional{Any}...) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg...;kwargs...) # This is necessary due to compiler bug?? # @overload # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg1) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg1) @overload const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg...;kwargs::Optional{Any}...) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg...;kwargs...) # This is necessary due to compiler bug?? # @overload # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg1) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg1) # @overload # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg1,arg2) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg1,arg2) # @overload # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg1,arg2,arg3) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg1,arg2,arg3) function predict(object::T=nothing,arg...;kwargs...) where T<:Any throw(NotOverLoadedException("predict")) end function fit() end function evaluate(object::T=nothing,arg...;kwargs...) where T<:Any throw(NotOverLoadedException("evaluate")) end function choose() where T<:Any throw(NotOverLoadedException("evaluate")) end @overload const Concepts.choose(a::Symbol,b::Symbol;kwargs...) = Concepts.choose(Val{a},Val{b};kwargs...) #==============================================================================# # Base Overrides # #==============================================================================# # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{Float64}, x::Array{Float64, 1}) # return x[1] # end # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{Any}, x::Array{Float64, 1}) # return x[1] # end # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{Int64}, x::Array{Int64, 1}) # return x[1] # end # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{Any}, x::Array{Int64, 1}) # return x[1] # end # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{Any}, x::Array{T, 1}) where T<:Number # if isempty(x) # return T(0) # else # return x[1] # end # end # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{MaybeMissing{S}}, x::VecOrMatOf{T}) where {T<:Any, S<:Any} # ret = nothing; # if isa(x, Vector) # ret = Vector{MaybeMissing{S}}(undef,length(x)) # for i in 1:length(x) # ret[i] = x[i] # end # end # if isa(x,Matrix) # row, col = size(x) # ret = Matrix{MaybeMissing{S}}(undef,row,col) # for i in row # for j in col # ret[i, j] = x[i, j] # end # end # end # return ret; # end # emacs indentation BUGGGGGGGGGG # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{ExponentialFamily}, x::Symbol) # if x == :Poisson || x == :Count # return AbstractPoisson() # end # if x == :Gaussian || x == :Normal # return AbstractGaussian() # end # if x == :Bernoulli || x == :Binary # return AbstractBernoulli() # end # if x == :Gamma # return AbstractGamma() # end # if x == :NegativeBinomial # return AbstractNegativeBinomial() # end # throw(InexactError()) # end @overload function type_conversion(::Type{MaybeMissing{S}}, x::VecOrMatOf{T}) where {T<:Any, S<:Any} ret = nothing; if isa(x, Vector) ret = Vector{MaybeMissing{S}}(undef,length(x)) for i in 1:length(x) ret[i] = x[i] end end if isa(x,Matrix) row, col = size(x) ret = Matrix{MaybeMissing{S}}(undef,row,col) for i in row for j in col ret[i, j] = x[i, j] end end end return ret; end function type_conversion(::Type{Symbol}, x::Symbol) return x end @overload function type_conversion(::Type{ExponentialFamily}, x::Symbol) if x == :Poisson || x == :Count return AbstractPoisson() end if x == :Gaussian || x == :Normal return AbstractGaussian() end if x == :Bernoulli || x == :Binary return AbstractBernoulli() end if x == :Gamma return AbstractGamma() end if x == :NegativeBinomial return AbstractNegativeBinomial() end throw(InexactError()) end @overload function type_conversion(::Type{Symbol}, x::ExponentialFamily) if x == AbstractPoisson() return :Poisson end if x == AbstractGaussian() return :Gaussian end if x == AbstractBernoulli() return :Bernoulli end if x == AbstractGamma() return :Gamma end if x == AbstractNegativeBinomial() return :NegativeBinomial end end @overload function type_conversion(x::Symbol) try return type_conversion(ExponentialFamily, x) catch end try return type_conversion(FrequencyDomainObjects, x) catch end throw(UnrecognizedSymbolException(String(x))) end # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{Symbol}, x::ExponentialFamily) # if x == AbstractPoisson() # return :Poisson # end # if x == AbstractGaussian() # return :Gaussian # end # if x == AbstractBernoulli() # return :Bernoulli # end # if x == AbstractGamma() # return :Gamma # end # if x == AbstractNegativeBinomial() # return :NegativeBinomial # end # end # @overload # function Base.convert(x::Symbol) # try return Base.convert(ExponentialFamily,x) catch end # try return Base.convert(FrequencyDomainObjects,x) catch end # throw(UnrecognizedSymbolException(String(x))) # end end # Module: Concept
[ "MIT" ]
module Estimator using ..Concepts import Distributions import StatsBase export MLE, ProfileLikelihood, MOM abstract type EstimationProcedure{T<:Any} end ## not super important struct MLE{T<:Any} <:Concepts.AbstractEstimator of::T function MLE{T}() where T<:Any return new{T}() end function MLE{T}(of::T) where T<:Any return new{T}(of) end end ## not super important struct MOM{T<:Any} <:Concepts.AbstractEstimator of::T function MOM{T}() where T<:Any return new{T}() end function MOM{T}(of::T) where T<:Any return new{T}(of) end end struct ProfileLikelihood <: EstimationProcedure{MLE} end function Concepts.estimator(name::MOM{AbstractNegativeBinomial}, data::AutoboxedArray{T}) where T<:Real EX = StatsBase.mean(data) VarX = StatsBase.var(data) pₘₒₘ = EX / VarX rₘₒₘ = EX * (pₘₒₘ) / (1 - pₘₒₘ) return Dict{Symbol, Float64}(:p => pₘₒₘ, :r => rₘₒₘ) end # const MLE(of::Union{T,Symbol}) where T<:Any = # !isa(of,Symbol) ? MLE{T}(of) : MLE(convert(of)) const MLE(of::Union{T,Symbol}) where T<:Any = !isa(of,Symbol) ? MLE{T}(of) : MLE(type_conversion(of)) @overload function Concepts.estimator(name::MLE{AbstractGaussian}, data::AutoboxedArray{T}; method::EstimationProcedure{MLE} = ProfileLikelihood()) where T<:Real if method == ProfileLikelihood() # for now, we use Distributions.jl. Will be replaced in the future. est = Distributions.fit_mle(Distributions.Gaussian,data) return Dict(:μ => est.μ, :σ => est.σ) end end @overload function Concepts.estimator(name::MLE{AbstractGamma},data::AutoboxedArray{T}; method::EstimationProcedure{MLE} = ProfileLikelihood()) where T<:Real # default uses profile likelihood method if method == ProfileLikelihood() # for now, we use Distributions.jl. Will be replaced in the future. est = Distributions.fit_mle(Distributions.Gamma,data) return Dict(:α => est.α, :θ => est.θ) end end # data layout needs to be implemented properly @overload function Concepts.estimator(name::MLE{AbstractPoisson},data::AutoboxedArray{T}; method::EstimationProcedure{MLE} = ProfileLikelihood(), data_layout::Symbol = :flatten) where T<:Real # default uses profile likelihood method if method == ProfileLikelihood() λ = sum(data)/length(data) return Dict(:λ => λ) end end @overload function Concepts.estimator(name::MLE{AbstractBernoulli},data::AutoboxedArray{T}; method::EstimationProcedure{MLE} = ProfileLikelihood(), data_layout::Symbol = :flatten) where T<:Real # default uses profile likelihood method if method == ProfileLikelihood() est = Distributions.fit_mle(Distributions.Bernoulli,data) return Dict(:p => est.p) end end end
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module Losses #==============================================================================# # MODULE OPTIONS & FLAGS # const DEBUG_MODE = false #==============================================================================# const VERBOSE_MODE = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# using Printf import Random, AutoGrad, Distributions using ..Concepts using ..Utilities.BatchUtils # export BatchFactory # struct SGD end ####################### HELPER METHODS ################### # vectorized sigmoid function σ(z) = 1.0 ./ (1.0 .+ exp.(-z)) ########################################################## # function Poisson() # L(x,y,c,ρ) = sum(exp.(x) .- y .* x) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) # return L; # end # function Logistic() # L(x,y,c,ρ) = -sum(y .* log.(σ.(x)) .+ (1 .- y) .* log.(1 .- σ.(x))) .+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2); # return L; # end export Loss, train, sgd_train, subgrad_train, negative_binomial_train struct Loss{T} <: AbstractLoss where T<:Any function Loss{T}() where T<:Any @abstract_instance return new{T}() end # function Loss{AbstractPoisson}(of::Union{AbstractPoisson,Type{Val{:Poisson}}}) function Loss{T}(of::T) where T<:ExponentialFamily return new{T}() end end # kind of hackish.. the second one just defined in the first. const Loss(of::Union{T,Symbol}) where T<:ExponentialFamily = typeof(of) <: ExponentialFamily ? Loss{T}(of) : Loss(type_conversion(ExponentialFamily, of)) loss_logistic(x,y,c,ρ) = -sum(y .* log.(σ.(x)) .+ (1 .- y) .* log.(1 .- σ.(x))) .+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2); #==============================================================================# # Gaussian Loss # #==============================================================================# function Concepts.provide(loss::Loss{AbstractGaussian}) #TODO end function Concepts.evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractGaussian}, x,y,c,ρ) #TODO return sum(0.5 .* (y .- x).^2) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2); end function grad(loss::Loss{AbstractGaussian} , x,y,c,ρ) #TODO return -(y .- x) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x .- c) end #==============================================================================# # Bernoulli (Logistic) Loss # #==============================================================================# function Concepts.provide(loss::Loss{AbstractBernoulli}) L(x,y,c,ρ) = -sum(y .* log.(σ.(x)) .+ (1 .- y) .* log.(1 .- σ.(x))) .+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2); return L end function Concepts.evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractBernoulli}, x,y,c,ρ) return -sum(y .* log.(σ.(x)) .+ (1 .- y) .* log.(1 .- σ.(x))) .+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2); end function grad(loss::Loss{AbstractBernoulli}, x,y,c,ρ) ex = exp.(x) inv_ex1 = 1 ./(ex .+ 1) return inv_ex1 .* (-y + (1 .-y) .* ex) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x .- c) end #==============================================================================# # Poisson Loss # #==============================================================================# @overload function Concepts.provide(loss::Loss{AbstractPoisson}) L(x,y,c,ρ) = sum(exp.(x) .- y .* x) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) return L; end function Concepts.evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractPoisson}, x,y,c,ρ) return sum(exp.(x) .- y .* x) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) end function grad(loss::Loss{AbstractPoisson}, x,y,c,ρ) return exp.(x) .- y .+ (2*ρ) .* (x .- c) end #==============================================================================# # Gamma Loss # #==============================================================================# function Concepts.provide(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma}) L(x,y,c,ρ) = sum(-x .* y .- log.(-x))+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) return L end # function Concepts.evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma},x,y,c,ρ) # return sum(x .* y .- log.(x))+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) # end function Concepts.evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma},x,y,c,ρ) return sum(y .* exp.(x) .- x) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) end # function _evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma},x,y,c,ρ) # x₋ = x[findall(a -> a < 0, x)] # y₋ = y[findall(a -> a < 0, x)] # x₊ = x[findall(a -> a > 0, x)] # y₊ = x[findall(a -> a > 0, x)] # return (-1) * sum(x₋ .* y₋ .+ log.(-x₋)) + (-1) * sum(-x₊ .* y₊ .+ log.(x₊)) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) # end ## Use the reciprocal link instead of the negative reciprocal link # function grad(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma}, x, y, c, ρ) # return y .- (1 ./ x) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x .- c) # end function grad(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma}, x, y, c, ρ) return y .* exp.(x) .- 1 + (2*ρ) .* (x .- c) end function subgrad(loss::Loss{AbstractGamma}, x, y, c, ρ) ∇ = zeros(length(x)) pos_id = findall(a -> a > 0, x) neg_id = findall(a -> a < 0, x) ∇[neg_id] = (-1) .* (y[neg_id] - (1 ./ x[neg_id])) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x[neg_id] .- c[neg_id]) ∇[pos_id] = (-1) .* (-y[pos_id] + (1 ./ x[pos_id])) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x[pos_id] .- c[pos_id]) return ∇ end function grad_logistic(x,y,c,ρ) ex = exp.(x) inv_ex1 = 1 ./(ex .+ 1); return inv_ex1 .* (-y + (1 .-y) .* ex) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x .- c); # return (-y .* inv_ex1 + (1 .- y) .* (ex .* inv_ex1)) .+ (2*ρ) .* (x.-c); end #==============================================================================# # Negative Binomial Loss # #==============================================================================# function Concepts.provide(loss::Loss{AbstractNegativeBinomial}) ## to implement return nothing end function Concepts.evaluate(loss::Loss{AbstractNegativeBinomial}, x, y, c, ρ; r_estimate) return sum(y .* exp.(x) - r_estimate .* log.(1 .- exp.(-exp.(x)))) .+ sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) # originally it is. However, this is a constrained optimization problem. # return sum(-y .* x .- r_estimate .* log.(1 .- exp.(x))) + sum(ρ .* (x .- c).^2) end function grad(loss::Loss{AbstractNegativeBinomial}, x, y, c, ρ; r_estimate = nothing) return y .* exp.(x) .- r_estimate .* exp.(x) ./ (exp.(exp.(x)) .- 1) + (2*ρ) .* (x .- c) end function train(loss;fx,y,c,ρ,γ=0.02,iter=20,verbose=false) DEBUG_MODE && @info "Gradient Descent with Autograd" ∇ = AutoGrad.grad(loss); curFx = fx; for i = 1:iter curFx = curFx .- γ .* ∇(curFx,y,c,ρ); end return curFx; end function train(native_loss::Loss{T}; fx, y, c, ρ, γ=0.02, iter=20, verbose=false, subgrad = false) where T<:ExponentialFamily DEBUG_MODE && @info "Gradient Descent with native differentitaion" curFx = fx; for i = 1:iter curFx .-= γ * grad(native_loss, curFx, y, c, ρ); # curFx .-= γ * grad(native_loss, curFx, y, c, ρ); # if project == true # curFx = abs.(curFx) # end if verbose == true @printf("loss:%f\n", Concepts.evaluate(native_loss,curFx,y,c,ρ )) end end return curFx; end # specialization for negative binomial loss function negative_binomial_train(;fx, y, c, ρ, γ=0.02, iter=20, verbose=false, r_estimate = nothing) DEBUG_MODE && @info "Gradient Descent with native differentitaion" curFx = fx; for i = 1:iter # @show("here") curFx .-= γ * grad(Loss{AbstractNegativeBinomial}(), curFx, y, c, ρ;r_estimate = r_estimate); if verbose == true @printf("loss:%f\n", Concepts.evaluate(Loss{AbstractNegativeBinomial}(), curFx,y,c,ρ; r_estimate = r_estimate)) end end return curFx; end function subgrad_train(native_loss::Loss{T}; fx, y, c, ρ, γ=0.02, iter=20, verbose=false) where T<:ExponentialFamily DEBUG_MODE && @info "Gradient Descent with native differentitaion" curFx = fx; for i = 1:iter curFx .-= γ * subgrad(native_loss, curFx, y, c, ρ); if verbose == true @printf("loss:%f\n",_evaluate(native_loss,curFx,y,c,ρ )) end end return curFx; end function sgd_train(native_loss::Loss{T}; fx, y, c, ρ, α, ρ₁, ρ₂, batch_size, epoch) where T<:ExponentialFamily n = length(fx) curFx = fx batch = BatchFactory{SequentialScan}(size = batch_size) initialize(batch, fx) s = zeros(batch_size) r = zeros(batch_size) ŝ = zeros(batch_size) r̂ = zeros(batch_size) for i in 1:epoch while has_next(batch) cur_batch = next(batch) ∇ₛₐₘₚₗₑ = grad(native_loss, curFx[cur_batch], y[cur_batch], c[cur_batch], ρ) s .= (ρ₁ .* s) .+ (1 .- ρ₁) .* ∇ₛₐₘₚₗₑ r .= (ρ₂ .* r) .+ (1 .- ρ₂) .* (∇ₛₐₘₚₗₑ.^2) ŝ .= s ./ (1 - ρ₁^i) r̂ .= r ./ (1 - ρ₂^i) # @show(r̂) curFx[cur_batch] = curFx[cur_batch] - α ./ sqrt.(r̂) .* ŝ end # @show(Concepts.evaluate(native_loss,curFx,y,c,ρ)) reset(batch) end return curFx end function sgd_subgrad_train(native_loss::Loss{T}; fx, y, c, ρ, α, ρ₁, ρ₂, batch_size, epoch) where T<:ExponentialFamily n = length(fx) curFx = fx batch = BatchFactory{SequentialScan}(size = batch_size) initialize(batch, fx) s = zeros(batch_size) r = zeros(batch_size) ŝ = zeros(batch_size) r̂ = zeros(batch_size) for i in 1:epoch while has_next(batch) cur_batch = next(batch) ∇ₛₐₘₚₗₑ = subgrad(native_loss, curFx[cur_batch], y[cur_batch], c[cur_batch], ρ) s .= (ρ₁ .* s) .+ (1 .- ρ₁) .* ∇ₛₐₘₚₗₑ r .= (ρ₂ .* r) .+ (1 .- ρ₂) .* (∇ₛₐₘₚₗₑ.^2) ŝ .= s ./ (1 - ρ₁^i) r̂ .= r ./ (1 - ρ₂^i) # @show(r̂) curFx[cur_batch] = curFx[cur_batch] - α ./ sqrt.(r̂) .* ŝ end # @show(Concepts.evaluate(native_loss,curFx,y,c,ρ)) reset(batch) end return curFx end end
[ "MIT" ]
module BetterMGF using ..Concepts import LinearAlgebra struct MGF{T<:Any} <: AbstractMGF OPTION_LOG_SCALE::Optional{Bool} function MGF{T}() where T<:Any return new{T}() end function MGF{T}(object::T;logscale::Optional{Bool} = nothing) where T<:Any if isnothing(logscale) return new{T}() end return new{T}(logscale) end end const MGF() = MGF{Any}() const MGF(object::Union{T, Symbol}; logscale::Optional{Bool} = nothing) where T<:Any = !isa(object,Symbol) ? MGF{T}(object, logscale = logscale) : MGF(type_conversion(object), logscale=logscale) struct SampleMGF <: AbstractMGF OPTION_LOG_SCALE::Optional{Bool} function SampleMGF(;logscale::Optional{Bool} = nothing) if isnothing(logscale) return new() end return new(logscale) end end export MGF, SampleMGF # @overload # function Base.convert(::Type{FrequencyDomainObjects},x::Symbol) # if x == :MGF # return MGF # end # end @overload function Concepts.type_conversion(::Type{FrequencyDomainObjects}, x::Symbol) if x == :MGF return MGF end end @overload function Concepts.evaluate(object::MGF{AbstractPoisson},t::AutoboxedArray{Real}; λ::S) where S<:Real if λ <= 0 throw(DomainError("λ should be a positive number")) end if !isnothing(object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE) && object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE == true @warn "[evaluate(MGF{Poisson}): using log-scale]" return λ .* (exp.(t) .- 1) end return exp.(λ .* (exp.(t) .- 1)) end @overload function Concepts.evaluate(object::MGF{AbstractBernoulli},t::AutoboxedArray{Real}; p::S) where S<:Real if p < 0 || p >1 throw(DomainError("p should be a positive number in [0,1]")) end if !isnothing(object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE) && object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE == true @warn "[evaluate(MGF{Bernoulli}): using log-scale]" return log.((1 .- p) .+ p .* exp.(t)) end return (1 .- p) .+ p .* exp.(t) end @overload function Concepts.evaluate(object::MGF{AbstractGamma},t::AutoboxedArray{Real}; α::S,θ::S) where S<:Real if α <= 1e-5 || θ <= 1e-5 throw(DomainError("α and θ should be a positive number")) end if !isnothing(object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE) && object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE == true @warn "[evaluate(MGF{Gamma}): using log-scale]" return (-α) .* log.(1 .- t .* θ) end return (1 .- t .* θ) .^ (-α) end @overload function Concepts.evaluate(object::MGF{AbstractGaussian},t::AutoboxedArray{Real}; μ::S = 0,σ::S=1) where S<:Real if abs(σ) <= 1e-4 throw(DomainError("σ should be non-zero. Otherwise, it will be degenerate.")) end if !isnothing(object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE) && object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE == true @warn "[evaluate(MGF{Gaussian}): using log-scale]" return t .* μ .+ σ^2 / 2 .* t.^2 end return exp.(t .* μ .+ σ^2 / 2 .* t.^2) end import Distributions @overload function Concepts.evaluate(object::MGF{AbstractNegativeBinomial},t::AutoboxedArray{Real}; r::S = 0,p::S=1) where S<:Real if r <= 1e-5 || p <= 1e-5 || p >=1 throw(DomainError("[Negative Binomial]: r should be > 0, p should be in (0,1)")) end if !isnothing(object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE) && object.OPTION_LOG_SCALE == true @warn "[evaluate(MGF{NegativeBinomial})]: using log-scale" return (r .* (log.(1 .- p) .+ t)) .- (r .* log.(1 .- p .* exp.(t))) end return ((1 .- p) .* exp.(t)).^r ./ (1 .- p .* exp.(t)).^r end @overload function Concepts.evaluate(object::SampleMGF,t::VecOrMat{T};data::VecOrMatOf{Real},order::Integer = 8,data_layout::Symbol=:flatten) where T <: Real if isa(t,Matrix) || isa(data,Matrix) # throw(DomainError("Unimplemented")) if data_layout == :flatten @info "MGF of the matrix is evaluated by flattening the data matrix into a vector" return dp_get_sample_basis(t,order) * dp_get_sample_mean(data[:],order) end if data_layout == :bycol throw(DomainError("Unimplemented")) end if data_layout == :byrow throw(DomainError("Unimplemented")) end end return dp_get_sample_basis(t,order) * dp_get_sample_mean(data,order) end @private function dp_get_denominator(order::Integer = 10) denom = ones(order+1) for i = 2:order+1 denom[i] = denom[i-1]*(i-1) end return 1 ./ denom end @private function dp_get_numerator(t::Array{S,1},order::Integer = 10) where S<:Real n = length(t) T = ones(n,order+1) for i = 2: order +1 T[:,i] = T[:,i-1] .* t end return T end @private function dp_get_sample_basis(t::Array{S,1}, order::Integer = 10) where S<:Real num = dp_get_numerator(t,order) denom = dp_get_denominator(order) for i = 1:size(num)[1] num[i,:] = num[i,:] .* denom end return num end @private function dp_get_sample_mean(data::Array{S,1}, order::Integer = 10) where S<: Real ret = ones(order + 1) copy_of_data = deepcopy(data) n = length(copy_of_data) for i = 2:order + 1 ret[i] = sum(copy_of_data)/n copy_of_data = copy_of_data .* data end return ret end end
[ "MIT" ]
module MatrixCompletion global VERBOSE_MODE = true global DEBUG_MODE = true macro api(as,of) eval(Expr(:toplevel,:($as=$of),:(export $as))) end function dbg(x) if VERBOSE_MODE == true @show x end end function see(x) if VERBOSE_MODE == true display(x) end end function format(str) return rpad(str,70,".") end export dbg,see,format include("./Concepts.jl") include("./MGF.jl") include("./Estimator.jl") include("./ModelFitting.jl") include("./Utilities/Utilities.jl") include("./Losses.jl") include("./Library/MathLibSignatures.jl") include("./Library/MathLib.jl") @api MatrixCompletionModel ModelFitting.MatrixCompletionModel @api BatchFactory Utilities.BatchUtils.BatchFactory @api BatchingStrategy Utilities.BatchUtils.BatchingStrategy @api SequentialScan Utilities.BatchUtils.SequentialScan @api MaybeMissing Concepts.MaybeMissing @api VecOrMatOf Concepts.VecOrMatOf @api UnivariateDistributions Concepts.UnivariateDistributions @api eigs Utilities.FastEigen.eigs @api NativeLOBPCG Utilities.FastEigen.NativeLOBPCG @api NativeEigen Utilities.FastEigen.NativeEigen @api KrylovMethods Utilities.FastEigen.KrylovMethods @api groupby Concepts.groupby @api join Concepts.join @api provide Concepts.provide @api check Concepts.check @api predict Concepts.predict @api evaluate Concepts.evaluate @api estimator Concepts.estimator @api choose Concepts.choose @api complete Concepts.complete @api NotOverLoadedException Concepts.NotOverLoadedException @api UnrecognizedSymbolException Concepts.UnrecognizedSymbolException #==============================================================================# # Model Fitting # #==============================================================================# @api AbstractModelView Concepts.AbstractModelView #==============================================================================# # Comparator # #==============================================================================# @api Comparator Concepts.Comparator #==============================================================================# # Loss Functions # #==============================================================================# @api AbstractLoss Concepts.AbstractLoss @api Loss Losses.Loss @api train Losses.train #==============================================================================# # Estimator # #==============================================================================# #@api EstimationProcedure Estimator.EstimationProcedure @api ProfileLikelihood Estimator.ProfileLikelihood @api MLE Estimator.MLE @api MOM Estimator.MOM #==============================================================================# # Exponential Family # #==============================================================================# @api ExponentialFamily Concepts.ExponentialFamily @api Gamma Concepts.AbstractGamma @api Binomial Concepts.AbstractBinomial @api Gaussian Concepts.AbstractGaussian @api Poisson Concepts.AbstractPoisson @api Bernoulli Concepts.AbstractBernoulli @api NegativeBinomial Concepts.AbstractNegativeBinomial @api GaussianMatrix Utilities.GaussianMatrix @api PoissonMatrix Utilities.PoissonMatrix @api BernoulliMatrix Utilities.BernoulliMatrix @api GammaMatrix Utilities.GammaMatrix @api forward_map Concepts.forward_map @api AbstractSamplingModels Concepts.AbstractSamplingModels @api AbstractFixedRankMatrix Concepts.AbstractFixedRankMatrix @api FixedRankMatrix Utilities.FixedRankMatrix #==============================================================================# # Tracker # #==============================================================================# @api IndexTracker Utilities.IndexTracker @api disjoint_join Concepts.disjoint_join @api Continuous Concepts.Continuous @api Categorical Concepts.Categorical @api MGF BetterMGF.MGF @api SampleMGF BetterMGF.SampleMGF @api Sampler Utilities.Sampler @api BernoulliModel Concepts.BernoulliModel @api UniformModel Concepts.UniformModel # @api NonUniformModel Concepts.NonUniformModel @api Diagnostics Concepts.Diagnostics @api LpSpace Concepts.LpSpace @api ErrorMetric Concepts.ErrorMetric @api RelativeError Utilities.RelativeError @api AbsoluteError Utilities.AbsoluteError @api within_radius Utilities.within_radius # include("./NonConvex/lowrankmodels/LowRankModels.jl") include("./Convex/ADMM.jl") include("./NonConvex/chained_glrm.jl") @api OneShotADMM ADMM.OneShotADMM @api ChainedADMM ADMM.ChainedADMM @api ChainedALM ALM.ChainedALM @api OneShotALM ALM.OneShotALM @api ProxGradParams LowRankModels.ProxGradParams # @api complete ADMM.complete end # module
[ "MIT" ]
module ModelFitting using ..Concepts using ..BetterMGF using ..Estimator import LinearAlgebra export DistributionDeduction export ObservedOrMissing export MatrixCompletionModel struct DistributionDeduction <: Concepts.AbstractModelView end struct ObservedOrMissing <: Concepts.AbstractModelView end struct MatrixCompletionModel end @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:continuous}},Continuous}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real dist_to_integral_cast = LinearAlgebra.norm(data .- round.(data),2) return dist_to_integral_cast > 1e-2 end @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:integral}},Categorical}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real dist_to_integral_cast = LinearAlgebra.norm(data .- round.(data),2) return dist_to_integral_cast <= 1e-4 end @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Binary}, Type{Val{:binary}}, Binary}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real return length(unique(data)) == 2 end # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,data::Array{T}) where T<:Real = Concepts.check(Val{object},data) # @overload # const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,arg...;kwargs...) = Concepts.check(Val{object},arg...;kwargs...) @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Support}, Type{Val{:support}}, Support}, data::Array{T}; layout::Symbol = :flatten) where T<:Real if layout == :flatten return (minimum(data[:]), maximum(data[:])) end # TODO: implement for other data layouts end #const Concepts.check(object::Symbol,data::Array{T;layout::Symbol =:flatten) where T<:Real = # Concepts.check(Val{object},data,layout=layout) # for now we only compare with Gamma. More smooth distributions will be added later. @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:Gaussian}}, Type{AbstractGaussian}, AbstractGaussian}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real if check(:continuous,data) == false return false end # check against gamma when we get positive support if check(:support,data) > (0,0) && choose(Gaussian,Gamma) == :Gamma return false end return true end @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:Gamma}}, Type{AbstractGamma}, AbstractGamma}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real if check(:continuous,data) == false return false end if check(:support,data) < (0,0) return false end if choose(Gaussian,Gamma) == :Gaussian return false end return true end # For now we let non binary categorical array be Poisson. We will refine this later. @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:Poisson}}, Type{AbstractPoisson}, AbstractPoisson}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real if check(:integral,data) == false return false end if check(:binary,data) == true return false end return true end @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:Bernoulli}}, Type{AbstractBernoulli}, AbstractBernoulli}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real if check(:integral,data) == false return false end if check(:binary,data) == false return false end return true end @overload function Concepts.check(object::Union{Type{Val{:NegativeBinomial}}, Type{AbstractNegativeBinomial}, AbstractNegativeBinomial}, data::Array{T}) where T<:Real return false #TODO: implement this properly end @overload function Concepts.choose(a::Union{AbstractPoisson, Type{AbstractPoisson}, Type{Val{:Poisson}}}, b::Union{AbstractNegativeBinomial, Type{AbstractNegativeBinomial}, Type{Val{:NegativeBinomial}}}; data::AutoboxedArray{Real} = nothing, comp::Comparator = Comparator{MGF}(MGF())) # for now we return poisson all the time return :Poisson end # we choose to return symbol for maximum flexibility @overload function Concepts.choose(a::Union{AbstractGaussian, Type{AbstractGaussian}, Type{Val{:Gaussian}}}, b::Union{AbstractGamma, Type{AbstractGamma}, Type{Val{:Gamma}}}; data::AutoboxedArray{Real} = nothing, comp::Comparator = Comparator{MGF}(MGF())) if check(:support,data) <= (0,) @info "Data has negative support, force cast to Gaussian" return :Gaussian end mle_est_gaussian = estimator(MLE{AbstractGaussian}(),data) mle_est_gamma = estimator(MLE{AbstractGamma}(),data) t = nothing if isnothing(comp.field[:eval_at]) if mle_est_gamma[:α] <= 15 && mle_est_gamma[:θ] <= 15 t = collect(0.01:0.001:0.02) else t = collect(0:0.0001:0.001) end else t = comp.field[:eval_at] end empirical_mgf = evaluate(SampleMGF(),t, data=data, order=20) gaussian_mgf = evaluate(MGF(:Gaussian),t,μ = mle_est_gaussian[:μ],σ=mle_est_gaussian[:σ]) gamma_mgf = evaluate(MGF(:Gamma),t,α=mle_est_gamma[:α],θ=mle_est_gamma[:θ]) if check(:l2diff,empirical_mgf, gaussian_mgf) < check(:l2diff,empirical_mgf,gamma_mgf) return :Gaussian end return :Gamma end @overload function, data = Array{MaybeMissing{T}, 2}; data_layout::Symbol = :by_col) where T<: Number distribution_view = Array{Symbol, 2}(undef, size(data)) if data_layout == :by_col for i = 1:size(data)[2] current_column = convert(Array{Float64}, filter(x -> !ismissing(x), data[:, i])) # @show(typeof(current_column)) if check(:continuous, current_column) distribution_view[:, i] .= choose(:Gaussian, :Gamma, data = current_column) # display(distribution_view[:, i]) end if check(:integral, current_column) # @show(i) if check(:binary, current_column) distribution_view[:, i] .= :Bernoulli end if check(:Poisson, current_column) distribution_view[:, i] .= :Poisson end end end end if data_layout == :by_row # TODO end # @show(distribution_view) return distribution_view end @overload function, data = Array{MaybeMissing{T}, 2}) data_view = Array{Symbol, 2}(undef, size(data)) for r in 1:size(data)[1] for c in 1:size(data)[2] if ismissing(data[r, c]) data_view[r, c] = :Missing else data_view[r, c] = :Observed end end end return data_view end @overload function Concepts.predict(model::MatrixCompletionModel; completed_matrix, type_tracker, estimators = nothing) predicted_matrix = similar(completed_matrix) for dist in setdiff(keys(type_tracker.indices), [:Missing, :Observed]) # idx = type_tracker[convert(Symbol, dist)] idx = type_tracker[type_conversion(Symbol, dist)] # if convert(Symbol, dist) != :NegativeBinomial if type_conversion(Symbol, dist) != :NegativeBinomial predicted_matrix[idx] .= predict(dist, forward_map(Val{dist}, completed_matrix[idx])) else predicted_matrix[idx] .= predict(dist, forward_map(Val{dist}, completed_matrix[idx], r_estimate = estimators[:NegativeBinomial][:r])) end end return predicted_matrix end @overload function Base.summary(model::MatrixCompletionModel; predicted_matrix, truth_matrix, type_tracker, tracker) ret = Dict() for dist in setdiff(keys(type_tracker.indices), [:Missing, :Observed]) summary_missing_only = provide(Diagnostics{Any}(), reference = truth_matrix[tracker[type_conversion(Symbol, dist)][:Missing]], input_data = predicted_matrix[tracker[type_conversion(Symbol, dist)][:Missing]]) summary_all = provide(Diagnostics{Any}(), reference = truth_matrix[type_tracker[type_conversion(Symbol, dist)]], input_data = predicted_matrix[type_tracker[type_conversion(Symbol, dist)]]) ret[dist] = Dict() ret[dist][:MissingOnly] = summary_missing_only ret[dist][:All] = summary_all end return ret end end
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# early exit # if (max(primfeas, dualfeas) < stoptol) | (iter == maxiter) # breakyes = 1 # end # if (max(primfeas, dualfeas) < sqrt(stoptol)) & (dualfeas > 1.5 * minimum(runhist.dualfeas[max(iter - 49, 1):iter])) & (iter > 150) # breakyes = 2 # end # tune ρ # if (ρReset > 0) & (rem(iter, 10)==0) # if (primfeas < 0.5 * dualfeas) # ρ = 0.7 * ρ # elseif (primfeas > 2 * dualfeas) # ρ = 1.3 * ρ # end # end # if (breakyes > 0) # @printf("\n break = %1.0f\n", breakyes) # break; # end # function sdpProjection(mat::Array{Float64, 2}) # λ, X = eigs(KrylovMethods(), mat, nev = 20) # # @show(λ) # # @show(X) # # @show(size(λ)) # # @show(size(X)) # return project(λ, X) # # posEigenValuesIndex = findall(x -> x > 0, λ); # # posEigenValues = λ[posEigenValuesIndex]; # # posEigenVectors = X[:,posEigenValuesIndex]; # # projectedMatrix = posEigenVectors * diagm(0 => posEigenValues) *posEigenVectors'; # # return projectedMatrix; # end # function sdpProjection0(data) # eigDecomposition = eigen(data); # posEigenValuesIndex = findall(x -> x>0,eigDecomposition.values); # posEigenValues = eigDecomposition.values[posEigenValuesIndex]; # posEigenVectors = eigDecomposition.vectors[:,posEigenValuesIndex]; # projectedMatrix = posEigenVectors * diagm(0 => posEigenValues) *posEigenVectors'; # return projectedMatrix; # end # # function logisticLoss(x,y) # # f_x = Losses.σ.(x); # # return -sum(y .* log.(f_x) + (1 .- y) .* log.(1 .- f_x)); # # end # return X * diagm(0 => Λ) * X' # TODO: further extract positive eigen values
[ "MIT" ]
module ADMM using Printf using LinearAlgebra using SparseArrays using ..Concepts using ..Estimator using ..ModelFitting using ..Utilities using ..Utilities.FastEigen using ..Utilities.PrettyPrinter using ..Losses using ..MathLib using Logging import StatsBase import LinearAlgebra:norm # export complete mutable struct RunHistory primfeas::Array{Float64,1} dualfeas::Array{Float64,1} function RunHistory() new(Array{Float64,1}(),Array{Float64,1}()) end end import KrylovKit # function project(v,e) # return e * diagm(0 => v) * e'; # end const header_list = ["Iter", " R(dual)", "R(primal)", "ℒ(Gaussian)", "ℒ(Bernoulli)", "ℒ(Poisson)", "ℒ(NegBin) ", " ℒ(Gamma) ", "λ‖diag(Z)‖ᵢ", " μ⟨I, X⟩ ", " ‖Z₁₂‖ᵢ "] function l1BallProjection(v,b) if (norm(v,1) <= b); return v end n = length(v); nvec = hcat(1:n...)'[:]; vv = sort(abs.(v),lt = (x,y) -> !isless(x,y)); idxsort = sortperm(abs.(v),lt = (x,y) -> !isless(x,y)); vsum = cumsum(vv); tmp = vv .-(vsum .- b)./nvec; idx = findall(x->x>0,tmp); if !isempty(idx); k = maximum(idx); else println("something is wrong") end lam = (vsum[k] .- b) ./ k; xx = zeros(length(idxsort)); xx[idxsort,1] = max.(vv .- lam,0); x = sign.(v).*xx; return x; end @private function initialize_warmup(tracker, A) warmup = Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}() if haskey(tracker, :Bernoulli) && length(tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]) > 0 warmup[:Bernoulli] = rand(length(tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]), 1) end if haskey(tracker, :Gaussian) && length(tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]) > 0 warmup[:Gaussian] = rand(length(tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]), 1) end if haskey(tracker, :Poisson) && length(tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]) > 0 warmup[:Poisson] = rand(length(tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]), 1) end if haskey(tracker, :Gamma) && length(tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]) > 0 warmup[:Gamma] = rand(length(tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]), 1) end if haskey(tracker, :NegativeBinomial) && length(tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]) > 0 warmup[:NegativeBinomial] = rand(length(tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]), 1) end return warmup end @private function ensure_feasible_data_type(set_of_types) @info(set_of_types) if !issubset(set_of_types, Set([:Gaussian, :Poisson, :NegativeBinomial, :Gamma, :Bernoulli])) @error("Unrecognized data type.") return nothing end end @private function ensure_valid_param_estimates(::Type{Val{:Gaussian}}, value::T) where T return true end @private function ensure_valid_param_estimates(::Type{Val{:Bernoulli}}, value::T) where T return true end @private function ensure_valid_param_estimates(::Type{Val{:Gamma}}, value::T) where T return true end @private function ensure_valid_param_estimates(::Type{Val{:Posson}}, value::T) where T return true end @private function ensure_valid_param_estimates(::Type{Val{:NegativeBinomial}}, value::T) where T if keys(value) != Set((:p, :r)) @error("Unrecognized parameter name for Negative Binomial. Expected (:p, :r)") return false end if !(0 < value[:p] < 1) @error("Estimator for p in Negative Binomial distribution should be in (0, 1)") return false end if value[:r] < 0 @error("Estimator for r in Negative Binomial distribution should be in (0, ∞)") return false end return true end @private function preprocess_user_input_estimators(input::Optional{Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, T}}}) where T<:Real if isnothing(input) return Dict{Symbol, Any}() end ensure_feasible_data_type(keys(input)) processed_input = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}}() for dist in [:NegativeBinomial, :Gaussian, :Poisson, :Bernoulli, :Gamma] if haskey(input, dist) # @show(dist) processed_input[dist] = Dict{Symbol, Any}() processed_input[dist] = merge(processed_input[dist], preprocess_user_input_param_estimates(Val{dist}, input[dist])) end end return processed_input end @private function preprocess_user_input_param_estimates(::Type{T}, value::S) where {T, S} ensure_valid_param_estimates(T, value) return Dict{Symbol, Any}(:user_input => value) end @private function initialize_estimators(tracker, A, user_input_estimators) estimators = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}}() for sym in [:Gaussian, :Bernoulli, :Poisson, :Gamma, :NegativeBinomial] estimators[sym] = Dict{Symbol, Any}() end if haskey(tracker, :NegativeBinomial) && length(tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]) > 0 @info("Found negative binomial items. Use MOM for r and p") estimators[:NegativeBinomial][:MOM] = Concepts.estimator(MOM{AbstractNegativeBinomial}(), convert(Array{Float64}, A[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]])) @info(estimators[:NegativeBinomial][:MOM]) end return merge(estimators, preprocess_user_input_estimators(user_input_estimators)) end @private function update(::Type{Val{:Gaussian}}, A ::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, Y12 ::Array{Float64}, tracker, ρ ::Float64, gd_iter ::Int64, warmup ::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}, γ ::Float64, use_autodiff ::Bool, closed_form ::Bool) if closed_form == true if haskey(tracker, :Gaussian) && length(tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]) > 0 Y12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] .= (1 / (1 + ρ)) * (A[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] + ρ * Y12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]]) end else if haskey(tracker, :Gaussian) && length(tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]) > 0 Y12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] = train(use_autodiff ? provide(Loss{AbstractGaussian}()) : Loss{AbstractGaussian}(), fx = warmup[:Gaussian], y = A[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]], c = Y12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]], ρ = ρ, iter = gd_iter, γ = 0.2) warmup[:Gaussian] = Y12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] end end end @private function update(::Type{Val{:Bernoulli}}, A ::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, Y12 ::Array{Float64}, tracker, ρ ::Float64, gd_iter ::Int64, warmup ::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}, γ ::Float64, use_autodiff ::Bool) if haskey(tracker, :Bernoulli) && length(tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]) > 0 Y12[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]] = train(use_autodiff ? provide(Loss{AbstractBernoulli}()) : Loss{AbstractBernoulli}(), fx = warmup[:Bernoulli], y = A[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]], c = Y12[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]], ρ = ρ, iter = gd_iter, γ = 0.2) warmup[:Bernoulli] = Y12[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]] end end @private function update(::Type{Val{:Poisson}}, A ::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, Y12 ::Array{Float64}, tracker, ρ ::Float64, gd_iter ::Int64, warmup ::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}, γ ::Float64, use_autodiff ::Bool) if haskey(tracker, :Poisson) && length(tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]) > 0 Y12[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]] = train(use_autodiff ? provide(Loss{AbstractPoisson}()) : Loss{AbstractPoisson}(), fx = warmup[:Poisson], y = A[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]], c = Y12[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]], ρ = ρ, iter = gd_iter, γ = 0.1) warmup[:Poisson] = Y12[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]] end end @private function update(::Type{Val{:Gamma}}, A ::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, Y12 ::Array{Float64}, tracker, ρ ::Float64, gd_iter ::Int64, warmup ::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}, γ ::Float64, use_autodiff::Bool) if haskey(tracker, :Gamma) && length(tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]) > 0 Y12[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]] = train(use_autodiff ? provide(Loss{AbstractGamma}()) : Loss{AbstractGamma}(), fx = warmup[:Gamma], y = A[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]], c = Y12[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]], ρ = ρ, iter = gd_iter, γ = 0.2) warmup[:Gamma] = Y12[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]] end end @private function update(::Type{Val{:NegativeBinomial}}, A ::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, Y12 ::Array{Float64}, tracker, ρ ::Float64, gd_iter ::Int64, warmup ::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}, γ ::Float64, use_autodiff ::Bool, estimator ::Dict{Symbol, Any}) if haskey(tracker, :NegativeBinomial) && length(tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]) > 0 local r_est = nothing if haskey(estimator, :user_input) r_est = estimator[:user_input][:r] else r_est = estimator[:MOM][:r] end Y12[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]] = negative_binomial_train(fx = warmup[:NegativeBinomial], y = A[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]], c = Y12[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]], ρ = ρ, iter = gd_iter, γ = 0.2, r_estimate = r_est) warmup[:NegativeBinomial] = Y12[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]] end end @private function update(::Type{Val{:ρ}}, primal_feasibility::Float64, dual_feasibility::Float64, current::Float64 = nothing) if (primal_feasibility < 0.5 * dual_feasibility) return 0.7 * current elseif (primal_feasibility > 2 * dual_feasibility) return 1.3 * current end return current end @private function balance_gap(ρ::Float64, primal_feasibility::Float64, dual_feasibility::Float64) if (primal_feasibility < 0.5 * dual_feasibility) return 0.7 * ρ elseif (primal_feasibility > 2 * dual_feasibility) return 1.3 * ρ end return ρ end # update const update(arg::Symbol, args...) = update(Val{arg}, args...) @private function calculate_primal_and_dual_residual(X, Z, W, C, Xinput, ρ) Fnorm = x -> norm(x,2); Xdual = -ρ * (X - Xinput) Zdual = ρ * (Z - C) normX = 1 + Fnorm(X) primfeas = Fnorm(X - Z) / normX err1 = 1/ρ * Fnorm(W - Xdual) err2 = 1/ρ * Fnorm(W - Zdual) dualfeas = maximum([err1, err2]) / normX return primfeas, dualfeas end function set_diagonal(mat::Array{Float64, 2}, val::Array{Float64, 1}) [mat[i, i] = val[i] for i in 1:length(val)] end function calculate_Z12_update(A, C,tracker, ρ, α, warmup, use_autodiff, gd_iter, estimators, closed_form) d1, d2 = size(A) Z12 = C[1:d1, (d1+1):(d1+d2)] update(:Gaussian, A, Z12, tracker, ρ, gd_iter, warmup, 0.2, use_autodiff, closed_form) update(:Bernoulli, A, Z12, tracker, ρ, gd_iter, warmup, 0.2, use_autodiff) update(:Poisson, A, Z12, tracker, ρ, gd_iter, warmup, 0.2, use_autodiff) update(:Gamma, A, Z12, tracker, ρ, gd_iter, warmup, 0.005, use_autodiff) update(:NegativeBinomial, A, Z12, tracker, ρ, gd_iter, warmup, 0.005, use_autodiff, estimators[:NegativeBinomial]) project!(ClosedInterval{Float64}(-α, α), Z12) return Z12 end function set_block_12(mat, d1, d2, val) @. mat[1:d1, (d1+1):(d1+d2)] = val end function set_block_21(mat, d1, d2, val) @. mat[(d1+1):(d1+d2), 1:d1] = val end @private function initialize_trackers(A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, type_assignment) type_tracker = Utilities.IndexTracker{Symbol}() if type_assignment == nothing disjoint_join(type_tracker,, A)) else disjoint_join(type_tracker, type_assignment) end disjoint_join(type_tracker,, A)) return groupby(type_tracker, [:Observed, :Missing]), type_tracker end @private function ensure_feasible(A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}) if isnothing(A) @error(io, "please provide data matrix") throw(MethodError()) end end function format_log_data(x) if x == -10000000 return "N/A" end return @sprintf("%3.2e", x) end @private function print_optimization_log(iter,A, X, Z, Z12, W, II, Rp, Rd, ρ, λ, μ, tracker, estimators, io) R = abs.(maximum(diag(Z))) local gaussian_loss = -10000000 local bernoulli_loss = -10000000 local poisson_loss = -10000000 local gamma_loss = -10000000 local negative_binomial_loss = -10000000 if haskey(tracker, :Gaussian) # gaussian_loss = norm(Z12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] - A[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]])^2 gaussian_loss = evaluate(Loss{AbstractGaussian}(), Z12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]], A[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]], similar(Z12[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]]), 0) end if haskey(tracker, :Bernoulli) bernoulli_loss = evaluate(Loss{AbstractBernoulli}(), Z12[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]], A[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]], similar(Z12[tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]]), 0) end if haskey(tracker, :NegativeBinomial) local r_est = nothing if haskey(estimators[:NegativeBinomial], :user_input) r_est = estimators[:NegativeBinomial][:user_input][:r] else r_est = estimators[:NegativeBinomial][:MOM][:r] end negative_binomial_loss = evaluate(Loss{AbstractNegativeBinomial}(), Z12[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]], A[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]], similar(Z12[tracker[:NegativeBinomial][:Observed]]), 0, r_estimate = r_est) end if haskey(tracker, :Poisson) poisson_loss = evaluate(Loss{AbstractPoisson}(), Z12[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]], A[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]], similar(Z12[tracker[:Poisson][:Observed]]), 0) end if haskey(tracker, :Gamma) gamma_loss = evaluate(Loss{AbstractGamma}(), Z12[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]], A[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]], similar(Z12[tracker[:Gamma][:Observed]]), 0) # gamma_loss = 0 end data = [iter, Rp, Rd, gaussian_loss, bernoulli_loss, poisson_loss, negative_binomial_loss, gamma_loss, maximum(abs.(Z12)), μ * tr(II * X), abs.(maximum(diag(Z))) ] new_data = map(x -> format_log_data(x) ,data) new_data[1] = string(iter) add_row(header_list, data=new_data, io = io) end #TODO # function standardize(A, tracker, estimators) # A[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] .= (A[tracker[:Gaussian][:Observed]] .- estimators[:Gaussian][:μ]) ./ estimators[:Gaussian][:σ] # end #TODO # function destandardize(A, type_tracker, estimators) # A[tracker[:Gaussian]]] .= (A[tracker] .* estimators[:Gaussian][:σ]) .+ estimators[:Gaussian][:μ] # end struct OneShotADMM end function Concepts.complete(model::OneShotADMM; A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}} = nothing, α::Float64 = maximum(A[findall(x -> !ismissing(x),A)]), λ::Float64 = 5e-1, μ::Float64 = 5e-4, ρ::Float64 = 0.3, τ::Float64 = 1.618, maxiter::Int64 = 200, stoptol::Float64 = 1e-5, use_autodiff::Bool = false, gd_iter::Int64 = 50, debug_mode::Bool = false, interactive_plot = false, type_assignment = nothing, warmup = nothing, start_var = nothing, dynamic_ρ = true, user_input_estimators = nothing, project_rank = nothing, io::IO = Base.stdout, eigen_solver = KrylovMethods(), closed_form_update = false) return complete(;A = A, α = α, λ = λ, μ = μ, ρ = ρ, τ = τ, maxiter = maxiter, stoptol = stoptol, use_autodiff = use_autodiff, gd_iter = gd_iter, debug_mode = debug_mode, interactive_plot = interactive_plot, type_assignment = type_assignment, warmup = warmup, start_var = start_var, dynamic_ρ, user_input_estimators = user_input_estimators, project_rank = project_rank, io = io, eigen_solver = eigen_solver, closed_form_update = closed_form_update) end function Concepts.complete(;A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}} = nothing, α::Float64 = maximum(A[findall(x -> !ismissing(x),A)]), λ::Float64 = 5e-1, μ::Float64 = 5e-4, ρ::Float64 = 0.3, τ::Float64 = 1.618, maxiter::Int64 = 200, stoptol::Float64 = 1e-5, use_autodiff::Bool = false, gd_iter::Int64 = 50, debug_mode::Bool = false, interactive_plot = false, type_assignment = nothing, warmup = nothing, start_var = nothing, dynamic_ρ = true, user_input_estimators = nothing, project_rank = nothing, io::IO = Base.stdout, eigen_solver = KrylovMethods(), closed_form_update = false) logger = SimpleLogger(io) global_logger(logger) if isnothing(project_rank) @info("Using Full Eigen Decomposition.") else @info("Using Fast Eigen") end ensure_feasible(A) d1, d2 = size(A); Z::Array{Float64, 2} = zeros(d1 + d2, d1 + d2) X::Array{Float64, 2} = zeros(d1 + d2, d1 + d2) W::Array{Float64, 2} = zeros(d1 + d2, d1 + d2) C::Array{Float64, 2} = zeros(d1 + d2, d1 + d2) if !isnothing(start_var) Z = start_var[:Z] X = start_var[:X] W = start_var[:W] C = start_var[:C] end Xinput::Array{Float64, 2} = zeros(d1 + d2, d1 + d2) II = sparse(1.0I, d1 + d2, d1 + d2) tracker, type_tracker = initialize_trackers(A, type_assignment) # initialize warmup input for various gradient descent procedures if isnothing(warmup) warmup::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}} = initialize_warmup(tracker, A) end # initialize various estimators estimators::Dict{Symbol, Any} = initialize_estimators(tracker, A, user_input_estimators) # print optimization path table header table_header(header_list, io = io) for iter = 1:maxiter @. Xinput = Z + W/ρ # step 1 # try if isnothing(project_rank) X = project(SemidefiniteCone(), Z + W / ρ - (μ / ρ) * II) else X = project(SemidefiniteCone(rank = project_rank), Z + W / ρ - (μ / ρ) * II, eigs_implementation = eigen_solver) end # catch # @warn("Manual fix for numerical instability") # fix = Z + W / ρ - (μ / ρ) * II # fix[findall(x -> x== Inf || isnan(x), fix)] .= rand() # X = project(SemidefiniteCone(rank = 20), fix) # end # Step 2 @. C = X - 1/ρ * W; @. Z = C Z12 = calculate_Z12_update(A, C, tracker, ρ, α, warmup, use_autodiff, gd_iter, estimators, closed_form_update) set_block_12(Z, d1, d2, Z12) set_block_21(Z, d1, d2, Z12') set_diagonal(Z, diag(C) - (λ / ρ) * l1BallProjection(diag(C) * ρ / λ, 1)) # step 3 @. W = W + τ * ρ * (Z - X) if rem(iter, 10)==1 primfeas, dualfeas = calculate_primal_and_dual_residual(X, Z, W, C, Xinput, ρ) print_optimization_log(iter, A, X, Z, Z12, W, II, primfeas, dualfeas, ρ, λ, μ, tracker, estimators, io) if dynamic_ρ ρ = balance_gap(ρ, primfeas, dualfeas) end end end completedMatrix = C[1:d1, (d1+1):(d1+d2)] last_info = Dict(:Z => Z, :X => X, :W => W, :C => C, :warmup => warmup) return completedMatrix, type_tracker, tracker, last_info end include("./ChainedADMM.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
struct ChainedADMM end function sample_without_replacement!(collection, n::Int64) where T<:Any sample = [] for i in 1:n push!(sample, splice!(collection,rand(eachindex(collection)))) end return sample end function initialize_chained_trackers(A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, type_assignment) type_tracker = Utilities.IndexTracker{Symbol}() if type_assignment == nothing Concepts.disjoint_join(type_tracker,, A)) else Concepts.disjoint_join(type_tracker, type_assignment) end Concepts.disjoint_join(type_tracker,, A)) result = Concepts.groupby(type_tracker, [:Observed, :Missing]) result[:Observed][:Total] = Base.findall(!ismissing, A) result[:Missing][:Total] = Base.findall(ismissing, A) result[:SingleView] = type_tracker return result end function Concepts.complete(model::ChainedADMM; block_size = nothing, imputation_round::Union{Int64, Nothing} = 10, A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}} = nothing, α::Float64 = maximum(A[findall(x -> !ismissing(x),A)]), λ::Float64 = 5e-1, μ::Float64 = 5e-4, ρ::Float64 = 0.3, τ::Float64 = 1.618, maxiter::Int64 = 200, stoptol::Float64 = 1e-5, use_autodiff::Bool = false, gd_iter::Int64 = 50, debug_mode::Bool = false, interactive_plot = false, type_assignment = nothing, warmup = nothing, dynamic_ρ = true, user_input_estimators = nothing, project_rank = nothing, io::IO = Base.stdout, eigen_solver = KrylovMethods(), closed_form_update = false) o_tracker, o_type_tracker = initialize_trackers(A, type_assignment) tracker = initialize_chained_trackers(A, type_assignment) missing_entries = deepcopy(tracker[:Missing][:Total]) # @show(missing_entries[1:10]) observed_entries = deepcopy(tracker[:Observed][:Total]) # @show(observed_entries[1:10]) if !isnothing(imputation_round) block_size = trunc(Int64, Base.ceil(length(missing_entries) / imputation_round)) @info @sprintf("imputation round enforced, current block size is %d.\n", block_size) end # @show(imputation_round) if isnothing(warmup) warmup::Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}} = initialize_warmup(tracker, A) end imputed = A round = 0 local result_completed_matrix = nothing local result_type_tracker = nothing local result_tracker = nothing local result_last_var = nothing while length(missing_entries) > 0 round = round + 1 @info(round) block_samples = sample_without_replacement!(missing_entries, min(block_size, length(missing_entries))) result_completed_matrix, result_type_tracker, result_tracker, result_last_var = complete(A = imputed, α = α, λ = λ, μ = μ, ρ = ρ, τ = τ, maxiter = maxiter, stoptol = stoptol, use_autodiff = use_autodiff, gd_iter = gd_iter, start_var = result_last_var, debug_mode = debug_mode, interactive_plot = interactive_plot, type_assignment = type_assignment, dynamic_ρ = dynamic_ρ, user_input_estimators = user_input_estimators, project_rank = project_rank, io = io, eigen_solver = eigen_solver, closed_form_update = closed_form_update) predicted_matrix = predict(MatrixCompletionModel(), completed_matrix = result_completed_matrix, type_tracker = result_type_tracker) # @show("update imputed") for index in block_samples imputed[index] = predicted_matrix[index] end # if haskey(tracker, :Bernoulli) && length(tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]) > 0 # if haskey(tracker, :Bernoulli) && length(tracker[:Bernoulli][:Observed]) > 0 # warmup[:Bernoulli] = # end end return result_completed_matrix, o_type_tracker, o_tracker, imputed end
[ "MIT" ]
include("./ADMM.jl") # include("./ChainedADMM.jl")
[ "MIT" ]
module MathLib import LinearAlgebra macro api(as,of) eval(Expr(:toplevel,:($as=$of),:(export $as))) end using ..MathLibSignatures using ..Concepts @api MathematicalObject MathLibSignatures.MathematicalObject, @api Cone MathLibSignatures.Cone @api Interval MathLibSignatures.Interval @api SemidefiniteCone MathLibSignatures.SemidefiniteCone @api ClosedInterval MathLibSignatures.ClosedInterval @api project MathLibSignatures.project @api project! MathLibSignatures.project! function LinearAlgebra.rank(obj::SemidefiniteCone) return obj.rank end include("./Projections.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
module MathLibSignatures using ..Concepts export MathematicalObject, Cone, Interval, SemidefiniteCone, ClosedInterval abstract type MathematicalObject end abstract type Cone <: MathematicalObject end abstract type Interval <: MathematicalObject end struct SemidefiniteCone <: Cone rank::Optional{Int64} function SemidefiniteCone(; rank::Optional{Int64} = nothing) if rank == nothing return new(nothing) end if rank <= 0 @warn("Rank should never be below zero. Check again.") throw(MethodError()) end return new(rank) end end struct ClosedInterval{T} <: Interval where T<:Real ll::Optional{T} rr::Optional{T} function ClosedInterval{T}(ll::T, rr::T) where T<:Real if ll > rr @warn("Right end point of the interval shoud be bigger than left, return an empty interval instead.") return new{T}(nothing, nothing) end return new{T}(ll, rr) end end function project() end function project!() end function scope_test() @info("inside MathLib.Concepts") end end
[ "MIT" ]
using .MathLibSignatures using ..Utilities.FastEigen using LinearAlgebra function MathLibSignatures.project(to::SemidefiniteCone, mat::Array{Float64, 2}; eigs_implementation = KrylovMethods()) if isnothing(rank(to)) # do a full projection # @warn("Doing full eigen projection, could be costly!") eigDecomposition = eigen(mat); posEigenValuesIndex = findall(x -> real(x) > 0,eigDecomposition.values); posEigenValues = eigDecomposition.values[posEigenValuesIndex]; posEigenVectors = eigDecomposition.vectors[:,posEigenValuesIndex]; projectedMatrix = posEigenVectors * diagm(0 => posEigenValues) *posEigenVectors'; return projectedMatrix; end # we are computing the full projection Λ, X = eigs(eigs_implementation, mat, nev = to.rank) # return X * diagm(0 => Λ) * X' id = findall(x -> real(x) > 0, Λ) return X[:, id] * diagm(0 => Λ[id]) * (X[:,id])' end function MathLibSignatures.project(to::ClosedInterval, x::AutoboxedArray{Float64}) return max.(to.ll, min.(x, to.rr)) end function MathLibSignatures.project!(to::ClosedInterval, x::Array{Float64}) @. x = max.(to.ll, min.(x, to.rr)) end
[ "MIT" ]
include("./lowrankmodels/LowRankModels.jl") module ALM using Printf import ..Concepts import ..Concepts: MaybeMissing, type_conversion import ..Utilities import ..LowRankModels import ..ModelFitting.ObservedOrMissing using Logging export ChainedALM, OneShotALM struct GLRMLosses end struct ChainedALM end struct OneShotALM end struct MeanImputation end struct ChainedEquations end struct ChainedTruncatedSVD end function sample_without_replacement!(collection, n::Int64) where T<:Any sample = [] for i in 1:n push!(sample, splice!(collection,rand(eachindex(collection)))) end return sample end function update_observed_entries!(observed_entries, sampled_entries) for index in sampled_entries Base.push!(observed_entries, index) end end function update_imputed_entries!(cur_imputed, sampled_entries, X, Y) XtY = X' * Y for index in sampled_entries cur_imputed[index] = XtY[index] end end function Concepts.type_conversion(::Type{GLRMLosses}, x::Symbol) if x == :Gaussian return LowRankModels.QuadLoss() else return nothing end end function initialize_trackers(A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, type_assignment) type_tracker = Utilities.IndexTracker{Symbol}() if type_assignment == nothing Concepts.disjoint_join(type_tracker,, A)) else Concepts.disjoint_join(type_tracker, type_assignment) end Concepts.disjoint_join(type_tracker,, A)) result = Concepts.groupby(type_tracker, [:Observed, :Missing]) result[:Observed][:Total] = Base.findall(!ismissing, A) result[:Missing][:Total] = Base.findall(ismissing, A) result[:SingleView] = type_tracker return result end function prepare_loss_functions(type_assignment) return -> type_conversion(GLRMLosses ,x), type_assignment[1, :]) end function Concepts.complete(model::OneShotALM; A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, type_assignment, rx = LowRankModels.QuadReg(0), ry = LowRankModels.QuadReg(0), target_rank, initialX = nothing, initialY = nothing, proximal_params = nothing) row, col = size(A) tracker = initialize_trackers(A, type_assignment) missing_entries = deepcopy(tracker[:Missing][:Total]) observed_entries = deepcopy(tracker[:Observed][:Total]) loss = prepare_loss_functions(type_assignment) imputed = A @info @sprintf("total number of entries: %d\n", row * col) @info @sprintf("total number of missing entries: %d (%.4f%%)\n", length(missing_entries), length(missing_entries) / (row * col)) @info @sprintf("target rank: %d\n", target_rank) if isnothing(initialX) @info "initial state of X in undeteced, using randomized initilization" initialX = randn(target_rank, row) end if isnothing(initialY) @info "initial state of Y in undeteced, using randomized initilization" initialY = randn(target_rank, col) end glrm = LowRankModels.GLRM(imputed, loss, rx, ry, target_rank, obs = observed_entries, X = initialX, Y = initialY); local X, Y, ch if isnothing(proximal_params) X, Y, ch =!(glrm) else X, Y, ch =!(glrm, proximal_params) end update_imputed_entries!(imputed, missing_entries, X, Y) return imputed, X, Y, tracker end function Concepts.complete(model::ChainedALM; A::Array{MaybeMissing{Float64}}, type_assignment, block_size, imputation_round::Union{Int64, Nothing} = nothing, rx = LowRankModels.QuadReg(0), ry = LowRankModels.QuadReg(0), target_rank, initialX = nothing, initialY = nothing, proximal_params = nothing) row, col = size(A) tracker = initialize_trackers(A, type_assignment) missing_entries = deepcopy(tracker[:Missing][:Total]) observed_entries = deepcopy(tracker[:Observed][:Total]) if !isnothing(imputation_round) block_size = trunc(Int64, Base.ceil(length(missing_entries) / imputation_round)) @info @sprintf("imputation round enforced, current block size is %d.\n", block_size) end @info @sprintf("total number of entries: %d\n", row * col) @info @sprintf("total number of missing entries: %d (%.4f%%)\n", length(missing_entries), length(missing_entries) / (row * col)) @info @sprintf("target rank: %d\n", target_rank) @info @sprintf("block size: %d\n", block_size) @info @sprintf("rounds of completion expected: %d\n", Base.ceil(length(missing_entries) / block_size)) if isnothing(initialX) @info "initial state of X in undeteced, using randomized initilization" initialX = randn(target_rank, row) end if isnothing(initialY) @info "initial state of Y in undeteced, using randomized initilization" initialY = randn(target_rank, col) end imputed = A warmup = false prevX = []; prevY=[]; loss = prepare_loss_functions(type_assignment) warmup = false round = 0 while length(missing_entries) > 0 round += 1 println(round) block_samples = sample_without_replacement!(missing_entries, min(block_size, length(missing_entries))) if (warmup == false) glrm = LowRankModels.GLRM(imputed, loss, rx, ry, target_rank, obs = observed_entries, X = initialX, Y = initialY); else glrm = LowRankModels.GLRM(imputed, loss, rx, ry, target_rank, obs = observed_entries, X = prevX, Y = prevY) end warmup = true local X, Y, ch if isnothing(proximal_params) X, Y, ch =!(glrm) else X, Y, ch =!(glrm, proximal_params) end prevX = X prevY = Y update_observed_entries!(observed_entries, block_samples) update_imputed_entries!(imputed, block_samples, X, Y) end return imputed, prevX, prevY, tracker end end
[ "MIT" ]
# __precompile__() module LowRankModels using Printf using SharedArrays using SparseArrays using Random using Statistics using DataFrames import LinearAlgebra: dot, norm, Diagonal, rmul!, mul! import Base: show import StatsBase: fit!, mode, mean, var, std # define losses, regularizers, convergence history include("domains.jl") include("losses.jl") include("impute_and_err.jl") include("regularizers.jl") include("convergence.jl") # define basic data type(s) include("glrm.jl") include("shareglrm.jl") # modify models (eg scaling and offsets) and evaluate fit include("modify_glrm.jl") include("evaluate_fit.jl") # fitting algorithms include("fit.jl") if Threads.nthreads() > 1 include("algorithms/proxgrad_multithread.jl") else include("algorithms/proxgrad.jl") end include("algorithms/sparse_proxgrad.jl") include("algorithms/quad_streaming.jl") # initialization methods include("rsvd.jl") include("initialize.jl") # fancy fun on top of low rank models include("simple_glrms.jl") include("cross_validate.jl") include("fit_dataframe.jl") include("sample.jl") # this takes to long to load for normal use # include("plot.jl") # utilities include("utilities/conveniencemethods.jl") include("utilities/deprecated.jl") # ScikitLearn.jl compatibility include("scikitlearn.jl") end # module
[ "MIT" ]
export ConvergenceHistory, update_ch! mutable struct ConvergenceHistory name::AbstractString objective::Array dual_objective::Array primal_residual::Array dual_residual::Array times::Array stepsizes::Array optval end ConvergenceHistory(name::AbstractString,optval=0) = ConvergenceHistory(name,Float64[],Float64[],Float64[],Float64[],Float64[],Float64[],optval) ConvergenceHistory() = ConvergenceHistory("unnamed_convergence_history") function update_ch!(ch::ConvergenceHistory, dt::Number, obj::Number, stepsize::Number=0, pr::Number=0, dr::Number=0) push!(ch.objective,obj) push!(ch.primal_residual,pr) push!(ch.dual_residual,dr) push!(ch.stepsizes,stepsize) if isempty(ch.times) push!(ch.times,dt) else push!(ch.times,ch.times[end]+dt) end end function update_ch!(ch::ConvergenceHistory, dt; obj=0, stepsize=0, pr=0, dr=0, dual_obj=0) push!(ch.objective,obj) push!(ch.dual_objective,dual_obj) push!(ch.primal_residual,pr) push!(ch.dual_residual,dr) push!(ch.stepsizes,stepsize) if isempty(ch.times) push!(ch.times,dt) else push!(ch.times,ch.times[end]+dt) end end function show(ch::ConvergenceHistory) print("Convergence History for $(\n\n") @printf "%16s%16s\n" "time (s)" "objective" for i=1:length(ch.objective) @printf "%16.2e%16.4e\n" ch.times[i] ch.objective[i] end end
[ "MIT" ]
export cross_validate, cv_by_iter, regularization_path, get_train_and_test, precision_at_k # the loss function evaluates the objective minus the regularization # it is the default error metric loss_fn(args...; kwargs...) = objective(args...; include_regularization=false, kwargs...) # to use with error_metric when we have domains in the namespace, call as: # cross_validate(glrm, error_fn = error_metric(glrm,domains,glrm.X,glrm.Y)) function cross_validate(glrm::AbstractGLRM; nfolds=5, params=Params(), verbose=true, use_folds=nfolds, error_fn=loss_fn, init=nothing, do_obs_check = false) if verbose println("flattening observations") end # obs = flattenarray(map(ijs->map(j->(ijs[1],j),ijs[2]),zip(1:length(glrm.observed_features),glrm.observed_features))) obs = flatten_observations(glrm.observed_features) if verbose println("computing CV folds") end folds = getfolds(obs, nfolds, size(glrm.A)..., do_check = do_obs_check) train_glrms = Array{typeof(glrm)}(undef, nfolds) test_glrms = Array{typeof(glrm)}(undef, nfolds) train_error = Array{Float64}(undef, nfolds) test_error = Array{Float64}(undef, nfolds) for ifold=1:use_folds if verbose println("\nforming train and test GLRM for fold $ifold") end train_observed_features, train_observed_examples, test_observed_features, test_observed_examples = folds[ifold] ntrain = sum(map(length, train_observed_features)) ntest = sum(map(length, test_observed_features)) if verbose println("training model on $ntrain samples and testing on $ntest") end # form glrm on training dataset train_glrms[ifold] = copy_estimate(glrm) train_glrms[ifold].observed_examples = train_observed_examples train_glrms[ifold].observed_features = train_observed_features # form glrm on testing dataset test_glrms[ifold] = copy_estimate(glrm) test_glrms[ifold].observed_examples = test_observed_examples test_glrms[ifold].observed_features = test_observed_features # evaluate train and test error if verbose println("fitting train GLRM for fold $ifold") end if init != nothing init(train_glrms[ifold]) end fit!(train_glrms[ifold], params, verbose=verbose) if verbose println("computing train and test error for fold $ifold:") end train_error[ifold] = error_fn(train_glrms[ifold], parameter_estimate(train_glrms[ifold])...) / ntrain if verbose println("\ttrain error: $(train_error[ifold])") end test_error[ifold] = error_fn(test_glrms[ifold], parameter_estimate(train_glrms[ifold])...) / ntest if verbose println("\ttest error: $(test_error[ifold])") end end return train_error, test_error, train_glrms, test_glrms end function getfolds(obs::Array{Tuple{Int,Int},1}, nfolds, m, n; ntrials = 5, do_check = true) # partition elements of obs into nfolds groups groups = Array{Int}(undef, size(obs)) rand!(groups, 1:nfolds) # fill an array with random 1 through N # create the training and testing observations for each fold folds = Array{Tuple}(undef, nfolds) for itrial = 1:ntrials enough_observations = 0 for ifold=1:nfolds train = obs[filter(i->groups[i]!=ifold, 1:length(obs))] # all the obs that didn't get the ifold label train_observed_features, train_observed_examples = sort_observations(train,m,n) if !do_check || (check_enough_observations(train_observed_features) && check_enough_observations(train_observed_examples)) enough_observations += 1 else @warn("Not enough data to cross validate; one of the cross validation folds has no observations in one row or column. Trying again...") break end test = obs[filter(i->groups[i]==ifold, 1:length(obs))] # all the obs that did test_observed_features, test_observed_examples = sort_observations(test,m,n,check_empty=false) folds[ifold] = (train_observed_features, train_observed_examples, test_observed_features, test_observed_examples) end if enough_observations == nfolds return folds end end error("Not enough data to cross validate automatically.") end function check_enough_observations(observed_examples_or_features) all(map(length, observed_examples_or_features) .> 0) end function get_train_and_test(obs, m, n, holdout_proportion=.1) # generate random uniform number for each observation groups = Array{Float64}(undef, size(obs)) rand!(groups) # create the training and testing observations # observation is in test set if random number < holdout_proportion train = obs[filter(i->(groups[i]>=holdout_proportion), 1:length(obs))] train_observed_features, train_observed_examples = sort_observations(train,m,n) test = obs[filter(i->(groups[i]<holdout_proportion), 1:length(obs))] test_observed_features, test_observed_examples = sort_observations(test,m,n,check_empty=false) return (train_observed_features, train_observed_examples, test_observed_features, test_observed_examples) end function flatten_observations(observed_features::ObsArray) obs = Array{Tuple{Int,Int}}(undef, 0) for (i, features_in_example_i) in enumerate(observed_features) for j in features_in_example_i push!(obs, (i,j)) end end return obs end function flatten(x, y) state = start(x) if state==false push!(y, x) else while !done(x, state) (item, state) = next(x, state) flatten(item, y) end end y end flatten(x::Array{T}) where T=flatten(x,Array(T, 0)) function flattenarray(x, y) if typeof(x)<:Array for xi in x flattenarray(xi, y) end else push!(y, x) end y end flattenarray(x::Array{T}) where T=flattenarray(x,Array(T, 0)) function cv_by_iter(glrm::AbstractGLRM, holdout_proportion=.1, params=Params(100,max_iter=1,abs_tol=.01,min_stepsize=.01), ch = ConvergenceHistory("cv_by_iter"); verbose=true) # obs = flattenarray(map(ijs->map(j->(ijs[1],j),ijs[2]),zip(1:length(glrm.observed_features),glrm.observed_features))) obs = flatten_observations(glrm.observed_features) train_observed_features, train_observed_examples, test_observed_features, test_observed_examples = get_train_and_test(obs, size(glrm.A)..., holdout_proportion) # form glrm on training dataset train_glrm = copy_estimate(glrm) train_glrm.observed_examples = train_observed_examples train_glrm.observed_features = train_observed_features # form glrm on testing dataset test_glrm = copy_estimate(glrm) test_glrm.observed_examples = test_observed_examples test_glrm.observed_features = test_observed_features ntrain = sum(map(length, train_glrm.observed_features)) ntest = sum(map(length, test_glrm.observed_features)) niters = params.max_iter params.max_iter = 1 train_error = Array{Float64}(undef, niters) test_error = Array{Float64}(undef, niters) if verbose @printf("%12s%12s%12s\n", "train error", "test error", "time") t0 = time() end for iter=1:niters # evaluate train and test error fit!(train_glrm, params, ch=ch, verbose=false) train_error[iter] = ch.objective[end] # objective(train_glrm, parameter_estimate(train_glrm)..., include_regularization=false)/ntrain test_error[iter] = objective(test_glrm, parameter_estimate(train_glrm)..., include_regularization=false)/ntest if verbose @printf("%12.4e%12.4e%12.4e\n", train_error[iter], test_error[iter], time() - t0) end end return train_error, test_error end function regularization_path(glrm::AbstractGLRM; params=Params(), reg_params=exp10.(range(2,stop=-2,length=5)), holdout_proportion=.1, verbose=true, ch::ConvergenceHistory=ConvergenceHistory("reg_path")) if verbose println("flattening observations") end # obs = flattenarray(map(ijs->map(j->(ijs[1],j),ijs[2]),zip(1:length(glrm.observed_features),glrm.observed_features))) obs = flatten_observations(glrm.observed_features) if verbose println("splitting train and test sets") end train_observed_features, train_observed_examples, test_observed_features, test_observed_examples = get_train_and_test(obs, size(glrm.A)..., holdout_proportion) if verbose println("forming train and test GLRMs") end # form glrm on training dataset train_glrm = copy_estimate(glrm) train_glrm.observed_examples = train_observed_examples train_glrm.observed_features = train_observed_features # form glrm on testing dataset test_glrm = copy_estimate(glrm) test_glrm.observed_examples = test_observed_examples test_glrm.observed_features = test_observed_features return regularization_path(train_glrm, test_glrm; params=params, reg_params=reg_params, verbose=verbose, ch=ch) end # For each value of the regularization parameter, # compute the training error, ie, average error (sum over (i,j) in train_glrm.obs of L_j(A_ij, x_i y_j)) # and the test error, ie, average error (sum over (i,j) in test_glrm.obs of L_j(A_ij, x_i y_j)) function regularization_path(train_glrm::AbstractGLRM, test_glrm::AbstractGLRM; params=Params(), reg_params=exp10.(range(2,stop=-2,length=5)), verbose=true, ch::ConvergenceHistory=ConvergenceHistory("reg_path")) train_error = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) test_error = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) ntrain = sum(map(length, train_glrm.observed_features)) ntest = sum(map(length, test_glrm.observed_features)) if verbose println("training model on $ntrain samples and testing on $ntest") end @show params train_time = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) for iparam=1:length(reg_params) reg_param = reg_params[iparam] # evaluate train and test error if verbose println("fitting train GLRM for reg_param $reg_param") end scale_regularizer!(train_glrm, reg_param) # no need to restart glrm X and Y even if they went to zero at the higher regularization # b/c fit! does that automatically fit!(train_glrm, params, ch=ch, verbose=verbose) train_time[iparam] = ch.times[end] if verbose println("computing mean train and test error for reg_param $reg_param:") end train_error[iparam] = objective(train_glrm, parameter_estimate(train_glrm)..., include_regularization=false) / ntrain if verbose println("\ttrain error: $(train_error[iparam])") end test_error[iparam] = objective(test_glrm, parameter_estimate(train_glrm)..., include_regularization=false) / ntest if verbose println("\ttest error: $(test_error[iparam])") end end return train_error, test_error, train_time, reg_params end function precision_at_k(train_glrm::GLRM, test_observed_features; params=Params(), reg_params=exp10.(range(2,stop=-2,length=5)), holdout_proportion=.1, verbose=true, ch::ConvergenceHistory=ConvergenceHistory("reg_path"), kprec=10) m,n = size(train_glrm.A) ntrain = sum(map(length, train_glrm.observed_features)) ntest = sum(map(length, test_observed_features)) train_observed_features = train_glrm.observed_features train_error = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) test_error = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) prec_at_k = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) solution = Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64}}(undef, length(reg_params)) train_time = Array{Float64}(undef, length(reg_params)) test_glrm = GLRM(train_glrm.A, train_glrm.losses, train_glrm.rx, train_glrm.ry, train_glrm.k, X=copy(train_glrm.X), Y=copy(train_glrm.Y), observed_features = test_observed_features) for iparam=1:length(reg_params) reg_param = reg_params[iparam] # evaluate train error if verbose println("fitting train GLRM for reg_param $reg_param") end mul!(train_glrm.rx, reg_param) mul!(train_glrm.ry, reg_param) train_glrm.X, train_glrm.Y = randn(train_glrm.k,m), randn(train_glrm.k,n) # this bypasses the error checking in GLRM(). Risky. X, Y, ch = fit!(train_glrm, params, ch=ch, verbose=verbose) train_time[iparam] = ch.times[end] if verbose println("computing train error and precision at k for reg_param $reg_param:") end train_error[iparam] = objective(train_glrm, X, Y, include_regularization=false) / ntrain if verbose println("\ttrain error: $(train_error[iparam])") end test_error[iparam] = objective(test_glrm, X, Y, include_regularization=false) / ntrain if verbose println("\ttest error: $(test_error[iparam])") end # precision at k XY = X'*Y q = sort(XY[:],rev=true)[ntrain] # the ntest+ntrain largest value in the model XY true_pos = 0; false_pos = 0 kfound = 0 for i=1:m if kfound >= kprec break end for j=1:n if kfound >= kprec break end if XY[i,j] >= q # i predict 1 and (i,j) was in my test set and i observed 1 if j in test_observed_features[i] true_pos += 1 kfound += 1 # i predict 1 and i did not observe a 1 (in either my test *or* train set) elseif !(j in train_observed_features[i]) false_pos += 1 kfound += 1 end end end end prec_at_k[iparam] = true_pos / (true_pos + false_pos) if verbose println("\tprec_at_k: $(prec_at_k[iparam])") end solution[iparam] = (sum(X)+sum(Y), sum(abs.(X))+sum(abs.(Y))) if verbose println("\tsum of solution, one norm of solution: $(solution[iparam])") end end return train_error, test_error, prec_at_k, train_time, reg_params, solution end
[ "MIT" ]
# Supported domains: Real, Boolean, Ordinal, Periodic, Count # The purpose of domains is to be able to impute over different possible values of `a` regardless of # the loss that was used in the GLRM. The reason for doing this is to evaluate the performance of GLRMS. # For instance, let's say we use PCA (QuadLoss losses) to model a binary data frame (not the best idea). # In order to override the standard imputation with `impute(QuadLoss(), u)`, which assumes imputation over the reals, # we can use `impute(BoolDomain(), QuadLoss(), u)` and see which of {-1,1} is best. The reason we want to be able to # do this is to compare a baseline model (e.g. PCA) with a more logical model using heterogenous losses, # yet still give each model the same amount of information regarding how imputation should be done. # In order to accomplish this we define a series of domains that tell imputation methods # what values the data can take. The imputation methods are defined in impute_and_err.jl # Domains should be assigned to each column of the data and are not part of the low-rank model itself. # They serve as a way to evaluate the performance of the low-rank model. export Domain, # the abstract type RealDomain, BoolDomain, OrdinalDomain, PeriodicDomain, CountDomain, CategoricalDomain, # the domains copy abstract type Domain end ########################################## REALS ########################################## # Real data can take values from ℜ struct RealDomain<:Domain end ########################################## BOOLS ########################################## # Boolean data should take values from {true, false} struct BoolDomain<:Domain end ########################################## ORDINALS ########################################## # Ordinal data should take integer values ranging from `min` to `max` struct OrdinalDomain<:Domain min::Int max::Int function OrdinalDomain(min, max) if max - min < 2 @warn("The ordinal variable you've created is degenerate: it has only two levels. Consider using a Boolean variable instead; ordinal loss functions may have unexpected behavior on a degenerate ordinal domain.") end return new(min, max) end end ########################################## ORDINALS ########################################## # Categorical data should take integer values ranging from 1 to `max` struct CategoricalDomain<:Domain min::Int max::Int end CategoricalDomain(m::Int) = CategoricalDomain(1,m) ########################################## PERIODIC ########################################## # Periodic data can take values from ℜ, but given a period T, we should have error_metric(a,a+T) = 0 struct PeriodicDomain<:Domain T::Float64 # the period end ########################################## COUNTS ########################################## # Count data can take values over ℕ, which we approximate as {0, 1, 2 ... `max_count`} struct CountDomain<:Domain max_count::Int # the biggest possible count end
[ "MIT" ]
export objective, error_metric, impute, impute_missing ### OBJECTIVE FUNCTION EVALUATION FOR MPCA function objective(glrm::GLRM, X::Array{Float64,2}, Y::Array{Float64,2}, XY::Array{Float64,2}; yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses), # mapping from columns of A to columns of Y; by default, the identity include_regularization=true) m,n = size(glrm.A) @assert(size(XY)==(m,yidxs[end][end])) @assert(size(Y)==(glrm.k,yidxs[end][end])) @assert(size(X)==(glrm.k,m)) err = 0.0 for j=1:n for i in glrm.observed_examples[j] err += evaluate(glrm.losses[j], XY[i,yidxs[j]], glrm.A[i,j]) end end # add regularization penalty if include_regularization err += calc_penalty(glrm,X,Y; yidxs = yidxs) end return err end function row_objective(glrm::AbstractGLRM, i::Int, x::AbstractArray, Y::Array{Float64,2} = glrm.Y; yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses), # mapping from columns of A to columns of Y; by default, the identity include_regularization=true) m,n = size(glrm.A) err = 0.0 XY = x'*Y for j in glrm.observed_features[i] err += evaluate(glrm.losses[j], XY[1,yidxs[j]], glrm.A[i,j]) end # add regularization penalty if include_regularization err += evaluate(glrm.rx[i], x) end return err end function col_objective(glrm::AbstractGLRM, j::Int, y::AbstractArray, X::Array{Float64,2} = glrm.X; include_regularization=true) m,n = size(glrm.A) sz = size(y) if length(sz) == 1 colind = 1 else colind = 1:sz[2] end err = 0.0 XY = X'*y obsex = glrm.observed_examples[j] @inbounds XYj = XY[obsex,colind] @inbounds Aj = convert(Array, glrm.A[obsex,j]) err += evaluate(glrm.losses[j], XYj, Aj) # add regularization penalty if include_regularization err += evaluate(glrm.ry[j], y) end return err end # The user can also pass in X and Y and `objective` will compute XY for them function objective(glrm::GLRM, X::Array{Float64,2}, Y::Array{Float64,2}; sparse=false, include_regularization=true, yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses), kwargs...) @assert(size(Y)==(glrm.k,yidxs[end][end])) @assert(size(X)==(glrm.k,size(glrm.A,1))) XY = Array{Float64}(undef, (size(X,2), size(Y,2))) if sparse # Calculate X'*Y only at observed entries of A m,n = size(glrm.A) err = 0.0 for j=1:n for i in glrm.observed_examples[j] err += evaluate(glrm.losses[j], dot(X[:,i],Y[:,yidxs[j]]), glrm.A[i,j]) end end if include_regularization err += calc_penalty(glrm,X,Y; yidxs = yidxs) end return err else # dense calculation variant (calculate XY up front) gemm!('T','N',1.0,X,Y,0.0,XY) return objective(glrm, X, Y, XY; include_regularization=include_regularization, yidxs = yidxs, kwargs...) end end # Or just the GLRM and `objective` will use glrm.X and .Y objective(glrm::GLRM; kwargs...) = objective(glrm, glrm.X, glrm.Y; kwargs...) # For shared arrays # TODO: compute objective in parallel objective(glrm::ShareGLRM, X::SharedArray{Float64,2}, Y::SharedArray{Float64,2}) = objective(glrm, X.s, Y.s) # Helper function to calculate the regularization penalty for X and Y function calc_penalty(glrm::AbstractGLRM, X::Array{Float64,2}, Y::Array{Float64,2}; yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses)) m,n = size(glrm.A) @assert(size(Y)==(glrm.k,yidxs[end][end])) @assert(size(X)==(glrm.k,m)) penalty = 0.0 for i=1:m penalty += evaluate(glrm.rx[i], view(X,:,i)) end for f=1:n penalty += evaluate(glrm.ry[f], view(Y,:,yidxs[f])) end return penalty end ## ERROR METRIC EVALUATION (BASED ON DOMAINS OF THE DATA) function raw_error_metric(glrm::AbstractGLRM, XY::Array{Float64,2}, domains::Array{Domain,1}; yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses)) m,n = size(glrm.A) err = 0.0 for j=1:n for i in glrm.observed_examples[j] err += error_metric(domains[j], glrm.losses[j], XY[i,yidxs[j]], glrm.A[i,j]) end end return err end function std_error_metric(glrm::AbstractGLRM, XY::Array{Float64,2}, domains::Array{Domain,1}; yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses)) m,n = size(glrm.A) err = 0.0 for j=1:n column_mean = 0.0 column_err = 0.0 for i in glrm.observed_examples[j] column_mean += glrm.A[i,j]^2 column_err += error_metric(domains[j], glrm.losses[j], XY[i,yidxs[j]], glrm.A[i,j]) end column_mean = column_mean/length(glrm.observed_examples[j]) if column_mean != 0 column_err = column_err/column_mean end err += column_err end return err end function error_metric(glrm::AbstractGLRM, XY::Array{Float64,2}, domains::Array{Domain,1}; standardize=false, yidxs = get_yidxs(glrm.losses)) m,n = size(glrm.A) @assert(size(XY)==(m,yidxs[end][end])) if standardize return std_error_metric(glrm, XY, domains; yidxs = yidxs) else return raw_error_metric(glrm, XY, domains; yidxs = yidxs) end end # The user can also pass in X and Y and `error_metric` will compute XY for them function error_metric(glrm::AbstractGLRM, X::Array{Float64,2}, Y::Array{Float64,2}, domains::Array{Domain,1}=Domain[l.domain for l in glrm.losses]; kwargs...) XY = Array{Float64}(undef,(size(X,2), size(Y,2))) gemm!('T','N',1.0,X,Y,0.0,XY) error_metric(glrm, XY, domains; kwargs...) end # Or just the GLRM and `error_metric` will use glrm.X and .Y error_metric(glrm::AbstractGLRM, domains::Array{Domain,1}; kwargs...) = error_metric(glrm, glrm.X, glrm.Y, domains; kwargs...) error_metric(glrm::AbstractGLRM; kwargs...) = error_metric(glrm, Domain[l.domain for l in glrm.losses]; kwargs...) # Use impute and errors over GLRMS impute(glrm::AbstractGLRM) = impute(glrm.losses, glrm.X'*glrm.Y) function impute_missing(glrm::AbstractGLRM) Ahat = impute(glrm) for j in 1:size(glrm.A,2) for i in glrm.observed_examples[j] Ahat[i,j] = glrm.A[i,j] end end return Ahat end
[ "MIT" ]
export fit, fit!, Params ### PARAMETERS TYPE abstract type AbstractParams end Params(args...; kwargs...) = ProxGradParams(args...; kwargs...) # default in-place fitting uses proximal gradient method function fit!(glrm::AbstractGLRM; kwargs...) kwdict = Dict(kwargs) if :params in keys(kwdict) return fit!(glrm, kwdict[:params]; kwargs...) else if isa(glrm.A,SparseMatrixCSC) # Default to sparse algorithm for a sparse dataset return fit!(glrm, SparseProxGradParams(); kwargs...) else # Classic proximal gradient method for non-sparse data return fit!(glrm, ProxGradParams(); kwargs...) end end end # fit without modifying the glrm object function fit(glrm::AbstractGLRM, args...; kwargs...) X0 = Array{Float64}(undef, size(glrm.X)) Y0 = Array{Float64}(undef, size(glrm.Y)) copy!(X0, glrm.X); copy!(Y0, glrm.Y) X,Y,ch = fit!(glrm, args...; kwargs...) copy!(glrm.X, X0); copy!(glrm.Y, Y0) return X',Y,ch end
[ "MIT" ]
# ======================================== # REVIEW THIS IN LIGHT OF NEW DATAFRAMES # ======================================== import Base: isnan import DataFrames: DataFrame, ncol, convert export GLRM, observations, expand_categoricals!, NaNs_to_NAs!, NAs_to_0s!, NaNs_to_Missing!, ismissing_vec include("fit_dataframe_w_type_imputation.jl") probabilistic_losses = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :real => QuadLoss, :bool => LogisticLoss, :ord => MultinomialOrdinalLoss, :cat => MultinomialLoss ) robust_losses = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :real => HuberLoss, :bool => LogisticLoss, :ord => BvSLoss, :cat => OvALoss ) function GLRM(df::DataFrame, k::Int, datatypes::Array{Symbol,1}; loss_map = probabilistic_losses, rx = QuadReg(.01), ry = QuadReg(.01), offset = true, scale = false, prob_scale = true, transform_data_to_numbers = true, NaNs_to_Missing = true) # check input if ncol(df)!=length(datatypes) error("third argument (datatypes) must have one entry for each column of data frame.") end # validate input for dt in datatypes if !(dt in keys(loss_map)) error("data types must be either :real, :bool, :ord, or :cat, not $dt") end end # clean up dataframe if needed A = copy(df) if NaNs_to_Missing NaNs_to_Missing!(A) end # define loss functions for each column losses = Array{Loss}(undef, ncol(A)) for j=1:ncol(df) losstype = loss_map[datatypes[j]] if transform_data_to_numbers map_to_numbers!(A, j, datatypes[j]) end losses[j] = pick_loss(losstype, A[:,j]) end # identify which entries in data frame have been observed (ie are not missing) obs = observations(df) # form model rys = Array{Regularizer}(undef, length(losses)) for i=1:length(losses) if isa(losses[i].domain, OrdinalDomain) && embedding_dim(losses[i])>1 # losses[i], MultinomialOrdinalLoss) || isa(losses[i], OrdisticLoss) rys[i] = OrdinalReg(copy(ry)) else rys[i] = copy(ry) end end glrm = GLRM(A, losses, rx, rys, k, obs=obs, offset=offset, scale=scale) # scale model so it really computes the MAP estimator of the parameters if prob_scale prob_scale!(glrm) end return glrm end ## transform data to numbers function is_number_or_null(x) isa(x, Number) || ismissing(x) # (:value in fieldnames(x) && isa(x.value, Number)) end function is_int_or_null(x) isa(x, Int) || ismissing(x) # (:value in fieldnames(x) && isa(x.value, Int)) end function map_to_numbers!(df, j::Int, datatype::Symbol) # easy case if datatype == :real if all(xi -> is_number_or_null(xi), df[:,j][.!ismissing_vec(df[:,j])]) return df[:,j] else error("column contains non-numerical values") end end # harder cases col = copy(df[:,j]) levels = Set(col[.!ismissing_vec(col)]) if datatype == :bool if length(levels)>2 error("Boolean variable should have at most two levels; instead, got:\n$levels") end colmap = Dict{Any,Int}(zip(sort(collect(levels)), [-1,1][1:length(levels)])) elseif datatype == :cat || datatype == :ord colmap = Dict{Any,Int}(zip(sort(collect(levels)), 1:length(levels))) else error("datatype $datatype not recognized") end m = size(df,1) df[!,j] = Array{Union{Missing, Int},1}(undef, m) for i in 1:length(col) if !ismissing(col[i]) df[i,j] = getval(colmap[col[i]]) end end return df[:,j] end getval(x::Union{T, Nothing}) where T = x.value getval(x::T) where T<:Number = x function map_to_numbers!(df, j::Int, loss::Type{QuadLoss}) if all(xi -> is_number_or_null(xi), df[:,j][!ismissing_vec(df[:,j])]) return df[:,j] else error("column contains non-numerical values") end end function map_to_numbers!(df, j::Int, loss::Type{LogisticLoss}) col = copy(df[:,j]) levels = Set(col[!ismissing_vec(col)]) if length(levels)>2 error("Boolean variable should have at most two levels") end colmap = Dict{Any,Int}(zip(sort(collect(levels)), [-1,1][1:length(levels)])) df[:,j] = DataArray(Int, length(df[:,j])) for i in 1:length(col) if !ismissing(col[i]) df[i,j] = colmap[col[i]] end end return df[:,j] end function map_to_numbers!(df, j::Int, loss::Type{MultinomialLoss}) col = copy(df[:,j]) levels = Set(col[!ismissing_vec(col)]) colmap = Dict{Any,Int}(zip(sort(collect(levels)), 1:length(levels))) df[:,j] = DataArray(Int, length(df[:,j])) for i in 1:length(col) if !ismissing(col[i]) df[i,j] = colmap[col[i]] end end return df[:,j] end function map_to_numbers!(df, j::Int, loss::Type{MultinomialOrdinalLoss}) col = copy(df[:,j]) levels = Set(col[!ismissing_vec(col)]) colmap = Dict{Any,Int}(zip(sort(collect(levels)), 1:length(levels))) df[:,j] = DataArray(Int, length(df[:,j])) for i in 1:length(col) if !ismissing(col[i]) df[i,j] = colmap[col[i]] end end return df[:,j] end ## sanity check the choice of loss # this default definition could be tighter: only needs to be defined for arguments of types that subtype Loss function pick_loss(l, col) return l() end function pick_loss(l::Type{LogisticLoss}, col) if all(xi -> ismissing(xi) || xi in [-1,1], col) return l() else error("LogisticLoss can only be used on data taking values in {-1, 1}") end end function pick_loss(l::Type{MultinomialLoss}, col) if all(xi -> ismissing(xi) || (is_int_or_null(xi) && xi >= 1), col) return l(maximum(skipmissing(col))) else error("MultinomialLoss can only be used on data taking positive integer values") end end function pick_loss(l::Type{MultinomialOrdinalLoss}, col) if all(xi -> ismissing(xi) || (isa(xi, Int) && xi >= 1), col) return l(maximum(skipmissing(col))) else error("MultinomialOrdinalLoss can only be used on data taking positive integer values") end end observations(da::Array{Union{T, Missing}}) where T = df_observations(da) observations(df::DataFrame) = df_observations(df) # isnan -> ismissing function df_observations(da) obs = Tuple{Int, Int}[] m,n = size(da) for j=1:n # follow column-major order. First element of index in innermost loop for i=1:m if !ismissing(da[i,j]) push!(obs,(i,j)) end end end return obs end # TODO.. Missings in the data frame will be replaced by the number `z` function df2array(df::DataFrame, z::Number) A = zeros(size(df)) for i=1:size(A,2) if issubtype(typeof(df[:,i]), Array) A[:,i] = df[:,i] elseif typeof(df[i]) == Bool A[:,i] = convert(Array, (2*df[i]-1), z) else A[:,i] = convert(Array, df[i], z) end end return A end df2array(df::DataFrame) = df2array(df, 0) # expand categorical columns, given as column indices, into one boolean column for each level function expand_categoricals!(df::DataFrame,categoricals::Array{Int,1}) # map from names to indices; not used: categoricalidxs = map(y->df.colindex[y], categoricals) # create one boolean column for each level of categorical column colnames = names(df) for col in categoricals levels = sort(unique(df[:,col])) for level in levels if !ismissing(level) colname = Symbol(string(colnames[col])*"="*string(level)) df[colname] = (df[:,col] .== level) end end end # remove the original categorical columns for cat in sort(categoricals, rev=true) delete!(df, cat) end return df end function expand_categoricals!(df::DataFrame,categoricals::UnitRange{Int}) expand_categoricals!(df, Int[i for i in categoricals]) end # expand categoricals given as names of columns rather than column indices function expand_categoricals!(df::DataFrame,categoricals::Array) # map from names to indices categoricalidxs = map(y->df.colindex[y], categoricals) return expand_categoricals!(df, categoricalidxs) end # convert NaNs to NAs # isnan(x::NAtype) = false isnan(x::AbstractString) = false isnan(x::Union{T, Nothing}) where T = isnan(x.value) # same functionality as above. function NaNs_to_Missing!(df::DataFrame) m,n = size(df) for j=1:n df[!,j] = [ismissing(df[i,j]) || isnan(df[i,j]) ? missing : value for (i,value) in enumerate(df[:,j])]; end return df end ismissing_vec(V::AbstractArray) = Bool[ismissing(x) for x in V[:]]