677 values
1 value
2 values
[ "MIT" ]
module MoziFESection export BeamSection export RectangleSection,HSection,ISection,BoxSection,PipeSection,CircleSection @enum SectionType begin GENERAL_SECTION=0 ISECTION=1 HSECTION=2 BOX=3 PIPE=4 CIRCLE=5 RECTANGLE=6 end struct BeamSection id::String hid::Int A::Float64 I₂::Float64 I₃::Float64 J::Float64 As₂::Float64 As₃::Float64 W₂::Float64 W₃::Float64 sec_type::SectionType sizes::Vector BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,sec_type=GENERAL_SECTION,sizes=[])=new(string(id),hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,sec_type,sizes) end # function BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃) # id=string(id) # end function RectangleSection(id,hid,h,b)::BeamSection id=string(id) A=h*b I₃=b*h^3/12 I₂=h*b^3/12 # bb,aa=sort([h,b]) # J=aa*bb^3*(1/3-0.21*bb/aa*(1-bb^4/12/aa^4)) β = MembraneMeta(h, b) J = h * b * b * b * β As₂=5.0 / 6 * h * b As₃=5.0 / 6 * h * b W₃=I₃/h*2 W₂=I₂/b*2 BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,RECTANGLE,[h,b]) end function HSection(id,hid,h,b,tw,tf)::BeamSection id=string(id) A=b*tf*2+tw*(h-2*tf) β=MembraneMeta(tf, b) J=tf * b * b * b * β * 2 β = MembraneMeta(tw, h - 2 * tf) J+=tw * (h - 2 * tf)^3 * β I₃=b*h^3/12-(b-tw)*(h-2*tf)^3/12 I₂=2*tf*b^3/12+(h-2*tf)*tw^3/12 As₂=tw * h As₃=5.0 / 3 * tf * b W₃=I₃/h*2 W₂=I₂/b*2 BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,HSECTION,[h,b,tw,tf]) end function ISection(id,hid,h,b1,b2,tw,tf1,tf2)::BeamSection id=string(id) hw=h-tf1-tf2 A=b1*tf1+b2*tf2+tw*hw y0=(b1*tf1*(h-tf1/2)+b2*tf2*tf2/2+hw*tw*(hw/2+tf2))/A β=MembraneMeta(tf1, b1) J=tf1 * b1^3 * β β=MembraneMeta(tf2, b2) J+=tf2 * b2^3* β β = MembraneMeta(tw, h - tf1 - tf2) J+=tw * (h - tf1 - tf2)^3 * β I₃=tw*hw^3/12 I₃+=b1*tf1^3/12+b1*tf1*(hw/2+tf1/2)^2 I₃+=b2*tf2^3/12+b2*tf2*(hw/2+tf2/2)^2 I₃-=A*(y0-h/2)^2 I₂=b1^3*tf1/12+b2^3*tf2/12+tw^3*hw/12 As₂=tw * h As₃=5.0 / 6 * tf1 * b1 + 5.0 / 6 * tf2 * b2 W₃=I₃/max(y0,h-y0) W₂=I₂/max(b1/2,b2/2) BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,ISECTION,[h,b1,b2,tw,tf1,tf2]) end function BoxSection(id,hid,h,b,tw,tf)::BeamSection id=string(id) A=h*b-(h-2*tf)*(b-2*tw) a = 2 * ((b - tw) / tf + (h - tf) / tw) Ω= 2 * (h - tf) * (b - tw) c=Ω/a J=c*Ω I₃=b*h^3/12-(b-2*tw)*(h-2*tf)^3/12 I₂=h*b^3/12-(h-2*tf)*(b-2*tw)^3/12 As₂=2 * tw * h As₃=2 * tf * b W₃=I₃/h*2 W₂=I₂/b*2 BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,BOX,[h,b,tw,tf]) end function PipeSection(id,hid,d,t)::BeamSection id=string(id) A=π*d^2/4-π*(d-2*t)^2/4 J=π*(d-t)/t*2*A I₃=π*d^4/64*(1-((d-2*t)/d)^4) I₂=I₃ As₂=π * t * (d - t) / 2 As₃=π * t * (d - t) / 2 W₃=I₃/d*2 W₂=W₃ r=d/2 J=π/32*(d^4-(d-2t)^4) BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,PIPE,[d,t]) end function CircleSection(id,hid,d)::BeamSection id=string(id) A=π*d^2/4 J=π*d^4/32 I₃=π*d^4/64 I₂=I₃ As₂=π * d * d / 4 * 0.9 As₃=π * d * d / 4 * 0.9 W₃=I₃/d*2 W₂=W₃ J=π*d^4/32 BeamSection(id,hid,A,I₂,I₃,J,As₂,As₃,W₂,W₃,CIRCLE,[d]) end function MembraneMeta(h, b) s = 0 for i in 1:30 m = 1.0 + 2 * i s += tanh(m * π * h / 2 / b) / m^5 end β = 1.0 / 3 - b / (π^5 * h) * s return β end end
[ "MIT" ]
include("../src/MoziFESection.jl") using .MoziFESection sec=BeamSection(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) sec=ISection(1,1,400,200,200,10,20,20) sec=HSection(1,1,200,200,10,10) sec=BoxSection(1,1,200,200,10,10) sec=PipeSection(1,1,400,20) sec=CircleSection(1,1,400)
[ "MIT" ]
# MoziFESection.jl This is a part of Project Mozi This package provides convenient calculation of section properties of the project. 本包提供常见截面的几何形状属性计算。 ## 技术笔记 ### 1. 坐标系统定义 ![csys](./img/csys.png) ### 2. 有效抗剪面积的近似计算 腹板: $ A_s=\frac{5}{6}bh $ 圆形截面 $ A_s=0.9\frac{\pi d^2}{4} $ 圆管截面 $ A_s=0.5 \pi t(d-t) $ ### 3. 扭转惯性矩的近似计算 (1)单室闭口截面薄壁截面 $ J=\frac{\Omega^2}{\oint\frac{1}{t}\text{d}s} $ 其中$\Omega$为薄壁中线围合面积的2倍,$\text{d}s$为薄壁路径微分,$t$为壁厚 (2)矩形截面板件 扭转刚度采用薄膜比拟,默认取30阶,即$n=30$: $ J=\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{(1+2^n)^5}\tanh\frac{\pi (1+2^n)h}{2b} $
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
using Emporium using Documenter DocMeta.setdocmeta!(Emporium, :DocTestSetup, :(using Emporium); recursive = true) makedocs(; modules = [Emporium], authors = "Abel Soares Siqueira <> and contributors", repo = "{commit}{path}#{line}", sitename = "Emporium.jl", format = Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true", canonical = "", assets = String[], ), pages = ["Home" => ""], ) deploydocs(; repo = "", devbranch = "main")
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
module Emporium using Dates using Formatting using GitHub include("create-test-project-from-main-project.jl") include("folder-activities.jl") include("git-aux.jl") include("github.jl") include("template-compliance.jl") end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
export create_test_project_from_main_project using TOML """ create_test_project_from_main_project() Create `test/Project.toml` from the sections [extras] and [targets] in `Project.toml`. """ function create_test_project_from_main_project() # Initial checks if !isfile("Project.toml") error("File Project.toml doesn't exist") end if isfile("test/Project.toml") error("File test/Project.toml already exists") end # Early return if there's nothing we can do. No error! project = TOML.parsefile("Project.toml") if ["targets", "extras"] ∩ keys(project) == [] || !("test" in keys(project["targets"])) @info( "Nothing to do, create test/Project.toml manually: just `pkg> activate test` and `add` things." ) return end # Actual code compat, deps, extras, targets = getindex.(Ref(project), ["compat", "deps", "extras", "targets"]) test_deps = Dict() test_compat = Dict() # We only unpack the "test" target for pkg in targets["test"] # Project.toml could be ill-written, so some checks are made if pkg in keys(extras) # extras can be moved test_deps[pkg] = extras[pkg] delete!(extras, pkg) elseif pkg in keys(deps) # deps are copied test_deps[pkg] = deps[pkg] else # shouldn't happen error("Unknown package $pkg in target list") end if pkg in keys(compat) # copy compats too! test_compat[pkg] = compat[pkg] if !(pkg in keys(deps)) delete!(compat, pkg) end end end delete!(targets, "test") for k in ["compat", "deps", "extras", "targets"] if length(project[k]) == 0 delete!(project, k) end end test_project = Dict("deps" => test_deps) if length(test_compat) > 0 test_project["compat"] = test_compat end # Copied from Pkg.jl _project_key_order = ["name", "uuid", "keywords", "license", "desc", "deps", "compat"] project_key_order(key::String) = something(findfirst(x -> x == key, _project_key_order), length(_project_key_order) + 1) by = key -> (project_key_order(key), key) mkpath("test") open("test/Project.toml", "w") do io TOML.print(io, test_project, sorted = true, by = by) end open("Project.toml", "w") do io TOML.print(io, project, sorted = true, by = by) end end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
export run_on_folders """ run_on_folders(action, folders) run_on_folders(action, folders) Run `action` into each folder in `folders`. `action` must be either: - a `Cmd` (like `ls`, or `git status`). - a callable with no mandatory arguments with some keyword arguments, but that accepts arbitrary commands. The following keyword arguments will be passed to `action`: - `basename`: Folder name stripped of dirs before it. - `dirname`: Complement of `basename`. - `index`: Index of traversal in `folders`, obtained from `enumerate(folder_list)`. If you think of something useful to add to this list, let me know. ## Options - `dry_run = false`: Don't run the action, just print. - `rethrow_exception = false`: If an exception is thrown by the action, rethrow it. ## Examples ### Updating a file throught your cloned repos You want to have the same configuration in all your repos, that are cloned into folder "cloned-repos". ```julia-repl julia> myfile = joinpath(pwd(), ".editorconfig") julia> folders = readdir("cloned-repos", join=true) julia> run_on_folders(`cp \$myfile .`, folders) julia> run_on_folders((;kws...) -> if git_has_to_commit() && run(`git commit -am "Add or update"`), folders) julia> run_on_folders(`git push`, folders) ``` """ function run_on_folders(action, folders; dry_run = false, rethrow_exception = false) for (index, folder) in enumerate(folders) cd(folder) do if dry_run println("Would run action inside $folder") else try action(basename = basename(folder), dirname = dirname(folder), index = index) catch ex println("Running action on $folder threw $ex") if rethrow_exception rethrow(ex) end end end end end end function run_on_folders(action, folder::String, args...; kwargs...) if !isdir(folder) error("$folder is not a folder nor a list of folders") end run_on_folders(action, readdir(folder, join = true)) end function run_on_folders(action::Cmd, args...; kwargs...) run_on_folders((; kwargs...) -> run(action), args...; kwargs...) end function run_on_folders(action::Cmd, folder::String, args...; kwargs...) run_on_folders((; kwargs...) -> run(action), folder, args...; kwargs...) end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
# Prepend function names with git_ export git_has_modifications_to_stage export git_has_staged_to_commit export git_has_to_commit """ git_has_modifications_to_stage() Check for modified unstaged files. """ function git_has_modifications_to_stage() length(read(`git diff --stat`)) != 0 end """ git_has_staged_to_commit() Check for staged files """ function git_has_staged_to_commit() length(read(`git diff --staged --stat`)) != 0 end """ git_has_to_commit() Check for unstaged or staged modifications to commit. Doesn't check for untracked files. """ function git_has_to_commit() git_has_modifications_to_stage() || git_has_staged_to_commit() end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
export clone_organization_repos, create_pull_request """ clone_organization_repos(org; options...) clone_organization_repos(org, dest; options...) Clone all repos from the GitHub organization `org` into folder `dest`. If `dest` is not specified, used `dest = org`. Options: - `auth = AnonymousAuth()`: Authentication token (`GitHub.authenticate(ENV["GITHUB_AUTH"])`) - `dry_run = false`: Don't clone the repos, only list them. - `exclude = []`: Exclude listed repos. """ function clone_organization_repos( org, dest = org; auth = GitHub.AnonymousAuth(), dry_run = false, exclude = [], ) isdir(dest) || mkdir(dest) cloned = String[] cd(dest) do repos = GitHub.repos(org, true, auth = auth)[1] for repo in repos in exclude && continue if dry_run @info "Would clone $(repo.html_url) but dry_run is true" else run(`git clone $(repo.html_url)`) push!(cloned, end end end return cloned end """ pr = create_pull_request(repo, title, body, head; options...) Very thin layer over GitHub.create_pull_request. Creates a pull request to `repo` from branch `head` to base `base` (defaults to `main`). The `title` and `body` must be supplied. ## Options - `auth = GitHub.AnonymousAuth()`: GitHub authentication token - `base = "main"`: Main branch where you want to merge the changes - `dry_run = false`: Test instead of actually running """ function create_pull_request( repo, title, body, head; auth = GitHub.AnonymousAuth(), base = "main", dry_run = false, ) params = Dict( :title => title, :body => body, :head => head, :base => base, :maintainer_can_modify => true, :draft => false, ) pr = if dry_run @info "Would create a pull request with params = $params" GitHub.PullRequest() else pr = GitHub.create_pull_request(GitHub.repo(repo), auth = auth, params = params) @info "Pull request created at $(pr.html_url)" pr end return pr end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
export check_and_fix_compliance """ check_and_fix_compliance(template_folder, file_list, workdir = "cloned_repos"; options...) Compares the list of files given in `file_list` for every package in `workdir` with the same files in `template_folder`. If some cases, the template files have a package name placeholder that needs to be replaced by the actual package name. Set this with the keyword variable `template_pkg_name`. ## Keywords arguments - `auth`: GitHub.jl authentication token (use `GitHub.authenticate(YOUR_TOKEN)`). - `check_only::Bool`: If true, will display only the comparison, without fixing anything (default: `false`). - `close_older_compliance_prs::Bool`: If `create_pr` is enabled, and this is true, it will look for other PRs with the same branch name prefix and close them (default: `true`). - `create_pr::Bool`: Whether to create a pull request, or just the commits. Requires a valid `auth` key (default: `false`). - `filter_jl_ending::Bool`: Whether to check only folders ending in `.jl` or all folders (default: `true`). - `info_header_frequency::Int`: How often to show the header with the file names (default: `5`). - `owner::String`: If `create_pr` is true, then this is the owner of the repo, and can't be empty. The full url of the repo is `\$owner/\$pkg`, where `pkg` is the folder name (default: ""). - `rename_these_files::Vector{Pair{String, String}}`: List of files to be renamed, if they exist. This will be done before fixing the content with new files. Each pair is of the form `old => new` (default: []). - `template_pkg_name::String`: The placeholder for the package name in the files. # Extended help ## Examples ```julia julia> clone_organization_repos("MyOrg", "cloned_repos", exclude=["MyTemplate.jl"]) # Clone from my org into repos julia> run(`git clone`) julia> auth = GitHub.authenticate(ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"]) julia> check_and_fix_compliance( "MyTemplate.jl", [".JuliaFormatter.jl", ".github/workflows/CI.yml"], "cloned_repos", auth = auth, check_only = false, close_older_compliance_prs = true, create_pr = true, owner = "MyOrg", rename_these_files = [".github/workflows/ci.yml" => ".github/workflows/CI.yml"], template_pkg_name = "MyTemplate", ) ``` """ function check_and_fix_compliance( template_folder, file_list, workdir = "cloned_repos"; auth = GitHub.AnonymousAuth(), check_only = false, close_older_compliance_prs = true, commit_message = ":bot: Template compliance update", create_pr = false, filter_jl_ending = true, info_header_frequency::Int = 5, owner = "", pr_title = "[Emporium.jl] Template compliance update", pr_body = "Created with Emporium.jl function `check_and_fix_compliance`", rename_these_files = [], template_pkg_name = "", ) if create_pr && owner == "" error("You must define the `owner` keyword argument to create the Pull Requests") end pkg_list = readdir(workdir) if filter_jl_ending pkg_list = filter(x -> x[(end - 2):end] == ".jl", pkg_list) end column_fmts = [ "%-$(maximum(length.(pkg_list)))s"; ["%$(len)s" for len in length.(basename.(file_list))]... ] table_line(V) = join(sprintf1.(column_fmts, V), " ") @info "Checking simple files" for (ipkg, pkg) in enumerate(pkg_list) if ipkg % info_header_frequency == 1 @info table_line(["Package"; basename.(file_list)]) end # Renaming file if !check_only cd(joinpath(workdir, pkg)) do for (old_file, new_file) in rename_these_files if isfile(old_file) run(`git mv $old_file $new_file`) end end end end success = fill(false, length(file_list)) for (ifile, file) in enumerate(file_list) # Compare content pkg_file_path = joinpath(workdir, pkg, file) old_file_str = isfile(pkg_file_path) ? read(pkg_file_path, String) : "" file_str = read(file, String) if old_file_str == file_str success[ifile] = true end # Fix the files by copying from template if !check_only open(pkg_file_path, "w") do out_stream file_str = replace(file_str, template_pkg_name => pkg[1:(end - 3)]) print(out_stream, file_str) end end end success_str = [s ? "✓" : "⨉" for s in success] @info table_line([pkg; success_str]) end if check_only return end branch_name = "emporium/compliance-" * Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS-sss") run_on_folders( (; basename = "", dirname = "", index = "") -> begin for file in file_list run(`git add $file`) end if git_has_to_commit() @info "Creating commit in $basename" run(`git checkout -b $branch_name`) run(`git commit -m "$commit_message"`) if create_pr repo = "$owner/$basename" @info "Creating pull request to $repo" run(`git remote set-url origin https://$(auth.token)$repo`) @info "Checking for older compliance PRs" prs, _ = GitHub.pull_requests(repo, auth = auth) abort_pr = false for pr in prs if startswith(pr.head.ref, "emporium/compliance-") && pr.head.ref != branch_name remote = if pr.head.user.login != owner remote = pr.head.user.login run(`git remote set-url $remote$remote/$basename`) remore else "origin" end if length(read(`git diff $remote/$(pr.head.ref)`)) == 0 # No difference to existing PR @info "PR#$(pr.number) already implements the proposed PR" abort_pr = true break end end end if !abort_pr run(`git push -u origin $branch_name`) new_pr = create_pull_request( repo, pr_title, pr_body, branch_name, auth = auth, ) if close_older_compliance_prs for pr in prs if startswith(pr.head.ref, "emporium/compliance-") && pr.head.ref != branch_name @info "Closing PR $(pr.number)" GitHub.create_comment( repo, pr, "Closing in favor of #$(new_pr.number)", auth = auth, ) GitHub.close_pull_request(repo, pr, auth = auth) end end end end end end end, [joinpath(workdir, x) for x in pkg_list], ) end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
@testset "Create test/Project.toml from Project.toml" begin project_before = joinpath(@__DIR__, "auxiliary-files/Project-with-extras-and-target.toml") project_after = joinpath(@__DIR__, "auxiliary-files/Project-without-extras-and-target.toml") project_inside_test = joinpath(@__DIR__, "auxiliary-files/Project-inside-test.toml") cd(mktempdir()) do @testset "Test Project.toml exist" begin @test_throws ErrorException create_test_project_from_main_project() end cp(project_before, "Project.toml") create_test_project_from_main_project() @testset "Project.toml OK" begin @test readlines("Project.toml") == readlines(project_after) end @testset "test/Project.toml OK" begin @test isfile("test/Project.toml") @test readlines("test/Project.toml") == readlines(project_inside_test) end @testset "Fail if test/Project.toml exists" begin @test_throws ErrorException create_test_project_from_main_project() end rm("test/Project.toml") @test_logs ( :info, "Nothing to do, create test/Project.toml manually: just `pkg> activate test` and `add` things.", ) create_test_project_from_main_project() end end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
@testset "Git auxiliary tests" begin cd(mktempdir()) do run(`git init`) run(`git config --local "Emporium"`) run(`git config --local ""`) open("a.file", "w") do io println(io, "TMP") end open("b.file", "w") do io println(io, "TMP") end run(`git add a.file b.file`) run(`git commit -m "First commit"`) @testset "Clean work dir" begin @test !git_has_to_commit() end open("a.file", "w") do io println(io, "TMP2") end @testset "Modification on the work dir" begin @test git_has_modifications_to_stage() @test !git_has_staged_to_commit() end run(`git add a.file`) @testset "Staged on the work dir" begin @test !git_has_modifications_to_stage() @test git_has_staged_to_commit() end open("b.file", "w") do io println(io, "TMP2") end @testset "Staged on the work dir" begin @test git_has_modifications_to_stage() @test git_has_staged_to_commit() end end end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
using Emporium using Test include("create-test-project-from-main-project.jl") include("git-aux.jl")
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog], and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]. ## [unreleased] ... ## [0.2.4] - 2023-07-23 ### Changed - Allow customized commit message, PR title, and PR body for compliance update. - If an existing compliance update with the same content exists, don't create a new one. ## [0.2.3] - 2023-07-18 ### Fixed - Fixed the printed url when creating a pull request ## [0.2.2] - 2023-01-15 ### Fixed - Fix authentication on `check_and_fix_compliance` push. ## [0.2.1] - 2023-01-15 ### Added - `check_and_fix_compliance` to compare a list of files in a folder of packages against a template package. ### Changed - `create_pull_request` now returns a `PullRequest` object. If `dry-run = true`, it returns an empty one, otherwise the created PR. - Add option `rethrow_exception` to `run_on_folder` to allow propagating the exception. ### Fixed - Added compat bounds ### Security ## [0.2.0] - 2022-03-07 ### Added - Git auxiliary function - This file - Organization related functions - Function to run on folders ## [0.1.0] - 2021-10-22 - initial release ### Added - Package created using PkgTemplates.jl - Function to create test/Project.toml from Project.toml - Citation and Zenodo <!-- Links --> [keep a changelog]: [semantic versioning]: <!-- Versions --> [unreleased]: [0.2.4]: [0.2.3]: [0.2.2]: [0.2.1]: [0.2.0]: [0.1.0]:
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
# Emporium [![Stable](]( [![Dev](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![DOI](]( Welcome to the Julia _scripts_ Emporium. You will find here an assorted selection of short snippets in the form of functions for specific tasks.
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = Emporium ``` # Emporium Documentation for [Emporium]( ```@index ``` ```@autodocs Modules = [Emporium] ```
[ "MIT" ]
module RandomBooleanMatrices using Random using RandomNumbers.Xorshifts using SparseArrays using StatsBase include("curveball.jl") @enum matrixrandomizations curveball """ randomize_matrix!(m; method = curveball) Randomize the sparse boolean Matrix `m` while maintaining row and column sums """ function randomize_matrix!(m::SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}, rng = Random.GLOBAL_RNG; method::matrixrandomizations = curveball) if method == curveball return _curveball!(m, rng) end error("undefined method") end SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int} struct MatrixGenerator{R<:AbstractRNG, M} m::M method::matrixrandomizations rng::R end show(io::IO, m::MatrixGenerator{R, SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}}) where R = println(io, "Boolean MatrixGenerator with size $(size(m.m)) and $(nnz(m.m)) occurrences") """ matrixrandomizer(m [,rng]; method = curveball) Create a matrix generator function that will return a random boolean matrix every time it is called, maintaining row and column sums. Non-boolean input matrix are interpreted as boolean, where values != 0 are `true`. # Examples ``` m = rand(0:4, 5, 6) rmg = matrixrandomizer(m) random1 = rand(rmg) random2 = rand(rmg) `` """ matrixrandomizer(m, rng) = error("No matrixrandomizer defined for $(typeof(m))") matrixrandomizer(m) = error("No matrixrandomizer defined for $(typeof(m))") matrixrandomizer(m::AbstractMatrix, rng = Xoroshiro128Plus(); method::matrixrandomizations = curveball) = MatrixGenerator{typeof(rng), SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}}(dropzeros!(sparse(m)), method, rng) matrixrandomizer(m::SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}, rng = Xoroshiro128Plus(); method::matrixrandomizations = curveball) = MatrixGenerator{typeof(rng), SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}}(dropzeros(m), method, rng) Random.rand(r::MatrixGenerator{R, SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}}; method::matrixrandomizations = curveball) where R = copy(randomize_matrix!(r.m, r.rng, method = r.method)) Random.rand!(r::MatrixGenerator{R, SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}}; method::matrixrandomizations = curveball) where R = randomize_matrix!(r.m, r.rng, method = r.method) export randomize_matrix!, matrixrandomizer, matrixrandomizations export curveball end
[ "MIT" ]
function sortmerge!(v1, v2, ret, iend, jend) retind = 0 i,j = firstindex(v1), firstindex(v2) @inbounds while i <= iend || j <= jend if j > jend ret[retind += 1] = v1[i] i+=1 continue elseif i > iend ret[retind += 1] = v2[j] j+=1 continue end if v1[i] == v2[j] error("The two vectors are not supposed to have overlapping values") elseif j > lastindex(v2) || v1[i] < v2[j] ret[retind += 1] = v1[i] i+=1 elseif i > lastindex(v1) || v1[i] > v2[j] ret[retind += 1] = v2[j] j+=1 end end end function _interdif!(v1, v2, inter, dif) nshared, ndiff = 0, 0 i,j = firstindex(v1), firstindex(v2) @inbounds while i <= lastindex(v1) || j <= lastindex(v2) if j > lastindex(v2) dif[ndiff += 1] = v1[i] i+=1 continue elseif i > lastindex(v1) dif[ndiff += 1] = v2[j] j+=1 continue end if v1[i] == v2[j] inter[nshared += 1] = v1[i] i += 1 j += 1 elseif j > lastindex(v2) || v1[i] < v2[j] dif[ndiff += 1] = v1[i] i+=1 elseif i > lastindex(v1) || v1[i] > v2[j] dif[ndiff += 1] = v2[j] j+=1 end end ndiff, nshared end function _curveball!(m::SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int}, rng = Random.GLOBAL_RNG) R, C = size(m) mcs = min(2maximum(diff(m.colptr)), size(m, 1)) not_shared, shared = Vector{Int}(undef, mcs), Vector{Int}(undef, mcs) newa, newb = Vector{Int}(undef, mcs), Vector{Int}(undef, mcs) for rep ∈ 1:5C A, B = rand(rng, 1:C,2) # use views directly into the sparse matrix to avoid copying a, b = view(m.rowval, m.colptr[A]:m.colptr[A+1]-1), view(m.rowval, m.colptr[B]:m.colptr[B+1]-1) l_a, l_b = length(a), length(b) # an efficient algorithm since both a and b are sorted l_dif, l_ab = _interdif!(a, b, shared, not_shared) if !(l_ab ∈ (l_a, l_b)) L = l_a - l_ab sample!(rng, view(not_shared, Base.OneTo(l_dif)), view(newa,Base.OneTo(L)), replace = false, ordered = true) L2,_ = _interdif!(view(newa, 1:L), view(not_shared, Base.OneTo(l_dif)), newa, newb) sortmerge!(shared, newa, a, l_ab, L) sortmerge!(shared, newb, b, l_ab, L2) end end return m end
[ "MIT" ]
using RandomBooleanMatrices using SparseArrays using Random using Test Random.seed!(1337) @testset "curveball" begin m = sprand(Bool, 8, 6, 0.2) m_old = copy(m) rsm = sum(m, dims = 1) csm = sum(m, dims = 2) randomize_matrix!(m, method = curveball) @test rsm == sum(m, dims = 1) @test csm == sum(m, dims = 2) @test m_old != m m2 = rand(0:1, 6, 5) rsm = sum(m2, dims = 1) csm = sum(m2, dims = 2) rmg = matrixrandomizer(m2, method = curveball) m3 = rand(rmg) @test rsm == sum(m3, dims = 1) @test csm == sum(m3, dims = 2) m4 = rand(rmg) @test m3 != m4 end
[ "MIT" ]
# RandomBooleanMatrices [![codecov](]( ## Work In Progress for a scientific publication Create random boolean matrices that maintain row and column sums. This is a very common use case for null models in ecology. The package offers the newest and most efficient unbiased algorithms for generating random matrices. Legacy approaches have used different forms of swapping, or some alternative approaches like the `quasiswap` algorithm in R's vegan package. These methods are neither efficient, nor are they guaranteed to sample the possible distribution of boolean vectors with a given row and column sum equally. Currently, the package only offers an implementation of the `curveball` algorithm of Strona et al. (2014). There are two forms: a `randomize_matrix!` function that will randomize a sparse boolean `Matrix` in-place, and a generator form: ```julia using SparseArrays, RandomBooleanMatrices # in-place m = sprand(Bool, 1000, 1000, 0.1) randomize_matrix!(m) # using a Matrix generator object m = sprand(Bool, 1000, 1000, 0.1) rmg = matrixrandomizer(m) m1 = rand(rmg) # creates a new random matrix m2 = rand(rmg) # You can also avoid copying by m3 = rand!(rmg) # but notice that this will not create a new copy of the Matrix, so generating multiple matrices at once with this is impossible ``` ## References Strona, G., Nappo, D., Boccacci, F., Fattorini, S. & San-Miguel-Ayanz, J. (2014) A fast and unbiased procedure to randomize ecological binary matrices with fixed row and column totals. Nature Communications, 5, 4114.
[ "MIT" ]
module Nettle using Nettle_jll, Libdl include("hash_common.jl") include("hash.jl") include("hmac.jl") include("cipher.jl") # SnoopCompile acceleration include("precompile.jl") _precompile_() end # module
[ "MIT" ]
## Defines all cipher functionality ## As usual, check out # import Base: show export CipherType, get_cipher_types export gen_key32_iv16, add_padding_PKCS5, trim_padding_PKCS5 export Encryptor, Decryptor, decrypt, decrypt!, encrypt, encrypt! # This is a mirror of the nettle-meta.h:nettle_cipher struct struct NettleCipher name::Ptr{UInt8} context_size::Cuint block_size::Cuint key_size::Cuint set_encrypt_key::Ptr{Cvoid} set_decrypt_key::Ptr{Cvoid} encrypt::Ptr{Cvoid} decrypt::Ptr{Cvoid} end # For much the same reasons as in hash_common.jl, we define a separate, more "Julia friendly" type struct CipherType name::String context_size::Cuint block_size::Cuint key_size::Cuint set_encrypt_key::Ptr{Cvoid} set_decrypt_key::Ptr{Cvoid} encrypt::Ptr{Cvoid} decrypt::Ptr{Cvoid} end # These are the user-facing types that are used to actually {en,de}cipher stuff struct Encryptor cipher_type::CipherType state::Vector{UInt8} end struct Decryptor cipher_type::CipherType state::Vector{UInt8} end # The function that maps from a NettleCipher to a CipherType function CipherType(nc::NettleCipher) CipherType( uppercase(unsafe_string(, nc.context_size, nc.block_size, nc.key_size, nc.set_encrypt_key, nc.set_decrypt_key, nc.encrypt, nc.decrypt) end # The global dictionary of hash types we know how to construct const _cipher_types = Dict{String,CipherType}() # We're going to load in each NettleCipher struct individually, deriving # HashAlgorithm types off of the names we find, and storing the output # and context size from the data members in the C structures function get_cipher_types() # If we have already gotten the hash types from libnettle, don't query again if isempty(_cipher_types) cipher_idx = 1 # nettle_ciphers is an array of pointers ended by a NULL pointer, continue reading hash types until we hit it while( true ) ncptr = unsafe_load(cglobal(("_nettle_ciphers",libnettle),Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}),cipher_idx) if ncptr == C_NULL break end cipher_idx += 1 nc = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{NettleCipher}, ncptr)) cipher_type = CipherType(nc) _cipher_types[] = cipher_type end end return _cipher_types end const _cipher_suites = [:CBC] # [:CBC, :GCM, :CCM] function gen_key32_iv16(pw::Vector{UInt8}, salt::Vector{UInt8}) s1 = digest("MD5", [pw; salt]) s2 = digest("MD5", [s1; pw; salt]) s3 = digest("MD5", [s2; pw; salt]) return ([s1; s2], s3) end function add_padding_PKCS5(data::Vector{UInt8}, block_size::Int) padlen = block_size - (sizeof(data) % block_size) return [data; map(i -> UInt8(padlen), 1:padlen)] end function trim_padding_PKCS5(data::Vector{UInt8}) padlen = data[end] if all(data[end-padlen+1:end-1] .== data[end]) return data[1:end-padlen] else throw(ArgumentError("Invalid PKCS5 padding")) end end function Encryptor(name::String, key) cipher_types = get_cipher_types() name = uppercase(name) if !haskey(cipher_types, name) throw(ArgumentError("Invalid cipher type $name: call Nettle.get_cipher_types() to see available list")) end cipher_type = cipher_types[name] if sizeof(key) != cipher_type.key_size throw(ArgumentError("Key must be $(cipher_type.key_size) bytes long")) end state = Vector{UInt8}(undef, cipher_type.context_size) ccall( cipher_type.set_encrypt_key, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}), state, pointer(key)) return Encryptor(cipher_type, state) end function Decryptor(name::String, key) cipher_types = get_cipher_types() name = uppercase(name) if !haskey(cipher_types, name) throw(ArgumentError("Invalid cipher type $name: call Nettle.get_cipher_types() to see available list")) end cipher_type = cipher_types[name] if sizeof(key) != cipher_type.key_size throw(ArgumentError("Key must be $(cipher_type.key_size) bytes long")) end state = Vector{UInt8}(undef, cipher_type.context_size) ccall( cipher_type.set_decrypt_key, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}), state, pointer(key)) return Decryptor(cipher_type, state) end function decrypt!(state::Decryptor, e::Symbol, iv::Vector{UInt8}, result, data) if sizeof(result) < sizeof(data) throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) insufficient for input data length ($(sizeof(data)))")) end if sizeof(result) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if sizeof(data) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Input array of length $(sizeof(data)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if sizeof(iv) != state.cipher_type.block_size throw(ArgumentError("Iv must be $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if ! (Symbol(uppercase(string(e))) in _cipher_suites) throw(ArgumentError("now supports $(_cipher_suites) only but ':$(e)'")) end hdl = Libdl.dlopen_e(libnettle) s = Symbol("nettle_", lowercase(string(e)), "_decrypt") c = Libdl.dlsym(hdl, s) if c == C_NULL throw(ArgumentError("not found function '$(s)' for ':$(e)'")) end # c points (:nettle_***_decrypt, nettle) may be loaded as another instance iiv = copy(iv) ccall(c, Cvoid, ( Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, state.cipher_type.decrypt, sizeof(iiv), iiv, sizeof(data), pointer(result), pointer(data)) Libdl.dlclose(hdl) return result end function decrypt!(state::Decryptor, result, data) if sizeof(result) < sizeof(data) throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) insufficient for input data length ($(sizeof(data)))")) end if sizeof(result) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if sizeof(data) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Input array of length $(sizeof(data)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end ccall(state.cipher_type.decrypt, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},Csize_t,Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, sizeof(data), pointer(result), pointer(data)) return result end function decrypt(state::Decryptor, e::Symbol, iv::Vector{UInt8}, data) result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(data)) decrypt!(state, e, iv, result, data) return result end function decrypt(state::Decryptor, data) result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(data)) decrypt!(state, result, data) return result end function encrypt!(state::Encryptor, e::Symbol, iv::Vector{UInt8}, result, data) if sizeof(result) < sizeof(data) throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) insufficient for input data length ($(sizeof(data)))")) end if sizeof(result) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if sizeof(data) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Input array of length $(sizeof(data)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if sizeof(iv) != state.cipher_type.block_size throw(ArgumentError("Iv must be $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if ! (Symbol(uppercase(string(e))) in _cipher_suites) throw(ArgumentError("now supports $(_cipher_suites) only but ':$(e)'")) end hdl = Libdl.dlopen_e(libnettle) s = Symbol("nettle_", lowercase(string(e)), "_encrypt") c = Libdl.dlsym(hdl, s) if c == C_NULL throw(ArgumentError("not found function '$(s)' for ':$(e)'")) end # c points (:nettle_***_encrypt, nettle) may be loaded as another instance iiv = copy(iv) ccall(c, Cvoid, ( Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, state.cipher_type.encrypt, sizeof(iiv), iiv, sizeof(data), pointer(result), pointer(data)) Libdl.dlclose(hdl) return result end function encrypt!(state::Encryptor, result, data) if sizeof(result) < sizeof(data) throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) insufficient for input data length ($(sizeof(data)))")) end if sizeof(result) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Output array of length $(sizeof(result)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end if sizeof(data) % state.cipher_type.block_size > 0 throw(ArgumentError("Input array of length $(sizeof(data)) must be N times $(state.cipher_type.block_size) bytes long")) end ccall(state.cipher_type.encrypt, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},Csize_t,Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, sizeof(data), pointer(result), pointer(data)) return result end function encrypt(state::Encryptor, e::Symbol, iv::Vector{UInt8}, data) result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(data)) encrypt!(state, e, iv, result, data) return result end function encrypt(state::Encryptor, data) result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(data)) encrypt!(state, result, data) return result end # The one-shot functions that make this whole thing so easy decrypt(name::String, key, data) = decrypt(Decryptor(name, key), data) encrypt(name::String, key, data) = encrypt(Encryptor(name, key), data) decrypt(name::String, e::Symbol, iv::Vector{UInt8}, key, data) = decrypt(Decryptor(name, key), e, iv, data) encrypt(name::String, e::Symbol, iv::Vector{UInt8}, key, data) = encrypt(Encryptor(name, key), e, iv, data) # Custom show overrides make this package have a little more pizzaz! function show(io::IO, x::CipherType) write(io, "$( Cipher\n") write(io, " Context size: $(x.context_size) bytes\n") write(io, " Block size: $(x.block_size) bytes\n") write(io, " Key size: $(x.key_size) bytes") end show(io::IO, x::Encryptor) = write(io, "$( Encryption state") show(io::IO, x::Decryptor) = write(io, "$( Decryption state")
[ "MIT" ]
## Defines all hashing functionality ## As usual, check out import Base: show export Hasher, update!, digest, digest!, hexdigest!, hexdigest struct Hasher hash_type::HashType state::Vector{UInt8} end # Constructor for Hasher function Hasher(name::String) hash_types = get_hash_types() name = uppercase(name) if !haskey(hash_types, name) throw(ArgumentError("Invalid hash type $name: call Nettle.get_hash_types() to see available list")) end # Construct Hasher object for this type and initialize using Nettle's init functions hash_type = hash_types[name] state = Vector{UInt8}(undef, hash_type.context_size) ccall(hash_type.init, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), state) return Hasher(hash_type, state) end # Update hash state with new data function update!(state::Hasher, data) ccall(state.hash_type.update, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},Csize_t,Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, sizeof(data), pointer(data)) return state end # Spit out a digest of the current hash state and reset it function digest!(state::Hasher) digest = Vector{UInt8}(undef, state.hash_type.digest_size) ccall(state.hash_type.digest, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},UInt32,Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, sizeof(digest), pointer(digest)) return digest end # Take a digest, and convert it to a printable hex representation hexdigest!(state::Hasher) = bytes2hex(digest!(state)) # The one-shot functions that makes this whole thing so easy. digest(hash_name::String, data) = digest!(update!(Hasher(hash_name), data)) digest(hash_name::String, io::IO) = digest(hash_name, readall(io)) hexdigest(hash_name::String, data) = hexdigest!(update!(Hasher(hash_name), data)) hexdigest(hash_name::String, io::IO) = hexdigest(hash_name, readall(io)) # Custom show overrides make this package have a little more pizzaz! function show(io::IO, x::HashType) write(io, "$( Hash\n") write(io, " Context size: $(x.context_size) bytes\n") write(io, " Digest size: $(x.digest_size) bytes\n") write(io, " Block size: $(x.block_size) bytes") end show(io::IO, x::Hasher) = write(io, "$( Hash state")
[ "MIT" ]
export get_hash_types # This is a mirror of the nettle-meta.h:nettle_hash struct struct NettleHash name::Ptr{UInt8} context_size::Cuint digest_size::Cuint block_size::Cuint init::Ptr{Cvoid} # nettle_hash_init_func update::Ptr{Cvoid} # nettle_hash_update_func digest::Ptr{Cvoid} # nettle_hash_digest_func end # We convert from the above NettleHash to a HashType for two reasons: # First, we need a way to keep the actual pointer address around # Secondly, it's nice to convert the name from a pointer to an actual string # This cuts down on the amount of work we have to do for some operations # (especially HMAC operations) at the cost of a bit of memory. I'll take it. struct HashType name::String context_size::Cuint digest_size::Cuint block_size::Cuint init::Ptr{Cvoid} # nettle_hash_init_func update::Ptr{Cvoid} # nettle_hash_update_func digest::Ptr{Cvoid} # nettle_hash_digest_func # This pointer member not actually in the original nettle struct ptr::Ptr{Cvoid} end # The function that maps from a NettleHash to a HashType function HashType(nh::NettleHash, nhptr::Ptr{Cvoid}) HashType( uppercase(unsafe_string(, nh.context_size, nh.digest_size, nh.block_size, nh.init, nh.update, nh.digest, nhptr) end # The global dictionary of hash types we know how to construct const _hash_types = Dict{String,HashType}() # We're going to load in each NettleHash struct individually, deriving # HashAlgorithm types off of the names we find, and storing the output # and context size from the data members in the C structures function get_hash_types() # If we have already gotten the hash types from libnettle, don't query again if isempty(_hash_types) hash_idx = 1 # nettle_hashes is an array of pointers ended by a NULL pointer, continue reading hash types until we hit it while( true ) nhptr = unsafe_load(cglobal(("_nettle_hashes",libnettle),Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}),hash_idx) if nhptr == C_NULL break end hash_idx += 1 nh = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{NettleHash}, nhptr)) hash_type = HashType(nh, convert(Ptr{Cvoid},nhptr)) _hash_types[] = hash_type end end return _hash_types end
[ "MIT" ]
## Defines all HMAC functionality ## Pretty much everything in here learned from ## Also from reading the header files from libnettle source tree import Base: show export HMACState, update!, digest, digest!, hexdigest!, hexdigest struct HMACState hash_type::HashType outer::Vector{UInt8} inner::Vector{UInt8} state::Vector{UInt8} end # Constructor for HMACState function HMACState(name::String, key) hash_types = get_hash_types() name = uppercase(name) if !haskey(hash_types, name) throw(ArgumentError("Invalid hash type $name: call Nettle.get_hash_types() to see available list")) end # Construct HMACState object for this type and initialize using Nettle's init functions hash_type = hash_types[name] outer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, hash_type.context_size) inner = Vector{UInt8}(undef, hash_type.context_size) state = Vector{UInt8}(undef, hash_type.context_size) ccall((:nettle_hmac_set_key,libnettle), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid},Csize_t,Ptr{UInt8}), outer, inner, state, hash_type.ptr, sizeof(key), key) return HMACState(hash_type, outer, inner, state) end function update!(state::HMACState, data) ccall((:nettle_hmac_update,libnettle), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid},Csize_t,Ptr{UInt8}), state.state, state.hash_type.ptr, sizeof(data), data) return state end function digest!(state::HMACState) digest = Vector{UInt8}(undef, state.hash_type.digest_size) ccall((:nettle_hmac_digest,libnettle), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid},Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Ptr{UInt8}), state.outer, state.inner, state.state, state.hash_type.ptr, sizeof(digest), digest) return digest end # Take a digest, and convert it to a printable hex representation hexdigest!(state::HMACState) = bytes2hex(digest!(state)) # The one-shot functions that makes this whole thing so easy digest(hmac_name::String, key, data) = digest!(update!(HMACState(hmac_name, key), data)) hexdigest(hmac_name::String, key, data) = hexdigest!(update!(HMACState(hmac_name, key), data)) show(io::IO, x::HMACState) = write(io, "$( HMAC state")
[ "MIT" ]
# This file autogenerated through Precompile every day! function _precompile_() ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 1 || return nothing precompile(Nettle.Decryptor, (String, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.HMACState, (String, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.CipherType, (Nettle.NettleCipher,)) precompile(Nettle.HashType, (Nettle.NettleHash, Ptr{Cvoid},)) precompile(Nettle.Encryptor, (String, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.Hasher, (String,)) precompile(Nettle.HMACState, (String, String,)) precompile(Nettle.HashType, (String, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid},)) precompile(Nettle.CipherType, (String, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid},)) precompile(Nettle.encrypt!, (Nettle.Encryptor, Vector{UInt8}, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.decrypt!, (Nettle.Decryptor, Vector{UInt8}, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.digest!, (Nettle.HMACState,)) precompile(Nettle.get_cipher_types, ()) precompile(Nettle.get_hash_types, ()) precompile(Nettle.digest!, (Nettle.Hasher,)) precompile(Nettle.update!, (Nettle.HMACState, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.update!, (Nettle.Hasher, String,)) precompile(Nettle.decrypt, (String, Vector{UInt8}, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.update!, (Nettle.HMACState, String,)) precompile(Nettle.encrypt, (String, Vector{UInt8}, Vector{UInt8},)) precompile(Nettle.hexdigest!, (Nettle.Hasher,)) end
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # AES tests from: # # AES 128 for (key,text,encrypted) in [ ( "00010203050607080A0B0C0D0F101112", "506812A45F08C889B97F5980038B8359", "D8F532538289EF7D06B506A4FD5BE9C9" ),( "14151617191A1B1C1E1F202123242526", "5C6D71CA30DE8B8B00549984D2EC7D4B", "59AB30F4D4EE6E4FF9907EF65B1FB68C" ),( "28292A2B2D2E2F30323334353738393A", "53F3F4C64F8616E4E7C56199F48F21F6", "BF1ED2FCB2AF3FD41443B56D85025CB1", ),( "A0A1A2A3A5A6A7A8AAABACADAFB0B1B2", "F5F4F7F684878689A6A7A0A1D2CDCCCF", "CE52AF650D088CA559425223F4D32694", ),( "2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c", "6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172aae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e5130c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52eff69f2445df4f9b17ad2b417be66c3710", "3ad77bb40d7a3660a89ecaf32466ef97f5d3d58503b9699de785895a96fdbaaf43b1cd7f598ece23881b00e3ed0306887b0c785e27e8ad3f8223207104725dd4", ) ] @test encrypt("aes128", hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(text)) == hex2bytes(encrypted) @test decrypt("aes128", hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(encrypted)) == hex2bytes(text) end # AES192 for (key,text,encrypted) in [ ( "00010203050607080A0B0C0D0F10111214151617191A1B1C", "2D33EEF2C0430A8A9EBF45E809C40BB6", "DFF4945E0336DF4C1C56BC700EFF837F", ),( "8e73b0f7da0e6452c810f32b809079e562f8ead2522c6b7b", "6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172aae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e5130c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52eff69f2445df4f9b17ad2b417be66c3710", "bd334f1d6e45f25ff712a214571fa5cc974104846d0ad3ad7734ecb3ecee4eefef7afd2270e2e60adce0ba2face6444e9a4b41ba738d6c72fb16691603c18e0e", ) ] @test encrypt("aes192", hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(text)) == hex2bytes(encrypted) @test decrypt("aes192", hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(encrypted)) == hex2bytes(text) end # AES256 for (key,text,encrypted) in [ ( "00010203050607080A0B0C0D0F10111214151617191A1B1C1E1F202123242526", "834EADFCCAC7E1B30664B1ABA44815AB", "1946DABF6A03A2A2C3D0B05080AED6FC", ),( "603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4", "6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172aae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e5130c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52eff69f2445df4f9b17ad2b417be66c3710", "f3eed1bdb5d2a03c064b5a7e3db181f8591ccb10d410ed26dc5ba74a31362870b6ed21b99ca6f4f9f153e7b1beafed1d23304b7a39f9f3ff067d8d8f9e24ecc7", ) ] @test encrypt("aes256", hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(text)) == hex2bytes(encrypted) @test decrypt("aes256", hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(encrypted)) == hex2bytes(text) end # Test lower-level API key = "this key's exactly 32 bytes long" enc = Encryptor("AES256", key) plaintext = "this is 16 chars" ciphertext = encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(plaintext)) dec = Decryptor("AES256", key) deciphertext = decrypt(dec, ciphertext) @test Vector{UInt8}(plaintext) == deciphertext # no bytestring willcauseassertion = "this is 16 (∀).." # case of length(::String) == 16 @test length(willcauseassertion) == 16 @test sizeof(willcauseassertion) == 18 # @test_throws AssertionError Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion) == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion))) # can not catch this c assertion @test_throws ArgumentError Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion) == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion))) # @test_throws AssertionError Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion) == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion))) # can not catch this c assertion @test_throws ArgumentError Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion) == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willcauseassertion))) willbebroken = "this is 16 (∀)" # case of length(::String) != 16 @test length(willbebroken) == 14 @test sizeof(willbebroken) == 16 @test Vector{UInt8}(willbebroken) == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willbebroken))) @test willbebroken == String(decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willbebroken)))) @test Vector{UInt8}(willbebroken) == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willbebroken))) @test willbebroken == String(decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, Vector{UInt8}(willbebroken)))) criticalbytes = hex2bytes("6e6f74555446382855aa552de2888029") @test length(criticalbytes) == 16 @test sizeof(criticalbytes) == 16 @test criticalbytes == decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, criticalbytes)) # This one will pass, but may be caught UnicodeError exception when evaluate it by julia ide. dummy = String(decrypt(dec, encrypt(enc, criticalbytes))) @test isa(dummy, AbstractString) if !isdefined(Core, :String) || !isdefined(Core, :AbstractString) @test !isa(dummy, ASCIIString) end @test isa(dummy, String) # gray zone @test sizeof(dummy) == 16 @test length(Vector{UInt8}(dummy)) == 16 @test length(dummy) != 16 # Test errors @test_throws ArgumentError Encryptor("this is not a cipher", key) @test_throws ArgumentError Decryptor("this is not a cipher either", key) @test_throws ArgumentError Encryptor("AES256", "bad key length") @test_throws ArgumentError Decryptor("AES256", "bad key length") enc = Encryptor("AES256", key) dec = Decryptor("AES256", key) result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(plaintext) - 1) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, result, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, result, plaintext) # Test show methods println("Testing cipher show methods:") println(get_cipher_types()["AES256"]) println(Encryptor("AES256", key)) println(Decryptor("AES256", key)) println("Testing cipher AES256CBC:") # AES256CBC for (pw,salt,iv,key,text,encrypted) in [ ( Vector(b"Secret Passphrase"), "a3e550e89e70996c", "7c7ed9434ddb9c2d1e1fcc38b4bf4667", "e299ff9d8e4831f07e5323913c53e5f0fec3a040a211d6562fa47607244d0051", "4d657373616765", "da8aab1b904205a7e49c1ecc7118a8f4", ),( Vector(b"Secret Passphrase"), "a3e550e89e70996c", "7c7ed9434ddb9c2d1e1fcc38b4bf4667", "e299ff9d8e4831f07e5323913c53e5f0fec3a040a211d6562fa47607244d0051", "4d657373616765090909090909090909", "da8aab1b904205a7e49c1ecc7118a8f4804bef7be79216196739de7845da182d", ) ] (key32, iv16) = (hex2bytes(key), hex2bytes(iv)) @test gen_key32_iv16(pw, hex2bytes(salt)) == (key32, iv16) @test encrypt("aes256", :CBC, iv16, key32, add_padding_PKCS5(hex2bytes(text), 16)) == hex2bytes(encrypted) @test trim_padding_PKCS5(decrypt("aes256", :CBC, iv16, key32, hex2bytes(encrypted))) == hex2bytes(text) end # Test errors badkey = "this key's exactly 32(∪∩∀ДЯ)...." @test length(badkey) == 32 @test sizeof(badkey) == 40 @test_throws ArgumentError Encryptor("AES256", badkey) @test_throws ArgumentError Decryptor("AES256", badkey) iv = Vector(b"this is 16 chars") key = Vector(b"this key's exactly 32 bytes long") enc = Encryptor("AES256", key) dec = Decryptor("AES256", key) shortresult = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(plaintext) - 1) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, :CBC, iv, shortresult, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, :CBC, iv, shortresult, plaintext) result = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(plaintext)) shorttext = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(plaintext) - 1) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, :CBC, iv, result, shorttext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, :CBC, iv, result, shorttext) longresult = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(plaintext) + 1) longtext = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(plaintext) + 1) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, :CBC, iv, longresult, longtext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, :CBC, iv, longresult, longtext) shortiv = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(iv) - 1) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, :CBC, shortiv, result, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, :CBC, shortiv, result, plaintext) longiv = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(iv) + 1) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, :CBC, longiv, result, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, :CBC, longiv, result, plaintext) # encrypt!(enc, :GCM, iv, result, plaintext) # decrypt!(dec, :CCM, iv, result, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError encrypt!(enc, :UNKNOWN, iv, result, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError decrypt!(dec, :UNKNOWN, iv, result, plaintext) @test_throws ArgumentError trim_padding_PKCS5(UInt8[0x01, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03]) println("Cipher AES256CBC OK.")
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MD5 hash tests from: # for (text, hash) in [ ( "", "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" ),( "a", "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661" ),( "abc", "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" ),( "message digest", "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0" ),( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b" ),( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdef" * "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f" ),( "12345678901234567890123456789012" * "34567890123456789012345678901234" * "5678901234567890", "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a" ),( "UTF8String(∀)", "cb2e2ce95d88a414ccd3773c1108f489" ),( "UTF8String(\xe2\x88\x80)", "cb2e2ce95d88a414ccd3773c1108f489" ),( hex2bytes("6e6f74555446382855aa5529"), # "notUTF8(\x55\xaa\x55)".data "b0672a2efe1f1d2906e236687ae0153c" ) ] @test digest("md5", text) == hex2bytes(hash) end # SHA1 hash tests from: # for (text, hash) in [ ( "", "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709", ),( "a", "86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8", ),( "abc", "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d", ),( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "32d10c7b8cf96570ca04ce37f2a19d84240d3a89", ),( "message digest", "c12252ceda8be8994d5fa0290a47231c1d16aae3", ),( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmn" * "opqrstuvwxyz0123456789", "761c457bf73b14d27e9e9265c46f4b4dda11f940", ),( "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" * "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "50abf5706a150990a08b2c5ea40fa0e585554732", ),( "38", "5b384ce32d8cdef02bc3a139d4cac0a22bb029e8" ) ] @test hexdigest("sha1", text) == hash end # SHA256 hash tests from: # for (text,hash) in [ ( "abc", "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad" ),( "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq", "248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1" ),( "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmno" * "ijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu", "cf5b16a778af8380036ce59e7b0492370b249b11e8f07a51afac45037afee9d1" ),( "", "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ),( "a", "ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb" ),( "38", "aea92132c4cbeb263e6ac2bf6c183b5d81737f179f21efdc5863739672f0f470" ),( "message digest", "f7846f55cf23e14eebeab5b4e1550cad5b509e3348fbc4efa3a1413d393cb650" ),( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "71c480df93d6ae2f1efad1447c66c9525e316218cf51fc8d9ed832f2daf18b73" ),( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", "db4bfcbd4da0cd85a60c3c37d3fbd8805c77f15fc6b1fdfe614ee0a7c8fdb4c0" ),( "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234" * "5678901234567890", "f371bc4a311f2b009eef952dd83ca80e2b60026c8e935592d0f9c308453c813e" ) ] h = Hasher("sha256") update!(h, text) @test hexdigest!(h) == hash end # Test that digest!() actually resets the HashState h = Hasher("SHA1") update!(h,"") @test hexdigest!(h) == "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" update!(h,"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") @test hexdigest!(h) == "2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12" h = Hasher("SHA256") update!(h,"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") @test hexdigest!(h) == "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592" # Test invalid parameters @test_throws ArgumentError Hasher("this is not a hash name") # Test show methods println("Testing hash show methods:") println(get_hash_types()["SHA256"]) println(Hasher("SHA256"))
[ "MIT" ]
# MD5 HMAC tests from: # for (key,text,true_digest) in [ ( "", "", "74e6f7298a9c2d168935f58c001bad88" ),( "key", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "80070713463e7749b90c2dc24911e275" ),( hex2bytes( "0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b"), "Hi There", "9294727a3638bb1c13f48ef8158bfc9d" ),( "Jefe", "what do ya want for nothing?", "750c783e6ab0b503eaa86e310a5db738" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), hex2bytes( "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddd"), "56be34521d144c88dbb8c733f0e8b3f6" ),( hex2bytes( "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10" * "111213141516171819"), hex2bytes( "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcd"), "697eaf0aca3a3aea3a75164746ffaa79" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First", "6b1ab7fe4bd7bf8f0b62e6ce61b9d0cd" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key and Larger " * "Than One Block-Size Data", "6f630fad67cda0ee1fb1f562db3aa53e" ) ] @test digest("md5", key, text) == hex2bytes(true_digest) end # SHA1 HMAC tests from: # for (key,text,true_digest) in [ ( "", "", "fbdb1d1b18aa6c08324b7d64b71fb76370690e1d" ),( "key", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9" ),( hex2bytes( "0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b"), "Hi There", "b617318655057264e28bc0b6fb378c8ef146be00" ),( "Jefe", "what do ya want for nothing?", "effcdf6ae5eb2fa2d27416d5f184df9c259a7c79" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), hex2bytes( "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddd"), "125d7342b9ac11cd91a39af48aa17b4f63f175d3" ),( hex2bytes( "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10" * "111213141516171819"), hex2bytes( "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcd"), "4c9007f4026250c6bc8414f9bf50c86c2d7235da" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First", "aa4ae5e15272d00e95705637ce8a3b55ed402112" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key and Larger " * "Than One Block-Size Data", "e8e99d0f45237d786d6bbaa7965c7808bbff1a91" ) ] @test hexdigest("sha1", key, text) == true_digest end # SHA256 HMAC tests from: # for (key,text,true_digest) in [ ( "", "", "b613679a0814d9ec772f95d778c35fc5ff1697c493715653c6c712144292c5ad" ),( "key", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8" ),( hex2bytes( "0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b" * "0b0b0b0b"), "Hi There", "b0344c61d8db38535ca8afceaf0bf12b" * "881dc200c9833da726e9376c2e32cff7" ),( "Jefe", "what do ya want for nothing?", "5bdcc146bf60754e6a042426089575c7" * "5a003f089d2739839dec58b964ec3843" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaa"), hex2bytes( "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" * "dddd"), "773ea91e36800e46854db8ebd09181a7" * "2959098b3ef8c122d9635514ced565fe" ),( hex2bytes( "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10" * "111213141516171819"), hex2bytes( "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd" * "cdcd"), "82558a389a443c0ea4cc819899f2083a" * "85f0faa3e578f8077a2e3ff46729665b" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaa"), "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First", "60e431591ee0b67f0d8a26aacbf5b77f" * "8e0bc6213728c5140546040f0ee37f54" ),( hex2bytes( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" * "aaaaaa"), "This is a test using a larger than block-size ke" * "y and a larger than block-size data. The key nee" * "ds to be hashed before being used by the HMAC al" * "gorithm.", "9b09ffa71b942fcb27635fbcd5b0e944" * "bfdc63644f0713938a7f51535c3a35e2" ) ] local h = HMACState("sha256", key) update!(h, text) @test hexdigest!(h) == true_digest end # Test invalid parameters @test_throws ArgumentError HMACState("this is not a cipher", "") # Test show methods println("Testing HMAC show methods:") println(HMACState("SHA256", ""))
[ "MIT" ]
using Nettle using Test include("hash_tests.jl") include("hmac_tests.jl") include("cipher_tests.jl")
[ "MIT" ]
Nettle.jl ========= [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( `libnettle` supports a wide array of hashing algorithms. This package interrogates `libnettle` to determine the available hash types, which are then available from `Nettle.get_hash_types()`. Typically these include `SHA1`, `SHA224`, `SHA256`, `SHA384`, `SHA512`, `MD2`, `MD5` and `RIPEMD160`. Typical usage of these hash algorithms is to create a `Hasher`, `update!` it, and finally get a `digest`: ```julia h = Hasher("sha256") update!(h, "this is a test") hexdigest!(h) #or... hexdigest("sha256", "this is a test") ``` Outputs: ``` 2e99758548972a8e8822ad47fa1017ff72f06f3ff6a016851f45c398732bc50c ``` A `digest!` function is also available to return the digest as an `Array(UInt8,1)`. Note that both the `digest!` function and the `hexdigest!` function reset the internal `Hasher` object to a pristine state, ready for further `update!` calls. HMAC Functionality ================== [HMAC]( functionality revolves around the `HMACState` type, created by the function of the same name. Arguments to this constructor are the desired hash type, and the desired key used to authenticate the hashing: ```julia h = HMACState("sha256", "mykey") update!(h, "this is a test") hexdigest!(h) #or... hexdigest("sha256", "mykey", "this is a test") ``` Outputs: ``` "ca1dcafe1b5fb329256248196c0f92a95fbe3788db6c5cb0775b4106db437ba2" ``` A `digest!` function is also available to return the digest as an `Array(UInt8,1)`. Note that both the `digest!` function and the `hexdigest!` function reset the internal `HMACState` object to a pristine state, ready for further `update!` calls. Encryption/Decryption Functionality ================================== Nettle also provides encryption and decryption functionality, using the `Encryptor` and `Decryptor` objects. Cipher types are available through `get_cipher_types()`. Create a pair of objects with a shared key, and `encrypt()`/`decrypt()` to your heart's content: ```julia key = "this key's exactly 32 bytes long" enc = Encryptor("AES256", key) plaintext = "this is 16 chars" ciphertext = encrypt(enc, plaintext) dec = Decryptor("AES256", key) deciphertext = decrypt(dec, ciphertext) Vector{UInt8}(plaintext) == deciphertext # no bytestring # or... decrypt("AES256", key, encrypt("AES256", key, plaintext)) == Vector{UInt8}(plaintext) ``` For AES256CBC encrypt/decrypt, generate a pair of key32 and iv16 with salt. (And add or trim padding yourself.) ```julia passwd = "Secret Passphrase" salt = hex2bytes("a3e550e89e70996c") # use random 8 bytes (key32, iv16) = gen_key32_iv16(Vector{UInt8}(passwd), salt) enc = Encryptor("AES256", key32) plaintext = "Message" ciphertext = encrypt(enc, :CBC, iv16, add_padding_PKCS5(Vector{UInt8}(plaintext), 16)) dec = Decryptor("AES256", key32) deciphertext = decrypt(dec, :CBC, iv16, ciphertext) Vector{UInt8}(plaintext) == trim_padding_PKCS5(deciphertext) # no bytestring # or... plainbytes = hex2bytes("414155aa5541416162") cipherbytes = encrypt("AES256", :CBC, iv16, key32, add_padding_PKCS5(plainbytes, 16)) decipherbytes = decrypt("AES256", :CBC, iv16, key32, cipherbytes) plainbytes == trim_padding_PKCS5(decipherbytes) # no bytestring ```
[ "MIT" ]
When opening an issue, please ping `@staticfloat`. He does not receive emails automatically when new issues are created. Without this ping, your issue may slip through the cracks! If no response is garnered within a week, feel free to ping again.
[ "MIT" ]
When opening an issue, please ping `@staticfloat`. He does not receive emails automatically when new issues are created. Without this ping, your issue may slip through the cracks! If no response is garnered within a week, feel free to ping again.
[ "MIT" ]
using QuantumESPRESSOBase using Documenter DocMeta.setdocmeta!( QuantumESPRESSOBase, :DocTestSetup, :(using QuantumESPRESSOBase, QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf, QuantumESPRESSOBase.PHonon); recursive=true, ) makedocs(; modules=[QuantumESPRESSOBase], authors="singularitti <> and contributors", repo="{commit}{path}#{line}", sitename="QuantumESPRESSOBase.jl", format=Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true", canonical="", edit_link="main", assets=String[], ), pages=[ "Home" => "", "Manual" => [ "Installation Guide" => "", ], "Public API" => [ "`QuantumESPRESSOBase` module" => "api/", "`PWscf` module" => "api/", "`PHonon` module" => "api/", ], "Developer Docs" => [ "Contributing" => "developers/", "Style Guide" => "developers/", "Design Principles" => "developers/", ], "Troubleshooting" => "", ], ) deploydocs(; repo="", devbranch="main", )
[ "MIT" ]
module ChemicalFormulaExt using ChemicalFormula: sumformula using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf: AtomicPositionsCard, PWInput import ChemicalFormula: Formula function Formula(card::AtomicPositionsCard) atoms = map( do position filter(isletter, position.atom) end str = join(symbol^count(atom == symbol for atom in atoms) for symbol in unique(atoms)) return Formula(sumformula(Formula(str))) end Formula(input::PWInput) = Formula(input.atomic_positions) end
[ "MIT" ]
module CrystallographyExt using CrystallographyBase: Lattice, Cell using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf: PWInput using Unitful: ustrip, @u_str using UnitfulAtomic import Crystallography: findsymmetry function findsymmetry(input::PWInput, symprec=1e-5) lattice = Lattice(input) option = input.atomic_positions.option data = do atomic_position atom, position = atomic_position.atom, atomic_position.pos # `position` is a `Vector` in unit of "bohr" if option == :alat position *= input.system.celldm[1] elseif option == :bohr position elseif option == :angstrom ustrip.(u"bohr", position .* u"angstrom") elseif option == :crystal lattice(position) else # option == :crystal_sg error("unimplemented!") # FIXME end position, atom end cell = Cell(lattice, first.(data), last.(data)) return findsymmetry(cell, symprec) end end
[ "MIT" ]
module StructTypesExt using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf: ControlNamelist, SystemNamelist, ElectronsNamelist, IonsNamelist, CellNamelist, DosNamelist, BandsNamelist, PWInput using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PHonon: PhNamelist, Q2rNamelist, MatdynNamelist, DynmatNamelist using StructTypes: Struct import StructTypes: StructType StructType(::Type{ControlNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{SystemNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{ElectronsNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{IonsNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{CellNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{DosNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{BandsNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{PhNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{Q2rNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{MatdynNamelist}) = Struct() StructType(::Type{DynmatNamelist}) = Struct() end
[ "MIT" ]
module QuantumESPRESSOBase include("inputs.jl") include("crystallography.jl") include("PWscf/PWscf.jl") # include("CP/CP.jl") include("PHonon/PHonon.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
using StaticArrays: MVector, SVector @enum Ibrav begin PrimitiveCubic = 1 FaceCenteredCubic = 2 BodyCenteredCubic = 3 BodyCenteredCubic2 = -3 PrimitiveHexagonal = 4 RCenteredHexagonal = 5 RCenteredHexagonal2 = -5 PrimitiveTetragonal = 6 BodyCenteredTetragonal = 7 PrimitiveOrthorhombic = 8 BCenteredOrthorhombic = 9 BCenteredOrthorhombic2 = -9 ACenteredOrthorhombic = 91 # New in QE 6.5=91 FaceCenteredOrthorhombic = 10 BodyCenteredOrthorhombic = 11 PrimitiveMonoclinic = 12 PrimitiveMonoclinic2 = -12 CCenteredMonoclinic = 13 BCenteredMonoclinic2 = -13 # New in QE 6.5=-13 PrimitiveTriclinic = 14 end latticevectors(p, ibrav::Ibrav) = latticevectors(p, Val(Int(ibrav))) latticevectors(p, ::Val{1}) = p[1] * [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] latticevectors(p, ::Val{2}) = p[1] / 2 * [[-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 0]] latticevectors(p, ::Val{3}) = p[1] / 2 * [[1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [-1, -1, 1]] latticevectors(p, ::Val{-3}) = p[1] / 2 * [[-1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -1]] latticevectors(p, ::Val{4}) = p[1] * [[1, 0, 0], [-1 / 2, √3 / 2, 0], [0, 0, p[3]]] function latticevectors(p, ::Val{5}) cosγ = p[4] ty = sqrt((1 - cosγ) / 6) tz = sqrt((1 + 2cosγ) / 3) tx = sqrt((1 - cosγ) / 2) return p[1] * [[tx, -ty, tz], [0, 2ty, tz], [-tx, -ty, tz]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{-5}) cosγ = p[4] ty = sqrt((1 - cosγ) / 6) tz = sqrt((1 + 2cosγ) / 3) a′ = p[1] / √3 u = tz - 2 * √2 * ty v = tz + √2 * ty return a′ * [[u, v, v], [v, u, v], [v, v, u]] end latticevectors(p, ::Val{6}) = p[1] * [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, p[3]]] function latticevectors(p, ::Val{7}) r = p[3] return p[1] / 2 * [[1, -1, r], [1, 1, r], [-1, -1, r]] end latticevectors(p, ::Val{8}) = p[1] * [[1, 0, 0], [0, p[2], 0], [0, 0, p[3]]] function latticevectors(p, ::Val{9}) a, b, c = p[1] .* (1, p[2], p[3]) return [[a / 2, b / 2, 0], [-a / 2, b / 2, 0], [0, 0, c]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{-9}) a, b, c = p[1] .* (1, p[2], p[3]) return [[a / 2, -b / 2, 0], [a / 2, b / 2, 0], [0, 0, c]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{91}) a, r1, r2 = p[1:3] return a * [[1, 0, 0], [0, r1 / 2, -r2 / 2], [0, r1 / 2, r2 / 2]] end # New in QE 6.4 function latticevectors(p, ::Val{10}) a, b, c = p[1], p[1] * p[2], p[1] * p[3] return [[a, 0, c], [a, b, 0], [0, b, c]] / 2 end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{11}) a, b, c = p[1] .* (1, p[2], p[3]) return [[a, b, c], [-a, b, c], [-a, -b, c]] / 2 end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{12}) a, r1, r2, cosγ = p[1:4] return a * [[1, 0, 0], [r1 * cosγ, r1 * sin(acos(cosγ)), 0], [0, 0, r2]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{-12}) a, r1, r2, _, cosβ = p[1:5] return a * [[1, 0, 0], [0, r1, 0], [r2 * cosβ, 0, r2 * sin(acos(cosβ))]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{13}) a, r1, r2, cosγ = p[1:4] return a * [[1 / 2, 0, -r2 / 2], [r1 * cosγ, r1 * sin(acos(cosγ)), 0], [1 / 2, 0, r2 / 2]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{-13}) a, r1, r2, _, cosβ = p[1:3] return a * [[1 / 2, r1 / 2, 0], [-1 / 2, r1 / 2, 0], [r2 * cosβ, 0, r2 * sin(acos(cosβ))]] end function latticevectors(p, ::Val{14}) a, r1, r2, cosα, cosβ, cosγ = p[1:6] # Every `p` that is an iterable can be used sinγ = sin(acos(cosγ)) δ = r2 * sqrt(1 + 2 * cosα * cosβ * cosγ - cosα^2 - cosβ^2 - cosγ^2) / sinγ return a * [ [1, 0, 0], [r1 * cosγ, r1 * sinγ, 0], [r2 * cosβ, r2 * (cosα - cosβ * cosγ) / sinγ, δ], ] end """ SpecialPoint(x, y, z, w) Represent a special point in the irreducible Brillouin zone with weight `w`. """ struct SpecialPoint{T} coordinates::SVector{3,T} weight::Float64 end SpecialPoint(coordinates, weight) = SpecialPoint(SVector{3,eltype(coordinates)}(coordinates), weight) SpecialPoint(x, y, z, w) = SpecialPoint((x, y, z), w)
[ "MIT" ]
using AbInitioSoftwareBase: Input, InputEntry, Namelist, Card, Setter, groupname using OrderedCollections: OrderedDict export QuantumESPRESSOInput, hasoption, getoption, optionpool, groupname """ dropdefault(nml::Namelist) Return an [`OrderedDict`]( of non-default values of a `Namelist`. """ function dropdefault(nml::Namelist) default = typeof(nml)() # Create a `Namelist` with all default values # Compare `default` with `nml`, discard the same values result = Iterators.filter(item -> item.second != getfield(default, item.first), nml) # for (drivingarg, passivearg) in _coupledargs(typeof(nml)) # rule # end if isempty(result) @info "Every entry in the namelist is the default value!" end return OrderedDict{Symbol,Any}(result) end """ getoption(card::Card) Return a `String` representing the option of a `Card`. !!! warning Do not use `card.option` to access the option since it may not exist. """ getoption(card::Card) = hasoption(card) ? card.option : nothing hasoption(::Type{T}) where {T} = hasfield(T, :option) hasoption(card::Card) = hasproperty(card, :option) """ optionpool(card::Card) optionpool(T::Type{<:Card}) Return the allowed options for a `Card` or a `Card` type. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> optionpool(AtomicPositionsCard) ("alat", "bohr", "angstrom", "crystal", "crystal_sg") julia> optionpool(CellParametersCard) ("alat", "bohr", "angstrom") julia> optionpool(SpecialPointsCard) ("tpiba", "crystal", "tpiba_b", "crystal_b", "tpiba_c", "crystal_c") ``` """ function optionpool end "Represent input files of executables (such as `pw.x` and `cp.x`)." abstract type QuantumESPRESSOInput <: Input end struct VerbositySetter <: Setter v::String function VerbositySetter(v) @assert v in ("high", "low") return new(v) end end
[ "MIT" ]
module CP using LinearAlgebra: det using Parameters: @with_kw using Accessors: get, set, @lens, @set using StaticArrays: SVector, SMatrix, FieldVector using Unitful using UnitfulAtomic using ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: Namelist, QuantumESPRESSOInput, Card, optionof, optionpool, allnamelists, allcards, required_namelists, optional_namelists, required_cards, optional_cards import AbInitioSoftwareBase: asstring, groupname import Crystallography: Bravais, Lattice # import Pseudopotentials: pseudoformat import ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: optionpool, allnamelists, allcards, optionof, required_namelists, optional_namelists, required_cards, optional_cards using ..Formatter: delimiter, newline, indent, floatfmt, intfmt export ControlNamelist, SystemNamelist, ElectronsNamelist, IonsNamelist, CellNamelist, PressAiNamelist, WannierNamelist, AtomicSpecies, AtomicSpeciesCard, AtomicPosition, AtomicPositionsCard, CellParametersCard, RefCellParametersCard, AtomicVelocity, AtomicVelocitiesCard, AtomicForce, AtomicForcesCard, CPInput, optconvert include("namelists.jl") include("cards.jl") """ CPInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput CPInput(control, system, electrons, ions, cell, press_ai, wannier, atomic_species, atomic_positions, atomic_velocities, cell_parameters, ref_cell_parameters, constraints, occupations, atomic_forces, plot_wannier, autopilot) Construct a `CPInput` which represents the input of program `cp.x`. # Arguments - `control::ControlNamelist=ControlNamelist()`: the `CONTROL` namelist of the input. Optional. - `system::SystemNamelist=SystemNamelist()`: the `SYSTEM` namelist of the input. Optional. - `electrons::ElectronsNamelist=ElectronsNamelist()`: the `ELECTRONS` namelist of the input. Optional. - `ions::IonsNamelist=IonsNamelist()`: the `IONS` namelist of the input. Optional. - `cell::CellNamelist=CellNamelist()`: the `CELL` namelist of the input. Optional. - `press_ai::PressAiNamelist=PressAiNamelist()`: the `PRESS_AI` namelist of the input. Optional. - `wannier::WannierNamelist=WannierNamelist()`: the `WANNIER` namelist of the input. Optional. - `atomic_species::AtomicSpeciesCard`: the `ATOMIC_SPECIES` card of the input. Must be provided explicitly. - `atomic_positions::AtomicPositionsCard`: the `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card of the input. Must be provided explicitly. - `atomic_velocities::AtomicVelocitiesCard`: the `ATOMIC_VELOCITIES` card of the input. Must be provided explicitly. - `cell_parameters::Union{Nothing,CellParametersCard}`: the `CELL_PARAMETERS` card of the input. Must be either `nothing` or a `CellParametersCard`. - `ref_cell_parameters::Union{Nothing,RefCellParametersCard}`: the `REF_CELL_PARAMETERS` card of the input. Must be either `nothing` or a `CellParametersCard`. """ @with_kw struct CPInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput control::ControlNamelist = ControlNamelist() system::SystemNamelist = SystemNamelist() electrons::ElectronsNamelist = ElectronsNamelist() ions::IonsNamelist = IonsNamelist() cell::CellNamelist = CellNamelist() press_ai::PressAiNamelist = PressAiNamelist() wannier::WannierNamelist = WannierNamelist() atomic_species::AtomicSpeciesCard atomic_positions::AtomicPositionsCard atomic_velocities::AtomicVelocitiesCard cell_parameters::Union{Nothing,CellParametersCard} = nothing ref_cell_parameters::Union{Nothing,RefCellParametersCard} = nothing constraints::Union{Nothing,Float64} = nothing occupations::Union{Nothing,Float64} = nothing atomic_forces::Union{Nothing,AtomicForcesCard} = nothing plot_wannier::Union{Nothing,Float64} = nothing autopilot::Union{Nothing,Float64} = nothing @assert( !(isnothing(cell_parameters) && system.ibrav == 0), "Cannot specify `ibrav = 0` with an empty `cell_parameters`!" ) end # struct CPInput """ optconvert(new_option::AbstractString, card::AbstractCellParametersCard) Convert the option of an `AbstractCellParametersCard` from "bohr" to "angstrom", or its reverse. !!! warning It does not support conversion between `"alat"` and the others. """ function optconvert(new_option::AbstractString, card::AbstractCellParametersCard) old_option = optionof(card) if new_option == old_option return card # No conversion is needed else return typeof(card)( if (old_option => new_option) == ("bohr" => "angstrom") @. ustrip(u"angstrom", * u"bohr") elseif (old_option => new_option) == ("angstrom" => "bohr") @. ustrip(u"bohr", * u"angstrom") else error("unknown conversion rule $(old_option => new_option)!") end, ) end end # function optconvert groupname(::Type{ControlNamelist}) = "CONTROL" groupname(::Type{SystemNamelist}) = "SYSTEM" groupname(::Type{ElectronsNamelist}) = "ELECTRONS" groupname(::Type{IonsNamelist}) = "IONS" groupname(::Type{CellNamelist}) = "CELL" groupname(::Type{AtomicSpeciesCard}) = "ATOMIC_SPECIES" groupname(::Type{AtomicPositionsCard}) = "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" groupname(::Type{<:CellParametersCard}) = "CELL_PARAMETERS" """ Bravais(nml::SystemNamelist) Return a `Bravais` from a `SystemNamelist`. """ Bravais(nml::SystemNamelist) = Bravais(nml.ibrav) """ Lattice(nml::SystemNamelist) Return a `Lattice` from a `SystemNamelist`. """ Lattice(nml::SystemNamelist) = Lattice(Bravais(nml), nml.celldm) """ cellvolume(nml::SystemNamelist) Return the volume of the cell based on the information given in a `SystemNamelist`, in atomic unit. """ cellvolume(nml::SystemNamelist) = cellvolume(Lattice(nml)) """ cellvolume(card) Return the cell volume of a `CellParametersCard` or `RefCellParametersCard`, in atomic unit. !!! warning It will throw an error if the option is `"alat"`. """ function cellvolume(card::AbstractCellParametersCard) option = optionof(card) if option == :bohr abs(det( elseif option == :angstrom ustrip(u"bohr^3", abs(det( * u"angstrom^3") else # option == :alat error("information not enough! Parameter `celldm[1]` needed!") end end # function cellvolume function asstring(data::AtomicSpecies) return join( (sprintf1("%3s", data.atom), sprintf1(floatfmt(data), data.mass), data.pseudopot), delimiter(data), ) end function asstring(card::AtomicSpeciesCard) # Using generator expressions in `join` is faster than using `Vector`s. return "ATOMIC_SPECIES" * newline(card) * join((indent(card) * asstring(x) for x in unique(, newline(card)) end function asstring(data::AtomicPosition) f(x) = x ? "" : "0" return join( [ sprintf1("%3s", data.atom) map(x -> sprintf1(floatfmt(data), x), data.pos) map(f, data.if_pos) ], delimiter(data), ) end function asstring(card::AtomicPositionsCard) return "ATOMIC_POSITIONS { $(optionof(card)) }" * newline(card) * join((indent(card) * asstring(x) for x in, newline(card)) end function asstring(card::CellParametersCard) it = ( indent * join((sprintf1(floatfmt(card), x) for x in row), delimiter(card)) for row in eachrow( ) return "CELL_PARAMETERS { $(optionof(card)) }" * newline(card) * join(it, newline) end optionof(::AtomicVelocitiesCard) = "a.u" optionpool(::Type{<:AtomicPositionsCard}) = ("alat", "bohr", "angstrom", "crystal", "crystal_sg") optionpool(::Type{<:CellParametersCard}) = ("alat", "bohr", "angstrom") optionpool(::Type{<:AtomicVelocity}) = ("a.u",) optionpool(::Type{<:RefCellParametersCard}) = ("bohr", "angstrom") allnamelists(::Type{CPInput}) = (:control, :system, :electrons, :ions, :cell, :press_ai, :wannier) allnamelists(x::CPInput) = (getfield(x, f) for f in allnamelists(typeof(x))) allcards(::Type{CPInput}) = ( :atomic_species, :atomic_positions, :atomic_velocities, :cell_parameters, :ref_cell_parameters, :constraints, :occupations, :atomic_forces, :plot_wannier, :autopilot, ) allcards(x::CPInput) = (getfield(x, f) for f in allcards(typeof(x))) required_namelists(::Type{CPInput}) = (:control, :system, :electrons) required_namelists(x::CPInput) = (getfield(x, f) for f in required_namelists(typeof(x))) optional_namelists(::Type{CPInput}) = (:ions, :cell, :press_ai, :wannier) optional_namelists(x::CPInput) = (getfield(x, f) for f in optional_namelists(typeof(x))) required_cards(::Type{CPInput}) = (:atomic_species, :atomic_positions) required_cards(x::CPInput) = (getfield(x, f) for f in required_cards(typeof(x))) optional_cards(::Type{CPInput}) = ( :atomic_velocities, :cell_parameters, :ref_cell_parameters, :constraints, :occupations, :atomic_forces, :plot_wannier, :autopilot, ) optional_cards(x::CPInput) = (getfield(x, f) for f in optional_cards(typeof(x))) end
[ "MIT" ]
""" AtomicSpecies(atom::Union{AbstractChar,String}, mass::Float64, pseudopot::String) AtomicSpecies(x::AtomicPosition, mass, pseudopot) Represent each line of the `ATOMIC_SPECIES` card in QE. The `atom` field accepts at most 3 characters. # Examples ```julia julia> using QuantumESPRESSOBase.Cards.PWscf julia> AtomicSpecies("C1", 12, "C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF") AtomicSpecies("C1", 12.0, "C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF") julia> AtomicSpecies( AtomicPosition('S', [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]), 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF", ) AtomicSpecies("S", 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF") ``` """ struct AtomicSpecies "Label of the atom. Max total length cannot exceed 3 characters." atom::String """ Mass of the atomic species in atomic unit. Used only when performing molecular dynamics (MD) run or structural optimization runs using damped MD. Not actually used in all other cases (but stored in data files, so phonon calculations will use these values unless other values are provided). """ mass::Float64 """ File containing pseudopotential for this species. See also: [`pseudoformat`](@ref) """ pseudopot::String function AtomicSpecies(atom::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}, mass, pseudopot) @assert(length(atom) <= 3, "Max total length of `atom` cannot exceed 3 characters!") return new(string(atom), mass, pseudopot) end end """ pseudoformat(data::AtomicSpecies) Return the pseudopotential format of the `AtomicSpecies`. """ # pseudoformat(data::AtomicSpecies) = pseudoformat(data.pseudopot) """ AtomicSpeciesCard <: Card Represent the `ATOMIC_SPECIES` card in QE. It does not have an "option". """ struct AtomicSpeciesCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicSpecies} end AtomicSpeciesCard(cell::Cell) = AtomicSpeciesCard(map(AtomicSpecies ∘ string, cell.numbers)) """ AtomicPosition(atom::Union{AbstractChar,String}, pos::Vector{Float64}[, if_pos::Vector{Int}]) AtomicPosition(x::AtomicSpecies, pos, if_pos) Represent each line of the `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card in QE. The `atom` field accepts at most 3 characters. # Examples ```julia julia> using QuantumESPRESSOBase.Cards.PWscf julia> AtomicPosition('O', [0, 0, 0]) AtomicPosition("O", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], Bool[1, 1, 1]) julia> AtomicPosition( AtomicSpecies('S', 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF"), [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764], ) AtomicPosition("S", [0.5, 0.28867513, 1.974192764], Bool[1, 1, 1]) ``` """ struct AtomicPosition "Label of the atom as specified in `AtomicSpecies`." atom::String "Atomic positions. A three-element vector of floats." pos::SVector{3,Float64} """ Component `i` of the force for this atom is multiplied by `if_pos(i)`, which must be either `0` or `1`. Used to keep selected atoms and/or selected components fixed in MD dynamics or structural optimization run. With `crystal_sg` atomic coordinates the constraints are copied in all equivalent atoms. """ if_pos::SVector{3,Bool} function AtomicPosition(atom::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}, pos, if_pos) @assert(length(atom) <= 3, "the max length of `atom` cannot exceed 3 characters!") return new(string(atom), pos, if_pos) end end AtomicPosition(atom, pos) = AtomicPosition(atom, pos, trues(3)) AtomicPosition(x::AtomicSpecies, pos, if_pos) = AtomicPosition(x.atom, pos, if_pos) # Introudce mutual constructors since they share the same atoms. AtomicSpecies(x::AtomicPosition, mass, pseudopot) = AtomicSpecies(x.atom, mass, pseudopot) """ AtomicPositionsCard <: Card Represent the `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card in QE. # Arguments - `data::AbstractVector{AtomicPosition}`: A vector containing `AtomicPosition`s. - `option::String="alat"`: allowed values are: "alat", "bohr", "angstrom", "crystal", and "crystal_sg". """ struct AtomicPositionsCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicPosition} option::String function AtomicPositionsCard(data, option="alat") @assert option in optionpool(AtomicPositionsCard) return new(data, option) end end AtomicPositionsCard(cell::Cell, option) = AtomicPositionsCard( [ AtomicPosition(string(atom), pos) for (atom, pos) in zip(cell.numbers, cell.positions) ], option, ) # Introudce mutual constructors since they share the same atoms. function validate(x::AtomicSpeciesCard, y::AtomicPositionsCard) lens = @lens @assert( isempty(symdiff(map(Base.Fix2(get, lens) ∘ unique, (x, y)))), "labels of the atoms are different in `ATOMIC_SPECIES` and `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card!", ) end # function validate validate(y::AtomicPositionsCard, x::AtomicSpeciesCard) = validate(x, y) "Represent the abstraction of `CELL_PARAMETERS` and `REF_CELL_PARAMETERS` cards in QE." abstract type AbstractCellParametersCard <: Card end """ CellParametersCard{T<:Real} <: AbstractCellParametersCard CellParametersCard(data::AbstractMatrix, option::String) Represent the `CELL_PARAMETERS` cards in `PWscf` and `CP` packages. """ struct CellParametersCard{T<:Real} <: AbstractCellParametersCard data::SMatrix{3,3,T} option::String function CellParametersCard{T}(data, option="alat") where {T<:Real} @assert option in optionpool(CellParametersCard) return new(data, option) end end CellParametersCard(data::AbstractMatrix{T}, option="alat") where {T} = CellParametersCard{T}(data, option) CellParametersCard(lattice::Lattice{T}, option) where {T} = CellParametersCard(convert(Matrix{T}, lattice), option) CellParametersCard(cell::Cell, option) = CellParametersCard(cell.lattice, option) struct AtomicForce atom::String force::SVector{3,Float64} function AtomicForce(atom::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}, force) @assert(length(atom) <= 3, "the max length of `atom` cannot exceed 3 characters!") return new(string(atom), force) end end struct AtomicForcesCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicForce} end """ AtomicVelocity(atom::Union{AbstractChar,String}, velocity::Vector{Float64}) AtomicVelocity(x::AtomicPosition, velocity) Represent each line of the `ATOMIC_VELOCITIES` card in QE's `CP` package. The `atom` field accepts at most 3 characters. # Examples ```julia julia> using QuantumESPRESSOBase.Cards.CP julia> AtomicVelocity("H", [0.140374e-04, -0.333683e-04, 0.231834e-04]) AtomicVelocity("H", [1.40374e-5, -3.33683e-5, 2.31834e-5]) ``` """ struct AtomicVelocity atom::String velocity::SVector{3,Float64} function AtomicVelocity(atom::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}, velocity) @assert(length(atom) <= 3, "the max length of `atom` cannot exceed 3 characters!") return new(string(atom), velocity) end end AtomicVelocity(x::AtomicSpecies, velocity) = AtomicVelocity(x.atom, velocity) AtomicVelocity(x::AtomicPosition, velocity) = AtomicVelocity(x.atom, velocity) # Introudce mutual constructors since they share the same atoms. """ AtomicSpecies(x::AtomicVelocity, mass, pseudopot) Construct an `AtomicSpecies` from an `AtomicVelocity` instance. """ AtomicSpecies(x::AtomicVelocity, mass, pseudopot) = AtomicSpecies(x.atom, mass, pseudopot) """ AtomicPosition(x::AtomicVelocity, pos, if_pos) Construct an `AtomicPosition` from an `AtomicVelocity` instance. """ AtomicPosition(x::AtomicVelocity, pos, if_pos) = AtomicPosition(x.atom, pos, if_pos) """ AtomicVelocitiesCard <: Card Represent the `ATOMIC_VELOCITIES` card in QE's `CP` package which does not have an "option". """ struct AtomicVelocitiesCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicVelocity} end struct RefCellParametersCard <: AbstractCellParametersCard data::SMatrix{3,3,Float64} option::String function RefCellParametersCard(data, option="bohr") @assert option in optionpool(RefCellParametersCard) return new(data, option) end end RefCellParametersCard(data::AbstractMatrix, option="bohr") = RefCellParametersCard(data, option)
[ "MIT" ]
# From const Maybe{T} = Union{T,Nothing} # The following default values are picked from `<QE source>/Modules/read_namelists.f90` """ ControlNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `CONTROL` namelist of `cp.x`. """ @with_kw struct ControlNamelist <: Namelist calculation::String = "cp" title::String = "MD Simulation" verbosity::String = "low" isave::Int = 100 restart_mode::String = "restart" nstep::Int = 50 iprint::Int = 10 tstress::Bool = false tprnfor::Bool = false dt::Float64 = 1.0 outdir::String = "./" saverho::Bool = true prefix::String = "cp" ndr::Int = 50 ndw::Int = 50 tabps::Bool = false max_seconds::Float64 = 1e7 etot_conv_thr::Float64 = 1e-4 forc_conv_thr::Float64 = 1e-3 ekin_conv_thr::Float64 = 1e-6 disk_io::String = "default" memory::String = "default" pseudo_dir::String = raw"$HOME/espresso/pseudo/" tefield::Bool = false # These checks are from @assert( calculation in ("cp", "scf", "nscf", "relax", "vc-relax", "vc-cp", "cp-wf", "vc-cp-wf") ) @assert verbosity in ("high", "low", "debug", "medium", "default", "minimal") @assert isave >= 1 @assert nstep >= 0 @assert iprint >= 1 @assert dt >= 0 @assert ndr >= 50 @assert ndw <= 0 || ndw >= 50 @assert max_seconds >= 0 @assert etot_conv_thr >= 0 @assert forc_conv_thr >= 0 @assert ekin_conv_thr >= 0 @assert memory in ("small", "default", "large") end # struct ControlNamelist """ SystemNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `SYSTEM` namelist of `cp.x`. """ @with_kw struct SystemNamelist <: Namelist ibrav::Int = -1 celldm::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} = zeros(6) # Must specify A::Float64 = 0.0 B::Float64 = 0.0 C::Float64 = 0.0 cosAB::Float64 = 0.0 cosAC::Float64 = 0.0 cosBC::Float64 = 0.0 nat::Int = 0 ntyp::Int = 0 nbnd::Int = 0 tot_charge::Float64 = 0.0 tot_magnetization::Float64 = -1.0 ecutwfc::Float64 = 0.0 ecutrho::Float64 = 0.0 nr1::Int = 0 nr2::Int = 0 nr3::Int = 0 nr1s::Int = 0 nr2s::Int = 0 nr3s::Int = 0 nr1b::Int = 0 nr2b::Int = 0 nr3b::Int = 0 occupations::String = "fixed" degauss::Float64 = 0.0 smearing::String = "gaussian" nspin::Int = 1 ecfixed::Float64 = 0.0 qcutz::Float64 = 0.0 q2sigma::Float64 = 0.1 # The default value in QE's source code is 0.01 input_dft::String = "none" exx_fraction::Float64 = 0.25 lda_plus_u::Bool = false Hubbard_U::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} = [] vdw_corr::String = "none" london_s6::Float64 = 0.75 london_rcut::Float64 = 200.0 ts_vdw::Bool = false ts_vdw_econv_thr::Float64 = 1e-6 ts_vdw_isolated::Bool = false assume_isolated::String = "none" # These checks are from @assert ibrav in union(-1:1:14, (-3, -5, -9, -12, -13)) @assert( if ibrav in -1:0 true # Skip the check, cannot use `nothing` else celldm[1] != 0 || A != 0 # Cannot use `iszero` to compare now! end, "invalid lattice parameters (`celldm` $celldm or `A` $A)!" ) @assert( if ibrav == 14 length(celldm) == 6 elseif ibrav in (5, -5, 12, 13) 4 <= length(celldm) <= 6 elseif ibrav in (4, 6, 7, 8, 9, -9, 10, 11) 3 <= length(celldm) <= 6 elseif ibrav == -13 # `-13` is new from QE 6.4 5 <= length(celldm) <= 6 else 1 <= length(celldm) <= 6 end, "`celldm` must have length between 1 to 6! See `ibrav`'s doc!" ) @assert nat >= 0 @assert(0 <= ntyp <= 10, "`ntyp` $ntyp is either less than zero or too large!") @assert nspin in (1, 2, 4) @assert ecutwfc >= 0 @assert ecutrho >= 0 @assert(iszero(degauss), "`degauss` is not used in CP!") @assert ecfixed >= 0 @assert qcutz >= 0 @assert q2sigma >= 0 end # struct SystemNamelist """ ElectronsNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `ELECTRONS` namelist of `cp.x`. """ @with_kw struct ElectronsNamelist <: Namelist electron_maxstep::Int = 100 electron_dynamics::String = "none" conv_thr::Float64 = 1e-6 niter_cg_restart::Int = 20 efield::Float64 = 0.0 epol::Int = 3 emass::Float64 = 400.0 emass_cutoff::Float64 = 2.5 orthogonalization::String = "ortho" ortho_eps::Float64 = 1e-8 ortho_max::Int = 20 ortho_para::Int = 0 electron_damping::Float64 = 0.1 electron_velocities::String = "default" electron_temperature::String = "not_controlled" ekincw::Float64 = 0.001 fnosee::Float64 = 1.0 startingwfc::String = "random" tcg::Bool = false maxiter::Int = 100 passop::Float64 = 0.3 n_inner::Int = 2 ninter_cold_restart::Int = 1 lambda_cold::Float64 = 0.03 grease::Float64 = 1.0 ampre::Float64 = 0.0 # These checks are from @assert electron_dynamics in ("none", "sd", "damp", "verlet", "cg") # Different from code @assert emass > 0 @assert emass_cutoff > 0 @assert orthogonalization in ("ortho", "Gram-Schmidt") @assert ortho_eps > 0 @assert ortho_max >= 1 @assert electron_velocities in ("zero", "default", "change_step") # New in 6.4 @assert electron_temperature in ("nose", "rescaling", "not_controlled") @assert ekincw > 0 @assert fnosee > 0 @assert startingwfc in ("atomic", "random") end # struct ElectronsNamelist """ IonsNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `IONS` namelist of `cp.x`. Input this namelist only if `calculation` is `"cp"`, `"relax"`, `"vc-relax"`, `"vc-cp"`, `"cp-wf"`, or `"vc-cp-wf"`. """ @with_kw struct IonsNamelist <: Namelist ion_dynamics::String = "none" ion_positions::String = "default" ion_velocities::String = "default" ion_damping::Float64 = 0.2 ion_radius::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} = [0.5] # The default value in QE's source code is just one 0.5 iesr::Int = 1 ion_nstepe::Int = 1 remove_rigid_rot::Bool = false ion_temperature::String = "not_controlled" tempw::Float64 = 300.0 fnosep::Float64 = 1.0 tolp::Float64 = 100.0 nhpcl::Int = 1 nhptyp::Int = 0 nhgrp::Vector{Union{Nothing,Int}} = [0] fnhscl::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} = zeros(1) ndega::Int = 0 tranp::Vector{Union{Nothing,Bool}} = falses(1) amprp::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} = zeros(1) greasp::Float64 = 1.0 # These checks are from @assert ion_dynamics in ("none", "sd", "cg", "damp", "verlet") @assert ion_positions in ("default", "from_input") @assert ion_velocities in ("default", "change_step", "random", "from_input", "zero") @assert ion_nstepe > 0 @assert ion_temperature in ("nose", "rescaling", "not_controlled") @assert tempw > 0 @assert fnosep > 0 @assert 0 <= nhpcl <= 4 end # struct IonsNamelist """ CellNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `CELL` namelist of `cp.x`. Input this namelist only if `calculation` is `"vc-relax"`, `"vc-cp"`, or `"vc-cp-wf"`. """ @with_kw struct CellNamelist <: Namelist cell_parameters::String = "default" cell_dynamics::String = "none" cell_velocities::String = "default" cell_damping::Float64 = 0.1 press::Float64 = 0.0 wmass::Float64 = 0.0 cell_factor::Float64 = 1.2 cell_temperature::String = "not_controlled" temph::Float64 = 0.0 fnoseh::Float64 = 1.0 greash::Float64 = 1.0 cell_dofree::String = "all" # These checks are from @assert cell_parameters in ("default", "from_input") @assert cell_dynamics in ("none", "sd", "damp-pr", "pr") @assert cell_velocities in ("zero", "default") @assert wmass >= 0 @assert cell_temperature in ("nose", "rescaling", "not_controlled") @assert( cell_dofree in ( "all", "x", "y", "z", "xy", "xz", "yz", "xyz", "shape", "2Dxy", "2Dshape", "volume", ) ) end # struct CellNamelist """ PressAiNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `PRESS_AI` namelist of `cp.x`. Input this namelist only when `tabps` is `true`. """ @with_kw struct PressAiNamelist <: Namelist abivol::Bool = false abisur::Bool = false P_ext::Float64 = 0.0 pvar::Bool = false P_in::Float64 = 0.0 P_fin::Float64 = 0.0 Surf_t::Float64 = 0.0 rho_thr::Float64 = 0.0 dthr::Float64 = 0.0 end # struct PressAiNamelist """ WannierNamelist <: Namelist Represent the `WANNIER` namelist of `cp.x`. Input this namelist only if `calculation` is `"cp-wf"` or `"vc-cp-wf"`. """ @with_kw struct WannierNamelist <: Namelist wf_efield::Bool = false wf_switch::Bool = false sw_len::Int = 1 efx0::Float64 = 0.0 efy0::Float64 = 0.0 efz0::Float64 = 0.0 efx1::Float64 = 0.0 efy1::Float64 = 0.0 efz1::Float64 = 0.0 wfsd::Int = 1 wfdt::Float64 = 5.0 maxwfdt::Float64 = 0.3 nit::Int = 10 nsd::Int = 10 wf_q::Float64 = 1500.0 wf_friction::Float64 = 0.3 nsteps::Int = 20 tolw::Float64 = 1e-8 adapt::Bool = true calwf::Int = 3 nwf::Int = 0 wffort::Int = 40 writev::Bool = false exx_neigh::Int = 60 exx_dis_cutoff::Float64 = 8.0 exx_poisson_eps::Float64 = 1e-6 exx_ps_rcut_self::Float64 = 6.0 exx_ps_rcut_pair::Float64 = 5.0 exx_me_rcut_self::Float64 = 10.0 exx_me_rcut_pair::Float64 = 7.0 # These checks are from @assert 1 <= calwf <= 5 @assert 1 <= wfsd <= 3 end # struct WannierNamelist
[ "MIT" ]
module PHonon using Accessors: @reset using StructEquality: @struct_hash_equal using ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: SpecialPoint, Card import ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: VerbositySetter, groupname export QPointsCard, PhInput, Q2rInput, MatdynInput, DynmatInput, PhNamelist, Q2rNamelist, MatdynNamelist, DynmatNamelist, VerbositySetter export relayinfo include("namelists.jl") @struct_hash_equal struct QPointsCard <: Card data::Vector{SpecialPoint} end function QPointsCard(data::AbstractMatrix) @assert size(data, 2) == 4 return QPointsCard(map(SpecialPoint, eachrow(data))) end include("inputs.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
using ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: QuantumESPRESSOInput using ..PWscf: PWInput @struct_hash_equal struct PhInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput title_line::String inputph::PhNamelist q_points::Union{Nothing,QPointsCard} end PhInput(inputph::PhNamelist, qpts::QPointsCard) = PhInput(inputph.prefix, inputph, qpts) PhInput(inputph::PhNamelist) = PhInput(inputph.prefix, inputph, nothing) PhInput() = PhInput(PhNamelist().prefix, PhNamelist(), nothing) struct Q2rInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput input::Q2rNamelist end Q2rInput() = Q2rInput(Q2rNamelist()) @struct_hash_equal struct MatdynInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput input::MatdynNamelist q_points::Union{Nothing,QPointsCard} end MatdynInput(input) = MatdynInput(input, nothing) MatdynInput() = MatdynInput(MatdynNamelist(), nothing) @struct_hash_equal struct DynmatInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput input::DynmatNamelist end DynmatInput() = DynmatInput(DynmatNamelist()) function (x::VerbositySetter)(template::PhInput) @reset template.inputph.verbosity = x.v return template end """ relayinfo(from::PWInput, to::PhInput) Relay shared information from a `PWInput` to a `PhInput`. A `PWInput` before a `PhInput` has the information of `outdir` and `prefix`. They must keep the same in a phonon calculation. """ function relayinfo(pw::PWInput, ph::PhInput) @reset ph.inputph.outdir = pw.control.outdir @reset ph.inputph.prefix = pw.control.prefix return ph end """ relayinfo(from::PhInput, to::Q2rInput) Relay shared information from a `PhInput` to a `Q2rInput`. A `PhInput` before a `Q2rInput` has the information of `fildyn`. It must keep the same in a q2r calculation. """ function relayinfo(ph::PhInput, q2r::Q2rInput) @reset q2r.input.fildyn = ph.inputph.fildyn return q2r end """ relayinfo(from::Q2rInput, to::MatdynInput) Relay shared information from a `Q2rInput` to a `MatdynInput`. A `Q2rInput` before a `MatdynInput` has the information of `fildyn`, `flfrc` and `loto_2d`. They must keep the same in a matdyn calculation. """ function relayinfo(q2r::Q2rInput, matdyn::MatdynInput) @reset matdyn.input.flfrc = q2r.input.flfrc @reset matdyn.input.loto_2d = q2r.input.loto_2d return matdyn end function relayinfo(ph::PhInput, matdyn::MatdynInput) @reset matdyn.input.amass = ph.inputph.amass @reset matdyn.input.q_in_band_form = ph.inputph.q_in_band_form return matdyn end """ relayinfo(from::PhInput, to::DynmatInput) Relay shared information from a `PhInput` to a `DynmatInput`. A `PhInput` before a `DynmatInput` has the information of `asr`, `fildyn` and `amass`. They must keep the same in a dynmat calculation. """ function relayinfo(ph::PhInput, dynmat::DynmatInput) # @reset dynmat.input.asr = ph.inputph.asr # TODO @reset dynmat.input.fildyn = ph.inputph.fildyn @reset dynmat.input.amass = ph.inputph.amass return dynmat end
[ "MIT" ]
using AbInitioSoftwareBase: Namelist using ConstructionBase: setproperties const DVSCF_STAR = @NamedTuple begin open::Bool dir::String ext::String basis::String pat::Bool end const DRHO_STAR = @NamedTuple begin open::Bool dir::String ext::String basis::String pat::Bool end # The following default values are picked from `<QE source>/test-suite/not_epw_comp/phq_readin.f90` """ PhNamelist(amass, outdir, prefix, niter_ph, tr2_ph, alpha_mix, nmix_ph, verbosity, reduce_io, max_seconds, fildyn, fildrho, fildvscf, epsil, lrpa, lnoloc, trans, lraman, eth_rps, eth_ns, dek, recover, low_directory_check, only_init, qplot, q2d, q_in_band_form, electron_phonon, lshift_q, zeu, zue, elop, fpol, ldisp, nogg, asr, ldiag, lqdir, search_sym, nq1, nq2, nq3, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, start_irr, last_irr, nat_todo, modenum, start_q, last_q, dvscf_star, drho_star) PhNamelist(; kwargs...) PhNamelist(::PhNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `INPUTPH` namelist of `ph.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct PhNamelist <: Namelist amass::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} outdir::String prefix::String niter_ph::Int tr2_ph::Float64 alpha_mix::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} nmix_ph::Int verbosity::String reduce_io::Bool max_seconds::Float64 fildyn::String fildrho::String fildvscf::String epsil::Bool lrpa::Bool lnoloc::Bool trans::Bool lraman::Bool eth_rps::Float64 eth_ns::Float64 dek::Float64 recover::Bool low_directory_check::Bool only_init::Bool qplot::Bool q2d::Bool q_in_band_form::Bool electron_phonon::String lshift_q::Bool zeu::Bool # The default value in QE's source code is `true` zue::Bool elop::Bool fpol::Bool ldisp::Bool nogg::Bool asr::Bool ldiag::Bool lqdir::Bool search_sym::Bool nq1::Int nq2::Int nq3::Int nk1::Int nk2::Int nk3::Int k1::Int k2::Int k3::Int start_irr::Int # The default value in QE's source code is 0 last_irr::Int nat_todo::Int modenum::Int start_q::Int last_q::Int dvscf_star::DVSCF_STAR drho_star::DRHO_STAR end # struct PhNamelist function PhNamelist(; amass=[0.0], outdir="./", prefix="pwscf", niter_ph=100, tr2_ph=1e-12, alpha_mix=0.7 * ones(niter_ph), nmix_ph=4, verbosity="default", reduce_io=false, max_seconds=1e7, fildyn="matdyn", fildrho=" ", fildvscf=" ", epsil=false, lrpa=false, lnoloc=false, trans=true, lraman=false, eth_rps=1e-9, eth_ns=1e-12, dek=1e-3, recover=false, low_directory_check=false, only_init=false, qplot=false, q2d=false, q_in_band_form=false, electron_phonon=" ", lshift_q=false, zeu=epsil, # The default value in QE's source code is `true` zue=false, elop=false, fpol=false, ldisp=false, nogg=false, asr=false, ldiag=false, lqdir=false, search_sym=true, nq1=0, nq2=0, nq3=0, nk1=0, nk2=0, nk3=0, k1=0, k2=0, k3=0, start_irr=1, # The default value in QE's source code is 0 last_irr=-1000, nat_todo=0, modenum=0, start_q=1, last_q=-1000, dvscf_star=(open=false, dir="./", ext="dvscf", basis="cartesian", pat=false), drho_star=(open=false, dir="./", ext="drho", basis="modes", pat=true), ) return PhNamelist( amass, outdir, prefix, niter_ph, tr2_ph, alpha_mix, nmix_ph, verbosity, reduce_io, max_seconds, fildyn, fildrho, fildvscf, epsil, lrpa, lnoloc, trans, lraman, eth_rps, eth_ns, dek, recover, low_directory_check, only_init, qplot, q2d, q_in_band_form, electron_phonon, lshift_q, zeu, zue, elop, fpol, ldisp, nogg, asr, ldiag, lqdir, search_sym, nq1, nq2, nq3, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, start_irr, last_irr, nat_todo, modenum, start_q, last_q, dvscf_star, drho_star, ) end PhNamelist(nml::PhNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml, kwargs...) function (x::VerbositySetter)(control::PhNamelist) @reset control.verbosity = x.v return control end # The following default values are picked from `<QE source>/PHonon/PH/q2r.f90` """ Q2rNamelist(fildyn, flfrc, loto_2d, zasr) Q2rNamelist(; kwargs...) Q2rNamelist(::Q2rNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `INPUT` namelist of `q2r.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct Q2rNamelist <: Namelist fildyn::String flfrc::String loto_2d::Bool zasr::String end # struct Q2rNamelist function Q2rNamelist(; fildyn=" ", flfrc=" ", loto_2d=false, zasr="no") return Q2rNamelist(fildyn, flfrc, loto_2d, zasr) end Q2rNamelist(nml::Q2rNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml, kwargs...) # The following default values are picked from `<QE source>/PHonon/PH/matdyn.f90` """ MatdynNamelist(dos, deltaE, ndos, nk1, nk2, nk3, asr, readtau, flfrc, fldos, flfrq, flvec, fleig, fldyn, fltau, amass, at, ntyp, l1, l2, l3, la2F, q_in_band_form, eigen_similarity, q_in_cryst_coord, na_ifc, fd, nosym, loto_2d) MatdynNamelist(; kwargs...) MatdynNamelist(::MatdynNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `INPUT` namelist of `matdyn.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct MatdynNamelist <: Namelist dos::Bool deltaE::Float64 ndos::Int nk1::Int nk2::Int nk3::Int asr::String readtau::Bool flfrc::String fldos::String flfrq::String flvec::String fleig::String fldyn::String fltau::String amass::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} at::Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}} # FIXME: not very sure ntyp::Int l1::Int l2::Int l3::Int la2F::Bool q_in_band_form::Bool eigen_similarity::Bool q_in_cryst_coord::Bool na_ifc::Bool fd::Bool nosym::Bool loto_2d::Bool end # struct MatdynNamelist function MatdynNamelist(; dos=false, deltaE=1.0, ndos=1, nk1=0, nk2=0, nk3=0, asr="no", readtau=false, flfrc=" ", fldos="matdyn.dos", flfrq="matdyn.freq", flvec="matdyn.modes", fleig="matdyn.eig", fldyn=" ", fltau=" ", amass=zeros(1), at=zeros(3, 3), # FIXME: not very sure ntyp=0, l1=1, l2=1, l3=1, la2F=false, q_in_band_form=false, eigen_similarity=false, q_in_cryst_coord=false, na_ifc=false, fd=false, nosym=false, loto_2d=false, ) return MatdynNamelist( dos, deltaE, ndos, nk1, nk2, nk3, asr, readtau, flfrc, fldos, flfrq, flvec, fleig, fldyn, fltau, amass, at, ntyp, l1, l2, l3, la2F, q_in_band_form, eigen_similarity, q_in_cryst_coord, na_ifc, fd, nosym, loto_2d, ) end MatdynNamelist(nml::MatdynNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml, kwargs...) """ DynmatNamelist(asr, axis, fildyn, filout, filmol, filxsf, fileig, amass, q, lperm, lplasma) DynmatNamelist(; kwargs...) DynmatNamelist(::DynmatNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `INPUT` namelist of `dynmat.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct DynmatNamelist <: Namelist asr::String axis::Int fildyn::String filout::String filmol::String filxsf::String fileig::String amass::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} q::Vector{Union{Nothing,Float64}} lperm::Bool lplasma::Bool end # struct DynmatNamelist function DynmatNamelist(; asr="no", axis=3, fildyn="matdyn", filout="dynmat.out", filmol="dynmat.mold", filxsf="dynmat.axsf", fileig=" ", amass=zeros(1), q=zeros(3), lperm=false, lplasma=false, ) return DynmatNamelist( asr, axis, fildyn, filout, filmol, filxsf, fileig, amass, q, lperm, lplasma ) end DynmatNamelist(nml::DynmatNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml, kwargs...) groupname(::Type{PhNamelist}) = "INPUTPH" groupname(::Type{Q2rNamelist}) = "INPUT" groupname(::Type{MatdynNamelist}) = "INPUT" groupname(::Type{DynmatNamelist}) = "INPUT"
[ "MIT" ]
module PWscf using AbInitioSoftwareBase: InputEntry, Namelist, Card, Setter using Accessors: @reset using StructEquality: @struct_hash_equal using Unitful: AbstractQuantity, Length, Temperature, ustrip, @u_str using UnitfulAtomic using ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: QuantumESPRESSOInput, VerbositySetter import AbInitioSoftwareBase: groupname, getpseudodir import CrystallographyBase: Lattice, cellvolume # import Pseudopotentials: pseudoformat export groupname include("namelists.jl") include("cards.jl") include("inputs.jl") include("crystallography.jl") include("set.jl") include("validation.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
using AbInitioSoftwareBase: EachPotential using ConstructionBase: constructorof using CrystallographyBase: Cell, MonkhorstPackGrid, EachAtom using StaticArrays: FieldVector, SMatrix, Size import AbInitioSoftwareBase: eachpotential import CrystallographyBase: eachatom import StaticArrays: similar_type import ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: SpecialPoint, getoption, optionpool export AtomicSpecies, AtomicSpeciesCard, AtomicPosition, AtomicPositionsCard, AtomicForce, AtomicForcesCard, AtomicVelocity, AtomicVelocitiesCard, KPointsCard, KMeshCard, GammaPointCard, SpecialPointsCard, CellParametersCard export getoption, convertoption, optionpool, eachpotential abstract type AtomicData end """ AtomicSpecies(atom::Union{Char,String}, mass, pseudopot) AtomicSpecies(x::AtomicPosition, mass, pseudopot) Represent each line in the `ATOMIC_SPECIES` card in `pw.x` input files. The `atom` field accepts no more than 3 characters. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> AtomicSpecies("C1", 12, "C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF") AtomicSpecies("C1", 12.0, "C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF") julia> AtomicSpecies( AtomicPosition('S', [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]), 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF", ) AtomicSpecies("S", 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF") ``` """ struct AtomicSpecies <: AtomicData "Label of the atom. Max total length cannot exceed 3 characters." atom::String """ Mass of the atomic species in atomic unit. Used only when performing molecular dynamics (MD) run or structural optimization runs using damped MD. Not actually used in all other cases (but stored in data files, so phonon calculations will use these values unless other values are provided). """ mass::Float64 """ File containing pseudopotential for this species. See also: [`pseudoformat`](@ref) """ pseudopot::String function AtomicSpecies(atom, mass, pseudopot) @assert length(atom) <= 3 "`atom` accepts no more than 3 characters!" return new(string(atom), mass, pseudopot) end end """ pseudoformat(data::AtomicSpecies) Return the pseudopotential format of the `AtomicSpecies`. """ # pseudoformat(data::AtomicSpecies) = pseudoformat(data.pseudopot) """ AtomicSpeciesCard <: Card Represent the `ATOMIC_SPECIES` card in QE. It does not have an "option". """ @struct_hash_equal struct AtomicSpeciesCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicSpecies} end eachpotential(card::AtomicSpeciesCard) = EachPotential( Tuple(datum.atom for datum in, Tuple(datum.pseudopot for datum in, ) struct Position{T} <: FieldVector{3,T} x::T y::T z::T end struct IfPosition{T} <: FieldVector{3,T} x::T y::T z::T end # See similar_type(::Type{<:Position}, ::Type{T}, s::Size{(3,)}) where {T} = Position{T} similar_type(::Type{<:IfPosition}, ::Type{T}, s::Size{(3,)}) where {T} = IfPosition{T} """ AtomicPosition(atom::Union{Char,String}, pos[, if_pos]) AtomicPosition(x::AtomicSpecies, pos, if_pos) Represent each line in the `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card in `pw.x` input files. The `atom` field accepts no more than 3 characters. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> AtomicPosition('O', [0, 0, 0]) AtomicPosition("O", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], Bool[1, 1, 1]) julia> AtomicPosition( AtomicSpecies('S', 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF"), [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764], ) AtomicPosition("S", [0.5, 0.28867513, 1.974192764], Bool[1, 1, 1]) ``` """ struct AtomicPosition <: AtomicData "Label of the atom as specified in `AtomicSpecies`." atom::String "Atomic positions. A three-element vector of floats." pos::Position{Float64} """ Component `i` of the force for this atom is multiplied by `if_pos(i)`, which must be either `0` or `1`. Used to keep selected atoms and/or selected components fixed in MD dynamics or structural optimization run. With `crystal_sg` atomic coordinates the constraints are copied in all equivalent atoms. """ if_pos::IfPosition{Bool} function AtomicPosition(atom, pos, if_pos=trues(3)) @assert length(atom) <= 3 "`atom` accepts no more than 3 characters!" return new(string(atom), pos, if_pos) end end AtomicPosition(x::AtomicSpecies, pos, if_pos) = AtomicPosition(x.atom, pos, if_pos) # Introudce mutual constructors since they share the same atoms. AtomicSpecies(x::AtomicPosition, mass, pseudopot) = AtomicSpecies(x.atom, mass, pseudopot) """ AtomicPositionsCard <: Card Represent the `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card in `pw.x` input files. # Arguments - `data::AbstractVector{AtomicPosition}`: A vector containing `AtomicPosition`s. - `option::Symbol="alat"`: allowed values are: "alat", "bohr", "angstrom", "crystal", and "crystal_sg". """ @struct_hash_equal struct AtomicPositionsCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicPosition} option::Symbol function AtomicPositionsCard(data, option=:alat) @assert option in optionpool(AtomicPositionsCard) return new(data, option) end end AtomicPositionsCard(cell::Cell, option=:alat) = AtomicPositionsCard( map(eachatom(cell)) do (atom, position) AtomicPosition(string(atom), position) end, option, ) "Represent the abstraction of `CELL_PARAMETERS` and `REF_CELL_PARAMETERS` cards in QE." abstract type AbstractCellParametersCard <: Card end """ CellParametersCard(data::AbstractMatrix, option::Symbol) Represent the `CELL_PARAMETERS` cards in `PWscf` and `CP` packages. """ struct CellParametersCard <: AbstractCellParametersCard data::SMatrix{3,3,Float64,9} option::Symbol function CellParametersCard(data, option=:alat) @assert option in optionpool(CellParametersCard) return new(data, option) end end CellParametersCard(lattice::Lattice, option=:alat) = CellParametersCard(transpose(parent(lattice)), option) function CellParametersCard(lattice::Lattice{<:Length}, option=:alat) option = option == :alat ? :bohr : option return CellParametersCard(Lattice(Base.Fix1(ustrip, u"bohr").(parent(lattice))), :bohr) end CellParametersCard(cell::Cell, option=:alat) = CellParametersCard(Lattice(cell), option) struct Force{T} <: FieldVector{3,T} x::T y::T z::T end struct Velocity{T} <: FieldVector{3,T} x::T y::T z::T end similar_type(::Type{<:Force}, ::Type{T}, s::Size{(3,)}) where {T} = Force{T} similar_type(::Type{<:Velocity}, ::Type{T}, s::Size{(3,)}) where {T} = Velocity{T} struct AtomicForce <: AtomicData atom::String force::Force{Float64} function AtomicForce(atom, force) @assert length(atom) <= 3 "`atom` accepts no more than 3 characters!" return new(string(atom), force) end end @struct_hash_equal struct AtomicForcesCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicForce} end struct AtomicVelocity <: AtomicData atom::String velocity::Velocity{Float64} function AtomicVelocity(atom, velocity) @assert length(atom) <= 3 "`atom` accepts no more than 3 characters!" return new(string(atom), velocity) end end @struct_hash_equal struct AtomicVelocitiesCard <: Card data::Vector{AtomicVelocity} end eachatom(card::AtomicPositionsCard) = EachAtom( Tuple(datum.atom for datum in, Tuple(datum.pos for datum in ) """ convertoption(card::AbstractCellParametersCard, new_option::AbstractString) Convert the option of an `AbstractCellParametersCard` from "bohr" to "angstrom", etc. !!! warning It does not support conversions between `"alat"` and others. """ function convertoption(card::AbstractCellParametersCard, new_option::AbstractString) old_option = getoption(card) if new_option == old_option return card # No conversion is needed else constructor = constructorof(typeof(card)) if old_option == :bohr && new_option == :angstrom return constructor(ustrip.(u"angstrom", .* u"bohr")) elseif old_option == :angstrom && new_option == :bohr return constructor(ustrip.(u"bohr", .* u"angstrom")) else error("unknown conversion rule $(old_option => new_option)!") end end end "Represent the general `K_POINTS` card in Quantum ESPRESSO." abstract type KPointsCard <: Card end """ KMeshCard(data::MonkhorstPackGrid) Represent the `K_POINTS` card in Quantum ESPRESSO with Monkhorst–Pack grid. """ struct KMeshCard <: KPointsCard data::MonkhorstPackGrid end """ GammaPointCard() Represent the `K_POINTS` card in Quantum ESPRESSO with only Γ-point. """ struct GammaPointCard <: KPointsCard end """ SpecialPointsCard(data, option) Represent the `K_POINTS` card in Quantum ESPRESSO with a list of k-points. # Arguments - `data::Vector{SpecialPoint}`: a vector containing `SpecialPoint`s. - `option::String="tpiba"`: allowed values are: "tpiba", "automatic", "crystal", "gamma", "tpiba_b", "crystal_b", "tpiba_c" and "crystal_c". """ @struct_hash_equal struct SpecialPointsCard <: KPointsCard data::Vector{SpecialPoint} option::Symbol function SpecialPointsCard(data, option=:tpiba) @assert option in optionpool(SpecialPointsCard) return new(data, option) end end struct AdditionalKPointsCard <: Card end struct ConstraintsCard <: Card end struct OccupationsCard <: Card end struct SolventsCard <: Card end struct HubbardCard <: Card end getoption(::KMeshCard) = :automatic getoption(::GammaPointCard) = :gamma optionpool(card::Card) = optionpool(typeof(card)) optionpool(::Type{AtomicPositionsCard}) = (:alat, :bohr, :angstrom, :crystal, :crystal_sg) optionpool(::Type{CellParametersCard}) = (:alat, :bohr, :angstrom) optionpool(::Type{KMeshCard}) = (:automatic,) optionpool(::Type{GammaPointCard}) = (:gamma,) optionpool(::Type{SpecialPointsCard}) = (:tpiba, :crystal, :tpiba_b, :crystal_b, :tpiba_c, :crystal_c) groupname(::Type{AtomicSpeciesCard}) = "ATOMIC_SPECIES" groupname(::Type{AtomicPositionsCard}) = "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" groupname(::Type{CellParametersCard}) = "CELL_PARAMETERS" groupname(::Type{KMeshCard}) = "K_POINTS" groupname(::Type{GammaPointCard}) = "K_POINTS" groupname(::Type{SpecialPointsCard}) = "K_POINTS"
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra: det using ..QuantumESPRESSOBase: Ibrav, latticevectors import CrystallographyBase: Cell, crystaldensity struct InsufficientInfoError <: Exception msg::AbstractString end """ Lattice(nml::SystemNamelist) Create a `Lattice` from a `SystemNamelist`. """ Lattice(nml::SystemNamelist) = Lattice(latticevectors(nml.celldm, Ibrav(nml.ibrav))) """ Lattice(card::CellParametersCard) Create a `Lattice` from a `CellParametersCard`. """ function Lattice(card::CellParametersCard) data, option = transpose(, getoption(card) if option == :alat throw(InsufficientInfoError("parameter `celldm[1]` needed!")) elseif option == :bohr return Lattice(data) else # option == :angstrom return Lattice(data * ustrip(u"bohr", 1u"angstrom")) end end """ Lattice(card::PWInput) Create a `Lattice` from a `PWInput`. """ function Lattice(input::PWInput) if isnothing(input.cell_parameters) return Lattice(input.system) else if getoption(input.cell_parameters) == "alat" return Lattice( transpose( * first(input.system.celldm) ) else return Lattice(input.cell_parameters) end end end function Cell(cell_parameters::CellParametersCard, atomic_positions::AtomicPositionsCard) lattice = Lattice(cell_parameters) positions = [position for (_, position) in eachatom(atomic_positions)] atoms = [atom for (atom, _) in eachatom(atomic_positions)] return Cell(lattice, positions, atoms) end Cell(atomic_positions::AtomicPositionsCard, cell_parameters::CellParametersCard) = Cell(cell_parameters, atomic_positions) Cell(input::PWInput) = Cell(input.cell_parameters, input.atomic_positions) """ cellvolume(card) Return the cell volume of a `CellParametersCard` or `RefCellParametersCard`, in atomic unit. !!! warning It will throw an error if the option is `"alat"`. """ function cellvolume(card::AbstractCellParametersCard) option = getoption(card) if option == :bohr return abs(det( elseif option == :angstrom return ustrip(u"bohr^3", abs(det( * u"angstrom^3") else # option == :alat throw(InsufficientInfoError("parameter `celldm[1]` needed!")) end end """ cellvolume(nml::SystemNamelist) Return the volume of the cell based on the information given in a `SystemNamelist`, in atomic unit. """ cellvolume(nml::SystemNamelist) = cellvolume(Lattice(nml)) """ cellvolume(input::PWInput) Return the volume of the cell based on the information given in a `PWInput`, in atomic unit. """ function cellvolume(input::PWInput) if input.system.ibrav == 0 if isnothing(input.cell_parameters) throw(InsufficientInfoError("`ibrav` is 0, must read cell parameters!")) else if getoption(input.cell_parameters) == :alat # If no value of `celldm` is changed... if isnothing(input.system.celldm[1]) throw(InsufficientInfoError("parameter `celldm[1]` needed!")) else return input.system.celldm[1]^3 * abs(det( end else # "bohr" or "angstrom" return cellvolume(input.cell_parameters) end end else return cellvolume(Lattice(input.system)) end end function crystaldensity(input::PWInput) lattice = Lattice(input) * 1u"bohr" atoms = (Symbol(uppercasefirst(atom)) for (atom, _) in eachatom(input.atomic_positions)) return crystaldensity(lattice, atoms) end
[ "MIT" ]
export PWInput, isrequired, isoptional """ PWInput(control, system, electrons, ions, cell, atomic_species, atomic_positions, k_points, cell_parameters) Construct a `PWInput` which represents the input of program `pw.x`. # Arguments - `control::ControlNamelist=ControlNamelist()`: the `CONTROL` namelist of the input. Optional. - `system::SystemNamelist=SystemNamelist()`: the `SYSTEM` namelist of the input. Optional. - `electrons::ElectronsNamelist=ElectronsNamelist()`: the `ELECTRONS` namelist of the input. Optional. - `ions::IonsNamelist=IonsNamelist()`: the `IONS` namelist of the input. Optional. - `cell::CellNamelist=CellNamelist()`: the `CELL` namelist of the input. Optional. - `atomic_species::AtomicSpeciesCard`: the `ATOMIC_SPECIES` card of the input. Must be provided explicitly. - `atomic_positions::AtomicPositionsCard`: the `ATOMIC_POSITIONS` card of the input. Must be provided explicitly. - `k_points::AbstractKPointsCard`: the `K_POINTS` card of the input. Must be provided explicitly. - `cell_parameters::Union{Nothing,CellParametersCard}`: the `CELL_PARAMETERS` card of the input. Must be either `nothing` or a `CellParametersCard`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct PWInput <: QuantumESPRESSOInput control::ControlNamelist system::SystemNamelist electrons::ElectronsNamelist ions::IonsNamelist cell::CellNamelist fcp::FcpNamelist rism::RismNamelist atomic_species::AtomicSpeciesCard atomic_positions::AtomicPositionsCard k_points::KPointsCard cell_parameters::Maybe{CellParametersCard} occupations::Maybe{OccupationsCard} constraints::Maybe{ConstraintsCard} atomic_velocities::Maybe{AtomicVelocitiesCard} atomic_forces::Maybe{AtomicForcesCard} additional_k_points::Maybe{AdditionalKPointsCard} solvents::Maybe{SolventsCard} hubbard::Maybe{HubbardCard} end function PWInput(; control=ControlNamelist(), system, electrons=ElectronsNamelist(), ions=IonsNamelist(), cell=CellNamelist(), fcp=FcpNamelist(), rism=RismNamelist(), atomic_species, atomic_positions, k_points, cell_parameters=nothing, occupations=nothing, constraints=nothing, atomic_velocities=nothing, atomic_forces=nothing, additional_k_points=nothing, solvents=nothing, hubbard=nothing, ) @assert !isnothing(cell_parameters) || system.ibrav != 0 "`cell_parameters` is empty with `ibrav = 0`!" foreach(eachpotential(atomic_species)) do (_, potential) path = joinpath(expanduser(control.pseudo_dir), potential) if !isfile(path) @warn "pseudopotential file \"$path\" does not exist!" end end return PWInput( control, system, electrons, ions, cell, fcp, rism, atomic_species, atomic_positions, k_points, cell_parameters, occupations, constraints, atomic_velocities, atomic_forces, additional_k_points, solvents, hubbard, ) end exitfile(input::PWInput) = exitfile(input.control) mkexitfile(input::PWInput) = mkexitfile(input.control) """ isrequired(nml::Namelist) isrequired(card::Card) Test whether a `Namelist` or a `Card` is required in `PWInput`. """ isrequired(nml::Namelist) = nml isa Union{ControlNamelist,SystemNamelist,ElectronsNamelist} isrequired(card::Card) = card isa Union{AtomicSpeciesCard,AtomicPositionsCard,KPointsCard} """ isoptional(nml::Namelist) isoptional(card::Card) Test whether a `Namelist` or a `Card` is optional in `PWInput`. """ isoptional(nml::Namelist) = nml isa Union{IonsNamelist,CellNamelist,FcpNamelist,RismNamelist} isoptional(card::Card) = card isa Union{ CellParametersCard, OccupationsCard, ConstraintsCard, AtomicVelocitiesCard, AtomicForcesCard, AdditionalKPointsCard, SolventsCard, HubbardCard, } """ eachpotential(input::PWInput) Iterate the pseudopotentials in a `PWInput`. """ eachpotential(input::PWInput) = eachpotential(input.atomic_species) """ getpseudodir(input::PWInput) Get the directory storing the pseudopotential files. """ getpseudodir(input::PWInput) = getpseudodir(input.control) getxmldir(input::PWInput) = getxmldir(input.control)
[ "MIT" ]
using ConstructionBase: setproperties using Unitful: Temperature, Energy, Frequency, Wavenumber using UnitfulEquivalences: Thermal, Spectral export ControlNamelist, SystemNamelist, ElectronsNamelist, IonsNamelist, CellNamelist, DosNamelist, BandsNamelist, ElectronicTemperatureSetter, ElecTempSetter export exitfile, mkexitfile, getxmldir, listwfcfiles, getpseudodir # From const Maybe{T} = Union{T,Nothing} # The default values are from """ ControlNamelist(calculation, title, verbosity, restart_mode, wf_collect, nstep, iprint, tstress, tprnfor, dt, outdir, wfcdir, prefix, lkpoint_dir, max_seconds, etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr, disk_io, pseudo_dir, tefield, dipfield, lelfield, nberrycyc, lorbm, lberry, gdir, nppstr, lfcpopt, gate) ControlNamelist(; kwargs...) ControlNamelist(::ControlNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `CONTROL` namelist of `pw.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct ControlNamelist <: Namelist calculation::String title::String verbosity::String restart_mode::String wf_collect::Bool nstep::UInt iprint::UInt tstress::Bool tprnfor::Bool dt::Float64 outdir::String wfcdir::String prefix::String lkpoint_dir::Bool max_seconds::Float64 etot_conv_thr::Float64 forc_conv_thr::Float64 disk_io::String pseudo_dir::String tefield::Bool dipfield::Bool lelfield::Bool nberrycyc::UInt lorbm::Bool lberry::Bool gdir::UInt8 nppstr::UInt lfcpopt::Bool gate::Bool end # struct ControlNamelist function ControlNamelist(; calculation="scf", title=" ", verbosity="low", restart_mode="from_scratch", wf_collect=true, nstep=50, iprint=100000, tstress=false, tprnfor=false, dt=20.0, outdir="./", wfcdir="./", prefix="pwscf", lkpoint_dir=true, max_seconds=10000000.0, etot_conv_thr=1e-4, forc_conv_thr=1e-3, disk_io=ifelse(calculation == "scf", "low", "medium"), pseudo_dir=raw"$HOME/espresso/pseudo/", tefield=false, dipfield=false, lelfield=false, nberrycyc=1, lorbm=false, lberry=false, gdir=1, # The QE default value is `0`! nppstr=0, lfcpopt=false, gate=false, ) # These checks are from @assert calculation in ("scf", "nscf", "bands", "relax", "md", "vc-relax", "vc-md") @assert verbosity in ("high", "low", "debug", "medium", "default", "minimal") @assert restart_mode in ("from_scratch", "restart") @assert iprint >= 1 @assert disk_io in ("high", "medium", "low", "none", "default") @assert dt >= 0 # @assert !(lkpoint_dir && wf_collect) "`lkpoint_dir` currently doesn't work together with `wf_collect`!" @assert max_seconds >= 0 @assert etot_conv_thr >= 0 @assert forc_conv_thr >= 0 @assert gdir in 1:3 @assert !all((gate, tefield, !dipfield)) "`gate` cannot be used with `tefield` if dipole correction is not active!" @assert !all((gate, dipfield, !tefield)) "dipole correction is not active if `tefield = false`!" return ControlNamelist( calculation, title, verbosity, restart_mode, wf_collect, nstep, iprint, tstress, tprnfor, dt, outdir, wfcdir, prefix, lkpoint_dir, max_seconds, etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr, disk_io, pseudo_dir, tefield, dipfield, lelfield, nberrycyc, lorbm, lberry, gdir, nppstr, lfcpopt, gate, ) end ControlNamelist(nml::ControlNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) exitfile(nml::ControlNamelist) = abspath(expanduser(joinpath(nml.outdir, nml.prefix * ".EXIT"))) function mkexitfile(nml::ControlNamelist) path = exitfile(nml) if !isfile(path) mkpath(dirname(path)) touch(path) end return path end """ getxmldir(nml::ControlNamelist) Return the path to directory storing the XML files. """ getxmldir(nml::ControlNamelist) = abspath(expanduser(joinpath(nml.outdir, nml.prefix * ".save"))) """ listwfcfiles(nml::ControlNamelist, n=1) List all wave function files. """ listwfcfiles(nml::ControlNamelist, n=1) = [joinpath(getxmldir(nml), nml.prefix * ".wfc$i") for i in 1:n] """ getpseudodir(nml::ControlNamelist) Get the directory storing the pseudopotential files. """ getpseudodir(nml::ControlNamelist) = abspath(expanduser(nml.pseudo_dir)) """ SystemNamelist(ibrav, celldm, A, B, C, cosAB, cosAC, cosBC, nat, ntyp, nbnd, tot_charge, starting_charge, tot_magnetization, starting_magnetization, ecutwfc, ecutrho, ecutfock, nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nosym, nosym_evc, noinv, no_t_rev, force_symmorphic, use_all_frac, occupations, one_atom_occupations, starting_spin_angle, degauss, smearing, nspin, noncolin, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma, input_dft, exx_fraction, screening_parameter, exxdiv_treatment, x_gamma_extrapolation, ecutvcut, nqx1, nqx2, nqx3, localization_thr, lda_plus_u, lda_plus_u_kind, Hubbard_U, Hubbard_J0, Hubbard_alpha, Hubbard_beta, starting_ns_eigenvalue, U_projection_type, edir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, angle1, angle2, constrained_magnetization, fixed_magnetization, lambda, report, lspinorb, assume_isolated, esm_bc, esm_w, esm_efield, esm_nfit, fcp_mu, vdw_corr, london, london_s6, london_c6, london_rvdw, london_rcut, ts_vdw_econv_thr, ts_vdw_isolated, xdm, xdm_a1, xdm_a2, space_group, uniqueb, origin_choice, rhombohedral, zgate, relaxz, block, block_1, block_2, block_height) SystemNamelist(; kwargs...) SystemNamelist(::SystemNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `SYSTEM` namelist of `pw.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct SystemNamelist <: Namelist ibrav::Int8 celldm::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} A::Float64 B::Float64 C::Float64 cosAB::Float64 cosAC::Float64 cosBC::Float64 nat::UInt ntyp::UInt8 nbnd::UInt tot_charge::Float64 starting_charge::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} tot_magnetization::Float64 starting_magnetization::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} ecutwfc::Float64 ecutrho::Float64 ecutfock::Float64 nr1::UInt nr2::UInt nr3::UInt nr1s::UInt nr2s::UInt nr3s::UInt nosym::Bool nosym_evc::Bool noinv::Bool no_t_rev::Bool force_symmorphic::Bool use_all_frac::Bool occupations::String one_atom_occupations::Bool starting_spin_angle::Bool degauss::Float64 smearing::String nspin::UInt8 noncolin::Bool ecfixed::Float64 qcutz::Float64 q2sigma::Float64 input_dft::String exx_fraction::Float64 screening_parameter::Float64 exxdiv_treatment::String x_gamma_extrapolation::Bool ecutvcut::Float64 nqx1::UInt nqx2::UInt nqx3::UInt localization_thr::Float64 lda_plus_u::Bool lda_plus_u_kind::UInt8 Hubbard_U::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} Hubbard_J0::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} Hubbard_alpha::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} Hubbard_beta::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} # Hubbard_J::Vector{Vector{Maybe{Float64}}} starting_ns_eigenvalue::Float64 U_projection_type::String edir::UInt8 emaxpos::Float64 eopreg::Float64 eamp::Float64 angle1::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} angle2::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} constrained_magnetization::String fixed_magnetization::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} lambda::Float64 report::UInt lspinorb::Bool assume_isolated::String esm_bc::String esm_w::Float64 esm_efield::Float64 esm_nfit::UInt fcp_mu::Float64 vdw_corr::String london::Bool london_s6::Float64 london_c6::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} london_rvdw::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} london_rcut::Float64 ts_vdw_econv_thr::Float64 ts_vdw_isolated::Bool xdm::Bool xdm_a1::Float64 xdm_a2::Float64 space_group::UInt8 uniqueb::Bool origin_choice::UInt8 rhombohedral::Bool zgate::Float64 relaxz::Bool block::Bool block_1::Float64 block_2::Float64 block_height::Float64 end # struct SystemNamelist function SystemNamelist(; ibrav=127, celldm=zeros(6), # Must specify A=0.0, B=0.0, C=0.0, cosAB=0.0, cosAC=0.0, cosBC=0.0, nat=0, ntyp=0, nbnd=0, tot_charge=0.0, starting_charge=[], tot_magnetization=-1.0, starting_magnetization=[], ecutwfc=0.0, ecutrho=4ecutwfc, ecutfock=ecutrho, nr1=0, nr2=0, nr3=0, nr1s=0, nr2s=0, nr3s=0, nosym=false, nosym_evc=false, noinv=false, no_t_rev=false, force_symmorphic=false, use_all_frac=false, occupations="fixed", one_atom_occupations=false, starting_spin_angle=false, degauss=0.0, smearing="gaussian", nspin=1, noncolin=false, ecfixed=0.0, qcutz=0.0, q2sigma=0.1, # The default value in QE's source code is 0.01 input_dft="none", exx_fraction=0.25, screening_parameter=0.106, exxdiv_treatment="gygi-baldereschi", x_gamma_extrapolation=true, ecutvcut=0.0, nqx1=1, nqx2=1, nqx3=1, localization_thr=0.0, # This is only for QE 6.4 lda_plus_u=false, lda_plus_u_kind=0, Hubbard_U=[], Hubbard_J0=[], Hubbard_alpha=[], Hubbard_beta=[], # Hubbard_J = [zeros(ntyp)] , # The default value in QE's source code is just one 0.0 starting_ns_eigenvalue=-1.0, # It's actually a multidimensional array. U_projection_type="atomic", edir=1, emaxpos=0.5, eopreg=0.1, eamp=0.001, # The default value in QE's source code is 0.0 angle1=[], angle2=[], constrained_magnetization="none", fixed_magnetization=zeros(3), # The default value in QE's source code is just one 0.0 lambda=1.0, report=100, lspinorb=false, assume_isolated="none", esm_bc="pbc", esm_w=0.0, esm_efield=0.0, esm_nfit=4, fcp_mu=0.0, vdw_corr="none", london=false, london_s6=0.75, london_c6=[], london_rvdw=[], london_rcut=200.0, ts_vdw_econv_thr=1e-06, ts_vdw_isolated=false, xdm=false, xdm_a1=0.6836, # The default value in QE's source code is 0.0 xdm_a2=1.5045, # The default value in QE's source code is 0.0 space_group=0, uniqueb=false, origin_choice=1, rhombohedral=true, zgate=0.5, relaxz=false, block=false, block_1=0.45, block_2=0.55, block_height=0.1, # The default value in QE's source code is 0.0 ) # These checks are from @assert ibrav in union(0:1:14, (-3, -5, -9, 91, -12, -13), 127) @assert ntyp <= 10 && ntyp <= nat @assert smearing in ( "gaussian", "gauss", "methfessel-paxton", "m-p", "mp", "marzari-vanderbilt", "cold", "m-v", "mv", "fermi-dirac", "f-d", "fd", ) @assert nspin in (1, 2, 4) @assert ecutwfc >= 0 # From `set_cutoff` in @assert ecutrho >= ecutwfc # From `set_cutoff` @assert ecfixed >= 0 @assert qcutz >= 0 @assert q2sigma >= 0 @assert lda_plus_u_kind in 0:1 @assert edir in 1:3 @assert space_group in 0:230 @assert origin_choice in 1:2 @assert length(starting_charge) <= ntyp @assert length(starting_magnetization) <= ntyp @assert length(Hubbard_U) <= ntyp @assert length(Hubbard_J0) <= ntyp @assert length(Hubbard_alpha) <= ntyp @assert length(Hubbard_beta) <= ntyp # @assert all(length(x) <= ntyp for x in Hubbard_J) @assert length(angle1) <= ntyp @assert length(angle2) <= ntyp @assert length(fixed_magnetization) <= 3 @assert length(london_c6) <= ntyp @assert length(london_rvdw) <= ntyp @assert exxdiv_treatment in ("gygi-baldereschi", "gygi-bald", "g-b", "vcut_ws", "vcut_spherical", "none") @assert !(x_gamma_extrapolation && exxdiv_treatment in ("vcut_ws", "vcut_spherical")) "`x_gamma_extrapolation` cannot be used with `vcut`!" return SystemNamelist( ibrav, celldm, A, B, C, cosAB, cosAC, cosBC, nat, ntyp, nbnd, tot_charge, starting_charge, tot_magnetization, starting_magnetization, ecutwfc, ecutrho, ecutfock, nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nosym, nosym_evc, noinv, no_t_rev, force_symmorphic, use_all_frac, occupations, one_atom_occupations, starting_spin_angle, degauss, smearing, nspin, noncolin, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma, input_dft, exx_fraction, screening_parameter, exxdiv_treatment, x_gamma_extrapolation, ecutvcut, nqx1, nqx2, nqx3, localization_thr, lda_plus_u, lda_plus_u_kind, Hubbard_U, Hubbard_J0, Hubbard_alpha, Hubbard_beta, starting_ns_eigenvalue, U_projection_type, edir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, angle1, angle2, constrained_magnetization, fixed_magnetization, lambda, report, lspinorb, assume_isolated, esm_bc, esm_w, esm_efield, esm_nfit, fcp_mu, vdw_corr, london, london_s6, london_c6, london_rvdw, london_rcut, ts_vdw_econv_thr, ts_vdw_isolated, xdm, xdm_a1, xdm_a2, space_group, uniqueb, origin_choice, rhombohedral, zgate, relaxz, block, block_1, block_2, block_height, ) end SystemNamelist(nml::SystemNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) """ ElectronsNamelist(electron_maxstep, scf_must_converge, conv_thr, adaptive_thr, conv_thr_init, conv_thr_multi, mixing_mode, mixing_beta, mixing_ndim, mixing_fixed_ns, diagonalization, ortho_para, diago_thr_init, diago_cg_maxiter, diago_david_ndim, diago_full_acc, efield, efield_cart, efield_phase, startingpot, startingwfc, tqr) ElectronsNamelist(; kwargs...) ElectronsNamelist(::ElectronsNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `ELECTRONS` namelist of `pw.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct ElectronsNamelist <: Namelist electron_maxstep::UInt scf_must_converge::Bool conv_thr::Float64 adaptive_thr::Bool conv_thr_init::Float64 conv_thr_multi::Float64 mixing_mode::String mixing_beta::Float64 mixing_ndim::UInt mixing_fixed_ns::UInt diagonalization::String ortho_para::UInt diago_thr_init::Float64 diago_cg_maxiter::UInt diago_david_ndim::UInt diago_full_acc::Bool efield::Float64 efield_cart::Vector{Maybe{Float64}} efield_phase::String startingpot::String # This depends on `calculation` startingwfc::String # This depends on `calculation` tqr::Bool end # struct ElectronsNamelist function ElectronsNamelist(; electron_maxstep=100, scf_must_converge=true, conv_thr=1e-6, adaptive_thr=false, conv_thr_init=1e-3, conv_thr_multi=0.1, mixing_mode="plain", mixing_beta=0.7, mixing_ndim=8, mixing_fixed_ns=0, diagonalization="david", ortho_para=0, diago_thr_init=0.0, diago_cg_maxiter=20, diago_david_ndim=4, diago_full_acc=false, efield=0.0, efield_cart=zeros(3), efield_phase="none", startingpot="atomic", # This depends on `calculation` startingwfc="atomic+random", # This depends on `calculation` tqr=false, ) # These checks are from @assert mixing_mode in ("plain", "TF", "local-TF") @assert diagonalization in ("david", "cg", "cg-serial", "david-serial", "ppcg") # Different from docs @assert efield_phase in ("read", "write", "none") @assert startingpot in ("atomic", "file") @assert startingwfc in ("atomic", "atomic+random", "random", "file") return ElectronsNamelist( electron_maxstep, scf_must_converge, conv_thr, adaptive_thr, conv_thr_init, conv_thr_multi, mixing_mode, mixing_beta, mixing_ndim, mixing_fixed_ns, diagonalization, ortho_para, diago_thr_init, diago_cg_maxiter, diago_david_ndim, diago_full_acc, efield, efield_cart, efield_phase, startingpot, startingwfc, tqr, ) end ElectronsNamelist(nml::ElectronsNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) """ IonsNamelist(ion_dynamics, ion_positions, pot_extrapolation, wfc_extrapolation, remove_rigid_rot, ion_temperature, tempw, tolp, delta_t, nraise, refold_pos, upscale, bfgs_ndim, trust_radius_max, trust_radius_min, trust_radius_ini, w_1, w_2) IonsNamelist(; kwargs...) IonsNamelist(::IonsNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `IONS` namelist of `pw.x`. Input this namelist only if `calculation` is `"relax"`, `"md"`, `"vc-relax"`, or `"vc-md"`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct IonsNamelist <: Namelist ion_dynamics::String ion_positions::String pot_extrapolation::String wfc_extrapolation::String remove_rigid_rot::Bool ion_temperature::String tempw::Float64 tolp::Float64 delta_t::Float64 nraise::UInt refold_pos::Bool upscale::Float64 bfgs_ndim::UInt trust_radius_max::Float64 trust_radius_min::Float64 # The default value in QE's source code is 0.0001 trust_radius_ini::Float64 w_1::Float64 w_2::Float64 end # struct IonsNamelist function IonsNamelist(; ion_dynamics="none", ion_positions="default", pot_extrapolation="atomic", wfc_extrapolation="none", remove_rigid_rot=false, ion_temperature="not_controlled", tempw=300.0, tolp=100.0, delta_t=1.0, nraise=1, refold_pos=false, upscale=100.0, bfgs_ndim=1, trust_radius_max=0.8, trust_radius_min=1e-3, # The default value in QE's source code is 0.0001 trust_radius_ini=0.5, w_1=0.01, w_2=0.5, ) # These checks are from @assert ion_dynamics in ("none", "bfgs", "damp", "verlet", "langevin", "langevin-smc", "beeman") @assert ion_positions in ("default", "from_input") @assert pot_extrapolation in ("none", "atomic", "first_order", "second_order") @assert wfc_extrapolation in ("none", "first_order", "second_order") @assert ion_temperature in ( "rescaling", "rescale-v", "rescale-T", "reduce-T", "berendsen", "andersen", "initial", "not_controlled", ) @assert tempw > 0 return IonsNamelist( ion_dynamics, ion_positions, pot_extrapolation, wfc_extrapolation, remove_rigid_rot, ion_temperature, tempw, tolp, delta_t, nraise, refold_pos, upscale, bfgs_ndim, trust_radius_max, trust_radius_min, trust_radius_ini, w_1, w_2, ) end IonsNamelist(nml::IonsNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) """ CellNamelist(cell_dynamics, press, wmass, cell_factor, press_conv_thr, cell_dofree) CellNamelist(; kwargs...) CellNamelist(::CellNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `CELL` namelist of `pw.x`. Input this namelist only if `calculation` is `"vc-relax"` or `"vc-md"`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct CellNamelist <: Namelist cell_dynamics::String press::Float64 wmass::Float64 cell_factor::Float64 press_conv_thr::Float64 cell_dofree::String end # struct CellNamelist function CellNamelist(; cell_dynamics="none", press=0.0, wmass=0.0, cell_factor=0.0, press_conv_thr=0.5, cell_dofree="all", ) # These checks are from @assert cell_dynamics in ("none", "sd", "damp-pr", "damp-w", "bfgs", "pr", "w") @assert wmass >= 0 @assert cell_dofree in ( "all", "ibrav", "x", "y", "z", "xy", "xz", "yz", "xyz", "shape", "volume", "2Dxy", "2Dshape", "epitaxial_ab", # New in 6.4 "epitaxial_ac", # New in 6.4 "epitaxial_bc", # New in 6.4 ) return CellNamelist( cell_dynamics, press, wmass, cell_factor, press_conv_thr, cell_dofree ) end CellNamelist(nml::CellNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) # The following default values are picked from `<QE source>/PP/src/dos.f90` """ DosNamelist(prefix, outdir, ngauss, degauss, Emin, Emax, DeltaE, fildos) DosNamelist(; kwargs...) DosNamelist(::DosNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `DOS` namelist of `dos.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct DosNamelist <: Namelist prefix::String outdir::String ngauss::Int degauss::Float64 Emin::Float64 Emax::Float64 DeltaE::Float64 fildos::String end # struct DosNamelist function DosNamelist(; prefix="pwscf", outdir="./", ngauss=0, degauss=0.0, Emin=-1000000.0, Emax=1000000.0, DeltaE=0.01, fildos="$(prefix).dos", ) @assert ngauss in (0, 1, -1, -99) return DosNamelist(prefix, outdir, ngauss, degauss, Emin, Emax, DeltaE, fildos) end DosNamelist(nml::DosNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) # The following default values are picked from `<QE source>/PP/src/bands.f90` """ BandsNamelist(prefix, outdir, filband, spin_component, lsigma, lp, filp, lsym, no_overlap, plot_2d, firstk, lastk) BandsNamelist(; kwargs...) BandsNamelist(::BandsNamelist; kwargs...) Represent the `BANDS` namelist of `bands.x`. """ @struct_hash_equal struct BandsNamelist <: Namelist prefix::String outdir::String filband::String spin_component::UInt8 lsigma::Vector{Maybe{Bool}} # The default value in QE's source code is just one `false` lp::Bool filp::String lsym::Bool no_overlap::Bool plot_2d::Bool firstk::UInt lastk::UInt end # struct BandsNamelist function BandsNamelist(; prefix="pwscf", outdir="./", filband="bands.out", spin_component=1, lsigma=falses(3), # The default value in QE's source code is just one `false` lp=false, filp="p_avg.dat", lsym=true, no_overlap=true, plot_2d=false, firstk=0, lastk=10000000, ) @assert spin_component in 1:2 return BandsNamelist( prefix, outdir, filband, spin_component, lsigma, lp, filp, lsym, no_overlap, plot_2d, firstk, lastk, ) end BandsNamelist(nml::BandsNamelist; kwargs...) = setproperties(nml; kwargs...) @struct_hash_equal struct FcpNamelist <: Namelist # fcp_mu # fcp_dynamics fcp_conv_thr::Float64 # fcp_ndiis # fcp_mass # fcp_velocity # fcp_temperature # fcp_tempw # fcp_tolp # fcp_delta_t # fcp_nraise # freeze_all_atoms end function FcpNamelist(; fcp_conv_thr=1e-2) return FcpNamelist(fcp_conv_thr) end @struct_hash_equal struct RismNamelist <: Namelist # nsolv closure::String # tempv # ecutsolv # solute_lj # solute_epsilon # solute_sigma # starting1d # starting3d # smear1d # smear3d # rism1d_maxstep # rism3d_maxstep # rism1d_conv_thr # rism3d_conv_thr # mdiis1d_size # mdiis3d_size # mdiis1d_step # mdiis3d_step # rism1d_bond_width # rism1d_dielectric # rism1d_molesize # rism1d_nproc # rism3d_conv_level # rism3d_planar_average # laue_nfit # laue_expand_right # laue_expand_left # laue_starting_right # laue_starting_left # laue_buffer_right # laue_buffer_left # laue_both_hands # laue_wall # laue_wall_z # laue_wall_rho # laue_wall_epsilon # laue_wall_sigma # laue_wall_lj6 end function RismNamelist(; closure="kh") return RismNamelist(closure) end function (x::VerbositySetter)(control::ControlNamelist) if x.v == "high" @reset control.verbosity = "high" @reset control.wf_collect = true @reset control.tstress = true @reset control.tprnfor = true @reset control.disk_io = "high" else @reset control.verbosity = "low" @reset control.wf_collect = false @reset control.tstress = false @reset control.tprnfor = false @reset control.disk_io = "low" end return control end struct ElectronicTemperatureSetter{T<:Number} <: Setter value::T end function (x::ElectronicTemperatureSetter)(system::SystemNamelist) @reset system.occupations = "smearing" @reset system.smearing = "fermi-dirac" @reset system.degauss = degauss(x.value) return system end degauss(value::Real) = value degauss(value::Temperature) = ustrip(u"Ry", value, Thermal()) degauss(value::Energy) = ustrip(u"Ry", value) degauss(value::Frequency) = ustrip(u"Ry", value, Spectral()) degauss(value::Wavenumber) = ustrip(u"Ry", value, Spectral()) const ElecTempSetter = ElectronicTemperatureSetter # _coupledargs(::Type{ControlNamelist}) = (:calculation => :disk_io,) # _coupledargs(::Type{SystemNamelist}) = (:ecutwfc => :ecutrho, :ecutrho => :ecutfock) # _coupledargs(::Type{DosNamelist}) = (:prefix => :fildos,) groupname(::Type{ControlNamelist}) = "CONTROL" groupname(::Type{SystemNamelist}) = "SYSTEM" groupname(::Type{ElectronsNamelist}) = "ELECTRONS" groupname(::Type{IonsNamelist}) = "IONS" groupname(::Type{CellNamelist}) = "CELL" groupname(::Type{FcpNamelist}) = "FCP" groupname(::Type{RismNamelist}) = "RISM"
[ "MIT" ]
export VerbositySetter, VolumeSetter, PressureSetter, CardSetter, CellParametersCardSetter, AtomicPositionsCardSetter function (s::VerbositySetter)(template::PWInput) @reset template.control = s(template.control) return template end function (x::ElectronicTemperatureSetter)(template::PWInput) @reset template.system = x(template.system) return template end struct VolumeSetter{T<:Number} <: Setter vol::T end function (x::VolumeSetter{<:Real})(template::PWInput) factor = cbrt(x.vol / cellvolume(template)) if isnothing(template.cell_parameters) || getoption(template.cell_parameters) == :alat @reset template.system.celldm[1] *= factor else @reset template.system.celldm = zeros(6) @reset template.cell_parameters = convertoption( CellParametersCard( * factor), :bohr ) end return template end (x::VolumeSetter{<:AbstractQuantity})(template::PWInput) = VolumeSetter(ustrip(u"bohr^3", x.vol))(template) struct PressureSetter{T<:Number} <: Setter press::T end function (x::PressureSetter{<:Real})(template::PWInput) @reset = return template end (x::PressureSetter{<:AbstractQuantity})(template::PWInput) = PressureSetter(ustrip(u"kbar", struct CardSetter{T} <: Setter card::T end const CellParametersCardSetter = CardSetter{CellParametersCard} const AtomicPositionsCardSetter = CardSetter{AtomicPositionsCard} function (x::CellParametersCardSetter)(template::PWInput) if getoption(x.card) == :alat if isnothing(template.cell_parameters) || getoption(template.cell_parameters) == :alat @reset template.system.celldm = [template.system.celldm[1]] else # getoption(template.cell_parameters) is `:bohr` or `:angstrom` throw(InsufficientInfoError("the `CellParametersCard` does not have units!")) end else # "bohr" or "angstrom" @reset template.system.celldm = zeros(6) end @reset template.system.ibrav = 0 @reset template.cell_parameters = x.card return template end function (x::AtomicPositionsCardSetter)(template::PWInput) @reset template.atomic_positions = x.card return template end
[ "MIT" ]
export iscompatible function iscompatible(system::SystemNamelist, cell_parameters::CellParametersCard) ibrav, celldm = system.ibrav, system.celldm if iszero(ibrav) if getoption(cell_parameters) in (:bohr, :angstrom) return all(iszero, celldm) else # "alat" return !iszero(first(celldm)) # first(celldm) != 0 end else return false end end iscompatible(x, y) = iscompatible(y, x)
[ "MIT" ]
module CP using Test using Accessors using StructArrays: StructArray using QuantumESPRESSOBase using QuantumESPRESSOBase.CP @testset "Constructing `AtomicVelocity`" begin # Data from x = AtomicVelocity("H", [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04]) @test_throws AssertionError @set x.atom = "hydrogen" @test_throws InexactError @set x.velocity = [1im, 2im, 3im] @test_throws AssertionError x.velocity = [1, 2, 3, 4] @test_throws AssertionError x.velocity = [1, 2] x.atom = 'H' # Setting `atom` with a `Char` still works @test x.atom == "H" @test_throws ErrorException x.velociti = [1, 2, 3] # Given a wrong field name @test x == AtomicVelocity("H", [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04]) y = AtomicVelocity('H') # Incomplete initialization @test_throws UndefRefError y == AtomicVelocity("H") as = AtomicSpecies("H", 1.00794000, "H.pbe-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF") v = [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04] @test AtomicVelocity(as).atom == "H" @test AtomicVelocity(as, v) == AtomicVelocity("H", v) ap = AtomicPosition('H', [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]) @test AtomicVelocity(ap).atom == "H" @test AtomicVelocity(ap, v) == AtomicVelocity("H", v) end # testset @testset "Test constructing `AtomicVelocitiesCard` from `StructArray`" begin a = ["H", "O"] v = [ [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04], [-0.111125E-05, -0.466724E-04, 0.972745E-05], ] card = AtomicVelocitiesCard(StructArray{AtomicVelocity}((a, v))) @test == [ AtomicVelocity("H", [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04]), AtomicVelocity("O", [-0.111125E-05, -0.466724E-04, 0.972745E-05]), ] end # testset @testset "Test `push_atom!`" begin @testset "`push_atom!` for `AtomicVelocity`" begin v = [AtomicVelocity("H", [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04])] push_atom!(v, "S", "N") @test [x.atom for x in v] == ["H", "S", "N"] end # testset @testset "" begin a = ["H", "O"] v = [ [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04], [-0.111125E-05, -0.466724E-04, 0.972745E-05], ] card = AtomicVelocitiesCard(StructArray{AtomicVelocity}((a, v))) push_atom!(card, "S", "N") @test [x.atom for x in] == ["H", "O", "S", "N"] end # testset end # testset @testset "Test `append_atom!`" begin @testset "`append_atom!` to `AtomicVelocity`" begin v = [AtomicVelocity("H", [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04])] append_atom!(v, ["S", "N"]) @test [x.atom for x in v] == ["H", "S", "N"] end # testset @testset "`append_atom!` to `AtomicVelocitiesCard`" begin a = ["H", "O"] v = [ [0.140374E-04, -0.333683E-04, 0.231834E-04], [-0.111125E-05, -0.466724E-04, 0.972745E-05], ] card = AtomicVelocitiesCard(StructArray{AtomicVelocity}((a, v))) append_atom!(card, ["S", "N"]) @test [x.atom for x in] == ["H", "O", "S", "N"] end # testset end # testset @testset "Constructing `RefCellParametersCard`" begin option = "bohr" data = [ 12 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 ] init = RefCellParametersCard(option, data) @test_throws AssertionError @set init.option = "alat" @test_throws AssertionError @set init.option = "crystal" # Allowed options are angstrom, bohr @test_throws AssertionError @set = [ # Matrix size should be (3, 3) 1 2 3 4 ] @test_throws AssertionError @set = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 ] @test RefCellParametersCard(data).option == :bohr end # testset end # module CP
[ "MIT" ]
module PHonon using Test using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PHonon: PhNamelist, Q2rNamelist, MatdynNamelist, QPointsCard, PhInput, Q2rInput, MatdynInput, DynmatInput @testset "Construct a `PhInput`: silicon" begin ph = PhNamelist(; verbosity="high", fildyn="dyn", outdir="./tmp", prefix="silicon", ldisp=true, tr2_ph=1e-14, nq1=2, nq2=2, nq3=2, amass=[28.086], ) q_points = QPointsCard( [ 0.125 0.125 0.125 1.0 0.125 0.125 0.375 3.0 0.125 0.125 0.625 3.0 0.125 0.125 0.875 3.0 0.125 0.375 0.375 3.0 0.125 0.375 0.625 6.0 0.125 0.375 0.875 6.0 0.125 0.625 0.625 3.0 0.375 0.375 0.375 1.0 0.375 0.375 0.625 3.0 ], ) input = PhInput(ph, q_points) # Test struct equality @test input == PhInput(deepcopy(ph), deepcopy(q_points)) end @testset "Construct a `Q2rInput`" begin q2r = Q2rNamelist(; fildyn="dyn", zasr="crystal", flfrc="fc.out") input = Q2rInput(q2r) # Test struct equality @test input == Q2rInput(deepcopy(q2r)) end @testset "Construct a `MatdynInput`: silicon" begin matdyn = MatdynNamelist(; asr="crystal", amass=[28.086], flfrc="fc.out", flfrq="freq.out", flvec="modes.out", dos=true, q_in_band_form=false, nk1=8, nk2=8, nk3=8, ) q_points = QPointsCard( [ 0.125 0.125 0.125 1.0 0.125 0.125 0.375 3.0 0.125 0.125 0.625 3.0 0.125 0.125 0.875 3.0 0.125 0.375 0.375 3.0 0.125 0.375 0.625 6.0 0.125 0.375 0.875 6.0 0.125 0.625 0.625 3.0 0.375 0.375 0.375 1.0 0.375 0.375 0.625 3.0 ], ) input = MatdynInput(matdyn, q_points) # Test struct equality @test input == MatdynInput(deepcopy(matdyn), deepcopy(q_points)) end @testset "Test if `==` is working" begin @test PhInput() == PhInput() @test Q2rInput() == Q2rInput() @test MatdynInput() == MatdynInput() @test DynmatInput() == DynmatInput() end end
[ "MIT" ]
module PWscf using Test: @testset, @test, @test_throws using Accessors: @set using StructArrays: StructArray using QuantumESPRESSOBase using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf @testset "Test if `==` is working" begin @test ControlNamelist() == ControlNamelist() @test SystemNamelist() == SystemNamelist() @test ElectronsNamelist() == ElectronsNamelist() @test IonsNamelist() == IonsNamelist() @test CellNamelist() == CellNamelist() @test DosNamelist() == DosNamelist() @test BandsNamelist() == BandsNamelist() end @testset "Construct `AtomicSpecies`" begin # Data from x = AtomicSpecies("S", 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF") @test_throws AssertionError @set x.atom = "sulfur" @test_throws InexactError @set x.mass = 1im @test x == AtomicSpecies('S', 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF") @test x == AtomicSpecies( AtomicPosition('S', [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]), 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF", ) end @testset "Construct `AtomicSpeciesCard` from a `StructArray`" begin a = ["Al", "As"] m = [24590.7655930491, 68285.4024548272] pp = ["Al.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF", "As.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"] card = AtomicSpeciesCard(StructArray{AtomicSpecies}((a, m, pp))) @test card == AtomicSpeciesCard([ AtomicSpecies("Al", 24590.7655930491, "Al.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"), AtomicSpecies("As", 68285.4024548272, "As.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"), ]) push!(, AtomicSpecies("Si", 25591.1924913552, "Si.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF")) @test card == AtomicSpeciesCard([ AtomicSpecies("Al", 24590.7655930491, "Al.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"), AtomicSpecies("As", 68285.4024548272, "As.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"), AtomicSpecies("Si", 25591.1924913552, "Si.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"), ]) end @testset "Construct `AtomicPosition`" begin # Data from x = AtomicPosition("S", [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]) @test_throws AssertionError @set x.atom = "sulfur" @test_throws InexactError @set x.pos = [1im, 2im, 3im] @test_throws ErrorException x.posi = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] # Given a wrong field name @test x.if_pos == [1, 1, 1] @test x == AtomicPosition('S', [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]) @test x == AtomicPosition( AtomicSpecies('S', 32.066, "S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF"), [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764], ) end @testset "Construct `AtomicPositionsCard` from a `StructArray`" begin # Data from a = ["S", "Mo", "S"] pos = [ [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764], [0.000000000, 0.577350270, 2.462038339], [0.000000000, -0.577350270, 2.950837559], ] card = AtomicPositionsCard( StructArray{AtomicPosition}((a, pos, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])), "alat" ) @test card == AtomicPositionsCard( [ AtomicPosition("S", [0.500000000, 0.288675130, 1.974192764]), AtomicPosition("Mo", [0.000000000, 0.577350270, 2.462038339]), AtomicPosition("S", [0.000000000, -0.577350270, 2.950837559]), ], "alat", ) end @testset "Construct `CellParametersCard`" begin #Data from option = "bohr" data = [ 12 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 ] card = CellParametersCard(data, option) @test_throws AssertionError @set card.option = "ala" @test_throws AssertionError @set card.option = "crystal" # Allowed options are alat, angstrom, bohr @test_throws DimensionMismatch @set = [ # Matrix size should be (3, 3) 1 2 3 4 ] @test_throws DimensionMismatch @set = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 ] @test CellParametersCard(data).option == :alat # default option is alat end @testset "Construct `AtomicForce`" begin x = AtomicForce("H", [1, 2, 3]) @test_throws DimensionMismatch @set x.force = [1, 2] @test_throws DimensionMismatch @set x.force = [1, 2, 3, 4] end @testset "Construct `AtomicForce` from a `StructArray`" begin a = ["H", "O", "H"] f = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] card = AtomicForcesCard(StructArray{AtomicForce}((a, f))) @test card == AtomicForcesCard([ AtomicForce("H", [1, 2, 3]), AtomicForce("O", [4, 5, 6]), AtomicForce("H", [7, 8, 9]), ]) end @testset "Construct a `PWInput`: silicon" begin # This example is from for diago in ("david", "cg", "ppcg") control = ControlNamelist(; tstress=true, tprnfor=true, outdir="./", prefix="silicon", pseudo_dir="pseudo/" ) system = SystemNamelist(; ibrav=2, celldm=[10.2], nat=2, ntyp=1, ecutwfc=18.0) electrons = ElectronsNamelist(; conv_thr=1.0e-8, diagonalization=diago) atomic_species = AtomicSpeciesCard([AtomicSpecies("Si", 28.086, "Si.pz-vbc.UPF")]) atomic_positions = AtomicPositionsCard([ AtomicPosition("Si", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), AtomicPosition("Si", [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) ]) k_points = SpecialPointsCard([ SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 1), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.125, 0.625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.125, 0.875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.375, 0.375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.375, 0.625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.375, 0.875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.125, 0.625, 0.625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1), SpecialPoint(0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 3), ]) input = PWInput(; control=control, system=system, electrons=electrons, atomic_species=atomic_species, atomic_positions=atomic_positions, k_points=k_points, ) @test input.electrons.diagonalization == diago @test input == PWInput(; control=deepcopy(control), system=deepcopy(system), electrons=deepcopy(electrons), atomic_species=deepcopy(atomic_species), atomic_positions=deepcopy(atomic_positions), k_points=deepcopy(k_points), ) @test collect(eachpotential(input)) == ["Si.pz-vbc.UPF"] if !Sys.iswindows() @test getpseudodir(input) == joinpath(@__DIR__, "pseudo/") @test getxmldir(input) == joinpath(@__DIR__, "") end end end @testset "Construct a `PWInput`: silicon bands" begin # This example is from for diago in ("david", "cg", "ppcg") control = ControlNamelist(; calculation="bands", pseudo_dir="pseudo/", outdir="./", prefix="silicon" ) system = SystemNamelist(; ibrav=2, celldm=[10.2], nat=2, ntyp=1, ecutwfc=18.0, nbnd=8 ) electrons = ElectronsNamelist(; diagonalization=diago) atomic_species = AtomicSpeciesCard([AtomicSpecies("Si", 28.086, "Si.pz-vbc.UPF")]) atomic_positions = AtomicPositionsCard([ AtomicPosition("Si", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), AtomicPosition("Si", [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) ]) k_points = SpecialPointsCard([ SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.9, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.7, 0.7, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1), SpecialPoint(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1), SpecialPoint(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1), SpecialPoint(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1), SpecialPoint(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1), SpecialPoint(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), ]) input = PWInput(; control=control, system=system, electrons=electrons, atomic_species=atomic_species, atomic_positions=atomic_positions, k_points=k_points, ) @test input.electrons.diagonalization == diago # Test whether equality holds for different constructions of `PWInput` @test input == PWInput(; control=deepcopy(control), system=deepcopy(system), electrons=deepcopy(electrons), atomic_species=deepcopy(atomic_species), atomic_positions=deepcopy(atomic_positions), k_points=deepcopy(k_points), ) @test collect(eachpotential(input)) == ["Si.pz-vbc.UPF"] if !Sys.iswindows() @test getpseudodir(input) == joinpath(@__DIR__, "pseudo/") @test getxmldir(input) == joinpath(@__DIR__, "") end end end @testset "Construct a `PWInput`: aluminium" begin # This example is from for diago in ("david", "cg", "ppcg") control = ControlNamelist(; calculation="scf", restart_mode="from_scratch", pseudo_dir="pseudo/", outdir="./", prefix="al", tprnfor=true, tstress=true, ) system = SystemNamelist(; ibrav=2, celldm=[7.50], nat=1, ntyp=1, ecutwfc=15.0, occupations="smearing", smearing="marzari-vanderbilt", degauss=0.05, ) electrons = ElectronsNamelist(; diagonalization=diago, mixing_beta=0.7) atomic_species = AtomicSpeciesCard([AtomicSpecies("Al", 26.98, "Al.pz-vbc.UPF")]) atomic_positions = AtomicPositionsCard([AtomicPosition("Al", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])]) k_points = SpecialPointsCard([ SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.0625, 1), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.1875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.3125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.4375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.6875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.8125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.0625, 0.9375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.1875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.3125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.4375, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.5625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.1875, 0.9375, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.3125, 0.3125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.3125, 0.4375, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.3125, 0.5625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.3125, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.3125, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.3125, 0.9375, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.4375, 0.4375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.4375, 0.5625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.4375, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.4375, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.4375, 0.9375, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.5625, 0.5625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.5625, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.5625, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.6875, 0.6875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.6875, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.0625, 0.8125, 0.8125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.1875, 0.1875, 1), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.1875, 0.3125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.1875, 0.4375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.1875, 0.6875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.1875, 0.8125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.3125, 0.3125, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.3125, 0.4375, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.3125, 0.5625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.3125, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.3125, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.4375, 0.4375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.4375, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.4375, 0.8125, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.5625, 0.5625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.5625, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.1875, 0.6875, 0.6875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125, 1), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.3125, 0.4375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.3125, 0.6875, 3), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.4375, 0.4375, 3), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5625, 6), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.4375, 0.6875, 6), SpecialPoint(0.3125, 0.5625, 0.5625, 3), SpecialPoint(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 1), SpecialPoint(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5625, 3), ]) input = PWInput(; control=control, system=system, electrons=electrons, atomic_species=atomic_species, atomic_positions=atomic_positions, k_points=k_points, ) @test input.electrons.diagonalization == diago @test input == PWInput(; control=deepcopy(control), system=deepcopy(system), electrons=deepcopy(electrons), atomic_species=deepcopy(atomic_species), atomic_positions=deepcopy(atomic_positions), k_points=deepcopy(k_points), ) @test input.k_points == SpecialPointsCard([ SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.0625], 1.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.1875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.3125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.4375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5625], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.6875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.8125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.9375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.1875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.3125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.4375], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.5625], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.1875, 0.9375], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.3125, 0.3125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.3125, 0.4375], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.3125, 0.5625], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.3125, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.3125, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.3125, 0.9375], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.4375, 0.4375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.4375, 0.5625], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.4375, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.4375, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.4375, 0.9375], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.5625, 0.5625], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.5625, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.5625, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.6875, 0.6875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.6875, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.0625, 0.8125, 0.8125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.1875, 0.1875], 1.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.1875, 0.3125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.1875, 0.4375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5625], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.1875, 0.6875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.1875, 0.8125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.3125, 0.3125], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.3125, 0.4375], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.3125, 0.5625], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.3125, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.3125, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.4375, 0.4375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5625], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.4375, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.4375, 0.8125], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.5625, 0.5625], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.5625, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.1875, 0.6875, 0.6875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125], 1.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.3125, 0.4375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5625], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.3125, 0.6875], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.4375, 0.4375], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5625], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.4375, 0.6875], 6.0), SpecialPoint([0.3125, 0.5625, 0.5625], 3.0), SpecialPoint([0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375], 1.0), SpecialPoint([0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5625], 3.0), ]) @test collect(eachpotential(input)) == ["Al.pz-vbc.UPF"] if !Sys.iswindows() @test getpseudodir(input) == joinpath(@__DIR__, "pseudo/") @test getxmldir(input) == joinpath(@__DIR__, "") end end end end
[ "MIT" ]
using QuantumESPRESSOBase using Test @testset "QuantumESPRESSOBase.jl" begin include("PWscf.jl") include("PHonon.jl") include("set.jl") # include("CP.jl") end
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module Setters using Test: @testset, @test using Unitful using UnitfulAtomic using QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf: ControlNamelist, SystemNamelist, VerbositySetter, ElectronicTemperatureSetter @testset "Apply `VerbositySetter` on `ControlNamelist`" begin control = ControlNamelist() @test ( # Default values control.verbosity, control.wf_collect, control.tstress, control.tprnfor, control.disk_io, ) == ("low", true, false, false, "low") @testset "Set verbosity to 'high'" begin result = VerbositySetter("high")(control) @test ( result.verbosity, result.wf_collect, result.tstress, result.tprnfor, result.disk_io, ) == ("high", true, true, true, "high") end @testset "Set verbosity to 'low'" begin result = VerbositySetter("low")(control) @test ( result.verbosity, result.wf_collect, result.tstress, result.tprnfor, result.disk_io, ) == ("low", false, false, false, "low") end end @testset "Apply `ElectronicTemperatureSetter` on `SystemNamelist`" begin system = SystemNamelist() @test (system.occupations, system.degauss, system.smearing) == ("fixed", 0.0, "gaussian") for value in ( 0.0019000869380733452, 300u"K", 3e8u"μK", 2.5851999786e-8u"MeV", 0.00095004346903668u"hartree", 6.250985736u"THz", 20851.044012u"m^-1", 208.51044012u"cm^-1", 4.141947e-24u"kJ", ) result = ElectronicTemperatureSetter(value)(system) @test result.occupations == "smearing" @test result.smearing == "fermi-dirac" @test result.degauss ≈ 0.0019000869380733452 end end end
[ "MIT" ]
<div align="center"> <img src="" height="200"><br> </div> # QuantumESPRESSOBase | **Documentation** | **Build Status** | **Others** | | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | [![Stable][docs-stable-img]][docs-stable-url] [![Dev][docs-dev-img]][docs-dev-url] | [![Build Status][gha-img]][gha-url] [![Build Status][appveyor-img]][appveyor-url] [![Build Status][cirrus-img]][cirrus-url] [![pipeline status][gitlab-img]][gitlab-url] [![Coverage][codecov-img]][codecov-url] | [![GitHub license][license-img]][license-url] [![Code Style: Blue][style-img]][style-url] [![QuantumESPRESSOBase Downloads][downloads-img]][downloads-url] | [docs-stable-img]: [docs-stable-url]: [docs-dev-img]: [docs-dev-url]: [gha-img]: [gha-url]: [appveyor-img]: [appveyor-url]: [cirrus-img]: [cirrus-url]: [gitlab-img]: [gitlab-url]: [codecov-img]: [codecov-url]: [license-img]: [license-url]: [style-img]: [style-url]: [downloads-img]: [downloads-url]: [QuantumESPRESSOBase.jl]( declares basic data types and methods for manipulating crystal structures, generating input files for [Quantum ESPRESSO](, error checking before running, etc. It is written purely in the language [Julia]( Please [cite this package]( as: Q. Zhang, C. Gu, J. Zhuang et al., `express`: extensible, high-level workflows for swifter *ab initio* materials modeling, *Computer Physics Communications*, 108515, doi: The BibTeX format is: ```bibtex @article{ZHANG2022108515, title = {express: extensible, high-level workflows for swifter ab initio materials modeling}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, pages = {108515}, year = {2022}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {}, url = {}, author = {Qi Zhang and Chaoxuan Gu and Jingyi Zhuang and Renata M. Wentzcovitch}, keywords = {automation, workflow, high-level, high-throughput, data lineage} } ``` We also have an [arXiv prepint]( The code is [hosted on GitHub](, with some continuous integration services to test its validity. This repository is created and maintained by [@singularitti]( You are very welcome to contribute. ## Installation The package can be installed with the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type `]` to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run: ``` pkg> add QuantumESPRESSOBase ``` Or, equivalently, via the [`Pkg` API]( ```julia julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("QuantumESPRESSOBase") ``` ## Documentation - [**STABLE**][docs-stable-url] — **documentation of the most recently tagged version.** - [**DEV**][docs-dev-url] — _documentation of the in-development version._ ## Project status The package is tested against, and being developed for, Julia `1.6` and above on Linux, macOS, and Windows. ## Questions and contributions You are welcome to post usage questions on [our discussion page][discussions-url]. Contributions are very welcome, as are feature requests and suggestions. Please open an [issue][issues-url] if you encounter any problems. The [Contributing](@ref) page has guidelines that should be followed when opening pull requests and contributing code. [discussions-url]: [issues-url]: ## Star History [![Star History Chart](](
[ "MIT" ]
* **Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements** - [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines - [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features) - [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features) * **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (Bug fix, feature, docs update, ...) * **What is the current behavior?** (You can also link to an open issue here) * **What is the new behavior (if this is a feature change)?** * **Does this PR introduce a breaking change?** (What changes might users need to make in their application due to this PR?) * **Other information**:
[ "MIT" ]
--- name: Bug report about: Create a report to help us improve title: '' labels: bug assignees: singularitti --- **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error 5. Run code ```julia using Pkg ``` **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **Screenshots** If applicable, paste screenshots to help explain your problem. **Desktop (please complete the following information):** - OS: [e.g. macOS 12.5.1] - Julia version: [e.g. 1.6.7, 1.7.3] - Package version: [e.g. 2.0.0] **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here.
[ "MIT" ]
--- name: Feature request about: Suggest an idea for this project title: 'Request feature: ' labels: '' assignees: 'singularitti' --- **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] **Describe the solution you'd like** A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. **Describe alternatives you've considered** A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. **Additional context** Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = QuantumESPRESSOBase ``` # QuantumESPRESSOBase Documentation for [QuantumESPRESSOBase]( [QuantumESPRESSOBase.jl]( declares basic data types and methods for manipulating crystal structures, generating input files for [Quantum ESPRESSO](, error checking before running, etc. It is written purely in the language [Julia]( Please [cite this package]( as: Q. Zhang, C. Gu, J. Zhuang et al., `express`: extensible, high-level workflows for swifter *ab initio* materials modeling, *Computer Physics Communications*, 108515, doi: The BibTeX format is: ```bibtex @article{ZHANG2022108515, title = {express: extensible, high-level workflows for swifter ab initio materials modeling}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, pages = {108515}, year = {2022}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {}, url = {}, author = {Qi Zhang and Chaoxuan Gu and Jingyi Zhuang and Renata M. Wentzcovitch}, keywords = {automation, workflow, high-level, high-throughput, data lineage} } ``` We also have an [arXiv prepint]( See the [Index](@ref main-index) for the complete list of documented functions and types. The code is [hosted on GitHub](, with some continuous integration services to test its validity. This repository is created and maintained by [@singularitti]( You are very welcome to contribute. ## Installation The package can be installed with the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type `]` to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run: ```julia pkg> add QuantumESPRESSOBase ``` Or, equivalently, via the `Pkg` API: ```@repl import Pkg; Pkg.add("QuantumESPRESSOBase") ``` ## Documentation - [**STABLE**]( — **documentation of the most recently tagged version.** - [**DEV**]( — _documentation of the in-development version._ ## Project status The package is tested against, and being developed for, Julia `1.6` and above on Linux, macOS, and Windows. ## Questions and contributions Usage questions can be posted on [our discussion page]( Contributions are very welcome, as are feature requests and suggestions. Please open an [issue]( if you encounter any problems. The [Contributing](@ref) page has a few guidelines that should be followed when opening pull requests and contributing code. ## Manual outline ```@contents Pages = [ "", "developers/", "developers/", "developers/", "", ] Depth = 3 ``` ## Library outline ```@contents Pages = [ "api/", "api/", "api/", ] ``` ### [Index](@id main-index) ```@index Pages = [ "api/", "api/", "api/", ] ```
[ "MIT" ]
# [Installation Guide](@id installation) ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 2 ``` Here are the installation instructions for package [QuantumESPRESSOBase]( If you have trouble installing it, please refer to our [Troubleshooting](@ref) page for more information. ## Install Julia First, you should install [Julia]( We recommend downloading it from [its official website]( Please follow the detailed instructions on its website if you have to [build Julia from source]( Some computing centers provide preinstalled Julia. Please contact your administrator for more information in that case. Here's some additional information on [how to set up Julia on HPC systems]( If you have [Homebrew]( installed, [open ``]( and type ```bash brew install julia ``` to install it as a [formula]( If you are also using macOS and want to install it as a prebuilt binary app, type ```bash brew install --cask julia ``` instead. If you want to install multiple Julia versions in the same operating system, a recommended way is to use a version manager such as [`juliaup`]( First, [install `juliaup`]( Then, run ```bash juliaup add release juliaup default release ``` to configure the `julia` command to start the latest stable version of Julia (this is also the default value). There is a [short video introduction to `juliaup`]( made by its authors. ### Which version should I pick? You can install the "Current stable release" or the "Long-term support (LTS) release". - The "Current stable release" is the latest release of Julia. It has access to newer features, and is likely faster. - The "Long-term support release" is an older version of Julia that has continued to receive bug and security fixes. However, it may not have the latest features or performance improvements. For most users, you should install the "Current stable release", and whenever Julia releases a new version of the current stable release, you should update your version of Julia. Note that any code you write on one version of the current stable release will continue to work on all subsequent releases. For users in restricted software environments (e.g., your enterprise IT controls what software you can install), you may be better off installing the long-term support release because you will not have to update Julia as frequently. Versions higher than `v1.3`, especially `v1.6`, are strongly recommended. This package may not work on `v1.0` and below. Since the Julia team has set `v1.6` as the LTS release, we will gradually drop support for versions below `v1.6`. Julia and Julia packages support multiple operating systems and CPU architectures; check [this table]( to see if it can be installed on your machine. For Mac computers with M-series processors, this package and its dependencies may not work. Please install the Intel-compatible version of Julia (for macOS x86-64) if any platform-related error occurs. ## Install QuantumESPRESSOBase Now I am using [macOS]( as a standard platform to explain the following steps: 1. Open ``, and type `julia` to start an interactive session (known as the [REPL]( 2. Run the following commands and wait for them to finish: ```julia-repl julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.update() julia> Pkg.add("QuantumESPRESSOBase") ``` 3. Run ```julia-repl julia> using QuantumESPRESSOBase ``` and have fun! 4. While using, please keep this Julia session alive. Restarting might cost some time. If you want to install the latest in-development (probably buggy) version of QuantumESPRESSOBase, type ```@repl using Pkg Pkg.update() pkg"add" ``` in the second step above. ## Update QuantumESPRESSOBase Please [watch]( our [GitHub repository]( for new releases. Once we release a new version, you can update QuantumESPRESSOBase by typing ```@repl using Pkg Pkg.update("QuantumESPRESSOBase") Pkg.gc() ``` in the Julia REPL. ## Uninstall and reinstall QuantumESPRESSOBase Sometimes errors may occur if the package is not properly installed. In this case, you may want to uninstall and reinstall the package. Here is how to do that: 1. To uninstall, in a Julia session, run ```julia-repl julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.rm("QuantumESPRESSOBase") julia> Pkg.gc() ``` 2. Press `ctrl+d` to quit the current session. Start a new Julia session and reinstall QuantumESPRESSOBase.
[ "MIT" ]
# Troubleshooting ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 2 ``` This page collects some possible errors you may encounter and trick how to fix them. If you have some questions about how to use this code, you are welcome to [discuss with us]( If you have additional tips, please either [report an issue]( or [submit a PR]( with suggestions. ## Installation problems ### Cannot find the `julia` executable Make sure you have Julia installed in your environment. Please download the latest [stable version]( for your platform. If you are using a *nix system, the recommended way is to use [Juliaup]( If you do not want to install Juliaup or you are using other platforms that Julia supports, download the corresponding binaries. Then, create a symbolic link to the Julia executable. If the path is not in your `$PATH` environment variable, export it to your `$PATH`. Some clusters, like [Habanero](, [Comet](, or [Expanse](, already have Julia installed as a module, you may just `module load julia` to use it. If not, either install by yourself or contact your administrator. ## Loading QuantumESPRESSOBase ### Julia compiles/loads slow First, we recommend you download the latest version of Julia. Usually, the newest version has the best performance. If you just want Julia to do a simple task and only once, you could start the Julia REPL with ```bash julia --compile=min ``` to minimize compilation or ```bash julia --optimize=0 ``` to minimize optimizations, or just use both. Or you could make a system image and run with ```bash julia --sysimage ``` See [Fredrik Ekre's talk]( for details.
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = QuantumESPRESSOBase.PHonon ``` # `QuantumESPRESSOBase.PHonon` module ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 3 ``` ## Types ```@docs PhNamelist Q2rNamelist MatdynNamelist DynmatNamelist ``` ## Methods ```@docs relayinfo ```
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf ``` # `QuantumESPRESSOBase.PWscf` module ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 3 ``` ## Types ```@docs Lattice ControlNamelist SystemNamelist ElectronsNamelist IonsNamelist CellNamelist DosNamelist BandsNamelist AtomicSpecies AtomicSpeciesCard AtomicPosition AtomicPositionsCard CellParametersCard KMeshCard GammaPointCard SpecialPointsCard PWInput ``` ## Methods ```@docs isrequired isoptional cellvolume convertoption getpseudodir eachpotential getxmldir listwfcfiles ```
[ "MIT" ]
# `QuantumESPRESSOBase` module ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 3 ``` ## Types ```@docs QuantumESPRESSOInput ``` ## Methods ```@docs getoption optionpool ```
[ "MIT" ]
# Contributing ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 2 ``` Welcome! This document explains some ways you can contribute to QuantumESPRESSOBase. ## Code of conduct This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct]( By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. ## Join the community forum First up, join the [community forum]( The forum is a good place to ask questions about how to use QuantumESPRESSOBase. You can also use the forum to discuss possible feature requests and bugs before raising a GitHub issue (more on this below). Aside from asking questions, the easiest way you can contribute to QuantumESPRESSOBase is to help answer questions on the forum! ## Improve the documentation Chances are, if you asked (or answered) a question on the community forum, then it is a sign that the [documentation]( could be improved. Moreover, since it is your question, you are probably the best-placed person to improve it! The docs are written in Markdown and are built using [Documenter.jl]( You can find the source of all the docs [here]( If your change is small (like fixing typos or one or two sentence corrections), the easiest way to do this is via GitHub's online editor. (GitHub has [help]( on how to do this.) If your change is larger or touches multiple files, you will need to make the change locally and then use Git to submit a [pull request]( (See [Contribute code to QuantumESPRESSOBase](@ref) below for more on this.) ## File a bug report Another way to contribute to QuantumESPRESSOBase is to file [bug reports]( Make sure you read the info in the box where you write the body of the issue before posting. You can also find a copy of that info [here]( !!! tip If you're unsure whether you have a real bug, post on the [community forum]( first. Someone will either help you fix the problem or let you know the most appropriate place to open a bug report. ## Contribute code to QuantumESPRESSOBase Finally, you can also contribute code to QuantumESPRESSOBase! !!! warning If you do not have experience with Git, GitHub, and Julia development, the first steps can be a little daunting. However, there are lots of tutorials available online, including: - [GitHub]( - [Git and GitHub]( - [Git]( - [Julia package development]( Once you are familiar with Git and GitHub, the workflow for contributing code to QuantumESPRESSOBase is similar to the following: ### Step 1: decide what to work on The first step is to find an [open issue]( (or open a new one) for the problem you want to solve. Then, _before_ spending too much time on it, discuss what you are planning to do in the issue to see if other contributors are fine with your proposed changes. Getting feedback early can improve code quality and avoid time spent writing code that does not get merged into QuantumESPRESSOBase. !!! tip At this point, remember to be patient and polite; you may get a _lot_ of comments on your issue! However, do not be afraid! Comments mean that people are willing to help you improve the code that you are contributing to QuantumESPRESSOBase. ### Step 2: fork QuantumESPRESSOBase Go to []( and click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner. This will create a copy of QuantumESPRESSOBase under your GitHub account. ### Step 3: install QuantumESPRESSOBase locally Similar to [Installation](@ref), open the Julia REPL and run: ```@repl using Pkg Pkg.update() Pkg.develop("QuantumESPRESSOBase") ``` Then the package will be cloned to your local machine. On *nix systems, the default path is `~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase` unless you modify the [`JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`]( environment variable. If you're on Windows, this will be `C:\\Users\\<my_name>\\.julia\\dev\\QuantumESPRESSOBase`. In the following text, we will call it `PKGROOT`. Go to `PKGROOT`, start a new Julia session, and run ```@repl using Pkg Pkg.instantiate() ``` to instantiate the project. ### Step 4: checkout a new branch !!! note In the following, replace any instance of `GITHUB_ACCOUNT` with your GitHub username. The next step is to check out a development branch. In a terminal (or command prompt on Windows), run: ```bash cd ~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase git remote add GITHUB_ACCOUNT git checkout main git pull git checkout -b my_new_branch ``` ### Step 5: make changes Now make any changes to the source code inside the `~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase` directory. Make sure you: - Follow our [Style Guide](@ref style) and [Run JuliaFormatter](@ref). - Add tests and documentation for any changes or new features. !!! tip When you change the source code, you'll need to restart Julia for the changes to take effect. This is a pain, so install [Revise.jl]( ### Step 6a: test your code changes To test that your changes work, run the QuantumESPRESSOBase test-suite by opening Julia and running: ```julia-repl julia> cd(joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1], "dev", "QuantumESPRESSOBase")) julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.activate(".") Activating new project at `~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase` julia> Pkg.test() ``` !!! warning Running the tests might take a long time. !!! tip If you are using Revise.jl, you can also run the tests by calling `include`: ```julia-repl include("test/runtests.jl") ``` This can be faster if you want to re-run the tests multiple times. ### Step 6b: test your documentation changes Open Julia, then run: ```julia-repl julia> cd(joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1], "dev", "QuantumESPRESSOBase", "docs")) julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.activate(".") Activating new project at `~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase/docs` julia> include("src/make.jl") ``` After a while, a folder `PKGROOT/docs/build` will appear. Open `PKGROOT/docs/build/index.html` with your favorite browser, and have fun! !!! warning Building the documentation might take a long time. !!! tip If there's a problem with the tests that you don't know how to fix, don't worry. Continue to step 5, and one of the QuantumESPRESSOBase contributors will comment on your pull request, telling you how to fix things. ### Step 7: make a pull request Once you've made changes, you're ready to push the changes to GitHub. Run: ```bash cd ~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase git add . git commit -m "A descriptive message of the changes" git push -u GITHUB_ACCOUNT my_new_branch ``` Then go to []( and follow the instructions that pop up to open a pull request. ### Step 8: respond to comments At this point, remember to be patient and polite; you may get a _lot_ of comments on your pull request! However, do not be afraid! A lot of comments means that people are willing to help you improve the code that you are contributing to QuantumESPRESSOBase. To respond to the comments, go back to step 5, make any changes, test the changes in step 6, and then make a new commit in step 7. Your PR will automatically update. ### Step 9: cleaning up Once the PR is merged, clean-up your Git repository, ready for the next contribution! ```bash cd ~/.julia/dev/QuantumESPRESSOBase git checkout main git pull ``` !!! note If you have suggestions to improve this guide, please make a pull request! It's particularly helpful if you do this after your first pull request because you'll know all the parts that could be explained better. Thanks for contributing to QuantumESPRESSOBase!
[ "MIT" ]
# Design Principles ```@contents Pages = [""] Depth = 2 ``` We adopt some [`SciML`]( design [guidelines]( here. Please read it before contributing! ## Consistency vs adherence According to PEP8: > A style guide is about consistency. Consistency with this style guide is important. > Consistency within a project is more important. Consistency within one module or function is the most important. > > However, know when to be inconsistent—sometimes style guide recommendations just aren't > applicable. When in doubt, use your best judgment. Look at other examples and decide what > looks best. And don’t hesitate to ask! ## Community contribution guidelines For a comprehensive set of community contribution guidelines, refer to [ColPrac]( A relevant point to highlight PRs should do one thing. In the context of style, this means that PRs which update the style of a package's code should not be mixed with fundamental code contributions. This separation makes it easier to ensure that large style improvement are isolated from substantive (and potentially breaking) code changes. ## Open source contributions are allowed to start small and grow over time If the standard for code contributions is that every PR needs to support every possible input type that anyone can think of, the barrier would be too high for newcomers. Instead, the principle is to be as correct as possible to begin with, and grow the generic support over time. All recommended functionality should be tested, any known generality issues should be documented in an issue (and with a `@test_broken` test when possible). ## Generic code is preferred unless code is known to be specific For example, the code: ```@repl function f(A, B) for i in 1:length(A) A[i] = A[i] + B[i] end end ``` would not be preferred for two reasons. One is that it assumes `A` uses one-based indexing, which would fail in cases like [OffsetArrays]( and [FFTViews]( Another issue is that it requires indexing, while not all array types support indexing (for example, [CuArrays]( A more generic compatible implementation of this function would be to use broadcast, for example: ```@repl function f(A, B) @. A = A + B end ``` which would allow support for a wider variety of array types. ## Internal types should match the types used by users when possible If `f(A)` takes the input of some collections and computes an output from those collections, then it should be expected that if the user gives `A` as an `Array`, the computation should be done via `Array`s. If `A` was a `CuArray`, then it should be expected that the computation should be internally done using a `CuArray` (or appropriately error if not supported). For these reasons, constructing arrays via generic methods, like `similar(A)`, is preferred when writing `f` instead of using non-generic constructors like `Array(undef,size(A))` unless the function is documented as being non-generic. ## Trait definition and adherence to generic interface is preferred when possible Julia provides many interfaces, for example: - [Iteration]( - [Indexing]( - [Broadcast]( Those interfaces should be followed when possible. For example, when defining broadcast overloads, one should implement a `BroadcastStyle` as suggested by the documentation instead of simply attempting to bypass the broadcast system via `copyto!` overloads. When interface functions are missing, these should be added to Base Julia or an interface package, like [ArrayInterface.jl]( Such traits should be declared and used when appropriate. For example, if a line of code requires mutation, the trait `ArrayInterface.ismutable(A)` should be checked before attempting to mutate, and informative error messages should be written to capture the immutable case (or, an alternative code which does not mutate should be given). One example of this principle is demonstrated in the generation of Jacobian matrices. In many scientific applications, one may wish to generate a Jacobian cache from the user's input `u0`. A naive way to generate this Jacobian is `J = similar(u0,length(u0),length(u0))`. However, this will generate a Jacobian `J` such that `J isa Matrix`. ## Macros should be limited and only be used for syntactic sugar Macros define new syntax, and for this reason they tend to be less composable than other coding styles and require prior familiarity to be easily understood. One principle to keep in mind is, "can the person reading the code easily picture what code is being generated?". For example, a user of Soss.jl may not know what code is being generated by: ```julia @model (x, α) begin σ ~ Exponential() β ~ Normal() y ~ For(x) do xj Normal(α + β * xj, σ) end return y end ``` and thus using such a macro as the interface is not preferred when possible. However, a macro like [`@muladd`]( is trivial to picture on a code (it recursively transforms `a*b + c` to `muladd(a,b,c)` for more [accuracy and efficiency](, so using such a macro for example: ```julia julia> @macroexpand(@muladd k3 = f(t + c3 * dt, @. uprev + dt * (a031 * k1 + a032 * k2))) :(k3 = f((muladd)(c3, dt, t), (muladd).(dt, (muladd).(a032, k2, (*).(a031, k1)), uprev))) ``` is recommended. Some macros in this category are: - `@inbounds` - [`@muladd`]( - `@view` - [`@named`]( - `@.` - [`@..`]( Some performance macros, like `@simd`, `@threads`, or [`@turbo` from LoopVectorization.jl](, make an exception in that their generated code may be foreign to many users. However, they still are classified as appropriate uses as they are syntactic sugar since they do (or should) not change the behavior of the program in measurable ways other than performance. ## Errors should be caught as high as possible, and error messages should be contextualized for newcomers Whenever possible, defensive programming should be used to check for potential errors before they are encountered deeper within a package. For example, if one knows that `f(u0,p)` will error unless `u0` is the size of `p`, this should be caught at the start of the function to throw a domain specific error, for example "parameters and initial condition should be the same size". ## Subpackaging and interface packages is preferred over conditional modules via Requires.jl Requires.jl should be avoided at all costs. If an interface package exists, such as [ChainRulesCore.jl]( for defining automatic differentiation rules without requiring a dependency on the whole ChainRules.jl system, or [RecipesBase.jl]( which allows for defining Plots.jl plot recipes without a dependency on Plots.jl, a direct dependency on these interface packages is preferred. Otherwise, instead of resorting to a conditional dependency using Requires.jl, it is preferred one creates subpackages, i.e. smaller independent packages kept within the same Github repository with independent versioning and package management. An example of this is seen in [Optimization.jl]( which has subpackages like [OptimizationBBO.jl]( for BlackBoxOptim.jl support. Some important interface packages to know about are: - [ChainRulesCore.jl]( - [RecipesBase.jl]( - [ArrayInterface.jl]( - [CommonSolve.jl]( - [SciMLBase.jl]( ## Functions should either attempt to be non-allocating and reuse caches, or treat inputs as immutable Mutating codes and non-mutating codes fall into different worlds. When a code is fully immutable, the compiler can better reason about dependencies, optimize the code, and check for correctness. However, many times a code making the fullest use of mutation can outperform even what the best compilers of today can generate. That said, the worst of all worlds is when code mixes mutation with non-mutating code. Not only is this a mishmash of coding styles, it has the potential non-locality and compiler proof issues of mutating code while not fully benefiting from the mutation. ## Out-of-place and immutability is preferred when sufficient performant Mutation is used to get more performance by decreasing the amount of heap allocations. However, if it's not helpful for heap allocations in a given spot, do not use mutation. Mutation is scary and should be avoided unless it gives an immediate benefit. For example, if matrices are sufficiently large, then `A*B` is as fast as `mul!(C,A,B)`, and thus writing `A*B` is preferred (unless the rest of the function is being careful about being fully non-allocating, in which case this should be `mul!` for consistency). Similarly, when defining types, using `struct` is preferred to `mutable struct` unless mutating the struct is a common occurrence. Even if mutating the struct is a common occurrence, see whether using [Setfield.jl]( is sufficient. The compiler will optimize the construction of immutable structs, and thus this can be more efficient if it's not too much of a code hassle. ## Tests should attempt to cover a wide gamut of input types Code coverage numbers are meaningless if one does not consider the input types. For example, one can hit all the code with `Array`, but that does not test whether `CuArray` is compatible! Thus, it's always good to think of coverage not in terms of lines of code but in terms of type coverage. A good list of number types to think about are: - `Float64` - `Float32` - `Complex` - [`Dual`]( - `BigFloat` Array types to think about testing are: - `Array` - [`OffsetArray`]( - [`CuArray`]( ## When in doubt, a submodule should become a subpackage or separate package Keep packages to one core idea. If there's something separate enough to be a submodule, could it instead be a separate well-tested and documented package to be used by other packages? Most likely yes. ## Globals should be avoided whenever possible Global variables should be avoided whenever possible. When required, global variables should be constants and have an all uppercase name separated with underscores (e.g. `MY_CONSTANT`). They should be defined at the top of the file, immediately after imports and exports but before an `__init__` function. If you truly want mutable global style behavior you may want to look into mutable containers. ## Type-stable and type-grounded code is preferred wherever possible Type-stable and type-grounded code helps the compiler create not only more optimized code, but also faster to compile code. Always keep containers well-typed, functions specializing on the appropriate arguments, and types concrete. ## Closures should be avoided whenever possible Closures can cause accidental type instabilities that are difficult to track down and debug; in the long run it saves time to always program defensively and avoid writing closures in the first place, even when a particular closure would not have been problematic. A similar argument applies to reading code with closures; if someone is looking for type instabilities, this is faster to do when code does not contain closures. See examples [here]( Furthermore, if you want to update variables in an outer scope, do so explicitly with `Ref`s or self defined structs. ## Numerical functionality should use the appropriate generic numerical interfaces While you can use `A\b` to do a linear solve inside a package, that does not mean that you should. This interface is only sufficient for performing factorizations, and so that limits the scaling choices, the types of `A` that can be supported, etc. Instead, linear solves within packages should use LinearSolve.jl. Similarly, nonlinear solves should use NonlinearSolve.jl. Optimization should use Optimization.jl. Etc. This allows the full generic choice to be given to the user without depending on every solver package (effectively recreating the generic interfaces within each package). ## Functions should capture one underlying principle Functions mean one thing. Every dispatch of `+` should be "the meaning of addition on these types". While in theory you could add dispatches to `+` that mean something different, that will fail in generic code for which `+` means addition. Thus, for generic code to work, code needs to adhere to one meaning for each function. Every dispatch should be an instantiation of that meaning. ## Internal choices should be exposed as options whenever possible Whenever possible, numerical values and choices within scripts should be exposed as options to the user. This promotes code reusability beyond the few cases the author may have expected. ## Prefer code reuse over rewrites whenever possible If a package has a function you need, use the package. Add a dependency if you need to. If the function is missing a feature, prefer to add that feature to said package and then add it as a dependency. If the dependency is potentially troublesome, for example because it has a high load time, prefer to spend time helping said package fix these issues and add the dependency. Only when it does not seem possible to make the package "good enough" should using the package be abandoned. If it is abandoned, consider building a new package for this functionality as you need it, and then make it a dependency. ## Prefer to not shadow functions Two functions can have the same name in Julia by having different namespaces. For example, `X.f` and `Y.f` can be two different functions, with different dispatches, but the same name. This should be avoided whenever possible. Instead of creating `MyPackage.sort`, consider adding dispatches to `Base.sort` for your types if these new dispatches match the underlying principle of the function. If it doesn't, prefer to use a different name. While using `MyPackage.sort` is not conflicting, it is going to be confusing for most people unfamiliar with your code, so `MyPackage.special_sort` would be more helpful to newcomers reading the code.
[ "MIT" ]
# [Style Guide](@id style) This section describes the coding style rules that apply to our code and that we recommend you to use it also. In some cases, our style guide diverges from Julia's official [Style Guide]( (Please read it!). All such cases will be explicitly noted and justified. Our style guide adopts many recommendations from the [BlueStyle]( Please read the [BlueStyle]( before contributing to this package. If not following, your pull requests may not be accepted. !!! info The style guide is always a work in progress, and not all QuantumESPRESSOBase code follows the rules. When modifying QuantumESPRESSOBase, please fix the style violations of the surrounding code (i.e., leave the code tidier than when you started). If large changes are needed, consider separating them into another pull request. ## Formatting ### Run JuliaFormatter QuantumESPRESSOBase uses [JuliaFormatter]( as an auto-formatting tool. We use the options contained in [`.JuliaFormatter.toml`]( To format your code, `cd` to the QuantumESPRESSOBase directory, then run: ```@repl using Pkg Pkg.add("JuliaFormatter") using JuliaFormatter: format format("docs") format("src") format("test") ``` !!! info A continuous integration check verifies that all PRs made to QuantumESPRESSOBase have passed the formatter. The following sections outline extra style guide points that are not fixed automatically by JuliaFormatter. ### Use the Julia extension for Visual Studio Code Please use [Visual Studio Code]( with the [Julia extension]( to edit, format, and test your code. We do not recommend using other editors to edit your code for the time being. This extension already has [JuliaFormatter]( integrated. So to format your code, follow the steps listed [here](
[ "MIT" ]
using Documenter using Pkg if isfile("src/OpenStreetMapXPlot.jl") if !("." in LOAD_PATH) push!(LOAD_PATH,".") end elseif isfile("../src/OpenStreetMapXPlot.jl") if !(".." in LOAD_PATH) push!(LOAD_PATH,"..") end end using OpenStreetMapXPlot println("Generating docs for module\n$(pathof(OpenStreetMapXPlot))") makedocs( sitename = "OpenStreetMapXPlot", format = format = Documenter.HTML(), modules = [OpenStreetMapXPlot], pages = ["", ""], checkdocs = :exports, doctest = true ) deploydocs( repo ="", target="build" )
[ "MIT" ]
module OpenStreetMapXPlot using OpenStreetMapX import Plots export plotmap, addroute!, plot_nodes!, plot_nodes_as_symbols! #Plotting include("plot.jl") #plotting include("layers.jl") #colors end #module
[ "MIT" ]
### Julia OpenStreetMapXPlot Package ### ### MIT License ### ### Standard map display "layers." ### const LAYER_STANDARD = Dict( 1 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xd97486", 4), # @motorway-fill 2 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xebb36a", 3), # @primary-fill 3 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xe8b995", 3), # @secondary-fill 4 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xecf27c", 3), # @tertiary-fill 5 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xb9b9b6", 2), # gray 6 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xc7c7c4", 2), # gray 7 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xd9d9d5", 2), # Light gray 8 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xd9d9d5", 1)) # Light gray const LAYER_CYCLE = Dict( 1 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x006600", 3), # Green 2 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x5C85FF", 3), # Blue 3 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x5C85FF", 2), # Blue 4 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x999999", 2)) # Dark gray const LAYER_PED = Dict( 1 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x999999", 3), # Dark gray 2 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x999999", 3), # Dark gray 3 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x999999", 2), # Dark gray 4 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xE0E0E0", 2)) # Light gray const LAYER_FEATURES = Dict( 1 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x9966FF", 1.5, "."), # Lavender 2 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xFF0000", 1.5, "."), # Red 3 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x000000", 1.5, "."), # Black 4 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xFF66FF", 1.5, "."), # Pink 5 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x996633", 1.5, "."), # Brown 6 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xFF9900", 2.0, "."), # Orange 7 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xCC00CC", 1.5, "."), # Brown 8 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xFFFF00", 1.5, "."), # Yellow 9 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xF4CCCC", 1.5, "."), # Vanilla Ice 10 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x351C75", 1.5, "."), # Persian Indigo 11 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x00FF00", 1.5, "."), # Lime 12 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x00FFFF", 1.5, "."), # Aqua 13 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x005353", 2.0, "."), # Sherpa Blue 14 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xBDAD7D", 1.5, "."), # Ecru 15 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xFF00FF", 1.5, "."), # Fuchsia 16 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xB9D1D6", 1.5, "."), # Light Blue 17 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x7A00CC", 1.5, "."), # Violet 18 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x004225", 1.5, "."), # British Racing Green 19 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x7E8386", 2.0, "."), # Silver 20 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xB87333", 1.5, "."), # Copper 21 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x800020", 1.5, "."), # Burgundy 22 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x5B718D", 1.5, "."), # Ultramarine 23 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x636F22", 1.5, "."), # Fiji Green 24 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xCAF4DF", 1.5, "."), # Mint 25 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x231F66", 2.0, "."), # Midnight Blue 26 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xE6DFE7", 1.5, ".")) # Selago const LAYER_BUILDINGS = Dict( 1 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xE1E1EB", 1, "-"), # Lighter gray 2 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xB8DBFF", 1, "-"), # Light blue 3 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xB5B5CE", 1, "-"), # Light gray 4 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xFFFF99", 1, "-"), # Pale yellow 5 => OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x006600", 1, "-")) # Green
[ "MIT" ]
### # Functions for with Plots.jl Packages ### """ struct Style{T} color::T width::Float64 spec::String end For most cases you will use constructor declared as: ```julia Style(col, width, spec="-") ``` """ struct Style{T} color::T width::Float64 spec::String end Style(col::T, width::Int, spec) where T= Style{T}(col, Float64(width), spec) Style(col::T, width) where T = Style{T}(col, Float64(width), "-") const Styles{T} = Union{OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style{T},Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style{T}}} where T const gr_linestyles = Dict("-" => :solid, ":"=>:dot, ";"=>:dashdot, "-."=>:dashdot,"--"=>:dash) """ Compute approximate "aspect ratio" at mean latitude """ function aspect_ratio(bounds::OpenStreetMapX.Bounds{OpenStreetMapX.LLA}) c_adj = cosd((bounds.min_y + bounds.max_y) / 2) range_y = bounds.max_y - bounds.min_y range_x = bounds.max_x - bounds.min_x return range_x * c_adj / range_y end """ Compute exact "aspect ratio" """ aspect_ratio(bounds::OpenStreetMapX.Bounds{OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) = (bounds.max_x - bounds.min_x) / (bounds.max_y - bounds.min_y) """ Draw Ways without defined layers """ function draw_ways!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, ways::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} for way in ways X = [OpenStreetMapX.getX(nodes[node]) for node in way.nodes] Y = [OpenStreetMapX.getY(nodes[node]) for node in way.nodes] if isa(nodes,Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) && km X /= 1000 Y /= 1000 end if length(X) > 1 Plots.plot!(p, X, Y, color=style.color,width=style.width, linestyle=gr_linestyles[style.spec]) end end end """ Draw Ways with defined Layers """ function draw_ways!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, ways::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}, class::Dict{Int,Int}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} for i = 1:length(ways) lineStyle = style[class[ways[i].id]] X = [OpenStreetMapX.getX(nodes[node]) for node in ways[i].nodes] Y = [OpenStreetMapX.getY(nodes[node]) for node in ways[i].nodes] if isa(nodes,Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) && km X /= 1000 Y /= 1000 end if length(X) > 1 Plots.plot!(p, X, Y, color=lineStyle.color,width=lineStyle.width, linestyle=gr_linestyles[lineStyle.spec]) end end end """ Draw Buildings """ function draw_buildings!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, buildings::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} if isa(style, OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,buildings,style,km) else classes = OpenStreetMapX.classify_buildings(buildings) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,buildings, classes, style,km) end end """ Draw Roadways """ function draw_roadways!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, roadways::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} if isa(style, OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,roadways,style,km) else classes = OpenStreetMapX.classify_roadways(roadways) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,roadways, classes, style,km) end end """ Draw Walkways """ function draw_walkways!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, walkways::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} if isa(style, OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,walkways,style,km) else classes = OpenStreetMapX.classify_walkways(walkways) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,walkways, classes, style,km) end end """ Draw Cycleways """ function draw_cycleways!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, cycleways::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} if isa(style, OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,cycleways,style,km) else classes = OpenStreetMapX.classify_cycleways(cycleways) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_ways!(p,nodes,cycleways, classes, style,km) end end """ Draw Features """ function draw_features!(p,nodes::Dict{Int,T}, features::Dict{Int,Tuple{String,String}}, style::OpenStreetMapXPlot.Styles, km::Bool) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} if isa(style, OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style) X = [OpenStreetMapX.getX(nodes[node]) for node in keys(features)] Y = [OpenStreetMapX.getY(nodes[node]) for node in keys(features)] if isa(nodes,Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) && km X /= 1000 Y /= 1000 end if length(X) > 1 Plots.plot!(p, X, Y, color=style.color,width=style.width, linestyle=gr_linestyles[style.spec]) end else classes = OpenStreetMapX.classify_features(features) for (key,val) in style indices = [id for id in keys(classes) if classes[id] == key] X = [OpenStreetMapX.getX(nodes[node]) for node in indices] Y = [OpenStreetMapX.getY(nodes[node]) for node in indices] if isa(nodes,Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) && km X /= 1000 Y /= 1000 end if length(X) > 1 Plots.plot!(p, X, Y, color=val.color,width=val.width, linestyle=gr_linestyles[val.spec]) end end end end """ plotmap(nodes::Dict{Int,T}, bounds::Union{Nothing,OpenStreetMapX.Bounds{T}} = nothing; buildings::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, buildingStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x000000", 1, "-"), roadways::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, roadwayStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x007CFF", 1.5, "-"), walkways::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, walkwayStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x007CFF", 1.5, "-"), cycleways::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, cyclewayStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x007CFF", 1.5, "-"), features::Union{Nothing,Dict{Int64,Tuple{String,String}}} = nothing, featureStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xCC0000", 2.5, "."), width::Integer=600, height::Integer=600, fontsize::Integer=0, km::Bool=false, use_plain_pyplot::Bool=false ) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} Plots selected map features for a given dictionary of node locations (`nodes`) and within the given `bounds`. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. The default plotting backend is whatever is defined in `Plots.jl`, however if the `use_plain_pyplot` is set to `true` Plots.pythonplot() will be called to switch to PythonPlot backend (note this option is depraciated and normally backend should be changed outside of this function). Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function plotmap(nodes::Dict{Int,T}, bounds::Union{Nothing,OpenStreetMapX.Bounds{T}} = nothing; buildings::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, buildingStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x000000", 1, "-"), roadways::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, roadwayStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x007CFF", 1.5, "-"), walkways::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, walkwayStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x007CFF", 1.5, "-"), cycleways::Union{Nothing,Vector{OpenStreetMapX.Way}} = nothing, cyclewayStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0x007CFF", 1.5, "-"), features::Union{Nothing,Dict{Int64,Tuple{String,String}}} = nothing, featureStyle::Styles=OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style("0xCC0000", 2.5, "."), width::Integer=600, height::Integer=600, fontsize::Integer=0, km::Bool=false, use_plain_pyplot::Bool=false ) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} if use_plain_pyplot && !any(contains.(string(Plots.backend()), ["Python", "PyPlot"])) @warn "Will now call Plots.pythonplot() to switch to PythonPlot backend" Plots.pythonplot() end # Chose labels according to point type and scale xlab, ylab = if isa(nodes, Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.LLA}) "Longitude (deg)", "Latitude (deg)" elseif km "East (km)", "North (km)" else "East (m)", "North (m)" end local p if isa(bounds,Nothing) p = Plots.plot(xlabel=xlab,ylabel=ylab,legend=false,size=(width,height)) else # Limit plot to specified bounds if km && isa(nodes, Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) xrange = (bounds.min_x/1000, bounds.max_x/1000) yrange = (bounds.min_y/1000, bounds.max_y/1000) else xrange = (bounds.min_x, bounds.max_x) yrange = (bounds.min_y, bounds.max_y) end p = Plots.plot(xlabel=xlab,ylabel=ylab,xlims=xrange,ylims=yrange,legend=false,size=(width,height)) end # Draw all buildings if !isa(buildings,Nothing) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_buildings!(p,nodes, buildings, buildingStyle, km) end # Draw all roadways if !isa(roadways,Nothing) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_roadways!(p,nodes, roadways, roadwayStyle, km) end # Draw all walkways if !isa(walkways,Nothing) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_walkways!(p,nodes, walkways, walkwayStyle, km) end # Draw all cycleways if !isa(cycleways,Nothing) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_cycleways!(p,nodes, cycleways, cyclewayStyle, km) end #Draw all features if !isa(features,Nothing) OpenStreetMapXPlot.draw_features!(p,nodes, features, featureStyle, km) end if fontsize > 0 attr = Dict(:fontsize => fontsize) end return p end """ plotmap(m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData; roadwayStyle = OpenStreetMapXPlot.LAYER_STANDARD, width::Integer=600, height::Integer=600, use_plain_pyplot::Bool=false) Plots `roadways` for a given map `m`. The width will be set to `width` and the height will be set to `height`. If only one of `width` or `height` is set, the other will be set to perserve the aspect ratio of the bounding box. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. The default plotting backend is whatever is defined in `Plots.jl`, however if the `use_plain_pyplot` is set to `true` Plots.pythonplot() will be called to switch to PythonPlot backend (note this option is depraciated and normally backend should be changed outside of this function). Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function plotmap(m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData;roadwayStyle = OpenStreetMapXPlot.LAYER_STANDARD, width::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, height::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, km::Bool=false, use_plain_pyplot::Bool=false) # Set plot aspect ratio to that of bounds (in meters), unless both height and width are specified if isnothing(width) || isnothing(height) # Compute aspect ratio aspect_ratio = OpenStreetMapXPlot.aspect_ratio(m.bounds) if isnothing(width) && isnothing(height) width = 600 height = Int(round(width/aspect_ratio)) elseif isnothing(height) height = Int(round(width/aspect_ratio)) elseif isnothing(width) width = Int(round(height*aspect_ratio)) end end plotmap(m.nodes, OpenStreetMapX.ENU(m.bounds), roadways=m.roadways,roadwayStyle = roadwayStyle, width=width, height=height, km=km, use_plain_pyplot=use_plain_pyplot) end """ plotmap(m::OpenStreetMapX.Mapaddroute!(p, m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData, route::Vector{Int}; route_color::Union{String, Plots.RGB} ="0x000053", km::Bool=false) Adds a `route` to the plot `p` representing the map `m`. The first element from the list of nodes `route` will be annoted by `start_name` while the last will be annotated by `end_name`. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function addroute!(p, m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData, route::Vector{Int}; route_color::Union{String, Plots.RGB} ="0x000053", km::Bool=false, start_name="A", end_name="B", fontsize=15) addroute!(p, m.nodes, route, route_color=route_color, km=km, start_name=start_name, end_name=end_name, fontsize=fontsize) end """ addroute!(p, nodes::Dict{Int,T}, route::Vector{Int}; route_color::Union{String, Plots.RGB} ="0x000053", km::Bool=false, start_name="A", end_name="B", fontsize=15 ) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} Adds a `route` to the plot `p` using the node information stored in `nodes`. The first element from the list of nodes `route` will be annoted by `start_name` while the last will be annotated by `end_name`. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function addroute!(p, nodes::Dict{Int,T}, route::Vector{Int}; route_color::Union{String, Plots.RGB} ="0x000053", km::Bool=false, start_name="A", end_name="B", fontsize=15) where T<:Union{OpenStreetMapX.LLA,OpenStreetMapX.ENU} route_style = OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style(route_color, 3, "--") X = [OpenStreetMapX.getX(nodes[node]) for node in route] Y = [OpenStreetMapX.getY(nodes[node]) for node in route] if isa(nodes,Dict{Int,OpenStreetMapX.ENU}) && km X /= 1000 Y /= 1000 end #length(X) > 1 && Winston.plot(p, X, Y, route_style.spec, color=route_style.color, linewidth=route_style.width) if length(X) > 1 Plots.plot!(p, X, Y, color=route_style.color,width=route_style.width,linestyle=gr_linestyles[route_style.spec]) Plots.annotate!(p,X[1],Y[1],Plots.text(start_name,fontsize)) Plots.annotate!(p,X[end],Y[end],Plots.text(end_name,fontsize)) end p end """ addroute!(p, m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData, route::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.LLA}; route_color::Union{String, Plots.RGB} ="0x000053", km::Bool=false, start_name="A", end_name="B", fontsize=15 ) Adds a `route` in LLA coordinates to the plot `p` representing the map `m`. The first element from the list of route coordinates `route` will be annoted by `start_name` while the last will be annotated by `end_name`. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function addroute!(p, m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData, route::Vector{OpenStreetMapX.LLA}; route_color::Union{String, Plots.RGB} ="0x000053", km::Bool=false, start_name="A", end_name="B", fontsize=15) route_style = OpenStreetMapXPlot.Style(route_color, 3, "--") routeENU = [ENU(lla, m.bounds) for lla in route] X = map(enu->enu.east, routeENU) Y = map(enu->enu.north, routeENU) if km X /= 1000 Y /= 1000 end if length(X) > 1 Plots.plot!(p, X, Y, color=route_style.color,width=route_style.width,linestyle=gr_linestyles[route_style.spec]) Plots.annotate!(p,X[1],Y[1],Plots.text(start_name,fontsize)) Plots.annotate!(p,X[end],Y[end],Plots.text(end_name,fontsize)) end p end """ plot_nodes!(p, m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData, nodeids::Vector{Int}; start_numbering_from::Union{Int,Nothing}=1, km::Bool=false, color="darkgreen", fontsize=10) Plots nodes having node identifiers `nodeids` on the plot `p` using map information `m`. By default the node indices within the are plotted (e.g. 1, 2, 3...), however, setting the parameter `start_numbering_from` to nothing will show actual OSM node identifiers. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function plot_nodes!(p,m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData,nodeids::Vector{Int}; start_numbering_from ::Union{Int,Nothing}=1, km::Bool=false, color="darkgreen", fontsize=10) (length(nodeids) == 0) && return divkm = (isa(m.nodes[nodeids[1]],OpenStreetMapX.ENU) && km) ? 1000.0 : 1.0 for i in 1:length(nodeids) X = OpenStreetMapX.getX(m.nodes[nodeids[i]]) / divkm Y = OpenStreetMapX.getY(m.nodes[nodeids[i]]) / divkm num = string(start_numbering_from == nothing ? nodeids[i] : (i-1+start_numbering_from)) Plots.annotate!(p,X,Y,Plots.text(num,fontsize,color)) end p end """ plot_nodes_as_symbols!(p, m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData, nodeids::Vector{Int}; symbols::Union{T, Vector{T}}="*", colors::Union{U,Vector{U}}=["darkgreen"], km::Bool=false, fontsize=10) where {T <: Union{String,Symbol}, U <: Union{String,Plots.RGB}} Plots nodes having node identifiers `nodeids` on the plot `p` using map information `m`. By default the nodes are plotted with the "*" symbol, however, setting the parameter `symbols` to a string will plot all node locations as that string. Setting `symbols` to an array of strings will plot each successive location as the symbol in that position of the array, repeating over the string array if the `symbols` array is shorter than the `nodeids` array. The `km` parameter can be used to have a kilometer scale of the map instead of meters. Returns an object that can be used for further plot updates. """ function plot_nodes_as_symbols!(p,m::OpenStreetMapX.MapData,nodeids::Vector{Int}; symbols::Union{T, Vector{T}}="*", colors::Union{U,Vector{U}}=["darkgreen"], km::Bool=false, fontsize=10) where {T <: Union{String,Symbol}, U <: Union{String,Plots.RGB}} (length(nodeids) == 0) && return divkm = (isa(m.nodes[nodeids[1]],OpenStreetMapX.ENU) && km) ? 1000.0 : 1.0 symbols = typeof(symbols)<:AbstractVector ? symbols : [symbols] colors = typeof(colors)<:AbstractVector ? colors : [colors] for i in 1:length(nodeids) X = OpenStreetMapX.getX(m.nodes[nodeids[i]]) / divkm Y = OpenStreetMapX.getY(m.nodes[nodeids[i]]) / divkm j = (i-1)%length(symbols) + 1 k = (i-1)%length(colors) + 1 Plots.annotate!(p,X,Y,Plots.text(symbols[j],fontsize,colors[k])) end p end
[ "MIT" ]
println("Running tests at $(pwd())") using Test, OpenStreetMapX const m = OpenStreetMapX.sample_map(); using Random Random.seed!(0); const pointA = point_to_nodes(generate_point_in_bounds(m), m) const pointB = point_to_nodes(generate_point_in_bounds(m), m) sr1, shortest_distance1, shortest_time1 = OpenStreetMapX.shortest_route(m, pointA, pointB) @assert length(sr1) > 0 ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true" #copied from Plots.jl tests ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100" #copied from Plots.jl tests ENV["MPLBACKEND"]="agg" # no GUI - copied from PyPlot.jl tests using OpenStreetMapXPlot println("OpenStreetMapXPlot is located at $(pathof(OpenStreetMapXPlot))") import Plots Plots.default(show=false, reuse=true) const trk = [LLA(m.bounds.min_y,m.bounds.min_x,0.0), LLA(m.bounds.max_y,m.bounds.max_x,0.0)] @testset "Plots backend " begin p = OpenStreetMapXPlot.plotmap(m) @test typeof(p) == Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend} @test addroute!(p,m,sr1;route_color="red") == p @test plot_nodes!(p,m,[sr1[1],sr1[end]],start_numbering_from=nothing,fontsize=13,color="pink") == p @test plot_nodes_as_symbols!(p, m, sr1, symbols=["*","+","#"],colors=["red","green","blue"],fontsize=13) == p @test addroute!(p,m,trk;route_color="red") == p end
[ "MIT" ]
# OpenStreetMapXPlot.jl [Documentation ![](]( This is a plotting companion for the [OpenStreetMapX.jl]( package. The package provides plotting mechanisms for map vizualization via Plots.jl. The recommended backend is `gr()` ## Installation The current version has been tested with Julia 1.9 and up ```julia using Pkg pkg"add OpenStreetMapX" pkg"add OpenStreetMapXPlot" ``` ## Usage We will show a full scenario including routing. Let us start by preparing the data and calculating a sample route. ```julia using OpenStreetMapX m = get_map_data(sample_map_path(), use_cache = false); import Random Random.seed!(0); pointA = point_to_nodes(generate_point_in_bounds(m), m) pointB = point_to_nodes(generate_point_in_bounds(m), m) sr = shortest_route(m, pointA, pointB)[1] ``` Once the map data is in the memory we can start plotting. Let us start with `Plots.jl` with a `GR` back-end (this is the recommended approach due to GR's plotting speed, however due to Julia compiling process *time-to-the-first-plot* is around one minute, while subsequent plots can be created within few seconds). ```julia using OpenStreetMapXPlot using Plots, Colors p = OpenStreetMapXPlot.plotmap(m,width=600,height=400); addroute!(p,m,sr;route_color=colorant"red"); plot_nodes!(p,m,[sr[1],sr[end]],start_numbering_from=nothing,fontsize=13,color=colorant"blue"); p ``` ![](plot_image_gr.png) #### Acknowledgments <sup>This code is a major re-write of plotting functionality of []( project. The creation of this source code was partially financed by research project supported by the Ontario Centres of Excellence ("OCE") under Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) program, OCE Project Number: 30293, project name: "Agent-based simulation modelling of out-of-home advertising viewing opportunity conducted in cooperation with Environics Analytics of Toronto, Canada. </sup>
[ "MIT" ]
# OpenStreetMapXPlot.jl Documentation for OpenStreetMapXPlot.jl For details please go to the [Reference]( section.
[ "MIT" ]
Reference ========= ```@meta CurrentModule = OpenStreetMapXPlot DocTestSetup = quote using OpenStreetMapX using OpenStreetMapXPlot end ``` Map plotting functions ---------------------- ```@docs Style plotmap addroute! plot_nodes! ``` ```@meta DocTestSetup = nothing ```
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
module PDDLViz using Base: @kwdef using PDDL, SymbolicPlanners using Makie, GraphMakie using Graphs, NetworkLayout using FileIO, Base64 using OrderedCollections using DocStringExtensions using Printf include("utils.jl") include("graphics/graphics.jl") include("interface.jl") include("render.jl") include("animate.jl") include("storyboard.jl") include("control.jl") include("renderers/renderers.jl") end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export anim_initialize!, anim_transition! export anim_plan!, anim_plan export anim_trajectory!, anim_trajectory export anim_solve!, anim_solve, anim_refine! import Makie: FigureLike """ Animation Displayable animation which wraps a `VideoStream` object. Can be displayed with `show(io, MIME"text/html"(), anim)`, or saved with `save(path, anim)`. """ mutable struct Animation videostream::VideoStream path::String end Animation(videostream::VideoStream) = Animation(videostream, videostream.path) Animation(figlike::FigureLike; kwargs...) = Animation(VideoStream(figlike; kwargs...)) Animation(canvas::Canvas; kwargs...) = Animation(canvas.figure; kwargs...) Makie.recordframe!(anim::Animation) = recordframe!(anim.videostream) function, anim::Animation; kwargs...) if anim.path == anim.videostream.path save(path, anim.videostream; kwargs...) anim.path = abspath(path) elseif anim.path != abspath(path) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') options = anim.videostream.options if format != options.format || !isempty(kwargs) framerate = get(kwargs, :framerate, options.framerate) Makie.convert_video(anim.path, path; framerate=framerate, kwargs...) else cp(anim.path, path; force=true) end else warn("Animation already saved to $path.") end return path end, ::MIME"juliavscode/html", anim::Animation) = show(io, MIME"text/html"(), anim) function, ::MIME"text/html", anim::Animation) # Save to file if not already saved format = anim.videostream.options.format if anim.path == anim.videostream.path dir = mktempdir() path = joinpath(dir, "$(gensym(:video)).$(format)") save(path, anim) end # Display animation as HTML tag, depending on format if format == "gif" # Display GIFs as image tags blob = base64encode(read(anim.path)) print(io, "<img src=\"data:image/gif;base64,$blob\">") elseif format == "mp4" # Display MP4 videos as video tags blob = base64encode(read(anim.path)) print(io, "<video controls autoplay muted>", "<source src=\"data:video/mp4;base64,$blob\"", "type=\"video/mp4\"></video>") else # Convert other video types to MP4 mktempdir() do dir path = joinpath(dir, "video.mp4") save(path, anim) blob = base64encode(read(path)) print(io, "<video controls autoplay muted>", "<source src=\"data:video/mp4;base64,$blob\"", "type=\"video/mp4\"></video>") end end end """ Transition Abstract animation transition type. """ abstract type Transition end """ StepTransition Transition that immediately steps to the next state. """ struct StepTransition <: Transition end """ LinearTransition Transition that linearly interpolates between node positions. """ struct LinearTransition <: Transition end """ ManhattanTransition(; order = [:up, :horizontal, :down], stop_early = [true, false, false] ) Transition that interpolates between node positions by moving horizontally and vertically. # Arguments - `order::Vector{Symbol} = [:up, :horizontal, :down]`: Order in which to interpolate between node positions. Valid values are `:up`, `:down`, `:left`, `:right`, `:horizontal`, and `:vertical`. - `stop_early::Vector{Bool} = [true, false, false]`: Whether to stop interpolating early for each direction. If `true`, then the transition will stop once that direction is done. If no nodes have moved in that direction, then the transition will continue to the next direction. """ @kwdef struct ManhattanTransition <: Transition order::Vector{Symbol} = [:up, :horizontal, :down] stop_early::Vector{Bool} = [true, false, false] end """ anim_initialize!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs...) Initializes an animation that will be rendered on the `canvas`. Called by [`anim_plan`](@ref) and [`anim_trajectory`](@ref) as an initialization step. By default, this just renders the initial `state` on the `canvas`. This function can be overloaded for different [`Renderer`](@ref) types to implement custom initializations, e.g., to add captions or other overlays. """ function anim_initialize!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs... ) if canvas.state === nothing render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; kwargs...) else anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; kwargs...) end # Run callbacks overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) return canvas end """ anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, [action, t]; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs...) Animates a transition from the current state stored in the `canvas` to the newly provided `state` (via `action` at timestep `t` if provided). Called by [`anim_plan`](@ref) and [`anim_trajectory`](@ref) to animate a series of state transitions. By default, this updates the `canvas` with the new `state`, then runs the `overlay` and `callback` functions (if provided) on `canvas` (e.g. to ovelay annotations, or to record a frame). This function can be overloaded for different [`Renderer`](@ref) types to implement custom transitions, e.g., transitions that involve multiple frames. """ function anim_transition!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term, t::Int; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs... ) # Ignore timestep by default return anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, action; callback, overlay, kwargs...) end function anim_transition!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs... ) # Ignore action by default return anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; callback, overlay, kwargs...) end function anim_transition!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs... ) # Default to updating canvas with new state canvas.state[] = state # Run callback overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) return canvas end """ anim_plan([path], renderer, domain, state, actions; format="mp4", framerate=5, show=false, record_init=true, options...) anim_plan!([anim|path], canvas, renderer, domain, state, actions; format="mp4", framerate=5, show=is_displayed(canvas), record_init=true, options...) Uses `renderer` to animate a series of `actions` in a PDDL `domain` starting from `state` (updating the `canvas` if one is provided). An [`Animation`](@ref) object is returned, which can be saved or displayed. An existing `anim` can provided as the first argument, so that frames are appended to that animation (format and frame rates are ignored in this case). Alternatively, if a `path` is specified, the animation is saved to that file, and the `path` is returned. Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it. """ function anim_plan( renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, actions; show::Bool=false, kwargs... ) canvas = new_canvas(renderer) return anim_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, actions; show, kwargs...) end function anim_plan(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') save(path, anim_plan(args...; format, kwargs...)) end function anim_plan!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, actions; kwargs... ) trajectory = PDDL.simulate(domain, state, actions) return anim_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory, actions; kwargs...) end function anim_plan!( anim::Animation, canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, actions; kwargs... ) trajectory = PDDL.simulate(domain, state, actions) return anim_trajectory!(anim, canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory, actions; kwargs...) end function anim_plan!(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') save(path, anim_plan!(args...; format, kwargs...)) end @doc (@doc anim_plan) anim_plan! """ anim_trajectory([path], renderer, domain, trajectory, [actions]; format="mp4", framerate=5, show=false, record_init=true, options...) anim_trajectory!([anim|path], canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory, [actions]; format="mp4", framerate=5, show=is_displayed(canvas), record_init=true, options...) Uses `renderer` to animate a `trajectory` in a PDDL `domain` (updating the `canvas` if one is provided). An [`Animation`](@ref) object is returned, which can be saved or displayed. An existing `anim` can provided as the first argument, so that frames are appended to that animation (format and frame rates are ignored in this case). Alternatively, if a `path` is specified, the animation is saved to that file, and the `path` is returned. Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it. """ function anim_trajectory( renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory, actions=fill(PDDL.no_op, length(trajectory)-1); show::Bool=false, kwargs... ) canvas = new_canvas(renderer) return anim_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory; show, kwargs...) end function anim_trajectory(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') save(path, anim_trajectory(args...; format=format, kwargs...)) end function anim_trajectory!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory, actions=fill(PDDL.no_op, length(trajectory)-1); format="mp4", framerate=5, show::Bool=is_displayed(canvas), showrate=framerate, record_init=true, options... ) # Display canvas if `show` is true show && !is_displayed(canvas) && display(canvas) # Initialize animation record_args = filter(Dict(options)) do (k, v) k in (:compression, :profile, :pixel_format, :loop) end anim = Animation(canvas.figure; visible=is_displayed(canvas), format, framerate, record_args...) # Record animation anim_trajectory!(anim, canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory, actions; show, showrate, record_init, options...) return anim end function anim_trajectory!( anim::Animation, canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory, actions=fill(PDDL.no_op, length(trajectory)-1); show::Bool=is_displayed(canvas), showrate=5, record_init=true, options... ) # Display canvas if `show` is true show && !is_displayed(canvas) && display(canvas) # Initialize animation and record initial frame anim_initialize!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory[1]; options...) record_init && recordframe!(anim) # Construct recording callback function record_callback(canvas::Canvas) recordframe!(anim) !show && return notify(canvas.state) sleep(1/showrate) end # Iterate over subsequent states and actions for (t, act) in enumerate(actions) state = trajectory[t+1] anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, act, t+1; callback=record_callback, options...) end return anim end function anim_trajectory!(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') save(path, anim_trajectory!(args...; format=format, kwargs...)) end @doc (@doc anim_trajectory) anim_trajectory! """ AnimSolveCallback{R <: Renderer} A callback for [`anim_solve`](@ref) that animates the solving process of a SymbolicPlanners.jl [`Planner`]. The behavior of this callback can be customized on a per-renderer and per-`planner`` basis by defining a new method for `(cb::AnimSolveCallback{R <: Renderer)(planner::Planner, args...)`. """ struct AnimSolveCallback{R <: Renderer} <: Function renderer::R domain::Domain canvas::Canvas sleep_dur::Float64 record_callback::Union{Nothing, Function} options::Dict{Symbol, Any} end function AnimSolveCallback( renderer::R, domain::Domain, canvas::Canvas, sleep_dur::Real = 0.0, record_callback = nothing; options... ) where {R <: Renderer} return AnimSolveCallback{R}(renderer, domain, canvas, sleep_dur, record_callback, Dict(options)) end """ anim_solve([path], renderer, planner, domain, state, spec; format="mp4", framerate=30, show=false, record_init=true, options...) anim_solve!([anim|path], canvas, renderer, planner, domain, state, spec; format="mp4", framerate=30, show=is_displayed(canvas), record_init=true, options...) Uses `renderer` to animate the solving process of a SymbolicPlanners.jl `planner` in a PDDL `domain` (updating the `canvas` if one is provided). Returns a tuple `(anim, sol)` where `anim` is an [`Animation`](@ref) object containing the animation, and `sol` is the solution returned by `planner`. If `anim` is provided as the first argument, then additional frames are added to the animation. Alternatively, if a `path` is provided, the animation is saved to that file, and `(path, sol)` is returned. Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it. """ function anim_solve( renderer::Renderer, planner::Planner, domain::Domain, state::State, spec; show::Bool=false, kwargs... ) canvas = new_canvas(renderer) return anim_solve!(canvas, renderer, planner, domain, state, spec; show=show, kwargs...) end function anim_solve(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') anim, sol = anim_solve(args...; format=format, kwargs...) save(path, anim) return (path, sol) end function anim_solve!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, planner::Planner, domain::Domain, state::State, spec; format="mp4", framerate=30, show::Bool=is_displayed(canvas), showrate=framerate, record_init=true, options... ) # Display canvas if `show` is true show && !is_displayed(canvas) && display(canvas) # Initialize animation record_args = filter(Dict(options)) do (k, v) k in (:compression, :profile, :pixel_format, :loop) end anim = Animation(canvas.figure; visible=is_displayed(canvas), format=format, framerate=framerate, record_args...) # Record animation return anim_solve!(anim, canvas, renderer, planner, domain, state, spec; show, showrate, record_init, options...) end function anim_solve!( anim::Animation, canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, planner::Planner, domain::Domain, state::State, spec; show::Bool=is_displayed(canvas), showrate=30, record_init=true, options... ) # Display canvas if `show` is true show && !is_displayed(canvas) && display(canvas) # Initialize animation and record initial frame anim_initialize!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; options...) record_init && recordframe!(anim) # Construct recording callback function record_callback(canvas::Canvas) recordframe!(anim) !show && return notify(canvas.state) sleep(1/showrate) end # Construct animation callback anim_callback = AnimSolveCallback(renderer, domain, canvas, 0.0, record_callback; options...) # Run planner and return solution with animation planner = add_anim_callback(planner, anim_callback) sol = SymbolicPlanners.solve(planner, domain, state, spec) return (anim, sol) end function anim_solve!(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') anim, sol = anim_solve!(args...; format=format, kwargs...) save(path, anim) return (path, sol) end @doc (@doc anim_solve) anim_solve! """ anim_refine!([path], renderer, sol, planner, domain, state, spec; format="mp4", framerate=30, show=false, record_init=true, copy_sol=false, options...) anim_refine!([anim|path], canvas, renderer, sol, planner, domain, state, spec; format="mp4", framerate=30, show=is_displayed(canvas), record_init=true, copy_sol=false, options...) Uses `renderer` to animate the refinement of an existing solution by a SymbolicPlanners.jl `planner` in a PDDL `domain` (updating the `canvas` if one is provided). Returns a tuple `(anim, sol)` where `anim` is an [`Animation`](@ref) object containing the animation, and `sol` is the solution returned by `planner`. If `anim` is provided as the first argument, then additional frames are added to the animation. Alternatively, if a `path` is provided, the animation is saved to that file, and `(path, sol)` is returned. If `copy_sol` is `true`, then a copy of the initial solution is made before refinement. Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it. """ function anim_refine!( renderer::Renderer, sol::Solution, planner::Planner, domain::Domain, state::State, spec; show::Bool=false, kwargs... ) canvas = new_canvas(renderer) return anim_refine!(canvas, renderer, sol, planner, domain, state, spec; show=show, kwargs...) end function anim_refine!(path::AbstractString, args...; kwargs...) format = lstrip(splitext(path)[2], '.') anim, sol = anim_refine!(args...; format=format, kwargs...) save(path, anim) return (path, sol) end function anim_refine!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, sol::Solution, planner::Planner, domain::Domain, state::State, spec; format="mp4", framerate=30, show::Bool=is_displayed(canvas), showrate=framerate, record_init=true, options... ) # Display canvas if `show` is true show && !is_displayed(canvas) && display(canvas) # Initialize animation record_args = filter(Dict(options)) do (k, v) k in (:compression, :profile, :pixel_format, :loop) end anim = Animation(canvas.figure; visible=is_displayed(canvas), format=format, framerate=framerate, record_args...) # Record animation return anim_refine!(anim, canvas, renderer, sol, planner, domain, state, spec; show, showrate, record_init, options...) end function anim_refine!( anim::Animation, canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, sol::Solution, planner::Planner, domain::Domain, state::State, spec; show::Bool=is_displayed(canvas), showrate=30, record_init=true, copy_sol::Bool=false, options... ) # Display canvas if `show` is true show && !is_displayed(canvas) && display(canvas) # Initialize animation and record initial frame anim_initialize!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; options...) record_init && recordframe!(anim) # Construct recording callback function record_callback(canvas::Canvas) recordframe!(anim) !show && return notify(canvas.state) sleep(1/showrate) end # Construct animation callback anim_callback = AnimSolveCallback(renderer, domain, canvas, 0.0, record_callback; options...) # Refine existing solution and return solution with animation planner = add_anim_callback(planner, anim_callback) copy_sol && (sol = copy(sol)) sol = SymbolicPlanners.refine!(sol, planner, domain, state, spec) return (anim, sol) end function add_anim_callback(planner::Planner, cb::AnimSolveCallback) planner = copy(planner) planner.callback = cb return planner end function add_anim_callback(planner::RTHS, cb::AnimSolveCallback) # Set top-level callback planner = copy(planner) planner.callback = cb # Set callback for internal forward-search planner planner.planner = copy(planner.planner) planner.planner.callback = cb return planner end function add_anim_callback(planner::AlternatingRTHS, cb::AnimSolveCallback) # Set top-level callback planner = copy(planner) planner.callback = cb # Set callback for internal forward-search planner for subplanner in planner.planners subplanner.planner = copy(subplanner.planner) subplanner.planner.callback = cb end return planner end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export Controller, KeyboardController export add_controller!, remove_controller!, render_controls! export ControlRecorder import Makie: ObserverFunction """ Controller Abstract supertype for all controllers. When attached to a canvas, a controller interprets user input as PDDL actions and updates the canvas accordingly. Can be attached to a canvas using [`add_controller!`](@ref), and removed using [`remove_controller`](@ref). """ abstract type Controller end """ add_controller!(canvas, controller, domain, [init_state]; show_controls::Bool=false) Adds a `controller` to a `canvas` for a given PDDL `domain`. An initial state `init_state` can be specified to enable restart functionality. """ function add_controller!(canvas::Canvas, controller::Controller, domain::Domain, init_state=nothing; show_controls::Bool=false) error("Not implemented.") end """ remove_controller!(canvas, controller) Removes a `controller` from a `canvas`. """ remove_controller!(canvas::Canvas, controller::Controller) = error("Not implemented.") """ render_controls!(canvas, controller, domain) Renders controls for a `controller` to a `canvas`. """ render_controls!(canvas::Canvas, controller::Controller, domain::Domain) = nothing """ KeyboardController(options...) KeyboardController( key1 => act1, key2 => act2, ..., extra_key1, extra_key2, ...; exclusive=true, callback=nothing ) A controller that maps keyboard input to PDDL actions. Set `callback` to a [`ControlRecorder`](@ref) to record actions. # Options $(FIELDS) """ @kwdef struct KeyboardController{T,U} <: Controller "A dictionary mapping keyboard keys to PDDL actions." keymap::OrderedDict{Keyboard.Button, Term} = OrderedDict{Keyboard.Button, Term}() "Keys mapped to remaining available actions (default: number keys)." extrakeys::Vector{Keyboard.Button} = Keyboard.Button.(collect(49:57)) "Function `(state, acts) -> acts` that filters/processes remaining actions." extraprocess::T = nothing "Restart button if an initial state is specified." restart_key::Keyboard.Button = Keyboard.backspace "Whether an action is executed only if no other keys are pressed." exclusive::Bool = true "Post-action callback `f(canvas, domain, state, act, next_state)`." callback::U = nothing obsfunc::Ref{ObserverFunction} = Ref{ObserverFunction}() end function KeyboardController( args::Union{Pair{Keyboard.Button, <:Term}, Keyboard.Button}...; kwargs... ) keymap = OrderedDict{Keyboard.Button, Term}() extrakeys = Keyboard.Button[] for arg in args if arg isa Pair{Keyboard.Button, <:Term} keymap[arg[1]] = arg[2] else push!(extrakeys, arg) end end if isempty(extrakeys) return KeyboardController(;keymap=keymap, kwargs...) else return KeyboardController(;keymap=keymap, extrakeys=extrakeys, kwargs...) end end function add_controller!( canvas::Canvas, controller::KeyboardController, domain::Domain, init_state=nothing; show_controls::Bool=false ) controller.obsfunc[] = on(events(canvas.figure).keyboardbutton) do event figure, callback = canvas.figure, controller.callback # Skip if no keys are pressed event.action == || return # Skip if window not in focus events(figure).hasfocus[] || return # Check if restart button is pressed if init_state !== nothing && ispressed(figure, Keyboard.backspace) canvas.state[] = init_state if callback !== nothing callback(canvas, domain, nothing, nothing, init_state) end return end # Get currently available actions state = canvas.state[] actions = collect(available(domain, state)) # Check if pressed key is in main keymap for (key, act) in controller.keymap key = controller.exclusive ? Exclusively(key) : key # Execute corresponding action if it is available if ispressed(figure, key) && act in actions next_state = transition(domain, state, act; check=false) canvas.state[] = next_state if callback !== nothing callback(canvas, domain, state, act, next_state) end return end end # Filter and sort remaining available actions actions = filter!(a -> !(a in values(controller.keymap)), actions) if !isnothing(controller.extraprocess) actions = controller.extraprocess(state, actions) else sort!(actions, by=string) end # Take first action that matches an extra key for (i, key) in enumerate(controller.extrakeys) key = controller.exclusive ? Exclusively(key) : key if ispressed(figure, key) && i <= length(actions) act = actions[i] next_state = transition(domain, state, act; check=false) canvas.state[] = next_state if callback !== nothing callback(canvas, domain, state, act, next_state) end return end end end if show_controls render_controls!(canvas, controller, domain) end return nothing end function remove_controller!(canvas::Canvas, controller::KeyboardController) off(controller.obsfunc[]) end function render_controls!( canvas::Canvas, controller::KeyboardController, domain::Domain ) # Construct control legend figure = canvas.figure buttons = collect(keys(controller.keymap)) labels = [write_pddl(controller.keymap[b]) for b in buttons] n_fixed = length(buttons) append!(buttons, controller.extrakeys) append!(labels, fill(' '^40, length(controller.extrakeys))) markers = _keyboard_button_marker.(buttons) entries = [LegendEntry(m, Attributes(label=l, labelcolor=:black)) for (l, m) in zip(labels, markers)] entrygroups = Observable(Makie.EntryGroup[("Controls", entries)]) controls = nothing try controls = Legend(figure[1, end+1], entrygroups; framevisible=false, labelsize=14, halign=:left, titlehalign=:left) catch controls = Legend(figure[1, end+1]; entrygroups=entrygroups, framevisible=false, labelsize=14, halign=:left, titlehalign=:left) end resize_to_layout!(figure) # Extract observables from entries label_obs = Observable[] lcolor_obs = Observable[] mcolor_obs = Observable[] scolor_obs = Observable[] for entry in controls.entrygroups[][1][2] push!(label_obs, entry.attributes.label) push!(lcolor_obs, entry.attributes.labelcolor) push!(mcolor_obs, entry.elements[2].attributes.markercolor) push!(scolor_obs, entry.elements[1].attributes.markerstrokecolor) end # Set up observer function on(canvas.state, update=true) do state # Recolor actions that are not available actions = collect(available(domain, state)) for (i, key) in enumerate(buttons[1:n_fixed]) act = controller.keymap[key] if act in actions lcolor_obs[i][] = :black mcolor_obs[i][] = :black scolor_obs[i][] = :black else lcolor_obs[i][] = :gray mcolor_obs[i][] = :gray scolor_obs[i][] = :gray end end # Filter and sort remaining available actions actions = filter!(a -> !(a in values(controller.keymap)), actions) if !isnothing(controller.extraprocess) actions = controller.extraprocess(state, actions) else sort!(actions, by=string) end for (i, key) in enumerate(controller.extrakeys) if i <= length(actions) act = actions[i] label_obs[n_fixed+i][] = write_pddl(act) mcolor_obs[n_fixed+i][] = :black scolor_obs[n_fixed+i][] = :black else label_obs[n_fixed+i][] = ' '^40 mcolor_obs[n_fixed+i][] = :gray scolor_obs[n_fixed+i][] = :gray end end end return controls end function _keyboard_button_marker(button::Keyboard.Button) button_id = Int(button) if button_id > 32 && button_id < 127 char = Char(button_id) elseif button == char = '␣' elseif button == Keyboard.backspace char = '⌫' elseif button == Keyboard.enter char = '⏎' elseif button == char = '⇥' elseif button == Keyboard.up char = '↑' elseif button == Keyboard.down char = '↓' elseif button == Keyboard.left char = '←' elseif button == Keyboard.right char = '→' else char = '⍰' end key = MarkerElement(marker=char, markersize=15, markercolor=:black) box = MarkerElement(marker=:rect, markersize=30, color=(:white, 0.0), strokewidth=1, strokecolor=:black) return [box, key] end """ ControlRecorder(record_actions = true, record_states = false) Callback function for a [`Controller`](@ref) that records actions and states. After constructing a `recorder`, the recorded values can be accessed via `recorder.actions` and `recorder.states`. """ struct ControlRecorder <: Function record_actions::Bool record_states::Bool actions::Vector{Term} states::Vector{State} end function ControlRecorder(record_actions::Bool=true, record_states::Bool=false) return ControlRecorder(record_actions, record_states, Term[], State[]) end function (cb::ControlRecorder)(canvas, domain, state, act, next_state) act = isnothing(act) ? PDDL.no_op : act cb.record_actions && push!(cb.actions, act) cb.record_states && push!(cb.states, next_state) return nothing end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export Canvas, Renderer export new_canvas, save import Makie: Block, AbstractPlot import Makie.GridLayoutBase: GridLayoutBase, gridcontent """ Canvas A `Canvas` is a mutable container for renderable outputs produced by a [`Renderer`](@ref), consisting of a reference to the figure and grid layout on which the output is rendered, the PDDL [`State`](@ref) that the output is based on, and a dictionary of additional `Observable`s. """ mutable struct Canvas figure::Figure blocks::Vector{Block} layout::GridLayout state::Union{Nothing,Observable} observables::Dict{Symbol,Observable} plots::Dict{Symbol,AbstractPlot} end function Canvas(figure::Figure, blocks::Vector{Block}, layout::GridLayout) return Canvas(figure, blocks, layout, nothing, Dict{Symbol,Observable}(), Dict{Symbol,AbstractPlot}()) end Canvas(figure::Figure) = Canvas(figure, Block[], figure.layout) Canvas(figure::Figure, axis::Block) = Canvas(figure, Block[axis], gridcontent(axis).parent) Canvas(figure::Figure, layout::GridLayout) = Canvas(figure, Vector{Block}(contents(layout)), layout) Canvas(figure::Figure, gp::GridPosition) = Canvas(figure, Vector{Block}(contents(gp)), gp.layout) Canvas(axis::Block) = Canvas(axis.parent, axis) Canvas(layout::GridLayout) = Canvas(GridLayoutBase.top_parent(layout), layout) Canvas(gridpos::GridPosition) = Canvas(Makie.get_top_parent(gridpos), gridpos) Base.showable(m::MIME"text/plain", canvas::Canvas) = true Base.showable(m::MIME, canvas::Canvas) = showable(m, canvas.figure), m::MIME"text/plain", canvas::Canvas) = show(io, canvas), m::MIME, canvas::Canvas) = show(io, m, canvas.figure) Base.display(canvas::Canvas; kwargs...) = display(canvas.figure; kwargs...) function is_displayed(canvas::Canvas) scene = canvas.figure.scene screen = Makie.getscreen(scene) return screen in scene.current_screens end, canvas::Canvas; kwargs...) = save(path, canvas.figure; kwargs...) """ Renderer A `Renderer` defines how a PDDL [`State`](@ref) for a specific [`Domain`](@ref) should be rendered. A concrete sub-type of `Renderer` should be implemented for a PDDL domain (or family of PDDL domains, e.g. 2D gridworlds) for users who wish to visualize that domain. (r::Renderer)(domain::Domain, args...; options...) (r::Renderer)(canvas::Canvas, domain::Domain, args...; options...) Once a `Renderer` has been constructed, it can be used to render PDDL states and other entities by calling it with the appropriate arguments. """ abstract type Renderer end function (r::Renderer)( domain::Domain, state::MaybeObservable{<:State}; options... ) return render_state(r, domain, state; options...) end function (r::Renderer)( domain::Domain, state::MaybeObservable{<:State}, actions::MaybeObservable{<:AbstractVector{<:Term}}; options... ) return render_plan(r, domain, state, actions; options) end function (r::Renderer)( domain::Domain, trajectory::MaybeObservable{AbstractVector{<:State}}; options... ) return render_trajectory(r, domain, trajectory; options...) end function (r::Renderer)( domain::Domain, state::MaybeObservable{<:State}, sol::MaybeObservable{<:Solution}; options... ) return render_sol(r, domain, state, sol; options...) end function (r::Renderer)( canvas::Canvas, domain::Domain, state::MaybeObservable{<:State}; options... ) return render_state!(canvas, r, domain, state; options...) end function (r::Renderer)( canvas::Canvas, domain::Domain, state::MaybeObservable{<:State}, actions::MaybeObservable{<:AbstractVector{<:Term}}; options... ) return render_plan!(canvas, r, domain, state, actions; options...) end function (r::Renderer)( canvas::Canvas, domain::Domain, trajectory::MaybeObservable{<:AbstractVector{<:State}}; options... ) return render_trajectory!(canvas, r, domain, trajectory; options...) end function (r::Renderer)( canvas::Canvas, domain::Domain, state::MaybeObservable{<:State}, sol::MaybeObservable{<:Solution}; options... ) return render_sol!(canvas, r, domain, state, sol; options...) end """ new_canvas(renderer::Renderer) new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, figure::Figure) new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, axis::Axis) new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, gridpos::GridPosition) Creates a new [`Canvas`](@ref) to be used by `renderer`. An existing `figure`, `axis`, or `gridpos` can be specified to use as the base for the new canvas. """ function new_canvas(renderer::Renderer) figure = Figure() resize!(figure.scene, (800, 800)) axis = Axis(figure[1, 1]) return Canvas(figure, axis) end new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, figure::Figure) = Canvas(figure) new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, axis::Axis) = Canvas(axis) new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, gridpos::GridPosition) = Canvas(gridpos) default_state_options(R::Type{<:Renderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}() default_plan_options(R::Type{<:Renderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}() default_trajectory_options(R::Type{<:Renderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}() default_anim_options(R::Type{<:Renderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export render_state, render_plan, render_trajectory, render_sol export render_state!, render_plan!, render_trajectory!, render_sol! """ render_state(renderer, domain, state) Uses `renderer` to render a `state` of a PDDL `domain`. Constructs and returns a new [`Canvas`](@ref). """ function render_state( renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state; options... ) render_state!(new_canvas(renderer), renderer, domain, state; options...) end """ render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; options...) Uses `renderer` to render a `state` of a PDDL `domain` to an existing `canvas`, rendering over any existing content. """ function render_state!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state; options... ) render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, maybe_observe(state); options...) end function render_state!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable; options... ) error("Not implemented.") end """ render_plan(renderer, domain, state, actions; options...) Uses `renderer` to render a series of `actions` in a PDDL `domain` starting from `state`. Constructs and returns a new [`Canvas`](@ref). """ function render_plan( renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state, actions; options... ) render_plan!(new_canvas(renderer), renderer, domain, state, actions; options...) end """ render_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, actions) Uses `renderer` to render a series of `actions` in a PDDL `domain` starting from `state`. Renders to a `canvas` on top of any existing content. """ function render_plan!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state, actions; options... ) render_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, maybe_observe(state), maybe_observe(actions); options...) end function render_plan!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, actions::Observable; options... ) trajectory = @lift PDDL.simulate(domain, $state, $actions) return render_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory; options...) end """ render_trajectory(renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory::AbstractVector{<:State}) Uses `renderer` to render a `trajectory` of PDDL `domain` states. Constructs and returns a new [`Canvas`](@ref). """ function render_trajectory( renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory; options... ) render_trajectory!(new_canvas(renderer), renderer, domain, trajectory; options...) end """ render_trajectory!(canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory::AbstractVector{<:State}) Uses `renderer` to render a `trajectory` of PDDL `domain` states. Renders to a `canvas` on top of any existing content. """ function render_trajectory!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory; options... ) render_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, maybe_observe(trajectory); options...) end function render_trajectory!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, trajectory::Observable; options... ) error("Not implemented.") end """ render_sol(renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, sol::Solution) Uses `renderer` to render a planning solution `sol` starting from a `state` in a PDDL `domain`. Constructs and returns a new [`Canvas`](@ref). """ function render_sol( renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state, sol; options... ) render_sol!(new_canvas(renderer), renderer, domain, state, sol; options...) end """ render_sol!(canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::State, sol::Solution) Uses `renderer` to render a planning solution `sol` starting from a `state` in a PDDL `domain`. Renders to a `canvas` on top of any existing content. """ function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state, sol; options... ) render_sol!(canvas, renderer, domain, maybe_observe(state), maybe_observe(sol); options...) end function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:Solution}; options... ) error("Not implemented.") end function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<: OrderedSolution}; options... ) trajectory = @lift PDDL.simulate(domain, $state, collect($sol)) return render_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory; options...) end function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:MultiSolution}; options... ) sol = @lift $sol.selector($, $state) return render_sol!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, sol; options...) end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export render_storyboard using Makie: extract_frames """ render_storyboard(anim::Animation, [idxs]; options...) Renders an [`Animation`](@ref) as a series of (bitmap) images in a storyboard. Returns a `Figure` where each frame is a subplot. The frames to render can be specified by `idxs`, a vector of indices. If `idxs` is not specified, all frames are rendered. # Options - `n_rows = 1`: Number of storyboard rows. - `n_cols = nothing`: Number of storyboard columns (default: number of frames). - `figscale = 1`: Scales figure size relative to number of pixels required to fit all frames at their full resolution. - `titles`: List or dictionary of frame titles. - `subtitles`: List or dictionary of frame subtitles. - `xlabels`: List or dictionary of x-axis labels per frame. - `ylabels`: List or dictionary of y-axis labels per frame. Options that control title and label styling (e.g. `titlesize`) can also be specified as keyword arguments. See `Axis` for details. """ function render_storyboard( anim::Animation, idxs=nothing; n_rows::Union{Int, Nothing}=1, n_cols::Union{Int, Nothing}=nothing, figscale::Real=1, options... ) # Save animation to file if not already saved if anim.path == anim.videostream.path dir = mktempdir() format = anim.videostream.options.format path = joinpath(dir, "$(gensym(:video)).$(format)") save(path, anim) end # Extract frames from video frames = Any[] mktempdir() do dir extract_frames(anim.path, dir) for (i, path) in enumerate(readdir(dir)) frame = load(joinpath(dir, path)) idxs !== nothing && !(i in idxs) && continue push!(frames, rotr90(frame)) end end # Determine number of rows and columns n_frames = length(frames) if n_rows === nothing && n_cols === nothing n_rows = 1 n_cols = n_frames elseif n_rows === nothing n_rows = ceil(Int, n_frames / n_cols) elseif n_cols === nothing n_cols = ceil(Int, n_frames / n_rows) end # Extract titles, labels, and other options titles = get(options, :titles) do fill(get(options, :title, ""), n_frames) end subtitles = get(options, :subtitles) do fill(get(options, :subtitle, ""), n_frames) end xlabels = get(options, :xlabels) do fill(get(options, :xlabel, ""), n_frames) end ylabels = get(options, :ylabels) do fill(get(options, :ylabel, ""), n_frames) end title_options = filter(Dict(options)) do (k, v) k in ( :titlealign, :titlecolor, :titlefont, :titlesize, :titlegap, :titlelineheight, :subtitlealign, :subtitlecolor, :subtitlefont, :subtitlesize, :subtitlegap, :subtitlelineheight, :xlabelcolor, :xlabelfont, :xlabelsize, :xlabelpadding, :xlabelrotation, :ylabelcolor, :ylabelfont, :ylabelsize, :ylabelpadding, :ylabelrotation ) end # Create figure with subplots for each frame width = round(Int, size(frames[1])[1] * n_cols * figscale) height = round(Int, size(frames[1])[2] * n_rows * figscale) figure = Figure() resize!(figure.scene, (width, height)) for (i, frame) in enumerate(frames) i_row = ceil(Int, i / n_cols) i_col = i - (i_row - 1) * n_cols ax = Axis(figure[i_row, i_col]; aspect=DataAspect(), title=get(titles, i, ""), subtitle=get(subtitles, i, ""), xlabel=get(xlabels, i, ""), ylabel=get(ylabels, i, ""), title_options...) image!(ax, frame) hidedecorations!(ax) hidespines!(ax) ax.xlabelvisible = true ax.ylabelvisible = true end resize_to_layout!(figure) return figure end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
const MaybeObservable{T} = Union{Observable{T}, T} maybe_observe(x::Observable) = x maybe_observe(x) = Observable(x) Point2fVecObservable() = Observable(Point2f[])
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using Makie: to_color, ColorScheme using ColorTypes: RGBA, RGB, Colorant "Lighten a RGB(A) color by a given amount." function lighten(color::RGBA, amount::Real) return RGBA( color.r + (1 - color.r) * amount, color.g + (1 - color.g) * amount, color.b + (1 - color.b) * amount, color.alpha ) end function lighten(color::RGB, amount::Real) return RGB( color.r + (1 - color.r) * amount, color.g + (1 - color.g) * amount, color.b + (1 - color.b) * amount ) end lighten(color, amount::Real) = lighten(to_color(color), amount) lighten(color::Observable, amount::Real) = lift(x -> lighten(x, amount), color) "Darken a RGB(A) color by a given amount." function darken(color::RGBA, amount::Real) return RGBA( color.r * (1 - amount), color.g * (1 - amount), color.b * (1 - amount), color.alpha ) end function darken(color::RGB, amount::Real) return RGB( color.r * (1 - amount), color.g * (1 - amount), color.b * (1 - amount) ) end darken(color, amount::Real) = darken(to_color(color), amount) darken(color::Observable, amount::Real) = lift(x -> darken(x, amount), color) "Set the alpha value of a RGB(A) color." set_alpha(color::RGBA, alpha::Real) = RGBA(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha) set_alpha(color::RGB, alpha::Real) = RGBA(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha) set_alpha(color, alpha::Real) = set_alpha(to_color(color), alpha) set_alpha(color::Observable, alpha::Real) = lift(x -> set_alpha(x, alpha), color) "Convert a color or observable to a `Observable{RGBA}`." to_color_obs(obs::Observable) = obs[] isa RGBA ? obs : lift(x -> to_color(x), obs) to_color_obs(color) = Observable(to_color(color)) "A dictionary of `ColorScheme`s provided by PDDLViz." const colorschemes = Dict{Symbol, ColorScheme}() colorschemes[:vibrant] = ColorScheme([ colorant"#D41159", colorant"#FFC20A", colorant"#1A85FF", colorant"#007D68", colorant"#785EF0", colorant"#D55E00", colorant"#56B4E9", colorant"#CC79A7" ]) colorschemes[:vibrantlight] = ColorScheme([lighten(c, 0.5) for c in colorschemes[:vibrant]]) colorschemes[:vibrantdark] = ColorScheme([darken(c, 0.5) for c in colorschemes[:vibrant]])
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"Return the coordinates of a graphic." GeometryBasics.coordinates(g::BasicGraphic) = Point2{Float64}.(coordinates(g.shape)) GeometryBasics.coordinates(g::MarkerGraphic) = coordinates(RectShape(g.x, g.y, g.w, g.h)) GeometryBasics.coordinates(g::TextGraphic) = coordinates(RectShape(g.x, g.y, g.fontsize[1]*length(g.str), g.fontsize[2])) GeometryBasics.coordinates(g::MultiGraphic) = reduce(vcat, (coordinates(c) for c in g.components)) "Return the centroid of a graphic." centroid(g::BasicGraphic) = centroid(g.shape) centroid(g::MarkerGraphic) = Point2(g.x, g.y) centroid(g::TextGraphic) = Point2(g.x, g.y) centroid(g::MultiGraphic) = centroid(boundingbox(g)) centroid(c::Circle) = centroid(r::Rect2{T}) where {T} = Point2{T}(r.origin + r.widths./2) centroid(p::Polygon{2, T}) where {T} = Point2{T}(sum(coordinates(p)) ./ length(coordinates(p))) "Return the bounding box of a graphic." boundingbox(g::Graphic) = Rect(coordinates(g)) "Translate a graphic by `x` and `y` units." function translate(g::BasicGraphic, x::Real, y::Real) return BasicGraphic(translate(g.shape, x, y), copy(g.attributes)) end function translate(g::MarkerGraphic, x::Real, y::Real) return MarkerGraphic(g.marker, g.x + x, g.y + y, g.w, g.h, copy(g.attributes)) end function translate(g::TextGraphic, x::Real, y::Real) return TextGraphic(g.str, g.x + x, g.y + y, g.fontsize, copy(g.attributes)) end function translate(g::MultiGraphic, x::Real, y::Real) return MultiGraphic(map(a -> translate(a, x, y), g.components), copy(g.attributes)) end function translate(rect::Rect2{T}, x::Real, y::Real) where {T} return Rect2{T}(rect.origin + Vec2{T}(x, y), rect.widths) end function translate(circle::Circle{T}, x::Real, y::Real) where {T} return Circle( + Vec2{T}(x, y), circle.r) end function translate(polygon::Polygon{2,T}, x::Real, y::Real) where {T} return Polygon([v + Vec2{T}(x, y) for v in coordinates(polygon)]) end "Scale by a horizontal factor `x` and vertical factor `y` around a point `c`." function scale(g::BasicGraphic, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(g)) return BasicGraphic(scale(g.shape, x, y, c), copy(g.attributes)) end function scale(g::MarkerGraphic, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(g)) return MarkerGraphic(g.marker, g.x, g.y, g.w * x, g.h * y, copy(g.attributes)) end function scale(g::TextGraphic, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(g)) return TextGraphic(g.str, g.x, g.y, g.fontsize .* (x, y), copy(g.attributes)) end function scale(g::MultiGraphic, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(g)) return MultiGraphic(map(a -> scale(a, x, y, c), g.components), copy(g.attributes)) end function scale(rect::Rect2{T}, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(r)) where {T} origin = Vec2{T}(c[1] - x * (c[1] - rect.origin[1]), c[2] - y * (c[2] - rect.origin[2])) widths = Vec2{T}(x * rect.widths[1], y * rect.widths[2]) return Rect2{T}(origin, widths) end function scale(circle::Circle{T}, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(circle)) where {T} if x != y polygon = Polygon(Point2{T}.(coordinates(circle))) return scale(polygon, x, y, c) end center = Point2{T}(c[1] - x * (c[1] -[1]), c[2] - y * (c[2] -[2])) return Circle{T}(center, x * circle.r) end function scale(polygon::Polygon{2,T}, x::Real, y::Real=x, c=centroid(polygon)) where {T} vertices = [Point2{T}(c[1] - x * (c[1] - v[1]), c[2] - y * (c[2] - v[2])) for v in coordinates(polygon)] return Polygon(vertices) end "Rotate a graphic by θ radians around a point `c`." function rotate(g::BasicGraphic, θ::Real, c=centroid(g)) return BasicGraphic(rotate(g.shape, θ, c), copy(g.attributes)) end function rotate(g::MarkerGraphic, θ::Real, c=nothing) attributes = copy(g.attributes) attributes[:rotations] = get(attributes, :rotations, 0) + θ return MarkerGraphic(g.marker, g.x, g.y, g.w, g.h, attributes) end function rotate(g::TextGraphic, θ::Real, c=nothing) attributes = copy(g.attributes) attributes[:rotation] = get(attributes, :rotation, 0) + θ return TextGraphic(g.str, g.x, g.y, g.fontsize, attributes) end function rotate(g::MultiGraphic, θ::Real, c=centroid(g)) return MultiGraphic(map(a -> rotate(a, θ, c), g.components), copy(g.attributes)) end function rotate(rect::Rect2{T}, θ::Real, c=centroid(rect)) where {T} vertices = Point2{T}.(coordinates(rect))[[1, 2, 4, 3]] polygon = Polygon(vertices) return rotate(polygon, θ, c) end function rotate(circle::Circle{T}, θ::Real, c=centroid(circle)) where {T} if θ == 0 || c == return circle end center = Point2{T}(c[1] + ([1] - c[1]) * cos(θ) - ([2] - c[2]) * sin(θ), c[2] + ([1] - c[1]) * sin(θ) + ([2] - c[2]) * cos(θ)) return Circle{T}(center, circle.r) end function rotate(polygon::Polygon{2,T}, θ::Real, c=centroid(polygon)) where {T} vertices = [Point2{T}(c[1] + (v[1]-c[1]) * cos(θ) - (v[2]-c[2]) * sin(θ), c[2] + (v[1]-c[1]) * sin(θ) + (v[2]-c[2]) * cos(θ)) for v in coordinates(polygon)] return Polygon(vertices) end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using GeometryBasics: GeometryBasics, Circle, Rect, Polygon, coordinates export BasicGraphic, MarkerGraphic, TextGraphic, MultiGraphic abstract type Graphic end """ BasicGraphic(shape; attributes...) Basic graphic type, containing a primitive shape and a dictionary of attributes. """ struct BasicGraphic{T} <: Graphic shape::T attributes::Dict{Symbol, Any} end BasicGraphic(shape; attributes...) = BasicGraphic(shape, Dict{Symbol,Any}(attributes...)) """ MarkerGraphic(marker, x, y, [w=1.0, h=w]; attributes...) A marker graphic with a given position and size, rendered using `scatter` with the corresponding marker type. """ struct MarkerGraphic{T} <: Graphic marker::T x::Float64 y::Float64 w::Float64 h::Float64 attributes::Dict{Symbol, Any} end function MarkerGraphic( marker::T, x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, w::Real=1.0, h::Real=w; attributes... ) where {T} return MarkerGraphic{T}(marker, x, y, w, h, Dict{Symbol,Any}(attributes...)) end """ TextGraphic(str, x, y, [fontsize]; attributes...) A text graphic with a given position and [fontsize], rendered using the `text` plotting command. """ struct TextGraphic <: Graphic str::String x::Float64 y::Float64 fontsize::Vec2f attributes::Dict{Symbol, Any} end function TextGraphic( str::AbstractString, x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, fontsize=1/length(str); attributes... ) if fontsize isa Real fontsize = Vec2f(fontsize, fontsize) elseif fontsize isa Tuple fontsize = Vec2f(fontsize...) end return TextGraphic(str, x, y, fontsize, Dict{Symbol,Any}(attributes...)) end """ MultiGraphic(graphics; attributes...) Composite graphic type, containing a tuple of graphics in depth-order and a dictionary of attributes. """ struct MultiGraphic{Gs <: Tuple} <: Graphic components::Gs attributes::Dict{Symbol, Any} end MultiGraphic(graphics::Tuple; attributes...) = MultiGraphic(graphics, Dict{Symbol,Any}(attributes...)) MultiGraphic(graphics::AbstractVector; attributes...) = MultiGraphic(Tuple(graphics), Dict{Symbol,Any}(attributes...)) MultiGraphic(graphics::Graphic...; attributes...) = MultiGraphic(graphics, Dict{Symbol,Any}(attributes...)) include("recipes.jl") include("colors.jl") include("geometry.jl") include("shapes.jl") include("prefabs.jl")
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export GemGraphic, LockedDoorGraphic, KeyGraphic export BoxGraphic, QuestionBoxGraphic export RobotGraphic, HumanGraphic export CityGraphic """ GemGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0, sides=6, aspect=0.75; color=:royalblue, strokewidth=1.0, kwargs...) Gem graphic, consisting of a N-gon and a smaller N-gon inside it. """ function GemGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0, sides::Int=6, aspect::Real=0.75; color=:royalblue, strokewidth=1.0, kwargs... ) color = color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(color) : to_color(color) outer = NgonShape(x, y, size, sides; color=color, strokewidth=strokewidth) outer = scale(outer, aspect*0.3, 0.3) color = lighten(color, 0.5) inner = NgonShape(x, y, size, sides; color=color) inner = scale(inner, aspect*0.18, 0.18) return MultiGraphic(outer, inner; kwargs...) end """ LockedDoorGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:gray, strokewidth=1.0, kwargs...) Locked door graphic, consisting of square with a keyhole in it. """ function LockedDoorGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:gray, strokewidth=1.0, kwargs... ) color = color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(color) : to_color(color) bg = SquareShape(x, y, size; color=color, strokewidth=strokewidth) color = lighten(color, 0.1) fg = SquareShape(x, y, 0.85*size; color=color, strokewidth=strokewidth) hole1 = NgonShape(x, y+0.1*size, 0.10*size, 16; color=:black) hole2 = TriangleShape(x, y-0.1*size, size; color=:black) hole2 = scale(hole2, 0.125, -0.25) return MultiGraphic(bg, fg, hole1, hole2; kwargs...) end """ KeyGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:goldenrod1, shadow_color=:black, kwargs...) Key graphic, consisting of a key with a handle and two teeth. """ function KeyGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:goldenrod1, shadow_color=:black, kwargs... ) color = color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(color) : to_color(color) shadow_color = shadow_color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(shadow_color) : to_color(shadow_color) handle = NgonShape(-0.35, 0.0, 0.4, 8) blade = RectShape(0.375, 0.0, 0.75, 0.2) tooth1 = RectShape(0.4, -0.2, 0.1, 0.2) tooth2 = RectShape(0.6, -0.2, 0.1, 0.2) key = MultiGraphic(handle, blade, tooth1, tooth2; color=color) shadow = translate(key, 0.025, -0.025) shadow.attributes[:color] = shadow_color graphic = MultiGraphic(shadow, key; kwargs...) return scale(translate(graphic, x, y), 0.5*size) end """ BoxGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:burlywood3, is_open=false, kwargs...) Cardboard box graphic, consisting of a box with a lid. """ function BoxGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:burlywood3, is_open::Bool=false, kwargs... ) size = size * 0.9 lid_color = lighten(color, 0.3) if is_open lid = RectShape(x-0.37*size, y+0.02*size, 0.825*size, 0.2*size; color=lid_color) lid = rotate(lid, 11*π/24) else lid = RectShape(x, y+0.3*size, 0.825*size, 0.2*size; color=lid_color) lid = rotate(lid, 0.0) end box = RectShape(x, y-0.05*size, 0.75*size, 0.65*size; color=color) return MultiGraphic(box, lid; kwargs...) end """ QuestionBoxGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:burlywood3, text_color=:white, is_open=false, kwargs...) Question box graphic, consisting of a box with a lid and question mark. """ function QuestionBoxGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:burlywood3, text_color=:white, is_open::Bool=false, kwargs... ) size = size * 0.9 lid_color = lighten(color, 0.3) if is_open lid = RectShape(x-0.37*size, y+0.02*size, 0.825*size, 0.2*size; color=lid_color) lid = rotate(lid, 11*π/24) else lid = RectShape(x, y+0.3*size, 0.825*size, 0.2*size; color=lid_color) lid = rotate(lid, 0.0) end box = RectShape(x, y-0.05*size, 0.75*size, 0.65*size; color=color) question = TextGraphic("?", x, y-0.075*size; color=text_color, fontsize=0.5*size, font=:bold) return MultiGraphic(box, lid, question; kwargs...) end """ RobotGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:slategray, kwargs...) Robot prefab character graphic, consisting of a semi-circular head with an antenna, two arms, a body and a wheel. """ function RobotGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:slategray, kwargs... ) color = color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(color) : to_color(color) light_color = lighten(color, 0.4) dark_color = darken(color, 0.3) tip = NgonShape(x, y+0.325*size, 0.025*size, 16) antenna = RectShape(x, y+0.31*size, 0.05*size, 0.03*size) head = NgonShape(x, y+0.05*size, 0.25*size, 32) face = NgonShape(x, y+0.05*size, 0.2*size, 32; color=light_color) eye1 = SquareShape(x-0.1*size, y+0.1*size, 0.05*size) eye2 = SquareShape(x+0.1*size, y+0.1*size, 0.05*size) wheel = NgonShape(x, y-0.325*size, 0.10*size, 32; color=dark_color) body = RectShape(x, y-0.15*size, 0.5*size, 0.4*size;) shoulder1 = RectShape(x+0.28125*size, y, 0.0625*size, 0.05*size) shoulder2 = RectShape(x-0.28125*size, y, 0.0625*size, 0.05*size) arm1 = RectShape(x+0.2875*size, y-0.125*size, 0.05*size, 0.2*size) arm2 = RectShape(x-0.2875*size, y-0.125*size, 0.05*size, 0.2*size) return MultiGraphic(tip, antenna, head, face, eye1, eye2, wheel, body, shoulder1, shoulder2, arm1, arm2; color=color, kwargs...) end """ HumanGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:black, kwargs...) Human character graphic, consisting of a circular head, and a trapezoidal torso, two-segment arms, and legs. """ function HumanGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:black, kwargs... ) color = color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(color) : to_color(color) head = NgonShape(x, y+0.205*size, 0.15*size, 32) eye1 = NgonShape(x-0.1*size, y+0.22*size, 0.025*size, 16; color=:white) eye2 = NgonShape(x+0.1*size, y+0.22*size, 0.025*size, 16; color=:white) body = TrapezoidShape(x, y-0.075*size, 0.15*size, 0.3*size, 0.25*size) u_arm = TriangleShape(x, y-0.03*size, 0.1*size) u_arm1 = rotate(scale(translate(u_arm, -0.14*size, 0.0), 0.5, 1), π-1.1*π/6) u_arm2 = rotate(scale(translate(u_arm, 0.14*size, 0.0), 0.5, 1), π+1.1*π/6) l_arm = TrapezoidShape(x, y, size/12, 0.02*size, 0.12*size) l_arm1 = rotate(translate(l_arm, -0.202*size, -0.132*size), -1.1*π/6) l_arm2 = rotate(translate(l_arm, +0.202*size, -0.132*size), 1.1*π/6) leg = TrapezoidShape(x, y, size/12, 0.02*size, 0.12*size) leg1 = translate(leg, -0.102*size, -0.268*size) leg2 = translate(leg, 0.102*size, -0.268*size) human = MultiGraphic( body, head, eye1, eye2, u_arm1, u_arm2, l_arm1, l_arm2, leg1, leg2; color=color, kwargs... ) return scale(human, 1.2, 1.2) end """ CityGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0; color=:grey, kwargs...) City graphic, made of three rectangles with slightly different shading. """ function CityGraphic( x::Real=0.0, y::Real=0.0, size::Real=1.0; color=:grey, kwargs... ) color = color isa Observable ? to_color_obs(color) : to_color(color) block1 = RectShape(x+0.00, y, 0.30, 0.75, color=color) block2 = RectShape(x-0.15, y-0.075, 0.30, 0.60, color=darken(color, 0.2)) block3 = RectShape(x+0.15, y-0.1875, 0.30, 0.375, color=darken(color, 0.4)) city = MultiGraphic(block1, block2, block3; kwargs...) return scale(city, size) end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
## Makie plotting recipes for graphics ## @recipe(GraphicPlot, graphic) do scene Makie.Attributes( cycle=[:color], colormap=colorschemes[:vibrant] ) end function Makie.plot!(plt::GraphicPlot{<:Tuple{BasicGraphic}}) graphic = plt[:graphic] shape = @lift $graphic.shape attributes = Dict(plt.attributes) local_attributes = Dict{Symbol, Any}( k => graphic[].attributes[k] isa Observable ? graphic[].attributes[k] : @lift($graphic.attributes[k]) for k in keys(graphic[].attributes) ) attributes = merge!(attributes, local_attributes) if !haskey(attributes, :shading) attributes[:shading] = isdefined(Makie.MakieCore, :NoShading) ? Makie.MakieCore.NoShading : false end # Plot fill mesh!(plt, shape; attributes...) # Plot stroke if width is greater than 0 visible = get!(attributes, :visible, Observable(true)) strokewidth = get!(attributes, :strokewidth, Observable(0)) attributes[:visible] = @lift $visible && $strokewidth > 0 attributes[:color] = get(attributes, :strokecolor, :black) attributes[:linewidth] = strokewidth if haskey(attributes, :shading) delete!(attributes, :shading) end lines!(plt, shape; attributes...) end function Makie.plot!(plt::GraphicPlot{<:Tuple{MarkerGraphic}}) graphic = plt[:graphic] attributes = Dict(plt.attributes) local_attributes = Dict{Symbol, Any}( k => graphic[].attributes[k] isa Observable ? graphic[].attributes[k] : @lift($graphic.attributes[k]) for k in keys(graphic[].attributes) ) attributes = merge!(attributes, local_attributes) # Plot marker marker = @lift $graphic.marker position = @lift Point2f($graphic.x, $graphic.y) size = @lift Vec2f($graphic.w, $graphic.h) scatter!(plt, position; marker=marker, markersize=size, markerspace=:data, attributes...) end function Makie.plot!(plt::GraphicPlot{<:Tuple{TextGraphic}}) graphic = plt[:graphic] attributes = Dict(plt.attributes) local_attributes = Dict{Symbol, Any}( k => graphic[].attributes[k] isa Observable ? graphic[].attributes[k] : @lift($graphic.attributes[k]) for k in keys(graphic[].attributes) ) attributes = merge!(attributes, local_attributes) # Plot text str = @lift $graphic.str text!(plt, @lift($graphic.x), @lift($graphic.y); text=str, fontsize=@lift($graphic.fontsize), markerspace=:data, align=(:center, :center), attributes...) end function Makie.plot!(plt::GraphicPlot{<:Tuple{MultiGraphic}}) graphic = plt[:graphic] attributes = Dict(plt.attributes) local_attributes = Dict{Symbol, Any}( k => graphic[].attributes[k] isa Observable ? graphic[].attributes[k] : @lift($graphic.attributes[k]) for k in keys(graphic[].attributes) ) attributes = merge!(attributes, local_attributes) n_components = length(graphic[].components) components = [@lift($graphic.components[i]) for i in 1:n_components] for subgraphic in components graphicplot!(plt, subgraphic; attributes...) end end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
## Basic shapes and primitives ## "Construct a circle centered at `x` and `y` with radius `r`." CircleShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real; attributes...) = BasicGraphic(Circle(Point2{Float64}(x, y), r); attributes...) "Construct a square centered at `x` and `y` with side length `l`." SquareShape(x::Real, y::Real, l::Real; attributes...) = BasicGraphic(Rect(x-l/2, y-l/2, l, l); attributes...) "Construct a rectangle centered at `x` and `y` with width `w` and height `h`." RectShape(x::Real, y::Real, w::Real, h::Real; attributes...) = BasicGraphic(Rect(x-w/2, y-h/2, w, h); attributes...) "Construct a `n`-sided regular polygon centered at `x` and `y` with radius `1`." function NgonShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real, n::Int; attributes...) points = collect(coordinates(Circle(Point2{Float64}(x, y), r), n+1)) resize!(points, n) BasicGraphic(Polygon(points); attributes...) end "Construct a triangle centered at `x` and `y` with radius `r`." TriangleShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real; attributes...) = NgonShape(x, y, r, 3; attributes...) "Construct a pentagon centered at `x` and `y` with radius `r`." PentagonShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real; attributes...) = NgonShape(x, y, r, 5; attributes...) "Construct a hexagon centered at `x` and `y` with radius `r`." HexagonShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real; attributes...) = NgonShape(x, y, r, 6; attributes...) "Construct a heptagon centered at `x` and `y` with radius `r`." HeptagonShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real; attributes...) = NgonShape(x, y, r, 7; attributes...) "Construct an octagon centered at `x` and `y` with radius `r`." OctagonShape(x::Real, y::Real, r::Real; attributes...) = NgonShape(x, y, r, 8; attributes...) "Construct a polygon from a list of vertices." PolygonShape(vertices; attributes) = BasicGraphic(Polygon(Point2{Float64}.(vertices)); attributes...) """ Construct a trapezoid at `x` and `y` with top and bottom width `a`, bottom width `b`, and height `h`. The top can be shifted by an `offset` (zero by default). """ function TrapezoidShape( x::Real, y::Real, a::Real, b::Real, h::Real, offset::Real=0.0; attributes... ) vertices = [ Point2(x-a/2+offset, y+h/2), Point2(x+a/2+offset, y+h/2), Point2(x+b/2, y-h/2), Point2(x-b/2, y-h/2) ] BasicGraphic(Polygon(vertices); attributes...) end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
include("gridworld/gridworld.jl") include("graphworld/graphworld.jl")
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function anim_initialize!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GraphworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs... ) if canvas.state === nothing render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; kwargs...) end # Run callbacks overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) return canvas end function anim_transition!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GraphworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term = PDDL.no_op, t::Int = 1; options... ) options = merge(renderer.anim_options, options) transition = get(options, :transition, StepTransition()) return anim_transition!( transition, canvas, renderer, domain, state, action, t; options... ) end function anim_transition!( trans::StepTransition, canvas::Canvas, renderer::GraphworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term = PDDL.no_op, t::Int = 1; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, options... ) # Update canvas with new state canvas.state[] = state # Run callback overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) return canvas end function anim_transition!( trans::LinearTransition, canvas::Canvas, renderer::GraphworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term = PDDL.no_op, t::Int = 1; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, options... ) options = merge(renderer.anim_options, options) # Copy starting node positions node_start_pos = copy(canvas.observables[:node_pos][]) # Update canvas with new state canvas.state[] = state # Copy ending node positions node_stop_pos = copy(canvas.observables[:node_pos][]) # Compute differences node_diffs = node_stop_pos .- node_start_pos # Temporarily disconnect graph layout from node positions layout = canvas.observables[:layout][] canvas.observables[:layout][] = node_start_pos # Compute number of frames move_speed = get(options, :move_speed, nothing) if move_speed === nothing frames_per_step = get(options, :frames_per_step, 24) else max_dist = maximum(GeometryBasics.norm.(node_diffs)) frames_per_step = round(Int, max_dist / move_speed) end # Linearly interpolate between start and stop positions for t in 1:frames_per_step node_pos = node_start_pos .+ node_diffs .* t / frames_per_step canvas.observables[:layout][] = node_pos # Run callbacks overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) end # Reconnect graph layout to node positions canvas.observables[:layout].val = layout return canvas end function anim_transition!( trans::ManhattanTransition, canvas::Canvas, renderer::GraphworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term = PDDL.no_op, t::Int = 1; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, options... ) options = merge(renderer.anim_options, options) # Copy starting node positions node_start_pos = copy(canvas.observables[:node_pos][]) # Update canvas with new state canvas.state[] = state # Copy ending node positions node_stop_pos = copy(canvas.observables[:node_pos][]) # Temporarily disconnect graph layout from node positions layout = canvas.observables[:layout][] canvas.observables[:layout][] = node_start_pos # Compute node displacements for each direction diffs_per_dir = Vector{typeof(node_start_pos)}() node_pos = node_start_pos for (dir, stop_early) in zip(trans.order, trans.stop_early) # Project node displacements onto direction node_diffs = node_stop_pos .- node_start_pos node_diffs = map(node_diffs) do diff x, y = diff if dir == :up return Point2(zero(x), y > 0 ? y : zero(y)) elseif dir == :down return Point2(zero(x), y < 0 ? y : zero(y)) elseif dir == :left return Point2(x < 0 ? x : zero(x), zero(y)) elseif dir == :right return Point2(x > 0 ? x : zero(x), zero(y)) elseif dir == :horizontal return Point2(x, zero(y)) elseif dir == :vertical return Point2(zero(x), y) else error("Invalid direction: $dir") end end # Check if any nodes have moved in this direction moved = any((d[1] != 0 || d[2] != 0) for d in node_diffs) !moved && continue # Add node displacements to list push!(diffs_per_dir, node_diffs) node_pos = node_pos + node_diffs stop_early && break end # Compute number of frames per direction move_speed = get(options, :move_speed, nothing) n_dirs = length(diffs_per_dir) if move_speed === nothing frames_per_step = get(options, :frames_per_step, 24) frames_per_dir = fill(frames_per_step ÷ n_dirs, n_dirs) frames_per_dir[end] += frames_per_step % n_dirs else frames_per_dir = map(diffs_per_dir) do diffs max_dist = maximum(GeometryBasics.norm.(diffs); init=0.0) return round(Int, max_dist / move_speed) end end # Iterate over node displacements per direction for (node_diffs, frames) in zip(diffs_per_dir, frames_per_dir) # Interpolate nodes along direction for t in 1:frames if t == frames node_pos = node_start_pos .+ node_diffs else node_pos = node_start_pos .+ node_diffs .* t / frames end canvas.observables[:layout][] = node_pos # Run callbacks overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) end node_start_pos += node_diffs end # Reconnect graph layout to node positions canvas.observables[:layout].val = layout return canvas end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export GraphworldRenderer, BlocksworldRenderer include("layouts.jl") """ GraphworldRenderer(; options...) Customizable renderer for domains with fixed locations and movable objects connected in a graph. The layout of the graph can be controlled with the `graph_layout` option, which takes a function that returns an `AbstractLayout` given the number of locations. By default, the graph is laid out using the `StressLocSpringMov` layout, which arranges the first `n_locs` nodes via stress minimization, and uses spring/repulsion for the remaining nodes. # General options $(TYPEDFIELDS) """ @kwdef mutable struct GraphworldRenderer <: Renderer "Default figure resolution, in pixels." resolution::Tuple{Int, Int} = (800, 800) "Function `n_locs -> (graph -> positions)` that returns an AbstractLayout." graph_layout::Function = n_locs -> StressLocSpringMov(n_locs=n_locs) "Whether the edges between locations are directed." is_loc_directed::Bool = false "Whether the edges between movable objects are directed." is_mov_directed::Bool = false "Whether there are edges between movable objects." has_mov_edges::Bool = false "PDDL objects that correspond to fixed locations." locations::Vector{Const} = Const[] "PDDL object types that correspond to fixed locations." location_types::Vector{Symbol} = Symbol[] "PDDL objects that correspond to movable objects." movables::Vector{Const} = Const[] "PDDL object types that correspond to movable objects." movable_types::Vector{Symbol} = Symbol[] "Function `(dom, s, l1, l2) -> Bool` that checks if `l1` connects to `l2`." loc_edge_fn::Function = (d, s, l1, l2) -> l1 != l2 "Function `(dom, s, l1, l2) -> String` that labels edge `(l1, l2)`." loc_edge_label_fn::Function = (d, s, l1, l2) -> "" "Function `(dom, s, obj, loc) -> Bool` that checks if `mov` is at `loc`." mov_loc_edge_fn::Function = (d, s, mov, loc) -> false "Function `(dom, s, obj, loc) -> String` that labels edge `(mov, loc)`." mov_loc_edge_label_fn::Function = (d, s, mov, loc) -> "" "Function `(dom, s, m1, m2) -> Bool` that checks if `m1` connects to `m2`." mov_edge_fn::Function = (d, s, m1, m2) -> false "Function `(dom, s, m1, m2) -> String` that labels edge `(m1, m2)`." mov_edge_label_fn::Function = (d, s, o1, o2) -> "" "Location object renderers, of the form `(domain, state, loc) -> Graphic`." loc_renderers::Dict{Const, Function} = Dict{Const, Function}() "Movable object renderers, of the form `(domain, state, obj) -> Graphic`." mov_renderers::Dict{Const, Function} = Dict{Const, Function}() "Per-type location renderers, of the form `(domain, state, loc) -> Graphic`." loc_type_renderers::Dict{Symbol, Function} = Dict{Symbol, Function}() "Per-type movable renderers, of the form `(domain, state, obj) -> Graphic`." mov_type_renderers::Dict{Symbol, Function} = Dict{Symbol, Function}() "Default options for graph rendering, passed to the `graphplot` recipe." graph_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :node_size => 0.05, :node_attr => (markerspace=:data,), :nlabels_fontsize => 20, :nlabels_align => (:center, :center), :elabels_fontsize => 16, ) "Default display options for axis." axis_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :aspect => 1, :autolimitaspect => 1, :hidedecorations => true ) "Default options for state rendering." state_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = default_state_options(GraphworldRenderer) "Default options for animation rendering." anim_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = Dict{Symbol, Any}() end function new_canvas(renderer::GraphworldRenderer) figure = Figure() resize!(figure.scene, renderer.resolution) return Canvas(figure) end include("state.jl") include("animate.jl") # Add documentation for auxiliary options Base.with_logger(Base.NullLogger()) do @doc """ $(@doc GraphworldRenderer) # State options These options can be passed as keyword arguments to [`render_state`](@ref): $(Base.doc(default_state_options, Tuple{Type{GraphworldRenderer}})) """ GraphworldRenderer end """ BlocksworldRenderer(; options...) Specialization of [`GraphworldRenderer`](@ref) for the blocksworld domain, which uses a custom [`BlocksworldLayout`](@ref) and default renderers for blocks and tables. The following blocksworld-specific options are supported: # Options - `block_type::Symbol`: PDDL type of blocks, defaults to `:block` - `block_width::Real`: Width of blocks, defaults to `1.0` - `block_height::Real`: Height of blocks, defaults to `1.0` - `block_gap::Real`: Gap between blocks, defaults to `0.5` - `table_height::Real`: Height of table, defaults to `block_height` - `gripper_height::Real`: Height of blocks when they are picked up. Defaults to slightly above the tallest block tower. - `block_colors`: Colorscheme for blocks, defaults to a discretization of the `plasma` colorscheme. - `block_renderer`: Renderer for blocks, defaults to a colored square with the block name as white text in the center. """ function BlocksworldRenderer(; block_type::Symbol = :block, block_width::Real = 1.0, block_height::Real = 1.0, block_gap::Real = 0.5, table_height::Real = block_height, gripper_height::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing, graph_layout = n_locs -> PDDLViz.BlocksworldLayout(; n_locs, block_width, block_height, block_gap, table_height, gripper_height ), block_colors = Makie.colorschemes[:plasma][1:8:256], block_renderer = (d, s, obj) -> begin return MultiGraphic( SquareShape( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, color=block_colors[mod(hash(, length(block_colors))+1], strokewidth=2.0 ), TextGraphic( string(, 0, 0, 3/4*length(string(, font=:bold, color=:white, strokecolor=:black, strokewidth=1.0 ) ) end, table_renderer = (d, s, loc) -> begin n_blocks = length(PDDL.get_objects(s, :block)) width = (block_width + block_gap) * n_blocks return RectShape(0.0, 0.0, width, 1.0, color=:grey60, strokewidth=2.0) end, loc_edge_fn = (d, s, a, b) -> false, mov_loc_edge_fn = (d, s, x, loc) -> begin if x == loc s[Compound(:ontable, [x])] elseif == :gripper s[Compound(:holding, [x])] else false end end, mov_edge_fn = (d, s, x, y) -> s[Compound(:on, [x, y])], is_loc_directed = true, is_mov_directed = true, has_mov_edges = true, locations = [pddl"(table)", pddl"(gripper)", pddl"(ceiling)"], location_types = [block_type], movable_types = [block_type], loc_renderers = Dict{Const, Function}( locations[1] => table_renderer ), mov_type_renderers = Dict{Symbol, Function}( block_type => block_renderer ), graph_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :arrow_show => false, :node_size => 0.0, :edge_width => 0.0, :node_attr => (markerspace=:data,), ), axis_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :aspect => DataAspect(), :xautolimitmargin => (0.0, 0.0), :limits => (0.0, nothing, 0.0, nothing), :hidedecorations => true ), state_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :show_location_labels => false, :show_movable_labels => false, :show_edge_labels => false, :show_location_graphics => true, :show_movable_graphics => true ), anim_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :transition => ManhattanTransition( order = [:up, :horizontal, :down], stop_early = [true, false, false] ), :move_speed => 0.4 ), kwargs... ) return GraphworldRenderer(; graph_layout, is_loc_directed, is_mov_directed, has_mov_edges, locations, location_types, movable_types, loc_edge_fn, mov_loc_edge_fn, mov_edge_fn, loc_renderers, mov_type_renderers, graph_options, axis_options, state_options, anim_options, kwargs... ) end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using NetworkLayout: AbstractLayout """ StressLocSpringMov(; kwargs...)(adj_matrix) Returns a layout that first places the first `n_locs` nodes using stress minimization, then places the remaining nodes using spring/repulsion. ## Keyword Arguments - `dim = 2`, `Ptype = Float64`: Dimension and output type. - `n_locs = 0`: Number of nodes to place using stress minimization. - `stress_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}()`: Keyword arguments for `Stress`. - `spring_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:C => 0.3)`: Keyword arguments for `Spring`. """ struct StressLocSpringMov{Dim, Ptype} <: AbstractLayout{Dim, Ptype} n_locs::Int stress_kwargs::Dict{Symbol, Any} spring_kwargs::Dict{Symbol, Any} end function StressLocSpringMov(; dim = 2, Ptype = Float64, n_locs = 0, stress_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:seed => 1), spring_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:C => 0.3, :seed => 1) ) return StressLocSpringMov{dim, Ptype}(n_locs, stress_kwargs, spring_kwargs) end function NetworkLayout.layout( algo::StressLocSpringMov{Dim, Ptype}, adj_matrix::AbstractMatrix ) where {Dim, Ptype} n_nodes = NetworkLayout.assertsquare(adj_matrix) stress = Stress(;dim=Dim, Ptype=Ptype, algo.stress_kwargs...) loc_positions = stress(adj_matrix[1:algo.n_locs, 1:algo.n_locs]) init_positions = resize!(copy(loc_positions), n_nodes) for i in algo.n_locs+1:n_nodes for j in 1:algo.n_locs adj_matrix[i, j] == 0 && continue init_positions[i] = loc_positions[j] break end end spring = Spring(;dim=Dim, Ptype=Ptype, pin=loc_positions, initialpos=init_positions, algo.spring_kwargs...) return spring(adj_matrix) end """ BlocksworldLayout(; kwargs...) Layout for blocksworld problems. Blocks are stacked bottom-up from a table, except for the block that is currently held by the gripper. ## Keyword Arguments - `Ptype = Float64`: Type of coordinates. - `n_locs = 3`: Number of locations, including the table, gripper, ceiling, and locations of the base blocks. - `block_width = 1.0`: Width of each block. - `block_height = 1.0`: Height of each block. - `block_gap = 0.5`: Horizontal gap between blocks. - `table_height = block_height`: Height of the table. - `gripper_height`: Height of the gripper. """ struct BlocksworldLayout{Ptype} <: AbstractLayout{2, Ptype} n_locs::Int block_width::Ptype block_height::Ptype block_gap::Ptype table_height::Ptype gripper_height::Union{Ptype, Nothing} end function BlocksworldLayout(; Ptype = Float64, n_locs = 3, block_width = Ptype(1.0), block_height = Ptype(1.0), block_gap = Ptype(0.5), table_height = block_height, gripper_height = nothing ) return BlocksworldLayout{Ptype}( n_locs, block_width, block_height, block_gap, table_height, gripper_height ) end function NetworkLayout.layout( algo::BlocksworldLayout{Ptype}, adj_matrix::AbstractMatrix ) where {Ptype} n_nodes = NetworkLayout.assertsquare(adj_matrix) n_blocks = n_nodes - algo.n_locs graph = SimpleDiGraph(adj_matrix) positions = Vector{Point2{Ptype}}(undef, n_nodes) # Set table location x_mid = n_blocks * (algo.block_width + algo.block_gap) / Ptype(2) table_pos = Point2{Ptype}(x_mid, algo.table_height / Ptype(2)) positions[1] = table_pos # Set ceiling location ceil_height = algo.table_height + Ptype(n_blocks + 2.5) * algo.block_height if !isnothing(algo.gripper_height) ceil_height = max(ceil_height, algo.gripper_height) end ceil_pos = Point2{Ptype}(x_mid, ceil_height) positions[3] = ceil_pos # Compute base locations x_start = (algo.block_width + algo.block_gap) / Ptype(2) for i in 1:n_blocks x = (i - 1) * (algo.block_width + algo.block_gap) + x_start y = algo.table_height - algo.block_height / Ptype(2) positions[3 + i] = Point2{Ptype}(x, y) end # Compute block locations for towers rooted at each base max_tower_height = algo.table_height - algo.block_height / Ptype(2) for base in 4:algo.n_locs stack = [(i, base) for i in inneighbors(graph, base)] while !isempty(stack) (node, parent) = pop!(stack) x, y = positions[parent] y += algo.block_height max_tower_height = max(y, max_tower_height) positions[node] = Point2{Ptype}(x, y) for child in inneighbors(graph, node) push!(stack, (child, node)) end end end if isnothing(algo.gripper_height) # Automatically determine gripper height gripper_height = max_tower_height + Ptype(1.5) * algo.block_height if !isempty(inneighbors(graph, 2)) gripper_height += algo.block_height end gripper_height = min(gripper_height, ceil_height) else # Set fixed gripper height gripper_height = ceil_height end # Set gripper location gripper_pos = Point2{Ptype}(x_mid, gripper_height) positions[2] = gripper_pos # Set location of held blocks for node in inneighbors(graph, 2) positions[node] = copy(gripper_pos) end return positions end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function render_state!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GraphworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable; replace::Bool=true, options... ) # Update options options = merge(renderer.state_options, options) # Set canvas state observable (replacing any previous state) if replace || canvas.state === nothing canvas.state = state end # Extract or construct main axis ax = get(canvas.blocks, 1) do axis_options = copy(renderer.axis_options) delete!(axis_options, :hidedecorations) _ax = Axis(canvas.layout[1, 1]; axis_options...) push!(canvas.blocks, _ax) return _ax end # Extract objects from state locations = [sort!(PDDL.get_objects(domain, state[], t), by=string) for t in renderer.location_types] locations = prepend!(reduce(vcat, locations, init=Const[]), renderer.locations) movables = [sort!(PDDL.get_objects(domain, state[], t), by=string) for t in renderer.movable_types] movables = prepend!(reduce(vcat, movables, init=Const[]), renderer.movables) # Build static location graph is_directed = renderer.is_loc_directed || renderer.is_mov_directed n_locs = length(locations) loc_graph = is_directed ? SimpleDiGraph(n_locs) : SimpleGraph(n_locs) for (i, a) in enumerate(locations), (j, b) in enumerate(locations) renderer.loc_edge_fn(domain, state[], a, b) || continue add_edge!(loc_graph, i, j) is_directed && !renderer.is_loc_directed || continue add_edge!(loc_graph, j, i) end # Add movable objects to graph graph = @lift begin g = copy(loc_graph) # Add edges between locations and movable objects for (i, mov) in enumerate(movables) add_vertex!(g) for (j, loc) in enumerate(locations) if renderer.mov_loc_edge_fn(domain, $state, mov, loc) add_edge!(g, n_locs + i, j) break end end end # Add edges between movable objects if renderer.has_mov_edges for (i, a) in enumerate(movables), (j, b) in enumerate(movables) renderer.mov_edge_fn(domain, $state, a, b) || continue add_edge!(g, n_locs + i, n_locs + j) is_directed && !renderer.is_mov_directed || continue add_edge!(g, n_locs + j, n_locs + i) end end g end # Construct layout for graph including movable objects layout = renderer.graph_layout(n_locs) # Define node and edge labels loc_labels = get(options, :show_location_labels, true) ? string.(locations) : fill("", length(locations)) mov_labels = get(options, :show_movable_labels, true) ? string.(movables) : fill("", length(movables)) node_labels = [loc_labels; mov_labels] if get(options, :show_edge_labels, false) init_n_edges = ne(graph[]) edge_labels = @lift begin n_edges = ne($graph) if n_edges != init_n_edges error("Cannot update edge labels for dynamic graphs.") end labels = Vector{String}(undef, n_edges) for (i, e) in enumerate(edges($graph)) if e.src <= n_locs && e.dst <= n_locs a, b = locations[e.src], locations[e.dst] labels[i] = renderer.loc_edge_label_fn(domain, $state, a, b) elseif e.src > n_locs && e.dst > n_locs a = movables[e.src - n_locs] b = movables[e.dst - n_locs] labels[i] = renderer.mov_edge_label_fn(domain, $state, a, b) elseif e.src <= n_locs && e.dst > n_locs a = movables[e.dst - n_locs] b = locations[e.src] labels[i] = renderer.mov_loc_edge_label_fn(domain, $state, a, b) end end labels end else edge_labels = nothing end # Define node and edge colors node_colors = @lift map(vertices($graph)) do v v > n_locs ? to_color(get(options, :movable_node_color, :gray)) : to_color(get(options, :location_node_color, :black)) end edge_colors = @lift map(edges($graph)) do e e.src > n_locs || e.dst > n_locs ? to_color(get(options, :movable_edge_color, (:mediumpurple, 0.75))) : to_color(get(options, :location_edge_color, :black)) end # Render graph gp = graphplot!(ax, graph; layout=layout, node_color=node_colors, nlabels=node_labels, elabels=edge_labels, edge_color=edge_colors, renderer.graph_options...) canvas.plots[:graphplot] = gp canvas.observables[:graph] = graph canvas.observables[:layout] = gp[:layout] canvas.observables[:node_pos] = gp[:node_pos] # Update node label offsets label_offset = get(options, :label_offset, 0.15) map!(gp.nlabels_offset, gp.node_pos) do node_pos mean_pos = sum(node_pos[1:n_locs]) / n_locs dir = node_pos .- mean_pos mag = [GeometryBasics.norm(d) for d in dir] dir = dir ./ mag offsets = label_offset .* dir return offsets end # Render location graphics if get(options, :show_location_graphics, true) for (i, loc) in enumerate(locations) r = get(renderer.loc_renderers, loc, nothing) if r === nothing loc in PDDL.get_objects(state[]) || continue type = PDDL.get_objtype(state[], loc) r = get(renderer.loc_type_renderers, type, nothing) r === nothing && continue end graphic_pos = Observable(gp.node_pos[][i], ignore_equal_values=true) on(gp.node_pos, update=true) do positions graphic_pos[] = positions[i] end graphic = @lift begin pos = $graphic_pos translate(r(domain, $state, loc), pos[1], pos[2]) end plt = graphicplot!(ax, graphic) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(loc)_graphic")] = plt end end # Render movable object graphics if get(options, :show_movable_graphics, true) for (i, obj) in enumerate(movables) r = get(renderer.mov_renderers, obj, nothing) if r === nothing obj in PDDL.get_objects(state[]) || continue type = PDDL.get_objtype(state[], obj) r = get(renderer.mov_type_renderers, type, nothing) r === nothing && continue end graphic_pos = Observable(gp.node_pos[][n_locs + i], ignore_equal_values=true) on(gp.node_pos, update=true) do positions graphic_pos[] = positions[n_locs + i] end graphic = @lift begin pos = $graphic_pos translate(r(domain, $state, obj), pos[1], pos[2]) end plt = graphicplot!(ax, graphic) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_graphic")] = plt end end # Hide decorations if flag is specified if get(renderer.axis_options, :hidedecorations, true) hidedecorations!(ax) end return canvas end """ - `show_location_graphics = true`: Whether to show location graphics. - `show_location_labels = true`: Whether to show location labels. - `show_movable_graphics = true`: Whether to show movable object graphics. - `show_movable_labels = true`: Whether to show movable object labels. - `show_edge_labels = false`: Whether to show edge labels. - `location_node_color = :black`: Color of location nodes. - `location_edge_color = :black`: Color of edges between locations. - `movable_node_color = :gray`: Color of movable object nodes. - `movable_edge_color = (:mediumpurple, 0.75)`: Color of edges between locations and movable objects. - `label_offset = 0.15`: How much labels are offset from the center of their corresponding objects. Larger values move the labels further away. """ default_state_options(R::Type{GraphworldRenderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}( :show_location_graphics => true, :show_location_labels => true, :show_movable_graphics => true, :show_movable_labels => true, :show_edge_labels => false, :location_node_color => :black, :location_edge_color => :black, :movable_node_color => :gray, :movable_edge_color => (:mediumpurple, 0.75), :label_offset => 0.15 )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function (cb::AnimSolveCallback{GridworldRenderer})( planner::Union{ForwardPlanner, BreadthFirstPlanner}, sol::PathSearchSolution, node_id::Union{UInt, Nothing}, priority ) renderer, canvas, domain = cb.renderer, cb.canvas, cb.domain options = isempty(cb.options) ? renderer.trajectory_options : merge(renderer.trajectory_options, cb.options) # Extract agent observables if renderer.has_agent agent_locs = get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, :search_agent_locs) agent_dirs = get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, :search_agent_dirs) else agent_locs = nothing agent_dirs = nothing end # Extract object observables objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) for ty in types objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) end obj_locs = [get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, Symbol("search_$(obj)_locs")) for obj in objects] obj_dirs = [get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, Symbol("search_$(obj)_dirs")) for obj in objects] # Determine if search tree was reinitialized or rerooted n_expanded = length(sol.search_tree) - length(sol.search_frontier) n_expanded = max(n_expanded, sol.expanded) if renderer.has_agent tree_updated = length(agent_locs[]) != n_expanded-1 else tree_updated = any(length(os[]) != n_expanded-1 for os in obj_locs) end # Rebuild search tree if tree was updated, otherwise add node to tree if tree_updated _build_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, sol, node_id) elseif !isnothing(node_id) _add_node_to_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, sol, node_id) end # Render search tree if necessary ax = canvas.blocks[1] node_marker = get(options, :search_marker, '⦿') node_size = get(options, :search_size, 0.3) edge_arrow = get(options, :search_arrow, '▷') cmap = get(options, :search_colormap, cgrad([:blue, :red])) if renderer.has_agent && !haskey(canvas.plots, :agent_search_nodes) colors = @lift 1:length($agent_locs) canvas.plots[:agent_search_nodes] = arrows!( ax, agent_locs, agent_dirs, color=colors, colormap=cmap, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, markerspace=:data, align=:head ) edge_locs = @lift $agent_locs .- ($agent_dirs .* 0.5) edge_rotations = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $agent_dirs] edge_markers = @lift map($agent_dirs) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[:agent_search_arrows] = scatter!( ax, edge_locs, rotation=edge_rotations, marker=edge_markers, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, color=colors, colormap=cmap ) end for (obj, ls, ds) in zip(objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs) haskey(canvas.plots, Symbol("$(obj)_search_nodes")) && continue colors = @lift 1:length($ls) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_search_nodes")] = arrows!( ax, ls, ds, colormap=cmap, color=colors, markerspace=:data, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, align=:head ) e_ls = @lift $ls .- ($ds .* 0.5) e_rs = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $ds] e_ms = @lift map($ds) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_search_arrows")] = scatter!( ax, e_ls, rotation=e_rs, marker=e_ms, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, colormap=cmap, color=colors ) end # Trigger updates if renderer.has_agent notify(agent_locs); notify(agent_dirs) end for (ls, ds) in zip(obj_locs, obj_dirs) notify(ls); notify(ds) end # Run record callback if provided !isnothing(cb.record_callback) && cb.record_callback(canvas) cb.sleep_dur > 0 && sleep(cb.sleep_dur) return nothing end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function (cb::AnimSolveCallback{GridworldRenderer})( planner::RealTimeDynamicPlanner, sol::PolicySolution, n::Int, visited, stop_reason::Symbol ) renderer, canvas, domain = cb.renderer, cb.canvas, cb.domain options = isempty(cb.options) ? renderer.trajectory_options : merge(renderer.trajectory_options, cb.options) # Extract initial state state = visited[1] prev_state = state height = size(state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) # Extract agent observables if renderer.has_agent agent_locs = get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, :rtdp_agent_locs) agent_dirs = get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, :rtdp_agent_dirs) end # Extract object observables objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) for ty in types objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) end obj_locs = [get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, Symbol("rtdp_$(obj)_locs")) for obj in objects] obj_dirs = [get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, Symbol("rtdp_$(obj)_dirs")) for obj in objects] # Extract solution observables sol_obs = get!(() -> Observable(sol), canvas.observables, :rtdp_solution) state_obs = get!(() -> Observable(state), canvas.observables, :rtdp_state) # Reset agent observables if renderer.has_agent empty!(agent_locs[]) empty!(agent_dirs[]) loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, state, height) prev_loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, prev_state, height) push!(agent_locs[], loc) push!(agent_dirs[], loc .- prev_loc) end # Reset object observables for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects) empty!(obj_locs[i][]) empty!(obj_dirs[i][]) loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, state, obj, height) prev_loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, prev_state, obj, height) push!(obj_locs[i][], loc) push!(obj_dirs[i][], loc .- prev_loc) end # Render rollout if necessary ax = canvas.blocks[1] node_marker = get(options, :search_marker, '⦿') node_size = get(options, :search_size, 0.3) edge_arrow = get(options, :search_arrow, '▷') cmap = get(options, :search_colormap, cgrad([:blue, :red])) if renderer.has_agent && !haskey(canvas.plots, :agent_rtdp_nodes) colors = @lift 1:length($agent_locs) canvas.plots[:agent_rtdp_nodes] = arrows!( ax, agent_locs, agent_dirs, color=colors, colormap=cmap, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, markerspace=:data, align=:head ) edge_locs = @lift $agent_locs .- ($agent_dirs .* 0.5) edge_rotations = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $agent_dirs] edge_markers = @lift map($agent_dirs) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[:agent_rtdp_arrows] = scatter!( ax, edge_locs, rotation=edge_rotations, color=colors, colormap=cmap, marker=edge_markers, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, ) end for (obj, ls, ds) in zip(objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs) haskey(canvas.plots, Symbol("$(obj)_rtdp_nodes")) && continue colors = @lift 1:length($ls) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_rtdp_nodes")] = arrows!( ax, ls, ds, colormap=cmap, color=colors, markerspace=:data, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, align=:head ) e_ls = @lift $ls .- ($ds .* 0.5) e_rs = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $ds] e_ms = @lift map($ds) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_rtdp_arrows")] = scatter!( ax, e_ls, rotation=e_rs, marker=e_ms, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, colormap=cmap, color=colors ) end !isnothing(cb.record_callback) && cb.record_callback(canvas) cb.sleep_dur > 0 && sleep(cb.sleep_dur) # Iterate over visited states for state in visited[2:end] # Update observables if renderer.has_agent loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, state, height) prev_loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, prev_state, height) push!(agent_locs[], loc) push!(agent_dirs[], loc .- prev_loc) notify(agent_locs); notify(agent_dirs) end for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects) loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, state, obj, height) prev_loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, prev_state, obj, height) push!(obj_locs[i][], loc) push!(obj_dirs[i][], loc .- prev_loc) notify(obj_locs[i]); notify(obj_dirs[i]) end !isnothing(cb.record_callback) && cb.record_callback(canvas) cb.sleep_dur > 0 && sleep(cb.sleep_dur) prev_state = state end # Render / update value heatmap if (renderer.has_agent && !haskey(canvas.plots, :agent_policy_values)) || (!isempty(objects) && !haskey(canvas.plots, Symbol("$(objects[1])_policy_values"))) render_sol!(canvas, renderer, domain, state_obs, sol_obs; options...) else state_obs.val = visited[1] sol_obs[] = sol end !isnothing(cb.record_callback) && cb.record_callback(canvas) cb.sleep_dur > 0 && sleep(cb.sleep_dur) return nothing end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function (cb::AnimSolveCallback{GridworldRenderer})( planner::RealTimeHeuristicSearch, sol::ReusableTreePolicy, init_state::Union{State, Nothing}, cur_state::State, n::Int, act, cur_v, best_act ) renderer, canvas, domain = cb.renderer, cb.canvas, cb.domain options = merge(renderer.trajectory_options, cb.options) options[:show_search] = false if planner.reuse_paths options[:show_goal_tree] = get(options, :show_goal_tree, true) end # Determine grid height height = size(cur_state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) # Extract agent observables if renderer.has_agent agent_loc = get!(canvas.observables, :rths_agent_loc) do Observable(Point2f(gw_agent_loc(renderer, cur_state, height))) end agent_color = set_alpha(get(options, :agent_color, :black), 0.75) search_agent_locs = get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, :search_agent_locs) search_agent_dirs = get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, :search_agent_dirs) else search_agent_locs = nothing search_agent_dirs = nothing end # Extract object observables objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) obj_colors = get(options, :object_colors, Symbol[]) .|> to_color_obs types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) type_colors = get(options, :type_colors, Symbol[]) .|> to_color_obs for (ty, col) in zip(types, type_colors) objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) append!(obj_colors, fill(col, length(objs))) end obj_locs = map(objects) do obj get!(canvas.observables, Symbol("rths_$(obj)_loc")) do Observable(Point2f(gw_obj_loc(renderer, cur_state, obj, height))) end end obj_colors = map(col -> set_alpha(col, 0.75), obj_colors) search_obj_locs = [get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, Symbol("search_$(obj)_locs")) for obj in objects] search_obj_dirs = [get!(Point2fVecObservable, canvas.observables, Symbol("search_$(obj)_dirs")) for obj in objects] # Extract solution observables sol_obs = get!(() -> Observable(sol), canvas.observables, :rths_solution) state_obs = get!(() -> Observable(cur_state), canvas.observables, :rths_state) # Render current locations if necessary loc_marker = get(options, :rths_loc_marker, '○') loc_markersize = get(options, :rths_loc_markersize, 0.6) ax = canvas.blocks[1] if renderer.has_agent && !haskey(canvas.plots, :rths_agent_loc) canvas.plots[:rths_agent_loc] = scatter!(ax, agent_loc, color=agent_color, markerspace=:data, marker=loc_marker, markersize=loc_markersize) end for (obj, loc, col) in zip(objects, obj_locs, obj_colors) if !haskey(canvas.plots, Symbol("rths_$(obj)_loc")) canvas.plots[Symbol("rths_$(obj)_loc")] = scatter!(ax, loc, color=col, markerspace=:data, marker=loc_marker, markersize=loc_markersize) end end # Update location observables if renderer.has_agent agent_loc[] = Point2f(gw_agent_loc(renderer, cur_state, height)) end for (obj, loc) in zip(objects, obj_locs) loc[] = Point2f(gw_obj_loc(renderer, cur_state, obj, height)) end # Reset/rebuild search locations if iteration has completed if isnothing(act) node_id = isempty(sol.search_sol.trajectory) ? nothing : hash(sol.search_sol.trajectory[end]) _build_tree!( search_agent_locs, search_agent_dirs, objects, search_obj_locs, search_obj_dirs, renderer, sol.search_sol, node_id ) if renderer.has_agent && !isempty(search_agent_locs[]) notify(search_agent_locs) notify(search_agent_dirs) end for (ls, ds) in zip(search_obj_locs, search_obj_dirs) if !isempty(ls[]) notify(ls) notify(ds) end end end # Render / update value heatmap if (renderer.has_agent && !haskey(canvas.plots, :agent_policy_values)) || (!isempty(objects) && !haskey(canvas.plots, Symbol("$(objects[1])_policy_values"))) render_sol!(canvas, renderer, domain, state_obs, sol_obs; options...) else state_obs.val = cur_state sol_obs[] = sol end # Run record callback if provided !isnothing(cb.record_callback) && cb.record_callback(canvas) cb.sleep_dur > 0 && sleep(cb.sleep_dur) return nothing end