1 value
<item key="Aliases Parked domains domain[comment,search text keywords]">Aliases Domínios estacionados [comment,search text keywords]</item>
<item key="Aliases Parked domains domain[comment,search text keywords]">Aliases Parked domains domain[comment,search text keywords]</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Aliases are relative to your account’s home directory. The [output,inline,,class,glyphicon glyphicon-home] icon signifies your home directory which is “[_1]”.">Os aliases são relativos ao diretório inicial da sua conta. O ícone [output,inline,,class,glyphicon glyphicon-home] significa o seu diretório inicial, que é “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="Aliases are relative to your account’s home directory. The [output,inline,,class,glyphicon glyphicon-home] icon signifies your home directory which is “[_1]”."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Aliases are relative to your account’s home directory. The home icon ([_2]) signifies your home directory which is “[_1]”.">Os aliases são relativos ao diretório inicial da sua conta. O ícone de início ([_2]) indica que o seu diretório inicial é “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="Aliases are relative to your account’s home directory. The home icon ([_2]) signifies your home directory which is “[_1]”."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alignment:">Alinhamento:</item>
<item key="Alignment:">Alignment:</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All">Todos</item>
<item key="All">All</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All (Forget Search [output,amp] Sort)">Todos (Esquecer pesquisa [output,amp] Ordenação)</item>
<item key="All (Forget Search [output,amp] Sort)">All (Forget Search [output,amp] Sort)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All (Forget Search/Sort)">Todos (Esquecer pesquisa/ordenação)</item>
<item key="All (Forget Search/Sort)">All (Forget Search/Sort)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Archives">Todos os arquivos</item>
<item key="All Archives">All Archives</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All DNS records updated OK">Todos os registros DNS foram atualizados com sucesso</item>
<item key="All DNS records updated OK"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Delivery Events">Todos os eventos de entrega</item>
<item key="All Delivery Events">All Delivery Events</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Domains">Todos os domínios</item>
<item key="All Domains">All Domains</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All SQL Databases">Todos os bancos de dados SQL</item>
<item key="All SQL Databases">All SQL Databases</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Traffic">Todo o tráfego</item>
<item key="All Traffic">All Traffic</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Traffic (Megabytes)">Todo o tráfego (megabytes)</item>
<item key="All Traffic (Megabytes)">All Traffic (Megabytes)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Users">Todos os usuários</item>
<item key="All Users"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All Your Files">Todos os seus arquivos</item>
<item key="All Your Files">All Your Files</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All changes made on this server will propagate to any server in the cluster that is linked to this server. Synchronization is one-way: changes made on another server will not propagate to this server unless [output,class,Synchronize changes,title] is selected on the other server as well.">Todas as alterações feitas neste servidor serão propagadas para qualquer servidor no cluster que esteja vinculado a ele. A sincronização é unidirecional: alterações feitas em outro servidor não serão propagadas para este servidor, a menos que [output,class,Sincronizar alterações,title] também seja selecionado no outro servidor.</item>
<item key="All changes made on this server will propagate to any server in the cluster that is linked to this server. Synchronization is one-way: changes made on another server will not propagate to this server unless [output,class,Synchronize changes,title] is selected on the other server as well.">All changes made on this server will propagate to any server in the cluster that is linked to this server. Synchronization is one-way: changes made on another server will not propagate to this server unless [output,class,Synchronize changes,title] is selected on the other server as well.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All directories are relative to your home directory, which is “[_1]”.">Todos os diretórios são relativos ao seu diretório inicial, que é “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="All directories are relative to your home directory, which is “[_1]”."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All email sent to “[_1]” will now be copied to “[_2]”.">Todos os e-mails enviados para “[_1]” agora serão copiados para “[_2]”.</item>
<item key="All email sent to “[_1]” will now be copied to “[_2]”.">All email sent to “[_1]” will now be copied to “[_2]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All email sent to ”[_1]” will now be copied to “[_2]”.">Todos os e-mails enviados para “[_1]” agora serão copiados para “[_2]”.</item>
<item key="All email sent to ”[_1]” will now be copied to “[_2]”."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All email that is sent to “[_1]” will forward to “[_2]”.">Todos os e-mails enviados para “[_1]” serão encaminhados para “[_2]”.</item>
<item key="All email that is sent to “[_1]” will forward to “[_2]”.">All email that is sent to “[_1]” will forward to “[_2]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All email that is sent to “[output,strong,_1]” will forward to “[output,strong,_2]”">Todos os e-mails enviados para “[output,strong,_1]” serão encaminhados para “[output,strong,_2]”</item>
<item key="All email that is sent to “[output,strong,_1]” will forward to “[output,strong,_2]”">All email that is sent to “[output,strong,_1]” will forward to “[output,strong,_2]”</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All excluded IP addresses and IP ranges must be valid and within the given IP range.">Todos os endereços IP e intervalos de IPs excluídos devem ser válidos e estar dentro do intervalo de IPs fornecido.</item>
<item key="All excluded IP addresses and IP ranges must be valid and within the given IP range.">All excluded IP addresses and IP ranges must be valid and within the given IP range.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All of the server’s [asis,DNS] resolvers fail to respond.">Todos os resolvedores de [asis,DNS] do servidor não responderam.</item>
<item key="All of the server’s [asis,DNS] resolvers fail to respond.">All of the server’s [asis,DNS] resolvers fail to respond.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All of your clients who use this theme will see the changes that you make.">Todos os seus clientes que usarem este tema verão as alterações que você fizer.</item>
<item key="All of your clients who use this theme will see the changes that you make.">All of your clients who use this theme will see the changes that you make.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All rights reserved">Todos os direitos reservados</item>
<item key="All rights reserved">All rights reserved</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All the IP blocks you specify here will be approved for sending mail. Blocks should be specified in CIDR format (ie">Todos os blocos de IP especificados aqui serão aprovados para enviar e-mails. Os blocos devem ser especificados no formato CIDR (por exemplo,</item>
<item key="All the IP blocks you specify here will be approved for sending mail. Blocks should be specified in CIDR format (ie">All the IP blocks you specify here will be approved for sending mail. Blocks should be specified in CIDR format (ie</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All the hosts you specify here will be approved for sending mail. You do not need to specify your primary mail exchanger or any server that an mx has been created for as they are already included automatically.">Todos os hosts especificados aqui serão aprovados para enviar e-mail. Você não precisa especificar seu servidor de troca de e-mail principal ou nenhum servidor para o qual um MX foi criado, pois eles já estão incluídos automaticamente.</item>
<item key="All the hosts you specify here will be approved for sending mail. You do not need to specify your primary mail exchanger or any server that an mx has been created for as they are already included automatically.">All the hosts you specify here will be approved for sending mail. You do not need to specify your primary mail exchanger or any server that an mx has been created for as they are already included automatically.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All the mx entries for every domain you specify here will be approved for sending mail.">Todas as entradas mx de todos os domínios especificados aqui serão aprovadas para enviar e-mail.</item>
<item key="All the mx entries for every domain you specify here will be approved for sending mail.">All the mx entries for every domain you specify here will be approved for sending mail.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All the webmail users under this [asis,cPanel] account can view shared address books.">Todos os usuários de webmail nesta conta do [asis,cPanel] podem visualizar contatos compartilhados.</item>
<item key="All the webmail users under this [asis,cPanel] account can view shared address books.">All the webmail users under this [asis,cPanel] account can view shared address books.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All times are in the “[_1]” time zone.">Todos os horários estão no fuso horário “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="All times are in the “[_1]” time zone."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All trademarks are owned by their respective authors.">Todas as marcas comerciais são propriedade de seus respectivos autores.</item>
<item key="All trademarks are owned by their respective authors.">All trademarks are owned by their respective authors.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All unrouted email for “[output,strong,_1]” domain will go to “[output,strong,_2]”.">Todos os e-mails não roteados para o domínio “[output,strong,_1]” serão direcionados para “[output,strong,_2]”.</item>
<item key="All unrouted email for “[output,strong,_1]” domain will go to “[output,strong,_2]”.">All unrouted email for “[output,strong,_1]” domain will go to “[output,strong,_2]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All valid hostnames should have 2 dots in them.">Todos os nomes de host válidos devem ter dois pontos.</item>
<item key="All valid hostnames should have 2 dots in them.">All valid hostnames should have 2 dots in them.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="All virtual users must include both a local part and a domain.">Todos os usuários virtuais devem incluir uma parte local e um domínio.</item>
<item key="All virtual users must include both a local part and a domain.">All virtual users must include both a local part and a domain.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow MySQL password change.">Permitir alteração de senha do MySQL.</item>
<item key="Allow MySQL password change."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow Plaintext Authentication (from remote clients)">Permitir autenticação em texto simples (de clientes remotos)</item>
<item key="Allow Plaintext Authentication (from remote clients)">Allow Plaintext Authentication (from remote clients)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow Reseller Privileges: [boolean,_1,yes,no]">Permitir privilégios de revendedor: [boolean,_1,sim,não]</item>
<item key="Allow Reseller Privileges: [boolean,_1,yes,no]">Allow Reseller Privileges: [boolean,_1,yes,no]</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow [asis,chkservd] to monitor and restart [asis,cPHulkd]:">Permitir que o [asis,chkservd] monitore e reinicie o [asis,cPHulkd]:</item>
<item key="Allow [asis,chkservd] to monitor and restart [asis,cPHulkd]:"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow anonymous access to “[_1]”.">Permitir acesso anônimo a “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="Allow anonymous access to “[_1]”.">Allow anonymous access to “[_1]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow anonymous uploads to “[_1]”.">Permitir uploads anônimos para “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="Allow anonymous uploads to “[_1]”.">Allow anonymous uploads to “[_1]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow direct requests (for example, when you enter the [output,acronym,URL,Uniform Resource Locator] of an image in a browser).">Permitir solicitações diretas (por exemplo, quando você insere o [output,acronym,URL,Localizador Uniforme de Recurso] de uma imagem em um navegador).</item>
<item key="Allow direct requests (for example, when you enter the [output,acronym,URL,Uniform Resource Locator] of an image in a browser).">Allow direct requests (for example, when you enter the [output,acronym,URL,Uniform Resource Locator] of an image in a browser).</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow exim to listen on a port other than 25.">Permitir que o exim escute em uma porta diferente da 25.</item>
<item key="Allow exim to listen on a port other than 25.">Allow exim to listen on a port other than 25.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow the user to only read files in the Home Directory.">Permitir que o usuário leia apenas arquivos no diretório inicial.</item>
<item key="Allow the user to only read files in the Home Directory."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow the user to read and write files to the Home Directory.">Permitir que o usuário leia e grave arquivos no Diretório inicial.</item>
<item key="Allow the user to read and write files to the Home Directory."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow the web server access to the directory.">Permitir acesso do servidor web ao diretório.</item>
<item key="Allow the web server access to the directory."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allow visitors to connect to your anonymous FTP directory without a password. This is useful if you want to make some content publicly available to download. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].">Permitir que visitantes se conectem ao seu diretório FTP anônimo sem senha. Isso é útil se você quiser tornar algum conteúdo disponível publicamente para download. Para obter mais informações, leia a [output,url,_1,documentação,target,_2,id,_3].</item>
<item key="Allow visitors to connect to your anonymous FTP directory without a password. This is useful if you want to make some content publicly available to download. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].">Allow visitors to connect to your anonymous FTP directory without a password. This is useful if you want to make some content publicly available to download. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allowed IPs">IPs permitidos</item>
<item key="Allowed IPs">Allowed IPs</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allowed Referrers:">Referenciadores permitidos:</item>
<item key="Allowed Referrers:"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allows use of ”[_1]” files for per-directory access controls.">Permite o uso de arquivos ”[_1]” para controle de acesso por diretório.</item>
<item key="Allows use of ”[_1]” files for per-directory access controls.">Allows use of ”[_1]” files for per-directory access controls.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allows virtual user quotas.">Permite cotas para usuários virtuais.</item>
<item key="Allows virtual user quotas.">Allows virtual user quotas.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allows you to permit, deny, and ignore email messages from certain accounts.">Permite que você autorize, negue e ignore mensagens de e-mail de determinadas contas.</item>
<item key="Allows you to permit, deny, and ignore email messages from certain accounts."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Allows you to set up email addresses with BoxTrapper and specify how long to keep logs and queue messages.">Permite configurar endereços de e-mail com o BoxTrapper e especificar por quanto tempo manter os logs e as mensagens na fila.</item>
<item key="Allows you to set up email addresses with BoxTrapper and specify how long to keep logs and queue messages.">Allows you to set up email addresses with BoxTrapper and specify how long to keep logs and queue messages.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alpha Characters">Caracteres alfa</item>
<item key="Alpha Characters">Alpha Characters</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Also, this operation will rename the user’s prefixed databases and database users, so this cPanel user’s PostgreSQL users will be unable to log in until their passwords are set.">Além disso, como esta operação renomeará os bancos de dados prefixados do usuário e os usuários do banco de dados, os usuários PostgreSQL do usuário cPanel não poderão fazer login até que suas senhas sejam definidas.</item>
<item key="Also, this operation will rename the user’s prefixed databases and database users, so this cPanel user’s PostgreSQL users will be unable to log in until their passwords are set.">Also, this operation will rename the user’s prefixed databases and database users, so this cPanel user’s PostgreSQL users will be unable to log in until their passwords are set.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Altered RPMs Check">Verificação de RPMs alteradas</item>
<item key="Altered RPMs Check"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Altered RPMs found on “[_1]”.">RPMs alterados encontrados em “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="Altered RPMs found on “[_1]”.">Altered RPMs found on “[_1]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Altered item (“[_1]”, line [numf,_2]): [_3]">Item alterado (“[_1]”, linha [numf,_2]): [_3]</item>
<item key="Altered item (“[_1]”, line [numf,_2]): [_3]">Altered item (“[_1]”, line [numf,_2]): [_3]</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alternate Email">E-mail alternativo</item>
<item key="Alternate Email">Alternate Email</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alternate PHP ([_1])">PHP alternativo ([_1])</item>
<item key="Alternate PHP ([_1])">Alternate PHP ([_1])</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alternate Server [asis,URL]">[asis,URL] do servidor alternativo</item>
<item key="Alternate Server [asis,URL]">Alternate Server [asis,URL]</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alternative Server Path">Caminho alternativo do servidor</item>
<item key="Alternative Server Path">Alternative Server Path</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Alternatively, this option’s value may be a specific IP address to dedicate to the account.">Como alternativa, o valor dessa opção pode ser um endereço IP específico dedicado à conta.</item>
<item key="Alternatively, this option’s value may be a specific IP address to dedicate to the account.">Alternatively, this option’s value may be a specific IP address to dedicate to the account.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although Apache automatically provides basic error pages, you can create custom error pages for any valid HTTP status code that begins with a 4 or 5.">Embora o Apache forneça automaticamente páginas de erro básicas, você pode criar páginas de erro personalizadas para qualquer código de status HTTP válido que comece com 4 ou 5.</item>
<item key="Although Apache automatically provides basic error pages, you can create custom error pages for any valid HTTP status code that begins with a 4 or 5.">Although Apache automatically provides basic error pages, you can create custom error pages for any valid HTTP status code that begins with a 4 or 5.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although in place upgrades of MySQL are generally safe, it is always recommended that you perform a full database backup before beginning the upgrade process.">Embora upgrades locais do MySQL sejam geralmente seguros, sempre é recomendável realizar um backup completo do banco de dados antes de iniciar o processo de atualização.</item>
<item key="Although in place upgrades of MySQL are generally safe, it is always recommended that you perform a full database backup before beginning the upgrade process.">Although in place upgrades of MySQL are generally safe, it is always recommended that you perform a full database backup before beginning the upgrade process.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although in-place upgrades are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.">Embora atualizações locais geralmente sejam seguras, você deve sempre fazer um backup completo do banco de dados antes de iniciar o processo de atualização.</item>
<item key="Although in-place upgrades are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.">Although in-place upgrades are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although in-place upgrades of MySQL are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.">Embora upgrades locais do MySQL normalmente sejam seguros, você deve sempre realizar um backup completo do banco de dados antes de iniciar o processo de atualização.</item>
<item key="Although in-place upgrades of MySQL are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.">Although in-place upgrades of MySQL are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL database named “[_1]”, the MySQL server reported that no database with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.">Embora o mapa de banco de dados do sistema inclua um banco de dados MySQL chamado “[_1]”, o servidor MySQL informou que não existe banco de dados com esse nome. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema.</item>
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL database named “[_1]”, the MySQL server reported that no database with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.">Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL database named “[_1]”, the MySQL server reported that no database with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL user named “[_1]”, the MySQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.">Embora o mapa de banco de dados do sistema inclua um usuário MySQL chamado “[_1]”, o servidor MySQL informou que não existe usuário com esse nome. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema.</item>
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL user named “[_1]”, the MySQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a PostgreSQL database named “[_1]”, the PostgreSQL server reported that no database with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.">Embora o mapa de banco de dados do sistema inclua um banco de dados PostgreSQL chamado “[_1]”, o servidor PostgreSQL informou que não existe banco de dados com esse nome. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema.</item>
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a PostgreSQL database named “[_1]”, the PostgreSQL server reported that no database with this name exists. Contact your system administrator."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a PostgreSQL user named “[_1]”, the PostgreSQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.">Embora o mapa de banco de dados do sistema inclua um usuário PostgreSQL chamado “[_1]”, o servidor PostgreSQL informou que não existe usuário com esse nome. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema.</item>
<item key="Although the system’s database map includes a PostgreSQL user named “[_1]”, the PostgreSQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.">Although the system’s database map includes a PostgreSQL user named “[_1]”, the PostgreSQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Always open this directory in the future">Sempre abrir este diretório no futuro</item>
<item key="Always open this directory in the future">Always open this directory in the future</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Always open this directory in the future by default:">Sempre abrir este diretório no futuro como padrão:</item>
<item key="Always open this directory in the future by default:">Always open this directory in the future by default:</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Always open this directory in the future when opening:">Sempre abrir este diretório no futuro ao abrir:</item>
<item key="Always open this directory in the future when opening:"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An Apache module, mod_fastinclude, is used to automatically install Google Analytics and other popular applications by dynamically inserting JavaScript into HTML pages served from users’ domains, at the user’s request.">Um módulo Apache, mod_fastinclude, é usado para instalar automaticamente o Google Analytics e outros aplicativos populares, inserindo JavaScript dinamicamente em páginas HTML servidas pelos domínios dos usuários, a pedido do usuário.</item>
<item key="An Apache module, mod_fastinclude, is used to automatically install Google Analytics and other popular applications by dynamically inserting JavaScript into HTML pages served from users’ domains, at the user’s request.">An Apache module, mod_fastinclude, is used to automatically install Google Analytics and other popular applications by dynamically inserting JavaScript into HTML pages served from users’ domains, at the user’s request.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An HTTP ‘[_1]’ error occurred while trying to get the authorization information for ticket ‘[_2]’, server ‘[_3]’!">Ocorreu um erro HTTP ‘[_1]’ ao tentar obter as informações de autorização do tíquete ‘[_2]’, servidor ‘[_3]’!</item>
<item key="An HTTP ‘[_1]’ error occurred while trying to get the authorization information for ticket ‘[_2]’, server ‘[_3]’!">An HTTP ‘[_1]’ error occurred while trying to get the authorization information for ticket ‘[_2]’, server ‘[_3]’!</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an SSL host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. SSL certificates for production use usually also require a [output,abbr,CA,Autoridade de Certificação] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required CA bundle, you will need to paste it here.">Um certificado SSL pode proteger um ou mais domínios. Para criar um host SSL para um domínio, você precisa ter um certificado que proteja esse domínio. Cada certificado SSL possui um arquivo de chave correspondente que também deve estar presente para instalar o certificado. Os certificados SSL para uso em produção geralmente também requerem um pacote de [output,abbr,CA,Autoridade de Certificação], que esta página tentará obter automaticamente do servidor. Caso o servidor não consiga encontrar o pacote de Autoridade de Certificação necessário, você precisará colá-lo aqui.</item>
<item key="An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an SSL host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. SSL certificates for production use usually also require a [output,abbr,CA,Autoridade de Certificação] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required CA bundle, you will need to paste it here."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an SSL host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. SSL certificates for production use usually also require a [output,acronym,CA,Autoridade de Certificação] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required CA bundle, you will need to paste it here.">Um certificado SSL pode proteger um ou mais domínios. Para criar um host SSL para um domínio, você precisa ter um certificado que proteja esse domínio. Cada certificado SSL possui um arquivo de chave correspondente que também deve estar presente para instalar o certificado. Os certificados SSL para uso em produção geralmente também requerem um pacote de [output,acronym,CA,Autoridade de Certificação], que esta página tentará obter automaticamente do servidor. Caso o servidor não consiga encontrar o pacote de Autoridade de Certificação necessário, você precisará colá-lo aqui.</item>
<item key="An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an SSL host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. SSL certificates for production use usually also require a [output,acronym,CA,Autoridade de Certificação] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required CA bundle, you will need to paste it here.">An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an SSL host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. SSL certificates for production use usually also require a [output,acronym,CA,Autoridade de Certificação] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required CA bundle, you will need to paste it here.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an [output,acronym,SSL,Secure Socket Layer] host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. [output,acronym,SSL,Secure Socket Layer] certificates for production use usually also require a [output,acronym,CA,Certificate Authority] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required [output,acronym,CA,Certificate Authority] bundle, you will need to paste it here.">Um certificado SSL pode proteger um ou mais domínios. Para criar um host [output,acronym,SSL,Camada de Sockets Segura] para um domínio, você precisa ter um certificado que proteja esse domínio. Cada certificado SSL possui um arquivo de chave correspondente que também deve estar presente para instalar o certificado. Os certificados [output,acronym,SSL,Camada de Sockets Segura] para uso em produção geralmente também exigem um pacote [output,acronym,CA,Autoridade de Certificação], que esta página tentará obter automaticamente do servidor. Caso o servidor não consiga encontrar o pacote [output,acronym,CA,Autoridade de Certificação] necessário, você precisará colá-lo aqui.</item>
<item key="An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an [output,acronym,SSL,Secure Socket Layer] host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. [output,acronym,SSL,Secure Socket Layer] certificates for production use usually also require a [output,acronym,CA,Certificate Authority] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required [output,acronym,CA,Certificate Authority] bundle, you will need to paste it here.">An SSL certificate can secure one or more domains; to create an [output,acronym,SSL,Secure Socket Layer] host for a domain, you must have a certificate that secures that domain. Each SSL certificate has a matching key file that must also be present to install the certificate. [output,acronym,SSL,Secure Socket Layer] certificates for production use usually also require a [output,acronym,CA,Certificate Authority] bundle, which this page will automatically try to obtain from the server; in the event that the server cannot find the required [output,acronym,CA,Certificate Authority] bundle, you will need to paste it here.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,Apache] extension must contain at least 1 alphanumeric character and cannot contain the following characters: /, ?, [output,chr,92], [output,amp]">Uma extensão do [asis,Apache] deve conter pelo menos 1 caractere alfanumérico e não pode conter os seguintes caracteres: /, ?, [output,chr,92], [output,amp]</item>
<item key="An [asis,Apache] extension must contain at least 1 alphanumeric character and cannot contain the following characters: /, ?, [output,chr,92], [output,amp]">An [asis,Apache] extension must contain at least 1 alphanumeric character and cannot contain the following characters: /, ?, [output,chr,92], [output,amp]</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,Email] service account with the same username and domain as this [asis,subaccount] already exists.">Uma conta de serviço de [asis,E-mail] com o mesmo nome de usuário e domínio desta [asis,subaccount] já existe.</item>
<item key="An [asis,Email] service account with the same username and domain as this [asis,subaccount] already exists."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,FTP] service account with the same username and domain as this [asis,subaccount] already exists.">Uma conta de serviço [asis,FTP] com o mesmo nome de usuário e domínio desta [asis,subaccount] já existe.</item>
<item key="An [asis,FTP] service account with the same username and domain as this [asis,subaccount] already exists.">An [asis,FTP] service account with the same username and domain as this [asis,subaccount] already exists.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,FTP] username cannot exceed [quant,_1,character,characters].">Um nome de usuário [asis,FTP] não pode exceder [quant,_1,caractere,caracteres].</item>
<item key="An [asis,FTP] username cannot exceed [quant,_1,character,characters].">An [asis,FTP] username cannot exceed [quant,_1,character,characters].</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,SQLite] database name may not end with the character “[_1]”.">Um nome de banco de dados do [asis,SQLite] não pode terminar com o caractere “[_1]”.</item>
<item key="An [asis,SQLite] database name may not end with the character “[_1]”.">An [asis,SQLite] database name may not end with the character “[_1]”.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,SSL] certificate allows visitors to communicate with your websites over secure connections—for example, to submit credit card payment information.">Um certificado [asis,SSL] permite que os visitantes se comuniquem com seus sites por meio de conexões seguras — por exemplo, para enviar informações de pagamento com cartão de crédito.</item>
<item key="An [asis,SSL] certificate allows visitors to communicate with your websites over secure connections—for example, to submit credit card payment information."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [asis,SSL] certificate already exists on this website.">Um certificado [asis,SSL] já existe neste site.</item>
<item key="An [asis,SSL] certificate already exists on this website.">An [asis,SSL] certificate already exists on this website.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [output,abbr,EV,Extended Validation] certificate is installed.">Um certificado [output,abbr,EV,Validação Estendida] está instalado.</item>
<item key="An [output,abbr,EV,Extended Validation] certificate is installed."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [output,abbr,OV,Organization Validated] certificate is installed.">Um certificado [output,abbr,OV,Validado por Organização] está instalado.</item>
<item key="An [output,abbr,OV,Organization Validated] certificate is installed.">An [output,abbr,OV,Organization Validated] certificate is installed.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An [output,acronym,MX,Mail Exchanger] entry informs a mail client which server accepts the email for the recipient’s domain.">Uma entrada [output,acronym,MX,Mail Exchanger] informa a um cliente de e-mail qual servidor aceita o e-mail para o domínio do destinatário.</item>
<item key="An [output,acronym,MX,Mail Exchanger] entry informs a mail client which server accepts the email for the recipient’s domain."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An access token for Pushbullet.">Token de acesso para Pushbullet.</item>
<item key="An access token for Pushbullet.">An access token for Pushbullet.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An addon domain is an additional domain that is stored as a subdomain of your main site. Use addon domains to host additional domains on your account without registering a new domain name. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].">Um domínio adicional é um domínio extra armazenado como um subdomínio do seu site principal. Use domínios adicionais para hospedar domínios adicionais em sua conta sem registrar um novo nome de domínio. Para obter mais informações, leia a [output,url,_1,documentação,target,_2,id,_3].</item>
<item key="An addon domain is an additional domain that is stored as a subdomain of your main site. Use addon domains to host additional domains on your account without registering a new domain name. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].">An addon domain is an additional domain that is stored as a subdomain of your main site. Use addon domains to host additional domains on your account without registering a new domain name. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An addon domain is an additional domain that the system stores as a subdomain of your main site. Use addon domains to host additional domains on your account. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3].">Um domínio adicional é um domínio extra que o sistema armazena como um subdomínio do seu site principal. Use domínios adicionais para hospedar domínios adicionais em sua conta. Para obter mais informações, leia a [output,url,_1,documentação,target,_2,id,_3].</item>
<item key="An addon domain is an additional domain that the system stores as a subdomain of your main site. Use addon domains to host additional domains on your account. For more information, read the [output,url,_1,documentation,target,_2,id,_3]."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An addon domain’s subdomain is relative to your account’s home directory.">O subdomínio de um domínio adicional é relativo ao diretório inicial da sua conta.</item>
<item key="An addon domain’s subdomain is relative to your account’s home directory.">An addon domain’s subdomain is relative to your account’s home directory.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An administrator has requested that you change your password.">Um administrador solicitou que você altere sua senha.</item>
<item key="An administrator has requested that you change your password.">An administrator has requested that you change your password.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An administrator has requested you change your password.">Um administrador solicitou que você altere sua senha.</item>
<item key="An administrator has requested you change your password."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An alternate way of calling [asis,registerButton] is exemplified above. Though the code might be a little bit larger, using this form makes your code more maintainable. It doesn’t even needs comments as it’s pretty clear.">Uma maneira alternativa de chamar [asis,registerButton] é exemplificada acima. Embora o código possa ser um pouco maior, usar essa forma torna seu código mais manutenível. Ele nem precisa de comentários, pois é bem claro.</item>
<item key="An alternate way of calling [asis,registerButton] is exemplified above. Though the code might be a little bit larger, using this form makes your code more maintainable. It doesn’t even needs comments as it’s pretty clear.">An alternate way of calling [asis,registerButton] is exemplified above. Though the code might be a little bit larger, using this form makes your code more maintainable. It doesn’t even needs comments as it’s pretty clear.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An archive retention period of “[_1]” is not valid.">Um período de retenção de arquivo de “[_1]” não é válido.</item>
<item key="An archive retention period of “[_1]” is not valid.">An archive retention period of “[_1]” is not valid.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An attempt to create a full backup has failed.">Falha ao tentar criar um backup completo.</item>
<item key="An attempt to create a full backup has failed.">An attempt to create a full backup has failed.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An authorization error occurred. Please log in again.">Erro de autorização. Faça login novamente.</item>
<item key="An authorization error occurred. Please log in again."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="An authorization error occurred. Please try again.">Erro de autorização. Tente novamente.</item>
<item key="An authorization error occurred. Please try again."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese