id (string)
translation (translation)
{"cs": "V r\u00e1mci vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed bylo zadr\u017eeno p\u0159es 142 lid\u00ed, ani jednoho z nich se ale nepoda\u0159ilo odsoudit. Mnoho z nich muselo b\u00fdt propu\u0161t\u011bno, proto\u017ee byla poru\u0161ena jejich lidsk\u00e1 pr\u00e1va, vy\u0161et\u0159ovatel\u00e9 \u00fadajn\u011b m\u011bli podez\u0159el\u00e9 mu\u010dit, dopl\u0148uje APTN.\n", "en": "Over 142 people were detained in the investigation, but none of them were convicted. Many had to be freed because their human rights had been violated. The investigators allegedly tortured the suspects, adds APTN.\n"}
{"cs": "Mahulena Bo\u010danov\u00e1 p\u0159eru\u0161ila ro\u010dn\u00ed detox a op\u011bt h\u0159e\u0161\u00ed!\n", "en": "Mahulena Bo\u010danov\u00e1 broke her annual detox and is naughty again!\n"}
{"cs": "P\u0159ed v\u00edc jak rokem se Mahulena Bo\u010danov\u00e1 sv\u011b\u0159ila Blesku, \u017ee sekla s alkoholem. \"O pr\u00e1zdnin\u00e1ch jsem si \u0159ekla, \u017ee d\u00e1m sv\u00e9mu star\u00e9mu zdrchan\u00e9mu pades\u00e1tilet\u00e9mu t\u011blu nadechnout. Dala jsem si lh\u016ftu nav\u017edy. C\u00edt\u00edm se stra\u0161n\u011b odpo\u010dat\u011b, m\u00e1m spoustu energie a hlavn\u011b se mi zlep\u0161ila psychika. V posledn\u00ed dob\u011b jsem na tom psychicky nebyla dob\u0159e. L\u00edp se mi vst\u00e1v\u00e1, nebol\u00ed m\u011b hlava, m\u00e1m v\u00edc energie, pen\u011bz.\"\n", "en": "Mahulena Bo\u010danov\u00e1 revealed to the Blesk over a year ago that she had quit drinking alcohol. \"I said to myself during the holidays that I'd let my aged, worn-out, 50-year-old body catch a breath. My intention was to stop for good. I feel well-rested, I have a lot of energy and, most importantly, my mental health has improved. My mental health wasn't very good not long ago. Now I get up more easily and headache-free in the mornings, and I have more energy, as well as more money.\"\n"}
{"cs": "Ro\u010dn\u00ed abstinence pr\u00fd sta\u010dila a here\u010dka op\u011bt na\u0161la cestu k alkoholu. \"Ob\u010das si d\u00e1m bublinky nebo kvalitn\u00ed v\u00edno, ale u\u017e nevypiji to, co d\u0159\u00edv. D\u00e1m si jednu skleni\u010dku a bav\u00edm se a\u017e do r\u00e1na. V lednici m\u00e1m l\u00e1hev v\u00edna t\u0159eba t\u00fdden. Zachutnalo mi i nealkoholick\u00e9 pivo, kter\u00e9 mohu p\u00edt kdykoliv,\" pochlubila se Mahulena, kter\u00e1 st\u00e1le tvo\u0159\u00ed p\u00e1r s brn\u011bnsk\u00fdm podnikatelem Petrem.\n", "en": "She says that one year of abstinence was enough for her. The actress has now found her way to enjoy alcohol again. \"Occasionally, I'd have some bubbly or good-quality wine, but I don't drink as much as I used to. I would drink one glass and have a great time until the small hours. A bottle of wine stays in my fridge for a week or so. I've also come to like non-alcoholic beer, which I can drink any time I want,\" shows off Mahulena, who is still together with Petr, an entrepreneur from Brno.\n"}
{"cs": "Bo\u010danov\u00e1 se t\u00e9\u017e po pr\u00e1zdnin\u00e1ch vr\u00e1tila do divadeln\u00ed sez\u00f3ny a nov\u011b nastoup\u00ed do seri\u00e1lu Ordinace v r\u016f\u017eov\u00e9 zahrad\u011b. \"Za prvn\u00ed dv\u011b p\u0159edstaven\u00ed se styd\u00edm, byla jsem opravdu \u0161patn\u00e1, p\u0159e\u0159ek\u00e1vala jsem se. Ale u\u017e se to lep\u0161\u00ed,\" usm\u00edv\u00e1 se kriticky here\u010dka.\n", "en": "Bo\u010danov\u00e1 also returned at the end of the holidays when the theatrical season started and will newly appear in the Rose Garden Medical Centre series. \"I feel ashamed for my first two performances. I was really bad \u2013 I kept stumbling over my words. But it's getting better now,\" the actress smiles critically.\n"}
{"cs": "Jarom\u00edr Soukup promluvil o Gottovi: P\u0159eje mu hlavn\u011b klid\n", "en": "Jarom\u00edr Soukup talks about Gott: He wishes him, first and foremost, peace and quiet\n"}
{"cs": "Moder\u00e1tor a podnikatel Jarom\u00edr Soukup (50) se nezalekne \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 ot\u00e1zky. Ve sv\u00e9m po\u0159adu Volejte a pi\u0161te \u0161\u00e9fovi se ve\u0159ejn\u011b vyjad\u0159uje k r\u016fzn\u00fdm t\u00e9mat\u016fm. A ciz\u00ed mu nejsou ani bulv\u00e1rn\u00ed kauzy, kter\u00e9 jiskrn\u011b a vtipn\u011b glosuje. I kdy\u017e tentokr\u00e1t mu do sm\u00edchu nebylo.\n", "en": "TV presenter and entrepreneur Jarom\u00edr Soukup (50) doesn't duck any issue. He publicly comments on various topics in his \u2018Call and Write to the Boss\u2019 TV programme. He does not shy away from tabloid current affairs either and discusses them with humour and a sharp-edged wit. However, this time he didn't feel like fun and games.\n"}
{"cs": "Jarom\u00edr Soukup se toti\u017e vyj\u00e1d\u0159il ke smutn\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b, kterou je velmi v\u00e1\u017en\u00e9 onemocn\u011bn\u00ed Karla Gotta. Zp\u011bv\u00e1kovi s\u00e1m za sebe sl\u00edbil jednu velice ohleduplnou v\u011bc.\n", "en": "Jarom\u00edr Soukup talked about the sad news of Karel Gott falling seriously ill. Soukup has taken a personal pledge to do his bit to show consideration for the singer.\n"}
{"cs": "\"V\u00edte, Karel onemocn\u011bl a \u0159ekl to f\u00e9rov\u011b, ani\u017e by to museli \u0161\u0165ourat n\u011bkde bulv\u00e1rn\u00ed novin\u00e1\u0159i. J\u00e1 se k tomu vyjad\u0159ovat nechci, je to v\u00e1\u017en\u00e9 onemocn\u011bn\u00ed, v\u0161ichni si Karla Gotta nesm\u00edrn\u011b v\u00e1\u017e\u00edme. A j\u00e1 bych mu p\u0159\u00e1l samoz\u0159ejm\u011b \u00fasp\u011b\u0161nou l\u00e9\u010dbu a hlavn\u011b klid! Klid, kter\u00fd te\u010f on pot\u0159ebuje,\" zkonstatoval majitel televize Barrandov.\n", "en": "\"You see, Karel has fallen ill. He has been open about it to prevent tabloid journalists from trying to dig out the information from odd sources. I don't want to comment on this, as it is a serious illness, and we all have an immense regard for Karel. I naturally wish his treatment is a success and, above all, I wish for him to have some peace and quiet! Something he needs to have right now,\" said the Barrandov Television owner.\n"}
{"cs": "\"P\u0159\u00e1l bych si, aby ho m\u00e9dia nechala b\u00fdt. A vy\u010dkala na zpr\u00e1vy, kter\u00e9 se Mistr s\u00e1m rozhodne poskytnout m\u00e9di\u00edm. Mn\u011b se ani moc nel\u00edb\u00ed ta r\u016fzn\u00e1 vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed, co v\u0161echno si o jeho zdravotn\u00edm stavu mysl\u00ed jeho sta\u0159\u00ed zn\u00e1m\u00ed a r\u016fzn\u00e9 celebrity. A za na\u0161e m\u00e9dia m\u016f\u017eu \u0159\u00edci, \u017ee se jeho nemoci a jeho osob\u011b budeme v\u011bnovat pouze v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, \u017ee o to projev\u00ed s\u00e1m z\u00e1jem. Podle m\u011b by podobn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup m\u011bla zv\u00e1\u017eit i ostatn\u00ed m\u00e9dia.\"\n", "en": "\"I would like the media to leave him alone. The media should wait for the information to be publicised by the Maestro himself when he wants to. I am not really fond of all the different statements given by his old acquaintances and various celebrities in which they tell us what they think about his current state of health. I can say, on behalf of our media, that we will talk about him and his illness when, and only when, he personally expresses his interest in us doing so. In my opinion, other media should consider a similar approach.\"\n"}
{"cs": "Mlad\u00ed \u010ce\u0161i si mysl\u00ed, \u017ee to um\u011bj\u00ed s pen\u011bzi. Pr\u016fzkum to nepotvrdil\n", "en": "Young Czechs consider themselves good with money. The survey has not confirmed this\n"}
{"cs": "\"Ukazuje se tedy, \u017ee mlad\u00ed \u010ce\u0161i maj\u00ed pon\u011bkud v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed d\u016fv\u011bru ve sv\u00e9 znalosti o financ\u00edch, ne\u017e je realita. V\u00fdrazn\u011b v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pod\u00edl \u0161patn\u00fdch odpov\u011bd\u00ed m\u011bli v tomto p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b \u017eeny a respondenti bez maturity,\" uvedla \u0159editelka KRUK Jaroslava Palendalov\u00e1.\n", "en": "\"It has shown that young Czechs think their own knowledge of financial matters is greater than it actually is. A significantly greater proportion of incorrect answers was given by women and respondents who have not taken their secondary school final exams,\" said Jaroslava Palendalov\u00e1, the CEO of KRUK.\n"}
{"cs": "Sv\u00fdm znalostem o finan\u010dn\u00edch produktech v\u011b\u0159\u00ed sp\u00ed\u0161e mu\u017ei a mlad\u00ed st\u0159edo\u0161kol\u00e1ci nebo vysoko\u0161kol\u00e1ci.\n", "en": "It's mostly men and young secondary school and university graduates who trust their knowledge of financial products.\n"}
{"cs": "Mlad\u00ed \u010ce\u0161i se o fungov\u00e1n\u00ed finan\u010dn\u00edch z\u00e1le\u017eitost\u00ed dozv\u00ed nejv\u00edce od rodi\u010d\u016f (37 procent), samostudiem na internetu (23 procent) a a\u017e ve t\u0159et\u00ed \u0159ad\u011b z v\u00fduky ve \u0161kole (21 procent).\n", "en": "Young Czechs learn about financial matters predominantly from their parents (37 per cent) and then self-education on the internet (23 per cent). Learning about it at school only ranked as number three (21 per cent).\n"}
{"cs": "Ot\u00e1zky kolem financ\u00ed konzultuj\u00ed s rodi\u010di p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm \u017eeny, zat\u00edmco informace na internetu hledaj\u00ed sp\u00ed\u0161e mu\u017ei. Z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed informac\u00ed o financ\u00edch od rodi\u010d\u016f p\u0159eva\u017euje ve v\u0161ech v\u011bkov\u00fdch kategori\u00edch mlad\u00fdch lid\u00ed, bez ohledu na jejich dosa\u017een\u00e9 vzd\u011bl\u00e1n\u00ed nebo osobn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjem. Prakticky minim\u00e1ln\u00ed vliv maj\u00ed prospekty finan\u010dn\u00edch instituc\u00ed, odborn\u00e9 \u010dasopisy a publikace.\n", "en": "Women are most likely to consult any issues concerning finances with their parents, whereas men tend to search for this kind of information on the internet. Acquiring information about financial matters from one's parents prevails in all age groups of young people, regardless of the level of achieved education or personal income. Leaflets from financial institutions, professional magazines and publications have very little or practically no effect.\n"}
{"cs": "\"Op\u011bt se ukazuje d\u016fle\u017eitost v\u00fdchovy d\u011bt\u00ed jejich rodi\u010di, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159edstavuj\u00ed autoritu ve v\u0161ech hlavn\u00edch oblastech \u017eivota. Proto je kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e1 \u00farove\u0148 finan\u010dn\u00ed gramotnosti rodi\u010d\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed svoje znalosti a zku\u0161enosti p\u0159en\u00e1\u0161ej\u00ed na sv\u00e9 potomky,\" uvedla Palendalov\u00e1.\n", "en": "\"It has been shown, time and again, how important it is for children to be taught about this by their parents because they are regarded as an authority in all principal areas of their children's lives. That's why the level of financial literacy of parents is key as they pass their knowledge and experience onto their offspring,\" said Palendalov\u00e1.\n"}
{"cs": "\u00daspory a investice preferuje 94 procent mlad\u00fdch.\n", "en": "Saving money and making investments are preferred by 94 per cent of young people.\n"}
{"cs": "Jednozna\u010dn\u011b se mlad\u00ed stav\u00ed k ot\u00e1zce, zda je lep\u0161\u00ed \u0161et\u0159it a po\u0159\u00eddit si nap\u0159\u00edklad vlastn\u00ed d\u016fm \u010di byt, nebo si u\u017e\u00edvat a pen\u00edze sp\u00ed\u0161e utr\u00e1cet, bez \u00faspor a vlastn\u00edho bydlen\u00ed.\n", "en": "Young people are quite clear about the issue of whether it is better to save money and buy their own house or flat, or whether it is better to enjoy themselves and rather spend their money, without making savings and becoming homeowners.\n"}
{"cs": "Strategii \u00faspor a investic do dlouhodob\u00e9ho hmotn\u00e9ho majetku vyzn\u00e1v\u00e1 94 procent dotazovan\u00fdch. Plat\u00ed to nap\u0159\u00ed\u010d v\u0161emi v\u011bkov\u00fdmi kategoriemi mlad\u00fdch lid\u00ed, bez ohledu na dosa\u017een\u00e9 vzd\u011bl\u00e1n\u00ed, soci\u00e1ln\u00ed postaven\u00ed nebo aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed v\u00fd\u0161i osobn\u00edho p\u0159\u00edjmu.\n", "en": "The strategy of saving money and investing it in long-term tangible assets was supported by 94 per cent of the respondents. This was the case across all age groups of young people, regardless of the level of achieved education, social status or current level of their personal income.\n"}
{"cs": "Strategii \u0161et\u0159en\u00ed pak stoprocentn\u011b zast\u00e1vaj\u00ed lid\u00e9 v man\u017eelsk\u00e9m svazku se dv\u011bma a v\u00edce d\u011btmi a zam\u011bstnanci ve ve\u0159ejn\u00e9m sektoru. U\u017e\u00edvat si naopak cht\u011bj\u00ed sp\u00ed\u0161 lid\u00e9 \u017eij\u00edc\u00ed sami a s p\u0159\u00edjmem nad 30 000 korun m\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u011b.\n", "en": "The strategy of making savings was supported by 100 per cent of married people who have two or more children and by public sector employees. Conversely, people who live alone and have an income of over 30 thousand Czech crowns a month are more likely to prefer spending their money.\n"}
{"cs": "Myslivec ze zranil p\u0159i p\u00e1du z posedu, k sanitce jej nesli t\u0159i hodiny\n", "en": "A gamekeeper hurt in a fall from a high seat, he was carried to the ambulance for three hours\n"}
{"cs": "K ne\u0161\u0165astn\u00e9 nehod\u011b do\u0161lo p\u0159ed p\u016fl osmou ve\u010der ve vrcholov\u00fdch parti\u00edch u \u010certova ml\u00fdna.\n", "en": "The unfortunate accident occurred in an upland region near \u010cert\u016fv ml\u00fdn before 7.30 p.m.\n"}
{"cs": "\"\u0160lo o velice slo\u017eit\u00fd a nep\u0159\u00edstupn\u00fd ter\u00e9n, tak\u017ee jsme ke zran\u011bn\u00e9mu mu\u017ei vypravili p\u011bt na\u0161ich z\u00e1chran\u00e1\u0159\u016f s n\u00e1le\u017eitou technikou. Z\u00e1rove\u0148 jsme po\u017e\u00e1dali o spolupr\u00e1ci Zdravotnickou z\u00e1chrannou slu\u017ebu Moravskoslezsk\u00e9ho kraje. Zdravotn\u00edci pak vypravili k nehod\u011b sanitn\u00ed v\u016fz,\" popsal okolnosti z\u00e1sahu Libor Kluz, dispe\u010der Horsk\u00e9 slu\u017eby Beskydy.\n", "en": "\"The terrain there is very rough and hard to go through, so five of our rescue workers had to be sent with appropriate technical equipment to the injured man. Simultaneously, we asked the Moravia-Silesia Emergency Medical Service for assistance. The paramedics then sent an ambulance to the site,\" Libor Kluz, the Beskids Mountain Rescue controller, described the circumstances around the rescue action.\n"}
{"cs": "Z\u00e1chran\u00e1\u0159i na\u0161li myslivce ve vytipovan\u00e9 lokalit\u011b s mnoho\u010detn\u00fdmi poran\u011bn\u00edmi. Ihned jej o\u0161et\u0159ili a pak \u0161etrn\u011b, ale s obt\u00ed\u017eemi transportovali na takzvan\u00e9m rakousk\u00e9m voz\u00edku p\u0159es nesch\u016fdn\u00fd ter\u00e9n.\n", "en": "The rescue workers found the gamekeeper, who had suffered multiple injuries, at the reported location. They immediately tended to his injuries and then carefully, albeit with difficulties, transported him down the trackless terrain on a wheeled stretcher.\n"}
{"cs": "\"Transport v trase asi jednoho a p\u016fl kilometru byl pomal\u00fd a obt\u00ed\u017en\u00fd. Zran\u011bn\u00fd nimrod byl proto odevzd\u00e1n pos\u00e1dce sanitn\u00edho vozu po p\u0159ibli\u017en\u011b t\u0159ech hodin\u00e1ch,\" doplnil Libor Kluz.\n", "en": "\"The journey down, which was about one and a half kilometre long, was slow and difficult. The wounded huntsman was thus handed over to the ambulance crew only about three hours later,\" added Libor Kluz.\n"}
{"cs": "Podle Radana Ja\u0161kovsk\u00e9ho, pov\u011b\u0159en\u00e9ho n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edka Horsk\u00e9 slu\u017eby Beskydy a z\u00e1rove\u0148 zasahuj\u00edc\u00edho z\u00e1chran\u00e1\u0159e, kolega myslivce na\u0161t\u011bst\u00ed dok\u00e1zal podrobn\u011b popsat, kde se zran\u011bn\u00fd nach\u00e1z\u00ed.\n", "en": "According to Radan Ja\u0161kovsk\u00fd, the accredited chief of the Beskids Mountain Rescue and a responding rescuer in one person, the gamekeeper's colleague was luckily able to describe in detail the injured man's whereabouts.\n"}
{"cs": "\"Nalezli jsme jej proto relativn\u011b rychle. Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, kdyby m\u011bl v telefonu aplikaci Z\u00e1chranka, byli by u n\u011bj na\u0161i z\u00e1chran\u00e1\u0159i jist\u011b d\u0159\u00edv a z\u00e1rove\u0148 by o nehod\u011b a jeho situaci v\u011bd\u011bl okam\u017eit\u011b dispe\u010dink linky 155,\" poznamenal Radan Ja\u0161kovsk\u00fd.\n", "en": "\"That's why we found him relatively quickly. However, if he had the Z\u00e1chranka application in his phone, our rescue workers would have got to him even sooner, and concurrently, the 155 emergency line call handlers would have been alerted about the accident and the man's situation instantly,\" pointed out Radan Ja\u0161kovsk\u00fd.\n"}
{"cs": "Dodal, \u017ee nabit\u00fd mobiln\u00ed telefon s aktivovanou aplikac\u00ed Z\u00e1chranka by dnes m\u011bl b\u00fdt v hor\u00e1ch samoz\u0159ejmost\u00ed.\n", "en": "He added that in the mountains today, having a charged mobile phone with the activated Z\u00e1chranka application should be a norm.\n"}
{"cs": "Zeman pam\u00e1tk\u00e1\u0159em - Mu\u017e nap\u00ednaj\u00edc\u00ed \u00fastavu vyz\u00fdv\u00e1 k vym\u00e1h\u00e1n\u00ed z\u00e1kona\n", "en": "Zeman the preservationist \u2013 the man who stretches the Constitution calls upon enforcing the law\n"}
{"cs": "Kdo se pohybuje v t\u00e1borov\u011b rozd\u011blen\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti a nechce \u00fapln\u011b zblbnout, uv\u00edt\u00e1 situace, kdy nemus\u00ed fandit jen t\u011bm sv\u00fdm. Kdy m\u016f\u017ee p\u0159iznat plusy i tomu, koho jinak kritizuje. U\u017e proto, aby nem\u011bl pocit, \u017ee se orientuje jen podle p\u0159edem p\u0159id\u011blen\u00fdch n\u00e1lepek. K takov\u00fdm situac\u00edm pat\u0159\u00ed i seznam t\u011b\u017ece po\u0161kozen\u00fdch pam\u00e1tek, kter\u00fdm prezident Zeman \u0161ermuje p\u0159i sv\u00fdch obl\u00edben\u00fdch cest\u00e1ch do region\u016f.\n", "en": "If you move in a society that is divided into camps and don't want to go completely insane, you may welcome situations when you don't need to cheer your own side for once. Sometimes, you may want to grant some plus points to those who you normally criticize. If not for anything else, at least for the feeling that you don't always act according to your pre-set label. One of these could be a situation when President Zeman goes on his beloved trips across the Regions and flaps about a list of seriously damaged heritage sites.\n"}
{"cs": "Ka\u017ed\u00fd v\u00ed, o\u010d jde. A kdo ob\u010das putuje \u010ceskem, \u0159adu t\u011bch zdevastovan\u00fdch pam\u00e1tek - od center historick\u00fdch m\u011bst po jednotliv\u00e9 hrady, kl\u00e1\u0161tery, star\u00e9 domy, kostely \u010di statky - v\u00edd\u00e1 na vlastn\u00ed o\u010di. Ka\u017ed\u00fd tu\u0161\u00ed, \u017ee i tu m\u016f\u017ee p\u0159ij\u00edt ke slovu demagogie. \u017de vyt\u00fdk\u00e1me-li radnici nep\u00e9\u010di o pam\u00e1tky nebo n\u011bjakou hr\u016fzu v \u00fazemn\u00edm pl\u00e1nu, m\u016f\u017ee j\u00edt o d\u00edlo b\u00fdval\u00fdch administrativ. Nebo o objekt zprivatizovan\u00fd, jeho\u017e majitel nen\u00ed dohledateln\u00fd. Hlava st\u00e1tu m\u00edstn\u00ed politiky vyz\u00fdv\u00e1: \"Paragraf pam\u00e1tkov\u00e9ho z\u00e1kona v\u00e1m umo\u017e\u0148uje pokutovat majitele objekt\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed se nestaraj\u00ed o sv\u016fj majetek.\" Ale i kdy\u017e je majitel nezasti\u017eiteln\u00fd, je t\u0159eba p\u0159iznat, \u017ee prezident vyz\u00fdv\u00e1 k vymahatelnosti pr\u00e1va. Co\u017e by i kritici jeho oh\u00fdb\u00e1n\u00ed \u00fastavy m\u011bli uznat jako plus.\n", "en": "Everybody knows what the issue is. Those who travel around Czechia every now and then can see with their own eyes many of these dilapidated landmarks \u2013 from historic town centres to individual castles, monasteries, old houses and homesteads. Everyone senses that demagoguery could take the floor here. When we criticize the town council for their lack of action in heritage conservation or for eyesores in their zoning plans, it may as well be the legacy left from previous administrations. Or a building could have been privatized, and its owner can't be traced. The Head of State is now calling upon the local politicians: \"A clause in the National Heritage Act allows you to fine those building owners who fail to look after their property.\" It should be recognized that the President is asking to enforce the law when the owner is unavailable, which is something even the critics of his bending of the Constitution should give him some credit for.\n"}
{"cs": "Samoz\u0159ejm\u011b, Milo\u0161 Zeman by nebyl Milo\u0161em Zemanem, kdyby zva\u017eoval v\u0161echny detaily a formality slo\u017eit\u00e9ho probl\u00e9mu. Ale stav\u00ed se za dobrou v\u011bc podobn\u011b jako squate\u0159i, kter\u00e9 s\u00e1m neuzn\u00e1v\u00e1. P\u0159ed dv\u011bma lety jsme napsali: \"P\u0159es v\u0161echny nad\u00e1vky squate\u0159i upozor\u0148uj\u00ed na probl\u00e9m stoj\u00edc\u00ed mimo aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed z\u00e1jem. Na to, \u017ee ta \u010di ona stavba je v havarijn\u00edm stavu.\" A p\u0159iznejme, \u017ee prezident d\u011bl\u00e1 de facto tot\u00e9\u017e.\n", "en": "Of course, Milo\u0161 Zeman would not be Milo\u0161 Zeman if he considered all the details and technicalities of this complex problem. He can nevertheless see some silver lining in this, similarly to squatters who he disapproves of. We wrote two years ago: \"Despite all the verbal abuse, the squatters are drawing attention to an issue no-one is currently interested in, i.e. this or that building is in a state of emergency.\" Let's admit that the President is de facto doing the same thing.\n"}
{"cs": "P\u0159ijedete-li do historick\u00e9ho centra J\u00e1chymova, \u017easnete, jak je zdevastovan\u00e9 - v\u010detn\u011b dom\u016f s renesan\u010dn\u00edmi j\u00e1dry. V dob\u011b, kdy J\u00e1chymov slav\u00ed 500 let t\u011b\u017eby st\u0159\u00edbra a ra\u017eby tolar\u016f (pro Ameri\u010dany dolar\u016f). Pro\u010d? Pr\u00fd kv\u016fli rychlokva\u0161en\u00e9mu prodeji dom\u016f v 90. letech, \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed tamn\u00ed \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edci. Ale \u010d\u00edm to, \u017ee sedm kilometr\u016f vzd\u00e1len\u00fd Ostrov, s\u00eddlo \u0160lik\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed j\u00e1chymovsk\u00e9 tolary razili, m\u00e1 historick\u00e9 j\u00e1dro p\u011bkn\u011b opraven\u00e9? Je dob\u0159e, upozor\u0148uje-li na tyto v\u011bci prezident.\n", "en": "If you ever visit the historic centre of J\u00e1chymov, you'll be staggered at how dilapidated it is \u2013 houses with original features from the Renaissance included. At this time, when J\u00e1chymov celebrates 500 years since its silver mining and thaler (that's dollars for Americans) minting era. Why? Local officials say this is due to the hurried house sales of the 1990s. Why is it though that seven kilometres away from here is Ostrov, the former seat of the Schliks who used to mint J\u00e1chymov thalers, whose historic town centre has been nicely renovated? It's just as well that the President draws attention to issues like this.\n"}
{"cs": "Babi\u0161 v pam\u00e1tn\u00edku ob\u011bt\u00ed teroru vyzval k bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed spolupr\u00e1ci\n", "en": "Babi\u0161 calls for security cooperation at the Victims of Terrorism Memorial\n"}
{"cs": "Premi\u00e9r Andrej Babi\u0161 a man\u017eelkou Monikou nav\u0161t\u00edvili 27. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2019 v New Yorku pam\u00e1tn\u00edk teroristick\u00fdch \u00fatok\u016f z 11. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2001 Ground Zero.\n", "en": "On 27th September 2019, Prime Minister Andrej Babi\u0161 and his wife Monika visited the memorial to the victims of terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 at Ground Zero, New York.\n"}
{"cs": "Terorismus je hlavn\u00ed nep\u0159\u00edtel, proti kter\u00e9mu by m\u011bly spole\u010dn\u011b bojovat v\u0161echny st\u00e1ty sv\u011bta. Na z\u00e1v\u011br p\u011btidenn\u00ed n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy Spojen\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f to dnes v newyorsk\u00e9m pam\u00e1tn\u00edku teroristick\u00fdch \u00fatok\u016f z 11. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2001 prohl\u00e1sil \u010desk\u00fd premi\u00e9r Andrej Babi\u0161. Ministersk\u00fd p\u0159edseda p\u0159i t\u00e9to p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti uctil pam\u00e1tku dvou ob\u011bt\u00ed \u010desk\u00e9ho p\u016fvodu.\n", "en": "Terrorism is the main enemy that all countries around the globe should fight jointly, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babi\u0161 said today at the memorial to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York. This marked the end of his five-day visit to the United States. The Prime Minister took this occasion to pay homage to two victims of Czech origin.\n"}
{"cs": "\"Je to velice dojemn\u00e9 m\u00edsto,\" \u0159ekl premi\u00e9r, kdy\u017e v doprovodu man\u017eelky Moniky polo\u017eil b\u00edlou r\u016f\u017ei u jmen Luk\u00e1\u0161e Rambouska a \u010deskoslovensk\u00e9 emigrantky Aleny Se\u0161\u00ednov\u00e9. Oba byli mezi v\u00edce ne\u017e 2750 mrtv\u00fdmi, kter\u00e9 si \u00fatok unesen\u00fdmi letadly na n\u011bkdej\u0161\u00ed dvojici mrakodrap\u016f Sv\u011btov\u00e9ho obchodn\u00edho centra (WTC) vy\u017e\u00e1dal. V\u011b\u017ee WTC se po n\u00e1razu z\u0159\u00edtily, na jejich m\u00edst\u011b je te\u010f pam\u00e1tn\u00edk se jmenn\u00fdm seznamem ob\u011bt\u00ed.\n", "en": "\"It's a very moving place,\" said the Prime Minister when he, accompanied by his wife Monika, laid a white rose at the names of Luk\u00e1\u0161 Rambousek and Czechoslovak emigrant Alena Se\u0161\u00ednov\u00e1. Both were among the more than 2,750 people who died in the attack when hijacked planes hit the former World Trade Centre twin towers. The memorial with the names of the victims is now on the site of the collapsed WTC towers.\n"}
{"cs": "\"Je t\u0159eba si p\u0159ipom\u00ednat to, co se tady stalo, ta hr\u016fza,\" uvedl Babi\u0161. \u00datok na USA z 11. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2001 ozna\u010dil premi\u00e9r za d\u016fvod, pro\u010d by OSN m\u011bla v jednotn\u00e9m ta\u017een\u00ed proti mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edmu terorismu spolupracovat. Terorist\u00e9 tehdy vedle zni\u010den\u00ed mrakodrap\u016f WTC narazili unesen\u00fdm letadlem do budovy ministerstva obrany ve Washingtonu a v pl\u00e1nu m\u011bli i dal\u0161\u00ed \u00fader na c\u00edl ve Washingtonu, z\u0159ejm\u011b B\u00edl\u00fd d\u016fm \u010di Kongres. Tento letoun se ale z\u0159\u00edtil, kdy\u017e se cestuj\u00edc\u00ed \u00fanosc\u016fm postavili.\n", "en": "\"We need to remember what happened here, the horror of it all,\" said Babi\u0161. The Prime Minister described the September 11, 2001 attack on the USA as the reason why the United Nations should cooperate in the joint fight against international terrorism. As well as destroying the WTC towers, the terrorists crashed one of the hijacked planes into the Department of Defense building in Washington, D.C. They were also planning to hit another target in Washington, D.C., presumably the White House or the Congress. However, this plane fell down when the passengers stood up to the hijackers.\n"}
{"cs": "\"To je ten n\u00e1\u0161 hlavn\u00ed nep\u0159\u00edtel, tam by se v\u0161echny st\u00e1ty sv\u011bta m\u011bly spojit a koordinovan\u011b bojovat proti mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edmu terorismu,\" dodal \u010desk\u00fd premi\u00e9r.\n", "en": "\"This is our main enemy. All countries around the globe should join in the coordinated fight against international terrorism,\" added the Czech Prime Minister.\n"}
{"cs": "Slovinci porazili i polsk\u00e9 mistry sv\u011bta a jsou ve fin\u00e1le ME\n", "en": "Slovenes have defeated the Polish world champions and are now in the European Championship finals\n"}
{"cs": "Slovin\u0161t\u00ed volejbalist\u00e9 si senza\u010dn\u011b zahraj\u00ed o premi\u00e9rov\u00fd titul mistr\u016f Evropy. S podporou t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 12 tis\u00edc bou\u0159\u00edc\u00edch fanou\u0161k\u016f v Lublani porazili \u00fa\u0159aduj\u00edc\u00ed dvojn\u00e1sobn\u00e9 mistry sv\u011bta Pol\u00e1ky 3:1 a jsou prvn\u00edmi finalisty.\n", "en": "Slovenian volleyball players are set to have a smashing time as they play for the premier title at the European Championship. Supported by nearly 12 thousand roaring fans in Ljubljana, they beat the reigning two-time world champions, Poland, with a score of 3-1, and are now the first finalists.\n"}
{"cs": "O tom, koho vyzvou v ned\u011bln\u00edm vyvrcholen\u00ed v Pa\u0159\u00ed\u017ei, se rozhodne v p\u00e1tek mezi Franci\u00ed a Srbskem.\n", "en": "Which team they'll challenge in the grand finale in Paris on Sunday will be decided on Friday following the match between France and Serbia.\n"}
{"cs": "Slovinsk\u00fd t\u00fdm p\u016fsobil v semifin\u00e1le mnohem kompaktn\u011bji ne\u017e pol\u0161t\u00ed sv\u011btov\u00ed \u0161ampioni. T\u011bm pat\u0159il jen za\u010d\u00e1tek \u00favodn\u00edho setu a se \u0161t\u011bst\u00edm koncovka druh\u00e9 sady, jen\u017ee dom\u00e1c\u00ed volejbalist\u00e9 se p\u0159ekon\u00e1vali v obran\u011b a z hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f v \u010derveno-b\u00edl\u00e9m dresu v podstat\u011b bodoval pouze rod\u00e1k z Kuby Le\u00f3n.\n", "en": "The Slovenian team looked much more compact in the semi-finals than the Polish world champions. The latter were only doing well at the beginning of the first set and, with some luck, at the end of the second set. However, the home players were surpassing themselves in their defence, while practically the only player to score points for the team in red-white jerseys was Le\u00f3n, a Cuban-born player.\n"}
{"cs": "Zato v dom\u00e1c\u00ed sestav\u011b se v \u017eivotn\u00ed form\u011b p\u0159edstavili oba sme\u010da\u0159i \u010cebulj i Urnaut a tak\u00e9 druh\u00fd univerz\u00e1l \u0160tern, jen\u017e brzy vyst\u0159\u00eddal nev\u00fdrazn\u00e9ho Gaspariniho. Pol\u00e1ci doplatili na to, \u017ee v\u0161echny p\u0159edchoz\u00ed z\u00e1pasy na tomto Euru vyhr\u00e1vali suver\u00e9nn\u011b, zat\u00edmco Slovinci z\u00edsk\u00e1vali sebev\u011bdom\u00ed po t\u011b\u017ek\u00fdch bitv\u00e1ch v play off s Bulhary i Rusy.\n", "en": "As for the home line-up, both spikers \u010cebulj and Urnaut presented themselves in their best form, and so did the second opposite spiker \u0160tern, who soon replaced insipid Gasparini. The Poles felt the consequences of having been clear winners of all prior matches in this Euros, while the Slovenes have been gaining confidence after tough battles in play-offs against Bulgaria and Russia.\n"}
{"cs": "S Pol\u00e1ky letos v srpnu Slovinci prohr\u00e1li v olympijsk\u00e9 kvalifikaci v Gda\u0148sku 1:3, ale doma jim por\u00e1\u017eku oplatili. Nyn\u00ed ale vyprodanou lubla\u0148skou ar\u00e9nu Sto\u017eica opust\u00ed. U\u017e po dne\u0161ku maj\u00ed nicm\u00e9n\u011b jistou druhou medaili v historii, v Pa\u0159\u00ed\u017ei mohou vylep\u0161it ne\u010dekan\u00e9 st\u0159\u00edbro z ME p\u0159ed \u010dty\u0159mi lety.\n", "en": "Slovenia was beaten by Poland with a score of 1-3 in the Olympics qualifier in Gda\u0144sk in August, but retaliated the defeat on their home ground. However, they will now leave the sold-out Sto\u017eica arena in Ljubljana. Today's match has secured them the second medal in their history, nevertheless. In Paris, they can improve their unexpected silver from the European Championship held four years ago.\n"}
{"cs": "Na p\u0159edchoz\u00edm evropsk\u00e9m \u0161ampion\u00e1tu p\u0159itom Slovinci skon\u010dili osm\u00ed, a\u017e za \u010deskou reprezentac\u00ed.\n", "en": "Slovenia placed eighth in the last European Championship, below the Czech Republic's national team.\n"}
{"cs": "Technologick\u00e9 firmy cht\u011bj\u00ed vl\u00e1dnout na\u0161im m\u011bst\u016fm\n", "en": "Technology companies want to rule our cities\n"}
{"cs": "Francise Fukuyamu d\u011bjiny pon\u011bkud vypekly. V roce 1992, na vrcholu vlny liberalismu, kter\u00e1 n\u00e1sledovala po konci studen\u00e9 v\u00e1lky a p\u00e1du \u017eelezn\u00e9 opony, tento politolog ve sv\u00e9 nejslavn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed knize Konec d\u011bjin a posledn\u00ed \u010dlov\u011bk napsal: \"To, \u010deho jsme mo\u017en\u00e1 sv\u011bdky... je fin\u00e1ln\u00ed bod ideologick\u00e9ho v\u00fdvoje lidstva a univerz\u00e1ln\u00ed p\u0159ijet\u00ed z\u00e1padn\u00ed liber\u00e1ln\u00ed demokracie jako kone\u010dn\u00e9 podoby vl\u00e1dnut\u00ed.\"\n", "en": "History is having its revenge on Francis Fukuyama. In 1992, at the height of the liberalism wave that followed the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain, this political theorist wrote in his most famous book \u2018The End of History and the Last Man\u2019: \"What we may be witnessing \u2026 is the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalisation of Western liberal democracy as the final form of government.\"\n"}
{"cs": "O \u0161estadvacet let pozd\u011bji jsme sp\u00ed\u0161e sv\u011bdky toho, jak od USA po Rusko, od Turecka po Polsko a od Ma\u010farska po It\u00e1lii v\u00edt\u011bz\u00ed sp\u00ed\u0161e modely neliber\u00e1ln\u00ed a da\u0159\u00ed se r\u016fzn\u00fdm form\u00e1m nacionalismu a radikalismu. Aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed dev\u00e1t\u00e1 Fukuyamova kniha Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment se n\u00e1stupem t\u011bchto sil pokou\u0161\u00ed vyrovnat. Jak ukazuje jeho rozhovor Georgem Eatonem pro New Statesman, mnoh\u00e1 ze sv\u00fdch b\u00fdval\u00fdch stanovisek p\u0159ehodnocuje: tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee my\u0161lenky socialismu by se m\u011bly vr\u00e1tit zp\u011bt do ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho prostoru a Marx m\u011bl v mnoh\u00e9m pravdu. By\u0165 z\u00e1rove\u0148 trv\u00e1 na tom, \u017ee jeho my\u0161lenkov\u00fd v\u00fdvoj je st\u00e1le v souladu s pozic\u00ed z devades\u00e1t\u00fdch let a kritici Konec d\u011bjin a posledn\u00edho \u010dlov\u011bka pr\u00fd nepochopili spr\u00e1vn\u011b.\n", "en": "Twenty-six years later, from the USA to Russia, Turkey to Poland, and Hungary to Italy, we tend to see more illiberal models taking the lead, and various forms of nationalism and radicalism are advancing. Fukuyama's new book (his ninth) titled \u2018Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment\u2019, seeks to grapple with these rising forces. In his interview with George Eaton for the New Statesman it was apparent that he has re-evaluated many of his former views: he claims that the ideas of socialism should return to the public space, and Marx was right in many aspects. At the same time though, he maintains that his thought development is still in tune with his stance in the 1990s, and that the critics of \u2018The End of History and the Last Man\u2019 must have misunderstood the book.\n"}
{"cs": "\"To, co jsem u\u017e tehdy \u0159\u00edkal, bylo, \u017ee jedn\u00edm z probl\u00e9m\u016f modern\u00ed demokracie je, \u017ee sice poskytuje m\u00edr a prosperitu, ale lid\u00e9 cht\u011bj\u00ed v\u00edc ne\u017e jen to... Liber\u00e1ln\u00ed demokracie se ani nesna\u017e\u00ed definovat, co je dobr\u00fd \u017eivot. Nech\u00e1v\u00e1 to na jednotlivc\u00edch, kte\u0159\u00ed se c\u00edt\u00ed odcizen\u00ed, nevid\u00ed smysl, a proto se sdru\u017euj\u00ed do skupin podle identity, kter\u00e9 jim d\u00e1vaj\u00ed pocit soun\u00e1le\u017eitosti.\"\n", "en": "\"What I said back then is that one of the problems with modern democracy is that it provides peace and prosperity, but people want more than that \u2026 liberal democracies don't even try to define what a good life is. It's left up to individuals, who feel alienated, without purpose, and that's why they form identity groups which give them a sense of belonging.\"\n"}
{"cs": "Ve sv\u00e9 dob\u011b byla kniha Konec d\u011bjin a posledn\u00ed \u010dlov\u011bk ps\u00e1na jako siln\u00e1 argument v\u016f\u010di marxist\u016fm, kte\u0159\u00ed jako fin\u00e1ln\u00ed st\u00e1dium d\u011bjin vn\u00edmali komunismus. Kdy\u017e je Fukuyama dot\u00e1z\u00e1n na to, jak nyn\u00ed vn\u00edm\u00e1 vzmach socialist\u016f v Brit\u00e1nii a USA, odpov\u00edd\u00e1: \"To v\u0161e z\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed na tom, co socialismem m\u00edn\u00edte. Pokud se bav\u00edme o vlastnictv\u00ed v\u00fdrobn\u00edch prost\u0159edk\u016f, pak s v\u00fdjimkou, kdy jsou popt\u00e1van\u00e9 jasn\u00e9 slu\u017eby ve\u0159ejnosti, to podle mne fungovat nebude. M\u00e1te-li ale na mysli redistribu\u010dn\u00ed programy, kter\u00e9 se pokou\u0161\u00ed vy\u0159e\u0161it obrovskou nerovnov\u00e1hu v p\u0159\u00edjmech a bohatstv\u00ed, ji\u017e jsme sv\u011bdky, pak ano. Mysl\u00edm si nejen, \u017ee by se mohl vr\u00e1tit, on by se vr\u00e1tit m\u011bl. To dlouh\u00e9 obdob\u00ed, kter\u00e9 odstartovali prezident Reagan a premi\u00e9rka Thatcher a v n\u011bm\u017e se ke slovu dostaly ur\u010dit\u00e9 typy idej\u00ed o v\u00fdhod\u00e1ch neregulovan\u00e9ho trhu, m\u011blo v mnoha ohledech katastrof\u00e1ln\u00ed efekt.\"\n", "en": "In its own time, \u2018The End of History and the Last Man\u2019 was written as a strong argument against Marxists who regarded Communism as humanity's final stage of history. When asked how he now viewed the resurgence of socialists in Britain and the USA, Fukuyama said: \"It all depends on what you mean by socialism. If we're talking about the ownership of the means of production \u2013 except in areas where it's clearly called for, like public utilities \u2013 I don't think that is going to work. If you mean redistributive programmes that try to redress this huge imbalance in both incomes and wealth that we're witnessing, then yes, it may come back. I think not only can it come back, it ought to come back. This extended period, which started with President Reagan and Prime Minister Thatcher, in which a certain set of ideas about the benefits of unregulated markets took hold, in many ways it has had a disastrous effect.\"\n"}
{"cs": "Nakonec se Fukuyama pokou\u0161\u00ed zklidnit i sou\u010dasnou situaci a v\u0161echny liber\u00e1ly varuje, \u017ee ani ten n\u00e1stup nov\u00fdch ne zcela demokratick\u00fdch re\u017eim\u016f nebude znamenat konec d\u011bjin.\n", "en": "In conclusion, Fukuyama tries to ease the current state of affairs and warns all liberals that the emergence of new, not fully democratic, regimes is not going mean the end of history.\n"}
{"cs": "Voj\u00e1ci nacvi\u010duj\u00ed, st\u00e1hn\u011bte z\u00e1v\u011bsy. \u010c\u00edna chyst\u00e1 oslavy na m\u00edst\u011b masakru\n", "en": "Soldiers are rehearsing, close your curtains. China prepares for celebrations on a massacre site\n"}
{"cs": "Arm\u00e1da par\u00e1du nacvi\u010dovala b\u011bhem ned\u00e1vn\u00fdch v\u00edkend\u016f. Obchody v centru Pekingu musely zav\u0159\u00edt a obyvatel\u00e9 pobl\u00ed\u017e n\u00e1m\u011bst\u00ed m\u011bli na\u0159\u00edzeno zat\u00e1hnout z\u00e1v\u011bsy. Po upr\u00e1zdn\u011bn\u00fdch ulic\u00edch se k n\u00e1m\u011bst\u00ed valily vojensk\u00e9 vozy a na obloze krou\u017eily bojov\u00e9 letouny.\n", "en": "The army has been rehearsing the parade over the past few weekends. Shops in central Beijing had to close, and residents near the square were ordered to draw their curtains. Military vehicles rolled in empty streets going towards the square, while fighter planes circled the sky.\n"}
{"cs": "N\u011bkolik \u010c\u00ed\u0148an\u016f \u0159eklo agentu\u0159e Reuters, \u017ee jsou hrd\u00ed, \u017ee jejich zem\u011b vystav\u00ed na odiv svou vojenskou s\u00edlu. Jedna \u017eena ale uvedla, \u017ee lze t\u011b\u017eko pop\u0159\u00edt, \u017ee oslavy jin\u00e9 st\u00e1ty zneklidn\u00ed.\n", "en": "Several Chinese people told Reuters they were proud that their country would show off its military might. Still, one woman said that it could hardly be ignored that the celebrations would unsettle other countries.\n"}
{"cs": "Z\u0159ejm\u011b nar\u00e1\u017eela na Tchaj-wan, kter\u00fd si \u010c\u00edna n\u00e1rokuje a kde se bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed volby. Obavy ale mohou m\u00edt i v polo-autonomn\u00edm m\u011bst\u011b Hongkongu, v n\u011bm\u017e tis\u00edce lid\u00ed opakovan\u011b demonstruj\u00ed proti \u010c\u00ednou dosazen\u00e9 spr\u00e1vkyni.\n", "en": "She was probably referring to Taiwan, which China claims and which has an upcoming election now. There may also be some concern in the semi-autonomous city of Hong Kong, where thousands of people keep protesting against the Chief Executive appointed by China.\n"}
{"cs": "Oslavy se p\u0159ipravuj\u00ed i mimo Peking. Jiho\u010d\u00ednsk\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstav Sia-men u\u017e ve \u010dtvrtek v noci p\u0159edvedl speci\u00e1ln\u00ed sv\u011btelnou show. Sia-men le\u017e\u00ed naproti ostrovn\u00edmu Tchaj-wanu a pat\u0159\u00ed mezi deset nejinovativn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch \u010d\u00ednsk\u00fdch m\u011bst.\n", "en": "Preparations for the celebration are also underway outside Beijing. Xiamen, a seaport in South China, saw a special light show on Thursday night. Xiamen is situated opposite the island of Taiwan and is one of the ten most innovative Chinese cities.\n"}
{"cs": "P\u0159ed v\u00fdro\u010d\u00edm se rozr\u016fst\u00e1 seznam zak\u00e1zan\u00fdch v\u011bc\u00ed. Ji\u017e jsou na n\u011bm drony, bal\u00f3ny, draci, alkohol, vys\u00edla\u010dky a za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00edc\u00ed r\u00e1diov\u00e9 vlny, upozornil den\u00edk The Guardian. Dodal, \u017ee obl\u00edben\u00e1 \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e1 soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00ed\u0165 Weibo vymaz\u00e1v\u00e1 \"\u0161kodliv\u00e9 politick\u00e9 informace\".\n", "en": "The list of things that have been banned in the run-up to the anniversary keeps growing. The Guardian reports that items like drones, balloons, dragons, alcohol, walkie-talkies and devices using radio waves are already on the list. The newspaper also adds that Weibo, a popular Chinese social media website, is deleting \"harmful political information\".\n"}
{"cs": "\"Je to dal\u0161\u00ed miln\u00edk, dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost uk\u00e1zat, \u017ee \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e1 komunistick\u00e1 strana z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 (u vesla) navzdory v\u0161em p\u0159edpov\u011bd\u00edm,\" \u0159ekla histori\u010dka Maura Cunninghamov\u00e1, kter\u00e1 se zab\u00fdv\u00e1 \u010c\u00ednou. \"Je to chv\u00edle, kdy strana m\u016f\u017ee demonstrovat po\u0159\u00e1dek, kontrolu a moc,\" dodala.\n", "en": "\"This is another milestone, another opportunity to show that the Communist Party of China has remained (in power) against all predictions,\" said Maura Cunningham, a historian who specializes in China. \"This is a time the party can demonstrate order, control and power,\" she added.\n"}
{"cs": "\u010c\u00ednsk\u00e1 lidov\u00e1 republika vznikla v roce 1949, kdy\u017e komunist\u00e9 pod veden\u00edm Mao Ce-tunga vyhr\u00e1li v boji s \u010cankaj\u0161kov\u00fdmi nacionalisty, kte\u0159\u00ed ustoupili na Tchaj-wan.\n", "en": "The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949 after the Communists, led by Mao Zedong, defeated Chiang Kai-shek's nationalists, who then retreated to Taiwan.\n"}
{"cs": "Ve druh\u00e9 polovin\u011b 60. let pro\u0161la \u010c\u00edna katastrof\u00e1ln\u00edm komunistick\u00fdm experimentem v podob\u011b takzvan\u00e9 kulturn\u00ed revoluce. V \u010dervnu 1989 re\u017eim na n\u00e1m\u011bst\u00ed Nebesk\u00e9ho klidu tanky zmasakroval tis\u00edce pro-demokratick\u00fdch demonstrant\u016f z \u0159ad student\u016f i d\u011bln\u00edk\u016f.\n", "en": "In the second half of the 1960s, China was subjected to a catastrophic Communist experiment in the form of the Cultural Revolution. In June 1989 the regime massacred with tanks thousands of pro-democratic protesters, mostly students and workers, in Tiananmen Square.\n"}
{"cs": "Od konce 70. let \u010c\u00edna st\u00e1le v\u00edce p\u0159eb\u00edr\u00e1 prvky kapitalistick\u00e9ho hospod\u00e1\u0159stv\u00ed. Podle kritik\u016f je nyn\u00ed sm\u011bs\u00ed toho nejhor\u0161\u00edho z komunismu (monopol jedn\u00e9 strany a pron\u00e1sledov\u00e1n\u00ed opozice) i (dickensovsk\u00e9ho) kapitalismu (vyko\u0159is\u0165ov\u00e1n\u00ed d\u011bln\u00edk\u016f).\n", "en": "Since the late 1970s, China has been gradually adopting more and more elements of the capitalist economic system. Critics say that China is now a mixture of the worst elements of both Communism (one-party monopoly and persecution of the opposition) and (Dickensian) Capitalism (exploitation of workers).\n"}
{"cs": "\u010cech\u016fm \u010di d\u011btem vstup zapov\u011bzen. \u010cOI odhalila v restaurac\u00edch diskriminaci\n", "en": "No Czechs or children permitted. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority uncovers discrimination in restaurants\n"}
{"cs": "Mezi n\u011b pat\u0159ilo nap\u0159\u00edklad chybn\u00e9 informov\u00e1n\u00ed o cen\u00e1ch a nedodr\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed z\u00e1sad poctivosti prodeje.\n", "en": "Among these shortcomings were misleading price information and the failure to abide by the rules of honest trade practice.\n"}
{"cs": "V jednom p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b diskriminace odm\u00edt\u00e1 restaurace v Praze pou\u0161t\u011bt do podniku men\u0161\u00ed d\u011bti. Na sv\u00e9m webu podle \u010cOI p\u00ed\u0161e, \u017ee za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed nen\u00ed vhodn\u00e9 pro d\u011bti ve v\u011bku do osmi let. \"Na elektronick\u00fd dotaz spot\u0159ebitele, zda je mo\u017en\u00e9 si v uveden\u00e9 restauraci objednat st\u016fl pro \u010dty\u0159i dosp\u011bl\u00e9 osoby a jedno d\u00edt\u011b ve v\u011bku \u010dty\u0159 let, zam\u011bstnanec restaurace elektronicky odpov\u011bd\u011bl, \u017ee v restauraci neakceptuj\u00ed p\u0159\u00edtomnost d\u011bt\u00ed do osmi let,\" doplnil Fr\u00f6hlich.\n", "en": "In one discrimination case, a Prague restaurant refuses entry to young children. According to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, the restaurant's website says that their premises are not suitable for children up to the age of eight. \"When we enquired online whether it would be possible to book a table for four adults and a 4-year-old child, a member of the restaurant's staff replied also online that no children under eight are allowed entry to the premises,\" added Fr\u00f6hlich.\n"}
{"cs": "Ve druh\u00e9m p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b jin\u00fd pra\u017esk\u00fd podnik necht\u011bl pustit ke stolu \u010desky mluv\u00edc\u00ed lidi, zat\u00edmco anglicky hovo\u0159\u00edc\u00edm to dovolil. \"\u010cesky hovo\u0159\u00edc\u00edm inspektor\u016fm, v postaven\u00ed spot\u0159ebitele, nebylo umo\u017en\u011bno se v restauraci posadit ke stolu a prov\u00e9st objedn\u00e1vku. Anglicky mluv\u00edc\u00edm spot\u0159ebitel\u016fm toto umo\u017en\u011bno bylo,\" popsal situaci mluv\u010d\u00ed \u010cOI.\n", "en": "In the other discrimination case, a different Prague enterprise would not seat Czech-speaking people at a table, whereas English-speaking people were allowed to sit down. \"Czech-speaking inspectors, who visited the place as customers, were not allowed to sit down at a table and place an order. English-speaking consumers were free to do so,\" a spokesperson for the Czech Trade Inspection Authority described the situation.\n"}
{"cs": "Oba p\u0159\u00edpady jsou nyn\u00ed \u0159e\u0161eny ve spr\u00e1vn\u00edm \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed. Proto\u017ee je\u0161t\u011b nejsou pravomocn\u011b ukon\u010deny, nemohl mluv\u010d\u00ed inspekce sd\u011blit bli\u017e\u0161\u00ed informace ke zm\u00edn\u011bn\u00fdm restaurac\u00edm.\n", "en": "Both cases are now being dealt with in an administrative procedure. As the cases have not been resolved with a final legal decision yet, the spokesperson for the Inspection Authority could not give us any more details about the aforementioned restaurants.\n"}
{"cs": "Diskriminace se ale objevila jen u velmi mal\u00e9 \u010d\u00e1sti restaurac\u00ed kontrolovan\u00fdch ve druh\u00e9m \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed. Celkem \u010cOI provedla 139 kontrol. Krom\u011b zm\u00edn\u011bn\u00fdch dvou p\u0159\u00edpad\u016f diskriminace odhalila v 64 p\u0159\u00edpadech jin\u00e1 pochyben\u00ed. V\u011bt\u0161inou se jednalo o nedostatky v dodr\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed z\u00e1sad poctivosti prodeje a neinformov\u00e1n\u00ed spot\u0159ebitele o cen\u00e1ch v\u00fdrobk\u016f a slu\u017eeb v souladu s p\u0159edpisy.\n", "en": "Cases of discrimination were uncovered in just a very small number of restaurants that were inspected in the second quarter of the year. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority conducted 139 inspections in total. In addition to the two discrimination cases, 64 other cases of malpractice were found. These were mostly shortcomings in complying with the rules of honest trade practice and the failure to inform the consumer about the prices of products and services in accordance with the regulations.\n"}
{"cs": "Ji\u017e ve st\u0159edu inspekce informovala o p\u0159\u00edpadech diskriminace cizinc\u016f ve dvou pra\u017esk\u00fdch restaurac\u00edch, Clock Caff\u00e9 a Caf\u00e9 Restaurant. V obou provozovn\u00e1ch byly cizinc\u016fm \u00fa\u010dtov\u00e1ny \u010d\u00e1stky vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e \u010desky hovo\u0159\u00edc\u00edm klient\u016fm. V t\u011bchto p\u0159\u00edpadech u\u017e padly pravomocn\u00e9 pokuty 60 000 korun.\n", "en": "On Wednesday, the Inspection Authority informed of the discrimination of foreign nationals in two restaurants in Prague, Clock Caff\u00e9 and Caf\u00e9 Restaurant. In both establishments, foreign customers were charged more than Czech-speaking clients. In these two cases, legally enforceable fines of CZK 60,000 have been issued.\n"}
{"cs": "Na dovolenou jen s platebn\u00ed kartou? NEO \u00fa\u010det nab\u00edz\u00ed v\u00fdb\u011bry z bankomat\u016f po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b zdarma!\n", "en": "Going on holiday only with a payment card? NEO account offers free withdrawals from cash machines all over the world!\n"}
{"cs": "P\u0159\u00edmo platit kartou si podle pr\u016fzkum\u016f zvykla u\u017e zhruba polovina ze v\u0161ech \u010cech\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed vyr\u00e1\u017eej\u00ed do zahrani\u010d\u00ed. Mezi hlavn\u00ed d\u016fvody pat\u0159\u00ed zejm\u00e9na pohodl\u00ed, bezpe\u010dnost, ale i mo\u017enost vyu\u017e\u00edt cestovn\u00ed poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed, kter\u00e9 se s platebn\u00ed kartou \u010dasto poj\u00ed.\n", "en": "According to surveys, around half of all Czechs who go abroad are now accustomed to paying directly by card. Some of the main reasons are, above all, comfort and safety, as well as the option to take out travel insurance which often comes with the payment card.\n"}
{"cs": "Pohodl\u00ed p\u0159i placen\u00ed kartou mohou docenit cestovatel\u00e9 t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 ve v\u0161ech koutech sv\u011bta. Obzvl\u00e1\u0161\u0165 to plat\u00ed v obl\u00edben\u00fdch turistick\u00fdch destinac\u00edch, dnes jsou v\u0161ak platebn\u00ed karty p\u0159ij\u00edm\u00e1ny t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 v\u0161ude. \"Lid\u00e9, kte\u0159\u00ed cestuj\u00ed \u010dast\u011bji, t\u0159eba kv\u016fli pr\u00e1ci, nemaj\u00ed \u010das chodit opakovan\u011b do sm\u011bn\u00e1ren, aby si vym\u011bnili hotovost. A ani \"dovolenk\u00e1\u0159i\" se necht\u011bj\u00ed spol\u00e9hat na to, \u017ee jim hotovost vysta\u010d\u00ed. N\u011bkter\u00fdmi ciz\u00edmi m\u011bnami nav\u00edc \u010desk\u00e9 banky nebo sm\u011bn\u00e1rny ani nedisponuj\u00ed. U NEO \u00fa\u010dtu jsme to proto vy\u0159e\u0161ili tak, aby jeho u\u017eivatel\u00e9 mohli bezplatn\u011b vyb\u00edrat hotovost ze v\u0161ech bankomat\u016f, a\u0165 u\u017e jsou kdekoliv,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed Kate\u0159ina Petko, \u0159editelka marketingu a komunikace a tiskov\u00e1 mluv\u010d\u00ed Expobank CZ.\n", "en": "The comfort of paying by card can be fully appreciated by travellers in almost all corners of the world. This is especially true in popular tourist destinations, although payment cards are accepted almost everywhere these days. \"People who travel frequently, for example on business, don't have time to make regular trips to bureaux de change to exchange their cash. \"Holidaymakers\" also do not want to rely on whether their cash is going to last. In addition, Czech banks and exchange offices do not even have some foreign currencies in stock. We have therefore provided NEO account with a feature that allows the account holders to withdraw cash from all cash machines free of charge, wherever they are,\" says Kate\u0159ina Petko, an Expobank CZ spokeswoman, who is also the Director of Marketing and Communication.\n"}
{"cs": "Platebn\u00ed karta nav\u00edc p\u0159edstavuje oproti hotovosti mnohem spolehliv\u011bj\u0161\u00ed zp\u016fsob, jak o sv\u00e9 pen\u00edze nep\u0159ij\u00edt. P\u0159i ztr\u00e1t\u011b pln\u00e9 pen\u011b\u017eenky se jej\u00ed majitel u\u017e nemus\u00ed do\u010dkat pen\u011bz, kter\u00e9 v n\u00ed nosil. Pokud v\u0161ak p\u0159ijde jen o svou platebn\u00ed kartu, snadno ji m\u016f\u017ee po telefonu nebo prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm internetov\u00e9ho bankovnictv\u00ed okam\u017eit\u011b zablokovat. P\u0159i rychl\u00e9m jedn\u00e1n\u00ed tak nemus\u00ed utrp\u011bt v\u016fbec \u017e\u00e1dnou finan\u010dn\u00ed ztr\u00e1tu. \"Uchov\u00e1vat pen\u00edze na bankovn\u00edm \u00fa\u010dtu m\u00e1 krom\u011b jejich spolehliv\u00e9 ochrany i dal\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdhody. U NEO \u00fa\u010dtu je to nap\u0159\u00edklad \u00farok 1,6% ro\u010dn\u011b, kter\u00fd pat\u0159\u00ed k nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00edm mezi b\u011b\u017en\u00fdmi i spo\u0159ic\u00edmi \u00fa\u010dty. Jeho zalo\u017een\u00ed a spr\u00e1va prob\u00edh\u00e1 kompletn\u011b online bez nutnosti n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy pobo\u010dky. Pen\u00edze na bankovn\u00edm \u00fa\u010dtu jsou nav\u00edc poji\u0161t\u011bny a\u017e do v\u00fd\u0161e 100 tis\u00edc eur a veden\u00ed \u00fa\u010dtu je zcela zdarma,\" dopl\u0148uje Kate\u0159ina Petko.\n", "en": "Unlike cash, a payment card is safer in terms of not losing money. When a full wallet is lost, the owner may not necessarily be reunited with the money that was inside. However, if it's only a payment card that gets lost, the holder can block it immediately, which can be done easily by phone or via online banking. If they act fast, they may not have to suffer any financial loss whatsoever. \"As well as the reliable protection, there are other advantages to keeping money on a bank account. For instance, NEO account has an annual interest rate of 1.6 per cent, which is one of the highest among both current and savings accounts. The account can be opened and operated fully online without having to visit a branch. Furthermore, the money on the bank account is insured up to 100 thousand Euros, and there is no fee to maintain the account,\" adds Kate\u0159ina Petko.\n"}
{"cs": "Pro ka\u017ed\u00e9ho, kdo se chyst\u00e1 vyrazit do zahrani\u010d\u00ed, by cestovn\u00ed poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed m\u011blo b\u00fdt samoz\u0159ejmost\u00ed. D\u00edky mo\u017enosti sjednat jej a zaplatit kartou online tak lze u\u010dinit t\u0159eba i na posledn\u00ed chv\u00edli. U\u017e jen samotn\u00e9 vlastnictv\u00ed platebn\u00ed karty v\u0161ak mnohdy znamen\u00e1 pojistnou ochranu p\u0159i cestov\u00e1n\u00ed. \"Nap\u0159\u00edklad u embosovan\u00fdch karet MasterCard Gold a MasterCard Business je cestovn\u00ed poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed ned\u00edlnou sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed p\u0159i zahrani\u010dn\u00edch cest\u00e1ch do v\u0161ech zem\u00ed sv\u011bta. Dr\u017eitel\u00e9 t\u011bchto karet mohou pojistit tak\u00e9 svou rodinu, se kterou cestuj\u00ed. \u010casto jim tak odpad\u00e1 jak\u00e9koliv dal\u0161\u00ed za\u0159izov\u00e1n\u00ed,\" dod\u00e1v\u00e1 Kate\u0159ina Petko z Expobank CZ. V\u017edy je v\u0161ak vhodn\u00e9 ov\u011b\u0159it si rozsah dan\u00e9ho poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed, tedy zda se vztahuje na v\u0161echny \u010dinnosti, kter\u00e9 maj\u00ed cestovatel\u00e9 v pl\u00e1nu podniknout.\n", "en": "Travel insurance should be a must for everyone who plans to go abroad. Insurance can be arranged in the last minute thanks to the option to apply and pay for it online by card. However, the very fact of holding a payment card can often mean that the holders are covered by insurance while they travel. \"For example, MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Business embossed cards have travel insurance integrally included, which covers travelling abroad to all countries around the globe. Holders of these cards can also insure their family members who travel with them. Often, they don't need to do any further arrangements,\" adds Kate\u0159ina Petko of Expobank CZ. It is always advisable, though, to confirm the extent of the individual insurance cover, such as whether it covers all the activities the travellers are planning to do.\n"}
{"cs": "Hled\u00e1me motivovan\u00e9 p\u0159ist\u011bhovalce. P\u0159ednosta d\u011btsk\u00e9 kliniky buduje mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed t\u00fdm l\u00e9ka\u0159\u016f, p\u0159in\u00e1\u0161\u00edme jejich p\u0159\u00edb\u011bhy\n", "en": "Motivated immigrants needed. A senior consultant at a children's clinic puts together an international team of doctors, we bring you their stories\n"}
{"cs": "Alb\u00e1nka Ledjona Toni vystudovala medic\u00ednu v \u010de\u0161tin\u011b a dnes jen m\u00e1lokdo pozn\u00e1, \u017ee je cizinka.\n", "en": "Ledjona Toni is an Albanian national who studied medicine in the Czech language. Today, hardly anyone can tell she is a foreigner.\n"}
{"cs": "V \u010cesku studuj\u00ed stovky medik\u016f ze zahrani\u010d\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed by tu mohli z\u016fstat a pracovat. Z\u00edskat n\u011bkter\u00e9 z nich se pokusila pediatrick\u00e1 klinika v pra\u017esk\u00e9m Motole.\n", "en": "Hundreds of medical students from abroad study in Czechia, where they could later stay and work. Some of them were asked by the Paediatric Clinic at Motol in Prague to work there.\n"}
{"cs": "Aby Tara Hussein Tayeb dorazila kolem p\u00e1t\u00e9 hodiny odpoledne do motolsk\u00e9 nemocnice v Praze, musela si hodn\u011b p\u0159ivstat. Kurdka s nakr\u00e1tko ost\u0159\u00edhan\u00fdmi vlasy odl\u00e9tala do \u010ceska ze Sulejm\u00e1nie, m\u011bsta na severov\u00fdchod\u011b Ir\u00e1ku, kde pracuje jako d\u011btsk\u00e1 l\u00e9ka\u0159ka v nemocnici a odpoledne je\u0161t\u011b l\u00e9\u010d\u00ed mal\u00e9 pacienty v r\u00e1mci soukrom\u00e9 praxe. Krom\u011b toho vyu\u010duje na univerzit\u011b.\n", "en": "Tara Hussein Tayeb had to get up very early in order to arrive at Motol Hospital in Prague by 5 p.m. The short-haired Kurdish woman flew over to Czechia from Sulaymaniyah, a city in northeast Iraq, where she works as a paediatrician at a hospital. Furthermore, she treats young patients in a private practice in the afternoons. She also teaches at university.\n"}
{"cs": "Spilkov\u00e1 v paru. V Indianapolis je po prvn\u00edm kole na hranici postupu\n", "en": "Spilkov\u00e1 on par. She is about to advance to the next round after the first round in Indianapolis\n"}
{"cs": "Golfistka Kl\u00e1ra Spilkov\u00e1 je po prvn\u00edm kole turnaje Tech Championship v Indianapolis na hranici postupu do fin\u00e1lov\u00fdch kol. Ve \u010dtvrtek zahr\u00e1la na kl\u00e1n\u00ed s\u00e9rie LPGA dv\u011b birdie, dv\u011b bogey a \u00favodn\u00ed den dokon\u010dila v paru. S v\u00fdsledkem 72 je na d\u011blen\u00e9m 69. m\u00edst\u011b, co\u017e je p\u0159edpokl\u00e1dan\u00fd cut.\n", "en": "Golfer Kl\u00e1ra Spilkov\u00e1 is about to advance to the final rounds after the first round of the Tech Championship in Indianapolis. She played two birdies, two bogeys, and finished on par on the first day of the LPGA tournament on Thursday. With a result of 72, she finished tied for 69th place, which is the expected cut.\n"}
{"cs": "\u010cty\u0159iadvacetilet\u00e1 Spilkov\u00e1 se p\u0159ed m\u011bs\u00edcem vr\u00e1tila na okruh po dvoum\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed zdravotn\u00ed p\u0159est\u00e1vce a v Portlandu do druh\u00e9 poloviny turnaje nepro\u0161la. Odpo\u010dinek si dop\u0159\u00e1la kv\u016fli \u00fanav\u011b a vy\u010derp\u00e1n\u00ed po p\u0159echozen\u00e9 nemoci.\n", "en": "Spilkov\u00e1 (24) returned to the course a month ago after a two-month medical break and failed to advance to the second half of the tournament in Portland. She had taken some rest due to tiredness and exhaustion after an untreated illness.\n"}
{"cs": "Prvn\u00ed \u010desk\u00e1 v\u00edt\u011bzka profesion\u00e1ln\u00edho turnaje na evropsk\u00e9 s\u00e9rii LET je prvn\u00edm rokem \u010dlenkou LPGA Tour a zat\u00edm se j\u00ed p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 neda\u0159\u00ed. Z dvan\u00e1cti turnaj\u016f pro\u0161la cutem t\u0159ikr\u00e1t, nejl\u00e9pe byla 32. na Havaji. Bojuje tak o udr\u017een\u00ed karty na dal\u0161\u00ed sezonu.\n", "en": "The first Czech winner of a professional tournament at the European LET series is a member of the LPGA Tour this year for the first time, and has not been doing very well so far. Out of twelve tournaments, she made the cut three times. Her best place was 32nd in Hawaii. She is thus fighting to keep the card for the next season.\n"}
{"cs": "Turnaj v Indianapolis rozehr\u00e1la nejl\u00e9pe Korejka Hor Mi-\u010dung. Po prvn\u00edm kole m\u00e1 sk\u00f3re -9 a n\u00e1skok dvou ran p\u0159ed trojic\u00ed soupe\u0159ek.\n", "en": "The start of the tournament in Indianapolis was played best by South Korean Hur Mi-jung. After the first round, she had a score of -9 and is ahead of three competitors by two strokes.\n"}
{"cs": "Pra\u017esk\u00e1 burza m\u00edrn\u011b rostla, da\u0159ilo se \u010desk\u00fdm bank\u00e1m, O2 \u010di Avastu\n", "en": "The Prague Stock Exchange grows moderately; Czech banks, O2 and Avast are doing well\n"}
{"cs": "Pra\u017esk\u00e1 burza uzav\u0159ela obchodn\u00ed t\u00fdden m\u00edrn\u00fdm r\u016fstem. Index PX vzrostl o 0,13 procenta na 1038,45 bodu. Nahoru ho t\u00e1hly \u010desk\u00e9 banky, telekomunika\u010dn\u00ed spole\u010dnost O2 \u010di technologick\u00e1 firma Avast. Naopak se neda\u0159ilo rakousk\u00fdm titul\u016fm a medi\u00e1ln\u00ed spole\u010dnosti CME. Vypl\u00fdv\u00e1 to z v\u00fdsledk\u016f obchodov\u00e1n\u00ed na webu burzy.\n", "en": "The Prague Stock Exchange closed the trading week with a moderate growth. The PX Index increased by 0.13 per cent (1038.45 points). It was pulled up by Czech banks, the O2 telecommunications company and the Avast technology company. Conversely, the Austrian titles and the CME media company did not do so well. This has been shown in the trading results on the Stock Exchange website.\n"}
{"cs": "Po v\u011bt\u0161inu p\u00e1te\u010dn\u00ed seance obchodovala pra\u017esk\u00e1 burza v m\u00edrn\u011b kladn\u00e9m teritoriu a nakonec i s mal\u00fdm ziskem zakon\u010dila. \"Nicm\u00e9n\u011b za cel\u00fd t\u00fdden ztratil (index PX) nepatrn\u011b p\u0159es jedno procento,\" podotkl Josef Dudek z Fio banky.\n", "en": "The Prague Stock Exchange was trading in moderately positive territory throughout most of the trading session on Friday, and then closed the session with a small gain. \"However, over the week the PX Index went down by a little over one per cent,\" notes Josef Dudek of Fio Bank.\n"}
{"cs": "Tuzemsk\u00e9 banky \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b korigovaly poklesy z uplynul\u00fdch dn\u00ed. Komer\u010dn\u00ed banka si polep\u0161ila o 0,82 procenta na 803 korun a Moneta Money Bank o 0,41 procenta na 72,80 K\u010d. Akcie spole\u010dnosti Avast se zhodnotily o 0,89 procenta na 113 korun a oper\u00e1tor O2 si p\u0159ipsal 0,46 procenta na 216,50 K\u010d.\n", "en": "Our banks have partially adjusted the decline of recent days. Komer\u010dn\u00ed banka has improved its position by 0.82 per cent to 803 Czech crowns and Moneta Money Bank by 0.41 per cent to 72.80 Czech crowns. Avast shares increased in value by 0.89 per cent to 113 Czech crowns and the O2 operator O2 increased by 0.46 per cent to 216.50 Czech crowns.\n"}
{"cs": "Nejv\u00edce rostly cenn\u00e9 pap\u00edry Kofoly, a to o 1,38 procenta na 294 korun. Necel\u00e9 procento z\u00edskala pak tab\u00e1kov\u00e1 spole\u010dnost Philip Morris, jej\u00ed\u017e akcie zdra\u017eily na 13 640 korun.\n", "en": "Kofola saw the biggest growth in securities, by 1.38 per cent to 294 Czech crowns. Just short of one per cent was gained by the Philip Morris tobacco company, whose shares went up to 13,640 Czech crowns.\n"}
{"cs": "Cenn\u00e9 pap\u00edry energetick\u00e9 firmy \u010cEZ stagnovaly na \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00ed hodnot\u011b 520 korun.\n", "en": "The shares of the \u010cEZ energy company stagnated at the Thursday value of 520 Czech crowns.\n"}
{"cs": "Ztr\u00e1tov\u00e9 byly t\u0159i tituly - Erste Bank odepsala 0,87 procenta na 779,20 koruny, CME 0,73 procenta na 109 korun a poji\u0161\u0165ovna VIG 0,40 procenta na 618 korun.\n", "en": "Three titles dropped \u2013 Erste Bank has written off 0.87 per cent to 779.20 Czech crowns, CME 0.73 per cent to 109 Czech crowns and the VIG insurance company 0.40 per cent to 618 Czech crowns.\n"}
{"cs": "Koruna m\u00edrn\u011b oslabila v\u016f\u010di ob\u011bma hlavn\u00edm sv\u011btov\u00fdm m\u011bn\u00e1m. Na euro ztratila \u010dty\u0159i hal\u00e9\u0159e na 25,85 K\u010d/EUR, na dolar t\u0159i hal\u00e9\u0159e na 23,62 K\u010d/USD. Vypl\u00fdv\u00e1 to z \u00fadaj\u016f na serveru Patria Online.\n", "en": "The Czech crown has slightly depreciated against the two major world currencies. The Czech crown has lost value by four hellers against euro (down to 25.85 CZK/EUR), and three hellers against US dollar (down to 23.62 CZK/USD), according to the information published on the Patria Online website.\n"}
{"cs": "Srdce m\u00e1m jako zvon a pl\u00edce neku\u0159\u00e1ka. Jen si d\u00e1m p\u00e1r infuz\u00ed, \u017eertoval Zeman\n", "en": "A heart as strong as steel and a non-smoker's lungs. I'll just have a few infusions, jokes Zeman\n"}
{"cs": "Hlava st\u00e1tu podstoupila v \u00fater\u00fd n\u011bkolikahodinovou l\u00e9ka\u0159skou prohl\u00eddku v \u00dast\u0159edn\u00ed vojensk\u00e9 nemocnici (\u00daVN). Podle \u0159editele nemocnice Miroslava Zavorala l\u00e9ka\u0159i nena\u0161li u prezidenta \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 \"chorobn\u00e9 stavy\". Prezident oslav\u00ed v sobotu 75. narozeniny.\n", "en": "On Tuesday, the Head of State underwent a health check in the Central Military Hospital (CMH) lasting several hours. Miroslav Zavoral, the Director of the Hospital, says that no \"ailing conditions\" have been found in the President. The President's 75th birthday is this Saturday.\n"}
{"cs": "L\u00e9ka\u0159i u prezidenta p\u0159i kontrole odhalili m\u00edrn\u00e9 zn\u00e1mky dehydratace. Jeho probl\u00e9my s n\u00edzk\u00fdm tlakem byly zp\u016fsobeny pr\u00e1v\u011b nedostate\u010dn\u00fdm zavodn\u011bn\u00edm. \"Abych spravil je\u0161t\u011b tu dehydrataci organismu, tak si d\u00e1m n\u011bkolik infuz\u00ed, kter\u00e9 mn\u011b do t\u011bla dostanou miner\u00e1ly,\" uvedl Zeman.\n", "en": "The doctors detected mild signs of dehydration in the President. Poor hydration is the cause of his low blood pressure problems. \"To re-hydrate my organism I will receive a few infusions, which will transport minerals into my body,\" said Zeman.\n"}
{"cs": "Jinak v\u0161ak podle n\u011bj \u0159editel \u00daVN konstatoval, \u017ee \"\u010desk\u00fd st\u00e1t m\u00e1 zdrav\u00e9ho prezidenta\". Prezident v t\u00e9to souvislosti zm\u00ednil, \u017ee Zavoral kv\u016fli zdravotn\u00ed prohl\u00eddce dostal n\u011bkolik nen\u00e1vistn\u00fdch vzkaz\u016f.\n", "en": "In the words of the Director of the CMH, other than that, \"the Czech lands have a healthy President\", said Zeman. In reference to this, the President mentioned that Zavoral had received a few hateful messages because of this health check.\n"}
{"cs": "Podle prezidenta ho l\u00e9ka\u0159i prohl\u00ed\u017eeli d\u016fkladn\u011b a nevynechali jedin\u00e9 m\u00edsto na t\u011ble. \"Tak\u017ee stru\u010dn\u00e1 rekapitulace: srdce bije jako zvon, pl\u00edce jsou \u010dist\u00e9, jako by to nebyl ku\u0159\u00e1k, j\u00e1tra funguj\u00ed, jako bych byl abstinent, ledviny jsou taky v po\u0159\u00e1dku a mohu pokra\u010dovat d\u00e1l a d\u00e1l,\" uvedl Zeman.\n", "en": "The President said that the doctors had examined him thoroughly and had not left out any part of his body. \"So, here's a short recap: my heart beats like a drum, my lungs are as clear as if they were not the lungs of a smoker, my liver works as if I was a teetotaller, the kidneys are also alright and I could go on and on,\" said Zeman.\n"}
{"cs": "Redakce se obr\u00e1tila na vojenskou nemocnici, aby Zemanovo prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed o sv\u00e9m zdrav\u00ed komentovala.\n", "en": "The editors have contacted the Military Hospital asking them to comment on the claims made by Zeman about his health.\n"}
{"cs": "Ot\u00e1zka Zemanova zdrav\u00ed se stala t\u00e9matem p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm v dob\u011b lo\u0148sk\u00e9 prezidentsk\u00e9 volby nebo p\u0159i n\u011bkter\u00fdch ve\u0159ejn\u00fdch vystoupen\u00ed, p\u0159i kter\u00fdch m\u00e1 Zeman z\u0159eteln\u00e9 probl\u00e9my s ch\u016fz\u00ed. Podle Pra\u017esk\u00e9ho hradu prezident \u0161patn\u011b chod\u00ed kv\u016fli diabetick\u00e9 polyfunk\u010dn\u00ed neuropatii. Probl\u00e9my m\u00e1 tak\u00e9 s n\u00edzk\u00fdm tlakem a h\u016f\u0159 sly\u0161\u00ed. Kv\u016fli sv\u00e9mu zdrav\u00ed omezil kou\u0159en\u00ed.\n", "en": "Zeman's health issues were talked about mainly during last year's presidential election, as well as during a number of public appearances where he had appeared to have difficulty walking. According to a statement from Prague Castle, the President's walking problem is caused by his diabetic polyneuropathy. He also suffers from low blood pressure and is hard of hearing. He has cut down on smoking due to his health.\n"}
{"cs": "V\u011bdci do sv\u00e9 studie hledaj\u00ed batolata s vrozenou vadou, tzv. valgozitou kotn\u00edk\u016f\n", "en": "Scientists look for toddlers with a congenital deformity called ankle valgus for a study\n"}
{"cs": "Valgozita (vyosen\u00ed) kotn\u00edk\u016f je vrozen\u00e1 vada, kter\u00e1 postihuje p\u011bt a\u017e deset procent d\u011bt\u00ed. Standardn\u011b se l\u00e9\u010d\u00ed intenzivn\u00edm cvi\u010den\u00edm. V\u011bdci se sna\u017e\u00ed t\u011bmto d\u011btem je\u0161t\u011b v\u00edce pomoci, proto vyvinuli speci\u00e1ln\u00ed obuv, kter\u00e1 by m\u011bla l\u00e9\u010dbu v\u00fdrazn\u011b urychlit.\n", "en": "Ankle valgus (outward turning of the ankle) is a congenital deformity affecting five to ten per cent of children. It is routinely treated by intensive exercise. As scientists are trying to help these children even more, they have developed special footwear that should significantly speed the treatment up.\n"}