[ 19 ]
Towards a Security Cost Model for Cyber Physical Systems. In times of Industry 4.0 and cyber physical systems (CPS) providing security is one of the biggest challenges. A cyber attack launched at a CPS poses a huge threat, since a security incident may affect both the cyber and the physical world. Since CPS are very flexible systems, which are capable of adapting to environmental changes, it is important to keep an overview of the resulting costs of providing security. However, research regarding CPS currently focuses more on engineering secure systems and does not satisfactorily provide approaches for evaluating the resulting costs. This paper presents an interaction based model for evaluating security costs in a CPS. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates in a use case driven study, how this approach could be used to model the resulting costs for guaranteeing security.
[ 49 ]
Subjective Equilibria under Beliefs of Exogenous Uncertainty. We present a subjective equilibrium notion (called "subjective equilibrium under beliefs of exogenous uncertainty (SEBEU)" for stochastic dynamic games in which each player chooses its decisions under the (incorrect) belief that a stochastic environment process driving the system is exogenous whereas in actuality this process is a solution of closed loop dynamics affected by each individual player. Players observe past realizations of the environment variables and their local information. At equilibrium, if players are given the full distribution of the stochastic environment process as if it were an exogenous process, they would have no incentive to unilaterally deviate from their strategies. This notion thus generalizes what is known as the price taking equilibrium in prior literature to a stochastic and dynamic setup. We establish existence of SEBEU, study various properties and present explicit solutions. We obtain the epsilon Nash equilibrium property of SEBEU when there are many players.
[ 0 ]
Cross domain Detection via Graph induced Prototype Alignment. Applying the knowledge of an object detector trained on a specific domain directly onto a new domain is risky, as the gap between two domains can severely degrade model's performance. Furthermore, since different instances commonly embody distinct modal information in object detection scenario, the feature alignment of source and target domain is hard to be realized. To mitigate these problems, we propose a Graph induced Prototype Alignment (GPA) framework to seek for category level domain alignment via elaborate prototype representations. In the nutshell, more precise instance level features are obtained through graph based information propagation among region proposals, and, on such basis, the prototype representation of each class is derived for category level domain alignment. In addition, in order to alleviate the negative effect of class imbalance on domain adaptation, we design a Class reweighted Contrastive Loss to harmonize the adaptation training process. Combining with Faster R CNN, the proposed framework conducts feature alignment in a two stage manner. Comprehensive results on various cross domain detection tasks demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methods with a remarkable margin. Our code is available at https github.com ChrisAllenMing GPA detection.
[ 35, 15 ]
math.RA cs.IT math.IT
Some remarks regarding finite bounded commutative BCK algebras. In this chapter, starting from some results obtained in the papers FV 19 , FHSV 19 , we provide some examples of finite bounded commutative BCK algebras, using the Wajsberg algebra associated to a bounded commutative BCK algebra. This method is an alternative to the Iseki's construction, since by Iseki's extension some properties of the obtained algebras are lost.
[ 22, 39 ]
cs.SE cs.CY
Non cognitive abilities of exceptional software engineers a Delphi study. Important building blocks of software engineering concepts are without a doubt technical. During the last decade, research and practical interest for non technicalities has grown, revealing the building blocks to be various skills and abilities beside pure technical knowledge. Multiple attempts to categorise these blocks have been made, but so far little international studies have been performed that identify skills by asking experts from both the industrial and academic world which abilities are needed for a developer to excel in the software engineering industry? To answer this question, we performed a Delphi study, inviting 36 experts from 11 different countries world wide, affiliated with 21 internationally renowned institutions. This study presents the 55 identified and ranked skills as classified in four major areas communicative skills (empathy, actively listening, etc.), collaborative skills (sharing responsibility, learning from each other, etc.), problem solving skills (verifying assumptions, solution oriented thinking, etc.), and personal skills (curiosity, being open to ideas, etc.), of which a comparison has been made between opinions of technical experts, business experts, and academics. We hope this work inspires educators and practitioners to adjust their training programs, mitigating the gap between the industry and the academic world.
[ 22, 39 ]
cs.SE cs.CY
Patterns of Effort Contribution and Demand and User Classification based on Participation Patterns in NPM Ecosystem. Background Open source requires participation of volunteer and commercial developers (users) in order to deliver functional high quality components. Developers both contribute effort in the form of patches and demand effort from the component maintainers to resolve issues reported against it. Aim Identify and characterize patterns of effort contribution and demand throughout the open source supply chain and investigate if and how these patterns vary with developer activity identify different groups of developers and predict developers' company affiliation based on their participation patterns. Method 1,376,946 issues and pull requests created for 4433 NPM packages with over 10,000 monthly downloads and full (public) commit activity data of the 272,142 issue creators is obtained and analyzed and dependencies on NPM packages are identified. Fuzzy c means clustering algorithm is used to find the groups among the users based on their effort contribution and demand patterns, and Random Forest is used as the predictive modeling technique to identify their company affiliations. Result Users contribute and demand effort primarily from packages that they depend on directly with only a tiny fraction of contributions and demand going to transitive dependencies. A significant portion of demand goes into packages outside the users' respective supply chains (constructed based on publicly visible version control data). Three and two different groups of users are observed based on the effort demand and effort contribution patterns respectively. The Random Forest model used for identifying the company affiliation of the users gives a AUC ROC value of 0.68. Conclusion Our results give new insights into effort demand and supply at different parts of the supply chain of the NPM ecosystem and its users and suggests the need to increase visibility further upstream.
[ 74, 23 ]
math.OA math.FA
Equivalence bundles over a finite group and strong Morita equivalence for unital inclusions of unital C algebras. Let mathcal A A t t in G and mathcal B B t t in G be C algebraic bundles over a finite group G . Let C oplus t in G A t and D oplus t in G B t . Also, let A A e and B B e , where e is the unit element in G . We suppose that C and D are unital and A and B have the unit elements in C and D , respectively. In this paper, we shall show that if there is an equivalence mathcal A mathcal B bundle over G with some properties, then the unital inclusions of unital C algebras A subset C and B subset D induced by mathcal A and mathcal B are strongly Morita equivalent. Also, we suppose that mathcal A and mathcal B are saturated and that A' cap C mathbf C 1 . We shall show that if A subset C and B subset D are strongly Morita equivalent, then there are an automorphism f of G and an equivalence bundle mathcal A mathcal B f bundle over G with the some properties, where mathcal B f is the C algebraic bundle induced by mathcal B and f , which is defined by mathcal B f B f(t) t in G . Furthermore, we shall give an application.
[ 25 ]
Asymptotic Independence ex machina Extreme Value Theory for the Diagonal BEKK ARCH(1) Model. We consider multivariate stationary processes ( boldsymbol X t) satisfying a stochastic recurrence equation of the form boldsymbol X t mathbb M t boldsymbol X t 1 boldsymbol Q t, where ( boldsymbol Q t) are iid random vectors and mathbb M t mathrm Diag (b 1 c 1 M t, dots, b d c d M t) are iid diagonal matrices and (M t) are iid random variables. We obtain a full characterization of the multivariate regular variation properties of ( boldsymbol X t) , proving that coordinates X t,i and X t,j are asymptotically independent even though all coordinates rely on the same random input (M t) . We describe extremal properties of ( boldsymbol X t) in the framework of vector scaling regular variation. Our results are applied to some multivariate autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (BEKK ARCH and CCC GARCH) processes.
[ 14 ]
Usability in the Larger Reality A Contrarian Argument for the Importance of Social and Political Considerations. Usability engineering is situated in a much larger social and institutional context than is usually acknowledged by usability professionals in the way that they define their field. The definitions and processes used in the improvement of user interfaces are subordinate to interests that often have narrow goals, having adverse effects on user awareness and autonomy that have further adverse effects on society as a whole. These effects are brought about by the way that knowledge about systems is limited by the design of the interface that limits the user to tasks and goals defined by organizations, often commercial ones. It is the point at which the structures of the user interface are defined by usability professionals that sources of the limitation of knowledge can be identified. These sources are defined by their reliance on a construction of the user's wants and needs that cyclically reinforce, through the actual use of the interface, the user's own construction of her wants and needs. To alleviate this, it is necessary to come up with new processes of user interface design that do not make assumptions about the user that tend to subordinate the user, and it is also necessary to reconstruct the user as a participant in the interface. NOTE This article was written in 2003 as a final project for a Master's course in human computer interaction at the University of Ottawa. The author attempted to publish it at the time, but did not really understand the process. The ideas stand up fairly well, however, and he would like to contribute it as a comment on the current state of affairs. It is only lightly edited for format.
[ 67 ]
Sideband cooling of molecules in optical traps. Sideband cooling is a popular method for cooling atoms to the ground state of an optical trap. Applying the same method to molecules requires a number of challenges to be overcome. Strong tensor Stark shifts in molecules cause the optical trapping potential, and corresponding trap frequency, to depend strongly on rotational, hyperfine and Zeeman state. Consequently, transition frequencies depend on the motional quantum number and there are additional heating mechanisms, either of which can be fatal for an effective sideband cooling scheme. We develop the theory of sideband cooling in state dependent potentials, and derive an expression for the heating due to photon scattering. We calculate the ac Stark shifts of molecular states in the presence of a magnetic field, and for any polarization. We show that the complexity of sideband cooling can be greatly reduced by applying a large magnetic field to eliminate electron and nuclear spin degrees of freedom from the problem. We consider how large the magnetic field needs to be, show that heating can be managed sufficiently well, and present a simple recipe for cooling to the ground state of motion.
[ 9, 53, 54 ]
math.AP q-fin.MF q-fin.RM
A free boundary problem arising from a multi state regime switching stock trading model. In this paper, we study a free boundary problem, which arises from an optimal trading problem of a stock that is driven by a uncertain market status process. The free boundary problem is a variational inequality system of three functions with a degenerate operator. The main contribution of this paper is that we not only prove all the four switching free boundaries are no overlapping, monotonic and C infty smooth, but also completely determine their relative localities and provide the optimal trading strategies for the stock trading problem.
[ 33, 85 ]
physics.data-an physics.ins-det
Spatial Deconvolution of Aerial Radiometric Survey and its application to the Fallout from a Radiological Dispersal Device. Mapping radioactive contamination using aerial survey measurements is an area under active investigation today. The radiometric aerial survey technique has been extensively applied following reactor accidents and also would provide a key tool for response to a malicious radiological or nuclear incident. Methods exist to calibrate the aerial survey system for quantification of the concentration of natural radionuclides, which can provide guidance. However, these methods have anticipated a spatial distribution of the source which is large in comparison to the survey altitude. In rapid emergency response aerial surveys of areas of safety concern, deposits of relatively small spatial extent may be expected. The activity of such spatially restricted hot spots is underestimated using the traditional methods. We present here a spatial deconvolution method which can recover some of the variation smoothed out by the averaging due to survey at altitude. We show that the method can recover the true spatial distribution of concentration of a synthetic source. We then apply the method to real aerial survey data collected following detonation of a radiological dispersal device. The findings and implications of the deconvolution are then discussed by reference to a groundbased truckborne survey over the same contamination.
[ 93, 7 ]
physics.class-ph physics.comp-ph
Effective model for elastic waves propagating in a substrate supporting a dense array of plates beams with flexural resonances. We consider the effect of an array of plates or beams over a semi infinite elastic ground on the propagation of elastic waves hitting the interface. The plates beams are slender bodies with flexural resonances at low frequencies able to perturb significantly the propagation of waves in the ground. An effective model is obtained using asymptotic analysis and homogenization techniques, which can be expressed in terms of the ground alone with effective dynamic (frequency dependent) boundary conditions of the Robin's type. For an incident plane wave at oblique incidence, the displacement fields and the reflection coefficients are obtained in closed forms and their validity is inspected by comparison with direct numerics in a two dimensional setting.
[ 42 ]
Lower bound of Schr "o dinger operators on Riemannian manifolds. We show that a weighted manifold which admits a relative Faber Krahn inequality admits the Fefferman Phong inequality V psi , psi le CV psi 2 , with the constant depending on a Morrey norm of V , and we deduce from it a condition for a L 2 Hardy inequality to holds, as well as conditions for Schr "o dinger operators to be positive. We also obtain an estimate on the bottom of the spectrum for Schr "o dinger operators.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
A global local approach for hydraulic phase field fracture in poroelastic media. In this work, phase field modeling of hydraulic fractures in porous media is extended towards a global local approach. Therein, the failure behavior is solely analyzed in a (small) local domain. In the surrounding medium, a simplified and linearized system of equations is solved. Both domains are coupled by Robin type interface conditions. The fracture(s) inside the local domain are allowed to propagate and consequently both subdomains change within time. Here, a predictor corrector strategy is adopted in which the local domain is dynamically adjusted to the current fracture pattern. The resulting framework is algorithmically described in detail and substantiated with some numerical tests.
[ 23 ]
On eigenfunction expansions of differential equations with degenerating weight. Let A be a symmetric operator. By using the method of boundary triplets we parameterize in terms of a Nevanlinna parameter tau all exit space extensions wt A wt A of A with the discrete spectrum s( wt A) and characterize the Shtraus family of wt A in terms of abstract boundary conditions. Next we apply these results to the eigenvalue problem for the 2r th order differential equation l y l D(x)y on an interval a,b), infty a b leq infty, subject to l depending separated boundary conditions with entire operator functions C 0( l) and C 1( l) , which form a Nevanlinna pair (C 0,C 1) . The weight D(x) is nonnegative and may vanish on some intervals ( a, b) subset cI . We show that in the case when the minimal operator of the equation has the discrete spectrum (in particular, in the case of the quasiregular equation) the set of eigenvalues of the eigenvalue problem is an infinite subset of bR without finite limit points and each function y in LI admits the eigenfunction expansion y(x) sum k 1 infty y k (x) converging in LI . Moreover, we give an explicit method for calculation of eigenfunctions y k in this expansion and specify boundary conditions on y implying the uniform convergence of the eigenfunction expansion of y. These results develop the known ones obtained for the case of the positive weight D and the more restrictive class of l depending boundary conditions.
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG
I like fish, especially dolphins Addressing Contradictions in Dialogue Modeling. To quantify how well natural language understanding models can capture consistency in a general conversation, we introduce the DialoguE COntradiction DEtection task (DECODE) and a new conversational dataset containing both human human and human bot contradictory dialogues. We then compare a structured utterance based approach of using pre trained Transformer models for contradiction detection with the typical unstructured approach. Results reveal that (i) our newly collected dataset is notably more effective at providing supervision for the dialogue contradiction detection task than existing NLI data including those aimed to cover the dialogue domain (ii) the structured utterance based approach is more robust and transferable on both analysis and out of distribution dialogues than its unstructured counterpart. We also show that our best contradiction detection model correlates well with human judgments and further provide evidence for its usage in both automatically evaluating and improving the consistency of state of the art generative chatbots.
[ 21 ]
The Minimum Dominating Set problem is polynomial for (claw, P8) free graphs. We prove that the Minimum Dominating Set problem is polynomial for the class of (claw, P8) free graphs.
[ 32 ]
A Quantum inspired Similarity Measure for the Analysis of Complete Weighted Graphs. We develop a novel method for measuring the similarity between complete weighted graphs, which are probed by means of discrete time quantum walks. Directly probing complete graphs using discrete time quantum walks is intractable due to the cost of simulating the quantum walk. We overcome this problem by extracting a commute time minimum spanning tree from the complete weighted graph. The spanning tree is probed by a discrete time quantum walk which is initialised using a weighted version of the Perron Frobenius operator. This naturally encapsulates the edge weight information for the spanning tree extracted from the original graph. For each pair of complete weighted graphs to be compared, we simulate a discrete time quantum walk on each of the corresponding commute time minimum spanning trees, and then compute the associated density matrices for the quantum walks. The probability of the walk visiting each edge of the spanning tree is given by the diagonal elements of the density matrices. The similarity between each pair of graphs is then computed using either a) the inner product or b) the negative exponential of the Jensen Shannon divergence between the probability distributions. We show that in both cases the resulting similarity measure is positive definite and therefore corresponds to a kernel on the graphs. We perform a series of experiments on publicly available graph datasets from a variety of different domains, together with time varying financial networks extracted from data for the New York Stock Exchange. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed similarity measures.
[ 8 ]
Towards Highly Efficient Polymer Fiber Laser Sources for Integrated Photonic Sensors. Lab on a Chip (LoC) devices combining microfluidic analyte provision with integrated optical analysis are highly desirable for several applications in biological oder medical sciences. While the microfluidic approach is already broadly adressed, yet some work needs to be done regarding the integrated optics, especially provision of highly integrable laser sources. Polymer optical fiber (POF) lasers represent an alignment free, rugged and flexible technology platform. Additionally, POFs are intrinsically compatible to polymer microfluidic devices. Home made Rhodamine B (RB) doped POFs were characterized with experimental and numerical parameter studies on their lasing potential. High output energies of 1.65mJ, high slope efficiencies of 56 and 50 lifetimes of 900 k shots were extracted from RB POFs. Furthermore, RB POFs show broad spectral tunability over several tens of nanometers. A route to optimize polymer fiber lasers is revealed providing functionality for a broad range of LoC devices. Spectral tunability, high efficiencies and output energies enable a broad field of LoC applications.
[ 22 ]
The Connection Between Burnout and Personality Types in Software Developers. This paper examines the connection between the Five Factor Model personality traits and burnout in software developers. This study aims to validate generalizations of findings in other fields. An online survey consisting of a miniaturized International Personality Item Pool questionnaire for measuring the Five Factor Model personality traits, and the Shirom Melamed Burnout Measure for measuring burnout, were distributed to open source developer mailing lists, obtaining 47 valid responses. The results from a Bayesian Linear Regression analysis indicate a strong link between neuroticism and burnout confirming previous work, while the other Five Factor Model traits were not adding power to the model. It is important to note that we did not investigate the quality of work in connection to personality, nor did we take any other confounding factors into account like, for example, teamwork. Nonetheless, employers could be aware of, and support, software developers with high neuroticism.
[ 64, 31 ]
q-bio.PE physics.soc-ph
On the uncertainty of real time predictions of epidemic growths a COVID 19 case study for China and Italy. While COVID 19 is rapidly propagating around the globe, the need for providing real time forecasts of the epidemics pushes fits of dynamical and statistical models to available data beyond their capabilities. Here we focus on statistical predictions of COVID 19 infections performed by fitting asymptotic distributions to actual data. By taking as a case study the epidemic evolution of total COVID 19 infections in Chinese provinces and Italian regions, we find that predictions are characterized by large uncertainties at the early stages of the epidemic growth. Those uncertainties significantly reduce after the epidemics peak is reached. Differences in the uncertainty of the forecasts at a regional level can be used to highlight the delay in the spread of the virus. Our results warn that long term extrapolation of epidemics counts must be handled with extreme care as they crucially depend not only on the quality of data, but also on the stage of the epidemics, due to the intrinsically non linear nature of the underlying dynamics. These results suggest that real time epidemiological projections should include wide uncertainty ranges and urge for the needs of compiling high quality datasets of infections counts, including asymptomatic patients.
[ 19, 83 ]
cs.MM cs.CR
An adaptive algorithm for embedding information into compressed JPEG images using the QIM method. The widespread use of JPEG images makes them good covers for secret messages storing and transmitting. This paper proposes a new algorithm for embedding information in JPEG images based on the steganographic QIM method. The main problem of such embedding is the vulnerability to statistical steganalysis. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a variable quantization step, which is adaptively selected for each block of the JPEG cover image. Experimental results show that the proposed approach successfully increases the security of embedding.
[ 29 ]
Graph inverse semigroups and Leavitt path algebras. We study two classes of inverse semigroups built from directed graphs, namely graph inverse semigroups and a new class of semigroups that we refer to as Leavitt inverse semigroups. These semigroups are closely related to graph C algebras and Leavitt path algebras. We provide a topological characterization of the universal groups of the local submonoids of these inverse semigroups. We study the relationship between the graph inverse semigroups of two graphs when there is a directed immersion between the graphs. We describe the structure of graphs that admit a directed cover or directed immersion into a circle and we provide structural information about graph inverse semigroups of finite graphs that admit a directed cover onto a bouquet of circles. We also find necessary and sufficient conditions for a homomorphic image of a graph inverse semigroup to be another graph inverse semigroup. We find a presentation for the Leavitt inverse semigroup of a graph in terms of generators and relations. We describe the structure of the Leavitt inverse semigroup and the Leavitt path algebra of a graph that admits a directed immersion into a circle. We show that two graphs that have isomorphic Leavitt inverse semigroups have isomorphic Leavitt path algebras and we classify graphs that have isomorphic Leavitt inverse semigroups. As a consequence, we show that Leavitt path algebras are 0 retracts of certain matrix algebras.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
A new anisotropic mesh adaptation method based upon hierarchical a posteriori error estimates. A new anisotropic mesh adaptation strategy for finite element solution of elliptic differential equations is presented. It generates anisotropic adaptive meshes as quasi uniform ones in some metric space, with the metric tensor being computed based on hierarchical a posteriori error estimates. A global hierarchical error estimate is employed in this study to obtain reliable directional information of the solution. Instead of solving the global error problem exactly, which is costly in general, we solve it iteratively using the symmetric Gauss Seidel (GS) method. Numerical results show that a few GS iterations are sufficient for obtaining a reasonably good approximation to the error for use in anisotropic mesh adaptation. The new method is compared with several strategies using local error estimators or recovered Hessians. Numerical results are presented for a selection of test examples and a mathematical model for heat conduction in a thermal battery with large orthotropic jumps in the material coefficients.
[ 46, 47 ]
math.AG math.AT
Simplicial equations for the moduli space of stable rational curves. In this, largely expository, note, we show how the simplicial structure of the moduli spaces of stable rational curves with marked points allows to produce explicit equations for these spaces. The key argument is an elementary combinatorial statement about the sets of trees with marked leaves.
[ 72, 43 ]
cs.DB cs.PF
Micro architectural Analysis of OLAP Limitations and Opportunities. Understanding micro architectural behavior is profound in efficiently using hardware resources. Recent work has shown that, despite being aggressively optimized for modern hardware, in memory online transaction processing (OLTP) systems severely underutilize their core micro architecture resources 25 . Online analytical processing (OLAP) workloads, on the other hand, exhibit a completely different computing pattern. OLAP workloads are read only, bandwidth intensive and include various data access patterns including both sequential and random data accesses. In addition, with the rise of column stores, they run on high performance engines that are tightly optimized for the efficient use of modern hardware. Hence, the micro architectural behavior of modern OLAP systems remains unclear. This work presents the micro architectural analysis of a breadth of OLAP systems. We examine CPU cycles and memory bandwidth utilization. The results show that, unlike the traditional, commercial OLTP systems, traditional, commercial OLAP systems do not suffer from instruction cache misses. Nevertheless, they suffer from their large instruction footprint resulting in slow response times. High performance OLAP engines execute tight instruction streams however, they spend 25 to 82 of the CPU cycles on stalls regardless of the workload being sequential or random access heavy. In addition, high performance OLAP engines underutilize the multi core CPU or memory bandwidth resources due to their disproportional compute and memory demands. Hence, analytical processing engines should carefully assign their compute and memory resources for efficient multi core micro architectural utilization.
[ 25, 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA math.PR
Multilevel Particle Filters for the Non Linear Filtering Problem in Continuous Time. In the following article we consider the numerical approximation of the non linear filter in continuous time, where the observations and signal follow diffusion processes. Given access to high frequency, but discrete time observations, we resort to a first order time discretization of the non linear filter, followed by an Euler discretization of the signal dynamics. In order to approximate the associated discretized non linear filter, one can use a particle filter (PF). Under assumptions, this can achieve a mean square error of mathcal O ( epsilon 2) , for epsilon 0 arbitrary, such that the associated cost is mathcal O ( epsilon 4 ) . We prove, under assumptions, that the multilevel particle filter (MLPF) of Jasra et al (2017) can achieve a mean square error of mathcal O ( epsilon 2) , for cost mathcal O ( epsilon 3 ) . This is supported by numerical simulations in several examples.
[ 40, 1 ]
cs.IR cs.LG
A Fast Matrix Completion Based Approach for Recommendation Systems. Matrix completion is widely used in machine learning, engineering control, image processing, and recommendation systems. Currently, a popular algorithm for matrix completion is Singular Value Threshold (SVT). In this algorithm, the singular value threshold should be set first. However, in a recommendation system, the dimension of the preference matrix keeps changing. Therefore, it is difficult to directly apply SVT. In addition, what the users of a recommendation system need is a sequence of personalized recommended results rather than the estimation of their scores. According to the above ideas, this paper proposes a novel approach named probability completion model (PCM). By reducing the data dimension, the transitivity of the similar matrix, and singular value decomposition, this approach quickly obtains a completion matrix with the same probability distribution as the original matrix. The approach greatly reduces the computation time based on the accuracy of the sacrifice part, and can quickly obtain a low rank similarity matrix with data trend approximation properties. The experimental results show that PCM can quickly generate a complementary matrix with similar data trends as the original matrix. The LCS score and efficiency of PCM are both higher than SVT.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.LG cs.CV
Batch Group Normalization. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) are hard and time consuming to train. Normalization is one of the effective solutions. Among previous normalization methods, Batch Normalization (BN) performs well at medium and large batch sizes and is with good generalizability to multiple vision tasks, while its performance degrades significantly at small batch sizes. In this paper, we find that BN saturates at extreme large batch sizes, i.e., 128 images per worker, i.e., GPU, as well and propose that the degradation saturation of BN at small extreme large batch sizes is caused by noisy confused statistic calculation. Hence without adding new trainable parameters, using multiple layer or multi iteration information, or introducing extra computation, Batch Group Normalization (BGN) is proposed to solve the noisy confused statistic calculation of BN at small extreme large batch sizes with introducing the channel, height and width dimension to compensate. The group technique in Group Normalization (GN) is used and a hyper parameter G is used to control the number of feature instances used for statistic calculation, hence to offer neither noisy nor confused statistic for different batch sizes. We empirically demonstrate that BGN consistently outperforms BN, Instance Normalization (IN), Layer Normalization (LN), GN, and Positional Normalization (PN), across a wide spectrum of vision tasks, including image classification, Neural Architecture Search (NAS), adversarial learning, Few Shot Learning (FSL) and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), indicating its good performance, robust stability to batch size and wide generalizability. For example, for training ResNet 50 on ImageNet with a batch size of 2, BN achieves Top1 accuracy of 66.512 while BGN achieves 76.096 with notable improvement.
[ 0 ]
3D Point Cloud Generative Adversarial Network Based on Tree Structured Graph Convolutions. In this paper, we propose a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) for 3D point clouds generation, which is called tree GAN. To achieve state of the art performance for multi class 3D point cloud generation, a tree structured graph convolution network (TreeGCN) is introduced as a generator for tree GAN. Because TreeGCN performs graph convolutions within a tree, it can use ancestor information to boost the representation power for features. To evaluate GANs for 3D point clouds accurately, we develop a novel evaluation metric called Frechet point cloud distance (FPD). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed tree GAN outperforms state of the art GANs in terms of both conventional metrics and FPD, and can generate point clouds for different semantic parts without prior knowledge.
[ 42 ]
Classification results for three dimensional (para)contact metric and almost (para)cosymplectic ( kappa, mu) spaces. It is provided an overview of existed results concerning classification of contact metric, almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu ( kappa, mu) manifolds. In the case of dimension three it is described in full details structure of contact metric or almost cosymplectic ( kappa, mu) spaces. The second part of the paper addresses three dimensional paracontact metric and almost paracosymplectic ( kappa, mu) spaces. There is obtained local classification of paracontact metric ( kappa, mu) spaces, and almost paracosymplectic ( kappa, mu) spaces, for every possible value of kappa .
[ 47 ]
An Averaging Formula for Nielsen numbers on Infra Solvmanifolds. Until now only for special classes of infra solvmanifolds, namely infra nilmanifolds and infra solvmanifolds of type (R), there was a formula available for computing the Nielsen number of a self map on those manifolds. In this paper, we provide a general averaging formula which works for all self maps on all possible infra solvmanifolds and which reduces to the old formulas in the case of infra nilmanifolds or infra solvmanifolds of type (R). Moreover, when viewing an infra solvmanifold as a polynomial manifold, we recall that any map is homotopic to a polynomial map and we show how our formula can be translated in terms of the Jacobian of that polynomial map.
[ 2, 52, 22 ]
cs.MA cs.AI cs.SE
JS son A Lean, Extensible JavaScript Agent Programming Library. A multitude of agent oriented software engineering frameworks exist, most of which are developed by the academic multi agent systems community. However, these frameworks often impose programming paradigms on their users that are challenging to learn for engineers who are used to modern high level programming languages such as JavaScript and Python. To show how the adoption of agent oriented programming by the software engineering mainstream can be facilitated, we provide a lean JavaScript library prototype for implementing reasoning loop agents. The library focuses on core agent programming concepts and refrains from imposing further restrictions on the programming approach. To illustrate its usefulness, we show how the library can be applied to multi agent systems simulations on the web, deployed to cloud hosted function as a service environments, and embedded in Python based data science tools.
[ 30 ]
Uncovering the Dynamics of Correlation Structures Relative to the Collective Market Motion. The measured correlations of financial time series in subsequent epochs change considerably as a function of time. When studying the whole correlation matrices, quasi stationary patterns, referred to as market states, are seen by applying clustering methods. They emerge, disappear or reemerge, but they are dominated by the collective motion of all stocks. In the jargon, one speaks of the market motion, it is always associated with the largest eigenvalue of the correlation matrices. Thus the question arises, if one can extract more refined information on the system by subtracting the dominating market motion in a proper way. To this end we introduce a new approach by clustering reduced rank correlation matrices which are obtained by subtracting the dyadic matrix belonging to the largest eigenvalue from the standard correlation matrices. We analyze daily data of 262 companies of the S P 500 index over a period of almost 15 years from 2002 to 2016. The resulting dynamics is remarkably different, and the corresponding market states are quasi stationary over a long period of time. Our approach adds to the attempts to separate endogenous from exogenous effects.
[ 9, 13, 23 ]
math.DS math.AP math.FA
Dynamics for a Ratio dependent Prey predator Model with Different Free Boundaries. In this paper, we study the dynamics of the ratio dependent type prey predator model with different free boundaries. The two free boundaries, determined by prey and predator respectively, implying that they may intersect each other as time evolves, are used to describe the spreading of prey and predator. We mainly investigate the longtime behaviors of predator and prey. Then some sufficient conditions for spreading and vanishing are given. In addition, when spreading occurs, some estimates of asymptotic spreading speeds of u, v and asymptotic speeds of h, g are provided.
[ 6 ]
Machine Learning for Nonintrusive Model Order Reduction of the Parametric Inviscid Transonic Flow past an airfoil. Fluid flow in the transonic regime finds relevance in aerospace engineering, particularly in the design of commercial air transportation vehicles. Computational fluid dynamics models of transonic flow for aerospace applications are computationally expensive to solve because of the high degrees of freedom as well as the coupled nature of the conservation laws. While these issues pose a bottleneck for the use of such models in aerospace design, computational costs can be significantly minimized by constructing special, structure preserving surrogate models called reduced order models. Such models are known to incur huge off line costs, however, which can sometimes outweigh their potential benefits. Furthermore, their prediction accuracy is known to be poor under transonic flow conditions. In this work, we propose a machine learning method to construct reduced order models via deep neural networks, and we demonstrate its ability to preserve accuracy with significantly lower offline and online costs. In addition, our machine learning methodology is physics informed and constrained through the utilization of an interpretable encoding by way of proper orthogonal decomposition. Application to the inviscid transonic flow past the RAE2822 airfoil under varying freestream Mach numbers and angles of attack, as well as airfoil shape parameters with a deforming mesh, shows that the proposed approach adapts to high dimensional parameter variation well. Notably, the proposed framework precludes knowledge of numerical operators utilized in the data generation phase, thereby demonstrating its potential utility in fast exploration of design space for diverse engineering applications.
[ 3 ]
Supertagging based Parsing with Linear Context free Rewriting Systems. We present the first supertagging based parser for LCFRS. It utilizes neural classifiers and tremendously outperforms previous LCFRS based parsers in both accuracy and parsing speed. Moreover, our results keep up with the best (general) discontinuous parsers, particularly the scores for discontinuous constitutents are excellent. The heart of our approach is an efficient lexicalization procedure which induces a lexical LCFRS from any discontinuous treebank. It is an adaptation of previous work by M "orbitz and Ruprecht (2020). We also describe a modification to usual chart based LCFRS parsing that accounts for supertagging and introduce a procedure for the transformation of lexical LCFRS derivations into equivalent parse trees of the original treebank. Our approach is implemented and evaluated on the English Discontinuous Penn Treebank and the German corpora NeGra and Tiger.
[ 35 ]
Free pre Lie family algebras. In this paper, we first define the pre Lie family algebra associated to a dendriform family algebra in the case of a commutative semigroup. Then we construct a pre Lie family algebra via typed decorated rooted trees, and we prove the freeness of this pre Lie family algebra. We also construct pre Lie family operad in terms of typed labeled rooted trees, and we obtain that the operad of pre Lie family algebras is isomorphic to the operad of typed labeled rooted trees, which generalizes the result of F. Chapoton and M. Livernet. In the end, we construct Zinbiel and pre Poisson family algebras and generalize results of M. Aguiar.
[ 41 ]
Robust GNSS Denied Localization for UAV Using Particle Filter and Visual Odometry. Conventional autonomous Unmanned Air Vehicle (abbr. UAV) autopilot systems use Global Navigation Satellite System (abbr. GNSS) signal for navigation. However, autopilot systems fail to navigate due to lost or jammed GNSS signal. To solve this problem, information from other sensors such as optical sensors are used. Monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithms have been developed over the last few years and achieved state of the art accuracy. Also, map matching localization approaches are used for UAV localization relatively to imagery from static maps such as Google Maps. Unfortunately, the accuracy and robustness of these algorithms are very dependent on up to date maps. The purpose of this research is to improve the accuracy and robustness of map relative Particle Filter based localization using a downward facing optical camera mounted on an autonomous aircraft. This research shows how image similarity to likelihood conversion function impacts the results of Particle Filter localization algorithm. Two parametric image similarity to likelihood conversion functions (logistic and rectifying) are proposed. A dataset of simulated aerial imagery is used for experiments. The experiment results are shown, that the Particle Filter localization algorithm using the logistic function was able to surpass the accuracy of state of the art ORB SLAM2 algorithm by 2.6 times. The algorithm is shown to be able to navigate using up to date maps more accurately and with an average decrease of precision by 30 using out of date maps.
[ 36 ]
Numerical stability of time dependent coupled cluster methods for many electron dynamics in intense laser pulses. We investigate the numerical stability of time dependent coupled cluster theory for many electron dynamics in intense laser pulses, comparing two coupled cluster formulations with full configuration interaction theory. Our numerical experiments show that orbital adaptive time dependent coupled cluster doubles (OATDCCD) theory offers significantly improved stability compared with the conventional Hartree Fock based time dependent coupled cluster singles and doubles (TDCCSD) formulation. The improved stability stems from greatly reduced oscillations in the doubles amplitudes, which, in turn, can be traced to the dynamic biorthonormal reference determinants of OATDCCD theory. As long as these are good approximations to the Brueckner determinant, OATDCCD theory is numerically stable. We propose the reference weight as a diagnostic quantity to identify situations where the TDCCSD and OATDCCD theories become unstable.
[ 64, 59 ]
cs.SI physics.soc-ph
The friendship paradox in real and model networks. The friendship paradox is the observation that the degrees of the neighbors of a node in any network will, on average, be greater than the degree of the node itself. In common parlance, your friends have more friends than you do. In this paper we develop the mathematical theory of the friendship paradox, both in general as well as for specific model networks, focusing not only on average behavior but also on variation about the average and using generating function methods to calculate full distributions of quantities of interest. We compare the predictions of our theory with measurements on a large number of real world network data sets and find remarkably good agreement. We also develop equivalent theory for the generalized friendship paradox, which compares characteristics of nodes other than degree to those of their neighbors.
[ 25, 21 ]
math.CO math.PR
Independent sets in the hypercube revisited. We revisit Sapozhenko's classic proof on the asymptotics of the number of independent sets in the discrete hypercube 0,1 d and Galvin's follow up work on weighted independent sets. We combine Sapozhenko's graph container methods with the cluster expansion and abstract polymer models, two tools from statistical physics, to obtain considerably sharper asymptotics and detailed probabilistic information about the typical structure of (weighted) independent sets in the hypercube. These results refine those of Korshunov and Sapozhenko and Galvin, and answer several questions of Galvin.
[ 8, 50, 51 ]
physics.med-ph physics.bio-ph physics.optics
All optical nanoscale heating and thermometry with resonant dielectric nanoparticles for photoinduced tumor treatment. All dielectric nanophotonics becomes a versatile tool for various optical applications, including nanothermometry and optical heating. Its general concept includes excitation of Mie resonances in nonplasmonic nanoparticles. However, the potential of resonant dielectric nanoparticles in drug delivery applications still have not been fully realized. Here, optically resonant dielectric iron oxide nanoparticles ( alpha Fe 2 O 3 NPs) are employed for remote rupture of microcontainers used as drug delivery platform. It is theoretically and experimentally demonstrated, that alpha Fe 2 O 3 NPs has several advantages in light to heat energy conversion comparing to previously used materials, such as noble metals and silicon, due to the broader spectral range of efficient optical heating, and in enhancement of thermally sensitive Raman signal. The alpha Fe 2 O 3 NPs embedded into the wall of universal drug carriers, polymer capsules, are used to experimentally determine the local temperature of the capsule rupture upon laser irradiation (170 o C). As a proof of principle, we successfully show the delivery and remote release of anticancer drug vincristine upon lowered laser irradiation (4.0 times 10 4 W cm 2 ) using polymer capsules modified with the alpha Fe 2 O 3 NPs. The biological tests were performed on two primary cell types (i) carcinoma cells, as an example of malignant tumor, and (ii) human stem cells, as a model of healthy cells. The developed delivery system consisting of polymer capsules modified with the dielectric nanoparticles provides multifunctional platform for remote drug release and temperature detection.
[ 21, 13 ]
math.DS math.CO
Generalized Intransitive Dice II Partition Constructions. A generalized N sided die is a random variable D on a sample space of N equally likely outcomes taking values in the set of positive integers. We say of independent N sided dice D i, D j that D i beats D j , written D i to D j , if Prob(D i D j) frac 1 2 . A collection of dice D i i 1, dots, n models a tournament on the set n 1, 2, dots, n , i.e. a complete digraph with n vertices, when D i to D j if and only if i to j in the tournament. By using n fold partitions of the set Nn with each set of size N we can model an arbitrary tournament on n . A bound on the required size of N is obtained by examples with N 3 n 2 .
[ 49 ]
Aggressive Local Search for Constrained Optimal Control Problems with Many Local Minima. This paper is concerned with numerically finding a global solution of constrained optimal control problems with many local minima. The focus is on the optimal decentralized control (ODC) problem, whose feasible set is recently shown to have an exponential number of connected components and consequently an exponential number of local minima. The rich literature of numerical algorithms for nonlinear optimization suggests that if a local search algorithm is initialized in an arbitrary connected component of the feasible set, it would search only within that component and find a stationary point there. This is based on the fact that numerical algorithms are designed to generate a sequence of points (via searching for descent directions and adjusting the step size), whose corresponding continuous path is trapped in a single connected component. In contrast with this perception rooted in convex optimization, we numerically illustrate that local search methods for non convex constrained optimization can obliviously jump between different connected components to converge to a global minimum, via an aggressive step size adjustment using backtracking and the Armijio rule. To support the observations, we prove that from almost every arbitrary point in any connected component of the feasible set, it is possible to generate a sequence of points using local search to jump to different components and converge to a global solution. However, due to the NP hardness of the problem, such fine tuning of the parameters of a local search algorithm may need prior knowledge or be time consuming. This paper offers the first result on escaping non global local solutions of constrained optimal control problems with complicated feasible sets.
[ 11 ]
Write head design for effective curvature reduction in heat assisted magnetic recording by topology optimization. The reduction of the transition curvature of written bits in heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) is expected to play an important role for the future areal density increase of hard disk drives. Recently a write head design with flipped write and return poles was proposed. In this design a large spatial field gradient of the write head was the key to significantly reduce the transition curvature. In this work we optimized the write pole of a heat assisted magnetic recording head in order to produce large field gradients as well as large fields in the region of the heat pulse. This is done by topology optimization. The simulations are performed with dolfin adjoint. For the maximum field gradients of 8.1 , mT nm, 8.6 , mT nm and 11.8 , mT nm, locally resolved footprints of an FePt like hard magnetic recording medium are computed with a coarse grained Landau Lifshitz Bloch (LLB) model and the resulting transition curvature is analysed. Additional simulations with a bilayer structure with 50 hard and 50 soft magnetic material are computed. The results show that for both recording media, the optimized head design does not lead to any significant improvement of the written track. Thus, we analyse the transition curvature for the optimized write heads theoretically with an effective recording time window (ERTW) model. Moreover, we check how higher field gradients influence the curvature reduction. The results show that a simple optimization of the conventional head design design is not sufficient for effective curvature reduction. Instead, new head concepts will be needed to reduce transition curvature.
[ 47 ]
Alternative to Morse Novikov Theory for a closed 1 form (II). This paper is a continuation of Alternative to Morse Novikov Theory for a closed 1 form(I), where the configurations delta omega and gamma omega were defined, and establishes a refinement of Poincar 'e duality to an equality between the configurations BM delta omega and delta omega resp. BM gamma omega and gamma omega in complementary dimensions, the stability property for the configurations delta omega r, a collection of additional results needed for the proof of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3 in the paper mentioned above.
[ 3 ]
SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0 Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection. A broad goal in natural language processing (NLP) is to develop a system that has the capacity to process any natural language. Most systems, however, are developed using data from just one language such as English. The SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task on morphological reinflection aims to investigate systems' ability to generalize across typologically distinct languages, many of which are low resource. Systems were developed using data from 45 languages and just 5 language families, fine tuned with data from an additional 45 languages and 10 language families (13 in total), and evaluated on all 90 languages. A total of 22 systems (19 neural) from 10 teams were submitted to the task. All four winning systems were neural (two monolingual transformers and two massively multilingual RNN based models with gated attention). Most teams demonstrate utility of data hallucination and augmentation, ensembles, and multilingual training for low resource languages. Non neural learners and manually designed grammars showed competitive and even superior performance on some languages (such as Ingrian, Tajik, Tagalog, Zarma, Lingala), especially with very limited data. Some language families (Afro Asiatic, Niger Congo, Turkic) were relatively easy for most systems and achieved over 90 mean accuracy while others were more challenging.
[ 4 ]
Sharp Bounds for Genetic Drift in EDAs. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) are one branch of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) in the broad sense that they evolve a probabilistic model instead of a population. Many existing algorithms fall into this category. Analogous to genetic drift in EAs, EDAs also encounter the phenomenon that updates of the probabilistic model not justified by the fitness move the sampling frequencies to the boundary values. This can result in a considerable performance loss. This paper proves the first sharp estimates of the boundary hitting time of the sampling frequency of a neutral bit for several univariate EDAs. For the UMDA that selects mu best individuals from lambda offspring each generation, we prove that the expected first iteration when the frequency of the neutral bit leaves the middle range tfrac 14, tfrac 34 and the expected first time it is absorbed in 0 or 1 are both Theta( mu) . The corresponding hitting times are Theta(K 2) for the cGA with hypothetical population size K . This paper further proves that for PBIL with parameters mu , lambda , and rho , in an expected number of Theta( mu rho 2) iterations the sampling frequency of a neutral bit leaves the interval Theta( rho mu),1 Theta( rho mu) and then always the same value is sampled for this bit, that is, the frequency approaches the corresponding boundary value with maximum speed. For the lower bounds implicit in these statements, we also show exponential tail bounds. If a bit is not neutral, but neutral or has a preference for ones, then the lower bounds on the times to reach a low frequency value still hold. An analogous statement holds for bits that are neutral or prefer the value zero.
[ 0 ]
emph cm SalGAN RGB D Salient Object Detection with Cross View Generative Adversarial Networks. Image salient object detection (SOD) is an active research topic in computer vision and multimedia area. Fusing complementary information of RGB and depth has been demonstrated to be effective for image salient object detection which is known as RGB D salient object detection problem. The main challenge for RGB D salient object detection is how to exploit the salient cues of both intra modality (RGB, depth) and cross modality simultaneously which is known as cross modality detection problem. In this paper, we tackle this challenge by designing a novel cross modality Saliency Generative Adversarial Network ( emph cm SalGAN). emph cm SalGAN aims to learn an optimal view invariant and consistent pixel level representation for RGB and depth images via a novel adversarial learning framework, which thus incorporates both information of intra view and correlation information of cross view images simultaneously for RGB D saliency detection problem. To further improve the detection results, the attention mechanism and edge detection module are also incorporated into emph cm SalGAN. The entire emph cm SalGAN can be trained in an end to end manner by using the standard deep neural network framework. Experimental results show that emph cm SalGAN achieves the new state of the art RGB D saliency detection performance on several benchmark datasets.
[ 77 ]
The Pentagon Lattice as a Substructure Lattice of Models of Peano Arithmetic. If M prec N are models of Peano Arithmetic and Lt (N M) is the pentagon lattice N 5 , then N is either a cofinal or an end extension of M . In contrast, there are M prec N that are models of PA (PA in a language with countably many new predicate symbols) such that Lt (N M) cong N 5 and N is neither a cofinal nor an end extension of M .
[ 5, 6 ]
physics.flu-dyn physics.plasm-ph
Model comparison of DBD PA induced body force in quiescent air and separated flow over NACA0015. Numerical simulations of plasma flow induced by dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators (DBD PA) are conducted with two different body force models Suzen Huang (S H) model and drift diffusion (D D) model. The induced flow generated in quiescent air over a flat plate in continuous actuation and the PA based flow control effect with burst actuation in separated flow over NACA0015 is studied. In the comparative study, the body force field and the induced velocity field are firstly investigated in the quiescent field to see the spatial difference and the temporal difference in a single discharge cycle. The D D body force is computed with flush mounted and bulge configuration of the exposed electrode, which is operated at the peak to peak AC voltage of 7kV and 10kV. The D D models generate momentarily higher body force in the positive going phase of the AC power, but activate a smaller flow region than the S H model with Dc 0.0117, which is given by the experiment beforehand at 7kV. The local induced velocity of the D D bulge case at 7kV measured in the downstream flow has the best agreement with the experimental result. The maximum wall parallel induced velocity in the S H case with Dc 0.0117 is consistent with that in the experiment, however, the local induced velocity is relatively high with different flow structures. In the post stall flow over the airfoil at the angle of attack of 12 degrees and Reynolds number of 63000, the D D bulge model at 7kV has approximately the same effect of leading edge suction enhancement and reattachment promotion as the S H model with Dc 0.16, which was previously proved to be sufficiently high to achieve the control performance.
[ 3 ]
Cost sensitive Regularization for Label Confusion aware Event Detection. In supervised event detection, most of the mislabeling occurs between a small number of confusing type pairs, including trigger NIL pairs and sibling sub types of the same coarse type. To address this label confusion problem, this paper proposes cost sensitive regularization, which can force the training procedure to concentrate more on optimizing confusing type pairs. Specifically, we introduce a cost weighted term into the training loss, which penalizes more on mislabeling between confusing label pairs. Furthermore, we also propose two estimators which can effectively measure such label confusion based on instance level or population level statistics. Experiments on TAC KBP 2017 datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the performances of different models in both English and Chinese event detection.
[ 74, 23 ]
math.FA math.OA
Functional calculus and multi analytic models on regular Lambda polyballs. The goal of the present paper is to introduce and study noncommutative Hardy spaces associated with the regular Lambda polyball, to develop a functional calculus on noncommutative Hardy spaces for the completely non coisometric (c.n.c.) k tuples in bf B Lambda(H) , and to study the characteristic functions and the associated multi analytic models for the c.n.c. elements in the regular Lambda polyball. In addition, we show that the characteristic function is a complete unitary invariant for the class of c.n.c. k tuples in bf B Lambda(H) . These results extend the corresponding classical results of Sz. Nagy Foia c s for contractions and the noncommutative versions for row contractions. In the particular case when n 1 cdots n k 1 and Lambda ij 1 , we obtain a functional calculus and operator model theory in terms of characteristic functions for k tuples of contractions satisfying Brehmer condition.
[ 65, 15 ]
cs.IT cs.NI math.IT
Optimizing Data Freshness in Time Varying Wireless Networks with Imperfect Channel State. We consider a scenario where a base station (BS) attempts to collect fresh information from power constrained sensors over time varying band limited wireless channels. We characterize the data freshness through the recently proposed metric the Age of Information. We consider a time varying channel model with power adaptation. Unlike previous work, packet loss may happen due to imperfect channel estimation or decoding error. We propose an asymptotic optimal scheduling algorithm minimizing AoI performance and satisfying both bandwidth and power constraint in such networks. Numerical simulations show that the proposed policy outperforms the greedy one, and we observe that sensors with poor channels are scheduled at higher AoI in order to limit the packet loss.
[ 10, 6 ]
physics.ao-ph physics.flu-dyn
Vertical mixing in oil spill modelling. The main focus of marine oil spill modelling is often on where the oil will end up, i.e., on the horizontal transport. However, due to current shear, wind drag, and the different physical, chemical and biological processes that affect oil differently on the surface and in the water column, modelling the vertical distribution of the oil is essential for modelling the horizontal transport. In this work, we review and present models for a number of physical processes that influence the vertical transport of oil, including wave entrainment, droplet rise, vertical turbulent mixing, and surfacing. We aim to provide enough detail for the reader to be able to understand and implement the models, and to provide references to further reading. Mathematical and numerical details are included, particularly on the advection and diffusion of particles. We also present and discuss some common numerical pitfalls that may be a bit subtle, but which can cause significant errors.
[ 66 ]
Topology optimization for 3D thin walled structures with adaptive meshing. This paper presents a density based topology optimization method for designing 3D thin walled structures with adaptive meshing. Uniform wall thickness is achieved by simultaneously constraining the minimum and maximum feature sizes using Helmholtz partial differential equations (PDE). The PDE based constraints do not require information about neighbor cells and therefore can readily be integrated with an adaptive meshing scheme. This effectively enables the 3D topology optimization of thin walled structures with a desktop PC, by significantly reducing computation in large void regions that appear during optimization. The uniform feature size constraint, when applied to 3D structures, can produce thin walled geometries with branches and holes, which have previously been difficult to obtain via topology optimization. The resulting thin walled structures can provide valuable insights for designing thin walled lightweight structures made of stamping, investment casting and composite manufacturing.
[ 9, 20, 49 ]
math.AP cs.NA math.NA math.OC
Formulation, analysis and computation of an optimization based local to nonlocal coupling method. We present an optimization based coupling method for local and nonlocal continuum models. Our approach couches the coupling of the models into a control problem where the states are the solutions of the nonlocal and local equations, the objective is to minimize their mismatch on the overlap of the local and nonlocal problem domains, and the virtual controls are the nonlocal volume constraint and the local boundary condition. We present the method in the context of Local to Nonlocal diffusion coupling. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical properties of the approach.
[ 9 ]
A new Diffuse interface approximation of the Willmore flow. Standard diffuse approximations of the Willmore flow often lead to intersecting phase boundaries that in many cases do not correspond to the intended sharp interface evolution. Here we introduce a new two variable diffuse approximation that includes a rather simple but efficient penalization of the deviation from a quasi one dimensional structure of the phase fields. We justify the approximation property by a Gamma convergence result for the energies and a matched asymptotic expansion for the flow. Ground states of the energy are shown to be one dimensional, in contrast to the presence of saddle solutions for the usual diffuse approximation. Finally we present numerical simulations that illustrate the approximation property and apply our new approach to problems where the usual approach leads to an undesired behavior.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Smart Attendance System Usign CNN. The research on the attendance system has been going for a very long time, numerous arrangements have been proposed in the last decade to make this system efficient and less time consuming, but all those systems have several flaws. In this paper, we are introducing a smart and efficient system for attendance using face detection and face recognition. This system can be used to take attendance in colleges or offices using real time face recognition with the help of the Convolution Neural Network(CNN). The conventional methods like Eigenfaces and Fisher faces are sensitive to lighting, noise, posture, obstruction, illumination etc. Hence, we have used CNN to recognize the face and overcome such difficulties. The attendance records will be updated automatically and stored in an excel sheet as well as in a database. We have used MongoDB as a backend database for attendance records.
[ 25, 12 ]
math.PR math.CA
Abstract Cauchy problems for the generalized fractional calculus. We focus on eventually non linear abstract Cauchy problems with a generalized fractional derivative in time. First we prove a local existence and uniqueness result, then we focus on a generalized Gr "onwall inequality. Before addressing the inequality, we study some properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the generalized fractional derivatives. Finally, we prove some consequences of the generalized Gr "onwall inequality.
[ 9, 58, 51 ]
physics.bio-ph math.AP q-bio.NC
A Tridomain Model for Potassium Clearance in Optic Nerve of Necturus. The accumulation of potassium in the narrow space outside nerve cells is a classical subject of biophysics that has received much attention recently. It may be involved in potassium accumulation textcolor black including spreading depression, perhaps migraine and some kinds of epilepsy, even (speculatively) learning. Quantitative analysis is likely to help evaluate the role of potassium clearance from the extracellular space after a train of action potentials. Clearance involves three structures that extend down the length of the nerve glia, extracellular space, and axon and so need to be described as systems distributed in space in the tradition used for electrical potential in the cable equations' of nerve since the work of Hodgkin in 1937. A three compartment model is proposed here for the optic nerve and is used to study the accumulation of potassium and its clearance. The model allows the convection, diffusion, and electrical migration of water and ions. We depend on the data of Orkand et al to ensure the relevance of our model and align its parameters with the anatomy and properties of membranes, channels, and transporters our model fits their experimental data quite well. The aligned model shows that glia has an important role in buffering potassium, as expected. The model shows that potassium is cleared mostly by convective flow through the syncytia of glia driven by osmotic pressure differences. A simplified model might be possible, but it must involve flow down the length of the optic nerve. It is easy for compartment models to neglect this flow. Our model can be used for structures quite different from the optic nerve that might have different distributions of channels and transporters in its three compartments. It can be generalized to include a fourth (distributed) compartment representing blood vessels to deal with the glymphatic flow into the circulatory system.
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG
Exploring Intensity Invariance in Deep Neural Networks for Brain Image Registration. Image registration is a widely used technique in analysing large scale datasets that are captured through various imaging modalities and techniques in biomedical imaging such as MRI, X Rays, etc. These datasets are typically collected from various sites and under different imaging protocols using a variety of scanners. Such heterogeneity in the data collection process causes inhomogeneity or variation in intensity (brightness) and noise distribution. These variations play a detrimental role in the performance of image registration, segmentation and detection algorithms. Classical image registration methods are computationally expensive but are able to handle these artifacts relatively better. However, deep learning based techniques are shown to be computationally efficient for automated brain registration but are sensitive to the intensity variations. In this study, we investigate the effect of variation in intensity distribution among input image pairs for deep learning based image registration methods. We find a performance degradation of these models when brain image pairs with different intensity distribution are presented even with similar structures. To overcome this limitation, we incorporate a structural similarity based loss function in a deep neural network and test its performance on the validation split separated before training as well as on a completely unseen new dataset. We report that the deep learning models trained with structure similarity based loss seems to perform better for both datasets. This investigation highlights a possible performance limiting factor in deep learning based registration models and suggests a potential solution to incorporate the intensity distribution variation in the input image pairs. Our code and models are available at https github.com hassaanmahmood DeepIntense.
[ 40, 1, 2, 3 ]
cs.IR cs.AI cs.CL cs.LG
Concept Embedding for Information Retrieval. Concepts are used to solve the term mismatch problem. However, we need an effective similarity measure between concepts. Word embedding presents a promising solution. We present in this study three approaches to build concepts vectors based on words vectors. We use a vector based measure to estimate inter concepts similarity. Our experiments show promising results. Furthermore, words and concepts become comparable. This could be used to improve conceptual indexing process.
[ 64 ]
Nutritional Profile Estimation in Cooking Recipes. The availability of an accurate nutrition profile of recipes is an important feature for food databases with several applications including nutritional assistance, recommendation systems, and dietary analytics. Often in online databases, recipes are obtained from diverse sources in an attempt to maximize the number of recipes and variety of the dataset. This leads to an incomplete and often unreliable set of nutritional details. We propose a scalable method for nutritional profile estimation of recipes from their ingredients section using a standard reliable database for the nutritional values. Previous studies have testified the efficiency of string matching methods on small datasets. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our procedure, we apply the proposed method on a large dataset, RecipeDB, which contains recipes from multiple data sources, using the United States Department of Agriculture Standard Reference (USDA SR) Database as a reference for computing nutritional profiles. We evaluate our method by calculating the average error across our database of recipes (36 calories per serving) which is well within the range of errors attributable to physical variations.
[ 9 ]
Korteweg de Vries limit for the Fermi Pasta Ulam system. In this paper, we develop dispersive PDE techniques for the Fermi Pasta Ulam (FPU) system with infinitely many oscillators, and we show that general solutions to the infinite FPU system can be approximated by counter propagating waves governed by the Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation as the lattice spacing approaches zero. Our result not only simplifies the hypotheses but also reduces the regularity requirement in the previous study 45 .
[ 13 ]
Three characterizations of a self similar aperiodic 2 dimensional subshift. The goal of this chapter is to illustrate a generalization of the Fibonacci word to the case of 2 dimensional configurations on mathbb Z 2 . More precisely, we consider a particular subshift of mathcal A mathbb Z 2 on the alphabet mathcal A 0, dots,18 for which we give three characterizations as the subshift mathcal X phi generated by a 2 dimensional morphism phi defined on mathcal A as the Wang shift Omega mathcal U defined by a set mathcal U of 19 Wang tiles as the symbolic dynamical system mathcal X mathcal P mathcal U ,R mathcal U representing the orbits under some mathbb Z 2 action R mathcal U defined by rotations on mathbb T 2 and coded by some topological partition mathcal P mathcal U of mathbb T 2 into 19 polygonal atoms. We prove their equality Omega mathcal U mathcal X phi mathcal X mathcal P mathcal U ,R mathcal U by showing they are self similar with respect to the substitution phi . This chapter provides a transversal reading of results divided into four different articles obtained through the study of the Jeandel Rao Wang shift. It gathers in one place the methods introduced to desubstitute Wang shifts and to desubstitute codings of mathbb Z 2 actions by focussing on a simple 2 dimensional self similar subshift. SageMath code to find marker tiles and compute the Rauzy induction of mathbb Z 2 rotations is provided allowing to reproduce the computations.
[ 3 ]
Normalyzing Numeronyms A NLP approach. This paper presents a method to apply Natural Language Processing for normalizing numeronyms to make them understandable by humans. We approach the problem through a two step mechanism. We make use of the state of the art Levenshtein distance of words. We then apply Cosine Similarity for selection of the normalized text and reach greater accuracy in solving the problem. Our approach garners accuracy figures of 71 and 72 for Bengali and English language, respectively.
[ 65 ]
TEL Low Latency Failover Traffic Engineering in Data Plane. Modern network applications demand low latency traffic engineering in the presence of network failure while preserving the quality of service constraints like delay and capacity. Fast Re Route (FRR) mechanisms are widely used for traffic re routing purposes in failure scenarios. Control plane FRR typically computes the backup forwarding rules to detour the traffic in the data plane when the failure occurs. This mechanism could be computed in the data plane with the emergence of programmable data planes. In this paper, we propose a system (called TEL) that contains two FRR mechanisms, namely, TEL C and TEL D. The first one computes backup forwarding rules in the control plane, satisfying max min fair allocation. The second mechanism provides FRR in the data plane. Both algorithms require minimal memory on programmable data planes and are well suited with modern line rate match action forwarding architectures (e.g., PISA). We implement both mechanisms on P4 programmable software switches (e.g., BMv2 and Tofino) and measure their performance on various topologies. The obtained results from a datacenter topology show that our FRR mechanism can improve the flow completion time up to 4.6x 7.3x (i.e., small flows) and 3.1x 12x (i.e., large flows) compared to recirculation based mechanisms, such as F10, respectively.
[ 3 ]
DQI Measuring Data Quality in NLP. Neural language models have achieved human level performance across several NLP datasets. However, recent studies have shown that these models are not truly learning the desired task rather, their high performance is attributed to overfitting using spurious biases, which suggests that the capabilities of AI systems have been over estimated. We introduce a generic formula for Data Quality Index (DQI) to help dataset creators create datasets free of such unwanted biases. We evaluate this formula using a recently proposed approach for adversarial filtering, AFLite. We propose a new data creation paradigm using DQI to create higher quality data. The data creation paradigm consists of several data visualizations to help data creators (i) understand the quality of data and (ii) visualize the impact of the created data instance on the overall quality. It also has a couple of automation methods to (i) assist data creators and (ii) make the model more robust to adversarial attacks. We use DQI along with these automation methods to renovate biased examples in SNLI. We show that models trained on the renovated SNLI dataset generalize better to out of distribution tasks. Renovation results in reduced model performance, exposing a large gap with respect to human performance. DQI systematically helps in creating harder benchmarks using active learning. Our work takes the process of dynamic dataset creation forward, wherein datasets evolve together with the evolving state of the art, therefore serving as a means of benchmarking the true progress of AI.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.app-ph physics.optics
Experimental demonstration of multimode microresonator sensing by machine learning. A multimode microcavity sensor based on a self interference microring resonator is demonstrated experimentally. The proposed multimode sensing method is implemented by recording wideband transmission spectra that consist of multiple resonant modes. It is different from the previous dissipative sensing scheme, which aims at measuring the transmission depth changes of a single resonant mode in a microcavity. Here, by combining the dissipative sensing mechanism and the machine learning algorithm, the multimode sensing information extracted from a broadband spectrum can be efficiently fused to estimate the target parameter. The multimode sensing method is immune to laser frequency noises and robust against system imperfection, thus our work presents a great step towards practical applications of microcavity sensors outside the research laboratory. The voltage applied across the microheater on the chip was adjusted to bring its influence on transmittance through the thermo optic effects. As a proof of principle experiment, the voltage was detected by the multimode sensing approach. The experimental results demonstrate that the limit of detection of the multimode sensing by the general regression neural network is reduced to 6.7 of that of single mode sensing within a large measuring range.
[ 14 ]
A Smartphone App to Support Sedentary Behavior Change by Visualizing Personal Mobility Patterns and Action Planning (SedVis) Development and Pilot Study. Given the high prevalence of sedentary behavior in daily life, simple yet practical solutions for behavior change are needed to avoid detrimental health effects. The mobile app SedVis was developed based on the health action process approach. The app provides personal mobility pattern visualization (for both physical activity and sedentary behavior) and action planning for sedentary behavior change. The primary aim of the study is to investigate the effect of mobility pattern visualization on users' action planning for changing their sedentary behavior. The secondary aim is to evaluate user engagement with the visualization and user experience of the app. In a 3 week user study, participants were allocated to either an active control group (n 8) or an intervention group (n 8). In the 1 week baseline period, none of the participants had access to the functions in the app. In the following 2 week intervention period, only the intervention group was given access to the visualizations, whereas both groups were asked to make action plans every day and reduce their sedentary behavior. The results suggested that the visualizations in SedVis had no effect on the participants' action planning according to both the NHST and Bayesian statistics. The intervention involving visualizations and action planning in SedVis had a positive effect on reducing participants' sedentary hours, with weak evidence according to Bayesian statistics, whereas no change in sedentary time was more likely in the active control condition. Furthermore, Bayesian analysis weakly suggested that the more frequently the users checked the app, the more likely they were to reduce their sedentary behavior.
[ 2 ]
A multi agent ontologies based clinical decision support system. Clinical decision support systems combine knowledge and data from a variety of sources, represented by quantitative models based on stochastic methods, or qualitative based rather on expert heuristics and deductive reasoning. At the same time, case based reasoning (CBR) memorizes and returns the experience of solving similar problems. The cooperation of heterogeneous clinical knowledge bases (knowledge objects, semantic distances, evaluation functions, logical rules, databases...) is based on medical ontologies. A multi agent decision support system (MADSS) enables the integration and cooperation of agents specialized in different fields of knowledge (semiology, pharmacology, clinical cases, etc.). Each specialist agent operates a knowledge base defining the conduct to be maintained in conformity with the state of the art associated with an ontological basis that expresses the semantic relationships between the terms of the domain in question. Our approach is based on the specialization of agents adapted to the knowledge models used during the clinical steps and ontologies. This modular approach is suitable for the realization of MADSS in many areas.
[ 9 ]
Global Regularity for minimal graphs over convex domains in hyperbolic space. In this paper we study the global regularity for the solution to the Dirichlet problem of the equation of minimal graphs over a convex domain in hyperbolic spaces. We find that the global regularity depends only on the convexity of the domain but independent of its smoothness. Basing on the invariance of the problem under translation and rotation transforms, we construct the super solution to the problem, by which we prove the optimal and accurate global regularity for this problem.
[ 1, 4 ]
cs.NE cs.LG
Temporal Spike Sequence Learning via Backpropagation for Deep Spiking Neural Networks. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are well suited for spatio temporal learning and implementations on energy efficient event driven neuromorphic processors. However, existing SNN error backpropagation (BP) methods lack proper handling of spiking discontinuities and suffer from low performance compared with the BP methods for traditional artificial neural networks. In addition, a large number of time steps are typically required to achieve decent performance, leading to high latency and rendering spike based computation unscalable to deep architectures. We present a novel Temporal Spike Sequence Learning Backpropagation (TSSL BP) method for training deep SNNs, which breaks down error backpropagation across two types of inter neuron and intra neuron dependencies and leads to improved temporal learning precision. It captures inter neuron dependencies through presynaptic firing times by considering the all or none characteristics of firing activities and captures intra neuron dependencies by handling the internal evolution of each neuronal state in time. TSSL BP efficiently trains deep SNNs within a much shortened temporal window of a few steps while improving the accuracy for various image classification datasets including CIFAR10.
[ 18, 21 ]
math.CO math.GT
The Region Smoothing Swap Game. We introduce a topological combinatorial game called the Region Smoothing Swap Game. The game is played on a game board derived from the connected shadow of a link diagram on a (possibly non orientable) surface by smoothing at crossings. Moves in the game are performed on regions of the diagram and can switch the direction of certain crossings' smoothing. The players' goals relate to the connectedness of the diagram produced by game play.
[ 0 ]
Deep Heterogeneous Hashing for Face Video Retrieval. Retrieving videos of a particular person with face image as a query via hashing technique has many important applications. While face images are typically represented as vectors in Euclidean space, characterizing face videos with some robust set modeling techniques (e.g. covariance matrices as exploited in this study, which reside on Riemannian manifold), has recently shown appealing advantages. This hence results in a thorny heterogeneous spaces matching problem. Moreover, hashing with handcrafted features as done in many existing works is clearly inadequate to achieve desirable performance for this task. To address such problems, we present an end to end Deep Heterogeneous Hashing (DHH) method that integrates three stages including image feature learning, video modeling, and heterogeneous hashing in a single framework, to learn unified binary codes for both face images and videos. To tackle the key challenge of hashing on the manifold, a well studied Riemannian kernel mapping is employed to project data (i.e. covariance matrices) into Euclidean space and thus enables to embed the two heterogeneous representations into a common Hamming space, where both intra space discriminability and inter space compatibility are considered. To perform network optimization, the gradient of the kernel mapping is innovatively derived via structured matrix backpropagation in a theoretically principled way. Experiments on three challenging datasets show that our method achieves quite competitive performance compared with existing hashing methods.
[ 9 ]
Serrin's type problems in warped product manifolds. In this paper we consider Serrin's overdetermined problems in warped product manifolds and we prove Serrin's type rigidity results by using the P function approach introduced by Weinberger.
[ 27, 47 ]
math.CT math.AT
On the correspondence of object classifiers and Tarski universes. We prove a correspondence between kappa small fibrations in simplicial presheaf categories equipped with the injective or projective model structure (and left Bousfield localizations thereof) and relative kappa compact maps in their underlying quasi categories for suitably large inaccessible cardinals kappa . We thus obtain a transition result between weakly universal small fibrations in the injective Dugger Rezk style standard presentations of model toposes and object classifiers in Grothendieck infty toposes in the sense of Lurie.
[ 0 ]
Automated Transcription for Pre Modern Japanese Kuzushiji Documents by Random Lines Erasure and Curriculum Learning. Recognizing the full page of Japanese historical documents is a challenging problem due to the complex layout background and difficulty of writing styles, such as cursive and connected characters. Most of the previous methods divided the recognition process into character segmentation and recognition. However, those methods provide only character bounding boxes and classes without text transcription. In this paper, we enlarge our previous humaninspired recognition system from multiple lines to the full page of Kuzushiji documents. The human inspired recognition system simulates human eye movement during the reading process. For the lack of training data, we propose a random text line erasure approach that randomly erases text lines and distorts documents. For the convergence problem of the recognition system for fullpage documents, we employ curriculum learning that trains the recognition system step by step from the easy level (several text lines of documents) to the difficult level (full page documents). We tested the step training approach and random text line erasure approach on the dataset of the Kuzushiji recognition competition on Kaggle. The results of the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches. These results are competitive with other participants of the Kuzushiji recognition competition.
[ 22 ]
A Fuzzy Based Optimization Method for Integrating Value Dependencies into Software Requirement Selection. Software requirement selection aims to find an optimal subset of the requirements with the highest value while respecting the budget. But the value of a requirement may depend on the presence or absence of other requirements in the optimal subset. Existing requirement selection methods, however, do not consider Value Dependencies, thus increasing the risk of value loss. To address this, we have proposed Dependency Aware Requirement Selection (DARS) method with two main components (i) a fuzzy based technique for identifying and modeling value dependencies, and (ii) an Integer Programming model that takes into account value dependencies in software requirement selection. We have further, proposed an alternative optimization model for situations where quantifying value dependencies is hard. The scalability of DARS and its effectiveness in reducing the risk of value loss are demonstrated through exhaustive simulations.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
On the Importance of Local Information in Transformer Based Models. The self attention module is a key component of Transformer based models, wherein each token pays attention to every other token. Recent studies have shown that these heads exhibit syntactic, semantic, or local behaviour. Some studies have also identified promise in restricting this attention to be local, i.e., a token attending to other tokens only in a small neighbourhood around it. However, no conclusive evidence exists that such local attention alone is sufficient to achieve high accuracy on multiple NLP tasks. In this work, we systematically analyse the role of locality information in learnt models and contrast it with the role of syntactic information. More specifically, we first do a sensitivity analysis and show that, at every layer, the representation of a token is much more sensitive to tokens in a small neighborhood around it than to tokens which are syntactically related to it. We then define an attention bias metric to determine whether a head pays more attention to local tokens or to syntactically related tokens. We show that a larger fraction of heads have a locality bias as compared to a syntactic bias. Having established the importance of local attention heads, we train and evaluate models where varying fractions of the attention heads are constrained to be local. Such models would be more efficient as they would have fewer computations in the attention layer. We evaluate these models on 4 GLUE datasets (QQP, SST 2, MRPC, QNLI) and 2 MT datasets (En De, En Ru) and clearly demonstrate that such constrained models have comparable performance to the unconstrained models. Through this systematic evaluation we establish that attention in Transformer based models can be constrained to be local without affecting performance.
[ 0 ]
Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs for Semantic Face Editing. Despite the recent advance of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in high fidelity image synthesis, there lacks enough understanding of how GANs are able to map a latent code sampled from a random distribution to a photo realistic image. Previous work assumes the latent space learned by GANs follows a distributed representation but observes the vector arithmetic phenomenon. In this work, we propose a novel framework, called InterFaceGAN, for semantic face editing by interpreting the latent semantics learned by GANs. In this framework, we conduct a detailed study on how different semantics are encoded in the latent space of GANs for face synthesis. We find that the latent code of well trained generative models actually learns a disentangled representation after linear transformations. We explore the disentanglement between various semantics and manage to decouple some entangled semantics with subspace projection, leading to more precise control of facial attributes. Besides manipulating gender, age, expression, and the presence of eyeglasses, we can even vary the face pose as well as fix the artifacts accidentally generated by GAN models. The proposed method is further applied to achieve real image manipulation when combined with GAN inversion methods or some encoder involved models. Extensive results suggest that learning to synthesize faces spontaneously brings a disentangled and controllable facial attribute representation.
[ 22 ]
Some Aspects of a Software Reliability Problem. Obviously, the dynamism of software reliability research has speeded up significantly in the last period, and we can state the fact that its intensity is approaching, and in some cases is ahead of the information systems hardware reliability research intensity. Reliability of software is much more important than its other characteristics, such as runtime, and although the absolute reliability of modern software is apparently unattainable, there is still no generally accepted measure of reliability of computer programs. The article analyzes the reasons for the situation and offers an approach to solving the problem. The article touches upon the issue of general characteristics of information systems software life cycle. Considered software application reliability questions and use of fail safe ensuring programming. Also presented basic types of so called virus programs that lead to abnormal functioning of information systems. Much attention is given to presenting some known models used for software debugging and operating. So, this review paper consists of four sections information systems software process creation, reliability of information systems software, using of fail safe programs and estimation of software reliability according the results of adjusting and normal operation.
[ 8 ]
Evolution of the resonances of two parallel dielectric cylinders with distance between them. We study behavior of resonant modes under change of the distance between two parallel dielectric cylinders. The processes of mutual scattering of Mie resonant modes by cylinders result in an interaction between the cylinders which lifts a degeneracy of resonances of the isolated cylinders. There are two basic scenarios of evolution of resonances with the distance. For strong interaction of cylinders resonances are unbound with avoided crossings from the of the Mie resonances with increasing of the distance. That scenario is typical for low exciting resonances (monopole and dipole). For weak interaction of cylinders the resonances are bound around highly excited Mie resonances. Both scenarios demonstrate a significant enhancement of the Q factor compared to the case of isolated cylinder.
[ 75, 38 ]
math.NT math.KT
Remarks on classical number theoretic aspects of Milnor Witt K theory. We record a few observations on number theoretic aspects of Milnor Witt K theory, focusing on generalizing classical results on reciprocity laws, Hasse's norm theorem and K 2 of number fields and rings of integers.
[ 8, 11, 5 ]
physics.app-ph physics.optics physics.plasm-ph
Predicted response of an atom to a short burst of electro magnetic radiation. In this work we present a hypothesis that spectral response of atoms or molecules to a pulse of electromagnetic radiation with fast rising or falling fronts would contain a unique emission line that is located approximately near the frequency of the natural oscillations of optical electron. The emission of this "pinging" spectral line would exist during the time that is determined by the time of radiative energy loss by the optical electron. The amplitude of the "pinging" spectral line would be higher for the pulses with faster raising or falling fronts. The simulations using our previously developed model confirmed existence of the "pinging" spectral response. If experimentally confirmed, this work could lead to a new high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio stand off detection techniques, a new type of LIDAR, and to other yet unknown applications.
[ 24, 9, 23 ]
math.MG math.AP math.FA
Traces of Newton Sobolev, Hajlasz Sobolev and BV functions on metric spaces. We study the boundary traces of Newton Sobolev, Hajlasz Sobolev, and BV (bounded variation) functions. Assuming less regularity of the domain than is usually done in the literature, we show that all of these function classes achieve the same "boundary values", which in particular implies that the trace spaces coincide provided that they exist. Many of our results seem to be new even in Euclidean spaces but we work in a more general complete metric space equipped with a doubling measure and supporting a Poincare inequality.
[ 0, 83 ]
cs.CV cs.MM
The VISIONE Video Search System Exploiting Off the Shelf Text Search Engines for Large Scale Video Retrieval. In this paper, we describe in details VISIONE, a video search system that allows users to search for videos using textual keywords, occurrence of objects and their spatial relationships, occurrence of colors and their spatial relationships, and image similarity. These modalities can be combined together to express complex queries and satisfy user needs. The peculiarity of our approach is that we encode all the information extracted from the keyframes, such as visual deep features, tags, color and object locations, using a convenient textual encoding indexed in a single text retrieval engine. This offers great flexibility when results corresponding to various parts of the query (visual, text and locations) have to be merged. In addition, we report an extensive analysis of the system retrieval performance, using the query logs generated during the Video Browser Showdown (VBS) 2019 competition. This allowed us to fine tune the system by choosing the optimal parameters and strategies among the ones that we tested.
[ 0 ]
RelationNet Bridging Visual Representations for Object Detection via Transformer Decoder. Existing object detection frameworks are usually built on a single format of object part representation, i.e., anchor proposal rectangle boxes in RetinaNet and Faster R CNN, center points in FCOS and RepPoints, and corner points in CornerNet. While these different representations usually drive the frameworks to perform well in different aspects, e.g., better classification or finer localization, it is in general difficult to combine these representations in a single framework to make good use of each strength, due to the heterogeneous or non grid feature extraction by different representations. This paper presents an attention based decoder module similar as that in Transformer cite vaswani2017attention to bridge other representations into a typical object detector built on a single representation format, in an end to end fashion. The other representations act as a set of emph key instances to strengthen the main emph query representation features in the vanilla detectors. Novel techniques are proposed towards efficient computation of the decoder module, including a emph key sampling approach and a emph shared location embedding approach. The proposed module is named emph bridging visual representations (BVR). It can perform in place and we demonstrate its broad effectiveness in bridging other representations into prevalent object detection frameworks, including RetinaNet, Faster R CNN, FCOS and ATSS, where about 1.5 sim3.0 AP improvements are achieved. In particular, we improve a state of the art framework with a strong backbone by about 2.0 AP, reaching 52.7 AP on COCO test dev. The resulting network is named RelationNet . The code will be available at https github.com microsoft RelationNet2.
[ 2 ]
Conformance Checking for a Medical Training Process Using Petri net Simulation and Sequence Alignment. Process Mining has recently gained popularity in healthcare due to its potential to provide a transparent, objective and data based view on processes. Conformance checking is a sub discipline of process mining that has the potential to answer how the actual process executions deviate from existing guidelines. In this work, we analyze a medical training process for a surgical procedure. Ten students were trained to install a Central Venous Catheters (CVC) with ultrasound. Event log data was collected directly after instruction by the supervisors during a first test run and additionally after a subsequent individual training phase. In order to provide objective performance measures, we formulate an optimal, global sequence alignment problem inspired by approaches in bioinformatics. Therefore, we use the Petri net model representation of the medical process guideline to simulate a representative set of guideline conform sequences. Next, we calculate the optimal, global sequence alignment of the recorded and simulated event logs. Finally, the output measures and visualization of aligned sequences are provided for objective feedback.
[ 7 ]
A Novel Sharp Interface Immersed Boundary Framework for Viscous Flow Simulations at Arbitrary Mach Number Involving Complex and Moving Boundaries. This work presents a robust and efficient sharp interface immersed boundary (IBM) framework, which is applicable for all speed flow regimes and is capable of handling arbitrarily complex bodies (stationary or moving). The work deploys an in house, parallel, multi block structured finite volume flow solver, which employs a 3D unsteady Favre averaged Navier Stokes equations in a generalized curvilinear coordinate system while we employ a combination of HCIB (Hybrid Cartesian Immersed boundary) method and GC(Ghost cell) for solution reconstruction near immersed boundary interface. A significant difficulty for these sharp interface approaches is of handling sharp features edges of complex geometries. In this study, we observe that apart from the need for robust node classification strategy and higher order boundary formulations, the direction in which the reconstruction procedures are performed plays an important role in handling sharp edges. Taking this into account we present a versatile interface tracking procedure based on ray tracing algorithm and a novel three step solution reconstruction procedure that computes pseudo normals in the regions where the normal is not well defined and reconstructs the flow field along those directions. We demonstrate that this procedure enables solver to efficiently handle and accurately represent sharp edged regions. A fifth order weighted essentially non oscillatory (WENO) scheme is used for capturing shock induced discontinuities and complex fluid solid interactions with high resolution. The developed IBM framework is applied to a wide range of flow phenomena encompassing all speed regimes (M 0.001 to M 2.0). A total of seven benchmark cases (three stationary and four moving bodies) are presented involving various geometries (cylinder, airfoil, wedge) and the predictions are found to be in excellent agreement with the published results.
[ 41 ]
Human in the loop Auditory Cueing Strategy for Gait Modification. External feedback in the form of visual, auditory and tactile cues has been used to assist patients to overcome mobility challenges. However, these cues can become less effective over time. There is limited research on adapting cues to account for inter and intra personal variations in cue responsiveness. We propose a cue provision framework that consists of a gait performance monitoring algorithm and an adaptive cueing strategy to improve gait performance. The proposed approach learns a model of the person's response to cues using Gaussian Process regression. The model is then used within an on line optimization algorithm to generate cues to improve gait performance. We conduct a study with healthy participants to evaluate the ability of the adaptive cueing strategy to influence human gait, and compare its effectiveness to two other cueing approaches the standard fixed cue approach and a proportional cue approach. The results show that adaptive cueing is more effective in changing the person's gait state once the response model is learned compared to the other methods.
[ 1 ]
DETECT A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Behavioural Trends in Temporal Educational Data. Techniques for clustering student behaviour offer many opportunities to improve educational outcomes by providing insight into student learning. However, one important aspect of student behaviour, namely its evolution over time, can often be challenging to identify using existing methods. This is because the objective functions used by these methods do not explicitly aim to find cluster trends in time, so these trends may not be clearly represented in the results. This paper presents DETECT' (Detection of Educational Trends Elicited by Clustering Time series data), a novel divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm that incorporates temporal information into its objective function to prioritise the detection of behavioural trends. The resulting clusters are similar in structure to a decision tree, with a hierarchy of clusters defined by decision rules on features. DETECT is easy to apply, highly customisable, applicable to a wide range of educational datasets and yields easily interpretable results. Through a case study of two online programming courses (N 600), this paper demonstrates two example applications of DETECT 1) to identify how cohort behaviour develops over time and 2) to identify student behaviours that characterise exercises where many students give up.
[ 76 ]
Trace Formulas for a Conformable Fractional Diffusion Operator. In this paper, the regularized trace formulas for a diffusion operator which include conformable fractional derivatives of order alpha (0 alpha leq 1 ) is obtained.
[ 24, 21, 29 ]
math.GR math.CO math.MG
A characterisation of virtually free groups via minor exclusion. We give a new characterisation of virtually free groups using graph minors. Namely, we prove that a finitely generated, infinite group is virtually free if and only if for any finite generating set, the corresponding Cayley graph is minor excluded. This answers a question of Ostrovskii and Rosenthal. The proof relies on showing that a finitely generated group that is minor excluded with respect to every finite generating set is accessible, using a graph theoretic characterisation of accessibility due to Thomassen and Woess.
[ 64 ]
Assessment of urban rooftop grid connected solar potential in Nepal,a case study of residential buildings in Kathmandu, Pokhara and Biratnagar cities. This paper assesses the technical, financial, and market potential of the rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system on residential buildings in major cities namely Kathmandu valley, Pokhara, and Biratnagar of Nepal. Three sets of questionnaires were prepared each for residential households, PV suppliers, and solar project financing institutions. From the field survey, it is found that the average rooftop area available for PV installation is 14.5 sq.m, 12.45 sq.m, and 19 sq.m in Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Biratnagar cities respectively. Considering 557,027 residential buildings in Kathmandu 77,523 in Pokhara and 33,075 in Biratnagar, total rooftop PV power potential in all three cities are found to be 970 MWp which could generate 1,310 GWh year that comes out to be 35 of the electricity sold by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) in fiscal year 2014 15. Based on the 1.5 kWp PV system design per household and market price of 2016, the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) changes from NRs 8 kWh to NRs 20 kWh for basic lighting to a full load consisting of domestic electrical appliances. The technical barriers for the grid connection of rooftop solar in Nepal are not a major issue now as Nepal Electricity Authority has set clear guidelines for it.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Deep Shape from Polarization. This paper makes a first attempt to bring the Shape from Polarization (SfP) problem to the realm of deep learning. The previous state of the art methods for SfP have been purely physics based. We see value in these principled models, and blend these physical models as priors into a neural network architecture. This proposed approach achieves results that exceed the previous state of the art on a challenging dataset we introduce. This dataset consists of polarization images taken over a range of object textures, paints, and lighting conditions. We report that our proposed method achieves the lowest test error on each tested condition in our dataset, showing the value of blending data driven and physics driven approaches.
[ 13 ]
Anosov flows, growth rates on covers and group extensions of subshifts. The aim of this paper is to study growth properties of group extensions of hyperbolic dynamical systems, where we do not assume that the extension satisfies the symmetry conditions seen, for example, in the work of Stadlbauer on symmetric group extensions and of the authors on geodesic flows. Our main application is to growth rates of periodic orbits for covers of an Anosov flow we reduce the problem of counting periodic orbits in an amenable cover X to counting in a maximal abelian subcover X mathrm ab . In this way, we obtain an equivalence for the Gurevi v c entropy h(X) h(X mathrm ab ) if and only if the covering group is amenable. In addition, when we project the periodic orbits for amenable covers X to the compact factor M , they equidistribute with respect to a natural equilibrium measure in the case of the geodesic flow, the measure of maximal entropy.