[ 0 ]
Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Depth Based Multi Person Pose Estimation. Achieving robust multi person 2D body landmark localization and pose estimation is essential for human behavior and interaction understanding as encountered for instance in HRI settings. Accurate methods have been proposed recently, but they usually rely on rather deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, thus requiring large computational and training resources. In this paper, we investigate different architectures and methodologies to address these issues and achieve fast and accurate multi person 2D pose estimation. To foster speed, we propose to work with depth images, whose structure contains sufficient information about body landmarks while being simpler than textured color images and thus potentially requiring less complex CNNs for processing. In this context, we make the following contributions. i) we study several CNN architecture designs combining pose machines relying on the cascade of detectors concept with lightweight and efficient CNN structures ii) to address the need for large training datasets with high variability, we rely on semi synthetic data combining multi person synthetic depth data with real sensor backgrounds iii) we explore domain adaptation techniques to address the performance gap introduced by testing on real depth images iv) to increase the accuracy of our fast lightweight CNN models, we investigate knowledge distillation at several architecture levels which effectively enhance performance. Experiments and results on synthetic and real data highlight the impact of our design choices, providing insights into methods addressing standard issues normally faced in practical applications, and resulting in architectures effectively matching our goal in both performance and speed.
[ 9 ]
Mean field analysis of multi population dynamics with label switching. The mean field analysis of a multi population agent based model is performed. The model couples a particle dynamics driven by a nonlocal velocity with a Markow type jump process on the probability that each agent has of belonging to a given population. A general functional analytic framework for the well posedness of the problem is established, and some concrete applications are presented, both in the case of discrete and continuous set of labels. In the particular case of a leader follower dynamics, the existence and approximation results recently obtained in 2 are recovered and generalized as a byproduct of the abstract approach proposed.
[ 78 ]
2 irreducible and strongly 2 irreducible submodules of a module. Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M be an R module. In this paper, we will introduce the concept of 2 irreducible (resp., strongly 2 irreducible) submodules of M as a generalization of irreducible (resp., strongly irreducible) submodules of M and investigated some properties of these classes of modules.
[ 3 ]
The SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task Morphological Analysis in Context and Cross Lingual Transfer for Inflection. The SIGMORPHON 2019 shared task on cross lingual transfer and contextual analysis in morphology examined transfer learning of inflection between 100 language pairs, as well as contextual lemmatization and morphosyntactic description in 66 languages. The first task evolves past years' inflection tasks by examining transfer of morphological inflection knowledge from a high resource language to a low resource language. This year also presents a new second challenge on lemmatization and morphological feature analysis in context. All submissions featured a neural component and built on either this year's strong baselines or highly ranked systems from previous years' shared tasks. Every participating team improved in accuracy over the baselines for the inflection task (though not Levenshtein distance), and every team in the contextual analysis task improved on both state of the art neural and non neural baselines.
[ 23 ]
The star center of the quaternionic numerical range. In this paper we prove that the quaternionic numerical range is always star shaped and its star center is given by the equivalence classes of the star center of the bild. We determine the star center of the bild, and consequently of the numerical range, by showing that the geometrical shape of the upper part of the center is defined by two lines, tangents to the lower bild.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Contraction Mapping of Feature Norms for Classifier Learning on the Data with Different Quality. The popular softmax loss and its recent extensions have achieved great success in the deep learning based image classification. However, the data for training image classifiers usually has different quality. Ignoring such problem, the correct classification of low quality data is hard to be solved. In this paper, we discover the positive correlation between the feature norm of an image and its quality through careful experiments on various applications and various deep neural networks. Based on this finding, we propose a contraction mapping function to compress the range of feature norms of training images according to their quality and embed this contraction mapping function into softmax loss or its extensions to produce novel learning objectives. The experiments on various classification applications, including handwritten digit recognition, lung nodule classification, face verification and face recognition, demonstrate that the proposed approach is promising to effectively deal with the problem of learning on the data with different quality and leads to the significant and stable improvements in the classification accuracy.
[ 18, 42, 47 ]
math.GT math.AT math.DG
Spherical complexities, with applications to closed geodesics. We construct and discuss new numerical homotopy invariants of topological spaces that are suitable for the study of functions on loop and sphere spaces. These invariants resemble the Lusternik Schnirelmann category and provide lower bounds for the numbers of critical orbits of SO(n) invariant functions on spaces of n spheres in a manifold. Lower bounds on these invariants are derived using weights of cohomology classes. As an application, we prove new existence results for closed geodesics on Finsler manifolds of positive flag curvature satisfying a pinching condition.
[ 40, 0, 1 ]
cs.IR cs.CV cs.LG
Learning the Compositional Visual Coherence for Complementary Recommendations. Complementary recommendations, which aim at providing users product suggestions that are supplementary and compatible with their obtained items, have become a hot topic in both academia and industry in recent years. However, it is challenging due to its complexity and subjectivity. Existing work mainly focused on modeling the co purchased relations between two items, but the compositional associations of item collections are largely unexplored. Actually, when a user chooses the complementary items for the purchased products, it is intuitive that she will consider the visual semantic coherence (such as color collocations, texture compatibilities) in addition to global impressions. Towards this end, in this paper, we propose a novel Content Attentive Neural Network (CANN) to model the comprehensive compositional coherence on both global contents and semantic contents. Specifically, we first propose a textit Global Coherence Learning (GCL) module based on multi heads attention to model the global compositional coherence. Then, we generate the semantic focal representations from different semantic regions and design a textit Focal Coherence Learning (FCL) module to learn the focal compositional coherence from different semantic focal representations. Finally, we optimize the CANN in a novel compositional optimization strategy. Extensive experiments on the large scale real world data clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of CANN compared with several state of the art methods.
[ 77 ]
T convex valued fields with tempered exponentiation. We continue the effort of grokking the structure of power bounded T convex valued fields, whose theory is in general referred to as TCVF. In the present paper our focus is on certain expansion of it that is equipped with a tempered exponential function beyond the valuation ring. In order to construct such a tempered exponential function, the signed value group is also converted into a model of T plus exponentiation and is in fact identified with (a section of) the residue field via the composition of a diagonal cross section and an angular component map. In a sense, the resulting universal theory TKVF is a halfway point between power bounded TCVF and exponential TCVF. This theory is reasonably well behaved. In particular, we show that it admits quantifier elimination in a natural language, a notion of dimension, a generalized Euler characteristic, etc.
[ 0, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.CV
Malware Makeover Breaking ML based Static Analysis by Modifying Executable Bytes. Motivated by the transformative impact of deep neural networks (DNNs) in various domains, researchers and anti virus vendors have proposed DNNs for malware detection from raw bytes that do not require manual feature engineering. In this work, we propose an attack that interweaves binary diversification techniques and optimization frameworks to mislead such DNNs while preserving the functionality of binaries. Unlike prior attacks, ours manipulates instructions that are a functional part of the binary, which makes it particularly challenging to defend against. We evaluated our attack against three DNNs in white and black box settings, and found that it often achieved success rates near 100 . Moreover, we found that our attack can fool some commercial anti viruses, in certain cases with a success rate of 85 . We explored several defenses, both new and old, and identified some that can foil over 80 of our evasion attempts. However, these defenses may still be susceptible to evasion by attacks, and so we advocate for augmenting malware detection systems with methods that do not rely on machine learning.
[ 32 ]
Sorting Lists with Equal Keys Using Mergesort in Linear Time. This article introduces a new optimization method to improve mergesort's runtime complexity, when sorting sequences that have equal keys to O(n log 2 k) , where k is the number of distinct keys in the sequence. When k is constant, it is evident that mergesort is capable of achieving linear time by utilizing linked lists as its underlying data structure. Mergesort linked list implementations can be optimized by introducing a new mechanism to group elements with equal keys together, thus allowing merge algorithm to achieve linear time.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Age Energy Tradeoff in Fading Channels with Packet Based Transmissions. The optimal transmission strategy to minimize the weighted combination of age of information (AoI) and total energy consumption is studied in this paper. It is assumed that the status update information is obtained and transmitted at fixed rate over a Rayleigh fading channel in a packet based wireless communication system. A maximum transmission round on each packet is enforced to guarantee certain reliability of the update packets. Given fixed average transmission power, the age energy tradeoff can be formulated as a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) problem considering the sensing power consumption as well. Employing the Lagrangian relaxation, the CMDP problem is transformed into a Markov decision process (MDP) problem. An algorithm is proposed to obtain the optimal power allocation policy. Through simulation results, it is shown that both age and energy efficiency can be improved by the proposed optimal policy compared with two benchmark schemes. Also, age can be effectively reduced at the expense of higher energy cost, and more emphasis on energy consumption leads to higher average age at the same energy efficiency. Overall, the tradeoff between average age and energy efficiency is identified.
[ 2 ]
PDDLGym Gym Environments from PDDL Problems. We present PDDLGym, a framework that automatically constructs OpenAI Gym environments from PDDL domains and problems. Observations and actions in PDDLGym are relational, making the framework particularly well suited for research in relational reinforcement learning and relational sequential decision making. PDDLGym is also useful as a generic framework for rapidly building numerous, diverse benchmarks from a concise and familiar specification language. We discuss design decisions and implementation details, and also illustrate empirical variations between the 20 built in environments in terms of planning and model learning difficulty. We hope that PDDLGym will facilitate bridge building between the reinforcement learning community (from which Gym emerged) and the AI planning community (which produced PDDL). We look forward to gathering feedback from all those interested and expanding the set of available environments and features accordingly. Code https github.com tomsilver pddlgym
[ 9 ]
Large sets at infinity and Maximum Principle on unbounded domains for a class of sub elliptic operators. Maximum Principles on unbounded domains play a crucial r ole in several problems related to linear second order PDEs of elliptic and parabolic type. In this paper we consider a class of sub elliptic operators mathcal L in mathbb R N and we establish some criteria for an unbounded open set to be a Maximum Principle set for mathcal L . We extend some classical results related to the Laplacian (by Deny, Hayman and Kennedy) and to the sub Laplacians on stratified Lie groups (by Bonfiglioli and the second named author).
[ 21 ]
The counting matrix of a simplicial complex. For a finite abstract simplicial complex G with n sets, define the n x n matrix K(x,y) which is the number of subsimplices in the intersection of x and y. We call it the counting matrix of G. Similarly as the connection matrix L which is L(x,y) 1 if x and y intersect and 0 else, the counting matrix K is unimodular. Actually, K is always in SL(n,Z). The inverse of K has the Green function entries K ( 1)(x,y) w(x) w(y) W (x) intersected W y , where W (x) is the star of x, the sets in G which contain x and w(x) ( 1) dim(x). The matrix K is always positive definite. The spectra of K and K ( 1) always agree so that the matrix Q K K ( 1) has the spectral symmetry spec(Q) spec(Q) and the zeta function z(s) summing l(k) ( s) with eigenvalues l(k) of K satisfies the functional equation z(a ib) z( a ib). The energy theorem in this case tells that the sum of the matrix elements of K ( 1)(x,y) is equal to the number sets in G. In comparison, we had in the connection matrix case the identity that the sum of the matrix elements of L ( 1) is the Euler characteristic of G.
[ 13 ]
Generalizations of Douady's magic formula. We generalize a combinatorial formula of Douady from the main cardioid to other hyperbolic components H of the Mandelbrot set, constructing an explicit piecewise linear map which sends the set of angles of external rays landing on H to the set of angles of external rays landing on the real axis.
[ 31 ]
A Note on the Evolution of Covid 19 in Italy. We employ methods largely exploited in Physics, in the analysis of the evolution of dynamical systems, to study the pattern of the Covid 19 infection in Italy. The techniques we employ are based on the use of logistic function and of its derivative, namely the Hubbert function. The latter is exploited to give a prediction on the number of infected per day. We also mention the possibility of taking advantage from other mathematical tools based e.g. on the Gompertz equation and make some comparison on the different predictive capabilities.
[ 24, 25 ]
math.MG math.PR
Average and Expected Distortion of Voronoi Paths and Scapes. The approximation of a circle with a fine square grid distorts the perimeter by a factor of tfrac 4 pi . We prove that this factor is the same on average for approximations of any curve with any Delaunay mosaic (known as Voronoi path), and extend the results to all dimensions, generalizing Voronoi paths to Voronoi scapes.
[ 9, 12, 13 ]
math.AP math.CA math.DS
The Cucker Smale model with time delay. We study the classical Cucker Smale model in continuous time with a positive time delay tau . As in the non delayed case, unconditional flocking occurs when beta leq 1 2 for every tau 0 . Furthermore, we prove the exponential decay for the diameter of the velocities.
[ 41 ]
Contact Planning for the ANYmal Quadruped Robot using an Acyclic Reachability Based Planner. Despite the great progress in quadrupedal robotics during the last decade, selecting good contacts (footholds) in highly uneven and cluttered environments still remains an open challenge. This paper builds upon a state of the art approach, already successfully used for humanoid robots, and applies it to our robotic platform the quadruped robot ANY mal. The proposed algorithm decouples the problem into two subprob lems first a guide trajectory for the robot is generated, then contacts are created along this trajectory. Both subproblems rely on approximations and heuristics that need to be tuned. The main contribution of this work is to explain how this algorithm has been retuned to work with ANY mal and to show the relevance of the approach with a variety of tests in realistic dynamic simulations.
[ 1, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.LG
Artificial Neural Networks and Fault Injection Attacks. This chapter is on the security assessment of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural network (NN) accelerators in the face of fault injection attacks. More specifically, it discusses the assets on these platforms and compares them with ones known and well studied in the field of cryptographic systems. This is a crucial step that must be taken in order to define the threat models precisely. With respect to that, fault attacks mounted on NNs and AI accelerators are explored.
[ 80 ]
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition with Equational Constraints. Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) has long been one of the most important algorithms within Symbolic Computation, as a tool to perform quantifier elimination in first order logic over the reals. More recently it is finding prominence in the Satisfiability Checking community as a tool to identify satisfying solutions of problems in nonlinear real arithmetic. The original algorithm produces decompositions according to the signs of polynomials, when what is usually required is a decomposition according to the truth of a formula containing those polynomials. One approach to achieve that coarser (but hopefully cheaper) decomposition is to reduce the polynomials identified in the CAD to reflect a logical structure which reduces the solution space dimension the presence of Equational Constraints (ECs). This paper may act as a tutorial for the use of CAD with ECs we describe all necessary background and the current state of the art. In particular, we present recent work on how McCallum's theory of reduced projection may be leveraged to make further savings in the lifting phase both to the polynomials we lift with and the cells lifted over. We give a new complexity analysis to demonstrate that the double exponent in the worst case complexity bound for CAD reduces in line with the number of ECs. We show that the reduction can apply to both the number of polynomials produced and their degree.
[ 34, 74, 23 ]
math.FA math.CV math.OA
Finite Rank Perturbations of Toeplitz Products on the Bergman Space. In this paper we investigate when a finite sum of products of two Toeplitz operators with quasihomogeneous symbols is a finite rank perturbation of another Toeplitz operator on the Bergman space. We discover a noncommutative convolution diamond on the space of quasihomogeneous functions and use it in solving the problem. Our main results show that if F j, G j ( 1 leq j leq N ) are polynomials of z and bar z then sum j 1 N T F j T G j T H is a finite rank operator for some L 1 function H if and only if sum j 1 N F j diamond G j belongs to L 1 and H sum j 1 N F j diamond G j . In the case F j 's are holomorphic and G j 's are conjugate holomorphic, it is shown that H is a solution to a system of first order partial differential equations with a constraint.
[ 0 ]
Deep Video Inpainting. Video inpainting aims to fill spatio temporal holes with plausible content in a video. Despite tremendous progress of deep neural networks for image inpainting, it is challenging to extend these methods to the video domain due to the additional time dimension. In this work, we propose a novel deep network architecture for fast video inpainting. Built upon an image based encoder decoder model, our framework is designed to collect and refine information from neighbor frames and synthesize still unknown regions. At the same time, the output is enforced to be temporally consistent by a recurrent feedback and a temporal memory module. Compared with the state of the art image inpainting algorithm, our method produces videos that are much more semantically correct and temporally smooth. In contrast to the prior video completion method which relies on time consuming optimization, our method runs in near real time while generating competitive video results. Finally, we applied our framework to video retargeting task, and obtain visually pleasing results.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Explicit stabilized multirate method for stiff stochastic differential equations. Stabilized explicit methods are particularly efficient for large systems of stiff stochastic differential equations (SDEs) due to their extended stability domain. However, they loose their efficiency when a severe stiffness is induced by very few "fast" degrees of freedom, as the stiff and nonstiff terms are evaluated concurrently. Therefore, inspired by A. Abdulle, M. J. Grote, and G. Rosilho de Souza, Preprint (2020), arXiv 2006.00744 we introduce a stochastic modified equation whose stiffness depends solely on the "slow" terms. By integrating this modified equation with a stabilized explicit scheme we devise a multirate method which overcomes the bottleneck caused by a few severely stiff terms and recovers the efficiency of stabilized schemes for large systems of nonlinear SDEs. The scheme is not based on any scale separation assumption of the SDE and therefore it is employable for problems stemming from the spatial discretization of stochastic parabolic partial differential equations on locally refined grids. The multirate scheme has strong order 1 2, weak order 1 and its stability is proved on a model problem. Numerical experiments confirm the efficiency and accuracy of the scheme.
[ 1, 68, 15, 49, 21 ]
cs.DM cs.IT cs.LG math.CO math.IT math.OC
Concave Aspects of Submodular Functions. Submodular Functions are a special class of set functions, which generalize several information theoretic quantities such as entropy and mutual information 1 . Submodular functions have subgradients and subdifferentials 2 and admit polynomial time algorithms for minimization, both of which are fundamental characteristics of convex functions. Submodular functions also show signs similar to concavity. Submodular function maximization, though NP hard, admits constant factor approximation guarantees, and concave functions composed with modular functions are submodular. In this paper, we try to provide a more complete picture of the relationship between submodularity with concavity. We characterize the super differentials and polyhedra associated with upper bounds and provide optimality conditions for submodular maximization using the super differentials. This paper is a concise and shorter version of our longer preprint 3 .
[ 5, 7 ]
physics.comp-ph physics.plasm-ph
Electron Groups in Solar Wind and Gas Discharge Plasmas. The formation of electron groups is a common phenomenon in gas discharges and space plasmas. We describe similarities between electron kinetics in solar wind, cathode region of glow discharges, and magnetic nozzles. Remarkable resemblances between adiabatic focusing of magnetized electrons and spherical geometry effects for neutral particles escaping planet atmosphere are pointed out. The previously developed kinetic solvers for electrons coupled to Poisson equation for self consistent simulations of the electric field are used to analyse the formation of electron groups in the cathode region of glow discharges and solar wind plasma.
[ 42, 71 ]
math.DG math.SG
Local Poisson groupoids over mixed product Poisson structures and generalised double Bruhat cells. Given a standard complex semisimple Poisson Lie group (G, pi st ) , generalised double Bruhat cells G u, v and generalised Bruhat cells O u equipped with naturally defined holomorphic Poisson structures, where u, v are finite sequences of Weyl group elements, were defined and studied by Jiang Hua Lu and the author. We prove in this paper that G u,u is naturally a Poisson groupoid over O u , extending a result from the aforementioned authors about double Bruhat cells in (G, pi st ) . Our result on G u,u is obtained as an application of a construction interesting in its own right, of a local Poisson groupoid over a mixed product Poisson structure associated to the action of a pair of Lie bialgebras. This construction involves using a local Lagrangian bisection in a double symplectic groupoid closely related to the global R matrix studied by Weinstein and Xu, to twist a direct product of Poisson groupoids.
[ 33 ]
Review and new concepts for neutron capture measurements of astrophysical interest. The idea of slow neutron capture nucleosynthesis formulated in 1957 triggered a tremendous experimental effort in different laboratories worldwide to measure the relevant nuclear physics input quantities, namely ( n, gamma ) cross sections over the stellar temperature range (from few eV up to several hundred keV) for most of the isotopes involved from Fe up to Bi. A brief historical review focused on total energy detectors will be presented to illustrate how, advances in instrumentation have led, over the years, to the assessment and discovery of many new aspects of s process nucleosynthesis and to the progressive refinement of theoretical models of stellar evolution. A summary will be presented on current efforts to develop new detection concepts, such as the Total Energy Detector with gamma ray imaging capability (i TED). The latter is based on the simultaneous combination of Compton imaging with neutron time of flight (TOF) techniques, in order to achieve a superior level of sensitivity and selectivity in the measurement of stellar neutron capture rates.
[ 34, 46 ]
math.AG math.CV
L 2 minimal extensions over Hermitian symmetric domains. In this paper, we study the L 2 minimal extension problem for polarized variations of Hodge structures over Hermitian symmetric domains. We are able to explicitly find the L 2 minimal extensions using a group theoretic construction. In particular, this gives a construction without using L 2 estimates as in the Ohsawa Takegoshi type extension theorems. The key ingredient is the Harish Chandra embedding of Hermitian symmetric domains. The construction of holomorphic sections might be of independent interest since it gives a concrete description in the setting of Hermitian VHS.
[ 2, 4, 58 ]
cs.NE cs.AI q-bio.NC
Automatic Calibration of Artificial Neural Networks for Zebrafish Collective Behaviours using a Quality Diversity Algorithm. During the last two decades, various models have been proposed for fish collective motion. These models are mainly developed to decipher the biological mechanisms of social interaction between animals. They consider very simple homogeneous unbounded environments and it is not clear that they can simulate accurately the collective trajectories. Moreover when the models are more accurate, the question of their scalability to either larger groups or more elaborate environments remains open. This study deals with learning how to simulate realistic collective motion of collective of zebrafish, using real world tracking data. The objective is to devise an agent based model that can be implemented on an artificial robotic fish that can blend into a collective of real fish. We present a novel approach that uses Quality Diversity algorithms, a class of algorithms that emphasise exploration over pure optimisation. In particular, we use CVT MAP Elites, a variant of the state of the art MAP Elites algorithm for high dimensional search space. Results show that Quality Diversity algorithms not only outperform classic evolutionary reinforcement learning methods at the macroscopic level (i.e. group behaviour), but are also able to generate more realistic biomimetic behaviours at the microscopic level (i.e. individual behaviour).
[ 6 ]
Oblique droplet impact onto a deep liquid pool. The oblique impact of a liquid droplet onto a deep liquid pool is studied numerically with the adaptive volume of fluid solver Basilisk. The splashing threshold, cavity formation, cavity evolution and the maximum cavity dimensions are quantified as a function of the Weber number and the impact angle. We compare the numerical results with recent experimental work by Gielen et al. Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 083602 (2017) . Similarly to the experimental results, three different impact regimes are observed deposition of the droplet onto the pool, single sided splashing in the direction of the impact and splashing in all directions. We show good qualitative and quantitative agreement of the splashing behaviour and cavity formation between the simulations and the experiments. Furthermore, the simulations provide a three dimensional view of the impact phenomenon, give access to velocity and pressure fields, and allow to explore impact parameters that are hard to achieve experimentally.
[ 23 ]
The Wold type decomposition for m isometries. The aim of this paper is to study the Wold type decomposition in the class of m isometries. One of our main results establishes an equivalent condition for an analytic m isometry to admit the Wold type decomposition for m ge2 . In particular, we introduce the k kernel condition which we use to characterize analytic m isometric operators which are unitarily equivalent to unilateral operator valued weighted shifts for m ge2 . As a result, we also show that m isometric composition operators on directed graphs with one circuit containing only one element are not unitarily equivalent to unilateral weighted shifts. We also provide a characterization of m isometric unilateral operator valued weighted shifts with positive and commuting weights.
[ 25 ]
Sensitivity analysis in the infinite dimensional Heston model. We consider the infinite dimensional Heston stochastic volatility model proposed in arXiv 1706 03500. The price of a forward contract on a non storable commodity is modelled by a generalized Ornstein Uhlenbeck process in the Filipovi ' c space with this volatility. We prove different representation formulas for the forward price. Then we consider prices of options written on these forward contracts and we study sensitivity analysis with computation of the Greeks with respect to different parameters in the model. Since these parameters are infinite dimensional, we need to reinterpret the meaning of the Greeks. For this we use infinite dimensional Malliavin calculus and a randomization technique.
[ 9 ]
Mass threshold for infinite time blowup in a chemotaxis model with splitted population. We study the chemotaxis model partial t u div( nabla u u nabla w) theta v u in (0, infty ) x Omega , partial t v u theta v in (0, infty ) x Omega , partial t w D Delta w alpha w v in (0, infty ) x Omega , with no flux boundary conditions in a bounded and smooth domain Omega subset R 2 , where u and v represent the densities of subpopulations of moving and static individuals of some species, respectively, and w the concentration of a chemoattractant. We prove that, in an appropriate functional setting, all solutions exist globally in time. Moreover, we establish the existence of a critical mass M c 0 of the whole population u v such that, for M in (0, M c), any solution is bounded, while, for almost all M M c , there exist solutions blowing up in infinite time. The building block of the analysis is the construction of a Liapunov functional. As far as we know, this is the first result of this kind when the mass conservation includes the two subpopulations and not only the moving one.
[ 13 ]
On the partial hyperbolicity of robustly transitive sets with singularities. Homoclinic tangencies and singular hyperbolicity are involved in the Palis conjecture for vector fields. Typical three dimensional vector fields are well understood by recent works. We study the dynamics of higher dimensional vector fields that are away from homoclinic tangencies. More precisely, we prove that for emph any dimensional vector field that is away from homoclinic tangencies, all singularities contained in its robustly transitive singular set are all hyperbolic and have the same index. Moreover, the robustly transitive set is C 1 generically partially hyperbolic if the vector field cannot be accumulated by ones with a homoclinic tangency.
[ 1, 2, 14 ]
cs.AI cs.HC cs.LG
Understand Watchdogs Discover How Game Bot Get Discovered. The game industry has long been troubled by malicious activities utilizing game bots. The game bots disturb other game players and destroy the environmental system of the games. For these reasons, the game industry put their best efforts to detect the game bots among players' characters using the learning based detections. However, one problem with the detection methodologies is that they do not provide rational explanations about their decisions. To resolve this problem, in this work, we investigate the explainabilities of the game bot detection. We develop the XAI model using a dataset from the Korean MMORPG, AION, which includes game logs of human players and game bots. More than one classification model has been applied to the dataset to be analyzed by applying interpretable models. This provides us explanations about the game bots' behavior, and the truthfulness of the explanations has been evaluated. Besides, interpretability contributes to minimizing false detection, which imposes unfair restrictions on human players.
[ 18, 71 ]
math.GT math.SG
Finite group actions on symplectic Calabi Yau 4 manifolds with b 1 0 . This is the first of a series of papers devoted to the topology of symplectic Calabi Yau 4 manifolds endowed with certain symplectic finite group actions. We completely determine the fixed point set structure of a finite cyclic action on a symplectic Calabi Yau 4 manifold with b 1 0 . As an outcome of this fixed point set analysis, the 4 manifold is shown to be a T 2 bundle over T 2 in some circumstances, e.g., in the case where the group action is an involution which fixes a 2 dimensional surface in the 4 manifold. Our project on symplectic Calabi Yau 4 manifolds is based on an analysis of the existence and classification of disjoint embeddings of certain configurations of symplectic surfaces in a rational 4 manifold. This paper lays the ground work for such an analysis at the homological level. Some other result which is of independent interest, concerning the maximal number of disjointly embedded symplectic ( 2) spheres in a rational 4 manifold, is also obtained.
[ 1, 2 ]
cs.AI cs.LG
Model agnostic Fits for Understanding Information Seeking Patterns in Humans. In decision making tasks under uncertainty, humans display characteristic biases in seeking, integrating, and acting upon information relevant to the task. Here, we reexamine data from previous carefully designed experiments, collected at scale, that measured and catalogued these biases in aggregate form. We design deep learning models that replicate these biases in aggregate, while also capturing individual variation in behavior. A key finding of our work is that paucity of data collected from each individual subject can be overcome by sampling large numbers of subjects from the population, while still capturing individual differences. In addition, we can predict human behavior with high accuracy without making any assumptions about task goals, reward structure, or individual biases, thus providing a model agnostic fit to human behavior in the task. Such an approach can sidestep potential limitations in modeler specified inductive biases, and has implications for computational modeling of human cognitive function in general, and of human AI interfaces in particular.
[ 67 ]
Universality of Diffractive Collisions and the Quantum Pressure Standard. This work demonstrates that quantum diffractive collisions, those that result in very small momentum and energy transfer, are universal. Specifically, the cumulative energy distribution transferred to an initially stationary sensor particle by a quantum diffractive collision follows a universal function that depends only on the sensor particle mass and the thermally averaged, total collision cross section. The characteristic energy scale corresponds to the localization length associated with the collision induced quantum measurement, and the shape of the universal function is determined it only by the analytic form of the interaction potential at long range. Using cold 87 Rb sensor atoms confined in a magnetic trap, we observe experimentally the universal function specific to van der Waals collisions, and realize a emph self defining particle pressure sensor that can be used for any ambient gas. This provides the first primary and quantum definition of the Pascal, applicable to any species and therefore represents a key advance for vacuum and pressure metrology. The quantum pressure standard realized here was compared with a state of the art orifice flow standard transferred by an ionization gauge calibrated for N 2 . The pressure measurements agreed at the 0.5 level.
[ 2, 14, 22 ]
cs.HC cs.AI cs.SE
Privacy Preserving Script Sharing in GUI based Programming by Demonstration Systems. An important concern in end user development (EUD) is accidentally embedding personal information in program artifacts when sharing them. This issue is particularly important in GUI based programming by demonstration (PBD) systems due to the lack of direct developer control of script contents. Prior studies reported that these privacy concerns were the main barrier to script sharing in EUD. We present a new approach that can identify and obfuscate the potential personal information in GUI based PBD scripts based on the uniqueness of information entries with respect to the corresponding app GUI context. Compared with the prior approaches, ours supports broader types of personal information beyond explicitly pre specified ones, requires minimal user effort, addresses the threat of re identification attacks, and can work with third party apps from any task domain. Our approach also recovers obfuscated fields locally on the script consumer's side to preserve the shared scripts' transparency, readability, robustness, and generalizability. Our evaluation shows that our approach (1) accurately identifies the potential personal information in scripts across different apps in diverse task domains (2) allows end user developers to feel comfortable sharing their own scripts and (3) enables script consumers to understand the operation of shared scripts despite the obfuscated fields.
[ 49 ]
Learning based State Reconstruction for a Scalar Hyperbolic PDE under noisy Lagrangian Sensing. The state reconstruction problem of a heterogeneous dynamic system under sporadic measurements is considered. This system consists of a conversation flow together with a multi agent network modeling particles within the flow. We propose a partial state reconstruction algorithm using physics informed learning based on local measurements obtained from these agents. Traffic density reconstruction is used as an example to illustrate the results and it is shown that the approach provides an efficient noise rejection.
[ 21 ]
Clustered colouring of graph classes with bounded treedepth or pathwidth. The "clustered chromatic number" of a class of graphs is the minimum integer k such that for some integer c every graph in the class is k colourable with monochromatic components of size at most c . We determine the clustered chromatic number of any minor closed class with bounded treedepth, and prove a best possible upper bound on the clustered chromatic number of any minor closed class with bounded pathwidth. As a consequence, we determine the fractional clustered chromatic number of every minor closed class.
[ 0, 41 ]
cs.RO cs.CV
LIT Light field Inference of Transparency for Refractive Object Localization. Translucency is prevalent in everyday scenes. As such, perception of transparent objects is essential for robots to perform manipulation. Compared with texture rich or texture less Lambertian objects, transparency induces significant uncertainty on object appearances. Ambiguity can be due to changes in lighting, viewpoint, and backgrounds, each of which brings challenges to existing object pose estimation algorithms. In this work, we propose LIT, a two stage method for transparent object pose estimation using light field sensing and photorealistic rendering. LIT employs multiple filters specific to light field imagery in deep networks to capture transparent material properties, with robust depth and pose estimators based on generative sampling. Along with the LIT algorithm, we introduce the light field transparent object dataset ProLIT for the tasks of recognition, localization and pose estimation. With respect to this ProLIT dataset, we demonstrate that LIT can outperform both state of the art end to end pose estimation methods and a generative pose estimator on transparent objects.
[ 22 ]
A Model Based Testing Tool for Asynchronous Reactive Systems. Reactive systems are characterized by the interaction with the environment, where the exchange of the input and output stimuli, usually, occurs asynchronously. Systems of this nature, in general, require a rigorous testing activity over their developing process. Therefore model based testing has been successfully applied over asynchronous reactive systems using Input Output Labeled Transition Systems (IOLTSs) as the basis. In this work we present a reactive testing tool to check conformance, generate test suites and run test cases using IOLTS models. Our tool can check whether the behavior of an implementation under test (IUT) complies with the behavior of its respective specification. We have implemented a classical conformance relation ioco and a more general notion of conformance based on regular languages. Further, the tool provides a test suite generation in a black box testing setting for finding faults over IUTs according to a specific domain. We have also described some case studies to probe the tool's functionalities and also to highlight a comparative analysis on both conformance approaches. Finally, we offer experiments to evaluate the performance of our tool using several scenarios.
[ 0, 17, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.DC cs.LG
MNN A Universal and Efficient Inference Engine. Deploying deep learning models on mobile devices draws more and more attention recently. However, designing an efficient inference engine on devices is under the great challenges of model compatibility, device diversity, and resource limitation. To deal with these challenges, we propose Mobile Neural Network (MNN), a universal and efficient inference engine tailored to mobile applications. In this paper, the contributions of MNN include (1) presenting a mechanism called pre inference that manages to conduct runtime optimization (2)deliveringthorough kernel optimization on operators to achieve optimal computation performance (3) introducing backend abstraction module which enables hybrid scheduling and keeps the engine lightweight. Extensive benchmark experiments demonstrate that MNN performs favorably against other popular lightweight deep learning frameworks. MNN is available to public at https github.com alibaba MNN.
[ 65, 1 ]
cs.NI cs.LG
E Tree Learning A Novel Decentralized Model Learning Framework for Edge AI. Traditionally, AI models are trained on the central cloud with data collected from end devices. This leads to high communication cost, long response time and privacy concerns. Recently Edge empowered AI, namely Edge AI, has been proposed to support AI model learning and deployment at the network edge closer to the data sources. Existing research including federated learning adopts a centralized architecture for model learning where a central server aggregates the model updates from the clients workers. The centralized architecture has drawbacks such as performance bottleneck, poor scalability and single point of failure. In this paper, we propose a novel decentralized model learning approach, namely E Tree, which makes use of a well designed tree structure imposed on the edge devices. The tree structure and the locations and orders of aggregation on the tree are optimally designed to improve the training convergency and model accuracy. In particular, we design an efficient device clustering algorithm, named by KMA, for E Tree by taking into account the data distribution on the devices as well as the the network distance. Evaluation results show E Tree significantly outperforms the benchmark approaches such as federated learning and Gossip learning under NonIID data in terms of model accuracy and convergency.
[ 49 ]
Optimization of noisy blackboxes with adaptive precision. In derivative free and blackbox optimization, the objective function is often evaluated through the execution of a computer program seen as a blackbox. It can be noisy, in the sense that its outputs are contaminated by random errors. Sometimes, the source of these errors is identified and controllable, in the sense that it is possible to reduce the standard deviation of the stochastic noise it generates. A common strategy to deal with such a situation is to monotonically diminish this standard deviation, to asymptotically make it converge to zero and ensure convergence of algorithms because the noise is dismantled. This work presents MpMads, an algorithm which follows this approach. However, in practice a reduction of the standard deviation increases the computation time, and makes the optimization process long. Therefore, a second algorithm called DpMads is introduced to explore another strategy, which does not force the standard deviation to monotonically diminish. Although these strategies are proved to be theoretically equivalents, tests on analytical problems and an industrial blackbox are presented to illustrate practical differences.
[ 87 ]
Shape of Big Rockets. Recent publications discuss the size of chemical rockets for long distance travel, to be launched from a planet. Here I point out that such a rocket cannot be tall and slim but will be short and fat.
[ 65 ]
Enhancing Video Streaming in Vehicular Networks via Resource Slicing. Vehicle to everything (V2X) communication is a key enabler that connects vehicles to neighboring vehicles, infrastructure and pedestrians. In the past few years, multimedia services have seen an enormous growth and it is expected to increase as more devices will utilize infotainment services in the future i.e. vehicular devices. Therefore, it is important to focus on user centric measures i.e. quality of experience (QoE) such as video quality (resolution) and fluctuations therein. In this paper, a novel joint video quality selection and resource allocation technique is proposed for increasing the QoE of vehicular devices. The proposed approach exploits the queuing dynamics and channel states of vehicular devices, to maximize the QoE while ensuring seamless video playback at the end users with high probability. The network wide QoE maximization problem is decoupled into two subparts. First, a network slicing based clustering algorithm is applied to partition the vehicles into multiple logical networks. Secondly, vehicle scheduling and quality selection is formulated as a stochastic optimization problem which is solved using the Lyapunov drift plus penalty method. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm ensures high video quality experience compared to the baseline. Simulation results also show that the proposed technique achieves low latency and high reliability communication.
[ 40 ]
Artist and style exposure bias in collaborative filtering based music recommendations. Algorithms have an increasing influence on the music that we consume and understanding their behavior is fundamental to make sure they give a fair exposure to all artists across different styles. In this on going work we contribute to this research direction analyzing the impact of collaborative filtering recommendations from the perspective of artist and music style exposure given by the system. We first analyze the distribution of the recommendations considering the exposure of different styles or genres and compare it to the users' listening behavior. This comparison suggests that the system is reinforcing the popularity of the items. Then, we simulate the effect of the system in the long term with a feedback loop. From this simulation we can see how the system gives less opportunity to the majority of artists, concentrating the users on fewer items. The results of our analysis demonstrate the need for a better evaluation methodology for current music recommendation algorithms, not only limited to user focused relevance metrics.
[ 38 ]
p adic families of d th Shintani liftings. In this note we give a detailed construction of a Lambda adic mathfrak d th Shintani lifting. We derive a Lambda adic version of Kohnen's formula relating Fourier coefficients of half integral weight modular forms and special values of twisted L series. As a by product, we derive a mild generalization of such classical formulae, and also point out a relation between Fourier coefficients of Lambda adic d th Shintani liftings and Stark Heegner points.
[ 56, 37 ]
cs.LO cs.FL
Regular Model Checking Revisited (Technical Report). In this contribution we revisit regular model checking, a powerful framework that has been successfully applied for the verification of infinite state systems, especially parameterized systems (concurrent systems with an arbitrary number of processes). We provide a reformulation of regular model checking with length preserving transducers in terms of existential second order theory over automatic structures. We argue that this is a natural formulation that enables us tap into powerful synthesis techniques that have been extensively studied in the software verification community. More precisely, in this formulation the first order part represents the verification conditions for the desired correctness property (for which we have complete solvers), whereas the existentially quantified second order variables represent the relations to be synthesized. We show that many interesting correctness properties can be formulated in this way, examples being safety, liveness, bisimilarity, and games. More importantly, we show that this new formulation allows new interesting benchmarks (and old regular model checking benchmarks that were previously believed to be difficult), especially in the domain of parameterized system verification, to be solved.
[ 21 ]
New Steiner systems from old ones by paramodifications. Techniques of producing new combinatorial structures from old ones are commonly called trades. The switching principle applies for a broad class of designs it is a local transformation that modifies two columns of the incidence matrix. In this paper, we present a construction, which is a generalization of the switching transform for the class of Steiner 2 designs. We call this construction paramodification of Steiner 2 designs, since it modifies the parallelism of a subsystem. We study in more detail the paramodifications of affine planes, Steiner triple systems, and abstract unitals. Computational results show that paramodification can construct many new unitals.
[ 55 ]
Modeling water relative permeability in uniform grain packs. Accurate estimation of water relative permeability has been of great interest in various research areas because of its broad applications in soil physics and hydrology as well as oil and gas production and recovery. Critical path analysis (CPA), a promising technique from statistical physics, is well known to be applicable to heterogeneous media with broad conductance or pore size distribution (PSD). By heterogeneity, we mean variations in the geometrical properties of pore space. In this study, we demonstrate that CPA is also applicable to packings of spheres of the same size, known as homogeneous porous media. More specifically, we apply CPA to model water relative permeability (krw) in mono sized sphere packs whose PSDs are fairly narrow. We estimate the krw from (1) the PSD and (2) the PSD and saturation dependent electrical conductivity ( sigma r) for both drainage and imbibition processes. We show that the PSD of mono sized sphere packs approximately follows the log normal probability density function. Comparison with numerical simulations indicate that both the imbibition and drainage krw are estimated from the PSD and sigma r data more accurately than those from the PSD. We show that CPA can estimate krw in mono sized sphere packs precisely.
[ 38 ]
Bounds for the Petersson norms of the pullbacks of Saito Kurokawa lifts. Using the amplification technique, we prove that mass' of the pullback of the Saito Kurokawa lift of a Hecke eigen form g in S 2k is bounded by k 1 frac 1 210 epsilon . This improves the previously known bound k for this quantity.
[ 25 ]
The Wellposedness of Path dependent Multidimensional Forward backward SDE. We study in this paper the wellposedness of path dependent multidimensional forward backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDE). By path dependent we mean that the coefficients of the forward backward SDE at time t can depend on the whole path of the forward process up to time t. These kinds of forward backward SDE appear when solving path dependent stochastic control problem by means of variational calculus. At the heart of our analysis is the construction of a decoupling random field on the path space. We first prove the existence and the uniqueness of decoupling field on small time interval. Then by introducing the characteristic BSDE, we show that a global decoupling field can be constructed by patching local solutions together as long as the solution of the characteristic BSDE remains bounded. Finally, we show that the solution of a path dependent forward backward SDE is stable.
[ 33 ]
Computational Experimental Investigation of a Fission Thermal Probe in TREAT. The development of nuclear fuels requires unsteady transient testing for design process and qualification under postulated accident conditions. Breach, rupture, fracture, melting, and other fuel failure modes may occur during the use of nuclear fuels or when they are exposed to extreme overpower conditions. Therefore, it is crucial for the fuel to retain reasonable structural integrity and coolable geometry. The experimental facility of Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) was designed and constructed in November 1958 to conduct transient testing of fuels and structural materials. The magnitude of nuclear heating is one of the most important key parameters in test design, analysis, and data interpretation in TREAT. Some steady state tests are able to measure heating directly via enthalpy rise of coolant in thermally isolated loops, but an enormous number of important tests must rely upon nuclear modeling to correlate core operating parameters to specimen nuclear heating. Uncertainties of these models and their inputs can prevent experimenters from achieving desired conditions and hamper advanced models from describing the phenomena to the level of confidence needed. The situation can be even more difficult for unsteady transient tests where nuclear heating is intentionally varied over short time scales. This research develops a novel nuclear heating sensor technology which directly measures the parameters of interest using spatially resolved real time thermometry of fissionable instrument materials, demonstrate the instruments' use in TREAT, and perform data comparisons to nuclear models to facilitate an advanced understanding of transient power coupling. Here we present our results of the designed probe and its testing outcome.
[ 33 ]
Rapid measurement of tension in multi wire arrays using free damped oscillations. We explore the possibility of using free (as opposed to driven) oscillations to verify wire tension in large, open frame multiwire planes. Using finite element simulation we predict the signal when two wires are set in motion by applying and holding a DC voltage between them (electrostatic excitation). The resulting current signal is marginal. However, the program relates voltage, oscillation amplitude and signal, and it is easy to get enough amplitude (of order microns) by gently tapping the wire frame. We perform an end to end experimental test. Four 1.5m wires, at various tensions around 5N, are mounted in an aluminum channel. They are connected to a low noise, balanced current to voltage preamp designed for good common mode rejection. The 150V bias, from 9V batteries in series, is built into the preamp. Data are taken with a Tektronix 1202B scope, stored on a USB flash drive, and transferred to a laptop computer for analysis. Ten measurements, each with 2500 samples spanning 1s, are taken for each of the three wire pairs. The wires are excited by tapping the frame with a small mallet. Because the wire tensions are different, the waveforms exhibit beats. The data are analyzed by a program which decomposes the waveform step by step to extract the base and beat frequencies and thereby, two resonant frequencies per wire pair. Finally, those frequencies are disambiguated to obtain the frequency for each wire, which is then converted to a tension. The four tensions are then found mechanically by measuring the g mm required to deflect each wire at its midpoint. The two values of tension agree well. We conclude that the method verifies tension to approximately 2 (1 sigma) in a little over 1s for 1.5m wires, and would be faster for shorter wires.
[ 7 ]
Unified Gas kinetic Wave Particle Methods II Multiscale Simulation on Unstructured Mesh. In this paper, we present a unified gas kinetic wave particle (UGKWP) method on unstructured mesh for multiscale simulation of continuum and rarefied flow. Inheriting from the multicale transport in the unified gas kinetic scheme (UGKS), the integral solution of kinetic model equation is employed in the construction of UGKWP method to model the flow physics in the cell size and time step scales. A novel wave particle adaptive formulation is introduced in the UGKWP method to describe the flow dynamics in each control volume. The local gas evolution is constructed through the dynamical interaction of the deterministic hydrodynamic wave and the stochastic kinetic particle. Within the resolution of cell size and time step, the decomposition, interaction, and evolution of the hydrodynamic wave and the kinetic particle depend on the ratio of the time step to the local particle collision time. In the rarefied flow regime, the flow physics is mainly recovered by the discrete particles and the UGKWP method performs as a stochastic particle method. In the continuum flow regime, the flow behavior is solely followed by macroscopic variable evolution and the UGKWP method becomes a gas kinetic hydrodynamic flow solver for the viscous and heat conducting Navier Stokes solutions. In different flow regimes, many numerical test cases are computed to validate the UGKWP method on unstructured mesh. The UGKWP method can get the same UGKS solutions in all Knudsen regimes without the requirement of the time step and mesh size being less than than the particle collision time and mean free path. With an automatic wave particle decomposition, the UGKWP method becomes very efficient. For example, at Mach number 30 and Knudsen number 0.1, in comparison with UGKS several order of magnitude reductions in computational cost and memory requirement have been achieved by UGKWP.
[ 49 ]
Inertial Three Operator Splitting Method and Applications. We introduce an inertial variant of the forward Douglas Rachford splitting and analyze its convergence. We specify an instance of the proposed method to the three composite convex minimization template. We provide practical guidance on the selection of the inertial parameter based on the adaptive starting idea. Finally, we illustrate the practical performance of our method in various machine learning applications.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
A neural network closure for the Euler Poisson system based on kinetic simulations. This work deals with the modeling of plasmas, which are charged particle fluids. Thanks to machine leaning, we construct a closure for the one dimensional Euler Poisson system valid for a wide range of collision regimes. This closure, based on a fully convolutional neural network called V net, takes as input the whole spatial density, mean velocity and temperature and predicts as output the whole heat flux. It is learned from data coming from kinetic simulations of the Vlasov Poisson equations. Data generation and preprocessings are designed to ensure an almost uniform accuracy over the chosen range of Knudsen numbers (which parametrize collision regimes). Finally, several numerical tests are carried out to assess validity and flexibility of the whole pipeline.
[ 1, 3, 39 ]
cs.CY cs.CL cs.LG
A Deep Learning Pipeline for Patient Diagnosis Prediction Using Electronic Health Records. Augmentation of disease diagnosis and decision making in healthcare with machine learning algorithms is gaining much impetus in recent years. In particular, in the current epidemiological situation caused by COVID 19 pandemic, swift and accurate prediction of disease diagnosis with machine learning algorithms could facilitate identification and care of vulnerable clusters of population, such as those having multi morbidity conditions. In order to build a useful disease diagnosis prediction system, advancement in both data representation and development of machine learning architectures are imperative. First, with respect to data collection and representation, we face severe problems due to multitude of formats and lack of coherency prevalent in Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This causes hindrance in extraction of valuable information contained in EHRs. Currently, no universal global data standard has been established. As a useful solution, we develop and publish a Python package to transform public health dataset into an easy to access universal format. This data transformation to an international health data format facilitates researchers to easily combine EHR datasets with clinical datasets of diverse formats. Second, machine learning algorithms that predict multiple disease diagnosis categories simultaneously remain underdeveloped. We propose two novel model architectures in this regard. First, DeepObserver, which uses structured numerical data to predict the diagnosis categories and second, ClinicalBERT Multi, that incorporates rich information available in clinical notes via natural language processing methods and also provides interpretable visualizations to medical practitioners. We show that both models can predict multiple diagnoses simultaneously with high accuracy.
[ 1, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.LG
NASS Optimizing Secure Inference via Neural Architecture Search. Due to increasing privacy concerns, neural network (NN) based secure inference (SI) schemes that simultaneously hide the client inputs and server models attract major research interests. While existing works focused on developing secure protocols for NN based SI, in this work, we take a different approach. We propose NASS, an integrated framework to search for tailored NN architectures designed specifically for SI. In particular, we propose to model cryptographic protocols as design elements with associated reward functions. The characterized models are then adopted in a joint optimization with predicted hyperparameters in identifying the best NN architectures that balance prediction accuracy and execution efficiency. In the experiment, it is demonstrated that we can achieve the best of both worlds by using NASS, where the prediction accuracy can be improved from 81.6 to 84.6 , while the inference runtime is reduced by 2x and communication bandwidth by 1.9x on the CIFAR 10 dataset.
[ 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI
On the Importance of Delexicalization for Fact Verification. In this work we aim to understand and estimate the importance that a neural network assigns to various aspects of the data while learning and making predictions. Here we focus on the recognizing textual entailment (RTE) task and its application to fact verification. In this context, the contributions of this work are as follows. We investigate the attention weights a state of the art RTE method assigns to input tokens in the RTE component of fact verification systems, and confirm that most of the weight is assigned to POS tags of nouns (e.g., NN, NNP etc.) or their phrases. To verify that these lexicalized models transfer poorly, we implement a domain transfer experiment where a RTE component is trained on the FEVER data, and tested on the Fake News Challenge (FNC) dataset. As expected, even though this method achieves high accuracy when evaluated in the same domain, the performance in the target domain is poor, marginally above chance.To mitigate this dependence on lexicalized information, we experiment with several strategies for masking out names by replacing them with their semantic category, coupled with a unique identifier to mark that the same or new entities are referenced between claim and evidence. The results show that, while the performance on the FEVER dataset remains at par with that of the model trained on lexicalized data, it improves significantly when tested in the FNC dataset. Thus our experiments demonstrate that our strategy is successful in mitigating the dependency on lexical information.
[ 9 ]
Doubling nodal solutions to the Yamabe equation in mathbb R n with maximal rank. We construct a new family of entire solutions to the Yamabe equation Delta u frac n(n 2) 4 u frac 4 n 2 u mbox in mathcal D 1,2 ( mathbb R n). If n 3 , our solutions have maximal rank, being the first example in odd dimension. Our construction has analogies with the doubling of the equatorial spheres in the construction of minimal surfaces in S 3(1) .
[ 25 ]
Multi patch epidemic models with general exposed and infectious periods. We study multi patch epidemic models where individuals may migrate from one patch to another in either of the susceptible, exposed latent, infectious and recovered states. We assume that infections occur both locally with a rate that depends on the patch as well as "from distance" from all the other patches. The exposed and infectious periods have general distributions, and are not affected by the possible migrations of the individuals. The migration processes in either of the three states are assumed to be Markovian, and independent of the exposed and infectious periods. We establish a functional law of large number (FLLN) and a function central limit theorem (FCLT) for the susceptible, exposed latent, infectious and recovered processes. In the FLLN, the limit is determined by a set of Volterra integral equations. In the special case of deterministic exposed and infectious periods, the limit becomes a system of ODEs with delays. In the FCLT, the limit is given by a set of stochastic Volterra integral equations driven by a sum of independent Brownian motions and continuous Gaussian processes with an explicit covariance structure.
[ 40 ]
Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation. Sequential recommendation methods play a crucial role in modern recommender systems because of their ability to capture a user's dynamic interest from her his historical interactions. Despite their success, we argue that these approaches usually rely on the sequential prediction task to optimize the huge amounts of parameters. They usually suffer from the data sparsity problem, which makes it difficult for them to learn high quality user representations. To tackle that, inspired by recent advances of contrastive learning techniques in the computer version, we propose a novel multi task model called textbf C ontrastive textbf L earning for textbf S equential textbf Rec ommendation ( textbf CL4SRec ). CL4SRec not only takes advantage of the traditional next item prediction task but also utilizes the contrastive learning framework to derive self supervision signals from the original user behavior sequences. Therefore, it can extract more meaningful user patterns and further encode the user representation effectively. In addition, we propose three data augmentation approaches to construct self supervision signals. Extensive experiments on four public datasets demonstrate that CL4SRec achieves state of the art performance over existing baselines by inferring better user representations.
[ 32, 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI cs.DS
Biclustering and Boolean Matrix Factorization in Data Streams. We study the clustering of bipartite graphs and Boolean matrix factorization in data streams. We consider a streaming setting in which the vertices from the left side of the graph arrive one by one together with all of their incident edges. We provide an algorithm that, after one pass over the stream, recovers the set of clusters on the right side of the graph using sublinear space to the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm with this property. We also show that after a second pass over the stream, the left clusters of the bipartite graph can be recovered and we show how to extend our algorithm to solve the Boolean matrix factorization problem (by exploiting the correspondence of Boolean matrices and bipartite graphs). We evaluate an implementation of the algorithm on synthetic data and on real world data. On real world datasets the algorithm is orders of magnitudes faster than a static baseline algorithm while providing quality results within a factor 2 of the baseline algorithm. Our algorithm scales linearly in the number of edges in the graph. Finally, we analyze the algorithm theoretically and provide sufficient conditions under which the algorithm recovers a set of planted clusters under a standard random graph model.
[ 19, 22, 39 ]
cs.CR cs.CY cs.SE
SoK Blockchain Technology and Its Potential Use Cases. Bitcoin's success has led to significant interest in its underlying components, particularly Blockchain technology. Over 10 years after Bitcoin's initial release, the community still suffers from a lack of clarity regarding what properties defines Blockchain technology, its relationship to similar technologies, and which of its proposed use cases are tenable and which are little more than hype. In this paper we answer four common questions regarding Blockchain technology (1) what exactly is Blockchain technology, (2) what capabilities does it provide, and (3) what are good applications for Blockchain technology, and (4) how does it relate to other approache distributed technologies (e.g., distributed databases). We accomplish this goal by using grounded theory (a structured approach to gathering and analyzing qualitative data) to thoroughly analyze a large corpus of literature on Blockchain technology. This method enables us to answer the above questions while limiting researcher bias, separating thought leadership from peddled hype and identifying open research questions related to Blockchain technology. The audience for this paper is broad as it aims to help researchers in a variety of areas come to a better understanding of Blockchain technology and identify whether it may be of use in their own research.
[ 78 ]
On the weak Lefschetz property for almost complete intersections generated by uniform powers of general linear forms. In 2012, Migliore, the first author, and Nagel conjectured that, for all n geq 4 , the artinian ideal I (L 0 d, ldots,L 2n 1 d) subset R k x 0, ldots,x 2n generated by the d th powers of 2n 2 general linear forms fails to have the weak Lefschetz property if and only if d 1 . This paper is entirely devoted to prove partially this conjecture. More precisely, we prove that R I fails to have the weak Lefschetz property, provided 4 leq n leq 8, d geq 4 or d 2r, 1 leq r leq 8, 4 leq n leq 2r(r 2) 1 .
[ 0 ]
CDPM Convolutional Deformable Part Models for Semantically Aligned Person Re identification. Part level representations are essential for robust person re identification. However, common errors that arise during pedestrian detection frequently result in severe misalignment problems for body parts, which degrade the quality of part representations. Accordingly, to deal with this problem, we propose a novel model named Convolutional Deformable Part Models (CDPM). CDPM works by decoupling the complex part alignment procedure into two easier steps first, a vertical alignment step detects each body part in the vertical direction, with the help of a multi task learning model second, a horizontal refinement step based on attention suppresses the background information around each detected body part. Since these two steps are performed orthogonally and sequentially, the difficulty of part alignment is significantly reduced. In the testing stage, CDPM is able to accurately align flexible body parts without any need for outside information. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CDPM for part alignment. Most impressively, CDPM achieves state of the art performance on three large scale datasets Market 1501, DukeMTMC ReID,and CUHK03.
[ 21 ]
Counting critical subgraphs in k critical graphs. Gallai asked in 1984 if any k critical graph on n vertices contains at least n distinct (k 1) critical subgraphs. The answer is trivial for k leq 3 . Improving a result of Stiebitz, Abbott and Zhou proved in 1995 that for all k geq 4 , such graph contains Omega(n 1 (k 1) ) distinct (k 1) critical subgraphs. Since then no progress had been made until very recently, Hare resolved the case k 4 by showing that any 4 critical graph on n vertices contains at least (8n 29) 3 odd cycles. In this paper, we mainly focus on 4 critical graphs and develop some novel tools for counting cycles of specified parity. Our main result shows that any 4 critical graph on n vertices contains Omega(n 2) odd cycles, which is tight up to a constant factor by infinite many graphs. As a crucial step, we prove the same bound for 3 connected non bipartite graphs, which may be of independent interest. Using the tools, we also give a very short proof for the case k 4 . Moreover, we improve the longstanding lower bound of Abbott and Zhou to Omega(n 1 (k 2) ) for the general case k geq 5 . We will also discuss some related problems on k critical graphs in the final section.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
A Least Squares Finite Element Reduced Basis Method. We present a reduced basis (RB) method for parametrized linear elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) in a least squares finite element framework. A rigorous and reliable error estimate is developed, and is shown to bound the error with respect to the exact solution of the PDE, in contrast to estimates that measure error with respect to a finite dimensional (high fidelity) approximation. It is shown that the first order formulation of the least squares finite element is a key ingredient. The method is demonstrated using numerical examples.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Error and Tamper Tolerant State Estimation for Discrete Event Systems under Cost Constraints. This paper deals with the state estimation problem in discrete event systems modeled with nondeterministic finite automata, partially observed via a sensor measuring unit whose measurements (reported observations) may be vitiated by a malicious attacker. The attacks considered in this paper include arbitrary deletions, insertions, or substitutions of observed symbols by taking into account a bounded number of attacks or, more generally, a total cost constraint (assuming that each deletion, insertion, or substitution bears a positive cost to the attacker). An efficient approach is proposed to describe possible sequences of observations that match the one received by the measuring unit, as well as their corresponding state estimates and associated total costs. We develop an algorithm to obtain the least cost matching sequences by reconstructing only a finite number of possible sequences, which we subsequently use to efficiently perform state estimation. We also develop a technique for verifying tamper tolerant diagnosability under attacks that involve a bounded number of deletions, insertions, and substitutions (or, more generally, under attacks of bounded total cost) by using a novel structure obtained by attaching attacks and costs to the original plant. The overall construction and verification procedure have complexity that is of O( X 2 C 2),where X is the number of states of the given finite automaton and C is the maximum total cost that is allowed for all the deletions, insertions, and substitutions. We determine the minimum value of C such that the attacker can coordinate its tampering action to keep the observer indefinitely confused while utilizing a finite number of attacks. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed methods.
[ 3 ]
DA Transformer Distance aware Transformer. Transformer has achieved great success in the NLP field by composing various advanced models like BERT and GPT. However, Transformer and its existing variants may not be optimal in capturing token distances because the position or distance embeddings used by these methods usually cannot keep the precise information of real distances, which may not be beneficial for modeling the orders and relations of contexts. In this paper, we propose DA Transformer, which is a distance aware Transformer that can exploit the real distance. We propose to incorporate the real distances between tokens to re scale the raw self attention weights, which are computed by the relevance between attention query and key. Concretely, in different self attention heads the relative distance between each pair of tokens is weighted by different learnable parameters, which control the different preferences on long or short term information of these heads. Since the raw weighted real distances may not be optimal for adjusting self attention weights, we propose a learnable sigmoid function to map them into re scaled coefficients that have proper ranges. We first clip the raw self attention weights via the ReLU function to keep non negativity and introduce sparsity, and then multiply them with the re scaled coefficients to encode real distance information into self attention. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets show that DA Transformer can effectively improve the performance of many tasks and outperform the vanilla Transformer and its several variants.
[ 9, 42 ]
math.DG math.AP
On the geometric structure of currents tangent to smooth distributions. It is well known that a k dimensional smooth surface in a Euclidean space cannot be tangent to a non involutive distribution of k dimensional planes. In this paper we discuss the extension of this statement to weaker notions of surfaces, namely integral and normal currents. We find out that integral currents behave to this regard exactly as smooth surfaces, while the behaviour of normal currents is rather multifaceted. This issue is strictly related to a geometric property of the boundary of currents, which is also discussed in details.
[ 59 ]
Guidelines for Experimental Algorithmics in Network Analysis. The field of network science is a highly interdisciplinary area for the empirical analysis of network data, it draws algorithmic methodologies from several research fields. Hence, research procedures and descriptions of the technical results often differ, sometimes widely. In this paper we focus on methodologies for the experimental part of algorithm engineering for network analysis an important ingredient for a research area with empirical focus. More precisely, we unify and adapt existing recommendations from different fields and propose universal guidelines including statistical analyses for the systematic evaluation of network analysis algorithms. This way, the behavior of newly proposed algorithms can be properly assessed and comparisons to existing solutions become meaningful. Moreover, as the main technical contribution, we provide SimexPal, a highly automated tool to perform and analyze experiments following our guidelines. To illustrate the merits of SimexPal and our guidelines, we apply them in a case study we design, perform, visualize and evaluate experiments of a recent algorithm for approximating betweenness centrality, an important problem in network analysis. In summary, both our guidelines and SimexPal shall modernize and complement previous efforts in experimental algorithmics they are not only useful for network analysis, but also in related contexts.
[ 57 ]
Albert, an intermediate smart contract language for the Tezos blockchain. Tezos is a smart contract blockchain. Tezos smart contracts are written in a low level stack based language called Michelson. In this article we present Albert, an intermediate language for Tezos smart contracts which abstracts Michelson stacks as linearly typed records. We also describe its compiler to Michelson, written in Coq, that targets Mi Cho Coq, a formal specification of Michelson implemented in Coq.
[ 9, 12 ]
math.AP math.CA
Estimates for commutators of fractional differential operators via harmonic extension. This master thesis is based on the paper "Sharp commutator estimates via harmonic extensions" by Lenzmann and Schikorra, in which they proposed a method to prove estimates for commutators involving Riesz transforms, fractional Laplacians and Riesz potentials, see arXiv 1609.08547. These proofs only involve harmonic extensions to the upper half space and integration by parts next to some elementary transfromations, since the deeper theory is concentrated in a variety of trace characterization results which can be used as a blackbox. In the first half of this thesis, after collecting some elementary results for the s harmonic extension by Caffarelli and Silvestre, we use this method to prove a variety of commutator estimates, closely following Lenzmann and Schikorra except for shortening some proofs. In the second half, we prove generalized versions of the blackbox estimates listed by Lenzmann and Schikorra and discuss the different building blocks which make up these blackbox estimates, including Triebel Lizorkin and Besov Lipschitz space characterizations as well as square function estimates.
[ 42, 46 ]
math.DG math.AG
Reflexive sheaves, Hermitian Yang Mills connections, and tangent cones. In this paper we give a complete algebro geometric characterization of analytic tangent cones of admissible Hermitian Yang Mills connections over any reflexive sheaves.
[ 9, 42 ]
math.AP math.DG
The spherical image of singular varieties of bounded mean curvature. In this paper we deal with singular varieties of bounded mean curvature in the viscosity sense. They contain all varifolds of bounded generalized mean curvature. In the first part we investigate the second order properties of these varieties, obtaining results that are new also in the varifold's setting. In particular we prove that the generalized normal bundle of these varieties satisfies a natural Lusin (N) condition, which allows to extend the classical Coarea formula for the Gauss map of smooth varieties, and to introduce for all integral varifolds of bounded mean curvature a natural definition of second fundamental form, whose trace equals the generalized varifold mean curvature. In the second part, we use this machinery to extend a sharp geometric inequality of Almgren to all compact varieties of bounded mean curvature in the viscosity sense and we characterize the equality case. As a consequence we formulate sufficient conditions to conclude that the area blow up set is empty for sequences of varifolds whose first variation is controlled.
[ 64 ]
Optimal Learning Dynamics of Multi Agents in Restless Multiarmed Bandit Game. Social learning is learning through the observation of or interaction with other individuals it is critical in the understanding of the collective behaviors of humans in social physics. We study the learning process of agents in a restless multiarmed bandit (rMAB). The binary payoff of each arm changes randomly and agents maximize their payoffs by exploiting an arm with payoff 1, searching the arm at random (individual learning), or copying an arm exploited by other agents (social learning). The system has Pareto and Nash equilibria in the mixed strategy space of social and individual learning. We study several models in which agents maximize their expected payoffs in the strategy space, and demonstrate analytically and numerically that the system converges to the equilibria. We also conducted an experiment and investigated whether human participants adopt the optimal strategy. In this experiment, three participants play the game. If the reward of each group is proportional to the sum of the payoffs, the median of the social learning rate almost coincides with that of the Pareto equilibrium.
[ 46 ]
An Automorphic Classification of Real Cubic Curves. The action of ring automorphisms of the polynomial ring in two variables over the real numbers on real plane curves is considered. The orbits containing degree three polynomials are computed, with one representative per orbit being selected.
[ 2, 3, 86 ]
cs.CL cs.AI cs.SD
A Syllable Structured, Contextually Based Conditionally Generation of Chinese Lyrics. This paper presents a novel, syllable structured Chinese lyrics generation model given a piece of original melody. Most previously reported lyrics generation models fail to include the relationship between lyrics and melody. In this work, we propose to interpret lyrics melody alignments as syllable structural information and use a multi channel sequence to sequence model with considering both phrasal structures and semantics. Two different RNN encoders are applied, one of which is for encoding syllable structures while the other for semantic encoding with contextual sentences or input keywords. Moreover, a large Chinese lyrics corpus for model training is leveraged. With automatic and human evaluations, results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed lyrics generation model. To the best of our knowledge, there is few previous reports on lyrics generation considering both music and linguistic perspectives.
[ 36, 7 ]
physics.chem-ph physics.comp-ph
Efficient Evaluation of Exact Exchange for Periodic Systems via Concentric Atomic Density Fitting. The evaluation of exact (Hartree Fock, HF) exchange operator is a crucial ingredient for the accurate description of electronic structure in periodic systems through ab initio and hybrid density functional approaches. An efficient formulation of periodic HF exchange in LCAO representation presented here is based on the concentric atomic density fitting (CADF) approximation, a domain free local density fitting approach in which the product of two atomic orbitals (AOs) is approximated using a linear combination of fitting basis functions centered at the same nuclei as the AOs in that product. Significant reduction in the computational cost of exact exchange is demonstrated relative to the conventional approach due to avoiding the need to evaluate four center two electron integrals, with sub millihartree atom errors in absolute Hartree Fock energies and good cancellation of fitting errors in relative energies. Novel aspects of the evaluation of the Coulomb contribution to the Fock operator, such as the use of real two center multipole expansions and spheropole compensated unit cell densities are also described.
[ 0, 1, 2, 14 ]
cs.AI cs.CV cs.HC cs.LG
X ToM Explaining with Theory of Mind for Gaining Justified Human Trust. We present a new explainable AI (XAI) framework aimed at increasing justified human trust and reliance in the AI machine through explanations. We pose explanation as an iterative communication process, i.e. dialog, between the machine and human user. More concretely, the machine generates sequence of explanations in a dialog which takes into account three important aspects at each dialog turn (a) human's intention (or curiosity) (b) human's understanding of the machine and (c) machine's understanding of the human user. To do this, we use Theory of Mind (ToM) which helps us in explicitly modeling human's intention, machine's mind as inferred by the human as well as human's mind as inferred by the machine. In other words, these explicit mental representations in ToM are incorporated to learn an optimal explanation policy that takes into account human's perception and beliefs. Furthermore, we also show that ToM facilitates in quantitatively measuring justified human trust in the machine by comparing all the three mental representations. We applied our framework to three visual recognition tasks, namely, image classification, action recognition, and human body pose estimation. We argue that our ToM based explanations are practical and more natural for both expert and non expert users to understand the internal workings of complex machine learning models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to derive explanations using ToM. Extensive human study experiments verify our hypotheses, showing that the proposed explanations significantly outperform the state of the art XAI methods in terms of all the standard quantitative and qualitative XAI evaluation metrics including human trust, reliance, and explanation satisfaction.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Attention Beam An Image Captioning Approach. The aim of image captioning is to generate textual description of a given image. Though seemingly an easy task for humans, it is challenging for machines as it requires the ability to comprehend the image (computer vision) and consequently generate a human like description for the image (natural language understanding). In recent times, encoder decoder based architectures have achieved state of the art results for image captioning. Here, we present a heuristic of beam search on top of the encoder decoder based architecture that gives better quality captions on three benchmark datasets Flickr8k, Flickr30k and MS COCO.
[ 14 ]
When Virtual Therapy and Art Meet A Case Study of Creative Drawing Game in Virtual Environments. There have been a resurge lately on virtual therapy and other virtual and tele medicine services due to the new normal of practicing 'shelter at home'. In this paper, we propose a creative drawing game for virtual therapy and investigate user's comfort and movement freedom in a pilot study. In a mixed design study, healthy participants (N 16, 8 females) completed one of the easy or hard trajectories of the virtual therapy game in standing and seated arrangements using a virtual reality headset. The results from participants' movement accuracy, task completion time, and usability questionnaires indicate that participants had significant performance differences on two levels of the game based on its difficulty (between subjects factor), but no difference in seated and standing configurations (within subjects factor). Also, the hard mode was more favorable among participants. This work offers implications on virtual reality and 3D interactive systems, with specific contributions to virtual therapy, and serious games for healthcare applications.
[ 0 ]
Generator Versus Segmentor Pseudo healthy Synthesis. This paper investigates the problem of pseudo healthy synthesis that is defined as synthesizing a subject specific pathology free image from a pathological one. Recent approaches based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) have been developed for this task. However, these methods will inevitably fall into the trade off between preserving the subject specific identity and generating healthy like appearances. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel adversarial training regime, Generator versus Segmentor (GVS), to alleviate this trade off by a divide and conquer strategy. We further consider the deteriorating generalization performance of the segmentor throughout the training and develop a pixel wise weighted loss by muting the well transformed pixels to promote it. Moreover, we propose a new metric to measure how healthy the synthetic images look. The qualitative and quantitative experiments on the public dataset BraTS demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods. Besides, we also certify the effectiveness of our method on datasets LiTS. Our implementation and pre trained networks are publicly available at https github.com Au3C2 Generator Versus Segmentor.
[ 0 ]
Knowledge Integration Networks for Action Recognition. In this work, we propose Knowledge Integration Networks (referred as KINet) for video action recognition. KINet is capable of aggregating meaningful context features which are of great importance to identifying an action, such as human information and scene context. We design a three branch architecture consisting of a main branch for action recognition, and two auxiliary branches for human parsing and scene recognition which allow the model to encode the knowledge of human and scene for action recognition. We explore two pre trained models as teacher networks to distill the knowledge of human and scene for training the auxiliary tasks of KINet. Furthermore, we propose a two level knowledge encoding mechanism which contains a Cross Branch Integration (CBI) module for encoding the auxiliary knowledge into medium level convolutional features, and an Action Knowledge Graph (AKG) for effectively fusing high level context information. This results in an end to end trainable framework where the three tasks can be trained collaboratively, allowing the model to compute strong context knowledge efficiently. The proposed KINet achieves the state of the art performance on a large scale action recognition benchmark Kinetics 400, with a top 1 accuracy of 77.8 . We further demonstrate that our KINet has strong capability by transferring the Kinetics trained model to UCF 101, where it obtains 97.8 top 1 accuracy.
[ 17 ]
Federated Learning for Edge Networks Resource Optimization and Incentive Mechanism. Recent years have witnessed a rapid proliferation of smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices. IoT devices with intelligence require the use of effective machine learning paradigms. Federated learning can be a promising solution for enabling IoT based smart applications. In this paper, we present the primary design aspects for enabling federated learning at network edge. We model the incentive based interaction between a global server and participating devices for federated learning via a Stackelberg game to motivate the participation of the devices in the federated learning process. We present several open research challenges with their possible solutions. Finally, we provide an outlook on future research.
[ 38 ]
A classification of isogeny torsion graphs of mathbb Q isogeny classes of elliptic curves. Let mathcal E be a mathbb Q isogeny class of elliptic curves defined over mathbb Q . The isogeny graph associated to mathcal E is a graph which has a vertex for each elliptic curve in the mathbb Q isogeny class mathcal E , and an edge for each cyclic mathbb Q isogeny of prime degree between elliptic curves in the isogeny class, with the degree recorded as a label of the edge. In this paper, we define an isogeny torsion graph to be an isogeny graph where, in addition, we label each vertex with the abstract group structure of the torsion subgroup over mathbb Q of the corresponding elliptic curve. Then, the main result of the article is a classification of all the possible isogeny torsion graphs that occur for mathbb Q isogeny classes of elliptic curves defined over the rationals.
[ 40, 1 ]
cs.IR cs.LG
Behavior Sequence Transformer for E commerce Recommendation in Alibaba. Deep learning based methods have been widely used in industrial recommendation systems (RSs). Previous works adopt an Embedding MLP paradigm raw features are embedded into low dimensional vectors, which are then fed on to MLP for final recommendations. However, most of these works just concatenate different features, ignoring the sequential nature of users' behaviors. In this paper, we propose to use the powerful Transformer model to capture the sequential signals underlying users' behavior sequences for recommendation in Alibaba. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model, which is then deployed online at Taobao and obtain significant improvements in online Click Through Rate (CTR) comparing to two baselines.
[ 42 ]
Obstructions to representations up to homotopy and ideals. This paper considers the Pontryagin characters of graded vector bundles of finite rank, in the cohomology vector spaces of a Lie algebroid over the same base. These Pontryagin characters vanish if the graded vector bundle carries a representation up to homotopy of the Lie algebroid. As a consequence, this gives a strong obstruction to the existence of a representation up to homotopy on a graded vector bundle of finite rank. In particular, if a graded vector bundle E 0 oplus F 1 to M carries a 2 term representation up to homotopy of a Lie algebroid A to M , then all the (classical) A Pontryagin classes of E and F must coincide. This paper generalises as well Bott's vanishing theorem to the setting of Lie algebroid representations (up to homotopy) on arbitrary vector bundles. As an application, the main theorems induce new obstructions to the existence of infinitesimal ideal systems in a given Lie algebroid.
[ 9 ]
Bifurcation analysis of a free boundary model of plaque formation associated with the cholesterol ratio. The low density lipoprotein (LDL) high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ratio has been shown a high correlation with the cardiovascular risk assessment. Is it possible to quantify the correlation mathematically? In this paper, we develop a bifurcation analysis for a mathematical model of the plaque formation with a free boundary in the early stage of atherosclerosis. This bifurcation analysis, to the ratio of LDL HDL, is based on the explicit formulation of radially symmetric steady state solutions. By performing the perturbation analysis to these solutions, we establish the existence of bifurcation branches and derive a theoretical condition that a bifurcation occurs for different modes. Then we also analyze the stability of radially symmetric steady state solutions and conduct numerical simulations to verify all the theoretical results.
[ 67 ]
Hyperfine structure in the H 2 and HD molecular ions at m alpha 6 order. A complete effective Hamiltonian for relativistic corrections at orders m alpha 6 and m alpha 6(m M) in a one electron molecular system is derived from the NRQED Lagrangian. It includes spin independent corrections to the energy levels and spin spin scalar interactions contributing to the hyperfine splitting, both of which had been studied previously. In addition, corrections to electron spin orbit and spin spin tensor interactions are newly obtained. This allows improving the hyperfine structure theory in the hydrogen molecular ions. Improved values of the spin orbit hyperfine coefficient are calculated for a few transitions of current experimental interest.
[ 36 ]
Controlled edge dependent stacking of WS2 WS2 Homo and WS2 WSe2 Hetero structures A Computational Study. Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are one of the most studied two dimensional materials in the last 5 10 years due to their extremely interesting layer dependent properties. Despite the presence of vast research work on TMDs, the complex relationship between the electrochemical and physical properties make them the subject of further research. Our main objective is to provide a better insight into the electronic structure of TMDs. This will help us better understand the stability of the bilayer post growth homo hetero products based on the various edge termination, and different stacking of the two layers. In this regard, two Tungsten (W) based non periodic chalcogenide flakes (sulfides and selenides) were considered. An in depth analysis of their different edge termination and stacking arrangement was performed via Density Functional Theory method using VASP software. Our finding indicates the preference of chalcogenide (c ) terminated structures over the metal (m ) terminated structures for both homo and hetero layers, and thus strongly suggests the nonexistence of the m terminated TMDs bilayer products.
[ 19 ]
CACHE SNIPER Accurate timing control of cache evictions. Microarchitectural side channel attacks have been very prominent in security research over the last few years. Caches have been an outstanding covert channel, as they provide high resolution and generic cross core leakage even with simple user mode code execution privileges. To prevent these generic cross core attacks, all major cryptographic libraries now provide countermeasures to hinder key extraction via cross core cache attacks, for instance avoiding secret dependent access patterns and prefetching data. In this paper, we show that implementations protected by 'good enough' countermeasures aimed at preventing simple cache attacks are still vulnerable. We present a novel attack that uses a special timing technique to determine when an encryption has started and then evict the data precisely at the desired instant. This new attack does not require special privileges nor explicit synchronization between the attacker and the victim. One key improvement of our attack is a method to evict data from the cache with a single memory access and in absence of shared memory by leveraging the transient capabilities of TSX and relying on the recently reverse engineered L3 replacement policy. We demonstrate the efficiency by performing an asynchronous last level cache attack to extract an RSA key from the latest wolfSSL library, which has been especially adapted to avoid leaky access patterns, and by extracting an AES key from the S Box implementation included in OpenSSL bypassing the per round prefetch intended as a protection against cache attacks.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
LSTM vs. GRU vs. Bidirectional RNN for script generation. Scripts are an important part of any TV series. They narrate movements, actions and expressions of characters. In this paper, a case study is presented on how different sequence to sequence deep learning models perform in the task of generating new conversations between characters as well as new scenarios on the basis of a script (previous conversations). A comprehensive comparison between these models, namely, LSTM, GRU and Bidirectional RNN is presented. All the models are designed to learn the sequence of recurring characters from the input sequence. Each input sequence will contain, say "n" characters, and the corresponding targets will contain the same number of characters, except, they will be shifted one character to the right. In this manner, input and output sequences are generated and used to train the models. A closer analysis of explored models performance and efficiency is delineated with the help of graph plots and generated texts by taking some input string. These graphs describe both, intraneural performance and interneural model performance for each model.