the article believes that artificial intelligence technology can effectively process and analyze the complex information data generated in the process of interpretation it also has strong learning ability it can improve the quality and efficiency of interpreting work and promote the development of english interpreting metapragmatic awareness towards intelligence and informatization there is a certain degree of operability but the quality of the article needs to be further improveda in the second part of the first subsection of the third chapter the paper studies the metalanguage in theory and mentions that the discussion and research on metalanguage in the language circle is divided into multiple levels may i ask what levels of discussion of metalanguages can be divided intob researchers believe that in the process of language use
the article tackles the problem of community algorithm detection with a novel approach taking advantage of particle competition mechanicsthe problem is well defined and the algorithm is strongly analyzed both theoretically and experimentally however the research doesnt tackle the topics of the journal which are related to wireless communication mobile computing and telecommunications in generalsince the research addresses a problem that could be easily applied to telecommunications i suggest deepening the topic with a case study for instance the authors could test their algorithm on datasets which are related to telecommunications like the autonomous system graph which have been measured and released by research institutes
this paper proposes the mlmpfs model ideological and political elements in different fields are mapped to the same pseudolabel space through multiple linear mapping secondly the sample and characteristic manifold of ideological and political elements are used to constrain the learning of pseudolabel and the feature weight matrix respectively from my point of view the following suggestions can improve the quality of your paperthe object by the mlmpfs algorithm is extract the parametersthe performance of the mpmlfs algorithm on diende data sets is slightly insufficientwhy did the author choose indexs for validationin the articleis the design method mpmlfs suitable for big data scenewhat is the range of the independent variables in formulathank you for your professional advice and carefully reading we have shown the the value range of
in this paper the authors used fuzheng xiaoji decoction combined with capecitabine to treat esophageal cancer patients the results proved that the adjuvant application of fuzheng xiaoji decoction can enhance the immune function of patients and improve their quality of life which can be used as a new clinical treatment scheme for esophageal cancer patients here are some questions that need to be corrected and explainedwhat are the types of esophageal cancer based on pathological classificationwhat causes esophageal cancer what are the commonly used treatmentsat present capecitabine is widely used in the treatment of advanced breast cancer colorectal cancer esophageal cancer and other malignant diseases what are its side effectswhat is the role of capecitabine in the treatment of esophageal cancerwhat are the characteristics and functions of fuzheng
comments to the authorthis study demonstrated that inhibition of hdac could restore klotho expression by increasing the acetylation level of hk in klotho promoter region thereby reducing rosinduced apoptosis in renal iri these results may provide new insights into the impact of hdac on renal iri overall this manuscript is wellwritten and organized with a remarkable amount of experimental data thus minor revisions are recommended before publication in the abstract there is a contradiction between these two sentences the acetylation of hk decreased on klotho promoter region thereby suppressing the transcription of klotho the recovery of hkac from klotho promoter thus elevating transcription of klotho please add the ethical approval information ethics approval document number in the method the relationship between klotho and oxidative stressinduced apoptosis involved in
in this paper the improved rbm algorithm image feature extraction method based on deep learning and regression neural network were used to study the prediction of colon cancer survival from ffdg petct images it has demonstrated that the deep learningbased ffdg petct image survival analysis prediction model improves the prediction accuracy by the prediction speed by and the prediction precision by the article is generally good but there are still several problems in the detailsa in the abstract part of the article and there are some problems with traditional medical image analysis methods what are the specific problems with traditional medical image analysis methods this hopefully complements the relevant contentb there are colon cancer survival colon cancer survival prediction ffdg petct image deep learning in the keyword part
aiming at the problem of directional basketball teaching and training through the investigation and research on traditional basketball teaching methods this paper proposes an integrated teaching mode that combines the internet of things and comparative learning so as to realize the online and offline hometown that displays the world and the virtual world the article is a very good article from the research results but there are some problems in the content of the article that need to be avoided the specific problems are as follows the abstract part mentions the background of the internet of things the problems between the internet of things and the teaching of directional basketball the description of fanfu lacks the description of cluster analysis and the author is requested to supplement it
i have read the paper the paper is finished all the following comments should be addressed in the complete papersome of the headings of her paper are written in the italic size i suggest to the authors for resolve this issuethe papers abstract must be concise please make it more logically continuousi noticed the the radical gastrectomy controversy is one keywords point but i cannot see any debate in the paper about this section also following this issuethe concluding sections first sentence are ambiguous i think the authors should work on their first step in the concluding partalso define a clear difference between data sources and selection and the general data of enrolled patientsearly postoperative complications occurred in of patients why give a reasonthe values of the analysis
this manuscript introduced the relationship of serum to endothelial growth factor level and ovarian endometriosis however i think as there are several issues to be concernedsome grammar mistakes need to be corrected for example ovarian endometriosis patients could be corrected to patients lacking ovarian endometriosis i recommend that a flowchart could be added to show the inclusion and exclusion criteria as i think it is better to display the results of every parameter including age etc in the multivariable logistic regression in that the vegf in categorical pattern and in continuous pattern have different meanings in the logistic regression please add a point to show the results of the vegf in the categorical variation in the logistic regression and do not have to add this trend analysis cox
aiming at the problem of directional basketball teaching and training through this investigation and research on traditional basketball teaching methods this paper proposes an integrated teaching mode that combines the internet of things and comparative learning so as to realize the online and offline hometown that displays the world and the virtual world the article makes a very good article from the research results but there are some differences with the content to the article and need to be addressed the specific problems are as follows the abstract part mentions the background of the internet of everything the problems between the internet of things and the teaching of directional basketball the description of fanfu lacks the description of an analysis and the author is requested to supplement the
i would like to thank the authors for this interesting submission on the use of intravoxelincoherent motion dwi for the analysis of early renal allograft function after kidney transplantation this interesting work but important points need to be considered prior to publicationmajor comments why did you use bvalues and not one intermediate and a higheg how did all other bvalues contribute to your diagnosis the authors used chisquared test for low sample sizes does not accurately calculate pvalues please change to fishers exact test for all the aucs presented the authors need to explain how the confidence interval was calculated eg bootstrapping please also explain how the cutoff value was calculated please provide the roc curves as a figure manually drawing the rois to calculate your measurements may
urinary tract infection is a common disease especially in infants and children zeadan et al conducted bacterial culture drug sensitivity test and drug resistance gene detection on samples of infants and young children with suspected urinary tract infection in baghdad central childrens hospital and found that escherichia coli was the most common bacteria causing urinary tract infection in infants and young children and escherichia coli isolated from children was highly resistant to antibiotics there are resistance genes that can be transmitted between bacteria and spread antibiotic resistance the logic of this study is clear conclusive and well presented most importantly this study provides an important reference for guiding the clinical medication of urinary tract infection in children in light of these strengths this reviewer recommends the acceptance of
the paper titled the role of prooxidantantioxidant balance as a biomarker and therapeutic target in cardiometabolic diseases contain very systematic data which should be consider for publishing after following changes the abstract is not decorated it should be improved the figures need to be properly design some figures seem that it is copy and paste which is not acceptable the introduction section should be updated the typo and grammatical error need to be corrected
the following problems should be addressed the patient intervention in this study included a range of approaches but details such as the frequency and duration of each approach are unclear please provide more details on the intervention methods for both groups it is unclear whether the patients in the study group received the same type of intervention activities as the control group and whether the frequency and duration of each activity were the same for the patients in the two groups did the intervention methods in the two groups include professional treatment it is mentioned in the method that the systematic lung rehabilitation training was carried out with the control group on this basis fitness qigong exercise was carried out within a week before the formal intervention the
the paper predicted the neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment response by the clinical lab test and magnetic resonance imaging related parameters they found the ldh levels was not associated with the necroses after the treatment the ldh may become an acceptable prediction tool for the effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapya the language of a study should be proofreading before publicationb the data was collected from indonesia how that author collected the publications a classification approval in the study should be presented in the methods sectiond they should provide more details of medical inclusion and exclusion criteriae the typo in the paper should be references
this paper has some figures and tables however i think readers can easily understand some details your arguments however i found in some parts the logic is not clear therefore there are still some shortcomings that need to be tackled regarding balance introduction part please add your paper structurein the economic benefits of green building part literature review please include chinas current situationin the economic benefit analysis of the green building policy support model part literature review please contain more about figure regarding figure please explain the paper endoflife costs in your textin the energy saving benefit analysis part please show us how to calculate the energy savingregarding the basic problems of respondents part please add one table one analysis of the background information of the participants
in a paper data collected algorithms id algorithm and c algorithm were proposed in the further analysis of decision tree phylogenetic method in the digital marketing analysis after chaowan brand under the background of artificial intelligence in the experimental part the performance effect of the classification decision tree classification method was firstly analyzed after designing experiments all experiments and obtaining it the completion of the entire article is high but some areas still need to be added at the same time the value of each attribute is standardized there are many standardization methods which can be determined according to the situation please explain the reason for their normalization initial treatment the lift curve reflects the lift effect of each group the cost increase curve reflects the absolute boost
the work contributes to a very complex method for solving distinct classes of nonlinear pdesin my opinion the paper needs to take major revision my comments are in a following form why the authors used a lot of formula in the form of the paper i think some formulas should be included as appendix at the end of the paperin this format the paper reading is very tedious mathematica codes are very necessary as an appendix at the end of each paper for at least one example can these method be generalized for d and d problems i solved d and d nonlinear system of pdes by jacobi algorithm with matlab codes in d caseplease read it carefully and cite information in the paper for interested readers method
overall this manuscripts target problem is quite interesting and applicable but several comments are provided below for revision you should revise the abstract you must make it obvious right away what your research will focus on your talk should begin with a thorough description of the subject the background and aim of the proposed concepts are not mentioned please define the objectives of the proposed concept in the abstract section i am satisfied the introduction section the papers originality is not acknowledged in the introduction as a result please highlight the core innovation i recommend please expand the materials and methods please update the conclusion what is the significance and innovation of your research compared with other relevant studies please focus on this issue in the discussion section
this paper focused on a novel topic in this field authors showed that changes in lipid biomarker related to trauma severity in intertrochanteric fracture patients definition of important lipids in trauma may not only provide guidance for the formulation of optimum itf operation time but may also have importance in other traumatic models and in further understanding the components of the systemic inflammatory response for new drug targets in study design and patient selection should there be any other content after if not delete it all patients should sign the relevant consent form prior to enrolment and this should be explained in the article the limitation and innovation of the research should be given in the article authors should check the data in the article carefully some of
an ensemble of transfer learning models for the prediction of skin lesions with conditional generative adversarial networksthe paper introduces an interesting topic the technique applied looks very good and the results however i have the following comments to be taken into consideration p l the work speaks about all types of skin cancers including melanoma then why does the abstract start with describing melanoma onlyp l the sentence begins with these techniques should be based the sentence is about data augmentation techniques how the resnet and other deep learning models were based on this please rewrite the sentence to convey the proper meaningp l conditional adversarial network techniques should be replaced with conditional generative adversarial network techniquesp l actinic keratosis should be replaced with actinic keratosisp l add
middle school is a critical period for english learning but the actual situation of english vocabulary learning and teaching is not optimistic therefore understanding and cultivating the english vocabulary learning strategies of middle school students has become a problem that english teachers should study in order to improve students ability to master english vocabulary and achieve effective memory of english words this paper proposes english vocabulary learning based on htk speech recognition and corpus the overall idea of the article is clear but there are still some problemsthe summary part does not seem to explain the current students english vocabulary learning situation please add it in the middle of the textwith the development of speech recognition technology speech has become more and more popular as an important means
this paper gives an analysis of connectedness among several cryptos pairs detailed tvpvar and diebold yilmazs methods are applied the research paper gives its assumption and validates it empirically here i list some suggestionslack of logic flow in the introduction part especially the related literature group the st and nd paragraphs of the introduction as cryptos and why cryptos are important crypto trading and emergent technologies like ai econometrics methods in analyzing the timeseries in cryptos mention the tvpvar here overgeneralized presentation sentence first sentence in paragraph is preferred to deletesome reference papers might be cited in the introduction part mlai sirignano j cont r universal features of price formation in financial markets perspectives from deep learningj quantitative finance alessandretti l elbahrawy a aiello l m et al
google graphbased text processing ranking model textrank proposed in this paper shows how it can be sometimes used to screen for extraction and processing of ideological and political elements of environmental protection courses in colleges and universities the accuracy achieved by algorithms in these applications is competitive with previously proposed stateoftheart algorithms an important aspect of its is that it does less require indepth linguistic knowledge nor domain or languagespecific annotated corpora which makes it highly portable to other domains genres or languagesthe principles of textrank need to live explained clearly to make your article easier to understandneed to explain why it is used need to explain the textrank algorithm modelthe content of section needs to be further improved and may make the article easier to understandthe experimental
the research work is to try to use the corpus to automatically obtain the semantic collocation rules of chinese phrases so as to verify the existing intuitive semantic collocation rules and find new semantic collocation rules in the introduction please introduce the innovation of this paper and highlight its contribution to the construction of translation corpus please check the article carefully and correct the typos in the article such as accuracy testbooks and understsnd the picture serial number is incorrect please check the recommendations in the conclusion and the future research direction are not clear
the study may be a useful addition to explore the effectiveness of acupuncture on sleep disorders in pd patients however there are a number of issues that i wish to raise the most significant of these is the fact that the manuscript should be revised or rewritten by a native english speaker the mistakes in language make it difficult to readplease find below specific comments l the toxic side effects seem to be unusual word choice to describe drug related side effects and adverse reactions please confirm l what dose biological clock gene mean please cite classic literature to explain it there are many formatting errors in the text which bring a poor reading experience please revise carefully for example punctuation is missing between two sentences on line
the article can integrate theory with practice starting from analyzing the physical activity and emotional status of college students during the epidemic at home it proposes strategies to improve physical health and emotions the following questions need to address the font format of the table is not uniform modify it in section explain the content of the formula in this article the nouns of emotion and state of mind are confused check and revise in figure need to add the chart unit the format of the references is not uniform check and revise the conclusion of the article has a statement logic problem check and reorganize it
the subjection selection of this paper is very good and it also has certain practical significance but there are still some problems as followswhat is the research purpose and background of this study please explain in the abstractwhat is the advantage of the revman software why do you adopt it in this paperhow did the relevant data mentioned in this article come from in order to make the data more authentic and credible specific sources and processes are givenhow does the approach described in the article compare to the usual care model what are the advantagesin order to make the article more complete in structure and content please add a conclusion sectionthis article only studies related issues through the literature search method and does not conduct relevant clinical
the title for the thesis is basically consistent with the title of the thesis the structure is complete its language is relatively fluent and there are no major grammatical errors the problem is that there are too many citations in the full text and too little selfanalysis it is hoped that with the basis of this paper the materials can be analyzed which summarized to draw for but lack of common methodologies and standards across china and chinese provinces has led to significant differences in application context and a lack of interoperability between established platforms or systems what were the consequences of these issues of research has important implications not only for users but also for service providers what does it say for app developers clustering is the
the paper is wellwritten and wellorganized information about atmospheric pollution its six harmful matters so no co o pm and pm and their impact on human health the authors of the work presented four models for the data analysis evaluation processing and prediction these models are presented mathematically in a wellformatted manner and properly described there is a whole section describing the results of the proposed model along with monthly progress percentages and graphical representations overall the paper was a good approach to controlling excessive excretion and generating harmful pollution however i found some mistakes in the paper that are listed as followswhat are the six pollution factors to be monitored in the paper why did the authors not specify which particulate matter they would focus on will
comment some details can be removed in the abstract such as leuprorelin and norethindronecomment in both the abstract and text instead of saying at baseline it is clearer to directly say before or after surgerycomment in the first paragraph of the discussion this result is close to other studies i think it is better to use similar to instead of close tocomment in the third paragraph of the discussion the prognosis predictive value should be the prognostic predictive valuecomment the analyses were a bit too simple if possible the authors may consider to use the data to do more analysescomment there are some grammar errors in the manuscript please improve the language
the paper demonstrates the demand factor choice method rail electrification design for highspeed railway building distribution electrical power by kernel energy estimation with optimal window width the paper has not given sufficient results however the paper requires major revision based on the following suggestionsauthors should add a comparative analysis of the proposed work with the existing methods add stronger new results to improve both research contribution of the paperall the mathematical equations should be numbered and analytical proof should be given if possiblethe values to the equation should be checked thoroughly and color should be removedfigures quality is also good the authors should use highresolution figures with proper axes information
in the current study the authors explored the key mirnas correlated with the development of colon adenocarcinoma this manuscript provides information about the mechanism that downregulation of hsamirbp inhibits the cell proliferation migration and invasion in colon adenocarcinoma in general the outcomes of this study are of interest however the following concerns should be addressed before publication the cancer tissue samples from patients were detected in this research the ages and genders of these patients should be given in this study effects of reduced hsamirbp levels on the proliferation migration and invasion apoptosis of hct and ht cells should be investigated as well as sw
this paper proposes a commodity sales prediction method based on the weighted combination of cnnbilstm the bilstm prediction model of lstm performs the next steps and weights the prediction results of the two models to finally obtain the prediction result this topic is interesting and worth investigating however the topic cannot be recommended to be accepted in a present form and there are some clarifications that need to be pertainingplease modify this grammar mistakes carefully in the paperthe format of literatures should be uniform for all literatures in my book the authors overlooked several latest research results about predictive analytics algorithm and authors should mention or at least quote some latest references in a revised versionthe leading part of the abstract is too long it is recommended to
the authors showed that autophagy related with cxcr is a potential predictor of prognosis for disease response for gastric cancer the data remained solid and conclusions are properthe authors are free to revise according on the following comments open abstract authors should describe the full name of cxcr the format of the report in the main text should follow the journals requirement no scratch test should be modified for r software the company supports or a reference is required english improvement is recommended
the regional financial economy occupies an important position in the market economy due to the imperfect legal system in the financial market and the lack of effective laws and regulations in the financial industry the probability of regional financial risks is increasing it plays an important role in the construction of the rule of law in the financial market and the establishment of laws and regulations on financial risk prevention and control improves the laws and regulations of the financial system implements financial prevention and control measures with legal protection and provides early warning ew of financial risk the traditional financial risk ew model has many loopholes and deficiencies in the construction of laws and regulations the content of rights and powers contained in the financial risk prevention
the abstract of the work is too long it should be more concise and the language should be improvedin the introduction part no references are listed add some references to the introduction section and the style of all references is inconsistent it should be summarised and clearly cited in the textcorrect it among the worlds art forests its unique oriental cultural charm is shining brightly how to understand the relationship between traditional plastic arts and modern design and make its application in modern design more extensive and indepth after the trend of international design style creating a diversified design trend is a new generation of designers facing subjectthe citation of the figures and tables are not correct update the citations of figures and tablesthe debate regarding application in
comments to the author please describe the grouping strategy for this clinical trial and the specific methodology the ethics committee approval comment of the clinical trial and clinical trial registration numbers should be provided dihuang decoction please write down its composition or drug batch number why choose these research indicators please explain their relationship to the research and what they mean the table in this paper has poor effect is not beautiful and concise and does not meet the requirements of publication such as table please update the referenceand and cite articles indexed by sci the last five years each authors specific contribution should be mentioned at the end of the article there are some errors in some parts of the format please check and modify such as
i am grateful for the opportunity to review the manuscript the authors review a research progress of negative t syndrome the structure within this review text is complicated which can better describe the cuttingedge progress in this direction but some are to be clarified remainmajor commentsthe characteristic changes in each system need to be summarizedthe author needs to further summarize the current treatment measures for low tc syndromethis manuscript lacks systematic explanation of future experimental directionsthe latest research articles in recent years shall be used as much as possible in the referencesthe language and techniques of this manuscript need further revision
based on pharmacological network this lab expounds the molecular mechanism of traditional chinese medicine against oral fibrosis it is key to the new research of traditional chinese medicinefirst of all for some theoretical sake the cited literature is slightly old can we cite more articles in recent years secondly some sentences are slightly illogical and the use of words still needs to be greatly improved but research content has innovative significance besides clinical prospect
sodium aescinate are encapsulated by solid lipid nanoparticles and shown good antiinflammatory activity however there are still great hidden dangers in this article which requires the author to carefully modify the manuscript here are some suggestions the author should be more deeply discussed against the antiinflammatory effect complications of synthesis of solid lipid nanoparticles there are some abbreviations in the article without full names please supplement them the discussion is more simple the author only re describes the results in the discussion please increase the comparison with other studies helps supplement the instruments and reagent sources mentioned in the manuscript please specify the execution method of mice if it involves the use of anesthetics please measure it go unify the name in the article and keep the manuscript
the values in table are not matched the values used in the text please resolve the issuesome of the numbers of the equation are not given please assign the number of each equationwhat is the standardize and normalized of the original evaluation matrixi noticed that in table zvalue is negative but all other values are positive why please add some detail on why the value of z is negativein equation the authors employed a square box what is a square box please clarifywhat are the goals of the abstract section make a list of them in the abstract sectionthe presentation of the article is extremely poor it should be improvedthere is no mention of the papers layout in the introduction section please provide a sectionbysection analysis of your
in this work the author take the wellknown mooc platform as an example by crawling electronic computer and design students method interaction data and professional reputation they construct an acquaintance map for auxiliary information and then enhance the career recommendation behavior we collect interactive data and experiments with students courses attributes they further discuss a deephashing multimodal retrieval system that supports appearance determination the method progressively optimizes and characterizes the maximal activation features as lineofsight shapes from location maps it subsequently combines them into a crossmodal grid framework to calculate the similarity between texts some experimental results is shown that the acc and auc of kgcncr are two respectively which are over higher than the svd i still have the following suggestions regarding the quatliy software best work
these authors have published a number of papers on the duplicar device the use of a mathematical model to describe shared ventilation is not novel nor does it solve the real issues which include patient isolation matching of patient and monitoring of individual patients in many ways the issue of shared ventilation in most parts of the world is no longer a consideration simply because of vaccines the paper fits well with this journal mostly there are some omissions related to references see below which ought to be included however the paper describes a model of a system most clinicians hope to never use for many years experts have used electrical circuits to teach mechanical ventilation principles of resistance and compliance a practice i find mostly unhelpful if
your manuscript has evaluated the effects of tenofovir disoproxil combined with compound glycyrrhizin on hbvdna load liver reserve function and immune response in chronic hepatitis b cirrhosis patients it is a topic of interest to the researchers in the related areas but the paper needs very significant improvement before acceptance for publication my detailed comments are as followsintroduction part page there are many offstandard abbreviationsthe author needs debate the differentiations between this exploration and other readingswhat method is used to draw the variation curve of patients hbvdna load please explain it in the method sectionthere are repeated argumentation results in the conclusionthere are too few descriptions of clinical information about patients in the methods please complete itresults part page total effective rate do you mean overall effective ratein
this paper explores the evaluation of hydroxytryptamine ht serum on psychiatric disorders exercise for the treatment of psychiatric disorders and explores its mental health status and value but there are some problems in the papertotal serum levels were higher in the ht group than in the control group in the abstract content the more severe the psychiatric disorder the higher the total serum value of ht however this is not a conclusion and the authors were asked to make additionsthe keywords in the text should be reorganized and these keywords must be geared more toward methods rather than learning tricks or techniquesthis article mentions that the beck depression inventory bdi is a scale specifically designed to measure depression so why use the beck depression inventory and what are
the internet is booming todayso the research is very meaningful however in order to make the article better included the following issues need to be paid attention toalthough the introduction is an integral part of the article in the introduction we only need a brief summary of the article the introduction of this article is too longwinded and it is recommended to reorganize the language and delete some contentdemonstrated a strong positive correlation between urban development and farmers income growth in china based on the establishment of a var model what is the var model what is the main content of this modelhow are the relevant formulas in theoretical modeling derived please be specificwhat do the horizontal and vertical axes of figure represent what does this line graph
the text is wellwritten however the writers employed a lot of acronyms in several sections for better comprehension it is encouraged that authors write entire paper rather easily truncated variantsconclusion with serious effort kindly mention the out coming of proposed research in the conclusion part kindly conclude this section in a more effective mannerthe paper should be more original with no description of how it is more unique and useful for future researchfigure legends should be below the figures and top of the tables also check the version of the paper while processing this articlecite some more updates regarding this study compare some major contributions of the paper and also add paper organization
this work proposes constructing an asymmetric competition model between free and paid platforms based on game theory to optimize revenue in network video platforms this work brings an innovation because few studies have focused on researching the revenue management of network video platforms considering an asymmetric competition model also past related works didnt consider the positive crossnetwork externality in online video platforms and the influence of the correlation between positive and negative crossnetwork externalities thus the analysis of the impact of the positive and negative crossnetwork externalities and program differentiation on the platforms competition and revenue is another contribution of this paper i believe this paper is a good fit for the mathematical problems in engineering journal the literature gap which this paper aims to fill is evident
her author puts forward a method to solve postpartum anxiety by using the platform which is mature and focuses on hot social issues is very more publishable article i may need to make a few improvements across this article first of all and the first part of the article the level of the approach is not clear enough the logic is not rigorous enough and the conclusion is not deep enough analyze the data object of the experiment otherwise it may affect the experimental conclusion and reduce the degree of use of the experimental conclusion in the picture circled in the above picture you lack the presentation and introduction of this part in the article which will cause some data in the picture to be obtrusive also
in the introduction section the articles objectives and results are unclear lacking research objectsthe significance should be clearly explained in introductionin subsection there is a lack of detailed description of the study design please supplement what is mainly included in the study contentin subsection please supplement the summary of the variance analysis of visual acuity changesin subsection please supplement the effect of primary school classroom and toilet distance difference analysis on physical activityin subsection the article shows that analyzing factors related to the possibility of participation will arouse the authors guess still the authors guess is not explained please add what does the authors guess refer to
this manuscript proposes a novel fewshot learning algorithm that combines pretraining and metalearning for motor imagery mi eeg classification the experimental results on one public motor imagery eeg dataset are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the fewshot learning methodstrength since there are few works using metalearning to solve the problem of few samples in the braincomputer interface the algorithm proposed is novel in general the empirical results are promising weakness the font in figure and figure could be bigger to make it look clear in section the significance test level of the paired ttest for the proposed algorithm and the baseline method should be indicated in section the accuracies are only calculated on the selected good subjects of the proposed algorithm what is the average accuracy of
the following points are the comments to improve the quality of the paper check the language correction properly the abstract of the article is not concise enough and needs to be revised and improved the methodology part of the article needs to be described in detail at present the methodology is too simple and not detailed enough which needs to be further modified the discussion part is not deep enough and needs to be further improved more indepth discussions on clinical aspects should be added the format of the article needs to be modified according to the logic of the whole document
butylphthalide in contrast with edaravone helps regulate blood circulation and improve therapeutic effects this is another abrupt conclusion after no author introduced the drugthe routine of this paper is very lack of logic both places are the accumulation the literature lack of the authors own consideration and analysis the author is advised to make drastic changesthe author should compare with similar articles and explain the advantages of this two problemssubmit this manuscript clearly showing all text changes that have been modified using tracesthe format of each paragraph is recommended to indent the first paragraph by unitstoo few references were added nothing more than the contents and headings as the table need to be some
thank you for inviting me to evaluate this manuscript this article has mature viewpoints and conclusions the logic of the article is relatively clear and the structure is rigorous but there are still some problems after the problems are corrected the article may be able to be published smoothly in the introduction part of the article whether it involves the content of relevant fields at home and abroad please add the details of relevant aspects some suggestions for improvement of the controlled experiment why the number of subjects in the control group and the experimental group are not the same in the experiment please make some modifications furthermore you can discuss factors that might interfere with the analysis of controlled trials such as age sex etc the grammatical
in order to improve the intelligence and translation system a study of intelligent translation system based on humancomputer interactionthe system uses analogical matching algorithm to realize intelligent translation of literature making full use of semantic library and internet for translation of vocabulary phrases and sentencescompared with the traditional intelligent translation system present system has one humancomputer interaction function in the ambiguity exclusion based on semantic library the system automatically open the humancomputer interaction mode manual task problem and see the artificial judgment results in the semantic library at the same time to achieve further improvement of the literary librarythe experimental results show that the system be applied to the translation of literary works with more than times great accuracy with recall and high application effectoverall the article was
the author results suggest that downregulation of drap line by transfected sirna is an important factor when predicting the outcome of cell proliferation and apoptosis in triplenegative breast cancer treatment and the diagnostic value of serum drap for tnbc using roc curve analysis necessitates validation of our trial and study in other cohorts the comments will increase the quality of the paper drap protein level should be determined by wb baseline of each participants should exhibited in the manuscript t value should be added in the tables statistic methods should be mentioned in the figure legends
the study by dr tang is very interesting the comments are presented below the cell size is very small the selection bias could not be avoided do then authors have a external validation for evaluation results did they use the sonic resonance imaging mri related parameters in the prediction dwi should not defined in the first used in the introduction section the data source within the study should not clarified in the methods section
lung cancer stem cells are crucial in the development of lung cancer in this study the authors investigated the impacts of wd repeatcontaining protein wdr on lung cancer cell stemness and explore its underlying mechanism wdr is a member of the wdrepeat domain superfamily it is a scaffolding protein with no intrinsic enzymatic activity and is capable of forming multiple propeller blade structures they found that wdr activates akthif signaling pathway to enhance the stemness of lung cancer stem cells and promote the growth and metastasis of lung cancer the cuurrent study is the first one to reveal the role of wdr in lung cancer especially in cancer stemness it will be better if the authors cound determine whether wdr affects target protein scaffliding ahthough it will be
the technique of this paper is advanced and the results are accurate but the following decisions need to be made before publication formula is questionable and needs to be revised there are many indoor positioning methods which explains why active rfid technology should be selected from many methods in this paper the body architecture logic needs to be improved in combination with the image presentation method such as figure compared with the recent literature the advanced model system theory in this paper is described this paper proposes what are the innovative points of the diagram diagram equations express it in one sentence improve the grammar of long and short sentences verify that the references cited within the article are incorrectly referenced although the method in this paper has
the manuscript is about a research study whose aim is study the histological damages in neonatal after intrauterine infection also assess of potential protective effect of pirfenidone pfd during lps injection in pregnant rats was employed as a neonatal hiv infection model the administration of pfd in this model was performed to evaluate its beneficial effect in neonatal rats whilst tissue histological changes and proteins involved in fibrosis were examined it was pointed out by the authors that the genes in alveoli and secondary alveolar septa in neonatal rats were reduced after lps induction overall the paper is well structured and very descriptive in terms of organization presentation and formatting but the following internal alterations were detectedi there are some grammar and writing related minor errors authors should
define the acronyms before being used for the first timethe references should be cited in the text body and all references should be properlysequentially arranged as cited in the text quality of images to be improved and is not acceptable in its present formsection methods is not explicitly followed up please provide the more dataset used please mention the methodology and proposed approach please discuss the performance of the proposed methodology it would be great if add statistical analysis section demonstrate the proposed algorithm for a rigorous and accurate comparison and validation the conclusion must be provided and specify the limitations and drawbacks of the proposed method
please consider the following comments the title should be revised the language quality needs to polish with the help of a native please provide a comprehensive review of the important published papers in this field such as composition versus decomposition in twostage network dea a reverse approach dk despotis g koronakos d sotiros journal of productivity analysis the weaklink approach to network dea for twostage processesdk despotis g koronakos d sotiros european journal of operational research decomposition weights and overall efficiency in twostage additive network dea c guo ra shureshjani aa foroughi j zhu european journal of operational research use parentheses in model a major shortcoming of the multiplicative method of kao and hwang is that the decomposition of the overall efficiency to the stage efficiencies is not
in this paper the fixed point of miscellaneous functions obtain by using a fresh repetitive method in a word the obtained results for this paper are new and novel i recommend the paper to be published after making the following changes you should find related publications such asa httpsdoiorgsyb icciautomc httpsdoiorgsyd available at the resources section mathematical equations must be putted comma or point according to the typing rules therefore they need only report all the paperthe novelty of current article should put in the introduction review on the proposed approach isnt explained clearly
the originality and the scientific value of the subject are good indeed an important problem havingdirect applications is treated the abstract in its current form is not sufficient in particular it should besupported in a more effective manner by the results obtained during research because the first part which is read by journals audience is abstract and thus it should reflect the novelty and perform the main results since the text contains some abbreviations a nomenclature at the beginning of the manuscript would be very helpful the introduction section in its current form is not adequate in this context i strongly recommend the authors to add more literature review there are many interesting works going on in this area besides the differencesadvantages of the present investigation compared to
this submitted draft does not present any new ideas not at all however the longterm followup would seem satisfying and thus this draft is recommended to to proceed please note that some minor typos and grammatical shortcomings must be revised prior to publication these language revisions should be done with the type setter
i read the full paper and concluded that the work and theme of this paper are amazing furthermore this paper has serious shortcomings that should be recognized and improved for this i recommend a minor revision to address the following weaknessesai found some spelling errors for example in section of the manuscript that may be corrected before publishing i recommend reviewing the entire document looking for such flaws and attempting to remedy them as soon as possiblebmy second question concerns the abstract and conclusion of this work while these two sections are wellwritten their technical language and sentence links require modification i propose that these parts be changed and enhanced as neededcthe author has studied cases in the database but has not even acknowledged this analysis package in
in the abstract the abbreviations should describe the meanings when they first appear such as tmem tmb and msi clinicians and researchers tried best to find the proper prognosis to determine the future target for the cancer what did the find the proper prognosis mean please rephrase the sentence tmem family were enrolled in many pathways and functioned as the plasma membrane channel howeverthese results indicated that tmem is injected into the mitochondria and the disfunction of it may lead to the mitochondria dysfunction based on the title the main context of the introduction should focus on tmem in addition cox analysis used survival and forestplot packages to explore the relationship between gene expression and survival however the authors did not describe the prognosis of the cancers in
the focus of nursing intervention on prevention of complications concerning hip joint replacement in elderly patients in china this paper has some technical issues this are given belowthe introduction section lacks a description of how the article is organized please make the opening portion of the article more coherentthis initial terminology could use some improvement here the authors should proofread itthe method of first two paragraphs include numerous errors please rephrase them to be more concise and clearreference and is incorrect please make them loop within the incorrect referencesdescribe the creativity and importance of your work in the beginning section and give future commentplease stick to a single language throughout the entire paper i observed that some of the lines in this document are italicizedupdate it during some
ive finished reading the paper although the work is excellent the following suggestions should be addressed in the amended versionthe writers should expand on the abstract section describing the proposed approach and models and comparing your model to earlier researchthe justification for this work could be expanded upon including why this model should be studied and what its benefits arethe portion on evaluation is wellwritten however what is unclear is how the simulations were carried out what kind of optimization software was usedthe significance of the answers obtained should be emphasizedauthors are invited to elaborate on the results and experimental sections as well as explain why the proposed strategy is preferable to othersplease do some work on the experimental sectionplease correct any grammatical errors as well as some
this paper explores the evaluation of hydroxytryptamine ht serum on psychiatric disorders exercise for the treatment of psychiatric disorders and explores its medical health status and value but there are some problems in the information serum levels were higher in the ht group than in the control group in the abstract content were higher severe the psychiatric disorder the higher the total serum value for ht however this is not sufficient conclusion and the authors are asked to make additionsthe topics within the text should be reorganized and these keywords must be geared more toward methods rather than learning tricks or techniquesthis article mentions that the beck psychiatric inventory bdi is a scale specifically designed to measure depression so why use the beck depression inventory and what are
the manuscript focus on the use of banana pseudostem bpsfor production of bioethanol using a saccharomyces cerevisiae ul and enzymes produced by trichoderma harzianum lmlbp or t longibrachiatum lmlsaul thermo pretreatment with acid hso alkaline and water were made to explore the possibility of using one of the solids for the fermentation process also acid hydrolysis hsoi was used has an alternative form to obtain sugar for further fermentation the theme is consistent with the journal scope the manuscript doesnt offer much novelty since several works with pretreatment similar to the presented were done previously yet is interesting how the exploitation of bps is made to obtain the enzyme to be used in the process to obtain the bioethanol in my opinion there are some parts of the
in order to improve the intelligence from translation system a study of intelligent translation system based on humancomputer interactionthe system uses analogical matching algorithm to realize intelligent translation of literature making full use on semantic library and internet for translation of vocabulary phrases and sentencescompared with the traditional intelligent translation system the system has advanced humancomputer interaction performance in the ambiguity exclusion based on academic library the system automatically open the humancomputer interaction mode manual ambiguity exclusion and store the artificial language results in the semantic library at the same time to achieve further improvement of the semantic librarythe experimental model show that the system is applied to allow translation of literary documents with more than relative high accuracy and clarity and high application effectoverall the article was
my comments for the manuscript entitled heterogeneous hadoop cluster based image processing workload distribution framework between cpu and gpu is given as followsabstracteach issue must be resolved and stated clearly the whole process must be stated in simple abstract terms the model is shown using numbers urls are used to cite any utilized materials the overall effectiveness of the developed model has to be quickly and abstractly articulated the main aspects will be covered in abstractintroductionall figures included in the introduction must have the proper citations there must be some recent references no more than three years old the scope of the task should be described in the introduction include the projects stakeholders or the people who will benefit from itliterature reviewcontains the most recent research describes the
in this paper a deep belief network model with multiple hidden layers is proposed and autonomous simulation training can effectively put forward an optimization scheme for supply chain network analysis its advantage is that the training is no longer based on the original single hidden layer neural network mode because the original mode will increase the number of parameters and with the increase of the number of parameters the training time will also increasea what is the specific meaning of the data in tables and b table should be expressed as a percentagec lack of meeting place in references update some literature in recent year
in this present paper the authors focus on the numerical scheme of hiv infection model precisely they employ the galerkinpetrov time discretization scheme to discrete the hiv model and perform some numerical experiments based on the existing dates although the present paper provided a detailed form my concerns are as followsthe model in the paper is an ode one can employ the ode technique to look for its approximate solution the authors use galerkinpetrov time discretization scheme rather than ode whythe numerical simulation results should be explained in detailed in terms of their practical meaning especially for a disease model purely numerical results are meaningless abstract is too long and it should be compressed present the main techniques conclusions and differences are worth advocatingsome comparisons based on the
review for the manuscriptinsilico exploration of plant metabolites as potential remedies of norovirus is interesting research workauthors have evaluated various plant metabolite agaist norovirus to sceen drug candidatesin my opinion it is a wellwritten manuscriptthe objective of this study is well definedthe methodology is well writtenthe results and figures are well explained the discussion and conclusion explain very well the outcomes of this manuscript
the normal vehicle group was described as intact in the figures but the word of intact was not used in the main text it would be better if explain in the method section that the intact means the normal group in the table the data of vehicle group were in the not only d but also ddw however the asterisk noting not detectednormal appearance was marked d only please add the asterisk at ddw please check grammatical errors
at present the application of informatization in the education industry is increasing using its advanced methods and technologies for information display this paper aims to optimize the foreign language teaching mode in the computer network environment to promote the ecological development of online foreign language teaching the logic of the system articles is clear but it needs major changes the details are as followsst as far as the foreign language teaching ecosystem itself is concerned system refers to the interconnection and system also refers to the unification of various parts into an organic whole so in our daily life we can call this or that cognitive object a system it means a unified whole composed of various parts structures levels and environments however it is not clear how
the manuscript titled grilled nux vomica relieves muskinduced experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis through blocking the jakstat signaling pathway showed that grilled nux vomica could prove beneficial in the management of myasthenia gravis the authors through bioinformatics approach showed involvement of jakstat i have following suggestions for the improvement of the manuscript all in silico methods should be properly described all parameters be mentioned so that it is easy for the readers to follow up please provide details such catalogue numbers of antibodies used how were tissue samples sliced tem assay was ethics approval obtained for the animal study please mention it jakstat pathway should be discussed in relation to the findings of this study
in this review the authors summarized the firingassociated recycling of fly ash the properties of fly ash composition were also examined and used as a supplement to the review the review is relatively recent and can be considered for publication and journal of analytical biochemistry in after i adding the discussion about the applications of modified fly species as materials for wastewater treatment and gas processing and ii using the content of fly ash used for each purpose
although such paper is interesting it is hard to read and follow the language of the manuscript to be improved the adopted approach in this series is not available please describe in detail the literature review is not sufficient i suggest authors to put in several related works there is no conclusion in one manuscript should there be a conclusion for this work the motivation of this work is not clear the authors should describe in detail
more clarification is required in this paragraphthe assessment of generative music frameworks faces considerably more enthusiastically challenges than that of picture age frameworks point melfrequency cepstral coefficient mfcc it should add one more paragraph at the end of the section it should reformulate the grammar in this section literature revie explain the purpose of this work in teaching and learning performance is improved by music and mental focus section
thank you for using me to evaluate this manuscript this is a novel and mature version it pays attention to the puerpera and solves this problem well you only need to fix a few minor issues and you should publish without any problems in the abstract part at the beginning for the article the content level is not clear enough the logic is not rigorous enough and the content is simply stacked also the quantity of keywords listed in the article is too high every set of keywords should be five or six please further explain the experimental method in the article which is not seen in the corresponding part of an article and then compare and analyze the candidates this article has some problems in overall presentation
below are some typos and grammatical errors presented by a single english native speaker is a must also define baqs in the manuscript the motivation of the study should be demonstrated more clearly more complete results are expected
in the paper efficacy and safety of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node imaging on patients with early differentiation cancer this paper is almost very good and i suggest to the literature please change it a little more according to my comments that are given belowdefine more clearly the following section comparison of anal exhaust symptoms and postsurgery hospitalization across both cohorts taking close relation to other faults in the text thoroughly check them and enhance your english writingwhat are the control cohort patients yourself definecan you define pelvic lymph node dissectionpresent the theoretical foundation behind the investigation in a clear manner using current research referencesthe introduction should also include information about the researchs context id like you to make attention to it because its missing a
more detail is required in the introduction section explain your method superior to other existing methods main goal and significance should be highlighted in the main section the main section required more detail related to your technique conclusion needed more explanation there are some grammatical errors please remove them accordingly how the result is better can authors write some few advantages for the reader authors should explain the contribution in a proper way
nsclc accounts for to of all lung cancer patients of which to are diagnosed at an early stage and only to require the opportunity to receive surgery for this population even with radical surgical resection of patients will eventually fail due of recurrence and distant metastasis therefore the topic of that article is very clear but there are still some issues worth noting in the beginning of the articlein the introductory section the authors mention the need for a clinical role in predicting clinical efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy in nonsmall cell lung cancer however the author did not analyze the research significance of cypb gene polymorphismin the introduction part of the initial gene polymorphism the authors mentioned that the cytochrome p and cypb genes and their structures vary
tcm syndrome differentiation and nursing combined with psychological intervention can noticeably meliorate the negative impact of early and middle stage breast cancer victims and is conducive to ameliorating their quality of life and allaying negative emotions which can be extensively promoted when encouraged in medical practice the research results of this paper have no practical guiding significance but there are still the following problemsthe introduction continues to check the relevant research contents what are the characteristics of the methods of syndrome differentiation and treatment for breast cancer what are the positive effects of psychological intervention please supplement the research studies the etiology and pathogenesis of breast cancer in traditional chinese medicine what are the main responsibilities of the hospital ethics manual please supplement the related concepts of cognitive
in the paper urban land use efficiency evaluation of china based on bcc ccr and malmquist models the paper analyzing the status quo of land use in the research area an indicator system was constructed from an inputoutput perspective to evaluate the urban land use efficiency in shandong moreover bcc ccr and malmquist models were adopted together with deap to calculate the land use scale efficiency overall efficiency pure technical efficiency and total factor productivity in prefecturelevel cities of shandong so as to raise a proposal for the inefficient unit improvement in line with the data envelopment analysis dea efficiency criteria it is suggested to supplement the discussion on the lack of scientific basis for the construction of index system the index system lacks the description of each
this paper puts forward the strategy of improving the informatization teaching ability of college physical education teachers under the framework of bp neural network in order to improve the informatization teaching ability of college physical education teachers the following will increase the quality of the paper college physical education mostly focuses on sports is there any precedent for the application of informationbased teaching of physical education teachers in college physical education what are the main problems of college physical education teachers in the introduction which are not explained in the paper the sentences quoted in reference in the paper are incoherent what does tpack stand for in figure in figure can the nine indicators of the evaluation of college physical education teachers teaching ability achieve quantitative evaluation
because the symbols in equation are not fully described the symbols in equation not be fully describedin the original section please replace the first sentence language and grammar need to been addressed as welldefine the full name of the bp and index the following sentencesiliterature adopts different method of quality control circle quality cycle and excavates the deep root defects revealed in the hospital management system process and implementation processiiliterature pointed out that the fidelity controls circle activities should not be overstandardized but should be based on the judgment of increasing by amount of extensive participation reducing the stereotyped content and truly realizing the ability to use and make good use of the quality control circle management toolsiiia manager with leadership ability is elected as the circle leader
through this paper we know that cultural creative industry is closely related to intangible cultural heritage and is an important direction for the development of chinas cultural soft power which is true but there are still some problems in the paperthe conclusion in the abstract is missing such an abstract is incomplete and the author is invited to make changesthe keywords in the text should be reorganized and these keywords must be geared more toward methods rather than learning tricks or techniquesin the introduction as far as the guangxi zhuang autonomous region is concerned only the techniques of zhuangjin and nixing pottery have been inherited and developed during the historical changes of the past century which should be more detailedthe evolution of these vessels has changed in the
this paper focused on a novel topic in this field the factors affecting the rehabilitation effect include family income the educational level of the main caregivers and the scores of abc cabs cars and chat i have some major concerns on this paper the reference section requires further checking and amending in observation index part the words cabs cars and chat should be amended and need to read the full text carefully and make changes in statistical analysis part the words expressed in should be amended to expressed in xs authors wrote p in many places check the correct value or replace them with p in results part the sentence compare the scores of abc cars chat and cabs before and after the intervention should be amended to
a paper demonstrates the demand factor forecasting method of electrification design for highspeed railway building distribution electrical system by kernel density estimation with optimal window width but paper has not given any answers however the book received major revision based on the following suggestionsauthors should add a comparative analysis on the proposed work with the existing methods add stronger new results to improve the research contribution of the paperall the mathematical equations should be numbered and therefore proof should be given if possiblethe grammar of the paper should be checked thoroughly and mistakes should apply removedfigures quality is not good the data should use highresolution figures with proper axes information
perspective on the way of measurement the load on the knee joint varies greatly in this paper image processing technology is used to quantitatively measure estimated changes of fat cartilage before and after exercise through the correlation between body mass index gender and other factors and the numerical changes of cartilage before and after exercise the full text contains clear semantics and rigorous logic it is a very readable article however in the description of the content of the article there are some problems which need to be avoided the possible problems are as follows the abstract part extracts important keywords research objects and other parameters through the content of the article the keywords of the finite element model appearing in the text need to be supplemented the
by discussing the role of new drugs in surgical treatment of breast cancer patients this paper opens for a new option for the treatment of female tumor it is a relatively novel article offering relatively novel viewpoints and must be published smoothly after solving the following list of all please update the writing format of these article take the abstract part as an example it is best not to discuss in this stylefor rna or dna sequences in the article please use italics this will better distinguish this section from the restas an added bonus please download more data about the core of this article in the summary section to make it more specifickeywords appear bc please explain the definition as far as possible do not appear in
this study validated that tumor cellderived exosomal miramp promoted crc cell proliferation and stemness via targeting rora this is of great significance for further revealing the pathogenesis of crc the overall framework of the article is complete but some writing problems in the article need to be solvedit is recommended to add a summary statement to the end of each section of result partin the sentence as shown in figure a the presence of exosomelinked markers containing tsg cd and alix were characterized by western blot tsg should be tsgplease change pmirgl in the ordinate of figure f to pmirgloin vivo and in vitro are suggested to use italics please check the full text and modifythe subtitle miramp promotes crc cell growth and stemness in vivo was suggested
the level of originality of the paper is high the literature review and proposed methodology are properly discussed and compared to the previous studies in this paper authors used many sources containing both historical and fundamental works as well as the latest scientific research on this topic but the literature review can be structured the papers discussed many points of this study please discuss these papers too moiseev n mikhaylov a varyash i saqib a investigating the relation of gdp per capita and corruption index entrepreneurship and sustainability issues httpdoiorgjesimutalimov v kovaleva i mikhaylov a stepanova d assessing regional growth of small business in russia entrepreneurial business and economics review httpsdoiorgebervaryash i mikhaylov a moiseev n aleshin k triple bottom line and corporate social responsibility performance indicators for
the research work clearly discusses an appropriate reconfigurable fir filter design with coefficients and using modified bacterial foraging optimization algorithm working style of the manuscript is good for readers and better understanding from one step to another step so i are found in the manuscript which is described as follows a what is the chemotaxis process mention the chemotaxis process role in modified bacterial foraging optimizations algorithm and specify three limitations and advantages of the methodb the pseudocode of a proposed ccse csdbased common subexpression elimination algorithm is explained well on paper provide correct variable explanation in the pseudocodec in figure graphical example of the bacterial exploration twirl and other random twirl behavior is represented in graph but in x and y axis details are not present in