stringlengths 9
| text_b
stringlengths 18
| labels
int64 0
python library to generate regular expressions | pperhaps it would be better to use a python html parser that supports xpaths see a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions285990parsehtmlviaxpaththis related questiona look for the bits of interest in the html code and then record their xpaths or at least the ones shared by more than one of the examplesp
| 0 |
python s import time timetime is not same as phps time this one has a dot | pok so pythons time comes from the codetimecode module p
pwhich emmay or may notem give the best time for your systemp
preturn the time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number note that even though the time is always returned as a
floating point number not all systems provide time with a better
precision than 1 second while this function normally returns
nondecreasing values it can return a lower value than a previous
call if the system clock has been set back between the two calls a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2librarytimehtmltimetime relnofollowpython time docap
psometimes clock may work betterp
pon unix return the current processor time as a floating point number expressed in seconds the precision and in fact the very
definition of the meaning of processor time depends on that of the
c function of the same name but in any case this is the function to
use for benchmarking python or timing algorithms a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2librarytimehtmltimetime relnofollowpython time doca
pdepending on your use you should choose one of these for a discussion see here a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions85451pythontimeclockvstimetimeaccuracypython timeclock vs timetime accuracyap
pphp time according to the docs does the followingp
preturns the current time measured in the number of seconds since the
unix epoch january 1 1970 000000 gmt a hrefhttpphpnetmanualenfunctiontimephp relnofollowphp docsap
pso no matter which one you choose youre most likely to get the same if not better resolution than phps time p
pif you want to time a function though you should try the a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2librarytimeithtml relnofollowcodetimeitcodemodulea which automatically chooses from either codeclockcode or codetime</code> depending on the os granularity</p>
| 0 |
submitting form using mechanize in python | pyoure close but theres more you need to do after submitting in this case just addp
precodedoc responseread
ofile ltyour pathgt
with openofile w as f
pi couldnt actually test this on your website at the moment so im just assuming all your settings before this are correct i only have python 3 at work and mechanize only works on 2x regardless this is generally the way you want to retrieve this sort of outputp
| 0 |
how can i have python read variables from a browser | ptwo solutions come through my mindp
lithe games server code may expose api eg rest api via which your ai could query parameters and execute commandsli
limake your ai interact with game just like human would using a hrefhttpseleniumpythonreadthedocsio relnofollowseleniumpythonali
pusing selenium you can read state at any time by executing js in browser like this assuming your page includes jqueryp
pre classlangpy prettyprintoverridecodefrom selenium import webdriver
driver webdriverphantomjs
somevalue driverexecutescriptreturn someidval
| 0 |
deleting a windows registry value with python | pi think deletekey takes the parent to the key you want to delete and the subkey is the key you ant to delete im not on a windows machine so i cant test it right nowp
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python requests login not logging in | ptry using mechanize for this there is a snippet that is used to login then its pretty easy to get links from that refer this a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions30898033pythonmechanizeloginfacebookusebeautifulshoupgetprofilepicturefailedpython mechanize login facebook use beautifulshoup get profile picture faileda you will also come to know that scrapping the whole data will not be possible p
| 0 |
checking if number is within more or less range in python | pyou cant use a range to directly compare emyourem number and the randomly generated number but you can use a range to directly compare their emdifferencesemp
pcodeabscode can be used to return the positive version of a number whether it is positive or negativep
pyou can use this to ensure your random number is always empositiveemp
pyou must be misreading about codewithincode this is either something accessible only to you and your class or you misread what it meant because codewithincode is not a buildin functionp
pnow on solving your problem this takes a bit of math and logicp
pyou cant work within a range because the number is randomly generated but you can always get a percentage of them and work based on emthatemp
pas an example consider this number line where the random number is 10 denoted by codecodep
pyou will always be able to divide the number you guess by the random number and get a number that will range from in this case code010code and code1020code in all cases when codenumberguessed numbergeneratedcode the number calculated in the division operation will be equal to code1codep
pi leave you to figure out the implementation of this but the basic concept is that you can figure out how close you are to the number based on how far away you are from the number code1codep
pits not perfect either but its an interested and clever way that might get a professors notice if you do it rightp
| 0 |
split data to multiple matrices based on first column values | precode a
with openinfilecsv as f
for line in f
l linestripsplit
if l0 in akeys
al0 l1
pthis example uses a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions509211explainpythonsslicenotationarray slicinga which returns pieces of a list as a list p
pat the end a holds p
0 0 3 4 5
0 1 5 0 0
0 0 9 0 0
0 0 2 2 2
0 1 3 0 0
1 0 0 4 0
| 0 |
cross compiled pyspidev for arm | pthanks for all your helpp
pi found the solution so i post it for those who have the same problemp
pthis is what i did p
precodegit clone httpsgithubcomdocemepyspidev
cd pyspidev
export archarm
export crosscompilearmpokylinuxgnueabi
export pathpathpathtomycrosscompiler
export ccplatgcc pthread
export ldsharedcc shared
export crossbasepath of destination
export cflagsi path to python cross compiled include icrossbaseusrinclude
export ldflagsl path to python cross compiled libs lcrossbaselib lcrossbaseusrlib
python setuppy install prefixcrossbase
penjoy p
| 0 |
cannot complete flaskmigration | pi ran into a similar issue after performing the python managepy db migrate command the database tables were not created there was only an alembic table in the database p
pi found the solution in the flaskmigrate documentation
a hrefhttpsflaskmigratereadthedocsorgenlatest relnofollowhttpsflaskmigratereadthedocsorgenlatestap
pthe migration script needs to be reviewed and edited as alembic
currently does not detect every change you make to your models in
particular alembic is currently unable to detect indexes once
finalized the migration script also needs to be added to version
pthen you can apply the migration to the databasep
precodepython managepy db upgrade
pthis command created the tables and applied the database migrations p
| 0 |
django form checking every object without showing them | pi think we could achieve that by overriding the a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen19topicsformsmodelformsthesavemethod relnofollowcodemodelformsavecodea methodp
precodeclass worldformformsmodelform
class meta
model world
fields name
def saveself committrue
superworldform selfsavecommitfalse
isnew not selfinstancepk
if isnew
its a new world fill it with countries
return selfinstance
| 0 |
how can i set a custom response header for pylons static public files | pin a standard pylons setup the public files are served from a staticurlparser this is typically setup in your configmiddlewarepymakeapp functionp
pyou need to subclass the staticurlparser like antonin enfrun describes though calling it a controller is confusing because its doing a different purpose add something like the following to the top of the configmiddlewarepyp
precodefrom pastefileapp import fileapp
from pasteurlparser import staticurlparser
class headerurlparserstaticurlparser
def makeappself filename
headers your headers here
return fileappfilename headers contenttypeapplicationoctetstream
pthen replace staticurlparser in configmiddlewarepymakeapp with headerurlparserp
precode staticapp staticurlparserconfigpylonspathsstaticfiles
precode staticapp headerurlparserconfigpylonspathsstaticfiles
| 0 |
tango with django exercise 831 add page | pi found the solution to my problem so ill post it for anyone who might come across the same problem as i didp
pin categoryhtml i changed p
precodelta hrefrangocategory categorynameslug addpagegtpagesltagt
pwith p
precodelta href url addpage categoryslug gtpagesltagt
pplease take note that the syntax of lines changed because i started using a hrefhttpdjangoregistrationreduxreadthedocsorgenlatestquickstarthtml relnofollowdjangoregistrationreduxap
| 0 |
is it possible to load the model once and reuse it again in python | pfirst you should check how much of a bottleneck this is and if it is really worth avoiding the io an sgdclassifier is usually quite small you can easily reuse the model but the question is not really about how to reuse the model i would say but how to get the new user instances to the classifierp
pi would imagine codeuseridcode is a feature vector not an id rightp
pto make the model do prediction on new data you need some kind of event based processing that calls the model when a new input arrives
i am by far no expert here but i think one simple solution might be using an http interface and use a lightweight server like a hrefhttpflaskpocooorg relnofollowflaskap
| 0 |
python ifand not working as expected | pyou can just cast codeintcode and check for a codevalueerrorcodep
precodedef rolldice
while true
numsides intinputenter number of sides for die
numrolls intinputenter number of rolls for die
except valueerror
printenter an integer
precodegtgtgt rolldice
enter number of sides for die 5
enter number of rolls for die foo
enter an integer
enter number of sides for die foo
enter an integer
enter number of sides for die bar
enter an integer
enter number of sides for die 1
enter number of rolls for die 2
| 0 |
making django readonly foreignkey field in admin render as a link | pcerins answer does not work in my django 18 project because readonlyfields should not contain string userlink but a reference to defined functionp
precodeclass profileadminadminmodeladmin
def userobj
changeurl reverseadminauthuserchange argsobjuserid
return marksafelta href0gt1ltagtformatchangeurl objuseremail
usershortdescription edit linked user
rawidfields user
listdisplay user lastname firstname specialization
listdisplaylinks firstname lastname
readonlyfields user user
pnote that userobj overrides both single model edit and model list display for profileuser field note also that readonlyfields uses both user and user one renders linked email another one user namep
| 0 |
how to reliably check windows release version in python | pstarting in windows 81 microsoft changed the way the underlying version functions work so while windows 81 strongshouldstrong return 63 as the version number it doesnt unless the application is specifically manifested for windows 81 so for windows 81 and server 2012 r2 codeplatformplatformcode wont work as expected on my windows 81 box i get this as the outputp
precodegtgtgt import platform
gtgtgt platformplatform
pthe above shows windows 81 clearly identified as nt version 62 which is wrong it should have been 63p
psee a hrefhttpstackoverflowcoma223257671354698my answera on this other thread for a way to get the true windows version number even on windows 81 and server 2012 r2p
| 0 |
parsing a json file and adding it to a model | pi solved the problem by replacing p
precodeimport os
osenvirondjangosettingsmodule jsonapisettings
pby p
precodefrom jsonapiwsgi import
pwhere codejsonapicode is my project name thanks for the help p
| 0 |
why doesnt warp function in python get executed when i call it | pyou are calling codedecorcode with a single argument that argument is whatever codeprinttextcode returns well codeprinttextcode prints something and then returns none so far your output is just codehello worldcode none is now passed to codedecorcode and it returns the codewrapcode function nowhere is codewrapcode actually called and your final output is just codehello worldcodep
pyou are misunderstanding the use of decorators the correct syntax is thisp
def printtext
printhello world
pthat is a shortcut for thisp
precodedef printtext
printhello world
printtext decorprinttext
pnow you can see that it is the returns of codedecorprinttextcode the codewrapcode function that is being called and everything is printedp
| 0 |
how do i color a date in pyqt4 calendar widget | pim not exactly sure what youre trying to do here but since im hacking away at the tutorial on pyqt4 from zetcodecom myself i thought i might throw in a few suggestionsp
pyou can change the font color of codelblcode by adding a stylesheet if you click on a date in the calendar the printed label will turn greenp
precodedef showdateself date
selflabelsetstylesheetcolor green
pif you want to color the background of your label go about it this wayp
precodedef showdateself date
selflabelsetstylesheetbackgroundcolor red
pit just occurred to me that you might mean emprintem instead of empaintem so heres a way to print the date in your style formatp
precode in your initui method
selfdatelabel qtguiqlabelself
date calselecteddate
datemonth dateyear output 2092013
change your showdate method to this
def showdateself date
mydateformat formatdateday datemonth
selfdatelabelsettextmydateformat output 112013
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decoding json dictionary with python | pok looking at the online docs for the requests module i see that calling coderjsoncode will do the json parsing for you and give you back a python dict the thing you are posting is the output of that dict so the json part has already been taken care of for youp
pthis code should work in both python 2 and python 3 once you have extracted the data to jsonresponse using codejsonresponse rjsoncodep
jsondata jsonresponseresults
for item in jsondata
for key in twitterid officesplit
subitemdictkey itemgetkey will give none if key does not exist
precodetwitterid reptoddyoung office 1007 longworth house office building
twitterid sendonnelly office 720 hart senate office building
twitterid sendancoats office 493 russell senate office building
| 0 |
how to ensure double quote in multiline strings | ppython doesnt stop you from using doublequotes inside your multiline strings the trouble is only when you place them next to each other codecode you can either escape your double quotes as codecode or simply leave a space between them and the triplequotes code codep
select from table
where dtdate gt datesdatedate
gtgtgt print q
select from table
where dtdate gt asdf
pstrongspace before the triplequotesstrongp
select from table
where dtdate gt dates datedate
gtgtgt print q
select from table
where dtdate gt asdf
| 0 |
debugger not starting with error typeerror init missing 1 required positional argument params | pturns out i had another python module codequeuecode in my project which was conflicting with codequeuecode in the standard library after renaming that everything is workingp
| 0 |
how to shift list indexes by a certain value in python | pyou could consider a a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3librarycollectionshtmlcollectionsdeque relnofollowcodedequecodea insteadp
precodegtgtgt from collections import deque
gtgtgt d deque1234
gtgtgt drotate1
gtgtgt d
deque2 3 4 1
| 0 |
pygletavbin misses beginning and end of video | pive also run into the problem with the beginnings of files being glitchy when played through pyglet i fixed it by reencoding and forceadding a few extra keyframes at the start of the filep
precodeavconv i glitchyfilemp4 forcekeyframes 001002003
cv h264 ca copy notglitchyfilemp4
pthis approach should work with suitably recent versions of ffmpeg too just replace codeavconvcode with codeffmpegcode ive only tested it with h264encoded video streams on linux with avbin10 and libav built locally from a hrefhttpsgithubcomlibavlibav relnofollowtheir git master branchap
pit is a hack not a solution since it doesnt tell you why pyglet is ignoring keyframes early in the stream nor does it cause pyglet to read them correctly but it makes the problem go awayp
| 0 |
python openpyxl xlsx if column is x print current row | pplease import xlrd and run this code and modify as youp
precodeimport xlrd
workbook xlrdopenworkbookfilexls
for s in workbooksheets
for r in rangesnrows
for c in rangesncols
print row r
print column c
print value scellrcvalue
| 0 |
iterating over a string in python | punidiomatically but conciselyp
precodeimport time
import sys
autotype lambda instrmaplambda chsysstdoutwritech timesleep02 instr
autotypehello world
pthe main problem with the above code is that its not usual to sequence two functions using tuple if you dont care for their return values p
| 0 |
calling r script from python | pcodetypeargparsefiletypewcode creates a file object so you are trying to concatenate the string to the file object if you want the output written to a file you can pass the file object to codesubprocesscode and have it write the stdout directly to the filep
precodesubprocesscheckcallrscript scriptrstdoutargso
| 0 |
what api package or library is easiest to find the location of an ip address | pyou can take a look at a hrefhttpuserinfoio relnofollowuserinfoioap
pissuing a codeget httpapiuserinfoiouserinfoscode will return you all the information youre asking for you can also specify the ip address in the parameters codeget httpapiuserinfoiouserinfosipaddress888888888888codep
pthe response looks like itp
requestdate 20140918t041125154z
ipaddress 1927723795
latitude 377758
longitude 1224128
accuracy 3 this is the accuracy radius in kilometers
name north america
code na
name united states
code us
name san francisco
code 94103
| 0 |
spotipy how to read more than 100 tracks from a playlist | pmany of the spotipy methods return paginated results so you will have to scroll through them to view more than just the max limit ive encountered this most often when collecting a playlists full track listing and consequently created a custom method to handle thisp
precodedef getplaylisttracksusernameplaylistid
results spuserplaylisttracksusernameplaylistid
tracks resultsitems
while resultsnext
results spnextresults
return tracks
| 0 |
grouping a dataframe and applying tuple | pthis seems to do the trickp
precodegroupedapplylambda x pdserieslistxitertuplesindexfalse
| 0 |
python 3 nonblocking read with pyserial cannot get pyserials inwaiting property to work | pyou have to run the open port function first then at the end close it using the close functionp
| 0 |
best way to store a triangularhexagonal grid in python | pdont use hgtilesabcp
pmake tiles a three dimensional list by this way
codehgtiles z for z in range10 for y in range10 for x in range10code
now you can access a tile using codehgtilesabccodep
ppscodea adeltasj0code should be codea deltasj0code and so on for for the other assignmentsp
| 0 |
if multiple substrings match string in specific order | precode if indexa lt indexb
puse the index method to determine which one comes first the if statement gives a conditional as to what you do once you find out which comes first do you understand what im trying to say p
| 0 |
storing for loop iteration data | precoderesults
for i in range5
filedataa i
filedatab i2
print results
| 0 |
how to create structured arrays with list and array in python | pyour error occurs onp
precoded cp
phere is a simple approach using regular python lists on the title rowp
precodeimport numpy as np
a p q r s t u
b nparray1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
c npvstacka b
print c
d c0lenc listc0indexp
print d
| 0 |
build nested dictionary in shell script | pyou can create a json file with your dictionary and pass to python script with argparsep
pfor examplep
precodeimport os
import argparse
import json
def executejsonfile
if ospathisfilejsonfile
with openjsonfile as jsondata
data jsonloadjsondata
here you can process your dictionary data
print data
parser argparseargumentparserdescriptionthis script will take json file as argument
arg parserparseargs
jsonfile argjson
popen command shell and enterp
precodecpython27pythonexe argdictpy ctempjson
| 0 |
how to open new bash terminal using python | pi dont know exactly how to explain it in code but i can point you in the right direction its an example from windows command prompt though when you are in command prompt the way to open a new window is to type start prompt from the already open one maybe if you apply this same methodology to your script it will work hopefully i was of some help to youp
| 0 |
multiple values json string python django | pwithin your page you can build an array and post those values manually as stated belowp
precodevaluesdatetime1 value1datetime2value2
por you could loop over all items and build the listp
precodeeachdatetime functioni item
pwithin your view you can get a list of values passed asp
| 0 |
is my bisection search algorithm so wrong | precodelo 0
hi 100
mid hi lo2
print please think of a number between 0 and 100
while true
print is your number strmid
userinput rawinput enter h to indicate the guess is too high enter l to indicate the guess is too low enter c to indicate i guessed correctly
if userinput h
hi mid
mid hi lo2
elif userinput l
lo mid
mid hi lo2
elif userinput c
print game over your secret number was strmid
print sorry i did not understand your input
| 0 |
write a function filterlongwords that takes a list of words and an integer n and returns the list of words that are longer than n | pyour main problem is passing words as a single string rather than an iterable of strings the secondary problem is not specifying the separator between words for the missing split here is my versionp
pi made codelongwordscode a generator function because in actually use one does not necessary need the sequence of long words to be a list and i gave an example of this in the output formattingp
precodedef longwordswordlist length
return word for word in wordlist if lenword gt length
def main
words inputenter words separated by spaces split
length intinputminimum length of words to keep
printwords longer than are formatlength
joinlongwordswords length
pthis results in for instancep
precodeenter words separated by spaces a bb ccc dd eeee f ggggg
minimum length of words to keep 3
words longer than 3 are ccc eeee ggggg
| 0 |
i want to cut variable on another variables using python | precodec1 c2 c3 c4 csplit
pshould do the trick this takes advantage of the destructuring assignment feature of python where a sequenceiterable is matched with the variables on the leftp
| 0 |
use python to resize the active window to half the screen size in linux | pthe lag you getting is caused by xrandr command its going to be slow anyway you can reduce this time by parsing output of codexdpyinfo grep dimensionscode from python you could call this command using subprocesspopenp
| 0 |
google drive api download sheet problems | pso to put and end in this after a long time weve could not find a solution to this problem and ended up using a different method to approach this situationp
pheres what we didp
lisearched all the unique sheets we wantedli
licopied linked them to a separate file on driveli
liused the api to fetch each of those files separatelyli
pthis resulted in success since it was a pretty straight forward solution using the official apisp
pit was kinda of a hassle to have to copy everything to other files but afaik it is the only way to do it for nowp
| 0 |
understanding tensorflow lstm models input | pbasically lstm takes the size of your vector for once cellp
precodelstm rnncellbasiclstmcelllstmsize forgetbias10
pthen how many time series do you want to feed its up to your fed vector the number of arrays in the xsplit decides the number of time stepsp
precodexsplit tfsplit0 timestepsize x
outputs states rnnrnnlstm xsplit initialstateinitstate
pin your example i guess the lstmsize is 256 since its the vector size of one word the timestepsize would be the max word count in your trainingtest sentencesp
pplease see this example a hrefhttpsgithubcomnlintztensorflowtutorialsblobmaster7lstmpy relnofollowhttpsgithubcomnlintztensorflowtutorialsblobmaster7lstmpyap
| 0 |
how to add strings to a list created by the readlines function | pi dont think you should be modifying the list you are iterating over try iterating over a copy and modifying the original also you are not actually writing the new line back to the file try thisp
precode number strintinputnumber
inputname inputlastname inputfirstname
file txttxt
open file with default mode for reading
f openfile
lines freadlines
fclose close the file sooner rather than later
loop for each line in the file
for line in listlines lt create a copy to iterate over
the name is the values indexed from 0 first character to 4 fourth to last character
name line04
check if name has been appended before
if name inputname
if value of name is inputname concentrate the number onto the line
found true
printnyour name has been found in the filen
newline line1 number n
break the loop
otherwise continue the loop
found false
overwrite the file with the updated data
with openfile w as myfile
pthe codereadlinescode method just gives a list of the lines read from the file modifying it does not modify the file once you have a modified list overwrite the file now the number should be there on the second runp
phope that helpsp
| 0 |
call 2 python functions every n seconds | pi also believe the problem is that em4hem is interrupted by the other function you could create a counter var inside em5minem and call 4h from therep
precodeusrbinenv python
import threading
counter 0
def 5min
threadingtimer300 5minstart
counter 1
if counter 48
counter 0
print5 min
def 4h
pit is probably not the best solution but is the best one i knowp
| 0 |
python write more then one line into csv | puse a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarycsvhtmlcsvcsvwriterwriterows relnofollowcodewriterowscodea instead of codewriterowcodep
precodewith openfilename w as f
writer csvwriterf delimiter
| 0 |
swig python callback with function template and shared pointer as return value | pthe swig object you get back is a proxy for the codejobmecode it should work just like a codejobtcode wherever you need itp
pah i think i see the problem you need to instantiate the codejobtcode and codeclientwaitforjobcode for each codeprcode you havep
precodeinclude boostsharedptri
include ltjobthppgt
templatejobname jobtltfoogt
template clientwaitforjobltfoogt
pso codetemplatecode instantiates a template but it doesnt guess all the possible types you might use to instantiate it withp
| 0 |
binding to the minimizemaximize buttons in tkinter | pfor minimization you should be able to bind to codeltunmapgtcode you can read more a hrefhttpswwwtcltkmantcltkcmdbindhtmm13 relnofollowhereap
pim not sure what to suggest for maximization maybe the codeltconfiguregtcode event or codeltresizerequestgtcodep
| 0 |
confused about list variable assigment | pits not variable assignment its lookup codepositioncode is an index when it has a value of code0code codenumberspositioncode returns code1code the first element in codenumberscode for codepositioncode code1code it gets code3code etcp
ppython sequences like codelistcode are indexed 0up so the first element in a sequence is at index code0code and the last is at index codelenseq 1codep
| 0 |
writing a simple python programany help would be much appreciated | pnerdherd and mhawke have already explained the issue with printinfo and with indents but it sounds like youre still confused by how to get 3 nurseassistants instead of 25 for example you say now how to figure out how to program ratiosp
pby using floats you can run into the problem that not every decimal floatingpoint value is exactly representable as an ieee floatingpoint value and that one can be solved by programming ratios eg by using codefractionsfraction1 2code instead of code10 20code or by using decimal floats like codedecimal1 decimal2code but thats not actually the problem youre havingp
pthe problem youre having is that you want to round up and that doesnt happen automatically you have to do it explicitly eg by calling codemathceilcode and there are two places you could do it with different semantics so you have to decide which one makes sense for your problemp
poption 1 is to round up as soon as possible like thisp
precodedef getnursespatients
nurses mathceil10 30 patients
return nurses
def getassistantsnurses
nurseassistants mathceil10 20 nurses
return nurseassistants
poption 2 is to round up as late as possible like thisp
precodedef printinfopatients nurses nurseassistants
print the number of patients for this shift is mathceilpatients
print the number of nurses needed is mathceilnurses
print the number of nurses assistants is mathceilnurseassistants
pin your case these actually will turn out to give the same answers assuming the number of patients is always an integer which hopefully it is but hopefully you can see how these can give different answers in similar cases so you have to decide which is correctp
pmeanwhile codemathceil266666code is going to print out as 30 when you may want 3 instead to do that just change codemathceilnursescode to codeintmathceilnursescode etcp
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how to check if a web pages content has been changed using seleniums webdriver with python | pyou cannot rely on codepagesourcecode for what you are doing what selenium will report is most likely going to be what the browser first received as the docs a hrefhttpsseleniumgooglecodecomgitdocsapijavaorgopenqaseleniumwebdriverhtmlgetpagesource2829 relnofollowmentionap
pget the source of the last loaded page strongif the page has been modified after loading for example by javascript there is no guarantee that the returned text is that of the modified pagestrong please consult the documentation of the particular driver being used to determine whether the returned text reflects the current state of the page or the text last sent by the web server the page source returned is a representation of the underlying dom do not expect it to be formatted or escaped in the same way as the response sent from the web server think of it as an artists impressionp
pemphasis mine the doc is for the java bindings but the behavior is not determined by the java bindings but by the part of selenium that lives browserside so this applies to the python bindings toop
pwhat you should be doing to get the actual state of the page isp
precodedriverexecutescriptreturn documentdocumentelementouterhtml
pthis will give you a serialization of the dom tree of the entire pagep
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what is the best way in pythondjango to let users add files to the database | pyou could simply write static files to disc and then serve them as static files that would be easier but it depends on your other requirementsp
pbut from what i understand in your question youd needp
lia form to uploadli
lia upload handler itself which inserts into the dbli
lia view that renders based on a pathli
linot sure about the urlspy entry youll want something in there to separate this content from the rest of your site and youll probably also want something to safeguard against the file extensions that you serve there li
pemnote this has security hole written all over it i would be super careful in how you test thisemp
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python argparse subparsers and linking to the correct function | pthis should work but a manual mapping would be more straight forward in my opinionp
precodeimport argparse
class proxy
def getattrthing
def caller type
if type
serverobject get instance of server with right type
return getattrserverobject thing
return caller
parser argparseargumentparser
entryparseraddargumentservertype destservertype requiredtruechoiceshttp ftp ssh
subparser parseraddsubparsersdestoperation
for operation in check build deploy configure verify
entryparser subparseraddparseroperation
entryparsersetdefaultsfuncgetattrproxy command
options parserparseargs
this will call proxy function caller with type argument
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tumblr scraping bot not getting images scrapy | pyou are always getting the first image and storing only that one inside a list so a list with only one element this is what this line saysp
precodeimageimageurls urljoinresponseurl rel0
pyou should maybe use a better xpath to extract the right information maybe something likep
precodeimgxpath idcontentdivclasscopyimgsrc
imageimageurls responsexpathimgxpathextract
return image
pthis is just an example you should check if that is the correct xpathp
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batchadding properties in python | pyou can define a metaclass to dynamically create all the properties that needs lazy loading this metaclass gets the property names from a list codelazypropscode defined in your own class and within codenewcode generate the properties in your class p
pthe code is like thisp
precodeclass lazymetatype
def newcls clsname bases clsdict
d dictclsdict
props dgetlazyprops
def lazyloadattr
def wrappedmethodself
variable attr
if not hasattrself variable
return getattrself variable
return wrappedmethod
for prop in props
method lazyloadprop
property propertymethod
dprop property
return typenewcls clsname bases d
your class uses lazymeta as metaclass
class lazyclass
metaclass lazymeta
lazyprops test1 test2
def loadself
print loading
pnow when you instantiate a object of lazyclassp
precodegtgtgt l lazyclass
gtgtgt ltest1
gtgtgt ltest2
pemnote i used codetest1 test2code in place of codetest1 test2code because python treat variables starting with double underscore specially and it prevents codegetattrcode from working properlyemp
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what is the performance hit of this orderby django query | pwithout seeing your full query and your schema its impossible to do more than speculatep
pbut i believe the order of columns in a multicolumn index in mysql is important this would mean that your index on codetimestamp is likely unusable for ordering by timestamp if you changed the order to instead be timestampcode it probably would be useable for order by timestamp however it may hurt performance for other queriesp
pif your usage requires an index for both you may need to create a second index on just the timestamp columnp
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flattening nested loops decreasing complexity complementary pairs counting algorithm | pi think some or all of these would help but im not sure how i would prove it yetp
p1 take values and reduce it to a distinct set of values recording the count of each element onp
p2 sort the resulting array
n log np
p3 if you can allocate lots of memory i guess you might be able to populate a sparse array with the values so if the range of values is 100 100 allocate an array of 201 and any value that exists in the reduced set pops a one at the value index in the large sparse arrayp
p4 any value that you want to check if it meets your condition now has to look at the index in the sparse array according to the x y relationship and see if a value exists therep
p5 as unutbu pointed out its trivially symmetric so if ab is a pair so is bap
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how to find all django foreign key references to an instance | pyou can use djangos reverse foreign key support p
psay you have two models like sop
precodeclass foomodelsmodel
name modelscharfieldmaxlength10
class barmodelsmodel
descr modelscharfieldmaxlength100
foo modelsforeignkeyfoo
pthen you know you can do codebarinstancefoocode to access the foo object it keys to but you can use the reverse foreign key on a codefoocode instance to get all the codebarcode objects that point to it using eg codefoobarsetcode p
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writing a single table value in sqlite3 | pif you are not familiar with sql you could try using an orm which maps db tables to python classes and objects i am a big fan of storm you can find it herep
pa hrefhttpsstormcanonicalcom relnofollowhttpsstormcanonicalcomap
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r r stage 4 create and train the ranker | ppython is telling you it cant find the script codetrainpycode in the current working directory did you skip this step in the a hrefhttpswwwibmcomsmarterplanetusenibmwatsondeveloperclouddocretrieverankgetstartshtml relnofollowtutorialap
pnavigate to the downloaded trainpy scriptp
pthis means codecdcode to the same directory as the filep
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python bit operations on a list of ints | pdo you mean something like thisp
precodedebossarray 0 for i in xrange4
def setbitdint index offset
dintindex 1 ltlt offset
print debossarray 0 0 0 0
setbitdebossarray 2 3
print debossarray 0 0 8 0
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joining hundreds of columns and column indexes into a string | ptry this p
precodeld dfsetindexidfillnatodictorientrecords
ll join k strv for kv in xiteritems if v for x in ld
skill2500 skill1100 skill430
skill320 skill2100 skill4700
skill3450 skill1230 skill550
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comparing packets in python | pso you have a few problems here mostly in your python syntax br
1 an if statement in python looks like the following
brcodeif 1 1
print hello world
p2 notice that you try to use the codeprintcode command after you use codereturncode this will not work because once you use return the function will finish running for example
codedef test
return hello world will run and exit the function
print hello wolrd2 will not run since the function was finished on the line above
pafter you have fixed these problems i suggest you look over your code and fix it to the right python syntaxp
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database commit which is the preferred way and why | pstrongthe method 1strongp
liwill take more time because it must commit the changes to the database item by itemli
liit takes more io access to the hard driveli
liif an error occurs in the second query the first query is already commitedli
pstrongthe method 2strongp
liwill perform faster because it commits the changes only one timeli
liit takes less ioli
liif an error occurs in the second query the first query is rolled backli
pthe second method is similar to a bulk insert since it commits all the changes only when all queries are executedp
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how to create django like button for anonymous users | pyou emcantem 100 restrict multiple votes but you can make it very difficult for a regular user by usingp
lia cookieli
lia db entry with the voters ipli
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how to manage a single form of data in django admin | pyou can just redirect user from list view to detail view of first element on list it wont even need to modify anything in admin just create separate view that will redirect user to page and register in on url that will be normally occupied by list view remember that your view must be registered in codeurlspycode before django adminp
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sklearns plsregression valueerror array must not contain infs or nans | pthe issue is caused by a bug in scikitlearn i reported it on github a hrefhttpsgithubcomscikitlearnscikitlearnissues2089issuecomment152753095 relnofollowhttpsgithubcomscikitlearnscikitlearnissues2089issuecomment152753095ap
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how to set synchronous transmission under reverse proxy using nginx | pyou mean streaming yeah you probably want to play with strongproxybufferingstrong strongproxystorestrong andor strongproxytempfilewritesizestrongp
pa hrefhttpwikinginxorghttpproxymoduleproxystore relnofollowhttpwikinginxorghttpproxymoduleproxystoreap
pa hrefhttpwikinginxorghttpproxymoduleproxybuffering relnofollowhttpwikinginxorghttpproxymoduleproxybufferingap
pa hrefhttpwikinginxorghttpproxymoduleproxytempfilewritesize relnofollowhttpwikinginxorghttpproxymoduleproxytempfilewritesizeap
pstrongside notestrong since nginx is singlethreaded then you really want to use that feature otherwise one upload may block entire server for quite a long timep
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unicodedecodeerror utf8 codec cant decode byte 0xc3 in position 34 unexpected end of data | pinstead of your forloop do something likep
precodestart sitedecodeutf8findltimg idimgsized classslideimg 40
| 0 |
how i solve this indexerror | pwhat i did to solve this problem i changed the if a little bit i changed p
pto p
pand in this way i could fix the problemp
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getting the learned representation of the data from the unsupervised learning in pylearn2 | pi think you can use the encode and decode functions of the autoencoder to get the hidden representation egp
precodel1path dael1pkl
l1 serialloadl1path
layer 1
l1input l1getinputspacemaketheanobatch
l1encode l1encodel1input
l1decode l1decodel1encode
l1encodefunction theanofunctionl1input l1encode
l1decodefunction theanofunctionl1encode l1decode
pthen the representation will bep
precodel1encode l1encodefunctionyourdata
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how to access a class from a dynamically imported module | pactually 5 minutes after posting this question i was able to solve it but just in case someone else is trying to do the same thing here it isp
pafter you have imported your module dynamicallyp
precodemoduleobject importlibimportmoduleaudiomodule
pyou can obtain the class by doing the followingp
precodemoduleclass inspectgetmembersmoduleobject inspectisclass
pthen you need to create an object of that class with the module this is done byp
precodeclassobject getattrmoduleobject moduleclass
pnow when i print the classobject i get the followingp
precodegtgtgtprint classobject
pnow i just need to figure out how to get a list of methods within the class and access those methodsp
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list of list want to output variable not value | pyou are printing a your list c is actuallyp
precodec 123 234
pif you modify a before printing c the new values in a will be shown as python passes by reference and c contains a reference to ap
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keep track of django model history | pfound a nice a hrefhttpswwwdjangopackagescompackagespdjangoauditlog relnofollowappa which provides awesome api and helpful in most of the cases
like it provides api to track insertupdateddeleted instances with timestamp and user who did it documentation is written quite nicely too p
pa hrefhttpdjangoauditlogreadthedocsorgenlatestmodelhistoryhtml relnofollowauditlog auditloga to the existing model and it will attach these extra fields to keep track of the changes in the modelp
precodeactionid primary key for the log entry
actiondate the point in time when the logged action was performed
actionuser the user that performed the logged action
actiontype the type of the action createdchangeddeleted
any field of the original x model that is tracked by the audit log
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failed to write to file but generates no error | pyou have to put your cursor at the beginning of the file you can do that with codeseekcode methodp
psee this answer a hrefhttpstackoverflowcoma29496482119117httpstackoverflowcoma29496482119117ap
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python and ffmpeg video streaming not displaying via html5 | pwith this linep
pyour code repeatedly sends the http headers once for every 1024 bytes of video you only need to send the headers once after the get request is received then send the body which will be the video datap
palso read the request before replying conn2recv1024 ive found this to be necessary however i am not using windowsp
pone other thing the http headers are supposed to be separated by coderncode not just codencode so try changing that if the above doesnt fix itp
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creating threads from the same class but with different methods connected in python | pif you want to stick with classes good ideap
pbuild two new classes inheriting from mythread having both their implementation of printtime functionp
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web scraping a problem site | pas richiehindle mentioned your best bet on windows is to use the webbrowser class to create an instance of an ie rendering engine and then use that to browse the sitep
pthe class gives you full access to the dom tree so you can do whatever you want with itp
pa hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomenuslibrarysystemwindowsformswebbrowser28loband29aspx relnofollowhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomenuslibrarysystemwindowsformswebbrowser28loband29aspxap
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python optimization | pheres a short recursive solutionp
precodedef allwordsn charschri for i in xrange33 127
if n 1 return chars
return w c for w in allwordsn 1 for c in chars
for i in xrange1 5
for w in allwordsi
print w
pps is it an error that character 127 is excludedp
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how to create a dataframe series as a substring of a dataframe index | pconsider the codepddataframecode codefte5codep
precodefte5 pddataframenpones3 2 01234 34567 56789 x y
pa hrefhttpsistackimgurcom1ahwwpng relnofollowimg srchttpsistackimgurcom1ahwwpng altenter image description hereap
pif you already have 5 digit zipcodes that start with code0code then they must be codestrcode already the simplest way to get at the first 3 characters in a vectorized way is to use the codestrcode string accessor rather than use codeapplycodep
index012 345 567 dtypeobject
pwe can assign it to codefte5zip3code with codeinsertcodep
precodefte5insert2 zip3 fte5index3
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python cumulative insertion of values in a sparse matrix lilmatrix due to repeated indices | pyou could use a a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarycollectionshtmlcollectionsdefaultdict relnofollowdefaultdicta that maps the m column indices to their value and use the codemapcode function to update this defaultdict like sop
precodefrom collections import defaultdict
d defaultdictint use your array type here
def fj s
dj s
mapf j s
m1 dkeys dvalues keys and values are always in the same order
pinstead of codemapcode you can use codefiltercode if you dont want to create a list of codenonecode uselesslyp
precoded defaultdictint use your array type here
def ge
de1 se0
filterg enumeratej
m1 dkeys dvalues keys and values are always in the same
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how to calculate each string length that belongs to a list of strings by python | pjust a couple of remarks use codewithcode to handle files so you dont have to worry about closing them after you are done readingwriting flushing etc also since you are looping through the file once why not create the list too you dont need to go through it againp
precode open file and writing each sequences length
with openseqtxt r as f
totallen 0
for line in f
newseq linestrip
newseqlen lennewseq
totallen newseqlen
printnumber of sequences formatlensequences
printtotal lenght formattotallen
printbiggest sequence formatmaxsequences keylambda x lenx
printt with length formatlensortedsequences keylambda x lenx1
printsmallest sequence formatminsequences keylambda x lenx
printt with length formatlensortedsequences keylambda x lenx0
pi have included some postprocessing info to give you an idea of how to go about it
if you have any questions just askp
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creating new column using output of if else statement causes error | pthis answer mainly tries to explain the error that youre seeing as im not a codepandascode user ill let the other answers speak to better ways to write this codep
pcodedfmonthcode returns an array codesomearray 6code will return another array constructed such that codenewarrayi truecode iff codesomearrayi 6codep
pbecause of situations like this in numpy an array does not have a truth value unlike normal python sequences so to test if an array is truthy you need to specify what you mean eg to specify that emallem elements must be truthy youd want codedfmonth 6allcodep
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how do i remove a range subsection of a list in python | precodegtgtgt all range17
gtgtgt current 4
gtgtgt item for item in all if item current and item current1
1 2 5 6
gtgtgt current 0
gtgtgt item for item in all if item current and item current1
1 2 3 4 5 6
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how can i split a list of lists of tuples if i dont have a column formed by only one element in the column selected | pin the following code we first redefine codedividedatacode so that it is a bit more flexible and efficient and later we test our new implementation on the two different types of data that you showed us with respect to the criterium to use with your data i had to improvisep
pthe new codedividedatacode has no more fixed tests that are chosen according to the type of the value passed to the function but leverages pythons ability to threat functions as data codetestcode must be a function that you define elsewhere in you code or define on the fly in the call to codedividedatacode using the codelambdacode syntaxp
precodefrom future import printfunction
def dividedatadata colnum testnone
doc string placeholder
if no test function was passed return quite arbitrarily
a shallow copy of the original list and an empty list
if testnone return data
set0 set1
for row in data
if testrowcolnum
return set0 set1
mydata 0 y 0 n 1 n 2 y 3 y
0 y 0 y 1 y 2 y 3 n
theirdata slashdot usa yes 18 none
google france yes 23 premium
digg usa yes 24 basic
kiwitobes france yes 23 basic
slashdot france yes 19 none
digg new zealand yes 12, 'basic'],
['google', 'uk', 'yes', 18, 'basic'],
['kiwitobes', 'france', 'yes', 19, 'basic'],
['google', 'uk', 'no', 21, 'premium'],
['(direct)', 'new zealand', 'no', 12, 'none'],
['(direct)', 'uk', 'no', 21, 'basic'],
['google', 'usa', 'no', 24, 'premium'],
['digg', 'usa', 'no', 18, 'none'],
['google', 'uk', 'no', 18, 'none'],
['kiwitobes', 'uk', 'no', 19, 'none'],
['slashdot', 'uk', 'no', 21, 'none']]
c2y, c2n = dividedata(their_data, 2, lambda answer: answer=='yes')
c1y, c1n = dividedata(my_data, 1, lambda tup: tup[1]=='y')
print(c2y, c2n, sep='\n')
print(c1y, c1n, sep='\n')
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sorting data in file in python | precodeclass myclassobject
def initself name x y
selfname name
selfx x
selfy y
filename somefiletxt
with openfilename r as f
for line in f
a linesplit
name x y a0 a1 a2
if name item1
item1appendmyclassname x y
elif name item2
item2appendmyclassname x y
raise valueerroritem is improperly named
pin order to use the class effectively you need a constructor the codeinitcode method this lets you pass arguments to the class and store them as instance variables codenamecode codexcode and codeycode then you iterate through each line of the file split the line based on spaces and then add the instance of codemyclasscode to the appropriate listp
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force strformat to use two digits when displaying hexidecimals | pyoud use code04xcode to pad the output to 2 digits with a code0xcode prefix then format that again to fit your 6character widthp
precodeprint formatformatval 04x 6
pi used the a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2libraryfunctionshtmlformat relnofollowcodeformatcode functiona instead since you are not interpolating into a larger stringp
psince now the field is going to be 4 characters wide always you can also just hardcode the two spaces padding with a string formatp
precodeprint 04x formatval
precodegtgtgt format3 04x
gtgtgt formatformat3 04x 6
gtgtgt 04x format3
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spanish text in py files | pyou should specify your source files encoding by adding the following line to the very beginning of your code assuming that your file is encoded in utf8p
precode encoding utf8
potherwise python will assume an ascii encoding and fail during parsingp
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is it possible to add a value named none to enum type | pyou can do this using the codeenumcode constructor rather than creating a subclassp
precodegtgtgt from enum import enum
gtgtgt color enumcolor none 0 red 1 green 2 blue 3
gtgtgt colornone
ltcolornone 0
pedit this works using the codeenum34code backport for python 2 in python 3 you will be able to create the codeenumcode with the codenonecode attribute but you wont be able to access using dot notationp
precodegtgtgt colornone
syntaxerror invalid syntax
poddly you can still access it with codegetattrcodep
precodegtgtgt getattrcolor none
ltcolornone 0gt
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python windows directory mtime how to detect package directory new file | pthere are two things about your first code snippet that concern mep
lipyou cast the float from getmtime to int dependening on the frequency this code is run you might get unreliable resultspli
lipat the end of the code you assign dirmtime to a variable mdmtime fnmtime which you check against seems not to be updatedpli
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how to generate a ulli tree without recursive using python or other language | pmaybe something like thisp
class tree
def initself namea childs
selfname name
selfchilds childs
def strself
for i in selfchilds
if i is new
resultappendsltulgtn indent
elif i is end
resultappendsltulgtn indent
resultappendsltligtsltligtn indent i
return joinresult
print treetest new introduction new sub intro end module 1 end
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typeerror unsupported operand types for numpyndarray and str | pa hrefhttpresourcesarcgiscomdehelpmain101indexhtml018z00000051000000 relnofollowcodearcpysarastercodea creates a raster object however it requires an existing emraster datasetem as an input it cannot accept a numpy array as input the appropriate tool for that is a hrefhttpresourcesarcgiscomenhelpmain102indexhtml03q30000007q000000 relnofollowcodearcpynumpyarraytorastercodeap
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python 3 traceback typeerror | pa couple of things p
liyou should probably print the guess so that the user knows whether it is too high or too lowli
licodelowanscode doesnt make any sense codeanscode will either be h l or c assuming the user follows the rules codelowcode and codehighcode need to be numbers in order to generate the codeguesscode appropriatelyli
palso your logic was incorrect the below code works p
precodeprintplease think of a number between 0 and 100
low 0
high 100
check false
while true
guess low high2
printmy guess is i guess
ans inputenter h if guess it too high l if too low or c if correct
if ans h
high guess
elif ans l
low guess
elif ans c
printgame over your secret number wasformatguess
printsorry i did not understand your input
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building a deb of a python project fails dpkgbuildpackage is trying to delete files as directories | pdo not install anything in codeusrlocalcode and if you want to package a new version of software that already has an official package dont try to make a pakcage from scratch modify the existing one insteadp
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get matching elements values in two arrays | pyou can replace the list comprehension replacing the temporary lists and for loop with map
precodename lambda n nname
match setmapnamealistampsetmapnameblist
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pyqt4 and threading closing mainwidget after qthread finished and listwidget updated | pafter reading your question and your code in understand that you have two thread the main thread and worker thread and when youre worker is donei mean here that thread is reached the last line of your code you want to notify the main thread to close the worker and switch to another windowprobably or do something elsep
ptodo this obviously you need to communicate with the ui threadmainthread so youll need to add this lines in your strongworkerthread classstrongp
precodesignal qtcorepyqtsignalstr create a signal
pthen go to the last line from your thread and be sure that when your worker reach that line the job will be done and add this line to notify the main threadp
precodeselfsignalemitsome string here this will send the string over the signal to your ui thread
pnow strongjump to your installwizzard class and add this lines
inside your init method add this line below selfthread workerstrongp
precodeselfthreadsignalconnectselffinished finished is a method inside your class
pnow inside your finished method you can terminateclosequit youre method easily using something like that p
precodeselfthreadquit as you might guessed this will quit your thread
palso you can replace quit with terminate if you want to force the worker to be closed please but please read this warning from the qt documentation for qthreadterminatep
pstrongwarningstrong this function is dangerous and its use is discouraged the
thread can be terminated at any point in its code path threads can be
terminated while modifying data there is no chance for the thread to
clean up after itself unlock any held mutexes etc in short use
this function only if absolutely necessaryp
pand if you care about the string which it will be sent over signal from the worker add new parameter to you finished method to get access to the string
and this is it p
pi know that i am too late to answer your question1 years ago but it might be helpful for other developersanyway cheersp
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how to set a variable by its name in python | pare you looking for functions like these they allow modifying the local namespace you happen to be inp
precodeimport sys
def getvarname
return sysgetframe1flocalsname
def setvarname value
sysgetframe1flocalsname value
def delvarname
del sysgetframe1flocalsname
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issue packaging scrapy spider with cxfreeze or py2exe | ptake a look to a hrefhttpcxfreezereadthedocsorgenlatestfaqhtmlusingdatafiles relnofollowhttpcxfreezereadthedocsorgenlatestfaqhtmlusingdatafilesap
pmy solution using cxfreezep
pmodify the file strongcpython27libsitepackagesscrapyinitpystrongp
precodeimport sys
scrapy version
import pkgutil
if getattrsys frozen false
version versiondecodeasciistrip
version pkgutilgetdatapackage versiondecodeasciistrip
pand the file strongcpython27libsitepackagesscrapyresponsetypespystrongp
precodeimport sys
from mimetypes import mimetypes
from pkgutil import getdata
def initself
selfmimetypes mimetypes
if getattrsys frozen false
mimedata mimetypes
mimedata getdatascrapy mimetypes
pand in setuppy include this build exe optionp
precodeincludefiles cpython27libsitepackagesscrapyversionversion
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Subsets and Splits