python tkinter delete tuple tag
pthe codetagscode attribute should be given a tuple of tags the tag you are trying to create should be a tuple of the x and y coordinates thus you need to give it a tuple of tuples p pnotice the use of a comma in the tags attribute in the following example which guarantees that the data in the parenthesis is treated as a tuple this isnt a tkinter thing its just how tuples work in python p precodetag xy canvascreaterectangle tagstag codepre pthat being said you can get the item id of the item that was clicked on by using the tag codecurrentcodep precodetheitem canvasfindwithtagcurrent codepre
python sort list of strings in order that they appear in another string
pturn your string into a mapp precodeindices c i for i c in enumeratethestringsplit codepre pthen sort using that mapp precodesortedthelist keyindicesget codepre pthis allows for values from codethestringcode emmissingem in codethelistcode as well as viceversa this also works correctly for repeating elements in codethelistcodep pdemop precodegtgtgt thestring b c a gtgtgt indices c i for i c in enumeratethestringsplit gtgtgt sorteda b c keyindicesget b c a gtgtgt sorteda b c a c b keyindicesget b b c c a a gtgtgt sorteda a a keyindicesget a a a gtgtgt sorteda e b keyindicesget e b a codepre
what python libraries can tell me approximate location and time zone given an ip address
pi think a hrefhttpsfreegeoipnet relnofollowfreegeipa is a good option below is the python 342 code for getting location and time zone p precodegtgtgt import requests gtgtgt ip 1417011166 gtgtgt url httpfreegeoipnetjsonip gtgtgt r requestsgeturl gtgtgt js rjson gtgtgt jscountrycode de gtgtgt jscountryname germany gtgtgt jstimezone europeberlin codepre
adding new xml node and pretty printing xml in python
pi think you must try a hrefhttplxmldetutorialhtml relnofollowlxml librarya its the best way to parse xml in python it has magic argument prettyprint for such things heres an examplep precodeimport lxmletree as etree root etreeelementroot for rn in range10 etreesubelementroot columns strrntext strrnrn prettydata etreetostringroot prettyprinttrue encoding utf8 print finaldata codepre presulta hrefhttppastebincomy0rkq78g relnofollowhttppastebincomy0rkq78gap
building assembler with dictionaries
pyou do not need the semicolon at the end or you dictionary cc syntax remnants your definition in symboltable needs to be indentedp pyou get an exit code of 0 because you are running symbottablepy instead of mainpyp pyou mainpy should tell you where your object symboltable is not its content something like p pand finally your numbers will be interpreted as octal not binary take a look at a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions1523465binarynumbersinpythonbinary numbers in pythonap
csv to text file layout
pyou need to put a new line at the end of each line with np palso have you tried adding rows with datawriter p precodeimport csv with openpracticecsv wb as f data csvwriterf delimiter quotechar quotingcsvquoteminimal datawriterowspam 5 baked beans datawriterowspam lovely spam wonderful spam codepre padapted from example here a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarycsvhtml relnofollowhttpsdocspythonorg2librarycsvhtmlap
easy deploying of python and application in one bundle for linux
ptheres no reason for super simple server side setupp pdont waste time on thatp phow many server installations will happen not many p psys admins expect a certain level of complexity in serverbased applicationsp pyou have a list of 3rd party packages they follow that list and do the installsp pthen after theyve done all the installs they install and configure your package p pthats what many sys admins who work on servers expect they expect dependencies and they expect a multistep installp
how to display certain parts of a list python
pif salesemployee and parttimeemployee has the same super class define a function to display informationp pwithin this function use typeof to see if an object is salesemployee or parttimeemployee then display information accordinglyp precodeclass employee def show iftypeofself parttimeemployee printreturn blabla eliftypeself salesemployee printreturn blabla codepre psomething like thisp pwhen you want to display info iterate each element in the list with showp
sorting keys of same values alphabetically
precodesortedk for kv in diteritems if v 1 codepre
run a url in django backend
pi think you mean to make a request to an external service through a http request inside your view you might want to look for a http client a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg31libraryhttpclienthtml relnofollowhttpsdocspythonorg31libraryhttpclienthtmla then get the response and do whatever you need to do inside your view before returning it to your clientp
unexpected unindent and syntax errors
pyour line to catch the exception needs to be indented at the same level as your tryp precodetry if prompt2 look around the room print you see two doors one on the left and one on the right there is also a dead body in the middle of the room print promtchouseroom1 if prompt2 go through left door leftdoor if prompt2 go through middle door prinnt what you walked through the wall middledoor if prompt2 go through right door rightdoor if prompt2 look under the rug print oh my you you werent supposed to find that well looks like you can leave already you win congrats i guess wingame else print try to look around the room just a hint print promptchouseroom1 except valueerror print try to look around the room just a hint print promptchouseroom1 codepre pthis example shows what i mean a hrefhttpswikipythonorgmoinhandlingexceptions relnofollowhttpswikipythonorgmoinhandlingexceptionsap
django restful model foreign key specify from and to field
pyou have specified the wrong tofield it should be name of the categoryid field of businesstype class not the name of the column in the databasep precodecategory modelsforeignkeybusinesstypes tofieldcategoryid codepre pto display category in your businesstypessubserializer you can choose from several options defined here a hrefhttpwwwdjangorestframeworkorgapiguiderelations relnofollowhttpwwwdjangorestframeworkorgapiguiderelationsa eg for stringrelatedfield you would definep precodeclass businesstypessubserializerserializersmodelserializer category serializersstringrelatedfieldreadonlytrue class meta model businesstypessub fields categoryid category subcategoryid subcategory codepre
using python in netbeans
pyou probably want to ask this question on wwwserverfaultcom rather than stackoverflow as it is more of a configuration issue rather than a programming issuep pinclude the version of netbeans and the java you are using and whether you using native python andor jython as wellp palso include at which point you see the error message when you create a new file new project etc does netbeans start up ok etc p
is there a way to get remote peer certificate with certificate verification disabled certnone in python
pi found a way without straying away from the default codesslcode library which has the advantage of being therep precodesocketgetpeercertbinaryformtrue codepre pgives the certificate in der format which is good enough for what i have to dop pafaik returning an empty dict is to avoid blindly trusting what people send in clear text and has not been verifiedp
django signals cancel actions
pyou can technically use codelogoutrequestcode to do what you want a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen16topicsauthdefaultdjangocontribauthlogout relnofollowhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen16topicsauthdefaultdjangocontribauthlogoutap psince you seem to have access to the coderequestcode object in codemysignalcode you should be able to do thatp phowever this is probably not the best way to accomplish what you want you shouldnt be authenticating users in the first place rather than authenticating them logging them in and then booting them offp
countvectorizer not working for test string in sklearn
ol lii didnt see classifier here you are using only transformers countvectorizer tfidftransformer to get predictions you must train classifier on output of tfidftransformerli liits not clear whether you are using same countvectorizer and tfidftransformer which were trained on training set before to transform testset texts or some new to provide correct input for previously fitted classifier you have to feed it from previously fitted transformers not newli ol plook here for good example of text processing a hrefhttpscikitlearnorgstableautoexamplesmodelselectiongridsearchtextfeatureextractionhtmlexamplemodelselectiongridsearchtextfeatureextractionpy relnofollowhttpscikitlearnorgstableautoexamplesmodelselectiongridsearchtextfeatureextractionhtmlexamplemodelselectiongridsearchtextfeatureextractionpyap
solving non linear system containing a sum
pto drive 4 functions f1 f2 f3 f4 all to 0 minimize the sum of squares f12 f22 f32 f42 if the sum is small each f must be small too for example sum lt 0000001 rarr each f lt 0001 use a hrefhttpdocsscipyorgdocscipyreferencetutorialoptimizehtmlleastsquaresminimizationleastsquares relnofollowscipyoptimizeleastsquaresa to do thisp precodeimport numpy as np from scipyoptimize import leastsquares httpdocsscipyorgdocscipyreferencetutorialoptimizehtmlleastsquaresminimizationleastsquares httpdocsscipyorgdocscipyreferencegeneratedscipyoptimizeleastsquareshtml minimize f12 f22 f32 f42 startingguess ret leastsquares f1 f2 f3 f4 x0startingguess maxnfev20 verbose2 xmin retx codepre pdo not square the f s codeleastsquarescode does that for youp pin your case you want to move the sum outside codelambdifycodep precodef1 symlambdifyz m1 m2 s1 s2 z1 numpy array whose rows are all the zi for f1 def f1 m1 m2 s1 s2 sum npsum f z m1 m2 s1 s2 for z in z1 print f1 103g at 103g 103g 103g 103g sum m1 m2 s1 s2 return sum check a few values in ipython f1 0 0 0 0 for x in npeye 4 f1 x codepre <p>when that works, f2 f3 f4 are similar. check them too. then optimize:</p> <pre><code>starting_guess = ... ret = least_squares( [f1, f2, f3, f4], x0=starting_guess, max_nfev=10, verbose=2 ) xmin = ret.x </code></pre> <p>or more iterations, or use <code>xtol</code> <code>ftol</code>.<br> <code>least_squares</code> has lots of options, see the <a href="http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.least_squares.html" rel="nofollow">full doc</a> .</p> <p>there are fancier ways of doing the above for any number of functions, not just 4, of any number of variables: more general, more obscure.</p> <p>(avuncular advice for optimization:</p> <ul> <li>start small</li> <li>check every step, with print statements, and interactively in ipython.</li> </ul>
using the python sorted function
pyou dont need to create a copy of your data using codesortedcode codesortcode is enoughp precodegtgtgt l john 973 jim 99 jason 912345 gtgtgt lsortkeylambda xx1 reversetrue gtgtgt l jason 912345 john 973 jim 99 codepre pif you need lexicographic orderp precodegtgtgt lsortkeylambda xstrx1 reversetrue codepre
split a file based on number of occurrences of 1 in position 1 of a line
pto avoid loading the file in memory you could define a function that generates records incrementally and then use a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomq4342874279itertools grouper recipea to write each 3000 records to a new filep precodeusrbinenv python3 from itertools import ziplongest with openinputtxt as inputfile files ziplongestgeneraterecordsinputfile3000 filevalue for n records in enumeratefiles openoutputntxtformatnn w as outputfile outputfilewritelinesjoinlines for r in records for lines in r codepre pwhere codegeneraterecordscode yields one record at a time where a record is also an iterator over lines in the input filep precodefrom itertools import chain def generaterecordsinputfile start1n eof def recordyieldstarttrue if yieldstart yield start for line in inputfile if line start start new record break yield line else eof eofappendtrue the first record may include lines before the first 1n yield chainrecordyieldstartfalse record while not eof yield record codepre pcodegeneraterecordscode is a generator that yield generators like a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3libraryitertoolshtmlitertoolsgroupby relnofollowcodeitertoolsgroupbycodea doesp pfor performance reasons you could readwrite chunks of multiple lines at oncep
python pandas dataframe readcsv unicodedecodeerror
pyou can add this inside readcsv converterscolumnx lambda v vencodeasciierrorsstrongignorestrongp pif you need to convert more columns then this can save some typing columns def asciiv return vencodeasciierrorsignorep pconverterscol ascii for col in columns p pthis link has more examples a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions2365411pythonconvertunicodetoasciiwithouterrorspython convert unicode to ascii without errorsap
readingwriting a list of nested dictionaries tofrom a csv file python
pi feel the by far easiest approach is to transform the dictionary first into a pandas dataframe and from there very convenient into a csv filep precodeimport pandas as pd df pddataframefromdictdata orientindex it is either columns or index simple transpose dftocsvfilepathnamecsv codepre pto load the file back into the dict formp precodedftocsvfilepathnamecsv datadict dftodict codepre pfor more complicated cases have a look into the pandas documentation a hrefhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstablegeneratedpandasdataframefromdicthtml relnofollowhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstablegeneratedpandasdataframefromdicthtmla and a hrefhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstablegeneratedpandasdataframetodicthtml relnofollowhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstablegeneratedpandasdataframetodicthtmlap
how to use python flask to implement a restful api that can handle put request by chunk
pyou are looking for a hrefhttpflaskpocooorgdocs010apiflaskrequeststream relnofollowcoderequeststreamcodea which gives you access to the underlying codewsgiinputcode stream to read fromp precodechunksize calculatechunksizerequest your magic here while checksomeconditionrequest chunk requeststreamreadchunksize process chunk codepre
video file reading by opencv is very slow in python
ptry changing the 1 in cv2waitkey1 into a higher value say cv2waitkey30p
is there a better way to write this code to alter an object inheriting from list in python
precode def insertextendself index other reverse false extend the cycle by inserting an iterable at the given position index lenself if reverse other reversedother selfindexindex other codepre
toggle low state wont be sent to python cgi
pthats just how html forms work if a checkbox is unticked its value is not sent in the post datap pthis shouldnt be a problem though it just means that the result of codeformgetvaluetoggleeventcode is either toto or nonep
python backend logic adding mvc framework django
pid try to migrate much of the logic of my program to a module that is importable then have django import this and share the settings for the database across them itd also be possible to have the django instance running and doing the grunt work and let the my program make remote calls to it granted that would probably take the most workp
drf dict object is not callable
precodefor tagid in validateddatausertag tag usertagobjectsgetidtagidid instanceusertagaddtag codepre
image recovery from binary file
pyou want to search a magic word in a stream not stringp pheres the ideap pread one char a time use fileread1 from this file use a queue length of your magic word check the queue for each readp precodemagicword rjpeg its example just example l listc for c in freadlenmagicword offset 0 while true if joinl magicword return offset offset 1 lpop0 lappendfread1 codepre pif you feel the need i mean the need for speed check a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikistringsearchingalgorithm relnofollowthis wikia article use a smarter algorithm and finally switch to cp psorry i dont know any presenting python library that does this good luckp
how to extract elements from a list in python given filter criterion
pyou should make generators for filter your list below an example of usage for get only lists which have a pair number as firstp precodel 01 12 23 34 def getfirstdivisibleby2l for ij in l if not i 2 yield ij c for c in getfirstdivisibleby2l 0 1 2 4 codepre por a generator comprehensionp precodelist ij for ij in l if not i 2 0 1 2 4 codepre psimply adapt it with your filter and maybe with a hrefhttpwlaberkeleyeducs61afa11lecturesstreamshtmlpythoncoroutines relnofollowcoroutinesa youll be able to handle easily previous resultp
what is the best method to store 672 boolean values in the sql db with django
pthe method i would suggest to answer your question asis would be to use a a hrefhttpswikipythonorgmoinbitarrays relnofollowbitarrayap precodegtgtgt from random import getrandbits gtgtgt def getnboolsn count 0 while count lt n yield getrandbits1 count 1 gtgtgt from bitarray import bitarray gtgtgt ba bitarray gtgtgt baextendgetnbools672 gtgtgt batobytes xddxa4nxcbx94qxf02x13ovxf4xeejwxefxcfx9coxacxa8xabx1bamxc6wx94x125bx1ex9ax85xe7x0eqxe2x010xf4xadxa4rxc1xef6ex0bx9axbbxb7xa9x83xc3xfaxb1xffubuxfex10x8dx16xdcsx808x99xc1cqampnxd0 gtgtgt getsizeofbatobytes 105 codepre puse codetobytescode and store the value in a a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen18refmodelsfieldsbinaryfield relnofollowdjango binaryfieldap h3asideh3 pyou should reconsider whether storing the values this way is necessary perhaps you can post your code for review on a hrefhttpcodereviewstackexchangecomcodereviewstackexchangecoma and get some feedback about your programs designp palso consider the questions the commenters have brought upp ul> <li>why does the value have to be stored as one variable?</li> <li>are you optimizing your program too early in the process?</li> <li>has the program been run and it is indeed too slow, or does it run fine? how fast does the program need to be?</li> <li>can you design the program in a different way to avoid the issue altogether?</li> </ul>
how to let python use negative numbers
ptry intp precodeydif intcoordnte21 intcoordnte11 xdif intcoordnte20 intcoodrnte10 codepre
how to iterate data from django in angularjs
pthere is nothing wrong with the javascript portion of your code assuming the following line is the actual code you havep precodetaskstaskslength1pushsubtasklisti codepre pthis will create an array of array of objects for you so if it is not working it is probably in the html template of your angularjs code may be the ngrepeat has something in it that works with a string and not an object would you mind sharing that part toop
how do i pull a specifc commit in smartgit and overwrite the local file so that i can open the previous commit in pycharm
ptry checking out the desired commit as a new local branch see a hrefhttpwwwsyntevocomsmartgitdocumentation65showpagecommandsbranchcheckout relnofollowhttpwwwsyntevocomsmartgitdocumentation65showpagecommandsbranchcheckoutap pspecifically under checking out commits it saysp blockquote pon the log window select the commit to switch to and then select check out from its context menup blockquote pat the command line this is the equivalent ofp precode git checkout b newbranch ltsha of desired commitgt codepre
transfering 4d array from python to jython
pwell python will easily let you serialize your data to files in whatever format you want in 3 lines of code what format your java application can read fromp pif you dont want to write data to disk or even cant duplicate the inmemory data to pass to other process one thing to check is capnproto a hrefhttpscapnprotoorg relnofollowhttpscapnprotoorgap pone way of serializing the arrays as json encoded data files is simplyp precode import json jsondumpmyarraytolist openmyfilejson wt codepre pif you java side can read json that is all you needp
python mechanize forms
pwhen i do thisp pre classlangpy prettyprintoverridecodebrselectformnr1 brformemail email brsubmit brresponseread codepre pthe response is be emptyp
utilising genetic algorithm to overcome different size datasets in model
pfollowing a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikioccam27srazor relnofollowoccams razora you must select a simpler model for small dataset and may want to switch to a more complex model as your dataset growsp pthere are no good statistical tests that show you if a given model in isolation is a good predictor of your data or rather a test may tell you that given model fitness is codencode but you can never tell what the acceptable value of codencode isp pthus build several models and pick one with better tradeoff of predictive power and simplicity using a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikiakaikeinformationcriterion relnofollowakaike information criteriona it has useful properties and not too hard to understand p pthere are a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikigoodnessoffit relnofollowother testsa of course but aic should get you startedp pfor a simple test check out a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikipvalue relnofollowpvalueap
python replace innermost 2 bracket characters in a string
pthere may be a better regex than mine but here is a quick solution p precodeimport re p recompileur33 teststr u text matches rematchp teststr if matches print matchesgroup1 matchesgroup2 matchesgroup3 text codepre
motion detection contours python
pyour code is no valid python its a syntactic mix between c and python some hints on what needs to be changedp precodecv2mat frame cv2mat back cv2mat fore cv2videocapture cap0 cv2backgroundsubtractormog2 bg codepre pthere is no strongmatstrong type in opencv python it uses a hrefhttpdocsscipyorgdocnumpyreferencegeneratednumpyarrayhtml relnofollownumpy arraysa to handle data also in python variables are not declared this wayp precodecap cv2videocapture codepre pis the right way to do itp pthe method youre trying to call to create the background subractor does not existp precodecv2backgroundsubtractormog2 bg codepre phas to bep precodebg cv2createbackgroundsubtractormog2 codepre palso see a hrefhttpdocsopencvorg310dbd5ctutorialpybgsubtractionhtmlgsctab0 relnofollowthisa tutorialp pthis linep precodestdvectorltstdvectorltcvpointgt gt contours codepre pis just plain cp precode cap gtgt frame codepre pthats the c way to read data in python you should dop precodeframe capread codepre
python27 untar files in parallel mode with threading
pwhat might be happening is that your script is returning before the threads actually complete you can wait for a thread to complete with codethreadjoincode maybe try something like thisp precodethreads for filename in listtarfiles t threadingthreadtargetuntar args filenamepath tdaemon true threadsappendt tstart wait for each thread to complete for thread in threads threadjoin codepre palso depending on the number of files youre untarring you might want to limit the number of jobs that youre launching so that youre not trying to untar 1000 files at once you could maybe do this with something like a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarymultiprocessinghtmlintroduction relnofollowcodemultiprocessingpoolcodeap
socket wont bind no such device
pthis is a client that can send a handcrafted message the variables ip and port are the port and ip address of your server the values in the below program are examplesp precodeimport socket ip 127001 port 447 s socketsocketsocketafinet socketsockstream sconnectip port msg hello ex message ssendmsgencodeascii rep srecv1024 rep1 repdecodeascii print rep1 codepre pand the server is p precodeimport socket ip 127001 port 447 s socketsocketsocketafinet socketsockstream sbindip port slisten15 con addr saccept msg conrecv1024 msg1 msgdecodeascii print msg1 rep got message consendrepencodeascii codepre pi hope this answer helps and this is what your looking forp
python import nltk error
phi i just solved this problem by removing pyc files from the directory in which my code is present p
python if statement on dictionary value
pyou are using the wrong data type for indexing if you want sorted keys a hrefhttpcodeactivestatecomrecipes52306tosortadictionary relnofollowthis posta on activestate shows one way to sort unordered dictionary keysp pa hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarycollectionshtmlordereddictobjects relnofollowordered dictionariesa are stable in their ordering but are still not indexable objects you need to revisit what youre trying to do and define your problem domain more clearlyp
python cgi script doesnot work properly
pi dont really understand why youre doing this as cgi at all youre not doing any serverside processing so a static html file would be more appropriate and if you emareem going to do serverside processing you should be using a proper templating systemp phowever i would be amazed if serving your js files on a file path codedwhatevercode rather than a web url was actually workingp
invoking jython from python or vice versa
pdidnt use matplotlib with execnet p pbut p pfor a quick tryout with execnet on a win32 platform you can use a hrefhttpportablepythoncomwikiportablepython2721 relnofollowportablepython2721ap pportablepython contains the matplotlib and is easy to install and removep
how to get pk fields after call save
pthe codeselfcode parameter is the instance of user you want to accessp precodedef saveself args kwargs selfusername this is username of the selfslug this is user instance slug value superuser selfsaveargs kwargs codepre
pausing until button in pressed in python
pmaybe something likep precodefrom tkinter import root tk def mainfunction stuff your program is supposed to do runmain false def runtheprogram runmain true b1 buttonroot textstart commandruntheprogram b1pack if runmain mainfunction rootmainloop codepre
sum of ints and floats in a multi nested list
pa simple way is listed below i assume that codelstcode are codelistcode which consist of codelistcode codeintcode or codefloatcode p precodedef reclistsumlst if typelst in intfloat return lst elif not typelst is list raise typeerror elif lenlst 0 return 0 else return reclistsumlst0reclistsumlst1 codepre
python appending elements to a list from a list
precodet1 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 t2 jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sept oct nov dec arr for i in range12 arrappendt2i arrappendt1i printarr codepre poutput p precodejan 31 feb 28 mar 31 apr 30 may 31 jun 30 jul 31 aug 31 sept 30 oct 31 nov 30 dec 31 codepre pyou can alternatively write p precodeimport itertools arr listitertoolschainfromiterablezipt2 t1 codepre
calculate and return average values in a list
pusing a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions434287whatisthemostpythonicwaytoiterateoveralistinchunksthis codegroupercode recipea its pretty easy obviously ive synthesized the codetempscode listp precodeusrbinpython import itertools as it temps range96 def grouperiterable n fillvaluenone args iteriterable n return itiziplongestargs fillvaluefillvalue dailyaverages sumxlenx for x in groupertemps 24 yearlyaverage sumdailyaverageslendailyaverages printdailyaverages yearlyaverage codepre
counting items occurence in a list the python way
pif i understood your question correct this might be helpfulp precodefrom collections import counter gtgtgt texta some text gtgtgt a countertextasplit gtgtgt textb other text gtgtgt b countertextbsplit gtgtgt a amp b countertext 1 codepre
python dictionary replacement with space in key
pyou need to test all the neighbor permutations from 1 each individual word to lentext the entire string you can generate the neighbor permutations this wayp precodetext i have a smartphone and a smart tv array textlowersplit keypermutations joinarrayjj i for i in range1 lenarray 1 for j in range0 lenarray i 1 gtgtgt keypermutations i have a smartphone and a smart tv i have have a a smartphone smartphone and and a a smart smart tv i have a have a smartphone a smartphone and smartphone and a and a smart a smart tv i have a smartphone have a smartphone and a smartphone and a smartphone and a smart and a smart tv i have a smartphone and have a smartphone and a a smartphone and a smart smartphone and a smart tv i have a smartphone and a have a smartphone and a smart a smartphone and a smart tv i have a smartphone and a smart have a smartphone and a smart tv i have a smartphone and a smart tv codepre pnow we substitute through the dictionaryp precodeimport re for permutation in keypermutations if permutation in dict text resubreescapepermutation dictpermutation text flagsreignorecase gtgtgt text i have a toy and a junk codepre pthough youll likely want to try the permutations in the reverse order longest first so more specific phrases have precedence over individual wordsp
you are trying to add a nonnullable field id to contactinfo without a default
pthis is happening because you have nonempty database there must be line which has not been created through django ormp pdo the following python managepy shellp precodefrom ltpathtoyourmodelsgt import print lenlistcontactinfoobjectsfilterid none codepre pthis way you find out how many such rows are there if you want to keep them just make migration script with some value that you give it to itp
python elementtree
precodeimport xmletreeelementtree as et tree etparsexxml root treegetroot for child in root print childtag for child2 in child print gt child2tag output videomode stage gt layers mixer output gt consumers index codepre pwith regards to the problem that the structure is different depending on the content every xml is define with regards to a definition the dtd the structure of a file cant change internally otherwise it would be illdefined if what you mean is you want to parse parts of the tree depending on leafs above the node you will have to come up with some if then else statements and functions for example such as sop precodeimport xmletreeelementtree as et tree etparsexxml root treegetroot def parsestagetagelement print parsing stage for child in element if childtaglayers parselayerstagchild def parseoutputtagelement pass def parselayerstagelement print parsing layers for child in element print child for child in root if childtagstage parsestagetagchild for child2 in child print gt child2tag output parsing stage parsing layers ltelement layer at 0x1079e4250gt ltelement layer at 0x1079e4f10gt ltelement layer at 0x1079e6510gt gt layers gt consumers codepre
python returning from a tkinter callback
pjust create an actual function that is called by your button instead of putting it all inline like thatp pcodebuttontkbuttonparent textclick commandsomefxncodep pcodedef somefxn your codecodep pthen in your function just call the varget do your calculation and then do something with the valuep
pygame loads glitched versions of the original images
pi fixed this error by uninstalling python and pygame and reinstallingp
need advice on customized datastructure vs using inmemory db
pa database is just some indexes and fancy algorithms wrapped around a single data structure a table you dont have a lot of control about what happens under the hoodp pid try using the builtin python datastructuresp
python the word game ghost file io and list question
pif you want to work for ita youd be better off writing this in clisp or clojurep
constrain method access to an interface
pshort and simple answer nop pthere is no concept of private methodsvariables in python that would be enforced as described here in a hrefhttpdocspythonorgtutorialclasseshtml relnofollowdetaila p pin python this is handeld by a hrefhttpwwwpythonorgdevpepspep0008namingconventions relnofollowconventionap pand if you really want to go into the deep internals checkout this a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions70528whyarepythonsprivatemethodsnotactuallyprivatethreadap
using a method from the parent class
pif you want to call the constructor of the base class then you do it on instantiation in the codeinitcode method not in the codesentencecode methodp precodedef initself superselfclass selfinit codepre psince codesentencecode is an instance method you need to call it via an instance of the class like the error tells youp precodepcfunc pcfunc pcfuncsentencevar codepre phere you are calling the method with an undefined variablep precodepcfuncsentencepath codepre pinstead you need to give a string as parameter so either write codesentencepathcode or define the variable firstp precodepath my path pcfuncsentencepath codepre pdo not use the same name as the class name for an instance of the classp precodepcfunc funcpcfunc codepre potherwise the variable name storing the instance overwrites the class namep papart from that it is unclear what your code is actually supposed to do have a look at the a hrefhttpswwwpythonorgdevpepspep0008 relnofollowpython code conventionsa for a first step to making your code more readible then do some research about classes and inheritancep
convert a string u05d9u05d7u05e4u05d9u05dd to its unicode character in python
pif you have a string like this outside of your json object for some reason you can decode the string using rawunicodeescape to get the unicode string you wantp precodegtgtgt u05d9u05d7u05e4u05d9u05dddecoderawunicodeescape uu05d9u05d7u05e4u05d9u05dd gtgtgt print u05d9u05d7u05e4u05d9u05dddecoderawunicodeescape codepre
live graph in matplotlib prevents python to shutdown
papparently the problem is in the creation of the background threadp precodemydataloop threadingthreadname target args codepre pto make sure that such background thread will terminate when the mainthread ends you have to define it as codedaemoncodep precodemydataloop threadingthreadname daemon true target args codepre pnow it closes down properly p
installed libs in virtualenv but when i try to import said lib it says that it doesnt exist
pdont import it by its name pyopengl instead import it as you would the opengl libary codefrom openglgl import code reference a hrefhttppyopenglsourceforgenetcontexttutorialsshader1html relnofollowhttppyopenglsourceforgenetcontexttutorialsshader1htmlap
not able to print the dictionary returned from view function in template
pyou arent passing coderescode to the template response if codeformisvalidcode returns false instead you are only passing the form back to the templatep pthis is most likely why you arent seeing your iteration get printed outp pyou need codeitemscode rather than codeiteritemscode in django templatesp palso you can try changing your coderendertoresponsecode function into a coderendercode function i prefer the latter p precodereturn renderrequest certificateexpirydisplayhtml formformresres codepre
python list sorting
preplace codefor x in mylistcode with codefor x in sortedlistsetmylistcodep pand though not asked in the question you could use thisp precodeprint x is repeated z times s if z gt 1 else codepre pinstead ofp precodeif zgt1 print x is repeated z time else print x is repeated z times codepre ppythonic as they call itp
connection refused error in python socket stream
pthe issue was regarding the time mismatch between starting the server and client actually its takes little while to start the server and in the meantime the client request to connect so i put a 2 sec delay before starting the client and the issue resolvedp
vertical lines in a polygon shapefile
pfinally figured out the code to my question thus answering it thank you for your inputs p precodeipath rawinputenter the input file opath rawinputenter the output directory ipath ipathreplace python requirement for paths opath opathreplace copyfilestripath prj stropath outlines prj copying projection file sf shapefilereaderstrinput path shapes sfshapes box shapes0bbox spc inputenter the grid spacing grid spacing read xmin box0 save the coordinates of the rightbottom lefttop bounding box ymin box1 xmax box2 ymax box3 abbox xmin ymin first assignment of coordinates bbbox xmax ymax cbbox xmin ymax dbbox xmax ymin w shapefilewritershapefilepolyline shapefile writer wlineparts abbox cbbox wfieldpath number c 50 wrecordstr1 writes the first line that is the left side of the bounding box increasing the x coordinate to generate a line at a specified spacing i 2 while abbox0 lt xmax abbox abbox0 spc abbox1 cbbox cbbox0 spc cbbox1 wlineparts abbox cbbox wrecordstri i i1 wsavestropath outlines") </code></pre> <p>this saves the result in a shapefile. </p> <p>as a continuation to the above mentioned question, the solution of the problem is available at <a href="http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/113799/clipping-line-shapefiles-within-extent-of-polygon-shape/113808#113808">clipping line shapefiles within extent of polygon shape</a>. i think that this set of questions can now be considered answered and closed. </p> <p>thank you all for your assistance. </p>
how to print formatted string in python3
peven though i dont know which exception you get you can maybe try to use the format function insteadp precodeprint so youre 0 old 1 tall and 2 heavyformatage height weight codepre pand as mentioned within the other answers you obviously had some issue with your parenthesesp pi will still leave my solution as a reference if you want to use codeformatcodep
why do i get nzec error on my code
pive done programming contests before you are supposed to read all the input before producing any output instead of interleaving both running your code with the test case 2512 provided on the page givesp precode2 5 4 12 8 codepre pwhile what it should showp precode2 5 12 4 8 codepre
is it possible to write a program to grab the online search result
pstrongsure it is possible and why should it notstrongp pi do not know your gap in knowledge that would enable you to archieve this task as you didnt pointed that outp pstrongstep by stepstrongp ol lianalyze the website s code to see how links and content are generatedli lidownload the source code programaticlyli ligenerate the hyperlinks to your search results li liparse the related data i have always done this with some ugly regular expressionsli ol pi have digged a little bit in the site you mentioned and what really can be said is that it wont be a 1hour action as its writte in java jsp java server pagesp pwhat i so far found out is that you first have to write an equivalent of the function codegetdossiercode or use a webbrowser control that enables you to call javascript manually to get the search results then you can simply bake some regular expressions together to parse the data out of the tablep
parse a file to find inactive elements
pthis will parse the file for youp precodeserv intf none none for line in openhomeworkspacetemp2 if linestartswithserver serv linestrip elif linestartswithcurrently active slave intf linesplit1strip if serv is not none and intf is not none print formatserv intf serv intf none none codepre
a program to read a file and print out the sum of the numbers in the file the file contains a single floating point numbers separated by commas
pyou can do it as followsp precodefilename inputplease enter your file name sumnumber 0 openthefile openfilename r for line in openthefile for num in linesplit sumnumber sumnumber floatnumstrip printthe sum of your numbers is 1f sumnumber codepre pwe simply cycle through each line of the file split all the values on the line by the codecode and add each value on each line to our total sum at the end we print out the valuep
nose test superclass calls and inherited classes
pa way of doing so is p precodeclass testbobject all of the setup and teardown defs go here def testbmethod2self a b param dict a 1 b 2 instantiating b with its super params klass ba b calling class bs bmethod1 with required params to pass onto its super class method here amethod klassbmethod1param assertequalklassbmethod2dict dict codepre phope this helps someone elsep
python finding value position in a list and outputting as a new list
pi think answer given by falsetru is the most elegantp phaving said this i dont know if his answer will help someone at your current technical level with python and more broadly thinking like a programmer think about solving the exercise using the following stepsp ol liloop through list you have this is where range comes into playli licheck the current element at that index to see if its the one you are looking forli liadd it to another list that the function returns this is where the append comes into playli ol
integrate in a if statement python
pwell obviously you emcanem do thatp precodeimport numpy as np import scipyintegrate as si def testfnx c return c x def main lowerlimit 80 targetarea 25 cval 420 for upperlimit in nparange8 10 01 area siquadtestfn lowerlimit upperlimit argscval if area gt targetarea printarea is at ulformatarea upperlimit break if namemain main codepre pbut your step interval limits your result accuracy and youre doing an awful lot of unnecessary calculations slowp pas jakobweisblat says you can switch to a binary search algorithm thats faster but you have to do some extra bookkeeping why not delegatep pi suggest turning it into a metaproblem solve for the upper limit such that integrating results in your desired target valuep precodeimport functools import scipyintegrate as si import scipyoptimize as so def testfnx c return c x def integratefnul fn ll args target return siquadfn ll ul argsargs target def main lowerlimit 80 targetarea 25 cval 420 sol sobrentq integratefn lowerlimit 200 args testfn lowerlimit cval targetarea printsol if namemain main codepre pdo note that this code is untested as this machine does not have scipy installedp
pandas column operation with dates
phere is a much more performant way of doing thisp precodein 50 s seriespddaterange20000101freqdperiods10000 in 51 result swheresdtweekday0pdtimedeltaindex7sdtweekdayunitds in 52 expected sapplylambda x x pddateoffsetdays7xweekday if xweekday else x in 53 resultexpectedall out53 true codepre pthis is essentially looping in python spacep precodein 54 timeit sapplylambda x x pddateoffsetdays7xweekday if xweekday else x 1 loops best of 3 244 ms per loop codepre phere we are constructing a timedeltaindex of the days to add the codewherecode is an equivalent idiom to the codeifthencode but this is a vectorized expressionp precodein 55 timeit swheresdtweekday0pdtimedeltaindex7sdtweekdayunitds 100 loops best of 3 969 ms per loop codepre
removing from a list while iterating over it
pon your first iteration youre not removing and everythings dandyp psecond iteration youre at position 1 of the sequence and you remove 1 the iterator then takes you to position 2 in the sequence which is now 3 so 2 gets skipped over as 2 is now at position 1 because of the removal of course 3 doesnt get removed so you go on to position 3 in the sequence which is now 4 that gets removed taking you to position 5 which is now 6 and so onp pthe fact that youre removing things means that a position gets skipped over every time you perform a removalp
how to query max to min in django
pfor min and max datesp precode please use range for selecting between dates def gettopictodayself return selffiltercreatedatrangemindate maxdateorderbytitle or use greater than or lesser than def gettopictodayself return selffiltercreatedatgtemindate createdatltemaxdateorderbytitle codepre
plotting asymmetric error bars for a single point using errorbar
pthe two arguments youre passing to safezip are of different sizes the stacktrace you posted says so right herep precodevalueerror in safezip lenargs01 but lenargs12 codepre pwhat thats saying is argument ones length is 1 but argument twos length is 2 so zip cant actually combine those two listsp
python function using print works return doesnt
pyou need to specify the index of list right now you are just telling python to return the entire list you just want to return on thingp hr pfor examplep precodereturn z0 codepre pthis will return the string newportp
loading dlc files in python or c or java
pjdownloader is written in java and handles dlc files its open sourcep pa hrefhttpjdownloaderorgknowledgewikidevelopmentgetstarted relnofollowhttpjdownloaderorgknowledgewikidevelopmentgetstarteda svnsvnjdownloaderorgjdownloadertrunkp
combine two lists of lists into a dictionary python
pim not sure if it could work with your code but give it a tryp precodeprint tuplekv for kv in zipsentencesen sentencesde codepre
saleorderline quantity update
phave you tried recurring invoice module from openerp as it is more easy to do recurring billing using it instead of making something from a scratchp pcheers parthivp
how visualize output cluster with each cluster unique colors
pright now codecolor nprandomrandclusternumcode is generating three random numbers and in codeaxscatterxi0 xi1 xi2 ccolorlabelsicode you are trying to assign those random numbers as colors p pinstead you can change codecolor g r bcode so that first cluster will be green second will be red and third will be bluep pfor cluster centers pass the same parameterp precodeaxscattercentroids 0centroids 1 centroids 2 marker x s150 linewidths 5 zorder 100 ccolor codepre pa hrefhttpistackimgurcomdtnqgpng relnofollowimg srchttpistackimgurcomdtnqgpng altenter image description hereap
getting gcc failed error while installing scrapy
pon fedora 23 i had to install the following packages for code pip install scrapycode to complete successfullyp precodesudo dnf install pythondevel libxml2devel libxsltdevel libffidevel libffidevel codepre pif the setup process complains about a missing file for examplep precodefatal error opensslopensslvh no such file or directory compilation terminated error command gcc failed with exit status 1 codepre pdo code dnf provides filenamecode emdnf provides opensslopensslvhem to find the required package and install itp
i just downloaded aptana studio 3 in windows 81 pro with java sdk
ptry cusersappdataroamingappceleratorp pthat is where i found it i had the same problem i also just put emaptanem into the search input field and let the system do its thingp
async function call in python
pi would simply use a hrefhttpdocspythonrequestsorgenlatest relnofollowrequesta and a hrefhttpwwwgeventorg relnofollowgeventa called a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypigrequests relnofollowgrequestsap precodeimport grequests gtgtgt urls http http gtgtgt rs grequestsgetu for u in urls gtgtgt grequestsmaprs ltresponse 200gt ltresponse 200gt codepre
install newest version of one private library in a requirementstxt file
pthe simple solution is to remove the version pinning for the package each time the requirements file is run the latest version will be installedp
choose specific exit node in tor with python code
pok i think i have an answer it is not exactly what i intended but it works just as wellp pi can have a more then one tor relays on my machine and configure each one with the exit node i want in the torrc file like a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomusers361267robertdaveyrobert daveya mentioned in my python script i can create a few processes and connect each one with a different relay thus giving me a different exit node an example can be found here a hrefhttptorstackexchangecomquestions327howmayirunmultipletorrelayinstancesinasinglelinuxmachinehttptorstackexchangecomquestions327howmayirunmultipletorrelayinstancesinasinglelinuxmachineap pif i want to change an exit node in an already running relay i can edit the torrc file of the relevant tor relay and update it with the sighup signal using stem python libraryp precodefrom stem import signal from stemcontrol import controller with controllerfromportport 9051 as controller controllerauthenticate controllersignalsignalhup codepre
python updating one key of the pair adding the previous value to the new one dictionaryhash
ptry this when assigned to the dictionary see if the value exists and if it does not set it to 0 then add to itp precodefor eachline in data number grade eachlinesplit if number not in nice nicenumber 0 nicenumber intgrade codepre
sequential searching of a database
pyour codesequentialsearchcode function isnt printing anything and you dont need the codefoundcode variable you can just codereturncode from the function when you find the matchp precodedef sequentialsearchalbumlist item for i in rangelenalbumlist if albumlisti item print titlelisti artistlisti albumlisti print yearlisti commentlisti return true return false codepre pin your main code your codewhilecode loop will never end because you ask for codenumcode outside the loop usep precodewhile true num inputwhat would you like to don1 print all the contents of the databasen2 find all the songs on a particular albumn3 quitnplease enter 1 2 or 3 if num 3 print goodbye break elif num 1 func elif num 2 item rawinputplease enter the album sequentialsearchalbumlist item else print invald input codepre
why does the python slice syntax not wrap around from negative to positive indices
pstrongfirst you need to know that slicing in python is from left to rightstrong so when you try code31code or code11code result is empty you can suppose that every entry in list have 2 index that shows in below for exam ple if we have a list with 4 entry this is the indexes numbers p precode01234 codepre porp precode5431 codepre pfor complete understanding of slicing read have a look at here a hrefhttpstructureuscedunumarraynode26html relnofollowhttpstructureuscedunumarraynode26htmla p
issues in installing packages on webfraction
pfor instance lets say you want to install djangohaystack 200 on webfaction using pip you could do the following pwd does not work i think p precodepip27 install djangohaystack200 installoptioninstallscriptshomeyouraccountwebappsyourdjangoappbin installoptioninstalllibhomeyouraccountwebappsyourdjangoapplibpython27 codepre
can we find the local classname of an object instantiated from a class imported with import as
ptheres a really terrible answer to my own question i wont be accepting this since its probably pretty fragile i only tested for a limited set of call circumstances i mostly just hunted this down for the challenge i will most likely be using something more durable for my actual use casep pthis assumes we have access to the stronginitstrong function of the class were trying to import as blah and some sort of persistent external data store at least for more complicated edge casesp precodeimport inspect dis class idiomobject description none alias none def initself desc global dataob selfdescription desc if selfclassname idiom cheat like hell to figure out who called us selfalias dataobnameidiominspectcurrentframefback else selfalias selfclassname class dataobobject code none locations loadname 101 codelen none def nameidiomself frame if not selfcode selfcode framefcode selfcodelen lenselfcodecocode selflocations yx for x y in disfindlinestartsselfcode targetline frameflineno addrindex selflocationstargetline1 nameindex selfcodecocodeaddrindex theres a chance well get called again this line so we want to seek to the next loadname instance101 addrindex 1 while addrindex lt selfcodelen if selfcodecocodeaddrindex selfloadname selflocationstargetline addrindex break addrindex 1 return selfcodeconamesnameindex codepre pthe short explanation of how this works isp ul liwe look up the previous frame from the init functionli liobtain the code objectli lifind bytecode locations for the start of every line in the codeli liuse the linenumber from the frame to grab the bytecode location for the start of that lineli lilocate a loadname indicator in the bytecode for this line i dont really follow this my code assumes itll be there li lilook in the next bytecode position for an index which indicates which position in the codeconames tuple contains the name of the loadname callli ul pfrom here we can do something likep precode&gt;&gt;&gt; from rabbit_hole import idiom as timer_bob &gt;&gt;&gt; with timer_bob("down the rabbit hole"): ... waste_some_time = list(range(50000)) ... timer_bob: down the rabbit hole runtime: 0:00:00.001909, children: 0:00:00, overhead: 0:00:00.001909 </code></pre>
break out of a while loop using a function
pthe way to end a whiletrue loop would be to use codebreakcode furthermore the codebreakcode must be in the immediate scope of the loop otherwise you could utilize exceptions to hand control up in the stack to whatever code handles itp pyet oftentimes its worth considering another approach if your example is actually close to what you really want to do namely depending on some user prompt input id do it like thisp precodeif rawinputcontinue yn y print you wish to continue then else print abort as you wished codepre
calculating a directory size using python
pa little late to the party but in one line provided that you have a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypiglob2 relnofollowglob2a and a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypihumanize relnofollowhumanizea installed note that in python 3 the default codeiglobcode has a recursive mode how to modify the code for python 3 is left as a trivial exercise for the readerp precodegtgtgt import os gtgtgt from humanize import naturalsize gtgtgt from glob2 import iglob gtgtgt naturalsizesumospathgetsizex for x in iglobvar 5462 mb codepre
retain formatting
pcodereturn hreadcode would return the files contents as a single string and therefore retain formatting if thats printed as you put it what other constraints do you have on the return value of the peculiarlynamed codeprintfilecode peculiarly indeed because it doesnt emprintem anythingp
python module to listen for wsgi requests from apache
ppython has a built in wsgi server in the codewsgirefcode module suitable for development and testing purposes though probably not for production uses for example using the also provided example wsgi appp precodegtgtgt import wsgirefsimpleserver gtgtgt server wsgirefsimpleservermakeserver0000 8888 wsgirefsimpleserverdemoapp gtgtgt serverserveforever 127001 21jul2016 004404 get http11 200 2664 127001 21jul2016 004405 get faviconico http11 200 2615 127001 21jul2016 004405 get faviconico http11 200 2675 ctraceback most recent call last file ltipythoninput530934a6743d8gt line 1 in ltmodulegt serverserveforever file usrlocalcellarpython27102frameworkspythonframeworkversions27libpython27socketserverpy line 236 in serveforever pollinterval file usrlocalcellarpython27102frameworkspythonframeworkversions27libpython27socketserverpy line 155 in eintrretry return funcargs keyboardinterrupt gtgtgt codepre
accessing firefox 3 cookies in python
pi created a module to load cookies from firefox available here a hrefhttpsbitbucketorgrichardpenmanbrowsercookie relnofollowhttpsbitbucketorgrichardpenmanbrowsercookieap pexample usagep precodeimport requests import browsercookie cj browsercookiefirefox r requestsgeturl cookiescj codepre
best way of linking to a page in django
pcreate a new url in the same format and give that name instead of indexp pegp precodeurlr index nameindex urlrnewpage new namenewpage url newpage codepre
turbogears loads page twice
pfinally the problem was in the templates if there is nonvalid javascript or cant be downloaded the page gets loaded twice second time without the broken javascript just remove the javascript from the template and it works finep pin my case there was something wrong in the a hrefhttpflexiejscom relnofollowflexiejsap