how to store chinese in mysql
pcheck you character set firstp precode select ccsacharactersetname from informationschematables t informationschemacollationcharactersetapplicability ccsa where ccsacollationname ttablecollation and ttableschema schemaname and ttablename tablename codepre
removing an object instance from a list in python
phi here is some of my suggestionp p1 building should have n floor you can have a buildingfactory to create building with n floors p precodedef createbuildingself n return building buildingn class building def initself n selffloorwatinglist for f in rangen selffloorwaitinglistappend codepre p2 use clear or pop method to remove customer from listp precodefor c in buildingfloorwaitinglistcurrent elvatorenterc buildingfloorwaitinglistclear codepre
creating an exclusion in python
pmake the addition codex x ycode before you input the number but inside the codewhilecode you initialized both variables so the extra addition before entering a number is just codex 0 0code and has no negative effectp potherwise it will execute the addition one more time even if you entered a negative number before the while loop exits the condition of the while loop is only tested when first trying to enter it and each time the code inside it is finished and the program checks if it should perform another loopp
markuptags is not a valid tag library
pso the problem was that i was actually not properly importing the module into into my project that contained codemarkuptagscode while the library was available in my environment in my codesettingspycode i did not properly reference it dumb mistake but might help someone elsep
seperating code from for function while using values within for function in python
pi guess you want to populate the arrays before calling the plot function egp precodealphab frequencies for x in frequency alphabappendx frequenciesappendfrequencyx some more code here pltbarpos frequencies width colorr codepre
find matrices in text file
pyou are opening the input file a two different places in your code which seems like not what you want to dop palso i fail to see the purpose of the codewhile truecode which is propbably the cause of the infinite loop p pit seems to me that this would work p precodeinf opencpython27allgrainmap3map outf openmatricestxt w keepcurrentset false for line in inf if linestartswithtranslation keepcurrentset false if keepcurrentset outfwriteline if linestartswithubi keepcurrentset true infclose outfclose codepre pnow if you want to keep only the last column you have to deal with that before writing it to the outfile p precode if keepcurrentset vector line93 outfwritevector codepre pthis will work only with your current matrix if the number of column change you would have to compute which elements to keep in the slicep pedit if you have numbers instead of single digits in the matrix p precodeline ubi 101 223 33456 40 51 63 75 86 99 fields linesplit vector fields33 printvector codepre ponly works with a 3x3 matrixp
pyinstaller draganddrop files to the onefile exe
pthere is a simple way to see how the files you drop on an executable get handled build an exe from a file with such contentp precodeimport sys def main with openparameterslog ab as f fwritestrsysargv codepre puse it with one or more files that you drag and drop and observe the content of codeparameterslogcode you should find that for each file its absolute path is passed as an argument codencodeth file will have its path in codesysargvncodep pthis can actually be generalised to any executablep
install directory for rpm made with setuppy setuptools
pthere is a way to install rpm to folder codefoolibpythoncodep pmake codesetupcfgcode available in codesetuppycodep precodefrom setuptools import setup findpackages setup setupcfgtrue codepre pcreate codesetupcfgcode in the same directory as codesetuppycode with the following textp precodeinstall homefoo codepre
python handle unknown types graciously
pyou could say thisp precodeexcept getattrpg error errorhasattrpg error as x codepre pit uses that handy feature where a true value is code1code and a false value is code0code that way if codepgcode has an attribute called codeerrorcode it uses codegetattrpg error error1code which simplifies to codegetattrpg errorcode or codepgerrorcode if it does emnotem have that attribute through the same simplification we can see that it uses codepgerrorcodep
html python correct syntax
precodeprint lttrgtlttdgtreview lttdgtlttdgtlttextarea namereview cols50 rows5gtenter some text print lttextareagt ltbr gt codepre pthis was actually the way i got it working but yeah the space after the lt wasnt helping pp
need help getting line to draw in python pygame
pin order for some functions to work you have to change your code at the beginning top precodeimport pygame from pygamelocals import pygameinit codepre pthis makes sure you have all of the essentials and that you initialize pygame without pygameinit it wouldnt turn on most of the functionsp
scrape result export prooblem
pthis is because you need to return a hrefhttpdocscrapyorgenlatesttopicsitemshtml relnofollowcodeitemcodea instancesp precodeimport scrapy from tutorialitems import tutorialitem class chillumspiderscrapyspider name chillum alloweddomains flipkartcom starturls httpwwwflipkartcomsearchqbrownjacketampasoffasshowoffampotrackerstart def parseself response titles responsexpathaclassfkdisplayblocktextextract for title in titles item tutorialitem itemtitle title yield item codepre
changing many values in dictionary without using name of the keys
pshort answer no dictionaries are not ordered in python so theres no easy way to match up values p plonger answer sort of you can used ordered dictionaries p precodedica 1 b2 c3 d4 e 5 f6 odic ordereddictsorteddicitems keylambda t t0 lst100200300400500600 for index key in enumerateodickeys odickey lstindex codepre
django on google app engine with cloud sql in dev environment
pthis should work as mentioned a hrefhttpsdevelopersgooglecomappenginedocspythoncloudsqldjangodevelopmentsettings relnofollowherea i dont there is anything wrong with this code snippetp precodeimport os if osgetenvserversoftware startswithgoogle app engine running on production app engine so use a google cloud sql database databases default engine djangodbbackendsmysql host cloudsqlyourprojectidyourinstancename name djangotest user root elif osgetenvsettingsmode prod running in development but want to access the google cloud sql instance in production databases default engine googleappengineextdjangobackendsrdbms instance yourprojectidyourinstancename name djangotest user root else running in development so use a local mysql database databases default engine djangodbbackendsmysql name djangotest user root password root codepre pi have also been using google app engine with cloudsql in django and here are the settings that i have been using for deployment and local development and it works just fine p pstrongsettings for deployment in gaestrongp precodedatabases default engine djangodbbackendsmysql host cloudsqlinstanceappid name nameofdatabase user mysql_user', } } </code></pre> <p><strong>settings for local development with app engine sdk</strong></p> <pre><code>databases = { 'default': { 'engine': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'name': 'name_of_database', 'user': 'mysql_user', 'password': 'pwd', 'host': 'ip_address_of_cloudsql_instance', # empty for localhost through domain sockets or '' for localhost through tcp. } } </code></pre>
how do you look for a line in a text file from a sentence a user has inputted by using its keywords
pi am not sure i understood the question but is this what you want this will take the line containing the most words from the user inputp precodeproblem asplit maxnum currentnum 00 maxnum count the maximum apparition of words from the input in the line currentnum count the current number of apparition of words of the user input in the line chosenline with opensolutionstxt r as searchfile for line in searchfile for word in problem if word in line currentnum1 if currentnumgtmaxnum print linemaxnumcurrentnum maxnumcurrentnum chosenline line currentnum 0 print chosenline codepre pbut it seems to me the easiest way to do what you want is to store at the start of each answer the question or even easier just ask the user the question number and return this corresponding answerp
editing excel sheets with python
pi have used a hrefhttpsourceforgenetprojectspyexcelerator relnofollowpyexceleratora on linux to edit and build xls filesp
windowserror exception access violation ctypes question
pptrpulse and friends are python identifiers that point to various ctypes objects i guess they are all cdouble2 they either need to be wrapped with a ctypes pointer object or passed to the c function using ctypesbyrefp
django add a function to an admin form under a particular field
pin adminpyp precodefrom myprojectfunctions import findfreeip class myadminadminmodeladmin actions findfreeip codepre pfull details can be found on the django documentation site under a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen110refcontribadminactionswritingactions relnofollowadmin writing actionsa p
how to apply regex to unicode
pyoure confusing the codegroupcode with codegroup1code the latter is what you are looking for the former returns the whole text that matched as documentedp
reproducible test framework
pthis may not be the most efficient way to do this but this can be done with pythons codepicklecode modulep precodeimport pickle codepre pat the end of your file have it save itself as a picklep precodemyfile openmyfilepy r your script savefile opensavefilepkl w file the script will be saved to any file extension can be used but i like pkl for pickle mytext myfilereadlines pickledumpmytext savefile saves list from readlines as a pickle myfileclose savefileclose codepre pand then at the beginning of your script after you have pickled it once already add the code bit that checks it against the picklep precodemyfile myfilepy r savefile savefilepkl r mytext myfilereadlines savetext pickleloadsavefile myfileclose savefileclose if mytext savetext do whatever you want it to do else more code codepre pthat should work its a little long but its pure python and should do what youre looking forp
django ecommerce website huge product page initial load time wait
pit seems more of a html issue rather than django issue look into few thingsp ul lipif you are using popups then load time is increased because they are loaded as the page loads pli lipthen see whether you are calling the js and css files remotely or are they placed on your server so if they are local it boosts up the responsepli ul pjust have a look at these and let me know if there is any of those that existsp
heroku warnings in logs using djangocelery
phave you tried to set debug to true in django settings p pthat should give you enough information about the error to fix itp
asynchronous insert into elasticsearch
pwhat you need to use is a redis server for queue management and push all insertjobs to redis p psudo aptget install redisserverp pand then this a hrefhttppythonrqorgdocs relnofollowhttppythonrqorgdocsap
python what is the different of size when replacing jsondump by jsonload
pto answer the title question this is like comparing apples to oranges codejsondumpscode will convert a python object to a json representation and codejsonloadscode will convert a json representation to a python object the codesetjsonconverterscode simply accepts a empairem of an encoder and decoder function so you basically need to set them both at the same time even if you only want to replace one of themp pto address your emrealem issuep pas mentioned in the original post here a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions28593263couchbasepythonsdkasciiexceptioncouchbase python sdk ascii exceptiona the emproperem solution is to ensure your input or in this case its constituent keyvalues are eitherp ol li7bit ascii python codestrcode objectsli lipython codeunicodecode objectsli ol pemideallyem you should ensure that any data you intend to treat as text ie nonbinary data or data which you intend to encode into nonbinary formats such as json should be converted into a codeunicodecode object as emearly as possibleem unfortunately in python2 see below it is very easy to accidentally mix up the two often resulting in discovering problems deep in the processing chain rather than early onp pthe codesetjsonconverterscode solution is merely just a hack so that your code can work suboptimally until it is actually fixed to fix it you need to properly sanitize and normalize your input currently your input is a dictionary which has byte values which are emnotem unicode yes the specific values in your emmayem be interpreted as valid utf8 sequences but python does not care about this and therefore functions which expect valid unicode inputs will failp pi emstronglyem suggest you read a hrefhttpnedbatcheldercomtextunipainhtml relnofollowhttpnedbatcheldercomtextunipainhtmla for a very thorough practical and correct explanation of unicode handling in pythonp
how to post in my page using facebooksdk
pyou need to use the access token for the page rather than the access token for the authenticated user if you have he managepages permission you can get the access token for any pages that the user is an administrator of by querying p pa hrefhttpsgraphfacebookcommeaccountsaccesstokenaccesstoken relnofollowhttpsgraphfacebookcommeaccountsaccesstokenaccesstokenap pyoull then get a json collection containing all the facebook pages the user has access to with their name id and access token this is the token that you need to use when performing actions on that pagep pdetails about how to do this here a hrefhttpdevelopersfacebookcomdocsreferenceapipage relnofollowhttpdevelopersfacebookcomdocsreferenceapipageap
python mysql are prepared statements enough or do i need escapestring
pas long as its not a formatted string and they truly are prepared statements you shouldnt have to worryp pit might cause more problems than its worth to escape it twicep
negative lookbehind re in python
pin the following solution i dont care of the bp numbers as you dont want to catch themp pthe principle of this solution is to catch a string like 2000478 or 312yxz17 preceded or followed by the word patientbr if the numbering of patient can occur without the word patient before or after it this solution doesnt work and youll have to explain more the cases that may be encountered in the analyzed stringsp precodeimport re ch patient 10110 bp is 12090 some string 297lol27 patient 308h38 patient bp 12090 location 415c45 patient bp12090 some string some string 57252 patient this string with no bp value a 12090 bp for 617e67 patient at 1232 location 789k79 bp12090 some string pat patient tdazazd1 tpatient regx recompilepat print matgroup2 for mat in regxfinditerch codepre presultp precode10110 297lol27 308h38 415c45 57252 617e67 codepre
numpy vector n1 dimension n dimension conversion
puse a hrefhttpdocsscipyorgdocnumpyreferencegeneratednumpysqueezehtml relnofollowcodenumpysqueezecodeap precodegtgtgt x nparray0 1 2 gtgtgt xshape 1 3 1 gtgtgt npsqueezexshape 3 gtgtgt npsqueezex axis2shape 1 3 codepre
whats wrong with my dict
pdepending on what is more important order or counting you may use either a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarycollectionshtmlcollectionsordereddict relnofollowordered dictionarya or a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarycollectionshtmlcollectionscounter relnofollowcounter dictionarya from the a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarycollectionshtml relnofollowcollections moduleap pordereddict remembers the elements in the order they are added counter counts elementsp pwith the former you may do something like thatp precodegtgtgt words openfilenamereadsplit gtgtgt counters ordereddictword wordscountword for word in sortedlistsetwords codepre pyou will get sorted dictionary with counters just in 2 linesp
qfiledialog filter out paths based on location
pbased on the comment discussion i think your condition is simply wrongp pyou are using codeospathstartswithcode which will include all the subfolders as well naturally your question writes those would need to be kept naturally your condition is incorrect respectively p pyou should write something like this insteadp precodeif ospathdirnamepath docpath return false codepre pplease note that you also returned codetruecode for your condition which inherently means nothing will really get filtered out as you would like to have itp pfurthermore i would consider this as a usability issue eventually in your user interface design users would not be able to browse into that folder unless they start typing the whole path a much better ux approach in my opinion for sure would be to actually allow them to browse and warn them later if they wish to select a file from that particular folderp
generating xml from config using python
precodeimport xmletreecelementtree as et on python 33 use xmletreeelementtree instead import configparser config configparserconfigparser configreadsipusersconf main etelementmain etsubelementmain tcmipphonedirectory clearlighttrue etsubelementmain titletext phonelist etsubelementmain prompttext prompt for section in configsections child etsubelementmain directoryentry etsubelementchild nametext section etsubelementchild telephonetext configgetsectionusername xml etelementtreemain xmlwritephonebookxml codepre
opencv 3 python
pmikebarson is right i went to that line and found it different to the one on the current version according to git it was changed on april 20 2016 p phowever if you want a solution that doesnt involve rebuilding you can try what jaco van oost suggested a hrefhttphanzratechin20150203facerecognitionusingopencvhtmlcomment2854398363 relnofollowherea it worked for mep precoderesult cv2facemindistancepredictcollector recognizerpredict label resultgetlabel confidence resultgetdist codepre
python recursive file system search function
pfor something completely different but not as extensible try globp precodefrom glob import glob print globfilename codepre
is there a better way to create dynamic functions on the fly without using string formatting and exec
pyou can use set structure like thisp precodefruit setcocos apple lime need set cocos pineapple need intersectionfruit codepre preturn to you cocosp
pythonbased password tracker or dictionary
pon first i think you can change passwords on md5 of this passwords it will give more safetyp
convert binary to list of digits python
precodec for i in bin72 cappendinti turning string 111 to 111 if lenc3 cinsert00 printc binary digit 7 produces 0b111 by this slicing2 result get 111 codepre pso if element in list c is 3 0 is inserted first p
python parsing url after string
pprovided the text you want is the emonlyem codelth3gtcodewrapped text on the page tryp pcodefrom urllib2 import urlopencodebr codefrom re import searchcodebr codetext searchrltlth3gtlth3gt urlopenlinkreadgroup0codep pif there are multiple codelth3gtcodewrapped strings you can either put more details into the pattern or use coderefinditercodecoderefindallcodep
passing class name as argument to function
pcan class name be used as argument yes but in your code you are not passing a class name to the tcp constructor you are passing a request handler to the constructor p palso class name doesnt refer to anything so how is it possible as mention above you are passing a request handler to the tcp constructor your request handler refers to an action which tcp server will use to handle the incoming request so it does refer to somethingp
google search using python script
pas zloy smiertniy pointed out the answer can be found a hrefhttpwwwpythonforbeginnerscomcodesnippetssourcecodegooglecommandlinescript relnofollowhereap phowever if you are using python 3 the syntax of coderawinputcode codeurllibcode has changed and one has to decode the coderesponsecode thus for python 3 one can usep precodeimport urllib import urllibrequest import json url httpajaxgoogleapiscomajaxservicessearchwebv10amp query inputquery query urllibparseurlencode q query response urllibrequesturlopen url query read data jsonloads responsedecode results data responsedata results for result in results title resulttitle url resulturl print title url codepre
python i want to sort a list which is in a dict
plsl and itemsgi in test 2 point to different objects i can use localsitems to get to the same objectp
django 14 serving media files works but not static
phere is how i define my media url in settingspyp precodeimport os absolutepath ospathdirnamefile mediaroot ospathjoinabsolutepath media mediaurl media staticroot ospathjoinabsolutepath static staticurl static codepre pso like you see the difference is media and staticp pis mysite in your installed apps django look inside your installed apps and check if theres a static folder therep
python 3x how to get my program to not calculate a section when it is invalidated
pyou used the same variable names in your function header def ticketsvalidabc as you do for your global variables so when you overwrite a b or c in ticketsvalid you are only overwriting it locally not the global variable you need to use globalsa in your functionp precodedef ticketsvalidabc while a gt 300 or a lt 0 printerror section a has a limit of 300 seats globalsa intinputplease enter the number of tickets sold in section a while b gt 500 or b lt 0 printerror section b has a limit of 500 seats globalsb intinputplease enter the number of tickets sold in section b while c gt 200 or c lt 0 printerror section c has a limit of 200 seats globalsc intinputplease enter the number of tickets sold in section c codepre
generating numbers in python loop with specific number
pbelow code should do the trick sysargv1 contains the string value 123456 with your first for loop youre iterating over the different parts of the stringp precodedef isints try ints return true except valueerror return false arg sysargv1 if isintarg for i in xrange0200000 print s05darg i codepre
python spacing between outputted text in the shell
pjust add an extra line feed to the first linep precodeprint hello and welcome to my worldn codepre
why do some list methods in python work only with defined variables
panother way to concatenate listsp precodegtgtgt 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 codepre pnote that in this case a new list is created and returned codelistappendcode adds an item to an existing list and does not return anythingp
python how to extract repeated string by regular expression
pusing codegroupcode will only return the parentheseswrapped part of the expression you can use codestartcode and codeendcode to get the indices of the original string where the match happenedp precodedef strings match researchr1 s return smatchstart matchend if match is not none else none codepre
partition and rpartiton getting typeerror builtinfunctionormethod object has no attribute getitem
precodecontainedfiles containedstring partition codepre pnotp precodecontainedfiles containedstring partition codepre puse parentheses when you want to call a methodp
regular expression to find string within tags
ptryp precodelttimegtgtlttimegt codepre pit returns three match groups check it out a hrefhttpsregex101comrat6ku41 relnofollowherea note the codeglobalcode and codesingel linecode flagsp pregardsp
using gmail through python authentication error
pafter telling google that it was my device i just had to do this before the changes could propagate p pa hrefhttpsaccountsgooglecomdisplayunlockcaptcha relnofollowhttpsaccountsgooglecomdisplayunlockcaptchaap pproblem solvedp
how to query as group by in django
pthere is module that allows you to group django models and still work with a queryset in the result a hrefhttpsgithubcomkakonawaodjangogroupby relnofollowhttpsgithubcomkakonawaodjangogroupbyap pfor examplep precodefrom djangogroupby import groupbymixin class bookquerysetqueryset groupbymixin pass class bookmodel title textfield author foreignkeyuser shop foreignkeyshop price decimalfield codepre hr precodeclass groupedbooklistviewpaginationmixin listview templatename bookbookshtml model book paginateby 100 def getquerysetself return bookobjectsgroupbytitle authorannotate shopcountcountshop priceavgavgpriceorderby name authordistinct def getcontextdataself kwargs return supergetcontextdatatotalcountselfgetquerysetcount kwargs codepre pbookbookshtmlp precodeltulgt for book in objectlist ltligt lth2gt booktitle lttdgt ltpgt bookauthorlastname bookauthorfirstname ltpgt ltpgt bookshopcount ltpgt; &lt;p&gt;{{ book.price_avg }}&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {% endfor %} &lt;/ul&gt; </code></pre> <p>the difference to the <code>annotate</code>/<code>aggregate</code> basic django queries is the use of the attributes of a related field, e.g. <code>book.author.last_name</code>.</p> <p>if you need the pks of the instances that have been grouped together, add the following annotation:</p> <pre><code>.annotate(pks=arrayagg('id')) </code></pre> <p>note: <code>arrayagg</code> is a postgres specific function, available from django 1.9 onwards: <a href="https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/contrib/postgres/aggregates/#arrayagg" rel="nofollow">https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/contrib/postgres/aggregates/#arrayagg</a> </p>
indexerror string index out of range on my function
plike the comments to your question states you have a couple of problems there first you are dropping the last word you could fix that withp precode else textaddition str if not then the letter is added to the string textaddition avoid dropping last word if lentextaddition splittextappendtextaddition while number lt lensplittext1 if splittextnumber0 letter codepre pthen i think your indexerror problem comes when you have two spaces in that situation you are adding an empty string and since it doesnt have any char 0 is indexerror you could fix that withp precode for str in text if str or str checks to see whether the letter is a space or apostrophy if textaddition here we avoid adding empty strings splittextappendtextaddition textaddition if there is then the letters collected so far in textaddition are apended to the list splittext and then cleared from textaddition else textaddition str if not then the letter is added to the string textaddition codepre pthat its just to answer your questionp ppd i little improvement on the last part would be to dop precode result for str in splittext if strstartswithletter resultaddstr return result codepre
unicode errors on zope security proxied objects
pin case anybody is looking for a temporary solution to this problem i can share the monkeypatch fixes that weve implemented patching these two methods from codezopetalcode and codezopetalescode seems to do the trick this will work well as long as you know that the encoding will always be codeutf8codep precodefrom zopetal import talinterpreter def doinsertstructuretalself expr repldict block patch for zopesecurity proxied i18ndicts the proxy wrapper doesnt support a unicode hook for now the only way to fix this is to monkey patch this method which calls unicode structure selfengineevaluatestructureexpr if structure is none return if structure is selfdefault selfinterpretblock return if isinstancestructure talinterpreteri18nmessagetypes text selftranslatestructure else try text unicodestructure except unicodedecodeerror text unicodestrstructure encodingutf8 if not repldict or selfstrictinsert take a shortcut no error checking selfstreamwritetext return if selfhtml selfinserthtmlstructuretext repldict else selfinsertxmlstructuretext repldict talinterpretertalinterpreterdoinsertstructuretal doinsertstructuretal talinterpretertalinterpreterbytecodehandlerstalinsertstructure doinsertstructuretal codepre pand this onep precodefrom zopetales import tales def evaluatetextself expr patch for zopesecurity proxied i18ndicts the proxy wrapper doesnt support a unicode hook for now the only way to fix this is to monkey patch this method which calls unicode text selfevaluateexpr if text is selfgetdefault or text is none return text if isinstancetext basestring text could already be something textish eg a message object return text try return unicodetext except unicodedecodeerror return unicodestrtext encodingutf8 talescontextevaluatetext evaluatetext codepre
python dns finder
psocket library has a function for thisp precode import socket print socketgethostbyaddr8888 codepre
python 27 giving unexpected result for read text from webelement to verify if it is numeric
pmaybe the return value of codeselfwebpagegetitemvalueitemnamecode has some spaces or newlines in it when the string has space of newlines in it codeisdigitcode returns falsep pexample p precodegtgtgt 1 isdigit false gtgtgt 1nisdigit false codepre ptry stripping the codevaluecode before doing the codeisdigitcode checkp pexample p precodevalue selfwebpagegetitemvalueitemnamestrip print value if valueisdigit print item value is a number pass else selffailitem value is not a number codepre
proper way of applying function on array of points
pfrom reading your question it seems your two main concerns are the defined function and the for loop p pfirstly i like your solution of a properly defined function while this task can be accomplished with lambda that complex of a solution can be be very congested in a labda expression nevertheless p pcodelambda x sqrtx1x02x0y02code p pis the expression you are looking for p psecondly i think the builtin codemapcode function is the perfect replacement for your for loop documentation for codemapcode can be found a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2libraryfunctionshtmlmap relnofollowhereap pin conclusion your oneline solution to the problem would bep pcodedistances maplambda x sqrtx1x02x0y02 mypointscodep
how to get the visitors ip address from the dns request
pwhat youre trying is simply not possible youll always get the connection from the resolver not the final clientp
python try except problems
pcodegetnumberscode doesnt return any value thus it implicitly returns codenonecode which you assign to codenumberscode herep precodenumbers getnumbersnumbers codepre pmake sure that wherever you exit the codegetnumberscode function you return codenumberscode probably at the endp precodedef getnumbersnumbers return numbers codepre
convert python generated protobuf to java without proto file
puse the a hrefhttpwwwjythonorgarchive21docsjythonchtml relnofollowjythonca tool supplied with jythonp
integer array in python
pone way isp precodepos 7 for in xrange099 codepre pin python 2 orp precodepos 7 for in range099 codepre pin python 3 these are a hrefhttpdocspythonorgtutorialdatastructureshtmllistcomprehensions relnofollowlist comprehensionsa and are easy to extend for more complex workp palsop precodepos int codepre pdoesnt make much sense youre creating a list with the only element being the type intp
how can i convert a list of strings into numerical values
precodeimport ast import numpy as np def parsearrays return nparrayastliteralevals s 123 data parsearrays gt numpyarray123 codepre
how do i get a function inside of a while loop in a function to work properly
ppass grade to your function validateinput so it could add the grade to list likep precodedef validateinputgrades codepre
capturing video from android smartphone using opencv python
pa hrefhttpsgithubcomdheeraandroidwearcamera relnofollowheres a repo that does live broadcast of android videoap
removing trailing empty elements in python
pwhat about recursion slicingp precodegtgtgt rstrip lambda x eltsnone rstripx1 elts if x and x1 in elts else x gtgtgt rstrip1 2 3 none 1 2 3 gtgtgt rstrip1 2 3 none none 3 1 2 codepre pnote im assuming that youre not looking for the most computationally efficient solution herep
how to input a list of tuples
precodepoints maplambda xmapfloatxsplit iterlambdarawinputenter xy coordinates or nothing to continuestrip print points codepre
making a python interpreter using javascript
pyou can use pypyjs and the detailed procedure is also available a hrefhttpsgithubcompypyjspypyjsreleases relnofollowhttpsgithubcompypyjspypyjsreleasesap
python subprocess on remote ms windows host
pi will recommend using strongema hrefhttpwwwfabfileorg relnofollowfabricaemstrong its a powerful python tool with a suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input or aborting executionp ol liinstall fabric codepip install fabriccodeli liwrite the following script named strongremotecmdpystrongli ol pre classlangpy prettyprintoverridecode usage python remotecmdpy ipaddress username password yourcommand from sys import argv from fabricapi import run env def sethostconfigip user password envhoststring ip envuser user envpassword password def cmdyourcommand executes command remotely output runyourcommand return output def main sethostconfigargv1 argv2 argv3 cmdargv4 if name main main codepre pstrongusagestrongp precodepython remotecmdpy ipaddress username password command codepre
variable expansion in python regex
precodeimport re fp openliner for line in fp pattern rematchr09line if pattern print patterngroup1 else print line codepre
how can i get rid of unicode encode error while trying to output web scraping result in a txt file
pstrongupdatestrongp psince you dont want the codeucode characters in your string this should work p precodehtml urlopenhttpwwwimdbcomnewstop winereviews beautifulsouphtml lines for headline in imdbnewsfindallh2 imdbnews headlinegettext linesappendimdbnewsencodeascii ignore f openoutputtxt a fwriteimdbnewsencodeascii ignore fclose codepre piep pencode the codeunicodecode characters to codeasciicode before writing to the filep pwhat you were doing wrong is this p precodeheadlineencodeascii ignore codepre pthis will not modify the codeheadlinecode you need to assign this value to codeheadlinecode like this p precodeheadline headlineencodeascii ignore codepre
how to login into a website wifi login page using python
pin my opinion you first need to find out how the website does the login i see it calls a function codechecksubmitcodep pwhat we know it does it via a http post p precodeltform namefrmhttpclientlogin targetparent methodpost onsubmitreturn checksubmit actionhttpclienthtml idfrmhttpclientlogingt codepre pso you should make a post request to the website the parameters are probably the login and password so the next task is to find out the keynames look for codenamecode username and password you have to supply in the postp precodeltinput typetext nameusername maxlength50 styleborder 1px solid ccccccpaddingtop3pxpaddingbottom 3pxwidth 200px gt ltinput typepassword namepassword autocompleteoff styleborder 1px solid ccccccpaddingtop3pxpaddingbottom 3pxwidth 200px gt codepre pthere are other codeinputcode elements i have no clue if you need to supply thosep pso how do you make the callp precodepayload username value1 password value2 r requestsgettheurl paramspayload codepre pnext step is to parse the html returned you can use the library beautifulsoup for this in pythonp
ruby equivalent of pythons subprocesscheckcallcheckoutput
pthe basicinbuilt methods are supplanted by the a hrefhttppopen4rubyforgeorgclassespopen4html relnofollowpopen4a gem and the a hrefhttpshellexecuterrubyforgeorg relnofollowshellexecutora gem provides further awesomenessp
file names have a hidden m character prepended
pyou have a file with some special characters in the name which is confusing the terminal output what happens if you do codels lcode or if possible use a graphical file manager basically find a different way of listing the files so you can see whats going on another possibility would be to do codels gt someotherfilenamecode and then look at the file with a hex editorp
where does nlpnet get its metadata pickle file from
pyou need to download nlpnetdatamodels for pos srl and dependency it is available on a hrefhttpnilcicmcuspbrnlpnetmodelshtml relnofollowhttpnilcicmcuspbrnlpnetmodelshtmla pos tag model file metadatapospickle is available in a hrefhttpnilcicmcuspbrnlpnetdatapospttgz relnofollowhttpnilcicmcuspbrnlpnetdatapospttgzap
python read array from file
pyoure only referencing a file pointer youre not actually loading in the datap precodemyfile openliststxtread codepre pthat should give you your string which you can then load into an object using jsonp
how does python sort a list of tuples
ptry using the internal list sort method and pass a lambda if your tuples first element is a integer this should workp precode l is the list of tuples lsortlambda xy xy codepre pyou can use any callable for the compare function not necessarily a lambda however it needs to return 1 less than 0 equal or 1 greater thanp
how do i get the selected text in desktop application using pythondbus
pa hrefhttpscodelaunchpadnetdo relnofollowgnome doa has a few plugins that use the selected text im not sure how it is implemented and if it uses dbus but the code should reveal all p
get last n lines of a file with python similar to tail
pon second thought this is probably just as fast as anything herep precodedef tail f window20 lines window count 0 for l in f linescountwindow l count 1 print linescountwindow linescountwindow codepre pits a lot simpler and it does seem to rip along at a good pace p
obtain string from file using partial string
precodea solyc01g094920 solyc01g094930 b solyc01g09441021 solyc01g09482012 solyc01g09490012 solyc01g09491011 solyc01g09492021 solyc01g09493012 aa xstrip for x in asplit for line in bsplit for aaa in aa if linestartswith aaa printline codepre poutputp precodesolyc01g09492021 solyc01g09493012 codepre
unbounded local error
pi assume that this is an exercise exploration in handling variables in recursive functionsp pyou can pass codectrcode as an argument in the recursive calls and you can initialize it with a default value so you dont need to supply codectrcode in the original callp precodedef myfnn ctr0 if n 0 return ctr elif n 10 2 ctr 1 a n10 print a return myfna ctr else a n10 return myfna ctr print myfn1233252672 codepre pstrongoutputstrongp precode123325267 123325 1233 1 4 codepre pif you need to pass more complex objects around then you have to be careful see a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomq11329414014959least astonishment in python the mutable default argumenta for detailsp phowever its simpler to just use a codewhilecode loop for this task recursion is not efficient in python so you should only use it when its appropriate to the problem domain eg working with recursive data structures like treesp precodedef myfnn ctr 0 while n a n 10 if n 10 2 ctr 1 print a n a return ctr codepre
measuring the distance between points and groups
pi ended up using a different data structure and in the end looks like thisp precodecontacts for i row in scwalkbookiterrows if contactsgetrowregion0 0 contactsrowregion contactsrowregionrowsubregion contactsrowregionrowsubregioncoords contactsrowregionrowsubregiondistances elif contactsrowregiongetrowsubregion0 0 contactsrowregionrowsubregion contactsrowregionrowsubregioncoords contactsrowregionrowsubregiondistances else pass contactsrowregionrowsubregioncoordsappendrowtlatituderowtlongitude for region in contactsitervalues for subregion in regionitervalues for a b in itertoolscombinationssubregioncoords 2 subregiondistancesappendeuclideana b codepre
django 19 web page doesnt redirect or change
pyour first url is catching everything essentially its saying if the url has a start to it send to indexp psince its the first url in the list its always going to catch that first since it goes through the url patterns and finds the first one it matches as youve found out in the comment if you move it to the bottom when you go to either codehomecode or codecontactcode it will catch those firstp phowever you still will have a problem with that because if you go to codeasdfblahblahcode or anything its still going to catch that what you should do is add a codecode to show that there should be nothing in the url to route to index that regex says if there is a start and an end and nothing in between route to indexp precodeurlpatterns urlr viewsindex name index urlrhome viewsindex name home urlrcontact viewscontact name iletisim codepre
email migration and multidomain account
pfirst off you really should be using the a hrefhttpsdevelopersgooglecomadminsdkemailmigration relnofollownew email migration apia along with the a hrefhttpscodegooglecompgoogleapipythonclient relnofollowgoogleapipythonclienta for this rather than the a hrefhttpsdevelopersgooglecomadminsdkemailmigrationv1index relnofollowold and deprecated gdatabased apiap phaving said that it should just be a matter of setting the domain value to that of the user mailbox you wisht to migrate mail into rather than the admin domainp precodeuser userexamplefr admin adminexamplecom adminpwd hackme srv servicemigrationserviceemail admin password adminpwd domain examplefr codepre
python 3x how to compare two lists containing dictionaries where order doesnt matter
pif the elements in both lists are shallow the idea of sorting them and then comparing with equality can work the problem with alexs solution is that he is only using id but if instead of id one uses a function that will sort dictionaries properly things shuld just workp precodedef sortkeyelement if isinstanceelement dict element sortedelementitems return reprelement sortedtesta keysortkey sortedtestb keysotrkey codepre pi use an codereprcode to wrap the key because it will cast all elements to string before comparison which will avoid typerror if different elements are of unorderable types which would almost certainly happen if you are using python 3xp pjust to be clear if your dictionaries and lists have nested dictionaries themselves you should use the answer by mcallens if your inner lists are also unorderd you can fix this to work jsut sorting them inside the key function as wellp
change user agent for selenium driver
pwebdriver lacks http response header and status code methods for more info check this a hrefhttpcodegooglecompseleniumissuesdetailid141 relnofollowlinkap
how are keys stored and accessed in python 2
pcodestarttraversalcode is not where the adjacent key is chosen thats the part in codetraversecode specifically codefor othernodes in gnodecode since codegnodecode contains only adjacent nodes all of them will be iterated overp pwhat codefor node in gkeyscode does is select a random node to start from and following nodes just in case theres a number of disconnected subgraphs in codegcodep pchoosing the adjacent node does not have anything to do with hash order in this case which you should never rely onp
im having trouble printing a file in python
pread is a strongmethodstrong from file class so you must add p precodedataread codepre
tkinter example for multiple frames grid error
pyou cannot mix codepackcode and codegridcode together within the same emcontainerem it is empossibleem to mix them in different containers but id stronghighlystrong recommend staying with strongonlystrong one of these geometry managerp psee this a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions17267140pythonpackandgridmethodstogetherquestiona for some more helpp
does posterencode module supported in python appengine
pfrom what i see in a hrefhttpsbitbucketorgchrisatleepostersrcbd5ab4c5005cposterencodepy relnofollowhttpsbitbucketorgchrisatleepostersrcbd5ab4c5005cposterencodepya i doesnt see any class that would be forbidden by google app engine just upload it as any of your own codep
program web applications in python without a framework
pfor a php programmer i think a hrefhttpwwwmodpythonorg relnofollowmodpythona is a good way to get started without any framework it can be used directly as apache 2 module you can have code tags like codelt gtcode in php and even conditional html output html inside if statementp precodelt if x y begin gt some html lt end gt codepre psimplified example taken from emonlampcomems a hrefhttponlampcompubapython20040226pythonserverpageshtml relnofollowpython server pages tutorialap
detecting change in the value of python variables
pfor this case and i cant believe im saying the words sounds like situation for settersp precodedef setmyvarx myvar x somefunction return myvar codepre
running json through pythons eval
pcodeevalcodeing json is a bit like trying to run xml through a c compiler p pcodeevalcode is meant to evaluate python code although there are some syntactical similarities strongjson isnt python codestrong heck not only is it not empythonem code its not code to begin with therefore even if you can get away with it for your usecase id argue that its a bad idea conceptually python is an apple json is orangeflavored sodap
plone store form inputs in a lightweight way
pone approach is to create a browser view that accepts and retrieves json data and then just do all of the form handling in custom html the json could be stored in an annotation against the site root or you could create a simple content type with a single field for holding the json and create one per record youll need to produce your own list and item view templates which would be easier with the itemperjsonrecord approach but thats not a large taskp pif you dont want to store it in the zodb then pick whatever file store you want like codeshelfcode and dump it there insteadp
how to print the original encoded string for serial programming in python
ptry adding an extra slashp precodeprint x55 codepre pif you cant edit the string try thisp precodeprint hexordx55 0x55 this will still be stored a a hexadecimal answer put str around it to make it a string codepre por a longer version based on the previous answerp precodeprint joinxstrhexordx552 x55 this will be stored a a string on the other hand codepre por if you are working with a line of input try thisp precodedef hextostringlst temp for v in lst s strhexordv tempappendjoinx04lenss2 return jointemp codepre
where is the huey consumer configuration
pi think you need to add an codeinitpycode file to the folder that contains mainpy else you cannot import anything as python will not consider this folder as a modulep pa hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions7948494whatsthedifferencebetweenapythonmoduleandapythonpackagewhat39s the difference between a python module and a python packageap psee comment by giuliopiancastellip
problem accessing attributes in beautifulsoup
pto just scan for an element by tag name a pyparsing solution might be more readable and without using deprecated apis like codehaskeycodep precodefrom pyparsing import makexmltags makexmltags creates a pyparsing expression that matches tags with variations in whitespace attributes etc elelend makexmltagsel scan the input text and work with eltags for eltag tagstart tagend in elscanstringxmltext if eltagat print eltagat codepre pfor an added refinement pyparsing allows you to define a filtering parse action so that tags will only match if a particular attributevalue or attributeanyvalue is foundp precode import parse action that will filter by attribute from pyparsing import withattribute only match el tags having the at attribute with any value elsetparseactionwithattributeatwithattributeanyvalue now loop again but no need to test for presence of at attribute there will be no match if at is not present for eltag tagstart tagend in elscanstringxmltext print eltagat codepre
separate line output by groups
plooks like you want to group the output of the script rather than log the info as it comes while searching easiest would be to maintain 4 lists on each for empty not empty and so on in the script add the db names to appropriate list instead of logging and then dump the lists one by one into the file with appropriate prefixesnot empty for dbname for example remove all the logfailwrite from the functions and replace them with listappend and write a separate function that writes to the log file as you likep padd listsp precodedbdumpisoldlist dbdumpisemptylist dbdumpisnotcompletelist dbdumpdoesnotexistlist codepre pmodify the functionsp precodedef dumphealthlastdumprow filenamedb lastrow lastdumprowrsplit tms joinlastrow45 status lastrow13 if status and tms today dbdumpisoldlistappendstrdb logfailwritendb is old for strdb strfilename ndump finished at strjointms logfailwriten elif not status and tms none dbdumpisnotcompletelistappendstrdb logfailwritendump is not complete for strdb strfilename end of file is not correct logfailwriten------------------------------------") def dump_size(dump_file, file_name,db): size = os.path.getsize(dump_file) if (size &lt; 1024): human_readable = humansize(size) db_dump_is_empty_list.append(str(db)) #log_fail.write("\ndump is empty for " +str(db) + "\n" +"\t" + str (file_name)+", file size is " + str(human_readable)) #log_fail.write("\n-------------------------------------------") if db_file_does_not_exist and db_file2_does_not_exist: db_dump_does_not_exist_list.append(str(db)) #log_fail.write("\nmysql dump does not exist for " + str(db) + "\n" + "\t" + str(db_backup_file2) + "\n" + "\t" + str(db_backup_file)) #log_fail.write("\n-------------------------------------------") continue </code></pre> <p>and add a logger function:</p> <pre><code>def dump_info_to_log_file(): log_dump_fail = '/tmp/mysqldump_fail' log_fail = open(log_dump_fail,'w').close() log_fail = open(log_dump_fail, 'a') for dbname in db_dump_is_old_list: log_fail.write("dump is old for" + str(dbname)) log_fail.write("\n\n") for dbname in db_dump_is_empty_list: log_fail.write("dump is empty for" + str(dbname)) log_fail.write("\n\n") for dbname in db_dump_is_not_complete_list: log_fail.write("dump is not complete for" + str(dbname)) log_fail.write("\n\n") for dbname in db_dump_does_not_exist_list: log_fail.write("dump does not exist for" + str(dbname)) log_fail.close() </code></pre> <p>or you could simply log as you are doing, and then read in the file, sort and write back the file.</p>
how to make a python script do something before exiting
pyou could use codeatexitregistercode from module codeatexitcode to register cleanup functions if you register functions codefcode codegcode codehcode in that order at program exit these will be executed in the reverse order codehcode codegcode codefcodep pbut one thing to note these functions will be invoked upon emnormalem program exit emnormalem means exits handled by python so wont work in weird casesp
how can i get the django splitdatetimewidget to recognize ampm inputs
pultimately after poking around a lot in the source for the codesplitdatetimewidgetcode i didnt see a way to pass codeinputtimeformatscode into the widget perhaps there is a way i dont understand the common lineage between fields and widgets well enough to say for sure one way or another but i couldnt find itp phowever i was able to get it working by overriding the fields and using codesplitdatetimefieldcode in the modelform original fields in model are codedatetimecode type i then needed to pass the codedatetimecode from the codesplitdatetimefieldcode back to the original model since the form field and the model field were unlinked since i overrode itp precodeclass myformformsmodelform startdatetimeformssplitdatetimefieldinputtimeformatsim p enddatetimeformssplitdatetimefieldinputtimeformatsim p class meta modelmymodel excludestartdatetimeenddatetime def cleanself selfinstancestartdatetimeselfcleaneddatagetstartdatetime selfinstanceenddatetimeselfcleaneddatagetenddatetime codepre
python make asterisk graphic whith integers list
psimplest solution will bep precodegtgtgt numlist 5 1 2 3 gtgtgt for x in numlist print x codepre
python error with decode utf8 and japanese characters
puse a hrefhttpdocspythonrequestsorgenlatest relnofollowrequestsa and a hrefhttpwwwcrummycomsoftwarebeautifulsoupbs4doc relnofollowbeautifulsoupap precodeimport requests r requestsgethttpswwwgooglecojp soup beautifulsouprcontent print soupfindallp ltp stylecolor767676fontsize8ptgt 2013 lta hrefintljapoliciesgtltagtltpgt codepre
summation of a list using eval
pits pretty straighforwardp precodegtgtgt yy a1 b1 c1 gtgtgt ff a1 10 b1 20 c1 30 gtgtgt sumffi for i in yy 60 codepre pbut if you somehow need to use eval i dont know whyp precodegtgtgt evaljoinyy ff 60 codepre pbut really theres no reason to use codeevalcode for this it is neither fast nor secure p