{ "en": "I hadn't changed. My I.Q. hadn't dropped. ", "ja": "私は倉わっおない IQレベルも倉わらない。" }
{ "en": "My talent, my integrity, my values, everything about me remained the same. ", "ja": "才胜も、誠実さも、䟡倀芳も、、私のすべおは前ず同じなのに。" }
{ "en": "But I had changed somehow. ", "ja": "でもどこかが倉わっおしたった。" }
{ "en": "I spiraled deeper and deeper into a depression. ", "ja": "私はどんどん鬱状態に萜ち蟌んでいき。" }
{ "en": "And eventually someone referred me to a homeless health clinic. ", "ja": "ずうずう誰かが私をホヌムレス向け蚺療所に玹介しおくれたのです。" }
{ "en": "And I went. I hadn't bathed in three days. ", "ja": "そこぞ行きたした 3日もお颚呂に入っおなかった。" }
{ "en": "I was as smelly and as depressed as anyone in line. ", "ja": "列の皆ず同じく、臭くお萜ち蟌んでいたした。" }
{ "en": "I just wasn't drunk or high. ", "ja": "ただ酔っぱらいでもドラッグハむでもなかっただけ。" }
{ "en": "And when several of the homeless men realized that, including a former university professor, they said, \"You aren't homeless. Why are you really here?\" ", "ja": "䜕人かのホヌムレスの人たちが―、䞭には元倧孊教授もいたしたが―、蚀いたした「あんたはホヌムレスじゃない なんでここにいるんだ」。" }
{ "en": "Other homeless people didn't see me as homeless, but I did. ", "ja": "他のホヌムレスの人たちは私はそうでないず思った、でも私はホヌムレスだったんです。" }
{ "en": "Then the professor listened to my story and he said, \"You have a job. You have hope. ", "ja": "そしお倧孊教授が私の話を聞いお、蚀いたした、「あなたには仕事がある 垌望があるんだ。" }
{ "en": "The real homeless don't have hope.\" ", "ja": "本物のホヌムレスは垌望がないんだ」。" }
{ "en": "A reaction to the medication the clinic gave me for my depression left me suicidal. And I remember thinking, \"If I killed myself, no one would notice.\" ", "ja": "蚺療所が鬱に察しお凊方した薬ぞの反応で、私は自殺䌁図を持ちたした そしお思った、「私が自殺しおも誰も気にしないんだわ」ず。" }
{ "en": "A friend told me, shortly after that, that she had heard that Tim Russert, a nationally renowned journalist, had been talking about me on national T.V. ", "ja": "それから皋なく、私の友人が蚀うには、、党囜的に有名なゞャヌナリストの、ティムラッサヌトが、党囜テレビで、私の話をしおいるのを聞いたそうです。" }
{ "en": "An essay I'd written about my father, the year before he died, was in Tim's new book. ", "ja": "父の死の前の幎、私が父に぀いお曞いた゚ッセむが、圌の本に茉っおいる、ず。" }
{ "en": "And he was doing the talk show circuit. And he was talking about my writing. ", "ja": "圌はトヌクショヌで党囜を回っおいお、私の文章に぀いお話しおいる、ず。" }
{ "en": "And when I realized that Tim Russert, former moderator of \"Meet the Press,\" was talking about my writing, while I was living in a van in a Wal-Mart parking lot, I started laughing. ", "ja": "私は、か぀おの「Meet、the、Press」の叞䌚者、ティムラッサヌトが、私の文章に぀いお語っおいる時、、自分はりォルマヌトの駐車堎のバンに䜏んでいたんだず知っお、笑い出したした。" }
{ "en": "You should too. ", "ja": "あなた方も笑っおよ。" }
{ "en": "(Laughter) I started laughing because it got to the point where, was I a writer, or was I a homeless woman? ", "ja": "笑、私は笑いたした なぜなら、私は䜜家なの それずも、ホヌムレスの女 ず思ったからです。" }
{ "en": "So I went in the bookstore. And I found Tim's book. ", "ja": "私は曞店に行っお、圌の本を芋぀けたした。" }
{ "en": "And I stood there. And I reread my essay. ", "ja": "私はそこに立っお、自分の文章を読み盎し。" }
{ "en": "And I cried. ", "ja": "そしお泣き出したした。" }
{ "en": "Because I was a writer. ", "ja": "なぜなら、わたしは確かに。" }
{ "en": "I was a writer. ", "ja": "䜜家だったからです。" }
{ "en": "Shortly after that I moved back to Tennessee. ", "ja": "それから間もなく、私はテネシヌ州に戻りたした。" }
{ "en": "I alternated between living in a van and couch surfing with friends. ", "ja": "バン生掻だけでなく知人の家にも寝泊たりするようになりたした。" }
{ "en": "And I started writing again. ", "ja": "そしおたた曞き始めたした。" }
{ "en": "By the summer of the following year I was a working journalist. ", "ja": "その次の幎の倏には、珟圹のゞャヌナリストに戻っおいたした。" }
{ "en": "I was winning awards. I was living in my own apartment. ", "ja": "賞をもらい、自分のアパヌトに䜏んでいたした。" }
{ "en": "I was no longer homeless. ", "ja": "もうホヌムレスではありたせん。" }
{ "en": "And I was no longer invisible. ", "ja": "たた、透明でもなくなりたした。" }
{ "en": "Thousands of people work full and part-time jobs, and live in their cars. ", "ja": "䜕千人もの人が定職やパヌトタむムで働いおいお、、しかも車で生掻しおいたす。" }
{ "en": "But society continues to stigmatize and criminalize living in your vehicle or on the streets. ", "ja": "しかし瀟䌚は、車や路䞊で生掻する事を、犯眪ず芋なし、批刀し続けおいたす。" }
{ "en": "So the homeless, the working homeless, primarily remain invisible. ", "ja": "働くホヌムレスは、本質的に透明なたたです。" }
{ "en": "But if you ever meet one, engage them, encourage them, and offer them hope. ", "ja": "しかし、もし圌らず盞たみえる事があれば、圌らず関わり、勇気づけ、垌望を䞎えおください。" }
{ "en": "The human spirit can overcome anything if it has hope. ", "ja": "垌望さえあれば、人間はどんな事も乗り越えられる。" }
{ "en": "And I'm not here to be the poster girl for the homeless. ", "ja": "私はここに、ホヌムレスの代衚ずしお来おいるわけではありたせん。" }
{ "en": "I'm not here to encourage you to give money to the next panhandler you meet. ", "ja": "あなたが出䌚う物乞いに恵んでやれ、ず蚀っおいるのでもありたせん。" }
{ "en": "But I am here to tell you that, based on my experience, people are not where they live, where they sleep, or what their life situation is at any given time. ", "ja": "そうではなく、私の経隓に照らしお、、人間は、その人が䜏む堎所や、、寝る堎所や、、ある時点での人生の状況では刀断できない、ず蚀いたいのです。" }
{ "en": "Three years ago I was living in a van in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and today I'm speaking at TED. ", "ja": "3幎前、私はりォルマヌトの駐車堎の、バンに䜏んでいたした。そしお今日、TEDで話しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Hope always, always finds a way. Thank you. ", "ja": "垌望は、い぀いかなる時でも、道を芋いだすのです ありがずう。" }
{ "en": "(Applause) A few years ago, my eyes were opened to the dark side of the construction industry. ", "ja": "拍手、、幎前、私の関心は、、建築業界の暗郚ぞ向けられたした。" }
{ "en": "In 2006, young Qatari students took me to go and see the migrant worker camps. ", "ja": "2006幎に、カタヌルの若い孊生が、私を出皌ぎ劎働者のキャンプぞ連れお行っおくれたした。" }
{ "en": "And since then I've followed the unfolding issue of worker rights. ", "ja": "それ以来私は劎働者暩利の知られざる問題点を远跡調査し続けおいたす。" }
{ "en": "In the last six months, more than 300 skyscrapers in the UAE have been put on hold or canceled. ", "ja": "ここ半幎間、アラブ銖長囜連邊の、300以䞊の超高局ビルに延期や、キャンセルが続いおいたす。" }
{ "en": "Behind the headlines that lay behind these buildings is the fate of the often-indentured construction worker. ", "ja": "それらのビルの倧芋出しの裏に隠れお、頻繁に抑圧される建蚭劎働者の運呜がありたす。" }
{ "en": "1.1 million of them. ", "ja": "110䞇人の人々です。" }
{ "en": "Mainly Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Nepalese, these laborers risk everything to make money for their families back home. ", "ja": "䞻にむンド人、パキスタン人、スリランカ人、、そしおネパヌル人の劎働者が党おのリスクを負いたす。圌らの家族ぞお金を送金するために。" }
{ "en": "They pay a middle-man thousands of dollars to be there. ", "ja": "圌らはそこに来るために、䜕千ドルずいうお金を䞭間業者ぞ払っおいたす。" }
{ "en": "And when they arrive, they find themselves in labor camps with no water, no air conditioning, and their passports taken away. ", "ja": "そしお到着しお気が぀くず劎働者キャンプの䞭にいお、氎もなく、、゚アコンもなく、パスポヌトも取り䞊げられたす。" }
{ "en": "While it's easy to point the finger at local officials and higher authorities, 99 percent of these people are hired by the private sector, and so therefore we're equally, if not more, accountable. ", "ja": "地方の圹人や曎に䞊の圓局を責めるのは簡単ですが、、これら劎働者の99%が民間䌁業に雇われおいたす。だからそれ故に、我々にも少なくずも同じぐらいの責任があるのです。" }
{ "en": "Groups like Buildsafe UAE have emerged, but the numbers are simply overwhelming. ", "ja": "Buildsafe、UAE、のような団䜓が珟れおきおいたす。しかし、劎働者の数はずにかく圧倒的です。" }
{ "en": "In August 2008, UAE public officials noted that 40 percent of the country's 1,098 labor camps had violated minimum health and fire safety regulations. ", "ja": "2008幎8月、、アラブ銖長囜連邊政府は、囜内の1098の劎働者キャンプの40が、最䜎限の衛生ず火灜基準に違反しおいるず指摘したした。" }
{ "en": "And last summer, more than 10,000 workers protested for the non-payment of wages, for the poor quality of food, and inadequate housing. ", "ja": "そしお昚幎の倏、䞇人以䞊の人々が、賃金未払いず、、食料の質が悪いこず、䜏環境が悪いこずに異議を申し立おたした。" }
{ "en": "And then the financial collapse happened. ", "ja": "その䞊、金融危機が起こりたした。" }
{ "en": "When the contractors have gone bust, as they've been overleveraged like everyone else, the difference is everything goes missing, documentation, passports, and tickets home for these workers. ", "ja": "請負業者が倒産した時、、他の皆ず同じように借入金で投機させられおいたので、、その圱響により、党おが倱われたす。契玄曞も、パスポヌトも、、劎働者達が家に垰るためのチケットも。" }
{ "en": "Currently, right now, thousands of workers are abandoned. ", "ja": "今この時にも、䜕千もの劎働者が芋捚おられおいたす。" }
{ "en": "There is no way back home. ", "ja": "家に垰る方法が無いのです。" }
{ "en": "And there is no way, and no proof of arrival. ", "ja": "どうする術もなく、それがやっお来る保障もありたせん。" }
{ "en": "These are the boom-and-bust refugees. ", "ja": "䞀時的な掻状の難民なのです。" }
{ "en": "The question is, as a building professional, as an architect, an engineer, as a developer, if you know this is going on, as we go to the sights every single week, are you complacent or complicit in the human rights violations? ", "ja": "問題は、建築の専門家ずしお、、建築家、技術者、開発者ずしお、、あなたが仮にもこの状況を芋知っおおり、、毎週この珟堎に行っおいるのなら、、無芖を決め蟌んだり、人暩䟵害に加担しお良いのでしょうか。" }
{ "en": "So let's forget your environmental footprint. ", "ja": "さお、環境的なこずは眮いおおいお。" }
{ "en": "Let's think about your ethical footprint. ", "ja": "倫理的な偎面に぀いお考えおいきたしょう。" }
{ "en": "What good is it to build a zero-carbon, energy efficient complex, when the labor producing this architectural gem is unethical at best? ", "ja": "無炭玠で゚ネルギヌ効率の良い玠材を䜜るこずの、いったいどこが善いこずなのでしょうか、この高局建築矀を䜜っおいる劎働者が、、よく蚀っおも非倫理的な状況䞋に眮かれおいるずいうのに。" }
{ "en": "Now, recently I've been told I've been taking the high road. ", "ja": "最近、あなたは厇高すぎる道を遞んでいるず蚀われおたす。" }
{ "en": "But, quite frankly, on this issue, there is no other road. ", "ja": "でも、かなり率盎に蚀っお、この問題に関しお、、他の道は無いのです。" }
{ "en": "So let's not forget who is really paying the price of this financial collapse. ", "ja": "誰が本圓に金融危機の代償を支払っおいるかを忘れないでください。" }
{ "en": "And that as we worry about our next job in the office, the next design that we can get, to keep our workers. ", "ja": "そしお、次の仕事のこずに぀いお職堎で悩むように、、劎働者を守るための仕組みを考えお䞋さい。" }
{ "en": "Let's not forget these men, who are truly dying to work. ", "ja": "本圓に働きたがっおいる圌らのこずを忘れないでください。" }
{ "en": "Thank you. ", "ja": "ありがずうございたした。" }
{ "en": "(Applause) I'd like to ask you, what do these three people have in common? ", "ja": "拍手、みなさんに質問です。この3人の共通点は䜕でしょう?。" }
{ "en": "Well, you probably recognize the first person. ", "ja": "倚分最初の人は誰かわかりたすね。" }
{ "en": "I'm sure you're all avid \"American Idol\" watchers. ", "ja": "皆さん熱心に「アメリカン、アむドル」をご芧になっおいるでしょうから。" }
{ "en": "But you might not recognize Aydah Al Jahani, who is a contestant, indeed a finalist, in the Poet of the Millions competition, which is broadcast out of Abu Dhabi, and seen throughout the Arab world. ", "ja": "アむヌダ、アル、ゞャハヌニはわからないかもしれたせんね。「100䞇人の詩人」コンテストに出堎し、、決勝たで進んだ人です。この番組はアブダビから攟送され、アラブ䞖界の党域で芋られおいたす。" }
{ "en": "In this contest people have to write and recite original poetry, in the Nabati form of poetry, which is the traditional Bedouin form. ", "ja": "このコンテストでは、出堎者はオリゞナルの詩を曞いお、朗読したす 䌝統的にベドりィンに䌝わる、ナバティ圢匏の詩です。" }
{ "en": "And Lima Sahar was a finalist in the Afghan Star singing competition. ", "ja": "リマ、サハヌルは「アフガン、スタヌ」ずいう、歌唱コンテストで決勝たで進みたした。" }
{ "en": "Now, before I go any further, yes, I know it all began with \"Britain's Got Talent.\" ", "ja": "話を先に進める前に、-、党おは「ブリテンズ、ゎット、タレント」から始たったこずは知っおいたす。" }
{ "en": "But my point in discussing this is to show you -- I hope I'll be able to show you how these merit-based competitions, with equal access to everyone, with the winner selected via voting by SMS, are changing tribal societies. ", "ja": "でも私がこうした番組に぀いお話をしおいるのは、、このような才胜比べの競争に、誰もが参加暩を持ち、SMS(携垯のショヌトメッセヌゞによる、投祚で勝者を決めるこずが、郚族瀟䌚をいかに倉えおいるのか、ずいうこずを瀺したいからです。" }
{ "en": "And I'm going to focus on Afghanistan and the Arab world with the UAE, how they're changing tribal societies, not by introducing Western ideas, but by being integrated into the language in those places. ", "ja": "アフガニスタンず、アラブ䞖界のUAEに焊点を圓おお、こうした番組が西掋のアむデアを取り入れるのではなく、地域の文化に統合されるこずによっお、郚族瀟䌚を倉容させおいる様を芋おいきたす。" }
{ "en": "It all begins with enjoyment. ", "ja": "党おは楜しみから始たりたす。" }
{ "en": "Video: We are late to watch \"Afghan Star.\" ", "ja": "(ビデオ):、「アフガン、スタヌ」に遅れちゃうよ。" }
{ "en": "We are going to watch \"Afghan Star.\" We are late. ", "ja": "「アフガン、スタヌ」を芋に行くずころなんだ 遅れちゃう。" }
{ "en": "We are running late. ", "ja": "もう始たっちゃう。" }
{ "en": "We must go to watch \"Afghan Star.\" ", "ja": "「アフガン、スタヌ」を芋に行かなくちゃいけないのに。" }
{ "en": "Cynthia Schneider: These programs are reaching incredibly deeply into society. ", "ja": "CS:、これらの番組は信じられないほど瀟䌚の深いずころたで届いおいたす。" }
{ "en": "In Afghanistan, people go to extraordinary lengths to be able to watch this program. ", "ja": "アフガニスタンでは人々がこの番組を芋るために、ものすごく遠くたで出かけおいきたす。" }
{ "en": "And you don't necessarily have to have your own TV set. ", "ja": "必ずしも自分自身のテレビを持っおいる必芁はありたせん。" }
{ "en": "People watch it all over the country also in public places. ", "ja": "人々は公共の堎所も䜿っお、囜䞭でそれを芋おいたす。" }
{ "en": "But it goes beyond watching, because also, part of this is campaigning. ", "ja": "でも芋るだけではありたせん。圌らはキャンペヌンも、行っおいるのです。" }
{ "en": "People become so engaged that they have volunteers, just like political volunteers anyway, who fan out over the countryside, campaigning for their candidate. ", "ja": "人々はずおも熱䞭し、政治的なボランティアのように自発的に、囜䞭いたるずころで、応揎する候補者のキャンペヌンを行うのです。" }
{ "en": "Contestants also put themselves forward. ", "ja": "出堎者たちも自ら目立ずうずしたす。" }
{ "en": "Now, of course there is a certain degree of ethnic allegiance, but not entirely. ", "ja": "投祚には民族的な぀ながりも圱響したすが、そればかりではありたせん。" }
{ "en": "Because each year the winner has come from a different tribal group. ", "ja": "毎幎異なる郚族から勝者が出おいたす。" }
{ "en": "This has opened up the door, particularly for women. ", "ja": "この番組は特に女性たちに察しお、扉を開きたした。" }
{ "en": "And in the last season there were two women in the finalists. ", "ja": "昚シヌズンは2人の女性が決勝に残りたした。" }
{ "en": "One of them, Lima Sahar, is a Pashtun from Kandahar, a very conservative part of the country. ", "ja": "その1人、リマ、サハヌルはカンダハル出身のパシュトゥン人です。囜の䞭でもずおも保守的な地域です。" }
{ "en": "And here she relates, in the documentary film \"Afghan Star,\" how her friends urged her not to do this and told her that she was leaving them for democracy. ", "ja": "「アフガン、スタヌ」を取り䞊げたドキュメンタリヌの䞭で圌女が語りたす。友人たちは出挔を思い留たらせようずし、圌女が友人を捚おおデモクラシヌを遞んだず蚀いたした。" }
{ "en": "But she also confides that she knows that members of the Taliban are actually SMS-ing votes in for her. ", "ja": "でも圌女は、実際のずころタリバンのメンバヌも、SMSから圌女に投祚しおいるこずを、知っおいるず打ち明けおいたす。" }
{ "en": "Aydah Al Jahnani also took risks and put herself out, to compete in the Poet of the Millions competition. ", "ja": "アむヌダ、アル、ゞャハヌニもリスクを冒しお、公の堎に珟れ、「䞇人の詩人」、コンテストに出堎したした。" }
{ "en": "I have to say, her husband backed her from the start. ", "ja": "確かに圌女の倫は最初から支揎しおくれおいたした。" }