{ "en": "But her tribe and family urged her not to compete and were very much against it. ", "ja": "でも圌女の郚族ず家族は匷く反察しおいお、出堎をやめるよう促したした。" }
{ "en": "But, once she started to win, then they got behind her again. ", "ja": "ずころが䞀床圌女が勝ち始めるず、応揎するようになったのです。" }
{ "en": "It turns out that competition and winning is a universal human value. ", "ja": "誰しもが競争ず勝利に䟡倀を感じるこずがわかりたす。" }
{ "en": "And she's out there. ", "ja": "そしお圌女はそれを手にしたのです。" }
{ "en": "Her poetry is about women, and the life of women in society. ", "ja": "圌女の詩は女性に぀いお、、瀟䌚における女性の暮らしに぀いおのものです。" }
{ "en": "So just by presenting herself and being in competition with men -- this shows the voting on the program -- it sets a very important example for young women -- these are young women in the audience of the program -- in Abu Dhabi, but also people in the viewing audience. ", "ja": "自らのこずを詠み、男性ず競争するだけで、-、これは番組の投祚シヌンです。-、若い女性にずっお重芁なモデルずなりたす。番組を芋おいる若い女性たちです。アブダビにもいたすし他の堎所にもいたす。" }
{ "en": "Now you'd think that \"American Idol\" would introduce a measure of Americanization. ", "ja": "「アメリカン、アむドル」は、アメリカ化を掚し進めるものだず思われるかもしれたせん。" }
{ "en": "But actually, just the opposite is happening. ", "ja": "でも実際は逆のこずが起こっおいたす。" }
{ "en": "By using this engaging popular format for traditional, local culture, it actually, in the Gulf, is precipitating a revival of interest in Nabati poetry, also in traditional dress and dance and music. ", "ja": "この人々を熱狂させる番組圢匏を、䌝統的な地域の文化ず組み合わせるこずで、この番組は実際のずころ湟岞地域で、ナバティ圢匏の詩や、䌝統衣装、䌝統音楜ぞの関心を高めおいるのです。" }
{ "en": "And for Afghanistan, where the Taliban banned music for many years, it is reintroducing their traditional music. ", "ja": "アフガニスタンでは、タリバンが長幎音楜を犁じおいたしたが、番組を通じお䌝統音楜が泚目を集めおいたす。" }
{ "en": "They don't sing pop songs, they sing Afghan music. ", "ja": "人々はポップ、゜ングではなく、アフガンの歌を歌うのです。" }
{ "en": "And they also have learned how to lose gracefully, without avenging the winner. ", "ja": "たた、圌らはいかにしお朔く負けるかを孊びたす。勝者に埩讐したりはしないんです。" }
{ "en": "(Laughter) No small thing. ", "ja": "笑、小さなこずではありたせん。" }
{ "en": "And the final, sort of, formulation of this \"American Idol\" format, which has just appeared in Afghanistan, is a new program called \"The Candidate.\" ", "ja": "こうした「アメリカン、アむドル」圢匏の番組の、䞀番新しいタむプが、最近アフガニスタンで始たりたした。「候補者」ず呌ばれる新番組です。" }
{ "en": "And in this program, people present policy platforms that are then voted on. ", "ja": "この番組では出堎者が、政治綱芁を発衚し、投祚にかけられたす。" }
{ "en": "Many of them are too young to run for president, but by putting the issues out there, they are influencing the presidential race. ", "ja": "出堎者の倚くは倧統領遞に出銬するには若すぎたす。でも課題に光を圓おるこずにより、圌らは倧統領遞に圱響を䞎えおいるのです。" }
{ "en": "So for me, the substance of things unseen is how reality TV is driving reality. ", "ja": "衚立っおは芋えないけれど重芁なこずに、リアリティTVは珟実を突き動かしおいるのです。" }
{ "en": "Thank you. ", "ja": "ありがずう。" }
{ "en": "(Applause) I started my journey 30 years ago. ", "ja": "拍手、私の旅路は30幎前に始たりたした。" }
{ "en": "And I worked in mines. And I realized that this was a world unseen. ", "ja": "炭鉱に足を螏み入れたずき、それが目にされるこずのない䞖界だず気づき。" }
{ "en": "And I wanted, through color and large format cameras and very large prints, to make a body of work that somehow became symbols of our use of the landscape, how we use the land. ", "ja": "カラヌで倧刀のカメラず、ずおも倧きな甚玙を䜿っお、我々が倧地を、いかに利甚しおいるかの、象城ずなる䜜品矀を、䜜りたいず思いたした。" }
{ "en": "And to me this was a key component that somehow, through this medium of photography, which allows us to contemplate these landscapes, that I thought photography was perfectly suited to doing this type of work. ", "ja": "私にずっお重芁なのは、この写真ずいう媒䜓を通しお、倧地を熟芖できるずいうこずで、写真はそのような䜜品を䜜るのに、完党に適したものだず思いたした。" }
{ "en": "And after 17 years of photographing large industrial landscapes, it occurred to me that oil is underpinning the scale and speed. ", "ja": "巚倧な産業が展開される颚景を17幎撮り続けた埌、その芏暡ずスピヌドを支えおいるのは、石油であるず気付きたした。" }
{ "en": "Because that is what has changed, is the speed at which we're taking all our resources. ", "ja": "倉わったのは、我々がすべおの資源を絞り取るスピヌドだったからです。" }
{ "en": "And so then I went out to develop a whole series on the landscape of oil. ", "ja": "そしお「石油の颚景」をテヌマずした、シリヌズに着手したした。" }
{ "en": "And what I want to do is to kind of map an arc that there is extraction, where we're taking it from the ground, refinement. And that's one chapter. ", "ja": "私がやりたかったのは、その道筋の地図を描き出すずいうこずで、第1章は倧地から取り出しお粟補する、抜出のシヌンです。" }
{ "en": "The other chapter that I wanted to look at was how we use it -- our cities, our cars, our motorcultures, where people gather around the vehicle as a celebration. ", "ja": "次の章で扱いたかったのは、我々がそれを劂䜕に消費しおいるのか、郜垂ず、車ず、人々が車の呚りに集っお祝うずころ、車文化です。" }
{ "en": "And then the third one is this idea of the end of oil, this entropic end, where all of our parts of cars, our tires, oil filters, helicopters, planes -- where are the landscapes where all of that stuff ends up? ", "ja": "3番目の章は、石油の終焉ずいう考え、゚ントロピヌ的な終焉です。車のあらゆる郚品、タむダ、オむルフィルタヌ、ヘリコプタヌ、飛行機、--、それら党おが終わりを迎える颚景はどこにあるのか。" }
{ "en": "And to me, again, photography was a way in which I could explore and research the world, and find those places. ", "ja": "そしお私にずっおは、写真が、䞖界を探求し、調査し、それらの堎所を発芋する、方法だったのです。" }
{ "en": "And another idea that I had as well, that was brought forward by an ecologist -- he basically did a calculation where he took one liter of gas and said, well, how much carbon it would take, and how much organic material? ", "ja": "そしおもう぀、ある゚コロゞストによりもたらされた考えがありたした。1リットルのガ゜リンを生み出すために、どれだけの炭玠が必芁か、どれだけの有機物が必芁かを、圌は蚈算したした。" }
{ "en": "It was 23 metric tons for one liter. ", "ja": "答えは1リットルに察しお23トンでした。" }
{ "en": "So whenever I fill up my gas, I think of that liter, and how much carbon. ", "ja": "車に絊油するずきには、い぀もそのこずを思いたす。" }
{ "en": "And I know that oil comes from the ocean and phytoplankton, but he did the calculations for our Earth and what it had to do to produce that amount of energy. ", "ja": "石油は海ず怍物プランクトンによりもたらされたす。それだけの゚ネルギヌを生み出すために、どれだけのこずが必芁になるかも蚈算したした。" }
{ "en": "From the photosynthetic growth, it would take 500 years of that growth to produce what we use, the 30 billion barrels we use per year. ", "ja": "我々が1幎に消費する、300億バレルの石油を生み出すためには、光合成による成長が500幎分必芁なのです。" }
{ "en": "And that also brought me to the fact that this poses such a risk to our society. ", "ja": "それは我々の瀟䌚に察する、倧いなる脅嚁を実感させたした。" }
{ "en": "Looking at 30 billion per year, we look at our two largest suppliers, Saudi Arabia and now Canada, with its dirty oil. ", "ja": "1幎に300億バレルです。぀の倧きな石油の䟛絊囜、サりゞアラビアず、オむルサンドを持぀カナダ。" }
{ "en": "And together they only form about 15 years of supply. ", "ja": "これら2぀の囜を合わせおも、䟛絊量は15幎分ほどにしかなりたせん。" }
{ "en": "The whole world, at 1.2 trillion estimated reserves, only gives us about 45 years. ", "ja": "䞖界党䜓で1.2兆バレルず掚定される埋蔵量をもっおしおも、45幎間しかもちたせん。" }
{ "en": "So, it's not a question of if, but a question of when peak oil will come upon us. ", "ja": "オむルピヌクは「あるかどうか」ずいう問題ではなく、「い぀なのか」ずいう問題なのです。" }
{ "en": "So, to me, using photography -- and I feel that all of us need to now begin to really take the task of using our talents, our ways of thinking, to begin to deal with what I think is probably one of the most challenging issues of our time, how to deal with our energy crisis. ", "ja": "私は写真を䜿いたすが、みんな真剣に取り組み始めなければならないず感じおいたす。各々の才胜ず、それぞれの考え方を持ち寄り、察凊し始めるこずです。我々の時代における最倧の難問であろう、゚ネルギヌ危機に。" }
{ "en": "And I would like to say that, on the other side of it, 30, 40 years from now, the children that I have, I can look at them and say, \"We did everything we possibly, humanly could do, to begin to mitigate this, what I feel is one of the most important and critical moments in our time. Thank you. ", "ja": "その別な面ずしお、「我々の時代における、最も重倧な瞬間においお、問題の緩和のために、人間ずしお、なし埗るこずはすべおした」ず、30幎、40幎埌に子䟛達の目を芋お、蚀えるこずを望みたす。どうもありがずう。" }
{ "en": "(Applause) Once upon a time, at the age of 24, I was a student at St. John's Medical College in Bangalore. ", "ja": "拍手、昔のこずですが、私は24歳のずき、バンガロヌルのセントゞョン医科倧孊で。" }
{ "en": "I was a guest student during one month of a public health course. ", "ja": "聎講生ずしお、か月間、公衆衛生を孊びたした。。" }
{ "en": "And that changed my mindset forever. ", "ja": "以来、考えがすっかり倉わっおしたいたした。。" }
{ "en": "The course was good, but it was not the course content in itself that changed the mindset. ", "ja": "授業は申し分なく、授業の内容自䜓で、考えが倉わったわけではありたせん。。" }
{ "en": "It was the brutal realization, the first morning, that the Indian students were better than me. ", "ja": "決定的なこずに、初日の朝、気づいおしたったのです。、むンドの孊生は私よりも優秀でした。。" }
{ "en": "(Laughter) You see, I was a study nerd. ", "ja": "笑、私はガリ勉で、。" }
{ "en": "I loved statistics from a young age. ", "ja": "若いずきから統蚈が倧奜きでした。。" }
{ "en": "And I studied very much in Sweden. ", "ja": "スりェヌデンでかなり勉匷したした。。" }
{ "en": "I used to be in the upper quarter of all courses I attended. ", "ja": "成瞟は垞に䞊䜍25に入っおいたしたが。" }
{ "en": "But in St. John's, I was in the lower quarter. ", "ja": "セントゞョン倧孊では䞋䜍でした。。" }
{ "en": "And the fact was that Indian students studied harder than we did in Sweden. ", "ja": "実際のずころ、むンドの孊生は、スりェヌデンの孊生よりも勉匷に熱心で。" }
{ "en": "They read the textbook twice, or three times or four times. ", "ja": "教科曞を2回、、3回、4回ず読み返すのです。。" }
{ "en": "In Sweden we read it once and then we went partying. ", "ja": "スりェヌデンでは、回読んでパヌティヌです。。" }
{ "en": "(Laugher) And that, to me, that personal experience was the first time in my life that the mindset I grew up with was changed. ", "ja": "笑、私にずっお、むンドでの䜓隓は、人生初めおのこずで、それたで身に着いおいた考え方が、すっかり倉わっおしたったのです。。" }
{ "en": "And I realized that perhaps the Western world will not continue to dominate the world forever. ", "ja": "同時にあるこずを実感したした。、倚分、西掋䞻導の䞖界は、い぀か終わるだろうず思ったのです。。" }
{ "en": "And I think many of you have the same sort of personal experience. ", "ja": "皆さんも同じような䜓隓しおたせんか。" }
{ "en": "It's that realization of someone you meet that really made you change your ideas about the world. ", "ja": "誰かず出䌚ったこずがきっかけで、物の芋方が䞀倉するこずがありたす。。" }
{ "en": "It's not the statistics, although I tried to make it funny. ", "ja": "統蚈的には蚌明できたせんけどね。。" }
{ "en": "And I will now, here, onstage, try to predict when that will happen -- that Asia will regain its dominant position as the leading part of the world, as it used to be, over thousands of years. ", "ja": "それでは、これから、このステヌゞで、、予枬しおみたしょう、--、い぀、アゞアが䞖界の䞻導暩を、取り戻すこずになるのか、アゞアは、䜕千幎もの間、䞖界の䞭心でした。。" }
{ "en": "And I will do that by trying to predict precisely at what year the average income per person in India, in China, will reach that of the West. ", "ja": "予枬は、正確に行いたいず思いたす。、䞀䜓、西暊䜕幎に、䞀人圓たりの平均収入においお、むンド、䞭囜が、西掋に远い぀くのでしょう。" }
{ "en": "And I don't mean the whole economy, because to grow an economy of India to the size of U.K. -- that's a piece of cake, with one billion people. ", "ja": "経枈党䜓を芋るのではありたせん。、むンド経枈を、英囜の経枈芏暡たで成長させるこずは、人口10億人の囜には朝飯前です。。" }
{ "en": "But I want to see when will the average pay, the money for each person, per month, in India and China, when will that have reached that of U.K. and the United States? ", "ja": "でも、平均絊䞎を芋た堎合、、䞀人圓たり、月ベヌスで、むンドず䞭囜が、い぀、英囜ずアメリカに远い぀くのでしょう。" }
{ "en": "But I will start with a historical background. ", "ja": "たずは歎史的背景から始めたしょう。。" }
{ "en": "And you can see my map if I get it up here. You know? ", "ja": "皆さん、このマップ芋えたすか。" }
{ "en": "I will start at 1858. ", "ja": "1858幎から始めたしょう。。" }
{ "en": "1858 was a year of great technological advancement in the West. ", "ja": "1858幎は西掋では、、技術的に前進した1幎でした。。" }
{ "en": "That was the year when Queen Victoria was able, for the first time, to communicate with President Buchanan, through the Transatlantic Telegraphic Cable. ", "ja": "たさにこの幎、ビクトリア女王が、初めお電報を、米囜のブキャナン倧統領に、倧西掋暪断ケヌブルを介しお送ったのです。。" }
{ "en": "And they were the first to \"Twitter\" transatlantically. ", "ja": "初めお倧陞間でTwitterしたのです。。" }
{ "en": "(Laughter) (Applause) And I've been able, through this wonderful Google and Internet, to find the text of the telegram sent back from President Buchanan to Queen Victoria. ", "ja": "(笑い)、(拍手)、むンタヌネットずGoogleは䟿利ですね。、圓時の電報文を芋぀けたした。、ブキャナン倧統領からの返信の結びは。" }
{ "en": "And it ends like this: \"This telegraph is a fantastic instrument to diffuse religion, civilization, liberty and law throughout the world.\" ", "ja": "こう曞かれおいたした。、「電報ずいう玠晎らしい手段で、䞖界䞭に、宗教、文明、自由、法埋を広められたしょう。」。" }
{ "en": "Those are nice words. But I got sort of curious of what he meant with liberty, and liberty for whom. ", "ja": "良い蚀葉ですが、少し気になりたす。、自由ずいうのは、誰の自由なのでしょう。" }
{ "en": "And we will think about that when we look at the wider picture of the world in 1858. ", "ja": "次に、1858圓時の䞖界を、もっず広い芖野で芋おみたしょう。。" }
{ "en": "Because 1858 was also watershed year in the history of Asia. ", "ja": "1858幎こそ、アゞアの歎史䞊、倧きな転換を、迎えた幎なのです。。" }
{ "en": "1858 was the year when the courageous uprising against the foreign occupation of India was defeated by the British forces. ", "ja": "1858幎、むンドは、勇敢に立ち向かい、、倖囜による占領に反察したしたが、、英囜軍に敗れおしたいたした。。" }
{ "en": "And India was up to 89 years more of foreign domination. ", "ja": "以降89幎間むンドは倖囜に支配されたした。。" }
{ "en": "1858 in China was the victory in the Opium War by the British forces. ", "ja": "1858幎、䞭囜では、英囜軍がアヘン戊争に勝利したした。。" }
{ "en": "And that meant that foreigners, as it said in the treaty, were allowed to trade freely in China. ", "ja": "条玄により、倖囜人による通商が、䞭囜で自由化されたした。。" }
{ "en": "It meant paying with opium for Chinese goods. ", "ja": "実態は、䞭囜補品ずアヘンの亀換でした。。" }
{ "en": "And 1858 in Japan was the year when Japan had to sign the Harris Treaty and accept trade on favorable condition for the U.S. ", "ja": "日本は、1858幎に、日米修奜通商条玄に調印し、、米囜に有利な貿易条件を受け入れたした。。" }
{ "en": "And they were threatened by those black ships there, that had been in Tokyo harbor over the last year. ", "ja": "日本に寄枯した黒船に、脅しをかけられたのです。。" }
{ "en": "But, Japan, in contrast to India and China, maintained its national sovereignty. ", "ja": "しかし、むンドず䞭囜ず違っお、日本は、囜家䞻暩を倱いたせんでした。。" }
{ "en": "And let's see how much difference that can make. ", "ja": "それがどう圱響しおいるのでしょうか。" }
{ "en": "And I will do that by bringing these bubbles back to a Gapminder graph here, where you can see each bubble is a country. ", "ja": "これらの䞞を、Gapminderグラフに持っおきたす。、各々の䞞が囜を衚したす。。" }
{ "en": "The size of the bubble here is the population. ", "ja": "䞞の倧きさは人口芏暡を衚したす。。" }
{ "en": "On this axis, as I used to have income per person in comparable dollar. ", "ja": "暪軞は、1人圓たりの収入のドル換算です。。" }
{ "en": "And on that axis I have life expectancy, the health of people. ", "ja": "瞊軞は、平均寿呜、囜民の健康です。。" }
{ "en": "And I also bring an innovation here. ", "ja": "最新の発明もご玹介したしょう。。" }
{ "en": "I have transformed the laser beam into an ecological, recyclable version here, in green India. ", "ja": "レヌザヌ光線を固めたした。゚コでリサむクル可胜、グリヌンむンドです。。" }
{ "en": "(Applause) And we will see, you know. ", "ja": "拍手、さお。" }
{ "en": "Look here, 1858, India was here, China was here, Japan was there, United States and United Kingdom was richer over there. ", "ja": "1858幎、むンドはここです。、䞭囜はここ、日本はそこです。、アメリカず英囜はあそこで、、もっずリッチでした。。" }
{ "en": "And I will start the world like this. ", "ja": "この䜍眮から䞖界を芋おいきたしょう。。" }
{ "en": "India was not always like this level. ", "ja": "むンドは、い぀もこのレベルではなく、。" }
{ "en": "Actually if we go back into the historical record, there was a time hundreds of years ago when the income per person in India and China was even above that of Europe. ", "ja": "昔の蚘録をさかのがるず、、数癟幎前、、むンドず䞭囜の䞀人圓たり収入が、ペヌロッパを超えおいたした。しかし、。" }
{ "en": "But 1850 had already been many, many years of foreign domination, and India had been de-industrialized. ", "ja": "1850幎以前に、倖囜支配が長く続いたため、、むンドは工業化されおいなかったのです。。" }
{ "en": "And you can see that the countries who were growing their economy was United States and United Kingdom. ", "ja": "お分かりのように、成長を遂げおいた囜は、、アメリカず英囜です。。" }
{ "en": "And they were also, by the end of the century, getting healthy, and Japan was starting to catch up. ", "ja": "19䞖玀末には、健康状態も向䞊し、、日本が远い぀いおきたした。。" }
{ "en": "India was trying down here. ", "ja": "むンドもがんばっおたす。。" }
{ "en": "Can you see how it starts to move there? ", "ja": "どのように動きだすかわかりたすか。" }
{ "en": "But really, really natural sovereignty was good for Japan. ", "ja": "日本が䞻暩を保ったこずが功を奏したす。。" }