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start first job tomorrow work subway coworker probably definitely user reddit put hands together called woman culture met atla shirt im excited cool coworker amd cool boss good paying job excited hope life keeps getting little better feels good catch nice break excited something also employee punch number lol first job hope awesome
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past weeks seriously thinking existing anymore avoid self harm
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know what really fucking wastewhy people keep insisting things hunkydoory peachy fucking apocalypse tell people oh cheer sir things get better put smile confidence huuurrrrr well guess what get better entire world fucked wave wave genocide thievery government authority liars sociopaths iron fist assholes authoritarians blah blah blah world beyond redemption fucking hipsters talk democracy working together like fucking niave children thinking save world magically well guess what democracy others failed ideologies like communism change world getting result human nature think tweak system turn knobs dials change parameters fix world people good little progressives fucking nuts myself nothing im fat ugly shrill funnysounding fat cretin man virgin as would expect graduating college useless degreei decided grad school mewith nothing tundra directions im trapped emotional frozen desert ive got nothing going life assholes it gets better shout macbook short break making hip cool comments cool obama or maybe ffffuuuu comic chan something despite fact never truly miserable unhappiest time accidentally stepped broke animal collective cd knowing bunch probably dumb techno bullshit regardless stand mouth agape telling things pick out get job nice woman everything goshdarn swell end like that job recluse like get job recluse like connect people want talk big football game small talk nephew farted class got soooo embarrassed one american idol contestant gypped winning shitty pop record deal spineless loser talent get job requires skills people skills weve already established that artistic skills even handwriting mess mechanical skills fix anything cant even fix mess life rest life put yoke collar middle management shall become lord smoothee machine legacy look upon large fries ye mighty despair shall fondly remembered crazy guy washed dishes ugly shit ugly shit mention im virgin oh yes did i would make great virgin sacrifice ive spent many night meating meat mechanical agony getting nice tan glow tv trying sob know get anything even remotely close anyone looked like girls interested me even halfway good im reminded theres ugly girls there ugly women ugly man im attracted them cant attracted people ugly am expect loved even worthy love ive utterly ignored opposite sextheyve told im ugly see start confidence bullshit im like you hipster redditori stutter cum pants girl looks me confidence net girls means provide good looks does literature subject seems agree me confidence explained due ability get girls due physical attraction on so hipster redditor mix cause effect for part continue live world everything equitable progressive works end well take shades its indoors fucking hipster look around you large goodlookin men goodlookin women hot chicks moaning hot studs boning them hollywood joe nerd mclinuxpants fuck cheerleader im spoiled selfish go fat goth girls mommy issues heads filled borderline personality disorder all get im good for shall die without ever getting dick wet even if even find one liked would like me physically repulsive behold loved girl ever complete unity personality knewknewthere mess head incompatible me interests goals desires life wanted lead life without family religious dogmas social dogmas cultural christianity whole average allamerican mediocrity whathaveyou friends one due great life earth fabulous human beings im incapable fulling trusting him anyone else like theres much else worth talking to conversations terrible dude like music too far out love rap what think local_sports_team game last night dude dude xbox love halo miserable stupid shit think im crazytheyre ones believe metaphysical manifestations meaninglessness gods ghosts sorts bullshit make friends people so so beneath you completely beneath me intellectually speaking slight bit interest philosophy continental philosophy philosophy science music urban poetry music good tv good video games allaround creativity step line start become visibly distressed someone place oh praise jesus hallelujah stepped back line back comfort zone american family values midtown usa existence going myself since redflagwatch no today least somewhere road though maybe cold theres long walk snow without wanting collapse let overtake you
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girlfriend loves smelling feet dated girl always asked smell bare feet thought weird first asked would take shoes socks front door would get upset washed feet saw her stopped showering beforehand asked friend one time observe go ended taking shoes socks too fell love bare feet ended dumping next day didnt mind since thought weird kept feet groomed pedicured always didnt smell best even foot powder friend told later went beyond smelling bare feet toes began lick bare soles suck toes weirded that ended dumping quickly afterwards
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saw sea dust part nyc screening audience several years ago enjoyed film time little confused amendments made since perhaps memory seemed chunks exposition missing version shown rhode island film festival im really sure version prefer honestly say found something appreciate bothbr br let begin warning everyone popcorn movie although promoted hammer films tribute people expecting showdown van helsing dracula going sorely disappointed theres cleavage nudity a staple british production houses later movies sea dust filled gorgeous eye candy it really shot like sixties film features hammer starlet ingrid pitt like companys pictures tone execution film dark confusing at times funny remember earlier version quite nutty one thats bad thing especially showdown black forest plays like three stooges short ms pitts rantings quite entertaining like somebody wound turned loosebr br the uniqueness film lie borrowed details though ideas occasional sci fi channel viewer ive regularly taken network task onenote variations theme cgi monster kills gets destroyed sea dust full ideas start trip whilebr br but get wrong im complaining anything applaud guys making enterprising lowbudget picture courage pack many concepts going picnic people hate think movies you know are rest us us tired formula modern horror films predictability lack respect audience may ticket
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depressedif im suicidal mean im depressed know im suicidal dont know im depressed maybe thats part trying downplay problems actual question
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fuck astrology sign tell favorite weeknd album real tell me im curious mines beauty behind madness think theyre amazing
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seen movie number times find compelling sad lack real emotion characters disturbing seem empty hopeless story based real eventbr br a teenage girl murdered boyfriend obvious reason apparently felt like it boasts friends believe takes view body number times one reports murder two strong leads keanu reeves crispen glover crispen glovers character seriously annoyingbr br keanus character matt appears one sense right wrong keanu best flawless performance believable anyone thinks man cant act watch movie matts little brother almost disturbing character movie twelve compassion love factor life sad think kids like this really makes grateful have
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shohei imamauras black rain released onset aids epidemic fact gives film slow deterioration hiroshima radiation victims added poignancy black rain title refers combination ash radioactive fallout water fell one two hours explosion books films dropping atomic bomb none unique powerful one based novel masuji ibuse gathered information interviews diaries reallife bomb victims film depicts entire family affected psychologically well physically bomb years original explosion horrifying vision one resonates deep compassion humanity br br the film begins hiroshima august soldiers civilians go normal daily activities suddenly blinding light flashes thunderous blast heard almost every single building destroyed damaged beyond repair first atomic bomb ever dropped city part history survivors must somehow restart lives unaware bombs devastating effects filmed highcontrast black white story centers around yasuko yoshiko tanaka young woman caught radioactive rain boat heads back city search friends relatives hiroshima imamura shows us indelible images remain us young boy skin hanging body pleads brother recognize him older man tears inability free son piles debris mother torment rocks blackened body childbr br when family returns rural home yasukos life forever changed sees friends dying around waits inevitable bouts radiation sickness already affected uncle shigematsu shimuza kazuo kitamura aunt shigeko shimuza etsuko ichihara pretending business usual family denies bomb affected yasuko she forgot hiroshima nagasaki destroyed everyone forgot it forget hell fire go rallies like annual festival im sick it says friend katayama akiji kobayashi yasuko internalizes tragedy feeling shame different others guilty contaminatedbr br when aunt uncle try find husband eligible men refuse marry suspicions health even though shigematsu copied diary prove directly exposed bomb suitor feels comfortable another damaged man yuichi keisuke ishida panic attack every time hears roar engine end beauty life shows ever fleetingly yasuko goes pond sees sight longing life king carp jumping water playfully say beyond despair still joy sadly hear radio statements politicians using bomb korean war human beings learn nothing says shigematsu they strangle themselves unjust peace better war justice cant see immamuras black rain hopefully allowed us see clearly
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try take imdb ratings heart flabbergasted saw rating one childhood favourites wow much family film sweet well meaning movie kids definitely love mind flaws adults guess actor behind character admire subliminal messaging film none film preachy way fact great message added sweetness admit though story thin side scenes like screweyess deathwhich still freaks out may tad scary side animation well average nice colours good character animation music james horner beautiful song featured memorable catchy amusing really liked characters louie probably indepth all dinosaurs least engaging martin shorts clown hilarious emphatic part tells screweyes i quit stitches favourite screweyes though effective villain crafty suppose intelligent anything though wish film kept part explains lost eye scared crows way couldve developed terms depth script oscarworthy funny heartwarming parts keep kids adults entertained voice acting made movie john goodman martin short rhea perlman felicity kendall yeardley smith gave solid performances special mention go kenneth mars absolutely superb screweyes almost unrecognisable all good movie get rating honestly dont sure film perfect good dinosaur movie land time good fun bethany cox
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spent around ten hours writing essay got grade back today got
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whodunnit hitchcock tradition kept dark suspects come go dennis quaid supurb dexter man doomed die meg ryan excellent babe much like little suspense pieces fit neatly together way should sorry watched one like suspense
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im doneim done moms birthday party tomorrow care could absolutely kill tomorrow think redflag constantly whether want not not subconscience really wants to might well listen it
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get money ya ya get money ya ya like ooooooh oooooooh
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world beautiful dayim senior high school right now dealing major depressive disorder possibly bipolar since th grade with symptoms since birth caused sabotage destroy every single relationship shred happiness life ever known frequent suicidal thoughts occasional attempts battle drug addiction secret abusive parents came abusive person abused friends girlfriends myself life pretty regular th grade something kind missing which assume normal depression hit everything juste empty friends make happy things used love like film comics boring im majoring music next year conservatory yet music even intrigue anymore like everything became pointless feeling many probably familiar with unfortunately happened fell love intimate connection whenever life became meaningful while started date like every time abused emotionally forced away two months dating year extremely close relationship broke me every second every day im plagued know her evil drove away arms someone else one closest friend reconnecting soon break up were point says loves strong feelings still also feelings him wonders depression sarcastic literal course made feel lowest lows least felt made and makes me happier anyone else ever has ive seen two extremes life feel like now lived gained new perspective saw stars clouds trees totally new light deepest sorrows yet found beauty everything music amazing again days now nothing really changedbut feel like im reverting back past years im losing appreciation world know do love her changed months self loathing accepted good person regardless terrible things many people trusted protect harm truly changed person experienced life im terrified lose it im terrified lose her accepted regardless feelings other theres way were getting back together fuck rambling even coherent fuck saying this fucking ruined it deserve this fuck right hes house street supposed come leaves fuck long fuck know hope gain posting this im fucking bitchy fuck cant end it relies me want one thing it fucking ruined it think tears cried fucking apathetic it fucking change late fuck even alive people meant here convince let it know parents care friends deal it other hate anyway im fucking worthless im evil post make fucking sense want one thing ill anything everything one thing fucking late happy anymore rest life im damned remember pain caused im living right now damned remember mistake made never take back never fucking redeem get let fucking it
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trying find psychiatrist going well allhey sw ive suicidal last months posted sw week ago thought finally going it kind people helped get through im ready start taking responsibility situation told family ive trying find psychiatrist going well all ive called something like numbers half say this number longer service go straight answering machine wtf psychiatrists doctors right think trying find new dealer finally got someone phone told dr ____ taking heroin addicts right now dude wat person ive gotten phone told take insurance know do someone actually successfully navigated charlie fox give advice thanks
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im sorryi know still better dont think continue this late something go left unsaid secrets kept ill keep promise every single belonging mine worth value youll get sell whatever nobody else means much still im sorry truly smartest beautiful girl ive ever met nothing change deserve better me difficult honest people
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overdose mg tramadol tabletswhat would happen took much would kill me
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birthday none friends wished happy birthday someone plz wish happy birthday
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feel like giving upokey im yo guy feel like theres point living anymore periods throughout life depression never felt bad might something stupid feel goddamn useless education friends still kissless virgin still live parents top ive gotten acne back starts bleeding evertime sleep life worth much anyway might well die young
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shouldnt advocating teenagers post pictures skirts big website alot creeps advocating giving awards posts increases chance pedophiles seeing it im body positivity wearing want matter gender however place place post nature site post instagram page thats ok people know would see unless set public however year old man browse new see dozens underage boys girls skirts im trying tell anyone do im trying help stay safe frens tldr dont advocate post skirt cause pedos here
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so disagree critics really moved movie little hesitant rent itas going things protagonist supposed experiencing yet rent thinking might experience catharsis least understand alone understood protagonists irritation careless cousin feel internal struggle isolation much would liked felt much emphasis placed disruptive cousin overstaying welcome beautifully filmed movie really appreciate use silence bring feeling isolation
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feel end line every fucking day dread stuff interesting irritable annoyed cannot care anyone hurts want care feel damn empty inside want disappear dog suffers depression relationship too work nothing untouched emptiness disease depression ever stop way tried tried feel stuck help please please solace break progress something help hold keep going empty irritating days every day
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elected supreme overlord earth life make sure every citizen earth gets free heavyduty sponge also outlaw dirt soil outside designated dirtareas like forests parks sidewalks walls buildings must kept spickandspan clean ill also scientists finally break flying car tech theyve keeping us
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feelings comes want end myself know cannot try forcing go out ride scary shit go unstable online talking strangers night feel fucking horrible talk people it like problems even anymore absolutely force tell bothering you think about hell bothering anyway awful bothering me enough discontented life even alright never alright nothing left lost relatives parent close dying hate jinxing shit up life meant fucked anywayi know even want unhappy years ill old regret taking chances life know damn well able things now like sleeping playing games even fun shitty dreadful feeling hanging behind body like wanting take shit cannot think dying fantasizing die days die feels bit better remember kid thinking least id die id leave thousand dollars stacked floor room still imagine sometimes id run away far away golden gate bridge finish life talking people forced
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showtime showtime simply bump eddie murphy robert deniros careers entertaining movie guilty pleasure quite actors standards especially roberts showtime directed tom dey features small roles guys like william shatner mos defbr br showtime two different cops mitch preston deniro trey sellars murphy one takes work seriously low profile quiet manner easygoing wants fun felons back seat felons behind huge caper televisions vcrs etc cross paths tv station wants new reality tv show fight crime tv mitch hates publicity trey loves line its showtime tv antics methods shown tv new cops show fun beginsbr br overall showtime fun action comedy good film quite actors expectations standards however rolls along treads parodies reality tv shows good break shows like cops truly end guilty pleasurebr br my rating br br eliason a
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guys think crushes watching ____ wondering im really bored bunch questions r flying mind
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girlfriend residential rn days talk someone really need talk story behind it filler filler filler
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enjoyed criminal intent series law order long time kathryn erbe det alexandra eames female detective rather hard seems bit bitter criminal intent series see side moviebr br this movie shows marvelous soft side talented actresses criminal intent fan movie revelry acting get pretty darn good yarn family hardships southbr br i like albert finneys role movie convincing acting job older southern fellow hard headed intolerant unaccepting change reminds many men youth portrayal divine likely find hard like moviebr br katryn erbe easy like movie recommend star criminal intent law order fans
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anyone wanna chat talk literally anything im bored fuck maybe little horny probably sleeping rn sleep weak things me like cook read philosophy listen unhealthy amount music
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principally story two men part portuguese revolution easy understand contest usually directors starts historical fact speak something else shows also period fact everything happen couple days revolution acts could also seen kind documentary movie focalize two people showing normal were like common heroes revolution come people although made military army title understand capitaes main characters nice colors lights whole movie excellent work director first movie fall banal way well shown emotions passion people crowd character maia main oneis wellmade also good interpretation stefano accorsi able show maias limits notbeing hero
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feel like trying od desperately also dont want belike lady fahrenheit like shit probsbly easiest method also book made shit seem fucking scary get stomach pumped shit hope im remembering right book im gonna look like dumbass
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im horrible person dont even deserve diebecause dying biggest wish thats it
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please reply see this many thanks anyone see post think mods disabled posts viewed others
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yunno chinas pretty awful place least government runs corporations instead corporations running government
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stopped guys blowing brains outcause really need advice right
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quick summary film willy wonka chocolate factory boy hate poor grandpa were going fun factory mr chocolate hello naughty children time die
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scared im going commit redflag want didthis constantly goes mind im scared im going hang one day know always think it last remember started popping best friend commited redflag hanging love life never want end need someone relate to many people lose close friend redflag
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consent born would recommend hearing lawyers
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ive enoughsorry long rant advance lot say way get out dad really bothering lately thinks im depressed stop asking it hes right depressed be maybe four friends almost never see them still virgin im turning next month ive never actual relationship ive come close maybe couple times girl truly loved used me presumably used mental illness excuse asshole said never official threw away someone else behind back telling kill myself since then several relationships since then im sure happy new guy now not months threw away one best friends killed accident killed me dad diagnosed cancer know what part wishes killed him horrible say right no living rapist child molester whole life dad used force sex young one knows mom bad relationship him know fucking guy nerve ass time asking im ok every second day motherfucker probably reason lonely antisocial miserable piece shit today maybe thats cop play part able form relationships people right ive lived man raped child whole life way evidence nothing use reporting anyone would make things worse mom work cant even drive dad gone wed poor especially since cant find fucking job thats whole different story bottom line ive lived entire life someone raped me balls question im depressed lonely hell biggest problem sleep day go nowhere one see nothing do matter anyone top that im recent graduate degree care about cant find job get call back never job would enjoy doing never follow think im aware im going hate it either im unemployed bum im employed also miserable job want interests writing sports travelling music video games kind hard get industries business administrationmanagement degree know sorry seems like pity party needed write get chest know do funny everyone else seemingly better lots friends good relationships parents significant others jobs reason go live things life incredibly broken want give up
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one call attractive cute nice pretty call amusing besides samantha
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one frightening game experiences ever make keep lights next bed great storyline romantic horrific ironic plot fans original resident evil surprise returning character mention voiceacting drastically improved previous series miss best series
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ask teacher send video pls read sooooo live suriname sad poor country needed heart surgery done sad poor country im netherlands right now surgery weeks ago ill till november th get back stay quarantine days ill miss presentation week week presentations lol everyone else gets partner someone else alone since im lol alone class full people know since missed begi school year ill also miss st test week lmao literally week full tests subjects ill catch tests simultaneously getting ready second test week probably weeks go school also fucked principal refused give books advance cant study anything here anyway back english ask film presentation send worry catching test week missed preparing following test week
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someone check grammar message need send english teacher advice guess obvious reasons need write good grammar use right words send anyone message
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still alivei made post time ago ready go got bunch comments trying convince wrong myself deserved live apologize confrontational then turns major depressive disorder turned asshole couldnt see anything good world im antidepressants ive better times i mean look world right come on grateful people kept alive wanted let everyone know im okay now
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im fuckedso redflag always bit problem me really looking like legitimate possibility im type get emotional things honestly see killing logical alternative tomorrow go way think might court date tomorrow quite possibly ruin life background getting rid old truck uninsured unregistered died me left side road going get towed police found first gave three tickets insurance rego abandoning private property without consent im almost make less year fines could depending big dick judge is cannot afford that top insurance gonna skyrocket criminal record going keep school thus taking away whatever future might had everything falling apart really see killing wrong parents able afford funeral
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songs listen die finally od happy songs make smile slow peaceful songs suicide depression songs use last moments listen something new different people say did interesting although admittedly kind stupid question
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im going kill myself afraid people talked online dating sites remember face appears newsi severe ocd maybe thats im worried this could really use reassurance please going sound extremely paranoid crazy please bear talk sense me need it im going kill year chronic illness briefly stupidly thought i want go first date kill myself made online dating profile talked several guys sent pictures face several messages maybe guys saw looked like they know name saw many pictures face easily recognizable face ive told lived state me ampxb way im going kill involves jumping building busy city im afraid images face going go news as jumping redflags state almost all theyre going recognize am talk friends much worse post online like i talked girl okcupid killed herself theyre going think killed dating troubles something trivial like that theyre going talk website like i talked girl everyones going remember like that like theyre going type name first thing thats going come online dating profile year died could resist someone want that guys talked chan culture etc active online never actually met them im scared theyll post site heck it want im remembered why im embarrassed it anything really anything embarrassing people remembering girl online dating profile committed redflag im going remembered im going come people google search name want illness struggles stupid online dating thing ampxb know sounds paranoid insane please help me really bothering ruining day please comment dont kill yourself ive made mind im want im immortalized by embarrassing all knowledge really help me want talked online die friendsrelativesstrangersanyone typing name seeing that want legacy
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dog smells like fertilizer dirt muzzle tf appealing fertilizer
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guys fish drowned sad continue id like thank sponsor today raid shadow legends
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damn bruh horny sad mood anyways gn
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tips stepping comfort zone gtthis first non meme thing ive done comes rteenagers sorry awkwardlt ive always bit shy comes meeting new people real life internet anyone tips could confident
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sleepless americans wanna talk tonight night fall asleep
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end linehey there im starting go crazy ive miserable downwards spiral years think finally reached end ive become unmotivated mny like cant bring things used like go gym sleep even simple hygienic things seems like cant hold true friendship friends annoy never find something actually do nothing interests anymore simple things like skating gaming even reading gone disire focus simple gone life summer months go back school stay til am wake am work day sit computer mindless things get frustrated everything boring bland ive begin wander dangerous existentialist mindset nothing really matters dont even know here point desperate obtain significant other know probably wont make happy want someone care care back people always say im virgin loser never find anyone makes even insecure sex always mind frustrating knowing everyone going im not viginity thing bothers know does well honestly really really dont see point living yeah might sad see go care choice last pathetic attempt getting help something potentially stupid dont know dont see point anymore im ugly loser beta male lives parents basement goes community college gets terrible grades im unmotivated pathetic existence anything people like even born world dont contribute anything fail everything do hate hometown really need leave dont resources travel maybe find myself anyways maybe someone read maybe wont sorry thoughts writing style grammar spelling format head racing kill yourself kill yourself im little drunk even care j
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anyone else keep note ur fav copypastas valuable tbh filler started watching kdramas quarantine theyre cute agsgsijx way girls say ann yeong haseyo hxhsj
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chances surviving jumping front subway trainand would good way it jump front comes station
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dad jealous hot girlfriend like really hot cute girlfriend dad jealous
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im edge starring abyssi cant guys cant fucking this im trying hard cant im lost hollow empty worthless disgusting less average life holds value fucking accident anyway wont anything great life im going change world im even going change someones life im lonely fucking lonely im particularly smart im even close attractive im stoic im cold hear voices see monsters health already declining reason live many to many already may knew would break may hit hoped something might change then knew nothing would fuck guys fuck cant keep going cant keep facade up lived her ive kept living feel like fault suffering starting weigh empathy im ready die keep up fight it ill probably four years road fucking reason worth enduring later im meant world im drag already rapidly depleting resources im fucking psycho hideous fucking psycho evolutionarily deserve live im fit survive please let take self equation please im nothing special nothing worth saving
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last night dealt crazy shit getting downvoted here wtfop httpwwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsyqbrthe_redflag_hotline_just_hung_up_on_me last night quickly asked leave er even though trying selfcommit found catholic hospital mentioned certain priest asked another group legal advice searched history getting grief here wtf redflag prevention not
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night wasnt great felt ignored guys my bf mutual friend mostly conversations her leaving trail behind thought maybe hosting shes opposite side spectrum compared us in shes things engages things necessarily into interested could hold conversation about anyway course relationship bf would still bring sally occasionally going hang coworkers course im totally okay encourage social can ive met friends always enjoy around except know who enter sally rolls eyes
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gay incels exist ive scrolling deep reddit day im curious lol
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update went miles check previous posts context
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gn tell productive things tomorrow morning wish school done want try productive
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compartmentalization keeps goingi think thing keeping going summed one word compartmentalization made today one foot front other morning started pretty bad dealt grandparents getting pissed requiring help yet again made known last time like didnt already expect that like needed hear things said ive already considered over perspective im mid thirties thing ive accomplished fucking things worse teens went hostel last resort beyond streets wind streets line im walking probably get thin enough slip off didnt happen application rent month significantly reduced price actually went hour half couldnt believe it singular yet insurmountable barrier today made one step expected to im honest shadows crowding around me ability compartmentalize think letting proceed one step time dont care healthy way deal things literally thing keeping going cracking jokes another subreddit game watching mandalorian witcher walls figuratively burning around me blinders put pretty much it cant think future past whats around me one foot front now today took one step overcame barrier could ended me maybe too also wanted say thank everyone venting sub every minutes theres new post breaks consider that yet messed way helping too
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ever happened danger dolan like agree
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depardieus notorious film groundbreaker bertrand blier features many highly sexual scenes verging xrating including one jeanne moreau hot s version jules jim menage trois two hairy french hippies depardieu deware thing sacred territory film everything fair gamebr br its odd americans tend like film much many french people ive met consider classic something goes americans programmed likebr br gerard late patrick deware two bitchslapping hippy drifters many sexual insecurities going around molesting women committing petty crimes theyre kicks anticapitalist eurocommie slacker freedom blier satirizes hell two guys time making bourgeois society look ultimately much ridiculous best though way wonderful stephane grappelli score conveys restless soul drifters deeper subconscious awareness higher ideal motivates follies engage in
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funnythat health shitty last three weeks makes happy whatever may kill me
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really wanna diei wanna commit redflag sometimes feel lonely really wanna die im frickin afraid death know im coward theres still bit life empty shell
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kindness shelterobvious throwaway reddit im sick this spent hours trying write ive going through much going on switched app poof refreshed reason gone im upset wrote much anyway know people would skim one needs hear life story situation right something skim still understand complicated connected cant focus details long ill focus feelings need help somebody trust anyone life ill turn guys im wits end feel worthless easy throw away disposable ive suffering much past months suffering well one thing another domino effect never ends im exaggerating im homeless im young im alone one turn anymore im yr old girl people hurt ways expect think real world feel like im bad soap opera novela im sure im putting tonight im sleeping behind old apartments gotten colder dark prepare hope neighbors call cops enough endured enough rock bottom seems me keep sinking think im float like long tried kill april seeing lied ahead me even then path neater head turned out things worse much worse regret friend finding trying take rest pills come abuse every type escaped family hurt strangers whose help naturally accepted tried believe wrong homeless ive met demons dressed angels first worst part knew knew trust take help suffer own dependent people help much power you ive realized lot people like help like power control gave benefit doubt fool wish way brand people right forehead others knew hurt anybody else people would chance run know sound crazy mean to im destroyed shambles everything cold life mine cold fine one understand ive seen ive lived alone too wasted time energy nothing better things going get better while quite actually especially consider homeless persons perception time things ive experienced never leave me im scarred believe anyone anymore believe people anymore ive lost much faith im longer even emotional it is im tired im tired this much more many problems ive tried write help many times theres much write follow through something else happened today terrible thing cant stand im furious powerless im disgusted theres one turn to im sick wish hurt people killed myself cause would instant nothing gotten better fact everything got worse plateau got worse knew it problems temporary theyll stay life everyday battle life war im lost cant kill myself would default many obligations cant hurt people tried help especially return investment im disgusted world right now know perspective think ill again something died today wish could finish job die myself want make option bad thank much reading did really appreciate you point even feel like deserve people listen me fact stranger side world would kindness almost feel shown thank you
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i proud head mike nesmith said be film either derided many us studied scrutinized film professors works many levelsbr br yes unconventional many frustrating almost producers hand film tempt you figure outbr br you probably already know monkees tv show runaway marketing success depended upon business acumen small serving public deception tv shows selling soap toothpaste first entertain monkees broke box short time make head testament groups popularity importance pop culture despite heads at get one thing straight head monkees tv showbr br so psychedelic documentary western pop culture source authority subject head movie could come inside box monkees cast crew seasoned weary professionals seen share promise disappointment movie deliberate attempt market repositioning so three things make film way monkees envisioned importantly reinvent group one subservient old bosses yas hipper before make film exposed american attitudes information disseminationbr br head therefore really media manipulation net result deception mass media supposed inform educate us happenings world large ultimately asks us form opinions events shape thought notredflag action thus assume information absorb complete unbiased otherwise one establish valued conclusion one idea presented book newspaper tv show one street interviews head guy admits i looked newspaper tv years lesser better man even drug parallels soft veiling things seem remember old joke everything know wrong screenplay starts monkees public admission manufactured image runs football literally football scene movie visual manifestation whole idea behind head film streamofconsciousness exercise film culmination pot smoking marathons many coincidences occur film suggest otherwise guess head culmination motivations somewhere intended unintendedbr br largely insiders responsible head seem enjoy revelries take place film anger anger chaos characterized late s anger way media television especially changed culture negative ways drugs violence strong negative forces late s still are producers head want know poor information far greater dangerbr br wars attributed hoaxes lies perfect way spread disinformation tv repeatedly mysterious black box seen obstacle monkees seemingly us well one scene peter sullenly sitting saloon holding melting ice cream cone asked fellow monkey whats wrong i bought ice cream cone want it movie suggests first purpose media inform sell en mass blindly head goes further put idea someones head merrily goes hebr br the filmmakers know this danger real head either movie creates as go along deliberate statement perhaps perhaps not maybe pot meets advertising critics scathed jokes monkees us careful ask for may get itbr br cheers true guilty pleasure funny intelligent please fans find substance there unabashedly weird bizarre collection characters good tunage length appropriate lots great one liners including time prophetic favorite the tragedy times young friends may get exactly wantbr br caveats dated drugs plot linear delivery thought particular least twentyfive stories interweave stopand go fashion so may easily frustrate may seem pretentious some people cant stand monkees need watch though reason avoid it psychedelic special effects may kill ailing picture tube acid burnt eyeballsbr br match cut
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quick reminder stop checking profile every minutes miss
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family friends one talk toand people internet offer talk them also severe trust issues paranoia cant develop healthy relationship anyone unless comfortable someone tell really feel basically im traped mind able tell anyone sick really want die
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beyond helpeveryday severe depressive episode im medications right now ive tried many im honestly afraid tell psychiatrist ones arent helping either im beyond point wanting try harder get better ive lot trauma result ptsd anxiety well hospitalization sounds like nice option im terrified going know nothing it im pretty much afraid anything whats point im going come sort plan end life soon dont care people miss me theyll move on
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hey girl u cup coffee cos u make feel better every morning
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posted social media going redflagnobody cares single person people even liked status messages regret see news tomorrow still living nobody miss me family abusive friends im failure life unemployed college dropout unwanted all maybe could survive good job nothing place world done
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never take class httpsyoutubemwuaojhvckhttpsyoutubemwuaojhvck
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beat it cant end minemy husband committed redflag two years ago hell since years married tried save finally succeeded hell marriage honestly cheated constantly emotionally abusive severe ptsd mental rapidly decline point would talk fbi getting him two children gave trying save save kids mental health process madness forgot own im widowed single mother ptsd severe depression want myself ive tried keep going going back school new job place feel like never let process it im exhausted think unfair got go first think different ways could it everyday cant love kids much put again also feel like arent getting best part meits gone love me tell im greatest mom ever dont know okay coolbut damnwhen suffering end mei feel like prisoner mind
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taking sibling mental hospital help ive posting multiple subreddits looking help sister f multiple mental illnesses like bipolar idk one depression odd spoke recently feeling suicidal expressed wanting admitted mental hospital feel safe herself cant much supervise her left home alone week due parents town work i f able drive around go this advice appreciated
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im bad rn holy fuckin shit bday tmr thanksgiving planning chilling homies bad things maybe drugs gotta go dummy thanksgiving party family kinda sucks rly cant reschedule friday cuz gotta go doctors appointment also got project due what sick fuck assigns project break ghosted one girl im talkin like been talking like month like days asking ft sent important message actually talkin bout feelings not love way said enjoy talking lot enjoy convos general confess cuz im dumb left delivered hours shit sucks cuz got read receipts ion even know saw message online disc though im probably takin l one also supposed go back school dec st niggas cali dumb fuck know were goin back lookin forward school reopening social interaction homeboys talking girls ive texting quarantine past like month cant cuz cali mfs cant stay fuckin house tldr bad bday tmr cant anything cuz im going big family thanksgiving party cant reschedule also ghosted one girl like days delivered hours sending important message u read far sick good thanksgiving
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day random questions socks off u get mean
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think give upim cut life wish were really probably called quits years ago
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tried failedmanaged get two dates decent girls got ghosted one night stood girl honestly start getting full feeling like im ok something snap back reality dont know bother anything thinking something drastic cant stand life anymore
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girl left guy used hang cant take reason end nowi understandive darkest times gave reason live suddenly im diagnosed depression put zoloft cant handle anymore ive already written note plan feb th know anymore
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sometimes wish id never born allhello everyone late night here life went downhill struggling heavy depression year ago absolute nightmare worst time life thought got it im much stable now turns wrong afraid coming back feeling yet am feel ashamed pitiful writing this really cant keep inside much longer theres nothing keeping anymore find happiness anything tried to ive tried see positives ive tried help people close me ive tried keep mind busy failed time education perspective future ill one remembered ill probably die nobody ive cutted myslef everyone strength write things led this painful me point wish quick death know ill never commit redflag im scared it enough courage so do im hopeless strength anything energy inside im waking every morning asking still here whats point living like thati hate past people suffered actions especially person cared about cant change ive done wish could disappear die disappear thanks giving timeand sorry grammar or any mistakes english first language nice day
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smart people reddit healthy tooooo healthy violent taste music even sometimes lyrics wondering listen listen rob zombie finger death punch godsmack lots metal im sure related liking get people mad like would love professional bully fun anyways think
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ever boil hot dogs eat pot immediately theyre done stove still on thats everyone
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wow suicide hotline put hold eventually hung
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im ready goim mistake constantly makes mistakes cant keep track simplest things doubt ill ever become functioning member society wish parents better son wish didnt exist
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seen lot saura films always found amazing way assembles music dance drama great cinema movies ibria shows even better saura dealing multimedia concepts contemporary concept dance music another thing called attention fact that movie dancers musicians dance music equally important camera shows various aspects music interpretation examining technical issues also emotional experience playing interest saura bridge classical contemporary music dance one ingredient turning movie maybe aesthetically exciting among works thats recommend strongly love good cinema good music good dance great art
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help feel depressed suicidal know whylet begin first episode depression ended night put gun mouth almost committed redflag depression caused bottling feelings years years end ex every suicidal thought parents arrested almost abandoned etc im usually good keeping things control lost control almost committed redflag it thing stopped thought would happen mom shes one life stuck me even jail love much night would get occasional suicidal thought stare nearest window wanting run jump nothing handle freshman year high school im sophomore top class all advanced classes eligible college programs good friends support me im part band school thats friends come from like second family loving girlfriend cares lot she knows time tried committing redflag life used be recently though suicidal thoughts flooding head seem stop want tell mom would devastate she know first time want tell friends able help me want tell girlfriend yet think shell able handle would hurt way know try help cant ive come im scared thoughts feel trapped inside myself im sorry weird ive never done want help someone talk to thank anything think would help
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worst weeki always liked batman comics joker states people one bad day lives ruined something like that finally get it one night fling coworker office party last week mistake work closely together small office things pretty good us last week asked wanted hang weekend wanted get dinner together too today really unloaded made feel terrible initiated encounter party yet blames me think may upset never hung after fear going lose job now top cars check engine light came on apartment randomly sprung dollar bill me happened span day scared within next days ill jobless without working car money thought redflag long time days like today well may make leap feel taken advantage unlucky do
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know worst thing betrayal never comes enemy
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send horrific hentai find gore toddler whatever fuck want nothing tame like something actually disgusting gore preferred
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friends able talk themim sure many people relate this people id say im close around including online friends matter close get always hate talking redflag struggles ampxb everyone problems deal feel start projecting mine onto others ill seen burdenonly people know tendencies thats theyve found accident even occasions ive always felt bad ampxb many us plans mine months now nobody knows though intend keeping wayi put way much effort prepping shut down ampxb would nice able talk cry arms another thats fantasy reality im going die alone middle discovered corpse started decay
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want dead want live world love conscious able experience existence world thrown nothing pain time time again life mundane unfulfilling sick joke wish waste away here want freedom live life meant to constantly thinking die here maybe ill able start anew different world way know might cease exist accept this know worth putting family friends heavy loss want fade away want stop existing also want stay here wish could go meant go want live life image please someone help me want cease exist want new life
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proof youtube recommended cursed httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvstukoktbghttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvstukoktbg
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really need get shet together rn really reallyyy need advise people hide depression plz hide pretend everythings okay
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six degrees hooked looked forward coming totally disappointed men trees replaced time spot thought hiatus would back early happened friends really surprised ended could relate characters real problems talked episode favorite characters anybody show like felt acting superb alway like seeing programs taped cities identify local areas one would like protest canceling show ask bring back give another chance give good time slot keep moving day day advertise people know on
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im losthello name adam ive struggling years im afraid past years thoughts redflag fear anxiety im close limit ive quiet long im scared come family feelings years ago losing aunt triggered all everyday feeling hopeless lost guilty remorseful things ive done lifebut thoughts like little ive experienced life time ive revealed feelings family broke saw cuts watching get worried something portrayed average day made feel absolutely dreadful later found attempt survivor attempt odoverdose pills attempt hanging happened blackout pills never went noose im still afraid first therapy diagnosed severe depression social anxiety eating disorder later transferred fucken group therapy reason made feel anxious eventually last session therapy showed results daily check feelingswhich step survey momdad come find ive putting feeling horrible afraidanxious everyday mom ive absolutely amazing described happiest shes ever seen me therapy helped eventually put sertaline anti anxiety anti depression im sorry forgot never finished first prescription ever found right type anti depressant mom thought wanted drugs took recommended pill schedule week stopped taking them time ive feeling worse afraid damage worry ive caused even more everything going on im afraid ive ever ive relapsed cutting developed severe insomnia day day feeling hopeless worthless questioning still here whats motivation move bed keep going ask nearly every night almost break everytime please please please someone anyone help me im scared might something drastic ive shaped fear anxiety idk anymore
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realize bad problem nowi stared pile pills like fifteen minutes okay legitimately think im going soon could probably use advice