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每年 4 月 26 日,政府、企业、学生、创新者和创造者齐聚一堂,庆祝世界知识产权日,并探讨知识产权在我们的生活和经济中的重要地位。今年,我们以“知识产权与青年:为更好的未来创新”为主题,认可青年人的创新精神,深入思考知识产权如何更好地支持青年创新者和创造者。
中美两国人文交流历史悠久,尤其是在年轻人之间。在美国和中国,交流参与者往往在开展新业务方面起到重要作用,最终为我们两国带来更大的经济繁荣。新冠疫情并未阻止美国欢迎这种互动。自 2021 年 5 月以来,美国驻华使团签发了超过10万份学生签证。过去 10 年,在美国学习的中国学生人数增加了两倍。
几十年来,美国以双边的形式以及协同伙伴和盟友,一直与中国的知识产权机构和司法机构一道致力于加强知识产权保护。世界各国的权利人和消费者,包括年轻的创新者和创造者,都由此受益。这样的努力必须要继续,也必须确保中国的知识产权政策能够激励和保护创新,鼓励我们的青年,而不是让他们感到挫败。随着时间的推移,青少年将扮演塑造我们双边关系进程的角色。他们年轻时的成功、创造力和创新无疑对应对我们两国之间乃至全世界范围内的重大问题至关重要。 | Every year, on April 26, governments, businesses, students, innovators, and creators come together to celebrate World IP Day and explore the centrality of intellectual property (IP) rights to our lives and economies. This year, with the theme IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future, we recognize the innovative spirit of our young people and think deeply about how IP rights can better support young innovators and creators.
Our youth and young adults bring vitality, creativity, and fresh viewpoints to bear in addressing a range of global challenges as students, scientists, educators, entrepreneurs, and public servants.
IP protection that is transparent, impartial, and effective recognizes and protects their contributions. Such protection can take the form of trademarks that promote consumer trust in young businesses, patents that drive enterprise and job creation, or copyrights that bring new perspectives to readers around the world. By strongly protecting these rights, we encourage our young people to develop and contribute their innovative ideas and improve our world.
The United States and China have a long history of people-to-people exchanges, particularly among younger people. In both the United States and China, exchange participants have often been instrumental in launching new businesses that ultimately bring greater economic prosperity to both our countries. COVID-19 has not stopped the United States from welcoming such interaction, demonstrated by the more than 100,000 student visas Mission China has issued since May 2021. The number of students from China studying in the United States has tripled over the past 10 years.
Over the last several years, China has accelerated reform of many aspects of its IP protection and enforcement regimes. Despite positive changes, U.S. rights holders continue to have concerns about the adequacy of these reforms and their effective implementation. In addition, long-standing issues like bad faith trademarks and counterfeiting persist, while worrying new developments such as broad antisuit injunctions issued by China’s courts have emerged. Finally, recent high-level policies and IP strategy plans foreshadow IP protection that is more opaque, more unpredictable, and which favors state economic or political interests. It is critical that China complete the full range of fundamental changes that are required to create an effective and level-playing field for IP rights in China.
The United States has engaged with China’s IP agencies and its judiciary to strengthen IP for decades, both bilaterally and together with our partners and allies. Such engagement has benefited rights holders and consumers in countries around the world, including young innovators and creators. This engagement must continue, and must ensure that China’s IP policies incentivize and protect innovation, and encourage – rather than discourage – our youth. In time, youth and young adults will move into roles shaping the course of our bilateral relationship. Their earlier-life successes, creativity, and innovation will no doubt be essential to managing issues of consequence for our two countries and the world at large. |
在安全问题上,我在新加坡时,访问了樟宜海军基地(Changi Naval Base),在美国军舰“塔尔萨号”(USS Tulsa)上与美国士兵——和水兵——对不起——见面。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/05/13/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-at-a-working-lunch-at-u-s-asean-special-summit/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | MAY 13, 2022•SPEECHES AND REMARKS
State Department
Washington, D.C.
11:44 A.M. EDT
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Welcome to everyone. I’m looking forward to the time we will spend together today. And I welcome you. And I — you will see the President later today, but I cannot emphasize enough the importance to the United States of being a part of this august group and the work that we have done together over the years and will continue to do.
So I will formally welcome the leaders of ASEAN nations to Washington, D.C., and I thank you all for being here.
We, in the United States, value the importance of this summit. It is a signal to the world of the strength of the United States-ASEAN partnership. Southeast Asia is a priority for our entire administration.
And we have many priorities in common. At this lunch, we will discuss two of them: the issue of global health and maritime security.
Later today, we will meet again to discuss climate, clean energy, and infrastructure. And later, of course, you will meet with President Joe Biden.
As you all know, last year I decided to travel to Singapore and Vietnam early in our administration to demonstrate our commitment to Southeast Asia and to strengthen our partnerships in the region.
I remain personally very focused on deepening our relationship with ASEAN and all of your nations. And I will once again make clear: The United States has an enduring commitment to Southeast Asia.
Our administration recognizes the vital strategic importance of your region, a role that will only grow with time. And we recognize ASEAN’s centrality in the region’s architecture.
As an Indo-Pacific nation, the United States will be present and continue to be engaged in Southeast Asia for generations to come.
Our partnership with ASEAN also directly affects the prosperity and security of the American people. On the issue of prosperity, resilient supply chains in Southeast Asia benefit American consumers. When global supply chains are flowing, more goods are available and prices, of course, come down.
Southeast Asia is the fourth-largest market for American goods. And our economic relationship supports more than 600,000 American jobs.
On the issue of security, when I was in Singapore, I visited the Changi Naval Base and met with American soldiers — and sailors — excuse me — on the USS Tulsa.
Their presence is a demonstration of our work with our allies and our partners to ensure free and open shipping lanes and to defend the international rules-based order.
The United States and ASEAN have shared a vision for this region. And together we will guard against threats to international rules and norms.
To that end, one of the main topics of our lunch will be maritime security.
We stand with our allies and partners in defending the maritime rules-based order, which includes freedom of navigation and international law.
When I was in Hanoi last year, we discussed strengthening the partnership between our coast guards. I also believe we must significantly grow our partnership with ASEAN as a whole.
To that end, I’m pleased to announce that the United States will provide $60 million in new regional maritime initiatives led by the United States Coast Guard.
Among those initiatives, we will deploy to Southeast Asia a new cutter as a training platform. This is intended to benefit all nations in the region as we conduct multinational training missions to assist in building your capacity.
We will also be sending additional personnel, including technical experts, to the region.
On health, COVID-19 has had a profound impact on your countries and economies, as it has had on ours.
We have done a lot together in the past two years and have made remarkable progress. The United States is proud to have donated more than 115 million vaccines to ASEAN members without conditions.
As I said yesterday at the COVID Summit, complacency is not an option. We must respond together to the current threat and prepare for the future. As long as COVID is present in any one country, it affects us all.
We will continue to work with all of you to save lives with vaccines, with testing, and with therapeutics.
We must also think, of course, about the future and prepare for future pandemics.
I look forward to our discussion this afternoon on all of these topics, and continuing to do the work that we will do together to strengthen the partnership that exists between our nations.
And with that, let us get to work. I thank the members of the press for joining us for this part. And we will now proceed with the rest of our meeting. Thank you.
END 11:51 A.M. EDT |
拜登总统今天签署《防止强迫维吾尔人劳动法》(Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act),突出表明美国致力于打击强迫劳动——包括发生在新疆当前种族灭绝背景下的强迫劳动——的决心。
解决强迫劳动问题一直是本政府的一项重点。我们已为促进在新疆问责采取具体措施,包括签证限制,全球马格尼茨基人权问责法(Global Magnitsky)和其他金融制裁,出口管制,暂扣令(Withhold Release Orders)和进口限制,以及发布针对新疆的工商咨询公告——并在同时,号召盟国和合作伙伴采取联合行动,确保全球所有供应链不使用强迫劳动,包括来自新疆。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/the-signing-of-the-uyghur-forced-labor-prevention-act/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | December 23, 2021
The Signing of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
President Biden today signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, underscoring the United States’ commitment to combatting forced labor, including in the context of the ongoing genocide in Xinjiang.
The State Department is committed to working with Congress and our interagency partners to continue addressing forced labor in Xinjiang and to strengthen international action against this egregious violation of human rights. This new law gives the U.S. government new tools to prevent goods made with forced labor in Xinjiang from entering U.S. markets and to further promote accountability for persons and entities responsible for these abuses.
Addressing forced labor has been a priority for this Administration. We have taken concrete measures to promote accountability in Xinjiang, including visa restrictions, Global Magnitsky and other financial sanctions, export controls, Withhold Release Orders and import restrictions, and the release of a business advisory on Xinjiang – all while rallying allies and partners to take joint action to ensure all global supply chains are free from the use of forced labor, including from Xinjiang.
We will continue doing everything we can to restore the dignity of those who yearn to be free from forced labor. We call on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to immediately end genocide and crimes against humanity against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang. |
我们今天发起的全球行动计划(Global Action Plan)将应对国际社会所确定的在终止这场疫情的斗争中有待消除的最大的障碍。它是我们迄今为止最明确的路线图,阐明了六项关键的努力方针,如果同时推进,将帮助我们实现拜登总统在去年举行的全球COVID-19 峰会(Global COVID-19 Summit)上所提出的目标:现在就在全世界接种疫苗并拯救生命,并让全世界准备好应对今后的疫情。它在制定时的明确宗旨是将一个国家特有的实力与有迫切需求的领域匹配起来。或许是在物流和运营方面。也可能是拥有一个强大的制药产业。
首先,也是最为重要的,我们必须继续更加迅速地为更多的人接种疫苗。这意味着通过在世界各地扩大获取有效疫苗的渠道来消除不平等差距。但我们知道,单凭增加供给不足以把疫苗接种给民众。我们还必须解决最后阶段的难题,例如获取用于运送疫苗的冷藏技术。日本在这个领域展现了领导力,为大约60个国家提供了“最后阶段支持”(Last One Mile Support)项目。我们必须继续推动这一进展。
就美国而言,我们将继续通过疫苗全球获取机制COVAX向全球提供疫苗。至今,我们已经免费和不附加任何政治条件地发送了超过4.35亿剂安全、有效的疫苗,这是我们要在年底捐助12亿剂疫苗的总体承诺的一部分。我们的最新捐助包括向非洲疫苗采购信托机制(African Vaccine Acquisition Trust)捐助500万剂强生(Johnson & Johnson)疫苗;这个非洲联盟(African Union)的新创机制旨在帮助较小国家作为一个整体协商采购疫苗。
https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-at-a-virtual-covid-19-global-action-meeting/ | Secretary Antony J. Blinken at a Virtual COVID-19 Global Action Meeting
FEBRUARY 14, 2022
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Greetings, everyone. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining from wherever you are around the world.
We are meeting at what is, I think, a decisive moment in the fight against COVID-19. On the one hand, the Omicron variant is receding in many places, and thanks to the ingenuity of modern science, we’re armed with lifesaving vaccines; millions of people are getting vaccinated each day, and that’s in no small part due to the measures and efforts that many of you have undertaken, stretching back to the beginning of this pandemic.
At the same time, we all know the reality that the pandemic is far from over. As you know, the World Health Organization set the goal of vaccinating 70 percent of people in every country across every income level by this September. At the rate we’re going, we are well below our target. One recent analysis found that while nearly 80 percent of people are vaccinated in upper, middle, and high-income countries, the number falls to less than 11 percent in low-income countries. And last month, the World Health Organization warned that nearly 90 countries from around the world are not on track to reach the 70 percent goal. That means billions of people remain vulnerable to COVID, and the world remains vulnerable to new variants, which may be even more lethal and transmissible than the ones we’ve experienced so far.
So we need to take all efforts and contributions that our countries are already making and intensify them and better coordinate them so that we can achieve our targets and end the acute phase of COVID-19 this year. That’s why we’re getting together today.
The Global Action Plan that we’re launching today takes on what the international community has identified as the biggest barriers left in the fight to end this pandemic. It’s our clearest roadmap yet, laying out six key lines of effort that, when pursued together, will help us achieve the goals laid out by President Biden at the Global COVID-19 Summit last year: vaccinate the world, save lives now, prepare the world against future pandemics. It’s designed explicitly to match a country’s unique strengths with pressing areas of need. Maybe that’s logistics and operations. Maybe it’s a strong pharmaceutical industry.
Our challenge now is to connect these capacities with where they can do the most good for the most people. We’ve identified gaps, and we’re closing gaps. That’s what the Global Action Plan plans to do. Let me briefly lay out each line of effort.
First, and most important, we’ve got to continue to get more shots into more arms more quickly. That means addressing equity gaps by increasing access to effective vaccines around the world. But we know that increasing supply by itself is not enough to turn vaccines into vaccinations. We must also solve last-mile challenges, like access to cooling technologies for vaccines in transit. Japan has shown leadership in this area with its “Last One Mile Support” program to about 60 countries. We’ve got to keep building on that progress.
Second, we must strengthen the supply chains for vaccines and other critical supplies, like syringes, test kits, treatments. The pandemic has highlighted just how vulnerable they are. We can’t hit the WHO target without these supplies.
Third, we’ve got to address the information gaps that lead to low confidence in vaccines. In some cases, bad actors are spreading misinformation and disinformation. In others, there’s a lack of clear information about how safe and effective the vaccines are. By tailoring our message to local audiences, we can provide clear guidance, push back against disinformation, and increase vaccine confidence.
Fourth, we need to provide more support, including vaccinations, equipment, training to health care workers who have been on the front lines of this pandemic from the start, risking their own lives to save others.
Fifth, we’ve got to make it easier for COVID patients to access treatments and therapeutics, because ending the pandemic isn’t only about protecting people from the virus; it’s also helping save lives of those who get sick.
And sixth and finally, we have to look to the future and strengthen global health security for the next emergency. Among other things, that means ensuring sustainable financing for pandemic preparedness and response, including well financed international institutions and a new fund at the World Bank that focuses specifically on providing for the capacity that we need to prevent, to detect, to respond to future threats. And I want to commend Indonesia for using its leadership of the G20 this year to move us forward on this front.
Again, thank you to everyone in this meeting for embracing the Global Action Plan and for leading the coordination of this effort with concrete commitments. Our work today will help lay the groundwork for the next Global COVID-19 Summit, which President Biden will host later this spring.
For our part, the United States will continue to provide vaccine doses around the world through COVAX. To date, we’ve delivered over 435 million safe, effective vaccines free of charge with no political strings attached as part of our overall commitment to donate 1.2 billion doses by the end of the year. This includes our latest donation of 5 million Johnson & Johnson doses to the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust, the innovative effort by the African Union to help smaller countries negotiate as a group for vaccine purchases.
Beyond our vaccine donations, the United States has committed to staying involved in all six lines of effort and playing a lead coordinating role on bolstering supply chain resilience and strengthening global health security.
In everything we do, we’ll seek to work closely with our partners, because this pandemic is the definition of a crisis that no country can solve alone. We know it’s possible when we work together. Just look at what Uganda recently accomplished.
In early November, only 14 percent of all Ugandan adults had received their first dose of the vaccine. Then a major team effort commenced. The Ugandan Government led a mass vaccination campaign, carried out by hundreds of health care workers. They tracked their progress with a tool developed by the WHO. Influential community leaders batted down misinformation. Donors from around the world contributed doses. And by late December, almost half of all adults in Uganda had received their first shot – from 14 to 47 percent in just six weeks.
That’s what’s possible when all of us – governments, international organizations, civil society, health care workers, individual citizens – work in unison. With that level of coordination, partnership, and commitment, we can and we will end this pandemic.
So thanks again to everyone for joining today, and for the days ahead, as we work together, as we move together, as we coordinate together. I’m looking forward to the conversation, and even more to this work, and to finally getting ahead of COVID-19 this year. Thanks very much. |
STATEMENT BY SECRETARY MICHAEL R. POMPEO: United States Designates Key Iranian Shipping Entities under Proliferation Authority as Tehran Continues to Expand Proliferation Sensitive Activities
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
2020年6 月8 日
国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)发表声明
美国针对德黑兰(Tehran)继续扩大具有扩散敏感性的活动,根据《防扩散授权》(Proliferation Authority)认定伊朗主要航运实体
今天,对伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司(Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line)及其设在上海的子公司易航国际物流股份有限公司(E-Sail Shipping Company Ltd)的制裁开始生效。我在6个月前宣布美国将根据以大规模毁灭性武器扩散者及其支持者为目标的13382号行政命令(Executive Order 13382)对这些实体采取行动。为了使向伊朗出口人道主义物资的出口方有足够的时间找到替代性航运方式,我们将这些认定事项的生效期推迟180天。现在,这个宽宏的限期已经结束,与伊朗有业务往来的商业和海运业必须使用除伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司和易航公司以外的承运方或航运方式;现在,任何政府、实体或个人若继续与伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司和/或易航公司保持业务往来有可能面临美国对大规模毁灭性武器实施的制裁。
伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司不断运送与伊朗弹道导弹和军事项目有关的物品,同时还是其他具有扩散敏感性物品的长期承运方,包括受核供应国集团(Nuclear Suppliers-Group)控制的物品。伊朗声称将永不发展核武器及相关的运载系统,但伊朗政权已继续寻求和购入具有扩散敏感性的物品,违反了联合国安理会2231号决议(UN Security Council Resolution 2231)。国际社会应该注意伊朗继续采取的欺骗行为。我要求世界各地航运业和政府查阅并注意2020年5月14日“美国关于处理非法航运和回避制裁行为的指导文件”(U.S. Guidance to Address Illicit Shipping and Sanctions Evasion Practices)提供的信息。该文件指出了伊朗滥用国际航运系统加强非法活动的行为。
上述认定作为一个警告明文昭示,任何方面若与伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司和易航公司保持业务往来或以其他方式提供支持则可能面临制裁,并有可能助长伊朗具有扩散敏感性的项目,包括其核及导弹项目。我们要求世界各地的政府当局调查伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司和易航公司在贵方港口和领海的所有活动,并采取适当的行动加以制止。全世界必须提高警惕并采取行动防止伊朗获得进一步威胁地区稳定与安全的具有扩散敏感性的物品。 | For Immediate Release
June 8, 2020
United States Designates Key Iranian Shipping Entities under Proliferation Authority as Tehran Continues to Expand Proliferation Sensitive Activities
Today, sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) and its Shanghai-based subsidiary, E-Sail Shipping Company Ltd (E-Sail) have come into effect. Six months ago, I announced that the United States would take action against these entities pursuant to Executive Order 13382, which targets WMD proliferators and their supporters. To allow exporters of humanitarian goods to Iran sufficient time to find alternate shipping methods, we postponed the effective date of these designations for 180 days. Now that this generous delay has come to an end, those in the commercial and maritime industries doing business with Iran must use carriers or shipping methods other than IRISL or E-Sail; any government, entity, or individual that chooses to continue doing business with IRISL and/or E-Sail now risks exposure to U.S. WMD sanctions.
IRISL has repeatedly transported items related to Iran’s ballistic missile and military programs and is also a longstanding carrier of other proliferation-sensitive items, including Nuclear Suppliers-Group controlled items. Despite Iran’s claims that it will never develop nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, the Iranian regime has continued to pursue and procure proliferation-sensitive items in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. The international community should take notice of Iran’s continued deception. I urge the maritime industry and governments around the world to review and heed the information in the May 14, 2020 U.S. Guidance to Address Illicit Shipping and Sanctions Evasion Practices, which addresses how Iran abuses the international shipping system to advance illicit activities.
These designations serve as a clear warning that anyone doing business with or otherwise supporting IRISL or E-Sail are exposed to potential sanctions and risk contributing to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive programs, including its nuclear and missile programs. We urge government authorities worldwide to investigate all IRISL and E-Sail activity in your ports and territorial seas and take appropriate action to put a halt to it. The world must be vigilant and take action to prevent Iran from acquiring proliferation-sensitive items that further threaten regional stability and security. |
不令人意外地, IP体系激发保护我们的星球的创新,也在保护所有人安全的创新里扮演关键角色。在当前这个前所未见的健康危机中,世界各地每一所医院、诊所和治疗类选中心里的前线的医护人员和病患能够仰赖於拯救生命的治疗物资和个人防护用品(PPE)是绝对关键的,不论其来源。强劲的IP执法体系,对治疗物资或设备制造或销售有吓阻假冒和侵权的处罚,加上有效的跨境执法合作,可以大幅降低假冒伪劣药品和医疗产品的发生率,并拯救无数生命。同时,健全的IP体系也鼓励研究和投资,带来亟需的创新,在未来数月和数年里让我们更健康、更安全。
十几年来,中国进行了其IP体系实质的立法、行政、司法和刑事改革。这些改革努力近期提高,包括最近发布的未来两年强化IP的计划。此外,美国和中国签署了里程碑性的第一阶段贸易协议,其中包括专门针对IP的一个实质性章节。强化IP的计划和贸易协议里的IP章节都鼓励IP体系的发展,对维护我们人民的健康和安全扮演关键角色。我们无法预测下一次的全球危机。但是,相比於等商品已经进入商业流中后才去加以过滤的措施–不论这些措施多值得称许– 强劲、透明的IP保护和执法制度将能更有效地提高可靠治疗物资和设备的可获得性。中国应继续注重强化整体IP体系,以得最终预防那些削弱其人民不懈努力和牺牲的侵权假冒品。美国一贯支持,也将会继续支持中国IP体系有意义的改革。
不论是拯救地球的技术或拯救生命的药物,强劲的IP体系在整个创新的弧线上提供关键的稳定性,从创造到商业化到消费者保护。今天,还有每一天,我们都必须一道努力改善我们的IP体系,以迎来更光明更安全的明天。 | Stronger IPR Protection for a Brighter Future
Ambassador Branstad on World Intellectual Property Day
April 26, 2020
Each year on April 26, we celebrate World IP Day, and recognize the benefits of intellectual property (IP) rights protections in our daily lives. This year’s theme is Innovate for a Green Future, and is dedicated to the innovators who strive to protect our limited natural resources and improve the lives of millions. These “green” innovations, like many scientific discoveries, are driven and supported by robust IP systems that incentivize inventors to bring their inventions to markets, and empower consumers to choose sustainable products from reputable producers.
Not surprisingly, the IP systems that spur innovation to protect our planet, also play a critical role in innovations that keep each of us safe. In the current, unprecedented health crisis, it is absolutely critical that front-line healthcare workers and patients in every hospital, clinic and triage center around the world can rely upon life-saving treatments and personal protective equipment (PPE), regardless of origin. Strong IP enforcement systems, with penalties that deter counterfeiting and infringement where treatments or equipment are made or sold, together with effective law enforcement cooperation across borders, can drastically reduce the incidence of fake or substandard pharmaceutical and healthcare products – and save countless lives. At the same time, robust IP systems also encourage research and investments to bring about much-needed innovations to keep us healthier and safer in the months and years ahead.
For over a decade, China has engaged in substantial legislative, administrative, judicial and criminal reforms of its IP systems. These reforms efforts have intensified recently and include the recent issuance of an IP advancement plan for the next two years. In addition, the U.S. and China signed a landmark Phase One Trade Agreement that included a substantial chapter devoted to IP. Both the advancement plan and the IP Chapter encourage the development of IP systems that play critical roles in keeping our citizens healthy and safe. We cannot predict the next global crisis. But robust, transparent IP protection and enforcement regimes will be more effective at increasing the availability of reliable treatments and equipment, compared to measures – however laudable – designed to filter these goods from the streams of commerce [after the fact]. China should continue to focus on strengthening the IP system at large, thereby ultimately preventing the infringements and counterfeits that undermine the tireless efforts and sacrifices of its own people. The U.S. has consistently supported and will continue to support meaningful reforms of China’s IP systems.
Whether it is technologies that save the planet or medicines that save lives, strong IP systems provide critical certainty throughout the arc of innovation, from creation to commercialization to consumer protection. Today, and every day, we must all work together to improve our IP systems for a brighter and safer tomorrow. |
Release of the United States Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security
世界各地的女性在预防与解决冲突、提供安全保障、和平进程以及打击恐怖主义上扮演着不可或缺的角色。十多年来,美国一直是通过赋能女性来承担这些角色以及通过着手解决在受到冲突和灾害影响的地区妇女与女童面对的挑战来推动全球和平与稳定的领导者。今天,经特朗普总统发布的美国女性、和平与安全战略(U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security),美国再次确认我们在这些问题上的领导地位。
美国认识到,在经济和政治上赋能女性的社会更加稳定、和平。正因为如此,该战略是整个政府的努力,对近期宣布的妇女全球发展与繁荣倡议构成补充。 这两项努力都突出显示了特朗普总统所强调的赋能女性充分参与公民生活和经济生活的重要性,从而建立更加和平、繁荣的社会。 | Women around the world have an essential role in conflict prevention and resolution, security provision, peace processes, and countering terrorism. For over a decade, the United States has been a leader in promoting global peace and stability by empowering women to take on those roles and addressing challenges faced by women and girls in conflict and disaster affected areas. Today, the United States reaffirms our leadership on these issues with President Trump’s release of the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security.
The strategy directs the Department of State to ensure women and girls’ meaningful participation and safety in efforts to promote stable and lasting peace as well as enhance U.S. partners’ capacity to advance women, peace, and security. We are proud to take on this task in partnership with the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Department of State will mobilize the unique contributions of American diplomacy through the implementation of this strategy.
The United States recognizes that societies which empower women economically and politically are more stable and peaceful. As such, the strategy is a government-wide effort, complementing the recently announced Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative. Both efforts underscore President Trump’s emphasis on the importance of empowering women to participate fully in civic and economic life, leading to more peaceful and prosperous societies. |
请注意: 美国国务院对下列名录中所列的单位或各人的专业能力或专业声誉以及服务质量不承担责任。加入该名录并不意味国务或政府部门为其进行背书。各名称按字母顺序排列,排列顺序并无其他意义。名录所载信息均由当地服务机构直接提供, 国务院不能证实名录所含信息的内容
美国联邦调查局(FBI)的刑事司法信息服务部(CJIS)汇总了刑事司法方面的信息,能及时准确地为本地、各州、联邦以及国际执法机构和私营企业、学术单位以及政府部门提供信息与服务。需要查询记录的申请人可以向刑事司法信息服务部(CJIS) 提交书面请求后获得一份副本。提交申请时,必须附上符合要求的身份证明(包括姓名、出生日期、出生地点和一套滚墨采集指纹卡)以及支付手续费18美元的保付支票或汇票。美国联邦调查局(FBI) 不会向除当事人以外的任何人提供其逮捕记录的复印件。所有的请求应直接向美国联邦调查局刑事司法信息服务部提出,收件地址:SCU, Mod. D-2, 1000 Custer Hollow Rd., Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
认证警察局或美国联邦调查局提供的无犯罪记录: 您在美国当地警察局或美国联邦调查局取得的证明文件,若要在境外使用,可能需要额外做认证。请参考我们的认证指南使文件合法化。
若美国公民需要采集指纹,他们应该在当地警察局获取指纹采集卡。美国使领馆无法提供该项服务,您可以联系中国当地提供此项服务的相关机构 (PDF 150KB)。
大使馆和领事馆没有公民出生、死亡、结婚的任何文档,请您与美国国务院的vital record office联系。 | Please note: The Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the entities or individuals whose names appear on the following lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department or the U.S. government. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the list is provided directly by the local service providers; the Department is not in a position to vouch for such information.
U.S. citizens may be asked to present a “certificate of good conduct” or “lack of a criminal record” for a variety of reasons for use abroad including applications for Chinese visas or residence permits, adoption, school attendance, employment, etc. U.S. law enforcement authorities may not be familiar with such a procedure since it is not commonly requested in the United States. There are a variety of options available to U.S. citizens seeking to obtain proof of their lack of a criminal record, and you should check with the requesting entity what type of record they are seeking.
Local Police Check: Contact your local police department where you last resided in the United States, request that the police conduct a criminal records search and provide you with a document reflecting that there is no history of a criminal record. Local police departments may require your personal appearance in order to conduct the search. Alternatively, some local police departments may allow a friend or relative to obtain the report on your behalf with a Power of Attorney. If you need to do a Power of Attorney, you can make a notarial appointment with American Citizen Services at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
FBI Records Check: The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) centralizes criminal justice information and provides accurate and timely information and services to local, state, federal, and international law enforcement agencies, the private sector, academia, and other government agencies. The subject of an identification record may obtain a copy thereof by submitting a written request to the CJIS. The request must be accompanied by satisfactory proof of identity (consisting of name, date and place of birth, and a set of roll-inked fingerprint impressions) and a certified check or money order for the $18 processing fee. The FBI will not provide copies of arrest records to individuals other than the subject of the record. Requests should be directed to FBI CJIS Division, Attn: SCU, Mod. D-2, 1000 Custer Hollow Rd., Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306. Tel: 001 (304) 625-3878; Fax: 001 (304) 625-5102. If there is no criminal record, a report reflecting this fact is provided.
Notarizing Documents for Submission to Chinese Authorities: Some U.S. citizens have successfully submitted affidavits executed at the Embassy or Consulates General to the Chinese government as evidence of no criminal record for immigration purposes. However, as we understand, the Chinese government will no longer accept those documents for immigration purposes. However, if you decide you still wish to pursue this route, please make an appointment with American Citizen Services for a notarial service. Please note that the Embassy or Consulates General cannot guarantee that submitting the affidavit will provide the desired outcome.
Additional Information:
Authentication of Police or FBI Certificates for Lack of a Criminal Record: Documents required for use abroad may require additional authentication after you obtain the local police seal or FBI certificate. See our guidance on authentication or legalization of documents.
Please also see here (PDF 205 KB) for more information on whether the U.S. Embassy in Beijing or the State Department in Washington, D.C. is the appropriate authority for your authentication request.
Getting Your Fingerprints Taken: Fingerprint Identification: An Overview.
If fingerprints are required, U.S. citizens should be able to obtain fingerprint cards from their local police departments. U.S. Embassies and consulates do not provide this service. You may contact local Chinese organizations for fingerprinting services (150KB). This information is provided for reference only and should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation.
The Embassy and Consulates keep no files of the different documents we issue, such as a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA), or documents dealing with the death of a U.S. citizen in China. These records are instead filed in Washington, D.C. We also do not keep any files of Chinese civil documents, such as records of marriages and divorces in China. These records are held by the Chinese government. Other records, such as birth certificates for people born in the United States, are stored in the state of origin.
This page is designed to help you locate the vital record documents you need. The Embassy and Consulates cannot obtain documents on your behalf, and cannot provide translations of documents issued in China.
Documents that Must Be Ordered from the Department of State in Washington
Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA)
A document issued by the U.S. Embassy or Consulate reflecting the facts of a birth abroad of a child acquiring U.S. citizenship at birth through one or both parents. This record, also known as an FS-240, along with the Certification of Birth, DS-1350, are acceptable as proof of birth and U.S. citizenship for all legal purposes.
Please go to the State Department’s web page on consular records for complete details on obtaining a copy of a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA).
Report of the Death of an American Citizen Abroad (ROD)
A document issued by the U.S. Embassy or Consulate reflecting the facts of a death abroad of a U.S. citizen. The document is based upon the local death certificate.
Please go to the State Department’s web page on consular records for complete details on obtaining a copy of a Report of Death (ROD) of an American citizen.
Vital Records are documents such as birth, death or marriage certificates. In the U.S., such records are usually held by state, county or city governments, depending on location. Here is some information to assist you in obtaining copies of such records.
Follow this link for an on-line source of more information about obtaining vital records in the U.S., such as birth certificates.
There are also on-line services that will help you obtain records for a fee.
One such service is VitalChek (800-255-2414), which allows you to request birth, death, and marriage certifications online, by phone, or by fax.
Another service called usbirthcertificate.net can help you obtain or amend a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, in addition to obtaining a birth certificate. You must have a physical street address to use this service (no APO’s, FPO’s, or PO Boxes).
U.S. Embassy Beijing
Tel: (010) 8531-4000
E-mail: BeijingACS@state.gov
U.S. Consulate General Chengdu
Tel: (028) 8558-3992
E-mail: AmcitChengdu@state.gov
U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou
Tel: (020) 3814-5775
E-mail: GuangzhouACS@state.gov
U.S. Consulate General Shanghai
Tel: (021) 8011-2400
E-mail: ShanghaiACS@state.gov
U.S. Consulate General Shenyang
Tel: (024) 2335-5188
E-mail: ShenyangACS@state.gov
U.S. Consulate General Wuhan
Tel: (010) 8531-4000
E-mail: BeijingACS@state.gov |
Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks at the Hudson Institute’s Herman Kahn Award Gala
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(Michael R. Pompeo)在哈德逊研究所(Hudson Institute)赫尔曼·卡恩奖颁奖晚会(Herman Kahn Award Gala)就“中国的挑战”发表讲话
JW 万豪( JW Marriott)酒店
纽约市,纽约州(New York City, New York)
尊敬的来宾们、女士们、先生们,今天很高兴能与诸位在此共度良宵。我能与基辛格博士(Dr. Kissinger)和汉克·格林伯格(Hank Greenberg)、斯特恩(Sterns)父女同席而坐,令人颇为荣幸——他们都是为美国做出杰出贡献的优秀人物。多谢你们提供了卓越的服务。我有幸认识基辛格博士。他已经90多岁高龄。国务卿舒尔茨(Shultz)也已经90多岁。我还有很多年才能赶上。(笑声)一定是雾谷(Foggy Bottom)的关系才使你们如此长寿。
我想我先用几分钟时间回顾一下我心中萦绕已久的一些事。我记得,我曾经希望在2017年1月特朗普总统(President Trump)就职后几小时,立即宣誓就任美国中央情报局(CIA)局长。但是参议员怀登(Wyden)对就职时间有不同的设想。所以我的事被推迟到星期五。
我提到这件事是因为,我永远不会忘记特朗普总统高度关注的问题。他在宣誓就职后不到24小时,就与我和负责反恐怖主义事务的资深人员在中央情报局进行座谈。他谈到3件事。他说,我会为你们提供你们工作所需要的一切;我会为你们提供你们为保障美国安全从事的这项工作所需要的授权;我希望保证我们能够摧毁哈里发(caliphate)。我希望抓住伊斯兰国(ISIS)的头目。同时,(掌声)我们为此进行了两年半的努力,这个团队十分优秀。以往完成的工作绝对可以为美国的国家安全做出重大贡献。总统主导了这方面的工作。他对此坚持不懈。他支持我从事的所有工作,然后是我的继任者哈斯佩尔(Haspel),以及国防部(Department of Defense)和所有团队的杰作,最终使巴格达迪(Baghdadi)难逃法网。(掌声)
还有很多工作需要做。激进伊斯兰极端主义构成的威胁诚然尚未消失,但在此之前已经完成的工作展现了我们在美利坚合众国(United States of America)拥有的卓越性、独特性,并达到以前谈到的优越性的程度。
我认为,我们的确不妨认真地回顾走过的历史。半个世纪前,你们的创始人为贵所制定的方针是,以非常规的方式对未来进行思考。特朗普总统在任命我担任国务卿的时候,中央情报局局长当然是对某些事物进行非常规思考的人物。谁会想到这个在南加州(Southern California)长大的孩子会得到如此殊荣?
我们鼓励让中国成为世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)和其他国际组织成员,前提是他们承诺进行市场改革和遵守这些组织的规则。但太常有的情况是,中国未曾予以兑现。
当中国威胁像越南,像菲律宾这样的邻国时,当他们声称对整个南中国海(South China Sea)拥有主权时,我们犹犹豫豫,远没有作出我们应有的行动。
现在我们知道,中国通过大规模窃取知识产权,削弱美国的制造业。上周我在办公室里接待了一组财富500强企业(Fortune 500)的主管。那些经历令人吃惊。
当我们看到北京把胁迫作为优先的国术手段时,这对我们相信民主和主权是基本常规并应以此主导世界商务和国家往来方式的国家来说,是不利的。这些观念,通过在像南中国海和台湾海峡(Taiwan Strait)这些地方作出法律程序以外的领土和海上主权伸张,威胁自由和开放的国际秩序。
我们也知道中国共产党正在向其人民及整个世界提供一种完全不同的治理模式。在这种模式中,一个列宁主义政党(Leninist Party)进行统治,而且人人都必须按照共产党精英的意愿来思考及行事。这不是一个我所希望的未来,我想这也不是一个在座的任何人所希望的未来,这不是一个其他民主体所希望的未来,也不是一个中国人民——热爱自由的中国人民在任何地方都不希望有这种模式。
特朗普总统的《国家安全战略》(National Security Strategy)阐明了这一点,指明中国是一个战略竞争者。这意味着存在种种挑战,也存在切实的机遇,而且我们希望我们能以建设性方式同他们接触。但这是现实。这是事实。
我将谈到相互竞争的意识形态和价值观,及其对美国及全世界的影响。中国共产党是一个着重于斗争和国际统治的马克思-列宁主义政党(Marxist-Leninist Party)。我们只需要听听他们领导人的话。
我还将谈到他们是如何干预我们在美国这里认为最理所当然的事情的。该党的情报机构,统一战线工作部(United Front Work)及其宣传分支已经发起一场把公众舆论导向倾向于北京的全球运动。我们要维护我们的自由——我们的言论自由,而且我们要确保信息在每一个地方都自由地流动。
谢谢各位。上帝保佑大家。(掌声) | Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State
Hudson Institute’s Herman Kahn Award Gala, JW Marriott
New York City, New York
MR MURDOCH: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m delighted to be here with you tonight to honor a man of many, many achievements and titles: Captain Pompeo, Editor Pompeo, Chief Executive Pompeo, Representative Pompeo, Director Pompeo, Secretary Pompeo, Senator Pompeo. (Laughter and applause.) President Pompeo. (Laughter and applause.) That’s really for the speech in 2025. I’m sorry. (Laughter.)
Your founder, Herman Kahn, was an extraordinary scholar whose provocative insights challenged conventional wisdom and helped shape the destiny of our nation and the world. Mike Pompeo is also unafraid to confront the status quo, dauntless in dealing with intractable problems. Secretary Pompeo is meeting the great challenges of our time with an extraordinary background in public and military service, in private sector success, and, well, he’s certainly the Renaissance man. You cannot get any better than first in your class at West Point. As a cavalry officer, he served along the Iron Curtain, of course, which Herman Kahn worked so hard to tear down. From his time in the military, Secretary Pompeo went to Harvard and later founded Thayer Aerospace and was president of Sentry International, before being elected to Congress from Kansas. His time in the House and as CIA director no doubt serve him very well as America’s 70th Secretary of State.
He has been at President Trump’s side during many historic moments on the international stage, offering advice and steadfast principles in grappling with the complexities of the Middle East, of China, and, of course, of North Korea. It’s reassuring to know that a man in whom so much responsibility is placed is someone who himself has spoken so clearly about the value of humility. Wisdom comes from a humble disposition, he has said, warning that pride can get in the way of what he calls an honest analysis of the facts.
There is no doubt Mike Pompeo – of his strong faith, and which informs him, his outlook, and he’s certainly helped inspire its work for religious freedom around the world, and also propelled his commitment to protect the dignity of every human soul.
In that regard, Secretary Pompeo has warned of the danger of totalitarianism not only for our security, but of our basic freedoms. When the state rules absolutely, he said, moral norms are crushed completely.
As accomplished as Mike Pompeo has been in his illustrious life, I’m sure there’s much more to come. Secretary of states usually do quite well once they move on. (Laughter.) I haven’t – and actually I’ve got a good publishing house if he wants to decide to write a book. (Laughter.)
And of course, look what happened to secretaries of state. I remember Jefferson, Monroe, Adams, Van Buren, and Buchanan. So who knows what the future holds. What I do know is that you deserve this Herman Kahn Award tonight, and I’m honored to introduce you here. Thank you. (Applause.)
SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you, that’s very kind. I always prefer if I get the applause after I speak – (laughter) – because then you know how – then you know how you did. And Rupert, you reference the Senate race and book publishing. I’m pretty sure those are both felonies if I talked about them – (laughter) – so I’m not going to mention either tonight.
Thank you so much for those kind words, Rupert, for your generous introduction.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it’s great to be with you all tonight. It’s remarkable I’m sitting at the table with Dr. Kissinger and Hank Greenberg, the Sterns – amazing people who have done amazing things for America. Thank you all so much for your remarkable service. I’ve been fortunate to get a chance to know Dr. Kissinger. He’s in his mid-90s. Secretary Shultz is mid-90s. I’ve got a lot of runway left. (Laughter.) Must be something about Foggy Bottom that keeps you going.
Thanks, too, Ken, and the board of trustees here for taking such good care of us. I’m humbled by your generosity and the receipt of this award tonight. My son often reminds me there’s much for me to be humble for. He – I actually told him about this, and he got online, he looked up all the previous recipients, and he wondered if the institute hadn’t might lost its way. (Laughter.)
He’s also famous for having sent out a note to the entire team that takes care of me when I travel saying, “When my dad got off the plane tonight, he looked like he was half dead. Would somebody put makeup on him?” (Laughter.) It was like 3:00 in the morning in some far-off place.
I thought I’d take you back just a minute to talk about something that’s very much on my mind. I remember I had hoped to be sworn in on January 20th, 2017 as America’s CIA director right – a few hours after President Trump’s inauguration. But Senator Wyden had a different idea about timeline, and so I was held up on that Friday.
But I had asked the President to come out to CIA headquarters on Saturday morning, out to Langley. So when I showed up there that day and the President showed up there that day, I was still the congressman from the 4th District of Kansas hoping that I could scrounge 51 votes on Monday.
I mention that because I will never forget what President Trump was focused on. Literally less than 24 hours after he had been sworn in, he was sitting with me and the senior counterterrorism team at the CIA, and he told – he said three things. He said: I’m going to give you everything you need to do; I’m going to give you the authorities you need to conduct this campaign in a way that will keep Americans safe; I want to make sure that we destroy the caliphate, and I want to get the guy who’s the leader of ISIS. And – (applause) – and we worked for two and a half years – the team was fantastic. The work that was done will absolutely make an important contribution to America’s national security. The President led that effort. He was committed to it. He supported everything that I did and then my successor, Director Haspel, and the amazing work of the Department of Defense and all the teams that brought Baghdadi to eternal justice. (Applause.)
I hope you all know when you – when you get a chance to see someone who is in uniform or someone who is an intelligence officer, you wouldn’t know. There’s actually some of you all sitting out here tonight. You wouldn’t know. Please thank them. It was amazing work that they did and important.
There’s still much work to do. The threat from radical Islamic extremism certainly is not gone, but the work that was done to lead that shows the excellence, the uniqueness, and to the point that was mentioned earlier, the exceptionalism that we have here in the United States of America.
I think it’s true that we can think long about history. Half a century ago your founder charged your institution to think about the future in unconventional ways. President Trump, when he selected me to be the Secretary – the director of the CIA was certainly thinking about something unconventional. Who would have predicted that this kid from Southern California would have this amazing privilege?
He also knew – Herman knew – that in the interest of furthering and protecting this great and noble experience that we call the United States of America, that there was no higher mission than to getting that right.
That’s why I thought I’d focus in the few minutes today before I take some questions, I thought I’d focus on something that is central to what the Trump administration is working on that is different from previous administrations. That’s not political, we have just – we have taken on the challenge from the People’s Republic of China in a way that the time is calling for.
Look, we have a long-cherished tradition of friendship with the Chinese people. We continue to do so today. We have a Chinese American community here in America that we love and treasure. I’ve known them through business and personal ties; I’ve known many of them.
But I must say that the communist government in China today is not the same as the people of China. They’re reaching for and using methods that have created challenges for the United States and for the world.
And we collectively, all of us, need to confront these challenges from the PRC head-on, and along each of the many facets.
There are many opportunities, to be sure, but it is no longer realistic to ignore the fundamental differences between our two systems and the impact, the impact that those two systems have, the differences in those systems have on American national security.
This is a departure, for sure. It might be viewed as unconventional. It’s not what you’ve heard from leaders for the last two decades plus. Frankly, we’ve been slow to see the risk of China – the risk that it poses to American national security, because we wanted friendship with the People’s Republic from the very start. And because we, as Americans, always continue to hope for that.
But frankly, in our efforts to achieve this goal, we accommodated and encouraged China’s rise for decades, even when – even when that rise was at the expense of American values, Western democracy, and security, and good common sense.
We downgraded our relationship with our long-time friend, Taiwan, on the condition that the “Taiwan question” would be resolved peacefully, to normalize relations with Beijing.
We all too often shied away from talking directly about the human rights issues there and American values when they came into conflict, and we downplayed ideological differences, even after the Tiananmen Square massacre and other significant human rights abuses.
We encouraged China’s membership in the World Trade Organization and other international organizations, premised on their commitment to adopt market reforms and abide by the rules of those organizations. And all too often, China never followed through.
We hesitated and did far less than we should have when China threatened its neighbors like Vietnam, and like the Philippines, and when they claimed the entire South China Sea.
Frankly, we did an awful lot that accommodated China’s rise in the hope that communist China would become more free, more market-driven, and ultimately, hopefully more democratic.
And we did this for a long time.
There’s another reason we adopted these policies: We didn’t realize how China was evolving. Frankly, the American people didn’t get the full story.
I’ve talked to so many business leaders. U.S. companies that invested heavily in China were forced to comply with China’s terms. This includes just about any topic that the Chinese Communist Party deemed controversial.
Beijing’s intransigence creates a permanent class of China lobbyists in the United States. Their primary job is to sell access to Chinese leaders and connect business partners.
And frankly, whenever there was a dispute or tension in the relationship, many of our scholars blamed the United States for misrepresenting the nature of the Chinese Communist Party.
Meanwhile, Beijing controlled and limited access to our diplomats, journalists, and academics to the main – when they were traveling to mainland China. They still do that today. If you saw the difference – if you saw the difference in how Chinese diplomats are treated and how American diplomats and the access they have, you too would find the absence of reciprocity deeply inconsistent with American values.
And China’s state-run media and government spokespeople filled the gaps, routinely maligning American intentions and policy objectives. They still do that today. They distorted how Americans view the People’s Republic and how they review General Secretary Xi.
These bad outcomes were all too predictable. They were predictable byproducts of dealing with a secretive regime that doesn’t respect fairness, the rule of law, and reciprocity.
Today, we’re finally realizing the degree to which the Chinese Communist Party is truly hostile to the United States and our values, and its worse deeds and words and how they impact us. And we’re able to do that because of the leadership of President Trump.
The President sounded this issue, this alarm, since his very first day. I remember one speech he gave back in Pennsylvania when he called China’s WTO membership “the greatest job theft in history.” A lot of people laughed. I don’t think so many of them are laughing now that they can see the reality.
It’s the case that now we know China weakens America’s manufacturing base by conducting massive intellectual property theft. I had a group of Fortune 500 CEOs in my office last week. The stories are staggering.
Now we know too that China threatens American freedoms by demanding our companies self-censor to maintain access to that Chinese market. We’ve all seen the stories recently of the NBA. The truth is Beijing ought to be free to run its own PR campaign; they’re a sovereign nation. But if we disagree, our companies ought to be permitted to have that disagreement. Silencing dissent simply is not acceptable.
And now we know – now we know that China threatens America’s national security by developing asymmetric weapons that threaten our strategic assets too.
The list goes on.
And these aren’t just our problems. They’re problems for all nations that share our values.
When we see Beijing use coercion as a preferred tool of statecraft, it’s not good for those of us who believe in democracy and sovereignty as the fundamental norms that ought to dominate world commerce and the way nations interact. These ideas, they threaten the free and open international order by making extrajudicial territorial and maritime claims in places like the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.
We know too that Beijing entwines its neighbors and others in its state-led economic model, often closing deals with bribes, often trapping many in debilitating debt levels, threatening their own sovereignty.
And now we know too and we can see China’s regime trampling the most basic human rights of its own citizens – the great and noble Chinese people. We’ve seen this in Hong Kong, where they need to live up to their promises and commitments, and we’ve seen it in the gross human rights violation of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.
We know too that the Chinese Communist Party is offering its people and the world an entirely different model of governance. It’s one in which a Leninist Party rules and everyone must think and act according to the will of the Communist elites. That’s not a future that I want, I think it’s not a future that anyone in this room wants, it’s not a future that other democracies want, and it’s not a future that the people of China – the freedom-loving people of China everywhere don’t want this model.
President Trump’s National Security Strategy lays this out. It recognizes China as a strategic competitor. That means there’s challenges and there’s real opportunities, and we hope that we can engage with them in ways that are constructive. But it’s reality. It’s the truth.
It’s also the case that we didn’t choose some of these issues. China forced them upon us.
In the coming months, I’m going to give a series of sets of remarks. I’m going to talk about each of these in some more detail.
I’ll talk about the competing ideologies and values and the impact that has on America and the world. The Chinese Communist Party is a Marxist-Leninist Party focused on struggle and international domination. We need only listen to the words of their leaders.
I’ll discuss too how they interfere with the things we take most for granted here in the United States. The party’s intelligence agencies, the United Front Work, and its propaganda outlets have embarked on a global campaign to change public opinion in favor of Beijing. We want to preserve our freedoms – our freedom of speech and we want to make sure that information flows freely everywhere.
And I’ll discuss too the impact on the international order. Beijing is actively creating its own international space and it participates in international organizations to validate its authoritarian system and spread its reach. We in the United States, and I think the good people who are part of the Hudson Institute, want to preserve the existing free and open international order that the United States has helped create and continues to lead.
And I’ll too – talk too about the economy. China has engaged in unfair predatory economic practices and it’s utilizing state assets to build its economic footprint all around the world. We want China to be successful. We want it to have a successful economy. We want a transparent, competitive, market-driven system that is mutually beneficial for all involved.
You can see the first steps towards that in the Phase 1 deal that we are close to signing. I’m optimistic we’ll get there. It’s a good thing, a place that we can work together. We want to make sure that we get that right and we want to make sure that the economic relationships are fair, reciprocal, and balanced as between us as well. I think this will show that there is common ground to be had, and the Trump administration will work tirelessly to find it wherever we can.
And I’ll get a chance too to talk about how our militaries compete and the capabilities that China has built up that far exceed what they would need for self-defense.
There’s lots of discussion, lots of think-tank discussion, lots of academic discussion about what the relationship will look like between the United States and China in the years and decades ahead. I’ll be clear about what the United States wants: We don’t want a confrontation with the People’s Republic of China. In fact, we want just the opposite.
We want to see a prosperous China that is at peace with its own people and with its neighbors.
We want to see a thriving China where the Chinese business community transact business with the rest of the world on a fair set of reciprocal terms that we all know and understand.
And we want to see a liberalized China that allows the genius of its people to flourish.
And we want to see a China that respects basic human rights of its own people, as guaranteed by its own constitution.
But above all, it’s critical that as Americans, we engage China as it is, not as we wish it were.
Herman Kahn used to remind us, he would urge us to think unconventionally to create persuasive arguments for policy and make those arguments consistently to the American people.
We have to think anew, and unconventionally, about the People’s Republic of China.
I hope you will all join me in that. We will learn together and we will develop a strong relationship between these two nations.
I’m going to now stop and take a few questions from mister – Ken.
Thank you. God bless you all. (Applause.)
MR WEINSTEIN: Mr. Secretary, always an honor and a pleasure to be with – wait, am I – Mr. Secretary, always an honor and a pleasure to be with you. I guess the World Series isn’t going to be the big news headline tomorrow morning. Well, what a —
SECRETARY POMPEO: Depends if the Nationals win. (Applause.)
MR WEINSTEIN: Let me just throw out a few questions. That was a truly remarkable speech, clearly the first of several, as you indicated, on this important theme of the competition between the United States and China, the future of China, the future of our relations, and the future also of freedom in China. You said – that was an incredibly rich speech. Let me pick out one theme and ask you about it first, which is the question – you talked about how freedom-loving people everywhere reject the Leninist model – including in China – reject the Leninist model of the Chinese Communist Party, and you drew a distinction between the Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party. How do you think about these issues?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Well, I always start with a fundamental proposition that President Trump speaks to very directly: Every nation is sovereign. They get to lead their nation in the way they want. We respect Chinese sovereignty; they have the right to lead it. I always – I stare at this and think about the – I think about this as we’ve seen governments with ideologies like this before. This is not new in terms of how countries operate in the world. And while I know what America wants, what we’d like our relationship with China to be, I’m always reminded – and we talk about this an awful lot of times in counterterrorism. In the counterterrorism world, when do you get to stop doing this? The answer is the enemy gets to vote, right?
We think about that. Our adversaries get a choice on how this will proceed. And I think we need to try to help China make good choices, because we – and if we do that well, we’ll create a set of incentives that will reward those choices. And when I say good, good choices for the world – this is a billion and a half people that they’re going to be an important, powerful country in the world. This is a certainty. We don’t reject that, we don’t think that’s improper. We want them – we want them to be successful and grow and prosper.
But there’s been this notion – there’s been this notion that the Chinese put forward about win-win, that every transaction can be win-win. And that’s true when you do a business deal, when I give you 50 cents and you give me a Snicker bar, you’re happier with the 50 cents, I’m happy with the Snicker. But it’s – right, that’s – right, it’s basic market underpinnings.
It’s not been the case that these have all been win-win. It’s been the case that we’ve had U.S. companies go in there and they have been given commercial access. I was pleased they made decisions on banking and insurance regulations that they’re – that are changed. These are really good signs. I’m encouraged by that. I hope they’ll continue to do that. I hope we’ll continue to open markets for them as well. The President has said if we can get to where there are no barriers – right, no – we want this to be fair, and we want there to be even more trade between the two countries. When you think about that, you have to lay it against the ideological overlay inside the country, and decide whether that is something that you can achieve, and more importantly, what are the things that we can do so that we’re more likely to achieve that outcome?
MR WEINSTEIN: So stay tuned for future speeches on this subject, surely.
SECRETARY POMPEO: We – President Trump has made clear this is a central relationship for the United States for the next 50 or 100 years. We are all still figuring out the right tactics and strategy to deliver against the objectives that I set out here tonight: a strong, connected relationship with China. How do you get there? How do you think about this? We’ll learn as we go along. The United States will iterate; it’s what we do best. We’re creative, we will adapt. But we think it’s absolutely essential that we do so in a way that reflects what’s really happening, and the risks attendant with that.
MR WEINSTEIN: Let me ask you about Hong Kong quickly. How – what should the United States be doing?
SECRETARY POMPEO: It won’t surprise you I think we’ve got our policy right. (Laughter.) Look, we’re hopeful that – the Chinese made a commitment that – we hope they’ll live up to that. And at the same time, we’re telling everyone that we interact with we don’t want violence. We want this – we think there should be a political solution to the conflict that’s taking place there. We say this to – I say this to my Chinese counterparts, I say this publicly when we want the protesters to hear this too. We don’t want them to engage in violence either. We hope they can find a path forward that is consistent with the idea of “One Country, Two Systems.” That’s the commitment that the Chinese Government made. We hope they’ll live up to it.
MR WEINSTEIN: And lastly, let me ask you about as you – as you balance your incredible responsibilities as Secretary of State and you look at the unbelievable turmoil around the world – I mean, we’re living in one of the most tumultuous periods certainly in recent history or if not in the last – certainly in the last few decades. How do you as Secretary of State set your priorities on a strategic level? You’ve got China, North Korea. You’ve got Iran. You’ve got the need for our allies to step up further, to do more. But we also need to make sure that we keep them engaged because of this geostrategic competition with China. How do you – at the – how do you balance these things?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Ken, that’s a long list. I feel bad for coming to New York tonight. (Laughter.) I need to get back to work. So a couple things. First of all, the President set out a framework and continues to set out a framework for how we think about these issues and prioritize them. It’s also a blessing that we have a country that is wealthy enough to support a State Department team that’s capable of doing many things at one time.
As for my time and attention, I try to spend my days pushing along those projects where it looks like I can get a high ROI on my time, while also making sure that I invest in the things that I know I’ll leave behind, sort of the institutional things at the State Department so that this team is in a place where we’ve got the right leaders and the right training and the right human capital inside the U.S. Department of State, so that when my time is up, the next set of – the next set of leaders will come along and have a talented, capable workforce that’s ready to engage and deliver American diplomacy around the world.
MR WEINSTEIN: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Secretary. It’s really been an immense honor. I’ll turn it over to our great board chair Sarah Stern. (Applause.)
MS STERN: Wow. I think he gets a standing O for that. He asked how about the – about the – (applause.)
Mr. Secretary, you said it would depend on the applause afterwards. I think that was an incredible talk. I think we in this room are all now insiders about what’s about to happen. I can’t wait to listen to the rest of your talks as they are unrolled. You certainly have paid attention to the views of our Hudson experts on China, so thank you for that. (Applause.)
I think freedom-loving people around the globe, starting in China but moving on to some of those other places like Venezuela, Iran, other places that are living under nondemocratic governments, would thank you for that. And I think that people who live in democratic governments, and particularly Americans, and particularly the people in this room, would say thank you. (Applause.)
So we give Hudson Institute’s award to celebrate farsighted leaders who have made exceptional contributions to the security, prosperity, and freedom of the United States and its allies. I cannot imagine anyone better suited than you to address the complex set of challenges that faces our country today.
Last week, on Hudson’s podcast, The Realignment, you mentioned that in dealing with China it is important to speak without emotion and with great clarity. As we heard tonight, these two characteristics do define your approach to China and also to other world affairs. As we’ve also heard tonight, you bring a powerful intellect informed by an understanding of history and fueled by creativity. In fact, I can think of no greater praise than to say you sound and act downright Hudsonian. (Laughter and applause.)
So it is my great honor to present you with the Herman Kahn Award.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. |
《门户开放报告》由美国国务院支持,由美国政府提供经费,由美国国际教育协会(IIE)支持执行。报告是介绍在美国的国际学生和学者,以及美国学生为获得学分而赴国外学习情况的唯一长期而全面的信息来源。阅读2021年《门户开放报告》请访问:https://opendoorsdata.org/ 。
在中国申请美国签证相关信息请访问https://www.ustraveldocs.com/ 。 | China Remains the Top Sender of International Students to the United States in 2020/2021
According to the Open Doors 2021 Report on International Educational Exchange released on November 15, more than 317,000 Chinese students enrolled in U.S. institutions in 2020/21, and China remains the number one source of international students in the United States. The United States hosts the largest number of Chinese students studying outside of China.
The global pandemic affected international educational exchange and student mobility around the world, and the United States was not immune. There has been a 15% drop in international students studying in the U.S. overall, and the number from China is lower than the global percentage drop. Chinese students and parents still see the United States as their top destination for international study. Mission China has responded to the interest shown by Chinese parents and students by issuing over 90,000 student visas since May 2021, demonstrating that Chinese students and scholars are welcome in the United States.
The United States is committed to international education, including student mobility to and from the United States, as reiterated in the recent Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education by the U.S. Departments of State and Education. International student mobility is central to diplomacy, innovation, economic prosperity, and national security. As Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has said, it is, “a foreign policy imperative.” We are confident that a U.S. education will continue to be valued by students and their families around the world, and we look forward to emerging from the current pandemic and continuing to welcome students from around the world – including those from China – to U.S. colleges and universities.
The Open Doors Report is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute for International Education (IIE). The report is the only long-standing, comprehensive information resource on international students and scholars in the United States and on U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit. To read the full Open Doors 2021 Report, please visit: https://opendoorsdata.org/.
Please visit https://www.ustraveldocs.com/ for information on how to apply for a visa in China. |
有史以来首届美国–太平洋岛国峰会(United States-Pacific Island Country Summit)标志着美国–太平洋合作的一个新里程碑。 这个里程碑建立在悠久的历史之上,以第二次世界大战中的牺牲所铸就,并通过牢固的人民之间的关系得到加强。 作为峰会的一项成果,拜登总统和太平洋地区领导人发表了《美国–太平洋伙伴关系宣言》(Declaration on U.S.-Pacific Partnership),在这份前瞻性愿景声明中,各方共同承诺未来几年扩大及深化合作。 拜登–哈里斯政府致力于实现这一愿景; 为此,拜登总统宣布了一系列雄心勃勃的举措,以满足太平洋地区的重点需求。
过去十年,美国直接提供了超过15亿美元来支持太平洋诸岛,今天又宣布拨款超过8.1亿美元资金用于补充扩展项目。这些项目旨在通过扩大外交接触来改善所有太平洋岛国人民的生活和福祉,其中包括通过做出历史性宣布,美国将在适当协商后承认库克群岛和纽埃;应对气候危机;启动新的贸易和投资对话;提供发展援助;加强海事安全;增加教育机会;增强安全、卫生和数字化能力;解决痛苦的战争遗留问题。这些新举措包括向美国国会提出一项为期10年、价值6亿美元的《经济援助协议》(Economic Assistance Agreement)的请求,这项援助涉及《南太平洋金枪鱼条约》(South Pacific Tuna Treaty)。此外,美国政府的全球基础设施和投资伙伴关系(Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment)旨在在该地区实施改变游戏规则的项目。
美国将与盟国及合作伙伴密切合作,包括通过实施新的蓝色太平洋伙伴(Partners in the Blue Pacific)倡议,加大力度支持太平洋地区。
蓝色太平洋伙伴:蓝色太平洋伙伴于2022年启动,是美国、澳大利亚、日本、新西兰和英国共同做出的一项新努力,旨在以个体和集体的方式使我们与太平洋地区的伙伴关系更具效率和效力。合作伙伴方对加拿大和德国的加入意向表示欢迎,也欢迎法国、欧盟、大韩民国和印度的参与; 蓝色太平洋伙伴邀请所有与其具有相同价值观、目标和做法的各方进一步合作——主要在于与太平洋地区的磋商和伙伴关系。蓝色太平洋伙伴将致力于以下六个方面的工作:
o 提供1500万美元帮助太平洋诸岛适应和建设对气候变化和极端天气事件的抗御能力,这包括使他们能够更好地识别和预见气候变化对公共健康与安全、食品保障、水资源、沿海及生态系统管理以及总体可持续发展的影响,并为之作出准备。
o 提供700万美元扩大采集太平洋岛屿的天气和海洋数据,进而对海洋状态作出更精准可靠的信息报告,这对于海洋国家的天气预报和制定确保公共安全的公告和警告极其重要。
o 通过太平洋岛屿战略基础设施行动计划(Pacific Island Strategic Infrastructure Initiative),从美国贸易和开发署部署300万美元技术援助,以支持可行性研究、环境影响研究以及帮助释放公共基础设施项目的融资所必须的其他项目筹备援助,有待国会通报和国内程序。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/29/fact-sheet-roadmap-for-a-21st-century-u-s-pacific-island-partnership/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | SEPTEMBER 29, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES
The Biden-Harris Administration announces U.S. commitments to implement the Declaration on U.S.-Pacific Partnership
The first-ever United States-Pacific Island Country Summit marks a new milestone in U.S.-Pacific cooperation. It builds on a long history, forged in sacrifice in World War II and reinforced by strong people-to-people ties. As an outcome of the Summit, the President and Pacific leaders issued the Declaration on U.S.-Pacific Partnership, a forward-looking vision statement reflecting our shared commitment to expand and deepen our cooperation in the years ahead. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to implementing this vision; to that end, President Biden announced a slate of ambitious initiatives to meet Pacific priorities.
The United States has directly provided over $1.5 billion to support the Pacific Islands over the past decade and today has announced over $810 million in additional expanded programs. These initiatives seek to improve the lives and wellbeing of all Pacific Islanders by expanding diplomatic engagement, including through the historic announcement that the United States will recognize Cook Islands and Niue, following appropriate consultations; combatting the climate crisis; launching a new Trade and Investment Dialogue; providing development assistance; enhancing maritime security; expanding educational opportunities; enhancing security, health, and digital capacity; and addressing painful legacies of war. These new initiatives include the 10-year $600 million Economic Assistance Agreement request to Congress, which is associated with the South Pacific Tuna Treaty. Additionally, the Administration’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment aims to deliver game-changing projects in the region.
Under the Biden-Harris Administration we will:
The foundation of the U.S. approach in the Pacific is strong and productive partnership with the Pacific Islands.
The United States is investing in diplomacy across the Pacific by expanding the number of facilities, officers and programs active in the region. By expanding our own capacity, we will better meet the needs of our Pacific partners. In addition to the establishment of U.S. Embassies in Solomon Islands, Tonga and Kiribati, the United States is announcing:
The United States will amplify its efforts to support the Pacific in close partnership with its allies and partners, including through the new Partners in the Blue Pacific initiative.
Partners in the Blue Pacific: The Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP), launched in 2022, is a new effort from the United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom to make our partnership, individually and collectively, with the Pacific more efficient and effective. The Partners welcome the intent of Canada and Germany to join, as well as the engagement of France, the European Union, the Republic of Korea, and India; the PBP invites further cooperation with all those that share its values, objectives, and approach – principally that of consultation and partnership with the Pacific. The PBP will focus on six prospective lines of effort:
The United States will continue to play a leading role in accelerating global efforts to combat the climate crisis in this decisive decade, recognizing the existential threats this crisis presents to the Pacific Islands. The United States will address climate challenges in the Pacific with an investment of over $130 million in substantial resourcing, support, and partnerships, and leverage an additional $400 million in private financing.
The United States will target more than $50 million in direct support for Pacific Island recovery to enable strong growth for years to come.
Geography links the United States’ security to the Pacific Islands. In addition to its existing capacities in the region, the United States will focus on investing in the Pacific Islands security capacity, including coast guards, law enforcement, and disaster response.
The United States will invest in work with the Pacific Islands to improve the region’s connectivity, bandwidth, and cybersecurity.
COVID-19 has wrought devastation on the world, including in the Pacific; the United States will provide further assistance to the Pacific, including additional vaccines and economic assistance.
The United States is committed to addressing the scars of war across the Pacific region.
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U.S. Department of State Seal
美国东部标准时间 2021年2月19日 上午07:49
我们正在全方位地重新与世界进行接触,包括通过总统将在4月22日举办的领导人气候峰会。时间再放远一些,我们非常期待与英国和世界各地其他国家一起努力,使COP26气候峰会取得成功。 | The United States Officially Rejoins the Paris Agreement
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
On January 20, on his first day in office, President Biden signed the instrument to bring the United States back into the Paris Agreement. Per the terms of the Agreement, the United States officially becomes a Party again today.
The Paris Agreement is an unprecedented framework for global action. We know because we helped design it and make it a reality. Its purpose is both simple and expansive: to help us all avoid catastrophic planetary warming and to build resilience around the world to the impacts from climate change we already see.
Now, as momentous as our joining the Agreement was in 2016 — and as momentous as our rejoining is today — what we do in the coming weeks, months, and years is even more important.
You have seen and will continue to see us weaving climate change into our most important bilateral and multilateral conversations at all levels. In these conversations, we’re asking other leaders: how can we do more together?
Climate change and science diplomacy can never again be “add-ons” in our foreign policy discussions. Addressing the real threats from climate change and listening to our scientists is at the center of our domestic and foreign policy priorities. It is vital in our discussions of national security, migration, international health efforts, and in our economic diplomacy and trade talks.
We are reengaging the world on all fronts, including at the President’s April 22nd Leaders’ Climate Summit. And further out, we very much looking forward to working with the United Kingdom and other nations around the world to make COP26 a success. |
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/07/28/readout-of-president-bidens-call-with-president-xi-jinping-of-the-peoples-republic-of-china/ | JULY 28, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES
President Joseph R. Biden Jr. spoke today with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The call was a part of the Biden Administration’s efforts to maintain and deepen lines of communication between the United States and the PRC and responsibly manage our differences and work together where our interests align. The call follows the two leaders’ conversation on March 18th and a series of conversations between high-level U.S. and PRC officials. The two presidents discussed a range of issues important to the bilateral relationship and other regional and global issues, and tasked their teams to continue following up on today’s conversation, in particular to address climate change and health security. On Taiwan, President Biden underscored that the United States policy has not changed and that the United States strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
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Chinese police patrol as Muslims leave a mosque in Kashgar, a city in Xinjiang province. (Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images)
作者:内森·塞尔斯(Nathan Sales)和萨姆·布朗巴克(Sam Brownback)
美国估计,自2017年4月以来,中国已在劳改营拘禁了100多万穆斯林男女老少,日常在有关设施对多达200万人灌输政治教条。总体上说,这些设施内的中国公民人数占新疆少数民族总人口的15%-25%。美国国会及行政当局中国委员会(U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China)认为,这种情况已成为当今世界最大规模监禁某少数民族人口的事例。
最近,新疆的一名共产党高层官员雪克来提·扎克尔(Shohrat Zakir)声称这些遭受殴打和饥饿的被监禁人员是“受训人员”,他们很高兴参加“这类艺术和体育活动”,让他们体会到生活如此“丰富多彩”。
使这种忍无可忍的局势愈益恶化的是,中国一贯歪曲 “反恐怖主义”的概念,以此作为肆意践踏人权的借口。再重复一遍:新疆的镇压行动并不是反恐怖主义。这是北京长期镇压藏传佛教徒、基督教徒和法轮功的历史上又增添的一个章节。
中国的所作所为并不是反恐怖主义,而是依靠现代科技采取的残暴的大规模镇压行动。正是“老大哥”(Big Brother)使人人感到自危。中国如果希望成为全世界反恐怖主义队伍中一名受到尊敬的成员,就必须就此止步。与此同时,中国必须立即释放所有被任意关押的人员。 | By Nathan Salesand
Sam Brownback
May 22 at 7:48 PM
Nathan Sales is the ambassador at large for counterterrorism and Sam Brownback is the ambassador at large for international religious freedom at the State Department.
The Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang province is drawing condemnation from civilized nations and civil society because of its brutality, scale and violation of the fundamental right to religious freedom. But there is another angle that should also raise concern: These abuses undermine the global consensus on counterterrorism. Beijing is painting its human rights violations as a legitimate counterterrorism effort, when they patently are not.
The government’s outrageous conduct in Xinjiang is well-documented. Citing purported terrorism concerns, Beijing has subjected Chinese Muslims and ethnic minorities, including Uighurs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and Kazakhs, to an increasingly harsh and systematic campaign of oppression. It includes mass imprisonment in camps for purported “vocational training,” vicious interrogations, comprehensive monitoring and attempts to wipe out peaceful religious practices.
The United States estimates that since April 2017, China has detained more than 1 million Muslim men, women and children in forced labor camps. Up to 2 million more have been sent for political indoctrination in daytime facilities. All told, the number of Chinese citizens in these facilities constitutes some 15 to 25 percent of Xinjiang’s total ethnic-minority population. The U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China described the situation as the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today.
Detainees are subjected to an unrelenting barrage of propaganda, forcing them to renounce their religious, cultural, linguistic and ethnic identities. Chinese Muslims are prevented from regular daily prayer, have their beards forcibly cut off and are force-fed pork and alcohol. Overcrowding and sleep and food deprivations are routine. China refuses to publish figures on how many people have died in the camps, but dozens of deaths have been reported — including suicides — and the real figure is probably much higher.
China’s deliberate efforts to strangle Uighur culture and stamp out the Muslim faith extend far beyond the camps’ razor-wire enclosures, affecting every aspect of life for these ethnic minorities. Beijing’s repressive policies in Xinjiang include pervasive high-tech surveillance and monitoring throughout the region (including facial- and gait-recognition technologies), draconian security measures in public spaces, house arrest and restrictions on who can worship in the remaining mosques that the Communist Party hasn’t bulldozed.
Chinese authorities are even targeting children. The Communist Party has forcibly taken thousands of minority children from their families and placed them in state-run orphanages. They are taught only Mandarin Chinese and are prevented from receiving religious or cultural education. Authorities reportedly have summarily renamed children with Han Chinese names.
Recently, one of the top Communist Party officials in Xinjiang, Shohrat Zakir, described captives, who have been beaten and starved, as “trainees” who were happy to participate in “such kinds of art and sports,” which had allowed them to “realize how colorful life can be.”
“Colorful” is not a word we would use to describe a gulag. Beijing presumably recognizes as much; international observers are not allowed to visit the camps without prior notice.
What makes this intolerable situation even worse is China’s consistent misuse of “counterterrorism” as a pretext for gross human rights abuses. To repeat: The repressive campaign in Xinjiang is not counterterrorism. It’s one more chapter in Beijing’s long history of oppressing Tibetan Buddhists, Christians and the Falun Gong.
In the process, China is eroding the long-standing and hard-won international consensus on how to fight real terrorists, with law enforcement, information-sharing, border security and other measures. It is a consensus that the United States and its partners have painstakingly built. Beijing’s sweeping repression makes a mockery of genuine and necessary counterterrorism efforts around the world.
China, like many nations, has suffered from terrorist attacks, including in Xinjiang. Dozens of Chinese citizens have been killed by terrorists over the past decade, in China and abroad. But Beijing cannot disingenuously use these deaths to conflate the peaceful religious practices of Chinese Muslims with terrorism. Nothing can justify the massive and brutal scope of Chinese repression.
Terrorism is a genuine threat to all of us. The United States is ready to work with willing partners in combating all real forms of terrorism, but it will not remain silent when governments commit atrocities under the guise of counterterrorism. Counterterrorism and human rights go hand in hand — they are mutually reinforcing — and the United States will speak out for both, with allies and adversaries alike.
What China is doing is not counterterrorism. It is ugly repression, on a mass scale, enabled by modern technology. It is the Big Brother we all fear. If China expects to be treated as a respectable member of the world’s counterterrorism community, it must stop. And it must immediately release all those it has arbitrarily detained.
Read more: https://wapo.st/2QejvET?tid=ss_mail&utm_term=.30916a90e135 |
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/united-states-announces-additional-humanitarian-assistance-for-the-people-of-ukraine/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | PRESS STATEMENT
JUNE 16, 2023
The United States is providing $205 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the people of Ukraine as part of our support for those affected by Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified, and brutal war against Ukraine. U.S. humanitarian assistance provides the people of Ukraine with critical support, including food, safe drinking water, protection services, education, livelihoods, legal assistance, accessible shelter, health care, and more through our international and non-governmental partners in the region. These funds also help victims of the conflict maintain contact with family members who have been separated and promotes family reunification when possible.
Since the onset of Russia’s invasion, more than six million refugees have fled the country and more than five million have been internally displaced inside Ukraine. Millions more Ukrainians have been impacted by Russia’s attacks inside Ukraine. Our funding, which brings the total humanitarian assistance provided to Ukraine in Fiscal Year 2023 to more than $605 million, provides further support for humanitarian organizations responding to the crisis and complements the generosity of countries that are welcoming and supporting refugees. Since February 2022, the United States has provided more than $2.1 billion in humanitarian assistance for the people of Ukraine, both inside Ukraine and in the region.
We continue to call for an immediate end to Russia’s war of aggression and for Russia to facilitate unhindered access to providers of humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and safe passage for those who seek to move to safer areas. The U.S. response is advancing Ukraine’s overall security, economic recovery, energy security, and capacity to cope with the humanitarian crisis created by Russia’s war. We welcome the contributions of other donors toward this crisis response and urge yet more donors to generously support the serious humanitarian needs in Ukraine and the region. |
https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1589 | WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen met with the Ambassador from the People’s Republic of China Xie Feng. The frank and productive discussion supported ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication and responsibly manage the U.S.-China bilateral relationship, in line with Secretary Yellen’s upcoming trip to Beijing. Secretary Yellen raised issues of concern while also conveying the importance of the two largest economies working together on global challenges, including on macroeconomic and financial issues. |
布林肯国务卿:主席先生,本理事会今天开会讨论《明斯克协议》(Minsk Agreements)的执行情况,这是我们所有人的一个共同目标,尽管俄罗斯一再违反协议。这些协议于2014年和2015年谈判达成并由俄罗斯签署,它们仍然是解决乌克兰东部地区冲突的和平进程的基础。
与之利害攸关的远远不止是乌克兰。这对于数百万人民的生命和安全,以及对于《联合国宪章》(United Nations Charter)的根基和维护全球稳定的基于规章的国际秩序,都是一个危急时刻。这场危机直接影响到本理事会的每一个成员以及全世界每个国家。
根据《明斯克协议》,俄罗斯和乌克兰作出了一系列承诺,欧洲安全与合作组织(OSCE)和“诺曼底模式”(Normandy Format)伙伴成员也参与其中。
今天早些时候,我向俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫发出一封信,提议我们下周在欧洲会晤,继续我们最近几周的会谈,商讨我们可以为不发生冲突地解决这场危机所采取的步骤。我们也提议举行北约–俄罗斯理事会(NATO-Russia Council)和欧安组织常设理事会(OSCE Permanent Council)会议。
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欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-on-russias-threat-to-peace-and-security-at-the-un-security-council/ | Secretary Antony J. Blinken on Russia’s Threat to Peace and Security at the UN Security Council
FEBRUARY 17, 2022
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Mr. President, this council was convened today to discuss the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, a goal that we all share, despite Russia’s persistent violations. These agreements, which were negotiated in 2014 and 2015 and signed by Russia, remain the basis for the peace process to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
This council’s primary responsibility – the very reason for its creation – is the preservation of peace and security. As we meet today, the most immediate threat to peace and security is Russia’s looming aggression against Ukraine.
The stakes go far beyond Ukraine. This is a moment of peril for the lives and safety of millions of people, as well as for the foundation of the United Nations Charter and the rules-based international order that preserves stability worldwide. This crisis directly affects every member of this council and every country in the world.
Because the basic principles that sustain peace and security – principles that were enshrined in the wake of two world wars and a Cold War – are under threat. The principle that one country cannot change the borders of another by force. The principle that one country cannot dictate another’s choices or policies, or with whom it will associate. The principle of national sovereignty.
This is the exact kind of crisis that the United Nations – and specifically this Security Council – was created to prevent.
We must address what Russia is doing right now to Ukraine.
Over the past months, without provocation or justification, Russia has amassed more than 150,000 troops around Ukraine’s borders, in Russia, Belarus, occupied Crimea. Russia says it’s drawing down those forces. We do not see that happening on the ground. Our information indicates clearly that these forces – including ground troops, aircraft, ships – are preparing to launch an attack against Ukraine in the coming days.
We don’t know precisely how things will play out, but here’s what the world can expect to see unfold. In fact, it’s unfolding right now, today, as Russia takes steps down the path to war and reissued the threat of military action.
First, Russia plans to manufacture a pretext for its attack. This could be a violent event that Russia will blame on Ukraine, or an outrageous accusation that Russia will level against the Ukrainian Government. We don’t know exactly the form it will take. It could be a fabricated so-called “terrorist” bombing inside Russia, the invented discovery of a mass grave, a staged drone strike against civilians, or a fake – even a real – attack using chemical weapons. Russia may describe this event as ethnic cleansing or a genocide, making a mockery of a concept that we in this chamber do not take lightly, nor do I do take lightly based on my family history.
In the past few days, Russian media has already begun to spread some of these false alarms and claims, to maximize public outrage, to lay the groundwork for an invented justification for war. Today, that drumbeat has only intensified in Russia’s state-controlled media. We’ve heard some of these baseless allegations from Russian-backed speakers here today.
Second, in response to this manufactured provocation, the highest levels of the Russian Government may theatrically convene emergency meetings to address the so-called crisis. The government will issue proclamations declaring that Russia must respond to defend Russian citizens or ethnic Russians in Ukraine.
Next, the attack is planned to begin. Russian missiles and bombs will drop across Ukraine. Communications will be jammed. Cyberattacks will shut down key Ukrainian institutions.
After that, Russian tanks and soldiers will advance on key targets that have already been identified and mapped out in detailed plans. We believe these targets include Russia’s capital –Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, a city of 2.8 million people.
And conventional attacks are not all that Russia plans to inflict upon the people of Ukraine. We have information that indicates Russia will target specific groups of Ukrainians.
We’ve been warning the Ukrainian Government of all that is coming. And here today, we are laying it out in great detail, with the hope that by sharing what we know with the world, we can influence Russia to abandon the path of war and choose a different path while there’s still time.
Now, I am mindful that some have called into question our information, recalling previous instances where intelligence ultimately did not bear out. But let me be clear: I am here today, not to start a war, but to prevent one. The information I’ve presented here is validated by what we’ve seen unfolding in plain sight before our eyes for months. And remember that while Russia has repeatedly derided our warnings and alarms as melodrama and nonsense, they have been steadily amassing more than 150,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders, as well as the capabilities to conduct a massive military assault.
It isn’t just us seeing this: Allies and partners see the same thing. And Russia hasn’t only been hearing from us. The international chorus has grown louder and louder.
If Russia doesn’t invade Ukraine, then we will be relieved that Russia changed course and proved our predictions wrong. That would be a far better outcome than the course we’re currently on. And we will gladly accept any criticism that anyone directs at us.
As President Biden said, this would be a war of choice. And if Russia makes that choice, we’ve been clear, along with Allies and partners, that our response will be sharp and decisive. President Biden reiterated that forcefully earlier this week.
There is another choice Russia can still make, if there is any truth to its claim that it is committed to diplomacy.
Diplomacy is the only responsible way to resolve this crisis. An essential part of this is through implementation of the Minsk agreements, the subject of our session today.
There are a series of commitments that Russia and Ukraine made under Minsk, with the OSCE and the Normandy Format partners involved as well.
If Russia is prepared to sit with the Ukrainian Government and work through the process of implementing these commitments, our friends in France and Germany stand ready to convene senior-level discussions in the Normandy Format to settle these issues. Ukraine is ready for this. And we stand fully ready to support the parties.
Progress toward resolving the Donbas crisis through the Minsk Agreements can reinforce the broader discussions on security issues that we’re prepared to engage in with Russia, in coordination with our Allies and partners.
More than three weeks ago, we provided Russia with a paper that detailed concrete, reciprocal steps that we can take in the near term to address our respective concerns and advance the collective security interests of Russia, the United States, and our European partners and allies. This morning, we received a response, which we are evaluating.
Earlier today, I sent a letter to Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposing that we meet next week in Europe, following on our talks in recent weeks, to discuss the steps that we can take to resolve this crisis without conflict. We are also proposing meetings of the NATO-Russia Council and the OSCE Permanent Council.
These meetings can pave the way for a summit of key leaders, in the context of de-escalation, to reach understandings on our mutual security concerns. As lead diplomats for our nations, we have a responsibility to make every effort for diplomacy to succeed, to leave no diplomatic stone unturned.
If Russia is committed to diplomacy, we are presenting every opportunity for it to demonstrate that commitment.
I have no doubt that the response to my remarks here today will be more dismissals from the Russian Government about the United States stoking hysteria or that it has “no plans” to invade Ukraine.
So let me make this simple. The Russian Government can announce today – with no qualification, equivocation, or deflection – that Russia will not invade Ukraine. State it clearly. State it plainly to the world. And then demonstrate it by sending your troops, your tanks, your planes back to their barracks and hangars and sending your diplomats to the negotiating table.
In the coming days, the world will remember that commitment – or the refusal to make it. I yield the floor. |
国务卿强调了美国在台湾海峡和平稳定方面的长期利益,并就中华人民共和国持续对台湾施以军事、外交和经济压力表达了关切。国务卿敦促北京开展有意义的对话,从而以符合台湾人民意愿和最佳利益的方式和平解决台海两岸议题。国务卿还强调了采取措施确保全球能源供应及价格波动不会危及全球经济复苏的重要性。 | Secretary Blinken’s Call with People’s Republic of China (PRC) State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi
The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke on November 12 with PRC State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The Secretary discussed preparations for President Biden’s upcoming virtual meeting with President Xi Jinping, noting the meeting presents an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss how to responsibly manage competition between the United States and the PRC while working together in areas where interests align. The Secretary emphasized longstanding U.S. interest in peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and expressed concern regarding the PRC’s continued military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan. He urged Beijing to engage in meaningful dialogue to resolve cross-Strait issues peacefully and in a manner consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people on Taiwan. The Secretary also stressed the importance of taking measures to ensure global energy supply and price volatility do not imperil global economic recovery. |
今年的《香港政策法报告》(Hong Kong Policy Act Report)记录了香港和中华人民共和国领导人所采取的进一步削弱民主机制和人权的行动,它们严重阻碍了独立媒体的运作和言论自由。这些政策对香港生活各方面具有深远影响,包括国际商务和金融界。
对香港居民的大批逮捕,以及对包括《苹果日报》(Apple Daily)和六四纪念馆(June 4 Museum)在内的机构的强行关闭,突出反映了具有深刻破坏力的这些变化的程度范围。针对风险上升和不确定性加大,一些在香港的国际公司已经全部搬迁到其他地方,还有些则将重要的人员和业务转换到其他地方。北京最终将迫使香港许多最优秀和最有才华的人逃离香港,从而玷污香港的声誉,削弱香港的竞争力。香港作为自由的全球金融中心的地位将因此继续遭受损害。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/hong-kongs-diminishing-freedoms/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | PRESS STATEMENT
MARCH 31, 2022
Over the past year, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has continued to dismantle Hong Kong’s democratic institutions, placed unprecedented pressure on the judiciary, and stifled academic, cultural, and press freedoms. As the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to Beijing approaches, Hong Kong’s freedoms are diminishing while the PRC tightens its rule.The differences between Hong Kong and cities in mainland China are shrinking due to ongoing repression from the PRC.
This year’s Hong Kong Policy Act Report documents actions taken by leaders in Hong Kong and the PRC that have further eroded both democratic institutions and human rights, and profoundly impaired independent media operations and freedom of expression. These policies have far-reaching implications for all aspects of life in the city, including for the international business and financial communities.
Sweeping arrests of Hong Kong residents, as well as the forced closure of institutions including Apple Daily and the June 4 Museum, underscore the scope of these deeply damaging changes. In response to heightened risk and uncertainty, some international firms in Hong Kong have relocated entirely, while others have shifted key staff or operations elsewhere. Beijing will ultimately force many of the city’s best and brightest to flee, tarnishing Hong Kong’s reputation and weakening its competitiveness. Hong Kong’s position as a free, global financial center will continue to suffer as a result.
A fully functioning civil society, rule of law, and individual liberties form the bedrock on which vibrant societies grow. We stand with people in Hong Kong. |
安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿今天与俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergey Lavrov)通话。双方讨论了1月10日的战略稳定对话、1月12日的北约—俄罗斯理事会会议和1月13日的欧安组织常设理事会会议。面对俄罗斯在乌克兰和周边令人深为不安的军事集结,国务卿强调继续通过外交道路缓和紧张局势的重要性。国务卿重申美国对乌克兰主权和领土完整坚定不移的承诺,并强调关于欧洲安全的任何讨论必须要包括北约盟友和欧洲伙伴,包括乌克兰。 | Secretary Blinken’s Call with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov
JANUARY 18, 2022
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. They discussed the January 10 Strategic Stability Dialogue, January 12 NATO-Russia Council, and January 13 OSCE Permanent Council meetings. The Secretary stressed the importance of continuing a diplomatic path to de-escalate tensions surrounding the deeply troubling Russian military build-up in and near Ukraine. The Secretary reiterated the unshakable U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and underscored that any discussion of European security must include NATO Allies and European partners, including Ukraine. |
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo) 世界食品奖荣誉大厅(World Food Prize Hall of Laureates)
艾奥瓦州(Iowa)得梅因(Des Moines)
今天我在这里度过了不平凡的一天。我的妻子苏珊(Susan)出生在艾奥瓦城(Iowa City)。她现在就坐在我的左边。她母亲毕业于艾奥瓦大学(University of Iowa),感到很自豪。所以,我们的儿子尼克(Nick)和我曾与他外祖母一起多次观看鹰眼球队(Hawkeye)的美式足球比赛。
(笑声和掌声)不错,我知道我此时得到了大概一半的掌声,不错。(笑声) 与在堪萨斯州大同小异。(笑声)
在场的还有一位特殊的人物,也是艾奥瓦人,刚刚介绍了我。他始终是在中国问题上代表美利坚合众国(United States of America)发挥积极作用的巨大力量。请再次对布兰斯塔德(Branstad)大使为国家付出的努力表示感谢。(掌声)
我感谢诸位邀请我来到这个美不胜收的地方,感谢世界粮食奖(World Food Prize)今天对我的接待。我知道奎恩(Quinn)大使也希望出席,但我知道他今天在伦敦(London)有一件更重要、更有意义的活动,即领取因抗击柬埔寨种族清洗获得的奖项。他在那里是多么美好的一件事。这成为他不在这里的很好的理由。(笑声)
美国国务院很自豪地作为伙伴与这样一个组织共同努力。这个组织为帮助全世界解除饥饿做出了如此大量的贡献。你们每一天都在为美国增光,我时常前往世界各地,成为其中的受益者。我也很激动地告诉诸位,经过两年的中断,世界粮食奖得主名单宣布仪式(World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony)将再次由美国国务院主办。我本人将主持这次活动。我将主持仪式。我对此满怀期待。(掌声)
我早年在堪萨斯州被称为温菲尔德(Winfield)的地方度过了很大一部分夏季时光。那里是我叔叔吉姆(Uncle Jim)拥有的家庭农场。这些经历属于我一生中最特殊的时刻之一。 我记得农场旁有一块标语牌写道,“一名堪萨斯农民可养活你们120多人。”(笑声)我坚信,我们如果驾车经过艾奥瓦州各地的高速公路,都会看见类似的标语。我知道这是千真万确的。
乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)有一句著名的语录,“我宁愿在我的农场劳作,也不想成为天下的帝王。”我也相信他的确这样认为。
几年后,他儿子追随父亲的脚步也来到这里访问,并且与州长建立了友谊。今天,特朗普总统(President Trump)与习主席相互交往,努力保证我们能够正确处理这个重要的关系。
看一看我们的工商业做了哪些工作。我在丧失理智竞选国会(Congress)席位前(笑声),曾在堪萨斯州中南部经营一个小型企业。这几乎是10年前的事。基因编辑技术为消灭玉米枯萎病铺平了道路。量化农业(Quantified Ag)等公司开发了使用生物识别技术的耳标,可及时传递有关牲畜健康状况的信息。
我们农业部门的活力表明,美国的经济动力并不限于曼哈顿(Manhattan)、硅谷(Silicon Valley)或麻省的剑桥(Cambridge, Massachusetts)。美国的腹地具有生机勃勃的经济潜力。
在得梅因这里也是好事连连,丝毫不亚于帕罗奥多(Palo Alto)。以鹰眼著称的州甚至也有酿酒厂!我是听说的。(笑声)所以,与你们希望相信的程度相比,你们更像加利福尼亚州(California)。
他发现一名中国公民在泥土里挖掘,试图盗窃多年研究和开发的转基因玉米种子。开发工作花费了大量金钱。此人后来对盗窃孟山都(Monsanto)、杜邦先锋(DuPont Pioneer)和LG良种(LG Seeds)的种子一事供认不讳。
然后,他在中国作物研究机构的代表来访之际将这些种子交给他们,直到我国海关和边境保护局(Customs and Border Patrol)的官员在航班起飞前检查他们的行李时才被抓获。
几年前,《时代杂志》(Time Magazine)对中国的假鸡蛋做了研究,结果发现其中含这些美味成分:树脂、淀粉、凝结剂、颜料、海藻酸钠。我不再说下去了。
国务院多年来为多元化,为造就多元的员工队伍,投入了大量资金和力量。我要确保在我们的外交服务系统(Foreign Service)中也有来自中部腹地的人。我们需要这种地理多元化。我们的使命当然是在全球所有地方代表所有美国人,因此员工队伍的构成很重要。如果你希望保持美国的安全与强大并推进我们的价值观,我们这里有极好的机会。你可以名副其实地改变世界。好了,信息广告结束。但是,请你们或你们的孩子前来看看。这是一个了不起的工作机构,是一项崇高的职业。与布兰斯塔德大使和我一道工作的同事是为我们伟大国家服务的真正爱国之士。
我将以此结束。在特朗普总统领导下,我们的外交人员一直在尤其积极地在全球各地为美国农业各方打开市场。本届政府连同美国农业部(USDA)、贸易代表(Trade Representative)办公室和商务部(Department of Commerce)的同仁一道,已经打开了通道,使乳制品和禽肉销售到加拿大,羊肉和山羊肉销售到日本,牛肉和猪肉销售到阿根廷,禽肉销售到印度,羊肉销售到萨尔瓦多,牛肉和禽肉销售到摩洛哥,鸡蛋销售到南非,乳制品销售到土耳其,另外还有其他一些国家。我们希望欧盟(EU)也将很快降低它的贸易壁垒,给予美国产品更大的市场准入。
与保持美国农业部门的繁荣有关的具有重要意义的最后一点是:我们的丰饶一直是造福世界的巨大福祉。我们必须延续这种传统。对更美好的生活中的一望无际的大地和富饶土壤的期许将数不胜数的定居者吸引到我们的海岸。在第一次世界大战(World War I)之后, 赫伯特·胡佛(Herbert Hoover)帮助主持了我们为千百万欧洲人提供食物的努力,这个项目主要依赖于美国的食品。然后在第二次世界大战(World War II)刚刚结束之后,美国农产品再次帮助为一个被战火所蹂躏的继续遭受饥荒威胁的大洲提供食物。
今天有很多项目——你们都参与其中——帮助满足全世界需求最迫切的人并为他们提供粮食。这种需求有增无减,而且还将继续增加。今天,美国是全世界最大的粮食及农产品出口国,而且我们的慷慨是巨大的。我们的国际发展署(USAID)在2017年向美国农民购买了1.4 [百万] 公吨粮食,为53个国家的7,000万人提供了食物。
但坦率地说,最大的福祉——美国农业给世界带来的最大福祉并非任何政府项目所为,而是诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize)获得者诺曼·博洛格(Norman Borlaug)的功劳,他是这个伟大机构的创始人。他把毕生精力都贡献给为全世界人口提供粮食,并帮助他们摆脱饥饿和营养不良。而且通过培育小麦新品种并取得过去无法想象的丰收,据估计他帮助拯救了数十亿人的生命。
他所引发的农业生产力大爆炸后来被称为绿色革命(Green Revolution)。你们应当知道这是一场美国革命,是一位美国创新者做到的。
今天早些时候,我见到了“美国未来农民”(Future Farmers of America)中的一些年轻人。这是一个让人印象深刻的群体。我记得担任代表堪萨斯州中南部的议员的时候。他们是了不起的未来的年轻领袖。他们所具备的第一手农业知识是全世界任何地方的年轻人都无法与之相比的。
我刚才提到了在堪萨斯州温菲尔德的农场。那是我度过一个个暑假的地方。现在是我们全家节假日的去处,出去小住几天。在那个农场西南角的篱笆上有一个“世纪农场”的牌子,在家族中有100年了。它骄傲地竖立在那里。我叔叔吉姆付出了辛勤努力,让这个农场一直属于我们家族,并继续成功兴旺。我懂得这一点。美国国务院懂得这一点,特朗普总统也懂得这一点。我知道:农耕生活是美国所能给予的精粹。我们在本届政府中致力于确保那些我今天见到的年轻人能够将这种高尚的生活方式传给他们的下一代。我希望上帝保佑他们。我希望上帝保佑你们每一个人,保佑艾奥瓦,保佑美利坚合众国。谢谢你们,我很高兴回答一些问题。(掌声)谢谢。 | Michael R. Pompeo
Secretary of State
World Food Prize Hall of Laureates
Des Moines, Iowa
March 4, 2019
AMBASSADOR BRANSTAD: Good afternoon. It is my honor to be back in Iowa today to introduce Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. As U.S. ambassador, I have the great privilege of representing the American people in China. (Applause.)
The U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. As President Trump has said, the United States seeks a constructive, results-oriented relationship with China, and of course, the Secretary of Stae has a critical role to play in that relationship. Secretary Pompeo is well qualified for this very important position. He graduated first in his class at West Point and served in the United States Army. A fellow Midwesterner, he was a business leader and served three terms in the Congress from the state of Kansas before President Trump appointed him as director of the CIA and then as Secretary of State.
During the Secretary’s most recent visit to China, I was impressed with his ability to connect and motivate our embassy staff and effectively articulate American interests to the Chinese leadership. We are honored to have Secretary Pompeo at the helm of the State Department and speaking here in Iowa today. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. (Applause.)
SECRETARY POMPEO: Good afternoon. Please. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you. Thank you. I’m often reminded – I often get introduced as the 70th Secretary of State, which is pretty cool, but I’m reminded it’s – the President is 45, so the turnover in my gig is a lot higher. (Laughter.) I’ll be mindful of that as I speak.
Thanks for joining me. I’m looking forward – I’ve got some remarks I’ll make today, and then I’m happy to take questions on things that are on your mind. Thanks so much, too, for welcoming me to Iowa. I’ve had a great day here today. My wife Susan, who’s sitting over to my left, was born in Iowa City. Her mother is a proud graduate of the University of Iowa. So our son Nick and I have watched a lot of Hawkeye football games with Grandma. (Laughter and applause.) And yeah – I know, I got about half the applause here, yeah. (Laughter.) Same deal in Kansas. (Laughter.) Susan grew up, of course, in Kansas but spent a lot of time Coralville where her grandparents live. And so I will be happy to give you all the credit for the lady that she is, good and bad. (Laughter.)
There’s another special person who’s here who is an Iowan that just introduced me, and he has been an enormously powerful force for good in China on behalf of the United States of America. Please, one more time, thank Ambassador Branstad for all he’s doing for the country. (Applause.)
And I got to spend 15 minutes with Governor Reynolds a few minutes ago. It was delightful and wonderful. The things you’re doing here in Iowa are fantastic. Thank you. Bless you. Good luck to you and thank you for being here with me today as well. Thanks so much. (Applause.)
And thank you for inviting me to this enormously beautiful place, and for the World Food Prize for hosting me today. I know that Ambassador Quinn wanted to be here, but I understand he’s on to bigger and better things in London today, receiving his own prize for countering genocide in Cambodia. What a wonderful place for him to be. It’s a pretty good excuse for him not being here. (Laughter.)
The State Department is proud to work alongside as a partner with an organization like this. It has done so much to help feed the world. You every day burnish America’s reputation, and I am the beneficiary of that as I travel this world. And I am excited too to share with you that after two years of hiatus, the World Food Prize laureate announcement ceremony is returning to the State Department. I’ll host it; I’ll preside over the ceremony. I’m really looking forward to it. (Applause.)
I’m so thrilled to be here in Iowa. It was great. We flew in last night, and believe me, it was a breath of fresh air to be out of Washington, D.C. (Laughter.) And I know firsthand too how farmers are the backbone of America, how food security matters so much, and what you all do, the people of Iowa do, to help deliver that every place in the world.
I spent a good part of my summer from my early years in my life in a place called Winfield, Kansas at a family farm owned by my Uncle Jim. They were some of the most special times in my life. I remember the farm next door had a sign that said, “One Kansas Farmer Feeds 120 Plus You.” (Laughter.) I am confident that if we drive down the highways here in Iowa, we’d see a similar sign, and I know it’s true.
George Washington has the famous quote that says, “I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” I think he mean that, too.
I want to talk about agriculture and innovation and our relationship with China. The two, as you know, are deeply intertwined.
In 1980, a now very famous man, the then-governor of Guangdong Province, led the first-ever Chinese governors’ delegation here to the United States, and they traveled straight here, straight to Iowa.
A few years later, his son followed in his father’s footsteps with a visit here and struck up a friendship with the governor. Today, President Trump and President Xi deal with each other, trying to make sure that we get this important relationship right.
Indeed, you all know Iowa’s bounty has attracted many Chinese leaders, wanting to know the state’s secret for prosperity. But they haven’t fully embraced the principal ingredient for Iowa’s success, which is free enterprise and hard work and the central idea of allowing individuals to have their own autonomy and their own dignity and to lead and take chances and to take risk and to build their own businesses.
Indeed, when the heavy hand of government dictates economic policy, we all know that productivity plummets. Innovation necessarily grinds to a halt. And people are much worse off. Only the free market makes life better in the long run.
These market principles, the ideas of fair competition, have made American companies the global standard for success and quality.
Earlier today, I had the chance to visit the facilities of Corteva, an agricultural science company. It was remarkable. Companies like Corteva are an example of how economic freedom, innovation, risk-taking, a light regulatory touch can make American agriculture the envy of the world and dynamic in ways that no other country can potentially match.
Think about what our businesses do. I ran a small business in south central Kansas for – before I lost my mind and ran for Congress – (laughter) – now almost a decade ago. Gene editing has paved the way to eliminate diseases like corn blight. Companies like Quantified Ag have developed ear tags that use biometric technology to relay information about an animal’s health in real time. Others, like Agribotix, are using data from drones to help farmers make more precise fertilizer applications to boost yield.
These things seem simple to us. They seem like common sense. But they arose out of the creativity and freedom that we have here in America. It has taken decades of ingenuity, the decades of ingenuity which have enabled our farmers to produce harvests at levels the world would have been astounded by just a few years ago. This idea, this spirit of innovation makes America what it is in the agriculture world – renouned for its integrity, known for its safety, and knowing too that we deliver reliable products each and every time.
Indeed, when consumers eat an American steak, they know exactly what they are getting. Worldwide trust in the American brand is unmatched from farm to table, as we might say.
We also have the highest quality because of our free-market system. Companies value their brand in a market-based economy and work to protect that reputation. Competition and choice cause people to play by the rules.
Indeed, we have an entire ecosystem – some of them are standing in the back – an entire ecosystem of reporters, investors, food safety experts, consumer advocates, and nongovernment organizations that keep an eye on our companies and our markets. And our fair-minded justice system punishes law-breakers.
The vibrancy of our agricultural sector shows that America’s economic dynamism is not confined to Manhattan or to Silicon Valley or to Cambridge, Massachusetts. The American heartland is vibrant with economic potency.
And good things are happening here too in Des Moines, no less than they are in Palo Alto. There are even wineries in the Hawkeye State, or so I’m told. (Laughter.) So look, you’re more similar to California than you want to believe. (Laughter.)
And President Trump’s low-tax, regulation-cutting agenda is ensuring that our ag industry, along with all the other sectors of our economy, have room to continue to grow and thrive, that our countries continue to innovate without undue burden, that our farmers will be able to bequeath their rich piece of earth to their children.
Unfortunately, China has taken a different approach. It has a state-led set of economic practices that threaten the health of the American agriculture industry that you’ve all worked so hard to develop.
When we hear the stories of China stealing sensitive technologies, we often think of the technology powers – that powers our fighter jets, our smartphones, and our medical devices. But Americans should know that China has targeted intellectual property and technology essential to farming, too.
A few years ago, an Iowa farm security guard saw something suspicious in a field and stopped to investigate. He caught a Chinese national digging in the dirt, trying to steal genetically engineered corn seed that took years of research and development to create and which had cost a lot of money to build. That individual later pled guilty to stealing seed from Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, and LG Seeds.
There’s another story, a different Chinese national, who stole hundreds of genetically engineered rice seeds produced by his employer. He stored them in his residence. He then passed the seeds to representatives of a Chinese crop research institute when they came to town, and it wasn’t until the Customs and Border Patrol, our CBP officers, searched their bags before a flight that he was caught.
And then, of course, there’s the theft that takes place in the robotics and industrial technologies that form the backbone of our agriculture industry as well. Every time there’s a theft of this kind, it eats away at the history, it eats away at the seed corn of the industries upon which you and your children and grandchildren depend.
And you should know too it’s not just big companies that suffer. As one farmer said, quote, “What no one seems to understand is that they’re stealing from people like me. They’re stealing the research that farmers pay [for] each time they buy a Monsanto seed.”
IP theft too isn’t the only problem that China presents. It’s an economic model that has for years survived on protectionism, rule-breaking, and state subsidies. China denies American companies access to its market through tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers, and they deny us the ability to compete on a fair and reciprocal basis.
I’ve been around enough businesses here in the heartland to know we don’t fear competition. But to compete successfully, you have to have a real shot. You have to have a relatively level playing field. And China’s protectionism has for decades tilted it, tilted the field against our farmers and agricultural companies.
You should know too that American agriculture exporters aren’t the only folks that are the victims of China’s state-dominated economy. As Ambassador Branstad reminds me, it is the Chinese people who suffer as well. Think back to 2008, when tens of thousand of Chinese children got sick from contaminated milk and baby formula, with several of them dying. Even today, many Chinese travel abroad to buy baby formula, and Chinese expatriates make big bucks shipping it back home for profit.
A few years ago, Time Magazine investigated fake Chinese eggs and came up with this list of scrumptious ingredients: resin, starch, coagulants, pigments, sodium alginate. I’m going to stop there.
Today in China, counterfeit goods, counterfeit products, the overuse of pesticides, reprocessed cooking waste all remain persistent problems.
And just as China has guarantees of human rights written into its constitution, China boasts plenty of food safety laws. It’s not about writing down one more regulation or one more rule. But enforcement is weak or nonexistent, and as we see so often in socialist countries, the prevalence of corruption in China’s state-commanded economy frequently allows this kind of fraud to go undetected and almost always unpunished. And even when it’s uncovered, the incentive to cheat remains unchanged. The Chinese people deserve better.
The good news is this: Help is on the way. American producers and Chinese consumers will both be better off. The outcome of President Trump’s trade negotiations currently underway will pay dividends for people in each of our two countries.
The President is taking a very hard line on stopping the theft of intellectual property. For our ag producers, President Trump is fighting to level the playing field to which I earlier referred so there will be greater market access for each of them.
This is great news. But opening up markets for new businesses isn’t just a pet project related to China. It’s one of the core missions of the State Department which I lead, and it has been for more than 200 years, but we’re doing so today with a renewed focus.
Many Americans look at the State Department and wonder what it does for them. They see the Secretary travel to far-off places and they ask the question, “Is America, are Americans, the first client of the State Department?” You should know that you are. For one thing, we have 1,700 economic officers serving all across the globe. A huge part of their work on behalf of families in Iowa or Kansas or any other state is to create opportunities for American businesses to sell their products abroad. And when it comes to international commerce, I guess you could say that the art of diplomacy goes hand-in-hand with getting deals done.
This brings me to a quick detour. I would be remiss if I didn’t spend a few minutes. Economic diplomacy is certainly a central mission of what it is that I do. It’s one of the State Department’s many missions. But if you’re an American looking for one of the most rewarding, challenging careers possible, consider the U.S. State Department. There are opportunities to represent the American flag in everything from counterterrorism to ensuring food security to fighting human trafficking. My colleagues are incredibly proud patriots serving all across the globe. They’re smart and they’re mission-driven.
The State Department has spent a lot of money and energy over the years to make sure we have a diversity, a diverse workforce. I want to make sure that we have people from the heartland serving in the Foreign Service as well. We need that geographic diversity. Our mission is, of course, to represent all of the American people in all corners of the globe, so the makeup of our workforce matters. And if you want to keep America safe and strong and advance our values, we’ve got great opportunities. You can literally change the world. Okay, infomercial over, but please, you or your kids, come check it out. It is a great place to work. It is a noble calling. The people who work with Ambassador Branstad and I are true patriots serving our great nation.
I’ll close here. Under President Trump, our diplomats have been especially busy opening up markets around the world for all kinds of American agriculture. And along with our colleagues at USDA and the Trade Representative’s office and the Department of Commerce, this administration has opened up a path for dairy and poultry to Canada, lamb and goat meat to Japan, beef and pork to Argentina, poultry to India, lamb to El Salvador, beef and poultry to Morocco, eggs to South Africa, dairy to Turkey, and handfuls of others. We hope that the EU too will soon lower its trade barriers and grant expanded access for American goods.
Where China is concerned, new market access must come, and we must do so in a way that creates systems that are enforceable. It doesn’t do any good to sign one more agreement, one more document, if a mechanism to enforce those commitments that the Chinese make to us doesn’t have the capacity to create a set of rules and processes that are enforceable.
One final point of importance related to keeping the American ag sector prosperous. Our abundance has always been an incredible blessing to the world. We have to extend that legacy. The promise of land and the rich soil stretching into the horizon in a better life drew innumerable settlers to our shores. After World War I, Herbert Hoover helped quarterback our efforts to feed tens of millions of Europeans, a project that depended substantially on American foodstuffs. And in the years immediately following World War II, American farm output again helped feed a continent ravaged by war and continuing to suffer from the threat of famine.
There are many programs today – you all are part of them – that help satisfy and provide food for the world’s neediest. That need has only grown and will only continue to grow. Today, the United States is the world’s number one exporter of food and ag products, and our generosity is legion. Our USAID bought 1.4 [1] metric tons of food from American farmers in 2017 and fed 70 million people across 53 countries.
But frankly, the greatest blessing – the greatest blessing from American agriculture to the world isn’t due to any government program. It was the work of Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug, the founder of this great institute. He devoted his life to feeding the world’s population and bringing it out of starvation and malnourishment. And by breeding new species of wheat that yielded once unthinkable harvests, it’s estimated that he helped save billons of lives.
The explosion of agriculture productivity he triggered became known as the Green Revolution, and you should know that it was an American revolution and an American innovator who did that. I am confident that the next billion, and the billion after that of people who will be fed around the world, will also be fed by American innovation, creativity, and hard work.
And we too know that to do that, we have to make sure that American businesses and people prosper. Earlier today I met with some young people in the FFA. It’s an impressive group. I remember my time representing south central Kansas. These are great young leaders of the future. They have firsthand knowledge of agriculture that is unparalleled anyplace in the world by young people.
I mentioned earlier the farm in Winfield, Kansas. It’s where I spent my summers. It’s now where we go for family holidays to just hang out and get away. There is in that farm on the fence on the southwest corner a century farm sign, a hundred years in the family. It’s proudly staked right there. It took hard work by my Uncle Jim to keep this family farm in the family and to continue to make it prosperous and successful. I get that. America’s State Department gets that and President Trump gets that as well. I know this: Farm life is the best of what America has to offer. We’re committed in the administration to making sure that those young people that I met with today can pass on that noble way of life to their children. I hope that God will bless them. I hope that God will bless each of you and Iowa and the United States of America. Thank you, and I am happy to take a handful of questions. (Applause.) Thanks.
QUESTION: I have a question.
QUESTION: First I would like to thank you and the ambassador for coming to visit us, and we’d like to thank you for all your hard work on our behalf. And we know its hard work out there, and I’d like to thank you for men of integrity working on our behalf. Thank you for that.
QUESTION: My question is this: What are some of the major obstacles left in the trade negotiations with China?
SECRETARY POMPEO: So I won’t – so I can’t give away the details of where they’re still working or the exact details of what’s going on, but it won’t surprise you what’s really difficult. The issue of opening up markets and access is a hard one for sure but not the hardest of the issues. I think we’ll actually get to a place where the Chinese will put this in a place where they’ll buy more soybeans, buy more American products. I think we’ll be successful on that.
The more complicated issues are around the structural challenges, structural challenges that not only impact agriculture but manufacturing services, frankly all sellers of goods and services inside of China. This risk of IP stealing, forced technology transfer, about which I spoke in my remarks, is real and difficult, and not something the Chinese are going to give up easily. And you attach on the back side of that that you need more than just a promise to undo those structural things. You need a mechanism by which those commitments can be enforced, and that’s the focus. It’s where Ambassador Lighthizer, Secretary Mnuchin, and the trade team are fully engaged. They have made progress on every one of those components of the agreement. They truly have. I’ve seen that and I know Ambassador Branstad has seen that as well. So real progress on every one of those elements. But if you ask what the hurdles are that remain, it’s those last couple items that will inevitably prove tricky but which I’m very, very hopeful we’ll be able to wrap up and get a truly successful outcome for the United States and for American ag.
Yes, sir. Go ahead, I’m sorry. Yes, sir.
QUESTION: Secretary Pompeo, I also want to thank you for coming here to Iowa and visiting. My grandfather in 1932 left Clearwater, Kansas to come to Iowa because it would just get too dry down there for him. (Laughter.) Life was better in Iowa. And I’m a lifelong —
SECRETARY POMPEO: I’m going to tell the people of Clearwater you said that. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: Well, I’ve still got relatives down there. I have my great-great aunt still living in Wichita as well. I’m a big farmer here in central Iowa. Our family has been involved in pork production, corn, soybeans as well. We’re still dealing with retaliatory tariffs, not only from China but also from Mexico. The pork industry is very important to the state of Iowa and really the whole Midwest, and we’ve really taken a double whammy. And so could you address maybe the Mexican issue as well, please?
SECRETARY POMPEO: So this risk of retaliatory tariffs – you’ve seen it in pork, we’ve seen it in other places as well – is real. The President is deeply aware of this. The trade teams are all aware. We’re working – when we get a comprehensive agreement – we now have a relatively comprehensive agreement in the USMCA. We are working to clean up all of these issues alongside of that.
And I hesitate to get too far out over my skis, but I’m optimistic that we’ll get that, that we’ll get resolution and get pulled back some of these risks from retaliatory tariffs. But I do want to emphasize those commitments are as good as the paper they’re written on if there’s not a mechanism that permits the United States to respond in a way that doesn’t require us going into court someplace in a country that doesn’t have the rule of law, that doesn’t have an advanced justice system. We have to make sure that when we sign up for those things and we pick them, that we really have.
There’s a long history – you would probably know this history better than I do – a long history of us having celebrations, having signing ceremonies, everyone thinking, boy, we’ve put this problem to rest, only to find that in relatively short order we didn’t really solve much. And we are trying not to – we’re trying to make original mistakes, not repeat the past ones. We’re trying to make sure we don’t fall the same trap that American trade negotiators have done so many times. We’re deeply aware of these retaliatory tariff issues. We know how they much impact you and companies – businesses like yours. Know that they’re in the front of our mind and we’re working our way to put America in a place where our businesses don’t suffer them.
QUESTION: Yeah, Mr. Secretary, thanks for being here. We appreciate it. As soybean farmers, you know, have been hit particularly hard with the tariffs. We – the market facilitation provided much-needed relief. And my question would be: We’ve heard comments that maybe tariffs could be dropped on certain products or commodities. I – and I know in the negotiating process you can’t show your cards, but is there a chance that tariffs on soybeans could be dropped in exchange for something else, make some concessions, and then some of these more tricky issues like intellectual property that take a lot of time and a lot of work could be put off or worked on – continued to be worked on while there’s some relief for some of the ag products?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. It’s a good question. You saw the President make the request that the Chinese do that. I think it was on Friday of last week he asked the Chinese, given the status of the negotiations and the fact that he made the decision on the 1st of March not to increase tariffs – something that he had previously said that he would do – he picked a date certain – he’d asked them to reduce some piece of their tariffs as well. The best I know, we haven’t received a formal response to that.
Beyond that, I don’t really want to comment too much, for rest that Ambassador Lighthizer and Secretary Mnuchin will kill me. (Laughter.) So it is a good question. It’s something I know they’re giving due thought to.
Yes, sir.
QUESTION: Ambassador, thank you – or Mr. Secretary, thank you for being here today, and Ambassador Branstad. And the work you’re doing on our IP, protecting that, you’ve heard it from everyone else around the room. And I’m a corn farmer in northeast Iowa. You’ve heard from hog producers, cattle producer, perhaps, and some soybean farmers. And we all invest money in our checkoffs, commodity checkoffs that help build these markets, and we rely heavily on investing in these markets and building them over time. They – we build great relationships. They are important for sending our products. You know all of this, I’m certain.
QUESTION: Mexico right next door is important to all of us, Canada also. We dearly need to see USMCA signed and done. One of the hurdles for that is the steel, aluminum tariffs, and – from getting that signed. What are the thoughts on getting those removed and helping this – that agreement move forward?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Fair question. Let me say this: I am very confident that there are enough votes to pass – to get the USMCA moved through our government, through the United States Government. And without getting in the business of other sovereign nations’ decision-making processes, I am confident that those countries too will conclude that this deal is their best outcome and they’ll move forward. I truly believe that. How we’ll handle these 232 tariffs as part of that, I think, remains to be seen, but as I’ve engaged with my – with Foreign Minister Freeland and the new foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, in Mexico, I think we’re in pretty good place getting each of those two countries to move forward with this agreement. You never want to count your chickens or pigs or anything before they hatch or before they grow up, but I feel pretty good about that. Unless it becomes a real political football in Washington, I think we’ll, come the end of this year, have an agreement.
Yes, sir.
QUESTION: John Maxwell (ph), eastern Iowa dairyman. Would you comment on any kind of timeframe? Because every day that marches on, it’s getting tougher and tougher.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah – no. (Laughter.) You remember how I said I’d answer almost anything? It’s just – I’m not trying to be short or – I – or not take your question seriously. I do. I am – the President is too – is enormously sympathetic to what you all are going through, but I wouldn’t want to predict a date or a week or how this is going to fall. I’ve been part of too many of these negotiations that truly – they look they’re home, they look like you see a path forward, only to find that there was something buried somewhere. And that – there’s risk that that happens here as well.
QUESTION: Thank you.
Yes. Get the microphone, yes. Yes, sir.
QUESTION: Secretary Pompeo, thank you for being here today. I would like to ask a question – yet another question on trade. With the loss of the TPP, do you see a bilateral trade agreement – I know there’s been news on some work with Japan. Do you see that coming soon?
SECRETARY POMPEO: I do. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: (Off-mike.)
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. Look, there’s been some real progress made. There are – we – there’s an enormous amount of focus on China and the trade negotiation with China. I completely get why that dominates the news, but we have efforts ongoing in China, there’s work that’s being done with the EU. Our task, the U.S. Government’s task, the State Department’s task, the trade representative’s task isn’t confined solely to the markets in China. We need to get market access – good, rules-based trade – with each of those countries.
And I will – I had an ambassador – our ambassador to the United Kingdom said the other day – he just – he said, look, they’ve been – in the EU, they’ve been smearing the quality of our food. They’ve been saying things about the quality of our food that just simply aren’t true. We have an obligation too to make sure that facts are out there. We deliver consistent, stable, affordable, high-yield, high-quality food products all around the world, and boy, they – the folks use these myths to try and knock down our capacity to sell into their markets so that these countries can protect their farmers. The State Department has an obligation to fix that too, and that goes every place in the world.
QUESTION: (Inaudible) Vietnam?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Vietnam – we talked about trade on our trip to Hanoi. People forget we actually met with the Vietnamese as well in addition to the reason we departed there. I think Vietnam is going to make big steps forward as well. They made a number of offers while there. I’m not at liberty to disclose them yet, but things that you all would be very happy with. It’s a reasonable market, right – about 97, 100 million people in Vietnam. Not quite as wealthy as you see in other places, but certainly making real strides. A larger middle class there is inevitable and will be a very important market for you all here in Iowa.
QUESTION: Bilateral?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes, almost certainly a bilateral agreement with the Vietnamese. It may not even be a formal trade agreement. It may be just elements of what you would see in a normal trade agreement, full-on – full free trade agreement. And to your point on doing – it would – we could do this piecemeal and get a really good outcome, a really good quick hit, which I think would be great given the conditions we’re in today.
QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, I just wanted to congratulate you and thank you for reducing the tension between India and Pakistan. I understand after their airstrikes, both foreign ministers spoke to you, and you spoke and the tension was reduced then. I want to congratulate you for your first diplomatic —
SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. I appreciate that. It’s a place with great tension. I hope that the efforts that I made and others in the United States Government made did reduce the risk that we get escalation. It would be a bad thing for everyone. As with lots of these things, I think everyone knew that, but in times of high tension, it is often difficult, and so it requires sometimes someone else to come in and try and make sure that good reason and logic prevail in the midst of really challenging conflict that’s been going on, as you well know, for an awfully long time.
And it’s not certain. We certainly have reduced tension through the weekend and today. My team on the ground in each of those two countries is working diligently to help ensure that it stays there and that these – this conflict is resolved in a way at the negotiating table and through peace, rather than through armed conflict and the loss of lives. So thank you. Thanks for that.
Yes, sir.
QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, thank you so much for coming here. I really do appreciate it. It’s always nice to see high-ranking members of U.S. Government coming and letting Iowans know that you are really working for us.
My question was actually just secondary based off of the last question. Does China use those third-party influences or auxiliary countries in the negotiating table? Specifically saying Pakistan is very important for U.S. militarily, but it’s important for China economically. Does that ever come up regarding those trade negotiations, or do you guys just review it as one large, dynamic problem or isolated incidents?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. I will tell you that the – that’s a good question because it is absolutely the case that every one of these trade negotiations that I’ve referred to today takes place in the context of much broader set of relationships – security relationships, military relationships, diplomatic relationships, and broader set of economic relationships as well.
When it has come to the trade negotiations with China, it has been pretty compartmentalized. The focus has been on this. Neither of us has raised the specter of bringing outside things into this. It has been about trying to find a set of rules and incentives that will provide a lasting outcome that gives American businesses real opportunity to compete in China in a way that’s fair and reciprocal, without the risk of losing the property that they’ve so heavily invested in. So it’s been pretty squared off, which we thought at the beginning made sense, and the Chinese have honored that in good measure as well.
QUESTION: Thank you.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes, sir. Gordon, good to see you.
QUESTION: (Off-mike.)
SECRETARY POMPEO: I’m good, good. You never know where you’re going to see an old friend.
QUESTION: Yeah, I had to come to Iowa to see you. And by the way, we’d take you back. (Laughter.) Believe me, we would take you back.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Don’t – do not start that rumor. (Laughter.) You’ve got media in the back.
QUESTION: No, I know. I know.
SECRETARY POMPEO: There is no upside to that.
QUESTION: And hello to your better half, by the way. Mike did marry up, believe me. (Laughter.) She’s a wonderful lady.
Mike, my question is kind of simple: What’s it like working for Donald Trump?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. (Laughter.) It is really very simple. It’s an enormous privilege. I mean, to stand here in front of you as America’s most senior diplomat, trying to deliver on the promises that President Trump made during his campaign, right – 60-plus million voters wanted him to do things different, to fundamentally change some of the courses that America had been on. And to get a chance to serve for him is truly an enormous privilege. I’ve now done it twice. I’m on my second gig. I saw him almost every day when I was the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. I provided him with his daily brief. And now I talk to him almost every day, sometimes more than once.
He is the kind of leader that sets a direction, charts the course, gives guidance, says, Mike, this is the – these are the outcomes that I need you to deliver, and then allows me and my team to go implement and execute. I appreciate that. He then in turn holds us each accountable to achieve the mission that he set out for us, and it’s a wonderful thing to have this opportunity. And then you all get to read his Twitter account too, so. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: Thank you, Secretary, and thank you, Ambassador.
QUESTION: Secretary, my name is Ben Renche (ph). I farm in northeast Iowa – Jesup, Iowa – and I just wondered if you could shed some light on when we might see our colleague, Indiana farmer Kip Tom, reach final confirmation on his post to UN ambassador for food and ag.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Oh my goodness, I should have you all sign letters on his behalf. I have at the State Department several dozen people pending confirmation, all of whom are highly qualified, capable people who have agreed to go serve America, and they’re not on the battlefield. They’re not on the playing field. They’re not on the diplomatic field. That’s most unfortunate.
If there are – if either of your senators are sitting in the back of the room, they’re probably going to throw something at me here in a minute, but moving these confirmations forward for qualified candidates for which there is no objection seems like a basic underpinning of what the American people are owed. So it has proven enormously frustrating for me at the State Department and I know for my colleagues in the Cabinet who have people in various positions in Department of Agriculture, Department of Treasury, you name it, to not be able to get them out actively doing the task which they have so graciously agreed to accept.
I couldn’t tell you. I don’t know what these timelines are going to look like. I hope – at the State Department – I’m following that much more closely – we’ve got some 40-plus. I hope we get most of them done by the next couple months. There are qualified candidates for which no senator objects who have been sitting on the list pending confirmation for over a year.
Now I’m going to have to go testify in front of the Senate, so here we go. (Laughter.) I promise you I’ll hear that sentence back.
Yes, ma’am.
QUESTION: Secretary, thank you so much for being here. As a Midwest farmer, you understand the power of a handshake deal. Being a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and now in your current position, I’m sure you understand that facts really matter. And with the Chinese we see that there’s some flexibility with facts.
I work for Iowa Select Farms. We’re the largest pork producer here in the state of Iowa. African swine fever is a huge problem for the Chinese right now and across the world actually, and we’re not getting good facts from them. So a twofold question: In your time there, did you see or hear anything about African swine fever you could share with us from a firsthand experience? And secondly, how does this flexibility with facts play into trade negotiations with the Chinese Government?
SECRETARY POMPEO: So when I was there on the recent trip, it was raised. We talked about it some. Ambassador Branstad has been very engaged on this issue to try and understand the scope, the challenge, all of the various characteristics of the risk that is presented to that, and I’m – I think I’ll just leave it at that.
With respect to being fact-challenged, you should know that there are many countries around the world that present fact challenge situations to the United States. Indeed, some of our friends from time to time. Our task is to separate the wheat from the chaff. How’s that for a good analogy here in Iowa?
It’s a real challenge, and one of the things that we have I think an absolute duty to do is provide the moral clarity around that. When countries are engaged in activities, sometimes so far as information campaigns – disinformation campaigns – we have an obligation to call it out from whatever voice that information is emanating. When we do that, I think we achieve some level of deterrence, but most importantly I think we protect America – that is, in the sense we remain a country that does act in ways that are very fact-based.
You should know I’m so proud to represent the 75,000 people of the United States Department of State. When I travel the world, I’ll hear from our counterparts all over that, Mike, we learn a lot from the United States. You all help us. You provide foreign aid, whatever it is the assistance might be, but one of the things that you bring to my country is people of integrity. We see how your diplomats work. We see how hard they work. We see how they’re honest. We see how they don’t show up with paper bags full of cash to get a deal done. We see how it is that they interact with their colleagues, that they treat every human being with the dignity and respect that they deserve.
They see that. They see the representation of these core understandings of the United States of America, which are part of what you’re talking about with respect to fact-based presentations. It’s literally the case that when I enter a room to try and wrap up a negotiation, whether it’s us trying to complete a trade deal or a arms weapon sale or getting permission for our embassy to have more people – whatever it is, our counterparts know that whatever it is I tell them will be truthful, that we won’t be playing games, that we won’t be engaged in a series of deceits. It’s not that we don’t make mistakes, it’s not that we don’t get things wrong, but we’re showing up with a facts-based – a fact-based presentation on behalf of the United States of America, something you all should be incredibly proud of. And I wish it was the case that there were fewer – there were more countries that engaged in international activity in the same way that we do. (Applause.)
Looks like I’ve got time for one more. Anybody, or did I wear you all out? Yes, sir.
QUESTION: I’m a fifth-generation farmer from northwest Iowa, and I was kind of ready, positioned myself for these trade negotiations, but I grew a really good crop, so I haven’t – I’m not all priced ahead. And I just – we’re going to have big carryouts; at least, they’re all predicting that we will. Do you have a plan B or whatever to peddle these things someplace other than China that – more reliable for us? I mean, I’m going to encourage you to sell all you want, we’ll grow more. (Laughter.)
SECRETARY POMPEO: So there’s been lots of ideas floated. I don’t know that there’s a concrete solution to the question that you raise. I wish I could tell you, yes, we’ve got them – markets identified, we know the price at which we can clear. I can’t tell you that. But there are lots of ideas about how we might do that, ways that we might assist. I know there was some assistance, interim assistance that was provided, but I also know I heard from farmers in Kansas. They appreciated that, they thought it was great, but they’d rather just sell their stuff and run their business and pass it on to the sixth generation.
Yeah, one more. Yes, sir. I saw you had one. Yes.
QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, thanks for coming to Iowa. Ambassador Branstad, thanks for coming back. (Applause.) I wondered if you could touch on North Korea situation and maybe opening up a trade agreement with them, if something (inaudible).
SECRETARY POMPEO: I live in hope. (Laughter.) So a little bit of color on the President’s trip to Hanoi perhaps would be of some interest. So I’ve been at this since the beginning. I took the first trip on behalf of the administration when I was the CIA director. I told a story that’s not for repeating to your governor a little bit ago from the first trip. We’ve been engaged in the fundamental proposition of trying to convince Chairman Kim, who is 35 years old, that the historic strategy which said that absent nuclear weapons North Korea will fall, that the government will fall, that it was their only way of achieving security for the country – and they trust that. They’re confident that that will protect them.
We’ve been trying to convince them with a fact-based presentation that says, actually, your best way – if your goal is tomorrow, you may well be right. But if your goal is two, five, ten, twenty-five years, then, in fact, those nuclear weapons will actually present risk to your country, that running a nation in the way that North Korea has been run is not a sustainable model for the next ten, twenty, thirty years. But it’s going to require Chairman Kim to make that strategic decision.
We didn’t get there this past trip. In spite of lots of hard work that was done by State Department team, DOD team, all the folks at the Department of Energy over the past weeks working with the North Koreans to try and outline what a real big deal would look like, we didn’t get there. So I am hopeful, although I have no commitment yet, that we will be back at it, that I’ll have a team in Pyongyang in the next couple weeks continuing to work to find those places where there is shared interest.
A team will also be out working with our partners, right. We’ve built an enormous coalition, right, all the members of the UN Security Council. People think of these sanctions as being ours. They’re not. They’re the world’s sanctions. Everyone understands the threat from North Korea. We think we still have everyone on board. We think the whole world still understands the threat, even after the deal that was proffered, which the President didn’t think rose to the level of something that he ought to accept, and we’re still working at it.
A big component of what we have presented the President refers to as a brighter future for the people of North Korea. A significant component of that brighter future is the economic opportunity that sits in North Korea. For any of you who have studied this, there are enormous structural challenges – infrastructure challenges, electricity challenges. There are many, but it’s a pretty fertile place. It’s a place with 25 million people, an economy that has enormous potential for growth, and we believe that there are resources and willing partners who will come if we can make it across the Rubicon on the nuclear weapons to build a brighter future for the people of North Korea. And there would almost certainly be an enormous opportunity for American business to serve that 25-million-person market as well. It’ll take a while to build them out to a place where they have a significant, scalable middle-class economy, but we’ve seen other Asian countries do this in time periods that no one believed that it could be pulled off.
MODERATOR: Sir, we have time for one more.
SECRETARY POMPEO: All right, great. Thank you.
Yes, sir.
QUESTION: Do you think China’s Belt and Road policy could eventually remove Africa and Europe and Southeast Asia from the American sphere of influence for markets?
SECRETARY POMPEO: No way. So the question is do you think China’s Belt and Road is going to take down the United States of America – I summarize. No chance. As I travel the world, people are on to it. They get the shtick. These deals are, in fact, often too good to be true, and many countries have already begun to see that. They show up with products that aren’t world-class, with Chinese labor and an enormous debt package which is almost certainly designed for foreclosure. And I think the world is beginning to see that.
And I think too America sat still for too long. We didn’t respond to this economic activity, and we’re determined to do it. And so you’re now seeing American businesses, American diplomats showing up in these conversations, making sure that there’s a fact-based discussion about what’s really taking place and how it is the case that there are better alternatives than doing some of these deals with China.
I want to be clear: We’re perfectly prepared and we welcome China moving around the world when competing. On a fair and level playing field, they have every right to go out and have Chinese companies go compete their brains out, work their tails off, and go compete with us. And if they show up with a project that is an economically viable project and it is better than what the Europeans show up with or the Americans show up with or what the Japanese or the Australians show up, so be it. We want the Chinese Government to grow its economy and be successful. We see no problem with that.
Where we have a real problem is when they show up with deals that just not a soul in this room would do, that none of you would. How many bankers do we have in the room? Any financing folks? None of you would loan into these deals, and none of you would see the economic outcome that got you to the right place in that transaction. That means almost certainly that there’s a political component to the investment.
And I’m very convinced that the world is waking up to this risk. I’m very convinced that America is responding to this risk. And I always believe that over a substantial period of time that markets always beat centralized government every place you find them. And I think that’ll be what happens here with the China Belt and Road Initiative as well.
Well, look, thank you all. Thank you so much for your time today. Good luck and God bless you all. Thanks. (Applause.) |
2022年4月4日,美国东部夏令时上午11:07 AM EDT
今早发布的政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)《减缓气候变化报告》明确指出了我们可以做些什么来遏制或延缓全球变暖。报告还显示,目前全球减缓气候危机的努力远未达标。若不能落实现有的国家承诺以及强有力、积极和有雄心的进一步行动,我们就无法实现将全球变暖限制在 1.5摄氏度的目标。
这份报告清楚地表明:避免气候危机最严重影响的工具牢牢掌握在我们手中。世界各国必须有足够的勇气使用它们。 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report on Mitigation
APRIL 4, 2022
This morning’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on mitigation makes clear what we can do to stop or slow planetary warming. The report also reveals how current global efforts to mitigate the climate crisis fall far short of what is needed. Without full implementation of current national pledges and robust, aggressive, and ambitious further action we cannot keep the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal within reach.
That is why we have called this the decisive decade. The IPCC found there are options available now, in all sectors, that can halve global emissions by 2030 – from improving energy efficiency, to halting and reversing global deforestation, to deploying more sustainable transportation and clean energy. There are ways to improve our chances of success, including more effective decision-making across all levels of government, increased alignment of financial flows with climate outcomes, and enhanced international cooperation.
The report also tells us there is reason for hope. The IPCC found we are making some progress towards the needed reductions in carbon emissions. With actions already taken, and the pledges made under the Paris Agreement through COP26, we can get closer to limiting warming to 2 degrees Celsius, and with additional effort we can keep 1.5 degrees Celsius within reach.
That is why the Administration has made tackling the climate crisis a central part of its agenda from Day One. The President’s FY 2023 budget request to Congress includes more than $11 billion in international climate finance to avert the worst impacts of climate change and to support developing countries in taking more ambitious climate action.
This report makes it clear: the tools to stave off the worst impacts of the climate crisis are firmly within our grasp. Nations of the world must be brave enough to use them. |
2021 年 11 月 3 日
这虽然是我第一次出席气候大会,但并不是我第一次加入关于气候变化的政治讨论。我在克林顿政府任职期间,当团队需要一位白宫官员到国会就《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)的好处作证时,我自愿前往。我告诉国会要将《京都议定书》想成是星球保险的一种形式。如果这能拯救全部物种和无价的海岸城市,如果这能帮助确保我们让这个世界一直适宜居住,那么为使我们的经济脱碳转型进行重大投资难道不值得吗?
拜登总统致力于重新确立美国在抗击气候变化中的领导作用。今年春天,他主持了一次领导人峰会来增进全球的雄心。我们还要求获得资金以重新启动我们对绿色气候基金(Green Climate Fund)以及其他气候基金的贡献。
今年四月,美国宣布了到2024年将把我们为发展中国家提供的公共国际气候融资翻番的计划,随后拜登总统又前往联合国大会(UN General Assembly)并宣布我们将这个数目再翻一番达到每年114亿美元。这总计比我们以前承诺为适应力提供的融资增加了六倍。
这包括绿色气候基金和全球环境基金(Global Environmental Facility)在内,它们作为《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)和《巴黎协议》(Paris Agreement)的运作实体都发挥着提供及调动气候融资的关键作用。这两个基金在过去几年都是主要的气候融资提供方,而且我们希望看到持续的有力的贡献,不仅在于数量而且在于更大的效率和影响力,其中包括探索它们怎样才能更好地同私营部门接触,以便为气候努力催化更多的融资。
作为平稳转型的一部分,至关重要的是以一种支持受影响社区的方式鼓励退出使用煤炭,包括通过清洁技术基金(Clean Technology Fund)的新的加速煤炭转型(Accelerating Coal Transition)计划。加速脱碳转型——通过终止对新的煤炭项目的公共国际融资以及为加速关闭现有的燃煤发电厂提供创新的融资工具——可能是我们从气候视角出发所能做出的最具即时影响力的政策决定。
我们正在取得进展,通过二十国集团可持续融资工作组(G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group)改善让金融流动同我们的集体气候目标相一致的国际协作。我高兴地同其他财政部长们一起支持二十国集团可持续融资路线图(G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap),它凸显了扩大可持续融资的各项行动,包括给新兴市场和发展中国家的能力建设和技术支持。
应对气候危机势在必行——而且同时还是我们这个时代最巨大的经济机遇。我们在应对气候变化的同时,能够而且将会创造薪酬良好的就业机会和新型产业。不仅对于美国是这样,而且对于所有国家都是如此。我们知道气候变化的影响现在就能感受得到,而且正沉重地落在全世界最弱势人口的身上。第26届联合国气候变化大会必须成为一个转折点——我们承诺为到2050年实现净零排放而采取必要举措的时刻。 | November 3, 2021
As prepared for delivery:
Thank you all for the chance to speak today.
I know some of you and have met many new colleagues since I have arrived. Because the reality is, it is not common for Finance Ministers to attend a COP. In fact, I am the first U.S. Treasury Secretary to do so. The reason I am here is because climate change is not just an environmental issue. It is not just an energy issue. It is an economic, development and market-destabilizing issue and I would not be doing my job if I did not treat it with the seriousness warranted.
While this is my first COP, it is not the first time that I jumped into a political discussion on climate change. When I served in the Clinton Administration and the team needed a White House official to testify before Congress on the merits of the Kyoto Protocol, I volunteered. I told Congress to think of Kyoto as a form of planetary insurance. Wouldn’t even a significant investment in transitioning our economies away from carbon be worth it if it saved entire species and priceless coastal cities? If it helped ensure that we kept the world livable?
It’s 23 years later, and I think there’s more hope than ever before. More and more, we are seeing nations reach across borders, to work together toward the common task of keeping the limit of 1.5 degrees global warming within reach. And today, I’d like to spend a few minutes on how the United States is doing its part.
President Biden is committed to reasserting U.S. leadership to combat climate change. This Spring, he hosted a Leaders’ Summit to ramp up global ambition. We also requested funds to restart our contributions to the Green Climate Fund and other climate funds.
In April, the United States announced plans to double our public international climate finance for developing countries by 2024, and then President Biden went to the UN General Assembly and announced we were doubling that number again to $11.4 billion per year. All told, this represents a six-fold increase of financing for adaptation over our previous pledge.
But as I spoke about this morning, the amount of funding is only one piece. We also have to make sure it is being channeled as quickly and effectively as possible.
This includes the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environmental Facility, which play both the critical role of delivering and mobilizing climate finance as operating entities of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. Both funds have been major climate finance providers over the past several years, and we want to see continued strong contributions, not only in volume but also in greater efficiency and impact, including exploring how they can better engage the private sector to catalyze more financing for climate efforts.
The United States is also calling on the multilateral development banks to increase their efforts. Bringing together the heads of several of these banks over the summer, and again last month, I urged each institution to develop concrete plans to raise their climate ambition and to identify specific ways they could mobilize more climate finance. While there is still more to be done, I am pleased with the progress made so far this year. Every government will face difficult choices as it seeks the best pathway to a zero-emissions and climate resilient future, and MDBs are well-positioned to provide advice and resources to smooth that transition.
As part of a smooth transition, it is critical to encourage coal decommissioning in a way that supports impacted communities, including through the Clean Technology Fund’s new Accelerating Coal Transition program. Expediting the transition away from coal – by both ending public international funding for new coal projects and providing innovative financing instruments to hasten the closure of existing coal-fired plants – is perhaps the most immediately impactful policy decision we can make from a climate perspective.
This October, the United States reached a consensus at the OECD with our international partners to prohibit export credit financing for unabated coal power. This will effectively eliminate billions of dollars in future international government spending on some of the dirtiest energy sources, freeing up our limited public resources to focus on the investments in technologies that keep us on the path to net-zero.
No amount of public financing alone will be sufficient to meet the demands of the climate crisis. Private capital is essential to our success. As we work to mobilize this capital, we must continue to focus on addressing the challenges that emerging markets and developing countries face in attracting private sector financing.
We are making progress on improving international coordination on aligning financial flows with our collective climate goals through the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group. I was pleased to join my fellow Finance Ministers to endorse the G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap, which highlights actions to scale up sustainable finance, including capacity building and technical support to emerging markets and developing countries.
Tackling the climate crisis is imperative – and at the same time, the greatest economic opportunity of our time. We can and will create good-paying jobs and new industries as we tackle climate change. This holds true not just for the United States, but for all countries. We know the impacts of climate change are being felt now and are falling heavily on the world’s most vulnerable. COP26 must be the turning point – the moment when we commit to taking the necessary actions to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
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这次谈判涉及了范围广泛的议题,包括:(1)美国公司被迫向中国公司转移技术的方式;(2)中国需要加强对知识产权的保护和执法;(3)美国公司在中国面临的众多关税和非关税壁垒;(4)中国对美国商业财产的网络盗窃造成的危害;(5)包括补贴和国有企业的市场扭曲力量如何导致产能过剩;(6)需要消除限制美国向中国出售制成品、服务和农业的市场壁垒和关税;以及 (7) 货币在美中贸易关系中的作用。双方还讨论了减少美国对中国巨大且不断增长的贸易逆差的需要。中国从美国农民、牧场主、制造商和企业购买美国产品是谈判的一个关键内容。
虽然已经取得了进展,但仍有许多工作要做。唐纳德·J·特朗普总统重申,在布宜诺斯艾利斯同意的90天进程是一个严格的最后期限,如果美国和中国截止2019年3月1日不能达成令人满意的结果,美国关税将会增加。美国期待着在这些重要议题上与中国进一步谈判。 | Issued on: January 31, 2019
For the last two days, high-ranking officials from the United States and China have engaged in intense and productive negotiations over the economic relationship between our two countries. The United States appreciates the preparation, diligence, and professionalism shown throughout these meetings by Vice Premier Liu He and his team.
The talks covered a wide range of issues, including: (1) the ways in which United States companies are pressured to transfer technology to Chinese companies; (2) the need for stronger protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in China; (3) the numerous tariff and non-tariff barriers faced by United States companies in China; (4) the harm resulting from China’s cyber-theft of United States commercial property; (5) how market-distorting forces, including subsidies and state-owned enterprises, can lead to excess capacity; (6) the need to remove market barriers and tariffs that limit United States sales of manufactured goods, services, and agriculture to China; and (7) the role of currencies in the United States–China trading relationship. The two sides also discussed the need to reduce the enormous and growing trade deficit that the United States has with China. The purchase of United States products by China from our farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and businesses is a critical part of the negotiations.
The two sides showed a helpful willingness to engage on all major issues, and the negotiating sessions featured productive and technical discussions on how to resolve our differences. The United States is particularly focused on reaching meaningful commitments on structural issues and deficit reduction. Both parties have agreed that any resolution will be fully enforceable.
While progress has been made, much work remains to be done. President Donald J. Trump has reiterated that the 90-day process agreed to in Buenos Aires represents a hard deadline, and that United States tariffs will increase unless the United States and China reach a satisfactory outcome by March 1, 2019. The United States looks forward to further talks with China on these vital topics. |
Mission Logo
美国政府将继续充分利用美国的经济和外交力量,敦促民主在委内瑞拉的恢复。 | Press Statement
Robert Palladino
Deputy Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 12, 2019
We stand with the Venezuelan people, and we praise the fierce commitment to democratic principles of the elected members of the Venezuelan National Assembly. We commend the courage of the National Assembly’s leadership, particularly its president, Juan Guaido, and his decision to invoke the authorities of the Venezuelan Constitution.
We call on all Venezuelans to uphold and respect the role of the National Assembly, as established in the Venezuelan Constitution of 1999, and, in particular, for the security forces and the armed forces to respect all protections the constitution affords to Guaido and the other members of the National Assembly, especially their safety and welfare.
The people of Venezuela deserve to live in freedom in a democratic society governed by the rule of law. It is time to begin the orderly transition to a new government. We support the National Assembly’s call for all Venezuelans to work together, peacefully, to restore constitutional government and build a better future.
The United States government will continue to use the full weight of U.S. economic and diplomatic power to press for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. |
美国已确诊数宗由最初在中华人民共和国湖北省武汉发现的新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)导致人体严重急性呼吸系统疾病的病例。这种病毒于2019年12月在中国被发现。截至2020年1月31日,中国卫生官员报告中国已发生约10,000宗2019-nCoV确诊病例,高于2003年严重急性呼吸系统综合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)爆发期间的确诊数。另在其他22个国家出现114宗确诊病例;其中几宗病例的病毒感染者未曾前往中国。中国全国现有200多人因感染这种病毒丧生。
临近的各管辖区已迅速采取行动,为保护本地公民关闭各辖区与中国往来的旅行。2020年1月30日,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)宣布2019-nCoV疫情为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。
人体感染新型病毒的疫情历来是公共卫生关注的事件。老年人和患基础疾病的人员面临的危险更大。公共卫生专家目前仍在探知2019-nCoV的严重性。了解这种新型病毒的重要属性,例如传播机理、潜伏期和严重性,对于评估病毒对美国公众构成的危险具有重要意义。尽管如此,疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)已确认这种病毒对公众健康构成了严重威胁。
为此,我,唐纳德·特朗普(DONALD J. TRUMP),美利坚合众国总统,根据美利坚合众国宪法(Constitution)和法律赋予我的权力,包括移民和国籍法(Immigration and Nationality Act)212(f)
和215(a)款,即美国法典(United States Code)第8篇1182(f)款和1185(a)及第3篇301
(a) 本公告第一部分之规定不适用于:
(i) 美国任何合法永久居民;
(ii) 配偶为美国公民或合法永久居民的任何外国人;
(iv) 作为美国公民或合法永久居民之兄弟姐妹的任何外国人,但双方均需未婚并不满21岁;
(v) 作为美国公民或合法永久居民之子女、领养子女或被监护人的任何外国人,或作为即将被领养者按IR-4或 IH-4签证类别申请入境美国者。
(vi) 任何应美国政府邀请为控制或缓解病毒相关事务之目的旅行的外国人;
(vii) 任何作为非移民的船员或此外作为航空机组人员或海员根据移民和国籍法第101(a)(15)(C) 或
(D)款,即美国法典第8篇1101(a)(15)(C) 或 (D)款赴美国旅行的外国人。
(viii) 任何根据A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3(作为外国政府官员或官员的直系亲属),G-1,
G-2, G-3, G-4, 北约-1(NATO-1) 至 北约-4(NATO-4), 或北约-6(NATO-6)
(ix) 由CDC主任或其指定的人员认定入境对携入、传播或散布该病毒不具有重大危险之任何外国人;
(x) 由国务卿、国土安全部长或各自指定的人员根据司法部长(Attorney General
(xi) 由国务卿、国土安全部长或各自指定的人员认定入境符合国家利益的任何外国人。
(b) 本公告所述之任何内容不应被解释为可影响任何个人的庇护资格、停止递解或为执行禁止酷刑
和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公約(Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)按美国法律和规定颁布之条例受到的保护。
(b) 国务卿、运输部长(Secretary of Transportation)
(c) 国土安全部长可制定有关的标准和程序,确定本公告在美国各海港以及所有入境口岸之间的地区得到实施和执行。
(d) 任何外国人通过欺诈、故意虚报实质性事实或非法入境逃避本公告之适用性,应作为重点对象由国土安全部长下令递解出境。
第五部分。终止。本公告除被总统终止外始终有效。卫生和公众服务部长(Secretary of Health and Human Services)应酌情在本公告发布后不超过15天的时间内,并在此后每隔15天就本公告的延续、调整或终止向总统提出建议。
(b) 如本公告之任何条款,
(a) 本公告之任何部分都不应被解释为对以下诸项造成妨碍或产生其他影响:
(i) 法律给予某行政部门或机构,或相关首脑的授权;
(ii) 管理和预算办公室主任(Director of the Office of Management and Budget)从事预算、行政或立法建议事务的功能。
(b) 本公告应遵照相关适用的法律付诸实施,并取决于可供使用之拨款。
唐纳德·特朗普(DONALD J. TRUMP) | The United States has confirmed cases of individuals who have a severe acute respiratory illness caused by COVID-19 (“the virus”) first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China (“China”). The virus was discovered in China in December 2019. As of January 31, 2020, Chinese health officials have reported approximately 10,000 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in China, more than the number of confirmed cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) during its 2003 outbreak. An additional 114 cases have been confirmed across 22 other countries; in several of these cases, the infected individuals had not visited China. More than 200 people have died from the virus, all in China.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people and others circulate among animals, including camels, cats, and bats. Animal coronaviruses are capable of evolving to infect people and subsequently spreading through human-to-human transmission. This occurred with both Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and SARS. Many of the individuals with the earliest confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in Wuhan, China had some link to a large seafood and live animal market, suggesting animal-to-human transmission. Later, a growing number of infected individuals reportedly did not have exposure to animal markets, indicating human-to-human transmission. Chinese officials now report that sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus is occurring in China. Manifestations of severe disease have included severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, and multi-organ failure.
Neighboring jurisdictions have taken swift action to protect their citizens by closing off travel between their territories and China. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the 2019-nCoV outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.
Outbreaks of novel viral infections among people are always of public health concern, and older adults and people with underlying health conditions may be at increased risk. Public health experts are still learning about the severity of 2019-nCoV. An understanding of the key attributes of this novel virus, including its transmission dynamics, incubation period, and severity, is critical to assessing the risk it poses to the American public. Nonetheless, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has determined that the virus presents a serious public health threat.
The CDC is closely monitoring the situation in the United States, is conducting enhanced entry screening at 5 United States airports where the majority of travelers from Wuhan arrive, and is enhancing illness response capacity at the 20 ports of entry where CDC medical screening stations are located. The CDC is also supporting States in conducting contact investigations of confirmed 2019-nCoV cases identified within the United States. The CDC has confirmed that the virus has spread between two people in the United States, representing the first instance of person-to-person transmission of the virus within the United States. The CDC, along with state and local health departments, has limited resources and the public health system could be overwhelmed if sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus occurred in the United States. Sustained human-to-human transmission has the potential to have cascading public health, economic, national security, and societal consequences.
During Fiscal Year 2019, an average of more than 14,000 people traveled to the United States from China each day, via both direct and indirect flights. The United States Government is unable to effectively evaluate and monitor all of the travelers continuing to arrive from China. The potential for widespread transmission of the virus by infected individuals seeking to enter the United States threatens the security of our transportation system and infrastructure and the national security. Given the importance of protecting persons within the United States from the threat of this harmful communicable disease, I have determined that it is in the interests of the United States to take action to restrict and suspend the entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States. I have also determined that the United States should take all necessary and appropriate measures to facilitate orderly medical screening and, where appropriate, quarantine of persons allowed to enter the United States who may have been exposed to this virus.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, hereby find that the unrestricted entry into the United States of persons described in section 1 of this proclamation would, except as provided for in section 2 of this proclamation, be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and that their entry should be subject to certain restrictions, limitations, and exceptions. I therefore hereby proclaim the following:
Section 1. Suspension and Limitation on Entry. The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.
Sec. 2. Scope of Suspension and Limitation on Entry.
(a) Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:
(i) any lawful permanent resident of the United States;
(ii) any alien who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident;
(iii) any alien who is the parent or legal guardian of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident is unmarried and under the age of 21;
(iv) any alien who is the sibling of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that both are unmarried and under the age of 21;
(v) any alien who is the child, foster child, or ward of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, or who is a prospective adoptee seeking to enter the United States pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications;
(vi) any alien traveling at the invitation of the United States Government for a purpose related to containment or mitigation of the virus;
(vii) any alien traveling as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15)(C) or (D) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(C) or (D), as a crewmember or any alien otherwise traveling to the United States as air or sea crew;
(viii) any alien seeking entry into or transiting the United States pursuant to an A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3 (as a foreign government official or immediate family member of an official), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-6 visa;
(ix) any alien whose entry would not pose a significant risk of introducing, transmitting, or spreading the virus, as determined by the CDC Director, or his designee;
(x) any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees based on a recommendation of the Attorney General or his designee; or
(xi) any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees.
(b) Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to affect any individual’s eligibility for asylum, withholding of removal, or protection under the regulations issued pursuant to the legislation implementing the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, consistent with the laws and regulations of the United States.
Sec. 3. Implementation and Enforcement. (a) The Secretary of State shall implement this proclamation as it applies to visas pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, may establish. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall implement this proclamation as it applies to the entry of aliens pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may establish.
(b) Consistent with applicable law, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall ensure that any alien subject to this proclamation does not board an aircraft traveling to the United States.
(c) The Secretary of Homeland Security may establish standards and procedures to ensure the application and implementation of this proclamation at United States seaports and in between all ports of entry.
(d) An alien who circumvents the application of this proclamation through fraud, willful misrepresentation of a material fact, or illegal entry shall be a priority for removal by the Department of Homeland Security.
Sec. 4. Orderly Medical Screening and Quarantine. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall take all necessary and appropriate steps to regulate the travel of persons and aircraft to the United States to facilitate the orderly medical screening and, where appropriate, quarantine of persons who enter the United States and who may have been exposed to the virus. Such steps may include directing air carriers to restrict and regulate the boarding of such passengers on flights to the United States.
Sec. 5. Termination. This proclamation shall remain in effect until terminated by the President. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall, as circumstances warrant and no more than 15 days after the date of this order and every 15 days thereafter, recommend that the President continue, modify, or terminate this proclamation.
Sec. 6. Effective Date. This proclamation is effective at 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time on February 2, 2020.
Sec. 7. Severability. It is the policy of the United States to enforce this proclamation to the maximum extent possible to advance the national security, public safety, and foreign policy interests of the United States. Accordingly:
(a) if any provision of this proclamation, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this proclamation and the application of its provisions to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby; and
(b) if any provision of this proclamation, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid because of the lack of certain procedural requirements, the relevant executive branch officials shall implement those procedural requirements to conform with existing law and with any applicable court orders.
Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This proclamation shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.
暂停有传播2019新型冠状病毒危险的移民和非移民类人员入境和为解除这项危险采取的其他适当措施 |
奥斯汀(Austin)部长;德尔·托罗(Del Toro)海军部长——(掌声)——谢谢您让我们来到您的基地;海军作战部长吉尔代(Gilday)海军上将——您在哪里,海军上将?您在这里。感谢您在洛马角海军基地(Point Loma Naval Base)接待我们。
我还要感谢两党AUKUS工作组的创始人乔·考特尼(Joe Courtney)众议员,以及今天在座的所有国会议员。感谢你们到场。
我在被问到时总会说,美国是太平洋大国,因为我们在太平洋地区。我们是太平洋大国。几十年来,美国一直在维护印太地区(Indo-Pacific)的稳定,为整个地区的国家带来巨大惠益,从东盟(ASEAN)到太平洋岛民(Pacific Islanders)再到中华人民共和国。
我们与国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)和总干事格罗西(Grossi)密切合作开展了这个项目。
我们也将开始增加在澳大利亚港口的停靠。事实上,就在我们说话时,“阿什维尔号”核动力潜艇(USS Asheville)正在对珀斯港进行访问,就在我们说话时。
你们在我身后看到的舰艇之一是弗吉尼亚级核动力潜艇“密苏里号”(USS Missouri)。顶级潜艇是美国海军实力的先锋。
原谅我展示一点个人特权——就像他们在美国参议院所说,我曾在那里度过很长时间——这些潜艇在拜登夫妇心中占有特殊位置。我的妻子,吉尔·拜登博士,是弗吉尼亚级潜艇“特拉华号”(USS Delaware)的赞助人,她从不让我忘记这点。(笑声)
而我必须承认,我们对海军核动力技术的管理是一种荣誉、骄傲和深厚的传统,弗兰克·考德威尔上将(Admiral Frank Caldwell)现在是它的掌舵人,他今天在座。上将,您在哪里?谢谢您。(掌声)
这是美国不仅与英国和澳大利亚共有的目标。它也是我们在这一地区的朋友们的目标;是我们在东盟、在太平洋岛国论坛(Pacific Islands Forum)和在四方伙伴关系(Quad)的朋友们的目标;以及我们在印太地区和欧洲的其他条约和亲密伙伴的目标。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/03/13/remarks-by-president-biden-prime-minister-albanese-of-australia-and-prime-minister-sunak-of-the-united-kingdom-on-the-aukus-partnership/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | MARCH 13, 2023
Point Loma Naval Base
San Diego, California
1:44 P.M. PDT
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, please — if you have a seat, please take it.
It’s an honor — honor to be here to welcome Prime Minister Albanese and Prime Minister Sunak. And it’s my honor to welcome you both to the United States as we take the next critical step in advancing the Australia, U.S., UK partnership — AUKUS. It’s an unusual name, “AUKUS,” but it’s a powerful entity.
You know, when our countries first announced AUKUS 18 months ago, I’m not at all sure that anyone would have believed that — how much progress we’d be able to make together and how quickly we’d accomplish it.
And I want to thank the members of all our teams who helped bring us to this pivotal moment sitting here in front of us. Thank you all very much.
Secretary Austin; Secretary of the Navy Del Toro — (applause) — thanks for letting us come to your house; Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gilday — where are you, Admiral? There you are. And thank you for hosting us at Naval Base of Point Loma.
And I also want to thank Representative Joe Courtney, founder of the bipartisan AUKUS working group, and all the members of the Congress who are here today. Thank you for being here.
You are — (applause) — a testament to the strong and — and deep support for this partnership across the United States.
Australia and the United Kingdom are two of America’s most stalwart and capable allies. Our common values and our shared vision for a more peaceful and prosperous future unite us all across the Atlantic and Pacific.
For more than a century, we’ve stood together to defend freedom and strengthen democracy and to your — and to spur greater opportunity in all our countries.
I’ve always said, when asked, the United States is a Pacific power, because we’re on the Pacific Ocean. We are a Pacific power. The United States has safeguarded stability in the Indo-Pacific for decades to the enormous benefits of nations throughout the region, from ASEAN to Pacific Islanders to the People’s Republic of China.
In fact, our leadership in the Pacific has been a benefit to the entire world. We’ve kept the sea lanes and skies open and navigable for all. We’ve upheld basic rules of the road that fueled international commerce. And our partnerships have helped underwrite incredible growth and innovation.
So, today, as we stand at the inflection point in history where the hard work of enhancing deterrence and promoting stability is going to affect the prospect of peace for decades to come, the United States can ask for no better partners in the Indo-Pacific, where so much of our shared future will be written.
In forging this new partnership, we’re showing again how democracies can deliver our own security and prosperity — and not just for us but for the entire world.
Today, we’re announcing the steps to carry out our first project under AUKUS: developing Australia’s conventionally armed nuclear-powered submarine capacity.
And I want to be clear — I want to be clear to everyone from the outset, right off the bat, so there’s no confusion or misunderstanding on this critical point: These subs are powered — not nuclear-armed subs. They’re nuclear-powered, not nuclear-armed.
Australia is a proud non-nuclear weapons state and has committed to stay that way. These boats will not have any nuclear weapons of any kind on them.
Each of us standing here today representing the United States, Australia, and Great Britain is deeply committed to strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
We’ve undertaken this project working hand-in-glove with the International Atomic Energy Agency and with Director General Grossi.
Australia will not produce the nuclear fuel needed for these submarines. We have set the highest standards with the IAEA for verification and transparency, and we will honor each of our countries’ international obligations.
Working together these past 18 months, we’ve developed a phased approach that’s going to make sure Australian sailors are fully trained and prepared to safely operate this fleet so they can deliver this critical new capacity on the fastest — fastest possible timetable.
Each of our nations is making concrete commitments to one another. We’re backing it up with significant investments to strengthen the industrial bases in each of our countries in order to build and support these boats.
By the way, this partnership is going to mean an awful lot for good-paying jobs for all workers in our countries, including a lot of union jobs.
There’s a reason why not everyone has nuclear-powered submarines: Nuclear propulsion is highly complicated technology that requires years of training to master.
So we’re starting right away. Beginning this year, Australian personnel will embed with U.S. and UK crews on boats and at bases in our schools and our shipyards.
We’ll also begin to increase our port visits to Australia. In fact, as we speak, the nuclear-powered sub the USS Asheville is making a port call in Perth as we speak.
And later this decade, we will also be establishing a rotational presence of U.S. and UK nuclear-powered subs in Australia to help develop the work force Australia is going to need to build and maintain its fleet.
One of the vessels you see behind me is a Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Missouri. Top-of-the-line submarines are the vanguard of U.S. naval power.
And excuse me for a point of personal privilege — as they say in the United States Senate, where I’ve spent a lot of time — these submarines hold a special place for the Bidens. My wife, Dr. Jill Biden, is the sponsor of the USS Delaware, a Virginia-class submarine, and she never lets me forget it. (Laughter.)
They feature cutting-edge propulsion technology, provide unmatched stealth and maneuverability. And with the support and approval of Congress, beginning in the early 2030s, the United States will sell three Virginia-class submarines to Australia with the potential to sell up to two more if needed, jumpstarting their undersea capability a decade earlier than many predicted.
But the ultimate goal isn’t just selling subs to Australia, it’s developing something new together. We’re calling it the SSN-AUKUS. This new state-of-the-art conventionally armed nuclear-powered submarine that will work — that will combine U.S. submarine — UK submarine technology and design with American technology.
And I want to reiterate again: The SSN-AUKUS will not have nuclear weapons.
It will become a future standard for both the UK Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy. It will meet Australia’s defense needs while bringing our militaries, our scientists, our engineers, our shipbuilders, our industrial workforce, our countries closer together — closer than ever.
Let me emphasize again: Nuclear propulsion is tested and safe. The United States and the UK have used it for nearly 70 years from — with a spotless record — a spotless record. Combined between the U.S. and UK, all of our nuclear-powered ships have traveled the entire globe — around the entire globe, more than 150 million miles. That’s going to the moon 300 times.
Now, we can’t figure out how to get this sub to the moon, but we’re le- — working on it. (Laughter.)
No, I’ve got to admit, our stewardship of naval nuclear propulsion technology is a point of honor, pride, and deep tradition currently helmed by Admiral Frank Caldwell, who is here today. Where are you, Admiral? Thank you. (Applause.)
And the years of training we’re undertaking, starting now, will ensure that Australia is fully prepared to carry on this tradition and meet the highest possible standards of safety throughout the life of these boats.
Our unprecedented trilateral cooperation, I believe, is testament to the strength of the longstanding ties that unite us and to our shared commitment of ensuring the Indo-Pacific remains free and open, prosperous and secure, defined by opportunity for all — a shared commitment to create a future rooted in our common values.
That’s the objective the United States shares not only with the UK and Australia. It’s shared by our friends in the region; by our friends in ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum, and the Quad; and our other treaty and close partners in the Indo-Pacific and Europe.
AUKUS has one overriding objective: to enhance stability in the Indo-Pacific amid rapidly shifting global dynamics.
And this first project — this first project is only the beginning. More partnerships and more potential, more peace and security in the region lies ahead.
Simply stated, we’re putting ourselves in the strongest possible position to navigate the challenges of today and tomorrow together. Together.
So, I thank you again, Prime Minister Albanese, Mi- — Prime Minister Sunak. And the United States could not ask for two better friends or partners to stand with as we work to create a safer, more peaceful future for the people everywhere.
I’m proud to be your shipmates. Thank you. (Applause.)
PRIME MINISTER ALBANESE: Well, President Biden, Prime Minister Sunak, I am so honored to stand alongside you both here overlooking the Pacific Ocean as leaders of true and trusted friends of my country of Australia.
Today, a new chapter in the relationship between our nation, the United States, and the United Kingdom begins — a friendship built on our shared values, our commitment to democracy, and our common vision for a peaceful and a prosperous future.
The AUKUS agreement we confirm here in San Diego represents the biggest single investment in Australia’s defense capability in all of our history, strengthening Australia’s national security and stability in our region; building a future made in Australia with record investments in skills, jobs, and infrastructure; and delivering a superior defense capability into the future.
My government is determined to invest in our defense capability. But we’re also determined to promote security by investing in our relationships across our region.
From early in the next decade, Australia will take delivery of three U.S. Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines. This is the first time in 65 years and only the second time in history that the United States has shared its nuclear propulsion technology. And we thank you for it.
We are also proud to partner with the United Kingdom to construct the next generation submarine to be called SSN-AUKUS, a new conventionally armed nuclear-powered submarine, based on a British design and incorporating cutting-edge Australian, UK, and U.S. technologies. This will be an Australian sovereign capability, built by Australians, commanded by the Royal Australian Navy, and sustained by Australian workers in Australian shipyards with construction to begin this decade.
Australia’s proud record of leadership in the international nuclear non-proliferation regime will of course continue. We will continue to adhere to all of our obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Treaty of Rarotonga.
Our agreement unlocks a set of transformative opportunities for jobs and skills and research and innovation in Adelaide and in Barrow-in-Furness, in Western Australia, and here in the United States.
Opportunities that will shape and strengthen and grow Australia’s economy for decades, and create around 20,000 direct jobs for Australians from many trades and specializations: engineers, scientists, technicians, submariners, administrators, and tradespeople. Good jobs with good wages, working to ensure the stability and prosperity of our nations, our region, and, indeed, our world.
Our future security will be built and maintained not just by the courage and professionalism of our defense forces, but by the hard work and know-how of our scientists and engineers, our technicians and programmers, our electricians and welders.
For Australia, this whole-of-nation effort also presents a whole-of-nation opportunity. We will work with the state governments of South Australia and Western Australia to develop training programs that equip Australians with the skills they need to fill these jobs.
Working together, our universities and research institutes will collaborate to train more Australians in nuclear engineering. We’re already sharing skills and knowledge and expertise across our borders, lifting the capability and capacity of all three countries.
Already, today, Australians are upskilling on nuclear technology and stewardship alongside their British and American counterparts.
Already, today, there are Australian submariners undergoing nuclear power training in the United States. And I’m proud to confirm, Mr. President, that they are all in the top 30 percent of their class. (Laughter.)
Built by innovation and extraordinary and emerging technologies, these boats will present a unique opportunity for Australian companies to contribute not only to the construction and sustainment of Australia’s new submarines, but to supply chains in America and in Britain.
The scale, complexity, and economic significance of this investment is akin to the creation of the Australian automotive industry in the post-World War Two period.
And just as a vision of my predecessors, Curtin and Chifley, in creating our automotive industry lifted up our entire manufacturing sector, this investment will be a catalyst for innovation and research breakthroughs that will reverberate right throughout the Australian economy and across every state and territory, not just in one design element, not just in one field, but right across our advanced manufacturing and technology sectors, creating jobs and growing businesses right around Australia, inspiring and rewarding innovation, and educating young Australians today for the opportunities of tomorrow.
Our AUKUS partnership is not just about the U.S. and UK sharing their most advanced submarine capability with Australia, although we do appreciate that. It’s also about building on the expertise within our three nations so that we can achieve things greater than the sum of our parts.
This is a genuine trilateral undertaking. All three nations stand ready to contribute, and all three nations stand ready to benefit. I look out from here today, and I see new frontiers in innovation to cross, new breakthroughs in technology to achieve, a new course for us to chart together.
Mr. President, Prime Minister, for more than a century, our brave citizens from our three countries have been part of a shared tradition of service in the cause of peace and sacrifice in the name of freedom. We honor their memory today. We always will.
While we respect and honor the past, through AUKUS, we turn ourselves to face the future. Because what the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia hold in common is more fundamental and more universal than our shared histories. We are bound, above all, by our belief in a world where the sovereignty of every nation is respected and the inherent dignity of every individual is upheld; where peace, stability, and security ensure greater prosperity and a greater measure of fairness for all; and where all countries are able to act in their sovereign interests, free from coercion.
Our historic AUKUS partnership speaks to our collective and ongoing determination to defend those values and secure that future today, in the years ahead, and for generations to come — a journey that will strengthen the bonds between our nations as friends, as peers, as leaders.
We embark with great confidence in the capacity and creativity of our people, with optimism in the power of what our partnership can achieve, and with an unwavering conviction that whatever the challenges ahead, the cause of peace and freedom that we share will prevail.
Thank you very much. (Applause.)
PRIME MINISTER SUNAK: Sixty years ago, here in San Diego, President Kennedy spoke of a higher purpose: the maintenance of freedom, peace, and security. Today, we stand together united by that same purpose. And recognizing that to fulfill it, we must forge new kinds of relationships to meet new kinds of challenge, just as we have always done.
In the last 18 months, the challenges we face have only grown. Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, China’s growing assertiveness, the destabilizing behavior of Iran and North Korea all threaten to create a world defined by danger, disorder, and division.
Faced with this new reality, it is more important than ever that we strengthen the resilience of our own countries. That’s why the UK is today announcing a significant uplift in our defense budget. We’re providing an extra £5 billion over the next two years, immediately increasing our defense budget to around 2.25 percent of GDP. This will allow us to replenish our war stocks and modernize our nuclear enterprise, delivering AUKUS and strengthening our deterrent. And our highest priority is to continue providing military aid to Ukraine, because their security is our security.
And we will go further to strengthen our resilience. For the first time, the United Kingdom will move away from our baseline commitment to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense to a new ambition of 2.5 percent, putting beyond doubt that the United Kingdom is and will remain one of the world’s leading defense powers.
But ultimately, the defense of our values depends, as it always has, on the quality of our relationships with others. And those alliances will be strengthened through AUKUS, the most significant multilateral defense partnership in generations.
AUKUS matches our enduring commitment to freedom and democracy with the most advanced military, scientific, and technological capability. Nowhere is that clearer than in the plans we’re unveiling today for the new AUKUS submarine, one of the most advanced nuclear-powered subs the world has ever known.
And those plans could not happen without cutting-edge American technology and expertise. So I pay tribute to you, Mr. President, for your leadership, and to you, Prime Minister, for your vision of what AUKUS can achieve.
And for our part, the UK comes to this with over 60 years’ experience of running our own fleet. We’ll provide the world-leading design and build the first of these new boats, creating thousands of good, well-paid jobs in places like Barrow and Derby. And we will share our knowledge and experience with Australian engineers so that they can build their own fleet.
Now, our partnership is significant because not just are we building the submarines together, they will also be truly interoperable. The Royal Navy will operate the same submarines as the Australian Navy, and we will both share components and parts with the U.S. Navy. Our submarine crews will train together, patrol together, and maintain their boats together. They will communicate using the same terminology and the same equipment.
And through AUKUS, we will raise our standards of nuclear non-proliferation. This is a powerful partnership. For the first time ever, it will mean three fleets of submarines working together across both the Atlantic and Pacific, keeping our oceans free, open, and prosperous for decades to come.
Joe, Anthony, we represent three allies who have stood shoulder-to-shoulder together for more than a century, three peoples who have shed blood together in defense of our shared values, and three democracies that are coming together again to fulfill that higher purpose of maintaining freedom, peace, and security now and for generations to come.
Thank you. (Applause.)
PRESIDENT BIDEN: With the permission of my colleagues — I don’t know that our friends can hear — but, the USS Missouri, can you hear us?
AUDIENCE MEMBERS: Hooyah, Mighty Mo’!
PRESIDENT BIDEN: I see them all over there. They’re standing at attention. Can I tell them “At ease”? I’m their Commander-in-Chief, right? I mean, they’re — (laughter) —
Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You all are the best. You’re the best. And we’re going to be the best in the world, the three of us.
Thank you all very, very much. (Applause.)
2:09 P.M. PDT |
DOS Seal
2021年2月3日 美国东部标准时间 上午7:39
正文结束 | G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Situation in Burma
Office of the Spokesperson
The text of the following statement was released by the G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America and the High Representative of the European Union.
Begin Text:
We, the G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America and the High Representative of the European Union, are united in condemning the coup in Myanmar.
We are deeply concerned by the detention of political leaders and civil society activists, including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, and targeting of the media. We call upon the military to immediately end the state of emergency, restore power to the democratically elected government, to release all those unjustly detained and to respect human rights and the rule of law. The November election results must be respected and Parliament should be convened at the earliest opportunity.
The military’s restrictions on information flows are deeply concerning. Civilians, including civil society and the media, must not be subject to reprisals in any form. We also call for unrestricted humanitarian access to support the most vulnerable.
G7 Foreign Ministers recall their 2019 communique in which we restated our commitment to Myanmar’s democratic transition, peace and accountability for human rights violations and abuses.
We stand with the people of Myanmar who want to see a democratic future.
End text. |
U.S. Department of State Seal
今天,国务院列出两名参与严重腐败的外国官员。这些列出是根据《 2019年国务院、对外行动及相关计划拨款法案》(Div. F, P.L. 116-6)第7031(c)条款做出的,经修正的《2020年继续拨款法案》(Div. A, P.L. 116-59)沿用该条款。第7031(c)条款规定,在国务卿有外国政府官员已参与严重腐败的可靠信息的案例中,这些官员和他们的近亲属成员没有资格进入美国。
我们欢迎美国财政部外国资产管制办公室(OFAC)对同样的这些腐败分子的制裁行动。这一全政府的方式发出了一个强烈信号,即美国致力于打击系统性腐败并支持柬埔寨和拉脱维亚的法治。一个健康的民主政体依靠其公民的信任。国务院与跨机构伙伴及国际伙伴合作,将继续使用其可自由支配的工具在全球范围内打击腐败。 | MEDIA NOTE
DECEMBER 10, 2019
Today, the Department of State designates two foreign officials due to involvement in significant corruption. These designations are made under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2019 (Div. F, P.L. 116-6), as carried forward by the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020 (Div. A, P.L. 116-59), as amended. Section 7031(c) provides that, in cases where the Secretary of State has credible information that officials of foreign governments have been involved in significant corruption, those individuals and their immediate family members are ineligible for entry into the United States.
We welcome the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) actions to sanction these same corrupt actors. This whole-of-government approach sends a strong signal that the United States is committed to fighting systemic corruption and supporting the rule of law in Cambodia and Latvia. A healthy democracy relies on the trust of its citizens. The Department, in cooperation with interagency and international partners, will continue to use the tools at its disposal to combat corruption globally. |
南院礼堂(South Court Auditorium)
总统:很高兴见到你们大家。早上好。谢谢你,布林肯国务卿(Secretary Blinken)。还要特别感谢克里特使(Special Envoy Kerry)。约翰(John)是一位多年的朋友,而且我绝对信任他在这个问题上的领导作用。
今天,我们荣幸地召集你们大家——作为我们今年4月主持的气候问题领导人峰会(Leaders Summit on Climate)的后续。
欧洲、非洲和拉丁美洲各地继续发生气候变化。而且我们——而且你们遭受了大规模洪灾。火灾在澳大利亚、亚马逊和俄罗斯苔原各地肆虐。在西伯利亚(Siberia)——这听起来——我感到几乎难以置信——在北极圈(Arctic Circle)内气温达到了118度——118度。
政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)的新发现为人类发出了红色预警。而且采取行动的时间的确越来越紧迫,正如国务卿刚刚指出的,正在接近无法挽回的地步。我们的时间不多了。
我对你们已根据《巴黎气候协议》(Paris Climate Agreement)增强你们的贡献并为2030年提出了雄心目标的所有各位表示感谢。
代表主要经济体论坛(Major Economies Forum)的国家总计占全球排放总量的80%。
我们正在与欧洲联盟和其他伙伴共同为之努力的另一步骤是,发起《全球甲烷减排承诺》(Global Methane Pledge),旨在到2030年将全球的甲烷排放量比2020年至少减少30%。
这就是为什么我认为这个论坛如此重要。它是《巴黎气候协议》(Paris Climate Agreement)中的一个重要驱动因素。要知道,它是——我们接下去必须继续发挥重要作用。
实际上,就能源和产业方面而言,我们将把我们的努力与像“清洁能源部长级会议”(Clean Energy Ministerial)和“创新使命”(Mission Innovation)这样的论坛紧密接轨——我自豪地说,这两个论坛明年都将由美国主持。
我们还将在明年2月召开“我们的海洋大会”(Our Ocean Conference)以前,聚焦海洋行动计划。
美东夏令时间上午8时41分 | SEPTEMBER 17, 2021
Via Teleconference
South Court Auditorium
8:33 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: It’s good to see you all. Good morning. Thank you, Secretary Blinken. And a special thanks to Special Envoy Kerry. John has been a friend for a long time, and I have absolute trust in his leadership on this issue.
We’re honored to host all of you today as a — as a follow up to the Leaders Summit on Climate we hosted back in April.
That summit made good on a commitment that I made to the American people that the United States would return immediately to the world stage and address the climate crisis.
I wanted to show that we’re at an inflection point, and that there’s a real consensus — a real consensus that while the climate crisis poses an existential threat, there is a silver lining.
The climate crisis also presents real and incredible economic opportunities to create jobs and lift up the standard of living of people around the world.
And I want to thank you and your efforts so far that I — and I need — I need to tell you the consequences of inaction. But you all actually know it. It’s somewhat presumptuous for me to say this.
But over the last two weeks, I’ve traveled across the United States to see the damage and destruction from record hurricanes, record floods, and wildfires.
China continues across — excuse me — climate continues to change across Europe, Africa, and Latin America. And we’ve — and you’ve endured massive flooding. Fires have raged across Australia and the Amazon and the Russian tundra. In Siberia — this sounds — I found it almost unbelievable — temperatures reached 118 degrees — 118 degrees — inside the Arctic Circle.
The finding from the new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change represents a code red for humanity. And the time to act is really narrowing, as the Secretary just pointed out, to get to — close to a point of no return. We don’t have a lot of time.
So we have to act — all of us. We have to act, and we have to act now.
When we met in April, we agreed to strengthen our efforts as we head to COP26 in Glasgow.
Today, I’ve called us together again to candidly assess our progress.
I’m grateful to those of you who’ve — who’ve strengthened your contributions under the Paris Climate Agreement and put forward ambitious targets for 2030.
And thanks to your leadership, countries representing more than half of the global GDP are committed to taking steps that will keep us within reach of our joint pursuit of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
But — but we know there’s still a lot of work to do, and, if anything, our job has — in my view — has grown more urgent.
The countries representing the Major Economies Forum account for 80 percent of global emissions.
Without adequate commitments from every nation in this room, the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees slips through our hands. And that’s a disaster.
And here’s what I believe we have to do right now and what we — we’re advancing here in the United States: We have to bring to Glasgow — we have to bring to Glasgow our highest possible ambitions.
Those that have not yet done so, time is running out.
For our part, in America, I’m working to pass historic investment in — to modernize our more climate-resilient infrastructure, to build a clean energy future that creates millions of jobs and ushers in new industries of the future.
As part of this work, the United States has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions between 50 and 52 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2030.
And, you know, we’ve set a goal that by 2025 [2035] our power sector will be with — free of carbon. And 2030, 50 percent of cars sold in the United States, we believe, should be and must be electric vehicles.
A further step we’re working with the European Union and other partners to launch is a Global Methane Pledge to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30 percent below 2020 levels by 2030.
This will not only rapidly reduce the rate of global warming, but it will also produce a very valuable side benefit, like improving public health and agricultural output.
We’re — we’re mobilizing support to help developing countries that join and pledge to do something significant — pledge and seize this virtual [vital] opportunity.
You know, we’ve already taken big steps domestically to tackle these emissions and create good-paying jobs, introduced by plugging leaks and capping abandoned wells and gas wells.
We believe the collective goal is both ambitious but realistic. And we urge you to join us in announcing this pledge at COP26.
Now, you know, we also have to make additional progress to support developing countries.
At the time, at the Leaders Summit in April, I announced the United States is working to double our climate finance, triple our support for adaptation by 2024 for developing nations.
And I can assure you that we’re looking for ways to go even further toward meeting the collective goal of mobilizing $100 billion a year from the developing world and for them [for the developing world].
The next — our emphasis this year is going to be on building the — building ambition on the — on the road to Glasgow.
Glasgow is not our final destination. Whatever commitments we make at COP26, we must all resolve together in Glasgow to continue strengthening our ambition and our actions next year and throughout the decisive decade to keep us at one point — below 1.5 degrees and to keep that within reach.
That’s why this forum, I believe, is so important. And it was an important driver in the Paris Climate Agreement. You know, it was — we got to continue to play a vital role going forward.
At this crucial juncture — to start — the start of a decisive decade –- I’d like us to — I’d like to use this forum to forge a political momentum and consensus to drive concrete actions in four key spheres of energy, industry, land, the ocean.
And I want to be clear: This forum will — will complement, not substitute, for other forums.
In fact, with respect to energy and industry, we will closely align our efforts with the work of the forums like the Clean Energy Ministerial and the Mission Innovation — both of which, I’m proud to say, the United States will chair next year.
I plan to kick off these efforts by bringing together ministers in January to discuss clean energy goals in power, transport, industry, building sector.
We also want to focus on — on ocean initiatives in advance of Our Ocean Conference in — next February.
You know, I — I plan to convene a leaders-level gathering so we can take stock of the collective progress we’ve made.
In closing — and thank you for your patience — I want to again underscore both the urgency of this moment and the tremendous opportunity before us.
I look forward to continuing this work — work together and hearing how you plan to contribute to the climate ambition the world so urgently needs.
The time is now. The time is now. And thank you for your indulgence.
I’m now going to turn this over to Special Envoy John Kerry, but thank you.
8:41 A.M. EDT |
台湾已经成为一个民主的成功范例。其模式支持透明制、对人权的尊重以及法治——这些价值观均与联合国(United Nations)的价值观相符。台湾对于全球的高科技经济至关重要,而且是一个旅游、文化和教育枢纽。我们是将台湾视为宝贵的伙伴和值得信赖的朋友的众多联合国会员国之一。
台湾在过去50年的绝大部分时间里积极地参与了特定的联合国专门机构的事实,证明了国际社会对于台湾的贡献所给予的重视。不过,台湾近来一直未获准为联合国的努力做出贡献。尽管每年有数千万名旅客通过台湾各机场,但在国际民用航空组织(International Civil Aviation Organization)每三年举行一次的大会上却没有台湾代表。尽管我们可以从台湾应对COVID-19疫情的世界一流的举措中学习到很多,但世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly)却没有台湾出席。全世界的公民社会成员每天都参与联合国的活动,但台湾的科学家、技术专家、商务人员、艺术家、教育工作者、学生、人权倡导者及其他人士却被挡在门外,仅仅因为他们所持的护照而不能参加这些活动。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/supporting-taiwans-participation-in-the-un-system/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Supporting Taiwan’s Participation in the UN System
OCTOBER 26, 2021
Taiwan has become a democratic success story. Its model supports transparency, respect for human rights, and the rule of law – values that align with those of the United Nations (UN). Taiwan is critical to the global high-tech economy and a hub of travel, culture, and education. We are among the many UN member states who view Taiwan as a valued partner and trusted friend.
As the international community faces an unprecedented number of complex and global issues, it is critical for all stakeholders to help address these problems. This includes the 24 million people who live in Taiwan. Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system is not a political issue, but a pragmatic one.
The fact that Taiwan participated robustly in certain UN specialized agencies for the vast majority of the past 50 years is evidence of the value the international community places in Taiwan’s contributions. Recently, however, Taiwan has not been permitted to contribute to UN efforts. Despite the tens of millions of passengers traveling annually through its airports, Taiwan was not represented at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) triennial assembly. Although we have much to learn from Taiwan’s world-class response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan was not at the World Health Assembly. Members of civil society from around the world engage every day in activities at the UN, but Taiwan’s scientists, technical experts, business persons, artists, educators, students, human rights advocates, and others are blocked from entry and participating in these activities simply because of the passports they hold.
Taiwan’s exclusion undermines the important work of the UN and its related bodies, all of which stand to benefit greatly from its contributions. We need to harness the contributions of all stakeholders toward solving our shared challenges. That is why we encourage all UN Member States to join us in supporting Taiwan’s robust, meaningful participation throughout the UN system and in the international community, consistent with our “one China” policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. |
——美国驻华大使馆临时代办米德伟 | “I was deeply saddened by the news of the crash of China Eastern Airlines flight MU5735 on March 21. The entire U.S. Mission in China expresses our deepest condolences to those affected by this crash. We are ready to assist in investigation efforts and wish to share our admiration and respect for the emergency responders at the crash site. Please accept our heartfelt sympathies at this very difficult time.”
– U.S. Embassy Beijing Chargé d’Affaires David Meale |
上个月,联合国人权事务高级专员(UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights)发布有关非洲人和世界各地非洲后裔在执法环境下遭受种族主义和警察暴力的报告,其中包括对美国这类事件的审查。总统一再明确表示,我国这样的伟大国家从不掩饰自己的缺点;愿公开承认这些问题并努力以透明的方式取得改善。为此,我们不仅努力确立全国抗击这些挑战的标准,同时还增进了我们的民主,为全球各地的人权捍卫者提供新的希望和动力。
美国正是在这个前提下希望向所有从事人权专项报告和咨询工作的联合国专家提出正式、长期有效的邀请。作为第一步,我们已主动提出由联合国当代种族主义形式问题特别报告员和联合国少数群体问题特别报告员进行正式访问。我还欢迎联合国人权理事会(UN Human Rights Council)今天在日内瓦(Geneva)为解决执法环境下对非洲人和非洲后裔的系统性种族主义通过的决议。我期待参与新的机制,努力促进种族公正和平等。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/u-s-leadership-on-human-rights-and-ending-systemic-racism/ | Statement by Secretary Antony J. Blinken:U.S. Leadership on Human Rights and Ending Systemic Racism
July 13, 2021
This Administration is deeply dedicated to addressing racial injustice and inequities at home and abroad. On the global stage, the United States is leading by example.
Last month, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report on racism and police brutality against Africans and people of African descent at the hands of law enforcement around the world, which includes examination of such cases in the United States. As the President has repeatedly made clear, great nations such as ours do not hide from our shortcomings; they acknowledge them openly and strive to improve with transparency. In so doing, we not only work to set the standard for national responses to these challenges, we also strengthen our democracy, and give new hope and motivation to human rights defenders across the globe.
It is in this context that the United States intends to issue a formal, standing invitation to all UN experts who report and advise on thematic human rights issues. As a first step, we have reached out to offer an official visit by the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism and the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues. I also welcome the UN Human Rights Council’s adoption today in Geneva of a resolution to address systemic racism against Africans and people of African descent in the context of law enforcement. I look forward to engaging with the new mechanism to advance racial justice and equity.
Responsible nations must not shrink from scrutiny of their human rights record; rather, they should acknowledge it with the intent to improve. I urge all UN member states to join the United States in this effort, and confront the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia. Because when all people – regardless of their race or ethnicity – are free to live up to their full potential, our collective security is strengthened. |
布林肯国务卿:大家早上好。哇,看到这令人难以置信的礼堂座无虚席真是太好了。我希望你们在来这里之前多少吃了些早餐。但我在这里只是想说:欢迎来到非洲和侨民青年领袖论坛(African and Diaspora Young Leaders Forum)。
利比里亚维阿(Weah)总统阁下在座。(掌声)塞拉利昂马达·比奥(Maada Bio)总统阁下在座。(掌声)感谢你们。感谢你们二人前来华盛顿出席美国-非洲领导人峰会(U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit)。此次能有你们亲临意义重大。
我还看到众议院外交事务委员会(House Foreign Affairs Committee)主席格雷格·米克斯(Greg Meeks)在这里。(掌声)也许还有其他国会成员在座。非常高兴今早有你们的出席。
我们今天在美国非洲裔历史与文化国家博物馆(National Museum of African American History and Culture)——国家的宝藏——聚会,是再合适不过的。它的顶层——我不知你们是否有机会参观过——博物馆的顶层有一个题为“文化的表述”(Cultural Expressions)的展览。它部分探讨了非洲侨民的贡献,以及他们如何通过时尚、艺术、舞蹈、语言、美食和音乐塑造了美国的文化和生活。
在整个展览和博物馆,我们从展品中看到独特的文化,例如,皮埃尔·蒂亚姆(Pierre Thiam)带来的一本食谱,这位了不起的厨师通过他心爱的Teranga餐厅,把塞内加尔的美味带到了纽约市。再比如,有一面美国国旗,旗子的颜色被泛非旗帜的颜色替代,起名为“非洲裔美国旗”(The African American Flag),在我们整个历史上的抗议运动中它一直是非洲裔美国人和非洲人骄傲的象征。
正如这个博物馆所展示的,美国继续因非洲侨民而变得无比丰富多彩:从特雷弗·诺亚(Trevor Noah)尖锐的喜剧——我们将怀念他登场的《每日秀》(The Daily Show)——(掌声),到提姆斯的阿尔特 (Alté of Tems),我手机上碰巧有她——(掌声),到玛米·比内(Maame Biney)的速滑,我手机上没有她——(笑声)——以及其他许许多多。
我们经常看到侨民返回与他们相连的国家,并为那里的人民增进权益。今年8月,我在刚果民主共和国遇到了一位你们有些人可能熟悉的人——NBA名人堂的某个成员——迪肯贝·穆托姆博(Dikembe Mutombo)。他的基金会为3万多名患者提供了高质量的医疗服务,无论他们的经济状况如何。我还可以说迪肯贝非常、非常高——是一个非常、非常棒的人。
美国致力于确保让年轻人能够继续通过他们的才能和辛勤努力,造福于非洲大陆人民和美国人民。我们有许多项目正在这样做——例如“青年非洲领导人计划”(Young African Leaders Initiative)——以及通过我们的经济发展项目,例如女企业家学院(Academy for Women Entrepreneurs)项目。这个项目从2019年启动以来,现在已经为非洲各地5400多名妇女提供了她们创业和扩展小企业所需要的培训和关系网。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-at-the-african-and-diaspora-young-leaders-forum/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the African and Diaspora Young Leaders Forum
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Washington, D.C.
DECEMBER 13, 2022
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Good morning, everyone. Wow, it is wonderful to see this incredible auditorium full. I think hopefully you managed to get a little breakfast before this. But I’m here simply to say this: Welcome to the African and Diaspora Young Leaders Forum.
Your Excellencies, President Weah of Liberia is in the house. (Applause.) President Maada Bio of Sierra Leone in the house. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you both for traveling to Washington for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. It means a great deal to have this time in person with you.
And I also saw in the house Greg Meeks, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. (Applause.) There may be some other members of Congress here as well. It’s wonderful to have you this morning.
So to everyone joining us this morning – members of the African diaspora, African and American youth leaders, students in the United States and Africa who are tuning in virtually – thank you for all that you do to strengthen the bonds between African countries and the United States.
Now, it is fitting that we are meeting here at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, a national treasure. On its top floor – and I don’t know if you’ve had the opportunity to visit, but on the top floor of the museum there is an exhibit called “Cultural Expressions.” It explores, in part, the contributions of the African diaspora and how its members have shaped American culture and life – through fashion, the arts, dance, language, food, music.
Across the exhibit and museum, we see the unique culture in objects like a recipe book brought by Pierre Thiam, a great chef who brought the flavors of Senegal to New York City through his beloved Teranga restaurant. Or a flag of the United States whose colors have been replaced by the colors of the Pan African flag, titled “The African American Flag,” which has served as a symbol of African American and African pride in protest movements throughout our history.
As this museum shows, the United States continues to be enriched immeasurably by the African diaspora: from the piercing comedy of Trevor Noah, who we will miss on “The Daily Show” – (applause) – to the Alté of Tems, who I happen to have on my phone – (applause) – to the speed-skating of Maame Biney, who I don’t have on my phone – (laughter) – among so many others.
Often, we see members of the diaspora return to the countries to which they’re connected, and empower people there. This past August, I was in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and I met with someone who may be familiar to some of you – a certain NBA Hall of Famer, Dikembe Mutombo, whose foundation has provided high-quality health care to more than 30,000 patients, regardless of their economic status. I can also say Dikembe is very, very tall – a wonderful, wonderful person.
The importance of the diaspora – to the past, to the present, to the future – of both African nations and the United States is why this is one of the very first events of the Africa Leaders Summit.
Earlier this year, in South Africa, I had an opportunity to set out the administration’s new strategy for sub-Saharan Africa. It’s a strategy rooted in one key word – partnership – and in recognition that we can’t solve any of our shared priorities unless we work together. And it’s a strategy that recognizes the immense role that the African diaspora and young people will play in shaping and strengthening that partnership. And in fact, that’s exactly what you’re already doing. Back in August I had a chance to meet with members of the diaspora and African American youth leaders right here in Washington to hear a little bit about some of the work that they were doing.
One young leader, who has mobilized climate finance to make the water sector more resilient in South Africa, is now sharing the lessons that she learned at a U.S. government agency. Another, fresh off her experience fighting infectious disease in Malawi, was sharing her insights with nonprofits and businesses in the United States. Others were expanding educational opportunities for children, conducting environmental research, creating job opportunities for youth in both African countries and the United States, and demonstrating exactly why the diaspora is such an unparalleled asset for people on both continents. It’s these interconnections, the back and forth, and the benefits that flow to African nations and the United States alike that is so incredibly powerful.
The United States is committed to ensuring that young people can continue to bring their talents and hard work to the benefit of people across the continent and to the benefit of people in the United States. We’ve got a number of programs that are doing just that – programs like the Young African Leaders Initiative – and through our economic development programs, like the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs program. Now, since its inception in 2019, that program has provided more than 5,400 women throughout Africa with the training and the networks that they need to start and to scale small businesses.
Over the next few days, we will be announcing additional investments to make it easier for students to participate in exchange programs between our countries, to increase trade opportunities for members of the African diaspora, and to support African entrepreneurs and small businesses. Each of these investments is guided by one overarching goal: to continue building our partnership so that we can better address the shared challenges we face. And ultimately, we can build a safer, more secure, more prosperous future for all of us.
And now I have the great pleasure and the honor of introducing his excellency President Weah of Liberia. Now, President Weah, I happen to have been in Qatar for the World Cup, and I didn’t get an opportunity to speak to you in detail then, but I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done to strengthen the bonds between Liberia and the United States – (applause) – including through your support of the Liberian diaspora. And thanks for all that you and your family have done to support that goal too, including, quite literally, by scoring a few goals. (Laughter.)
So I was there – first match between the United States and Wales, and I got to cheer your son, Timothy, scoring the first goal for the United States Men’s soccer team in the World Cup. (Applause.) But the best part of that was turning around and getting a quick look at your face as you watched your son score that goal, and I could see the extraordinary pride that was there and an entire stadium cheering him on. So I guess the apple just doesn’t fall too far from the tree in this case. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of Libera. Thank you very much.
(Applause.) |
https://www.state.gov/assistant-secretary-daniel-j-kritenbrink-and-senior-director-sarah-berans-meeting-with-the-peoples-republic-of-china-prc-ministry-of-foreign-affairs-director-general-of-the-north/ | Assistant Secretary Daniel J. Kritenbrink and Senior Director Sarah Beran’s Meeting with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General of the North American and Oceanian Affairs Department Yang Tao
JULY 31, 2023
Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink and National Security Council Senior Director for China and Taiwan Affairs Sarah Beran hosted PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General of the North American and Oceanian Affairs Department Yang Tao on July 31 at the Department of State in Washington, D.C.
The two sides held a candid, substantive, and productive discussion as part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication and responsibly manage the bilateral relationship. The two sides also exchanged views on a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues, including Russia’s war against Ukraine and cross-Strait issues. The meeting followed Secretary Blinken’s travel to Beijing and meeting in Jakarta with Director Wang Yi, among other recent bilateral engagements. |
我们强调一个强劲、全面、由专家带领的机制,在快速调查来源未知的疫情爆发中的需要,要所有利益攸关方全面且公开的协作,要根据透明、尊重隐私和科研诚信的原则。我们将协作并与WHO一道提高能力,改善全球健康卫生安全,激励公众对世界察觉、准备和应对未来疫情爆发的能力的信心和信任。 | Joint Statement on the WHO-Convened COVID-19 Origins Study
The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom.
Begin Text:
The Governments of Australia, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America remain steadfast in our commitment to working with the World Health Organization (WHO), international experts who have a vital mission, and the global community to understand the origins of this pandemic in order to improve our collective global health security and response. Together, we support a transparent and independent analysis and evaluation, free from interference and undue influence, of the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, we join in expressing shared concerns regarding the recent WHO-convened study in China, while at the same time reinforcing the importance of working together toward the development and use of a swift, effective, transparent, science-based, and independent process for international evaluations of such outbreaks of unknown origin in the future.
The mission of the WHO is critical to advancing global health and health security, and we fully support its experts and staff and recognize their tireless work to bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic, including understanding how the pandemic started and spread. With such an important mandate, it is equally essential that we voice our shared concerns that the international expert study on the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was significantly delayed and lacked access to complete, original data and samples. Scientific missions like these should be able to do their work under conditions that produce independent and objective recommendations and findings. We share these concerns not only for the benefit of learning all we can about the origins of this pandemic, but also to lay a pathway to a timely, transparent, evidence-based process for the next phase of this study as well as for the next health crises.
We note the findings and recommendations, including the need for further studies of animals to find the means of introduction into humans, and urge momentum for expert-driven phase 2 studies. Going forward, there must now be a renewed commitment by WHO and all Member States to access, transparency, and timeliness. In a serious outbreak of an unknown pathogen with pandemic potential, a rapid, independent, expert-led, and unimpeded evaluation of the origins is critical to better prepare our people, our public health institutions, our industries, and our governments to respond successfully to such an outbreak and prevent future pandemics. It is critical for independent experts to have full access to all pertinent human, animal, and environmental data, research, and personnel involved in the early stages of the outbreak relevant to determining how this pandemic emerged. With all data in hand, the international community may independently assess COVID-19 origins, learn valuable lessons from this pandemic, and prevent future devastating consequences from outbreaks of disease.
We underscore the need for a robust, comprehensive, and expert-led mechanism for expeditiously investigating outbreaks of unknown origin that is conducted with full and open collaboration among all stakeholders and in accordance with the principles of transparency, respect for privacy, and scientific and research integrity. We will work collaboratively and with the WHO to strengthen capacity, improve global health security, and inspire public confidence and trust in the world’s ability to detect, prepare for, and respond to future outbreaks.
End Text. |
President Donald J. Trump giving a speech at Hanoi Summit.
河内JW万豪酒店(JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi)
关于北韩,我们刚刚结束同金委员长的会面。我们的这段时间,我认为,的确是非常有成效的。我们认为,我认为,而且蓬佩奥国务卿(Secretary Pompeo)觉得,现在签署任何东西并不好。我会让迈克来谈谈这一点。
但是我们刚刚谈完。我们和金正恩(Kim Jong Un)谈了几乎一整天,他是个人物而且很有个性。我认为我们的关系是非常强有力的。但此时此刻——我们曾经有一些方案——而此时此刻我们决定不采取其中任何方案。我们将观察事态怎么发展。
我们取得了真正的进展。而且在两位领导人在过去24-36小时的会晤期间的确取得了更多进展。遗憾的是,我们没有达到全部。我们没有达成对于美利坚合众国而言最终有意义的东西。我认为金委员长对我们会达成原本抱有希望。我们要求他做出更多的努力。而他未能准备这么做。但我依然乐观。我希望双方团队在接下来的几天和几周里将再次共同努力,继续解决这个非常复杂的问题 。
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问:中国环球电视网(CGTN)的杰西卡·斯通(Jessica Stone)。我有一个关于中国的问题,你刚好谈到它。你谈到中国愿意,存在这种可能,提供经济帮助。鉴于你已经与——或者将要与文(Moon)总统和安倍(Abe)首相交谈,你会如何形容中国对迄今已经在平壤和华盛顿之间出现的交往所起的协助作用?
问:谢谢总统。中国深圳广播电影电视集团(Shenzhen Media Group of China)的Jen Chen。在你今天早上和昨天与金委员长的会谈中谈到有关中国的话题吗?如果谈到,今天你能告诉我们些什么吗?你大概将会在三月与中国国家主席习近平举行(听不清)马阿拉歌(Mar-a-Lago)首脑会晤。届时你希望在有关中国的议事日程上取得什么成果?
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问:谢谢总统先生。我是(听不清),中国环球时报(Global Times China)记者。我想请问,你期待中国下一步为协调你们与北韩的关系做些什么?谢谢。
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当地时间下午2时53分 | The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
February 28, 2019
JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi
Hanoi, Vietnam
2:15 P.M. ICT
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. I want to begin by thanking the Prime Minister and President of Vietnam. We’re in Hanoi. It’s an incredible city. What’s happened over the last 25 years has been incredible for the people of Vietnam, the job they’ve done — economic development. Really something special. So I want to thank all of the people of Vietnam for having treated us so well.
We have, I think, reasonably attractive news from Pakistan and India. They’ve been going at it, and we’ve been involved in trying to have them stop. And we have some reasonably decent news. I think, hopefully, that’s going to be coming to an end. It’s been going on for a long time — decades and decades. There’s a lot of dislike, unfortunately. So we’ve been in the middle, trying to help them both out and see if we can get some organization and some peace. And I think, probably, that’s going to be happening.
We have — Venezuela, as you know, has been very much in the news, and we’re sending supplies. Supplies are getting through a little bit more. It’s not easy. It’s hard to believe somebody would say “let’s not do it.” What difference would that make, except it’s great for its people to let it get through. But we’re sending a lot of supplies down to Venezuela. People are starving to death, and you would really think that the man in charge, currently, would let those supplies get through. We are getting them into some of the cities and some of the areas that need them the most. And it’s not an easy job. It’s very difficult, actually.
On North Korea, we just left Chairman Kim. We had a really, I think, a very productive time. We thought, and I thought, and Secretary Pompeo felt that it wasn’t a good thing to be signing anything. I’m going to let Mike speak about it.
But we literally just left. We spent pretty much all day with Kim Jong Un, who is — he’s quite a guy and quite a character. And I think our relationship is very strong. But at this time — we had some options, and at this time we decided not to do any of the options. And we’ll see where that goes.
But it was a very interesting two days. And I think, actually, it was a very productive two days. But sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times. And I’ll let Mike speak to that for a couple of minutes, please.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you, Mr. President. We had been working, our teams — the team that I brought to bear, as well as the North Koreans — for weeks to try and develop a path forward so at the summit we could make a big step — a big step along the way towards what the two leaders had agreed to back in Singapore, in June of last year.
We made real progress. And indeed we made even more progress when the two leaders met over the last 24, 36 hours. Unfortunately, we didn’t get all the way. We didn’t get to something that ultimately made sense for the United States of America. I think Chairman Kim was hopeful that we would. We asked him to do more. He was unprepared to do that. But I’m still optimistic. I’m hopeful that the teams will get back together in the days and weeks ahead, and continue to work out what’s a very complex problem.
We have said, since the beginning, that this would take time. Our teams have gotten to know each other better. We know what the limits are. We know where some of the challenges are.
And I think as we continue to work on this in the days and weeks ahead, we can make progress so that we can ultimately achieve what it is that the world wants, which is to denuclearize North Korea, to reduce risk for the American people and the people all around the world.
I wish we could have gotten a little bit further, but I’m very optimistic that the progress that we made — both in the run-up to this summit, as well as the progress that the two leaders made over these past two days — put us in position to get a really good outcome.
And the President and Chairman Kim both felt good that they had made that progress but couldn’t quite get along the line any further to make a deal that would have been bigger at this point. I hope we’ll do so in the weeks ahead.
Thank you, Mr. President.
* * * *
Q I’m a reporter from South Korea, and I appreciate your effort to advance denuclearization in Korean Peninsula. And could you elaborate on the options and the various ways that you discussed with Chairman Kim to advance denuclearization? Could you specify?
THE PRESIDENT: We discussed many ways. And the denuclearization is a very important — it’s a very important word. Become a very well used word. And a lot of people don’t know what it means, but to me it’s pretty obvious: We have to get rid of the nukes.
I think he’s got a chance to have one of the most successful countries — rapidly, too — on Earth. Incredible country, incredible location. You’re right between — if you think of it, you have, on one side, Russia and China, and on the other you have South Korea, and you’re surrounded by water and among the most beautiful shorelines in the world.
There is tremendous potential in North Korea, and I think he’s going to lead it to a very important thing, economically. I think it’s going to be an absolute economic power.
* * * *
Q I just wanted to clarify, when you talk about what you would willing to give up all of the sanctions for, are you still thinking that you want North Korea to give up everything to do complete, verifiable denuclearization —
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don’t want to say that to you —
Q — before you lift sanctions?
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. Yeah. It’s a good question. I don’t want to say that to you because I don’t want to put myself in that position, from the standpoint of negotiation. But, you know, we want a lot to be given up. And we’re giving up.
And we’ll have to — you know, we’ll be helping them along economically, us and other — many other countries are going to be helping. They’re going to be in there. They’re prepared to help. I can tell you: Japan, South Korea, I think China. So many.
And speaking of China, we’re very well on our way to doing something special, but we’ll see. I mean, I am always prepared to walk. I’m never afraid to walk from a deal. And I would do that with China, too, if it didn’t work out.
* * * *
Q Jessica Stone from CGTN. I have a question about China, as you were talking about. You talk about China being willing, potentially, to help economically. And the fact that you’ve talked — or will talk to Presidents Moon and Prime Minister Abe, how would you describe China’s role in facilitating the engagement that’s happened, so far, between Pyongyang and Washington?
THE PRESIDENT: I think China has been a big help. Bigger than most people know. On the border, as you know, 93 percent of the goods coming into North Korea come through China. So there’s a great power there. At the same time, I believe — I happen to believe that North Korea is calling its own shots. They’re not taking orders from anybody. He’s a very strong guy. And they’re able to do things that are pretty amazing. But 93 percent still come in from China. China has an influence, and China has been a big help.
And Russia has been a big help too. As you know, there’s a pretty small part of the border, but nevertheless significant — about 28 miles. And things can happen there too. And they’ve been a help.
Yes, go ahead, please.
Q Thanks, President. Jen Chen with Shenzhen Media Group of China. In your meeting with Chairman Kim this morning and yesterday, did the topic of China come up? If so, what can you share with us today? And you probably will have the (inaudible) of Mar-a-Lago summit in March with Chinese President Xi Jinping. What would you like accomplished with your agenda regarding China at that time? Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: We did talk about China today a lot. And he’s getting along with China and so are we. And we are — you know, we’re — we’re, right now, you look at what’s happened to our country; we’ve picked up trillions and trillions of dollars of net worth. Our stock market is almost at its all-time high. Our economy is incredible. Our unemployment numbers are among the best we’ve ever had in our history.
* * * *
And with China, they’re having some difficulty, as you know. But I think that a lot of the difficulty is because of the tariffs that they’re having. And in addition to that, we’re putting a tremendous amount of money; you saw trade deficits went down last month. Everybody was trying to find out why. Well, we’re taking in a lot of tariff money, and it’s going right to the bottom line and it has reduced the trade deficits.
So we’ll see what happens with China. I think we have a very good chance. Their numbers are down. But I don’t want that. I want their numbers — I want them to do great. But we’ve been losing anywhere from $300- to $500 billion a year with China for many, many years.
* * * *
Q Thank you, Mr. President. I’m (inaudible), reporter from Global Times China. I would like to ask you, what are you expecting China to do in the next step to mediate your relationship with North Korea? Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: To use China?
Q Yeah, from China.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we do. I mean, China has been very helpful. President Xi is a great leader. He’s a highly respected leader all over the world and especially in Asia. And he’s helped us — Mike, I would say he’s helped us a lot, right?
THE PRESIDENT: We’ve — I actually called him just recently to say, “Hey, you know, whatever you can do on this.” But he has been very helpful at the border, and he’s been very, very helpful with, I think, North Korea generally. Could he be a little more helpful? Probably. But he’s been excellent.
* * * *
Q Mr. President, I’m from China. My question is: Do you still believe it is possible that the North Korea and U.S. relation could be like the U.S. and the Vietnam relation in the future?
THE PRESIDENT: You have to go again.
Q Do you believe — do you still believe that is it is possible that the relation between U.S. and North Korea, in the future, could be like the relation between U.S. and Vietnam?
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. I think we’re going have — yeah. I mean, we have very, very good relations. And, by the way, speaking of — you mentioned Japan — we have a lot of good things happening Japan. We have trade talks started. For years, Japan has been sending millions and millions of cars in, and as you know, it’s not been a very fair situation for the United States.
We’re starting trade talks with Japan. They actually started about three months ago, and I think we’ll have a very good deal for the United States. But that’s been a very unfair situation. Prime Minister Abe understands that, and that’s fine.
* * * *
END 2:53 P.M. ICT |
阅读原文:https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/the-south-china-sea-southeast-asias-patrimony-and-everybodys-own-backyard/ | REMARKS
JULY 14, 2020
Remarks as prepared
Thank you, Greg. I’m honored to join you. I commend CSIS for regularly convening leading thinkers on the Indo-Pacific and on the South China Sea in particular. Your work is an invaluable resource to us all.
This is a timely and important discussion. In recent months, while the world has focused on the fight against COVID-19, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has doubled-down on its campaign to impose an order of “might makes right” in the South China Sea. Beijing is working to undermine the sovereign rights of other coastal states and deny them access to offshore resources – resources that belong to those states, not to China. Beijing wants dominion for itself. It wants to replace international law with rule by threats and coercion.
In recent months, Beijing has sunk Vietnamese fishing vessels, sent an armed flotilla to harass Malaysian offshore energy exploration, and wielded maritime militia to surround Philippine outposts. Beijing has further militarized its artificial islands in the Spratlys with new aircraft deployments. It has announced unilateral fishing bans. It has conducted destabilizing military exercises in contested waters around disputed features. And it increasingly uses its artificial islands as bases for harassment operations – to curtail access of Southeast Asian coastal states to offshore oil, gas and fisheries.
We all know why this matters. By claiming “indisputable sovereignty” over an area larger than the Mediterranean and trampling the rights of others, Beijing threatens the existing order that has given Asia decades of prosperity. That order has been based on freedom and openness, ideas that Beijing opposes.
Nearly $4 trillion in trade transits the South China Sea each year. More than $1 trillion of that is linked to the U.S. market. The sea is home to an estimated $2.6 trillion in recoverable offshore oil and gas. It also has some of the world’s richest fishing grounds that employ an estimated 3.7 million people in coastal Southeast Asian states.
These resources are the birthright of Southeast Asian nations, the lifeblood of their coastal communities, and the livelihood of millions of their citizens. They are the inheritance of each nation’s children and grandchildren. Beijing’s behavior is an assault on the people of Southeast Asia today, and from generation to generation.
This week marks the anniversary of a historic statement on international law in the South China Sea: the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal ruling.
This case of peaceful arbitration was brought – with real courage – by the Philippines. And the verdict was unanimous: Beijing’s Nine-Dash line maritime claim has no basis in international law. The tribunal sided squarely with the Philippines on the bulk of its legal claims.
Beijing has since tried to delegitimize and ignore the verdict, despite its obligations to abide by it as a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Beijing likes to present itself as a champion of multilateralism and international institutions, but it has dismissed the verdict as “nothing more than a piece of paper.”
Only the gullible or the co-opted can still credit Beijing’s pretense of good global citizenship. Today we are hearing more and more voices raised against Beijing’s aggressiveness and unilateralism.
We welcome the clear insistence last month by Leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations that South China Sea disputes should be resolved on the basis of international law, including UNCLOS.
The wider world is also speaking up and taking action, in recognition that Beijing’s actions pose the greatest threat to freedom of the seas anywhere on the planet. South China Sea issues have direct bearing on the future of the Arctic, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, and other vital waterways. What is at stake in the South China Sea has a direct impact on every nation and person who relies on freedom of the seas and the free movement of maritime commerce to ensure their nation’s prosperity.
The United States has strengthened our own approach to the South China Sea.
Our policy is to champion a free and open Indo-Pacific in which all the region’s diverse nations can live and prosper in peace. Our policy appreciates the diversity of those nations. It defends sovereignty, independence, and pluralism. A free and open Indo-Pacific means a region where countries are secure in their sovereignty and equal in their shared use of the global commons. No hegemonic power dominates others or turns international waters into a zone of exclusion.
Our approach builds on America’s long record in the Pacific of preserving the peace, upholding freedom of the seas in line with international law, maintaining the unimpeded flow of commerce, and supporting peaceful settlement of disputes. These are important and abiding interests we share with our many allies and partners.
In recent years we have deepened our collaboration across the region. We have increased our maritime capacity-building support for Southeast Asian partners, reaffirmed alliances, and maintained a robust tempo of military activities to keep the peace. These include freedom-of-navigation operations, including five in the South China Sea so far this year; presence operations, including dual-carrier operations earlier this month; strategic bomber patrols; and combined operations and exercises with our allies and partners.
The United States continues to be the largest source of commercial investment in the region, by far. Our nearly $300 billion in annual trade in goods and services with the 650 million people of ASEAN help ensure the growing prosperity of that dynamic region. ASEAN nations now produce almost $3 trillion of annual GDP. Living standards have improved tremendously, thanks to ASEAN’s incredible energy, and a global system that has long sustained stability, security, and prosperity.
Yesterday, Secretary Pompeo announced an important step to strengthen our policy, and to stand firmly with our Southeast Asian partners in defense of their sovereign rights. The Secretary issued a statement of policy on maritime claims in the South China Sea, on the occasion of the anniversary of the 2016 tribunal ruling. Since that ruling, we have said that it is “final and legally binding” on both parties, China and the Philippines. This announcement goes further, to make clear: The PRC has no right to bully Southeast Asian states for their offshore resources.
Specifically, Secretary Pompeo said three main things:
First, the PRC has no lawful maritime claim vis-a-vis the Philippines over waters determined by the Tribunal to be in the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or on its continental shelf. Within those areas, Beijing’s harassment of Philippine fisheries and offshore energy development is unlawful, as are any unilateral PRC actions to exploit those resources. Nor does
the PRC have a legal claim to Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal, both of which are under Philippines jurisdiction.
Second, because Beijing has failed to put forth a lawful, coherent maritime claim in the South China Sea, the United States rejects any PRC claim to waters beyond a 12 nautical mile territorial sea derived from islands it claims in the Spratly Islands. This means that the United States rejects any PRC maritime claim in the waters surrounding Vanguard Bank (off Vietnam), Luconia Shoals (off Malaysia), Natuna Besar (off Indonesia), or in the waters of Brunei’s EEZ. Any PRC action to harass other states’ fishing or hydrocarbon development — or to unilaterally carry out such activities on its own – is unlawful. Period.
Third, the PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to James Shoal, off Malaysia. This one deserves a moment of study. James Shoal is a submerged feature on the sea floor some 20 meters beneath the surface. It is also only 50 nautical miles from Malaysia – and over 1,000 nautical miles from the Chinese mainland. Yet Beijing claims it as the “southernmost point of China”! The claim is absurd – appearing to derive from an erroneous old British atlas and a subsequent translation error, suggesting the underwater shoal was actually a sandbank above the waves. But it isn’t. And yet Beijing’s propaganda touts James Shoal as PRC territory and PLA Navy ships deploy there to stage ostentatious oath-swearing ceremonies. International law is clear: An underwater feature gives no rights. James Shoal is not and never was Chinese territory, nor can Beijing assert any lawful maritime rights from such spurious claims.
In all these cases, the United States stands with our Southeast Asian allies and partners in upholding their sovereign rights, and with all the rest of the law-abiding world in defending the freedom of the seas. As the Secretary has said, the world cannot – and will not – allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire.
Let me briefly raise four other important aspects of the South China Sea issue: (1) the role of Beijing’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs); (2) the negotiations between China and ASEAN over a Code of Conduct; (3) Beijing’s push for “joint development” of Southeast Asian resources; and (4) Beijing’s campaign for a seat on the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).
First, on state-owned enterprises: In the South China Sea, as elsewhere, Beijing has used state-owned enterprises as tools of economic coercion and international abuse.
They have been used to dredge, construct, and militarize the PRC’s artificial island fortresses in the Spratlys, from which Beijing now violates the exclusive economic zones of Southeast Asian
states. One of Beijing’s leading infrastructure contractors that works all around the world – China Construction & Communications Corporation, or CCCC – led the dredging for Beijing’s South China Sea military bases, with terribly destructive effects on the marine environment and regional stability.
State-owned enterprises have been used as battering rams to attempt to enforce Beijing’s unlawful “Nine Dashed Line.” China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC, used its mammoth survey rig HD-981 to try intimidating Vietnam off the Paracel islands in 2014. It is telling that CNOOC’s chief executive touted that oil rig as “mobile national territory.” The implications of such a statement should give pause to every nation that relies on the freedom of the seas for prosperity and security.
Other PRC commercial survey ships and rigs have been sent repeatedly into Southeast Asian waters in which China has no rights. Numerous PRC state-owned tourism, telecom, fisheries and banking firms invest in ways to enable Beijing’s unlawful claims and bullying. PRC fishing fleets in the South China Sea often operate as maritime militia under the direction of China’s military, harassing and intimidating others as a tool of violent state coercion.
These state-owned enterprises are PRC instruments of abuse, and we should highlight their improper behavior. We should also shine light on how these companies operate around the world, including across Southeast Asia and in the United States. In all our societies, citizens deserve to know the differences between commercial enterprises and instruments of foreign state power. These state enterprises are modern-day equivalents of the East India Company.
Second, on Code of Conduct talks: There are clear red flags about Beijing’s intentions. For years Beijing has insisted that ASEAN states keep silent on the proceedings. Press reports have shown why: Behind closed doors, the PRC has pushed ASEAN states to accept limits on core matters of national interest.
These include limits on who ASEAN states can partner with for military exercises and offshore oil and gas work. Beijing is also pressuring ASEAN nations to cut ties with “outside” states and to dilute references to international law. These are demands of a bully, not a friendly neighbor. Beijing may have backed off its arbitrary 2021 deadline for concluding the talks, but its hegemonic goals remain.
U.S. interests are clearly at stake in the Code of Conduct process, as are those of all states who value freedom of the seas. A Code of Conduct that in any way legitimates Beijing’s reclamation, militarization, or unlawful maritime claims would be severely damaging, and unacceptable for many nations. We urge greater transparency in the Code of Conduct process to ensure a positive outcome that is fully consistent with the principles enshrined in the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Third, on “joint development” deals: The PRC seeks to dominate the South China Sea’s oil and gas resources. To achieve this, Beijing is pursuing a campaign to deny Southeast Asian states access to desperately needed oil and gas resources except through “joint development” deals that disadvantage the smaller parties – that is, the non-Chinese parties.
The PRC gambit works like this. By aggressively deploying military forces, maritime militia, state-directed oil rigs and the like, Beijing tries to drive up risk for energy firms that want to operate in the South China Sea, in hopes of pushing out foreign competition. Once accomplished, Beijing pushes other states to accept “joint development” with its own state-owned firms, saying “if you want to develop those resources off your coast, your only option is to do so with us.” These are gangster tactics.
The United States supports nations in standing up for their sovereign rights and interests, and in resisting pressure to accept any deal whereby the PRC pushes its way into a share of offshore resources it has no right to claim.
Fourth, on the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea: Beijing is running an uncontested candidate for a judge’s position on this tribunal at an election currently slated for late August/early September.
Like the Arbitral Tribunal that ruled against Beijing in 2016, the International Tribunal is established under the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. Electing a PRC official to this body is like hiring an arsonist to help run the Fire Department.
We urge all countries involved in the upcoming International Tribunal election to carefully assess the credentials of the PRC candidate and consider whether a PRC judge on the Tribunal will help or hinder international maritime law. Given Beijing’s record, the answer should be clear.
There are lessons here that apply well beyond the Western Pacific. When Beijing uses coercion, empty promises, disinformation, contempt for rules, bad-faith diplomacy, and other underhanded tactics in the South China Sea, it is drawing on a playbook that it uses worldwide.
We see it in the East China Sea and around Taiwan, where Beijing has expanded its maritime provocations and threatening sorties. We see it in the Himalayas, where Beijing
recently took aggressive action on its frontiers with India. We see it along the Mekong River, where Beijing has used its massive cascade of dams to hold back water from downstream neighbors in Southeast Asia, contributing to the worst drought in the Mekong’s recorded history. I urge everyone to read the recent report from the Stimson Center, “New Evidence: How China Turned Off the Tap on the Mekong River.”
But Beijing’s aggressive mode of operation is visible not only in other disputes over territory and natural resources.
It is also visible in Hong Kong, where Beijing’s new national security law flouts its commitments under the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 – an agreement now derided by PRC officials as nothing but a scrap of paper. Just as they said about the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal ruling on the South China Sea.
Aggressive behavior is Beijing’s general approach to international organizations. When the South China Sea came up at an ASEAN meeting in 2010, Beijing’s top diplomat thundered at his Southeast Asian counterparts: “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact.” This sort of contempt helps explain Beijing’s subversion of international institutions from the World Health Organization to Interpol, the World Trade Organization and beyond.
A few years ago, many believed that Beijing’s South China Sea abuses were mostly a local phenomenon, a kind of limited indulgence for a rising power finding its way in the world. Today we know that the Chinese Communist Party’s neo-imperial ways aren’t incidental to its character but are an essential feature of a nationalist and Marxist-Leninist mindset. Beijing wants to dominate its immediate neighborhood – and eventually impose its will and its rules on your neighborhood too, wherever you may be.
You could be a university student in Australia, a book publisher in Europe, or the general manager of an NBA franchise in Houston. You might work for an international hotel chain, a German car company, or a U.S. airline. You could be a 5G customer in Britain – or anywhere else in the world. Wherever you are, Beijing increasingly wants to stake claims, coerce, and control. By its nature, it cannot accept a pluralistic world with fundamental freedoms of choice and conscience.
The South China Sea, then, is less a faraway exception and more a sign and a threat of how the Chinese Communist Party will seek to act – unless it faces pushback. So it is good to see a wide range of countries increasingly stand against Beijing’s abuses, on a range of fronts including the South China Sea.
At the United Nations, a succession of formal declarations by Southeast Asian coastal states show clear resolve to uphold international law and reject pressure to accept Beijing’s unlawful claims. These include Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia in the past months alone.
Likewise, the United States and other countries have raised concerns for the first time in the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly over the dangers of PRC actions in the South China Sea.
Australia, Britain, France, Germany and India have all recently issued statements of unprecedented concern over South China Sea activities by Beijing that put regional stability and international law at risk. Meanwhile we see promising new defense and security arrangements among allies and partners from Australia to Southeast Asia, Japan and India.
As mentioned, all the Leaders of ASEAN last month insisted that South China Sea disputes must be resolved on the basis of international law, including UNCLOS.
I’ll close by citing the statement put out Sunday by the Philippines on the fourth anniversary of the Arbitral Tribunal ruling. “The arbitration case initiated and overwhelmingly won by the Republic of the Philippines versus the People’s Republic of China is a contribution of great significance and consequence to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea and to the peace and stability of the region at large. . . . The arbitral tribunal’s award of 12 July 2016 represents a victory, not just for the Philippines, but for the entire community of consistently law-abiding nations.”
For our part, the United States is resolved to protect our vital interests and those of our allies and friends. We are building our military capabilities. We are vigilant. We are exercising and operating wherever international law allows. We are strengthening ties with our friends. We stand ready to help bolster the military capabilities of concerned nations. We support multilateral diplomatic efforts to resist PRC encroachments. And we are providing economic options to underscore that nations need not depend on initiatives from Beijing that are fundamentally predatory.
The community of law-abiding nations will indeed stand together. For a free and open South China Sea, a free and open Indo-Pacific, and a free and open world.
Many thanks for your time. I welcome your questions. |
美国将继续调查、起诉、并制裁掠夺他们自己人民的官员。其他国家也在进行类似的努力。我在政府的这些年见过严重贪腐的例子,但从没见过这种规模。 | Remarks
Michael G. Kozak
Senior Bureau Official, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The Organization of American States
Washington, DC
March 1, 2019
Here in the Hall of the Americas, our objective is peace. And peace is our objective in Venezuela. But this past Saturday Nicolas Maduro ordered armed criminals to attack his own people at Venezuela’s borders as they sought to receive desperately needed humanitarian aid. And he ordered the country’s once proud security forces to aid and abet this criminality.
The United States will continue to investigate, prosecute, and sanction officials who rob their own people. Other countries are undertaking similar efforts. I have seen examples of gross corruption during my years in government, but never anything of this scale. |
副发言人罗伯特·帕拉迪诺(Robert Palladino)的声明
今天国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(Michael R. Pompeo)会见了曾在中国新疆维吾尔自治区某拘留营经历了骇人听闻的条件和虐待的幸存者,维吾尔族穆斯林米娜•图尔松(Mihrigul Tursun)。国务卿蓬佩奥还会见了维吾尔族穆斯林群体的其他3名成员:古丽恰克热·霍迦(Gulchehra Hoja)、法卡特·乔达特(Ferkat Jawdat)和阿尔法·艾尔肯(Arfat Erkin)。他们都有亲人被中国当局拘押在拘留营中或判处刑罚。这些人的家人都属于自2017年4月以来被中国政府拘押在拘留营的100多万维吾尔族、哈萨克族和其他穆斯林少数民族群体的成员。国务卿赞赏他们有勇气挺身而出揭发中国的虐待行为,并强调美国坚决支持制止中国镇压伊斯兰和其他宗教的运动。
这些幸存者讲述的情况只是少数几个事例,在新疆受中国镇压的幸存者的遭遇还有数百个之多。他们代表了新疆无法发出自己的心声、无法自由行动、无法为自己思考,甚至无法从事自己最基本的宗教活动的一百万或更多人的声音。国务院2018年度人权报告(Human Rights Report)有关中国的部分详述了这些拘留营采取的虐待行为,例如酷刑、专制的监视措施、中国政府官员入户同住和强迫穆斯林家庭接受猪肉和酒、没收古兰经(Qurans)和性虐待和死亡事件等。我们呼吁中国政府立即释放这些人的家人和所有被任意拘押在拘留营的其他人员。 | U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
March 27, 2019
Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with Uighur Muslims Impacted by Human Rights Crisis in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China
Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met yesterday with Mihrigul Tursun, a Uighur Muslim who survived horrific conditions and abuse in a Chinese internment camp in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. Secretary Pompeo also met with three other members of the Uighur Muslim community: Gulchehra Hoja, Ferkat Jawdat, and Arfat Erkin, whose relatives have been detained in the camps or criminally sentenced by Chinese authorities. These individuals’ family members are among the more than one million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other Muslim minority groups whom the Chinese government has detained in internment camps since April 2017. The Secretary commended their bravery in speaking out about China’s abuses, and pledged U.S. support to end China’s campaign of repression against Islam and other religions.
These survivors’ stories are just a few of among hundreds of other stories from survivors of China’s repressive campaign in Xinjiang. They speak for the million or more voices in Xinjiang who are unable to speak for themselves, move freely, think for themselves, and undertake even the most basic practices of their religion. The Department of State’s 2018 Human Rights Report on China detailed abuses in these camps, such as torture, repressive surveillance measures, homestays and forcible service of pork and alcohol by Chinese government officials in Muslim homes, confiscations of Qurans, and instances of sexual abuse and death. We call on the Chinese government to release immediately these individuals’ family members and all others arbitrarily detained in the camps. |
DOS Seal
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
发言人摩根·奥塔格斯(Morgan Ortagus)发表声明 关于中国升级对越南在南中国海长期从事油气开采活动的胁迫行为
美国高度关注中国继续干涉越南在索求涉及的越南专属经济区(Exclusive Economic Zone)长期从事的油气开采活动。此事对中国有关和平解决海上纠纷的主张提出了严重质疑,其中包括对东盟-中国《南中国海各方行为准则宣言》(ASEAN-China Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea)的承诺。
中国再次派遣政府拥有的勘测船,在武装护航的情况下于8月13日进入越南万安滩(Vanguard Bank)临近水域。这是北京为恐吓其他索求方停止在南中国海开发资源采取的升级行动。
中国的行动破坏了地区和平与安全,阻挠东南亚国家开发价值约2.5万亿美元的未开发油气资源,强行使这些国家承担经济代价,同时表明中国无视各国根据1982年《海洋法公约》(Law of the Sea Convention)在本国经济专属区内从事经济活动的权利。中国已于1996年批准该公约。
美国公司在全世界油气资源勘探和开采活动中保持领先地位,包括在外海和南中国海地区。为此,美国强烈反对中国采取任何行为威胁或强迫伙伴国家停止与非中国公司合作或以其他方式骚扰这些国家的合作活动。美国坚定地支持我国印度-太平洋(Indo-Pacific)地区伙伴和盟国的能源安全,要求保障全球市场不间断地获得地区生产的油气产品。 | STATEMENT BY MORGAN ORTAGUS, SPOKESPERSON
August 21, 2019
China Escalates Coercion against Vietnam’s Longstanding Oil and Gas Activity in the South China Sea
The United States is deeply concerned that China is continuing its interference with Vietnam’s longstanding oil and gas activities in Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claim. This calls into serious question China’s commitment, including in the ASEAN-China Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, to the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes.
China’s redeployment of a government-owned survey vessel, together with armed escorts, into waters offshore Vietnam near Vanguard Bank on August 13, is an escalation by Beijing in its efforts to intimidate other claimants out of developing resources in the South China Sea (SCS).
In recent weeks, China has taken a series of aggressive steps to interfere with ASEAN claimants’ longstanding, well-established economic activities, in an attempt both to coerce them to reject partnerships with foreign oil and gas firms, and to work only with China’s state-owned enterprises. In the case of Vanguard Bank, China is pressuring Vietnam over its work with a Russian energy firm and other international partners.
China’s actions undermine regional peace and security, impose economic costs on Southeast Asian states by blocking their access to an estimated $2.5 trillion in unexploited hydrocarbon resources, and demonstrate China’s disregard for the rights of countries to undertake economic activities in their EEZs, under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, which China ratified in 1996.
U.S. companies are world leaders in the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbon resources, including offshore and in the South China Sea. The United States therefore strongly opposes any efforts by China to threaten or coerce partner countries into withholding cooperation with non-Chinese firms, or otherwise harassing their cooperative activities. The United States is committed to bolstering the energy security of our partners and allies in the Indo-Pacific region and in ensuring uninterrupted regional oil and gas production for the global market.
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下周讨论的主题将涵盖包括知识财产、强制技术转让、非关税壁垒、农业、服务、采购以及执行在内的贸易议题。 | Office of the Press Secretary
April 23,2019
Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Administration’s Trade Talks with China
At President Donald J. Trump’s direction, United States Trade Representative Robert Lightizer and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin will travel to Beijing for continued negotiations on the trade relationship between the United States and China. The talks will begin on April 30, 2019. Vice Premier Liu He will lead the talks for China. The Vice Premier will then lead a Chinese delegation to Washington for additional discussions starting on May 8, 2019.
The subjects of next week’s discussions will cover trade issues including intellectual property, forced technology transfer, non-tariff barriers, agriculture, services, purchases, and enforcement. |
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
拜登总统(President Biden)在会议的第一天就履行了他关于重新加入《巴黎协议》(Paris Agreement)的承诺。几天后,他采取行政措施,确保我们在国内外采取行动应对气候危机——同时创造工作机会,巩固我们的经济。本星期,他与40位世界领导人一起举行具有历史意义的峰会,表明美国已经回归。
在美国,拜登–哈里斯政府(Biden-Harris Administration)已经采取全政府动员的方式发展经济机会,创造报酬良好的工作并促进环境正义。从国家到地方各级及所有的部门,联邦政府不仅努力帮助受气候影响最严重的群体,而且创造更具有抗御能力、更公正和更繁荣的未来。
拜登总统召开了以美国为首的“主要经济体能源和气候问题论坛”(Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate)会议。美国在乔治·布什政府(George W. Bush Administration)执政期间第一次举行论坛成员参加的会议。论坛17个成员的经济体合计占全球温室气体排放和国内生产总值的约80%。在这次峰会期间,论坛的其他成员与美国共同承诺采取必要步骤,为这个具有决定意义的十年规划成功之路。特别容易受气候影响的国家及为实现零排放经济采取创新途径的各国领导人也与论坛成员的首脑和领导人共同努力。参加这次峰会的工商领导人、发明家、地方官员和原住民及青年代表相互交流看法并准备为应对气候危机贡献力量。
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今天作出的宣布是拜登–哈里斯政府采取的进一步步骤,旨在推进对气候变化作出前所未有的全政府的反响,同时创造有良好薪酬的有工会的工作,并增进环境正义。拜登总统在上任第一天兑现了重新加入《巴黎协议》的诺言,并在一星期后签署了《关于在国内外应对气候危机的行政命令》(Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad)。在这项命令中,拜登总统责成联邦部门采取应对气候危机的全面方针。从减少排放到促进公平转型,拜登–哈里斯政府致力于同国际领导人、公民社会、商企和社会携手努力,促使全球各国加强行动,迎战这一全球挑战。 | FACT SHEET: President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate
APRIL 23, 2021
On Day One, President Biden fulfilled his commitment to rejoin the Paris Agreement. Days later, he took executive actions to ensure we tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad – all while creating jobs and strengthening our economy. This week, he held a historic summit with 40 world leaders to show that America is back.
Over the course of two days and eight sessions, President Biden convened heads of state and government, as well as leaders and representatives from international organizations, businesses, subnational governments, and indigenous communities to rally the world in tackling the climate crisis, demonstrate the economic opportunities of the future, and affirm the need for unprecedented global cooperation and ambition to meet the moment.
On the first day of the summit, President Biden upped the ante. He announced the United States will target reducing emissions by 50-52 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. He underscored America’s commitment to leading a clean energy revolution and creating good-paying, union jobs – noting that the countries that take decisive action now will reap the economic benefits of the future.
In the United States, the Biden-Harris Administration has mobilized a whole-of-government approach to unleash economic opportunities, create good jobs, and advance environmental justice. From the national to the local level and across all agencies, the federal government is not only working to help those hit hardest by climate impacts, but also creating a more resilient, equitable, and prosperous future.
While the Biden-Harris Administration has committed itself to addressing the climate crisis, countries across the globe must also step up. Given that more than 85 percent of emissions come from beyond U.S. borders, domestic action must go hand in hand with international leadership. All countries – and particularly the major economies – must do more to bend the curve on global emissions so as to keep a 1.5 degree C limit on global average temperature rise within reach. President Biden’s Leaders Summit helped ensure the international community is working together to tackle the climate crisis and support the most vulnerable. Together with the new United States 2030 target along with those announced in the run-up to and at the summit, more than half of the world’s economy is now committed to the pace of action we need to limit warming to 1.5 degree C. And this coalition is growing.
President Biden convened the U.S.-led Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate, a group the United States first convened during the George W. Bush Administration. Together, the 17 MEF economies are responsible for approximately 80 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and global GDP. At the Summit, alongside the United States, the other MEF participants committed to take the necessary steps to set the world up for success in this decisive decade. The heads of state and leaders of the MEF participants were also joined by the leaders of countries that are especially vulnerable to climate impacts, as well as countries charting innovative pathways to a net-zero economy. Business leaders, innovators, local officials, and indigenous and youth representatives participated in the summit, sharing their insights and planned contributions to help tackle the climate crisis.
For our part, the United States is leading the way with a range of bold new commitments across the federal government that demonstrate its leadership, create jobs, rally the rest of the world to step up, mobilize finance, spur transformational innovations, conserve nature, build resilience, strengthen adaptation and drive economic growth for communities. U.S. commitments include:
Enhancing climate ambition and enabling the transformations required to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. President Biden is galvanizing efforts by the world’s major economies to reduce emissions during this critical period. From reducing short-lived climate pollutants and supporting the most vulnerable to investing in nature-based solutions, these transformational changes are critical to keep a 1.5 degree C limit on global average temperature rise within reach. Just as importantly, they will create new, good-paying jobs today to drive tomorrow’s economy.
The Biden-Harris Administration’s whole-of-government approach is ensuring that climate considerations are incorporated across U.S. engagements both at home and abroad. Some of the initiatives that were announced today include:
Mobilizing financing to drive the net-zero transition and adapt to climate change. Finance plays a vital role in accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy and building a climate-resilient future. Current financial flows are inadequate for addressing the scale of the climate crisis. Through President Biden’s international climate finance plan, the U.S. government will make strategic use of multilateral and bilateral channels and institutions to assist developing countries in implementing ambitious emissions reduction measures, protect critical ecosystems, build resilience against the impacts of climate change, and promote the flow of capital toward climate-aligned investments and away from high-carbon investments. To more effectively mobilize public and private finance to address the climate crisis, the United States announced it is:
Transforming energy systems. The potential of solar energy, wind power, and electricity storage technologies has improved dramatically over the past few years. But we need to go further and faster. To support accelerated action, new commitments include:
Revitalizing the transport sector. The transformation of the transport sector offers some of the biggest opportunities for deep emissions cuts, new jobs, and healthier cities. To jump-start this revolution, the United States is committing to:
Building workforces for the future and ensuring U.S. competitiveness. Climate action is an opportunity to spur job creation while enabling all communities and workers to benefit from the clean energy economy. To create opportunities for American-made solutions to tackle the climate crisis abroad, the United States is announcing new commitments to:
Promoting innovation to bring clean technologies to scale. Innovation will spur the technology and transformations necessary to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change at scale, while also creating enormous new economic opportunities to build the industries of the future. To build the future we want, the United States announced:
o Launching, and leading together with international partners, a major Mission Innovation international technology mission on carbon dioxide removal at COP26.
o Joining Mission Innovation’s hydrogen mission and co-leading, with Denmark, a mission to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in international shipping, both slated to launch at the June 2021 Mission Innovation ministerial.
o Planning to host the co-located 2022 Mission Innovation and Clean Energy Ministerial meetings.
Providing urgent support for vulnerable countries to adapt and build resilience to the climate crisis. The climate crisis is already posing challenges to communities at home and around the world. Millions of Americans feel the effects of climate change each year when agriculture fields are flooded, wildfires destroy neighborhoods, and storms knock out power. Communities of color and low-income communities around the country are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Abroad, many vulnerable countries already are facing catastrophic climate impacts. They must build their resilience to the climate crisis now. To strengthen our capacity to help people, reduce future risks and improve resilience, the United States is announcing it is:
Implementing nature-based solutions. Nature is a critical part of reaching net-zero emissions and enhancing community resilience. The world’s ocean and forests are critical carbon sinks and a source of life and livelihoods. Recognizing nature’s vital role, the United States is announcing new resources and support for:
Promoting safety and security at home and abroad. Climate change has been identified by the Department of Defense (DoD) as a critical national security threat and threat multiplier. As a result, DoD has undertaken assessments of the impacts that the climate crisis has on American military instillations. Today the United States is announcing:
Supporting action at every level. Fully addressing the climate crisis requires an all-of-society response. President Biden is committed to working with sub-national actors, business, civil society, indigenous communities, and youth to facilitate collective ambitious action that yields lasting results.
Today’s announcements are additional steps in the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to advance an unprecedented whole-of-government response to climate change while creating good-paying, union jobs and advancing environmental justice. On his first day in office, President Biden fulfilled his promise to rejoin the Paris Agreement, and one week later he signed an Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. As part of this Order, the President charged federal agencies to take a comprehensive approach to addressing the climate crisis. From reducing emissions to advancing a just transition, the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to working hand in hand with international leaders, civil society, businesses, and communities and getting countries around the world to step up and meet this global challenge.
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樱桃正当时!又到了每年的这个时候。 夏天又到了,新鲜美味的美国大樱桃从加州和太平洋西北部来到了中国。来观看布兰斯塔德大使的这段视频。 |
Cherries are in season! It’s that time of year again. Summer is here, and delicious fresh cherries from California and the Pacific Northwest are in China. Check out this video from Ambassador Branstad. |
今天是国际社会纪念俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰一周年的日子,国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯与联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯举行了会晤。双方讨论了在乌克兰促进公平和持久和平的需要,并强调了继续捍卫《联合国宪章》和为乌克兰及该地区提供人道主义支持的重要性。国务卿强调了在3月18日前自动延长“黑海谷物倡议”的重要性。双方讨论了2月6日的地震和余震在土耳其和叙利亚造成的惨重的生命损失,并重申需要让叙利亚能够继续获得救命的援助,以便联合国和人道主义行动方能够向受到影响的人提供救命的援助。双方还谈到了在塔利班持续镇压和侵犯人权的情况下,阿富汗人民的人道主义需求。 | READOUT
FEBRUARY 24, 2023
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met today with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, as the international community marks one year since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The two discussed the need to promote a just and durable peace in Ukraine and underscored the importance of continuing to defend the UN Charter and provide humanitarian support for Ukraine and the region. The Secretary emphasized the importance of an automatic extension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative before March 18. They discussed the tragic loss of life in Turkiye and Syria due to the February 6 earthquakes and aftershocks and reaffirmed the need for continued humanitarian access in Syria so that the UN and humanitarian actors can deliver life-saving assistance to those affected. They also spoke of the humanitarian needs of the Afghan people in the face of the Taliban’s continued repression and human rights abuses. |
该文献载明我们的核心价值。其中所含的想法—我们人皆生而平等,而为了保障人民的权利,政府的权力来自 “被治者的同意”
我们赞扬并支持过去和现今曾经行使基本自由权,以争取对的事物和打造一个更美好未来的美国人民。今天,美国驻华大使馆祝愿各位有个快乐的独立日,并赞扬从不放弃追求更美好、更光明未来的勇敢公民。 | This Independence Day marks America’s 244th birthday. On July 4, 1776, the founders of our country signed the Declaration of Independence – the document that enshrines our core values. The ideas it contained – that we are all created equal, and that governments, in order to secure the rights of the people, derive their powers “from the consent of the governed,” were revolutionary when they were written. But over the years, our founding principles have become a symbol for freedom around the world, and today they continue to inspire Americans of all backgrounds as we continue in our efforts “to form a more perfect Union.”There is no doubt that we live in challenging times, but we should also remember the turbulence of our nation’s founding and of other periods throughout our history in which Americans came together to overcome division, hardship, and global crises. At times like these, we draw upon what we hold in common – the values that laid the foundation for the vibrant, diverse, prosperous, and free society the United States has become. Today, we celebrate the fundamental rights enshrined in our founding documents. Chief among them are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly – the right to peacefully protest, and to write, report, and print all viewpoints in a free press. These rights have been key to preserving our liberty, and have served as a guidepost for Americans in our continuing efforts “to form a more perfect Union.”We celebrate and support Americans, past and present, who have used their fundamental freedoms to strive for what is right and to build a better future. Today, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing wishes you all a happy Independence Day and celebrates the brave citizens who never give up on the dream of a better and brighter future. |
这是北京变本加厉打压中国基督徒和其他宗教群体成员的又一例证。我们继续呼吁北京遵守其国际承诺以及其在自身宪法中做出的保证,推动所有个体的宗教自由,包括民族和宗教少数群体成员,以及那些在政府许可的官方机构之外进行敬拜的人。 | U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
Office of the Spokesperson
For Immediate Release
December 31, 2019
Conviction of Chinese Christian Pastor Wang Yi
We are alarmed that Pastor Wang Yi, leader of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, was tried in secret and sentenced to nine years in prison in connection to his peaceful advocacy for religious freedom. We call for his immediate and unconditional release.
Pastor Wang Yi was originally arrested with dozens of other congregants on December 9, 2018, during a massive crackdown on Chengdu’s largest unregistered church. He was found guilty during a closed-door trial December 26 on trumped-up charges of “inciting subversion of state power” and “illegal business activities,” with no defense lawyer present.
This is yet another example of Beijing’s intensification of repression of Chinese Christians and members of other religious groups. We continue to call on Beijing to uphold its international commitments and promises made in its own constitution to promote religious freedom for all individuals, including members of ethnic and religious minorities and those who worship outside of official state-sanctioned institutions. |
美国和日本认识到中国的行为,当与现存的国际秩序不一致时,对同盟和国际社会造成政治、经济、军事和科技上的挑战。部长们承诺抵制在此地区以胁迫和破坏稳定的方式对付他国的行为,其破坏基于规则的国际体系。他们重新确认支持合法商务畅通无阻和尊重国际法, 包括航行和飞越自由和其他合法的海洋使用。部长们同时对近来在该地区的扰乱性发展,例如中国的《海警法》,表示严正关切。此外,他们也论及美国依照安保条约第五条对日本防务不动摇的承诺,包括尖阁列岛在内。美日持续反对任何以单边寻求改变现状或削弱日本对这些岛屿的管理的行动。部长们强调台湾海峡和平稳定的重要性。他们重申反对中国在南中国海的非法海事声索和活动,并重申2016年7月根据1982年《海洋法公约》所做出的、有关菲律宾和中国仲裁案的判决为最终判决,且对当事方具法律约束力。部长们表达对香港和新疆维吾尔自治区人权状况的严正关切。
部长们认识到在美国国防部展开其《全球态势审评》之际,紧密协调的重要性。他们也欢迎力量重新调整部署工作的进展,并重申他们的承诺,要以维持备战能力和可持续的存在,同时降低对当地社区影响的方式,实施现有安排。他们再次确认在边野古的施瓦布营(Camp Schwab-Henokosaki )及周边水域建造普天间替代设施(Futenma Replacement Facility)的计划,是避免继续使用普天间海军陆战队航空基地的唯一解决方法,并承诺尽快完工。至于地主国支援,部长们同意现有的防卫费分担特别协议(Special Measures Agreement) 延长一年的修订,并指示他们的谈判人员朝向一个新的多年互惠协议前进。
有鉴于美日同盟的深度和广度,以及在诸多政策共同优先重点上加强势头的需要,部长们要求今年晚些时候举行另一次安全磋商委员会会议。 | U.S.-Japan Joint Press Statement
The following statement was released by the Security Consultative Committee.
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Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defense Austin, Minister for Foreign Affairs Motegi, and Minister of Defense Kishi held the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee in Tokyo, Japan on March 16, 2021. They reaffirmed that the U.S.-Japan Alliance remains the cornerstone of peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. Japan resolved to enhance its capabilities to bolster national defense and further strengthen the Alliance. The United States underscored its unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan through the full range of its capabilities, including nuclear. Amid growing geopolitical competition and challenges such as COVID-19, climate change, and revitalizing democracy, the United States and Japan renewed their commitment to promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific and a rules-based international order.
The United States and Japan acknowledged that China’s behavior, where inconsistent with the existing international order, presents political, economic, military, and technological challenges to the Alliance and to the international community. The Ministers committed to opposing coercion and destabilizing behavior toward others in the region, which undermines the rules-based international system. They reaffirmed their support for unimpeded lawful commerce and respect for international law, including freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the sea. The Ministers also expressed serious concerns about recent disruptive developments in the region, such as the China Coast Guard law. Further, they discussed the United States’ unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan under Article V of our security treaty, which includes the Senkaku Islands. The United States and Japan remain opposed to any unilateral action that seeks to change the status quo or to undermine Japan’s administration of these islands. The Ministers underscored the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. They reiterated their objections to China’s unlawful maritime claims and activities in the South China Sea and recalled that the July 2016 award of the Philippines-China arbitral tribunal, constituted under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, is final and legally binding on the parties. The Ministers shared serious concerns regarding the human rights situation in Hong Kong and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Recognizing that North Korea’s arsenal poses a threat to international peace and stability, the Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the complete denuclearization of North Korea and urged Pyongyang to abide by its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions. The Ministers also confirmed the necessity of immediate resolution of the abductions issue. Trilateral cooperation among the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea is critical for our shared security, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
The United States and Japan reaffirmed that the strength of the Alliance comes from our shared values and is amplified by our network of close partnerships with like-minded democracies. The March 12 Quad Summit demonstrated to the world our shared vision of a free, open, and inclusive region anchored by universal values and unconstrained by coercive power. The Ministers pledged to work with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), affirming their strong support for its centrality and unity, as well as for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.
Recognizing the increasingly serious regional security environment, the Ministers recommitted to enhancing close coordination to align security policy, deepen defense cooperation across all domains, and bolster extended deterrence by consulting on Alliance roles, missions, and capabilities. They highlighted the importance of domains such as space and cyber, as well as further strengthening information security. In addition, they reiterated that realistic bilateral and multilateral exercises and training are necessary to maintain the Alliance’s operational readiness and deterrent posture, as well as to meet future challenges.
The Ministers acknowledged the importance of close coordination as the Department of Defense conducts its Global Posture Review. They welcomed progress on force realignment efforts and reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the current arrangements in ways that maintain operational readiness and a sustainable presence, while mitigating the impact on local communities. They reconfirmed that the plan to construct the Futenma Replacement Facility at the Camp Schwab-Henokosaki area and in adjacent waters is the only solution that avoids the continued use of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, and committed to completing construction as soon as possible. Regarding Host Nation Support, having agreed to a one-year extension amendment to the current Special Measures Agreement, the Ministers instructed their negotiators to work toward a new mutually beneficial multi-year agreement.
In remembrance of the thousands of lives lost to the Great East Japan Earthquake and its aftermath in March 2011, the Ministers underscored the cooperative spirit of the Alliance and reaffirmed their commitment to working alongside one another to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
In recognition of the depth and breadth of the U.S.-Japan Alliance, and the need to increase momentum on numerous shared policy priorities, the Ministers called for another Security Consultative Committee meeting later in the year.
End text. |
马林斯基宫(Mariinsky Palace)
我不知道您是否记得您对我说的话,但您说的是,我引用原话:“聚集世界领导人。请他们支持乌克兰。” “聚集世界领导人,请他们支持乌克兰。”
我必须说,基辅在我的心中占据了一个位置。我作为副总统曾六次来到这里,作为总统来过一次。2009年,我作为副总统第一次来到这里。然后在2014年,我在“尊严革命”(Revolution of Dignity)之后来过三次。2015年,我再次前来,在乌克兰议会(Rada)就努力建设强大的民主国家发表讲话。我还于2017年来访,就在我卸任副总统之前。
但俄罗斯的目的是将乌克兰从地图上抹去。普京的征服战争正在失败。俄罗斯的军队已经失去了曾经占领的一半领土。成千上万年轻的、有才华的俄罗斯人正在逃离自己的家园,不愿回到俄罗斯。 不是……不仅仅是逃离军队,而是逃离俄罗斯这个国家,因为他们在自己的国家看不到未来。 俄罗斯的经济已经一蹶不振,陷入孤立和困难重重的境地。
一年过去了,今天这个大厅里的情景就证明他错了。 我们在这里站在一起。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/02/20/remarks-by-president-biden-and-president-zelenskyy-of-ukraine-in-joint-statement/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | FEBRUARY 20, 2023
Mariinsky Palace
Kyiv, Ukraine
10:49 A.M. EET
PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY: (As interpreted.) Mr. President, fellow ladies and gentlemen, journalists and everyone in this room, the team of President Biden: I’m very happy to welcome you in Ukraine. It is a great honor for me and for all of us.
We have just had negotiations with the President of the United States in the vis-à-vis format, and then we had a wide discussion with the involvement of our teams. These conversations brings us closer to the victory.
And we hope that this year, the 2023, will become a year of victory. This unprovoked and criminal Russia’s war against Ukraine and against the whole world and democratic world has to end with liberating the whole of Ukraine’s territory from Russia’s occupation and the solid guarantees of the long-term security for our country as well as Europe and the whole world.
Right now, in Ukraine, the destiny of the international order based on international order is decided. And we, together with President Biden and our allies and partners, have to continue doing everything possible so that the democratic world would win in this historic fight.
Ukrainian remember the focus, the attention, the attitude of President Biden and United States to every single Ukrainian. To Ukraine, we remain constantly in communication with the President of United States over the course of this large-scale war. And this is the first visit over 15 years. And this is really the most important visit of the whole history of Ukraine-U.S. relationship.
This is the visit in this most difficult period for Ukraine when Ukraine is fighting for our own liberty, for the liberties of the world. And this underlines the results that we have already achieved and what sort of historic achievements we might gain altogether with the whole world, with the United States, with Europe. And today our negotiations were very fruitful. We’ve — they were very important and crucial.
And as has become traditional in relationship between our countries, I would like to extend words of gratitude personally to Mr. President Biden and to his team, to the Congress, to all the U.S. people. And I thank you for this level of Ukraine-U.S. cooperation.
And this week, we’ll be marking a one year of our fight against Russia’s aggression, so it’s very symbolic that we solidify our resilience through two meetings with the President of Ukraine — my visit in December and the visit of Mr. President of the United States to Kyiv today.
The results of this visit will surely be seen and will surely have a reflection on the battlefield and in liberating our territories.
The decision of the United States on Abrams tanks for Ukraine has already presented a foundation for establishing a tank coalition. And it’s of historic importance in many other aspects, more specifically in air defense, in Patriots for the defense of our cities. Now, this is a very fundamental and crucial reinforcement of our capacities.
We’ve also talked about long-range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine, even though it wasn’t supplied before.
I know, Mr. President, that there will be a very significant package of security support to Ukraine. And currently, it will serve as a clear signal that Russia’s attempts of relaunch will have no chance and that we will together defend our cities and citizens from Russia’s (inaudible), will have more impetus towards our victory.
And today we have yet again underlined that we have our common vision with regards to the perspectives of this war. We have coordinated the follow-on pressure on the terrorist state. We are working hard on the reinforcement of sanctions, both bilaterally and in the form of G7, which is very important.
We have common vision on the contents of many aspects of our Peace Formula, because its security elements, as well as the tasks to restore the U.N. Charter to its full capacity and to defend the international rule-based order — that’s a common, joint task for all the countries that are interested in the international security.
The rebuilding and the recovery of justice is also very important for all those who was affected by the Russian terror, by the Russian war. And the aggressor has to take responsibility for the aggression and to reimburse all the damages.
I thank to the President of United States for supporting our work on restoring the justice more specifically in the work of all of our institutions in that area. And we believe there’s no alternatives to the establishment of the special tribunal. This is the position of the Uni- — of Ukraine, and we shall support this position.
And I would really like the United States to be engaged in the implementation of our Peace Formula, because its implementation would mean a reinforcement of global stability and the predictability of international relations. And we have some achievements in this area.
Already this week, in New York, together with the United States of America and over 60 other countries will be submitting for the consideration of the U.N. General Assembly — of the draft resolution on supporting peace in Ukraine. And on the eve of the 24th of February, we believe that the approval of this resolution would be very significant evidence to the fact that the terrorist state would never break a civilized country.
And I think we are also opening a special tablet dedicated to President Biden. The first call the night of the 24th of February took place with the United States, and since that time, we had conversations and with very significant attention to our fight, to the protection of Ukraine’s democracy.
Besides, there’s the personal contribution in President Biden in solidified the liberty and democracy in the world. This will be remembered eternally. And Ukraine is grateful to you, Mr. President, to all the U.S. citizens, to all those who cherish freedom just as we cherish them.
Glory to our warriors. Glory to our allies. And glory to Ukraine.
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, thank you very much, Mr. President. You know, it was — it was one year ago this week that we spoke on the telephone, Mr. President. It was very late at night in Washington, very early in the morning here in Kyiv. Russian planes were in the air, and tanks were rolling across your border. You told me that you could hear the explosions in the background. I’ll never forget that. And the world was about to change.
I remember it vividly, because I asked you — I asked you next — I asked you, “What is there, Mr. President? What can I do for you? How can I be of help?”
And I don’t know that you remember what you said to me, but you said, and I quote, “Gather the leaders of the world. Ask them to support Ukraine.” “Gather the leaders of the world, and ask them to support Ukraine.”
And you said that you didn’t know when we’d be able to speak again. That dark night, one year ago, the world was literally, at the time, bracing for the fall of Kyiv — it seems like a lot longer ago than a year, but think back to that year — perhaps even the end of Ukraine.
You know, one year later, Kyiv stands and Ukraine stands. Democracy stands.
The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.
Kyiv has captured a part of my heart, I must say. And I’ve come here six times as Vice President, once as President. And in 2009, as Vice President, when I first came here. Then back in 2014, I came three times in the aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity. And I again came in 2015 to address the Rada about the work of building a strong democracy. And I came in 2017, just before I left office as Vice President.
I knew I’d be back, but I wanted to be sure. Even though we’d — the election were over, Barack and I were out of office, I decided to make one more trip, before the next President was sworn in, to Kyiv.
So, President Zelenskyy, you deeply honor me here in Kyiv with you today to meet with your military, your intelligence folks, your diplomatic teams, community leaders who have stepped up and — to help their country in their hour of need.
It’s astounding who stood up. Everybody. Everybody — women, young children — trying to do something. Just trying to do something. Pulling people out of apartments that are being shelled and — literally what I think is a war crimes.
It’s astounding. And the whole world — the whole world sees it and looks at it.
This is the largest land war in Europe in three quarters of a century, and you’re succeeding against all and every expectation, except your own. We have every confidence that you’re going to continue to prevail.
You know, from the moment I first received the intelligence report in the fall, about a year ago, we were focused on determining: How do we rally the rest of the world? How do I help you with the promise you asked me to make to rally the world?
Well, how do you succeed? How do you ever get a world to respond to a prosperous economy, a confident democracy, a secure and independent state?
When united, Americans of all political backgrounds decided that they would step up. The American people know it matters. Unchecked aggression is a threat to all of us.
We built a coalition of nations, from the Atlantic to the Pacific: NATO to the Atla- — in the Atlantic; Japan in the Pacific. I mean, across the — across the world, the number of nations stood up — over 50 — to help Ukraine defend itself with unprecedented military, economic, and humanitarian support.
We united the leading economies of the world to impose unprecedented cost that are squeezing Russia’s economic lifelines.
Together, we’ve committed nearly 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles, 1,000 artillery systems, more than 2 million rounds of artillery ammunition, more than 50 advanced launch rocket systems, anti-ship and air defense systems, all defend U- — to defend Ukraine. And that doesn’t count the other half a billion dollars we’re going to be — we’re announcing with you today and tomorrow that’s going to be coming your way. And that’s just the United States, in this piece.
And just today, that announcement includes artillery ammunition for HIMARS and howitzers, more Javelins, anti-armor systems, air surveillance radars that’ll protect Ukrainian people from aerial bombardments.
Later this week, we will announce additional sanctions against elites and companies that are trying to evade sanctions and backfill Russia’s war machine.
And thanks to a bipartisan support in Congress, this week we’re delivering billions in direct budgetary support — billions in direct budgetary support — which the government can put to use immediately and help provide for basic services of citizens.
The cost that Ukraine has had to bear has been extraordinarily high, and the sacrifices have been far too great. They’ve been met, but they’ve been far too great.
We mourn alongside the families of those who have been lost to the brutal and unjust war. We know that there’ll be very difficult days and weeks and years ahead.
But Russia’s aim was to wipe Ukraine off the map. Putin’s war of conquest is failing. Russia’s military has lost half its territory it once occupied. Young, talented Russians are fleeing by the tens of thousands, not wanting to come back to Russia. Not fl- — not just fleeing from the military, fleeing from Russia itself, because they see no future in their country. Russia’s economy is now a backwater, isolated and struggling.
Putin thought Ukraine was weak and the West was divided. As you know, Mr. President, I said to you at the beginning, he’s counting on us not sticking together. He was counting on the inability to keep NATO united. He was counting on us not to be able to bring in others on the side of Ukraine.
He thought he could outlast us. I don’t think he’s thinking that right now. God knows what he’s thinking, but I don’t think he’s thinking that. But he’s just been plain wrong. Plain wrong.
And one year later, the evidence is right here in this room. We stand here together.
Mr. President, I’m delighted to be able to repay your visit to our country.
In Washington, not long ago, you told us, you told the Congress, quote, “We have no fear, nor should anyone in the world have it.” End of quote.
You and all Ukrainians, Mr. President, remind the world every single day what the meaning of the word “courage” is — from all sectors of your economy, all walks of life. It’s astounding. Astounding.
You remind us that freedom is priceless; it’s worth fighting for for as long as it takes. And that’s how long we’re going to be with you, Mr. President: for as long as it takes.
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Thank you. (Applause.)
11:07 A.M. EET |
2020年6月20日 美国东部夏令时下午3:38
但是,美国无法单独满足这些需求。我们不知疲倦地努力,鼓励我们的伙伴和盟友分担负担,确保以协调和有效的方式利用有限的资源,实现可持续的解决方案。我们呼吁包括政府和私营部门在内的尽可能广泛的捐助方群体提供更多的资源,这对解决这些紧迫和日益增长的需求至关重要。我们赞扬那些正在为支持世界各地的难民作出关键贡献的人。我们将继续与国际组织、捐助国、非政府组织和难民收容国合作,寻找可持续地解决流离失所问题的方案,同时寻求对那些造成流离失所的冲突的持久政治解决方案。 | 06/20/2020 03:38 PM EDT
Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State
World Refugee Day is an opportunity to recognize the courage and the struggles of millions of refugees who have fled their homes due to persecution and conflict. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of those forcibly displaced worldwide rose to nearly 80 million in 2019. The United States reaffirms its commitment to achieving the best humanitarian outcomes for the millions of displaced people around the world. To this end, the U.S. National Security Strategy directs us to continue to lead the world in humanitarian assistance and to support displaced people as close to their homes as possible to help meet their needs until they can safely and voluntarily return home.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 1980 Refugee Act, which established the Office of the U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs that evolved into the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. The Refugee Act was the first comprehensive piece of U.S. legislation designed to address the realities of modern refugees by providing flexible mechanisms to address rapidly shifting refugee situations.
From Venezuela to Syria and Afghanistan, to South Sudan and Burma, the United States is a catalyst for international humanitarian crisis response. It is essential for the international community to work together to be effective in addressing the crises that drive displacement and lead to dire situations. This starts with the responsibility of the governments involved and their regional partners to take steps to end conflict quickly and to create safe conditions for their people. By focusing on ending conflicts and by providing assistance to prevent further displacement, we can help mitigate the destabilizing effects displacement has on affected countries and their neighbors.
The United States is the largest single donor of humanitarian assistance worldwide, continuing a tradition of generosity. In Fiscal Year 2019, the United States provided more than $9.5 billion, and over the past decade we have provided nearly $70 billion in humanitarian assistance. This assistance reaches tens of millions of displaced and crisis-affected people worldwide, providing urgent, life-saving support and services, including food, shelter, health care, education, and access to safe drinking water. U.S. support for host countries, provided through contributions to humanitarian organizations, encourages them to continue providing shelter and increasing access to work, education, and public services for those fleeing persecution.
But the United States cannot address these needs alone. We work tirelessly to encourage our partners and allies to share the burden and to ensure limited resources are used in a coordinated and effective manner toward sustainable solutions. Our calls for greater resources from the broadest possible group of donors, including governments and the private sector, are essential to address these urgent and growing needs. We applaud those who are making critical contributions to support refugees throughout the world. We will continue to work with international organizations, donor countries, non-governmental organizations, and refugee-hosting countries to find sustainable solutions to displacement while we simultaneously seek lasting political solutions to the conflicts that drive it. |
自我国成立至今,美国经历过战争的考验,见证了一代又一代人的斗争,历来奋发蹈力尊崇自由和民主的理想。我国以自由和民主为建国之根基,拓展了世界各地人民自由行使自己权利的能力。作为全世界历史最悠久的民主政体,我们承担着特殊的责任在国内外发挥领导作用,不仅仅以我们的力量为榜样,而且以我们的榜样为力量——向我们自己和全世界证明民主可以切实为所有的人民谋利益。自艾森豪威尔总统(President Eisenhower)于1959年发布第一个受奴役民族公告(Captive Nations Proclamation)以来,世界发生了很大的变化,但公告为自由和机会发出的号召仍然确凿不移。在受奴役民族周到来之际,我们继续恪守我们对我国各项奠基性原则的承诺,大力声援世界各地为促进人权、正义和法治原则而勇敢奋斗的人们。
任何国家或有良知的个人都不可对这些渴望自由的呼声充耳不闻。我们听见白俄罗斯人以和平的方式要求举行民主选举,勇敢的香港居民呼吁北京遵守承诺,实现中英联合声明(Sino-British Joint Declaration)和香港基本法(Basic Law)规定的自治和自由。我们听到中国新疆数百万维吾尔人和其他少数民族和宗教群体受到不公正拘押并遭到监控和强迫劳动。我们听到,人们以坚定的信念在缅甸拒绝军人统治,在委内瑞拉抵制专制、在古巴面对国家残暴的镇压手段仍走上街头要求自由,在尼加拉瓜争取自由和公正的选举——以及克里米亚鞑靼族(Crimean Tatars)、乌克兰族和其他少数民族和宗教群体因反对俄罗斯非法占领克里米亚而遭到镇压。
国会(Congress)于1959年7月17日通过联合决议[美国法律总汇第73卷212页(73 Stat. 212)],授权并要求总统每年发布公告,宣布每年7月第3个星期为“受奴役民族周”。
为此,我约瑟夫·拜登(JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.),美利坚合众国总统,宣布2021年7月18-24日为受奴役民族周。我要求全体美国人民重申我们的誓言,支持世界各地为所有人的自由和正义奋斗的人士。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/07/16/a-proclamation-on-captive-nations-week-2021/ | A Proclamation on Captive Nations Week, 2021
JULY 16, 2021
From the founding of our Nation to today, through the crucibles of war and the struggle of successive generations, America has strived to uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy upon which our country was built and expand the ability of people around the world to freely exercise their rights. As the world’s longest-standing democracy, we carry a special responsibility to lead at home and abroad, not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example — to prove to ourselves and to the world that democracy can deliver for all people. Though much has changed in the world since President Eisenhower issued the first Captive Nations Proclamation in 1959, its call for liberty and opportunity still ring true. During Captive Nations Week, we recommit ourselves to those principles which form the foundation of our Nation, and to amplify the voices of courageous individuals around the world who are striving to advance the principles of human rights, justice, and the rule of law.
Today, far too many people are subject to routine abuses of power, as oppressive governments detain, harass, or commit acts of violence against dissenting voices; disseminate disinformation and propaganda; undermine democratic systems; and otherwise violate the public trust. These abuses are not new — but they remain as stern a threat to human rights and freedom as they have ever been.
No nation or person of conscience can ignore the voices of those crying out for liberty. We hear Belarusians peacefully calling for democratic elections, and the courageous people of Hong Kong demanding the autonomy and liberty promised by Beijing under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and Hong Kong’s Basic Law. We hear millions of Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang, China, who have been unjustly interned and subject to surveillance and forced labor. We hear the determination of those rejecting military rule in Burma, resisting dictatorship in Venezuela, taking to streets in Cuba to demand freedom in the face of brutal state repression, and pressing for free and fair elections in Nicaragua — as well as the Crimean Tatars, ethnic Ukrainians, and other ethnic and religious minorities who suffer repression for opposing Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea.
The American creed, which defines our Nation, proclaims that all people are created equal, and deserve to be treated equally, with dignity and respect, throughout their lives. We stand in solidarity with the brave human rights activists and pro-democracy advocates around the world who risk their lives for the rights of others. We are committed to ensuring that all those who are oppressed across the globe — including people with disabilities, women and girls, members of the LGBTQI+ community, indigenous populations, and racial and ethnic minorities — are heard, respected, and protected.
During Captive Nations Week, we recommit ourselves to the timeless, vital work of advancing freedom and justice for all.
We do that by forging a more equitable and inclusive society, by solving problems and helping to ease the burdens people face, and by fulfilling our role as a global leader for human rights and fundamental freedoms of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion or belief. Together with our allies and partners, we must continue to strengthen democratic institutions, defend independent civil society and media freedom, promote free and fair elections, protect human rights online, insist on accountability for those who commit abuses and foster cultures of corruption, and push back against authoritarianism around the world.
The Congress, by joint resolution approved July 17, 1959 (73 Stat. 212), has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation designating the third week of July of each year as “Captive Nations Week.”
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 18 through July 24, 2021, as Captive Nations Week. I call upon all Americans to reaffirm our commitment to championing those around the world who strive for liberty and justice for all.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.
数十年来,香港人民不断展现他们举行自由公平选举的愿望与能力。我们敦促香港当局重新考虑其决定。选举应尽可能地接近9月6日举行,并且以一种反映香港人民意志和愿望的方式进行。如果不是如此,那么遗憾地香港会继续朝着成为仅仅是中国又一个由共产党统治的城市行进。 | 08/01/2020 10:45 PM EDT
Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State
The United States condemns the Hong Kong government’s decision to postpone by one year upcoming Legislative Council elections originally scheduled for September 6. There is no valid reason for such a lengthy delay. It is likely, therefore, that Hong Kong will never again be able to vote – for anything or anyone. This regrettable action confirms that Beijing has no intention of upholding the commitments it made to the Hong Kong people and the United Kingdom under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a UN-registered treaty, and the Basic Law.
For decades, the Hong Kong people have repeatedly demonstrated their desire and ability to hold free and fair elections. We urge Hong Kong authorities to reconsider their decision. The elections should be held as close to the September 6 date as possible and in a manner that reflects the will and aspirations of the Hong Kong people. If they aren’t, then regrettably Hong Kong will continue its march toward becoming just another Communist-run city in China. |
女士们、先生们,请和我一起向我们的国家,美利坚合众国的第246年,举杯祝酒。 | (Delivered on September 15, 2022)
Good evening, everyone. Thank you very much for being with us as we Americans celebrate all that we love about our country—the United States of America.
Now, some of you may be wondering: if America’s Independence is on July 4, why are we gathered here at the U.S. Embassy in mid-September?
Well, please mark your calendars because we will celebrate Independence Day next year on July 4, 2023!
As you will remember, Covid protocols made a big party like this somewhat problematic in July this year. September is when we also celebrate Constitution Day—the day that great document was signed and our Union was born.
The United States was founded on an idea that was revolutionary in the 18th century and remains revolutionary today—Thomas Jefferson’s words in the Declaration of Independence—that all men, (and all women), are “created equal” and that they have individual rights that are God-given, precious, and as worth defending now as they were then.
Our Founding Fathers and Mothers launched a democratic challenge that every generation for 246 years has sought to redeem—the building of “A More Perfect Union”—words from the Preamble to the Constitution.
We have learned throughout our history that America is at its best when we extend rights to people in our own society who have been denied them.
For all of our history, the rights of Native Americans have been a major part of the struggle.
The battle to end slavery and to extend rights to African Americans has been a central searing drama in American history—from the 17th century to the Civil War to this very day.
The search for equality was the driving force behind our Constitution’s 19th amendment that gave women the right to vote in 1920.
It was also behind the struggle of the Irish, like my Irish grandparents, and the Italians, Poles and Czechs, Jews from Russia, Mexicans and Central Americans, Kenyans, Nigerians, Lebanese, Indians, Filipinos, and Koreans, people from every country in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe who came to our shores as immigrants and refugees to be treated equally as they sought to live the American Dream.
And that struggle continues to this very day for Chinese Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and those Americans whose family roots are in every country of the Indo-Pacific region for a life of acceptance, inclusion, and dignity in our society.
As Americans we are proud of our achievements and understand that the struggle for equality continues.
But, we have made and must continue to make steady progress — from the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the mid-1960s to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to the struggle today for the rights of the LGBTQI+ community.
President Biden has said that equality “beats in all of our hearts, no matter your race or ethnicity; no matter your gender identity or sexual orientation; no matter your disability; no matter your faith.”
At the entrance to our event tonight, you may have seen a poster board featuring Americans both past and present who led the fight for equality in their time. They inspire us to continue the fight for equality in our time.
At the core of our national identity is also a deep, abiding faith in human freedom. That ideal springs from the Declaration and the Constitution’s Bill of Rights.
We believe that all Americans, as well as people everywhere, have individual rights that no government can take away.
Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly.
Freedom in The Rule of Law.
And so, on this United Nations International Day of Democracy, we are reminded that these individual rights are an essential element in a true democracy.
We formed our union 246 years ago to defend these freedoms and to advocate that they be extended to all people in all countries as they are promised and enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This is the true meaning of July 4, 1776.
If you travel anywhere across all 50 states on our Independence Day, you will find Americans enjoying cookouts, family reunions, baseball games and hometown parades.
Whether we are left or right, red or blue, Republican, Democrat or Independent, we Americans are united in a great commitment to and great love of our country.
Let me thank our sponsors, our Marines, and all of our Mission colleagues who made this evening’s celebration happen.
To close, let me ask Assistant Foreign Minister Xu Feihong to join me on stage. Assistant Minister, thank you for being with us and for representing the government of the People’s Republic of China. We appreciate your presence.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please join me in raising a glass to toast our country, the United States of America in our 246th year.
And, before we kick things off with our very own Embassy band, Lily and the Boys, I invite you to watch another American tradition –Fireworks–that we borrowed from its actual inventors—the people of China! Think of it as fireworks with Digital American characteristics.
Thank you. |
华盛顿D.C. ——美国农业部 (USDA) 和美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)今天宣布《美中第一阶段经济和贸易协议》(协议)中与农业相关的条款实施取得进一步进展。这项协议于2020年2月14日生效,下述的近期行动以USDA和USTR于2月25日、3月10日及3月24日宣布的行动为基础。当前两国皆处于困难时期。重要的是,我们要各自继续工作,让我们的协议成功。由于协议持续的进展:
农业部长桑尼·珀杜表示:“中国对美国农业带来巨大市场潜力,这些行动将帮助美国出口商扩大在中国的销售。我们期待继续与中国合作实施第一阶段的承诺,立即增加美国所有种类的农产品出口。 “
美国贸易代表办公室· Washington, D.C. 20508 · www.ustr.gov· 202-395-3230 | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Contact: USTR Public & Media Affairs
Announce Continued Progress on Implementation of U.S.-China Phase One Agreement
Washington, DC – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) today announced additional progress in the implementation of the agriculture-related provisions of the U.S.-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement (The Agreement), which entered into force on February 14, 2020. Recent actions described below build upon the actions announced by USDA and USTR on February 25, March 10, and March 24. These are difficult times for both our countries. It is important that we each continue to work to make our agreement a success. Because of this continued progres ands due to the Agreement:
China continues to implement its tariff exclusion process in an attempt to facilitate imports of U.S. commodities. USDA continues to publish guidance for U.S. exporters seeking to participate in this process (USDA Global Agricultural Information Network). USTR is continuing to process and where appropriate grant exclusions of products from China. USDA also is implementing its obligations under the agreement.
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue said, “China is a market of tremendous potential for U.S. agriculture and these actions will help U.S. exporters expand their sales there. We look forward to continued cooperative work with China on implementation of Phase One commitments, and immediate increases in U.S. exports of all manner of agricultural products.”
United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said, “China has worked with the United States to implement measures that will provide greater access for U.S. producers and exporters to China’s growing food and agricultural markets. Under President Trump’s leadership, we fully expect this agreement to be a success.”
The Office of the United States Trade Representative · Washington, D.C. 20508 · www.ustr.gov · 202-395-3230 |
我们必须维护这些价值观,这是至关重要的,尤其是当今,因为我们看到世界各地的民主受到危险的侵蚀,包括在这个地区。在缅甸,军方正试图推翻民主选举的结果,残暴地镇压和平示威者,射击仅仅是要求能有话语权、决定国家未来的年轻一代。中国在使用胁迫和进犯,有系统地侵蚀香港的自治,削弱台湾的民主,在新疆的西藏侵犯人权,在南中国海宣称违反国际法的海事声索。而朝鲜的独裁政权继续系统性地、普遍地虐待自己的人民。我们必须与要求他们的基本权利和自由的人站在一起,对抗压迫基本权利和自由的人。数十年来,大韩民国与美国之间的同盟确保了我们人民能安居乐业,我认为我们的工作不仅仅是维系我们的同盟,更要加强它,如此同盟才能给未来多年— 应当说是数十年— 提供这样的基础。所以我们今天到访,我很感谢您的热情款待,期待开始工作。谢谢。 | Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong Before Their Meeting
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
FOREIGN MINISTER CHUNG: (Via interpreter.) I’d like to sincerely welcome Secretary Blinken on his visit to Korea.
The Korea-U.S. Alliance is the backbone of our diplomacy as well as the linchpin of peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and across the world. We see the continued development of the Korea-U.S. Alliance as the most important task of our diplomacy.
In this regard, we would like to extend our special welcome to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense of the Biden-Harris Administration who are visiting Korea in the very beginning of their terms in office. It clearly shows the new U.S. administration’s emphasis on its allies.
In particular, the fact that we concluded negotiations for the Special Measures Agreement (SMA), which was a long-pending issue, just before the visit by Secretary Blinken reaffirms the strength of the Korea-U.S. Alliance.
President Moon Jae-in also appreciates the direction of Korea-U.S. relations since the inauguration of the Biden-Harris Administration. Particularly, the President highly appreciates that we are holding the ROK-U.S. Foreign and Defense Ministers’ Meeting for the first time in five years.
During his phone conversation with President Biden last February, President Moon mentioned that Korea has full trust in the leadership of America, and as an ally that shares values, we will actively cooperate not only on Korean Peninsula and regional issues but also on global affairs.
Following the ROK-U.S. Foreign and Defense Ministers’ Meeting, I hope the Korea-U.S. Summit can be held in the near future so that we can carry on the momentum for developing Korea-U.S. relations.
On account of today’s meeting, I hope that today’s meeting will serve as an opportunity to advance Korea-U.S. relations in a sound, mutually-beneficial, and comprehensive way. I also look forward to building the momentum towards the firm establishment and substantive progress on the Korean Peninsula peace process with the outcomes of today’s meeting
Thank you.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, Mr. Minister, Eui-yong, thank you. And it is so wonderful to be here with you. We’ve had the opportunity to speak on the phone, and I was so looking forward to being here in person and to spending time with you and your team and our team.
If you’ll allow me, just before we begin today’s meeting, I want to mention the attacks that happened just a few hours ago in Atlanta, in which several women were killed, including, we believe, four women of Korean descent. We’re horrified by this violence, which has no place in America or anywhere, for that matter. And I want to offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who died and to everyone in the Korean community who is shaken and deeply disturbed by this incident. We are as well, and we will stand up for the right of our fellow Americans and Korean Americans to be safe, to be treated with dignity and respect.
That’s a sentiment that I know my counterpart shares, because we are united, ultimately, by shared values. And that’s really one of the fundamental reasons that I’m so glad to be back in Seoul as part of my first trip overseas as Secretary of State. Mr. Minister, I want to congratulate you on your appointment. Since our first conversation on February 11th, we’ve already become partners. I’m looking forward to working very closely together to continue to strengthen what is an indispensable alliance between our countries.
As you know, I’m joined on this visit, as you referenced, by Secretary of Defense Austin. We’ll be here tomorrow for the 2+2 ministerial meeting with the – with you and with minister of defense, and, of course, to witness the initialing of the SMA. It’s no accident that we chose the Republic of Korea for the first Cabinet-level overseas travel of the Biden-Harris administration, along with Japan. This alliance between us is, as we’ve said, the linchpin for peace, for security and prosperity, not just for our two nations but for the Indo-Pacific region and, indeed, for the world. The alliance is unwavering, it’s ironclad, and it’s rooted in friendship, in mutual trust, and in shared values.
Secretary Austin and I are here to reaffirm the United States commitment to the alliance but also to build on it with you. We want to achieve our shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific, anchored by respect for human rights, for democracy, for the rule of law. And we’ll work together to address what are daunting challenges that we both face, including, of course, a pandemic that has affected literally billions of people and devastated economies; warming temperatures and rising seas; more sophisticated and harmful cyber attacks. None are challenges that any one nation can effectively confront alone. To deal with them effectively, we need to work together, and we need to work together ever more closely. That’s why we’re committed to deepening our cooperation across the board, whether it’s stopping COVID-19 and preventing future pandemics, investing in clean energy transformation, shoring up our cyber capability, readiness and resilience.
Another shared challenge, of course, is North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program, which are a threat to the region and to the world. We’ll continue to work together with the ROK and other allies and partners, including Japan, toward denuclearization of the DPRK.
And, of course, we’re standing together in support of our shared values. We believe in democracy because we’ve seen how it makes our own country stronger and because democracies are more likely to be stable, secure, open, committed to human rights, all of which is in the interests of the American people and the Korean people.
It’s critical that we stand up for these values, especially now, because we are witnessing a dangerous erosion of democracy around the world, including in this region. In Burma, the military is attempting to overturn the results of a democratic election, brutally repressing peaceful protesters, gunning down youth who are simply demanding a say in their country’s future. China is using coercion and aggression to systematically erode autonomy in Hong Kong, undercut democracy in Taiwan, abuse human rights in Xinjiang and Tibet, and assert maritime claims in the South China Sea that violate international law. And the authoritarian regime in North Korea continues to commit systemic and widespread abuses against its own people. We must stand with people demanding their fundamental rights and freedoms and against those who repress them.
For decades, the alliance between the Republic of Korea and the United States has ensured the security and well-being of our people, and I think it’s our job not only to maintain our alliance, but to strengthen it so it can continue to provide that foundation for years – indeed, for decades – to come. That’s why we’re here today, and I’m so grateful to you for this hospitality and look forward to getting down to work. Thank you. |
美国使用国会于2020年12月两党一致通过的拨款,将为全球疫苗免疫联盟(Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance)初步提供20亿美元款项,作为对COVID-19疫苗全球获取机制(COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility)预先市场承诺(Advance Market Commitment)的供款。预先市场承诺属COVID-19疫苗全球获取机制的创新财政筹款工具,用于支持92个中低收入国家获得安全有效的疫苗。
最后,拜登总统在7国集团会议期间将重申美国对全球卫生安全和促进全球卫生安全议程(Global Health Security Agenda)的承诺。所有的国家都应该有防止、监测和应对疫情的能力。这次COVID-19疫情及目前在刚果民主共和国和几内亚爆发的埃博拉(Ebola)疫情突出地表明,必须通过可持续的卫生安全财政筹款行动,促进国家防止生物灾难的能力。
鼓励全球社会采取行动:在拜登总统主导下,美国将发挥引领作用,促进为COVID-19疫苗全球获取机制做出新的捐助承诺。美国政府提供的下一个20亿美元将是对今天20亿美元初步拨款的追加,在我们与其他捐助方共同提高捐助承诺之际发放。目标很明确:为弱势人口接种疫苗,覆盖没有其他选择方案的人员。本届政府划拨的有关款项可使全球疫苗免疫联盟满足一些紧迫的需求,同时支持多样化的努力并增加2021年来自其他捐助方的贡献。 | As the virus continues to spread throughout the world, and with new variants emerging, the facts are clear that it is critical that we vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Tomorrow at the G7, the President will announce that he is taking concrete steps to improve the health and the safety of Americans by protecting vulnerable populations worldwide. He will also call on G7 partners to prioritize a sustainable health security financing mechanism aimed at catalyzing countries to build the needed capacity to end this pandemic and prevent the next one.
COVID has shown us that no nation can act alone in the face of a pandemic. Today, President Biden is taking action to support the world’s most vulnerable and protect Americans from COVID-19.
Using money appropriated by a bipartisan Congressional vote in December 2020, the United States will provide an initial $2 billion contribution to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance for the COVAX Advance Market Commitment, the innovative financing instrument of the COVAX Facility, which supports access to safe and effective vaccines for 92 low- and middle-income economies.
The United States will also take a leadership role in galvanizing further global contributions to COVAX by releasing an additional $2 billion through 2021 and 2022, of which the first $500 million will be made available when existing donor pledges are fulfilled and initial doses are delivered to AMC countries. In close cooperation with Gavi, this additional $2 billion in funding will serve to expand COVAX’s reach. We also call on our G7 and other partners to work alongside Gavi, to bring in billions more in resources to support global COVID-19 vaccination, and to target urgent vaccine manufacturing, supply, and delivery needs.
Finally, at the G7 President Biden will reaffirm the U.S. commitment to global health security and advancing the Global Health Security Agenda. All countries should have the capability to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks. The COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing outbreaks of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea highlight the need for sustainable health security financing to catalyze country capacity to prevent biological catastrophes.
Today, the President is announcing that he will:
Protect the most vulnerable, protecting America: The United States’ contribution is designated to help Gavi prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus through vaccine procurement and delivery for the world’s most vulnerable. In partnership with Gavi, the bulk of these funds will be targeted to support direct vaccine procurement, and a portion will also support broader country readiness and vaccine service delivery.
Encourage the global community to action: Under President Biden, the United States will take a leadership role in galvanizing new donor commitments toward the COVAX Facility. The next $2 billion of support from the US government, which will be additional to today’s initial $2 billion contribution, will be released as we work with other donors to elevate pledge commitments. The goal is clear: vaccinate vulnerable populations, and reach those without other options. This funding from the Administration will enable Gavi to address urgent needs, while also supporting efforts to diversify and increase contributions from other donors in 2021.
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这就是来自不同消息来源的许多可靠报告对俄罗斯在乌克兰实施的所谓 “过滤行动 “的描述。我们手头掌握来自受害者的目击证词,以及来自人权观察(Human Rights Watch)、欧洲安全与合作组织 (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)、耶鲁大学公共卫生学院人道主义研究实验室(Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Research Lab)等团体的越来越详尽的报告,你们今天已听到两位简报员分享这些信息。连俄罗斯国家控制的塔斯社也报道过许多乌克兰人被迁往俄罗斯的情况。
在这些过滤站点,俄罗斯当局或其代理人进行搜查,从事审讯,施加胁迫,据说有时还对在押人员实施酷刑。但这些恐怖行为并不局限于设置的过滤中心 ——在检查站、常规交通站或街道上都可能发生这类过滤。
在人权观察进行的一次采访中,一名来自马里乌波尔的男子说,他和几十名马里乌波尔的居民被迫呆在一个条件肮脏的校舍内—— 这还只是他们被带去接受过滤之前的遭遇。
这些行动旨在确认俄罗斯认为对其控制不够顺从或格格不入的人。而且越来越多的可靠证据表明,那些因被认为有亲乌克兰倾向而被认定对俄罗斯控制构成威胁的人被 “失踪 “或遭到延期拘押。 一位目击者说,她听到一名俄罗斯士兵说,“我至少射杀了10个(未能通过过滤筛查的)人。”
包括俄罗斯政府在内的各种消息来源的估计表明,俄罗斯当局已经审讯、拘留、强行将 90万至160万乌克兰公民从其家园驱赶到俄罗斯——通常把他们赶到远东的偏远地区。
当然,我无需告诉本安理会,从被占领土将受保护的人员强行转运或驱逐到占领者的领土是对有关保护平民的《日内瓦第四公约》(Fourth Geneva Convention)的严重违犯,并且构成战争罪行。
欲查看原稿内容: https://usun.usmission.gov/remarks-by-ambassador-linda-thomas-greenfield-at-a-un-security-council-meeting-on-russias-filtration-operations/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield
U.S. Representative to the United Nations
New York, New York
September 7, 2022
Thank you, Mr. President. And also thank you to Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo and Assistant-Secretary-General Kehris for your briefings. And thank you so much, Ms. Drik, for offering a stark and credible view on the situation from a civil society perspective.
Colleagues, I want you to imagine, for a moment, you are a parent in Mariupol. You and your partner are young and healthy. You have a 10-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter. You’re happy. You’re not particularly political, but you love your life in Ukraine. And suddenly, Russia invades.
Russian forces bomb your schools and hospitals. They destroy your peaceful city. Still, you’ve done the best to keep your family safe. You’ve huddled in shelters. You’ve tried to survive.
And one day, you and your family are trying to scrounge up some food – and you are stopped on the street by Russian forces. You are escorted, against your will, to a center to undergo filtration. You’re terrified about what happens next, because your grandmother told you stories of her friends and neighbors disappearing under the Soviet Union – and even what Russia did to its own citizens during the war in Chechnya.
You are separated from your partner and your children. Your personal biometric information is recorded. Your Ukrainian driver’s license and passports are confiscated. Your cell phone is searched for perceived anti-Russian messages.
You’re stripped of your clothes. You are interrogated. You are beaten. You hear gunfire and screams from rooms next door – others deemed more threatening are being tortured and killed.
Because you are of fighting age, you are asked to fight for Russia. When you refuse, you’re given a Russian passport and sent deep into Russia against your will, far away from your family and with no means to communicate with anyone you know or love.
You’ve been filtered.
This is the picture that many credible reports from diverse sources present of the so-called “filtration operations” that Russia has set up in Ukraine. We now have eye-witness testimony from victims – and increasingly detailed reporting from groups such as Human Rights Watch, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Research Lab, and you’ve heard two of our briefers today share this information. Even the Russian state-managed TASS news agency has reported on the many Ukrainians who have been relocated to Russia.
At these filtration locations, Russian authorities or proxies search, they interrogate, they coerce, and reportedly sometimes torture subjects. But these horrors are not limited to the centers that have been set up – filtration may also occur at checkpoints, routine traffic stops, or on the streets.
In an interview conducted by Human Rights Watch, a man from Mariupol said he and dozens of Mariupol residents were forced to stay in a schoolhouse under filthy conditions – and that was before they even were taken to undergo filtration.
He said many got sick. He said, “We felt like hostages.”
These operations aim to identify individuals Russia deems insufficiently compliant or compatible to its control. And there is mounting and credible evidence that those considered threatening to Russian control because of perceived pro-Ukrainian leanings are “disappeared” or further detained. One eyewitness said that she overheard a Russian soldier say, “I shot at least 10 people” who had not passed filtration.
Estimates from a variety of sources, including the Russian government, indicate that Russian authorities have interrogated, detained, forcibly deported between 900,000 and 1.6 million Ukrainian citizens from their homes to Russia – often to isolated regions in the Far East.
And I want to be clear. The United States has information that officials from Russia’s Presidential Administration are overseeing and coordinating these filtration operations. And we are further aware that Russian Presidential Administration officials are providing lists of Ukrainians to be targeted for filtration, and receiving reports on the scope and the progress of operations.
Filtered. The word does not begin to convey the horror and the depravity of these pre-meditated policies. Just look at how Russia is treating Ukrainian children.
Estimates indicate that thousands of children have been subject to filtration, some separated from their families and taken from orphanages before being put up for adoption in Russia. The United States has information that over the course of July alone, more than 1,800 children were transferred from Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine to Russia.
Of course, I need not remind this Council that the forcible transfer or deportation of protected persons from occupied territories, to the territory of the occupier, is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians, and constitutes a war crime.
We should take a moment to consider the fate of those who do not pass filtration. The evidence is growing every day that thousands of Ukrainians deemed threatening due to their potential affiliation with the Ukrainian army, territorial defense forces, media, government, and civil society groups are reportedly being detained or simply disappearing.
So why are they doing this? Why are they confiscating Ukrainian identity documents? Why are they forcing Ukrainians to fill out Russian passport applications? Why are they intimidating locals and deporting anyone deemed threatening? Why are they systematically cataloguing Ukrainians moving through the system? Why is Russia appointing officials in occupied areas, imposing its educational curriculum in schools, and trying to get Ukrainian citizens to apply for Russian passports? Why are Russian forces and proxies doing their best to erase the living memory of Ukraine?
The reason is simple: to prepare for an attempted annexation.
The goal is to change sentiments by force. To provide a fraudulent veneer of legitimacy for the Russian occupation and eventual, purported annexation of even more Ukrainian territory. This effort to fabricate these facts on the ground is the predicate to sham referenda. It is part of the Russian playbook for Ukraine that we’ve been warning Council members about since even the beginning of the war.
These referenda will attempt to create a false semblance of legality and public support, so Russia feels it can annex Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, and other regions of Ukraine. Of course, we will never recognize any efforts by Russia to change Ukraine’s borders by force. We must hold the perpetrators of these atrocities to account. We must respond as an international community – an international community that still respects the UN Charter.
We know what Russia will say about all of this. They will deny, deny, deny. But there’s a simple way to know if any of this is true. Let the United Nations in. Give the independent observers access. Give NGOs access. Allow humanitarian access. Let the world see what is going on.
As Security Council members, we are here to promote international peace and security and uphold the UN Charter. At a minimum, I hope each of us here today acknowledges that all persons subject to filtration need access to UN and humanitarian agencies as soon as possible, so that we can verify their well-being as we heard today from OHCHR. Until Russia provides that access, we will have to rely on the evidence we have accumulated and the brave testimony of survivors. The picture they paint, alongside the mounting reports, is chilling.
Colleagues, there will come a day when we are gathered in this Council to condemn the Russian Federation’s attempts to annex more of Ukraine’s territory. And I will ask that you remember what you’ve heard here today. No one – no one – will be able to say they were not warned.
Thank you.
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这些行动是在我们的盟友和伙伴正在采取的措施之外采取的,是我们对俄罗斯行动的初步应对举措。正如拜登总统所明确指出,俄罗斯若继续进犯,将付出更高昂的代价。 | Fact Sheet: United States Imposes First Tranche of Swift and Severe Costs on Russia
Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin of Russia recognized two regions of Ukraine as independent states and today claimed that recognition to include all of the Donbas region. The Russian Parliament also authorized the deployment of additional Russian forces into this Ukrainian territory.
As President Biden and our Allies and partners have made clear, we will impose significant costs on Russia for Russia’s actions. Today, the Administration is implementing the first tranche of sanctions that go far beyond 2014, in coordination with allies and partners in the European Union, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and Australia. And as President Biden promised, we worked with Germany to ensure the Nord Stream 2 pipeline will not move forward.
The President has directed the following measures:
These actions come in addition to steps being taken by our Allies and partners and represent our first response to Russia’s actions. As President Biden made clear, Russia will pay an even steeper price if it continues its aggression.
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DOS Seal Featured Image
东盟10国有6.5亿人口,国民生产总值近3万亿美元,平均增长率达5%,人口结构年轻、懂技术,是全世界最生机勃勃的地区之一。过去42年来,美国与东盟共同努力促进和平、稳定和繁荣。美国-东盟的相互关系始于1977年,2015年上升为战略伙伴。我们看到东盟《印度-太平洋展望》(Indo-Pacific Outlook)确立的各项原则——包容、开放、以法治为基础的地区、良好治理和尊重国际法——与美国关于印度-太平洋地区自由和开放的前景及我国盟国、伙伴和朋友采取的地区方针有高度的一致性。
美国-东盟智能城市伙伴关系(U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership)-为创新投资
位于印度-太平洋地区中心的强大和有能力的东盟,对推动形成支持民主治理和通过国际法和平解决分歧的地区构架至关重要。美国通过东南亚海上航道执法行动计划(Southeast Asia Maritime Lane Enforcement Initiative)(原称泰国湾行动计划[Gulf of Thailand initiative]),为沿海警卫队和其他相关利益方提供培训,以加强共同操作能力和情报共享。
欲了解更多信息,请访问美国驻东盟使团(U.S. Mission to ASEAN)网站,网址是: https://asean.usmission.gov/. | With a population of 650 million, average GDP growth of five percent nearing $3 trillion, and a young, tech-savvy demographic, the ten ASEAN countries make up one of the world’s most dynamic regions. Over the past 42 years, the United States and ASEAN have worked together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity. The U.S.-ASEAN relationship began in 1977 and was elevated to a strategic partnership in 2015. We see strong convergence between the principles enshrined in ASEAN’s Indo-Pacific Outlook—inclusivity, openness, a region based on rule of law, good governance, and respect for international law—and the vision of the United States for a free and open Indo-Pacific, as well as the regional approaches of our allies, partners, and friends.
Strong U.S. and ASEAN Economic Ties
ASEAN’s dynamic economies and high growth rates make it a key market for U.S. exports and investment.
U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership (USASCP) – Investing in the Innovative
Smart Cities – cities using data-driven technology to innovate and manage city resources – are a key to sustainable development in both the United States and ASEAN.
Building Capacity in the ASEAN Digital World
ASEAN’s digital economy is a key driver of regional economic growth, but the region still faces connectivity and cybersecurity challenges that U.S. expertise is helping to address.
Partners in Energy Security
Southeast Asia’s energy demand is projected to increase by more than two-thirds by 2040. U.S. support is critical to meeting the needs of these growing markets and technological advances.
Maritime Assistance for ASEAN Security
A strong, capable ASEAN at the heart of the Indo-Pacific region is critical to advancing a regional architecture that supports democratic governance and resolves disputes peacefully, through international law.
Promoting Youth Leadership through People-to-People Ties
65% of ASEAN’s population is under the age of 35. Mobilizing young and emerging leaders to take ownership of the ASEAN community will ensure continued peace and prosperity.
For further information, please visit the U.S. Mission to ASEAN at https://asean.usmission.gov/. |
随着全球情况不断变化,根据卫生部门的科学指导,并优先考量雇员和申请人的健康和安全,美国国务院在继续设法受理更多签证申请。 | Uniform Global National Interest Exceptions to COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
April 27, 2021
New National Interest Exceptions Under Presidential Proclamations Allows Issuance of Student Visas for Applicants who have been present in the People’s Republic of China
In keeping with the Department of State’s commitment to facilitate legitimate travel to the United States, Secretary Blinken decided to apply several National Interest Exceptions to all regional travel restrictions currently in effect as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This means students who have been present in China are now excepted from COVID-related travel restrictions, imposed under Presidential Proclamations, on traveling to the United States for academic programs that begin on or after August 1, 2021. If they are otherwise eligible, these students may be issued visas.
The Secretary’s decision to except students and academics who have been present in China and other countries covered by these restrictions is a testament to the fact that the United States welcomes foreign students and scholars, including from China. Foreign students and scholars contribute greatly to the rich intellectual traditions and diversity that make the educational experience on a U.S. campus one of a kind.
We recognize the serious challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has posed to universities and students alike, and we hope that students from all countries, including China, who had planned to study in the United States beginning in fall 2021 will now be able to do so.
The pandemic continues to limit the number of visas our embassies and consulates abroad are able to process. As always, visa applicants should check the website of the nearest Embassy or Consulate for the most up-to-date information about visa appointment availability.
As the global situation evolves, the Department continues to seek ways to process more visa applications, in line with science-based guidance from health authorities, and with the health and safety of staff and applicants as our priority.
By U.S. Mission China | 28 April, 2021 | Topics: News, Press Releases, U.S. & China | Tags: China, COVID-19, Secretary Antony J. Blinken |
上海第一个美国领事机构的成立可以追溯到19世纪中期,早在1844年美国与中国清政府签订了《和平、友好、贸易条约》。在没有官方任命领事的情况下,一家波士顿贸易公司驻沪办事处的美国商人Henry Wolcott在其外滩附近的办公室顶上升起了星条旗,遂成为第一任美国驻上海代领事。
1854年,面对着美国在上海与日俱增的贸易和利益,美国政府任命Robert Murphy 为首任官方美国驻上海领事。他的办公室坐落在苏州河北岸的黄浦路36号,那个地区很快就成为了美租界的中心区域。随着上海与西方的联系日趋紧密,美领馆也随之发展。
1861年,林肯总统任命George Seward 为美国驻上海领事,两年后将其提升为总领事。Seward 在任的15年间,美租界有所扩大,并与其他外国租界合并,形成了国际租界。到了20世纪初,超过1500名美国人定居上海。美国社区在上海成立公司、开设医院、学校和教育交流机构,进而推动了上海的经济发展和生活进步。1916年,为了满足员工人数的迅猛增长和工作范围日益扩大的需求,美领馆迁至黄浦路13-14号的新楼之中。价值35.5万美元的新楼是当时全球价格最高的美国使领馆建筑。到了20世纪30年代,美领馆拥有10名来自美国国务部的官员,一名来自商务部的贸易专员,一名来自农业部的专员,一个美国驻中国法庭、监狱、码头、邮局以及来访海军和海军陆战队的阅兵场。
1945年9月5日,日军投降后不到1个月,美领馆即在外滩28号的格林邮船大楼旧址重新开馆,该大楼是战争期间德国领馆的所在地。战后的上海与战前迥然不同,外国租界均已被废除,而整个国家不久就陷入了内战。1949年5月29日,中国人民解放军挺进上海。新的共产主义政府并不承认领馆官员的外交地位,1950年4月25日,总领事Walter McConaughy降下美国国旗,并关闭领馆。直到几十年后,美中两国才恢复正式外交关系,美领馆才重新开馆。
1972年,随着《上海公报》的签署,上海成为美中关系正常化的象征。1980年4月28日,几乎恰好在闭馆30年之后,美领馆于其现址:淮海中路1469号重新开馆,一位旧时领馆的中方员工将一面美国国旗交给当时的总领事Donald Anderson,这正是30年前上任总领事降下的那面国旗。目前这面国旗正悬挂在领馆接待室中,成为新旧领馆历史纽带的象征。
现在的领馆大楼始建于1921年,主楼是一幢法国文艺复兴时期风格的小洋楼。在美领馆迁入之前,该建筑几易其主。最初是当时亚洲最大的英国贸易公司Jardine Matheson 公司。在二战期间,一位日本商人携其家属入住,随后又成为瑞士总领事的家宅。在1946年,纺织业巨贾的后裔荣鸿元购置该处地产,但是不久后即离开上海。随着中华人民共和国的成立,这一建筑归妇联使用,在文革时期一度是“政治教育”中心,其后又成为政府迎宾馆,直到美领馆签订合约,成为小洋楼的新主人。领馆现址占地面积3英亩,包括若干外围建筑,一片橘林,园林假山和一个鲤鱼池。1997年和2003-2005年,领馆进行过两次大规模的内外整修,以保存建筑美感,提升建筑效用。
随着上海的持续发展,美中关系的日益深入,美国驻上海总领事馆的工作也与日俱增。上海再次成为重要的商务和贸易枢纽,并象征着中国日益提高的国际地位。众多美国公司和美国公民回到上海,美领馆广大员工致力于保护美国的利益 ,为美国公司和个人提供帮助,推动美中两国个人和机构间的交流和对话。自美国在上海建立第一个领事机构迄今已有一个半世纪,此间上海经历了沧桑巨变,但是不变的是领馆与上海之间的良好关系,如同这个城市一般,生机勃勃,欣欣向荣,历久弥新。 | The United States Consulate General in Shanghai is among the oldest American diplomatic and consular posts in the Far East, and the second oldest in China.
Establishment and Growth
The first American consular presence in Shanghai dates to the mid-nineteenth century, following the conclusion of a treaty of “peace, amity, and commerce” between the United States and the Qing Dynasty in 1844. In the absence of an officially appointed consul, American businessman Henry Wolcott — local agent for a Boston trading company — raised the Stars and Stripes above his company office near the Bund and became the first Acting U.S. Consul in Shanghai.
In 1854, in recognition of growing American trade and interests in the port city, the United States Government appointed Robert Murphy the first professional American Consul in Shanghai. His offices were located at 36 Huangpu Road, north of Suzhou Creek, in the area that would soon become the center of Shanghai’s American Settlement. As Shanghai’s linkages with the West grew, so too did the American Consulate.
President Lincoln named George Seward to be Consul in 1861 and promoted him to Consul General two years later. During his fifteen years in Shanghai, Seward oversaw the expansion of the American Settlement and its merger with the Foreign Settlement, creating a joint International Settlement. By the early twentieth century, more than 1,500 Americans called Shanghai home. The American community contributed to the economy and life of the city, founding businesses, hospitals, schools, and educational exchanges. In 1916, the Consulate General moved to new buildings at 13-14 Huangpu Road to accommodate a quickly growing staff and range of responsibilities. These new offices — at a cost of $355,000 — were the most expensive U.S. embassy or consulate in the world at that time. By the 1930s, the Consulate General hosted a staff of ten State Department officials, a trade commissioner from the Department of Commerce, and an agent from the Department of Agriculture, as well as the U.S. Court for China, a jail, wharf, post office, and a parade ground for visiting Navy and Marine detachments.
From World War to Cold War
In the years prior to World War II, Shanghai was the seventh largest city in the world, and had become the financial and commercial center of Asia. Years of trade and interaction with the West were thrown into disarray, however, beginning with the 1932 Japanese attack on Shanghai’s northern Zhabei District. In 1933, events pushed the U.S. Consulate General south of Suzhou Creek, leaving the old American Settlement for the first time in nearly 80 years. First located in the old Kalee Hotel at 248-250 Jiangxi Road, the Consulate in 1936 moved to the Development Building on the southwest corner of Jiangxi Road and Fuzhou Road. By December 1941, however, Japanese advances into Shanghai forced the closure of the Consulate for the duration of the war.
On September 5, 1945, less than a month after Japan’s surrender, the U.S. Consulate General resumed operations in the old Glen Line Building at 28 The Bund — the wartime home of the German Consulate. Post-war Shanghai was a different city; the foreign settlements had been abolished and civil war soon engulfed the country. On May 29, 1949, the People’s Liberation Army entered Shanghai. The new Communist government did not recognize the diplomatic status of the Consulate staff, and on April 25, 1950, Consul General Walter McConaughy lowered the American flag and closed the Consulate. It was not until decades later that formal diplomatic relations between China and the United States were reestablished, and the Consulate could reopen.
Rebirth and Renewal
Shanghai itself came to symbolize the normalization of Sino-U.S. relations in 1972, with the issuance of the Shanghai Communiqué. On April 28, 1980, almost exactly 30 years after it closed, the United States Consulate General in Shanghai reopened at its present location at 1469 Central Huai Hai Road. A member of the old Consulate’s Chinese staff later presented Consul General Donald Anderson with the same flag that his predecessor had lowered three decades earlier. It now hangs in the Consulate’s reception rooms as a symbol of the historic ties between the old Consulate and the new.
The current Consulate property was built in 1921. The main house is a villa in the French Renaissance style. Prior to the Consulate assuming the lease, the property hosted numerous and varied occupants. The first was Jardine, Matheson and Co., the largest British trading firm in Asia at the time. During World War II, a Japanese businessman and his family, and later the Swiss Consul General, took up residence in the house. In 1946, Rong Hongyuan (Yung Hungyuen), scion of a wealthy textile family, bought the property, but fled Shanghai soon after. Following the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the house was used by the All China Women’s Federation, was a center for “political education” during The Cultural Revolution, and finally served as a government guesthouse prior to the U.S. Consulate taking the lease. The present Consulate property sits on three acres, and includes several outbuildings, an orange grove, a Chinese rock garden, and a carp pond. Extensive renovations, both to the interior and exterior of the building, were carried out in 1997 and 2003-2005 to preserve the beauty of the property and to upgrade the building’s effectiveness as a work place.
As Shanghai continues to grow, and Sino-U.S. relations develop deeper and broader linkages, the work of the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai also continues to grow and expand. Shanghai has again become a major center of commerce and trade, and is a potent symbol of China’s rising status. American businesses and citizens have returned to the city in large numbers. The Consulate General’s large staff works to support and promote American interests, assist U.S. companies and private American citizens, and promote exchanges and dialogue between Chinese and American individuals and institutions. Much has changed in the past century and a half since the United States established a consular presence in Shanghai, but much has also remained the same: the relationship between the Consulate and Shanghai is as vibrant, dynamic and durable as Shanghai itself. |
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/14/readout-of-national-security-advisor-jake-sullivans-meeting-with-politburo-member-yang-jiechi-2/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with Politburo Member Yang Jiechi
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met today with Chinese Communist Party Politburo Member and Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission Yang Jiechi in Rome, Italy. Their meeting followed up on the November 15, 2021 virtual meeting between President Biden and President Xi. Mr. Sullivan raised a range of issues in U.S.-China relations, with substantial discussion of Russia’s war against Ukraine. They also underscored the importance of maintaining open lines of communication between the United States and China. |
United Nations Photo FollowingIt’s Human Rights Day for Them, TooThese children of United Nations staff members are getting a closer look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is two years old on 10 December. All nations in the world have been invited to set aside 10 December of every year as Human Rights Day and through programs in schools and community centers to pay hommage to the principles of freedom and of the dignity of men.UN Photo01 December 1950United Nations (Lake Success), New YorkPhoto # 123898
2019年12月10日 | PRESS STATEMENT
DECEMBER 10, 2019
In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to identify common rights and freedoms for all people in all nations. An American, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, chaired the UN Human Rights Commission that drafted this landmark document. Chairwoman Roosevelt needed only to look at our own deep American traditions as inspiration for naming these inalienable, individual rights. The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights have guided our nation for more than 200 years in promoting rights and freedoms.
Thanks to Chairwoman Roosevelt and the UDHR, more persons around the world enjoy these rights and freedoms than was the case before the Declaration’s adoption. Indeed, it is widely recognized that a government’s moral authority is derived in large measure by its willingness to protect the rights and freedoms enumerated in the UDHR. Sadly, not all nations have demonstrated this willingness. The Chinese government continues to repress members of religious and ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang, Tibet, and elsewhere, as well as to undermine the freedoms guaranteed to Hong Kongers under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law. The regimes in Iran, Syria, and Venezuela commit gross human rights violations every day that shock the conscience. In order for countries such as China, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela to regain moral authority in the eyes of freedom-loving nations, they must rededicate themselves to protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Today, we celebrate the universal rights outlined in the UDHR, and recommit ourselves to protecting and promoting these fundamental, universal, and essential freedoms. The United States will always remain a staunch supporter of those who strive for their unalienable rights and human dignity. |
2021年3月1日 • 总统行动
六十年前,当前第一夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)就政府中缺少女性成员这一问题与总统约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)对峙时,肯尼迪总统任命她负责一个新的委员会,着手处理在美国的女性状况问题并与各类歧视作斗争。由于数不胜数的女性所付出的坚持不懈的努力,我们在美国取得了重大进展。我感到骄傲的是,白宫性别政策委员会将在这些工作的基础上添砖加瓦,聚焦女性和女孩的需求和贡献,并确保在全政府范围内重点关注性别平等。我们的政府还致力于确保在行政部门中,女性在各个级别上都得到充分代表:我们选出担任内阁级职务的女性的人数创了记录,她们代表着美国的多元。
约瑟夫·R.拜登(JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.) | A Proclamation on Women’s History Month, 2021
Each year, Women’s History Month offers an important opportunity for us to shine a light on the extraordinary legacy of trailblazing American women and girls who have built, shaped, and improved upon our Nation.
Throughout American history, women and girls have made vital contributions, often in the face of discrimination and undue hardship. Courageous women marched for and won the right to vote, campaigned against injustice, shattered countless barriers, and expanded the possibilities of American life. Our history is also replete with examples of the unfailing bravery and grit of women in America, particularly in times of crisis and emergency. Women served our Nation during World War II, led organizing and litigation efforts during the Civil Rights movement, and represented the United States on the global stage in the fight for human rights, peace, and security. Far too often, their heroic efforts and their stories have gone untold — especially the millions of Black women, immigrant women, and others from diverse communities who have strengthened America across every generation.
In our current moment of crisis, women continue to lead. From vaccine researchers to public health officials to the countless heroines on the frontlines, women are working around the clock to defeat COVID-19. Women, and particularly women of color, also make up the majority of America’s essential workers, including educators and child care providers, grocery store workers, farmworkers, and others who are keeping our families, our communities, and our country afloat. This year has also marked an historic milestone of women’s leadership 232 years in the making, with the inauguration of America’s first woman Vice President.
As we celebrate the contributions and progress of women and girls, we must also reflect on the extraordinary and unequal burdens they continue to bear today. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated barriers that have held back women — particularly women of color — for generations. Gender and racial disparities in pay continue to fester. A disproportionate share of caregiving continues to fall on the shoulders of women and girls. And now, job losses due to COVID-19 have set women’s labor force participation back to its lowest point in more than 30 years — threatening the security and well-being of women and their families and imperiling the economic progress of our entire Nation. The share of mothers who have left the labor force is three times that of fathers; in September 2020 alone, an astonishing 865,000 women dropped out of the American workforce. These trends are even more dire among women of color, with Black and Hispanic women facing disproportionately high rates of unemployment. At the same time, food insecurity has risen dramatically since the pandemic began, particularly in female-headed households with children, as have reports of intimate partner violence.
Since taking office on January 20th, Vice President Kamala Harris and I have made COVID-19 vaccination, relief, and broad-based economic recovery efforts a top priority. Our goal is not to return our economy to where it was before the pandemic struck. Our goal is to build back better — and that means creating a strong and durable foundation for the economic opportunity and security of women in America. Our plans include proposals to provide individual payments and tax credits to put money in the hands of families in need; increase housing and food assistance as well as unemployment insurance; lower health costs and expand access to coverage; increase support for and access to child care; and expand existing paid leave policies. We are also committed to making further progress on what, for me, has been a lifelong cause: reducing gender-based violence, and advancing the safety, economic stability, and well-being of survivors.
Sixty years ago, when former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt confronted President John F. Kennedy about the lack of women in Government, he appointed her as head of a new commission to address the status of women in America and take on discrimination in all of its forms. We have made significant progress in the United States, thanks to the persistence and tireless work of countless women. I am proud that the White House Gender Policy Council will build on those efforts by putting a laser focus on the needs and contributions of women and girls, and ensuring a Government-wide focus on gender equity. Our Administration is also committed to ensuring that women are well-represented at all levels in the executive branch: already, we have selected a record number of women who represent the diversity of America to serve in Cabinet-level positions.
During Women’s History Month, let us honor the accomplished and visionary women who have helped build our country, including those whose contributions have not been adequately recognized and celebrated. And let us pay tribute to the trailblazers from the recent and distant past for daring to envision a future for which no past precedent existed, and for building a Nation of endless possibilities for all of its women and girls.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2021 as Women’s History Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month and to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2021, with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. I also invite all Americans to visit www.WomensHistoryMonth.gov to learn more about the vital contribution of women to our Nation’s history.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth.
《性别公平和平等国家战略》链接:https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/National-Strategy-on-Gender-Equity-and-Equality.pdf. | PRESS STATEMENT
NOVEMBER 4, 2021
No country has yet achieved gender equality, but the United States recently took historic steps to bridge the divide by launching the first National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality (Gender Strategy). The Gender Strategy underscores the U.S. government’s commitment to advancing the rights and opportunities of women, girls, and LGBTQI+ persons in all their diversity, both in the United States and around the world, cementing our long-standing belief that gender equity and equality are both a moral and strategic imperative.
Gender equity and equality are essential as we build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic and tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges, including the climate crisis, economic disruptions, democratic backsliding, human rights abuses, and conflict and other humanitarian emergencies. We know that more inclusive governments are better equipped to address these global challenges. With the launch of the Gender Strategy, the United States also reaffirms its commitment to enabling the full potential of all individuals, regardless of their sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, and socioeconomic status.
The Gender Strategy presents a comprehensive whole-of-government approach and calls on each federal agency to develop concrete implementation plans. The U.S. Department of State is committed to advancing this agenda around the world in collaboration with women, girls, LGBTQI+ persons, and male allies, as well as partner governments, civil society, and the private sector. By advancing the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQI+ persons in all their diversity, we will advance the collective prosperity, health, safety, and the security of our nation and the world.
Link to the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/National-Strategy-on-Gender-Equity-and-Equality.pdf. |
对涉及我们接下来的承诺中的一些事项,我昨天与泽连斯基总统进行了交流,其中包括美国外交人员将从本周开始返回基辅,包括拜登总统准备提名一位新任驻乌克兰大使,布里奇特·布林克(Bridget Brink)大使——她是一位现任大使,我多年的同事,对这个地区有丰富经验,她将是美国在乌克兰的一位非常有力的代表。
问:奥斯汀部长,我的问题是有关援助的交付。您是如何追踪毒刺 (Stingers) 和标枪 (Javelins) 导弹以及——那些敏感性武器的使用?我们看到越来越多的图片报道,这些武器落入了顿巴斯地区的亲俄武装力量手中。您有追踪这些武器的计划吗?
布林肯国务卿,在人道主义援助方面,《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe) 今天有一篇文章援引了美国国际开发署 (USAID) 官员的话说,国会通过的 10 亿美元援助甚至尚未转入美国国际开发署的账户中,而本应向乌克兰提供的大部分援助也并未交付,并将其称为是一个严重的战略失误。您打算如何解决这个问题?
问:非常感谢。奥斯汀部长,您提到要及时了解乌克兰方面的需求。我们已经在这里看到了一些 155 毫米自行榴弹炮和其它物资。泽连斯基总统说过他接下来需要什么吗?
布林肯国务卿,我知道您可能已经与联合国秘书长谈过他即将来此访问。参与策略是什么——就他的参与,或是[听不清]与莫斯科和基辅的接触,看是否 [听不清]?
奥斯汀部长:正如您过去——最近——听到我们所谈到或提到的那样,战斗的性质已经发生了变化,因为他们现在所关注的是不同类型的地形。所以他们需要远程火力。您已经听到他们表达了对坦克的需求。我们正在尽一切努力为他们提供在这一阶段战斗中有效的支援类型、火炮和弹药类型。并且我们将有机会——如您所知,我们已经做了很多。您已经看到了我们最近提供的八亿 ——总统最近提供的八亿美元的授权,使我们能够提供五个营的 155 毫米自行榴弹炮以及数十万发炮弹。并且,我们也在与我们的其它伙伴国家协调,他们将提供类似的装备,已有迹象表明他们将——他们将——许多国家都将自告奋勇地提供额外的弹药和自行榴弹炮。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-and-secretary-lloyd-austin-remarks-to-traveling-press/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | REMARKS
APRIL 25, 2022
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Morning, everybody. Secretary Austin and I just returned from Kyiv, where we went at the request of President Biden and the invitation of President Zelenskyy. We had an opportunity to demonstrate directly our strong support, our strong ongoing support for the Ukrainian Government and for the Ukrainian people. This was, in our judgment, an important moment to be there, an important moment for Ukraine, for the war – an important moment to have face-to-face conversations in detail about the extraordinary support that we’ve provided: security, economic, humanitarian, as well as the massive pressure that we’ve been exerting on Russia, and then to talk in detail about how we carry that forward across all of those fronts.
I would say that, without putting words in his mouth, President Zelenskyy expressed deep appreciation for President Biden’s leadership and for the incredible generosity and support of the American people. In turn, we expressed deep admiration for his leadership, for the extraordinary courage of Ukrainians in standing up to and pushing back this Russian aggression.
Part of our commitment going forward involves a number of things that I was able to share with President Zelenskyy yesterday, including the return of American diplomats to Ukraine starting next[i] week, including President Biden’s intent to nominate a new ambassador to Ukraine, Ambassador Bridget Brink – currently an ambassador, someone I’ve served with for a long time, deeply experienced in the region, who’ll be a very strong representative for the United States in Ukraine.
We had an opportunity as well to talk about where this goes from here, with the success that Ukraine has had. It’s also true that Russia continues to try to brutalize parts of the country, and the death and destruction that we continue to see is horrific. But Ukrainians are standing up, they’re standing strong, and they’re doing that with the support that we have coordinated from literally around the world.
The strategy that we’ve put in place – massive support for Ukraine, massive pressure against Russia, solidarity with more than 30 countries engaged in these efforts – is having real results. And we’re seeing that when it comes to Russia’s war aims, Russia is failing, Ukraine is succeeding. Russia has sought as its principal aim to totally subjugate Ukraine – to take away its sovereignty, to take away its independence. That has failed. It’s sought to assert the power of its military and its economy. We of course are seeing just the opposite – a military that is dramatically underperforming; an economy, as a result of sanctions, as a result of a mass exodus from Russia, that is in shambles. And it’s sought to divide the West and NATO; of course, we’re seeing exactly the opposite – an Alliance more divided[ii] than I’ve ever seen it and, indeed, new countries considering applying for membership.
The bottom line is this. We don’t know how the rest of this war will unfold, but we do know that a sovereign, independent Ukraine will be around a lot longer than Vladimir Putin is on the scene. And our support for Ukraine going forward will continue. It will continue until we see final success.
SECRETARY AUSTIN: Yeah. Good morning. And first of all, let me echo what Secretary Blinken has said in terms of the characterization of our meeting. I think it was a very productive meeting, very engaging session, and we were very happy to have that opportunity.
So during the meeting, we expressed our deepest condolences to the president for the loss of so many civilians and, of course, the loss of those courageous troops that have done just a magnificent job of pushing back Russian forces. We also expressed our admiration for their professionalism and for their commitment to defend their democracy. Just it’s been extraordinary to watch, and I think everyone would agree with me there.
I agree with Secretary Blinken that the president did express his deep appreciation, along with the minister of defense and the chief of defense, their deep appreciation for what the American people have continued to do to ensure that we get them as much assistance as possible, as quickly as possible.
So our focus in the meeting was to talk about those things that would enable us to win the current fight and also build for tomorrow. And again, a very productive discussion. We talked about security force assistance and we talked about training, and we also talked about the key things that we’re going to discuss in the session that I’ll conduct tomorrow at Ramstein with a number of ministers of defense and chiefs of defense. This session is focused on doing things to generate additional capability and capacity for the Ukrainian forces. And so it’s a great opportunity to get a good update from the CHOD and from the minister of defense and from the president on the things that they are focused on, the things that they need. That’ll enable us to have a more productive discussion with the CHODs and ministers of defense tomorrow.
MR PRICE: Missy.
QUESTION: Secretary Austin, Secretary Blinken, I’m just wondering if you can tell us what you saw during your visit to Kyiv, on your journey on the way to Kyiv and what you saw in the city. Were you able to speak to any Ukrainians outside the government and what did they tell you, if so?
And then for either of you, do you see a scenario where international support enables Ukraine to avoid losing this war to Russia, but isn’t able to fully expel Russian forces or reclaim its victory, and how would you think about such a scenario? Thanks.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Happy to start. In terms of what we saw, we took a train into Kyiv from southwestern[iii] Poland, so didn’t see a lot except looking out the train windows on our way in. And in Kyiv itself, we went right to the presidential palace. We spent about three hours with President Zelenskyy, with his senior team. That was the entire focus of our visit. We wanted to focus on the work that needed to be done in looking at the game plan that we have, how we’re moving forward across all of these different lines of effort. So that was the entire focus. There wasn’t much of an opportunity to talk to average Ukrainians. We certainly saw people on the streets in Kyiv, evidence of the fact that the battle for Kyiv was won and there is what looks from the surface, at least, to be normal life in Kyiv. But that’s in stark contrast to what’s going on in other parts of Ukraine, in the south and the east, where the Russian brutality is doing horrific things to people every single day.
In terms of wars won and lost, again, I come back to the proposition that in terms of Russia’s war aims, Russia has already failed and Ukraine has already succeeded because the principal aim that President Putin brought to this, in his own words, was to fully subsume Ukraine back into Russia, to take away its sovereignty and independence, and that has not happened and clearly will not happen. Where the contours of the war goes from here, how much death and destruction continues, obviously that’s of deep concern. We want to do everything we can to help the Ukrainians bring this to an end on the possible terms as quickly as possible. Much of the work that we’re doing is enabling them to strengthen their hand both on the battlefield right now, but also, eventually, at a negotiation if there is one.
SECRETARY AUSTIN: I agree with Secretary Blinken. We were focused on the conduct of the meeting and engaging the senior leadership, so we didn’t get a chance to do any walkabouts or engage civilians or citizens on the street. On the way in, it did look like things were beginning to come back to normal. It was Easter day, so in the – in Kyiv, so certainly a number of people would have been at home and not out on the street.
In terms of our – their ability to win, the first step in winning is believing that you can win. And so they believe that we can win; we believe that they – we can win – they can win if they have the right equipment, the right support. And we’re going to do everything we can – continue to do everything we can to ensure that that gets there. So we’re engaged with the CHOD, engaged with the minister of defense, and as this fight evolves, their needs will change. And so as those needs change, we’d like to be one step ahead, but we’re going to be responsive to what the CHOD and the MOD believe that they need.
MR PRICE: Jenny.
QUESTION: Secretary Austin, I have a question about aid deliveries. How are you tracking the Stingers and the Javelins and the – those sensitive weapons? We’re seeing more and more imagery of those weapons falling into the hands of Russian-backed forces in Donbas. Do you have a plan to track those weapons?
And in terms of humanitarian aid, Secretary Blinken, there’s an article in the Boston Globe today quoting a USAID official saying that the billion dollars in aid passed by Congress has not even been transferred to USAID accounts and that much of the aid that’s supposed to be going into Ukraine has not been delivered, calling it a critical strategic failure. How do you plan to fix this problem?
SECRETARY AUSTIN: The first part of the question, Jen – thanks for that question – in terms of our ability to track the weapons that are going in. As you know, we don’t have any forces on the ground, so that’s – it’s difficult for us to do. We did have a very good discussion with both the CHOD and the president and minister of defense on the necessity to make sure that those weapons are tracked and, as best possible, to make sure that they’re protected from falling into the hands of adversaries.
Now, when you’re in a fight, as you know, if a specific battle is lost, then you have less control over that – over your ability to control items. But they are focused on this issue and they know we are concerned about it, and we’ll continue to engage.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: And Jennifer, in terms of the humanitarian assistance, hundreds of millions of dollars of assistance has already gotten in not only to Ukraine, but to surrounding countries that are caring for Ukrainians who have been displaced, who are refugees. Literally every day, as we speak, aid is going in. This is aid. If you were here in a few hours, this won’t be here. It’s going to be on a plane on its way, or some other means, on its way to Ukraine, and then it is dispersed throughout the country. We’ve had detailed conversations with our Ukrainian partners about making sure that once the assistance gets into Ukraine, it then is dispersed, as the Secretary of Defense was saying about the weaponry, in an effective way. And if there are bottlenecks there or challenges there, we’re working through them.
But what I’m seeing, at least, is that aid is getting here and other distribution points, it’s getting out the door incredibly quickly. Again, this place is going to look different five or six hours from now than it does right now.
QUESTION: Thanks so much. Secretary Austin, you mentioned keeping abreast of what the Ukrainians need. We’ve seen sort of some 155 millimeter Howitzers and other things be processed through here. What did President Zelenskyy say he needs next?
And for Secretary Blinken, I understand you may have spoken with the UN secretary-general about his upcoming visit. What is the strategy for engaging – for his engagement or for (inaudible) engagement with Moscow and Kyiv to see if (inaudible)?
SECRETARY AUSTIN: As you’ve heard us talk or say in the past, recent past, the nature of the fight has evolved because the terrain that they’re now focused on is a different type of terrain. So they need long-range fires. You’ve heard them express a need for tanks. And we are doing everything that we can to get them the types of support, the types of artillery and munitions that will be effective in this stage of the fight. And so we’ll get a chance to – we’ve done a lot, as you know. You’ve seen what we’ve done here in the recent past with the 800 – the recent $800 million authorization provided by the President allows us to provide five battalions of 1-5-5 Howitzers, hundreds of thousands of rounds of artillery. And so we’re also engaging our colleagues in other countries for the same type of capability, and we see indications early on that they’re going to – they’re going to be – many countries are going to come forward and provide additional munitions and Howitzers.
So we’re going to push as hard as we can as quickly as we can to get them what they need. This will be a great topic of conversation for our meeting tomorrow as we go down to Ramstein.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: And in terms of the secretary-general, I spoke to the UN secretary-general on Friday and he is heading to Moscow early this week, and our expectation is that he’s going to carry a very strong and clear message to Vladimir Putin, which is the need to end this war now – the need for a ceasefire; the need for humanitarian corridors, for aid to get in, for people to be able to get out; the need for Russia to stop its brutalization of Ukraine. It’s a clear, direct message that he should be carrying on behalf of virtually the entire international community.
QUESTION: Hi. Are you defining America’s goals for success any differently in Ukraine now than you were at the beginning of this war? And if so, what are those goals today?
SECRETARY AUSTIN: You want? I’ll just start and I’ll let the Secretary of State to give his thoughts. But I think – and he’s already kind of indicated the first piece of this. We want to see Ukraine remain a sovereign country, a democratic country able to protect its sovereign territory. We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.
So it has already lost a lot of military capability, and a lot of its troops, quite frankly. And we want to see them not have the capability to very quickly reproduce that capability. We want to see the international community more united, especially NATO, and we’re seeing that, and that’s based upon the hard work of, number one, President Biden, but also our Allies and partners who have willingly leaned into this with us as we’ve imposed sanctions and as we’ve moved very rapidly to demonstrate that we’re going to defend every inch of NATO.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Yeah, and really nothing to add. I think the Secretary said it very well. Thanks.
MR PRICE: We’ll take a final question. Matt.
QUESTION: Thanks. Mr. Secretary, were you able to offer President Zelenskyy any idea about timing for reopening the embassy in Kyiv, not simply the return of diplomats to Lviv?
And then for both of you: President Zelenskyy, when he kind of leaked the – that you guys were going there on Saturday, said, “Please don’t come with empty hands.” You obviously didn’t go with empty hands, but did you get the sense that he is satisfied with what it was that you did bring?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Matt, in terms of the embassy, we will have American diplomats back in Ukraine starting next[iv] week. They’ll then start the process of looking at how we actually reopen the embassy itself in Kyiv. I think that will take place over a couple of weeks would be my expectation. We’re doing it deliberately, we’re doing it carefully, we’re doing it with the security of our personnel foremost in mind, but we’re doing it.
And with regard to President Zelenskyy, again, without wanting to characterize him too much, I can just repeat what I said earlier. He expressed to both of us deep and repeated appreciation both for President Biden’s leadership but also for the generosity of the American people. I think he said, Lloyd, that the United States has been Ukraine’s strongest supporter, something that they won’t forget. And look, we never – we never come empty handed because this is – as the Secretary of Defense said, this has been an ongoing process where we have been, from before day one – because remember, the initial drawdowns that President Biden ordered go back to last Labor Day, months before the aggression.
We wanted to make sure that if Russia pursued the aggression, that Ukrainians had in hand the tools they needed to stop it, to push it back, and that’s exactly what happened thanks to their courage, to their commitment, but also thanks to the equipment that they had in hand from before the war started they were able to do that. But as the Secretary said, this has been evolving, and so the nature of our assistance and the assistance we’re getting from others has been evolving.
SECRETARY AUSTIN: And as you would expect, he did express gratitude to the American people and our allies and partners for what they’re – they’ve done from the very beginning and continue to do. But he’s in a fight, and so while he’s grateful for all the things that we’re doing, he’s also focused on what he thinks he’ll need next in order to be successful. And again, they have the mindset that they want to win; we have the mindset that we want to help them win, and we are going to do that.
Now, in terms of specific types of things that we were able to discuss and kind of lay out, we reminded them that Thursday President Biden signed a drawdown and on Saturday Howitzers were showing up from that drawdown package. That is unimaginable speed, and it’s due to the hard work of all the men and women who are working day out – day in and day out to do the kinds of things that they’re doing. But we’re going to remain focused on giving him what he needs to be successful in the future, and that’s what you’d expect. You’d expect for him to say, “Thanks, but” – and he’s really grateful – “but let’s focus on what needs to be done.” We’ll get a chance to talk some more about that in our meeting with the CHODs tomorrow, and I look forward to that meeting.
MR PRICE: Thank you, gentlemen.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Thanks, everyone.
[i] …this week…
[ii] …more united…
[iii] …southeastern Poland…
[iv] …this week… |
温迪·谢尔曼副国务卿(Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman)在今年由东西方中心(East-West Center)太平洋诸岛发展计划(Pacific Islands Development Program)在夏威夷檀香山(Honolulu)举办的太平洋诸岛领导人会议(Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders)上重申了美国对太平洋诸岛的承诺。副国务卿欣然率领一个美国高级别跨机构代表团,其中包括来自国家安全委员会(National Security Council)、美国国内资源部(U.S. Department of the Interior)、美国国防部(U.S. Department of Defense)、美国海岸警卫队(U.S. Coast Guard)和美国国际发展署(U.S. Agency for International Development)的代表。在太平洋诸岛领导人会议上,副国务卿强调了与太平洋诸岛正在展开的一系列合作领域,并宣布了几个将为治理、人民交流项目、气候复原力以及信息和通信技术提供帮助的新项目。乔·拜登总统将于本月晚些时候主持召开太平洋岛国(Pacific Island Country)峰会,以促进一个更健强的太平洋地区。
美国在过去十年中为太平洋诸岛提供了超过15亿美元。根据印太战略(Indo-Pacific Strategy),我们将继续扩大与太平洋岛国(Pacific Island Countries)及领土合作应对其最紧迫挑战的努力,其中包括经济和环境复原力、水和粮食安全、卫生安全、海域意识以及加强民主机构和良治。通过本届政府的全球基础设施和投资伙伴关系(Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment),我们还将扩大部署安全数字联通的努力;在该地区建设气候复原力并以此作为本届政府的基石性国际适应力倡议PREPARE的一部分;加强全球卫生系统和卫生安全;并促进性别平等和公平。这些计划和倡议即便在新冠疫情给在该地区旅行造成困难的情况下仍继续展开。
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# # # | FACT SHEET
SEPTEMBER 13, 2022
The United States is a proud Pacific nation with a long coastline, a state, and territories in the Pacific. We have deep and longstanding ties to the countries of the Pacific: our neighbors, allies, and friends. The Pacific Islands are an essential part of the Indo-Pacific region. Our histories and futures are inextricably linked, and we are deeply committed to the security and prosperity of the region. Just as we faced historical challenges together, we will address current and future challenges together, including by strengthening our shared democratic values and developing our economic links to combat the climate crisis, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to protect the free and open Pacific.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to the Pacific Islands at this year’s Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders (PICL) convened by the East-West Center’s Pacific Islands Development Program in Honolulu, Hawai’i. The Deputy Secretary was pleased to lead a high-level U.S. interagency delegation, including representatives from the National Security Council, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). At the PICL, the Deputy Secretary highlighted a range of ongoing areas of cooperation with the Pacific Islands and announced several new programs that will provide assistance for governance, people-to-people programs, climate resilience, and information and communications technology. President Joe Biden will host the Pacific Island Country summit later this month to advance a more resilient pacific region.
The United States has provided over $1.5 billion for the Pacific Islands over the past decade. Under the Indo-Pacific Strategy, we will continue to broaden our efforts to partner with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and territories on their most pressing challenges, including economic and environmental resilience, water and food security, health security, maritime domain awareness, and strengthening democratic institutions and good governance. Through the Administration’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, we will also expand our efforts to deploy secure digital connectivity; build climate resilience in the region as part of PREPARE, the Administration’s cornerstone international adaptation initiative; strengthen global health systems and health security; and advance gender equality and equity. These programs and initiatives have continued even as the COVID-19 pandemic has made travel in the region difficult.
This new U.S. assistance and ongoing engagement with the Pacific Islands as part of the Indo-Pacific Strategy includes: |
AP Photo/Matt Rourke
美国驻北京使馆特此介绍15位美国名人#NotableAmericans,展现美国的丰富多元以及突显移民对我们国家的贡献。请关注我们的主题标签#EPluribusUnum和 #NotableAmericans多了解这些美国英雄。
U.S. Embassy Beijing is highlighting the achievements of fifteen #NotableAmericans, which show the rich diversity of the United States as well as highlight the contributions immigrants have made to our country. Please follow our hashtags #EPluribusUnum and #NotableAmericans to learn more about these American heroes.
General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.
小本杰明·O·戴维斯上将(1912/12/18-2002/7/4)是一名美国空军上将、曾参加二战的非洲裔美国人塔斯基吉航空兵指挥官。1932年,他进入美国纽约西点军校。在校四年期间,戴维斯因他的种族而受到班上同学的排挤,从没有室友,独自就餐。他的同学希望这会迫使他退学。但是“冷遇”产生了相反的效果,反而促使戴维斯毕业,成为西点军校的第四名黑人毕业生。在二战期间,戴维斯是第 99 战斗机中队和第 332 战斗机大队的指挥官,负责在欧洲上空护卫轰炸机执行空战任务。戴维斯执行了60次飞行任务,飞过 P-39、柯蒂斯 P-40、P-47 和 P-51 野马战斗机。他之后成为美国空军的首个黑人准将。1998年12月9日,比尔·克林顿总统晋升他为四星上将。
General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. (12/18/1912 – 7/4/2002) was a United States Air Force general and commander of the Tuskegee Airmen, a group of mainly African American airmen who fought in World War II. He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1932. During the four years of his Academy term, Davis was isolated by his classmates because of his race, never having a roommate and having to eat by himself. His classmates hoped that this would push him to quit the Academy. The “silent treatment” however, had the opposite effect, pushing Davis to graduate and become the fourth black graduate of West Point. During World War II, Davis was commander of the 99th Fighter Squadron and the 332nd Fighter Group, which escorted bombers on air combat missions over Europe. Davis flew sixty missions in P-39, Curtiss P-40, P-47 and P-51 Mustang fighters. He later became the first black brigadier general in the United States Air Force. On December 9, 1998, he was advanced to four-star general by President Bill Clinton.
Rear Admiral Chung-Hoon at the Naval Academy USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93)
葛登·派伊亚·钟云少将(7/25/1910 – 7/24/1979)是美国海军少将,二战期间曾担任海军军官,是第一位亚裔美国人将官。将官经授权可悬挂自己的指挥旗——代表美国武装部队的分支。钟云曾就读于美国海军学院并于1934年5月毕业,成为该学院第一位亚裔美国人、美国公民毕业生。1944年5月至1945年10月,他曾担任“西格斯比”号舰长,因大无畏精神和英勇非凡的表现获颁海军十字及银星勋章。在一架神风特攻队飞机击中他的战舰、造成大火并损坏了舰只的发动机和舵机后,钟云舰长成功指挥士兵扑灭了大火并拯救了舰只,同时继续与更多的神风特攻队飞机作战。为了纪念钟云少将,美国海军DDG93导弹驱逐舰以他的名字命名,这是迄今唯一一艘以华裔美国人名字命名的美国海军舰艇。
Rear Admiral Gordon Paiʻea Chung-Hoon (7/25/1910 – 7/24/1979) was an admiral in the United States Navy,who served during World War II and was the first Asian American flag officer. A flag officer is someone who is authorized to fly their own command flags – representing the branches of the United States Armed Forces. Chung-Hoon attended the United States Naval Academy and graduated in May 1934, becoming the first Asian American, U.S. citizen graduate of the academy. He received the Navy Cross and Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary heroism as the commanding officer of the USS Sigsbee from May 1944 to October 1945. After his ship was struck by a kamikaze plane, causing massive fires and damage to the ships engines and steering, Commander Chung-Hoon successfully directed his men in putting out the fires and saving the ship while continuing to fight more kamikaze planes. In his honor, the US Navy DDG 93 guided missile destroyer was named after him, the only US Navy ship ever named after a Chinese-American.
Patsy Mink Formation of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
帕齐·马祖·明克(1927年12月6日- 2002年9月28日)是当选国会议员的第一位夏威夷女性和第一位有色人种女性。帕齐是第三代日裔美国人,出生在夏威夷毛伊岛帕亚的一个蔗糖种植园。因身为女性而被12所医学院拒绝后,帕齐·明克最终被芝加哥大学录取攻读法律学位。在夏威夷建州之前,明克成为首位在夏威夷领土立法机构任职的日本血统女性。1959年夏威夷成为美国第50个州后,明克在1965年赢得了美国众议院的席位,并在那里连续担任了六届议员。随后,她在卡特政府的国务院海洋和国际环境与科学事务局担任助理国务卿。之后,帕齐重回众议院,于1990年至2002年那里任职。1994年,她参与创立了国会亚太裔美国人核心小组,该小组致力于推动亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民问题。
Patsy Matsu Mink (12/6/1927 – 9/28/2002) was the first Hawaiian woman and first woman of color elected to Congress. Patsy was a third-generation Japanese American, born on a sugar plantation camp in Paia, Hawaii, on the island of Maui. After being rejected by 12 medical schools for being a woman, Patsy Mink pursued a law degree at the University of Chicago. Before Hawaii became a state, Mink became the first woman with Japanese ancestry to serve in the Hawaiian Territorial Legislature. After Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959, in 1965, Mink won a post in the U.S. House of Representatives, where she served six consecutive terms. She then served as Assistant Secretary of State in the Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs under the Carter administration. Following that, Patsy returned to the House of Representatives where she served from 1990 to 2002. In 1994 she co-founded the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, which seeks to promote Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) issues.
Dalip Singh Saund Dalip Singh Saund with VOA India
达利普·辛格·桑德(1899年9月20日- 1973年4月22日)是第一位当选为国会议员的亚裔美国人、印度裔美国人和印度教徒。达利普1899年出生于印度,最初来到美国学习农业,但最终获得了加州伯克利大学的数学硕士和博士学位。在大萧条时期,他搬到了南加州,在那里务农20多年,直到20世纪50年代初,开始自己的化肥生意。尽管他在政治上很活跃,但由于联邦法律禁止他成为美国公民,他无法竞选政治职位。在成功地为南亚人争取到入籍公民的权利后,他于1949年入籍,并很快竞选当地法官。在担任了四年法官之后,他于1954年当选国会议员。
Dalip Singh Saund (9/20/1899 – 4/22/1973) was the first Asian American, the first Indian American, and the first Hindu to be elected to Congress. Dalip was born in India in 1899 and came to the United States to originally study agriculture, but ultimately obtained a master’s degree and a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Berkeley, California. He moved to Southern California during the Great Depression and worked as a farmer for more than 20 years before starting his own fertilizer business in the early 1950s. Though he became politically active, Saund wasn’t able to run for political office because federal law prevented him from becoming a U.S. citizen. After successfully campaigning for the right of South Asians to become naturalized citizens, he naturalized in 1949 and soon ran for office as a local judge. He served four years as a judge before being elected to Congress in 1954.
Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu Dr. Wu in Columbia University
吴健雄(1912年5月31日-1997年2月16日)被称为“物理科学第一夫人”和“中国的居里夫人” 。在她漫长的职业生涯中,吴健雄为物理科学做出了举足轻重的贡献。她出生于中国江苏,于上世纪30年代前往美国,在加州大学伯克利分校研读物理。1940年,吴健雄在伯克利获得了博士学位。1944年,吴健雄加入了哥伦比亚大学的研究团队。在哥大,她参与了“曼哈顿计划”。该计划帮助美国在二战期间研发出了原子弹。吴健雄的研究,包括“吴氏实验”,帮助她的同事获得了1957年诺贝尔物理学奖。吴健雄本人也获授1978年首次颁发的沃尔夫物理学奖。尽管成就斐然,吴健雄在她的领域依然面临性别歧视。在她的整个职业生涯中,吴健雄都在为女性科学家的同工同酬而抗争,并最终成为首位担任美国物理学会主席的女性。
Chien-Shiung Wu (5/31/1912 – 2/16/1997) was known as both the “First Lady of Physics” and the “Chinese Marie Curie,” making significant contributions to physics during her long career. Chien-Shiung was born in Jiangsu, China, and moved to the United States in the 1930s to study physics at the University of California, Berkeley, where she completed her doctorate in 1940. In 1944, Wu joined the research staff at Columbia University in 1944, where she worked on the Manhattan Project, which helped the United States develop the atomic bomb during World War II. Her research, including the “Wu experiment”, helped colleagues receive the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics. Wu herself received the inaugural Wolf Prize in Physics in 1978. Despite her scientific accomplishments, Wu still faced gender discrimination in her field. Wu fought for equal pay for women scientists throughout her career, and eventually became the first woman to serve as president of the American Physical Society.
Franklin E. Kameny Frank Kameny attending Pride
富兰克林·爱德华·卡梅尼 (1925-2011) 是美国同性恋权利活动人士,被认为是美国民权运动中最重要的人物之一。 他出生于纽约市,在军队服役后,获得了哈佛大学天文学硕士和博士学位。1957年,他因为是同性恋而被陆军地图局解雇,导致他成为美国同性恋权利运动的早期活动人士。1965年,他在白宫前抗议美国联邦政府对LGBTQI+美国人的不公平待遇,这是第一次此类示威。他还继续为被联邦政府解雇的LGBTQI+美国人提供法律支持,他的行动主义导致比尔·克林顿总统在1995年和1998年签署了行政命令,取消了对LGBTQI+联邦雇员的安全审查禁令,并将联邦文职工作队伍中基于性取向的歧视定为非法。
Franklin Edward Kameny (1925-2011) was an American gay rights activist, considered one of the most significant figures in the American civil rights movement. Born in New York City, after serving in the Army he received a master’s degree and doctorate in astronomy from Harvard University. In 1957 he was fired from his position in the Army Map Service for being gay, leading him to become an early activist in the gay rights movement in America. In 1965 he protested the unfair treatment of LGBTQI+ Americans by the U.S. Federal Government in front of the White House, the first demonstration of its kind. He continued to provide legal support to LGBTQI+ Americans who were fired by the federal government, and his activism led to the signing of Executive Orders by President Bill Clinton in 1995 and 1998, which lifted the ban on security clearances for LGBTQI+ federal employees and outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation in the federal civilian workforce.
Rachel Carson working at the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Rachel Carson conducting marine biology research
雷切尔·卡森(5/27/1907 – 4/14/1964),美国海洋生物学家、作家、保育人士,其具影响力的著作寂静的春天(1962年出版)和其他著作推进全球环保运动。来自宾西维尼亚州的一个小镇,1932年于约翰·霍普金斯大学获得硕士学位,本来打算继续攻读博士,但在大萧条期间为了养家糊口,只能中途辍学,至美国渔业局工作。她于此开始生物学家的职业生涯,直至1950年代成为自然文学作家。其广受赞誉的畅销书我们周围的海洋(The Sea Around Us)获颁美国国家图书奖(U.S. National Book Award)。寂静的春天是她的第四本著作,其研究化学杀虫剂所造成的环境问题,特别是DDT。寂静的春天对美国环保运动初期有着重大影响。该书提高杀虫剂对生态影响的环保意识,并使得DDT和其他有害杀虫剂在美国禁用。1980年,吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)总统向卡森追授总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。
Rachel Carson (5/27/1907 – 4/14/1964) was an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist whose influential book Silent Spring (1962) and other writings advanced the global environmental movement. Originally from a small town in Pennsylvania, Carson received a master’s degree from John Hopkins University in 1932 and had planned to obtain a doctorate when she paused her studies to support her family during the Great Depression by working at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. There she began her career as a biologist before becoming a nature writer in the 1950s. Her widely praised bestseller The Sea Around Us won a U.S. National Book Award. Silent Spring was her fourth book, and it studied environmental problems caused by chemical pesticides, particularly DDT. Silent Spring had a major impact on the nascent environmental movement in the United States. The book raised environmental awareness on the ecological impact of pesticides, and to the banning of DDT and other harmful pesticides in the United States. In 1980, Carson was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter.
Mary Jackson Mary Jackson working at NASA Langley Research Center
玛丽·杰克逊(4/9/1921 – 2/11/2005),美国数学家、航太工程师,她所做的工作为美国太空项目的发展做出极大贡献。身为天赋异禀的数学家,玛丽·杰克逊被招聘至国家航空咨询委员会 (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, NACA),其于1958年成为NASA。她起初在兰里纪念航空实验室(Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory)种族隔离的计算科工作,之后接受在实验室的超音速压力隧道的工作。她被推荐参加得以晋升为工程师的培训项目,但必须先完成研究院程度的数学和物理课程,当时只在一间实施种族隔离的高中开课。杰克逊得到特别许可与白人同侪一起上课,完成课程,得到晋升,在1958年成为NASA首位非裔女性工程师。她的故事搬上电影“隐藏人物”(Hidden Figures,2016年出品)。玛丽在她的职业生涯后期致力于支持妇女在NASA担任科学、工程和数学职位。2021年,NASA在华盛顿D.C.的总部更名为玛丽·W·杰克逊NASA总部(Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters)。
Mary Jackson (4/9/1921 – 2/11/2005) was an American mathematician and aerospace engineer whose work contributed greatly to the development of America’s space program. A gifted mathematician, Mary Jackson was recruited to work at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which became NASA in 1958. She worked in the segregated computing section at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory before accepting an offer to work in the laboratory’s supersonic pressure tunnel. She was recommended to enter a training program that would allow her to become an engineer, but she needed to first complete graduate level math and physics courses which were only offered at a then-segregated high school. Jackson got special permission to join white peers in the classroom, completed the courses, and earned the promotion, becoming NASA’s first black female engineer in 1958. Her story features in the movie “Hidden Figures” (2016). Later in her career Mary worked to support women in science, engineering, and mathematics positions at NASA. In 2021, the headquarters of NASA in Washington, D.C. was renamed the Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters.
萨利·克里斯汀·莱德(5/26/1951 – 7/23/2012),美国宇航员、物理学家。出生于加州洛杉矶,于1978年加入NASA,并于1983年成为首位上太空的美国女性。她至今仍是美国最年轻上过太空的宇航员,时年32岁。完成两次挑战者号(Challenger)太空舱飞行后,她于1987年离开NASA。莱德任职于斯坦福大学国际安全和军控中心两年,之后作为物理学教授任教于加州州立大学圣地亚哥校区。生前虽曾与另一名宇航员结缡,但逝后讣闻公告她与前女性网球协会球员汤·奥肖内西(Tam O’Shaughnessy)的长期私人关系。2013年,她被追授总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。现在被公认为首位LGBTQI+太空旅行者。
Sally Kristen Ride (5/26/1951 – 7/23/2012) was an American astronaut and physicist. Born in Los Angeles, California, she joined NASA in 1978, and in 1983 became the first American woman in space. She remains the youngest American astronaut to have traveled to space, having done so at the age of 32. After flying twice on the Space Shuttle Challenger, she left NASA in 1987. Ride worked for two years at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Arms Control, then at the University of California, San Diego, as a physics professor. Previously married to another astronaut, after her death her obituary revealed she was in a private, long-term relationship with former Women’s Tennis Association player Tam O’Shaughnessy. In 2013, she was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She is now recognized as the first LGBTQI+ space traveler.
Duke Kahanamoku Early picture of Duke surfing
杜克·卡哈纳莫库(8/24/1890 – 1/22/1968),昵称“大卡胡纳”,屹立于世界运动界和娱乐界的人物,其推动冲浪运动的普及。1890年出生于夏威夷火奴鲁鲁,卡哈纳莫库赢得五次奥运游泳竞赛奖牌,分别在1912斯德哥尔摩奥运会、1920安特卫普奥运会和1924巴黎奥运会进行角逐。卡哈纳莫库同时也是1932洛杉矶奥运会美国水球队后备选手。继开拓性的运动生涯之后,卡哈纳莫库从事演员、治安官和冲浪者的工作,帮助将夏威夷的冲浪运动推广至世界各地新一代的冲浪者。冲浪竞赛在今年2020东京夏奥会首次登场。
Duke Kahanamoku (8/24/1890 – 1/22/1968), nicknamed “The Big Kahuna,” was a towering figure in the world of sports and entertainment, who popularized the sport of surfing. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1890, Kahanamoku was a five-time Olympic medalist in swimming, having competed in the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, and the 1924 Olympics in Paris. Kahanamoku also was an alternate for the U.S. water polo team at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. Following his trail-blazing athletic career, Kahanamoku worked as an actor, sheriff and surfer, helping to popularize the Hawaiian sport of surfing to a new generation of surfers all over the world. Surfing made its Olympics debut this year in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Games.
Cesar Chavez Cesar Chavez talking to students
塞萨尔·查韦斯(3/31/1927 – 4/23/1993),美国劳工领袖、拉丁美洲裔民权活动人士。与桃乐丝·休尔塔(Dolores Huerta)共同成立全国农场工人协会(National Farm Workers Association),其之后与农场工人组织委员会(Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee)合并,成为农场工人联合会(United Farm Workers)。出生于亚利桑那州尤马的一个墨西哥裔美国家庭,于海军服役后,搬迁至加州,在社区服务组织(Community Service Organization)帮助劳工登记投票。他最为人所知的是,以非暴力努力为数千名在加州农场和西岸工资低下、条件恶劣的移民劳工争取更好的工作条件。1994年,他被追授总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。
Cesar Chavez (3/31/1927 – 4/23/1993) was an American labor leader and Latino civil rights activist. Along with Dolores Huerta, he co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA), which later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) to become the United Farm Workers (UFW) labor union. Born in Yuma, Arizona to a Mexican American family, after serving in the navy he moved to California and worked in the Community Service Organization (CSO) to help laborers register to vote. He is best known for his non-violent efforts to gain better working conditions for the thousands of migrant workers who labored on farms in California and throughout the West for low wages and under severe conditions. In 1994 he was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Oksana rowing Oksana at the World Rowing Cup
奥克萨娜·马斯特斯(6/19/1989 – ),乌克兰裔美国残奥会赛艇选手、越野滑雪选手。出生于乌克兰,因为1986年切尔诺贝利核反应堆事故的辐射造成先天缺陷。奥克萨娜出生时,长短腿且无承重骨,双手五指并指畸形,无大拇指,双脚各有六趾。马斯特斯七岁时,被美国母亲领养并搬至肯塔基州。2002年,时年13岁,开始划艇,之后没多久便开始赛艇。奥克萨娜参加过四届残奥会,赛艇、越野滑雪、冬季两项和公路自行车,总共赢得8面奖牌,包括两面金牌。
Oksana Masters (6/19/1989 – ) is an Ukrainian-American Paralympic rower and cross-country athlete. Born in Ukraine, due to radiation-induced birth defects caused by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, Oksana was born with legs of different lengths without weight-bearing bones, five webbed fingers on each hand and no thumbs, and six toes on each foot. Masters was adopted by her American mother at age 7 and moved to Kentucky. She started rowing in 2002 when she was 13, soon after began to row competitively. Oksana has competed in four Paralympics — in rowing, cross-country skiing, biathlon and road cycling — and has won a total of eight medals, including two golds.
Rita Moreno Rita Moreno holding a recording of the West Side Story soundtrack
丽塔·莫雷诺(12/11/1931 -)为美国女演员、舞者、歌手。其职业生涯横跨70个年头。出生于波多黎各,丽塔于1936年和母亲搬到纽约市,并在好莱坞黄金年代之际,开始她的电影生涯。在这段期间,得到数个主要角色,包括在音乐电影万花嬉春(Singin’ in the Rain, 1952)、国王与我(The King and I, 1956)、西城故事(West Side Story, 1961)担任配角。丽塔是少数几位获得演艺圈大满贯地位的艺术家之一,赢得艾美奖、葛莱美奖、奥斯卡奖和托尼奖。她也获颁2009年国家艺术勋章(National Medal of the Arts)、2004年总统荣誉勋章(Presidential Medal of Honor)、2015年肯尼迪中心通过表演艺术向她致敬,感谢她为美国文化的贡献。在整个职业生涯中,丽塔推动提高拉丁美洲裔在媒体界的代表性。
Rita Moreno (12/11/1931 -) is an American actress, dancer and singer; whose career has spanned over 70 years. Born in Puerto Rico, Rita moved to New York City with her mother in 1936, and began her film career during the Golden Age of Hollywood. She landed several major roles during this time, including supporting roles in musical films Singin’ in the Rain (1952), The King and I (1956), and West Side Story (1961). Rita is one of the few artists to have achieved EGOT status, having won and Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony; She has also received 2009 National Medal of the Arts; 2004 Presidential Medal of Honor; and 2015 Kennedy Center Honor for her contributions to American culture through the performing arts. Throughout her career, Rita has pushed for greater representation of Latinos in media.
George Washington Carver Poster highlighting Carver’s achievements
乔治·华盛顿·卡佛(1864 – 1/5/1943),美国农业科学家、发明家,其倡导棉花轮作(用花生和番薯交替)和耕作方式来预防地力耗损。他为20世纪早期最杰出的黑人科学家。卡佛生为奴隶,但在奴隶制度被废止后,他的家人鼓励他继续接受教育。他成为爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)首位黑人学生,并于1896年于该校取得硕士学位。作为塔斯基吉学院(Tuskegee Institute,成立于1881年以在农业和工业上培训非裔美国人)的教授,他开发技术改善耕作所造成的地力耗损。除了改善黑人农民的生活外,卡佛也是倡导环境保护主义的领袖。
George Washington Carver (1864 – 1/5/1943) was an American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops (peanuts and sweet potatoes) to cotton and farming methods to prevent soil depletion. He was one of the most prominent black scientists of the early 20th century. Carver was born into slavery, and after slavery was abolished, his family pushed him to continue his education. He became the first black student at Iowa State University and received his master’s degree there in 1896. As a professor at the Tuskegee Institute (founded in 1881 to train African-Americans in agriculture and industry), he developed techniques to improve soils depleted by farming. Apart from his work to improve the lives of black farmers, Carver was also a leader in promoting environmentalism.
Joyce Chen Joyce Chen’s Cook Book
乔伊斯·陈(9/14/1917 – 8/23/1994)为华裔美国厨师、餐厅老板、作家、电视名人、企业家,帮助把中国菜引进美国并将之推广。出生于中国北京,乔伊斯在1949年移民美国,搬到马萨诸塞州的剑桥。注意到她为烘烤义卖制作的中式小点心一小时内就被一扫而空,激发她在1958年开了第一家餐厅。1962年,出版具影响力的食谱,Joyce Chen Cook Book,使得北方菜在美国得以推广。乔伊斯为锅贴造了个名字”Peking Raviolis”(北京意大利饺),设计出带柄平底炒锅(也被称为中式炒锅)的专利,并为美国市场开发出第一个系列的瓶装中国炒酱。她被认为是“华裔茱莉亚·切尔德”(Chinese Julia Childs),使得中国菜在美国有了一席之地。她的成就和对美国菜的影响力使得美国邮政局和剑桥市因而向她致敬。
Joyce Chen (9/14/1917 – 8/23/1994) was a Chinese-American chef, restaurateur, author, television personality, and entrepreneur, who helped introduce and popularize Chinese cuisine in the United States. Born in Beijing, China, Joyce immigrated to the United States in 1949, moving to Cambridge, Massachusetts. After discovering her home cooked Chinese snacks she made for a bake sale sold out within an hour, she was inspired to open her first restaurant in 1958. In 1962, she published her influential cookbook, the Joyce Chen Cook Book, which helped popularize northern-style Chinese cuisine in the United States. Joyce coined the name “Peking Raviolis” for potstickers, invented a design patent for a flat bottom wok with a handle (also known as a stir fry pan), and developed the first line of bottled Chinese stir fry sauces for the US market. She was known as the “Chinese Julia Childs,” firmly establishing Chinese cuisine in the United States. Her accomplishments and influence on American cuisine were honored by the US Postal Service and by the city of Cambridge. | As part of our Constitution Day, U.S. Embassy Beijing is highlighting the achievements of fifteen #NotableAmericans, which show the rich diversity of the United States as well as highlight the contributions immigrants have made to our country. Please follow our hashtags #EPluribusUnum and #NotableAmericans to learn more about these American heroes.
General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. (12/18/1912 – 7/4/2002) was a United States Air Force general and commander of the Tuskegee Airmen, a group of mainly African American airmen who fought in World War II. He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1932. During the four years of his Academy term, Davis was isolated by his classmates because of his race, never having a roommate and having to eat by himself. His classmates hoped that this would push him to quit the Academy. The “silent treatment” however, had the opposite effect, pushing Davis to graduate and become the fourth black graduate of West Point. During World War II, Davis was commander of the 99th Fighter Squadron and the 332nd Fighter Group, which escorted bombers on air combat missions over Europe. Davis flew sixty missions in P-39, Curtiss P-40, P-47 and P-51 Mustang fighters. He later became the first black brigadier general in the United States Air Force. On December 9, 1998, he was advanced to four-star general by President Bill Clinton.
Rear Admiral Gordon Paiʻea Chung-Hoon (7/25/1910 – 7/24/1979) was an admiral in the United States Navy,who served during World War II and was the first Asian American flag officer. A flag officer is someone who is authorized to fly their own command flags – representing the branches of the United States Armed Forces. Chung-Hoon attended the United States Naval Academy and graduated in May 1934, becoming the first Asian American, U.S. citizen graduate of the academy. He received the Navy Cross and Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary heroism as the commanding officer of the USS Sigsbee from May 1944 to October 1945. After his ship was struck by a kamikaze plane, causing massive fires and damage to the ships engines and steering, Commander Chung-Hoon successfully directed his men in putting out the fires and saving the ship while continuing to fight more kamikaze planes. In his honor, the US Navy DDG 93 guided missile destroyer was named after him, the only US Navy ship ever named after a Chinese-American.
Patsy Matsu Mink (12/6/1927 – 9/28/2002) was the first Hawaiian woman and first woman of color elected to Congress. Patsy was a third-generation Japanese American, born on a sugar plantation camp in Paia, Hawaii, on the island of Maui. After being rejected by 12 medical schools for being a woman, Patsy Mink pursued a law degree at the University of Chicago. Before Hawaii became a state, Mink became the first woman with Japanese ancestry to serve in the Hawaiian Territorial Legislature. After Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959, in 1965, Mink won a post in the U.S. House of Representatives, where she served six consecutive terms. She then served as Assistant Secretary of State in the Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs under the Carter administration. Following that, Patsy returned to the House of Representatives where she served from 1990 to 2002. In 1994 she co-founded the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, which seeks to promote Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) issues.
Indian-American Congressman
Dalip Singh Saund (9/20/1899 – 4/22/1973) was the first Asian American, the first Indian American, and the first Hindu to be elected to Congress. Dalip was born in India in 1899 and came to the United States to originally study agriculture, but ultimately obtained a master’s degree and a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Berkeley, California. He moved to Southern California during the Great Depression and worked as a farmer for more than 20 years before starting his own fertilizer business in the early 1950s. Though he became politically active, Saund wasn’t able to run for political office because federal law prevented him from becoming a U.S. citizen. After successfully campaigning for the right of South Asians to become naturalized citizens, he naturalized in 1949 and soon ran for office as a local judge. He served four years as a judge before being elected to Congress in 1954.
Chien-Shiung Wu (5/31/1912 – 2/16/1997) was known as both the “First Lady of Physics” and the “Chinese Marie Curie,” making significant contributions to physics during her long career. Chien-Shiung was born in Jiangsu, China, and moved to the United States in the 1930s to study physics at the University of California, Berkeley, where she completed her doctorate in 1940. In 1944, Wu joined the research staff at Columbia University in 1944, where she worked on the Manhattan Project, which helped the United States develop the atomic bomb during World War II. Her research, including the “Wu experiment”, helped colleagues receive the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics. Wu herself received the inaugural Wolf Prize in Physics in 1978. Despite her scientific accomplishments, Wu still faced gender discrimination in her field. Wu fought for equal pay for women scientists throughout her career, and eventually became the first woman to serve as president of the American Physical Society.
Franklin Edward Kameny (1925-2011) was an American gay rights activist, considered one of the most significant figures in the American civil rights movement. Born in New York City, after serving in the Army he received a master’s degree and doctorate in astronomy from Harvard University. In 1957 he was fired from his position in the Army Map Service for being gay, leading him to become an early activist in the gay rights movement in America. In 1965 he protested the unfair treatment of LGBTQI+ Americans by the U.S. Federal Government in front of the White House, the first demonstration of its kind. He continued to provide legal support to LGBTQI+ Americans who were fired by the federal government, and his activism led to the signing of Executive Orders by President Bill Clinton in 1995 and 1998, which lifted the ban on security clearances for LGBTQI+ federal employees and outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation in the federal civilian workforce.
Rachel Carson (5/27/1907 – 4/14/1964) was an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist whose influential book Silent Spring (1962) and other writings advanced the global environmental movement. Originally from a small town in Pennsylvania, Carson received a master’s degree from John Hopkins University in 1932 and had planned to obtain a doctorate when she paused her studies to support her family during the Great Depression by working at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. There she began her career as a biologist before becoming a nature writer in the 1950s. Her widely praised bestseller The Sea Around Us won a U.S. National Book Award. Silent Spring was her fourth book, and it studied environmental problems caused by chemical pesticides, particularly DDT. Silent Spring had a major impact on the nascent environmental movement in the United States. The book raised environmental awareness on the ecological impact of pesticides, and to the banning of DDT and other harmful pesticides in the United States. In 1980, Carson was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter.
Mary Jackson (4/9/1921 – 2/11/2005) was an American mathematician and aerospace engineer whose work contributed greatly to the development of America’s space program. A gifted mathematician, Mary Jackson was recruited to work at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which became NASA in 1958. She worked in the segregated computing section at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory before accepting an offer to work in the laboratory’s supersonic pressure tunnel. She was recommended to enter a training program that would allow her to become an engineer, but she needed to first complete graduate level math and physics courses which were only offered at a then-segregated high school. Jackson got special permission to join white peers in the classroom, completed the courses, and earned the promotion, becoming NASA’s first black female engineer in 1958. Her story features in the movie “Hidden Figures” (2016). Later in her career Mary worked to support women in science, engineering, and mathematics positions at NASA. In 2021, the headquarters of NASA in Washington, D.C. was renamed the Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters.
Sally Kristen Ride (5/26/1951 – 7/23/2012) was an American astronaut and physicist. Born in Los Angeles, California, she joined NASA in 1978, and in 1983 became the first American woman in space. She remains the youngest American astronaut to have traveled to space, having done so at the age of 32. After flying twice on the Space Shuttle Challenger, she left NASA in 1987. Ride worked for two years at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Arms Control, then at the University of California, San Diego, as a physics professor. Previously married to another astronaut, after her death her obituary revealed she was in a private, long-term relationship with former Women’s Tennis Association player Tam O’Shaughnessy. In 2013, she was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She is now recognized as the first LGBTQI+ space traveler.
Duke Kahanamoku (8/24/1890 – 1/22/1968), nicknamed “The Big Kahuna,” was a towering figure in the world of sports and entertainment, who popularized the sport of surfing. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1890, Kahanamoku was a five-time Olympic medalist in swimming, having competed in the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, and the 1924 Olympics in Paris. Kahanamoku also was an alternate for the U.S. water polo team at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. Following his trail-blazing athletic career, Kahanamoku worked as an actor, sheriff and surfer, helping to popularize the Hawaiian sport of surfing to a new generation of surfers all over the world. Surfing made its Olympics debut this year in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Games.
Cesar Chavez (3/31/1927 – 4/23/1993) was an American labor leader and Latino civil rights activist. Along with Dolores Huerta, he co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA), which later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) to become the United Farm Workers (UFW) labor union. Born in Yuma, Arizona to a Mexican American family, after serving in the navy he moved to California and worked in the Community Service Organization (CSO) to help laborers register to vote. He is best known for his non-violent efforts to gain better working conditions for the thousands of migrant workers who labored on farms in California and throughout the West for low wages and under severe conditions. In 1994 he was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Oksana Masters (6/19/1989 – ) is an Ukrainian-American Paralympic rower and cross-country athlete. Born in Ukraine, due to radiation-induced birth defects caused by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, Oksana was born with legs of different lengths without weight-bearing bones, five webbed fingers on each hand and no thumbs, and six toes on each foot. Masters was adopted by her American mother at age 7 and moved to Kentucky. She started rowing in 2002 when she was 13, soon after began to row competitively. Oksana has competed in four Paralympics — in rowing, cross-country skiing, biathlon and road cycling — and has won a total of eight medals, including two golds.
Rita Moreno (12/11/1931 -) is an American actress, dancer and singer; whose career has spanned over 70 years. Born in Puerto Rico, Rita moved to New York City with her mother in 1936, and began her film career during the Golden Age of Hollywood. She landed several major roles during this time, including supporting roles in musical films Singin’ in the Rain (1952), The King and I (1956), and West Side Story (1961). Rita is one of the few artists to have achieved EGOT status, having won and Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony; She has also received 2009 National Medal of the Arts; 2004 Presidential Medal of Honor; and 2015 Kennedy Center Honor for her contributions to American culture through the performing arts. Throughout her career, Rita has pushed for greater representation of Latinos in media.
George Washington Carver (1864 – 1/5/1943) was an American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops (peanuts and sweet potatoes) to cotton and farming methods to prevent soil depletion. He was one of the most prominent black scientists of the early 20th century. Carver was born into slavery, and after slavery was abolished, his family pushed him to continue his education. He became the first black student at Iowa State University and received his master’s degree there in 1896. As a professor at the Tuskegee Institute (founded in 1881 to train African-Americans in agriculture and industry), he developed techniques to improve soils depleted by farming. Apart from his work to improve the lives of black farmers, Carver was also a leader in promoting environmentalism.
Joyce Chen (9/14/1917 – 8/23/1994) was a Chinese-American chef, restaurateur, author, television personality, and entrepreneur, who helped introduce and popularize Chinese cuisine in the United States. Born in Beijing, China, Joyce immigrated to the United States in 1949, moving to Cambridge, Massachusetts. After discovering her home cooked Chinese snacks she made for a bake sale sold out within an hour, she was inspired to open her first restaurant in 1958. In 1962, she published her influential cookbook, the Joyce Chen Cook Book, which helped popularize northern-style Chinese cuisine in the United States. Joyce coined the name “Peking Raviolis” for potstickers, invented a design patent for a flat bottom wok with a handle (also known as a stir fry pan), and developed the first line of bottled Chinese stir fry sauces for the US market. She was known as the “Chinese Julia Childs,” firmly establishing Chinese cuisine in the United States. Her accomplishments and influence on American cuisine were honored by the US Postal Service and by the city of Cambridge. |
在国际妇女节(International Women’s Day)到来之际,美国骄傲地与国际社会共同庆祝全球各地妇女和女孩子的成就与贡献,同时认识到她们仍然面对的障碍。美国坚定致力于自己的长期承诺,促进性别公平与平等,并为各方妇女和女童赋予权能。
美国认识到,为充分解决上述迫切问题,我们必须注重妇女和女童的需要,确保使她们有能力成为生活各方面的参与者。正因为如此,我骄傲地预告,总统的2023财政年度预算将要求为援外项目提供大约26亿美元拨款,以促进全球性别公平与平等,这是2022财政年度中为性别项目提出的拨款数字的一倍之多。它将包括要求为性别公平与平等行动基金(Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund)拨款2亿美元。此外,美国正在采取多项具体步骤,把在全球促进妇女和女童权利的政策举措正规化和予以加速,包括通过有史以来首次制定的《性别公平与平等国家战略》(National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality)。这项战略将性别公平与平等正式确立为美国的重要外交政策和国家安全重点。
为庆祝国际妇女节以及我们对提高妇女和女童地位的经久不衰的承诺,我今天骄傲看到国务院宣布颁发2022年国际妇女勇气奖(International Women of Courage Awards)。我将于3月14日星期一在state.gov主持第16届国际妇女勇气奖在线颁奖仪式。这个年度奖表彰和弘扬投身于——经常承担着巨大的个人风险与牺牲——促进人权、性别公平与平等、和平、正义、法治和问责的各方不同女性。从在尼泊尔倡导男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者、酷儿和间性者等(LGBTQI+)人士的权利,到在利比里亚防范和对应各种形式基于性别的暴力,到在利比亚出任第一位女外交部长等等,2022年国际妇女勇气奖的获奖者真正体现了勇气的含义。请到https://www.state.gov/secretary-of-states-international-women-of-courage-award/了解2022年国际妇女勇气奖获奖者的事迹。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/celebrating-women-around-the-world-on-international-womens-day/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Celebrating Women Around the World on International Women’s Day
MARCH 8, 2022
On International Women’s Day, the United States is proud to join the global community in celebrating the achievements and contributions of women and girls from around the world, while simultaneously recognizing the barriers they continue to face. The United States stands firm in its longstanding commitment to the advancement of gender equity and equality and the empowerment of women and girls, in all their diversity.
Today, the world is facing several significant challenges that disproportionately impact women and girls, including the climate crisis, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and humanitarian emergencies and conflict in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Yemen, and in so many other places, including the significant curtailment of the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan.
The United States recognizes that in order to adequately address these pressing challenges, we must focus on the needs of women and girls, and ensure they are empowered participants in all sectors of life. That is why I am proud to preview that the President’s FY 2023 Budget will request approximately $2.6 billion for foreign assistance programs that promote gender equity and equality worldwide, more than doubling the amount requested for gender programs in the FY 2022 Budget. This includes a request for $200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund. Additionally, the United States is taking several concrete steps to formalize and accelerate policy efforts to promote the rights of women and girls around the globe, including through the first-ever U.S. National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality. This strategy formalizes gender equity and equality as primary foreign policy and national security priorities for the United States.
In celebration of International Women’s Day and our time-honored commitment to advancing the status of women and girls, I am proud that today, the Department of State announced the awardees of the 2022 International Women of Courage (IWOC) Awards. I will host the 16th annual IWOC Awards in a virtual ceremony on Monday, March 14 on state.gov. This annual award recognizes and celebrates women, in all their diversity, who have dedicated their lives to promoting human rights, gender equity and equality, peace, justice, the rule of law, and accountability – often at great personal risk or sacrifice. From promoting the rights of LGBTQI+ persons in Nepal, to preventing and responding to all forms of gender-based violence in Liberia, to being the first woman Foreign Minister of Libya, and so much more, the recipients of the 2022 IWOC Award truly exemplify what it means to be courageous. Find more information about the 2022 IWOC Awardees at https://www.state.gov/secretary-of-states-international-women-of-courage-award/.
The United States remains deeply committed to supporting women and girls’ economic security, preventing and responding to all forms of gender-based violence, increasing their access to health, education, justice, human rights and equality under the law, and humanitarian relief, advancing women’s political leadership and decision-making in all areas including addressing climate change and security challenges, developing science and technology, and promoting democracy. To our 2022 International Women of Courage and all the courageous women and girls around the world, I thank you for your strength, leadership, and efforts to make the world a more just, peaceful, and free place for us all. |
发言人声明,2020年1月10日 | PRESS STATEMENT
JANUARY 10, 2020
America is a force for good in the Middle East. Our military presence in Iraq is to continue the fight against ISIS and as the Secretary has said, we are committed to protecting Americans, Iraqis, and our coalition partners. We have been unambiguous regarding how crucial our D-ISIS mission is in Iraq. At this time, any delegation sent to Iraq would be dedicated to discussing how to best recommit to our strategic partnership—not to discuss troop withdrawal, but our right, appropriate force posture in the Middle East. Today, a NATO delegation is at the State Department to discuss increasing NATO’s role in Iraq, in line with the President’s desire for burden sharing in all of our collective defense efforts. There does, however, need to be a conversation between the U.S. and Iraqi governments not just regarding security, but about our financial, economic, and diplomatic partnership. We want to be a friend and partner to a sovereign, prosperous, and stable Iraq. |
王汉先生(Scott Walker)是一名美国资深职业外交官,现任美国驻沪总领事。他曾担任美国务院韩国和蒙古国事务处主任,并于 2018 年至 2021 年担任美国驻华大使馆新闻发言人。王汉先生历任美国务院韩国事务处的大韩民国部门负责人;美国驻多伦多总领馆的公共事务官员;美国驻上海总领馆的新闻官;驻韩国事务处的公共政策官员;以及国会山皮尔逊(Pearson)研究机构的成员。
王汉先生拥有加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的本科学位和旧金山州立大学的硕士学位。 | Scott Walker is a career member of the U.S. Senior Foreign Service and Consul General at the U.S Consulate General in Shanghai. He previous assignment was Director of the Office of Korean and Mongolian affairs and from 2018-2021 he was the Spokesperson at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. He has served as the Republic of Korea Unit Chief in the Office of Korean Affairs; the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Toronto; the Press Officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai; the “embedded” Public Diplomacy Officer at the Office of Korean Affairs; and as a Pearson Fellow on Capitol Hill.
He has a BA from the University of California at Santa Cruz and an MA from San Francisco State University. |
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
2020年7 月9 日
国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)在记者会上就美国当前对外政策发表讲话
外国记者中心(Foreign Press Center)视频会议
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国务卿蓬佩奥:… …我知道有大量的问题,涉及全球各地的整体安全形势。我想仅强调一两个重点。
然后今天上午的最后一点是,下星期,实际上是一个星期以后的今天,我将公布国务院天赋人权委员会(State Department Commission on Unalienable Rights)从一年前开始撰写的一份报告,距今刚过一年。这份重要的文件重申了美国的观点,涉及人权和我们不可剥夺的权利及我们发挥的作用,美国发挥的作用,关系到在全世界为按照上帝形象创造的全人类维护这些权利。这些不可剥夺的权利至关重要,适用于全世界各地。我们在美国有维护权利的传统,具有一定的独特性,同时我们也想到需要将这种维护权利的传统扩大到我们边界以外。我欢迎诸位都注意下星期我们公布的这份报道,了解该委员会履行的职责。
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在特朗普政府的领导下,一直是非常明确的。我们希望竭尽我们所能帮助非洲国家取得经济成功,而且我们也希望他们处于一种安全也得到确保的地位。因此,这是我在之前担任中央情报局(CIA)局长时所参与的反恐怖主义工作,而且我们的国防部也从事这项工作,不仅是在东非(East Africa),而且在撒哈拉(Sahel),以及乍得湖(Lake Chad)地区。我们为这项努力投入了巨大的资源。
Office of the Spokesperson
For Immediate Release
July 9, 2020
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo at a Press Briefing on Current U.S. Foreign Policy
July 9, 2020
Via Teleconference with the Foreign Press Center
MS ORTAGUS: Great. Thank you and good morning, everyone. It’s great to be with the Foreign Press Center today. This is my first briefing with all of you, actually, and the Secretary, of course, was with you a few years ago, so we are delighted to be back with all of the foreign press represented here in Washington and New York.
I’m the State Department spokesperson, of course. Thank you for joining this briefing with Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo. As a reminder, today’s briefing is on the record, but it is embargoed until the end of the call, please.
The Secretary is with us this morning to discuss current U.S. foreign policy priorities. We will begin with the Secretary providing a few brief remarks. After these remarks, the Secretary looks forward to taking your questions.
We’d ask all questioners to please identify themselves and the outlets – and their outlets before they ask the question. I will, of course, be calling on all of you, and we will dial 1 and then 0 again to get into the queue.
Okay, sir, over to you.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. Look, I’ll be very brief because I want to take as many questions as I can. Thank you all for joining me on the call today. I know there’s – be a wide range of questions that will span the entire security situation all across the globe. I thought I’d highlight just a couple things.
First, the challenge that is presented to the people of Hong Kong who have been denied the central commitments that the Chinese Communist Party had made to them now some 23 years ago or something. We’re spending significant time on defending the Hong Kong people in the face of communist tyranny. I’m happy to talk about that more.
We’ve also seen this stain of the century in western China that rivals any that we’ve seen across the globe. We talk about this a lot, but we are beginning to take actions that respond to and address it. We hope the whole world will unite in protecting religious freedom and ensuring that the actions taking place there are put to an end.
And then the final thought for this morning is that next week, in fact a week from today, I will introduce a report that the State Department Commission on Unalienable Rights has been working on for now just a little over a year. It’s an important restatement of how the United States thinks about human rights and our unalienable rights and our role, the United States role, in the world in preserving those rights for all people who are made in the image of God. And these unalienable rights are important. They extend across the world. And while we have a rights tradition here in the United States that is unique, we think much of that rights tradition extends to places beyond our borders as well. And I’d welcome you all paying attention to that next week when we introduce the report and seeing the work that the commission has performed.
With that, Morgan, I’m happy to take questions.
MS ORTAGUS: Great. Thank you very much, sir. I’m going to turn it over to the line of Carla Angola.
QUESTION: Hello, good morning.
MS ORTAGUS: We can hear you. Go ahead.
QUESTION: (No response.)
MS ORTAGUS: Carla? Carla Angola, go ahead.
QUESTION: Yes, I’m here. Can you hear me?
MS ORTAGUS: Yes, we can. You may ask the Secretary a question.
QUESTION: Yes, of course. Good morning. Mr. Secretary, thank you for this opportunity. There is an international consensus – even the Venezuelan opposition is united – in the certainty that Maduro definitely closed the electoral route. The great concern of Venezuelans is that the United States wants to bet indefinitely on an internal break within the regime itself, no matter how long it may take to happen, and in fear that it will be – that it will never happen.
Is there a waiting – a deadline for internal and external pressure to work and then consider another – options that will precipitate Maduro’s departure? Thank you very much.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Well, thanks for the question. Our team spends a great deal of time thinking about the set of issues that you describe. In the end, what the United States is trying to achieve is restoring democracy, and the Venezuelan people will be the ones who will ultimately restore that democracy. It is indeed Venezuelan people who choose to serve in the Venezuelan military.
And so we believe we will do all the things that we can do, which includes not only the economic pressure that has been brought to bear on the Maduro regime and the pressure that’s been brought to bear on Cuba to withdraw their security forces from Venezuela, but we have also, importantly, built out a global coalition to try and help the Venezuelan people achieve their objectives. So there are various groupings, but we see South American countries as part of the Lima Group. We now have some 60 countries that have recognized that Maduro’s days as a governor are done and that, in fact, Juan Guaido is the duly elected leader, as spoken to by the Venezuelan people. This is the process that we intend to continue to support what the Venezuelan people want.
You mentioned – and I’ll try to end quickly. You mentioned the upcoming elections. We’ve watched Maduro’s corrupt court system; we’ve watched him now try and take over political parties. And we remain convinced that the Venezuelan people see this for what it is and that they will respond in a way that reflects their deep desire to restore order and democracy to their own nation.
MS ORTAGUS: Great. Thank you, Carla. I’m now going to turn it over to Tuan Nguyen.
QUESTION: Mr. Pompeo, thank you for the briefing. My name is Tuan Nguyen from Zing News, a news website in Vietnam. I was wondering if you could comment on the future of Vietnam and U.S. relation on the anniversary – on the 25th anniversary of our bilateral relations. What should we expecting to see in five years?
And my second question is: Can you provide a little bit more specifics on the next steps in the Indo-Pacific initiative? What should be – what should we be expecting on that? Thank you.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. I appreciate the question. I’ve traveled to Vietnam twice as Secretary of State. I was there in my previous role, and then I had been there before in my previous time as well. The relationship between our two countries is important. It is based on a fundamental set of shared understandings about a common path forward – that’s an economic path forward; that is trade between the two nations – and then the very serious challenges that are posed by the Chinese Communist Party to Southeast Asia and a free and open Indo-Pacific.
So with respect to our relationship, Ambassador Kritenbrink has done good work alongside – with his team and alongside our Vietnamese partners there to create opportunities for the Vietnamese people to grow and prosper and to get United States foreign direct investment inside of Vietnam. We think there’s some great opportunities that will flow to Vietnam as a result of decisions to move supply chains out of China that are a direct result of political unrest inside of China itself and decisions that business leaders will make that says this is a place that’s simply too risky to continue to produce and manufacture for supply chains to deliver products around the world. We think good parts of Southeast Asia are likely to benefit from that.
And then respect – with respect to our Indo-Pacific strategy, this administration has taken seriously two components of this that previous administrations simply had not. First is the fundamental recognition of the challenge that is presented to the Indo-Pacific from the Chinese Communist Party. It’s in every dimension. It’s diplomatically, it’s economically, it’s militarily.
And then second, the response. It’s communications infrastructure. I mean, the list – cyber, the theft of intellectual property, not just here from patent holders here in the United States but from people all around the world who have put their shoulder to the grindstone to invent things and create and to prosper. The threat of intellectual property theft is incredibly real.
The second thing we have done is we recognize that this will take a true global coalition of people who understand this challenge. So whether that’s the work that we did – just yesterday, I was on a meeting with the Five Eyes counterparts – our G7 partners, our partners in ASEAN, the Quad. All of these various tools to develop multilateral understandings about how to protect free and open transportation, shipping, commerce, rule of law, all the things that authoritarian regimes that – like the one that exists inside of China today can’t tolerate because it’s inconsistent with their model – those are the things that will create prosperity for the Vietnamese people, prosperity for people throughout Southeast Asia, and a global system that is built on trust, the rule of law, and transparency.
We have too many efforts underway to list them all in their entirety, but know that the United States as a Pacific nation is committed to this.
MS ORTAGUS: Great. Thank you. We’re now going to have Jesper Steinmetz. You’ll be up next, Jesper.
QUESTION: Yes, hi. This is Jesper Steinmetz from TV2 Denmark. Mr. Secretary, thank you so much for doing this. I am, like all my colleagues and all Europeans I think, interested in getting an update on the travel ban, I mean the European travel ban to the U.S. What’s the status? Do you consider doing it in phases so that you would allow certain visa categories from Europe into the U.S. before you actually allow tourists and Visa Waiver Program tourists into the U.S.? And does reciprocity play a role here? I mean, is it dependent on the EU opening up for American tourists?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Jesper, thanks for the question. I don’t have much to add, other than what we’ve said publicly. I made a comment about this yesterday I think, perhaps it was the day before. We are in complex conversations. It’s not negotiations. It’s – those are political. We are in complex conversations around how to get the science and the epidemiology of this right and how to make sure that we reduce risk.
And we know there is a deep need and desire to get the global economy back going, and that involves people hopping on airplanes, traveling all across Europe and across the Atlantic, and indeed all around the world. So we are engaged – both in our Department of Transportation, Department of Homeland Security, the State Department – in conversations with our counterparts to try and deliver a set of outcomes that will both deliver the economic and commercial needs of travel and then frankly, for that matter, tourist travel as well – an important economic component for many European countries too – to make sure we get that right.
So whether – my guess is what you’ll see is you’ll see – it won’t be on and off. There’ll be components of this which gets turned – get turned back on first that we think can be done securely, and ultimately leading to a full restoration of travel. We want to do that just as quickly and as safely as we can.
MS ORTAGUS: Great. Thank you, Jesper. Let’s go to Pearl Matibe. Pearl.
QUESTION: Good morning, Secretary Pompeo. This is Pearl Matibe. I’m with Open Parliament of Zimbabwe, and I very much appreciate your press availability today. Thank you very much for doing this. I’m also glad that I managed and was able to hop onto this call because I feared my sister this morning got arrested in Zimbabwe.
My question to you this morning is on Russia-China-Africa relationship and the U.S.-Africa relationship. What foreign policy strategies, implementation, and metrics for impact are you deploying in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, or South Africa, where the “Look East” approach is strengthening ties with China? Just day before yesterday, the Chinese ambassador in Zimbabwe was hailing the – Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, while they were donating their COVID PPE equipment to the first lady in Zimbabwe.
So I’m wondering – we’re seeing private military as well in Mozambique with this extremist threat. Do you have any intention to support development of a – perhaps a terrorist action plan to combat Daesh in Mozambique? And with these things in mind, how are you innovating your diplomatic tools to counter authoritarianism and the Russia-China-Africa relations?
Thank you very much.
SECRETARY POMPEO: So that’s an incredibly important but incredibly broad and difficult question to answer just in a couple of minutes. Maybe a couple points.
Under the Trump administration, it’s been very clear. We wanted to do all that we could to help African countries have economic success, and we wanted them to also be in a position where their security was ensured as well. So that’s the counterterrorism work that I had a role in when I was in my previous role as CIA director that our Department of Defense undertakes as well, not only in East Africa but in the Sahel as well as the Lake Chad region. We devote significant resources to that effort.
It is worth noting – and I think many African leaders appreciate this – it is the United States and the West, the French and others, who provide the resources to assist in the security front. You see very little assistance coming from others with that respect. The United States has sacrificed true blood and treasure and American lives in many countries inside of Africa to help the African people establish adequate security situations. It’s a constant struggle. It’s not one that – we have not completed, but we remain committed to doing that.
Second, when it comes to economic development, we watch China – and Russia to a lesser degree – but China deploy their economic toolkit. I think the world’s gotten onto it, frankly. I think the world’s figured out that when the Chinese show up with PPE, it’s likely not to work, and second, that it comes with strings attached to it. When the United States shows up with humanitarian assistance, it is indeed just that. We remain far and away the largest contributor of development assistance throughout the African continent. We will continue to do that in this administration, and we do it because it’s the right thing to do and we believe it is good policy to help people inside of Africa.
When the Chinese do it, it’s always in exchange for something. It is transactional. It is designed to further the – line the pockets of regime leadership, and it is almost always not consistent with transparency and the rule of law. And I think many African countries have seen this. They – it looks good, it looks right at the front end, and what one finds out as time goes on is that they often bribe someone inside of the country. And second, what the – the commitment that the Chinese Communist Party made to deliver, whether that’s on a road or a bridge or on an infrastructure project like a dam, it turns out that they were often sold a true bill of goods.
We – that makes us unhappy. We wish those African nations would make different decisions and appreciate the fact that they have true partners – true partners in Europe, true partners with the United States – that can truly provide the assistance that African countries, including countries like Mozambique, need.
MS ORTAGUS: Thank you. We’ll now turn the line over to Joyce Karam.
QUESTION: Oh yes, hi. Good morning. Thank (inaudible) —
MS ORTAGUS: Joyce, I think we might have lost you for a second. Are you still on the line? Joyce Karam?
QUESTION: Yes, yes. Can you hear me?
MS ORTAGUS: Yes, we can hear you now. Go ahead.
QUESTION: Yes, hi, good morning. Thanks for doing this. I have a quick question. Not sure if you saw the news that Iran is claiming to have built missile cities. So my question to you, Mr. Secretary: With the embargo expiring in October, and the missile threat is increasing from Iran, are you holding any discussion with the GCC allies? Are you planning to boost their defenses given the current reality of things?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Joyce, thanks for the question. So yes, we remain concerned about missile proliferation – frankly throughout the region, certainly from the Islamic Republic of Iran. They continue to work on their missile program in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. It’s the reason we think it is so important that the world unite to extend the arms embargo that expires just a handful of months from now in the middle of October. We think that would be tragically dangerous for the region and create instability throughout the Middle East.
And yes, we’ve been working with our Gulf state partners, not only to get them to assist the United States effort to extend this arms embargo – which is very, very important for them – but second, we’ve provided a great deal of assistance. You see all kinds of U.S. sales of weapons – those are all public – and things that we can do both publicly and otherwise to help provide security in the face of an increasing capability of the Iranians to fire missiles all throughout the region, and ultimately establish a set of missile capabilities that is robust enough to defeat missile defenses throughout the region, but strike in places that go beyond even just their near neighborhood.
I’ll give you an example. We watch as they continue to try and build out their space launch vehicle program. They would, of course, claim this is for a civilian purpose, to put commercial satellites up. I think the world’s smarter than that. I think the world recognizes that program as being deeply connected to their desire to have longer and longer range missile systems that they can use to hold hostage the world.
MS ORTAGUS: Great. Thank you, Joyce. We’ll now go to Haye-ah Lee.
QUESTION: Good morning. (Inaudible.)
MS ORTAGUS: We hear you, go ahead.
QUESTION: Good morning. Morning, Mr. Secretary. This is Haye-ah Lee with Yonhap News Agency of South Korea.
QUESTION: (Inaudible) Kim Jong-un if you thought it was going to be helpful. At the same time the North Koreans have repeatedly said recently that they have no intention to sit face-to-face with the United States. Do you think another summit will be possible before the U.S. presidential election in November?
SECRETARY POMPEO: I don’t want to comment on the ongoing conversations that we are having with our counterparty, but I think it’s worth noting, with respect to North Korea, the Trump administration has taken an approach of engagement to have serious conversations about the strategic threat that North Korea presents in – to not only its near neighbors like South Korea and China, but more broadly than that, certainly throughout the region. So we took seriously this obligation to reduce proliferation and to try and convince the North Koreans to make the fundamental shift that says that those weapon systems actually create risk for it rather than creating the security blanket that they have historically believed that it did.
We continue to work to establish dialogue and have substantive conversations about how we might deliver this really good outcome, this outcome of delivering peace and stability to the entire peninsula. We laid it out in Singapore. There were four major elements of this. And we’re very hopeful that we can continue to have this conversation, whether that’s at a – of the levels beneath the summit, or if it’s appropriate and there is a useful activity to take place, to have senior leaders get back together as well. As for who and how and timing, I just don’t want to talk about that today.
MS ORTAGUS: Thank you. Stacy Hsu, you’re up next.
QUESTION: Hello. Thank you for doing this. I’m Stacy Hsu from Taiwan Central News Agency. I just have a question about – Secretary Pompeo, you have spoken in support of Taiwan’s bid to join and to participate in the WHA on multiple occasions. But with U.S. formal withdrawal from the WHO, which is expected to take effect next July, how would that U.S. support change in the future? Thank you so much.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Each time we participate in a multilateral institution, President Trump has said let’s think about a couple things. Does the institution perform its fundamental function for which it was originally intended? And if it does, great, and if that intentional – that original intention still makes sense in light of the world events, then we should continue to support it and underwrite it.
The World Health Organization has demonstrated time and time again that it has suffered from deficiencies that don’t permit it to accomplish its fundamental mission set, which is to alert the world and prevent the world from suffering global pandemics. This – we’ve been very factual in our statements about what the WHO has failed – and when I say has failed that’s present tense, continues to fail to do with respect to this pandemic. The World Health Organization still can’t get the Chinese Communist Party to help us identify patient zero or determine precisely how it’s the case that the Chinese Communist Party chose to close down travel inside of their country but allow the virus to continue to spread around the world. We don’t know the answers to those things. The WHO has a responsibility to get to the bottom of it, and the WHO then has a responsibility too to hold accountable nations that don’t comply with the WHO’s own internal regulations, and the Chinese clearly did not do that in this case. The WHO has not yet manifested its capacity to do that, to hold China accountable for its failures to report and its obligations under the World Health Organization, rules that we helped put in place the last time that the WHO failed and there were significant reforms at the WHO.
We have been engaged in reform at the WHO for an awfully long time, and whether it was Ebola that the United States ultimately had to grab a hold of; create PEPFAR, and go around, work outside of the WHO channels to ultimately deliver glorious outcomes for Africa; or whether it was the failure of the WHO during the previous times with SARS, again from China. One – the institution is incapable of delivering on its core mission set, and you have tried mightily to reform it and fix it from within.
The United States has a responsibility. We spend almost half a billion dollars a year on global pandemics. We need to find an institution and the capacity in a way to deliver those global health – on those global health and global security needs, and the WHO has not demonstrated its ability to do it. We tried to do the simple thing, to get Taiwan to be able to participate as an observer, and the Chinese Communist Party influence prevented that from happening. I think that’s very telling.
MS ORTAGUS: Well unfortunately we are at 10 o’clock, so we are at the end of our time. Would love to thank everybody from the Foreign Press Center who dialed in. We’d love to be with all of you again soon, and thank you, Mr. Secretary.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Great, thank you all. Thanks for joining me today. So long. |
中国政府继续破坏香港的民主机制,拒绝香港居民享有中华人民共和国本身已承诺的各项权利。5月27日,香港立法会(Legislative Council)通过新的法案,改变立法会和选举委员会(Election Commission)的组成结构,严厉限制香港人民有意义地参与自身的治理和发出自己的声音。
香港居民参选的代表性下降不利于香港长期的政治和社会稳定。这项立法无视基本法(Basic Law)关于以立法会全体成员实现普选为最终目标的明确承诺。我们再一次呼吁中华人民共和国和香港当局允许香港全体民众发出自己的声音。我们还要求有关当局释放所有根据国家安全法(National Security Law)和其他法律仅因支持选举或发表不同意见被指控的人员,撤销对他们的指控。美国与我们的盟国和伙伴一致发出强烈的呼声,要求实现中英联合声明(Sino-British Joint Declaration)和基本法对香港人民承诺的人权和基本自由。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/denial-of-democracy-in-hong-kong/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Denial of Democracy in Hong Kong
May 27, 2021
The Chinese government continues to undermine the democratic institutions of Hong Kong, denying Hong Kong residents the rights that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) itself has guaranteed. The Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo) passage on May 27 of new measures that alter the composition of the LegCo and Election Commission severely constrains people in Hong Kong from meaningfully participating in their own governance and having their voices heard.
Decreasing Hong Kong residents’ electoral representation will not foster long-term political and social stability for Hong Kong. This legislation defies the Basic Law’s clear acknowledgment that the ultimate objective is the election of all members of the LegCo by universal suffrage. We once again call on the PRC and the Hong Kong authorities to allow the voices of all Hong Kongers to be heard. We also call on these authorities to release and drop charges against all individuals charged under the National Security Law and other laws merely for standing for election or for expressing dissenting views. The United States stands united with our allies and partners in speaking out for the human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed to the people in Hong Kong by the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law. |
U.S. Department of State Seal
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
发言人摩根·奥特葛斯(Morgan Ortagus)发表声明
我们继续呼吁释放所有受到不公正监禁的人士,例如李昱函和余文生以及其他被监禁的中国公民。他们身陷囹圄仅仅是因为行使了自己的人权和基本自由,要求实行法治,争取社会更公平和更公正。我们仍然关注中华人民共和国法治薄弱、任意监禁、对受押人员实施酷刑和继续侵犯和践踏境内个人的人权和基本自由的现象。我们敦促中华人民共和国恪守本国宪法对国际人权的义务和承诺。 | U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 20, 2020
The United States calls on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to allow human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang’s freedom of movement, including the ability to join his family in Beijing, now that he has been released after five years of unjust detention. We remain very concerned about reports of his declining physical and mental health, and of his mistreatment in prison. Wang was detained as part of the PRC’s nationwide roundup of more than 300 human rights lawyers and legal associates beginning July 9, 2015.
We continue to call for the release of all of those unjustly detained, such as Li Yuhan and Yu Wensheng, as well as other Chinese citizens who are in detention simply for exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms in pursuit of a more equitable and just society, governed by the rule of law. We remain concerned by the PRC’s weak rule of law, arbitrary detentions, torture in custody, and continued violations and abuses of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals inside its borders. We urge the PRC to uphold its international human rights commitments and promises made in its own constitution. |
我们仍致力于尽一切努力保护海外美国公民(包括那些留在武汉的美国公民)的健康和福祉,并正在与中国当局密切合作,为他们提供一切可能的帮助。我们继续鼓励美国公民通过travel.state.gov网站查看我们的中国旅行建议,并密切关注和遵循地方卫生当局的指导。 | This morning, a flight from Wuhan carrying U.S. government personnel and some private Americans safely landed in California. As we have previously noted, these travelers will be carefully screened and monitored by the health experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health and Human Services (HHS). All appropriate steps are being taken to safeguard the health of these returning Americans, as well as the health and safety of their fellow Americans here at home.
This effort to bring our citizens home was made possible through close collaboration between the Department of State, the CDC, HHS, the Department of Defense, and state and local authorities. We appreciate the PRC government’s efforts related to this evacuation.
We remain committed to doing everything we can to protect the health and welfare of U.S. citizens overseas, including those remaining in Wuhan, and are working closely with PRC authorities to offer them all possible assistance. We continue to encourage U.S. citizens to review our China Travel Advisory at Travel.State.gov, and to closely monitor and follow the guidance of local health authorities.
Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus, January 29, 2020, Washington, DC |
2021年1月13日 美国东部标准时间 上午10:48
1月12日,美国和越南共同主办了湄公河-美国伙伴关系下的第一次湄公河之友政策对话。美国负责东亚和太平洋事务的首席副助理国务卿克夏大使(Atul Keshap)在发言中强调,美国致力于建设一个安全、开放、繁荣的湄公河地区,强调这一地区对东盟的中心地位和东盟的印太地区展望的重要性。在湄公河-美国伙伴关系和湄公河之友框架下参加的17个国家和机构就以下方面提出了建议:可持续的基础设施发展和连通性;人力资源开发和为湄公河数字经济建立基础;可持续的水、自然资源管理和环境保护;以及COVID应对措施和健康卫生安全上的区域合作。
湄公河之友会议进一步证明了美国对湄公河地区扩大的承诺。2020年九月,湄公河地区国家的外交部长和美国常务副国务卿斯蒂芬·比根(Stephen Biegun)以及东盟(ASEAN)秘书长启动了湄公河-美国伙伴关系。他们承诺深化并扩大关系,重点关注的关键问题有:经济连通性和基础设施、人力资源开发、自然资源以及包括跨国犯罪、备灾和健康卫生安全在内的非传统安全。
了解更多信息,请访问网站MekongUSPartnership.org。 | 01/13/2021 10:48 AM EST
Office of the Spokesperson
On January 12, the United States and Vietnam co-hosted the first Friends of the Mekong Policy Dialogue under the new Mekong-U.S. Partnership. In his remarks, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Ambassador Atul Keshap emphasized that the United States is committed to a secure, open, and prosperous Mekong region, highlighting the importance of this region to ASEAN centrality and to the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. The 17 participating countries and institutions under the Mekong-U.S. Partnership and the Friends of the Mekong offered recommendations on sustainable infrastructure development and connectivity; human resource development and building the foundations for a Mekong digital economy; sustainable water, natural resource management, and environmental protection; and COVID response and regional collaboration on health security.
The Friends of the Mekong meeting is further evidence of the expanded U.S. commitment to the Mekong region. In September 2020, foreign ministers from Mekong-region countries and Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun, along with the ASEAN Secretary-General, launched the Mekong-U.S. Partnership. They pledged to deepen and broaden relations, focusing on critical issues like economic connectivity and infrastructure, human resources development, natural resources, and non-traditional security, including transnational crime, disaster preparedness, and health security.
The Mekong-U.S. Partnership includes the Governments of the United States, Burma, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. The Friends of the Mekong includes Australia, the European Union, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the Asian Development Bank, and the World Bank. Brunei, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the Mekong River Commission also participated.
For more information, please visit MekongUSPartnership.org. |
2023年2月24日 美国东部标准时间下午12:12
本周,在国会两党的共同支持下,美国开始向乌克兰政府拨款99亿美元的额外预算支持。这笔预算支持将在相关支出经核实后,通过世界银行的行政能力持久性公共支出(Public Expenditures for Administrative Capacity Endurance)机制基于实际开支进行拨款。这些经费对乌克兰抵御俄罗斯至关重要,同时确保乌克兰政府能够继续满足其公民的关键需求,其中包括医疗护理、教育和紧急服务。美国持续的经济援助已汇集其他国际捐助方,其中包括欧盟委员会、日本、加拿大和英国在2023年向乌克兰提供所需经济援助的承诺。
美国仍然致力于与我们的盟友和伙伴一起努力,支持乌克兰人民,支持他们为建设一个繁荣、安全、民主和自由的未来所作的努力。 | PRESS STATEMENT
FEBRUARY 24, 2023
The United States continues to support Ukraine amid Russia’s brutal, unprovoked war. Today, in coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department of the Treasury, we are announcing over $10 billion in assistance, including budgetary support to the Government of Ukraine and additional energy assistance to support Ukrainians suffering from Russia’s attacks.
This week, as a result of the bipartisan support of Congress, the United States began disbursing $9.9 billion in additional budgetary support to the Government of Ukraine. This grant financing is being disbursed via the World Bank’s Public Expenditures for Administrative Capacity Endurance (PEACE) mechanism on a reimbursement basis once expenses have been verified. These funds are crucial to Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia and ensures the Ukrainian government can continue to meet the critical needs of its citizens, including healthcare, education, and emergency services. Continued U.S. economic assistance has helped rally other international donors, including 2023 commitments from the European Commission, Japan, Canada, and the United Kingdom, to provide Ukraine with needed economic assistance.
As Russia continues its relentless attacks on Ukrainian civilian and critical energy infrastructure, we are also working with Congress to provide additional energy assistance to Ukraine, a $250 million contribution that will enable us to address immediate needs, including critical power grid equipment. These funds will help keep schools open, power generators for hospitals running, and keep homes and shelters across Ukraine warm. This assistance builds on the $270 million the United States has already committed to bolster Ukraine’s energy security over the last year. This support will help Ukraine meet its immediate energy security needs and transform its energy sector to be more secure, resilient, sustainable, and decentralized.
The United States remains committed to working with our Allies and partners to support the people of Ukraine, and their efforts to build a thriving, safe, democratic, and free future. |
国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)与国防部长劳埃德·J·奥斯汀(Lloyd J. Austin)将于3月17-18日出访韩国首尔,重申美国对加强同盟的承诺,以及突显推进亚太和世界各地和平、安全与繁荣的合作。
拜登–哈里斯政府正进行朝鲜政策审议,与韩国、日本和其他关键伙伴进行密切磋商,包括审议进一步外交的可能性。 | Office of the Spokesperson
“America’s alliances are our greatest asset, and leading with diplomacy means standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies and key partners once again.” – President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., February 4, 2021
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III will travel to Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK), March 17–18 to reaffirm the United States’ commitment to strengthening our Alliance and to highlight cooperation that promotes peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific and around the world.
Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin will attend a U.S.-ROK Foreign and Defense Ministerial (“2+2”) hosted by the ROK’s Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong and Minister of Defense Suh Wook. Secretary Blinken will meet with Foreign Minister Chung and other senior officials to discuss issues of bilateral and global importance.
Secretary Blinken will also meet virtually with Korean youth leaders and host a virtual roundtable with emerging Korean journalists to discuss the importance of a free press and the U.S.-ROK Alliance.
Addressing the Challenges of Today and the Future
Comprehensive Economic Ties between the Korean and American People
An Alliance Built on People-to-People Ties
Strengthening U.S.-Japan-Republic of Korea Cooperation
Securing Peace, Stability, and Prosperity in Northeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific |
戴琪大使强调,需要着手应对因中国对经济和贸易政策采取由国家主导的非市场方针而导致的重大不平衡。她还对中华人民共和国针对在其境内运营的美国公司采取的行动提出了关切。戴琪大使强调了保持美国和中国之间开放的沟通渠道,以及在拜登总统和习主席2022年11月在印度尼西亚巴厘岛接触的基础上进行跟进的重要性。 | Readout of Ambassador Katherine Tai’s Meeting with Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China Wang Wentao
May 26, 2023
DETROIT – United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai met today with Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Wang Wentao, on the margins of the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting.
During the meeting, Ambassador Tai shared her views on the progress made to date by APEC members and outlined the priorities of the United States for the remainder of its APEC host year. Ambassador Tai also discussed the importance of the U.S.-China trade relationship in the global economy and the need for both sides to continue engaging with one another.
Ambassador Tai highlighted the need to address the critical imbalances caused by China’s state-led, non-market approach to the economy and trade policy. She also raised concerns about PRC actions taken against U.S. companies operating there. Ambassador Tai emphasized the importance of maintaining open lines of communication between the United States and China and building on the engagement between President Biden and President Xi in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022.
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美国协同七国集团将履行重大承诺,其中包括在已经制裁的超过1000个个人和实体之外对数百个个人和实体实行制裁,在已确定的超过300个实体清单(Entity Listing)之外通过以数个国家的有关公司为对象,采取行动打击规避;针对对俄罗斯而言价值数十亿美元的数百种俄罗斯产品施加关税,以及其他一些措施:
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/06/27/fact-sheet-the-united-states-and-g7-to-take-further-action-to-support-ukraine-and-hold-the-russian-federation-accountable/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | JUNE 27, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES
In Germany today, President Biden will meet with G7 leaders and President Zelenskyy to continue delivering on our unwavering, unified commitment to support Ukraine and build on our unprecedented sanctions to hold President Putin accountable. The G7 will issue a statement of support for Ukraine, which will include significant new sanctions commitments to further intensify our economic measures against Russia.
The United States has rallied over 30 allies and partners around the world to impose drastic costs on Russia and the U.S. led coalition will continue to increase pressure on Putin. In the span of a few months, U.S. exports to Russia, including of critical technology inputs Putin needs to maintain his military, have decreased approximately 97%. Russia’s imports of goods from around the world could fall by 40%. Factories across Russia are struggling to maintain production. Russia’s GDP will likely decline by double digits, inflation is rising to over 20%, Russia’s struggling to make bond payments, and Russia’s defaulted on its sovereign debt for the first time in more than a century.
Our measures will continue to sap Putin’s military-industrial complex of critical components, prevent the central bank’s foreign reserves from propping up an ailing economy and deprive Putin of the resources he needs to wage his war, and hold the kleptocracy to account for its ill-gotten gains. The effectiveness of our measures will only compound over time to further isolate Russia from the world economy.
The United States, in coordination with the G7, will implement significant commitments, including sanctions on hundreds of individuals and entities that adds to the over 1,000 already sanctioned, take action on evasion by targeting companies in several countries that adds to the over 300 Entity Listings already in place; impose tariffs on hundreds of Russian products worth billions of dollars to Russia, among other things:
Measures targeting the Russian military production and supply chains. G7 Leaders will align and expand targeted sanctions to further restrict Russia’s access to key industrial inputs, services, and technologies produced by our economies, particularly those supporting Russia’s armament industrial base and technology sector. The United States Departments of State and the Treasury will aggressively target Russian defense supply chains by imposing blocking sanctions on major state-owned defense enterprises, in addition to defense research organizations, and dozens of other defense-related entities and individuals and limit Russia’s ability to replace the military equipment it has already lost during its brutal war against Ukraine.
Using tariffs on Russian goods to help Ukraine. Earlier this year, G7 leaders committed to strip Russia of “most favored nation” trading status, which guaranteed low tariff rates for Russian goods sold globally. President Biden and other G7 leaders will seek authority to use revenues collected by new tariffs on Russian goods to help Ukraine and to ensure that Russia pays for the costs of its war. President Biden is also announcing that, pursuant to Congress’s revocation of Russia’s trade status in the U.S., the U.S. will implement a higher tariff rate on more than 570 groups of Russian products worth approximately $2.3 billion to Russia. These measures will restrict Russia’s ability to benefit economically from sales to the U.S. market and are carefully calibrated to impose costs on Russia, while minimizing costs to U.S. consumers.
Restrictions on Russia’s participation in the global market and further crack downs on evasion attempts. G7 Leaders are determined to limit Russia’s revenues, including from gold, Russia’s second largest export after energy. The United States will take several key actions to implement these commitments. The U.S. Department of the Treasury will be issuing a determination to prohibit the import of new gold into the United States, which will prevent Russian participation in the formal gold market. G7 Leaders will also commit to continue to target efforts by those engaging in evasion and backfill activities. The U.S. Department of Commerce will take its first action against companies engaging in backfill activities in support of Russia by adding several companies around the world to the Entity List, which will prohibit those companies from purchasing U.S.-made origin goods and technologies, such as semiconductors. State and Treasury will implement blocking sanctions against persons tied to aiding Russia’s evasion efforts. Commerce and Treasury will jointly issue an alert to financial institutions to aid in detecting potential violations of export controls.
Imposition of costs on those responsible for human rights abuses – including war crimes, profiteering, and illegitimate authorities. G7 Leaders will decide to impose sanctions on those responsible for human rights abuses – including war crimes, exercising illegitimate authority in Ukraine, and involved in Russia’s tactics to steal Ukrainian grain or otherwise profit illegitimately from the war. The U.S. Departments of Treasury and State will implement blocking sanctions on private military companies operating in Ukraine, Russian military units that have been credibly implicated in human rights abuses or violations of international humanitarian law in Ukraine, and Russia-installed senior officials in areas besieged or held by Russia’s forces, including ministers and mayors of contested cities. State will impose visa restrictions on approximately 500 officials for threatening or violating Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, or political independence, or suppressing dissent in Russia.
A significant G7 Commitment for Budgetary Support and other support for Ukraine. The G7 will commit to help Ukraine cover its short-term budgetary funding shortfalls, including a $7.5 billion commitment from the United States from the recently passed second supplemental. Leaders will also make an unprecedented, long-term security commitment to providing Ukraine with financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support as long as it takes. The commitment by the leaders will include maintaining Ukraine’s credible military readiness and defense, including through the timely provision of modern defense equipment and advanced weapons systems.
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This photo shows an arrangement of pills of the opioid oxycodone-acetaminophen.
安德鲁·汤普森(Andrew Thompson)
6月26日是禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking),以使全球关注滥用药物对我们社会构成的日益严重威胁。联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)在每年这一天发布汇总全球各地毒品使用详尽数据的《世界毒品问题报告》(World Drug Report)。过去十年来的报告显示,全球使用毒品的人数逐步上升,而使用毒品带来的健康后果、经济代价和死亡也同步加剧。
我在学术界和国务院国际麻醉品和执法事务局(State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs)的工作使我亲眼看到,美国受到的影响达到空前程度。阿片危机是每年夺走成千上万美国人生命的公共健康危机。虽然在美国这里围绕阿片泛滥的讨论经常将其视为国内问题,但根源许多来自海外。我所工作的国际麻醉品和执法事务局在全球各地作出努力——我在这里致力于帮助减少全球毒品供求——旨在加强执法行动和阻止毒品入境。此外,国际麻醉品和执法事务局也在公共健康领域努力通过在世界各地加强防范药物滥用和治疗服务,缩小国际毒品市场。
现在人们普遍认识到,滥用药物是一种长期的、反复发作的症状,需要持续治疗。但是,最近一项研究发现,在全球所有被诊断滥用药物的人当中,只有39%认识到需要接受治疗,前往接受治疗服务至少一次的人只有24%,仅有7%的人得到了最低限度的适当治疗(《世界神经病学》[World Psychiatry] 2017; 16:299-307)。造成全球在提供适当治疗上的差距的部分原因,是对什么是真正的“适当治疗”缺乏了解。
为解决这个问题,世界卫生组(World Health Organization)和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室联手,并在国际麻醉品和执法事务局的支持下,制定出世界第一个“治疗药物滥用国际标准”(International Standards on the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders)。这项富有开拓意义的文件指出了有效的治疗系统——从联系接触直至结束治疗——所具备的特征。“国际标准”所基于的信念是,对滥用药物症状的治疗不亚于对其他长期、反复发作疾病——如糖尿病或哮喘病——的治疗。应该积极鼓励人们在需要时寻求和接受治疗。对治疗应有隐私保护,并且是由经过正当培训的人员进行。任何治疗方案都应基于实情并针对患者的具体需要。也许十分重要的是,对治疗作用的衡量要基于病患在接受治疗过程中的效果,而不是在其离开以后。如果一位糖尿病患者在停止治疗后重新出现症状,人们不会认为是治疗失败;如果一位滥用药物患者在离开治疗后重新发作,我们为什么要说是治疗无效呢?
作者简介:安德鲁·汤普森是神经学家,作为美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science)会员在国际麻醉品和执法事务局服务。 | By Andrew Thompson on June 25, 2019
June 26th marks the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, a day to draw the world’s attention to the growing threats of drug abuse to our societies. On this day every year, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) releases the World Drug Report, an exhaustive collection of data on drug use around the world. For the past decade, this report has revealed a steady increase in the number of people globally who use drugs, and a parallel rise in the negative health effects, economic costs, and deaths associated with drug use.
As I have seen firsthand in my work both in academia and within the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), the United States is feeling these impacts to an unprecedented degree. The opioid crisis is a public health emergency that takes tens of thousands of American lives every year. While here in the United States this epidemic is often discussed as a domestic challenge, many of its root causes are overseas. INL, where I support global drug demand and supply reduction efforts, works around the globe to strengthen law enforcement operations and stop drugs from reaching our shores. Additionally, INL works in the public health sphere to shrink the global market for drugs by strengthening substance use prevention and treatment services around the world.
It is now commonly accepted that substance use disorder is a chronic, relapsing medical condition that requires continuous treatment. However, a recent study found that of all the people diagnosed with a substance use disorder worldwide, only 39 percent recognized a need for treatment, only 24 percent made at least one visit to a service, and only seven percent received minimally adequate treatment (World Psychiatry 2017; 16:299-307). Part of the reason for this worldwide gap in meeting the need for adequate treatment is a lack of understanding on what “adequate treatment” truly is.
In order to address this, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNODC teamed up to produce — with INL’s support — the world’s first International Standards on the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders, a groundbreaking document that outlines the characteristics of an effective treatment system, from outreach to discharge. Baked into the International Standards is the belief that treatment for substance use disorders should be no less than treatment for other chronic, relapsing medical conditions, like diabetes or asthma. People should be actively encouraged to seek out and enter treatment when necessary. Treatment should be confidential and provided by properly trained staff. Any treatment plan should be based on evidence and responsive to the specific needs of the individual. And perhaps most importantly, the effectiveness of treatment should be measured by the success of the patient while in treatment, not after he or she leaves. You wouldn’t say that treatment had failed if a person with diabetes experienced a recurrence of symptoms after they stopped treatment; why would we say that treatment didn’t work if a person with a substance use disorder relapses after leaving treatment? The International Standards call for people with substance use disorders to be treated like any other person with a chronic, relapsing medical condition: with compassion, with understanding, and with evidence-based methods.
After extensive field-testing in nine countries with over 1,200 health professionals, these International Standards are being released during a special event this week at the WHO headquarters in Geneva. I’m excited to speak on behalf of my country at this event, supporting an evidence-based approach to treating substance use disorders.
The State Department is charged with making the world a safer place for Americans. INL advances this mission by working to create a world free from transnational crime, including drug trafficking, and abuse of illicit drugs. The International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders move us one step closer to that worthy goal.
About the Author: Dr. Andrew Thompson is a neuroscientist serving as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. |
2020年11月17日 美国东部标准时间下午02:09
副发言人凯尔·布朗(Cale Brown)
阅读报告全文:http://www.oecd.org/daf/anti-bribery/unitedstates-oecdanti-briberyconvention.htm | 11/17/2020 02:09 PM EST
Cale Brown, Deputy Spokesperson
The United States has long been a global leader in combatting foreign bribery, and our efforts are a key pillar of U.S. anti-corruption efforts. Bribery hinders the clean and competitive functioning of the global economy, distorts markets, and raises the cost of doing business around the world.
To counter this crime, the United States works with the 44 member nations of the Working Group on Bribery of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). U.S. leadership within the OECD Working Group has been instrumental in global efforts to fight bribery of foreign officials. An important part of this effort is leading by example.
Today, the Working Group issued its Phase 4 Report of the United States, which highlights the sustained and outstanding commitment of the United States to enforcing its foreign bribery laws and aiding the global fight against corruption. The report underscores the roles of the U.S. Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the effective enforcement of foreign bribery statutes through cooperation in investigating and prosecuting foreign bribery cases, and the deployment of resources and expertise to the issue.
The State Department’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs heads the U.S. delegation to the OECD Working Group on Bribery and coordinates interagency policy on leveling the playing field for U.S. business and improving governance by fighting bribery in international business. The United States encourages all governments, and in particular, Working Group members, to take additional action to combat foreign bribery though effective investigation and prosecution.
See the full report: http://www.oecd.org/daf/anti-bribery/unitedstates-oecdanti-briberyconvention.htm |
今天,本届政府发布以下文告以实施这些规定:1) 一份旨在推动在COVID-19疫情期间安全恢复全球旅行的总统公告(Presidential Proclamation to Advance the Safe Resumption of Global Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic);2) 三份疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)有关疫苗接种、检测和接触者追踪的指令;以及3) 为航空公司及其旅客提供实施细则的技术性说明。
o 确定接种证明是由提供这一接种的国家中的正规部门颁发(例如:公共卫生健康机构,政府机构);
o 审视基本信息以确定旅客是否满足CDC的全剂量接种定义,如疫苗产品,接种次数,各次接种日期,以及接种场所(例如:接种诊所,医疗设施)。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/25/fact-sheet-biden-administration-releases-additional-detail-for-implementing-a-safer-more-stringent-international-air-travel-system/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | OCTOBER 25, 2021
As we continue to work to protect people from COVID-19, today, the Biden Administration is releasing additional detail around implementation of the new international air travel policy requiring foreign national travelers to the United States to be fully vaccinated. This updated policy puts in place an international travel system that is stringent, consistent across the globe, and guided by public health.
Starting on November 8, non-citizen, non-immigrant air travelers to the United States will be required to be fully vaccinated and to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status prior to boarding an airplane to fly to the U.S., with only limited exceptions. The updated travel guidelines also include new protocols around testing. To further strengthen protections, unvaccinated travelers – whether U.S. Citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs), or the small number of excepted unvaccinated foreign nationals – will now need to test within one day of departure.
Today, the Administration is releasing the following documents to implement these requirements: 1) a Presidential Proclamation to Advance the Safe Resumption of Global Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic; 2) three Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Orders on vaccination, testing, and contact tracing; and 3) technical instructions to provide implementation details to the airlines and their passengers.
With science and public health as our guide, the United States has developed a new international air travel system that both enhances the safety of Americans here at home and enhances the safety of international air travel. The additional detail released today provides airlines and international air travelers with time to prepare for this new policy ahead of the November 8 implementation date. As previously announced, fully vaccinated foreign nationals will also be able to travel across the Northern and Southwest land borders for non-essential reasons, such as tourism, starting on November 8. Additional detail on amendments to restrictions with respect to land borders will be available in the coming days.
Travelers can find full details about today’s air travel announcement on the CDC and Department of State websites. A summary is below:
Fully Vaccinated Status:
Proof of Vaccination:
Accepted Vaccines:
Enhanced Testing:
Requirements for Children:
Limited Exceptions from the Vaccination Requirement:
Contact Tracing: |
先驱观察家报大楼(Herald Examiner Building)
布林肯国务卿:非常感谢大家。各位晚上好,来到洛杉矶非常好,特别是来到这座不同凡响的大楼。我要首先表示感谢,非常感谢你们,亚利桑那州立大学的克朗凯特新闻学院(Cronkite School of Journalism)、南加州大学安纳伯格新闻学院(Annenberg School of Journalism)以及艾奎斯研究机构(Equis Institute),感谢你们与我们合作共同举办这次活动;而且,同样重要——甚至更重要的是——感谢他们在提倡独立新闻工作和公民参与中的领导作用,以及培训新生代媒体专业人员。
当我有幸就任国务卿时,我首先从事的工作之一是恢复国务院的每日例行记者会。我们的发言人,内德·普赖斯(Ned Price),今天也在座。正因为如此,每当我访问世界各地,我都要专门举行新闻记者会,接受当地媒体以及一些随同我们到世界各地访问的媒体同事的提问。也正因为如此,我将在讲话结束后接受你们的提问。
今天,美国将启动美洲数字通信网络(Digital Communication Network of the Americas)的第一个中心。自数字通信网络于2015年创立起来,我们已经切实帮助建立起一个由全世界8000多名新闻工作者、教育者、传媒人士和新媒体专业人士、公共官员以及其他人士组成的网络,他们正在努力抗击得到国家支持的虚假信息和宣传。
据联合国教科文组织遇害记者观察站(UNESCO observatory of killed journalists)统计,今年在这个半球至少有17名新闻记者遭到杀害,其中包括——最近——于5月9日在墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯(Veracruz)遭到枪杀的El Veraz新闻网站的负责人耶塞尼亚·莫利内多(Yesenia Mollinedo)和记者希拉·约翰娜·加西亚(Sheila Johana Garcia)。
在尼加拉瓜,新闻工作者及政治反对派候选人米格尔·莫拉(Miguel Mora)和米格尔·门多萨(Miguel Mendoza),以及报纸发行人胡安·洛伦佐·霍尔曼(Juan Lorenzo Holmann)目前正遭到不公正的关押,他们此前在缺少基本的正当程序的庭审中被依据侵权性的立法判刑。数十名独立新闻工作者由于遭受迫害和威胁已逃离该国,其中包括本周和我们共同参加峰会的阿尼巴尔·托鲁诺(Anibal Toruno)、路易斯·查瓦里亚·加莱亚诺(Luis Chavarria Galeano)和杰克逊·奥罗斯科(Jackson Orozco)。
我们非常骄傲地加入新的美洲国家组织言论自由和新闻业之友集团(OAS Group of Friends of Freedom of Expression and Journalism),并且欢迎创建美洲国家组织新的媒体诚信中心(Center for Media Integrity)。路易斯,感谢你在这方面的领导作用。这是非常、非常重要的。我们还在深化与媒体自由联盟(Media Freedom Coalition)的关系。
我们也在做一些非常实际的工作,希望能够带来改变。例如,为面临骚扰威胁的新闻工作者提供更多支持。美国国际发展署(USAID)将提供多达900万美元,支持全球性的保护记者防范诽谤基金(Defamation Defense Fund for Journalists),该基金为受到不公正诉讼的新闻工作者和新闻机构提供费用保险。起诉记者是压制性政府采用的手段之一,试图通过利用和扭曲法律,对记者提出他们无经济能力抗辩的诉讼而对他们进行惩罚。我们将确保让他们有能力为自己辩护。
国务院正在投入多达350万美元,启动一个保护记者平台(Journalism Protection Platform),为处境危险的媒体专业人员提供人身安全和数字安全培训、社会心理关怀,以及在他们受到这样或那样形式的攻击时给予其他协助。
美国正在与商业团体和私人行业协作,帮助独立媒体具有更好的财务持续力。我们在向面临风险的媒体提供直接金融援助。我们已经承诺向国际公共利益媒体基金(International Fund for Public Interest Media)提供3000万美元——该基金将着重帮助在缺少资源和环境不稳定的条件下运作的媒体,并且为加强独立媒体机构的财务可行性提供500万美元。
我们也在鼓励其他国家采取同样的支持方式。如你们一些人所知,我们举行了一次民主峰会(Summit for Democracy),由拜登总统去年主持召开。峰会聚焦的主要方面之一,就是要共同找到为独立媒体提供支持的途径。
例如像凯瑟琳·卡尔德隆(Catherine Calderon)这样的新闻工作者。我想你们当中许多人也许今天早些时候听到了她的讲话。2015年,她是一位活动人士。她帮助组织了在洪都拉斯的反腐败示威活动。她与报道这些抗议活动的记者珍妮弗·阿维拉(Jennifer Avila)一再相遇。她们交谈得越多,就越是发现了一个同样的缺陷:虽然洪都拉斯人在日常生活中饱受腐败之害,但却没有任何媒体机构对这个问题进行独立的大力报道。
因此,凯瑟琳和珍妮弗决定成立一个媒体机构,弥补这个缺陷,名称叫做Contracorriente,意思是反潮流。从2015年以来,反潮流(Counter Current)机构蓬勃发展。它揭露了政府、军方、警方最高层的腐败,并导致一些著名人物辞职和甚至受到起诉。凯瑟琳在回顾成立反潮流时说,“我感到现在比任何时候都更有必要。我们必须存在……让我们有一个能够从事新闻业的空间……而不被噤声”。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-panel-discussion-at-the-media-summit-of-americas-session-a-commitment-to-journalistic-freedom/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Secretary Antony J. Blinken Panel Discussion at the Media Summit of Americas Session: “A Commitment to Journalistic Freedom”
JUNE 7, 2022
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Thank you very much. Well, good evening, everyone, and it is wonderful to be in Los Angeles, and particularly wonderful to be here in this extraordinary building. And I want to start by saying thank you, thank you, thank you to Arizona State’s Cronkite School of Journalism, to USC’s Annenberg School of Journalism, to the Equis Institute, for partnering with us and putting this event together; and also, as important – more important, even – for their leadership in promoting independent journalism and civic participation, and for training rising generations of media professionals.
To the journalists and civil society leaders from across the hemisphere who made the journey to Los Angeles: welcome. We’re so grateful to have you here – and especially grateful for the crucial work that you do every single day.
Finally, to any of the J-school students in the audience, we are heartened by the path that you’re taking. Now, I say that with some degree of modest authority, as a one-time aspiring journalist myself. Now, I’m old enough that when I briefly practiced the profession, I did it on something called a typewriter. You can look it up. You’ll find it somewhere on the internet. But take it from someone who never fully realized that aspiration – it is a challenging path. I suspect you know that already. But I couldn’t be more inspired to see rising journalists here, and I’m really looking forward to reading your bylines and hearing you and seeing you in the media over the years ahead.
So starting tomorrow, the Ninth Summit of the Americas is going to bring together governments, civil society, youth, the private sector, and citizens from across our hemisphere to try to see how, together, we can tackle the fundamental problems that our societies face and do a better job at delivering for our people. That is the mission that we set for ourselves.
In every country in the hemisphere, for every goal that we want to achieve, for every problem affecting the lives of our people, a free, independent press is essential.
We see that in the reporting around the hemisphere and the world – including by some people who are here today – whether that’s digging into the toughest topics, like corruption or abuses by security services; or lifting up the stories of grassroots leaders who are finding solutions to complex problems, like the youth activists in small island states who are helping their communities adapt to rising seas and other changes that are brought on by climate change.
Reporting on issues like these shows how a free, independent press is quite literally a cornerstone of healthy democracies. And at its core is an idea, the idea that accurate information is a public good – one that helps people understand the events and forces shaping their lives; spotlights problems and solutions that they otherwise might not see; and, fundamentally, empowers citizens to engage meaningfully in their communities, their countries, and the world. In democracies, we often look to the media to provide this public good.
It’s also the reason it’s so important that governments like ours are open to scrutiny, to questions from the media – even when occasionally it’s not the most comfortable thing to do. And you can take that from me as well.
When I had the honor of becoming Secretary of State, one of the very first things I did was to reinstate the daily press briefing at the State Department. And our spokesperson, Ned Price, is here with us today. It’s why, wherever I travel around the world, I make a point of holding press conferences where I take questions from local media as well as with some of the media colleagues who travel with us around the world. It’s why I’ll take questions from you when I get done with these remarks.
Yet today, we see that the right to freedom of expression, including freedom of the press, faces profound challenges in our own hemisphere and around the world. Challenges that, if left unaddressed, could threaten the foundations of our democracies.
So what I’d like to do in this time that I have now is to highlight three of the challenges that we see, and what the United States is doing – together with journalists, media organizations, NGOs, multilateral organizations, philanthropies, the private sector, and other governments – what we’re all trying to do to tackle them.
The first challenge – this will not be news to anyone – is disinformation. Many speakers today have highlighted how governments and non-state actors are seizing on vulnerabilities in our media ecosystem to create, to disseminate, to amplify false or misleading information. We’ve seen how these falsehoods can polarize communities, poison the public square, undermine people’s trust in health systems, government institutions, in democracy itself.
Today, the United States is launching the first hub of the Digital Communication Network of the Americas. Since creating the DCN in 2015, we’ve actually helped build a network of more than 8,000 journalists, educators, communicators and new media professionals, public officials and others around the world, who are working to combat state-sponsored disinformation and propaganda.
The network does this by developing and sharing evidence-based tools to help local actors provide people with accurate information.
Take one example, the pandemic. We’ve seen governments and other actors intentionally spread false narratives about COVID-19’s origin, its transmission, and treatments in an effort to stoke fear, to sow doubt, including about safe and effective vaccines, to erode trust in democracy itself – including deliberately targeting Spanish-language social media in this region.
The spread, the reach of disinformation online is, quite simply, staggering. One study that measured social media traffic over a 90-day period of the pandemic found that the entire World Health Organization COVID-19 site received only 25,000 social media engagements, compared to 2.1 million hits – million hits – for a single false story claiming that the coronavirus is a bioweapon stolen from Canada. That’s wrong, by the way.
In response, DCN has connected investigative journalists, data scientists, public health officials to share effective strategies on disseminating accurate information about COVID-19 and debunking harmful myths on social media.
The strength of DCN is in the diversity and flatness of the network that’s been created. It doesn’t try to prescribe one single solution, but what it does is it makes it easier for participants to learn from one another’s responses – whether through webinars or trainings, online learning hubs or research exchanges, even games and apps. The new Americas chapter will complement DCN hubs in Africa and Europe, further broadening our network of partners and the ideas that they bring to the table.
Even as we take steps to counter disinformation, we have to always guard against measures that give governments overly broad powers to criminalize, to censor, or otherwise quash freedom of expression, as we’ve seen in the rash of so-called “fake news” laws passed by governments, some of which have been abused to harass or lock up journalists whose critical reporting the governments didn’t like.
This brings me to a second challenge: the ongoing threats, harassment, the violence faced by media workers across the region.
You all know this, because many of you are living it.
At least 17 journalists have been killed in this hemisphere in this year, according to the UNESCO observatory of killed journalists, including – most recently – Yesenia Mollinedo and Sheila Johana Garcia, the director and a reporter of the news website El Veraz, in Veracruz, Mexico, shot to death on May the 9th.
No region in the world is more dangerous for journalists.
Crimes like these persist in no small part because the people who order them and carry them out are so rarely held accountable. That sends a message that these attacks can continue with impunity.
Repressive officials are also using new technologies to monitor journalists, to surveil their private communications – a practice unearthed, fittingly enough, through very dogged reporting.
Governments are using sweeping legislation to quash free expression, as we saw in the recent slate of amendments adopted by El Salvador in March and in April of this year.
In Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, the simple act of carrying out investigative journalism is a crime.
In Nicaragua, journalists and political opposition candidates Miguel Mora and Miguel Mendoza, newspaper publisher Juan Lorenzo Holmann are currently unjustly imprisoned, after being sentenced under abusive legislation in trials that lacked basic due process. Dozens of independent journalists have fled the country due to persecution and threats, including Anibal Toruno, Luis Chavarria Galeano, Jackson Orozco, who are with us this week at the summit.
In Cuba, independent journalists are subjected to systemic abuses, including house arrest for days, weeks at a time, beatings, forced exile.
When individual journalists are attacked, when they’re persecuted, when they’re imprisoned, when they’re targeted in any other way, the chilling effects reach far beyond the immediate victims. Sometimes this can lead to the shuttering of a publication. Other times, it can lead other reporters to self-censor or to leave the profession entirely.
So here’s some of the things that we’re trying to do about that.
The United States is working across the region to strengthen the rule of law, investing in training judges and prosecutors to investigate and prosecute such attacks, as well as those on human rights defenders and other civil society leaders.
We consistently speak up and speak out about attacks on journalists, in every country, in public and in private. We document governments’ efforts to curtail freedom of expression in our annual human rights report.
We’re deepening our engagement with multilateral bodies that advocate for freedom of expression and the safety of journalists around the world, using our seat at the table to try to make them even more effective. One of the reasons that it was so important for the United States to come back into these international organizations was to be able to assert some of this leadership at these tables. And we’re helping to stand up new bodies to address emerging threats.
We’re very proud to join the new OAS Group of Friends of Freedom of Expression and Journalism and we welcome the creation of the OAS’s new Center for Media Integrity. Luis, thank you for your leadership on this. It’s very, very important. And we’re deepening our engagement in the Media Freedom Coalition.
We’re also doing some very practical things that we hope will make a difference. For example, increasing support for journalists who are facing threats of harassment. USAID will provide up to $9 million to support a global Defamation Defense Fund for Journalists, which will offer liability coverage for journalists and news organizations targeted with unjust litigation. This is one of the tools that repressive governments use. They try to turn and distort the law against journalists by going after them with lawsuits that they can’t afford to defend. We will help make sure that they can defend themselves.
The State Department is investing up to $3.5 million to launch a Journalism Protection Platform that will provide at-risk media professionals with physical and digital security training, psychosocial care, and other assistance when they are in one way or another under attack.
Third, we’re working to make independent media more sustainable. Put simply: we will not have a vibrant, independent press if more and more outlets are shutting down because they can’t find a viable business model.
The United States is working with business groups, with the private sector, to help independent media become more financially sustainable. We’re providing direct financial assistance to at-risk outlets. We’ve committed $30 million to the International Fund for Public Interest Media, which will focus on assisting media in resource-poor and unstable settings, and $5 million to improve the financial viability of independent media outlets.
We’re also encouraging other countries to engage in similar means of support. We had, as some of you know, a Summit for Democracy that President Biden convened last year. One of the main areas of focus of the summit was finding ways collectively to provide support to independent media.
In my own judgment, it’s hard to think of a smarter investment in our democracies – given the incredibly brave and innovative work that journalists are doing throughout our region.
Journalists like Catherine Calderon, who many of you heard from, I think, earlier today. Back in 2015, she was an activist. She was helping to organize demonstrations against corruption in Honduras. She kept running into Jennifer Avila, a journalist who was covering the protests. The more they talked, the more they saw a similar gap: For all the ways Hondurans were hurt by corruption in their everyday lives, no media outlet was conducting independent, rigorous reporting on the problem.
That, of course, was no accident. For years, Honduran activists and reporters who have tried to document corruption – and in particular, women – have been silenced through harassment, through threats, through discrimination, through violence.
So Catherine and Jennifer decided to launch a media outlet that would close that gap, and it was called Contracorriente, or counter current. Since 2015, Counter Current has flourished. It’s unearthed corruption at the highest levels of government, the military, the police, and it’s led to high-profile resignations and even prosecutions. Reflecting on the founding of Counter Current, Catherine said, and I quote, “Now, more than ever, I feel it was necessary. We had to exist…to be a space where we have the possibility of doing journalism…without being silent.”
The same is true for free, independent press across the hemisphere: It has to exist, now more than ever, for the well-being of our people, for the well-being of our communities, for the well-being of our democracies.
The United States is committed to being a partner not only in protecting this space but expanding it. Thanks very much. (Applause.)
QUESTION: I want to know how you justify the invitation to Dr. Ariel Henry from Haiti when he is ruling with no mandate in contravention of the nation’s constitution, and then he’s been implicated in, I think you would admit, very serious crimes, including the murder of a Haitian journalist just this February by the Haitian police.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: So we’ll have plenty of opportunity, I think, in the days ahead to talk about the summit, the participation in the summit, who’s here, who’s not. In Haiti, we continue to work for a transition that leads to appropriate elections that are supported by all the Haitian people. We continue to work to deal with gang violence that is afflicting the country and is doing terrible damage to the Haitian people. We continue to work to try to find ways to support the Haitian people, who have borne more than their share of trouble in the last years, both human and naturally made.
So in all of these ways we’re working, including with partners in our hemisphere, to try to support the Haitian people. But we want to see them have a truly representative government, and that goes down the path of getting to new elections in the coming time.
QUESTION: But Prime Minister Henry is refusing to negotiate with civil society. Again, he is actually governing with no constitutional mandate. His government has been implicated in many different crimes, including potentially the murder of the past president. You yourself have said in your speech here today and in previous statements that countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, that you mentioned are being excluded from the Summit of the Americas because you deem them to not be democratic.
But how can you use that as your justification when you have the so-called prime minister of Haiti, who is ruling under no sort of democratic mandate here, despite the fact that this is well-known in terms of the repression of journalists, the repression of protesters, and his previous involvement in the coup against President Aristide that The New York Times has at least alleged the United States Government was supportive of?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Again, we, like many other countries, are determined to get into the facts of what happened in Haiti, including the assassination of the previous prime minister. We’re determined to find the facts wherever they lead and to whomever they lead.
QUESTION: What about (inaudible)?
MS THOMAS: Okay, and now – well, now we would like to get started on our conversation that we have planned here today.
MS THOMAS: Yes, I’m excited to get started on this, and I think everyone will enjoy it as well.
QUESTION: (Off-mike.)
MS BAIETTO: And we’ll have more time, of course, to answer these questions after the discussion that —
SECRETARY BLINKEN: We’ll be happy to follow up with these questions.
MS THOMAS: For sure.
QUESTION: But Secretary Blinken, what about Shireen Abu Akleh —
MODERATOR: Thank you, all. We really want our panel (inaudible).
QUESTION: — who was murdered by Israeli forces, right? CNN just agreed to this. These are your two greatest allies in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
QUESTION: They have murdered American journalists and there have been absolutely no repercussions, and you’re sitting up here talking about the freedom of press and democracy. The United States is denying sovereignty to tens of millions of people around the globe with draconian sanctions for electing leaders that you do not like. Why is there no accountability for Israel or Saudi Arabia for murdering journalists? It is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist in Palestine.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: I deplore the loss of Shireen. She was a remarkable journalist, an American citizen, as you well know. And there too we are determined to follow the facts and get to the truth of what happened to her.
QUESTION: The facts are established, Secretary Blinken.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: No, they have not yet been – no, they have – I’m sorry, with respect, they have not yet been established. We are looking for —
QUESTION: Yes, they have.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: No, they have not. We are looking for an independent, credible investigation. When that investigation happens, we will follow the facts wherever they lead. It’s as straightforward as that. That has not yet happened, but it’s something that we very much want to see happen. Thank you.
MS BAIETTO: And we’ll have time after the panel, of course, to talk more about this. But Madison, go ahead.
MS THOMAS: Yes, so thanks for joining us here tonight. I’m super honored and excited to be here. Now, one thing you mention in your remarks which I want to talk about a little more is the safety issues in journalism. Journalists in countries, including democracies, put their safety and lives on the line in order to do their job. And I know you talk about it a little bit in your remarks what the U.S. is doing, but what more do you think needs to be done to help ensure their safety?
And to the other journalists up here, is that something that kind of worries you guys entering this workforce?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, I think especially for reporters who are working in areas of conflict or working on societies where governments are engaged in repressive actions, the risk of doing the job is acute. And as I mentioned, in our own hemisphere just in this year, a year that is only half over, 17 journalists at least have been killed, as documented by UNESCO. So this is something that we take very, very seriously.
And a number of things I mentioned go directly at trying to help give journalists, especially in independent media where the resources may not be the same as for major media organizations, some tools to more effectively protect themselves faced with these dangers. And it goes from everything to having the right tools to deal with their cyber security, to deal with their physical security, and also to deal with their legal and economic security. All of these things are very practical programs that we’re working on, that we’re putting in place. And not only are we doing it, we’re trying to do it with other countries around the world. As I mentioned, at the Summit for Democracy that President Biden convened last year, this was one of the lines of effort that we put into place.
It’s also really important that we provide support for NGOs and other groups that are engaged in this kind of work in helping journalists, but we want to make sure as well that we’re hearing from people so that we understand exactly what they’re facing and maybe how we can be more helpful in helping them face it.
MS THOMAS: Yeah, and do one of you guys want to answer? Yeah.
MS BAIETTO: I think part of why I love doing this is because it’s always new every single day. You don’t know what you’re going to get yourself into, but that comes with a lot of safety issues. Granted, I’m a journalist right now in Illinois. It’s not somewhere where there’s a ton of conflict in terms of places abroad like we’ve seen. There’s a lot of emotion when it comes to that. But I think it fuels me more than anything to keep on going, and I just hope tonight we can kind of come to a consensus and find solutions and push the conversation forward to make sure that people feel welcomed to start in this path and keep it going.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: But is this something – as you’re thinking about and are engaged in careers, is this something that you’re actually thinking about that’s a concern, that is a —
MS BAITTO: Definitely.
MS THOMAS: Oh yeah, definitely. Even here in the U.S. when there has been different protests in the last several years, you see videos surface of stuff that happens to journalists. So me seeing that as someone who’s entering this career field, that’s something that scares me. You can go out and cover something, emotions are high, and something can happen here and abroad.
MS VILLALOBOS: There was something in your remarks that stuck out to me because there was a student at Cronkite that was part of her grad program. She was trying to see if there are some courses that we could put into place about teaching safety to journalists, how to defend yourself when you’re out there, or even just teaching things that might not be common sense to everyone about keeping yourself safe. And just hearing that in your remarks, seeing that we may be doing things like that on a national level, it just really resonated with me. And I think that that’s a great idea.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, it’s kind of an extraordinary observation and comment because the idea that that would have been part, for example, of a journalism school curriculum 25 or 30 years ago, probably not. So in many ways it’s a sad commentary, but it’s also, I think, a commentary on the fact that at least in different ways we’re trying to step up to this problem.
And I certainly hope that it doesn’t have the chilling effect that it’s designed to have, but that takes incredible courage. It takes determination. But what I found is a common denominator in the many years that I’ve been either a journalist myself for a brief period of time or working with journalists is an almost unquenchable desire to get at the truth, to get at the facts, including our two friends who raised questions just a few minutes ago.
That’s what we need. We need to continue. We need to be held accountable, but we also need to make sure that the structures, the protections are in place to allow people to do their jobs without fear of retribution of whatever kind. And yes, the only way this should really happen is for our friends in the press to be yelling at me, not to have other people yelling at them.
MS THOMAS: Of course.
MS BAIETTO: And one thing that I think is significant, you wanted to kind of get into the journalism field and have had practice in it. Do you think, when you had the idea to possibly go forward with this, was there – as a – was it as pervasive back then to be scared and to have some apprehensions in possibly becoming a journalist?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: It really depended what you were doing. I had a good friend when I started out; we were on our college newspaper together, and then after school he went into reporting professionally and he wound up going to Central America in the 1980s. So that was a challenging time, and that was not without its own kind of dangers. Other reporters famously were in Asia and other places in times of – in places of conflict.
So I think there’s been a long history of reporters obviously being in places of conflict. I think what’s changed in a sense is that the terrain of conflict has broadened out, and the kind of practices that some governments and others engage in has changed to make it more challenging for journalists in a broader variety of places than before.
MS THOMAS: Yeah, and one thing I’ve noticed is as generations go on, I feel like there’s been a loss of trust in media. I was actually talking to my grandfather about this the other day, and he said when he was growing up, he would watch the news, he would listen to Walter Cronkite, and you just trusted. You had this trust. But now I feel like we’ve lost so much trust as journalists, and I think in the past few years we’ve definitely seen people in power say things about the media and it obviously – other people start to believe that too. So how can we rebuild that trust to get it to where it was once or even better?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: It’s one of the $64,000 questions and I’m not —
SECRETARY BLINKEN: — sure that there’s a good answer. But you’re exactly right, and the Walter Cronkite example is a good one. When I started out as a reporter after college – this is in the mid-1980s, just to situate in time – as a practical matter, most Americans got their news from one of the three networks at night: ABC, CBS, NBC. There was a little bit of talk radio. There was obviously no internet, no social media. And there were these curators of the news at the networks and at the major newspapers – the Times, had the L.A. Times out here, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal – and that was where a lot of people got their information. And of course, there was vitally important local media, which I’ll come to in a minute. But you had these relatively small number of people who, in effect, edited the news that you consumed.
And in many ways, I think there was an expectation – I certainly had it – that the democratization of information that we’ve seen over the last 25 years would actually be a good thing, because there’s something that isn’t – doesn’t quite sit right with a small handful of organizations having such a dominant role in shaping the information that most people receive. But we’ve also seen some of the downside of that, to state the obvious, and it’s very well known to just about everyone in this room. We’ve lost these trusted mediators, trusted curators. Now everyone is a publisher. Some claim they’re not publishers, but that’s another matter. And as a result, we have an incredible ecosystem of information that people, myself included, have a real hard time deciphering, and finding sources that are genuinely trusted is something that is increasingly a challenge for people.
So whether we can recapture that in some fashion, I don’t know. Now, one of the things that we’ve tried to do is to help give people some of the tools to have digital literacy, to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, to try to make their own judgments about the news and information that they’re consuming and not simply to take it at face value. But this, of course, gets into all sorts of other complicated complications about where people go to look for their information, and the fact that we’re all, in effect, relegated to silos of our own choosing. There’s a tremendous amount of self-selection, and we are all constantly looking for affirmation of the views that we bring to the table to begin with. That also doesn’t make for the most healthy ecosystem.
So there’s a lot that goes into this, and ultimately, it ideally starts with the individual consumer to somehow demand that that kind of trusted information be what is – what’s out there on the market. But there’s a lot that we could talk about.
But let me ask the three of you: So how do you see this? As people who are going into this field now at a time when trust for most institutions has been on a downward slope, including the media, how does that make you feel about the profession, and what would you want to do about it?
MS BAIETTO: So I’ve been working for two years, now that I graduated – I was the first class to graduate during the pandemic – and I started journalism school 2016, when I think that’s the year we saw a huge shift in trusting the media. And so this is all I’ve ever known. I’ve only known that people don’t like us and that they don’t trust us, right? I mean, there’s – the majority of us – people realize what we’re doing and I think so, but there’s bad actors there that totally might not really get behind what we’re doing.
But I think if I have been able to navigate how to ethically and factually report during this tough time, I’m ready to be thrown whatever is ahead. But just to be frank, I think we talk about the future of journalism and there’s a lot of responsibility put on the new generation, as we should, right, because we’re the ones on the front lines – the next ones. But if you guys don’t have the answers, we definitely don’t either, right? But I think together we can find them.
But it’s going to be a give and take. It’s going to take some time. It’s going to take a lot of time, and it needs to start with education. It needs to start with media literacy. People need to understand how to transparently obtain a news outlet where they should go, where shouldn’t they go; what is factual, what is not; how do you figure that out on your own computer, on Facebook, on all these different outlets; and, honestly, to lead with compassion. I think a lot of us as journalists and some of the ones that have been veterans and have had great, long careers get desensitized, as they should. And I’m sure one day I will, too. But I still have a lot of feelings towards everyone that I interview and all the stories that I tell, and I hope I don’t lose that because I think when you do, you lose humanity and what we really are here to do is – and it’s just give a voice to people that are – that don’t have a platform.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Yeah, well, that’s a wonderful way to look at it. I think it’s a wonderful motivation. I hope you don’t lose sight of that. But here’s the hard truth: We’re looking to you —
MS BAIETTO: Of course.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: — and to your generation for the answers. We —
MS BAIETTO: We’ll get there.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: You’re the ones who need to figure this out. We’ll try our best.
MS BAIETTO: Yes, yes.
MS VILALOBOS: One of the points that you brought up earlier was about information overload, and that was actually one of the points that was brought up in a panel here earlier. How do you personally sift through your social media feed and everything? And I’m sure sometimes your own face pops up on there. How do you handle that? How do you find what you think is the sources that you want to trust and things like that, and how can – if you’re handling that, how can the public handle that as well?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: It’s the single biggest challenge that I think anyone in government faces, and it’s a challenge that I’ve seen evolve again over the last almost 30 years that I’ve been doing this. When you had just a relatively limited number of sources of information 25 or 30 years ago, not only could you manage your day, but the pressure to respond was much less acute than it is now, than it’s been for the last decade or so. There was a cushion, there was a gap in news emerging and then it really getting into the bloodstream of your community or your country.
Now it’s instantaneous. It’s an intravenous feed, and that puts incredible pressure on people who are actually in government to react, to respond, to do something immediately. Having the discipline to try to take a little bit of distance – to not just jump at a report that concludes X, because maybe it’s not conclusive; to actually have the distance and the remove to say no, we need to get to the facts, and even if there’s tremendous pressure to respond to what seem to be the facts – that’s not easy.
When I worked for President Obama, one of the, I think, thoughts that he had about this was that his job in a sense was to be something of a circuit breaker and to try to create that distance that no longer really exists, that moment of reflection, of deliberation, of trying to understand what the facts are before you simply reflexively respond because there’s pressure to do it and because you’re perceived as somehow weak or feckless if you’re not responding immediately. That’s not an easy thing to do, but I think it is incumbent upon those of us who are in government or positions of public responsibility to at least try to do that.
And I think the challenge that media faces between – it’s a perennial challenge, but it’s gotten worse because of the immediacy of information. The challenge between getting it right and getting it fast – there’s a huge responsibility that comes with that, too. And that’s a responsibility you’re increasingly going to have to face in your careers, because the pressure on you to get it immediately – even if maybe you’re not getting it right, right away – is pretty intense.
MS THOMAS: Yeah. And then going on to like another topic, people these days with social media – anyone can be a journalist. Anyone can get their phone, livestream something, post a picture that could be taken out of context and post it somewhere, and then people start to believe that this is true and then you have the spread of fake news. But another issue with fake news I think we’re seeing a lot is people will see something that could be factual, but it doesn’t align with their preconceived ideas and this other thing that is actually fake does, and they call that fake news, and that spreads. And that’s another issue with social media. Do you feel that there needs to be any more regulation with social media?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, one of the things I’m going to try not to do is to delve into anything that smacks of politics or —
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Because, happily, my job lets me stay out of that. But I think we’re – clearly this is a fundamental debate that we’re having, and now to get the – how to find where the right balance is is incredibly, incredibly challenging.
You mentioned as well, and these – a lot of these things join together – having the appropriate literacy to try to pull apart the information from the disinformation, the real from the fake, that’s something that needs to start really, really early. One of the things we’ve seen, for example, is that as we rightly devote a lot of resources, for example, to STEM education or STEAM education in our countries, well, usually they’re finite budgets. And when you look at budgets in schools, one place that the money that goes to STEAM or STEM often comes from is civics. But if we’re not teaching civics, we’re not teaching the foundations that you need for something like digital literacy. And that creates a problem very early on that just builds and builds and builds, and then if you don’t have a citizenry that has the tools to be able to deal with this information system, it makes it very, very challenging to deal with.
MS BAIETTO: One thing that I’m a little curious with, just checking your Twitter, there’s been about more than a dozen tweets put on in the last 24 hours. Clearly you’re not the social media influencer behind all of them, but what —
SECRETARY BLINKEN: (Laughter.) Every single one.
MS BAIETTO: Every single one, word for word. But what is the process in which your team or one person, whatever it is, what is kind of the process that a tweet has to go through or any social media content has to go through when it has your name on it?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Yeah, it’s a great question and one that I and we take very seriously, because if I’m putting something out, then I’m simply here as a representative of the United States Government, so anything that we put out is supposed to be – to represent the government, to be reflective of it, to be reflective of our policies, and I’m simply a vehicle for doing that.
So we have a very carefully married-up operation between the folks on our communications team, the folks on our policy team, myself and other colleagues depending on what the subject is, and they need to know and understand each other in – almost intimately, because we have to make sure that whatever is going out under the State Department banner, whether it’s in my name or anyone else’s name, is an accurate reflection of the policies of our government and the President.
So a lot of care goes into that. We don’t always get it 100 percent right, but we work at it every day.
MS VILALOBOS: And this social media topic, I think that it’s interesting. We as journalists are always writing headlines, writing topics, things like that. This era of clickbait culture and at-times sensational journalism, I think this is more of a – not so much a question as an idea. This is just taking over, and I think that – I think that just the – there’s so many things that can go wrong when there is more drive for engagement in the headline rather than actual content in that headline.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, this goes to something we were talking about, and I was talking about a little bit earlier – is that there is a race to survive too. The economics of this business are increasingly challenged, increasingly complicated. That’s especially true, of course, in print media. And so even social media, the clickbait phenomenon is part of – is partly making sure you get as many eyeballs as you can on something and then maybe drive the advertising revenues or drive your – so what used to be called readership. So all that pieces together.
One of the reasons we’re trying to look for ways to build support for independent media is to help take some of that pressure off, and at least create a space where journalism is not motivated by that necessity.
Now, having said that, I often thought it would be really great fun writing headlines for tabloids. (Laughter.) That just sounds like a great job. And just to date myself, again, one of the – I think the greatest – and I know I shouldn’t comment on individual publications, but I always thought growing up that the headline writers for the New York Post have one of the best jobs in the business. (Laughter.) Because the inventiveness of those headlines are incredible, and there’s just one that stuck with me from many, many years ago, back in the days of the Soviet Union. One of the leaders of the Soviet Union passed away and the headline in the New York Post the next day was “Red Head Dead.” (Laughter.) That’s pretty good.
MS BAIETTO: And I think for everyone we were really able to really talk about hopefully a good idea of where the future of journalism is going and hopefully inspires others.
MS THOMAS: Thank you for joining us.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: No, let me just say to the three of you, first of all, it’s really inspiring to be with you. It’s inspiring to see others out here, both colleagues who are engaged in the profession today, people who are just joining it. I am so glad that you’re doing this, as I’m dead-serious about the proposition that this lies at the heart of our democracies. And as goes journalism, as goes a free media, so go our democracies.
So what you’re doing is incredibly important. It’s also incredibly challenging. It goes to, I think, what you were saying about, first of all, trying to find the humanity that’s usually at the heart of things – to remember that, ultimately, you’re reporting on, writing about real people, complicated, imperfect as human beings are, to try to reflect that. I know how hard it is too, because having been on both sides of this – when you’re in government and you’re in a room with 10 people and you’re talking about a policy, and then if you ask the 10 people in the room who said what and what were the conclusions, you’d probably get 10 different answers from people who were actually in the room. You’re not in the room and you’re trying to figure out what was said in the room.
It’s incredibly hard, but it’s incredibly, incredibly powerful and incredibly necessary. And I think having that drive to try to learn about something, to understand it, to know it, and then to be able to communicate it to your fellow citizens is a wonderful thing. So it’s great to see all of you going into it. Thanks. |
正如总统本周在基辅所说,“一年后,基辅依然屹立,乌克兰依然屹立”。 乌克兰的抗战和乌克兰人民的决心与坚韧成为对世界的激励,并表明乌克兰人民是吓不倒的。乌克兰的不屈意志使全世界有良知的人团结在它的周围,支持乌克兰的目标,并在联合国内反复发出呼吁,要求俄罗斯结束这场其选择的战争。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/russias-war-against-ukraine-one-year-later/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | PRESS STATEMENT
FEBRUARY 24, 2023
One year ago today, President Putin ordered a full-scale invasion of Ukraine following months of deceit about why Russia had amassed huge numbers of soldiers on Ukraine’s border. It was then that Russia’s forces illegally crossed into Ukraine’s sovereign territory to wage a war that has needlessly killed tens of thousands of people and harmed millions more.
President Putin’s decision has ripped apart families, forced millions from their communities, destroyed homes, schools, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure, exacerbated a global food crisis, destabilized energy markets, and undermined international peace and security. This war has shredded Russia’s international reputation, left Russia weakened and isolated, and decimated its economy. This war is an attempt to seize territory from Ukraine and thwart its independent, democratic trajectory.
As, the President said in Kyiv this week, “One year later, Kyiv stands and Ukraine stands.” Ukraine’s fight and its people’s resolve and resilience have emerged as an inspiration to the world, showing they will not be cowed. Ukraine’s indomitable will has rallied the world to its cause, with people of conscience around the globe united behind Ukraine, and with repeated calls from the halls of the UN for Russia to end its war of choice.
President Putin started this illegal war, and he has the power to end it. The United States stands strongly with Ukraine as it defends itself, and we will continue to do so until Ukraine’s sovereignty is respected and the people of Ukraine can shape their chosen, democratic future in freedom and peace. |
以下是发言人马修·米勒(Matthew Miller)发布的通话纪要:
副国务卿温迪·谢尔曼(Wendy Sherman)今天与中华人民共和国任命的驻美国大使谢锋进行了通话。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/deputy-secretary-shermans-call-with-peoples-republic-of-china-prc-appointed-ambassador-xie-feng/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | READOUT
JUNE 27, 2023
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller:
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke today with PRC Appointed Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng.
The Deputy Secretary and the Appointed Ambassador discussed key priorities in the bilateral relationship and a range of global and regional issues.
Following Secretary Blinken’s June 18-19 trip to Beijing, Deputy Secretary Sherman reiterated in today’s call the importance of maintaining open channels of communication across the full range of issues. She noted that the United States would continue to use diplomacy to raise areas of concern as well as areas of potential cooperation where our interests align. |
June 10, 2023
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the United States Embassy in Beijing.
Thank you for joining us for our Juneteenth commemoration.
On June 19, Americans – families and friends across our nation – will come together to celebrate our country’s newest federal holiday.
Yet, the newness of our official holiday stands in contrast to the storied history of this date, what it means to us as a country, and how deeply it is woven into the diverse fabric of our nation.
On June 19, 1865, enslaved Americans in Galveston, Texas, received word that they were free from bondage, from slavery.
As those who were formerly enslaved were recognized for the first time as citizens, Black Americans came to commemorate Juneteenth with celebrations across the country, building new lives and a new tradition that we honor today.
For this reason, it is on this day – on June 19 – that we acknowledge and celebrate the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of Black Americans, and we commit together to eradicate systemic racism.
As President Biden said just a year ago, the emancipation of enslaved Black Americans was not the end of our nation’s work to deliver on the promise of equality — it was only the beginning.
On Juneteenth, we recommit to our shared work to ensure racial justice, equity, and equality everywhere.
This is a profound moment for Americans to stop, and for our foreign guests to be with us, to reflect on the entire history of our country.
The shame of slavery, the crime of slavery, the fact that it existed for two centuries before the slaves were emancipated.
And then the century where nothing happened during Jim Crow until Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led our country to make sure that the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 65 that African Americans would truly have the rights that all others enjoyed.
That work has to continue because it’s incomplete. And we commit ourselves in Mission China to be a part of the solution towards greater equity and equality.
And in this regard, I’m so proud of the African American Alliance here at our mission. They put together the entire program today. They’ve worked for months to put this together. I thank the African American Alliance for that.
Have a great day, and thank you again for being with us. | June 10, 2023
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the United States Embassy in Beijing.
Thank you for joining us for our Juneteenth commemoration.
On June 19, Americans – families and friends across our nation – will come together to celebrate our country’s newest federal holiday.
Yet, the newness of our official holiday stands in contrast to the storied history of this date, what it means to us as a country, and how deeply it is woven into the diverse fabric of our nation.
On June 19, 1865, enslaved Americans in Galveston, Texas, received word that they were free from bondage, from slavery.
As those who were formerly enslaved were recognized for the first time as citizens, Black Americans came to commemorate Juneteenth with celebrations across the country, building new lives and a new tradition that we honor today.
For this reason, it is on this day – on June 19 – that we acknowledge and celebrate the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of Black Americans, and we commit together to eradicate systemic racism.
As President Biden said just a year ago, the emancipation of enslaved Black Americans was not the end of our nation’s work to deliver on the promise of equality — it was only the beginning.
On Juneteenth, we recommit to our shared work to ensure racial justice, equity, and equality everywhere.
This is a profound moment for Americans to stop, and for our foreign guests to be with us, to reflect on the entire history of our country.
The shame of slavery, the crime of slavery, the fact that it existed for two centuries before the slaves were emancipated.
And then the century where nothing happened during Jim Crow until Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led our country to make sure that the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 65 that African Americans would truly have the rights that all others enjoyed.
That work has to continue because it’s incomplete. And we commit ourselves in Mission China to be a part of the solution towards greater equity and equality.
And in this regard, I’m so proud of the African American Alliance here at our mission. They put together the entire program today. They’ve worked for months to put this together. I thank the African American Alliance for that.
Have a great day, and thank you again for being with us. |
俄罗斯对乌克兰发动了这场无端战争。在退出《黑海谷物倡议》(Black Sea Grain Initiative)后,俄罗斯继续攻击包括敖德萨(Odessa)在内的乌克兰的港口和粮食基础设施。俄罗斯随时可以通过从乌克兰撤军并停止对乌克兰城市和人民的残酷攻击来结束这场战争。在俄罗斯这样做之前,美国和我们的盟友及伙伴将与乌克兰团结在一起,无论需要多长时间。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/additional-u-s-military-assistance-for-ukraine-3/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | PRESS STATEMENT
JULY 25, 2023
The people of Ukraine continue to bravely defend their country against Russia’s aggression while Russia continues its relentless and vicious attacks that are killing Ukrainian civilians and destroying civil infrastructure. Ukraine’s steadfast courage continues to inspire the world.
Pursuant to a delegation of authority from President Biden, I am authorizing our 43rd drawdown for Ukraine. This assistance package includes air defense munitions, artillery rounds, armored vehicles, and anti-armor capabilities, as well as other equipment essential to strengthening Ukraine’s brave forces on the battlefield, helping them retake Ukraine’s sovereign territory, and defend their fellow citizens. This package contains critical military assistance totaling $400 million worth of arms and equipment from Department of Defense stocks.
Russia started this unprovoked war against Ukraine. Following its withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Russia continues to attack Ukrainian ports and grain infrastructure – including in Odessa. Russia could end this war at any time by withdrawing its forces from Ukraine and stopping its brutal attacks against Ukraine’s cities and people. Until it does, the United States and our allies and partners will stand united with Ukraine, for as long as it takes. |
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美国教育咨询中心在全球170个国家设有分支机构,拥有400多个国际学生咨询中心, 每年有数以百万计的国际学生通过美国教育咨询中心全球网络获得有关申请经过认证的美国大学和学院的正确、全面和及时的信息。美国教育咨询中心同时还为美国高校搭建平台帮助他们找到最适合的学生。
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美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 是授予专利和注册商标的美国政府机构,并就知识产权 (IP) 政策、保护和执法向美国总统、商务部部长和其他美国政府机构提供建议;并在全世界促进更强大、更有效的知识产权保护。 美国专商局于2012年在上海建立了业务,作为该机构知识产权专员项目的一部分。 美国专商局与美国商务处位于同一地点,由负责华东和华中地区的知识产权专员领导。
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Email: PTO_Shanghai_Office@trade.gov
Website: https://www.uspto.gov/ip-policy/ip-attache-program/regions/china-shanghai
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美国驻上海总领事馆新闻文化处处理有关总领事馆同新闻媒介的关系并负责美国政府在中国华东地区的所有官方教育和文化交流项目。此外,它还协助由私人赞助的美国在华东地区的交流活动。官方交流活动包括国际访问者项目、 胡伯特.汉弗莱奖学金项目以及美国演讲者项目。
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若您需要咨询签证相关信息,请点击这里。 | The U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai includes the Consular, Political & Economic, Public Affairs and Management Sections. In addition, the Mission includes an important trade component made up of the Foreign Agricultural Service and Foreign Commercial Service Offices. For more information on the role of each section, please check below.
The Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) of the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai is a trade assistance and promotion office and is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). In addition to U.S. export assistance and market research and development, all ATOs collaborate with American food product associations to introduce high-quality American food and beverage products to China through promotional activities such as trade shows, food service activities, and both online and offline campaigns. We work closely with importers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, e-commerce platforms, and trade promotion organizations. ATO Shanghai introduces and promotes American Agriculture products in East China and throughout the Yangtze River region.
Suite 331 East Tower
Shanghai Centre (in the Portman Ritz-Carlton complex)
1376 Nanjing West Road
200040 Shanghai, China
Tel: (86-21) 6279-8622
Fax: (86-21) 6279-7603
Email: atoshanghai@fas.usda.gov
Website: http://www.usdachina.com/shanghai/
EducationUSA is your official source on U.S. higher education. A U.S. Department of State network of over 400 international student advising centers in more than 170 countries, EducationUSA promotes U.S. higher education to students around the world by offering accurate, comprehensive, unbiased, and current information about opportunities to study at accredited post-secondary institutions in the United States. EducationUSA also provides services to U.S. higher education professionals to help institutional leaders meet their recruitment and campus internationalization goals.
Based in the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Consulate General Shanghai, our EducationUSA adviser serves the Shanghai consular district by offering advising to Chinese students and their parents through a series of outreach programs and other opportunities.
Find out more about EducationUSA:
Sina weibo: Weibo.com/educationusa
Wechat: educationusachina
Email: EducationUSAshanghai@state.gov
The U.S. Commercial Service in China offers valuable assistance to American businesses exporting goods and services to China. Our office is part of a global network of trade specialists dedicated to assisting U.S. commercial interests worldwide.
Trade specialists at each of our regional locations in China, including the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and five Consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang and Wuhan are happy to help identify trade opportunities and local potential trading partners within their perspective regions, as well as provide invaluable information across a variety of different industry sectors.
Suite 631 East Tower
Shanghai Centre (in the Portman Ritz-Carlton complex)
1376 Nanjing West Road
200040 Shanghai, China
Tel: (86-21) 6279-7630
Fax: (86-21) 6279-7639
Email: Office.Shanghai@trade.gov
Website: https://trade.gov/china
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the U.S. government agency that grants patents and registers trademarks, and advises the President of the United States, the Secretary of Commerce, and other U.S. Government agencies on intellectual property (IP) policy, protection, and enforcement; and promotes stronger and more effective IP protection around the world. The USPTO established operations in Shanghai in 2012 as part of the agency’s IP attaché program. USPTO is co-located with the U.S. Commercial Service and is led by the IP Attaché for Eastern and Central China. For general inquiries:
Suite 631 East Tower
Shanghai Centre (in the Portman Ritz-Carlton complex)
1376 Nanjing West Road
200040 Shanghai, China
Tel: (86-21) 6279-7617
Fax: (86-21) 6279-7870
Email: PTO_Shanghai_Office@trade.gov
Website: https://www.uspto.gov/ip-policy/ip-attache-program/regions/china-shanghai
The Political/Economic Section supports the Consulate Mission by providing reporting on a variety of subjects, including bilateral trade issues such as market access and intellectual property rights, macroeconomic policy, sector specific government policies, environmental policy, and other topics such as political issues. The section also supports visiting U.S government delegations and maintains contact with a variety of Chinese government organizations.
1469 Huai Hai Zhong Road
(Near Wulumuqi Nan Lu)
200031 Shanghai China
Tel: (86-21) 8011-2200
Fax: (86-21) 6121-2181
Key Links
For information on U.S. government policies. please click here.
The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai handles press and media relations for the Consulate and manages all official U.S. Government educational and cultural exchange programs in East China. In addition, it serves as a facilitator of official U.S. government exchange programs such as the International Visitors Leadership Program, the Humphrey Fellowship Program and the American Speakers Program.
Suite 532 East Tower
Shanghai Centre (in the Portman Ritz-Carlton complex)
1376 Nanjing West Road
200040 Shanghai, China
Tel: (86-21) 6279-7662
Fax: (86-21) 6279-7603
Media Relations
PAS houses the official spokesperson for the U.S. Consulate General and helps facilitate interviews with Shanghai-area based local and international media.
The Shanghai American Center (ShAC)
The ShAC features presentations, lectures, films, discussions, and performances about U.S. history, culture, and current events. Learn more here.
In accordance with new security regulations, any individual who is visiting the U.S. Embassy or Consulates General in China (this includes individuals seeking consular services from American Citizen Services units) is not permitted to bring a laptop into the Embassy or Consulate General. Individuals should be prepared to adhere to this requirement by not bringing a laptop with them, or finding an outside location to store their laptop. Please note, the Embassy and Consulate General security guards are not able to take possession of your laptop nor store it for you. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Non-Immigrant Visa Unit of the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai’s is located on the 8th floor of Westgate Mall, 1038 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China.
The American Citizen Services Unit is located on the 9th Floor of Westgate Mall 1038 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China.
The address of the consular section in Chinese is 非移民签证处位于南京西路1038号梅龙镇广场8楼, 美国公民服务处位于南京西路1038号梅龙镇广场9楼.
The Non-immigrant Visa unit is open to the public by appointment only. Please go to www.ustraveldocs.com or call the numbers listed on this website to register and make an appointment. Please note that the consulate may be closed for public holidays.
Public Appointment Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
For more information about visas, click here.
The American Citizen Services Unit is open to the public for routine services by appointment only from 8:30 am – 11:30 am and from 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
For more information about how to apply for a passport, click here.
Passport Pickup: Monday to Friday, 10:30 am – 11:45 am, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. You will receive an email once your passport has reached our office and is ready for pickup.
For more information about how to contact American Citizen Services, click here or e-mail us at ShanghaiACS@state.gov
Email regarding Visas Question:
Please click here. |
穆利雅酒店(Mulia Hotel)
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/11/14/remarks-by-president-biden-and-president-xi-jinping-of-the-peoples-republic-of-china-before-bilateral-meeting/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | NOVEMBER 14, 2022
Mulia Hotel
Bali, Indonesia
5:41 P.M. WITA
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, President Xi, it’s — I’m really glad to be able to see you again in person. We spent a lot of time together and — back in the days when we were both vice presidents, and it’s just great to see you.
And you and I have had a number of candid and useful conversations over the years and since I became President as well. You were kind enough to call me to congratulate me, and I congratulate you as well. And I believe there’s little substitute, though, for — to face-to-face discussions.
And as you know, I’m committed to keeping the lines of communications open between you and me personally but our governments across the board, because our two countries are — have so much that we have an opportunity to deal with.
As the leaders of our two nations, we share a responsibility, in my view, to show that China and the United States can manage our differences, prevent competition from becoming anything ever near conflict, and to find ways to work together on urgent global issues that require our mutual cooperation.
And I believe this is critical for the sake of our two countries and the international community. This — this was a key to the theme of the COP27 meeting, where I spoke on Friday. And we’ll be discussing a lot of these challenges together, I hope, in the next couple hours.
And the world expects, I believe, China and the United States to play key roles in addressing global challenges, from climate changes, to food insecurity, and to — for us to be able to work together.
The United States stands ready to do just that — work with you — if that’s what you desire.
So, President Xi, I look forward to our continuing and ongoing open and honest dialogue we’ve always had. And I thank you for the opportunity.
PRESIDENT XI: (As interpreted.) Mr. President, it’s good to see you. The last time we met was in 2017, during the World Economic Forum in Davos. That was already more than five years ago.
Since you assumed the presidency, we have maintained communication via video conferences, phone calls, and letters. But none of them can really substitute for face-to-face exchanges. And today, we finally have this face-to-face meeting.
From the initial contact and the establishment of diplomatic relations to today, China and the United States have gone through 50-plus eventful years. We have gained experience, and we’ve also learned lessons.
History is the best textbook, so we should take history as a mirror and let it guide the future.
Currently, the China-U.S. relationship is in such a situation that we all care a lot about it, because this is not the fundamental interests of our two countries and peoples and it is not what the international community expects us.
As leaders of the two major countries, we need to chart the right course for the China-U.S. relationship. We need to find the right direction for the bilateral relationship going forward and elevate the relationship.
A statesman should think about and know where to lead his country. He should also think about and know how to get along with other countries and the wider world.
Well, in this time and age, great changes are unfolding in ways like never before. Humanity are confronted with unprecedented challenges. The world has come to a crossroads. Where to go from here — this is a question that is not only on our mind but also on the mind of all countries.
The world expects that China and the United States will properly handle the relationship. And for our meeting, it has attracted the world’s attention.
So, we need to work with all countries to bring more hope to world peace, greater confidence in global stability, and stronger impetus to common development.
In our meeting today, I’m ready to have a candid — as we always did — have a candid and in-depth exchange of views with you on issues of strategic importance in China-U.S. relations and on major global and regional issues.
I look forward to working with you, Mr. President, to bring China-U.S. relations back to the track of healthy and stable growth to the benefit of our two countries and the world as a whole.
Thank you.
5:47 P.M. WITA |
DOS Seal Featured Image
在我们对北朝鲜自由周进行思考的同时,我们认知脱北者和人权社区为了继续聚焦对北朝鲜严峻人权状况的关注而进行的努力。数十年来,北朝鲜政权使其人民遭受对人权和基本自由恶劣的侵犯。大约有10万人在政治犯集中营里煎熬,而他们的家庭成员和孩子往往在他们身边一起受苦。此外,那些尝试逃离这一压迫环境的人,如果被抓到,通常会被施以酷刑或被杀害。我们对这些侵权行为保持严重关切并深为不安。我们继续与国际社会一起努力,来提高意识、突出侵权和违法行为、让独立信息更便于获取并促进在北朝鲜对人权的尊重。 | Press Statement
Morgan Ortagus
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
May 6, 2019
As we reflect on North Korea Freedom Week, we recognize the efforts of the North Korean defector and human rights community to continue to shine a spotlight on the dire human right situation in North Korea. For decades, the regime in North Korea has subjected its people to egregious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Approximately 100,000 individuals languish in political prison camps and their family members and children often suffer by their sides. Further, those trying to flee this oppressive environment, if caught, are often tortured or killed.
We remain gravely concerned and deeply troubled by these abuses. We continue to work with the international community to raise awareness, highlight abuses and violations, enhance access to independent information, and promote respect for human rights in North Korea. |
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)
2020年8 月 17日
国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)发表声明
特朗普政府(Trump Administration)如实看待华为——中国共产党监视型国家的附庸。对此我们已相应采取行动。今天,我国政府公布几项措施,要求保护美国的国家安全、我国公民的隐私和我国5G基础设施的完整性,防范北京的恶意影响。
国务院强烈支持商务部(Commerce Department)今天扩大外国直接产品规则(Foreign Direct Product Rule)的范围,防止华为规避美国法律,通过从美国获得的工具实现替代芯片的生产和现成芯片的供应。这项措施是继5月份公布外国直接产品规则较为有限的扩大后采取的后续行动。华为已一而再,再而三地试图规避此前的规定。
商务部还在实体名单(Entity List)上增补了38个华为子公司。实体名单对禁止获得某些敏感技术的外国实体进行认定且让华为的临时通用许可证(Temporary General License)过期。美国已为受影响的公司和人员提供了足够的时间——基本上是华为的客户——确定和转用其他设备来源、软件和技术并逐步终止原来的业务。现在时间已经到了。
我国政府各部言出必行。司法部(Department of Justice)已指控华为采取诸如盗窃美国技术、阴谋活动、电子欺诈、银行欺诈、敲诈并协助伊朗规避制裁等行为。商务部于2019年将华为列入实体名单。一年多来国务院通过积极的外交与世界各地的盟国和伙伴分享我们所了解的华为和其他不可信赖的承包方的情况。
由于华为及其被列入实体名单的子公司从事对美国国家安全和国际稳定造成威胁的活动,美国将继续限制这些实体获得美国的大多数出口产品。我们强烈要求我们的盟国和伙伴加入我们的行列。 | 08/17/2020 08:06 AM EDT
Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State
The Trump Administration sees Huawei for what it is – an arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) surveillance state – and we have taken action accordingly. Today, our government enacted several measures to protect U.S. national security, our citizens’ privacy, and the integrity of our 5G infrastructure from Beijing’s malign influence.
The Department of State strongly supports the Commerce Department’s expansion today of its Foreign Direct Product Rule, which will prevent Huawei from circumventing U.S. law through alternative chip production and provision of off-the-shelf (OTS) chips produced with tools acquired from the United States. This measure follows the more limited expansion of the Foreign Direct Product Rule in May, which Huawei has continuously tried to evade.
The Commerce Department also added 38 Huawei affiliates to its Entity List, which identifies foreign parties prohibited from receiving certain sensitive technologies and allowed Huawei’s Temporary General License (TGL) to expire. The United States has provided ample time for affected companies and persons – primarily Huawei customers – to identify and shift to other sources of equipment, software, and technology and wind-down their operations. Now that time is up.
We will not tolerate efforts by the CCP to undermine the privacy of our citizens, our businesses’ intellectual property, or the integrity of next-generation networks worldwide.
We are backing up our words with actions across the U.S. Government. The Department of Justice has indicted Huawei for stealing U.S. technology, conspiracy, wire fraud, bank fraud, racketeering, and helping Iran to evade sanctions, amongst other charges. The Department of Commerce placed Huawei on the Entity List in 2019. The Department of State has engaged in vigorous diplomacy for more than a year to share what we know about Huawei and other untrustworthy vendors with allies and partners around the world.
The United States will continue to restrict most U.S. exports to Huawei and its affiliates on the Entity List for activities that threaten U.S. national security and international stability. We urge our allies and partners to join us. |
点击此处,阅读《2021年香港政策法报告》(英文)。 | Hong Kong Policy Act Report
03/31/2021 10:52 AM EDT
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
Over the past year, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has continued to dismantle Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, in violation of its obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and Hong Kong’s Basic Law. In particular, the PRC government’s adoption and the Hong Kong government’s implementation of the National Security Law (NSL) have severely undermined the rights and freedoms of people in Hong Kong.
Each year, the Department of State submits to Congress the Hong Kong Policy Act report and accompanying certification. In conjunction with this year’s report, I have certified to Congress that Hong Kong does not warrant differential treatment under U.S. law in the same manner as U.S. laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1, 1997.
This report documents many of the actions the PRC and Hong Kong governments have taken against Hong Kong’s promised high degree of autonomy, freedoms, and democratic institutions. These include the arbitrary arrests and politically-motivated prosecutions of opposition politicians, activists, and peaceful protesters under the NSL and other legislation; the postponement of Legislative Council elections; pressure on judicial independence and academic and press freedoms; and a de facto ban on public demonstrations.
I am committed to continuing to work with Congress and our allies and partners around the world to stand with people in Hong Kong against the PRC’s egregious policies and actions. As demonstrated by the March 16 Hong Kong Autonomy Act update, which listed 24 PRC and Hong Kong officials whose actions reduced Hong Kong’s autonomy, we will impose consequences for these actions. We will continue to call on the PRC to abide by its international obligations and commitments; to cease its dismantlement of Hong Kong’s democratic institutions, autonomy, and rule of law; to release immediately and drop all charges against individuals unjustly detained in Hong Kong; and to respect the human rights of all individuals in Hong Kong.
To read the 2021 Hong Kong Policy Act Report in English, please click here. |
03/11/2021 07:03 PM EST
一个稳定繁荣、尊重人权、自由权和多元主义的香港,符合香港、中国大陆和广泛国际社会的利益。美国与我们的盟友和伙伴一道,为香港人的权利和自由发声。 | Assault on Democracy in Hong Kong
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
The United States condemns the PRC’s continuing assault on democratic institutions in Hong Kong. The National People’s Congress decision today to unilaterally change Hong Kong’s electoral system is a direct attack on autonomy promised to people in Hong Kong under the Sino-British Joint Declaration. These actions deny Hong Kongers a voice in their own governance by limiting political participation, reducing democratic representation, and stifling political debate. Beijing’s actions also run counter to the Basic Law’s clear acknowledgment that Hong Kong elections should progress towards universal suffrage.
We call on the PRC to uphold its international obligations and commitments and to act consistently with Hong Kong’s Basic Law. The PRC’s attempt to label its crackdown on Hong Kong as an “internal matter” ignores the commitments Beijing made in the Sino-British Joint Declaration to uphold Hong Kong’s autonomy and enumerated rights and freedoms until at least 2047.
We call on the PRC and Hong Kong authorities to allow the September 2021 Legislative Council elections to proceed and ensure that all candidates are included in a transparent and credible manner. We also call on these authorities to release and drop charges against all individuals charged under the National Security Law and other laws merely for standing for elections or for their expressions of dissenting views.
A stable, prosperous Hong Kong that respects human rights, freedoms, and pluralism serves the interests of Hong Kong, mainland China, and the broader international community. The United States stands united with our allies and partners in speaking out for the rights and freedoms of people in Hong Kong. |
2020年8月2日美国东部夏令时间上午 08:22
厄瓜多尔政府已经这样做了,对数百艘悬挂中国国旗的船只发出警告,这些船只在厄瓜多尔重要的加拉帕戈斯群岛海洋保护区附近捕鱼,它们还捕获濒危鲨鱼以获取鱼鳍,同时一并捕捞其他许多受保护物种。我们坚决支持厄瓜多尔为确保悬挂中国国旗的船只不进行非法、未报告和无管制捕捞而做出的努力,并与那些经济和自然资源受到无视法治和负责任捕捞行为的悬挂中国国旗的船只威胁的国家站在一起。 | 08/02/2020 08:22 AM EDT
Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State
The People’s Republic of China subsidizes the world’s largest commercial fishing fleet, which routinely violates the sovereign rights and jurisdiction of coastal states, fishes without permission, and overfishes licensing agreements. Given this unfortunate record of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, rule-breaking, and willful environmental degradation, it is more important than ever that the international community stands together for the rule of law and insists on better environmental stewardship from Beijing.
The Ecuadorian government has done just that in raising the alarm about the hundreds of PRC-flagged vessels fishing near Ecuador’s important Galápagos marine reserve and harvesting endangered sharks for their fins, along with many other protected species. We firmly support Ecuador’s efforts to ensure PRC-flagged vessels do not engage in illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and stand with States whose economies and natural resources are threatened by PRC-flagged vessels’ disregard for the rule of law and responsible fishing practices. |
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/16/fact-sheet-on-u-s-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine
President Biden today announced an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine, bringing the total U.S. security assistance committed to Ukraine to $1 billion in just the past week, and a total of $2 billion since the start of the Biden Administration. The assistance will take the form of direct transfers of equipment from the Department of Defense to the Ukrainian military to help them defend their country against Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion.
The new $800 million assistance package includes:
In addition to the weapons listed above, previous United States assistance committed to Ukraine includes:
In addition to the U.S.-produced short-range air defense systems the Ukrainians have been using to great effect, the United States has also identified and is helping the Ukrainians acquire additional, longer-range systems on which Ukraine’s forces are already trained, as well as additional munitions for those systems.
The United States continues to expedite the authorization and facilitation of additional assistance to Ukraine from our Allies. At least 30 countries have provided security assistance to Ukraine since the Russian invasion began. In 2022, the Department of State authorized third-party transfers of defensive equipment from more than 14 countries, a number that continues to grow as Allies and Partners increase support to Ukraine.
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今天,美国总统气候问题特使(U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate)约翰·克里(John Kerry)与中华人民共和国国务院总理李强会面,这是在所有问题上保持开放的沟通渠道的持续努力的一部分。克里特使强调了中国迫切需要实行电力行业脱碳、削减甲烷排放以及减少森林砍伐。他还着重指出美国努力确保实现控温1.5摄氏度,同时强调了中华人民共和国采取更多的举措来增强其气候雄心以避免气候危机造成最恶劣影响的至关重要性。
欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/special-presidential-envoy-for-climate-kerry-meets-with-prc-premier-li-qiang
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry Meets with PRC Premier Li Qiang
JULY 18, 2023
Today U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry met with PRC Premier Li Qiang as part of ongoing efforts to maintain open channels of communication across the full range of issues. He noted the urgent need for China to decarbonize the power sector, cut methane emissions, and reduce deforestation. Secretary Kerry also emphasized U.S. efforts to keep 1.5 degrees within reach, while underscoring how important it is for the PRC to take additional steps to enhance its climate ambition in order to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.
For media inquiries, please contact ClimateComms@state.gov.
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2021年5月28日 美国东部夏令时间下午06:44
以下内容来自美国国务院发言人内德·普赖斯(Ned Price):
安东尼·布林肯国务卿欢迎印度外交部长苏杰生博士(S. Jaishankar)到访美国国务院。在这里,他重申了本届美国政府对加深美印全面全球战略伙伴关系的承诺。布林肯国务卿和苏杰生部长讨论了一系列广泛的议题,包括新冠疫情纾困、通过“四方会谈”加强印太合作的努力,以及对抗击气候危机和加强多边合作——包括在联合国安全理事会上的多边合作——的共同承诺。布林肯国务卿和苏杰生部长还讨论了区域态势、缅甸的政变以及对阿富汗持续的支持。布林肯国务卿和苏杰生部长承诺继续就共同的经济和地区安全优先事项进行合作。 | Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar
05/28/2021 06:44 PM EDT
Office of the Spokesperson
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken welcomed Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar to the Department of State, where he reaffirmed the Administration’s commitment to deepening the U.S.-India Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership. Secretary Blinken and Minister Jaishankar discussed a broad range of issues, including COVID-19 relief, efforts to strengthen Indo-Pacific cooperation through the Quad, and a shared commitment to combating the climate crisis and enhancing multilateral cooperation, including at the UN Security Council. Secretary Blinken and Minister Jaishankar also discussed regional developments, the coup in Burma, and continuing support for Afghanistan. Secretary Blinken and Minister Jaishankar pledged to continue their cooperation on shared economic and regional security priorities. |
发言人摩根·奥特葛斯(Morgan Ortagus)的声明
根据《外国使团法》(Foreign Missions Act)的授权,美国国务院今天发布新的决定,认定一财全球、解放日报、新民晚报、中国社会科学出版社、北京周报和经济日报驻美国的机构为外国使团。根据《外国使团法》,上述6个实体都符合对外国使团的界定,即它们由一个外国政府“实质所有或有效控制”。此次涉及的实体都受到中华人民共和国政府的有效控制。
被认定为外国使团的实体必须遵守提高涉及它们所相关的政府在美国的媒体活动透明度的特定规定。我们的目的是保护美国的新闻自由,并确保美国人民知道他们的新闻来源是自由媒体还是一个恶意的外国政府。透明度对于那些珍视事实的人没有威胁性。 | PRESS STATEMENT
OCTOBER 21, 2020
Over the past decade, and particularly under General Secretary Xi Jinping’s tenure, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has asserted greater control over China’s state-backed propaganda outlets while trying to disguise them as independent news agencies. General Secretary Xi himself has stated, “Party-owned media must. . . embody the party’s will, safeguard the party’s authority … their actions must be highly consistent with the party.” While free media around the world are beholden to the truth, PRC media are beholden to the CCP. Today, the United States is publicly recognizing that reality through these designations.
Pursuant to authorities under the Foreign Missions Act, the State Department is issuing today a new determination that designates the U.S. operations of Yicai Global, Jiefang Daily, Xinmin Evening News, Social Sciences in China Press, Beijing Review, and Economic Daily as foreign missions. These six entities all meet the definition of a foreign mission under the Foreign Missions Act in that they are “substantially owned or effectively controlled” by a foreign government. In this case, they are effectively controlled by the government of the People’s Republic of China.
The decision to designate these entities does not place any restrictions on what these organizations may publish in the United States. It simply recognizes them for what they are – PRC-controlled propaganda outlets. This action follows the February 18 designation of Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network, China Radio International, China Daily Distribution Corporation, and Hai Tian Development USA and the June 22 designation of China Central Television, China News Service, the People’s Daily, and the Global Times.
Entities designated as foreign missions must adhere to certain requirements that increase transparency relating to their associated government’s media activities in the United States. Our goal is to protect the freedom of press in the United States, and ensure the American people know whether their news is coming from the free press or from a malign foreign government. Transparency isn’t threatening to those who value truth. |
正如我在4月份的演讲中所说,美国寻求与中国进行良性经济竞争。 然而,只有当这种竞争是公平的时候,良性经济竞争才可持续,从而使双方都能从中受益。
欲查看原稿内容: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1590
本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。 | Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Roundtable Discussion with U.S. Businesses Operating in the People’s Republic of China (PRC)
As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for joining me today. It is great to see all of you.
I am here in Beijing to carry forward President Biden’s directive from his meeting with President Xi last November to deepen our communications with China, including on economic issues.
We believe that it is in the best interests of both countries to make sure we have direct and clear lines of communication at senior levels. In the economic realm, regular exchanges with our Chinese counterparts can help us monitor economic and financial risks, and it can help create the conditions for a healthy economic relationship between our two countries
I believe that’s particularly important right now as the global economy faces headwinds like Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine and the lingering effects of the pandemic.
During this trip, I am discussing with Chinese officials our respective economic outlooks.
As I said in my speech in April, the U.S. seeks healthy economic competition with China. But healthy economic competition – where both sides benefit – is only sustainable if that competition is fair.
During meetings with my counterparts, I am communicating the concerns that I’ve heard from the U.S. business community – including China’s use of non-market tools like expanded subsidies for its state-owned enterprises and domestic firms, as well as barriers to market access for foreign firms. I’ve been particularly troubled by punitive actions that have been taken against U.S. firms in recent months.
I am also concerned about new export controls recently announced by China on two critical minerals used in technologies like semiconductors. We are still evaluating the impact of these actions, but they remind us of the importance of building resilient and diversified supply chains.
Our economic relationship with China must work for American workers and businesses. I will always champion your interests and work to make sure there is a level playing field. This includes coordinating with our allies to respond to China’s unfair economic practices.
I also think that a shift toward market reforms would be in China’s interests. A market-based approach helped spur rapid growth in China and helped lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. This is a remarkable economic success story.
Many of your firms understand how a level playing field can benefit both of our countries. China has an enormous and growing middle-class, with consumers who are eager to consume American goods and services.
I have made clear that the United States does not seek a wholesale separation of our economies. We seek to diversify, not to decouple. A decoupling of the world’s two largest economies would be destabilizing for the global economy, and it would be virtually impossible to undertake.
I also made clear that actions we take to protect our national security are designed to be narrowly targeted – and that they are premised on straightforward national security considerations and not undertaken to gain economic advantage over China.
In fact, trade between our two countries reached an all-time high last year. And if it is fair, trade and investment can support American jobs at home and promote American innovation. A stable and constructive relationship between the U.S. and China is in the interests of American workers and businesses.
I look forward to hearing from you today about your plans in China, as well as how China’s policies and practices are impacting your business operations.
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