{ "en": "And they said, We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered together, and they roll the stone from the well's mouth. Then we water the sheep.", "me": "Whiche answeriden, We moun not til alle scheep be gederid to gidere, and til we remouen þe stoon fro þe mouth of þe pit to watir þe flockis." }
{ "en": "While he was yet speaking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep. For she kept them.", "me": "Yit þei spaken, and lo! Rachel cam with þe scheep of hir fadir." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, that Jacob went near, and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, and watered the flock of Laban his mother's brother.", "me": "And whanne Jacob seiy hir, and knewe þe douytir of his modris brothir, and þe scheep of Laban his vncle, he remeuyde þe stoon with which þe pit was closid;" }
{ "en": "And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept.", "me": "and whanne þe flok was watrid, he kisside hir, and he wepte with vois reisid." }
{ "en": "And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's brother, and that he was Rebekah's son. And she ran and told her father.", "me": "And he schewide to hir þat he was þe brothir of hir fadir, and þe sone of Rebecca; and sche hastide, and telde to hir fadir." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass, when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his sister's son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and kissed him, and brought him to his house. And he told Laban all these things.", "me": "And whanne he hadde herd, þat Jacob, þe sone of his sistir, cam, he ran ayens hym, and he biclippide Jacob and kisside hym, and ledde in to his hows. Forsoþe whanne þe causis of þe iurney weren herd," }
{ "en": "And Laban said to him, Surely thou art my bone and my flesh. And he abode with him the space of a month.", "me": "Laban answeride, Þou art my boon and my fleisch. And aftir þat þe daies of o moneth weren fillid, Laban seide to him," }
{ "en": "And Laban said unto Jacob, Because thou art my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? Tell me, what shall thy wages be?", "me": "Whethir for thou art my brothir, thou schalt serue me frely? seie thou what mede thou schalt take." }
{ "en": "And Laban had two daughters. The name of the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel.", "me": "Forsoþe Laban hadde twei douytris, þe name of þe more was Lya, soþeli þe lesse was clepid Rachel;" }
{ "en": "And Leah's eyes were tender. But Rachel was beautiful and well favored.", "me": "but Lya was blere iyed, Rachel was of fair face, and semeli in siyt." }
{ "en": "And Jacob loved Rachel. And he said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.", "me": "And Jacob louede Rachel, and seide, Y schal serue þee seuene yeer for Rachel thi lesse douytir." }
{ "en": "And Laban said, It is better that I give her to thee, than that I should give her to another man. Abide with me.", "me": "Laban answeride, It is betere þat Y yyue hir to þee than to anothir man; dwelle thou at me." }
{ "en": "And Jacob served seven years for Rachel. And they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her.", "me": "Þerfor Jacob seruyde seuene yeer for Rachel; and þe daies semyden fewe to hym for þe greetnesse of loue." }
{ "en": "And Jacob said unto Laban, Give me my wife, for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her.", "me": "And he seide to Laban, Yyue thou my wijf to me, for þe tyme is fillid þat Y entre to hir." }
{ "en": "And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a feast.", "me": "And whanne many cumpenyes of freendis weren clepid to þe feeste, he made weddyngis," }
{ "en": "And it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter, and brought her to him. And he went in unto her.", "me": "and in þe euentid Laban brouyte in to hym Lya his douytir," }
{ "en": "And Laban gave Zilpah his handmaid unto his daughter Leah for a handmaid.", "me": "and yaf an handmaide, Selfa bi name, to þe douyter. And whanne Jacob hadde entrid to hir bi custom, whanne þe morewtid was maad, he seiy Lya," }
{ "en": "And it came to pass in the morning that, behold, it was Leah. And he said to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me? Did not I serve with thee for Rachel? Wherefore then hast thou beguiled me?", "me": "and seide to his wyues fadir, What is it þat thou woldist do? wher Y seruede not þee for Rachel? whi hast thou disseyued me?" }
{ "en": "And Laban said, It is not so done in our place, to give the younger before the first-born.", "me": "Laban answerde, It is not custom in oure place þat we yyue first þe lesse douytris to weddyngis;" }
{ "en": "Fulfil the week of this one, and we will give thee the other also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.", "me": "fille thou þe wouke of daies of this couplyng, and Y schal yyue to þee also this Rachel, for þe werk in which thou schalt serue me bi oþere seuene yeer." }
{ "en": "And jacob did so, and fulfilled her week. And he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife.", "me": "Jacob assentide to þe couenaunt, and whanne þe wouke was passid," }
{ "en": "And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her handmaid.", "me": "he weddide Rachel, to whom þe fadir hadde youe Bala seruauntesse." }
{ "en": "And he went in also unto Rachel, and he loved also Rachel more than Leah, and served with him yet seven other years.", "me": "And at þe laste he vside þe weddyngis desirid, and settide þe loue of þe wijf suynge bifore þe former; and he seruede at Laban seuene oþere yeer." }
{ "en": "And Jehovah saw that Leah was hated, and he opened her womb. But Rachel was barren.", "me": "Forsoþe þe Lord seiy þat he dispiside Lya, and openyde hir wombe while þe sistir dwellide bareyn." }
{ "en": "And Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben. For she said, Because Jehovah hath looked upon my affliction. For now my husband will love me.", "me": "And Lia childide a sone conseyued, and clepide his name Ruben, and seide, Þe Lord seiy my mekenesse; now myn hosebonde schal loue me." }
{ "en": "And she conceived again, and bare a son: and said, Because Jehovah hath heard that I am hated, he hath therefore given me this 'son' also. And she called his name Simeon.", "me": "And eft sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, For þe Lord seiy þat Y was dispisid, he yaf also this sone to me; and sche clepide his name Symeon." }
{ "en": "And she conceived again, and bare a son. And said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have borne him three sons. Therefore was his name called Levi.", "me": "And sche conseyuede þe thridde tyme, and childide anothir sone, and she seide also, Now myn hosebonde schal be couplid to me, for Y childide thre sones to him; and þerfor sche clepide his name Leuy." }
{ "en": "And she conceived again, and bare a son. And she said, This time will I praise Jehovah. Therefore she called his name Judah. And she left off bearing.", "me": "Þe fourþe tyme sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, Now I schal knouleche to þe Lord; and herfor she clepide his name Judas; and ceesside to childe." }
{ "en": "And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and she said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.", "me": "Forsoþe Rachel seiy, þat sche was vnfruytful, and hadde enuye to þe sister, and seide to hir hosebonde, Yyue thou fre children to me, ellis Y schal die." }
{ "en": "And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?", "me": "To whom Jacob was wrooth, and answerde, Wher Y am for God, which haue priued þee fro þe fruyt of thi wombe?" }
{ "en": "And she said, Behold, my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; that she may bear upon my knees, and I also may obtain children by her.", "me": "And sche seide, Y haue a seruauntesse Bala, entre thou to hir þat she childe on my knees, and þat Y haue sones of hir." }
{ "en": "And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife: and Jacob went in unto her.", "me": "And sche yaf to hym Bala in to matrimony;" }
{ "en": "And Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son.", "me": "and whanne þe hosebonde hadde entrid to hir, sche conseyuede, and childide a sone." }
{ "en": "And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.", "me": "And Rachel seide, þe Lord demede to me, and herde my preier, and yaf a sone to me; and þerfor sche clepide his name Dan." }
{ "en": "And Bilhah Rachel's handmaid conceived again, and bare Jacob a second son.", "me": "And eft Bala conseyuede, and childide anothir sone," }
{ "en": "And Rachel said, With mighty wrestlings have I wrestled with my sister, and have prevailed: and she called his name Naphtali.", "me": "for whom Rachel seide, Þe Lord hath maad me lijk to my sistir, and Y wexide strong; and sche clepide hym Neptalym." }
{ "en": "When Leah saw that she had left off bearing, she took Zilpah her handmaid, and gave her to Jacob to wife.", "me": "Lya feelide þat sche ceesside to bere child, and sche yaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to þe hosebonde." }
{ "en": "And Zilpah Leah's handmaid bare Jacob a son.", "me": "And whanne Selfa aftir conseyuyng childide a sone, Lya seide, Blessidly;" }
{ "en": "And Leah said, Fortunate! and she called his name Gad.", "me": "and þerfor sche clepide his name Gad." }
{ "en": "And Zilpah Leah's handmaid bare Jacob a second son.", "me": "Also Selfa childide anothir sone," }
{ "en": "And Leah said, Happy am I! for the daughters will call me happy: and she called his name Asher.", "me": "and Lia seide, Þis is for my blis, for alle wymmen schulen seie me blessid; þerfor sche clepide hym Aser." }
{ "en": "And Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes.", "me": "Forsoþe Ruben yede out in to þe feeld in þe tyme of wheete heruest, and foond mandragis, whiche he brouyte to Lya, his modir. And Rachel seide, Yyue thou to me a part of þe mandragis of thi sone." }
{ "en": "And she said unto her, Is it a small matter that thou hast taken away my husband? and wouldest thou take away my son's mandrakes also? And Rachel said, Therefore he shall lie with thee to-night for thy son's mandrakes.", "me": "Lya answeride, Wheþer it semeth litil to þee, þat thou hast rauyschid þe hosebonde fro me, no but thou take also þe mandragis of my sone? Rachel seide, Þe hosebonde sleepe with þee in this nyyt for þe mandragis of thi sone." }
{ "en": "And Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and said, Thou must come in unto me; for I have surely hired thee with my son's mandrakes. And he lay with her that night.", "me": "And whanne Jacob cam ayen fro þe feeld at euentid, Lya yede out in to his comyng, and seide, Þou shalt entre to me, for Y haue hired þee with hire for þe mandragis of my sone. He slepte with hir in þat nyyt;" }
{ "en": "And God hearkened unto Leah, and she conceived, and bare Jacob a fifth son.", "me": "and God herde hir preiers, and sche conseyuede, and childide þe fyueþe sone;" }
{ "en": "And Leah said, God hath given me my hire, because I gave my handmaid to my husband: and she called his name Issachar.", "me": "and seide, God yaf meede to me, for Y yaf myn handmayde to myn hosebond; and sche clepide his name Isacar." }
{ "en": "And Leah conceived again, and bare a sixth son to Jacob.", "me": "Eft Lia conseyuede, and childide þe sixte sone," }
{ "en": "And Leah said, God hath endowed me with a good dowry; now will my husband dwell with me, because I have borne him six sons: and she called his name Zebulun.", "me": "and seide, Þe Lord hath maad me riche with a good dower, also in this tyme myn hosebonde schal be with me, for Y childide sixe sones to hym; and þerfore sche clepide his name Sabulon." }
{ "en": "And afterwards she bare a daughter, and called her name Dinah.", "me": "Aftir whom sche childide a douyter, Dyna bi name." }
{ "en": "And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.", "me": "Also þe Lord hadde mynde on Rachel, and herde hir, and openyde hir wombe." }
{ "en": "And she conceived, and bare a son: and said, God hath taken away my reproach:", "me": "And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, God hath take a wey my schenschipe; and sche clepid his name Joseph," }
{ "en": "and she called his name Joseph, saying, Jehovah add to me another son.", "me": "and seide, Þe Lord yyue to me anoþer sone." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass, when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Send me away, that I may go unto mine own place, and to my country.", "me": "Soþeli whanne Joseph was borun, Jacob seide to his wyues fadir, Delyuere thou me, þat Y turne ayen in to my cuntrey and to my lond." }
{ "en": "Give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee, and let me go: for thou knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.", "me": "Yyue thou to me my wyues and fre children for whiche Y seruede þee, þat Y go; forsoþe thou knowist þe seruyce bi which Y seruede þee." }
{ "en": "And Laban said unto him, If now I have found favor in thine eyes, 'tarry': 'for' I have divined that Jehovah hath blessed me for thy sake.", "me": "Laban seide to hym, Fynde Y grace in thi siyt, Y haue lerned bi experience þat God blesside me for þee;" }
{ "en": "And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it.", "me": "ordeyne thou þe meede which Y schal yyue to þee." }
{ "en": "And he said unto him, Thou knowest how I have served thee, and how thy cattle have fared with me.", "me": "And he answeride, Þou woost hou Y seruede þee, and hou greet thi possessioun was in myn hondis;" }
{ "en": "For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it hath increased unto a multitude; and Jehovah hath blessed thee whithersoever I turned: and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?", "me": "thou haddist litil bifore þat Y cam to þee, and now thou art maad riche, and þe Lord blesside þee at myn entryng; þerfor it is iust þat Y purueye sum tyme also to myn hows." }
{ "en": "And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said, Thou shalt not give me aught: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed thy flock and keep it.", "me": "And Laban seide, What schal Y yyue to þee? And Jacob seide, Y wole no thing but if thou doist þat þat Y axe, eft Y schal fede and kepe thi scheep." }
{ "en": "I will pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every speckled and spotted one, and every black one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and 'of such' shall be my hire.", "me": "Cumpasse thou alle thi flockis, and departe thou alle diuerse scheep and of spottid flees, and what euer thing schal be dun, and spottid, and dyuerse, as wel in scheep as in geet, it schal be my mede." }
{ "en": "So shall my righteousness answer for me hereafter, when thou shalt come concerning my hire that is before thee: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, and black among the sheep, that 'if found' with me, shall be counted stolen.", "me": "And my riytfulnesse schal answere to me to morewe, whanne þe tyme of couenaunt schal come bifor þee; and alle þat ben not dyuerse and spottid and dunne, as well in sheep as in geet, schulen repreue me of þefte." }
{ "en": "And Laban said, Behold, I would it might be according to thy word.", "me": "And Laban seide, Y haue acceptable þat þat thou axist." }
{ "en": "And he removed that day the he-goats that were ringstreaked and spotted, and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white in it, and all the black ones among the sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons;", "me": "And he departide in þat dai þe geet, and scheep, geet buckis, and rammes, dyuerse and spottid. Soþely he bitook al þe flok of o coloure, þat is, of white and of blak flees in þe hond of hise sones;" }
{ "en": "and he set three days' journey betwixt himself and Jacob: and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks.", "me": "and he settide þe space of weie of thre daies bitwixe hise sones and þe hosebonde of hise douytris, þat fedde oþere flockis of hym." }
{ "en": "And Jacob took him rods of fresh poplar, and of the almond and of the plane-tree. And peeled white streaks in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods.", "me": "Þerfor Jacob took greene yerdis of popeleris, and of almoundis, and of planes, and in parti dide awei þe rynde of tho, and whanne þe ryndis weren drawun a wei, whitnesse apperide in þese þat weren maad bare; soþely tho þat weren hoole dwelliden grene, and bi this maner þe coloure was maad dyuerse." }
{ "en": "And he set the rods which he had peeled over against the flocks in the gutters in the watering-troughs where the flocks came to drink; and they conceived when they came to drink.", "me": "And Jacob puttide tho yerdis in þe trowis, where þe watir was held out, þat whanne þe flockis schulden come to drynke, þei schulden haue þe yerdis bifor þe iyen, and schulden conseyue in þe siyt of þe yerdis." }
{ "en": "And the flocks conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth ringstreaked, speckled, and spotted.", "me": "And it was doon þat in thilke heete of riding þe sheep schulde biholde þe yerdis, and þat þei schulden brynge forth spotti beestis, and dyuerse, and bispreynt with dyuerse colour." }
{ "en": "And Jacob separated the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstreaked and all the black in the flock of Laban: and he put his own droves apart, and put them not unto Laban's flock.", "me": "And Jacob departide þe floc, and puttide þe yerdis in þe trowis bifor þe iyen of þe rammys. Soþeli alle þe white and blake weren Labans; soþeli þe oþere weren Jacobis; for þe flockis weren departid bytwixe hem silf." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger of the flock did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the flock in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods;", "me": "Þerfor whanne þe scheep weren ridun in þe firste tyme, Jacob puttide þe yerdis in þe trouyis of watir bifor þe iyen of rammys and of scheep, þat þei schulden conseyue in þe siyt of tho yerdis." }
{ "en": "but when the flock were feeble, he put them not in: so the feebler were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's.", "me": "Forsoþe whanne þe late medlyng and þe laste conseyuyng weren, Jacob puttide not tho yerdis; and tho þat weren late, weren maad Labans, and tho þat weren of þe firste tyme weren Jacobis." }
{ "en": "And the man increased exceedingly, and had large flocks, and maid-servants and men-servants, and camels and asses.", "me": "And he was maad ful riche, and hadde many flockis, handmaydis, and seruauntis, camels, and assis." }
{ "en": "And he heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's; and of that which was our father's hath he gotten all this glory.", "me": "Aftir þat Jacob herde þe wordis of þe sones of Laban, þat seiden, Jacob hath take awei alle thingis þat weren oure fadris, and of his catel Jacob is maad riche, and noble." }
{ "en": "And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it was not toward him as beforetime.", "me": "Also Jacob perseyuede þe face of Laban, þat it was not ayens hym as yistirdai, and þe thridde dai agoon," }
{ "en": "And Jehovah said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.", "me": "moost for þe Lord seide to hym, Turne ayen into þe lond of thi fadris, and to thi generacioun, and Y shal be with þee." }
{ "en": "And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field unto his flock,", "me": "He sente, and clepide Rachel, and Lya, in to þe feeld, where he kepte flockis, and he seide to hem," }
{ "en": "and said unto them, I see your father's countenance, that it is not toward me as beforetime; but the God of my father hath been with me.", "me": "Y se þe face of youre fadir, þat it is not ayens me as yisterdai and þe thridde dai agoon; but God of my fadir was with me." }
{ "en": "And ye know that will all my power I have served your father.", "me": "And ye witen þat with alle my strengthis Y seruede youre fadir;" }
{ "en": "And your father hath deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffered him not to hurt me.", "me": "but and youre fadir disseyuyde me, and chaungide my meede ten sithis; and neþeles God suffride not hym to anoye me." }
{ "en": "If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the flock bare speckled: and if he said thus, The ringstreaked shall be thy wages; then bare all the flock ringstreaked.", "me": "If he seide ony tyme, Dyuerse colourid sheep schulen be thi medis, alle sheep brouyten forth dyuerse colourid lambren; forsoþe whanne he seide ayenward, Þou shalte take alle white for mede, alle þe flockis brouyten forth white beestis;" }
{ "en": "Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me.", "me": "and God took a wey þe substaunce of youre fadir, and yaf to me." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass at the time that the flock conceive, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the he-goats which leaped upon the flock were ringstreaked, speckled, and grizzled.", "me": "For aftir þat þe tyme of conseyuyng of sheep cam, Y reiside myn iyen, and seiy in sleep malis dyuerse, and spotti, and of dyuerse colouris, stiynge on femalis." }
{ "en": "And the angel of God said unto me in the dream, Jacob: and I said, Here am I.", "me": "And þe aungel of þe Lord seide to me in sleep, Jacob! and Y answeride, Y am redy." }
{ "en": "And he said, Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the he-goats which leap upon the flock are ringstreaked, speckled, and grizzled: for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee.", "me": "Which seide, Reise thin iyen, and se alle malis dyuerse, byspreynt, and spotti, stiynge on femalis; for Y seiy alle thingis whiche Laban dide to þee;" }
{ "en": "I am the God of Beth-el, where thou anointedst a pillar, where thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy nativity.", "me": "Y am God of Beþel, where thou anoyntidist a stoon, and madist auow to me. Now þerefor rise thou, and go out of this lond, and turne ayen in to þe lond of thi birþe." }
{ "en": "And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him, Is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father's house?", "me": "And Rachel and Lya answeriden, Wher we han ony thing residue in þe catels, and eritage of oure fadir?" }
{ "en": "Are we not accounted by him as foreigners? for he hath sold us, and hath also quite devoured our money.", "me": "Wher he arettide not vs as aliens, and selde, and eet oure prijs?" }
{ "en": "For all the riches which God hath taken away from our father, that is ours and our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.", "me": "But God took awei þe richessis of oure fadir, and yaf tho to vs, and to oure sones; wherfor do thou alle thingis whiche God hath comaundide to þee." }
{ "en": "Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his wives upon the camels;", "me": "Forsoþe Jacob roos, and puttide hise fre children and wyues on camels, and yede forth;" }
{ "en": "and he carried away all his cattle, and all his substance which he had gathered, the cattle of his getting, which he had gathered in Paddan-aram, to go to Isaac his father unto the land of Canaan.", "me": "and he took al his catel, flockis, and what euer thing he hadde gete in Mesopotanye, and yede to Isaac, his fadir, into þe lond of Canaan." }
{ "en": "Now Laban was gone to shear his sheep: and Rachel stole the teraphim that were her father's.", "me": "In þat tyme Laban yede to schere scheep, and Rachel stal þe idols of hir fadir." }
{ "en": "And Jacob stole away unawares to Laban the Syrian, in that he told him not that he fled.", "me": "And Jacob nolde knouleche to þe fadir of his wijf, þat he wolde fle;" }
{ "en": "So he fled with all that he had; and he rose up, and passed over the River, and set his face toward the mountain of Gilead.", "me": "and whanne he hadde go, as wel he as alle thingis þat weren of his riyt, and whanne he hadde passid þe water, and he yede ayens þe hil of Galaad," }
{ "en": "And it was told Laban on the third day that Jacob was fled.", "me": "it was teld to Laban, in þe thridde dai, þat Jacob fledde." }
{ "en": "And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and he overtook him in the mountain of Gilead.", "me": "And Laban took his briþeren, and pursuede hym seuene daies, and took hym in þe hil of Galaad." }
{ "en": "And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream of the night, and said unto him, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.", "me": "And Laban seiy in sleep þe Lord seiynge to him, Be war þat thou speke not ony thing sharpli ayens Jacob." }
{ "en": "And Laban came up with Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain: and Laban with his brethren encamped in the mountain of Gilead.", "me": "And thanne Jacob hadde stretchid forth þe tabernacle in þe hil; and whanne he hadde sued Jacob with his briþeren, he settide tente in þe same hil of Galaad; and he seide to Jacob," }
{ "en": "And Laban said to Jacob, What hast thou done, that thou hast stolen away unawares to me, and carried away my daughters as captives of the sword?", "me": "Whi hast thou do so, þat þe while I wiste not thou woldist dryue awey my douytris as caitifs by swerd?" }
{ "en": "Wherefore didst thou flee secretly, and steal away from me, and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth and with songs, with tabret and with harp;", "me": "Whi woldist thou fle þe while Y wiste not, neþer woldist shewe to me, þat Y shulde sue þee with ioie, and songis, and tympans, and harpis?" }
{ "en": "and didst not suffer me to kiss my sons and my daughters? now hast thou done foolishly.", "me": "Þou suffridist not þat Y schulde kisse my sones and douytris; thou hast wrouyt folili." }
{ "en": "It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.", "me": "And now soþeli myn hond mai yelde yuel to þee, but þe God of thi fadir seide to me yisterdai, Be war þat thou speke not ony harder thing with Jacob." }