VM i BMX-sykling 2012
VM i BMX-sykling 2012 (verdensmesterskapet i BMX-sykling) ble arrangert i Birmingham i Storbritannia i 2012.
Championnats du monde de BMX 2012
Les championnats du monde de BMX 2012 se sont déroulés du 23 au à Birmingham en Angleterre.
Mistrzostwa Świata w Kolarstwie BMX 2012
17. Mistrzostwa świata w kolarstwie BMX 2012 odbyły się w brytyjskim Birmingham, w dniach 23 – 27 maja 2012 roku. W programie znalazło się osiem konkurencji: wyścig elite i juniorów oraz jazda na czas elite i juniorów, zarówno dla kobiet jak i mężczyzn. W klasyfikacji medalowej zwyciężyli reprezentanci USA zdobywając łącznie sześć medali, w tym trzy złote.
2012 UCI BMX World Championships
The 2012 UCI BMX World Championships were the seventeenth edition of the UCI BMX World Championships and took place in Birmingham in the United Kingdom and crowned world champions in the cycling discipline of BMX.
Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo BMX de 2012
El XVII Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo BMX se celebró en Birmingham (Reino Unido) entre el 23 y el 27 de mayo de 2012 bajo la organización de la Unión Ciclista Internacional (UCI) y la Federación Británica de Ciclismo.
USA-mesterskapet i turn 2018
USA-mesterskapet i turn 2018 (2018 U.S. Gymnastics Championships) ble arrangert fra 16. til 19. august 2018 i TD Garden i Boston i Massachusetts.
2018 U.S. National Gymnastics Championships
The 2018 U.S. National Gymnastics Championships is the 55th edition of the U.S. National Gymnastics Championships. The competition was held from August 16–19, 2018 at the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts.
USA-mesterskapet i turn 2017
USA-mesterskapet i turn 2017 ble arrangert fra 17. til 20. august 2017 i Honda Center i Anaheim i California.
2017 U.S. National Gymnastics Championships
The 2017 <a href="P%26amp%3BG">P&G</a> U.S. National Gymnastics Championships is the 54th edition of the U.S. National Gymnastics Championships. The competition was held from August 17–20, 2017 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California.
The Masters Tournament 2019
The Masters Tournament 2019 var den 83. utgaven av golfturneringen Masters og ble arrangert på Augusta National Golf Club i Augusta i USA fra 11. til 14. april 2019.
2019 Masters Turnuvası
2019 Masters Turnuvası 11-14 Nisan tarihleri arasında Augusta National Golf Club'da düzenlenen golf turnuvasıdır. Dustin Johnson, Brooks Koepka ve Xander Schauffele'yi bir vuruş farkla geride bırakan Tiger Woods bu turnuvadaki beşinci şampiyonluğunu elde etmiştir. Turnuvaya katılan 87 oyuncunun 65'i 147 ve altı toplam vuruşla (+3) haftasonuna kalmayı başarmıştır.
2019 Masters Tournament
The 2019 Masters Tournament was the 83rd edition of the Masters Tournament and the first of golf's four major championships in 2019, held between April 11 and 14 at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia.
Masters de Augusta 2019
El Masters de Augusta 2019 fue la edición nº. 83 del Masters de Augusta y el primero de los Torneos Mayores. Tuvo lugar entre el 11 y el 14 de abril de 2019 en el "Augusta National Golf Club" en la ciudad estadounidense de Augusta, Georgia. El ganador fue el estadounidense Tiger Woods, consiguiendo así su quinto título del torneo (1997, 2001, 2002, 2005 y 2019).
Sierra-opprøret eller Túpac Amaru IIs opprør var et av de største av de fjorten indianske bondeopprørene mot det spanske kolonistyret i Perú på slutten av 1700-tallet, særlig mot Bourbon-husets reformer.
Révolte de Túpac Amaru II
La révolte de Túpac Amaru II est un soulèvement armé survenu entre 1780 et 1782 dans la vice-royauté du Pérou, plus précisément sur le haut plateau andin, en réaction à l’imposition des réformes bourbonniennes décidées à Madrid au cours des décennies précédentes. Le mouvement, dont l’instigateur et meneur fut le cacique indien José Gabriel Condorcanqui, alias Túpac Amaru II, débuta dans la région de Cuzco et s’étendit par la suite à tout le sud du Pérou ainsi qu’au Haut-Pérou, lequel appartenait alors à la vice-royauté du Río de la Plata. Les rigueurs et privations économiques consécutives à la mise en application desdites réformes bourbonniennes dans ces régions en furent la cause directe, s’ajoutant à l’oppression et l’exploitation structurelles des classes inférieures indiennes et métisses. Le mouvement fut poursuivi, après la défaite militaire et la mise à mort de Condorcanqui, par Diego Cristóbal Túpac Amaru, Andrés Túpac Amaru et Julián Apaza, alias Túpac Katari, jusqu’à sa liquidation définitive par les troupes espagnoles en
Powstanie Tupaca Amaru II
Powstanie Tupaca Amaru II – powstanie przeciwko hiszpańskiemu panowaniu w Peru wzniecone przez miejscowych Indian pod przywództwem Tupaca Amaru II 1780-1783.
Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II
The Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II (1780 – c. 1782) was an uprising of native and mestizo peasants with creole and mestizo support, led by indigenous caciques against the beneficiaries of the Bourbon reforms in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Other causes included widespread economic downturn and a revival of Inca identity embodied by Túpac Amaru II, a native cacique and the original leader of the rebellion. While Túpac Amaru II was captured and executed in 1781, the rebellion continued for at least another year under other leaders.
Rebelión de Túpac Amaru II
La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru II fue la primera gran revolución acontecida dentro del proceso emancipador que tuvo lugar en el virreinato del Perú y significó un precedente para las guerras de independencia que emergerían en América a inicios del siglo XIX. Originada como reacción a la imposición de las Reformas borbónicas en las colonias españolas en América. Fue iniciada en la región del Cuzco por el curaca José Gabriel Condorcanqui o Túpac Amaru II, el cual es reconocido como "Rey de América" y por ser quien marcó el inicio de la etapa emancipadora de la historia del Perú. Geográficamente, abarcó un área más extensa que la lucha coetánea en Norteamérica, donde se libraba la guerra de independencia de los Estados Unidos. Entre las proclamas de la revolución se hallan las reivindicaciones de la población indígena e, incluso, el primer decreto que abolía la esclavitud de los negros.
تمرد توباك أمارو الثاني
كان تمرد توباك أمارو الثاني (في الفترة من 1780 – 1782) ثورة للفلاحين الأصليين والستيزو ضد إصلاحات بوربون في النيابة الملكية على بيرو. في حين تم القبض على توباك أمارو الثاني، وهو قائد مبكر للتمرد وإعدامه في عام 1781، استمر التمرد لمدة عام آخر على الأقل في ظل قادة آخرين.
Pemberontakan Túpac Amaru II
Pemberontakan Túpac Amaru II adalah pemberontakan penduduk asli dan petani mestizo yang terjadi dari tahun 1780 hingga 1782 akibat diberlakukannya Reformasi Bourbon di Peru pada masa penjajahan Spanyol. Pada awalnya pemberontakan ini dipimpin oleh Túpac Amaru II, tetapi ia ditangkap dan hiukum mati pada tahun 1781. Meskipun begitu, pemberontakan masih berlanjut selama satu tahun hingga akhirnya pemberontakan ini dapat dipadamkan oleh Spanyol.
Juniorafrikamesterskapet i friidrett 2007
Juniorafrikamesterskapet i friidrett 2007 ble arrangert fra 9. til 12. august 2007 i Ouagadougou i Burkina Faso, og var den åttende utgaven av dette mesterskapet for afrikanske utøvere under 20 år.
Championnats d'Afrique juniors d'athlétisme 2007
Les Championnats d'Afrique juniors d'athlétisme se sont déroulés du 9 au 12 août 2007 à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso.
Mistrzostwa Afryki Juniorów w Lekkoatletyce 2007
8. Mistrzostwa Afryki Juniorów w Lekkoatletyce – zawody lekkoatletyczne dla sportowców do lat 19, które odbyły się w stolicy Burkina Faso Wagadugu między 9 i 12 sierpnia 2007.
2007 African Junior Athletics Championships
The 2007 African Junior Athletics Championships was the eighth edition of the biennial, continental athletics tournament for African athletes aged 19 years or younger. It was held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from 9–12 August. A total of 44 events were contested, 22 by men and 22 by women.
Struma Olayı
Struma Olayı veya Struma Fâciası, II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Nazilerden kaçan Yahudileri Filistin'e götürmek üzere Romanya'dan yola çıkan Struma gemisinin İstanbul açıklarında Ş-213 Sovyet denizaltısı tarafından batırılmasıdır.
Tragédie du Struma
La tragédie du Struma fait référence à la mort de 770 passagers et membres d'équipage du paquebot "Struma", torpillé en mer Noire par le sous-marin soviétique "ShCh-213" le .
Struma disaster
The "Struma" disaster was the sinking on 24 February 1942 of a ship, , that had been trying to take nearly 800 Jewish refugees from Axis-allied Romania to Mandatory Palestine. She was a small iron-hulled ship of only that had been built in 1867 as a steam-powered schooner but had recently been re-engined with an unreliable second-hand diesel engine. "Struma" was only long, had a beam of only and a draught of only but an estimated 791 refugees and 10 crew were crammed into her.
Conk Bayırı Muharebesi
Conkbayırı Muharebesi, 7 Ağustos 1915 tarihinde Anzak ve İngiliz birliklerinin Conk Bayırı Osmanlı mevzilerine taarruzlarıyla başlayan ve 10 Ağustos 1915 tarihine kadar süren çarpışmalardır.
Battle of Chunuk Bair
The Battle of Chunuk Bair () was a World War I battle fought between the Ottoman defenders and troops of the British Empire over control of the peak in August 1915. The capture of Chunuk Bair, ( Basin Slope, now "Conk Bayırı"), the secondary peak of the Sari Bair range, was one of the two objectives of the Battle of Sari Bair.
2011 Masters Turnuvası
2011 Masters Turnuvası 7-10 Nisan tarihleri arasında Augusta National Golf Club'da düzenlenen golf turnuvasıdır. Turnuvaya katılan 99 oyuncunun 49'u 145 ve altı toplam vuruşla (+1) haftasonuna kalmayı başarmıştır. Adam Scott ve Jason Day'i iki vuruş farkla geride bırakan Charl Schwartzel ilk Masters şampiyonluğunu kazanmıştır.
Masters de golf de 2011
Le Masters 2011 est la édition du Masters qui se dispute annuellement à l'Augusta National Golf Club situé dans la ville d'Augusta dans l'État de Géorgie aux États-Unis. Il est dans le calendrier le premier des quatre tournois majeurs annuels reconnus par les trois principaux circuits professionnels (PGA Tour, Tour européen PGA et le Japan Golf Tour), suivent l'Open américain, l'Open britannique et le Championnat de la PGA.
2011 Masters Tournament
The 2011 Masters Tournament was the 75th Masters Tournament, held April 7–10 at Augusta National Golf Club. Charl Schwartzel birdied the final four holes to win his first major championship, two strokes ahead of runners-up Adam Scott and Jason Day.
1873 FA Cup Finali
1873 FA Cup Finali, 29 Mart 1873'te, İngiltere'nin başkenti Londra'daki Lillie Bridge'de, Wanderers ile Oxford University arasında oynanan ve FA Cup'ın 1872-73 sezonunun finali olan futbol maçıdır. Turnuvanın ikinci sezonunun finali olan maç, aynı gün düzenlenen yıllık Oxford-Cambridge kürek yarışı ile çakışmaması adına, alışılmadık bir şekilde sabah oynatıldı. Bir önceki turnuvayı kazanan Wanderers, önceki şampiyonun finalde yer alacağına dair kural nedeniyle doğrudan finalist oldu. Turnuvaya birinci turdan dâhil olan Oxford University ise, dört turu geçmesinin ardından, yarı finaldeki rakibi Queen's Park'ın yarışmadan çekilmesiyle finale yükseldi.
1873 FA Cup Final
The 1873 FA Cup Final was a football match between Wanderers and Oxford University on 29 March 1873 at Lillie Bridge in London. It was the second final of the world's oldest football competition, the Football Association Challenge Cup (known in the modern era as the FA Cup). Unusually, the final was held in the morning, so as to avoid a clash with the annual Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race which was held on the same day. Wanderers reached the final without playing a match, as the original rules of the competition stated that the holders would receive a bye straight to the final and other teams would compete to gain the other place in the final and challenge the holders for the trophy. Oxford reached the final when their semi-final opponents, Queen's Park, dropped out of the competition
Final de la FA Cup de 1873
La final de la FA Cup de 1873 fue un partido de fútbol entre Wanderers y Oxford University disputado el 29 de marzo de 1873 en Lillie Bridge en Londres, Inglaterra. Fue la final de la segunda edición de la "Football Association Challenge Cup", después conocida como la FA Cup, el campeonato de fútbol más antiguo en existencia del mundo. Inusualmente la final fue programada en la mañana, para así evitar coincidir en horarios con la Regata Oxford-Cambridge que se celebraba el mismo día.
Final Piala FA 1873
Final Piala FA 1873 adalah pertandingan sepak bola antara Wanderers dan Oxford University yang diselenggarakan pada 29 Maret 1873 di Jembatan Lillie, London. Pertandingan ini merupakan pertandingan final kedua dari Piala Challenge The Football Association, yang pada masa modern dikenal sebagai Piala FA dalam musim 1872–1873. Pertandingan ini dimenangkan oleh Wanderers dengan skor 2–0.
Osmanlı-Hırvatistan Yüzyıl Savaşı
Osmanlı-Hırvatistan Yüzyıl Savaşı, (Hırvatça:" Stogodišnji hrvatsko-turski" rat veya "Stogodišnji rat protiv Turaka" veya St"ogodišnji rat s Osmanlijama") Hırvatistan Kralllığı ve müttefikleri ile Osmanlı Devleti arasında gerçekleşen muharebeler dizisidir. Bu muharebeler, Osmanlı ve Hırvatistan'ın diğer muharebelerine göre, nispeten daha küçük çapta muharebelerdir.
Hundred Years' Croatian–Ottoman War
The Hundred Years' Croatian–Ottoman War (, "Stogodišnji rat protiv Turaka", "Stogodišnji rat s Osmanlijama") is the name for a sequence of conflicts, mostly of relatively low intensity, ("Small War", Croatian: "Mali rat") between the Ottoman Empire and the medieval Kingdom of Croatia (ruled by the Jagiellon and Zápolya dynasties), and the later Habsburg Kingdom of Croatia.
Chorvatská stoletá válka
Chorvatská stoletá válka (chorvatsky "Stogodišnji hrvatsko-turski rat", "Stogodišnji rat protiv Turaka", "Stogodišnji rat s Osmanlijama" ) je název řady, většinou krátkých, ozbrojených střetů (také se jim říká „malá válka“, chorvatsky "Mali rat" ) mezi Osmanskou říší a Chorvatským královstvím (ovládaným dynastií Jagellonců a Zápolských) a následně Chorvatskem v rámci Habsburské monarchie.
حرب المئة عام الكرواتية العثمانية
حرب المئة عام الكرواتية العثمانية (بالكرواتية: "Stogodišnji hrvatsko-turski rat"، أو "Stogodišnji rat protiv Turaka"، أو "Stogodišnji rat s Osmanlijama") هو الاسم الذي أطلِقَ على سلسلة من النزاعات التي درات بين الدولة العثمانية ومملكة كرواتيا القروسطية إبَّان العصور الوسطى (التي كن يحكمها سلالة ياغيلون و زابوليا)، ومملكة هابسبورغ في وقت لاحق من كرواتيا. وطغى على غالبية هذه النزاعات طابع الحروب الخفيفة نسبياً حيث تُعرف بالكرواتية باسم «الحروب الصغيرة» (بالكرواتية: "Mali rat").
1992 Dünya Güreş Şampiyonası
1992 Dünya Güreş Şampiyonası kadınlar serbest stil kategorilerinde 29. defa düzenlenen organizasyondur. Müsabakalara ev sahipliğini 4-5 Eylül tarihleri arasında Fransa'nin Villeurbanne kenti yapmıştır.
Championnats du monde de lutte 1992
Les Championnats du monde de lutte 1992 se sont tenus du 4 au à Villeurbanne ; seules les épreuves de lutte féminine se sont tenues.
Mistrzostwa Świata w Zapasach 1992
40. Mistrzostwa Świata w Zapasach 1992 odbyły się w mieście Villeurbanne (Francja).
1992 World Wrestling Championships
The 1992 World Wrestling Championships were held in Villeurbanne, France.
Campeonato Mundial de Lucha de 1992
El XLIV Campeonato Mundial de Lucha se realizó en Lyon (Francia) entre el 4 y el 5 de septiembre de 1992 bajo la organización de la Federación Internacional de Luchas Asociadas (FILA) y la Federación Francesa de Lucha. Solamente se compitió en las categorías del estilo libre femenino.
1956 FA Cup Finali
1956 FA Cup Finali, 5 Mayıs 1956 tarihinde 1955-56 FA Cup şampiyonunu belirlemek için Wembley Stadyumu'nda, Manchester City ile Birmingham City takımları arasında oynanan FA Cup finalidir. Manchester City, mücadeleyi 3-1 kazanarak, FA Cup şampiyonluğunu elde etti.
Chung kết Cúp FA 1956
Chung kết Cúp FA 1956 là trận chung kết cúp FA giữa Manchester City và Birmingham City. Đây là trận tái đấu của chung kết 1931, và kết thúc với tỷ số 3-1 nghiêng về Man City.
Finale de la Coupe d'Angleterre de football de 1956
La finale de la Coupe d'Angleterre de football de 1956 est une rencontre de football opposant Manchester City et Birmingham City le dans le premier Wembley Stadium à Londres. Ce match est le dernier de l'édition 1956 de la Coupe d'Angleterre, compétition majeure du football anglais. Manchester City joue là sa sixième finale et la deuxième consécutive, le club ayant perdu l’édition précédente. Birmingham City se présente en finale pour la seconde fois de son histoire, le club ayant perdu l’édition de 1931.
1956 FA Cup Final
The 1956 FA Cup Final was the final match of the 1955–56 staging of English football's primary cup competition, the Football Association Challenge Cup, better known as the FA Cup. The showpiece event was contested between Manchester City and Birmingham City at Wembley Stadium in London on Saturday 5 May 1956. Two-time winners Manchester City were appearing in their sixth final, whereas Birmingham City were seeking to win the competition for the first time, having lost their only previous final in 1931.
Final de la FA Cup de 1956
La final de la FA Cup de 1956 fue un partido de fútbol disputado el 5 de mayo de 1956 en el antiguo estadio de Wembley de Londres, Inglaterra, entre los ganadores de las semifinales de la Football Association Challenge Cup, más conocida como la FA Cup: el Manchester City y el Birmingham City. Noventa minutos de juego decidieron el equipo campeón del torneo. Fue la sexta aparición en esta ronda para el Manchester, mientras que el Birmingham luchó por su primer campeonato, después de que hubiese perdido en la final de la edición de 1931.
2014 ARIA Müzik Ödülleri
2014 ARIA Müzik Ödülleri (özgün adıyla "Australian Recording Industry Association Music Awards"), geleneksel ARIA Müzik Ödülleri'nin yirmi sekizincisidir.
ARIA Music Awards of 2014
The 28th Annual Australian Recording Industry Association Music Awards (generally known as ARIA Music Awards or simply The ARIAs) are a series of award ceremonies which include the 2014 ARIA Artisan Awards, ARIA Hall of Fame Awards, ARIA Fine Arts Awards and ARIA Awards. The latter ceremony took place on 26 November at the Star Event Centre, and was telecast by Network Ten.
2013 ARIA Müzik Ödülleri
2013 ARIA Müzik Ödülleri, Avustralya Kayıt Endüstrisi Birliği (ARIA) tarafından düzenlenen geleneksel ödüllerin yirmi yedincisidir. 1 Aralık 2013'te Star Event Centre'da gerçekleştirildi.
ARIA Music Awards of 2013
The 27th Annual Australian Recording Industry Association Music Awards (generally known as ARIA Music Awards or simply The ARIAs) were a series of award ceremonies which included the 2013 ARIA Artisan Awards, ARIA Hall of Fame Awards, ARIA Fine Arts Awards and ARIA Awards. The latter ceremony occurred on 1 December at the Star Event Centre, and was telecast on Nine Network's channel Go! at 7:30pm.
2009 ARIA Müzik Ödülleri
23. Geleneksel Australian Recording Industry Association Müzik Ödülleri (genellikle ARIA Müzik Ödülleri ya da kısaltılmışı The ARIAs olarak bilinir) töreni 26 Kasım 2009'de Sydney Olympic Park spor ve eğlence merkezindeki Acer Arena'da yapılmıştır. Tören akşam saat 8:30'da Nine Network'de televizyon yayını olarak yayınlanmıştır. Törendeki tüm ödül kategorileri 8 Ekim'de duyurulmuştur. Güzel sanatlar ödülleri ve sanatçı ödülleri 10 Kasımda duyuruldu. 23. törende en fazla ödül kazanan Empire of the Sun, törende 7 ödülün sahibi oldu.
ARIA Music Awards of 2009
The 23rd Annual Australian Recording Industry Association Music Awards (generally known as ARIA Music Awards or simply The ARIAs) took place on 26 November 2009 at the Acer Arena at the Sydney Olympic Park complex. The ceremony was telecast on the Nine Network at 8:30pm that night. The nominees for all categories were announced on 8 October, with the winners of the Fine Arts Awards and Artisan Awards announced on 10 November. Biggest winners for the year were Empire of the Sun which collected a total of seven awards.
1951 NBA All-Star Maçı
1951 NBA All-Star Maçı, 2 Mart 1951 tarihinde Boston Garden'da oynanan ilk NBA All-Star Maçıdır. Doğu'nun koçluğunu New York Knicks'ten Joe Lapchick yaparken, Batı'nın koçluğunu Minneapolis Lakers'tan John Kundla yapmıştır. Maçın MVP Ödülünü 20 sayı atan Boston oyuncusu Ed Macauley almıştır.
NBA All-Star Game 1951
Le NBA All-Star Game 1951 est le premier du genre, il s’est déroulé le au Boston Garden de Boston. Les All-Star de l’Est ont battu les All-Star de l’Ouest . Ed Macauley fut élu MVP.
1951 NBA All-Star Game
The 1951 NBA All-Star Game was an exhibition basketball game played on March 2, 1951, at Boston Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, home of the Boston Celtics. The game was the first edition of the National Basketball Association (NBA) All-Star Game and was played during the 1950–51 NBA season. The idea of holding an All-Star Game was conceived during a meeting between NBA President Maurice Podoloff, NBA publicity director Haskell Cohen and Boston Celtics owner Walter A. Brown. At that time, the basketball world had just been stunned by the college basketball point-shaving scandal. In order to regain public attention to the league, Cohen suggested the league to host an exhibition game featuring the league's best players, similar to the Major League Baseball's All-Star Game. Although most people, including Podoloff, were pessimistic about the idea, Brown remained confident that it would be a success. He even offered to host the game and to cover all the expenses or potential losses incurred from the game. The Eastern All-Stars team defeated the Western All-Stars team 111–94. Boston Celtics' Ed Macauley was named as the first NBA All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award. The game became a success, drawing an attendance of 10,094, much higher than that season's average attendance of 3,500.
All-Star Game de la NBA 1951
El primer All-Star Game de la NBA de la historia se disputó el día 2 de marzo de 1951 en el Boston Garden de la ciudad de Boston, Massachusetts. El equipo de la Conferencia Este estuvo dirigido por Joe Lapchick, entrenador de New York Knicks y el de la Conferencia Oeste por John Kundla, de Minneapolis Lakers. La victoria correspondió al equipo del Este, por 111-94, siendo elegido MVP del All-Star Game de la NBA el pívot de Boston Celtics Ed Macauley, que consiguió 20 puntos y 6 rebotes, dejando además a la estrella del Oeste, George Mikan, con tan solo 4 tiros de campo anotados. El partido fue seguido en directo por 10.094 espectadores. Estuvo a punto de no disputarse, pero gracias a la insistencia de Maurice Podoloff, el comisionado de la liga, se pudo llevar adelante.
Bóng đá tại Đại hội Thể thao Đông Nam Á 2013
Giải bóng đá tại Đại hội Thể thao Đông Nam Á 2013 diễn ra từ ngày 7 đến 21 tháng 12 năm 2013.. Đối với bóng đá nam chỉ tổ chức cho nam giữa các đội tuyển trẻ quốc gia U-23 (dưới 23 tuổi). Bóng đá nữ thì không giới hạn độ tuổi.
Football at the 2013 Southeast Asian Games
The 27th association football tournament at the 2013 Southeast Asian Games took place in Myanmar between 7–21 December. It was played among U-23 (under 23 years old) national teams, while the women's tournament had no age limit.
ฟุตบอลในซีเกมส์ 2013
การแข่งขันฟุตบอลในกีฬาซีเกมส์ 2013 ครั้งที่ 27 มีขึ้นในประเทศพม่า ระหว่างวันที่ 7–21 ธันวาคม 2556 โดยเป็นการเล่นทีมชาติในชุดอายุไม่เกิน 23 ปี, ในขณะที่การแข่งขันของทัวร์นาเมนต์ผู้หญิงไม่มีจำกัดอายุ
Sepak bola pada Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2013
Sepak bola pada Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2013 merupakan edisi keduapuluhtujuh dari penyelenggaraan cabang olahraga sepak bola pada Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara. Berlangsung di Myanmar dari tanggal 7 hingga 21 Desember 2013. Tim nasional yang bermain adalah tim nasional di bawah usia 23 tahun, sementara untuk turnamen wanita tidak memiliki batasan usia.
Trận Thành cổ Quảng Trị
Trận Thành cổ Quảng Trị () là một trận chiến giữa Quân Giải phóng miền Nam Việt Nam được sự hỗ trợ về hậu cần của Quân đội Nhân dân Việt Nam với Quân đội Hoa Kỳ và Quân lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa tại khu vực thành cổ Quảng Trị vào năm 1972. Đây là một trong những trận chiến ác liệt nhất của Chiến dịch Xuân Hè 1972 trong Chiến tranh Việt Nam.
Second Battle of Quảng Trị
The Second Battle of Quang Tri (also called Operation "Lam Son 72") () began on 28 June 1972 and lasted 81 days until 16 September 1972, when South Vietnam's Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) defeated the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) at the ancient citadel of Quảng Trị () and recaptured most of Quảng Trị Province.
Hội nghị Fontainebleau 1946
Conférence de Fontainebleau (1946)
La conférence de Fontainebleau est une conférence entre le gouvernement français et le Viêt-minh qui s’est tenue à l’été 1946 à Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) en vue de trouver une solution au conflit et à l'indépendance du Viêt Nam. Elle fait suite aux accords Hô-Sainteny de mars de la même année.
Fontainebleau Agreements
The Fontainebleau Agreements were a proposed arrangement between the France and the Vietminh, made in 1946 before the outbreak of the First Indochina War. The agreements affiliated Vietnam under the French Union. At the meetings, Ho Chi Minh pushed for Vietnamese independence but the French would not agree to this proposal.
Chiến dịch Sea Dragon
Chiến dịch Sea Dragon (Rồng Biển) diễn ra trong chiến tranh Việt Nam là một loạt các chiến dịch hải quân của Hoa Kỳ bắt đầu từ năm 1966 nhằm cắt đứt các tuyến vận tải và liên lạc từ Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng hòa vào miền nam Việt Nam, đánh phá các mục tiêu trên đất liền bằng hỏa lực từ tàu chiến. Mục tiêu chủ yếu của chiến dịch Rồng Biển là đánh chặn và phá hủy tàu thuyền hậu cần của đối phương có kích cỡ từ những xà lan tự hành cỡ lớn cho đến thuyền buồm cỡ nhỏ và thuyền tam bản. Các cố vấn Hải quân Hoa Kỳ được điều động sang Hải quân Việt Nam Cộng hòa và các trục lôi hạm Hoa Kỳ đã hỗ trợ các tàu hải quân Việt Nam Cộng hòa trong hoạt động tuần tra gần khu phi quân sự. Các máy bay trực thăng tấn công của Mỹ được sửa đổi đặc biệt để làm nhiệm vụ đuổi theo và vô hiệu hóa những tàu miền Bắc, giúp cho biệt kích hải quân Hoa Kỳ và Việt Nam Cộng hòa có thể leo lên tàu.
Operation Sea Dragon (Vietnam War)
Operation Sea Dragon occurred during the Vietnam War and was a series of American-led naval operations beginning in October 1966 to interdict sea lines of communications and supply going south from North Vietnam to South Vietnam, and to destroy land targets with naval gunfire. Sea Dragon assets were a part of Task Force 70.8, whose mission was naval shore bombardment. The U.S Navy Seventh Fleet destroyers USS "Mansfield" (DD-728) and USS "Hanson" (DD-832) commenced operations on 25 October 1966 off the coast of Quang Tri Province to intercept and destroy waterborne supply craft which were attempting to carry supplies and personnel from North Vietnam to areas south of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in South Vietnam. Although the initial sweep by the two destroyers was unproductive, by February 1967 raids had been conducted as far as 230 miles north of the DMZ to the 20th parallel. At the height of the operation in May 1967 2 cruisers and 12 destroyers were assigned Sea Dragon missions. Targets included radar stations, boat repair facilities, bridges, and surface-to-air missile sites. Seventh Fleet calculated that after one year of operations that Sea Dragon assets had sunk or damaged 2000 logistics craft. During the operation lifetime there were 29 Sea Dragon ships damaged by shore battery fire with 5 sailors killed and 26 wounded. In April 1968, the area of operations was reduced to that below the 19th parallel, only 150 miles north of the DMZ. The operation ended on 31 October 1968 when Seventh Fleet assets withdrew to south of the DMZ
Slag van Bergendal
Die Slag van Bergendal of Slag van Dalmanutha het van 21 tot 27 Augustus 1900 digby Belfast (tans in Mpumalanga) plaasgevind. "Berg-en-Dal" was die naam van die plaas waarop die finale geveg van die veldslag plaasgevind het. Dalmanutha is die naam van die nabygeleë spoorwegstasie. Dit was die laaste veldslag van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog. Daarna het die Boere die oorlog as guerillas voortgesit. Die veldslag is ook daarvoor bekend dat al vier die Boere se Long Tom kanonne daar gebruik was.
Battle of Bergendal
The Battle of Berg-en-dal (also known as the Battle of Belfast or Battle of Dalmanutha) took place in South Africa during the Second Anglo-Boer War.
Australiese krieketbalpeuterskandaal van 2018
In Maart 2018 was die Australiese nasionale krieketspan betrokke by 'n balpeuterskandaal tydens en na afloop van die derde Toets teen Suid-Afrika in Kaapstad toe Cameron Bancroft deur televisiekameras uitgevang is, terwyl hy probeer het om die een kant van die bal met skuurpapier grof te maak. Dit sou die swaai van die bal in vlug verbeter, maar wat volgens krieketreëls streng ontoelaatbaar is. Die kaptein, Steve Smith, en onderkaptein, David Warner, was albei betrokke by die beplanning van die verneukspul en al drie is ongekende lang skorsings uit internasionale en plaaslike krieket deur Krieket Australië opgelê. Alhoewel daar bevind is dat hy nie hierby betrokke was nie, het Australië se afrigter, Darren Lehmann, ook aangekondig dat hy sou bedank as gevolg van die skandaal. Steve Smith is deur Tim Paine vervang as die span se toetskaptein.
2018 Australian ball-tampering scandal
The 2018 Australian ball-tampering scandal, also known as the Sandpapergate scandal, was a cricket scandal surrounding the Australian national cricket team. In March 2018, during the third Test match against South Africa at Newlands in Cape Town, Cameron Bancroft was caught by television cameras trying to rough up one side of the ball with sandpaper to make it swing in flight. Captain Steve Smith and vice-captain David Warner were found to be involved and all three received unprecedented sanctions from Cricket Australia. Although he was found not to have been directly involved, Australia's coach, Darren Lehmann, announced he would step down from his role following the scandal. Smith was replaced by Tim Paine as Test captain, and Aaron Finch as T20I and ODI captain.
२०१८ ऑस्ट्रेलियाई गेंद-छेड़छाड़ कांड
मार्च २०१८ में, ऑस्ट्रेलियाई क्रिकेट टीम, केप टाउन में दक्षिण अफ़्रीका के खिलाफ तीसरे टेस्ट मैच के दौरान गेंद के साथ छेड़छाड़ वाली घटना में शामिल थी। इसमें मुख्य रूप में तत्कालीन तत्कालीन कप्तान स्टीव स्मिथ, उप कप्तान डेविड वॉर्नर और कैमरून बैनक्रॉफ्ट दोषी पाए गये थे जिसके बाद इन्हें क्रिकेट ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने उनपर प्रतिबंध भी लगाया है। साथ ही स्मिथ और वॉर्नर को कप्तानी और उप कप्तानी भी छोड़नी पड़ी।
Hoki Piala Dunia Remaja 2016
Hoki Piala Dunia Remaja 2016 adalah edisi ke-11 Hoki Piala Dunia Remaja, sebuah kejohanan hoki antarabangsa untuk remaja lelaki. Ia akan diadakan antara 08 Disember hingga 18 Disember 2016 di India.
2016 Men's Hockey Junior World Cup
The 2016 Men's Hockey Junior World Cup was the 11th edition of the Hockey Junior World Cup for men, an international field hockey tournament. It was held in Lucknow, India from 8–18 December 2016. A total of sixteen teams competed for the title.
Pertempuran Labuan
Pertempuran Labuan merupakan pertempuran yang dilawan antara angkatan bersenjata Pihak Berikat dengan Empayar Jepun di pulau Labuan di Borneo pada bulan June 1945. Ia membentuk bahagian serangan Borneo Utara Australia, dan dimulakan oleh angkatan bersenjata Pihak Berikat sebagai sebahagian daripada rancangan untuk menawan kawasan Teluk Brunei dan membangunkannya menjadi pangkalan untuk menyokong serangan kelak.
Bataille de Labuan
La bataille de Labuan oppose les forces australiennes et japonaises durant la campagne de Bornéo lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle se déroule du en Malaisie sur l’île de Labuan et s’inscrit dans le cadre de l'invasion australienne du Nord de Bornéo. Engagée sur l'initiative des forces alliées, elle a pour but de prendre le contrôle de la baie de Brunei, base de soutien stratégique pour de futures offensives sur l'île de Bornéo.
Battle of Labuan
The Battle of Labuan was an engagement fought between Allied and Imperial Japanese forces on the island of Labuan off Borneo during June 1945. It formed part of the Australian invasion of North Borneo, and was initiated by the Allied forces as part of a plan to capture the Brunei Bay area and develop it into a base to support future offensives.
معركة لابوان
معركة لابوان كانت معركة بين قوات الحلفاء وقوات إمبراطورية اليابان في جزيرة لابوان قبالة بورنيو في يونيو عام 1945. وشكلت جزءًا من الغزو الأسترالي لشمال بورنيو، وبدأته قوات الحلفاء كجزء من خطة للسيطرة على منطقة "خليج بروناي" وتطويره إلى قاعدة عسكرية لدعم الهجمات المستقبلية.
Athlétisme aux Jeux asiatiques de 1998
Les compétitions d'athlétisme aux Jeux asiatiques de 1998 se sont déroulés près de Bangkok, en Thaïlande, dans le stade Thammasat.
Athletics at the 1998 Asian Games
The athletics competition at the 1998 Asian Games were held in Bangkok, Thailand between 13 and 20 December.
Championnats du monde d'escalade 1995
Les Championnats du monde d'escalade 1995 se sont tenus à Genève, en Suisse, le .
Mistrzostwa Świata we Wspinaczce Sportowej 1995
Mistrzostwa Świata we Wspinaczce Sportowej 1995 – 3. edycja mistrzostw świata we wspinaczce sportowej, która odbyła się w dniu 6 maja 1995 w szwajcarskim mieście Genewie. Podczas zawodów wspinaczkowych zawodnicy i zawodniczki rywalizowali w 4 konkurencjach. Polka Renata Piszczek zdobyła brązowy medal we wspinaczce na szybkość "(obroniła medal i miejsce z mistrzostw świata 1993 z Innsbrucka)".
1995 UIAA Climbing World Championships
The 1995 UIAA Climbing World Championships, the 3rd edition, were held in Geneva, Switzerland from 5 to 6 May 1995. It was organized by the Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA). The championships consisted of lead and speed events.
Campeonato Mundial de Escalada de 1995
El III Campeonato Mundial de Escalada se celebró en Ginebra (Suiza) el 6 de mayo de 1995 bajo la organización de la Federación Internacional de Escalada Deportiva (IFSC) y la Federación Helvética de Deportes de Escalada.
Championnats d'Asie d'athlétisme 1975
Les Championnats d'Asie d'athlétisme se sont déroulés à Séoul, en Corée du Sud en 1975.
Mistrzostwa Azji w Lekkoatletyce 1975
2. Mistrzostwa Azji w lekkoatletyce – zawody lekkoatletyczne, które odbyły się w stolicy Korei Południowej - Seulu w dniach od 9 do 14 czerwca 1975 roku na stadionie Dongdaemun Stadium.
1975 Asian Athletics Championships
The second Asian Athletics Championships were held in 1975 in Seoul, South Korea.
Championnats d'Asie d'athlétisme 1985
Les Championnats d'Asie d'athlétisme se sont déroulés à Djakarta, en Indonésie en 1985.
Mistrzostwa Azji w Lekkoatletyce 1985
6. Mistrzostwa Azji w lekkoatletyce – zawody lekkoatletyczne rozegrane w trzeciej dekadzie września 1985 w stolicy Indonezji, Dżakarcie
1985 Asian Athletics Championships
The sixth Asian Championships in Athletics were held in September 1985 at the Senayan Madya Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Championnat de France de rugby à XV 2020-2021
La saison 2020-2021 de Top 14 est la du championnat de France de rugby à XV. Elle oppose pour la consécutive les quatorze meilleures équipes professionnelles de rugby à XV françaises. La saison débute le et se termine le lors de la finale pour le titre de Champion de France.
2020–21 Top 14 season
The 2020–21 Top 14 competition is the 122nd French domestic rugby union club competition operated by the Ligue Nationale de Rugby (LNR). After play was suspended following the 17th matchday of the 2019–20 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic in France, the season was officially cancelled without any winner or promotion/relegation on 6 May 2020. Of the 2020–21 season, some last round matches were rescheduled for 16/17 January 2021, with the playoffs and final taking place in June 2021.
Riverview Park (Chicago)
Riverview Park était un parc d'attractions situé à Chicago, dans l'Illinois, aux États-Unis et qui a fonctionné de 1904 à 1967.
Riverview Park (Chicago)
Riverview Park was an amusement park in Chicago, Illinois, which operated from 1904 to 1967. It was located on in an area bound on the south by Belmont Avenue, on the east by Western Avenue, on the north by Lane Tech College Prep High School, and on the west by the North Branch of the Chicago River. It was located in the Roscoe Village neighborhood of Chicago's North Center community area.
Bataille de Belmont (1899)
La bataille de Belmont est le nom d'un affrontement qui s'est tenu durant la Seconde Guerre des Boers dans la ville de Belmont en Afrique du Sud le , lorsque le commandant Lord Methuen de l'Empire britannique en route pour lever le siège de Kimberley attaqua une position boer du Commandant Jacobus Prinsloo. Les troupes britanniques suivaient la voie de chemin de fer menant à Kimberley pour aller lever le siège de la ville. Une bataille se déroula également à la station suivante de Graspan
Battle of Belmont (1899)
The Battle of Belmont was an engagement of the Second Boer War on 23 November 1899, where the British under Lord Methuen assaulted a Boer position on Belmont kopje.