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T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | es-ES | A partir de ahora, inicia el reto de implementar la E2050 articulando su visión, principios fundamental- es y apuestas a los instrumentos de política pública, que contribuyan a construir el camino para una nue- va Colombia carbono neutral y con amplias capaci- dades de adaptación al cambio climático. Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf Ministro de ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleCONTENIDO Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Circunstancias nacionales 6.1 Apuestas para alcanzar la resiliencia climática socioecológica en Colombia al 2050 Página 145 ◆ 6.2 Relación entre apuestas de la E2050 Página 183 ◆ 6.3 Medios de implementación para sustentar e impulsar la resiliencia climática Página 196 Áreas de acción para la transición a una Colombia resiliente: referentes de ambición e instrumentos Literatura citada Anexos 9.1 Cuento: “Vientos de cambio: Una historia de carbono neutralidad”, historia para acercar al público infantil (niños de educación básica primaria) las transfor- maciones profundas que impulsa la E2050 para Colombia Página 265 ◆ 9.2 Relación de estudios de apoyo elaborados para la construcción de la E2050 Página 266 7.1 Anclaje institucional, de monitoreo, seguimiento, y evalua- ción Página 245 ◆ 7.2 Inclusión de consideraciones de largo plazo en planificación, políticas e instrumentos Página 247 ◆ 7.3 Información, capacidades y tecnología para la resiliencia climática Página 249 ◆ 7.4 Implementación pionera de apues- tas y opciones de transformación de la E2050 Página 250 ◆ 7.5 Comunicación y gestión de la transición Página 252 El camino a seguir para la implementación y la actualización de la E2050 3.1 Contexto y justificación nacional e inter- nacional para la acción Página 53 ◆ 3.2 El cambio climático en Colombia: comporta- miento esperado de la temperatura y la pre- cipitación a mediados del siglo XXI Página 56 ◆ 3.3 Perfil de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) por sector en Colombia Página 65 ◆ 3.4 Colombia, un país con alto riesgo por cambio climático (periodo 2040- 2070) Página 75 ◆ 3.5 Evaluación de posibles efectos económicos de la transición hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 92 Mandato e importancia de tener una estrategia de largo plazo 4.1 Resiliencia socioecológica como fundamento para la acción climática Página 101 ◆ 4.2 Cons- trucción participativa de la Estrategia Climática de Largo Plazo E2050 Página 108 ◆ 4.3 El camino colombiano hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 111 Bases para la construcción de un futuro resiliente al clima en Colombia fundamentales La visión de ColombiaMensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores. | Colombia | {
"answer_start": 406,
"text": "A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | COL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | es-ES | Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf Ministro de ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleCONTENIDO Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Circunstancias nacionales 6.1 Apuestas para alcanzar la resiliencia climática socioecológica en Colombia al 2050 Página 145 ◆ 6.2 Relación entre apuestas de la E2050 Página 183 ◆ 6.3 Medios de implementación para sustentar e impulsar la resiliencia climática Página 196 Áreas de acción para la transición a una Colombia resiliente: referentes de ambición e instrumentos Literatura citada Anexos 9.1 Cuento: “Vientos de cambio: Una historia de carbono neutralidad”, historia para acercar al público infantil (niños de educación básica primaria) las transfor- maciones profundas que impulsa la E2050 para Colombia Página 265 ◆ 9.2 Relación de estudios de apoyo elaborados para la construcción de la E2050 Página 266 7.1 Anclaje institucional, de monitoreo, seguimiento, y evalua- ción Página 245 ◆ 7.2 Inclusión de consideraciones de largo plazo en planificación, políticas e instrumentos Página 247 ◆ 7.3 Información, capacidades y tecnología para la resiliencia climática Página 249 ◆ 7.4 Implementación pionera de apues- tas y opciones de transformación de la E2050 Página 250 ◆ 7.5 Comunicación y gestión de la transición Página 252 El camino a seguir para la implementación y la actualización de la E2050 3.1 Contexto y justificación nacional e inter- nacional para la acción Página 53 ◆ 3.2 El cambio climático en Colombia: comporta- miento esperado de la temperatura y la pre- cipitación a mediados del siglo XXI Página 56 ◆ 3.3 Perfil de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) por sector en Colombia Página 65 ◆ 3.4 Colombia, un país con alto riesgo por cambio climático (periodo 2040- 2070) Página 75 ◆ 3.5 Evaluación de posibles efectos económicos de la transición hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 92 Mandato e importancia de tener una estrategia de largo plazo 4.1 Resiliencia socioecológica como fundamento para la acción climática Página 101 ◆ 4.2 Cons- trucción participativa de la Estrategia Climática de Largo Plazo E2050 Página 108 ◆ 4.3 El camino colombiano hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 111 Bases para la construcción de un futuro resiliente al clima en Colombia fundamentales La visión de ColombiaMensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores. Para alcanzar la carbono neutralidad en 2050 es necesario alcanzar la meta de emisiones presentada en la más reciente NDC de Colombia. | Colombia | {
"answer_start": 358,
"text": "A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | COL |
T_Economy_Unc | null | es-ES | Para alcanzar la carbono neutralidad en 2050 es necesario alcanzar la meta de emisiones presentada en la más reciente NDC de Colombia. Para esto, es fundamental que antes de 2030 las emisiones nacionales alcancen su nivel más alto (pico), e inicien una trayectoria de decrecimiento. Para la acción generalE2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 En comparación con el plan de rehabilitación económica del Gobierno Nacional ante la crisis presentada por la pandemia COVID-19, las cifras para 2021 y 2022 son muy similares a la pérdida anual esperada (PAE) frente a las amenazas climáticas priorizadas. La acción temprana (de hoy a 5 años) es clave para lograr los objetivos de carbono neutralidad hacia mitad de siglo. | Colombia | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "Para alcanzar la carbono neutralidad en 2050 es necesario alcanzar la meta de emisiones presentada en la más reciente NDC de Colombia. Para esto, es fundamental que antes de 2030 las emisiones nacionales alcancen su nivel más alto (pico), e inicien una trayectoria de decrecimiento."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2030 | COL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | es-ES | Se deben fomentar las exportaciones no tradicionales, para buscar la com- pensación de la balanza comercial. El fortalecimiento de la bioeconomía puede presentarse como una excelen- te oportunidad para este propósito.E2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Para cumplir con lo requerido por la ciencia (1.5 a 2 °C), al 2050 Colombia requiere reducir las emisiones GEI en al rededor del 90 % respecto de las emisiones del 2015, y balancear el 10 % restante con absorciones nacionales proporcionales (10 %), para alcanzar un balance neto cero entre emisiones y absorciones de gases de efecto invernadero (carbono equivalentes) a partir del año 2050. La carbono neutralidad es un esfuerzo de todos los sectores y territorios. La electricidad deberá jugar un papel muy importante en un futuro carbono neutral. | Colombia | {
"answer_start": 36,
"text": "Para cumplir con lo requerido por la ciencia (1.5 a 2 °C), al 2050 Colombia requiere reducir las emisiones GEI en al rededor del 90 % respecto de las emisiones del 2015, y balancear el 10 % restante con absorciones nacionales proporcionales (10 %), para alcanzar un balance neto cero entre emisiones y absorciones de gases de efecto invernadero (carbono equivalentes) a partir del año 2050."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | COL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Through this LEDS, Fiji will continue its climate leadership which, to-date, has included serving as the President of the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the ambitious near-term targets Fiji committed to under its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). As the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy through pathways defined in this LEDS. | Fiji | {
"answer_start": 59,
"text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FJI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | As the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy through pathways defined in this LEDS. To achieve this core objective, the LEDS has elaborated four possible low emission scenarios for Fiji: • A “Business-as-Usual (BAU) Unconditional scenario,” which reflects the implementation of existing and official policies, targets, and technologies that are unconditional in the sense that Fiji would implement and finance them without reliance on external or international financing. | Fiji | {
"answer_start": 9,
"text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FJI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Total Net Emissions for Fiji under four LEDS scenarios (all values in metric tonnes CO e). Figure 1. Total Net Emissions for Fiji under the four LEDS scenarios (all values in metric tonnes CO e). “As the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy”FIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 I 7 6 I FIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 Each of the emission reduction scenarios detailed for each sector in this LEDS is underpinned by a range of key policies and actions that must be undertaken in each sector to achieve the emission reductions. A non- exhaustive list of prioritised actions, with high-level costing and timeline, linked to the achievement of the LEDS sector scenarios is outlined in Annex A. | Fiji | {
"answer_start": 44,
"text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FJI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | CCICD convened and chaired a LEDS Steering Committee composed of government ministries and major public utilities representing all relevant sectors in Fiji. CCICD then engaged members of the Steering Committee as well as numerous national and international experts and stakeholders from private sector, academia, and civil society through a participatory process to develop the LEDS (described in section 1.5 below). 1.2 FIJI’S VISION Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy. This is consistent and aligns directly with Fiji’s objective stated above to ensure that net zero emissions is achieved globally by 20503. | Fiji | {
"answer_start": 65,
"text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FJI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | National low carbon strategy - March 2020 14/176CHAPTER 2: FRANCE S PROJECT France has set targets for reducing territorial greenhouse gas emissions, in line with its international commitments15 and EU policy. These are: Achieving carbon neutrality by 205016 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 199017; In the short and medium terms, comply with the carbon budgets adopted by decree, meaning the emissions caps should not be exceeded per period of five years. In parallel to the reduction of territorial emissions, the national low carbon strategy aims to achieve an overall reduction in the French carbon footprint (cf. chapter 4.1.i. “Carbon footprint”). | France | {
"answer_start": 33,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | In parallel to the reduction of territorial emissions, the national low carbon strategy aims to achieve an overall reduction in the French carbon footprint (cf. chapter 4.1.i. “Carbon footprint”). We must develop a new sustainable model of growth that creates jobs and wealth and improves wellbeing whilst building a circular economy for the future that is resilient to climate change. 2.1. Strategic Themes A. Ambition Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is a real challenge (reducing gross emissions by a factor of at least 6) requiring very ambitious efforts in terms of energy efficiency, ambitious also in terms of sobriety, involving massive investments and a substantial transformation of our production and consumption patterns in order to develop a more circular economy, which is both resource-efficient and less waste-producing. | France | {
"answer_start": 65,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Ambition Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is a real challenge (reducing gross emissions by a factor of at least 6) requiring very ambitious efforts in terms of energy efficiency, ambitious also in terms of sobriety, involving massive investments and a substantial transformation of our production and consumption patterns in order to develop a more circular economy, which is both resource-efficient and less waste-producing. These climate issues are global and closely linked to our consumption. Thus, it is also our responsibility to control the emissions embedded in the goods and services imported to France. B. | France | {
"answer_start": 1,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Thus, it is also our responsibility to control the emissions embedded in the goods and services imported to France. B. International equity France assumes its responsibility in the fight against climate change, and upholds the principle already approved at international level of an action that is proportionate to the common responsibilities of States, but is fair and thus differentiated depending on the countries, taking into account the differences in the national situations, notably in terms of their capacity and potential to reduce emissions and their historical responsibility. C. Realism The strategy is based on a prospective baseline scenario of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 (cf. chapter 2.2. “The baseline scenario”). This will allow us to define one credible vision for the transition to carbon neutrality. | France | {
"answer_start": 99,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | This report is made public. The High Council for the Climate issues an opinion on the national low-carbon strategy and carbon budgets as well as on this accompanying report. It assesses the consistency of the low-carbon strategy in relation to France s national policies and European and international commitments, in particular the Paris climate agreement and the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, while taking into account the socio-economic impacts of the transition for households and businesses, sovereignty issues and environmental impacts. 5.3. Strategy revision Every five years, the low carbon strategy undergoes complete revision. | France | {
"answer_start": 59,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | It shall present an explanation for each of the objectives not achieved and the means implemented to achieve them. The High Council shall issue an opinion on the national low-carbon strategy and carbon budgets as well as on the report mentioned in II of Article L. 222-1 D. It assesses the consistency of the low-carbon strategy with France s national policies and European and international commitments, in particular the Paris Climate Agreement and the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, while taking into account the socio-economic impacts of the transition for households and businesses, sovereignty issues and environmental impacts. | France | {
"answer_start": 76,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | The High Council shall issue an opinion on the national low-carbon strategy and carbon budgets as well as on the report mentioned in II of Article L. 222-1 D. It assesses the consistency of the low-carbon strategy with France s national policies and European and international commitments, in particular the Paris Climate Agreement and the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, while taking into account the socio-economic impacts of the transition for households and businesses, sovereignty issues and environmental impacts. Article L. 132-5 of the French Environmental Code The High Council for the Climate may take up a matter on its own initiative or be referred to it by the Government, the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate or the President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council to give an opinion, within the scope of its competence, on a bill, a legislative proposal or a question relating to its field of expertise. | France | {
"answer_start": 57,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | In: Climate change 2014, Mitigating climate change Contribution of Working Group III to the fifth Evaluation Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change National low carbon strategy - March 2020 166/176APPENDIX 10: CARBON SINKS This appendix is a list of the strategic elements of the SNBC related to carbon sinks. Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 involves striking a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and absorptions on the national territory. Indeed, by 2050, by mobilising as much as possible the potential of each available lever to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, without, however, making technological bets, a certain level of emissions seems incompressible, particularly in the non-energy sectors (agriculture in particular). | France | {
"answer_start": 51,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | chapter 2.2), the estimated total sink in the land sector (forest and agricultural land) at optimal and sustainable performance, added to an estimated capture and storage sink, would only allow us to balance these residual non-energy emissions and the residual emissions from fossil fuels retained for part of the transport sector (national air and international transport). 174 See INRA study “stocker du carbone dans les sols français – quel potentiel au regard de l objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ?” (“Storing carbon in French soils - what potential with regard to objective 4 per 1000 and at what cost?”) - July 2019 National low carbon strategy - March 2020 167/176Sinks and greenhouse gas emissions in France in 2050 according to the baseline scenario The optimised mobilisation of carbon sinks is therefore an essential lever for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. | France | {
"answer_start": 138,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | 174 See INRA study “stocker du carbone dans les sols français – quel potentiel au regard de l objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ?” (“Storing carbon in French soils - what potential with regard to objective 4 per 1000 and at what cost?”) - July 2019 National low carbon strategy - March 2020 167/176Sinks and greenhouse gas emissions in France in 2050 according to the baseline scenario The optimised mobilisation of carbon sinks is therefore an essential lever for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. A. Sinks in the land sector The forest contributes to the underlying SNBC scenario (AMS scenario) as a carbon sink in the forest ecosystem, as a carbon sink in wood products, and through substitution effects through the production of materials and energy that can substitute for more GHG-emitting materials and energy. | France | {
"answer_start": 82,
"text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | FRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | According to the modeling results, GHG emissions in the BAU scenario will decrease to only 56 million tons of CO2 eq)/year, from 2019 levels. Therefore, a considerably stronger effort will be needed to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality target1 than the policies and measures currently in effect. According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century. However, the clean energy transition will vary based on different assumptions, and the generation of socioeconomic benefits will differ in their development pathways (Figure 1). | Hungary | {
"answer_start": 47,
"text": "According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | HUN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | 49On the Path to Climate Neutrality October 2021On the Path to Climate Neutrality October 2021 The Paris Agreement encourages Parties to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies. This document enfolds Iceland’s first communication on its long-term strategy (LTS), to be updated when further analysis and policy documents are published on the matter. Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. The goal of net zero emissions no later than 2040 was enacted into the Climate Act in June 2021, based on the Government Agreement from 2017. | Iceland | {
"answer_start": 56,
"text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2040 | ISL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | The Paris Agreement further stipulates that, to attain these objectives, it will be necessary ‘to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases’, that is net zero emissions, in the second half of this century. Recent scientific reports have further evidenced the importance of immediate and long-term climate action.1 The Paris Agreement encourages Parties to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies. This document is Iceland’s first communication on its long-term climate strategy. Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. | Iceland | {
"answer_start": 83,
"text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2040 | ISL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. The goal of net zero emissions no later than 2040 was enacted into the Climate Act in June 2021, based on the Government Agreement from 2017. Foundation has been laid for the long-term strategy and various milestones have been reached on the path towards the long-term goal of climate neutrality. A key document is Iceland’s Climate Action Plan for emissions reduction of 40% by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, which was published in 2020. | Iceland | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2040 | ISL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Therefore, in accordance with the aforesaid provision of the Paris Agreement read with relevant decisions, India hereby communicates an update to its first NDC submitted earlier on October 2, 2015, for the period up to 2030, as under: 1. To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions and values of conservation and moderation, including through a mass movement for ‘LIFE’– ‘Lifestyle for Environment’ as a key to combating climate change [ UPDATED]. 2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one followed hitherto by others at corresponding level of economic development.P a g e | 2 of 3 3. To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level [UPDATED]. 4. | India | {
"answer_start": 111,
"text": "To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | IND |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level [UPDATED]. 4. To achieve about 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030, with the help of transfer of technology and low-cost international finance including from Green Climate Fund (GCF) [UPDATED]. 5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. 6. To better adapt to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly agriculture, water resources, Himalayan region, coastal regions, health and disaster management. 7. | India | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | IND |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | With the recognition of these, it will be an urgent task for the world to pursue efforts to limit the global average temperature rise to below 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. As a member of the international community, Japan will contribute to the world by formulating this long-term strategy and sharing the experiences out of its implementation, thereby contributing to achieving the aforementioned target set forth in the Paris Agreement. 2. Japan’s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth. | Japan | {
"answer_start": 74,
"text": "Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | JPN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Japan’s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth. By the Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures in 204th session of the Diet (Act No. 54 of- 4 - 2021) (Hereinafter the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Act No. | Japan | {
"answer_start": 3,
"text": "Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | JPN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | These visions will provide directions for all stakeholders to pursue possibilities towards the realization of the target. Together with policy directions, they will improve the predictability of investment and serve as the basis for expanding the investment in Japan. At the same time, it identifies areas which need disruptive innovation to promote corporate research and development (R&D) and investment. Furthermore, by setting forth these visions, Japan will take the lead in future international discussions including the formulation of frameworks and standards in the area of climate change. Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. | Japan | {
"answer_start": 87,
"text": "Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2030 | JPN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 percent. From now on and towards 2030, Japan will work on various measures including technology development, all of which will be in line with the goal of net-zero by 2050. On the way to FY2030, Japan will make the best use of the existing technologies to achieve this ambitious goal. | Japan | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2030 | JPN |
T_Economy_Unc | null | fr-FR | : une gouvernance efficace et la participation active de tous les acteurs de la transition (loi relative au climat, pacte climat) ; fournir les incitations nécessaires par le biais de la politique fiscale (principe du pollueur- payeur, taxe CO2 , taxation de l’énergie et des ressources) ; intégrer les aspects climatiques dans le budget de l’Etat et garantir des finances publiques durables (investissements dans les infrastructures clés, flux financiers compatibles avec un profil d’évolution vers un développement à faible émission de GES) ; consolider le rôle précurseur de l’Etat et des communes en développant les marchés publics durables (bâtiments publics durables, sains et circulaires, véhicules électriques, stratégie de décarbonisation à l’horizon 2040) ; exploiter la fonction coordinatrice intersectorielle de l’aménagement territorial et urbain (programme directeur d’aménagement du territoire, centres de développement et d’attraction et déconcentration concentrée, consultation « Luxembourg in Transition ») ; mobiliser la recherche et favoriser l’innovation et la digitalisation (stratégie nationale de la recherche et de l’innovation, télétravail) ; favoriser l’engagement de la société et étoffer le rôle clé de l’éducation et de la formation (participation des citoyens et des consommateurs, transfert de connaissances et développement de compétences) ; ainsi que consolider le cadre UE en faveur de l’action pour le climat (paquet législatif « Delivering the European Green Deal », normes de performance des véhicules, exigences en matière d’écoconception). En bref, la cohérence du cadre législatif et politique avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050 devra être assurée. | Luxembourg | {
"answer_start": 233,
"text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | LUX |
T_Economy_Unc | null | fr-FR | En bref, la cohérence du cadre législatif et politique avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050 devra être assurée. Ensuite, sont présentés les lignes directrices et les principaux champs d’action et mesures stratégiques pour guider la transformation dans tous les secteurs concernés (Entre parenthèses est évoquée une sélection des leviers et instruments décrits dans la stratégie.) :Vers la neutralité climatique en 2050 7 / 97 1. Système énergétique 1. Principe de primauté de l’efficacité énergétique (réduction de la consommation énergétique, mécanisme d’obligations en matière d’efficacité énergétique) 2. Déploiement maximisé des énergies renouvelables (énergie solaire et éolienne, coopération européenne) et rôle potentiel de l’hydrogène renouvelable (stratégie hydrogène, décarbonisation d’activités difficiles à électrifier) 3. | Luxembourg | {
"answer_start": 10,
"text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | LUX |
T_Economy_Unc | null | fr-FR | 205 La Commission européenne a publié en mai 2020 la communication COM(2020) 381 final : Une stratégie « De la ferme à la table » pour un système alimentaire équitable, sain et respectueux de l’environnement. 206 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », ressourcen/null-offall-letzebuerg.html, p. 48 207 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », p. 38 209 Neobuild, 2019 : Stratégie nationale Urban Farming Luxembourg, la neutralité climatique en 2050 79 / 97 La politique agricole commune (PAC) et sa mise en pratique au niveau national doivent soutenir les agriculteurs à améliorer leurs performances environnementales et climatiques en cohérence avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050, y compris par l’incitation accrue à des investissements et pratiques agricoles durables et par le renforcement progressif des normes environnementales obligatoires. | Luxembourg | {
"answer_start": 104,
"text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | LUX |
T_Economy_Unc | null | fr-FR | 206 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », ressourcen/null-offall-letzebuerg.html, p. 48 207 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », p. 38 209 Neobuild, 2019 : Stratégie nationale Urban Farming Luxembourg, la neutralité climatique en 2050 79 / 97 La politique agricole commune (PAC) et sa mise en pratique au niveau national doivent soutenir les agriculteurs à améliorer leurs performances environnementales et climatiques en cohérence avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050, y compris par l’incitation accrue à des investissements et pratiques agricoles durables et par le renforcement progressif des normes environnementales obligatoires. Les fonds de la PAC sont à réallouer vers les activités et mesures promouvant la transition de la production agricole. | Luxembourg | {
"answer_start": 69,
"text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | LUX |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | The LCDS is being spearheaded by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning (MECP) and is the result of a three-year process initiated by Government and the MECP, whereby mitigation measures have been researched and short- listed, possible abatement levels quantified through Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) modelling (i.e. the ratio of abatement potential against incremental cost of measure), and stakeholders consulted, leading to a list of realistic and cost-effective measures which are to be implemented in the years to come. The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta’s contribution to EU-wide goals. Carbon neutrality is also one of Malta’s pillars for economic growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. | Malta | {
"answer_start": 83,
"text": "The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta’s contribution to EU-wide goals"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | MLT |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | - Les émissions de SF6 sont passées de 3,6 E-6 kt en 1990 (4,1 E-6 kt en 1995) à 5,4 E-6 kt en 2018. Répartition des émissions de GES par gaz en 2018Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National Direction de l’Environnement Evolution des émissions de GES par gaz entre 1990 et 2018Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National Direction de l’Environnement 2.2 Objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 2030 La Principauté de Monaco s’est fixée comme objectif, dans le cadre de la présente Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National, de réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 55% en 2030.Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National Direction de l’Environnement 2.3 Principales Politiques et Mesures Pour l’atteinte de ses objectifs à horizon 2030, la Principauté de Monaco a d’ores et déjà mis en œuvre d’importantes politiques et mesures. | Monaco | {
"answer_start": 90,
"text": "De réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 55% en 2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | MCO |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Répartition des émissions de GES par gaz en 2018Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National Direction de l’Environnement Evolution des émissions de GES par gaz entre 1990 et 2018Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National Direction de l’Environnement 2.2 Objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 2030 La Principauté de Monaco s’est fixée comme objectif, dans le cadre de la présente Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National, de réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 55% en 2030.Contribution Déterminée au Niveau National Direction de l’Environnement 2.3 Principales Politiques et Mesures Pour l’atteinte de ses objectifs à horizon 2030, la Principauté de Monaco a d’ores et déjà mis en œuvre d’importantes politiques et mesures. Ces politiques visent également à inscrire le territoire dans une tendance de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour parvenir à la neutralité carbone en 2050. | Monaco | {
"answer_start": 66,
"text": "De réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 55% en 2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | MCO |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | In 2015 the Namibian Government submitted its ambitious NDC with a pledge to reduce its national emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by 89% by 2030. Since then, the Parties have agreed to announce a new round of enhanced NDCs. Hence Namibia has taken this major step to raise its mitigation ambition from 89% in 2015 to 91%. Namibia commits to reduce its GHG emissions conditionally by 14% (under limited domestic and international support) and towards 77% (with substantial international support) in 2030 compared to the Business As Usual levels, corresponding to a total reduction by 21.996 MtCO2e. Namibia is committed to combating climate change and accelerating the transition to a climate-resilient, low-carbon sustainable mode of development. | Namibia | {
"answer_start": 57,
"text": "Namibia commits to reduce its GHG emissions conditionally by 14% (under limited domestic and international support) and towards 77% (with substantial international support) in 2030 compared to the Business As Usual levels, corresponding to a total reduction by 21.996 MtCO2e."
} |'s%20Updated%20NDC_%20FINAL%2025%20July%202021.pdf | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | NAM |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Finally, the public will also have the opportunity to join and participate in the preparation of the document in the SEA process.2 CONTENT OF THE STRATEGY 2.1 Overall Emission Reductions and Enhancement of Removals up to 2050 2.1.1 Planned Emission Reductions and Enhancement of Removals up to 2050 Based on the WB’s energy and macroeconomic modelling summarized in the Low-Carbon Growth Study (energy sectors such as households, industry, energy and fuel combustion services) and the national projections and expert estimates (non-fuel sectors), it can be assumed that Slovakia could reduce emissions by 2050 (compared to 1990) by a maximum of 80% (without removals in the LULUCF sector) if all additional modelled measures are implemented. If maximum possible removals from the LULUCF sector are taken into account, a maximum of 90% emission reductions compared to 1990 could be envisaged, which would still not be sufficient to meet the objective of achieving climate neutrality. | Slovakia | {
"answer_start": 126,
"text": "A maximum of 90% emission reductions compared to 1990"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | SVK |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | If maximum possible removals from the LULUCF sector are taken into account, a maximum of 90% emission reductions compared to 1990 could be envisaged, which would still not be sufficient to meet the objective of achieving climate neutrality. By 2050 there would still be at least 14 MtCO2eq. without counting removals in LULUCF (Figure 2) and after counting removals, it would be at least 7 MtCO2eq. Figure 2: Estimated emission reduction trajectory until 2050, including historical emissions, based on national projections and historical emissions and an expert estimate of the MoE SR . | Slovakia | {
"answer_start": 12,
"text": "A maximum of 90% emission reductions compared to 1990"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | SVK |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | By 2050, Slovenia will reduce GHG emissions and improve sinks. It will reduce GHG emissions by 80 to 90 per cent in comparison to 2005 and simultaneously accelerate the implementation of climate change adaptation policies and the provision of climate safety for the public. The year 2005 was selected as the base year as emissions in 2005 were higher in that year only by 0.44 per cent than in 1986. The data for 2005 also enables division into emissions in the sectors included in the emissions trading system and those not included in this system. | Slovenia | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "By 2050, Slovenia will reduce GHG emissions and improve sinks. It will reduce GHG emissions by 80 to 90 per cent in comparison to 2005"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | SVN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | In line with the declaration, the Republic of Korea once again communicates the enhanced update of its first NDC. The enhanced update of the first NDC of the Republic of Korea is set at the most ambitious level possible to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 despite the country’s manufacturing-oriented industry structure.The updated and enhanced target is to reduce total national GHG emissions by 40% from the 2018 level, which is 727.6 MtCO2eq, by 2030. 40% reduction target is more enhanced because it is below its linear reduction pathways from 2018 to 2050. This indicates the Republic of Korea’s enhanced ambition towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. | Republic of Korea | {
"answer_start": 54,
"text": "The updated and enhanced target is to reduce total national GHG emissions by 40% from the 2018 level, which is 727.6 MtCO2eq, by 2030. 40% reduction target is more enhanced because it is below its linear reduction pathways from 2018 to 2050."
} |'s%20Enhanced%20Update%20of%20its%20First%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution_211227_editorial%20change.pdf | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | KOR |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | eq Buildings Transport Industry Agriculture Waste Synthetic Gases International Aviation and ShippingFigure 6: Development of the greenhouse gas footprint based on Swiss final demand from 2000 to 2017, broken down by domestic and import-related emissions (emissions related to exported goods and services are not in- cluded). Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) 4 Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero). | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 94,
"text": "Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero)."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) 4 Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero). Switzerland s greenhouse gas target for 2050 (net-zero target)… … means achieving equilibrium between sources of emissions and removal and covers all internation- ally governed greenhouse gases (not just CO2); … includes all sectors in the greenhouse gas inventory (energy, industrial processes and product us- age, agriculture, land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF), waste and others); … covers the emissions within Swiss national borders (territorial or point of sale principle); … also includes the emissions from international aviation and shipping attributable to Switzerland; … does not determine specific domestic and international shares for emission reductions; … represents an interim goal where future development after 2050 is still undecided. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 48,
"text": "Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero)."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | In December 2020, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) communicated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in line with Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. In its NDC, the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. At COP26 in November 2021, which the UK hosted in Glasgow, Parties resolved to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C. They recognised that this would require rapid, deep and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and accelerated action in this critical decade to 2030. | United Kingdom | {
"answer_start": 42,
"text": "the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | GBR |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | The time is now for decisive action, and the United States is boldly tackling the climate challenge. In 2021, we rejoined the Paris Agreement, set an ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% in 2030, launched the Global Methane Pledge, and have undertaken additional concrete actions to advance climate action domestically and internationally. These investments are critical to immediately accelerate our emissions reductions. This 2021 Long-Term Strategy represents the next step: it lays out how the United States can reach its ultimate goal of net-zero emissions no later than 2050. Achieving net-zero emissions is how we—and our fellow nations around the globe—will keep a 1.5°C limit on global temperature rise within reach and prevent unacceptable climate change impacts and risks. | United States of America | {
"answer_start": 68,
"text": "This 2021 Long-Term Strategy represents the next step: it lays out how the United States can reach its ultimate goal of net-zero emissions no later than 2050."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | USA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Paris Agreement NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) The government of the Federative Republic of Brazil is pleased to communicate to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), updated in the context of the Glasgow Climate Pact, which was adopted by the Parties to the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement during the 26th Conference of the Parties. Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005. Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005. Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. | Brazil | {
"answer_start": 69,
"text": "Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | BRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Paris Agreement NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) The government of the Federative Republic of Brazil is pleased to communicate to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), updated in the context of the Glasgow Climate Pact, which was adopted by the Parties to the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement during the 26th Conference of the Parties. Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005. Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005. Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. | Brazil | {
"answer_start": 90,
"text": "Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | BRA |
T_Economy_Unc | null | en-US | FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Paris Agreement NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) The government of the Federative Republic of Brazil is pleased to communicate to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), updated in the context of the Glasgow Climate Pact, which was adopted by the Parties to the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement during the 26th Conference of the Parties. Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005. Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005. Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. | Brazil | {
"answer_start": 103,
"text": "Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2050 | BRA |
T_Economy_Unc | null | en-US | Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Brazil’s updated NDC is broad in scope and includes a consideration of means of implementation and the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions in all economic sectors. This contribution is communicated under the assumption that the implementation of the Paris Agreement fully respects the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC, in particular the principle of common, but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. As a developing country, Brazil´s historical contribution to the global problem of climate change has been small. | Brazil | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2050 | BRA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | es-ES | La actualización que ahora se presenta responde al Pacto por el Clima de Glasgow anteriormente comentado, y refuerza el compromiso a medio plazo para asegurar conseguir la neutralidad en el 2050. Tipo de compromiso: visión a mediano y a largo plazo Se refuerza a mediano plazo para el 2030, la reducción cuantificada en un valor absoluto relativo a las emisiones no absorbidas respecto el escenario Business as usual definido en el Primer informe bianual de actualización de Andorra a la CMNUCC (2014), pasando del objetivo previamente asumido de una reducción del 37% a una reducción del 55% para el 2030 respecto un escenario inmovilista (BAU).Se mantiene y refuerza así el compromiso ya adquirido en la primera actualización de la NDC a largo plazo para el 2050, buscando la neutralidad en carbono, es decir el equilibrio entre las emisiones y las absorciones para el año 2050. | Andorra | {
"answer_start": 82,
"text": "pasando del objetivo previamente asumido de una reducción del 37% a una reducción del 55% para el 2030 respecto un escenario inmovilista (BAU)."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | AND |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | es-ES | Tipo de compromiso: visión a mediano y a largo plazo Se refuerza a mediano plazo para el 2030, la reducción cuantificada en un valor absoluto relativo a las emisiones no absorbidas respecto el escenario Business as usual definido en el Primer informe bianual de actualización de Andorra a la CMNUCC (2014), pasando del objetivo previamente asumido de una reducción del 37% a una reducción del 55% para el 2030 respecto un escenario inmovilista (BAU).Se mantiene y refuerza así el compromiso ya adquirido en la primera actualización de la NDC a largo plazo para el 2050, buscando la neutralidad en carbono, es decir el equilibrio entre las emisiones y las absorciones para el año 2050. Así, el período de implantación para los objetivos de mitigación se divide en dos periodos, el primero a corto y mediano plazo que comprende desde el año 2020 al año 2030, y el segundo, a largo plazo, que comprende desde el año 2031 al año 2050. | Andorra | {
"answer_start": 51,
"text": "pasando del objetivo previamente asumido de una reducción del 37% a una reducción del 55% para el 2030 respecto un escenario inmovilista (BAU)."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | AND |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | In addition, it incorporates the outcome of further analysis and consultation to enhance our existing plans, and to analyse future GHG emissions trends and mitigation and adaptation options. The INDC of Bangladesh consists of the following elements: ¾ Mitigation contribution: An unconditional contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 5% from Business as Usual (BAU) levels by 2030 in the power, transport and industry sectors, based on existing resources. 1Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) Version 2.0. (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2014)". World Resources Institute A conditional 15% reduction in GHG emissions from BAU levels by 2030 in the power, transport, and industry sectors, subject to appropriate international support in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building. | Bangladesh | {
"answer_start": 41,
"text": "An unconditional contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 5% from Business as Usual (BAU) levels by 2030 in the power, transport and industry sectors"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | 1st NDC | null | BGD |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | The Republic of Belarus intends to make a more ambitious contribution in the global response to climate change and sets economy-wide unconditional and conditional greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Taking into account the economic situation and the country s capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector.The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction. | Belarus | {
"answer_start": 46,
"text": "to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | BLR |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Taking into account the economic situation and the country s capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector.The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions exclusive of the LULUCF sector during 1990-2018 and the commitment until 2030 are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. | Belarus | {
"answer_start": 17,
"text": "to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | BLR |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Le Burkina Faso, au titre de ses nouvelles ambitions, a considéré un scenario inconditionnel et un scenario conditionnel. Le pays s’engage, en rapport avec ses actions d’atténuation, à réduire ses émissions de GES de 31682,3 Gg CO2eq à l’horizon 2030 soit 29,42% par rapport au scenario Business As Usual. Cet engagement est de 21074,94 Gg CO2eq pour le scenario inconditionnel soit 19,60% et de 10557,91 Gg CO2eq pour le scenario conditionnel soit 9,82%. Comparativement à la CDN de 2015 qui était de 18,2%, l’Etat burkinabè a rehaussé ses ambitions de 11,22%. | Burkina Faso | {
"answer_start": 49,
"text": "Cet engagement est de 21074,94 Gg CO2eq pour le scenario inconditionnel soit 19,60%"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | BFA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Les besoins en adaptation identifiés dans la CDN 2015 concernaient la foresterie, le renforcement des capacités humaines, institutionnelles, techniques et financières et le transfert des technologies. Des priorités, des politiques et des programmes nationaux ont été définis en termes d’adaptation au changement climatique (PND Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, PNA préliminaire etc). b) Atténuation Concernant l’atténuation, le Burundi s’était engagé à réduire de 23% à l’horizon 2030 les émissions de gaz à effet de serre par rapport au scénario de référence (BAU), ce qui correspondait à une réduction de 3% (1 958 Gg ECO2) dans le cadre de son objectif inconditionnel et de 20% (14 897 Gg ECO2) dans le cadre de son objectif conditionnel. | Burundi | {
"answer_start": 55,
"text": "Concernant l’atténuation, le Burundi s’était engagé à réduire de 23% à l’horizon 2030 les émissions de gaz à effet de serre par rapport au scénario de référence (BAU), ce qui correspondait à une réduction de 3% (1 958 Gg ECO2)"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | BDI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | b) Atténuation Concernant l’atténuation, le Burundi s’était engagé à réduire de 23% à l’horizon 2030 les émissions de gaz à effet de serre par rapport au scénario de référence (BAU), ce qui correspondait à une réduction de 3% (1 958 Gg ECO2) dans le cadre de son objectif inconditionnel et de 20% (14 897 Gg ECO2) dans le cadre de son objectif conditionnel. Selon la CDN 2015, l’établissement du BAU s’est référé aux hypothèses en rapport avec la croissance de l’économie nationale (PIB), la croissance démographique ainsi que le taux de l’électrification contenu dans les documents ci-haut cités. Certains de ces documents et bien d’autres élaborés ont servi de base pour l’établissement du BAU de la CDN 2020. | Burundi | {
"answer_start": 2,
"text": "Concernant l’atténuation, le Burundi s’était engagé à réduire de 23% à l’horizon 2030 les émissions de gaz à effet de serre par rapport au scénario de référence (BAU), ce qui correspondait à une réduction de 3% (1 958 Gg ECO2)"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | BDI |
T_Economy_Unc | null | fr-FR | Il apparait ainsi, selon le scenario tendanciel, une évolution des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de séquestration sur les mêmes horizons est respectivement de 730 714 GgCO2 et 733 607 GgCO2. Les mesures d’atténuation prises généreront, selon le scenario inconditionnel, une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre respectivement de 9,03% et 11,82% aux horizons 2025 et 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence ; et selon le scenario conditionnel 14,64% et 24,28% aux horizons 2025 et 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence. La CDN de la RCA s’appuie sur l’inventaire existant des polluants climatiques de courte durée de vie (PCCVD), pour élargir le spectre des gaz couverts, en plus des gaz à effet de serre. | Central African Republic | {
"answer_start": 33,
"text": "Les mesures d’atténuation prises généreront, selon le scenario inconditionnel, une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre respectivement de 9,03% et 11,82% aux horizons 2025 et 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | CAF |
T_Economy_Unc | null | fr-FR | Il apparait ainsi, selon le scenario tendanciel, une évolution des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de séquestration sur les mêmes horizons est respectivement de 730 714 GgCO2 et 733 607 GgCO2. Les mesures d’atténuation prises généreront, selon le scenario inconditionnel, une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre respectivement de 9,03% et 11,82% aux horizons 2025 et 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence ; et selon le scenario conditionnel 14,64% et 24,28% aux horizons 2025 et 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence. La CDN de la RCA s’appuie sur l’inventaire existant des polluants climatiques de courte durée de vie (PCCVD), pour élargir le spectre des gaz couverts, en plus des gaz à effet de serre. | Central African Republic | {
"answer_start": 33,
"text": "Les mesures d’atténuation prises généreront, selon le scenario inconditionnel, une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre respectivement de 9,03% et 11,82% aux horizons 2025 et 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | CAF |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | • Avoid at least 2,900 premature deaths per year from improved air quality. • Create over one million1 decent and green jobs and • Benefit cumulatively nearly 38 million people, with the majority being the youth and women. The 13 adaptation measures are divided into seven unconditional2 and six conditional3 programmes of action. For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. | Ghana | {
"answer_start": 58,
"text": "Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario."
} |'s%20Updated%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution%20to%20the%20UNFCCC_2021.pdf | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | GHA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3. Nationally Determined Contribution and National Development Ghana anticipates that the updated nationally determined contribution will play a key role in achieving the long-term national development objectives for the country and the global sustainable development goals. | Ghana | {
"answer_start": 5,
"text": "Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario."
} |'s%20Updated%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution%20to%20the%20UNFCCC_2021.pdf | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | GHA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | • Avoid at least 2,900 premature deaths per year from improved air quality. • Create over one million1 decent and green jobs and • Benefit cumulatively nearly 38 million people, with the majority being the youth and women. The 13 adaptation measures are divided into seven unconditional2 and six conditional3 programmes of action. For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. | Ghana | {
"answer_start": 58,
"text": "Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario."
} |'s%20Updated%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution%20to%20the%20UNFCCC_2021.pdf | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | GHA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3. Nationally Determined Contribution and National Development Ghana anticipates that the updated nationally determined contribution will play a key role in achieving the long-term national development objectives for the country and the global sustainable development goals. | Ghana | {
"answer_start": 5,
"text": "Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario."
} |'s%20Updated%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution%20to%20the%20UNFCCC_2021.pdf | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | GHA |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Réduction conditionnelle des émissions des émissions par rapport à un scénario BAU et suivant l’année de référence. Objectifs sectoriels Energie (production d’électricité) : - Inconditionnel : - 2000 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 5 104 ktCO2 par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Transports : - Inconditionnel : - 2300 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 2600 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Mines : - Inconditionnel : - 1 740 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 1 160 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Déchets : - Inconditionnel : - 34 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 130 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel UTCAFT : Biocombustibles : - Inconditionnel : - 2248 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 4480ktCO2 par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Déforestation : - Inconditionnel : - 4200 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 22500 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Restauration : - Inconditionnel : 451 ktCO2/an séquestrées par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 17 605 ktCO2/an séquestrées par rapport au scénario inconditionnelNiveau d’atténuation estimé Hors UTCAFT, la République de Guinée établit son objectif inconditionnel (CDN) à 2 056 ktCO2eq/an soit 9,7% de réduction de ses émissions en 2030 par rapport au scenario tendanciel, soit une croissance des émissions de 5% par an sur la période 2020-2030. | Guinea | {
"answer_start": 192,
"text": "La République de Guinée établit son objectif inconditionnel (CDN) à 2 056 ktCO2eq/an soit 9,7% de réduction de ses émissions en 2030 par rapport au scenario tendanciel, soit une croissance des émissions de 5% par an sur la période 2020-2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | GIN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Objectifs sectoriels Energie (production d’électricité) : - Inconditionnel : - 2000 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 5 104 ktCO2 par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Transports : - Inconditionnel : - 2300 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 2600 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Mines : - Inconditionnel : - 1 740 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 1 160 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Déchets : - Inconditionnel : - 34 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 130 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel UTCAFT : Biocombustibles : - Inconditionnel : - 2248 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 4480ktCO2 par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Déforestation : - Inconditionnel : - 4200 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 22500 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Restauration : - Inconditionnel : 451 ktCO2/an séquestrées par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 17 605 ktCO2/an séquestrées par rapport au scénario inconditionnelNiveau d’atténuation estimé Hors UTCAFT, la République de Guinée établit son objectif inconditionnel (CDN) à 2 056 ktCO2eq/an soit 9,7% de réduction de ses émissions en 2030 par rapport au scenario tendanciel, soit une croissance des émissions de 5% par an sur la période 2020-2030. L’objectif conditionnel (CDN+) s’établit à 3929 ktCO2 eq/an, soit 17,0% par rapport au scenario tendanciel, soit une croissance des émissions de 4% par an sur la période 2020-2030. | Guinea | {
"answer_start": 175,
"text": "La République de Guinée établit son objectif inconditionnel (CDN) à 2 056 ktCO2eq/an soit 9,7% de réduction de ses émissions en 2030 par rapport au scenario tendanciel, soit une croissance des émissions de 5% par an sur la période 2020-2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | GIN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | es-ES | Contribución sinérgica S2: Reducción del consumo de leña. Honduras se reserva la opción de hacer uso de enfoques cooperativos y de mercado, incluidos los del artículo 6 del Acuerdo de París, que incluyan el uso de resultados de mitigación de transferencia internacional para cumplir con su NDC. Foto: Casa Presidencial, 2020Desvío del escenario BaU Contribución en mitigación M1 Contribución ODS Objetivos NDC Honduras se compromete a una reducción de un 16% de las emisiones respecto al escenario “business as usual” (BaU) para el 2030 para todos los sectores sin incluir UTCUTS. La ambición de Honduras en esta contribución se basa en el análisis de los efectos de las principales medidas de mitigación a desarrollar para alcanzar el objetivo de la contribución. | Honduras | {
"answer_start": 62,
"text": "Honduras se compromete a una reducción de un 16% de las emisiones respecto al escenario “business as usual” (BaU) para el 2030 para todos los sectores sin incluir UTCUTS."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | HND |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | Sharing Japan’s ideas and efforts with the world; contributing to the achievement of the long-term targets of the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels; and leading international discussions. 2. Long-term Vision Proclaiming a “decarbonized society” as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century, while boldly taking measures towards the reduction of GHGs emissions by 80% by 2050. (an unconventional vision of an “ideal future model”) 3. Basic Principles in Policy towards the Long-term Vision • Realizing “a virtuous cycle of environment and growth” towards the vision with business-led disruptive innovation; global efforts essential. • Swift implementation of actions from now • Contribution to the world 4. | Japan | {
"answer_start": 39,
"text": "Proclaiming a “decarbonized society” as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Archived LTS | as early as possible in the second half of this century | JPN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | Long term GHG emissions target Limiting the per capita GHG emissions to maximum of 1.23 t/CO2 , or 1.58 in 2050 to achieve the below 2°C objective, with a probability of 66% and 50% respectively. Based on the IPCC and IEA developments in the context of the below 2°C objective, the target is communicated in CO2 . For INDC monitoring, emission of other GHGs was accounted in CO2 -eq (shown in Section 12). 3. Contribution Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 11.49 - 13.75% below BAU in 2030. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 29.00 - 30.89% below BAU in 2030. | Kyrgyzstan | {
"answer_start": 87,
"text": "13.75% below BAU in 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | 1st NDC | null | KGZ |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | The Kyrgyz Republic recognizes the importance of the adoption of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy and the National Adaptation Policy. The overall mitigation goal of the Kyrgyz Republic is to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030, under the business-as-usual scenario. Should international support be provided, GHG emissions will be reduced by 2025 by 36.61% and by 2030 by 43.62%, under the business-as-usual scenario. The achievement of the NDC is underlain by mitigation actions and policies covering five sectors. However, the primary mitigation capacity is concentrated in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses sectors. In the Energy sector, around 60% of all GHG emissions in the country are concentrated. | Kyrgyzstan | {
"answer_start": 28,
"text": "to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | KGZ |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | At the same time, despite potential for increased productivity, agricultural output in expected to be more limited, growing broadly in line with trends over the past decade.MALAWI’S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION IX A detailed assessment of identified GHG mitigation options for Malawi estimates a total emissions reduction potential of around 17.7 million tCO2 e in 2040 against the BAU scenario emissions in the same year of 34.6 million tCO2 e, equivalent to a reduction of 51 per cent. Based on the analysis, mitigation measures have been grouped according to two different contributions: Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2 e) in that year. | Malawi | {
"answer_start": 94,
"text": "A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2040 | MWI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | Based on the analysis, mitigation measures have been grouped according to two different contributions: Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2 e) in that year. This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2 e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding. | Malawi | {
"answer_start": 16,
"text": "A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2040 | MWI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | As a result of this process, changes to choice of indicators were made and taken forward into the subsequent stage of work (NDC Implementation Plan and M&E Framework).MALAWI’S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 13 5 Mitigation contribution Malawi‟s mitigation contribution takes the form of a reduction in GHG emissions relative to a business-as-usual (BAU) emissions baseline over the period to 2040. The contribution comprises of two components: Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2 e) in that year. This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. | Malawi | {
"answer_start": 68,
"text": "A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2040 | MWI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | RMI has reiterated its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050, including most recently through signing the Declaration of the Carbon Neutrality Coalition at the One Planet Summit in December 2017. 9. The purpose of this 2050 Climate Strategy – which is RMI’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission climate-resilient development strategy under the Paris Agreement - is to outline a long-term pathway for RMI to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy, as well as to facilitate adaptation and climate resilience in a way that ensures the future protection and prosperity of the country and its women, men and youth.Section 1 – Executive Summary Key Recommendations In order to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions by 2050 and 100% renewable energy, as well as to adapt to the impacts of climate change and achieve resilience in a way that ensures future protection and prosperity of RMI, this 2050 Strategy makes the following recommendations: ¾ Submit, by 2020 at the latest, a new NDC in which, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, RMI: x revises its quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025; x commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030; x communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035; x reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest, x commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; x commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; x commits to a gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDC-related planning, programming and implementation; and x commits to using the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines (currently 2006). | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 230,
"text": "indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2035 | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | The purpose of this 2050 Climate Strategy – which is RMI’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission climate-resilient development strategy under the Paris Agreement - is to outline a long-term pathway for RMI to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy, as well as to facilitate adaptation and climate resilience in a way that ensures the future protection and prosperity of the country and its women, men and youth.Section 1 – Executive Summary Key Recommendations In order to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions by 2050 and 100% renewable energy, as well as to adapt to the impacts of climate change and achieve resilience in a way that ensures future protection and prosperity of RMI, this 2050 Strategy makes the following recommendations: ¾ Submit, by 2020 at the latest, a new NDC in which, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, RMI: x revises its quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025; x commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030; x communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035; x reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest, x commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; x commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; x commits to a gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDC-related planning, programming and implementation; and x commits to using the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines (currently 2006). ¾ Focus in the short and medium term on RMI’s electricity sector to implement GHG reductions consistent with achieving its NDC targets; ¾ Act to reduce RMI’s growing waste problem by minimizing organic material in collected waste and consider possibilities to generate energyfrom waste; ¾ Develop polices to encourage a greater use of public transport, cycling and walking, and the increased uptake of electric vehicles; ¾ Explore options to reduce GHG emissions from domestic ocean-based transport, including improved regulatory control; ¾ Continue efforts to phase out the use of kerosene for lighting and strengthen existing institutional arrangements to reduce GHGs from cooking and lighting; ¾ Establish a long-term finance strategy to implement this 2050 Strategy and its recommendations; and identify and consider options for a more coordinated and centralized approach to applying for, and monitor, related overseas aid and investment; ¾ Ensure due diligence is fulfilled before making significant investments to implement this 2050 Strategy and its recommendations; ¾ Prioritize capacity building in all areas relevant for the implementation of this 2050 Strategy and its recommendations; ¾ Mainstream gender and human rights, including in relation to developing, adopting, reviewing and implementing laws, policies and projects related to climate change, and commission further analysis with a view to putting in place a strategy to improve related data collection, monitoring and evaluation; ¾ Include health considerations as part of RMI’s forthcoming National Adaptation Plan; ¾ Include education, training & public awareness considerations as part of RMI’s forthcoming National Adaptation Plan; ¾ Review and update, as necessary, this 2050 Strategy as a minimum every five years – including to recommend targets for inclusion in future NDCs – at least one year before RMI submits future NDCs; and ¾ Establish a domestic process to oversee reviews and updates to this 2050 Strategy, as well as to monitor its implementation.Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1. | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 196,
"text": "indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2035 | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | It is worth pointing out that RMI has already undertaken significant steps to reduce its GHG emissions. Its emissions peaked in 2009, and the National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan identifies a comprehensive list of strategies to further reduce GHG emissions. To maintain this momentum, this 2050 Strategy recommends undertaking studies and pilot projects, which focus on the actions with the highest potential to transform RMI’s energy usage and accelerate the shift away from emissions-intensive practices, towards net zero emissions by 2050. 13. With strategic and adaptive management, RMI can achieve significant emissions reductions and solidify its climate leadership position. In its 2009 and 2016 National Energy Plans, RMI outlined national goals for energy use that move the country toward achievement of its 100% decarbonization vision by 2050. | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 124,
"text": "100% decarbonization vision by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | In its 2009 and 2016 National Energy Plans, RMI outlined national goals for energy use that move the country toward achievement of its 100% decarbonization vision by 2050. The electricity sector has by far the greatest potential to rapidly reduce RMI’s GHG emissions in line with its 2025 and 2030 NDC targets. The pathway to asustainable green energy mix and to further decarbonizing the electricity generation sector will be set out in RMI’s forthcoming Electricity Roadmap. Further Detail 14. This 2050 Strategy shows that by 2050, RMI can nearly achieve its goal of reaching zero emissions. In order to achieve these results without the use of GHG offsets, significant changes to energy policy and in-use technologies are needed. 15. | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 23,
"text": "100% decarbonization vision by 2050"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | They put RMI on a trajectory to nearly halve GHG emissions between 2010 and 2030, with a view to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050, or earlier if possible. This will require a significant improvement in energy efficiency and uptake of renewables, in particular solar and biofuels, as well as transformational technology, such as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). RMI commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 32% below 2010 levels by 2025. | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 76,
"text": "32% below 2010 levels by 2025"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | 1st NDC | null | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | RMI commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 32% below 2010 levels by 2025. RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030.INFORMATION TO FACILITATE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY & UNDERSTANDING Parameter Information Timeframe and/or period for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year 2010 base year (~185 Gg CO2 -e) Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Coverage % national emissions Sectors Energy - Electricity Generation - Transport (land and shipping) - Other (cooking and lighting) Waste [Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible] Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) ) Nitrous Oxide (N2 O) [Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible] Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to use market-based mechanisms to meet target No Land sector accounting approach N/A Metrics and methodology Consistent with methodologies used in RMI’s forthcoming Second National Communication (1996 IPCC Guidelines).Parameter Information Planning process RMI’s INDC was developed through an all-inclusive process of engaging relevant stakeholders in and outside government, including the country’s first National Climate Change Dialogue and three rounds of stakeholder consultations. | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 16,
"text": "32% below 2010 levels by 2025"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | 1st NDC | null | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030.INFORMATION TO FACILITATE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY & UNDERSTANDING Parameter Information Timeframe and/or period for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year 2010 base year (~185 Gg CO2 -e) Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Coverage % national emissions Sectors Energy - Electricity Generation - Transport (land and shipping) - Other (cooking and lighting) Waste [Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible] Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) ) Nitrous Oxide (N2 O) [Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible] Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to use market-based mechanisms to meet target No Land sector accounting approach N/A Metrics and methodology Consistent with methodologies used in RMI’s forthcoming Second National Communication (1996 IPCC Guidelines).Parameter Information Planning process RMI’s INDC was developed through an all-inclusive process of engaging relevant stakeholders in and outside government, including the country’s first National Climate Change Dialogue and three rounds of stakeholder consultations. This process has produced genuine national ownership of the INDC and highlighted synergies with other UNFCCC-related processes, including National Communications, Biennial Update Reports, National Adaptation Planning, and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). | Marshall Islands | {
"answer_start": 74,
"text": "32% below 2010 levels by 2025"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | 1st NDC | null | MHL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Ce potentiel est constitué par l’énorme gisement de production d’énergie propre, éolienne et solaire. Ainsi, la CDN actualisée de la Mauritanie prévoit une réduction nette des émissions de GES à l’échelle de l’économie de 11% en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence avec les moyens propres du pays soutenu par un appui international comparable à celui reçu jusqu’à 2020. Avec un appui plus conséquent, la Mauritanie pourrait assurer sa neutralité carbone, allant jusqu’à une réduction de 92% conditionnelle par rapport au BAU. Le coût global de cette ambition est estimé à 34255 Million US$ dont 635 Million US$ est inconditionnel soit 1,85%. | Mauritania | {
"answer_start": 14,
"text": "Ainsi, la CDN actualisée de la Mauritanie prévoit une réduction nette des émissions de GES à l’échelle de l’économie de 11% en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence avec les moyens propres du pays soutenu par un appui international comparable à celui reçu jusqu’à 2020."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | MRT |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | In the GHG inventory compiled in 2020, covering the years 1990–2018, base year emissions amounted to 5 383 Gg CO2 equivalent. (c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example as a percentage or amount of reduction At least a 35% reduction in total national GHG emissions (excl. LULUCF) by 2030 compared to 1990 (base year). | Montenegro | {
"answer_start": 81,
"text": "At least a 35% reduction in total national GHG emissions (excl. LULUCF) by 2030 compared to 1990 (base year)"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | MNE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Pour l’année de référence 2010, Le niveau d’émission de l’année de référence était de 72 979 Gg d’équivalents CO2. NA Une réduction nette des émissions de GES à l’échelle de l’économie de 18,3% en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence (CNA), avec les moyens propres du pays appuyé par un soutien international comparatif à celui reçu jusqu’à 2020. Avec un soutien plus conséquent le Maroc pourrait aller jusqu’à une réduction des émissions de 45,5% par rapport au CNA. La quantification des indicateurs de référence a été basée sur les données de l’inventaire national des émissions des GES qui sera communiqué dans la Quatrième Communication Nationale. Une seule année d’objectif : 2030. | Morocco | {
"answer_start": 20,
"text": "Une réduction nette des émissions de GES à l’échelle de l’économie de 18,3% en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | MAR |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Long term strategy on climate mitigation The NetherlandsClimate change mitigation is a matter of great urgency. Pursuant to the national Climate Act, the Netherlands needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990. This will be a daunting task for the next 30 years. However, the Netherlands is not starting from scratch. In many areas, the transition is already under way and will pick up pace considerably over the coming years. Furthermore, developments in the Netherlands and worldwide have shown that sustainability improvements and economic growth can go hand in hand. This is cause for hope. Nevertheless, the Netherlands will continue to face many challenges during the transition. | Netherlands | {
"answer_start": 16,
"text": "Pursuant to the national Climate Act, the Netherlands needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | NLD |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | See further details on our approach to carbon market cooperation. Paris Agreement An international agreement for the global response to climate change Zero Carbon Framework A domestic framework for reducing our emissions Goals: Hold global average temperature rise to 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue eff orts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C Net zero emissions in the second half of the century Increase resilience and make global fi nancial fl ows consistent with low-emissions and climate-resilient development Goals: Contribute to eff orts to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5°C Transiti on Aotearoa to a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy By 2050, long-lived greenhouse gases are net zero and biogenic methane emissions are 24–47% below 2017 levels, and 10% below by 2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) towards the global eff ort Countries must communicate their contributi ons to the global response to climate change New Zealand’s fi rst NDC covers 2021–2030 Contributi ons can be achieved through both domesti c acti on (emissions reducti ons and removals) and internati onal cooperati on (off shore miti gati on) Emissions budgets focus on cutting domestic emissions Aim to meet our domesti c and internati onal commitments To be met through domesti c emissions reducti ons and removals; access to internati onal markets is strictly limited Domesti c abatement will count towards meeti ng our NDC Long-term low-emissions development strategy High-level nati onal strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to be communicated under the Paris Agreement Emissions reductions plans provide the detail Detailed policies and strategies that focus on the next 5–15 years The fi rst plan published at the end of 2021 with a new plan published every fi ve years from 2024 Supplements the long-term low-emissions development strategy Aotearoa New Zealand s long-term low-emissions development strategy 13Emissions reduction plans 4 These targets were informed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s special report on the impacts of global warming at 1.5°C. | New Zealand | {
"answer_start": 100,
"text": "By 2050, long-lived greenhouse gases are net zero and biogenic methane emissions are 24–47% below 2017 levels, and 10% below by 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | NZL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Paris Agreement An international agreement for the global response to climate change Zero Carbon Framework A domestic framework for reducing our emissions Goals: Hold global average temperature rise to 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue eff orts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C Net zero emissions in the second half of the century Increase resilience and make global fi nancial fl ows consistent with low-emissions and climate-resilient development Goals: Contribute to eff orts to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5°C Transiti on Aotearoa to a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy By 2050, long-lived greenhouse gases are net zero and biogenic methane emissions are 24–47% below 2017 levels, and 10% below by 2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) towards the global eff ort Countries must communicate their contributi ons to the global response to climate change New Zealand’s fi rst NDC covers 2021–2030 Contributi ons can be achieved through both domesti c acti on (emissions reducti ons and removals) and internati onal cooperati on (off shore miti gati on) Emissions budgets focus on cutting domestic emissions Aim to meet our domesti c and internati onal commitments To be met through domesti c emissions reducti ons and removals; access to internati onal markets is strictly limited Domesti c abatement will count towards meeti ng our NDC Long-term low-emissions development strategy High-level nati onal strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to be communicated under the Paris Agreement Emissions reductions plans provide the detail Detailed policies and strategies that focus on the next 5–15 years The fi rst plan published at the end of 2021 with a new plan published every fi ve years from 2024 Supplements the long-term low-emissions development strategy Aotearoa New Zealand s long-term low-emissions development strategy 13Emissions reduction plans 4 These targets were informed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s special report on the impacts of global warming at 1.5°C. Emissions reduction plans are one of the main requirements in the Zero Carbon Framework (figure 3). | New Zealand | {
"answer_start": 90,
"text": "By 2050, long-lived greenhouse gases are net zero and biogenic methane emissions are 24–47% below 2017 levels, and 10% below by 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | NZL |
T_Economy_Unc | T_FL | en-US | But choices made by the Norwegian Government, the Storting (Norwegian parliament), and by municipalities and counties, the business sector and individuals in Norway – on resource use, spatial management and how and where to build and travel – will have major impacts on the situation in Norway in 2050. Norway’s target of becoming a low-emission society must therefore be made an integral part of the basis for decision making from now onwards. In planning for Norway’s transformation to a low-emission society, it will be vital to ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction and that changes take place quickly enough for Norway to achieve its climate targets. It is a political responsibility to ensure that new opportunities can be used and help to ease the transition. | Norway | {
"answer_start": 49,
"text": "Norway’s target of becoming a low-emission society must therefore be made an integral part of the basis for decision making from now onwards."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | NOR |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | The GoP has taken a series of transformative initiatives. 1 Including hydroPAKISTAN: UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS 2021 Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious aim of conditional and voluntary contributions of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with a 15% drop below business as usual (BAU) from the country’s own resources, and an additional 35% drop below BAU subject to international financial support. Fg.1.1: Voluntary and Conditional Reduction of 50% below its projected BAU emissions by 2030 HIGH PRIORITY ACTIONS The GoP attaches High Priority to reduce future GHG emissions from the following four sectoral initiatives which are conditional to the availability of international financial and technical resources: MITIGATION: 1. RENEWABLE ENERGY: By 2030, 60 % of all energy produced in the country will be generated from renewable energy resources including hydropower. 2. | Pakistan | {
"answer_start": 18,
"text": "Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious aim of conditional and voluntary contributions of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with a 15% drop below business as usual (BAU) from the country’s own resources,"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | PAK |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | es-ES | “Desviación del escenario de Business as Usual” Meta Global 20% de reducciones en base al comportamiento de las emisiones proyectadas al 2030. - Meta Unilateral: 10% de reducción de emisiones proyectadas al 2030 - Meta Condicionada: 10% de reducción de emisiones proyectadas al Línea Base Punto de Referencia: INGEI año base 2000 presentado en la Segunda Comunicación Nacional. Proyección de emisiones - INGEI proyectado año base 2011: 140 Millones de toneladas de CO2 equivalentes (en revisión) - INGEI proyectado año base 2020: 232 Millones de toneladas de CO2 equivalentes (en revisión) - INGEI proyectado año base 2030: 416 Millones de toneladas de CO2 equivalentes (en revisión) Alcance Sectores: todos los sectores citados en las guías metodológicas del IPCC para la realización de los inventarios de gases de efecto invernadero. | Paraguay | {
"answer_start": 23,
"text": "Meta Unilateral: 10% de reducción de emisiones proyectadas al 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | PRY |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | Energy including transport & downstream industries; building & construction industry, water management, waste, and infrastructure. 4 Emission reduction ambition. The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation. 5 BAU and NDC target scenarios The BAU scenario starts in the year 2019 and considers mitigation measures implemented by the State of Qatar until the end of 2019. The NDC target scenario represents a deviation from the BAU, accounting for implemented and planned measures for the period 2020- 2030. | Qatar | {
"answer_start": 20,
"text": "reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | QAT |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | * MEMO items include emissions from aviation and electricity import Specific objectives Based on current sectoral greenhouse gas emissions and available measures and technologies, the contribution of each sector to the achievement of the overall national target, is defined through the adoption of the following sectoral GHG emissions reductions or limitations objectives to be achieved by 2050 compared to 1990: • Energy sector: -64% (excluding MEMO items) A Long-term Vision The Republic of North Macedonia is, by 2050, a prosperous, low carbon economy, following sustainable and climate resilient development pathways, enhancing competitiveness and promoting social cohesion through action to combat climate change and its impacts. A long-term objective quantifying North Macedonia’s contribution to the global effort Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items*) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of North Macedonia’s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change.Long-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan • Industrial Process and Product Use sector: • Agriculture sector: -34% • Carbon sink in forests and other land uses: • Waste sector: -2% Reducing Republic of North Macedonia’s vulnerability to climate change impacts will require the definition and implementation of measures related to nearly every aspect of policy, including sectors as diverse as human health, cultural heritage and biodiversity. | Republic of North Macedonia | {
"answer_start": 116,
"text": "Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items*) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of North Macedonia’s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | MKD |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | A long-term objective quantifying North Macedonia’s contribution to the global effort Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items*) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of North Macedonia’s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change.Long-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan • Industrial Process and Product Use sector: • Agriculture sector: -34% • Carbon sink in forests and other land uses: • Waste sector: -2% Reducing Republic of North Macedonia’s vulnerability to climate change impacts will require the definition and implementation of measures related to nearly every aspect of policy, including sectors as diverse as human health, cultural heritage and biodiversity. This strategy lays the ground for the immediate and urgent work required to address key technical barriers previously identified and to prepare a detailed cross-sectoral National Adaptation Plan (NAP), which will lay the grounds for international cooperation on the matter and set the country on course to a climate resilient sustainable development. | Republic of North Macedonia | {
"answer_start": 11,
"text": "Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items*) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of North Macedonia’s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | LTS | 2050 | MKD |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Réduction inconditionnelle des émissions par rapport à un scénario BAU et suivant l’année de référence. Réduction conditionnelle des émissions des émissions par rapport à un scénario BAU et suivant l’année de référence Année de base 2010 Période de Mise en œuvre Secteurs couverts Tous les secteurs (IPCC 2006) - Énergie (production d’électricité, combustibles domestiques, efficacité énergétique, Transport) - Procédés Industriels, - Déchets, - AFAT (Agriculture, Foresterie et utilisation terres) Méthodologie d’inventaire des émissions : IPCC 2006 Objectifs sectoriels Énergie : Objectif inconditionnel 7,6 et 10%, Objectif conditionnel 35,4 et 41,2% Agriculture Objectif inconditionnel 1,72 et 2,36% Objectif conditionnel 8,76 et 11,98 % Déchets Objectif inconditionnel 10,99 et 11% Objectif conditionnel 65,28 et 65,28% Procédés Industriels et Utilisation des Produits Objectif inconditionnel 0% Objectif conditionnel 4 et 8,1% Agrégation des objectifs sectoriels Objectif inconditionnel 5 et 7% de réduction des émissions de GES respectivement en 2025 et 2030 Objectif conditionnel 23,7 et 29,5 % de réduction des émissions de GES respectivement en 2025 et 2030Les émissions de GES de l’année de base 2010 (BAU) se répartissent comme suit : (voir tableau 13) Tableau 13 : Répartition des émissions de GES en 2010 Secteur Niveau d’émissions en Gg Pourcentage Procédés Industriels et Utilisation des Produits 1412 8 NB : Les émissions nettes du Sénégal en 2010 sont estimées à 3 925 Gg CO2e. | Senegal | {
"answer_start": 133,
"text": "5 et 7% de réduction des émissions de GES respectivement en 2025 et 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | SEN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Réduction conditionnelle des émissions des émissions par rapport à un scénario BAU et suivant l’année de référence Année de base 2010 Période de Mise en œuvre Secteurs couverts Tous les secteurs (IPCC 2006) - Énergie (production d’électricité, combustibles domestiques, efficacité énergétique, Transport) - Procédés Industriels, - Déchets, - AFAT (Agriculture, Foresterie et utilisation terres) Méthodologie d’inventaire des émissions : IPCC 2006 Objectifs sectoriels Énergie : Objectif inconditionnel 7,6 et 10%, Objectif conditionnel 35,4 et 41,2% Agriculture Objectif inconditionnel 1,72 et 2,36% Objectif conditionnel 8,76 et 11,98 % Déchets Objectif inconditionnel 10,99 et 11% Objectif conditionnel 65,28 et 65,28% Procédés Industriels et Utilisation des Produits Objectif inconditionnel 0% Objectif conditionnel 4 et 8,1% Agrégation des objectifs sectoriels Objectif inconditionnel 5 et 7% de réduction des émissions de GES respectivement en 2025 et 2030 Objectif conditionnel 23,7 et 29,5 % de réduction des émissions de GES respectivement en 2025 et 2030Les émissions de GES de l’année de base 2010 (BAU) se répartissent comme suit : (voir tableau 13) Tableau 13 : Répartition des émissions de GES en 2010 Secteur Niveau d’émissions en Gg Pourcentage Procédés Industriels et Utilisation des Produits 1412 8 NB : Les émissions nettes du Sénégal en 2010 sont estimées à 3 925 Gg CO2e. Figure 9 : répartition des émissions en Gg de GES en 2010 Repartition des émissions Globales (sans Foresterie) de GES CDN en 2010 Energie Procédés industriels Dechets AgricultureLe secteur agricole représente presque la moitié des émissions du Sénégal en 2010. | Senegal | {
"answer_start": 118,
"text": "5 et 7% de réduction des émissions de GES respectivement en 2025 et 2030"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | SEN |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | en-US | Existing infrastructure will also be retrofitted, or managed differently, because of climate change.Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 5. MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION In order to contribute to the mitigation of global GHG emissions, Sierra Leone’s commitment is to reduce its domestic GHG emissions of 10% by 2030 as compared to a no-policy scenario of 2015 to 2030, with an intermediary indicative mitigation target of 5% reduction by 2025 against the same baseline. In the longer term, Sierra Leone’s mitigation ambition is to cut GHG emission by 25% in 2050 with the inclusion of additional sectors and gases in the successive NDCs with clear and measurable mitigation targets and specific actions. | Sierra Leone | {
"answer_start": 35,
"text": "reduce its domestic GHG emissions of 10% by 2030 as compared to a no-policy scenario of 2015 to 2030, with an intermediary indicative mitigation target of 5% reduction by 2025"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | SLE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BAU | fr-FR | Les valeurs des indicateurs pourront être mises à jour dans les prochains rapports d’inventaires en cas de disposition de nouvelles données et/ou d’amélioration méthodologique. 2. Délais et/ou délais de mise en œuvre a. Calendrier et/ou période de mise en œuvre, y compris les dates de début et de fin, conformément à toute autre décision pertinente adoptée par la CMA. b. Qu’il s’agisse d’un objectif annuel ou pluriannuel, selon le cas. L’année d’objectif est 2030. 3. Périmètre et couverture a. Description générale de l’objectif d’atténuation. Réduction de 6032 ktCO2e à l’horizon 2030 de manière conditionnelle, représentant une réduction nette de 32% par rapport au scénario de référence. Ce qui représente une progression par rapport au CDN initial qui était de 31%. | Haiti | {
"answer_start": 84,
"text": "Réduction de 6032 ktCO2e à l’horizon 2030 de manière conditionnelle, représentant une réduction nette de 32% par rapport au scénario de référence. Ce qui représente une progression par rapport au CDN initial qui était de 31%"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | HTI |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Given the adoption of the adaptation registry is still pending as of submission date, the document can be found here: Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 37,
"text": "In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Comprehensive information on adaptation strat- egies, planning, measures and implementation are found in Switzerland’s first adaptation communica- tion under the Paris Agreement (2020)2 and in Switzerland’s 7th National Communication (2018)3. Switzerland’s NDC Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 49,
"text": "In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2030 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Given the adoption of the adaptation registry is still pending as of submission date, the document can be found here: Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 84,
"text": "By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | Comprehensive information on adaptation strat- egies, planning, measures and implementation are found in Switzerland’s first adaptation communica- tion under the Paris Agreement (2020)2 and in Switzerland’s 7th National Communication (2018)3. Switzerland’s NDC Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 96,
"text": "By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_BYE | en-US | By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used. The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss NDC are included in this communication. Long-term: Switzerland aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. This target lays the foundations for Switzerland’s 2050 climate strategy, which was transmitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat on 28 January 2021. 2 Switzerland’s adaptation communication has been submitted to the UNFCCC in December 2020: Information necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions (4/CMA.1, Annex I) 1. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 0,
"text": "By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated"
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2025 | CHE |
T_Economy_Unc | T_TRA | en-US | Given the adoption of the adaptation registry is still pending as of submission date, the document can be found here: Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used. | Switzerland | {
"answer_start": 37,
"text": "In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030."
} | | Are there economy-wide unconditional targets? | Updated NDC | 2021-2030 | CHE |