6 values
3 values
6 values
29 values
Comprehensive information on adaptation strat- egies, planning, measures and implementation are found in Switzerland’s first adaptation communica- tion under the Paris Agreement (2020)2 and in Switzerland’s 7th National Communication (2018)3. Switzerland’s NDC Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated.
{ "answer_start": 49, "text": "In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland’s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021–2030." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Par ailleurs, afin d’assurer un développement durable sobre en carbone, le Togo s’est engagé dans un ambitieux programme de lutte contre les changements climatiques dont les activités nécessitent un appui soutenu de ses partenaires techniques et financiers (renforcement de capacité, transfert et diffusion de technologie, et ressources financières). ❖ Contribution inconditionnelle Les résultats de l’analyse des réductions sectorielles indiquent que le Togo peut s’engager dans une contribution inconditionnelle de réduction de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 20,51% à l’horizon 2030, soit 6 236,02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13 ; Tableau 11).
{ "answer_start": 64, "text": "dans une contribution inconditionnelle de réduction de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 20,51% à l’horizon 2030, soit 6 236,02 Gg CO2-eq" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
❖ Contribution inconditionnelle Les résultats de l’analyse des réductions sectorielles indiquent que le Togo peut s’engager dans une contribution inconditionnelle de réduction de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 20,51% à l’horizon 2030, soit 6 236,02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13 ; Tableau 11). ❖ Contribution conditionnelle Dans l’approche proposée pour le scénario d’atténuation, l’Etat togolais s’engage, s’il bénéficie du soutien requis, de réaliser une diminution supplémentaire de 30,06% des émissions de GES par rapport au scénario de référence à l’horizon 2030, soit 9 305,59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), sans compromettre sa politique d’autosuffisance alimentaire en procédant de façon à ne pas compromettre son développement durable.Figure 3: Tendances des réductions globales des émissions de GES par rapport au scénario de référence ❖ Contribution globale De façon globale, la contribution du Togo s’élève à 50,57%, soit 15 378,55 Gg CO2-eq à l’horizon 2030 répartie comme suit : ✓ Cible inconditionnelle : 20,51% ; ✓ Cible conditionnelle : 30,06%.
{ "answer_start": 16, "text": "dans une contribution inconditionnelle de réduction de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 20,51% à l’horizon 2030, soit 6 236,02 Gg CO2-eq" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Besoins de financement La mise en œuvre de la CDN actualisée nécessitera la mobilisation d’importantes ressources financières, estimées à environ 19,4 milliards USD sur la période 2021-2030, dont 14,4 milliards USD pour l’atténuation, 4,3 milliards USD pour l’adaptation et 0,7 milliards USD pour les actions de renforcement des capacités.CDN actualisée de la TUNISIE LA CONTRIBUTION TUNISIENNE ACTUALISÉE EN MATIÈRE D’ATTÉNUATION 1.Type d’objectif % de baisse de l’intensité carbone par rapport à une année de référence Année cible  Période de mise en œuvre  Année de référence Objectif global de la CDN La contribution de la Tunisie en matière d’atténuation se matérialise par une baisse de 45% de son intensité carbone en 2030 par rapport à celle de 2010 (Figure 1). Objectifs inconditionnels et conditionnels d’atténuation La contribution inconditionnelle de la Tunisie correspond à une baisse de l’intensité carbone de 27 % en 2030 par rapport à celle de l’année de référence 2010, ce qui est très largement au-dessus de la première CDN ou l’effort inconditionnel devait générer seulement 13% de réduction de l’intensité carbone.
{ "answer_start": 134, "text": "une baisse de l’intensité carbone de 27 % en 2030 par rapport à celle de l’année de référence 2010" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Objectifs inconditionnels et conditionnels d’atténuation La contribution inconditionnelle de la Tunisie correspond à une baisse de l’intensité carbone de 27 % en 2030 par rapport à celle de l’année de référence 2010, ce qui est très largement au-dessus de la première CDN ou l’effort inconditionnel devait générer seulement 13% de réduction de l’intensité carbone. La contribution conditionnelle permet une baisse additionnelle de l’intensité carbone en 2030 de 18 % par rapport à l’année de référence 2010.
{ "answer_start": 13, "text": "une baisse de l’intensité carbone de 27 % en 2030 par rapport à celle de l’année de référence 2010" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Si bien Uruguay aporta un porcentaje muy bajo al total de emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero, los esfuerzos por promover un desarrollo con bajas emisiones de carbono han estado siempre presentes en la política e instrumentos de cambio climático del país y ésta no es una excepción. Para aportar al objetivo de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media global del Acuerdo de París, la Estrategia de Uruguay incluye un escenario aspiracional de neutralidad de CO2 al 2050 y escenarios de estabilidad en la emisiones de CH4 y N2O, estos dos últimos gases fuertemente ligados a la producción de alimentos.
{ "answer_start": 49, "text": "Para aportar al objetivo de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media global del Acuerdo de París, la Estrategia de Uruguay incluye un escenario aspiracional de neutralidad de CO2 al 2050 y escenarios de estabilidad en la emisiones de CH4 y N2O, estos dos últimos gases fuertemente ligados a la producción de alimentos." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Para aportar al objetivo de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media global del Acuerdo de París, la Estrategia de Uruguay incluye un escenario aspiracional de neutralidad de CO2 al 2050 y escenarios de estabilidad en la emisiones de CH4 y N2O, estos dos últimos gases fuertemente ligados a la producción de alimentos. Respecto a las consecuencias del cambio climático, cabe destacar la importancia para Uruguay de aumentar la capacidad de adaptación y resiliencia de su sociedad, sistemas productivos y ecosistemas, y reducir la vulnerabilidad ante eventos climáticos adversos que serán cada vez más frecuentes.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Para aportar al objetivo de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media global del Acuerdo de París, la Estrategia de Uruguay incluye un escenario aspiracional de neutralidad de CO2 al 2050 y escenarios de estabilidad en la emisiones de CH4 y N2O, estos dos últimos gases fuertemente ligados a la producción de alimentos." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
(iii) The emissions under the BAU scenario are estimated to be 528.4 million tonnes of CO2eq in 2020, 726.2 million tonnes of CO2eq in 2025, and 927.9 million tonnes of CO2eq in 2030 (compared with 474.1 million tonnes of CO2eq and 787.4 million tonnes of CO2eq in 2020 and 2030, respectively, in the current NDC). (iv) Specific mitigation measures have been identified for the energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste, and IP sectors. (v) Viet Nam will have reduced its GHG emissions by 9% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030 with its own domestic resources. This contribution can be raised up to 27% with international support through bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation and the implementation of new mechanisms under the Paris Agreement.
Viet Nam
{ "answer_start": 72, "text": "Viet Nam will have reduced its GHG emissions by 9% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030 with its own domestic resources." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; At least 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the business as usual scenario with limited international support or By 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s); Sources of information include; Zambia’s Biennial Update Report and Third National Communication submitted to UNFCCC Secretariat in 2020. (f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators. The value of the reference indicator has been updated due to the fact that GHG emissions have been recalculated as a result of change of methodologies.
{ "answer_start": 17, "text": "At least 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the business as usual scenario with limited international support" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Sectoral BAU baselines for each of the key mitigation sectors have been computed. c. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Economy wide emissions reduction of 24.7% in 2030 below the BAU conditions. Of which, Uganda’s unconditional efforts will result into reduction of 5.9% in 2030 below the BAU conditions.
{ "answer_start": 42, "text": "Of which, Uganda’s unconditional efforts will result into reduction of 5.9% in 2030 below the BAU conditions" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Of which, Uganda’s unconditional efforts will result into reduction of 5.9% in 2030 below the BAU conditions. d. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Instead of responding to Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, Uganda has responded to Article 4, paragraph 19 thereby developing the country’s first Long Term Climate Strategy (LTS) which highlights pathways to a resilient, inclusive and low carbon economy by the year 2050. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The key data sources used for baseline projection are: • Uganda’s 2015 GHG inventory report • East African Commission (2015).
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Of which, Uganda’s unconditional efforts will result into reduction of 5.9% in 2030 below the BAU conditions" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Mitigation Strategies Sri Lanka being a developing country, anticipates achieving the development objectives while moving in a low carbon development pathway. Mainly five sectors have been identified under mitigation for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These are sectors of energy (electricity generation), transport, industry, forests and waste. Possible emission reduction actions have been identified in each sector, which are to be implemented during the period of 2020 to 2030. NDCs for Mitigation intends to reduce the GHG emissions against BAU scenario by 20% in the energy sector (4% unconditionally and 16% conditionally) and by 10% in other sectors (transport, industry, forests and waste) by 3% unconditionally and 7% conditionally by 2030. 5.1. Energy Sector-Electricity generation Sri Lanka has realized almost 100% electrification through the national grid.
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 68, "text": "NDCs for Mitigation intends to reduce the GHG emissions against BAU scenario by 20% in the energy sector (4% unconditionally and 16% conditionally)" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
In order to make comparisons with the first and the second NDC and changes in the greenhouse gases (hereinafter: GHG), the GHG emission is expressed compared to 1990. Projections reference year: 2015 (b) Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year; Further quantifiable information on the reference indicators are available in the National GHG Inventories (c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example, as percentage or amount of reduction; (A) economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 - 33.3% compared to 1990 (e) Information on data sources used in quantifying the reference point(s) National GHG inventories for the 1990 – 2015 period Prepared by the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and presented in the Second Biennial update report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators.
{ "answer_start": 134, "text": "economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 - 33.3% compared to 1990" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Projections reference year: 2015 (b) Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year; Further quantifiable information on the reference indicators are available in the National GHG Inventories (c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example, as percentage or amount of reduction; (A) economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 - 33.3% compared to 1990 (e) Information on data sources used in quantifying the reference point(s) National GHG inventories for the 1990 – 2015 period Prepared by the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and presented in the Second Biennial update report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators. The National GHG emissions in the base year and the reference year may be updated and recalculated due to the methodological changes and more precise calculations.
{ "answer_start": 106, "text": "economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 - 33.3% compared to 1990" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
The country has also announced its intention to achieve net- zero emissions by A Bridge to Greater Climate Ambition A Bridge to Greater Climate Ambition Information to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding: In line with Article 4, Paragraph 8 of the Paris Agreement and Decision 4/CMA.1, the UAE submits the following ICTU. Information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding (ICTU) guidance Quantified information on the reference point Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030. BAU scenario emissions in 2030 are projected to be about 301.2 million tons, assuming a moderate annual linear sector specific growth rate in line with projected economic growth, national circumstance and historical trends. The BAU scenario includes all mitigation measures implemented prior to and during 2016.
United Arab Emirates
{ "answer_start": 69, "text": "Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
2nd NDC
Whether it is a single-year or multi-year target, as applicable. w Multi-Year Target (2022-2030) w The NDC is based on a range of steps and milestones that will be achieved at different points over the 2022-2030 timeframe. w Additional detail on activities and outcomes will be added where and when possible. w Relevant enhancements to the data and basis of this NDC will be submitted at relevant intervals.Nationally Determined Contribution Timor-Leste 2022-2030 3. Scope and Coverage a. General description of the target; Timor-Leste is a Least Developed Country that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change while also reliant on revenue from its oil and gas resources. Timor-Leste’s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a ‘nature-positive’ resilient development pathway.
{ "answer_start": 109, "text": "Timor-Leste’s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a ‘nature-positive’ resilient development pathway." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Timor-Leste’s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a ‘nature-positive’ resilient development pathway. The term ‘nature-positive’ refers to the emphasis of this NDC on the use of nature-based solutions to help build national resilience, increase the carbon sequestration potential of national carbon sinks and reservoirs, protect national development gains, and grow the non-oil economy through the positive growth of sustainable agriculture and green tourism. The geographical coverage of this NDC is applied to all areas within Timor-Leste’s geopolitical boundaries (and is inclusive of the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA)) Mitigation and adaptation activities in Timor-Leste are highly interlinked and often indistinct.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Timor-Leste’s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a ‘nature-positive’ resilient development pathway." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Teniendo en cuenta que la ambición de Guinea Ecuatorial en la primera CDN fue reducir las emisiones en un 20% para el año 2030, con la meta de alcanzar el 50% para el 2050, con referencia al año 2010. La ambición de Guinea Ecuatorial en su CDN actualizada se ha aumentado y tiene el objetivo de reducir las emisiones en un 35% para el año 2030, con la meta de alcanzar el 50% para el 2050, con una reducción total de 379.291,54 Gg CO2eq, con referencia al año 2019 (446.215,38 Gg CO2eq). La próxima actualización será en el año 2027.
Equatorial Guinea
{ "answer_start": 39, "text": "La ambición de Guinea Ecuatorial en su CDN actualizada se ha aumentado y tiene el objetivo de reducir las emisiones en un 35% para el año 2030, con la meta de alcanzar el 50% para el 2050, con una reducción total de 379.291,54 Gg CO2eq, con referencia al año 2019 (446.215,38 Gg CO2eq). La próxima actualización será en el año 2027." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Contribution level Therefore, the country is committed to stabilize its emissions by reducing GHG emissions up to 50% below BAU emission levels by 2030 through unconditional and conditional actions targeting the following sectors: Power generation from renewable sources; and Reforestation. Unconditional Reduction The level of reduction planned unconditionally is expected to be up to 35% by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, taking 2005 as the reference year. Conditional Reduction In a conditional mitigation scenario Angola plans to reduce further its emissions. Therefore, the mitigation options identified in this scenario are expected to reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030.
{ "answer_start": 52, "text": "Up to 35% by 2030 as compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Brazil’s iNDC has a broad scope including mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation, consistent with the contributions’ purpose to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention, pursuant to decision 1/CP.20, paragraph 9 (Lima Call for Climate Action). MITIGATION: Contribution: Brazil intends to commit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025.Subsequent indicative contribution: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. Type: absolute target in relation to a base year. Coverage: 100% of the territory, economy-wide, including CO2, CH4, N2O, perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and SF6. Reference point: 2005. Timeframe: single-year target for 2025; indicative values for 2030 for reference purposes only. Metric: 100 year Global Warming Potential (GWP-100), using IPCC AR5 values.
{ "answer_start": 62, "text": "43% below 2005 levels in 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Despite these challenges, Canada has one of the cleanest electricity systems among G-7 and G-20 nations and one of the cleanest in the world, with almost 80% of our electricity supply already emitting no greenhouse gases. Since 2011, Canada’s per capita greenhouse gas emissions have been at their lowest levels since tracking began in 1990 while the economy has continued to grow. Although Canada represents only 1.6% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, Canada remains committed to doing our part to address climate change. As part of our contribution to a new global climate change agreement, Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. This target is ambitious but achievable.
{ "answer_start": 110, "text": "30% below 2005 levels by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
With this contribution Canada is affirming our continued commitment to developing an internationalclimate change agreement that is fair, effective and includes meaningful and transparent commitments from all major emitters. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Clarifying Information Base year 2005 End year 2030 Type Absolute reduction from base-year emissions Coverage Economy wide – 100% of Canadian GHG inventory Gases covered o carbon dioxide (CO2 ) o methane (CH4 ) o nitrous oxide (N2 O) o sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ) o perfluorocarbons (PFCs) o hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) o nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ) Sectors All IPCC sectors Implementation The Government of Canada has in place legislative instruments to address climate change. The federal government’s primary statute is the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, which includes authorities to regulate GHG emissions.
{ "answer_start": 47, "text": "30% below 2005 levels by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
GHG Mitigation Component 2.1 Contribution to GHG Emissions Mitigation Type of contribution GHG emission reduction compared to the Business-As-Usual scenario (BAU) BAU scenario approach was adopted, given that DPR Korea has no obligation to reduce its emission regarding a base year under Coverage - Sectors covered: all 2006 IPCC sectors Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Waste - Geographical coverage: 100 percent geographical coverage - Percentage of national emissions covered, as reflected in the most recent national GHG inventory: 100% Greenhouse gases Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons, Sulfur hexafluoride Methodologies and tools to estimate GHG emissions and data - 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, IPCC Inventory Software - Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) - Greenhouse gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) - Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) - IPCC SAR GWP values (Carbon Dioxide; 1, Methane; 21, Nitrous Oxide; 310) Planning process The INDC has been prepared by a participatory and transparent process through stakeholder consultations, taking into consideration the national socio-economic development plans, including the five-year strategy for national economic development Business-As- Usual scenario (BAU) DPR Korea’s BAU scenario for GHG emissions was developed based on the assumption of economic growth in the absence of climate change policies. - GHG emission projections for 2020: 116.36 million tCO2 e - GHG emission projections for 2030: 187.73 million tCO2 e The BAU scenario projection will be revised to include more accurate information with preparation of the National Communications and Biennial Update.Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Page 5 Unconditional contribution Based the on national circumstances, common but differentiated responsibility and its capability, DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 276, "text": "DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
- GHG emission projections for 2020: 116.36 million tCO2 e - GHG emission projections for 2030: 187.73 million tCO2 e The BAU scenario projection will be revised to include more accurate information with preparation of the National Communications and Biennial Update.Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Page 5 Unconditional contribution Based the on national circumstances, common but differentiated responsibility and its capability, DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources. Conditional contribution DPR Korea could achieve the additional contribution equivalent to 32.25% of the GHG emission in the BAU scenario by 2030 if international support is received through international cooperation including the financial support under the Paris Agreement.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 66, "text": "DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
The positive abatement revenues indicate the potential priority projects with short term returns while; the negative abatement revenues have long term returns yet projects have substantial CO2 eq emission reduction. Trajectory Objective Towards 2030 The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010. If additional support is availed, it can further be reduced by 12.6% in 2020, 24.9% by 2025 and 38.5 by the year 2030. Table 2. Reduction of fossil fuel CO2 emissions Scenario (%) Year The business as usual (BAU) scenario, for all GHG gases, is expected to increase to 4.1 MtCO2 eq.
{ "answer_start": 34, "text": "The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Georgia’s INDC is largely based on currently available results achieved during the LEDS preparation process. The final LEDS and the mitigation actions specified therein will become key instrument in achieving Georgia’s GHG emission reduction target.Intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) of Georgia The Lima Conference invited all Parties “to communicate their intended nationally determined contributions well in advance of the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties in a manner that facilitates the clarity, transparency and understanding of the intended nationally determined contributions.” Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030. This is equal to reduction in emission intensity per unit of GDP by approximately 34% from 2013 to 2030.
{ "answer_start": 92, "text": "15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular its paragraph 13, the following quantifiable information is hereby submitted: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Georgia Party Georgia Type Deviation from baseline, business as usual scenario Coverage All sectors excluding LULUCF Sectors Energy Industrial processes Agriculture Waste Information on GHG emissions reduction targets for the forestry sector of Georgia is given in Annex 1. Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year 2013 Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030.
{ "answer_start": 104, "text": "15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year 2013 Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030. This is equal to reduction in emission intensity per unit of GDP by approximately 34% from 2013 to 2030. The 15% reduction target will be increased up to 25% in a conditional manner, subject to a global agreement addressing the importance of technical cooperation, access to low-cost financial resources and technology transfer. This is equal to reduction of emission intensity per unit of GDP by approximately 43% from 2013 to 2030.
{ "answer_start": 39, "text": "15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Submission by Iceland to the ADP Iceland’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Introduction Iceland is committed to the UNFCCC negotiation process towards adopting a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention, applicable to all Parties, in line with the objective of keeping global warming below 2°C. Iceland‘s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland aims to be part of a collective delivery by European countries to reach a target of 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. A precise commitment for Iceland within such collective delivery has yet to be determined, and is dependent on an agreement with the European Union and its Member States and possibly other countries.
{ "answer_start": 74, "text": "40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Federated States of Micronesia Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Type of INDC The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) commits to reduce GHGs emission in percentage terms on a base year target. The INDC Unconditional The FSM commits to unconditionally reduce by 2025 a 28% its GHGs emissions below emissions in year 2000. Conditional Similarly, subject to the availability of additional financial, technical and capacity building support from the international community, the FSM could do by 2025 an additional reduction up to 35% below emissions in the 2000 base year. Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Type Sectoral targets Reference year or period • Total GHG emissions for year 2000 in FSM were 150,000 tCO2e.
Micronesia (Federated States of)
{ "answer_start": 35, "text": "Commits to unconditionally reduce by 2025 a 28% its GHGs emissions below emissions in year 2000" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
NEW ZEALAND Submission under the Paris Agreement New Zealand’s Nationally Determined Contribution New Zealand hereby communicates its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement. New Zealand commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.Time period 2021 to 2030 Type of commitment Absolute reduction target managed using a carbon budget. Target reference year 2005 Reduction level Emissions will be reduced to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.
New Zealand
{ "answer_start": 33, "text": "30% below 2005 levels by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Target reference year 2005 Reduction level Emissions will be reduced to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Scope and coverage This responsibility target is economy-wide covering all sectors: Energy Industrial processes and product use Agriculture Forestry and other land use Waste and all greenhouse gases: HFCs N2 O PFCs NF3 Methodological approaches for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals This NDC applies 100 year Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) from the IPCC 4th assessment report, and methodologies from the IPCC 2006 greenhouse gas inventory guidelines and the 2013 IPCC KP Supplement.
New Zealand
{ "answer_start": 11, "text": "30% below 2005 levels by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
San Marino hereby communicates its intended nationally determined contribution and the accompanying information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding, with reference to decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) The Republic of San Marino, on the basis of the decision of the Government held on 28 September 2015, commits to reduce GHG emissions to 20% below 2005 levels by 2030. In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular paragraph 14, the Republic of San Marino shall submit the following information for its INDC. Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a base year): Base year: 2005 Emissions in base year: 0,213 Mt per year (provisional, will be defined through the next inventory submissions).
San Marino
{ "answer_start": 56, "text": "20% below 2005 levels by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
The Kingdom will engage in actions and plans in pursuit of economic diversification that have co-benefits in the form of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission avoidances and adaptation to the impacts of climate change, as well as reducing the impacts of response measures. This will help the Kingdom to achieve its sustainable development objectives. In this spirit, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia desires to actively contribute to the UNFCCC negotiations maximizing long term benefits and minimizing potential negative side effects for Saudi Arabia. Executive Summary The actions and plans outlined in this submission seek to achieve mitigation co-benefits ambitions of up to 130 million tons of CO2eq avoided by 2030 annually through contributions to economic diversification and adaptation.
Saudi Arabia
{ "answer_start": 101, "text": "130 million tons of CO2eq avoided by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Executive Summary The actions and plans outlined in this submission seek to achieve mitigation co-benefits ambitions of up to 130 million tons of CO2eq avoided by 2030 annually through contributions to economic diversification and adaptation. These ambitions are contingent on the Kingdom’s economy continuing to grow with an increasingly diversified economy and a robust contribution from oil export revenues to the national economy. It is also premised on the fact that the economic and social consequences of international climate change policies and measures do not pose disproportionate or abnormal burden on the Kingdom’s economy. This is fully consistent with Article 3 paragraph 2 and Article 4 paragraph 8(h) and 10 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Saudi Arabia
{ "answer_start": 19, "text": "130 million tons of CO2eq avoided by 2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Government of Tuvalu Intended Nationally Determined Contributions Communicated to the UNFCCC on 27 November 2015 Introduction In accordance with the relevant paragraphs of Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, Tuvalu hereby communicates its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) towards meeting the ultimate goal of the UNFCCC, and provides up-­‐front information in tabular format to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. Additional accompanying information, relating to mitigation actions and support for implementation, is provided. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Tuvalu commits to reduction of emissions of green-­‐house gases from the electricity generation (power) sector, by 100%, ie almost zero emissions by 2025. Tuvalu’s indicative quantified economy-­‐wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025.
{ "answer_start": 108, "text": "A reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
Tuvalu’s indicative quantified economy-­‐wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025. These emissions will be further reduced from the other key sectors, agriculture and waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance.These targets go beyond the targets enunciated in Tuvalu’s National Energy Policy (NEP) and the Majuro Declaration on Climate Leadership (2013). Currently, 50% of electricity is derived from renewables, mainly solar, and this figure will rise to 75% by 2020 and 100% by 2025. This would mean almost zero use of fossil fuel for power generation. This is also in line with our ambition to keep the warming to less than 1.5⁰C, if there is a chance to save atoll nations like Tuvalu.
{ "answer_start": 6, "text": "A reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
The BAU starts from 2010 (the latest year of the national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, waste and LULUCF sectors. GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%.
Viet Nam
{ "answer_start": 40, "text": "With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%. Conditional contribution The above-mentioned 8% contribution could be increased to 25% if international support is received through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as through the implementation of new mechanisms under the Global Climate Agreement, in which emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 30% compared to 2010 levels. 2.3.
Viet Nam
{ "answer_start": 18, "text": "With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
1st NDC
De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. Finalmente, se ratifica la meta de reducción de las emisiones de carbono negro de 51% de forma no condicionada en 2030, y 70% de forma condicionada. El escenario tendencial proyectado al 2030, sin intervención de política de mitigación se cuantificó en 991 MtCO2 e como punto de referencia para 2030.
{ "answer_start": 51, "text": "Finalmente, se ratifica la meta de reducción de las emisiones de carbono negro de 51% de forma no condicionada en 2030, y 70% de forma condicionada." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Sustainable, connected and safe mobility The mobility sector accounts for 56% of GHG emissions and internal mobility is responsible for approximately 24% of the emissions produced by this sector, according to the data for 2017. For this reason it will be necessary to develop a national mobility strategy with the aim of reducing emissions and respecting the hierarchy in the prioritisation of transport systems established in the Litecc; firstly, it will be essential to prioritise public transport and promote motorised or assistedThe Long-Term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change (2020-2050) non-public mobility (walking, cycling, etc.) and, secondly, electric motorised mobility without a source of GHG emissions.
{ "answer_start": 38, "text": "it will be necessary to develop a national mobility strategy with the aim of reducing emissions and respecting the hierarchy in the prioritisation of transport systems established in the Litecc" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
• The participation of 16 municipalities in the 2nd “cantonal” category of the National Carbon Neutral Program (PPCN). Activities 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. • To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. • To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. • To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning. 1.3.2 To promote dense and compact city models. • To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 20, "text": "To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. (Quick Win): 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. o To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. o To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. MOPT MINAE MEIC MICITT Business incubators MOPT CTP MINAE Presidency Municipalities INVU MIVAH IFAM MINAE transport technologies "that create barriers to decarbonisation of the transport system in the medium and long- term. More modelling exercises must be realized for informed decision-making A. Comprehensive reform for the new institutionality of the Bicentennial: - Efficient organization of the transport sector and territorial planning with an integrated governance system.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 24, "text": "To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Ces données confirment qu’aussi bien dans une perspective de mobilité fluide que de mobilité décarbonisée, la planification de la mobilité doit prioritairement poursuivre l’objectif d’augmenter les parts modales de la mobilité active et des transports en commun au détriment de la part modale de la voiture, tout en améliorant la multimodalité150 du réseau de mobilité. Sur base de la stratégie pour une mobilité durable Modu 2.0151, un plan national de mobilité pour 2035 est en cours d’élaboration et visera à mettre en place les mesures et les infrastructures requises pour une mobilité durable dans toutes les régions du pays, en prenant en compte la mobilité transfrontalière. Ce plan sera actualisé à un rythme quinquennal.
{ "answer_start": 55, "text": "Sur base de la stratégie pour une mobilité durable Modu 2.0151, un plan national de mobilité pour 2035 est en cours d’élaboration et visera à mettre en place les mesures et les infrastructures requises pour une mobilité durable dans toutes les régions du pays, en prenant en compte la mobilité transfrontalière. Ce plan sera actualisé à un rythme quinquennal." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Stimuler l’économie circulaire, la réduction et la valorisation des déchets ; 5. Développer l’agriculture et les écosystèmes forestiers durables et résilients et les puits de carbone ; Mettre en place des plans de transports et de logistique favorisant la multi-modalité et l’investissement massif dans le développement de nouvelles infrastructures de transport ; et Promouvoir une nouvelle génération de villes sobres et « intelligentes », y compris par l’intégration systémique des technologies de la transition numérique dans tous les secteurs socio-économiques.
{ "answer_start": 27, "text": "Mettre en place des plans de transports et de logistique favorisant la multi-modalité et l’investissement massif dans le développement de nouvelles infrastructures de transport" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Développer l’agriculture et les écosystèmes forestiers durables et résilients et les puits de carbone ; Mettre en place des plans de transports et de logistique favorisant la multi-modalité et l’investissement massif dans le développement de nouvelles infrastructures de transport ; et Promouvoir une nouvelle génération de villes sobres et « intelligentes », y compris par l’intégration systémique des technologies de la transition numérique dans tous les secteurs socio-économiques. Pour cela, il sera essentiel de s’appuyer sur les feuilles de route sectorielles existantes, et les améliorer et de suivre une approche systémique à partir de différents « nexus » cruciaux dans la gestion de l’enjeu climatique au Maroc : aménagement du territoire, eau, biodiversité, mobilité, industrie, agriculture, énergie, digitalisation, etc.
{ "answer_start": 15, "text": "Mettre en place des plans de transports et de logistique favorisant la multi-modalité et l’investissement massif dans le développement de nouvelles infrastructures de transport" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Meet the need for education, awareness-raising and awareness for the general public of the need for additional measures in this sector. Consider introducing a reduction target for the whole transport sector (whether for 2030 or later) as part of updating this Strategy. Current Trends in Reducing Emissions in Agriculture Human activities in the agricultural sector contribute significantly to changes in the concentration of some gases in the atmosphere, namely N2O and CH4 are considered to be the most important gases emitted from agriculture in terms of mitigation and adaptation measures planned to reduce their environmental impact. The largest share of methane emissions is from the category of Enteric Fermentation, which produced 34.42 Gg (76.3%) of methane in the sector in 2016.
{ "answer_start": 21, "text": "Consider introducing a reduction target for the whole transport sector (whether for 2030 or later) as part of updating this Strategy." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Table 4.4.2: NDCs in Transport Sector NDC # NDCs and Actions Timeline NDC 1 Transport sector system improvement 2021-2030 1.1 Avoid the need to travel 2021-2030 1.2 Reduce commuting distances and travel time 2021-2030 1.3 Improve traffic and traffic light management 2021- 2030 1.5 Introduce intelligent transport management systems 2021-2030 1.6 Improve road architecture (road designs, road signs, signaling, signage, etc.) 2021-2030 NDC 2 Promote public passenger transport 2021-2030 2.1 Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.2 Improve railway transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.3 Integrate transport modes 2021-2030 2.4 Improve last mile connectivity 2021-2030 NDC 3 Shift freight to efficient modes 2021-2030 3.1 Switch back to rail from road transport 2021-2030 3.2 Promote transporting petroleum products by pipeline 2021-2030 3.3 Introduce rail-based transport system with inland container depots 2021-2030 NDC 4 Rapid transport for passenger transport 2021-2030 4.1 Introduce Light Rail Transport in Colombo city 2021-2030 NDC 5 Promote non-motorized transport modes 2021- 2030 5.1 Promote the use of bicycles 2021-2030 5.2 Improve the facilities for pedestrian walkways 2021-2030 NDC 6 Introduce taxes and other instruments to promote public transport 2021- 2030 6.1 Change the existing vehicle emission charging system from the present vehicle based to vehicle type, fuel used and emission-based system plus the total km travel 6.2 Restrict the entry of individual modes of transport to sensitive areas and congested areas of major cities during peak hours through a levy 6.3 Develop park and ride infrastructure developments combined with Corden based pricing mechanism NDC 7 Introduce inland water transport modes 2021-2030 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes NDC 8 Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway 2021-2030 8.1 Electrification of railway lines 2021-2030 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network 2021-2030 NDC 9 Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements 9.3 Tax & Duty concessions for batteries used for electric and hybrid vehicles after introducing a specific HS code NDC 10 Improve vehicle fleet efficiency 2021-2030 10.1 Improve efficiencies of the existing vehicle fleet 2021-2030 10.2 Promote the import of fuel-efficient vehicles 2021-2030 10.3 Introduce programmes to change driver behaviours 2021-2030NDC 11 Road infrastructure development 2021-2030 11.1 Development of provincial and rural road infrastructure for improved mobility 2021-2030 11.2 Expansion of expressway network 2021-2030 NDC 12 Reduce GHG emissions from the marine sector 2021-2030 12.1 Ratify Annex VI of MARPOL convention to enforce provisions in Sri Lanka 2021-2030 12.2 Study the impact of shipping on GHG emissions (coastal traffic and ports) depending on evidence-based information and introduce measures to address the issues 12.4 Introduce energy efficiency measures and fuel quality improvement programmes to coastal shipping and fishing boats and vessels NDC 13 Generic enabling activities 2021-2030 13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 2021-2030 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making 2021-2030 It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2).
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 486, "text": "Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Updated NDC
2021-2030 NDC 2 Promote public passenger transport 2021-2030 2.1 Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.2 Improve railway transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.3 Integrate transport modes 2021-2030 2.4 Improve last mile connectivity 2021-2030 NDC 3 Shift freight to efficient modes 2021-2030 3.1 Switch back to rail from road transport 2021-2030 3.2 Promote transporting petroleum products by pipeline 2021-2030 3.3 Introduce rail-based transport system with inland container depots 2021-2030 NDC 4 Rapid transport for passenger transport 2021-2030 4.1 Introduce Light Rail Transport in Colombo city 2021-2030 NDC 5 Promote non-motorized transport modes 2021- 2030 5.1 Promote the use of bicycles 2021-2030 5.2 Improve the facilities for pedestrian walkways 2021-2030 NDC 6 Introduce taxes and other instruments to promote public transport 2021- 2030 6.1 Change the existing vehicle emission charging system from the present vehicle based to vehicle type, fuel used and emission-based system plus the total km travel 6.2 Restrict the entry of individual modes of transport to sensitive areas and congested areas of major cities during peak hours through a levy 6.3 Develop park and ride infrastructure developments combined with Corden based pricing mechanism NDC 7 Introduce inland water transport modes 2021-2030 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes NDC 8 Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway 2021-2030 8.1 Electrification of railway lines 2021-2030 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network 2021-2030 NDC 9 Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements 9.3 Tax & Duty concessions for batteries used for electric and hybrid vehicles after introducing a specific HS code NDC 10 Improve vehicle fleet efficiency 2021-2030 10.1 Improve efficiencies of the existing vehicle fleet 2021-2030 10.2 Promote the import of fuel-efficient vehicles 2021-2030 10.3 Introduce programmes to change driver behaviours 2021-2030NDC 11 Road infrastructure development 2021-2030 11.1 Development of provincial and rural road infrastructure for improved mobility 2021-2030 11.2 Expansion of expressway network 2021-2030 NDC 12 Reduce GHG emissions from the marine sector 2021-2030 12.1 Ratify Annex VI of MARPOL convention to enforce provisions in Sri Lanka 2021-2030 12.2 Study the impact of shipping on GHG emissions (coastal traffic and ports) depending on evidence-based information and introduce measures to address the issues 12.4 Introduce energy efficiency measures and fuel quality improvement programmes to coastal shipping and fishing boats and vessels NDC 13 Generic enabling activities 2021-2030 13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 2021-2030 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making 2021-2030 It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2). Figure 4.4.2: Emission reduction projections (Transport Sector) Fi gu re 4.
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 425, "text": "Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Updated NDC
These measures may cover greater accessibility through public transport, urban planning to encourage more cycling and walking, lower vehicle speeds, and parking regulations and pricing. Financing has been in place for urban environment agreements since 2015 and from 2018 onwards has been part of the economic framework for developing the transport system, amounting to SEK 1 billion a year in 2018– 2029. Long-term infrastructure planning In May 2018, the Government decided on a new national plan for transport infrastructure in the period 2018–2029 across all modes of transport. The Swedish Transport Administration is responsible for long-term planning for all modes of transport and is responsible for implementing the plan. Planning is conducted in dialogue with municipalities and regions, among others. Electric roads Electric roads are infrastructure for dynamic charging, i.e.
{ "answer_start": 62, "text": "Long-term infrastructure planning In May 2018, the Government decided on a new national plan for transport infrastructure in the period 2018–2029 across all modes of transport. The Swedish Transport Administration is responsible for long-term planning for all modes of transport and is responsible for implementing the plan. Planning is conducted in dialogue with municipalities and regions, among others." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Le troisième programme consiste à boiser les zones marginales autour des villes dans le but d’assurer la production et l’utilisation durable de bois de chauffe à travers les foyers améliorés. D. Transport : deux leviers d’atténuation contribuant à hauteur de 27 à 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al.,2009) au potentiel total d’atténuation se focaliseront sur l’amélioration du transport public urbain et interurbain tout en développant des plans directeurs de transport et la promotion du transport multimodal pour les passagers et les marchandises. E. Gestion des déchets : deux leviers d’atténuation contribuant à hauteur de 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al.,2009) au potentiel total d’atténuation.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
{ "answer_start": 64, "text": "développant des plans directeurs de transport" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Updated NDC
Hasta el año 2010 se han construido 1,512 biodigestores, de los cuales entre 300 y 400 aproximadamente, se encuentran en funcionamiento. Transporte: Se está implementando el proyecto “Promoción de Transporte Ambientalmente Sostenible en la Managua Metropolitana”, dentro de las prioridades para reformar el sistema de transporte público en el área Metropolitana de Managua, tal como se refleja en el Plan Integral de Transporte. Obteniendo una reducción directa de 892,000 toneladas de emisiones de CO2 a lo largo de los próximos 20 años.
{ "answer_start": 21, "text": "Transporte: Se está implementando el proyecto “Promoción de Transporte Ambientalmente Sostenible en la Managua Metropolitana”, dentro de las prioridades para reformar el sistema de transporte público en el área Metropolitana de Managua, tal como se refleja en el Plan Integral de Transporte. Obteniendo una reducción directa de 892,000 toneladas de emisiones de CO2 a lo largo de los próximos 20 años." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Updated NDC
In the north it can be protected by a green sea defences system consisting of sufficient clay dams or retaining walls, combined with wetlands. In the south, the Saramacca Canal is inNATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SURINAME 2020-2030 serious need for upgrading, and actions for the first step of upgrading are being taken However, the total investment in upgrading the drainage system and flood protection is estimated to reach up to more than USD 500 million. The investments can be made jointly by the Government of Suriname and development partners. 2. An unconditional contribution will be made to update the Transport Master Plan (ISTS 2011).
{ "answer_start": 93, "text": "An unconditional contribution will be made to update the Transport Master Plan (ISTS 2011)." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
2nd NDC
An unconditional contribution will be made to update the Transport Master Plan (ISTS 2011). The plan contained a proposal for a transport network based on long term plans and growth rates and integrated with a spatial planning model for Paramaribo. Urban growth and the resulting emissions are best mitigated through a more compact city. This requires a shift in urban planning, with public and private partners jointly seeking solutions. This includes restructuring the existing road system to allow smoother and shorter travel time and constructing alternative North-South and East-West transfer roads. To encourage people to use transit, the public transport system needs improvement (with extra transfer stations, shuttle bus system, public transport corridors). Taken together these measures will improve quality of life and contain emissions growth. 3.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "An unconditional contribution will be made to update the Transport Master Plan (ISTS 2011)." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
2nd NDC
To strengthen capacity, Suriname will scope and implement a national research, development and innovation program, and strengthen agricultural research. One priority area of research is to identify, trial and introduce more permanent agricultural systems to replace traditional shifting cultivation methods. Transport: An unconditional contribution will be made to update the Transport Master Plan (ISTS 2011). The plan contained a proposal for a transport network based on long term plans and growth rates and integrated with a spatial planning model for Paramaribo. Suriname commits to introduce by 2027 vehicle emissions controls and tighten import to vehicles less than five years old, in order to reduce emissions under this NDC.
{ "answer_start": 41, "text": "An unconditional contribution will be made to update the Transport Master Plan (ISTS 2011)." }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
2nd NDC
Buildings M3.2 To promote strengthening, adoption, and application of regulations, standards, and legislations which boost efficient technologies for new and existing buildings in the following áreas: water, energy, gas, thermal isolation, renewable energy, and carbon capture practices (for example: green roofs, vertical gardens, and urban orchards).Mexico’s Climate Change Mid-Century Strategy Mobility M3.3 To encourage the evolution towards safe, clean, low-emission, accessible, and comfortable public transportation systems. This is to be accomplished by strengthening regional and national interconnectivity through the generation of multimodal efficient networks supported by the Federal Government.Greater interconnectivity will take place in a context of urban development and transportation policy that reduces travel times and distances. M3.4 To develop transport regulatory entities with understanding of national and regional demand. The regulatory entity will optimize transportation systems to reduce travel times and distances.
{ "answer_start": 109, "text": "To develop transport regulatory entities with understanding of national and regional demand. The regulatory entity will optimize transportation systems to reduce travel times and distances" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
Further to this, indoor airpollution will be reduced and quality of life improved. Revenues will also increase as a result of 13 Compact fluorescent lightsRwanda INDCs - November 2015 - Page 17 of 24 continued population growth and urbanisation , this consumption will exceed 2030 under the business as usual scenario. installation of 35 biogas digesters institutional biogas digesters annually, and increasing average charcoal yields up to 50% by 2030. In addition, Rwanda will enhance the use of LPG14 through tax reductions on importations. energy savings. Transport Programme of action Actions Description and targets Adaptation benefits Baseline scenario Mitigation scenario resilient transport system 4.1 Bus Promotion of public transport, improvement of transport infrastructure, setting vehicles’ emission standards and regulations and integrated national transportation planning The Rwandan transport sector is experiencing a rapid growth of vihicles population and an increase in light duty vehicles equipped with way catalytic converters. It is expected that under the busines as usual scenario, the annual increase in population vehicles will reach A high rate increase in population of vehicles and light duty vehicles would lead to the high GHG emission scenarios in the future as explained in the BAU.
{ "answer_start": 120, "text": "integrated national transportation planning" }
What support activities listed for transport planning?
1st NDC
Sustainable, connected and safe mobility The mobility sector accounts for 56% of GHG emissions and internal mobility is responsible for approximately 24% of the emissions produced by this sector, according to the data for 2017. For this reason it will be necessary to develop a national mobility strategy with the aim of reducing emissions and respecting the hierarchy in the prioritisation of transport systems established in the Litecc; firstly, it will be essential to prioritise public transport and promote motorised or assistedThe Long-Term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change (2020-2050) non-public mobility (walking, cycling, etc.) and, secondly, electric motorised mobility without a source of GHG emissions.
{ "answer_start": 69, "text": "it will be essential to prioritise public transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
#mission2030 recognises the importance of mobility as a basic human need and stands for an open economy. To this end, #mission2030 identifies the central aspects of the mobility transformation: E- mobility on the basis of renewable energy sources; fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen as a 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles 9 Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles 10 Graz Declaration – “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” 11 Graz Declaration P 2renewable energy source for the applications that are difficult to electrify; alternative drives and fuels; increased use of public transport; active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services; shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport.
{ "answer_start": 135, "text": "increased use of public transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
To this end, #mission2030 identifies the central aspects of the mobility transformation: E- mobility on the basis of renewable energy sources; fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen as a 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles 9 Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles 10 Graz Declaration – “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” 11 Graz Declaration P 2renewable energy source for the applications that are difficult to electrify; alternative drives and fuels; increased use of public transport; active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services; shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport. This will provide additional value for the affected citizens and for companies because the new forms of mobility are environmentally friendlier and healthier.
{ "answer_start": 118, "text": "increased use of public transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Global goods transport is increasingly being replaced with regional economies, and a resource- efficient circular economy is the norm. There is no more planned obsolescence in 2050, all products and goods are designed to be long-lasting and repairable. Society demands more sustainable products and services in general. Modal shifts Individual motorised traffic is less common in 2050 than today – the modal split has shifted to public transport and active mobility. This has been effected above all by increased environmental awareness among the population thanks to targeted measures. Innovative, holistic mobility solutions will also cover the last mile, for example tailored mobility management, on-demand buses, electric taxis, car sharing, and the massive expansion of public transport.
{ "answer_start": 49, "text": "Individual motorised traffic is less common in 2050 than today – the modal split has shifted to public transport and active mobility. This has been effected above all by increased environmental awareness among the population thanks to targeted measures." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Innovative, holistic mobility solutions will also cover the last mile, for example tailored mobility management, on-demand buses, electric taxis, car sharing, and the massive expansion of public transport. Public transport intervals are considerably shorter, and customer-friendly service planning and information provision make rail and bus travel more attractive. Freight transport by rail has profited from the reduction of regulatory hurdles. The external costs of all modes of transport will be internalised during the mobility transformation. Thismeans that the most environmentally friendly modes of transport are also the cheapest. This will cause a preference for these modes of transport. The volume of individual motorised traffic and short-haul flights has decreased considerably.
{ "answer_start": 28, "text": "Public transport intervals are considerably shorter, and customer-friendly service planning and information provision make rail and bus travel more attractive." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
En outre, chacune des stratégies régionales souligne l importance du transfert modal comme pierre angulaire pour atteindre les ambitions climatiques fixées, avec des avantages supplémentaires en termes de qualité de l air, de mobilité et d occupation de l espace public. En ce qui concerne le transport de personnes, chaque région vise à limiter la part de la voiture individuelle dans la répartition modale, en faveur de modes de transport alternatifs tels que le transport actif (marche et vélo), les véhicules électriques légers (vélos électriques, speedelecs, trottinettes électriques, etc.) et les modes de transport partagés (transports en commun et véhicules partagés). À cette fin, elles mettent l’accent sur une offre de qualité de modes alternatifs, des infrastructures adéquates et la promotion de la mobilité combinée9.
{ "answer_start": 41, "text": "En ce qui concerne le transport de personnes, chaque région vise à limiter la part de la voiture individuelle dans la répartition modale, en faveur de modes de transport alternatifs tels que le transport actif (marche et vélo), les véhicules électriques légers (vélos électriques, speedelecs, trottinettes électriques, etc.) et les modes de transport partagés (transports en commun et véhicules partagés)." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
[Estrategia 1: Evitar] Meta 2.1: Al 2030, haber incluido normativamente el concepto de movili- dad sostenible en la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica de los IPT y PROT, desarrollados a partir del año 2025, mediante estudios específicos de movi- lidad que apoyen la elaboración de la EAE y que complemente los actuales Estudios de Capacidad Vial. Objetivo 3: Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares.
{ "answer_start": 56, "text": "Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Objetivo 3: Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares. [Es- trategia 2: Cambiar] Meta 3.1: Al 2025, haber desarrollado en conjunto con MINVU, en las prin- cipales ciudades del país (sobre 50 mil habitantes) los Planes Maestros de Infraestructura Ciclo-inclusiva y con el MOP redes interurbanas que per- mitan conectar estas ciudades con las localidades cercanas y otras ciudades que pertenecen a su área de influencia funcional.
{ "answer_start": 2, "text": "Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Por otro lado, los combustibles fósiles son una pieza fundamental del rompecabezas, no solo por su papel en el sistema energético doméstico, sino también por su importancia económica actual y proyectada. En este caso, el futuro de la indu- stria de los combustibles fósiles puede depender, en gran medida, de las demandas y precios del mercado internacional y de la disponibilidad y costo de las tecnologías CCS que se encuentran actualmente en desarrollo. Se estimó que el trans- porte por carretera crecerá 2.2 veces entre 2015 y 2050, mientras que los servicios de transporte descarbonizado deberán proporcionarse para los sistemas de transporte público que crecen para atender más del 70 % de la demanda total de movilidad por carretera para 2050.
{ "answer_start": 88, "text": "mientras que los servicios de transporte descarbonizado deberán proporcionarse para los sistemas de transporte público que crecen para atender más del 70 % de la demanda total de movilidad por carretera para 2050" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Se estimó que el trans- porte por carretera crecerá 2.2 veces entre 2015 y 2050, mientras que los servicios de transporte descarbonizado deberán proporcionarse para los sistemas de transporte público que crecen para atender más del 70 % de la demanda total de movilidad por carretera para 2050. Además, para 2050 el 64 % de los sistemas de transporte público necesitarán ser alimentados por electrici- dad, mientras que el resto de la energía será una mezcla de gas natural, líquidos fósiles y biocom- bustibles (Universidad de los Andes et al., 2021). La E2050 ha estimado que el camino hacia la carbono neutralidad se configura en la siguiente composición de la matriz energética entre 2020 y 2050 (figura 21).
{ "answer_start": 15, "text": "mientras que los servicios de transporte descarbonizado deberán proporcionarse para los sistemas de transporte público que crecen para atender más del 70 % de la demanda total de movilidad por carretera para 2050" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
La contribución de Costa Rica en transporte representa una profunda transformación de un sistema centrado en vehículos particulares a uno centrado en el bienestar de las personas. En el área temática de transporte, Costa Rica ofrece las siguientes contribuciones:Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÓN 1.1. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC entrará en operación el Tren Eléctrico de Pasajeros en el Gran Área Metropolitana, impulsado por energía eléctrica renovable. 1.2. En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo. 1.3. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. 1.4.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 71, "text": "En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Updated NDC
• In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. • In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals • 8 main trunk lines in operation. • At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. • Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 92, "text": "To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. • To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. • To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. • To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. • To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles).
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 2, "text": "To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
· The Government supports the Commission’s ambitions to revise the urban wastewater treat- ment and sewage sludge directives to intensify focus on energy production and recycling of nu- trients. Transport Measures (road transport): · DKK 180 million to cancel tax increases on electric vehicles and reduce the process energy tax on EV electricity. · DKK 25 million to introduce a deduction in the tax basis for green company cars to reduce the price of green driving to and from work. · DKK 75 million to accelerate the transition to green buses. · DKK 100 million to promote cycling and a pool of DKK 50 million from which municipalities can apply for cycling project funding in return for a 50% co-funding.
{ "answer_start": 81, "text": "DKK 75 million to accelerate the transition to green buses." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
The latter could provide alternatives to scrapping trucks. This will need to be defined prior to 2030 in order for Fiji to achieve zero emissions by 2050 due to the long commercial lifespan of trucks.90 Additional policy measures Fiji would need to consider to achieve these low emission scenarios include: Mode Shift. New policies will be needed to promote transport mode shifts, and simultaneously to promote EVs as well as PT and NMT. From the socio-economic perspective, increased use of PT is seen as economically profitable due to time savings and vehicle operating cost savings.
{ "answer_start": 52, "text": "New policies will be needed to promote transport mode shifts, and simultaneously to promote EVs as well as PT and NMT." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Such funds can be drawn from the national budget, but also international cooperation e.g., from the UN system or bilateral donors (this has been the case in various countries). PT and NMT. Fiji will consider ways that PT systems can recover investments with user charges and by collecting part of the windfall profit from increased land prices around core routes through taxation e.g., through parking fees and property taxes. Public subsidies, of course, can also support PT financing schemes. Fiji will also aim to develop integrated low carbon mobility plans that include PT, last mile connectivity, and NMT to attract international climate financing.
{ "answer_start": 32, "text": "Fiji will consider ways that PT systems can recover investments with user charges and by collecting part of the windfall profit from increased land prices around core routes through taxation e.g., through parking fees and property taxes." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Implement a package of actions that contribute to meeting these objectives: developing secure cycle parks, creating bike paths, supporting the use of bicycles, constructing pedestrian and cycle spaces during renovation and/or extension work on roads. Support the development of public transport: for daily journeys, increase the range of public transport options in the urban, interurban and rail transport networks (transilien, TER, RER); for long-distance rail options the emphasis should be put on improving network performance, particularly with a view to encouraging a modal shift from air to rail. As a reminder, the baseline scenario aims to increase the modal share of public transport by 7 points between 2015 and 2050.
{ "answer_start": 35, "text": "Support the development of public transport: for daily journeys, increase the range of public transport options in the urban, interurban and rail transport networks (transilien, TER, RER); for long-distance rail options the emphasis should be put on improving network performance, particularly with a view to encouraging a modal shift from air to rail. As a reminder, the baseline scenario aims to increase the modal share of public transport by 7 points between 2015 and 2050." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Ships and ports H. EU ETS: Air transport and heavy industry I. LULUCF C. Energy production and small industry E. Agriculture D. F-gases and chemical use F. Waste management G. Transition incentives A.1 Infrastructure for active mobility F.1 Landfill tax C.1 Carbon capture from geothermal power plants D.1 Regulation of F-gases E.4 Improved use and handling of fertilisers A.8 Energy transition in heavy transport E.1 Climate-friendly agriculture A.4 Incentives for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.1 Carbon tax B.1. Energy transition in fisheries action in forestry B.2 Electrical infra- structure in ports action in land reclamation B.3 Ban on use of heavy fuel oil of wetlands B.4 Energy transition of ferries conservation I.5 Improved map- ping of grazing land and land use plan for the LULUCF inventory B.5 Energy transition of state-owned vessels A.5 Infrastructure for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.2 Climate fund A.6 Energy transition legislation and regulations data reporting G.7 Issuing of green bonds G.5 Climate education in schools A.7 Ban on new registration of diesel and gasoline vehicles G.4 Information on climate change for the public G.8 Sustainable public procurement G.6 Climate impact assess- ment of legislation A.2 Incentives for active mobility F.2 Ban on the landfilling of organic waste C.2 Electrification of fishmeal production plants D.2 Taxation of F-gases E.5 Improved feeding of livestock to reduce enteric fermentation A.9 Low emissions rental cars E.2 Carbon neutral beef production A.3 Encouraging public transport F.3 Reduction in food waste A.10 Low emissions vehicles in government and state enterprises E.3 Increased domestic vegetable production G.11 Climate action planning H.3 Participation in international system for reducing air transport emissions G.10 Climate strategy of other public agencies H.2 Updated Regulation under the Emissions Trading System G.9 Climate strategy of Government Offices H.1 Carbon capture from heavy industry Definitions | In preparation: Preparation of the measure is underway, including situational analysis and mapping.
{ "answer_start": 234, "text": "Encouraging public transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Energy transition in fisheries action in forestry B.2 Electrical infra- structure in ports action in land reclamation B.3 Ban on use of heavy fuel oil of wetlands B.4 Energy transition of ferries conservation I.5 Improved map- ping of grazing land and land use plan for the LULUCF inventory B.5 Energy transition of state-owned vessels A.5 Infrastructure for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.2 Climate fund A.6 Energy transition legislation and regulations data reporting G.7 Issuing of green bonds G.5 Climate education in schools A.7 Ban on new registration of diesel and gasoline vehicles G.4 Information on climate change for the public G.8 Sustainable public procurement G.6 Climate impact assess- ment of legislation A.2 Incentives for active mobility F.2 Ban on the landfilling of organic waste C.2 Electrification of fishmeal production plants D.2 Taxation of F-gases E.5 Improved feeding of livestock to reduce enteric fermentation A.9 Low emissions rental cars E.2 Carbon neutral beef production A.3 Encouraging public transport F.3 Reduction in food waste A.10 Low emissions vehicles in government and state enterprises E.3 Increased domestic vegetable production G.11 Climate action planning H.3 Participation in international system for reducing air transport emissions G.10 Climate strategy of other public agencies H.2 Updated Regulation under the Emissions Trading System G.9 Climate strategy of Government Offices H.1 Carbon capture from heavy industry Definitions | In preparation: Preparation of the measure is underway, including situational analysis and mapping. | In progress: Work is well underway to implement the measure and many aspects are well under way.
{ "answer_start": 155, "text": "Encouraging public transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
In order to smoothen road traffic flow, it is necessary to strengthen efforts in terms of both non-structural measures, such as the use of ICT technology and measures for toll systems, and structural measures that contribute to combating traffic- 37 - congestion. In the field of public transportation, it is necessary to decarbonize, and further promote, the use of public transportation which provides essential services as a means of transportation to support life and economic activities in local regions, in light of the fact that the situation surrounding public transportation has become more severe due to the impact of the COVID-19 infection.
{ "answer_start": 48, "text": "it is necessary to decarbonize, and further promote, the use of public transportation" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
In the field of public transportation, it is necessary to decarbonize, and further promote, the use of public transportation which provides essential services as a means of transportation to support life and economic activities in local regions, in light of the fact that the situation surrounding public transportation has become more severe due to the impact of the COVID-19 infection. In this context, the Government will promote incorporating the consideration of environmental load reduction into regional public transportation plans based on the revised Regional Public Transportation Revitalization and Reconstruction Law (enacted in November 2020). In cooperation with urban development, it is necessary to promote the use of transportation systems with low CO2 emissions, such as LRT (Light Rail Transit23), BRT (Bus Rail Transit24), EV and FCV.
{ "answer_start": 6, "text": "it is necessary to decarbonize, and further promote, the use of public transportation" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
• Transport infrastructure in cities and municipalities is smart and optimised A developed park and ride infrastructure, as well as multi-modal centres provide an opportunity to choose the mode of transportation that is most appropriate for the distance and route necessary. The route network of the public transport system is extensive and comprehensive, it offers the necessary level of comfort to the customers and is extensively used. Streets in cities are planned so that people have convenient and safe alternatives for reaching the final destination with public transport, shared vehicle, bicycle, on foot, leaving the private vehicle at a conveniently available site in case of necessity.
{ "answer_start": 11, "text": "A developed park and ride infrastructure, as well as multi-modal centres provide an opportunity to choose the mode of transportation that is most appropriate for the distance and route necessary. The route network of the public transport system is extensive and comprehensive, it offers the necessary level of comfort to the customers and is extensively used." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Refer to Table 2 for the strategy in the energy sector. Table 2: Strategy for the energy sector Overall sectoral strategies Sectors Strategic action Milestones WEM WAM Enhance and maximize Power generation from renewable energy Power generation Development of hydropower plants Development and integration of variable renewable energy (VRE) into power systems Scale-up of distributed energy resources (mini- grid, off-grid isolated wind, solar, micro- hydro, and biogas) Development of policy on regional power sector integration, VRE integration, and grid flexibility Required power plant capacity in 2050 will be 34 GW – Hydropower 2.1 GW – grid- connected Solar PV power plants, and 1.1 GW of Off-grid and isolated renewable energy power systems Required power plant capacity in 2050 will be 50 GW – Hydropower 2.1 GW – grid- connected Solar PV power plants, and 1.1 GW of Off- grid and isolated renewable energy power systems Promote electrification and shift to clean technologies in the residential transportation, industrial and commercial sectors: Enhancement of clean fuel access Efficiency improvement Modal shift and e- mobility in transport Adoption of New technology in decarbonization Residential Electrification in all end-use services in urban areas Promotion of clean cooking technologies with high efficiency and low emissions in rural areas Electrification in cooking, space heating, water heating, and lighting in rural areas e emissions reduction in e reduction in per cent and 47 per cent reduction in respectively from the e emissions reduction in e in per cent and 100 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenarioOFFICIAL Promotion of efficient technologies in all end-use services REF scenario Industry Expansion of efficient and clean production technologies Electrification in process heat, boilers, and in motive power in all industries Replacement of traditional brick kilns (FCBTK) with modern improved brick kilns (zigzag kilns, and electric tunnel kilns) The intervention of CCUS in the cement industry The intervention of green fuels (electricity, waste, and hydrogen) for thermal processes in the industries Introduction of electric technology for process heat in heavy industries (metals, cement, and brick) e emissions reduction in e reduction in 43 per cent and 70 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario e emission reduction in e in per cent and 95 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario Transport Promotion of electric mass passenger transport Switching fuel to clean energy (electricity, fuel cells, synthetic fuels/biofuels in aviation) e reduction in e reduction in 26 per cent and 41 per cent e emission reduction in e in per cent and 97 per cent reduction inOFFICIAL Electrification in freight transport Installation and expansion of charging stations reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario respectively compared to the REF scenario Commercia l Achieve total Electrification in all commercial sector e reduction in cent reduction in compared to the REF scenario e emissions reduction in per cent reduction in compared to the REF scenario Agriculture Electrification in farm machinery and water pumping Promotion of Solar PV pumping e emissions reduction in e reduction in 29 per cent and 38 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario e emission reduction in e in per cent and 100 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario IPPU: Nepal s emissions from industrial products and processing units are currently low.
{ "answer_start": 380, "text": "Promotion of electric mass passenger transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Table 2: Strategy for the energy sector Overall sectoral strategies Sectors Strategic action Milestones WEM WAM Enhance and maximize Power generation from renewable energy Power generation Development of hydropower plants Development and integration of variable renewable energy (VRE) into power systems Scale-up of distributed energy resources (mini- grid, off-grid isolated wind, solar, micro- hydro, and biogas) Development of policy on regional power sector integration, VRE integration, and grid flexibility Required power plant capacity in 2050 will be 34 GW – Hydropower 2.1 GW – grid- connected Solar PV power plants, and 1.1 GW of Off-grid and isolated renewable energy power systems Required power plant capacity in 2050 will be 50 GW – Hydropower 2.1 GW – grid- connected Solar PV power plants, and 1.1 GW of Off- grid and isolated renewable energy power systems Promote electrification and shift to clean technologies in the residential transportation, industrial and commercial sectors: Enhancement of clean fuel access Efficiency improvement Modal shift and e- mobility in transport Adoption of New technology in decarbonization Residential Electrification in all end-use services in urban areas Promotion of clean cooking technologies with high efficiency and low emissions in rural areas Electrification in cooking, space heating, water heating, and lighting in rural areas e emissions reduction in e reduction in per cent and 47 per cent reduction in respectively from the e emissions reduction in e in per cent and 100 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenarioOFFICIAL Promotion of efficient technologies in all end-use services REF scenario Industry Expansion of efficient and clean production technologies Electrification in process heat, boilers, and in motive power in all industries Replacement of traditional brick kilns (FCBTK) with modern improved brick kilns (zigzag kilns, and electric tunnel kilns) The intervention of CCUS in the cement industry The intervention of green fuels (electricity, waste, and hydrogen) for thermal processes in the industries Introduction of electric technology for process heat in heavy industries (metals, cement, and brick) e emissions reduction in e reduction in 43 per cent and 70 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario e emission reduction in e in per cent and 95 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario Transport Promotion of electric mass passenger transport Switching fuel to clean energy (electricity, fuel cells, synthetic fuels/biofuels in aviation) e reduction in e reduction in 26 per cent and 41 per cent e emission reduction in e in per cent and 97 per cent reduction inOFFICIAL Electrification in freight transport Installation and expansion of charging stations reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario respectively compared to the REF scenario Commercia l Achieve total Electrification in all commercial sector e reduction in cent reduction in compared to the REF scenario e emissions reduction in per cent reduction in compared to the REF scenario Agriculture Electrification in farm machinery and water pumping Promotion of Solar PV pumping e emissions reduction in e reduction in 29 per cent and 38 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario e emission reduction in e in per cent and 100 per cent reduction in respectively compared to the REF scenario IPPU: Nepal s emissions from industrial products and processing units are currently low. However, with the growth forecast and the recommended switch to renewable energy, it will be critical for Nepal to adopt energy-efficient technologies such as zig-zag waste related to fuel and raw materials such as limestone for the cement industry.
{ "answer_start": 369, "text": "Promotion of electric mass passenger transport" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
El consumo energético y PBI siguen tendencias históricas. 2. Escenario de la Agenda de Transición Energética (ATE): escenario basado en objetivos de ATE (Agenda de Transición Energética)2 y sus mesas consultivas; Paquete de reactivación económica Post COVID-19 con inversiones en infraestructura convencional e inversiones climáticas de ERNC, eficiencia energética y movilidad eléctrica, la evolución del sistema de transporte público se establece de acuerdo al Plan Integrado de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PIMUS).El 6% de la generación eléctrica del país proviene de la energía eólica y 4.8% de la energía solar.
{ "answer_start": 52, "text": "la evolución del sistema de transporte público se establece de acuerdo al Plan Integrado de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PIMUS)." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Updated NDC
Escenario de la Agenda de Transición Energética (ATE): escenario basado en objetivos de ATE (Agenda de Transición Energética)2 y sus mesas consultivas; Paquete de reactivación económica Post COVID-19 con inversiones en infraestructura convencional e inversiones climáticas de ERNC, eficiencia energética y movilidad eléctrica, la evolución del sistema de transporte público se establece de acuerdo al Plan Integrado de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PIMUS).El 6% de la generación eléctrica del país proviene de la energía eólica y 4.8% de la energía solar. Cabe resaltar que debido a la crisis sanitaria que vive el mundo, se parte del supuesto que estos escenarios ponen en marcha los paquetes de reactivación económica a partir de 2022 y que la demanda de energía comienza a desacoplarse del crecimiento económico en el escenario ATE producto de las políticas planteadas para el sector.
{ "answer_start": 43, "text": "la evolución del sistema de transporte público se establece de acuerdo al Plan Integrado de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PIMUS)." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Updated NDC
autonomous vehicles) and can lead to emissions reductions of up to 25 % in 2050. The most significant impact of circularity refers to the significant increase in the use of public transport, which leads to a reduction in total transport energy consumption of between 3% and 2% in 2030 and 2050, respectively. Main decarbonisation drivers in the transport sector: • Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems; • Active and low-impact mobility; • Greater efficiency, associated to shared mobility and autonomous vehicles; • Electrification; • Biofuels and hydrogen.
{ "answer_start": 60, "text": "Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Main decarbonisation drivers in the transport sector: • Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems; • Active and low-impact mobility; • Greater efficiency, associated to shared mobility and autonomous vehicles; • Electrification; • Biofuels and hydrogen. FUEL Unit: PJ ENERGY INTENSITY Unit: MJ/pKmLONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY OF THE PORTUGUESE ECONOMY BY 2050 4.1.3 Industry and industrial processes The industrial sector is made up of a wide range of activities and processes, including sectors such as refining, pulp and paper production, glass, ceramics, cement and lime, iron and steel, chemicals, among others. Their emissions derive from the consumption of fossil fuels and, in some sectors, emissions from the chemical processes involved.
{ "answer_start": 8, "text": "Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
The Government will scale up its support for future mobility for its enhanced competitiveness and take policies in conjunction with fuel efficiency regulations to promote the use of low-carbon fuels. The Government plans to: i) promote the use of public transportation; ii) expand shared mobility; iii) build systems for traffic demand management and intelligent transportation; iv) reduce energy consumption by promoting commercial use of autonomous vehicles; and v) promote the modal shift from road to rail or shipping, the low-carbon modes of transportation.2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy of the Republic of Korea towards a sustainable and green society ▍Building sector The building sector was estimated to emit 7% of the total national emissions in 2017.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 34, "text": "i) promote the use of public transportation;" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
The Government plans to: i) promote the use of public transportation; ii) expand shared mobility; iii) build systems for traffic demand management and intelligent transportation; iv) reduce energy consumption by promoting commercial use of autonomous vehicles; and v) promote the modal shift from road to rail or shipping, the low-carbon modes of transportation.2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy of the Republic of Korea towards a sustainable and green society ▍Building sector The building sector was estimated to emit 7% of the total national emissions in 2017. Minimizing the energy use in the building sector, while maximizing the energy efficiency and supplying low-carbon energy, is the most cost-effective mitigation option that can reduce the energy cost and GHG emissions at the same time.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 4, "text": "i) promote the use of public transportation;" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
In order to achieve climate neutrality, it will be desirable to effectively set up a long-term and predictable framework for financial support. CO2 eq. (Gg) WAM scenario Increase the attractiveness and comfort of public transport at all levels: - Enable the arrival of private rail carriers on national routes; - Renew the rail carrier’s train fleet; - Support the development of public passenger rail transport (trams and trolleybuses), support the development of alternative-fuelled bus public passenger transport and support regular alternative-fuelled passenger ship transport; - Gradually reduce the procurement of public transport vehicles using fossil fuels with high greenhouse gas emissions, from public funds; - Harmonize national and local public passenger transport timetables; - Expand the Integrated transport system (IDS) to other regions; - Introduce and support flexible public passenger transport systems (bus on demand or with flexible routes), particularly in areas with low population density; - Develop Park&Ride facilities; - Carpooling; - Introduce financial and support measures to make public transport more financially attractive to the public than individual car transport.
{ "answer_start": 27, "text": "Increase the attractiveness and comfort of public transport at all levels: - Enable the arrival of private rail carriers on national routes" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
(Gg) WAM scenario Increase the attractiveness and comfort of public transport at all levels: - Enable the arrival of private rail carriers on national routes; - Renew the rail carrier’s train fleet; - Support the development of public passenger rail transport (trams and trolleybuses), support the development of alternative-fuelled bus public passenger transport and support regular alternative-fuelled passenger ship transport; - Gradually reduce the procurement of public transport vehicles using fossil fuels with high greenhouse gas emissions, from public funds; - Harmonize national and local public passenger transport timetables; - Expand the Integrated transport system (IDS) to other regions; - Introduce and support flexible public passenger transport systems (bus on demand or with flexible routes), particularly in areas with low population density; - Develop Park&Ride facilities; - Carpooling; - Introduce financial and support measures to make public transport more financially attractive to the public than individual car transport. Fully electrify the railway network and make rail freight transport more attractive (including increasing its capacity) to carry goods.
{ "answer_start": 3, "text": "Increase the attractiveness and comfort of public transport at all levels: - Enable the arrival of private rail carriers on national routes" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Table 4.4.2: NDCs in Transport Sector NDC # NDCs and Actions Timeline NDC 1 Transport sector system improvement 2021-2030 1.1 Avoid the need to travel 2021-2030 1.2 Reduce commuting distances and travel time 2021-2030 1.3 Improve traffic and traffic light management 2021- 2030 1.5 Introduce intelligent transport management systems 2021-2030 1.6 Improve road architecture (road designs, road signs, signaling, signage, etc.) 2021-2030 NDC 2 Promote public passenger transport 2021-2030 2.1 Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.2 Improve railway transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.3 Integrate transport modes 2021-2030 2.4 Improve last mile connectivity 2021-2030 NDC 3 Shift freight to efficient modes 2021-2030 3.1 Switch back to rail from road transport 2021-2030 3.2 Promote transporting petroleum products by pipeline 2021-2030 3.3 Introduce rail-based transport system with inland container depots 2021-2030 NDC 4 Rapid transport for passenger transport 2021-2030 4.1 Introduce Light Rail Transport in Colombo city 2021-2030 NDC 5 Promote non-motorized transport modes 2021- 2030 5.1 Promote the use of bicycles 2021-2030 5.2 Improve the facilities for pedestrian walkways 2021-2030 NDC 6 Introduce taxes and other instruments to promote public transport 2021- 2030 6.1 Change the existing vehicle emission charging system from the present vehicle based to vehicle type, fuel used and emission-based system plus the total km travel 6.2 Restrict the entry of individual modes of transport to sensitive areas and congested areas of major cities during peak hours through a levy 6.3 Develop park and ride infrastructure developments combined with Corden based pricing mechanism NDC 7 Introduce inland water transport modes 2021-2030 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes NDC 8 Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway 2021-2030 8.1 Electrification of railway lines 2021-2030 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network 2021-2030 NDC 9 Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements 9.3 Tax & Duty concessions for batteries used for electric and hybrid vehicles after introducing a specific HS code NDC 10 Improve vehicle fleet efficiency 2021-2030 10.1 Improve efficiencies of the existing vehicle fleet 2021-2030 10.2 Promote the import of fuel-efficient vehicles 2021-2030 10.3 Introduce programmes to change driver behaviours 2021-2030NDC 11 Road infrastructure development 2021-2030 11.1 Development of provincial and rural road infrastructure for improved mobility 2021-2030 11.2 Expansion of expressway network 2021-2030 NDC 12 Reduce GHG emissions from the marine sector 2021-2030 12.1 Ratify Annex VI of MARPOL convention to enforce provisions in Sri Lanka 2021-2030 12.2 Study the impact of shipping on GHG emissions (coastal traffic and ports) depending on evidence-based information and introduce measures to address the issues 12.4 Introduce energy efficiency measures and fuel quality improvement programmes to coastal shipping and fishing boats and vessels NDC 13 Generic enabling activities 2021-2030 13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 2021-2030 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making 2021-2030 It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2).
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 70, "text": "Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Updated NDC
2021-2030 NDC 2 Promote public passenger transport 2021-2030 2.1 Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.2 Improve railway transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.3 Integrate transport modes 2021-2030 2.4 Improve last mile connectivity 2021-2030 NDC 3 Shift freight to efficient modes 2021-2030 3.1 Switch back to rail from road transport 2021-2030 3.2 Promote transporting petroleum products by pipeline 2021-2030 3.3 Introduce rail-based transport system with inland container depots 2021-2030 NDC 4 Rapid transport for passenger transport 2021-2030 4.1 Introduce Light Rail Transport in Colombo city 2021-2030 NDC 5 Promote non-motorized transport modes 2021- 2030 5.1 Promote the use of bicycles 2021-2030 5.2 Improve the facilities for pedestrian walkways 2021-2030 NDC 6 Introduce taxes and other instruments to promote public transport 2021- 2030 6.1 Change the existing vehicle emission charging system from the present vehicle based to vehicle type, fuel used and emission-based system plus the total km travel 6.2 Restrict the entry of individual modes of transport to sensitive areas and congested areas of major cities during peak hours through a levy 6.3 Develop park and ride infrastructure developments combined with Corden based pricing mechanism NDC 7 Introduce inland water transport modes 2021-2030 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes NDC 8 Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway 2021-2030 8.1 Electrification of railway lines 2021-2030 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network 2021-2030 NDC 9 Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements 9.3 Tax & Duty concessions for batteries used for electric and hybrid vehicles after introducing a specific HS code NDC 10 Improve vehicle fleet efficiency 2021-2030 10.1 Improve efficiencies of the existing vehicle fleet 2021-2030 10.2 Promote the import of fuel-efficient vehicles 2021-2030 10.3 Introduce programmes to change driver behaviours 2021-2030NDC 11 Road infrastructure development 2021-2030 11.1 Development of provincial and rural road infrastructure for improved mobility 2021-2030 11.2 Expansion of expressway network 2021-2030 NDC 12 Reduce GHG emissions from the marine sector 2021-2030 12.1 Ratify Annex VI of MARPOL convention to enforce provisions in Sri Lanka 2021-2030 12.2 Study the impact of shipping on GHG emissions (coastal traffic and ports) depending on evidence-based information and introduce measures to address the issues 12.4 Introduce energy efficiency measures and fuel quality improvement programmes to coastal shipping and fishing boats and vessels NDC 13 Generic enabling activities 2021-2030 13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 2021-2030 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making 2021-2030 It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2). Figure 4.4.2: Emission reduction projections (Transport Sector) Fi gu re 4.
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 9, "text": "Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Updated NDC
The Federal Council approved the report "Voraussetzungen für ein Schnellladenetz für Elektroautos auf Nationalstrassen" (Requirements for a fast-charging network for electric vehicles on national highways) on 28 June 2017. The report outlines how the set-up of a fast- charging network can be driven forward. In addition to future drive systems, traffic avoidance and the modal shift also play a key role in the decarbonisation of transport. This also includes improved harmonisation of urban development and transport. Spatial planning coordinated with public transport infrastructure and the intelligent networking of all individual systems will enable the further promotion of lower-CO2 mobility.
{ "answer_start": 50, "text": "traffic avoidance and the modal shift also play a key role in the decarbonisation of transport. This also includes improved harmonisation of urban development and transport. Spatial planning coordinated with public transport infrastructure and the intelligent networking of all individual systems will enable the further promotion of lower-CO2 mobility." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Our streets will be cleaner and people healthier from breathing cleaner air, walking and cycling more. Our zero emissions vehicle (ZEV) mandate will guarantee greater number of zero emission vehicles on our roads, unlocking the transformation of our road transport. Additional funding will support our automotive sector to stay at the cutting edge and capture jobs of the future. Significant new investment in vehicle grants and electric vehicle infrastructure will ensure that we see even more green vans delivering our goods and big improvements in local public chargepoint provision. We will increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking, electrifying more railway lines, investing £3 billion to transform bus services and £2 billion for cycling.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 91, "text": "Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
We will increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking, electrifying more railway lines, investing £3 billion to transform bus services and £2 billion for cycling. We will build on our strong maritime heritage and the success of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition to deliver a more ambitious multi- year programme for the sector. Setting out an ambitious position on SAF will set us on a path to decarbonise this challenging sector. Accelerating the decarbonisation of transport will save lives and significantly reduce noise, making our urban centres more enjoyable places to live. Key policies: • A zero emission vehicle mandate to improve consumer choice and ensure we maximise the economic benefit from this transition by giving a clear signal to investors.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 2, "text": "Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
• Take action to increase average road vehicle occupancy by 2030 and reduce the barriers to data sharing across the transport sector. • Maximise carbon savings from the use of low carbon fuels, including by increasing the main Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) target. • Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking. • Support decarbonisation by investing more than £12 billion in local transport systems over the current Parliament. • Invest £2 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 45, "text": "Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking" }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
• Invest £2 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030. As announced in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan, we will create at least one zero emission transport city. Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener• Invest £3 billion in the National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 70, "text": "National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener• Invest £3 billion in the National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them. • Electrify more railway lines as part of plans to deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with the ambition to remove all diesel-only trains by 2040. • Plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, phase out the sale of new non-zero emission domestic shipping vessels and accelerate the development of zero emission technology and infrastructure in the UK.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 11, "text": "National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Our ambition is to remove all diesel-only trains (passenger and freight) from the network by 2040. We will deploy new low-carbon technologies on the network such as hydrogen and battery trains, where they make operational and economic sense. We will incentivise the early take up of low carbon traction by the rail freight industry. 24. We will build extra capacity on our rail network to meet growing passenger and freight demand and support significant shifts from road and air to rail. This includes new high-speed lines, reopening lines closed under the Beeching cuts and significant improvement to regional city public transport networks with the aim of making them as good as London’s. 25. We are working with industry to modernise fares ticketing and retail and encourage a shift to rail and cleaner and greener transport journeys.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 94, "text": "significant improvement to regional city public transport networks with the aim of making them as good as London’s." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
Our ambition is to remove all diesel-only trains (passenger and freight) from the network by 2040. We will deploy new low-carbon technologies on the network such as hydrogen and battery trains, where they make operational and economic sense. We will incentivise the early take up of low carbon traction by the rail freight industry. 24. We will build extra capacity on our rail network to meet growing passenger and freight demand and support significant shifts from road and air to rail. This includes new high-speed lines, reopening lines closed under the Beeching cuts and significant improvement to regional city public transport networks with the aim of making them as good as London’s. 25. We are working with industry to modernise fares ticketing and retail and encourage a shift to rail and cleaner and greener transport journeys.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 113, "text": "We are working with industry to modernise fares ticketing and retail and encourage a shift to rail and cleaner and greener transport journeys." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?
We are working with industry to modernise fares ticketing and retail and encourage a shift to rail and cleaner and greener transport journeys. Great British Railways set out a transformation in how people will pay for their journeys, to encourage a shift to rail and cleaner, greener journeys. Greater provision of walking and cycling routes to and from stations, and supporting infrastructure, will be introduced to support healthier greener journeys. Great British Railways will encourage more rail freight by providing the right conditions for industry growth, with better coordination, modern contracts, and new safeguards. Chapter 3 – Reducing Emissions across the EconomyCars, vans, motorcycles, and scooters 26. We will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030. From 2035 all new cars and vans must be fully zero emission at the tailpipe.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "We are working with industry to modernise fares ticketing and retail and encourage a shift to rail and cleaner and greener transport journeys." }
How public transports will be made more attractive?