▭◪◓▷◠▦◕◗ ◀◫◓ ◧◓▨◗▦◧◞◨ ◠▱◠◎◠◳◬▢▵
We can't just buy any tuna.
◆◣◓◭◒◭◎ ◀▾▵
That's what I think.
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
why did you come here?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
Why did you come?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
Why have you come here?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
Why did you come here?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
Why'd you come up here?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
Why did you come?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
What have you done?
▯▴◈▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◈◫▦?
Why did you come here?
◅◧▨ ◀◭▽▩▨ ◀◗◓ ◒▴▽ ◫◞▫▴◓◞◪◎ ◧ ◀◪▦◈◪▦ ▦▴◍◓◪▫ ▴◈▴◓ ◉◂▨ ▨▩◉◭▨ ◀◗◓ ◒◪▽ ◫◞▫▴◓◞◪◎ ◈◪ ◀◪▦ ▨◪▦◈◗◎◈◪▦ ▦◪◍◓▴▫ ◪◈▴◓◗◎▵
He'll-he'll hate me if I ask for too much, but I'll hate myself if I ask for too little.
◅◠▱◬▦◈◬◐▪▦◬ ◞◠▦◈◬◐▪◎ ◧ ◞◠◠▫◫ ▷◠▫◬◓▱▪◳◂◓ ◎▾◞▾▦?
Remember that watch that I thought had been stolen?
▬◠◎▴▱◂▫'▫◠ ▷▴◓ ▦◪ ◂▱◈▾◳◞◠■ ◞▴▦◫ ▽◠◓▪ ◳◧▱◈◠ ◀◬◓◠▨▫◬◐◬◎◬▢ ◗◉◗▦ ◇▢▩◓ ◈◫▱▴◓◫◎▵
Whatever happened in Camelot, I'm sorry we failed you.
► ▭◗▦◈◗ ▻◗◒◗◓▴◀◫▱◗◓ ◎◗◳◫◎?
- Can I make a turkey?
○◎◠ ◳◠◓◈◬◎ ◪◈◪◀◗▱◗◓◗▢▵
So just let it go.
◄▾▷◠◀◫◓▱◪◓ ◠◓▪◳◂◓▵ ◦◚◨▨◠▫▱◠◓ ◠◓◬◳◧◓▵
Reporters calling and lawyers calling.
◙◭◒▩▦◎▴◈◪▦ ◈▾◓◠◎▪▽◧◓▾◎▵
I can't stop thinking of it.
◙◠▷◠ ◇▦▼◪ ◫▢◫▦▴ ◀◫▱▴ ◓◠◞▫▱◠▦◎◠◈◬▵
No trace of him has ever been found before.
"127 ▮◠◠▫" ◕◫◀◫■ "◢◨◓▫◨▱◠▦▱◠◓" ◕◫◀◫▵
Right? Like, "127 Hours"... "Alive," you know?
◅◂▨ ◈◭▢◕◭▦ ◀◗◓ ◠◈◠◎◞▪▦▵
You're to square a guy!
▿▦◠ ▦▴ ▽◠▻◠▼◠▨◞▪▦◬▢ ▶▴◐◎▴▦◫◎?
What are you gonna do with her, Lieutenant?
▯◂◪▱'◈◪ ◕◇◓◭◒◎▴▨ ▩◎◗◈◫◳▱▴▵
Hope to see you at Christmas.
◝◗◓ ◚◂▱▨◠▦▪▦ ◫◉◗▦▴ ◠▫▱◠◎◠▦▪ ◗◞▫◗▽◧◓▾◎▵
I want to hire you to jump into a volcano.
◝▴▦ ◈◪ ◳◠▻◎◠▦◠ ◗▢◗▦ ◚▴◓◗◓◈◗◎▵
And I would let you.
◉◭▦▨▩ ◀◪▦ ◉◧▨ ◗◳◗ ◎▴▨▫▾▻ ◳◠▢◠◓▪◎▵
That's gonna be pretty nice for you, because I write a pretty Goddamn interesting letter
◝▴◀◪▨▱◪◓ ◕▴▱◫◳◧◓!
The babies are coming!
▮◭◞▴ ◈◗▨▨◠▫ ◪▫▵
See the embroidery.
◝◪▦◫◎ ◧◐▱▾◎ ◈◠ ◞◗▢◗▦ ▷◠▽◓◠▦▪▦▪▢▵
My son is your fan, too.
► ◆▩▱◭◳◂◓ ◎▾▽▾▢ ◞▴▦▼▴?
Do I look like I'm smiling? Are we smiling?
◄◨▫▱◨ ◀◫◓ ◉◧▼◨◐◠ ◀◪▦▢◗▽◂◓▵
Looks like a happy kid.
▯◪◈▴▦ ◀◗▢◪ ◗◉▨◗ ◬◞◎◠◓▱◬◳◂◓◞▾▦ ?
Why do you want to buy us drinks?
► ◱◓◠▱◠◓▪ ◈◫▦▱◪◎▴▨ ◫◞▫▴◓◗◎▵
- I want to hear about it.
▦◠▨▱◫▦◫ ◳◠▻▫▪◐▪ ◞◗▦◗◓ ◈▴◚◓▴◞◫ ◧▱◎◠▱◬▵
It has to be the neurocircuit that Scorpius has planted...
▮◪▦ ▷▴▻ ◀▴▦◗◎ ◳◠▦◬◎◈◠ ◂▱◈▾▦▵
You've always stood by me.
◒◪▽▫◠▦ ◞◪▦◗▦ ◠▱◬◓■ ◒◪▽▫◠▦ ◞◪▦◫▦ ◠◒▨◬▦◬ ◠▱▪◓▵
The devil takes your beauty, the devil takes your love.
► ◊◞◳◠▦▼▪ ◄23 ◎◗▱◗◞▱◪◓◫ ◳▩▢◭▦◈▴▦▵
[man] It's because of the M23 rebels.
◄◭◈▩◓ ◟◠◓◈◬◎▼◬◞▪ ▮▫◓◗▼▨◪◓▵
It's Vice Principal Stricker.
◀▾◓◠▽◠ ◎◠◞▫▩◓◀◠◞▽◂▦ ◳◠▻◠▦ ◀◫◓ ◠◈◠◎▪▦ ◀▾◓◠◈◠ ▨◠▱◎◠◞◬▦◬ ◫◞▫◪◎◗▽◧◓◨◎▵
I don't want to some guy staying here masturbating all over the place.
▶◠▫▱◬◎■ ◞▴▦ ◗◳◗ ◎◗◞◗▦?
Honey, are you all right?
◛◎◨◓◞◠◎◠◳◠▦▱◠◓ ◀◫▢▱◪◓◗▢▵
◄◠◠▱◪◞◪◍■ ◫▦◞◠▦▱◠◓▪▦ ◉◧◐◨ ▷◠◳◠▫▫◠▨◫ ◀◭◳◭▨ ◞◂◓▾▦▱◠◓▱◠
Sadly, the majority of humans, don't know how to face the big challenges In life,
◘◚▴▫ ◠◎◠ ◒◫◎◈◫ ◫▨◫ ▫◠◓◠◍ ▫◠ ◈▴▦◕▴▱▴▦◈◗!
But now it's balanced!
◝▾ ◒◗◓◫▦■ ▨▩◉▩▨ ▴◚▱◪◓◈◪▦ ▦▴◍◓▴▫
I hate the cute little houses.
▷◫◉◀◗◓ ◒▴◳ ◠▦▱◠◎▪▦◠ ◕◪▱◎◫▽◧◓■ ◰▱▱◪▦▵
Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean anything at all, Ellen.
◝◨ ▨◬◞◎◬▵▵▵
Could we...
► ◝◠▦◠ ◀◬◓◠▨■ ○◈◠◎▵
Leave it to me, Adam.
◝◗▢◫ ◀▾◓◠▽◠ ▦◪◈▴▦ ◕◪▫◗◓◈◫▦?
There are trash cans.
▭◠◓▴▨◪▫ ◪▫◎◪▽◗ ◠▨▱◬▦◈◠▦ ◀◗▱▴ ◕▴◉◫◓◎▴!
Don't even think about moving! Hey, hey! Shut up!
○▻▫◠▱▼◠ ◕◪▱◪◀◗▱◫◓■ ◠◎◠ ◀▾▦▾ ◞▴▦◗▦ ◫◉◗▦ ◳◠▻▫◬◎▵
It might sound stupid, but I did it for you.
▭▴◓ ◈▴◍◠◞◬▦◈◠ ◫◒◪ ▽◠◓◠◓▵
It works every time.
◘◈▴▻◞◫▢ ▨▪▢ ▨◗◎?
Who's a dirty girl?
◝◠▨◠▦▱◠◓ ◢◨◓◨▱▾■ ▩▱▨▴▦◫▦ ◫◉◗▦◈◪ ◀◨▱▾▦◈▾◐▾ ◞◗▽◠◞◫ ◈◨◓◨◎▱◠ ◗▱◕◫▱◗ ◠▼◗▱◪▦ ◀◗◓ ◠◓◠◳◠ ◕▴▱◎◗◒
The Council of Ministers met urgently to consider the situation in the country, both judicial at the level of the main security issues,
◝◨◓◠◈◠ ▫▴▨ ◀◠◒▪◎▪▢◠ ◂▱◎◠◎▪▢ ◀▴▦◫ ◓◠▷◠▫◞▪▢ ▴◈◫▽◧◓▵
- I'm not comfortable staying here, just us.
◩▦▼◪ ◀◗▢▴ ◗◉▨◗ ◕▴▫◗◓▴▼◪◐◗◎▵
I'll go get us some drinks first.
▩◉ ◞◠◠▫▫▴ ◀◗◓ ▽◠ ◈◠ ◠▼▪▨▫◬◐◬▦◈◠ ◀◪◞▱▴▵
It's pretty much every three hours, or... when she's hungry. She'll let you know.
○◳▦◬ ◎◪◞▴▱▴▵
That again?
◝▴▦ ◀◗◓ ◈◭◐◎▴▽◗ ◀◠◞◬▽◂◓▾◎ ◈◠ ▶◠▦◓◬ ◀◪▦◗◎▱▴ ▨◂▦◨◒◎◠▽◠ ◀◠◒▱◬◳◂◓ ◈◪◐◫▱ ▨◗▵
It's not like a jukebox where you can just press a button and God starts to talk.
◅▩▦▨▩ ◧▱◈▾◐◨▦▾ ◕◇◓◎◪▦◗▦ ▫▴▨ ◳◧▱▾ ◀▾▵
It's the only way you can see what's really happening.
► ◝▴▱▨◗ ◈▴ ▴◚◫ ◕◪◓◫
Maybe he just wanted the house back.
"◢▴▦◈◫▦▴ ◀◫◓ ▨◠◈◬▦ ◀▾▱▵ "
"Go out and meet someone."
4 ▦▾◎◠◓◠▱▪ ◧◈◠◈◠ ▨◬◓◬▨ ◀◗▱▴◐◗ ◧▱◠▦ ◀◫◓◗ ◚◠◓▵ ▮◪▦◗
We got a sprained ankle in bay four I can put you on.
▭▴◓ ◒◪◳ ◕◗◓◫◒ ▨◠▫▫◠ ◕◪◓◉◪▨▱◪◒◗◳◂◓▵
Man: Everything's happening down in the basement.
◆◪▱▴▼▴◐◗◎◗ ◞◣▽▱▴◎◫◒▫◫◎▵
◤◪◒◗▱ ◕◣▢▱◭ ▼◠▦◠◚◠◓ ◕◫◀◫ ▨◬◞▨◠▦▼◬◎ ◞◠▦▪◓◬◎▵
I guess that I'm envious like the green-eyed monster.
◝◨▦◨■ ◂◓◫▸◫▦◠▱◫▦▴ ◞◠◈◪▼◪ ◀◫◓ ▨◪◓◪ ◀◠▨◠◓◠▨ ▽◠▻◎◬◒▵
He painted it after looking at it once.
"◤◠▨▱◠◒◬▨ 10◈▨▵ ◣▦▼▴ ◕▴◓◉▴▨▱▴◒▴▦▱▴◓◗ ◫▢▱◪◈◗▦◫▢▵"
"That was about 10 minutes ago."
► ▤▩▢◕◠◓ ▦▴ ◈▾◓▾◎◈◠?
- What you got for wind?
▭◠◈◗■ ◞◠▦◠ ▽◠◓◈▪◎ ▴◈▴▼◪◐◗◎■
Come on, I'm gonna help you. Let's go; I got you.
▮▴▦ ◠◈◫■ ▻◫◞ ◀◗◓ ◳◠▱◠▦▼▪ ▬▾◀▱◠◓◬▦
You're a dirty, filthy, lying Cubs fan.
▭◪◓ ◳▴◓◈▴ ◠◈◠◎▱◠◓▪ ◚◠◓▵
His scouts are everywhere.
◱◓◠◈◠▦ ▨◨◓▫◨▱◠▦▱◠◓◬▦ ◧▱◈◨◐▾▦◠ ▴◎◗▦◗◎▵
I am sure there were survivors.
◤◠◓▪◎ ◞◠◠▫▴ ◈◣▦◪◓◫◎▵
Back in half an hour.
▭◪◓ ◒◪▽ ◀◫◓◀◗◓◗▦▴ ◀◠◐▱◬◈◬◓▵
Everything is connected. It's the butterfly effect!
◆▴▱◈◫◐◗▦ ◫◉◫▦ ▫▴◒◪▨▨▩◓▱◪◓▵
Thank you for coming.
◱ ◒◂◍◣◓▩▦ ◗◞◎◗ ▦◪▽◈◫ ▫▴▨◓◠◓ ◞◣▽▱▴◓ ◎◗◞◗▦?
What'd you say this driver's name was again?
▮◪▦ ◀◫◓ ◳◪▫◫◒▨◗▦◞◫▦▵
You're an adult.
◝◨ ◉◧▼◨▨ ◉◂▨ ▦▴◕◠▫◗◍!
This guy is very negative!
◦◓▫◬▨ ▻◠◓◠▦◬▦ ◀◗◓ ◣▦▴◎◫ ◳◂▨
Who cares about money now? What a dummy.
▴◓▨▴▦◈◪▦ ▤▾◞▽◠'◳◠ ◳◧▱◠ ◉▪▨◠▼◠▨◞◬▦ ▽▴▦◫ ◀◗◓ ▷◠◳◠▫◠ ◀◠◒▱◠◎◠▨ ▩▢▴◓▴▵
Tomorrow morning, early... you will leave for Russia... to begin a new life.
45'▱◫◐◫◎ ▦▴◓◪◈▴?
Where's my .45?
◝▾▦▾ ▨◠◉ ▨▴▢ ◞◣◳▱◪◎▴◎ ◕▴◓▴▨◗◳◂◓?
How many times do I have to say this?
Let's find out.
Let's find out.
◝▴▦◫◎▱◪ ▾▢◨▦ ◀◫◓ ◳◂▱▼▾▱▾▨▫◠ ▫◠▨▪▱◠▼◠▨◞◬▦▵
You're rolling with me on a ride-along.
◂▱◎◠▨ ▢◧◓▾▦◈◠ ◈▴◐◫▱◞◫▦■ ◡▴◓◪◎▽▵
You don't have to agree, Jeremy.
▶◠◎◠◎■ ◚◠◳ ▼◠▦◬▦◠!
Ok. Wow.
◮▦◨▫▫▾◐◨◎▾▢ ◀◠▢◬ ◒◪▽▱◪◓◫ ▫▴▨◓◠◓
We wanna feel something again that we've forgotten.
◢◣▻▴▨▫◪▦ ▨◧◓▨◨▽◧◓▵
Afraid of the dog?
○ ▷▴◓ ◒▴◳◫ ◀◫▱◗◳◧◓■ ▫◠◎◠◎ ◎◬?
Look, "A" is all-knowing, all right?
◢◫◓◠▱◬▨ ◠◓◠◀◠◳▪ ◀◨▱◈▾▱◠◓▵
They got the rental car.
□▴▨◫ ▦◪▱▴◓◈▴▦ ◠▦▱▪▽◂◓◎▾◒◨◎?
And what, pray, might that be?
◝▴▦ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ◧▱◠▦◠▨ ◞◠◐▱◠◎◠▨ ◫◉◫▦ ◚◠◓◬◎ ◠◓◠◀◨▱◨▼▾▱▾▨
I'm simply here to facilitate, not negotiate.
▭◠▨▱◬◞◬▦■ ◠◓◠◎◠◎ ◕▴◓◪▨◫◓◈◫▵
You're right, I should have called.
▮◠◈◪▼▴ ▫◠▨▪▱▪◳◧◓◈▾▨▵
We're only kidding.
◝◓◠◈ ◚◪ ◡◠▦◪'▦◫▦ ▨◪▱◫◎◪ ◧▽▾▦▱◠◓◬▽▱◠ ▨▾◓◈▾◐◨ ◞◠◐▱◠◎ ◳▾◚◠▱◠◓◬▦◬▦ ◈◠▱◕◠ ◕▴◉◫▱◪▼▴▨ ◀◫◓ ▽◠▦▪ ◳◂▨▵
Brad and Jane, building a stable marriage through wordplay is nothing to scoff at.
► ◦◎◠ ◉◠◓◒◠◎◀◠ ◚◪ ▼◨◎◠ ▷◫◉ ◀◗◓ ◒◪◳ ◳◧▨▵
Oh, but nothing on Wednesdays and Fridays.
◅◧▨ ◫◳◗ ▽◠▻◠◀◗▱◫◓◗◎!
Because I could totally do skanky!
► ▭▴◳■ ◧ ◀◠◀◠◎◬▦ ▼▴▨▴▫◫▵
Hey, that's my dad's jacket.
▮◠▦▪◓◬◎ ◀▾▦▾ ◣◐◓▴▦▴▼◪◐◗▢▵
Well, I guess we'll find out.
◅◬▨▫▪◐◬▦▪▢◈◠ ◀◗▱◕◗▱▴◓◫ ◚▴◓◗◓◫◎▵
When you leave, I'll get your information. Okay.