{ "en": "There wasn´t anything that those shipyards couldn´t do: from small repairs and maintenance, construction trawling fishing, sailing boats and motor yachts, passenger vessels, war and patrol boats.", "hr": "Nema što se od brodova nije gradilo: od sitnih popravaka i remonta, gradnje ribarskih koća, jedrenjaka, do motornih jahti, jedrilica, putničkih, ratnih i patrolnih brodova." }
{ "en": "It was the time between two world wars, in which Split grew from impoverished city in the edge of Habsburg Empire to the main port of Kingdom of Yugoslavia.", "hr": "Bilo je to doba između dvaju svjetskih ratova, kada je Split od siromašnoga grada s ruba Habsburškog Carstva sazrijevao u glavnu luku Kraljevine Jugoslavije." }
{ "en": "Shipyards were located in all parts of the city: Matejuška in the west, Lučac in the south, Lora bay and bay of Supaval on the north and east. Wherever the spectator looked, there were masts or sail.", "hr": "Škverova je bilo u svim dijelovima grada: Matejuška na zapadu, Lučac na jugu, Lora i Supaval prema sjeveru i istoku; gdje god da je pogled sezao, pružale su se vizure jarbola s kalafatima." }
{ "en": "Historical sources revile us the earliest shipyard in modern era, the shipyard \"Košćina“, established in 1831 in district Lučac.", "hr": "Povijesni izvori kazuju o najstarijem brodogradilištu modernog doba, škveru “Košćina”, utemeljenom 1831. godine na Lučcu." }
{ "en": "Shipyard in the possession of the respectable family Košćina was operating on that location up to 1875. Then, because of digging the railroad ditch through Lučac and Manuš, it was dislocated on the west side of harbour Matejuška, under rocks of Tomić family, where today is ex-hotel \"Ambassador\".", "hr": "Brodogradilište ugledne obitelji Košćina na toj lokaciji radi do 1875., kada se zbog željezničke pruge kopa prokop kroz Lučac i Manuš pa seli zapadno od Matejuške, podno Tomića stina, na mjestu gdje je danas bivši hotel “Ambasador”." }
{ "en": "In 1893, in the city port beneath the Katalinić hill, Dinko Ivanko built a small shack of the future shipyard \"Ivanko\".", "hr": "Godine 1893. podno Katalinića brijega, u gradskoj luci Dinko Ivanko gradi malu baraku budućeg škvera “Ivanko”." }
{ "en": "After five years of small repairs, he prodused the first ship named \"Famous Vis''.", "hr": "Nakon pet godina malog remonta škver gradi prvi jedrenjak imena “Slavni Vis”." }
{ "en": "The \"Ivanko\" was an essential part of the route for steamships whenever they needed some kind of reparation.", "hr": "Parobrodima je “Ivanko” bio nezaobilazni dio rute kad god je trebalo nešto popraviti." }
{ "en": "Later, shipyard was recapitalized by new shareholders and changed name into ''Shipyard D. Ivanko and Companions''.", "hr": "Kasnije se dokapitalizira s novim dioničarima i mijenja naziv u ''Brodogradilište D. Ivanko i drugovi''." }
{ "en": "The First World War reduced the activities of the shipyard, so investment failed.", "hr": "Prvi svjetski rat smanjio je djelatnost brodogradilišta, a uložen kapital nije se mogao vraćati." }
{ "en": "In March 17, 1918, with the help of few Split businessmen, a new company for construction, repair, purchase and sale of ships, called the ''South Split shipyard'' was established. Mr. Dinko Ivanko became a technical manager.", "hr": "Uz pomoć nekolicine splitskih privrednika, sedamnaestog ožujka 1918. utemeljeno je novo društvo za gradnju, popravak, kupnju i prodaju brodova, naziva ''Splitsko brodogradilište Jug'', u kojem Dinko Ivanko postaje tehnički poslovođa." }
{ "en": "In 1922 the Maritime industry and technical enterprise \"Brothers Matijević\" was established, later renamed the \"Marjan\".", "hr": "Godine 1922. osnovano je Pomorsko industrijsko i tehničko poduzeće “Braća Matijević”, poslije preimenovano u “Marjan”." }
{ "en": "A little dry dock under the cement factories \"Betizza\" was boasted with dock purchased in Trieste.", "hr": "Malo remontno brodogradilište podno tvornice cementa “Betizza” dičilo se dokom kupljenim u Trstu." }
{ "en": "In addition to its own electrical switchboard, shipyard of entrepreneurial brothers had a foundry, electrical and blacksmith workshops, while workshop for autogenous welding was incredible wonder of technology for contemporary Split.", "hr": "Osim vlastite elektrocentrale, škver poduzetne braće imao je ljevaonicu, elektrotehničku i kovačku radionicu, a radionica za autogeno varenje bila je tehničko čudo neviđeno u onodobnom Splitu." }
{ "en": "Shipyard ''Pakmor'' owned by engineer Paul Kosiček was prestigious such as the current yards for yacht-building.", "hr": "Brodogradilište “Pakmor” inženjera Pavla Kosičeka bilo je prestižno poput današnjih koji grade jahte." }
{ "en": "Fast power and high elegance sport boats were the trademark of the shipyard in the western part of city harbour.", "hr": "Brzi motorni i sportski čamci visoke elegancije bili su zaštitni znak škvera na zapadnom dijelu gradske luke." }
{ "en": "It is interesting that little \"Pakmor\" also made the carosserie for Ford truck.", "hr": "Zanimljivo je kako je mali “Pakmor” izrađivao i karoserije za “Fordove” kamione." }
{ "en": "Founded in 1923, it was closed in 1960.", "hr": "Osnovano je 1923., a ugašeno 1960 godine." }
{ "en": "Aviation Champion Vatroslav Bulimbašić in 1930 at the bay Lora established shipyard for building the barge, sailing ships and boats.", "hr": "Zrakoplovni as Vatroslav Bulimbašić 1930. u Lori osnovao je brodogradilište koje je gradilo maone, jedrenjake i čamce." }
{ "en": "Silent witness of those time is the slipway which still exists in the naval port of Lora.", "hr": "Nijemi svjedok jednog vremena je navoz za izvlačenje brodova koji još postoji u ratnoj luci Lora." }
{ "en": "In bay Lora shipbuilder Peter Jeričević from island Korčula also had a shipyard, closed in 1954 due to construction of a navy port.", "hr": "U Lori je škver imao i korčulanski brodograditelj Petar Jeričević koji je 1954. zatvoren zbog izgradnje vojne luke." }
{ "en": "At the end of the thirties of last Century , during the construction of two submarines in the French shipyard ''Siege Social et Ateliers Chanties de la Loire'' from Nantes, the first contacts were established related to the engagement of the French capital in strengthening the shipbuilding industry.", "hr": "Krajem tridesetih godina prigodom gradnje dviju podmornica u francuskom brodogradilištu “Siege Social Ateliers et Chanties de la Loire” iz Nantesa, uspostavljeni su prvi kontakti oko angažiranja francuskog kapitala u jačanju brodogradnje." }
{ "en": "The first result of those discussions was new company named ''Yugoslav Society for the manufacture and repair of ships\" with headquarters in Belgrade established in March 1931.", "hr": "Prvi rezultat tih razgovora ostvario se u ožujku 1931. godine formiranjem tvrtke ''Jugoslavensko društvo za izradu i opravku brodova” sa sjedištem u Beogradu." }
{ "en": "In late March 1931th, new society purchased the maritime-industrial and technical company ''Marjan'', accurately - drydock, foundry and mechanical workshop, while in August 18, 1931th it also purchased shipyard ''South''and his real-estate in Glavičine in bay Supaval.", "hr": "Novoosnovano društvo kupilo je krajem ožujka 1931. godine Pomorsko-industrijsko i tehničko poduzeće ''Marjan'', i to dok, ljevaonicu i mehaničku radionicu, a 18. kolovoza 1931. godine kupljeno je i brodogradilište ''Jug'' i njegove nekretnine na Glavičinama-uvala Supaval." }
{ "en": "In the first year of operations, a newly established company conducted repairs to the 53 steamship, 2 sailing ships and 3 boats with a total of 35,751 tons.", "hr": "Novoosnovana tvrtka izvršila je u prvoj godini poslovanja popravke na 53 parobroda, 2 jedrenjaka i 3 čamca s ukupno 35.751 tona." }
{ "en": "At the beginning of the 1932 the company started the expansion of business areas and raising the production facilities.", "hr": "Već početkom 1932. godine društvo je pristupilo proširenju poslovnih površina i podizanju proizvodnih pogona." }
{ "en": "Started the construction of two slipways of 60 and 80 m, and several workshops.", "hr": "Započeta je gradnja dvaju navoza od 60 i 80 m, te nekoliko radionica." }
{ "en": "The General Assembly of shareholders of the ''Yugoslav Society for the manufacture and repair of ships\" decided to rename the company, so on 11th August 1932th, it became Shipyard ''Split'' A.D., and dislocation of company headquarters from Belgrade to Split.", "hr": "Odlukom glavne skupštine dioničara ”Jugoslavenskog društvo za izradu i opravku brodova” izvršena je izmjena naziva tvrtke , tako da od 11. kolovoza 1932. godine novi naslov glasi Brodogradilište ''Split'' A.D., te je određeno da se i sjedište društva premjesti iz Beograda u Split." }
{ "en": "In October 8, 1932, opening of shipyard ''Split'' was performed by the ceremonial launching of repair sailing boat ''Kozjak''.", "hr": "Otvaranje Brodogradilišta ''Split'' izvršeno je 8. listopada 1932. godine svečanim spuštanjem popravljenog jedrenjaka ''Kozjak''." }
{ "en": "In 1933, it was built the first new building (Newbuilding 1), length of 11m with a diesel engines, and orderered for the Royal Navy.", "hr": "Godine 1933. izgradjena je i prva novogradnja (Novogradnja br. 1), barkasa dužine 11m s ugradjenim diesel motorom, a naručena je od Kraljevske mornarice." }
{ "en": "In June 7, 1933 launched and delivered were concluded.", "hr": "Svečano porinuće i primopredaja obavljeni su 7. lipnja 1933. godine." }
{ "en": "Under the French management, the higher technology, developed a modern shipbuilding and shipbuilding of steel ships was introduced in shipyard.", "hr": "Pod Francuzima je uvedena viša tehnologija, razvila se suvremena brodogradnja, te gradnja brodova od čelika." }
{ "en": "They invested significantly, built two modern slipways, and profits began to emerge in 1938.", "hr": "Investirali su velik novac, izgradili su i dva suvremena navoza, a profit se počeo javljati 1938." }
{ "en": "They built ships for the Financial Guard, first one tug, then the destroyers \"Ljubljana\" and \"Zagreb\" for the navy of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and two large passenger ship \"Sarajevo\" and \"Šumadija''.", "hr": "Gradili su brodove za Financijsku stražu, jedan remorker, potom razarače “Ljubljana” i “Zagreb” za mornaricu Kraljevine Jugoslavije i dva velika putnička broda “Sarajevo” i “Šumadija”." }
{ "en": "At that time Split was the only city in Yugoslavia with shipbuilding industry.", "hr": "Split je u to vrijeme bio jedina brodograđevina industrija Jugoslavije." }
{ "en": "In the eve of the Second World War, accurately in July 30, 1936 in the shipyard ''Split'' started the new era that marked the beginning of modern shipbuilding in Split.", "hr": "Pred početak II svjetskog rata, točnije 30. srpnja 1936. započelo je u splitskom Brodogradilištu novo razdoblje koje je označilo početak suvremene brodogradnje u Splitu." }
{ "en": "That year first iron ship, on its own steam engine - tug ''Konjic'' was launched into the sea.", "hr": "Te je godine porinut u more prvi željezni brod na vlastiti parni pogon-remorker ''Konjic''." }
{ "en": "With that event the construction of iron ships by modern technology began, and that is the moment in which the transition from handicraft to industrial shipbuilding started.", "hr": "Time je započeta gradnja željeznih brodova po suvremenoj tehnologiji, čime je učinjen prijelaz sa zanatske na industrijsku brodogradnju." }
{ "en": "On those basis, after World War II, the modern world famous shipbuilding industry ''Split'' - Brodosplit was built.", "hr": "Na tim temeljima, poslije II svjetskog rata podignuta je moderna i u svijetu poznata Brodograđevna industrija ''Split'' - Brodosplit." }
{ "en": "In the last seventy years, the shipyard has delivered more than 350 ships with a total of over 10 million tons dwt. 80 percent of Brodosplit´s production is made for the international market.", "hr": "U posljednjih sedamdesetak godina brodogradilište je isporučilo više od 350 brodova s ukupnom nosivošću od preko 10 milijuna tona. 80% proizvodnje Brodosplita odnosi se na inozemne naručitelje." }
{ "en": "Many of these ships have received recognitions from prominent international institutions.", "hr": "Mnogi od ovih brodova dobili su priznanja od uglednih međunarodnih institucija." }
{ "en": "Only in the last twenty years, ten ships from Brodosplit´s slipways were chosen as the best projects in their categories.", "hr": "Samo u posljednjih dvadesetak godina, deset je brodova sa splitskih navoza na listama najboljih projekata u svojim kategorijama." }
{ "en": "The authority of Brodosplit among the international shipbuilding circles and the trust of many clients in the company’s experts are the result of many years of successful operation and high quality of its wide product range.", "hr": "Autoritet kojim Brodosplit danas nastupa u međunarodnim brodograđevnim krugovima i povjerenje koje brojni klijenti poklanjaju njegovim stručnjacima rezultat su dugogodišnjeg uspješnog rada i visoke kakvoće širokog proizvodnog asortimana." }
{ "en": "The innovation and expertise of our shipbuilders in construction of sophisticated ships of different types – passenger ships, containers, cargo vessels, oil product tankers or basically, whatever the client desires – are the main features and strongest points of Brodosplit as a successful and worldly recognized shipyard.", "hr": "Dugogodišnje iskustvo i stručnost naših brodograditelja u gradnji sofisticiranih brodova različitih namjena - od putničkih, trgovačkih, kontejnerskih, od brodova za prijevoz nafte, tekućih i rasutih tereta, ledenica, jaružala do drugih specijalnh tipova i vojnih brodova - čine Brodosplit uspješnim i svjetski priznatim brodogradilištem." }
{ "en": "Atlantic Grupa is one of the largest regional food industries with the well known brands such as Argeta, Barcaffe, Cedevita, Grand Kafa, Najlepše želje, Smoki etc. It is the leading European producer of sports food with the well-known Multipower brand, the largest regional producer of food supplements with Dietpharm brand, a prominent producer of personal care products as well as the leading distributor of consumer goods in South-Eastern Europe.", "hr": "Atlantic Grupa je jedna od vodećih prehrambenih kompanija u regiji sa poznatim robnim markama Argeta, Barcaffe, Cedevita, Grand Kafa, Najlepše želje, Smoki i dr. Vodeći je europski proizvođač prehrane za sportaše s poznatim brandom Multipower, najveći proizvođač dodataka prehrani u regiji s robnom markom Dietpharm, istaknuti proizvođač proizvoda za osobnu njegu te vodeći distributer robe široke potrošnje u jugoistočnoj Europi." }
{ "en": "The distribution portfolio of Atlantic Grupa includes global premium brands of distinguished producers such as Wrigley, Ferrero, Hipp, Johnson & Johnson and others.", "hr": "Distribucijski portfelj Atlantic Grupe uključuje svjetske premium brandove poznatih proizvođača kao što su Wrigley, Ferrero, Hipp, Johnson & Johnson i drugi." }
{ "en": "Atlantic Grupa is the owner of the leading private chain of pharmacies under the brand Farmacia.", "hr": "Atlantic Grupa je vlasnik najvećeg privatnog lanca ljekarni pod brandom Farmacia." }
{ "en": "Hotel Milenij 5*, Opatija – situated in the centre of Opatija, open to the sea and surrounded by the St. James’s Park and the Lungomare promenade , the Milenij Hotel is a very special destination.", "hr": "Hotel Milenij 5*, Opatija – smješten u središtu Opatije, na samoj obali mora, okružen parkom „Sv. Jakov“ i šetalištem Lungo mare, hotel Milenij, posebna je destinacija." }
{ "en": "Locatel installed the ECLIPSE and ELIISE Systems in the hotel’s 125 rooms and apartments.", "hr": "U 125 soba i apartmana, Locatel ugrađuje ECLIPSE i ELIISE sustav." }
{ "en": "Thanks to its position in the most indented part of the Croatian Adriatic coast, the area provides excellent opportunities for nautical tourism and boating as one of few parts of the Mediterranean.", "hr": "Zahvaljujući svom položaju na najrazvedenijem dijelu hrvatske obale Jadrana, ovo područje pruža izvrsne mogućnosti za nautički turizam i plovidbu kao malo koji dio Sredozemlja." }
{ "en": "In the close vicinity are three national parks: Paklenica, Kornati Archipelago and Krka, as well as Telascica Nature Park and lake Vransko Nature Park.", "hr": "U neposrednoj blizini nalaze se tri nacionalna parka: Paklenica, Kornatski arhipelag i Krka, kao i parkovi prirode: Telašćica i Vransko jezero." }
{ "en": "Biograd is the centre of the riviera consisting of Petar na Moru (Peter on the Sea), Turanj, Sv. Filip i Jakov (Sts. Philip and James), Vrgada, Pakostane and Drage.", "hr": "Biograd je centar rivijere koja obuhvaća sljedeća mjesta: Sv. Petar na Moru, Turanj, Sv. Filip i Jakov, Vrgadu, Pakoštane i Drage." }
{ "en": "Youth club Donji Miholjac (KMDM), Association of democratic alternative and progress (UDAR), Tourism association for town Donji Miholjac and Ajkule [Sharks] team organized 13th i 14th of october 2007. in Donji Miholjac First Croatian Star Trek and UFO convention.", "hr": "Klub mladih Donji Miholjac (KMDM), Udruga demokratske alternative i razvoja (UDAR), Turistička zajednica grada Donjeg Miholjca te ekipa Ajkula organizirali su 13. i 14. listopada 2007. godine u Donjem Miholjcu Prvu hrvatsku Star Trek i NLO konvenciju." }
{ "en": "The idea of convention was born few years ago, but until this year the conditions to organize such a manifest were not so good.", "hr": "Ideja konvencije rodila se još prije par godina, no sve do ove godine uvjeti za organizaciju jednog takvog događaja baš i nisu bili najbolji." }
{ "en": "But, we were patient and our time came...", "hr": "Ali, strpljivo smo čekali i na kraju i dočekali..." }
{ "en": "The convention started on saturday 13th of cotober 2007. at 10:00 hours with the opening of the UFO artifacts exposition that took place in castle Mailath.", "hr": "Konvencija je započela u subotu 13. listopada 2007. godine u 10 sati otvorenjem izložbe NLO artefakata u dvorcu Mailath koju je priredio gosp." }
{ "en": "The exposition was composed by Stjepan Zvonaric, one of the most famous Croatian ufologists (if not the most famous).", "hr": "Stjepan Zvonarić, jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih ufologa (ako ne i najpoznatiji)." }
{ "en": "The exposition was composed of many different material: pictures, fossils, minerals, reconstructions, maketa, texts, etc.", "hr": "Izložba se sastojala od brojnih materijala: slika, iskopina, minerala, rekonstrukcija, maketa, tekstova, itd." }
{ "en": "First visitors came already for the opening, and the first \"crowd rush\" was at about 12:00 hours.", "hr": "Već od otvorenja počeli su pristizati prvi posjetitelji, a prva \"gužva\" stvorila se malo poslije 12 sati." }
{ "en": "Somewhere about 13:00 hours came the people from HRT (Croatian National Television) and recorded a short report, that was later shown in the TV show \"Dobro jutro Hrvatska\" (\"Good morning Croatia\") .", "hr": "Negdje oko 13 sati pojavili su se ljudi iz HRT-a koji su snimili kratku reportažu, a koja je kasnije prikazana u emisiji \"Dobro jutro Hrvatska\"." }
{ "en": "At about 14:00 hours the visitors gathered in the castle's long hall, to hear the welcome words from Marko Jurinjak, president of the Youth club, who spoke in the name of the organizers, in which he shortly said about the idea of the convetion and declared it officially open.", "hr": "Oko 14 sati posjetitelji su se okupili u velikoj dvorani dvorca, a pozdravnu riječ u ime organizatora uputio im je Marko Jurinjak, predsjednik Kluba mladih, u kojoj je kratko progovorio o ideji konvencije te ju proglasio i službeno otvorenom." }
{ "en": "After the foreword started the first lecture about the world of Star Trek, that is about the medicine in Star Trek, by miss Suzana Gracner, member of the \"U.S.S. Croatia\" association from Zagreb.", "hr": "Nakon uvodne riječi uslijedilo je prvo predavanje o svijetu Star Treka, odnosno o medicini u Star Treku, koje je priredila gđica Suzana Gračner, članica udruge \"U.S.S. Croatia\" iz Zagreba." }
{ "en": "In the first part of her lecture miss Gracner compared the Star Trek medicine and todays medicine in which she indicated that some the things that can be seen in Star trek are already reality, and not some far, imaginary future.", "hr": "U prvom dijelu predavanja gđica Gračner prikazala je usporedbu medicine Star Treka i današnje medicine u kojoj je ukazala na to da su neke stvari koje se mogu vidjeti u svijetu Star Treka već stvarnost, a ne samo daleka zamišljena budućnost." }
{ "en": "In the second part of the lecture miss Gracner presented some of the modern moral, ethical and bioethical problems that can be seen in Star Trek, and which are, in fact, very actual in the real world and which are he reason of the many todays discussions - cloning, euthanasia, equality in the health care system, abortion, etc.", "hr": "U drugom dijelu predavanja gđica Gračner predstavila je neke od moralnih, etičkih i bioetičkih problema koji se mogu susresti u svijetu Star Treka, a koji su danas, u stvarnom svijetu, vrlo aktualni i izazivaju brojne diskusije - kloniranje, eutanazija, jednakost svih pred zdravstvenim sustavom, pobačaj, itd." }
{ "en": "These topics provoked many discussions and converstions and stimulated people to think about them, which was the goal miss Gracner wanted to achieve with it's lecture.", "hr": "Ove teme i na konvenciji su izazvale brojne rasprave i razgovore i potakle na razmišljanje, što je bila i želja predavača." }
{ "en": "After the lecture of Star Trek medicine we had a short break so visitors could refresh with home made cookies and drinks, and try Romulan beer and Klingon Bloodwine, prepared with special recipe, which, BTW, was very soon gone...", "hr": "Nakon predavanja o medicini u Star Treku uslijedila je kratka pauza za vrijeme koje su se posjetitelji mogli okrijepiti uz grickalice i piće, kao i probati Romulansko pivo te klingonsko \"krvavo vino\" (Bloodwine), pripremljeno po posebnom receptu, koje je, BTW, vrlo brzo nestalo..." }
{ "en": "After the break, it was time for the second lecture which should have held professor Goran Hajnal, titled \"Mass, space and time\".", "hr": "Poslije pauze na red je došlo drugo predavanje koje je trebao održati prof. Goran Hajnal na temu \" Masa, prostor i vrijeme\"." }
{ "en": "Unfortunately, only few days before the convention professor Hajnal canceled the lecture because of him not being able to come. And, instead of his lecture, we had the lecture \"Artificial intelligence\" which was prepared by Katarina Dosa and Marko Jurinjak, memebrs of the Youth club.", "hr": "Međutim, par dana prije konvencije prof. Hajnal je otkazao predavanje zbog nemogućnosti dolaska, te je umjesto njegovog predavanja održano predavanje na temu \"Umjetna inteligencija\" koju su pripremili Katarina Doša i Marko Jurinjak, članovi Kluba mladih Donji Miholjac." }
{ "en": "They spoke of different kinds of artificial intelligence, about it's structure and it's principle of work, etc., and in the end they showed the part of the episode \"The measure of a man\" (2nd TNG season) with the trial about the rights of Data, android from Enterprise-D crew. After the lacture we had another break, for dinner.", "hr": "U predavanju se govorilo o vrstama umjetne inteligencije, strukturi umjetne inteligencije, principu rada umjetne inteligencije, itd., a na kraju su predavači prikazali isječak iz epizode \"The measure of a man\" (2. sezona TNG) u kojoj se vodi sudska rasprava o pravima Date, androida iz posade Enterprisea-D. Nakon predavanja uslijedila je pauza za večeru." }
{ "en": "All the visitors were invited to the Youth club where the Klingon beans were prepared.", "hr": "Svi sudionici konvencije bili su pozvani u Klub mladih gdje je pripremljen klingonski grah." }
{ "en": "Everyone who tasted the beans had many complients for the chef, and many wanted to know the recipe; but, you know the chef - didn't want to give his secret... :) Organizers had a little fear about the effect of the dinner on the visitors, but a great number of them went back on the second part of programme.", "hr": "Svi koji su kušali grah pohvalili su kuhara, a mnoge je i zanimao recept; no, kuhar kao kuhar - nije htio odati tajnu... :) Organizatori su se malo pobojali utjecaja večere na posjetitelje konvencije, no većina se posjetitelja uputila na nastavak programa u dvorcu." }
{ "en": "The programme continued about 18:00 hours with Star Trek quiz which was organized by the members of the \"U.S.S. Croatia\" association.", "hr": "Program je nastavljen oko 18 sati Star Trek kvizom koji su priredili članovi udruge U.S.S. Croatia." }
{ "en": "The Quiz was made by the model or the popular Croatian TV quiz \"Kviskoteka\", which was composed of three games: associations, auction and \"fastest finger\".", "hr": "Kviz je rađen po uzoru na poznatu \"Kviskoteku\", a sastojao se od igre asocijacija, licitacija i \"najbrži prst\"." }
{ "en": "The game, like \"Kviskoteka\", had 3 competitors (one from Visnjevac, one from Josipovac and one from Donji Miholjac), and the winner was Goran Kovac, member of the Youth club Donji Miholjac.", "hr": "U igri su, kao i u \"Kviskoteci\", sudjelovala 3 natjecatelja (jedan iz Višnjevca, jedan iz Josipovca i jedan iz Donjeg Miholjca), a pobjedu je uvjerljivo odnio Goran Kovač, član Kluba mladih Donji Miholjac." }
{ "en": "Association \"U.S.S. Croatia\" awarded the winner with some of Star Trek stuff.", "hr": "Udruga U.S.S. Croatia prigodno je nagradila pobjednika, a nagradu mu je u ime udruge uručio Dragan Čakarević." }
{ "en": "Then we had another short break, and after the break the lecture about Borg, one of the most powerful species from Star Trek, which was prepared by Luka Balkovic, member of the Youth club Donji Miholjac and Sharks [Ajkule] team.", "hr": "Uslijedila je kratka pauza, a nakon pauze predavanje o Borgu, jednoj od najmoćnijih vrsta iz svijeta Star Treka, koje je priredio Luka Balković, član Kluba mladih Donji Miholjac i ekipe Ajkula." }
{ "en": "Within the lecture we've seen a short documentary about Borg which was a good basis for knowing this powerful species.", "hr": "U sklopu predavanja prikazan je i kratki dokumentarac o Borgu koji je bio dobra podloga za upoznavanje ove vrlo moćne vrste." }
{ "en": "Then, another short break the last saturday's lecture - \"Is Q a god?\" which was prepared by Zeljko Culek, student of theology, member of the Yout club Donji Miholjac and Sharks [Ajkule] team.", "hr": "Potom, opet kratka pauza te posljednje predavanje toga dana - \"Je li Q bog?\" koje je pripremila moja malenkost, student teologije, inače član Kluba mladih Donji Miholjac i ekipe Ajkula." }
{ "en": "The lecture was directed on pointing out that there is a basis to say that mysterious creature Q can be considered as god, like, for example, people consider Zeus and many other mythical and Star Trek gods.", "hr": "Predavanje je bilo usmjereno ukazivanju na to da ima temelja da se misteriozno biće Q može smatrati bogom, kao što se smatraju npr. Zeus i drugi mitski bogovi, te brojni drugi bogovi iz svijeta Star Treka." }
{ "en": "Yet another short break, and after that were shown two episodes from the last season of Star Trek: Enterprise - \"In a mirror, darkly\" part 1 and 2.", "hr": "Nakon predavanja uslijedila je još jedna kratka pauza, a zatim su prikazane dvije epizode iz posljednje sezone serije Star Trek: Enterprise - \"S tamne strane, 1 i 2\" (\"In a mirror, darkly\"), koje se bave tematikom alternativnog svemira." }
{ "en": "The projection fnished at about 22:00 hours, after which the present visitors went in the Youth club where the after-party was organized, which lasted 'till early morning hours...", "hr": "Projekcija je završila oko 22 sata, nakon čega su se prisutni uputili u Klub mladih na after-party koji je potrajao do ranih jutarnjih sati..." }
{ "en": "Second day of the convention was dedicated to UFO phenomenon.", "hr": "Drugi dan konvencije bio je posvećen fenomenu NLO-a, o kojem je predavanje održao gosp." }
{ "en": "The lectures were held by mr. Stjepan Zvonaric.", "hr": "Stjepan Zvonarić. Kroz niz predavanja gosp." }
{ "en": "Through the sequence of few lectures mr. Zvonaric presented his theory about encounter of our ancestors with alien civilizations, which he substantiated with great number og artifacts, archeological materials, well known and approved theories about different phenomenons from human history, etc.", "hr": "Zvonarić je iznio svoju teoriju o susretu naših predaka s vanzemaljskim civilizacijama, koju je potkrijepio brojnim artefaktima, arheološkim materijalima, poznatim i priznatim teorijama o raznim fenomenima iz ljudske povijesti, itd. Posebno je obradio temu i problematiku fenomena tkzv." }
{ "en": "He especially elaborated the subject and problem of the phenomenon known as \"Pag triangle\" (\"Paski trokut\"),that few years ago caused a great interest of public in Croatia and Europe.", "hr": "\"Paškog trokuta\", koji je prije nekoliko godina izazvao veliko zanimanje hrvatske, ali i europske javnosti." }
{ "en": "Also, he spoke of the culture of Lepenski Vir, the culture of Sumer tribe and African tribe Dogon, where he found many \"evidence\" of visitors from space.", "hr": "Također, govorio je i o kulturi Lepenskog Vira, kulturi Sumera te afričkom plemenu Dogon, gdje je pronašao brojne \"dokaze\" o posjetiteljima iz svemira." }
{ "en": "It would be to much to tell everything that mr. Zvonaric spoke of and presented, so I'll only mention one of the of many interresting things, for \"those who doubt\"... :) African tribe Dogon is the tribe that lives the old way (like 1000 years before), pure from modern culture and civilization.", "hr": "Bilo bi previše da iznesem sve ono što je gosp. Zvonarić prezentirao, pa ću samo spomenuti jednu od zanimljivosti za \"one koji sumnjaju\"... :) Afričko pleme Dogon je pleme koje još živi starim načinom života, bez primjesa moderne kulture i civilizacije." }
{ "en": "Except being interresting already by that fact, the thing that makes them interresting in our case is that they have a legend about contact with visitors that came from the \"star Sirius\".", "hr": "Osim što su već po tome zanimljivi, ono što ih u našem slučaju čini zanimljivima je to da imaju predaju o kontaktu s posjetiteljima koji su došli sa \"zvijezde Sirius\"." }
{ "en": "Modern science knows two start by the name of Sirius, but Dogon tribe beside those two, knows another one (third), where visitros came from.", "hr": "Moderna znanost poznaje dvije zvijezde Sirius, no pleme Dogon uz te dvije poznaje i treću, onu s koje su došli posjetitelji." }
{ "en": "Modern sky cartography and the cartography of the Dogon tribe agree around the position of the fisrt two stars, but the third star still doesn't exist in modern charts 'cause it hasn't been found yet!", "hr": "Oko položaja prve dvije zvijezde moderna kartografija i ona plemena Dogon se slažu, no treća zvijezda još uvijek ne postoji u modernim kartama, jer još uvijek nije pronađena!" }
{ "en": "Beside the lectures of mr. Zvonaric, that day you could hear and some things about your future from the mouth of the Star Strek Fortuneteller.", "hr": "Osim predavanja gosp. Zvonarića, toga dana ste mogli čuti i nešto o svojoj budućnosti koju je za samo 1 KN proricala Star Trek gatara." }
{ "en": "Also, after the lectures, around 20:00 hours, there was a projection of the \"Pag triangle\" and \"Roswell: Alien autopsy\" documentary movies. with those documentaries ended the programme of the First Croatian Star Trek and UFO convention (DOMIKON),which was officialy closed by Marko Jurinjak's (president of the Youth club) words of thanks.", "hr": "Također, nakon predavanja, oko 20 sati, prikazani su dokumentarni filmovi \"Paški trokut\" te \"Autopsija u Roswellu\". S tim projekcijama završio je i program Prve hrvatske Star Trek i NLO konvencije (DOMIKON), koju je svojom zaključnom riječi i riječima zahvale zatvorio Marko Jurinjak, predsjednik Kluba mladih." }
{ "en": "In two days, there was over 150 visitors from all parts of Croatia.", "hr": "U dva dana, koliko je konvencija trajala, bilo je preko 150 posjetitelja iz raznih dijelova Hrvatske." }
{ "en": "Even though there were some omissions, most of the people gave positive critics and announced they'll come the next year, too.", "hr": "Iako je bilo i ponekih propusta, većina ljudi pozitivno je ocijenila konvenciju i zadovoljno najavila dolazak i iduće godine." }
{ "en": "In the gallery on this web page how it looked like those days.", "hr": "U galeriji na stranici možete vidjeti kako je to otprilike izgledalo tih dana." }
{ "en": "We're very satisfied and happy 'cause it all turned great, and with bunch of new ideas we announce - new DOMIKON - august 2008.!", "hr": "Mi sami vrlo smo zadovoljni i sretni što je sve odlično ispalo, te puni ideja najavljujemo već sada - novi DOMIKON krajem kolovoza 2008. godine!" }
{ "en": "13th and 14th of october 2007. we organize \"First Croatian Star Trek and UFO convention\", which will take place in Donji Miholjac.", "hr": "Dana 13. i 14. listopada 2007. godine u Donjem Miholjcu održat će se \"Prva hrvatska NLO i Star trek konvencija\"." }
{ "en": "The convention beggins on saturday 13th of october at 10:00 hours with exposition of UFO artifacts and ends on sunday 14th of october at 23:59 hours.", "hr": "Konvencija počinje u subotu 13. listopada u 10,00 sati s izložbom i traje do nedjelje 14. listopada u 23,59 sati." }
{ "en": "Location - castle Mailath.", "hr": "Mjesto održavanja je dvorac Mailath." }
{ "en": "The convention programme includes lectures, movie projections, expositions, playgroups, etc.", "hr": "Na programu su predavanja, projekcije, izložba, kviz, druženje, itd." }