{ "en": "Special guest-lecturer is mr. Stjepan Zvonaric, one of the most know and most appriciated Croatian ufologists, author of the several books abotu UFO phenomenon.", "hr": "Specijalni gost-predavač je gdin. Stjepan Zvonarić, jedan od najpoznatijih i najpriznatijih hrvatskih ufologa, autor nekoliko knjiga o fenomenu NLO-a." }
{ "en": "You can find out more about the programme and the convention on these web pages or contactin someone from the organizers crew.", "hr": "Više o programu i manifestaciji možete saznati na ovim web stranicama ili kontaktirajući nekoga iz organizacije." }
{ "en": "We hope yo too will take part in this event, In Croatia first of this kind!", "hr": "Nadamo se da će te i Vi prisustvovati ovom događaju, prvom takve vrste u Hrvatskoj!" }
{ "en": "We'll be expecting you!", "hr": "Dođite, očekujemo Vas!" }
{ "en": "The shipping company Jadranska slobodna plovidba , now called Jadroplov, was founded on January 20, 1947.", "hr": "Brodarsko poduzeće Jadranska slobodna plovidba, koje danas nosi ime Jadroplov, osnovano je 20. siječnja 1947. godine." }
{ "en": "Originally, the company was intended for coastal navigation and trading in the Adriatic Sea.", "hr": "Kompanija se, kako joj je naziv govorio, trebala baviti slobodnom plovidbom unutar malog Jadranskog mora." }
{ "en": "The company head office was located in Rijeka together with all other Yugoslav shipping companies.", "hr": "Za sjedište tvrtke bila je određena Rijeka u kojoj su stolovale i sve ostale jugoslavenske brodarske kompanije." }
{ "en": "The rapid growth of shipping tonnage and trade in the Adriatic ports was continuously stumbling on the concept of concentration of merchant fleet, but finally the practical business reasons won the battle against ideological principles and, after long debates, the merchant fleet was dispersed.", "hr": "Visoki rast tonaže brodovlja i prometa u jadranskim lukama stalno se spoticao o koncept koncentracije trgovačke mornarice pa je pragmatizam na koncu pobijedio ideološka načela: nakon velikih rasprava flota je razmještena." }
{ "en": "In 1956 Jadroplov head office was relocated from Rijeka to Split, the city which 20 years earlier used to have 11 shipping companies, including Yugoslav Lloyd, the biggest shipping company at that time.", "hr": "Tako se 1956. godine sjedište Jadroplova izmješta u Split, grad koji je 20 godina ranije, imao čak 11 brodarskih poduzeća, među kojima i ''Jugoslavenski Lloyd'', tada najvećeg brodara u zemlji." }
{ "en": "Shortly after transferring of head office to Split, the company was licensed for transportation of passengers and goods in the international trade.", "hr": "Nedugo po preseljenju središta u Split, kompanija je ovlaštena putnike i robu prevoziti i u dugoj plovidbi, po svim morima." }
{ "en": "Already in 1957 Jadroplov started maintaining the first regular line for the Red Sea connecting national ports with Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Jemen.", "hr": "Tako već godine 1957. Jadroplov otvara prvi linijski servis za Crveno more koji domaće luke povezuje s Italijom, Grčkom, Ciprom, Libanonom, Egiptom, Sudanom Etiopijom i Jemenom." }
{ "en": "With this service, thirty-five years long period of liner’s supremacy in Jadroplov business strategy, started.", "hr": "Tim servisom započinje trideset petogodišnje razdoblje linijske dominacije u poslovnoj strategiji Jadroplova." }
{ "en": "In the beginning of October 1959 Jadroplov’s ship ‘’Vareš’’, under the command of Capt. Nikola Huljić, on her way to Duluth in the Lake Superior passed through the St. Lawrence Seaway as the first Croatian ship, only three and a half months after its opening.", "hr": "Početkom listopada 1959. godine Jadroplovov brod ''Vareš'' pod zapovjedništvom kapetana Nikole Huljića na putu za luku Duluth na jezeru Superior kao prvi hrvatski brod prolazi kroz Seaway, samo tri i po mjeseca nakon otvaranja kanala St. Lawrence." }
{ "en": "The liner service to the USA and Canada ports on the Great Lakes was established.", "hr": "Uspostavljena je tako i linija za luke SAD-a i Kanade na Velikim Jezerima." }
{ "en": "Five years later (1964) the liner service to the Red Sea was extended to the East African ports in Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania. In 1968 Jadroplov started its third liner service to Australia and New Zealand.", "hr": "Pet godina kasnije (1964) linija za Crveno more produžava se do istočnoafričkih luka Somalije, Kenije i Tanzanije. 1968. godine Jadroplov otvara i svoj treći linijski servis - onaj za Australiju i Novi Zeland." }
{ "en": "With three liner services and extended business activity, the company attracted attention of the shipping and trading communities who are well aware that such a complex and expanding business needs great commercial and technical skills as well as highly qualified people both in the head office and on board the ships.", "hr": "Kompanija sa tri linijska servisa razgranatošću je posla već budila pozornost pomorskog svijeta, svjesna da vođenje tog složenog i obilnog posla zahtjeva zavidnu komercijalno-tehničku vještinu i vrhunsku stručnost osoblja na kopnu i brodovima." }
{ "en": "The success of a young company from a small Croatian city remained a curiosity as it was hard to understand that only a few devoted men dedicated to their work and educated in the best traditions of Croatian seamanship have created such a reliable partner and respectable shipping company as Jadroplov.", "hr": "Mnogima je ostala nedokučiva tajna uspjeha mladog brodara iz malog hrvatskog grada jer je uistinu i bilo teško ostvariti da slika Jadroplova kao pouzdanog partnera i svjetskog uglednika u prijevozu roba morem stvara sama skupinica požrtvovanih zaljubljenika u posao koji daje kruh sa sedam kora, skupinica odgajana na najboljim i dugim tradicijama hrvatskog pomorstva." }
{ "en": "However, even the greatest self-sacrifice or the best inherited knowledge wouldn’t have been sufficient to endure a strong competition of liner shipping if it hadn’t been followed by acceptance and application of technological innovations in the shipbuilding industry.", "hr": "Ipak, ni najveći samoprijegor ni najbolja naslijeđena znanja ne bi bili dostatni za dugoročni opstanak u oštroj natjecateljskoj bitci linijskih brodara da nisu praćeni i prihvaćanjima tehnoloških novina u brodogradnji." }
{ "en": "Therefore in the early 1960s Jadroplov was building ships in Split shipyard naming them after famous Croatian poets from Split as ‘’Marko Marulić’’, ‘’Luka Botić’’ and ‘’Natko Nodilo’’.", "hr": "Zato Jadroplov početkom šezdesetih u splitskom brodogradilištu gradi brodove s imenima velikih splitskih i hrvatskih pjesnika ''Marka Marulića'', ''Luke Botića'' i '' Natka Nodila''." }
{ "en": "By introducing these ships into the liner service to the Red Sea, Jadroplov strengthened the position already established in the world’s shipping elite.", "hr": "Uvođenjem tih brodova u svoj Crvenomorski linijski servis Jadroplov učvršćuje već stečeno mjesto u svjetskoj eliti." }
{ "en": "In 1967 and 1968 the same shipyard built three sisterships, ‘’Alka’’, ‘’Split’’ and ‘’Makarska’’ intended for the Great Lakes line.", "hr": "Godine 1967. i 1968. iz splitskog ''škvera'' izlaze brodovi ''Alka'', ''Split'' i ''Makarska'' namijenjeni liniji za Velika Jezera." }
{ "en": "These new ships enabled the shipping company from Split to take the leading position in the demanding North American market.", "hr": "Uvođenjem tih novogradnji splitski brodar preuzima vodeću ulogu na zahtjevnom sjevernoameričkom tržištu." }
{ "en": "The maritime experts of the USA and Canada declared Jadroplov ships the best in their class and that award contributed to the reputation of the Croatian merchant fleet and the shipyards.", "hr": "Pomorski krugovi SAD-a i Kanade te su brodove Jadroplova proglasili najboljima u klasi, što je značajno podiglo svjetski ugled hrvatskog brodarstva i rejting hrvatske brodogradnje." }
{ "en": "In spite of all the efforts to keep acquired position by building new ships (the ‘’Unity’’ series in 1969 - four (4) ships, ‘’Russian program’’ in 1977 – five (5) ships) Jadroplov’s liner services as well as those of all the other Croatian shipping companies, could not endure a fierce competition in the world markets.", "hr": "Ipak, unatoč nekim grčevitim pokušajima Jadroplova da novogradnjama održi teško stečene pozicije (serija ''Unity'' iz 1969., ''ruski program'' iz 1977.), njegovo, a i hrvatsko linijsko brodarstvo vremenom je gubilo korak s vodećom svjetskom konkurencijom." }
{ "en": "Besides the recession on the shipping market, the reason for a stagnation was the unfavorable treatment of the former Government towards its own merchant marine.", "hr": "Pored recesije na tržištu brodskog prostora, razlozi tom zaostajanju nalazili su se i u neprimjerenom odnosu države naspram vlastitim brodarima." }
{ "en": "Consequently, Jadroplov was facing significant financial difficulties that culminated in the late 1980s when the Company was forced to sell seven older ships in order to save the modern, vital part of its fleet.", "hr": "Krajem osamdesetih godina Jadroplov se nalazi u velikim financijskim poteškoćama te je primoran prodati sedam starijih brodova kako bi spasio onu suvremenu, zdravu jezgru flote." }
{ "en": "The new business rise of Jadroplov started in the early 1990s and coincided with the creation of the independent Republic of Croatia and the transition from the ‘’planned’’ to the ‘’market’’ economy.", "hr": "Novi poslovni uzlet Jadroplova počinje godine 1991., odnosno koincidira sa stvaranjem samostalne Republike Hrvatske i prijelazom s ''okvirno-planskog'' na tržišno gospodarstvo." }
{ "en": "In 1993, after a long period of stagnation, the company was profitable.", "hr": "Godine 1993. poslovanje je nakon dugog ''sušnog'' razdoblja urodilo profitom." }
{ "en": "Ship ‘’Hope 1’’, a bulk carrier of 30.900 dwt has been purchased.", "hr": "Kupuje se brod ''Hope1'', brod za rasute terete od 30.900 dwt." }
{ "en": "Next year (1994) on the basis of an agreement with Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ) the Jadroplov fleet was increased by acquiring the container ship ‘’Zrin’’ with a capacity of 2.275 TEU. The PBZ invested into company with the hull of her sistership and bought the Jadroplov shares from the Croatian Privatization Fund, becoming the major shareholder in the Company. In 1996, the container ship ‘’Jadroplov Pride’’ (2.324 TEU capacity) was delivered from Rijeka shipyard and almost immediately was rewarded ‘’ The great ship of 1996’’ by the respectable American periodical ‘’Maritime Reporter and Engineering News’’ as the best vessel in her class.", "hr": "Već iduće, 1994. godine temeljem ugovora s Privrednom Bankom Zagreb (PBZ), flota Jadroplova povećava se za specijalizirani kontejnerski brod ''Zrin'' kapaciteta 2.275 TEU. PBZ u tvrtku unosi i trup broda blizanca te od Hrvatskog fonda za privatizaciju kupuje i paket dionica Jadroplova, čime postaje većinski vlasnik poduzeća. 1996. godine iz riječkog brodogradilišta isplovio je kontejnerski brod ''Jadroplov Pride'' kapaciteta 2.324 TEU, i takoreći odmah dobio nagradu '' Great ship of 1996.'' uglednog američkog časopisa ''Maritime Reporter and Engineering News'' kao najbolji brod u svojoj klasi." }
{ "en": "The company celebrated its golden anniversary (1997) by building the new bulk carrier ‘’Don Frane Bulić’’ of 42.584 dwt and launching her sistership ‘’Split’’, which was delivered in 1998.", "hr": "Zlatni rođendan, 1997. godine, tvrtka je proslavila preuzimanjem broda ''Don Frane Bulić'', broda za rasute terete nosivosti 42.584 tona, te porinućem jednako respektabilne novogradnje, broda '''Split'' koji je isporučen 1998. godine." }
{ "en": "The third sistership ‘’Mosor’’ was built and delivered to Jadroplov in 2001.", "hr": "Trogir, izgrađen 2001. godine u \"Uljanik Brodogradilište d.d.\", Pula)." }
{ "en": "Starting in 1995, a gradual and persistent crisis loomed over the dry cargo market.", "hr": "U svibnju iste 2007. godine prodan je stariji brod (\"Handysize\" brod za rasute terete, nosivosti 30.900 mt, starosti 25 godina (m.b." }
{ "en": "It is said to be normal the world market has its periodical booms and crisis.", "hr": "\"Hope\", izgrađen 1982. godine u brodogradilištu \"Sunderland\", UK)." }
{ "en": "Even our elders do not recall such deep and longlasting market instability wiping out the world known shipowners from the maritime market.", "hr": "Zbog poznate situacije u hrvatskoj brodogradnji došlo je do određenog kašnjenja u radovima tako da je prvi brod isporučen Jadroplovu početkom svibnja 2010. godine, kada je m.b." }
{ "en": "To keep and continue operating with younger and modern fleet Jadroplov was forced to sell its older ships, so, in 1990s 14 older ships have been sold, i.e.", "hr": "\"Peristil\" i isplovio na prvo putovanje (isporuka drugog broda, koji će nositi ime \"Sv. Dujam\" planirana je za konac ljeta 2010. godine." }
{ "en": "Čiovo, Marulić, Botić, Split, Biokovo, Alka, Bol.", "hr": "Planirana prodaja najmanjeg i najstarijeg broda u floti (m.b." }
{ "en": "Jelsa, Marjan, Omiš, Kairos, Pharos, Solin and Šolta.", "hr": "Brod je isporučen kupcu u srpnju 2009. godine." }
{ "en": "In the past few years the world shipping market has been passing through its booms and Jadroplov nowadays is working intensively on its fleet renewal.", "hr": "Poradi krize i izrazitog pada vozarina na kontejnerskom tržištu Jadroplov je početkom 2009. godine počeo razmišljati i o možebitnoj prodaji dva kontejnerska broda." }
{ "en": "This renewal of Jadroplov’s fleet guarantees a full engagement in the present booming market and a firm basis for the development in order to achieve a stronger presence on the world shipping market.", "hr": "Istekom ugovora brod je ostao bez posla, bez izgleda, zbog stanja na kontejnerskom tržištu, za bilo kakvo uposlenje. Brod je prodan i isporučrn kupcu, u siječnju 2010. godine, a novi vlasnik je odmah pristupio složenom poslu preinake kontejnerskog broda u brod za prijevoz žive stoke." }
{ "en": "Kamenjak, with its peak at 408 m, is the higiest and largest mountain massif, of limestone composition,that protects the island from cold northern influences.", "hr": "Kamenjak je sa najvišom kotom od 408 m najviši i najveći brdski vapnenički masiv koji štiti otok od hladnih sjevernih utjecaja." }
{ "en": "From here you can enjoy a spectacular view of the Velebit mountain massif and of the nearby archipelago,the islands of Cres,Lošinj, Silba,Olib,Krk and Pag.The best and most encopassing panoramic view of the island of Rab and peninsula of Kalifront can be enjoyed from the top of the mountain of Kamenjak.", "hr": "Odavde se pruža spektakularan pogled na planinski masiv Velebit te arhipelag, otoke Cres, Lošinj, Silbu, Olib Krk i Pag. Sa vrha Kamenjaka najbolji je i sveobuhvatan panoramski pogled na Rab i poluotok Kalifront." }
{ "en": "Mirta Ambruš began to independently practice yoga in 2002.", "hr": "Mirta Ambruš počela se samostalno baviti yogom 2002. godine." }
{ "en": "Encouraged by her friends' incentives, she soon started to practice with them and lead yoga classes, as well as prepare athletes for competitions and general physical readiness.", "hr": "Na upit svojih prijatelja, vrlo brzo je počela vježbati s njima i voditi im satove joge, te surađivati u pripremama sportaša za natjecanja i općenitu fizičku spremnost." }
{ "en": "During that period Mirta continued her education independently through literature, personal research and practicing with teachers, such as Lea Lalitha, Sarah Willis, Seane Corn, Gabriela Božić, Jadranko Miklec and others.", "hr": "Tijekom tog perioda nastavila se samostalno educirati i produbljivati svoje znanje i iskustvo kroz literaturu, vlastito istraživanje i vježbu sa učiteljima, kao što su Lea Lalitha, Sarah Willis, Seane Corn, Gabriela Božić, Jadranko Miklec i drugi." }
{ "en": "In the beginning of 2006 she met her present teachers Marco and Sandra Bianco, and soon after that she enrolled into GaiaYoga school, 200-class training programme for teachers of Power Vinyasa Yoga.", "hr": "Početkom 2006. godine upoznaje svoje sadašnje učitelje Marca i Sandru Bianco, a nedugo nakon toga upisuje se u GaiaYoga školu, 200-satni program obuke za učitelje Power Vinyasa yoge." }
{ "en": "In spring 0f 2008 Mirta will complete her training and thus become a certified multi-style yoga teacher, with the possibility of registration with the international organisation Yoga Alliance.", "hr": "Mirta će na proljeće 2008. završiti svoju obuku i tako postati certificirani multi-style yoga učitelj, s mogućnošću registracije pri međunarodnoj organizaciji Yoga Alliance." }
{ "en": "Vrgorac is a border town, on the crossroads of the coastal roads with those of the inland region, Surrounded by three fertile soils, it was named after the upper position of the Matokita slope.", "hr": "Vrgorac je pogranični grad, na križanju prometnica primorskog i kontinentalnog područja, okružen trima plodnim poljima, a ime je dobio po uzvišenom položaju na padini Matokita." }
{ "en": "The seven forts that surround it are most truly testimony of its history, as is the fortress of Gradina at the foot of which it has developed.", "hr": "Kakva mu je povijest bila, najbolje svjedoči sedam kula koje ga okružuju, kao i tvrđava Gradina, u čijem se podnožju grad i razvio." }
{ "en": "Our famous poet, Augustin Tin Ujević was born in one of those forts.", "hr": "U jednoj od tih kula rodio se i poznati hrvatskih pjesnik, Augustin Tin Ujević." }
{ "en": "Vrgorac today is recognisable for its meat industry products, quality wines from the Vrgorac vineyards, organic food cultivation, such as vegetables and fruits, and in particular strawberries that are famous as being the best in Dalmatia and which carry the Vrgorac brand.", "hr": "Vrgorac je danas prepoznatljiv po proizvodima mesne industrije, kvalitetnim vinima s vrgoračkog vinogorja, prirodnom uzgoju hrane, povrća i voća, a posebno jagoda, koje slove kao najbolje u Dalmaciji te su postale i vrgorački brend." }
{ "en": "Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaion Esnaola is a well known dance, choreographer and dance teacher from Spain, who lives in Berlin.", "hr": "Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaion Esnaola poznati je plesač, koreograf i plesni pedagog iz Španjolske koji živi u Berlinu." }
{ "en": "Among other things, he worked with the DV8 Physical Theatre, where he played a role of Superman.", "hr": "Između ostalog, radio je u grupi DV8 Physical Theatre, gdje je imao ulogu Supermana." }
{ "en": "At the moment he dances with one of the best European dance companies Sasha Waltz & Guests.", "hr": "Trenutno pleše u jednom od najboljih europskih plesnih ansambala Sasha Waltz & Guests." }
{ "en": "Each day of the workshop will be divided in two parts.", "hr": "Svaki dan radionice bit će podijeljen na dva dijela." }
{ "en": "For the first one, we focus on technique: the elements of bodyweight, release, momentum and speed are approached through exercises that propose a very close relationship to the floor, as well as a understanding of the body's anatomy and of the physical forces that create, influence and manipulate the body's motion..", "hr": "Tijekom prvog dijela usredotočujemo se na tehniku: elementima težine tijela, releaseu, momentu i brzini se pristupa putem vježbi koje podrazumijevaju vrlo blizak odnos s podom, kao i razumijevanje anatomije tijela i fizikalnih sila koje stvaraju, utječu na i manipuliraju s pokretima tijela." }
{ "en": "The class is structured in exercises that develop in technical difficulty: body coordination, spatial awareness,.", "hr": "Sat je podijeljen na vježbe koje se razvijaju po pitanju težine tehnike: koordinacija tijela, svjesnost o prostoru." }
{ "en": "The end of the class applies the elements previously worked on to relate the dancer's body to other bodies: partnering.", "hr": "Na kraju sata se primjenjuju elementi s kojima se prije radilo kako bi se tijelo plesača stavilo u odnos s drugim tijelima: partnering." }
{ "en": "The second half is invested in creating, analyzing and choreographing physical material.", "hr": "Drugi dio se odnosi na stvaranje, analizu i koreografiju fizičkog materijala." }
{ "en": "The meaning of movement is questioned, while the dancers look for a personal physical vocabulary, and are invited to challenge their movement patterns through the use of improvisation as well as through personal research, in directed exercises with concrete tasks and goals.", "hr": "U izravnim vježbama s konkretnim zadacima i ciljevima preispituje se značenje pokreta, dok plesači traže svoj osobni fizički rječnik, te su pozvani da izazovu svoje obrasce kretanja koristeći improvizaciju, kao i osobno istraživanje." }
{ "en": "Improvisation is used as a tool to create choreographic material, two being the main improvisational inputs: a purely physical one, and a theatrical situation (or an emotional state).", "hr": "Improvizacija se koristi kao sredstvo stvaranja koreografskog materijala, s time da postoje dva glavna improvizacijska inputa: jedan potpuno fizički i drugi u kazališnoj situaciji (ili u emotivnom stanju)." }
{ "en": "The work will be individual, in couples, and as a group.", "hr": "Rad će biti pojedinačan, u parovima i u grupi." }
{ "en": "The workshop will be held daily for 4 - 5 hours.", "hr": "Radionica dnevno traje 4 - 5 sati." }
{ "en": "Born in 1966 in Legazpi, Spain.", "hr": "Rođen je 1966. godine u Legazpi, Španjolska." }
{ "en": "Studies music, since the age of 6, at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de San Sebastian, where he finishes his piano and accordion degrees.", "hr": "Uči glazbu od svoje 6. godine na Conservatorio Superior de Música de San Sebastian, gdje završava klavir i harmoniku." }
{ "en": "At the same conservatory he got his end diploma in singing (Countertenor).", "hr": "Na istom konzervatoriju diplomira pjevanje (kontratenor)." }
{ "en": "After that he moves to Amsterdam, to continue his specialization in the interpretation of early music.", "hr": "Nakon toga odlazi u Amsterdam na specijalizaciju u interpretiranju rane glazbe." }
{ "en": "He has given many concerts and taken part in various recordings.", "hr": "Održao je mnoge koncerte i sudjelovao u različitim snimkama." }
{ "en": "He dances for the first time in Muzot (1990), choreography by Marcelo Evelin.", "hr": "Prvi put pleše u Muzot (1990.), koreograf Marcelo Evelin." }
{ "en": "Other choreographers and companies he has worked with are: Arthur Rosenfeld, Emio Greco, Pieter C. Scholten, Joaquim Sabaté, Luc Dunberry, DV8 Physical Theatre (Enter Achilles, 1995, role of Superman).", "hr": "Ostali koreografi i ansambli s kojima je radio: Arthur Rosenfeld, Emio Greco, Pieter C. Scholten, Joaquim Sabaté, Luc Dunberry, DV8 Physical Theatre (Enter Achilles, 1995., uloga Supermana)." }
{ "en": "He choreographs, directs and is responsible for a number of music-theatre productions: My Dearest My Fairest (2000) won the Critic's Award 2000 from South Australia; The rest of you (2000); He taught me to yodel (2002); Meat (1996); Anything Else (1997, choreography by Luc Dunberrry); Thomas Thomas (1991).", "hr": "Koreografira, režira i odgovoran je za niz glazbeno-kazališnih produkcija: My Dearest My Fairest (2000.) dobiva nagradu kritičara Južne Australije; The rest of you (2000.); He taught me to yodel (2002.); Meat (1996.); Anything Else (1997., koreografira Luc Dunberrry); Thomas Thomas (1991.),." }
{ "en": "Since 1996 he works with Sasha Waltz and he dances in her projects, and for some of the projects he is responsible for the musical concept and direction: Allée der Kosmonauten, Zweiland, Na Zemlje.", "hr": "Od 1996. godine radi sa Sashom Waltz, te pleše u njenim projektima, a za neke od njih odgovoran je za glazbeni koncept i režiju: Allée der Kosmonauten, Zweiland, Na Zemlje." }
{ "en": "Since March 2005 he is member of the collective Sasha Waltz & Guests.", "hr": "Od ožujka 2005. član je kolektiva Sasha Waltz & Guests." }
{ "en": "Together with its partners, the Tourist Board have for the third year in succession organised the one-day Festival of Rovinj Delicatessen.", "hr": "Već treću godinu za redom Turistička zajednica u suradnji s partnerima organizirala je jednodnevni Festival rovinjskih delicija." }
{ "en": "On the stands positioned along the town quay, Istrian delicatessen of renowned producers were on offer, as well as products which made the peninsula an attractive gastronomic destination through their quality.", "hr": "Ispod štandova postavljenih duž rive nudile su se istarske delicije renomiranih proizvođača i proizvodi koji su svojom kvalitetom poluotok učinili atraktivnom gastronomskom destinacijom." }
{ "en": "Each could find something for himself/herself there.", "hr": "Našlo se tu za svakog ponešto." }
{ "en": "The Association of prosciutto manufacturers was represented by Dujmović from Tinjan, Buršić from Vodnjan and Jelenić from Žminj.", "hr": "Udrugu proizvođača istarskog pršuta zastupali su pršutari Dujmović iz Tinjana, Buršić iz Vodnjana i Jelenić iz Žminja." }
{ "en": "Mirna from Rovinj exhibited the range of processed fish products and Marimirna presented the awarded smoked and marinated delicatessen.", "hr": "Rovinjska Mirna izložila je paletu svojih ribljih prerađevina, a Marimirna nagrađene dimljene i marinirane delikatese." }
{ "en": "Agrolaguna from Poreč presented itself by a rich range of wine and cheese, while the Agency for rural development of Istria offered Istrian beef fillets.", "hr": "Porečka se Agrolaguna predstavila bogatom lepezom vina i sira, dok je Agencija za ruralni razvoj Istre nudila file istarskog goveda." }
{ "en": "Latus Dairy from Žminj and the Association of Istrian sheep raisers Istrijanka from Pazin offered cheese and curd.", "hr": "Sireve i skutu nudila je žminjska mljekara Latus kao i Udruga uzgajivača istarske ovce Istrijanka iz Pazina." }
{ "en": "Top quality olive oil was exhibited by the company of Ipša from Livade, while the famous Istrian product of truffles was presented by Zigante Tartufi from Plovanija.", "hr": "Vrhunska maslinova ulja izložila je tvrtka Ipša iz Livada, a čuveni istarski proizvod tartuf- Zigante Tartufi iz Plovanije." }
{ "en": "In case of liquid produce, the best were in charge this time.", "hr": "Za tekuće proizvode, ovog su puta bili zaduženi ponajbolji." }
{ "en": "The factory of liqueurs Darna presented as many as seven awarded home wine brands from this year’s Vinistra, as well as its liqueurs, which have now been manufactured in Rovinj for over a century.", "hr": "Tvornica likera Darna predstavila je čak sedam nagrađenih domaćih vina s ovogodišnje Vinistre kao i svoje likere koje se manufakturno već više od jednog stoljeća proizvode u Rovinju." }
{ "en": "A huge contribution to this presentation of Istria was given by bee-keepers with their sweet products.", "hr": "Veliki doprinos predstavljaju Istre dali su i pčelari sa svojim slatkim proizvodima." }
{ "en": "The Association of bee-keepers from Pazin offered certified products made of honey, the native Valalta presented its ecologically produced beer, and Brionka from Pula – its range of pasta.", "hr": "Pazinska Udruga pčelara Lipa ponudila je certificirane proizvode od meda, domaća Valalta svoje ekološki proizvedeno pivo, a pulska Brionka paletu tjestenina." }
{ "en": "Bioaromatika from Zagreb presented its products made of herbs cultivated on the Istrian mountain of Pižanovac.", "hr": "Bioaromatika iz Zagreba prezentirala je svoje proizvode napravljene od bilja uzgojenog na istarskim brdu Pižanovac." }
{ "en": "Along with the option of purchasing all products, one could also taste these Istrian delicatessen in restaurants under favourable prices, while emphasis was given to sea products and those cultivated in campaigns.", "hr": "Uz mogućnost kupovine svih proizvoda, istarske su se delicije, s naglaskom na morske i one uzgojene u kampanjama, po povoljnim cijenama mogle kušati i u restoranima." }
{ "en": "As many as eleven restaurants - Adriatic, Graciano, Vjeko, Brancin, Calisona, Sidro, Torcolo, Veli Jože, Da Piero, Orca and Porta Antica – offered their house specialties, while the most famous Istrian chef of them all, Viljam Cvek, prepared a special menu right before the eyes of curious guests and the cameras of TV Nova, accompanied by journalists and the gastronome Rene Bakalović.", "hr": "Čak jedanaest ugostiteljskih objekata- Adriatic, Graciano, Vjeko, Brancin, Calisona, Sidro, Torcolo, Veli Jože, Da Piero, Orca i Porta Antica nudili su specijalitete kuće, dok je najpoznatiji kuhar Istre Viljam Cvek, pred očima znatiželjnih gostiju i kamerama TV Nove, u društvu novinara i gastronoma Renea Bakalovića, priredio poseban meniji." }
{ "en": "The scent of sea bass fillet thus whiffed down the town quay, steamed with basil, artichoke heart and broad beans, while the dessert featured strawberries with curds, lavender honey, aceto balsamico and olive oil.", "hr": "Rivom je tako zamirisao file od brancina, koji se na pari pripremao s bosiljkom, srcem artičoke i bobom dok su za desert ponuđene jagode sa skutom, medom od lavande, acetom balsamicom i maslinovim uljem." }
{ "en": "Music, which naturally always goes well with a great menu, was provided for by Istrian musicians.", "hr": "Za glazbeni ugođaj, koji dakako prijanja uz odličan meni, pobrinuli su se istarski glazbenici." }
{ "en": "The Town Square featured the bands of Music Knights, Dream Project Acoustic, Duo Strings, Eligio and Boris, and the instrumentalists Marko Ramljak and Kristijan Terzić, awarded numerous times.", "hr": "Na Trgu su nastupile grupe Music Knights, Dream Project Acoustic, Duo Strings, Eligio i Boris, te višekratno nagrađivani instrumentalisti Marko Ramljak i Kristijan Terzić." }
{ "en": "Research goals: Stability of phases and phase equilibria in multicomponent metallic systems, the influence of the component replacement on properties, chemical affinity to hydrogen.", "hr": "Ciljevi istraživanja: Stabilnost faza i fazne ravnoteže u višekomponentnim metalnim sustavima, utjecaj zamjene komponenata na svojstva, kemijski afinitet prema vodiku." }
{ "en": "Precipitation processes in supersaturated solid solutions of transition metals in aluminium, the solubility limits, phase transitions ending up in the equilibrium state.", "hr": "Procesi precipitacije u prezasićenim čvrstim otopinama prijelaznih metala u aluminiju, granice topljivosti, fazni prijelazi koji dovode do ravnotežnog stanja." }
{ "en": "Structural and thermal stability of metallic glasses, properties, crystallization.", "hr": "Strukturna i termička stabilnost metalnih stakala, svojstva, kristalizacija." }
{ "en": "High-temperature oxidation of metals and metallic alloys, kinetics and mechanism of reactions, initial formation of oxide films.", "hr": "Visokotemperaturna oksidacija metala i metalnih slitina, kinetika i mehanizam reakcija, početno stvaranje oksidnih filmova." }
{ "en": "Multicomponent systems of metallic oxides, the influence of structure and properties of particular oxides on the phase diagram.", "hr": "Višekomponentni sustavi metalnih oksida, utjecaj strukture i svojstava pojedinih oksida na fazni dijagram." }
{ "en": "Structure, properties, phase transitions of novel supraconductors.", "hr": "Struktura, svojstva, fazni prijelazi novopriređenih supravodiča." }
{ "en": "The influence of structural instabilities on properties of organic conductors.", "hr": "Utjecaj strukturnih nestabilnosti na svojstva organskih vodiča." }
{ "en": "Structural properties of novel glass-ceramic material.", "hr": "Strukturna svojstva novih staklokeramičkih materijala." }
{ "en": "Choice of additives which favourably influence the strength development in inorganic cements, optimum conditions for chemical stability and resistivity to temperature change.", "hr": "Izbor dodataka koji povoljno utječu na razvoj čvrstoća u anorganskim vezivima, optimalni uvjeti za kemijsku stabilnost i otpornost na promjenu temperature." }