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higher-order beliefs | beliefs about beliefs | higher beliefs | 10,628 |
The knowledge norm of assertion | One ought to say only what one knows | The norm of speaking only to knowledgeable people | 520 |
Moral properties are too queer to be in this world. | Moral properties are too non-natural to be in this world. | Moral properties are too homosexual to be in this world. | 3,871 |
practical ethics | applied ethics | ethics of action | 8,279 |
the utility monster | The utility monster is a thought experiment in the study of ethics created by philosopher Robert Nozick as a criticism of utilitarianism | the practicality creature | 8,684 |
physical | material | physical education | 1,330 |
rigid designator | a term that refers to the same individual in all possible worlds | A proponent of dogmatism | 9,684 |
Resentment is a reactive attitude. | Resentment is an attitude toward another person in an interpersonal relationship. | Resentment is an attitude that reacts to another attitude. | 3,635 |
motivating reason | a reason for which someone does something | A reason that encourages or motivates | 4,993 |
nihilism as the answer to the special composition question | Composition never happens | No answer to the special composition question | 10,440 |
Quantum Mechanics | The study of the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level, where classical mechanics breaks down. | Newtonian Mechanics | 4,981 |
Non-cognitivism | The view that moral statements do not express beliefs. | The failure to think when faced with a difficult philosophical problem. | 7,055 |
Kingdom of ends (Kant) | Ideal community of rational agents (Kant) | State of nature (Hobbes) | 11,020 |
evolutionary debunking argument | evolution selects for fitness, not for truth | evolution is false | 6,875 |
affect | emotion or mood | effect | 2,407 |
semantics | theory of meaning | drawing fine distinctions | 783 |
happiness | contentment | peace | 796 |
He gave what you might call a sound argument | The premises were true and the conclusion was valid | They were arguing about the volume | 1,728 |
Formula of humanity | Treat people as ends | Golden rule | 8,139 |
Vector | Direction and magnitude | Scalar | 3,832 |
a person devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, or sexual restraints, who sees these traits as unnecessary or undesirable | Libertine | maximization of expected utility | 10,067 |
neurophenomenology | an approach combining neuroscience and phenomenology to study the mind | phenomenological reduction | 9,150 |
Suppose | Accept for the sake of argument | Think | 2,464 |
illicit minor | a fallacy of the form "All A are B, and All A are C, therefore all C are B." | an illegal child | 3,079 |
fatalism | we are powerless to do anything other than what we actually do | loss of life | 9,215 |
Three Worlds | Ontological pluralism of physical, mental, & abstract entities | Triple Universe | 1,288 |
Begging the question | Circular reasoning | Prompts one to ask | 5,297 |
philosophy of language | philosophy of language discusses how language shapes our understanding of the world and the nature of meaning | The truth of the world is not different between scientists | 10,870 |
state of nature | before society | god is nature | 3,059 |
category mistake | ascription of a property that the object could not in principle have | incorrect organization of objects | 1,445 |
Aristotelian logic | syllogistic logic | Greek thought | 11,786 |
Nico Orlandi | Author of "The Innocent Eye" | Nice Orlando | 10,885 |
teleology | the study of purpose | the study of God | 6,923 |
Teleological Theories of Mental Content | Theories where the contents of mental representations depend on functions, such as the functions of the systems that use or produce them | specific | 6,613 |
implosion | if anything is neither true nor false, everything is neither true nor false | pop | 11,391 |
Sound | Valid with true premises | Noise | 9,722 |
A fictionalist account of morality | An account according to which there is no moral truth. | An account of morality in fiction writing | 8,917 |
aesthetic properties | features that are similar to beauty | buildings and areas of land that look beautiful | 9,919 |
Peter Singer's defense of animal liberation | Peter Singer's case for the moral status of animals | Peter Singer's argument for animal rights | 6,449 |
Justified true belief | traditional analysis of knowledge | lucky true guess | 6,865 |
The principles of non-contradiction and excluded middle | Logical laws | Principles of contrariety | 3,757 |
natural properties | properties figuring in a nomic nexus of paradigmatically natural laws | causal properties | 4,541 |
oppression | subjugation | impression | 7,391 |
Social Minimum | The right to basic needs | Kant's civil society | 10,043 |
Value Discontinuity | The claim that of two values, A and B, provided you have enough of A, there is no amount of B that is sufficient to outweigh A. | Postmodern Discontinuity | 8,497 |
Frequentism | The view that identifies probabilities with frequencies | The act frequenting someone | 569 |
rule utilitarianism | one ought to follow the rules that best guarantee the most utility | one ought to do the action that guarantees the most utility | 3,485 |
ethical egoism | the view that what one morally ought to do is maximize one's self-interest | being self-absorbed without harming others | 2,290 |
Pragmatist Theory | The idea that truth is determined by the usefulness or practical consequences of a belief. | Deflationary Theory | 5,379 |
means of production | facilities and resources for producing goods | practical wisdom | 9,165 |
Utility | The amount of pleasure an action produces | The use or practical use of something | 8,557 |
Heuristics and Biases | Mental shortcuts that can lead to biased judgments | Rationality | 4,796 |
classical syllogistic logic | Aristotle's logic | Classical Predicate logic | 6,167 |
Performative Deflationism | A variation that suggests saying "it is true that..." performs the action of making the statement true. | Performative Theory | 5,725 |
Moral particularism | The view that the moral status of an act is determined by the totality of morally relevant features | Moral specialization | 3,706 |
possibilism in ethics | the idea that an agent is obligated to perform an act just if it's part of the best series of acts he can perform over the course of his life | the idea that in ethics everything is possible | 5,420 |
contingent | not necessary | incidental expense | 1,878 |
Biconditional | If and only if | Bisexual conditional | 8,331 |
absolutism | the opposite of relativism | unrestricted power | 6,858 |
impossible world | incomplete or inconsistent world | planet earth | 11,501 |
present at hand | non-transparent | ready to hand | 1,073 |
photography is transparent | when you look at a photography you can literally see what it is a photograph of | when you look at a photograph you can literally see through it | 9,896 |
possibility premise in ontological argument | it is possible for a necessary being to exist | epistemic humility about the ontological argument - it may possibly be correct | 4,155 |
Perception | Impression | Conception | 7,140 |
logical positivism | neopositivism | optimism | 3,207 |
possible worlds | different ways the world could have been using modalities | necessity | 4,737 |
form | morphe | formalism | 10,751 |
bayes' rule | optimization algorithm for updating beliefs | brown horses are in charge | 1,367 |
intellectual virtue | a character trait of a good thinker or reasoner | a mark of high intelligence or wisdom | 10,926 |
classical utilitarianism | impartial maximising hedonic consequentialism | Jeremy Bentham | 10,351 |
communitarianism | a philosophy that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community | communism | 7,057 |
Hume's guillotine | ought can't be derived from is | Hume's weapon | 8,535 |
Nous | Mind | Us | 1,159 |
Thrownness | The conditions in which we find ourselves. | The conditions under which we throw objects | 8,270 |
biodiversity has no intrinsic moral value | to the extent that biodiversity has moral value, it is in virtue of the relationship of biodiversity to other morally valuable properties | biodiversity has only contingent moral value | 681 |
Indefinite extensibility | Any definite characterization of the concept is such that there is a natural extension that yields a more inclusive concept | Has a proper class, instead of a set, as its extension | 2,971 |
erotetic logic | the logic of questions | questioning with logic | 4,673 |
Inference | Logical conclusion | Deduction | 4,474 |
compatibilism | the theory that free will and determinism are compatible | the theory that free will determines what is compatible | 4,880 |
Consequential ethics | Utilitarianism | Capitalism | 6,489 |
substance dualism | Descartes' dualism | hylomorphic dualism | 3,289 |
positive qualitative experience | Pleasure | experiencing being qualitatively positive | 3,797 |
Proposition | The Meaning of a Sentence, or the referent of a "that" clause. | A suggestion | 1,420 |
Immaterial | Non-physical | irrelevant | 421 |
Hedonism | The view all and only pleasure is non-instrumentally good and all and only pain is non-instrumentally bad. | Hedonic. | 697 |
Patient with callosal syndrome | Split-brain patient | Patient with agenesis of the corpus callosum | 10,837 |
justified true belief | knowledge | confidence | 5,403 |
percipient | sentient | perceiver | 963 |
belief | attitude | knowledge | 1,957 |
Service conception of authority | Political rule utilitarianism | Legal positivism | 4,250 |
cooperative principle | scorekeeping in language | semantics | 3,684 |
Rights | A particular kind of moral constraint that limits what others may do to you in pursuit of socially valuable goals. | Rightness | 762 |
biocentrism | life has intrinsic value | ecosystems have intrinsic value | 5,054 |
Protective belt | Auxiliary hypotheses | Kuiper belt | 7,107 |
Essence | Real definition | Core | 10,213 |
Instrumental rationality | Rationality concerned with selecting the best means to achieve one's ends | Instrumental reasoning | 3,703 |
Aristotelianism | eudaimonism | Platonism | 6,986 |
intentionalism | representationalism | functionalism | 10,374 |
defeasible | capable of being overturned | defeated | 6,683 |
Square of opposition | Diagram indicating inferences in Aristotelian logic | Diagram indicating polarization in politics | 11,183 |
Subsets and Splits