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personalism | a system of thought which maintains the primacy of the human or divine person on the basis that reality has meaning only through the conscious mind | personality | 7,541 |
truth in fiction | fictional content | stranger than fiction | 11,332 |
Moral Realism | Moral Objectivism | Political Realism | 6,997 |
Universal Law | Law that applies to everyone | Common Law | 8,125 |
Intrinsic value | Value in and of itself | Priceless | 8,479 |
begging the question | assuming the conclusion | raising the question | 4,570 |
Sorting algorithm | Algorithm to order elements | Searching algorithm | 9,441 |
horn | a prong of a dilemma | a musical instrument | 1,538 |
hemlock | Socrates's death sentence | asparagus | 3,573 |
Bob has a mental attitude | Bob has a state of mind | Bob has a crazy viewpoint | 5,086 |
duck-rabbit | evidence for modularity | offspring of a duck and a rabbit | 8,826 |
tacit knowledge | know-how | hidden knowledge | 1,194 |
retaliation | vengeance | punishment | 257 |
valid | truth-preserving | true | 1,602 |
Nomological-deductive model of explanation | Covering-law model of explanation | Statistical-relevance model of explanation | 8,563 |
categorical imperative | not a hypothetical imperative | won’t change their mind | 7,170 |
Free | At liberty | No cost | 1,365 |
paradigm | conceptual framework | chemistry | 5,161 |
simulation | modeling | simulacrum | 2,786 |
Impersonal explanations | Explanation of action which is devoid of de se attitudes | Explanations whose contents are not influenced by personal feelings, i.e. non-partisan explanations or views | 9,763 |
Derivative | Rate of change | Stock | 7,160 |
essence | that in virtue of which something is what it is | perfume | 1,062 |
moral luck | contingency of moral evaluation on chance | good fortune in moral education | 9,451 |
mutation | change in the DNA sequence that can lead to variations in traits among organisms | adaptation | 9,556 |
It is necessary that Socrates is human | It is true in all possible worlds that "Socrates is human." | It is true that "Socrates is human" | 5,253 |
Quasi-realism | Projectivism | Anti-realism | 2,266 |
Buck-passing account of value | Reducing evaluative categories to reasons | Analyzing complex value in terms of simpler values | 3,563 |
Planck scale | energy scale at which quantum effects of gravity become significant, requiring a theory of quantum gravity | quantum gravity | 9,646 |
mathematical platonism | realism about mathematical objects | Plato's theory of forms | 10,144 |
science and philosophy | while philosophy discusses the fundamental question about the world, science tries to discover the natural world mechanisms | The subject of science is why and the subject of philosophy is how | 10,990 |
social ontology | social kind | social epistemology | 5,876 |
Correspondence Theory | The view that truth is determined by the correspondence between a statement and the actual state of affairs in the world. | Coherence Theory | 5,375 |
armchair | prioritizing theoretical reflections over empirical investigations | a type of furniture | 5,179 |
moral values | virtues | prudential values | 4,105 |
moist philosophy | school of Chinese philosophy with affinities to modern utilitarianism | wet philosophy | 11,506 |
Capability | A way of being and doing | Function | 8,356 |
epistemic permissivism | the opposite of doxastic uniqueness | the view that morality is permissive | 587 |
a finite sequence of mathematically rigorous instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation | Algorithm | a finite sequence of rigorous dance moves, typically used to solve a lack of mojo or to perform a back flip | 3,896 |
descartes | the author of meditations on first philosophy | Spinoza | 1,317 |
Locke's primary and secondary qualities | Mind-independent and mind-dependent qualities | Inherence and inhered properties | 4,687 |
Free will | Capacity to have done otherwise | The possibility for something else to have happened | 8,911 |
Many worlds | Everettian quantum mechanics | Multiverse | 2,120 |
Moral Fictionalism | Moral Error Theory | Ethics of Writing Fiction | 8,916 |
the four signs | a sick man, old man, corpse, happy man | war, famine, death, pestilence | 3,636 |
Exculpatory evidence | Justification that purports to show innocence | Testimony that gives an excuse | 7,441 |
abduction | inference to the best explanation | kidnapping | 7,274 |
Testimonial smothering | Epistemic violence | Violence | 1,809 |
the web of belief | language confronts empirical reality as a connected whole | a tangled web of claims, lies and half-truths | 1,533 |
begging the question | circular reasoning | raising the question | 2,167 |
reductionism | the claim that all sciences are reducible to physics | claim that complex behaviors and mental processes are reducible to biological or physiological mechanisms | 8,593 |
Free-rider problem | Sensible knave | Not paying for your cab | 8,143 |
organizational invariant | structural property | uniform business | 2,721 |
explanatory gap | Physical explanation of mental state doesn’t explain all of the state's properties | leap of faith | 9,418 |
metaphysics | first philosophy | magic, the occult, wicca | 10,667 |
question relativity | the idea that one can know or believe a proposition relative to one question but not another | the question of the theory of relativity | 5,858 |
grounding explanation | metaphysical explanation | basic explanation | 1,157 |
Acquaintance | Immediate awareness | Familiarity | 1,135 |
Necropolitics | The theory that political power rests in the ability to determine who lives and who dies | Biopolitics | 2,899 |
Zombie | A person who lacks consciousness | A brain eating monster | 305 |
weak emergence | a form of emergence that is intelligible, where the resulting phenomenon can intelligibly be traced back to what gave rise to it | emergentist kinds of panpsychism | 8,435 |
Freedom | Liberty | Equality | 7,317 |
panentheism | God is the universe but also transcends it | theism | 8,255 |
social construction | realities emergent in human societies | people organization | 4,769 |
Principle of charity | Interpretive principle | Principle of utility | 9,083 |
a grounds b | b holds in virtue of a | a hold because of b | 2,568 |
genealogy | causal history | genetic profile | 5,683 |
guilt | the negative association of responsibility and misconduct | nihilism | 11,537 |
accessibility | possibility | affirmative action | 3,327 |
Phenomenological reduction | Bracketing | Phenomenal weight loss | 8,833 |
counterpossible | subjunctive conditional with impossible antecedent | conditional claim with impossible consequent | 6,142 |
abortion | termination of a pregnancy | murder | 8,376 |
burdened virtue | non-ideal characteristic made moral by non-ideal circumstances | ideal characteristics for an oppressor to have | 3,328 |
behind a veil of ignorance | without knowing their position in society | while pretending to be ignorant | 7,461 |
causality bias | tendency to join the dots | causality | 7,143 |
Wisdom | Practical acumen | Intelligence | 6,770 |
The essence of being is existence | The fundamental nature of existence is to be | The flavor of the day is strawberry | 9,942 |
proposition | judgment content | assertion | 9,927 |
Qualia | Subjective experiences | Sense data | 4,684 |
Solipsism | Radical skepticism | Narcissism | 9,815 |
Free will | Freedom of decision | Free to kill | 5,325 |
omnipotent | all-powerful | omniscient | 560 |
Traditional brands of theism | classical theism | Paganism | 769 |
A is necessary for B | There is no B without A | A helps B | 7,583 |
to follow the principle of charity | to give the most favorable interpretation of one's opponent's views | to consistently donate money to worthy causes | 1,734 |
type-type identity theory | A kind of mental state is identical to a kind of physical state | token-token identity theory | 9,494 |
Architectonic virtues | Prudence and Wisdom | The excellence of structures | 10,793 |
Cogito | The view that I think therefore I exist. | Cognition | 775 |
The law of the excluded middle | Every proposition is either true or false | A law that forbids taking the middle road | 5,585 |
rawlsian RE | wide RE | ER | 10,345 |
Inalienable rights | Rights that cannot be separated from the bearer | God-given rights | 1,774 |
Barbara | First figure syllogism | Deborah | 4,142 |
Models as epistemic tools | Considering models as epistemic artifacts | object-oriented thinking | 2,778 |
meaning holism | the meanings of all of the words in a language are interdependent | social epistemology | 9,347 |
maximum likelihood estimation | MLE | minimum probability guess | 10,951 |
Lateral thinking | Creative problem-solving | Linear thinking | 9,449 |
in virtue of | because | virtue theory | 11,575 |
Speciesism | The view that the interests of non-human animals count for less than those of humans because the former do not belong to the species homo sapiens. | Speciation | 1,152 |
Foundationalism | Basic belief theory | Coherentism | 6,876 |
chinese room | a thought experiment arguing that symbol processing alone is not sufficient for understanding | chinese restaurant process | 11,815 |
Motivating reason | operative reason | Normative reason | 10,518 |
Subsets and Splits