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hypothetical imperative | a claim about what one ought to do entailed by a subjective preference | possible imperative | 9,270 |
informal logic | a non-classical logic that maintains a connection between antecedent and consequent even when both are false | logical formalism | 8,601 |
Conjunction introduction | For every propositions p and q, if p hold and q holds then p and q holds | The view that conjunctions must be introduced to logic | 4,772 |
Panpsychism | The theory that all things, even seemingly inanimate objects, possess some level of consciousness or mentality. | Dualism | 5,347 |
the growing block view | the growing universe view | the expanding neighborhood view | 11,775 |
equivalent | reflexive, symmetric, and transitive | similar | 1,651 |
Universal morality | Held by all people and cultures | Universal modality | 7,406 |
Social Contract Theory | Legitimate government based on consent of the governed | Anarchy | 1,958 |
entitlements | appropriate beliefs without any evidence | objects that you deserve to have | 351 |
Unreality of time | Time's nonexistence | Illusion | 8,981 |
Category mistakes | In logical sentences, these can arise from not ensuring homogeneity of the domain | Moore's paradox | 11,636 |
Kalam cosmological argument | whatever begins to exist has a cause; universe began to exist; so, universe has a cause | Alfred Kalam's famous argument for the importance of cosmology | 8,653 |
Representationalism of mental states. | The view that the mental states represent the world. | Propositional attitudes | 4,164 |
Axiom of choice | Axiomatic set theory | Free will | 6,829 |
strong emergence | the notion of a radical emergence of a new phenomena from a previous state of affairs that didn't instantiate it in the first place | supervenience | 8,434 |
Libertarianism | Human beings have free will | The government should not interfere in the life of the citizen | 1,335 |
emotivism | We feel what is right and wrong. | Many creatures do not feel pain. | 4,277 |
If A is true then B is true | If B is false then A is false | B implies A | 4,201 |
Non-Humean Laws | Governance view on laws | Natural law | 8,003 |
Cogito, ergo sum | I think, therefore I am | Tabula rasa | 7,951 |
Kp principle in epistemology | epistemic closure | Knowing something and knowing its opposite leads to contradiction | 3,734 |
mental image | sensory mental representation | pictorial mental representation | 5,195 |
Logical truth | Necessary truth | Synonym | 5,217 |
Methodological anarchism | Feyerabend's theory of scientific method | no government | 3,415 |
Biology | All cells are made up of some elements which are present in the earth | Our central nervous system is made of neural cells which can think about elements | 10,952 |
imagine | make-believe | fantasize | 11,423 |
semantic value | meaning | semantic scholar | 6,040 |
Epistemic vices | Epistemic injustice, intellectual hubris, indifference to truth | Epistemology of moral vices | 1,582 |
the assignment mapped x to y. | the valuation mapped x to y. | the task mapped x to y. | 1,606 |
Lucretian Symmetry | non-existence before birth and after death | Procreation symmetry | 2,610 |
Eurocentrism | European ethnocentrism | European norms | 4,662 |
subjective idealism | immaterialism | solipsism | 8,213 |
Minimalism in language | the idea that truth conditions are fully determined by lexical content | Minimalistic language | 8,370 |
artificial general intelligence | human-like machine intelligence that is autonomous and can learn | generalisation | 9,034 |
Curry-Howard correspondence | Curry-Howard isomorphism | correspondence | 11,246 |
the form of argument that attempts to establish a claim by showing that the opposite scenario would lead to absurdity or contradiction | argumentum ad absurdum | naturism | 10,543 |
an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes and the spaces in which they are contained | Mathematics | Plato and friends | 3,533 |
Grounding | Metaphysical explanation | Metaphysical exploration | 5,356 |
The Mind/Brain Identity Theory | states and processes of the mind are identical to states and processes of the brain. | the mind is identical to the brain. For example, the biological brain has weight, so the mind also has weight,because they are identical. | 8,880 |
combination problem | subject aggregation problem | connectionism | 8,204 |
warranted true belief | tripartite analysis | rational factual belief | 6,403 |
Virtue Ethics | Developing good character traits to guide moral action in particular situations | Deontological Ethics | 4,729 |
qualia | phenomenal properties | mental content | 10,375 |
full moral status | person | gradual moral status | 3,305 |
Valid arguments | The premises lead to the conclusion | Arguments without organization | 11,730 |
Statistical power | Probability of rejecting false null | Statistical significance | 7,846 |
qualia | what-it-is-like-ness | quality | 3,437 |
Pascal's wager | An analysis of a bet about the existence of God | Contractualism | 947 |
intentionality | aboutness | intentions | 2,857 |
Mental | Relating to the mind | Spiritual | 2,166 |
non-natural | non-physical | supernatural | 4,528 |
Form | Essence | Shape | 3,248 |
Facts | True propositions | Certainties | 481 |
A supervenes on B | Can't change A without changing B | superpose | 8,191 |
is justified | is warranted | is approved | 10,112 |
Connectionism | A view that seeks to explain cognitive abilities using artificial neural networks | A theory about connections | 2,022 |
Growing block theory | The view that the past and the present exist. | The view that the universe is a growing block | 2,449 |
Utilitarian | Cares only about the consequences | Stark | 1,887 |
is not ethical | is unethical | is ethical | 11,266 |
first philosopher of Milesian school | thales | Anaximander | 8,810 |
conclusion | upshot | premise | 10,514 |
Avicenna's doctrine of creation | The universe emanates from God necessarily. | God does not will the universe to emanate from Him. | 6,198 |
metaphysics | ontology | realism | 3,043 |
ethics | moral philosophy | code of ethics | 11,574 |
ethical | moral | correct | 3,850 |
concept | idea | word | 5,720 |
qualitative economy | positing fewer kinds of entities | excellent financial situation | 1,752 |
mentalism | The view that the mind and mental states exist as causally efficacious inner states of persons | The view that mental states are a constitutive feature of well-being | 8,763 |
Personal identity over time | Continuity of an individual from one moment to the next | Personality over time | 8,096 |
Logical inferentialism | Proof-theoretic semantics | Logical inference | 5,335 |
conditional elimination | modus ponens | conditional removal | 5,230 |
hauntology | Derrida's idea that aspects of the past forever haunt an ever-present now | ontology | 8,471 |
refute | disprove | rebut | 11,336 |
Foundational belief | Basic belief | Fundamental concept | 5,986 |
Polysemy | Ambiguity | Polysynthetic | 1,345 |
Counterfactual theory of causation | A view that analyzes causal relations in terms of subjunctive conditionals | Regularity | 10,317 |
Marxism | the school of thought founded by marx | woke ideology | 3,114 |
Concept | Idea | Thought | 2,724 |
Impassibility | Divine attribute on classical theism regarding god's inability to have emotions | An obstacle that cannot be passed | 10,689 |
A sound argument | An argument that is valid and has true premises | A solid argument | 9,489 |
prime mover | God | first mover advantage | 5,287 |
hedonic calculus | felicific calculus | pleasurable logic | 10,805 |
If Adam really were the divinely ordained ruler of mankind, we'd still have no way of knowing who his rightful heir is | If Adam really were the original king, we'd still have no way of knowing who his rightful heir is | If Eve really were the divinely ordained ruler of mankind, we'd still have no way of knowing who his rightful heir is | 5,361 |
formal cause | shape and arrangement | formal reasons | 7,169 |
phantasia | imagination | fantastic | 7,519 |
Man | Adult, human male | Featherless biped | 11,108 |
Ethnomethodology | Studying how people make sense of everyday social situations | Social Norms | 4,551 |
intervention | that what makes true the antecedent of an active counterfactual | surgery | 10,157 |
Grue | Green or blue | Glue | 7,329 |
Hegel's pure being | Hegel's nothingness | Georg Hegel's true self | 7,566 |
Process metaphysics | Everything is a process | Due legal process | 6,383 |
Synthetic a priori (Kant) | A priori synthetic judgments (Kant) | Analytic a priori (Kant) | 11,019 |
Revolutionary fictionalism | A position one should take rather than aim at the literal truth | The claim that no political revolution ever truly succeeds | 4,408 |
reactive attitudes | participant attitudes | emotional reactions | 7,726 |
Implication | Entailment | Inference | 390 |
Paternalism | The view that it is permissible to infer with someone's choices on grounds that doing so is beneficial for the person in question. | Parenting | 3,154 |
Wronging | Violating someone's rights | Making a mistake | 1,964 |
norm of inquiry | zetetic norm | normal inquiry | 497 |
Natural religion | Faith acquired through the exercise of common sense and reason and not through institutional means | Belief in the sanctity of nature | 6,283 |
Mary's room | the black-and-white room in which a scientist learned all the physical facts about color vision | the room in which Mary, the mother of Jesus, appeared to the disciples | 6,139 |
Subsets and Splits