stringlengths 2
| positive
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Epistemic foundationalism | Some beliefs can justify without requiring further justifiers | Perception delivers knowledge | 3,544 |
social Trinitarianism | likening Trinitarian persons to a society | applying Trinitarian doctrine to society | 4,154 |
misleading | lying | deceiving | 7,935 |
Coherence | Structural rationality | Understanding | 10,516 |
empiricism | the view that true knowledge or justification comes only or primarily from sensory experience and empirical evidence | empowering | 3,418 |
identity theory | physicalism | dualism | 5,821 |
Epistemic angst | Anxiety derived from worry of not knowing | Social anxiety | 11,199 |
axiology | the study of values | the study of axes | 6,921 |
Sortal terms | Count nouns | Countable sets | 8,080 |
Free will | Could have done otherwise | Determinism | 8,912 |
The umwelt of the tick contains only three features, relevant to its eating blood from mammals | The environment from the perceptive of the tick contains only three features, relevant to its eating blood from mammals | The welt of the tick contains only three features, relevant to its eating blood from mammals | 6,836 |
disjunctive syllogism | if we have a statement "P or Q" and we know that P is false, then we can conclude that Q must be true | syllogism | 9,671 |
logical positivism | neopositivism | positive logic | 3,212 |
an aesthetic property | a property similar to beauty | a beautiful piece of land | 2,543 |
mono no aware | the Japanese philosophical notion of being empathetic towards things | awareness | 8,649 |
polynomial time | polynomial-time solving means the time and resources needed do not rise exponentially or worse, which often requires physically impossible constraints | time | 8,953 |
strange attractor | set of sinks for any initial state of a dynamical system when the set has non-integer roughness | someone who people like but maybe shouldn't, or at least they're not sure why they like them | 1,577 |
Supernaturalism | The idea that reality is not natural | Supernatural powers | 11,796 |
error theory | all moral statements are false | morality was a mistake | 4,300 |
Categorical imperative | Kant's supreme principle of morality | Moral absolutism | 11,012 |
Arete | excellence | perfection | 2,328 |
The end justifies the means | A phrase often attributed to Machiavelli, but which he never used | Machiavelli coined this phrase in his political theory | 1,370 |
addition | disjunction introduction | adding up | 1,075 |
Soul blindness | Moral defect in ways of seeing | Leap of faith | 6,092 |
Free choices | Despite the pressure from external and internal factors, we can freely decide | Decisions of others are predictable | 10,473 |
content externalism | the view that mental contents are 'out of mind' | the content attitude toward external world | 2,886 |
monad | irreducible substance | single-celled organism | 11,720 |
contractarianism | legitimate authority of government derives from mutual agreement | infinitesimals | 9,177 |
metempsychosis | reincarnation | psychosis | 5,831 |
Structural realism | Scientific structuralism | Neorealism | 7,600 |
indexical | related to an object in a contextual manner | related to a table of contents | 1,010 |
Reasoning | Thinking | Imagining | 6,752 |
behavioral economics | Psychological study of economic behavior | behaviorist concept of mind | 6,089 |
realism | things exist independently of whether anyone is thinking about or perceiving them | The attempt to represent subject matter truthfully | 1,416 |
Confirmation bias | Type of cognitive bias | Scientific theories biased towards confirming posterior predictions | 7,858 |
Ethical naturalism | The view that moral values are identical with or supervene on empirically accessible properties. | Only nature has intrinsic ethical value. | 7,708 |
deep learning | neural networks | brain | 2,082 |
Confucianism | A philosophy emphasizing social harmony, filial piety, and respect for authority. | Daoism | 5,106 |
singleton set | a set that contains only one member | the set of Jonny Singleton | 6,735 |
grounding | metaphysical grounding | supervenience | 3,422 |
Cartesian skepticism | Doubt about whether we can know things about the external world | Doubt that anyone knows anything | 1,748 |
Model theory | Semantics of a logic | Fashion theory | 1,039 |
artificial intelligence | emulated or simulated cognitive processes | cognitive science | 8,257 |
emotivism | sentimentalism | emotionality | 3,497 |
identity theory | one-to-one correspondence between mental states and brain states | functionalism | 4,944 |
if p is true, then q must be true | p is false or q is true | p is true and q is true | 10,089 |
Elegant proof | Proof with minimal number of steps | Fancy proof | 1,711 |
a zombie | a physical duplicate of a human being without conscious mental states | a dead person who has been brought back into life | 7,693 |
agency | the ability to act and make decisions | a business or organization that provides a service | 491 |
Grounding | Ontological dependence | Basing | 3,134 |
biopower | Foucalt's term for power over populations, life, | bioethics | 9,090 |
Rationalism | Reason-based epistemology | Rationing | 3,252 |
Business ethics | Ethics that corporation should follow | Ethical dilemma | 6,127 |
Classical first order logic | Classical elementary logic | classical higher order logic | 3,298 |
Arrow's Theorem | Impossibility of Collective Choice | Democracy | 2,223 |
political absolutism | autocracy | dictatorship | 4,241 |
Kant | Famous German philosopher who wrote the critique of pure reason | can't | 8,113 |
Affect | Valence | Influence | 2,320 |
strict finitist | anti-infinitist | strict determinist | 480 |
deflationism | minimalism | pragmatism | 946 |
contingent truth | possible but not necessary truth | actual but not necessary truth | 11,471 |
Benthamism | Utilitarianism | Teleology | 8,500 |
Paradigm shift | The phenomenon of new scientific theories being adopted | Example shift | 3,129 |
Mathematical constructivism | Mathematical entities are invented | Mental constructionism | 6,256 |
first cause | beginning | causality | 10,337 |
stoicism | ancient school of philosophy that originally met by the stoa in the athenian marketplace | fortitude | 11,503 |
Problem of induction | Inductions are circular | Inductions are not valid | 7,357 |
valence | hedonic tone | pleasure | 2,654 |
panpsychism | panexperientialism | monadism | 4,556 |
empiricism | in epistemology, the view that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience | science | 7,979 |
case roles | thematic roles | arguments | 5,331 |
visual neglect | lack of response or awareness to stimuli in one half of one's visual field | carelessness | 5,678 |
classical logic | Boolean, two-valued logic | classical music | 7,910 |
Socialism | Communism | Society | 270 |
happen | take place | appear | 11,163 |
Islamic mysticism | Sufism | Fanatic | 4,688 |
fuzzy logic | a system of logic that incorporates vagueness by way of sets with indefinite members | muddled or confused thinking | 11,144 |
principle of charity | interpreting a speaker's statements or argument in the most rational or strongest way possible | virtue of charity | 7,883 |
propositional attitudes | attitudes such as belief, desire, knowledge | propositional functions | 1,850 |
social construction | something that depends on social conventions | a building that serves a social purpose | 9,932 |
logic | study of reasoning | logistics | 666 |
Epicureanism | A hellenistic school of Philosophy | A mild mannered attitude | 9,754 |
Harmony | The way chords are constructed and combined to create pleasing sounds. | Melody | 4,967 |
platonism | universals are real | nominalism | 2,928 |
X-Phi | Empirical investigation into the beliefs, commitments, and intuitions of non-philosophers | An association for ex-philosophers | 2,092 |
Anthropocene | the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment | Anthropic | 3,151 |
interpersonal blame | moral blame | blame between persons | 9,366 |
Intrinsic value | Ends-in-themselves | Internal revenue | 3,194 |
inferentialism | the view that the meaning of term is determined by the inferences licensed from a use of that term | the view that we are constantly making inferences in using language | 2,083 |
polyamory | free love | polytheism | 11,578 |
constructed empiricism | empirical adequacy | a microscope | 3,511 |
external reasons | considerations that are not connected to the agent’s subjective motivational set | subjective motives | 7,531 |
problem of induction | inference based on previous instances | problem of stove tops | 3,085 |
Phenomenal world (Kant) | World of appearances (Kant) | Noumenal world (Kant) | 11,018 |
in virtue of | depends on | is make likely by | 358 |
The arrow of time | Time moves from past to future only. | Time flies like an arrow. | 5,833 |
A priori | Knowledge that can be gained without experience | A posteriori | 10,406 |
emotivism | expressivism | artistic | 179 |
justification | evidence | just | 8,009 |
affordances | possible action patterns | a hammer makes everything look like a nail | 4,620 |
Subsets and Splits