stringlengths 2
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paradoxical statement | a statement whose truth implies its falsehood and falsehood implies its truth | self-defeating statement | 1,011 |
Eros | Love | Erotic | 7,595 |
reference | denotation | allusion | 7,770 |
normative | something relating to an evaluation or value judgment | moral | 1,801 |
Moral error theory | The view that we are in a systematic error when we are engaged in moral discourse | The study of our moral mistakes | 548 |
AI-complete | difficult computational problems for AI: natural language understanding, problem-solving, knowledge representation and reasoning, and vision | AI | 8,951 |
soundness | validity and true premises | solidity | 1,285 |
Doxastic Logic | reasoning about belief | Deontic Logic | 2,958 |
bi-level virtue epistemology | stratified virtue epistemology | virtue ethics | 1,466 |
metamerism | different stimuli that are perceived as the same under some viewing condition | mermaid | 5,670 |
Symbolic Interactionism | People create shared meanings through interpreting symbols in social interactions | Social Conflict Theory | 4,754 |
Objectivity | Non-subjectivity | Objectivism | 10,746 |
a philosophical zombie | a being without conscious experience | an undead philosopher | 1,519 |
Process metaphysics | process ontology | whitehead | 10,119 |
The primary intension of water | watery stuff | hydrogen dioxide | 10,235 |
superposition | principle in quantum mechanics that a physical system exists simultaneously in all its possible states until it is measured | position | 9,621 |
entanglement | nonseparability | superposition | 3,380 |
slingshot argument | argument stating that all true sentences refer to one and the same thing | a particularly forceful argument | 10,170 |
proposition | a statement that is either true or false | sentence | 4,704 |
sense | meaning | reference | 2,441 |
supererogation | beyond the call of duty | erotic | 6,938 |
gettier cases | cases where a subject has a true justified belief but it's not knowledge | gettier's suitcases | 5,378 |
silencing | preventing someone from being able to produce certain speech act | engaging in silence | 9,032 |
Big other | Symbolic order | Higher power | 1,942 |
counterpart | most similar individual in another world | other half | 2,807 |
just in case | if and only if | in case of | 2,697 |
Mereological universalism | Unrestricted composition | Universalism | 3,090 |
scientific realism | claim that scientific practice aims at description of reality | claim that empirical science has vindicated our direct perception of objects in the world | 8,289 |
self-reference | a statement that refers to itself or its own referent. | egoism | 9,197 |
a posteriori | after experience | backside | 4,176 |
Entailment | Every model of one proposition is a model for a second proposition | Adding a tail to an animal | 1,999 |
Natural law theory | There is a necessary connection between law and morality. | Naturalism | 781 |
Temporal Logic | formal approaches to representing and reasoning about time and temporal information | temporary logic | 7,025 |
Structuralism | Underlying structures shape meaning in texts | Formalism | 2,137 |
one-over-many | there is something the same among many different objects | the objects that are across many worlds | 3,069 |
The analytic-synthetic distinction | The putative distinction between analytic truths based on meaning alone and synthetic truths based on fact | The analysis-synthesis divide | 3,710 |
Open science | Transparent scientific practices | Transparent experimentation of replication | 7,362 |
Tarski's T-Schema | p is true if and only if p | The total schema of Rachel Tarski | 5,864 |
Social Stratification | The hierarchical arrangement of social groups based on factors like wealth, power, or prestige. | Social Mobility | 4,952 |
Ontological argument | Proof of the existence of God | An argument in the discipline of ontology | 2,096 |
consequentialism | utilitarianism | welfarism | 1,490 |
Resentment | Blame | Hate | 4,012 |
Faraday's law of induction | Electromagnetic induction | Ohm's law | 9,478 |
priority cosmopsychism | the view that the cosmos as such is fundamental and ontologically prior to its parts and that it instantiates consciousness | process theology | 8,405 |
persona | mask | image | 9,709 |
positivism | stance that all genuine knowledge is a posteriori and positive | negativism | 6,435 |
Deduction | An inference in which the conclusion is certain | A way of reducing taxes | 11,186 |
Finkish disposition | lost when its conditions of realization occur | The disposition of Barton Fink | 4,409 |
evil demon problem | Descartes demon problem | brain in a vat | 7,787 |
quality | property | high | 11,480 |
credence | degree of belief | crede | 793 |
consistency | the absence of contradictions | texture | 5,094 |
every idea is the copy of an impression | impression is the only source of ideas | every idea is impressive | 10,171 |
sentience | phenomenal consciousness | access consciousness | 11,043 |
Natural language semantics | The study of the semantics of ordinary language | The most natural semantics of language | 7,871 |
Wave function collapse | When a superposition of multiple states collapses into a single state as a result of being observed | When waves can no longer perform their function succesfully | 5,604 |
moral particularism | moral anti-generalism | moral fastidiousness | 819 |
first-person facts | facts that are only graspable from a first-person perspective or somehow tied to it | conceptualism | 8,390 |
explicit belief | belief you have formed, whether occurrent or standing | very detailed belief | 9,399 |
vitalism | life substance | strength | 4,045 |
Phenomenal | Relates to experience and appearance | Excellent or tubular | 1,700 |
Paraconsistent Logic | Paraconsistency | Dialetheism | 7,365 |
bound variables | variables that are not free | limited variables | 2,921 |
Kaplan's character | A function from context to content | Kaplan's personality | 7,218 |
Generosity | The virtue having to do with money | Courageously | 4,085 |
syntactic form | syntactic structure | semantic structure | 3,378 |
Longtermism | The view that in deciding what to so we ought to consider the impacts of our actions on the long-term future. | Effective Altruism | 6,927 |
metaphysical grounding | non-causal determination relation | elimination | 5,960 |
empirical | experiential | scientific | 3,923 |
Argument from queerness | Mackie's objection to moral facts | gay disagreement | 3,347 |
guidance control | control of an action by a decision-making system | cruise control | 3,413 |
evo-devo | field of biology that compares the developmental processes of different organisms to infer the ancestral relationships between them | evolution | 9,563 |
Logical positivism | Verification principle | Positive logic | 3,282 |
Plate Tectonics | The theory that Earth's surface is made up of moving tectonic plates that shape continents and oceans. | Rock Cycle | 4,989 |
knowledge | justified true belief | book | 1,202 |
a polyadic function | a function that takes multiple arguments | a many purpose | 10,928 |
accessibility relation | function from worlds to sets of worlds | approachable sibling | 1,014 |
error theory | the metaethical view that moral claims are about objective reality, but that they are all false | the theory of the sources of human error | 6,168 |
This is thought to be a hallmark of good science | testable hypotheses | true conclusions | 11,058 |
normativity | rule-following | reasons | 4,344 |
Person | Individual | body | 5,509 |
non-monotonic logic | logics that characterize defeasible reasoning | non-monotonic function | 4,611 |
beliefs and credences | doxastic attitudes | faith in a supernatural power | 2,256 |
normative | concerning that which is seen as good | normal | 8,421 |
the demarcation criterion | what distinguishes science from pseudoscience | the border demarcation criterion | 223 |
personal identity | the problem of how persons persist through time | the character or personality of an individual | 1,214 |
Problem of evil | Why God allows bad things? | Problem of universals | 7,542 |
Dutch book arguments | Arguments about irrationality of violating laws of probability | Arguments about Dutch book authors | 5,316 |
morality | ethics | bioethics | 10,509 |
is morally wrong | is immoral | A justice that deals retribution | 11,623 |
twin earth | duplicate of earth | the earth that exists inside our earth | 10,023 |
Afropolitanism | Consciencism | Philosophy | 7,396 |
Social Contract Theory | Contractarianism | Anarchism | 218 |
appeal to nature fallacy | if something is natural, then it is good | if something is natural, then it is true | 6,977 |
ideation theory of meaning | the theory that meanings are ideas | the ideal theory of meaning | 4,696 |
mental state | mental attitude | mental nation | 5,088 |
Semantic externalism argues that the meaning of terms depends on external factors. | The externalist theory of meaning claims that linguistic meaning is influenced by the environment. | freedom could exist | 5,823 |
Object-oriented ontology | The view that objects exist independently of perception are are not defined solely in terms of how we perceive them | Structuralist ontology | 9,063 |
utility | happiness | function | 1,729 |
Deontic judgments | judgments regarding the right and wrong | Judgments that align with deontology | 8,900 |
Subsets and Splits