500 values
11 values
Enjoy 0% instalment for up to 12 months when ordering an Air Asia plane ticket with BNI Credit Card!
Nikmati angsuran 0% dugi ka 12 bulan kanggo mesen tiket pasawat air asia nganggo kartu kiridit BNI!
The cakes give me massive nostalgia. Everything is old school. from the presentation to the taste. They're great and inexpensive
Kue anu disajikeun ngajantenkeun kuring nostalgia. Sadayana mangrupikeun khas tina zaman baheula, boh dina tampilan sareng rasa. Kuena ngeunah sareng hargina oge mirah.
Mom once worked for grab indonesia.
Ibu kantos ngadamel di grab indonesia
I love having lunch here the most, thanks to their delicious chicken and sambal, also the price is dirt cheap. The taste of the chicken just seeps to the bone, and the iced aloe vera drink is also fresh, perfect to cool off my stomach after eating the spicy sambal. The servers are swift and kind, and what I like is that in the cashier there's a writing that says 10% of the profit will be donated to charity, making the meal feel even better to my stomach.
Pang resepna tuang beubeurangan di dieu hayam sareng sambelna raos pisan pangaosna luar biasa hemat, rasa hayamna nyerep ka tulangna, es lidah buayana oge seger nyieun patuangan adem saatos tuang sambel nu lada, palayanna oge sigap sareng someah, nu ngajieun abdi resep di tempat kasir aya tulisan 10% disumbangkeun kanggo amal, ngajieun tuangeun leuwih raos ka patuangan.
The DAMRI Bus service is really good
Palayanan beus DAMRI sae pisan
Wanna make some posts with contents that educate Gojek customers.
Rek nyieun postingan nu eusina ngajarkeun palanggan gojek.
Hundreds of houses in Medan were submerged by the flood
Ratusan bumi di medan karendem banjir
The item's pretty good, but I'm confused. Is the ON button on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 kinda broken? And does the battery really drain this fast, boss?
Barangna lumayan, ngan nu ku abdi heran xiaomi redmi note 2 ieu tombol onna bener rada reksak? Teras baterai na bener enggal low bat juragan?
Really hard to trust people who had betrayed us before
Sesah pisan percanten ka jalmi nu tos kantos ngakhianat
Located in Gombel with Semarang scenery, come at night because you can see the city lights. The great steak and warm tea are a must-try here. Take the outdoor spot because the air is cool and breezy.
Lokasina di Gombel nu pintonan semarang, datangna kedah weungi sabab lampu kota bakal katingali, kadaharan ngeunah na steak jeung teh haneut menu wajib di dieu, nyandak spot di luar sabab hawana tiis tur sejuk
One time we went here and ordered the fried rice and french fries. Everyone loved the fried rice. The fries were also really good, not to mention its beautiful presentation. My family said the coffee was great. The great things about this place were how spacious it was and how it is possible to enjoy Dusun Bambu's scenery outside. However, the service was so slow that I needed to ask multiple times about my order. It was also a bit pricey, but the food was so delicious it made it all worth it in the end. You won't have to think twice to try this place out.
Sawaktos kadieu mesen nasi goreng jeung kentang goreng, nasi gorengna sadayana resep. Kentang goreng na raos pisan, jeung tampilanna sae. Kulawargi nyarios kopina ge raos. Anu sae pisan di dieu nyaeta tempat na lapang jeung anu di luar tiasa ningali pamandangan dusun bambu, ngan palayananana henteu gancang jadina abdi kudu tumaros sababaraha kali pesenan abdi. Pangaosna rada awis, ngan kusabab pituangeunna raos, sagala na jadi kabayar. Henteu kudu mikir dua kali mung hoyong ka dieu deui.
The 35-thousand Thailand-style fried rice is bland, with only shredded chicken sparsely sprinkled in. And there's no seafood.
Sangu goreng thailand pangarosna ti 35 rebu, polos ngan aya suir hayam saalit. Seafoodna teu ayaan
As we know, the original American brownies are baked cake that indeed has a brown color. Toko Amanda tried to be creative and made brownies by steaming them. And I have to say, these steamed brownies didn't do it for me. The texture was just the same as a regular sponge cake. So to me, these aren't brownies.
Sakumaha nu urang terang, brownies nu asli ti Amerika nyaeta kueh bantat anu warnana coklat. Toko Amanda nyiptakeun brownies ku cara ngajieunna ngukus. Brownies kukus ieu henteu sae pisan. Malah teksturna sarua jeung bolu biasa. Janten dina pamanggih kuring, ieu sanes brownies.
If you want to visit this restaurant, be sure to go on afternoon or night time, bring your spouse to enjoy romantic dinner and amazing scenery.
Upami sumping ka restoran ieu cocog pisan dina sonten atawa wengi dinten, nyandak pasangan kanggo nganikmatan tuang wengi nu romantis sareng pamandangan nu menakjubkeun pisan
The first impression was memorable because after ordering I was surprised to see one of the staff bringing out banana leaves to our tables instead of plates or spoons. So if you wanna eat here, get ready to experience the unique sensation of eating food on top of banana leaves using your bare hands
Pangalaman mimiti cekap ngesankeun kusabab cekap reuwas tetela saentos salse mesen tuangeun, salah sahiji staf masihan daun cau ka meja kuring sanes piring atawa sendok, janten upami tuang di dieu siap-siap kanggo tuang ngagunakeun panangan kusabab arurang bakal ngarasakeun sensasi nu unik ditambih alas tuangna daun cau.
One of the most delicious culinary areas around. However, that just makes it hard to choose what to eat. In the end, I got myself a kerak telor and mie kocok while waiting for the music show with nostalgic western songs. Pretty recommended
Salah sahiji area kuliner nu cekap ngagugah salera. Mung janten bingung oge milihna. Ahirna abdi cobi kerak telor sareng mie kocok sabari ngadangukeun pertunjukan musik ku tembang-tembang nostalgia barat. Cekap disarankeun.
To clarify, you may come to the corresponding branch office of Mandiri Bank during working hours in workdays to make a cash exchange.
Kanggo mastikeun ibu tiasa sumping ka kantor cab bank mandiri nu kasebat dina dinten sareng waktos damel kanggo nukeurkeun artos.
Rode on the Jayabaya train from Malang to Jakarta, stopped in Gubeng, the ticket costed 35 thousand plus 6k insurance via Traveloka.
Numpak kareta jayabaya malang - jakarta eureun di gubeng, tiket 35 rebu ditambih asuransi 6 rebu liwat traveloka
DPR shows appreciation towards women's participation in the 2018 Regional Elections
DPR masihan pangajen kana partisipasi istri dina Pilkada 2018.
I came to have dinner with my fam. It was our first time coming here. It wasn't too crowded. For the interior. it was rather filthy in my opinion. There were leftover morsles on the floor and table, seemed like it wasn't cleaned properly. For the food flavour, it was standard. Nothing to write home about.
Abdi sumping kanggo tuang wengi sareng kulawargi. Ieu kalli kahiji abdi ka dieu. Kondisi teu kitu rame. Kanggo interior, rada kotor nyumutkeun abdi. Ku aya remah-remah sesa tuangeun dina ubin sareng meja, sigana teu diberesihkeun sacara sampurna. Kanggo rasa tuangeun, standar, teu pati istimewa.
Please remind the council not to forget revising the Perppu for Mass Organisations and if they don't revise it, then several factions from the public will not take this lying down.
Punteun saurkeun ka anggota dewan tong hilap revisi perppu ormas sareung emutkeun jangjina upami perppu teu direvisi. Sababaraha elemen masarakat bade ngaluarkeun sikeup.
Cassava chips are the most delicious and appropriate snack to accompany me during assignment time.
Karipik sampeu eta leeutan alit pangraosna sareng pas kanggo ngarencangan waktos nugas
Batagor and Siomay Kingsley doesn't have any branches outside this one. The food's great, especially the batagor and siomay as well as the baso, also none of them contain any preservatives. And if you're looking for a gift, there's a package you can take home. Keep the good quality going.
Batagor jeung siomay kingsley henteu ngagaduhan cabang di tempat sanes. Dahareunna nikmat, utamina batator jeung siomay jeung basona teu nganggo pangawet. Sareng upami anjeun hoyong oleh-oleh aya paket anu tiasa anjeun bawa ka uih. Dijaga deui kualitasna nyak.
Never order from this service, my friends. Utterly disappointing! The villa was dirty, and all the appliances were unusable
Tong kantos mesen liwat layanan ieu nya rerencangan. Nguciwakeun! Villa-na kotor, sadaya parabotanna teu layak pake
Registrations starts tomorrow, Ministry of Communication and Informatics offers Digital Training Scholarships for 1000 people.
Pendaptaran dimimitian enjing, Kamentrian Kominfo muka beasiswa pelatihan digital pikeun 1.000 urang
As a netizen who went on a picnic to Toba just last April, I just wanna say that there are indeed a lot of disappointments coming from the tourism system there. Parapat was dirty, it was hard to find actually good accomodations, the transport agents were unprofessional, just don't bother, Parapat is not recommended at all.
Salaku netijen nu nembe april kamari piknik ka toba, ngan hoyong nyarios upami leres seueur perkawis nu nguciwakeun ti sistem pariwisata di ditu. Parapat-na kotor, hese milarian akomodasi nu bener-bener alus, agen transportasi teu profesional, pokokna teu disarankeun indit ka parapat.
The place was so dirty and I was ignored by the servers. The service was so disappointing
Kotor pisan sareng teu diperhatoskeun ku palayan restoran. Nguciwakeun pisan palayananna!
The place is mediocre for me. Not that clean, the food is also nothing special.
Tempatna mah saur abdi biasa wae, kirang beresih. Dahareunna oge biasa wae.
For the effort it took to get to this place, the payoff was so-so. The disappointing part was the food quality. It was the barest minimum effort for making a meal. For the high standard of Bandung culinary, this was a letdown. Not to mention there was an entry ticket, 10.000 per person and 15.000 for cars
Kanggo usaha nu dikaluarkeun ka tempat ieu hasilna biasa-biasa wae. Nu nguciwakeun nyaeta kualitas tuangeunnana. Tuangeunana ngan asak hungkul wae. Kanggo kelas kuliner bandung nu raos-raos, ieu nguciwakeun. Aya karcis lebet per jalmi 10.000 sareng mobil 15.000.
My family and I were looking for a place to eat after watching a movie. We were bored with eating in restaurant / cafe in the mall. Suddenly we saw a restaurant on the right side of the street. We hadn't eaten curry in a long time. We stopped by a considerably small resto, with only 9 tables. Turns put the place was comfortable and the food was delicious.
Abdi sakulawargi nuju milarian tempat tuang saatos nongton. Arurang bosen tuang di resto / kafe di mal. Ngadadak katingali resto di katuhu jalan. Tos lami arurang teu tuang kari. Sumping arurang ka resto nu kaasup alit ngan 9 meja. Tetela raos tempat sareng tuangeunnana.
How can the Starbucks coffee taste this good
Kopi starbucks kunaon tiasa raos pisan sih
I heard they'll build a Transmart there, next to that building
Cenah di ditu bade diwangun transmart, di sabelah wangunan eta.
Truly a unique experience, eating in the middle of the ricefields among the yellowing rice. With a variety of menu choices, the presentation is interesting and appetising.
Bener pangalaman unik, tuang di tengah sawah di antawis pare nu ampir ngonengan. Ku pilihan menu nu rupi-rupi, panyajian nu menarik sareng ngagugah selera.
Dined togetha with da sistahs a lil' bit ago, cosy place, nice to hang out, good service. Have gone ta this place multiple times.
Tuang sasarengan sareng sobat awewe sababaraha waktos ka pengker, tempatna merenah, enakeun keur nongkrong, palayananna sae. Parantos sababaraha kali tuang didieu.
The souvenir shop has pretty much everything and is pretty comfortable, the goods are easy to reach, affordable, and it has great service.
Tempat pikeun souvenir lengkep sareng rada raoseun, babari dijangkau, hargina meujeuhna, sareng layananna ramah
Hi Eviana, we are sorry for the inconvenience. You can contact Indosat by clicking the following link. We implore you to check it out. Thank you. Erf.
Hai eviana, hapunten anu kirang merenah. Kanggo kontak ti Indosat, tiasa akses tautan ieu: Mangga parios. Hatur nuhun. Erf
The menu's Indomie and toasts. The place is just the same as the other branches: comfortable for hanging out.
Menuna indomie sareng roti bakar. Kanggo tempat sami sapertos cabang nu lainna, rempes kanggo kempel.
Sambal with basil leaves, tomato and cayenne pepper. The flavour of this Sambal made the city called Cibiuk in Garut famous. fried gourami or with fried chicken. It tastes absolutely divine. Aside from Lengkong Cibiuk, they also have many other branches.
Sambeul jeung daun serawung, tomat, sareng cabe rawit. Rasa sambel ieu anu ngajantenkeun kota di garut namina cibiuk janten kawentar. Sambeul ieu tiasa dinikmati ku gurame goreng atanapi sareng hayam goreng. Rasana raos pisan. Salain ti lengkong cibiuk oge seueur cabangna
"...Gramed's staff passed me..."
Abdi tos konfirmasi ka pihak gramedia mung dialung-alung teu aya kajelasan. Pihak gramed dugi spv di toko eta pa alung-alung bari nyebatkeun teu aya promo. Kuciwa dialung-alung kitu.
Good afternoon. If there's anything you'd like to ask, just mention us again. Thank you, Zan
Wilujeng siang, upami aya hal nu bapak bade taroskeun tiasa nyebatkeun kami deui. Hatur nuhun zan
We think this place is ordinary, no fun attractions or views for a 10.000 / person ticket. Well duh, the view of the mountains is a no-brainer for highland locations like this. The culinary side doesn't offer much options compared to the other place.
Ceuk arurang tempat ieu biasa wae teu aya atraksi atawa pamandangan nu menarik jeung harga tiket 10000 / jelema, lamun pamandangan gunung nya emang enggeus sakuduna kusabab di daerah luhur. Jang wisata kuliner ge teu pati loba pilihan jiga tempat nu hiji deui.
I've been a Madtari regular since 2002. At the time this place was just a small tent that overflowed with customers at night. A few years ago, after they moved to a permanent building, I thought that was when the quality dropped slightly compared to the tent days. One thing's for sure, the price went up significantly, even more expensive when compared to similar stalls.
Abdi tos jadi palanggan madtari ti taun 2002, pas eta keneh jiga warung tenda leutik nu rame pisan dinten wengi. Babaraha taun baheula nempatan wangunan nu permanen, ti waktos eta abdi ngarasa kualitasna rada nurun dibandingkeun ku sawaktos di warung tenda. Nu jelas, pangaos naek cekap signifikan, dibandingkeun warung nu sami, meureun leuwih awis.
First comment is that the venue is a banger, very nice service, and as for the chosen menu, it has to be the grilled fish and oxtail soup that I'd give a 4 for but for that iced fruit cocktail, I'd give a 5, yes!
Komentar kahiji tos pasti tempatna nu sae, palayananna someah pisan, sareng kanggo menu nu dipilih nyaeta lauk bakar sareng sop buntutna abdi pasihan ponten 4 mung kanggo es buah eta abdi pasihan lonten 5 nya!
Terjemahan di sheet Translation sudah benar, tapi di sheet ini tidak lengkap
anu disayogikeun rupi-rupi sareng pangaosna kahontal, suasanana ngeunaheun sareng merenah
I'm jealous of how you guys can find happiness
Abdi iri ningali aranjeun nu tiasa nemu kabahagiaan.
After topping up my balance I wanna buy some internet package but it just keeps failing and tells me to try again in 363 and it still doesn't work.
Saatos meser pulsa hoyong ngadaptar pikeun paket internet tetep gagal wae sareng ngulang deui dina 363 jeung tetep henteu tiasa.
The place is beautiful, especially at night with its decorative lights, so romantic. Perfect for couples. It's also far from the crowd. The air is so breezy, and we can see the town's beauty from above.
Tempatna sae pisan komo dinten wengi dihias ku lampu-lampu, romantis pisan. Cocog kanggo pasangan. Tebih tina nu rame. Udarana tiis pisan. Arurang tiasa ningali keindahan kota ti luhur.
The food is great and eye-catching for pics, love 'em. Oh, but the drinks are also good and the place is super comfy for hanging out with friends.
Tuangeunna raraos sareng eye catching pikeun difoto, resep. Mung minumanna oge raos sareng tempat na oge nyaman pikeun karempel sareng rerencangan.
This is my second visit. Every food I tasted was great, and the place is just as charming as I remember it back then. I've never had any regrets dining here.
Ieu kunjungan kadua abdi. Kabeh dahareun nu kuring geus cobian ngarareunah, sarta tempat keneh menawan tibaheula. Can kantos kuciwa dahar di dieu.
The food are smoked chicken and cheese sandwich, while the drinks are juices. Tastes pretty good. The place is nice for those looking for peace and quiet away from noise.
Tuangeunna smoked chicken sareng cheese sandwich, inumanna jus. Lumayan pas sareng raos. Tempatna saleresna raos kanggo nu hoyong suasana jempling nyalse tebih tina kagandengan.
Medicines without a doctor's prescription are best avoided by nursing mothers.
Obat tanpa resep saena dijauhan ku ibu nu nyusuan.
The more you know, the more jealous you get
Beuki loba nyanyaho, beuki sirik.
Why should we give a paid leave to a lazy employee? Business is doing bad, and they wanna waste money? Think!
Karyawan kedul keur naon dibere cuti. Bisnis keur goreng kalahka hayang foya foya. Mikir atuh!
This place, next to the flowing river and lush forest, with delicious food really makes me feel at home and perfect for resting. Many snacks are also availabel here, and the weather is cool.
Tempat nu sawelahan sareng cai kali sareng leubeutna tatangkalan sareng tuangeun nu raos ngajieun betah sareng cocog kanggo reureuh, rupi-rupi jajaneun oge disayogikeun di tempat ieu, hawana oge tiis.
Please, at the very least, I beg you, for the convinence of the customers, put a BNI ATM machine in Tigaraksa station.
Tulung nya minimal, ku ngamudahan nasabah supados di lebet stasiun tigaraksa dipasihan mesin atm bni
Kupat Tahu Gempol is one of the legendary Kupat Tahu restos. The place isn't that large but its red color is pretty eye-catching near the three-way junction at Pasar Gempol. The portion is just right to satisfy your hunger. The defining characteristics of this kupat tahu are their soft and chewy tofu as well as their creamy peanut sauce, which go really well with lontong, bean sprouts, and red crisps. Absolutely delicious
Kupat tahu gempol teh salah sahiji kupat tahu legendaris. Tempatna teu pati gede tapi rada mencolok ku warna beureumna di pertigaan pasar gempol. Porsina pas pisan jang ngaleungitkeun lapar. Ciri khas ti kupat tahu ieu nyaeta tahuna nu hipu jeung kenyel jeung kuah kacangna pas di letah, dipadu jeung lontong, toge, jeung kurupuk beureum. Ngeunah pisan.
Oh I just had that too, man. My Freedom I package hasn't run out yet but I've been charged with internet fees. I need around 40 thousand credits to pay for that. What a robbery
Euleuh sami sapertos abdi ieu mas nembe, paket freedom I abdi teu acan seep mung toas dibebankeun tarif internet, disedot ku maling
This place is indeed inexpensive when compared to similar restos. But the food they serve is so-so and has nothing special about them. Most of the menus are just deep-fried fish or chickens. In other words, absolutely no food variations.
Rumah makan ieu tangtua kagolong mirah mung dibandikeun kanu rumah makan nu sanesna. Mun tuangeun nu disayogikeun biasa wae teu aya nu istimewa. Seseurna mah tuangeunna ngan lauk atawa hayam nu cara masak digoreng. Tiasa disebat menu tuangeunna teu aya rupi-rupi sama sekali.
The bathroom is far from decent, no hand soap provided for washing hands.
Kamar cai tebih ti layak, kanggo ngawasuh leungeun ge teu disayogikeun sabun.
The atmosphere is great for everyone, whether you're alone, with family, or sharing stories with close friends.
Suasanana cocog pikeun saha wae, kalayan anjeun hoyong nyalira, sareng kulawarga, atanapi sareng babaturan caket pikeun silih tukeur carita
Our family's favorite bakso. It's so flavourful and delicious. Coupled with iced orange juice and white crisps,. Super yummy stuff! Price is really affordable.The location is kinda in an alleyway but it's easy to spot because a lot of people know about the place.
Baso karesep arurang sakulawargi. Rasana gurih sareng raos pisan. Direncangan ku es jeruk sareng kerupuk putih. Super yummy deh. Pangaosna ge kahontal pisan. Lokasi lebet gang kecil mung gampil dipilarian kumargi seueur jalmi nu uningan dina lokasina.
Eating in a resto is no fun, you can't ask for a little opor ayam broth like in a warteg
Teu raos tuang di restoran, teu tiasa nyuhunkeun kuah opor hayam saalit sapertos di warteg.
The increasing percentage of ride sharing customers forces Toyota to boldly spend up to $1 billion to Grab in order to save its automotive business
Paningkatan Persentase paminat ride sharing parantos ngajantenkeun Toyota nekad ngaluarkeun acis dugi ka $ 1 milyar dina Grab pikeun nyalametkeun bisnis otomotifna.
The wonderful scenery of Bandung can be witnessed from Sierra Cafe Lounge. There are two options for locations, indoors and outdoors. A romantic site fit for couples and also to hang out with friends while we unwind, since the air is also cool and fresh. The food served is also delectable with varying choices. There's Indonesian culinary, Asian, and even European/Western dishes.
Pamandangan kota bandung anu endah tiasa ditingali ti sierra cafe lounge. Aya dua pilihan tempat, boh dijero rohangan atanapi diluar rohangan. Tempat anu romantis cocog pikeun duduaan jeung oge cocog pikeun ngumpul sareng rerencangan bari santai, kusabab hawana tiis jeung seger. Kadaharan anu disayogikeun oge raoseun sareng seueur pilihan. Aya kadaharan indonesia, asia, eropa / barat oge aya.
That house has a tall black fence
Bumi eta gaduh pager ageung warna hideung.
A unique restaurant, where you use sheets of banana leaves instead of plates. The food is pretty good
Restoran na unik, dina teu disayogikeun piring, kanggo tuang nganggo alas daun cau. Tuangeun lumayan raos.
My dad is an employee in net.TV
Bapa abdi nyaeta pegawai net tv
Indomie is often found in the nearest roadside stalls.
Indomie seeur kapendak dina warung-warung nu caket.
It's so hard to understand people who think they're always right
Hese ngartos jalma anu ngarasa osok bener
I was asked to find chocolate by Gordon Ramsay in a dream, but it got mixed with an Indomie broth.
Ngimpi dipiwarang milari coklat ku gordon ramsay eh kalakah kacampur jeung kuah indomie
Yeah sure, Mi Sedap has more portion, but when it comes to taste, the others are just far better in comparison.
Emang sih mi sedap eusina leuwih loba, namung rasana mah eleh ku nu sanesna
Wow the satay is amazing. Right spices, right seasonings, and fresh meat, all combined to make a damn good satay. The servers are also friendly.
Wah, raos pisan, sate nu nikmat bumbu nu pas, rasa nu pas sareng daging nu seger, nepi ngajieun sate nu bener bener mantep. Palayanan nu ramah.
When I came here, it wasn't strawberry season so they were tiny and bad. So I just took whatever's given. __sad__.
Sawaktos sumping ka dieu nuju lain musim stoberi jadi aralit sareng teu sae. Jadi ngan nyandak saayana wae. __sedih__
The inauguration of the airport train by the President of Indonesia is done symbolically by pushing a siren button that sounds the bell, accompanied by Minister of Transportation, Minister Of State-Owned Enterprises, Governor of Banten, Director General of Railway from the Ministry of Transportation, Director of AP2, Director of PT KAN, and the Director of Railink
Peresmian operasi kareta api bandara ku presiden ri sacara simbolis, neken tombol sirine nu nyuarakeun genta, direncangan ku menteri perhubungan, menteri bumn, gubernur banten, dirjen perkeretaapian kemhub, dirut ap2, dirut pt kan, sareng dirut railink.
Most of the food in this restaurant aren't good
Masakan restoran ieu rata-rata teu ngeunah.
Perfect for a romantic dinner with your partner in sharing a moment together, the food is also delicious and classy
Cocog pikeun pituangeun romantis sareng kabogoh sawaktos ngarayakeun momen duaan, tuanganana raos sareng berkelas.
The Batagor's good, the noodle's great. Lots of food to choose from in just one place, especially since the shop's been renovated for the better. There's a musala. Lots of variety in the souvenir area, too.
Batagorna raos, mi na raos. Aya rupi-rupi tuangeun nu tiasa dicicip di hiji tempat, komo ayeuna tokona tos direnovasi janten sae. Aya musola. Area oleh-oleh seueur pilihan.
Just used it for a few days and it's already hanging, the power bank can't do a thing. Have to be taken into service
Nembe nganggo sababaraha dinten langsung hang, power bank teu tiasa dianggo nanaon. Kudu dicandak ka tempat servis.
A restaurant with amazing view, if you're here at night, try to find an outdoor spot and you'll see that every single table has shining lights on them. The food we ordered were cream soup and hot chocolate drink, very delicious and perfect during with the cold weather.
Restoran nu gaduh pamandangan anu sae, upami anjeun sumping ka dieu wengi milarian korsi di luar, teras anjeun bakal ningali unggal meja lampu lampu nu harurung, tuangeun anu urang pesen nyaeta sup krim sareng coklat haneut anu ngeunah pisan jeung ngeunahna pas sareng kalawan hawa nu tiis
Location's very romantic and snug. The atmosphere is very cosy and the service is great. The food is very appetising with a reasonable price. Would love to come back and enjoy its afternoon mood. Overall it's lovely, very wonderful!
Tempatna romantis pisan sareng merenah. Kalayan suasana anu merenah pisan sareng palayanan anu sae. Tuangeunana raos pisan ku harga anu wajar. Hoyong uih deui ka dieu pikeun ngaraosan suasana sonten. Kasaluruhan alus sareng sae pisan!
Food court wth a lot of tenants and a lot of options. Fitting for young people who wanna hangout and eat lots of food and drinks tailored for each of their tastes. The parking lot is also huge.
Tuangan court nu seueur ku nu nyewa, seueur pilihan. Cocog piken budak ngora nu hoyong nongkrong raramean sabari tuang jeung inum, sesuai salera anjeunna. Parkir lega pisan.
Thank you for the appreciation, brother. We hope he'll be able to meet our representative for the victims of Freeport's work termination soon.
Hatur nuhun kang kanggo apresiasina. Mugia anjeun enggal patepang wakil arurang korban phk sepihak freeport.
I've come here more or less over 5 times already. The dim sum tastes amazing while also being really affordable. The place is fun and comfortable. The waiters are friendly even though there're only two of us and we don't order much. Highly recommended if you wanna eat dim seum or shabu in Balikpapan
Parantos leuwih 5 kali abdi kadie . Dim sumna yahud sareng hargina kajangkau pisan. Tempatna pikaresepeun sareng raoseun. Palayanna ramah bari sanaos urang ngan duaan sareng tuangeunna teu seueur jenisna. Pokokna mah nyarankeun pisan, upami milari dim sum atanapi shabu di balikpapan.
The place is fun, relaxing, and easy to spot, since it is right beside a Lotte Mart supermarket.
Tempatna merenah, santai, sareng gampang pisan dipilarian, kumargi caket sareng supermarket lotte mart
KIPP received many reports of foul play in the 2018 Regional Elections
KIPP nampi seueur laporan perkawis ayana palanggaran dina pilkada 2018.
I've been here several times, the food is pretty delicious, the gazebos also makes the atmosphere cozy, especially with the sound of a small river, giving it a natural vibe. Recommended to come here at night because it's more beautiful.
Tos sababaraha kali ka dieu, tuangeun lumayan raos, saung-saungna oge ngajieun suasana tuang sareng nyaralse beuki nikmat, ditambih ku sora kali alit nambihan suasana beuki nambih alami. Dianjurkeun sumping ka dieu dinten wengi kusabab leuwih indah.
Food here is amazing. Perfect for office meetings or dining with big family, affordable price too
Kadaharan di dieu raos pisan. Cocog pikeun rapat kantor atanapi sareng kulawarga ageung kalayan pangaos anu kahontal
DHL opens job positions for Customer Service
DHL keur mula lowongan padamelan kanggo customer service
I tried the one near the Mayor's office. I ordered the super complete Bakso Malang. It was great. Really filling. The price was also reasonable.
Kuring nyobian nu deukeut kantor walikota. Kuring peseun bakso malang super lengkep. Rasana raos. Wareg. Pangaos oge abus dina akal.
Big outdoor resto, serving a huge variety of food from traditional all the way to the modern cuisine. The price varies just as much as the menu. The attractive decor layout makes the place really comfortable
Tempat tuang di luar nu lega nyajikeun sagala tuangeun ti nu tradisional dugi ka pang modernna, ti nu pangaos na mirah meriah dugi ka nu awis. Panataan dekorasi nu sae bade midamel betah.
The must-try of this resto is the strawberry juice without milk or sugar. Trust me, it's amazing. Just 1 glass isn't nearly enough
Nu wajib pisan dicobian di resto ieu aya jus stroberi tanpa susu atawa gula. Asli raos pisan. Jigana 1 gelas ge kirang deh.
Western style restaurant with street vendor price, with beautiful natural scenery and romantic atmosphere, provided that it's not raining because it's in open space. My family's favorite restaurant
Resto tuangeun kulon ku pangaos kaki lima, ditambih pamandangan alam nu sae, suasana nu romantis, asal tong hujan, kusabab di teras diantepkeun kabuka. Resto favorit kulawargi abdi.
The fried chicken is amazing here. Perfect after a long trip. I came here after returning out of town, so I was absolutely starving. My stomach was filled right back up. The food was good and servers were great. Not to mention, the cashiers were beautiful
Hayam gorengna raos di dieu. Cocog kanggo nu tos parjalanan tebih. Abdi ka dieu uih ti luar kota, janten tuangna pas lapar kitu deh. Janten patuangan wareg, tuangeunna raos teras palayananna mantap. Kasirna gareulis
My package, too, to this moment has yet to arrive, the status has been stuck in the delivery of the Jakarta courier since 5 days ago, JnE is horrible now.
Paket abdi oge teu dugi-dugi nepi kaayeuna parantos 5 dinten statusna keneh kiriman kurir jakarta, goreng ayeuna mah jne
You're selling Taliwang roasted chicken but the one I got was like rubber and not good at all, it was tasteless too, the sambal was just whatever. Overall, very disappointed and I won't be coming back for a second time.
Jual hayam bakar Taliwang tapi hayam anu disuguhkeun siga karet jeung teu nyugemakeun, rasana hambar, sambelna oge alakadarna. Sadayana pisan nguciwakeun sareng kuring moal bakal ka ditu deui pikeun kadua kalina
Some people like to litter on the side of Sukajadi Street at night. People like that should be obliterated.
Jalan. Sukajadi upami weungi sok aya warga anu miceun sampah di sisi jalan! Jalma sapertos kitu kedah dibasmi
My favorite in this resto is the 3-flavor-porridge. 1 huge bowl is enough for me and my husband. There's also a lot more than just porridges on the menu. The price fits the taste. And of course, you can't have porridge without a warm cup of tea. Hmmmm, tasty!
Pang resepna di resto ieu nyaeta bubur 3 rasa. 1 mangkok ageung tiasa kanggo berdua sareng caroge. Teras seueur menuna kanggo tambahan tuang sareng bubur. Pangaos sareng rasa cocog. Sareng nu pasti rencang tuang bubur nyaeta teh haneut hmmm. Enak!
Indosat is why I am angry every day.
Indosat nyaeta nu nyebabkeun abdi ambek unggal dinten
This restaurant is perfect for dinner with your partner or family, with decent food and wonderful view. The mood's also great thanks to the classic decor adorning the corner all the way to the entrance.
Restoran ieu mangrupa tempat nu cocog kanggo tuang wengi sareng pasangan jeung kulawargi ku tuangeun nu cekap raos sareng pamandangan nu sae. Suasanana oge sae ku hiasan klasik di pojok nepi panto kalebetna.
The resto's concept is nothing special, but why do the drinks cost that much? I know it's a tourist trap, but tone it down a little, hehe. Gotta think twice over and over again before buying.
Konsep restoran na biasa wae, tapi hargi inumanna awis pisan. Mirahkeun atuh lah sakedik sanaos di daerah wisata hehe. Janten pikir dua kali sateuacan meser.