500 values
11 values
The milk is fresh with amazing vegetables and delicious soup flavour, complete with super nice service.
Susuna seger ku sayuran nu mantap sareng rasa kuah nu raos sareng palayanan nu super darehdeh pisan.
I regret ever telling ye anything, Farrel.
Nyesel yeuh urang mere nyaho maneh, Farrel
So irritating, lousy parking, just blocking the street even more. And when their car gets scratched, they'll go around swearing and blaming other people.
Keuheul lah, nya parkir teu baleg, nyieun jalanan sempit hungkul deui, giliran mobilna baret misuh-misuh nuduh sembarang jelema
This resto is recommended for you if you wanna have a meal while admiring the sunset. Because it is located in the highlands, you can enjoy the beauty of the mountainsides and the city atmosphere. The menu itself comes in a variety of flavours, from local dishes, Indonesian cuisine, to international food.
Resto ieu abdi sarankeun kanggo anjeun sumpingan mung anjeun hoyong tuang sabari nganikmatan sunset. Kusabab letakna nu aya di dataran tinggi, anjeun tiasa nganikmatan kaendahan alam pagunungan sareng suasana kota. Kanggo tuangeunnana ge aya sababaraha cita rasa, ti masakan daerah, Indonesia, nepi internasional.
Hella tiring, going back and forth from and to the campus at late afternoon on top of the endless group projects, the deadlines for the assignments are also hella tight.
Ngacapekeun pisan, mulih angkat ka kampus sonten pisan ditambih damel kalompok nu teu aya seepna, deadline tugas ge mepet pisan
Bali has lots lots of islands to be visited
Bali gaduh seueur pulau nu tiasa dianjangan.
I had breakfast in this restaurant on the 18th floor and I just so happened to get the outdoor seat or the balcony. The seat cushion had a lot of dirt in it. Not to mention the strong wind gave us a lousy breakfast experience. If you wanna eat in this resto, make sure to eat inside, it's a lot more comfortable that way.
Abdi sasarap di restoran lantai 18 ieu sareng kaleresan kengingkeun korsi di luar atanapi balkon. Bantal tempat diukna katingali seueur noda kotoran. Anginna kuat pisan yen sarapan henteu raoseun. Kuring nyarankeun upami anjeun tuang di restoran ieu, pilih korsi di jero pikeun kanyamanan.
The expansion of the oil refinery owned by Pertamina, Ltd. has employed over 20 thousand workers
perluasan kilang minyak pt pertamina nyerep langkung ti 20 rebu padamel
The restaurant in Padma Hotel is one of the comfiest places with breathtaking views of the hills, valleys, and green trees. Because of those, we can enjoy the meals in a different atmosphere. The food here is quite varied and has a lot of options, not unlike other restos in Bandung. But here, there's a selection of traditional menus that'll give you a unique taste as you enjoy nature's beauty.
Restoran di Padma Hotel mangrupikeun salah sahiji tempat anu raoseun sareng endah kalayan pamandangan bukit, lebak sareng tangkal hararejo. Janten tiasa ngaraosan tuangeun kalayan suasana anu beda. Dahareun di dieu lumayan rupa-rupa sareng seueur pilihan henteu benten jauh sareng restoran sanes di Bandung, tapi di dieu aya menu pilihan tradisional anu ngamungkinkeun anjeun ngalaman sababaraha khas tuangeun nu rupi-rupi bari mikaresep alam.
This ain't the time for promises anymore. We the people are tired aka sick of it
Ayeuna lain jaman janji. Kusabab rakyat tos bosen alias muak
My husband and I usually stay in Jimbaran when we visit Bali.
Abdi sareng salaki biasana ngendong di Jimbaran lamun nganjang ka Bali
I'm perplexed, I can't seem to join my hangouts because this place is just always this packed. Well it is what it is, seems like I better just drive-thru considering it's located in downtown I swear to God this McD is the most crowded.
Bingung lah, sok teu bisa wae miluan nongkrong sabab rame pisan. Nya geus lah sigana mah langkung sae upami sim kuring drive thru wae kahubung di pusat kota posisina sumpah ieu mcd pang ramena.
Scaredy-pants trying to act tough, offered to watch a horror movie and went "yeah, sure," then becomes not brave enough to go to the bathroom after watching.
Borangan mung sok teu sieun, diajak nongton film horror oke hayu, saparantos nongton teu wanton ka cai
The lounge's quality is very disappointing. Far from the escalator, and you;ll need to go through dirty alleys. The design's long and narrow.
Kualitas lounge nguciwakeun pisan. Tebih ti eskalator, ngaliwat lorong-lorong kotor. Desainna heurin manjang.
Even though we never got the hut on the side of the ricefields, the other huts offer the same charming and comfortable experience that in no way deducts any points from this eatery. Lots of the huts are perfect places to dine in, the food quality is also super great. Try the leaf-wrapped grilled fish, it's aromatic, spicy, and hella flavourful.
Sanajan teu kantos nampi gubug tepi sawah, mung pesona sareng merenahna tuang di gubug sanes teu janten nilai minus kanggo tempat tuang ieu. Seueur gubug nu merenah kanggo dijantenkeun tempat tuang, kualitas tuangeunna ge super sareng raos. Cobian lauk bakar daun, wangi, lada sareng raos pisan.
When it comes to delectable food, it seems that this place is the king. Aside from the amazing food, the atmosphere is also warmer especially when together with families or friends. The songs are also very entertaining.
Mung perkawis tuangeun nu raos-raos sigana ieu rajana. Teu tuangeun nu mantap hungkul mung suasana ge haneut pisan komo sareng kulawargi atawa rerencangan. Lagu-laguna oge ngahibur pisan.
I've eaten several times here. It's a Sundanese menu, especially menu that is hardly found in other restaurants in Bandung. The food is so delicious.
Tos sababaraha kali tuang di tempat ieu. Menu nyaeta menu khas sunda, utamana disayogikeun menu nu atos jarang kapanggih di rumah makan nu sanes di bandung. Rasa tuangeunna, raos pisan.
The people have had enough of politican's ramblings. If it's good, just say it's good. Why can't the government do anything right?
Masyarakat tos bosen ngadangu obrolan politikus upami sae naha henteu nyarios alus. Naha sagala anu dilakukeun pamarentah. Sadayana teu aya alusna.
If you're waiting for Istana Plaza Mall to open in the morning, you better try going to Mangkok Ayam in the courtyard of Istana Plaza's first floor. Lots of menus and options are available, including Indonesian and Chinese food. Mi Ayam Rica is highly recommended, really satisfying and goes well with your morning coffee.
Ngantosan mal istana plaza buka dina enjing dinten, saena mah mampir di mangkok ayam di pelataran lantai 1 istana plaza, rupi-rupi menu pilihan tuangeun indonesia, chinese food, aya. Saena dicobi mi ayam rica puas pisan sabari inum kopi dina enjing dinten.
Eating here is pretty enjoyable because of the varied menus, from Indonesian, Asian, and even Chinese menu. Because of that, we can try many tastes here, and all of them taste great. The place is pretty comfortable, and the service is also quick
Tuang di dieu cekap nikmat kusabab menuna rupi-rupi, ti mimiti menu indonesia, asia, nepi tiongkok. Ku kituna tiasa nyobian rasa nu rupi-rupi. Rasana oge teu kawon raos. Tempatna cekap merenah, pelayananna ge enggal.
Dining at the top of the mountain accompanied by the nighttime scenery of streetlights illuminating the city is so beautiful. The food is also great, and the price follows the standards of other cafes.
Dahar di luhureun gunung sareng pamandangan lampu kota ti wengi teh endah pisan. Dahareunana oge raoseun hargina standar sapertos kafe nu sanesna.
It's kinda funny honestly, going all the way to Bandung, only to eat at Pizza Hut. Just because I wanna eat some pizza. The taste is no different from the ones in Jakarta
Saleresna rada lucu oge sih ka bandung, mung ning tuang pizza hut. Ngan kusabab nuju hoyong pizza. Rasana teu benten sareng nu di Jakarta.
I used to like eating in this place a lot when I was in Jakarta. Just found out that they're also in Bandung. The place is amazing. Lots of atmosphere to choose from, whether outdoor, indoor, smoking or no-smoking, there's a place for all types of customer. The food is also good, too. You know, typical Indonesian pastas
baheula resep pisan tuang di dieu dina sami waktosna di Jakarta, nembe terang yen aya oge di Bandung. Tempatna sae pisan. Aya seueur pilihan suasana anu tiasa dipilih, naha di luar, di jero rohangan, ngaroko atanapi henteu, aya tempat pikeun sadaya jinis tamu. Dahareunana oge raos. Siga pasta-pasta ala urang Indonesia.
What good is your education when you can only talk like a barking dog?
Keur naon maneh sakola luhur-luhur mung nyarios kawas anying ngagonggong
Great and comfy place, highly recommended for dinner. Came with the partner and served by Mbak Dela, was explained to in detail and super kind. The menu is varied and delicious, when I came here with my partner to try its local and foreign menus, both are equally tasty. Just a word of advice. don't come to this place or else you will keep coming back for more, hehehehe. The scenery is breathtaking.
Sae sareng merenah tempat, tempatna direkomendasikeun pisan kanggo tuang wengi. Sumping sareng pasangan dilayanan ku mbak dela, dijelaskeun ditel sareng darehdeh pisan. Menuna rupi-rupi sareng raos, sawaktos sumping abdi sareng pasangan nyobian menu lokal sareng asingna, duanana sami-sami raos. Kanggo saran hungkul, tong sumping ka tempat ieu, tiasa-tiasa kalahka bolak-balik sumping, hehehehe. Pamandanganna luar biasa.
For you sweet tooths out there, try the rice with chicken and mushroom. If that's not your taste, try getting the rice with salted fish. The satay is the most popular, served on a hot plate. Another option that people love is the fried tofu.
Kanggo nu resep amis, cobi sangu hayam supana. Upami teu resep, cobi pilih sangu lauk asin. Nu kakoncara satena, disajikeun di luhur piring panas. Pilihan sanes nu seueur dipesen nyaeta tahu goreng.
I really like eating here. The price is not too expensive and the flavour is wondrous. What I enjoy here the most is the grilled mushrooms. Tender with lots of cheese. I order it every time I come here.
Abdi resep pisan tuang di dieu. Pangaosna teu awis teuing sareng rasana raos. Nu pang resepna abdi jamur panggangna. Kejuna seueur sareng lembut. Unggal kali ka dieu tangtu mesen ieu.
In that restaurant, lots of choices are available, from cheap ones to expensive ones.
Dina restoran eta aya seeur pilihan tuangeun, mimiti ti nu mirah nepi nu awis
A comfortable and natural place for family to relax in the rustic village atmosphere. Getting kids to know nature.
Tempat nu merenah sareng alami kanggo nyandak kulawargi relaks suasana pedesaan alami. Ngeunalkeun murangkalih ka alam
It's been a week and the tap water in our region still isn't available. Do you run out of water? Please take care of this
Tos samiwon ieu pdam di daerah arurang teu ngalir, kunaon stok cai pdam seep. Tanggung jawab atuh
You're just torturing yourself, working all day every day. When it comes to working, don't push yourself too hard
Gawe ti isuk nika isuk deui teh ngan bakal nyiksa diri sorangan. Jadi teu kudu leuleuwihan lamun soal pagawean.
The food's taste isn't as fancy as the cost. Overpriced for family visitors, friend groups, or business partners.
Rasa kadaharanana teu saawis pangaosna. Kaawisan pikeun pangunjung kulawarga, grup babaturan atawa bisnis.
If you're visiting Sukabumi, don't forget to try Bubur Ayam Hamid. For real, it's so good, so unlike any other chicken porridge places. There's quite a lot of shredded chicken, the spices are spot on, especially when coupled with sate ampela or usus. You'll want more for sure!
Upami mampir ka Sukabumi, tong hilap ngaraosan bubur hayam hamid. Asli, ngeunah pisan, beda jeung bubur hayam di tempat sejen. Suwiran hayamna lumayan seeur, bumbuna oge karaos pisan, komo lamun dituang ditambihan ku sate ampela atawa peujit. Dijamin katagihan!
Please, anyone from Telkomsel, revise the prices of your internet plans, they're off the roof
Tulunglah pihak telkomsel dibenerkeun pangaos-pangaos paket internetna pangaosna salangit.
Dear Sir/Madam, please respond to my message. Thank you
Nu dipikahormat hapunteun respon pesen abdi. Haturnuhun
Not only in name is this Swike Waled. The flavour has the same tastiness as the dishes in Waled Village, Cirebon. The Tauco Soup has the right amount of saltiness. The fried Swikee is delicious, too. It's just that the cost is a bit on the expensive side, compared to the swike in Cirebon.
Lain ngan saukur namina swike waled. Rasana sami raosna sareng anu di kampung waled cirebon kuah taucona asinna pas. Swieke gorengna oge raos. Ngan hargana rada mahal dibandingkeun sareng swike di cirebon.
Get a hardisk with a special promo price for each 1 TB of hardisk refilling service
Kengingkeun hardisk ku harga promo pikeun unggal order jasa ngeusian hardisk 1 TB pinuh
A unique restaurant with an equally unique fried rice menu. The fried rice also has different levels of spiciness. If you're a fan of spicy food, you must try the fried rice here. Moreover, there are a lot of toppings to be served with the rice, such as ebi, basil, sweet soy sauce, a secret spice, all the way to having aromatic ginger mixed in. Each portion is measured just right. The prices ranges from Rp 13.000 - Rp 21.000 per portion. The service is also delightful
Restoran unik kalayan menu nasi gorengna nu unik oge. Nasi gorengna disajikeun tingkat lada anu bareda. Upami anjeun resep kana tuangeun lada kedah nyobian nasi goreng di dieu. Salaku tambahan, nasi gorengna disayogikeun kalayan sababaraha jinis resep sapertos ebi, kemangi, kecap amis, rempah-rempah rahasia sareung campuran kencur. Unggal porsi dilayanan kalayan takaran anu leres. Harga per porsina dimimitian ti rp 13,000 - rp 21,000. Palayananna ngeunaheun pisan.
Using Telkomsel really makes my blood boil. Just sharing a less-than-100-kb capture and it takes forever to load and then fails anyway. But when you reload it, it just says "the network has no problems".
Nganggo telkomsel hoyong ambek wae babagi capture kirang ti 100 kb muter wae teras kalahka gagal. Mung dipompakan nyariosna jaringan teu aya masalah.
Just wait for it, you'll get it. Usually it takes about a week max.
Dagoan weh, pasti dipasihan. Biasana ge maksimal saminggon
Delish, venue's clean and comfortable, and the food served is also diverse. Besides that, the place is located in the city, making it a resting spot for shoppers and office workers. The price is costly, for sure, but it is equal to the taste.
Raos, tempatna bersih merenah, sareng tuangeun nu disayogikeun ge rupi-rupi. Salian eta, tempatna nu aya di kota ngajadikeun tempat reureuh jalmi-jalmi nu balanja sareng didamel kantoran. Hargina kintun awis mung setara ku raosna.
You can just try looking it up in Bukalapak. If you really need to, you can use Redmi 4a
Pilarian we di bukalapak. Mung kepepet, tiasa nganggo nu gaduh redmi 4a.
The food was okay, but there was this one server who was kinda dirty, making it a little less comfortable. Please serve the food quicker so the customers won't get hungry. There are many things to improve.
Tuangeunna lumayan, mung aya palayan nu rada jorok we janteun kirang merenah. Kanggo tuangeun rada enggal nya supados teu kalaparan konsumen. Keneh seueur nu kudu ditingkatkeun.
It was just 4 p.m. on Thursday. My friends and I were about to have a coffee break. I forgot what drink we ordered that time, but all I remembered was that when we picked Menu A, the server said that they run out. Then we chose Menu B, it was also out. Eventually we had to pick another menu. Pretty annoying.
Panginten nembe tabuh 4 sonten dina dinten kemis. Abdi sareng rerencangan abdi hoyong coffe break. Abdi hilap arurang mesen inuman naon wae waktos eta, ngan nu abdi emut nyaeta dina sawaktos milih menu a, disauran ku palayanna tos seep. Tuluy arurang milih menu b,. Eh tos seep oge. Ahirna kapaksa milih menu nu sanes. Cekap ngeheulkeun.
The meat here tastes better, but the spice there is more flavourful, with similar price to boot
Upami di dieu dagingna langkung raos, bumbuna ge langkung karaos ti nu di ditu, pangaosna oge teu langkung teuing.
"...romantic spot..."
Tempat nu endah tur romatis ku pamandangan kota bandung ku kelap-kelip lampuna nu mirip sareng rebuan cahaya lilin ti peuting jeung hawa tiis pagunungan,. Sumawonten tuangeun nu raos haneut sareng tampilan nu ngagoda pisan. Wah lebar pisan upami kaliwat.
Curious to come here because we had been seeing their ads on the street every time we passed the toll. When we got there, the place turned out to be quite average. We were there late at night, plus it was raining so it was rather muddy
Panasaran ka dieu teh kumargi unggal ngalangkung tol osok ningali iklanna di jalan. Sawaktos ka ditu nyatana tempatna teh condong kana biasa wae. Ka ditu nuju wengi-wengi ditambih hujan deuih janteun sok rada becek.
This resto is quite large, the atmosphere is fun, and customers can enjoy the view of Bandung city. The menu has Western and Indonesian food. The price is worth the quality and service.
Resto ieu cekap lega, suasanana nyenengkeun pisan, pangunjung tiasa ningali pamandangan kota bandung. Menu tuangeun barat sareng tuangeun indonesia. Pangaosna cocog ka kualitas sareng palayanan.
Bogor will be led by Bima Arya once again
Bogor bade dipimpin deui ku bima arya.
On January I've gone to Galeri Indosat to register my card. The staff with a bag said that my card was already registered, right. But the other day I couldn't call or send messages because I was blocked and not yet registered. What am I supposed to do, then? Thanks for the absolutely 'excellent' service.
Sasih Januari abdi atos ka galeri Indosat pikeun ngadaptar kartu, saur mbakna anu kagungan kantong eta, parantos didaptarkeun saurna, naha kamari kuring henteu tiasa nelepon sareng sms sabab diblokir jeung henteu didaptarkeun. Naon atuh kahayangna? Hatur nuhun kana layanan anu excellent pisan.
I tried to dine in Suis Butcher Steak House in Setiabudhi, I also tried the Suis Butcher on Riau Street. I liked the atmosphere in Setiabudi's Suis Butcher more since it is not too crowded, and it is a good place to chat. For the food, I like its tenderloin, salad, french fries, and tiramisu. The price is worth the taste, and is also equal to the quite prompt service.
Abdi nyobian suis butcher di suis butcher stiabudhi, abdi oge nyobian suis butcher di jalan. Riau. Abdi leuwih resep suasana di suis butcher setiabudi anu henteu rame teuing, sareng tempatna oge ngeunaheun keur ngobrol. Kadaharan anu kuring resep tenderloin, salad, frencfries, sareng tiramisuna. Pangaos sareng rasana sabanding, wajar deui sareng palayanan na lumayan gancang.
The wifi here always has an error, the food and drinks are a bit expensive, the fried lumpiah is way too salty, the milk tea is only slighty okay, and the order takes forever
Wifi di dieu eror wae, tuangeun sareng inuman cekap awis, lumpiah goreng asin pisan, teh susu sakedik raos hungkul, lami pisan kanggo pesenan
I wanted go to a hotel in Mong Kok, Hongkong, but turns out there was no hotel! Last June, I've booked and paid for 2 rooms. But the hotel was nowhere to be found.
Hayang ka hotel nu di mongkok Hongkong, teu aya! Sasih Juni kamari, kuring pesen sareng parantos mayar 2 kamar. Tapi hotelna teu kapanggih.
Rather than having a fuss about flash sale stuff, let's just play online poker.
Tibatan raribut ngeunaan barang flash sale leuwih alus maen poker online.
Roti Unyil, a patisserie serving all kinds of breads / cakes in tiny sizes, very famous in Bogor and Bandung
Roti Unyil, toko kue nu nyayogikeun rupi-rupi jinis roti / kue ku ukuran alit, kasohor pisan di Bogor sareng Bandung.
I wanna help by giving the info connections, but my internet quota is limited
Hoyong ngabantosan masihan infona, mung kuota internet abdi kawatas.
I am of the same opinion, this show should be removed, lots of useless shows nowadays. The people in the show also act like uneducated people.
Abdi sapamadegan, acara eta kudu dileungitkeun, seueur acara nu teu aya guna. Jalmi-jalmi anu dilebet acarana ge tingkahna sapertos jalmi nu teu sakola wae.
The absolute must-try nostalgic restaurant, perfect place for family, with huge parking space. Almost all the food are great, especially the steak, saslick, and ice cream
Resto nostalgia kedah disumpingan, tempat anu nyaman pikeun kulawarga, parkir anu lega. Masakan ampir sadayana raos, hususna steak, saslick sareng es krim.
Get your family, colleague, friends, lover, lover's friends, or even your ex, for this vocal award.
Ajakan kulawarga, rencang sakantor, sobat perjalanan, kabogoh, kabogoh batur, atanapi mantan kabogoh, pikeun milih panghargaan ieu.
The place is interesting, with a very industrial concept. A shame that almost all of the menu is non-halal.
Tempatna merenah, kalayan konsep anu pabrik pisan. Hanjakalna hampir sadaya menuna henteu halal.
For Jogja people, it's kind of a pain to come there twice. Once is enough. You gotta pay to enter. The food's expensive.
Keur urang Jogja mah haroream puguh 2 kali kadinya. Ceukap sakali. Abus kudu mayar. Dahareun awis.
Lots of my family have worked as civil servants.
Seueur kulawargi abdi nu didamel jadi pegawai negeri
We had dinner in that restaurant and the service was decent. The dining room was big, there are tables inside and on the veranda. You could take the food directly from the serving table inside the resto. There was also an option for freshly cooked food that's fried upon ordering and most of the menus are traditional dishes. The waiting time was not too long. The presentation was also unique because they used leaves instead of plates.
Arurang tuang di restoran eta sareng palayananana lumayan hade. Tempatna lega, aya nu di lebet rohang, aya nu di teras. Tuangeun langsung dipilih tina meja saji nu aya di lebet restoran. Aya pilihan menu anu seger, anu nembe digoreng sawaktos dipesen sareng hampir sadayana nyaeta menu tradisional. Ngantosan pesenan teu lami. Panyajian na unik kusabab teu nganggo pirin ngan nganggo daun.
That courier was late for about a day on the delivery. Please be more responsive.
Kirimanna rada telat 1 dinteun nganggo kurir eta. Langkung responsif atuh.
When you wanna enjoy a variety of food, the first choice has to be Hanamasa. The location's pretty great. Lots of food you can choose from, ranging from snacks, barbeques, boiled food, all the way to desserts. Not bad at all!
Sawaktos hoyong tuang rupi-rupi tuangeun, pilihanna Hanamasa wae. Lokasi tempatna cekap sae. Pilihan tuangeunna seueur, ti mimiti makanan ringan, babakaran, rebusan nepi makanan panutup. Teu nguciwakeun pisan.
Get a free Rp 25.000,- credit voucher for two lucky winners every day just by retweeting bniquotes.
Kengingkeun voucher pulsa rp 25.000, - pikeun dua jalma anu untung unggal dinten ngan ku nga-retweet bniquotes
Eating at a fancy resto, the price is obviously high, but the taste is horrible. So frustrating
Tuang di resto mewah, pangaos tangtos we awis, mung rasana payah, bener-bener pikakeuheuleun.
That's what Shazam is for: so you can find out about the magical songs played by the Gocar drivers.
Gunana shazam: ngarah nyaho lagu-lagu ajaib anu dimaenkeun ku supir gocar
Dining in Reds Dipo was so good, it was the first time I ever really enjoyed eating fish. They were fresh, delicious, and not fishy at all. At any rate, the pomfret was amazing. And the robusta milk coffee was marvellous. Basically, I was addicted, okay? Reds Dipo has become my favorite place. It's just that good, man
Resepna tuang di redsdifo, nembe ayeuna ieu abdi resep pisan tuang lauk. Laukna seger, raos, sareng teu aya bau anyir deui. Pokokna mah lauk bawal raos. Sareng kopi robusta susu mantap. Pokok. A katagihan deuh, Redsdipo jadi tempat karesepan abdi. Raos pokokna mah.
My goodness, why are both Telkomsel and Indihome so darn problematic? Expensive for nothing!
Ieu kunaon sih astaga telkomsel rek indihome duanana pimasalaheun wae! Awis hungkul woy!
I came here just for a little fun while vacationing with my family. I only had drinks and snacks. The drinks here costed way less than the ones in Jakarta.
Kuring indit ka dieu ngan milarian saeutik hiburan bari liburan jeung kulawarga kuring. Kuring ukur nginum sareng tuang tuangeun sakedik. Inuman di dieu mirah pisan dibandingkeun sareng Jakarta.
My Indihome bill this October is quite different from September. It's more expensive. Why is that? You promised since the first installation that there would be no additional fees or flat fees. How can the price go up and down? Consistency, please.
Tagihan indihome kuring sasih oktober ieu benten sareng sasih September. Kaawis mahal. Naha kumaha? Jangjina keur awal masang moal aya biaya anu sanes sareung biaya flat. Ieu kalahkah naik turun kumaha sih? Konsisten atuh
I really regret eating the salted egg Indomie. I ate it this morning at 8, and my mouth can still feel the aftertaste to this very moment. And it's really bad, dear Allah.
Hanjakal pisan emam indomie salted egg. Emana tadi tabuh 8 enjing, dugi ka ayeuna after tastena masih aya keneh! Teu raos pisan ya allah
This is a unique meatball. There's a lot of fillings to choose from. There's cheese, spicy minced meat, or just urat. I choose spicy minced meat and my God did it live up to its name. The price is right, and the place is clean.
Bakso nu unik. Bakso ku jenis eusian nu beda-beda. Aya nu eusi na keju, daging cincang pedes sareng urat. Abdi milih cincang daging pedas ehmmm rasa na sesuai sareng namina. Pangaos na mirah, tempat na beresih.
This person do be blockin' the road like no tomorrow.
Nyieun macet jalan wae yeuh jalmi
BNI strengthens their branding with BNI City Station
BNI ningkatkeun merek liwat stasiun BNI City
The sensation of eating on a sheet of banana leaves, with the delicious grilled calamari and the tasty fried tempe, along with the mouth-watering sambal. Absolutely amazing
Mie Mewek is located in Pajajaran Street. Near the BEC area, the gadget store centre. Here we can enjoy its signature spicy cuisine. Mie nangis (the crying noodles) will really make the customers cry, because it's so spicy and yet so addicting that you can't stop eating it. The noodles are thick and chewy. Really good.
Mie mewek perenah di jalan pajajaran. Dekeut ka area BEC, pusat icalan gadget. Di dieu arurang tiasa nganikmatan kuliner khas mangrupi tuangeun sareng cita rasa lada. Mie nangis bade ngajieun arurang nu panikmatna bener-bener ceurik, kusabab kaladaan sakaligus katagihan kanggo sumping sareng tuang deui. Mieuna kandel sareng kenyel. Raos.
He's having the Indomilk milk in the fridge
Anjeunna tuang indomilk dijero kulkas
Frustated as all hell for selling Yakult all that time and still not getting any profit.
Kuheul pisan ti tatadi icalan yakult teu untung wae
Ramayana has once again opened its branch in Samarinda
Ramayana muka deui cabangna di samarinda
This place is popular among university students. Cuz aside from the tastiness, the price is pretty cheap, too, in my opinion. It's just tops.
Tempat ieu kasohor pisan di kalangan mahasisswa. Kusabab ngeunaheun, pangaosna oge mirah ceuk kuring mah. Sae pisan.
The variety of art pieces displayed on the ground floor and second floor really grabs your attention. There's also more artworks you can observe outdoors. The eye-refreshing view as well as the breezy weather really make this place a favourite for many people.
Rupi-rupi macem karya seni nu ditampilkeun di lantai dasar sareng kadua bener-bener menarik perhatosan. Salian eta di halaman luar oge seueur karya seni nu tiasa ditingali. Pamandangan nu nyerukeun panon, sareng cuaca nu adem midamel tempat ieu diresepan pisan ku seueur jalmi.
I don't like the current coach, the strategy he came up with can't be used to beat our opponents.
Abdi teu resep kanu palatih nu ayeuna, strategi na didamel teu tiasa dianggo kanggo ngelehkeun lawan.
This is just a place to eat while you're waiting for your family when they're shopping, not for those who actually want good food. There's a ton of other places in Jakarta that have way better food for way less money.
Ieu mangrupikeun tempat makan pikeun jalma anu ngantosan kulawargana anu sibuk balanja. Tapi sanes pikeun jalma anu resep kana tuangeun anu ngeunah. Di Jakarta seueur tempat dahar anu langkung raoseun sareng pangaosna langkung leuwih mirah.
After you finished shipping your items, make sure to recheck the address in the receipt before leaving JNE Pondok Timur counter
Upami anjeun tos rengse transaksi ngirim, pastikeun cek deui alamat dina resi saacan ninggalkeun conter jne pondok timur ya
Everyone's punching and kicking each other, turns out they all have a hidden agenda! What a joke!
Tajong kaditu tajong kadieu teunggeulan diditu teunggeulan didieu, tetela masing-masing gaduh agenda anu disumputkeun! Keuhel!
Mad not cuz of you, but cuz PSSM defeated Persis. Feels bad, can't sleep well, can't eat well. All because of PSSM.
Keuheul lain kusabab anjeun. Mung persis dielehkeun pssm. Teu ngeunah hate teu ngeunah sare teu ngeunah dahar. Sagala kusabab pssm!
Topped up my credits via BCA ATM at 17:48 and I still haven't received it yet. Can you check it, please? Thank you.
Ngeusian pulsa via atm bca tadi tabuh 17.48 nepi ayeuna teu kantos lebet, punten tulung diparios? Hatur nuhun.
My Monday morning was filled with interviews. Before I could walk there I needed to call a Gojek driver while it was still raining.
Senen isuk abdi dieusian ku kagiatan wawancara, saacan sumping ka lokasi, abdi kudu mesen gojek jeung kaayaan masih keneh hujan.
The perfect place if you're looking for a satisfying meal on a tight budget, there's quite a lot of variety here, from Indonesian traditional cuisine all the way to modern dishes.
Tempat anu paling cocog pikeun milarian tuangeun upami anggaran terbatas tapi nyugemakeun, di dieu aya seueur pilihan mimitian ti kadaharan khas ti daerah Indonesia dugi ka masakan modern.
I see lots of Indosat users whose credits got cut, a pity, really.
Abdi ningali seeur panganggo indosat keuna pamotongan pulsa. watir.
A very natural place, with varied menu and spot-on flavours. I especially love their bandrek jagung, the sweet corn is served while still warm. There's also an assortment of traditional snacks that you don't see that much anymore.
Tempat nu alami pisan, sareng menu nu rupi-rupi, sareng rasana nu pas. Abdi resep ka bandrek jagongna, jagong nu amis disajikeun haneut pisan. Aya rupi-rupi jajanan tradisional nu tos jarang dipilarian.
This man's speaking nonsense! Someone got kidnapped but he's more concerned about the kidnapper. Where's the logic in that?
Bapak ieu nyariosna teu leubeut kana akal! Jalmi diculik naha kalahkah mikiran nu nyulik. Teori ti mana tah eta?
The place is huge. Opens 24 hours a day. Perfect for snacking. The sofa is really comfy. A shame that there's a lot of uni students doing their assignments, so the place is almost always packed at night, hehe
Tempat na ageung. Muka 24 dinten. Cocog pikeun nyemil. Sofa na merenah. Ngan hanjakal seueur mahasiswa nu ngadamel tugas di dinya, jadi na jarang lowong tempat na upami wengi. Hehehehe
Unlucky of me to join the group to go to Bali, very boring.
Teu untung abdi ngiring rombongan kanggo angkat ka bali ngabosenkeun pisan
Although it took us many turns to get to this place, it was eventually paid off with quiet mood, calm atmosphere and the cool highland breeze. I just so happen to like dining outside during weekdays because there won't be too many people inside but the downside was the lack of ambience music. The food was pretty good and my family also quite enjoyed it.
Sanaos rada berliku-liku dugi ka tempat ieu mung kabayarkeun ku suasana anu sepi, tenang, sareng oge suasana hawa dataran tinggi na, nu kaleresan abdi biasa mung tuang di luar pasti pas dinten damel ngarah teu rame teuing mung ya minuna teu aya lift musik. Kanggo tuangeunna cekap raos jeung kulawargi abdi ge cekap resep.
Perfect for dining with family. Enjoying the delicious meal while chatting and unwinding after a long day of activities is truly the best.
Cocog pisan pikeun tuang sareng kulawarga ngaraosan tuangeun anu lezat bari ngobrol lepaskeun cape saatos sadidinten kagiatan pokokna pangalusna lah
I'll never get tired of coming to this resto, especially on Saturday nights. Our family really likes this place because it has live music. The atmosphere is still fun even after all these years. The menu is also still consistent and mouth-watering, from the European menu to the traditional Indonesian menu. The portion is also huge.
Sumping ka restoran ieu teu aya bosenna, komo dina dinten wengi arurang sakulawargi resep pisan tempat ieu kumargi aya live musikna. Suasanana teu gentos ti tahun ka tahun. Menu nu disayogikeun ge keneh teteup sami, ti mimiti menu eropa nepi menu khas indonesia keneh memikat. Porsina ge teu eleuh seueur.
Everytime I see the face of this person, I feel an inner God-level rage.
Mung ningali bengeut jelema ieu bawaan na emosi tingkat dewa