500 values
11 values
Indian culinary I personally think is not that delicious. Too many spices.
Tuangeun india numutkeun abdi teu raos. Seueur teuing rempah
Our family came to this place because it was late and no other restos were open. Turns out, even at 10 p.m. the place was still packed, with no parking space or even empty seats available inside the resto. The staff looked so tired and sour while serving. For God's sake. In the end we just took our food to the hotel.
Abdi sakulawargi sumping ka tempat ieu kusabab tos wengi sareng teu aya resto nu muka. Tos tabuh 10 wengi ge tempat ieu masih keneh macet, parkiran pinuh, jeung korsi anu di lebet resto pinuh. Patugas nu katingalina cape ngalayananana teu someah. Ampun. Jadina pesenan abdi dicandak ka hotel.
Oh, yes, I also want the automatic receipt printing feature to be fixed.
Oh muhun abdi hoyong fitur cetak resi otomatis dilereskeun.
In the begining of this year Djarum Foundation Cultural Service event will be held in collaboration with Garin Workshop.
Mimiti taun ieu bakti budaya djarum foundation digawe bareng jeung bengkel garin
By buying Morinaga Chil Kid and Chil School for Rp 500.000, mommies can get Rp 50.000 worth of GoPay vouchers
Ku meser morinaga chil kid sareng chil school saharga rp 500. 000, bunda bakal nampi voucher gopay rp 50. 000.
Right now tourists who love diving are very disappointed with Ambon Bay's conditions, which looks beautiful on the surface but is actually really dirty.
Ayeuna para wisatawan anu mikareuseup diving teh kuciwa pisan kana kayaan teluk ambon nu katingalina endah mung kotor pisan.
Recommended for Indonesian style lunch, there are so many choice of foods you just have to pick. Mostly fried, such as empal, fried chicken, fried tofu, etc. Utensils used are old-school, such as metal plate, metal glass, reminding us of eating in the past. The service is quick. Awesome.
Rekomendasi kanggo tuang siang ala indonesia, pilihan tuangeun seueur pisan tinggal tunjuk we. Pangseueurna nu bentuk gorengan, misalkeun empal, hayam goreng, tahu goreng dll. parabot tuangeun nu dianggo nu ala model jaman baheula, sapertos piring seng, gelas seng, ngingetkeun tuang dina jaman baheula. Palayanan enggal. Mantap
The place is cozy, pretty windy but also refreshing. Good concept for the place, very cool VIP room. Absolutely instagrammable. Perfect for hanging out with friends, family, or significant other. The food is not bad either, and the price is also affordable. The cashier lady at that time was so friendly.
Tempatna merenah, anginan pisan mung tiis oge. Konsep tempatna sae, vip roomna keren pisan. Instagramable pisan deuh tempatna. Cocog kanggo nongkrong-nongkrong sareng rerencangan, kulawargi, kabogoh. Tuangeunna oge teu awon, sareng pangaosna oge kahontal. Mbak kasirna sawaktos eta darehdeh pisan.
Seems like this old fart won't ever change his ways even after all this time, huh? Worst, most rotten person ever.
Ieu tua bangka geus bau taneuh naha teu eling-eling nya. manusa panggoreng na nu pangbusukna.
No Sunlight no Mama Lemon, just use Garnier Men Turbo Oil Control to wash your hands after cooking aka I can't get this slippery oil off my hands.
Teu aya sunlight sareng mama lemon, garnier men turbo oil control oge sae pikeun ngumbah leungeun saatos masak alias leueur saatos kakeunaan minyak.
Batagor Kingsley is very delicious and well-like by Jakartan people and families. Every time I go to Bandung, my family and friends always beg me for Batagor Kingsley
Batagor kingsley raos pisan sareng dipikaresep ku kulawargi sareng wargi jakarta. Unggal sumping ka bandung, kulawargi sareng rerencangan nyuhunkeun wae dipangmeserkeun batagor kingsley.
The best coffee here are the avocado coffee and banana coffee. The avocado doesn't ruin the coffee flavour at all, perfect for my taste as a mixed coffee lover. The food they serve is also pretty tasty, my favorite being their french fries for an affordable price
Kopi nu paling raos di dieu nyaeta kopi alpuket sareng kopi cau. Kopi nyampur alpuket teu midamel rasa kopi ieu mudar, cocog pisan di ilat abdi salaku pecinta kopi campuran. Jenis tuangeun nu disajikeun ge lumayan raos, karesep abdi nyaeta kentang gorengna kanggo pangaos kahontal.
He/She was caught making Jumbo-sized Indomie Goreng, even though just one of those won't be fulfilling.
Manehna kanyahoan nyieun indomie goreng jumbo sanajan pan mung hiji mah teu wareg.
I was invited to this restaurant by my business partner. When I tried the noodles, it tasted absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, at the time, mine was too salty. I couldn't really enjoy the amazing noodles because of that. For the atmosphere, it was just decent. However, it's really expensive, 2 bowls of noodles cost us Rp 95.000
Nalika kuring ngadatangan restoran ieu kusabab rencang bisnis kuring ngajak. Nalika kuring ngarasakeun mie ieu asa gaduh citarasa nikmat pisan. Hanjakalna dina waktos eta, mie kuring asin teuing. Jadina mie anu kedah ngeunah pisan teu tiasa abi raosan. Pikeun tempat mah biasa wae. Pikeun hargina awis pisan. 2 mangkok mie hargina Rp. 95.000.
This driver won't pick up my items since this noon. Please follow-up my complaint
Ieu supir embungeun nyokot barang ti beurang. Mangga langkung ditindak.
What a tiring morning I just want to rest
Enjing nu nyapekeun rasana hoyong cicing hungkul
Your field ain't in politics, dumbass!
Widang maneh lain dina dunya politik oon!
Curious to try tht rather famous chicken. That afternoon was empty, and I ordered a grilled chicken. Turns out the grilled chicken was spicy. My children couldn't eat them. They server shouldve asked us first whether we wanted spicy or not since there was 2 options. I then ordered 2 more non-spicy grilled chickens. My Goodness! It was as if the chicken was only fried and smeared with soy sauce. We had lost our appetite by then,
Panasaran hoyong nyobian hayam nu cekap kasohor eta. Beurang eta tiiseun, mesen hayam bakar. Epekteh hayam bakarna lada. Barudak teu tiasa emam. Kuduna palayan naroskeun bade lada atawa henteu soalna aya 2 pilihan. Satuluyna abdi menta 2 hayam bakar nu teu lada. Ampun! Hayamna ngan sapertos digoreng hungkul teras dibaluran kecap. Arurang tos ical napsu tuang.
At first I was a bit worried about the service's speed but it was pretty good and punctual. I forgot the name, but I remember ordering a mixed juice of some kind, which was nice. And the food was also okay. Oh yeah, they served free ice cream. You can try talking to the servers about it. Love it.
Mimitina ragu sareng kaenggalan palayanan di dieu tapi lumayan lah, tepat waktos ning, kuring hilap mesen jus naon sapertosna jus campuran kitu, oke sih. Tur tuangeunna ge ok. Oh enya ieu aranjeunna masihan gratis es krim. Tiasa dicobi taros sareng palayanna. Resep.
Since coming to Bandung, only now do I get the chance to eat here. We ate in The Valley Suki. Our tummy's satisfied, food tastes really good, the waiters are friendly, and there's a nice view if you're by the window. Yes, with only Rp 190.000,- / person (tax included), you can eat anything you want. It works like Hanamasa but the place is way more fun.
Abdi ka bandung nembe kamari nembe kalaksanakeun tuang di dieu. Urang tuang di the valley suki. Wareug, ngeunah, palayan ramah sareng pandanganana hade upami urang diuk cakeut jandela. Leres kalayan harga Rp. 190.000, - / jalma kalebet pajak urang tiasa tuang sakumaha anu anjeun pikahoyong, sistemna sapertos hanamasa tapi eta tempat anu langkung pikaresepeun.
Don't know where to have a nice and affordable place to grab a bite? Just come right here. Me and my partner are really enjoying it. Most of the customers are young people, making us feel just as young again.
Bingung bade tuang dimana nu tempatna raoseun, tuangeun ngeunah sareng hargina terjangkau? Kadieu wae. Abdi sareng pasangan resep ngaraoskeunna. Anu datang kalolobaanana barudak ngora jadi asa ngora deui.
The place / location is pretty easy to spot. The building and its interior are interesting, especially the small garden inside that has an urn with water flowing out of it constantly. Makes the mood more romantic and pleasant. The menu offered had a lot of variety and as far as taste goes, it's quite good.
Tina segi letak / lokasi mah gampil dipilarianana. Bangunan jeung eusina sae, komo aya taman alit di lebetna nu dieusian ku gentong nu caina ngocor. Nyieun suasana na tambih romantis jeung pikaresepeun. Menu nu disadiakeun lumayan variatif jeung tina segi rasa lumayan raos.
The sushi menu isn't large enough, you might wanna add a small portion, like 2 pieces each. There should also be complementaries such as wasabi and chilli powder. To be honest, not that special.
Menu sushina kirang seueur, mung tiasa aya menu sushi ku porsi saeutik 2 potong. Kedahna aya palengkap, wasabi, cabe bubuk. Janten saleresna kirang istimewa.
My first time eating in this place. No concept of a cafe or a resto, just a humble eatery serving traditional meals.
Karak mimiti kuring tuang di warung ieu. Sanes konsep atawa resto mung tampil sareng warung tuang nu nyajikeun tuangeun tradisional.
I went to Maxi S resto with my family, turns out that there was a wedding party and birthday party so the place was jam-packed. What a poor service, then. If the place was that crowded, the resto staff should've told the customers before they park their cars while it's raining heavily outside, as the distance between the parking lot and the resto was quite far. Better yet, they should've closed the resto temporarily while the party was going on.
Abdi sumping ka maxi s resto sareng kulawargi, geuningan di ditu aya uleman nikahan pesta ulang tahun ku kitu na tempat na jadi pinuh pisan. Palayananana jadi teu sae. Kedah na upami tempat na nuju pinuh, pihak resto masihan bewara ka tamu, sateuacan tamu markir kendaraan sawaktos eta hujan gede, jadi jarak lokasi parkir ka resto lmayan tebih. Upami perli ditutup sementara sawaktos pesta na lumangsung.
Telkom Hackaton is a training programme by Telkom Indonesia that aims to facilitate the younger generation who has experties in the Information Technology field and programming to develop their own startups.
Telkom hackathon nyaeta sahiji program besutan telkom indonesia nu tujuanna kanggo ngawadahan generasi ngora nu gaduh kaahlian dina bidang teknologi informasi sareng pamrograman kanggo ngembangkeun parusahaan rintisan nu aranjeunna gaduh.
I liked none of the drinks. The chicken was so-so. There was cheese sauce but I didn't like theirs. Not good
Kaleueutanna teu aya anu abdi resep, Hayam gorengna biasa wae. Aya saos keju mung atanapi abdi teu resep saos keju di dieu. Teu raos.
A highly recommended family resto, it has beautiful views surrounding it, comfortable huts, and great food. The night view of this resto is especially breathtaking.
Resto kulawargi nu disarankeun pisan, pamandangan sakuriling resto nu sae pisan, pondok-pondok nu merenah, tuangeun nu disajikeun oge lumayan raos, komo deui upami dinten wengi ieu pamandangan resto sae pisan.
I went to this restaurant for dinner because I just happened to pass it on my way to the hotel I was staying in and me and my friends were hungry so we decided to eat here. The taste was so-so, but we had to pay first even though we weren't finished yet just because it was near the closing time.
Abdi sumping ka restoran ieu kanggo tuang wengi kusabab kabeneran ngaliwat dina perjalanan ka hotel abdi mondok sareng kusabab tos kalaparan sareng abdi sareng rerencangan ahirna milih kanggo sumping di restoran ieu. Rasa tuangeunna biasa wae sumawonten arurang kudu mayar leuwih heula sanaos arurang teu acan rengse tuang ngan kusabab tabuh tos caket waktos tutup.
Our first impression of staying here, checking in at 2 in the afternoon was not possible because the previous guest checked out late. We were offered nothing from the staff as we waited for an hour while they cleaned our room. Then we were told that the restaurant would close at 5 p.m. so if we wanted to order food for dinner it had to be before 5. Kinda annoying.
Kesan mimiti mondok di dieu, check in teu tiasa tabuh 2 siang kusabab nu mondok kawitna telat check out, teu aya nu ditawis ku pihak staf sawaktos abdi kudu salila hiji jam ngantosan kamar diberesihan. Janten abdi oge disauran restoran tutup tabuh 5 sonten ku kituna upami bade mesen tuangeun kanggo tuang wengi kudu saacan tabuh 5 sonten. Cekap pikakeuheuleun.
You can't enjoy Bandung without its food. Kafe Halaman offers you traditional Indonesian food. The gado-gado is tasty, the fried banana with cheese is also good, and a nice cup of coffee while waiting for your friends to come is always enticing
Ngarasakeun kota Bandung tanpa kuliner, kirang pikabungaheun, kafe halaman, nyayogikeun katuangan Indonesia, gado gadona ngeunah, pisang goreng kejuna ngeunah pisan bari sacangkir kopi ngantosan rerencangan sumping pikaresepeun pisan
Agree that with a higher phase, the cost to tickets should get higher. But, the base price during the elimination phase is already too high. Try comparing it with the cost of watching it in Malaysia or Thailand.
Satuju beuki naek fase wajar upami tiket naek. Mung, pangaos dasar sawaktos fase panyisihan tos kaawisan. Cobi bandingkeun pangaos lalajo di malaysia, thailand.
Me and my wife were tempted to visit this restaurant when our family was visiting Pontianak last week, because our trip advisor said that Abang Kepiting was the most popular resto in Pontianak. Around 7 at night, me and my wife had arrived and the place wasn't that crowded, with only around 4 tables filled, since the two of us just wanna chat.
Abdi sareng pamajikan kagoda ngunjungan restoran ieu basa keur sakulawargi nganjang ka pontianak minggon kamari, kusabab komentar trip advisor abang kepiting teh nyaeta restoran nu kasohor di pontianak. Wengi kira-kira tabuh 7, abdi sareng pamajikan tos dugi, jeung ningali suasana restoran teu kitu rame ngan kaisi sakitar opat meja hungkul, kusabab abdi ngan duaan hoyong ngobrol.
I arrived in this restaurant near lunchtime. At first there were only a few customers eating here. However, as soon as lunchtime came, the restaurant was flooded by the people of Makassar city. The number of Makassarese people coming here to have lunch just goes to show that this is the number one restaurant in Makassar city.
Kuring dugi ka rumah makan ieu pas waktosna tuang siang. Nalika kuring mimiti sumping ka rumah makan ieu ngan ukur sababaraha anu tuang. Sanajan kitu, nalika waktu dahar beurang rumah makan ieu pinuh ku warga kota Makassar. Lobana warga kota Makassar anu sarumping pikeun dahar beurang ngagambarkeun yen ieu tempat teh mangrupa rumah makan favorit di kota Makassar.
The PIK Waterboom Jakarta tickets are rising in price.
Tiket waterboom PIK jakarta saurna beuki awis
The location's pretty far from the city of Bandung and now there are two toll gates to go through in order to go to The Peak witha total cost of 5000 rupiah. This is basically like extortion since you wouldn't be able to go to The Peak without going through these two gates.
Lokasi na cekap tebih ti kota bandung sareng ayeuna aya 2 gerbang pamayaran kanggo tiasa ka the peak ku totalna 5000 rupiah. Ieu sapertos pemaksaan kanggo pungutan liar kusabab anjeun moal waka tiasa ka the peak mung teu ngaliwatan dua gerbang ieu.
Here's the full data, don't believe the KPK, it's all lies. This case was audited 10 years ago and nothing was missing. Because after that, there was an audit about fund allocation for special needs. If they wanted to, they could have had another audit. Just forget about it. The Century case was just a scandal to protect certain elites.
Data lengkep, tong percanten kpk ieu bohong. Kasusna ieu diaudit 10 taun ka pengker sareng atos lengkep. Saberes eta aya audit aliran dana kalayan tujuan khusus. Upami hoyong deui nyungkeun audit deui weh. Geuslah. Kasus century ieu mangrupikeun skandal anu mayungan elit anu tangtu.
Very recommended, the food is absolutely delicious! We sat on in the upper gazebo when the sun is setting, dinner with sunset! And it's so pretty.
Dianjurkeun pisan, tuangeun raos pisan bener-bener! Arurang caralik dina tempat saung nu di bagian luhur sawaktos tabuh panonpoe titeleum, tuang dinten wengi direncangan sunset deh! Sareng eta saee pisan.
Rcti has too many useless advertisements, very annoying
Rcti seueur teuing iklan nu teu jentre, ngaganggu pisan
Okay, aside from checking out theme parks, I also like culinary travels. Since coming to Bandung, the food I've been craving for are siomay and batagor. For batagor I'm already familiar with the legendary taste of Batagor Kingsley. But when it comes to siomay, I think travelers would love to treat their bellies in Saung Siomay. The title says it all, the texture is soft, and the sauce just hits the spot.
Sae, salian ti wisata wahana, abdi oge resep wisata kuliner. Ti saprak abdi di bandung, kuliner nu dipiliarian pisan nyaeta siomay sareng batagor. Mung batagor mah, abdi tos akrab sareng batagor kingsley nu rasana kasohor. Pikeun somay, rasana moal salah upami traveler nyobian di saung siomay ieu. Sapertos judulna. Tekstur na alus, bungbuna oge pas pisan.
The orders come out quickly, the servers are kind and of course the food is delicious. The price is just about right considering the taste.
Panyajian cekap enggal, palayanan sae tur pastina masakan raos. Kanggo pangaos relatif saluyu sareng rasa masakanna.
I'm about to explode at Indosat, it has been two days and their signal is still horrible
Hoyong ngambek ka indosat, tos dua dinten sinyal kieu pisan
Indosat should just go bankrupt, even in my place the signal can sometimes go off and on and off and on, even though I'm in the region of Semarang
Ges bangkrut we indosat mah, di tempat kuring oge sinyal sok aya leungit aya leungit, sanaos daerah kota semarang
Buying PLN prepaid credits through Mandiri Mobile becomes inefficient because I have to call 14000 to get the token / not automatic
Transaksi ngagaleuh pulsa PLN pra mayar liwat mandiri mobile jadi teu efisien kusabab kudu nelepon 14000 kanggo aya teu ayana tokenna / henteu otomatis.
Meetings aren't always held in a closed room, this resto can also be a fun meeting place. Don't forget to order the fried rice with jerky and the Teh Tarik
Teu kudu di ruang tertutup kanggo ngarempel, ngarempel di resto ieu oge asik. Tong hilap mesen sangu goreng dendeng sareng teh tarik.
Samsung Galaxy S has been released last night. I was disappointed with the boring design. Only 70% of my dream came true. No use dreaming about it all the time
Samsung galaxy s geus diluncurkeun peuting. Abdi kuciwa desainna standar pisan. Harepan abdi ngan kawujud 70%. Percuma kabawa nika mimpi.
Shame that the restaurant was dirty. Saw a tiny cockroach near the clean vegetable plates used to serve food. And there was another small cockroach on the seats. Hope they can improve the cleanliness of this place.
Hanas restoranna kotor. Tingali kecoa leutik di deukeut piring-piring sayur beresih nu dianggo pikeun nyayogikeun tuangeun. Sareng aya kecoa leutik oge di tempat calikna. Ngahareupkeun kaberesihan tempat dibenerkeun.
Yes, the cost is 120 thousand. I've also checked it on Tokopedia.
Leres pangaosna 120 rebu. Abdi oge tos cek tokopedia.
Glad that we could end our trip in Bandung with a visit to The Valley on November 2nd. That day we were holding a farewell party for our friend who was gonna move to a new office. The menu had a lot to choose from, but I immediately went for the ribs. For me, the taste was well worth the price. Top notch.
Pikaresepeun pikeun tiasa mereskeun perjalanan urang di Bandung kalayan nganjang terakhir di The Valley kaping 2 Nopember. Poe eta mangrupikeun acara pikeun ngarayakeun perpisahan rerencangan anu bade ngalih kakantor anyar. Menuna variatif pisan tapi ribs kersa janten pilihan kuring. Numutkeun kuring, hargina sabanding sareng raos tuangeunna. Hade.
The Fungka Permata V motor vessel went up in flames, killing at least 13 people.
Kapal km fungka permata v kahuruan, sahenteuna 13 urang ngantunkeun
The cease-and-desist order issued by Rohayani, a tobacco addict, against PT Gudang Garam Tbk. and PT Djarum recently brought up other issues.
Somasi nu dilayangkeun rohayani, salah sahiji pacandu roko, ka pt gudang garam, tbk sareng pt djarum kiwari ngamunculkeun isu anu sanesna.
Instead of getting money using BCA credit card, I lose big time.
Nganggo kartu keredit bca teu untung malihan rugi ageung
This restaurant is not just a place to eat, but also a tourist attraction. The location is very cold, the place is good, cozy, and has an eye-catching scenery. The available menu also varies and tastes good. No need to wait long for the food. The price is also relatively affordable. Great place to take pictures, too.
Restoran ieu lain tempat tuang biasa hungkul, mung oge tiasa dijadikeun tempat wisata. Lokasina tiis pisan, tempatna oge sae, merenah, sareng pamandanganna nu eye catching. Menu nu disayogikeun oge rupi-rupi ku rasana nu raos. Teu kudu ngantosan lami dina nyayogikeun tuangeunana. Pangaosna ge cekap kahontal. Kanggo tempat berpoto oge sae.
The location is easily accessible, the restaurant layout is average, the menu is quite varied and the food is delicious, the price is affordable
Lokasi gampil dijangkau, penataan restoran biasa, menu tuangeun cekap rupi-rupi sareng rasa tuangeunna raos, pangaos kahontal
Well we just can't win. When there's traffic people whine, and when there's none they ponder
Nya serba salah heeuh, macet ngeluh, teu macet heran.
Thie diner is located on Abdurahman Saleh Street, it's pretty comfortable and clean, lots of options for the dishes. Tastes pretty good and worth the price.
Rumah makan ieu perenahna di jalan abdurahman saleh, tempatna merenah sareng beresih, menu tuangeunna seueur pilihanna. Rasana cekap raos sareng pangaosna oge cocog ka rasa masakanna.
I sometimes think about how it feels to be a woman in a gym. Lots of guys and middle-aged men are staring. Must be very uncomfortable
Kadang mikir kumaha nya rasana jadi awewe di gym. Loba aa-aa jeung mamang-mamang nu nempokeun. Pasti risi jeung teu merenah.
We went to eat at that resto, inviting my brother's family. They all absolutely loved the food quality here. We ordered salted egg fried shrimp and the taste was better than a resto in a five-star hotel. Highly recommended
Arurang datang tuang ka restoran eta, ngajakan kulawargi raka kuring. Aranjeunna sadayana resep pisan kualitas masakan di dieu. Arurang mesen udang goreng endog asin tur rasana raos pisan sareng nebihan kualitas resto di hotel bintang lima. Disarankeun pisan.
Hasil terjemahan di sheet translation sudah benar, namun di sini tidak lengkap
Palayanan solaria meuni henteu memuaskan hampir di sakabeh cabang nu aya di Jakarta. teu disarankeun pisan.
My friend applies for a position in Tokopedia
Baturan kuring ngalamar padamelan di Tokopedia
Not just family business. But also keeping the country's interests without clashing with global interests.
Sanes ngan saukur bisnis kulawarga. Namung ngajagi kapentingan nagara sareng masarakat tanpa ngabenturkeun kana kapentingan global.
Located in the hills, which makes the air and views really comfortable. Aside from that, the Nusantara cuisine menu has a lot of variety, there're also steaks and pastas.
Perenah di daerah perbukitan kumargi udara sareng pamandanganna merenah pisan, sanes ti eta aya rupi-rupi pilihan menu tuangeun nusantara, steak sareng pasta oge aya.
Great, thanks for the detailed and clear answer.
Enya, hatur nuhun kanggo jawaban nu lengkep kitu sareng jelas nya
The fried chicken was good, and so was the fried eggplant. A shame that the fried jengkol was all out because I'd like to try some. Oh yeah, the kefongfong juice was also fresh
Hayam gorengna ngeunah, terong gorengna oge. Hanyakal kuring hoyong nyobian jengkol gorengna tos seep. Oh enya jus kefonfongna seger oge.
Monday mornings are never friendly, from my messy jilbab, heavy traffic, the ungodly crowded Transjakarta to Senayan, clocking in work way past 8, not attending morning prayers
Senen enjing tangtu teu ramah wae, mimiti ti nganggo jilbab berantakan, jalanan macet, transjakarta arah snayan rame na astaghfirullah, absen telat liwat tabuh 8, teu ngiringan doa enjing-enjing.
Jealousy doesn't feel good at all. Jealousy eats away at your heart. Jealousy is pain, if not expressed
Timburu teh rasana teu genah. Timburu teh ngadahar hate. Timburu teh nyeri, lamun teu diungkapkeun
What makes Holycow better than the other steak restos is their amazing wagyu dishes. My favorite has to be the wagyu sirloin steak coupled with mushroom sauce. It's so good. The thick meat goes along perfectly with boiled corn kernels, spinach, and mash potatoes. Absolutely delicious.
Kaunggulan holy cow dibandingkeun resto steak nu sanes nyaeta wagyu na mantap. Karesep abdi nyaeta wagyu sirloin steak nu diasaan ku mushroom sauce. Rasana mantap. Dagingna kandel sareng tiasa diasaan jeung butiran jagong rebus, sayur bayem, sareng kentang. Raos sareng mantep.
Hello Ditha, we are here to infom you that we have received your payment in our account. However, your ordering process is unsuccessful.
Hai ditha, abdi sadayana informasikeun yen pamayaran salira atos leubeut ka akun rekening abdi sadayana namung pesenan teu berhasil.
But if you want to look for it tomorrow, it will be on the shelf near the Wardah creams, across the shelves with the Citra lotions, sister.
Upami enjing bade milarian, aya dina rak caket krim wardah sebrang-sebrangan jeung rak losion citra, neng.
A resto with the concept of bungalows located within a residential complex. The dishes served vary from Sundanese, Western, etc. the air is pretty cold at night or when it's raining so it's advisable to bring a jacket. Stones are used to walk fromo bungalow to bungalow so sometimes ithey get slippery when it's raining.
Resto ku konsep saung2 nu aya di lebet komplek parumahan. Tuangeun nu disayogikeun rupi-rupi ti sunda, tuangeun barat, jst.. udara cekap tiis mung wengi atawa pas hujan jadi disarankeun nyandak jaket. Jalan antar saung nganggo batu-batu ku kituna kadang-kadang leueur mung hujan
The place is so cozy, the food tastes great, and the coffee is amazing. Perfect place for hanging out with friends or dinner
Tempatna raos pisan, tuangeun ngeunah, kopina sami. Sampurna pikeun nongkrong sareng rerencangan atanapi tuang weungi.
If my quota isn't back by tomorrow, I'm gonna be so mad at Indosat
Upami kuota kuring enjing henteu balik deui, abdi hoyong ambek ka Indosat
The place's comfy, and the food's great. If you wanna chat around for a long while, this is the place. There're lots of lesehan spots, and they're so cozy when coupled with the breezy air
Tempatna nyaman, tuangeunna cekap raos. Kanggo nu bade ngarobrol lami-lami cocog pisan aya seeur tempat lesehan nu rengse pisan ditambihan udara nu sejuk.
The food is quite good. The location is ideal, near the mall's escalators. Overall, absolutely amazing
Rasa tuangeunana ceukap raos. Lokasina ceukap strategis cakeut eskalator turun sareung naek mal. Sacara kaseluruhan sae mantap.
Hello, yes, you can pay your water bills through Bukalapak
Hai, ya, mangga anjeun tiasa nyobian ngalakukeun pamayaran pdam di bukalapak.
Enka Olshop, trusted, items are all good.
Enkaolshop, dipercaya, barangna aralus
Originally, this meatballl resto was located in Karapitan Street as far as I know, now it's true that it's spread across several places in Bandung. The food served does not only consist of meatballs, but there are other side dishes in addition. For the flavour, it's nothing too special, For the price, considering the size and price of meatballs in Bandung, it's quite on the expensive side. Plus, the service is a bit lacking in Ciwalk.
Aslina ieu basa aya di jalan karapitan sauninga abdi, ayeuna memenag tos kasebar di sababaraha tempat di bandung. Tuangeunna oge teu bakso hungkul, mung aya sababaraha tuangeun tambahan nu sanes. Perkawis rasa oge henteu kitu spesial. Pikeun hargi ku ukuran hargi bakso di bandung rada awis. Ditambih palayananna nu kirang sae di ciwalk.
You should still be able to receive a cashback of 5 million by subscribing to the 500k Iplan package for 24 months,. You can also get 0% instalment using BCA, BNI, Mandiri, or CIMB Niaga credit card
Kedahna keneh berhak nampi cashback 5 juta ku cara ngalanggan paket iplan 500k salami 24 bulan kang. Sareng tiasa oge angsuran 0% nganggo cc BCA, BNI, Mandiri, CIMB Niaga.
I don't regret eating at Solaria. The place's clean and perfect for family meals. The food also comes out quickly after ordering
Teu nyesel oge tuang di solaria tempatna beresih tur cocog kanggo kulawargi oge. Tuangeun enggal kaluar saatos dipesen.
Just kick them out of the police already. Rather than giving the corp a bad name.
Kaluarkeun tina kaanggotaan polisi wae. Tibatan ngaruksak ngaran baik korp.
I regret getting in that store. I ended up buying things I'll never use. It was really an impulsive buy from my part.
Nyesel tadi ka toko eta. Kalakah meuli hal-hal nu moal kapake. Ngan kusabab lapar panon jadi meuli:
Ate on the roadside, unappetising food, bad service, too expensive
Tuang di sisi jalan, tuangeunna teu raos, palayananna henteu sae, pangaosna awis.
To request for a collaboration/sponsorship, Ms. Elsa can contact: the Corporate Secretary of Mandiri Bank, Ltd.
Pikeun ngajukeun kerjasama / sponsorship ibu elsa tiasa ngahubungi: Pt. Bank mandiri persero tbk corporate secretary.
Please produce more Indomie Goreng Sate. Been looking for it everywhere but still nothing. The taste is so good and different from sate flavours from other brands.
Produksi deui atuh indomi goreng satena. Dipilarian tos teu aya. Rasana ngeunah beda jeung rasa sate merek nu sejen
Early in the morning and Telkomsel's signal makes me wanna go mad.
Isuk-isuk hoyong ambek ku sinyal telkomsel
Queue takes so long, food takes so long, too, and the taste is just average with a ridiculous price.
Antrianna lami, tuangeunna oge lami sareng rasa tuangeunna biasa wae sareng awis
My God XL is so horrible now. Time to switch providers. High prices, low quality
Parah pisan xl ayeuna mah sigana, kedah ngarobih kana panyadia sanes ngan ukur awis we kualitas na goreng
The night Mutiara Timur train from Surabaya - Banyuwangi. It's executive but the seat is really gross and dirty. Not worth the luxurious price, absolutely disappointing
Kareta Mutiara Timur wengi, sby - banyuwangi eksekutif tapi korsina jorok sareng kotor pisan. Teu saluyu sareng hargi anu awis pisan, nguciwakeun pisan
I chose this eatery in Saung with a ricefield view and ordered the complete Nasi Timbel, Surabi Oncom, and Colenak. The order was served without waiting too long. Only disappointed with the Serabi. Below my expectations. Not delicious.
Kuring milih tempat kadaharan di saung nu pamandanganna sawah mesen nasi timbel komplit, surabi oncom jeung colenak sareng henteu kedah ngantosan lami. Ngan eta kuring kuciwa ku surabina. Di luar ekspektasi kuring. Henteu raos.
Pos Indonesia's services are so pathetic nowadays.
Payah pisan palayanan pos indonesia ayeuna ieu
My Indihome got some problems again. I was working when all of a sudden the connection was cut, my modem blinked red, the wifi had only been fine for a week, and then it got issues again. You've got a lot of problems lately huh, Indihome Telkom? Bill's always high, but still disappoints.
Ieu indihome urang gangguan deui yeuh. Kuring keur di gawe ujug-ujug pegat, beureum kedap-kedip, karek saminggu wifina alus, geus gangguan deui. Indihome telkom ayeuna loba gangguanna nyak, mayarna awis wae, kuciwa pisan.
In my opinion, this Bebekk Garang has plenty of duck menu variants available. I like the combination between the duck and the Sambal, the flavour is just right. The price ranges from 20-30 thousand and I believe it to be a reasonable price for the food here.
Numutkeun abdi bebek garang ieu gaduh varian menu bebek nu cekap seueur. Abdi resep paduan antara bebek sareng sambelna, rasana pas. Kanggo hargi kisaran 20 - 30 rebu sareng numut abdi mah cekap sapadan sareng rasa ti tuangeun di dieu.
Perfect for meetings, weddings, and photoshoots. The atmosphere is calming, soothing, and cool
Cocog kanggo ngarempel, acara kawinan, pamotretan. Suasana kalem, salse, tiis.
Every time I come here, I just wanna stay here for a long time and not go home. The service is hospitable and the place feels just like home.
Unggal kali ka dieu abdi hoyong lami-lami sareng teu hoyong enggal uih. Palayanan nu ramah sareng tempat nu merenah.
This restaurant offered many highly modified Balinese cuisine that felt like they were more tailored towards the customers, most of which weren't native Balinese people. The three pictures we attached are of the food we ordered.
Restoran ieu nyayogikeun pasakan Bali anu pinuh ku modifikasi janten sigana diluyukeun sareng letah konsumen anu sanes urang Bali. Tilu poto anu kuring lampirkeun nyaeta kadaharan anu dipesen arurang.
Where most steakhouses would take quite a long time to serve the food, here the steak came out rather quickly, in my opinion and it was perfect, both for my palate and my wallet. One time I was waiting for my friend for 2 hours here, but I didn't feel that long because the food made me lose track of time. Hehe
Lamun di loba tempat steak meryogikeun waktu lami samemeh disayagikeun, di tempat ieu saur abdi condong jadi gancang tur cocog sareng letah jeung dompet kuring. Kuring kungsi ngadagoan babaturan nepi ka 2 jam di dieu, tapi teu karaos sabab dahareunna nyieun kuring poho waktu. Hehe
If you wanna buy some meds, just go to Kimia Farma at the end of that street.
Upami bade meser obat indit we ka kimia farma nu aya di tungtung jalan eta
Elementary graders' math lessons are now really difficult
Palajaran matematika budak sd ayeuna hararese
This restaurant's always packed because of its ideal location near the mall's entrance. The porridge tastes nice. The ordering and serving process are also pretty fast.
Restoran di dieu pinuh wae kusabab letakna nu strategis dina panto lebet mal. Rasa bubur cekap raos. Proses panyajian ti mesen nepi disayogikeun oge cekap enggal.
I can't help it, I was feeling blue so I made that kind of story
Atosan abdi nuju galau kak ku sabab kitu ngadameul story nu sapertos kitu