2 values
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Analysis and Application of Carbon Isotopic Composition of Natural Gases in the Western Sichuan Basin
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Analysis and Application of Carbon Isotopic Composition of Natural Gases in the Western Sichuan Basin
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Study on Emergency Rehabilitation System in China
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Study on Emergency Rehabilitation System in China
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On the modern enterprise managers' trust responsibility——China experience, rethink and proposal
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On the modern enterprise managers' trust responsibility——China experience, rethink and proposal
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Thoughts of Several Theoretical Problems of Democratic Parties' Supervision
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Thoughts of Several Theoretical Problems of Democratic Parties' Supervision
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Designing and Realization of Digital Virtual Frequency Controlling System
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Designing and Realization of Digital Virtual Frequency Controlling System
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Response of seed germination and seedling growth of five grasses to drought stress and evaluation of their drought resistance
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Response of seed germination and seedling growth of five grasses to drought stress and evaluation of their drought resistance
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A Study on the Religious Culture Existence of the Descendants of Khitan ——Yunnan and the Status Quo of the Nabo Culture
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A Study on the Religious Culture Existence of the Descendants of Khitan ——Yunnan and the Status Quo of the Nabo Culture
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Platform Design for Drilling Construction of Pier 5 in Sutong Bridge
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Platform Design for Drilling Construction of Pier 5 in Sutong Bridge
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Nano-metal Fuel
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Nano-metal Fuel
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Preparation and Property Analysis of Wood/Ceramic Composites
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Preparation and Property Analysis of Wood/Ceramic Composites
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Progress in pH-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents. pH-responsive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents are able to not only increase the sensitivity of disease detection by specifically enhancing the MRI of pathologic tissues, but also assist disease diagnosis by measuring altered pH in diseased tissues. In this paper, the mechanism, classification, structures, applications and progress of pH-responsive contrast agents were reviewed.
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Progress in pH-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents. pH-responsive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents are able to not only increase the sensitivity of disease detection by specifically enhancing the MRI of pathologic tissues, but also assist disease diagnosis by measuring altered pH in diseased tissues. In this paper, the mechanism, classification, structures, applications and progress of pH-responsive contrast agents were reviewed.
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On the Modification of Labor Contract
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On the Modification of Labor Contract
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Study on long hole pre-splitting blasting mining technology in steeply inclined thin ore body
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Study on long hole pre-splitting blasting mining technology in steeply inclined thin ore body
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Study Situation and Development of the Surface Treatment of PTFE
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Study Situation and Development of the Surface Treatment of PTFE
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The depressant effects and mechanism of intravesical instillation of paclitaxel in rats with bladder cancer
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The depressant effects and mechanism of intravesical instillation of paclitaxel in rats with bladder cancer
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辣椒青熟期紫黑色果皮的主基因+多基因混合遗传分析。[目的]果皮颜色是辣椒的重要农艺性状之一.旨在探究青熟期紫色辣椒果色遗传规律,为辣椒新品种选育和紫色辣椒呈色机制提供理论依据.[方法]研究以C152(青熟期紫黑色果皮)为母本、A37(青熟期绿色果皮)为父本,构建P1、P2、F1、F2 4个世代遗传群体.细化青熟期果皮颜色分类,调查统计发育正常、达到商品成熟度的对椒果皮颜色.对所得数据进行正态分布检验,并联合分析4个世代获得遗传模型,计算各遗传模型的MLV值和有关成分分布参数,将MLV值转换为AIC值,选取遗传模型中AIC值最小的5个模型作为备选模型,对备选模型进行适合性检验,并获得统计量,选取显著统计量最少的备选模型作为最佳遗传模型,计算最佳遗传模型的一阶遗传参数,并由群体方差和有关成分分布方差估计出最佳遗传模型的二阶遗传参数.[结果]统计结果显示,F1代为浅紫黑色,介于母本的紫黑色和父本的绿色之间,且更偏向于母本.F2群体中颜色过渡丰富,性状变异呈连续状态.正态性检验结果表明,所得数据的中位数与众数为4,平均值为4.097,变异系数为49.38%,果色性状的峰度为-1.117,偏度为-0.321,两者绝对值在1.96之间,符合正态分布.一阶遗传参数中主基因加性效应值为2.542 8、显性效应值为0.535 2,主基因的显性度为0.220 1.二阶遗传参数结果表明,群体表型的总方差为0.562 6,主基因遗传方差为3.529 9,多基因的遗传方差与遗传力均为0.群体的主基因遗传率为86.25%.[结论]辣椒青熟期果皮颜色紫黑色对绿色为不完全显性,紫黑色果皮受到一对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因控制,主基因的加性效应与显性效应皆为正向,且加性效应强于显性效应.紫黑色果皮表现出极高的遗传力,性状决定受遗传因素较大.
A mixed genetic analysis of major gene plus polygene for purplish-black pericarp at mature-green stage in pepper. [Objective]Pericarp skin color is one of the important agronomic traits of chili peppers.In order to investigate the genetic pattern of peel color and provide a theoretical basis for the selection and breeding of new varieties of purple peppers at the green stage of ripening,a study was conducted to determine the mechanism of color expression in purple peppers.[Method]C152(purplish-black pericarp at green ripening stage)was used as the female parent and A37(green pericarp at green ripening stage)was used as the male parent in this study.Genetic populations were constructed for four generations,P1,P2,F1,and F2.A more precise classification was conducted for peppers at the green ripening stage,the peel color was investigated and counted for those peppers that developed normally and reached commercial maturity.Normal distribution was tested for the obtained data,different genetic models were obtained by joint analysis among the four different generations,Maximum Likelihood Value(MLV)of the respective genetic models and parameters of the distribution of the components of interest were computed,MLV were converted into Akaike's information criterion(AIC)values.The five models with the smallest AIC values in the genetic model were selected as the alternative models.The fitness test of the alternative models was conducted and the statistics were obtained.The alternative model with the least significant statistics was selected as the optimal genetic model.The first-order genetic parameters of the optimal genetic model were calculated,and the second-order genetic parameters of the optimal genetic model were estimated from the population variance and the distribution variance of the relevant components.[Result]The findings showed that the F1 generation was light purple black,which is between the purple black of the female parent and the green of the male parent,and it was more biased towards the female parent.Color transitions were abundant in the F2 population and the trait variation was continuous.The results of normality test showed that the median and the multitude of the obtained data were 4,the mean was 4.097,the coefficient of variation was 49.38%,the kurtosis of the fruit color trait was-1.117,the skewness was-0.321,and the absolute values of the two were in the range of 1.96,which was in line with the normal distribution.In the first order genetic parameters,the additive effect value of the main gene was 2.542 8,dominant effect value was 0.535 2 and dominance degree of the main gene was 0.220 1.The results of the second order genetic parameters showed that the total variance of the population phenotypes was 0.5626,the genetic variance of the main genes was 3.529 9,and the genetic variance of the polygenes and the heritability were 0.The heritability of the main genes in the population was 86.25%.[Conclusion]Purplish-black is incompletely dominant to green in green-ripe peppers;purplish-black pericarp is controlled by a pair of additive-dominant primary genes plus additive-dominant-superior polygenes,and the additive and dominant effects of the primary genes are both positive,and the additive effect is stronger than the dominant effect.Purplish-black pericarp shows a extremely high level of heritability,and the trait decision was influenced by genetic factors.
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A mixed genetic analysis of major gene plus polygene for purplish-black pericarp at mature-green stage in pepper. [Objective]Pericarp skin color is one of the important agronomic traits of chili peppers.In order to investigate the genetic pattern of peel color and provide a theoretical basis for the selection and breeding of new varieties of purple peppers at the green stage of ripening,a study was conducted to determine the mechanism of color expression in purple peppers.[Method]C152(purplish-black pericarp at green ripening stage)was used as the female parent and A37(green pericarp at green ripening stage)was used as the male parent in this study.Genetic populations were constructed for four generations,P1,P2,F1,and F2.A more precise classification was conducted for peppers at the green ripening stage,the peel color was investigated and counted for those peppers that developed normally and reached commercial maturity.Normal distribution was tested for the obtained data,different genetic models were obtained by joint analysis among the four different generations,Maximum Likelihood Value(MLV)of the respective genetic models and parameters of the distribution of the components of interest were computed,MLV were converted into Akaike's information criterion(AIC)values.The five models with the smallest AIC values in the genetic model were selected as the alternative models.The fitness test of the alternative models was conducted and the statistics were obtained.The alternative model with the least significant statistics was selected as the optimal genetic model.The first-order genetic parameters of the optimal genetic model were calculated,and the second-order genetic parameters of the optimal genetic model were estimated from the population variance and the distribution variance of the relevant components.[Result]The findings showed that the F1 generation was light purple black,which is between the purple black of the female parent and the green of the male parent,and it was more biased towards the female parent.Color transitions were abundant in the F2 population and the trait variation was continuous.The results of normality test showed that the median and the multitude of the obtained data were 4,the mean was 4.097,the coefficient of variation was 49.38%,the kurtosis of the fruit color trait was-1.117,the skewness was-0.321,and the absolute values of the two were in the range of 1.96,which was in line with the normal distribution.In the first order genetic parameters,the additive effect value of the main gene was 2.542 8,dominant effect value was 0.535 2 and dominance degree of the main gene was 0.220 1.The results of the second order genetic parameters showed that the total variance of the population phenotypes was 0.5626,the genetic variance of the main genes was 3.529 9,and the genetic variance of the polygenes and the heritability were 0.The heritability of the main genes in the population was 86.25%.[Conclusion]Purplish-black is incompletely dominant to green in green-ripe peppers;purplish-black pericarp is controlled by a pair of additive-dominant primary genes plus additive-dominant-superior polygenes,and the additive and dominant effects of the primary genes are both positive,and the additive effect is stronger than the dominant effect.Purplish-black pericarp shows a extremely high level of heritability,and the trait decision was influenced by genetic factors.
辣椒青熟期紫黑色果皮的主基因+多基因混合遗传分析。[目的]果皮颜色是辣椒的重要农艺性状之一.旨在探究青熟期紫色辣椒果色遗传规律,为辣椒新品种选育和紫色辣椒呈色机制提供理论依据.[方法]研究以C152(青熟期紫黑色果皮)为母本、A37(青熟期绿色果皮)为父本,构建P1、P2、F1、F2 4个世代遗传群体.细化青熟期果皮颜色分类,调查统计发育正常、达到商品成熟度的对椒果皮颜色.对所得数据进行正态分布检验,并联合分析4个世代获得遗传模型,计算各遗传模型的MLV值和有关成分分布参数,将MLV值转换为AIC值,选取遗传模型中AIC值最小的5个模型作为备选模型,对备选模型进行适合性检验,并获得统计量,选取显著统计量最少的备选模型作为最佳遗传模型,计算最佳遗传模型的一阶遗传参数,并由群体方差和有关成分分布方差估计出最佳遗传模型的二阶遗传参数.[结果]统计结果显示,F1代为浅紫黑色,介于母本的紫黑色和父本的绿色之间,且更偏向于母本.F2群体中颜色过渡丰富,性状变异呈连续状态.正态性检验结果表明,所得数据的中位数与众数为4,平均值为4.097,变异系数为49.38%,果色性状的峰度为-1.117,偏度为-0.321,两者绝对值在1.96之间,符合正态分布.一阶遗传参数中主基因加性效应值为2.542 8、显性效应值为0.535 2,主基因的显性度为0.220 1.二阶遗传参数结果表明,群体表型的总方差为0.562 6,主基因遗传方差为3.529 9,多基因的遗传方差与遗传力均为0.群体的主基因遗传率为86.25%.[结论]辣椒青熟期果皮颜色紫黑色对绿色为不完全显性,紫黑色果皮受到一对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因控制,主基因的加性效应与显性效应皆为正向,且加性效应强于显性效应.紫黑色果皮表现出极高的遗传力,性状决定受遗传因素较大.
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Natural Rutile-Involved Photocatalytic Process Assisted by Microorganism
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Natural Rutile-Involved Photocatalytic Process Assisted by Microorganism
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Effects of lappaconitine on stress response to surgical invasion
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Effects of lappaconitine on stress response to surgical invasion
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Study of water film property of grooved PVC dust collecting plate used in WESP
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Study of water film property of grooved PVC dust collecting plate used in WESP
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Effect of different pruning treatments on the growth and fruiting of LIUJIN Red Apple young plants
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Effect of different pruning treatments on the growth and fruiting of LIUJIN Red Apple young plants
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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy combined with endoscopic sphincterotomy in treating cholecystolithiasis and choledocholithiasis
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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy combined with endoscopic sphincterotomy in treating cholecystolithiasis and choledocholithiasis
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Recent advances in uranium adsorption by biomass based composite
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Recent advances in uranium adsorption by biomass based composite
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基于CFD仿真的平板非线性气动力系统特征研究?。为研究平板气动力系统的非线性特征,基于非定常雷诺时均 Navier-Stokes (RANS)方程和SST k-ω湍流模型,数值模拟了在单位位移激励下平板非定常运动的绕流场,获得了作用在平板上的气动力时程,并基于 Volterra 理论开展了平板非线性气动力系统识别。研究表明,本文建立的平板非线性气动力模型能对一定频率带宽和一定幅值范围的激励产生合理的响应;在本文研究的强迫运动位移幅值和频率范围内,平板非线性气动力模型响应没有表现出对振动幅值和频率的明显相关性,且其气动力的非线性效应并不明显,因而可以认为小攻角下的平板绕流属于气动力弱非线性系统。本文研究证明了CFD模拟在桥梁主梁气动力系统识别上的明显优势。
Investigation on Characteristics of Nonlinear Aerodynamic System of Thin Plate Based on CFD Simulations. In order to investigate the characteristics of nonlinear aerodynamic system of a thin plate, flow field around the thin plate under forced unit impulse excitation was simulated by the unsteady Reyn-olds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)equations and SST k-ωturbulent model,and time histories of aerody-namic force were obtained.The nonlinear aerodynamic system of the thin plate was then identified based on the Volterra theory.The investigation indicates that the present aerodynamic model can provide reason-able output under the excitation within the defined ranges of frequency band and amplitude.Moreover,un-der the present range of forced frequency and amplitude,no clear dependence of model response on the fre-quency and amplitude is observed.It is also found that the aerodynamic nonlinearity of the thin plate is not significant,and the flow around the thin plate can be considered as an aerodynamic system with weak non-linearity.This study confirms that the CFD method is of remarkable advantage for the identification of aer-odynamic system of bridge girders.
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Investigation on Characteristics of Nonlinear Aerodynamic System of Thin Plate Based on CFD Simulations. In order to investigate the characteristics of nonlinear aerodynamic system of a thin plate, flow field around the thin plate under forced unit impulse excitation was simulated by the unsteady Reyn-olds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)equations and SST k-ωturbulent model,and time histories of aerody-namic force were obtained.The nonlinear aerodynamic system of the thin plate was then identified based on the Volterra theory.The investigation indicates that the present aerodynamic model can provide reason-able output under the excitation within the defined ranges of frequency band and amplitude.Moreover,un-der the present range of forced frequency and amplitude,no clear dependence of model response on the fre-quency and amplitude is observed.It is also found that the aerodynamic nonlinearity of the thin plate is not significant,and the flow around the thin plate can be considered as an aerodynamic system with weak non-linearity.This study confirms that the CFD method is of remarkable advantage for the identification of aer-odynamic system of bridge girders.
基于CFD仿真的平板非线性气动力系统特征研究?。为研究平板气动力系统的非线性特征,基于非定常雷诺时均 Navier-Stokes (RANS)方程和SST k-ω湍流模型,数值模拟了在单位位移激励下平板非定常运动的绕流场,获得了作用在平板上的气动力时程,并基于 Volterra 理论开展了平板非线性气动力系统识别。研究表明,本文建立的平板非线性气动力模型能对一定频率带宽和一定幅值范围的激励产生合理的响应;在本文研究的强迫运动位移幅值和频率范围内,平板非线性气动力模型响应没有表现出对振动幅值和频率的明显相关性,且其气动力的非线性效应并不明显,因而可以认为小攻角下的平板绕流属于气动力弱非线性系统。本文研究证明了CFD模拟在桥梁主梁气动力系统识别上的明显优势。
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A Good Example of Modem Social Systematic Program Construction
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A Good Example of Modem Social Systematic Program Construction
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Research on Innovation Mechanism of Ideological and Political Education for Adolescents in the New Media Era. The advent of the new media era featured by Internet media has accelerated the spread of information on the Internet, and owing to the low-age trend of Internet population which makes teenagers a group most affected by new media network.In such a historical context, it not only creates a good platform and channel for the development and popularization of ideological and political education, but also faces many challenges therefore generated.Although the new media era has a series of problems, such as low level of integration, insufficient amount of attention given to the media literacy, obsolescence in the thinking mode and etc.After all, the origin mainly comes from three aspects: family, school and society.To this end, it should take family as the principal place, collaborate power and stress on guidance;focus on school education, and strengthen the education by various means;pay attention to the social environment, join the efforts of many parties to create an atmosphere in developing and improving the innovation mechanism of ideological and political education for adolescents.
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Research on Innovation Mechanism of Ideological and Political Education for Adolescents in the New Media Era. The advent of the new media era featured by Internet media has accelerated the spread of information on the Internet, and owing to the low-age trend of Internet population which makes teenagers a group most affected by new media network.In such a historical context, it not only creates a good platform and channel for the development and popularization of ideological and political education, but also faces many challenges therefore generated.Although the new media era has a series of problems, such as low level of integration, insufficient amount of attention given to the media literacy, obsolescence in the thinking mode and etc.After all, the origin mainly comes from three aspects: family, school and society.To this end, it should take family as the principal place, collaborate power and stress on guidance;focus on school education, and strengthen the education by various means;pay attention to the social environment, join the efforts of many parties to create an atmosphere in developing and improving the innovation mechanism of ideological and political education for adolescents.
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Rural Education and Poverty Reduction in Western China:Empirical Analysis based on the Survey Data of 14 Poor Villages in Gansu Province
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Rural Education and Poverty Reduction in Western China:Empirical Analysis based on the Survey Data of 14 Poor Villages in Gansu Province
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Research progress on self-concept clarity management of new nurses
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Research progress on self-concept clarity management of new nurses
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Uncertainty Measurement of Cetermination of Acesulfame K,Sodium Saccharin and Caffeine in Drinks by HPLC
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Uncertainty Measurement of Cetermination of Acesulfame K,Sodium Saccharin and Caffeine in Drinks by HPLC
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On Normal University Students'Cognition and Response of New Teacher Qual ification Pol icy. Teacher qual ification is a fundamental standard for appl icants to acquire teacher l icense, an important basis of teacher education and teachers'professional development.New teacher qual ification pol icy is an inevitable product of education development in a new stage and a significant mechanism to advance professional ization of teacher education, ensure qual ity of teacher education and promote teachers' professional development.Investigation demonstrates that normal university students in non-pi lot area are not optimistic about new teacher qual ification pol icy. They show significant negative emotions and psychological resistance.On the orientation of new teacher qual ification pol icy, university administrators should improve education governance and bui ld a platform that communicates teacher qual ification system to teacher education system; teacher educators should research the development trend of teacher education and optimize the teacher education process; preservice teacher should rebui ld professional confidence and enhance their core professional competence.
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On Normal University Students'Cognition and Response of New Teacher Qual ification Pol icy. Teacher qual ification is a fundamental standard for appl icants to acquire teacher l icense, an important basis of teacher education and teachers'professional development.New teacher qual ification pol icy is an inevitable product of education development in a new stage and a significant mechanism to advance professional ization of teacher education, ensure qual ity of teacher education and promote teachers' professional development.Investigation demonstrates that normal university students in non-pi lot area are not optimistic about new teacher qual ification pol icy. They show significant negative emotions and psychological resistance.On the orientation of new teacher qual ification pol icy, university administrators should improve education governance and bui ld a platform that communicates teacher qual ification system to teacher education system; teacher educators should research the development trend of teacher education and optimize the teacher education process; preservice teacher should rebui ld professional confidence and enhance their core professional competence.
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Study on the Synthesis of Bromocyclohexane
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Study on the Synthesis of Bromocyclohexane
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Application of Butadienestyene Rubber to Improve Low Temperature Crack Resistance of Bitumen.
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Application of Butadienestyene Rubber to Improve Low Temperature Crack Resistance of Bitumen.
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用LC-MS/MS法同时测定栀子中3种环烯醚萜苷类成分的含量。目的建立同时测定栀子中3种环烯醚萜苷类成分含量的方法.方法采用液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)法.色谱条件:Dikma Diamonsil?C18柱(100mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相为0.1%乙酸水(A)-0.1%乙酸乙腈(B),梯度洗脱;流速为0.4ml/min;柱温40℃;进样量2μl.质谱条件:电喷雾离子化电离源(ESI),正/负离子检测,雾化气流量3L/min,干燥气流量15L/min,脱溶剂管温度240℃,加热块温度400℃,碰撞气压力230kPa,以多反应监测模式(MRM)配对离子方式进行定量,山栀苷、京尼平龙胆双糖苷、栀子苷选择的离子对质荷比分别为m/z 391.10→149.30,m/z 573.40→365.05,m/z447.30→225.15.结果回归方程为:山栀苷Y=243.810 X-289.957,r=0.999 9;京尼平龙胆双糖苷Y=137.125 X+2 092.76,r=0.999 6;栀子苷Y=2 030.32 X+823 213,r=0.999 8;线性范围分别为10.76~2 152ng/ml、516~4 128ng/ml、2 000~20 000ng/ml.精密度、稳定性、重复性和加样回收率试验结果均符合要求.结论此方法可快速、准确、灵敏地测定栀子中3种环烯醚萜苷类成分的含量,为栀子的质量控制提供依据.
A sensitive LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous assay of three iridiods in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. Objective To develop a simple, rapid and sensitive method for the determination of major compounds from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).Methods The analysis was performed on Dikma Diamonsil?C18 (100mm×4.6mm, 5μm) column with acetonitrile-0.1%acetic acid and 0.1%acetic acidwater as mobile phase at a rate of 0.4ml/min.The column temperature was set at 40℃and the injection volume was 2μl.Quantification of these compounds was performed by LC-MS/MS with positive or negative ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode.Nebulizer gas, 3L/h;drying gas, 15L/h;desolvation line (DL) temperature, 240℃;heat block temperature, 300℃;CID, 230kPa.The mass transition of the precursor/product ions was monitored at m/z 391.10→149.30for shanzhiside, 573.40→365.05for genipin-1-gentiobioside, 447.30→225.15for geniposide.Results The regress equation of shanzhiside, genipin-1-gentiobioside and geniposide were Y=243.810 X-289.957, r=0.999 9;Y=137.125 X+2 092.76, r=0.999 6;Y=2 030.32 X+823 213, r=0.999 8in the range of 10.76-215.2ng/ml;516-4 128ng/ml;2 000-20 000ng/ml respectively.This validated method has good repeatability, precision, recovery and stability.The results meet the requirements by regulation.Conclusion This method shortened the analysis time and improved efficiency.It assayed the three iridoid glycosides in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis sensitively and precisely.This method can be used for the quality control of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis.
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A sensitive LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous assay of three iridiods in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. Objective To develop a simple, rapid and sensitive method for the determination of major compounds from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).Methods The analysis was performed on Dikma Diamonsil?C18 (100mm×4.6mm, 5μm) column with acetonitrile-0.1%acetic acid and 0.1%acetic acidwater as mobile phase at a rate of 0.4ml/min.The column temperature was set at 40℃and the injection volume was 2μl.Quantification of these compounds was performed by LC-MS/MS with positive or negative ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode.Nebulizer gas, 3L/h;drying gas, 15L/h;desolvation line (DL) temperature, 240℃;heat block temperature, 300℃;CID, 230kPa.The mass transition of the precursor/product ions was monitored at m/z 391.10→149.30for shanzhiside, 573.40→365.05for genipin-1-gentiobioside, 447.30→225.15for geniposide.Results The regress equation of shanzhiside, genipin-1-gentiobioside and geniposide were Y=243.810 X-289.957, r=0.999 9;Y=137.125 X+2 092.76, r=0.999 6;Y=2 030.32 X+823 213, r=0.999 8in the range of 10.76-215.2ng/ml;516-4 128ng/ml;2 000-20 000ng/ml respectively.This validated method has good repeatability, precision, recovery and stability.The results meet the requirements by regulation.Conclusion This method shortened the analysis time and improved efficiency.It assayed the three iridoid glycosides in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis sensitively and precisely.This method can be used for the quality control of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis.
用LC-MS/MS法同时测定栀子中3种环烯醚萜苷类成分的含量。目的建立同时测定栀子中3种环烯醚萜苷类成分含量的方法.方法采用液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)法.色谱条件:Dikma Diamonsil?C18柱(100mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相为0.1%乙酸水(A)-0.1%乙酸乙腈(B),梯度洗脱;流速为0.4ml/min;柱温40℃;进样量2μl.质谱条件:电喷雾离子化电离源(ESI),正/负离子检测,雾化气流量3L/min,干燥气流量15L/min,脱溶剂管温度240℃,加热块温度400℃,碰撞气压力230kPa,以多反应监测模式(MRM)配对离子方式进行定量,山栀苷、京尼平龙胆双糖苷、栀子苷选择的离子对质荷比分别为m/z 391.10→149.30,m/z 573.40→365.05,m/z447.30→225.15.结果回归方程为:山栀苷Y=243.810 X-289.957,r=0.999 9;京尼平龙胆双糖苷Y=137.125 X+2 092.76,r=0.999 6;栀子苷Y=2 030.32 X+823 213,r=0.999 8;线性范围分别为10.76~2 152ng/ml、516~4 128ng/ml、2 000~20 000ng/ml.精密度、稳定性、重复性和加样回收率试验结果均符合要求.结论此方法可快速、准确、灵敏地测定栀子中3种环烯醚萜苷类成分的含量,为栀子的质量控制提供依据.
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Discussion on pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 from the perspective of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors
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Discussion on pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 from the perspective of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors
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创造新世纪的绿色文化 ──写在千禧年之际。在人类迎来新世纪之际,我们面临着环境的恶化、大自然的危机、人间性的丧失、文化氛围淡漠的时代挑战;又迎来了绿色文化的新展开,都市文明的行踪、新世纪生活环境未来像的新浪潮;同时我们也需要面对未来!迎接未来!展望未来!
Create " Green" Culture in the New Century. While the world is celebrating the new century, we are actually facing the severe situation of environmental deterioration,natural disaster,and cultural degradation.But new we are also welcoming the new trend of " geeen" culture,city civilization,new living environment.And certainly we will also face the future,welcome the future and look into the future!
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Create " Green" Culture in the New Century. While the world is celebrating the new century, we are actually facing the severe situation of environmental deterioration,natural disaster,and cultural degradation.But new we are also welcoming the new trend of " geeen" culture,city civilization,new living environment.And certainly we will also face the future,welcome the future and look into the future!
创造新世纪的绿色文化 ──写在千禧年之际。在人类迎来新世纪之际,我们面临着环境的恶化、大自然的危机、人间性的丧失、文化氛围淡漠的时代挑战;又迎来了绿色文化的新展开,都市文明的行踪、新世纪生活环境未来像的新浪潮;同时我们也需要面对未来!迎接未来!展望未来!
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Herbal cake-partitioned moxibustion combined with Rhinocort spray is superior to Rhinocort spray alone in improving symptoms of moderate-severe allergic rhinitis patients
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Herbal cake-partitioned moxibustion combined with Rhinocort spray is superior to Rhinocort spray alone in improving symptoms of moderate-severe allergic rhinitis patients
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Microwave Semiconductor Power Devices and Their Applications
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Microwave Semiconductor Power Devices and Their Applications
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糙皮侧耳几丁质酶基因PoChi1的克隆及表达分析。利用反转录 PCR(reverse transcription PCR,RT-PCR)克隆糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)几丁质酶基因 PoChi1,将其克隆至原核表达载体,得重组质粒 pEASY-PoChi1,转化至大肠杆菌 Escherichia coli BL21(DE3);通过半定量 RT-PCR 分析该基因在糙皮侧耳不同发育阶段的表达。糙皮侧耳几丁质酶基因 PoChi1序列长度为1188 bp,编码395个氨基酸,N 端24个氨基酸为信号肽。经 IPTG 诱导后 SDS-PAGE检测,该基因编码产物的相对分子量约为29 kDa。PoChi1在糙皮侧耳成熟子实体期的表达量最高。
Cloning and Expression of a Pleurotus ostreatus chitinase gene,PoChi 1,in Escherichia coli. Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR)was used to clone a chitinase gene,PoChi1,from Pleurotus ostreatus,and the recombinant plasmid,pEASY-POCHI1,was constructed and transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3).PoChi1 was 1188 bp in length,encoding 395 amino acid residues,and contained a 24 amino acid signal peptide at the N-terminal. Recombinant protein induced with IPTG had a relative molecular mass of approximately 29 kDa on SDS-PAGE.PoChi1expression levels at different developmental stages were determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and shown to be highest at the mature fruit body stage.
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Cloning and Expression of a Pleurotus ostreatus chitinase gene,PoChi 1,in Escherichia coli. Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR)was used to clone a chitinase gene,PoChi1,from Pleurotus ostreatus,and the recombinant plasmid,pEASY-POCHI1,was constructed and transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3).PoChi1 was 1188 bp in length,encoding 395 amino acid residues,and contained a 24 amino acid signal peptide at the N-terminal. Recombinant protein induced with IPTG had a relative molecular mass of approximately 29 kDa on SDS-PAGE.PoChi1expression levels at different developmental stages were determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and shown to be highest at the mature fruit body stage.
糙皮侧耳几丁质酶基因PoChi1的克隆及表达分析。利用反转录 PCR(reverse transcription PCR,RT-PCR)克隆糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)几丁质酶基因 PoChi1,将其克隆至原核表达载体,得重组质粒 pEASY-PoChi1,转化至大肠杆菌 Escherichia coli BL21(DE3);通过半定量 RT-PCR 分析该基因在糙皮侧耳不同发育阶段的表达。糙皮侧耳几丁质酶基因 PoChi1序列长度为1188 bp,编码395个氨基酸,N 端24个氨基酸为信号肽。经 IPTG 诱导后 SDS-PAGE检测,该基因编码产物的相对分子量约为29 kDa。PoChi1在糙皮侧耳成熟子实体期的表达量最高。
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The effect of shape of high grade steel pipeline sample on tensile test result
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The effect of shape of high grade steel pipeline sample on tensile test result
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Discussion and Analysis on the Application Principle of Medical Ethics in Wartime Medical Treatment
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Discussion and Analysis on the Application Principle of Medical Ethics in Wartime Medical Treatment
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Development of the Benchmarking System for Exemplary Railway Enterprises——Taking China Railway Design Corporation as an Example
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Development of the Benchmarking System for Exemplary Railway Enterprises——Taking China Railway Design Corporation as an Example
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Modernism and "Postmodernism" at Turning-point of Centuries
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Modernism and "Postmodernism" at Turning-point of Centuries
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The variation characteristic and its causes of Precipitation in autumn over Yunnan
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The variation characteristic and its causes of Precipitation in autumn over Yunnan
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Change of the hippocampal tissue of rat induced by PQQ administered into the rat lateral intracerbroventricle
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Change of the hippocampal tissue of rat induced by PQQ administered into the rat lateral intracerbroventricle
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An Instantaneous Control Methed for Reactive Power Compensation
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An Instantaneous Control Methed for Reactive Power Compensation
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Wireless network technology based on ZigBee and its applications
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Wireless network technology based on ZigBee and its applications
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Research on Selection of Critical Magnetization Current for Measuring Charge-Mass Ratio of Electron by Magnetron Controlling
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Research on Selection of Critical Magnetization Current for Measuring Charge-Mass Ratio of Electron by Magnetron Controlling
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Contribute to the Wellbeing of Allor"Be Concerned Only for Oneself"?:On the Economic Consequences of Corporate Donation under Major Public Emergencies
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Contribute to the Wellbeing of Allor"Be Concerned Only for Oneself"?:On the Economic Consequences of Corporate Donation under Major Public Emergencies
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A Risk Analysis of Chinese Banking Industry Introducing Strategic Investors
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A Risk Analysis of Chinese Banking Industry Introducing Strategic Investors