2 values
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抑郁症患者神经内分泌节律变化的对照研究。目的 探讨抑郁症患者下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴、下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺(HPT)轴的功能和节律变化与临床症状晨重夕轻之间的关系.方法 采用放射免疫法对49例符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)重性抑郁发作患者及38例对照组,对早7:00、晚7:00血浆皮质醇(CORT)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、三碘甲状腺原胺酸(T3)、四碘甲状腺原胺酸(T4)、甲状腺刺激素(TSH)水平进行测定,采用多因素方差分析比较2组各项指标的变化、并与临床症状之间的关系进行分析.结果 病例组早晨血浆CORT、早晨、晚间TSH水平[分别为(365.94±120.78)nmol/L,(6.24±2.47)μIU/ml,(6.68±2.42)±IU/ml]较对照组[(284.91±83.39)nmol/L,(3.82±1.75)±IU/ml,(4.01±1.69)μIU/ml]明显增高,差异有显著性(P<0.05);病例组早晨、晚间血浆T4水平较对照组显著降低(P<0.05);血浆皮质醇水平的早晚变化在病例组与对照组之间差异有显著性(P<0.001);病例组血浆CORT、T3、T4、TSH水平的早晚变化在单相和双相抑郁障碍、伴有和不伴有精神病性症状的临床亚型之间均差异无显著性(均P>0.05).结论 抑郁症患者血浆皮质醇水平存在早晚异常变化,可能是抑郁症的一项特异的生物学标志.
Controlled study on the diurnal variation of neuroendocrine rhythm in depressed patients. Objective To study the function and diurnal variation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid(HPT) axis,and the relationship with clinical characteristics of di-urnal rhythm in depressed patients. Methods Forty-nine depressed patients met diagnostic DSM-Ⅳ criteria and thirty-eight normal controls were collected. The plasma levels of cortisol (CORT), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), T3, T4, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) at 7 am and 7 pm were measured by radioimmunoassay, then the results concemed were compared among the depressed groups with and without diurnal variation and control group by multivariate analysis of variance. Results The plasma level of morning CORT, morning and evening TSH ((365.94±120.78) nmol/L; (6.24±2.47)μIU/ml; (6.68±2.42)μIU/ml; respectively) were respective-ly higher than those of control group((284.91±83.39) nmol/L; (3.82±1.75)μIU/ml;(4.01±1.69)μIU/ ml, P<0.05). The plasma levels of morning and evening T4 were significantly lower than those of control group(P <0.05). The CORT morning-evening difference variable distinguished between depressed and control group (P< 0.001),but no significant differences could be found between the depressed groups with and without diurnal varia-tion. There were no significant differences in the CORT, T3, T4, TSH morning-evening difference variable between various clinical subtypes of depressed patient (unipolar/bipolar; psychotic/nonpsychotic). Conclusion Abnormal CORT morning-evening difference variable was observed in the depressed patients compared with normal controls,and may be used as a special trait mark of depressed group.
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Controlled study on the diurnal variation of neuroendocrine rhythm in depressed patients. Objective To study the function and diurnal variation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid(HPT) axis,and the relationship with clinical characteristics of di-urnal rhythm in depressed patients. Methods Forty-nine depressed patients met diagnostic DSM-Ⅳ criteria and thirty-eight normal controls were collected. The plasma levels of cortisol (CORT), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), T3, T4, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) at 7 am and 7 pm were measured by radioimmunoassay, then the results concemed were compared among the depressed groups with and without diurnal variation and control group by multivariate analysis of variance. Results The plasma level of morning CORT, morning and evening TSH ((365.94±120.78) nmol/L; (6.24±2.47)μIU/ml; (6.68±2.42)μIU/ml; respectively) were respective-ly higher than those of control group((284.91±83.39) nmol/L; (3.82±1.75)μIU/ml;(4.01±1.69)μIU/ ml, P<0.05). The plasma levels of morning and evening T4 were significantly lower than those of control group(P <0.05). The CORT morning-evening difference variable distinguished between depressed and control group (P< 0.001),but no significant differences could be found between the depressed groups with and without diurnal varia-tion. There were no significant differences in the CORT, T3, T4, TSH morning-evening difference variable between various clinical subtypes of depressed patient (unipolar/bipolar; psychotic/nonpsychotic). Conclusion Abnormal CORT morning-evening difference variable was observed in the depressed patients compared with normal controls,and may be used as a special trait mark of depressed group.
抑郁症患者神经内分泌节律变化的对照研究。目的 探讨抑郁症患者下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴、下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺(HPT)轴的功能和节律变化与临床症状晨重夕轻之间的关系.方法 采用放射免疫法对49例符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)重性抑郁发作患者及38例对照组,对早7:00、晚7:00血浆皮质醇(CORT)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、三碘甲状腺原胺酸(T3)、四碘甲状腺原胺酸(T4)、甲状腺刺激素(TSH)水平进行测定,采用多因素方差分析比较2组各项指标的变化、并与临床症状之间的关系进行分析.结果 病例组早晨血浆CORT、早晨、晚间TSH水平[分别为(365.94±120.78)nmol/L,(6.24±2.47)μIU/ml,(6.68±2.42)±IU/ml]较对照组[(284.91±83.39)nmol/L,(3.82±1.75)±IU/ml,(4.01±1.69)μIU/ml]明显增高,差异有显著性(P<0.05);病例组早晨、晚间血浆T4水平较对照组显著降低(P<0.05);血浆皮质醇水平的早晚变化在病例组与对照组之间差异有显著性(P<0.001);病例组血浆CORT、T3、T4、TSH水平的早晚变化在单相和双相抑郁障碍、伴有和不伴有精神病性症状的临床亚型之间均差异无显著性(均P>0.05).结论 抑郁症患者血浆皮质醇水平存在早晚异常变化,可能是抑郁症的一项特异的生物学标志.
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Progress of Research and Application of Alkyl Polyglucoside Drilling Fluid
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Progress of Research and Application of Alkyl Polyglucoside Drilling Fluid
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Study on the Construction Safety Assessment of Highway Tunnels Based on the Improved LEC Method
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Study on the Construction Safety Assessment of Highway Tunnels Based on the Improved LEC Method
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Legal Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Domestic Violence. As a special infringement behavior, domestic violence has never been clearly defined in China's legisla-tion, even in Anti-Domestic Violence Law (Draft) published in August 2015 where the connotation and denotation of domestic violence behavior are still defined equivocally, the same as that used in Marriage Law. A clear definition for domestic violence behavior is urgent in judicial practice. The definition shall be in the style of generalization and enu-meration. The specific definition shall take into consideration the subjective intent, the object of behavior and the damage fact, inclusive of the four main types:physical violence, mental violence, sexual violence and economic con-trol, so as to fully guarantee the comprehensiveness, accuracy and operability of the legal norms.
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Legal Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Domestic Violence. As a special infringement behavior, domestic violence has never been clearly defined in China's legisla-tion, even in Anti-Domestic Violence Law (Draft) published in August 2015 where the connotation and denotation of domestic violence behavior are still defined equivocally, the same as that used in Marriage Law. A clear definition for domestic violence behavior is urgent in judicial practice. The definition shall be in the style of generalization and enu-meration. The specific definition shall take into consideration the subjective intent, the object of behavior and the damage fact, inclusive of the four main types:physical violence, mental violence, sexual violence and economic con-trol, so as to fully guarantee the comprehensiveness, accuracy and operability of the legal norms.
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Purity and Simplicity:An Essay on He Yanhua's Novels. He Yanhua's novels come from a kind of"original conscience".She takes the life of the"new countryside"as the setting,presenting delicately the hopes and disappointments,happiness and sadness,forbearance and struggle of rural women in their daily life.In accordance to fresh prose and short narrative,He Yanhua's novels have an aesthetic style of returning to the purity and simplicity based on the flat gaze in the geographical space,the psychological exploration in the narrative method,and the epoch symptoms in the thematic expression.
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Purity and Simplicity:An Essay on He Yanhua's Novels. He Yanhua's novels come from a kind of"original conscience".She takes the life of the"new countryside"as the setting,presenting delicately the hopes and disappointments,happiness and sadness,forbearance and struggle of rural women in their daily life.In accordance to fresh prose and short narrative,He Yanhua's novels have an aesthetic style of returning to the purity and simplicity based on the flat gaze in the geographical space,the psychological exploration in the narrative method,and the epoch symptoms in the thematic expression.
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A Commentary Survey of Xiao Gang's Study of 30 Years
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A Commentary Survey of Xiao Gang's Study of 30 Years
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Development and walking experiments for biped robot with flexible driven units
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Development and walking experiments for biped robot with flexible driven units
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The Analysis Report of the Rural Residents'Financial Capacity in the Poor Area of South Greater Khingan Range
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The Analysis Report of the Rural Residents'Financial Capacity in the Poor Area of South Greater Khingan Range
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Clinical Study on Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Associated Nephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
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Clinical Study on Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Associated Nephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
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Diversity of Elfin Forest Species in Wudalianchi and the Relationship between Diversity and Soil Factors
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Diversity of Elfin Forest Species in Wudalianchi and the Relationship between Diversity and Soil Factors
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果蔬汁中有机磷农药残留能力验证结果与分析。为了监测实验室有机磷农药残留检测能力,参加全国范围内能力验证.该实验根据GB 23200.116-2019国家标准,并对其方法进行简单优化.对于单一阳性样品,取两次平行检测的平均值,添加已知浓度的标准品,并计算回收率,减少基质效应对结果的影响.结果表明:有机磷农药残留能力验证结果满意,且实验室满足检测要求,确保了检测结果的可靠性;优化后,实验操作简单,可用于实验室日常快速检测有机磷类农药.
Validation Results and Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Fruit and Vegetable Juice. To monitor laboratory organophosphorus pesticide residue detection capability,participate in nationwide capability verification.The experiment is based on GB 23200.116-2019 national standard,and its method is sim-ply optimized.For a single positive sample,the average of two parallel tests was taken,the standard substance of known concentration was added,and the recovery rate was calculated to reduce the influence of matrix effect on the results.The results showed that the verification results of organophosphorus pesticide residue capability were satis-factory,and the laboratory met the detection requirements,which ensured the reliability of the detection re-sults.After optimization,the experimental operation is simple,and it can be used for daily rapid detection of organ-ophosphorus pesticides in the laboratory.
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Validation Results and Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Fruit and Vegetable Juice. To monitor laboratory organophosphorus pesticide residue detection capability,participate in nationwide capability verification.The experiment is based on GB 23200.116-2019 national standard,and its method is sim-ply optimized.For a single positive sample,the average of two parallel tests was taken,the standard substance of known concentration was added,and the recovery rate was calculated to reduce the influence of matrix effect on the results.The results showed that the verification results of organophosphorus pesticide residue capability were satis-factory,and the laboratory met the detection requirements,which ensured the reliability of the detection re-sults.After optimization,the experimental operation is simple,and it can be used for daily rapid detection of organ-ophosphorus pesticides in the laboratory.
果蔬汁中有机磷农药残留能力验证结果与分析。为了监测实验室有机磷农药残留检测能力,参加全国范围内能力验证.该实验根据GB 23200.116-2019国家标准,并对其方法进行简单优化.对于单一阳性样品,取两次平行检测的平均值,添加已知浓度的标准品,并计算回收率,减少基质效应对结果的影响.结果表明:有机磷农药残留能力验证结果满意,且实验室满足检测要求,确保了检测结果的可靠性;优化后,实验操作简单,可用于实验室日常快速检测有机磷类农药.
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Effects of Soy Hydrolyzed Peptides Supplementation on Histological and Ultrastructural Damages of Skeletal Muscle after a Bout of Eccentric Exercise in Rats
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Effects of Soy Hydrolyzed Peptides Supplementation on Histological and Ultrastructural Damages of Skeletal Muscle after a Bout of Eccentric Exercise in Rats
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The Study of Aggregation Properties of Sodium Alkyl-Benzyl Homogeneous Polyoxyethylenated Propane Sulfonate by Steady-State Fluorescence
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The Study of Aggregation Properties of Sodium Alkyl-Benzyl Homogeneous Polyoxyethylenated Propane Sulfonate by Steady-State Fluorescence
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Risk Assessment Methodology for Key Nodes on Airport Surface. In order to assess the risk level of airport surface conflict hotspots,a key node risk assessment method is proposed.Firstly,the key nodes of the airport surface are extracted to construct a network mod-el.From both time and space perspectives,the risk assessment indexes are selected,and the assessment model of key nodes on airport surface is constructed to explore the influence of time and space factors on the conflict hotspots of the airport field surface,and the conflict hotspot areas are divided into risk levels to find out the key conflict hotspots.Taking Shenzhen Baoan Airport as an example,the risk assessment of key nodes of the airport is conducted based on AirTop simulation data,and the results show that the risk level classification of the airport surface considering the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics can identify the hotspot areas more efficiently and accurately,and provide a reference for airport surface operation safety.
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Risk Assessment Methodology for Key Nodes on Airport Surface. In order to assess the risk level of airport surface conflict hotspots,a key node risk assessment method is proposed.Firstly,the key nodes of the airport surface are extracted to construct a network mod-el.From both time and space perspectives,the risk assessment indexes are selected,and the assessment model of key nodes on airport surface is constructed to explore the influence of time and space factors on the conflict hotspots of the airport field surface,and the conflict hotspot areas are divided into risk levels to find out the key conflict hotspots.Taking Shenzhen Baoan Airport as an example,the risk assessment of key nodes of the airport is conducted based on AirTop simulation data,and the results show that the risk level classification of the airport surface considering the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics can identify the hotspot areas more efficiently and accurately,and provide a reference for airport surface operation safety.
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Parameter optimization for Spark jobs based on runtime data analysis
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Parameter optimization for Spark jobs based on runtime data analysis
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On the Reasonable Limits of Judicial Review Interfering in Academic Freedom
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On the Reasonable Limits of Judicial Review Interfering in Academic Freedom
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A Study on the Optimum Technological Parameters of Garlic chips Freeze-Dried in Vacuum
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A Study on the Optimum Technological Parameters of Garlic chips Freeze-Dried in Vacuum
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Study on Seed Treatment and Sowing Time for Seedling Propagation of Acer truncatum in Kunming Area
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Study on Seed Treatment and Sowing Time for Seedling Propagation of Acer truncatum in Kunming Area
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Relationship between Dosage Regimen of Digoxin and Its Blood Concentration
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Relationship between Dosage Regimen of Digoxin and Its Blood Concentration
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Review of the Research on Louis Althusser's Epistemology
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Review of the Research on Louis Althusser's Epistemology
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Meta-analysis of Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules Combined with Platinum-based Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
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Meta-analysis of Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules Combined with Platinum-based Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
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Induction Motor Low-Speed Electric Brake Control
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Induction Motor Low-Speed Electric Brake Control
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The Examination of Socialist Political Civilizatin
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The Examination of Socialist Political Civilizatin
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Properties of PISOX Resin Toughened by Polyurethane and Its Composite Material
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Properties of PISOX Resin Toughened by Polyurethane and Its Composite Material
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Confucian Ethics and the Spirit of Modern Chinese Entrepreneurs
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Confucian Ethics and the Spirit of Modern Chinese Entrepreneurs
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Plight and Breakthrough of Screen Print Corporation under the Financial Crisis
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Plight and Breakthrough of Screen Print Corporation under the Financial Crisis
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Quantifying the spatial pattern for the importance of natural resource ecosystem services in China
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Quantifying the spatial pattern for the importance of natural resource ecosystem services in China
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The Direct Discontinuous Finite Element Method for a Type of Nonlinear Parabolic Equation
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The Direct Discontinuous Finite Element Method for a Type of Nonlinear Parabolic Equation
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Trade-off and synergy of ecosystem services of a karst critical zone based on land use scenario simulation:Take Mengzi karst graben basin as a study case
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Trade-off and synergy of ecosystem services of a karst critical zone based on land use scenario simulation:Take Mengzi karst graben basin as a study case
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亚硫酸盐协助中空Bi2 WO6微球的光催化性能
Photocatalytic performance of sulphite-assisted hollow Bi2 WO6 microspheres
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Photocatalytic performance of sulphite-assisted hollow Bi2 WO6 microspheres
亚硫酸盐协助中空Bi2 WO6微球的光催化性能
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Development of the new type locating bush for passenger car bogie journal box
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Development of the new type locating bush for passenger car bogie journal box
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Inverse theorem for modified Szász operators in weighted approximation
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Inverse theorem for modified Szász operators in weighted approximation
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自然崩落采矿法立爪装碴机出矿研究及应用。根据九顶山铜矿自然崩落法立爪装碴机出矿研究应用实践,介绍了自然崩落采矿方法回采时出矿设备现状并提出改进建议、出矿过程及各阶段的特点及有关技术指标统计,通过对2 540m水平东部 2 采区-401#试验采场生产实践,阐明了立爪装碴机出矿的优缺点及适用条件,论述自然崩落法出矿方式的选择依据,探讨了在特殊条件下出矿时应采取的特殊措施.
Research and Application of Natural Collapse Mining Method with Vertical Claw Loader for Ore Extraction. Based on the research and application practice of the natural collapse method of the Jiudingshan Copper Mine,this article introduces the current status of the mining equipment during the natural collapse mining method and proposes improvement sugges-tions,the characteristics of the mining process and each stage,and relevant technical indicators statistics.Through the production practice of the-401#experimental mining site of the second mining area in the east part of the 2 540 m level,the advantages,disad-vantages,and applicable conditions of the vertical claw slag loader for mining are explained,This article discusses the selection basis of natural caving mining method and explores the special measures that should be taken when mining under special conditions.
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Research and Application of Natural Collapse Mining Method with Vertical Claw Loader for Ore Extraction. Based on the research and application practice of the natural collapse method of the Jiudingshan Copper Mine,this article introduces the current status of the mining equipment during the natural collapse mining method and proposes improvement sugges-tions,the characteristics of the mining process and each stage,and relevant technical indicators statistics.Through the production practice of the-401#experimental mining site of the second mining area in the east part of the 2 540 m level,the advantages,disad-vantages,and applicable conditions of the vertical claw slag loader for mining are explained,This article discusses the selection basis of natural caving mining method and explores the special measures that should be taken when mining under special conditions.
自然崩落采矿法立爪装碴机出矿研究及应用。根据九顶山铜矿自然崩落法立爪装碴机出矿研究应用实践,介绍了自然崩落采矿方法回采时出矿设备现状并提出改进建议、出矿过程及各阶段的特点及有关技术指标统计,通过对2 540m水平东部 2 采区-401#试验采场生产实践,阐明了立爪装碴机出矿的优缺点及适用条件,论述自然崩落法出矿方式的选择依据,探讨了在特殊条件下出矿时应采取的特殊措施.
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Study and Practice on Supporting Technique in Coal Seam Roof
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Study and Practice on Supporting Technique in Coal Seam Roof
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The compaction and grinding equipment for hard ferrite
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The compaction and grinding equipment for hard ferrite
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To Analysis the Feasibility of Both Win of Information Security Industry and Insurance Industry
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To Analysis the Feasibility of Both Win of Information Security Industry and Insurance Industry
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CSAMT applied to detect roof watery of high depth seam
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CSAMT applied to detect roof watery of high depth seam
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Discussion on the Treatment Scheme for the Inclined Bearing of 2×64m Steel Truss Beam in Nanning-Kunming Railway
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Discussion on the Treatment Scheme for the Inclined Bearing of 2×64m Steel Truss Beam in Nanning-Kunming Railway
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Test of Gas Drainage from Gob Area by Surface Wells in Chengzhuang Coal Mine. No. 3 coal seam is the major excavating seam in Shanxi Jincheng Coal Mining Area and is extracted with large mining height and high strength, which often caused a large amount of methane emitted from the working face and led to the gas under difficult control. For this reason, the surface wells were drilled above the mining area of Chengzhuang Mine to drain the coal-bed methane from the mining influence area and gob area based on the mining stress relief action and the methane emission rule in the gob area. In addition, the position and structure of the test wells were optimized by using the step-by-step optimization design method. The test results showed that the methane drainage concentration from the gob area was more than 50%, this thus reduced the difficulty of methane control in the working face, the test effect was better.
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Test of Gas Drainage from Gob Area by Surface Wells in Chengzhuang Coal Mine. No. 3 coal seam is the major excavating seam in Shanxi Jincheng Coal Mining Area and is extracted with large mining height and high strength, which often caused a large amount of methane emitted from the working face and led to the gas under difficult control. For this reason, the surface wells were drilled above the mining area of Chengzhuang Mine to drain the coal-bed methane from the mining influence area and gob area based on the mining stress relief action and the methane emission rule in the gob area. In addition, the position and structure of the test wells were optimized by using the step-by-step optimization design method. The test results showed that the methane drainage concentration from the gob area was more than 50%, this thus reduced the difficulty of methane control in the working face, the test effect was better.
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浅埋综采工作面运输巷主动式超前支护研究。针对浅埋综采工作面运输巷采用单体支柱超前加强支护工作面推采速度与支护速度不协调、工人劳动强度和安全隐患大、难以实现超前区域少人化等问题,以榆家梁煤矿52305工作面为工程背景,采用现场实测、数值模拟和理论分析相结合的方法,实测了单体超前加强支护条件下的运输巷矿压显现规律,对比分析了单体加强支护和锚杆(索)主动式加强支护两种情况下的巷道围岩安全稳定性,并通过理论分析计算了运输巷支护参数,校验了现场支护的适应性及安全性.研究结果表明:52305工作面运输巷围岩属于较稳定型,现场单体超前加强支护条件下,锚杆(索)承载均在额定载荷的85%以内,两帮应力分布基本对称,围岩移近量和松动圈很小,围岩稳定性较好,现场超前支护段支护强度偏富余.采动支承压力影响段,单体支柱主要对顶板0.6 m范围内的局部岩层具有加强支撑作用,远小于锚杆和锚索支护作用范围和强度.取消单体支护后,运输巷围岩依然能够保持安全稳定.在榆家梁煤矿52305工作面运输巷超前加强支护段进行了取消单体支护工程试验,验证了研究结论的可靠性.
Active forepoling of transportation roadway in shallow buried fully-mechanized mining face. There are many problems of using the single hydraulic prop to strengthen support in transportation roadway of shallow fully-mechanized mining face,such as inconsistency between mining and supporting opera-tions,high labor intensity and hazard risks for workers,and difficulty in reducing the number of workers in ad-vance areas of mining face.Taking the 52305 working face of Yujialiang Coal Mine as the engineering back-ground,and using a combination of field measurement,numerical simulation and theoretical methods,the mining pressure in the transportation roadway with the reinforcement support of the single hydraulic prop in advance area was measured,and the stability of roadway in advance area under the reinforcement support conditions of single hydraulic prop and active reinforcement support with bolts(cables)are compared.Finally,theoretical calculations were conducted on the supporting parameters for the transportation roadway,and the adaptability and safety of on-site support were verified.The results show that the surrounding rock of the transportation roadway of the 52305 working face is categorized to be relatively stable and stable type.The bearing capacity of the anchor bolts(cables)is within 85%of the rated load,and the stress distribution on both sides is basically symmetrical under the reinforcement support condition of the single hydraulic prop.The convergence displacement and loosening zone of the surrounding rock are very small.The stability of the surrounding rock is good.In the section affected by the front abutment pressure,the single hydraulic prop mainly has a strengthening support effect on local rock layers within 0.6 m thick of the roof,which is much smaller than the strengthening zone of anchor and cable sup-port.Cancelling the single hydraulic props,the surrounding rock along the transportation roadway can still main-tain safety and stability.Field trial at the 52305 working face of Yujialiang Coal Mine verified the reliability of the research results.
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Active forepoling of transportation roadway in shallow buried fully-mechanized mining face. There are many problems of using the single hydraulic prop to strengthen support in transportation roadway of shallow fully-mechanized mining face,such as inconsistency between mining and supporting opera-tions,high labor intensity and hazard risks for workers,and difficulty in reducing the number of workers in ad-vance areas of mining face.Taking the 52305 working face of Yujialiang Coal Mine as the engineering back-ground,and using a combination of field measurement,numerical simulation and theoretical methods,the mining pressure in the transportation roadway with the reinforcement support of the single hydraulic prop in advance area was measured,and the stability of roadway in advance area under the reinforcement support conditions of single hydraulic prop and active reinforcement support with bolts(cables)are compared.Finally,theoretical calculations were conducted on the supporting parameters for the transportation roadway,and the adaptability and safety of on-site support were verified.The results show that the surrounding rock of the transportation roadway of the 52305 working face is categorized to be relatively stable and stable type.The bearing capacity of the anchor bolts(cables)is within 85%of the rated load,and the stress distribution on both sides is basically symmetrical under the reinforcement support condition of the single hydraulic prop.The convergence displacement and loosening zone of the surrounding rock are very small.The stability of the surrounding rock is good.In the section affected by the front abutment pressure,the single hydraulic prop mainly has a strengthening support effect on local rock layers within 0.6 m thick of the roof,which is much smaller than the strengthening zone of anchor and cable sup-port.Cancelling the single hydraulic props,the surrounding rock along the transportation roadway can still main-tain safety and stability.Field trial at the 52305 working face of Yujialiang Coal Mine verified the reliability of the research results.
浅埋综采工作面运输巷主动式超前支护研究。针对浅埋综采工作面运输巷采用单体支柱超前加强支护工作面推采速度与支护速度不协调、工人劳动强度和安全隐患大、难以实现超前区域少人化等问题,以榆家梁煤矿52305工作面为工程背景,采用现场实测、数值模拟和理论分析相结合的方法,实测了单体超前加强支护条件下的运输巷矿压显现规律,对比分析了单体加强支护和锚杆(索)主动式加强支护两种情况下的巷道围岩安全稳定性,并通过理论分析计算了运输巷支护参数,校验了现场支护的适应性及安全性.研究结果表明:52305工作面运输巷围岩属于较稳定型,现场单体超前加强支护条件下,锚杆(索)承载均在额定载荷的85%以内,两帮应力分布基本对称,围岩移近量和松动圈很小,围岩稳定性较好,现场超前支护段支护强度偏富余.采动支承压力影响段,单体支柱主要对顶板0.6 m范围内的局部岩层具有加强支撑作用,远小于锚杆和锚索支护作用范围和强度.取消单体支护后,运输巷围岩依然能够保持安全稳定.在榆家梁煤矿52305工作面运输巷超前加强支护段进行了取消单体支护工程试验,验证了研究结论的可靠性.
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Improved cubature Kalman filters with colored measurement noise
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Improved cubature Kalman filters with colored measurement noise
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Identity Differentiation and Value Conflicts of Digital Disguise on the Internet. Corresponding to the cosmetic medicine aimed at beautifying the natural body,the technology aims at beautifying the self-presentation of the virtual body is widely used in the form of online camouflage in the field of virtual social interaction,which is called digital disguise.As a product of modern communication technology innovation,the fusion of virtual and natural bodies in virtual social and real social as people's cyber practices has brought about the differentiation and conflict of self-body-based cognition,identity and values.The article studies people's contradictory cognition of digital disguise,takes the repre-sentation of the self in virtual social as the starting point.The differentiation of identity and value conflict based on digital disguise technology in virtual social interaction are inevitable in Cyborg's practice.Although traditional identity rules and values still dominating,the value of virtual social interaction is rising rapidly and posing serious challenges.
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Identity Differentiation and Value Conflicts of Digital Disguise on the Internet. Corresponding to the cosmetic medicine aimed at beautifying the natural body,the technology aims at beautifying the self-presentation of the virtual body is widely used in the form of online camouflage in the field of virtual social interaction,which is called digital disguise.As a product of modern communication technology innovation,the fusion of virtual and natural bodies in virtual social and real social as people's cyber practices has brought about the differentiation and conflict of self-body-based cognition,identity and values.The article studies people's contradictory cognition of digital disguise,takes the repre-sentation of the self in virtual social as the starting point.The differentiation of identity and value conflict based on digital disguise technology in virtual social interaction are inevitable in Cyborg's practice.Although traditional identity rules and values still dominating,the value of virtual social interaction is rising rapidly and posing serious challenges.
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Analysis on Cost Efficiency of Rural Labor Vocational Skill Training. At present, in China, the training for rural labor vocational skills has gained endorsement and attention from local governments and all members of the community. The data showed, however, that the effect of the project was not so obvious, and the passion taking part in th,e project was not as high as we expected at first. With the perspective of economic, using the theory of cost-effectiveness to analyze all aspects of the project training the rural labor vocational skills could discover deeper factors which would make a significant contribution to improve the project.
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Analysis on Cost Efficiency of Rural Labor Vocational Skill Training. At present, in China, the training for rural labor vocational skills has gained endorsement and attention from local governments and all members of the community. The data showed, however, that the effect of the project was not so obvious, and the passion taking part in th,e project was not as high as we expected at first. With the perspective of economic, using the theory of cost-effectiveness to analyze all aspects of the project training the rural labor vocational skills could discover deeper factors which would make a significant contribution to improve the project.
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Geological characteristics and genetic analysis of Mianxian Yujiaping lead-zinc polymetallic ore deposit in Shaanxi province
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Geological characteristics and genetic analysis of Mianxian Yujiaping lead-zinc polymetallic ore deposit in Shaanxi province
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Experimental study on seismic performance of vertical corrugated steel shear wall and composite wall with replaceable damper for contrast
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Experimental study on seismic performance of vertical corrugated steel shear wall and composite wall with replaceable damper for contrast
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Hidden Anxieties of College Entrance Examination Reform. Along with the readjustment of industrial structure, the role of vocational and technical education has become increasingly prominent. In order to adapt to the social and economic development, develop professional and technical personnel more effectively, our country has proposed to implement a two-track system in college entrance examination. One is academic examination; the other is skill-based examination, in order to achieve a reasonable drain of talent and training. However, due to the severe inequality of resources in academic institutions and application-oriented universities, the transition to match the type of secondary education has not yet completed. Under the influence of the traditional concept of stressing academics and overlooking vocational training, the two-track system of college entrance examination will enlarge the differences between the choices of social classes in a short time, push students' life choices ahead of time and solidified. On the whole, it would not help the underprivileged class to get accesses to quality education resources.
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Hidden Anxieties of College Entrance Examination Reform. Along with the readjustment of industrial structure, the role of vocational and technical education has become increasingly prominent. In order to adapt to the social and economic development, develop professional and technical personnel more effectively, our country has proposed to implement a two-track system in college entrance examination. One is academic examination; the other is skill-based examination, in order to achieve a reasonable drain of talent and training. However, due to the severe inequality of resources in academic institutions and application-oriented universities, the transition to match the type of secondary education has not yet completed. Under the influence of the traditional concept of stressing academics and overlooking vocational training, the two-track system of college entrance examination will enlarge the differences between the choices of social classes in a short time, push students' life choices ahead of time and solidified. On the whole, it would not help the underprivileged class to get accesses to quality education resources.
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Resuscitation with lipid emulsion on bupivacaine-induced cardiac arrest in the isolated rat heart
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Resuscitation with lipid emulsion on bupivacaine-induced cardiac arrest in the isolated rat heart