12 values
Higgins is a member of the <en>New Democrat Coalition</en>.
Higgins is a member of the <zh>新民主聯盟</zh>.
Higgins procured $279 million over 50 years for <en>Erie County</en>'s various governments and agencies from the <en>New York Power Authority</en> as part of the Niagara Power Project 50-year relicensing agreement.
Higgins procured $279 million over 50 years for <zh>伊利縣</zh>'s various governments and agencies from the <zh>紐約電力局</zh> as part of the Niagara Power Project 50-year relicensing agreement.
Higgins strongly advocates for increased federal funding for cancer research, as Buffalo is home to <en>Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center</en>, the nation's first major medical facility devoted exclusively to treating cancer, with cancer research as its main mission.
Higgins strongly advocates for increased federal funding for cancer research, as Buffalo is home to <zh>罗斯威尔公园癌症研究所</zh>, the nation's first major medical facility devoted exclusively to treating cancer, with cancer research as its main mission.
In 2006, Higgins and Representatives <en>James T. Walsh</en> and <en>Tim Murphy</en> met with several government leaders in <en>Ireland</en> and announced confirmation of the <en>Irish Republican Army</en> (IRA) weapons decommissioning.
In 2006, Higgins and Representatives <zh>詹姆斯·沃爾什</zh> and <zh>提莫西·F·墨菲</zh> met with several government leaders in <zh>爱尔兰岛</zh> and announced confirmation of the <zh>爱尔兰共和军</zh> (IRA) weapons decommissioning.
In December 2008, after only two terms in the House, Higgins secured a spot on the <en>United States House Committee on Ways and Means</en>, considered one of the most important and powerful committees in Congress due to its wide jurisdiction.
In December 2008, after only two terms in the House, Higgins secured a spot on the <zh>美国众议院筹款委员会</zh>, considered one of the most important and powerful committees in Congress due to its wide jurisdiction.
After the GOP takeover of the House following the 2010 elections, Higgins left the Ways and Means Committee (while maintaining a right to return) and became a member of the <en>United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs</en> and the <en>United States House Committee on Homeland Security</en>.
After the GOP takeover of the House following the 2010 elections, Higgins left the Ways and Means Committee (while maintaining a right to return) and became a member of the <zh>美國眾議院外交委員會</zh> and the <zh>國土安全委員會</zh>.
On a previous policy position from his website, Higgins said, "For too long, the <en>Social Security Administration</en> has underfunded and understaffed hearing offices in <en>Western New York</en> ... citizens who have contributed to the <en>Social Security</en> system throughout their lives should have proper customer service when their benefits come due."
On a previous policy position from his website, Higgins said, "For too long, the <zh>社會保障局</zh> has underfunded and understaffed hearing offices in <zh>西紐約州</zh> ... citizens who have contributed to the <zh>美国社会安全保险</zh> system throughout their lives should have proper customer service when their benefits come due."
" This was in response to Obama giving the task of cutting government spending to the <en>National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform</en> on October 15, 2010.
" This was in response to Obama giving the task of cutting government spending to the <zh>国家财政责任和改革委员会</zh> on October 15, 2010.
While serving in the <en>New York State Assembly</en> from 1999 to 2004, Higgins consistently voted <en>anti-abortion</en>.
While serving in the <zh>纽约州众议院</zh> from 1999 to 2004, Higgins consistently voted <zh>反堕胎运动</zh>.
Since running for Congress in 2004, Higgins identifies himself as <en>pro-choice</en>.
Since running for Congress in 2004, Higgins identifies himself as <zh>墮胎權</zh>.
The <en>American Public Health Association</en> gave Higgins a perfect rating of 100% in 2009.
The <zh>美国公共卫生协会</zh> gave Higgins a perfect rating of 100% in 2009.
The bill, the Nation Building Here at Home Act, based on research by the <en>New America Foundation</en>, would cost significantly more than Obama's $787 billion <en>stimulus package</en>.
The bill, the Nation Building Here at Home Act, based on research by the <zh>新美國</zh>, would cost significantly more than Obama's $787 billion <zh>奧巴馬救市方案</zh>.
The car debuted with a planned production total of 400 units and a factory <en>suggested retail price</en> of approximately <en>US$</en>400,000 (fivefold the price of its predecessor, the 288 GTO) in 1987 ($ today).
The car debuted with a planned production total of 400 units and a factory <zh>建議售價</zh> of approximately <zh>美元</zh>400,000 (fivefold the price of its predecessor, the 288 GTO) in 1987 ($ today).
However, when the <en>FIA</en> brought an end to the Group B category for the 1986 season, <en>Enzo Ferrari</en> was left with five 288 GTO Evoluzione development cars, and no series to enter them into competition.
However, when the <zh>国际汽车联合会</zh> brought an end to the Group B category for the 1986 season, <zh>恩佐·安塞尔莫·朱塞佩·玛丽亚·法拉利</zh> was left with five 288 GTO Evoluzione development cars, and no series to enter them into competition.
<en>V8 engine</en> generating a peak power output of at 7,000 rpm and of torque at 4,000 rpm as stated by the manufacturer.
<zh>V8发动机</zh> generating a peak power output of at 7,000 rpm and of torque at 4,000 rpm as stated by the manufacturer.
The F40 did without a <en>catalytic converter</en> until 1990, when <en>US</en> regulations made them a requirement for emissions control reasons.
The F40 did without a <zh>催化转换器</zh> until 1990, when <zh>美國</zh> regulations made them a requirement for emissions control reasons.
Cooling was important as the <en>forced induction</en> engine generated a great deal of heat.
Cooling was important as the <zh>增压器</zh> engine generated a great deal of heat.
Originally the presentation was due to happen at the Frankfurt motorshow according to Materazzi but FIAT needed to present the <en>Alfa Romeo 164</en> at that show and the two would have clashed.
Originally the presentation was due to happen at the Frankfurt motorshow according to Materazzi but FIAT needed to present the <zh>愛快羅密歐164</zh> at that show and the two would have clashed.
<en>Audi 90</en>s and beating a host of other factory backed spaceframe specials that dominated the races, the following race it had to retire after 18 laps.
<zh>奧迪80</zh>s and beating a host of other factory backed spaceframe specials that dominated the races, the following race it had to retire after 18 laps.
Although the F40 would not return to IMSA for the following season, it would later be a popular choice by privateers to compete in numerous domestic GT series including <en>JGTC</en>.
Although the F40 would not return to IMSA for the following season, it would later be a popular choice by privateers to compete in numerous domestic GT series including <zh>Super GT賽車</zh>.
In 1994, the car made its debut in international competitions, with one car campaigned in the <en>BPR Global GT Series</en> by Strandell, winning at the 4 Hours of Vallelunga.
In 1994, the car made its debut in international competitions, with one car campaigned in the <zh>BPR全球GT系列賽</zh> by Strandell, winning at the 4 Hours of Vallelunga.
No longer competitive against the newly entered <en>McLaren F1 GTR</en>, the Ferrari F40 returned for another year in 1996, managing to repeat the previous year's Anderstorp win, and from then on it was no longer seen in GT racing.
No longer competitive against the newly entered <zh>迈凯伦F1 GTR</zh>, the Ferrari F40 returned for another year in 1996, managing to repeat the previous year's Anderstorp win, and from then on it was no longer seen in GT racing.
The F40 Competizione is rated at at 8,100 rpm from its upgraded <en>twin-turbocharged</en> V8 engine.
The F40 Competizione is rated at at 8,100 rpm from its upgraded <zh>雙渦輪增壓</zh> V8 engine.
Test results by "<en>Car and Driver</en>":
Test results by "<zh>人車誌</zh>":
"<en>Car and Driver</en>" called the car a "mix of sheer terror and raw excitement".
"<zh>人車誌</zh>" called the car a "mix of sheer terror and raw excitement".
The river has served to transport Bauxite from the major mine at Kwakwani (currently owned by <en>Rusal</en>).
The river has served to transport Bauxite from the major mine at Kwakwani (currently owned by <zh>俄羅斯鋁業聯合公司</zh>).
Founded in the 1980s as the Rock Music Publishing (滾石有聲出版社) by Tuan Chung-tan and Tuan Chung-i, It is the largest record label in <en>Chinese-speaking world</en> and the second largest <en>independent record label</en> in <en>Asia</en>.
Founded in the 1980s as the Rock Music Publishing (滾石有聲出版社) by Tuan Chung-tan and Tuan Chung-i, It is the largest record label in <zh>漢語圈</zh> and the second largest <zh>獨立唱片廠牌</zh> in <zh>亞洲</zh>.
During the <en>American Civil War</en>, he served in the <en>Confederate States Army</en> as a lieutenant in the Fourteenth Regiment of North Carolina State Troops in 1861; was commissioned colonel of the Forty-seventh North Carolina Infantry April 8, 1862, and resigned January 5, 1863, upon being elected attorney general of the State of North Carolina.
During the <zh>南北戰爭</zh>, he served in the <zh>邦聯軍</zh> as a lieutenant in the Fourteenth Regiment of North Carolina State Troops in 1861; was commissioned colonel of the Forty-seventh North Carolina Infantry April 8, 1862, and resigned January 5, 1863, upon being elected attorney general of the State of North Carolina.
He claimed election as a <en>Democrat</en> in 1870 to the <en>42nd United States Congress</en>, (March 4, 1871 - March 3, 1873).
He claimed election as a <zh>民主党</zh> in 1870 to the <zh>第42屆聯邦國會</zh>, (March 4, 1871 - March 3, 1873).
Indanthrone blue, also called indanthrene, is an organic <en>dye</en> made from 2-<en>aminoanthraquinone</en> treated with <en>potassium hydroxide</en> in the presence of a <en>potassium</en> salt.
Indanthrone blue, also called indanthrene, is an organic <zh>染料</zh> made from 2-<zh>蒽醌</zh> treated with <zh>氢氧化钾</zh> in the presence of a <zh>鉀</zh> salt.
In 1993, the city's central plaza, "Piața Libertății" (Liberty Square), was renamed "Piața Unirii" (Unification Square), to call to mind the 1918 <en>Union of Transylvania with Romania</en>.
In 1993, the city's central plaza, "Piața Libertății" (Liberty Square), was renamed "Piața Unirii" (Unification Square), to call to mind the 1918 <zh>羅馬尼亞與特蘭西瓦尼亞合併</zh>.
Nexuiz is a free <en>first-person shooter</en> video game developed and published by <en>Alientrap</en>.
Nexuiz is a free <zh>第一人称射击游戏</zh> video game developed and published by <zh>外星人陷阱</zh>.
<en>QuakeC</en> developer, who identified organizational issues associated with a many user, one developer model.
<zh>雷神之锤C</zh> developer, who identified organizational issues associated with a many user, one developer model.
This version was released on <en>Xbox Live Arcade</en>, <en>PlayStation Network</en> and <en>Steam</en>.
This version was released on <zh>Xbox Live Arcade</zh>, <zh>玩站網絡</zh> and <zh>Steam</zh>.
Community changes to the Nexuiz project initiated two free <en>forks</en> called "<en>Xonotic</en>" as well as <en>Rexuiz</en>.
Community changes to the Nexuiz project initiated two free <zh>复刻</zh> called "<zh>Xonotic</zh>" as well as <en>Rexuiz</en>.
He holds a bachelor's degree in <en>economics</en> from <en>Louisiana State University</en>, a master's degree in public policy from <en>Georgetown University</en>, and a master's degree in theology from <en>Franciscan University of Steubenville</en>.
He holds a bachelor's degree in <zh>经济学</zh> from <zh>路易斯安那州立大學</zh>, a master's degree in public policy from <zh>喬治城大學</zh>, and a master's degree in theology from <zh>方濟各大學-斯托本維爾校區</zh>.
Fortenberry voted against the <en>Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act</en>, but said in 2010 that he supported "the right type of <en>[health care] reform</en>", incorporating measures to reduce costs, improve outcomes and protect vulnerable people.
Fortenberry voted against the <zh>患者保护与平价医疗法案</zh>, but said in 2010 that he supported "the right type of <zh>美國醫療改革</zh>", incorporating measures to reduce costs, improve outcomes and protect vulnerable people.
During the <en>COVID-19 pandemic</en>, Fortenberry supported the <en>Paycheck Protection Program</en> (PPP), providing small businesses with financial support throughout the pandemic.
During the <zh>2019新型冠状病毒美国疫情</zh>, Fortenberry supported the <zh>工资保障计划</zh> (PPP), providing small businesses with financial support throughout the pandemic.
In December 2020, Fortenberry was one of 126 Republican members of the <en>House of Representatives</en> to sign an <en>amicus brief</en> in support of "<en>Texas v. Pennsylvania</en>", a lawsuit filed at the <en>United States Supreme Court</en> contesting the results of the <en>2020 presidential election</en>, in which <en>Joe Biden</en> defeated incumbent <en>Donald Trump</en>.
In December 2020, Fortenberry was one of 126 Republican members of the <zh>众议院</zh> to sign an <zh>法院之友</zh> in support of "<zh>德克萨斯州诉宾夕法尼亚州</zh>", a lawsuit filed at the <zh>美國最高法院</zh> contesting the results of the <zh>2020年美國總統選舉</zh>, in which <zh>喬·拜登</zh> defeated incumbent <zh>唐納·川普</zh>.
The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on the basis that Texas lacked <en>standing</en> under <en>Article III of the Constitution</en> to challenge the results of an election held by another state.
The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on the basis that Texas lacked <zh>当事人资格</zh> under <zh>美利坚合众国宪法第三条</zh> to challenge the results of an election held by another state.
On May 19, 2021, Fortenberry was one of 35 Republicans who joined all Democrats in voting to approve legislation to establish the <en>January 6 commission</en> meant to investigate the <en>storming of the U.S. Capitol</en>.
On May 19, 2021, Fortenberry was one of 35 Republicans who joined all Democrats in voting to approve legislation to establish the <zh>2021年1月6日委员会</zh> meant to investigate the <zh>2021年美国国会大厦遭冲击事件</zh>.
Fortenberry previously served on the <en>Committee on Appropriations</en>, but stepped down from all of his committee assignments on October 20, 2021, after being indicted for allegedly concealing information and lying to the FBI about illegal contributions to his campaign.
Fortenberry previously served on the <zh>眾議院撥款委員會</zh>, but stepped down from all of his committee assignments on October 20, 2021, after being indicted for allegedly concealing information and lying to the FBI about illegal contributions to his campaign.
Another well-known artist on the label was <en>John Cougar Mellencamp</en>, distributed by <en>PolyGram</en> in the US, and <en>WEA</en> in most other countries.
Another well-known artist on the label was <zh>約翰·麥倫坎普</zh>, distributed by <zh>宝丽金</zh> in the US, and <zh>華納音樂集團</zh> in most other countries.
Ridder and Knight Newspapers merged in 1974 to form <en>Knight Ridder</en>, which combined the two newspapers into "The Wichita Eagle-Beacon" in 1980.
Ridder and Knight Newspapers merged in 1974 to form <zh>奈特·里德通訊社</zh>, which combined the two newspapers into "The Wichita Eagle-Beacon" in 1980.
In 2006, the "Eagle" became part of <en>The McClatchy Company</en> when McClatchy bought Knight Ridder.
In 2006, the "Eagle" became part of <zh>麥克萊齊報業集團</zh> when McClatchy bought Knight Ridder.
(see <en>Objectivity in Journalism</en>) Instead, the civic journalism movement seeks to treat readers and community members as participants.
(see <zh>新闻客观性</zh>) Instead, the civic journalism movement seeks to treat readers and community members as participants.
Illinois Route 25 was opened in August 1929; it originally ran from <en>Elgin</en> to <en>East Dundee</en>.
Illinois Route 25 was opened in August 1929; it originally ran from <zh>埃爾金</zh> to <zh>東鄧迪 (伊利諾伊州)</zh>.
It moves northward into <en>Montgomery</en>, where <en>U.S. Highway 30</en> passes over, but does not have an interchange with it.
It moves northward into <zh>蒙哥馬利 (伊利諾伊州)</zh>, where <zh>美国国道30</zh> passes over, but does not have an interchange with it.
It then winds through <en>North Aurora</en> and <en>Batavia</en>, lacking an interchange with <en>Interstate 88</en>.
It then winds through <zh>北奧羅拉 (伊利諾伊州)</zh> and <zh>巴塔維亞市</zh>, lacking an interchange with <zh>88号州际公路</zh>.
SBI Route 25 was originally what is now <en>U.S. Route 45</en> from <en>Fairfield</en> north to <en>Kankakee</en>.
SBI Route 25 was originally what is now <zh>美国国道45</zh> from <zh>費爾菲爾德 (伊利諾伊州)</zh> north to <zh>坎卡基 (伊利諾伊州)</zh>.
The Maryland Senate, sometimes referred to as the Maryland State Senate, is the <en>upper house</en> of the <en>General Assembly</en>, the <en>state legislature</en> of the U.S. state of <en>Maryland</en>.
The Maryland Senate, sometimes referred to as the Maryland State Senate, is the <zh>上議院</zh> of the <zh>马里兰州议会</zh>, the <zh>州立法機關</zh> of the U.S. state of <zh>马里兰州</zh>.
Composed of 47 <en>senator</en>s elected from an equal number of constituent single-member districts, the Senate is responsible, along with the <en>Maryland House of Delegates</en>, for passage of laws in Maryland, and for confirming executive appointments made by the <en>Governor of Maryland</en>.
Composed of 47 <zh>参议院</zh>s elected from an equal number of constituent single-member districts, the Senate is responsible, along with the <zh>马里兰州众议院</zh>, for passage of laws in Maryland, and for confirming executive appointments made by the <zh>馬里蘭州州長</zh>.
Ultimately, however, the Democrats' position weakened following the <en>State House</en> elections the following month, when the Whigs won an overwhelming majority.
Ultimately, however, the Democrats' position weakened following the <zh>马里兰州众议院</zh> elections the following month, when the Whigs won an overwhelming majority.
In 1964, the <en>Supreme Court</en> ruled in "<en>Reynolds v. Sims</en>" that state legislative seats must be apportioned on the principle of one man, one vote.
In 1964, the <zh>美國最高法院</zh> ruled in "<zh>雷諾斯訴錫姆斯案</zh>" that state legislative seats must be apportioned on the principle of one man, one vote.
The Maryland Senate, as the upper house of the bicameral Maryland General Assembly, shares with the <en>Maryland House of Delegates</en> the responsibility for making laws in the state of Maryland.
The Maryland Senate, as the upper house of the bicameral Maryland General Assembly, shares with the <zh>马里兰州众议院</zh> the responsibility for making laws in the state of Maryland.
While each Senator has the power to introduce and vote on bills and make motions on the floor, various <en>committee</en>s, <en>caucus</en>es, and leadership positions help to organize the work of the Senate.
While each Senator has the power to introduce and vote on bills and make motions on the floor, various <zh>委員會</zh>s, <zh>黨團會議</zh>es, and leadership positions help to organize the work of the Senate.
Senators elect a <en>President</en> of the Senate, who serves as the <en>presiding officer</en> of the chamber.
Senators elect a <zh>美国马里兰州参议院议长</zh> of the Senate, who serves as the <zh>董事長</zh> of the chamber.
No elected or appointed official of the United States government, including the <en>military</en>, may serve in the Senate, excluding those serving in the military reserves and <en>National Guard</en>.
No elected or appointed official of the United States government, including the <zh>合众国武装力量</zh>, may serve in the Senate, excluding those serving in the military reserves and <zh>馬里蘭州軍事部</zh>.
The Senate meets in the Senate Chamber of the <en>Maryland State House</en>, which has both gallery seating and a door open to the State House lobby, the latter being mandated by the state constitution.
The Senate meets in the Senate Chamber of the <zh>馬里蘭州議會大廈</zh>, which has both gallery seating and a door open to the State House lobby, the latter being mandated by the state constitution.
<en>platform video game</en> released by <en>Konami</en> in 1986, and a sequel to 1983's "<en>Antarctic Adventure</en>".
<zh>平台遊戲</zh> released by <zh>科乐美</zh> in 1986, and a sequel to 1983's "<zh>南极大冒险</zh>".
In 2006, "Konami Digital Entertainment Tokyo" serialized a series of digital comics based on the video game of the <en>same name</en> titled .
In 2006, "Konami Digital Entertainment Tokyo" serialized a series of digital comics based on the video game of the <zh>南极大冒险</zh> titled .
He was a <en>Guggenheim Fellow</en> in 1966 and 1978.
He was a <zh>古根漢奬學金</zh> in 1966 and 1978.
He was a Senior Fellow of the <en>National Endowment for the Humanities</en>, a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in <en>Jerusalem</en>, and Old Dominion Fellow at <en>Princeton University</en>.
He was a Senior Fellow of the <zh>國家人文基金會</zh>, a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in <zh>耶路撒冷</zh>, and Old Dominion Fellow at <zh>普林斯顿大学</zh>.
James Hudson Taylor (21 May 1832 – 3 June 1905) was a British <en>Protestant Christian</en>
James Hudson Taylor (21 May 1832 – 3 June 1905) was a British <zh>新教</zh>
<en>missionary</en> to China and founder of the <en>China Inland Mission</en> (CIM, now <en>OMF International</en>).
<zh>传教士</zh> to China and founder of the <zh>海外基督使團</zh> (CIM, now <zh>海外基督使團</zh>).
Taylor was able to preach in several <en>varieties of Chinese</en>, including <en>Mandarin</en>, <en>Chaozhou</en>, and the <en>Wu</en> dialects of <en>Shanghai</en> and <en>Ningbo</en>.
Taylor was able to preach in several <zh>汉语方言</zh>, including <zh>官话</zh>, <zh>潮州话</zh>, and the <zh>吴语</zh> dialects of <zh>上海话</zh> and <zh>宁波话</zh>.
He practiced distributing gospel tracts and <en>open-air preaching</en> among the poor.
He practiced distributing gospel tracts and <zh>野外布道</zh> among the poor.
In 1852 he began studying medicine at the <en>Royal London Hospital</en> in <en>Whitechapel</en>, London, as preparation for working in China.
In 1852 he began studying medicine at the <zh>皇家伦敦医院</zh> in <zh>白教堂</zh>, London, as preparation for working in China.
The great interest awakened in England about China through the <en>civil war</en>, which was then erroneously supposed to be a mass movement toward Christianity, together with the glowing but exaggerated reports made by <en>Karl Gützlaff</en> concerning China's accessibility, led to the founding of the <en>Chinese Evangelisation Society</en>, to the service of which Hudson Taylor offered himself as their first missionary.
The great interest awakened in England about China through the <zh>太平天国起义</zh>, which was then erroneously supposed to be a mass movement toward Christianity, together with the glowing but exaggerated reports made by <zh>郭士立</zh> concerning China's accessibility, led to the founding of the <zh>中國傳教會</zh>, to the service of which Hudson Taylor offered himself as their first missionary.
The nearly disastrous voyage aboard the clipper "Dumfries" through an Easterly passage near <en>Buru Island</en> lasted about five months.
The nearly disastrous voyage aboard the clipper "Dumfries" through an Easterly passage near <zh>布魯島</zh> lasted about five months.
Scottish evangelist, <en>William Chalmers Burns</en>, of the <en>English Presbyterian Mission</en> began work in <en>Shantou</en>, and for a period Taylor joined him there.
Scottish evangelist, <zh>賓惠廉</zh>, of the <zh>英国长老会差会</zh> began work in <zh>汕头市</zh>, and for a period Taylor joined him there.
In 1858, Taylor married <en>Maria Jane Dyer</en>, the orphaned daughter of the Rev. <en>Samuel Dyer</en> of the <en>London Missionary Society</en>, who had been a pioneer missionary to the Chinese in <en>Penang</en>, Malaysia.
In 1858, Taylor married <zh>瑪麗亞</zh>, the orphaned daughter of the Rev. <zh>撒母耳·台約爾</zh> of the <zh>伦敦会</zh>, who had been a pioneer missionary to the Chinese in <zh>槟城</zh>, Malaysia.
Hudson met Maria in Ningbo where she lived and worked at a school for girls which was run by one of the first female missionaries to the Chinese, <en>Mary Ann Aldersey</en> and they were married at the British Consulate there.
Hudson met Maria in Ningbo where she lived and worked at a school for girls which was run by one of the first female missionaries to the Chinese, <zh>艾迪绥</zh> and they were married at the British Consulate there.
Their first surviving child, <en>Grace</en>, was born in 1859.
Their first surviving child, <zh>戴存恩</zh>, was born in 1859.
He completed his diploma (and a course in <en>midwifery</en>) at the <en>Royal London Hospital</en> with the <en>Royal College of Surgeons</en> in 1862, and with Maria's help, wrote a book called "" in 1865 which was instrumental in generating sympathy for China and volunteers for the mission field, who began to go out in 1862, the first being <en>James Joseph Meadows</en>.
He completed his diploma (and a course in <zh>助產學</zh>) at the <zh>皇家伦敦医院</zh> with the <zh>皇家外科醫師學會</zh> in 1862, and with Maria's help, wrote a book called "" in 1865 which was instrumental in generating sympathy for China and volunteers for the mission field, who began to go out in 1862, the first being <zh>宓道生</zh>.
At home in the <en>East End of London</en> he also ministered at <en>Newgate Prison</en>.
At home in the <zh>倫敦東區</zh> he also ministered at <zh>紐蓋特監獄</zh>.
Their second child, <en>Herbert</en>, was born in London in 1861.
Their second child, <zh>戴存仁</zh>, was born in London in 1861.
More children were born to the Taylors, in 1862 <en>Frederick</en>, in 1864 Samuel, and in 1865 Jane, who died at birth.
More children were born to the Taylors, in 1862 <zh>戴存义</zh>, in 1864 Samuel, and in 1865 Jane, who died at birth.
But problems continued in 1868, when their mission premises were attacked, looted and burned during the <en>Yangzhou riot</en>.
But problems continued in 1868, when their mission premises were attacked, looted and burned during the <zh>扬州教案</zh>.
At the time, he was quoted by fellow missionary <en>Charles Henry Judd</en> as saying: "Oh, Mr. Judd, God has made me a new man!"
At the time, he was quoted by fellow missionary <zh>祝名扬</zh> as saying: "Oh, Mr. Judd, God has made me a new man!"
Back in England, Taylor was married to <en>Jane Elizabeth Faulding</en> who had been a fellow missionary since 1866.
Back in England, Taylor was married to <zh>珍妮富丁</zh> who had been a fellow missionary since 1866.
Meanwhile, in England, the work of General Secretary of the China Inland Mission was done by <en>Benjamin Broomhall</en>, who had married Hudson's sister, Amelia.
Meanwhile, in England, the work of General Secretary of the China Inland Mission was done by <zh>海班明</zh>, who had married Hudson's sister, Amelia.
This was made possible by the signing on 13 September 1876 of the <en>Chefoo Convention</en>, a settlement between Britain and China that made it possible for missionary work to take place legally in inland China.
This was made possible by the signing on 13 September 1876 of the <zh>烟台条约</zh>, a settlement between Britain and China that made it possible for missionary work to take place legally in inland China.
In 1887 their numbers increased by another 102 with <en>The Hundred missionaries</en>, and in 1888, Taylor brought 14 missionaries from the United States.
In 1887 their numbers increased by another 102 with <zh>内地会在华传教士列表</zh>, and in 1888, Taylor brought 14 missionaries from the United States.
News of the <en>Boxer Rebellion</en> and the resulting disruption of missionary work in 1900 distressed Taylor, even though it led to further interest in missions in the area and additional growth of his China Inland Mission.
News of the <zh>义和团运动</zh> and the resulting disruption of missionary work in 1900 distressed Taylor, even though it led to further interest in missions in the area and additional growth of his China Inland Mission.
Due to health issues, Taylor remained in <en>Switzerland</en>, semi-retired with his wife.
Due to health issues, Taylor remained in <zh>瑞士</zh>, semi-retired with his wife.
Taylor House in <en>YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College</en>, which was founded by <en>YMCA of Hong Kong</en>, was named in commemoration of Taylor.
Taylor House in <zh>港青基信書院</zh>, which was founded by <zh>香港基督教青年會</zh>, was named in commemoration of Taylor.
In 1995, it was founded as Rising Tide Records and shortly thereafter, it was renamed <en>Universal Records Group</en> and Doug Morris was named Chairman/C.E.O. of <en>MCA Music Entertainment Group</en>.
In 1995, it was founded as Rising Tide Records and shortly thereafter, it was renamed <zh>環球唱片</zh> and Doug Morris was named Chairman/C.E.O. of <zh>美國音樂公司</zh>.
As of January 2019, 32 of those seats are held by <en>Democrats</en> and 15 by <en>Republicans</en>.
As of January 2019, 32 of those seats are held by <zh>民主党</zh> and 15 by <zh>共和黨</zh>.
Herbert William Mullin (born April 18, 1947) is an American <en>serial killer</en> who killed thirteen people in <en>California</en> in the early 1970s.
Herbert William Mullin (born April 18, 1947) is an American <zh>連環殺手</zh> who killed thirteen people in <zh>加利福尼亚州</zh> in the early 1970s.
In 1973, after a trial to determine whether he was <en>insane</en> or <en>culpable</en>, he was convicted of two murders in the first degree and nine in the second, and sentenced to <en>life imprisonment</en>.
In 1973, after a trial to determine whether he was <zh>精神障碍辩护</zh> or <zh>有罪</zh>, he was convicted of two murders in the first degree and nine in the second, and sentenced to <zh>美国终身监禁</zh>.
His next victim, on October 24, 1972, was Mary Guilfoyle, 24, a <en>Cabrillo College</en> student who was running late for an interview and decided to hitchhike.
His next victim, on October 24, 1972, was Mary Guilfoyle, 24, a <zh>卡布里略学院</zh> student who was running late for an interview and decided to hitchhike.
The old cabin near the <en>Mystery Spot</en> on Mystery Spot Road, was now occupied by Kathy Francis (an old friend of Gianera).
The old cabin near the <zh>神秘点</zh> on Mystery Spot Road, was now occupied by Kathy Francis (an old friend of Gianera).
As Francis' husband — who was away at the time — was a drug dealer, the five murders were thought to be motivated by <en>drug trafficking</en>.
As Francis' husband — who was away at the time — was a drug dealer, the five murders were thought to be motivated by <zh>毒品交易</zh>.
Prosecutors later argued that the murder of Kathy Francis eliminated Mullin's claims of <en>not guilty by reason of insanity</en> because he killed her to remove a witness who could link him to the Gianera murders.
Prosecutors later argued that the murder of Kathy Francis eliminated Mullin's claims of <zh>精神障碍辩护</zh> because he killed her to remove a witness who could link him to the Gianera murders.
Mullin had admitted to all the crimes and therefore the trial focused on whether he was <en>sane</en> and <en>culpable</en> for his actions.
Mullin had admitted to all the crimes and therefore the trial focused on whether he was <zh>神智健全</zh> and <zh>有罪</zh> for his actions.
Mullin is noted to have had interactions with <en>Edmund Kemper</en>, another serial killer active in the same area and at the same time as him; the two shared adjoining cells at one point, at the <en>California Medical Facility</en>.
Mullin is noted to have had interactions with <zh>埃德蒙·肯珀</zh>, another serial killer active in the same area and at the same time as him; the two shared adjoining cells at one point, at the <zh>加州醫療監獄</zh>.
In 2014, Novartis completed the sale of its blood transfusion diagnostics unit to <en>Grifols</en> and announced agreements for the sale of its vaccines unit to <en>GlaxoSmithKline</en>.
In 2014, Novartis completed the sale of its blood transfusion diagnostics unit to <zh>基立福</zh> and announced agreements for the sale of its vaccines unit to <zh>葛蘭素史克</zh>.
From 1982-1988, intense successive molecular biology studies at the Chiron <en>Emeryville</en> research labs, led by Dr. <en>Michael Houghton</en>, Dr. <en>Qui-Lim Choo</en>, and Dr. <en>George Kuo</en>, in collaboration with Dr. <en>Daniel W. Bradley</en> at the CDC, finally yielded in 1989 the identification of the genome of the viral agent responsible for 80 to 90% of non-A and non-B post-transfusion hepatitis—the agent called "<en>hepatitis C virus</en>".
From 1982-1988, intense successive molecular biology studies at the Chiron <zh>愛莫利維爾</zh> research labs, led by Dr. <zh>迈克尔·霍顿</zh>, Dr. <zh>朱桂霖</zh>, and Dr. <zh>郭勁宏</zh>, in collaboration with Dr. <zh>丹尼尔·布拉德利</zh> at the CDC, finally yielded in 1989 the identification of the genome of the viral agent responsible for 80 to 90% of non-A and non-B post-transfusion hepatitis—the agent called "<zh>丙型肝炎病毒</zh>".
The following year Chiron recruited Gregory Lawless, who had come from <en>DuPont</en>, to take over as president and CEO.
The following year Chiron recruited Gregory Lawless, who had come from <zh>杜邦股份</zh>, to take over as president and CEO.