12 values
Mr Renton resigned in 1992 and was replaced by Sean Lance, from Glaxo Wellcome in 1998, and finally by Howard Pien from <en>GlaxoSmithKline</en> in 2003.
Mr Renton resigned in 1992 and was replaced by Sean Lance, from Glaxo Wellcome in 1998, and finally by Howard Pien from <zh>葛蘭素史克</zh> in 2003.
This was followed a year later by <en>Betaseron</en>, a beta interferon, the first treatment for relapsing-remitting <en>multiple sclerosis</en> and made by <en>Berlex Laboratories</en> Inc.
This was followed a year later by <zh>干擾素β-1b</zh>, a beta interferon, the first treatment for relapsing-remitting <zh>多发性硬化症</zh> and made by <zh>拜耳</zh> Inc.
In 2001, Chiron acquired PathoGenesis for its <en>antibiotic</en> drug <en>Tobi</en>, the first inhaled antibiotic approved for treating lung infections in <en>cystic fibrosis</en> patients.
In 2001, Chiron acquired PathoGenesis for its <zh>抗菌药</zh> drug <zh>妥布霉素</zh>, the first inhaled antibiotic approved for treating lung infections in <zh>囊腫性纖維化</zh> patients.
In 1998, Chiron's <en>nucleic acid test</en>ing (NAT) blood-testing business was launched in cooperation with Gen-Probe, followed a year later by the launch of the Procleix system, which detects viral RNA and DNA in donated blood and plasma during the very early stages of infection, when those infectious agents are present but cannot be detected by immunodiagnostic tests.
In 1998, Chiron's <zh>核酸檢測</zh>ing (NAT) blood-testing business was launched in cooperation with Gen-Probe, followed a year later by the launch of the Procleix system, which detects viral RNA and DNA in donated blood and plasma during the very early stages of infection, when those infectious agents are present but cannot be detected by immunodiagnostic tests.
Chiron in conjunction with <en>Crucell</en> (now part of <en>Johnson & Johnson</en>) developed a <en>pentavalent vaccine</en> called <en>Quinvaxem</en> targeting 5 diseases in children.
Chiron in conjunction with <zh>杨森疫苗</zh> (now part of <zh>強生公司</zh>) developed a <zh>五合一疫苗</zh> called <zh>五合一疫苗</zh> targeting 5 diseases in children.
In 1998, Chiron filed <en>patent infringement</en> suits in Europe, Japan and the US against Roche over its <en>hepatitis C</en> (HCV) products.
In 1998, Chiron filed <zh>專利侵權</zh> suits in Europe, Japan and the US against Roche over its <zh>丙型肝炎</zh> (HCV) products.
The case filed in <en>Delaware</en> alleged breach of warranty, fraud, negligent misrepresentation, violation of the duty of good faith and fair dealing and breach of contract claims in connection with the acquisition.
The case filed in <zh>特拉华州</zh> alleged breach of warranty, fraud, negligent misrepresentation, violation of the duty of good faith and fair dealing and breach of contract claims in connection with the acquisition.
It later emerged that the Food and Drug Administration (<en>FDA</en>) may have been aware of the problem nine months earlier, but a miscommunication between the company and the FDA left the problem unsolved until the <en>MHRA</en> (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency), the British equivalent of the FDA stepped in and suspended Chiron's license.
It later emerged that the Food and Drug Administration (<zh>美国食品药品监督管理局</zh>) may have been aware of the problem nine months earlier, but a miscommunication between the company and the FDA left the problem unsolved until the <zh>藥品和保健品管理局</zh> (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency), the British equivalent of the FDA stepped in and suspended Chiron's license.
However, the incident resulted in a <en>class action</en> lawsuit for nearly $280m being brought against Chiron and its executives for allegedly, in 2003, overstating its ability to manufacture and ship the vaccine Fluvirin, thus allowing Novartis to buy Chiron shares below market value when the plant temporarily closed down.
However, the incident resulted in a <zh>集體訴訟</zh> lawsuit for nearly $280m being brought against Chiron and its executives for allegedly, in 2003, overstating its ability to manufacture and ship the vaccine Fluvirin, thus allowing Novartis to buy Chiron shares below market value when the plant temporarily closed down.
In the <en>United Kingdom</en> and <en>Ireland</en>, the strip was, until 8 January 2016, printed daily in the "<en>Metro</en>" newspaper, after translation into English; background images, and magazines the characters are reading often remain clearly in Norwegian.
In the <zh>英国</zh> and <zh>爱尔兰共和国</zh>, the strip was, until 8 January 2016, printed daily in the "<zh>英國都市報</zh>" newspaper, after translation into English; background images, and magazines the characters are reading often remain clearly in Norwegian.
The strip has its own monthly <en>comic book</en> in Norway and Sweden, with similar (but not identical) content.
The strip has its own monthly <zh>漫画书</zh> in Norway and Sweden, with similar (but not identical) content.
A <en>goth</en> woman 20 years of age, Nemi almost always wears black clothes (although she does very rarely wear red scarves and gloves, and has a red bath towel), has very pale <en>skin</en> and long <en>black hair</en>, and very little in common with most of the rest of the world.
A <zh>哥德次文化</zh> woman 20 years of age, Nemi almost always wears black clothes (although she does very rarely wear red scarves and gloves, and has a red bath towel), has very pale <zh>皮膚</zh> and long <zh>黑髮</zh>, and very little in common with most of the rest of the world.
She is often unemployed or employed in temporary jobs, where she often gets fired for her <en>temper</en> (such as beating a customer who asked for a CD of <en>Christina Aguilera</en> for her daughter, instead of the <en>Alice Cooper</en> CD Nemi had suggested).
She is often unemployed or employed in temporary jobs, where she often gets fired for her <zh>侵略</zh> (such as beating a customer who asked for a CD of <zh>克莉絲汀·阿奎萊拉</zh> for her daughter, instead of the <zh>埃利斯·库珀</zh> CD Nemi had suggested).
She usually functions as Nemi's <en>conscience</en> and reality anchor, or the other way around: the two basically take turns playing the <en>Straight man</en> or <en>comic foil</en> for each other.
She usually functions as Nemi's <zh>良心</zh> and reality anchor, or the other way around: the two basically take turns playing the <zh>被戲弄的配角</zh> or <zh>雙人搭檔</zh> for each other.
The Nemi books are available for sale in the United States, one of which has the foreword by <en>Tori Amos</en>.
The Nemi books are available for sale in the United States, one of which has the foreword by <zh>多莉·艾莫絲</zh>.
By federal statute, AFOSI provides independent <en>criminal investigative</en>, <en>counterintelligence</en> and <en>protective service operations</en> worldwide and outside of the traditional military chain of command.
By federal statute, AFOSI provides independent <zh>搜查</zh>, <zh>反情報</zh> and <zh>警戒小組</zh> worldwide and outside of the traditional military chain of command.
Upon successful completion, some agents receive specialized training in <en>economic crime</en>, <en>antiterrorism</en> service, <en>counterintelligence</en>, <en>computer crimes</en> and other sophisticated criminal investigative capabilities.
Upon successful completion, some agents receive specialized training in <zh>商業罪案</zh>, <zh>反恐</zh> service, <zh>反情報</zh>, <zh>电脑犯罪</zh> and other sophisticated criminal investigative capabilities.
Had this occurred, Kelley would have been unable to purchase a firearm legally through a <en>Federal Firearms License</en> (FFL).
Had this occurred, Kelley would have been unable to purchase a firearm legally through a <zh>联邦武器执照</zh> (FFL).
In the <en>United States</en>, Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a generic term for the oversight division of a <en>federal</en> or state agency aimed at preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within their parent agency.
In the <zh>美國</zh>, Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a generic term for the oversight division of a <zh>美國聯邦機構列表</zh> or state agency aimed at preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within their parent agency.
In the United States, other than in the military departments, the first Office of Inspector General was established by act of Congress in 1976 under the <en>Department of Health and Human Services</en> to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in <en>Medicare</en>, <en>Medicaid</en>, and more than 100 other departmental programs.
In the United States, other than in the military departments, the first Office of Inspector General was established by act of Congress in 1976 under the <zh>美國衛生及公共服務部</zh> to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in <zh>Medicare</zh>, <zh>美國醫療輔助計畫</zh>, and more than 100 other departmental programs.
The <en>Inspector General Act of 1978</en> created 12 departmental inspectors general.
The <zh>1978檢察長法</zh> created 12 departmental inspectors general.
In addition to their inspector general members, the CIGIE includes non-inspector general representatives from the federal executive branch, such as executives from the <en>Office of Management and Budget</en>, the <en>Office of Personnel Management</en>, the <en>Office of Government Ethics</en>, the <en>Office of Special Counsel</en>, and the <en>Federal Bureau of Investigation</en>.
In addition to their inspector general members, the CIGIE includes non-inspector general representatives from the federal executive branch, such as executives from the <zh>美国行政管理和预算局</zh>, the <zh>美國人事管理辦公室</zh>, the <zh>美國政府倫理辦公室</zh>, the <zh>美国特别顾问办公室</zh>, and the <zh>聯邦調查局</zh>.
Further evidence of coordination between federal offices of inspectors general can be seen by the public through the offices' shared website, and the use of shared training facilities and resources, such as the Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy (IGCIA), and their Inspector General Community Auditor Training Team (IGCATS), which are hosted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's <en>Federal Law Enforcement Training Center</en> (FLETC).
Further evidence of coordination between federal offices of inspectors general can be seen by the public through the offices' shared website, and the use of shared training facilities and resources, such as the Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy (IGCIA), and their Inspector General Community Auditor Training Team (IGCATS), which are hosted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's <zh>聯邦執法訓練中心</zh> (FLETC).
To a certain degree they are <en>ombudsmen</en> for their branch of service.
To a certain degree they are <zh>申訴專員</zh> for their branch of service.
Recently, HHS-OIG has targeted hospitals and healthcare systems for <en>Stark Law</en> and <en>Anti-Kickback Statute</en> violations pertaining to the management of physician compensation arrangements.
Recently, HHS-OIG has targeted hospitals and healthcare systems for <zh>斯塔克法案</zh> and <zh>反回扣法規</zh> violations pertaining to the management of physician compensation arrangements.
Another example is from whistleblower <en>Jesselyn Radack</en>'s book "Canary in the Coalmine", in which she describes her experience complaining to the <en>Department of Justice</en> OIG; instead of helping her, the IG office helped the DOJ get her fired and restricted from practicing as a lawyer.
Another example is from whistleblower <zh>潔斯琳·雷達克</zh>'s book "Canary in the Coalmine", in which she describes her experience complaining to the <zh>美國司法部</zh> OIG; instead of helping her, the IG office helped the DOJ get her fired and restricted from practicing as a lawyer.
Another example is from the <en>Thomas Andrews Drake</en> case, in which several complainants to the <en>Department of Defense</en> OIG over NSA's <en>Trailblazer Project</en> were later raided by the FBI and some threatened with criminal prosecution.
Another example is from the <zh>湯瑪斯·安德魯·德雷克</zh> case, in which several complainants to the <zh>美国国防部</zh> OIG over NSA's <zh>Trailblazer 项目</zh> were later raided by the FBI and some threatened with criminal prosecution.
<en>Motown</en> and <en>Universal Republic Records</en> being formed and taking all of the artists from it.
<zh>摩城</zh> and <zh>共和錄音</zh> being formed and taking all of the artists from it.
Distribution switched to <en>Interscope Geffen A&M</en> after the label's dissolution.
Distribution switched to <zh>Interscope Geffen A&M唱片</zh> after the label's dissolution.
In Sanskrit, a is a <en>cobra</en>, the <en>Indian cobra</en>
In Sanskrit, a is a <zh>眼鏡蛇</zh>, the <zh>印度眼鏡蛇</zh>
The word is <en>cognate</en> with English 'snake', Germanic: "*snēk-a-", <en>Proto-IE</en>: "*(s)nēg-o-" (with <en>s-mobile</en>).
The word is <zh>同源词</zh> with English 'snake', Germanic: "*snēk-a-", <zh>原始印歐語</zh>: "*(s)nēg-o-" (with <zh>飄忽s-</zh>).
However, they often took beneficial protagonist role in Hindu mythology; in <en>Samudra manthan</en> folklore, <en>Vasuki</en>, a <en>nāgarāja</en> who abides on <en>Shiva</en>'s neck, became the churning rope for churning of the <en>Ocean of Milk</en>.
However, they often took beneficial protagonist role in Hindu mythology; in <zh>搅乳海</zh> folklore, <zh>婆蘇吉</zh>, a <zh>那伽王</zh> who abides on <zh>湿婆</zh>'s neck, became the churning rope for churning of the <zh>乳海</zh>.
The cosmic snake <en>Shesha</en>, the <en>nāgarajas</en> (nāga kings)
The cosmic snake <zh>舍沙</zh>, the <zh>那伽王</zh> (nāga kings)
<en>Vasuki</en>, <en>Takshaka</en>, <en>Airavata</en> and <en>Karkotaka</en> and the princess <en>Ulupi</en> are all depicted in the Mahabharata.
<zh>婆蘇吉</zh>, <zh>多舌龍王</zh>, <zh>白象 (印度教)</zh> and <zh>迦拘吒迦</zh> and the princess <zh>优楼比</zh> are all depicted in the Mahabharata.
They act as a guard upon Mount Sumeru, protecting the <en>dēvas</en> of <en>Trāyastriṃśa</en> from attack by the <en>asuras</en>.
They act as a guard upon Mount Sumeru, protecting the <zh>天人 (佛教)</zh> of <zh>忉利天</zh> from attack by the <zh>阿修罗</zh>.
Among the notable nāgas of Buddhist tradition is <en>Mucalinda</en>, <en>Nāgarāja</en> and protector of the Buddha.
Among the notable nāgas of Buddhist tradition is <zh>目支鄰陀</zh>, <zh>那伽王</zh> and protector of the Buddha.
Some of the most important figures in Buddhist history symbolize nāgas in their names such as <en>Dignāga</en>, <en>Nāgāsēna</en>, and, although other etymons are assigned to his name, <en>Nāgārjuna</en>.
Some of the most important figures in Buddhist history symbolize nāgas in their names such as <zh>陈那</zh>, <zh>那先比丘</zh>, and, although other etymons are assigned to his name, <zh>龙树</zh>.
In the "Devadatta" chapter of the "<en>Lotus Sutra</en>", the daughter of the dragon king, an eight year old <en>longnü</en> (龍女, ), after listening to <en>Mañjuśrī</en> preach the Lotus Sutra, transforms into a male Bodhisattva and immediately reaches full enlightenment.
In the "Devadatta" chapter of the "<zh>妙法莲华经</zh>", the daughter of the dragon king, an eight year old <zh>龍女</zh> (龍女, ), after listening to <zh>文殊菩萨</zh> preach the Lotus Sutra, transforms into a male Bodhisattva and immediately reaches full enlightenment.
They are symbolized in the story of <en>Preah Thong and Neang Neak</en>.
They are symbolized in the story of <zh>混填王與王后</zh>.
Kaundinya later built a capital, <en>Vyadhapura</en>, and the kingdom came to be known as "Kambojadeśa" or <en>Cambodia</en> (កម្ពុជា).
Kaundinya later built a capital, <zh>毗耶陀補羅城</zh>, and the kingdom came to be known as "Kambojadeśa" or <zh>柬埔寨</zh> (កម្ពុជា).
Era and the <en>Angkor</en> Era.
Era and the <zh>吳哥古蹟</zh> Era.
Vasukak: Is the king who rules the Earth (<en>Vasuki</en>).
Vasukak: Is the king who rules the Earth (<zh>婆蘇吉</zh>).
The Supreme and Divine Nāgas, like <en>Vasuki</en> the guardian of <en>Lord Vishnu</en>, who alone can fight all the <en>Garuda</en> race.
The Supreme and Divine Nāgas, like <zh>婆蘇吉</zh> the guardian of <zh>毗湿奴</zh>, who alone can fight all the <zh>迦楼罗</zh> race.
During this period, naga serpents were depicted as giant cobras supporting the waterspout of <en>yoni</en>-<en>lingam</en>.
During this period, naga serpents were depicted as giant cobras supporting the waterspout of <zh>約尼</zh>-<zh>林伽</zh>.
In <en>Bali</en>nese tradition, nagas are often depicted battling <en>Garuda</en>.
In <zh>巴厘岛</zh>nese tradition, nagas are often depicted battling <zh>迦楼罗</zh>.
Intricately carved naga are found as stairs railings in bridges or stairs, such as those found in <en>Balinese temple</en>s, <en>Ubud</en> monkey forest, and <en>Taman Sari</en> in Yogyakarta.
Intricately carved naga are found as stairs railings in bridges or stairs, such as those found in <zh>巴厘寺</zh>s, <zh>烏布</zh> monkey forest, and <zh>Taman Sari</zh> in Yogyakarta.
The naga association was most clearly articulated during and immediately after the reign of <en>Anouvong</en>.
The naga association was most clearly articulated during and immediately after the reign of <zh>昭阿努</zh>.
An important poem from this period "San Lup Bo Sun" (or San Leupphasun Lao: ສານລຶພສູນ) discusses relations between Laos and <en>Siam</en> in a veiled manner, using the Naga and the <en>Garuda</en>, to represent Laos and Siam, respectively.
An important poem from this period "San Lup Bo Sun" (or San Leupphasun Lao: ສານລຶພສູນ) discusses relations between Laos and <zh>泰國</zh> in a veiled manner, using the Naga and the <zh>迦楼罗</zh>, to represent Laos and Siam, respectively.
Phaya Nak or Phaya Naga ( "phaya" derived from <en>Mon</en> which mean "high nobility") or Nakkharat in Thai beliefs, Nāgas are considered the patronage of water.
Phaya Nak or Phaya Naga ( "phaya" derived from <zh>孟族</zh> which mean "high nobility") or Nakkharat in Thai beliefs, Nāgas are considered the patronage of water.
In northern Thailand, the <en>Singhanavati</en> Kingdom had a strong connection with nāgas.
In northern Thailand, the <zh>信哈那瓦地</zh> Kingdom had a strong connection with nāgas.
<en>Yonok</en> the <en>Nagaraja</en>)
<zh>信哈那瓦地</zh> the <zh>那伽王</zh>)
The <en>Buddhist temple</en>s and palaces are often adorned with various nagas.
The <zh>佛寺</zh>s and palaces are often adorned with various nagas.
<en>Thai folklore</en> holds the Phaya Naga to be semi-divine, demi-creatures, which possess supernatural powers as has been described in <en>Buddhist</en> and <en>Hindu cosmology</en>.
<zh>泰國民俗</zh> holds the Phaya Naga to be semi-divine, demi-creatures, which possess supernatural powers as has been described in <zh>大千世界</zh> and <zh>宇宙</zh>.
The "Kamchanod Forest" (ป่าคำชะโนด; ) <en>Ban Dung District</en>, <en>Udon Thani province</en>, which is held in high reverence and fear across Thailand, is believed to be the border between the human world and the netherworld, and is frequently depicted in Thai folklore as the site of many hauntings, but more frequently is considered to be the home of the Naga.
The "Kamchanod Forest" (ป่าคำชะโนด; ) <zh>班东县</zh>, <zh>烏隆府</zh>, which is held in high reverence and fear across Thailand, is believed to be the border between the human world and the netherworld, and is frequently depicted in Thai folklore as the site of many hauntings, but more frequently is considered to be the home of the Naga.
In <en>Shan</en> folklore of <en>Nanzhao Kingdom</en> (now southern China and Southeast Asia during the 8th and 9th centuries, which was centered on present-day Yunnan in China.) believed <en>Erhai lake</en> is inhabited of Naga and is the creator of the Mekong.
In <zh>掸族</zh> folklore of <zh>南诏</zh> (now southern China and Southeast Asia during the 8th and 9th centuries, which was centered on present-day Yunnan in China.) believed <zh>洱海</zh> is inhabited of Naga and is the creator of the Mekong.
The position of Islam as a major Russian religion, alongside Orthodox Christianity, dates from the time of <en>Catherine the Great</en>, who sponsored Islamic clerics and scholarship through the <en>Orenburg Assembly</en>.
The position of Islam as a major Russian religion, alongside Orthodox Christianity, dates from the time of <zh>凱薩琳二世</zh>, who sponsored Islamic clerics and scholarship through the <zh>奧倫堡穆斯林會議</zh>.
Also, in the middle of the <en>Volga Region</en> reside populations of <en>Tatars</en> and <en>Bashkirs</en>, the vast majority of whom are Muslims.
Also, in the middle of the <zh>伏爾加地區</zh> reside populations of <zh>保加尔鞑靼人</zh> and <zh>巴什基爾人</zh>, the vast majority of whom are Muslims.
The first Muslim state in the future Russia lands was <en>Volga Bulgaria</en>
The first Muslim state in the future Russia lands was <zh>伏尔加保加利亚</zh>
The Tatars of the <en>Crimean Khanate</en>, the last remaining successor to the <en>Golden Horde</en>, continued to raid Southern Russia and <en>burnt down parts of Moscow</en> in 1571.
The Tatars of the <zh>克里米亞汗國</zh>, the last remaining successor to the <zh>金帳汗國</zh>, continued to raid Southern Russia and <zh>莫斯科大火</zh> in 1571.
From the early 16th-century up to including the course of the 19th century, all of <en>Transcaucasia</en> and southern <en>Dagestan</en> was ruled by various successive
From the early 16th-century up to including the course of the 19th century, all of <zh>南高加索</zh> and southern <zh>达吉斯坦共和国</zh> was ruled by various successive
The period from the Russian conquest of Kazan in 1552 by <en>Ivan the Terrible</en> to the ascension of <en>Catherine the Great</en> in 1762 featured systematic Russian repression of Muslims through policies of exclusion and discrimination - as well as the destruction of Muslim culture by the elimination of outward manifestations of Islam such as <en>mosque</en>s.
The period from the Russian conquest of Kazan in 1552 by <zh>伊凡四世</zh> to the ascension of <zh>凱薩琳二世</zh> in 1762 featured systematic Russian repression of Muslims through policies of exclusion and discrimination - as well as the destruction of Muslim culture by the elimination of outward manifestations of Islam such as <zh>清真寺</zh>s.
The <en>Cossack</en> institution recruited and incorporated Muslim <en>Mishar Tatars</en>.
The <zh>哥薩克</zh> institution recruited and incorporated Muslim <zh>米薩韃靼人</zh>.
The trend of <en>Russification</en> has continued at different paces in the rest of <en>Tsarist</en> and <en>Soviet</en> periods, so that more Tatars lived outside the <en>Republic of Tatarstan</en> than inside it.
The trend of <zh>俄羅斯化</zh> has continued at different paces in the rest of <zh>俄羅斯帝國</zh> and <zh>俄羅斯蘇維埃聯邦社會主義共和國</zh> periods, so that more Tatars lived outside the <zh>鞑靼斯坦共和国</zh> than inside it.
<en>Communist rule</en> oppressed and suppressed Islam, like other <en>religions in the Soviet Union</en>.
<zh>蘇聯共產黨</zh> oppressed and suppressed Islam, like other <zh>蘇聯宗教</zh>.
For example, the <en>Märcani Mosque</en> was the only acting mosque in <en>Kazan</en> at that time.
For example, the <zh>马儿卡尼清真寺</zh> was the only acting mosque in <zh>喀山</zh> at that time.
Among them are few magazines in Russian, namely: "Ислам" (<en>transliteration</en>: "Islam"), "Эхо Кавказа" ("Ekho Kavkaza") and "Исламский вестник" ("Islamsky Vestnik"), and the Russian-language newspaper "Ассалам" ("Assalam"), and "Нуруль Ислам" ("Nurul Islam"), which are published in <en>Makhachkala</en>, Dagestan.
Among them are few magazines in Russian, namely: "Ислам" (<zh>俄语罗马化</zh>: "Islam"), "Эхо Кавказа" ("Ekho Kavkaza") and "Исламский вестник" ("Islamsky Vestnik"), and the Russian-language newspaper "Ассалам" ("Assalam"), and "Нуруль Ислам" ("Nurul Islam"), which are published in <zh>马哈奇卡拉</zh>, Dagestan.
Education is in <en>Russian</en> and <en>Tatar</en>.
Education is in <zh>俄語</zh> and <zh>鞑靼语</zh>.
To give effect to the requirements of <en>Article One</en>, Section 2, Clause 3 of the <en>United States Constitution</en> and Section Two of the [[Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|Fourteenth
To give effect to the requirements of <zh>美國憲法第一條</zh>, Section 2, Clause 3 of the <zh>美國憲法</zh> and Section Two of the [[Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|Fourteenth
The <en>Reapportionment Act of 1929</en> established a method for reallocating seats among the states, given population shifts and the maximum of 435 representatives.
The <zh>1929年選區重劃案</zh> established a method for reallocating seats among the states, given population shifts and the maximum of 435 representatives.
The number of U.S. Representatives increased temporarily to 437 when <en>Alaska</en> and <en>Hawaii</en> were admitted as states during the <en>86th Congress</en> (seating one member from each of those states without changing the apportionment of the other seats).
The number of U.S. Representatives increased temporarily to 437 when <zh>阿拉斯加州</zh> and <zh>夏威夷州</zh> were admitted as states during the <zh>第86屆聯邦國會</zh> (seating one member from each of those states without changing the apportionment of the other seats).
After the <en>1960 census</en> and the <en>1962 election</en>, that number went back to 435.
After the <zh>1960年美国人口普查</zh> and the <zh>1962年美國眾議院選舉</zh>, that number went back to 435.
In the <en>2008 general election</en> he stood unsuccessfully in the electorate of <en>Botany</en> for the <en>ACT New Zealand</en> Party.
In the <zh>2008年新西兰大选</zh> he stood unsuccessfully in the electorate of <zh>伯特尼</zh> for the <zh>紐西蘭行動黨</zh> Party.
National candidate <en>Pansy Wong</en> filed a complaint to the electoral commission about Wang's billboards which exhorted "Vote for Wang, get Wang and Wong" (because Pansy Wong's high rank on the National Party List assured her of a seat in parliament).
National candidate <zh>黃徐毓芳</zh> filed a complaint to the electoral commission about Wang's billboards which exhorted "Vote for Wang, get Wang and Wong" (because Pansy Wong's high rank on the National Party List assured her of a seat in parliament).
From 1991 to 2004, he served in the <en>Pennsylvania General Assembly</en>.
From 1991 to 2004, he served in the <zh>宾夕法尼亚州议会</zh>.
He served on the <en>House Committee on Appropriations</en>, and previously chaired the <en>House Ethics Committee</en>.
He served on the <zh>眾議院撥款委員會</zh>, and previously chaired the <zh>众议院情报常设专责委员会</zh>.
Dent was elected to the <en>United States House of Representatives</en> in 2004, succeeding <en>Pat Toomey</en>, who gave up his seat to challenge <en>Arlen Specter</en> for the <en>U.S. Senate</en>.
Dent was elected to the <zh>美國眾議院</zh> in 2004, succeeding <zh>帕特·圖米</zh>, who gave up his seat to challenge <zh>阿倫·斯佩克特</zh> for the <zh>美國參議院</zh>.
The non-partisan "<en>National Journal</en>" gave Dent a composite ideological rating of 62% conservative and 38% liberal in 2013.
The non-partisan "<zh>国家期刊</zh>" gave Dent a composite ideological rating of 62% conservative and 38% liberal in 2013.
<en>GovTrack</en> placed Dent near the ideological center of the House of Representatives; the liberal <en>American Civil Liberties Union</en> gave him a rating of 35% and the fiscally conservative <en>United States Chamber of Commerce</en> gave him a 95% rating.
<zh>政府追踪</zh> placed Dent near the ideological center of the House of Representatives; the liberal <zh>美國公民自由聯盟</zh> gave him a rating of 35% and the fiscally conservative <zh>美国商会</zh> gave him a 95% rating.
Dent voted against the 2007 Re-authorization of the <en>Children's Health Insurance Program</en> (CHIP).
Dent voted against the 2007 Re-authorization of the <zh>美國小童醫療保險計畫</zh> (CHIP).
In 2018, <en>Planned Parenthood</en>, which supports legal access to abortion and birth control, gave Dent a 41% lifetime score for voting with their positions and the <en>anti-abortion</en>
In 2018, <zh>美國計劃生育聯合會</zh>, which supports legal access to abortion and birth control, gave Dent a 41% lifetime score for voting with their positions and the <zh>反堕胎运动</zh>
He cosponsored the <en>Employment Non-Discrimination Act</en> which would have banned employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and he voted to allow foreign same-sex partners to receive green cards.
He cosponsored the <zh>《禁止就业歧视法案》</zh> which would have banned employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and he voted to allow foreign same-sex partners to receive green cards.
In June 2013, Dent decided to co-sponsor the <en>Safe Schools Improvement Act</en> (SSIA), a bill that would require schools and districts to adopt policies specifically prohibiting <en>bullying</en> and harassment against all students, including <en>LGBT</en> young people.
In June 2013, Dent decided to co-sponsor the <en>Safe Schools Improvement Act</en> (SSIA), a bill that would require schools and districts to adopt policies specifically prohibiting <zh>霸凌</zh> and harassment against all students, including <zh>LGBT</zh> young people.
In 2011, he sponsored the <en>Synthetic Drug Control Act of 2011</en>, which sought to schedule a large number of <en>cannabimimetic agents</en>, as well as 26 other <en>psychoactive substances</en>.
In 2011, he sponsored the <en>Synthetic Drug Control Act of 2011</en>, which sought to schedule a large number of <zh>合成大麻素K2</zh>, as well as 26 other <zh>精神药品</zh>.
If passed in its current text (as of May 14, 2017), this bill would schedule a large number of novel psychoactive substances, including 96 <en>phenethylamine</en>s, 94 <en>cannabimimetic agents</en>, 15 <en>arylcyclohexylamine</en>s, 21 <en>tryptamine</en>s, 8 <en>benzylpiperazine</en>s, 4 <en>benzodiazepine</en>s, 4 <en>opioid or opioid-like substances</en>, 8 <en>piperazine</en>s, and 2 <en>tropane alkaloid</en>s.
If passed in its current text (as of May 14, 2017), this bill would schedule a large number of novel psychoactive substances, including 96 <zh>苯乙胺</zh>s, 94 <zh>合成大麻素K2</zh>, 15 <zh>芳基環己胺</zh>s, 21 <zh>色胺</zh>s, 8 <zh>苄基哌嗪</zh>s, 4 <zh>苯二氮平類藥物</zh>s, 4 <zh>鴉片類藥物</zh>, 8 <zh>哌嗪</zh>s, and 2 <zh>莨菪烷类生物碱</zh>s.
In 1982, Bennett received an MA in Education from Lesley College, now known as <en>Lesley University</en>.
In 1982, Bennett received an MA in Education from Lesley College, now known as <zh>萊斯利大學</zh>.
In October 1957, at the dedication of a gymnasium at Manhattanville College in memory of another Kennedy sister, <en>Kathleen</en> – who had died in a plane crash in <en>France</en> in 1948 – Jean Kennedy Smith introduced Joan to her younger brother Edward ( Ted), then a student at the <en>University of Virginia School of Law</en> in <en>Charlottesville</en>.
In October 1957, at the dedication of a gymnasium at Manhattanville College in memory of another Kennedy sister, <zh>哈廷顿侯爵夫人凯瑟琳·卡文迪许</zh> – who had died in a plane crash in <zh>法國</zh> in 1948 – Jean Kennedy Smith introduced Joan to her younger brother Edward ( Ted), then a student at the <zh>弗吉尼亚大学法学院</zh> in <zh>夏洛特镇</zh>.
In July 1969, Ted Kennedy was involved in a <en>car accident at a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island</en> in Massachusetts that resulted in the death of his passenger, <en>Mary Jo Kopechne</en>.
In July 1969, Ted Kennedy was involved in a <zh>夏帕魁迪克事件</zh> in Massachusetts that resulted in the death of his passenger, <zh>瑪莉·喬·柯佩芝妮</zh>.
Three days later, she stood beside her husband in a local court when he pleaded guilty to <en>leaving the scene of an accident</en>.
Three days later, she stood beside her husband in a local court when he pleaded guilty to <zh>肇事逃逸</zh>.
The alcohol problem escalated with sporadic, uneven sobriety, repeated <en>drunk-driving</en> arrests, court-ordered <en>rehabilitation</en>, and a return to drinking.
The alcohol problem escalated with sporadic, uneven sobriety, repeated <zh>酒後駕駛</zh> arrests, court-ordered <zh>戒毒所</zh>, and a return to drinking.
This ultimately led to <en>kidney</en> damage, with the possibility of <en>dialysis</en> and protracted complications.
This ultimately led to <zh>腎</zh> damage, with the possibility of <zh>透析</zh> and protracted complications.
<en>Junior College</en>, <en>Westchester Community College</en>, the <en>University of Bridgeport</en>, <en>St. Francis College</en>, and <en>John Jay College</en>.
<zh>短期大學</zh>, <zh>威徹斯特社區學院</zh>, the <zh>橋港大學</zh>, <zh>聖弗朗西斯學院</zh>, and <zh>約翰傑刑事司法學院</zh>.
Roe guest-starred in an episode of the American sitcom "<en>Green Acres</en>", titled "The Four of Spades", airing on November 8, 1969.
Roe guest-starred in an episode of the American sitcom "<zh>綠色田野</zh>", titled "The Four of Spades", airing on November 8, 1969.
Although his style of music declined in popularity with the 1970s mass market, Roe maintained a following and continued to perform at a variety of concert venues, sometimes with 1960s nostalgia rock and rollers such as <en>Freddy Cannon</en> and <en>Bobby Vee</en>.
Although his style of music declined in popularity with the 1970s mass market, Roe maintained a following and continued to perform at a variety of concert venues, sometimes with 1960s nostalgia rock and rollers such as <zh>弗雷迪·卡農</zh> and <zh>鲍比·维</zh>.
On June 25, 2019, "The New York Times Magazine" listed Tommy Roe among hundreds of artists whose material reportedly was destroyed in the <en>2008 Universal fire</en>.
On June 25, 2019, "The New York Times Magazine" listed Tommy Roe among hundreds of artists whose material reportedly was destroyed in the <zh>2008年環球工作室大火</zh>.
(<en>Gibbon</en>s and <en>Old World monkey</en>s show more generalized characteristics.)
(<zh>长臂猿科</zh>s and <zh>猴科</zh>s show more generalized characteristics.)
Lerici (, locally ) is a town and "<en>comune</en>" in the <en>province of La Spezia</en> in <en>Liguria</en> (northern Italy), part of the <en>Italian Riviera</en>.
Lerici (, locally ) is a town and "<zh>市镇</zh>" in the <zh>拉斯佩齊亞省</zh> in <zh>利古里亞</zh> (northern Italy), part of the <zh>意属里维耶拉</zh>.
It is situated on the coast of the <en>Gulf of La Spezia</en>, southeast of <en>La Spezia</en>.
It is situated on the coast of the <zh>拉斯佩齐亚湾</zh>, southeast of <zh>拉斯佩齐亚</zh>.
Orczy and her husband Montague Barstow spent several months there in the 1930s – alternating between La Padula, Villa Bijou in <en>Monte Carlo</en>, and trips to Britain.
Orczy and her husband Montague Barstow spent several months there in the 1930s – alternating between La Padula, Villa Bijou in <zh>蒙特卡洛</zh>, and trips to Britain.
Incumbent <en>Ion Iliescu</en> led the field in the first round, but was forced into a runoff with <en>Emil Constantinescu</en>, candidate of the oppositional <en>Romanian Democratic Convention</en> (CDR).
Incumbent <zh>扬·伊利埃斯库</zh> led the field in the first round, but was forced into a runoff with <zh>埃米爾·康斯坦丁奈斯科</zh>, candidate of the oppositional <zh>羅馬尼亞民主會議</zh> (CDR).
The most recent Landsat satellite, <en>Landsat 9</en>, was launched on 27 September 2021.
The most recent Landsat satellite, <zh>陸地衛星9號</zh>, was launched on 27 September 2021.