12 values
Kanggye is located at the merging point of four rivers, including the <en>Changja River</en>.
Kanggye is located at the merging point of four rivers, including the <zh>將子江</zh>.
It lies at the junction of the <en>Kanggye</en> and <en>Manp'o Line</en>s.
It lies at the junction of the <zh>江界線</zh> and <zh>滿浦線</zh>s.
The yellow perch ("Perca flavescens"), commonly referred to as perch, striped perch, American perch,American river perch or preacher is a freshwater <en>perciform</en> fish native to much of <en>North America</en>.
The yellow perch ("Perca flavescens"), commonly referred to as perch, striped perch, American perch,American river perch or preacher is a freshwater <zh>鲈形目</zh> fish native to much of <zh>北美洲</zh>.
Like most perches it has two separate dorsal fins The anterior, or first, <en>dorsal fin</en> contains 12–14 spines while the second has 2–3 spines in its anterior followed by 12–13 soft rays.
Like most perches it has two separate dorsal fins The anterior, or first, <zh>背鰭</zh> contains 12–14 spines while the second has 2–3 spines in its anterior followed by 12–13 soft rays.
It is also considered native to the Atlantic Slope basin, extending south to the <en>Savannah River</en>.
It is also considered native to the Atlantic Slope basin, extending south to the <zh>薩凡納河</zh>.
They are <en>iteroparous</en>, spawning annually in the spring when water temperatures are between .
They are <zh>生物的單次繁殖和多次繁殖</zh>, spawning annually in the spring when water temperatures are between .
They do not build a <en>redd</en> or nest.
They do not build a <zh>鮭魚迴游</zh> or nest.
Its distribution to other areas of the eastern US and Canada are due to its popularity as a sport and commercial fish, as well as being a <en>forage fish</en> for other sport fish species, such as bass or walleye.
Its distribution to other areas of the eastern US and Canada are due to its popularity as a sport and commercial fish, as well as being a <zh>餌料魚</zh> for other sport fish species, such as bass or walleye.
Almost every cool- to warm-water predatory fish species, such as <en>northern pike</en>, <en>muskellunge</en>, <en>bass</en>, <en>sunfish</en>, <en>crappie</en>, <en>walleye</en>, <en>trout</en>, and even other yellow perch, are predators of the yellow perch.
Almost every cool- to warm-water predatory fish species, such as <zh>白斑狗魚</zh>, <zh>北美狗鱼</zh>, <zh>鱸魚 (歐洲)</zh>, <zh>太陽魚科</zh>, <zh>刺蓋太陽魚屬</zh>, <zh>玻璃梭鱸</zh>, <zh>鱒魚</zh>, and even other yellow perch, are predators of the yellow perch.
They are the primary prey for <en>walleye</en> "Sander vitreus", and they consume 58% of the age zero and 47% of the age one yellow perch in northern lakes.
They are the primary prey for <zh>玻璃梭鱸</zh> "Sander vitreus", and they consume 58% of the age zero and 47% of the age one yellow perch in northern lakes.
In <en>Nebraska's</en> <en>Sandhill</en> lakes, the mean weight and quality of yellow perch is not related to <en>invertebrate</en> abundance, but is related to the abundance of largemouth bass.
In <zh>內布拉斯加州</zh> <zh>沙丘</zh> lakes, the mean weight and quality of yellow perch is not related to <zh>无脊椎动物</zh> abundance, but is related to the abundance of largemouth bass.
Perch are commonly active during the day and inactive at night except during <en>spawning</en>, when they are active both day and night.
Perch are commonly active during the day and inactive at night except during <zh>卵 (生物學)</zh>, when they are active both day and night.
They do not build a <en>redd</en> or nest.
They do not build a <zh>鮭魚迴游</zh> or nest.
Perch do not perform well in cold, deep, <en>oligotrophic</en> lakes.
Perch do not perform well in cold, deep, <zh>營養狀態指數</zh> lakes.
Managers employed management techniques at <en>Drummond Island</en>, <en>Michigan</en>, such as harassing the cormorants and killing them as needed.
Managers employed management techniques at <zh>德拉蒙德鎮 (密歇根州)</zh>, <zh>密歇根州</zh>, such as harassing the cormorants and killing them as needed.
<en>Ontario</en> is restricting commercial bait licenses as a precaution against this disease.
<zh>安大略省</zh> is restricting commercial bait licenses as a precaution against this disease.
<en>White perch</en>, <en>rock bass</en>, and many species of sunfish (genus "<en>Lepomis</en>") are sometimes referred to as "perch" on menus.
<zh>美洲狼鱸</zh>, <zh>岩鈍鱸</zh>, and many species of sunfish (genus "<zh>太陽魚屬</zh>") are sometimes referred to as "perch" on menus.
One musical number, in which Horne sings a reprise of "Ain't It the Truth" while taking a <en>bubble bath</en>, was cut from the film prior to release, though it later appeared in a 1946 <en>Pete Smith</en> short subject entitled "Studio Visit".
One musical number, in which Horne sings a reprise of "Ain't It the Truth" while taking a <zh>泡泡浴</zh>, was cut from the film prior to release, though it later appeared in a 1946 <zh>皮特·史密斯</zh> short subject entitled "Studio Visit".
After years of unavailability, <en>Warner Home Video</en> and <en>Turner Entertainment</en> released "Cabin in the Sky" on DVD on January 10, 2006.
After years of unavailability, <zh>华纳家庭娱乐</zh> and <zh>透納娛樂公司</zh> released "Cabin in the Sky" on DVD on January 10, 2006.
Specifically, people without a spleen are recommended to be vaccinated against <en>pneumonia</en>, <en>influenza</en>, "<en>Haemophilus influenzae</en>" type b and <en>meningococci</en>.
Specifically, people without a spleen are recommended to be vaccinated against <zh>肺炎</zh>, <zh>流行性感冒</zh>, "<zh>流感嗜血桿菌</zh>" type b and <zh>腦膜炎雙球菌</zh>.
<en>Howell–Jolly bodies</en> are found on <en>red blood cell</en>s and contain chromatin remnants from basophilic cells.
<zh>豪威爾-喬利體</zh> are found on <zh>红血球</zh>s and contain chromatin remnants from basophilic cells.
It was recorded in 1989 at Kingsway Studio in <en>New Orleans</en>.
It was recorded in 1989 at Kingsway Studio in <zh>新奥尔良</zh>.
"Diamond Mine" was the second best-selling <en>Cancon</en> album in Canada in 1989.
"Diamond Mine" was the second best-selling <zh>加拿大内容</zh> album in Canada in 1989.
The album was the ninth-best selling <en>Cancon</en> album in Canada of 1990, despite only being available for the last month of the year.
The album was the ninth-best selling <zh>加拿大内容</zh> album in Canada of 1990, despite only being available for the last month of the year.
During the <en>COVID-19 pandemic in Canada</en> in 2020, <en>CBC Music</en> organized and released a "Great Canadian Singalong" of the title track, with several hundred Canadians submitting video of themselves singing the song in their homes for inclusion in the final mix.
During the <zh>2019冠状病毒病加拿大疫情</zh> in 2020, <zh>CBC音乐广播</zh> organized and released a "Great Canadian Singalong" of the title track, with several hundred Canadians submitting video of themselves singing the song in their homes for inclusion in the final mix.
It was written after the <en>Oka thing</en>.
It was written after the <zh>奥卡危机</zh>.
While playing in Spain, The Ones were invited to perform at <en>Salvador Dalí</en>'s villa in <en>Cadaqués</en>.
While playing in Spain, The Ones were invited to perform at <zh>萨尔瓦多·达利</zh>'s villa in <zh>卡达克斯</zh>.
Froese died suddenly in <en>Vienna</en> on 20 January 2015 from a <en>pulmonary embolism</en>.
Froese died suddenly in <zh>維也納</zh> on 20 January 2015 from a <zh>肺栓塞</zh>.
Pop and Bowie lived with Froese and his family at their home in <en>Schöneberg</en> before moving to their apartment on Hauptstraße.
Pop and Bowie lived with Froese and his family at their home in <zh>舍嫩贝格</zh> before moving to their apartment on Hauptstraße.
Samhan, or Three Han, is the collective name of the <en>Byeonhan</en>, <en>Jinhan</en>, and <en>Mahan</en> confederacies that emerged in the first century BC during the <en>Proto–Three Kingdoms of Korea</en>, or Samhan, period.
Samhan, or Three Han, is the collective name of the <zh>弁韓</zh>, <zh>辰韓</zh>, and <zh>馬韓</zh> confederacies that emerged in the first century BC during the <zh>前三國時代</zh>, or Samhan, period.
The name "Samhan" also refers to the <en>Three Kingdoms of Korea</en>.
The name "Samhan" also refers to the <zh>朝鲜三国时代</zh>.
"Sam" is a <en>Sino-Korean word</en> meaning "three," and "Han" is a Korean word meaning "great (one), grand, large, in the midst (of)".
"Sam" is a <zh>汉字词</zh> meaning "three," and "Han" is a Korean word meaning "great (one), grand, large, in the midst (of)".
The word "Han" is still found in many Korean words such as "Hangawi (한가위)" — archaic native Korean for <en>Chuseok</en> (秋夕, 추석), "Hangaram (한가람)" — archaic native Korean for <en>Hangang</en> (漢江, 한강), "Hanbat (한밭)" — the original place name in native Korean for <en>Daejeon</en> (大田, 대전), "Hanabaji (한아바지)" — the original form of 할아버지 (Harabeoji, grandfather).
The word "Han" is still found in many Korean words such as "Hangawi (한가위)" — archaic native Korean for <zh>朝鮮秋夕</zh> (秋夕, 추석), "Hangaram (한가람)" — archaic native Korean for <zh>漢江</zh> (漢江, 한강), "Hanbat (한밭)" — the original place name in native Korean for <zh>大田廣域市</zh> (大田, 대전), "Hanabaji (한아바지)" — the original form of 할아버지 (Harabeoji, grandfather).
In his Ten Mandates to his descendants, <en>Wang Geon</en> declared that he had unified the Three Han (Samhan), referring to the Three Kingdoms of Korea.
In his Ten Mandates to his descendants, <zh>高麗太祖</zh> declared that he had unified the Three Han (Samhan), referring to the Three Kingdoms of Korea.
In 651, <en>Emperor Gaozong of Tang</en> sent a message to the king of Baekje referring to the Three Kingdoms of Korea as Samhan.
In 651, <zh>唐高宗</zh> sent a message to the king of Baekje referring to the Three Kingdoms of Korea as Samhan.
The minor states which made up the federations are usually considered to have covered about as much land as a modern-day <en>myeon</en>, or township.
The minor states which made up the federations are usually considered to have covered about as much land as a modern-day <zh>面</zh>, or township.
This was taken up with particular intensity by the <en>Byeonhan</en> states of the <en>Nakdong River</en> valley, which manufactured and exported iron armor and weapons throughout Northeast Asia.
This was taken up with particular intensity by the <zh>弁韓</zh> states of the <zh>洛東江</zh> valley, which manufactured and exported iron armor and weapons throughout Northeast Asia.
It appears that at this time the modern-day <en>Jeolla</en> area emerged as a center of <en>rice</en> production (Kim, 1974).
It appears that at this time the modern-day <zh>全羅道</zh> area emerged as a center of <zh>稻</zh> production (Kim, 1974).
Trade relations also existed with the emergent states of <en>Japan</en> at this time, most commonly involving the exchange of ornamental Japanese bronzeware for Korean iron.
Trade relations also existed with the emergent states of <zh>日本</zh> at this time, most commonly involving the exchange of ornamental Japanese bronzeware for Korean iron.
For the next few years the label's releases were sporadic offerings produced by Michael Timmins and/or <en>Peter Moore</en>.
For the next few years the label's releases were sporadic offerings produced by Michael Timmins and/or <zh>彼得·J·摩爾</zh>.
The Birotron (pronounced by-ro-tron) is a tape replay keyboard conceived by American musician and inventor Dave Biro of <en>Yalesville, Connecticut</en>, US, and funded by English keyboardist <en>Rick Wakeman</en> in the 1970s, and Rudkin-Wiley of <en>Pepperidge Farm</en>
The Birotron (pronounced by-ro-tron) is a tape replay keyboard conceived by American musician and inventor Dave Biro of <zh>耶爾斯維爾 (康乃狄克州)</zh>, US, and funded by English keyboardist <zh>瑞奇·威克曼</zh> in the 1970s, and Rudkin-Wiley of <zh>琣伯莉餅乾</zh>
A <en>Mellotron</en>-like instrument in the prototype stage and intended for mass production, it was featured on several albums and tours.
A <zh>美樂特朗</zh>-like instrument in the prototype stage and intended for mass production, it was featured on several albums and tours.
The Birotron is a keyboard instrument that uses <en>8-track cartridge</en> tapes to play sounds whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard.
The Birotron is a keyboard instrument that uses <zh>8軌軟片</zh> tapes to play sounds whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard.
The major innovation of the Birotron is that it stores its sounds using 8-track <en>tape loop</en>s, which allows it to play the sounds indefinitely, a great improvement from the 8-second limit of the Mellotron and Chamberlin.
The major innovation of the Birotron is that it stores its sounds using 8-track <zh>循环带</zh>s, which allows it to play the sounds indefinitely, a great improvement from the 8-second limit of the Mellotron and Chamberlin.
<en>Christopher Franke</en> of <en>Tangerine Dream</en> ordered one after trying it at the Frankfurt Music Exhibition, and many musicians such as <en>John Lennon</en>, <en>Captain and Tennille</en>, and <en>John Paul Jones</en> sought out Dave Biro or his management to be among the first to obtain one when they realized the demand was high.
<zh>克里斯多佛·弗兰克</zh> of <zh>橘夢樂團</zh> ordered one after trying it at the Frankfurt Music Exhibition, and many musicians such as <zh>約翰·列儂</zh>, <zh>船长与塔妮尔</zh>, and <zh>約翰·保羅·瓊斯</zh> sought out Dave Biro or his management to be among the first to obtain one when they realized the demand was high.
Despite the skilled talents of the manufacturing team, (such as Emerson/McCartney <en>Moog</en> technician Phil Pearce who designed the attack / decay electronics), and a man by the name of 'Roger Rogers' who worked on furthering the electronics, tape process, design, and production engineering, delays in actual production arose due to issues that became time consuming to solve properly.
Despite the skilled talents of the manufacturing team, (such as Emerson/McCartney <zh>默格合成器</zh> technician Phil Pearce who designed the attack / decay electronics), and a man by the name of 'Roger Rogers' who worked on furthering the electronics, tape process, design, and production engineering, delays in actual production arose due to issues that became time consuming to solve properly.
Originally intended for release in the mid-1970s, it was delayed until shortly before the arrival of the digital sampling technology (such as the <en>Fairlight CMI</en>) which would render it immediately obsolete in the eyes of the general consumer-musician.
Originally intended for release in the mid-1970s, it was delayed until shortly before the arrival of the digital sampling technology (such as the <zh>費爾萊特CMI</zh>) which would render it immediately obsolete in the eyes of the general consumer-musician.
This "model C" version (the Birotron Polyvox) invested in by Rudkin-Wiley (<en>Pepperidge Farm Foods</en> and Air Shield products), used fewer 8-track tapes, had new sounds, and would have included digital technology, and a remote keyboard that connected to the machine, but sustained funding was not available due to the 1981 recession.
This "model C" version (the Birotron Polyvox) invested in by Rudkin-Wiley (<zh>琣伯莉餅乾</zh> and Air Shield products), used fewer 8-track tapes, had new sounds, and would have included digital technology, and a remote keyboard that connected to the machine, but sustained funding was not available due to the 1981 recession.
The exact same Birotron unit (#007) also appeared once more 7 years later on the song "Nickel Plated Man" by <en>Eleni Mandell</en> on the 1999 album "<en>Wishbone</en>".
The exact same Birotron unit (#007) also appeared once more 7 years later on the song "Nickel Plated Man" by <zh>埃莱尼·曼德尔</zh> on the 1999 album "<en>Wishbone</en>".
is a Japanese <en>voice actress</en> and singer associated with <en>I'm Enterprise</en>.
is a Japanese <zh>聲優</zh> and singer associated with <zh>I'm Enterprise</zh>.
It is produced from <en>cocoa bean</en>s that have been fermented, dried, roasted, and separated from their skins.
It is produced from <zh>可可豆</zh>s that have been fermented, dried, roasted, and separated from their skins.
The mass is melted to become the liquor, and the liquor is either separated into cocoa solids and cocoa butter, or cooled and molded into blocks of <en>raw chocolate</en>.
The mass is melted to become the liquor, and the liquor is either separated into cocoa solids and cocoa butter, or cooled and molded into blocks of <zh>纯巧克力</zh>.
<en>theatre</en> <en>professional</en>s in connection with a 1971 conference in <en>Gaspé, Quebec</en> sponsored by the <en>Canada Council</en>.
<zh>劇場</zh> <zh>專業人士</zh>s in connection with a 1971 conference in <zh>加斯佩</zh> sponsored by the <zh>加拿大国家艺术委员会</zh>.
Its main suggestion called for publicly <en>subsidized</en> theatres to ensure that at least half of their productions would be <en>Canadian content</en> by 1973.
Its main suggestion called for publicly <zh>補貼</zh> theatres to ensure that at least half of their productions would be <zh>加拿大内容</zh> by 1973.
It is listed by the <en>Impact Field Studies Group</en> as a "probable" impact structure.
It is listed by the <zh>撞击现场研究组</zh> as a "probable" impact structure.
A circular structure was discovered by <en>geologist</en> Kevin R. Evans through examination of <en>digital elevation data</en>.
A circular structure was discovered by <zh>地質學</zh> Kevin R. Evans through examination of <zh>数字地面模型</zh>.
It is one of a series of known or suspected impact sites along the <en>38th parallel</en> in the states of <en>Illinois</en>, <en>Missouri</en>, and <en>Kansas</en>.
It is one of a series of known or suspected impact sites along the <zh>北纬38度线</zh> in the states of <zh>伊利诺伊州</zh>, <zh>密蘇里州</zh>, and <zh>堪薩斯州</zh>.
The three larger ones in the US either have been glaciated and buried (<en>Manson crater</en>), are under water (<en>Chesapeake Bay crater</en>), or have been subjected to <en>orogeny</en> (<en>Beaverhead crater</en>).
The three larger ones in the US either have been glaciated and buried (<zh>曼森隕石坑</zh>), are under water (<zh>切薩皮克灣隕石坑</zh>), or have been subjected to <zh>造山運動</zh> (<zh>贝沃海德陨石坑</zh>).
In video games, she is the voice of Omochao in the "<en>Sonic</en>" series and of <en>Jibanyan</en> in the "<en>Yo-kai Watch</en>" series.
In video games, she is the voice of Omochao in the "<zh>索尼克系列游戏列表</zh>" series and of <zh>吉胖喵</zh> in the "<zh>妖怪手錶</zh>" series.
Set in <en>Edmonton, Alberta</en>, the comedy-drama follows the lives of several sexually frustrated "thirty-somethings" who try to learn the meaning of love — during a time in which a <en>serial killer</en> is terrorizing the city. "
Set in <zh>埃德蒙顿</zh>, the comedy-drama follows the lives of several sexually frustrated "thirty-somethings" who try to learn the meaning of love — during a time in which a <zh>連環殺手</zh> is terrorizing the city. "
As the action happens around the group of friends, a <en>serial killer</en> is making victims of various women in the city.
As the action happens around the group of friends, a <zh>連環殺手</zh> is making victims of various women in the city.
The novel depicts their rule as a relatively <en>benevolent despotism</en>, allowing freedom of religion and maintaining the urban Roman society they had conquered, though slavery is common and <en>torture</en> is the normal method of interrogation by what passes for law-enforcement agencies.
The novel depicts their rule as a relatively <zh>開明專制</zh>, allowing freedom of religion and maintaining the urban Roman society they had conquered, though slavery is common and <zh>酷刑</zh> is the normal method of interrogation by what passes for law-enforcement agencies.
Padway rescues the recently deposed <en>Thiudahad</en> and becomes his <en>quaestor</en>.
Padway rescues the recently deposed <zh>狄奥达哈德</zh> and becomes his <zh>財務官</zh>.
The landing of an Imperial army at <en>Vibo</en>, led by <en>Bloody John</en>, and a rebellion, led by the son of Thiudahad, threaten the Ostrogothic kingdom and its army is destroyed at <en>Crathis</en> Valley.
The landing of an Imperial army at <zh>维博瓦伦蒂亚</zh>, led by <zh>约翰</zh>, and a rebellion, led by the son of Thiudahad, threaten the Ostrogothic kingdom and its army is destroyed at <zh>克拉蒂河</zh> Valley.
There's also repeated use of a "Sun" newspaper (the "<en>Edmonton Sun</en>" is one of the city's major daily newspapers, although the city's name is not included in the masthead of the prop paper) and <en>CBC</en>-TV <en>Canadian Football League</en> footage of an <en>Edmonton Eskimos</en> game.
There's also repeated use of a "Sun" newspaper (the "<zh>艾德蒙頓太陽報</zh>" is one of the city's major daily newspapers, although the city's name is not included in the masthead of the prop paper) and <zh>加拿大國營頻道</zh>-TV <zh>加拿大橄榄球联盟</zh> footage of an <zh>愛民頓愛斯基摩人隊</zh> game.
<en>PAL</en> DVD issued by <en>Arrow Films</en>.
<zh>PAL制式</zh> DVD issued by <zh>箭頭影業</zh>.
His well-known roles include heroes such as <en>X</en> in "<en>Mega Man X</en>" and <en>Cloud Strife</en> in "<en>Compilation of Final Fantasy VII</en>", as well as villains such as Maximilien Robespierre in "<en>Le Chevalier D'Eon</en>", Hiltz in "", and Sasori in "Naruto Shippūden".
His well-known roles include heroes such as <zh>洛克人X</zh> in "<zh>洛克人X系列</zh>" and <zh>克勞德·史特萊夫</zh> in "<zh>最终幻想VII补完计划</zh>", as well as villains such as Maximilien Robespierre in "<zh>雙面騎士</zh>", Hiltz in "", and Sasori in "Naruto Shippūden".
His <en>range</en> is <en>tenor</en>.
His <zh>音域</zh> is <zh>男高音</zh>.
After graduating from Yoyogi Animation Academy in Nagoya and 81 Acting Institute, he made his official anime debut in 1996 with the TV animation series "<en>Bakusō Kyōdai Let's & Go!!</en>".
After graduating from Yoyogi Animation Academy in Nagoya and 81 Acting Institute, he made his official anime debut in 1996 with the TV animation series "<zh>爆走兄弟Let's & Go!!</zh>".
After moving on from the training school, he became a member of <en>81 Produce</en> under the influence of his admiration for <en>Toshihiko Seki</en>.
After moving on from the training school, he became a member of <zh>81 Produce</zh> under the influence of his admiration for <zh>關俊彥</zh>.
In 1999, when he was 25 years old and wondering if he should quit voice acting, he got regular roles in two movies in a row, "<en>Digimon Adventure</en>" and "<en>Sensual Phrase</en>", and in the same year, he sang his first character song in his first starring movie, "<en>Gate Keepers</en>".
In 1999, when he was 25 years old and wondering if he should quit voice acting, he got regular roles in two movies in a row, "<zh>數碼暴龍大冒險</zh>" and "<zh>KAIKANフレーズ</zh>", and in the same year, he sang his first character song in his first starring movie, "<zh>捍衛者</zh>".
On October 25, 2016, Sakurai stepped on the red carpet at the 27th <en>Tokyo International Film Festival</en> as John Paul in "<en>Genocidal Organ</en>" with <en>Yuichi Nakamura</en> as Clavis Shepherd.
On October 25, 2016, Sakurai stepped on the red carpet at the 27th <zh>東京國際電影節</zh> as John Paul in "<zh>虐殺器官</zh>" with <zh>中村悠一</zh> as Clavis Shepherd.
<en>Lelouch of the Rebellion R2</en>", and was credited as a logotype designer for the second season of "<en>Active Raid</en>".
<zh>Code Geass 反叛的鲁路修R2剧集列表</zh>", and was credited as a logotype designer for the second season of "<zh>Active Raid-機動強襲室第八係-</zh>".
"<en>Profit</en>", targeting <en>small and mid-sized businesses</en>, is a sister title under the same ownership.
"<zh>利潤</zh>", targeting <zh>中小型企業</zh>, is a sister title under the same ownership.
<en>Frank Stronach</en>'s net was $US 2.72 Billion in 2011-2012.
<zh>法兰克·史庄纳</zh>'s net was $US 2.72 Billion in 2011-2012.
In <en>genetic programming</en> (GP) a linear tree is a program composed of a variable number of unary functions and a single <en>terminal</en>.
In <zh>遗传编程</zh> (GP) a linear tree is a program composed of a variable number of unary functions and a single <zh>树</zh>.
He was inducted to the <en>Pro Football Hall of Fame</en> in 2001 and the <en>Canadian Football Hall of Fame</en> in 2021.
He was inducted to the <zh>職業美式足球名人堂</zh> in 2001 and the <zh>加拿大足球名人堂」博物館 Canadian Football Hall of Fame Museum</zh> in 2021.
In later years, Levy became a supporter of the <en>World War II Memorial</en> and pushed for World War II veterans to be honored at <en>Super Bowl LIV</en> to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in the war, noting that fewer than 3% of those who served in the war were still alive in 2020.
In later years, Levy became a supporter of the <zh>第二次世界大戰紀念碑</zh> and pushed for World War II veterans to be honored at <zh>第五十四屆超級碗</zh> to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in the war, noting that fewer than 3% of those who served in the war were still alive in 2020.
Levy enrolled at <en>Coe College</en> in <en>Iowa</en>.
Levy enrolled at <zh>安科學院</zh> in <zh>艾奥瓦州</zh>.
Two years later, Levy returned to <en>Coe College</en> as an assistant football coach (1953–1954) and in his second stint as a head coach, he also won a championship—this time in basketball with future NBA Coach <en>Bill Fitch</en> as one of his players.
Two years later, Levy returned to <zh>安科學院</zh> as an assistant football coach (1953–1954) and in his second stint as a head coach, he also won a championship—this time in basketball with future NBA Coach <zh>比尔·费奇</zh> as one of his players.
In 1954, he joined the coaching staff at the <en>University of New Mexico</en> and was named head coach in 1958.
In 1954, he joined the coaching staff at the <zh>新墨西哥大學</zh> and was named head coach in 1958.
Levy began his professional football coaching career in 1969 as kicking teams coach for the <en>Philadelphia Eagles</en> before joining <en>George Allen</en>'s staff as a <en>special teams</en> coach for the <en>Los Angeles Rams</en> in 1970.
Levy began his professional football coaching career in 1969 as kicking teams coach for the <zh>费城老鹰</zh> before joining <zh>佐治·亞倫</zh>'s staff as a <zh>美式足球位置</zh> coach for the <zh>圣路易斯公羊</zh> in 1970.
Levy then served as the head coach of the <en>Montreal Alouettes</en> of the <en>Canadian Football League</en> for five seasons.
Levy then served as the head coach of the <zh>蒙特利尔雲雀</zh> of the <zh>加拿大橄榄球联盟</zh> for five seasons.
<en>Wally Buono</en> played under Levy in Montreal and went on to become one of the CFL's most successful coaches.
<zh>帕斯夸雷·布沃諾</zh> played under Levy in Montreal and went on to become one of the CFL's most successful coaches.
A lifelong <en>Chicago Cubs</en> fan, Levy was among a select few people in attendance at both the <en>1945 World Series</en> (which he attended while on furlough from the Army Air Forces) and the <en>2016 World Series</en>.
A lifelong <zh>芝加哥小熊</zh> fan, Levy was among a select few people in attendance at both the <zh>1945年世界大賽</zh> (which he attended while on furlough from the Army Air Forces) and the <zh>2016年世界大賽</zh>.
In 2021, he was inducted into the <en>Canadian Football Hall of Fame</en>.
In 2021, he was inducted into the <zh>加拿大足球名人堂」博物館 Canadian Football Hall of Fame Museum</zh>.
Of the routes the airport offers, the domestic Ho Chi Minh City – <en>Hanoi</en> route is the busiest in Southeast Asia and the <en>fourth busiest</en> in the world, serving 10,253,530 customers in 2019.
Of the routes the airport offers, the domestic Ho Chi Minh City – <zh>內排國際機場</zh> route is the busiest in Southeast Asia and the <zh>最繁忙客运航空线列表</zh> in the world, serving 10,253,530 customers in 2019.
In September 2017, <en>People's Army of Vietnam</en> ceded 21 hectare of military land in the vicinity of the airport to <en>Airports Corporation of Vietnam</en> for civil use.
In September 2017, <zh>越南人民军</zh> ceded 21 hectare of military land in the vicinity of the airport to <zh>越南機場公司</zh> for civil use.
This gave way for the construction of 21 new aircraft parking spaces, expected to be completed by <en>T</en>et holidays in 2018.
This gave way for the construction of 21 new aircraft parking spaces, expected to be completed by <zh>越南新年</zh>et holidays in 2018.
A new international terminal funded by Japanese <en>official development assistance</en> and constructed by a consortium of four Japanese contractors (KTOM, abbreviation of four contractors' names: <en>Kajima</en> – <en>Taisei</en> – <en>Obayashi</en> – <en>Maeda</en>), opened in September 2007 with an initially designed capacity of 10 million passengers a year.
A new international terminal funded by Japanese <zh>政府开发援助</zh> and constructed by a consortium of four Japanese contractors (KTOM, abbreviation of four contractors' names: <zh>鹿島建設</zh> – <zh>大成建設</zh> – <zh>大林組</zh> – <zh>前田建設</zh>), opened in September 2007 with an initially designed capacity of 10 million passengers a year.
In a report submitted to the <en>Vietnamese National Assembly</en> in 2015, legislators deemed continued expansion of Tan Son Nhat problematic in five aspects.
In a report submitted to the <zh>越南国会</zh> in 2015, legislators deemed continued expansion of Tan Son Nhat problematic in five aspects.
Additionally, due to its urban location, aside from increasing ground traffic stress in its access points, the airport cannot operate between midnight and 5AM in accordance to the <en>International Civil Aviation Organization</en> sustainable development goals, further limiting its capability.
Additionally, due to its urban location, aside from increasing ground traffic stress in its access points, the airport cannot operate between midnight and 5AM in accordance to the <zh>国际民用航空组织</zh> sustainable development goals, further limiting its capability.
The new airport will be built in <en>Long Thành District</en>, <en>Đồng Nai Province</en>, about east of Ho Chi Minh City and north of the petroleum-focused city of <en>Vung Tau</en>, near Highway 51A.
The new airport will be built in <zh>隆城縣</zh>, <zh>同奈省</zh>, about east of Ho Chi Minh City and north of the petroleum-focused city of <zh>頭頓市</zh>, near Highway 51A.
According to the approved modified plan in 2011, Long Thanh International Airport will be constructed on an area of , and will have four runways (4,000 m x 60 m or 13,100 ft x 200 ft) and be capable of receiving the <en>Airbus A380</en>.
According to the approved modified plan in 2011, Long Thanh International Airport will be constructed on an area of , and will have four runways (4,000 m x 60 m or 13,100 ft x 200 ft) and be capable of receiving the <zh>空中客车A380</zh>.
On 12 June 2017, <en>Prime Minister</en> <en>Nguyễn Xuân Phúc</en> requested the <en>Ministry of Transport</en> to research the prospect of constructing a third runway at Tan Son Nhut International Airport.
On 12 June 2017, <zh>越南总理</zh> <zh>阮春福</zh> requested the <zh>越南交通运输部</zh> to research the prospect of constructing a third runway at Tan Son Nhut International Airport.
Some of his major roles include Seiji Hayami in "<en>Cutie Honey Flash</en>", Chiaki Nagoya in "<en>Phantom Thief Jeanne</en>", Sai Fujiwara in "<en>Hikaru no Go</en>", Chairman Muranishi in "<en>Kirarin Revolution</en>", Isao Kondo in "<en>Gin Tama</en>", Shō Sai in "<en>The Story of Saiunkoku</en>", Hans in "<en>Nijū Mensō no Musume</en>", Takuma Ichijo in "<en>Vampire Knight</en>", Welkin Gunther in <en>Valkyria Chronicles</en>, and Ryuu Daikouji in "<en>Little Battlers Experience</en>".
Some of his major roles include Seiji Hayami in "<zh>甜心战士F</zh>", Chiaki Nagoya in "<zh>神風怪盜貞德</zh>", Sai Fujiwara in "<zh>棋魂</zh>", Chairman Muranishi in "<zh>偶像宣言</zh>", Isao Kondo in "<zh>銀魂</zh>", Shō Sai in "<zh>彩雲國物語</zh>", Hans in "<zh>二十面相少女</zh>", Takuma Ichijo in "<zh>吸血鬼騎士</zh>", Welkin Gunther in <zh>戰場女武神系列</zh>, and Ryuu Daikouji in "<zh>紙箱戰機</zh>".
In addition, the term also exists in various <en>chivalric order</en>s and <en>fraternal order</en>s.
In addition, the term also exists in various <zh>骑士团</zh>s and <zh>兄弟會</zh>s.
However, copies of books prescribing the forms of rituals, rites and customs of pontifical ceremonies are known to have been given to <en>Charles Martel</en> in the 8th century.
However, copies of books prescribing the forms of rituals, rites and customs of pontifical ceremonies are known to have been given to <zh>查理·马特</zh> in the 8th century.
In <en>hip hop</en> and <en>electronic dance music</en>, "MC" refers to <en>rap</en> artists or performers who perform vocals for their own or other artists' original material.
In <zh>嘻哈音樂</zh> and <zh>電子舞曲</zh>, "MC" refers to <zh>饒舌</zh> artists or performers who perform vocals for their own or other artists' original material.
The function is prevalent in the culture of <en>chivalric order</en>s, as well as in more modern <en>fraternal order</en>s, such as <en>Freemasons</en> and <en>Odd Fellows</en>.
The function is prevalent in the culture of <zh>骑士团</zh>s, as well as in more modern <zh>兄弟會</zh>s, such as <zh>共济会</zh> and <zh>秘密共济会</zh>.