12 values
All satellite images produced by <en>NASA</en> are published by <en>NASA Earth Observatory</en> and are freely available to the public.
All satellite images produced by <zh>国家航空航天局</zh> are published by <zh>NASA地球天文台</zh> and are freely available to the public.
Less mainstream uses include <en>anomaly hunting</en>, a criticized investigation technique involving the search of satellite images for unexplained phenomena.
Less mainstream uses include <zh>奇异现象学</zh>, a criticized investigation technique involving the search of satellite images for unexplained phenomena.
The "<en>CORONA</en>" program was a series of <en>American</en> strategic <en>reconnaissance satellites</en> produced and operated by the <en>Central Intelligence Agency</en> (CIA) <en>Directorate of Science & Technology</en> with substantial assistance from the <en>U.S. Air Force</en>.
The "<zh>日冕 (卫星)</zh>" program was a series of <zh>美國</zh> strategic <zh>间谍卫星</zh> produced and operated by the <zh>中央情報局</zh> (CIA) <zh>中央情报局科技处</zh> with substantial assistance from the <zh>美国空军</zh>.
<en>Sentinel-1</en> (SAR imaging), <en>Sentinel-2</en> (decameter optical imaging for land surfaces), and <en>Sentinel-3</en> (hectometer optical and thermal imaging for land and water) have already been launched.
<zh>哨兵1号</zh> (SAR imaging), <zh>哨兵2号</zh> (decameter optical imaging for land surfaces), and <zh>哨兵3號</zh> (hectometer optical and thermal imaging for land and water) have already been launched.
<en>Eumetsat</en> has operated the Meteosats since 1987.
<zh>歐洲氣象衛星組織</zh> has operated the Meteosats since 1987.
The 3 <en>SPOT satellites</en> in orbit (Spot 5, 6, 7) provide very high resolution images – 1.5 m for Panchromatic channel, 6m for Multi-spectral (R,G,B,NIR).
The 3 <zh>SPOT卫星</zh> in orbit (Spot 5, 6, 7) provide very high resolution images – 1.5 m for Panchromatic channel, 6m for Multi-spectral (R,G,B,NIR).
<en>Spot Image</en> is also the exclusive distributor of data from the high resolution <en>Pleiades satellites</en> with a resolution of 0.50 meter or about 20 inches.
<zh>Spot Image</zh> is also the exclusive distributor of data from the high resolution <zh>昴宿</zh> with a resolution of 0.50 meter or about 20 inches.
The RapidEye constellation contains identical <en>multispectral</en> sensors which are equally calibrated.
The RapidEye constellation contains identical <zh>多光譜影像</zh> sensors which are equally calibrated.
EROS satellites imagery applications are primarily for intelligence, homeland security and national development purposes but also employed in a wide range of civilian applications, including: mapping, border control, infrastructure planning, agricultural monitoring, <en>environmental monitoring</en>, disaster response, training and simulations, etc.
EROS satellites imagery applications are primarily for intelligence, homeland security and national development purposes but also employed in a wide range of civilian applications, including: mapping, border control, infrastructure planning, agricultural monitoring, <zh>环境监测</zh>, disaster response, training and simulations, etc.
Because the total area of the land on Earth is so large and because resolution is relatively high, satellite databases are huge and <en>image processing</en> (creating useful images from the raw data) is time-consuming.
Because the total area of the land on Earth is so large and because resolution is relatively high, satellite databases are huge and <zh>數位影像處理</zh> (creating useful images from the raw data) is time-consuming.
Arriving at Washington, D.C., in mid-July, "Nautilus" entered the <en>Washington Navy Yard</en> there and was placed <en>in ordinary</en>.
Arriving at Washington, D.C., in mid-July, "Nautilus" entered the <zh>华盛顿海军工厂</zh> there and was placed <zh>後備艦隊</zh>.
A squadron built around the <en>Third Rate</en> (64 guns) and the two <en>Fifth Rate</en> frigates, (38 guns) and (32 guns), captured her off northern <en>New Jersey</en>.
A squadron built around the <zh>第三級戰艦</zh> (64 guns) and the two <zh>五級艦 (英國皇家海軍)</zh> frigates, (38 guns) and (32 guns), captured her off northern <zh>新泽西州</zh>.
USS "Lamprey" (SS-372), a <en>"Balao"-class</en> <en>submarine</en>, was a ship of the <en>United States Navy</en> named for the <en>lamprey</en>, any of certain <en>eel</en>-like aquatic vertebrates.
USS "Lamprey" (SS-372), a <zh>巴劳鱵级潜艇</zh> <zh>潛艇</zh>, was a ship of the <zh>美國海軍</zh> named for the <zh>七鰓鰻亞綱</zh>, any of certain <zh>鳗鲡目</zh>-like aquatic vertebrates.
The submarine was closing in on a two-masted <en>schooner</en> 15 August when she received word to cease hostilities.
The submarine was closing in on a two-masted <zh>双桅纵帆船</zh> 15 August when she received word to cease hostilities.
She entered <en>Mare Island Naval Shipyard</en>, decommissioned 3 June 1946, and was laid up in the <en>Pacific Reserve Fleet</en>.
She entered <zh>馬爾島海軍造船廠</zh>, decommissioned 3 June 1946, and was laid up in the <zh>美國海軍後備艦隊</zh>.
On 21 July 1960 she was transferred on loan to the Government of <en>Argentina</en> and was commissioned in the <en>Argentine Navy</en> as ARA "Santiago del Estero" (S-12).
On 21 July 1960 she was transferred on loan to the Government of <zh>阿根廷</zh> and was commissioned in the <zh>阿根廷海軍</zh> as ARA "Santiago del Estero" (S-12).
The submarine was returned to US Navy custody, 1 September 1971, to be struck from the <en>Naval Vessel Register</en> and sold outright to the Argentine Navy, which therefore employed them only for training purposes.
The submarine was returned to US Navy custody, 1 September 1971, to be struck from the <zh>海軍艦艇名冊</zh> and sold outright to the Argentine Navy, which therefore employed them only for training purposes.
The <en>National Salvation Front</en> (FSN), which had headed the interim government that took power after the overthrow of <en>Nicolae Ceaușescu</en>, won a decisive victory.
The <zh>國家救國陣線</zh> (FSN), which had headed the interim government that took power after the overthrow of <zh>尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库</zh>, won a decisive victory.
Salinas is a municipality in the northeast of the <en>Brazil</en>ian state of <en>Minas Gerais</en>.
Salinas is a municipality in the northeast of the <zh>巴西</zh>ian state of <zh>米纳斯吉拉斯</zh>.
It has a global workforce of over 19,000 employees, 84 <en>subsidiary</en> and 3 <en>affiliated companies</en> operating in 55 countries.
It has a global workforce of over 19,000 employees, 84 <zh>子公司</zh> and 3 <zh>关联公司</zh> operating in 55 countries.
Some of Yokogawa's most recognizable products are <en>production control system</en>s, <en>test</en> and measurement instruments, pressure transmitters, flow meters, oxygen analyzers, <en>fieldbus</en> instruments, <en>Manufacturing Execution Systems</en> and Advanced Process Control.
Some of Yokogawa's most recognizable products are <zh>生产管理</zh>s, <zh>电子测试设备</zh> and measurement instruments, pressure transmitters, flow meters, oxygen analyzers, <zh>現場總線</zh> instruments, <zh>制造执行系统</zh> and Advanced Process Control.
Adam McKay (born April 17, 1968) is an American film and television director, producer, <en>screenwriter</en>, and comedian.
Adam McKay (born April 17, 1968) is an American film and television director, producer, <zh>編劇</zh>, and comedian.
McKay began his career in the 1990s as a <en>head writer</en> for the <en>NBC</en>
McKay began his career in the 1990s as a <zh>總編劇</zh> for the <zh>全國廣播公司</zh>
Ferrell and McKay later co-wrote and co-produced numerous television series and films, and produced their comedy website <en>Funny or Die</en> through their company <en>Gary Sanchez Productions</en>.
Ferrell and McKay later co-wrote and co-produced numerous television series and films, and produced their comedy website <zh>笑死人不偿命</zh> through their company <zh>格雷·桑切斯製片公司</zh>.
In October 2019, McKay founded <en>Hyperobject Industries</en>.
In October 2019, McKay founded <zh>攝政娛樂公司</zh>.
McKay was born in 1968 in <en>Denver</en>, <en>Colorado</en> and was raised in <en>Worcester</en>, <en>Massachusetts</en> and then <en>Malvern</en>, <en>Pennsylvania</en> by a waitress mother, Sarah, and a musician father.
McKay was born in 1968 in <zh>丹佛</zh>, <zh>科羅拉多州</zh> and was raised in <zh>伍斯特</zh>, <zh>麻薩諸塞州</zh> and then <zh>马尔文</zh>, <zh>宾夕法尼亚州</zh> by a waitress mother, Sarah, and a musician father.
He attended <en>Great Valley High School</en> in <en>Malvern</en>, <en>Pennsylvania</en>, where he graduated in 1986.
He attended <zh>大谷高中</zh> in <zh>马尔文</zh>, <zh>宾夕法尼亚州</zh>, where he graduated in 1986.
While a member of the mainstage cast at <en>Second City</en>, he wrote and performed in that company's landmark revue, "Pinata Full of Bees".
While a member of the mainstage cast at <zh>第二城喜剧团</zh>, he wrote and performed in that company's landmark revue, "Pinata Full of Bees".
However, the scripts he submitted earned him a job as a writer from 1995, and within a year McKay became <en>head writer</en> at age 27, a position he held until 2001.
However, the scripts he submitted earned him a job as a writer from 1995, and within a year McKay became <zh>總編劇</zh> at age 27, a position he held until 2001.
He also directed a number of <en>short film</en>s for the show, including the original <en>"SNL" Digital Shorts</en>.
He also directed a number of <zh>短片</zh>s for the show, including the original <zh>SNL数字短片</zh>.
Ferrell and McKay co-produce the HBO series "<en>Eastbound & Down</en>".
Ferrell and McKay co-produce the HBO series "<zh>職棒鮮師</zh>".
McKay was one of the writers for the film "<en>The Campaign</en>" (2012), and produced the film "<en>Daddy's Home</en>" (2015), the latter of which reunited "The Other Guys" stars Ferrell and <en>Mark Wahlberg</en>, and was directed by <en>Sean Anders</en>.
McKay was one of the writers for the film "<zh>官賤對決</zh>" (2012), and produced the film "<zh>家有兩個爸</zh>" (2015), the latter of which reunited "The Other Guys" stars Ferrell and <zh>馬克·華伯格</zh>, and was directed by <zh>西恩·安德斯</zh>.
In addition to "Eastbound & Down", McKay has produced the TV series "<en>Big Lake</en>" and "<en>Succession</en>", whose pilot he directed, and the <en>miniseries</en> "<en>The Spoils of Babylon</en>", and "<en>The Chris Gethard Show</en>".
In addition to "Eastbound & Down", McKay has produced the TV series "<zh>落難財神</zh>" and "<zh>繼承之戰</zh>", whose pilot he directed, and the <zh>迷你剧集</zh> "<zh>巴比倫的陷落</zh>", and "<zh>克里斯·格哈德秀</zh>".
In 2019, McKay launched a new production company, <en>Hyperobject Industries</en>, which has a first look overall TV deal with HBO and a first look feature deal at Paramount Pictures.
In 2019, McKay launched a new production company, <zh>攝政娛樂公司</zh>, which has a first look overall TV deal with HBO and a first look feature deal at Paramount Pictures.
He has directed an "alternate film" about <en>Ron Burgundy</en> that is considered a companion to "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" (2004) entitled "<en>Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie</en>" (2004), which is made up mostly of alternative takes, deleted scenes, and scrapped sub-plots from the original film strung together with a narrative.
He has directed an "alternate film" about <zh>王牌播音员</zh> that is considered a companion to "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" (2004) entitled "<zh>銀幕大角頭:失落的電影</zh>" (2004), which is made up mostly of alternative takes, deleted scenes, and scrapped sub-plots from the original film strung together with a narrative.
Among the other short films he has directed include "The Procedure" (2007) starring <en>Will Ferrell</en>, <en>Willem Dafoe</en>, and <en>Andy Richter</en>, "Green Team" (2008) starring Ferrell, <en>John C. Reilly</en>, and himself, and the <en>K-Swiss</en> commercial, "Kenny Powers: The K-Swiss MFCEO" (2011), starring <en>Danny McBride</en> as <en>Kenny Powers</en> from "Eastbound & Down", which he co-produces with Ferrell and has also directed an episode of.
Among the other short films he has directed include "The Procedure" (2007) starring <zh>威爾·法洛</zh>, <zh>威廉·达佛</zh>, and <zh>安迪·里希特</zh>, "Green Team" (2008) starring Ferrell, <zh>约翰·C·赖利</zh>, and himself, and the <zh>盖世威</zh> commercial, "Kenny Powers: The K-Swiss MFCEO" (2011), starring <zh>維克多·賈博</zh> as <zh>肯尼·鮑爾斯</zh> from "Eastbound & Down", which he co-produces with Ferrell and has also directed an episode of.
He directed and wrote the film adaptation of the <en>Michael Lewis</en> non-fiction book "<en>The Big Short</en>", released in 2015.
He directed and wrote the film adaptation of the <zh>迈克尔·刘易斯</zh> non-fiction book "<zh>大賣空</zh>", released in 2015.
In 2016, he and co-writer Charles Randolph received the <en>USC Scripter Award</en> for their screenplay.
In 2016, he and co-writer Charles Randolph received the <zh>南加州大學編劇協會獎</zh> for their screenplay.
McKay will work with <en>Jennifer Lawrence</en> for a biographical film titled "Bad Blood" which tells the story of entrepreneur <en>Elizabeth Holmes</en>, based on the book "<en>Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup</en>".
McKay will work with <zh>珍妮佛·勞倫斯</zh> for a biographical film titled "Bad Blood" which tells the story of entrepreneur <zh>伊莉莎白·霍姆斯</zh>, based on the book "<zh>惡血:矽谷獨角獸的醫療騙局!深藏血液裡的祕密、謊言與金錢</zh>".
A video on the site, titled "<en>The Landlord</en>", features both him and his young daughter, Pearl, whom Ferrell and his wife bait to say <en>curse words</en>.
A video on the site, titled "<zh>房東</zh>", features both him and his young daughter, Pearl, whom Ferrell and his wife bait to say <zh>髒話</zh>.
Pearl also starred in a second video titled "<en>Good Cop, Baby Cop</en>".
Pearl also starred in a second video titled "<zh>房東</zh>".
In 1999, he married <en>Shira Piven</en>, a film and television director.
In 1999, he married <zh>西拉·皮雯</zh>, a film and television director.
The second "Nautilus", the first ship designed for the <en>Coast and Geodetic Survey</en>, was completed in 1838.
The second "Nautilus", the first ship designed for the <zh>美國國家大地測量局</zh>, was completed in 1838.
Prior to serving as County Executive, Gary was a member of the <en>Maryland House of Delegates</en> from 1983-1994.
Prior to serving as County Executive, Gary was a member of the <zh>马里兰州众议院</zh> from 1983-1994.
Delegate Gary earned several awards during his career including Man of the Year from the Young Republicans of <en>Anne Arundel County</en> in 1977 and Legislator of the Year by the American Family Association in 1989.
Delegate Gary earned several awards during his career including Man of the Year from the Young Republicans of <zh>安妮阿倫德爾縣</zh> in 1977 and Legislator of the Year by the American Family Association in 1989.
Nautilus II was a motor pleasure boat built at <en>City Island, New York</en> in early 1917.
Nautilus II was a motor pleasure boat built at <zh>城市島</zh> in early 1917.
As a <en>Democrat</en>, Lighthizer was a member of the <en>Maryland House of Delegates</en> from 1979 to 1982.
As a <zh>民主党</zh>, Lighthizer was a member of the <zh>马里兰州众议院</zh> from 1979 to 1982.
After his term ended, Lighthizer served as the <en>Secretary of Transportation</en> to Governor <en>William Donald Schaefer</en> from 1991 to 1995.
After his term ended, Lighthizer served as the <zh>马里兰州交通部</zh> to Governor <zh>謝佛</zh> from 1991 to 1995.
In 2000, Lighthizer's first full year, the Trust (now named the <en>American Battlefield Trust</en>) retired all of the outstanding debt while also saving 2,421 new acres.
In 2000, Lighthizer's first full year, the Trust (now named the <zh>戰場保存協會</zh>) retired all of the outstanding debt while also saving 2,421 new acres.
Lighthizer received the <en>National Humanities Medal</en> in a White House ceremony on January 13, 2021.
Lighthizer received the <zh>美國國家人文獎章</zh> in a White House ceremony on January 13, 2021.
Lighthizer's brother, <en>Robert Lighthizer</en>, formerly served as <en>U.S. Trade Representative</en>.
Lighthizer's brother, <zh>罗伯特·莱特希泽</zh>, formerly served as <zh>美國貿易代表處</zh>.
He led the <en>Duke Blue Devils</en> in rushing for two seasons, and was named team MVP in 1955.
He led the <zh>杜克藍魔鬼</zh> in rushing for two seasons, and was named team MVP in 1955.
After graduating from Duke in 1956, Pascal was drafted in the third round by the <en>Baltimore Colts</en>.
After graduating from Duke in 1956, Pascal was drafted in the third round by the <zh>巴爾的摩小馬的歷史</zh>.
During his one season in the league, he played for the <en>Grey Cup</en>.
During his one season in the league, he played for the <zh>格雷杯</zh>.
Pascal donated $6 million to Duke University to help fund the construction of an indoor practice facility for the <en>Duke football team</en>.
Pascal donated $6 million to Duke University to help fund the construction of an indoor practice facility for the <zh>杜克大學藍魔鬼</zh>.
Schmaltz herring (<en>Yiddish</en>) is <en>herring</en> caught just before spawning, when the fat ("<en>schmaltz</en>") in the fish is at a maximum.
Schmaltz herring (<zh>意第緒語</zh>) is <zh>鯡魚</zh> caught just before spawning, when the fat ("<zh>鹅脂肪</zh>") in the fish is at a maximum.
Colloquially, "schmaltz herring" refers to this fish pickled in brine: see <en>pickled herring</en>.
Colloquially, "schmaltz herring" refers to this fish pickled in brine: see <zh>俾斯麦腌鱼</zh>.
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) was enacted by the <en>United States Congress</en> to extend restrictions on government <en>wire tap</en>s of telephone calls to include transmissions of electronic data by computer ( "et seq."), added new provisions prohibiting access to stored electronic communications, i.e., the <en>Stored Communications Act</en> (SCA, "et seq."), and added so-called <en>pen trap</en> provisions that permit the tracing of telephone communications ( "et seq.").
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) was enacted by the <zh>美國國會</zh> to extend restrictions on government <zh>竊聽</zh>s of telephone calls to include transmissions of electronic data by computer ( "et seq."), added new provisions prohibiting access to stored electronic communications, i.e., the <zh>存储通信法</zh> (SCA, "et seq."), and added so-called <zh>電話數據記錄</zh> provisions that permit the tracing of telephone communications ( "et seq.").
ECPA was an amendment to Title III of the <en>Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968</en> (the <en>Wiretap Statute</en>), which was primarily designed to prevent unauthorized government access to private electronic communications.
ECPA was an amendment to Title III of the <zh>综合犯罪控制与街道安全法</zh> (the <zh>综合犯罪控制与街道安全法</zh>), which was primarily designed to prevent unauthorized government access to private electronic communications.
The ECPA has been amended by the <en>Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act</en> (CALEA) of 1994, the <en>USA PATRIOT Act</en> (2001), the USA PATRIOT reauthorization acts (2006), and the <en>FISA Amendments Act</en> (2008).
The ECPA has been amended by the <zh>通信协助执法法</zh> (CALEA) of 1994, the <zh>美國愛國者法案</zh> (2001), the USA PATRIOT reauthorization acts (2006), and the <zh>國際汽聯修正案</zh> (2008).
"Electronic communications" means any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, <en>data</en>, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, <en>radio</en>, <en>electromagnetic</en>, photoelectronic or photooptic system that affects interstate or <en>foreign commerce</en>, but excludes the following:
"Electronic communications" means any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, <zh>数据</zh>, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, <zh>無線電</zh>, <zh>电磁学</zh>, photoelectronic or photooptic system that affects interstate or <zh>商业条款</zh>, but excludes the following:
Title II of the ECPA, the <en>Stored Communications Act</en> (SCA), protects communications held in electronic storage, most notably messages stored on computers.
Title II of the ECPA, the <zh>存储通信法</zh> (SCA), protects communications held in electronic storage, most notably messages stored on computers.
Title III prohibits the use of <en>pen register</en> and/or trap and trace devices to record dialing, routing, addressing, and signaling information used in the process of transmitting wire or electronic communications without a court order.
Title III prohibits the use of <zh>電話數據記錄</zh> and/or trap and trace devices to record dialing, routing, addressing, and signaling information used in the process of transmitting wire or electronic communications without a court order.
The ECPA extended government restrictions on <en>wire tap</en>s from telephone calls to include transmissions of electronic data by computer ( "et seq."), added new provisions prohibiting access to stored electronic communications, i.e., the <en>Stored Communications Act</en> ( "et seq."), and added so-called pen/trap provisions that permit the tracing of telephone communications ( "et seq.").
The ECPA extended government restrictions on <zh>竊聽</zh>s from telephone calls to include transmissions of electronic data by computer ( "et seq."), added new provisions prohibiting access to stored electronic communications, i.e., the <zh>存储通信法</zh> ( "et seq."), and added so-called pen/trap provisions that permit the tracing of telephone communications ( "et seq.").
The ECPA extended privacy protections provided by the <en>Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968</en> (of employers monitoring of employees phone calls) to include also electronic and cell phone communications.
The ECPA extended privacy protections provided by the <zh>综合犯罪控制与街道安全法</zh> (of employers monitoring of employees phone calls) to include also electronic and cell phone communications.
...the Justice Department argued in court that cellphone users had given up the <en>expectation of privacy</en> about their location by voluntarily giving that information to carriers.
...the Justice Department argued in court that cellphone users had given up the <zh>隐私预期</zh> about their location by voluntarily giving that information to carriers.
Even so, when he asks the <en>flight surgeon</en> his opinion, the latter is uncertain whether Rickson is a hero or a <en>psychopath</en>.
Even so, when he asks the <zh>航空軍醫</zh> his opinion, the latter is uncertain whether Rickson is a hero or a <zh>心理病态</zh>.
"The War Lover" was filmed in Britain at <en>RAF Bovingdon</en> in <en>Hertfordshire</en>, <en>RAF Manston</en> in <en>Kent</en>, around <en>Cambridgeshire</en> (including in the grounds of <en>King's College, Cambridge</en>), and at <en>Shepperton Studios</en> in Surrey.
"The War Lover" was filmed in Britain at <zh>皇家空軍基地</zh> in <zh>赫特福德郡</zh>, <zh>皇家空軍曼斯頓机场</zh> in <zh>肯特郡</zh>, around <zh>劍橋郡</zh> (including in the grounds of <zh>剑桥大学国王学院</zh>), and at <zh>謝伯頓片廠</zh> in Surrey.
<en>Martin Caidin</en>, who would later write the novels on which the TV series "<en>The Six Million Dollar Man</en>" and the film "<en>Marooned</en>" were based, was one of the pilots who flew the B-17s for the film.
<zh>马丁·凯丁</zh>, who would later write the novels on which the TV series "<zh>無敵金剛</zh>" and the film "<zh>蓝烟火</zh>" were based, was one of the pilots who flew the B-17s for the film.
The film also makes use of the crash landing footage from the 1949 film "<en>Twelve O'Clock High</en>".
The film also makes use of the crash landing footage from the 1949 film "<zh>晴空血战史</zh>".
The program utilizes a low-fat <en>high-protein diet</en>.
The program utilizes a low-fat <zh>高蛋白食品</zh>.
It has sometimes been described as a <en>fad diet</en>, but this criticism is not universal.
It has sometimes been described as a <zh>食物盲從現象</zh>, but this criticism is not universal.
This is known as <en>yo-yo dieting</en>.
This is known as <zh>溜溜球效应</zh>.
For best results, Body for Life holds that this exercise should include <en>weight training</en> to build skeletal muscle and increase the metabolism over the long term.
For best results, Body for Life holds that this exercise should include <zh>負重訓練</zh> to build skeletal muscle and increase the metabolism over the long term.
BFL promotes a low-fat <en>high-protein diet</en>.
BFL promotes a low-fat <zh>高蛋白食品</zh>.
While criticized as a <en>fad diet</en>, with the "program's success is based on testimonials and anecdotal evidence", it differs from many fad diets because it can be sustained.
While criticized as a <zh>食物盲從現象</zh>, with the "program's success is based on testimonials and anecdotal evidence", it differs from many fad diets because it can be sustained.
Prudential has evolved from a <en>mutual insurance</en> company (owned by its policyholders) to a <en>joint stock company</en> (as it was prior to 1915).
Prudential has evolved from a <zh>相互保險公司</zh> company (owned by its policyholders) to a <zh>股份有限公司</zh> (as it was prior to 1915).
In the same year, a joint venture was formed between Prudential Financial and <en>China Everbright Limited</en>.
In the same year, a joint venture was formed between Prudential Financial and <zh>中國光大控股</zh>.
In 1999, Prudential sold its healthcare division, Prudential HealthCare, to <en>Aetna</en> for $1 billion.
In 1999, Prudential sold its healthcare division, Prudential HealthCare, to <zh>Aetna</zh> for $1 billion.
Prudential has received a 100% rating on the <en>Corporate Equality Index</en> released by the <en>Human Rights Campaign</en> every year since 2003, the second year of the report.
Prudential has received a 100% rating on the <zh>企业平等指数</zh> released by the <zh>人权战线</zh> every year since 2003, the second year of the report.
The Japanese <en>yugake</en> is a reinforced glove with a special ridge which holds the string.
The Japanese <zh>日本弓道</zh> is a reinforced glove with a special ridge which holds the string.
<en>Republican</en> <en>governor</en> (who was at the college to <en>speak</en> at the school's <en>commencement ceremony</en>) receiving <en>oral sex</en> from a female college student.
<zh>共和黨</zh> <zh>加利福尼亞州州長</zh> (who was at the college to <zh>畢業祝福</zh> at the school's <zh>畢業</zh>) receiving <zh>咂陽</zh> from a female college student.
(The firm, Pierce & Pierce, is the name of the one that Sherman McCoy works for in Wolfe's earlier novel, "<en>The Bonfire of the Vanities</en>".)
(The firm, Pierce & Pierce, is the name of the one that Sherman McCoy works for in Wolfe's earlier novel, "<zh>夜都迷情</zh>".)
The novel centers on Charlotte, a naive new student at Dupont University, a school boasting a top-ranked basketball program and an <en>Ivy League</en> academic reputation.
The novel centers on Charlotte, a naive new student at Dupont University, a school boasting a top-ranked basketball program and an <zh>常春藤盟校</zh> academic reputation.
Wolfe took the name "Dupont University" from Dupont Hall, one of the halls where classes are held at his "alma mater", <en>Washington and Lee University</en> in <en>Lexington</en>, <en>Virginia</en>.
Wolfe took the name "Dupont University" from Dupont Hall, one of the halls where classes are held at his "alma mater", <zh>华盛顿与李大学</zh> in <zh>勒星頓</zh>, <zh>弗吉尼亚州</zh>.
The fictional "St. Ray's" fraternity is most certainly based upon <en>University of Pennsylvania</en>'s <en>St. Anthony Hall</en>, or "St. A's," where Wolfe attended several events researching for the book, "St. A's" being on Penn's Locust Walk, with fictional "St. Ray's" residing on Wolfe's "Ladding Walk."
The fictional "St. Ray's" fraternity is most certainly based upon <zh>宾夕法尼亚大学</zh>'s <zh>聖安東尼會社</zh>, or "St. A's," where Wolfe attended several events researching for the book, "St. A's" being on Penn's Locust Walk, with fictional "St. Ray's" residing on Wolfe's "Ladding Walk."
The basketball star, Jojo Johanssen, is a jock/celebrity character, derived from colleges like the <en>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill</en>, <en>University of Kentucky</en>, Duke, Stanford, <en>Indiana University</en> and the <en>University of Florida</en>, where, in Wolfe's perception, student athletes are treated as superior.
The basketball star, Jojo Johanssen, is a jock/celebrity character, derived from colleges like the <zh>北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校</zh>, <zh>肯塔基大学</zh>, Duke, Stanford, <zh>印第安纳大学山地人队</zh> and the <zh>佛罗里达大学</zh>, where, in Wolfe's perception, student athletes are treated as superior.
The agrarian and <en>plantation</en>-based economy of the <en>Southern United States</en> was virtually destroyed by the <en>American Civil War</en>.
The agrarian and <zh>美國南方莊園</zh>-based economy of the <zh>美國南部</zh> was virtually destroyed by the <zh>南北戰爭</zh>.
The capacity of the gutted financial market to make loans was grossly insufficient for the needs of the region, exemplified by the 123 counties in <en>Georgia</en> with no banks whatsoever even in 1895.
The capacity of the gutted financial market to make loans was grossly insufficient for the needs of the region, exemplified by the 123 counties in <zh>喬治亞州</zh> with no banks whatsoever even in 1895.
This system in theory served the needs of landowners and poor farmers alike, as the <en>sharecroppers</en> would have the incentive to produce more and benefit from increased output while landowners would be provided with a labor source to produce upon the land they held without the necessity of paying cash wages.
This system in theory served the needs of landowners and poor farmers alike, as the <zh>佃農</zh> would have the incentive to produce more and benefit from increased output while landowners would be provided with a labor source to produce upon the land they held without the necessity of paying cash wages.
If the value of the credit exceeded the cash value of the crop, the arrangement was automatically rolled over for another year and a never-ending cycle amounting to a condition of perpetual <en>servitude</en> resulted.
If the value of the credit exceeded the cash value of the crop, the arrangement was automatically rolled over for another year and a never-ending cycle amounting to a condition of perpetual <zh>強迫勞役</zh> resulted.
Growth was slower in states less severely affected, including as <en>Illinois</en>, <en>Wisconsin</en>, and <en>Michigan</en>.
Growth was slower in states less severely affected, including as <zh>伊利诺伊州</zh>, <zh>威斯康辛州</zh>, and <zh>密歇根州</zh>.
A fall of <en>wheat</en> and <en>livestock</en> prices following the harvest of 1884 reinvigorated the Farmers' Alliance and activity again exploded.
A fall of <zh>小麦</zh> and <zh>家畜</zh> prices following the harvest of 1884 reinvigorated the Farmers' Alliance and activity again exploded.
Connections began to be forged with the <en>Knights of Labor</en>, the leading <en>industrial</en> <en>trade union</en> organization of the day.
Connections began to be forged with the <zh>勞動騎士團</zh>, the leading <zh>产业工团主义</zh> <zh>工會</zh> organization of the day.
The organization grew and was organized on a statewide basis in 1878 but was almost immediately killed when it attempted to enter the political field and was torn asunder by antagonistic factions favoring the Democratic and <en>Greenback</en> parties.
The organization grew and was organized on a statewide basis in 1878 but was almost immediately killed when it attempted to enter the political field and was torn asunder by antagonistic factions favoring the Democratic and <zh>绿背党</zh> parties.
They pressed for abolition of national banks and monopolies, <en>free coinage of silver</en>, issuance of paper money (Greenback or Fiat money), loans on land, establishment of sub-treasuries, income tax acts, and revision of tariffs.
They pressed for abolition of national banks and monopolies, <zh>自由铸造银币</zh>, issuance of paper money (Greenback or Fiat money), loans on land, establishment of sub-treasuries, income tax acts, and revision of tariffs.
The Alliance's National Secretary-Treasurer J.H. Turner, himself the son of a former <en>slave-owner</en>, wrote that in fact the liberated slaves' "worst enemies" had been the Northern <en>carpetbaggers</en> of the <en>Reconstruction era</en>, who "promised each head of family
The Alliance's National Secretary-Treasurer J.H. Turner, himself the son of a former <zh>美國奴隸制度</zh>, wrote that in fact the liberated slaves' "worst enemies" had been the Northern <zh>提包客</zh> of the <zh>美國重建時期</zh>, who "promised each head of family
In December 1886 a group of black farmers organized themselves in <en>Houston County, Texas</en> as the Alliance of Colored Farmers of Texas — forerunner of the Colored Farmers' National Alliance and Cooperative Union, commonly known as the "Colored Farmers' Alliance."
In December 1886 a group of black farmers organized themselves in <zh>休斯敦县</zh> as the Alliance of Colored Farmers of Texas — forerunner of the Colored Farmers' National Alliance and Cooperative Union, commonly known as the "Colored Farmers' Alliance."
A declaration of principles was adopted which identified the new organization as a <en>mutual aid society</en> dedicated to education, improvement of agricultural efficiency, and the raising of funds for collective benefits for "sick or disabled members, or their distressed families.
A declaration of principles was adopted which identified the new organization as a <zh>共濟組合</zh> dedicated to education, improvement of agricultural efficiency, and the raising of funds for collective benefits for "sick or disabled members, or their distressed families.
Meanwhile, the Northern Alliance stressed the demand for <en>free coinage of large amounts of silver</en>.
Meanwhile, the Northern Alliance stressed the demand for <zh>自由铸造银币</zh>.