Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Monday night that the apparent suicide of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein “boggles the imagination” and warrants a full investigation. Hizzoner told NY1’s “Inside City Hall” that the fact Epstein allegedly hanged himself at Metropolitan Correctional Center “doesn’t add up.” “You think everyone involved would say, ‘we are watching this guy like a hawk; we’re going to take every measure to make sure nothing happens to him or he doesn’t do anything to himself,’ ” de Blasio said. “And then conveniently suddenly all that is gone. He’s able to kill himself? It just boggles the imagination. Sometimes there’s just plain human error … but this series of events is way too convenient.” The mayor added: “A full investigation is needed and there needs to be an independent element to that investigation.” Epstein — who was locked up in the MCC awaiting trial on charges of sex trafficking of minors and conspiracy to sex-traffic minors — died after the apparent hanging in the federal lockup. The FBI and the Justice Department are both investigating the incident, which US Attorney General William Barr on Monday blamed on “serious irregularities at this facility.” Epstein was found with marks on his throat weeks ago and was on suicide watch — until it was canceled at the end of last month. De Blasio’s comments come a day after he raised conspiracy theories to The Post while attending the Iowa State Fair as part of his campaign for the presidency. He then claimed Epstein had “a huge amount of information, potentially, about some of the richest and most powerful people in the country, and it was clear that he had either been attacked or tried to commit suicide previously.” “And then, you know, suddenly they’re not putting him on suicide watch? I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I don’t understand how those facts fit together,” he added.
[code]public class MathUtils{ //------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the factorial of the argument given //------------------------------------------------------------- public static int factorial(int n) { if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer must be greater than 0"); else if (n > 16) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer must less than 17");
Urinary Incontinence A. Urogynecology is a subspecialty within obstetrics and gynecology that focuses on disorders of the female pelvic floor such as pelvic organ prolapse (bulging out of the uterus and/or vagina), urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and constipation. After completing a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, urogynecologists complete fellowship training where they spend several years focusing only on these disorders. Q. How common is urinary incontinence among women? A. Many women incorrectly assume that urine leakage is normal. While the problem of urine leakage is very common, it should never be considered normal. The most commonly quoted study estimates that 11 million American women currently suffer from leakage of urine. However, this estimate may be low. A study of 2,800 postmenopausal women with an average age of 67 found that 56 percent of women experienced urinary incontinence at least weekly. Q. What causes urinary incontinence? A. Urinary incontinence is a symptom, not a disease, with many possible causes. The key to treatment is identifying which type of urinary incontinence you have through a careful medical interview and physical exam. Sometimes doctors need to perform tests called urodynamics to diagnose the problem. Urodynamics are necessary if a woman is considering surgery to correct incontinence. The two most common types of urinary incontinence are stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence is urine leakage that happens during an activity that causes pressure (or "stress") on the bladder such as laughing, lifting, coughing or sneezing. Urge incontinence is urine leakage that occurs before a woman has a chance to urinate. Women with this type of leakage may also experience frequent urges to urinate and frequent nighttime waking to urinate. Q. What treatment options are available? A. Stress incontinence can be effectively treated with pelvic floor exercises, devices that "block" the loss of urine, or surgery. There is also a new medication called Duloxetine that will soon be available for the treatment of stress incontinence. Urge incontinence is commonly treated with medications, biofeedback, or electrical stimulation to the nerves that control the bladder. A new treatment for urge incontinence places an electrical stimulator, similar to a pacemaker, under the skin. Q. I've heard that surgery doesn't work for very long. Is that true? A. There is no surgery for incontinence with a 100 percent success rate, but two procedures – the retropubic urethropexy and the suburethral sling – work 75 to 95 percent of the time. A suburethral sling called "Tension Free Vaginal Tape" (TVT) is considered by surgeons to be the best option for most women and can be positioned on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Some potential complications of surgery for incontinence include difficulty emptying the bladder and the development of urge incontinence. Q. I’ve heard that slings made of synthetic mesh can be harmful or cause problems. Is that true? A. Most of the negative press about sub-urethral slings can be traced back to one or two poorly-designed products that are no longer on the market. The best synthetic slings are made of a loosely-woven polypropylene mesh designed especially for placement under the female urethra, providing the necessary support, while still allowing for excellent “tissue-in-growth.” In other words, your body will grow into the sling material within a few weeks after surgery. While problems with this approach can occur, they are very rare. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor for more information about the type of sling he or she will use.
Henderson commissioners discuss issue of River Walk crowding (File Photo) Jo and Walt Busby, of Henderson, walk the Riverwalk in Atkinson Park Tuesday afternoon under the last of the fall leaves still clinging to a maple tree. (Gleaner photo by Mike Lawrence • 831-8346 or mlawrence@thegleaner.com) HENDERSON, Ky. - Henderson's popular River Walk is becoming a victim of its own success, the Henderson City Commission concluded Monday, but members disagreed on the cure. "There is not enough room on that River Walk," said Commissioner Robert Pruitt, who said that bicyclists, inline skaters and skateboarders mingling with walkers could be a recipe for injuries. "Sooner or later they're going to hit somebody, and it's going to be a problem." He recommended putting up a concrete barrier to divide it into two lanes, or to build another walk entirely. Commissioner Jan Hite said she thinks the problem is being overblown. "I don't think it should be as big a deal as it is," she said. "I think the riverfront should be used by anyone who wants to use it. I don't think it would be good to make it for the walker only." Creating a facility for skateboarders and in-line skaters is definitely a need, Pruitt said, noting a roomful of people attended a meeting last year to gauge support for building another facility in Community Park. Pruitt recommended building a "state of the art facility" because the existing one in Atkinson Park "is not good enough. "Nobody wants to give them any recognition, nobody wants to give them any respect," complaining that all other sports have gotten city facilities. Commissioner Robby Mills said he vehemently disagrees with the idea of using riverfront money for Pruitt's proposed facility, or to build it on the riverfront. Instead of meddling with the River Walk, he recommended placing bicycle signs on Merritt Drive to encourage cyclists to use the roadway instead of the walk. Mills pointed out the existing skate facility in Atkinson Park has had an up-and-down career. "We need to decide how we can serve them. What is the real utilization of that facility? Why has it been torn up?" "There's a group of kids out there who are craving a facility," Pruitt said. "That doesn't mean throwing money at them," Mills replied. A major topic of Monday's workshop was discussion of the community's priority list, and a new skate park facility fell about midway down the list, after city staff compiled the rankings of individual commission members. Pruitt asked that the skate facility be moved closer to the top. That prompted Hite to also make a bid to move up two of her favorite projects, both of which ranked in last place: creating an arts district and creating a taxing authorities organizational group. She argued that creating those entities would take very little or no money. Mayor Steve Austin, however, pointed out that the rankings had a clear breaking point, where the top four projects rated much higher than the rest. "There are four very evident projects there," he said. The top-ranked project of developing incentives and industrial sites to lure new industry to the community enjoyed near unanimous approval. Austin noted that the city's low utility rates are one of the local area's most attractive incentives to new industries. "Obviously we need more industrial jobs and more industrial opportunities," Mills said. It's almost a bidding war now," and communities need land, cash and other incentives "to even start to play the game." "That has to be our No. 1 focus," said Pruitt. "We need to be able to have jobs." City Manager Russell Sights advocated erecting a manufacturing building on speculation, noting it's been 25 years since one was used to lure Taubensee Steel "and they're still here. When that right industry comes along that wants that building, you'll get your money back." Mills, however, said spec buildings are sort of "old thinking" and said it might be more attractive to industry if Henderson focused on high-tech infrastructure such as "how good is our Internet service, our Wi-Fi." "We've been paying out a lot of money to Northwest Kentucky Forward," said Pruitt. "We may be better off using that money for a spec building." Mills and Austin disagreed with him, though, with Austin saying the economic development agency needs to be made stronger and Mills advocating using it to build more jobs through encouraging and retaining small business, which he said is where most new jobs are created. The other projects in the commission's top four are development of the site where the old Station One power plant current sits, upgrading the current recycling program, and increasing funding for street and sidewalk repairs and construction.
Couples Troubles Often Cause Female Sexual Dysfunction Formerly known as frigidity, female sexual dysfunction (FSD) has always been a controversial diagnosis, and now studies are pointing to relationship dissatisfaction and male performance as risk factors. Just whose problem is this, anyway? New research suggests that broad tactics such as treating a woman’s anxiety and improving communication with her partner may be more useful than focusing on the physical mechanics of sex. Female sexual dysfunction is a broad diagnosis that indicates trouble in one or more of four areas: desire, pain, arousal and orgasm. Controversy about FSD has centered on two key points: whether those who are pushing it as a physiological disorder have something to gain from medicalizing it and whether it reflects society’s attempt to pathologize women’s naturally variable sexuality. According to sexologist Andrea Burri, author of a study from the U.K. on FSD that appeared in the September 2011 issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, “Describing a sexual dysfunction as a physiologically caused abnormality leaves out factors related to the patient’s sexual partners and socialization factors. Personally, I believe that we are using the term way too arbitrarily.” Although she accepts that some women do have a physiological impairment that can contribute to sexual problems, she thinks that using loose diagnostic criteria lumps far too many women into the category of dysfunction. Burri’s study, which assessed about 1,500 women in the U.K. for FSD, found that 5.8 percent of them reported recent problems with sex, and another 15.5 percent reported lifelong dysfunction. Hyposexual (low) desire was the most common problem overall, and the most common predictor of FSD was relationship dissatisfaction. This finding supports the criticism that the concept of FSD is misleading because it implies that there is something wrong with the woman who “has” it, when in fact it is often the relationship that has issues. The study also found anxiety, experience of abuse and obsessive-compulsive disorder to be common predictors of lifelong FSD. A study last June also pointed to relationship dissatis­faction as a risk factor for FSD, as well as male premature ejaculation—so in this case, his dysfunction becomes hers, further obscuring the diagnosis. One way researchers are attempting to minimize some of these issues is by including personal distress as a diagnostic criterion for FSD. Pain during sex or a lack of desire, arousal or orgasm does not indicate a disorder unless it is causing distress to the woman herself—and that does not include the distress she might feel because of her partner’s reaction in bed, explains Marita McCabe, a psychology professor at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. Burri cautions that the distress criterion nonetheless presents some concerns. “A considerable proportion of women who do not report a sexual problem do report feeling distressed about their level of sexual functioning, so there is the question as to what causes a woman to feel sexual distress,” she says. “Is it really an intrinsic feeling, or is it caused by societal expectations?” Regardless of its cause, distress about sex is quite treatable. McCabe authored a study last October showing Internet-based therapy to be effective for FSD when it focused on three objectives: helping participants feel more comfortable about their bodies, lowering their anxiety in sexual situations and improving communication with their partners. This article was published in print as "It's Not Me, It's Us." see also: This article was originally published with the title "It's Not Me, It's Us." or subscribe to access other articles from the March 2012 publication.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a method for minimizing the overhead of an UpLink (UL) allocation request transmitted for allocation of UL resources. 2. Discussion of the Related Art In a conventional broadband wireless access system, a Mobile Station (MS) requests a UL bandwidth in a random access procedure illustrated in FIG. 1. Referring to FIG. 1, the MS determines a Bandwidth Request (BR) code and transmits the BR code to a Base Station (BS) in step 110. Upon receipt of the BR code from the MS, the BS allocates UL resources to the MS, for use in transmission of a BandWidth REQuest (BW-REQ) message from the MS in step 120. If the MS fails to be allocated the UL resources until expiration of its timer (contention-based reservation timeout or T3) activated after the BW code transmission, it retransmits the BR code. In step 130, the MS transmits a BW-REQ message through the allocated UL resources to the BS. Upon receipt of the BW-REQ message, the BS allocates UL resources to the MS in step 140. Finally, the MS transmits data through the allocated UL resources in step 150. In the broadband wireless access system, the MS may request a UL bandwidth by using a random access procedure illustrated in FIG. 2. The BS may support both a 5-step regular access procedure (steps 210 to 250) and a 3-step quick access procedure (steps 210, 240 and 250). The 5-step regular access procedure may be used independently of the 3-step quick access procedure or as an alternative to the 3-step quick access procedure. In the 3-step quick access procedure, the MS transmits a BR indicator including UL BR information (e.g. an MS Identifier (ID), information about a BR size, etc.) to the BS in step 210. Upon receipt of the BR indicator, the BS allocates UL resources to the MS in step 240. In step 250, the MS transmits data through the allocated UL resources. Also, the MS may transmit additional UL BR information. In the 5-step regular access procedure, the MS transmits a BR indicator in step 210. Upon receipt of the BR indicator, the BS allocates UL resources to the MS, for use in transmission of a BW-REQ message from the MS in step 220. In step 230, the MS transmits a BW-REQ message through the allocated UL resources. Upon receipt of the BW-REQ message, the BS allocates UL resources to the MS in step 240 and the MS transmits data through the allocated UL resources in step 250. Here, the MS may transmit additional UL BR information. In the conventional broadband wireless access system, the MS transmits information required for resource allocation along with a BR code, for fast allocation of UL resources. The information may include a station ID, a Quality of Service (QoS) level, a BR size, etc. The BS determines a UL resource area (size) to be allocated, taking into account the amount of information to be transmitted and a predicted maximum number of MSs, because it cannot estimate the number of MSs requesting resource allocation at a specific point of time and the same number of MSs do not request resource allocation every time. The MS may also transmit UL BR information (e.g. a station ID, a BR size, etc.) by a BW-REQ message, occupying as much UL resources as the amount of the UL BR information. Accordingly, there exists a need for a method for minimizing the amount of information to be transmitted without affecting a resource allocation procedure in order to reduce resources (overhead) taken for UL resource allocation.
SoundSport Free portable charging case Overview Replacement charging case for the SoundSport Free wireless headphones. The magnetised case keeps the earbuds in place and protected while they charge, and provides two additional full charges—or up to 10 hours of battery life. Plus, a quick 15-minute charge will give you 45 minutes of battery life. Available in Black or Blue. Compatible products Rated 4 out of 5 by Bosemaster87 from Exceptional except for openingI just recently bought the headphones and it charges well. My only gripe is that the case isn’t always convenient to open with one hand.
Citrate-capped gold nanoparticles as a sensing probe for determination of cetyltrimethylammonium surfactant using FTIR spectroscopy and colorimetry. A novel, facile, and low-cost method was developed for determination of cetyltrimethylammonium (CTA+) cationic surfactant in water samples using diffuse reflectance Fourier transform IR (FTIR) spectroscopy and colorimetry. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was chosen as a model compound to demonstrate the optimization of the method for determination of CTA+ in water samples. The absorption peak at 3015.96 cm-1 (for CTA+) was enhanced when gold nanoparticles were used as a chemical sensor in diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy, and this absorption peak was used for determination of CTA+. Alternatively, the color change from wine red (525 nm) to blue (740 nm) and the redshift of the localized surface plasmon resonance band in the visible region were used as a sensing probe for determination of CTA+. A linear calibration curve for determination in water samples was obtained in the range from 10 to 100 ng mL-1 with a limit of detection of 3 ng mL-1 by diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy and in the range from 20 to 400 ng mL-1 with a limit of detection of 7 ng mL-1 by colorimetry. The advantageous features of the methods are their simplicity, rapidity, and sensitivity for the determination of CTA+ in water samples. Graphical abstract.
Renewable energy cost declines continue to outpace what analysts predicted just one year ago. That's the upshot from Bloomberg New Energy Finance's latest installment of the annual New Energy Outlook report, which models the global energy mix out to 2040. The authors predict renewables will capture 72 percent of the $10.2 trillion spent on new generation in the next 23 years, and will produce 51 percent of global power generation in 2040. That's the global average, which means in certain places, zero-carbon penetration will be even higher, explained lead author Seb Henbest. All renewables will supply more than 80 percent of power in Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Italy, for instance. Solar and wind alone will produce more than 50 percent of generation in Australia, Germany, Mexico and the United Kingdom. In just the next five years, large-scale solar will be cheaper than new coal plants in essentially all major economies. "The cost declines that we are seeing with these technologies are so steep that it becomes a matter of time as to when they start crossing over and becoming competitive in different ways," Henbest said of solar, renewables and lithium-ion batteries. "These things are getting cheaper faster than we thought even a year ago." BNEF models the future generation mix based on system costs, without trying to predict policy interventions. The projection doesn't depend on governments implementing their Paris Agreement commitments on decarbonization; it's a calculation of which sources will offer the cheapest power at that time. Subject to those rules, the global fuel mix looks substantially different by 2040. Wind and solar will supply 34 percent of generation globally; add in the other renewables and the number goes to 51 percent, Henbest said. Nuclear will stay pretty much flat at 9 percent, coal will drop from 37 percent in 2016 to 22 percent, and natural gas will supply 16 percent. The share of gas actually goes down from 23 percent in 2016, but the overall load will grow 58 percent, so the absolute demand for gas will increase. This shift amounts to a dethroning of coal: BNEF predicts 87 percent less coal power in Europe and 51 percent less in the U.S. Even China, which currently has an ample pipeline of coal plants to be built, will see peak coal usage in 2026. Not coincidentally, that's when the report predicts global power-sector emissions will peak and start to decline. Reducing emissions enough to stave off climate change, however, will take even more clean energy investment than is expected. Learning faster A key factor in the accelerating pace of clean energy deployment is how fast the industry improves over time. Analysts track this process with the learning rate, which is how much the cost comes down when production capacity doubles. Last year, BNEF's learning rate for solar modules was 26.5 percent, but the team had to bump that up to 28 percent this year, Henbest said. Meanwhile, wind turbines continue to break new ground in size and efficiency, and lithium-ion batteries continue to drop in cost. Last year's report pegged battery costs at $350 per kilowatt-hour, and now they come out to $273. Mapping that forward, they fall to the $70 per kilowatt-hour range by 2040, Henbest said. Not gone altogether Even if conventional plants don't run all the time, Henbest argued there is value to having some of them around to deliver when solar and wind run low. The rise of intermittent renewables will place a new value on flexible, dispatchable generation. As renewables, with minimal operational costs, start to outcompete conventional plants for cheap energy production, they will undermine the current system of pricing the market based on how much it costs to produce power. The implication of these trends is a grid where wind and solar do much of the energy generation, while some combination of incumbent coal, gas, hydro and nuclear earns money delivering backup capacity as needed. Advanced energy storage and demand response will likely play some role as well. "At this point in time, it's cheaper, we think, to use the existing fleet to help you balance than it is to retire the fleet and build lots of batteries or try to engineer it up from scratch," Henbest said. BNEF models the role of nuclear based on the current project pipeline, but does not factor in potential next-generation capacity additions like small modular reactors. The modeling does not include technologies that are not commercially active, Henbest noted. More investment needed for Paris goals The good news for renewables is they're slated to get $7.4 trillion in new power plant investment between now and 2040. The bad news, from a climate perspective, is that's still not enough to stave off 2 degrees Celsius of global temperature rise. To stay in that climate range, which still might not be enough to prevent disruptive effects, will require a further $5.3 trillion investment in clean energy, the authors estimate. That amounts to 3.9 terawatts of additional zero-carbon capacity. It's important to separate the metrics of clean energy industry success and the world population's ability to maintain a livable environment. Transportation produces 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, so the 2-degree goal will require changes in that sector too. BNEF predicts electric vehicles will reach sticker-price parity with internal combustion engine cars around 2025, which will mark a key turning point in the adoption of that technology. "The point at which these new technologies just undercut the existing technologies is just so near," Henbest said. "Everything is moving fast enough that our conclusions need to be rethought every year, and this year arguably is the biggest rethink yet." That's with a methodology that takes a business-as-usual approach, without assuming government efforts to hurry things along. Local and national policies to drive EV adoption or hasten the retirement of coal could feasibly accelerate the trajectory of emissions reductions. Conversely, policies that subsidize fossil fuels or block new technologies would slow clean-energy adoption compared to what a purely price-driven market would select. Renewables companies have created an enviable pathway for growth based on pricing, the BNEF report finds. How they fare in the public policy battles ahead, though, is much less certain.
--- abstract: 'We present the first observational evidence for a circumplanetary disk around the protoplanet PDS 70 b, based on a new spectrum in the $K$ band acquired with VLT/SINFONI. We tested three hypotheses to explain the spectrum: Atmospheric emission from the planet with either (1) a single value of extinction or (2) variable extinction, and (3) a combined atmospheric and circumplanetary disk model. Goodness-of-fit indicators favour the third option, suggesting circumplanetary material contributing excess thermal emission — most prominent at $\lambda \gtrsim 2.3 \mu$m. Inferred accretion rates ($\sim 10^{-7.8}$–$10^{-7.3} M_J$ yr$^{-1}$) are compatible with observational constraints based on the H$\alpha$ and Br$\gamma$ lines. For the planet, we derive an effective temperature of 1500–1600 K, surface gravity $\log(g)\sim 4.0$, radius $\sim 1.6 R_J$, mass $\sim 10 M_J$, and possible thick clouds. Models with variable extinction lead to slightly worse fits. However, the amplitude ($\Delta A_V \gtrsim 3$mag) and timescale of variation ($\lesssim$ years) required for the extinction would also suggest circumplanetary material.' author: - Valentin Christiaens - Faustine Cantalloube - Simon Casassus - 'Daniel J. Price' - Olivier Absil - Christophe Pinte - Julien Girard - Matias Montesinos bibliography: - 'PDS70.bib' title: Evidence for a circumplanetary disk around protoplanet PDS 70 b --- Introduction ============ Discovery of the Galilean moons of Jupiter [@Galilei1610] led to the overthrow of Geocentric cosmology, and Galileo’s subsequent denouncement, trial and house arrest. Their hypothesised origin is a circumplanetary disk (CPD) of gas and dust [e.g. @Lunine1982; @Lissauer1993]. Analytic work [@Pollack1979; @Canup2002; @Papaloizou2005] and increasingly sophisticated numerical simulations [e.g. @Lubow1999; @Ayliffe2009; @Gressel2013; @Szulagyi2017] have consolidated this hypothesis. Observational evidence has so far remained elusive. Searches using mm-continuum have produced only non-detections [e.g. @Isella2014; @Wu2017; @Wolff2017]. High-contrast infrared (IR) observations have been suggested instead to capture the thermal excess from the CPD [e.g. @Zhu2015b; @Eisner2015; @Montesinos2015]. The power of high-contrast IR spectroscopy to characterize young substellar companions has been demonstrated over the last few years [e.g. @Allers2013; @Bonnefoy2014; @Delorme2017]. Observed spectra are fitted to either synthetic atmospheric models or observed template spectra which enable the estimation of effective temperature, surface gravity and radius of the planet, which can then be used to estimate its mass and age. Constraints on clouds or haze in the atmosphere can also be obtained (e.g. @Madhusudhan2011, hereafter ; see @Madhusudhan2019 for a recent review). We present evidence for a circumplanetary disk around the recently discovered protoplanet PDS 70 b. PDS 70 is a young K7-type star surrounded by a pre-transitional disk with a large annular gap [@Hashimoto2012; @Dong2012]. The protoplanet was first detected in this gap using VLT/SPHERE [@Keppler2018; @Muller2018 hereafter ]. Subsequent search for sub-mm emission from a CPD using ALMA was inconclusive [@Keppler2019]. Spectral characterisation of the planet was presented in , suggesting an effective temperature of $\sim$1000-1500 K, surface gravity $\lesssim 3.5$dex and mass $\leq 17 M_{\rm J}$. We present a new spectral characterization of PDS 70 b, including both the measurements presented in and a new spectrum in $K$ band obtained with VLT/SINFONI [@Christiaens2019a hereafter ]. The spectrum shows excess emission at $\lambda \gtrsim 2.3 \mu$m inconsistent with naked model atmospheres of young planets, indicating the presence of circumplanetary material. Observations {#Obs+DataRed} ============ presented a $YJH$ spectrum and multi-epoch broadband photometric measurements, acquired with SPHERE/IFS ($YJH$), SPHERE/IRDIS ($H1$/$H2$ and $K1$/$K2$), NICI ($L'$) and NACO ($L'$). We gathered all measurements quoted in , but considered updated values for their $L'$-band flux estimates. fitted the SED of the star to estimate its $L'$ flux, without including possible excess disk emission. That value was then multiplied by the contrast of the companion to infer its flux. However, most of excess IR emission compared to the star likely arises from hot dust in the inner disk that would be unresolved from the star at $L'$ band, and should hence be included. By contrast, the contribution from resolved scattered light from the disk at $L'$ band is negligible [see images in @Keppler2018]. Given the importance of the thermal IR flux to the hypothesis of a CPD around PDS 70 b, we re-estimated the $L'$ flux of the companion considering (1) the $L'$ flux of the star + unresolved inner disk by interpolating the photometric measurements in the W1 ($3.35 \mu$m) and W2 ($4.60 \mu$m) filters of WISE [@Wright2010], and (2) the same values for the contrast of the companion as in . The new $L'$ estimates of the companion are: $(8.55 \pm 3.38) \times 10^{-17}$ W m$^{-2}$ $\mu$m$^{-1}$ and $(6.70 \pm 4.05) \times 10^{-17}$ W m$^{-2} \mu$m for the NICI and NACO data, respectively. In a recent paper , we inferred the contrast of the protoplanet with respect to the star as a function of wavelength, $c(\lambda)$, in the $K$ band at unprecedented spectral resolution ($R\sim100$ after spectral binning) using VLT/SINFONI. We employed two different methods for extracting $c(\lambda)$, both leading to flux estimates consistent with each other at all wavelengths. Here, we consider only the spectrum inferred with ANDROMEDA [@Cantalloube2015 Cantalloube et al. 2019 in prep.] since it has smaller uncertainties and higher spectral resolution, and avoids the risk of contamination by extended (resolved) disk signals. Despite the higher quality of the ANDROMEDA $c(\lambda)$, some spectral channels contain outliers. In order to minimize the risk of bias, we first removed spectral channels with a detection below 3$\sigma$ and lying in strong telluric lines, then used a Savitzky-Golay filter of order 3 with a 81-channel window to smooth the $c(\lambda)$ curve before binning it by a factor of 20 [@Savitzky1964]. We obtained the final $K$-band spectrum of the protoplanet by multiplying $c(\lambda)$ with the calibrated spectrum of the star measured with the SpeX spectrograph [@Long2018], after resampling the latter at the spectral resolution of the binned SINFONI spectral channels. In total, our SED has 86 data points; 49 from and 37 obtained with SINFONI . Measurements span 6 years, extending from 2012/03 to 2018/02. Flux estimates at overlapping wavelengths are all consistent with each other except one. Namely, our SINFONI flux estimates (2014/05 epoch) are slightly higher than the 2018/02 epoch SPHERE measurement in the $K2$ filter (2.25$\mu$m). Spectral analysis {#Kspectrum} ================= We first attempted to fit the observed SED with synthetic spectra modeling pure atmospheric emission (Section \[PhotosphericModels\]). We considered a single value of extinction for all epochs, treated as a free parameter in the spectral fit (referred to as *Type I models* hereafter). Given the discrepancy between the SPHERE $K2$ and SINFONI $K$-band measurements, we also considered a fit with variable amount of extinction for different epochs (*Type II models*). Finally, we also examined models consisting of combined emission from an atmosphere and a circumplanetary disk with a variable accretion rate (*Type III models*; Section \[CPDModels\]). In order to minimise the number of free parameters, we considered only two possible values of extinction (for Type II models) and two accretion rates (for Type III models); one value for the SINFONI (2014/05), SPHERE (2016/05) and NICI (2012/03) epochs, and the other for all other epochs. This division was chosen because (1) the SPHERE IFS ($YJH$)+IRDIS ($K1$/$K2$) were obtained simultaneously on 2018/02, and the IRDIS $H1$/$H2$ points of 2015/05 are consistent with the IFS spectrum, and (2) the SINFONI 2014/05 data are brighter than the IRDIS $K2$ point of 2018/02, while the IRDIS $K2$ point of 2016/05 is in better agreement with the SINFONI data. For the NICI and NACO points, we arbitrarily assigned them to the first and second group, respectively. For all model types, we minimised the following goodness-of-fit indicator: $$\begin{aligned} \label{Eq:GoodnessOfFit} \chi^2 = \sum_i \omega_i \big[ \frac{F_{\rm obs}(\lambda_i) - F_{\rm model} (\lambda_i)}{\sigma_i} \big]^2\end{aligned}$$ where $\sigma_i$ is the uncertainty in the flux measurement $F_{\rm obs}(\lambda_i)$ at wavelength $\lambda_i$, and weights $\omega_i$ are defined for photometric and spectroscopic observations following a similar strategy as in @Ballering2013 and @Olofsson2016. Weights are proportional to the FWHM of the filters used (for broadband photometric measurements), or the spectral resolution (for SPHERE/IFS and SINFONI data). The sum of all weights is normalized to the total number of points. We define a *reduced* goodness-of-fit indicator $\chi_r^2$ as $\chi^2$ divided by the respective number of degrees of freedom for each type of model. Atmospheric models {#PhotosphericModels} ------------------ ![image](Fig1_v2.png){width="\textwidth"} ![image](Fig2_v2.png){width="\textwidth"} We considered two grids of synthetic spectra: BT-SETTL models [@Allard2012; @Baraffe2015], and the grid of atmospheric models presented in . These models treat dust and clouds differently. BT-SETTL models account for dust formation using a parameter-free cloud model. They consider cloud microphysics — the particle size of each species is calculated self-consistently based on condensation and sedimentation mixing timescales. Free parameters are the effective temperature, varied between 1200 and 1900 K (steps of 100 K), and the surface gravity, $\log(g)$, explored between 3.0 and 5.0 (steps of 0.5 dex). We assumed Solar metallicity. considered a wide grid of cloud models, with different geometrical and optical thickness, particle size and metallicities. The models do not include microphysics. They consider different cloud spatial structure and particle sizes; labeled *A*, *AE*, *AEE* or *E*, based on the rapidity with which clouds are cut off at their upper end. Several modal particle sizes are considered, including 1, 60 and 100 $\mu$m. The grid also includes cloud-free models (*NC*), with both equilibrium and non-equilibrium chemistry. In the latter case, two additional free parameters arise: the eddy diffusion coefficient $K_{zz}$ taking possible values of $10^2$, $10^4$ or $10^6$ cm$^2$ s$^{-1}$, and the sedimentation parameter $f_{\rm sed}$ [defined as in @Ackerman2001]. varied these parameters on a grid of effective temperature and surface gravity ranging from 600 to 1800 K (steps of 100 K) and from 3.5 to 5.0 (steps of 0.5 dex), respectively. For both BT-SETTL and models, we treated the planet radius as a free parameter to scale the total emergent flux. We explored values between 0.1 and 5.0 $R_{\rm J}$ in steps of 0.1 $R_{\rm J}$. We also considered dust extinction as an additional free parameter, with allowed values between $A_V = 0$ and $10.0$ mag (steps of 0.2 mag). For Type II models, we explored both minimum and maximum extinction values within this grid. We considered the extinction curve for interstellar dust [@Draine1989]. Considering other dust species (e.g. typical species found in the atmosphere of brown dwarfs) would increase the number of free parameters, and is not expected to give qualitatively different slopes after dereddening [see e.g. @Marocco2014]. We assumed a distance of 113 pc [@Gaia2018]. [lcclcclcc]{} & &\ Parameter & Range & Best fit & Parameter & Range & Best fit & Parameter & Range & Best fit\ \ $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \[K\] & 1200–1900 & 1500 & $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \[K\] & 1200–1900 & 1500 & $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \[K\] & 1200–1900 & 1500\ $\log(g)$ & 3.0–5.0 & 3.0 & $\log(g)$ & 3.0–5.0 & 3.0 & $\log(g)$ & 3.0–5.0 & 4.0\ $R_{\rm b}$ \[$R_{\rm J}$\] & 0.1–5.0 & 2.2 & $R_{\rm b}$ \[$R_{\rm J}$\] & 0.1–5.0 & 2.1 & $R_{\rm b}$ \[$R_{\rm J}$\] & 0.1–2.0 & 1.6\ $A_V$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0 & 4.34 & $A_{V\mathrm{,1}}$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0 & 0.60 & $A_V$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0 & 6.40\ & & & $A_{V\mathrm{,2}}$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0 & 4.00 & $M_{\rm b}\dot{M}_{\rm b,1}$ \[$M_{\rm J}^2$yr$^{-1}$\] & $10^{-7}$–$10^{-6}$ & $10^{-6.4}$\ & & & & & & $M_{\rm b}\dot{M}_{\rm b,2}$ \[$M_{\rm J}^2$yr$^{-1}$\] & $10^{-7}$–$10^{-6}$ & $10^{-6.8}$\ $M_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$\] & – & 1.9 & $M_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$\] & – & 1.7 & $M_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$\] & – & 9.9\ & & & & & & $\dot{M}_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$yr$^{-1}$\] & – & $10^{-7.8}$–$10^{-7.4}$\ & & $\chi_r^2 \sim 1.01$ & & & $\chi_r^2 \sim 0.52$ & & & $\chi_r^2 \sim 0.41$\ \ $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \[K\] & 600–1800 & 1100 & $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \[K\] & 600–1800 & 1200 & $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \[K\] & 600–1800 & 1600\ $\log(g)$ & 3.5–5.5 & 4.0 & $\log(g)$ & 3.5–5.5 & 4.0 & $\log(g)$ & 3.5–5.5 & 4.0\ $R_{\rm b}$ \[$R_{\rm J}$\] & 0.1–5.0 & 3.3 & $R_{\rm b}$ \[$R_{\rm J}$\] & 0.1–5.0 & 2.8 & $R_{\rm b}$ \[$R_{\rm J}$\] & 0.1–2.0 & 1.6\ $c$ & \[NC,E,A,...\]$^{\ddagger}$ & A & $c$ & \[NC,E,A,...\]$^{\ddagger}$ & A & $c$ & \[NC,E,A,...\]$^{\ddagger}$ & A60$^{\ddagger}$\ $f_{\rm sed}$ & \[eq.,0,1,2\] & eq. & $f_{\rm sed}$ & \[eq.,0,1,2\] & eq. & $f_{\rm sed}$ & \[eq.,0,1,2\] & eq.\ $K$ \[cm$^2$s$^{-1}$\] & \[eq.,$10^2$–$10^6$\] & eq. & $K$ \[cm$^2$s$^{-1}$\] & \[eq.,$10^2$–$10^6$\] & eq. & $K$ \[cm$^2$s$^{-1}$\] & \[eq.,$10^2$–$10^6$\] & eq.\ $A_V$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0& 3.00 & $A_{V\mathrm{,1}}$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0 & 0.80 & $A_V$ \[mag\] & 0.0–10.0 & 8.72\ & & & $A_{V\mathrm{,2}}$ \[mag\] & 0.0–1.2 & 4.00 & $M_{\rm b}\dot{M}_{\rm b,1}$ \[$M_{\rm J}^2$yr$^{-1}$\] & $10^{-7}$–$10^{-6}$ & $10^{-6.3}$\ & & & & & & $M_{\rm b}\dot{M}_{\rm b,2}$ \[$M_{\rm J}^2$yr$^{-1}$\] & $10^{-7}$–$10^{-6}$ & $10^{-6.7}$\ $M_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$\] & – & 42.0 & $M_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$\] & – & 30.2 & $M_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$\] & – & 9.9\ & & & & & & $\dot{M}_{\rm b}^{\dagger}$ \[$M_{\rm J}$yr$^{-1}$\] & – & $10^{-7.7}$–$10^{-7.3}$\ & & $\chi_r^2 \sim 1.20$ & & & $\chi_r^2 \sim 0.70$ & & & $\chi_r^2 \sim 0.44$\ \ \ Figures \[FinalSpectrum\_BTSETTL\] and \[FinalSpectrum\_M11\] compare our best-fit models from the BT-SETTL and grids, respectively, with the SED of PDS 70 b. Table \[tab:best\_fit\_params\] gives the explored parameter ranges, best-fit parameter values and corresponding $\chi_r^2$, for each model. Best-fit Type I BT-SETTL and models reproduce most of the observed SED but are a poor match to the red end of the SINFONI spectrum, with a $>2\sigma$ discrepancy for most data points at wavelengths $\gtrsim 2.3 \mu$m. They lead to reduced goodness-of-fit indicators $\chi_r^2 \sim 1.01$ and 1.20. Allowing for variable extinction (Type II) yields best-fit models (shaded cyan areas in Figures \[FinalSpectrum\_BTSETTL\] and \[FinalSpectrum\_M11\]) in better agreement with flux estimates longward of $\sim 2.3 \mu$m ($\chi_r^2 \sim 0.52$ and 0.70). Upper and lower edges of the shaded areas correspond to the minimum and maximum extinction values ($A_{V,1}$ and $A_{V,2}$, in Table \[tab:best\_fit\_params\]) of our best-fit model, with $A_{V,1}$ better accounting for the 2014/05 SINFONI, 2016/05 SPHERE and 2012/03 NICI data points and $A_{V,2}$ accounting for data points at all other epochs. The difference in extinction is $A_V \gtrsim 3$ mag for both BT-SETTL and models. For both Type I and II models, the best-fit effective temperatures (1100–1500 K), surface gravity ($\log(g)\sim3.0$–$4.0$), planet radius ($2.1$–$3.3R_J$) and hence mass (1.7–42.0 $M_J$) are in approximate agreement with the previous estimates made in . Our mass estimates are uncertain because of the large steps in $\log(g)$ (0.5 dex) in our model grids, and hence do not rule out a brown dwarf. Our best-fit models correspond to the thickest cloud models (labelled *A*); extending to the top of the atmosphere. Combined atmospheric+CPD models {#CPDModels} ------------------------------- For our Type III models (combined atmosphere+CPD emission), we considered the same two grids of atmospheric models as in Section \[PhotosphericModels\], coupled with the CPD models presented in @Eisner2015. The latter add a single free parameter, the mass accretion rate, which sets the brightness and shape of the CPD spectrum. We explored values of mass accretion rates $\log(\dot{M}_b M_b [M_J^2 \textrm{yr}^{-1}])$ ranging from -7.0 to -6.0, in steps of 0.1 dex. We did not consider accretion rates smaller than $10^{-7}M_J^2$ yr$^{-1}$ because the corresponding models do not contribute significantly at NIR wavelengths. We assume a fixed inner truncation radius of $2 R_{\rm J}$ in our CPD models, as in @Eisner2015. We thus truncated our grid of planetary radii to $2 R_{\rm J}$ for consistency. Other parameters were explored on the same grids as for Type I and II models. Figures \[FinalSpectrum\_BTSETTL\] and \[FinalSpectrum\_M11\] show the best-fit combined planet+CPD models (shaded yellow areas). Dashed lines show the contribution from the atmosphere alone. Upper and lower edges of the shaded areas correspond to maximum and minimum mass accretion rates of our best fit model ($M_b\dot{M}_{b,1}$ and $M_b\dot{M}_{b,2}$, respectively, in Table \[tab:best\_fit\_params\]), accounting for the 2014/05 SINFONI and 2016/05 SPHERE data points and, respectively, data points at all other epochs. The planet+CPD best-fit models reproduce better the observed spectrum than pure atmospheric models (with or without variable accretion), with reduced goodness-of-fit indicators $\chi_r^2 \sim 0.41$ and 0.44 using BT-SETTL and models, respectively. Interestingly, the best-fit parameters for both the CPD and the planet are similar using either BT-SETTL or models: mass accretion rates ranging between $\sim 10^{-6.4}$ and $\sim 10^{-6.8}$ $M_J^2$ yr$^{-1}$, effective temperature of 1500–1600 K, surface gravity $\log(g)\sim 4.0$, radius of $\sim 1.6 R_J$, and mass of $\sim 10 M_J$. The best-fit model also suggests the thickest cloud geometry, with a modal particle size of 60 $\mu$m. The estimate of 10 $M_J$ is larger than that inferred from the planet-only BT-SETTL models because the estimated $\log(g)$ is significantly larger, while the inferred $R_b$ is slightly smaller. For models the opposite is true because $\log(g)$ is similar but $R_b$ is smaller. This suggests an older planet when considering a CPD in the model. Interestingly, the estimated planet parameters ($T_{\rm eff}$, $\log(g)$, $R_b$, $M_b$) agree with the BT-SETTL models for a mass of $10 M_J$ and age 9–11 Myr [@Baraffe2015][^1]. The inferred age is consistent with estimates for the star in @Pecaut2016, but not with the newer estimate of $5.4 \pm 1.0$ Myr . In contrast, parameters in planet-only models are inconsistent with @Baraffe2015 evolutionary models for any combination of mass and age. Discussion {#Discussion} ========== We explored the hypothesis of variability for PDS 70 b because of the absence of atmospheric models red enough to account for both the 2018/02 SPHERE $K2$ measurement and the points at $\gtrsim 2.3 \mu$m in our 2014/05 SINFONI spectrum. This is further supported by the disagreement (albeit slight) between the SPHERE and SINFONI measurements at $\sim 2.25 \mu$m. Since the variability of classical T-Tauri stars is thought to be related to either variable amounts of extinction from intervening circumstellar dust [e.g. @Bozhinova2016] or irregular accretion [e.g. @Bouvier2004; @Rigon2017], we tested similar hypotheses in our type II and III models, respectively. Accretion variability has also been predicted in magnetohydrodynamics simulations of forming planets [e.g. @Gressel2013], further justifying type III models. The best fit to the SED of PDS 70 b is obtained with an atmosphere+CPD model. Nonetheless, our caveats are: 1. *We considered a limited range of atmospheric models*. Atmospheric models have been proposed in recent years with different levels of complexity, including for example microphysics, non-equilibrium chemistry, or clouds/hazes [see @Madhusudhan2019 and references therein]. We used the two most complete publicly available synthetic atmospheric model grids, which successfully reproduce the spectrum of adolescent giant exoplanets such as Beta Pic b or HR 8799 b, c, d and e [; @Bonnefoy2013; @Currie2014]. Given that our best-fit type I (purely atmospheric) BT-SETTL and models are similar to the reddest atmospheric models (around $\sim 2.3 \mu$m) presented in , we do not expect our conclusion of an excess at $\gtrsim 2.3 \mu$m to change using different grids of atmospheric models. 2. *The fit is not perfect*. Although the best-fit atmosphere+CPD model best reproduces the excess at the end of the $K$ band, it does not perfectly reproduce the observed slope around 2.3$\mu$m. For both the BT-SETTL and type III models, most photometric points at wavelengths shorter than 2.3 $\mu$m lie below the model (albeit all within 2$\sigma$), while most points longward of 2.3 $\mu$m are slightly brighter than the model (but within 2$\sigma$ also). 3. *The assumptions behind our CPD models may be incorrect*. Incorrect assumptions may explain why our CPD models do not reproduce perfectly the observed steep slope. We fixed the inner truncation radius to 2$R_J$. As shown in @Zhu2015b, different inner truncation radii can lead to different predicted CPD spectra for a given mass accretion rate. Furthermore, neither the models in @Zhu2015b nor in @Eisner2015 take into account radiative feedback from the protoplanet itself. The best-fit effective temperature and radius found for PDS 70 b suggest a protoplanet luminosity $L_p\sim10^{-4} L_{\odot}$. @Montesinos2015 showed that the effect of such bright protoplanet would be to further increase the IR excess of the CPD with a steeper spectral slope, hence possibly improving the match with the K-band spectrum of PDS 70 b. New dedicated simulations are required to verify this hypothesis. However, several lines of evidence support the hypothesis of circumplanetary material: 1. *Our best-fit accretion rates agree with observations.* Assuming a similar relationship between H$\alpha$ luminosity and mass accretion rate as T-Tauri stars, @Wagner2018a estimated the PDS 70 b accretion rate as $\sim 10^{-7.8} M_{\rm J}^2 R_{\rm J}^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$ in the absence of extinction. However, the protoplanet is likely to be embedded within the circumplanetary material from which it feeds. The observed accretion rate would then be $\sim 10^{-6.7} M_{\rm J}^2 R_{\rm J}^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$ for $A_V \approx 3$mag. Assuming a similar relationship for Br$\gamma$ emission, also constrained the accretion rate to be $< 10^{-6.2} M_{\rm J}^2 R_{\rm J}^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$, considering negligible extinction at $K$ band. Our best-fit models suggest strong extinction towards the protoplanet ($A_V > 6$mag), consistent with the presence of a CPD. Our estimates of mass ($M_b \sim 10 M_J$), accretion rates ($\sim 10^{-7.5} M_J$ yr$^{-1}$), extinction ($\gtrsim 6$ mag) and radii $R_{\rm b}$ ($\sim 1.6 R_J$), appear roughly compatible with both observational constraints. Monitoring of the H$\alpha$ luminosity would confirm the variability of the accretion rate. 2. *The photometric variability is only observed at relatively long NIR wavelength ($\sim 2.2 \mu$m).* The best-fit models involving variable extinction lead to only slightly worse fits to the data than the atmosphere+CPD best-fit models. However, for the former models the amplitude of the variability is larger at short than at long NIR wavelengths, which is not observed despite multiple epoch observations at wavelengths shorter than 1.7 $\mu$m. Even if the variability was due to extinction, given the radial separation of the protoplanet ($\sim 20$au), both the amplitude ($\Delta A_V \gtrsim 3$ mag) and timescale of extinction variability (less than several years) suggests it would also be caused by circumplanetary dust. 3. *Tentative excess with respect to the atmosphere+CPD models at 2.29–2.35 $\mu$m might suggest CO bandhead emission.* For young stellar objects, CO bandhead emission ($\Delta v=2$; first transitions at 2.294, 2.323 and 2.352 $\mu$m) is an indicator of disk presence [@Geballe1987; @Davis2011]. CPD models in @Ayliffe2009 and @Szulagyi2017a predict temperatures up to several thousand K, which might also produce CO bandhead emission. 4. *Presence of a spiral arm*. Our conclusion regarding the presence of circumplanetary material around PDS 70 b is consistent with recent images obtained with VLT/SINFONI, suggesting the presence of an outer spiral arm likely feeding the CPD . Conclusions =========== The SED of PDS 70 b is best fit by models that include a circumplanetary disc. Atmospheric models alone are not able to account for the observed flux at wavelengths $\gtrsim~2.3~\mu$m. We infer an accretion rate of $10^{-7.8}$–$10^{-7.3} M_J$ yr$^{-1}$ for a $\sim~10~M_J$ planet with significant extinction, consistent with prior observations. Simultaneous follow-up observations of PDS 70 b with wide spectral coverage in NIR including the H$\alpha$ line should confirm the scenario of variable accretion through a circumplanetary disc. Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered} =============== We acknowledge funding from the Australian Research Council via DP180104235, FT130100034 and FT170100040. VC thanks Andre Müller for sharing the SPHERE spectrum of PDS 70 b. MM acknowledges financial support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) through CASSACA-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship (Chile). [^1]: Available at <https://phoenix.ens-lyon.fr/Grids/BT-Settl/>
The Court of First Instance found the 34-year-old Emirati guilty of aggravated assault and ordered that the tool be seized. A housewife, who assaulted her maid with an iron bar and caused her injuries, has been sentenced to two years in prison. The Court of First Instance found the 34-year-old Emirati guilty of aggravated assault and ordered that the tool be seized. The housewife is believed to have assaulted the maid on various occasions in six months leaving her with permanent injuries. The case dates back to July 24, last year. The maid, a 32-year-old from India, said she did not receive any salary from her employer since she was hired about eight months prior to the complaint. She claimed that the housewife would beat her with an iron bar. "Once I hit my head when she pushed me in the bathroom. I got multiple bruises because of the beating." The housemaid added that she had to be admitted into hospital for two months and a half after she passed out. "My hands still hurt and I can't raise my right hand. She kept saying that I was not working well." The maid said her employer locked her up in the balcony for two days and she could not eat anything and that her hands were swollen. She added that she could not contact the recruitment office because she did not have a phone. A police lieutenant said they found that the victim living in the balcony and sleeping there with no cover. The housewife admitted that she assaulted the maid. The defendant also admitted that she used an iron bar to beat the maid to push her to work. The accused alleged that on the day of the incident, the maid went out to the balcony and stayed there refusing to eat until she fainted and they called the ambulance. mary@khaleejtimes.com
[Teacher educators and health education: from their concepts to their professional identity]. The objective of this study was to determine why some teacher educators use health education actions as part of their teacher training. We therefore studied the educators' discourse in order to identify factors affecting declared practices and adhesion to health education training. The study was conducted in two steps. Teacher educators were interviewed by telephone using a questionnaire and teacher training curricula were reviewed to assess current teacher training practices. A qualitative analysis was then conducted by structured telephone interviews of 16 teacher educators. The teacher educators interviewed in this study presented a holistic approach to health and health education, focusing on the individual, which had a positive impact on implementation of health education training. All of the teacher educators interviewed had also adopted health education as part of their professional identity: they felt competent in health education, and considered it to be part of their job. However, most teacher trainers reported concepts and declared practices according to an application-based model, focussing on acquired knowledge, or a didactic model, focussing on implementation of projects. The holistic model, focussing on individual health, remained very marginal and was not part of teacher educators' perceptions of their role in the training future teachers.
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using Server.Items; namespace Server.Mobiles { [CorpseName("a solen worker corpse")] public class BlackSolenWorker : BaseCreature, IBlackSolen { [Constructable] public BlackSolenWorker() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) { Name = "a black solen worker"; Body = 805; BaseSoundID = 959; Hue = 0x453; SetStr(96, 120); SetDex(81, 105); SetInt(36, 60); SetHits(58, 72); SetDamage(5, 7); SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 100); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 25, 30); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 20, 30); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 10, 20); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 10, 20); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 20, 30); SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 60.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 65.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 60.0); Fame = 1500; Karma = -1500; } public override void GenerateLoot() { AddLoot(LootPack.Gems, 1, 2); AddLoot(LootPack.LootGold(100, 180)); AddLoot(LootPack.LootItem<ZoogiFungus>(100.0, 1, false, true)); AddLoot(LootPack.LootItemCallback(SolenHelper.PackPicnicBasket, 1.0, 1, false, false)); } public BlackSolenWorker(Serial serial) : base(serial) { } public override int GetAngerSound() { return 0x269; } public override int GetIdleSound() { return 0x269; } public override int GetAttackSound() { return 0x186; } public override int GetHurtSound() { return 0x1BE; } public override int GetDeathSound() { return 0x8E; } public override bool IsEnemy(Mobile m) { if (SolenHelper.CheckBlackFriendship(m)) return false; else return base.IsEnemy(m); } public override void OnDamage(int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill) { SolenHelper.OnBlackDamage(from); base.OnDamage(amount, from, willKill); } public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write(0); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); } } }
// Copyright 2000-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import {Directive} from "@angular/core"; @Directive({ selector: "foo" }) export class MyDirective { }
Comparative Assessment of Outcomes of Surgical Treatment of Smith and Colles Distal Radius Fractures. The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of surgical treatment of distal radial fractures following open reduction and fixation with an angle-stable plate in relation to the type of injury (flexion vs. extension fracture). A group of 25 patients with Colles fractures and 25 patients with Smith fractures treated surgically in the years 2012-2013 was analysed retrospectively. The results were evaluated using the quickDASH and Mayo Wrist Score. Radiographic follow-up assessments included radial inclination, radial height, volar tilt and articular step-off. The mean Mayo Wrist Score was 72.8 points for Colles fractures and 68.3 points for Smith fractures. The mean quickDASH score was 18.2 points for Colles fractures and 20.5 points for Smith fractures. However, these differences were not statistically significant. The only significant difference in the radiographic parameters investigated was in volar tilt, which was normal in the group of patients with Smith fractures (11°), whereas in the group with Colles fractures it was 5°. 1. In fractures of the distal radius, the type of displacement has no significant effect on the final outcome of surgical plate fixation. 2. In fractures with dorsal displacement of fragments, it is more difficult to restore volar tilt from a volar approach.
## PostgreSQL 计算 任意类型 字段之间的线性相关性 ### 作者 digoal ### 日期 2016-04-03 ### 标签 PostgreSQL , 线性相关性 ---- ## 背景 PostgreSQL自带了计算numeric和numeric字段的线性相关性的聚合函数corr(numeric, numeric)。 例如: ``` postgres=# select corr(c1,c2) from (values (1,2),(2,1),(100,90),(13,13),(25,27) ) t(c1,c2); corr ------------------- 0.998528203831946 (1 row) postgres=# \df+ corr List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Security | Volatility | Owner | Language | Source code | Description ------------+------+------------------+------------------------------------+------+----------+------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------------- pg_catalog | corr | double precision | double precision, double precision | agg | invoker | immutable | postgres | internal | aggregate_dummy | correlation coefficient (1 row) ``` 如果要计算多元的线性相关性,可以使用madlib提供的linregr_train函数来统计。 http://doc.madlib.net/latest/group__grp__linreg.html 注意不管是一元回归还是多元回归,都需要提供数字类型,如果是文本是不支持的,如下: ``` postgres=# select corr(c1,c3) from (values (1,2,'test'),(2,1,'digoal'),(100,90,'hello'),(13,13,'china'),(25,27,'hangzhou') ) t(c1,c2,c3); ERROR: function corr(integer, text) does not exist LINE 1: select corr(c1,c3) from (values (1,2,'test'),(2,1,'digoal'),... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. ``` 那么怎么处理呢? PostgreSQL提供了强大的窗口功能,因为任意字段都可以排序,所以只要使用窗口输出字段排序后的rank()就可以代表它的位置从而计算相关性。 例如 ``` postgres=# select c1, rank() over(order by c1) rc1, c2, rank() over(order by c2) rc2, c3, rank() over(order by c3) rc3 from (values (1,2,'test'),(2,1,'digoal'),(100,90,'hello'),(13,13,'china'),(25,27,'hangzhou') ) t(c1,c2,c3) order by c1; c1 | rc1 | c2 | rc2 | c3 | rc3 -----+-----+----+-----+----------+----- 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | test | 5 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | digoal | 2 13 | 3 | 13 | 3 | china | 1 25 | 4 | 27 | 4 | hangzhou | 3 100 | 5 | 90 | 5 | hello | 4 (5 rows) ``` 这个例子要计算c1,c3的相关性,c1是数字字段,但是c3是text。 corr函数不支持这么操作。 因此我使用上面这条带窗口的SQL,把text字段根据rank抽象为数值,正好和其他字段可以匹配相关性。 来看计算结果: ``` postgres=# select corr(c1,rc3), corr(rc1,rc3) from ( select c1, rank() over(order by c1) rc1, c2, rank() over(order by c2) rc2, c3, rank() over(order by c3) rc3 from (values (1,2,'test'),(2,1,'digoal'),(100,90,'hello'),(13,13,'china'),(25,27,'hangzhou') ) t(c1,c2,c3) ) t; corr | corr -------------------+------ 0.283302495025433 | -0.1 (1 row) ``` 建议采用corr(rc1,rc3)的结果,这个比较有代表性。 代表被评测列的线性相关性。 应用场景大家猜一猜。 #### [PostgreSQL 许愿链接](https://github.com/digoal/blog/issues/76 "269ac3d1c492e938c0191101c7238216") 您的愿望将传达给PG kernel hacker、数据库厂商等, 帮助提高数据库产品质量和功能, 说不定下一个PG版本就有您提出的功能点. 针对非常好的提议,奖励限量版PG文化衫、纪念品、贴纸、PG热门书籍等,奖品丰富,快来许愿。[开不开森](https://github.com/digoal/blog/issues/76 "269ac3d1c492e938c0191101c7238216"). #### [9.9元购买3个月阿里云RDS PostgreSQL实例](https://www.aliyun.com/database/postgresqlactivity "57258f76c37864c6e6d23383d05714ea") #### [PostgreSQL 解决方案集合](https://yq.aliyun.com/topic/118 "40cff096e9ed7122c512b35d8561d9c8") #### [德哥 / digoal's github - 公益是一辈子的事.](https://github.com/digoal/blog/blob/master/README.md "22709685feb7cab07d30f30387f0a9ae") ![digoal's wechat](../pic/digoal_weixin.jpg "f7ad92eeba24523fd47a6e1a0e691b59")
ADH : alcohol dehydrogenase ALDH : aldehyde dehydrogenase GDP‐Man : GDP‐mannose GDP‐ManUA : GDP‐mannuronic acid GDPMDH : GDP‐mannose dehydrogenase hUDPGDH : human UDPGDH NDP‐SDH : nucleotide diphosphate sugar dehydrogenase PaGDPMDH : *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* GDPMDH SaUDPNAMDH : *Staphylococcus aureus* UDPNAMDH SpUDPGDH : *Streptococcus pyogenes* UDPGDH UDPGDH : UDP‐glucose dehydrogenase UDP‐Glc : UDP‐[d]{.smallcaps}‐glucose UDP‐GlcUA : UDP‐[d]{.smallcaps}‐glucuronic acid UDP‐ManNAc : UDP‐*N*‐acetyl‐mannosamine UDP‐ManNAcUA : UDP‐*N*‐acetyl‐mannosaminuronic acid UDPNAMDH : UDP‐*N*‐acetyl‐mannosamine dehydrogenase UDP‐glucose dehydrogenase (UDPGDH, [EC](http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/EC1/1/1/22.html)) and its homologous bacterial and archaeal proteins UDP‐*N*‐acetyl‐mannosamine dehydrogenase (UDPNAMDH) and GDP‐mannose dehydrogenase (GDPMDH) belong to a small group of NAD^+^‐linked 4‐electron‐transfering oxidoreductases termed nucleotide diphosphate sugar dehydrogenases (NDP‐SDHs) [1](#feb412022-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"}. UDPGDH was first detected in bovine liver in 1954 [2](#feb412022-bib-0002){ref-type="ref"}. It was subsequently purified in 1969 [3](#feb412022-bib-0003){ref-type="ref"} and sequenced in 1994 [4](#feb412022-bib-0004){ref-type="ref"}. UDPGDH has since been identified as the rate determining step in the conversion of UDP‐[d]{.smallcaps}‐glucose (UDP‐Glc) to UDP‐[d]{.smallcaps}‐glucuronic acid (UDP‐GlcUA) by reducing two molecules of NAD^+^ to NADH through two cycles of oxidation [4](#feb412022-bib-0004){ref-type="ref"}. UDPGDH is found in a variety of different organisms from bacteria to plants and animals, and maintains consistency in its mechanism for converting UDP‐Glc to UDP‐GlcUA. Nevertheless, UDPGDH has different quaternary structure in unlike organisms. In the bacteria *Streptococcus pyogenes* UDPGDH (SpUDPGDH) exists as a homodimer [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}, whereas studies report its existence in bovines and humans (hUDPGDH) as a homohexamer with 'half‐of‐the sites' reactivity, essentially acting as a trimer of dimers [1](#feb412022-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"}, [6](#feb412022-bib-0006){ref-type="ref"}. Similarly, UDP‐GlcUA has different fates according to the organism in which it is found. In several strains of *Streptococcus* UDP‐GlcUA is the substrate for the production of polysaccharides that comprise the organism\'s capsule, which aids in surface attachment, increases antibiotic resistance and protects against phagocytosis [7](#feb412022-bib-0007){ref-type="ref"}. UDP‐GlcUA is also used by *Burkholdaria cepacia* to synthesize the exopolysaccharide cepacian, a major virulence factor [8](#feb412022-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"}. In mammals UDP‐GlcUA serves as precursor to hyaluronan and various glycosaminoglycans. Hyaluronan is found in the extracellular matrix and plays a role in promoting cell growth and migration [9](#feb412022-bib-0009){ref-type="ref"}. Interfering with proteoglycan synthesis reduces tumour growth and development [10](#feb412022-bib-0010){ref-type="ref"}, [11](#feb412022-bib-0011){ref-type="ref"}. Hence, glycosaminoglycans are associated with cancer metastasis [12](#feb412022-bib-0012){ref-type="ref"}. Loss of UDPGDH function leads to major problems in embryogenesis, such as heart valve defects in zebrafish and vulval morphogenesis in *Caenorhabditis elegans* [13](#feb412022-bib-0013){ref-type="ref"}, [14](#feb412022-bib-0014){ref-type="ref"}, while UDPGDH overexpression can lead to chondrogenesis [15](#feb412022-bib-0015){ref-type="ref"}. Additionally, UDP‐GlcUA in *Drosophila melanogaster* acts as a modifier for proteins involved in wing formation [16](#feb412022-bib-0016){ref-type="ref"}. Another role of UDP‐GlcUA is the glucuronidation of molecules in the liver that targets these compounds for excretion [17](#feb412022-bib-0017){ref-type="ref"}. Some lung and colon cancers have actually taken advantage of this activity for drug resistance [18](#feb412022-bib-0018){ref-type="ref"}, [19](#feb412022-bib-0019){ref-type="ref"}. UDP‐GlcUA also serves as a precursor to UDP‐xylose, a critical component of plant cell wall polysaccharides such as pectin and hemicellulose [20](#feb412022-bib-0020){ref-type="ref"}, [21](#feb412022-bib-0021){ref-type="ref"}. Amazingly, UDPGDH from *Sphingomonas elodea* has even been shown to also exhibit ribonuclease activity [22](#feb412022-bib-0022){ref-type="ref"}. GDPMDH uses a similar mechanism to convert GDP‐mannose (GDP‐Man) to GDP‐mannuronic acid (GDP‐ManUA) while in turn reducing two molecules of NAD^+^ to NADH. This enzyme in *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* (PaGDPMDH) is the rate‐limiting step in the synthesis of alginate, an exopolysaccharide that protects the organism from antibiotics and host defences and allows *P. aeruginosa* to act as an opportunistic pathogen. There is no equivalent enzyme in humans. PaGDPMDH shares only about 22% identity to SpUDPGDH and, unlike other NDP‐SDHs, has a domain‐swapped dimeric structure [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. UDPNAMDH converts UDP‐*N*‐acetyl‐mannosamine (UDP‐ManNAc) to UDP‐*N*‐acetyl‐mannosaminuronic acid (UDP‐ManNAcA) while in turn reducing two molecules of NAD^+^ to NADH. The Cap50 enzyme in *Staphylococcus aureus* (SaUDPNAMDH) is a UDPNAMDH responsible for synthesizing UDP‐ManNAcA for incorporation into *S. aureus*\'s polysaccharide capsule. SaUDPNAMDH only shares approximately 20% identity to SpUDPGDH and PaGDPMDH. SaUDPNAMDH possess a dimeric organization similar to that of SpUDPGDH. Also, tyrosine phosphorylation, most likely on Tyr89, has been shown to increase the activity of SaUDPNAMDH, similar to what has previously been demonstrated for UDPGDHs from *E. coli* and *Bacillus subtilis* [24](#feb412022-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"}, [25](#feb412022-bib-0025){ref-type="ref"}, [26](#feb412022-bib-0026){ref-type="ref"}. The mechanism for UDPGDH, which is common to the other NDP‐SDHs, proceeds by a Bi‐Uni‐Uni‐Bi Ping Pong mechanism [27](#feb412022-bib-0027){ref-type="ref"}. It begins with an aspartate residue (Asp264 in SpUDPGDH) acting as a general base by activating a water molecule [28](#feb412022-bib-0028){ref-type="ref"}. This proceeds to the oxidation of the C6″ hydroxyl of UDP‐Glc to form an aldehyde intermediate and the transfer of the *pro‐R* hydride to NAD^+^ to form NADH [29](#feb412022-bib-0029){ref-type="ref"}. Secondly, a cysteine (Cys260 in SpUDPGDH) acts as a nucleophile by attacking the aldehyde, yielding a covalent thiohemiacetal intermediate [30](#feb412022-bib-0030){ref-type="ref"}, [31](#feb412022-bib-0031){ref-type="ref"}. This is followed by the transfer of the remaining hydride (*pro‐*S) at the C6″ position to a second NAD^+^ to again form NADH. The final, rate‐limiting step of the UDPGDH mechanism is the hydrolysis of the remaining thioester intermediate, which is catalysed by Tyr10 in SpUDPGDH, to yield UDP‐GlcUA [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}, [8](#feb412022-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"}, [28](#feb412022-bib-0028){ref-type="ref"}. The current era of genomics has yielded a large number of sequences for each type of NDP‐SDH. In addition, tertiary structures are now available for each enzyme. Relationships between each enzyme have scarcely been addressed in previous studies. The goal of this research was to align a large number of protein sequences for each NDP‐SDH homologue and to identify and confirm the structural and functional roles of residues and sequence motifs in UDPGDHs, UDPNAMDHs and GDPMDHs. Group entropy analysis was also performed to identify group‐specific conservations for each NDP‐SDH homolog, yielding new insights into the unique function of each enzyme. Results and discussion {#feb412022-sec-0004} ====================== Structure and residue conservations {#feb412022-sec-0005} ----------------------------------- A total of 229 amino acid sequences were aligned (Fig. [1](#feb412022-fig-0001){ref-type="fig"}) using tertiary structural alignment as a guide. The full alignment is available in Fig. S1. The sequences used included 92 bacterial and archaeal UDPGDHs, 55 eukaryotic UDPGDHs, 38 UDPNAMDHs and 44 GDPMDHs sequences. Despite only about 20% sequence identity between each enzyme in the family, their tertiary structures are well conserved [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}, [6](#feb412022-bib-0006){ref-type="ref"}, [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}, [24](#feb412022-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"}. Eukaryotic UDPGDHs have a slightly longer loop after β‐5 (alignment indices 179--183) as compared to the other NDP‐SDHs. GDPMDHs have an extended loop after α‐5 (alignment indices 202--206) and also after α‐10 (alignment indices 386--387). UDPNAMDHs have an extended loop after α‐6 (alignment indices 236--243). ![Summary alignment showing a representative sequence for each group of nucleotide diphosphate sugar dehydrogenase (NDP‐SDH) highlighted in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. [3](#feb412022-fig-0003){ref-type="fig"}): *Streptococcus pyogenes* UDPGDH (SpUDPGDH) as a Bacterial UDPGDH, human UDPGDH (hUDPGDH) as a Eukaryotic UDPGDH,*Pseudomonas aeruginosa* GDPMDH (PaGDPMDH) as a GDPMDH and *Staphylococcus aureus* UDPNAMDH (SaUDPNAMDH) as a UDPNAMDH. Sequence names (left) are colour‐coded to correspond to the phylogenetic tree. Conserved residue positions are coloured as follows: red = 100% conserved in the entire alignment, green = 80--99% conserved and blue = 60--79% conserved. The entire alignment, which contains 229 protein sequences, is found in Fig. S1. Gap positions from the entire alignment are retained to allow correlation with index position numbers (shown above the alignment) that are noted within the text.](FEB4-6-77-g001){#feb412022-fig-0001} The sequence alignment demonstrated 18 invariant residues: Gly7{89}, Gly9{91}, Gly12{94}, Thr83{173}, Ser117{216}, Thr118{217}, Pro140{257}, Glu141{258}, Glu201{349}, Lys204{352}, Asn208{356}, Asn219{367}, Gly257{408}, Gly258{409}, Cys260{411}, Asp264{415}, Asn287{442} and Lys320{486} (residue identities are based on SpUDPGDH positions [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"} with alignment index position numbers in curled brackets). Most conservations cluster in and around the active site. The overrepresentation of glycines among the invariant residues (5 of 18) is usually due to their critical role in protein structure and has been seen to occur in other enzyme families, such as aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH) and alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) [32](#feb412022-bib-0032){ref-type="ref"}, [33](#feb412022-bib-0033){ref-type="ref"}, [34](#feb412022-bib-0034){ref-type="ref"}. These conserved glycines often lie at critical turns in the enzyme structure or at sites where a side chain would lead to steric issues with protein folding. For example, glycines 7{89}, 9{91} and 12{94} comprise the classic 'GXGXXG' pattern of the Rossmann fold which coordinates NAD^+^ in NDP‐SDHs and many other oxidoreductases, including ALDHs and ADHs [32](#feb412022-bib-0032){ref-type="ref"}, [33](#feb412022-bib-0033){ref-type="ref"}, [34](#feb412022-bib-0034){ref-type="ref"}. The first glycine position, Gly7{89}, is also invariant in the Rossmann folds of other dehydrogenase families [32](#feb412022-bib-0032){ref-type="ref"}, [35](#feb412022-bib-0035){ref-type="ref"}. Gly257{408}, which forms a hydrogen bond to the 3′ hydroxyl of UMP [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"} and Gly258{409} are located in the turn preceding the catalytic thiol, Cys260{411}. Cys260{411} is the covalent catalyst for the second oxidation step in the catalytic mechanism [9](#feb412022-bib-0009){ref-type="ref"}, [36](#feb412022-bib-0036){ref-type="ref"}. Interestingly upon oxidation of SaUDPNAMDH, the catalytic Cys258{411} forms a disulphide with Cys92{186} that has not been seen in other NDP‐SDHs [24](#feb412022-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"}. The side chain hydroxyl of Thr83{173} hydrogen bonds to the 3′ hydroxyl of the nicotinamide ribose of NAD^+^. Thr118{217} interacts with a water molecule which in turn hydrogen bonds to the 2′ hydroxyl of the nicotinamide ribose of NAD^+^. This same water molecule is activated as a nucleophile by Asp264{415}, the general base, to initiate the catalytic mechanism [8](#feb412022-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"}. Lys204{352} and Asn208{356} are 3.0 Å from the O6″ carboxylate oxygen of UDP‐GlcUA and are involved in the electrostatic stabilization of the substrate in the first oxidation step [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}, [28](#feb412022-bib-0028){ref-type="ref"}. Of the remaining invariant residues, the side chain of Ser117{216} is in the NAD^+^‐binding pocket, but lies nearly 4.0 Å from the nicotinamide ribose. Pro140{257} positions Glu141{258} so that its side chain carbonyl can hydrogen bond with the main chain nitrogen of Leu143{260} (77% conserved). This interaction holds the loop between β‐8 and α‐7 in place. The main chain carbonyl of Glu141{258} also forms an ionic bond with the side chain of Lys204{352}, noted above. The side chain carboxyl of Glu201{349} is 2.7 Å from the main chain nitrogen of Gly122{221} (69% conserved), maintaining enzyme structure [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}. Interestingly, an E201D mutation in *Streptococcus pneumoniae* causes the lack of a capsule [7](#feb412022-bib-0007){ref-type="ref"}. The amide nitrogen of the side chain of Asn287{442} is 2.9 Å from the main chain nitrogen of Tyr256{407} (not conserved). The side chain carboxyl of Asn219{367} is 2.8 Å from the main chain nitrogen of Ser253{404} (not conserved). Both asparagines (219 & 287) hold the loop between α‐10 and α‐11 in position; α‐11 includes the catalytic residues Cys260{411} and Asp264{415}. Lastly, Lys320{486} coordinates diphosphate bridge of UDP‐glucose [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}. In addition to the 18 invariant residues, 20 residues were conserved in at least 80% of the aligned sequences and 52 additional residues were at least 60% conserved. With 90 residue positions conserved in NDP‐SDH sequences that are roughly 425 amino acids in length, this represents a fairly high degree of conservation despite each different enzyme using a different nucleotide‐sugar substrate. Other highly conserved residues that play functional roles in UDPGDH include the following: Tyr10{92}, Asp29{114}, Asn39{124}, Glu145{262}, Arg244{393}, Asn325{491}, Arg327{493} and Ser329{495}. Tyr10{92} is 98% conserved in our alignment and catalyses the final hydrolysis of the enzymatic thioester intermediate [8](#feb412022-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"}. Asp29{114} (99% conserved) coordinates both the 2′ and 3′ hydroxyls of the adenosine ribose of NAD^+^. Asn39{124} (83%), which is in α‐2, hydrogen bonds via its side chain amide nitrogen to the main chain carbonyl oxygen of Ala63{181}, which is not conserved and lies in β‐3. Glu145{262} (76%) is 4.7 Å from the UDP‐glucose diphosphate bridge. Arg244{393} (76%) from subunit b of the dimer is 3.1 Å from 2″ hydroxyl group of glucose in UDP‐glucose bound in subunit a, and *vice versa* [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}. This intersubunit contact may participate in the communication that results in half‐sites reactivity in mammalian UDPGDHs [6](#feb412022-bib-0006){ref-type="ref"}. Asn325{491} in SpUDPGDH is at a position in the alignment that is 80% aspartate. The side chain amide nitrogen of Asn325{491} is 2.8 Å from the side chain carbonyl oxygen of Glu145{262}. Arg327{493} (99%) forms a salt bridge with the pyrophosphate of NAD^+^. The side chain hydroxyl of Ser329{495} (81%) is 2.8 Å from the main chain carbonyl oxygen of Leu317{483} (64%). In a large alignment, the inclusion of even one or a few sequences with variations can lead to critical residues no longer being invariant, but this does not diminish their critical roles, as was demonstrated in ALDHs [32](#feb412022-bib-0032){ref-type="ref"}. Three sequences (MCIThaHYPO, SalPacUGD and UncBacHYPO) lacked tyrosine at index 92, while one sequence (NatGarNSD) lacked an aspartate at index 114 and one sequence (UncBacHYPO) that lacked an arginine at index 493. Of these four sequences, two were from uncultured bacteria from metagenomic studies [37](#feb412022-bib-0037){ref-type="ref"}, [38](#feb412022-bib-0038){ref-type="ref"} and the other two lacked a reference. Thus, none had proven enzymatic function. Tyrosine phosphorylation {#feb412022-sec-0006} ------------------------ It has been revealed that phosphorylation of a tyrosine at index 157 in the alignment in UDPGDHs from *E. coli* (Tyr71) and *Bacillus subtilis* (Tyr70) causes an increase in enzymatic activity [25](#feb412022-bib-0025){ref-type="ref"}, [26](#feb412022-bib-0026){ref-type="ref"}. Modelling in *B. subtilis* UDPGDH places this tyrosine at the surface near the NAD^+^‐binding site. It has been suggested that phosphorylation of this tyrosine might make this binding site more accessible [25](#feb412022-bib-0025){ref-type="ref"}. Tyrosine is not conserved at index 157, with only 8 out of 92 bacterial and archaeal UDPGDHs having tyrosine. Eukaryotic UDPGDHs, where phosphorylation has not been witnessed, have mostly a hydrophobic isoleucine or valine at index 157, while GDPMDHs have valines or phenylalanines here and UDPNAMDHs have an indel at this index. SaUDPNAMDH is also activated by phosphorylation on Tyr89{183}. This tyrosine in SaUDPNAMDH lies at the bend in a long loop between β‐[d]{.smallcaps} and α‐4 near the enzyme surface. This residue lies before Cys92{186}, which may also be involved in regulation by forming a disulphide with the catalytic Cys258{411} [24](#feb412022-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"}. Similar to UDPGDHs, this tyrosine at index 183 is not conserved, with only 3 of the 38 UDPNAMDHs aligned having a tyrosine at this position. Thus, it appears that tyrosine phosphorylation did not evolve at conserved tyrosine positions and therefore may not occur in all organisms or enzymes. Conserved motifs {#feb412022-sec-0007} ---------------- The 10 most well conserved sequence motifs were statistically identified using the [meme]{.smallcaps} program. Seventeen of the 18 invariant residues cluster into 7 of the 10 conserved motifs (Table [1](#feb412022-tbl-0001){ref-type="table-wrap"}). Both the Rossmann fold, found between β‐1 and α‐1 in SpUDPGDH, and Tyr10 are located in Motif 5. The Rossmann fold allows close interaction with the adenosine ribose of NAD^+^ [39](#feb412022-bib-0039){ref-type="ref"}. In addition to Motif 5, Motifs 4 and 7 also contribute to the N‐terminal NAD^+^‐binding domain of NDP‐SDHs (Fig. [2](#feb412022-fig-0002){ref-type="fig"}A). Motif 4 contains invariant residues Pro140{257} and Glu141{258}. Motif 7 includes the fully conserved Thr83{173}. ###### Ten most conserved sequence motifs in nucleotide diphosphate sugar dehydrogenases Motif Number Length Motif Indices -------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 1 41 \[RW\]\[SET\]\[AS\]E\[MLA\]\[SI\]K\[LY\]\[AT\]\[AE\]N\[AT\]\[FY\]\[LR\]A\[QL\]\[RK\]\[IV\]\[SA\]\[FS\]\[AI\]N\[ES\]\[LI\]SA\[IL\]\[CA\]EATxG\[AIL\]\[DN\]Vx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xEA\[IV\]K\[ED\]ADLVFI\[ASC\]V\[PGN\]TP 154--174 8 50 \[KS\]DPYEAC\[DR\]GAHA\[VLI\]VI\[CL\]TEWD\[EM\]F\[KV\]\[ED\]xxLDYE\[RK\]I\[HY\]K\[KS\]M\[LQ\]KPAFIFDGR\[RN\]\[VI\]LD 558--608 9 15 \[KA\]\[ILT\]V\[VI\]\[EI\]\[KE\]STVP\[VP\]\[GR\]\[TA\]\[TA\]E 210--224 10 21 \[KR\]\[IV\]\[DE\]\[LA\]\[IWL\]NSGxxxK\[SL\]PI\[YV\]EPG\[LI\]\[ED\] 116--139 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ![Conserved motifs found in the monomer of SpUDPGDH (A) and a hexamer of PaGDPMDH (B). The colour code for the motifs is identical for both structures. Motifs 4 (yellow), 5 (dark green) and 7 (light blue) make up the NAD ^+^‐binding domain. The Rossmann fold common to dehydrogenases is in Motif 5. 1,4‐dihydro‐NAD ^+^ is shown in black (A). Motifs 1 (red), 2 (pink), 3 (orange) and 4 (yellow) participate in substrate binding. UDP‐GlcUA is shown in purple (A). Motif 1 (red) contains helix α‐9 and functions in domain‐domain interactions (B).](FEB4-6-77-g002){#feb412022-fig-0002} Motifs 1--4 are all involved in nucleotide‐sugar substrate binding. Motif 1, which contains four invariant residues (Glu201{349}, Lys204{352}, Asn208{356} and Asn219{367}), is comprised of a long α‐helix (α‐9) that joins the N‐terminal NAD^+^‐binding domain with the C‐terminal domain. This helix also contributes to intersubunit contacts responsible for formation of homodimers, as seen in PaGDPMDH [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"} (Fig. [2](#feb412022-fig-0002){ref-type="fig"}B) and *Burkholdaria cepacia* UDPGDH [8](#feb412022-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"}. Motif 2 contains the fully conserved residues Gly257{408}, Gly258{409}, Cys260{411} and Asp264{415}. Motif 3 contains the invariant residue Lys320{486} and also participates in interactions between subunits b & d, and between subunits a & c in GDPMDH [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. Phylogenetic analysis {#feb412022-sec-0008} --------------------- An unrooted bootstrapped phylogenetic tree of NDP‐SDHs (Fig. [3](#feb412022-fig-0003){ref-type="fig"}) was generated using the neighbour‐joining method. This method was chosen as maximum likelihood and parsimony methods are computationally prohibitive for larger data sets and as other studies have indicated that the neighbour‐joining method has yielded quality evolutionary relationships in some families [40](#feb412022-bib-0040){ref-type="ref"}. In fact, a bootstrapped parsimony tree using only 300 data sets (Fig. S2) was highly comparable to the neighbour‐joining tree using 1000 replicates. The tree was used to support assignment of each NDP‐SDH sequence into an appropriate group for group entropy analysis. The tree indicates that prokaryotic UDPGDHs are the most diverse group of sequences used. Eukaryotic UDPGDHs (823), UDPNAMDHs (995) and GDPMDHs (988) form distinct clades within the phylogenetic tree with high bootstrapping values (in parentheses). The eukaryotic UDPGDHs distinctly cluster within the more diverse prokaryotic UDPGDHs. The UDPNAMDHs and GDPMDHs cluster closely together on the tree, perhaps due to the fact that both substrates involve a mannose sugar (UDP‐ManNAc and GDP‐Man respectively). Among the clade containing 38 UDPNAMDH sequences, there were eight sequences identified as prokaryotic UDPGDHs and two GDPMDHs found in that clade. Literature investigation revealed that all 10 of these sequences resulted from genome sequencing studies, indicating that these outliers could possibly be misidentified without a proven enzymatic function [41](#feb412022-bib-0041){ref-type="ref"}, [42](#feb412022-bib-0042){ref-type="ref"}, [43](#feb412022-bib-0043){ref-type="ref"}, [44](#feb412022-bib-0044){ref-type="ref"}, [45](#feb412022-bib-0045){ref-type="ref"}, [46](#feb412022-bib-0046){ref-type="ref"}. ![Unrooted bootstrapped phylogenetic tree of nucleotide diphosphate sugar dehydrogenase (NDP‐SDHs). Branches are colour‐coded based on enzyme type: red = Bacterial and Archaeal UDPGDH, blue = Eukaryotic UDPGDH, orange = GDPMDH and green = UDPNAMDH. Uncoloured (black) branches represent sequences solely identified as a NDP‐SDH or a hypothetical protein.](FEB4-6-77-g003){#feb412022-fig-0003} Group entropy analysis of GDPMDHs {#feb412022-sec-0009} --------------------------------- The GEnt program was developed as an algorithm to detect amino acid residues that are characteristic of an individual protein family from an alignment with other related proteins. The program calculates a 'Group Entropy' value that represents the degree of residue conservation at that position within the designated group and a 'Family Entropy' value that represents the degree of residue conservation at that position within the entire alignment. Residue conservations unique to and critical to the designated group of proteins would have a high Group Entropy value for a specific residue position, indicating it is highly conserved in that group of sequences, while also having a low Family Entropy value, indicating that that position is not as well conserved in the entire alignment. These positions would plot to the upper left quadrant of a Group Entropy vs. Family Entropy plot (Fig. [4](#feb412022-fig-0004){ref-type="fig"}). Initial use of the GEnt program was used to identify critical, family‐specific conservations in class 3 ALDHs [47](#feb412022-bib-0047){ref-type="ref"}. GEnt was used here to identify novel residue positions important to the unique function each NDP‐SDH homolog. ![Group entropy analysis plot for GDPMDHs. Residues in the upper left quadrant are unique conservations in GDPMDHs. Residue positions are those in PaGDPMDH with the index position in brackets.](FEB4-6-77-g004){#feb412022-fig-0004} GEnt analysis of GDPMDHs revealed that residues His217{359}, Leu126{219}, Ala263{406}, Arg122{215} and Cys213{355} (PaGDPMDH residue identities with the alignment index position in curly brackets) have the highest Group Entropy scores (Table [2](#feb412022-tbl-0002){ref-type="table-wrap"}), indicating that these positions are specifically conserved in the GDPMDHs. The order the residues are listed is descending from highest group entropy. The full GEnt results are available in Table S1. His217{359} was found throughout 43 of the 45 GDPMDH sequences aligned. However, it is possible that these two sequences lacking histidine, GDPMDHs from *Bacillus thuringiensis* and *Vibrio crassostreae*, are misidentified as GDPMDHs, for they both replace histidine at this position with arginine which is invariant in the UDPNAMDHs at this same position. The ND1 position of the His217{359} side chain is 2.9 Å from the 2″‐hydroxyl of the mannose moiety of GDP‐Man, coordinating the substrate [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. Next, Leu126{219} is highly conserved (35 out of 45) in GDPMDHs and is located in a loop following β‐5 which is distant from the active site. With some variations, all other NDP‐SDH groups replace leucine with a proline suggesting that Leu126{219} plays a role in the structure of that loop. With the exception of the same two sequences mentioned above, Ala263{406} is also conserved in 43 of 45 GDPMDHs. All other NDP‐SDH families replace this alanine with a glycine that is 80% conserved in the in the entire alignment. The main chain carbonyl oxygen of Ala263{406} forms a water‐mediated contact to the 2′ hydroxyl of the guanosine ribose of GDP‐Man [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. In SpUDPGDH index 406 is occupied by Gly255{406}, which is 5.6 Å from the oxygen at position 2 of the uridine ring in UDP‐Glc. Thus, Ala263{406} allows for the proper shape of the binding pocket for the nucleotide of GDP‐Man in GDPMDHs. Like His217{359} and Ala263{406}, Arg122{215} was found to be almost fully conserved (43 of 45 sequences) in the GDPMDH group, with the same two previously noted sequences having glutamate at this position. Lysines are found predominantly at index 215 in the rest of the NDP‐SDH alignment. In PaGDPMDH the side chain of Arg122{215} is 2.1 Å from the hydroxyl group of Tyr191{315} (78% conserved in entire alignment and 93% conserved in GDPMDHs) and 2.1 Å from the side chain amide oxygen of Asn155{256}, which lies before the invariant proline‐glutamate sequence (Pro140{257}‐Glu141{258} in SpUDPGDH), aiding in the positioning of that conserved sequence. Lastly, Cys213{355} is partially conserved (25 out of 45) in the GDPMDH group. It is found at the dimer interface region and appears to be associated with subunit contact, as it is located 3.9 Å from Ile245{388} on the neighbouring subunit. Cys213{355} is also 7.3 Å from the 3″ hydroxyl of the bound GDP‐Man. ###### Group entropy analysis of GDP‐mannose dehydrogenases (GDPMDHs) Index Residue identity[a](#feb412022-note-0001){ref-type="fn"} Group entropy Family entropy Highest group residue Common UDPNAMDH residue Common UDPGDH residue ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------- 359 His217 12.231 2.206 His Arg Leu 219 Leu126 9.762 2.472 Leu Pro Pro 406 Ala263 9.594 2.834 Ala Gly Gly 215 Arg122 9.453 2.368 Arg Lys Lys 355 Cys213 8.764 1.655 Cys Glu Ala Residue identity in PaGDPMDH. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Group entropy analysis of UDPNAMDHs {#feb412022-sec-0010} ----------------------------------- Group entropy analysis of the UDPNAMDH group (Table [3](#feb412022-tbl-0003){ref-type="table-wrap"}) found that residues Arg152{259}, Pro155{262}, Arg211{359}, Val261{414}, Val254{407}, His257{410}, Glu117{215}, His242{391} and Phe265{418} (position identities in SaUDPNAMDH with the alignment index position in curly brackets) are unique to the UDPNAMDH group. The full GEnt results are available in Table S2. Arg152{259} is invariant in UDPNAMDHs and is replaced with a phenylalanine in all other groups. Overall, phenylalanine is 78% conserved in the entire alignment at this position. In SaUDPNAMDH the side chain of Arg152{259} is 2.9 Å from the \[Eu(DPA)~3~\]^3−^ complex bound in the substrate site, which superimposes where the substrate sugar is bound in SpUDPGDH [24](#feb412022-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"}. A recent publication of a UDPNAMDH from *Pyrococcus horikoshii* also indicates that Arg152{259} is also found in the substrate‐binding site [46](#feb412022-bib-0046){ref-type="ref"}. The main chain carbonyl of Phe142{259} in SpUDPGDH is 4.0 Å from the 4″‐hydroxyl of UDP‐GlcUA in UDPGDH and is located in the glucose‐1‐phosphate‐binding pocket [5](#feb412022-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}. Because of its positioning, Arg152{259} might accommodate for binding a different sugar substrate in UDPNAMDHs. Phe158{259} in PaGDPMDH at this same index position lies at the dimer interface. Next, Pro155{262} is fully conserved within the UDPNAMDH group and in the two possibly misidentified GDPMDH sequences noted above. It is located in a loop following Arg152{259} that makes up the sugar‐binding site, thus possibly providing an altered structure to accommodate a different sugar substrate as well. In all other families, glutamate (76% conserved in the entire alignment) replaces proline at this position. In SpUDPGDH the main chain nitrogen of Glu145{262} at this index position is 2.8 Å from an oxygen atom on the beta phosphate of UDP‐GlcUA. The next residue, Arg211{359}, is also fully conserved in the UDPNAMDH group. The side chain of Arg211{359} is found in the sugar‐binding site of UDPNAMDH. In the *P. horikoshii* UDPNAMDH the NE atom of Arg211{359} hydrogen bonds to the O2A atom of UDP‐ManNAcA [48](#feb412022-bib-0048){ref-type="ref"}. In fact two arginines, Arg152{259} and Arg211{359}, identified by GEnt in UDPNAMDHs are both involved in substrate specificity. In support of this observation, a R152F/R211L double mutant of SaUDPNAMDH is unable to oxidize the normal UDP‐ManNAc substrate [24](#feb412022-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"}. ###### Group entropy analysis of UDPNAMDHs Index Residue identity[a](#feb412022-note-0002){ref-type="fn"} Group entropy Family entropy Highest group residue Common GDPMDH residue Common UDPGDH residue ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 259 Arg152 12.777 3.483 Arg Phe Phe 262 Pro155 11.128 2.950 Pro Glu Glu 359 Arg211 10.593 2.206 Arg His Leu 414 Val261 10.251 2.633 Val Lys Lys 407 Val254 10.061 2.55 Val Phe Phe, Tyr 410 His257 9.943 2.458 His Ser Ser, Tyr 215 Glu117 9.924 2.368 Glu Arg Lys 391 His242 9.609 3.001 His Asp Asp 418 Phe265 9.595 1.330 Phe Ala, Gly Ala, Asn, Gln Residue identity in SaUDPNAMDH. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd The next residue identified by GEnt in UDPNAMDHs is Val261{414} which is found in 34 out of 38 UDPNAMDH sequences (89% conserved), with the other four UDPNAMDH sequences having either leucine or isoleucine. This index position is mostly replaced by lysine in the entire alignment (78% conserved). This position is adjacent to fully conserved Asp262{415} and is in close proximity to the conserved 'GGXC' sequence involving the catalytic thiol. The side chain of Val261{414} does not face the catalytic site and lies about 5.5 Å from the side chain of Ile224{372} from the neighbouring subunit. Hence, this position in UDPNAMDH may play a role in intersubunit contact. In SpUDPGDH Val261{414} is replaced by Lys263{414}, which is 2.9 Å from the 2′ hydroxyl group of the nicotinamide ribose of NAD^+^. Another valine identified by GEnt in SaUDPNAMDH is Val254{407} which is found in 35 out of 38 UDPNAMDH sequences, with the other three UDPNAMDH sequences having leucine. In the *P. horikoshii* UDPNAMDH Val254{407} lines the pocket where the uridine group of UDP‐ManNAcA is located [48](#feb412022-bib-0048){ref-type="ref"}. Similarly, the α‐carbons of Tyr256{407} in SpUDPGDH and Phe264{407} in PaGDPMDH are within 5 Å of C1D of the ribose ring of UDP‐xylopyranose and GDP‐mannopyranosyl ester, respectively. Hence, the main chain position of this residue contributes to NDP binding in the substrate. Next, His257{410}, which is invariant in UDPNAMDHs, is located between two invariant glycines and the invariant cysteine in the sequence 'GGHC'. The side chain of His257{410} is about 4 Å from the nicotinamide ring of NAD^+^ and approximately 5.5 Å from the 2′ and 3′ hydroxyls of the nicotinamide ribose in SaUDPNAMDH. In the *P. horikoshii* UDPNAMDH His257{410} side chain hydrogen bonds to a water molecule that in turn is bonded to the O2B atom of UDP‐ManNAcA [48](#feb412022-bib-0048){ref-type="ref"}. Tyr259{410} at the corresponding position in SpUDPGDH is approximately 4.5 Å from the 2′ and 3′ hydroxyl groups of the nicotinamide ribose of NAD^+^. The next residue identified by GEnt in UDPNAMDH is Glu117{215}, which is invariant in the UDPNAMDH group and is mostly replaced with lysine or arginine in other groups. The side chain carbonyl of Glu117{215} in SaUDPNAMDH is 2.6 Å from the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr184{315}, which is also invariant in UDPNAMDH. The side chain amine of Lys116{215} in SpUDPGDH is 2.8 Å from the main chain carbonyl of invariant Pro140{257}, which is located in the loop between β‐8 and α‐7. Next, His242{391} is found in 35 out of 38 UDPNAMDH sequences (92% conserved) and is replaced in other NDP‐SDH groups by aspartate, which is 78% conserved in the entire alignment. The side chain of His242{391} forms an ion pair with Glu207{355} from the neighbouring subunit [48](#feb412022-bib-0048){ref-type="ref"} and also lies 3.8 Å from the \[Eu(DPA)~3~\]^3−^ complex bound in the substrate site of that neighbouring subunit in SaUDPNAMDH. It is possible that His242{391} in UDPNAMDH makes a similar intersubunit contact as the conserved Arg244{393} in SpUDPGDH (note that the residues are only two index positions away). In fact, UDPNAMDHs would have two intersubunit contacts with their substrate, His242{391} and Arg244{393}, which lies 3.2 Å from the \[Eu(DPA)~3~\]^3−^ complex in SaUDPNAMDH and 2.8 Å from O7″ and 2.9 Å from O3″ of UDP‐ManNAcA in *P. horikoshii* UDPNAMDH [48](#feb412022-bib-0048){ref-type="ref"}. Interestingly, Arg244{393} in SpUDPGDH interacts with the 2″ hydroxyl of glucose in UDP‐Glc. Glucose and mannose are epimers at the 2″ positions. GDPMDH have Lys250{393} at this index position, but it does not form intersubunit contacts due to the domain‐swapped structure of GDPMDH [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. Lastly, the side chain of Phe265{418} in subunit b of SaUDPNAMDH is 4.3 Å from the side chain of Ile224{372} from subunit a. Thus, in UDPNAMDHs this position plays a role in intersubunit contact. Phenylalanine is found at index 418 in 35 out of 38 UDPNAMDH sequences, with the other three UDPNAMDH sequences having tyrosine. However, Gln267{418} in SpUDPGDH, Ala275{418} in PaGDPMDH and Asn283{418} in hUDPGDH at this index position all lie in the middle of α‐11 and do not form any apparent intermolecular contacts. Group entropy analysis of UDPGDHs {#feb412022-sec-0011} --------------------------------- The UDPGDH GEnt analysis (Table [4](#feb412022-tbl-0004){ref-type="table-wrap"}) indicated that the residues Leu211{359}, Phe218{366}, Ile27{112}, Lys116{215}, Ser8{90}, Ala207{355} and Gly238{387} in SpUDPGDH (index positions in curly brackets) are uniquely conserved in the UDPGDH group. The full GEnt results are available in Table S3. Leu211{359}, which is 93% conserved in the UDPGDHs, forms the pocket for the sugar group of UDP‐Glc, making van der Waals contact with the C2″ ring position [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. Second, Phe218{366} in the UDPGDHs lies at a hydrophobic position. The side chain of Phe218{366} is roughly 4.0 Å from Ile245{394} indicating that its function might be hydrophobic packing. Next, Ile27{112} is commonly replaced with alanine, cysteine and valine in the UDPGDH group. It is located 5.0 Å from the Rossmann fold and likely serves in structural positioning. The side chain hydroxyl group of Ser8{90} is 4.5 Å from the gamma carbon of Ile27{112}. This close interaction may lead to a compensatory change in other NDP‐SDHs with index 90 being a hydrophobic amino acid, often leucine, and index 112 being a smaller residue, often glycine, to facilitate packing interactions. For example, PaGDPMDH has a hydrophobic leucine (Leu8) at index 90 and a glycine (Gly28) at index position 112. ###### Group entropy analysis of UDPGDHs Index Residue identity[a](#feb412022-note-0003){ref-type="fn"} Group entropy Family entropy Highest group residue Common GDPMDH residue Common UDPNAMDH residue ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- 359 Leu211 12.577 2.206 Leu His Arg 366 Phe218 10.130 1.683 Phe Ala Ala 112 Ile27 10.031 1.679 Cys Gly Gly 215 Lys116 9.458 2.368 Lys Arg Glu 90 Ser8 9.421 1.298 Ala Leu Leu 355 Ala207 8.211 1.655 Ala Cys Glu 387 Gly238 7.830 1.277 Gly Val Leu Residue identity in SpUDPGDH. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd The side chain amine of Lys116{215}, which is 92% conserved in the UDPGDH group, is 2.8 Å from the main chain carbonyl of the invariant Pro140{257}. This interaction likely coordinates the position of the critical loop that contains both Pro140{257} and Glu141{258}. Next, the side chain of Ala207{355}, which is 81% conserved in UDPGDHs, is 6.8 Å from the 3″ hydroxyl of the bound UDP‐xylopyranose in SpUDPGDH. This position in PaGDPMDH is occupied by Cys213{355} which lies at the dimer interface region. Lastly, Gly238{387} is mostly glycine and alanine in the bacterial and archaeal UDPGDHs and eukaryotic UDPGDHs, respectively. This index position is exchanged with mostly hydrophobic residues in other NDP‐SDH groups. Val244{387} lies at this position in PaGDPMDH and is involved in subunit interactions. Common group entropy positions {#feb412022-sec-0012} ------------------------------ Several index positions identified by GEnt demonstrated group‐specific conservations in multiple NDP‐SDH groups, yielding novel insights into the critical differences between each enzyme. First, index position 359 is the highest scoring position for group entropy in GDPMDHs and UDPGDHs, and is also highly scoring in UDPNAMDHs. This position is clearly responsible for substrate specificity, as was initially proposed by Snook and colleagues [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. The side chain of His217{359} in PaGDPMDH is 2.9 Å from the 2″‐hydroxyl of the mannose moiety of GDP‐Man, coordinating the substrate [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. Leu211{359} in SpUDPGDH forms the pocket for the sugar group of UDP‐glucose, making van der Waals contact with the C2″ ring position [23](#feb412022-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"}. As previously noted, glucose and mannose are epimers at the 2″ positions, and the *N*‐acetyl group of UDP‐ManNAc is also attached to the 2″ position. Hence, this should be a key location for determining substrate specificity. The side chain of Arg211{359} in SaUDPNAMDH is also found in the sugar‐binding site of UDPNAMDH. However, the specific substrate interaction that Arg211{359} has is not clear, as a \[Eu(DPA)~3~\]^3−^ complex, instead specific substrate, was crystalized. The recently published *P. horikoshii* UDPNAMDH structure shows that the guanidinium group of Arg211{359} hydrogen bonds to O2A and O1A of the α‐phosphate of UDP‐ManNAcA, while a different arginine, the conserved Arg244{393}, hydrogen bonds to the carbonyl oxygen of the *N*‐acetyl group of UDP‐ManNAcA [48](#feb412022-bib-0048){ref-type="ref"}. Second, index position 215 was also identified by GEnt with high group entropy scores in all three NDP‐SDH groups. This position apparently serves to maintain critical enzyme structure in each group by interacting with a conserved tyrosine. The side chain of Arg122{215} in PaGDPMDH is 2.1 Å from the hydroxyl group of Tyr191{315} (78% conserved in entire alignment) and 2.1 Å from the side chain amide oxygen of Asn155{256}, which lies before the invariant proline{257}‐glutamate{258} sequence, aiding in the positioning of that conserved loop between β‐8 and α‐7. The side chain carbonyl of Glu117{215} in SaUDPNAMDH is 2.6 Å from the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr184{315}, which is also invariant in UDPNAMDH. In SpUDPGDH the side chain of Lys116{215} is 2.8 Å from the main chain carbonyl of invariant Pro140{257}, also holding the same loop in place. Lys116{215} does not interact with the conserved tyrosine at index 315, however, as it is replaced by Leu181{315} in SpUDPGDH. However, in hUDPGDH the side chain Lys129{215} does interact with the side chain of Tyr199{315}, as seen in these other NDP‐SDHs. Lastly, index 355 is identified in the top six group entropy scores for both GDPMDH and UDPGDH, and is the sixteenth highest group entropy score in UDPNAMDH. Index 355 appears critical for intersubunit contact. The side chain of Ala207{355} in the monomeric SpUDPGDH structure lies 6.8 Å from the 3″ hydroxyl of the bound UDP‐xylopyranose. The side chain of the equivalent residue in hUDPGDH, Ala223{355}, is 7.0 Å from the 3′ hydroxyl of UDP‐Glc, but is 4.0 Å from Ile255{388} in the neighbouring subunit. In PaGDPMDH the side chain of Cys213{355} is located 3.9 Å from Ile245{388} on the neighbouring subunit and is also 7.3 Å from the 3″ hydroxyl of the bound GDP‐Man. In SaUDPNAMDH the side chain carbonyl of Glu207{355} is 4.5 Å from the \[Eu(DPA)~3~\]^3−^ complex, which sits in the substrate‐binding site, and is 3.9 Å from His242{391}, also identified by GEnt (see above), from the neighbouring subunit. A glutamate at index 355 also lies in the binding site for UDP‐ManNAcA in the *P. horikoshii* UDPNAMDH. The overall and group‐specific conservations identified here could definitely serve as interesting targets for site‐directed mutagenesis by other researchers. The identification of these positions may also aid in drug discovery for bacterial isoforms that assist in capsule formation. Materials and methods {#feb412022-sec-0013} ===================== The project initially began by obtaining the amino acid sequence of UDPGDH from *Streptococcus pyogenes* (PDB entries [1DLJ](http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/structidSearch.do?structureId=1DLJ) and [1DLI](http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/structidSearch.do?structureId=1DLI)) from the RCSB Protein Data Bank. The sequence was then used to perform a [psi‐blast]{.smallcaps} [49](#feb412022-bib-0049){ref-type="ref"} search of the nonredundant protein database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). 229 related UDPGDH, GDPMDH and UDPNAMDH amino acid sequences were collected with per cent identities ranging from 99% to 15%. These sequences were initially aligned using T‐Coffee [50](#feb412022-bib-0050){ref-type="ref"}. To improve alignment quality, the alignment was manually adjusted using tertiary structure comparison through the RCSB PDB Protein Comparison Tool‐jFATCAT method [51](#feb412022-bib-0051){ref-type="ref"}, [52](#feb412022-bib-0052){ref-type="ref"} as a guide, comparing *Streptococcus pyogenes* UDPGDH (SpUDPGDH, PDB entry [1DLJ](http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/structidSearch.do?structureId=1DLJ)), *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* GDPMDH (PaGDPMDH, PDB entry [1MV8](http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/structidSearch.do?structureId=1MV8)), human UDPGDH (hUDPGDH, PDB entry [3TDK](http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/structidSearch.do?structureId=3TDK)) and *Staphylococcus aureus* UDPNAMDH (SaUDPNAMDH, PDB entry [3OJL](http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/structidSearch.do?structureId=3OJL)). The alignment editor used was [genedoc]{.smallcaps} [53](#feb412022-bib-0053){ref-type="ref"}. Conservations within the alignment were analysed for structural or functional significance. Molecular visualization was performed using [rasmol]{.smallcaps} [54](#feb412022-bib-0054){ref-type="ref"}. Analysis of conserved sequence motifs was facilitated by [meme]{.smallcaps} program [55](#feb412022-bib-0055){ref-type="ref"}. Group entropy analysis (GEnt) [47](#feb412022-bib-0047){ref-type="ref"} was performed to compare UDPGDH, UDPNAMDH and GDPMDH groups to each other. The [phylip]{.smallcaps} suite of programs was used to generate the phylogenetic tree [56](#feb412022-bib-0056){ref-type="ref"}. First, the alignment was trimmed using TrimAl [57](#feb412022-bib-0057){ref-type="ref"}. 1000 Bootstrapped data sets of the trimmed alignment were then generated using the [seqboot]{.smallcaps} program. Next, distances for the data sets were determined by the [protdist]{.smallcaps} program using the Jones‐Taylor‐Thornton matrix. Phylogenetic trees for each data set were generated using the NEIGHBOR program. Lastly, the unrooted consensus tree was generated using the CONSENSE program. The tree graphic was generated using [figtree]{.smallcaps} (available at <http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree>). Author contributions {#feb412022-sec-0015} ==================== NF performed the alignment of 229 NDP‐SDH sequences, analysed the alignment for functional, structural and phylogenetic conservations, and drafted the manuscript. PN conceived the initial project and carried out an initial analysis of an NDP‐SDH alignment of 100 NDP‐SDH sequences. JP supervised the project, participated in the analysis of both alignments, helped to write the initial and final drafts of the manuscript and addressed reviewer\'s comments. Supporting information ====================== ###### **Fig. S1.** Complete alignment of 229 NDP‐SDHs sequences (MSF format). ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Fig. S2.** Bootstrapped parsimony tree of NDP‐SDHs. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Table S1.** Complete GEnt results of GDPMDHs. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Table S2.** Complete GEnt results of UDPNAMDHs. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Table S3.** Complete GEnt results of UDPGDHs. ###### Click here for additional data file. This research was done using a grant from the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (Grant MCB050071P) using BioU. We thank Alex Ropelewski for his technical support and feedback.
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“Appealing forlornly to its better nature” A piece from the Economist discusses President Obama’s last State of the Union and his appeal to agonism and argues that it showed both his weaknesses and virtues, “TO HEAR most of the contenders for this year’s presidential election tell it, America is in a horrible state. Republicans both mainstream and whacko, from Jeb Bush to Donald Trump, describe a country enfeebled militarily, ailing economically and culturally corrupted by seven years of Democratic rule; on the left, Bernie Sanders describes an economy rigged against ordinary Americans. In his last state-of-the-union message to Congress on January 12th, Barack Obama delivered a rebuke to that miserabilism—and to the ugly nativism it is fuelling among voters”. The author goes on to note that “During his first presidential campaign, Mr Obama promised Americans a lot of change they would like. In what is likely to be his last major speech before the process of electing his successor begins in Iowa on February 1st, he talked more of the historic change globalisation is making, to the workplace, pay packets and complexion of American society, in turn creating much of the anxiety and resentment his would-be successors are pandering to”. The writer notes that “It is not certain that America will master the turbulence. “Progress is not inevitable,” he warned, disabusing those conservative critics who accuse him of holding a Pollyanna-ish view of history. “It’s the result of choices we make together. And we face such choices right now. Will we respond to the changes of our time with fear, turning inward as a nation…? Or will we face the future with confidence in who we are, in what we stand for?” This was genre-busting stuff. The annual presidential address to Congress is traditionally a wishlist of legislative business for the coming year, with, in the final year of a presidency, an additional trumpeting of the incumbent’s record”. The piece notes that the speech had some of this by exhorting “Congress to approve the recently concluded Pacific trade agreement, pass legislation to authorise the ongoing American operations in Syria and Iraq and work on criminal-justice reform, one of the few remaining causes that has bipartisan support. He also noted many of his achievements; in presiding over impressive job creation, health-care reform and America’s first national effort at mitigating carbon emissions, for example”. However the core of the speech, as the piece mentions was “an effort to stake out, ahead of Iowa, the ground for legitimate debate in a civilised society. America has not, Mr Obama ventured to suggest, gone to the dogs. Its economy is the envy of the world. Its armed forces are unrivalled. So is its global leadership. “When it comes to every important international issue, people of the world do not look to Beijing or Moscow to lead—they call us.” On that basis alone, anyone promising extreme solutions to America’s problems should be mistrusted. And where they threaten the principles of fairness and rule of law, the basis of America’s strength, they must be disdained. “We need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion,” said Mr Obama, in a nod to Mr Trump’s promise of mass deportations and a blockade of Muslims. “This isn’t a matter of political correctness. It’s a matter of understanding just what it is that makes us strong.” The job of politics is to settle finer debates, about the role of the state in apportioning wealth (“The American people have a choice to make”) and the exercise of America’s undimmed power. It was in this didactic spirit that Mr Obama defended his record. On the state, he argued that it was reasonable to worry about overburdening business with regulation, but illogical to reduce welfare payments, as most Republicans want, at a time of wage stagnation and rising insecurity for millions of workers”. The writer adds that “On national security, he protested, in a tacit response to his many critics, that escalating the wars in which America is already embroiled will not make it safer; “That’s not leadership; that’s a recipe for quagmire…It’s the lesson of Vietnam; it’s the lesson of Iraq.” This was vintage Obama, disdainful of the tribal emotions that have subsumed American politics, cerebral, unrelentingly reasonable. No doubt, it reminded many of his critics, who represent around half of Americans, why they abhor him. Mr Obama said the one big regret of his presidency was that partisan divisions had got worse during the course of it; but America is in no mood for healing. Sitting behind Mr Obama, Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, wore the impassive expression of a man who dared show no flicker of approval for a president his party despises—even when Mr Obama denounced the business-throttling red tape it should hate even more”. The writer continues “When Mr Obama claimed that America was not enfeebled militarily, many Republican congressmen emitted a scandalised gasp. Yet mainstream Republicans candidates such as Chris Christie and Mr Bush, none of whom has denounced Mr Trump’s vile politics half as effectively as Mr Obama, must quietly hope Republican voters imbibe his moral lesson, and reject the rabble-rousers. While he himself must pray that Democratic voters, 30-40% of whom are currently tempted to vote for Mr Sanders, will instead rally to Hillary Clinton who, because more electable, is much likelier to protect his legacy”. Interestingly the writer goes notes that this is Obama’s weakness, “That, in turn, points to Mr Obama’s weakness, the other political context in which he spoke. The president’s decision not to recite the customary legislative to-do list—as notable by its absence as the victims of gun violence symbolised by a seat left empty next to Michelle Obama—was partly enforced. After a burst of bipartisan co-operation last year, including the overdue passage of a federal budget, he can expect little additional help from Congress. Whatever extra measures he hopes to burnish his record with, for example, to equalise pay between the sexes or increase the modicum of gun control he attempted this month, will probably have to be enacted by executive decree. So were many of his existing achievements, including changes to how laws on immigration are enforced. Although Mr Obama has not used his presidential powers half as profligately as his critics claim—his immediate predecessors, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, both issued many more orders—his inability to get much legislation passed since the Democrats lost control of the House in 2010 has made his record unusually dependent on them. And given that most Republicans candidates vow to erase many of those orders, his legacy is one bad election result away from looking rather thin”. The piece concludes “In his peroration, Mr Obama alluded to that frailty. In the absence of much enthusiasm for electoral reform in Congress, he promised to “travel the country” making his case for it. That desirable change, which he himself once promised to bring about, “will only happen when the American people demand it”, he concluded. As so often, he is right and admirable in his diagnosis. Still, it is hard not to be dismayed by the image he left hanging in the divided House, of the president, once the change politician, reduced to wandering America like a mendicant preacher, appealing forlornly to its better nature”.
Q: Where does apt-get install libqt4? I've been searching for literally hours and I cannot figure out where for the life of me libqt4 is installed by apt-get. I installed: libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-xml libqt4-opengl Next, I installed QtCreator 2.5.2 with the binary install file downloaded from qt-project.org because the QtCreator available in the Ubuntu repos is only 2.4. QtCreator has to be able to find qt libraries and qmake on my system, but I can't even find them. Does anyone know where the $*(^#$(&^# apt-get installs them? A: You can find out where files are installed with dpkg: dpkg --listfiles libqt4-dev
/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Peng fei Pan <panpfpanpf@outlook.me> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package me.panpf.sketch.process; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.PorterDuffXfermode; import android.widget.ImageView; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import me.panpf.sketch.Sketch; import me.panpf.sketch.cache.BitmapPool; import me.panpf.sketch.decode.ResizeCalculator; import me.panpf.sketch.request.Resize; /** * 圆形图片处理器 */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class CircleImageProcessor extends WrappedImageProcessor { @Nullable private static CircleImageProcessor instance; public CircleImageProcessor(@Nullable WrappedImageProcessor wrappedProcessor) { super(wrappedProcessor); } private CircleImageProcessor() { this(null); } public static CircleImageProcessor getInstance() { if (instance == null) { synchronized (CircleImageProcessor.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = new CircleImageProcessor(); } } } return instance; } @Override protected boolean isInterceptResize() { return true; } @NonNull @Override public Bitmap onProcess(@NonNull Sketch sketch, @NonNull Bitmap bitmap, @Nullable Resize resize, boolean lowQualityImage) { if (bitmap.isRecycled()) { return bitmap; } int targetWidth = resize != null ? resize.getWidth() : bitmap.getWidth(); int targetHeight = resize != null ? resize.getHeight() : bitmap.getHeight(); int newBitmapSize = targetWidth < targetHeight ? targetWidth : targetHeight; ImageView.ScaleType scaleType = resize != null ? resize.getScaleType() : ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER; ResizeCalculator resizeCalculator = sketch.getConfiguration().getResizeCalculator(); ResizeCalculator.Mapping mapping = resizeCalculator.calculator(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), newBitmapSize, newBitmapSize, scaleType, resize != null && resize.getMode() == Resize.Mode.EXACTLY_SAME); Bitmap.Config config = lowQualityImage ? Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444 : Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; BitmapPool bitmapPool = sketch.getConfiguration().getBitmapPool(); Bitmap circleBitmap = bitmapPool.getOrMake(mapping.imageWidth, mapping.imageHeight, config); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(circleBitmap); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); paint.setColor(0xFFFF0000); // 绘制圆形的罩子 canvas.drawCircle(mapping.imageWidth / 2, mapping.imageHeight / 2, (mapping.imageWidth < mapping.imageHeight ? mapping.imageWidth : mapping.imageHeight) / 2, paint); // 应用遮罩模式并绘制图片 paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, mapping.srcRect, mapping.destRect, paint); return circleBitmap; } @NonNull @Override public String onToString() { return "CircleImageProcessor"; } @Override public String onGetKey() { return "Circle"; } }
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Q: Footnote position in Beamer (beamerthemeshadow package) I have the following: \documentclass[10pt]{beamer} \mode<presentation> { %\usetheme{Hannover} \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow} \usetheme{boxes} } \begin{document} \begin{frame} \frametitle<presentation>{\hfill Heading \footnote{footnote 1}} \begin{block}{This is a block w\footnote{footnote 2}} Some text 1 \\ Some text 2 \\ Some text 3 \footnote{footnote 3} \end{block} Some text 4 \footnote{footnote 4} \end{frame} \end{document} Note that, the footnotes on title, block title and block content do not appear at the bottom of frame. How can I do that? I also need numerical numbering order. Also, I have another question: In frame title, I used \hfill to move it. What is a better way? Regards. A: You can use footnotemark and footnotetext to correct this. \documentclass[10pt]{beamer} \mode<presentation> { %\usetheme{Hannover} \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow} \usetheme{boxes} } \begin{document} \begin{frame} \frametitle<presentation>{\hfill Heading \footnotemark[1]} \footnotetext[1]{footnote 1} \begin{block}{This is a block w\footnotemark[2]} Some text 1 \\ Some text 2 \\ Some text 3 \footnotemark[3] \end{block}\footnotetext[2]{footnote 2} \footnotetext[3]{footnote 3} Some text 4 \footnote[4]{footnote 4} \end{frame} \end{document}
Land of Lincoln comes to Pomona via Hollywood THEY'VE BEEN filming a movie around Pomona in recent days, a Hollywood production titled "The Curse of Downers Grove." I showed up Friday morning in the genteel Lincoln Park neighborhood to inquire and learned the title from a location manager. "Downers Grove?" I asked. "Shouldn't they be filming this in Illinois?" Victoria Howard was impressed that I knew Downers Grove is a town in Illinois - specifically, a leafy suburb of 50,000 west of Chicago - but as a native of the Land of Lincoln, Illinois trivia comes as easily to me as Pomona trivia. Howard, whose independent company Film Pomona is finding success luring commercials, TV and now movie filming to Pomona, said the movie began production here on March 10 and will be around town off and on through April 1, for a total of 25 days of local filming. Locations used include homes at 394 Columbia, 380 and 396 Jefferson, a vacant storefront at 1505 S. Garey Ave. (remade into a gym), the Tune Tech garage at 402 W. Holt and the bluff known as Inspiration Point at Ganesha Park. "It is almost all filmed here. There are only three locations in L.A.," Howard said. "Pomona has that Anytown, USA look. That's what they're looking for." The Internet Movie Database described the plot like this: "A thriller set at a high school gripped by an apparent curse that claims the life of one student every year, and the student who thinks she's the next victim." Actors include Bella Heathcote ("Dark Shadows") and Lucas Till ("X-Men: First Class"), and the screenwriter is Bret Easton Ellis ("American Psycho"). Homeowners have been paid for use of their homes and put up in local hotels. Productions crews are staying in hotels too. They've also been patronizing Donahoo's, only blocks from the Lincoln Park locations, for fried chicken. (Donahoo's alone might entice them back for extra days of filming.) With Howard's help, and a change in union rules that puts Pomona within the L.A. zone for overtime purposes, the city has seen an increase in filming in recent months: scenes for the pilot of a TV drama, "The Bridge," and commercials for Progressive, Corona, Dodge and T-Mobile. (A 2011 movie filmed in part in Pomona, "The Politics of Love," sank without a trace, although it's available on Netflix.) About the only problem the "Downers Grove" production has encountered, Howard said, is that an alley behind the South Garey storefront was too tidy for the filmmakers' taste. "It was too clean. They had to dirty it up," she said. A downtown Pomona artist, known as Erns, was hired to paint temporary graffiti. VALLEY VIGNETTES: A comic book store, named A Shop Called Quest, has opened in Claremont at 101 N. Indian Hill Blvd. It's a sister location to a store in Redlands and prominently displays graphic novels and independent comics alongside superhero fare. Tamales and Tacos, a new restaurant, has taken the place of the former Red Hill BBQ at Grove and Foothill in Rancho Cucamonga. Julie Steinbach of Claremont reported her wallet lost at the Music Center in downtown L.A. before a play, left her contact information at Lost and Found and was phoned during dinner that her wallet was safe. She was struck less by getting back her wallet (which she had dropped in the parking garage) than by the optimistic attitude at Lost and Found: "Oh, you'll get it back. People here turn things in." Post-Academy Awards, Nancy O'Dell of "Entertainment Tonight" reported that scenes from "Argo" were filmed at the old airport in Ontario, Canada. Well, as reader Brian U. points out, she had the Ontario part right. ON MY blog last week: our monthly books discussion, a photo of the Buca di Beppo restaurant's Pope Room, a visit to I Like Pie and the going-away sign in the window of Raku in Claremont, a shop about which I hope to write more soon. But don't delay in visiting insidesocal.com/davidallen. THE MOVIE "Street Kings" was mentioned here last month after a reader said there was an Upland reference in the dialogue. Patient reader Don J. then had to remind me that he'd sent me information on it in 2008, namely, that the LAPD internal affairs investigator played by Hugh Laurie is said to live in Upland. Don, who lives in Upland himself, attended a press screening of "Street Kings" before its release and asked director David Ayer whether the choice of Upland was deliberate. "Yeah, Upland's famous for having a lot of cops live there," Ayer said. "Go Upland!" David Allen writes deliberately Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Reach him at david.allen@inlandnewspapers.com or 909-483-9339, check out facebook.com/davidallencolumnist and follow @davidallen909 on Twitter.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Found this totally hilarious article from the wonderfully sarky ladies over at Go Fug Yourself and it cracked me up so severely I had to start a blog just to comment about it. At the People's Choice Awards, which I admit I did not watch, apparently all the acceptance speeches were pre-taped because of the writers' strike (no one actually attended except the host, Queen Latifah, who was probably terribly embarrassed she'd gotten stuck in this situation and got an eleventh-hour call from her lawyers that they couldn't find her an exit loophole). Joaquin Phoenix decided not to employ actual speech in his speech, preferring to hold up a series of cue cards to express his "gratitude" for having been chosen by the people. This was his first mistake. No, his first mistake was living so rough for the past however-long that he looks a bit like an accountant right after tax season: bloated, tired, and as if he's being scraped off the fender of a giant bus that's recently mowed him down. Anyway, Joaquin's gesture was evidently his way of supporting the strike -- I'm not sure how, though, since somebody did actually WRITE the words onto a piece of paper. He does know it's not a speaker's strike, right? Here's what I didn't know: [Photo: Splash News] Apparently, proofreaders are on strike as well. Or maybe now that text messaging is a series of largely illiterate abbreviations, the letter U is sick and tired of working so hard AND bringing all those Sesame Street episodes to you, and has walked off the job until it gets a pay raise, a massage, and at least two solo numbers in its next show. Classic. All we need to do is turn him sideways, float the words "D", "U", "H" from his mute lips in the old Electric Company style and we have a new show. I guess one letter short of a name is the new one slice short of a loaf.
Trump Takes Executive Action Designed To Speed Approval Of Oil Pipelines President Donald Trump took executive action designed to speed approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline. Opponents say they will challenge the projects at every step. ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: As we mentioned, President Trump took action today to speed up permits for building the Keystone XL and the Dakota Access Pipelines. The oil industry and its supporters are cheering the move. Opponents, including environmentalists, Native Americans, and landowners, have vowed to fight even harder to block pipeline construction. NPR's Jeff Brady reports. JEFF BRADY, BYLINE: President Trump's directive today on the pipelines was not a surprise. He made a campaign pledge to do this. But another element of today's announcement is less clear. Trump directed the secretary of commerce to develop a plan that ensures new pipelines - that is the pipes themselves - are made in the U.S. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We will build our own pipeline. We will build our own pipes. That's what it has to do with - like we used to in the old days. BRADY: It's not exactly clear how this made-in-America directive will affect the two controversial pipelines, but TransCanada, the company behind the Keystone XL, says it is preparing a new application for a cross-border permit to build its pipeline. The Dakota Access Pipeline has been the focus of intense protests for months now. Activists have been camped out on a snowy prairie near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The company building that pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, did not respond to NPR's interview requests, but it has already constructed more than 90 percent of the project. For the oil industry, this part of today's announcement is not as important as the overall message Trump is sending. TOM PYLE: The Keystone Pipeline was tied up, was stonewalled, delayed, dragged out for seven-plus years. BRADY: Tom Pyle heads the Institute for Energy Research, and he blames President Obama and his administration for those delays and for siding with the environmentalists. Pyle says Trump made it clear that permitting processes will be much easier now. PYLE: The bottom line is that this president welcomes infrastructure projects, including projects that move our oil and gas resources around the country. BRADY: And in TransCanada's case, that's moving crude from Alberta's oil sands south to refineries on the Gulf Coast. This does not mean TransCanada will have an easy path to approval because there's more than the federal government involved. Jane Kleeb heads Bold Alliance, the group that led a campaign to block approval of the pipeline in Nebraska. JANE KLEEB: In Nebraska, there's still a two-year process just to review the pipeline route and go through the eminent domain process. So, you know, you're looking at late 2018 for even any construction to begin. And that's if everything goes TransCanada's way. BRADY: And Kleeb says opponents will do everything they can to ensure it doesn't go the company's way. That's also true for those opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe says it will take legal action to block President Trump's directive, though the tribe wasn't specific. And Dallas Goldtooth of the Indigenous Environmental Network says the types of protests and clashes seen in North Dakota in recent months will intensify. DALLAS GOLDTOOTH: If this administration does not pull back from, you know, implementing these orders, it's only going to result in more mass mobilization and civil disobedience on a scale never seen by a newly seated president. BRADY: For Dakota Access Pipeline protesters, today's development overturns a hard-won victory. When President Obama was in office, they felt like they had the backing of someone who understood their concerns, and there was a chance to stop construction. Under a President Trump, that's going to be a lot more difficult. Jeff Brady, NPR News. Copyright © 2017 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc., an NPR contractor, and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.
I Was Playing Minecraft ...the other day, and it's so much fun. You can build and create your own world. It made me think about creating my own mom if I could and how I'd make her. My Mom left us about eight years ago now. I was young but old enough to remember her and be hurt. I never knew why she left, but would you want to deal with a kid who has CF? Sometimes even I want to leave myself. There's no sense wallowing in what could've been. Nostalgia is... suspicious to me. Whatever happened, happened. I need to deal with the here and now, not stuff that happened in the past. But if my Mom came back today, like knocked on my door and was standing there, flesh and blood, when I opened it, who would I want her to be? First I'd hope she is nice. And a decent person. Someone who'd simply accept me for who I am, oxygen tank, tubes and all. She'd be easy-going. Not stressed about things. Able to handle everything life throws her without losing it. An inner strength yet flexible. With no hidden agenda. Just straight-forward and clear about what she wants. And smart. Clever. She doesn't have to an astrophysicist but someone with above average intelligence. Someone I want to come home to talk to. Is it silly to ask that's she's pretty? Looks shouldn't be everything, but if I'm making her, she's going to be pretty with nice hair. Oh my God. I think I just described a female version of my Dad! Um, this is so weird. How many years of therapy will I need just for this...? Hi. I'm Emma. I'm from Manchester, I have Cystic Fibrosis, I live above an antique shop, and I'm pretty sure that no one is ever going to read this. If you have somehow managed to stumble across my ramblings, welcome to my blog, I guess.
Emotional Politics of Research Collaboration Research collaboration in the form of networks, projects and centers has become one of the dominant modes of engaging in research, especially funded research, across all academic domains. However, there has been little research on the processes of such collaborations, particularly their affective dimensions. These, as this volume demonstrates and as researchers know well, are highly important, yet mostly not directly engaged with when scientists work together, even though they are experienced by everybody involved. This volume is the first to consider questions such as how the naming of projects impacts on their accompanying ",affect-scapes,", the policing or disciplining of emotions in research collaborations, their accompanying tensions and how these might be managed, and the challenges to trust between scientists that such collaborations present. Drawing on theories of affect and literature on collaboration, as well as on the contributors' experiences of being involved in large-scale research projects, the volume also importantly deals directly with some of the key emotions that occur during research collaborations such as blame, elation, frustration, alienation and belonging, and suggests some ways in which one might engage productively with the affective dimensions of research collaboration.
American teenager Katie Ledecky broke a second world record in less than 24 hours when she bettered her own mark for the women's 1500m freestyle at the Pan Pacific championships in Australia on Sunday. American Missy Franklin matched the record for golds at a single World Championships of five and 16-year-old compatriot Katie Ledecky set a world best to capture a treble of freestyle distance titles on Saturday.
Posteriorly dislocated anterior chamber intraocular lens. A case of a posteriorly dislocated anterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) is reported.
WWII-era plane found at bottom of lake WWII-era plane found at bottom of lake http://www.wzzm13.com/video/2022205642001/1/WWII-era-plane-found-at-bottom-of-lakehttp://bcdownload.gannett.edgesuite.net/wzzm/34295214001/34295214001_2022207816001_th-50c2e672e4b0fc6a940edd4d-782203287001.jpg?pubId=34295214001WWII-era plane found at bottom of lakeWWII-era plane found at bottom of lakeWZZMlocalNews00:25
Star Scientific Admits Legal Defeat, Warns Short on Cash GLEN ALLEN, Va. ( TheStreet) -- Star Scientific ( STSI) finally admitted Friday that only $5 million in cash was received from the settlement of a long-running legal tussle with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco. Star also warned that current cash on hand would run out before the end of the first quarter 2013. All in, Star Scientific's third-quarter financial results were both humiliating and humbling. The company's stock price has been cut in half since July and Friday's close of $2.56 (before third-quarter results) was the lowest in 10 months. Star Scientific sued R.J. Reynolds, a division of Reynolds American ( RAI), for violating patents covering a tobacco curing technology. The legal battle wound through multiple courts, decisions and appeals by both sides, but throughout, Star Scientific promised its shareholders victory that would force R.J. Reynolds to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties plus ongoing royalties on future tobacco sales. The case was settled on Sept. 21 with R.J. Reynolds paying just $5 million, although Star Scientific executives refused to acknowledge the disappointing result until Friday's 10-Q was filed. Under terms of the settlement now disclosed, Star Scientific received a "one-time" payment of $5 million from R.J. Reynolds and will receive no other financial payment or royalties in the future. The cash helped Star Scientific post a small profit for the third quarter despite sales of its nutritional supplements Anatabloc and Cig-Rx totaling just $1.6 million, flat sequentially. Excluding the R.J. Reynolds money, Star Scientific's operating loss was $6.7 million in the quarter. Star Scientific had "working capital" of $10.2 million, including $9.5 million in cash at the end of the September quarter, which the company says is sufficient to "sustain operations into the first quarter 2013." Adam Feuerstein writes regularly for TheStreet. In keeping with company editorial policy, he doesn't own or short individual stocks, although he owns stock in TheStreet. He also doesn't invest in hedge funds or other private investment partnerships. Feuerstein appreciates your feedback; click here to send him an email.
Category: faith Welcome to the final result of years of inner turmoil + growth, AKA my blog. I had always been told I should write a blog, but I never knew what to write about and who would be interested in reading it. I also had this fear that whatever I wrote would expose too much of myself to the world—the parts I didn’t want people to see. In other words, I wanted to be able to have control of the outcome, which can be translated to simply not trusting God. Have you ever tried to trust God…with your whole life including everyone in it? I’m going to go ahead and say that, even for a girl named Faith, it’s hard. The reason I named this blog with my name is because it was the first gift my parents gave me, besides life. Faith – the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:3) My name is a constant reminder that “faith,” “joy,” and “completeness” are a part of who I am and what I do. The tagline “From faith to Faith” is really what this blog is about. A little less than a year ago, Pastor Mark of Overcoming Word Praise Center International gave a sermon called “The Journey of Faith.” He pointed out how sometimes we focus so much on our long-term plans that we forget to live out the present. I admit, I was one of those people. I was so caught up in what I wanted to be rather than who I am. But I realized, change doesn’t happen in the future; it happens now. So now I strive to live and enjoy every day of my life to the fullest. This blog is me stepping out in faith to become the person God created me to be while leaving a digital record of all the living I’m doing until He calls me home. To learn about me, visit the conveniently named ‘About Me’ tab. Thank you for reading my first post. God bless! Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to God alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done. — Charles Wesley
package org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.pipeline; /** * Created by iocanel on 7/29/16. */ public class Constants { public static final String EXIT = "exit"; public static final String NEWLINE = "\n"; // seems to work even on Windows public static final char CTRL_C = '\u0003'; public static final String SPACE = " "; }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <TextView android:layout_width="200dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/title" /> <TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/timelength" /> </LinearLayout>
I was bored yesterday and I had around 60-70 paintballs that had been subjected to water for about 6 minutes. So I got a toothpick and puch a hole in every paintball and emptyed the fill into a plastic cup. Then I heated it up in a pan for about 4 minutes. Then I put my bolt in it just to see what it'd do. After 4-5 minutes I pulled it out and rinsed it off with water and a paper towel and VOILA, my bolt was shinier and didnt have wear on it! Dont ask me what made me do it...or why it got shiny...maybe cause the vegetable oil in paint fill. i think it's just because you put it under intense heat ... aluminum is made from chemicals ... and you probably let some of them seep off into the water ... i dunno if this is the greatest idea though ... the bolt isn't getting even amounts of wear
## PHP 7 Upgrade Guide ### Your guide to new features, breaking changes, and more. #### Colin O'Dell This book is for sale at <http://leanpub.com/php7> This version was published on 2017-11-17 * * * * * This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do. * * * * * © 2015 - 2017 Colin O'Dell This book is dedicated to all those who hunger to learn. ## Table of Contents 1. Preface 1. Who is this book for 2. Contents 3. Other resources 4. Acknowledgements 1. PHP Wiki and Documentation Content 2. Getting Started with PHP 7 1. Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04+ 2. Debian 8 & 9 3. Debian 6 & 7 4. CentOS / RHEL 5. Mac OS X 6. Windows 7. phpbrew 8. Docker 9. Vagrant Image 10. Build from Source 3. Part 1 - New Features 1. Chapter 1: Scalar Type Hints 1. Type Checking Modes 2. Mixing Modes 3. Backwards Compatibility 4. Further Reading 2. Chapter 2: Return Type Declarations 1. Returning `null` 2. Sub-Class Methods 3. Further Reading 3. Chapter 3: Combined Comparison (Spaceship) Operator 1. Comparing Values 2. Sorting 3. Sorting by multiple values 4. Further Reading 4. Chapter 4: Null Coalesce Operator 1. Differences From `?:` 2. Chaining 3. Further Reading 5. Chapter 5: Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax 1. Why the `{}`s? 2. Limitations 3. Backwards Compatibility 4. Further Reading: 6. Chapter 6: Anonymous Classes 1. Nesting Classes 2. Use Cases 3. Differences from Named Classes 4. Further Reading: 7. Chapter 7: Group Use Declarations 1. Compound Namespaces 2. Further Reading: 8. Chapter 8: Closure `call` Method 1. Further Reading: 9. Chapter 9: Generator Return Expressions 1. Further Reading: 10. Chapter 10: Generator Delegation 1. Yielding Values 2. Sending Values 3. Exceptions 4. Return Values 5. Further Reading: 11. Chapter 11: Reliable User-land CSPRNG 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Forwards Compatibility 3. Further Reading 12. Chapter 12: Integer Division 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 13. Chapter 13: preg_replace_callback_array 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 14. Chapter 14: `IntlChar` Class 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 4. Part 2 - Language Changes & Improvements 1. Chapter 15: Performance 1. Further Reading 2. Chapter 16: Language Consistency 1. Uniform Variable Syntax 2. Abstract Syntax Tree 3. Further Reading 3. Chapter 17: Semi-Reserved Words 1. Further Reading 4. Chapter 18: Error Handling and Exceptions 1. Exceptions in the Engine 2. Reclassification of `E_STRICT` Notices 3. Backwards Compatibility 4. Further Reading 5. Chapter 19: Expectations 1. `assert()` as a statement 2. Custom errors 3. Configuration 4. Backwards Compatibility 5. Further Reading 6. Chapter 20: Array Constants in `define()` 1. Further Reading 7. Chapter 21: Filtered `unserialize()` 1. Secure filtering 2. Examples 3. Further Reading 8. Chapter 22: `session_start` Options 1. New options 2. Further Reading 9. Chapter 23: Reflection Enhancements 1. ReflectionGenerator 2. ReflectionType 3. ReflectionParameter 4. ReflectionFunctionAbstract 5. Backwards Compatibility 6. Further Reading 10. Chapter 24: Integer Semantics 1. Casting NaN and Infinity 2. Negative bitwise shifting 3. Bitwise shifting too far 4. Backwards Compatibility 5. Further Reading 11. Chapter 25: Division By Zero Semantics 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 12. Chapter 26: JSON Library 1. Fractional float values 2. Backwards Compatibility 3. Further Reading 13. Chapter 27: Behavior Changes to `foreach` 1. Changes 2. Backwards Compatibility 3. Further Reading 14. Chapter 28: Behavior Changes to `list` 1. String Handling 2. Empty List Assignment 3. Variable Assignment Order 4. Backwards Compatibility 5. Further Reading 15. Chapter 29: Parameter Handling Changes 1. Duplicate Parameter Names 2. `func_get_arg()` and `func_get_args()` 3. Backwards Compatibility 4. Further Reading 16. Chapter 30: Custom Session Handler Return Values 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 17. Chapter 31: Errors on Invalid Octal Literals 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 5. Part 3 - Deprecations & Removals 1. Chapter 32: Deprecation of PHP 4 Constructors 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 2. Chapter 33: Deprecation of Salt Option for `password_hash()` 1. Further Reading 3. Chapter 34: Removal of Previously-Deprecated Features 1. Removed Extensions 2. Removed Language Features 3. Removed Functions 4. Removed INI Options 5. Miscellaneous Removed Functionality 6. Backwards Compatibility 7. Further Reading 4. Chapter 35: Removal of Alternative PHP Tags 1. Migrating From Alternative Tags 2. Backwards Compatibility 3. Further Reading 5. Chapter 36: Reclassification and Removal of E_STRICT Notices 1. Examples 2. Same (compatible) property in two used traits 3. Accessing static property non-statically 4. Only variables should be assigned by reference 5. Only variables should be passed by reference 6. Calling non-static methods statically 7. Backwards Compatibility 8. Further Reading 6. Chapter 37: Removal of Multiple Defaults in Switches 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 7. Chapter 38: Removal of Numeric Hexadecimal String Support 1. Backwards Compatibility 2. Further Reading 8. Chapter 39: Removal of Dead SAPIs and Extensions 1. Dead SAPIs 2. Dead Extensions 3. Backwards Compatibility 4. Further Reading 9. Chapter 40: Removal of the `date.timezone` Warning 1. Further Reading 6. Appendix - Backward Compatibility Breaks 1. Language Changes 1. Variable handling 2. `list()` behavior 3. `foreach` behavior 4. Parameter handling 5. Integer handling 6. String handling 7. Error handling 8. Other language changes 2. Standard Library Changes 3. Other Changes 1. Curl 2. Date 3. DBA 4. GMP 5. Intl 6. libxml 7. Mcrypt 8. Session 9. Opcache 10. OpenSSL 11. PCRE: 12. PDO_pgsql: 13. Standard: 14. JSON: 15. Stream: 16. XSL: 7. Notes ## Guide 1. Begin Reading # Preface ## Who is this book for This is book is for PHP developers looking to jump into PHP 7. You'll need previous experience with PHP in order to understand the topics and examples we'll cover. The more you know about PHP 5 and OOP, the more you'll understand why some of the changes are important and how they'll impact your development. If you're a manager or leader of a team looking to work in PHP 7, this book will help your developers quickly catch up on all the changes they need to know about, and even expose some new features they can take advantage of for faster, better development. ## Contents Chapter 1 summarizes the addition of scalar type hints. This allows your function parameters to explicitly require scalar types like `string`, `int`, `float`, or `bool`. Chapter 2 covers the declaration of function return types, including the scalar types mentioned in chapter 1. In Chapter 3 we explore the brand new "Spaceship Operator" which drastically simplifies 3-way comparison of two expressions. Chapter 4 introduces another new operator, the "Null Coalesce Operators". It's a lot like `?:` but with a built-in `isset()` check. Chapter 5 demonstrates how to easily add Unicode characters to strings using a new `\u{...}` escape sequence. Chapter 6 reviews how anonymous classes can be used to create classes on-the-fly, which is particularly useful for mocking and implementing simple interfaces (like loggers and observers). Chapter 7 highlights the new ability to include multiple classes from a namespace with a single `use` statement. Chapter 8 introduces the new `Closure:call` method which drastically simplifies binding your closures to objects at call-time. Chapter 9 shows how generator can now `return` final values. Chapter 10 explores how generators can `yield from` arrays, iterators, and other generators (insert Xzibit "yo dawg" joke here). In Chapter 11 we see how PHP 7 drastically simplifies the process of generating strong random numbers for security-critical applications. Chapter 12 demonstrates how to safely and easily perform integer division. Chapter 13 unveils the new `preg_replace_callback_array` function for executing different callbacks per regular expression. Chapter 14 covers the new `IntlChar` class, which helps you work with Unicode characters. Chapter 15 shows how PHP 7 is dramatically faster than previous versions. Chapter 16 describes how syntax is more consistent and flexible. Chapter 17 explains how previously-reserved keywords can be used for property, constant, and method names. It contains a full list of such words. Chapter 18 walks through the new changes to engine errors and exceptions. Chapter 19 highlights the backwards-compatible improvements to the existing `assert()` feature. Chapter 20 touches on how `define()` now supports array constants. Chapter 21 demonstrates how to safely unserialize untrusted data by whitelisting which classes can be unserialized. Chapter 22 talks about configuring session options by passing them into `session_start()`. Chapter 23 outlines the enhancements made to the Reflection API. Chapter 24 shows how some integer behavior has changed in PHP 7. Chapter 25 touches on division by zero, and how it works in the latest version of PHP. Chapter 26 covers the new JSON library used by PHP, including a couple minor changes it introduces. Chapter 27 demonstrates the inconsistencies in PHP 5's `foreach` loops and how its behavior differs from PHP 7. Chapter 28 describes some adjustments to the behavior of the `list()` construct. Chapter 29 explains some of the changes made to function parameter behavior. Chapter 30 unveils an old bug with custom session handlers and how PHP 7 resolves it. Chapter 31 briefly touches on octals and how PHP 7 handles invalid ones. Chapter 32 discusses the deprecation of PHP 4-style constructors. Chapter 33 covers why manual salt generation is now deprecated in the password hashing API. Chapter 34 lists all of the previously-deprecated functionality which has been fully removed from PHP 7. Chapter 35 talks about the removal of alternative PHP tags. Chapter 36 describes how several `E_STRICT` notices have been changed to other types. Chapter 37 shows how multiple `default` cases are no longer permitted within a `switch` block. Chapter 38 demonstrates PHP 5's inconsistent handling of hexadecimal strings and why that incomplete functionality was removed. Chapter 39 lists the SAPIs which are no longer supported or maintained. Chapter 40 briefly highlights the removal of that annoying timezone warning. And finally, the last section of the book includes a detailed list of all the breaking changes you'll need to watch out for when migrating to PHP 7. ## Other resources These official PHP resources were a huge help during the creation of this book, and you may find them useful: * PHP Manual: Migrating from PHP 5.6.x to PHP 7.0.x * PHP 7 UPGRADING doc * PHP 7 Requests for Comments * PHPNG (next generation) There are plenty of other great resources out there too, including some paid and some free ones: * Getting Ready for PHP 7 * What to Expect When You're Expecting: PHP 7, Part 1 * What to Expect When You're Expecting: PHP 7, Part 2 * Zend: 5 Things You Must Know About PHP 7 * The PHP 7 Revolution: Return Types and Removed Artifacts * PHP 7: 10 Things You Need to Know * #php7 on Twitter * GoPHP7 Extensions Project * Laracasts - PHP 7 Up and Running (Any commercial products or services listed here have not been tested or endorsed by the author - they are simply provided as a jumping-off point for your continued PHP 7 education.) ## Acknowledgements I'd like to thank the following people for making this book possible: * All the programmers, testers, documentation writers, RFC authors, and everyone else who has contributed to the success of PHP. I'd have nothing to write about if it wasn't for you. * The PHP community for sharing knowledge and expertise, thereby creating this amazing ecosystem for all developers. * Mike Spinosa, Scott Greenwell, Ben Thomas, and the whole team at Unleashed Technologies for encouraging and promoting my continuous growth. * Phil Sturgeon for being the catalyst behind my increased community involvement. ### PHP Wiki and Documentation Content This book includes some content from the PHP wiki, RFCs, and documentation. This content is licensed under CC BY 3.0. All usages (and any modifications) will be noted immediately adjacent to the content within this book. # Getting Started with PHP 7 Builds for PHP 7.0 and 7.1 are now available from both official and community repositories. In most cases, these new versions can be easily installed using your system's package manager. ### PHP 5 Conflicts You may encounter conflicts if you already have PHP 5 installed. If so, make sure to completely remove this older version from your system before installing PHP 7. Alternatively, you could use something like phpbrew to safely install multiple versions side-by-side. ## Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04+ Ondřej Surý provides a PPA for installing PHP 7.0 and 7.1. The latest release can be installed using these commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php7.0 (Replace `7.0` with `7.1` if desired) The full list of available packages can be found here: <https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+packages?field.name_filter=php7.0> ## Debian 8 & 9 Ondřej Surý also provides PHP 7.0 and 7.1 packages for Debian which can be installed using these commands: sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg sudo sh -c "echo 'deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main'" >\ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php7.0 ## Debian 6 & 7 PHP 7.0 can be installed using the Dotdeb repository: Add these two lines to your `/etc/apt/sources.list` file, replacing `<distribution>` with either `squeeze`, `wheezy`, or `jessie`: deb http://packages.dotdeb.org <distribution> all deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org <distribution> all Add the GPG key: wget https://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg sudo apt-key add dotdeb.gpg Install PHP 7: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php7.0 The full list of available packages can be found here: <http://packages.dotdeb.org/pool/all/p/php7.0/> ## CentOS / RHEL PHP 7 can be installed using the Webstatic Yum repository: If you're using CentOS/RHEL 7.x, run these three commands to add the repository and install PHP 7: rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm yum install php70w If you're using CentOS/RHEL 6.x, run these two commands to add the repository and install PHP 7: rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el6/latest.rpm yum install php70w The full list of available packages (including SAPIs and extensions) can be found here: <https://webtatic.com/packages/php70/#sapi> ## Mac OS X PHP 7 can be installed using homebrew: brew tap homebrew/dupes brew tap homebrew/versions brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php brew install php70 Or you can install it via Liip's php-osx tool: curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 7.0 ## Windows PHP 7 distributions for Windows can be found on the windows.php.net website: <http://windows.php.net/download#php-7.0> For local development, you could instead use third-party distributions like XAMPP or EasyPHP. Both come with PHP 7, MySQL, and a web server so you can get up-and-running fast. ## phpbrew phpbrew is a wonderful utility which allows you to easily build and switch between different versions of PHP on the same machine. It supports all modern versions of PHP, including PHP 7. First we need phpbrew to fetch information about available versions: phpbrew self-update We can then install PHP 7.0, 7.1, or any other version: phpbrew install php-7.0.25 phpbrew use php-7.0.25 ## Docker Official Docker images for PHP can be found at <https://hub.docker.com/_/php/>. docker pull php:latest ## Vagrant Image Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP, provides a Vagrant box image on his GitHub: <https://github.com/rlerdorf/php7dev> It's based on Debian 8 and is pre-configured to help develop PHP apps and extensions. ## Build from Source PHP.net also offers source packages for the alpha and beta releases which you can download and compile yourself. The source code can be downloaded from <https://downloads.php.net/~ab/> Documentation on compiling PHP 7: * https://wiki.php.net/phpng * http://www.zimuel.it/install-php-7/ * http://www.hashbangcode.com/blog/compiling-and-installing-php7-ubuntu # Part 1 - New Features Perhaps the most exciting part of PHP 7 are the new features! This part of the book covers these features in detail, including examples of useful applications. ## Chapter 1: Scalar Type Hints PHP 5 introduced the ability to require function parameters to be of a certain type. This provides a safeguard against invalid uses, like passing a UNIX timestamp to a method which expects a `DateTime` object. It also makes it clear to other developers how the function should be used. For example, compare the following method signatures with and without type hints: // No type hint: function getNextWeekday($date) { /*...*/ } // Class type hint (PHP 5): function getNextWeekday(DateTime $date) { /*...*/ } These hints were initially limited to just classes and interfaces, but was soon expanded to allow `array` and `callable` types too. PHP 7 extends this further by allowing scalar types like `int`, `float`, `string` and `bool`: // Scalar type hint (PHP 7): function getNextWeekday(int $date) { /*...*/ } ### Type Checking Modes PHP's flexible type system is one of its most-useful features, allowing numeric strings to be used as integers and vice-versa. This tradition is continued in PHP 7 but now you have the option of enabling strict type enforcement like you'd see in other languages (such as Java or C#). This setting can be enabled using the `declare` construct. #### Weak ("Coercive") Type Checking "Coercive" mode is the default type checking mode in PHP 7. This is identical to how previous versions of PHP handled scalar type hints for built-in functions. For example, take a look at the method signature for the `floor` function: float floor ( float $value ) When you pass in numeric strings or integers PHP auto-converts them to a float automatically. This behavior has simply been extended to userland functions as well. Here's a table showing which scalar types are accepted in "Coercive" mode based on the declared type: Allowed types, coercive mode Type declaration | int | float | string | bool | object ---|---|---|---|---|--- int | yes | yes* | yes† | yes | no float | yes | yes | yes† | yes | no string | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes‡ bool | yes | yes | yes | yes | no * Only non-`NaN` floats between `PHP_INT_MIN` and `PHP_INT_MAX` accepted. † If it's a numeric string ‡ Only if object has a `__toString()` method #### Strong ("Strict") Type Checking PHP 7 introduces a new "strict" mode which is enabled by placing `declare(strict_types=1);` at the top of your script like so: <?php declare(strict_types=1); function welcome(string $name) { echo 'Hello ' . $name; } welcome('World'); // Prints: Hello World ### Be careful where you place `declare` `declare(strict_types=1);` must be on the first line or a compiler error will be raised. This declaration enables strict mode for all uses in the entire file, including built-in PHP function calls and return values (see next chapter). It does not affect any included files nor any other files which include it. Strict mode essentially requires you to pass in exact types declared. If you don't, a `TypeError` will be thrown. For example, in strict mode, you cannot use numeric strings when a `float` or `int` is expected (like you can in weak/coercive mode): This throws an error in strict mode <?php declare(strict_types=1); function welcome(string $name) { echo 'Hello ' . $name; } welcome(3); // Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to welcome() must be of th\ e type string, integer given ### TypeError A `TypeError` is a new type of "exception" that can be thrown. Technically it extends from the new `Throwable` interface, which `Exception` also extends from. You can learn more about this in Chapter 17 - Error Handling. There's one exception to this rule though, which is that `float` declarations can accept `int` values: Scope widening example <?php declare(strict_types=1); function add(float $a, float $b): float { return $a + $b; } add(1, 2); // float(3) Allowed types, strict mode Type declaration | int | float | string | bool | object ---|---|---|---|---|--- int | yes | no | no | no | no float | yes* | yes | no | no | no string | no | no | yes | no | no bool | no | no | no | yes | no * Allowed due to widening primitive conversion ### Mixing Modes Because the directive is set per-file, it's entirely possible to mix modes in your application. For example, your strictly-checked app could use a weakly-checked library (or vice versa) without any issues or complications. ### Backwards Compatibility You may no longer create classes named `int`, `float`, `string` or `bool` as these would conflict with the new scalar type hints. ### Further Reading * RFC: Scalar Type Declarations * PHP Documentation: Type Hinting ## Chapter 2: Return Type Declarations In the previous chapter we saw how method parameters can have declared types. With PHP 7 you can also declare what type your method will return. This is done by placing a colon (`:`) and the return type just before the opening curly brace (`{`) like so: function getAuthor(): UserInterface { return $this->comment->getUser(); } If you accidentally return something different, like a `string` or a `BlogComment`, PHP will throw a TypeError: function getAuthor(): UserInterface { // Let's pretend we forgot the "->getUser()" part: return $this->comment; } getAuthor(); // Uncaught TypeError: Return value of getAuthor() must be an instance of UserIn\ terface, instance of BlogComment returned This guarantees that your code will always be working with the expected types. This feature is completely optional though - your PHP 5 style functions will continue to work as usual. ### Returning `null` Methods with declared return types are **never** allowed to return `null`. Doing so will cause a `Catchable fatal error` to be thrown: class User { public function getBirthday(): \DateTime { return null; } } $user = new User(); $d = $user->getBirthday(); // Uncaught TypeError: Return value of User::getBirthday() must be an instance o\ f DateTime, null returned This matches the behavior of method argument types where `null` cannot be used (unless it's a default value). class Event { public function setDate(\DateTime $date) { // ... } } $birthdayParty = new Event(); $birthdayParty->setDate(null); // Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Event::setDate() must be an instance\ of DateTime, null given It also eliminates the need to litter your code with `null` checks (a problem frequently encountered in languages like Java). Even though `null` return values aren't currently allowed, there is a Nullable Types RFC which may provide this ability in the future. ### Sub-Class Methods Overridden methods in sub-classes must declare the same exact type as the parent method. For example, given the following method: abstract class VehicleFactory { static function create(): Vehicle { // ... } } Any classes which extend `VehicleFactory` and override the `create()` method **must** use the same `Vehicle` return type: class CarFactory extends VehicleFactory { static function create(): Vehicle { // ... } } class TruckFactory extends VehicleFactory { static function create(): Vehicle { // ... } } This is required because the method signature enforcement is invariant; you're not able to define a more-specific return type or PHP will raise an error: class CarFactory extends VehicleFactory { static function create(): Car { // ... } } // Fatal error: Declaration of CarFactory::create() must be compatible with Vehi\ cleFactory::create(): Vehicle Even though `Car` extends from `Vehicle`, making it covariant, the return type _declaration_ must remain exactly the same. Covariant return types currently aren't supported due to difficulty with the implementation. Some languages (like C++ and Java) have this ability, while others (like C#) do not. It's considered to be type-safe though, so it's possible this could be supported in the future. If the parent didn't declare a return type then the child may optionally declare any type (if desired). For example, all of the following are allowed: interface CacheInterface { public function get($key); } // No return type class SimpleCache implements CacheInterface { public function get($key) { // ... } } // Returns a string class HtmlCache implements CacheInterface { public function get($key): string { // ... } } // Returns a certain object type class DatabaseQueryCache implements CacheInterface { public function get($key): QueryResult { // ... } } ### Further Reading * RFC: Return Type Declarations ## Chapter 3: Combined Comparison (Spaceship) Operator PHP 7 introduces a new three-way comparison operator `<=>` (`T_SPACESHIP`) which takes two expressions: `(expr) <=> (expr)`. It compares both sides of the expression and, depending on the result, returns one of three values: 0 | If both expressions are equal ---|--- 1 | If the left is greater -1 | If the right is greater You may be familiar with this if you've worked with existing comparison functions like `strcmp` before. It has the same precedence as the equality operator (`==`, `===`, `!=`, `!==`) and behaves identically to the existing comparison operators (`<`, `<=`, `==`, `>=`, `>`). ### Comparing Values You can compare everything from scalar values (like `int`s and `float`s) to arrays and even objects too. Here are some examples from the relevant RFC: PHP RFC examples (licensed under CC BY 3.0) // Integers echo 1 <=> 1; // 0 echo 1 <=> 2; // -1 echo 2 <=> 1; // 1 // Floats echo 1.5 <=> 1.5; // 0 echo 1.5 <=> 2.5; // -1 echo 2.5 <=> 1.5; // 1 // Strings echo "a" <=> "a"; // 0 echo "a" <=> "b"; // -1 echo "b" <=> "a"; // 1 echo "a" <=> "aa"; // -1 echo "zz" <=> "aa"; // 1 // Arrays echo [] <=> []; // 0 echo [1, 2, 3] <=> [1, 2, 3]; // 0 echo [1, 2, 3] <=> []; // 1 echo [1, 2, 3] <=> [1, 2, 1]; // 1 echo [1, 2, 3] <=> [1, 2, 4]; // -1 // Objects $a = (object) ["a" => "b"]; $b = (object) ["a" => "b"]; echo $a <=> $b; // 0 $a = (object) ["a" => "b"]; $b = (object) ["a" => "c"]; echo $a <=> $b; // -1 $a = (object) ["a" => "c"]; $b = (object) ["a" => "b"]; echo $a <=> $b; // 1 // only values are compared $a = (object) ["a" => "b"]; $b = (object) ["b" => "b"]; echo $a <=> $b; // 0 ### Sorting Perhaps the best application of this operator is to simplify sorting, as functions like `usort` expect you to perform a comparison and return `-1`, `0`, or `1` accordingly: This simplification is especially apparent when comparing objects by some property value: class Spaceship { public $name; public $maxSpeed; public function __construct($name, $maxSpeed) { $this->name = $name; $this->maxSpeed = $maxSpeed; } } $spaceships = [ new Spaceship('Rebel Transport', 20), new Spaceship('Millenium Falcon', 80), new Spaceship('X-Wing Starfighter', 80), new Spaceship('TIE Bomber', 60), new Spaceship('TIE Fighter', 100), new Spaceship('Imperial Star Destroyer', 60), ]; // Sort the spaceships by name (in ascending order) usort($spaceships, function ($ship1, $ship2) { return $ship1->name <=> $ship2->name; }); echo $spaceships[0]->name; // "Imperial Star Destroyer" // Sort the spaceships by speed (in descending order) // Notice how we switch the position of $ship1 and $ship2 usort($spaceships, function ($ship1, $ship2) { return $ship2->maxSpeed <=> $ship1->maxSpeed; }); echo $spaceships[0]->name; // "TIE Fighter" Without the comparison operator, these functions would be much more complex: usort($spaceships, function ($ship1, $ship2) { if ($ship1->maxSpeed == $ship2->maxSpeed) { return 0; } elseif ($ship1->maxSpeed < $ship2->maxSpeed) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }); ### Sorting by multiple values You can take advantage of the array comparison behavior to easily sort by multiple fields: // Sort by speed (asc), then by name (asc) usort($spaceships, function ($ship1, $ship2) { return [$ship1->maxSpeed, $ship1->name] <=> [$ship2->maxSpeed, $ship2->name]; }); foreach ($spaceships as $ship) { printf("%3d is the max speed of a(n) %s\n", $ship->maxSpeed, $ship->name); } // Outputs: // 20 is the max speed of a(n) Rebel Transport // 60 is the max speed of a(n) Imperial Star Destroyer // 60 is the max speed of a(n) TIE Bomber // 80 is the max speed of a(n) Millenium Falcon // 80 is the max speed of a(n) X-Wing Starfighter // 100 is the max speed of a(n) TIE Fighter ### Further Reading * RFC: Combined Comparison (Spaceship) Operator * PHP Manual: Comparison Operators ## Chapter 4: Null Coalesce Operator Dealing with `null` objects can be annoying (just ask any Java developer). The new "null coalesce operator" (`??`) makes life easier by combining ternary operator functionality (`?:`) with `isset` checks: $sortBy = $_GET['sort'] ?? 'date'; It takes two expressions, returning the left one if it's not `null`, or the right one otherwise. This makes it easy to provide an alternative value instead of a `null`. This is particularly useful when dealing with array keys which may not exist. If you tried using `?:` for this purpose, you'd get an `E_NOTICE` if the `sort` key wasn't present: $sortBy = $_GET['sort'] ?: 'date'; // E_NOTICE We'd need to add an extra check to avoid this problem, but the code becomes too verbose: // This is too verbose if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sortBy = $_GET['sort']; } else { $sortBy = 'desc'; } // This isn't much better $sortBy = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'date'; Or, with the null coalesce operator, we simply do this: // Super easy! $sortBy = $_GET['sort'] ?? 'date'; ### Differences From `?:` You may be thinking that this is awfully similar to the short ternary operator ('?:') and you'd be right, but two important distinctions: * `??` checks if the left-side expression exists (as seen above). * `??` will return the left side for `false` values, whereas `?:` would return the right side. For example: var_dump(false ?: 'foo'); // Displays: string(3) "foo" var_dump(false ?? 'foo'); // Displays: bool(false) ### False Values Watch out for that latter case, as it may introduce subtle bugs into your code. ### Chaining You can even chain several operators together if you want to. This is useful in situations where you'd like to return the first available value of several array keys: $user = json_decode('{"username": "jsmith", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Sm\ ith" }', true); // Display the user's nickname, falling-back to their firstName or username if n\ one exists. printf('Welcome back %s!', $user['nickname'] ?? $user['firstName'] ?? $user['use\ rname']); // Displays "Welcome back John!" ### Further Reading * RFC: Null Coalesce Operator ## Chapter 5: Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax PHP's lack of native Unicode support can make things difficult when coding for the web. While libraries like `iconv` and `mbstring` have simplified working with strings, there were no simple mechanisms available to create Unicode characters or strings without converting them from an HTML or JSON representation: Workaround examples $char = html_entity_decode('&#x2603', 0, 'UTF-8'); $char = mb_convert_encoding('&#x2603', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'); $char = json_decode('"\\u2603"'); PHP 7 finally introduces native support for Unicode character escape sequences within strings, just like you'd see in Ruby or ECMAScript 6: $char = "\u{2603}"; This makes it much easier (and quicker) to embed Unicode characters, especially ones that aren't easily typed. These can be used in strings alongside other characters too. For example, here's the `U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE` character being used to display the string in reverse: echo "\u{202E}This is backwards"; // displays: sdrawkcab si sihT ### String encoding This construct produces the corresponding codepoint as bytes. Don't forget that PHP strings don't have specific encodings by default. You can omit leading `0`s if you'd like: echo "\u{58}"; // "X" echo "\u{0058}"; // "X" ### Why the `{}`s? Some other languages (C/C++/Java) use a format without the `{}` characters: `\uXXXX`. Unfortunately this limits their use to the Basic Multilingual Plane (`U+0000` to `U+FFFF`). However, Unicode supports other characters beyond 16 bits. For example, if we wanted to represent the `U+1F427 PENGUIN` emoji, our escape sequence would look something like this: `\u1F427`. Most languages would intepret this as `U+1F42 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI AND VARIA` plus a `7`, which is not what we want. In these languages, you'd have to encode it using two 16-bit sequences like this: `\uD83D\uDC27`. This isn't very clear though. Wrapping with `{}` characters allows us to easily go beyond that 16-bit limitation without sacrficing clarity: `\u{1F427}` ### Limitations This feature follows the behavior of all other escape sequences in PHP - they can only be used within double-quoted strings and heredocs: Example usage $foo = "\u{2109}\u{2134}\u{2134}"; // ℉ℴℴ $bar = <<<EOT \u{212C}\u{212B}\u{211D} EOT; // ℬÅℝ And like other sequences such as `\t`, they will _not_ be expanded when they occur in single-quoted strings or nowdocs: These will not work $foo = '\u{2109}\u{2134}\u{2134}'; // \u{2109}\u{2134}\u{2134} $bar = <<<'EOT' \u{212C}\u{212B}\u{211D} EOT; // \u{212C}\u{212B}\u{211D} ### Backwards Compatibility Double-quoted strings and heredocs containing `\u{` followed by an invalid sequence will now result in an error. This can be avoided by escaping the leading backslash with another backslash (`\\u{`). ### Further Reading: * RFC: Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax ## Chapter 6: Anonymous Classes PHP 5.3 gave us the ability to create anonymous functions (also known as "closures"). Version 7 takes this idea one step further, allowing us to create anonymous classes. You may be familiar with this concept if you've worked with other object-oriented language like C# and Java which support this same feature. These are virtually identical to named classes, but without the name (just like named functions vs. anonymous ones). Even the syntax looks similar: $wrapper = new class($foo) { public function __construct($var) { $this->var = $var; } } Anonymous classes support inheritance and traits too. This makes it trivial to implement lightweight interfaces on-the-fly: $httpClient->setLogger(new class implements SimpleLoggerInterface { public function log($data) { file_put_contents('http.log', $data, FILE_APPEND); } }); $authHandler->addListener(new class implements AuthenticationEventListener { public function onAuthSuccess (AuthEvent $event) { // ... } public function onAuthFailure (AuthEvent $event) { // ... } }); You can even extend other classes, use traits, and implement constructors: $email = new class($user) extends AbstractEmailMessage implements LoggerAwareInt\ erface { private $logger; private $user; use MarkdownConverterTrait; public function __construct($user) { $this->user = $user; } public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } } ### Nesting Classes You can absolutely nest an anonymous class within another class. However, this will not automatically give that inner anonymous class access to the outer scope: class Outer { protected $var = 1; public function foo() { return new class() { public function bar() { // THIS WILL NOT WORK return $this->var; } } } } You'll either need to pass those values in via the constructor, or extend from the outer class: class Outer { protected $var = 1; public function foo() { return new class() extends Outer { public function bar() { // This works just fine return $this->var; } } } } ### Use Cases While you should be careful not to overuse anonymous classes, they do have many useful applications including: * Creating simple, single-use classes * Quickly implementing a light-weight interface (like a logger or event observer) * Overriding a single field/method of a class without having to subclass it * Mocking tests by creating implementations on-the-fly * Creating a simple wrapper around something * Creating a nested inner class with access to protected members of the outer class ### Differences from Named Classes #### Auto-Generated Names PHP will automagically generate a unique name for your anonymous class based on its address in memory and whether it extends a named class. Multiple anonymous classes created in the same position (factory method, in a loop, etc) will always have the same name. <?php function createClass() { return new class {}; } // Call the above factory method multiple times. // Note how we get the same class name. echo get_class(createClass()); // class@0x7fcb8fc76035 echo get_class(createClass()); // class@0x7fcb8fc76035 echo get_class(createClass()); // class@0x7fcb8fc76035 // Create another anonymous class using the same syntax. // Note how the name is different even though it appears to be identical. echo get_class(new class {}); // class@0x7fcb8fc760be #### Equivalence Anonymous classes can be tested for equivalence using the `==` operator. Classes which were defined in the same location (and thus have the same name) will be equal. An identical class created elsewhere will not be equal since it has a different name. #### Serialization Anonymous classes cannot be serialized. Attempting to do so will result in an error, just like anonymous functions do. #### Reflection You can test whether a class is anonymous using `ReflectionClass::isAnonymous()`. ### Further Reading: * RFC: Anonymous Classes * Example usage of anonymous classes (from Oracle's Java documentation) ## Chapter 7: Group Use Declarations Developers frequently find themselves needing to import several classes from the same namespace. This usually results in a large number of `use` statements poluting the top of their classes - here's an example from Symfony's `AbstractToken` class: <?php namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\Role; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AdvancedUserInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\EquatableInterface; PHP 7 simplifies this by allowing us to import several classes with a single declaration much like other languages do (such as Rust, Scala, and Python): <?php namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\{ RoleInterface, Role }; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\{ UserInterface, AdvancedUserInterface,\ EquatableInterface}; These declaration can even span multiple lines, if desired: <?php namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\{ RoleInterface, Role, }; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\{ UserInterface, AdvancedUserInterface, EquatableInterface, }; In addition to being less verbose and redundant, it also helps clarify which namespaces are being used. This is particularly nice when reviewing diffs and patches, as the change is more pronounced and readable. Compare the old way... use League\CommonMark\Block\Element\AbstractBlock; use League\CommonMark\Block\Element\AbstractInlineContainer; use League\CommonMark\Block\Element\Document; + use League\CommonMark\Block\Element\ListBlock; use League\CommonMark\Block\Element\Paragraph; use League\CommonMark\Util\TextHelper; To this: use League\CommonMark\Block\Element\{ AbstractBlock, AbstractInlineContainer, Document, + ListBlock, Paragraph, } use League\CommonMark\Util\TextHelper; The change is much clearer in the second example. ### Compound Namespaces Compound namespace support allows you to group the namespaces like so: <?php namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\{ Role\RoleInterface, Role\Role, User\UserInterface, User\AdvancedUserInterface, User\EquatableInterface, }; ### Further Reading: * RFC: Group Use Declarations ## Chapter 8: Closure `call` Method PHP 5.4 introduced the ability to bind `$this` to any given object using either the `Closure::bind` static method or the `Closure::bindTo` method: // Here's a class which hold a secret number class SecretNumber { private $secretNumber = 3; } // Here's a closure which can reveal it $revealer = function() { return $this->secretNumber; }; // In order to use it in PHP 5.4-5.6, we must first // bind the scope to a temporary intermediate closure: $boundRevealer = $revealer->bindTo(new SecretNumber(), 'SecretNumber'); // And now we can use it: echo $boundRevealer(); // 3 PHP 7 simplifies this process by adding a new `call` method: mixed Closure::call(object $to[, mixed ...$parameters]) This eliminates the need to create a temporary closure first - you simply just call `call()` with your object scope and any parameters: // Here's a class which hold a secret number class SecretNumber { private $secretNumber = 3; } // Here's a closure which can reveal it $revealer = function() { return $this->secretNumber; }; // Just call it directly echo $revealer->call(new SecretNumber()); // 3 In addition to simplifying your code, this approach also improves performance since that intermediate closure is no longer created. This new `call` method can be used in most cases where you're calling `bind` or `bindTo` followed by a closure invocation. ### Further Reading: * RFC: Closure::call * PHP Manual: `Closure::call` ## Chapter 9: Generator Return Expressions The `yield` keyword allows generators to provide the result of each individual step. This works perfectly for "streaming" large amounts of data. Generators can also break large computations into smaller units of work, allowing the function to suspend itself and resume later. In these cases, it's especially useful to have a standard way of accessing the final results of those computations. ### Wait, what are generators? The PHP Manual explains this best: > A generator allows you to write code that uses foreach to iterate over a set of data without needing to build an array in memory, which may cause you to exceed a memory limit, or require a considerable amount of processing time to generate. Instead, you can write a generator function, which is the same as a normal function, except that instead of returning once, a generator can yield as many times as it needs to in order to provide the values to be iterated over. They can also be used as coroutines, allowing you to pause/resume execution of a long-running task. This chapter (and the subsequent one) assume you're already familiar with how generators work. If you aren't, I strongly recommend learning about them first. Here are some good resources: * <https://secure.php.net/manual/en/language.generators.php> * <http://www.sitepoint.com/generators-in-php/> * <http://blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/07/what-generators-can-do-for-you.html> * <https://nikic.github.io/2012/12/22/Cooperative-multitasking-using-coroutines-in-PHP.html> To demonstrate the use of return expressions, let's build a function which computes the size of all files within a directory, yielding its current progress along the way: function calculateSize($directory) { $size = 0; $count = 0; foreach (scandir($directory) as $entry) { if (is_file($entry)) { $size += filesize($entry); yield $count++; } } return $size; } $task = calculateSize('./downloads'); foreach ($task as $step) { echo "Processed $step files so far\n"; } echo "Total size: " . $task->getReturn(); Prior to PHP 7, that `return $size` would have thrown an error since returning from generators wasn't supported. You'd have to use a workaround like this instead: function calculateSize($directory) { $size = 0; $count = 0; foreach (scandir($directory) as $entry) { if (is_file($entry)) { $size += filesize($entry); yield $count++; } } yield $size; } (Ab)using the final `yield` as a return value technically works but has two major shortcomings: * Consumers should be able to rely on yielded values having the same types and meanings * It isn't unambiguously clear that this is a final result and no other work will be done This becomes especially important when you're trying to multitask several different processes: function downloadAndZipAFile($url) { $download = yield downloadFromInternet($url); $zipFile = yield compressAndSave($download); yield 'user/uploads/' . $zipFile; } In that example, we're yielding three times, but only two of them are actual steps. It would be much cleaner and easier to understand if we used a simple return instead: function downloadAndZipAFile($url) { $download = yield downloadFromInternet($url); $zipFile = yield compressAndSave($download); return 'user/uploads/' . $zipFile; } ### Further Reading: * RFC: Generator Return Expressions ## Chapter 10: Generator Delegation PHP 7 introduces new `yield from` syntax which allows generators to delegate operations to arrays, `Traversable` objects, or even other generators. This allows work to be broken up into smaller units of code, much like you'd break classes or functions up into several smaller bits. This feature allows full bi-directional communication between the delegating generator and the sub-generator: * Values are yielded directly through the delegating generator to its caller * Values sent into the delegating generator's `send()` method are also passed directly to the sub-generator's `send()` method * Any thrown exceptions are also propogated to the delegating generator * Return values an be captured and passed through Let's walk through each of these in detail. ### Yielding Values Here's a simple example of a generator: function main() { // Process the first value yield 'a'; // Process a bunch of values yield 'b'; yield 'c'; yield 'd'; // Process one more value yield 'e'; } foreach (main() as $letter) { var_dump($letter); } /* string(1) "a" string(1) "b" string(1) "c" string(1) "d" string(1) "e" */ What if we wanted to break the `Processing a bunch of values` bit into a separate generator? We can use the `yield from <expr>` syntax to do just that. This will advance through the given traversable `<expr>`, yielding each value directly to the original caller. function subGenerator() { yield 'b'; yield 'c'; yield 'd'; } function main() { // Process the first value yield 'a'; // Process a bunch of values yield from subGenerator(); // Process one more value yield 'e'; } foreach (main() as $number) { var_dump($number); } /* string(1) "a" string(1) "b" string(1) "c" string(1) "d" string(1) "e" */ As mentioned earlier, you can also delegate to arrays and `Iterable`s. These two functions would produce the same output as above: function main() { // Process the first value yield 'a'; // Process a bunch of values yield from ['b', 'c', 'd']; // Process one more value yield 'e'; } function main() { // Process the first value yield 'a'; // Process a bunch of values yield from new ArrayIterator(['b', 'c', 'd']); // Process one more value yield 'e'; } ### Sending Values Values can also be sent into sub-generators. This is especially useful in the context of coroutines where data is sent into the function during execution: // Generates random numbers until told to stop // If you don't send that command it'll loop forever function getRandomNumbers() { while (true) { $cmd = (yield rand(1, 10)); if ($cmd == 'stop') { break; } } } // Combines two "infinite streams" of random numbers function foo() { yield from getRandomNumbers(); yield from getRandomNumbers(); } $generator = foo(); foreach ($generator as $randomNumber) { var_dump($randomNumber); // Stop the generator once we get a 3 if ($randomNumber == 3) { $generator->send('stop'); } } /* int(4) int(7) int(5) int(1) int(8) int(3) // The first "stream" of random numbers stops here int(5) int(9) int(3) // The second one stops here */ ### Exceptions Thrown exceptions will bubble up as usual: function a() { yield 1; yield 2; throw new Exception('oh noes!'); } function b() { yield 'foo'; yield from a(); yield 'bar'; } foreach (b() as $var) { var_dump($var); } /* string(3) "foo" int(1) int(2) Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: oh noes! in /tmp/gen.php:7 Stack trace: #0 /tmp/gen.php(12): a() #1 /tmp/gen.php(16): b() #2 {main} thrown in /tmp/gen.php on line 7 */ There are also two specific cases where using `yield from` may throw an `EngineException`: 1. Attempting to `yield from` something other than an array or `Traversable` 2. Attempting to `yield from` a generator which previously threw an uncaught exception ### Return Values If `<expr>` happens to a sub-generator then `yield from <expr>` will provide the eventual return value of that sub-generator: function a() { yield 1; yield 2; return 42; } function b() { yield 'foo'; $retVal = yield from a(); yield 'bar'; return $retVal; } $generator = b(); foreach ($generator as $var) { var_dump($var); } var_dump($generator->getReturn()); /* string(3) "foo" int(1) int(2) string(3) "bar" int(42) */ * * * To summarize: with delegation, it doesn't matter to your callers whether the `yield`s exist in the main generator or a sub-generator; receiving and sending values will always behave consistently as you'd expect them to. ### Further Reading: * RFC: Generator Delegation ## Chapter 11: Reliable User-land CSPRNG PHP 7 introduces a cryptographically-secure psueod-random number generator (CSPRNG) API which vastly simplifies the process of generating high-quality random data: random_bytes(int length); random_int(int min, int max); These methods produce "cryptographicaly-secure" random numbers which are suitable for high-stakes applications like generating encryption keys, salting passwords, shuffling card decks, etc. ### Why not use `rand` or `mt_rand`? Those methods don't meet the criteria for a CSPRNG. An attacker or malicious user could influence or predict the "random" values, thus bypassing your application's security. You should therefore **never** use these methods for any security-related purpose. Some applications where `rand` and `mt_rand` are probably okay: * Creating random test data * A/B testing * Generating lucky numbers for fortune cookies If you wanted to generate such values in previous versions of PHP, you'd need to write code to interface with mcrypt/openssl or directly access `/dev/*random`. This technically worked but your code wouldn't be portable because of the hard-coded dependencies on the library or OS you coded against. With PHP 7, you simply call `random_bytes` or `random_int` and PHP will intelligently select the best available source of randomness on the current machine. This could be: * `CryptGenRandom` for Windows environments * `arc4random_buf()` if available (generally BSD specific) * `/dev/arandom` or `/dev/urandom` If no sufficient source of randomness is available, an error will be thrown. ### Backwards Compatibility You may no longer define functions named `random_int()` or `random_bytes()` in the global namespace. ### Forwards Compatibility The `paragonie/random_compat` library back-ports these new functions to PHP 5.x. Simply drop this into your application and it'll define those functions if they don't exist, thus allowing you to write secure code which runs on both 5.x and 7. ### Further Reading * RFC: Easy User-land CSPRNG * PHP Manual: CSPRNG Functions * How to Safely Generate Random Strings and Integers in PHP * ircmaxell: Random Number Generation in PHP ## Chapter 12: Integer Division PHP has historically lacked the ability to perform integer division. For example, if you were to divide `5 / 2`, you'd always get a float value of `2.5`; should you want an integer result instead, you'd have to cast it like so: `(int) 5 / 2`. This works okay for most applications, especially where smaller numbers are involved. However, because the result is a float, you're subjected to a significant limitation: **floats cannot accurately represent integers greater than 53 bits**. In order to avoid this limitation (and the need for a cast-based workaround), PHP 7 has introduced a new `intdiv()` method: intdiv(int $numerator, int $divisor) It works exactly as you'd expect, dividing two integers and providing an integer result. It doesn't use utilize floating-point division, thus avoiding that 53-bit limitation. If `$divisor` is 0, the function will throw a `DivisionByZeroError`. ### Backwards Compatibility You may no longer create functions named `intdiv()` in the global namespace. ### Further Reading * RFC: intdiv() * PHP Manual: intdiv() ## Chapter 13: preg_replace_callback_array `preg_replace_callback_array` is a new PCRE function which enables you find and replace multiple patterns using callbacks: preg_replace_callback_array(array $pattern, $subject, $limit, &$count) Here's an example of this in action: $song = "99 bottles of beer on the wall\n99 bottles of beer\nTake one down, pass\ it around\n98 bottles of beer on the wall"; echo preg_replace_callback_array([ '/bottles of (beer|ale|cider)/' => function($matches) { return 'little bugs'; }, '/on the (wall|table|floor)/' => function($matches) { return 'in the code'; }, '/pass/' => function($matches) { return 'patch'; }, '/98/' => function($matches) { return rand(100, 200); }, ], $song); /** * 99 little bugs in the code * 99 little bugs * Take one down, patch it around * 146 little bugs in the code */ This type of functionality used to be possible prior to PHP 5.5.0, using the `/e` modifier: $song = "99 bottles of beer on the wall\n99 bottles of beer\nTake one down, pass\ it around\n98 bottles of beer on the wall"; echo preg_replace( [ '/bottles of (beer|ale|cider)/', '/on the (wall|table|floor)/', '/pass/', '/98/e', ], [ 'little bugs', 'in the code', 'patch', 'rand(100, 200)', ], $song ); /** * 99 little bugs in the code * 99 little bugs * Take one down, patch it around * 179 little bugs in the code */ However, the `/e` modifier was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, thus removing the ability to pair a matched pattern with a callback. The introduction of `preg_replace_callback_array` re-enables this functionality. ### Backwards Compatibility You may no longer define functions named `preg_replace_callback_array()` in the global namespace. ### Further Reading * RFC: preg_replace_callback_array ## Chapter 14: `IntlChar` Class PHP supports internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) via the `intl` extension. This extension is basically just a wrapper around the ICU library and therefore provides near-identical methods and features. PHP 7 exposes ICU's Unicode character features via the new `IntlChar` class. This class contains 600 constants and 59 static methods, so we won't cover them all, but here are some examples you may find useful: // Returns the Unicode allocation block that contains the character. public static function getBlockCode(mixed $codepoint): int; // Determines whether the specified code point is a letter character. static public function isalpha(mixed $codepoint): bool; // Determines whether the specified code point is a punctuation character. static public function ispunct(mixed $codepoint): bool; // Determines whether the specified code point is a "graphic" character // (printable, excluding spaces). static public function isgraph(mixed $codepoint): bool; // Determines whether the specified code point is a "blank" or // "horizontal space", a character that visibly separates words on a line. static public function isblank(mixed $codepoint): bool; // The given character is mapped to its lowercase equivalent; if the character // has no lowercase equivalent, the character itself is returned. static public function tolower(mixed $codepoint): mixed; // Retrieve the name of a Unicode character. static public function charName(mixed $codepoint, int $nameChoice = IntlChar::UN\ ICODE_CHAR_NAME) Codepoint values Properties taking a codepoint will accept either an integer codepoint value (e.g. 0x2603 for U+2603 SNOWMAN), or the character encoded as UTF-8 (e.g. "\xE2\x98\x83"). For methods which return a codepoint, they will return int unless they accepted a codepoint as a utf-8 string, in which case they remain utf-8. ### Backwards Compatibility You may no longer create classes named `IntlChar` in the global namespace. ### Further Reading * RFC: IntlChar class * PHP Manual: IntlChar * ICU 55.1: uchar.h File Reference # Part 2 - Language Changes & Improvements PHP 7 includes several major improvements to the language, as well as some changes to existing features. Learn about the features and changes which make PHP 7 faster and more flexible than ever! ## Chapter 15: Performance PHP 7 is faster than ever. Most real-world applications will see a 100%+ boost in performance simply by upgrading! Here are some actual benchmarks from the Zend Performance Team: Zend Performance Team Benchmarks This improvement is largely due to the PHPNG (PHP Next-Gen) project which refactored the Zend Engine to be super-performant. Some of the under-the-hood changes include things like: * Using more-compact data structures * Reducing the number of heap allocations and deallocations * Utilizing native thread local storage The net result is a faster PHP which also uses less memory. These changes also pave the way for future improvements, like JIT compilation, which will make PHP even faster. ### Further Reading * Zend: Turbocharging the Web with PHP 7 * Rasmus Lerdorf - PHP Australia Keynote ## Chapter 16: Language Consistency PHP 7's syntax is now more consistent and flexible than before, thanks to two major changes: Uniform Variable Syntax and the addition of an Abstract Syntax Tree. ### Uniform Variable Syntax PHP 7 supports several new types of expressions which weren't possible in previous versions: Source: RFC: Uniform Variable Syntax RFC // support missing combinations of operations $foo()['bar']() [$obj1, $obj2][0]->prop getStr(){0} // support nested :: $foo['bar']::$baz $foo::$bar::$baz $foo->bar()::baz() // support nested () foo()() $foo->bar()() Foo::bar()() $foo()() // support operations on arbitrary (...) expressions (...)['foo'] (...)->foo (...)->foo() (...)::$foo (...)::foo() (...)() // two more practical examples for the last point (function() { ... })() ($obj->closure)() // support all operations on dereferencable scalars (not very useful) "string"->toLower() [$obj, 'method']() 'Foo'::$bar You've probably tried using these types of expressions in the past and were surprised when they didn't work - I know I certainly was. Getting these expressions to work as expected required re-thinking the fundamental problem of handling the variable-variable syntax: `$$foo['bar']`. In PHP 5, this expression was interpreted from right-to-left: evaluate `$foo['bar']` and then lookup the variable with that name. This methodology ultimately prevented left-to-right interpretation, which would be required for all the examples listed above. PHP 7 eliminates that special case and interprets all expressions from left-to-right. `$$foo['bar']` is now interpreted as "take the value of `$$foo` and lookup the value at key `bar`". Here are several other example from the RFC demonstrating the change: // old meaning // new meaning $$foo['bar']['baz'] ${$foo['bar']['baz']} ($$foo)['bar']['baz'] $foo->$bar['baz'] $foo->{$bar['baz']} ($foo->$bar)['baz'] $foo->$bar['baz']() $foo->{$bar['baz']}() ($foo->$bar)['baz']() Foo::$bar['baz']() Foo::{$bar['baz']}() (Foo::$bar)['baz']() Additionally, global keywords now only accept simple variables: // Invalid in PHP 7: global $$foo->bar; // Use this instead: global ${$foo->bar}; #### Backwards Compatibility As shown above, this change will break backwards compatibility in these types of variable-variable dereference expressions. Thankfully this isn't very common, so realistically the impact is fairly low. If you need an expression to be evaluated in a certain way, you can always use the `{}` characters to enforce the desired behavior. This will make the code compatible with both 5.x and 7.x. ### Abstract Syntax Tree Previous versions of PHP would emit opcodes directly from the parser as it read through your code. While this worked fine in most cases, it sometimes led to some strange behavior requiring hacks, workarounds, or artificial limitations. PHP 7 fixes this by fully decoupling the parser from the compiler by using an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - a common technique in other languages. In addition to making the engine easier to maintain, it also allows several syntax issues to be resolved: * Using `yield` in expressions no longer requires parentheses * Expressions like `($foo['bar'])` and `$foo['bar']` now behave identically * The `__clone()` magic method can be called directly Implementing an AST could also enable the future implementation of features common in other languages, such as: * Array deconstruction without using `list`: `[$foo, $bar] = $array` * Python-like expressions such as `$x*$x for $x in $list` * LINQ-style expressions #### Backwards Compatibility While this is certainly a step in the right direction, these changes do result in subtle changes to how `list()` works. Perhaps the one you're most likely to encounter is that `list()` now works left-to-right: list($array[], $array[], $array[]) = [1, 2, 3]; var_dump($array); // PHP 5: $array = [3, 2, 1] // PHP 7: $array = [1, 2, 3] There are some other minor changes surrounding non-standard `list()` usage, which the RFC covers in great detail should you be interested in learning more. ### Further Reading * RFC: Uniform Variable Syntax * RFC: Abstract Syntax Tree ## Chapter 17: Semi-Reserved Words PHP 5.x has ~64 globally-reserved words, such as `default` and `list`. Because they're reserved globally, it was impossible to use these terms as class methods or properties: Example from the RFC; these would cause syntax errors class Collection { public function forEach(callable $callback) { /* */ } public function list() { /* */ } } PHP 7 implements a new context-sensitive lexer, making it smart enough to determine the context of keywords; it can differentiate between normal keyword usage and usage within classes. All of the following reserved words from PHP 5.x are now **semi-reserved** : abstract | and | array ---|---|--- as | break | callable case | catch | class clone | const | continue declare | default | die do | echo | else elseif | enddeclare | endfor endforeach | endif | endswitch endwhile | exit | extends final | finally | for foreach | function | global goto | if | implements include | include_once | instanceof insteadof | interface | list namespace | new | or parent | print | private protected | public | require require_once | return | self static | switch | throw trait | try | use var | while | xor yield | | These semi-reserved words can now be used as property, constant, and method names for classes, interfaces, and traits: Some basic examples class Collection { public function forEach(callable $callback) { } public function list() { } } class BaseballPlayer { public function throw(Baseball $ball, BaseballPlayer $target) { } public function catch(Baseball $ball) { } } Here are some other examples from the RFC: Using 'include' as a public method class View { public function include(View $view) { //... } } $viewA = new View('a.view'); $viewA->include(new View('b.view')); Using 'continue' as a class constant class HTTP { const CONTINUE = 100; const SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101; /* ... */ } Fluent interface using reserved words like 'and', 'or', & 'list' $projects = Finder::for('project') ->where('name')->like('%secret%') ->and('priority', '>', 9) ->or('code')->in(['4', '5', '7']) ->and()->not('created_at')->between([$time1, $time2]) ->list($limit, $offset); There are only two restrictions to this: 1. It only works within OO-scope (classes, interfaces, and traits). 2. `class` cannot be used as a constant, since it would conflict with the class name resolution syntax (`SomeClass::class`). It **can** be used for method and property names though. ### Further Reading * RFC: Context Sensitive Lexer * PHP manual: List of Keywords * PHP manual: List of other reserved words ## Chapter 18: Error Handling and Exceptions PHP 7 has drastically improved error handling. It's now easier than ever to handle errors and exceptions in your code, thanks to some major changes and simplifications. ### Exceptions in the Engine Fatal and recoverable fatal errors are no longer "raised", like warnings and deprecations - they are now exceptions thrown by the engine. Let's take a look at this short example: $foo = 'test'; $foo->someMethod(); In previous versions of PHP, this would result in a fatal error: Fatal error: Call to a member function someMethod() on a non-object PHP 7 will instead throw an `Error`: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function someMethod() on string Just like normal exceptions, these are catchable and can be acted upon: try { $foo = 'test'; $foo->someMethod(); } catch (Error $e) { var_dump($e); } /** Output: object(Error)#1 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(48) "Call to a member function someMethod() on string" ["string":"Error":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(0) ["file":protected]=> string(9) "/in/mhr0k" ["line":protected]=> int(5) ["trace":"Error":private]=> array(0) { } ["previous":"Error":private]=> NULL } **/ There are five pre-defined sub-classes of `Error`: * `TypeError` \- throw when an argument doesn't match the required type hint (see Chapter 1) * `ParseError` \- thrown when `eval()` fails to parse the given code * `AssertionError` \- thrown when an assertion (`assert(...)`) fails (see Chapter 18) * `ArithmeticError` \- thrown when an error occurs during a mathematical operation * `DivisionByZeroError` \- a sub-class of `ArithmeticError` thrown when dividing something by `0` ## `Throwable` interface PHP 7 introduces a new `Throwable` interface which both `Exception`s and `Error`s extend from: * `interface Throwable` * `Exception implements Throwable` * `Error implements Throwable` This interface provides the following methods: * `getMessage()` * `getCode()` * `getFile()` * `getLine()` * `getTrace()` * `getTraceAsString()` * `__toString()` Because `Error` and `Exception` share a common interface, you can `catch` either type: try { // Some code } catch (Exception $e) { // Oops, our code failed for some reason, so we should handle this. } catch (Error $e) { // Something was wrong with our code; we should log the issue and fix it! } Or even catch both at once: try { // Some code } catch (Throwable $e) { // Fail } ### Catching `Error` Objects Avoid catching `Error` objects unless you're logging them for future resolution. An `Error` will always represent a fundamental problem with your code, not some temporary runtime condition. You should therefore fix the problem instead of handling it or working around it, like you would with normal `Exception`s. You cannot implement the `Throwable` interface yourself - you must extend from either `Error` or `Exception` instead. ### Reclassification of `E_STRICT` Notices The `E_STRICT` notice type has always been somewhat unclear and redundant. In an effort to simplify PHP's error model, all such instances of `E_STRICT` have been reclassifed or removed. The corresponding RFC has a helpful list describing all such changes along with the rationale for each decision. The `E_STRICT` constant is not being removed though, thereby maintaining backwards compatibility with scripts which may contain code like `error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT)`. However, there may be some BC breakage since some `E_STRICT` instances are now more-severe, which could affect some error handlers. ### Backwards Compatibility In PHP 5.x it's possible to silently ignore recoverable fatal errors with a custom error handler. Because these errors are now thrown as exceptions, this capability is removed. Similarly, any parse errors generated while using `eval()` were previously non-fatal but are now thrown as exceptions. You'll want to wrap any calls to `eval()` in a `try {} catch{}` block if you wish to gracefully handle any such errors in PHP 7. The following class names can no longer be used in the global namespace: * `Throwable` * `Error` * `TypeError` * `ParseError` * `AssertionError` * `ArithmeticError` * `DivisionByZeroError` ### Further Reading * RFC: Exceptions in the Engine * RFC: Throwable Interface * RFC: Catchable "call to a member function of a non-object" * RFC: Reclassify E_STRICT notices * PHP manual: Throwable * PHP manual: Error ## Chapter 19: Expectations PHP 4 introduced assertions via the `assert()` function. An assertion is a helpful debugging feature which verifies assumptions in your code. Think of them like comments which actually test themselves. You simply provide a PHP statement which should always evaluate to true; any false values would indicate a bug, code misuse, or faulty assumption on your end. In PHP 4 and 5 `assert()` has the following signature: bool assert ( mixed $assertion [, string $description ] ) The behavior of `assert()` is configurable, thus allowing you to completely disable it in production. This is particularly useful if the assertions would have negative side effects or incur performance penalties. ### Don't rely on assertion behavior Assertions are a debugging feature designed to check for programming errors. They should **never** be used for validating input or similar runtime operations - use exceptions for that instead. Here are some example use-cases of assertions: Loops which should always return a value foreach ($a as $b) { if ($b->isActive()) { return $b; } } assert(false, 'Our loop should always return a value'); Ensuring a required extension is available function createThumbnail($image) { assert(extension_loaded('gd')); // ... } Guarding against unexpected enum values function setSuit($suit) { case CLUBS: case DIAMONDS: case HEARTS: case SPADES: $this->suit = $suit; default: assert(false, 'Unrecognized suit'); } Fall-through expectations if ($i % 3 == 0) { // ... } else if ($i % 3 == 1) { // ... } else { assert ($i % 3 == 2); } Because `assert` is a function in PHP 4/5, any expressions (like the one above) are always evaluated, even if assertions are disabled for production! A workaround is to wrap the expression in a string, which PHP will then evaluate if necessary: assert ('$i % 3 == 2'); This is somewhat better but still not ideal. ### `assert()` as a statement PHP 7 upgrades `assert()` to become a full-fledged statement instead. You no longer need to wrap your code in a string - just provide it as-is: assert ($i % 3 == 2); Unlike previous versions, PHP 7 will not evaluate that statement unless required. ### Custom errors Older versions of PHP will raise an `E_WARNING` when an assertion fails, using the second parameter as the warning message. PHP 7 adds the ability to raise your own custom error types, if desired: ini_set('assert.exception', 1); class MissingExtensionError extends AssertionError {} assert(extension_loaded('foo'), new MissingExtensionError('The "foo" extension s\ hould be enabled for this to work')); Throwing an exception (rather than emitting an error) means you'll get a stack trace to help investigate the issue. ### Avoid catching AssertionErrors You should avoid deploying `catch` blocks for `AssertionExceptions` to production for two reasons: 1. Remember, assertions are a debugging tool, not something you should depend on for application logic. 2. Any such `catch` blocks will not be automatically removed in production ### Configuration There are two new `php.ini` settings used to control the behavior and allow backwards-compatiblity: * assert.exception - defaults to `0` * zend.assertions - defaults to `1` **assert.exception** controls the failure behavior of `assert()`: * **0** \- raise a `warning` on failure (old behavior) * **1** \- throw an `AssertionError` on failure **zend.assertions** controls how the PHP parser should handle assertions it finds: * **1** \- generate and execute the assertion code (development mode) * **0** \- generate the code, but skip it at runtime * **-1** \- don't generate any code (zero-cost production mode) ### Backwards Compatibility PHP 7 maintains full backwards-compatibility with the old behavior: * If `$expression` is a string, it will be evaluated as needed * If `$expression` is false(y), the assertion will fail * If the second parameter is a string, it will be used as the message for the `AssertionError` ### Further Reading * RFC: Expectations * PHP Manual: `assert()` ## Chapter 20: Array Constants in `define()` PHP 5.6 added the ability to define array constants on classes by using the `const` keyword: const LUCKY_NUMBERS = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]; PHP 7 brings this same functionality to the `define()` function: define('LUCKY_NUMBERS', [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]); ### Further Reading * PHP Manual: `define()` * PHP Manual: Constant arrays using `define()` ## Chapter 21: Filtered `unserialize()` Unserializing untrusted data is a risky practice as malicious users could potentially inject their own data and objects into applications. This is particularly dangerous for objects with destructors, as those methods will always be executed, even if you don't actually use the unserialized object. Here's an actual example from Drupal 7's `Archive_Tar` class: function __destruct() { $this->_close(); //... } function _close() { //... if ($this->_temp_tarname != '') { @drupal_unlink($this->_temp_tarname); //... } //... } An attacker could use this to delete arbitrary files from the server simply by providing a specially-crated string to **anywhere that`unserialize` is used**: O:11:"Archive_Tar":6:{s:8:"_tarname";s:0:"";s:9:"_compress";b:0;s:14:"_compress_\ type";s:4:"none";s:10:"_separator";s:1:" ";s:5:"_file";i:0;s:13:"_temp_tarname";\ s:11:"/etc/passwd";} Other functions like `__toString()`, `__call()`, etc. can also be vulnerable. ### Secure filtering PHP 7 adds an `array $options` parameter to the `unserialize()` function to control the unserialization process. It currently supports a single `allowed_classes` option to control the unserialization of objects. This can take the following values: * **true** \- allows all objects to be restored * **false** \- prevents all objects from being restored * **string[]** \- array of allowed class names Omitting this option is the same as defining it as `true`. If a class is not allowed, PHP will unserialize it as an "incomplete class" object (`__PHP_Incomplete_Class`). This is the same behavior PHP already uses when you try to unserialize a class which doesn't exist. ### Examples // These will unserialize everything as before $data = unserialize($foo); $data = unserialize($foo, ['allowed_classes' => true]); // This will convert all objects into __PHP_Incomplete_Class object $data = unserialize($foo, ['allowed_classes' => false]); // this will convert all objects except ones of Foo and Bar into __PHP_Incomplet\ e_Class object $data = unserialize($foo, ['allowed_classes' => ['Foo', 'Bar']]); ### Further Reading * RFC: Filtered Unserialize * PHP Manual: `unserialize()` ## Chapter 22: `session_start` Options The `session_start()` function can now be passed an array of INI settings, therefore allowing per-session configuration. For example, the following code will set `session.cache_limiter=private`: session_start(['cache_limiter' => 'private']); ### New options PHP 7 also introduces two new session options: * **read_and_close** \- Session is opened for reading data and then immediately closed. * **lazy_write** (default=On) - Session data is only written if it has been changed. ### Further Reading * RFC: session_start() options ## Chapter 23: Reflection Enhancements PHP 7 adds some new classes and methods to the Reflection API. ### ReflectionGenerator A new `ReflectionGenerator` class provides information about generators and their state: class ReflectionGenerator { public __construct(Generator $generator) public string getExecutingFile() public Generator getExecutingGenerator() public int getExecutingLine() public ReflectionFunctionAbstract getFunction() public object getThis() public array getTrace($options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) } ### ReflectionType A new `ReflectionType` class has been added to report information about a function's parameters and return types (to support the new scalar and return type hints). This class has the following methods: class ReflectionType { public bool allowsNull() public bool isBuiltin() public string __toString() } ### ReflectionParameter Two new methods have been added to `ReflectionParameter` to determine the defined types: class ReflectionParameter { // ... public bool hasType() public ReflectionType getType() } The `getType()` method will return the new `ReflectionType` object type as described above. ### ReflectionFunctionAbstract This class also has two similarly-named methods to determine the defined return types of a function: class ReflectionFunctionAbstract { // ... public bool hasReturnType() public ReflectionType getReturnType() } ### Backwards Compatibility You may no longer define classes named `ReflectionGenerator` or `ReflectionType` in the global namespace. ### Further Reading * PHP Manual: `ReflectionType` * PHP Manual: `ReflectionGenerator` * PHP Manual: `ReflectionParameter` * PHP Manual: `ReflectionFunctionAbstract` ## Chapter 24: Integer Semantics Certain integer behavior has been revised for cross-platform consistency, making it more intuitive for developers. ### Casting NaN and Infinity Casting NaN (`NAN`) and Infinity (`INF`) to an integer will always result in a `0` value. Previously, the resulting values would be undefined and vary between different platforms. ### Negative bitwise shifting You're no longer allowed to bitwise shift by a negative number of bits. Attempting to do so will result in an `ArithmeticError` being thrown. ### Bitwise shifting too far Even though some CPUs support proper wrapping behavior, not all of them do, which can result in certain edge cases. PHP 7 therefore standardizes this behavior for cross-platform consistency. Left bitwise shifts beyond the bit-width of an integer will always result in `0`, even if the platform supports wrapping around. Right bitwise shifts beyond the bit-width of an integer will always result in `0` or `-1` (depending on the sign), even if the platform supports wrapping around. ### Backwards Compatibility Relying on the old PHP 5.x behavior in these specific cases will no longer work. ### Further Reading * RFC: Integer Semantics * PHP manual: Bitwise Operators ## Chapter 25: Division By Zero Semantics Prior to PHP 7, dividing by `0` would emit an `E_WARNING` and return `false`. Returning a boolean value for an arithmetic operation doesn't make much sense, so PHP 7 will now return one of the following float values in addition to emitting the `E_WARNING`: * `+INF` * `-INF` * `NAN` For example: var_dump(42/0); // float(INF) + E_WARNING var_dump(-42/0); // float(-INF) + E_WARNING var_dump(0/0); // float(NAN) + E_WARNING When using the modulus operator (`%`), PHP 7 will instead throw a `DivisionByZeroError`: var_dump(0%0); // DivisionByZeroError The `intdiv()` function will throw an `ArithmeticError` whenever you provide a valid integer argument which would result in an incorrect result due to integer overflow: var_dump(intdiv(PHP_INT_MIN, -1)); // ArithmeticError ### Backwards Compatibility * The division operator will no longer return `false` when dividing by zero. * The modulus operator will throw an error (instead of returning `false`) when dividing by zero. ### Further Reading * PHP manual: DivisionByZeroError * PHP manual: ArithmeticError ## Chapter 26: JSON Library The current json extension used by PHP 5 does not have a free license, which is a problem for some Linux distributions. Debian previously handled this by providing a separate `php5-json` extension outside of the main PHP codebase. In addition to licensing concerns, the old library had several other issues: * Code was outdated * There was no active maintainer * The implementation suffered from several performance issues PHP 7 solved these issues by replacing the current json extension with new code based on the PECL jsond extension. The userland API is identical, but the licensing is better and it also offers better performance in some cases. ### Fractional float values The new JSOND library introduces a new option to `json_encode` to preserve the fractional part of float values: echo json_encode(10.0); // Output: 10 echo json_encode(10.1); // Output: 10.1 echo json_encode(10.0, JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION); // Output: 10.0 echo json_encode(10.1, JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION); // Output: 10.1 Being able to toggle this behavior is useful when working with other languages. For example, both Go and JavaScript will encode `10.0` as `10`, whereas Python, C, and Ruby would encode it to `10.0`. ### Backwards Compatibility The old extension handled certain number formats which weren't exactly valid according to the JSON spec (RFC 7159). The new JSOND extension therefore rejects certain number formats which previously worked in PHP 5.x: * Numbers cannot end with a decimal point. * The `e` exponent cannot immediately proceed a decimal point. These JSON strings are therefore no longer valid: '42.' '42.e1' You should remove the decimal points or add a `0` immediately afterwards to allow successful JSON parsing: '42' or '42.0' '42e1' or '42.0e1' ### Further Reading * RFC: Replacing current json extension with jsond * RFC: Preserve Fractional Part in JSON encode * PHP manual: json_decode * PHP bug #63520 * IETF RFC 7159: JSON Data Interchange Format ## Chapter 27: Behavior Changes to `foreach` PHP's `foreach` statement had some quirky, undefined behavior. These edge cases were caused by low-level implementation details and were never truly supported. In an effort to provide consistent, documented behavior, several of these edge cases were corrected. The majority of these edge cases deal with manipulating the internal pointer or modifying elements of an array. The conceptual behavior of `foreach` itself remains unchanged. For example, look at these two very similar examples from the RFC: Example 1 $a = [1,2,3]; foreach($a as $v) { echo $v . " - " . current($a) . "\n"; } Example 1: Output 1 - 2 2 - 2 3 - 2 However, if you make one small modification before the loop, you get a different result: Example 2 $a = [1,2,3]; $b = $a; foreach($a as $v) { echo $v . " - " . current($a) . "\n"; } Example 2: Output 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 ### Changes Here are some examples demonstrating the new semantics in PHP 7 #### Iterating arrays by value Ignoring modifications to the original array $a = [1,2,3]; $b = &$a; foreach($a as $v) { unset($a[1]); echo $v . " - " . current($a) . "\n"; } PHP 5.x Output 1 - 3 3 - 2 PHP 7 Output 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 #### Iterating arrays by reference The `current()` function is no longer affected by the iteration of the array: $a = [1,2,3]; foreach($a as &$v) { echo $v . " - " . current($a) . "\n"; } PHP 5.x Output 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - PHP 7 Output 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 #### Iterating objects by value Iterating objects by value behaves similarly to iterating arrays by reference, except that it uses the object's value instead of its reference. You can therefore modify the object but not replace it within a `foreach` loop. #### Iterating objects by reference This behaves identically to iterating an array by reference. #### Other functions Because the state of a `foreach` loop is now independent from the internal state of an array/object pointer, built-in functions which use that internal pointer (`reset`/`key`/`current`/`next`/`prev`) will no longer represent the state of the loop. ### Backwards Compatibility Any code relying on the old, undocumented behavior will no longer work in PHP 7. ### Further Reading * RFC: Fix "foreach" behavior ## Chapter 28: Behavior Changes to `list` ### String Handling The PHP documentation has always stated that the `list()` construct wouldn't unpack strings. However, in some cases, it actually would work: Example 1 list($a, $b) = 'ab'; var_dump($a, $b); Example 1: Output NULL NULL Example 2 $a[0] = 'ab'; list($a, $b) = $a[0]; var_dump($a, $b); Example 2: Output string(1) "a" string(1) "b" This undocumented behavior was caused by an implementation "feature" and was not intentional. This string handling edge-case no longer works with PHP 7. ### Empty List Assignment Using `list()` without any variables will now result in a fatal error: $a = [1, 2, 3]; list() = $a; // Fatal error: Cannot use empty list list(,,) = $a; // Fatal error: Cannot use empty list ### Variable Assignment Order Because of the new Abstract Syntax Tree, values are assigned left-to-right, whereas PHP 5.x assigned them right-to-left. ### Backwards Compatibility * `list()` no longer works with string values in some cases; variables will always be set to `NULL` in these cases * Calling `list()` without any variables will trigger a fatal error * Depending on the old right-to-left assignment ordering will no longer work ### Further Reading * RFC: Fix list() behavior inconsistency * RFC: Abstract Syntax Tree ## Chapter 29: Parameter Handling Changes ### Duplicate Parameter Names Previous versions of PHP allowed multiple function parameters to use the same name. This functionality is no longer supported in PHP 7. Attempting to use duplicate parameter names will now cause a fatal error. function foo($a, $a) { return $a; } echo foo(1, 2); PHP 5 Output 2 PHP 7 Output Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $a ### `func_get_arg()` and `func_get_args()` The `func_get_arg()` and `func_get_args()` functions used to return the original parameter values, even if those variables changed during function execution. This behavior no longer occurs in PHP 7 - both functions will instead provide the current value(s). For example, given the following code: function foo($a) { $a++; var_dump($a); } foo(1); PHP 5.x would display the original value of `1`, whereas PHP 7 will display `2`. This behavioral change also applies to the display of function arguments in backtraces. ### Backwards Compatibility Code using duplicate parameter names will now result in a fatal error. Simply removing the previous instances will maintain full compatibility with PHP 5.x and 7.x. Code relying on `func_get_arg()` and `func_get_args()` to return the original (not current) value may not behave as expected. ### Further Reading * RFC: phpng ## Chapter 30: Custom Session Handler Return Values PHP allows you to implement your own session storage and retrieval mechanisms via the `session_set_save_handler()` function. You simply define some functions (or implement the `SessionHandlerInterface`) to handle operations like loading and saving the session data. According to the documentation, several of these functions (like `open()` and `close()`) should return `true` on success or `false` on failure. However, these return values never worked properly prior to PHP 7 due to a major bug with how PHP's internals handled your return value. Essentially, return values of `false` were never interpreted as failures. Developers eventually figured out they could return `-1` to indicate failure, but this contradicted the documentation. PHP 7 resolves this bug so that both `true` and `false` return values are interpreted properly. If you return any other value (including the `return -1` workaround from PHP 5.x), this will cause a failure and emit an `E_WARNING`. ### Backwards Compatibility * `return false` will actually work as expected now. * Using the `return -1` workaround will cause a warning. ### Further Reading * RFC: Fix handling of custom session handler return values * PHP manual: session_set_save_handler ## Chapter 31: Errors on Invalid Octal Literals Attempting to use an invalid octal literal (containing digits larger than 7) will now produce a parse error: Invalid Octal in PHP 7 echo 0781; // Parse error: Invalid numeric literal Prior versions of PHP would silently truncate the literal, resulting in unexpected values: Invalid Octal in PHP 5.x echo 0781; // 7 ### Backwards Compatibility * Using invalid octal literals will result in a parse error ### Further Reading * _n/a_ # Part 3 - Deprecations & Removals PHP 7 deprecates a couple features and removes several others which worked in previous versions of PHP. You'll want to adjust your code accordingly before upgrading to PHP 7. ## Chapter 32: Deprecation of PHP 4 Constructors Creating constructor methods for PHP 4 classes involved declaring a method with the same name as the class: PHP 4-Style Constructor Example class Post { // Recognized as a constructor in PHP 4 and 5 function post() {} } PHP 5 added the new `__construct()` method we're all familiar with, but it also preserved the older style constructors too. This led to some strange behavior in different cases. For example, PHP 4-style constructors worked fine in global classes but not namespaced classes: Namespaced PHP 5 Class namespace Blog; class Post { // Not recognized as a constructor because of the namespace function post() {} } And if you declared both a PHP 4 and PHP 5-style constructor, you'd get different behavior based on which was listed first in the code: PHP 5-Style Constructor First class Post { // Constructor function __construct() {} // Normal method; not a constructor function post() {} } PHP 4-Style Constructor First class Post { // Normal method; not a constructor function post() {} // Emits an E_STRICT function __construct() {} } Instead of preserving this odd behavior, PHP 7 makes two important changes: 1. `E_DEPRECATED` is emitted whenever any PHP 4-style constructor is used. 2. `E_STRICT` is no longer emitted when both types of constructors are present. Furthermore, PHP 8 will not recognize the PHP 4-style constructors, therefore always interpreting them as standard class methods. Because this old style is deprecated, you should strongly consider removing them altogether from code you migrate to PHP 7. ### Backwards Compatibility * Custom error handlers may be affected by the new `E_DEPRECATED` errors being emitted. ### Further Reading * RFC: Remove PHP 4 Constructors * PHP Manual: Constructors and Destructors ## Chapter 33: Deprecation of Salt Option for `password_hash()` PHP 5.5 introduced a new password hashing API to make secure hashing easy (and abstract away some of bcrypt's complexity). Part of this API included a new `password_hash()` method which allowed users to provide a custom salt. However, these salts were often generated using cryptographically insecure sources (like `mt_rand()`), thus compromising the effectiveness of the salts. PHP 7 therefore deprecates this `salt` option. It's strongly recommended that you omit this and simply use the salt whatever cryptographically-secure salt PHP generates for you. ### Further Reading * PHP Manual: `password_hash` ## Chapter 34: Removal of Previously-Deprecated Features PHP 7 removes **ALL** features that were deprecated in prior versions. ### Removed Extensions Extension Name | Deprecated Since | Alternative ---|---|--- `ext/mysql` | PHP 5.3 | `ext/mysqli` or `ext/pdo_mysql` `ext/ereg` | PHP 5.3 | `ext/pcre` ### Removed Language Features Feature Description | Deprecated Since | Alternative ---|---|--- Assignment of `new` by reference | PHP 5.3 | Use normal assignment instead Scoped calls of non-static methods from incompatible `$this` context | PHP 5.6 | ### Removed Functions Function Name | Deprecated Since | Alternative(s) ---|---|--- `dl` on fpm-fcgi | PHP 5.3 | `set_magic_quotes_runtime` | PHP 5.4 | `magic_quotes_runtime` | PHP 5.4 | `set_socket_blocking` | PHP 5.4 | `stream_set_blocking` `mcrypt_generic_end` | PHP 5.4 | `mcrypt_generic_deinit` `mcrypt_ecb`, `mcrypt_cbc`, `mcrypt_cfb` and `mcrypt_ofb` | PHP 5.5 | `mcrypt_encrypt` and `mcrypt_decrypt` `datefmt_set_timezone_id` | PHP 5.5 | `datefmt_set_timezone` `IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID` | PHP 5.5 | `IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone` ### Removed INI Options INI Options | Deprecated Since | Alternative ---|---|--- `xsl.security_prefs` | PHP 5.4 | `XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs` `iconv.input_encoding` and `mbstring.http_input` | PHP 5.6 | `php.input_encoding` `iconv.internal_encoding` and `mbstring.internal_encoding` | PHP 5.6 | `php.internal_encoding` `iconv.output_encoding` and `mbstring.http_output` | PHP 5.6 | `php.output_encoding` ### Miscellaneous Removed Functionality Functionality | Deprecated Since | Alternative ---|---|--- The `$is_dst` parameter of `mktime()` and `gmmktime()` | PHP 5.1 | `#`-style comments in `ini` files | PHP 5.3 | `;`-style comments String category names in `setlocale()` | PHP 5.3 | `LC_*`` constants Unsafe curl file uploads | PHP 5.5 | `CurlFile` `preg_replace()` eval modifier | PHP 5.5 | `preg_replace_callback()` `PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_NATIVE_PREPARED_STATEMENT` driver option | PHP 5.6 | `PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES` `CN_match` and `SNI_server_name` stream context options | PHP 5.6 | `peer_name` option ### Backwards Compatibility Any code relying on previously-deprecated functionality will break in PHP 7. ### Tip: Check For Deprecation Warnings If your code emits any deprecation warnings in PHP 5.x then it **will** break in PHP 7. Otherwise you should be good. ### Further Reading * RFC: Remove deprecated functionality in PHP 7 ## Chapter 35: Removal of Alternative PHP Tags Alternative PHP tags are no longer supported. These include ASP tags and script tags: * `<%` opening tag * `<%=` opening tag with `echo` * `%>` closing tag * `(<script\s+language\s*=\s*(php|"php"|'php')\s*>)i` opening tag * `(</script>)i` closing tag ### Migrating From Alternative Tags If your code uses these tags, you'll need to migrate them to using the normal (`<?php ?>`) or short (`<? ?>`) tags. You can find a porting script here: https://gist.github.com/nikic/74769d74dad8b9ef221b To run it: php -d asp_tags=1 portAlternativeTags.php path/to/files/ ### Backwards Compatibility Code using the alternative tags will no longer work. This may result in your source code being displayed to visitors. ### Further Reading * RFC: Remove alternative PHP tags ## Chapter 36: Reclassification and Removal of E_STRICT Notices Several things which used to emit `E_STRICT` notices in PHP 5 now emit different error types. These new types are more descriptive and more consistent with the rest of the language. Here's a detailed list of those changes: ### Examples #### Indexing by a resource Using a resource as an array index will now emit an `E_NOTICE` instead of `E_STRICT`: $file = fopen('test.zip', 'r'); $array[$file] = true; // Notice: Resource ID#5 used as offset, casting to integer (5) #### Abstract static methods Notices are no longer emitted when declaring abstract static methods. This is consistent with how interfaces allow the declaration of such abstract static methods. abstract class Foo { abstract static function bar(); } #### Signature mismatch during inheritance Mismatched method signatures will now emit an `E_WARNING` instead of `E_STRICT`: class Foo { public function method() {} } class Bar extends Foo { public function method($arg) {} } // Warning: Declaration of Bar::method($arg) should be // compatible with Foo::method() ### Same (compatible) property in two used traits Using the same property in multiple traits will no longer raise any warnings: trait A { public $prop; } trait B { public $prop; } class C { use A, B; } ### Accessing static property non-statically Attempting to access a static property non-statically (without `::`) will now emit an `E_NOTICE` instead of `E_STRICT`: class Foo { public static $prop = 0; } $obj = new Foo; $obj->prop = 42; // Notice: Accessing static property Foo::$prop as non static ### Only variables should be assigned by reference Attempting to assign a non-variable (like a function result) by reference will now emit an `E_NOTICE` instead of `E_STRICT`: $a =& substr('foo', 1); // Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference ### Only variables should be passed by reference Similarly, trying to pass a non-variable (like a function result) by reference will also emit an `E_NOTICE` instead of `E_STRICT`: function by_ref(&$ref) {} by_ref(substr("foo", 1)); // Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference ### Calling non-static methods statically Attempting to call a non-static method statically (with `::`) will no emit an `E_DEPRECATED` instead of `E_STRICT`: class Foo { public function bar() {} } Foo::bar(); // Deprecated: Non-static method Foo::method() should not be called statically (You should be annotating such methods with `static` anyway.) ### Backwards Compatibility * Code relying on `E_STRICT` may no longer function properly. * Things that used to emit `E_STRICT` may now emit a higher error category like `E_WARNING`, which could break custom error handlers. ### Further Reading * RFC: Reclassify E_STRICT notices ## Chapter 37: Removal of Multiple Defaults in Switches Previous versions of PHP allowed a `switch` statement to contain multiple `default` cases. Only the last one would actually be used, making the previous ones useless. Attempting to use multiple `default` cases in PHP 7 will now cause a fatal error. switch ($expr) { default: neverExecuted(); break; default: executed(); } // Fatal error: Switch statements may only contain one default clause ### Backwards Compatibility Code using multiple `default`s will now result in a fatal error. Simply removing the earlier instances will maintain full compatibility with PHP 5.x and 7.x. ### Further Reading * RFC: Make defining multiple default cases in a switch a syntax error ## Chapter 38: Removal of Numeric Hexadecimal String Support Earlier versions of PHP do not consistently handle numeric hexadecimal strings like `"0x123"`: PHP 5.x behavior var_dump(is_numeric("0x123")); // bool(true) var_dump((int) "0x123"); // int(0) var_dump((float) "0x123"); // float(0) var_dump("0x123" * 2); // int(582) var_dump("0x123" == '291'); // bool(true) var_dump((int) "0x123" == (int) "291"); // bool (false) PHP 7 resolves this discrepancy by simply removing the old partial support for such strings. ### Backwards Compatibility Using hexadecimal numbers in strings is no longer supported in these contexts: * The `is_numeric()` function * Mathematic operations * Internal PHP functions which accept numeric strings ### Further Reading * RFC: Remove hex support in numeric strings ## Chapter 39: Removal of Dead SAPIs and Extensions ### Dead SAPIs PHP contains SAPIs for several servers. Some of these are no longer available or haven't been supported for a very long time. They have therefore been removed from PHP 7. The list includes: * `sapi/aolserver` * `sapi/apache` * `sapi/apache_hooks` * `sapi/caudium` * `sapi/continuity` * `sapi/isapi` * `sapi/milter` * `sapi/phttpd` * `sapi/pi3web` * `sapi/roxen` * `sapi/thttpd` * `sapi/tux` * `sapi/webjames` ### Dead Extensions The following extensions are no longer maintained and have been removed: * `ext/mssql` * `ext/sybase_ct` ### Backwards Compatibility Systems relying on these SAPIs and extensions will not work with PHP 7. Consider finding an alternate SAPI or extension to replace any that are being removed. ### Further Reading * RFC: Removal of dead or not yet PHP7 ported SAPIs and extensions ## Chapter 40: Removal of the `date.timezone` Warning In previous versions of PHP, failing to define the `date.timezone` INI setting would result in the following behavior: * Defaulting to UTC * Emitting a warning message PHP 7 will no longer emit a warning in these case. UTC will continue to be the default timezone if none is specified in the configuration. ### Further Reading * RFC: Remove the date.timezone warning # Appendix - Backward Compatibility Breaks If you're coming from a modern version of PHP (like 5.5 or 5.6), most of your code will probably work fine as-is. Nevertheless, we'll cover most of the important breaking changes in this section so you'll be prepared to fix any such issues in your projects. The majority of these BC breaks were covered in previous chapters. We'll link back to those sections as needed. This list comes directly from the php-src `UPGRADING` document as of 7 November 2015. It may not be exhaustive. Please check <https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-7.0.0/UPGRADING> for the latest version. ## Language Changes ### Variable handling #### Left-to-right parsing Indirect variable, property and method references are now interpreted with left-to-right semantics. Some examples: $$foo['bar']['baz'] // interpreted as ($$foo)['bar']['baz'] $foo->$bar['baz'] // interpreted as ($foo->$bar)['baz'] $foo->$bar['baz']() // interpreted as ($foo->$bar)['baz']() Foo::$bar['baz']() // interpreted as (Foo::$bar)['baz']() To restore the previous behavior add explicit curly braces: ${$foo['bar']['baz']} $foo->{$bar['baz']} $foo->{$bar['baz']}() Foo::{$bar['baz']}() Refer back to Chapter 16 - Uniform Variable Syntax. #### Global Keywords The global keyword now only accepts simple variables. Instead of global $$foo->bar; it is now required to write the following: global ${$foo->bar}; Refer back to Chapter 16 - Uniform Variable Syntax. #### Parenthesis influencing behavior Parentheses around variables or function calls no longer have any influence on behavior. For example the following code, where the result of a function call is passed to a by-reference function function getArray() { return [1, 2, 3]; } $last = array_pop(getArray()); // Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference $last = array_pop((getArray())); // Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference will now throw a strict standards error regardless of whether parentheses are used. Previously no notice was generated in the second case. #### By-reference assignment ordering Array elements or object properties that are automatically created during by-reference assignments will now result in a different order. For example $array = []; $array["a"] =& $array["b"]; $array["b"] = 1; var_dump($array); now results in the array ["a" ⇒ 1, "b" ⇒ 1], while previously the result was ["b" ⇒ 1, "a" ⇒ 1]; Refer back to Chapter 16 - Abstract Syntax Tree. Relevant RFCs * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/uniform_variable_syntax> * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/abstract_syntax_tree> ### `list()` behavior #### Variable assignment order list() will no longer assign variables in reverse order. For example list($array[], $array[], $array[]) = [1, 2, 3]; var_dump($array); will now result in $array == [1, 2, 3] rather than [3, 2, 1]. Note that only the **order** of the assignments changed, but the assigned values stay the same. E.g. a normal usage like list($a, $b, $c) = [1, 2, 3]; // $a = 1; $b = 2; $c = 3; will retain its current behavior. #### Empty list assignments Empty list() assignments are no longer allowed. As such all of the following are invalid: list() = $a; list(,,) = $a; list($x, list(), $y) = $a; list() no longer supports unpacking strings (while previously this was only supported in some cases). The code $string = "xy"; list($x, $y) = $string; will now result in $x == null and $y == null (without notices) instead of $x == "x" and $y == "y". Furthermore list() is now always guaranteed to work with objects implementing ArrayAccess, e.g. list($a, $b) = (object) new ArrayObject([0, 1]); will now result in $a == 0 and $b == 1. Previously both $a and $b were null. Refer back to Chapter 28 - Behavior Changes to `list`. Relevant RFCs * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/abstract_syntax_tree#changes_to_list> * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/fix_list_behavior_inconsistency> ### `foreach` behavior #### Interaction with internal array pointers Iteration with foreach() no longer has any effect on the internal array pointer, which can be accessed through the current()/next()/etc family of functions. For example $array = [0, 1, 2]; foreach ($array as &$val) { var_dump(current($array)); } will now print the value int(0) three times. Previously the output was int(1), int(2) and bool(false). #### Array iteration by-value When iterating arrays by-value, foreach will now always operate on a copy of the array, as such changes to the array during iteration will not influence iteration behavior. For example $array = [0, 1, 2]; $ref =& $array; // Necessary to trigger the old behavior foreach ($array as $val) { var_dump($val); unset($array[1]); } will now print all three elements (0 1 2), while previously the second element 1 was skipped (0 2). #### Array iteration by-reference When iterating arrays by-reference, modifications to the array will continue to influence the iteration. However PHP will now do a better job of maintaining a correct position in a number of cases. E.g. appending to an array during by-reference iteration $array = [0]; foreach ($array as &$val) { var_dump($val); $array[1] = 1; } will now iterate over the appended element as well. As such the output of this example will now be "int(0) int(1)", while previously it was only "int(0)". #### Object iteration Iteration of plain (non-Traversable) objects by-value or by-reference will behave like by-reference iteration of arrays. This matches the previous behavior apart from the more accurate position management mentioned in the previous point. Iteration of Traversable objects remains unchanged. Refer back to Chapter 27 - Behavior Changes to `foreach`. Relevant RFC * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php7_foreach> ### Parameter handling #### Duplicate parameter names It is no longer possible to define two function parameters with the same name. For example, the following method will trigger a compile-time error: public function foo($a, $b, $unused, $unused) { // ... } Code like this should be changed to use distinct parameter names, for example: public function foo($a, $b, $unused1, $unused2) { // ... } #### Retrieving argument values The func_get_arg() and func_get_args() functions will no longer return the original value that was passed to a parameter and will instead provide the current value (which might have been modified). For example function foo($x) { $x++; var_dump(func_get_arg(0)); } foo(1); will now print "2" instead of "1". This code should be changed to either perform modifications only after calling func_get_arg(s) function foo($x) { var_dump(func_get_arg(0)); $x++; } or avoid modifying the parameters altogether: function foo($x) { $newX = $x + 1; var_dump(func_get_arg(0)); } #### Effect on backtraces Similarly exception backtraces will no longer display the original value that was passed to a function and show the modified value instead. For example function foo($x) { $x = 42; throw new Exception; } foo("string"); will now result in the stack trace Stack trace: #0 file.php(4): foo(42) #1 {main} while previously it was: Stack trace: #0 file.php(4): foo('string') #1 {main} While this should not impact runtime behavior of your code, it is worthwhile to be aware of this difference for debugging purposes. The same limitation also applies to debug_backtrace() and other functions inspecting function arguments. Refer back to Chapter 29 - Parameter Handling Changes. Relevant RFC * <https://wiki.php.net/phpng> ### Integer handling #### Invalid octal literals Invalid octal literals (containing digits larger than 7) now produce compile errors. For example, the following is no longer valid: $i = 0781; // 8 is not a valid octal digit! Previously the invalid digits (and any following valid digits) were simply ignored. As such $i previously held the value 7, because the last two digits were silently discarded. Refer back to Chapter 31 - Errors on Invalid Octal Literals. #### Negative bitwise shifting Bitwise shifts by negative numbers will now throw an ArithmeticError: var_dump(1 >> -1); // ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number #### Left bitwise shifts Left bitwise shifts by a number of bits beyond the bit width of an integer will always result in 0: var_dump(1 << 64); // int(0) Previously the behavior of this code was dependent on the used CPU architecture. For example on x86 (including x86-64) the result was int(1), because the shift operand was wrapped. #### Right bitwise shifts Similarly right bitwise shifts by a number of bits beyond the bit width of an integer will always result in 0 or -1 (depending on sign): var_dump(1 >> 64); // int(0) var_dump(-1 >> 64); // int(-1) Refer back to Chapter 24 - Integer Semantics. Relevant RFC * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/integer_semantics> ### String handling #### Hexadecimal numeric strings Strings that contain hexadecimal numbers are no longer considered to be numeric and don't receive special treatment anymore. Some examples of the new behavior: var_dump("0x123" == "291"); // bool(false) (previously true) var_dump(is_numeric("0x123")); // bool(false) (previously true) var_dump("0xe" + "0x1"); // int(0) (previously 16) var_dump(substr("foo", "0x1")); // string(3) "foo" (previously "oo") // Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered filter_var() can be used to check if a string contains a hexadecimal number or convert such a string into an integer: $str = "0xffff"; $int = filter_var($str, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEX); if (false === $int) { throw new Exception("Invalid integer!"); } var_dump($int); // int(65535) Refer back to Chapter 31 - Errors on Invalid Octal Literals. #### Unicode escape sequence Due to the addition of the Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax for double-quoted strings and heredocs, "\u{" followed by an invalid sequence will now result in an error: $str = "\u{xyz}"; // Fatal error: Invalid UTF-8 codepoint escape sequence To avoid this the leading backslash should be escaped: $str = "\\u{xyz}"; // Works fine However, "\u" without a following { is unaffected. As such the following code won't error and will work the same as before: $str = "\u202e"; // Works fine Refer back to Chapter 5 - Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax. Relevant RFCs * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/remove_hex_support_in_numeric_strings> * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/unicode_escape> ### Error handling #### Errors as throwables There are now two exception classes: Exception and Error. Both classes implement a new interface Throwable. Type hints in exception handling code may need to be changed to account for this. #### Fatal errors Some fatal errors and recoverable fatal errors now throw an Error instead. As Error is a separate class from Exception, these exceptions will not be caught by existing try/catch blocks. For the recoverable fatal errors which have been converted into an exception, it is no longer possible to silently ignore the error from an error handler. In particular, it is no longer possible to ignore type hint failures. #### Parser errors Parser errors now generate a ParseError that extends Error. Error handling for eval()s on potentially invalid code should be changed to catch ParseError in addition to the previous return value / error_get_last() based handling. #### Internal class constructor failures Constructors of internal classes will now always throw an exception on failure. Previously some constructors returned NULL or an unusable object. Refer back to Chapter 18 - Error Handling and Exceptions. #### Reclassification of E_STRICT The error level of some E_STRICT notices has been changed. Refer back to Chapter 36 - Reclassification and Removal of E_STRICT Notices. Relevant RFCs * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/engine_exceptions_for_php7> * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/throwable-interface> * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/internal_constructor_behaviour> * <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/reclassify_e_strict> ### Other language changes #### Static calls to non-static methods Removed support for static calls to non-static methods from an incompatible `$this` context. In this case $this will not be defined, but the call will be allowed with a deprecation notice. An example: class A { public function test() { var_dump($this); } } // Note: Does NOT extend A class B { public function callNonStaticMethodOfA() { A::test(); } } (new B)->callNonStaticMethodOfA(); // Deprecated: Non-static method A::test() should not be called statically // Notice: Undefined variable $this NULL Note that this only applies to calls from an incompatible context. If class B extended from A the call would be allowed without any notices. Refer back to Chapter 36 - Reclassification and Removal of E_STRICT Notices. #### Reserved words It is no longer possible to use the following class, interface and trait names (case-insensitive): bool int float string null false true This applies to class/interface/trait declarations, class_alias() and use statements. Furthermore the following class, interface and trait names are now reserved for future use, but do not yet throw an error when used: resource object mixed numeric Refer back to Chapter 1 - Scalar Type Hints. #### Parenthesis requirement for `yield` The yield language construct no longer requires parentheses when used in an expression context. It is now a right-associative operator with precedence between the "print" and "⇒" operators. This can result in different behavior in some cases, for example: echo yield -1; // Was previously interpreted as echo (yield) - 1; // And is now interpreted as echo yield (-1); yield $foo or die; // Was previously interpreted as yield ($foo or die); // And is now interpreted as (yield $foo) or die; Such cases can always be resolved by adding additional parentheses. Refer back to Chapter 16 - Abstract Syntax Tree. #### Other removals * Removed ASP (`<%`) and script (`<script language=php>`) tags. (RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/remove_alternative_php_tags) * Removed support for assigning the result of new by reference. * Removed support for scoped calls to non-static methods from an incompatible `$this` context. See details in <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/incompat_ctx>. * Removed support for `#`-style comments in ini files. Use `;`-style comments instead. * `$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA` is no longer available. Use the `php://input` stream instead. ## Standard Library Changes * `substr()` now returns an empty string instead of `FALSE` when the truncation happens on boundaries. * `call_user_method()` and `call_user_method_array()` no longer exists. * `ob_start()` no longer issues an `E_ERROR`, but instead an `E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR` in case an output buffer is created in an output buffer handler. * The internal sorting algorithm has been improved, what may result in different sort order of elements that compare as equal. * Removed `dl()` function on fpm-fcgi. * `setcookie()` with an empty cookie name now issues an `E_WARNING` and doesn't send an empty set-cookie header line anymore. ## Other Changes ### Curl * Removed support for disabling the CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD option. All curl file uploads must use the curl_file / CURLFile APIs. ### Date * Removed $is_dst parameter from mktime() and gmmktime(). ### DBA * dba_delete() now returns false if the key was not found for the inifile handler, too. ### GMP * Requires libgmp version 4.2 or newer now. * gmp_setbit() and gmp_clrbit() now return FALSE for negative indices, making them consistent with other GMP functions. ### Intl * Removed deprecated aliases datefmt_set_timezone_id() and IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID(). Use datefmt_set_timezone() and IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() instead. ### libxml * Added LIBXML_BIGLINES parser option. It's available starting with libxml 2.9.0 and adds suppport for line numbers >16-bit in the error reporting. ### Mcrypt * Removed deprecated mcrypt_generic_end() alias in favor of mcrypt_generic_deinit(). * Removed deprecated mcrypt_ecb(), mcrypt_cbc(), mcrypt_cfb() and mcrypt_ofb() functions in favor of mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() with an MCRYPT_MODE_* flag. ### Session * session_start() accepts all INI settings as array. e.g. ['cache_limiter'⇒'private'] sets session.cache_limiter=private. It also supports 'read_and_close' which closes session data immediately after read data. * Save handler accepts validate_sid(), update_timestamp() which validates session ID existence, updates timestamp of session data. Compatibility of old user defined save handler is retained. * SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface is added. validateSid(), updateTimestamp() is defined in the interface. * session.lazy_write(default=On) INI setting enables only write session data when session data is updated. ### Opcache * Removed opcache.load_comments configuration directive. Now doc comments loading costs nothing and always enabled. ### OpenSSL * Removed the "rsa_key_size" SSL context option in favor of automatically setting the appropriate size given the negotiated crypto algorithm. * Removed "CN_match" and "SNI_server_name" SSL context options. Use automatic detection or the "peer_name" option instead. ### PCRE: * Removed support for /e (PREG_REPLACE_EVAL) modifier. Use preg_replace_callback() instead. ### PDO_pgsql: * Removed PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_NATIVE_PREPARED_STATEMENT attribute in favor of ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES. ### Standard: * Removed string category support in setlocale(). Use the LC_* constants instead. * Removed set_magic_quotes_runtime() and its alias magic_quotes_runtime(). ### JSON: * Rejected RFC 7159 incompatible number formats in json_decode string - top level (07, 0xff, .1, -.1) and all levels ([1.], [1.e1]) * Calling json_decode with 1st argument equal to empty PHP string or value that after casting to string is empty string (NULL, FALSE) results in JSON syntax error. ### Stream: * Removed set_socket_blocking() in favor of its alias stream_set_blocking(). ### XSL: * Removed xsl.security_prefs ini option. Use XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs() instead. # Notes # Part 2 - Language Changes & Improvements 1https://www.zend.com/en/resources/php7_infographic↩
The Rossoneri have agreed a two-year loan deal with Chelsea that will take Torres to the end of his contract at Stamford Bridge. If Torres fits in well at San Siro there will be the option to snap him up as a free agent in 2016. The signature has been greeted warmly by most Milan supporters and it represents a significant coup for Galliani, who had been trying to find a financial solution to Torres's wage demands for some time. Paul Watson Paul Watson wrote for Football Italia for four years before fleeing to the tiny Micronesian island of Pohnpei to coach the world's lowest ranked national football team. On his return he released a book called 'Up Pohnpei' in February 2012. A documentary called The Soccermen follows in early 2014 and a feature film of the book is in production. Paul is currently head coach at a new Mongolian Premier League club and is charged with the mission of creating the strongest team in Mongolian football history.
Metastatic potential in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells is inhibited by proton beam irradiation via the Akt/nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway. A previous study has revealed that proton beam irradiation affects cell migration in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and matrix metalloproteinase‑9 (MMP-9) are highly expressed in various cancers, such as colon, lung and breast cancer, and enhance cell migration and metastasis in vitro and in vivo. In the present study, the effects of proton beam irradiation on COX-2 and MMP-9 expression levels in MDA-MB‑231 human breast cancer cells were investigated, along with the signaling pathway involved in the proton beam irradiation‑mediated antimetastatic effect. The results revealed that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13‑acetate‑induced increases in COX-2 and MMP-9 expression levels were reversed by proton beam irradiation in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, proton beam irradiation inhibited phosphorylation of protein kinase B (also known as Akt) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), which are activated by phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) stimulation. MMP-9 and COX-2 expression levels are regulated by PI3K/Akt and/or protein kinase C/mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways that enhance NF-κB and activator protein-1 transcriptional activities. Therefore, the results suggest that proton beam irradiation inhibited the cancer cell growth and metastasis associated with COX-2 and MMP-9 expression in MDA-MB‑231 human breast cancer cells, and that the antimetastatic effect of proton beam irradiation is achieved by the suppression of NF-κB phosphorylation via inhibition of Akt activation.
[Inducement effect of synthetic indiosides from Solanum indicum L.on apoptosis of human hepatocarcinoma cell line Bel-7402 and its mechanism]. Solanum indicum L., an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing herb in traditional Chinese medicine, is enriched of unique dioscins, that is, indiosides. Our previous studies revealed that several synthetic indiosides from Solanum indicum L. have potent anticancer effects. This study was to investigate the anticancer mechanism of synthetic indiosides I from Solanum indicum L. Human hepatocarcinoma Bel-7402 cells were treated with different concentrations of indiosides. The inhibitory rate of cell proliferation and 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of indiosides were detected by the acid phosphatase assay (APA). Cell morphology was observed under optical microscope with crystal violet staining. The expression of apoptosis-related proteins was detected by Western blot. Indiosides significantly inhibited proliferation of Bel-7402 cells: when treated with indioside I for 72 h, the IC50 value was 4.2 microg/ml, cell density was decreased, and bubbles were observed in cytoplasm. Western blot showed that the cytoplasmic level of cytochrome c was increased significantly, Caspase-3 was activated, and poly (ADR-ribose) polymerase (PARP) was cleavaged after indioside I treatment. Indiosides have dose-dependent inhibitory effect on proliferation of Bel-7402 cells, and can induce cell apoptosis through mitochondria-dependent pathway.
Chronic Pain Patients Speak Out Against New Opioid Prescription Rules A group of chronic pain patients tell the Statehouse "don't punish pain." JO INGLES / STATEHOUSE NEWS BUREAU Last year, Ohio changed its rules for prescribing opioids, restricting amounts of, and circumstances under which, doctors can prescribe those narcotics. The new rules have an exemption for people who are in hospice type care for diseases like cancer. Many patients who suffer from chronic pain say the new rules are leaving them without pain relief, resulting in unintended consequences. Listen Listening... / 3:13 Chronic pain patients speak out On a warm sunny day, Barbara Schwarz of Piqua stood outside the Statehouse with other chronic pain patients. Schwarz suffers from nerve damage and had been taking one half of a low dose opioid pill to take the edge off pain so she could work. But with the state’s new guidelines she said her doctor tells her he can no longer prescribe those opioids and can only prescribe certain drugs which she said affect her ability to do her job. “The Lyrica, the Gavapantin…that does not help with nerve pain. It might take the edge off. It’s not a cure. It’s a band-aid and there’s no way I could function and work on that. With the two low dose opioids a day, I could function and do my job,” she said. Schwarz and other chronic pain patients protesting the new rules say some people they know have resorted to dangerous illegal street drugs just to relieve the pain. And Judy Combs of Camden said some, like a family member who suffered injuries while serving in the military, just gave up the fight. “I had a cousin that took his own life, he was a vet, that was not getting pain medicine. All they were doing was treating him with psychotropics which made him worse and he spiraled and it was not a pretty way to go,” she said. “We want to make sure, in the process of it, we look at other means in which your pain can be relieved. We want to make sure we are not turning you into an addict and we’ve got to monitor you. Those rules are fine,” Kasich said. “The rules, the attention, the awareness has actually increased and really helped physicians become much better at being able to determine when using their discretion as to whether or not an opioid is appropriate,” Fields said. But some of the chronic pain patients say they want to go back to low dose opioids that worked for them in the first place. John Schwarz, Barbara’s husband, who suffers from debilitating back pain, said this new rule has made his doctor afraid to prescribe what he thinks works best. “He says they’ve tightened the screws down on everything. He says I cannot do this. I’m afraid they are going to pull my license,” he said. The latest numbers from the state show prescription opioid deaths are at an eight-year low. But the number of unintentional drug deaths rose for the eighth year in a row last year - driven by the deadly opioid fentanyl, which is being mixed with other drugs. A record 4,854 Ohioans died from fatal drug overdoses in 2017. That’s a 20 percent increase over 2016. Related Content A recent analysis of state data shows opioid overdose deaths increased by another 20 percent from the previous year. Gov. John Kasich says the opioid crisis is a complex battle, being fought both inside and outside the state. Kasich wants to work with law enforcement from other states to help shut down traffickers, increase border protection, and even create security and economic programs for central America. Aside from clamping the flow of drugs into Ohio, Kasich says people need to comprehend that using fentanyl means instant death.
Q: Using if has value statement in razor view not working I have a db table with 3 different {price (value> int)} parameters I would like in my view that in case one of them has value in it to display same html code I had tried something like this in my view (not working) @if(item.price_e.HasValue ) <text> &euro; } @if(item.price_d.HasValue) <text>&#36; } else item.price what the way to do it? My view @foreach (var item in Model) { <div class="prod" > <div class="prodh"> <h3> @item.destination @item.City @item.pkg_type </h3> @item.description //i have also tryed this Not working @if(item.price !=0) { <text>bla } @if(item.price_d !=0) { <text>&#36; } </div> <div class="prodb"> @item.date @item.company.company_id @item.destination</div> </div> } A: You are missing some } and haven't closed the <text> with </text> @if(item.price_e.HasValue ) { <text> &euro;</text> } @if(item.price_d.HasValue) { <text>&#36;</text> } else { @item.price } Your second code sample is also missing a </div>
Let m be i(-8). Is m at least as big as -28? True Let g(l) = l**3 - 16*l**2 - 18*l + 15. Let u be g(17). Which is bigger: -3/2 or u? -3/2 Let a = -7 + 16. Let r = a - 9. Are 2/13 and r non-equal? True Let y be (-8)/28 + (-2)/(-7). Let i be y*(-3)/(-3) + 4. Suppose -3*c + 18 = 3*a, a + i*c = -0*a + 21. Which is bigger: a or 0? a Let a = -11 - -5. Let w be 2/a*15/(-5). Which is smaller: 2/9 or w? 2/9 Let r be 3*1/15 - (-18)/(-10). Let y = 1/7 - -3/28. Which is smaller: r or y? r Let w(r) = 4*r - 3. Let f(v) = -5*v + 3. Let s(n) = 3*f(n) + 4*w(n). Let y be s(4). Let h(k) = k**2 - 2*k. Let d be h(2). Which is bigger: y or d? y Let o = 0.09 - -19.91. Which is smaller: 1/4 or o? 1/4 Let f(h) = h**2 + 5*h + 1. Let z(d) = -2*d**2 - 10*d - 2. Let m(p) = -7*f(p) - 4*z(p). Let v be m(-6). Is 1 > v? False Let j(s) = s**3 - 9*s**2 + 14*s + 14. Let l be j(7). Suppose -67 = -a - 4*a + y, 0 = -5*a - y + 73. Is a bigger than l? False Let i be (-6)/14*-4 + (-2)/(-7). Which is greater: 12/19 or i? i Suppose 0 = -16*t + 21*t - 5. Is t at least -1.7? True Suppose 0 = -8*r + 3*r + 10. Let m = r + -10. Which is smaller: -7 or m? m Let q = -95 - -76. Is -19 less than q? False Suppose -s = -7*s. Is s smaller than -2/11? False Let p = 7 - 4. Let a = p - 7. Which is smaller: a or -5? -5 Let c(o) = 13*o**3 + 14*o**2 - 5*o - 2. Let v(s) = 7*s**3 + 7*s**2 - 2*s - 1. Let j(d) = -6*c(d) + 11*v(d). Let h be j(-8). Suppose 1 = r - h. Is 3 equal to r? False Suppose -5*d - t + 12 = 0, 5*d = -2*t - 3 + 12. Let k = -0.07 + 0.27. Which is smaller: k or d? k Suppose 3*j + 18 = 3*i, 0 = -j + 5*j - 2*i + 18. Let k = -50 + 197/4. Which is greater: j or k? k Let h = 864.91 + -869. Let k = -16 - -15.91. Let v = h - k. Which is smaller: v or -1? v Let v be (-1)/(-2) - (-54)/(-100). Is 0 less than or equal to v? False Let h(b) = -b**3 + 2*b**2 + 13*b. Let n be h(5). Which is smaller: -12 or n? -12 Let w = -5 + 3. Let c be (12/(-10))/((-2)/10). Suppose c = -2*h - 0. Is w < h? False Let z be (-1 + 0)/(2/(-8)). Suppose -5*r = -7*r + z. Does 4 = r? False Let v(r) = -5 + 0*r + 6*r - 4*r + r**2. Let w be v(-4). Suppose -12 = -w*b - 3*d, -d - 1 = b - 5*b. Is 0 bigger than b? False Let f = 0.2 + 0. Let m = -0.15 + -0.06. Let c = 3.21 + m. Is c != f? True Let i be ((-26916)/(-224))/(18/(-4)). Let h = 142/7 + i. Let o = h + 25/4. Which is greater: 1 or o? 1 Let g = 0 + 0. Let p(q) = q + 8. Let l be p(7). Suppose -6*d = -d + l. Which is bigger: g or d? g Let n = 8 - 5. Let t be (2/n)/((-2)/(-15)). Is 5 greater than t? False Let z be (17/(-2) - -4)*-2. Are z and 9 unequal? False Let m = 17 - 17. Which is greater: -2/5 or m? m Let b(x) = -64*x. Let j be b(-1). Let q be j/(-110) + 8/20. Let v = 1 + -1. Which is smaller: q or v? q Let q = 9 - 4. Let j(c) = c**3 - 4*c**2 - 6*c + 1. Let v be j(q). Let g be -2 - 12/21*v. Are -2 and g equal? False Suppose -d - 4*r = -5*d + 20, 2 = -2*r. Is d smaller than 4? False Let q = 167 + -74. Do q and 94 have different values? True Let i = 63 - 56. Is i < 7? False Let l be (-6*4/(-12))/1. Suppose 4*b + 17 = 5*u, -l*b - 5*u - 1 = -0*b. Is -8/5 smaller than b? False Let n = -18 + 26. Let u be (n/(-16))/((-1)/3). Which is bigger: u or 1? u Let y(l) = l + 12. Let f be y(-10). Let u(r) = r**3 - 3*r**2 - 3*r - 1. Let z be u(4). Suppose -5*j = -z*j. Is j greater than f? False Let b(h) = -4 - h - 2 - 1 + 0. Let n be b(-5). Which is greater: 2 or n? 2 Let i(y) = -7*y - 4. Let d be i(-4). Let u be 12/d*4/7. Do 1/4 and u have the same value? False Suppose -5*k + 2*k - 12 = 0. Is -16/5 at least as big as k? True Let z = 0 - 0.1. Let r = z - 0.2. Let v = r - -0.4. Is -0.1 < v? True Let s = -189 + 286. Which is bigger: 96 or s? s Let p(v) = v**2 + 17*v. Let i be p(-17). Does -2/11 = i? False Let t = 6 + -12. Let l be 6/4 - (-45)/t. Let a = 425/2 + -217. Which is bigger: l or a? a Let z = -38 + 27. Let j = -2 - z. Are 9 and j non-equal? False Suppose 2*d = 3*y - 7, 7 = -4*d - 2*y + 1. Let q be (-5)/10 + (-3)/d. Which is bigger: q or -1/5? q Let x = -6 + 10. Let z = 3 - x. Let a = -6 - -4. Which is bigger: z or a? z Suppose -14 + 4 = -5*a. Is a not equal to 14/5? True Let a be (-23)/(-6) + (-6)/(-36). Let c be (-2)/a - (2 + -1). Which is greater: c or -2? c Let w be (16/12)/(-4)*0. Suppose 3*l - 1 + w = a, 0 = -2*a + 3*l + 1. Is a smaller than 0? False Let m = -100 + 101. Is m smaller than -3.3? False Let y be (-1 + 2)/(-48 - -8). Is -1 <= y? True Let b be 12/(-8)*(-2)/(-3). Let n(u) = -u**2 + 2*u + 2. Suppose 3*r - 2*o = 8 + 9, 2*r = 3*o + 18. Let a be n(r). Is b <= a? True Let d = 52/7 + -7. Which is smaller: -0.1 or d? -0.1 Let a be (0 - 0)/(1 + -3). Which is greater: a or -1/5? a Let h = -82 + 88. Which is smaller: h or 68/11? h Let r be (-2)/(-10) + 54/(-70). Let a be -2 + -1 + 1*-1 + 3. Which is smaller: a or r? a Let i = -0.09 + 3.59. Let f = -1.2 + i. Are f and 1 non-equal? True Suppose 0*a = -a + i + 75, 3*i - 75 = -a. Is a bigger than 74? True Suppose -18 = -4*r - i + 81, 57 = 2*r - i. Let v = 26 - r. Which is bigger: 1/28 or v? 1/28 Suppose 3 = -r + 4. Let z be 2/4*(7 - 9). Is z not equal to r? True Let v = -3/25 - 4/175. Which is smaller: -2 or v? -2 Suppose -3*u = -5*u - 4*t - 6, 12 = 3*u - t. Suppose -u*m + 5 = -4, 2*j + 3*m - 21 = 0. Is j > 7? False Let w be 6/4*2/(-6). Let d(a) = -a - 9. Let o be d(-9). Which is smaller: o or w? w Suppose -4*b - 1 = 11. Let o be -1 - (b - (-60)/27). Do -1 and o have the same value? False Let t = -17 - -7. Let c = -5 - t. Let d = c + -7. Is d < -0.1? True Let a be -5 + 1 + 1200/295. Which is smaller: 1 or a? a Let y(l) = 17*l**2 + l + 1. Let t be y(-1). Which is greater: t or 15? t Let k = -191/175 - -13/25. Suppose -s - 2*l = -5*l - 21, -5 = -s - 5*l. Let m = 14 - s. Is m at least k? False Suppose 4*c + c + 14 = -3*a, 0 = 3*c + 4*a + 15. Let s(z) = z**3 - 10*z**2 - 11*z + 15. Let p be s(11). Let w be p/10*(-2)/3. Is c at least as big as w? True Let b = 9/220 - 1277/20460. Which is bigger: 1 or b? 1 Let f(v) = 2*v + 9. Let u be f(-8). Let p = u - -2. Which is greater: -3 or p? -3 Let q be ((-6)/15)/(2/(-10)). Let s be (-303)/(-12) + 1/(-4). Suppose -5*n + s = -4*u - u, q*n - 4*u = 18. Are 0 and n equal? False Let a(t) = -t**3 - 5*t**2 - 6*t - 6. Let z be a(-4). Let v(l) = -l + 5. Suppose 1 = -j + 7. Let m be v(j). Is z < m? False Suppose -z = -5*t - 2*z + 11, 3*t + 5*z = 11. Suppose 5 = -3*m + t. Let p = 0.04 - 3.04. Which is greater: p or m? m Let y = 45 - 48. Which is smaller: y or -2? y Let u = 18 - 16. Suppose w - 1 = 4*r - 7, -5*r = -u*w - 9. Which is greater: w or -5? w Let l = 7 + -13. Let b = -5.96 - l. Let z = b - 0.02. Is z smaller than 0.1? True Let h = -0.266 - -17.166. Let a = h + -17. Is 1 < a? False Let t = -1.8 + 0.9. Let o = t + 0.8. Which is smaller: o or 2/5? o Suppose 4*x + 3*j = 55, -5*j + 53 = 3*x - 2. Let l = x + -13. Is -5/2 less than or equal to l? False Let i(o) = -o - 5. Let x be i(-4). Let a be (-3)/((-156)/(-44)) - (-2 + 1). Does x = a? False Let l(a) = -a - 1. Let x be l(0). Let v = 536 - 13398/25. Which is bigger: v or x? v Suppose -5*m - 2 = 2*z, m + 4*z - 13 = 1. Let f = -0.01 + -3.99. Let k = f + 3. Is k equal to m? False Let b be 1/(-4) - (-11)/12. Let v = -20/7 - -234/77. Which is bigger: b or v? b Suppose -6 = -5*p + 2*p. Suppose -p*t = -5*n - 20, 6*t = t. Is -5 at least n? False Let w be (-24)/204 - 152/153. Is -2 at least as big as w? False Let p = -0.529 - -0.129. Which is smaller: p or 5/7? p Let x = -1575/211 - -95398/20045. Let b = -13/5 - x. Is b less than 0? False Let h = 1 + -4. Is -4 at least as big as h? False Let o = -1.3 + 11.3. Let v = 10 - o. Which is bigger: 1 or v? 1 Let n(j) be the second derivative of 0*j**2 - 1/10*j**5 - 1/12*j**4 + 1/6*j**3 + 0 - j. Let r be n(1). Are 1 and r nonequal? True Let t(l) = 4*l**2 + 4*l + 2. Let u be t(-2). Let h be u/(-4)*-1*2. Suppose 13*d - 40 - 51 = 0. Is d != h? True Let u be -2 + (0 - -2) + 36/44. Which is greater: u or 2? 2 Let n = -17/7 + 37/21. Is 2 less than n? False Suppose 4*z - 5*u - 24 = 15, -2*z + 9 = u. Suppose 0 = -3*h + z - 0. Are 3/5 and h non-equal? True Let n = 14 - 13.2. Is n >= -0.1? True Let a be (-2)/(-5)*-1 + (-162)/70. Which is bigger: a or -3? a Let d be (-87)/(-27) + (-2)/9. Suppose d*x = 8 + 16. Let c(y) = y**3 - 8*y*
Trauma, age, or disease may cause the retina to peel away from its support tissue, a condition often termed retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is more common among those with severe myopia, but may also occur as a result of physical trauma to the eye, cataract surgery, or diabetic retinopathy. Initial detachments may be localized, but without rapid treatment, the entire retina may detach, leading to vision loss and blindness. During some types of vitreoretinal surgery, portions of the retina must be removed. For example, during membranectomy, layers of unhealthy tissue may be removed from the retina with tiny instruments such as forceps, picks, and micro-dissection, involving separation of tissue layers with fluid jets.
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mxcx; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; import java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import larry.lau.BurpLoader; /** * * @author mxcx@fosec.vn * */ public class BurpUnlimited { private static final String AGENTPATH_MAC_32 = "lib/libfaketime32.jnilib"; private static final String AGENTPATH_MAC_64 = "lib/libfaketime64.jnilib"; private static final String AGENTPATH_LINUX_32 = "lib/libfaketime32.so"; private static final String AGENTPATH_LINUX_64 = "lib/libfaketime64.so"; private static final String AGENTPATH_WINDOWS_32 = "lib/libfaketime32.dll"; private static final String AGENTPATH_WINDOWS_64 = "lib/libfaketime64.dll"; public static boolean checkFakeTime(){ return System.currentTimeMillis() < 1506790800000L; } public static String getAgentpath(){ if(BurpUnlimited.checkFakeTime()){ return ""; } String currentjarpath = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath(); File file = new File(currentjarpath); String currentjardir = file.getParent() + File.separator; String nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_MAC_64; switch(OSInfo.getOs()+OSInfo.getArch()){ case "MACX32": nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_MAC_32; break; case "MACX64": nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_MAC_64; break; case "UNIXX32": nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_LINUX_32; break; case "UNIX64": nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_LINUX_64; break; case "WINDOWSX32": nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_WINDOWS_32; break; case "WINDOWSX64": nativeagentpath = AGENTPATH_WINDOWS_64; break; default: nativeagentpath = "UNKNOWN"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, BurpLoader.z[5], "Cannot detect OS to attach faketime agent for activation!\nPlease change manually your date time to before Dec 2 2017\nYou can restore to true time after Burpsuite loaded!", 0); System.exit(-1); } Path path = Paths.get(currentjardir + nativeagentpath); if (Files.notExists(path)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The native agent file " + currentjardir + nativeagentpath + " is not exists!", BurpLoader.z[5], 0); System.exit(-2); } return String.format("-agentpath:%s%s -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:DisableIntrinsic=_currentTimeMillis -XX:CompileCommand=quiet -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis ", currentjardir, nativeagentpath); } public static void setupValidationEnv(){ RuntimeMXBean mxb = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); List<String> arguments = mxb.getInputArguments(); // init args field boolean bfoundagent = false; boolean bfoundnativeagent = false; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) { if (arguments.get(i).toLowerCase().contains("-javaagent:")) { bfoundagent = true; } else if (arguments.get(i).toLowerCase().contains("-agentpath:")) { bfoundnativeagent = true; } } if (!bfoundagent) { // restart app with add javaagent parameter System.out.println("BurpUnlimited will restart with javaagent parameter"); StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(); if(System.getProperty("java.home").contains(" ")){ cmd.append("java "); } else { cmd.append(System.getProperty("java.home")).append(File.separator).append("bin").append(File.separator).append("java "); } for (String jvmArg : ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments()) { cmd.append(jvmArg).append(" "); } cmd.append("-javaagent:").append(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath()).append(" "); if(!bfoundnativeagent){ cmd.append(BurpUnlimited.getAgentpath()); } cmd.append("-jar ").append(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath()); System.out.println(cmd.toString()); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toString()); } catch (IOException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Fail in restart app to add javaagent parameter!\n"+ex.getLocalizedMessage()+"\n"+cmd.toString(), BurpLoader.z[5], 0); } System.exit(-3); } try { StrictPA.setValue(StrictPA.getValue(mxb, "jvm"), "vmArgs", Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Object>())); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Fail in set JavaRuntime to bypass Antidebug!", BurpLoader.z[5], 0); System.exit(-4); } System.setProperty("faketime.absolute.ms", "1420045200000"); System.out.println("Time before activation: " + new Date()); if(!BurpUnlimited.checkFakeTime()){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "So, I tried some way to change time for activation. However, it has been seem not successul!\nPlease change manually your date time to before Dec 2 2017\nYou can restore to true time after Burpsuite loaded!", BurpLoader.z[5], 0); System.exit(-2); } } public static void uninstallFakeTime(){ System.clearProperty("faketime.absolute.ms"); System.out.println("Time after remove Faketime: " + new Date()); } }
Democrats arguing over corporate regulation might want to point out that the problem doesn’t even occur to most Republicans. Photo: Hasbro It seems to be Understanding Anger Day in the chattering classes, with the State of the Union address and the quickening presidential nominating contests creating a focus on how well various politicians are handling unhappy voters. The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent reports that the president will likely try to speak to popular anger tonight instead of undertaking the traditional SOTU chore of boasting about administration accomplishments. But there is a hitch in that plan: The problem is that, if Americans are indeed angry, unsettled, or dissatisfied, in many ways they appear to disagree about why they should be angry, unsettled, or dissatisfied. No question about that, which is why Republicans should not simply assume high “wrong track” polling numbers are a guarantee of victory this November (that’s one of the mistakes John Kerry’s campaign made in 2004, as did Mitt Romney’s in 2012). But a close look at what Republican presidential candidates are saying to fuel and channel popular anger, which is extensively undertaken by conservative intellectual Yuval Levin at National Review today, shows one common omission in GOP demonology: There are no corporate or Wall Street bad guys, unless they are deemed too cozy with government, the perpetual Satan figure. Even where these candidates oppose a “business community” agenda item, their opposition is not aimed at the corporate beneficiaries, but at other objects of rage or fear, such as immigrants exploiting “porous borders” or crafty foreign governments planning to batten on some unfair trade agreement. And it is very, very difficult to find a criticism of pro-corporate public policies that are not definable as “crony capitalism,” offering specific companies a market-thwarting advantage over others via subsidies or some other preference. The idea that there are areas where markets don’t work and/or where Americans need protection from corporate predators (whether it’s their own employers or major titans who affect the broader economy) is entirely absent from GOP rhetoric. You are left with the impression that absent government intervention corporations like Koch Industries would be able to make life in this country, well, if not Edenic, then infinitely more prosperous and efficient. And so, as candidates in both parties conduct a wide-ranging debate over the various interests that have at least partially spoiled the American Dream, there’s a gap in the GOP discussion that’s as obvious as a lost front tooth: Somehow corporate “job creators” never share responsibility with lazy welfare bums and freeloading immigrants and police-hating minorities and feminist baby-killers and Muslim-loving anti-Semites and every single organ of domestic government that is not being systematically degraded by conservative ideologues. In the Year of Anti-Elite Anger, the elites who collectively own much of the country are being given a pass by one of the two major parties so long as they do not consort with any other enemies, particularly government. It’s a phenomenon you’d think Democrats — whose disagreements over exactly how much blame for economic crises and inequality banks and corporations should bear and what to do about it get so very much attention — might want to mention a bit more often.
Blue Origin reveals some Spacecraft details - ChuckMcM http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=secretive-bezos-funded-group-reveals-spacecraft-plan-details ====== ChuckMcM Another player in the billionaires race to space. Its an interesting analogy to millionaires like Howard Hughes pushing aviation limits because they could.
This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. (Photo courtesy: Humane Society of Summit County) (Photo courtesy: Humane Society of Summit County) (Photo courtesy: Humane Society of Summit County) TWINSBURG, Ohio– An Akron truck driver stopped to save a stray dog and ended up taking a bunny on a cross-country trip. Dan O’Grady spotted a dog abandoned on the side of a Jacksonville, Florida highway and pulled over to help. The Humane Society of Summit County said every time O’Grady got close, the little pup would bark and run away. He said he realized the Jack Russell terrier wanted him to see something. Under a bush in a wooded area, O’Grady found a white domestic rabbit. He picked up the little ball of fluff and carried him back to the truck with the terrier trailing behind him. The truck driver named the dog Highway and the rabbit Interstate, and even fed the hungry animals. According to the humane society, O’Grady drove the pair to the nearest animal shelter, which took the pooch, but not the rabbit. Remembering the Humane Society of Summit County had rabbits, O’Grady bought a crate and supplies, then started driving north with Interstate. “Who knows how long he and Highway had survived on their own in those woods. And what a lucky rabbit that Highway refused to abandon him when help finally arrived,” the humane society said in a news release on Tuesday. When the Humane Society of Summit County took custody of Interstate, he was bony, malnourished and only weighed 3 pounds. Now, the rabbit is healthy and available for adoption. “Dan O’Grady literally went the extra mile to rescue Highway and Interstate. The Humane Society of Summit County depends on good Samaritans like Dan who rescue injured, abused and abandoned animals,” the humane society said. Highway was adopted from an animal shelter in Georgia. Anyone interested in Interstate the bunny should call 330-487-0333. Please enable Javascript to watch this video 41.283374 -81.441522
And I Don’t Need One Other Thing…Except My Dog: 35 Years of Shithead Everyone agrees the perfect dog has certain qualities that make him Man’s Best Friend: loyalty, strength, good temperament, intelligence, obedience. As a kid, I held Lassie up as the model for the perfect family dog: Trapped in the town’s abandoned coal mine? Never fear! Lassie will not only run for help, she will bring you a fresh set of clothing, a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat, and a glass of milk. Need help with your homework? Lassie won’t eat it! She will solve all those pesky word problems and write an essay on French Imperialism. WOW! “Mom and Dad, can we pleeeeeeease get a dog?” That’s right. You ask for Lassie and you end up with Shithead. Sure, he’s cute and scruffy. He even has moments of grand heroism fraught with danger. But most of the time, Shithead does what he wants when he wants. This includes following commands when it’s convenient, and still reaping the maximum reward. Shithead is far from perfect, but he’s real. He’s the dog we all know because there’s a little Shithead in all our lives. 1979 was a great year: The Village People taught us the ins and outs of staying at the Y.M.C.A.; Bill Murray proved to be the worst (or maybe the best?) summer camp counselor ever. But most importantly, Carl Reiner released his masterpiece (yes, you read that correctly: masterpiece) The Jerk. Starring Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters, and co-written by Martin and Carl Gottlieb, The Jerk tells the story of Navin R. Johnson, the son of a poor black sharecropper. Patiently waiting for the day when his skin will change color to match that of his family, Navin finally learns the real truth: he is not their natural born son (Did we mention that he’s pretty damn stupid?). Although distraught over this revelation, Navin soon comes to terms with his racial identity. He sets out to find his own way in the world, his “special purpose”, and to prove to himself and his family that he is a man. Soon into his wandering trek, Navin encounters a scruffy mutt barking at his motel room door. Navin must have always wanted a Lassie dog too, because he attempts to translate the dog’s frantic barking. Arriving at the conclusion the motel is on fire, Navin runs outside in his skivvies, banging on every single door, yelling “FIRE!” Of course there is no fire. This dog is no Lassie and is certainly no lifesaver. Navin’s dream of owning the perfect dog blinds him from the obvious truth. It takes an outside observer to see the dog for what he really is: a shithead. In that moment, a cultural icon was born. For the first time, audiences see a realistic portrayal of the All-American pooch. Before The Jerk, dogs in film were represented by Hollywood’s canine elite: Skippy (Asta), Terry (Toto), Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, Pete the Pup, even Benji. Sadly, Shithead’s bust is not in that Hall of Fame. A travesty, really. The furry actor who played this character could have stuck to the heroic canine archetype, yet he knew audiences of the 1970s would respond to a unique, fresh approach. This unnamed dog bravely made the choice to play against type. In this author’s humble opinion, his gamble paid off. One of the things that makes Shithead so special, is that despite lacking the talents of the more famous dogs, he is still more intelligent than his owner, Navin. Shithead is a free-spirit who knows what he wants and is not afraid to get it. You can imagine him saying “Hey, man! I’m just here to have a good time.” He represents the era in which he lived. On the eve of the 1980s, he’s a dog poised to become a living legend. He defines the free, easy living of the 1970s, yet he is not afraid of embracing the excesses that lie ahead. Shithead is fully aware that nothing lasts forever. His motto is “Carpe Diem; Keep on Truckin’.” Although he does what he wants, make no mistake: Shithead really tries to do what he thinks is in Navin’s best interest. For example, while Navin is taking a bubble bath, his girlfriend Marie decides to walk out, leaving a “Dear John” letter. Without Shithead drawing his attention to it, Navin would not have seen the note. Navin quickly hops out of the tub to chase after Marie, but he has no clothing. Shithead pipes up with a suggestive bark and we hear Navin say “good thinking!” His modesty saved by his faithful dog, Navin runs after the love of his life…but it’s too late. From rags to riches, and quickly back to rags, Shithead is mostly there for Navin. Isn’t that what all dogs are? Mostly there? They love you as long as you feed them and there’s not something stinky to chew on. When the food is scarce and when you cut yourself shaving and nothing comes out but air, don’t expect them to stick around. If you’re drowning, remember there is always a steak, medium-rare, on higher ground. A real dog, just like Shithead, will be running toward it. Celebrate 35 years of Shithead and Navin R. Johnson by taking the time to watch (or re-watch) the hilarious and clever The Jerk. Share this: Like this: Related Jill Blake is a co-founder & senior editor at The Retro Set and the film editor at the pop culture website CC2K. In 2012, she was interviewed on-air by Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz, and a featured guest on the TCM podcast in 2013. In her spare time, Jill is a stay-at-home mom, wife, fried okra connoisseur, and the neighborhood’s own L.B. Jeffries. Follow Jill on Twitter at @biscuitkitten Related Articles By Kyle Turner I have a strange soft spot for incredibly cynical movie musicals; films that deconstruct the very idealism that the genre set out to peddle. From a deep appreciation of Lars von Trier’s […] Share this: Like this: It’s been a week since the 7th annual TCM Classic Film Festival ended, and we are finally able to recuperate from four days of movie-marathon-madness™. The TCM Classic Film Festival, or “TCMFF” for us regulars, is […] Stay connected with The Retro Set About Us The Retro Set is dedicated to deeply personal, in-depth reflections of the films that define us. We believe that the moving image is one of the most powerful forms of artistic expression in existence and ours is an inexhaustible mission to better understand that art form through an open forum of candid conversation and observation.
The former president of Portugal, Mario Soares, has died aged 92. He had been admitted to the intensive care unit of the Red Cross hospital in Lisbon on 13 December. Considered as a ‘father of democracy’ in his country Soares served as Portugal’s Prime Minister, twice, and then as President. Repeatedly arrested for political activity and exiled during the dictatorship, early in his career as a lawyer he defended dissidents. He was born in 1924 in Lisbon, in the time of the short-lived First Portuguese Republic, still a colonial power then. The whole of Europe is mourning the death of former Portuguese president Mario Soares, a father of democracy after years of dictatorship — S&D Group (@TheProgressives) January 7, 2017 Former #President and also #PrimeMinister of #Portugal#MarioSoares has just passed away aged 92. For the vast majority, he was a hero — Victor ANGELO (@vangelofreebird) January 7, 2017
Nicholas from Illinois March 19, 2013 I would first like to make it clear that motorcyclegear.com did their part as a vendor to provide me with the best service they could. That being said, FroggToggs did not. After ordering a FroggToggs bullfrog jacket from motorcyclegear, I found that the top snap on the rain flap of the jacket arrived detached from the fabric. I filed a return request with motorcycle gear who told me that FroggToggs handles all returns of their gear. So, I called FroggToggs, and was transfered twice, meaning I had to explain both my problem and how to spell my name to three people in a row. There was no continuity in their customer service. I had to explain my full story to every person I talked to. By the time I got to talking to the third customer service rep, I was told that I am expected to pay to ship the faulty merchandise back to them. When the product arrives, they told me to expect to wait two to three weeks before they ship out a new one. So, not only am I expected to pay extra money to fix their poor workmanship, but I probably won't receive a working product until five weeks after I was supposed to. I guess you get what you pay for. FroggToggs are cheap. Don't expect a premium product, or good customer service. If you have the money, I would go with something else. I will not be purchasing from the FroggToggs brand again.
Share: Police: Woman falsely claims sexual assault by 3 males in ski masks DENISON, Texas (AP) — Police say an 18-year-old white woman who burst into a church in northeast Texas and claimed she had been kidnapped and sexually assaulted by three black males in ski masks has admitted she lied. Denison Police Chief Jay Burch says on Facebook that Breana Harmon Talbott was undressed and bleeding on March 8 when she claimed she had been sexually assaulted in woods behind the church in Denison, 75 miles northeast of Dallas. Burch says investigators searched the area and “almost immediately, Talbott’s story and allegations began to unravel.” Authorities say the crime scene was staged and Talbott’s injuries were self-inflicted. Burch says Talbott “confessed to the hoax” Tuesday and faces a misdemeanor charge of false report to a peace officer. Burch says it’s “insulting to our community and especially offensive to the African-American community.” (Copyright (c) 2019 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)
Grome Grome is an environmental modeling package developed by Quad Software dedicated for procedural and manual generation of large virtual outdoor worlds suitable for games and other 3D real-time simulation applications. History After more than two years of internal developing, the program was first launched on as version 1.0. It immediately started to be used by various professional game studios and independent developers. Version 1.1 was launched on adding various optimizations, pen tablet support and more flexibility by introducing user defined data sets. Following this was version 1.2 on which optimized existing fractal tools and added new ones, extended import and export with new data formats and introduced the Grome scripting language for automated tasks. Major release, 2.0, was introduced on with many new additions. With this new version, Grome becomes a more complete outdoor editing platform by introducing editing of water surfaces, vegetation and other decoration layers. 64bit processing was introduced to take advantage of large amounts of RAM and 64bit CPUs. With this version, Quad Software announced the availability for customization work for professional studios that need a specific Grome version for their projects. The Grome 3.0 version was launched on bringing road networks editing, support for per-pixel materials, optimization tools for mobiles and low-end hardware and other new tools. A new updated, version 3.1, was launched on October 12, 2011 with focus on optimization. A further update, version 3.11, was made on September 12, 2012, fixing various issues and improving the SDK. Main Features General Easy to use user interface, with shortcuts available for every operation. Real-time preview on multiple customizable hardware accelerated viewports. Presets system for tool parameters. Terrain Editor Supports unlimited terrain size using custom data swapping mechanism to hard disk space. Terrain made of multiple terrain zones supporting variable resolution and automatic border stitching. Procedural heightmap generation using fractal, terracing and erosion tools. Possibility to create and assign multiple layers of heightmaps for each zone. Manual editing of heightmap layers using selection layers and brushes. Flexible brush system that allows custom orientation, mask, strength, directions and pen tablet pressure. Elevation, terracing and fractals brushes. Novel texture layering system that allows different shading methods, variable resolutions and images per terrain zones. Creation of images based on brushes or procedural generation based on slope, direction, altitude, external shape files and erosion flowmaps. Object Editing User defined format system using Grome SDK plugins. Spawn objects individually or using brushes with custom orientation and area of effect. Tag, categorized, search and replace tools for objects. Gizmo and numeric object transformation tools for translation, scaling and rotation. Possibility to group object for transformation around common pivot. Groups can be saved to disk and later restored. Object-terrain linking mechanism that allows snapping objects to terrain and moving objects along ground surface. Road Editing Starting with version 3.0 road placement and manipulation was introduced. Control of road geometry generation, resolution, banking and intersections is now possible while real-time road/terrain interaction computation is done using the GPU. Water Editing Real-time water rendering using pixel lighting, bump mapping and masking for smooth shoreline transitions. Generation of water layers masks with brushes or based on terrain heights. Coloring and lightmapping of water based on terrain texture layers. Decoration Layers Allow rendering of massive population of decoration objects and grass blades. Animated grass effects to simulate wind and characters walking through. Generation with brushes or automatically based on terrain slope, orientation and altitude. Software Development Kit (SDK) Offered for every Grome client to allow integration with their engine/application pipeline. Allows saving and loading from custom formats, define new mesh formats and automatic responses to various editing events. Comes with source code for all default plugins and documentation. Out-of-the-box, Grome has the default plugins to include support for COLLADA, XML, DTED, shape files, 16bit RAW, BT and all major images formats. Licensing Grome 3.0 is currently licensed under two different prices, the same base version being offered to individuals and small developers under a reduced price. Professional companies benefit from premium support and dongle based protection. Normal builds offer file based activation per computer. Customization Program Starting with version 2.0, Quad Software publicly announced the availability of customization work for companies. In the way professional studios can obtain customized builds as part of under-contract projects. Examples of previous developed customized modules were presented, among them being road editing, AI navigation mesh generation and a more advanced lightmapper. Graphite Renderer Graphite is a real-time outdoor rendering library created by Grome developers to allow easy integration of Grome scenes into any 3D engine and graphical application. The renderer is designed to be flexible and supports DirectX rendering API. It is offered for free in binary form for non-commercial usage for all Grome clients, while paid licenses are offered to professional studios allowing source access and commercial usage. Grome Scenes Gallery See also 3D computer graphics software Heightmap List of level editors List of 3D graphics software List of supported engines: OGRE OpenSceneGraph Torque (game engine) Unity (game engine) Unreal Engine References External links Grome Editor Homepage Customization Program Graphite Library Category:2007 software Category:3D graphics software Category:Environmental science software
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /* * The attribute values to check for compatibility with Chrome OS. * */ const String ACTIVITY_TAG = 'activity'; const String ANDROID_NAME = 'android:name'; const String ANDROID_PERMISSION_CAMERA = 'android.permission.CAMERA'; const String ANDROID_REQUIRED = 'android:required'; const String APPLICATION_TAG = 'application'; /// The Android resizeableActivity attribute. // The parser does not maintain camelcase for attributes. Uses // 'resizeableactivity' instead of 'resizeableActivity' const String ATTRIBUTE_RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY = 'android:resizeableactivity'; /// The Android screenOrientation attribute. // The parser does not maintain camelcase for attributes. Uses // 'screenorientation' instead of 'screenOrientation'. const String ATTRIBUTE_SCREEN_ORIENTATION = 'android:screenorientation'; const String HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA = 'android.hardware.camera'; const String HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA_AUTOFOCUS = 'android.hardware.camera.autofocus'; const String HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY = 'android.hardware.telephony'; const String HARDWARE_FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN = 'android.hardware.touchscreen'; const String MANIFEST_TAG = 'manifest'; const UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE_FEATURES = <String>[ HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA, HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA_AUTOFOCUS, 'android.hardware.camera.capability.manual_post_processing', 'android.hardware.camera.capability.manual_sensor', 'android.hardware.camera.capability.raw', 'android.hardware.camera.flash', 'android.hardware.camera.level.full', 'android.hardware.consumerir', 'android.hardware.location.gps', 'android.hardware.nfc', 'android.hardware.nfc.hce', 'android.hardware.sensor.barometer', HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY, 'android.hardware.telephony.cdma', 'android.hardware.telephony.gsm', 'android.hardware.type.automotive', 'android.hardware.type.television', 'android.hardware.usb.accessory', 'android.hardware.usb.host', // Partially-supported, only on some Chrome OS devices. 'android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer', 'android.hardware.sensor.compass', 'android.hardware.sensor.gyroscope', 'android.hardware.sensor.light', 'android.hardware.sensor.proximity', 'android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter', 'android.hardware.sensor.stepdetector', // Software features that are not supported 'android.software.app_widgets', 'android.software.device_admin', 'android.software.home_screen', 'android.software.input_methods', 'android.software.leanback', 'android.software.live_wallpaper', 'android.software.live_tv', 'android.software.managed_users', 'android.software.midi', 'android.software.sip', 'android.software.sip.voip', ]; const UNSUPPORTED_ORIENTATIONS = <String>[ 'landscape', 'portrait', 'reverseLandscape', 'reversePortrait', 'sensorLandscape', 'sensorPortrait', 'userLandscape', 'userPortrait' ]; const String USES_FEATURE_TAG = 'uses-feature'; const String USES_PERMISSION_TAG = 'uses-permission'; String getImpliedUnsupportedHardware(String permission) { switch (permission) { case ANDROID_PERMISSION_CAMERA: return HARDWARE_FEATURE_CAMERA; case 'android.permission.CALL_PHONE': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.READ_SMS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.SEND_SMS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; case 'android.permission.WRITE_SMS': return HARDWARE_FEATURE_TELEPHONY; default: return null; } }
Thanks to the support of our community, BETA’s services have touched and impacted the lives of thousands over the last 44 years and will continue to, through the lasting inter-generational impact that our services have provided.With impact, comes change and as you may have heard recently, BETA Center programs are currently transitioning to become part of UCP of Central Florida. UCP is an organization that empowers children with and without disabilities to achieve their potential by providing individualized support, education and therapy in an inclusive environment. Although there will be changes, BETA’s education & nursery programs will continue alongside UCP’s existing education program.On Wednesday November 30, 2016 we invite you to learn more about this transition and the benefits it will provide to both BETA Center & UCP clients. We look forward to having you join us!Click here to learn more about how you can help continue the legacy of BETA! HELP MAKE HOLIDAY DREAMS COME TRUE FOR OUR BETA MOMS AND BABIES! As the holidays are quickly approaching, we want to ensure that it is one to remember for our UCP BETA moms and babies! Many of our UCP BETA families face difficulty obtaining their day to day needs, due to financial challenges. But together, we can make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Help every family feel confident that they will have a bright holiday season by donating to our UCP BETA holiday store, where our moms will have the opportunity to shop for gifts, for themselves and their babies, at no charge. Donate Volunteer Our volunteers understand that the impact made to the families and children could not be possible without their help. Programs BETA Center changes behaviors and lives. The agency offers a wide range of services to support children and families, increase healthy family functioning and prevent child abuse and neglect. About BETA Center The BETA Program at UCP Downtown gives children and parents the knowledge and support needed for strong and healthy families, with a focus on teen moms and at-risk families. The BETA program’s mission is to give children and parents the knowledge and support needed for strong and healthy families, with a focus on teen moms and at-risk families. Parents learn about prenatal attachment, baby brain development, child development, infant mental health, school readiness and adolescence. Pregnant and parenting teens are embraced with comprehensive programs designed to meet their unique needs. Youth learn coping skills and the other developmental assets needed to successfully navigate school and life. Infants thrive at the UCP quality PreK program. The BETA program promotes positive parent/child interaction, and helps children and parents grow together. Testimonials I did not know how much I would need BETA until I arrived here. All of the compassion and support I have received is incomprehensible! I have been given the tools to succeed in all aspects of my life. I now know how to be the best mother possible to my beautiful baby. I have been taught strategies that will enhance my chances in the professional work and, most importantly, I have learned to never compromise in my pursuit of happiness. I can only pray I will make a difference in someone’s life the way the staff at BETA has made a difference in mine. Monica Though it might have been hard to see, when I first came to BETA I was barely holding on. I needed a change and didn’t even know what change looked like. I was at the end of my rope. I truly believe that if I had not come to BETA I would’ve given up. I would like to thank people for knowing my past but never judging me. Instead they took me in with open arms and encouraged me to do better. I will no longer let my past define who I am or what I can do. Kiera I came to BETA because I was slacking on my education, skipping classes, partying and involving myself in gang activities. I gave up on my classes and my GPA suffered massive damage to the point of a 1.5! The major reason why I came to BETA was because I knew that graduation was the only good thing I had left to give myself and my daughter. Here at BETA I have learned great things. I have learned parenting and to always trust and believe in myself. But the greatest gift I received from BETA is my education.
1. Introduction {#sec1-ijerph-13-00957} =============== Several studies have reported an association between pesticides and various health effects, including adverse respiratory health outcomes such as asthma, rhinitis, and non-specific respiratory symptoms \[[@B1-ijerph-13-00957],[@B2-ijerph-13-00957],[@B3-ijerph-13-00957],[@B4-ijerph-13-00957],[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Various agents have been associated with these adverse respiratory health effects. These include organophosphate (OP) insecticides (diazinon, parathion, coumaphos, phorate, malathion, chlorpyrifos, terbufos, dichlorvos, and fonofos), carbamates (carbaryl), organochlorine insecticides (chlordane, heptachlor, lindane, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)), pyrethroid (PYR) insecticides (permethrin), herbicides \[2,4,5-trichlorophenoxypropionic acid (2,4,5-TP), paraquat, diquat, ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), glyphosate, atrazine, chlorimuron-ethyl, imazethapyr, metolachlor, metribuzin, pendimethalin, alachlor, and trifluralin\], fungicides (captan, metalaxyl, and benomyl) and fumigants (ethylene dibromide and 80/20 mix) \[[@B6-ijerph-13-00957],[@B7-ijerph-13-00957],[@B8-ijerph-13-00957],[@B9-ijerph-13-00957],[@B10-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The methods used to estimate exposures in previous studies have been generally crude and reliant on self-reported exposures, highlighting the need for more objective markers for individual pesticides \[[@B9-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Traditionally, acetylcholinesterase measurements in blood have been used as a proxy for estimating exposure to OP and carbamate insecticides \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\]. With increasing laboratory analytical capabilities, several pesticide metabolites (commonly measured in urine samples) have also been used to estimate exposure to pesticides \[[@B11-ijerph-13-00957],[@B12-ijerph-13-00957],[@B13-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Despite the availability of these objective markers, only a few studies have investigated the relationship between pesticide metabolites in body fluids and asthma-related outcomes \[[@B13-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The pathophysiological mechanism of asthma associated with exposure to pesticides is heterogeneous and not clearly understood. However, there is increasing evidence for mechanisms suggesting an array of allergic inflammatory responses, irritant, as well as neuroendocrine responses \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957],[@B14-ijerph-13-00957],[@B15-ijerph-13-00957],[@B16-ijerph-13-00957]\]. This analysis is part of a larger study \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\] of the respiratory health effects of pesticide exposure among rural women in the Western Cape province of South Africa. In this study, women with depressed cholinesterase (ChE) levels had increased odds of having allergic airway inflammation, based on the fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) determination. This finding suggested a probable association between exposure to ChE-depressing pesticides (OP and carbamate insecticides) and allergic asthma that needed further exploration. The objective of this study was to determine urinary levels of OP and PYR pesticide metabolites and explore their association with various asthma-related outcomes, including cytokine pathways in order to identify possible pathophysiological mechanisms that may explain asthma-related endpoints. 2. Materials and Methods {#sec2-ijerph-13-00957} ======================== 2.1. Study Design, Population, and Sampling {#sec2dot1-ijerph-13-00957} ------------------------------------------- A cross-sectional study of farm worker and resident women, as well as women residing in neighbouring towns in the Western Cape province of South Africa was conducted. About 100 women living on farms were targeted from the most accessible agricultural areas representative of the Western Cape farming population, and 100 women were targeted from neighboring towns that were about 5 to 10 km away from agricultural areas. Farm workers and residents were selected from the five to ten most accessible and representative farms in each area, and town women from the most accessible and representative houses in each area. One adult female participant per household was selected. A total of 211 women were recruited into the study, including 113 women currently living on a farm (including 89 farm workers and 24 farm residents not working on the farm) and 98 residents in neighboring towns. Eight of the town residents actually worked on farms and were therefore classified as farm workers, which increased the number of farm workers in the study to 97 farm workers (89 women living on farms and 8 living in the nearby town). The additional 24 women residing but not working on farms were included in the category with the farm workers and were referred to as "farm dwellers" (*n* = 121), since based on a sub-analysis they had similar characteristics to that of the farm workers. The remaining 90 women who neither lived nor worked on a farm were referred to as "town dwellers". The study was approved by the University of Cape Town's (UCT) Research Ethics Committee (Reference 393/2009). Informed consent was obtained from participants prior to the interview. The study population and sampling methods have been previously described \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki \[[@B17-ijerph-13-00957]\], and approved by the University of Cape Town's Human Research Ethics Committee (Reference 393/2009). Written informed consent was obtained from participants prior to the study. 2.2. Questionnaire (Demographic Characteristics and Respiratory Symptoms) {#sec2dot2-ijerph-13-00957} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The questionnaire included details on socio-demographic aspects, lifestyle factors and respiratory health, which was based on the abbreviated form of the standardised and validated European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire \[[@B18-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The questionnaire was translated into Afrikaans and Xhosa and thereafter back-translated to ensure accuracy of the translation. Trained interviewers administered questionnaires to participants in the language of their choice. Each participant's height and weight were measured to calculate their body mass index (BMI). 2.3. Urinary Pesticide Metabolites {#sec2dot3-ijerph-13-00957} ---------------------------------- Spot urine samples (50 mL) were collected in plastic containers sealed with a plastic cap and kept on dry ice prior to being stored at −20 °C before being analysed. Urine samples were collected during the working week at the end of the work day for all subjects. Dialkyl phosphate (DAP) metabolites (dimethylphosphate (DMP), dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP), dimethyldithiophosphate (DMDTP), diethylphosphate (DEP), diethylthiophosphate (DETP), and diethyldithiophosphate (DEDTP)) were measured according to the method by Hardt et al. \[[@B19-ijerph-13-00957]\], with slight modifications. 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol (TCPY) was measured according to the method described by Sams and Jones \[[@B20-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The PYR metabolites (*cis*- and *trans*-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid (DCCA), *cis*-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid (DBCA), 4-fluorophenoxybenzoic acid (4F3PBA), and 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3PBA)) were prepared according to the methodology of Arrebola et al. \[[@B21-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Pesticide metabolite levels were adjusted for urinary creatinine. Urine samples with creatinine concentrations within and outside the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended creatinine concentration range of 0.3 × 10^6^--3.0 × 10^6^ µg/L were distinguished and taken into account during analysis. Those levels outside the WHO range are not presented (*n* = 18). 2.4. Immunological Profile {#sec2dot4-ijerph-13-00957} -------------------------- ### 2.4.1. Phadiatop {#sec2dot4dot1-ijerph-13-00957} All blood samples were collected at the end of the working day. A blood sample (9 mL) was drawn from each participant using a Becton Dickinson Vacutainer SST tube (with gel medium and clot activator) (BD Vacutainer Systems, Oxford, UK). The blood was allowed to clot for 1--2 h at room temperature (20--24 °C) and then centrifuged at 1350 rpm for 10 min at room temperature. The serum was initially stored at −20 °C before being transported on dry ice to be stored at −80 °C until assayed for further measurement. The presence of sensitisation to common aeroallergens (house dust mite, grass pollen, cat, dog, and cockroach) was determined by the Phadiatop^®^ test (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden). The Phadiatop^®^ test has a binary outcome, with a positive test indicative of the presence of sensitisation to any one of these common aeroallergens. In this study, atopy was defined as a positive Phadiatop^®^ test with a value of ≥0.35 kUA per litre. ### 2.4.2. Serum Cytokines {#sec2dot4dot2-ijerph-13-00957} Sera obtained from participants were also analysed for the presence of cytokines related to allergic and non-allergic asthma pathways. The BD^TM^ Cytometric Bead Array Human Inflammation kit (Becton Dickson, Oxford, UK) was used to quantitatively measure non-allergic inflammatory interleukin (IL-8, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, interferon (IFN)-γ) protein levels in each sample. Six bead populations with distinct fluorescence intensities coated with the specific interleukins were multiplexed and resolved in the red channel of the flow cytometer BD FacsArray^TM^ (Becton Dickson, Oxford, UK). The inflammatory interleukins associated with allergic airway inflammation (IL-4, IL-5, IL-13) were measured using the BD^TM^ Cytometric Bead Array Human Soluble Protein Flex Set assay according to the manufacturer's instructions (Becton Dickson, Oxford, UK). The assay allows for multiplexed analysis of multiple proteins from a single sample. The concentrations were determined using the FacsArray^TM^ (Becton Dickson, Oxford, UK). Standard curves of the standard serial dilutions, expressed by a four parameter logistic model (log CC = D + (A − D)/(1 + (log I/C)\^B, where A = minimum asymptote, B = slope factor, C = inflection point, D = maximum asymptote), were used to determine the limit of detection (LOD) for each specific analyte (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, IL-17, IFN-γ) based on the average median fluorescent intensity (MFI) of the negative control. The concentration of analyte was expressed as picograms per millilitre (pg/mL). A regression coefficient (R^2^) for the standard curve for each analyte was accepted if ≥0.98. The assay detection limit for each analyte was determined by the average fitted concentration of the negative control (0 pg/mL) + 2 standard deviations for each analyte. The LOD for each cytokine was 0.10 pg/mL for IL-4, IL-5, IL-8, IL-13, and IFN-γ; 0.14 pg/mL for IL-6; 0.20 pg/mL for IL-10; and 0.22 pg/mL for IL-17. 2.5. Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide {#sec2dot5-ijerph-13-00957} ------------------------------------ FeNO measurement is a recognized non-invasive method for the assessment of allergic airway inflammation \[[@B22-ijerph-13-00957]\]. FeNO testing was conducted by a trained nurse. A hand-held portable nitric oxide sampling device (NIOX MINO^®^ Airway Inflammation Monitor (NIOX MINO); Aerocrine AB, Solna, Sweden) was used. Three technically adequate measurements were performed in accordance with the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society recommendations \[[@B23-ijerph-13-00957]\]. FeNO test was carried out on all participants during the working week at the end of the working day. Special instructions were provided to workers to ensure that tested individuals did not smoke tobacco, eat, nor drink (at least 1 h before) prior to the test. The average value of three FeNO measurements conducted on each participant was used in the analysis. 2.6. Statistical Analysis {#sec2dot6-ijerph-13-00957} ------------------------- The exposure variables of interest comprised individual levels of OP metabolites, including dialkyl phosphates (DMP, DEP, DMTP, DMDTP, DETP and DEDTP), TCPY, and PYR metabolites (3PBA, 4F3PBA, DBCA, and *cis*- and *trans*-DCCA). Two additional variables were created that included the sum of all six DAP metabolites and the sum of all five pyrethroid metabolites. These metabolite levels were also dichotomised into a high- and low-exposure group, with the former having measurement values above the 75th percentile of the detected values. The main defined outcome variables were doctor-diagnosed asthma, adult-onset asthma, current asthma, and high (\>50 ppb) FeNO levels, detectable T helper type 2 (Th2), and non-Th2 cytokine profiles (all dichotomous variables). Adult-onset asthma was defined as a history of doctor-diagnosed asthma and having had the first asthma attack at the age of 16 years or later. Current asthma was defined as having had an attack of asthma in the last 12 months or currently taking medicines for asthma. Cytokine levels were dichotomised as detectable versus non-detectable to increase the statistical power \[[@B24-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The data was analysed using Stata statistical package version 12 \[[@B25-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Continuous variables were summarised using median and interquartile range, since not all variables were normally distributed. Wilcoxon sum rank test was used to assess the association between binary variables and continuous variables. Multivariate regression analyses (both logistic and linear) were used to examine the association between the outcomes of interest and pesticide metabolites, controlling for confounders such as current smoking, atopy, born on a farm, and level of education, as previously reported \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Confounders were selected on an a priori basis, according to biological plausibility, or using bivariate testing if *p* \< 0.10. Atopy and current smoking were selected a priori for all outcomes. The covariates selected for inclusion in the final models in addition to these two variables were years of schooling and born on a farm, since both these variables had consistently strong associations (*p* \< 0.05) with most outcomes in the bivariate analysis. Exposure variables were analysed separately for each model testing the different outcomes while adjusting for these covariates. 3. Results {#sec3-ijerph-13-00957} ========== 3.1. Demographic Characteristics and Allergic and Asthma Outcomes {#sec3dot1-ijerph-13-00957} ----------------------------------------------------------------- The demographic characteristics and the prevalence of asthma and allergic sensitisation outcomes are presented in [Table 1](#ijerph-13-00957-t001){ref-type="table"}. Overall, half of the study population were current smokers, with a higher proportion (57%) among farm dwellers. Town dwellers (median 12.33 ppb) had on average significantly higher FeNO levels compared to farm dwellers (median 9.17 ppb). Almost half (44%) of the study population were atopic. The prevalence of all asthma and allergic outcomes was higher among town dwellers, although this did not reach statistical significance. 3.2. Urinary Pesticide Metabolite Concentrations {#sec3dot2-ijerph-13-00957} ------------------------------------------------ [Table 2](#ijerph-13-00957-t002){ref-type="table"} summarises the results of the urinary pesticide metabolites (adjusted for creatinine) detected in the study population. For some participants, urine samples were not sufficient to measure concentrations of the pesticide metabolites (7 samples for TCPY, 15 samples for dialkyl phosphates, and 10 samples for pyrethroid metabolites). Only 10 individuals (5%) had undetectable levels of pesticide metabolites (eight samples for TCPY, one sample each for DMTP and PYR metabolites). An alternative method of summarising data for the values below the LOD (by transforming the LOD value and dividing by the square root of two) did not result in any significant changes to the median and interquartile range from those estimated using the former method, which used only the detectable values. Urine samples from 18 participants (9%) were outside the WHO-recommended creatinine concentration range of 0.3 × 10^6^--3.0 × 10^6^ μg/L \[[@B26-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Most of the detected pesticide metabolites were higher among farm dwellers (range of difference: 0.03 to 6.72 µg/g of creatinine) except for the DMTP, DMDTP, and DETP, which were in contrast higher among town dwellers. TCPY and *trans*-DCCA were statistically significantly higher among farm dwellers. DMP and DMTP were the predominant OP metabolites detected, while 3PBA was the predominant PYR metabolite detected. 3.3. Serum Cytokine Concentrations {#sec3dot3-ijerph-13-00957} ---------------------------------- [Table 3](#ijerph-13-00957-t003){ref-type="table"} presents detectable cytokine concentrations and the patterns observed in this population (*n* = 201). Blood samples could not be obtained from five subjects, and serum samples were insufficient for analysis from another five subjects. In general, Non-Th2 cytokines had higher median levels than Th2 cytokines. Th2 cytokine levels were, on average, higher among town dwellers, with IL-13 having a statistically significant higher level (*p* \< 0.05). There was an inconsistent pattern for the non-Th2 cytokines, with some cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8) being higher among town dwellers while others (IL-10, IL-17, and IFN-γ) were higher among farm dwellers. The proportion of detectable Th2 cytokines were lower, and ranged from 18% to 40%. The proportion of detectable non-Th2 cytokines was almost two-fold higher, and ranged from 35% to 71%. Among the cytokines, IL-8 was the most dominantly detectable (71%) cytokine, and IL-5 the least detectable (18%). The proportion of detectable cytokines was not significantly different between town and farm dwellers. 3.4. Host-Related Attributes Associated with Asthma-Related Outcomes {#sec3dot4-ijerph-13-00957} -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unadjusted logistic regression models were created to examine the relationship between individual host-related attributes and asthma-related outcomes. Age, BMI, current employment, and currently living on a farm were not associated with any outcome measure ([Table 4](#ijerph-13-00957-t004){ref-type="table"}). Higher level of education and being born on a farm were generally protective for the outcomes of interest. Atopy was positively associated with all asthma-related outcomes except the cytokines. Current smoking was predictably negatively associated with high FeNO (\>50 ppb) (data not shown). 3.5. Association between Pesticide Metabolites and Asthma-Related Outcomes, Including Individual Cytokine Profiles in Multiple Regression Models {#sec3dot5-ijerph-13-00957} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Table 5](#ijerph-13-00957-t005){ref-type="table"} and [Table 6](#ijerph-13-00957-t006){ref-type="table"} summarise the results of adjusted multiple logistic regression models exploring the association between pesticide metabolites and different asthma-related outcomes. TCPY was weakly and positively associated with virtually all asthma, FeNO, and cytokine outcomes. Most organophosphate metabolites were associated with greater odds of having high FeNO levels (\>50 ppb). However, there was no consistent association between pesticide metabolites and other outcomes. Both non-Th2 and Th2 cytokines were generally positively associated with pesticide metabolites, although non-Th2 cytokines (especially IL-8) showed stronger associations with Dimethyl phosphate (OR = 4.23; 95% CI: 1.54--11.65) and ethyl phosphate metabolites (DEP, DETP, and DEDTP). There was no consistent association between cytokine levels (continuous variables) and pesticide metabolites in multiple linear regression models (data not shown). 4. Discussion {#sec4-ijerph-13-00957} ============= This study indicated that OP and PYR metabolite levels in rural women in South Africa are higher than in the general population, confirming that exposure to these agents is related to extensive agrochemical use on farms \[[@B27-ijerph-13-00957],[@B28-ijerph-13-00957],[@B29-ijerph-13-00957],[@B30-ijerph-13-00957],[@B31-ijerph-13-00957],[@B32-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Using these exposure proxy markers, the findings of this study suggest that a number of OP and some PYR pesticides are consistently positively associated with some asthma-related outcomes, which may be related to both Th2 and non-Th2 mechanisms, the latter pathway demonstrating consistently stronger relationships. The DAP, TCPY, and PYR pesticide levels detected in this study were generally higher than levels found in the general population in other countries \[[@B27-ijerph-13-00957],[@B28-ijerph-13-00957],[@B29-ijerph-13-00957],[@B30-ijerph-13-00957],[@B31-ijerph-13-00957]\]. DAP levels were generally lower compared to levels among applicators and general farm workers in a previous study in South Africa \[[@B12-ijerph-13-00957]\], as well as pesticide applicators in Japan \[[@B33-ijerph-13-00957]\] and Italy \[[@B34-ijerph-13-00957]\]. A possible reason for the lower levels of DAP found in the current study compared to other studies \[[@B12-ijerph-13-00957],[@B33-ijerph-13-00957],[@B34-ijerph-13-00957]\] could be due to the very low number of pesticide applicators (only four) in the current study population, which was mainly comprised of general farm labourers. TCPY and PYR levels were generally of a similar or lower order of magnitude compared to farm workers and applicators in other settings \[[@B34-ijerph-13-00957],[@B35-ijerph-13-00957]\]. To our knowledge, no previous study has measured TCPY---a marker of exposure to both chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl \[[@B34-ijerph-13-00957],[@B36-ijerph-13-00957]\]---in farming or non-farming communities in South Africa. In our study, DBCA and 4F3PBA levels were higher compared to those detected in flight attendants \[[@B37-ijerph-13-00957]\], implying that our study participants were exposed to a greater extent to deltamethrin and cyfluthrin than the other pyrethroids. In this study, individuals who lived in the surrounding towns near the farms were also exposed to OP and PYR pesticides, based on the results of the urinary determinations for pesticide metabolites. It is likely that these individuals who do not live on the farms may be exposed to pesticides either through pesticide drift suggested by our previous study \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\], as a result of living in towns close to farming activities or other environmental exposures such as contaminated surfaces, food, and water, or through household use of pesticides \[[@B12-ijerph-13-00957]\]. Among the participants, IL-13 levels were significantly higher among town compared to farm dwellers. Moreover, town dwellers were more likely to be atopic, and a larger proportion (9%) had high FeNO (\>50 ppb) levels compared to farm dwellers (6%). These findings suggest that atopic asthma was a more dominant entity in the town dweller group. In this study population, a greater proportion of non-Th2 cytokines (71%) were detectable in the sera of participants than Th2 cytokines (52%). Furthermore, while OP and PYR metabolites were positively associated with both Th2 and non-Th2 cytokines, stronger associations were observed between non-Th2 cytokines and pesticide metabolites. This suggests that non-Th2 pathways may be playing a more dominant role in the airway inflammation observed in individuals exposed to these pesticides. Non-Th2 cytokines such as IL-8 and IL-17 have been linked to neutrophilic asthma \[[@B38-ijerph-13-00957]\], suggesting that this may be an important phenotype associated with OP and PYR pesticide exposures. A more detailed analysis of cytokine patterns in the Th2 pathway also demonstrated that most OP and PYR metabolites were also positively associated with Th2 cytokines, suggesting an involvement of Th2 mechanisms in asthma-related outcomes. While the few case reports of asthma due to these pesticides previously reported in the literature \[[@B39-ijerph-13-00957],[@B40-ijerph-13-00957],[@B41-ijerph-13-00957],[@B42-ijerph-13-00957]\] could not identify the pathophysiological mechanisms that were responsible, a more recently published study \[[@B15-ijerph-13-00957]\] reported the case of a 29 year old woman who developed anaphylaxis after exposure to pyrethroids, implying that these pesticides may well induce an allergic response. An association between pesticide exposure and allergic asthma has also been reported in other epidemiological studies \[[@B7-ijerph-13-00957],[@B9-ijerph-13-00957]\]. The positive association observed between most of the OP metabolites and high FeNO in this study is consistent with the findings from our previous sub-study \[[@B5-ijerph-13-00957]\], which demonstrated a positive association between low levels of ChE and high FeNO (OR = 4.8; 95% CI: 0.80--28.00) as well as asthma symptom score (OR = 1.93; 95% CI: 1.09--3.44). However, the association between high FeNO and actual metabolites as demonstrated in this study was not as strong (OR = 2.53; 95% CI: 0.74--8.64). The latter finding could be due to the fact that the low ChE levels in the initial study may also have been related to carbamates in addition to OP exposures. Carbamates have also been reported to be associated with asthma \[[@B7-ijerph-13-00957]\], but were not measured in the current study due to resource constraints. The lack of a strong association between FeNO and pesticide metabolites could also imply that eosinophilic inflammation may not be a predominant mechanism in pesticide-related asthma and asthma-like disorders. This phenomenon has also been observed in studies of workers exposed to cleaning agents \[[@B24-ijerph-13-00957]\], suggesting other mechanisms (non-eosinophilic immunological and irritant mechanisms) could be playing a major role in asthma related to low molecular weight chemicals. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the effects of pesticide exposure (ascertained through urinary pesticide metabolite concentrations) on allergic and non-allergic airway inflammation (as determined by FeNO and cytokine pathways). There were, however, some limitations that need to be borne in mind in interpreting the results. The inability to demonstrate a strong association between the measured pesticide metabolites and some asthma-related outcomes could be attributable to the cross-sectional nature of this study, which may have introduced a healthy worker effect. Individuals who developed adverse respiratory health effects from pesticides may have left their employment on the farms to work in alternative jobs elsewhere. The short half-life of these OP and PYR metabolites---which are in fact markers of short-term exposure---may also have contributed to the inability to demonstrate an association, especially when related to the very specific and discrete "chronic" asthma-related variables such as doctor-diagnosed or adult-onset asthma. This is suggested from the findings that demonstrated much stronger associations with short-term sub-clinical outcomes such as serum cytokine levels than with the aforementioned variables. Furthermore, most of the biomarkers used in this study are not chemically specific, so they may represent exposure to a variety of pesticides, which may vary in their immunological toxicity. One cannot rule out the possibility that the associations observed between pesticide metabolites and cytokines could also be due to chance, since most pesticide metabolites were non-specific and may have arisen due to multiple tests of association being performed. Finally, due to the small sample size, the lack of power could have contributed to the dilution of the positive associations demonstrated. Although not examined in this study, it is possible that irritant mechanisms played a major role in asthma among our study participants, since pesticides are known respiratory irritants \[[@B16-ijerph-13-00957]\]. This could also explain the lack of a strong association between pesticide metabolites and some asthma-related outcomes in this study, since irritant-induced asthma is usually a less severe form of the disease than immunological asthma \[[@B24-ijerph-13-00957],[@B43-ijerph-13-00957]\]. 5. Conclusions {#sec5-ijerph-13-00957} ============== In conclusion, this study has shown that most OP and some PYR pesticides are consistently positively associated with some asthma-related outcomes with distinguishable cytokine patterns. These cytokine patterns suggest that while non-Th2 cytokines play a greater role, the Th2 cytokines also seem to have a role in relation to pesticide exposures. Apart from these immunological (Th2 and non-Th2) mechanisms, it is important to emphasise that pesticides can also act as irritants and interact with functional irritant receptors, resulting in asthma \[[@B16-ijerph-13-00957]\]. However, the latter mechanisms were not explored in this study, and therefore merit further investigation. These results need to be explored in larger longitudinal studies with a greater representation of pesticide applicators and using more specific pesticide markers. This study was supported by the Women on Farms Project, National Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant No. IFR 2011041400063) and the South African Medical Research Council. The assistance of Sr. Dawn Venter in the fieldwork is hereby acknowledged. Hussein H. Mwanga, Mohamed Aqiel Dalvie and Mohamed F. Jeebhay conceived and designed the research; Tanusha S. Singh and Kalavati Channa conducted laboratory analysis of the urine and serum samples; Mohamed Aqiel Dalvie supervised data collection; Hussein H. Mwanga, Mohamed Aqiel Dalvie and Mohamed F. Jeebhay analysed the data; Hussein H. Mwanga wrote the first draft; all authors participated in the write up of the article. The authors declare no conflict of interest. ijerph-13-00957-t001_Table 1 ###### Demographic characteristics, allergic, and asthma outcomes among rural women (*n* = 211). Characteristics Farm Dwellers (*n* = 121) Town Dwellers (*n* = 90) Overall (*n* = 211) ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- **Demographic Characteristics: (Median, Interquartile Range)** Age (years) 33 (27--40) \*\*\* 40.5 (31--49) 37 (28-45) BMI (kg/m^2^) 25.18 (21.57--30.81) \*\* 28.58 (23.78--35.71) 26.44 (22.52--32.87) Education (years of schooling) 9 (7--10) 9 (7--11) 9 (7--10) Length of stay in current residence (years) 15 (8--24) \*\* 22 (12--41) 17 (9--29) Born on a farm: *n* (%) 83 (69) \*\*\* 13 (14) 96 (46) Current smoker: *n* (%) 69 (57) \* 36 (40) 105 (50) Currently employed: *n* (%) 101 (84) \*\*\* 25 (28) 126 (60) **Asthma-Related Outcomes: *n* (%)** Asthma attack in the last 12 months 2 (2) 1 (1) 3 (1) Currently taking medicines for asthma 4 (3) 8 (9) 12 (6) Current asthma 4 (3) 8 (9) 12 (6) Doctor-diagnosed asthma 11 (9) 12 (13) 23 (11) Adult-onset asthma 9 (7) 10 (11) 19 (9) FeNO (ppb): median (interquartile range) 9.17 (5.67--14) \*\* 12.33 (8.33--22.33) 10.33 (6--17.33) FeNO \> 50 ppb 7 (6) 8 (9) 15 (7) **Allergic Sensitisation: *n* (%)** Atopy (positive Phadiatop) 46 (38) 44 (51) 90 (44) \* *p* \< 0.05; \*\* *p* \< 0.01; \*\*\* *p* \< 0.001; BMI: body mass index; FeNO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide. ijerph-13-00957-t002_Table 2 ###### Urinary pesticide metabolites levels among rural women. Pesticide Metabolites Farm Dwellers (*n* = 121) Town Dwellers (*n* = 90) Overall ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ **I. Organophosphate Metabolites (*n* = 178)** **Dialkyl Phosphates** ∑DAP 141.42 (37.4--249.83) 132 (45.64--204.45) 133.59 (41.86--229.09) DMP 32.91 (13.50--55.75) 26.19 (14.33--52.36) 29.63 (14.06--53.22) DMTP (*n* = 177) 13.41 (3.05--62.45) 37.86 (6.55--77.20) 22.04 (4.53--65.85) DMDTP 5.70 (0.83--51.51) 9.57 (0.87--66.22) 6.87 (0.85--61.77) DEP 5.01 (1.37--12.90) 4.13 (0.59--9.47) 4.27 (1.08--10.04) DETP 3.70 (1.15--26.98) 3.94 (1.35--26.18) 3.87 (1.20--26.98) DEDTP 1.99 (0.55--5.10) 1.70 (0.60--8.02) 1.89 (0.58--6.44) **TCPY** TCPY 6.35 (3.67--10.95) \* 4.26 (2.72--8.27) 5.38 (3.25--9.45) **II. Pyrethroid Metabolites (*n* = 182)** Pyrethroids 6.60 (3.61--9.96) 5.26 (2.74--8.42) 6.01 (3.24--9.67) *Cis*-DCCA 0.72 (0.27--1.28) 0.56 (0.23--1.13) 0.63 (0.26--1.24) *Trans*-DCCA 0.85 (0.48--1.29) \*\* 0.59 (0.28--1.02) 0.70 (0.37--1.22) DBCA 0.33 (0.05--0.63) 0.30 (0.04--0.60) 0.31 (0.05--0.62) 4F3PBA 0.76 (0.35--1.32) 0.70 (0.33--1.30) 0.73 (0.33--1.32) 3PBA 3.85 (2.13--6.25) 3.34 (2.27--5.92) 3.41 (2.21--6.00) \* *p* \< 0.05; \*\* *p* \< 0.01; TCPY: 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol; ∑DAP: sum of the six dialkyl phosphate metabolites; DMP: dimethyl phosphate; DMTP: dimethyl thiophosphate; DMDTP: dimethyl dithiophosphate; DEP: diethyl phosphate; DETP: diethyl thiophosphate; DEDTP: diethyl dithiophosphate; Pyrethroids: sum of the 5 pyrethroid metabolites; *cis*-DCCA: *cis*-2,2-dichlorovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; *trans*-DCCA: *trans*-2,2-dichlorovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; DBCA: *cis*-2,2-dibromovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; 4F3PBA: 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid; 3PBA: 3-phenoxybenzoic acid. ijerph-13-00957-t003_Table 3 ###### Serum cytokine levels among rural women (*n* = 201). Cytokines Distribution of Detected Values Median (Interquartile Range) in pg/mL Limit of Detection (pg/mL) Proportion Detected *n* (%) -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- **Th2 cytokines** **IL-4** 4.68 (3.20--6.92) 5.09 (3.52--8.12) 4.84 (3.52--7.25) 0.10 51 (43) 30 (37) 81 (40) **IL-5** 2.06 (1.66--2.31) 2.23 (1.82--3.16) 2.07 (1.68--2.60) 0.10 23 (19) 13 (16) 36 (18) **IL-13** 4.80 (2.98--6.37) \* 6.06 (4.90--7.58) 5.55 (3.39--7.23) 0.10 39 (33) 28 (34) 67 (33) **Any Th2 cytokine** N/A N/A 61 (51) 44 (54) 105 (52) **Non-Th2 cytokines** **IL-6** 5.16 (3.61--7.50) 5.27 (3.75--10.26) 5.16 (3.62--8.69) 0.14 63 (53) 38 (46) 101 (50) **IL-8** 16.49 (10.56--36.22) 19.47 (13.08--37.30) 18.93 (11.45--36.90) 0.10 85 (71) 57 (70) 142 (71) **IL-10** 4.47 (2.80--5.60) 4.22 (2.74--6.36) 4.39 (2.77--5.87) 0.20 45 (38) 26 (32) 71 (35) **IL-17** 10.34 (6.20--15.61) 9.13 (7.09--19.02) 9.76 (6.40--16.10) 0.22 52 (44) 28 (34) 80 (40) **IFN-γ** 10.53 (7.41--17.80) 9.14 (6.56--17.30) 10.30 (7.41--17.30) 0.10 60 (50) 31 (38) 91 (45) **Any non-Th2 cytokine** N/A N/A 85 (71) 57 (70) 142 (71) IL: interleukin; IFN- γ: interferon gamma; \* *p*-value \< 0.05; Any Th2: any Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, or IL-13) detected; Any non-Th2: Any non-Th2 cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, IL-10, or IFN-γ) detected; N/A: Not applicable. ijerph-13-00957-t004_Table 4 ###### Unadjusted logistic regression models of the association between host-related attributes and asthma-related outcomes among rural women. Host-Related Factors Asthma-Related Outcomes: Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval) -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- ------------------- **Prevalence (%) (*n* = 211)** **11%** **9%** **6%** **7%** **52%** **71%** Age (years) 1.01 (0.98--1.05) 1.02 (0.99--1.06) 1.04 (0.99--1.09) 0.99 (0.95--1.04) 1.00 (0.97--1.02) 1.00 (0.97--1.02) BMI (kg/m^2^) 1.02 (0.96--1.08) 1.03 (0.97--1.10) 1.01 (0.93--1.10) 1.02 (0.95--1.10) 1.01 (1.00--1.05) 1.02 (0.98--1.07) Education (years of schooling) 0.85 (0.74--0.96) 0.85 (0.74--0.97) 0.78 (0.66--0.92) 1.18 (0.96--1.46) 0.98 (0.89--1.07) 1.02 (0.93--1.13) Born on a farm 0.61 (0.25--1.50) 0.67 (0.25--1.79) 0.10 (0.01--0.79) 0.27 (0.07--0.99) 1.07 (0.62--1.87) 1.17 (0.63--2.15) Current smoker 1.66 (0.68--4.02) 1.43 (0.55--3.72) 1.44 (0.44--4.70) 0.23 (0.06--0.84) 0.68 (0.39--1.19) 0.77 (0.42--1.41) Currently employed 0.86 (0.36--2.07) 0.73 (0.28--1.87) 0.46 (0.14--1.50) 0.55 (0.19--1.58) 0.90 (0.51--1.59) 1.36 (0.74--2.53) Atopy (positive Phadiatop) 3.37 (1.32--8.58) 3.10 (1.13--8.5) 7.12 (1.52--33.40) 21.28 (2.74--165.23) 1.09 (0.62--1.90) 1.32 (0.71--2.45) Farm vs. town dwellers 0.65 (0.27--1.55) 0.64 (0.25--1.65) 0.35 (0.10--1.20) 0.61 (0.21--1.76) 0.91 (0.52--1.60) 1.10 (0.59--2.03) Each odds ratio represents a separate unadjusted logistic regression model; Any Th2: any Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, or IL-13) detected; Any non-Th2: Any non-Th2 cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, IL-10, or IFN-γ) detected. BMI: body mass index; FeNO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide. ijerph-13-00957-t005_Table 5 ###### Adjusted multiple logistic regression models of the association between pesticide metabolites and asthma-related outcomes among rural women. Pesticide Metabolites Asthma-Related Outcomes: Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval) ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- **Prevalence (%) (*n* = 211)** **11%** **9%** **6%** **7%** **52%** **71%** **I. Organophosphate Metabolites** **Dialkyl Phosphates** ∑DAP 0.68 (0.23--2.05) 0.66 (0.20--2.20) 1.38 (0.33--5.76) 2.53 (0.74--8.64) 1.77 (0.90--3.46) 1.77 (0.81--3.87) DMP 0.16 (0.02--1.29) 0.22 (0.03--1.72) 0.54 (0.06--4.83) 1.77 (0.40--7.88) 1.69 (0.83--3.46) 4.23 (1.54--11.65) DMTP 0.12 (0.02--0.94) 0.16 (0.02--1.29) ND 0.47 (0.10--2.15) 0.85 (0.42--1.72) 1.34 (0.60--3.00) DMDTP 1.52 (0.53--4.33) 1.91 (0.62--5.82) 2.47 (0.60--10.13) 1.80 (0.45--7.23) 0.79 (0.39--1.62) 0.46 (0.22--0.98) DEP 0.78 (0.23--2.62) 1.08 (0.31--3.71) 0.74 (0.13--4.31) 2.54 (0.62--10.37) 1.99 (0.95--4.19) 2.71 (1.05--7.00) DETP 1.45 (0.46--4.60) 2.03 (0.61--6.73) 1.53 (0.26--8.97) 1.06 (0.23--4.87) 2.75 (1.27--5.92) 23.25 (3.08--175.49) DEDTP 1.19 (0.38--3.78) 1.67 (0.51--5.45) 0.77 (0.13--4.51) 0.97 (0.22--4.33) 7.70 (3.00--19.74) 23.84 (3.15--180.74) **TCPY** TCPY 1.35 (0.47--3.92) 1.41 (0.45--4.44) 1.26 (0.27--5.76) 1.50 (0.35--6.38) 1.56 (0.57--2.34) 1.93 (0.83--4.45) **II. Pyrethroid Metabolites** Pyrethroids 0.62 (0.19--2.02) 0.84 (0.26--2.77) 2.04 (0.48--8.59) 0.35 (0.07--1.90) 1.32 (0.69--2.55) 2.18 (0.98--4.88) *cis*-DCCA 0.11 (0.01--0.93) 0.16 (0.02--1.29) 0.23 (0.02--2.62) 0.59 (0.10--3.53) 1.47 (0.73--2.93) 2.10 (0.92--4.80) *trans*-DCCA 0.14 (0.02--1.19) ND 0.28 (0.02--3.47) 0.81 (0.12--5.31) 1.04 (0.52--2.10) 1.21 (0.56--2.63) DBCA 0.17 (0.02--1.30) 0.22 (0.03--1.74) ND 0.94 (0.20--4.36) 1.33 (0.66--2.67) 1.74 (0.78--3.88) 4F3PBA 1.01 (0.30--3.40) 1.40 (0.40--4.90) 1.74 (0.29--10.56) 1.07 (0.23--5.04) 2.51 (1.20--5.22) 4.32 (1.58--11.82) 3PBA 1.06 (0.35--3.19) 1.15 (0.35--3.76) 2.64 (0.61--11.47) 0.40 (0.07--2.31) 1.30 (0.64--2.64) 1.63 (0.72--3.69) Adjusted for current smoking, atopy, born on a farm, and level for education. Each odds ratio represents a separate adjusted logistic regression model. Pesticide residues categorized as above 75th percentile of the detected values. ND: OR not calculable. Any Th2: any Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 or IL-13) detected; Any non-Th2: Any non-Th2 cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, IL-10 or IFN-γ) detected. FeNO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide; TCPY: 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol; ∑DAP: sum of the six dialkyl phosphate metabolites; DMP: dimethyl phosphate; DMTP: dimethyl thiophosphate; DMDTP: dimethyl dithiophosphate; DEP: diethyl phosphate; DETP: diethyl thiophosphate; DEDTP: diethyl dithiophosphate; Pyrethroids: sum of the 5 pyrethroid metabolites; *cis*-DCCA: *cis*-2,2-dichlorovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; *trans*-DCCA: *trans*-2,2-dichlorovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; DBCA: *cis*-2,2-dibromovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; 4F3PBA: 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid; 3PBA: 3-phenoxybenzoic acid. ijerph-13-00957-t006_Table 6 ###### Adjusted multiple logistic regression models of the association between pesticide metabolites and individual inflammatory cytokines. Pesticide Metabolites Cytokines: Odds Ratio: (95% Confidence Interval) ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- **I. Organophosphate Metabolites** **Dialkyl Phosphates** ∑DAP 1.60 (0.83--3.11) 2.92 (1.33--6.43) 1.49 (0.76--2.93) 1.77 (0.91--3.44) 1.77 (0.81--3.87) 1.83 (0.93--3.60) 2.25 (1.16--4.37) 1.70 (0.88--3.27) DMP 2.34 (1.14-- 4.82) 2.00 (0.82--4.87) 1.38 (0.65--2.92) 3.69 (1.72--7.92) 4.23 (1.54--11.65) 2.65 (1.28--5.52) 3.58 (1.71--7.48) 3.25 (1.57--6.72) DMTP 1.59 (0.77-- 3.29) 0.84 (0.31--2.31) 0.49 (0.21--1.13) 1.76 (0.86--3.61) 1.34 (0.60--3.00) 1.06 (0.50--2.26) 1.53 (0.74--3.14) 0.85 (0.42--1.73) DMDTP 0.39 (0.17--0.88) 0.28 (0.08--1.01) 1.39 (0.66--2.94) 0.21 (0.09--0.47) 0.46 (0.22--0.98) 0.27 (0.11--0.71) 0.25 (0.10--0.59) 0.39 (0.18--0.83) DEP 3.50 (1.65--7.44) 7.76 (3.15--19.11) 1.87 (0.89--3.95) 3.43 (1.57--7.49) 2.71 (1.05--7.00) 7.79 (3.40--17.83) 4.59 (2.13--9.89) 3.63 (1.70--7.73) DETP 4.09 (1.90--8.77) 8.15 (3.27--20.30) 2.35 (1.11--4.99) 5.85 (2.49--13.79) 23.25 (3.08--175.49) 4.18 (1.95--8.96) 8.07 (3.51--18.53) 4.92 (2.24--10.80) DEDTP 10.28 (4.29--24.64) 13.26 (5.16--34.08) 4.69 (2.16--10.16) 14.87 (4.94--44.72) 23.84 (3.15--180.74) 19.13 (7.30--50.14) 17.05 (6.46--45.02) 25.12 (8.07--78.17) **TCPY** TCPY 1.20 (0.58--2.48) 0.48 (0.15--1.47) 1.03 (0.48--2.22) 2.56 (1.23--5.34) 1.93 (0.83--4.45) 0.77 (0.35--1.68) 1.83 (0.89--3.74) 1.40 (0.69--2.83) **II. Pyrethroid Metabolites** Pyrethroids 2.32 (1.19--4.52) 1.07 (0.46--2.50) 0.74 (0.36--1.50) 2.95 (1.48--5.90) 2.18 (0.98--4.88) 2.23 (1.14--4.37) 3.78 (1.91--7.50) 2.66 (1.36--5.19) *cis*-DCCA 2.26 (1.12--4.58) 1.44 (0.59--3.49) 0.72 (0.33--1.57) 2.72 (1.32--5.58) 2.10 (0.92--4.80) 1.62 (0.78--3.34) 2.96 (1.45--6.03) 2.12 (1.06--4.24) *trans*-DCCA 1.52 (0.75--3.11) 0.93 (0.36--2.43) 0.65 (0.29--1.47) 2.51 (1.21--5.20) 1.21 (0.56--2.63) 2.28 (1.10--4.73) 2.12 (1.04--4.33) 1.57 (0.78--3.17) DBCA 1.60 (0.79--3.24) 1.03 (0.40--2.65) 0.76 (0.35--1.67) 2.40 (1.18--4.91) 1.74 (0.78--3.88) 1.80 (0.87--3.70) 2.09 (1.03--4.24) 1.63 (0.82--3.25) 4F3PBA 2.53 (1.23--5.19) 2.50 (1.04--6.00) 1.48 (0.70--3.13) 4.97 (2.24--11.04) 4.32 (1.58--11.82) 2.94 (1.41--6.13) 3.38 (1.63--7.02) 2.74 (1.34--5.61) 3PBA 2.68 (1.29--5.57) 0.95 (0.37--2.48) 0.83 (0.38--1.81) 2.18 (1.05--4.51) 1.63 (0.72--3.69) 2.50 (1.17--5.33) 3.79 (1.80--7.97) 2.17 (1.06--4.42) Adjusted for current smoking, atopy, born on a farm, and level for education. Each odds ratio represents a separate adjusted logistic regression model. Pesticide residues categorized as above 75 percentile of the detected values. Cytokines categorised as detected vs. non-detected. ∑DAP: sum of the six dialkyl phosphate metabolites; DMP: dimethyl phosphate; DMTP: dimethyl thiophosphate; DMDTP: dimethyl dithiophosphate; DEP: diethyl phosphate; DETP: diethyl thiophosphate; DEDTP: diethyl dithiophosphate; Pyrethroids: sum of the 5 pyrethroid metabolites; *cis*-DCCA: *cis*-2,2-dichlorovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; *trans*-DCCA: *trans*-2,2-dichlorovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; DBCA: *cis*-2,2-dibromovinyl-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; 4F3PBA: 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid; 3PBA: 3-phenoxybenzoic acid. IL: interleukin; IFN- γ: interferon gamma; TCPY: 3, 5, 6-trichloropyridinol.
Many changes take place in physical abilities as we age. Try as I may, I simply can’t swim as fast at 69 as I did at 39, 49 or even 59. Nor am I as steady on my feet. I can only assume my strength has waned as well — I’m finding bottles and jars harder to open and heavy packages harder to lift and carry. But in August, I hiked in the Grand Canyon, prompting my 10-year-old grandson Stefan to ask, “Grandma, how many 69-year-olds do you think could do this?” The answer, of course, is “a lot.” And the reason is that we work at it. For my part, I exercise daily, walking three miles or biking 10, then swimming three-quarters of a mile. In spring and summer, heavy-duty gardening strengthens my entire body. But now that my physically stronger spouse is gone, I see that I need to make some improvements. With no one handy to open those jars or lift those heavy objects, I’ve begun strength training so I can remain as independent as possible as long as possible.
package org.t246osslab.easybuggy.troubles; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Locale; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.t246osslab.easybuggy.core.servlets.AbstractServlet; @SuppressWarnings("serial") @WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/iof" }) public class IntegerOverflowServlet extends AbstractServlet { @Override protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { BigDecimal thickness = null; BigDecimal thicknessM = null; BigDecimal thicknessKm = null; String strTimes = req.getParameter("times"); int times = NumberUtils.toInt(strTimes, -1); try { Locale locale = req.getLocale(); if (strTimes != null) { long multipleNumber = 1; if (times >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { multipleNumber = multipleNumber * 2; } thickness = new BigDecimal(multipleNumber).divide(new BigDecimal(10)); // mm thicknessM = thickness.divide(new BigDecimal(1000)); // m thicknessKm = thicknessM.divide(new BigDecimal(1000)); // km } } StringBuilder bodyHtml = new StringBuilder(); bodyHtml.append("<form action=\"iof\" method=\"post\">"); bodyHtml.append(getMsg("msg.question.reach.the.moon", locale)); bodyHtml.append("<br><br>"); if (times >= 0) { bodyHtml.append( "<input type=\"text\" name=\"times\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=" + strTimes + ">"); } else { bodyHtml.append("<input type=\"text\" name=\"times\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\">"); } bodyHtml.append("&nbsp; "); bodyHtml.append(getMsg("label.times", locale) + " : "); if (times >= 0) { bodyHtml.append(thickness + " mm"); if (thicknessM != null && thicknessKm != null) { bodyHtml.append(thicknessM.intValue() >= 1 && thicknessKm.intValue() < 1 ? " = " + thicknessM + " m" : ""); bodyHtml.append(thicknessKm.intValue() >= 1 ? " = " + thicknessKm + " km" : ""); } if (times == 42) { bodyHtml.append(" : " + getMsg("msg.answer.is.correct", locale)); } } bodyHtml.append("<br><br>"); bodyHtml.append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + getMsg("label.calculate", locale) + "\">"); bodyHtml.append("<br><br>"); bodyHtml.append(getInfoMsg("msg.note.intoverflow", locale)); bodyHtml.append("</form>"); responseToClient(req, res, getMsg("title.intoverflow.page", locale), bodyHtml.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception occurs: ", e); } } }
package com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.lenses; import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe; import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Head; import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Tail; import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso; import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2.curried; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Id.id; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Cons.cons; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Map.map; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso.simpleIso; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens.simpleLens; import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.functions.View.view; /** * Lenses that operate on {@link Iterable}s. */ public final class IterableLens { private IterableLens() { } /** * A lens focusing on the head of a given {@link Iterable}. * <p> * Note that this lens is effectively lawful, though difficult to prove since there is no * useful equality implementation for {@link Iterable}. * * @param <A> the Iterable element type * @return a lens focusing on the head element of an {@link Iterable} */ public static <A> Lens.Simple<Iterable<A>, Maybe<A>> head() { return simpleLens(Head::head, (s, maybeB) -> { Iterable<A> tail = Tail.tail(s); return maybeB.fmap(b -> cons(b, tail)).orElse(tail); }); } /** * A lens focusing on the tail of an {@link Iterable}. * * @param <A> the Iterable element type * @return a lens focusing on the tail of an {@link Iterable} */ public static <A> Lens.Simple<Iterable<A>, Iterable<A>> tail() { return simpleLens(Tail::tail, curried(Head.<A>head().fmap(o -> o.fmap(cons()).orElse(id())))); } /** * An iso focusing on the mapped values of an {@link Iterable}. * * @param abIso the iso from A to B * @param <A> the unmapped {@link Iterable} element type * @param <B> the mapped {@link Iterable} element type * @return an iso that maps {@link Iterable}&lt;A&gt; to {@link Iterable}&lt;B&gt; */ public static <A, B> Iso.Simple<Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>> mapping(Iso<A, A, B, B> abIso) { return simpleIso(map(view(abIso)), map(view(abIso.mirror()))); } }
Taft-Watertown 65, Hotchkiss-Lakeville 47: Dewey Ames had 17 points to lead Taft (5-3) past Hotchkiss (1-6) in a prep school game in Lakeville. Marianapolis Prep-Thompson 79, Woodstock Academy 45: Pedro Rodriguez scored 18 of his game-high 24 points in the second half and had 13 rebounds to lead Marianapolis Prep (4-1) past Woodstock Academy (6-2) in a QVC game in Thompson.
Q: Error launching .NET application compiled to target 'Any CPU' I have a .NET application that is shared to around 30 different computers, (mix of 32-bit and 64-bit machines). When compiled, the application is set to target 'Any CPU'. It runs fine on all machines except one that is Windows 7 64 bit. The error message is: Following errors were detected during this operation. * [11/2/2011 8:59:40 AM] System.ArgumentException - Value does not fall within the expected range. - Source: System.Deployment After researching, I found that if I change the target CPU to 64-bit it runs fine on the problem machine, but will not run on the 32-bit computers. Is there a fix for this? Stack trace: - Stack trace: at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IStore.LockApplicationPath(UInt32 Flags, IDefinitionAppId ApId, IntPtr& Cookie) at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore.LockApplicationPath(DefinitionAppId definitionAppId) at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.LockApplicationPath(DefinitionAppId definitionAppId) at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.PatchFiles(SubscriptionState subState) at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.Download(SubscriptionState subState) at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDependencies(SubscriptionState subState, AssemblyManifest deployManifest, AssemblyManifest appManifest, Uri sourceUriBase, String targetDirectory, String group, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options) at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.DownloadApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc, Int64 transactionId, TempDirectory& downloadTemp) at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, ActivationDescription actDesc) at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl) at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state) A: A highly relevant thread found on MSDN forum is ClickOnce Fails with "Value does not fall within the expected range."
The Philadelphia Eagles came into the NFL in 1933 under interesting circumstances. They were actually established as a replacement team for the Frankford Yellow Jackets who had gone bankrupt. Over the years, the team has experienced both stretches of success and down times too. Through it all, the fans of the Philadelphia Eagles have strongly […]
Herbert Rösler Herbert Rösler (June 15, 1924 – November 11, 2006) was a German artist, writer and designer. He worked as a painter, graphic designer, sculptor, developed models for futuristic architecture, designed clothes, furniture and handcrafted jewelry. Furthermore, he is also known as founder of the Christian work- and housing-community Gruppe 91 (Group 91), their beliefs and lifestyle have similarities to the Jesus movement. Rösler was the creative and spiritual guidance for this community from their beginning in 1968 to the date of his passing in 2006. Artworks of Rösler are on permanent display in the exhibition hall G91-Bau in Tübingen. Besides their cultural engagement, Rösler and his group were also committed to many social projects. Life and work Youth, War and first employments (1924–1967) Herbert Rösler was born as the youngest of three children. His father came from Neutrebbin and was a certified forester and estate manager, his mother was from Franconia. Around 1938 he began training as a technical merchant for his first employment. By the age of 18 he voluntarily joined the military and was stationed with a tank battalion in Africa. As a prisoner of war he was brought to the United States where he had to work on the field and in the woods, in his free time he began with drawing. Along with other detained soldiers he was dismissed in France where he and his group were captured and imprisoned again. In 1948 he managed to escape and made his way back to Germany. Rösler was changed by the war and from there on considered himself as a pacifist. After the war, he worked as a decorator for Polydor, designed movie posters for local cinemas and started his own advertising agency. In 1948 he met Ischabell Nadler (* 5. März 1930; † 13. März 2015), they married in 1951 and had two children. Rösler moved from Stuttgart to Cologne in 1960 where he became head of the set design department for the record label Electrola. As part of this job he was in charge of the stage arrangements for a Maria Callas Tournee, the Ansbach Bach Week, the Bayreuth Festival and the German Schlager-Festival in Baden-Baden. During his time in Cologne, Rösler met Wolf Vostell who was also working for the Electrola as a cover art designer. After a few years in the Electrola around 1964, Rösler and an associate bought an old candy-factory which they renovated as a studio for advertisement photography. In 1966 Rösler suffered a stroke and the studio was sold again. After his recovery he worked as a freelancing graphic designer, caricaturist, exhibition architect and was responsible for the pagination of the German Physicians Journal. Beginning of the Gruppe 91 (1968–1972) Besides his work, Rösler further pursued his passion to draw and engaged in meditation. In the night of September 18/19, 1968, Rösler experienced a vision that marks an important spiritual turning point in his life. He quit his job and opened his house for young people from all over Germany. This is how the Gruppe 91 was founded, it is named after city-district number to that time of Ostheim (part of Kalk, Cologne) where the community lived. In February 1972 the group was featured in the nationwide broadcast documentary Pop und Weihrauch (Pop and Frankincense) of the Swiss director Roman Brodmann. The documentary focused on the German Jesus People and other Christian revival groups. Time at Lake Constance (1973–1983) In 1973 the group moved to Southern Germany, first to the Black Forest and from there on to Lake Constance. During their residence in the Black Forrest region, Rösler began with his first large-scale paintings. These paintings were initially exhibited in the farm estate near Lake Constance which the Gruppe 91 inhabited. On an area of about 5000 m² at the Friedrichshafen Fair 1981 his work became accessible to a wider audience in the exhibition called ... für eine neue Welt ... (... for a new world ...). Many exhibitions in the local area around Lake Constance followed like on the Internationale Bodenseemesse (International Lake Constance Fair). In the years from 1977 to 1983 Rösler created hundreds of paintings, plastics, sculptures and design drafts. Rösler was the empowering and inspiring guide for the members of his group, he often provided the drafts and they implemented it. Era Tübingen (1983–2006) On the way back from Munich on June 18, 1983, Herbert Rösler was involved in a serious car accident where he lost 90% of his eyesight. He was hospitalized and treated over several months in a specialized eye clinic in Tübingen. During his recovery he dictated the book Für eine neue Welt (For a new world). The book features prose, poetry, drawings and photographs of the group, it was self-published in 1985. Before the end of 1983 the Gruppe 91 also moved to Tübingen. The majority of Rösler's work was created between 1984 and 2006. From 1991 to 2000 his work was displayed in a gallery near the Steinlach. Since then it is exhibited in the G91-Bau which was an old construction hall for tanks, transformed and redesigned after Rösler's drafts. In 2002 a local newspaper featured an article about Herbert Rösler and the Gruppe 91 entitled "Jetzt können wir sagen Chadasch" ("Now we can say Chadasch"). This gave birth to the self chosen titling for Rösler's style of art Chadasch which is the Hebrew word for new. Since his passing in 2006, members of the Gruppe 91 still live by Rösler's spirit and carry on his artistic legacy in the G91-Bau and further local exhibitions. External links Video: The Gruppe 91 at home (in German) Homepage of the Gruppe 91 (in German) Herbert Rösler's biography in Tübingen's city wiki TÜpedia. (in German) Notes Category:2006 deaths Category:20th-century German painters Category:Postmodern artists Category:Modern artists Category:Modern sculptors Category:German pacifists Category:1924 births Category:People from Stuttgart Category:20th-century German sculptors Category:German installation artists
(1 + -2) a multiple of 20? True Suppose 0 = -2*x - 3*v - 60, -3*v + 27 - 141 = 4*x. Let w(r) = -11*r - 237. Is w(x) even? True Is 25 a factor of (39245/(-141))/((-15)/1134)? False Let g be -2 + 12/9 + (-182)/42. Is 25 a factor of g/10*-30*(46 + -1)? True Let i(s) = 2045*s - 2852. Does 11 divide i(14)? False Let x(i) = -3*i**2 + 9*i + 12. Let s(q) = -q**2 + 3*q + 4. Let d(z) = 11*s(z) - 4*x(z). Let h be 3/(-2)*32/12. Does 6 divide d(h)? True Let q(c) = 91*c**2 + 69*c - 542. Is q(7) a multiple of 55? True Let g(i) = -11 - 5*i + 0 + 0*i + 9. Is g(-7) a multiple of 5? False Let v be 26877/(-124)*4*1. Does 43 divide (v/(-204))/(1*1/28)? False Is 17/((-51)/2) - 337*(-490)/15 a multiple of 13? False Suppose 109*b = 134002 - 2112. Does 55 divide b? True Let p = 2761 + -1301. Is 20 a factor of p? True Let u(v) = 2132*v + 668. Is u(2) a multiple of 14? False Suppose 0 = -3*x - 2*m - 82, -5*m - 1 + 21 = 0. Let k be -3*2/(x/25). Suppose -5*q + 366 = 3*y, -4*y + k*q + 119 = -334. Does 13 divide y? True Suppose -33 = -b - j, -2*b = j - 8 - 58. Let r = b - 16. Suppose r*d = 14*d + 618. Is d a multiple of 20? False Suppose -2*v = -9 - 7. Let j be ((-177)/(-6))/((0 - -2)/v). Suppose -2*h - 89 = -3*x, j + 4 = 4*x - h. Is 5 a factor of x? False Let w be (-8)/2 + (5 - -306 - -4). Let p be w/8 - 5/(-40). Is p/(-1)*(22/(-6) + -1) a multiple of 16? False Let l = 716 - 435. Suppose 2*u = 5*w + 61 - l, -44 = -w - 2*u. Does 3 divide w? False Suppose 31*h + 25*h = 14*h + 178416. Does 118 divide h? True Suppose 3*k - 2589 = -2*j, -9*j = -4*j - k - 6498. Does 18 divide j? False Is 53 a factor of 15 + (-11 - -2904) + 7? True Suppose 84*r - 170106 = -39*r + 221526. Is r a multiple of 16? True Suppose 5*x = -2 + 27. Suppose -x*z = -7*z + 6. Suppose -q - 4 = 0, 3*r - z*q - 51 = 87. Is 12 a factor of r? False Let o be 2/(-10) + -34*16/(-20). Does 12 divide 47*5 + -21 + o? False Suppose 2*h - 27 = -7*h. Suppose 4*q = h - 7. Does 14 divide (-2)/(q - 1) + 70? False Suppose 5*x = 0, -11*g - 2*x = -8*g - 4494. Does 5 divide g? False Let o be (-4)/((-16)/36) + -1*1. Suppose -3*b = 5*j - o*b + 3245, -1943 = 3*j - 2*b. Is 16 a factor of j/(-10) + 1/(-2)? True Suppose -3*b + 67358 = m, -29236 + 6790 = -b + m. Is 157 a factor of b? True Suppose -12 = 2*x + 2*x. Is (-4)/(-16) - ((-710)/8 + x) a multiple of 7? False Let g be 394528/144 + 4/18. Suppose -6*s + 25 = -s, -4*l + 4*s = -g. Does 23 divide l? True Suppose 0 = -m - 3*c + 18975, -c = 707*m - 709*m + 37985. Is 75 a factor of m? False Suppose -6*w + 0*w + 18 = 0. Suppose 0 = 2*k - w*g - 257, 3*g - 121 = -k + 6*g. Suppose 0 = 8*f - 4*f - k. Is 5 a factor of f? False Let u be (6*-4)/(-3) - (2 - 2). Suppose 0 = -4*i + 4*l - u, -3*l - 8 = -i + 5*i. Let r(c) = -33*c + 10. Does 19 divide r(i)? True Let q(k) = 32*k. Let x be ((-2)/(-8))/((-3)/12) - -1. Suppose x = -5*n + 15, -4*n + n + 6 = -r. Does 8 divide q(r)? True Let f(j) = 29*j**2 + j - 20. Let k be f(7). Suppose 5*z = z + k. Is z a multiple of 32? True Suppose -9*s = -32*s + 80178. Does 9 divide (-3)/2*s/(-83)? True Let p(q) = -2162*q - 3659. Is p(-11) a multiple of 83? False Does 12 divide ((-198)/165)/((-2)/36)*(-4550)/(-15)? True Suppose -18*s = -27*s + 54. Suppose -38 = -s*w + 34. Does 21 divide w/(-5 + 74/14)? True Let u(x) = x**3 + 19*x**2 - 22*x - 24. Let p be u(-20). Suppose -4*q + p = -0*q. Suppose -j = -q*j + 408. Is 17 a factor of j? True Suppose 3*s - 4*n + 1523 = 0, 2*s + n + 4*n + 1046 = 0. Let x = s + 803. Is x a multiple of 66? False Let h be (54/(-9))/(-1 - 9/(-12)). Let v be (-6)/h - 27/(-12). Suppose -v*t = -61 - 41. Is t a multiple of 4? False Let z = 190 - 304. Let x = -43 - z. Let b = x + -35. Is 12 a factor of b? True Suppose -181*b + 49*b + 3156341 = 157301. Is b a multiple of 95? False Let y(f) = -f**3 - 5*f**2 - 32*f + 5743. Is 68 a factor of y(0)? False Suppose -8201 - 31313 = -23*f. Is f a multiple of 4? False Suppose 7*l - 29*l = -9187 - 35957. Is 36 a factor of l? True Let k(a) = 3*a**2 + 41*a - 36. Let i be k(-15). Suppose -i*z = -31*z + 2275. Does 25 divide z? True Suppose 3*d - 5*h = 263, h - 394 = -4*d - h. Suppose d = 2*u + 4*u. Is 13 a factor of (-10 - u)*3/(-2)? True Suppose -4*v + u + 1727 = 0, 3*u + 2157 = 11*v - 6*v. Does 54 divide v? True Let s(x) = 22*x - 156. Let f be s(8). Suppose -8*h = -4*h - 16. Suppose 4*d - f = -2*q, 3*q - d - 41 = h*d. Does 7 divide q? False Suppose 0 = l - 5, 80*p - 79*p - 3*l - 497 = 0. Is 8 a factor of p? True Let f(t) = -t**2 - t + 19. Let z be f(7). Let i = 112 - z. Does 12 divide i? False Let c(v) = -3*v**3 - v - 1. Let f be c(-1). Suppose -g + 3*g = f*g. Suppose -7*a - 2*a + 108 = g. Is a a multiple of 2? True Suppose -2*c + 48 = 3*r - 6*c, 0 = -r - c + 9. Suppose 0*k + 4*k = r. Suppose -5*g + 58 = k*d, -g + d - 5*d = 2. Does 10 divide g? False Let p(d) = d**3 + d**2 - 15*d - 10. Let q be p(-4). Suppose 4*h + q*b = 38, 2*h - 4*b - 25 = 19. Suppose g - 1638 = -h*g. Is 18 a factor of g? True Let w(x) = 1708*x**2 - 1722*x**2 - 2*x + 2*x + x**3 - 6. Let a be w(14). Is 26 a factor of (-104)/10*(a - (4 + 0))? True Let o(z) = 8*z**2 + 2*z + 384. Is 147 a factor of o(-17)? False Suppose 3*x = 3*b + 3, -3*x - 2*x = -3*b - 7. Let q be (-8 - -6)*(b/(-2) - -2). Is (-132)/q + 9/(-3) a multiple of 7? False Let v be (-2 + -4)*(0 - (-26)/(-4)). Let p = v - 37. Suppose 0 = -3*m - 4*c + 78, 5*m + c - p*c = 107. Is m a multiple of 8? False Let n(r) = -3*r**3 - 12*r**2 - 10*r + 8. Let d(j) = -10*j**2 + 4*j**3 + 28*j**2 - 34 + 15*j + 22. Let m(f) = -5*d(f) - 7*n(f). Does 3 divide m(7)? True Let p(b) be the second derivative of 9*b**2 + 6*b - 13/2*b**3 + 0. Does 14 divide p(-6)? True Let y = -22 + 24. Suppose -y*f = 8 - 6. Is 41 a factor of -2 + 2 + 76 - (1 - f)? False Let l(b) be the second derivative of -b**5/20 - 5*b**4/4 + 5*b**3/2 + 45*b**2/2 - 3*b. Let h be l(-16). Let y = h - -1. Is 19 a factor of y? False Is 1 + (-70480)/(-8) + 9 a multiple of 84? True Suppose -4*o - 342 = -2494. Suppose -4*z - 210 = -o. Let m = z + -50. Does 8 divide m? True Does 111 divide (-8)/(-14) - ((-1199950)/721 - (-1)/(-7))? True Suppose -82*o + 81091 = 5897. Is o a multiple of 116? False Suppose 712075 = 99*b - 146354. Is 29 a factor of b? True Let b(h) = 1690*h**2 - 26*h - 3. Is 15 a factor of b(2)? True Let g = 432 + -294. Suppose 580 = 6*o - 2696. Suppose -g = -3*n - y + 190, -2*y + o = 5*n. Is n a multiple of 22? True Suppose 15*r - 28967 = 18553. Is 36 a factor of r? True Let h be 1 - -3 - 0/11. Is (h + -1 - 4)*(0 + -137) a multiple of 15? False Suppose 2*x + 2 + 14 = 0, 4*x = l - 8642. Is l a multiple of 70? True Suppose 0 = -2*v - 15*v + 6*v + 15015. Is v a multiple of 39? True Suppose -116766 = -178*y + 28816 + 89378. Does 120 divide y? True Suppose 0 = x + 2*r - 2, -34*x + 35*x = r + 5. Let h(u) be the third derivative of u**6/120 - u**5/15 + u**4/8 + 7*u**3/6 - u**2. Is 2 a factor of h(x)? False Let c(j) = -641*j + 15. Let i(z) = 320*z - 7. Let u(x) = -2*c(x) - 5*i(x). Is u(-1) a multiple of 17? True Let y = 24 - -13. Suppose 25 = -2*m + y. Suppose 0 = m*u - 27 - 261. Does 27 divide u? False Suppose -5*j + u + 42 = 0, j + u - 18 = 6*u. Suppose -12 = -5*v + 10*v - 4*k, -5*v + 15 = 5*k. Is (j/10)/((-2)/(-185) + v) a multiple of 15? False Let t(z) be the second derivative of z**4/4 + z**3/6 + 119*z**2/2 - 107*z. Let y = -2 - -2. Does 33 divide t(y)? False Let s(l) = -11*l**2 + 38*l - 2. Does 4 divide s(3)? False Let t(i) be the third derivative of -1/12*i**4 + i**3 + 0 + 4*i**2 + 0*i. Is t(-8) a multiple of 11? True Let z(l) = l**2 + 24*l - 184. Does 2 divide z(16)? True Suppose 0 = 4*a + 11 + 1, 2*a = -5*u + 14. Suppose 3*l + u*n - 508 = 5*n, 0 = l - 3*n - 180. Suppose x = l - 59. Is x a multiple of 22? False Suppose -4*h = -2*l + 176565 - 24339, 0 = 5*h + l + 190293. Is -3 + h/(-54) - 2/(-9) a multiple of 54? True Suppose -2*k = 4*m - 274, 2*k + 3*k + 295 = 4*m. Suppose 96 + m = 2*r. Does 9 divide r? False Let j(t) = -t**2 - 6*t + 29. Let x(w) = 2*w**2 + 11*w - 58. Let d(z) = -11*j(z) - 6*x(z). Let p be (5 + (30/(-6) - -3) - 4)*0. Is 23 a factor of d(p)? False Let c(q) = -10*q - 43. Let r(v) = -2*v**2 + 2. Let j be r(3). Let x be (3 - (-3 + (0 - -3))) + j. Is 8 a factor of c(x)? False Is 308552/28 - 54/(-189) a multiple of 103? False
[Epidemiology of type II diabetes, diagnosis, prevalence, risk factors, complications]. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes varies from 1.1% in sub-Saharian Africa to 3.3% in developing countries and to 5.6% in the industrialised countries, which brings the number of diabetics in the world to 135 millions. The projections of the WHO suggest a 35% increase in the prevalence of diabetes. This increase is explained by a progressively more sedentary life style, the overabundant and attractive food sources, the increase in life expectancy leading to diabetogenic ageing and, more specifically for Europe, the baby-boom effect after the Second World War, and finally, the changes in diagnostic criteria (fasting glucose > or = 1.26 g/L (7 mM) on two occasions, serum glucose > or = 2 g/L 2 hours after a loading dose of 75 g of glucose, in terms of prevalence of diagnosis and the prediction of specific diabetic complications). Age, birth weight (over or underweight) and heredity are established non-modifiable risk factors, whereas it is possible to change high risk behaviour, overweight, the syndrome of insulin resistance and hyperglycaemia. The major role of hyperglycaemia in the specific microangiographic complications of diabetes which are aggravated by hypertension, has been established. Hyperglycaemia does not seem to be a major risk factor in macroangiographic complications, especially coronary artery disease, in contrast to smoking, hypertension and certain lipid or fibrinolytic abnormalities. Epidemiological analysis of diabetes shows its invalidating feature, especially in terms of fatal vascular risk, which may be attenuated by correction of all associated metabolic abnormalities. The progression of the incidence of diabetes should alert the physician to be more attentive in the diagnosis and management of diabetes, especially with regards to early dietary intervention.
HISTORIC DAY FOR CHILDREN’S RIGHT TO BODILY INTEGRITY Today, at a meeting in Oslo, Norway, Nordic ombudsmen for children along with Nordic children’s health professionals’ organisations (a.o. pediatricians and pediatric surgeons) agreed on a resolution urging their national governments to work for a ban on non-therapeutic circumcision of underage boys. I was extremely pleased to be invited to attend this meeting and give a talk on the aspects of pain and complications in relation to ritual circumcision and to take part in the subsequent discussions leading to the final text. Anne Lindboe (left at Keele University 16th Sept 2013) Norwegian ombudsman for children should be warmly applauded for this great initiative! It is my strong sense that the clear cut message from today’s meeting will be a hard one to escape for the Nordic governments in their future dealing with the issue of non-therapeutic circumcision. The resolution in Norwegian can be seen here. My (UNOFFICIAL) translation of the resolution into English goes like this (written hastily in the flight back to Copenhagen tonight) Resolution: LET BOYS DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES WHETHER OR NOT THEY WANT TO BE CIRCUMCISED Circumcision without a medical indication on a person unable to provide informed consent conflicts with basic principles of medical ethics, particularly because the operation is irreversible, painful and may cause serious complications. There are no health-related reasons to circumcise young boys in the Nordic countries. Arguments that may argue in favour of circumcision in adult men are of little relevance to children in the Nordic area. Boys can make up their own minds about the operation when they get old enough to provide informed consent. As ombudsmen for children and experts in children’s health we consider circumcision of underage boys without a medical indication to be in conflict with the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, article 12, about children’s right to express their views about their own matters, and article 24, pt. 3, which says that children must be protected against traditional rituals that may be harmful to their health. In 2013, the UN Human Rights Council has urged all states to end operations that compromise the integrity and dignity of children and are prejudicial to the health of both girls and boys. We consider it central that parental rights in this matter do not have precedence over children’s right to bodily integrity. What is in children’s best interest must always come first, even if this may limit grown up persons’ right to carry out their religious or traditional rituals. The Nordic ombudsmen for children and experts in children’s health therefore want to work towards a situation, where a circumcision can only be performed, if a boy, who has reached the age and level of maturity required to understand necessary medical information, consents to the operation. We wish a respectful dialogue among all parties involved about how to best ensure boys’ self determination with respect to circumcision. We also urge our governments to inform about children’s rights and health-related risks and consequences of the operation. We ask the Nordic governments to take the necessary steps towards ensuring that boys get the right to decide for themselves whether or not they want to be circumcised. Oslo, 30th of September 2013 Signed by Anne Lindboe, Norwegian ombudsman for children Fredrik Malmberg, Swedish ombudsman for children Maria Kaisa Aula, Finnish ombudsman for children Per Larsen, Chairman of the Danish Children’s Council Margrét Maria Sigurdardóttir, Icelandic ombudsman for children Anja Chemnitz Larsen, Greenlandic Children’s spokesperson as well as by representatives of Nordic associations of pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. Men Do Complain is deeply Grateful to Morten Frisch for reporting this news and to all those who have taken the side of children by seeking to end the practice of non therapeutic circumcision.
Autoimmune Pancreatitis: A Diagnostic Challenge for the Clinician. Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a rare cause of chronic pancreatitis that poses a diagnostic challenge to the clinician in that it mimics pancreatic cancer and presents with painless obstructive jaundice. In this review, we discuss the two types of AIP: type 1, known as lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis and type 2, known as idiopathic duct centric pancreatitis. Type 1 AIP is considered as a pancreatic manifestation of immunoglobulin G4-related disease. The etiopathogenesis of AIP, particularly type 2 AIP, is largely unknown. Both types of AIP have unique pancreatic histological features; however, the radiological and clinical features may mimic those of pancreatic cancer. The most commonly used diagnostic criteria, including the Japan Pancreas Society criteria, the Mayo Clinic HISORt (histology, imaging serology, other organ involvement, and response to therapy) criteria, and the International Association of Pancreatology's international consensus diagnostic criteria, that help to differentiate AIP from pancreatic cancer are reviewed in this article. The treatment of choice for induction of remission for AIP is steroid therapy. Relapses are more common in type 1 AIP. In selected patients, immunomodulators such as azathioprine and rituximab are used to maintain remission.
Sales Associate Salaries in Mansfield, MA Salary estimated from 14 employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. Last updated: August 6, 2018 Location Average in Mansfield, MA $10.39 per hour ▲6% Above national average Most Reported $7.25 $15.75 Salary Distribution How much does a Sales Associate make in Mansfield, MA? The average salary for a Sales Associate is $10.39 per hour in Mansfield, MA, which is 6% above the national average. Salary estimates are based on 14 salaries submitted anonymously to Indeed by Sales Associate employees, users, and collected from past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. The typical tenure for a Sales Associate is less than 1 year. Please note that all salary figures are approximations based upon third party submissions to Indeed. These figures are given to the Indeed users for the purpose of generalized comparison only. Minimum wage may differ by jurisdiction and you should consult the employer for actual salary figures.
--- abstract: 'In this work we include black hole (BH) seeding, growth and feedback into our semi-analytic galaxy formation model, [*Delphi*]{}. Our model now fully tracks the, accretion- and merger-driven, hierarchical assembly of the dark matter halo, gas, stellar and BH masses of high-redshift ($z \gsim 5$) galaxies. We explore a number of physical scenarios that include: [*(i)*]{} two types of BH seeds (stellar and those from Direct Collapse BH; DCBH); [*(ii)*]{} the impact of reionization; and [*(iii)*]{} the impact of instantaneous versus delayed galaxy mergers on the baryonic growth. Using a minimal set of mass- and $z$-independent free parameters associated with star formation and BH growth, and their associated feedback, and including suppressed BH growth in lower-mass galaxies, we show that our model successfully reproduces all available data sets for early galaxies and quasars. While both reionization and delayed galaxy mergers have no sensible impact on the evolving ultra-violet luminosity function, the impact of the former dominates in determining the stellar mass density for observed galaxies as well as the BH mass function. We then use this model to predict the [*LISA*]{} detectability of merger events at high-$z$. As expected, mergers of stellar BHs dominate the merger rates for all scenarios and our model predicts an expected upper limit of about 20 mergers using instantaneous merging and no reionization feedback over the 4-year mission duration. Including the impact of delayed mergers and reionization feedback provides about 12 events over the same observational time-scale.' author: - | Pratika Dayal$^{1}$[^1], Elena M. Rossi$^2$, Banafsheh Shiralilou$^2$, Olmo Piana$^1$, Tirthankar Roy Choudhury$^3$ & Marta Volonteri$^4$\ $^{{1}}$ Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands\ $^{2}$ Leiden University, Oort Building, Niels Bohrweg 2, NL-2333 CA Leiden, The Netherlands\ $^3$ National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune 411007, India\ $^4$ Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ Paris 6 et CNRS, UMR 7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98 bis bd Arago, 75014 Paris, France\ bibliography: - 'gw\_rv.bib' title: 'The hierarchical assembly of galaxies and black holes in the first billion years: predictions for the era of gravitational wave astronomy' --- Galaxies: high-redshift - formation - evolution - star formation - quasars: super massive black holes; gravitational waves Introduction ============ The detection of Gravitational Waves (GWs), from merging stellar Black Hole (BH) binaries and recently from the mergers of binary neutron stars, have opened a new observable window onto the low-$z$ Universe. Over the next decade, we expect the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ([*LISA*]{}) to detect GW signals from merging massive ($10^{4}-10^{6} \msun$) black hole binaries at the centre of galaxies from redshifts as high as $z \sim 20$, if such BHs are already in place at those early epochs. These observations perfectly complement galaxy surveys, using the [*Hubble*]{} and Subaru telescopes and the forthcoming James Webb Space telescope ([*JWST*]{}) and the European Extremely Large telescope ([*E-ELT*]{}), that aim at yielding tantalising glimpses of the formation of the earliest galaxies in the era of cosmic dawn [for a recent review see @dayal2018]. Predictions for such observations naturally require theoretical models that can consistently and simultaneously reproduce existing galaxy and BH observations before predictions are made for higher redshifts. In this work, we introduce BH seeding, growth and feedback into the [*Delphi*]{} semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. This model now fully tracks the hierarchical assembly of the dark matter, baryonic and BH components of early galaxies including the impact of feedback associated with star-formation, BHs and reionization. We use the results of our model to forecast the BH merger rate and the associated GW signature for [*LISA*]{} between $z \sim 5-20$. This redshift window covers the formation epoch of supermassive black hole (SMBH) seeds, whose nature and properties are currently outstanding questions. Three main formation channels are currently discussed (see also Section \[bhseeds\]) that involve: [*(i)*]{} the first generation of massive metal-free Population III stars [PopIII; e.g. @2001ApJ...551L..27M]; [*(ii)*]{} the monolithic collapse of gas in assembling protogalaxy [e.g., @loeb1994]; and [*(iii)*]{} the core collapse of the first ultra-dense nuclear star clusters [e.g., @2009ApJ...694..302D]. These channels differ in terms of the expected seed mass and “birth" rate with PopIII remnants being the lightest ($\sim 100 \msun$) and most frequent and BHs resulting from gas collapse (Direct Collapse Black Holes; DCBHs) being the most massive and rarest [see @2016PASA...33...51L; @2018arXiv180706155H for recent reviews]. Therefore, catching the GW signals from merging BHs between $z \sim 5-20$ can shed unique insights on SMBH infancy [@2018arXiv180706967C]. Electromagnetic searches of SMBH seeds probe the fraction of the SMBH population in an active phase and provide their luminosity, therefore shedding light on the combination of their masses and accretion rates. An alternative but still indirect measure of the SMBH mass, which is one of quantities needed to test seed formation scenarios, can be estimated with spectroscopic observations. On the other hand, [*LISA*]{} can detect and directly provide the masses and spins for quiescent SMBHs, as long as they are in a coalescing binary. Therefore these two approaches are truly complementary and both are necessary in order to obtain a full view of the SMBH seed population in the early Universe. In this paper we focus on BH-BH mergers that ensue after the merger of two galaxies, both hosting a central black hole, rather than the merger of SMBHs that are born in a binary [@2018MNRAS.479L..23H]. While such calculations have been carried out by previous works [e.g. @sesana2007; @2011PhRvD..83d4036S; @barausse2012], the strength of our model lies, both, in the minimal set of free parameters used for star formation and BHs (and their associated feedback) as well as the number of physical scenarios explored that include: [*(i)*]{} two types of BH seeds (stellar and those from Direct Collapse BH; DCBH); [*(ii)*]{} the impact of reionization; and [*(iii)*]{} the impact of instantaneous versus delayed galaxy mergers on the baryonic growth of galaxies. Our model matches the key observables both for high-$z$ Lyman break galaxies (LBGs)- including the Ultra-violet luminosity function (UVLF), the stellar mass function (SMF), the stellar mass density (SMD), stellar mass-halo mass relations and the mass-to-light (M/L) ratios- and black holes - including their UV LF, the black mass function (BHMF) and the BH mass-stellar mass relations. The GW event rates predicted by this work are therefore benchmarked against all available high-$z$ galaxy and BH data. The cosmological parameters used in this work correspond to ($\Omega_{\rm m },\Omega_{\Lambda}, \Omega_{\rm b}, h, n_s, \sigma_8) = (0.3089,0.6911,0.049, 0.67, 0.96, 0.81)$, consistent with the latest results from the [*Planck*]{} collaboration [@planck2015]. We quote all quantities in comoving units unless stated otherwise and express all magnitudes in the standard AB system [@oke-gunn1983]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[sec\_model\], we detail our code for the galaxy-BH (co)-evolution, that we test against observations in Section \[testing\_code\]. In Section \[lisa\], we simulate [*LISA’s*]{} performance in detecting our mock population of merging black holes and our results are summarised and discussed in Section \[conclusions\]. The Theoretical model {#sec_model} ===================== This work is based on using the code [*Delphi*]{} ([**D**]{}ark Matter and the [**e**]{}mergence of ga[**l**]{}axies in the e[**p**]{}oc[**h**]{} of re[**i**]{}onization), introduced in previous papers including @dayal2014a [@dayal2015; @dayal2017a; @dayal2017b]. In brief, [*Delphi*]{} uses a binary merger tree approach to jointly track the build-up of dark matter halos, their baryonic component (both gas and stellar mass) and their star-formation driven spectra through cosmic time. We start by building merger trees for 550 $z=4$ galaxies, uniformly distributed in the halo mass range of $\log(M_h/ \Msun)=8-13.5$, up to $z=20$. Each $z=4$ halo is assigned a co-moving number density by matching to the $\der n / \der M_h$ value of the $z=4$ Sheth-Tormen halo mass function (HMF) and every progenitor halo is assigned the number density of its $z=4$ parent halo; we have confirmed that the resulting HMFs are compatible with the Sheth-Tormen HMF at all $z$. In terms of feedback, so far, this model has focused on modelling the impact of (TypeII) supernovae (SNII) and reionization feedback on the formation of early galaxies. In this work, we extend our model to include the impact of BH seeding, growth and feedback on early galaxy formation. The very first progenitors of every $z=4$ halo, that mark the start of its assembly (the so-called “starting leaves"), are assigned an initial gas mass that scales with the halo mass according to the cosmological ratio such that $M_g = (\Omega_b/\Omega_m) M_h$. Depending on their mass and redshift, such starting leaves can also be seeded with a black hole as explained in Sec. \[bhseeds\]. We start by calculating the star formation efficiency of a halo and the gas-mass remaining after SN feedback (Sec. \[sf\_fb\]). If a halo hosts a BH, a part of the gas left after star formation and SN feedback can be accreted onto the black hole and the impact of black hole feedback is included as detailed in Sec. \[bh\_fb\]. At each step, we include both the impact of smooth-accretion and mergers in assembling the halo, baryonic (gas and stellar mass) and BH mass as detailed in Secs. \[acc\] and \[mergers\]. In our endeavour to build a model with minimal free parameters, we limit ourselves to two and four [*mass- and $z$-independent*]{} free parameters related to star formation and BHs, respectively. Seeding halos with black holes {#bhseeds} ------------------------------ We explore the two formation channels that yield the lightest (Pop III) and the most massive (DCBH) black hole seeds. At variance with previous models for gravitational waves from BH seeds that included only one type of BH seeds here we consider the possibility of more than one BH formation mechanism operating in the (early) Universe, as generally expected [e.g., @2016MNRAS.457.3356V]. These BH seeds are planted [*in the starting leaves of any halo*]{} as now detailed: \(i) [*Heavy seeds*]{}: First postulated as massive ($10^{3-5}\Msun$) black hole seeds to explain the presence of SMBHs at early cosmic epochs [e.g. @loeb1994; @bromm2003], DCBH formation models have been continually refined and developed over the past years [e.g @begelman2006; @begelman2008; @regan2009; @shang2010; @johnson2012; @latif2013; @agarwal2014; @dijkstra2014; @ferrara2014; @habouzit2016]. The current understanding from these works requires the following conditions to be met for a DCBH host: (i) the halo should have reached the atomic cooling threshold, with a virial temperature $T_{vir}\gsim 10^4 {\rm K}$, for the gas to be able to cool isothermally; (ii) the halo should be metal-free to prevent gas fragmentation; and (iii) the halo should be exposed to a high enough “critical" Lyman-Werner (LW) background ($J_{crit} = \alpha J_{21}$). Here $\alpha>1$ is a free parameter and $J_{21}$ is the LW background expressed in units of $10^{-21} {\rm erg\, s^{-1}\, Hz^{-1} \, cm^{-2} \, sr^{-1}}$ (see e.g. @sugimura2014). Interested readers are refereed to @dayal2017b for complete details on how DCBHs are seeded in high-$z$ halos. In brief, we start by making the reasonable assumption that the starting leaves of any halo are metal-free by virtue of never having accreted metal-enriched gas. Further, we use the stellar population synthesis code [Starburst99]{} [@leitherer1999] to calculate the LW ($11.2-13.6$ eV) luminosity of each galaxy based on its entire star formation history. This is used to calculate the mean LW emissivity at a given redshift, $\epsilon_{\rm LW}(z)$, by integrating over all galaxies present at that $z$. Accounting for fluctuations in the background, most likely around galaxies and, from the biased (i.e. clustered) distribution of galaxies, we identify the probability of the starting leaves being irradiated by LW intensity above a critical threshold value as detailed in @dayal2017b; for the calculations in this work we explore values that range over an order of magnitude such that $\alpha = 30$ and $300$. The mass distribution of the seeds is uncertain and depends on the specific physical conditions at birth and on whether the intermediate state of a supermassive star is followed by a brief period of super-Eddington accretion onto the newly born BH (i.e. a quasistar phase). For example, the supermassive star mass depends on the strength of the LW radiation that illuminates the birth site [@2018arXiv180706337L; @2018arXiv180708499A]. On the other hand, the existence of a quasistar phase and its outcome in term of BH seed mass depend on internal rotation and on mass loss in winds [@2011MNRAS.417.3035D; @2016MNRAS.455....2F; @2017MNRAS.464.2259F]. We are therefore left with an uncertain SMBH seed mass that can be bracketed by $10^{3}-10^{5}\Msun$ in halos below $10^9 \Msun$. Given the halo masses and LW radiation thresholds used in this paper [cf. Fig. 5 in @2018arXiv180706337L], we randomly populate halos in the top half of the calculated probability range with a DCBH seed of mass ranging between $10^{3-4}\Msun$ ([*“light DCBH seeds"*]{}): the number of halos populated with such DCBHs is calculated by matching this DCBH mass function to the probabilistic one (obtained by multiplying the mass function of DCBH hosts with the hosting probability). In order to check the dependence of our results on the DCBH seeds mass used, we also show the [*LISA*]{} event rates expected for seed masses higher by an order of magnitude, ranging between $10^{4-5}\msun$. The results of this [*“heavy DCBH seeds"*]{} model are shown in Sec. \[lisa\_results\]. \(ii) [*Light seeds*]{}: Stellar BH seeds of mass $\sim 10^2\Msun$ can be created by the collapse of PopIII stars in minihalos with $M_h \sim 10^5 \Msun$. Making the reasonable assumption that halos collapsing from high ($\gsim 3.5$)-$\sigma$ fluctuations in the primordial density field are most likely to host such seeds [e.g. @volonteri2003; @barausse2012] results in the host halos being more massive than $M_h \gsim 10^{7.2}\Msun$ at $z \gsim 13$. However, given our halo mass range of $10^{8-13.5} \Msun$, starting leaves have to be assigned these seeds by hand. In this work, we start by populating the starting leaves of any halo, that fulfil the DCBH criterion detailed above, with seed DCBHs. The starting leaves of halos at $z \gsim 13$ that fulfil the light seed criterion, but do not contain a DCBH, are then populated with stellar BH seeds mass $M_{bh} = 150 \Msun$. The initial seed distribution obtained with this formalism is shown in Fig. \[fig\_seeds\]. The cumulative number density of stellar BH seeds has a value of about $10^{-3.8}\, {\rm Mpc^{-3}}$ by $z \sim 4$. This clearly dominates over the cumulative number density of DCBH seeds which have a value of about $10^{-5.8}\, (10^{-7.6})\, {\rm Mpc^{-3}}$ by $z \sim 4$ for $\alpha = 30$ (300). Note that the models for “light seeds" described above were inspired by early calculations that suggested that only one, very massive, PopIII star would form in a given halo, right at the center of the potential well [e.g., @2002Sci...295...93A]. More recent models favor a larger amount of fragmentation, leading to lighter and scattered PopIII remnants [@2014MNRAS.440.3778J; @2018MNRAS.480.3762S] which are less suitable as SMBH seeds given the difficulty of both accreting material from their surroundings as well as finding the dynamical center of the galaxy/halo via dynamical friction. Therefore we also run test cases with only DCBHs as a lower limit to the presence of SMBH seeds in primeval galaxies. In terms of GW signatures, the results are similar to the reference case but selecting only mergers between heavy seeds. In terms of general BH population, models including only DCBHs with $\alpha = 300$ fail entirely in reproducing the observed active galactic nuclei (AGN) luminosity function at $z=5-6$, given their extremely low number densities; consider the long-dashed cyan line in Fig. \[fig\_seeds\] which has a value of about $10^{-7.6}\, {\rm Mpc^{-3}}$ and compare this to an observed AGN number density of $\sim 10^{-5.5}-10^{-4.5} \, {\rm Mpc^{-3}}$ [@2018MNRAS.473.2378V; @2018arXiv180709774K]. Models with $\alpha = 30$ are nearly compatible with the faint end of the observed luminosity function at $z=5$, but fail to produce enough AGN at $z=6$ unless the seed mass is above $10^4 \Msun$. In summary, both “light" and “heavy" seed models have uncertainties and problems associated with their formation and growth. Given this state-of-the-art in the field of BH formation, our model comprehensively explores the allowed parameter space, includes a realistic approach to the dependence of BH growth on the host mass, and presents a thorough comparison with observations in Sec. \[testing\_code\] in order to explore the consequences of current uncertainties. Star formation and supernova feedback {#sf_fb} ------------------------------------- A newly-formed stellar population of mass $M_*(z)$ at redshift $z$ can impart the interstellar medium (ISM) with a total SNII energy $E_{SN}$ given by $$E_{SN} = \fws E_{51} \nu M_*(z) \equiv \fws v_s^2 M_*(z).$$ Here, each SNII is assumed to impart an (instantaneous) explosion energy of $E_{51}=10^{51}{\rm erg}$ to the ISM and $\nu = [134 \, {\rm \Msun}]^{-1}$ is the number of SNII per stellar mass formed for a Salpeter IMF between $0.1-100 \Msun$; we maintain this IMF through-out this work. The values of $E_{51}$ and $\nu$ yield $v_s= 611$ km s$^{-1}$. Finally, $\fws$ is the fraction of the SN explosion energy that couples to gas. For any given halo, the energy $E_{ej}$ required to unbind and eject the ISM gas not converted into stars can be expressed as $$E_{ej}(z) = \frac{1}{2} [M_{gi}(z)-M_*(z)] v_e^2,$$ where $M_{gi}(z)$ is the [*initial*]{} gas mass in the galaxy, prior to any star formation or BH accretion, at epoch $z$. Further, the escape velocity $v_e$ can be expressed in terms of the halo rotational velocity, $v_c$, as $v_e = \sqrt 2 v_c$. We then define the [*ejection efficiency*]{}, $\fej$, as the fraction of gas that must be converted into stars to “blow-away" the remaining gas from the galaxy (i.e. $E_{ej} \le E_{SN} $). This can be calculated by imposing $E_{ej} = E_{SN} $ leading to $$\fej(z) = \frac{v_c^2(z)}{v_c^2(z) + \fws v_s^2}. \label{fej}$$ The [*effective star formation efficiency*]{} for any halo is then expressed as $$\feff =min[\fs,\fej],$$ where $\fs$ is a free parameter representing the maximum instantaneous star formation efficiency - this parameter is fixed by matching to the bright-end of the observed LBG UV LF as explained in Sec. \[uvlf\]. In this formalism, the newly formed stellar mass formed at $z$ can be expressed as $$M_*(z) = M_{gi}(z) \feff.$$ In the spirit of maintaining simplicity, we assume that every stellar population has a fixed metallicity of $0.05 \Zsun$ and each newly-formed stellar population has an age of $2 \, \myr$. Using these parameters with the population synthesis code [STARBURST99]{} [@leitherer1999], the rest-frame UV luminosity (between $1250$ and $1500$Å) from a newly-formed stellar mass can be expressed as $$\luvs = 10^{33.077} \bigg(\frac{M_{*}}{\Msun} \bigg) \,\, {\rm erg\, s}^{-1} {\rm \AA}^{-1}. \label{lumnew}$$ This star-formation episode must then result in a certain amount of gas, $\mges(z)$, being ejected from the galaxy at the given $z$-step. The value of $\mges(z)$ depends on whether $\feff = f_*$ or $\feff = \fej$: while the galaxy is an “efficient star-former" in the former case, that can support new stellar mass being formed without losing much of its gas, the latter case is true for a “feedback-limited" system that loses all of its ISM gas after star formation. Mathematically, $\mges$ can be calculated as $$\mges(z) = [M_{gi}(z) - M_{*}(z)] \frac{\feff}{\fej}. \label{mej}$$ The final gas mass, $\mgfs(z)$, remaining in the galaxy at that redshift-step, after star formation and SN feedback, can then be expressed as $$\mgfs(z) = [M_{gi}(z) - M_*(z)] \bigg[1-\frac{\feff}{\fej}\bigg]. \label{mf}$$ Model $\alpha$ $UVB$ $\fs$ $\fws$ $\fwb$ $\faccb$ $\fed (M_h < \mcritb)$ $\fed (M_h > \mcritb)$ $\epsilon_r$ ------- ---------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------- ins1 30 No 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 ins2 300 No 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 ins3 30 Yes 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 ins4 300 Yes 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 tdf1 30 No 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 tdf2 300 No 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 tdf3 30 Yes 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 tdf4 300 Yes 0.02 0.1 0.003 $5.5 \times 10^{-4}$ $7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ 1 0.1 \[table1\] Black hole growth and feedback {#bh_fb} ------------------------------ Once seeded, BHs can grow via accretion and mergers. We discuss BH growth via accretion in this section and the merger-driven growth is deferred to Sec. \[mergers\] that follows. At any given redshift, the Eddington mass accretion rate, $\dot M_{ed}$, for a BH of mass $\mbh$ can be calculated as $$\dot M_{ed}(z) = \frac{4 \pi G \mbh (z) m_p}{\sigma_T \epsilon_r c},$$ where $G$ is the gravitational constant, $m_p$ is the proton mass, $\sigma_T$ is the Thomson scattering optical depth, $\epsilon_r$ is the BH radiative efficiency and $c$ is the speed of light. Given our merger tree time-step of $\Delta t = 20 {\rm Myr}$, the total mass that can be accreted at the Eddington rate in one time-step is $\med (z) = (1-\epsilon_r) \dot M_{ed}(z) \times \Delta t$. Further, the gas mass accreted by the BH in a given time step, $\maccb(z)$, is calculated as: $$\maccb(z)= \begin{cases} \fed \med(z), & {\rm if}\ x_r\faccb \mgfs (z)> \fed \med(z) \\ x_r \faccb \mgfs(z), & {\rm if}\ x_r\faccb \mgfs(z)< \fed \med(z) \end{cases}$$ where $x_r = (1-\epsilon_r)$. Further, $\faccb$ is the fraction of the available gas mass left, after star formation and supernova feedback, that can be accreted by the BH and $\fed$, a free-parameter, is the fractional Eddington rate of accretion. Using this formalism, the BH accretes either at a fraction of the Eddington rate or a fraction of the available gas mass, whichever is lower, i.e., $\maccb(z) = min[x_r \faccb \mgfs(z), \fed \med(z)]$. Matching to the AGN UV LF (Sec. \[uvlf\]) requires $\fed = 7.5 \times 10^{-5}$ below a critical halo mass of $\mcritb = 10^{11.25}[\Omega_m(1+z)^3 +\Omega_\Lambda ]^{-0.125}$ [see also @bower2017] and $\fed = 1$ above this mass at any redshift. This accretion will yield a BH feedback energy of $$E_{bh} = \fwb \epsilon_r \maccb(z) c^2,$$ where $\fwb$ is the efficiency of BH feedback coupling to the gas. The BH feedback required to eject the left-over gas (after accretion) can be expressed as $$E_{bh}^{ej}(z) = \frac{1}{2}[\mgfs(z) - \maccb(z)] v_e^2.$$ The [*effective black hole feedback*]{} is therefore taken to be the minimum between the energy required to eject all the gas up to the maximum value such that $E_{bh}^{eff} = min[E_{bh}, E_{bh}^{ej}]$. The final gas mass left in the halo, that can be carried over for mergers, after BH accretion and feedback can then be calculated as $$\mgfb(z) = [\mgfs(z) - \maccb(z)] \bigg[1-\frac{E_{bh}^{eff}}{E_{bh}^{ej}}\bigg].$$ Using the above formalism, the total luminosity produced by the black hole can be expressed as $$L_{bh} = \frac{\epsilon_r \maccb(z) c^2}{\Delta t} \, [L_\odot].$$ This is converted into the B-band luminosity using the results of @marconi2004 where ${\rm log(L_{bh}/\nu_B L_{\nu B} )} = {\rm 0.80 -0.067({\rm log}\, L_{bh}-12)} + {\rm 0.017 ({\rm log}\, L_{bh}-12)^2} - {\rm 0.0023 ({\rm log} \, L_{bh}-12)^3}$. Finally, we use $L_\nu \propto \nu^{-0.44}$ to convert this B-band luminosity into the black hole UV luminosity $\luvb$. In order to build the AGN UV LF, we also account for AGN obscuration by multiplying the number density of BHs of a given luminosity by the correction factors proposed in @ueda2014. Smooth-accretion from the intergalactic medium {#acc} ---------------------------------------------- The merger of halos is accompanied by “smooth-accretion" of dark matter from the intergalactic medium (IGM). In the analytic merger tree, this smoothly-accreted dark matter mass is calculated as $$\mdmsa(z) = M_h(z) - \sum_{i=1}^{N} M_h (z+\Delta z),$$ where $M_h(z)$ is the halo mass at $z$ and the second term on the RHS denotes the sum of the halo masses of all its progenitors at the previous redshift step; $N=2$ in the case of the binary merger tree used in our study. We make the reasonable assumption that the smooth accretion of dark matter is accompanied by the accretion of a cosmological ratio of gas from the IGM such that the smoothly-accreted gas mass $\mgsa$ at $z$ can be written as $$\mgsa(z) = \frac{\Omega_b}{\Omega_m} \mdmsa(z).$$ Merging galaxies and black holes {#mergers} -------------------------------- As galaxies merge, in addition to dark matter, they bring in stellar and gas mass with the latter depending on the star formation and BH accretion efficiencies of the progenitor halos. As detailed in Secs. \[sf\_fb\] and \[bh\_fb\], galaxies forming stars and/or accreting at the limit of BH feedback will only bring stellar mass into their successors resulting in “dry mergers". On the other hand, halos bringing in both stellar and gas mass result in “wet mergers". Mergers of galaxies result in a summation of their dark matter, baryonic and BH masses and total UV luminosities such that $$\begin{aligned} M_{dm}(z) & = & \sum_{i=1}^N M_h(z+\Delta z) + \mdmsa(z)\\ M_{g}(z) & = & \sum_{i=1}^N \mgfb(z+\Delta z) + \mgsa(z) \\ M_{*, tot}(z) & = & M_{*}(z) + \sum_{i=1}^N M_{*}(z+\Delta z) \\ M_{bh, tot}(z) & = & M_{bh}(z) + \sum_{i=1}^N M_{bh}(z+\Delta z) \\ \luvtot(z) & = & \luvs(z) + \luvb(z) + \sum \luvs(z+\Delta z).\end{aligned}$$ Using [STARBURST99]{}, we find that the UV luminosity for a burst of stars (normalized to a mass of $1 \Msun$ and metallicity $0.05\, \Zsun$) decreases with time as $$\log \bigg(\frac{\luvs(t)}{{\rm erg\, s}^{-1} {\rm \AA}^{-1}} \bigg) = 33.0771 - 1.33 \log (t/t_0) + 0.462, \label{luv}$$ where $t$ is the age of the stellar population (in yr) at $z$ and $\log (t_0/{\rm yr}) = 6.301$. Finally, we make the limiting assumption that BH luminosity decays away within the time-step of $20\, \myrs$ i.e. BH luminosity is only relevant in the redshift step in which the black hole accretes. We also explore two scenarios for the [*timescales*]{} of galaxy mergers: [*in the first*]{}, halos mergers are accompanied by the mergers of galaxies and their constituent BHs. This [*instantaneous merging*]{} scenario sets the [*upper limit*]{} for the BH merger rate. [*In the second scenario*]{}, we include the fact that galaxies (and their BHs) merge after a “merging" timescale which can be calculated as [@lacey-cole1993] $$\tau = f_{df} \Theta_{orbit} \tau_{dyn} \frac{M_{host}}{M_{sat}} \frac{0.3722}{ln(M_{host}/M_{sat} )},$$ where $M_{host}$ is the mass of the host including all the satellites, $M_{sat}$ is the mass of the merging satellite, $\tau_{dyn}$ represents the dynamical timescale and $f_{df}$ represents the efficiency of tidal stripping; $f_{df}>1$ if tidal stripping is very efficient. For this work, we use $f_{df}=1$. Further, $$\Theta_{orbit} = \bigg(\frac{J}{J_c}\bigg)^{0.78} \bigg(\frac{r_c}{R_{vir}}\bigg)^2,$$ where $J$ is the satellite’s specific angular momentum and $J_c$ that of a satellite carrying the same energy and orbiting on a circular orbit. The last term represents the ratio between the circular radius (the radius of a circular orbit with the same energy) and the virial radius of the host. $\Theta_{orbit}$ is well modelled by a log-normal distribution such that ${\rm log} (\Theta_{orbit}) = -0.14 \pm 0.26$ [@cole2000]; we randomly sample values from this distribution for each merger. Finally, the dynamical timescale can be calculated as $\tau_{dyn} = \pi R_{vir}(z) V_{vir}(z)^{-1} = 0.1 \pi t_H(z)$ where $R_{vir}$ and $V_{vir}$ are the virial radius and velocity at $z$. We also make the limiting assumption that satellite galaxies, waiting to merge, neither form stars nor have any BH accretion of gas. We show results from both scenarios in this work in order to bracket the uncertainty on our understanding of galaxy merger timescales. In reality, however, the second scenario still gives a lower limit to the merger time of BH binaries: additional delays are to be expected once the binary forms after the dynamical friction timescale. The binary has to harden further to reach the separation where gravitational wave emission becomes the dominant source of energy and momentum losses to bring the binary to coalescence and merge within the Hubble time. This additional delay is largely unconstrained, and can range from tens to billions of years [for a review see, e.g., @barack2018]. Additionally, for low-mass BHs dynamical friction could be ineffective during the galaxy merger phase since the deceleration of dynamical friction is proportional to the infalling black hole mass resulting in the timescale for orbital decay being inversely proportional to mass. The impact of reionization {#reio} -------------------------- In this work, we also include the effects of the Ultra-violet background (UVB) created during reionization which, by heating the ionized IGM to $T \sim 10^4$ K, can have an impact on the baryonic content of low-mass halos . Given that self-consistently calculating the impact of the UVB on galaxy formation remains an unsolved problem, we consider two scenarios: [*the first*]{} is in which UVB has no impact on the baryonic content of any halo. [*The second*]{} scenario is one considering maximal UVB feedback in which the gas mass is completely photo-evaporated for all halos below a characteristic virial velocity of $V_{vir} = 40 \, \kms$. Critically, whilst leaving the [*number*]{} of mergers unchanged, limiting the gas mass available for accretion onto BHs, the latter scenario results in a [*lower limit*]{} on the mass of the merged BH. We run the above model for 8 different scenarios (detailed in Table \[table1\]) that explore 3 key physical effects: [*(i)*]{} the impact of the LW background amplitude in calculating DCBH hosts (Sec. \[bhseeds\]); [*(ii)*]{} the impact of instantaneous versus delayed mergers of galaxies and BHs (Sec. \[mergers\]); and [*(iii)*]{} the impact of UV feedback on early galaxies and BHs (Sec. \[reio\]). In what follows, the model [*ins1*]{}, that assumes the lowest LW amplitude for DCBHs, instantaneous galaxy mergers and no UV feedback, is denoted as the [*fiducial*]{} model and provides the upper limit on our results. On the other hand, with the highest LW amplitude for DCBHs, delayed galaxy (and BH) mergers and maximal UV feedback, the model [*tdf4*]{} provides the lower limit to our results. Comparing theoretical galaxy and black hole properties to observations {#testing_code} ====================================================================== Now that the theoretical model has been established, we compare model results to a number of observational data sets, for both galaxies and AGN, as detailed in what follows. In terms of galaxies, we use the data sets accumulated for high-$z$ LBGs, detected through a drop in luminosity blue-ward of the Lyman limit at $912$Å. The past few years have seen an enormous increase in LBG data due to a combination of state-of-the-art instruments such as (the Wide Field Came 3 onboard) the Hubble Space Telescope ([*HST*]{}) as well as refined selection techniques [e.g. @steidel1999]. As for AGN, a number of surveys, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Canadian-French high-z quasar surveys, and observations with the Subaru telescope, have yielded a statistical sample of AGN/QSO candidates at redshifts as high as $z \simeq 6$. In what follows we compare 4 models that bracket the physically plausible range explored in this work ([*ins1, ins4, tdf1 and tdf4*]{}), detailed in Table \[table1\], with a number of data-sets, including the UV LFs, the stellar mass density, the black hole mass function and the black hole-stellar mass relation. We note that, given their low number densities, both the “light" and “heavy" DCBH seeding cases yield very similar results for all the observational data-sets discussed. For this reason, we limit our results to the “light DCBH seed" case in this section. The observed UV LF for star formation and black holes {#uvlf} ----------------------------------------------------- The observed UV LF (number density of galaxies as a function of the absolute magnitude) and its redshift evolution offer one of the most robust tests of theoretical models of galaxy formation. We start by calculating the UV magnitudes, separately for star formation and AGN activity, for each theoretical galaxy and computing the associated UV LFs, as shown in Fig. \[fig\_uvlf\]. We start by discussing the LBG UV LF: firstly, matching to the bright end of the evolving UV LF requires a maximum star formation efficiency value of $f_* \simeq 2\%$. Secondly, we find that the fiducial model ([*ins1*]{}) is in excellent agreement with available LBG observations, ranging between $-22 \lsim \muv \lsim -13$, at all $z \sim 5-10$ as already shown in our previous works [e.g. @dayal2014a]. The inclusion of a delay in galaxy mergers ([*tdf1*]{}) has no sensible impact on the faint-end of the UV LF - this is due to the fact that the progenitors of these low-mass halos are SN feedback limited and hence do not bring in any gas whilst merging (dry mergers) as already pointed out previously [@dayal2014a]. On the other hand, the delay in galaxy mergers leads to an increasing reduction in the gas masses of higher-mass halos whose progenitors are not SN feedback limited and bring in gas in mergers (wet mergers), leading to a slightly steeper bright end. Finally, including the (maximal) impact of reionization feedback ([*ins4*]{} and [*tdf4*]{}), that photo-evaporates the baryonic content of all galaxies with $V_{vir} \lsim 40 \, \kms$, only affects the faint-end of the UV LF and leads to a cut-off at brighter magnitudes ($\muv \sim -14$ to $-15$) as compared to the continued rise excluding this effect (e.g. in models [*ins1*]{} and [*tdf1*]{}). In this work, models [*ins1*]{} and [*tdf4*]{}, therefore, bracket the plausible UV LF range. However, it must be cautioned that the theoretical LBG UV LF has, so far, ignored the impact of dust enrichment which is expected to have a relevant effect in decreasing the luminosities at the bright end. Focusing on the AGN UV LF, the black hole powered UV LFs for all four models discussed above are found to be in excellent agreement with all available AGN data at $z \sim 5$ and $6$ as shown in Fig. \[fig\_uvlf\]. We start by noting that given the large masses ($M_h \gsim 10^{11.5}\msun$) associated with AGN/QSO host halos, the black hole UV LF is only relevant at $\muv \lsim -21$, corresponding to number densities $\lsim 10^{-5} [{\rm dex^{-1} Mpc^{-3}}]$ at $z \sim 5$ and $6$. These results are in qualitative agreement with those of [@ono2018] who find 100% of the UV luminosity to come solely from stars for galaxies with $\muv \gsim -23$ to $-24$. However, given that the AGN number densities are suppressed due to obscuration (see Sec. \[bh\_fb\]), calculating the fraction of galaxies dominated by AGN requires a more thorough examination which we defer to a future work. Finally, we note that the contribution of BH-powered luminosity could be one explanation for observed UV LFs that are shallower than the exponentially declining Schechter function at these high-$z$ [e.g. @ono2018]. We find that the AGN UV LF is extremely similar for heavy black hole seeds with $\alpha$ varying over an order of magnitude (for 30 to 300) for the four models discussed above. This is probably to be expected given the extremely low number of heavy black hole seeds as compared to the number of light black hole seeds as pointed out in Sec. \[bhseeds\]; the latter therefore clearly dominate the UV LF. As for the merger timescales, including a delay in the mergers of galaxies (and black holes) results in a smaller black hole growth. This is reflected in a lower final black hole mass in a given halo (also see Sec. \[bhmf\] that follows). However, this only leads to minor changes in the UV LF which are indistinguishable within the scatter shown by the four models considered here. Further, given the large masses of AGN hosts, reionization feedback has no relevant effect on the AGN UV LF. Finally, looking at the redshift evolution of the AGN UV LF, we find that it shows a sharper redshift evolution compared to the star-formation powered UV LF given the increasing paucity of their high-mass hosts. To quantify this effect, let us focus on a magnitude of $\muv =-20$: while the star formation driven UV LF only evolves by a factor of 3 between $z \sim 5$ and $7$, the AGN UV LF (negatively) evolves by roughly three orders of magnitude over the same redshift range. The LBG stellar mass density (SMD) {#smd} ---------------------------------- We now compare the theoretical SMD to that observationally inferred for LBGs. We start by comparing to observed LBGs with $\muv \lsim -17.7$ as shown in Fig. \[fig\_smd\]. As seen, while all four models ([*ins1, ins4, tdf1, tdf4*]{}) are in excellent agreement with the data they are offset in normalisation from each-other whilst following very similar slopes such that $SMD \propto (1+z)^{0.42}$. As might be expected, model [*ins1*]{} provides the upper limit to the SMD results for observed galaxies. Including the effects of delayed galaxy mergers ([ *tdf1*]{}) results in a small decrease in the SMD values by about 0.1 dex. However, assuming instantaneous mergers whilst including maximal UVB suppression ([*ins4*]{}) only results in a SMD that is different from the fiducial case by a negligible 0.03 dex. These results clearly imply that a delay in the merger timescales is more important than the effect of a UVB for these high mass systems. Finally, the lower limit to the SMD results is provided by model [*tdf4*]{} that is about 0.13 dex lower than the fiducial results. These slight changes in the SMD normalisation shows that most of the stellar mass is assembled in massive progenitors [see also @dayal2013] with low-mass progenitors - that either merge after a dynamical timescale ([*tdf1*]{}), are reionization suppressed ([*ins4*]{}) or include both these effects ([*tdf4*]{}) - contributing only a few percent to the stellar mass for observed galaxies. On the other hand, the impact of reionization feedback and a delay in the merging timescale are much more dramatic when considering the entire galaxy population (without any limiting magnitudes used). In this case, the fiducial model, [*ins1*]{}, shows a slope that evolves with redshift as $SMD \propto (1+z)^{0.24}$. Given that in this case the SMD is dominated by the contribution from low-mass halos, the situation flips as compared to that discussed above: the merger timescale has a negligible effect on the SMD of all galaxies and shows essentially the same amplitude and slope as the fiducial case. However, the UVB suppression of the gas mass of low-mass halos results in both a decrease in the amplitude (by about 0.23 dex) and a, more dramatic, steepening of the SMD slope such that $SMD \propto (1+z)^{0.31}$ for models [*ins4*]{} and [*tdf4*]{}. The black hole mass function and occupation fraction {#bhmf} ---------------------------------------------------- We now discuss the black hole mass function (BHMF) which expresses the number density of black holes as a function of their mass, the results of which at $z \simeq 6$ are shown in Fig. \[fig\_bhmf\]. As expected, the number density of black holes increase with decreasing BH mass as shown in the Figure. The observed BHMF at $z \sim 6$ extends from $M_{bh} \sim 10^{7-10}\Msun$. Our theoretical results for all four models discussed above are in good agreement with the data within error bars as seen in the same figure. Naturally, the fiducial model ([*ins1*]{}), extending from $M_{bh} \sim 10^{4.8-8.8}\Msun$, yields the upper limit to the BHMF. Including a delay in the merger times for black holes ([*tdf1*]{}) leads to a decrease in the maximum mass attained by the black holes ($M_{max} \sim 10^8\Msun$) showing that gas brought in by merging progenitors halos has a significant contribution to the growth of these high-mass systems. On the other hand, reionization feedback alone ([*ins4*]{}) has a negligible effect on the growth of high-mass halos (as discussed in Sec. \[smd\] above), yielding a BHMF in close agreement with the fiducial one. Finally, the model [*tdf4*]{}, including both the impact of delayed mergers and the UVB, yields results quite similar to [*tdf1*]{} and, provides the lower limit to the BHMF. We recall that our model is not aimed at (re)producing rare luminous quasars powered by very massive BH [see @2016MNRAS.457.3356V; @2016MNRAS.458.3047P and references therein for models focused on the most massive halos and BHs] but at the bulk of the population of massive BHs. It should therefore not be surprising that the BH mass function does not extend to the highest BH masses observed. We also show the BH occupation fraction in Fig. \[fig\_occu\]. As shown, galaxies with a halo mass $M_h \gsim 10^{10.2}$ have an occupation fraction of 1 by $z \sim 6$. As expected, most of these are stellar black holes except DCBHs that dominate for the most massive halos. The black hole occupation fraction also shifts to progressively lower masses with increasing redshift. This is because of two reasons: first in our model, only starting leaves above $z =13$ are seeded with black holes; the increasing number of starting leaves forming at lower redshifts are devoid of any black holes. Secondly, low mass halos continually increase in mass with decreasing redshift. We note that our results are qualitatively in good agreement with those obtained from previous works [e.g. @tanaka2009]. Finally we stress that the enhancement of the LW seen by any halos only depends on its bias at that redshift and we have ignored the impact of clustered sources that could enhance the LW intensity seen by halos in over-dense environments. Our results must therefore be treated as a lower limit on the DCBH number density and, hence, the Type 2+3 occupation fraction. The black hole-stellar mass relation ------------------------------------ Constraints on the relation between BHs and galaxies at high redshift are scant. In general, since the only confirmed BHs at these redshifts are those powering powerful quasars, the stellar mass of the host cannot be measured (not to mention the stellar velocity dispersion or bulge mass) because the light from the quasar over-shines the host galaxy. The best estimates of the host properties for these powerful quasars are obtained through measures of the cold (molecular) gas properties in sub-mm observations, where a dynamical mass, based on the velocity dispersion of the gas and the radius of the emitting region can be measured [e.g., @venemans2016; @shao2017; @decarli2018 and references therein]. For these quasars, the BH to dynamical mass is skewed to values much larger than the ratio of BH to stellar or bulge mass in the local Universe. As discussed in [@volonteri2011] there are reasons to believe that such high mass ratios should not characterize the whole BH population. Beyond the Malmquist bias causing a more frequent selection of over-massive BHs in low-mass hosts [@lauer2007; @salviander2007], only under-massive and low-accretion BHs can explain the lack of widespread AGN detections in LBGs. That BHs in low-mass galaxies are indeed expected to grow slowly and lag behind the host has now been confirmed in many numerical investigations [@dubois2015; @habouzit2017; @bower2017; @angles2017]. Our implementation of BH growth includes a stunted growth in low-mass galaxies and we obtain a black hole-stellar mass relation in agreement with numerical investigations, a non-linear scaling where black holes in low-mass galaxies are “stuck" at their initial mass [@habouzit2017; @bower2017]. BHs in high-mass hosts, on the other hand, can be above the $z=0$ scaling, as shown in Fig. \[nion\_fnms\]. Quantitatively, we find that the BH mass-stellar mass relation is strongly correlated for high stellar mass ($M_* \gsim 19^{9.5}\msun$) galaxies and is best expressed by the relation $M_{bh}=1.25M_*-4.8$ at $z \simeq 5$; the relation flattens below such masses. Including the impact of the UVB ([*ins4*]{}) has no impact on this relation at the bright end. However, the suppression of gas mass in low-mass halos naturally results in lower black hole masses by as much as two orders of magnitude for a given stellar mass. As noted above in Sec. \[bhmf\], the inclusion of a delay in galaxy merging timescales results in a decrease in the mass of the most massive black holes (by about 0.8 dex) as seen from the right-hand panel of the same figure although it has no impact on the high-mass slope. Further, the results from [*ins4*]{} and [*tdf4*]{} are quite similar as also expected from the discussion in Sec. \[bhmf\] above, yielding the lower-limit to the $M_{bh}-M_*$ relation. Finally, the best-fit relation derived for high stellar mass galaxies from our model is in excellent agreement with the relation $M_{\rm bh}=1.4 M_*-6.45$ derived for high stellar mass ellipticals and bulges in the nearby Universe [@volonteri2016]. [*LISA*]{} and GWs from the high-z Universe {#lisa} =========================================== Now that we have shown the theoretical galaxy and BH properties to be in excellent agreement with observations, we can extend our calculations to the GWs expected from the mergers of such high-$z$ black holes. In this work, any merger falls into one of the following 3 categories: (i) [*type1 - stellar black hole mergers*]{}: mergers of two stellar BH seeds; (ii) [*type 2 - mixed mergers*]{}: mergers of a stellar BH seed with a DCBH, and (iii) [*type 3 - DCBH-DCBH mergers*]{}: extremely rare, these are mergers of two DCBH seeds. In the last category, we also include mergers of a DCBH with a mixed merger in the past. A system with two black holes revolving around each other forms an accelerated mass quadrupole that causes emission of GWs at the expenses of orbital energy with a catastrophic outcome: as the binary emits GWs its semi-major axis shrinks (“inspiral" phase) until the two black holes merge and, after shedding any extra residual energy (“ringdown" phase), a newly born stationary BH forms. The GW signal increases in amplitude and frequency at an accelerated pace with the emission peaking at merger, i.e. roughly at the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO). The peak frequency at the ISCO for a non-spinning black hole can be expressed as twice $$f_{\rm ISCO}=\frac{1}{6\sqrt{6}(2\pi)}\frac{c^3}{GM(1+z)}\,, \label{FISCO}$$ where M is the total binary mass. Beyond the peak the signal is exponentially damped. Massive black holes ($M_{bh} > 10^{3} \msun$) at high redshifts emit at frequencies ($\ll 1$ Hz) much lower than the range of ground based GW detectors. To detect massive BHs through GWs much longer interferometric arms, of a million kilometers are needed, which can be only realised in space. In this section, we forecast the detection performance of the space-based European Space Agency (ESA) mission [*LISA*]{} for black hole binaries in the early Universe ($z >4$), in the evolutionary framework presented above. [*LISA*]{} is a space-based GW laser-interferometer, proposed to be launched in 2034, that consists of three spacecrafts in an equilateral triangle constellation. The interferometer’s arms are proposed to be $2.5\times 10^6$ km in length resulting in an optimal frequency range between $\approx 1$ mHz to $0.1$Hz (Fig. \[fig:Sensitivity\]). For each black hole merger, the optimized value of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) associated to the wave model is calculated based on the matched-filtering technique. By assuming the noise to be stationary and Gaussian with zero mean, the SNR is given by $$\left(\frac{S}{N}\right)^{2}= 4 \int_{f_{\rm min}}^{f_{\rm max}}\frac{|\Tilde{h}(f)|^{2}}{S_{\rm n}(f)}df\,, \label{eq:snr}$$ where $|\Tilde{h}(f)|$ is the amplitude of the GW signal in frequency domain and $S_{\rm n}(f)$ is the noise power spectra density (PSD) function. Here $f_{\rm min}$ is the binary frequency when it is first observed (i.e. at $t=0$) and $f_{\rm max}$ is either its frequency at the end of the mission’s lifetime or at merger, which ever happens first. In the following sections, we detail the calculation of the signal ($h(f)$; Sec. \[lisa\_signal\]) and the noise ($S_{\rm n}$) and integration limits (Sec. \[lisa\_noise\]). We end by presenting our results in Sec. \[lisa\_results\]. ![LISA sky-averaged dimensionless sensitivity curve ($\sqrt{f \times S_{\rm n}}$) as a function of frequency for 4 years of observation time: numerical calculation [@whitepaper blue line] and analytical approximation [yellow line; model A2N2 from @klein2016]. The numerical curve accounts for the Galactic binary stochastic foreground noise that causes the “bump" around $10^{-3}$ Hz. We also overplot the dimensionless characteristic strain $h_{\rm c} = 2 f \tilde{h}(f)$ for the averaged (in total mass and redshift) detected BH binaries in the 3 different type of mergers (using the “light" DCBH seeds model) considered in this work. Note that the average detected binary is at an increasing redshift and has a decreasing total mass going from type $3$ to type $1$ mergers. []{data-label="fig:Sensitivity"}](sensitivity_curve.pdf) The GW signal {#lisa_signal} -------------- GW detectors generally work with time-dependant scalars, $h(t)$, as their output. The scalar describes the changes in the detector after the passage of waves. In case of laser interferometers $h(t)$ represents the phase shift of the laser beam (or equivalently, the change in the detector’s arm length) and can be expressed as $$h(t)=F_{\times}h_{\times}(t)+F_{+}h_{+}(t)\,,$$ where $h_{\times}(t)$ and $h_{+}(t)$ are the GW polarizations. Further, $F_{\times}$ and $F_{+}$ are detector’s pattern functions that depend both on the properties of the detector as well as the position of the source in the sky. After averaging the signal over the sky position and transforming it into the frequency domain we obtain $$|\Tilde{h}(f)|^{2}=|\Tilde{\mathcal{A}}(f)|^{2}\times|Q^{2}|\,,$$ where $\Tilde{\mathcal{A}}(f)$ is the wave amplitude in the frequency domain and $Q$ is a geometrical factor containing information about the pattern functions. For our choice of the detector’s configuration we use $Q=\frac{2}{10}\sqrt{3}$, which accounts for averaging over sky position and binary inclination [see @whitepaper]. The calculation of $\Tilde{\mathcal{A}}(f)$ should in principle be performed with a fully relativistic (NR) numerical code. However, such calculations are numerically expensive and, in fact, only necessary for modelling the highly relativistic end of the inspiral phase and merger. The inspiral phase, where orbital velocities are much lower than the speed of light, can instead be satisfactorily reproduced with an analytical post-Newtonian (PN) formalism. These considerations inspired the so-called “phenomenological models" that give a complete analytical wave model by matching the PN and NR waveforms in the region where the PN approximation breaks down. To calculate $\Tilde{\mathcal{A}}(f)$, we model the waveform with the phenomenological model “PhenomC", which has the advantage of producing the waveform directly in frequency domain, convenient for data-analysis applications [for a detailed description of the code see @phenomC]. The instrumental and source noise {#lisa_noise} --------------------------------- We numerically calculate the sky-averaged noise PSD, $S_{\rm n}$, for [*LISA*]{} using the [*LISA*]{}-consortium simulator, that takes into account different instrumental noises as well as the stochastic background from unresolved Galactic binaries. The most notable contribution to the latter comes from Galactic white dwarf binaries that [*LISA*]{} is unable to resolve individually [e.g. @DWD]. The number of these sources is expected to decrease as the mission progresses and a larger number of foreground sources are detected and removed. [*LISA*]{}’s sky-averaged sensitivity curve ($\sqrt{f \times S_{\rm n}}$) adopted in this paper for the SNR calculation corresponds to a 4-year observing time and is presented (using the blue line) in Fig. \[fig:Sensitivity\]. For convenience, the frequency limits of the integral (Eqn. \[eq:snr\]) are instead calculated adopting an analytical fit to [*LISA*]{}’s PSD of the form $$\label{PSD} \begin{split} S_{n}(f)&=\frac{20}{3}\frac{4S_{\rm n,acc}(f)+S_{\rm n,sn}(f)+S_{\rm n,omn}(f)}{L^{2}}\\ &\times \left[1+\left(\frac{f}{\frac{0.41c}{2L}}\right)^{2} \right]\,, \end{split}$$ (yellow solid line in Fig. \[fig:Sensitivity\]) from [@klein2016]. In the above equation, $L$ is the detector arm length. Further, $S_{\rm n,acc}$, $S_{\rm n,sn}$ and $S_{\rm n,omn}$ are the noise components due to low-frequency acceleration, shot noise and other measurement noise, respectively. Instead of performing a formal fit to the numerical curve in order to estimate the noise parameters, we adopt the following values from those reported in [@klein2016]: $$\begin{split} &S_{\rm n,acc} =\frac{9\times10^{-30}}{(2\pi f)^{4}}(1+\frac{10^{-4}}{f})\,\,[\rm{m^{2}Hz^{-1}}],\quad \\ &S_{\rm n,sn} =2.22\times 10^{-23}\,\,[\rm{m^{2}Hz^{-1}}],\quad \\ &S_{\rm n,omn} =2.65\times 10^{-23}\,\,[\rm{m^{2}Hz^{-1}}], \end{split}$$ corresponding to a $L= 2$ Mkm arm length [model A2N2L6; @klein2016]. Both the numerical and analytical curve in Fig. \[fig:Sensitivity\] are calculated for the current LISA design, that presents three spacecrafts connected by 6 links. A visual comparison between our analytical (Eqn. \[PSD\]) and numerical curves shows a sufficiently close match for our purposes for frequencies $> 10^{-4} ~{\rm Hz}$. We note that the analytical curve does not account for a stochastic background (the bump around $10^{-3} ~{\rm Hz}$). This omission allows low-mass black hole binaries ($\sim 10^3 M_{\odot}$), that cross the sensitivity curve near its bottom, to stay longer in the observed band. However, we will show that, even with this extra integration time, their SNR is never above the detection threshold. Finally, we over-plot the signals from representative detected merger events. The examples considered in this figure are the average (in total mass and redshift) detected binary for each of the 3 types of mergers considered in this work. Their tracks cross the [*LISA*]{} sensitivity curve around $f_{\rm min} \approx {\rm ~a ~few} ~10^{-4} ~{\rm Hz}$ where the analytical and numerical sensitivity curves match extremely well. Model All$_7$ Type 1$_7$ Type 2$_7$ Type 3$_7$ All$_0$ Type 1$_0$ Type 2$_0$ Type 3$_0$ -------------- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ins1 19.8 13 6.8 0.05 300.3 288.3 11.8 0.15 tdf4 12.5 12.1 0.4 0 247.7 247.0 0.62 0.01 ins1 (heavy) 23.3 13 10.3 0.04 300.3 288.3 11.8 0.15 tdf4 (heavy) 12.5 12.1 0.4 0 247.7 247.0 0.62 0.01 \[table\_GW\] [*LISA*]{} detectability of GW from the high-z Universe {#lisa_results} ------------------------------------------------------- To confidently claim detection, the SNR of an event must be above a critical value. Here we adopt the typical [*LISA*]{} threshold of ${\rm SNR=7}$. Each row in Fig. \[trend\] represents the calculated SNR values for all simulated binaries in a given model as a function of their total intrinsic mass and the redshift. Starting with the fiducial model ([*ins1*]{}; top panels), BH mergers become detectable once they reach masses of $\sim 10^{4}$ $M_{\odot}$ at $z \lsim 13$. As masses grow with time, these systems can reach SNR values as high as $\sim 1000$ for a total BH mass around $10^{5} M_{\odot}$ below $z \sim 11$. Binaries with SNR $> 7$ appear in the redshift range $z \simeq 5-13$ and range in total mass between $M \simeq 10^{3.5-5.6}\msun$. Allowing a precise estimation of parameters such as distance, sky localisation and chirp mass, these mass and $z$ ranges will therefore be best probed using GWs. Finally, as the black holes grow above $\sim 10^{6} \msun$, the SNR decreases as the emitted GW signal shifts to lower frequencies, and above $\sim 10^{7} \msun$ it goes out of the detectability window. While the results remain quite similar for the [*tdf4*]{} model, a delay in the merger timescales results in a severe reduction in the number of type 2 mergers as shown from the lower right-most panel of the same figure. Moreover, the detectability window around $10^{4-6} \msun$ shifts to slightly lower redshifts. We end by noting that type 2 mergers are rarer than type 1 in both models, with type 3 mergers being the rarest as expected (see Table \[table\_GW\]) - this is why type 3 mergers are not plotted here. We now discuss the yearly high-$z$ event detection rate expected from [*LISA*]{} using a SNR$>7$. Once the BH merger rate density (per unit comoving volume) of events with SNR$ >7$ at a given z, $N_{\rm com}(z)$, is obtained, we convert this into the expected number of mergers per year $d^2N/dzdt$ as [@haehnelt1994; @arun2009] $$\frac{d^2N}{dz dt} = 4 \pi c N_{com}(z) \bigg(\frac{d_L(z)}{(1+z)}\bigg)^2 \, [yr^{-1}],$$ where $d_L(z)$ is the luminosity distance at $z$. The results of this calculation are shown in Fig. \[eventz\]. As shown, the fraction of [*LISA detectable*]{} events rises with decreasing redshift from about 1/400 at $z \simeq 13$ to about 1/10 by $z \simeq 8$ to as high as 1/4 by $z \simeq 5$. As expected, most of these events are type 1 mergers. Quantitatively, by $z \simeq 4$, roughly 66% of detectable mergers are type 1 with about 32% being type 2 mergers with type 3 mergers only contributing 0.3% to the total number. While the qualitative behaviour is quite similar in the [*tdf4*]{} case, given the slower BH mass growth, type 1 mergers significantly increase (contributing about 96% to the cumulative event rate by $z \simeq 4$) while the contribution of type 2 mergers falls to roughly 3%. Crucially, we do not find any type 3 mergers above the detection limit in this case. We find that considering the “heavy DCBH seed" model leads to a slight change in these numbers for the [*ins1*]{} case: while the cumulative contribution of type 1 mergers drops slightly to $52\%$, this is compensated by an increase (to 47%) in the cumulative number of detectable type 2 mergers while the number of type 3 mergers remain unchanged. This heavier seed model, however, has no impact on the results from the [*tdf4*]{} model The [*total*]{} number of detections per model and merger type for the [*LISA*]{} mission (over 4 years) are summarised in Table \[table\_GW\]. The model [*ins1*]{} with “heavy DCBH seeds" yields the highest total detection number of $\sim 23$ events comprising of $\sim 13$ type 1 and $\sim 10$ type 2 mergers. These numbers reduce slightly to about 20 total events comprising of 13 type 1 and 7 type 2 mergers using the “light DCBH seed" model. In contrast, only a dozen events (all of type 1) are expected using model [*tdf4*]{}; as expected from the discussion above, the DCBH seed mass has no bearing on these results. We also calculate the event rate in terms of the redshifted merged mass, $M_z = M(1+z)$, such that $$\frac{d^2N}{dM_z dt} = 4 \pi c N_{com}(M_z) \bigg(\frac{d_L(z)}{(1+z)}\bigg)^2 \, [yr^{-1}].$$ The results of this calculation, presented in Fig. \[eventm\], clearly show the [*LISA*]{} detectability preference for BH masses ranging between $10^4-10^7 \msun$ for type 1 and type 2 mergers for both the [*ins1*]{} and [*tdf4*]{} models. Type 3 mergers, instead, are detectable in the mass range $10^{5-7}\msun$ in the “light" DCBH seed model while being undetectable in the [*tdf4*]{} model. Moving on to the “heavy DCBH seed model", while the mass range remains unchanged for type 1 mergers, the range for both type 2 and type 3 mergers decreases: while the former range between $10^{5-7}\msun$ for both the [*ins1*]{} and [*tdf4*]{} models, the type 3 range lies in the very narrow range of $10^{5.5-6.5}\msun$ for the [*ins1*]{} case; as expected, the number of mergers of each type in each model are similar to the cumulative numbers quoted above. Practically, however, it would be difficult to distinguish between these different seeding models purely from the detected mass function given all types of merger reside in the same mass range between $10^{4-7}\msun$. Finally, we provide a comparison of our expected event rates with those available in the literature: starting with heavy seeds, all previous studies used DCBH models based on “dynamical" instabilities, of the type advocated by @begelman2006, @lodato2006 and @2010MNRAS.409.1022V. In this study we have focused on the currently favored (at least by the first star community) “thermodynamical" models, that require a high level of LW background for the formation of seeds. As shown in this paper and in @habouzit2016 this model results in much rarer seeds. We find that @klein2016 predict 3.9 mergers/year at $z>4$ in the Q3-d model based on @lodato2006; note that using the same seeding model as @klein2016, @bonetti2018 obtain results consistent with previous literature. Further, @sesana2007 predict 2.2 mergers/year at $z>4$ in the model based on @begelman2006, while the LW-based model explored in this paper yields 0.0025-0.035 mergers/year at $z>4$ as shown in Table \[table\_GW\]. A comparison with @ricarte2018, who also use a model based on @lodato2006 and do not include a LW condition, is more difficult because they show only events with SNR$>5$. Using this SNR cut, we find that the peak in the rates for heavy seeds is similarly broad and covers a similar redshift range when comparing our results to theirs although they predict a larger number of events: their peak rate is between $0.5-5$ events/year while our peak rate goes from $ \sim 0.05 -0.25$ events/year. To summarise, our lower merger rates for heavy seeds, compared to previous works, is what should be expected for a model that predicts extremely rare seeds. This is the effect of adding the condition on the LW background that previous models had not included. For light (popIII) seeds @klein2016 predict 146.3 mergers/year at $z>4$ (although they extrapolate to 2x this rate in their Table 1 and related text) and @sesana2007 predict 57.7 mergers/year at $z>4$. Our model predicts between 62.0 and 75.1 mergers/year at $z>4$ as shown in Table \[table\_GW\]. When comparing to @ricarte2018, again the peak in the rates for light seeds is similarly broad and covers a similar range in redshift but the value of the peak rates are lower in our case. In particular, our type 1 peak rate is  0.75 event/yr in the optimistic ([*ins1*]{}) and pessimistic ([*tdf4*]{}) models, while in Fig. 9 their peak rates lie between $\sim 5-20$ events/year. While our merger rate for light seeds is well within the expectations of the literature, as we made similar assumptions, the results being on the lower side are likely because of the resolution of our merger trees: for instance, @ricarte2018 have a mass resolution of $\sim 10^6 \msun$, while @klein2016 follows @barausse2012 who follows @volonteri2003 in having a resolution dependent on the halo mass at z=0, reaching $10^5 \msun$ for halos with mass $<4.10^{12} \msun$ at z=0 and up to $10^7 \msun$ for halos with mass $10^{15}\msun$ at z=0. Conclusions and discussion {#conclusions} ========================== In this work, we have included the impact of BH seeding, growth and feedback, into our semi-analytic model, [*Delphi*]{}. Our model now jointly tracks the build-up of the dark matter halo, gas, stellar and BH masses of high-$z$ ($z \gsim 5$) galaxies. We remind the reader that our star formation efficiency is the minimum between the star formation rate that equals the halo binding energy and a saturation efficiency. In the same flavour, the BH accretion at any time-step is the minimum between the BH accreting a certain fraction of the gas mass left-over after star formation, up to a fraction of the Eddington limit: while high-mass halos can accrete at the Eddington limit, low-mass halos follow a lower efficiency track. We explore a number of physical scenarios using this model that include: [*(i)*]{} two types of BH seeds (stellar and those from Direct Collapse BH; DCBH); [*(ii)*]{} the impact of reionization impact; and [*(iii)*]{} the impact of instantaneous versus delayed galaxy mergers on the baryonic growth. We show that, using a minimal set of mass and $z$-independent free parameters, our model reproduces all available data-sets for high-$z$ galaxies and BH including the evolving (galaxy and AGN) UV LF, the SMD and the BHMF. Crucially, our model naturally yields a BH mass-stellar mass relation that is tightly coupled for high stellar mass ($M_* \gsim 10^{9.5}\msun$) halos; lower-mass halos, on the other hand, show a stunted BH growth. Interestingly, while both reionization feedback and delayed mergers have no impact on the UV LF, the SMD is more affected by reionization feedback as compared to delayed mergers. We then use this model, bench-marked against all available high-$z$ data, to predict the merger event rate expected for the [*LISA*]{} mission. We find that [*LISA*]{}-detectable binaries (with SNR $> 7$) appear in the redshift range $z \simeq 5-13$ and range in total mass between $M \simeq 10^{3.5-5}\msun$. While type 1 mergers (of two stellar BHs) dominate in all the scenarios studied, type 2 mergers (merger of a stellar BH and a DCBH) can contribute as much as 32% to the cumulative event rate by $z \sim 4$ in the fiducial ([*ins1*]{}) model. However including the impact of reionization feedback and delayed mergers ([*tdf4*]{} model) results in a lower BH growth with type 2 mergers contributing only 3% to the cumulative event rates. Using heavier DCBH seeds results in a larger number of type 2 mergers becoming detectable with [*LISA*]{} whilst leaving the results effectively unchanged for the [*tdf4*]{} model. Quantitatively, the model [*ins1*]{} with “heavy DCBH seeds" yields the highest total detection number of $\sim 23$ events comprising of $\sim 13$ type 1 and $\sim 10$ type 2 mergers. These numbers reduce slightly to about 20 total events comprising of 13 type 1 and 7 type 2 mergers using the “light DCBH seed" model. In contrast, only a dozen events (all of type 1) are expected using model [*tdf4*]{} and the DCBH seed mass has no bearing on these results. We end with a few caveats. Firstly, given that we do not consider (the realistic case of) recoil and BH ejection form the host halos, all BHs remain bound to halos. Secondly, the enhancement of the LW seen by any halos only depends on its bias at that redshift. This effectively means that we ignore the impact of the local environment on the LW intensity seen by any halo, and this may lead to an increase in seed formation and mergers in more biased regions. Thirdly, we have not included BH seeds from stellar dynamical channels which have a milder metallicity dependence and should have a number density intermediate between SBHs and DCBHs [e.g., @2012MNRAS.421.1465D; @2014MNRAS.442.3616L]; DCBH models that are metallicity-independent can also provide an additional channel increasing the BH merger rate over cosmic time [@2010MNRAS.409.1022V; @2014MNRAS.437.1576B]. Finally, we have used a very crude mode for reionization feedback that ignores the patchiness of reionization - in our model, halos either remain unaffected by the UVB or halos below a certain chosen virial velocity have all of their gas mass completely photo-evaporated. We aim to address each of these intricacies in detail in future works. Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered} =============== PD acknowledges support from the European Research Council’s starting grant ERC StG-717001 (“DELPHI"). PD and OP acknowledge support from the European Commission’s and University of Groningen’s CO-FUND Rosalind Franklin program. MV acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no. 614199, project “BLACK”). Finally, PD thanks A. Mazumdar for his scientific inputs which have greatly added to the paper. \[lastpage\] [^1]: p.dayal@rug.nl
1 - 775. Calculate the lowest common multiple of n and 184. 1656 Let w be -87 + (-1)/((-1 - -5)/4). Let f = 90 + w. Suppose -41 + 105 = f*p. What is the lowest common multiple of p and 32? 32 Let o(x) = -801*x - 1605. What is the smallest common multiple of 11 and o(-4)? 17589 Let p(k) = k - 6. Let h be p(9). Calculate the least common multiple of (h + -2)*6 + 42 and 20. 240 Let c(p) = 38*p - 2. Let b be c(-1). Let d = b - -59. Suppose 1 + d = t. What is the least common multiple of t and 24? 120 Calculate the common denominator of (-3)/(-2) + 18/(-96)*-25 and -25/2992. 2992 Let y be 4 + -3 + 0 + 274215762. Let z = -12613363509/46 + y. Let f = z - 12210. What is the common denominator of -109/18 and f? 414 Find the common denominator of (582/(-700))/(930/775) and -55/32. 1120 Let v = -71/10 + 31/2. Let g = -982328628 + 418472196295/426. Let z = -2831/6 + g. Calculate the common denominator of v and z. 355 Suppose -76*b = -80*b + 2*l + 14, 2*l = 3*b - 9. Let u(j) = -j**3 + 9*j**2 - 7*j + 1. What is the smallest common multiple of u(8) and b? 45 Let s = -3/2197 - 103127/96668. Let h = 9751105/3865268 - 2/87847. What is the common denominator of h and s? 44 Let b(p) = p + 1. Let c(n) = -2*n - 16. Let t(l) = 5*b(l) + c(l). Let v be t(9). What is the common denominator of 11/(-32) + 4/v and -73/12? 96 Let q = -2818487/54050 - -2450/47. What is the common denominator of 101/46 and q? 1150 Let i = -615 - -98. Let h = i - -524. What is the least common multiple of 35 and h? 35 Let w = -90 - -98. Suppose 10*j + w = 12*j. What is the least common multiple of 7 and j? 28 Let v = -8 - -8. Let j(x) = -x**3 - 2*x**2 - 30. Let s be j(v). Calculate the least common multiple of 8 and (-3)/5*s/2. 72 Suppose -3*h + 195 = 3*m, 8*h - 15 = 3*h. Let a = m + -34. Let v = -30 + 44. Calculate the least common multiple of v and a. 28 Let k = -143088 - -38347493/268. Find the common denominator of k and -43/32. 2144 Let j = -7826 - -3404324/435. Calculate the common denominator of j and -143/750. 21750 Calculate the common denominator of 5/396 and ((134/(-4))/1)/((25542/4)/43). 1188 Let s = -2/28069 + 2554295/224552. Find the common denominator of s and (-58)/(-132) + -3 + 3. 264 Suppose 5*k + 2*r - 102 = -0*k, 3*k - 3*r = 78. What is the lowest common multiple of ((9 - 7) + -3)/(-2)*220 and k? 110 Let y(r) = 30*r + 276. Let o = -53 - -89. Calculate the least common multiple of y(-8) and o. 36 Let b = 32 + -29. Suppose -2 - 6 = k - 3*y, 3*k - b*y = 0. Calculate the lowest common multiple of 1 and k. 4 Let g be (-4)/(-172)*147497/(-672). Let k = g - -340/129. What is the common denominator of -145/24 and k? 96 Suppose 341 - 851 - 1380 = -27*a. What is the least common multiple of 112 and a? 560 Let r = 8778 - 421379/48. Let g = -2/71907 + 1629910/647163. Find the common denominator of r and g. 432 Let f(y) = y + 1. Suppose -8 = 4*b - 44. Suppose -5*c + 77 = 5*v + 12, -5*v + 53 = c. What is the least common multiple of v and f(b)? 10 Let v = 17758 + -17765. What is the common denominator of 41/109 and v? 109 Let b = -965915885 - -4476054232205/4634. Let f = 66/331 - b. Let m = -768903/138224 + 2/8639. Calculate the common denominator of m and f. 112 Calculate the common denominator of (-187)/27438*9/(-2) and -5/2. 1076 Let w = 572 + -610. Calculate the lowest common multiple of 18 and 16/(-14)*17423/w. 4716 Let i(u) = 2*u**2 - 4*u + 2. Let h be i(2). Suppose 11 = -3*j - 4*w - 13, 0 = 4*j + h*w + 22. What is the smallest common multiple of 18/(-2)*j/6 and 18? 18 Let f = 780 + -760. Calculate the common denominator of 52/35 and f/90 - (-806)/(-252). 210 Suppose 2*x + u + 364 = 4*u, 0 = -5*u + 20. Let t = x + 196. Suppose -3*b + 12 = -h + 4*h, 4*b + 5*h - 11 = 0. What is the lowest common multiple of b and t? 180 Suppose 16 = 5*n + 3*n. Suppose -101 = -5*a - c, -5*c = 2*a + n*a - 85. What is the lowest common multiple of 50 and a? 100 Let r = 80421507/40 - 2010639. Let l = r - -546/5. What is the common denominator of -58/7 and l? 56 Suppose 3*r + 604 = -h, -469 = 5*r + 3*h + 531. Let x = -1441/7 - r. Find the common denominator of 5/193 and x. 1351 Let x(q) = -14*q**3 - 2*q**2 - 4*q + 5. Let p be x(-5). Let k = p + -15541/9. Let g = 55541/4218 + -2/2109. Calculate the common denominator of g and k. 18 Suppose -2*u = -d + 160, -3*u + 98 - 113 = 0. What is the smallest common multiple of d and 315? 3150 Let g = -49/13 + 24464/6487. Let w = g + -49457/27944. Find the common denominator of 113/12 and w. 168 Let f = 6 + 11. What is the lowest common multiple of f and -3 + 660/100 - 2/((-20)/(-6))? 51 Let y = -81 - -81. Calculate the common denominator of 11/(-14)*(y + 1001/(-66)) and 79/4. 12 Suppose 3*t + 31 - 16 = 0. What is the common denominator of (-12)/(-80) - (4 - 3) - t and 95/78? 780 Let z = -30803 + 30869. What is the least common multiple of 1001 and z? 6006 Suppose 2036 = 3*u - 4*y, 17*y - 704 = -u + 12*y. Calculate the lowest common multiple of 798 and u. 4788 Let a = -403581/383420 - 1/20180. What is the common denominator of a and 73/86? 1634 Find the common denominator of -6 + 215*62/2210 and 61/238. 3094 Let d = -2959 - -3235. What is the least common multiple of d and 92? 276 Let h(m) = m**3 + 3*m**2 - m. Let k be h(2). Let f be (96/88)/((-14)/(-154)). What is the lowest common multiple of 4 and k + (-9)/(27/f)? 28 Find the common denominator of 6/155 and 99/40 + -1 + 60/(-120). 1240 Let y = -192274 - -7305905/38. Let a be (-1)/(-6) - 439/228. Let o = y - a. Calculate the common denominator of -43/14 and o. 84 Let o = 6423/2 + -379019/118. Find the common denominator of 62/177 and o. 177 Let y be 2/((-3)/(276/8)). Let j = 15 + y. Calculate the lowest common multiple of 4 and 3/((-74)/(-168) + j/24). 28 Let t = -2/3343 + -76869/33430. What is the common denominator of t and 37/6? 30 Suppose 57 = 4*j + 3*m, 31*m - 33*m - 18 = -2*j. What is the least common multiple of j and 1612? 4836 Let z = 52510 - 124186154/2365. Find the common denominator of 31/10 and z. 4730 Calculate the common denominator of 12/3593 and ((-130)/(-91) - 4)/((-16)/77). 28744 Calculate the common denominator of -143/6 and (-1)/(10/(3760/(-152))). 114 Let c = -5/78871 - 1329712/175014749. What is the common denominator of -91/6 and c? 13314 Calculate the common denominator of (-15359)/1536 - 520/(-52) and 109/960. 7680 Let c = -53844/17 + 3166. Let q = 518/85 + c. Find the common denominator of 7/353 and q. 1765 Let c = 1337633/51 + -26229. What is the common denominator of c and (0 - 2603/(-57))*(-1)/(-2)? 102 Let n be (-4)/(-26) + (-144669)/19383. Let p = -69847/9798 - n. What is the common denominator of -28/15 and p? 690 Let g = 778 - 501. Let l = -141 + g. Calculate the least common multiple of 20 and l. 680 Let r(d) = d**2 - d - 77. Let c be r(-14). Let v(o) = o**2 - 4*o + 4. Calculate the smallest common multiple of v(3) and (114/c)/(3/7). 2 Let o be ((-20)/(-3))/((-4)/6)*4. Find the common denominator of 292/10*((-78)/o - 2) and 67/20. 100 Let h = -699 - -700. Suppose -4*j - v - 53 = 0, 33 = -4*j + 2*v + v. Let w = j + 20. What is the lowest common multiple of w and h? 8 Let s be 2 + 14/(-6) + 80/15. Suppose -s*l = -88 + 48. Let z = 32 + -26. What is the least common multiple of z and l? 24 Let m(t) = -t**2 + 21*t + 71. Let h be m(29). Let w = -154 - h. What is the least common multiple of w and 4? 28 Let g(y) = -y**2 - 21*y - 1. Let n be g(-24). Let r = -75 - n. Calculate the common denominator of (2030/85)/7*r/8 and 26/3. 102 Let m = 610287/55 + -11097. What is the common denominator of 37/3 and m? 165 Let u = -243/14 + 786/35. Let n = 66 + -54. What is the common denominator of u and 1/6 + (-239)/n? 20 Suppose 212 + 12 = 4*v. Let j = 2 + v. Let u = -50 + j. What is the least common multiple of u and 16? 16 Let q(b) = b**3 - 21*b**2 + 168*b + 16. What is the smallest common multiple of 24 and q(9)? 3336 Calculate the smallest common multiple of (-2)/(-7) - 535*1056/(-280) and 10. 10090 Let l be (750486/495)/((-44)/6). Let f = l - -1041/5. Calculate the common denominator of 57/7 and f. 77 Let b = -1158636006/2567 - -451358. Calculate the common denominator of b and -53/1057. 17969 Let k = 71597/18 - 3984. Calculate the common denominator of k and 43/42. 126 Let v(b) = -b**3 + 14
Q: IOS AFNetworking over 3G is not reliable when fetching files from rackspace I've encountered a problem using AFNetworking to download files from a Rackspace repository. Basically sometimes the file is not completelly transfered but AFNetworking fires the success block. Also the http response code received is set to 200 OK. This situation only happens on a 3G connection. On WiFi we correctly receive all the files. Can anyone give us any hints on what can be causing this behaviour? Edit, 2012-05-10 I've detected that the problem may be elsewhere, what I am doing is checking the CRC of the file and compare it to the expected CRC. However (and it only happens when the connection is over 3G) the CRC check fails. Below are some snippets of the code I'm using to download the file and then check it's CRC: NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:urlNS]; AFImageRequestOperation * imageRequestOperation = [AFImageRequestOperation imageRequestOperationWithRequest:request imageProcessingBlock:nil cacheName: nil success: ^(NSURLRequest * request, NSHTTPURLResponse * response, UIImage * image) { [self.class postProcessDownloadAfNetworking: request andResponse: response resultImage: image error: nil]; } failure: ^(NSURLRequest * request, NSHTTPURLResponse * response, NSError * error) { [self.class postProcessDownloadAfNetworking: request andResponse: response resultImage: nil error: error]; }]; imageRequestOperation.outputStream = [NSOutputStream outputStreamToFileAtPath:obj.destinationFilename append:NO]; [imageRequestOperation start]; And then in the callback method: if(error == nil) { NSData * data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:imgData.destinationFilename]; uint32_t fileCrcInt = [data crc32]; NSString * fileCrcHex = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2X", (int) fileCrcInt] ; NSString * fileCrcHex2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"000000%@", fileCrcHex] ; fileCrcHex2 = [fileCrcHex2 substringFromIndex:[fileCrcHex2 length]-8]; // Compare CRC if( [expectedCRC isEqualToString:fileCrcHex2] ) { (...) Is it possible that the instruction [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:] is reading the file before the Output Stream from AFNetworking writes it completely? Maybe I'm encountering some kind of iOS disk cache or something like that. A: In the absence of other data, I'll take a wild guess: Certain file types may be subject to a transparent proxy over 3G, which may alter those files. This is with widely-recognized file types with lossy compression. Basically, if you're trying to download a JPEG the proxy might deliver a smaller JPEG than you expect. The cell provider considers it "close enough", and the doubly-compressed JPEG is smaller (and far uglier). Naturally, the re-compressed image will have a different CRC. This may be true of other file types as well. I have read reports of T-Mobile doing this. I think it's been noted with other cell providers, too. There's two possible fixes: As noted by Tony Million in a comment below, switching to HTTPS will fix this problem as the proxy will no longer be in the middle of the communication. If your resource is available via HTTPS, this is a fantastic and simple fix. If not, you can try adding a HTTP header intended to defeat this. I can't verify it will work for you, as my cell provider doesn't play this particular game: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.9.5 The idea is to add a no-transform cache-control HTTP header to your request. This should disallow the server from making this kind of change.
10 Ways for Lawyers to Find Their ‘Inner Steve Jobs’ It is certainly a great book about a fascinating life, and for a boomer like me, a bit of a jarring experience to encounter a full-on biography of a near contemporary. Much has already been written about Jobs and the book, but since he is perhaps the exemplar of the New Normal, I thought it might be useful to summarize some thoughts on what we as lawyers might want to draw from his life. For those who don’t want to work through the whole book, there’s an excellent article in Time that covers the major points. 1) Innovation is possible. Jobs’ compelling strength was his insistence on the possibility of innovation, whether it was stronger glass for the face of the iPhone, a touchscreen that delayed the project for six months, or licensing music from the record companies for iTunes even after they had stonewalled other digital services—all situations where “everybody knew” what he wanted was impossible. When presented with an idea outside their experience, lawyers all-too-often say “this is impossible,” which shuts down the discussion and is often wrong. A general counsel recently described to me her legal team’s reaction to an idea about streamlining their work. The team complained the effort is “too big,” “too hard,” and, finally pleaded, “just let us do our jobs.” 2) Innovation is not a theory. It takes execution. Most of the compelling innovation Jobs brought to market took longer than expected and encountered multiple setbacks along the way. I can’t tell you how many times I hear lawyers say “we tried that once, and it didn’t work.” Anything innovative requires persistence, experimentation, course correction, and yes, tolerance for failure. Innovation requires character on the part of the innovator and leadership on the part of the organization to support that persistence. I met Ralph Baxter from Orrick seven years ago when he started his Global Operations Center in Wheeling, W.Va., and I noted that Pillsbury announced a few weeks ago that they were following suit in Nashville, Tenn., even after most firms had sneered at Orrick’s initiative at the outset. 3) Great profits follow great products and services. Although Apple is now the most valuable company in the world, Isaacson reports that Jobs said he always focused on the products, and assumed the revenues and profits would follow. At a conference last week discussing innovative approaches to knowledge management, the first question from many folks was not “how can we do that to deliver better value to clients?” but “why would we do that if we’re not going to make more money?” 4) A unified vision is better than a committee. Jobs’ other great strength was his willingness to drive his vision and insist that everyone around him adhere to it. He was occasionally wrong, and frequently obnoxious, but a remarkable percentage of the time he was right. He didn’t seek permission from others, hire consultants or try to drive consensus, so his decision-making was usually quick and generally had accountability. How often does law firm management (except for firms like Bartlit Beck that are led by a founding partner) adhere to a clear vision? A unified vision also allowed Jobs to manage risk effectively because he understood what was at stake and how to improve his chances. So when he said choosing touchscreen technology over the stylus was “bet the company,” it wasn’t a euphemism to mean he was insensitive to cost, it was an accurate description of the consequences of his choice and a call to arms for his team to deliver. 5) It pays to be fully invested in your job. One thing you couldn’t question about Steve Jobs was his commitment to his company and his role. He was “all-in.” That level of commitment had lots of downside for Apple employees and his family, but overall made him much more effective at his job and allowed him to fully realize his potential. Many lawyers, particularly some young lawyers, view their job as a way station to something else. It shows, and limits what they or their clients will ever get out of the experience. 6) The point of corporate governance is to drive stockholder value; it’s not an end in itself. There is no doubt that Jobs’ behavior around the option dating when he brought new executives into Apple in 1997 after the NeXT acquisition was problematic. And according to Issacson, he generally didn’t want a board that would challenge him. (Although he did apparently use the board in the most useful way—to kick around ideas and strategies that he was considering.) Yet despite what folks like Institutional Shareholder Services and the proponents of Sarbanes-Oxley claim, there’s little evidence that more corporate governance means better run companies, and the most successful companies of the last decade—Apple and Google—don’t follow many corporate governance norms. Given a choice between an activist board and a successful stock, it’s pretty clear what investors will choose. 7) Simplicity is better. There’s a great story I remember from the time about the negotiations between NeXT and IBM about IBM’s licensing NeXT’s operating system (a redolent situation for Jobs because of the history between Microsoft, IBM and Apple). After NeXT received a 100-plus-page contract from IBM, Jobs slammed it on the table and said: “Come back with a two-to-three-page contract … you don’t get it.” As FMC Technologies general counsel Jeff Carr wrote in a New Normal column comment recently, “I yearn for … simplification.” There’s no evidence that lawyers’ inclination toward complexity does anything to reduce risk. Jobs was always trying to simplify products by reducing features, simplify the company by eliminating products, and simplify the user’s experience. How many lawyers have ever asked a client to read a contract, or what they do with the contract once it’s done? How many eschew adding that extra environmental rep to the software company M&A agreement, or the extra risk factor to the prospectus? 8) The boundary between disciplines is where the richness is. Isaacson’s other main thesis was that although Jobs had no training as an engineer; his ability to operate at the boundary of the humanities and technology was his great strength. Lawyers have traditionally operated at the boundary of law and clients’ areas of interest; the best ones don’t refer to “widgets,” but develop a deep understanding about a client’s world that allows them to operate in that cross-disciplinary space. 9) It’s hard to get organizations or people to work together. Jobs eschewed organizational or functional divisions. That meant he kept a lot of power in his hands, and could certainly be imperious. But it also meant he circumvented the widely chronicled “innovator’s dilemma” that hamstrings most large organizations and prevents them from effectively using their scale or responding to change. Sony, once among Jobs’ most admired companies, bought CBS Records so they could link consumer devices and music, but Apple did a better job getting music in their system than Sony did. How many large law firms, with 20 practice groups, work effectively across those practice groups for the benefit of clients? When Jobs was sick with cancer, he had to summon all the different specialists from Stanford to his house to insist on a coordinated course of treatment because they were each optimizing for their discrete part of the problem, but none were looking at the patient as a whole. How many lawyers within a firm, or across firms, coordinate their work on behalf of a client? 10) “Don’t be trapped by dogma.” This was Jobs’ credo, as presented in his now iconic 2005 Stanford Commencement address. As he put it in an interview I heard last week, “once you realize that everything around you is just stuff that got set up by people who are no smarter than you are, it’s very liberating.” At a challenging time for America and the world, we lawyers need to move past dogma to find our inner Steve Jobs. Paul Lippe is the CEO of the Legal OnRamp, a Silicon Valley-based initiative founded in cooperation with Cisco Systems to improve legal quality and efficiency through collaboration, automation and process re-engineering. Editor’s note:The New Normal is an ongoing discussion between Paul Lippe, the CEO of Legal OnRamp, and Patrick Lamb, founding member of Valorem Law Group. Paul and Pat spend a lot of time thinking, writing and speaking about the changes occurring in the delivery of legal services. We hope you will join their discussions.
Q: Tumblr "like-heart-button" script on homepage How to make a 'like' button for each post without going on permalink page? I mean, even in the homepage, which script can I use to have something like the heart on this page? (mouseover the photos, there's a heart to like the post) A: I've created a tutorial on this at: http://like-button.tumblr.com. It eliminates the problems people have with implementing this and makes it a simple cut and paste. To add Like functionality, you use the following URL and set it as the src attribute of an invisible <iframe>: http://www.tumblr.com/<command>/<oauthId>?id=<postId> <command>: like or unlike <oauthId>: last eight characters of {ReblogURL} <postId>: {PostID} Example: http://www.tumblr.com/like/fGKvAJgQ?id=16664837215 Cut and paste the following code block into your theme immediately before </head>. This will give you a Like button on each post that looks like the default Tumblr grey heart. It will turn red when you hover over it and when you click it. If you click it again, it will turn grey again and delete the Like. Code: <style> .my-like { background-image: url() !important; height:17px; width:19px; cursor:pointer; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; } .my-liked, .my-like:hover { background-image: url() !important; height:17px; width:19px; cursor:pointer; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; } </style> <script> window.onload = function () { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeEnd', '<iframe id="my-like-frame" style="display:none;"></iframe>' ); document.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { var myLike = event.target; if( myLike.className.indexOf( 'my-like' ) > -1 ) { var frame = document.getElementById( 'my-like-frame' ), liked = ( myLike.className == 'my-liked' ), command = liked ? 'unlike' : 'like', reblog = myLike.getAttribute( 'data-reblog' ), id = myLike.getAttribute( 'data-id' ), oauth = reblog.slice( -8 ); frame.src = 'http://www.tumblr.com/' + command + '/' + oauth + '?id=' + id; liked ? myLike.className = 'my-like' : myLike.className = 'my-liked'; }; }, false ); }; </script> Then cut and paste the following button code into your theme where you want your like button to be (this must be inside your {block:Posts} block). Code: <div class="my-like" data-reblog="{ReblogURL}" data-id="{PostID}"></div> A: From the page, they're using the javascript: $('a.like-link').click(function() { var post = $(this).closest('.post'); var id = post.attr('id'); var oath = post.attr('rel').slice(-8); var like = 'http://www.tumblr.com/like/'+oath+'?id='+id; $('#likeit').attr('src', like); } So post is just the HTML element of the post, they then simply get the id of that post and the 8 char code needed to like or reblog a post. They take all this, throw it into a URL and set it to the source of an iFrame on the page (#likeit)
Image copyright US Navy via Reuters Image caption None of the 21 people who were injured sustained serious injuries A passenger plane slid off a runway in the US state of Florida on Friday night, ending up in a river after landing during a thunderstorm. Twenty-one people were taken to hospital with minor injuries, officials said. The chartered Boeing 737, operated by Miami Air International, had flown from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to a military base in the city of Jacksonville. Passengers say it landed heavily in the storm, skidding into St John's River. The 136 passengers and seven crew members on board evacuated the Boeing 737-800 via its wings. "No fatalities reported. We are all in this together," Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry wrote on Twitter after the incident. He also said President Donald Trump had offered assistance as the situation was developing. On Saturday a spokeswoman for the US Navy in Jacksonville said that at least four pets checked into the luggage area were presumed to have died due to flooding. "There's water in the cargo hold," Kaylee LaRocque told USA Today. "We are so sad about this situation, that there are animals that unfortunately passed away." 'Terrifying' moment One passenger on the plane, Cheryl Bormann, described the "terrifying" moment it slid off the runway. "The plane literally hit the ground and bounced - it was clear the pilot did not have total control of the plane, it bounced again," she told CNN. Image copyright US Navy via Getty Image caption The airliner is contracted by the US military to travel to Guantanamo Bay Image copyright Handout via Reuters Image caption The passengers and crew were evaluated in a nearby aircraft hangar "We were in the water. We couldn't tell where we were, whether it was a river or an ocean," she said, adding that she could smell jet fuel leaking into the river. In a news conference, Captain Michael Connor, commanding officer at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, said it was a "miracle" that there had been no serious injuries or fatalities. Miami Air International is contracted by the US military for its twice-weekly "rotator" service between the US mainland and Guantanamo Bay, Bill Dougherty, a base spokesman said. Image copyright Handout via Reuters Image caption A National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator is seen with flight data recorder Officials say the people on Friday's flight included civilian and military personnel. Boeing released a statement sharing its "well wishes" with those on board. It said it was providing technical assistance to the US National Transportation Safety Board, which is investigating the incident. The aerospace giant has been under increased scrutiny following two fatal crashes involving its 737 Max 8 planes - a different model to the one involved in the incident on Friday.
Motorola appears to be giving up on smartwatches While the company already announced it wouldn't launch a new version of its Moto 360 watch in 2016, the company told The Verge on Thursday that it won't have one early next year either, when Google plans to release the new version of its Android Wear operating system for watches. Motorola's head of product development told The Verge that there isn't "broad appeal" for wearable devices like smartwatches. Android Wear has seen its own problems. Google was forced to delay the launch of Android Wear 2.0, the new version of the OS, this year until early 2017. The company didn't give a reason why though. Motorola isn't the only manufacturer that has turned against Android smartwatches. Huawei and LG, which have made Android Wear watches in the past, both said they don't plan to make new devices this year. There has even been speculation that Huawei would abandon Android Wear altogether. A spokesperson for Huawei told Business Insider earlier this year that the company remains committed to wearables, but didn't mention those running on Android. Business Insider has also heard from people familiar with the situation that internally there's still interest in Android Wear at Google, and that the company is considering making its own smartwatch, just like it made its own smartphone this year. A Motorola spokesperson declined to comment beyond the statements given to The Verge.
#ifndef DIRTY_H_INCLUDED #define DIRTY_H_INCLUDED #include "demo.h" void dirty_rectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h); void clear_dirty(BITMAP *bmp); void draw_dirty(BITMAP *bmp); #endif
Association between preference for sweets and excessive alcohol intake: a review of animal and human studies. This report reviews a series of studies demonstrating a relationship between the consumption of sweets and alcohol consumption. There is consistent evidence linking the consumption of sweets to alcohol intake in both animals and humans, and there are indications that this relationship may be at least partially genetic in nature. Alcohol-preferring rats have a tendency to consume sucrose and saccharin solutions far beyond the limits of their normal fluid intake and this has been proposed to be a model of the clinical phenomenon known as loss of control. Furthermore, rats and mice, genetically bred to prefer alcohol, tend to choose more concentrated sweet solutions, compared to animals which do not prefer alcohol. Similar tendencies to prefer ultra-sweet solutions have been noted in studies of alcoholic subjects, with most alcoholics preferring sweeter sucrose solutions than do controls. Evidence also exists that those alcoholics who prefer sweeter solutions may represent a familial form of alcoholism. Finally, consumption of sweets and/or sweet solutions may significantly suppress alcohol intake in both animals and in alcoholics. Carbohydrate structure and sweet taste may contribute to this effect through different physiological mechanisms involving serotonergic, opioid, and dopaminergic functions. The possibility that there is concordance between sweet liking and alcohol consumption and/or alcoholism has theoretical, biological, and diagnostic/practical implications.
Eliters is a Fun and Family League, No Gambling, Betting, or Wagering.Eliters serves ads on its site in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Using our site means that you acknowledge acceptance of this policy. The Present TD instructions to handle Yahoo Down situations: · If the Tournament is advanced (Round 1 finished or some of Round 2 matches were reported): - Freeze Tournament play for a maximum of 30 minutes. - If Play Site is back within 30 minutes, Inform Players through IM that Site is back, let them proceed with their matches, start applying the clock and time out no-show Players in 20 minutes (not in 10 minutes). - If both opponents don’t show in 20 minutes award win to the higher seed. - If Play Site is not back within 30 minutes, the Tournament will be automatically postponed to the same start time the following day, no need to inform Players. - Be present the following day at the start time (or have a TD replacement if you are not available). - Start applying the clock and time out no-show Players in 20 minutes (not in 10 minutes). - If both opponents don’t show in 20 minutes award win to the higher seed. - If matches were deleted for any reason, Players should start a new match with the same game points standings achieved before Site was down. I agree that this is not fair; therefore they will be changed as follows: · If the Tournament is advanced (in Semi Final or Final Round): - Freeze Tournament play for a maximum of 30 minutes. - If Play Site is back within 30 minutes, Inform Players through IM that Site is back, let them proceed with their matches. - Do NOT apply clock or time for no-show Players. - If one or more players don’t show, or if Play Site is not back within 30 minutes, the Tournament will be automatically postponed to the same start time the following day, no need to inform Players. Players may agree to play the match earlier if they can meet, then report the result to tourney page as usual. - Be present the following day at the start time (or have a TD replacement if you are not available). Players may play the postponed match even if the TD is not present, and report the result to tourney page. - If one or more players don’t show the following day within 30 minutes of the start time, stop the Tournament. - Send an e-mail to the HA and the Site Administrator informing them of the case, the site administrator will cancel the tourney and Players will be refunded with any YEPs fees paid within 24 hours. All matches played and reported will be kept in stats. Disclaimer: Eliters is a fun, friendly, and family tournament-based online League. Eliters Members can play online tournaments in many games of skill available on Free Play Sites on the Internet. Eliters is a non-gambling skill-based competition; No Gambling, Betting, or Wagering; Eliters is Free to all; you can register, participate in tournaments, and win points to continue playing forever completely Free.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 xliff-core-1.2-transitional.xsd"> <file datatype="xml" source-language="en" target-language="tr" original="../DebuggerGeneral.xaml"> <body> <trans-unit id="Rule|DebuggerGeneralProperties|DisplayName"> <source>Debugger General Properties</source> <target state="translated">Hata Ayıklayıcı Genel Özellikleri</target> <note /> </trans-unit> <trans-unit id="Rule|DebuggerGeneralProperties|Description"> <source>General Debugger options</source> <target state="translated">Genel Hata Ayıklayıcı seçenekleri</target> <note /> </trans-unit> <trans-unit id="StringProperty|SymbolsPath|DisplayName"> <source>Symbol Search Path</source> <target state="translated">Simge Arama Yolu</target> <note /> </trans-unit> <trans-unit id="StringProperty|SymbolsPath|Description"> <source>The search path used by the debugger to locate symbols.</source> <target state="translated">Simgeleri bulmak için hata ayıklayıcısı tarafından kullanılan arama yolu.</target> <note /> </trans-unit> </body> </file> </xliff>
Improving Economic Data In Greece Masks Dark Clouds On The Horizon The latest GDP number out of Greece looks more promising than in the past (assuming it is to be trusted). The GDP contracted by only 0.2% (SA) from the previous quarter and 4.6% on a year-over-year basis. The Greek government wants to use this opportunity to obtain yet another bailout loan from the EU/IMF. In spite of this slowdown in GDP contraction and a somewhat better fiscal deficit, the Greek government is expected to run out of money by the end of next year. Barclays Research: - ... the programme could very likely run out of funds before the end of 2014 as lower-than-expected growth last year, extra costs for buybacks and the delays in implementing reforms have opened up a funding gap. In addition, at this stage, we don’t see how Greece could be in a position to return to market funding by the end of 2014, meaning that it will also need its bailout programme extending. Finally, long-term sustainability is still far from obvious and reaching the magical 120% debt-to-GDP ratio by 2020 will require substantial debt-relief measures. A rift is developing within the IMF over the fund's ongoing disbursements to Greece from funds that have already been committed (see story). The IMF has been pressuring the EU for some time to provide Greece with some "debt relief/extension" - possibly including outright "haircuts" to public sector loans. That means the Eurozone nations will need to accept worse terms and possibly a write-down of some sort in order to make the bailout plan more "sustainable". The European Commission however is not ready to kick off the discussions on the topic - at least not until after the upcoming German elections in late September. And the idea of relaxing conditions for current funding as well as additional funding for Greece is generating some skepticism in Germany. The Local: - Germany's central bank expects Greece to receive another bail-out loan later this year or by early 2014, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Sunday, citing an internal Bundesbank document. [Bundesbank's] experts however rated the risks of the international loan programme as "exceptionally high" and the Greek government's performance as "barely satisfactory", the magazine said. The paper's authors also voiced "considerable doubt" about the Greek government's ability to implement essential reforms, said Der Spiegel. The paper, reportedly written for Germany's finance ministry and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), also criticised the latest credit tranche, saying it had been approved due to "political constraints". What makes the potential modification of Greek debt particularly troubling is that it can not be viewed in isolation. If Greece receives some form of relaxation of terms, Portugal is right behind them. Portugal will need its loans extended at some point as well, since the nation is unlikely to enter the private markets any time soon. And treating Greece differently from Portugal is not going to be possible. Now the Eurozone may have a double bailout on their hands - something many of the partner nations are unlikely to accept.
The Very Long-Term Outcome of Radiosurgery for Classical Trigeminal Neuralgia. Radiosurgery is one of the neurosurgical alternatives for intractable trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Although acceptable short-/mid-term outcomes have been reported, long-term results have not been well documented. We report the long-term results in 130 patients who underwent radiosurgery for classical TN and were subsequently monitored through at least 7 years (median = 9.9, range = 7-14.5) of follow-up. The median age was 66.5 years. A total of 122 patients (93.8%) became pain free (median delay = 15 days) after the radiosurgery procedure (Barrow Neurological Institute, BNI class I-IIIa). The probability of remaining pain free without medication at 3, 5, 7 and 10 years was 77.9, 73.8, 68 and 51.5%, respectively. Fifty-six patients (45.9%) who were initially pain free experienced recurrent pain (median delay = 73.1 months). However, at 10 years, of the initial 130 patients, 67.7% were free of any recurrence requiring new surgery (BNI class I-IIIa). The new hypesthesia rate was 20.8% (median delay of onset = 12 months), and only 1 patient (0.8%) reported very bothersome hypesthesia. The long-term results were comparable to those from our general series (recently published), and the high probability of long-lasting pain relief and rarity of consequential complications of radiosurgery may suggest it as a first- and/or second-line treatment for classical, drug-resistant TN.
A technique has been known which detects obstacles around the vehicle using an object sensor such as an ultrasonic sensor (sonar) or a laser radar provided in the vehicle. Patent Literature 1 discloses an obstacle detection device using an ultrasonic sensor. An object of the technique is to prevent the occurrence of an error due to the interference between noise and signals transmitted or received by the sensor. In the technique, a sensor which can change a transmission frequency is used and the transmission frequency and reception sensitivity of the sensor when noise is detected are different from those in a normal state. In this way, an operation error due to noise and a change in a detection area are prevented.
Pop. 204. In Camden T., Lennox & Addington Cs., on the Napanee R. and C. Rds. 5 and 6, 26 km NW of Kingston: The settlement was first known as Peters' Mills after Eli Peters who built a sawmill here in the early 1800s. The founder of the village, however, was Charles Warner who built the first store, bought and expanded Peters' mill, laid out a townsite and petitioned the government for a post office. When the post office opened, the communIty s name changed to Colebrook. One explanation for the name is that the post office was located in the store of Cole Warner; the other is that the place was named after Sir William MacBean George Colebrook lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick during the 1840s. Early industries included a company that produced wooden eavestroughs, and a 'feather renovating factory' that removed feathers from mattresses pillows and ticks, cleaned and fluffed them up and returned them to the covers. Everett Shangraw operated a factory producing penetrating oil he marketed under the trade name 'Casite.'
@echo off REM Echo off to avoid spam. REM Non zero is failure, 0 is success. SET exit_code_success=0 SET exit_code_failure_build_apps=1 SET exit_code_failure_build_locations=2 REM Used for echos. SET current_activity=FORMAT REM If scripts are chain called the original dirs should not be overwritten. IF NOT DEFINED original_dir ( SET original_dir=%CD% ) IF NOT DEFINED project_dir ( REM Arg 0 (called %0) is the full path to the file. REM https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/call#batch-parameters REM As per above link, %~dp0 expands the zeroth arg to a drive letter and path only. REM Project dir is up two dirs from the file. SET project_dir=%~dp0\..\..\ ) ECHO %current_activity%: Testing if clang-format can be located: IF NOT DEFINED LLVM_LOC ( ECHO %current_activity%: LLVM_LOC not defined. Using default value. SET LLVM_LOC="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\" ) ECHO %current_activity%: LLVM_LOC set to '%LLVM_LOC%'. REM EXIST won't find items in the PATH. WHERE will. SET LLVM_VALID=0 IF EXIST %LLVM_LOC% SET LLVM_VALID=1 IF %LLVM_VALID% EQU 0 ( WHERE /Q %LLVM_LOC%\clang-format.exe IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET LLVM_VALID=1 ) IF %LLVM_VALID% EQU 1 ( ECHO %current_activity%: LLVM_LOC exists. ) ELSE ( ECHO %current_activity%: LLVM_LOC directory does not exist. Exiting. EXIT /B %exit_code_failure_build_locations% ) ECHO %current_activity%: Clang-format located. %LLVM_LOC%\clang-format.exe --version REM First iteration. FOR /R %project_dir%\src\ %%F IN (*.cpp *.h) DO (%LLVM_LOC%\clang-format.exe --style=file -i %%F & ECHO Iteration 1. %%F) REM Clang-format is sometimes indecisive about which exact rules to apply, REM leading to differences between first and second iteration. REM Do it twice, just to be sure. FOR /R %project_dir%\src\ %%F IN (*.cpp *.h) DO (%LLVM_LOC%\clang-format.exe --style=file -i %%F & ECHO Iteration 2. %%F) ECHO %current_activity%: %current_activity% DONE.
Sources: Lithuanian club to exercise options for LaMelo, LiAngelo Ball for remainder of season LaMelo, left, and LiAngelo Ball have had some success with Lithuanian club Vytautas Prienu. (AP) As expected, LaMelo and LiAngelo Ball are in Lithuania to stay. Lithuanian club Vytautas Prienu will exercise contract guarantee options for LaMelo and LiAngelo this month, as the sides have committed to the remainder of the season through June, sources told Yahoo Sports. LaMelo and LiAngelo — the younger brothers of Los Angeles Lakers starting point guard Lonzo Ball — turned professional Dec. 11, signing one-year contracts with Vytautas. For LaMelo and LiAngelo, the decision to sign in Lithuania has led to individual and team progress, and Vytautas team officials told Yahoo Sports the commitment for the remainder of the season has been a foregone conclusion. LaMelo, 16, and LiAngelo, 19, have had success in tournament games and found increased minutes and production in first-division league games while assimilating to the pro game abroad. In three Lithuanian league games, LiAngelo has averaged 10.3 points, 40 percent 3-point shooting and 15.6 minutes, while LaMelo has averaged 6.3 points, two assists and 12.1 minutes. LaMelo, a gifted 6-foot-5 point guard, left Chino Hills High in California before his junior season this year to be home-schooled and is considered a legitimate pro prospect. The move to turn pro overseas was unprecedented for the consensus top-10 player in the class of 2019, who skipped two years of high school and his commitment at UCLA. LiAngelo, a 6-foot-5 scorer, parted ways with UCLA in early December to begin his professional career after an international scandal. On Friday, Vytautas plays Lithuanian team Zalgiris — one of the top Euroleague clubs, which includes NBA veterans Beno Udrih and Brandon Davies and ex-Gonzaga standout Kevin Pangos — giving LaMelo and LiAngelo another opportunity to contribute in high-level games.
Q: How to ajax-submit a form textarea input from CKEditor? I am using CKEditor, jQuery and jQuery form plugin and I would like to submit contents of the CkEditor form via an Ajax query. Here is my code: <form id="article-form" name="article-form" method="post" action="/myproject/save"> <textarea name="bodyText" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;"></textarea> <script type="text/javascript"> CKEDITOR.replace('bodyText'); </script> <a onClick="$("#article-form").ajaxSubmit();">Submit</a> </form> Unfortunately, it seems that the Ajax request does not pass the bodyText parameter; What did I do wrong or how can I achieve what I need? Thank you. A: you need to first call the following, to make the CKEDITORs update their related fields.. for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); so HTML <a onClick="CKupdate();$('#article-form').ajaxSubmit();">Submit</a> and javascript function CKupdate(){ for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); } A: This works for me best: beforeSerialize callback $('form#description').ajaxForm({ beforeSerialize:function($Form, options){ /* Before serialize */ for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) { CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); } return true; }, // other options }); A: If you use the jQuery form plugin, you can use the beforeSubmit option for a more elegant solution: $("#form").ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit: function() { /* Before submit */ for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) { CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); } }, // ... other options });
Ansible roles and collections are associated with a Galaxy namespace. In other words, a role is imported into a namespace, and a collection is uploaded or published to a namespace. When referencing a role or collection for download and install the namespace becomes part of the reference in the form namespace.[role|collection]_name. Role repositories from multiple GitHub organizations can be imported into a Galaxy namespace. To add additional GitHub organizations, on My Content, expand the menu for the namespace, and choose Edit Properties, as shown here: On the next page, scroll to the bottom of the page, where a list of available GitHub organizations is displayed. It’s labeled Provider Namespaces, and represents the list of namespaces or ogranizations you have access to in GitHub. As indicated in the image below, click on an organization to select it and add it to the Selected Provider Namespaces on the right. Clicking the X next to the name on the right will remove it. At the top of the list of Provider namespace is a search box. If you don’t see an organization listed, try typing the name in the box and pressing Enter. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the namespace with your changes, as shown below: Note Adding GitHub organizations to a namespace is only required when importing role repositories from GitHub. It is not required for uploading or publishing collections. Multiple Galaxy users can own or have administration rights to a namespace. To add additional owners to a namespace, expand the namespace menu on My Content, and choose Edit Properties, as depicted below: On the next page, scroll toward the bottom of the page, where a list of Namespace Owners appears. Use the search box to find specific users by Galaxy username. Click on a user to add them to the list of Selected Galaxy Users on the right, or click the X next to the username to remove them from the list. The image below provides an example: Anyone in the list of owners can import content into the namespace. They can also modify properties of the namespace, remove content, and disable the namespace altogether, removing content from search results, and making it unavailable for download. After making changes to the list of owners, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the namespace with your changes, as shown below: Namespace names in Galaxy are limited to lowercase word characters (i.e., a-z, 0-9) and ‘_’, must have a minimum length of 2 characters, and cannot start with an ‘_’. No other characters are allowed, including ‘.’, ‘-‘, and space. The first time you log into Galaxy, the server will create a Namespace for you, if one does not already exist, by converting your username to lowercase, and replacing any ‘-‘ characters with ‘_’. In order to protect against copyright and trademark infringements, new Galaxy namespaces can only be created by submitting a request to the Galaxy team. A team member will review the request and create the new namespace within 1 to 2 business days. When submitting a request, please include a link to the GitHub organization and a list of Galaxy usernames to be given ownership rights to the new namespace. Click here to submit a request now.
I created 2 debug configs - a project file debug config - a URL ATF debug config for this url. A) I'm launching the project file debug config. I see in the scripts view some text file versions of html and js files and, after a few tries, i understand that breakpoints must be set in these, not in the files in the project. What about the breakpoints set in the project files? Aany way, in the text files, while the breakpoints in the index.html text version are hit, in the text version js files i cannot set breakpoints in the ruler. I have a screenshot but cannot attach it.
Q: How to add a json object to multiple documents in a Elastic index using _update_by_query? I need to update several documents in my Elasticsearch index and I tried the following using the the _update_by_query plugin. What I need to do is to add a new field to several existing documents matching a certain condition. The new field is a nested JSON. So after adding it document source should look like _source: { ...existing fields, "new_field" : { "attrName1" : "value", "attrName2" : "value", } } I tried using the _update_by_query API to get this done. But so far I only could add String fields and arrays with it. When trying to add a JSON with the following query it gives me an error. Query curl -XPOST "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:pppp/my_index_name/_update_by_query" -d' { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "team.keyword": "search_phrase" } } ] } }, "script" : { "inline":"ctx._source.field_name = {\"a\":\"b\"}" } }' Error { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "script_exception", "reason": "compile error", "script_stack": [ "ctx._source.field_name = {\"a\":\"b\"}", " ^---- HERE" ], "script": "ctx._source.field_name = {\"a\":\"b\"}", "lang": "painless" } ], "type": "script_exception", "reason": "compile error", "caused_by": { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "invalid sequence of tokens near ['{'].", "caused_by": { "type": "no_viable_alt_exception", "reason": null } }, "script_stack": [ "ctx._source.field_name = {\"a\":\"b\"}", " ^---- HERE" ], "script": "ctx._source.field_name = {\"a\":\"b\"}", "lang": "painless" }, "status": 500 } So far I could only add Strings as a new field. What is the correct way to achieve this? A: Instead of direct assignment, use params to achieve the same. { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "team.keyword": "search_phrase" } } ] } }, "script": { "inline": "ctx._source.field_name = params.new_field", "params": { "new_field": { "a": "b" } } } }
Q: Can you explain this syntax: ros::Rate loop_rate(10); I am trying to understand this line of code ros::Rate loop_rate(10); It seems to be creating some kind of object, however this looks like a function call and I don't see where the object is named. What is this line of code doing? I understand what loop_rate is in ros, but I am new to c++ and don't understand the syntax. #include "ros/ros.h" #include "std_msgs/String.h" #include <sstream> int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "talker"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000); ros::Rate loop_rate(10); int count = 0; while (ros::ok()) { std_msgs::String msg; std::stringstream ss; ss << "hello world " << count; msg.data = ss.str(); ROS_INFO("%s", msg.data.c_str()); chatter_pub.publish(msg); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); ++count; } return 0; } A: It's nothing sinister. In fact, it's a pretty straightforward variable declaration. The type is ros::Rate, the name is loop_rate, and the sole constructor argument is 10. It does look a bit like a function call, but it isn't one. (It also looks a bit like a function declaration, which can cause problems if you're not careful!) It's like: std::string str("Hi!"); or: Rectangle rect(10, 5); or even: int x(42); In the case of built-ins, many of us tend to use old-style copy-initialisation instead: int x = 42; … though this is not so feasible for most class types. Do you perhaps need to review declaration syntax in your C++ book?
This could potentially be quite big for Ubuntu and Linux in general. Canonical and the Chinese government have announced a collaboration to build a version of Ubuntu specifically for the Chinese market, which will become the reference architecture for standard operating systems in the country. Thanks, but I was already coding for UNIX commercial systems before Linus came up with Linux and I use GNU/Linux since the 1.0.9 kernel. As for my explanation, yeah maybe I should have explained it better, because both kernel and userland ABIs are required for applications to run. Unless you code something using direct kernel calls only, without any runtime library. So what applications there are, compiled around 2000, which make use of kernel only stable APIs that run in actual distributions without recompilation?
Christmas Came Early! 🎄 This year, being the third Christmas spent with my boyfriend. We decided to do Christmas presents a little different this year. I’ve chosen to also not bother wrapping any of the Christmas presents between each other up, in a bid to save on paper rubbish. As every year, Britain wastes about 227,000 miles of wrapping paper in the Christmas period. As it originated as an amazon wishlist, I’ve accumulated over the year. My boyfriend thought he’d surprise me, by buying all the reading material on my list. These included books by my favourite actors, including James Franco and Jesse Eisenberg to name a few. Starting with Jesse Eisenberg, the first book is Bream Gives Me Hiccups and other short stories. I’ve seen a few reviews for this book and I knew I needed such talented writer in my library. The Spoils is the next. Not quite a story but the entire play published. I was so upset when I missed this being performed in London, so knew I had to buy the book! I also got Ron Perlman’s memoir, Easy Street (The Hard Way). I’m a big fan is his work, mostly for his portrayal of Clay Morrow in Sons of Anarchy. James Franco seems to be a force to be reckoned with, mainly with his knowledge. So knew when I saw him promote Directing Herbert White, I had to read the artistry of poetry and add it to my library. I’ve seen and loved the Palo Alto film, starring Emma Roberts and Nathaniel Wolff, which I loved! So naturally when I found out there was a book. I knew I had to buy it! Once I’ve read these books in the coming year, I will post in depth book reviews. But for now, I just wanted to share a snippet of what my boyfriend bought me for Christmas.
New home, same life New home, same life My family and I finally moved into our house in the Diamond New Housing Scheme. I can’t say that I like it nor can I say I hate it. The traveling is hard and the morning traffic is harder but the place has a certain quietness to it that I like. It’s been a long time since my mother, younger brother and I have shared a home together. At my age, I think I’ve spent too much time chasing life and chasing causes and not enough time seeing the people I love. A big part of loving people is witnessing their lives and caring about what you witness. I’ve been working on it. And of course, I’ve got some interesting neighbours and naturally I’ve got that one neighbour that’s the epitome of jackassifiyishness. Almost every weekend they vibrate my windows with their huge music box while their battalion of children back-ball and juk the floor, the wall and each other. Sigh. I’m trying hard to mind my own business. Just before the rain started this morning, I helped my mom wash. We used blue-soap, hard-brush and scrubbing-board. These days I look forward to washing with mom. I’ve seen her age these last few years and it forced me to accept that my time with her is not endless. Time is not endless for us. I wait up for my brother at nights now and we do dumb things or watch pointless TV. I’m watching him become a man and I know that I won’t always be around to witness his life first hand. There’s no telling where life will take us. My mother’s eldest sister has lived in another country for most of their lives and they haven’t seen each other in years. One day, distance may stretch between my brother and I and we’ll fill that space with memories and Skype and annual visits. This is also the first time in more than 15 years that I haven’t lived with Nani. She is there in her house and I am here in mine. Sometimes, it feels as if our worlds are not the same and never were and never could be but every now and then we meet and we laugh. Laughing makes everything better. Life will never be perfect and happiness is not constant. But who wants that? Seriously, perfect and constant are predictable and boring.
Newly Mastered in HD! A bored rich industrialist's wife plots to kill her husband and have her lover assume the dead man's identity. The marriage between wealthy and cold-hearted tycoon Wendell Atwell (Mike Connors, Mannix) and his adulterous wife Katherine (Jaclyn Smith, Charlie’s Angels) has soured and there seems to be no way out except divorce, which Wendell has refused. Katherine and her lover (James Franciscus, The Cat o’ Nine Tails) deviously hatch up a plot to murder her millionaire husband. She hires a world-weary private eye (Robert Mitchum, The Ambassador) to find her missing husband, but fails to inform the investigator that she knows full well the whereabouts of her husband. Difficulties arise when the investigator ends up being much better at his job than she originally expected and he may or may not have some ulterior motives of his own. Hollywood veteran Ted Post (Magnum Force, Hang ‘Em High) directed this top-notch cat-and-mouse thriller filled with fear, intrigue, mystery and panic. The strong supporting cast includes Sybil Danning (They’re Playing with Fire), Fritz Weaver (Marathon Man) and Michael Anderson Jr. (The Sons of Katie Elder).
Q: I'm being logged into Data Explorer as "jon.doe18", why? Forgive me if I'm just ignorant of some well-known fact that explains this behavior: When I log into Data Explorer with my usual OpenID provider (myOpenID), then I'm logged into the system as http://odata.stackexchange.com/users/716 where I actually should be http://odata.stackexchange.com/users/18771 What's going on? (And the latter URL gives a YSOD with a generic "Runtime Error" message) A: Your user account on Data Explorer is not tied to, and does not share its ID with, your accounts on SO/Meta. The system, though similar in appearance, is completely different, as it started life as a third-party tool
Month: March 2017 Grief has so many unexpected turns, so many unwelcome surprises that seem to grow right out of the aching hole in your chest. One of the worst ones I’ve found since losing my son was the loss of my identity. I didn’t even realize that that was what had happened until another mother mentioned it in a group session. When I became a mother, my old life became a dark, dirty memory and the whole world opened up to me. I experienced a love I had no idea was even possible. Sometimes, I felt so much love for that tiny little person, I felt nearly frantic not knowing how to handle it all. It overwhelmed me in the best possible ways. Everything about the way I lived my life changed and I became Daxon’s Mom. If pre-mom me was reading this right now, she would probably be rolling her eyes, but I understand it now. I understand how having a baby doesn’t just mean “having a baby”. I understand that it means becoming someone entirely new and better and feeling truly unconditional love like no other. I have been feeling lost ever since he left. At first, I had no idea what to do with my days. Even still, I look at the bare living room floor, wishing to God that it were covered in toys again with a curious little boy banging them around, coming to me for snacks and snuggles. I have been filling my days with sleeping in, watching crappy tv, and mindlessly playing with my iPad. I do almost nothing productive. I have a few projects on the go, but I can’t seem to focus enough to really finish much of anything. It took me a month to unpack from our vacation because looking at my suitcase made me feel overwhelmed and anxious, like I had no idea where to even start and it was just too much to handle. I can’t even enjoy sex anymore, even though I’m pregnant and hormonal. I feel so guilty that I sometimes make myself do it anyway, but he can always tell my head and heart aren’t in it. And then I feel even more guilty so I try harder still to convince him I’m fine and he can keep going. I died with my son. All the happy, loving parts of me died with him and I am left here to be lost and destroyed. Nothing could have prepared me for this emptiness. Never in my life could I have ever imagined feeling so utterly and completely…..lost. But I’ve survived yet another empty day. I am one day closer to holding my baby boy safely in my arms again. Each time I pass Daxon’s bedroom door, I look at it and say something to me either in my head or out loud, depending on whether my boyfriend is nearby. I know he’s not in there, but I think it’s more of s reminder to talk to him and tell him that I love him. I don’t go in often, but about once a week I feel like I need to be closer to him so I go in and sit and cry, usually on the floor beside his crib or sometimes in the rocking chair. I’ll look through his favourite book once in awhile, Little Bear is Hungry, and run my fingers over the fuzzy parts like he used to do. I’ll turn on the sound machine that casts a projection wheel on the wall of different things. The one we used the most was the fishy one, so that is still in there. A couple of times, I’ve turned on the toy I hung in his crib just days before his last. It has a screen with a waterfall in the background that lights up, a monkey that swings, a frog, and something else near the bottom. When I first put it in there, I put him in his crib and turned it on and he was so happy. He got up on hands and knees, making those cute little noises of joy while looking from me to the toy like, “Mommy, are you seeing this?! This is amazing!” This afternoon, I started having a meltdown on the couch. It wasn’t even anything that really triggered it either. I went upstairs and into his room, opening the door quietly like I always have, and bawled my eyes out like one of those wailing foreign women you see in movies who have just lost their husbands in a terrible battle. Then, I started looking through things. I looked through books and drawers, when I found his Love You Forever book, I broke down again. That was the first book I ever read to him while I was pregnant and then many times after. He loved that book, probably because it had a little song I’d sing in it. He loved music. I went through his closet and folded and put away some clothes my boyfriend had washed but not properly put away. He has this little chubby fox costume my mom got him to wear for Halloween. That was one of the last days he was alive. I has a big fat bum on it with a tail and the hood is a fox head, complet and with little snout. I held that costume to me and cried yet again, not entirely surprised to notice that my arms went around it in the exact same way I used to hold my son. Afterward, I picked up a few things that were lying around, toys went in his toy bag, baby monitors that boyfriend had tossed behind the rocking chair went into th closet, funeral home bag went in the closet… Then I sat in the chair looking through his baby book, you know, the kind where you fill in all the pages about his firsts and family tree and everything. I never realized how big of a leap he went through at six and a half months. That’s when he first said, “Mum,” the first time he stood by himself for a couple seconds. And I remember these times, too. Tonight, as I was walking up the stairs for bed, I looked at his door as always and I felt something different. It was almost a peace, I think. Not quite happiness, but it wasn’t just sadness and longing. It caught me off guard and really confused me. I know it won’t last and there will always be hard days and less hard days, but I think this was somehow a step in my healing, though I’m not entirely sure how. I don’t want to spaeculate either, and ruin it so I’m just going to accept it as that and enjoy the moment a bit longer. I still miss my little boy terribly and want nothing more than to be holding him right now, but I feel like maybe this is God’s way of telling me that he heard me yelling at him today and that everything is okay, we will be together again. You know that feeling when you’re kind of lethargic, but you want to do something but you just can’t figure out what you want to do? You look around, run through your options in your head…video games? Nah. Read a book? Maybe, but not really. Watch a movie? Ugh, no. I get that feeling a lot, especially since I haven’t been working since before my son was born Christmas of 2015. I had the year off to raise him until he was old enough to go into daycare, but then after he passed and I found out I was pregnant and was diagnosed with PTSD, they allowed me to just stay off. I’m very lucky my boyfriend is so supportive. I help out as much as I am able. So all this time off, being alone with my thoughts now, trying to find distractions to fill my days, I get that feeling a lot. Slowly, it dawns on me what it is I really want to do. I want to hold my little boy. That is the only thing in the universe that could satisfy my needs in that moment. But I can’t. In a few months, I’ll be able to hold a new little one, but it won’t be my Dax. I can’t hold him until the day I die, and that day is so painstakingly far from sight. I used to feel like my life was speeding ahead of me and I could never catch up. Now I feel like my death is running from me, playing a cruel game of tag and I’ll never catch it. Not until I’ve forgotten what his little fingers felt like or the way his hair smelled after a bath, or how soft and fine it felt when I ran my fingers through it. I remember the deep divet above his butt crack, the tiny little bump on the daith part of his right ear and the indent on the lobe of his left one that looked like his finger nail had been dug into it in utero when the ear was forming and left an imprint. I remember how every single little part of his body felt in my hands and the weight of his body lying on my chest as he slept. My arms fit around him just perfectly. Nothing had every felt so…belonging, I guess. He belongs with me. He belongs in my arms where he fit just perfectly. Now, all I have to fill those moments is tears and gasping breaths, begging God to tell me why He took my baby from me, begging Him to turn back time to that last day so I could stay with him all night long and try to save him. I don’t understand how some people simply choose not to see their children as much as they possibly can. There are people who could not care less if they even had kids, and those children suffer terrible lives of being unwanted and unloved. I finally realized tonight why it bothers me so much that my boyfriend isn’t actively trying to get even shared custody of his daughter. He only sees her in the morning when he drives her to daycare, and every second Sunday. Not even overnight. Yet he won’t even talk to a lawyer to find out what the process is to have hr more because the guy is expensive and he thinks it’ll be a huge, expensive battle. I would give anything for that battle to even be an option for me to see my son again. I would give my life if I knew I could hold my son again. So tonight, I realized that this is why I’m so bothered by his procrastination with this. He still has a child that he can hold and teach and love. And he is missing out on so much with her. What isn’t worth that time spent with her? I know he loves her more than anything, so it confuses me why he hasn’t even tried yet. I feel like my grief and mourning is being minimized in a way, I guess. Like he’s taking her existence for granted because his child isn’t going to die and he has all the time in the world to leisurely find a way to see her more. It’s almost a slap in the face. I can never tell him this. He gets angry when I mention fighting for shared custody. I don’t understand why and I’m afraid to ask, as I know it’ll likely end up becoming an argument. I will never understand a parent’s ability to dismiss time with their children. I just hope they never have to regret it the way I wish I’d spent more time playing and snuggling with my son before he died.
Q: Data entry into SQLite Database table not showing up I'm trying to setup an SQLite database containing some info about food and its calorific value. However when I key in the info, and click on button to view, the table just showing nothing. The info that I key in just now is not showing up. I can't get to see where the problem is. Need help to look on the code and let me know what's wrong in there. Creating the database: public class FormDatabase { public static final String KEY_ROWID = "_id"; public static final String KEY_FOOD = "food name"; public static final String KEY_CALORIE = "food_calories"; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "Calories"; private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "FoodTable"; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; private DbHelper ourHelper; private final Context ourContext; private SQLiteDatabase ourDatabase; private static class DbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public DbHelper(Context context) { super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + DATABASE_TABLE + " (" + KEY_ROWID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + KEY_FOOD + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + KEY_CALORIE + " TEXT NOT NULL);" ); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXIST " + DATABASE_TABLE); onCreate(db); } } public FormDatabase(Context c){ ourContext = c; } public FormDatabase open() throws SQLException { ourHelper = new DbHelper(ourContext); ourDatabase = ourHelper.getWritableDatabase(); return this; } public void close (){ ourHelper.close(); } public long createEntry(String food, String calorie) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(KEY_FOOD, food); cv.put(KEY_CALORIE, calorie); return ourDatabase.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, cv); } public String getData() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String [] columns = new String[]{ KEY_ROWID, KEY_FOOD, KEY_CALORIE}; Cursor c = ourDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLE, columns, null, null, null, null, null, null); String result = ""; int iRow = c.getColumnIndex(KEY_ROWID); int iFood = c.getColumnIndex(KEY_FOOD); int iCalorie = c.getColumnIndex(KEY_CALORIE); for (c.moveToFirst(); !c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()){ result = result + c.getString(iRow) + " " + c.getString(iFood) + " " + c.getString(iCalorie) + "\n"; } return result; } } Update and view the database: public class DatabaseMain extends Activity implements OnClickListener{ Button sqlUpdate, sqlView; EditText sqlFood, sqlCalorie; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.database_main); sqlUpdate = (Button) findViewById(R.id.bSQLUpdate); sqlFood = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.etSQLFood); sqlCalorie = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.etSQLCalorie); sqlView = (Button) findViewById (R.id.bSQLopenView); sqlView.setOnClickListener(this); sqlUpdate.setOnClickListener(this); } public void onClick(View arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub switch (arg0.getId()) { case R.id.bSQLUpdate: boolean didItWork = true; try { String food = sqlFood.getText().toString(); String calorie = sqlCalorie.getText().toString(); FormDatabase entry = new FormDatabase(DatabaseMain.this); entry.open(); entry.createEntry(food, calorie); entry.close(); } catch (Exception e) { didItWork = false; String error = e.toString(); Dialog d = new Dialog(this); d.setTitle("This is an error!"); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText(error); d.setContentView(tv); d.show(); } finally { if (didItWork) { Dialog d = new Dialog(this); d.setTitle("Notice"); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("Update success"); d.setContentView(tv); d.show(); } } break; case R.id.bSQLopenView: Intent i = new Intent("com.example.setupdatabase.SQLVIEW"); startActivity(i); break; } } } SQLiteView: public class SQLView extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.sqlview); TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tvSQLinfo); FormDatabase info = new FormDatabase(this); info.open(); String data = info.getData(); info.close(); tv.setText(data); } } the SQLView layout xml: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <TableLayout android:id="@+id/tableLayout1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <TableRow> <TextView android:text="Food" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_weight="1"> </TextView> <TextView android:text="Calories" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_weight="1"> </TextView> </TableRow> </TableLayout> <TextView android:text="get info from db" android:id="@+id/tvSQLinfo" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"></TextView> <EditText android:id="@+id/editText1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:ems="10" android:inputType="numberSigned" > <requestFocus /> </EditText> </LinearLayout> A: First: You should be logging your exceptions so you'll get helpful error messages and stack trace in your logcat. It's also useful to include the stack trace in questions you post. There some errors in the code you posted, for example: public static final String KEY_FOOD = "food name"; You cannot have spaces in column names, it will lead to SQL syntax errors. db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXIST " + DATABASE_TABLE); This is also invalid SQL. Should be EXISTS not EXIST.
Trump Says He Sees The European Union As A 'Foe' Of U.S.President Trump told CBS that he has "low expectations" ahead of a summit with Russia's Vladimir Putin, and added, "I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade." "I go in with very low expectations. I think that getting along with Russia is a good thing," Trump told the program. "But it's possible we won't." President Trump tells @jeffglor the European Union is a “foe” of the United States. The president also said Russia is a “foe in certain respects” and China “is a foe economically.” pic.twitter.com/yVeXYRmFn8 The summit with Putin is set to happen on Monday in Helsinki, Finland. On Friday, the U.S. Justice Department indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers over alleged crimes tied to Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. CBS's Jeff Glor asked Trump whether he would ask Putin to extradite those Russians to the United States. "Well, I might," Trump replied. "I hadn't thought of that. But I certainly, I'll be asking about it." Trump appeared to place blame on the Democratic National Committee for the hacking attack that has been linked to Russia: "I think the DNC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing themselves to be hacked. They had bad defenses and they were able to be hacked." He again described Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation as a "witch hunt" that has hampered U.S. relations with Russia. When asked about who he sees as the U.S.'s biggest foe, he said that the U.S. has "a lot of foes." The first one he named was the EU, traditionally a close ally to the U.S. "I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade." He added: "I respect the leaders of those countries. But — in a trade sense, they've really taken advantage of us and many of those countries are in NATO and they weren't paying their bills and, you know, as an example a big problem with Germany." The president then stated he sees Russia as a "foe in certain respects," and China as a "foe economically." As Trump departs the U.K., Prime Minister Theresa May surprised many by stating that the president encouraged her to sue the EU. Trump had said at a Friday joint press conference with May that he had provided a suggestion to her about handing Brexit negotiations, and that she had not taken it. May appeared perplexed when revealing what she said Trump's advice was, and laughed when the BBC anchor asked her if she had given the idea any thought. She added that Trump also said: "Don't walk away. Don't walk away from the negotiations, because then you're stuck. So I want us to be able to sit down, to negotiate the best deal for Britain." May's plans to leave the EU have been tested in recent days with resignations from two key figures in navigating Brexit -– Brexit Secretary David Davis and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.
Facial Cleansing Cloths Remove Make Up Without Water Dear Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee, I am going camping where there is no running water, only an outhouse. The problem is that I want to wear makeup, but I do not want to sleep in makeup, so what should I do? Is sleeping in makeup over the weekend okay? Signed, Need fresh face Dear Need fresh face, It is important to clean your face and remove make up before going to bed. Make up, dirt, and oil that accumulates during the day can clog pores and cause pimples. Pre-moistened facial cleansing cloths would take off your make up and clean your face without water. These cloths are very popular not only for camping, but also for daily use. One cloth replaces soap, water, and eye make up remover, and leaves skin feeling fresh, clean, and smooth. Many cleansing cloths are soap free, alcohol free and contain vitamin E, moisturizers, and natural botanical extracts such as aloe or green tea. Facial cleansing cloths given overall high positive ratings by consumers at DrugStore.com are listed below. Prices vary from about $5 to $7 for a pack of 30 cloths. In addition, Costco sells Kirkland Signature Daily Facial Cleansing Towelettes that work very well and good bargain costing about $10 for 135 towelettes.