/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============================================================================= */ import '@tensorflow/tfjs-node'; import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; import {describeWithFlags, NODE_ENVS} from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/jasmine_util'; import {expectTensorsClose} from './test_utils'; import {balancedTrainValSplit} from './training_utils'; describeWithFlags('balancedTrainValSplit', NODE_ENVS, () => { it('Enough data for split', () => { const xs = tf.randomNormal([8, 3]); const ys = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'int32'), 2); const {trainXs, trainYs, valXs, valYs} = balancedTrainValSplit(xs, ys, 0.25); expect(trainXs.shape).toEqual([6, 3]); expect(trainYs.shape).toEqual([6, 2]); expect(valXs.shape).toEqual([2, 3]); expect(valYs.shape).toEqual([2, 2]); expectTensorsClose(trainYs.sum(0), tf.tensor1d([3, 3], 'int32')); expectTensorsClose(valYs.sum(0), tf.tensor1d([1, 1], 'int32')); }); it('Not enough data for split', () => { const xs = tf.randomNormal([8, 3]); const ys = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'int32'), 2); const {trainXs, trainYs, valXs, valYs} = balancedTrainValSplit(xs, ys, 0.01); expect(trainXs.shape).toEqual([8, 3]); expect(trainYs.shape).toEqual([8, 2]); expect(valXs.shape).toEqual([0, 3]); expect(valYs.shape).toEqual([0, 2]); }); it('Invalid valSplit leads to Error', () => { const xs = tf.randomNormal([8, 3]); const ys = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'int32'), 2); expect(() => balancedTrainValSplit(xs, ys, -0.2)).toThrow(); expect(() => balancedTrainValSplit(xs, ys, 0)).toThrow(); expect(() => balancedTrainValSplit(xs, ys, 1)).toThrow(); expect(() => balancedTrainValSplit(xs, ys, 1.2)).toThrow(); }); });
1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to recording devices for use with patient monitors, and more particularly to recording devices which are adapted to transform output signals from a patient monitor into a more usable form, which can be easily analyzed by qualified personnel. 2. Discussion of Related Art Electrical monitoring of the conditions of a patient on a continuing basis is becoming an accepted clinical procedure. This is especially true in the case of infants because a record of vital parameters has proven to be a very useful aid in evaluating the status of a sick infant. Known monitors provide continuous ECG and respiration outputs. These outputs are recorded on magnetic tape and can later be displayed on an oscilloscope or strip chart recorder for analysis. However, it is ofetn time consuming to place this information in a usable form and to locate areas of particular interest, such as those associated with particular events noted with respect to the patient. Consequently, a need has developed for a system which can receive signals from a patient monitor, transform those signals into usable readily available information, and display the information in a manner which is adapted to facilitate analysis by a physician.
package main import ( "flag" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "github.com/jedruniu/spotify-cli/pkg/player" "github.com/jedruniu/spotify-cli/pkg/web" "time" "github.com/google/uuid" "github.com/marcusolsson/tui-go" "github.com/zmb3/spotify" ) type albumsList struct { table tui.Table box tui.Box } var debugMode bool func checkMode() { debugModeFlag := flag.Bool("debug", false, "When set to true, app is populated with faked data and is not connecting with Spotify Web API.") flag.Parse() debugMode = *debugModeFlag } func NewSpotifyAuthenticator() spotify.Authenticator { envKeys := []string{"SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID", "SPOTIFY_SECRET"} envVars := map[string]string{} for _, key := range envKeys { v := os.Getenv(key) if v == "" { log.Fatalf("Quiting, there is no %s environment variable.", key) } envVars[key] = v } redirectURI := url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "localhost:8888", Path: "/spotify-cli"} auth := spotify.NewAuthenticator( redirectURI.String(), spotify.ScopeUserReadPrivate, spotify.ScopeUserReadCurrentlyPlaying, spotify.ScopeUserReadPlaybackState, spotify.ScopeUserModifyPlaybackState, spotify.ScopeUserLibraryRead, // Used for Web Playback SDK "streaming", spotify.ScopeUserReadEmail, ) auth.SetAuthInfo(envVars["SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID"], envVars["SPOTIFY_SECRET"]) return auth } func main() { log.SetFlags(log.Llongfile) f, _ := os.Create("log.txt") defer f.Close() log.SetOutput(io.MultiWriter(f, os.Stdout)) checkMode() var client player.SpotifyClient var spotifyAuthenticator = NewSpotifyAuthenticator() authHandler := &web.AuthHandler{ Client: make(chan *spotify.Client), State: uuid.New().String(), Authenticator: spotifyAuthenticator, } webSocketHandler := &web.WebsocketHandler{ PlayerShutdown: make(chan bool), PlayerDeviceID: make(chan spotify.ID), PlayerStateChange: make(chan *web.WebPlaybackState), } if debugMode { client = player.NewDebugClient() go func() { webSocketHandler.PlayerDeviceID <- "debug" }() } else { var err error h := http.NewServeMux() h.Handle("/ws", webSocketHandler) h.Handle("/spotify-cli", authHandler) h.HandleFunc("/player", web.PlayerHandleFunc) go func() { log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8888", h)) }() err = player.StartRemoteAuthentication(spotifyAuthenticator, authHandler.State) if err != nil { log.Printf("could not get client, shutting down, err: %v", err) } } // wait for authentication to complete client = <-authHandler.Client // wait for device to be ready webPlayerID := <-webSocketHandler.PlayerDeviceID sidebar, _ := player.NewSideBar(client) search := player.NewSearch(client) playback := player.NewPlayback(client, webSocketHandler.PlayerStateChange, webPlayerID) mainFrame := tui.NewVBox( search.Box, tui.NewSpacer(), playback.Box, ) mainFrame.SetSizePolicy(tui.Expanding, tui.Expanding) window := tui.NewHBox( sidebar.Box, mainFrame, ) window.SetTitle("SPOTIFY CLI") playBackButtons := []tui.Widget{playback.Playback.Previous, playback.Playback.Play, playback.Playback.Stop, playback.Playback.Next} focusables := append(playBackButtons, sidebar.AlbumList.Table) focusables = append(focusables, search.Focusables...) focusables = append(focusables, playback.Devices.Table) tui.DefaultFocusChain.Set(focusables...) theme := tui.DefaultTheme theme.SetStyle("box.focused.border", tui.Style{Fg: tui.ColorYellow, Bg: tui.ColorDefault}) theme.SetStyle("table.focused.border", tui.Style{Fg: tui.ColorYellow, Bg: tui.ColorDefault}) ui, err := tui.New(window) if err != nil { panic(err) } ui.SetKeybinding("Esc", func() { ui.Quit() webSocketHandler.PlayerShutdown <- true return }) go func() { for range time.Tick(500 * time.Millisecond) { ui.Update(func() {}) } }() if err := ui.Run(); err != nil { panic(err) } }
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 15 2018 10:31:50). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard. // #import <Foundation/NSDirectoryEnumerator.h> @class PKBOM; @interface PKBOMDirectoryEnumerator : NSDirectoryEnumerator { PKBOM *_pkBom; struct _BOMBomEnumerator *_be; struct _BOMFSObject *_currentFSO; } - (id)fileAttributes; - (BOOL)isDirectory; - (void)skipDescendents; - (void)skipDescendants; - (id)nextObject; - (void)dealloc; - (id)initWithBOM:(id)arg1; @end
(Washington, DC) – A victim of forced labor in cotton production and three Uzbek human rights defenders filed a complaint on June 30, 2016, against the World Bank’s private lending arm, the Cotton Campaign coalition, the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights, International Labor Rights Forum, and Human Rights Watch announced today. The complaint against the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was filed with the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, an independent accountability unit attached to the IFC. It seeks an investigation into forced labor connected to a $40 million loan to Indorama Kokand Textile, which operates in Uzbekistan. The forced labor victim, who requested confidentiality, and the rights defenders Dmitry Tikhonov, Elena Urlaeva, and a third who requested confidentiality, presented evidence that the loan to expand the company’s manufacturing of cotton goods in Uzbekistan allows it to profit from forced labor and to sell illicit goods. “The IFC should support sustainable rural development in Uzbekistan, not projects that perpetuate the government’s forced labor system for cotton production,” said Tikhonov, who fled official retaliation against his human rights advocacy and is in exile. “The ombudsman should investigate the IFC loan to Indorama, which we believe violates international law and the IFC’s own policies prohibiting forced labor.” The IFC loan to Indorama is the latest in the World Bank’s increasing support for Uzbekistan’s coercive cotton system, amounting to more than US$500 million. The complaint also raises concerns that the IFC’s support for the country’s banks does not address the banking sector’s role in supporting the government’s forced labor system. The World Bank approved the loan in December 2015, despite a report from the International Labour Organization reaffirming the problem of forced labor and the United States’ opposition to the loan, due to “forced labor in the cotton sector.” Last week, the US government gave Uzbekistan’s government the lowest possible ranking in its annual Trafficking in Persons Report, stating “government-compelled forced labor of adults remains endemic during the annual cotton harvest.” The Uzbek government controls all of the country’s cotton production and sales. Officials force farmers each year to grow the national cotton crop, and then force more than 1 million citizens to harvest the crop, all under threat of penalties. While global pressure led the government to significantly reduce forced child labor in 2014, since then officials have increased forced labor for adults. The government has not addressed the root causes of forced labor, including the corrupt financial incentives for officials to use coercion and repression of citizens who report labor abuses. For Indorama and other cotton processors in Uzbekistan, the sole source of cotton is the government’s forced labor production system. The complaint says that the goods Indorama and other cotton companies in Uzbekistan process and sell to global companies is made with this forced labor. “Until the Uzbek government stops using coercion and forced labor, companies doing business in Uzbekistan’s cotton industry like Indorama cannot meet fundamental human rights standards or the IFC’s labor standards,” said Urlaeva, the elected leader of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan. The Uzbek government’s denial of freedom of association and repression of human rights monitors enables it to operate its forced labor system. Over the last year, officials retaliated brutally against Tikhonov, Urlaeva, and other rights defenders for reporting about forced labor. Police arrested, beat, and filed charges of “disorderly conduct” against Tikhonov, and the same day his home office was destroyed by arson, eventually forcing him to flee the country. Officials have arrested Urlaeva five times and subjected her to body-cavity searches twice. In this climate of fear, only one victim of forced labor dared sign a complaint to the IFC, and only anonymously. “The IFC loan to Indorama creates new incentives for the Uzbek government to try to silence citizens who speak out in defense of their rights,” said Umida Niyazova, director at the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights. “Why should public funds benefit Indorama at the expense of victims of repression and forced labor?” In Uzbekistan, income from the sale of cotton to cotton processors like Indorama disappears into secret account known as the “Selkhozfond” (Agricultural Fund), which is housed in the Finance Ministry. The Selkhozfond is a completely non-transparent account that is not included in the state budget. Only the highest level government officials have access to the fund and knowledge of its use. “This loan risks further fueling corruption at the highest levels in Uzbekistan,” said Brian Campbell, legal adviser to the Cotton Campaign. “The World Bank Group should help address corruption in the industry before sinking more money into it.” The Cotton Campaign is a global coalition of human rights, labor, investor, and business organizations dedicated to eradicating child labor and forced labor in cotton production. “The IFC is setting a dangerous precedent by funding a company that knowingly processes forced labor cotton,” said Jessica Evans, senior researcher and advocate on international financial institutions at Human Rights Watch. “The World Bank should realize that it can’t end Uzbekistan’s use of forced labor by flouting its labor commitments and investing in the country’s most abusive industry.”
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Hello and welcome to the 472nd installment of the SWD . Military events/news are listed below by the governorates: If you would like to support Syrian War Daily, please consider whitelisting or turning off your ad blocking software on the website. Aleppo: Islamic State’s Amaq Agency stated that a suicide attack killed seven elements of Sutoro near Al-Ghasanniyah school in the city of Al-Hasakah. Other reports claimed that five elements of Sutoro were killed and three wounded when a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device exploded near their headquarters on Filasteen street. Latakia: Last night, Russian air defences shot down several unknown drones which were approaching Hmeimim Air Base from the northeast. Daraa: Two Syrian Republican Guard’s Major Generals; Imad Adnan Ibrahim and Yusuf Mohammad Ali were announced as killed in clashes with rebel factions in Daraa governorate. Furthermore, Syrian Arab Army’s Brigadier General, Kamal Sarim was wounded in clashes with rebels in Daraa. Sarim used to lead military operations in Qaboun and participated in operations in Eastern Ghouta, Eastern Qalamoun, and Wadi Barada. Rebel ‘Central Operations Room of the South’ released a statement claiming that rebel factions killed 90 elements of the Syrian Arab Army during clashes between 15th and 30th of June in Daraa governorate. The statement also stated that rebels destroyed 11 tanks and two BMPs in the same period. Free Syrian Army’s Quwa Shabab al-Sunnah reached an agreement with the Syrian government, regarding the situation in the city of Bosra al-Sham. The two sides reportedly agreed on Quwa Shabab al-Sunnah handing over its heavy and light weapons, while the locality will remain under the group’s authority for three months. The agreement also includes allowing civilians to leave Bosra al-Sham to desired locations, while Syrian Arab Army-affiliated militias will be forbidden from entering the locality. Syrian government will restore water, electricity, and basic services to Bosra al-Sham, according to the agreement. Approximate situation in Daraa governorate. Source: Global Event Map Afghanistan Faryab Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed six and wounded six elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban), as well as destroyed three bases in Kohistan district. Kunduz Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed eight and wounded three elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as well as destroyed two bases and several weapons depots and ammunition caches in Imam Sahib district. Approximate situation in Kunduz province, HD version of this map can be found here. Source: Afganistan Bülteni Takhar Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed five and wounded four elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Dashti Qala district. Nangarhar Province: Improvised explosive device targeted the city of Jalalabad, capital of Nangarhar Province. According to the reports, seven individuals were killed and more than 20 wounded by the explosion. Approximate situation in Nangarhar province (red = Afghan National Security Forces, blue = Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and yellow = Islamic State), HD version of this map can be found here. Source: Afganistan Bülteni Logar Province: Afghan National Security Forces conducted a special operation in the province, arresting two prominent commanders of the Haqqani Network; Mullah Laqman and Mullah Saifallah. The two arrested commanders were reportedly involved in several assassinations in Logar, Paktia, Paktika, and Khost provinces. Paktia Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed two and wounded one element of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Shwak district. Ghazni Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed four and wounded five elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Ab Band and Andar districts. Afghan Local Police’s element surrendered to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Giro district. Farah Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed ten and wounded four elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as well as destroyed two bases in Bala Buluk district. Approximate situation in Farah province, HD version of this map can be found here. Source: Afganistan Bülteni Urozgan Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed eight and wounded four elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as well as destroyed a base and several weapons depots and ammunition caches in Chora and Charkino districts. Zabul Province: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s improvised explosive device targeted an Afghan National Army’s foot patrol in Mosazo area of Shah Joy district, wounding three soldiers. Helmand Province: Afghan National Security Forces killed 19 and wounded five elements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as well as destroyed a vehicle, a motorcycle, and several weapons depots and ammunition caches in Jerahsk district, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defense. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed nine and wounded six elements of the Afghan National Security Forces, as well as destroyed two armored vehicles in Abashk Mandeh area of Jerashk district. Approximate situation in Helmand province, HD version of this map can be found here. Source: Afganistan Bülteni CJTF-OIR : CJTF-OIR announced a change in their publishing policy. Now one strike report will be published each week on Mondays. Amaq Agency: Other: If you would like to support Syrian War Daily, please consider whitelisting or turning off your ad blocking software on the website. Intellectual credited property used may vary from an edition to edition. Feel free to voice your opinion in the comments section below, constructive criticism is welcomed. Syrian War Daily is looking for individuals willing to contribute to the project. If you are interested in contributing, please fill out the form on this page. For those of you interested, you can follow us on an official Twitter account @SyrianWarDaily, or me personally on my twitter @joskobaric where I occasionally tweet some things.
Q: $http Cross domain access issue exists in header A request is sent through Angularjs $http with JSON data to my REST service. When the response is returned, required headers are set as following, Response.ok() .entity(emp) .headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT") .allow("OPTIONS").build(); But when I send a post request without data, $http.post('localhost:8000/employer/register') it is successful. With data, it fails. $http({method: 'post', url:serverUrl, data:{name:'abc'}, headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json'} }); This is my Rest service @Path("/register") public class EmpService{ @Get @Path("test") @Produces public String test(){ return "works"; } @Post @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response addEmp(Emp emp){ return Response.ok() .entity(emp) .headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT") .allow("OPTIONS").build(); Browser console is as following. Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8081/employer/register (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8081/employer/register (Reason: CORS request failed). UPDATE: I found that service is not invoked as no Sys.out.println gives any logs. Anyone know where the problem is? A: Don't add the headers inside the resource method. Why? The preflight is an OPTIONS request, which is the "pre"-request to get the access control headers. And you don't have an OPTIONS method. The browser will not call the @POST method to get the access control headers. For this reason, you should be using a filter instead, and set the headers there.
Sign up to FREE email alerts from bathchronicle - Daily Subscribe Thank you for subscribing See our privacy notice Invalid Email Amanaki Mafi has left Bath Rugby after an altercation with the club's head of sports medicine. The Japan number eight was not selected for either Sale Sharks at home or Northampton Saints yesterday, and had seemingly been rested. But Mafi has in fact played his last game for the club after a confrontation with Declan Lynch sparked by an appointment for physio treatment. The Chronicle understands an incident flared up when Mafi wiped the name of another player or players from an appointment board in order to be treated sooner than he was meant to be. A disagreement with Lynch then escalated and Mafi has now returned to Japan before the end of his contract. The club said: "Bath Rugby can confirm that Amanaki Mafi is returning to Japan prior to the end of the season by mutual agreement with the club. "The club would like to thank Amanaki for all his hard work this season and wish him all the best for the future." (Image: Dianne Manson/Getty Images) Mafi said: "I would like to thank Bath Rugby for the opportunity to play in the Aviva Premiership and for all the support they have given my family and I throughout our time in England." Mafi was one of Japan's star players in their most successful ever Rugby World Cup campaign. He then played the domestic season for NTT Shining Arcs before joining Bath at the end of January. The 26-year-old made his debut against Worcester Warriors on February 13 and scored four tries in his first four matches; impressing with his relentless carrying and workrate. The club had been in negotiations to do a deal for his return next season, but that now appears highly unlikely.
Q: Flattening tuples in Haskell In Haskell we can flatten a list of lists Flatten a list of lists For simple cases of tuples, I can see how we would flatten certain tuples, as in the following examples: flatten :: (a, (b, c)) -> (a, b, c) flatten x = (fst x, fst(snd x), snd(snd x)) flatten2 :: ((a, b), c) -> (a, b, c) flatten2 x = (fst(fst x), snd(fst x), snd x) However, I'm after a function that accepts as input any nested tuple and which flattens that tuple. Can such a function be created in Haskell? If one cannot be created, why is this the case? A: No, it's not really possible. There are two hurdles to clear. The first is that all the different sizes of tuples are different type constructors. (,) and (,,) are not really related to each other at all, except in that they happen to be spelled with a similar sequence of characters. Since there are infinitely many such constructors in Haskell, having a function which did something interesting for all of them would require a typeclass with infinitely many instances. Whoops! The second is that there are some very natural expectations we naively have about such a function, and these expectations conflict with each other. Suppose we managed to create such a function, named flatten. Any one of the following chunks of code seems very natural at first glance, if taken in isolation: flattenA :: ((Int, Bool), Char) -> (Int, Bool, Char) flattenA = flatten flattenB :: ((a, b), c) -> (a, b, c) flattenB = flatten flattenC :: ((Int, Bool), (Char, String)) -> (Int, Bool, Char, String) flattenC = flatten But taken together, they seem a bit problematic: flattenB = flatten can't possibly be type-correct if both flattenA and flattenC are! Both of the input types for flattenA and flattenC unify with the input type to flattenB -- they are both pairs whose first component is itself a pair -- but flattenA and flattenC return outputs with differing numbers of components. In short, the core problem is that when we write (a, b), we don't yet know whether a or b is itself a tuple and should be "recursively" flattened. With sufficient effort, it is possible to do enough type-level programming to put together something that sometimes works on limited-size tuples. But it is 1. a lot of up-front effort, 2. very little long-term programming efficiency payoff, and 3. even at use sites requires a fair amount of boilerplate. That's a bad combo; if there's use-site boilerplate, then you might as well just write the function you cared about in the first place, since it's generally so short to do so anyway.
Does Size Matter (Part 4) Does size matter? I’ve already put you through three installments asking just that question, and I promise you won’t have to wait any longer for a conclusion. In part one, we looked at how performance varies among different-sized players, and found that, unsurprisingly, bigger guys are better hitters. Specifically, we found that larger players hit for more power (home runs, doubles), while smaller players have small advantages in terms of singles and triples. We also found that tall players strike out a lot more, while walks seem to be most common at the extremes. Well, that’s all great information to have, but the more important question is, how much does size affect our expectations for a player’s development? If big guys hit more home runs, well, that will be reflected in a large player’s stat line, but will it affect his projected home run total in the next year? Should we expect a big guy and a little guy who hit the same number of home runs in one year to have different projections in the next season, solely due to their size? That is question that we explored in parts two and three. What we found was that, yes, size had a very real impact on a player’s projection: All else being equal, we expect a player to hit one additional home run for every extra 9.5 pounds. That difference is pretty huge: Jose Reyes and Carl Crawford have similar home run totals this year, but their weight difference makes for a 7.5 home run advantage in Crawford’s 2007 projection. That’s one win, all because of size. Furthermore, we found, the impact of size on a player’s projection, somewhat surprisingly I might add, is pretty constant. While I expected size to play less of a difference as players got older and peaked, it in fact continued to have the effect across the spectrum of ages. As well, we found that the effect we’re witnessing is indeed the effect of size, and not size standing in as a proxy for a player’s position, which in turn would be a proxy for his hitting ability. Size matters, when it comes to power. What about everything else? Today, we’ll look at how player size affects walks, strikeouts, singles, doubles, and triples, and form a conclusion on the run impact of size on a player’s projection. We’ll do it by using the same methodology as used in the previous two installments. To recap quickly, I looked at all post-World War 2 seasons in which a player had more than 200 plate appearances in consecutive years. I pro-rated every player’s statistics to a 150-game season (630 plate appearances for walks and strikeouts, 475 at-bats less strikeouts for the rest). Then I tried to project each category based on the player’s performance in that category the previous season and his size. The results follow. Strikeouts As I already mentioned, I found quite a large relationship in part one of this series between player height and strikeouts. This is not surprising for a few reasons: (1) Taller players have bigger strike zones; (2) Taller players tend to hit for more power, and power is positively correlated with strikeouts (meaning the more power a player hits for, the more he tends to strike out); and (3) We know what height has a positive impact on the number of home runs a player hits in the future, and since more power means more strikeouts, height should also have a positive impact on strikeouts. As well, we might expect taller players to strikeout more than shorter ones the next year even if they had identical strikeout-rates in this season because being taller means that it’s easier for the pitcher to throw strikes, so you’ll probably see more strikes, and therefore more strikeouts. Also, taller players may have a propensity for flailing away a little more because they have longer arms and therefore might be feel that more bad pitches are “within reach.” So what’s the result? The following table lists the impact of height on a player’s strikeout rate going from one age to the next. Some interesting results here to discuss. First of all—and this applies to every category—I’d encourage you to not put too much stock into the first two and last five numbers in the table. The samples at those points are so small (less than 300 players) that there’s a lot of uncertainty involved in the coefficients. For example, the coefficient for height for players going from 39 to 40 is just .014, which implies that height has little or no effect on a player’s projected strikeouts. But, what that coefficient really means, due to the small sample, is .014 +/- 2.44. So any answer between -2.30 and 2.58 falls within the error range of our test. In the years with sufficient sample sizes, it looks like one inch of height is worth about one additional strikeout in the next season; the coefficient for 40 year-olds does nothing to contradict that. So let’s concentrate on the numbers from 22-23 to 34-35. Eight out of 13 coefficients are significant, and a few others come close. The effect seems significant, but shaky. A weighted average of the whole sample and of just those ages gives us a coefficient of around .80, so one inch of height means about an extra eight-tenths of a strikeout in a player’s projection. Despite some worries about significance, it seems to me that the relationship is real, and that even if it isn’t, the magnitude is small enough to have little effect on a player’s projection. Walks Walks provide an interesting case-study for a variety of reasons. First of all, like strikeouts, walks are correlated with power; as hitters hit the ball harder, they get pitched around more, and get more free passes (it also can work the other way around; when a hitter gets more patient, he can wait for the pitch he wants and put a charge in it—Sammy Sosa is a prime example of patience begetting power). So if strikeouts are significant because they correlate with power, walks should be too. If walks turn out to be insignificant, then we can probably conclude that tall players do not strikeout more because of their tendency to gain power more than short players. Secondly, the possible relationship between height and walks is intriguing to say the least, if it exists. If walks are correlated with size, then we have to assume that hitters can indeed “learn patience,” and indeed we have an idea of which players do it better. If they’re not, then it seems that patience is more of an innate skill—that there isn’t any way to categorize players as ones who will become more patient and those who won’t. Not after accounting for the powerful force that is regression to the mean, anyways (which means that a player who walks very little one season will tend to walk more the next and that a player who draws a high number of walks one year will tend to draw less, though still a good amount of walks, in the next). Well, here’s a picture of total insignificance. Actually, let me hijack this article for a bit. Even those of you who have gotten to this point are probably going to want to skip the next couple paragraphs. You may have noticed that three of the coefficients above are indeed significant. And you may be wondering, well how can I just reject them as insignificant? Well, that’s a good question, and it leads to the important fact that statistically significant does not necessarily mean actually consistent. Statistical significance just indicates that your result is unlikely to have happened by random chance; generally, statisticians use a significance-level of 5%, meaning that a result is accepted as significant if there is a less than 5% chance that it could have happened by chance alone. But of course, if you have a lot of numbers, some are going to end up being significant, even if there is no real effect. If you have 20 different data points, one should be significant at the 5% level no matter what. Well, in this series we’re testing six different categories at 20 different age groups. With apologies for giving the rest of the article away, kind of, I’ll tell you right now that five of those categories are significant. If we just concentrate on the 13 significant age groups, that gives us 78 different data points. We would expect, if we did our math right, for 62 of those data points to be significant. How many data points pass the significance test? 62. So indeed, five of the categories, just as we concluded are significant. That a few of the above coefficients pass the significance test statistically does not mean that they have any meaning in actuality. They don’t. Height has no impact on walks. The weighted average of the height coefficient is .095. Only a few of the coefficients are significant, and as noted in the above two paragraphs, that’s simply a statistical hiccup. The sign of the coefficients continually changes. So we have to conclude that a player’s development in the walk category is not affected by his height. Singles While we used height as a factor for the strikeout and walk tests, we’re going to use weight for these final three categories (as we did for home runs). This doesn’t make a big difference, because height and weight are almost perfectly correlated, but weight is slightly better. It gives slightly more consistent results, it has a higher correlation, and I think it gives us a better idea of a player’s “size” (that is, six-foot, 215 pound player still looks, and probably plays, like more of a slugger than a six-three, 190 pound guy). But obviously I’d be hard-pressed to argue that weight itself can in any way, shape, or form affect walks and strikeouts. Anyway, there are a bunch of interesting things that affect the number of singles a player will hit, but let’s get to the results first. The weighted average effect here is -.079, which means that for every extra 10 pounds, we expect a player to hit eight-tenths of a single less the next season. That’s a small effect, but a very real one nonetheless. So why is it that bigger players see a bigger decline in singles from one year to the next than small players? It seems at first blush that size would either play no role, or the opposite: That big guys would be more likely to keep up their singles-hitting from one year to the next because they’re not as reliant on a groundball finding the hole. Well, this is where batted-ball data can be really helpful. JC Bradbury and I did a study in the Hardball Times Annual 2006 (and I’ll be re-visiting it in the 2007 Annual, which is available for pre-order) in which we looked at the year-to-year consistency of batted-ball distributions and outcomes. What we found was that (a) About half of all singles occur on line drives, and about 40% occur on groundballs; (b) The percentage of a hitter’s batted balls that are line drives shows some but little consistency from year-to-year, while groundball rates are highly stable; and (c) That the number of singles a hitter hits per groundball is about 50% more predictable than his rate of singles per line drive. So what does that tell us? Well, bigger guys tend to hit less groundballs, so their singles-rate in a year is much more dependent on their line drive rates. Meanwhile, line drive rates vary so much that the number of singles a non-groundball hitter will hit is much less predictable. Okay, but why is the coefficient negative? It’s just as easy to go from many line drives to few as it is to go from a few to many. Well, not quite, I don’t think. (Note: What comes next is just a theory; I have no concrete backing for it as of now.) Line drives are not distributed normally. The average major league hitter will hit a line drive about 21% of the time he puts his bat on the ball. But, my guess is that a hitter is more likely to hit a line drive 26% of the time than he is to hit a liner 16% of the time, simply because hitters that don’t hit very many line drives just don’t make it to the major leagues. They’re not good enough hitters. On the other hand, based on my research on batting average on balls in play for pitchers, I suspect that hitters with high line drive percentages are likely to regress more than hitters with low line drive percentages. That is, a high line drive percentage tends to be mostly luck; a low line drive percentage can indicate a bad hitter. So what does that mean? Well, hitters who are reliant on line drives for singles end up either with about the same number of singles on liners from year-to-year, or less if they hit a lot of line drives the previous season. That makes for a small overall decline in singles from year-to-year from non-groundball hitters, who tend to be bigger guys. Doubles Alright, so what about doubles? It seems to me that doubles would follow the same pattern as home runs, because they too are an indicator of power. I guess that you could argue that doubles are somewhat an indicator of speed (with fast guys able to stretch long singles into two-baggers), but I doubt that the effect is very great. Simply put, it seems to me, doubles are function of hitting the ball hard, and big guys hit the ball harder than little guys. Does that bear out in the results? Yes. Indeed, bigger players do tend to improve their doubles totals more than smaller ones. Every 10 pounds extra turns out to be worth about seven-tenths of an extra double the next year. Is it a big result? No. But it is significant. Triples Let’s go straight to the results, and then proceed with some explanation. Ten pounds mean about a quarter of an extra triple in a player’s projection, and the result is clearly very highly significant and highly consistent. Why is this? Well, there are a few theories I guess I could throw out there, and I’m guessing the effect we find is a combination of the three. One: Non-normal distributions. Most players don’t hit more than a couple of triples on the season. Triples are highly luck-dependent events for all but a few players, so when a guy hits a few extra triples on the season, he’s not likely to repeat that performance the next year. The extra triples are luck. A bunch of triples are the result of skill only for the few guys who have blazing speed and rely on it as a big part of their game. Those guys are almost always little players, so triple totals fall off less for the little guys than they do for the larger ones. Two: Power development. Triples are actually a sign of a lack of power; if you drive a triple a little further, it turns into a home run. Since we know that big guys improve their home run totals more than little guys, we would expect some of their triples to go over the fence the next season, more so than for small players. Also, as a player hits for more power, things like taking the extra base become less important and maybe even too dangerous, so big guys might be more likely to not risk going to third as they get older. Three: Body type. Little players are generally speed demons; we should expect them to hit plenty of triples from year to year. As mentioned in the previous two points, this is not the case with big players. Overall So it’s come to that point; we’re about to make some conclusions. I’ve shown you the impact of size on various statistical categories; let’s see how that impact might actually translate in a projection. Let’s take two 27 year-olds with identically average batting lines. Why 27? Our sample is the greatest there, making for the most reliable coefficients, it’s a player’s peak age, it comes down the middle, etc. It’s just a good age. One is a 5’9”, 163 pound player named Little Larry, while the other is a 6’3”, 216 pound hulk named Big Barry. At 27, they both put up the following batting line (note: The batting lines presented here are rounded, but in doing the math, I have not rounded them so that the run values are correct): PA AB H 2B 3B HR SO BB LW 630 558 152 26 4 16 83 57 -0.07 That last column is linear weights, or runs above average. That should be zero, but I guess a bit of rounding in the run values has caused it to be off slightly. That’s not important. Both players are completely average in every respect. So how will they do at 28? Due to his size alone, Barry is projected to be more than seven runs better than Larry, despite equal performances in the previous season! That’s a pretty large effect. He’s expected to hit five more doubles and six more home runs, and have only six fewer singles and two fewer triples. But in this example, we’re going from about the 7th percentile to the 93rd in terms of player size. For 95% of all players, the effect of size will be capped at a total difference of less than 10 runs. Is that significant? Certainly. But it’s not that much. Size, it seems, has about the same magnitude of affect as other “little things,” like baserunning ability, that performance analysis has ignored for too long. References & ResourcesI couldn’t have done any of this without the always-fabulous Lahman Database. However, the database does not quite contain full height and weight information, so the players for whom a height or weight was not listed were removed. Comments I’ve yet to see the science behind it. I understand it but would like it explained to the rest of the world to help them understand why height matters above all else when it comes to distance. In my observations is makes perfect sense.. Height = more leverage and faster bat speed with the same effort. Just like putting a taller tire on a car, the car will go faster with the same effort. The outside diameter of the tire being taller means a greater distance traveled in the same amount of time that it takes the inner part of the wheel to spin one revolution. So when a larger baseball player swings a bat, the bat travels a greater distance through the entire swing with the same amount of hip rotation speed. This is why taller guys like Adam Dunn, Mark McGwire, Daryl Strawberry, Ken Griffey Jr, Frank Thomas have some massive home runs under their belts. Take a guy like McGwire, who as a steroid free rookie hit 49 bombs and many over 500′ and plenty in the 450+ range… He was 6’5″ 225lbs as a rookie. Even when he was or wasn’t on juice, his height is why he hit such mammoth shots. Sure on juice he was able to generate a bit more bat speed, but that just means some 480′ bombs may have only gone 460′. If we sat down and watched all 650+ bombs he hit in his career, there would be very few he didn’t hit well enough to not be a home run if he hadn’t been on juice. This fact also makes 500′ home runs hit by guys like Sammy Sosa and Manny Ramirez all the more impressive. Because being shorter they have to generate more of the bat speed energy themselves. The 500’+ blast Daryl Strawberry hit at the Kingdome (I think) is probably the best illustration of this height advantage. Let’s face it, Strawberry was an absolute twig, but his 6’5″ frame could generate a ton of bat speed and he did. Please look at the science behind this and put it out there for the less informed.
Great Northern M-1 The Great Northern Railway M-1 was a class of 35 American 2-6-8-0 locomotives introduced in 1910. A total of 35 of these Mallet locomotives were built by Baldwin Locomotive Works in two batches; the first 10 in December 1909, followed by a further 25 in June to August 1910. They were early articulateds and worked their entire life on the Great Northern Railway (GN). These engines were unusual because of having two uneven sets of driving wheels; the front set having six driving wheels, and the rear set having eight driving wheels. Sometimes the engine even had a few difficult problems on curves and sometimes ended up derailing. All M-1's were converted to be simple-expansion cylinders from 1926 to 1927 and reclassified M-2. Twenty-two of the M-2's were dismantled between 1929 and 1931, with parts being recycled into new class O-7 Mikados. The 13 M-2's not rebuilt lasted until the dieselisation era, and were sold for scrap between 1949 and 1954. No M-1's have survived into preservation. None of the O-8's that were rebuilt from the O-7's that were once part of the M-1's were preserved either. Images as M-1. as rebuilt to M-2. References M-1 Category:Railway locomotives introduced in 1910 Category:Scrapped locomotives Category:2-6-8-0 locomotives Category:Baldwin locomotives
# # find_package(Thrust) config file. # # Provided by NVIDIA under the same license as the associated Thrust library. # # Reply-To: Allison Vacanti <alliepiper16@gmail.com> # # ***************************************************************************** # ** The following is a short reference to using Thrust from CMake. ** # ** For more details, see the README.md in the same directory as this file. ** # ***************************************************************************** # # # General Usage: # find_package(Thrust REQUIRED CONFIG) # thrust_create_target(Thrust [options]) # target_link_libraries(some_project_lib Thrust) # # # Create default target with: HOST=CPP DEVICE=CUDA # thrust_create_target(TargetName) # # # Create target with: HOST=CPP DEVICE=TBB # thrust_create_target(TargetName DEVICE TBB) # # # Create target with: HOST=TBB DEVICE=OMP # thrust_create_target(TargetName HOST TBB DEVICE OMP) # # # Create CMake cache options THRUST_[HOST|DEVICE]_SYSTEM and configure a # # target from them. This allows these systems to be changed by developers at # # configure time, per build. # thrust_create_target(TargetName FROM_OPTIONS # [HOST_OPTION <option_name>] # Optionally rename the host system option # [DEVICE_OPTION <option_name>] # Optionally rename the device system option # [HOST_OPTION_DOC <doc_string>] # Optionally change the cache label # [DEVICE_OPTION_DOC <doc_string>] # Optionally change the cache label # [HOST <default system>] # Optionally change the default backend # [DEVICE <default system>] # Optionally change the default backend # [ADVANCED] # Optionally mark options as advanced # ) # # # Use a custom TBB, CUB, and/or OMP # # (Note that once set, these cannot be changed. This includes COMPONENT # # preloading and lazy lookups in thrust_create_target) # find_package(Thrust REQUIRED) # thrust_set_CUB_target(MyCUBTarget) # MyXXXTarget contains an existing # thrust_set_TBB_target(MyTBBTarget) # interface to XXX for Thrust to use. # thrust_set_OMP_target(MyOMPTarget) # thrust_create_target(ThrustWithMyCUB DEVICE CUDA) # thrust_create_target(ThrustWithMyTBB DEVICE TBB) # thrust_create_target(ThrustWithMyOMP DEVICE OMP) # # # Create target with HOST=CPP DEVICE=CUDA and some advanced flags set # thrust_create_target(TargetName # IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT # Silence build warnings about deprecated compilers and C++ standards # IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11 # Only silence deprecation warnings for C++11 # IGNORE_DEPRECATED_COMPILER # Only silence deprecation warnings for old compilers # IGNORE_CUB_VERSION # Skip configure-time and compile-time CUB version checks # ) # # # Test if a particular system has been loaded. ${var_name} is set to TRUE or # # FALSE to indicate if "system" is found. # thrust_is_system_found(<system> <var_name>) # thrust_is_cuda_system_found(<var_name>) # thrust_is_tbb_system_found(<var_name>) # thrust_is_omp_system_found(<var_name>) # thrust_is_cpp_system_found(<var_name>) # # # Define / update THRUST_${system}_FOUND flags in current scope # thrust_update_system_found_flags() # # # View verbose log with target and dependency information: # $ cmake . --log-level=VERBOSE (CMake 3.15.7 and above) # # # Print debugging output to status channel: # thrust_debug_internal_targets() # thrust_debug_target(TargetName "${THRUST_VERSION}") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) ################################################################################ # User variables and APIs. Users can rely on these: # # Advertise system options: set(THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_OPTIONS CPP OMP TBB CACHE INTERNAL "Valid Thrust host systems." ) set(THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS CUDA CPP OMP TBB CACHE INTERNAL "Valid Thrust device systems" ) # Workaround cmake issue #20670 https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/20670 set(THRUST_VERSION ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "") set(THRUST_VERSION_MAJOR ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION_MAJOR} CACHE INTERNAL "") set(THRUST_VERSION_MINOR ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION_MINOR} CACHE INTERNAL "") set(THRUST_VERSION_PATCH ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION_PATCH} CACHE INTERNAL "") set(THRUST_VERSION_TWEAK ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION_TWEAK} CACHE INTERNAL "") set(THRUST_VERSION_COUNT ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION_COUNT} CACHE INTERNAL "") function(thrust_create_target target_name) thrust_debug("Assembling target ${target_name}. Options: ${ARGN}" internal) set(options ADVANCED FROM_OPTIONS IGNORE_CUB_VERSION_CHECK IGNORE_DEPRECATED_COMPILER IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11 IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT ) set(keys DEVICE DEVICE_OPTION DEVICE_OPTION_DOC HOST HOST_OPTION HOST_OPTION_DOC ) cmake_parse_arguments(TCT "${options}" "${keys}" "" ${ARGN}) if (TCT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Unrecognized arguments passed to thrust_create_target: " ${TCT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ) endif() # Check that the main Thrust internal target is available # (functions have global scope, targets have directory scope, so this # might happen) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::Thrust) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "The `thrust_create_target` function was called outside the scope of the " "thrust targets. Call find_package again to recreate targets." ) endif() _thrust_set_if_undefined(TCT_HOST CPP) _thrust_set_if_undefined(TCT_DEVICE CUDA) _thrust_set_if_undefined(TCT_HOST_OPTION THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM) _thrust_set_if_undefined(TCT_DEVICE_OPTION THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM) _thrust_set_if_undefined(TCT_HOST_OPTION_DOC "Thrust host system.") _thrust_set_if_undefined(TCT_DEVICE_OPTION_DOC "Thrust device system.") if (NOT TCT_HOST IN_LIST THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_OPTIONS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Requested HOST=${TCT_HOST}; must be one of ${THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}") endif() if (NOT TCT_DEVICE IN_LIST THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Requested DEVICE=${TCT_DEVICE}; must be one of ${THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}") endif() if (TCT_FROM_OPTIONS) _thrust_create_cache_options( ${TCT_HOST} ${TCT_DEVICE} ${TCT_HOST_OPTION} ${TCT_DEVICE_OPTION} ${TCT_HOST_OPTION_DOC} ${TCT_DEVICE_OPTION_DOC} ${TCT_ADVANCED} ) set(TCT_HOST ${${TCT_HOST_OPTION}}) set(TCT_DEVICE ${${TCT_DEVICE_OPTION}}) thrust_debug("Current option settings:" internal) thrust_debug(" - ${TCT_HOST_OPTION}=${TCT_HOST}" internal) thrust_debug(" - ${TCT_DEVICE_OPTION}=${TCT_DEVICE}" internal) endif() _thrust_find_backend(${TCT_HOST} REQUIRED) _thrust_find_backend(${TCT_DEVICE} REQUIRED) # We can just create an INTERFACE IMPORTED target here instead of going # through _thrust_declare_interface_alias as long as we aren't hanging any # Thrust/CUB include paths on ${target_name}. add_library(${target_name} INTERFACE IMPORTED) target_link_libraries(${target_name} INTERFACE Thrust::${TCT_HOST}::Host Thrust::${TCT_DEVICE}::Device ) # This would be nice to enforce, but breaks when using old cmake + new # compiler, since cmake doesn't know what features the new compiler version # supports. # Leaving this here as a reminder not to add it back. Just let the # compile-time checks in thrust/detail/config/cpp_dialect.h handle it. # # if (NOT TCT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT) # if (TCT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11) # target_compile_features(${target_name} INTERFACE cxx_std_11) # else() # target_compile_features(${target_name} INTERFACE cxx_std_14) # endif() # endif() if (TCT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT) target_compile_definitions(${target_name} INTERFACE "THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT") endif() if (TCT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11) target_compile_definitions(${target_name} INTERFACE "THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11") endif() if (TCT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_COMPILER) target_compile_definitions(${target_name} INTERFACE "THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_COMPILER") endif() if (TCT_IGNORE_CUB_VERSION_CHECK) target_compile_definitions(${target_name} INTERFACE "THRUST_IGNORE_CUB_VERSION_CHECK") else() if (("${TCT_HOST}" STREQUAL "CUDA" OR "${TCT_DEVICE}" STREQUAL "CUDA") AND (NOT THRUST_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL THRUST_CUB_VERSION)) message(FATAL_ERROR "The version of CUB found by CMake is not compatible with this release of Thrust. " "CUB is now included in the CUDA Toolkit, so you no longer need to use your own checkout of CUB. " "Pass IGNORE_CUB_VERSION_CHECK to thrust_create_target to ignore. " "(CUB ${THRUST_CUB_VERSION}, Thrust ${THRUST_VERSION})." ) endif() endif() thrust_debug_target(${target_name} "Thrust ${THRUST_VERSION}" internal) endfunction() function(thrust_is_system_found system var_name) if (TARGET Thrust::${system}) set(${var_name} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${var_name} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(thrust_is_cpp_system_found var_name) thrust_is_system_found(CPP ${var_name}) set(${var_name} ${${var_name}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(thrust_is_cuda_system_found var_name) thrust_is_system_found(CUDA ${var_name}) set(${var_name} ${${var_name}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(thrust_is_tbb_system_found var_name) thrust_is_system_found(TBB ${var_name}) set(${var_name} ${${var_name}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(thrust_is_omp_system_found var_name) thrust_is_system_found(OMP ${var_name}) set(${var_name} ${${var_name}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Since components are loaded lazily, this will refresh the # THRUST_${component}_FOUND flags in the current scope. # Alternatively, check system states individually using the # thrust_is_system_found functions. macro(thrust_update_system_found_flags) set(THRUST_FOUND TRUE) thrust_is_system_found(CPP THRUST_CPP_FOUND) thrust_is_system_found(CUDA THRUST_CUDA_FOUND) thrust_is_system_found(TBB THRUST_TBB_FOUND) thrust_is_system_found(OMP THRUST_OMP_FOUND) endmacro() function(thrust_debug msg) # Use the VERBOSE channel when called internally # Run `cmake . --log-level=VERBOSE` to view. if ("${ARGN}" STREQUAL "internal") # If CMake is too old to know about the VERBOSE channel, just be silent. # Users reproduce much the same output on the STATUS channel by using: # thrust_create_target(Thrust [...]) # thrust_debug_internal_targets() # thrust_debug_target(Thrust) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.15.7") set(channel VERBOSE) else() return() endif() else() set(channel STATUS) endif() message(${channel} "Thrust: ${msg}") endfunction() # Print details of the specified target. function(thrust_debug_target target_name version) if (NOT TARGET ${target_name}) return() endif() set(is_internal "${ARGN}") if (version) set(version "(${version})") endif() thrust_debug("TargetInfo: ${target_name}: ${version}" ${is_internal}) function(_thrust_print_prop_if_set target_name prop) get_target_property(value ${target_name} ${prop}) if (value) thrust_debug("TargetInfo: ${target_name} > ${prop}: ${value}" ${is_internal}) endif() endfunction() function(_thrust_print_imported_prop_if_set target_name prop) get_target_property(imported ${target_name} IMPORTED) get_target_property(type ${target_name} TYPE) if (imported AND NOT ${type} STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} ${prop}) endif() endfunction() _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} ALIASED_TARGET) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} IMPORTED) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_LINK_DEPENDS) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_LINK_DIRECTORIES) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_THRUST_HOST) _thrust_print_prop_if_set(${target_name} INTERFACE_THRUST_DEVICE) _thrust_print_imported_prop_if_set(${target_name} IMPORTED_LOCATION) _thrust_print_imported_prop_if_set(${target_name} IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG) _thrust_print_imported_prop_if_set(${target_name} IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) endfunction() function(thrust_debug_internal_targets) function(_thrust_debug_backend_targets backend version) thrust_debug_target(Thrust::${backend} "${version}") thrust_debug_target(Thrust::${backend}::Host "${version}") thrust_debug_target(Thrust::${backend}::Device "${version}") endfunction() thrust_debug_target(Thrust::Thrust "${THRUST_VERSION}") _thrust_debug_backend_targets(CPP "Thrust ${THRUST_VERSION}") _thrust_debug_backend_targets(CUDA "CUB ${THRUST_CUB_VERSION}") thrust_debug_target(CUB::CUB "${THRUST_CUB_VERSION}") _thrust_debug_backend_targets(TBB "${THRUST_TBB_VERSION}") thrust_debug_target(TBB:tbb "${THRUST_TBB_VERSION}") _thrust_debug_backend_targets(OMP "${THRUST_OMP_VERSION}") thrust_debug_target(OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX "${THRUST_OMP_VERSION}") endfunction() ################################################################################ # Internal utilities. Subject to change. # function(_thrust_set_if_undefined var) if (NOT DEFINED ${var}) set(${var} ${ARGN} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(_thrust_declare_interface_alias alias_name ugly_name) # 1) Only IMPORTED and ALIAS targets can be placed in a namespace. # 2) When an IMPORTED library is linked to another target, its include # directories are treated as SYSTEM includes. # 3) nvcc will automatically check the CUDA Toolkit include path *before* the # system includes. This means that the Toolkit Thrust will *always* be used # during compilation, and the include paths of an IMPORTED Thrust::Thrust # target will never have any effect. # 4) This behavior can be fixed by setting the property NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED # on EVERY target that links to Thrust::Thrust. This would be a burden and a # footgun for our users. Forgetting this would silently pull in the wrong thrust! # 5) A workaround is to make a non-IMPORTED library outside of the namespace, # configure it, and then ALIAS it into the namespace (or ALIAS and then # configure, that seems to work too). add_library(${ugly_name} INTERFACE) add_library(${alias_name} ALIAS ${ugly_name}) endfunction() # Create cache options for selecting the user/device systems with ccmake/cmake-gui. function(_thrust_create_cache_options host device host_option device_option host_doc device_doc advanced) thrust_debug("Creating system cache options: (advanced=${advanced})" internal) thrust_debug(" - Host Option=${host_option} Default=${host} Doc='${host_doc}'" internal) thrust_debug(" - Device Option=${device_option} Default=${device} Doc='${device_doc}'" internal) set(${host_option} ${host} CACHE STRING "${host_doc}") set_property(CACHE ${host_option} PROPERTY STRINGS ${THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) set(${device_option} ${device} CACHE STRING "${device_doc}") set_property(CACHE ${device_option} PROPERTY STRINGS ${THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) if (advanced) mark_as_advanced(${host_option} ${device_option}) endif() endfunction() # Create Thrust::${backend}::Host and Thrust::${backend}::Device targets. # Assumes that `Thrust::${backend}` and `_Thrust_${backend}` have been created # by _thrust_declare_interface_alias and configured to bring in system # dependency interfaces (including Thrust::Thrust). function(_thrust_setup_system backend) set(backend_target_alias "Thrust::${backend}") if (backend IN_LIST THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_OPTIONS) set(host_target "_Thrust_${backend}_Host") set(host_target_alias "Thrust::${backend}::Host") if (NOT TARGET ${host_target_alias}) _thrust_declare_interface_alias(${host_target_alias} ${host_target}) target_compile_definitions(${host_target} INTERFACE "THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM=THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_${backend}") target_link_libraries(${host_target} INTERFACE ${backend_target_alias}) set_property(TARGET ${host_target} PROPERTY INTERFACE_THRUST_HOST ${backend}) set_property(TARGET ${host_target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_STRING THRUST_HOST) thrust_debug_target(${host_target_alias} "" internal) endif() endif() if (backend IN_LIST THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS) set(device_target "_Thrust_${backend}_Device") set(device_target_alias "Thrust::${backend}::Device") if (NOT TARGET ${device_target_alias}) _thrust_declare_interface_alias(${device_target_alias} ${device_target}) target_compile_definitions(${device_target} INTERFACE "THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM=THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_${backend}") target_link_libraries(${device_target} INTERFACE ${backend_target_alias}) set_property(TARGET ${device_target} PROPERTY INTERFACE_THRUST_DEVICE ${backend}) set_property(TARGET ${device_target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_STRING THRUST_DEVICE) thrust_debug_target(${device_target_alias} "" internal) endif() endif() endfunction() # Use the provided cub_target for the CUDA backend. If Thrust::CUDA already # exists, this call has no effect. function(thrust_set_CUB_target cub_target) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::CUDA) thrust_debug("Setting CUB target to ${cub_target}" internal) # Workaround cmake issue #20670 https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/20670 set(THRUST_CUB_VERSION ${CUB_VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "CUB version used by Thrust") _thrust_declare_interface_alias(Thrust::CUDA _Thrust_CUDA) target_link_libraries(_Thrust_CUDA INTERFACE Thrust::Thrust ${cub_target}) thrust_debug_target(${cub_target} "${THRUST_CUB_VERSION}" internal) thrust_debug_target(Thrust::CUDA "CUB ${THRUST_CUB_VERSION}" internal) _thrust_setup_system(CUDA) endif() endfunction() # Use the provided tbb_target for the TBB backend. If Thrust::TBB already # exists, this call has no effect. function(thrust_set_TBB_target tbb_target) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::TBB) thrust_debug("Setting TBB target to ${tbb_target}" internal) # Workaround cmake issue #20670 https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/20670 set(THRUST_TBB_VERSION ${TBB_VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "TBB version used by Thrust") _thrust_declare_interface_alias(Thrust::TBB _Thrust_TBB) target_link_libraries(_Thrust_TBB INTERFACE Thrust::Thrust ${tbb_target}) thrust_debug_target(${tbb_target} "${THRUST_TBB_VERSION}" internal) thrust_debug_target(Thrust::TBB "${THRUST_TBB_VERSION}" internal) _thrust_setup_system(TBB) endif() endfunction() # Use the provided omp_target for the OMP backend. If Thrust::OMP already # exists, this call has no effect. function(thrust_set_OMP_target omp_target) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::OMP) thrust_debug("Setting OMP target to ${omp_target}" internal) # Workaround cmake issue #20670 https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/20670 set(THRUST_OMP_VERSION ${OpenMP_CXX_VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "OpenMP version used by Thrust") _thrust_declare_interface_alias(Thrust::OMP _Thrust_OMP) target_link_libraries(_Thrust_OMP INTERFACE Thrust::Thrust ${omp_target}) thrust_debug_target(${omp_target} "${THRUST_OMP_VERSION}" internal) thrust_debug_target(Thrust::OMP "${THRUST_OMP_VERSION}" internal) _thrust_setup_system(OMP) endif() endfunction() function(_thrust_find_CPP required) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::CPP) thrust_debug("Generating CPP targets." internal) _thrust_declare_interface_alias(Thrust::CPP _Thrust_CPP) target_link_libraries(_Thrust_CPP INTERFACE Thrust::Thrust) thrust_debug_target(Thrust::CPP "Thrust ${THRUST_VERSION}" internal) _thrust_setup_system(CPP) endif() endfunction() # This must be a macro instead of a function to ensure that backends passed to # find_package(Thrust COMPONENTS [...]) have their full configuration loaded # into the current scope. This provides at least some remedy for CMake issue # #20670 -- otherwise variables like CUB_VERSION, etc won't be in the caller's # scope. macro(_thrust_find_CUDA required) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::CUDA) thrust_debug("Searching for CUB ${required}" internal) find_package(CUB CONFIG ${_THRUST_QUIET_FLAG} ${required} NO_DEFAULT_PATH # Only check the explicit HINTS below: HINTS "${_THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}/dependencies/cub" # Source layout "${_THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}" # Install layout ) if (TARGET CUB::CUB) thrust_set_CUB_target(CUB::CUB) else() thrust_debug("CUB not found!" internal) endif() endif() endmacro() # This must be a macro instead of a function to ensure that backends passed to # find_package(Thrust COMPONENTS [...]) have their full configuration loaded # into the current scope. This provides at least some remedy for CMake issue # #20670 -- otherwise variables like TBB_VERSION, etc won't be in the caller's # scope. macro(_thrust_find_TBB required) if(NOT TARGET Thrust::TBB) thrust_debug("Searching for TBB ${required}" internal) # Swap in a temporary module path to make sure we use our FindTBB.cmake set(_THRUST_STASH_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${_THRUST_CMAKE_DIR}") # Push policy CMP0074 to silence warnings about TBB_ROOT being set. This # var is used unconventionally in this FindTBB.cmake module. # Someday we'll have a suitable TBB cmake configuration and can avoid this. cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 OLD) set(THRUST_TBB_ROOT "" CACHE PATH "Path to the root of the TBB installation.") if (TBB_ROOT AND NOT THRUST_TBB_ROOT) message( "Warning: TBB_ROOT is set. " "Thrust uses THRUST_TBB_ROOT to avoid issues with CMake Policy CMP0074. " "Please set this variable instead when using Thrust with TBB." ) endif() set(TBB_ROOT "${THRUST_TBB_ROOT}") set(_THRUST_STASH_TBB_ROOT "${TBB_ROOT}") find_package(TBB ${_THRUST_QUIET_FLAG} ${required} ) cmake_policy(POP) set(TBB_ROOT "${_THRUST_STASH_TBB_ROOT}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${_THRUST_STASH_MODULE_PATH}") if (TARGET TBB::tbb) thrust_set_TBB_target(TBB::tbb) else() thrust_debug("TBB not found!" internal) endif() endif() endmacro() # Wrap the OpenMP flags for CUDA targets function(thrust_fixup_omp_target omp_target) get_target_property(opts ${omp_target} INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS) if (opts MATCHES "\\$<\\$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:([^>]*)>") target_compile_options(${omp_target} INTERFACE $<$<AND:$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>,$<CUDA_COMPILER_ID:NVIDIA>>:-Xcompiler=${CMAKE_MATCH_1}> ) endif() endfunction() # This must be a macro instead of a function to ensure that backends passed to # find_package(Thrust COMPONENTS [...]) have their full configuration loaded # into the current scope. This provides at least some remedy for CMake issue # #20670 -- otherwise variables like OpenMP_CXX_VERSION, etc won't be in the caller's # scope. macro(_thrust_find_OMP required) if (NOT TARGET Thrust::OMP) thrust_debug("Searching for OMP ${required}" internal) find_package(OpenMP ${_THRUST_QUIET_FLAG} ${_THRUST_REQUIRED_FLAG_OMP} COMPONENTS CXX ) if (TARGET OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX) thrust_fixup_omp_target(OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX) thrust_set_OMP_target(OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX) else() thrust_debug("OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX not found!" internal) endif() endif() endmacro() # This must be a macro instead of a function to ensure that backends passed to # find_package(Thrust COMPONENTS [...]) have their full configuration loaded # into the current scope. This provides at least some remedy for CMake issue # #20670 -- otherwise variables like CUB_VERSION, etc won't be in the caller's # scope. macro(_thrust_find_backend backend required) # Unfortunately, _thrust_find_${backend}(req) is not valid CMake syntax. Hence # why this function exists. if ("${backend}" STREQUAL "CPP") _thrust_find_CPP("${required}") elseif ("${backend}" STREQUAL "CUDA") _thrust_find_CUDA("${required}") elseif ("${backend}" STREQUAL "TBB") _thrust_find_TBB("${required}") elseif ("${backend}" STREQUAL "OMP") _thrust_find_OMP("${required}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "_thrust_find_backend: Invalid system: ${backend}") endif() endmacro() ################################################################################ # Initialization. Executed inside find_package(Thrust) call. # if (${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_QUIETLY) set(_THRUST_QUIET ON CACHE INTERNAL "Quiet mode enabled for Thrust find_package calls.") set(_THRUST_QUIET_FLAG "QUIET" CACHE INTERNAL "") else() unset(_THRUST_QUIET CACHE) unset(_THRUST_QUIET_FLAG CACHE) endif() set(_THRUST_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}" CACHE INTERNAL "Location of thrust-config.cmake") # Internal target that actually holds the Thrust interface. Used by all other Thrust targets. if (NOT TARGET Thrust::Thrust) _thrust_declare_interface_alias(Thrust::Thrust _Thrust_Thrust) # Strip out the 'thrust/cmake/' from '[thrust_include_path]/thrust/cmake/': get_filename_component(_THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR "../.." ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${_THRUST_CMAKE_DIR}") set(_THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR "${_THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}" CACHE INTERNAL "Location of thrust headers." ) target_include_directories(_Thrust_Thrust INTERFACE "${_THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}") thrust_debug_target(Thrust::Thrust "${THRUST_VERSION}" internal) endif() # Handle find_package COMPONENT requests: foreach(component ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if (NOT component IN_LIST THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM_OPTIONS AND NOT component IN_LIST THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid component requested: '${component}'") endif() unset(req) if (${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED_${component}) set(req "REQUIRED") endif() thrust_debug("Preloading COMPONENT '${component}' ${req}" internal) _thrust_find_backend(${component} "${req}") endforeach() thrust_update_system_found_flags()
Something to Think About But He said to them, "Where is your faith?" And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, ""Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!" (Luke 8:25, NKJV) Want details of our most popular threads, new devotions and other site news? Follow us on Twitter!
If I invite, a boy some night, to cook up some hot enchilada. Though Spanish rice, is all very nice, my heart belongs to DaDa – Marilyn Monroe I’m not nicknaming this discarded man Aladdin, because that Aladdin character was a street rat with a monkey-friend. Yuck. Ali Ababawa was a Prince with a pet ellaphant. Yummm. […]
Cloning and prokaryotic expression of rat homolog of Serpina3n and its expression change during liver regeneration. A strikingly upregulated expressed sequence tag was screened from regenerating rat liver at 8 h in a 0-4-8-12 h short-interval successive partial hepatectomy model from a previous study. In the present study, a full-length open reading frame (ORF) corresponding to this expressed sequence tag was predicted through electronic cloning and was subsequently cloned from an 8-h rat regenerating liver and deposited in GenBank (accession No. HM448398). Sequence analysis of HM448398 and the predicted ORF revealed that the two ORFs may be different transcripts of a gene. The sequence of HM448398 was highly homologous to that of rat Serpina3n, suggesting that it may be a homolog of Serpina3n. The pGEX-2TK prokaryotic expression vector for this ORF was constructed, and the result of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis manifested that the recombinant expression vector could express the glutathione-S-transferase-fused rat homolog of Serpina3n in an insoluble form in BL21. The target fusion protein was purified with affinity chromatography and was used as antigen to immunize rabbits for the production of polyclonal antibodies. Immunohistochemistry and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that the gene was highly expressed in the priming and termination phases of liver regeneration. These findings lay a solid foundation for further study of roles of HM448398 using knock-in and RNA interference methods during liver regeneration.
Background The freshmen year of college is likely a critical period for risk of weight gain among young-adults. Methods A longitudinal observational study was conducted to examine changes in weight, dietary intake, and other health-related behaviors among first-year college students (n = 186) attending a public University in the western United States. Weight was measured at the beginning and end of fall semester (August – December 2005). Participants completed surveys about dietary intake, physical activity and other health-related behaviors during the last six months of high school (January – June 2005) in August 2005 and during their first semester of college (August – December 2005) in December 2005. Results 159 students (n = 102 women, 57 men) completed both assessments. The average BMI at the baseline assessment was 23.0 (standard deviation (SD) 3.8). Although the average amount of weight gained during the 15-week study was modest (1.5 kg), 23% of participants gained ≥ 5% of their baseline body weight. Average weight gain among those who gained ≥ 5% of baseline body weight was 4.5 kg. Those who gained ≥ 5% of body weight reported less physical activity during college than high school, were more likely to eat breakfast, and slept more than were those who did not gain ≥ 5% of body weight. Conclusion Almost one quarter of students gained a significant amount of weight during their first semester of college. This research provides further support for the implementation of education or other strategies aimed at helping young-adults entering college to achieve or maintain a healthy body weight. The high prevalence of obesity in modern societies is a major public health threat and contributes to preventable morbidity and mortality. Current obesity rates among all age groups are two-to-three times higher than they were just 20 years ago [1]. According to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS; 1991–1998), the greatest increases in obesity rates were among 18–29-year-olds and those who had some college education [2, 3]. A recent report from the American College Health Association [2] reported 36.7% of college students were overweight or obese based on self-reported height and weight values. The phenomenon of gaining weight during a person's first year of college is familiar to most college students. Several research groups have examined this phenomenon and most, [4] but not all, [5] reported weight changes among students during their first year of college. Average weight gain during the first semester of college for first-time freshmen was 1.3 – 3.1 kg [6–10]. The transition from high school to college often results in drastic changes to environment and resources, and such changes likely impact health-related behaviors [11–13]. Many studies have documented unhealthy behaviors among college students including decreased physical activity, increased rates of smoking and drinking, and decreased overall diet quality yet few studies have examined the change in behaviors that occur as students' transition from high-school to college [4, 12–14]. The objective of this study was to examine associations between changes in diet, physical activity, weight, and body mass index (BMI) among 18–19-year-olds during their transition to college life. It is hypothesized that weight gain is common during the first semester of college and is associated with change in behaviors that impact energy balance, including diet and physical activity. The Freshmen Health Study (FHS) was a longitudinal study of 186 college freshmen (68 men, 118 women) that examined changes in diet, physical activity and other health-related behaviors, and weight during their first semester of college. This study took place at a mid-sized land-grant institution located in the western region of the United States. First-year college students who attended high school during the previous year, who were not pregnant, and were 18–19 years of age were eligible to participate. Participants were recruited using convenience-sampling methods at various venues on campus during the two weeks prior to the beginning of fall semester 2005 when a freshmen orientation course was being held. Of the 2,054 first-time freshmen enrolled at the University in 2005, 1,388 participated in the freshmen orientation course, 200 of which were recruited to participate in the "Freshmen Health Study". The exclusion criteria were listed on recruitment posters and fliers; therefore no students were excluded after enrolment. The goal of recruiting 200 students was determined by the resources available to conduct the study. Of the 200 students who were recruited to participate, 186 (93%) completed the first assessment (August 2005), and 159 (80%) completed the second assessment (December 2005). Participants were assessed during two data collection periods: first during the last two weeks of August 2005 and again during the first two weeks of December 2005. For 95% of the sample, the second assessment was conducted during the week prior to final exams in December. Participants received a T-shirt and ten dollars per data collection as compensation. All methods and procedures were reviewed and approved by the institute's Institutional Review Board, and all participants signed an informed consent prior to participating. At each of the two data collections participants were weighed, measured, and asked to complete a survey that included questions about diet, physical activity, personal and family history of health, as well as other health-related behaviors. The baseline survey asked participants to retrospectively report about their behaviors during their last six months of high school (January – May 2005). The follow-up survey asked participants to report about those same behaviors during fall semester (August – December 2005). Differences in the two reports represented change in behavior that occurred during the transition from high school to college. Assessment of weight change Trained research assistants measured participants in light clothing without shoes, jackets, or heavy items in their pockets. Weight to the nearest tenth of a kilogram (kg) was measured on a Taylor PrecisionTECH calibrated digital scale (Taylor Precision Products, Oak Brook, IL). Height was measured to the nearest centimetre using a portable Ross Stadiometer (Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from measured height and weight (kg/m2). Adult BMI criteria was used to categorize participants as overweight (BMI ≥ 25) or not-overweight (BMI <25) [15]. To account for variability in the absolute amount of weight change by differences in body mass, percent change in body weight was determined and a change in weight greater than or equal to five percent (≥ 5%) of baseline body weight was defined as a clinically significant change [16, 17]. Assessment of exposure variables A self-administered modified version of the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) previously validated for use in a general population of adults 20 years of age and older and used in the Nurses' Health Study [18] was used to estimate usual dietary intake. The questionnaire was modified to include a food item for sports and energy drinks and sports and energy bars. Using this method, participants were asked to report their usual frequency of consumption of a list of 142 food items over the specified time periods. The time period for the assessment collected in August was the last six months of high school. The time period for the assessment collected at the end of fall semester (November – December) was the last four months. Following the methods used in the Nurses' Health Study, foods were presented in standard serving sizes. The FFQ included 16 dairy foods, 17 fruits, 28 vegetables, 22 meat dishes, 18 bread, grains and cereals, 17 beverages other than milk, and 24 snack-type foods. Nutrient intake was calculated by multiplying the frequency of consumption of the specified food item or group by the nutrient content of that food; total nutrient intake was obtained by summing across all foods. The ESHA nutrient composition database (Food Processor ESHA Research version 10), which is based primarily on USDA's National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference but also includes nutrient content information from manufacturers, was used to assign nutrient content of foods. Intake of carbohydrate, protein, and fat are expressed as a percent of total caloric intake. Physical activity (PA) was assessed by asking participants to report how often (days per week) they participated in moderate or vigorous activities (such as brisk walking, jogging, biking, aerobics, or yard work), in addition to their normal daily routine, a method modelled after USDA's MyPyramid classifications for placing individuals into broad categories based on energy expenditure [19]. At the second interview participants were also asked if they participated in more, the same, or less PA than the amount they participated in during the last six-months of high school. In addition, participants were asked to report about their self-perceived health (less or more healthy than peers) and health behaviors that included use of dietary supplements, breakfast consumption, alcohol use and smoking, and number of meals eaten per week at convenience or fast-food type dining establishments and on-campus dining facilities. Participants also categorized their parents as being currently underweight, of a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. The questions included in this survey were similar to questions included in surveys of previously published studies but has not been previously validated. Statistical Analysis All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software version 15.0. Means and standard deviations were used to describe the distribution of continuous variables. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), an extension of the two-sample t test, and Chi-squared distributions were used to compare means and percentages across weight status and weight gain groups. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used to examine the difference in mean height, weight, and BMI measured in August 2005 and again in December 2005. All statistical tests conducted were two-sided with a type I error (α) of 0.05, and P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Of the 185 participants who were weighed and measured during August of 2005, 4% (n = 8) had a BMI of < 18.5, 70% (n = 139) had a BMI of 18.5 to 24.99, 14% (n = 27) had a BMI of 25 to 29.99, and 6% (n = 11) had a BMI of 30 or greater. More women (63%) than men (37%) chose to participate in the study although gender was neither associated with prevalence of a BMI ≥ 25 upon entering college (p = 0.146) nor risk of weight gain during the first semester of college (p = 0.251). Ninety-seven percent reported their ethnicity as non-Hispanic white, a percent slightly higher than the 91.1% of freshmen enrolled at the university who reported their ethnicity as non-Hispanic white. Participants who entered the study with a BMI ≥ 25 were more likely to drop out of the study than were those with an initial BMI < 25. One hundred fifty-nine (85% of the original cohort) participants provided follow-up data (n = 102 females, 57 males). Characteristics of the study population by BMI status are presented in table 1. There were few statistically significant differences in characteristics related to diet, physical activity or other health-related behaviors between baseline BMI groups. Those with a BMI of ≥ 25 reported being less healthy than their peers and were more likely to be unhappy with their weight than were those with a BMI < 25 (p-value 0.003, < 0.001, respectively). In addition, those with a BMI of ≥ 25 were more likely to report their mothers, but not their fathers, as being overweight than were those with a BMI of < 25 (p-value 0.006, 0.146, respectively). a159 students were weighed and measured at the second data collection period including 131 with a baseline BMI of <25 and 28 with a baseline BMI of ≥ 25. bDietary and lifestyle habits are for the period of time January 2005 – June 2005, or the last six months of high school. c14 participants were excluded do to implausible energy intakes of <500 calories or >6,000 calories. Despite no significant change in height (p-value = 0.615), both weight and BMI increased from August to December (p-value = < 0.001 for both). Average weight change during this time was 1.51 (± 2.3) kg; there was no significant difference in the amount of weight gained by men and women (p-value for the effect of gender on weight change = 0.235). Because BMI is a ratio of height for weight and men were on average taller than women, average change in BMI was different for men and women (p-value for the effect of gender on change in BMI = 0.048); men increased in BMI by an average 0.33 (± 0.84) points and women increased in BMI by an average 0.60 (± 0.77) points. Seventy-seven percent (n = 123) of participants maintained their body weight to within 5% of their baseline body weight. Twenty three percent of participants (n = 36) gained ≥ 5% of their body weight during the approximately 16-week period between August and December; no participant lost ≥ 5% of body weight during the same period. The cut-off of ≥ 5% of body weight represented the 78% percentile for the distribution of weight change among study participants. Among those who gained ≥ 5% of body weight, the average amount of weight gained was 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) and nine converted from a BMI < 25 to a BMI ≥ 25. The total percent of participants with BMI ≥ 25 increased from 20% at the beginning of fall semester to 23% at the end of fall semester (paired t-test p-value = 0.004). Characteristics of the study population by weight gain status during fall semester are presented in table 2. Participants who gained ≥ 5% of body weight (n = 36) were more likely to eat breakfast, reported a greater amount of average sleep, and participated in less physical activity during their first three months of college compared to the amount they participated in during high school than did those who did not gain ≥ 5% of body weight (p-values = 0.05, 0.006, 0.05, respectively). After adjusting for the problem of multiple comparisons by making a Bonferroni correction to the level of p-values considered statistically significant, only the association between average sleep and significant weight gain remained statistically significant with a type I error (α) of 0.05. Other characteristics and behaviors were similar between the two groups. Table 2 Characteristics of the Freshmen Health Study participants in December of 2005 by weight change status. Characteristic No significant weight gain (n = 123) Weight gain of ≥ 5% of body weight (n = 36) p-value Female (%) 61.8 72.2 0.25 Baseline BMI (kg/m2) 23.33 ± 3.80 21.41 ± 2.8 0.005 BMI at end of fall semester 23.53 ± 3.69 22.95 ± 3.0 0.39 Weight change during fall semester (kg) 0.63 ± 1.57 4.52 ± 1.61 <0.001c Height change during fall semester (cm) 0.08 ± 0.84 0.07 ± 0.67 0.90 Ate breakfast regularlyb (%) 65.0 86.1 0.05 Ever drank alcoholb (%) 10.6 13.9 0.58 Ever smoked cigarettesb (%) 2.4 2.8 0.91 Participated in vigorous exercise most days of the weekb (%) 23.7 12.5 0.39 Participate in less physical activity in college as compare to high school (%) 43.6 60.7 0.05 Lived on campus (%) 63.0 79.4 0.07 Dietary intake as estimated by wave 2 FFQa, b Calories per day 1693 ± 598 1779 ± 788 0.49 Energy as a percent of total calories Protein 15.80 ± 3.11 15.25 ± 3.2 0.36 Carbohydrate 53.17 ± 7.69 52.68 ± 8.7 0.75 Fat 32.79 ± 6.21 33.96 ± 6.9 0.34 Servings of fruit per day 1.63 ± 1.13 1.42 ± 0.98 0.34 Servings of vegetables per day 3.53 ± 1.6 2.94 ± 1.67 0.07 Sweetened-carbonated beverages per day 0.46 ± 0.93 0.53 ± 0.78 0.66 Servings of milk per day 1.58 ± 0.41 1.41 ± 1.14 0.50 Occasions when junk food was eaten as a snack per day 0.91 ± 1.0 1.11 ± 1.12 0.30 Dining-hall meals eaten per week 3.3 ± 5.3 5.4 ± 7.0 0.059 Fast food meals eaten per week 1.35 ± 2.17 1.69 ± 2.19 0.40 Hours of sleep per night 8.65 ± 1.12 7.38 ± 2.24 0.006c a9 participants were excluded due to implausible caloric intake of <500 and >6,000 calories per day. In this longitudinal study of measured weights and self-reported diet and health behaviors among 159 18-year-old men and women enrolled as freshmen at a mid-sized land grant University in the Western U.S., 20.4% entered college overweight or obese as indicated by a BMI ≥ 25. The average amount of weight gain experienced by these students during their first semester of college was modest (1.5 kg; 3.3 lbs), although 23% of participants gained an amount of weight ≥ 5% of their baseline body weight. The average amount of weight gained among those who gained ≥ 5% of their baseline body weight was 4.52 kg (9.9 lbs). Like others studying the phenomenon of weight gain among freshmen, we observed that some but not all freshmen do gain a significant amount of weight during their first semester of college. Average weight gain in our study among all participants was 1.5 (SD 2.28) kg, an amount similar to the amount reported in other studies of weight gain among freshmen [4, 7, 20–22]. Clinically significant weight gain was defined as an amount ≥ 5% of each individual's baseline body weight, a method not previously used in similar studies. This method of defining what is considered clinically significant weight gain may help to control for the large differences in the magnitude of weight gain experienced by men and women due to differences in body mass. The average amount of weight gain observed among men and women who gained ≥ 5% of body weight was 5.3 (± 1.9) among men, and 4.2 (± 1.4) kg among women. In general, our findings are consistent with the findings of others who report the transition from high school to college promotes changes in behavior and environment that may support weight gain [23, 24]. Others have identified eating in dining halls as a significant risk factor for weight gain during the first semester of college [7]. Levitsky [7] hypothesized that the greater abundance and variety of food available in dining halls may promote intake in excess of energy needs. In a community-controlled analysis of weight gain among university women, Hovel et al. [8] found that by the junior year of college average weight returned to near baseline levels of the cohort as entering freshmen. The weight loss among women during their junior year was speculated to be associated with a move from mandatory dormitory housing and dining-hall-type dining experiences to other options. In a study examining weight change across years of college among a small cohort of men and women Racette et al. [25] found that the accelerated rate of weight gain experienced during the freshmen year of college did not continue through senior year and that by senior year most students (85%) had moved from residence halls to off-campus housing. Approximately 65% (n = 102) of the participants in this study lived on campus and reported eating at least occasionally at all-you-can-eat dining facilities. In the present study, those who gained ≥ 5% of body weight ate an average of 2.1 more meals per week in on-campus dining facilities during fall semester (August – December) than did those who did not gain ≥ 5% of body weight, although the statistical significance of this difference is marginal (p-value = 0.06). Somewhat surprising were the associations between more frequent breakfast consumption and greater amounts of sleep reported among those who gained ≥ 5% of body weight. These associations have not been previously reported in the literature regarding risk factors for weight changes during the transition to college. A substantial body of literature provides evidence that breakfast skipping in children, adolescents, and adults is associated with body weight [26–28]. In this study of first-time freshmen, regular breakfast consumption was marginally associated with on-campus living (p = 0.057); on-campus living was associated with more frequent meals eaten in all-you-can-eat dining facilities (p-value = 0.009). The observed findings of a positive association between breakfast consumption and weight gain may reflect differences in access to all-you-can-eat dining facilities among college freshmen and nationally representative samples of adolescents and adults. The frequency of breakfast consumption in all-you-can-eat dining facilities was not quantified in the present study. In addition, regular breakfast consumption was defined as eating breakfast at least four times per week; additional details about the frequency and type of breakfast consumed may have helped to clarify the observed associations. Short sleep duration has been associated with obesity in paediatric populations but the existing evidence regarding associations between habitual sleep duration and body weight among adults is not consistent [29]. Our findings regarding associations between sleep patterns and risk for weight gain among college freshmen are novel. Relationships between sleep patterns among young-adults attending college and weight change and other indicators of health are important and deserves further study. Our study has several limitations. First, participants with a BMI ≥ 25 at the baseline interview were more likely to drop out of the study than were those with BMI < 25. This may have biased our results to the null if those who dropped out were also those who gained weight; those who dropped out may have differed in other important ways from those who continued in the study. For example, participants who began the study with a BMI >25 had higher rates of drinking than did those with BMIs < 25. This may have contributed to differences in the prevalence of alcohol consumption at the August and December assessments. Second, we assessed diet and physical activity using instruments that relied on the accurate memory recall of usual behaviors by participants. The baseline survey instruments asked participants to report their behaviors during a six-month period of time that occurred three to nine months prior to when the data were collected so as to capture usual behaviors during the period of time that included their last six months of high school. The first FFQ, being more retrospective than the second, may have provided a less accurate estimate of usual dietary intake and physical activity than did the more immediate assessment of behaviors collected at the second data collection period as it is known that reports of past behavior are influenced by current behavior [30]. However, Maruti et al. [31] found that FFQs may be used to provide a reasonable estimate of usual dietary intake in the distant past. In the Maruti et al. [31] study young adults were able to use an FFQ to accurately report usual dietary intake from approximately 10 years in the past using a FFQ. In addition, although total energy intake between the first and second assessments was correlated (r = 0.57, p-value < 0.001), there were significant differences between the absolute total energy intake reported at the first and second assessments that in general would not support weight gain among the population. Butler et al[4], and Jung et al[9] also found that energy intake decreased significantly during the first semester of college, despite overall increases in weight. Our finding of an association between being less physically active and weight gain during the first semester of college is consistent with the findings of both Butler et al[4], and Jung et al[9] who also found decreased physical activity associated with increased risk for weight gain despite overall decreases in energy consumption. Third, because we did not assess body composition, we cannot determine whether the observed increases in body weight were associated with growth or increases in lean or non-lean body mass. However, averaged measured heights were not different between the baseline and follow-up assessments, indicating little change in stature during the 16-week study period among our participants. Finally, the participants in this study were recruited from among first-time freshmen attending one university with a population of students who are predominately non-Hispance white (91%) and who report lower rates of smoking and drinking than reported nationally. This study population likely does not represent the diversity of first-time freshmen attending college campuses nationally. The results of this study demonstrate that some, but not all college students experience a significant amount of weight gain during the transition from high school to college. Several factors are certainly involved. This study provides further evidence that the transition to college life is a critical period of risk for weight gain and college freshmen are an important target population for obesity prevention strategies. Targeted information about maintaining energy balance through regular physical activity and appropriate energy intake from a healthy balanced diet, delivered to students at the outset of their college career, may be effective in preventing weight gain among college freshmen during this critical period. Venues for such targeted education may include freshmen orientation sessions, residence halls, and point-of-purchase education in dining facilities. Acknowledgements This study was funded by the Vice President for Research Office and the Agriculture Experiment Station at Utah State University. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors' contributions HJW and CM made substantial contribution to the conception, design, and acquisition of data. HJW performed the data analysis and interpretation. HJW and CM were involved in drafting the manuscript and have read and approved the final manuscript. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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All relevant data is present within the paper. 1. Introduction {#sec001} =============== Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterised by defective regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism \[[@pone.0202350.ref001]\]. The biochemical hallmark of T2DM is chronic hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion and action \[[@pone.0202350.ref002],[@pone.0202350.ref003]\]. More than 425 million people worldwide are affected by the disease which will increase to 628 million by 2045 \[[@pone.0202350.ref004]\]. This increase is due to improved life expectancy, obesity and an increase in the populations of ethnic groups at higher risk of the disease \[[@pone.0202350.ref005]\]. For example in the UK there is an increased predisposition of disease in some ethnic populations (e.g. South Asians, Indian and Pakistani) and this could be due to dietary nutritional deficiencies and or reduced levels of habitual physical activity \[[@pone.0202350.ref006],[@pone.0202350.ref007]\]. Uncontrolled hyperglycemia leads to macrovascular and microvascular complications such as cardiovascular disease \[[@pone.0202350.ref008]\] retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy \[[@pone.0202350.ref009],[@pone.0202350.ref010],[@pone.0202350.ref011]\]. Persistent lifestyle changes and pharmacological intervention are essential to achieve good metabolic control and reduce the risk of hyperglycemia induced complications. Visceral obesity is the most common risk factor associated with of T2DM and other chronic diseases, including atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension \[[@pone.0202350.ref012]\]. The modern Western diet coupled with a sedentary lifestyle has led to a pandemic of obesity which is now a severe public health issue \[[@pone.0202350.ref013],[@pone.0202350.ref014]\]. Pharmaceutical agents with dual actions to correct hyperglycemia and promote weight are few and far between with only GLP-1 receptor agonists proving to be effective \[[@pone.0202350.ref015],[@pone.0202350.ref016]\]. Even then, side-effects such as nausea, pancreatitis and possible cancer risk limit their usefulness \[[@pone.0202350.ref017],[@pone.0202350.ref018],[@pone.0202350.ref019]\]. Thus there is a significant need for development of new multi-faceted pharmaceutical agents, which induce weight loss and decrease both hyperglycemia and associated complications without causing adverse effects. Apelin is an adipokine and circulating peptide produced and secreted by adipocytes \[[@pone.0202350.ref020]\]. Several bioactive apelin peptides, including apelin-12, -13, -16, -17, -19 and -36 are products of APLN gene, located on chromosome 11q12 \[[@pone.0202350.ref021]\] with apelin-13 and apelin-36 being the most abundant and biologically active forms \[[@pone.0202350.ref022]\]. The human apelin receptor, APJ is ubiquitously present in tissues \[[@pone.0202350.ref021],[@pone.0202350.ref023]\] and the apelinergic system has been shown to be involved in multiple metabolic processes including control of glucose homeostasis \[[@pone.0202350.ref024],[@pone.0202350.ref025],[@pone.0202350.ref026]\]. Rapid degradation and short half-life of native apelin isoforms (4--7 min) severely hinders the pharmacological exploitation of apelin peptides \[[@pone.0202350.ref027]\]. To overcome this problem, we have developed enzyme resistant fatty acid derived analogues of apelin-13 namely (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide and pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide \[[@pone.0202350.ref028]\]. Notably, these analogues have the identical fatty acid moiety conjugated to Lys^8^ using the same chemical linker as the GLP-1 mimetic, liraglutide \[[@pone.0202350.ref029]\]. These stable apelin analogues stimulated insulin secretion from clonal pancreatic beta cells, primary culture of isolated mouse islets cells being the most potent of a series of analogues studied \[[@pone.0202350.ref030]\]. In the present study, metabolic and weight reducing effects of chronic once daily administration of (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide and pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide were directly compared to the GLP-1 mimetic, liraglutide using a high-fat fed mouse model diet-induced obesity-diabetes (DIO). 2. Materials & methods {#sec002} ====================== 2.1. Peptides {#sec003} ------------- All apelin analogues used in the study were custom made by EZ Biolabs (Carmel, IN, USA) at \>95% purity. Purity of the peptides was checked by RP-HPLC and structural identity confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry as described previously \[[@pone.0202350.ref028]\]. Briefly, modifications of native apelin-13 peptide were carried out to confer enzyme resistance to prolong the biological activity. Furthermore, a gamma-glutamyl spacer with palmitate adjunct (GluPAL) was added to the side-chain of apelin Lys^8^ to promote binding to plasma proteins and reduce renal clearance, thus extending the *in vivo* bioactivity. These peptides are only known to bind to and activate the APJ receptor and the half-life *in vitro* was \>24 h \[[@pone.0202350.ref028]\]. 2.2. Experimental animals {#sec004} ------------------------- Male NIH Swiss mice (Harlan UK Ltd., Blackthorne, UK) were housed individually in an air-conditioned room (22 ± 2°C) with relative humidity of 51 ± 5% and a 12 h light: dark cycle (08:00--20:00 h). Drinking water was freely available. Animals were maintained on a high fat diet (45% fat, 20% protein, 35% carbohydrate; percent of total energy 26.15 kJ/g; Dietex International Ltd., Witham, UK) from 8 weeks of age for a total of 150 days to evoke dietary-induced obesity-diabetes (DIO). Another group of mice was maintained on standard rodent diet (10% fat, 30% protein, 60% carbohydrate; percent of total energy 12.99 kJ/g, Trouw Nutrition, Cheshire, UK) and used as a model of normal controls. Similar high-fat diets, containing a large percentage of energy from fat, are used routinely in obesity-diabetes research \[[@pone.0202350.ref031]--[@pone.0202350.ref033]\]. 2.3. Chronic treatment and metabolic effects {#sec005} -------------------------------------------- Groups of normal control and high-fat fed mice (n = 8) received once daily intraperitoneal injections of either 0.9% saline vehicle (lean and high fat controls) or either (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide, pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or liraglutide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) over a 28 day treatment period. Food intake, bodyweight, non-fasting blood glucose and plasma insulin concentrations were measured every 2--3 days. Following the 28 days, 16 h fasted mice were administered with glucose (18 nmol/kg body weight) either intraperitoneally or orally. To measure the insulin sensitivity, hypoglycemic response was measured following administration of insulin (25 U/kg). Blood samples were collected from cut tail tips of mice and blood glucose (Ascencia Contour meter) and HbA~1c~ (PTS Diagnostic, IN, USA) were measured. Blood was collected into chilled fluoride/heparin-coated microcentrifuge tubes (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany) and centrifuged (13,000g × 3 min) using a Beckman microcentrifuge (Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto, CA, USA). The resulting plasma was then aliquoted into fresh Eppendorf tubes and stored at −20°C for subsequent biochemical analysis. Fat mass, bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) were assessed using the PIXImus DEXA scanner. Measurements of indirect calorimetry, energy expenditure and locomotor activity were assessed using comprehensive laboratory animal monitoring system (CLAMS) metabolic chambers as described previously \[[@pone.0202350.ref034]\]. Although the main intervention study was carried out for a period of 28 days, the various peptide treatments were extended beyond that period to allow for all of the additional investigations to be performed while maintaining the once daily peptide treatment regime. Thus, all post-intervention experiments were performed between day 28 and day 40. On day 28 body weight, glucose and insulin measurements were carried out. The glucose tolerance test (GTT) and other terminal testing like glycated haemoglobin HbA~1c~, blood biomarkers were conducted between day 28 and 35. The CLAMS analysis was performed between days 36 and 38 where mice were give 24 h to acclimatise and a further 24 h for measurements, as described previously \[[@pone.0202350.ref035]\]. Terminal blood samples and tissue retrieval was completed on day 40. 2.5. Terminal analysis {#sec006} ---------------------- At the end of the experimental period (day 40), pancreatic tissues were excised for analysis of insulin content \[[@pone.0202350.ref036],[@pone.0202350.ref037]\]. Blood was taken from fasted mice for measurement of lipid profiles including HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels by an ILab 650 Clinical Analyser (Instrumentation Laboratory, Warrington, UK). Amylase activity (Amylase assay kit, Abcam, UK) and circulating total GLP-1 (ELISA, Millipore, UK) concentrations was measured as described in manufacturer's protocol \[[@pone.0202350.ref038]\]. 2.6 Ethical standard {#sec007} -------------------- All animal experiments were carried out in accordance with the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and EU Directive 2010/63EU for animal experiments and approved by Ulster University Animal Ethics Review Committee. All necessary steps were taken to prevent any potential animal suffering. 2.7. Statistical analysis {#sec008} ------------------------- All data was analysed with Prism (v.5.0, GraphPad Software Inc. CA, USA) and expressed as mean ± S.E.M. Bodyweight, glucose, insulin and all GTT data were analysed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the student-Newman-Keuls *post-hoc* test. Cumulative food intake was analysed using Student's t-test. Area under the curve (AUC) was calculated using trapezoidal rule with baseline correction. All other data including AUC were analysed using one-way ANOVA. p\<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. 3. Results {#sec009} ========== 3.1. Chronic administration of acylated apelin-13 amide analogues improves metabolic status in high-fat fed mice {#sec010} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A significant decrease in % bodyweight change was noted with all treatment groups compared to lean and high-fat fed saline treated mice (p\<0.01 and p\<0.001; [Fig 1A and 1B](#pone.0202350.g001){ref-type="fig"}). Cumulative energy intake was also significantly decreased in apelin treated mice (27% decrease, P\<0.01; [Fig 1C](#pone.0202350.g001){ref-type="fig"}). Both acylated apelin-13 amide analogues significantly decreased non-fasted blood glucose (P\<0.05 and P\<0.01; [Fig 1D](#pone.0202350.g001){ref-type="fig"}) and increased non-fasting plasma insulin (P\<0.05 and P\<0.01; [Fig 1E](#pone.0202350.g001){ref-type="fig"}). Liraglutide evoked similar effects although, with the exception of plasma insulin, with latter onset or less durability. ![Chronic effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) for 28 days on body weight (A), % weight change (B), cumulative energy intake (C), non fasting blood glucose (D) and plasma insulin (E). Treatment period represented by black horizontal bar. Values represent mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8) where \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01 and \*\*\*P\<0.001 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice, ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 and ^**▽▽▽**^p\<0.001 is compared to lean mice fed on a normal diet.](pone.0202350.g001){#pone.0202350.g001} 3.2. Chronic administration of acylated apelin-13 amide analogues reduces glycemic excursion in high-fat fed mice {#sec011} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administration of acylated apelin-13 amide analogues or liraglutide for 28 days, significantly reduced glycemic excursion after an intraperitoneal or oral glucose load (P\<0.05 to P\<0.001; [Fig 2A, 2C, 2E and 2F](#pone.0202350.g002){ref-type="fig"}) and post oral glucose load (P\<0.05 to P\<0.001; [Fig 2E and 2F](#pone.0202350.g002){ref-type="fig"}). pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide was the most effective as treated mice showed no significant difference in overall glucose excursion compared to lean control mice ([Fig 2B](#pone.0202350.g002){ref-type="fig"}). The peptide treatments also significantly increased the overall plasma insulin response after intraperitoneal (P\<0.01 and P\<0.001; [Fig 2C and 2D](#pone.0202350.g002){ref-type="fig"}) or oral glucose load (P\<0.05 and P\<0.01; [Fig 2G and 2H](#pone.0202350.g002){ref-type="fig"}). The insulinotropic responses were much greater than in mice fed on a normal diet (P\<0.001, [Fig 2D and 2H](#pone.0202350.g002){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly, both acylated apelin-13 amide analogues and liraglutide significantly reduced the blood glucose excursion after 15 min feeding (P\<0.05 and P\<0.01; [Fig 3A](#pone.0202350.g003){ref-type="fig"}). The two acylated apelin-13 amide analogues but not liraglutide significantly increased the plasma insulin response to feeding (P\<0.05; [Fig 3B](#pone.0202350.g003){ref-type="fig"}). The mean food intake was 0.62, 0.55 and 0.45 g with (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide, pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or liraglutide groups, respectively. Insulin sensitivity in all three treatment groups of mice was improved compared with high-fat fed controls (P\<0.05 and P\<0.01; [Fig 3C](#pone.0202350.g003){ref-type="fig"}). ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg) on blood glucose and plasma insulin responses to an intraperitoneal (A-D) or oral (E-H) glucose challenge in 18 h fasted high-fat fed mice after 18 hours of fasting. After 28 days, blood glucose (A and E) and plasma insulin concentrations (C and G) were measured before and after administration of glucose (18 mmol/kg body weight). Blood glucose and integrated plasma insulin responses (area under the curve; AUC, 0--105 min) are also shown. Values represent mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8) where \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01 and \*\*\*P\<0.001 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice, ^**▽**^p\<0.05, ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 and ^**▽▽▽**^p\<0.001 is compared to lean mice fed on a normal diet.](pone.0202350.g002){#pone.0202350.g002} ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg) on blood glucose (A) and plasma insulin (B) responses to 15 min feeding (A, B) and insulin sensitivity (C) in high-fat fed mice. Tests were performed after 28-days. For meal tests, mice were fasted for 18 h previously and given free access to normal diet for 15 min. The period of feeding is represented by the black horizontal bar. Blood glucose and plasma insulin (AUC) values are also included. For insulin sensitivity tests, insulin (25 U/kg body weight) was administrated by i.p. injection in the fed state. The % blood glucose and AAC values (C) for 0--60 min post-injection are shown. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8) where \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01 and \*\*\*p\<0.001 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice, ^**▽**^p\<0.05, ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 and ^**▽▽▽**^p\<0.001 compared to normal mice.](pone.0202350.g003){#pone.0202350.g003} 3.3. Chronic administration of acylated apelin-13 amide analogues improves terminal biomarkers in high-fat fed mice {#sec012} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both acylated apelin-13 amide analogues and liraglutide produced a significant reduction in HbA~1c~ concentration (P\<0.05 to P\<0.01; [Fig 4A](#pone.0202350.g004){ref-type="fig"}). Furthermore, liraglutide (P\<0.05), (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (P\<0.05), pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (P\<0.001) and liraglutide (P\<0.05), all significantly reduced circulating triglyceride concentrations ([Fig 4C](#pone.0202350.g004){ref-type="fig"}), with only pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide reducing total cholesterol (P\<0.01; [Fig 4B](#pone.0202350.g004){ref-type="fig"}). Both acylated apelin-13 amide analogues (P\<0.01) significantly increased circulating HDL-cholesterol ([Fig 4D](#pone.0202350.g004){ref-type="fig"}) compared to either lean or saline-treated high-fat fed mice. In addition, treatment with (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (P\<0.05) or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (P\<0.01) significantly reduced LDL-cholesterol compared to high-fat fed controls ([Fig 4E](#pone.0202350.g004){ref-type="fig"}). Such actions were absent from liraglutide treated mice. ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw). After 40 days HbA~1c~ (A), plasma total cholesterol (B), triglycerides (C), HDL cholesterol (D) and LDL cholesterol (E), after 40 days of treatment were measured in high-fat fed mice. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8) where \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01 and \*\*\*p\<0.001 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice, ^**▽**^p\<0.05 and ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 is compared to normal mice.](pone.0202350.g004){#pone.0202350.g004} 3.4 Chronic administration of acylated apelin-13 amide analogues increases total GLP-1, bone mineral content and reduces fat mass {#sec013} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronic administration of liraglutide significantly increased circulating α-amylase compared to both saline and normal lean mice (P\<0.05; [Fig 5A](#pone.0202350.g005){ref-type="fig"}). The two acylated apelin-13 amide analogues had no significant effect on this marker of pancreatitis. All treated groups showed enhanced total plasma GLP-1 concentrations (151% - 192%, P\<0.001; [Fig 5B](#pone.0202350.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Liraglutide was the only treatment to increase pancreatic insulin content (P\<0.05; [Fig 5C](#pone.0202350.g005){ref-type="fig"}). However, both liraglutide (P\<0.01) and pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (P\<0.05) treated mice developed significantly greater pancreatic insulin stores compared to lean mice. The percentage fat mass was significantly decreased in apelin treated groups compared to high-fat fed controls (P\<0.05; [Fig 5E](#pone.0202350.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly, both apelin analogues significantly increased bone mineral content (BMC) compared to both high-fat fed controls (P\<0.01; [Fig 5F](#pone.0202350.g005){ref-type="fig"}), as well as lean mice (P\<0.05; [Fig 5F](#pone.0202350.g005){ref-type="fig"}). ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) on α-amylase activity (A), plasma GLP-1 (B), pancreatic insulin content (C), body weight (D), fat mass (%) (E) and bone mineral content (F). Observations were made after 40 days of treatment of high-fat fed and lean control mice. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8) where \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01 and \*\*\*p\<0.001 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice, ^**▽**^p\<0.05 and ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 is compared to normal mice.](pone.0202350.g005){#pone.0202350.g005} 3.5 Chronic administration of acylated apelin-13 amide analogues improves indirect calorimetry, energy expenditure, locomotor activity and feeding bouts in high-fat fed mice {#sec014} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall oxygen consumption (VO~2~) in high-fat fed mice were unaffected by any of the three peptide treatments ([Fig 6A and 6B](#pone.0202350.g006){ref-type="fig"}). Whereas carbon dioxide production VCO~2~ was significantly increased (p\<0.05; [Fig 6C and 6D](#pone.0202350.g006){ref-type="fig"}) by all three treatments. Liraglutide (p\<0.01), and both acylated apelin-13 analogues (p\<0.05) also significantly increased average respiratory exchange ratio (RER; [Fig 7A and 7B](#pone.0202350.g007){ref-type="fig"}) due to higher activity overall ([Fig 7B](#pone.0202350.g007){ref-type="fig"}) as well as during the dark cycle ([Fig 7D](#pone.0202350.g007){ref-type="fig"}) but not the light cycle ([Fig 7C](#pone.0202350.g007){ref-type="fig"}). These peptide treatments also increased energy expenditure (p\<0.05; [Fig 8A and 8B](#pone.0202350.g008){ref-type="fig"}) evident from changes during both the light and dark cycles (p\<0.05; [Fig 8C and 8D](#pone.0202350.g008){ref-type="fig"}). In general, the apelin analogues were more effective at promoting increased energy expenditure than liraglutide when compared against the high fat fed saline treated controls ([Fig 8B and 8D](#pone.0202350.g008){ref-type="fig"}). The effects on energy metabolism should be beneficial for weight loss if they can be translated in the human situation. No significant effects were observed in the locomotor activity of any of the peptide treated mice when compared to normal mice of saline treated high fat controls ([Fig 9A--9F](#pone.0202350.g009){ref-type="fig"}). In contrast to liraglutide, both groups of apelin treated mice exhibited decreased (p\<0.05) cumulative food and energy intake over 24 h ([Fig 10A and 10B](#pone.0202350.g010){ref-type="fig"}). In the case of the acylated analogue (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide this was accompanied by decreased energy intake (p\<0.05) and a significantly lower number of feeding bouts (p\<0.05; [Fig 10C](#pone.0202350.g010){ref-type="fig"}). ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) on O~2~ consumption (A, B) and CO~2~ production (C, D). Following 36-days of treatment mice were placed in CLAMS metabolic chambers for 24 h to acclimatise and a further 24 h for measurements (12 h dark period as shown by the black bar), O~2~ consumption and CO~2~ production were measured for 30 sec at 25 min intervals. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6) where \*p\<0.01 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice and ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 is compared to normal mice.](pone.0202350.g006){#pone.0202350.g006} ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) on respiratory exchange ratio (RER, A). Following 35 days treatment mice were placed in CLAMS metabolic chambers for 24 h (12 h dark period as shown by the black bar). RER was calculated by dividing VCO~2~ by VO~2~. Average RER (B), RER in the light (C) and dark cycles (D) are also included. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6) where \*p\<0.05 and \*\*p\<0.01 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice and ^**▽**^p\<0.05 and ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 is compared to normal mice.](pone.0202350.g007){#pone.0202350.g007} ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) on energy expenditure (A). Following 35 days treatment, mice were placed in CLAMS metabolic chambers for 24 h (12 h dark period as shown by the black bar) and energy expenditure calculated using RER with the following equation: (3.815 + 1.232 x RER) x VO~2~. Average energy expenditure (B), energy expenditure in the light (C) and dark cycles (D) are also included. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6) where \*p\<0.05 and \*\*p\<0.01 is compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice and ^**▽▽▽**^p\<0.01 is compared to normal mice.](pone.0202350.g008){#pone.0202350.g008} ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) on locomotor activity.\ Following 35 days treatment, mice were placed in CLAMS metabolic chambers for 24 h (12 h dark period as shown by the black bar). Activity counts in X-axis (lateral) (A-D) and Z-axis (vertical) (E-F) were recorded every minute for the duration. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6).](pone.0202350.g009){#pone.0202350.g009} ![Effect of once daily i.p. administration of liraglutide, (Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^GluPAL)apelin-13 amide (each at 25 nmol/kg bw) on food intake.\ Following 35 days of treatment, mice were placed in CLAMS metabolic chambers for 24 h and food intake (A), energy intake (B) and feeding bouts (C) were measured for the duration. Values represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6) where \*p\<0.05 compared to high-fat fed saline treated mice and ^**▽**^p\<0.05, ^**▽▽**^p\<0.01 and ^**▽▽▽**^p\<0.001 is compared to mice fed on a normal diet.](pone.0202350.g010){#pone.0202350.g010} 4. Discussion {#sec015} ============= Numerous studies indicate an emerging involvement of apelin in energy metabolism and the pathophysiology of obesity \[[@pone.0202350.ref039]--[@pone.0202350.ref042]\]. Both apelin and APJ receptors are present in many tissues including mouse, human and rat adipose tissue and pancreatic islets \[[@pone.0202350.ref020];[@pone.0202350.ref034],[@pone.0202350.ref043],[@pone.0202350.ref044]\]. Circulating apelin concentrations are increased in obese humans and rodent models of obesity only when accompanied by hyperinsulinaemia \[[@pone.0202350.ref020],[@pone.0202350.ref045]\]. This indicates that obesity or high-fat feeding may not be the main cause of elevated apelin, and implies that a close relationship exists between apelin and both the secretion and action of insulin. This highlights possible values of apelin/APJ interactions as an intriguing therapeutic target for obesity and diabetes. Consistent with this view, recent work in our laboratory has shown that therapeutic natural and stable analogues of apelin-13 stimulate insulin secretion, enhance cellular glucose uptake and improve acute glucose tolerance in animal models of obesity-diabetes \[[@pone.0202350.ref027],[@pone.0202350.ref034]\]. Native apelin undergoes extensive enzymatic degradation and rapid plasma clearance *in vivo*. However structural modifications by addition of fatty acid, amide group and/or N-terminal pyroglutamate residue, resulted in bioactive analogues that displayed an enzyme resistant and greatly extended plasma half-life with greater duration of antihyperglycemic actions \[[@pone.0202350.ref028],[@pone.0202350.ref030],[@pone.0202350.ref034]\]. In the present study, examining the antidiabetic potential in high fat fed mice, we chose to used second generation analogues, namely (Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide and pGlu(Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide. Once daily administration of these peptides for 28 days was associated with robust insulin secretory actions resulting in decreased blood glucose and reduced glucose concentrations, reduced glycemic excursions in in responses to intraperitoneal or oral glucose tolerance studies and elevated pancreatic insulin content. This was accompanied by significantly reduced levels of HbA~1c~. The reduction of may also reflect improvement in insulin action as evidenced by enhanced hypoglycemic action of exogenous insulin. An increase of glucose uptake by skeletal muscle and adipose tissue seems likely \[[@pone.0202350.ref034],[@pone.0202350.ref046]\]. Indeed, both (Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide and pGlu(Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide have been shown to significantly enhance glucose uptake by 3T3-L1 adipocytes *in vitro* \[[@pone.0202350.ref030]\] corroborating these findings (data not shown). Consistent with this apelin increased glucose uptake, both *in vitro* \[[@pone.0202350.ref030],[@pone.0202350.ref047]\] and *in vivo*, through both insulin-dependent and independent pathways \[[@pone.0202350.ref046]\]. In addition to effects on glucose homeostasis (Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide and pGlu(Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide significantly reduced food intake and evoked significant body weight loss. These actions together with direct effects discussed above, would also be expected to contribute to the improvements of insulin sensitivity and metabolic control. Further studies using pair-feeding might help assess the relative importance of body weight loss but are difficult to interpret due to effects of 'meal feeding' on the parameters under investigation. Apelin and its APJ receptors have been detected in the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus, known to be key sites in central control of feeding behaviour and energy expenditure \[[@pone.0202350.ref034],[@pone.0202350.ref048]\]. Apelin could also alter body adiposity independent of food intake by increasing energy expenditure through activation of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins 1 and 3 \[[@pone.0202350.ref049]\]. It is also notable that as observed previously \[[@pone.0202350.ref034]\] these analogues of apelin-13 (increased plasma levels of total GLP-1 suggesting that enhanced secretion of GLP-1 plays a role in the enhanced beta-cell function and glucose homeostasis. The peptide may also contribute to the reduction of food intake and body weight loss via central affects or action to reduce gastric emptying \[[@pone.0202350.ref034]\]. Interestingly, apelin knockout (KO) mice exhibit reduced insulin sensitivity, glucose intolerance and hyperinsulinaemia \[[@pone.0202350.ref050]\]. Apelin administration improved insulin sensitivity in these mice with intact APJ receptors \[[@pone.0202350.ref050]\], with the insulin-sensitising effects continuing for up to 4 weeks, and no evidence of receptor desensitisation. In high fat fed mice pGlu(Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide reduced total cholesterol in high-fat fed mice. Both the fatty acid apelin analogues had positive effect on reducing circulating triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol as well as increasing HDL-cholesterol. Cardiovascular benefits of apelin, including reduction of blood pressure are well established \[[@pone.0202350.ref051]\] and further studies would be worthwhile to explore such actions in the present context. Once daily administration of the GLP-1 mimetic, liraglutide replicated all of the benefits of apelin-13 analogues but it failed to completely improve lipid profile in high-fat fed mice as shown previously in our lab \[[@pone.0202350.ref038]\]. Moreover, increased levels of circulating amylase were observed compared to both lean and high-fat fed control, suggesting adverse reactions indicative of pancreatitis \[[@pone.0202350.ref052]\]. All treated groups including those receiving liraglutide showed increased consumption of O~2~ and production of CO~2~, concomitant with increased energy expenditure. This effect on whole body metabolism was associated with reduction of fat mass. Average respiratory exchange ratio was increased in all groups partly reflecting fat depletion as shown previously with apelin analogues \[[@pone.0202350.ref034]\]. Apelin analogues were superior to liraglutide in improving bone mineral density, thus negating deteriorating effect of fat mass and body weight. Interestingly, fatty acid apelin analogues showed no changes in ambulatory activity in treated mice suggesting weight loss was independent of activity. Conclusion {#sec016} ========== In conclusion, the present study has shown that once daily administration of (Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide or pGlu(Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide ameliorated diabetes, evoked weight loss and decreased circulating lipids in high-fat fed mice, with effects similar to or better than liraglutide. Overall the pGlu(Lys^8^gluPAL)apelin-13 amide analogue was the most effective analogue and was better than the non-acylated analogue tested previously \[[@pone.0202350.ref034]\]. APJ : apelin receptor AUC : integrated area under the curve BMC : bone mineral content DEXA : Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry GLP-1 : glucagon-like peptide-1 pGlu : pyroglutamyl T2DM : type 2 diabetes mellitus [^1]: **Competing Interests:**FOH, PRF and Ulster University hold patents for exploitation of peptides for treatment of obesity-diabetes. VP and CH declare that they have no conflicts of interest. In relation to competing interests we can also declare the relevant patent application is in process since 2015 and is not yet granted (pending): (PCT/EP2015/059288) entitled 'Apelin Analogues'. FOH and PRF are inventors of this patent and the patent was originally filed by the University of Ulster in 2015 and is owned by the University of Ulster. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. [^2]: Current address: College of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, United Kingdom
Q: UnicodeString Delete Method (different result between 32-bit Win and iOS/Android) I'm building a simple FMX app in C++ Builder (Tokyo 10.2.3) that displays agenda data from an SQLite db. I've added a TComboBox to let the user filter what is presented. The combo box has the following items added to it at runtime (these are committee names): Show PSSC Show TD Show RRMS I'm using the combo box to add a filter to an SQL query on the database. The data set has a field committee and each row of data belongs to one of those 3 committees (PSSC, TD, RRMS). Below is my code to add the filter into a query. It works fine on 32-bit Windows but not on iOS or Android. All I'm doing is trimming off the "Show " with the .Delete to the UnicodeString mystring. mystring = Form1->cmbBoxFilters->Selected->Text; mystring = mystring.Delete(1, 5); query->SQL->Text = "SELECT * FROM mtgs WHERE weekday = '" + myday + "' AND committee = '" + mystring + "'"; Here is what is happening, in 32-bit Windows mystring is exactly as it should be. If i select "Show PSCC" from the combobox, then mystring ends up "PSCC" and the query works great. But, when I run on iOS or Android mystring ends up "SSCC". The first letter of whatever is selected becomes an S. I can't for the life of me figure out why. I'm posting because I'm just curious as to how this "S" is showing up in my original code on iOS or Android and not 32-bit Win. p.s. Just using TFDConnection, TFDQuery, and FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink on my Firemonkey form. A: So, it looks like a difference in the compilers, with mobile compilers (iOS/Android) indexing from 0 and desktop compilers (Windows/OSX) indexing from 1. Thanks to GSerg for pointing that out. Here is a solution that explicitly uses 0-indexing for all platforms. The only changes are the 0 you see added to the end of .Delete and also inside the parenthesis: mystring = mystring.Delete0(0, 5); This code works the same on Windows, iOS, and Android. Thanks to an old post from Remy: UnicodeString::Delete Method
1. Introduction Globally, investors are increasingly seeking to invest in accordance with their values—such as religious beliefs, moral standards, or ethical views. Examples of such beliefs are avoidance of sin stocks, respect for human rights, adherence to an international normative standard such as UN Global Compact, etc. The MSCI Global Socially Responsible indices exclude companies that are inconsistent with specific values based criteria. Additionally, these indices target companies with high Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings relative to their sector peers, to ensure the inclusion of the best‐of‐class companies from an ESG perspective. Further, these Indices aim to target sector weights that reflect the relative sector weights of the underlying MSCI Global Investable Market Indices to limit the systematic risk introduced by the ESG selection process. Overall the MSCI Global Socially Responsible indices target coverage of 25% of the underlying index. Currently MSCI constructs MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices for the Standard size‐segment in all Developed Markets. The indices are free float‐adjusted market capitalization weighted. 2. ESG Research Framework The MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices are based on MSCI’s ESG research framework, which generates a rating of each company’s management of its environmental, social and governance performance. To determine a company's ESG ranking, MSCI ESG Research examines extensive data collected from various sources, such as company filings, media, governments, third‐party data providers and NGOs. Each company is assigned to one of more than 80 industry groups, each of which has a unique set of ESG rating data and weightings. The research model generates numerous sub‐scores for the company across each data category applicable to the industry group. The model aggregates the sub‐ scores to generate separate environmental, social and governance scores for the company, which are ultimately expressed as a single composite ESG score. A company's ESG score is mapped to a 9‐point letter scale, with ratings from AAA (highest) to C (lowest). More information on MSCI ESG Research can be found at http://www.msci.com/products/indices/thematic/esg/esg_research_methodology.html 3. Values Based Criteria The MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices exclude companies that are inconsistent with the following values based criteria:  Alcohol  Civilian Firearms  Gambling  Military Weapons  Nuclear Power  Tobacco  Adult Entertainment  Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Please refer to Appendix 1 for more details on these criteria 4. Constructing the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices 4.1. Underlying universe The selection universe for the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices is defined by the constituents of the MSCI Global ESG Indices. The MSCI Global ESG Indices target the highest ESG rated companies, making up 50% of the free float adjusted market capitalization in each sector in each region of the MSCI World Index. Only companies with an ESG rating of “B” or above are eligible for inclusion in the MSCI Global ESG Indices. This choice of universe ensures that only the best‐of‐class ESG companies in each region and sector are included in the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices. 4.2. Exclusion Criteria Companies that are inconsistent with the values based criteria described in Section 3 are excluded from the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices. Additionally, any company that has an ESG rating of “BB” or lower is not eligible for inclusion in the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices. This rating criterion ensures a high minimum level of ESG performance, consistent with the aim of including only the best‐of‐ class companies in the index. 4.3. Index Construction Currently MSCI constructs MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices for the Standard size‐segment in all Developed Markets. These indices are constructed at a regional level with the regions being defined as follows:  Each regional Socially Responsible index targets 50% of the free float adjusted market capitalization of each Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) sector of the underlying MSCI regional ESG Index. These regional Socially Responsible indices are then aggregated together to construct the MSCI World Socially Responsible Index. 5. MAINTAINING THE MSCI GLOBAL SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INDICES 5.1. Annual Index Review The composition of the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices is reviewed on an annual basis in May to coincide with the annual index review of the underlying MSCI Global ESG Indices. The changes are implemented at the end of May. Ratings used for the annual index review are taken as of the end of April. At the annual index review, the composition of the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices is reassessed in order to target 50% free float‐adjusted cumulative market capitalization of each sector of the underlying regional ESG Index. For each sector, the constituents of the underlying regional ESG Index are first ranked based on the company level ESG Score and then by decreasing free float adjusted market capitalization. Constituents for the Socially Responsible index are then selected in the following order till the 50% coverage by cumulative free float adjusted market capitalization target is reached.     Companies in the top 35% ‘AA’ rated companies in the top 50% Current index constituents in the top 65% Remaining Companies in the eligible universe The above rules are applied sequentially so that the MSCI Global Socially Responsible index includes companies with high ESG performance, while minimizing turnover. 5.2. Quarterly Index Reviews The MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices are also reviewed on a quarterly basis to coincide with the regular index reviews of the underlying regional ESG Indices. The changes are implemented at the end of February, August and November. Ratings used for the quarterly index reviews will be taken as of the end of the month preceding the index review, i.e., October, January and July. At the quarterly index reviews, any existing index constituent whose rating falls to “BB” or lower is deleted from the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices. Additionally, any existing constituent that is no longer consistent with the values based criteria is also deleted from the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices. Additions to the indices are only considered in those sectors where the resulting free float adjusted market capitalization coverage does not meet the 50% target. Market price movements may cause small deviations in the sector coverage between two index reviews and so a buffer of 10% is used on the target coverage of 50% is used to define under‐representation, in order to minimize turnover. Companies are added only in those sectors where the current market capitalization coverage is less than 45%, until the 50% target is reached. A company must have a rating of “BBB” or higher to be considered for addition to the indices. 5.3. Ongoing Event‐Related Maintenance The MSCI Corporate Events Methodology is applied for the maintenance of the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices between index reviews. In general, there will be no additions to or deletions from the index between two index reviews, except when the new security results from an event affecting an existing index constituent. Companies deleted from the underlying index between index reviews are also deleted at the same time from the MSCI Global Socially Responsible Indices. The details relating to the handling of specific corporate event types can be found in the MSCI Corporate Events Methodology book available at: http://www.msci.com/products/indices/size/standard/methodology.html Notice and Disclaimer  This document and all of the information contained in it, including without limitation all text, data, graphs, charts (collectively, the “Information”) is the property of MSCl Inc. or its subsidiaries (collectively, “MSCI”), or MSCI’s licensors, direct or indirect suppliers or any third party involved in making or compiling any Information (collectively, with MSCI, the “Information Providers”) and is provided for informational purposes only. The Information may not be reproduced or redisseminated in whole or in part without prior written permission from MSCI.  The Information may not be used to create derivative works or to verify or correct other data or information. 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Except with respect to any applicable products or services from ISS (including applicable products or services from MSCI ESG Research Information, which are provided by ISS), none of MSCI’s products or services recommends, endorses, approves or otherwise expresses any opinion regarding any issuer, securities, financial products or instruments or trading strategies and none of MSCI’s products or services is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such.  The MSCI ESG Indices use ratings and other data, analysis and information from MSCI ESG Research. MSCI ESG Research is produced by ISS or its subsidiaries. Issuers mentioned or included in any MSCI ESG Research materials may be a client of MSCI, ISS, or another MSCI subsidiary, or the parent of, or affiliated with, a client of MSCI, ISS, or another MSCI subsidiary, including ISS Corporate Services, Inc., which provides tools and services to issuers. MSCI ESG Research materials, including materials utilized in any MSCI ESG Indices or other products, have not been submitted to, nor received approval from, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or any other regulatory body.  Any use of or access to products, services or information of MSCI requires a license from MSCI. MSCI, Barra, RiskMetrics, ISS, CFRA, FEA, and other MSCI brands and product names are the trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) was developed by and is the exclusive property of MSCI and Standard & Poor’s. “Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)” is a service mark of MSCI and Standard & Poor’s. About MSCI MSCI Inc. is a leading provider of investment decision support tools to investors globally, including asset managers, banks, hedge funds and pension funds. MSCI products and services include indices, portfolio risk and performance analytics, and governance tools. The company’s flagship product offerings are: the MSCI indices which include over 148,000 daily indices covering more than 70 countries; Barra portfolio risk and performance analytics covering global equity and fixed income markets; RiskMetrics market and credit risk analytics; ISS governance research and outsourced proxy voting and reporting services; FEA valuation models and risk management software for the energy and commodities markets; and CFRA forensic accounting risk research, legal/regulatory risk assessment, and due‐diligence. MSCI is headquartered in New York, with research and commercial offices around the world.
Q: Is there no way to embed a Google Map into an HTML email? I have done a good amount of research and have found several "solutions" such as the static maps API and simply sending a link to a Gmap. However is there really no way to actually send someone a Google Map? A: Well your own research shows that most mail clients don't do iFrames, so what do you think can be done? This is on purpose by the way. iFrames and JavaScript are security risks that mail services don't want to deal with. Your best bet is to get a static image of the map and embed it as an image in an HTML email. Put a hyperlink on it to the "full" map on Google Maps. To do this manually in Gmail: Go to http://staticmapmaker.com/google/ or similar Enter the location Copy the map image to your clipboard and paste it into an email Copy the href of the anchor in the section "Map with link to Google Maps" Select the whole image (put the cursor to the right of the image, and press shift + left arrow Press ctrl+k to hyperlink the image Paste the url from step 4 into the Web Address field A: You can create a static image map and send it by email, doing it in Perl: https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::Google::StaticMaps::V2 or simply directly by Google: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/static-maps/ It should be something like this in HTML part of the e-mail: <img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=800x600&maptype=hybrid&scale=2&format=png8&sensor=false&path=geodesic%3Atrue%7C-6.9325%2C+37.3916666666667%7C-6.9325%2C+37.3933333333333%7C-6.93388888888889%2C+37.3933333333333%7C-6.93388888888889%2C+37.3916666666667%7C-6.9325%2C+37.3916666666667&zoom=10" width="800" height="600"/> I have just tried it out and it works like a charm. Sample code: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature ':5.10'; use utf8; use Geo::Converter::dms2dd qw { dms2dd }; use Geo::Google::StaticMaps::V2; my $map = Geo::Google::StaticMaps::V2->new( width => 800, height => 600, sensor => 0, scale => 2, zoom => 16, format => "png8", type => "hybrid" ); binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)"); binmode(STDIN, ":encoding(UTF-8)"); $| = 1; my %c; $c{1} = [ '-6 55 57.00', '37 23 30.00' ]; $c{2} = [ '-6 55 57.00', '37 23 36.00' ]; $c{3} = [ '-6 56 02.00', '37 23 36.00' ]; $c{4} = [ '-6 56 02.00', '37 23 30.00' ]; $c{5} = [ '-6 55 57.00', '37 23 30.00' ]; my @location; foreach my $key (sort keys %c) { $c{$key}[0] = dms2dd ({value => $c{$key}[0], is_lat => 1}); $c{$key}[1] = dms2dd ({value => $c{$key}[1], is_lon => 1}); push(@location, "$c{$key}[0], $c{$key}[1]"); } my $path = $map->path(locations=>[ @location ], geodesic=>1); print $map->url; $map->image; $map->save("/home/data1/protected/map.png");
Jungel – God as the Mystery of the World (Part II) Eberhard Jüngel’s God as the Mystery of the World is a remarkable book, ranging impressively from constructive appropriations of the theologies of Hegel and Bonhoeffer, particularly their understanding of the incarnation, to theological evaluations of atheism in Nietzsche, Fichte, and Feuerbach, and to masterly and original theological insights on the analogous talk of God (which he carries out adroitly in conversation with Barth), all while trying to avoid a simplistic dichotomy between theism and atheism. Perhaps the only real weakness in the book is that it’s missing a discussion with, or even mention of, Altizer, given that so much of its contents centre around discussing the meaning of the death of God. Jungel also represents one the finest example of constructively building of Bonhoeffer’s theology in the Barthian tradition, which seems to some degree to have ignored some of Bonhoeffer’s more radical insights (although I realize there are somewhat different schools of thought regarding how one should interpret Bonhoeffer’s corpus, particularly his famous Letters). Although this is becoming something of a platitude in prefaces to my posts, I would like to note that this book is peculiarly difficult to summarize, although, to be fair, this is probably due as much to my poor skills of summarization as it does with Jüngel’s distaste for succinctness. As an example of Jüngel’s work, I want to isolate a small section where he discusses Nietzsche and Paul together on his chapter of the unity of perishability and God. Jüngel speaks of this antithesis between the metaphysical conception of God, which cannot think God as anything other than totally apathetic and immutable and cannot, consequently, think of God as crucified. Paul’s understanding of God, Nietzsche astutely realized, was not a continuation or a mere revision of the God concept understood thusly. It was its complete negation, deus, qualem Paulis, creavit, dei negation (205). The “God” who Paul creates as the crucified one, the God who is the sole source of discussion in the apostolic literature, is a God who confounds the wisdom of the world. As Jungel writes, “For Paul, the Crucified One is weak, subject to death” (206). This thinking of God as weak – of linking perishability with God – was not a source of sorrow for Paul. On the contrary, this is the centre of the gospel, the source of joy and rejoicing. Jungel notes that, for Paul, there is one phenomenon that does not see a contradiction between power and weakness: love. (One could, consequently, read God as the Mystery of the World as a commentary on the statement “Deus caritas est” from John’s Epistle). “It is the unity of power and weakness, and such is certainly the most radical opposite of the will to power which cannot affirm weakness. Pauline ‘theology of the cross’ (theologia crucis) is, accordingly, the most stringent rejection of all deification of self-willing power” (206). For Nietzsche, even if this God was true he could not believe in him (ibid). This robust logic understanding of the incarnation, the logic of which Jüngel outlines with the help of Nietzsche, Paul et al, is for me the most impressive part of Jüngel’s work. Jüngel has no fear of exploring the consequences of the death of God. Few are the theologians who truly pursue the logic of the incarnation to its end.
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Spain’s under 21 side survived the first leg of their play-off against Serbia, a 0-0 draw giving them a slight advantage going in to next Tuesday’s return match in Cádiz. Despite an all-star line-up including the likes of Morata, Isco, Deulofeu and Muniain, this was never going to be an easy tie, and the poor state of the pitch in Jagodina didn’t help Spain’s creative style of play. As a result chances were few and far between, a couple of efforts by Morata and Deulofeu before the break which caused few problems for Dmitrovic, and long shots either side of half time by Kovacevic which Kepa dealt with comfortably. Saúl Ñíguez headed just wide from two dead-ball kicks after the restart and Sarabia fired a long shot over the top, but in the end coach Albert Celades was happy to take a draw back to Spain. He will be missing Morata for that game though after the striker picked up a booking in injury time which means he will have to serve out a one match ban.
Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd is a village and community in Denbighshire, Wales, situated in the Vale of Clwyd about one mile south of the town of Ruthin. By the 2001 census, it had 1048 residents and 50.6% of them could speak Welsh. The figures for the 2011 census were: population 1,053:Welsh speakers 46.9%. The age group with the highest percentage of Welsh speakers was the 15-year-olds where every one could speak it. The villages of Pentrecelyn and Graig Fechan are located in the community. Church of St. Mary and St. Cynfarch ‘The church of St. Mary in the Vale of Clwyd’ – in Welsh Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd – shares its dedication with ‘Saint’ Cynfarch, apparently a Celtic chieftain from northern Britain, related to Coel Hen or ‘Old King Cole’. It is fine big 15th century ‘double-naved’ church with an impressive tower. It also shares its churchyard with massive yew trees, the stump of a preaching cross, a Georgian ‘vestry house and a timbered lychgate inscribed ‘Heb Dduw, Heb Ddim’ (Without God, Without Anything’). Though the interior is much restored, medieval features remain here. Both roofs have carved ‘canopies of honour’ over their east ends – a distinctive local feature – and part of the medieval rood screen still stands in the south aisle. Beside the altar, and perhaps two centuries older than this woodwork, lies a monument to an early 14th-century Welsh knight, David ap Madoc: it depicts his hand clutching his sword, and a cat-like lion on his flowery shield. The most outstanding medieval survival is the mosaic of stained glass (dated 1503) in a south window, including figures of saints and the feet of Christ pierced by a huge golden nail. According to tradition, this glass was once in the big window above the altar, and was preserved from destruction during the Civil War by being buried in the mighty iron-bound oak chest which stands below its present position. There is more medieval glass in the window by the font, near the Elizabethan memorial to Thomas ap Rice, who died ‘at cock-crow’ on a Sunday in 1582. The well-written guide book will enhance a visit to this attractive church. Church generally open daylight hours. Governance The community falls in Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd/Gwyddelwern electoral ward. This ward has a total population of 2,227 taken at the 2011 census. References Category:Villages in Denbighshire
Experimental infection of sheep with visna/maedi virus via the conjunctival space. Experiments were performed to determine whether visna/maedi virus (VMV), a small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV), could infect sheep via ocular tissues. The EV1 strain of VMV was administered into the conjunctival space of uninfected sheep, and the animals monitored for the presence of provirus DNA and anti-VMV antibodies in blood. The results showed that provirus DNA appeared in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of all animals within a few weeks of receiving either 10(6) TCID50 or 10(3) TCID50 of VMV. Of the animals receiving the higher dose of virus via the conjunctival space, two seroconverted by 7 and 10 weeks post-infection, one seroconverted 8 months post-infection, and one had not seroconverted by 15 months post-infection. With the lower virus dose, the animals infected via the trachea seroconverted by 4 and 14 weeks, respectively. After ocular infection with this dose, one animal showed a transitory seroconversion with low levels of antibody, peaking at 2 weeks post-administration. The remaining three of the animals infected via the eyes did not seroconvert over a period of 13 months. At post-mortem, evidence for the presence of proviral DNA was obtained from ocular tissue, lungs or mediastinal lymph node in both groups of animals. Histological analysis of lung tissue from animals receiving the lower dose of virus showed the presence of early inflammatory lesions. The results thus show for the first time that transmission of VMV can occur via ocular tissues, suggesting that the conjunctival space may be an additional route of natural transmission.
Suarez was never going to Arsenal, says Rodgers Liverpool striker Luis Suarez was never going to be allowed to join Premier League rivals Arsenal, according to manager Brendan Rodgers. Published 31 October 2013 Suarez publicly stated his desire to leave Liverpool in the close-season, with a lack of UEFA Champions League football said to be his primary reason. This led to interest from Arsenal, who made a bid of £40million and £1 in an attempt to trigger a release clause for the 26-year-old. Liverpool held firm though, refusing to sell the Uruguayan, and the decision has paid dividends already, with Suarez having netted six goals in three Premier League appearances since returning from suspension. His latest effort - a hat-trick in a 4-1 thrashing of West Brom - saw the third-placed Liverpool extend their excellent start to the season and, ahead of a meeting against table-toppers Arsenal on Saturday, Rodgers said there was no chance he would have sold the forward to another Premier League team. "It was something that was never going to happen. I respect why Arsenal wanted to buy a player of Luis' quality because he's one of the leading strikers in the world," said the Northern Irishman. "But for us, and the institution that we are, we certainly weren't going to sell to a rival or a competitor. That's something we felt very strongly about from the off. "It's a great credit to the owners and the leadership of the club that they stood by what my thoughts were as a manager and they backed it all the way." The Emirates Stadium fixture is hotly anticipated, with Arsenal and Liverpool - two of three highest scorers in the league - making superb starts to the season. And Rodgers is looking forward to seeing how his side respond to the challenge of playing at Arsenal. "It's two very good teams - Arsenal are an excellent side and score goals. They've got some top players," he said. "We arrive at the game really confident and with belief off the back of an outstanding performance (against West Brom). The players forgot about it very quickly (though) and thoughts turned to this game. "The quality of our training this week has been outstanding. We look to take it into the game but it will be very difficult."
Q: GtkDrawingArea - how to make it drawable? I'm going out of my mind a bit here. I'm trying to draw some simple graphics on my GTK form using cairo. #include <stdio.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <cairo.h> GtkWidget* window; GtkWidget* darea; int main(int argc, char **argv) { gtk_init(&argc, &argv); window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 390, 240); darea = gtk_drawing_area_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), darea); cairo_t *cr; cr = gdk_cairo_create(darea->window); cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, 100, 100); cairo_fill(cr); gtk_widget_show_all(window); gtk_main(); return 0; } This compiles, but gives me Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_cairo_create: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable)' failed followed by a segfault. I've been looking at the tutorial here So I changed my code as follows, made the cairo calls occur inside the expose event. #include <stdio.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <cairo.h> GtkWidget* window; GtkWidget* darea; static gboolean on_expose_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data) { cairo_t *cr; cr = gdk_cairo_create(darea->window); cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, 100, 100); cairo_fill(cr); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gtk_init(&argc, &argv); window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 390, 240); darea = gtk_drawing_area_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), darea); g_signal_connect(darea, "expose-event", G_CALLBACK(on_expose_event), NULL); gtk_widget_show_all(window); gtk_main(); return 0; } Why does this fix it? My understanding re: the expose is: the g_signal_connect(darea, "expose-event", G_GCALLBACK(on_expose_event), NULL); tells the program, 'when an expose event happens to darea, then call on_expose_event'. The null is where you can pass in a pointer to a struct of additional information for the function to use. and static gboolean on_expose_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data) { means that on_expose_event is passed a pointer to the widget that the event happened to, andin this case because it's an expose event, a pointer to a struct containing information about the expose event, and a pointer to a struct to any other information you might like to add. A: Drawing on a widget with Cairo only works in an expose event. That is because Cairo is not like a vector drawing program where the lines and shapes are objects that are remembered and can be manipulated; Cairo just paints the shapes onto the drawing area and forgets about them. So when you minimize and restore your window, or move another window over top of it, the shapes disappear. An expose event is generated to let you know that the shapes are gone and the widget needs to be redrawn. So you do your redrawing with Cairo in the expose event handler.
‘I’m not asking for root canals and Hollywood teeth’: Just how doable is universal dental? Here is a news story that I was interviewed for recently. CBC’s “The Current” asked me to be interviewed as I had filled out a survey on access to dental care. Sawyer (my kitty) even got her 2 cents in (laugh). Willow Smith (the producer who interviewed me) was awesome. Please share widely and pass it around, whether or not you live in Canada. I am sure a lot of my American friends are in the same (or maybe worse) situation. It wasn’t easy for me to open up about my situation. It’s embarrassing (and often painful) for me to open my mouth at the best of times right now. But I had to speak up. I’m not the only one in this situation. According to the reporting by the CBC there are 11 million people in Canada in the same boat. I am sure the number is even greater in the US. It’s monstrous to think of so many people living in constant pain, with no hope of relief. I believe basic treatment and preventative care would not only help these people, ultimately it would save health care systems money. I have checked, emergency room care is limited to diagnosing the problem, providing pain killers and antibiotics. I can get that from my doctor. OTC drugs do help me somewhat, but they do have problematic side effects. None of this solves the problem. Like the cancer patient in the story, my problem was also worsened by health issues, and dry mouth caused by side effects of medications for other health problems. While I support basic dental for all people, I can see how that might be problematic politically. A good short-term solution is to extend Trillium or similar benefits to people who lack a dental plan, and to cover extractions and basic care for those who can’t afford it. That would be a step in the right direction. Please share the story in social media and send it to your Member of Parliament and the Minister of Health: It is best you write your letter in your own words, form letters are convenient, but they can be flagged as spam, so I recommend you add your own comments along with the link to the CBC story. Tell our government people are suffering and it is wasteful and cruel not to cover basic dental care. Thank you.
613 P.2d 1084 (1980) 47 Or.App. 67 In the matter of the Refusal to Submit to a Breath Test by: Gilbert John LEPIRE, Respondent, v. MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION, State of Oregon, Appellant. No. 78-10-396; CA 15929. Court of Appeals of Oregon. Argued and Submitted June 9, 1980. Decided July 14, 1980. *1085 W. Benny Won, Asst. Atty. Gen., Salem, argued the cause for appellant. With him on the brief were James A. Redden, former Atty. Gen. and Walter L. Barrie, Sol. Gen., Salem. James D. Fournier, Mount Angel, waived appearance for respondent. Before GILLETTE, P.J., and ROBERTS and CAMPBELL, JJ. CAMPBELL, Judge. Petitioner's driver's license was suspended by the Motor Vehicles Division (Division) after petitioner refused to submit to a chemical breath test following his arrest for driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. On appeal of the suspension to circuit court, the court granted petitioner's motion for a directed verdict. Pursuant to ORS 19.010 and 19.020, the Division appeals from the granting of a directed verdict, assigning error to that ruling. The Division also assigns error to the trial court's refusal to admit into evidence, under ORS 41.690, the custody report made by the arresting officer. We reverse and remand. We first address the question whether the trial court erred in granting petitioner's motion for directed verdict. At trial, petitioner admitted that the arresting officer warned him that a consequence of his refusal to take a breathalyzer test would be the suspension of his license for 120 days. ORS 487.805(2)(a); 482.540(1). He also testified, however, that the officer did not inform him of his right to an independent chemical test, his right to an administrative hearing, or his right to a trial in the circuit court. ORS 487.805(2)(a) and (b); 482.540 et seq. This testimony was uncontradicted. The trial court ruled that there was no issue as to petitioner's credibility and that the jury could not reasonably find from the evidence that the arresting officer properly advised petitioner of his rights under the above-cited *1086 statutes. As a consequence, administrative suspension of petitioner's license was reversed. State v. Osburn, 13 Or. App. 92, 96, 508 P.2d 837 (1973). The leading case in Oregon on the question of whether a jury may give conclusive effect to uncontradicted testimony of the proponent of a fact in issue is Rickard v. Ellis, 230 Or. 46, 368 P.2d 396 (1962). In Rickard v. Ellis, the court, quoting from Ferdinand v. Agricultural Insurance Co., 22 N.J. 482, 494, 126 A.2d 323 (1956), stated: "* * * Where men of reason and fairness may entertain differing views as to the truth of testimony, whether it be uncontradicted, uncontroverted or even undisputed, evidence of such a character is for the jury.... [citation omitted]. But when the testimony of witnesses, interested in the event or otherwise, is clear and convincing, not incredible in the light of general knowledge and common experience, not extraordinary, not contradicted in any way by witnesses or circumstances, and so plain and complete that disbelief of the story could not reasonably arise in the rational process of an [ordinarily] intelligent mind, then a question has been presented for the court to decide and not the jury.... [citation omitted]." 230 Or. at 51, 368 P.2d at 398. The opinion in Ferdinand further stated: "[W]here the uncontradicted testimony of a witness, interested or otherwise, is unaffected by any conflicting inferences to be drawn from it and is not improbable, extraordinary or surprising in its nature, or there is no other ground for hesitating to accept it as the truth, there is no reason for denying the verdict dictated by such evidence...." [citations omitted]. 22 N.J. at 498, 126 A.2d at 332. See Rogers v. Hill, 281 Or. 491, 576 P.2d 328 (1978). Ample grounds exist here for hesitating to accept petitioner's testimony as the complete truth. Petitioner's own testimony suggests that his memory of the events in question may be faulty or incomplete. Although petitioner testified that he was never asked to sign a form indicating that he had been informed of his rights, he admitted that he "couldn't swear by it" and that it was possible he was asked to sign such a form. Petitioner also stated that he probably told the officer he had drunk a six-pack of beer. He had been up all of the preceding day and night, so a jury might reasonably conclude that fatigue at the time of the incident rendered petitioner's recall of the events less believable. Further, a reasonable person could conclude from petitioner's testimony that the events took place in an atmosphere of emotional tension such that a participant might recall events in a manner consistent with his own interest. See Rogers v. Hill, supra, 281 Or. at 496, 576 P.2d 328. We conclude that a jury would have been entitled to disbelieve petitioner's version of the events. Accordingly, it was error for the trial court to take the issue from the jury. Since the evidentiary issue is likely to arise on retrial, we now turn to that question. The Division's key witness was to have been Officer Wallin of the Canby Police Department, the arresting officer. Between the time of arrest and trial, however, Officer Wallin died. In lieu of the officer's testimony, the Division offered into evidence Officer Wallin's custody report, which detailed the circumstances of petitioner's arrest and refusal to submit to a chemical breath test. The report is largely made up of Officer Wallin's first-hand observations, as well as some statements by petitioner that would be admissible under various exceptions to the hearsay rule. The Division offered the report under ORS 41.680 to 41.710, Oregon's version of the Uniform Business Records as Evidence Act, to prove (a) that at the time petitioner was requested to submit to a breath test, the officer had reasonable grounds to believe that petitioner had been driving under the influence of intoxicants, ORS 487.805(3)(b), and (b) that petitioner was fully advised of his rights under the Implied Consent Law, ORS 487.805(3)(d). The trial court refused *1087 to admit the report into evidence for these purposes. ORS 41.690 provides: "A record of an act, condition or event, shall, in so far as relevant, be competent evidence if the custodian or other qualified witness testifies to its identity and the mode of its preparation, and if it was made in the regular course of business at or near the time of the act, condition or event, and if, in the opinion of the court, the sources of information, method and time of preparation were such as to justify its admission." The term "business" as used in this statute "shall include every kind of business, profession, occupation, calling or operating of institutions, whether carried on for profit or not." ORS 41.680. Police reports are admissible as "business records" when they satisfy the requirements of ORS 41.690.[1]See United States v. Smith, 521 F.2d 957 (D.C. Cir.1975); Bowman v. Kaufman, 387 F.2d 582 (2d Cir.1967); United States v. Burruss, 418 F.2d 677 (4th Cir.1969); United States v. Halperin, 441 F.2d 612 (5th Cir.1971); United States v. Graham, 391 F.2d 439 (6th Cir.), cert. denied, 393 U.S. 941, 89 S.Ct. 307, 21 L.Ed.2d 278 (1968); United States v. Parker, 491 F.2d 517 (8th Cir.1973), cert. denied, 416 U.S. 989, 94 S.Ct. 2396, 40 L.Ed.2d 767 (1974); United States v. Wolosyn, 411 F.2d 550 (9th Cir.1969); Taylor v. Centennial Bowl, Inc., 65 Cal.2d 114, 52 Cal. Rptr. 561, 416 P.2d 793 (1966); People v. Aguilar, 16 Cal. App.3d 1001, 94 Cal. Rptr. 492 (1971); Johnson v. State, 253 A.2d 206 (Del. 1969); State v. Bradley, 17 Wash. App. 916, 567 P.2d 650 (1977).[2]Cf. State v. Roisland, 1 Or. App. 68, 459 P.2d 555 (1969) (county jail is a "business" within meaning of ORS 41.690). Officer Brad Baker of the Canby Police Department, the custodian of documents and reports, testified as to the identity of the report and mode of its preparation. He stated that any time a person is taken to jail, the arresting officer is required by the police department to complete a custody report before the end of his shift and hand it in to be corrected by either the chief or lieutenant. Thus, the report is prepared as a matter of routine. Officer Baker also stated that the reports are prepared not only so the department has a record of all actions taken by the department and its officers, but also so that an arresting officer may have something from which to refresh his memory for trial purposes. From notations on Officer Wallin's report Officer Baker determined that it was prepared and filed soon enough after petitioner's arrest so that the report was reviewed by the lieutenant on the next shift. Officer Wallin's report thus satisfies the statutory requirements that it be a "record of an act, condition or event," that the custodian testify as to "its identity and the mode of its preparation," and that it be prepared "at or near the time of the act, condition or event." ORS 41.690. The matter stated in the report is highly relevant to the issues at trial.[3] The question remains whether the report "was made in the regular course of business." ORS 41.690. The mere fact that *1088 records are routinely prepared does not satisfy this requirement. Palmer v. Hoffman, 318 U.S. 109, 63 S.Ct. 477, 87 L.Ed. 645 (1943). The statutory phrase "regular course of business" is a term of art which came into the statute "saturated with history." Hoffman v. Palmer, 129 F.2d 976, 984 (2d Cir.1942), aff'd, Palmer v. Hoffman, supra: "* * * Those words had come to be a short-hand expression or symbol for a doctrine, the essence of which is the reliance on records where the circumstances in which they were made furnish sufficient checks against inducements to misstate to make them trustworthy, give them `some badge of truthfulness.'" 129 F.2d at 980-81. It is "the character of the records and their earmarks of reliability * * * acquired from their source and origin and the nature of their compilation," Palmer v. Hoffman, supra, 318 U.S. at 114, 63 S.Ct. at 480-81, that is the test of whether records are prepared in the "regular course of business." The basis of the rule allowing business records into evidence as an exception to the hearsay rule is "[t]he probability of trustworthiness of records because they were routine reflections of the day to day operations of a business." Ibid. As stated in W.D. Rubright Co. v. International Harvester Co., 358 F. Supp. 1388, 1403 (W.D.Pa. 1973): "* * * All the exceptions to the hearsay rule are based on the belief that something about the out-of-court statement insures or tends to insure its truthfulness, and therefore the jury need not evaluate the maker's demeanor for signs of credibility. The Business Records exception to the hearsay rule is in keeping with this theory of inherent believability. Giant businesses involve many departments which must interact as well as deal with outsiders over long periods of time. Precise communication and accurate records are extremely important if these interactions are to succeed. A company cannot lie to itself on a day-to-day basis and survive because business records serve as the corporation's memory." Similarly, McCormick has observed: "The exception is justified on grounds analogous to those underlying other exceptions to the hearsay rule. Unusual reliability is regarded as furnished by the fact that in practice regular entries have a comparatively high degree of accuracy (as compared to other memoranda) because such books and records are customarily checked as to correctness by systematic balance-striking, because the very regularity and continuity of the records is calculated to train the record-keeper in habits of precision, and because in actual experience the entire business of the nation and many other activities constantly function on reliance upon entries of this kind." McCormick, Evidence § 306 at 720 (1972 ed.). See LaPorte v. United States, 300 F.2d 878, 880 (9th Cir.1962); 5 Wigmore, Evidence § 1522 (1974). The purpose for which police records are sought to be introduced frequently determines whether a court will find in those records the requisite trustworthiness for admissibility as business records. For instance, in prosecutions for narcotics violations notations made by government agents on envelopes in which narcotics purchased from defendants have been placed, which describe the circumstances of the transaction, have been admitted as business records for the limited purpose of proving the chain of custody of the evidence. See United States v. Parker, 491 F.2d 517 (8th Cir.1973), cert. denied, 416 U.S. 989, 94 S.Ct. 2396, 40 L.Ed.2d 767 (1974); People v. Aguilar, 16 Cal. App.3d 1001, 94 Cal. Rptr. 492 (1971). Police reports have also been admitted to prove or disprove a defendant's alibi. In Johnson v. State, 253 A.2d 206 (Del. 1969), the defendant, who was charged with larceny of a truck, relied on an alibi defense, asserting that he had been home at the time of the crime. The court held admissible under Delaware's version of the Uniform Business Records as Evidence Act a police record of a routine traffic stop *1089 made shortly before the time of the crime, which showed that a man who identified himself as the defendant was riding in the vehicle stopped. To the same effect is Hale v. State, 252 Ark. 1040, 483 S.W.2d 228 (1972), in which the court held that a prisoner record kept in the regular course of business at a county jail was admissible as a business record when offered by the defendant to prove his alibi that he had been in jail at the time of the crime of which he was accused. Police records offered to show the fact that a crime was reported have been held admissible as business records. See United States v. Smith, 521 F.2d 957 (D.C. Cir.1975) (dictum); United States v. Burruss, 418 F.2d 677 (4th Cir.1969); United States v. Wolosyn, 411 F.2d 550 (9th Cir.1969); Taylor v. Centennial Bowl, Inc., 65 Cal.2d 114, 52 Cal. Rptr. 561, 416 P.2d 793 (1966) (to show defendant's knowledge that violent acts regularly occurred on its premises); State v. Bradley, 17 Wash. App. 916, 567 P.2d 650 (1977) (to establish flaw in story of defense witness who testified she saw defendant at site of police investigation of purse-snatching far from the location of the robbery with which the defendant was charged, at the time of the robbery). Police records may also be admitted as business records for impeachment of witnesses. In United States v. Smith, supra, the court held a police record admissible when offered by a criminal defendant to impeach the credibility of a prosecution witness by showing inconsistencies between the witness' testimony and the police report of the witness' original account of the crime. See also LaPorte v. United States, 300 F.2d 878 (9th Cir.1962) (admission under federal business records statute of Selective Service document with notation by civilian employer that defendant "did not report" for required civilian employment, to prove that fact, where report was "precisely the kind of contemporaneous record of events, systematically prepared by an agency for its own use and relied upon by it in the performance of its functions, which experience has shown to be trustworthy, and which therefore falls within the purpose and scope of the business records exception to the hearsay rule codified in [the federal statute]" (300 F.2d at 880)). A common distinguishing characteristic of these cases is that the party offering the records had not prepared those records with a view toward their use in litigation to prove the issue for which they were offered. Records prepared in anticipation of litigation lack the indicia of trustworthiness central to the rationale of the "business records" exception to the hearsay rule. Palmer v. Hoffman, supra; United States v. Smith, supra; Hartzog v. United States, 217 F.2d 706 (4th Cir.1954); United States v. Ware, 247 F.2d 698 (7th Cir.1957); McCormick, supra, § 308 at 724 n. 49. The leading case on this point is Palmer v. Hoffman, supra, a negligence action for personal injuries in which the defendant railroad attempted to introduce into evidence the accident report of the engineer of the train which recited his version of the circumstances of the accident. The United States Supreme Court held that the statement was properly excluded, stating: "The engineer's statement which was held inadmissible in this case falls into quite a different category. It is not a record made for the systematic conduct of the business as a business. An accident report may affect that business in the sense that it affords information on which the management may act. It is not, however, typical of entries made systematically or as a matter of routine to record events or occurrences, to reflect transactions with others, or to provide internal controls. The conduct of a business commonly entails the payment of tort claims incurred by the negligence of its employees. But the fact that a company makes a business out of recording its employees' versions of their accidents does not put those statements in the class of records made `in the regular course' of the business within the meaning of the Act. If it did, then any law office in the land could follow the same course, since business as defined in the Act includes *1090 the professions. We would then have a real perversion of a rule designed to facilitate admission of records which experience has shown to be quite trustworthy. Any business by installing a regular system for recording and preserving its version of accidents for which it was potentially liable could qualify those reports under the Act. The result would be that the Act would cover any system of recording events or occurrences provided it was `regular' and though it had little or nothing to do with the management or operation of the business as such. Preparation of cases for trial by virtue of being a `business' or incidental thereto would obtain the benefits of this liberalized version of the early shop book rule. The probability of trustworthiness of records because they were routine reflections of the day to day operations of a business would be forgotten as the basis of the rule." 318 U.S. at 113-14, 63 S.Ct. at 480, 87 L.Ed. at 649-50. United States v. Ware, supra, presents facts analogous to those in the instant case. Ware involved a prosecution for acquisition, concealment, and sale of heroin. At trial the government introduced over defendant's objection envelopes in which heroin purchased from the defendant by narcotics agents was placed and sent to a government chemist for analysis. On these envelopes were notations made by the agents concerning the circumstances of the purchases. The court held these notations were not admissible under the federal business records statute to prove the circumstances of the purchases, stating: "[E]ven if memoranda such as the ones in question are regularly prepared by law enforcement officers, they lack the necessary earmarks of reliability and trustworthiness. Their source and the nature and manner of their compilation unavoidably dictate that they are inadmissible under [the statute]. They are also subject to the objection that such utility as they possess relates primarily to prosecution of suspected law breakers, and only incidentally to the systematic conduct of the police business." 247 F.2d at 700. Cf. Clainos v. United States, 163 F.2d 593, 595-96 (D.C. Cir.1947) ("While the Police are, of course, directly concerned with convictions for crime, and in the ordinary course of their business properly keep records of such convictions for their own information, such notations are not the sort of record which is admissible under [the federal statute]. Such notations are relevant to and useful in the `business' of the Police, but the recordation of convictions is not itself part of their `business.'") McCormick has recognized that "where the only function that the report serves is to assist in litigation or its preparation, many of the normal checks upon the accuracy of business records are not operative," noting that preparation for litigation may provide "a motive and opportunity to falsify the record." McCormick, supra, § 308 at 724 and n. 49. The custody report offered into evidence here was not made in the "regular course of business" within the meaning of ORS 41.690. It is not the type of systematic entry subject to regular examination, relied upon because of its customary accuracy, that justifies the business records exception to the hearsay rule. The report undoubtedly functions in part as a memorandum of the day-to-day activities of the department. It is the report's utility as an aid in litigation, however, which is the more significant basis for its preparation. Consequently, the "necessary earmarks or reliability and trustworthiness" are absent. United States v. Ware, supra, 247 F.2d at 700. For the reasons stated above, we also conclude that "the sources of information, method and time of preparation" were not "such as to justify [the report's] admission." ORS 41.690. Thus, the report was properly excluded by the trial court for the purposes herein offered. Reversed and remanded. NOTES [1] This case, arising under the Implied Consent Law, is civil in nature. See Burbage v. Dept. of Motor Vehicles, 252 Or. 486, 450 P.2d 775 (1969); Stratikos v. Dept. of Motor Vehicles, 4 Or. App. 313, 477 P.2d 237, 478 P.2d 654, rev. den. (1971). Therefore, Confrontation Clause issues which might otherwise arise from the admission of police records, see, e.g., United States v. Smith, 521 F.2d 957, 965-66 and n. 20 (D.C. Cir.1975), are not involved. See also State v. Partee, 32 Or. App. 117, 573 P.2d 751, rev. den. (1978). [2] The state and federal statutes under which these and other cases cited in this opinion were decided are, for the purposes of this opinion, indistinguishable from ORS 41.690. [3] This case is distinguishable from Miller v. Lillard, 228 Or. 202, 364 P.2d 766 (1961), and Snyder v. Portland Traction Company, 182 Or. 344, 185 P.2d 563 (1947), where reports by a police officer and a state livestock officer were held not admissible as business records because the officers had no personal knowledge of the matters contained in the reports. See Johnson v. Lutz, 253 N.Y. 124, 170 N.E. 517 (1930); Wynn v. Sundquist, 259 Or. 125, 485 P.2d 1085 (1971).
Jettly members pay a monthly or annual membership, but no commission on their charter flights Start-up private aviation charter broker Jettly this week launched a new, no-commission model for selling on-demand charter flights. The six-person operation is headed by Internet entrepreneur Justin Crabbe, and he says, by stripping out the commission, he hopes to make buying private jet charters easier. Right now, he says, with the amount of markup or commission brokers tack onto the price from operators, consumers are inclined to call multiple brokers in an attempt to “get the same airplane for less money.” U.K.-based online focused charter broker Victor has taken a similar approach with a fixed markup and recently said it has grown sales to $39 million last year with the goal of hitting $60 million for 2017. Earlier this month it said it had raised $10 million from BP Investments to help fund its continued growth and expansion. Jettly’s model goes even further. For each flight or trip, there are no commissions or service fees paid by the consumer. In fact, Jettly serves as a matchmaker for members. It provides them five to 10 options for each quote request. Members can see the operator and details on aircraft. While members use an online interface, Crabbe says Jettly sources jets in the same way as traditional operators. Once a member selects an operator for his or her trip, the actual contract is between the consumer and the aircraft operator. Jettly generates revenue two ways: Consumers sign up for a membership providing up to three charters per month for $370, or annually $3,552. Its business program, which allows 10 charters per month, is priced at $670 per month or $7,152 per year. You can make as many requests as you want and each quote can include multiple legs. On the other side, operators pay on a joining fee on a similar scale. Since going live about two weeks ago, Crabbe says he has signed up about 10 members. He says the company signs up operators based on demand. Since operators only have to sign up one month at a time, and Jettly comes to them with a customer who has selected that operator for a confirmed trip, he says the response so far has been positive, and he has about 10 operators signed up for this platform as well. Crabbe sources inventory from Avinode and other B2B databases across the full availability of Part 135 and other aircraft approved for on-demand charter. It is up to the customer to ferret out the quality of each jet and operator in the quotes provided, therefore, he says, he is targeting regular private aviation users who are familiar with the market. If Jettly is successful the savings for members would be significant. Over a year, assuming an average of three charters costing $50,000 per month, the customer would pay $600,000 for charters during the year. The Jettly membership would be $3,552 on top of that. Assuming a 10% markup through the typical broker model, the consumer would have paid additional $60,000. Crabbe says if an operator fails to execute a trip, Jettly will help with re-quotes. “I want it to be like Amazon Prime, ridiculous value for a very low fee,” he says. Share this: Like this: I am Founder and Editor of Private Jet Card Comparisons, the only independent buyer's guide to jet card membership programs, and DG Amazing Experiences, a weekly luxury travel e-newsletter for private jet owners. I am also a contributor to Forbes.com
Proliferative characteristics of differentiated cells in familial adenomatous polyposis-associated duodenal adenomas. The authors have previously shown that duodenal adenomas in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients typically reveal abundant cells with endocrine differentiation (ED), Paneth differentiation (PD), and goblet cell differentiation (GD). However, the biological significance and proliferative potential of these cells is unknown. To study the proliferative properties of cells with ED, PD, or GD in FAP-associated duodenal adenomas, the authors used a double-labeling immunohistochemical technique to detect simultaneously the presence of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and either chromogranin or lysozyme in individual neoplastic cells. Adenomatous cells with GD were identified morphologically and also evaluated for the degree of PCNA expression by immunohistochemistry. Duodenal adenomas and the adjacent nonadenomatous epithelium from 10 FAP patients were studied. Cells with ED, PD, and GD were present in all adenomas, and constituted 14.1%, 11.6%, and 17.7% of adenomatous cells, respectively. The overall proliferative index of nondifferentiated adenomatous cells was 33.3%, which was similar to the proliferative index obtained for adenomatous cells with GD (31.2%) and nonadenomatous crypt goblet cells (34.9%). In contrast, adenomatous cells with ED and PD showed a significant decrease in their proliferative potential (P < .001). Only 6.0% and 7.3% of cells with ED and PD, respectively, were proliferative. Nonadenomatous crypt endocrine and Paneth cells showed no proliferative potential (proliferative index 0%). These results suggest that, in the process of proliferation and differentiation, specific subpopulations of adenomatous cells attempt to recapitulate the biological characteristics of their normal counterparts in the small intestinal crypts. Adenomatous cells with ED and PD are hypoproliferative, a finding that is consistent with their differentiated phenotype and suggests that these cells may not participate as actively in the growth of these lesions.
An analysis of programs to prevent the sexual victimization of children. This paper provides a review and analysis of current programs to prevent sexual abuse of children. Seven aspects of prevention programming are discussed: prevention content, the length of the program, occupation of the trainer, prevention materials, training formats, types of abuse covered, and assertiveness and self-defense skills. Three potential problem areas prevention should address are also discussed. These include: the cognitive orientation of much prevention training, uncertainty surrounding what prevention content should actually be taught, and the need for quality assurance procedures.
IRS Summons Coinbase, but the Bitcoin Exchange Fights Back Following a summons from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to bitcoin exchange Coinbase to reveal customer information, the firm has enacted stiff opposition to the request. The US tax authority requested information on all of Coinbase’s customers who bought bitcoin between 2013 and 2015. Pointing to just three instances of tax evasion through the use of bitcoin, an IRS agent claims at least two of these incidents were aided and abetted by Coinbase. Along with the view that bitcoin conceals individual’s identities, the IRS is especially interested in investigating virtual currency users further to uncover more potential tax evasion cases. As the largest exchange in the US, the request from the IRS would see the full transaction history of millions of Coinbase’s customers handed over. However, the bitcoin exchange’s head legal counsel, Juan Suarez, stated on November
Italy Work in Progress Italy Work in Progress (Italia Lavori in Corso, ILC) was a centre-left political party in Italy, which has been active mainly as a sub-group within the Mixed Group of the Senate. Its leaders were Fabrizio Bocchino and Francesco Campanella. ILC was launched in May 2014 by nine senators who had left (or had been expelled from) the Five Star Movement (M5S), a populist party which had come first in the 2013 general election, over disagreements with Beppe Grillo's and Gianroberto Casaleggio's leadership. In the following months seven senators left the party. As of July 2015, the two remaining members of the party, Bocchino and Campanella, showed interest in joining Giuseppe Civati's Possible, along with other former M5S members from Free Alternative, but instead they chose to join The Other Europe, changing the name to their sub-group within the Senate's Mixed Group accordingly . References External links Official website Category:2014 establishments in Italy Category:Political parties established in 2014 Category:Defunct political parties in Italy
Continuing with Australian Skeptics awards, they are giving out a new award in honor of Fred Thornett, a skeptic who died earlier this year. The first recipients of The Fred, given to outstanding promoters of reason, are David and Toni McCaffery. The McCafferys are heroes of mine. Earlier this year, their four week old infant daughter lost a battle with pertussis. Yes, whooping cough. She was too young to be vaccinated, and because the antivaccination movement is strong in their area, vaccination rates were low, and the herd immunity was in turn too low to help little Dana. When this grieving couple was shrilly and mercilessly attacked by Meryl Dorey and the AVN, the McCafferys fought back. They went on TV, they gave interviews, and they told the truth: their daughter died from an easily preventable disease, and that people like Dorey and the AVN are a public health menace. Mind you, this was mere weeks after their daughter had died. If I had been in that situation (and every parent, including me, has nightmares about it), I probably would have curled into a little ball and shut the world out. But not Toni and David. They spoke up. They also created a website in honor of Dana, to make sure her story gets told. They have been astonishing examples of what humans can achieve, even when dealing with something that must have been too heartbreaking to bear. The Australian Skeptics have a video of the award ceremony. Richard Saunders tells me there was not a dry eye in the house, and just watching it — just writing about it now — chokes me up. To Toni and David: I am so, so sorry you were eligible for this award, but I am very, very glad you two have done what you’ve done. Congratulations. And may your story save more lives than the AVN and its ilk can endanger. Kudos to David and Toni. I don’t know how they’re able to do it. I’m expecting my first child in seven weeks, a baby girl. The thought of anything bad happening to her is already enough to drive me nuts. Needless to say, she’s getting vaccinated. Phil: I know that a lot of commentators on this site give you grief for talking too much on topics that aren’t related to astronomy, but as someone who values human life, this can’t be stressed enough. So here’s a pre-emptive reminder to anyone who complains about this: If it’s *your* kid that dies because of preventable diseases, you won’t be able to show them the stars. Fortunately, I was there at the dinner and I was one who was bawling my eyes out. I have so much respect for Toni and David, the heart ache they have gone through and the strength they posses to take on the anti-vaxxers is amazing… Ever since becoming a parent 18 months ago, the world seems like a different place. I remember when I first saw the movie Finding Nemo, I didn’t understand why the dad chased after a boat carrying Nemo away that he obviously couldn’t catch. But now watching that scene is brutal to my emotions. I’d chase after a car carrying my daughter away until my body gave out. I know I should do more to spread this word, especially with family members and friends that believe in the autism/vaccination myth (and take their kids to chiropractors). It may be of interest to those who wrongly abuse Climate change Skeptics as “deniers” & uncritically adopt the Warmer’s line to note that Professor Ian Plimer, one of Australia’s most prominent and intelligent AGW Skeptics and author of the best selling ‘Heaven & Earth’ refuting the Alarmists claims was the 1995 winner. I applaud the McCaffreys. It is in the face of great struggle that we truly find out what we are made of. Most of us are lucky enough to live and die without ever having to make this discovery. But these loving parents were tested by an unspeakable, preventable tragedy and have shown the world that they are made of the toughest stuff ever forged from the human spirit. May they join hands with their community and continue to make Australia and the world a better place. I can well believe there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. There wasn’t even a dry eye in front of my computer. I couldn’t even bear to watch the whole acceptance speech. The McCaffery’s are very courageous people. Spectroscope, it may be of interest for you to note that this post has absolutely nothing to do with AGW. Your beef is with AGW – take it up in AGW posts or risk showing yourself as an insufferable troll. Having now checked with the “About the Author” page at the front of Heaven & Earth ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven_and_Earth_(book) ) I can tell you that what Professor Ian Plimer won in 1995 was actually the Australian Humanist of the Year & he was later awarded the Centenary Medal. Plimer has recieved the Eureka prize for the promotion of science, the Eureka prize for his book A Short History of Planet Earth and the Michael Daley Prize (now a Eureka Prize) for science broadcasting. Which shows that Professor Plimer, like many others that have been demonised by the Politically Correct Gorebull Warmer Hysterics, is a genuine and serious scientist. Unlike y’know, those “Hide the decline” invent-the-hockey-stick, ignore, suppress and manipulate the real evidence so you can create an ideological scare campaign based on the flawed and falsified “scientific” premise that Human C02 emissions will cause the sky to fall in CRU mob! 😛 Plimer is also a serious Skeptic who has fought legal battles wth the Creationists and written an awesome book Telling Lies for God dismissing their quasi-religion. He is therefore clearly somebody that true Skeptics and Scientists must respect and take seriously. Unlike the likes of original Big Fat Liar Al Gore, “Hockey Stick fraudster Michael Mann & the now utterly discredited CRU “scientists” exposed in the Climategate scandal. @ 13. Mark Hansen Says: Spectroscope, it may be of interest for you to note that this post has absolutely nothing to do with AGW. Your beef is with AGW – take it up in AGW posts or risk showing yourself as an insufferable troll. You any relation of James Hansen Mark? 😉 Yes, don’t worry I will take this up on the pitifully few and pitifully pro-Alarmist slante dthreads here that theBA provides. 😉 This post has to do with Skeptics being awarded prizes – & I thought Plimer was a past winner of the award in question thus a relevant footnote to mention here. I was mistaken about the specific prize there & admit that but my point that Plimer is a prize-winning prominent genuine skeptic & scientist still stands and that’s where I’ll leave it here. But don’t worry, I’m always happy to discuss the other (factual) side of the story and reassure those conned into terror by the now starkly exposed pseudo-science of the Gorebull Warmer Alarmists. 😉 As for straying a little off topic in the comments well that happens all the time & I’m hardly the first, last or only culprit there. 😉 To Toni and David: I am so, so sorry you were eligible for this award, but I am very, very glad you two have done what you’ve done. Congratulations. And may your story save more lives than the AVN and its ilk can endanger. Seconded. And, at the risk of further thread derailment — Plimer’s a known ignoramus on the subject of climate science. Just goes to show that criticizing creationism is a low bar to surpass: you don’t really have to be that good a critical thinker to do it. (Rather like Bill Maher’s attacks on fundamentalist religion, now that I think about it…) Toni and David are true heros, being so brave during such devastating times and opposition. I’ll never forget meeting them, and wish I had known ahead of time they’d be at Briskepticon. I would have pulled out all stops to be there. More than deserving of the award. I honestly can’t find the words to express the amount of respect I have for them. Thanks for letting us know about this Phil. Keep up the good work. I can’t stand anti-vaxers and their lies need to be exposed now and for ever. I agree. The anti-vaxxers, the Creationists-IDers, the Moon-Hoaxers, the 2012 mob, Hoagland – & also the Gorebull Climate Alarmists too. All are obvious liars and all should be exposed by skeptics and treated with the contempt they deserve. My congratulations to David and Toni McCaffery for their well-deserved award. @ 15 Blake Stacy: You are simply wrong. Read Plimer’s book & judge for yourself everyone – also note what I said before in comment 14. I have not criticised or disputed anything David and Toni McCaffery have said nor would I ever do so and I have just congratulated them on deservedly winning this award. I am on their side and loathe the anti-vaxxers too. Merely pointing out as a footnote that Ian Plimer is another reputable skeptic, who I thought had also won the same award (&, okay, I mis-remembered that & confused it with another science-related award that he won) is nothing to be ashamed about. I see distinct similarities with the loathesome anti-vaxxers and the Alarmists as both groups are lying about science to scare people into doing silly and life-ruining things for ideological nonsensical reasons of their own. I believe in skepticism and rationality, I love astronomy and I love the McCaffery’s work and I’m cheering them (& other skeptics) on and supporting them as best I can. So I’m really not sure what your problem is or why you have so badly misunderstood what I’m saying. Toni and David. Beautiful people placed in an abnormal circumstance by hideous creatures; and yet they retain the dignity to debate these hideous creatures with poise and courtesy. I am amazed every time I here from them. They are heroes to myself and to all that have been touched by them. Beautiful post Phil. Merely pointing out as a footnote that Ian Plimer is another reputable skeptic, who I thought had also won the same award Phil’s post clearly states that this is the first year this award was ever given out. Therefore, I can only conclude that you are lying and that you knew Plimer had never won this or any skeptics award, and are just pretended you thought he did so you could derail the thread. I’ve been in the position where I thought one of my children was dead or dying three times. All three times turned out to be “harmless” febrile seizures… although the second time he didn’t start breathing again on his own. The dread that I felt then (and can still feel when I recall those times) is inexpressible in words. The best I can do is describe it as a mixture of fear that reaches to the core of your being and complete helplessness to really do anything to fix the situation. Of course, that was just thinking they were dead/dying for minutes. To have it actually come to pass, I’m sure, is a thousand times worse (at least). The small taste I got was much, much more than enough to last me the rest of my lifetime. I hope to never feel those feelings again, much less feel the full “my child has died” feelings. And to think that the McCaffery’s, during the time when those horrible feelings were at their peak, chose to speak out so much instead of retreating into their house to cry. They are definitely much stronger people that I think I would be. I’m sorry for their loss, but I’m very happy that they’ve turned such a horrid occasion into something that may do a great deal of good. Thanks to them speaking out, perhaps more parents will be spared what they have to go through. Ugh, international dates are confusing. I was wondering why the pic had four months, for those silly Americans like myself who were also confused, the date on the pic is in international format–day/month/year. That pic makes me sad just looking at it. I wish I never watched that movie when the story first came out. I hope the McCafferys save a lot of lives by having the bravery to face the kooks and cranks and tell their story. Toni and David, once again I must thank you for showing such fortitude. It is my hope that your story can really bring home just how important vaccinations are. To everyone else, spread the word. Point your friends and family to places like Science-Based Medicine’s Vaccines and Autism reference page. Send them to antiantivax.flurf.net, Respectful Insolence and all the other sites addressing the issue. 19. Spectroscope Says: “Merely pointing out as a footnote that Ian Plimer is another reputable skeptic, who I thought had also won the same award.” Phil’s post clearly states that this is the first year this award was ever given out. Therefore, I can only conclude that you are lying and that you knew Plimer had never won this or any skeptics award, and are just pretended you thought he did so you could derail the thread. I skim read & yes, I’ll admit I didn’t pay enough attention, missed taking in that first sentence properly & got this new prize confused with something else which Plimer had won. This was NOT deliberate but, yes, I’ll admit that I stuffed up & I apologise if this has caused any offence. The McCafferys are so deserving of this award. They really are amazing. Meryl Dorey and the AVN killed their baby and she coldly says right in front of them that whooping cough isn’t dangerous, it’s disgusting. That woman does not have a heart. If I were in the same position as the McCafferys I would be a wreck, I have so much respect for their courage. However, am I the only one who hates when people say that someone “lost their battle” with a disease or something along those lines? It makes it sound like it was their own fault they died. I guess it is somewhat fitting if it was a long illness where you do make specific decisions on how to fight it, eg when an adult has cancer and has to choose different types of treatments. But when a baby has a disease with a faster course and no obvious choices between treatments, the analogy just doesn’t work for me. The baby was killed by whooping cough, but to say that she lost her fight with whooping cough just rubs me the wrong way.
import subprocess import os cmds = [] cmds.append(['wget', 'http://www.vision.caltech.edu/visipedia-data/CUB-200-2011/CUB_200_2011.tgz']) cmds.append(['tar', 'xvzf', 'CUB_200_2011.tgz']) cmds.append(['python', 'get_dataset_script/proc_bird.py']) cmds.append(['rm', '-rf', 'CUB_200_2011', 'CUB_200_2011.tgz']) for cmd in cmds: print(' '.join(cmd)) subprocess.call(cmd)
Menu The Most Interesting Thing About Medicine… Fresh off a 24 hour call, I have a lot to say and, at the same time, no enough of a filter to so eloquently put them. After working for 24 hours, you’re kind of like a squirrel. Attention can be diverted immediately and without rhyme or reason. Things you should not do after a 24 hour call include going to the grocery store or doing any frivolous shopping. You will buy everything because your fatigue brings out any impulse shopper you may have hidden inside you. However, should you need to find a dress for an occasion, I highly suggest staying up the whole night before doing so. I have found two dresses within 20 minutes or less after a 24 hour call. Both at Bloomingdale’s both on sale. I saw it, I like it, and I bought it. The two easiest dress shopping experiences I have ever had. You just don’t have the wherewithal to think too hard – either you like it or you don’t. Anyways, I listened to the soundtrack of “Rent” for a vast majority of the 24 hours yesterday. The anesthesiologist, with whom we share a call room, seem less than enthused. That’s right anesthesia friend, its still no day but today in this call room. I control the Spotify! Moving on… One of the most interesting things about medicine is that you can never predict how a patient is going to make you feel. Much of the day, you move from patient to patient. Getting things done. Making sure their “health care maintenance” (i.e. the preventative stuff everyone should have – pap smears, mammos, colonscopies) is done. Making sure they have the appropriate labs and testing for whatever point they are in their pregnancy. Making sure you addressed their concerns and questions. And making sure you were efficient, but also wrote a good note so the next person reading it has a frame of reference for when they see the patient. Amongst the hustle that is a clinic or hospital day, you usually feel happy and amicable towards each patient, but every once in a while a patient really makes you feel something. Happy. Sad. Frustrated. Exasperated (“Yes, a colonoscopy after age 50 is definitely recommended!”) Scared. Curious. The most interesting thing about all of this is that you can never predict when its going to happen. You can be totally fatigued and wondering why on earth the “X” service called for this consult that “probably isn’t anything.” And, then you see the patient and realize they are terrified, alone in a big hospital, being seen by a bunch of different doctors (many of whom, like myself, are really just 20 somethings who spent a small lifetime in the library), and they don’t really know what to tell you when you ask “where is your pain?” because they’re too terrified to even pin point. You realize that they actually have no GYN pathology whatsoever, but that just sitting down and talking to them about what brought them here and what they can expect might help them, a little, even if you can’t with all of your fancy knowledge backed by a very expensive degree (No, NYU, I cannot donate to you – that’s what I did for 9 years with “tuition!”). Sometimes you meet a patient who has a long and convoluted medical history. Who is anxious. Who keeps up with every medication and procedure they have had done on a small scrap of paper with torn edges, yet every so meticulously collected. Sometimes you realize that you just don’t want to know they patient’s disease, but you want to know them. “How can I help you?” takes on a whole new meaning. I guess that’s the point of medicine, really, and maybe the crux of being a good doctor. To be able to see the forest for the trees; that the patient in front of you isn’t just a list of health care maintenance check boxes to be crossed off, but a person with a story intertwined with some problem or disease. When you’re filling out 1600 forms just to get one patient a hysterectomy, remembering this makes it worth it. So, I guess I wrote this blog for myself to realize that, in the grand scheme of things, maybe I’m a pretty lucky person to get to do these 24 hour calls. [Even if they do seem slightly in humane at times.] Seasons of love, people. That’s what its about. See what I did there? But, seriously, now…how am I gonna pay last year’s rent?! (Ok, really, this month …. that’s just not the lyrics of the song). Some English teacher out there better be really happy how I brought it all back to one theme. Or sort of did. Anyways, that’s all for now… Until next time… Daily coffee tally: thus far, 2, but the day is STILL YOUNG! PS: I write these posts quickly and don’t proofread. I’m sure there are many errors and that it may or may not make sense. Full disclosure. I floated to the CCU one night, and it was all going quite well with my one crazy patient (the Tegaderm was killing her) and the other very nice patient. The very nice patient called me into her room at 3am for some water or something, and then mentioned something about “the time she hid from the Nazis.” An hour later, I’d heard her whole life story – I just thought I was getting her water/adjusting her pillows/some other simple task, and BOOM – what a life history to be introduced to. These patients are so sneaky with making me have the feels…
**To the Editor:** Hepatitis E virus (HEV) represents the most important etiological factor of acute clinical hepatitis among adults in many regions of the developing world, with significant adverse outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality related burden especially among pregnant women \[**[@R1]**\]. Remarkably, it has been reported that 2 out of 10 women with HEV may die during the third trimester \[**[@R2]**\]. Despite that, epidemiological data on infection and disease during childhood are limited \[**[@R2]**\]. HEV infection usually causes a mild self-limiting disease, although fulminant hepatitis and death are also described \[**[@R2]**\]. Liver transplant recipients, who developed a chronic HEV infection through blood transfusion, subsequently developed permanent hepatic graft damage \[**[@R3]**\]. A recent cohort study, by Zhang and colleagues, among more than 110.000 healthy participants of 16 to 65 years old in China \[**[@R4]**\] suggested that the infection with hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 4 could be a vaccine-preventable disease. Currently, infection with hepatitis E has been reported to be a geographically widely distributed disease \[**[@R1]**\]. HEV is considered more prevalent in industrialized countries than previously thought, while HEV acquisition through blood transfusion is underestimated, causing persistent disease in immunosuppressed patients \[**[@R5]**\]. Currently, the reduction of the risk of HEV through blood donation screening has been controversial \[**[@R5]**\]. An interesting review in this direction, by Wang et al., suggested that immunization against HEV infection would be beneficial for populations at risk \[**[@R6]**\]. Furthermore, the immunological therapies during the last decades in general have been considered that will determine a promising role \[**[@R7]**\]. Accordingly, we advocate the need for cost-effectiveness studies in order to discuss a potential consensus to vaccinate a pool of blood donors, who donate haema products to immunosuppressed or undergoing transplantation patients and women receiving assisted conception treatments.
Naidu walked out of the NIC meeting as Chidambaram did not allow him to speak on Telangana issue. (AFP Photo) TDP chief and former Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu walked out of the National Integration Council meeting here on Monday in protest against the move to bifurcate Andhra Pradesh. During the meeting, which was convened to discuss the growing incidents of communal violence, attack on women and atrocities on SCs and STs, Naidu wanted to raise the issue of Telangana and bring Central government's attention to the continuous protests in Seemandhra region against the bifurcation move. Naidu said when he raised the issue, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi objected to it and told him that NIC was not the forum to discuss the Telangana issue. Gandhi was immediately joined by Finance Minister P Chidambaram and Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde in preventing Naidu to raise the issue of bifurcating Andhra Pradesh. The TDP chief said Chidambaram told him that he would not be allowed to speak on Telangana in the NIC meeting and if he wishes, he can walk out of the meeting, which he did. "My point is, if I am not allowed to speak such a serious issue in such a forum where top leadership of the country is present, where will I go," he asked. Naidu said there is continuous tension in entire Seemandhra and protests and strike has crippled the region. The Congress Working Committee, which met on July 30, passed a resolution requesting the Centre "to take steps in accordance with the Constitution to form a separate state of Telangana...within a definite timeframe". ALSO READ State-of-the-art swanky T2 opens at Mumbai airport Please read our terms of use before posting comments
two very basic barre forms are the e-shape and a-shapetake an e chord played with your2, 3, 4 fingers and slide it up a fret. bar the strings behind it on the first fret and you have an f chord. move it up two more and you have a g chord......you can do the same with the baisc a chord position at the headstock and slide it up just the same........ I've been playing for one year myself and find barre chords very challenging. What I try to do is to fret the single chords first and lay down the bar immediately thereafter. It seems to work for me, if I am explaining it corectly. I have just recently mastered the F and B. Good luck! It's a lot of fun and a lot of work. I wish I took this up 25 years ago!!! I've been playing for around 8 years... with bar chords i usually have my finger sort of rotate so it's not flat but somewhat on it's side.. I find it easier to do it this way because it's easier to fret the bar and you don't have to push down as hard I would just play them untill your hand hurts and then do it again as soon as the ache stops. You will slowly build up endurance and be able to play about 85% of any rock music you have ever heard.My real advise is to slap your first finger across the whole fret board(like a capo), flat and start that way, then add the other fingers, arching them. Learn a song that has one or two in it. For me it was Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb. I wanted to learn it and it had a Bm in it. Then I learned Hotel California, it had a Bm and a F#m. Play that part of the song until the change is smooth, in and out of the bar chord. Check it! Work through the videos lower down the page. There is no substitute for LOTS of practice to build strength, callouses and and technique. Find at least 15 minutes EVERY day. Also have a look at the finger gymnastics section of the same site. Also, I'm a big proponent of playing songs rather than just noodling. It's WAY more fun, both for you and those around you. So find a good simple barre chord song to play so as to build the required strength. Good Lovin' would be a great start. It's basically just moving the E chord form up and down the neck. That is; open E (2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers), E-form barre A and E-form barre B and then back down, through barre A to the open E. Repeat ad nauseam. Up and down, up and down, up and down. Start slowly and gradually work it up to speed. By the time you can do that, you will have sufficient strength. Having said that, once you start to get a bit of comfort, focus on doing the fretting with as light a touch as you can while still keeping the notes clear. Avoid the death grip that will freeze you into place. The lighter your touch, the easier it is to move the chords fluidly and, eventually, the better your tone will become. Once you are there, a good song to slip in a minor barre chord form is All Along the Watchtower. Basically, that just involves lifting the second finger off the E-form barre chord to get the minor chord form. So . . . Am (E-form barre A with second finger lifted), down to E-form barre G and down again to E-form barre F). Up and down, up and down . . . you get it. If you go with the Dave Matthews version, it's about as good a natural high as you can get. Let 'er WAIL! Also, By the time you can do that, you will have sufficient strength. Having said that, once you start to get a bit of comfort, focus on doing the fretting with as light a touch as you can while still keeping the notes clear. Avoid the death grip that will freeze you into place. The lighter your touch, the easier it is to move the chords fluidly and, eventually, the better your tone will become. First, learn to make the cowboy chords (first position chords) with not only the 1,2,3 fingers, but also with the 2,3,4 fingers FROM THE BEGINNING. This sort of flexibility makes the switch to barre chords much easier when the fingers are already programmed to form the chord correctly.....eliminates a the learning curve associated with switching to the 2,3,4 fingers. Second, base the determination on whether to use barre chords on the chords immediately preceeding and following the chord in question. At times during the same song I will play the same chord both in open form and in barre form, it really depends on how easy it is to get to the barre chord from the preceeding chord as well as how easy it is to get from the barre chord to the following chord. A splendid example of this is the G chord....many of my songs seem to use this (G and D are my favorite keys).....I'll play with an open G and a barred G (using the E formation with fingers 2,3,4 barred at the 3rd fret) in the same song.... Barre chords are an intermediate issue....if you're a beginning player, don't feel bad if you have trouble with barre chords (particularly if you've made the 1st position chords with only the 1,2,3 fingers, as do most beginners). Learn the caged template then you can begin to understand the various ways chords are played up the neck with different shapes and voicings Desi Serna explains this beautifully in his fret board theory series I highly reccomend it as did rolling stone mag.good luck
Thursday, March 12, 2009 Grace Kelly (1983) TV Movie TV MOVIE: GRACE KELLY By JOHN J. O'CONNOR Published: Monday, February 21, 1983 "GRACE KELLY," tonight's television movie on Channel 7 at 9, maintains that Princess Grace of Monaco assisted in the preproduction of the film for several weeks before her death last year. The extent of that "assistance" is not easy to pinpoint, but it may have something to do with the sense of stately awe and suffocating propriety that seeps through the project. "Grace Kelly" will offend nobody. Unfortunately, it's not likely to interest too many people, either. The film spans a period from 1947, when the socially prominent young Philadelphian decided to become an actress, to 1956, when she married Prince Rainier of Monaco. Miss Kelly is played by Cheryl Ladd, who comes reasonably close to being as beautiful as the original. The producers were far less successful in finding convincing resemblances for some of Miss Kelly's Hollywood co-stars: Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, James Stewart, Bing Crosby. From the opening scenes, though, there is a characterization problem that has not been solved by either the writer, Cynthia Mandelberg, or the director, Anthony Page. Miss Kelly was something of the loner oddball within her competitive, hyperactive family. She was the quiet one sitting in a corner reading a book. But she had her own kind of gentle determination, something that was evident when she insisted upon pursuing an acting career even when her imposing father (played by Lloyd Bridges) made no secret of his displeasure. But basically she was a shy, rather passive young woman. Going before the movie cameras, she was transformed, especially when working with directors like Alfred Hitchcock. She managed to project a distant coolness with a pronounced hint of the femme fatal or the huntress. This is constantly being noted in the film, but never explained. We are constantly being left with the off-camera Grace Kelly and that often irritating passivity. When she is on the verge of marrying Oleg Cassini (Alejandro Rey), she sits quietly by as her mother (Diane Ladd) tells the twice-divorced clothes designer, "Quite frankly, you're not a good risk as a husband." Daddy, who won't even meet with Mr. Cassini, turns out to be the key figure in her life. Always more impressed with his more physically active children, he is seen as almost reluctant to acknowledge the accomplishments of his daughter Grace. There is, of course, an eventual reconciliation scene, which rings unsettlingly hollow. That leaves Miss Ladd with little to do except drop the names of movies and other actors until she gets to meet Ian McShane as Prince Ranier during a photo session at the palace in Monaco. Miss Kelly is clearly impressed on their first meeting. And the Prince concedes to a priest that she is "exactly the kind of Catholic girl I should be meeting." Shortly thereafter, the Prince shows up in Philadelphia as an unexpected guest at the Kelly's Christmas dinner. "I hope the surprise was a happy one," he says to Miss Kelly. "It was, very happy," she replies. That is about as lively as things get. Evidently, the real-life fantasy elements of Miss Kelly's story were expected to provide the dramatic thrust of the film. In case anybody might miss the point, the mother is given the illuminating line: "Here I am, a bricklayer's wife, and my daughter is going to marry a Prince." But this Grace Kelly rarely gets a chance to show more than her distant coolness. Probably in compensation, the movie ends with official film footage of the real wedding that captured the attention of the world 27 years ago.
Zoe Saldana rose to the A-list after her compelling turns as the communications officer Nyota Uhura in Star Trek, filmmaker J.J. Abrams’s space adventure about a multicultural crew spreading pluralism throughout the galaxy, and that of Neytiri in Avatar, a sci-fi epic about environmental preservation in the face of corporate greed. She is also a Hispanic woman (birth name: Zoe Yadira Saldaña Nazario) of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent, with African and Haitian roots. All of these credits and traits seem to be at odds with President-elect Donald Trump, an orange-hued billionaire who spent the lion’s share of his campaign alienating minority groups, appointed a climate change denier as head of the EPA, installed a former Exxon executive as Secretary of State, and has expressed particular disdain towards the Hispanic immigrant community. And yet, Saldana—while not a Trump supporter herself—has seemingly taken it upon herself to defend the indefensible, placing some of the blame for Trump’s shock election victory on Tinseltown for bullying the world’s premier bully. “We got cocky and became arrogant and we also became bullies,” Saldana told AFP of Trump, who’s mocked a disabled New York Times reporter, called Megyn Kelly a “bimbo,” accused Ted Cruz’s father of assassinating JFK, and has himself been accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. “We were trying to single out a man for all these things he was doing wrong,” she continued, “and that created empathy in a big group of people in America that felt bad for him and that are believing in his promises.” There is this strange argument, one cooked up by the Trump campaign and propagated by the conservative media apparatus, that Hillary Clinton (and by extension her Hollywood surrogates) ran an “ugly” campaign against Trump. The reality, of course, is that virtually all of Clinton’s attack ads against Trump consisted of montages of Trump saying heinous things. Accusing someone of running an ugly campaign for merely highlighting the sexist, bigoted, hateful things her opponent’s said is textbook gaslighting. Saldana is no stranger to controversy. The 38-year-old actress, who is currently starring in the Ben Affleck action-thriller Live By Night, came under fire last year for darkening her skin and donning facial prosthetics to play the iconic singer Nina Simone in the biopic Nina. Saldana and the filmmakers passionately defended the head-scratching decision, claiming that other actors who more closely resembled Nina had turned the project down, while large segments of the media and moviegoing public viewed it as another example of Hollywood’s racist aversion to dark-skinned black actors. “The very fact that there’s such a shallow pool of actors who look like Simone is not a non-racist excuse, but a sign of racism itself—the same racism that plagued Nina Simone,” wrote Ta-Nehisi Coates. “Being conscious of that racism means facing the possibility of Simone’s story never being told. That is not the tragedy. The tragedy is that we live in a world that is not ready for that story to be told. The release of Nina does not challenge this fact. It reifies it.” Saldana’s latest film, Live By Night, contains a sequence where Ben Affleck’s bootlegger-gangster squares off against the Ku Klux Klan—a white supremacist organization that endorsed Donald Trump’s presidency. The actress explained how if we all work together, we won’t regress culturally. “I’m learning from [the Trump win] with a lot of humility,” she told AFP. “If we have people continue to be strong and educate ourselves and stand by equal rights and treat everyone with respect, we don’t go back to those times.” Easier said than done.
Changes in the rate of tubal ligation done after cesarean section. We studied tubal ligations done after cesarean section in a Spanish hospital during a 20-year period, in order to analyze changes in patient characteristics and indications for cesarean delivery. We reviewed the clinical records, for the period from 1978 to 1997, of 1996 cases of cesarean section followed by tubal ligation in 108776 births in which the fetus weighed 1000 g or more. During the 20-year period of study, the proportion of cesarean sections relative to vaginal deliveries increased, as did the frequency of cesarean section followed by tubal ligation relative to cesarean and vaginal deliveries. The proportion of women who underwent tubal ligation after a second cesarean section decreased from 60% during 1978-1982 to 5.6% during 1993-1997. The most frequent maternal pathology associated with gestation was previous cesarean section (60.5%), although 50% of the women had no underlying pathology. In our setting, the rate of cesarean section followed by tubal ligation has been increasing steadily since the early 1980s. The proportion of women who requested tubal sterilization and who had only one living child, or who had had a previous cesarean birth, also increased.
Brandon Fields Brandon David Fields (born May 21, 1984) is a former American football punter who played nine seasons in the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Michigan State University, and earned consensus All-American honors. He was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in the seventh round of the 2007 NFL Draft. He has also played for the New Orleans Saints. Early years Fields was born in Southfield, Michigan. He attended St. John's Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio, and played for the St, John's Titans high school football team. During his senior season, he handled kickoff duties for the Titans football team and was a first-team all-state selection as a punter while also playing tight end. Fields also lettered in basketball for St. John's. College career Fields attended Michigan State University, and played for the Michigan State Spartans football team from 2003 to 2006. He earned numerous honors during his freshman season in 2003. He led the Big Ten Conference and was second in the nation with a 46.4-yard average. In a game against Nebraska, Fields set an Alamo Bowl record with a 62-yard punt. Fields had the most productive season of his collegiate career as a sophomore in 2004, leading the nation with a 47.9-yard punting average. Honors on the season included numerous All-Big Ten and All-American selections. He was also a finalist for the Ray Guy Award, given annually to the nation's top punter. As a junior in 2005, Fields handled the kickoff duties for the first four games of the season in addition to being the team's punter. He wrapped up his collegiate career with a 45.0-yard punting average as a senior. On December 13, 2010, the Big Ten Conference instituted the Eddleman-Fields Punter of the Year award to honor Fields and Thomas "Dike" Eddleman, Illinois punter from 1946 to 1948. Awards and honors During his collegiate career at Michigan State, Fields earned the following honors: Freshman (2003): Mid-season SI.com All-American Second-team coaches All-Big Ten First-team media All-Big Ten First-team Sporting News Freshman All-American Honorable mention Rivals.com All-American Second-team Sporting News All-American Sophomore (2004): Second-team coaches All-Big Ten First-team media All-Big Ten First-team AP All-American First-team FWAA All-American First-team Rivals.com All-American First-team SI.com All-American First-team Walter Camp All-American Ray Guy Award finalist In addition to his football accolades, Fields was an Academic All-Big Ten selection each of his four years at Michigan State. Professional career Pre-draft Prior to the 2007 NFL Draft, Fields was invited to the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis. At his Pro Day in April, Fields measured in at 6-foot-4 7/8 and 236 pounds. Miami Dolphins Fields was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in the seventh round (225th overall) of the 2007 NFL Draft. The pick used to select Fields was acquired from the St. Louis Rams earlier in the offseason in exchange for punter Donnie Jones. Fields was the first punter drafted by the Dolphins since Brent Bartholomew in 1999 and was the first rookie to handle punting duties for the team on a full-time basis since Reggie Roby in 1983. On May 24, the Dolphins signed Fields to a four-year contract. Fields handled punting duties for the Dolphins during all 16 games of his rookie season. His 77 punts averaged 43.2 yards in length, with 10 of them landing inside the opponent's 20-yard line. He also served as the holder on field goals and extra points. His gross average ranked seventh in the AFC and led all four rookie punters in the NFL that season and has improved in all facets of his game every season since. During the 2008 offseason, it was reported that new Dolphins Vice President Bill Parcells "absolutely loves Brandon Fields." The team did not pursue competition for him that offseason or since. On December 27, 2013, the NFL announced Fields as a selection for the 2014 Pro Bowl. Fields was released on September 1, 2015. New Orleans Saints Fields signed with the New Orleans Saints on October 6, 2015, to replace Thomas Morstead while he recovered from a strained quadriceps. Fields played in two games, and was then released on October 20, 2015. Retirement On September 29, 2017, Fields announced his retirement from the NFL. Statistics Personal life His wife, Katie, whom he married during the 2008 offseason, earned her degree in chiropractic medicine at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange, Florida. He is part owner of Inside The Five Brewery in Sylvania, OH. In 2016, Fields earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Miami Business School. References External links Michigan State Spartans bio Category:1984 births Category:Living people Category:All-American college football players Category:American football punters Category:Miami Dolphins players Category:Michigan State Spartans football players Category:New Orleans Saints players Category:Sportspeople from Southfield, Michigan Category:Sportspeople from Toledo, Ohio Category:Unconferenced Pro Bowl players Category:University of Miami Business School alumni
396 F.2d 499 Curtis M. SIMPSON, Warden, Kilby Prison, Montgomery,Alabama, Appellant,v.William S. RICE, Appellee. No. 25412. United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit. May 30, 1968, Certiorari Granted Nov. 12, 1968, See 89 S.Ct.292. Paul T. Gish, Jr., Asst. Atty. Gen., Montgomery, Ala., MacDonald Gallion, Atty. Gen. of Ala., for appellant. Oakley Melton, Jr., Thomas S. Lawson, Jr., Steiner, Crum & Baker, Montgomery, Ala., for appellee. Before TUTTLE and DYER, Circuit Judges, and MEHRTENS, District Judge. TUTTLE, Circuit Judge. 1 William S. Rice in February, 1962, entered pleas of guilty in four separate criminal cases in the Circuit Court of Pike County, Alabama. He was sentenced to a total of ten years in the state penitentiary, the term consisting of four separate sentences, the first for four years and the remaining three for two years each. In August, 1964, the judgments and sentences in these cases were set aside by the Circuit Court of Pike County in a corum nobis proceeding on the ground that appellee was not represented by counsel at the time of his original pleas. 2 The petition for habeas corpus to the District Court alleged that the appellee was retried in three of the four cases at which time the same trial court sentenced him to a total of twenty-five years, the term consisting of a sentence of ten years on each of the first two charges and five years on the third. The fourth charge was dismissed because of the absence of a witness. Rice attacked these subsequent sentences to the extent that they exceeded the original sentences on the original pleas of guilty and to the extent that they did not also give him credit for the time served under the vacated sentences. 3 The trial court overruled the State's motion to dismiss the petition for failure to exhaust state remedies, there being at the time of the hearing no adequate state procedure which the appellee was required to pursue. Although and intervening decision by the Court of Appeals of Alabama, Goolsby v. State, Sixth Division 202 (not reported) might have some bearing on the merits of this case, under the principles of Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391, 83 S.Ct. 822, 9 L.Ed.2d 837, we should not remand the case to require the appellee to pursue a state remedy at this stage of the proceedings. 4 The District Court entered a judgment granting the relief sought by the appellee. It would be useless for us to add to the reasoning or conclusions announced by the trial court whose opinion may be found at 274 F.Supp. 116. We, therefore, affirm the judgment of the trial court on the basis of Judge Johnson's opinion which is adopted as the opinion of this court. 5 The judgment is affirmed.
/* Copyright 2009-2020, Sumeet Chhetri Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (const the& "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* * IndexQuery.h * * Created on: 03-Nov-2018 * Author: sumeet */ #ifndef INDEXQUERY_H_ #define INDEXQUERY_H_ #include "string" #include "map" class IndexQuery { private: int status; std::string error; std::string name; std::map<std::string, std::string> properties; std::map<std::string, std::string> mappings; public: IndexQuery(); virtual ~IndexQuery(); const std::string& getError() const; IndexQuery& setError(const std::string& error); const std::map<std::string, std::string>& getMappings() const; IndexQuery& setMappings(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& mappings); const std::string& getName() const; IndexQuery& setName(const std::string& name); const std::map<std::string, std::string>& getProperties() const; IndexQuery& setProperties(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& properties); int getStatus() const; IndexQuery& setStatus(int status); IndexQuery& addProperty(std::string& prop, std::string& value); IndexQuery& addMapping(std::string& prop, std::string& value); }; #endif /* INDEXQUERY_H_ */
Sylphide Sylphide might refer to one of two ballets: La Sylphide, choreographed by Filippo Taglioni in 1832 and by August Bournonville in 1836 Les Sylphides choreographed by Mikhail Fokine in 1909
John Battelle is back John Battelle, the irrepressible media entrepreneur and conference impresario, has started a new company with a funny name for a new company. It’s called NewCo. It’s a bit of a twee joke for those in the company-formation dodge: NewCo is the name lawyers and bankers typically give to projects that are more glimmers in their founder’s eyes than going concerns. In Battelle’s case, NewCo is yet another take on the business-conference game he has done as much as anyone to pioneer. The “new” refers to the companies, young and old, that Battelle’s company celebrates by introducing them to a willing group of entrepreneurs, job applicants, and potential customers that want to learn from them. “Identify, celebrate, and connect are the three verbs in our mission statement,” says Battelle. “The word celebrate is central.” In fact, Battelle likens his new business model to a mashup of a music festival, an artist’s open studio, and a traditional conference. The events, which he terms “festivals,” feature visits to scores of a host city’s businesses, curated by NewCo, as well as a variety of special events such as mixers and keynote interviews. So far it has held events in New York, Detroit, London, and San Francisco, with a host of additional cities planned for this year. Battelle, who is 49, has funded the company himself while devoting about half his time to it. (Until recently he spent a good portion of the balance on mountain bike trails near his home in Marin County, Calif.) He will announce on Wednesday that he has raised $1.75 million in funding from investors that include Bloomberg Beta, True Ventures, and Obvious Ventures—all boutique-sized investment firms with deep backgrounds in the new media business. Battelle, who has ratcheted up his commitment to NewCo to full time, has a rich media background as well. A founder of Wired magazine, he went on to start the now-defunct The Industry Standard and its pathbreaking Internet Summit conference. Later he started, and eventually sold, a digital company called Federated Media as well as the influential Web 2.0 Summit, also now defunct. He also wrote the well received 2005 book The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture. (His writing process for the book cleverly adopted an early form of what became known as crowdsourcing: On his blog he mused about his latest chapter, solicited comments from readers, and then incorporated their suggestions into his work.) NewCo’s festivals earn money two ways, by selling tickets ranging in price from free to $150 and by from sponsorships. Battelle’s team organizes an itinerary of as many as 150 companies in big cities and about a third as many in smaller cities for attendees to visit over the course of an event. He says host companies pay nothing to participate, the selection process being a NewCo editorial function. He intends for the company to make money on other media as well, but not through a traditional news site. “We want more a slow burn around it,” says Battelle. “Video will be part of it. But you can’t just take an entrepreneur talking for 20 minutes and then the Q&A afterwards and expect people to watch it. We have to productize that. We’ve done at lot of experimentation, and we’ll continue to experiment.” Battelle says he aims eventually to do “dozens” of festivals. He’s also unabashedly aiming to emulate Wired’s founding ethos, an “almost bald-faced optimism about the future,” as he calls it. “The stuff that business does is fucking cool,” he says. “We should celebrate it, especially the companies that are trying to effect some kind of positive change. Like it or not we’re placing our bets on companies in trying to figure out how to change the world. Not governments, not religions. Companies can be nimble.”
Swimming at the 2006 Commonwealth Games – Men's 100 metre breaststroke Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Final Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Semifinals Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Semifinal 01 Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Semifinal 02 Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Heats Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Heat 01 Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Heat 02 Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Heat 03 Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Heat 04 Men's 100 m Breaststroke - Heat 05 Category:Swimming at the 2006 Commonwealth Games
Funa Funa may refer to: Cyclone Funa, the strongest cyclone of 2008 within the South Pacific Dennis B. Funa, a Filipino lawyer Funa (gastropod), a genus of sea snails in the family Pseudomelatomidae Funa (mountain), the medieval name of Demerdzhi Mountain in the Alushta Municipality, Crimea; see Valley of Ghosts (Crimea) Funa District, an administrative area of the city of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Funa Futi, an atoll that forms the capital of the island nation of Tuvalu Funa-yurei, the ghosts of people who have died at sea
A ten-year pursuit of bypassable gene essentiality Genes required for viability are called essential genes. Essential genes can sometime become dispensable upon genetic alterations, but to what extent and how such essentiality loss can occur have been unclear. Our paper in Nature Communications systematically investigates “bypass of essentiality (BOE)”, a type of digenic interaction that renders essential genes dispensable, and reveals a surprisingly high prevalence of bypassable gene essentiality. Share Copy the link Our paper “Systematic analysis reveals the prevalence and principles of bypassable gene essentiality” can be found here. My history with bypassable gene essentiality can actually be traced back to 20 years ago. During my PhD training, I studied an essential gene called PAG1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To gain genetic clues on its function, I searched for suppressors of its mutants, and identified loss-of-function mutations of one gene (SSD1) and overexpression of another gene (SIM1) as suppressors that can rescue the lethality of deleting PAG1 (Du and Novick, 2002). This experience planted a seed in the back of my mind. A few years later, after studying DNA damage response in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a postdoc, I set up my own laboratory at the National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS) in Beijing, China. In 2009, my interest in essentiality bypass was rekindled by reading a paper where bypass suppressors provided spectacular insights into the function of the acetyltransferase Eco1 in S. cerevisiae (Rolef Ben-Shahar et al., 2008). Together with a first-year PhD student, Jun Li, and a technician, Jing-Yi Ren, I began methodology development for essentiality bypass analysis in S. pombe. I selected the essential gene eso1, ortholog of S. cerevisiaeECO1, as the proof-of-principle gene for suppressor screening. At the time, Jun Li was developing a piggyBac (PB) transposon-based mutagenesis method (Li et al., 2011), which became our tool of choice for inducing suppressor mutations. In October 2010, we were able to establish a screening procedure by using strains in which the only copy of an essential gene is on a counter-selectable episomal plasmid (Picture 1). We call such strains “query strains”. This method worked very well for eso1, as dozens of independent eso1-bypassed clones can be obtained on a single plate (Picture 2). We decided to apply this method to examine how many other essential genes can be converted to non-essential genes by suppressors. We term this type of suppression genetic interaction “bypass of essentiality (BOE)”, and name the transposon-based screening procedure “T-BOE”. Picture 1. Diagram of T-BOE screening procedure using the bypass of eso1 by PB insertion of pds5 as an example. TK is a marker that can be counter-selected using the drug FUdR. ade6 is a colony color marker whose loss results in colonies turning red on low-adenine media. Picture 2. Image of a plate selecting for T-BOE suppressors of eso1. The road to success is never smooth and easy. Unlike the situation with eso1, we encountered repeated failures when constructing query strains for some of the other essential genes chosen for pilot testing. Through trial and error, Jun Li discovered that placing another selection marker, the S. cerevisiaeLEU2 gene, between the ade6 marker and the essential gene on the plasmid boosted the success rate of query strain construction. He also found an efficient way to verify that the plasmid did not inadvertently integrate into chromosomes. In March 2012, the query strain construction method was finally robust enough for large-scale applications. In 2011 and 2012, respectively, two more PhD students, Hai-Tao Wang and Wei-Tao Wang, joined the BOE project (Picture 3). To expand the suppressor coverage, in addition to T-BOE, we developed chemical-mutagen-based screening procedure (C-BOE) (Picture 4) and overexpression-plasmid-based screening procedure (OP-BOE). We also established procedures that validate BOE interactions independently of the original screening results. To systematically analyze BOE interactions, we set our aim on a large and unbiased set of essential genes: the essential genes on the left arm of chromosome II, representing about 13% of the essential genes in fission yeast. Picture 3. The three co-first authors of the paper (left to right): Jun Li, Hai-Tao Wang, and Wei-Tao Wang. Picture 4. Image of part of a plate selecting for C-BOE suppressors of the essential gene rhb1. Red colonies are rhb1-bypassed clones that have lost the counter-selectable plasmid, and white colonies are clones with the counter-selectable marker mutated. It took us more than three years to complete the screening and verification work. We were able to identify and verify 263 BOE interactions that render 38 (27%) of 142 essential genes dispensable. 99% of these interactions are novel. The bioinformatic and statistical analyses of this large dataset—mainly undertaken by Jun Li, who had become a postdoc in the lab—took two more years, and writing up the manuscript, which is unlike any manuscript I had been involved with before, was also a challenging process. In the end, I believe that this long and arduous pursuit is worthwhile and we have made a valuable contribution to the understanding of a fundamental aspect of the genetic wiring of living systems. My laboratory uses the fission yeast as a model to study genome evolution, genetic networks, autophagy, and genome integrity maintenance. We are also keen on developing and implementing new technologies to further enhance the power of fission yeast research. 1 Comments I read your paper with great interest. I have been interested in this question for a long long time and pursued that question in a similar manner using budding yeast for several years, but we failed in the end (I will spare you all the gory details). But the question never left my mind. This community is not edited and does not necessarily reflect the views of Nature Research. Nature Research makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on this community is accurate, complete or up to date, and to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability is excluded. Please sign in or register for FREE Sign in to Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community Register to Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community The Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community provides a forum for the sharing and discussion of news and opinion in ecology and evolutionary biology. Through posts, discussion, image and video content, the community space can be used by members to communicate with each other, and with editors, about topics ranging from the fundamental science itself through to policy, society and the day to day life of the research community. It is also a place to learn more about the activities of Nature Research ecology and evolutionary biology editors and the policies and practices of our journals.
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Superluminal transmission of information through an electromagnetic metamaterial. A passive, matched two-time-derivative Lorentz material medium is designed to have its equivalent permittivity and permeability smaller than their values in free space over a large range of frequencies. Superluminal pulse propagation in this medium and consequent superluminal information exchange without a violation in causality are demonstrated. Additional properties of this medium are developed including the energy in it and the force characteristics induced on it by electromagnetic field interactions. It is shown that the force on the medium can be made to be attractive or repulsive using a change in frequency or a change in the material characteristics. Potential applications are discussed.
“Pakistan ignores justice and holds women in contempt” More than 100 schools for girls have been torched or blasted by militants in the Swat valley and other tribal areas, where it is feared that as many as 100,000 girls may now be denied their basic right to an education. The militants have warned all parents to remove their daughters from school or face direct attacks on the girls. Women have been told to wear the veil and not leave their homes unless accompanied by a male relative. The Pakistani government is said to have agreed the introduction of sharia law with the militants as an inducement to stop the fighting. Government sanction of a parallel legal system used to deny the basic rights of women and girls, is both unconstitutional and unacceptable. Reports suggest that more than 70 Taliban courts are already operating in the region, handing down punishments that include flogging. With no indication of when girls’ schools in the region will reopen and with appeasement of the militants an apparent priority, the government claims to be doing all it can to restore law and order, but it seems to have excluded consideration of more than half its population. Law and order is certainly something that would be very much welcomed by Mukhtar Mai. She was gang-raped in 2002 on the orders of an illegal tribal court in punishment for an alleged crime of her 12-year-old brother. She has still not won justice. … Please contact the officials below urging them to ensure the rights of women and girls are protected and not sacrificed in order to appease militants in Swat and FATA.
2ND PUC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2016 I Answer the following in a word, phrase or a sentence each. 12x1=12 1. When according to Juliet would Romeo make the face of heaven so fine? 2. Mention one of the taxes imposed by the king of Monaco. 3. Where according to the speaker of ‘On Children’ do the souls of children dwell? 4. Name the author of ‘Tapovan’ as mentioned in ‘Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest’. 5. In the play ‘A Sunny Morning’, ‘the silver maiden’ refers to a) Petra. b) Dona Laura. c) the ballet dancer. 6. Mention any one of the aspects that the speaker loved in his beloved in ‘When You Are Old’. 7. What became the main reason of Tammanna’s life in ‘The Gardener’? 8. Name one of the things that the child’s foot wants to be in Neruda’s poem. 9. Which is the most astounding invention of man according to Borges? 10. Who are the drivers in Brazil on the look–out for? 11. How long had Roof been a bicycle repairer’s apprentice? 12. What has been a chosen medium for rural women of Pudukkottai? II Answer any eight of the following choosing at least two from the poems in a paragraph of 80-100 words each. 8x4=32 13. How does Romeo glorify Juliet’s beauty? 14. What made the king of Monaco alter his decisions in dealing with the criminal? 15. How should parents raise their children according to the speaker of ‘On Children’? 16. What account does Don Gonzalo give Dona Laura about his cousin’s life after the duel? 17. Give an account of the strategies used by Tammanna to destroy Basavaiah. 18. Why according to Borges will books never disappear? 19. How according to the speaker does one find heaven on earth in ‘Heaven, If you are not on Earth’? 20. According to George Mikes, the people of Brazil are both leisurely and speedloving. Explain.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 2ND PUC ENGLISH MODEL QUESTION PAPER 21. ‘Roof is a clever manipulator.’ Justify. 22. How does cycling empower rural women according to P. Sainath? 3 IIIAnswer the following in about 200 words. 1x6=6 23. Conservation of biodiversity sustains both nature and culture. Discuss in the light of Vandana Shiva’s essay. OR ‘Man goes on living for some revenge.’ To what extent is this true in case of Basavaiah and Tammanna in ‘The Gardener’? OR How does the speaker of ‘Water’ trace the journey of water using it as a witness? IV Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10x1=10 The Western Ghats are also known as the Sahyadri Hills. They are well known for their rich and unique assemblage of flora and fauna (plants and animals). Twenty five biodiversity hot-spots are identified in the world and Western Ghats are one among them. The Western Ghats extend from the Satpura Range in the north. They go south past Goa, through Karnataka and into Kerala and Tamil Nadu and end at Kanyakumari. Then they embrace the Indian Ocean. The range is called Sahyadri in northern Maharashtra and Sahya Parvatam in Kerala. The Biligiri ranges southeast of Mysore in Karnataka, meet the Servarayan range and Tirumala range farther east, linking the Western Ghats to the Eastern Ghats. In the south the range is known as the Nilagiri malai in Tamil Nadu. The northern portion of the narrow coastal plain between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea is known as the Konkan Coast or Konkan. The central portion is called Kanara and the southern portion is called Malabar region. The foothill region east of the Ghats in Maharashtra is known as Desh. The eastern foothills of central Karnataka state are known as Malnadu. The Biligirirangan Hills lie at the confluence of the Western and Eastern Ghats. WAPCO region under Western Ghats covers twelve administrative districts of Kerala State. Four thousand species of flowering plants are known from the Western Ghats. Western Ghats receive an average of 3000 mm rainfall per annum. The Western Ghats are home to thousands of animal species including at least 325 globally threatened species. 24. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. a. What are the Western Ghats well known for? b. How many biodiversity hotspots are identified in the world? c. Name one of the states in which the Western Ghats lie. d. Where do the Western Ghats end? e. What does ‘Sahya Parvatam’ refer to in the passage? f. Konkan Coast lies between the Western Ghats and a. the Indian Ocean. b. the Arabian Sea. c. the Eastern Ghats. g. Which part of Karnataka state is known as Malnadu? h. In which state can one find WAPCO region? i. There are many ................... (threatening/threatened) species in the world. (Choose the right word to form a meaningful sentence.) j. Use a prefix to form the antonym of the word ‘cover’. 4 25. Read the following lines and answer the questions. 3x1=3 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; i. Where did the two roads diverge? ii. The word ‘both’ in the second line refers to two a. travelers. b. woods. c. roads. iii. What did the traveler do when he came across the two diverged roads? 26. Complete the following by filling in the blanks using the right form of the verb given in brackets. 3x1=3 The kingdom neither had a guillotine nor an executioner. Therefore a council …………...... (call). It …....……….. (decide) to write a letter to the French Government. The letter ……….. (send). 27. Report the following conversation. 5x1=5 Don Gonzalo : I am fond of good verses. I composed some in my youth. Dona Laura : Were they good ones? Don Gonzalo : Why do you ask me such a question? Dona Laura : Don’t be angry. 28. Complete the following dialogue. 4x1=4 (Kumar meets Karan, a computer technician, to get his computer repaired.) Kumar : Good morning sir. Karan : Good morning, please be seated. ........................... (Seeking information ) Kumar : My computer ............................................... ( Giving information) Karan : Right now we are too busy. Can you leave your PC with us for two days ? Kumar : Sorry, I ........................................ ( Expressing disapproval) Karan : I am afraid you will have to go to another technician. Kumar : ......................................... (Ending conversation) 29. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expressions given in the brackets: 2x1=2 (turn their backs, be hanged to, straight out) The ministers decided to tell the criminal ................. to run away. They did so. But the criminal said that if he ran away people would ........................ on him. 30. Fill in the blanks with the right linker. 4x1=4 (but, and, at last, then) The young man took refuge in Don Gonzalo’s house. He went to Seville, -------- then came to Madrid. He wrote letters to Laura --------- they were intercepted by her parents. ------- in despair, he joined the army. ------------ he met a glorious death in the war. 5 31. Read the following passage and fill in the boxes given below. 8x½=4 It is believed that the Indus Valley Civilization was the joint creation of the Aryan and pre-Aryan inhabitants of India. This civilization was principally associated with the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa which were first discovered. The people of this civilization were multi-ethnic. In the skeletal remains of this civilization is an evidence of the presence of Proto-Australoid, Mediterranean, Alpine and Mongoloid racial elements who no doubt contributed to its growth. The civilization was urban and a very remarkable one. Indus Valley Civilization Inhabitants that jointly created 1. 2. Associated with cities 3. 4. People were 5. Racial elements that contributed 6. 7. 8. 32. Write a letter of Application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 15th March 2015. 5 Alpine WANTED Receptionist Qualification : Any Graduate with Knowledge of Computer and Fluency in English and Hindi Apply within 10 days to: The Managing Director Mangala Group of Companies Nagadevanahalli, Ring Road Bangalore - 31 6 33. Imagine that you are the president of the Students’ Council of your college and you have to speak on spreading awareness about cleanliness. Using the points given below, write a speech in about 100 words. 5 Need of cleanliness – individual responsibility – cleanliness at home and public places – health benefits – beautification of nation OR The following line graph provides information about the growth of population in India over a period of 50 years. Using the information, write a report in about 120 words. Population in Millions 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 YEAR 34. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to? 4x1=4 The Western Ghats are well known for their rich and unique assemblage of flora and fauna. Twenty five biodiversity hot-spots are identified in the world and Western Ghats are one among them. The Ghats are home to thousands of animal species of which at least 325 are globally threatened. They are also home to many indigenous people who are on the verge of extinction. their : ............. them : ............. which : ............. who : ............. 35. Rewrite the jumbled segments to form a meaningful sentence. 1 be /water /used /should /judiciously
Evaluation of serum M30 and M65 activity in patients with stage-I endometrial cancer. We aimed to analyse the prognostic value of serum oxidative stress parameters and apoptotic markers of serum M30/65 levels in endometrial cancer patients. Serum M30/65 levels and oxidative stress parameters were evaluated in 52 women with stage I endometrial cancer (n = 26) and a control group of healthy females (n = 26). The total antioxidant status (p = .002), oxidative stress index (p = .003) and serum M30/65 levels (p < .001) were significantly higher in women with stage-I endometrial cancer in comparison to the control group. Furthermore, serum M30/65 levels were significantly lower on postoperative day 8, compared to preoperative levels (p = .001 and p < .001, respectively), in the endometrial cancer group. Although impaired apoptotic activity plays a crucial role in the aetiopathogenesis of endometrial cancer, oxidative stress may be instrumental in malignant transformation. We concluded that measurement of M30/65 levels would be beneficial in the follow-up of women with endometrial cancer. Impact Statement What is already known on this subject: Although M30 has been evaluated as a marker of apoptosis in tissue samples from women with endometrial cancer (EC), no previous studies have simultaneously analysed serum M30 and M65 levels and oxidative stress in patients with stage-I EC. What the results of this study add: Total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI) and serum M30/65 levels were significantly higher in women with stage I EC in comparison to the control group. Furthermore, serum M30/65 levels were significantly lower on postoperative day 8, compared to preoperative levels, in the EC group. The fact that pre-operative M30/M65 levels were higher than the post-operative levels may be very important in early-stage EC What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research: Although impaired apoptotic activity plays a crucial role in the aetiopathogenesis of EC, oxidative stress may be instrumental in malignant transformation. The fact that serum M30/M65 levels decreased in accordance with the reduction of post-operative tumour burden led us to conclude that measurement of M30/65 levels would be beneficial in the follow-up of women with EC.
Unidentified genetic variants influence pancreatic cancer risk: an analysis of polygenic susceptibility in the PanScan study. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified several pancreatic cancer (PanCa) susceptibility loci. Methods for assessment of polygenic susceptibility can be employed to detect the collective effect of additional association signals for PanCa. Using data on 492,651 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the PanScan GWA study (2,857 cases, 2,967 controls), we employed polygenic risk score (PRS) cross-validation (CV) methods to (a) confirm the existence of unidentified association signals, (b) assess the predictive value of PRSs, and (c) assess evidence for polygenic effects in specific genomic locations (genic vs. intergenic). After excluding SNPs in known PanCa susceptibility regions, we constructed PRS models using a training GWA dataset and then tested the model in an independent testing dataset using fourfold CV. We also employed a "power-replication" approach, where power to detect SNP associations was calculated using a training dataset, and power was tested for association with "replication status" in a testing dataset. PRS scores constructed using ≥ 10% of genome-wide SNPs showed significant association with PanCa (P< 0.05) across the majority of CV analyses. Associations were stronger for PRSs restricted to genic SNPs compared to intergenic PRSs. The power-replications approach produced weaker associations that were not significant when restricting to SNPs with low pairwise linkage disequilibrium, whereas PRS results were robust to such restrictions. Although the PRS approach will not dramatically improve PanCa prediction, it provides strong evidence for unidentified association signals for PanCa. Our results suggest that focusing association studies on genic regions and conducting larger GWA studies can reveal additional PanCa susceptibility loci.
Use of the 95-degree Angled Blade Plate to Treat a Proximal Femur Fracture. There are a variety of ways to treat high-energy proximal femur fractures, including intramedullary nails and laterally based plates. Although each have distinct advantages and disadvantages, fracture reduction and avoiding varus alignment are critical. For some fractures, the blade plate is a reliable, straightforward implant to treat these injuries. This article and the accompanying video describe the surgical technique of using a 95-degree angled blade plate to treat an acute high-energy proximal femur fracture.
Q: z80 crashes after executing some instructions I'm building my own Z80 computer but I'm having a very strange problem. Consider this code: ld a,0xaa out (00),a jp a That works as expected, outputting 0xaa on port 0x00. Now consider this code: ld a,0xaa hello: out (00),a inc a jp hello This outputs exactly 87 times to port 0x00, then it crashes. I took a look at the buses to see what's happening and it seems that it accesses incrementally addresses on memory when it's not needed. I read a year ago that this was a thing due to Z80's architecture, but the problem happens when this incremental access reaches 10000000(bin). This is what I see in the logic analyser: The increment is happening on address 3 4 5 6 7 and 8, and when the 8th modulates, iorq stops and the CPU does weird stuff. Can any one please help? EDIT: I found the answer but if you have the same or similar issue, you should definitely read Spektre's and tofro's answers because they list a lot of very possible problems that could cause this. A: You might be having some sort of short between A7 and some other CPU line. Your program doesn't use/need this line, but refresh does. The fact that "weird behavior" starts when A7 is toggled for the first time, definitely hints that it is connected to something it shouldn't be. Depending on where it is connected to, if your memory fetch (from ROM) is not properly synchronized (don't read from the bus when /RFSH is low) with the /RFSH signal, you might then pick up (during the instruction fetch) stray bytes from areas where no ROM is present and thus the wrong instructions. A: There is a lot what could go wrong here a list of hints: code I see no ORG directive in the code so are you sure you are placing your code in the right place of memory? Also I would feel safer with interrupts disabled. I would expect something like: org 0 reset: di ld a,0xAA loop0: out (00),a inc a jp loop0 Interrupts There are /NMI and /INT pins causing interrupt (and /RESET is also form of interrupt too). Hope they are properly electrically handled (with pull up resistor). In case you want to use also Interrupts you need to add proper interrupt handlers for your code but those require stack so you also need RAM to work properly unless they are used as Watch dog for periodic reset only. Beware di disables only the /INT pin so /NMI and /RESET will still interfere with your code if Low. There is also the /WAIT and /BUSRQ pins that can effectively stop the CPU if un-handled. So to be more safe I would change the code a bit more: org 0 reset: di ld a,0xAA loop0: out (00),a inc a jp loop0 org 0x66 NMI: jp reset Note that I did not use retn because you do not have any stack. Analyzer signal As the other comments mentioned you are probing the buses of the Z80 so you are catching everything instead of IO access only. That means you got address bus swapping between pc (program counter) and r (refresh) registers and IO address +/- some undefined behavior. The data bus is swapping between each OP code of your assembly code the IO data and also +/- some undefined behavior. So the IO access is only a small fraction of what you see. To identify it you should investigate /IORQ,/RD,/WR signals. The Z80 IO address space is officially only 8bit so probing 8th bit of address has not much sense. To move to 16 bit IO address space use the out (c),a which uses bc. What does it mean Z80 crashes exactly? I am not aware of any Crash ability of Z80. More likely it executes HALT or something waiting for HW response that never comes ... Are you sure your logic analyzer probing does not interfere with the buses? Is the CPU clock still running? Is M1 pin toggling? High frequency and circuit There is also possibility that you got electrical and or timing problems. What clock are you using for CPU? Is your ROM fast enough? Do you got proper shielding of your buses and are they short enough? Do you got proper blocking ground and caps nearby to lower the impulse load on the power supply? If not lower your clock to more reasonable values. Also I strongly recommend to read this: Thought I found serial port - broke embedded device instead! Help? Also remember any un-handled input pin of IC is an antenna and if high frequency square pulses are nearby you can expect weird things to happen at anytime ... And finally if counting to a specific value stops the CPU it might hint you got short circuit of some higher address or data bus line with /INT,/NMI ,/BUSRQ or /RESET check for that some short circuits on PCB are invisible to naked eye usually scrapping the gaps between copper paths with a needle helps ... A: Found the actual problem (i believe). I was used to connecting rom's /CS to A15 to have both a rom and a ram later on, on a 6502 system but as it turns out there is a handy /MREQ signal on the Z80.Excluding all the address decoding, the solution was to connect /MREQ to /CS of the rom.
Magnetocardiographic QT dispersion during cardiovascular autonomic function tests. QT dispersion is considered to reflect nonhomogeneity of ventricular repolarization. The autonomic nervous system modulates QT interval duration, but the effect may not be spatially homogenous. Magnetocardiography (MCG) registers the weak magnetic fields generated by myocardial electric currents with high localizing accuracy. We studied the effects of rapid cardiovascular autonomic nervous adjustment on QT dispersion in MCG. Ten healthy male volunteers were monitored during deep breathing, the Valsalva maneuver, sustained handgrip, hyperventilation, the cold pressor test and mental stress. 67 MCG channels and 12 ECG leads were recorded simultaneously. A computer algorithm was used for QT interval measurements. QT dispersion was defined as maximum - minimum or standard deviation of the QTpeak and QTend intervals. In MCG the QT(end) dispersion increased during deep inspiration compared with deep expiration (96+/-19 ms v. 73+/-27 ms, p = 0.05). Magnetic QT dispersion tended to increase during the bradycardia phase of the Valsalva maneuver, but the change was obvious only for QT(end) (55+/-26 ms v. 76+/-29 ms, p<0.05). Other tests had no significant effect on QT dispersion, not even the cold pressor test, although it causes strong sympathetic activation. Magnetic and electric QT(peak) and QT(end) intervals correlated closely (r = 0.93 and 0.91), whereas the QT dispersion measures showed no correlation. In conclusion, magnetic QT dispersion is not modified by rapid changes in autonomic tone, but maneuvers involving deep respiratory efforts and changes in ventricular loading affect QT dispersion measurements.
National coach Löw nominates new, Klopp and Idol A jury to Joachim Low has Jurgen Klopp coach and Manuel Neuer voted the player of the season in the Bundesliga. You will receive the prize "11? of magazine"11Freunde"." Cologne (SID) - A jury to national coach Joachim Low has Dortmund Meistermacher Jurgen Klopp voted the player of the season in the Bundesliga to the coach of the season and goalkeeper Manuel Neuer. You will receive the prize "11? of football magazine"11Freunde"." on 18 July in Mainz, Germany Newcomer of the season, Mario Gotze WINS Borussia Dortmund of the German masters. Low were former Bundesliga Coach Hans Meyer, DFL Managing Director Holger Hieronymus, ex national goalkeeper Jens Lehmann and moderator Oliver Welke on the jury. "Borussia Dortmund I could always clearly see a game idea and the manuscript of the coach." "It was clear automatisms, and - this is no less important - players have kept to the tactical requirements," national coach Low writes in his eulogy on Jurgen Klopp: "There is a red thread that has been pursued consistently over a whole season." "And if that succeeds, then I consider a trainer performance." New won the DFB-Pokal with Schalke 04 and then joined record champion Bayern Munich.
t of 3.75 and -0.3. -1.125 Calculate -0.2*-49.2. 9.84 What is -101 times -2? 202 -0.043*3.1 -0.1333 Work out -688 * -0.3. 206.4 Work out 8 * -2.8. -22.4 Work out 13 * -10.03. -130.39 0.02*4 0.08 -0.15145*-0.1 0.015145 What is the product of 20 and -0.8? -16 What is 3 times -130? -390 -1115 times -4 4460 Work out -0.02383 * -0.2. 0.004766 4 * 0 0 2.1 * -0.284 -0.5964 -85 times -4 340 Product of 0.4 and 1641. 656.4 Work out 4 * -3.14. -12.56 -4 times 482 -1928 Multiply 296 and 0. 0 Calculate 202*-0.5. -101 139 times -18.5 -2571.5 -349 * -0.5 174.5 2 * -54 -108 What is the product of -0.09 and -0.2? 0.018 Calculate -2*-506. 1012 Product of 0.1 and 96. 9.6 What is 0.1 times -2.25? -0.225 -0.4 times 24 -9.6 What is the product of 468 and 0.04? 18.72 Calculate 489.2*-0.1. -48.92 Work out -1 * -367. 367 Product of 17388 and -5. -86940 Work out -6033 * -4. 24132 What is the product of 190 and 0.08? 15.2 What is the product of 3.86 and 0.06? 0.2316 -0.6*1.7 -1.02 Product of -0.22 and 0.6. -0.132 107 times 25 2675 What is 148 times -0.6? -88.8 -120 times -1 120 4 times 19 76 Product of 0.3 and -27.6. -8.28 What is the product of 1368 and 0.03? 41.04 Product of -0.4 and -0.02549. 0.010196 -0.3*49 -14.7 23 * 136.1 3130.3 Work out -45.94 * -5. 229.7 What is 550 times -0.03? -16.5 Multiply 0.23 and -57. -13.11 What is the product of 144 and 14? 2016 Calculate -5*95. -475 Work out -0.21 * -1. 0.21 2350 * 3 7050 2 * 212 424 -0.69 times 0.3 -0.207 -0.2 * 244 -48.8 Work out -994 * 0.1. -99.4 Multiply -101 and 0.19. -19.19 What is -25 times -3? 75 Product of -5.82 and -0.6. 3.492 -2 times -0.029 0.058 Multiply -2 and 6.5. -13 What is -0.1 times -535? 53.5 Calculate 1.139*0.4. 0.4556 What is 9 times -0.45? -4.05 What is the product of 0.05 and 2058? 102.9 2560*-1 -2560 What is 0 times -0.1? 0 Multiply -0.2 and 41. -8.2 Multiply -0.2 and 0.55. -0.11 Multiply 0.5 and -136. -68 What is the product of 0.623 and -4? -2.492 0.03 * -39 -1.17 Multiply 0.14 and -325. -45.5 0.1*-9.9 -0.99 0.1 times 294 29.4 0.3 * -97 -29.1 What is -1608 times -2? 3216 0.3 times -295 -88.5 What is the product of 5 and 1.9? 9.5 Product of -9.1 and 0.074. -0.6734 Work out 3 * 0.062. 0.186 2762.5 times 0.2 552.5 Calculate 7.23*3. 21.69 145 * 0.07 10.15 3*-12 -36 Multiply 0.4 and 0.047. 0.0188 114 * 0.3 34.2 What is -3436 times 0.1? -343.6 Product of 214 and 0.4. 85.6 Work out 106 * -0.052. -5.512 Multiply -191 and 0.3. -57.3 Multiply -0.4 and 751. -300.4 6*0.01 0.06 Calculate 0.1*23. 2.3 Multiply -0.05 and 0.053. -0.00265 Work out -1.79 * 2. -3.58 4 * 0.7 2.8 0.89*-0.5 -0.445 Calculate 0.1*0.514. 0.0514 Work out 11.1 * -5. -55.5 -5*280 -1400 -0.007313 * 2 -0.014626 What is -0.0782 times -2.3? 0.17986 -0.0253*0.01 -0.000253 What is the product of -136 and -16? 2176 Work out -1 * -198. 198 What is the product of -17.8 and -1? 17.8 Product of 12.8 and 0.33. 4.224 0*-0.4 0 Multiply 0 and -8268. 0 Work out 3.7 * 0.1. 0.37 What is the product of -2.8 and -0.34? 0.952 What is -154 times 0.22? -33.88 What is 336 times -0.15? -50.4 What is -0.04 times 486? -19.44 Multiply -4194 and 0.1. -419.4 Multiply -1.6 and 4. -6.4 -0.24 * -4.3 1.032 -0.029 * -19 0.551 What is 0.36 times 0.78? 0.2808 -0.16*-1241 198.56 What is -1 times -1892? 1892 44*0.07 3.08 Product of -5 and 39. -195 Work out -3 * 30.6. -91.8 Work out 0 * 9.07. 0 Calculate 1.24*5. 6.2 What is the product of 14 and -0.039? -0.546 0.5*-3.47 -1.735 What is 4 times -30? -120 107 times -0.16 -17.12 What is -0.1 times 0.896? -0.0896 0*0.723 0 Calculate 0.3*-68.94. -20.682 What is -0.0633 times 0.5? -0.03165 Calculate 7*86. 602 -446 times 2 -892 -3 times -0.64 1.92 What is the product of 8 and 47? 376 Product of -12 and 48.2. -578.4 -181*-2 362 Calculate 8.7*9. 78.3 -43 times -0.13 5.59 Multiply -2 and -0.025. 0.05 Work out 0.1 * 0.06397. 0.006397 Product of 85 and 44. 3740 Work out -1 * 3.05. -3.05 Calculate 1.2529*-1. -1.2529 Work out -6.3 * -0.7. 4.41 Product of 7.96 and -0.13. -1.0348 Product of 264 and 0.16. 42.24 Multiply -191 and -0.1. 19.1 -3 * 287 -861 Product of -8 and 0.32. -2.56 Work out 189 * -0.3. -56.7 Work out 32 * -28.4. -908.8 Multiply -0.0335 and 5. -0.1675 Calculate -356*-0.4. 142.4 Multiply -575 and -17. 9775 Multiply 0.2351 and -0.2. -0.04702 What is 3 times 9.01? 27.03 Product of -0.2 and 30. -6 Calculate -2*-0.9. 1.8 What is -91 times 1.2? -109.2 Product of 22.7 and -0.4. -9.08 Calculate -7386*0.4. -2954.4 Multiply -0.03 and 2.72. -0.0816 Calculate 1*-0.0068. -0.0068 Product of 0.56 and 0.07. 0.0392 Work out -2680.2 * 0.5. -1340.1 Work out -1628 * 0.1. -162.8 What is the product of -8.44 and -3? 25.32 Product of 50 and 5. 250 What is 2 times -13? -26 Multiply 23 and 0.069. 1.587 -4*42 -168 15665 * 0.3 4699.5 0.1 * -262.1 -26.21 What is the product of -23 and 0.15? -3.45 Product of -1868 and -0.3. 560.4 93*-0.051 -4.743 0.4*0.031 0.0124 -0.2*-2967 593.4 Product of 0.36 and 23. 8.28 -2 * 0.1685 -0.337 73 * 17 1241 -0.3*-830 249 Multiply 4 and -4. -16 What is the product of -1194 and 1.8? -2149.2 Multiply -9 and 4. -36 What is the product of -4 and 25.4? -101.6 Multiply 16 and 1.17. 18.72 Multiply -5.9 and 4. -23.6 Calculate 0.29*-10. -2.9 Multiply -0.2 and 4018. -803.6 Calculate 1.1*7. 7.7 -88*-1 88 What is the product of 467 and -0.5? -233.5 Product of -225 and 0.5. -112.5 What is the product of -5.8 and -0.14? 0.812 -0.16 times 0.06 -0.0096 -3 times -700 2100 What is 3.3 times 74.7? 246.51 Multiply -0.03 and 393. -11.79 -4*8.7 -34.8 What is -3 times 81.4? -244.2 What is 225 times -5? -1125 What is 21.3 times 2? 42.6 Product of -0.046 and 0. 0 0 * 0.031 0 What is the product of -5 and -0.5323? 2.6615 4 times 1.333 5.332 Multiply 1 and -89. -89 Calculate 185*1. 185 4.4 * 0.4 1.76 102 times -0.02 -2.04 -0.021 * 0.01 -0.00021 What is 0.08 times 46? 3.68 What is -341 times 1? -341 Multiply 16 and -0.15. -2.4 Multiply -1.66 and -1. 1.66 What is 0.01 times 213.5? 2.135 Product of -0.04 and 38. -1.52 -0.23 times 0.12 -0.0276 Multiply 0.2 and -0.4737. -0.09474 Work out 14 * 0.0675. 0.945 What is the product of 15 and -11? -165 Work out -264 * 17. -4488 What is -5 times 9.8? -49 What is 677 times -13? -8801 -12.2 * 2 -24.4 Work out -0.26 * 6. -1.56 0.35 times 0.5 0.175 Calculate -10*1. -10 Product of 5 and 277. 1385 Multiply -4 and 7. -28 1.526 * 0.9 1.3734 Calculate -1.85*-1.3. 2.405 -0.151*-1 0.151 0.0043 * -3.8 -0.01634 Product of -0.5 and -8.4. 4.2 -0.1 * 0.173 -0.0173 Calculate -3.69*-4. 14.76 Work out 3 * -0.81. -2.43 Calculate 0*36. 0 -0.1 * 3.7 -0.37 What is the product of -4 and -4.38? 17.52 Work out -251 * 0.4. -100.4 Calculate 1848*2. 3696 0.09 * 0.048 0.00432 What is -153 times 5? -765 Calculate -366*-0.11. 40.26 -0.795*0.2 -0.159 Work out -31040 * -3. 93120 What is 0.4 times 56? 22.4 What is 0.5 times 442? 221 -3*-4 12 4 * -159 -636 -6*4198 -25188 0.05 * 107 5.35 What is 0.19 times 0.258? 0.04902 What is -3489 times 0.2? -697.8 -21.5 times -0.3 6.45 Work out 0.045 * -1. -0.045 What is the product of 0.4 and 47? 18.8 What is the product of 1.9 and 27? 51.3 What is the product of 848 and 4? 3392 Multiply -226 and -6. 1356 What is 0.6 times 1.43? 0.858 Product of -0.5 and -47. 23.5 What is -2074 times 0.3? -622.2 Multiply -0.08 and 290. -23.2 What is 0.04 times -0.33? -0.0132 Multiply -4 and 0.56. -2.24 Multiply 522 and -0.1. -52.2 Multiply -0.06 and 348. -20.88 Multiply -0.057 and -2. 0.114 133 times 0.5 66.5 0.2 times 919 183.8 Multiply 43 and -0.3. -12.9 Calculate 0.01*0.1. 0.001 -2*-0.986 1.972 Work out -3 * -123. 369 0.4 * -0.0632 -0.02528 What is -0.7 times 342? -239.4 0.1*1.808 0.1808 -1*14 -14 -0.1 * 1820 -182 -0.6*-0.22 0.132 Work out 173 * 0.3. 51.9 Multiply -0.075 and -0.4. 0.03 -0.2 * -1.44 0.288 Product of 0.2 and 9.6. 1.92 -41 times -0.9 36.9 What is the product of 1.7 and -1428? -2427.6 Multiply -9 and -23.73. 213.57 What is the product of 5 and 94? 470 -1433*-2 2866 What is 0.019 times -8? -0.152 Calculate 59*5. 295 0.23244 times 3 0.69732 Work out -38.13 * 0. 0 What is 0.1 times -211? -21.1 Work out -17 * 1. -17 Calculate 7*123. 861 1.6 * -6.86 -10.976 Calculate 0.83*-0.3. -0.249 What is 3 times -182.3? -546.9 -0.4 times 12 -4.8 -3*-0.288 0.864 What is the product of -0.01 and -1277? 12.77 What is the produ
Using a standardized Viniyoga protocol for lung cancer survivors: a pilot study examining effects on breathing ease. Although lung cancer is perceived as a dire diagnosis, increases in the 5-year survival rate of individuals with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have been reported. Survivors, however, continue to be excessively burdened with symptoms such as respiratory distress which interfere with functioning and quality of life. While exercise and physical activity are strongly recommended, NSCLC survivors may be reluctant to participate due to actual or anticipated shortness of breath exacerbated with movement.This quasi-experimental, intervention-only pilot study aimed to determine the effects of an 8-week standardized yoga protocol for Stage I-IIIa NSCLC survivors (n=9). The protocol was developed within the Viniyoga (Hatha) tradition with respiratory experts. Breathing ease, dyspnea, oxygen saturation, and respiratory function were explored in relationship to yoga practice (45-minute sessions once per week and home practice) using repeated-measures analysis. Number of participants reporting dyspnea ranged from 25 to 50% prior to practice with no significant increase during sessions, and moderate decreases noted at times. Oxygen saturation remained high and vital signs stable; forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) values increased significantly over the 14-week study period (p<0.0001). Yoga, with an emphasis on postures coordinated with breathing and meditation practices, offers a potentially feasible and beneficial option that requires further study in this population.
by Guest Author Joanna Trindade I’m a BJJ blue belt, and although I’ve competed in local tournaments before I recently had the opportunity to step it up a notch. The plan was to compete at my first IBJJF tournament at the 2015 Chicago Summer Open. My teammate, coach and I drove the 1.5 hours from Milwaukee to Chicago at 6:30 in the morning. I wasn’t nervous for most of the drive except for the last 20 minutes or so (although my coach swears I was a ball of nervous energy the whole time.) The nerves came and went leading up to my first match and every roll proved to be a unique challenge with a host of new situations. After it was all over, I walked away with a silver medal, a sense of pride, and few ideas for what I will do differently next time. Here are the top 5 things I wish I had done differently… Listening to my coach when he said to sit down, stretch, and breath. I would have conserved a lot more energy and saved a sore back from all the standing around. Sit down, stretch, and relax while you wait for your bracket to be called. It’s going to be a long day, don’t let your nervous energy get the best of you. Focus on controlling your breathing, it sounds simple but takes a lot more focus than you think it will. Eating more throughout the day. It was a long day and I should have prioritized fueling my body better. Silly sidenote- along with bananas, trail mix and water, I packed gummy bears..I had a bite or two of banana all day and saved the gummy bears as something to look forward to after my matches. You might not feel like eating if you have butterflies in your stomach but don’t go hours without refueling. (It would be a good idea to take a bathroom break as well. Don’t wait until it’s an emergency and it’s all you can think about.) Loosening up and focusing on playing more aspects of “my game” instead of being so stubborn. My coach had to massage the feeling back into my hand after the first match because my grips were too tight. Don’t be afraid to switch up your game plan and adjust it as needed! Don’t insist on trying to force things to happen that aren’t there yet! Getting “In The Zone.” When I’m in stressful situations I tend to rely on outside circumstances to calm myself down. It usually comes in the form of talking to people around me. Focusing more attention inward rather than outward would have been helpful for my mental preparation. Don’t let your surroundings distract you and add to your anxiousness. Don’t look around and guess who your next match will be. Turn your attention inward and find your zone. Stopping to appreciate the amazing BJJ matches that were happening around me! I was so worried about being where I needed to be on time and burning through my nervous energy that I never sat down in the bleachers and enjoyed the event! There are competitors there from all over the country, don’t be too distracted to really stop and appreciate how special it is to be there! There you have it, hopefully you can learn from my mistakes and be a bit more prepared for your first IBJJF tournament. I will leave you with one more thought- even during the most stressful situations during the day, it’s important to remember why you love this sport. The challenge and adrenaline rush are all a part of why we love Jiu-Jitsu! Whether you win or lose, you proved your dedication to the sport by stepping onto the mats to compete. It was only my first IBJJF competition and it sure as heck won’t be my last. There are many more competitions in my future and I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can about this beautiful sport and my own place in it! About the author: Joanna Trindade is a BJJ blue belt and a contributor to Grapplearts.com. She can be reached as @jojoluvsbjj on Twitter or Instagram More BJJ Info: If you’re new to BJJ consider downloading Stephan Kesting’s Roadmap for BJJ book. It is available on this site as a free PDF, or on Amazon.com as a paid Kindle book. Comments ( )
Ergostatting and thermostatting at a fixed point. We propose an innovative type of ergostats and thermostats for molecular dynamics simulations. A general class of active particle swarm models is considered, where any specific total energy (alternatively any specific temperature) can be provided at a fixed point of the evolution of the swarm. We identify the extended system feedback force of the Nosé-Hoover thermostat with the "internal energy" variable of active Brownian motion.
A Virginia Beach car accident involving a single vehicle claimed the life of one person and left two others injured after the driver lost control of the vehicle. The fatal accident took place at approximately 2:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 5, 2013, on Bay Colony Drive. According to local police, the driver of a 1997 Toyota 4Runner was traveling in the 300 block of Bay Colony Drive at Crystal Lake Drive when he lost control of the vehicle and crashed. The driver has been identified as 24-year-old Micah Bryce Bishard. Mr. Bishard was thrown from the vehicle after it flipped several times. Unfortunately, the young man was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Rescue crews transported two other passengers to local hospitals where they were treated for injuries sustained in the accident. Their injuries were considered non-life threatening. Their identities and conditions were not immediately made known. The fatal, single-vehicle Virginia Beach car accident remains under investigation by local authorities as they determine how the accident occurred. Police indicate that speed and alcohol may have played a role in the crash. This is a terrible accident. We extend our deepest thoughts and condolences to everyone impacted by this tragic accident.
Search Results No Results Found! Shoot! There are no fundraisers under this currently. Organisation for Rare Diseases India - History, Vision and Mission . ORDI was founded to address the many challenges in the management of rare disease in India. A lack of awareness about rare disease even among doctors means that a diagnosis can often take many years. The cost of diagnosis and treatment can also be prohibitively expensive. In the absence of a national government policy surrounding rare disease, there is no push for the development of orphan drugs, the very medicines that can provide relief for patients with a rare disease. There are numerous disease-specific patient advocacy organizations in India, including groups like the Down Syndrome Federation, the Pompe Foundation, and the Lysosomal Storage Disorders Support Society. However, until now, there has been no group serving as the collective voice of and advocate for patients with rare diseases throughout the nation. ORDI was formed to address the unmet needs of patients with rare diseases in India. It will serve as an umbrella organization for patients with rare diseases and other stakeholders throughout the country. The ORDI team consists of experts in genetics, molecular diagnostics, drug development, bioinformatics, communications, information technology, patient advocacy, and public service. Our Vision: We aim to empower patients with rare diseases and their families in India with access to national and international resources to improve their quality of life. Our Mission: We strive to catalyze the rapid development and delivery of affordable diagnostics and treatments for rare diseases through innovative collaborations and partnerships among stakeholders to benefit patients with rare diseases in India. Your transaction is successful!! We have received a payment of ₹ towards the Covid19 Benefit cover. You will receive your policy documents to your email within 3 to 5 working days.
The manipulation of fluids to form fluid streams of desired configuration, discontinuous fluid streams, droplets, particles, dispersions, etc., for purposes of fluid delivery, product manufacture, analysis, and the like, is a relatively well-studied art. For example, highly monodisperse gas bubbles, less than 100 microns in diameter, have been produced using a technique referred to as capillary flow focusing. In this technique, gas is forced out of a capillary tube into a bath of liquid, the tube is positioned above a small orifice, and the contraction flow of the external liquid through this orifice focuses the gas into a thin jet which subsequently breaks into roughly equal-sized bubbles via capillary instability. In a related technique, a similar arrangement can be used to produce liquid droplets in air. An article entitled “Generation of Steady Liqui-d Microthreads and Micron-Sized Monodisperse Sprays and Gas Streams,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 80:2, Jan. 12, 1998 (Ganan-Calvo) describes formation of a microscopic liquid thread by a laminar accelerating gas stream, giving rise to a fine spray. An articled entitled “Dynamic Pattern Formation in a Vesicle-Generating Microfluidic Device,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 86:18, Apr. 30, 2001 (Thorsen, et al.) describes formation of a discontinuous water phase in a continuous oil phase via microfluidic cross-flow by introducing water, at a “T” junction between two microfluidic channels, into flowing oil. U.S. Pat. No. 6,120,666, issued Sep. 19, 2000, describes a microfabricated device having a fluid focusing chamber for spatially confining first and second sample fluid streams for analyzing microscopic particles in a fluid medium, for example, in biological fluid analysis. U.S. Pat. No. 6,116,516, issued Sep. 12, 2000, describes formation of a capillary microjet, and formation of a monodisperse aerosol via disassociation of the microjet. U.S. Pat. No. 6,187,214, issued Feb. 13, 2001, describes atomized particles in a size range of from about 1 to about 5 microns, produced by the interaction of two immiscible fluids. U.S. Patent No. 6,248,378, issued Jun. 19, 2001, describes production of particles for introduction into food using a microjet and a monodisperse aerosol formed when the microjet dissociates. Microfluidic systems have been described in a variety of contexts, typically in the context of miniaturized laboratory (e.g., clinical) analysis. Other uses have been described as well. For example, International Patent Publication No. WO 01/89789, published Nov. 29, 2001 by Anderson, et al., describes multi-level microfluidic systems that can be used to provide patterns of materials, such as biological materials and cells, on surfaces. Other publications describe microfluidic systems including valves, switches, and other components. While significant advances have been made in dynamics at the macro- or microfluidic scale, improved techniques and the results of these techniques are needed.
Q: When using nginx, how can I get the $scheme using lua? nginx provides a variable named scheme which contains either http or https. In a reverse proxy I'm writing using openresty, I want to access that variable from a content_by_lua_block. I know there are variables to get request headers (ngx.req.get_headers()) or other elements, but how can I get the request scheme ? A: Seems like it's just a matter of using ngx.var.VARIABLE prefix. In my case, it will be ngx.var.scheme.
CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there. CLINIC: Yes. CALLER: How much does it cost for that? CLINIC: It depends how far along you are? CALLER: How do you know? I’m not sure. CLINIC: Do you know the first day of your last period? CALLER: January 3rd. CLINIC: January 3rd? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Okay. You would probably be about almost 10 weeks. CALLER: Okay. So how much would it be then? CLINIC: Hold on, okay? (Pause) CLINIC: Your period was when did you say? CALLER: January 3rd. CLINIC: January the 3rd. So that would be between 9 and 10 weeks. That would be $300. Up to 11 weeks will be $300. And it’s payable in cash or major credit card. And appointments are Tuesday through Saturday, and all appointments are in the morning. And all you have to do is call one day ahead of time to set up an appointment. CALLER: The thing is — my main worry is I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No, uh-uh. No. If you’re under age, you have to have a parent. CALLER: Well, is there any way not to tell my parents? CLINIC: Hold on, okay? CALLER: Okay. (Short pause) CLINIC: Can I help you? CALLER: Hi. Who is this? CLINIC: This is Westside Clinic. CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, I was talking to someone different. CLINIC: Huh? CALLER: I was wondering if I could get an abortion. I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No, no. We would have to have a parent — do you live here in Fort Worth? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: And you’re 13? CALLER: Uh-huh. CLINIC: And you’re boyfriend’s 22. CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Okay. How far along are you? Do you know? CALLER: The other lady said I was like 9 to 10 weeks. CLINIC: Okay. What you’re going to have to do is come up here probably either tomorrow or Saturday. There’s a form that you’re going to have to fill out. And basically what it is, is you’re going to give me your name. And you’re going to have to send a certified letter to a parent. CALLER: But I can’t tell my parents. CLINIC: But if you just come here, what we need is an address to send a certified letter to. Even if the letter comes back to us, and it doesn’t get to the person it’s suppose to get to, once we wait 48 hours from when the letter went out, you can come in here and get a procedure. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Does that make sense? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Okay. All you have to do is come up here and give me your name on a form, and you just write down the name of the parent, and just put an address that this letter is going to go to. And then we’re going to send that letter out. And if that letter comes back to us, it doesn’t matter — even if it comes back, it’s returned, it doesn’t get to your parents, we have to at least attempt to reach a parent. And after 48 hours if we don’t hear anything from anybody or we get the letter back, we can schedule you for an appointment even though you’re under age. CALLER: Okay. But you’re sure my parents wouldn’t find out that way? CLINIC: Well, like I said, we have to at least attempt to reach a parent. And I have a hotline phone number that you can try to call if you want to. And it’s a way to go through the court to bypass — it’s like getting a waiver for parental rights and parental consent. And they can give you some information on what you could do to also get around telling your parents about it. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Do you want that phone number? CALLER: Yeah, please. CLINIC: Let me give you that phone number. And if you decide you want to come up here and fill out a form for us to send a letter to an address that you give us, you can still do that too. But you have to do it in person. You have to come up here. CALLER: But if I go to the court or whatever, I don’t have to fill out the form? CLINIC: Right. And they’ll tell you what you need to do if you go this way, okay? It’s 1-866-999-5263. So call that number, and they can give you some more information on what you could do if you want to go through the court. Otherwise, if you decide to come up here and fill out that form, you just make sure you do it in the next few days so that we can send the letter Monday, and we can do the procedure next week. CALLER: Well, the thing is me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and he said he would pay cash for everything, but we don’t want anyone to know about us. If he was paying for everything, would he have to sign anything or fill out any forms? CLINIC: No, no. If he’s paying cash, he can just come with you when you come get your procedure, and he can pay the cash. CALLER: Okay. So nobody has to know about him? CLINIC: No. Okay? So just try that phone number. And then if you decide to come up here and fill out that form, we can do it that way. CALLER: Well, I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Would you guys do that there? CLINIC: So you don’t even know if you’re pregnant or not? CALLER: Well, I just haven’t had my period since like early January. CLINIC: Do you have any symptoms? CALLER: I don’t know. CLINIC: Yeah, we do free tests if you want to come up here and get a test. CALLER: Well, when do you do them? CLINIC: Well, we close at 5. If you want to come up here today, just the next time you go to the bathroom, just get a sample of your urine and put it in a container with a lid, bring it up here, and we’ll run it for you. CALLER: What time are you open tomorrow? CLINIC: Tomorrow we open at 8:30, and we’ll be closing at 5. CALLER: If it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there? CLINIC: No. We only can give birth control to our patients. CALLER: Oh, okay. Where would I go to get birth control? CLINIC: Planned Parenthood could help you there probably. CALLER: But would they have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No. CALLER: What was your name? CLINIC: My name’s Dawn. CALLER: Okay. All right. So I can call you back if I have any questions? CLINIC: Yeah, you can call back, and come up here for a test if you need to tomorrow. You could do that. And then at that same time you can fill out the form if you don’t go through the court, okay? CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there. CLINIC: Yes, we do. CALLER: How much does it cost for that? CLINIC: How far along are you? CALLER: I’m not sure. How do you know? CLINIC: By your first day of your last period. CALLER: Oh. Well, that was January 3rd. CLINIC: Okay. Let’s see. That’s putting you at about eight to nine weeks. And at that time you have the choice for a local or an IV sedation. A local is when they deaden the area with monocaine, but you will feel some cramping. They’ll give you a 10 milligram of valium to help relax you. That’s 305. Or you can have an IV sedation. That’s where you don’t remember the procedure itself, and that’s 390. And those prices do include the two-week check-up, a package of birth control pills if you want them, and your two take-home medications you’ll be on for a few days. CALLER: Okay. Well, the thing is I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No. In the state of Texas you have to have parental consent. Unfortunately, that’s the state law. And you’re how old? CALLER: I’m going to be 14 on the 19th. CLINIC: Okay. So you’re 13 now and he’s 22? CALLER: Uh-huh. CLINIC: (Pause) What we have to do is have one of the parents come up here with their drivers license and sign an affidavit that they’re aware of your decision. CALLER: Well, is there any way not to have to tell them at all? CLINIC: You’d have to go to court and get a judicial bypass. CALLER: What is that? CLINIC: It’s just a note from the judge saying that if you told your parents that they would beat you or harm you in some way. You have to have a really good reason why you wouldn’t want to tell them. CALLER: How much does it cost for that? CLINIC: I have no idea. I can give you the name of the attorney that we go through, and she can help you with that. Her name is — I just talked to the receptionist over there. What’s her name? (Pause). Okay. The number is 817-870-9159. CALLER: What was her name? CLINIC: The attorney’s name is V.C. Cornish (ph). That’s her office, and I cannot remember for the life of me what that lady’s name is, her secretary. But anyway, just tell them you talked to Trinity Valley, and you want to know how to get a judicial bypass. CALLER: Okay. Well, do the judges always say yes? CLINIC: I don’t know. We’ve never done one to tell you the truth. Since this law’s been in effect, we’ve always had the girls come up with one of their parents. CALLER: Well, me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and we don’t want anyone to know about us. But he said he was going to pay for everything with cash. Would he have to fill out any forms or anything? CLINIC: No. As far as payment goes, we don’t care who pays. It doesn’t matter to us who pays. But with your age and everything — why can’t you tell your mother or dad? CALLER: I can’t tell them at all. If they found out — well, they know my boyfriend. I mean, he works with my dad, and they know we’re going out. But if they knew that we were having sex, I don’t know what they would do. They can’t find out about that at all. CLINIC: Yeah. Oh, boy. He works with your dad? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: But how about your mother? How about telling your mom? You would be surprised at how understanding they can be. CALLER: I don’t think so. I mean, they never listen to me. They don’t understand anything. CLINIC: Do you have an aunt? CALLER: No. I don’t have any family here. CLINIC: Gosh. That is the only thing. Even if he was older, we have to see their drivers license. And we can’t prove that they’re not your mom or dad. They just have to swear on an affidavit here in our office that says that they are your parent. But if he tried to do that — your boyfriend, he’s 22 and you’re 13 — that only would make him 9 when you were born. When you were born, he would be 9. So you can’t do that. But you see what I’m saying? There’s no way for us to know whether or not it’s your legal parent if you don’t tell us. You have to have a person — hang on just one second. CALLER: Okay. (Pause) CLINIC: Okay. What I’m saying is, if you bring an adult up here and they’re swear that they’re your parent, and they don’t tell me that they’re not your parent, I have no way of knowing or not. CALLER: All right. CLINIC: But they can’t be 20 years old and you’re 14. You see what I’m saying? CALLER: Yeah, I see. CLINIC: They have to be old enough to be your parent. And that’s the only way you can get by it. But if they walk in this door and say, I’m not really her parent, then I say bye bye. CALLER: Well, maybe my boyfriend knows somebody. CLINIC: I mean, you know, I’m not even suppose to be telling you this. But there’s no way that I can know for a fact that who you bring in here is not your mom or dad. See what I’m saying? If they’re old enough to be your parent. CALLER: I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Would you guys do that beforehand just to make sure I was pregnant? CLINIC: Yeah. If you want to come up here and do a pregnancy test, you don’t need to have parental consent for that, and it’s free. CALLER: Oh, really? CLINIC: Um-hmm. CALLER: When do you guys normally do that? CLINIC: We could do it any day before 4:00. CALLER: Do you have any hours on Saturday? CLINIC: No, we’re not open on Saturday. CALLER: So anytime before 4:00 in the week? CLINIC: Uh-huh. Monday through Friday. CALLER: How soon would I know that I’m pregnant or not? CLINIC: About 10 minutes. CALLER: If it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys? CLINIC: Uh-huh. You pay $75 for a pap smear, then they’d put you on birth control pills and give you two free months supply. And then write you out a prescription for the remaining 10 months that you fill each month at the drug store. CALLER: But my boyfriend can pay for that. That’s all taken care of. Would anyone have to know if I was on birth control though? CLINIC: No. You don’t have to have parental consent for birth control. CALLER: It’s just we don’t want to have to go through this again. CLINIC: I understand that. Okay? CALLER: So you’re sure nobody would have to know about me and my boyfriend or anything? CLINIC: I’m sorry. What did you say? CALLER: You’re sure no one would have to know about me and my boyfriend or anything? CLINIC: Uh-uh. Not to do a pregnancy test or birth control pills. Anything but an abortion, nobody has to know. You don’t even have to show your i.d. when you do the pregnancy test. CALLER: If I had any other questions, could I call and talk to you? What was your name? CLINIC: My name is Linda. I’ll be glad to talk to you. What’s your first name? CALLER: Lisa. CLINIC: Lisa? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Okay, Lisa. Just give me a call if I can help you, baby. CALLER: Okay. Thanks. CLINIC: Okay. You’re welcome. Bye bye. ***END*** TAPE D-788 (Dialing, phone ringing 1x) CLINIC: This is Linda. May I help you? CALLER: Hi, yeah. I called yesterday and was asking some questions about getting an abortion. My name is Lisa. Do you remember talking to me? CLINIC: I think I do. CALLER: Okay. Well, the thing is, I was talking to my boyfriend, and I told him what you said about getting someone to come in that was old enough to look like my dad. CLINIC: Yes, yes, yes. CALLER: Well, he’s got an uncle who’s 50 who said he would do it. When he comes in, what should he say? CLINIC: What you’ll do is come to the window and say that you have an appointment; my name is Lisa whatever, that you have an appointment. And then I’ll ask to see your i.d. Then I’ll say I need to see Dad’s i.d. And then he just hands me my i.d. CALLER: All right. CLINIC: And I make a copy of it. I make a copy of yours. And then a little while later I call him back, and he just signs the notary stating that he is your parent. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: And the only time that would be a problem is if he tells me I’m not her parent. Because I’m not — you know. CALLER: Well, he said he would do it for my boyfriend. CLINIC: Well, as long as he doesn’t tell me he’s not your father, then we’re all right. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: All right. CLINIC: All right. CALLER: So when should I come in? CLINIC: Okay. Now, how far along are you? CALLER: Well, you said yesterday like nine weeks. But I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Should I do that first or — CLINIC: Well, we do a pregnancy test here. And so you can either come ahead of time for the pregnancy test, or you can just do it all, if you know you’re pregnant and there’s no doubt about it. CALLER: Well, does he have to come with me for the pregnancy test? CLINIC: No. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: You can come until 4:30 today or on Monday from 8 to 4. Just drop by and do a pregnancy test. And then if you want to do a sonogram to determine how far along that you are, you can do that too. That’s $100, and we deduct it from the price of the procedure, if you want to. If not, you can just wait until you schedule. But when you come in to do the pregnancy test, they’ll schedule your appointment when you find out that it’s positive. Then they’ll schedule you an appointment. And just tell them you’ll be bringing your dad. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: All right. CLINIC: And that’s all you need to do. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: All right. CLINIC: All righty, sweetie. You know how to get here? CALLER: Yeah. So I don’t have to bring him for the pregnancy test then? CLINIC: No. The only — CALLER: Just after it’s positive. CLINIC: Yes. When you bring him for the actual procedure, he just has to wait until I get him to sign the notary, and then he can leave. Or he can come at anytime and show me his license. If that’s not convenient for him to come during the appointment, ya’ll can come ahead of time and sign. CALLER: Oh, all right. CLINIC: But my boyfriend could be with me for the pregnancy test and the procedure? CLINIC: No. They can’t go back with you, but he can sit in the lobby. CALLER: Oh, okay. So they can both be there? CLINIC: Uh-huh. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: And if he wants to get it over with and sign the papers then, he can. Just ask for Danielle or me. I won’t be here Monday, but Danielle will be. And I’ll tell her about it. CALLER: And you’re sure that nobody would ask about my boyfriend. CLINIC: Ask about him? CALLER: Right. CLINIC: No. They wouldn’t ask anything about him. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Uh-uh, he doesn’t have to show his i.d. or anything. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Let me tell you when Danielle will be here because she’s the notary. Are you coming Monday to do this? CALLER: I’ll try. I think so. CLINIC: Okay. If you’re coming Monday to do this, Danielle won’t be here until about noon, from noon to 4:30. So you’ll have to come between noon and 4. CALLER: Okay. And if it turned out I was pregnant, then we’ll schedule the abortion? CLINIC: Yeah. And if he comes with you, he can sign the notary and get it over with; then he doesn’t have to come back. CALLER: So it would be better if he came to the pregnancy test then? CLINIC: I think so. And then he could sign the notary and be done with it. And then you’re set to go, and your boyfriend can bring you in for the actual abortion and he doesn’t even have to be involved. Okay? Listen to the Call: Transcript: CLINIC: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. This is Sonja. How can I help you? CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there? CLINIC: Let me give you a number, okay? CALLER: All right. CLINIC: 817-882-1175. Okay? CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, do you know — it’s just I’m worried because like my friend told me that since, well, I’m going to be 14 in March, she said that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No. Your parents have to be notified. CALLER: Really? CLINIC: Uh-huh. CALLER: Well, is there any way not to tell them at all? Like I don’t know what would happen if they found out. CLINIC: When you call them, ask them what all you can do to do it, keep him them from finding out. Okay? CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — like, well could I come in there for a pregnancy test then? CLINIC: Yeah. They’re $15. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: Well, would you guys have to tell anybody that I was getting a pregnancy test? CLINIC: No. We don’t have to tell any — the only thing we have to tell is when you’re doing an AB. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: You have to come in between 1:00 and 4:30. Okay? CALLER: Well, my boyfriend can bring me. Is that all right if he’s there with me? CLINIC: Yeah. That’s fine. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: He can’t come to the back until after we talk to you, and then after we talk to you he can come back there. Okay? CALLER: Okay. Well, he said that he would pay for everything. Would he have to sign anything? CLINIC: No. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: So nobody has to know about him or anything? CLINIC: Uh-uh. CALLER: All right. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: If it ended up that like after the pregnancy if it said that I wasn’t pregnant, would I be able to get birth control? CLINIC: We can see if how many people show up. If a lot of people don’t show up we’ll let you stay. Listen to the Call: Transcript: CLINIC: Northside Planned Parenthood. Martha. Can you hold one second? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Thank you for holding. How can I help you? CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there? CLINIC: Not here at this clinic. I could give you the number. CALLER: All right. CLINIC: 882-1175. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: All right? CALLER: Where is that exactly? CLINIC: It’s 817 the area code, and they’ll give you instructions. CALLER: Okay. Well, I was actually talking to someone at a Ft. Worth number. It was Kathy, and she told me to talk to you guys about it. CLINIC: Okay, but we don’t do them here at this clinic. That’s why I’m giving you that number. Just tell them that you need a number — that they do them here in Ft. Worth. Because this is not the number. All right? CALLER: Okay. It’s just — I’m just worried because like I’m going to be 14 in March, and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is it all right if he takes care of it and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: I don’t have any information on that. Just call that number — 882-1175. They should be able to answer all your questions. CALLER: Okay. Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test though? CLINIC: After for a pregnancy test or before? CALLER: Like could I come in there for a pregnancy test? CLINIC: Yes. CALLER: I don’t know if I’m pregnant. CLINIC: Yes, you can come in here from 1:00 to 3:00 today. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No, we don’t. Everything’s confidential. CALLER: Okay. Well, my boyfriend said that he would pay for everything. Would he have to sign anything? CLINIC: I don’t know about that, about abortion. I don’t know about that. CALLER: Well, like for the pregnancy test. CLINIC: Oh, for the pregnancy test? He could pay. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: That’s not a problem. CALLER: Well, he wouldn’t have to sign anything if he was paying for it? CLINIC: No, he don’t have to sign. He don’t have to sign anything. CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there? CLINIC: Yes, we do. CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control? CLINIC: No. Everything’s confidential here. CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, so it’s all right if like my boyfriend’s there with me for that too? CLINIC: Well, not inside for your exam. He will come in, you know, for your visit but outside. CALLER: Okay. Well, I just have so many questions, and I’m confused. I don’t know what to do. But is it all right if like I call you back? What was your name? Listen to the Call: Transcript: CLINIC: Henderson Planned Parenthood. This is Merva (sp). May I help you? CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there? CLINIC: Yes, we do. CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does that cost? CLINIC: $300. CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — like I’m going to be 14 in March, and my friend said that they would have to tell my parents, but my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No. It’s got to be your legal guardian. CALLER: Really? CLINIC: Um-hum. CALLER: Is there any way not to tell my parents at all, because they can’t find out. CLINIC: You can go through a judicial bypass. CALLER: What is that? CLINIC: Which is you have to go to court — or not court. I mean, a judge has to sign the consent and all that, so in order for you to get the abortion. CALLER: Oh. Well, do they ever say no or anything? CLINIC: No, um-um. CALLER: Oh. Well, would the judge have to tell my parents? CLINIC: No. Um-um. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Let me give you a number for Jane Doe so you can call them and they see what they can do for you. CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know how much a judicial bypass costs? CLINIC: I don’t know. Um-um. CALLER: Oh. Well, do I need like a lawyer or anything? CLINIC: No, you don’t. Um-um. CALLER: Oh. Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test though? CLINIC: Yeah, you can come in here for a pregnancy test. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: And actually if it is positive we do have to report it to the police department because you’re under 14 — I mean, because you’re 14. 14 and under we have to report it. CALLER: Well, okay. Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, would you guys have to tell on me? CLINIC: No. Um-um. Only if it’s positive. CALLER: Could I get birth control then? CLINIC: Um-hum. CALLER: Would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control though? CLINIC: No. CALLER: Oh. Well, the only way I’d be able to get there is if my boyfriend brings me. Is that all right? CLINIC: Okay, but if you — okay, we can do the pregnancy test but you’re going to have to – -if you want to get birth control pills or the depo, you have to get the well woman exam which is your pap smear in order to get all that. And for that you have to schedule an appointment. We take walk-ins only for pregnancy tests. CALLER: Well, is it all right if like my boyfriend pays for everything? CLINIC: Um-hum. CALLER: Would he have to sign anything though? CLINIC: No, uh-uh. CALLER: All right. Okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: So but if it was — if the pregnancy test was positive you’d have to tell the police? CLINIC: Yes, we have to report it. CALLER: Oh. All right. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: Well, would anything happen? CLINIC: No, it won’t. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: It’s just that we have to do that. I mean — we just have to do it as a policy here. So. Listen to the Call: Transcript: RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. If you know your party’s extension, you may (dial sound) One moment, please. CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Kathy. CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there? CLINIC: We don’t do them at this clinic, but we have an abortion line that you can call. And we do them at other clinics. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Let me give you the number. It’s 817-882-1175. CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know, like — well, I’m going to be 14 in March and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents, but my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just take care of it and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody? CLINIC: There’s a way that you can — you need to call that number and they’ll explain it to you. But there’s a thing called a parental notification law, and they, you can, they’re supposed to tell your parents. But if you feel like that it’s in your best interest — you have to be — it’s like a legal thing you have to go through, and it’s not very hard to do. People get scared off because there’s a legal issue and you have to go through the court system and see a judge. But what they do is, they will — if you tell them that you’re afraid of telling your parents because you might be, they may put you out or they may, for whatever reason, then if the judge sees that you’re capable enough and that you are mature enough to make that decision on your own he can bypass that law and give you the right to do that without parental notification. CALLER: Well, do they ever say no, or anything? CLINIC: Not usually. I mean, unless they see a circumstance where somebody’s coming in like every four or five months and she’s pregnant all the time and she’s trying to get an abortion every time, then you know, then that’s somebody that’s abusing — you know, we don’t want people to do that. That’s not why, a good form of birth control. You know what I’m saying? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: So, but call that number, and ask them, and they will explain everything to you and how it works. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Okay. CALLER: Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test though? CLINIC: You can come in to any Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test. CALLER: Okay. It’s just my boyfriend gave me this number, and he would just want to go there. CLINIC: Okay. Well, this one, the one that you called is — we’re just an administrative office, and we don’t do the pregnancy test. But the one — where do you all live? CALLER: I live in Keller. CLINIC: Oh, you live in Keller? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: The one that’s closest to you would probably be the one, Jacksboro Highway. Or there’s one in Bedford too. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: But when you call that number, have them give you the other number so that you can call them, and they may be able to help you too. CALLER: Well, does anybody have to know about like getting a pregnancy test? CLINIC: No. Nobody has to know anything. You just walk in. You can be 10 years old and walk in and get a pregnancy test and nobody has to tell anybody. CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, do you know like — I’m just worried because my friend told me that — well, since like I’ll be 14 in March that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of everything? CLINIC: Okay. You’re going to have to call them to answer those questions. CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, could I could in there for a pregnancy test though? CLINIC: Could you come in here? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Have you already taken a pregnancy test? CALLER: No. I’m just worried because like I haven’t had my period since like December 21st. CLINIC: Okay. Pregnancy tests here are $18. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Cash or credit card. Yeah. We could do your pregnancy test for you, sure. CALLER: Okay. Well, my boyfriend said that he would pay for everything, but would he have to sign for anything? CLINIC: No, not for a pregnancy test. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Did you want to come in today? CALLER: Well, what time? CLINIC: Could you be here this — I have a 12:00 open or this afternoon at 3:30 or 3:45. CALLER: Probably later on this afternoon. CLINIC: 3:30? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Okay> What’s your last name? CALLER: Smith. CLINIC: And your first name? CALLER: Christine. CLINIC: Spell it? CALLER: CHRISTINE. CLINIC: And your birthdate? CALLER: It’s March 19, 1988. CLINIC: Okay, and do you know where this clinic is? CALLER: My boyfriend does. He’d be the only way I could get there. Would that be all right if he was there? CLINIC: Yeah. CALLER: Really? CLINIC: He knows where we’re located? CALLER: Uh-huh. CLINIC: Has he been here before? CALLER: I don’t know. I don’t think so. I don’t know. CLINIC: Okay. But he knows where we are? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: All right. And it’s $18 cash or credit card. CALLER: Okay. Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant do you guys do birth control there? CLINIC: Yeah. But we’d have to talk to you about setting up an appointment for an exam. CALLER: Oh, okay> Well, if I was on birth control though would you have to tell anybody? CLINIC: No. CALLER: Really? CLINIC: No. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Okay? CALLER: All right. Thanks. CLINIC: Bye bye. (phone clicks) (dialing sounds) (ringing) CLINIC: Planned Parent West. May I help you? CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I just — was I just talking to you? CLINIC: Uh-huh. CALLER: I was talking to my boyfriend just now and I don’t know that he can get the time off to take me. Would there be another day that I could come? CLINIC: Yeah. Why don’t you call when you know that you can be here, and we’ll set up an appointment? CALLER: Okay. Well, could I — do I call and talk to you? What’s your name? CLINIC: Well, anybody here can help you make the appointment, Christine. CALLER: Okay. CLINIC: Okay? If you think you could be here tomorrow, we don’t open until 12:00, so you can call at 12:00 and tell us what time you can be here. And Wednesday we’re here at 9:00. You can call then. CALLER: Okay. Well, if I call back later today, could I call and talk to you? What’s your name? CLINIC: My name is Rosalind. Sure. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: And then, you know, we could set up the appointment for the pregnancy test, and if it turns out that you’re not pregnant we can tell you about getting on birth control and how much the exam would be and all that. CALLER: Well, how soon could I get on birth control? CLINIC: Well, we could see you later on in the week, but your exam is going to range — are you a student? CALLER: Well, I’m homeschooled. CLINIC: Okay, and you’re 14? CALLER: I’ll be 14 in March. CLINIC: Okay. Your exam — we could give you a student rate where your exam would be $44. And your pills would be $12 a pack. CALLER: Oh, okay. CLINIC: All right? So we can talk to you about that when we bring you in for the test. And if the test is negative we could set up the appointment for later on in the week. CALLER: Okay. Well, would it be all right if my boyfriend picked up the pills, because I can’t drive. CLINIC: Right. But you have to come here for the exam. CALLER: Right. But like after that? Like? CLINIC: Yeah. After that, okay, and you’re going to be 14 in March? CALLER: Yeah. CLINIC: Okay. Okay. Just call back when you can set up the appointment. CALLER: Okay, thanks. CLINIC: All right, Christine. Bye bye. (phone clicks) *** THE END *** for parents cases the attorney project The information contained in this web site provides an overview of the laws across the United States and is offered as a general information to educate the public. This information should not be considered, nor is it intended as, a substitute for advice from an attorney. Only an attorney licensed or permitted to practice law in the State in which you live or where the injury occurred may represent you and present any claim on your behalf.
// // SoftwareView.m // oschina // // Created by wangjun on 12-5-14. // Copyright (c) 2012年 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // #import "SoftwareView.h" @implementation SoftwareView @synthesize tableSoftwares; @synthesize searchTag; @synthesize tag; @synthesize isSoftwareTagList; @synthesize headTitle; #pragma mark - View lifecycle -(void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.view.backgroundColor = self.tableSoftwares.backgroundColor = [Tool getBackgroundColor]; softwares = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:20]; [self reload]; } -(void)viewDidUnload { [self setTableSoftwares:nil]; [softwares removeAllObjects]; softwares = nil; [super viewDidUnload]; } -(void)reload { [[AFOSCClient sharedClient] postPath:isSoftwareTagList ? api_softwaretag_list : api_software_list parameters:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:isSoftwareTagList ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",self.tag] : self.searchTag,@"searchTag",[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", softwares.count/20],@"pageIndex",@"20",@"pageSize", nil] success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) { NSString *response = operation.responseString; [Tool getOSCNotice2:response]; isLoading = NO; @try { TBXML *xml = [[TBXML alloc] initWithXMLString:response error:nil]; TBXMLElement *root = xml.rootXMLElement; TBXMLElement *_results = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"softwares" parentElement:root]; if (!_results) { isLoadOver = YES; [tableSoftwares reloadData]; return; } TBXMLElement *first = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"software" parentElement:_results]; if (!first) { isLoadOver = YES; [self.tableSoftwares reloadData]; return; } NSMutableArray * newResults = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:20]; TBXMLElement *name = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"name" parentElement:first]; TBXMLElement *description = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"description" parentElement:first]; TBXMLElement *url = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"url" parentElement:first]; SoftwareUnit *s = [[SoftwareUnit alloc] initWithParameters:[TBXML textForElement:name] andDescription:[TBXML textForElement:description] andUrl:[TBXML textForElement:url]]; if (![Tool isRepeatSoftware:softwares andSoftware:s]) { [newResults addObject:s]; } while (first) { first = [TBXML nextSiblingNamed:@"software" searchFromElement:first]; if (first) { name = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"name" parentElement:first]; description = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"description" parentElement:first]; url = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"url" parentElement:first]; s = [[SoftwareUnit alloc] initWithParameters:[TBXML textForElement:name] andDescription:[TBXML textForElement:description] andUrl:[TBXML textForElement:url]]; if (![Tool isRepeatSoftware:softwares andSoftware:s]) { [newResults addObject:s]; } } else break; } if (newResults.count < 20) { isLoadOver = YES; } [softwares addObjectsFromArray:newResults]; [self.tableSoftwares reloadData]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { [NdUncaughtExceptionHandler TakeException:exception]; } @finally { } } failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) { [Tool ToastNotification:@"网络连接故障" andView:self.view andLoading:NO andIsBottom:NO]; return ; }]; isLoading = YES; [self.tableSoftwares reloadData]; } -(void)reloadType { [self clear]; [self reload]; } -(void)clear { [softwares removeAllObjects]; isLoadOver = NO; } #pragma TableView的处理 -(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { if (isLoadOver) { return softwares.count == 0 ? 1 : softwares.count; } else return softwares.count + 1; } -(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (isLoadOver) { return softwares.count == 0 ? 62 : 56; } else { return indexPath.row < softwares.count ? 56 : 62; } } -(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { cell.backgroundColor = [Tool getCellBackgroundColor]; } -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (softwares.count > 0) { if (indexPath.row < softwares.count) { UITableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:SoftwareCellIdentifier]; if (!cell) { cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:SoftwareCellIdentifier]; } SoftwareUnit * s = [softwares objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; cell.textLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16.0]; cell.textLabel.text = s.name; cell.detailTextLabel.text = s.description; cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator; return cell; } else { return [[DataSingleton Instance] getLoadMoreCell:tableView andIsLoadOver:isLoadOver andLoadOverString:@"加载完毕" andLoadingString:(isLoading ? loadingTip : loadNext20Tip) andIsLoading:isLoading]; } } else { return [[DataSingleton Instance] getLoadMoreCell:tableView andIsLoadOver:isLoadOver andLoadOverString:@"加载完毕" andLoadingString:(isLoading ? loadingTip : loadNext20Tip) andIsLoading:isLoading]; } } -(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES]; int row = indexPath.row; if (row >= softwares.count) { if (!isLoading && !isLoadOver) { [self performSelector:@selector(reload)]; } } else { SoftwareUnit * s = [softwares objectAtIndex:row]; if (s) { [Tool analysis:s.url andNavController:self.navigationController]; } } } @end
Q: ASP.NET MVC FileNotFound Error upon Adding Strongly-Typed View I am an ASP.NET MVC newbie. I am getting a very strange error when I attempt to add a new strongly-type view in my controller. I am using a basic class, with no dependencies, with the View content set to "List". I am using a master page. The view name is a standard "Index". This used to work just fine but it all of a sudden started giving me this error every time: Error http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/7707/mvcioerr.png (Thanks for resizing my image, Stack Overflow, instead of putting it in an overflowed container like a gentleman. And also, thanks for giving me no way to turn the image into a hyperlink to the original image) The name of the DLL changes on the error message every time. I have tried restarting my machine, and that did not work. I do not know what else to try. Can anybody help me resolve this error? It is preventing me from continuing this code binge (which I rarely get to go on), and it is really giving me a bad impression of ASP.NET MVC. I tweeted to the men, but was ignored. A: I think you need to reinstall ASP.NET MVC : Remove both Microsoft ASP.NET MVC and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC - Visual Studio tools from your Control Panel and reinstall ASP.NET MVC. Hope this helps.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. If roles were reversed, and a conservative attempted to kill themselves over Obama or Clinton. the liberals would be out in full celebration mode. Let’s try not to do that. This is a mentally ill woman, with a history of past suicide attempts. However, in this case, she was not smart enough to end her own life. Thank God for that. take our poll - story continues below Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?(2) Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd? Should the Government be Mandating Masks? * Yes No My State Is Not Allowing In Person Voting Email * Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Completing this poll grants you access to DC Dirty Laundry updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Some might theorize that she knew she wouldn’t die and was just desperately seeking attention. Who knows? From The Smoking Gun: A Florida woman told police that she stabbed herself in the stomach with a kitchen knife because, “I’m tired of living in Trump’s country, I’m tired of Trump being president.” Cops found the 46-year-old woman standing outside her residence in Palmetto Sunday, according to a police report. She had blood all over her legs, hands, and face, a cop noted. When asked what was wrong, the woman lifted her shirt to reveal “three stab wounds on [her] stomach that were still bleeding.” She then told the patrolman she had “stabbed herself because she does not want to live in Trump’s country.” The woman was subsequently transported by EMS workers to a local hospital “under trauma alert.” After evaluating the woman, a cop concluded that there was a “substantial likelihood” that she “will cause bodily harm to herself and/or others.” As a result, the officer appears to have recommended that the woman be involuntarily admitted to a mental health treatment facility (per the state’s Baker Act). The report states that the woman said she “has been Baker Acted before and has attempted to hurt herself in the past.” According to AOL, “The Baker Act is the Florida Mental Health Act of 1971, which allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of a person. The examination can be requested by a judge, physicians, mental health professionals and law enforcement, so long as there is evidence a person has a possible mental illness and is in danger of harming themselves or others.” AOL continues: “I strongly believe there is substantial likelihood that without care or treatment the person will cause serious bodily harm to herself and/or others,” the officer wrote in their report. “I believe that [redacted] is unable to determine for herself whether examination is necessary.” The officer followed EMS to the hospital as other deputies stayed at the scene. The officer waited for the woman to be treated. When the woman was stable, she told the officer that her daughter was aware of the incident and would be at her house that night. As you can see above, some of the police report has been redacted. Hopefully this woman gets the help she needs and can someday be more in tune with the world around her. We suffered through 8 long years of Obama, and the left has gone absolutely bonkers just a little over 2 years through Trump’s first term. I’ve got news for our liberal friends. Many of us didn’t vote for Trump as much as we voted against Hillary Clinton. Why don’t you find yourselves a decent candidate for 2020 so people might actually elect them and stop trying to kill yourselves with kitchen knives? Dean Garrison is the publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry
DENVER (AP) Nathan MacKinnon and Matt Calvert scored 11 seconds apart in the third period, Semyon Varlamov made 26 saves in another strong performance and the Colorado Avalanche beat the Winnipeg Jets 7-1 on Wednesday night. Carl Soderberg, Mikko Rantanen, Tyson Jost, Gabriel Landeskog and A.J. Greer also scored to help Colorado win two in a row for the first time since late November. In addition, MacKinnon's power-play goal snapped an 0-for-29 dry spell on the man advantage. Varlamov followed a 40-save shutout performance Monday by clamping down on the Jets. The only score Varlamov allowed was to Kyle Connor with Colorado staked to a 4-0 lead. Connor Hellebuyck stopped 39 shots for the Jets, who lost to the Avalanche for the second time inside of a week. MacKinnon and Calvert broke things open early in the third with the fastest back-to-back goals for the Avalanche this season. On Winnipeg's lone goal, Varlamov froze the puck and the whistle blew before it slid through his pads. The officials reviewed the play and awarded the goal. Things got testy midway in the third when Avalanche defenseman Nikita Zadorov and Jets center Mark Scheifele got into a brief skirmish. Both were sent to the box for roughing. Zadorov later squared off with forward Adam Lowry. Soderberg and Rantanen gave Colorado a 2-0 advantage in the second period. That was plenty for Varlamov, who was making his eighth straight appearance in net. The Avalanche recently split up their top line of Landeskog, MacKinnon and Rantanen to bolster a stagnant offense. It's paying off with Colorado scoring 10 goals over the last two games. Landeskog hit the crossbar with a wrist shot and Jost had a close-in attempt tipped over the net by a Winnipeg defender's stick during a scoreless first period. Other than that, it was the Hellebuyck and Varlamov Show. They matched each other with one big save after another. It's been a bumpy ride for the Avalanche, who have gone from challenging for the Central Division lead in December to falling out of a playoff spot after a rough stretch and now working their way back into the thick of a playoff chase. ''Right where we want to be - destiny's in our hands,'' Avalanche coach Jared Bednar said. ''We've got a lot of season yet to go. This is going to go right down to the bitter end.'' NOTES: Jets D Dustin Byfuglien was out for a second straight game with a lower body injury. ... Avalanche F Colin Wilson missed a fifth straight game with an upper body injury. ... D Ian Cole sat out a seventh straight game with an upper body injury. He turns 30 on Thursday. ... Sven Andrighetto, Matt Nieto, Jost and Soderberg each had two assists. ... It was Greer's first NHL goal. UP NEXT Jets: The second of three straight road games will be Friday at Vegas. Avalanche: At Chicago on Friday before playing in Nashville on Saturday.
--- abstract: '.15cm We derive and study supergravity BPS flow equations for M5 or D3 branes wrapping a Riemann surface. They take the form of novel geometric flows intrinsically defined on the surface. Their dual field-theoretic interpretation suggests the existence of solutions interpolating between an arbitrary metric in the UV and the constant-curvature metric in the IR. We confirm this conjecture with a rigorous global existence proof.' --- =10000 [****]{}2.25cm[ Michael T. Anderson[^1], Christopher Beem[^2], Nikolay Bobev[^3], Leonardo Rastelli[^4] ]{}\ .3cm [*$^{2,3}$Simons Center for Geometry and Physics*\ [*Stony Brook, NY 11794-3636*]{}]{}\ .3cm [*$^{4}$C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University*\ [*Stony Brook, NY 11794-3840*]{}]{} 1.25cm Introduction ============ \[sec:intro\] Geometric flow equations are a central subject in modern differential geometry and topology. They also arise naturally in quantum field theory as renormalization group (RG) equations in theories whose coupling space is parametrized by a Riemannian manifold. A prototypical example is Ricci flow [@RicciFlowHamilton; @RicciFlow1], which independently appeared in quantum field theory (in Friedan’s thesis [@Friedan]) just before being introduced by Hamilton as a tool to attack the geometrization conjecture for three-manifolds [@RicciFlowIntroduced]. Ricci flow describes the one-loop RG evolution for the metric of the target manifold ${\cal M}$ of a two-dimensional sigma-model. Under certain assumptions, and after appropriate rescaling, solutions of Ricci flow tend to a constant curvature metric on ${\cal M}$. Physically, this canonical metric is interpreted as an infrared (IR) stable fixed point; the metric moduli are irrelevant in the RG sense, and they are washed out by the flow. Here we introduce and study a new class of geometric flows which arise as holographic BPS flows for certain supersymmetric large $N$ field theories. We restrict to flows defined on a closed Riemann surface $\cC$; the very interesting extension to three-manifolds will be presented elsewhere [@inprogress3]. The dual interpretation of the flows as field-theory RG flows suggests that they should uniformize the surface, that is, for fixed complex structure on $\cC$ there should exist a solution interpolating between an arbitrary metric on $\cC$ in the ultraviolet (UV) and the attractor metric of constant curvature in the IR. We confirm this expectation by rigorous mathematical argument. We emphasize from the outset that our flow equations, while certainly related to the physics of renormalization, have a rather different flavor from flows, such as Ricci flow, that admit a more direct field-theoretic RG interpretation. Indeed our flow equations are second-order (elliptic) in RG time, rather than first-order (parabolic) and we study them as a boundary-value problem with prescribed UV and IR behavior. This is a familiar predicament. Quite generally, if one regards supergravity flow equations as defining an initial-value problem, one needs to constrain the UV data such that the evolution does not lead to unphysical singularities. This is very difficult, and in practice it is more convenient to study instead a boundary value problem with specified UV and IR data. However, this is not in the spirit of the Wilsonian RG, where for all initial UV data there is a well-defined physical flow. Our initial motivation comes from physics. We want to test a crucial assumption of the beautiful recent work on four-dimensional $\cN=2$ supersymmetric quantum field theories “of class $\cS$” [@Gaiotto:2009we; @Gaiotto:2008cd; @Gaiotto:2009hg]. These are the theories conjectured to arise by compactification on a Riemann surface $\cC$ of the famous six-dimensional $(2,0)$ superconformal field theory (SCFT). The appropriate partial topological twist ensures that $\cN=2$ supersymmetry is preserved in the four non-compact dimensions for arbitrary metric on $\cC$. Then in the IR the theory must flow to a four-dimensional $\cN=2$ SCFT. The complex structure moduli space of $\cC$ is identified with the space of exactly marginal couplings of the four-dimensional SCFT, but the conformal factor of the metric is believed to be RG-irrelevant and thus forgotten in the IR. This is the assumption that we set out to check. As a Lagrangian description of the $(2,0)$ theory is presently lacking, we do not know how to approach this question in general. Fortunately, a simplification occurs for large $N$, where $N$ is the rank of the Lie algebra $A_{N-1}$ that characterizes the $(2,0)$ theory. In this limit we can appeal to the $AdS$/CFT correspondence, which states that the $(2,0)$ $A_{N-1}$ theory is dual to eleven-dimensional supergravity in an $AdS_7 \times S^4$ background. In fact for our purposes, it is sufficient to consider the consistent truncation of eleven-dimensional supergravity to seven-dimensional gauged supergravity.[^5] Then the hypothesis that we would like to check can be rephrased in the language of the “holographic RG”. One singles out a radial coordinate to play the role of RG time and writes the supergravity BPS equations as evolution equations with respect to this coordinate. The solutions of interest interpolate between an asymptotically locally $AdS_7$ background in the UV and the background $AdS_5 \times \cC$ (where $\cC$ has fixed constant negative curvature) in the IR. The expectation is that such a solution exists for [*arbitrary*]{} choice of UV metric on $\cC$. At first sight, the supergravity BPS equations look like a complicated coupled system, but remarkably they can be reduced to the very elegant equation (\[M5N=2Heaven\]): \_\^2e\^+(\_x\^2+\_y\^2)=m\^2e\^ .This is a single elliptic flow equation for a scalar field $\Phi$ intrinsically defined on the surface! In terms of the original variables, $\Phi$ is a linear combination of the conformal factor of the metric on $\cC$ and of one of the scalars fields of the gauged supergravity. We can also think of it more covariantly as an equation for an auxiliary metric on $\cC$, of which $\Phi$ is the conformal factor, see (\[ABEqM52\]). The equation admits an exact solution, which equates to the previously known solution where $\cC$ is taken to have constant curvature throughout the flow [@Maldacena:2000mw]. Linearizing around this constant-curvature flow, it is easy to demonstrate that for infinitesimal perturbations of the UV metric there is always a solution flowing to the attractive fixed point in the IR. Much less trivially, we are able to give a rigorous global existence proof. The proof is based on degree theoretic techniques used in proving existence results for nonlinear elliptic equations. For a survey of this area of nonlinear functional or global analysis, see [@N1]. Such methods can be used, for instance, to give a relatively simple proof of the uniformization theorem for surfaces of higher genus [@Kazdan]. The proof here is more difficult, since it involves flows with substantially different behaviors in the UV and IR. We perform a similar analysis for a few other cases of physical interest. The first variation on our theme is to consider a different partial topological twist of the $(2,0)$ theory compactified on $\cC$, such that only $\cN=1$ supersymmetry is preserved in four dimensions. In fact there is a whole family of possible twists that preserve $\cN=1$ supersymmetry, and here we restrict to the simplest case, already discussed in [@Maldacena:2000mw]; a more comprehensive discussion will appear elsewhere [@inprogresstwists]. Another variation is to take as the starting point $\cN=4$ super Yang-Mills, a four-dimensional SCFT, rather than the six-dimensional $(2,0)$ theory. We consider compactifications of $\cN=4$ SYM on $\cC$ with partial topological twists that preserve either $(4,4)$ or $ (2,2)$ supersymmetry in the two non-compact dimensions. For all of these cases, the holographic RG equations reduce to a single scalar equation on ${\cal C}$. The example of the (4,4) twist of $\cN=4$ SYM is somewhat special, since one does not expect the IR theory to have a well-defined vacuum state [@Maldacena:2000mw], and correspondingly one finds no $AdS_3 \times {\cal C}$ solution in the dual supergravity. On the other hand, both the $(2,0)$ theory with $\cN =1$ twist and $\cN = 4$ SYM with the $(2,2)$ twist flow in the IR to SCFTs in four and two dimensions, respectively. As before, the field-theoretic expectation is that memory of the UV metric on ${\cal C}$ is lost in the IR. This is confirmed by the analysis of the corresponding scalar flow equations (\[M51/4Heaven\]) and (\[D3N=22Heaven\]) which, despite looking less elegant than , have very similar behavior. The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section \[sec:background\], we review the construction of the field theories of interest by partial twisting of maximally supersymmetric theories. We then recall the realization of these field theories on the worldvolumes of D3 and M5 branes wrapping supersymmetric cycles in Calabi-Yau manifolds. In Sections \[sec:M5s\] and \[sec:D3s\], we go about finding the gravity duals to the partially twisted $(2,0)$ and $\cN=4$ SYM field theories, respectively, and reduce the problem in each case to a single elliptic geometric flow equation on the Riemann surface. We also perform a linearized analysis of these flow equations, interpret the results using AdS/CFT and show that the constant curvature metric on the Riemann surface is a local IR attractor of the flow equations. In Section \[sec:theproof\], we provide a global proof that the geometric flows in question uniformize any metric on the Riemann surface for a correct choice of additional boundary data. We further explore the flow of the area of $\cC$ with respect to the auxiliary metric, and find that it decreases monotonically. Many technical details of the computations are reported in the appendices. Field Theory, Branes, Supergravity ================================== \[sec:background\] We begin by reviewing the field theories of interest, their realization on the worldvolumes of M5 and D3 branes, and our approach to constructing their gravity duals. The bulk of the material in this section has appeared previously, in particular in [@Maldacena:2000mw] (see also [@Fayyazuddin:2000em; @Brinne:2000fh]). However, as the analysis in the present work is somewhat more involved than that of [@Maldacena:2000mw], we place special emphasis on symmetries as the basic guiding principle: the symmetries of the partially-twisted field theory can be used to systematically determine the geometry of the brane construction, which in turn completely fixes the Ansatz for the supergravity analysis. Partially twisted field theories {#ssec:twist} -------------------------------- We study the $(2,0)$ theory of $A_{N-1}$ type in $d=6$ dimensions and $\cN=4$ SYM with $SU(N)$ gauge group in $d=4$ dimensions, defined on a spacetime of the form \^[1,d-3]{} ,\[spacetime\] with $\cC$ a compact Riemann surface of genus ${\bf g} > 1$. Supersymmetry would normally be broken explicitly and completely by the curved background due to the absence of covariantly constant spinors. This situation can be remedied if the theory is (partially) twisted [@Witten:1988ze; @Bershadsky:1995qy]. Because we consider geometries with product metrics where only a two-dimensional factor is curved, the structure group of the spacetime manifold naturally reduces according to SO(1,d-1)SO(1,d-3)SO(2)\_ .\[structuregroup\] A choice of twist is a choice of Abelian subgroup $SO(2)_{\cC}^\prime\subset SO(2)_{\cC}\times G_R$, with $G_R$ the R-symmetry group of the $d$-dimensional field theory, such that some of the supercharges are invariant under $SO(2)_{\cC}^\prime$. For the theories at hand, the R-symmetry group $G_R$ is $SO(5)$ or $SO(6)$ and there exist a number of inequivalent ways to choose the group $SO(2)_{\cC}^\prime$ so that some supersymmetry is preserved. We restrict our attention to two twists for each theory. We now review these twists and mention some standard facts about the resulting $(d-2)$-dimensional theories. ### Twists of the $(2,0)$ SCFT in six dimensions {#sssec:M5twist} The Poincaré supercharges of the $(2,0)$ superconformal algebra transform in the $\bfor\otimes\bfor$ of the maximal bosonic subgroup $SO(1,5)\times SO(5)_R$ and respect a symplectic-Majorana constraint. Because only an Abelian factor of the structure group is being twisted, it is sufficient to consider the maximal torus of the R-symmetry group, $SO(5)_R$. In particular, if we think of $SO(5)_R$ as rotations of $\RR^5_{x_{1-5}}$, then we define $U(1)_{R,12}\times U(1)_{R,34}\subset SO(5)_R$ as the subgroups which rotate the $(x_1,x_2)$ and $(x_3,x_4)$ planes independently. Under the subgroup $SO(1,3)\times SO(2)_{\cC}\times U(1)_{R,12}\times U(1)_{R,34}\subset SO(1,5)\times SO(5)_R$, the supercharges decompose as  , \[M5spinordecomp\] and satisfy a reality constraint coming from the symplectic-Majorana condition. Thus, under a $U(1)$ subgroup generated by a Lie algebra element $t^\prime=t_{\cC}+a t_{12}+ b t_{34}$ (the $t$’s on the right-hand side being the generators of $SO(2)_{\cC}$, $U(1)_{12}$, and $U(1)_{34}$, respectively), the supercharges transform with charges $\pm\frac{1}{2}\pm\frac{a}{2}\pm\frac{b}{2}$. For any choice of $a$ and $b$ such that $a \pm b= \pm1$ there are at least four real, invariant supercharges, so at low energies the theory enjoys four-dimensional $\cN=1$ supersymmetry. In the special case when either $a$ or $b$ is zero, the supersymmetry is enhanced to $\cN=2$ in four dimensions.[^6] The first twist studied corresponds to the choice $a=1$ and $b=0$. We refer to this as the “$1/2$ BPS twist”. It has been argued in [@Gaiotto:2009we] that these twisted compactifications of the $(2,0)$ theory flow to four-dimensional SCFTs of class $\cS$ [@Gaiotto:2008cd; @Gaiotto:2009hg]. One key aspect of any theory of class $\cS$ is that it has a moduli space which is equivalent to the complex structure moduli space of an associated Riemann surface – the “UV curve”. In [@Gaiotto:2009we], the UV curve was identified with the Riemann surface $\cC$ on which the $(2,0)$ theory is compactified, and it was conjectured that under the subsequent RG flow to a four-dimensional fixed point, all metric data for $\cC$ except for the complex structure are irrelevant. The arguments for this picture are compelling. For example, the space of marginal deformations in the four-dimensional theory leaves no room for additional geometric degrees of freedom, and BPS quantities in the twisted six-dimensional theory are determined by the complex structure alone. Nevertheless, the hard-boiled skeptic cannot rule out the existence of disconnected components in space of IR fixed points. The second twist considered corresponds to the choice $a=b=1/2$, which is the “$1/4$ BPS twist”. These theories have been considered in [@Benini:2009mz], where they were identified as the end point of an RG flow triggered by a mass deformation of the $\cN=2$ theory of class $\cS$ for the same UV curve. It was further argued that the moduli space of these theories is the combined space of complex structures and flat $SU(2)$ bundles on the UV curve. Locally, this moduli space is just the product of the complex structure moduli space with the space of $SU(2)$ Wilson lines for the UV curve. ### Twists of $\cN=4$ SYM in four dimensions {#sssec:D3twist} The Poincaré supercharges of $\cN=4$ SYM transform in the $[({\bf 2},{\bf 1})\,\oplus\,({\bf 1},{\bf 2})]\,\otimes\,\bfor$ of $SO(1,3)\times SU(4)_R$ with a Majorana constraint. As in the case of the $(2,0)$ theory, it is sufficient to consider a maximal torus of $SU(4)_R \cong SO(6)_R$, which we regard as independent rotations of three planes in $\RR^6_{x_{1-6}}$. Under the subgroup $SO(1,1)\times SO(2)_{\cC}\times U(1)_{12}\times U(1)_{34}\times U(1)_{56}$, the supercharges decompose as  . \[D3spinordecomp\] If we consider the $U(1)$ subgroup generated by a Lie algebra element $t^\prime=t_{\cC}+a\,t_{12}+b\,t_{34}+c\,t_{56}$, it is straightforward to check that at least two real supercharges are invariant for $a\pm b\pm c=\pm1$. This is enhanced to four invariant supercharges if $a$, $b$, or $c$ vanish, and eight invariant supercharges if only one of $a$, $b$, and $c$ is non-zero. These classes of twists give rise to theories which flow to two-dimensional theories preserving $\cN=(1,1)$, $\cN=(2,2)$, and $\cN=(4,4)$ supersymmetry, respectively. We focus on the two latter cases as the additional supersymmetry leads to nice simplifications. First we consider the “1/2 BPS twist” with $(a,b,c)=(0,0,1)$. Since $\cN=4$ SYM has a Lagrangian description, the resulting twisted field theory can be studied quite explicitly, and in [@Bershadsky:1995vm] it was argued that the IR fixed point is a sigma model with target space the hyper-Kähler moduli space $\cM^H(\cC)$ of solutions to the Hitchin equations. This sigma model explicitly depends only on the complex structure on $\cC$, and so is insensitive to the conformal factor of the metric. Then we study the “$1/4$ BPS twist” with $(a,b,c)=(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},0)$. This is related to the Donaldson-Witten twist of $\cN=2$ theories in four dimensions where $\cN=4$ SYM is treated as an $\cN=2$ theory with an adjoint hypermultiplet. Brane realization {#ssec:branegeometry} ----------------- The maximally supersymmetric theories of interest – , the $A_{N-1}$ $(2,0)$ theory and $SU(N)$ $\cN=4$ SYM – arise in M-theory and string theory on the worldvolumes of stacks of $N$ M5 and D3 branes, respectively. Their partially twisted relatives are also realized by branes wrapping supersymmetric cycles in special holonomy manifolds [@Bershadsky:1995qy]. The explicit construction of the field theories in terms of wrapped branes is useful because there is a direct translation from the brane-geometric constructions of a field theory (which should be thought of as specifying its UV behavior) to boundary conditions for the dual supergravity solution. As we are interested in the field theory limit of the brane dynamics, we should imagine the relevant supersymmetric cycles occurring in some compact, special holonomy manifold at large volume. In the large volume limit, the branes only probe an infinitesimal neighborhood of the supersymmetric cycle, so the geometry can be modeled as a non-compact manifold which is a vector bundle over $\cC$, where the fiber is $\RR^5$ in the case of M5 branes and $\RR^6$ in the case of D3 branes.[^7] These fibers are precisely the vector spaces which appeared previously in Section \[ssec:twist\] representing the field-theoretic R-symmetry groups. Accordingly, in the case of the $1/2$ BPS twist of both M5 and D3 theories, only a one-complex-dimensional subspace of the transverse space is fibered non-trivially over $\cC$. This amounts to the statement that $\cC$ is a holomorphic curve in a local Calabi-Yau two-fold of the form X\_[1/2]{}= ,\[2fold\] where $\cL$ represents a holomorphic line bundle. The condition that the R-symmetry component of the twisted rotation group acts on the preserved supercharges with equal and opposite charge to the untwisted rotation group specifies that this line bundle is in fact the holomorphic cotangent bundle $T^{\star}\cC^{(1,0)}$.[^8] This is the unique line bundle $\cL$ which admits a hyper-Kähler metric, and so leads to a theory with $\cN=2$ supersymmetry. In the case of the $1/4$ BPS twists, there is a non-trivial $\CC^2$ bundle over $\cC$, and the twisted rotation group acts distinctly on the two $\CC$-factors. This situation arises when $\cC$ is a holomorphic curve in a local Calabi-Yau three-fold of the form X\_[1/4]{}=\_1\_2 .\[threefold\] As mentioned in Section \[ssec:twist\], a variety of choices can be made for the line bundles $\cL_1$ and $\cL_2$ so that the resulting geometry is locally Calabi-Yau (which in turn ensures that supersymmetry on the branes is preserved).[^9] We focus on the case where the R-symmetry factor of the twisted rotation group acts identically on the two line bundles, with half the weight of the action of the ordinary rotation group. In short, we set $\cL_1=\cL_2\equiv\cL_{1/4}$ with $\cL_{1/4}^{\otimes 2}=T^\star\cC^{(1,0)}$.[^10] Supergravity Ansätze {#ssec:ansatze} -------------------- We are studying theories whose microscopic behavior is controlled by maximally supersymmetric theories with well-known supergravity duals. Consequently, it is straightforward to fix the asymptotic form of the dual supergravity backgrounds. Here we outline precisely the Ansätze which provide the starting point for our calculations. We first describe the backgrounds dual to the twisted M5 brane theories. For the twisted D3 brane theories the procedure is analogous and is described succinctly. ### M5 brane Ansätze {#sssec:M5ansatz} The $A_{N-1}$ $(2,0)$ theory is dual at large $N$ to eleven-dimensional supergravity in an $AdS_7\times S^4$ background, where the $S^4$ factor can be thought of as the boundary of the transverse $\RR^5$ to a stack of $N$ M5 branes. From the brane construction of the partially twisted $(2,0)$ theory, we see that the large $N$ dual should be an eleven-dimensional supergravity background which is asymptotically locally $AdS_7\times S^4$, but for which the topology at fixed value of the radial coordinate is an $S^4$ fibration over $\RR^{1,3}\times\cC$. The $S^4$ fibration at the boundary is determined by the $\RR^5$ fibration in the brane construction (, the complex structure of the noncompact Calabi-Yau). Fortunately, there is a consistent truncation of eleven-dimensional supergravity on $S^4$ to the lowest Kaluza-Klein modes on the $S^4$ given by the maximal gauged supergravity in seven dimensions [@Nastase:1999cb; @Nastase:1999kf]. Since the boundary conditions involve only the lowest Kaluza-Klein modes, the existence of the consistent truncation guarantees that we can work entirely in the language of the lower-dimensional gauged supergravity, and that all of the solutions we obtain can be uplifted to solutions of eleven-dimensional supergravity using explicit formulae from [@Nastase:1999cb; @Nastase:1999kf] (see also [@Cvetic:1999xp]). The maximal gauged supergravity in seven dimensions has an ordinary $SO(5)$ gauge group (dual to the R-symmetry) and an $SO(5)_c$ composite gauge group [@Pernici:1984xx]. The field content includes the metric, the $SO(5)$ gauge field, fourteen scalars parametrizing the coset $SL(5,\RR)/SO(5)_c$ and five three-form potentials transforming in the $\bf{5}$ of the $SO(5)$ gauge group. There are also four spin-3/2 fields and sixteen spin-1/2 fields transforming in the $\bf{4}$ and $\bf{16}$ of $SO(5)_c$, respectively. The complete action and supersymmetry variations of this theory were derived in [@Pernici:1984xx]. The bulk fields which are needed to match the partial twists of the $(2,0)$ theory at the boundary lie in a simple truncation of this theory to the metric, two Abelian gauge fields in the Cartan of the $SO(5)$ gauge group (encoding the fibration of the $S^4$, which has a reduced $U(1)\times U(1)$ structure), and two scalars which parameterize squashing deformations of the four-sphere.[^11] This is precisely the truncation of [@Liu:1999ai], but note that it is not the bosonic part of a non-maximal supergravity. However it has been shown that every solution of the equations of motion of the truncated theory solves the equations of motion of the maximal theory [@Liu:1999ai; @Cvetic:1999xp]. It is now straightforward to write down the most general Ansatz appropriate to our construction. The seven-dimensional metric takes the form ds\^2 = e\^[2f]{} (-dt\^2+dz\_1\^2+dz\_2\^2+dz\_3\^2) + e\^[2h]{}dr\^2 + y\^[-2]{}e\^[2g]{} (dx\^2+dy\^2) . \[M5metricAnsatz\] where $f$, $g$, and $h$ are functions of $r$ and of the coordinates $(x,y)$, which take values on the upper half-plane $H=\{(x,y)\,|\,y>0\}$.[^12] In order to obtain a compact Riemann surface parameterized by $(x,y)$, we impose a quotient by a discrete (Fuchsian) subgroup $\Gamma\subset PSL(2,\RR)$, the automorphism group of the hyperbolic plane. The functions $f$, $g$, and $h$ must be invariant under $\Gamma$. In addition to the metric, there may be non-trivial $(r,x,y)$-dependent profiles for the two Abelian gauge fields and two real scalars in the truncation, A\^[(i)]{}= A\^[(i)]{}\_x dx +A\^[(i)]{}\_y dy+A\^[(i)]{}\_r dr , \_i=\_i(x,y,r) ,   i=1,2 . \[M5gaugescalarAnsatz\] These bosonic fields must also to transform covariantly under $\Gamma$. As mentioned above, the asymptotic form of this Ansatz is fixed by the brane construction of the boundary theory. Specifically, the metric functions should have the following UV behavior as $r\to0$, $$\begin{aligned} \label{M5MetricAsymp} \begin{split} f(x,y,r), ~h(x,y,r) &\to-\log r+\cdots~,\\[0pt] g(x,y,r) &\to-\log r + g_0(x,y)+\cdots~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where $\cdots$ represents terms which vanish as $r\to0$. The asymptotic behavior of the bosonic fields is given by \_i&&0+ ,\ A\^[(i)]{}\_r&&0+ , \[M5ScalarAsymp\]\ A\^[(i)]{}\_[x,y]{}&&a\^[(i)]{}\^[xy]{}\_[x,y]{}+ ,where $\omega_\mu$ is the spin connection in seven dimensions. The constants $a^{(i)}$ are determined by the choice of twist, and the condition for the gauge fields $A^{(i)}_{x,y}$ encodes the fact that at the boundary the $S^4$ fibration is completely specified by the structure of the tangent bundle to $\cC$. To be precise, in the $1/2$ BPS twist, the correct choice is $a^{(1)}=1/2m$, $a^{(2)}=0$, while for the $1/4$ BPS twist we take $a^{(1)}=a^{(2)}=1/4m$, where $m$ is the gauge coupling of the gauged supergravity.[^13] Moreover, the twists in question preserve additional symmetries which lead to simplifications for the bosonic scalar fields. In the case of the $1/2$ BPS twist, there is an $SU(2)$ global symmetry coming from the fact that the transverse $\RR^5$ has an $\RR^3$ factor which is fibered trivially. This leads to the simplification 2\_1+3\_2=0 ,A\^[(2)]{}=0 , which can be consistently imposed as a truncation at the level of the equations of motion. In the $1/4$ BPS twist, there is an extra $\ZZ_2$symmetry which exchanges $\cL_1$ and $\cL_2$ in the geometry . This implies the additional relation \_1=\_2 ,A\^[(1)]{}=A\^[(2)]{} , which again leads to a consistent truncation of the equations of motion. ### D3 brane Ansätze {#sssec:D3ansatz} For the twisted D3 brane backgrounds, we have a very similar story. At large $N$ and large ’t Hooft coupling, $\cN=4$ SYM with $SU(N)$ gauge group is dual to type IIB supergravity in $AdS_5\times S^5$, with the $S^5$ thought of as the boundary of the transverse $\RR^6$ to a stack of $N$ D3 branes. We expect the twisted theory to be dual to a background which is asymptotically locally $AdS_5\times S^5$ with the spacetime topology at fixed value of the radial coordinate given by an $S^5$ fibration over $\RR^{1,1}\times\cC$. The asymptotic $S^5$ fibration is determined by the $\RR^6$ fibration in the brane construction. It is again sufficient to work in a gauged supergravity description. The maximal gauged supergravity in five dimensions was constructed in [@Gunaydin:1984qu; @Pernici:1985ju; @Gunaydin:1985cu] where the full action and supersymmetry variations were derived, and it is believed to be a consistent truncation to the lowest Kaluza-Klein modes of type IIB supergravity on $S^5$. This has not been proven explicitly, but in the present work we do not need the full structure of the theory. Rather, we content ourselves to work with the subsector studied in [@Cvetic:1999xp]. This is a truncation of the maximal theory to the metric, three Abelian gauge fields in the Cartan of the $SO(6)$ gauge group, and two real, neutral scalars. It can be shown to be a consistent truncation of the maximally supersymmetric supergravity to the bosonic part of an $\cN=2$ gauged supergravity coupled to two vector multiplets (see [@Bobev:2010de] for a recent discussion of this truncation). For this truncation, it [*has*]{} been shown that all solutions can be uplifted to solutions of type IIB supergravity, and there exist explicit uplift formulae [@Cvetic:1999xp]. Thus, all of the solutions discussed in the present work can be written as explicit solutions of type IIB supergravity. The Ansatz for the twisted D3 brane solutions takes a form analogous to that of the twisted M5 solutions. The five-dimensional metric is ds\^2 = e\^[2f]{} (-dt\^2+dz\^2) + e\^[2h]{}dr\^2 + y\^[-2]{}e\^[2g]{}(dx\^2+dy\^2) , \[D3metricAnsatz\] and there are now three Abelian gauge fields and two real scalars, $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} &A^{I}= A^{I}_x dx +A^{I}_y dy+A^{I}_r dr~,\quad\quad I=1,2,3~,\\[0pt] &\phi_1(x,y,r)~,\quad\quad \phi_2(x,y,r)~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ All functions in this Ansatz depend on $(x,y,r)$ and two-dimensional Poincaré invariance is manifest. The behavior at $r\to0$ is controlled by the corresponding twist of $\cN=4$ SYM. The metric functions have the following asymptotics, $$\begin{aligned} \label{D3MetricAsymp} \begin{split} f(x,y,r), ~h(x,y,r)&\to-\log r+\cdots~,\\[0pt] g(x,y,r)&\to-\log r + g_0(x,y)+\cdots~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ while the bosonic fields obey \_[1,2]{}&&0+ ,\ A\^[I]{}\_r&&0+ ,\[D3scalarUV\]\ A\^[I]{}\_[x,y]{}&&a\^[(I)]{}\^[xy]{}\_[x,y]{}+ .In this gauged supergravity, the effective gauge coupling is set to one, and the values of the constants $a^{(I)}$ are those of the constants $a$, $b$, and $c$ which appeared in Section \[sssec:D3twist\]. In particular, for the $1/2$ BPS twist we have $a^{(1)}=a^{(2)}=0$ and $a^{(3)}=1$, while for the $1/4$ BPS twist we take $a^{(1)}=a^{(2)}=1/2$ and $a^{(3)}=0$. For these choices of twists the backgrounds enjoy additional global symmetries which imply further constraints on the bosonic fields. Specifically, the presence of a $\ZZ_2$ symmetry of the geometry which descends to the $\cN=2$ gauged supergravity implies a global relation \_2=0 ,A\^[1]{}=A\^[2]{} . For the $1/2$ BPS twist, this implies $A^{1}=A^{2}=0$, while for the $1/4$ BPS twist it yields $A^{3}=0$. These are both consistent truncations from the $U(1)^3$ gauged supergravity to theories with only a single gauge field and scalar. We are now prepared to derive the conditions for the backgrounds just discussed to preserve the appropriate amount of supersymmetry. Holographic Flows for Twisted M5 Branes ======================================= \[sec:M5s\] Our goal is to derive flow equations which describe the supersymmetric evolution of the background fields of Section \[sssec:M5ansatz\] as a function of the radial coordinate and to understand their late-time, or IR, behavior as a function of the boundary metric on $\cC$ (the function $g_0(x,y)$ in ). The flow equations are determined by the condition that the bosonic background be invariant under an appropriate number of supersymmetry transformations, [*i.e*]{}, by the condition that the variations of all fermionic fields vanish in the background. The relevant supersymmetry variations for the fermionic fields in the truncated maximally supersymmetric gauged supergravity are given by [@Pernici:1984xx; @Liu:1999ai] \_ &=&\ && + \^( e\^[-2\_1]{}F\_\^[(1)]{}\^[12]{} + e\^[-2\_2]{}F\_\^[(2)]{}\^[34]{} )  ,\ \[5pt\] \^[(1)]{} &=&  , \[gendil1M5\]\ \^[(2)]{} &=&  . The parameter $m$ is proportional to the gauge coupling constant of the supergravity and is inversely proportional to the scale of $AdS_7$. The analysis of these BPS conditions is described in detail in Appendix \[app:derivations\]. The results are remarkably simple for both choices of twist. The full solutions to the BPS constraints are encoded in the solution to a system of two coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) for the metric function $g$ and a linear combination of the scalar fields $\lambda_i$. We first discuss the resulting flows for the $1/2$ BPS twist. 1/2 BPS flows {#ssec:halfBPSM5} ------------- For this choice of twist, the Ansatz from Section \[sssec:M5ansatz\] imposes the relation 2\_1+3\_2=0 ,A\^[(2)]{}=0 , \[M5n=2Trunc\] and we work in terms of a reduced set of bosonic fields defined as \_2 ,A   A\^[(1)]{} . Applying the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry as described in Appendix \[app:derivations\], we find that the supersymmetric background is determined by the solution to the following system of PDEs, $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSimpEqn} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\lambda=-\ds\tfrac{2m}{5}+\ds\tfrac{2m}{5}e^{-5\lambda}+\ds\tfrac{1}{5m}e^{\lambda-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+2\lambda)\right) ~,\\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g=\ds\tfrac{3m}{10}+\ds\tfrac{m}{5}e^{-5\lambda}-\ds\tfrac{2}{5m}e^{\lambda-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+2\lambda)\right)~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ with $\Delta \equiv y^2(\partial_{x}^2+\partial_{y}^2)$. The radial variable $\rho$ is defined in . These flow equations can be further simplified by defining[^14] (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) + 4 (,x,y) , with respect to which equations can be rewritten as \_\^2 e\^ ++2 - m\^2 e\^ = 0 ,\[heaveng\] along with a condition for $\lambda$ as a simple function of $\nonlin$, e\^[-5]{} = (m+ \_ ) . \[heavenl\] There are a couple of curiosities to be noted about equation . First off, in terms of $\Phi(\rho,x,y) = \nonlin(\rho,x,y)- 2\log y$, the equation becomes (\_x\^2+\_y\^2)+ \_\^2 e\^ = m\^2 e\^ . \[M5N=2Heaven\] For $m=0$ this is the continuum $SU(\infty)$ Toda equation (also known as the Heavenly Equation, or Plebanski’s Heavenly Equation). It is integrable and has been extensively studied (see, , [@Boyer:1982; @Bakas:1989; @Saveliev:1993]). Since the parameter $m$ is inversely proportional to the scale of $AdS_7$, we necessarily have $m\neq 0$. We do not know whether the equation with $m\neq 0$ inherits any nice properties from the $m=0$ case. The $SU(\infty)$ Toda equation also appears in the analysis of [@Lin:2004nb] and [@Gaiotto:2009gz], where the role of the variable $\rho$ is played by one of the coordinates on the topological four-sphere in the eleven-dimensional solution. In addition, is time-reversal ($\rho$-reversal) invariant. This will not be the case for the other flows that we derive, and we do not know the repercussions of this symmetry. In the remainder of this section, we perform a concrete analysis of the local properties of solutions to . We study the linearized behavior of solutions in the IR and UV, and also perform a perturbative analysis of solutions which are globally very close to the exact solutions of [@Maldacena:2000mw]. The analysis paints a picture where solutions behave as uniformizing flows for the metric on $\cC$ [*locally*]{} around the constant curvature metric. However, we find that the question of global behavior is intractable using direct methods. Section \[sec:theproof\] contains a more abstract analysis of the global space of solutions, culminating in a proof that the flow equations we have derived are globally uniformizing. ### Infrared analysis {#sssec:halfBPSM5IR} To begin, we determine the structure of four-dimensional conformal fixed points in the IR. Such a conformal point should be described by a supergravity background of the form $AdS_5\times\cC$, so in particular $\nonlin(\rho,x,y)$ should be constant with respect to $\rho$, and we are looking for fixed points of and . A fixed point of satisfies e\^[-]{}(2+)-m\^2=0 .\[IREq1\] This is the Liouville equation for the function $\Phi/2$, which makes it clear that the only solution is e\^[\_]{}= .\[IREq2\] Combining this with (and –) yields the fixed point values for all the background functions, e\^[g]{}= ,e\^=2\^[1/5]{} ,e\^[f]{}=e\^[h]{}= .\[IREq3\] We conclude that even when the metric on $\cC$ is allowed to vary arbitrarily, the only $\cN=2$ $AdS_5$ vacua are those studied in [@Maldacena:2000mw], for which the metric has constant negative curvature. We can study the perturbative behavior of these solutions around the IR fixed point.[^15] This tells us about the late-time behavior of solutions which flow to the conformal fixed point . In particular, we anticipate that there should be linearized solutions in the IR for which the conformal factor is approaching its fixed point value from arbitrary directions in the space of metrics on $\cC$. We work with and study the expansion = \_+ (,x,y) , to leading order in the infinitesimal parameter $\varepsilon$. We do not explicitly unpack our solutions in terms of the function $f$, $g$, $h$, and $\lambda$, but instead limit our discussion to $\nonlin$, which can be treated as a proxy for the behavior of the metric function $g$ and the scalar $\lambda$. To linear order in $\varepsilon$, $\lin(\rho,x,y)$ solves \_\^2+  -m\^2 = 0  . \[IRlinearPsi\] This is a linear PDE which we can solve by expanding $\lin$ in eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the Riemann surface = \_[n=0]{}\^\_n() Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y) . \[IRHarmonics\] Since the Riemann surface is compact and hyperbolic, we have Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y) = - \_n Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y)  , \_0=0 ,     \_n&gt;0 ,     n&gt;1 . \[Yndefinition\] Inserting the expansion into equation , we find the most general solution, \_n() = a\_[n]{} e\^[\_[n]{}\^[(+)]{}m]{} + b\_[n]{} e\^[\_[n]{}\^[(-)]{}m]{} ,\[IRExpand\] where \_[n]{}\^[()]{}=  , and $a_n$ and $b_n$ are free coefficients. For the solution to be regular in the IR, all of the $b_n$ must vanish. This leaves infinitely many solutions which approach the $AdS_5$ fixed point in the IR but for which the metric on $\cC$ is perturbed in the UV in an arbitrary way. This confirms our expectations that there should exist flows approaching the $AdS_5$ fixed point from all directions in the space of metrics on $\cC$, and we interpret all of these modes as irrelevant operators in the IR SCFT which may be turned on along the RG flow from six dimensions depending on the metric on $\cC$ in the UV. The modes with $b_n\neq0$, however, take the solution away from the $AdS_5$ fixed point in the IR. We expect these modes to generically be unphysical, with possible exceptions which we discuss briefly in Section \[sssec:halfBPSM5UV\]. We conclude that in the neighborhood of the fixed point, the BPS flow equations exhibit an attractor type behavior in the space of metrics on $\cC$. ### Ultraviolet analysis {#sssec:halfBPSM5UV} To perform a perturbative analysis in the UV, it is convenient to define a new radial variable $\zeta=e^{-\frac{m}{2}\rho}$. We can solve the system of coupled PDEs perturbatively for $\zeta \to 0$ and find $$\begin{aligned} \label{UVExpand}\begin{split} & g(\rho,x,y) = - \log(\zeta) + g_0(x,y) +g_2(x,y) \zeta^2+ g_{4\ell}(x,y) \zeta^4\log\zeta +g_4(x,y) \zeta^4+ \cO(\zeta^5)~,\\[5pt] & \lambda(\rho,x,y) = \lambda_2(x,y) \zeta^2+ {\lambda}_{4\ell}(x,y) \zeta^4\log\zeta + \lambda_4(x,y) \zeta^4+ \cO(\zeta^5)~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where && \_2(x,y) = e\^[-2g\_0(x,y)]{} (1+g\_0(x,y)) ,  g\_2(x,y) = 3 \_2(x,y) ,\ && \_[4]{}(x,y) = - e\^[-2g\_0(x,y)]{}(g\_2(x,y)+2\_[2]{}(x,y)) , g\_[4]{}(x,y) = \_[4]{}(x,y) ,\ && g\_[4]{}(x,y) = \_4(x,y) - e\^[-4g\_0(x,y)]{} (1+g\_0(x,y))\^2 + e\^[-2g\_0(x,y)]{} (g\_2(x,y)+2\_[2]{}(x,y)) .The functions $g_{0}(x,y)$ and $\lambda_4(x,y)$ are undetermined and represent the two functional degrees of freedom in the choice of boundary conditions for the second-order PDEs. The function $g_{0}(x,y)$ is the metric on the Riemann surface in the UV. To build some intuition about the meaning of the function $\lambda_4(x,y)$ it is useful to consider solutions of the form which are independent of $x$ and $y$ – , those which were studied in [@Maldacena:2000mw]. A scalar $\phi$ in asymptotically locally $AdS_7$ space which is dual to an operator of dimension $D$ and which depends only on the radial variable has the following UV behavior () \~\_[s]{} \^[6-D]{} + …+ \_[v]{} \^[D]{}+… , where $\phi_s$ is related to the source and $\phi_v$ to the vev of the dual operator (see, , [@Bianchi:2001kw]). We conclude that the scalar $\lambda$ is dual to an operator $\cO_{\lambda}$ of dimensions $D=4$ in the $(2,0)$ CFT, and for solutions with no dependence on the coordinates $(x,y)$, there is a source for $\cO_{\lambda}$ which is fixed by the curved geometry, whereas the vev for the operator appears as a free parameter. It is a well-known difference between holographic RG flows and Wilsonian RG that in the gravitational setting, one must specify both sources and vets in the UV to formulate an initial value problem. This introduces the complication that in general, an arbitrary choice of the vevs will be unphysical [@Gubser:2000nd]. Nevertheless, it was argued in [@Maldacena:2000mw] that these flows are indeed physical for any (constant) choice of $\lambda_4$, with the flow reaching the $AdS_5$ fixed point only if $\lambda_4=0$, and otherwise leading to a singular flow which was interpreted as being dual to either the Coulomb or Higgs phase of the field theory, depending on the sign. In backgrounds for which the fields have non-trivial profiles on the boundary of $AdS_7$ the holographic dictionary is not straightforward, and we cannot offer precise statements about the field theory interpretation of the function $\lambda_4(x,y)$.[^16] However, it stands to reason that for fixed $g_0(x,y)$, there exists a specific choice of $\lambda_4(x,y)$ which corresponds to the configuration where the branes are unperturbed in the transverse directions and so there is a flow to the $AdS_5$ fixed point. We then expect a one-dimensional family of values for $\lambda_4(x,y)$, generalizing the constant values in the $(x,y)$-independent case, which lead to flows representing non-zero, physical vevs for the operator $\cO_{\lambda}$. We expect flows for generic values of $g_0(x,y)$ and $\lambda_4(x,y)$ to be unphysical, as they would imply the existence of field theory vacua with arbitrary $(x,y)$-dependent expectation values for $\cO_\lambda$. It would be interesting to understand whether one could determine the physically admissible values of $\lambda_4(x,y)$ by imposing a criterion for allowable singularities such as that of [@Gubser:2000nd] or [@Maldacena:2000mw]. ### Exact solution and fluctuations {#sssec:halfBPSM5lin} The discussions above demonstrate that supersymmetric flows exist for any boundary metric $g_0(x,y)$ in the UV, and that additionally supersymmetric flows exist which approach the constant curvature solution in the IR from all directions in the space of metrics on $\cC$. In this section we study explicit flows which interpolate between the two sets of asymptotics. The key fact that facilitates this analysis is that the flow equation admits an exact solution under the assumption that $\nonlin$ is a function of $\rho$ alone. This is the solution found by Maldacena and Núñez in [@Maldacena:2000mw], which we denote by the subscript “$\smn$”: e\^[\_]{} =  .\[MNSolution\] Here, $C$ is an integration constant which is proportional to the parameter $\lambda_{4}$ in and represents the expectation value of the operator $\cO_{\lambda}$.[^17] The flow ends at an $AdS_5$ fixed point only for $C=0$. For $C\neq 0$, one finds Coulomb/Higgs branch flows which diverge in the IR. Thus we can study small perturbations of the exact solution for [*all*]{} values of $\rho$. Such a perturbed solutions takes the form (,x,y) = \_() + (,x,y) . The fluctuation term $\lin(\rho,x,y)$ can be expanded as (,x,y) = \_[n]{} \_n() Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y) , where $Y^{(n)}(x,y)$ are defined in . It is also convenient to define a new radial variable $\eta=e^{m\rho}$, where the IR now corresponds to $\eta \to 0$ and the UV to $\eta\to\infty$. With these definitions the linearization of for the functions $\lin_n(\rho)$ is && (\^3+2\^2+C) + (3\^2+2-C) - (2+\_n)\_n= 0 . \[lneqn\] This equation admits an exact solution when $C=0$, , when there is an $AdS_5$ fixed point in the IR.[^18] The solution can be written in terms of hypergeometric functions $$\begin{gathered} \lin_n(\eta) =A_1^{(n)} \ds\frac{2^{\sigma_n}}{\eta^{\sigma_n}} \,_2F_1[-\sigma_n,2-\sigma_n;1-2\sigma_n; -\eta/2]\\ +A_2^{(n)} \ds\frac{\eta^{\sigma_n}}{2^{\sigma_n}} \,_2F_1[\sigma_n,2+\sigma_n;1+2\sigma_n; -\eta/2]~, \label{solnPsin}\end{gathered}$$ where $A_1^{(n)}$ and $A_2^{(n)}$ are integration constants and we have defined \_n = 1 . The solutions with $A_1^{(n)}\neq 0$ are singular near $\eta =0$, so we set $A_1^{(n)}=0$. To get a better understanding of the physics of the linearized solution, it is helpful to write the functions $g$ and $\lambda$ as =\_()+(,x,y)  , g=g\_()+(,x,y) , and then expand $\tilde{\lambda}(\rho,x,y)$ and $\tilde{g}(\rho,x,y)$ in harmonics on the Riemann surface = \_[n]{} \_n() Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y) , = \_[n]{} \_n() Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y) . The solutions for $\ell_n(\eta)$ and $\gamma_n(\eta)$ can be obtained from the exact solution for $\lin_n(\eta)$. The result, after applying standard identities for hypergeometric functions, is \_n &=&B\^[(n)]{} \_2F\_1\[\_n,\_n-1;2\_n +1; -/2\] ,\ \_n &=& B\^[(n)]{} \_2F\_1\[\_n+1,\_n;2\_n +2; -/2\]\ &&- B\^[(n)]{} \^[\_n]{} \_2F\_1\[\_n,\_n-1;2\_n +1; -/2\]  , where the new integration constants $B^{(n)}$ are proportional to $A_2^{(n)}$. The solutions for $\ell_n$ and $\gamma_n$ with $B^{(n)}=1$ and a range of values for $\mu_n$ are plotted in Figure \[fig1\]. The expansion of $\ell_n$ in the UV ($\eta \to \infty$) and IR ($\eta \to 0$) is $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} \ell_n|_{\eta\to\infty} &\approx ~B^{(n)} \left(\ds\frac{2^{\sigma_n-1} \Gamma(2\sigma_n+1)}{\Gamma(\sigma_n) \Gamma(\sigma_n+2)}~ \ds\frac{1}{\eta} +\cO(\log(\eta)\eta^{-2})\right)~,\\[5pt] \ell_n|_{\eta \to 0} &\approx ~ B^{(n)} \left(\ds\frac{1}{2} \eta^{\sigma_n} - \left(\ds\frac{3}{4} +\ds\frac{\sigma_n(\sigma_n-1)}{4(2\sigma_n+1)}\right) \eta^{\sigma_n+1} +\cO(\eta^{\sigma_n+2})\right)~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Similarly, the UV/IR expansions of $\gamma_n$ are $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} \gamma_n|_{\eta \to \infty} &\approx ~ -\ds\frac{5\,B^{(n)}\,2^{\sigma_n-2}}{\sigma_n^2} \left(\ds\frac{\Gamma(2\sigma_n+1)}{\Gamma(\sigma_n)\Gamma(\sigma_n+2)} +\cO(\eta^{-1})\right)~,\\[5pt] \gamma_n|_{\eta \to 0} &\approx ~ B^{(n)} \left(1+\ds\frac{5}{4\sigma_n}\right) \eta^{\sigma_n}+\cO(\eta^{\sigma_n+1})~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Thus, these are interpolating solutions which fit the asymptotic expansions and with matching conditions $$\begin{aligned} \label{matchingconditions} \begin{split} a_{n}&=B^{(n)}\left(4+\frac{5}{2\sigma_n}\right)~,\\[5pt] g_0(x,y)&=-5\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}B^{(n)}\frac{2^{\sigma_n-2}\Gamma(2\sigma_n+1)}{\sigma_n^2\Gamma(\sigma_n)\Gamma(\sigma_n+2)}Y^{(n)}(x,y)~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The coefficients $B^{(n)}$ parameterize a neighborhood of the constant conformal factor for the boundary metric on $\cC$, and these interpolating flows demonstrate the conjectured uniformizing behavior for the metric in this neighborhood. ![[*The functions $\gamma_n(\eta)$ (left) and $\ell_n(\eta)$ (right) for $B^{(n)}=1$ and $\mu_n=(1,2,3,4,5,6)$ (increasing as blue goes to red). The IR is at $\eta\to0$ and the UV is at $\eta\to\infty$.* ]{}[]{data-label="fig1"}](linearizations.pdf){width="18cm"} 1/4 BPS flows {#ssec:quartBPSM5} ------------- Turning to the $1/4$ BPS twist, the appropriate truncation of the seven-dimensional supergravity fields from Section \[sssec:M5ansatz\] is A   A\^[(1)]{}=A\^[(2)]{} , -2\_1=-2\_2 . The conditions for backgrounds respecting this truncation to preserve one quarter of the maximal supersymmetry are derived in Appendix \[app:derivations\]. When these conditions are reformulated as flow equations intrinsic to the Riemann surface $\cC$, the resulting PDEs are $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSM5N1Eqn} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\phi=- \tfrac{2m}{5} + \tfrac{2m}{5}e^{-5\phi} +\tfrac{1}{10m}e^{-3\phi-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+4\phi)\right),\\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g=\tfrac{m}{10} + \tfrac{2m}{5}e^{-5\phi} - \tfrac{2}{5m}e^{-3\phi-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+4\phi)\right), \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ with the new radial variable $\rho$ defined in . As a second-order PDE for (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) + 8(,x,y) , these flow equations assume the form + \_\^2 e\^ -e\^( (\_)\^2 -m \_+) +2 = 0 . \[M51/4Heaven\] The scalar field $\phi$ is determined by $\nonlin(\rho,x,y)$, e\^[-5]{}=(3m+\_) . It is notable that while the first-order equations are schematically similar to , the second-order equation appears much simpler than its $1/4$ BPS analogue . This foreshadows our inability to find any analytic solutions of . Nevertheless, we are still able to perform a global analysis of solutions to in Section \[sec:theproof\]. ### Infrared analysis {#sssec:quartBPSM5IR} The unique $AdS_5$ vacuum in this truncation is determined by the constant solution of , e\^[\_]{}=  . The background fields then take fixed point values e\^[g]{}=()\^  ,e\^= ()\^ ,e\^[f]{}=e\^[h]{}=  . \[M5N1IRvalues\] We consider the following infinitesimal perturbation around the IR fixed point, = \_+ (,x,y) . To leading order in $\varepsilon$, the perturbation $\lin(\rho,x,y)$ then obeys &&\_\^2+ m\_\^2- +  () =0  . \[IRM5N1linearPsi\] By expanding $\lin(\rho,x,y)$ in harmonics on the Riemann surface as in , we find the following solutions for $\lin_n(\rho)$, \_n() = a\_[n]{} e\^[\_[n]{}\^[(+)]{}]{} + b\_[n]{} e\^[\_[n]{}\^[(-)]{}]{} , where \_[n]{}\^[()]{}= -  . Regularity of the solution in the IR requires that $b_n=0$ for all $n$. ### Ultraviolet analysis {#sssec:quartBPSM5UV} Defining $\zeta=e^{-\frac{m}{2}\rho}$, the perturbative solution to equations in the UV ($\zeta\to0$) is given by $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} & g(\rho,x,y) \approx - \log(\zeta) + g_0(x,y) +g_2(x,y) \zeta^2+ {g}_{4\ell}(x,y) \zeta^4\log\zeta +g_4(x,y) \zeta^4+ \cO(r^5)~,\\[5pt] & \phi(\rho,x,y) \approx \phi_2(x,y) \zeta^2+ {\phi}_{4\ell}(x,y) \zeta^4\log\zeta + \phi_4(x,y) \zeta^4+ \cO(r^5)~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where && \_2(x,y) = e\^[-2g\_0(x,y)]{} (1+g\_0(x,y)) ,  g\_2(x,y) = 6 \_2(x,y) , \_[4]{}(x,y) = \_[4]{}(x,y) ,\ && \_[4]{}(x,y) = e\^[-4g\_0(x,y)]{} (1+g\_0(x,y))\^2 - e\^[-2g\_0(x,y)]{} (g\_2(x,y)+4\_[2]{}(x,y)) ,\ && g\_[4]{}(x,y) = \_4(x,y) - e\^[-4g\_0(x,y)]{} (1+g\_0(x,y))\^2 + e\^[-2g\_0(x,y)]{} (g\_2(x,y)+4\_[2]{}(x,y)) .The undetermined function $g_{0}(x,y)$ is the conformal factor of the metric on $\cC$ and can be chosen arbitrarily. The function $\phi_4(x,y)$ is related to the vev of the dimension four operator $\cO_{\phi}$ dual to the supergravity scalar $\phi$. For fixed $g_0(x,y)$, we expect generic values of $\phi_4(x,y)$ to be unphysical, and for a unique value of $\phi_4(x,y)$ to lead to an $AdS_5$ vacuum in the IR. ![*A numerical solution for $\nonlin(\rho)$ for $1/4$ BPS M5 brane backgrounds. In the IR ($\rho\to-\infty$), the function approaches a constant, while in the UV ($\rho\to +\infty$), it diverges linearly (logarithmically in $r$).*[]{data-label="M5numericalfigure"}](PlotM5Psi.pdf){width="8.5cm"} The absence of an analytic, constant-curvature flow equivalent to in this case inhibits a direct study of the uniformizing behavior of these flows. However, when the background fields depend only on $\rho$, equations do admit numerical solutions for which $g(\rho)$ and $\phi(\rho)$ have the prescribed asymptotic behavior of and –. A numerical solution is presented in Figure \[M5numericalfigure\]. The existence of such a solution is important for the discussion in Section \[sec:theproof\]. Holographic Flows for Twisted D3 Branes ======================================= \[sec:D3s\] The analysis of partially twisted D3 branes on $\cC$ closely parallels that of M5 branes. We look for flow equations which control the behavior of the background functions in the Ansätze of Section \[sssec:D3ansatz\]. The problem is formulated in terms of the five-dimensional $\cN=2$ supergravity discussed in [@Cvetic:1999xp], and the supersymmetry variations for the fermions are given in [@Behrndt:1998ns], $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} \delta\psi_{\mu} &= \left[ \nabla_{\mu} +\tfrac{i}{8} X_{I}(\gamma_{\mu}^{\nu\rho} - 4 \delta_{\mu}^{\nu} \gamma^{\rho}) F^{I}_{\nu\rho} + \tfrac{1}{2} X^{I}V_{I} \gamma_{\mu} - \tfrac{3i}{2} V_{I}A^{I}_{\mu} \right] \epsilon~, \\[5pt] \delta\lambda_{(j)} &= \left[ \tfrac{3}{8} (\partial_{\phi_j} X_{I} )F^{I}_{\mu\nu} \gamma^{\mu\nu} + \tfrac{3i}{2} V_{I}\partial_{\phi_j} X^{I} - \tfrac{i}{4} \delta_{jk} \partial_{\mu}\phi_k \gamma^{\mu} \right] \epsilon~, \qquad j=1,2 ~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where we define $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} & X^{1} \equiv e^{-\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{6}} \phi_1-\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\phi_2}~, \qquad\qquad X^{2} \equiv e^{-\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{6}} \phi_1+\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\phi_2}~, \qquad\qquad X^{3} \equiv e^{\tfrac{2}{\sqrt{6}}\phi_1}~, \\[5pt] & V_{I}=\tfrac{1}{3}~, \qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\,\, X_{I} = \tfrac{1}{3} (X^{I})^{-1}~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Supersymmetric backgrounds of the $\cN=2$ theory preserve at most eight supercharges, and we study solutions which preserve only [*two*]{}, corresponding to $(1,1)$ supersymmetry in two dimensions. This is because the $\cN=2$ supergravity is a truncation of the maximally supersymmetric gauged supergravity for which the only visible supersymmetries are those generated by the spinor transforming with charges ${(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2})}$ under the $U(1)^3$ Cartan of $SO(6)_R$ (see ). Both twists we study should preserve exactly two of these supercharges, but in the maximal gauged supergravity there are additional preserved supersymmetries which act identically on the fields in our truncation. $\cN=(4,4)$ flows {#ssec:halfBPSD3} ----------------- To find a BPS flow that preserves half of the maximum supersymmetry (, 8 real supercharges) one should set \_2=0 , \_1 , A\^[(1)]{} = A\^[(2)]{}=0 , A   A\^[(3)]{} . The system of coupled PDEs intrinsic to $\cC$ is derived in Appendix \[app:derivations\] and is given by $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSimpD3N2Eqn} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\alpha= 2 - 2e^{3\alpha} - e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g - \alpha))~,\\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g = 2 + e^{3\alpha} - e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g - \alpha))~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ This system of equations can be rewritten as a single second-order PDE \_\^2e\^ -6 \_e\^ + 9 +18=0 , \[D3N=44Heaven\] where (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) - 2 (,x,y)  , and the scalar $\alpha$ is determined according to e\^[3]{} = \_ .\[D3N=44Scalar\] As mentioned in Section \[sssec:D3twist\], the 1/2 BPS twist of $\cN=4$ SYM flows to an IR CFT which is a sigma model onto the Hitchin moduli space $\cM^H(\cC)$. It was pointed out in [@Maldacena:2000mw] that because this is a non-compact target space, one does not expect a normalizable, conformally invariant ground state for the theory, , there should be no $AdS_3$ region in the gravity solution. This is also manifest in which does not admit a constant solution for $\nonlin$ with finite $\alpha$. $\cN=(2,2)$ flows {#ssec:quartBPSD3} ----------------- To find gravity backgrounds dual to the 1/4 BPS twist of $\cN=4$ SYM, one should set \_2=0 , \_1 , A   A\^[(1)]{} = A\^[(2)]{} , A\^[(3)]{} = 0 . The system of coupled PDEs intrinsic to $\cC$ is $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSimpD3N1Eqn} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\alpha= - 2 + 2e^{-3\alpha} +\tfrac{1}{2} e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g+2\alpha))~,\\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g =1 + 2e^{-3\alpha} - e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g+2\alpha))~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ While the second-order PDE that governs the flow is \_\^2e\^ - e\^ (\_)\^2 + 9 +18 - 18 e\^=0 , \[D3N=22Heaven\] where we have defined (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) + 4 (,x,y)  . The scalar $\alpha$ is related to $\nonlin$ via e\^[-3]{} = (6+\_) . The global properties of this equation are studied in more detail in Section \[sec:theproof\]. Using one can show that the metric on the Riemann surface in the UV can be arbitrary. For the $(x,y)$-independent solution, the UV asymptotic analysis of the system of flow equations was performed in Appendix A of [@Maldacena:2000mw] and we do not repeat it here. It is important to note that this linearized UV analysis suggests that in the dual twisted theory there is an operator of dimension two that triggers the RG flow. ### Infrared analysis {#sssec:quartBPSD3IR} The constant solution of is given by e\^[\_]{}= 1 , which implies the existence of a unique $AdS_3$ vacuum with the following scalar and metric functions: e\^= 2\^[1/3]{} ,e\^[g]{}=2\^[-2/3]{} ,e\^[f]{}=e\^[h]{}= 2\^[-2/3]{}  . \[D3N1IRvalues\] To study the BPS flow equations perturbatively around this fixed point, we write = \_ + (,x,y) . After expanding to linear order in $\varepsilon$ one finds the following equation for $\lin$, &&\_\^2-18 + 9 =0 .\[IRD3N1linearPsi\] This equation can be solved by expanding in harmonics on the Riemann surface as defined by , = \_[n=0]{}\^ \_n() Y\^[(n)]{}(x,y) . Solving for $\lin_n(\rho)$ then yields \_n() = a\_[n]{} e\^[\_[n]{}\^[(+)]{}]{} + b\_[n]{} e\^[\_[n]{}\^[(-)]{}]{} , where \_[n]{}\^[()]{}= 3  . As is by now familiar, regularity of the solution requires that the coefficients $b_n$ vanish. ![*A numerical solution for $\nonlin(\rho)$ for $\cN=(2,2)$ D3 brane solutions. In the IR ($\rho\to-\infty$), the function approaches a constant, while in the UV ($\rho\to +\infty$), it diverges linearly (logarithmically in $r$).*[]{data-label="D3numericalfigure"}](PlotD3Psi.pdf){width="8.5cm"} We finally note that there are numerical solutions to equations that depend only on $\rho$ (see Figure \[D3numericalfigure\]). These solutions manifest the IR and UV behavior described by and –, and their existence is important for the global analysis in the next section. Global Analysis =============== \[sec:theproof\] In this section, we prove that there exist solutions to equations , , and for arbitrarily prescribed initial data in the UV which are asymptotic to the standard $(x,y)$-independent solution in the IR. We first describe in general terms a standard methodology for solving such problems, and then discuss the details for each specific case. To begin, let $M$ be a manifold with boundary.[^19] Consider a real, scalar function $\nonlin\in C^{\infty}(M)$ and a nonlinear (elliptic) PDE in $\nonlin$, : C\^(M) C\^(M) . The basic issue is the solvability of the Dirichlet problem for $\PDO$, , given boundary data $\dnonlin \in C^{\infty}({{\partial M}})$, finding a scalar function $\nonlin$ such that \[5.1\] () = 0 , |\_[[[M]{}]{}]{} =  . In the case of a boundary at infinity, the boundary value(s) must be understood asymptotically. Let $\cM$ be the on-shell moduli space of solutions $\nonlin$ to $\PDO(\nonlin) = 0$. The solvability of the Dirichlet problem above is equivalent to the surjectivity of the boundary map \[5.2\] : C\^([[M]{}]{}) , () = |\_[[[M]{}]{}]{} . Before turning to the general approach for the infinite-dimensional setting, let us consider a toy model of finite-dimensional manifolds. Let $\pi: N_{1}^{d} \to N_{2}^{d}$ be a smooth map between compact $d$-manifolds (without boundary). A standard way to prove that $\pi$ is surjective is to calculate the (mod 2) degree $\deg(\pi) \in \ZZ_{2}$, defined as follows [@GP]. Let $q \in N_{2}$ be any regular value of $\pi$, , the derivative $D_{p}\pi: T_{p}N_{1} \to T_{q}N_{2}$ is surjective for any $p$ in the fiber $F_{q} = \pi^{-1}(q)$. The regular value property and compactness of $N_{1}$ imply that the cardinality $\# F_{q}$ is finite and $\deg(\pi) \equiv \# F_{q}$ (mod 2). That the degree is independent of the choice of regular value $q$ can be reasoned as follows. For $q_{1}\neq q_{2}$ both regular values of $\pi$, consider a generic path $\g \subset N_{2}$ which joins them. Then the inverse image $\pi^{-1}(\g) \subset N_{1}$ is a collection of one-manifolds – paths or circles $\{\s_{i}\}$ with endpoints in the fibers $F_{q_{1}}$ and $F_{q_{2}}$. Those $\s_{i}$ which are open paths either join a point in $F_{q_{1}}$ with a point in $F_{q_{2}}$, or begin and end in a fixed fiber $F_{q_{i}}$. Since all points in the fibers are accounted for in this way, the cardinality mod 2 is independent of the choice of regular value $q$. If $\pi$ is not surjective, any point $q \notin {\rm im}(\pi)$ is a regular value of $\pi$ (by definition) and $\# \pi^{-1}(q) = 0$. Thus it follows that if $\deg \, \pi \neq 0$, then $\pi$ is surjective. The concept of degree above can be extended to a $\ZZ$-valued degree given appropriate orientations, but we forgo such issues here. Under appropriate conditions, a similar methodology can be applied for infinite-dimensional (function) spaces. The $\ZZ_{2}$ degree is then known as the Smale degree [@Sm], and is closely related to the Leray-Schauder degree. For general background in related topics of nonlinear functional analysis or global analysis, see [@N1; @N2; @E]. The general procedure has the following three parts. I - Local Theory : [ ]{} Prove that the on-shell moduli space $\cM$ is a smooth, infinite-dimensional (Banach or Hilbert) manifold, and that the boundary map $\Bound$ in is a smooth Fredholm map with Fredholm index zero. The issue of whether $\cM$ is a manifold is equivalent to the issue of “linearization stability”, , at any solution $\nonlin$ of , any solution $\lin$ to the linearized equation $D\PDO_{\nonlin}({\tilde\nonlin}) = 0$ is tangent to a curve $\nonlin_{t}$ of solutions of the nonlinear equation . The usual method to prove that $\cM$ is a smooth manifold is to use the “regular value theorem", (a version of the implicit function theorem): $\cM = \PDO^{-1}(0)$ is a manifold if $0$ is a regular value of $\PDO$, (the derivative $D\PDO$ is surjective at any point in $\cM$). The Fredholm property means that the linearization, or derivative map, $D\Bound \equiv D_{\nonlin}\Bound$ at any point $\nonlin \in \cM$ has finite-dimensional kernel and cokernel, and the range of $D\Bound$ is closed. The Fredholm index is defined as (D)=((D)) - ([im]{}(D)) . For example, self-adjoint operators have index zero. The requirement of Fredholm index zero essentially means that $D\Bound$ is an isomorphism modulo finite-dimensional factors of equal dimension. The manifold property of $\cM$ and the Fredholm property of $\Bound$ are closely related, and usually treated concurrently. These properties depend on choosing suitable function spaces (degrees of smoothness) in which to carry out the analysis; one typically chooses spaces in which there are good elliptic regularity properties. II - Compactness : [ ]{} The moduli space $\cM$ and space of boundary data $C^{\infty}({{\partial M}})$ are non-compact and infinite-dimensional. The key ingredient needed for the degree to continue to make sense is that the boundary map is a proper map: if ${\cal K}$ is any compact set in the target $C^{\infty}({{\partial M}})$, then the inverse image $\Bound^{-1}({\cal K})$ is a compact set in $\cM$. This means that for $\nonlin^{(i)}\in \cM$ a sequence of solutions with boundary data $\dnonlin^{(i)}$, convergence of the boundary data implies convergence of the solutions. In essence, this is the statement that the boundary data $\dnonlin$ controls the bulk solution $\nonlin$ with $\Bound(\nonlin) = \dnonlin$, and in practice, this amounts to proving “[*a priori*]{} estimates" for $\nonlin$ in terms of $\dnonlin$. If $\Bound$ is proper, then $\# \Bound^{-1}(\dnonlin)$ is finite. III - Degree Calculation : [ ]{} If the first two steps can be carried out, then the Smale degree $\deg\Bound \in \ZZ_{2}$ is well-defined. The argument in the toy model above then works in the same way for infinite-dimensional manifolds [@Sm]. To prove surjectivity of $\Bound$ in , one then needs to show that \[5.4\] [deg]{}= 1 . This is typically done by showing that there is a standard solution $\nonlin_{\textsc{ss}}$ – , the $(x,y)$-independent solutions for the flows we consider here – and then showing that this solution is the unique solution with its boundary data and that $\nonlinss$ is a regular point of $\Bound$. This establishes the surjectivity of $\Bound$.[^20] The local theory part of the proof is essentially linear analysis, dealing with linear elliptic boundary value problems (possibly degenerate at the boundary). The compactness issue is usually more subtle and depends crucially on the nonlinear structure of the equations. The degree calculation is also global. For a detailed study of related but more complicated (, tensor-type) boundary value problems for $AdS$ Einstein metrics (with Euclidean signature) using the method above, see [@A]. A simpler version of this process, known as the “method of continuity” in elliptic PDE, is sometimes employed to prove similar global existence (and uniqueness) results. For instance, the solution of the Calabi conjecture uses the continuity method [@Y]. However, it is doubtful that this method can be used to handle the equations treated here. $1/2$ BPS M5 brane flows {#proofM5N=2} ------------------------ Our first application of the process described above is to equation , \[5.5\] + 2 + (e\^)” = e\^ , with $M=\RR\times\cC$, where $(\cC, \g)$ is a compact Riemann surface of genus ${\bf g} >1$ with fixed metric $\g$ of constant scalar curvature $R=-2$. We denote by $\D$ the Laplacian with respect to $\g$, and a prime denotes differentiation with respect to the $\RR$-coordinate $\rho$. Compared to Section \[sec:M5s\] we have fixed the normalization $m = 1$. The standard solution $\nonlinss$ is given by with the constant of integration set to zero, e\^ = 2 + e\^ . The Dirichlet problem in question is then the solvability of for functions $\nonlin$ satisfying $$\begin{aligned} \label{5.6} \begin{split} e^{\nonlin-\r}\to\dnonlin~,\qquad&\r\to +\infty~,\\[0pt] e^{\nonlin}\to2~,\qquad&\r\to-\infty~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ for any $\dnonlin\in C^{\infty}(\cC)$. These boundary conditions define the asymptotic boundary map $\Bound$. \ Consider the differential operator \[5.7\] () = e\^[-]{}\[+ 2 + (e\^)” - e\^\] . The moduli space $\cM$ of solutions of satisfying boundary conditions is given by $\PDO^{-1}(0)$. We show that the linearization $L \equiv D\PDO$ is surjective at any solution $\nonlin \in \cM$. The regular value theorem then implies that $\cM$ is a smooth manifold. The regular value theorem requires working in Banach (or Hilbert) spaces, although with a more technical setup one could work in Fréchet spaces such as $C^{\infty}$. As in Section \[sssec:halfBPSM5UV\], we define $\zeta = e^{-\r/2}$, and solutions $\nonlin$ of with $C^{\infty}$ boundary value $\dnonlin$ have an asymptotic expansion at $\r \to +\infty$ of the following form ( [@AC; @Ma] for proofs of the existence of the expansion), \[5.8\] e\^[-]{}e\^ \~+ \_[1]{}+ \_[2]{}\^[2]{} + \_[3]{}\^[3]{} + \_[4]{}() \^[4]{} + \_[4]{}\^[4]{} +  . This is a polyhomogeneous expansion, in powers of $\zeta$ and $\log \zeta$, with a $\log$ term appearing at fourth order. For the moment, we work below that order, and define $\nonlin \in {\widetilde}C^{3,\a}(M)$ if $e^{\nonlin-\nonlinss}$ is a $C^{3,\a}$ smooth function of $(\zeta, x, y)$, for $(x, y)$ coordinates on $\cC$ and (say) $\r > -1$. For $\r < 1$, set $\z = e^{\r/2} = e^{-|\r|/2}$ and require that $\nonlin$ is a $C^{3,\a}$ function of $(\zeta, x, y)$ with $e^{\nonlin} \to 2$ as $\r \to -\infty$. Here $C^{3,\a}$ is the Hölder function space with modulus $\a \in (0,1)$. These function spaces are used since they are well-behaved under the action of elliptic operators. We denote by $T{\widetilde}C^{3,\a}(M)$ the corresponding tangent space. If $\lin$ is a variation of $\nonlin$, then $e^{\nonlin-\nonlinss+\e\lin} = e^{\nonlin-\nonlinss}(1 + \e{\lin} + \cdots)$, so that $\lin$ has the expansion \[5.9\] \~+ \_[1]{}+ \_[2]{}\^[2]{} + \_[3]{}\^[3]{} + \_[4]{}() \^[4]{} + \_[4]{}\^[4]{} +  . As in Section \[sssec:halfBPSM5IR\], there is also an asymptotic expansion at $\rho \to -\infty$ with decay rates determined by the eigenvalues of the Laplacian $\D$. The leading order decay falls off as $e^{\r}$, so in particular $\dlin = 0$ at $\r \to-\infty$. The linearization $L \equiv D\PDO_{\nonlin}$ at a solution $\nonlin$ is $$\begin{aligned} \label{5.10} \begin{split} &L:\;T {\widetilde}C^{3,\a}(M)~\to~T{\widetilde}C^{1,\a}(M)~,\\[5pt] &L(\lin) = e^{-\nonlinss}[\D \lin + e^{\nonlin}\lin'' + 2(e^{\nonlin})'\lin' - (\D \nonlin + 2)\lin]~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Then $\cM \subset {\widetilde}C^{3,\a}(M)$ is a manifold if $L$ is surjective at any $\nonlin \in \cM$, , the equation \[5.11\] L() =  , can be solved for arbitrary $\surj \in T{\widetilde}C^{1,\a}$ with $\lin \in T{\widetilde}C^{3,\a}$. To prove this, we first show that the operator \[5.12\] L\_0: TC\_[0]{}\^[3,]{}(M) TC\^[1,]{}(M) is a Fredholm linear map, where the subscript denotes boundary $\dlin = 0$ at $\r \to \pm \infty$. In the UV, has the asymptotic form \[5.13\] L() \~\^[2]{}+ (\^[2]{}-3 ) - \^[2]{}(+ 2) , where a dot denotes differentiation with respect to $\z$. This is a so-called “totally degenerate" elliptic operator ( [@Me]). The associated “indicial operator" is the ODE obtained by dropping $(x,y)$-dependent and lower order terms, and is given by ${\tfrac{1}{4}}\dnonlin (\z^{2}\ddot \lin -3\z\dot \lin)$. The indicial roots are then zero and four; these are the exponents $k$ such that $\lin = \z^{k}$ solves $\z^{2}\ddot \lin - 3\z\dot \lin = 0$. Standard theory for such elliptic operators ( [@AC; @Ma; @Me]) gives the Fredholm property of $L$ in . Similarly, at the IR end $\r \to -\infty$, setting $\z = e^{-|\r|/2}$ and imposing the boundary condition $e^{\nonlin} \to 2$, the operator $L$ has the form L() \~2+(\^[2]{}+ ) - 4 . This operator is “totally characteristic", with indicial roots $\pm 2$; equivalently, this is a Laplace-type operator on a cylinder $\RR \times \cC$. Again, standard Fredholm theory applies for this cylindrical end ( [@MM; @Ma]). This gives the Fredholm property for $L_{0}$ in on either end $[\r_{0}, +\infty)$ or $(-\infty, \r_{0}]$ with, say, standard fixed Dirichlet data $\nonlin|_{\r=\r_0} = 0$ on the surface $\cC_{\r_{0}}=\{\rho_0\}\times\cC$. Taking $\r_{0} \to -\infty$ implies the Fredholm property for the full operator $L_0$. A simple computation shows that the linearization $L_{0,\sss}$ at the standard solution $\nonlinss$ is self-adjoint, with respect to the weight $e^{2\nonlinss}$. Thus the Fredholm index of $L_{0,\sss}$ is zero. This holds then for all linearizations $L_0$ in , by invariance of the Fredholm index under deformation. The arguments above prove that with zero boundary values for $\lin$, can be solved for $\surj$ in a space of finite codimension. Now let the boundary values $\dlin$ in range over all of $C^{3,\a}(\cC)$. We claim that is then solvable for any $\surj$. To see this, consider the following integration by parts, \[5.14\] \_[\_[(-,)]{}]{}e\^[2]{}L(), = \_[\_[(-,)]{}]{}e\^[2]{}, L\^[\*]{}() + \_[\_]{}e\^[2]{}B(,) , where $\cC_{(-\r,\r)} = (-\r,\r)\times \cC$, and $L^{*}$ is the adjoint operator (with respect to the weight $e^{2\nonlinss}$) given by[^21] L\^[\*]{}() = e\^[-]{}+e\^[-2]{}(e\^[+]{})” - 2e\^[-2]{}((e\^)’e\^)’ - e\^[-]{}(+ 2) . The boundary term $B(\lin,\varpi)$ is a first order differential operator on $\lin$, $\varpi$. Now if $L$ in is not surjective, then there exists $\varpi$ which is $L^{2}$-orthogonal to ${\rm im} L$, and hence the left-hand side of vanishes, for all choices of $\lin$. Since $\lin$ is arbitrary, this implies \[5.15\] L\^[\*]{}() = 0 , and moreover, letting $\r \to +\infty$, \[5.16\] \^[4]{}0 + , for $\z$ as in . The operator $L^{*}$ is elliptic, and implies that both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary data, , the full Cauchy data, for $\varpi$ vanish at $\r \to +\infty$. All terms in the formal expansion for $\varpi$ vanish,  the discussion below. In such situations, a standard unique continuation theorem for scalar elliptic PDE ( [@C]) implies that $\varpi = 0$, and hence $L$ is in fact surjective. This proves that the moduli space $\cM \subset {\widetilde}C^{3,\a}(M)$ is a smooth Banach manifold. Clearly, T= [ker]{}(L) . Also $D\Bound(\lin) = \dlin$, where $L(\lin) = 0$ and with $\dlin$ as in . The fact that the boundary map $\Bound$ is also Fredholm follows by standard linearity from the Fredholm property of $L$ in . Briefly, implies that one can solve $L(\lin) = \surj$, for arbitrary $\surj$ in a space $\surjset$ of finite codimension, with boundary value $\dlin = 0$ at $\r \to +\infty$. Choose now an arbitrary boundary value $\dlin$ and extend $\dlin$ to a smooth function $\dlinext$ on $M$. Then $L(\dlinext) = g$, for some function $g$, and up to a finite indeterminacy, $g \in \surjset$. For such $g \in \surjset$, one may solve $L(\lin) = g$ with $\dlin = 0$. Then $\surj = \dlinext - \lin$ solves $L(\surj) = 0$, with boundary value $\dlin$. This shows that $D\Bound$ has finite-dimensional cokernel. The proof that the range of $D\Bound$ is closed follows from elliptic regularity results. It also follows from the fact that ${\rm ind}( L_{0}) = 0$ that ${\rm ind}( D\Bound) = 0$. Using the boundary regularity results of [@AC; @Ma] for the existence of the expansion , it follows from the analysis above that the space $\cM_{\infty}$ of solutions which have smooth polyhomogeneous $C^{\infty}$ expansions is a smooth Fréchet manifold, with $\Bound$ a Fredholm map to $C^{\infty}(\cC)$. Thus, solutions $\lin$ to $L(\lin) = 0$ with Dirichlet boundary value $\dlin$ in $C^{\infty}(\cC)$ have the expansion \~+ \_[1]{}+ \_[2]{}\^[2]{} + \_[3]{}\^[3]{} + \_[4]{}() \^[4]{} + \_[4]{}\^[4]{} +  . The coefficients $\dlin$, $\lin_{4}$ are the “formally undetermined coefficients" (Dirichlet and Neumann boundary data), corresponding formally to “source" and “vev" perturbations. All other coefficients are determined inductively from these two. The same holds at the nonlinear level . Although the Dirichlet and Neumann terms $\dlin$ and $\lin_{4}$ above are formally undetermined, one is determined globally by the other via the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map (or its inverse). Thus, specifying $\dlin$ at $\r \to +\infty$ together with the prescription $\lin \to 0$ at $\r \to -\infty$ gives (generally) a unique solution to the linearized problem $L(\lin) = 0$ with this boundary data. The resulting solution $\lin$ has an asymptotic expansion (when $\dlin$ is $C^{\infty}$) and so the $\lin_{4}$ term is (globally) determined by $\dlin$. Again, the same holds at the nonlinear level. The main point in proving compactness is to derive the existence of ([*a priori*]{}) bounds on the maximum and minimum of a solution $\nonlin$ in terms of bounds on its boundary value $\dnonlin$ at $\r \to +\infty$, , to show that $\nonlin$ is controlled by the boundary value $\dnonlin$. To obtain a lower bound, for instance, note that the evaluation of at any interior minimum point of $\nonlin$ implies that $e^{\nonlin} > 2$. Since $e^{\nonlin} \geq 2$ at $\r \to \pm \infty$, it follows that e\^ &gt; 2 holds everywhere on $M$. Hence $\nonlin$ is uniformly bounded below. To obtain an [*a priori*]{} upper bound, multiply by an arbitrary function $b = b(\r)$. Then \[5.17\] (b) + b(e\^)” = b(e\^ - 2) . Now choose $b$ so that \[5.19\] b + b” - 2 = 0 . For such $b$, can be rewritten as \[5.20\] (b) + (b(e\^-2))” -2(b)’(b(e\^-2))’ = 0 . At an interior maximum of $b(e^{\nonlin}-2)$, the last term vanishes while the middle term is negative. Since $b = b(\r)$, a maximum of $b(e^{\nonlin}-2)$ occurs only at a maximum of $\nonlin$ on $\cC_{\r}$ for some $\rho$, so the first term is negative as well. Thus, by the maximum principle, there are no interior maxima of $b(e^{\nonlin}-2)$. Exactly the same discussion holds for minima in place of maxima. Now there are several solutions of . First, let \[5.21\] b =()\^[-1]{} . Then $b \sim e^{-\r}$ at $\r \to +\infty$, so that $b(e^{\nonlin}-2) \to \dnonlin$ as $\r \to +\infty$. Also $b \to 0$ at $\r \to -\infty$, so $b(e^{\nonlin}-2) \to 0$ as $\r \to -\infty$. It then follows from the above that \[5.22\] 0 &lt; b(e\^-2)  , on all of $M$. This is the main [*a priori*]{} estimate. The boundary data $\dnonlin$ controls the pointwise size ($L^{\infty}$ norm) of any solution $\nonlin$ asymptotic to $\dnonlin$. Using the asymptotic expansion (3.39) for $\r \to -\infty$ and the test function $b = e^{-\r}$ in place of , a similar argument shows that may be improved to \[5.23\] 0 . It follows that $b\,\nonlin$ has no interior maxima, and hence 0 &lt; b(e\^ - 1)  . This is the main [*a priori*]{} upper bound on $e^{\nonlin}$. Again, by elliptic boundary regularity, this suffices to prove properness of the boundary map $\Bound$. The linearization $L_{\sss}$ of $\PDO$ at the standard solution is given by L\_() = e\^[-]{}(9+ e\^”+(e\^)’’-18) . Again, the standard maximum principle argument shows that the only solution $\lin$ to $L_{\sss}(\lin) = 0$ with $\lin \to 0$ at $\rho \to \pm \infty$ is $\lin = 0$. Thus the $L_{\sss}$ is an isomorphism, so $\nonlinss$ is a regular point of $\Bound$. The proof of uniqueness is also the same as in the previous cases. Let $\nonlin$ be any solution of with the same asymptotics as the standard solution. Subtracting the two equations for $\nonlin$ and $\nonlinss$, as in , yields $$\begin{aligned} \label{5.39} \begin{split} 9\D (\nonlin-\nonlinss) + (e^{\nonlinss})''w + 2(e^{\nonlinss})'w' + e^{\nonlinss}w'' &= \\[3pt] 18e^{\nonlinss}w+ {\tfrac{1}{2}}e^{\nonlinss}(\nonlin')^{2}w + {\tfrac{1}{2}}&e^{\nonlinss}(\nonlin'+\nonlinss')(\nonlin' - \nonlinss')~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Carrying out exactly the same arguments as appear following leads to the bound $0 \geq 18w~$ at any interior maximum point. Since $w = e^{\nonlin-\nonlinss} - 1 > 0$ at such a point, this is a contradiction. Hence, holds everywhere. The same argument applied to any interior minimum point gives $\nonlin \geq \nonlinss$ everywhere. Hence, $\nonlin = \nonlinss$, proving uniqueness. So again, $\deg \, \Bound = 1$ and the boundary map is surjective. Area monotonicity {#sec:areas} ----------------- As we saw in the degree computation of Section \[proofM5N=2\], the geometric flow equations simplify nicely upon integration over $\cC$. In this section we take advantage of this simplification to prove that the area of the Riemann surface with metric \[Phimetric\] ds\^2\_=y\^[-2]{}e\^(dx\^2+dy\^2) , decreases monotonically along the fixed point flows of Section \[sec:theproof\]. We solve the cases of $1/2$ BPS flows explicitly, while the $1/4$ BPS flows require a slightly more formal treatment. Integrating the $\cN=2$ M5 brane flow over $\cC$ produces the ODE ”--4()=0 , where $\cA=\int_{\cC}\exp(\nonlin)$ is the area of the Riemann surface with respect to and $\chi(\cC)$ is its Euler character. The solution is given by ()=c\_1e\^+c\_2e\^[-]{}+4() . The solution with the correct asymptotics to interpolate from the six-dimensional fixed point in the UV to the four-dimensional fixed point in the IR has $c_2=0$. Thus the area decreases monotonically until it reaches the fixed value at $\rho\to-\infty$. The $\cN=(4,4)$ D3 flow integrates to the following ODE: ”-4’-36()=0 . This admits the exact solution ()=c\_1+c\_2e\^[4]{}-9() . The area is again monotonically decreasing with $\r$. As is expected, this solution does not approach a fixed point in the IR, but rather becomes singular at finite $\r$.[^22] Nevertheless, from the field theoretic point of view this is a physical flow. The flows preserving four supercharges do not simplify as nicely when integrated, and we can treat them simultaneously. Both flows, , , are of the form \[genflow\] (e\^)”+k\_0+k\_1(e\^)’-k\_2(e\^)+k\_3=k\_4e\^(’)\^2 , with $k_1\geq0$ and $k_{2-4}>0$. Integrating over $\cC$ again eliminates the Laplacian term, but now there is a more complicated inhomogeneity in the differential equation for the area, \[genareaflow\] ”+k\_1’-k\_2-2k\_3()=I\[\] , where $I[\nonlin]$ is the integrated version of the right-hand side of equation and is non-negative (vanishing only when $\nonlin'=0$ on $\cC$). The proof of Section \[sec:theproof\] establishes the existence of uniformizing flows which solve and for which $\cA$ diverges exponentially at $\rho\to+\infty$ and approaches a fixed value at $\rho\to-\infty$. Here we prove that $\cA(\r)$ decreases monotonically along these flows from the UV to the IR. Note that for such a flow to be non-monotonic, it would have to either experience a local maximum at a finite value of $\rho$ or contain an inflection point at which $\cA'<0$. To see that neither of these scenarios can arise, define $\hat{\cA}=\cA+\frac{2\pi k_3}{k_2}\chi(\cC)$, in terms of which equation simplifies to ”+k\_1’-k\_2=I\[\] . Note that the lower bounds on $e^\nonlin$ derived in Sections \[proofM5N=1\] and \[proofD3N=22\] imply that $\hat{\cA}>0$ for all $\rho$. The same requirements for monotonicity apply to the new function $\hat{\cA}$. For $\hat{\cA}'=0$, the positivity of $I[\nonlin]$ and $k_2$ imply that $\hat{\cA}''>0$, so this can only be a local minimum. Furthermore, at an inflection point of $\hat{\cA}$, one finds that $\hat{\cA}'>0$, so this does not affect monotonicity. Thus $\cA$ is a monotonic function of $\rho$ for the $1/4$ BPS uniformizing flows as well. This monotonicity has a similar flavor to the monotonic behavior of the c-function used to prove the holographic c-theorem in [@Girardello:1998pd; @Freedman:1999gp], and it is tempting to identify $\cA(\rho)$ with a $(d-2)$-dimensional c-function. Indeed, such a measure of $(d-2)$-dimensional degrees of freedom would diverge in the UV where the theory is actually $d$-dimensional. It would be very interesting to derive more general monotonicity results for a function that captures the evolution of the number of degrees of freedom for flows between theories of different spacetime dimension. Conclusions =========== \[sec:conclusion\] We have initiated a program to use holographic BPS flows for supersymmetric wrapped branes to derive and study novel geometric flows. By extending the analysis of [@Maldacena:2000mw] to accommodate the presence of an arbitrary metric on the wrapped Riemann surface, we have derived a new class of elliptic equations which control the BPS flow of the conformal factor of said metric. These flow equations are particularly nice, and we have proved that they admit solutions which interpolate from any asymptotic metric in the “UV” to the constant negative curvature representative in the same conformal class in the “IR”. In particular, this verifies of a crucial conjecture from the work of [@Gaiotto:2009we]. In analogy with Wilsonian RG flow, it would be desirable to have holographic geometric flow equations formulated as initial value flows without the complicating factor of potentially unphysical boundary conditions. It may be that by a careful application of the tools of holographic renormalization, along with input from the field theory, one can find such a formulation for the restriction of the flows studied here to physical initial values. Alternatively, by approaching the problem using equations of motion instead of BPS equations, a more direct version of a holographic Wilsonian RG flow may be attainable [@Heemskerk:2010hk; @Faulkner:2010jy]. An obvious extension of our program is to the case of twisted compactification on supersymmetric cycles of dimension greater than two. In particular, the solutions of [@Acharya:2000mu; @Gauntlett:2000ng] should be generalizable in the same way. It could be of great interest to derive a geometric flow on three-manifolds from M-theory in this way. The Ricci flow famously encounters singularities at finite time in many cases (, [@Perelman:2006un]). One expects that a geometric flow emerging from M-theory will either avoid or provide a physical prescription for dealing with any finite-time singularities. This is currently under investigation in [@inprogress3]. Finally, there are a number of natural generalizations of the present work within the two-dimensional setting. We have restricted our attention to backgrounds which preserve at least four supercharges because of certain technical simplifications which take place. In particular, this meant that we ignored the third natural class of wrapped branes – M2 branes – because for M2 branes, flows with eight or four supersymmetries do not find an $AdS_2$ fixed point in the IR [@Gauntlett:2001qs]. There is also a $(1,1)$-supersymmetric twist of the D3 brane theory which we have neglected. Nevertheless, it may be interesting to study these less-supersymmetric compactifications and to understand whether the corresponding BPS flows display qualitatively different behavior. Furthermore, by carrying out the BPS flow analysis in ten or eleven dimensions, it should be possible to incorporate punctures. The authors would like to thank Tudor Dimofte, Mike Douglas, Abhijit Gadde, Jerome Gauntlett, Juan Maldacena, Martin Roček, Eva Silverstein, A. J. Tolland, and especially Balt van Rees for helpful and informative discussions. C.B. thanks the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (research supported by DARPA under Grant No. HR0011-09-1-0015 and by the NSF under Grant No. PHY05-51164) for generous hospitality while this work was being completed. N.B. is grateful for the warm hospitality at the Aspen Center for Physics (research supported by the NSF under Grant No. 1066293) in the final stages of this project. M.T.A. is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0905159. The work of C.B. and N.B. is supported in part by DOE grant DE-FG02-92ER-40697. The work of L.R. is supported in part by NSF grant PHY-0969739. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies. Derivation of Flow Equations ============================ \[app:derivations\] In this appendix we provide a detailed account of the derivation of the flow equations for the $1/2$ BPS twist of the M5 brane theory, . We also provide a less thorough summary of the analogous derivation for the $1/4$ BPS M5 brane background and for the $1/2$ and $1/4$ BPS D3 brane backgrounds , . Several equations from the main text are repeated here to keep the derivation relatively self-contained. M5 brane flows {#appssec:M5} -------------- The starting point is the Ansatz for the seven-dimensional gauged supergravity background , , $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEq1} \begin{split} ds^2 &= e^{2f} (-dt^2+dz_1^2+dz_2^2+dz_3^2) + e^{2h}dr^2 + y^{-2}e^{2g}(dx^2+dy^2)~,\\[5pt] A^{(i)}&= A^{(i)}_x dx +A^{(i)}_y dy+A^{(i)}_r dr~, \qquad \lambda_i=\lambda_i(x,y,r)~, ~ i=1,2~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ As written, $(x,y)$ are coordinates on the upper half-plane, and to obtain a background with a compact $\cC$ factor we impose a quotient by a Fuchsian subgroup $\Gamma\subset PSL(2,\RR)$ which acts on the upper half-plane as z=x+iy= ,ad-bc0 .\[AAEq2\] Accordingly, the functions $f$, $g$, and $h$ in must be invariant under the action of $\Gamma$.[^23] The supersymmetry variations for the relevant fermionic fields are given by [@Pernici:1984xx; @Liu:1999ai], $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEq3} \begin{split} \delta\psi_{\mu} &= \left[ \nabla_{\mu} +m(A_{\mu}^{(1)}\Gamma^{12} + A_{\mu}^{(2)}\Gamma^{34}) + \ds\tfrac{m}{4} e^{-4(\lambda_1+\lambda_2)}\gamma_{\mu} + \ds\tfrac{1}{2}\gamma_{\mu}\gamma^{\nu} \partial_{\nu} (\lambda_1+\lambda_2) \right] \epsilon \\[3pt] & + \ds\tfrac{1}{2}\gamma^{\nu} \left( e^{-2\lambda_1}F_{\mu\nu}^{(1)}\Gamma^{12} + e^{-2\lambda_2}F_{\mu\nu}^{(2)}\Gamma^{34} \right) \epsilon~, \\[5pt] \delta\chi^{(1)} &= \left[ \tfrac{m}{4} (e^{2\lambda_1}- e^{-4 (\lambda_1+\lambda_2)}) - \tfrac{1}{4}\gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} (3\lambda_1+2\lambda_2) - \tfrac{1}{8}\gamma^{\mu\nu}e^{-2\lambda_1}F_{\mu\nu}^{(1)}\Gamma^{12} \right] \epsilon ~,\\[5pt] \delta\chi^{(2)} &= \left[ \tfrac{m}{4} (e^{2\lambda_2}- e^{-4 (\lambda_1+\lambda_2)}) - \tfrac{1}{4}\gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} (2\lambda_1+3\lambda_2) - \tfrac{1}{8}\gamma^{\mu\nu}e^{-2\lambda_2}F_{\mu\nu}^{(2)}\Gamma^{34} \right] \epsilon ~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where the spin-1/2 fields $\chi^{(1)}$ and $\chi^{(2)}$ are certain linear combinations of the sixteen spin-1/2 fields of the maximal theory – see [@Liu:1999ai] for more details. We wish to find equations for the functions in which guarantee the existence of spinors for which the above supersymmetry variations vanish. For a given twist of the boundary theory, we know that the generators of the preserved supersymmetries should have fixed transformation properties under the symmetries of the supergravity background. Specifically, consider the decomposition of a spinor according to \_=i ,\^[12]{}=i\_1 ,\^[34]{}=i\_2 ,\_[r]{}= , \[spinorcharges\] with $\alpha$, $\beta_1$, $\beta_2$, $\eta=\pm1$.[^24] Then the discrete parameters $\alpha$, $\beta_{1,2}$ are identified as the charges of the corresponding supersymmetry generators under $U(1)_{\cC}$, $U(1)_{12}$, and $U(1)_{34}$ as defined in Section \[sssec:M5twist\]. This implies that for the supercharges preserved by the $1/2$ BPS twist, $\alpha=\beta_1$, while for those preserved by the $1/4$ BPS twist, $\alpha=\beta_1=\beta_2$. After fixing these relations, there are still four (resp. two) choices of signs that can be assigned in . However, each choice gives rise to the same equations for the background fields in the appropriate Ansatz. In addition, the supersymmetries preserved by the flow should be those which restrict to Poincaré supersymmetries on the boundary at $r\to0_+$ (as opposed to superconformal symmetries). This fixes $\eta=1$ [@Lu:1996rhb]. Lastly, four-dimensional Poincaré invariance of the backgrounds implies that the spinors are constant in the $\RR^{1,3}$ directions, \_[t]{}=\_[z\_i]{}=0 .\[AAEq8\] We note that in contrast to the solutions studied in [@Maldacena:2000mw], the present analysis allows for $\partial_{x}\epsilon\neq0$ and $\partial_{y}\epsilon\neq0$. The conditions for the supersymmetry variations to vanish are of two types. Vanishing of the variation of the dilatinos and the $(t,z_1,z_2,z_3)$ components of the gravitino impose explicit conditions on the background fields. Alternatively, vanishing variations of the $(r,x,y)$ components of the gravitino imply that the spinor $\epsilon$ solves a certain system of PDEs. Integrability of said system of PDEs imposes additional constraints on the background fields. ### $\cN=2$ M5 branes {#appsssec:M5N=2} For the $1/2$ BPS twisted M5 brane background, we impose the additional simplification 2\_1+3\_2=0 ,A\^[(2)]{}=0 ,\[AAEq9\] and define \_2 ,A   A\^[(1)]{} .\[AAEq10\] To derive the BPS equations it is sufficient to take $\alpha=\beta_1=1$ in . Then the dilatino variations lead to the equations $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEq11} \begin{split} & \partial_{r}\lambda + \ds\tfrac{2m}{5} e^{h-3\lambda} - \ds\tfrac{2m}{5}e^{h+2\lambda} + \ds\tfrac{2}{5}e^{h-2g+3\lambda} F_{xy}=0~,\\[5pt] & (\partial_{x}+i \partial_{y}) \lambda +\ds\tfrac{2}{5} e^{-h+3\lambda}(F_{yr} - i F_{xr})=0~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ while vanishing of the gravitino variations (the $(t,z_1,z_2,z_3)$ components all produce the same condition) requires $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEq13} \begin{split} & \partial_{r}\left(f-\tfrac{1}{2}\lambda\right) + \tfrac{m}{2} e^{h+2\lambda} =0~,\\[5pt] & (\partial_{x}+i \partial_{y})\left(f-\tfrac{1}{2}\lambda\right) =0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The differential equations for the spinor $\epsilon$ implied by the vanishing variations of the $(r,x,y)$ components of the gravitino are given by $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEq16} \begin{split} &\partial_{r}\epsilon - \tfrac{1}{4}\left[\partial_{r}\lambda +m e^{h+2\lambda}+ i\,4m A_{r} \right] \epsilon\\[3pt] &\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad - \tfrac{1}{2}ye^{h-g}\left[(\partial_{x}+i \partial_{y})\left(h-\tfrac{1}{2}\lambda\right) -e^{-h+3\lambda}(F_{yr}-iF_{xr})\right] \gamma_6 \epsilon=0~, \\[5pt] &\partial_{x}\epsilon + \tfrac{1}{2}\left[ i \left( \partial_{y} g - y^{-1}\right) +i\,4m A_x -\tfrac{1}{2} (\partial_{x}+i \partial_{y})\lambda +i e^{-h+3\lambda}F_{xr} \right] \epsilon \\[3pt] &\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad+\tfrac{1}{2}y^{-1}e^{g-h}\left[ \partial_{r} \left(g-\tfrac{1}{2}\lambda\right) + \tfrac{m}{2}e^{h+2\lambda} - y^2 e^{h+3\lambda-2g} F_{xy} \right] \gamma_6 \epsilon=0~,\\[5pt] &\partial_{y}\epsilon + \tfrac{i}{2}\left[ - \partial_{x} g +4m A_y +\tfrac{1}{2} (\partial_{x}+i \partial_{y})\lambda + e^{-h+3\lambda}F_{yr} \right] \epsilon \\[3pt] &\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad+\tfrac{i}{2}y^{-1}e^{g-h}\left[ \partial_{r} \left(g-\tfrac{1}{2}\lambda\right) + \tfrac{m}{2}e^{h+2\lambda} - y^2 e^{h+3\lambda-2g} F_{xy} \right] \gamma_6 \epsilon=0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ In order for these equations to admit solutions, they should be integrable and $PSL(2,\RR)$ covariant.[^25] Integrability imposes the following constraints on the background geometry and fields, $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEq18} \begin{split} &\partial_{r}(g+2\lambda) + me^{h-3\lambda} - \tfrac{m}{2} e^{h+2\lambda} = 0~, \\[5pt] &\partial_{r}\partial_{y}(g+2\lambda) + 2m F_{rx} = 0~, \\[5pt] &\partial_{r}\partial_{x}(g+2\lambda) - 2m F_{ry} = 0~, \\[5pt] & (\partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2)(g+2\lambda) + \tfrac{1}{y^2} - 2m F_{xy} = 0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ These equations can be dramatically simplified and cast into a form which looks intrinsic to the geometry of the Riemann surface $\cC$. In particular, equations fix $F_{rx}$, $F_{ry}$, and $F_{xy}$ in terms of $\lambda$, $f$, $h$, and $g$. Then imply that f(r,x,y)- (r,x,y) = F(r) , h(r,x,y)+2 (r,x,y) = H(r) ,\[AAEq22\] with $F(r)$ and $H(r)$ being real functions of the radial variable [*only*]{} which satisfy F\^(r)=-H(r) .\[AAEq23\] This means that $F(r)$ is a monotonic function of $r$ and we can define a new radial variable $\rho$ according to F(r) , \_=-e\^[-H(r)]{} \_r .\[AAEq24\] In terms of the new radial variable, the full solution to the BPS equations is determined by a solution to the following flow equations for the conformal factor $g$ on $\cC$ and the scalar $\lambda$, $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAEqFirst1} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\lambda=-\tfrac{2m}{5}+\tfrac{2m}{5}e^{-5\lambda}+\tfrac{1}{5m}e^{\lambda-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+2\lambda)\right) ~, \\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g=\tfrac{3m}{10}+\tfrac{m}{5}e^{-5\lambda}-\tfrac{2}{5m}e^{\lambda-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+2\lambda)\right)~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where we have introduced the Laplace operator on $\cC$ with respect to the metric of constant scalar curvature $R=-2$, y\^2(\_[x]{}\^2+\_[y]{}\^2) .\[AAEq25\] While this is a vast improvement over , these flow equations are still rather complicated and can be simplified even further. After defining (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) + 4 (,x,y) ,\[AAEq26\] we find that e\^[-5]{} = (m+ \_ ) , \[AAEqPreheaven\] where $\nonlin(\rho,x,y)$ is determined by the following second-order equation: \[AAEqHeaven\] ### $\cN=1$ M5 branes {#appsssec:M5N=1} The $1/4$ BPS twist of the M5 brane theory leads to a different truncation of the seven-dimensional supergravity fields, A   A\^[(1)]{}=A\^[(2)]{} , -2\_1= -2\_2 , and we consider a supersymmetry variation with $\alpha=\beta_1=\beta_2=1$ in . An analysis similar to the one performed for M5 branes with $\cN=2$ supersymmetry yields the equations for a supersymmetric background, && \_[r]{}+ e\^[h-]{} - e\^[h+4]{} + y\^2 e\^[h+-2 g]{} F\_[xy]{}=0 , \[dilM5N1eq1\]\ && (\_[x]{}+i\_[y]{})- e\^[-h+]{}(F\_[ry]{}-iF\_[rx]{})=0 . \[dilM5N1eq2\]\ && \_[r]{}(f- ) + e\^[h+4]{} = 0 , \[gravM5N1eq1\]\ && \_[x]{}(f- ) = \_[y]{}(f-) = 0 , \[gravM5N1eq2\]\ && \_[r]{}(g+4) + 2 m e\^[h-]{} - e\^[h+4]{} =0  , \[gravM5N1eq3\]\ && \_[r]{}\_[y]{}(g+4) + 4m F\_[rx]{} = 0 ,\[gravM5N1eq4\]\ && \_[r]{}\_[x]{}(g+4) - 4m F\_[ry]{} = 0 , \[gravM5N1eq5\]\ && (\_x\^2 + \_y\^2)(g+4) + y\^[-2]{} - 4m F\_[xy]{}=0 . \[gravM5N1eq6\] Equations and come from the dilatino variation, and from the $(t,z_1,z_2,z_3)$ components of the gravitino variation, and – are the integrability conditions for the PDEs which $\epsilon$ must solve. These equations can again be reformulated as a flow intrinsic to $\cC$. The result is the following system of equations in terms of a new radial variable, $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSimpM5N1Eqn} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\phi=- \tfrac{2m}{5} + \tfrac{2m}{5}e^{-5\phi} +\tfrac{1}{10m}e^{-3\phi-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+4\phi)\right) ~, \\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g=\tfrac{m}{10} + \tfrac{2m}{5}e^{-5\phi} - \tfrac{2}{5m}e^{-3\phi-2g}\left(1+\Delta (g+4\phi)\right)~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The new radial variable can be defined by using and to show that f(r,x,y)- (r,x,y)= F(r) , h(r,x,y)+4 (r,x,y) = H(r) ,\[M5n=1Radial\] in terms of which $\rho$ is defined by F(r) , \_=-e\^[-H(r)]{} \_r  .\[M5n=1Radial2\] One can rewrite the system of two coupled PDEs as a single nonlinear second-order PDE. Defining (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) + 8(,x,y) , it follows that e\^[-5]{}=(3m+\_) ,\[M5n=1secondorderscalar\] where $\nonlin(\rho,x,y)$ solves the following elliptic PDE: \[M5N=1Heaven\] D3 brane flows {#appssec:D3} -------------- The Ansatz for the twisted D3 brane solutions is analogous to the one for the twisted M5 solutions. The five-dimensional metric, the three Abelian gauge fields and two real scalars take the form $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} &ds^2 = e^{2f} (-dt^2+dz^2) + e^{2h}dr^2 + y^{-2}e^{2g} (dx^2+dy^2)~, \\[5pt] &A^{I}= A^{I}_x dx +A^{I}_y dy+A^{I}_r dr~,\quad\quad I=1,2,3~,\\[5pt] &\phi_1(x,y,r)~,\quad \quad \phi_2(x,y,r)~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The coordinates $(x,y)$ are again coordinates on the upper half-plane with a quotient by a discrete subgroup of $PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$ imposed. All background fields must be invariant under the action of this discrete group. The supersymmetry transformation of the fermionic fields of the supergravity are (see [@Behrndt:1998ns] and Appendix A of [@Maldacena:2000mw] for more details), $$\begin{aligned} \label{AAgravitinoD3} \begin{split} \delta\psi_{\mu} &= \left[ \nabla_{\mu} +\tfrac{i}{8} X_{I}(\gamma_{\mu}^{\nu\rho} - 4 \delta_{\mu}^{\nu} \gamma^{\rho}) F^{I}_{\nu\rho} + \ds\tfrac{1}{2} X^{I}V_{I} \gamma_{\mu} - \tfrac{3i}{2} V_{I}A^{I}_{\mu} \right] \epsilon~, \\[5pt] \delta\chi_{(j)} &= \left[ \tfrac{3}{8} (\partial_{\phi_j} X_{I} )F^{I}_{\mu\nu} \gamma^{\mu\nu} + \ds\tfrac{3i}{2} V_{I}\partial_{\phi_j} X^{I} - \ds\tfrac{i}{4} \delta_{jk} \partial_{\mu}\phi_k \gamma^{\mu} \right] \epsilon~, \qquad j=1,2 ~, \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ where we have defined $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} & X^{1} \equiv e^{-\frac{\phi_1}{\sqrt{6}}-\frac{\phi_2}{\sqrt{2}}}~, \qquad\qquad X^{2} \equiv e^{-\frac{\phi_1}{\sqrt{6}}+\frac{\phi_2}{\sqrt{2}}}~, \qquad\qquad X^{3} \equiv e^{\frac{2\phi_1}{\sqrt{6}}}~, \\[5pt] & V_{I}=\ds\tfrac{1}{3}~, \qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\,\, X_{I} = \tfrac{1}{3} (X^{I})^{-1}~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Since we are using an $\cN=2$ truncation of the full gauged supergravity, only a fraction of the maximal possible supersymmetry is visible. The spinors in correspond to the $(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2})$ component of the decomposition . In the language of this truncation the desired solutions preserve two real supercharges. In order for these to be the supersymmetries preserved by the twisted field theory, the spinors should obey the following constraints[^26] \_[r]{}=  , \_ = -i  , \_[t]{}=\_[z\_i]{}=0 . Note that the radius of $AdS_5$ is fixed to one and that we allow $\partial_{x}\epsilon\neq0$ and $\partial_{y}\epsilon\neq0$. ### $\cN=(4,4)$ D3 branes {#appsssec:D3N=44} For BPS solutions that preserve half of the maximum supersymmetry one should set \_2=0 , \_1 , A\^[(1)]{} = A\^[(2)]{}=0 , A   A\^[(3)]{} . With this simplification the analysis of the supersymmetry constraint is very similar to the case of $\cN=2$ M5 branes. First we impose the vanishing of the dilatino variations in , which leads to the following differential equations $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSD3N2eq7} \begin{split} & \partial_{r}\alpha +\ds\tfrac{2}{3} e^{h-\alpha} - \ds\tfrac{2}{3} e^{h+2\alpha} - \ds\tfrac{1}{3} y^2 e^{h- 2\alpha -2 g} F_{xy}=0~, \\[5pt] & \partial_{x}\alpha + \ds\tfrac{1}{3} e^{-h - 2\alpha} F_{ry}=0~, \qquad\qquad \partial_{y}\alpha - \ds\tfrac{1}{3}e^{-h - 2\alpha} F_{rx}=0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The vanishing of the $(t,z)$ components of the gravitino variation in , implies $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSD3N2eq2} \begin{split} & \partial_{r}\left(f + \ds\tfrac{1}{2}\alpha\right) + e^{h - \alpha} = 0~, \\[5pt] & \partial_{x}\left(f + \ds\tfrac{1}{2}\alpha\right) = \partial_{y}\left(f + \ds\tfrac{1}{2}\alpha\right) = 0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ As in the case of $\cN=2$ M5 branes, the $(r,x,y)$ components of the gravitino variation lead to PDEs which should be satisfied by the spinor $\epsilon$. Integrability of this system of equations requires that the following constraints be satisfied by the background functions, $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSD3N2eq1} \begin{split} &\partial_{r}(g - \alpha) + e^{h + 2\alpha} =0 ~, \\[5pt] &\partial_{r}\partial_{y}(g - \alpha) + F_{rx} = 0~,\\[5pt] &\partial_{r}\partial_{x}(g - \alpha) - F_{ry} = 0~, \\[5pt] & (\partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2)(g - \alpha) + y^{-2} - F_{xy}=0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ One can simplify the system of BPS equations and reduce it to a system of two coupled PDEs intrinsic to $\cC$ $$\begin{aligned} \label{app:BPSimpD3N2Eqn} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\alpha= 2 - 2e^{3\alpha} - e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g - \alpha))~,\\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g = 2 + e^{3\alpha} - e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g - \alpha))~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ To derive this system we have utilized a new radial variable    F(r) , \_=-3 e\^[-H(r)]{} \_[r]{}  , where we have used f(r,x,y) + (r,x,y) = F(r) , h(r,x,y) - (r,x,y) = H(r) . One can find a further simplification of equations and after defining (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) - 2 (,x,y)  , reduce them to a single PDE that governs the flow: \[AAD344Heaven\] ### $\cN=(2,2)$ D3 branes {#appsssec:D3N=22} To get a BPS flow that preserves a quarter of the maximal supersymmetry we set \_2=0 , \_1 , A   A\^[(1)]{} = A\^[(2)]{} , A\^[(3)]{} = 0 . The dilatino variation yields $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSD3N1eq7} \begin{split} & \partial_{r}\alpha +\ds\tfrac{2}{3} e^{h-\alpha} - \ds\tfrac{2}{3} e^{h+2\alpha} + \ds\tfrac{1}{3} y^2 e^{h + \alpha -2 g} F_{xy}=0~, \\[5pt] & \partial_{x}\alpha - \ds\tfrac{1}{3} e^{-h+\alpha} F_{ry}=0~, \qquad\qquad \partial_{y}\alpha + \ds\tfrac{1}{3}e^{-h +\alpha} F_{rx}=0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The $(t,z)$ components of the gravitino variation lead to $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSD3N1eq2} \begin{split} & \partial_{r}\left(f - \alpha\right) + e^{h + 2\alpha} = 0~, \\[5pt] & \partial_{x}\left(f - \alpha\right) = \partial_{y}\left(f - \alpha\right) = 0~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The integrability conditions for the PDEs for the spinor $\epsilon$ coming from the $(r,x,y)$ components of the gravitino variation reduce to the following differential equations for the background fields $$\begin{aligned} \label{BPSD3N1eq1} \begin{split} &\partial_{r}(g + 2 \alpha) + 2 e^{h - \alpha} - e^{h + 2\alpha} =0 ~, \\[5pt] &\partial_{r}\partial_{y}(g + 2 \alpha) + 2 F_{rx} = 0~, \\[5pt] &\partial_{r}\partial_{x}(g + 2\alpha) - 2 F_{ry} = 0~, \\[5pt] & (\partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2)(g + 2 \alpha) +y^{-2} - 2 F_{xy}=0 ~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ Using these BPS equations one can define a new radial variable in a similar way as for the other flows above. First use f(r,x,y)- (r,x,y) = F(r) , h(r,x,y)+2 (r,x,y) = H(r) . and then define the radial variable $\rho$ implicitly   F(r) , \_=-3 e\^[-H(r)]{} \_[r]{}  . With this new variable at hand one can readily derive a system of coupled PDEs intrinsic to $\cC$ $$\begin{aligned} \begin{split} &\partial_\rho\alpha= - 2 + 2e^{-3\alpha} +\ds\tfrac{1}{2}e^{-\alpha-2g}(1+\Delta(g+2\alpha))~,\\[5pt] &\partial_\rho g =1 + 2e^{-3\alpha} - e^{-\alpha-2g} (1+\Delta(g+2\alpha))~. \end{split}\end{aligned}$$ The second-order elliptic PDE that governs the flow can be derived in terms of the new function (,x,y) 2 g(,x,y) + 4 (,x,y)  . It takes the following form: \[AAD322Heaven\] Covariant Flow Equations ======================== \[app:covariant\] The flow equations derived in this paper can be rewritten as covariant geometric flows. For all of the flows, the function $\nonlin$ can be interpreted as the conformal factor of an auxiliary metric on the Riemann surface $\cC$, \_\^2 = y\^[-2]{}e\^(dx\^2+dy\^2) = e\^ (dx\^2+dy\^2) .\[ABEq1\] This metric coincides with the restriction of the gauged supergravity metric in and to $\cC$ in the UV, and in the IR up to a scale factor. Denoting the metric components on this Riemann surface by $g_{ij}$, the Ricci tensor is R\_[ij]{} = - (\_[x]{}\^2+\_[y]{}\^2)  \_[ij]{} .\[ABEq2\] The four second-order PDEs , , , and can be rewritten as follows: - M5 branes with $1/2$ BPS twist \_\^2 g\_[ij]{} - 2 R\_[ij]{} - m\^2 g\_[ij]{} = 0 .\[ABEqM52\] - M5 branes with $1/4$ BPS twist \_\^2 g\_[ij]{} - 2 R\_[ij]{} - g\_[ij]{} - \_g\_[i]{}\^[k]{} \_g\_[kj]{} + m\_g\_[ij]{} = 0 .\[ABEqM51\] - D3 branes with $1/2$ BPS twist \_\^2 g\_[ij]{} - 18 R\_[ij]{} -6\_g\_[ij]{} = 0 .\[ABEqD344\] - D3 branes with $1/4$ BPS twist \_\^2 g\_[ij]{} - 18 R\_[ij]{} - 18 g\_[ij]{} - \_g\_[i]{}\^[k]{} \_g\_[kj]{} = 0 .\[ABEqD322\] These covariant flow equations could form the starting point for a new, “holographic” proof of the uniformization theorem. 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[^1]: `anderson@math.sunysb.edu` [^2]: `cbeem@scgp.stonybrook.edu` [^3]: `nbobev@scgp.stonybrook.edu` [^4]: `leonardo.rastelli@stonybrook.edu` [^5]: This truncation necessitates the restriction that $\cC$ be closed. While there is a rich generalization to punctured surfaces [@Gaiotto:2009gz], it is technically much simpler for us to study to the case with no punctures. We also generally assume that $\cC$ has genus ${\bf g} > 1$. This is a less essential restriction: the equations we derive actually describe the low-genus cases as well, though the corresponding flows are singular. [^6]: The discussion of twisting here is purely local. In particular, when the twisted theory is defined on a curved background with non-trivial topology there are global obstructions to the procedure outlined except at discrete values of $a$ and $b$. This becomes manifest in Section \[ssec:branegeometry\], where the obstructions are geometrized. [^7]: It is not necessary for the total space of this vector bundle to have a Ricci-flat metric, but only that such a metric exists in a neighborhood of the zero section of the vector bundle. This is because in the low energy limit, the tension of the branes effectively becomes infinite. [^8]: The choice of holomorphic, as opposed to anti-holomorphic, cotangent bundle is merely a convention. [^9]: The holomorphic structure on the $\CC^2$ bundle does not have to factorize in general, so there are geometries which are not sums of holomorphic line bundles. In the $1/4$ BPS twisted theory studied here, the holomorphic structure can be deformed to an unfactorized one by turning on $SU(2)$ Wilson lines on $\cC$ – see [@Benini:2009mz]. The story for more general twists preserving four supercharges is currently under investigation [@inprogresstwists]. [^10]: There are, of course, $2g$ different choices for $\cL_{1/4}$ which satisfy this condition. However, since we work on the covering space of $\cC$ and performing a quotient without additional action on sections of these line bundles, we choose the spin structure corresponding to periodic boundary conditions. We thank Eva Silverstein for pointing out this ambiguity. [^11]: There is also a three-form gauge potential in this truncation, but it vanishes identically for all solutions discussed in the present work. [^12]: For appropriate choices of the function $g$ and the range of $(x,y)$, this Ansatz is compatible with the Riemann surface $\cC$ having low genus (${\bf g}=0,1)$. Indeed, the derivations found in Appendix \[app:derivations\] are sufficient to describe these cases. [^13]: The appearance of the parameter $m$ may look strange, since one might expect these values to match those of the parameters $a$ and $b$ which appeared in the discussion of Section \[sssec:M5twist\]. This is a consequence of the standard normalization for gauge fields in gauged supergravity which differs by a factor of $2m$ from the more geometric normalization in which the gauge fields can be naturally interpreted as connections on principle bundles. [^14]: In fact, we would like to think of $\nonlin$ as the conformal factor for an auxiliary metric on $\cC$. While it does not describe an actual metric which appears in the supergravity setting, it is in some sense the “right” metric from the point of view of the flow equations. [^15]: By virtue of and , the IR ($r\to\infty$) corresponds to $\rho\to-\infty$, and the UV ($r\to0$) corresponds to $\rho\to +\infty$. [^16]: We thank Balt van Rees for numerous helpful discussions of the subtleties associated with the holographic dictionary in such cases. [^17]: There is another integration constant parameterizing the freedom to shift $\rho$ by a constant amount. It is set to zero without loss of generality. [^18]: There are exact solutions for other special values of $C$ but we do not study them since these flows are singular. [^19]: The main example at hand is $M=\RR \times \cC$, so the boundary may be an asymptotic boundary. [^20]: Note that the process described here establishes global existence of solutions to , but does not prove global uniqueness (injectivity of $\Bound$). The boundary map $\Bound$ may or may not be a global diffeomorphism. [^21]: It is easily checked that $L = L^{*}$ at $\nonlin = \nonlinss$. [^22]: When the function $\cA$ is interpreted as the area of $\cC$, $\cA\to0$ is a singular limit. It should be noted that the supergravity metric function $g(\r,x,y)$ itself becomes singular along this flow, , [@Maldacena:2000mw]. [^23]: The constant negative curvature metric on the upper half-plane is given by $y^{-2}(dx^2+dy^2)$ and is invariant under all of $PSL(2,\RR)$. The conformal factor $e^g$ should then be independently invariant under $\Gamma$. [^24]: The symplectic Majorana spinor $\epsilon$ is in the $\bf{4}$ of $SO(5)_c$, $\Gamma^i$ are $SO(5)_c$ gamma matrices and $\gamma_{\mu}$ are seven-dimensional spacetime gamma matrices. We use the standard notation $\gamma_{\mu_1\ldots\mu_p} = \gamma_{[\mu_1}\ldots\gamma_{\mu_p]}$ and suppress all spinor indices. Hats indicate flat indices. [^25]: It is actually not quite necessary that the equations be covariant under $PSL(2,\RR)$. In principle, the flow could be covariant only with respect to the appropriate subgroup $\Gamma\subset PSL(2,\RR)$, or worse, the complex structure moduli of $\cC$ could vary along the flow. Fortunately, things turn out in the nicest possible way and everything is covariant. [^26]: $\gamma_{\mu}$ are the five-dimensional gamma matrices and we suppress spinor indices.
In a fusion reactor and also in future advanced reactor types, long-lived activation products may lead to significant long-term waste disposals and radiation damage. Many of these production cross sections are not well-known, making it difficult to calculate concentration limits. Some prominent long-lived activation products comprise 10Be, 14C and 26Al; in the medium-mass range the radionuclides 53Mn, 55,60Fe, 59,63Ni; and for heavier isotopes 202mPb, 210mBi. Since a few years the technique of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) has been applied at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA) facility for the detection of long-lived radionuclides for such studies. In this respect, samples were irradiated with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons, at TU Dresden's 14-MeV neutron generator and the van de Graaff accelerator at IRMM. After the activations the samples were prepared for isotope ratio measurements via AMS. Production of long-lived 53Mn and 59Ni was measured via AMS utilizing the 14-MV tandem accelerator of the Maier-Leibnitz-laboratory, Garching/ TU Munich. The radionuclides 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 55Fe and 210mBi and 202gPb were measured at the VERA facility.
HVAC-Talk site will be slow for the next few days. It's normal site/server maintenance. Thx -Dad Welcome to HVAC-Talk.com, a non-DIY site and the ultimate Source for HVAC Information & Knowledge Sharing for the industry professional! Here you can join over 150,000 HVAC Professionals & enthusiasts from around the world discussing all things related to HVAC/R. You are currently viewing as a NON-REGISTERED guest which gives you limited access to view discussions To gain full access to our forums you must register; for a free account. As a registered Guest you will be able to: Participate in over 40 different forums and search/browse from nearly 3 million posts. I have a water leak in my basement when it rains it seeps through a small crack in the wall close to the floor. Anyone have a recommended concrete sealer that i should try? Or better yet what is my best coarse of action dealing with such a problem. Your input appreciated. Thanks Originally posted by mark h I have a water leak in my basement when it rains it seeps through a small crack in the wall close to the floor. Anyone have a recommended concrete sealer that i should try? Or better yet what is my best coarse of action dealing with such a problem. Your input appreciated. Thanks working on some crappy 300 grand homes for a major builder i see a lot of cracks in the walls and the concrete guys use some sort of gray cement like epoxy to seal the cracks. also have seen them hammer drill some holes and use 8" or so anchors to try to pull the wall back together then hit it with the epoxy. not real pretty but it seems to work. i think you would have to use some muratic acid or the like to clean it first on an older house first to make sure you got a good seal. or go outside and dig down by where the crack is until fully exposed and tar the crap out of it. and maybe add some drainage to remove the water from that area. hope these ideas help. good luck Don't treat the symptom treat the cause.Find out where the water is coming from first.Are your gutters & downspouts clean?Do they shed water away from the foundation?Is the yard properly graded away from the house?Is the water table to high?If it's the water table you may have to tile the basement.If the gutters or grade are wrong correct them. Landscaping can really help. Make sure the gound drains away from the house, then put down a 4' wide strip of plastic down, then put a nice looking layer of river rock on the plastic. I went from having an inch of water in by basement during a hard rain to having only a moist look to the concrete on that wall. You can also use mortar patch. It comes in a tube much like caulking and it is textured to even look like concrete, it works good for small cracks and holes. There are 3 ways to do anything in life; Good, Fast, Slow: You can pick any 2. Originally posted by mark h I have a water leak in my basement when it rains it seeps through a small crack in the wall close to the floor. Anyone have a recommended concrete sealer that i should try? Or better yet what is my best coarse of action dealing with such a problem. Your input appreciated. Thanks Hydraulic`cement. Like Rockite or Hydroloc. In the crack. It does not have to be dry. Try to resist teh urge to contact a real estate agent due to water seepage during storms. alright got it fixed! Used a apoxy called RAYCRETE it's a two part mix that can be used as a glue, patch, or sealer. Bonds to almost anything. Even cures under water. I cleaned, prepared surface, applied as instructed and it hardened to a hard like plastic seal. No more leak. Thanks for your input. also i will work on better runoff away from house even though i do have good runoff now. Thank's again. Mark
Analysis of the impact of donor gender on early mortality. Many studies have shown a detrimental effect of female donor gender on heart transplantation (HT) outcome. We retrospectively evaluated our experience in HT to determine the effect of donor gender on early survival. We divided the sample of 464 primary HT from November 1997 to September 2006 into 4 groups: G1, female donor to a male recipient; G2, male donor to a male recipient; G3, male donor to female recipient; and G4, female donor to a female recipient. We performed a descriptive study of the baseline characteristics. The chi(2) test was used to determine differences in early mortality (30 days) between groups and a multivariate analysis to identify confounding factors to increase mortality. Although the univariate study showed that G1 showed a significantly lower early survival rate (84%) than G2 (91%), the multivariate study adjusted for donor and recipient weight and size, urgency level, previous surgery, and age only showed urgency level (odds ratio [OR] 2.6; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2-5.57; P = .016) and previous surgery (OR 5.8; 95% CI 2.7-12.4; P < .01) to be predictors of early mortality. When baseline characteristics were analyzed, we found that 31% of HT in G1 were urgent versus 18% in G2, and 32% of patients in G1 had previous surgery versus 17% in G2. Donor gender did not appear to negatively affect early survival. In our series, urgent HT in male recipients with a female was more frequent than with a male donor heart. The higher early mortality in male recipients of an urgent HT from a female than from a male donor was attributable to a higher baseline risk profile.
Temporal and mean rate discharge patterns of single units in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the anesthetized guinea pig. 1. We examined the temporal and mean rate discharge characteristics of 514 single units recorded extracellularly from the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of anesthetized guinea pigs. A mean rate response area (receptive field) was measured for the majority of units in this study. Each response area was placed in one of seven categories (type I to type V and the intermediate types I/III and IV-T) as defined by previous workers. The shape of the best frequency (BF) rate-level function has been used to aid in the distinction between type IV and type IV-T units, and the classification of type II units is based on their relative response to noise and tone bursts. 2. The threshold of single units was normalized to the cochlear action potential (CAP) threshold (a negative relative threshold indicates that the unit's threshold was more sensitive than the corresponding CAP threshold). There were significant differences (P < 0.05; 1-way analysis of variance--Duncan test) between the mean relative thresholds of type IV units (-12 dB) and those of type I (-6.52 dB), type II (-3 dB), and type I/III units (-4.25 dB). There were also significant differences between the relative thresholds of types III and IV-T and those of types I/III and II. 3. Rate-level functions at a unit's BF were divided into groups according to shape and degree of nonmonotonicity. Six units responded with a decrease in firing rate at all suprathreshold sound levels. However, most units increased their discharge rate over approximately the first 20 dB above BF threshold. Units were further subdivided by the change in slope 20 dB above BF threshold. The majority of units (60%) showed monotonic increases in discharge rate with sound level: some rate-level functions clearly resembled the sloping saturation rate-level functions observed in intermediate-threshold auditory nerve fibers. An unexpected finding was the relatively large number of nonmonotonic rate-level functions (40%). Among a relatively homogenous group of projection neurons (predominantly type IV and pause/build units) with nonmonotonic rate-level functions, the range of "best intensities" (the sound level evoking the highest discharge rate) was < 50 dB. This range of best intensities is narrower than found in higher auditory nuclei. 4. Units were also classified by their temporal activity pattern in response to suprathreshold BF tones. The most common pattern identified is the pause/build pattern (n = 294). This temporal activity pattern has been associated with the principal output neuron of the DCN, the fusiform cell. Our definition of pause/build units includes units with an almost constant steady-state discharge rate. Nonmonotonic rate-level functions were observed in 42% (99 of 233) of pause/build units. A measure of discharge regularity (the SD of the interspike interval/mean interspike interval: coefficient of variation, CV) revealed that the majority (82%) of units classified as pause/build and with steady-state discharge rates > 75 spikes/s (n = 142) were characterized by regular discharge patterns (CV = 0.41 +/- 0.15, mean +/- SD). 5. Units characterized by chopper or onset-type discharges were the next most frequently encountered units. The chopper units (n = 75) showed a regular discharge (CV = 0.39 +/- 0.17) similar to that found in recordings from the ventral division of the cochlear nucleus (VCN). One difference between many chopper units in the DCN compared with those recorded in the VCN was the relatively high value (> 5 ms) of the mean interspike interval (and thus the low steady-state discharge rate). The majority (44 of 59; 75%) of chopper units had monotonic rate-level functions. Onset units (n = 47) may represent several response types, linked by the predominance of discharges in response to stimulus onset, and the majority of onset units reported here bear little resemblance to onset units recorded in the VCN of the guinea pig. Approximately 10% of units did not fit easily into any of th
Characteristics of Chinese patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: preliminary report of a multi-centre registration study. We established a multi-centre online registry for primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) in China, and compared Chinese patients with those from other countries. Data were from 87 rheumatology centres in 27 provinces. All 2986 patients had pSS according to the 2002 American-European Consensus Group or the 2016 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism. All centres used the same methods. Data on demographics, clinical parameters, laboratory results, disease activity and treatments were examined. The female:male ratio was 22.9:1, and the mean age at onset was 46.31 years. A total of 332 (11.1%) patients had thyroid disease, including hyperthyroidism (1.2%), hypothyroidism (6.0%) and subacute thyroiditis (3.9%). Dry eye had a prevalence of 68.59% in Chinese patients, 93.7-96% in European patients and 97.3% in American patients. Dry mouth had a prevalence of 86.5% in Chinese patients, 93.2-96% in European patients and 97.9% in American patients. Fewer Chinese than European patients had arthritis (6.9% vs. 15-19.3%). ANA positivity was 90.7% in Chinese, 81.3% in European and 77.6% in American patients. Anti-SSA antibody positivity was 84.6% in Chinese, 71% in European and 68.2% in American patients. The most commonly used drugs in Chinese patients were hydroxychloroquine (n = 1818; 67.5%), glucocorticoids (n = 1720; 63.9%) and total glucosides of paeony (n = 1120; 41.7%). This study provided information on the phenotypes of Chinese patients with pSS, and identified several differences with patients from other geographical regions.
297 Pa. Superior Ct. 410 (1982) 443 A.2d 1187 COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania ex rel. Betty Jane KUNKIN v. Alan BRUCK. Appeal of Betty Jane KUNKIN. COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania ex rel. Betty Jane KUNKIN v. Alan BRUCK, Appellant. Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Argued December 5, 1979. Filed April 2, 1982. *411 Nathan L. Posner, Philadelphia, for Betty Jane Kunkin. Parker H. Wilson, Norristown, for Alan Bruck. Before SPAETH, CAVANAUGH and O'KICKI,[*] JJ. O'KICKI, Judge: This appeal arises from an Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County. Appellant and appellee were married on June 25, 1961. Two children were born, Christopher Bruck born September 2, 1963 and Matthew Bruck born February 26, 1967. The parties separated in 1970 and in 1973 appellant sued for support on behalf of herself and *412 her two children. That petition was withdrawn upon the execution of a written property settlement agreement dated October 16, 1973, which dealt with support and other matters. The support proceeding was not terminated. Thereafter, the parties were divorced in March, 1974. Following the divorce, appellant married Leonard Kunkin. The two children reside with their mother, the appellant. In 1978, appellant renewed her petition for a support order for the two boys. At the time this new complaint for support was filed, appellee was complying with the parties' written settlement agreement by paying the sum of $165.00 per week to appellant and making additional miscellaneous payments as required by the agreement. Hearings were duly held on this complaint and on December 5, 1978, the Court below entered an order directing appellant to pay the sum of $250.00 per week for "the support of his two children.. ." Continuing, the Court directed that the sum is to be "paid in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 17 of the Separation Agreement." The Court, after consultation with counsel for both parties, vacated this order on January 4, 1979, and entered an amended order wherein appellee was again directed to pay $250.00 for support; however, reference to his two children was omitted, and the direct reference to paragraph 17 was omitted. In its place, the Court now directed that "The said sum is to be paid in accordance with the provisions of the agreement between the parties dated October 16, 1973." Appellant appealed on behalf of her two sons. She challenges that part of the Trial Court's order which directs payment in accordance with the agreement and the omission of an order specifying that appellee's payments are for the support of the two minor boys. The appellee has, thereafter, filed a cross-appeal. Appellant objects to the Trial Court's entry of an amended order contending that it had no authority to vacate its original order. Appellee contends, on the other hand, that this objection cannot be considered by this Court because she waived it by not raising it in the statement of *413 matters objected to, filed pursuant to Court direction and Rule 1925(b) of the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure. We find no merit in either of these arguments. Rule 1925(b) states, in pertinent part: . . . A failure to comply with such direction may be considered by the appellate court as a waiver of all objections to the order, ruling or other matter complained of. (Emphasis ours) As can be seen from the emphasized language alone, the appellate court has discretion in treating the failure to raise an objection as a waiver of that objection. Further, the note to that rule, in conjunction with case authority, sets out some guidelines to consider when exercising this discretion. The note to Rule 1925 states that "subdivisions a and b of this rule . . . eliminate the blanket requirement of the prior practice for a service of a statement of matters complained of." In addition, Commonwealth v. Crowley, 259 Pa.Super. 204, 393 A.2d 789 (1978), held that if the failure by defendant's counsel to comply with the provisions of this rule requiring filing of a statement of matters complained of defeats effective appellate review of a given issue, then that failure should be considered a waiver of the issue; however, if failure does not defeat or even interfere with ability of the appellate court to exercise review, that failure should not be considered a waiver. Appellant's objection to Court authority to modify an order is purely procedural in nature. This type of question, as opposed to that dealing with substantive fact, is readily reviewable by the appellate court. Whereas a factual question clearly would entail a setting out of such an objection, so that the reviewing Court would have necessary information on the matter, which it may not be aware of without the statement of matters complained of, such information is not imperative at that stage when dealing with a question of procedure. The reviewing court can deal with a rule or statute with the same degree of effectiveness, whether raised at the earlier or later stage. Thus, since appellant's failure to raise the objection in her statement does not *414 defeat, or even interfere with, the appellate court's ability to exercise review, that failure should not, and is not, considered a waiver by this Court. However, although appellant's objection is properly before us, we must dismiss it on the merits as urged by appellee. 42 Pa.C.S.A., Section 5505 states: Except as otherwise provided or prescribed by law, a Court upon notice to the parties may modify or rescind any order within 30 days after its entry notwithstanding the prior termination of any term of Court, if no appeal from such order has been taken or allowed. As is evidenced by the statute, the Trial Court clearly had the authority to vacate its original order and enter its amended order within the 30 day period. Appellee raises a question of the Trial Court's abuse of its discretion in the amount of the support award both in his brief and his cross-appeal. He contends that $250.00 per week was in excess of expenses, which are reasonably necessary to maintain the parties' two minor children. Appellant, on the other hand, contends that the two boys are entitled to that support order. The obligation of a father to support his children is universally acknowledged. It is founded both in common law and the Act of December 6, 1972, P.L. 1482, No. 334, Section 1 (18 P.S. 4322(b)); Commonwealth ex rel. Krouse, v. Krouse, 221 Pa.Super. 13, 289 A.2d 233 (1972). As provided in the above-cited Act, the Courts have the power to "order. . . such sum as said Court shall think proper for the comfortable support and maintenance of the said wife or children or both. . ." Both appellant and appellee have submitted itemized expense accounts for the maintenance of the two boys. Appellant's account totals $558.63; appellee's totals $267.93. Although appellant's estimate may be quite excessive, it does not affect the Trial Court's reasoning in determining the award amount in view of the fact that appellee himself estimates the needed amount as higher than the support *415 award order entered (i.e. $250.00 per week). Appellee came to his account estimate after a substantial modification of appellant's figures and his figure, even so, was greater than the Court's award. In view of this, we feel the Trial Court was in a position to evaluate the situation more clearly. "A reviewing court will overrule a Trial Court's determination of a support order only in the event of a clear abuse of discretion. Commonwealth ex rel. Platt v. Platt, 227 Pa.Super. 423, 323 A.2d 29 (1974). When looking at the facts and figures of the case, we find no such clear abuse of discretion by the Trial Court. The major thrust of appellant's argument is that the order of $250.00 a week should have clearly stated that the payments were for child support rather than, as is the case, stating that the payments were to be made "in accordance with the provisions of the agreement between the parties dated October 16, 1973." This provides for a combined support payment for wife and children. That portion of the combined payment which was for appellant's benefit was alimony and taxable to her. Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 71(a) Act of August 16, 1954, c. 736, 68A Stat. 19, 26 U.S.C.S. Section 71. On the other hand, to the extent the $250.00 ordered by the Trial Court is for child support, it is not includible in her taxable income. Internal Revenue Code, Section 71(b), supra. From appellee's standpoint, alimony is deductible from his taxable income, while child support is not. Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 215; supra. Appellant argues that the Trial Court erred in referencing its order to the parties' settlement agreement. It is well understood that to enforce such an agreement the action must be brought in assumpsit since the parties' rights in such are contractual in nature. Commonwealth ex rel. Jones v. Jones, 216 Pa.Super. 1, 3, 206 A.2d 809 (1969). In the case at bar, however, the support order was entered, not pursuant to the agreement, but rather from the duty imposed by law on the relationship of parent to child. The Trial Court, by its reference to the agreement was making *416 an attempt to take into consideration the consequence of the Federal Income Tax Law upon the parties. Pennsylvania case authority has held repeatedly that this is proper and sometimes necessary if the net effect of the Court's order would not provide an adequate amount of support for the parties' children. See Commonwealth ex rel. Stanley v. Stanley, 198 Pa.Super. 15, 179 A.2d 667 (1962) and Commonwealth ex rel. Eppolito v. Eppolito, 245 Pa.Super. 93, 369 A.2d 309 (1976). The Court below did not consider itself bound by the agreement. Prior to the entry of its order, appellee was paying $165.00 to appellant in accordance with the parties' agreement. The Court below increased this weekly payment to $250.00 a week, basing that amount on the current needs of the children and the respective financial positions of the parties. The support order was thus proper albeit couched in language referring to the settlement agreement. This language was an attempt at explanation rather than at determination by the Trial Court. Affirmed. SPAETH, J., concurs in the result. CAVANAUGH, J., joins. NOTES [*] Pres. Judge Joseph F. O'Kicki, of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, Pennsylvania, is sitting by designation.
All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Introduction {#sec001} ============ Salted eggs, which are a traditional Chinese egg product, are favored by Chinese consumers' and have become very popular in other Asian countries due to their unique flavor, attractive taste, and rich nutrient content. Additionally, salted egg yolks are widely used as a material for special cuisine or as a filling material for traditional Chinese foods, such as mooncake, Zongzi (traditional Chinese rice pudding), and egg yolk puffs. The production of salted eggs typically requires the treatment of fresh duck eggs with a high salt concentration to the develop unique 'fresh, fine, tender, loose, gritty and oily texture' features and superior storage properties, which are a result of a series of physicochemical changes \[[@pone.0182912.ref001]\]. Although the salting process gives the eggs various outstanding features, a large amount of salt is also introduced into the eggs; for instance, the salt content in the egg whites can reach 7%-10% after salting \[[@pone.0182912.ref002]\]. Excessive sodium intake from a long-term high-salt diet can cause an imbalance in the sodium to potassium ratio and can cause diseases (e.g., hypertension). Moreover, excessive salt intake can lead to edema due to the increased amount of extracellular fluid \[[@pone.0182912.ref003]\]. Reducing salt consumption and developing salt substitutes have become hot topics in research. Thus, as a major egg product, salted eggs are bound to become an important research subject for reducing salt consumption. Recently, with the boom of the egg product processing industry and the accelerating scale-up of salted egg production, a large amount of research have focused on the changes in the physical and chemical properties of ducks, shortening the pickling cycle and adding additives to improve quality of salted eggs \[[@pone.0182912.ref004]--[@pone.0182912.ref008]\]. However, no satisfactory breakthroughs have been achieved to improve the processing technology for low-salt egg products. A major reason for the lack of breakthroughs is that the processes and mechanisms involved in the maturation of salted eggs during salting are unclear, which hinders targeted improvement of the processing technology to produce low-salt products. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of salting treatments in a brine solution for different durations and different salt concentrations and heat treatment on the moisture content, salt content, oil exudation, viscosity, textural properties, and microstructure of salted eggs to provide basic data for further research on egg salting. Materials and methods {#sec002} ===================== Materials {#sec003} --------- Fresh duck eggs were obtained from a Jiangxi Agricultural University farm in Jiangxi Province, China. Sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium ferrocyanide, [potassium](http://baike.sogou.com/lemma/ShowInnerLink.htm?lemmaId=85545&ss_c=ssc.citiao.link) chromate, n-hexane, iso- propyl alcohol, disodium hydrogenorthophosphate, silver nitrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate and ethanol were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Zinc acetate and glutaraldehyde were purchased from Xilong Chemical CO.,Ltd. (Guangdongi, China) and Jingchun Scientific Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China), respectively. Salting of duck eggs {#sec004} -------------------- Fresh duck eggs, less than 3 days after laying, weighing 65 g to 75 g were selected from a farm in Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province, China. The eggs were cleaned with tap water and checked for any crack. The duck eggs were completely immersed in the brine solution (10, 15, 20, and 25% salt) at 25°C temperature cabinet and taken every week during salting up to 5 weeks. The ratio of eggs to the brine solution was about 1:1 (wt/wt). Sample preparation {#sec005} ------------------ Six eggs from each concentration group were chosen for each week. Three eggs were broken without any special treatment (raw yolk). The other three eggs were heated for 10 min in a water bath, following by cooling in running water (cooked yolk). For each treatment, 3 raw and cooked egg whites and egg yolks were manually separated and pooled as the composite samples, and then the samples were subjected to analyses. Determination of moisture and salt contents {#sec006} ------------------------------------------- Moisture content was determined by drying the samples in a hot-air oven at 100±5°C until constant weight (gravimetric method, Chinese standard GB 5009.3--2010) \[[@pone.0182912.ref009]\]. Approximately 2g of sample was added in the weighting bottle and taken as M (g), and dried at 105°C until a constant, then weighed and taken as m (g). The moisture contents were calculated as follows: moisture (%) = (M-m)/M. The salt content was measured using direct titer determination method according to the Determination of Sodium Chloride in Foods, National Food Safety Standard \[[@pone.0182912.ref010]\]. Samples (3g) were added with 50 mL of hot water 70°C. The mixture was stirred for 15min. The mixed samples were diluted with distilled water into a 200 mL volumetric flask. The mixture was filtered through filter paper. Take 10 mL of the filtrate into the flask using by a pipette, then 30 mL distilled water and 1mL of 5% K~2~CrO~4~ were added to the flask and mixed evenly. The mixture was titrated with the standardized AgNO~3~ until the solution became permanently light red. The salt contents were calculated as follows: salt (%) = 5.8×c×v/m, where v is volume titer of AgNO~3~ (mL), c is the AgNO~3~ concentration in mg/ml, and m is the weight of sample (g). Determination of oil exudation {#sec007} ------------------------------ Oil was determined according to the method of Kaewmanee and Fltchern \[[@pone.0182912.ref008], [@pone.0182912.ref011]\] with a slight modification. The sample (approximately 3 g) was homogenized with 25 mL of distilled water using an IK homogenizer (Ultra Turrax homogeniser, IKA T18 digital, IKA Works Guangzhou Co., Ltd., China) at a speed of 10,000 rpm for 30 s. The homogenate was centrifuged at 7,500 g (Anke, Model TGL-20B, Shanghai, China) for 30 min, and 25 mL of organic solution (n-hexane: isopropanol = 3:2, v/v) was added to the supernatant to dissolve the float. The top solvent layer obtained was separated using a separating funnel. After the majority of the solvent was evaporated in a water bath (55°C) and the residue was heated at 105°C until a constant. The obtained residue was weighed, and the free lipid content (%) was calculated. In another set of tests, approximately 1.5 g of sample was added to 20 mL of organic solvent (n-hexane:isopropanol = 3:2, v/v), followed by homogenization at 10,000 rpm for approximately 1 min. The homogenate was filtered through filter paper and placed in a water bath (55°C) to evaporate the majority of the solvent. Subsequently, the residue was heated at 105°C until a constant, the residue was weighed and taken as total lipid content. Oil exudation was calculated based on the following formula: $$\text{Oil~exudation} = \frac{\text{Free~lipid~content}}{\text{Total~lipid~content}} \times 100\text{\%}$$ Measurement of the pH value {#sec008} --------------------------- The pH value was measured according to the analytic methods specified by the Hygiene Standards for Eggs and Egg Products, National Food Safety Standard \[[@pone.0182912.ref012]\]. The procedures for measuring the pH values of the egg yolk and egg white were the same. The sample was homogenized with distilled water (2:1, w/w). Next, 15 g of homogenate (equal to 10 g of sample) was added and mixed with distilled water until a final volume of 150 mL was obtained. The mixture was filtered through double-layer gauze, and 20 mL of the filtrate was used for the pH measurement with a pH meter (PHS-3C, Shanghai Precision Instruments Co., Ltd., China). Determination of the rheological properties {#sec009} ------------------------------------------- Egg yolk samples after mixing evenly were added in the sample adapter. Egg white samples were directly added in the sample adapter. The rheological properties of the salted egg was measured at room (approximately 25--28°C) using a rheometer (Brookfield, R/S-SST, USA). The measured parameters included a testing duration of 30 s, shear force in the range of 0--300 s^-1^, and 30 testing points. The rotor model was CC40. Texture profile analysis (TPA) {#sec010} ------------------------------ The TPA was performed as described by Wei \[[@pone.0182912.ref013]\]. After the salted eggs were cooked, the yolks were rolled on a filter paper to remove the residual egg white. The cooked egg white with a scalpel to cut into about 1×1×1cm3 cubic block and subjected to TPA analysis, whereas whole egg yolks were used for the TPA. The tests were repeated six times in parallel. A TPA texture analyzer (Stable Micro System, Surrey, England) was used with the following parameters: pre-recording speed of 5.0 mm/s, recording speed of 1.0 mm/s, post-recording speed of 5.0 mm/s, compression ratio of 50%, recoverable time of 5 s, and load on trigger point of 5 g. A P/50 cylindrical probe (50 mm diameter) was used for the TPA of the egg yolk, and a P/36R probe was used for the egg white. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) {#sec011} ------------------------------------------------- Salted egg yolk samples (approximately 0.5 g) were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 2 h and washed by floating in distilled water three times for 15 min per wash. The samples were dehydrated in a graded ethanol series (60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 95%) 30 min for each step. The samples were freeze-dried in a freeze-dryer (Alpha1-2, Martin Christ, Germany). After gold coating the samples, the microstructure of the egg yolk was observed using an ESEM (Quanta-200F, FEI, Ltd., The Netherlands) under a low-vacuum mode with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV and magnification ranging from 100× to 5000× \[[@pone.0182912.ref014]\]. Data analysis {#sec012} ------------- Except for rheological, TPA and ESEM, the experimental design was a completely random design with three replications. Data were presented as mean values with standard deviations. Statistical analyses were performed with the statistical program DPS. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out, and means comparisons were run by Duncan's multiple range tests. P\<0.05 indicated a significant difference. Results and discussion {#sec013} ====================== Effect of salting on the moisture content in the duck egg yolks and egg whites {#sec014} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As shown in [Fig 1A and 1B](#pone.0182912.g001){ref-type="fig"}, the moisture contents from fresh duck eggs were 86.07% and 86.05% in the raw and cooked egg whites and 46.65% and 44.91% in the raw and cooked egg yolks, respectively. Increasing the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution led to a significant reduction in the moisture content in both the egg whites and egg yolks of the raw and cooked salted eggs (P \< 0.05). After 35 days of salting, the moisture contents were reduced from 82.01% to 85.82% and from 76.53% to 84.88% in the egg whites and from 22.95% to 30.33% and from 14.36% to 26.14% in the egg yolks of raw and cooked salted eggs, respectively. During salting, the salt molecules diffuse from the egg shell to the egg white and then to the egg yolk, which causes the water to diffuse in a reverse direction from the egg yolk to the egg white and then outside of the egg through the yolk membrane, egg white membrane and egg shell porosities, which ultimately results in a moisture content decline in the egg yolk and egg white \[[@pone.0182912.ref015]\]. An explanation for the larger moisture decrease in the egg yolk compared to the egg white may be that salting leads to a separation of hydrophilic groups and lipophilic groups in the egg yolk. Consequently, the free water molecules in the egg yolk have relatively increased and diffused to the egg white through the yolk membrane, which results in a larger moisture loss from the egg yolk. With the prolongation of the salting time, the larger moisture decrease in the egg yolks compared to the egg white was similar to the results of kaewmanee and chi \[[@pone.0182912.ref014], [@pone.0182912.ref016]\]. The larger moisture reduction in the eggs salted with a higher concentration of salt may be attributed to the increased osmotic pressure, which accelerates the migration of water molecules. ![Effects of different concentration of salt on moisture and salt content in the egg yolks and egg whites during salting.\ (A) The moisture of the raw egg. (B) The moisture of the cooked egg. (C) The salt content of the raw egg. (D) The salt content of the cooked egg.](pone.0182912.g001){#pone.0182912.g001} Effects of salting on the salt contents in the duck egg yolks and egg whites {#sec015} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- During salting, differences in the salt contents lead to an osmotic pressure gradient across the semipermeable membrane system consisting of the inner shell membrane and vitelline membrane of the eggs, which drives the endosmosis of the salt and increases the salt content in the eggs. As shown in [Fig 1C and 1D](#pone.0182912.g001){ref-type="fig"}, the salt contents from the fresh duck eggs were 0.47% and 0.35% in the raw and cooked egg whites and 0.32% and 0.30% in the raw and cooked egg yolks, respectively. Increasing the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution led to a significant increase in the salt content in both the egg whites and egg yolks of the raw and cooked salted eggs (P\<0.05). After 35 days of salting, the salt contents increased to maximal levels of 8.23% and 11.61% in the egg whites and 2.25% and 3.29% in the egg yolks of the raw and cooked salted eggs, respectively. The slower salt content change in the salt content of the egg yolk compared to the egg white might have occurred because the salt molecules diffused layer by layer from the outside of the eggs to the egg white through the shell porosities, shell membrane, and egg white membrane before finally reaching the egg yolk. Additionally, the relatively higher lipid content hindered further endosmosis of the salt in the egg yolk. Effect of salting on oil exudation in the duck egg yolks {#sec016} -------------------------------------------------------- Duck egg yolks are composed of approximately 30--33% lipids. A portion of the low-density lipoproteins lose their emulsification function because of the salt, which results oil exudation during the salting process \[[@pone.0182912.ref017]\]. As shown in [Fig 2A and 2B](#pone.0182912.g002){ref-type="fig"}, the oil exudation of the egg yolk was 0.7% and 8.31% in the raw and cooked fresh duck eggs, respectively, and increased significantly with salting time in the raw and cooked salted eggs (P \< 0.05). Additionally, the oil exudation of the egg yolks from the eggs salted with brine solutions containing higher salt concentrations (20% and 25%) increased more than eggs in brine solutions with lower salt concentrations (10% and 15%) (P \< 0.05). As the salt concentration in the brine solution increased, the oil exudation of the egg yolk from the cooked salted eggs significantly increased at first (P \< 0.05) and then changed insignificantly. After 35 days of salting, the oil exudation of the raw and cooked salted egg yolks increased from 15.51% to 17.85% and from 22.82% to 41.06%, respectively. It possibly because the dehydration effect of the salt enhanced the extraction of oil and resulted in the release of free lipids due to structural changes in the low-density lipoproteins during the salting process \[[@pone.0182912.ref018]\]. Salting causes a gradual separation and exudation of emulsified fine lipid globules that are originally evenly distributed in the egg yolks, which enhances moisture diffusion towards the outside of the eggs and increases the opportunities for the aggregation of lipophilic groups and the subsequent formation of visible oil liquid or oil droplets. An explanation for the varying effects of the salt concentrations on the oil exudation of the raw and cooked salted egg yolks is that the low concentration salt solution causes massive endosmosis of the salt into the egg yolk through the egg white and thus drastically increases the oil content \[[@pone.0182912.ref005]\]. However, as the salt concentration increases, the increased oil content in the egg yolks hinders further endosmosis of the salt; ultimately, an equilibrium state of salt endosmosis is achieved in the egg yolks. As a result, the effect of salting on the oil content in the egg yolk does not significantly differ between the high concentration salt solutions. The higher oil exudation of the cooked salted egg yolk compared to the raw salted egg yolk is attributed to the liberation of a portion of the lipids in the egg yolk by the heating treatment \[[@pone.0182912.ref019]\]. The destruction of lipoproteins during salting might be associated with the shrinkage of yolk granule sizes, whereas heating treatment can further facilitate the separation of the granules \[[@pone.0182912.ref020]\]. ![Effects of different concentrations of salt on oil exudation in raw and cooked egg yolks during salting.\ (A) Raw egg yolk. (B) Cooked egg yolk.](pone.0182912.g002){#pone.0182912.g002} Effects of salting on the pH values of the duck egg yolks and egg whites {#sec017} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As shown in [Fig 3A and 3B](#pone.0182912.g003){ref-type="fig"}, the pH values were 8.94 and 8.81 for fresh egg white and 6.50 and 6.40 for fresh egg yolks for the raw and cooked salted eggs, respectively. As the salting continued, the pH values of the raw and cooked egg whites showed a trend in which there was a significant decrease (P \< 0.05), followed by a basically stable pH during the late stage of salting. However, the change in the pH values varied with the salt concentrations to a certain extent. Higher salt concentrations (20% and 25%) in the brine solution led to higher pH values of the egg white than lower salt concentrations (10% and 15%) (P \< 0.05) in both the raw and cooked salted eggs. Moreover, the pH value of the cooked egg yolks decreased significantly after 7 days of salting (P \< 0.05); the decrease slowed after this time. The pH values of the raw and cooked egg yolks showed similar decreasing patterns among eggs salted in the 15, 20, and 25% brine solutions but with a greater decrease compared to eggs salted with the 10% brine solution (P \< 0.05). After 35 days of salting, the pH values of the raw egg whites, cooked egg whites, raw egg yolks, and cooked egg yolks declined to 6.33, 7.21, 6.26, and 6.21, respectively. ![Effects of different concentrations of salt on the pH values in egg yolks and egg whites during salting.\ (A) Raw egg. (B) Cooked egg.](pone.0182912.g003){#pone.0182912.g003} The decreasing pH values of the salted egg whites and egg yolks with increasing salting time might be caused by the destruction of basic proteins (i.e., lysozyme) in the egg white by endosmosis, the reduction of the egg moisture content, the enhancement of the release of carbonic acid gas from the eggs, and the increase in the lipid content in the egg yolk. The higher pH value of the egg whites from the raw and cooked eggs salted with higher concentrations of salt compared to the eggs salted with lower concentrations of salt might be attributed to a reduction of the ovomucin level in the egg white. The pH value is negatively correlated with the ovomucin level in the egg white \[[@pone.0182912.ref021]\]. The eggs salted in a brine solution containing a higher salt concentration have a higher salt content in the egg white, which dissociates the structure of the ovomucin and causes the egg white to thin and decreases the ovomucin level, leading to an increased pH value in the egg white. Moreover, in the eggs salted with low salt concentrations (10% and 15%), the pH values of the raw egg whites were higher than those of the cooked egg whites after 0--14 days of salting but lower than the cooked eggs after 21--35 days of salting. This phenomenon might be attributed to the varying thermostability of lysozyme under different conditions. During the early stage of the salting process, the egg white is slightly alkaline. Lysozyme has very poor thermostability under alkaline conditions \[[@pone.0182912.ref022]\]. Consequently, heating might destroy the lysozyme, which leads to a lower pH value of the cooked salted egg whites compared to the raw egg whites. The pH value of the egg white reaches a nearly neutral level during the late stage of salting. The higher pH value of the raw egg whites compared to the cooked egg whites in the eggs salted in higher brine solution concentrations (20% and 25%) might occur because heating causes structural changes of basic proteins (i.e., lysozyme) \[[@pone.0182912.ref023]\]. Moreover, a high NaCl concentration can induce the thermal aggregation of proteins \[[@pone.0182912.ref024]\]. As a result, the enhanced protein-protein interactions or interactions between proteins and molecules in the solution result in structural changes in the proteins, which cause higher pH values in the cooked salted egg whites compared to the raw salted egg whites. Effects of salting on the rheological properties of the duck egg yolks and egg whites {#sec018} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changes in viscosity of egg whites with shear rate {#sec019} Ovomucin is a highly polymerized large molecule protein that is considered to be a key protein in the maintenance of the egg white viscosity \[[@pone.0182912.ref025]\]. Ovomucin can bind to electrolytes and is very sensitive to salts \[[@pone.0182912.ref026]\]. [Fig 4](#pone.0182912.g004){ref-type="fig"} present the changing pattern of the egg white viscosity with the salting duration and salt concentration in the brine solution. As salting progresses, the viscosity of the egg white decreases as the shear rate increases, which is a characteristic of shear-thinning fluid. In this study, the egg white viscosity showed an overall decreasing trend after salting, although the viscosity change varied with the salt concentration in the brine solution to a certain extent. In the 10% brine solution, the egg white viscosity slowly declined during the salting period from 0 to 28 days. However, after day 35 of salting, the viscosity of the egg white increased to a level higher than that observed on day 14 of salting. A large number of acidic amino acids results in massive negative charges on the ovomucin. As the salting time increases, the salt content in the egg white might affect the charges carried by the proteins, which reduces the viscosity. After 35 days of salting, the pH value of the egg white was 6.39, which was close to the pH value obtained when ovomucin had the highest molecular weight \[[@pone.0182912.ref027]\], which lead to an increased viscosity. Therefore, the pH value and viscosity of salted egg whites showed some similarities. In the eggs salted in brine solutions with 15% and 20% salt, the viscosity of the egg white decreased from 0--21 days of salting, then increased until day 28, and finally decreased to the lowest level on day 35. This result might be attributed to the transformation of insoluble ovomucin towards soluble ovomucin and its resulting structural dissociation from ovomucin-lipoprotein complexes, which ultimately leads to a decrease in viscous proteins and the subsequent liquidation and decrease in the viscosity of the egg white \[[@pone.0182912.ref028]\]. In the eggs salted with the 25% brine solution, the egg white viscosity showed an overall declining trend over time during salting but on day 7, the viscosity was higher than for the fresh egg white. A possible explanation is that the addition of a low concentration of salt enhances the interaction between the proteins and solvent and thereby improves the egg white viscosity \[[@pone.0182912.ref029]\]. However, we did not find the same phenomenon in the eggs salted with a low-salt brine solution (10%), which might be related to the testing times selected in this study. ![Relationship between the shear rate and viscosity of the raw egg whites and yolks at different stages.\ (A) Egg white 10% salt. (B) Egg white 15% salt. (C) Egg white 20% salt. (D) Egg white 25% salt. (E) Egg yolk.](pone.0182912.g004){#pone.0182912.g004} ### Changes in viscosity of egg yolks with shear rate {#sec020} In the eggs salted with the 20% brine solution, the egg yolk began to harden and its viscosity began to increase until it became difficult to detect by the rheometer on day 14 of salting. Thus, the fresh egg yolks, the egg yolks from the eggs salted in the four different brine solution concentrations for seven days, and the egg yolks from the eggs salted in the 10% and 15% brine solutions for 14 days were processed. The rheological properties were measured to obtain the viscosity variation patterns with the egg yolk shear rates. As shown in [Fig 4E](#pone.0182912.g004){ref-type="fig"}, the egg yolk viscosity remained stable on days 0 and 7 of salting even as the shear rate increased. However, the egg yolks from the eggs salted in the 10% and 15% brine solutions for 14 days showed a declining viscosity as the shear rate increased, suggesting that the egg yolk was a shear-thinning fluid at this time. The gradually increasing viscosity of the egg yolks with the increase in the salting time and salt concentration might be attributed to the increase in protein denaturation because of the endosmosis of the salts and dehydration of the egg yolk, which causes the egg yolk to harden and lose flowability. Additionally, the lipid components and bound lipids in a form of emulsified oil droplets in the raw egg yolk affect the rheological behavior of the egg yolk gel \[[@pone.0182912.ref030]\]. Effects of salting on the textural properties of the duck egg yolks and egg whites {#sec021} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Effects of salting on the textural properties of the raw egg yolks {#sec022} Because the raw egg yolks began to harden after 14 days of salting in the 20% brine solution, the raw egg yolk samples from eggs salted for 14 days in the 20% and 25% brine solutions and for 21, 28, and 35 days in the brine solutions at all four concentrations were processed to determine the gel hardness and springiness. As shown in [Fig 5A and 5B](#pone.0182912.g005){ref-type="fig"}, the raw salted egg yolks showed an increasing trend of hardness and an overall decreasing trend of springiness as the salting time and salt concentration increased. This result might have occurred because a higher concentration of salt in the brine solution led to a higher degree of protein denaturation, thereby facilitating the formation of a gel network in the egg yolk. The formation of the gel network results from protein denaturation, which enhances the intermolecular interactions and changes the egg yolk into a hardness and springiness structure \[[@pone.0182912.ref031]\]. ![Effects of different concentrations of salt on the hardness and springiness of the raw egg yolks, cooked egg yolks, and egg whites during salting.\ (A) The hardness of the raw yolks. (B) The springiness of the raw yolks. (C) The hardness of the cooked egg whites. (D) The springiness of the cooked egg whites. (E) The hardness of the cooked yolks. (F) The springiness of the cooked yolks.](pone.0182912.g005){#pone.0182912.g005} ### Effects of salting on the textural properties of the cooked salted egg whites and egg yolks {#sec023} [Fig 5C and 5D](#pone.0182912.g005){ref-type="fig"} shows the changing patterns of hardness and springiness of cooked egg whites as the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution increase. The hardness of the cooked egg whites decreased over time from 0--21 days of salting, increased on day 28, and then decreased again on day 35 of salting. The cooked egg white from the eggs salted with the 10% brine solution exhibited a higher hardness than the eggs salted with the 15, 20, and 25% brine solutions (P\<0.05). The hardness showed a variation pattern similar to the rheological behavior. The springiness of the cooked egg whites displayed an overall decreasing trend as the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution increased. The decreased springiness and hardness of the cooked egg whites might be caused by the sodium ions directly affecting the stretching of protein molecules and increasing the randomly aggregated components in the gel, which ultimately leads to a coarse texture and uneven gel network in the egg whites. Moreover, metal ions and the pH value also play significant roles in the protein gelation behavior in egg whites. The NaCl content in the egg white increases as the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution increases, and a high NaCl concentration can decrease the water-retaining capacity of the gel \[[@pone.0182912.ref032]\]. Moreover, the addition of salt increases the denaturation temperature of the proteins in the solution and delays the aggregation of protein molecules \[[@pone.0182912.ref033]\], thereby lowering the hardness and springiness of the egg whites. The enhanced hardness observed on day 28 of salting might be attributed to the effect of salt on the electrostatic interactions. Metal cations can shield the negative charges of a protein, thereby decreasing the repulsive force and enhancing the interactions between protein molecules, which promotes molecular aggregation \[[@pone.0182912.ref013], [@pone.0182912.ref034]\] and improves the hardness of the egg whites. As shown in [Fig 5E and 5F](#pone.0182912.g005){ref-type="fig"}, the hardness of the cooked salted egg yolks showed an overall trend of an increase followed by a decrease as the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution increases. The hardness of the cooked salted egg yolks reached a peak level of 2843.83 g on day 28 in the 25% brine solution but showed a decrease on day 35 in the 20% and 25% brine solutions. A possible explanation for the increasing hardness at the early stage of salting is that the salt content diffusing into the egg yolk does not remarkably affect the aggregation of proteins but instead results in the rupture of egg yolk globules and the release of yolk granules, thereby promoting gelation and enhancing the hardness of the egg yolk \[[@pone.0182912.ref013]\]. The reason for the decrease in the hardness of the cooked egg yolks at the late stage of salting might be that the yolk globules and yolk granules gradually become smaller and the oil exudation of the egg yolks increases over time during salting; as a result, the oil droplets exuding from the egg yolks act as a lubricant between the egg yolk globules/granules. Finally, the declining springiness of the cooked egg yolks with the increasing salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution can be attributed to the enhancement of protein denaturation by endosmosis and the dehydrating effect of salts, which cause the protein granules to be loosely packed in the egg yolk and thereby reduces the egg yolk springiness. A comparison of [Fig 5A, 5B, 5E and 5F](#pone.0182912.g005){ref-type="fig"} demonstrated that the hardness and springiness of the cooked egg yolks were higher than that of the raw egg yolks (P\<0.05), possibly because even a slight disturbance of the raw fresh egg yolks can cause 90--95% of the granules to rupture and release their contents. Thus, rolling an intact fresh egg yolk on a piece of coarse cloth might destroy the egg yolk globules and improve its post-heating gelation behavior \[[@pone.0182912.ref035]\]. The comparisons between [Fig 5C and 5D](#pone.0182912.g005){ref-type="fig"} and between [Fig 5E and 5F](#pone.0182912.g005){ref-type="fig"} showed that the cooked egg yolk gel had a hardness that was much higher than the cooked egg white gel (P\<0.05) during the entire salting process, the springiness of the yolks gel was constantly lower than that of the latter (P\<0.05). In addition to water, another major component of egg whites is highly diverse proteins. These proteins have complex structures that crosslink with one another under the effects of salt. Heating can damage the tertiary and quaternary structures of the egg white proteins and enhance the interactions between protein molecules or between proteins and molecules in the solution. As a result, the α-helices are reduced and the β-folds are increased in the secondary structures of the ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme. Subsequently, the increase in β-fold structures causes the three-dimensional protein network structures to be denser and thereby improves the hardness of the gel \[[@pone.0182912.ref023]\]. When the pH value is low, insoluble polymers exist between the protein molecules in the egg yolk \[[@pone.0182912.ref036]\]. When the pH value becomes closer to the isoelectric point of the low-density lipoprotein in the egg yolk after salting, heating treatment can cause the protein molecules to aggregate rapidly because of the decreasing repulsive forces between the protein molecules. However, a large number of polymers that might exist in the formed gel network and a large number of lipids in the salted egg yolk can reduce the springiness of the gel. Effect of salting on the egg yolk microstructures {#sec024} ------------------------------------------------- As shown in [Fig 6A and 6B](#pone.0182912.g006){ref-type="fig"}, the surface of the egg yolk globules consists of spherical granules (0.5--3.0 μm in diameter) and embedded flattened porosities surrounding the spherical granules. Yolk globules adopt various polyhedral shapes, and there is no adhesion between yolk globules. The morphological changes in yolk globules might result from the sample fixation process \[[@pone.0182912.ref037]\]. Yolk globules can be roughly identified according to their diameters, which range between 0.2 μm and 2 μm \[[@pone.0182912.ref038]\]. Bellairs et al. reported that these globules were granular and were actually lipoprotein micro-droplets \[[@pone.0182912.ref039]\]. After salting for 0 to 7 days, the individual yolk globules could not be observed because they were wrapped in a layer of slimy substances, which are the result of the polar and non-polar lipid molecules gathering together \[[@pone.0182912.ref030]\]. With an increase in the salting time, the yolk globules with clear contours were observed during the later stage of salting, and the size of the yolk globules decreased from 52.25 to 46.75 μm. In addition to the size decrease of the yolk globules and yolk granules, the yolk globules were more densely and evenly distributed and the number of flattened porosities embedded between the yolk granules was reduced. Moreover, the yolk granules were more densely packed and an increased number of yolk granules fell off from the yolk globules. Previous research found that the size of the yolk granules in salted eggs ranged from 90--100 μm and 30--75 μm \[[@pone.0182912.ref040]\]. An explanation for the more even and denser distribution of yolk globules may be that the enhanced dehydration of the egg yolk with the salting time leads to an enhancement of the links between the yolk globules. The increasing number of yolk granules that fall off of the yolk globules might be associated with the ionic strength of NaCl in the egg yolk. Yolk granules primarily consist of high-density lipoprotein-phosvitin complexes formed via calcium-phosphorus bridges. As the salting time increases, the increased salt content in the egg yolk can cause the replacement of Ca^2+^ by Na^+^ in the calcium-phosphorus bridges that maintain the yolk granule structures, thereby resulting in a destruction of the egg yolk granules and the subsequent dissolution of soluble phosvitin \[[@pone.0182912.ref041]\]. ![Effect of salting on the egg yolk microstructures.\ Scanning electron micrograph (A, B) of cooked salted egg yolks in a 20% NaCl solution during salting. Micrographs (C, D) of the salted egg yolks in the four different brine solution concentrations for 35 days. Lower magnification (A, C): 500×f and higher magnification (B, D): 4000×f pictures.](pone.0182912.g006){#pone.0182912.g006} As shown in [Fig 6C and 6D](#pone.0182912.g006){ref-type="fig"}, as the sizes of the egg yolk globules/granules decreased, the aggregation of the yolk granules became more noticeable, an increasing number of granular proteins were released from the yolk globules, and no cross-links were observed between the yolk globules in the salted eggs as the salt concentration increased. The size decrease in the yolk granules during salting might be related to the destruction of lipoproteins. The increasing number of yolk falling off of the yolk globules might be associated with oil exudation of the egg yolk. The shrinkage and even aggregation of egg yolk globules/granules might contribute to the unique gritty texture of the egg yolk \[[@pone.0182912.ref042]\]. The egg yolk globules wrapped by the semipermeable membrane swell and explode in the low-concentration solution and shrink in the high-concentration solution. The egg yolk globules can release protein granules after their surface membrane expands in a filament pattern. Our results revealed a relatively large impact of the salting time and salt concentration in the brine solution on the microstructures of salted egg yolks. Conclusions {#sec025} =========== Salting can substantially change the physicochemical properties, textural properties and microstructures of duck eggs, resulting in a series of unique qualities. As salting proceeds, salt endosmosis induces gelation and hardening of the egg yolk, which causes a decrease in the moisture content and pH value and an increase in the salt content, oil exudation, hardness, and viscosity. Additionally, the yolk granules are gradually destroyed, and the yolk globules become evenly and densely distributed. Salting results in liquidation of the egg white, leading to a declining moisture content, pH value, and viscosity and increasing salt content and hardness. The changes in the egg whites and egg yolks of duck eggs during salting involve different mechanisms. The effects of salting on the physicochemical properties, textural properties and microstructures of duck eggs vary with the salt concentration in the brine solution to a certain extent. Higher salt concentrations in the brine solution lead to higher pH values but lower springiness and viscosity of the raw egg whites. Heating treatment can lower the moisture content in both the egg yolks and egg whites, increase the oil exudation and hardiness of the egg yolks, and decrease the springiness and pH value of the egg yolks. Based on this study, 20% brine solutions and 28--35 days of salting at 25°C is the appropriate processing conditions of salted egg. The forming mechanism of unique characteristic of salted egg will be studied in our future work. Supporting information {#sec026} ====================== ###### Effects of salting on the moisture and salt content in the duck egg yolks and egg whites. (XLSX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Effects of salting on oil exudation in the duck egg yolks. (XLSX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Effects of salting on pH values of the duck egg yolks and egg whites. (XLSX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Effects of salting on the rheological properties of the duck egg yolks and egg whites. (XLSX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Effects of salting on the textural properties of the duck egg yolks and egg whites. (XLSX) ###### Click here for additional data file. We thank the four anonymous referees for giving valuable suggestions and comments. We acknowledge the Jiangxi Agricultural University for providing research facilities. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. [^2]: ‡ These authors are co-first authors on this work.
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Renal cell carcinoma Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a kidney cancer that originates in the lining of the proximal convoluted tubule, a part of the very small tubes in the kidney that transport primary urine. RCC is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults, responsible for approximately 90–95% of cases. Initial treatment is most commonly either partial or complete removal of the affected kidney(s). Where the cancer has not metastasised (spread to other organs) or burrowed deeper into the tissues of the kidney, the five-year survival rate is 65–90%, but this is lowered considerably when the cancer has spread. The body is remarkably good at hiding the symptoms and as a result people with RCC often have advanced disease by the time it is discovered. The initial symptoms of RCC often include blood in the urine (occurring in 40% of affected persons at the time they first seek medical attention), flank pain (40%), a mass in the abdomen or flank (25%), weight loss (33%), fever (20%), high blood pressure (20%), night sweats and generally feeling unwell. When RCC metastasises, it most commonly spreads to the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, adrenal glands, brain or bones. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy have improved the outlook for metastatic RCC. RCC is also associated with a number of paraneoplastic syndromes (PNS) which are conditions caused by either the hormones produced by the tumour or by the body's attack on the tumour and are present in about 20% of those with RCC. These syndromes most commonly affect tissues which have not been invaded by the cancer. The most common PNSs seen in people with RCC are: high blood calcium levels, high red blood cell count, high platelet count and secondary amyloidosis. Signs and symptoms Historically, medical practitioners expected a person to present with three findings. This classic triad is 1: haematuria, which is when there is blood present in the urine, 2: flank pain, which is pain on the side of the body between the hip and ribs, and 3: an abdominal mass, similar to bloating but larger. It is now known that this classic triad of symptoms only occurs in 10–15% of cases, and is usually indicative that the renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is in an advanced stage. Today, RCC is often asymptomatic (meaning few to no symptoms) and is generally detected incidentally when a person is being examined for other ailments. Other signs and symptom may include haematuria; loin pain; abdominal mass; malaise, which is a general feeling of unwellness; weight loss and/or loss of appetite; anaemia resulting from depression of erythropoietin; erythrocytosis (increased production of red blood cells) due to increased erythropoietin secretion; varicocele, which is seen in males as an enlargement of the pampiniform plexus of veins draining the testis (more often the left testis) hypertension (high blood pressure) resulting from secretion of renin by the tumour; hypercalcemia, which is elevation of calcium levels in the blood; sleep disturbance or night sweats; recurrent fevers; and chronic fatigue. Risk factors Lifestyle The greatest risk factors for RCC are lifestyle-related; smoking, obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure) have been estimated to account for up to 50% of cases. Occupational exposure to some chemicals such as asbestos, cadmium, lead, chlorinated solvents, petrochemicals and PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) has been examined by multiple studies with inconclusive results. Another suspected risk factor is the long term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Finally, studies have found that women who have had a hysterectomy are at more than double the risk of developing RCC than those who have not. Moderate alcohol consumption, on the other hand, has been shown to have a protective effect. The reason for this remains unclear. Genetics Hereditary factors have a minor impact on individual susceptibility with immediate relatives of people with RCC having a two to fourfold increased risk of developing the condition. Other genetically linked conditions also increase the risk of RCC, including hereditary papillary renal carcinoma, hereditary leiomyomatosis, Birt–Hogg–Dube syndrome, hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, familial papillary thyroid carcinoma, von Hippel–Lindau disease and sickle cell disease. The most significant disease affecting risk however is not genetically linked – patients with acquired cystic disease of the kidney requiring dialysis are 30 times more likely than the general population to develop RCC. Pathophysiology The tumour arises from the cells of the proximal renal tubular epithelium. It is considered an adenocarcinoma. There are two subtypes: sporadic (that is, non-hereditary) and hereditary. Both such subtypes are associated with mutations in the short-arm of chromosome 3, with the implicated genes being either tumour suppressor genes (VHL and TSC) or oncogenes (like c-Met). Diagnosis The first steps taken to diagnose this condition are consideration of the signs and symptoms, and a medical history (the detailed medical review of past health state) to evaluate any risk factors. Based on the symptoms presented, a range of biochemical tests (using blood and/or urine samples) may also be considered as part of the screening process to provide sufficient quantitative analysis of any differences in electrolytes, kidney and liver function, and blood clotting times. Upon physical examination, palpation of the abdomen may reveal the presence of a mass or an organ enlargement. Although this disease lacks characterization in the early stages of tumor development, considerations based on diverse clinical manifestations, as well as resistance to radiation and chemotherapy are important. The main diagnostic tools for detecting renal cell carcinoma are ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the kidneys. Classification Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is not a single entity, but rather a collection of different types of tumours, each derived from the various parts of the nephron (epithelium or renal tubules) and possessing distinct genetic characteristics, histological features, and, to some extent, clinical phenotypes. Array-based karyotyping can be used to identify characteristic chromosomal aberrations in renal tumors with challenging morphology. Array-based karyotyping performs well on paraffin embedded tumours and is amenable to routine clinical use. See also Virtual Karyotype for CLIA certified laboratories offering array-based karyotyping of solid tumours. The 2004 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of genitourinary tumours recognizes over 40 subtypes of renal neoplasms. Since the publication of the latest iteration of the WHO classification in 2004, several novel renal tumour subtypes have been described: Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma and Clear cell renal cell carcinoma with smooth muscle stroma Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) Multilocular cystic clear cell renal cell carcinoma Tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma Thyroid-like follicular renal cell carcinoma Acquired cystic kidney disease-associated renal cell carcinoma Renal cell carcinoma with t(6;11) translocation (TFEB) Hybrid oncocytoma/chromophobe renal cell carcinoma Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma(HLRCC) Laboratory tests Laboratory tests are generally conducted when the patient presents with signs and symptoms that may be characteristic of kidney impairment. They are not primarily used to diagnose kidney cancer, due to its asymptomatic nature and are generally found incidentally during tests for other illnesses such as gallbladder disease. In other words, these cancers are not detected usually because they do not cause pain or discomfort when they are discovered. Laboratory analysis can provide an assessment on the overall health of the patient and can provide information in determining the staging and degree of metastasis to other parts of the body (if a renal lesion has been identified) before treatment is given. Urine analysis The presence of blood in urine is a common presumptive sign of renal cell carcinoma. The haemoglobin of the blood causes the urine to be rusty, brown or red in colour. Alternatively, urinalysis can test for sugar, protein and bacteria which can also serve as indicators for cancer. A complete blood cell count can also provide additional information regarding the severity and spreading of the cancer. Complete blood cell count The CBC provides a quantified measure of the different cells in the whole blood sample from the patient. Such cells examined for in this test include red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes). A common sign of renal cell carcinoma is anaemia whereby the patient exhibits deficiency in red blood cells. CBC tests are vital as a screening tool for examination the health of patient prior to surgery. Inconsistencies with platelet counts are also common amongst these cancer patients and further coagulation tests, including Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) should be considered. Blood chemistry Blood chemistry tests are conducted if renal cell carcinoma is suspected as cancer has the potential to elevate levels of particular chemicals in blood. For example, liver enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase [AST] and alanine aminotransferase [ALT] are found to be at abnormally high levels. The staging of the cancer can also be determined by abnormal elevated levels of calcium, which suggests that the cancer may have metastasised to the bones. In this case, a doctor should be prompted for a CT scan. Blood chemistry tests also assess the overall function of the kidneys and can allow the doctor to decide upon further radiological tests. Radiology The characteristic appearance of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a solid renal lesion which disturbs the renal contour. It will frequently have an irregular or lobulated margin and may be seen as a lump on the lower pelvic or abdomen region. Traditionally, 85 to 90% of solid renal masses will turn out to be RCC but cystic renal masses may also be due to RCC. However, the advances of diagnostic modalities are able to incidentally diagnose a great proportion of patients with renal lesions that may appear to be small in size and of benign state. Ten percent of RCC will contain calcifications, and some contain macroscopic fat (likely due to invasion and encasement of the perirenal fat). Deciding on the benign or malignant nature of the renal mass on the basis of its localized size is an issue as renal cell carcinoma may also be cystic. As there are several benign cystic renal lesions (simple renal cyst, haemorrhagic renal cyst, multilocular cystic nephroma, polycystic kidney disease), it may occasionally be difficult for the radiologist to differentiate a benign cystic lesion from a malignant one. The Bosniak classification system for cystic renal lesions classifies them into groups that are benign and those that need surgical resection, based on specific imaging features. The main imaging tests performed in order to identify renal cell carcinoma are pelvic and abdominal CT scans, ultrasound tests of the kidneys (ultrasonography), MRI scans, intravenous pyelogram (IVP) or renal angiography. Among these main diagnostic tests, other radiologic tests such as excretory urography, positron-emission tomography (PET) scanning, ultrasonography, arteriography, venography, and bone scanning can also be used to aid in the evaluation of staging renal masses and to differentiate non-malignant tumours from malignant tumours. Computed tomography Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scanning is routinely used to determine the stage of the renal cell carcinoma in the abdominal and pelvic regions. CT scans have the potential to distinguish solid masses from cystic masses and may provide information on the localization, stage or spread of the cancer to other organs of the patient. Key parts of the human body which are examined for metastatic involvement of renal cell carcinoma may include the renal vein, lymph node and the involvement of the inferior vena cava. According to a study conducted by Sauk et al., multidetector CT imaging characteristics have applications in diagnosing patients with clear renal cell carcinoma by depicting the differences of these cells at the cytogenic level. Ultrasound Ultrasonographic examination can be useful in evaluating questionable asymptomatic kidney tumours and cystic renal lesions if Computed Tomography imaging is inconclusive. This safe and non-invasive radiologic procedure uses high frequency sound waves to generate an interior image of the body on a computer monitor. The image generated by the ultrasound can help diagnose renal cell carcinoma based on the differences of sound reflections on the surface of organs and the abnormal tissue masses. Essentially, ultrasound tests can determine whether the composition of the kidney mass is mainly solid or filled with fluid. A Percutaneous biopsy can be performed by a radiologist using ultrasound or computed tomography to guide sampling of the tumour for the purpose of diagnosis by pathology. However this is not routinely performed because when the typical imaging features of renal cell carcinoma are present, the possibility of an incorrectly negative result together with the risk of a medical complication to the patient may make it unfavourable from a risk-benefit perspective. However, biopsy tests for molecular analysis to distinguish benign from malignant renal tumours is of investigative interest. Magnetic resonance imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans provide an image of the soft tissues in the body using radio waves and strong magnets. MRI can be used instead of CT if the patient exhibits an allergy to the contrast media administered for the test. Sometimes prior to the MRI scan, an intravenous injection of a contrasting material called gadolinium is given to allow for a more detailed image. Patients on dialysis or those who have renal insufficiency should avoid this contrasting material as it may induce a rare, yet severe, side effect known as nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. A bone scan or brain imaging is not routinely performed unless signs or symptoms suggest potential metastatic involvement of these areas. MRI scans should also be considered to evaluate tumour extension which has grown in major blood vessels, including the vena cava, in the abdomen. MRI can be used to observe the possible spread of cancer to the brain or spinal cord should the patient present symptoms that suggest this might be the case. Intravenous pyelogram Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is a useful procedure in detecting the presence of abnormal renal mass in the urinary tract. This procedure involves the injection of a contrasting dye into the arm of the patient. The dye travels from the blood stream and into the kidneys which in time, passes into the kidneys and bladder. This test is not necessary if a CT or MRI scan has been conducted. Renal angiography Renal angiography uses the same principle as IVP, as this type of X-ray also uses a contrasting dye. This radiologic test is important in diagnosing renal cell carcinoma as an aid for examining blood vessels in the kidneys. This diagnostic test relies on the contrasting agent which is injected in the renal artery to be absorbed by the cancerous cells. The contrasting dye provides a clearer outline of abnormally-oriented blood vessels believed to be involved with the tumour. This is imperative for surgeons as it allows the patient's blood vessels to be mapped prior to operation. Staging The staging of renal cell carcinoma is the most important factor in predicting its prognosis. Staging can follow the TNM staging system, where the size and extent of the tumour (T), involvement of lymph nodes (N) and metastases (M) are classified separately. Also, it can use overall stage grouping into stage I–IV, with the 1997 revision of AJCC described below: At diagnosis, 30% of renal cell carcinomas have spread to the ipsilateral renal vein, and 5–10% have continued into the inferior vena cava. Histopathology The gross and microscopic appearance of renal cell carcinomas is highly variable. The renal cell carcinoma may present reddened areas where blood vessels have bled, and cysts containing watery fluids. The body of the tumour shows large blood vessels that have walls composed of cancerous cells. Gross examination often shows a yellowish, multilobulated tumor in the renal cortex, which frequently contains zones of necrosis, haemorrhage and scarring. In a microscopic context, there are four major histologic subtypes of renal cell cancer: clear cell (conventional RCC, 75%), papillary (15%), chromophobic (5%), and collecting duct (2%). Sarcomatoid changes (morphology and patterns of IHC that mimic sarcoma, spindle cells) can be observed within any RCC subtype and are associated with more aggressive clinical course and worse prognosis. Under light microscopy, these tumour cells can exhibit papillae, tubules or nests, and are quite large, atypical, and polygonal. Recent studies have brought attention to the close association of the type of cancerous cells to the aggressiveness of the condition. Some studies suggest that these cancerous cells accumulate glycogen and lipids, their cytoplasm appear "clear", the nuclei remain in the middle of the cells, and the cellular membrane is evident. Some cells may be smaller, with eosinophilic cytoplasm, resembling normal tubular cells. The stroma is reduced, but well vascularised. The tumour compresses the surrounding parenchyma, producing a pseudocapsule. The most common cell type exhibited by renal cell carcinoma is the clear cell, which is named by the dissolving of the cells' high lipid content in the cytoplasm. The clear cells are thought to be the least likely to spread and usually respond more favourably to treatment. However, most of the tumours contain a mixture of cells. The most aggressive stage of renal cancer is believed to be the one in which the tumour is mixed, containing both clear and granular cells. The recommended histologic grading schema for RCC is the Fuhrman system (1982), which is an assessment based on the microscopic morphology of a neoplasm with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E staining). This system categorises renal cell carcinoma with grades 1, 2, 3, 4 based on nuclear characteristics. The details of the Fuhrman grading system for RCC are shown below: Nuclear grade is believed to be one of the most imperative prognostic factors in patients with renal cell carcinoma. However, a study by Delahunt et al. (2007) has shown that the Fuhrman grading is ideal for clear cell carcinoma but may not be appropriate for chromophobe renal cell carcinomas and that the staging of cancer (accomplished by CT scan) is a more favourable predictor of the prognosis of this disease. In relation to renal cancer staging, the Heidelberg classification system of renal tumours was introduced in 1976 as a means of more completely correlating the histopathological features with the identified genetic defects. Prevention The risk of renal cell carcinoma can be reduced by maintaining a normal body weight. Management The type of treatment depends on multiple factors and the individual, some of which include the stage of renal cell carcinoma (organs and parts of the body affected/unaffected), type of renal cell carcinoma, pre-existing or comorbid conditions and overall health and age of the person. Every form of treatment has both risks and benefits; a health care professional will provide the best options that suit the individual circumstances. If it has spread outside of the kidneys, often into the lymph nodes, the lungs or the main vein of the kidney, then multiple therapies are used including surgery and medications. RCC is resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in most cases, but does respond well to immunotherapy with interleukin-2 or interferon-alpha, biologic, or targeted therapy. In early stage cases, cryotherapy and surgery are the preferred options. Active surveillance Active surveillance or "watchful waiting" is becoming more common as small renal masses or tumours are being detected and also within the older generation when surgery is not always suitable. Active surveillance involves completing various diagnostic procedures, tests and imaging to monitor the progression of the RCC before embarking on a more high risk treatment option like surgery. In the elderly, patients with co-morbidities, and in poor surgical candidates, this is especially useful. Surgery Different procedures may be most appropriate, depending on circumstances. The recommended treatment for renal cell cancer may be nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy, surgical removal of all or part of the kidney. This may include some of the surrounding organs or tissues or lymph nodes. If cancer is only in the kidneys, which is about 60% of cases, it can be cured roughly 90% of the time with surgery. Small renal tumors (< 4 cm) are treated increasingly by partial nephrectomy when possible. Most of these small renal masses manifest indolent biological behavior with excellent prognosis. Nephron-sparing partial nephrectomy is used when the tumor is small (less than 4 cm in diameter) or when the patient has other medical concerns such as diabetes or hypertension. The partial nephrectomy involves the removal of the affected tissue only, sparing the rest of the kidney, Gerota's fascia and the regional lymph nodes. This allows for more renal preservation as compared to the radical nephrectomy, and this can have positive long term health benefits. Larger and more complex tumors can also be treated with partial nephrectomy by surgeons with a lot of kidney surgery experience. Surgical nephrectomy may be "radical" if the procedure removes the entire affected kidney including Gerota's fascia, the adrenal gland which is on the same side as the affected kidney, and the regional retroperitoneal lymph nodes, all at the same time. This method, although severe, is effective. But it is not always appropriate, as it is a major surgery that contains the risk of complication both during and after the surgery and can have a longer recovery time. It is important to note that the other kidney must be fully functional, and this technique is most often used when there is a large tumour present in only one kidney. In cases where the tumor has spread into the renal vein, inferior vena cava, and possibly the right atrium, this portion of the tumor can be surgically removed, as well. In cases of known metastases, surgical resection of the kidney ("cytoreductive nephrectomy") may improve survival, as well as resection of a solitary metastatic lesion. Kidneys are sometimes embolized prior to surgery to minimize blood loss (see image). Surgery is increasingly performed via laparoscopic techniques. Commonly referred to as key hole surgery, this surgery does not have the large incisions seen in a classically performed radical or partial nephrectomy, but still successfully removes either all or part of the kidney. Laparoscopic surgery is associated with shorter stays in the hospital and quicker recovery time but there are still risks associated with the surgical procedure. These have the advantage of being less of a burden for the patient and the disease-free survival is comparable to that of open surgery. For small exophytic lesions that do not extensively involve the major vessels or urinary collecting system, a partial nephrectomy (also referred to as "nephron sparing surgery") can be performed. This may involve temporarily stopping blood flow to the kidney while the mass is removed as well as renal cooling with an ice slush. Mannitol can also be administered to help limit damage to the kidney. This is usually done through an open incision although smaller lesions can be done laparoscopically with or without robotic assistance. Laparoscopic cryotherapy can also be done on smaller lesions. Typically a biopsy is taken at the time of treatment. Intraoperative ultrasound may be used to help guide placement of the freezing probes. Two freeze/thaw cycles are then performed to kill the tumor cells. As the tumor is not removed followup is more complicated (see below) and overall disease free rates are not as good as those obtained with surgical removal. Surgery for metastatic disease: If metastatic disease is present surgical treatment may still a viable option. Radical and partial nephrectomy can still occur, and in some cases if the metastasis is small this can also be surgically removed. This depends on what stage of growth and how far the disease has spread. Percutaneous ablative therapies Percutaneous ablation therapies use image-guidance by radiologists to treat localized tumors if a surgical procedure is not a good option. Although the use of laparoscopic surgical techniques for complete nephrectomies has reduced some of the risks associated with surgery, surgery of any sort in some cases will still not be feasible. For example, the elderly, people already suffering from severe renal dysfunction, or people who have several comorbidities, surgery of any sort is not warranted. A probe is placed through the skin and into the tumor using real-time imaging of both the probe tip and the tumor by computed tomography, ultrasound, or even magnetic resonance imaging guidance, and then destroying the tumor with heat (radiofrequency ablation) or cold (cryotherapy). These modalities are at a disadvantage compared to traditional surgery in that pathologic confirmation of complete tumor destruction is not possible. Therefore, long-term follow-up is crucial to assess completeness of tumour ablation. Ideally, percutaneous ablation is restricted to tumours smaller than 3.5 cm and to guide the treatment. However, there are some cases where ablation can be used on tumors that are larger. The two main types of ablation techniques that are used for renal cell carcinoma are radio frequency ablation and cryoablation. Radio frequency ablation uses an electrode probe which is inserted into the affected tissue, to send radio frequencies to the tissue to generate heat through the friction of water molecules. The heat destroys the tumor tissue. Cell death will generally occur within minutes of being exposed to temperatures above 50 °C. Cryoablation also involves the insertion of a probe into the affected area, however, cold is used to kill the tumor instead of heat. The probe is cooled with chemical fluids which are very cold. The freezing temperatures cause the tumor cells to die by causing osmotic dehydration, which pulls the water out of the cell destroying the enzyme, organelles, cell membrane and freezing the cytoplasm. Targeted drugs Cancers often grow in an unbridled fashion because they are able to evade the immune system. Immunotherapy is a method that activates the person's immune system and uses it to their own advantage. It was developed after observing that in some cases there was spontaneous regression. Immunotherapy capitalises on this phenomenon and aims to build up a person's immune response to cancer cells. Other targeted therapy medications inhibit growth factors that have been shown to promote the growth and spread of tumours. Most of these medications were approved within the past ten years. These treatments are: Nivolumab Axitinib Sunitinib Cabozantinib Everolimus Lenvatinib Pazopanib Bevacizumab Sorafenib Temsirolimus Interleukin-2 (IL-2) has produced "durable remissions" in a small number of patients, but with substantial toxicity. Interferon-α Activity has also been reported for ipilimumab but it is not an approved medication for renal cancer. More medications are expected to become available in the near future as several clinical trials are currently being conducted for new targeted treatments, including: atezolizumab, varlilumab, durvalumab, avelumab, LAG525, MBG453, TRC105, and savolitinib. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not as successful in the case of RCC. RCC is resistant in most cases but there is about a 4–5% success rate, but this is often short lived with more tumours and growths developing later. Adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy Adjuvant therapy, which refers to therapy given after a primary surgery, has not been found to be beneficial in renal cell cancer. Conversely, neoadjuvant therapy is administered before the intended primary or main treatment. In some cases neoadjuvant therapy has been shown to decrease the size and stage of the RCC to then allow it to be surgically removed. This is a new form of treatment and the effectiveness of this approach is still being assessed in clinical trials. Metastasis Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) is the spread of the primary renal cell carcinoma from the kidney to other organs. 25–30% of people have this metastatic spread by the time they are diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma. This high proportion is explained by the fact that clinical signs are generally mild until the disease progresses to a more severe state. The most common sites for metastasis are the lymph nodes, lung, bones, liver and brain. How this spread affects the staging of the disease and hence prognosis is discussed in the “Diagnosis” and “Prognosis” section. MRCC has a poor prognosis compared to other cancers although average survival times have increased in the last few years due to treatment advances. Average survival time in 2008 for the metastatic form of the disease was under a year and by 2013 this improved to an average of 22 months. Despite this improvement the 5 year survival rate for mRCC remains under 10% and 20–25% of suffers remain unresponsive to all treatments and in these cases, the disease has a rapid progression. The available treatments for RCC discussed in the “Treatment” section are also relevant for the metastatic form of the disease. Options include interleukin-2 which is a standard therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma. From 2007 to 2013, seven new treatments have been approved specifically for mRCC (sunitinib, temsirolimus, bevacizumab, sorafenib, everolimus, pazopanib and axitinib). These new treatments are based on the fact that renal cell carcinomas are very vascular tumors – they contain a large number of blood vessels. The drugs aim to inhibit the growth of new blood vessels in the tumors, hence slowing growth and in some cases reducing the size of the tumors. Side effects unfortunately are quite common with these treatments and include: Gastrointestinal effects – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia Respiratory effects – coughing, dyspnea (difficulty breathing) Cardiovascular effects – hypertension (high blood pressure) Neurological effects – intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding into the brain), thrombosis (blood clots) in the brain Effects on the skin and mucus membranes – rashes, hand-foot syndrome, stomatitis Bone marrow suppression – resulting in reduced white blood cells, increasing the risk of infections plus anemia and reduced platelets Renal effects – impaired kidney function Fatigue. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are more commonly used in the metastatic form of RCC to target the secondary tumors in the bones, liver, brain and other organs. While not curative, these treatments do provide relief for suffers from symptoms associated with the spread of tumors. Prognosis The prognosis is influenced by several factors, including tumour size, degree of invasion and metastasis, histologic type, and nuclear grade. Staging is the most important factor in the outcome of renal cell cancer. The following numbers are based on patients first diagnosed in 2001 and 2002 by the National Cancer Data Base: A Korean study estimated a disease-specific overall 5-year survival rate of 85%. Taken as a whole, if the disease is limited to the kidney, only 20–30% develop metastatic disease after nephrectomy. More specific subsets show a five-year survival rate of around 90–95% for tumors less than 4 cm. For larger tumors confined to the kidney without venous invasion, survival is still relatively good at 80–85%. For tumors that extend through the renal capsule and out of the local fascial investments, the survivability reduces to near 60%. Factors as general health and fitness or the severity of their symptoms impact the survival rates. For instance, younger people (among 20–40 years old) have a better outcome despite having more symptoms at presentation, possibly due to lower rates spread of cancer to the lymph nodes (stage III). Histological grade is related to the aggressiveness of the cancer, and it is classified in 4 grades, with 1 having the best prognosis (5 year survival over 89%), and 4 with the worst prognosis (46% of 5 year survival). Some people have the renal cell cancer detected before they have symptoms (incidentally) because of the CT scan (Computed Tomography Imaging) or ultrasound. Incidentally diagnosed renal cell cancer (no symptoms) differs in outlook from those diagnosed after presenting symptoms of renal cell carcinoma or metastasis. The 5 year survival rate was higher for incidental than for symptomatic tumours: 85.3% versus 62.5%. Incidental lesions were significantly lower stage than those that cause symptoms, since 62.1% patients with incidental renal cell carcinoma were observed with Stage I lesions, against 23% were found with symptomatic renal cell carcinoma. If it has metastasized to the lymph nodes, the 5-year survival is around 5% to 15%. For metastatic renal cell carcinoma, factors which may present a poor prognosis include a low Karnofsky performance-status score (a standard way of measuring functional impairment in patients with cancer), a low haemoglobin level, a high level of serum lactate dehydrogenase, and a high corrected level of serum calcium. For non-metastatic cases, the Leibovich scoring algorithm may be used to predict post-operative disease progression. Renal cell carcinoma is one of the cancers most strongly associated with paraneoplastic syndromes, most often due to ectopic hormone production by the tumour. The treatment for these complications of RCC is generally limited beyond treating the underlying cancer. Epidemiology The incidence of the disease varies according to geographic, demographic and, to a lesser extent, hereditary factors. There are some known risk factors, however the significance of other potential risk factors remains more controversial. The incidence of the cancer has been increasing in frequency worldwide at a rate of approximately 2–3% per decade until the last few years where the number of new cases has stabilised. The incidence of RCC varies between sexes, ages, races and geographic location around the world. Men have a higher incidence than women (approximately 1.6:1) and the vast majority are diagnosed after 65 years of age. Asians reportedly have a significantly lower incidence of RCC than whites and while African countries have the lowest reported incidences, African Americans have the highest incidence of the population in the United States. Developed countries have a higher incidence than developing countries, with the highest rates found in North America, Europe and Australia / New Zealand History Daniel Sennert made the first reference suggesting a tumour arising in the kidney in his text Practicae Medicinae, first published in 1613. Miril published the earliest unequivocal case of renal carcinoma in 1810. He described the case of Françoise Levelly, a 35-year-old woman, who presented to Brest Civic Hospital on April 6, 1809, supposedly in the late stages of pregnancy. Koenig published the first classification of renal tumours based on macroscopic morphology in 1826. Koenig divided the tumors into scirrhous, steatomatous, fungoid and medullary forms. Hypernephroma controversy Following the classification of the tumour, researchers attempted to identify the tissue of origin for renal carcinoma. The pathogenesis of renal epithelial tumours was debated for decades. The debate was initiated by Paul Grawitz when in 1883, he published his observations on the morphology of small, yellow renal tumours. Grawitz concluded that only alveolar tumours were of adrenal origin, whereas papillary tumours were derived from renal tissue. In 1893, Paul Sudeck challenged the theory postulated by Grawitz by publishing descriptions of renal tumours in which he identified atypical features within renal tubules and noted a gradation of these atypical features between the tubules and neighboring malignant tumour. In 1894, Otto Lubarsch, who supported the theory postulated by Grawitz coined the term hypernephroid tumor, which was amended to hypernephroma by Felix Victor Birch-Hirschfeld to describe these tumours. Vigorous criticism of Grawitz was provided by Oskar Stoerk in 1908, who considered the adrenal origin of renal tumours to be unproved. Despite the compelling arguments against the theory postulated by Grawitz, the term hypernephroma, with its associated adrenal connotation, persisted in the literature. Foot and Humphreys, and Foote et al. introduced the term Renal Celled Carcinoma to emphasize a renal tubular origin for these tumours. Their designation was slightly altered by Fetter to the now widely accepted term Renal Cell Carcinoma. Convincing evidence to settle the debate was offered by Oberling et al. in 1959 who studied the ultrastructure of clear cells from eight renal carcinomas. They found that the tumour cell cytoplasm contained numerous mitochondria and deposits of glycogen and fat. They identified cytoplasmic membranes inserted perpendicularly onto the basement membrane with occasional cells containing microvilli along the free borders. They concluded that these features indicated that the tumours arose from the epithelial cells of the renal convoluted tubule, thus finally settling one of the most debated issues in tumour pathology. See also Stauffer syndrome Knudson hypothesis Interleukin-2 Kidney cancer Rapamycin Vinblastine Dysuria Interferon References External links Category:Kidney cancer Category:Medical triads
// This file is part of an img.ly Software Development Kit. // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 img.ly GmbH <contact@img.ly> // All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, without // modification, are permitted provided that the following license agreement // is approved and a legal/financial contract was signed by the user. // The license agreement can be found under the following link: // https://www.photoeditorsdk.com/LICENSE.txt import PhotoEditorSDK import UIKit private enum Selection: Int { case editor = 0 case editorWithLightTheme = 1 case editorWithDarkTheme = 2 case embeddedEditor = 3 case camera = 4 case customized = 5 } class ViewController: UITableViewController { // MARK: - UITableViewDelegate override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { switch indexPath.row { case Selection.editor.rawValue: presentPhotoEditViewController() case Selection.editorWithLightTheme.rawValue: theme = .light presentPhotoEditViewController() theme = ViewController.defaultTheme case Selection.editorWithDarkTheme.rawValue: theme = .dark presentPhotoEditViewController() theme = ViewController.defaultTheme case Selection.embeddedEditor.rawValue: pushPhotoEditViewController() case Selection.camera.rawValue: presentCameraViewController() case Selection.customized.rawValue: presentCustomizedCameraViewController() default: break } } override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool { // Before changing `prefersStatusBarHidden` please read the comment below // in `viewDidAppear`. return true } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) // This is a workaround for a bug in iOS 13 on devices without a notch // where pushing a `UIViewController` (with status bar hidden) from a // `UINavigationController` (status bar not hidden or vice versa) would // result in a gap above the navigation bar (on the `UIViewController`) // and a smaller navigation bar on the `UINavigationController`. // // This is the case when a `MediaEditViewController` is embedded into a // `UINavigationController` and uses a different `prefersStatusBarHidden` // setting as the parent view. // // Setting `prefersStatusBarHidden` to `false` would cause the navigation // bar to "jump" after the view appeared but this seems to be the only chance // to fix the layout. // // For reference see: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/121861#378841 if #available(iOS 13.0, *) { navigationController?.view.setNeedsLayout() } } // MARK: - Configuration private static let defaultTheme: Theme = { if #available(iOS 13.0, *) { return .dynamic } else { return .dark } }() private var theme = defaultTheme private var weatherProvider: OpenWeatherProvider = { var unit = TemperatureFormat.celsius if #available(iOS 10.0, *) { unit = .locale } let weatherProvider = OpenWeatherProvider(apiKey: nil, unit: unit) weatherProvider.locationAccessRequestClosure = { locationManager in locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } return weatherProvider }() private func buildConfiguration() -> Configuration { let configuration = Configuration { builder in // Configure camera builder.configureCameraViewController { options in // Just enable photos options.allowedRecordingModes = [.photo] // Show cancel button options.showCancelButton = true } // Configure editor builder.configurePhotoEditViewController { options in var menuItems = PhotoEditMenuItem.defaultItems menuItems.removeLast() // Remove last menu item ('Magic') options.menuItems = menuItems } // Configure sticker tool builder.configureStickerToolController { options in // Enable personal stickers options.personalStickersEnabled = true // Enable smart weather stickers options.weatherProvider = self.weatherProvider } // Configure theme builder.theme = self.theme } return configuration } // MARK: - Presentation private func createPhotoEditViewController(with photo: Photo, and photoEditModel: PhotoEditModel = PhotoEditModel()) -> PhotoEditViewController { let configuration = buildConfiguration() // Create a photo edit view controller let photoEditViewController = PhotoEditViewController(photoAsset: photo, configuration: configuration, photoEditModel: photoEditModel) photoEditViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen photoEditViewController.delegate = self return photoEditViewController } private func presentPhotoEditViewController() { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "LA", withExtension: "jpg") else { return } let photo = Photo(url: url) present(createPhotoEditViewController(with: photo), animated: true, completion: nil) } private func pushPhotoEditViewController() { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "LA", withExtension: "jpg") else { return } let photo = Photo(url: url) navigationController?.pushViewController(createPhotoEditViewController(with: photo), animated: true) } private func presentCameraViewController() { let configuration = buildConfiguration() let cameraViewController = CameraViewController(configuration: configuration) cameraViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen cameraViewController.locationAccessRequestClosure = { locationManager in locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } cameraViewController.cancelBlock = { self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } cameraViewController.completionBlock = { [unowned cameraViewController] image, _ in if let image = image { let photo = Photo(image: image) let photoEditModel = cameraViewController.photoEditModel cameraViewController.present(self.createPhotoEditViewController(with: photo, and: photoEditModel), animated: true, completion: nil) } } cameraViewController.dataCompletionBlock = { [unowned cameraViewController] data in if let data = data { let photo = Photo(data: data) let photoEditModel = cameraViewController.photoEditModel cameraViewController.present(self.createPhotoEditViewController(with: photo, and: photoEditModel), animated: true, completion: nil) } } present(cameraViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } private func presentCustomizedCameraViewController() { let configuration = Configuration { builder in // Setup global colors builder.theme.backgroundColor = self.whiteColor builder.theme.menuBackgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray self.customizeCameraController(builder) self.customizePhotoEditorViewController(builder) self.customizeTextTool() } let cameraViewController = CameraViewController(configuration: configuration) cameraViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen cameraViewController.locationAccessRequestClosure = { locationManager in locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } // Set a global tint color, that gets inherited by all views if let window = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window! { window.tintColor = redColor } cameraViewController.completionBlock = { [unowned cameraViewController] image, _ in if let image = image { let photo = Photo(image: image) let photoEditModel = cameraViewController.photoEditModel cameraViewController.present(self.createCustomizedPhotoEditViewController(with: photo, configuration: configuration, and: photoEditModel), animated: true, completion: nil) } } cameraViewController.dataCompletionBlock = { [unowned cameraViewController] data in if let data = data { let photo = Photo(data: data) let photoEditModel = cameraViewController.photoEditModel cameraViewController.present(self.createCustomizedPhotoEditViewController(with: photo, configuration: configuration, and: photoEditModel), animated: true, completion: nil) } } present(cameraViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } private func createCustomizedPhotoEditViewController(with photo: Photo, configuration: Configuration, and photoEditModel: PhotoEditModel) -> PhotoEditViewController { let photoEditViewController = PhotoEditViewController(photoAsset: photo, configuration: configuration, photoEditModel: photoEditModel) photoEditViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen photoEditViewController.view.tintColor = UIColor(red: 0.11, green: 0.44, blue: 1.00, alpha: 1.00) photoEditViewController.toolbar.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray photoEditViewController.delegate = self return photoEditViewController } // MARK: - Customization fileprivate let whiteColor = UIColor(red: 0.941, green: 0.980, blue: 0.988, alpha: 1) fileprivate let redColor = UIColor(red: 0.988, green: 0.173, blue: 0.357, alpha: 1) fileprivate let blueColor = UIColor(red: 0.243, green: 0.769, blue: 0.831, alpha: 1) fileprivate func customizeTextTool() { let fonts = [ Font(displayName: "Arial", fontName: "ArialMT", identifier: "Arial"), Font(displayName: "Helvetica", fontName: "Helvetica", identifier: "Helvetica"), Font(displayName: "Avenir", fontName: "Avenir-Heavy", identifier: "Avenir-Heavy"), Font(displayName: "Chalk", fontName: "Chalkduster", identifier: "Chalkduster"), Font(displayName: "Copperplate", fontName: "Copperplate", identifier: "Copperplate"), Font(displayName: "Noteworthy", fontName: "Noteworthy-Bold", identifier: "Notewortyh") ] FontImporter.all = fonts } fileprivate func customizeCameraController(_ builder: ConfigurationBuilder) { builder.configureCameraViewController { options in // Enable/Disable some features options.cropToSquare = true options.showFilterIntensitySlider = false options.tapToFocusEnabled = false // Use closures to customize the different view elements options.cameraRollButtonConfigurationClosure = { button in button.layer.borderWidth = 2.0 button.layer.borderColor = self.redColor.cgColor } options.timeLabelConfigurationClosure = { label in label.textColor = self.redColor } options.recordingModeButtonConfigurationClosure = { button, _ in button.setTitleColor(UIColor.gray, for: .normal) button.setTitleColor(self.redColor, for: .selected) } // Force a selfie camera options.allowedCameraPositions = [.front] // Disable flash options.allowedFlashModes = [.off] } } fileprivate func customizePhotoEditorViewController(_ builder: ConfigurationBuilder) { // Customize the main editor builder.configurePhotoEditViewController { options in options.titleViewConfigurationClosure = { titleView in if let titleLabel = titleView as? UILabel { titleLabel.text = "Selfie-Editor" } } options.actionButtonConfigurationClosure = { cell, _ in cell.contentTintColor = UIColor.red } } } } extension ViewController: PhotoEditViewControllerDelegate { func photoEditViewController(_ photoEditViewController: PhotoEditViewController, didSave image: UIImage, and data: Data) { if let navigationController = photoEditViewController.navigationController { navigationController.popViewController(animated: true) } else { dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } func photoEditViewControllerDidFailToGeneratePhoto(_ photoEditViewController: PhotoEditViewController) { if let navigationController = photoEditViewController.navigationController { navigationController.popViewController(animated: true) } else { dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } func photoEditViewControllerDidCancel(_ photoEditViewController: PhotoEditViewController) { if let navigationController = photoEditViewController.navigationController { navigationController.popViewController(animated: true) } else { dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } }
E-mail this article Sending your article Your article has been sent. Just as the 3-D revolution is sailing over the edge of the cliff to overpriced, under-produced ruin, here comes “Puss in Boots.’’ I don’t know if it will be enough to save the technology - I’m not sure I want it to - but, man, does this thing look good. The landscapes in DreamWorks’ latest computer-animated return to Fairy Tale-land have a richness of detail and an illusion of depth that makes every other 3-D job this year (yes, you too, “Lion King’’) look like cut-and-paste hackwork. The action, and there’s a lot of it, flows consistently and cleanly. The hero’s best frenemy is an egg, and a more bulbously tactile egg you’ll never see. Visually, “Puss’’ is close to rapture. What? Is the movie itself any good? For a spinoff of a series (“Shrek’’) that has been pounded into the pavement, surprisingly so. “Puss in Boots’’ doesn’t break any new ground in the storytelling department, and its reliance on go-go-go state-of-the-art action sequences grows wearying by the end, but the movie has a devilish wit that works for parent and child alike, and it moves like a bobsled. It’s funny and fun, and if it’s not up to Pixar level, it still represents the best of what the competition has to offer. And it has Antonio Banderas, who gives a more full-bodied performance with his voice than most actors do with their entire instrument. Banderas also arrives in the Boston area today as the star of Pedro Almodóvar’s blissfully florid kinkathon “The Skin I Live In,’’ and for the continued mental health of your children, please don’t get these two mixed up. “Puss in Boots’’ is the movie about the sword-wielding cat who joins up with a talking egg to rob a giant castle in the sky. You know, the normal one. Directed by Chris Miller (who helmed the unfortunate “Shrek the Third’’) and scripted by a small crowd of writers, “Puss’’ is a razzle-dazzle 3-D ride that’s at its best when the ride slows to a halt and the characters get to lob zingers at each other. The film mixes a little bit of Hitchcock’s “To Catch a Thief’’ with a lot of “Zorro,’’ the title character swashbuckling his outlaw way toward the legendary magic beans of “Jack and the Beanstalk’’ fame. He comes up against a sultry cat burglar named Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek), who turns out to be in the employ of Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis), an ambitious and possibly crazed bad egg with a longstanding grudge against our hero. The lengthy, extremely funny flashback in which Puss narrates his life story is an example of what DreamWorks Animation does best: cleverly sardonic character comedy that, when it clicks, approaches the rarefied realm of a classic Warner Brothers Looney Tunes. The DreamWorks movies don’t have soul - that’s Pixar’s job - but they do have inventiveness and craft and a dedication to entertaining that’s gratifying in an age of cookie-cutter family fare. And they’re open to the inspired whim, like a flamenco dance fight that comes out of nowhere and briefly lifts “Puss in Boots’’ to deliriously silly levels of nonsense. More than Pixar, though, DreamWorks bows low to the marketplace demand that a modern CGI kiddie film be fast, noisy, and big. Miller and his minions know they have a 3-D IMAX screen to fill, so many of the scenes devolve into roller-coaster rides, at times almost literally. The heroes have to steal the magic beans from Jack and Jill, who are not the cute kids from the nursery rhyme but hulking ogres with domestic issues - Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris have fun with the voices - and after a while, one can-you-top-this? chase scene just follows another. If you have a Six Flags discount card, you may want to bring it along. These sequences are hardly boring, but they are surprisingly ordinary - the expected high-tech hyper-stim all modern children now consider their due. They don’t stick to your ribs the way the film’s smaller, more playful bits of business do: the spaghetti-western split screens that comment wryly on the action or the way Banderas can get a laugh simply through the top-spin he puts on a line like “Do not joke with me about magic beans.’’ The star is the most special special effect in “Puss in Boots,’’ for all the visual wow the studio has packed into the film. And you don’t need the fancy glasses to appreciate him. All you need is ears.
# OPC Twin Microservice [Home](readme.md) Namespace: Microsoft.Azure.IIoT.Services.OpcUa.Twin ## Overview The following diagram shows the twin service in relationship to the other components. ![architecture](../media/architecture.png) OPC Twin Microservice in cloud exposes a [REST API](../api/twin/readme.md) to call the following [OPC UA](../opcua.md) services on activated endpoints in an OPC Twin edge module. ## Supported OPC UA Services * **Read** and **Write** a “Value” on a Variable node Write is also exposed as Desired/Reported Property on the endpoint identity * **Call** a “Method Node” * **Read** and **Write** Node “Attributes * **History Read** and **Update** service calls to interact with Historians * **Batching** of any of the above calls. * **Browse** first / next (with and without reading the browsed target nodes) * Get **meta data** of methods (to display input arguments to a user) ## Docker image `docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/iot/opc-twin-service:preview` ## Next steps * [Learn more about the OPC Twin module](../modules/twin.md) * [Learn more about the overall Architecture](../architecture.md) * [Explore the Twin Microservice REST API](../api/twin/readme.md)
{ "docs": { "Intro": [ "overview", "overview-motivations", "overview-in-the-wild" ], "sbt plugins": [ "sbt-coursier", "sbt-pgp-coursier" ], "Command-line": [ "cli-overview", "cli-installation", "cli-resolve", "cli-fetch", "cli-launch", "cli-bootstrap", "cli-install", "cli-java", "cli-setup" ], "API": [ "api", "api-low-level", "api-scala-js" ], "Other": [ "cache", "ttl", "other-repositories", "other-credentials", "other-proxy", "json-report", "extra", "limitations", "other-version-handling", "faq" ], "Development": [ "dev-contributing", "dev-cli", "dev-website" ] } }
Prediction of the structure of a receptor-protein complex using a binary docking method. To validate procedures of rational drug design, it is important to develop computational methods that predict binding sites between a protein and a ligand molecule. Many small molecules have been tested using such programs, but examination of protein-protein and peptide-protein interactions has been sparse. We were able to test such applications once the structures of both the maltose-binding protein (MBP) and the ligand-binding domain of the aspartate receptor, which binds MBP, became available. Here we predict the binding site of MBP to its receptor using a 'binary docking' technique in which two MBP octapeptide sequences containing mutations that eliminate maltose chemotaxis are independently docked to the receptor. The peptides in the docked solutions superimpose on their original positions in the structure of MBP and allow the formation of an MBP-receptor complex. The consistency of the computational and biological results supports this approach for predicting protein-protein and peptide-protein interactions.
Q: Update single property of an entity using Entity Framework and ASP.NET MVC I'm trying to use Entity Framework in an ASP.NET MVC web application. Let's say I have an Entity "people", with some anagraphical details. My web application has a view where, using Ajax, I can change my details one by one. For example, I can change only the "name" of my entity, using an Ajax post. What's the best practice to implement a method in my controller to perform this update on my "people" entity? I would like to create a general "update" method, not a specific method for each single property. Thanks for helping me A: public ActionResult Update(int id, string propertyName, object propertyValue) { using(var ctx = new Db()) { var person = ctx.People.First(n => n.Id == id); Type t = person.GetType(); PropertyInfo prop = t.GetProperty(propertyName); prop.SetValue(person, propertyValue, null); ctx.SaveChanges(); } return Json(new { Success = true }); }
Photos Wild vs. Red Wings February 17, 2013 ST. PAUL, MN - FEBRUARY 17: Jason Zucker #16 of the Minnesota Wild skates during warm ups prior to the game against the Detroit Red Wings on February 17, 2013 at the Xcel Energy Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota. (Photo by Bruce Kluckhohn/NHLI via Getty Images)
Henry March Henry Albert March (December 14, 1863 – June 20, 1917) was a physician and political figure in Nova Scotia, Canada. He represented Lunenburg County in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly from 1906 to 1909 as a Liberal member. Early life and education He was born in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, the son of Stephen March, born in Dorsetshire, England, and Elizabeth Keating. March was educated at Acadia College and the medical school of the University of Michigan. Career He practiced for a short time in Ann Arbor, Michigan before returning to Bridgewater, where he served the community as a physician for 25 years. In 1887, he married Dotte B. Cook. In 1913, he moved to Lockeport. March was coroner for Lunenburg County and surgeon for the county asylum; he was also health officer for Bridgeport. He served as president of the provincial medical society in 1904 and 1905 and was vice-president of the British Medical Society in 1906. He was elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 1906 and served until his resignation in 1909. Death He died on June 20, 1917 in Lunenburg. References Allison, D & Tuck, CE History of Nova Scotia, Vol. 3 (1916) p. 506-7 Category:1863 births Category:1917 deaths Category:Nova Scotia Liberal Party MLAs Category:People from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Category:University of Michigan Medical School alumni Category:Canadian coroners
Q: User ranking system I have written my first code of object oriented Python. Prior to this I have spent a week on learning the concepts and understanding the technique. I would appreciate it somebody reviews this and give suggestion on where I can improve. I am working through codewars Kata and this code is for the problem. I am copying the problem here so that some one can see what I have solved. Write a class called User that is used to calculate the amount that a user will progress through a ranking system similar to the one Codewars uses. Business Rules: A user starts at rank -8 and can progress all the way to 8. There is no 0 (zero) rank. The next rank after -1 is 1. Users will complete activities. These activities also have ranks. Each time the user completes a ranked activity the users rank progress is updated based off of the activity's rank The progress earned from the completed activity is relative to what the user's current rank is compared to the rank of the activity A user's rank progress starts off at zero, each time the progress reaches 100 the user's rank is upgraded to the next level Any remaining progress earned while in the previous rank will be applied towards the next rank's progress (we don't throw any progress away). The exception is if there is no other rank left to progress towards (Once you reach rank 8 there is no more progression). A user cannot progress beyond rank 8. The only acceptable range of rank values is -8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Any other value should raise an error. The progress is scored like so: Completing an activity that is ranked the same as that of the user's will be worth 3 points Completing an activity that is ranked one ranking lower than the user's will be worth 1 point Any activities completed that are ranking 2 levels or more lower than the user's ranking will be ignored Completing an activity ranked higher than the current user's rank will -accelerate the rank progression. The greater the difference between rankings the more the progression will be increased. The formula is 10 * d * d where d equals the difference in ranking between the activity and the user. class User(): rank_vector =[i for i in range(-8,9,1) if ( i!=0)] def __init__(self): self.rank=-8 self.progress=0 def inc_progress(self,kata): if kata not in self.rank_vector: raise ValueError("Not in the specified Range of features") if (self.rank==8): progressmeter=0 elif(self.rank_vector.index(kata) ==self.rank_vector.index(self.rank)): progressmeter=self.progress+3 elif(self.rank_vector.index(kata)==self.rank_vector.index(self.rank)-1): progressmeter=self.progress+1 elif(self.rank_vector.index(kata) <= self.rank_vector.index(self.rank)-2): progressmeter=self.progress elif(self.rank==-1 and kata==1): progressmeter=self.progress+10 else: progressmeter=self.progress+ 10* pow(abs(self.rank_vector.index(kata)-self.rank_vector.index(self.rank)),2) progressIndex=list(divmod(progressmeter,100)) self.progress=progressIndex[1] self.rank=self.__updaterank__(progressIndex[0]) if self.rank==8: self.progress=0 return self.progress def __updaterank__(self,level=1): if self.rank==8: return self.rank elif self.rank_vector.index(self.rank)+level > self.rank_vector.index(8): self.rank=8 else: self.rank=self.rank_vector[self.rank_vector.index(self.rank)+level] return self.rank A: On top of what zondo has said you should avoid using parenthesis unnecessarily. There are numerous examples of this: if (self.rank==8): can just be: if self.rank == 8: also less obvious: rank_vector =[i for i in range(-8,9,1) if ( i!=0)] should be: rank_vector = [i for i in range(-8,9) if i != 0] #Also, no need for the additional "1" parameter. while we're at it, although you explained it in the description, -8 (nor 8 for what it is worth) isn't the most common of numbers and it seems (without explanation) to be a bit weird. Maybe somewhere like above rank_vector say: MIN_RANK = -8 MAX_RANK = 8 And use this when appropriate.
Mazzarri 'living in Manchester' By Football Italia staff Former Inter Coach Walter Mazzarri “is living in Manchester with an English family and studying Premier League teams.” The ex-Napoli boss was sacked by Inter in November 2014 and is still on the club’s pay-roll. He has repeatedly been linked with jobs in the Premier League and made no secret of his interest in the English game. “He left Italy and flew to England, but did not choose London, where there are always too many Italians around,” consultant Giampiero Timossi told calciomercato.com. “Instead, he went to Manchester, where two great teams play and within 20 minutes he can reach Liverpool to calmly watch the Reds or even Everton. “Mazzarri left for England in March with his friend Antonio Finco, a journalist and writer. He wanted to learn English and therefore widen his options on the market. “Manchester is perfect for Mazzarri. He moved to the city in June, lives with an English family and has a special teacher, Sean Warren, who introduced an innovative method to teach the language to young foreigners in the Red Devils academy.” Watch Serie A live in the UK on Premier Sports for just £9.99 per month including live LaLiga, Eredivisie, Scottish Cup Football and more. Visit: https://www.premiersports.com/subscribenow
INTRODUCTION ============ The coronary slow flow phenomenon (CSFP) is defined as the delay in the progression of the injected contrast material in the distal coronary bed during coronary angiography, in the absence of any luminal narrowing of the vessels.^[@B1]^ In the absence of visible narrowing of the epicardial arteries, this syndrome has been referred to as 'a subtype of syndrome X'. Although generally associated with a benign course, there are some reports linking CSFP with serious cardiac events such as acute myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, cardiac dysfunction and fatal arrhythmia.^[@B2]-[@B6]^ The hypotheses proposed for the etiology of CSFP mainly concern the increase in the sympathetic activity and microvascular dysfunction. However, it has also been demonstrated that endothelial thickening in small arteries^[@B7]^, myocardial fibrosis^[@B8]^, disorders of endothelial nitric oxide release^[@B9]^, diffuse atherosclerosis^[@B10]^ and inflammation^[@B11]^ may contribute to the development of this abnormality. Investigations made so far have not taken into account a possible effect of blood cellular composition on coronary flow. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible role of blood cellular composition in the pathophysiology of CSFP. METHODS ======= ***Study Design:*** This is a retrospective case-control study involving patients who underwent coronary angiography between September 2010 and December 2012 at the Department of Cardiology of the Medical Faculty at Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey. Coronary angiogram reports of 3368 patients were scanned from digital database in our laboratory. One hundred and three coronary angiography reports with SCFP and 99 reports with normal coronary angiograms were selected randomly. Cases with acute coronary syndrome, coronary ectasia or spasm, severe valvular or congenital heart disease, left ventricular systolic dysfunction (EF \< 55%), chronic hematological diseases, inflammatory conditions, allergic diseases, autoimmune diseases, parasitic diseases and obstructive coronary lesions were excluded from the intended investigation ([Fig.1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). ***Coronary Angiography:*** Coronary angiography through the femoral or radial artery using the Seldinger technique was performed on all patients included in the study. The images obtained during the procedure were recorded by means of a digital angiographic system (ACOM.PC; Siemens AG, Germany) at our clinic, which made recordings at a rate of 15 frames/second. These recordings were subsequently examined by two independent cardiologists in order to estimate the coronary blood flow according to the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction frame count (TFC) proposed by Gibson et al.^[@B12]^ Since the most frequently standardized filming rate is 30 frames/second, the results obtained were multiplied by two. Finally, TFC values for the left anterior descending artery were divided by 1.7 to obtain the corrected TFC (cTFC). ***Definitions for Coronary Flow and Obstructive Coronary Lesion:*** In accordance with the reports in the literature^12^, threshold values obtained after correction of the cut-off values were 36.2±2.6 frames for the left anterior descending coronary artery, 22.2±4.1 frames for the left circumflex artery, and 20.4±3 frames for the right coronary artery. Patients in the present study who had cTFC values exceeding these thresholds by greater than 2 standard deviations (SD) for the particular vessel were recognized as having CSFP. Patients who had cTFC values not exceeding these thresholds were recognized as having normal coronary flow. Obstructive coronary lesion was defined as that compromising the luminal diameter by 50% or more on coronary angiography. A normal coronary angiogram was defined as one with the absence of any visible angiographic signs of atherosclerosis, thrombosis or spontaneous spasm. ***Blood Sampling:*** Blood samples drawn from the antecubital vein of the patients were collected in EDTA K3 tubes. Hematological parameters were measured using an electronic hematology analyzer (Cell-Dyn Sapphire; Abbott Diagnostic Division, Santa Clara, California, USA). ***Statistical Analyses:*** Statistical analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows 13.0 software (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics were given as mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test was used to evaluate whether the continuous variables were normally distributed. For continuous variables the independent samples t-test or Mann Whitney U-test were used as appropriate. Any correlation between data was tested with the Spearman and Pearson correlation analysis. In addition, multivariate logistic-regression analysis that included potential confounders (age, glucose, creatinine, sex, ejection fraction, mean platelet volume, eosinophil and basophil) for CSFP was performed. Inclusion of variables into the final models was based on both clinical and statistical considerations. A probability value \<0.05 was considered the minimum level of statistical significance. A two-sided p-value was considered for all comparisons. RESULTS ======= Seventy eight of 3368 patients had CSFP (Group I), and their demographic and laboratory findings were compared with 61 patients with normal coronary flow (Group II). Both groups were similar with respect to basic demographic characteristics including age, gender, dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, serum glucose and left ventricular ejection fraction ([Table-I](#T1){ref-type="table"}). In Group I, coronary slow flow was observed in 174 coronary arteries. In 11 patients (14.1%), CSFP was found in a single artery, whereas in 67 patients (85.9%) multiple coronary artery involvement was observed. cTFC values of the CSFP group were significantly higher compared to those of the control group (38.9±12.5 frames versus 19.7±4.1 frames, p\<0.001). Evaluation of blood parameters showed higher values of hemoglobin and hematocrit values, and eosinophil and basophil counts in the Group I ([Table-II](#T2){ref-type="table"}). Hemoglobin level was 14.2±1.4 g/dL in the CSFP group, and 13.6±1.7 g/dL in the control group (p=0.047). Hemotocrit level in the CSFP group was 41.9±3.8% versus 39.8±4.7% in the control group (p=0.005). Eosinophil ratio was 3.0±2.3% in the CSFP group, and 1.9±1.7% in the control group (p=0.004). Basophil ratio was 0.6±0.9% in the control group, whereas it was 0.9±1.1% in the CSFP group (p=0.045). Similarly, eosinophil and basophil counts were significantly increased in the CSFP group (p=0.001 and p=0.002, respectively). There were significant positive correlations between cTFC values and erythrocyte counts (r=0.230, p=0.009), hemoglobin levels (r=0.215, p=0.015), hematocrit values (r=0.288, p=0.001), and eosinophil counts (r=0.217, p=0.014) ([Table-III](#T3){ref-type="table"} and [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}-[3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). In the multivariable regression analysis, only hematocrit value (OR=1.126, 95% CI: 1.030-1.231, p=0.009) and eosinophil count (OR=1.004, 95% CI: 1.001-1.006, p=0.006) were significant independent predictors of the presence of SCFP ([Table-IV](#T4){ref-type="table"}). DISCUSSION ========== The main anomaly in the pathophysiology of the CSFP is still under dispute. Some studies provide evidence in favour of a microvascular anomaly as the major cause.^[@B7],[@B8]^ On the other hand, the rate of blood flow in the vascular bed does not depend entirely on vascular determinants. Blood viscosity, erythrocyte deformability and the intrinsic blood electrical resistance are also significant determinants of blood flow rate.^[@B13]^ Hematocrit value has been shown to be the most important determinant of blood viscosity in many studies.^[@B14]-[@B16]^ In addition to this, an in vivo study has demonstrated a positive correlation between the hematocrit value and the intrinsic blood electrical resistance.^[@B17]^ It has also been reported that a one unit rise in the hematocrit value contributes a 4% rise to blood viscosity.^[@B15]^ ![Study flow diagram. CSFP: Coronary slow flow phenomenon](pjms-30-0936-g001){#F1} ![Correlation of mean TFC with hematocrit level (r=0.288 p=0.001).](pjms-30-0936-g002){#F2} ![Correlation of mean TFC with Eosinophil count (r=0.217, p=0.014)](pjms-30-0936-g003){#F3} ###### Baseline characteristics of the study groups ***Group I (n=78)*** ***Group II (n=61)*** ***p Value*** --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- --------------- Age (years) 55.7±12.4 56.4±13.1 0.714 Men (%) 52 (66.7) 37 (60.7) 0.464 Hypertension (%) 38 (48.7) 31 (50.8) 0.865 Diabetes mellitus (%) 11 (14.1) 10 (16.3) 0.812 Smoke (%) 17 (21.7) 12 (19.6) 0.835 Low-density lipoprotein (mg/dl) 109.9±32.3 107.9±29.8 0.887 High-density lipoprotein (mg/dl) 43.1±11.0 45.6±12.8 0.260 Triglyceride (mg/dl) 150.1±79.0 143.6±100 0.146 Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 183.4±39.8 180.9±37.3 0.878 Serum glucose (mg/dl) 111.2±37.3 110.5±28.4 0.855 Ejection Fraction (%) 57.1±4.2 56.7±4.9 0.895 Serum Creatinin (mg/dl) 0.85±0.3 0.87±0.4 0.352 Symptoms at admission Chest pain (%) 53 (68) 44 (72) 0.594 Dyspnea (%) 19 (24) 16 (26) 0.800 Palpitation (%) 3 (4) 1 (1.6) 0.439 Syncope (%) 3 (4) 0 0.121 Corrected TIMI frame count Left anterior descending (frames) 43.38±22.62 19.56±4.88 **\<0.001** Circumflex coronary arter (frames) 32.60±16.21 17.43±4.57 **\<0.001** Right coronary artery (frames) 40.68±15.72 22.04±3.41 **\<0.001** Mean cTFC (frames) 38.9±12.5 19.7±4.1 **\<0.001** Slow flow at multiple coronary arteries (%) 67 (85.9) Slow flow at single coronary artery (%) 11 (14.1) Slow flow-related coronary artery 174 Left anterior descending artery 70 (89.7) Circumflex coronary artery 40 (51.2) Right coronary artery 64 (82.0) ###### Hemorheological parameters of the study population ***Group I (n=78)*** ***Group II (n=61)*** ***P Value*** --------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- --------------- Red blood cell (x10^3^/μl) 4.80±0.47 4.65±0.60 0.088 Hemoglobin (g/dl) 14.2±1.4 13.6±1.7 **0.047** Hematocrit (%) 41.9±3.8 39.8±4.7 **0.005** Red blood cell distribution width (%) 13.9±1.6 14.2±1.7 0.082 White blood cell (x10^3^/μl) 8.00±3.28 7.98±2.37 0.270 Neutrophil (%) 60.7±10.1 62.4±11.6 0.566 Neutrophil (x10^3^/μl) 5.02±2.25 5.20±3.07 0.514 Lymphocyte (%) 27.7±8.9 27.5±10.3 0.957 Lymphocyte (x10^3^/μl) 2.10±0.64 2.03±0.71 0.542 Monocyte (%) 6.7±2.7 7.0±2.1 0.087 Monocyte (x10^3^/μl) 0.58±0.77 0.54±0.28 0.811 Eosinophil (%) 3.0±2.3 1.9±1.7 **0.004** Eosinophil (x10^3^/μl) 0.22±0.17 0.14±0.14 **0.001** Basophil (%) 0.9±1.1 0.6±0.9 **0.045** Basophil (x10^3^/μl) 0.056±0.06 0.036±0.07 **0.002** Platelet (x10^3^/μl) 255.8±63.2 237.2±65.2 0.060 Mean platelet volume (fl) 8.1±1.2 8.4±1.1 0.251 ###### Correlations (Spearman) of mean cTFC with baseline clinical, biochemical and hemorheological parameters ***Variable*** ***mean cTFC*** ------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------- Age -0.062 0.495 Sex (men) -0.128 0.148 Left ventricular ejection fraction -0.180 0.274 Serum glucose 0.041 0.661 Serum creatinine 0.013 0.886 Total cholesterol 0.119 0.233 Triglyceride 0.004 0.971 High-density lipoprotein -0.077 0.438 Low-density lipoprotein 0.165 0.102 Red blood cell 0.230 **0.009** Hemoglobin 0.215 **0.015** Hematocrit 0.288 **0.001** Red blood cell distribution width 0.037 0.680 White blood cell 0.026 0.768 Neutrophil -0.018 0.842 Lymphocyte 0.115 0.197 Monocyte 0.031 0.726 Eosinophil 0.217 **0.014** Basophil 0.162 0.068 Platelet 0.079 0.376 Mean platelet volume 0.061 0.493 ###### Independent predictors of CSFP (n=139). ***Univariate Logistic Regression*** ***Multivarite Logistic Regression Analysis*** --------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------- ------- ------------- ------- Sex (male) 0.820 0.408-1.645 0.576 Serum glucose, mg/dl 0.863 0.991-1.011 1.001 Age (years) 0.996 0.970-1.023 0.765 LVEF (%) 1.012 0.971-1.054 0.581 Serum Creatinin (mg/dl) 0.869 0.291-2.597 0.802 Hematocrit (%) 1.130 1.037-1.232 0.005 1.126 1.030-1.231 0.009 Mean platelet volume (fl) 0.835 0.623-1.118 0.226 Eosinophil (x10^3^/μl) 1.004 1.001-1.006 0.003 1.004 1.001-1.006 0.006 Basophil (x10^3^/μl) 1.005 0.999-1.011 0.111 Abbreviations: LVEF, Left Ventricular Ejection fraction. In our study we have shown a significant increase in the hematocrit values of the CSFP patients, which had a positive correlation with the cTFC values. Therefore, we can speculate that an increase in the erythrocyte concentration may cause slowing down of the coronary blood flow by increasing blood viscosity. Similarly, in a recent study, a positive correlation between hematocrit and cTFC values was shown in the absence of any significant coronary narrowing.^[@B18]^ Another study on CSFP patients without critical narrowing has also reported a significant increase in the hematocrit values.^[@B19]^ In contrast, in a limited number of studies using Cone/Plate Viscometer, rise in the blood viscosity could not be demonstrated in the CSFP patients.^[@B19]-[@B21]^ Conflicting results have been reported on the erythrocyte aggregation assessments. In vitro rotational viscometers were designed for relatively low hematocrit levels (maximum 40%) and for use at specific shear rates, which constitute a serious limitation for measurements obtained.^[@B22],[@B23]^ For example, in studies where microvascular blood flow was simulated, Alizadehrad et al. have shown that at high hematocrit levels, changes in shear rate and arterial diameter caused a greater variation in the blood viscosity.^[@B23]^ Thus, the reported measurements with viscometers may not reflect the true viscosity at increased hematocrit levels. Eosinophils exert their effects on target tissues as well as other leucocytes by degranulation.^[@B24]^ More recent observations present evidence that supports the argument for the involvement of eosinophils in the development of coronary artery disease.^[@B25],[@B26]^ A relationship between elevated eosinophil counts and increase in cardiovascular events has been demonstrated.^[@B27],[@B28]^ Aside from atherosclerotic narrowing, in a study performed on patients with variant angina, severity of vasospasm has been linked to the level of increase in the peripheral eosinophil counts.^[@B29]^ In another study, it was shown that levels of the eosinophil cationic protein were elevated in the coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndrome.^[@B30]^ In our study, peripheral eosinophil counts of the CSFP group were found to be significantly increased. At the same time, this increase had a negative correlation with the coronary blood flow rate. These results suggest that eosinophils might play a direct or indirect role in the etiology of CSFP. Basophils, which constitute the lowest percentage of cells in the circulation possess important immunomodulatory properties. There are few studies on the effects of basophils on the coronary artery disease. Mochizuki et al. have shown a relationship between the peripheral basophil counts and atherosclerotic risk factors.^[@B31]^ Toyama et al. have reported that after statin treatment of patients with coronary artery disease the improvement observed in the arterial wall stiffness was correlated with the increase in basophil counts.^[@B32]^ However, some studies have reported that histamine released by the basophils is associated with atherosclerosis.^[@B33],^[@B34] Another evidence for the role of basophils in the development of CSFP is the Koinus syndrome. The clinical acute coronary syndrome brought about in this condition is believed to arise from the vasospasm caused by the degranulation of the mast cells which can cause plaque erosion and/or rupture.^[@B35]^ In our study, basophil count and ratio was significantly increased in the CSFP group of patients. ***Study limitation:***The study population was selected according to coronary angiography reports, so the number of patients with CSFP does not reflect true ratio of CSFP in real life. Also the number of patients without any comorbid diseases was very small, and both groups had comorbidities with potential for atherosclerosis. CONCLUSION ========== We found significant elevations in the hematocrit level, and erythrocyte, eosinophil and basophil counts in the CSFP patients compared to those with normal coronary blood flow. Additionally, positive correlations between these parameters and decreased coronary blood flow rates were demonstrated. Although the causative mechanisms are unclear, the results presented here are to the best of our knowledge perhaps the first in the literature to demonstrate a significant increase in the eosinophil and basophil counts in cases diagnosed with CSFP. Authors Contribution: ===================== **KS, OG, HY and SY**conceived, designed the study and prepared the manuscript. **OG and HY** supplied materials besides other contributions. **KS, AIS, HY and SY**did statistical analysis and review. **GA, SD and ÖY**was involved in literature search. **KS, HY, GA and AIS**did data collection and manuscript writing. **SD, ÖY, AIS and MS**did review and final approval of manuscript. ***Conflict of interest:*** None. ***Financial support:*** None.