When you dislike food, do you feel like throwing (vomiting), do you feel pain, do you feel your abdomen swell (elevate)?How long does this discomfort last?
¿Maman mikuita munankichu hina aktupakuytachu munanki, nanaychu hamun, wicsaykichu punkin haykata nanan?
Do you think some foods are bad for you? What are they: fats, vegetables, white or black chuño?
Manachu allinta ruasunky mikuy'ima: wira, verdura, chuño yurac o yana?
Does your gut work well?
¿Allinchu cashan wicsayki?
Have you had diarrhea? How are they: pureed, thin, almost like ribbon, piecemeal, long, thick with red or colorless blood, almost white or pitch-black?
K'echawanchu k'ashanki? ¿imaynatak: unu hina, ima color, yarwarchu, hatun, racku, yurac, yana brea hinachu?
When your bowel movements are loose (diarrhoea), are they accompanied by pain, twitching and a feeling of pushing or wanting to do it again or are they small in quantity and the discomfort continues?
Kéchanki hina nanaywanchu, ¿kéwesunkichu, uctawanchu kechayta munanqui o k'echallachu pisimanta pisi?
If you have had pain in the mouth of the stomach (epigastrium), does this pain then localize to the right side and is very intense?
Wicsa simipi nanasunkichu, ¿chay nanay paña wicsapichu, unaytachu nanasunki?
After a few days, is that pain accompanied by yellow coloration in the eyes and skin and is there a change in the color of the urine?
¿Pisi p'unchay hinaspa chay wicsa nanaymanta ñawiykik'ello kutin, aychayquipis, hisp'aynikipis?
Days later, the stool is almost white?
¿Pakarinintin akanti yuractachu?
Do these discomforts persist and is there a feeling of warmth (cold), sometimes preceded by chills?
¿Mana allin kashanki hina, rupasunkichu cuerpo, hinaspa chiri calor hamun?
Is the fever constant? in the afternoons or at a certain time of day?
¿Rupa pakuy tukey punchay, chisillamanchu?
How is the urine? What color? How much urine? How much / little?
¿Hisp'aniyki imanyna kashan?, ¿ima color?, ¿hayk'ata hisp'anki?, ¿pisita / ashkata?
Every time you urinate, does it burn?
U rinating frequently
¿Hisp'ay atisunki?
Urinate at night? How many times?
¿Hisp'anki tutallachu ask'ata – hayk'a cutita?
How is the stream in the urine? Thin, thick or as usual?
¿Imaynataq hispayniyki, ñañu, raku, caskanllachu?
Sometimes with burning, pain when you finish urinating?
¿Nanasunkichu, k'arasunkichu hasp'aqtiykitukunki hina?
Is your urine strong-smelling and cloudy?
¿Hisp'ayniyki asnachu o k'ellechu?
Have you ever urinated blood and smelled?
¿Hisparankichu yawarta nanayman?
Does the pain ever come from the waist down to the abdomen and genitals?
¿Nanay hamun teknemanta hinaspa urak'an wiksaman hinaspa hinaspaykiman?
Can you tell if the blood is coming from the urine or the genitals?
¿Yawar urak'amun hispanaymanta o vaginaykimanta?
Do you get blood every month?
¿Yawarniyki jamón sapa killachu?
Is it a little or a lot of day or night?
¿Hamun pisichu o asckachu, tutatchu o punchaychu?
When was the last time your rule came?
¿Hayk'actac hamuran yawarniyki qhepaman?
How many days do you have low blood?
¿Jayk'actac hamuran yawarniyki qhepaman?
Is the first few days plentiful?
¿Ashkachu kallarin hina yawarniyki?
Or just the first or second day?
¿Iskay punchayllachu jamun ask'a?
If you are over 40 years old, the rule can come in a month or two months.
Huaytayqui 40 hinaq'a yawarniyki jamunk'a uk o iskay killamanta.
If you do not have several months, your period may be pregnant.
Mana yawarniyki jamunchu haska killata hinaka onk'ocmi kawac.
The woman who loses blood before the period date should notify the doctor because it is not good for it to happen.
Yawarniyki hamun mana tukasunki hinaka willanayqui doctorma, chayc’a manan allinchu.
How many months does the rule not come to you?
¿Jayka killatac manua yawarniyki jamunchu?
Is this your first time expecting a child?
Ñampaq wawaykitachu suyasanki?
How was your delivery? Where and who cared for you?
¿Ymayna onkokumki, maypy y pitak cuidarasunki?
Have you had a lot of hip pain?
¿Tekeneyki anchatachu nansunki?
Has it swelled in the last few months?
¿Tekneiyki punkirkanchu iskay ultimo killata?
Was the child born well, to date?
¿Wawayki allinchu cashan cunankama?
Do you breastfeed your child?
¿Nuñuchinkichu wawaykita?
How many times a day?
¿Jayk’a kutitatac nuñuchinki uk punchay?
How long have you been breastfeeding?
¿Jayk’actamantañatac ñuñuchishanki?
Have you had to go to any midwife or knowledgeable person or come to the post or hospital?
¿Rirk’anki wawawachachik warmictachu ó rirdk’anki hospital o posta?
Are you more renegade or sensitive to crying now?
¿Kunan pisillamantachu koleranki ó wak’aychu hamusjunki yancalla?
Do you feel warmth and sweat on your head, neck and chest, every day?
¿Jump’ichu rupaypiwan umaykima jamun tonk’oriman sapa punchay?
Has a gynecologist seen you? Once a year? How long have you not seen it or never did?
¿Ricusunkichu warmi doctor uk cutita watapi, jayk’acmantaña mana kcaearsunkichu, o hayk’acpis ricusunkichu?
When you feel like urinating and you don't, do you leak urine?
¿Hip’ayta munanqui hina mana kanchu hispa’y o hip’aykucunkichu?
When you cough, sneeze, or laugh, do you also leak urine?
¿Ujunki o asikunky hina hiapáychu atipamusunki?
Have you noticed low humidity on your genitals?
¿Jum’inchu ganitalniyki?
Is it yellow, bloody?
K’ellocho, yawarniyukcho
Does it smell strong?
Do your genitals itch?
¿Sansan nanan genitalniyki?
Do you get pus from your penis?
¿Q’earachu hisp’anky?
Do you have a headache and is it accompanied by nausea?
¿Umaykichu mansunkiy imatawantaq sintinky umayqkichu muyun?
When you have a headache, do you see lights?
¿Umaykichu nansunkiy jina koillyrtachu rikunki?
Pain in the waist that goes to one side of the leg?
¿Nanan tekni hinaspa uk lado chakima urkan?
Since when do you drag your leg?
¿Hayk’akmanta chaquiykita arrastranki?
Have you noticed difficulty moving an arm and a leg on the same side?
¿Manachu atinki makiyki aysriyta hinasta chay lado chaquiykita?
Stick out your tongue, blow, whistle.
¿Kalluykita urkumuy, pukuy, silvay?
Have you noticed that one half of the face is not the same as the other or that the mouth has deviated or twisted more to one side?
¿Cuentataa c’okunkichu uk lado uyaiki mana allinchu o simiyki uk laduma kuyurkon?
Are you dizzy?
¿Umayki muyusunkichu?
Do you find that you lose stability when standing or walking?
¿Purishanki hina umayquichu muyusunki o sayarictiyki?
Walking in short steps?
¿Purinqui pisimanta pisi?
Does a hand or a foot or half a body shake?
¿K’arkatinchu uk maqui o uk chaqui o kuska cuerpo?
Has your speech changed?
¿Parlayniyki wacjinachu?
Do you feel your arms or hands shake at times?
¿Makiykichu o ricramantachu tiemblan ratumantu ratu?
Do you feel loss of consciousness and then your arms and legs shake?
¿Yuyainiqui chincanchu jinaspa makiyki karjatin chakiynintin?
Do you feel tired?
¿Saykuska kashanki?
Prefer not to talk to anyone?
¿Manachu piwampis parlayta munanki?
She locks herself in her room.
¿Wasiykipichu sapayki kayra munanqui?
Prefer not to talk?
¿Manachu parlayta munanki?
Nothing catches your eye?
¿Mana imapis atishawanchu?
Do you feel from time to time [that] you are short of breath?
¿Samainiyki ratu tatu manan kanchu?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
¿Manachu puñuyta atinqui?
But if in the day, in your room you sleep?
Punchayka wasiykipi puñuyta atinki
Sometimes he drinks liquor and with that he feels better
Ujiaspa un chikan allin kanki
Since when do you see strange things that are not reality?
¿Jayk’amanta kcawanqui ujinata?
Do you hear strange voices speaking?
¿Uyarinkichu parlajta hina ninriyquipi imatataj runata?
Do you think the devil has taken hold of you?
¿Sacrachu cuerpokima huaycurckun?
Do you think it is God or the Virgin?
¿Tatitucho yuyakunki o mamitachu?
Since when have you changed your character, are you more docile, more aggressive or just unstable?
¿Jaik’acmanta wack hina, llaskiska hina o mana allinchu?
Have you noticed that he talks to himself?
¿Sapallanchu parlan?
Do you think it's someone else or is it God?
¿Uk runachu kanki o tatituchu kayta munanki?
Do you think they're going to kill him?
¿Wañuchisunquimanpis hinatachi Yupanqui?
Do you think someone is chasing you?
¿Pipis k’ationsumkim a hinatachu Yupanqui?
Now I'm going to see him.
Kunan kawarusayki
Open your mouth
Kichay simiykita
Stick out your tongue
Kalloykita urk’cuy
Take off your clothes
P’achaykita ch’utikuy
Say “aaaaaaa”
Niy aaaaaaa nispa
Breathe through the nose
Sink’aykimanta samay
Open and close your eyes
Kichay y wisk’ay ñawiykita
Look and see well
K’awanky hina allintachu ricunki
Do you see well at night?
¿Tuta allintachu rikunki?
Bend and move your neck.
Muyuchiy kunkaikita.
Pass the saliva.
Llausaykita mikuy.
I'm going to examine him or look at his back and chest.
K’awasayqui imaynas kashanki wasaykita y pechoykita.
Sit down now, I'm going to tap you on the back.
Tayaikuy kunan huasaykipi takariskayki
Say thirty-three each time you touch his back.
Niy kinsachunka kinsayniyuc nispa sapa wasapi takajtiy.
Take a deep breath and not so fast.
Samay uk’umanta pisimanta pisi.
Does what I touch hurt?
¿Nanasunkichu llankasayki chay?
Cough and breathe several times.
Ujuy pisimanta pisi asckjata
If you take a deep or deep breath, does it hurt? Which side?
Samanqui hina ¿mayk’en, lado nanan?
When you cough hard, does it hurt? Which side?
Ujunki hina ¿mayk’en, lado nanan?