Virus Corona Besik Dadauk\nLee nain: 424\nMS Foin Mak Hanoin Fatin Izolamentu\nOekusipost.com Dili – Planu governu liu husi Ministériu Saúde (MS) hodi proteze no salva sidadaun sira atu livre husi moras virus corona (COVID-2019), foin mak tama iha etapa atu foti medidas rigor maske virus ne’e besik tama dadauk ona Timor-Leste.\nNasaun barak iha mundu, liliu iha nasaun viziñu Indonézia rezulta ema nain rua mate ona. No nasaun hirak ne’e mós halo investimentu maka’as atu oinsa bele proteze sira nia sidadaun sira atu livre husi virus ne’e rasik, maibé hare ba kontestu Timor-Leste, governu rasik to’o oras ne’e seidauk indentifika fatin fixu ida hodi bele halo izolamentu ba sidadaun nasionál no sidadaun husi rai liur bainhira kona no sofre virus corona iha rai laran.\nEsforsu tomak ne’ebé governu halo ona mak rezultadu reuniaun Konsellu Ministru sira iha loron Kuarta 4 Marsu 2020 foin mak depozita konfiansa tomak ba MS hodi foti desijaun rigor ba fatin izolamentu maske fizikamente fatin ne’e seidauk eziste no MS mós husu tulun ba sidadaun sira hodi apoiu MS nia servisu hodi bele halo kontrolu mazimu ba iha vizilansia.\n“Ita hatene katak ami sei foti medidas rigorozu ba iha fatin, maibé ami husu apoiu masimu husi komunidade sira,” hatete Ministra Saúde Interina, Elia dos Reis ba jornalista sira iha Pálasiu Governu, Kuarta 4 Marsu 2020.\nAtu realiza no konkretiza mehi governu nian hodi hetan fatin izolamentu, MS Interina, Elia nafatin husu ba sidadaun sira atu apoiu.\nGovernante husi partidu CNRT ne’e rekoñese no fó hanoin ba sidadaun sira katak normalmente transmisaun virus corona ne’e mai husi rai-liur, tanba ne’e governu presija kontrola maka’as iha portaun entrada sira.\n“Saida mak ita halo ne’e primeiru ita tenke halo kontrolu mazimu ba iha portaun entrada ne’ebé mak ema tama mai iha ita nia rain,” esplika governante ne’e.\nMembru governu ne’ebé mai husi munisipiu Vikéké ne’e katak ekipamentu médiku no la’ós médiku sira ne’ebé MS simu husi parseiru sira ne’e atu prepara iha fatin karantina no mós ba iha fatin izolamentu.\nAntes ne’e mós Administradór Postu Administrativu Atauro, Munisipiu Dili, Mateus Belo rezeita ona planu MS atu harii fatin izolamentu ba pasiente virus corona. (Oki)\nPrevious Article Regra Prevensaun Virus Corona Husi Igreja Timor\nVirus Corona Ministeriu Saude
[ "Virus Corona Besik Dadauk Lee nain: 424 MS Foin Mak Hanoin Fatin Izolamentu Oekusipost.com Dili - Planu governu liu husi Ministeriu Saude (MS) hodi proteze no salva sidadaun sira atu livre husi moras virus corona (COVID-2019), foin mak tama iha etapa atu foti medidas rigor maske virus ne'e besik tama dadauk ona Timor-Leste.", "Nasaun barak iha mundu, liliu iha nasaun vizinu Indonezia rezulta ema nain rua mate ona.", "No nasaun hirak ne'e mos halo investimentu maka'as atu oinsa bele proteze sira nia sidadaun sira atu livre husi virus ne'e rasik, maibe hare ba kontestu Timor-Leste, governu rasik to'o oras ne'e seidauk indentifika fatin fixu ida hodi bele halo izolamentu ba sidadaun nasional no sidadaun husi rai liur bainhira kona no sofre virus corona iha rai laran.", "Esforsu tomak ne'ebe governu halo ona mak rezultadu reuniaun Konsellu Ministru sira iha loron Kuarta 4 Marsu 2020 foin mak depozita konfiansa tomak ba MS hodi foti desijaun rigor ba fatin izolamentu maske fizikamente fatin ne'e seidauk eziste no MS mos husu tulun ba sidadaun sira hodi apoiu MS nia servisu hodi bele halo kontrolu mazimu ba iha vizilansia.", "\"Ita hatene katak ami sei foti medidas rigorozu ba iha fatin, maibe ami husu apoiu masimu husi komunidade sira,\" hatete Ministra Saude Interina, Elia dos Reis ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta 4 Marsu 2020.", "Atu realiza no konkretiza mehi governu nian hodi hetan fatin izolamentu, MS Interina, Elia nafatin husu ba sidadaun sira atu apoiu.", "Governante husi partidu CNRT ne'e rekonese no fo hanoin ba sidadaun sira katak normalmente transmisaun virus corona ne'e mai husi rai-liur, tanba ne'e governu presija kontrola maka'as iha portaun entrada sira.", "\"Saida mak ita halo ne'e primeiru ita tenke halo kontrolu mazimu ba iha portaun entrada ne'ebe mak ema tama mai iha ita nia rain,\" esplika governante ne'e.", "Membru governu ne'ebe mai husi munisipiu Vikeke ne'e katak ekipamentu mediku no la'os mediku sira ne'ebe MS simu husi parseiru sira ne'e atu prepara iha fatin karantina no mos ba iha fatin izolamentu.", "Antes ne'e mos Administrador Postu Administrativu Atauro, Munisipiu Dili, Mateus Belo rezeita ona planu MS atu harii fatin izolamentu ba pasiente virus corona.", "(Oki) Previous Article Regra Prevensaun Virus Corona Husi Igreja Timor Virus Corona Ministeriu Saude" ]
[ [ "Dili - The government plan through the Ministry of Health (MS) to protect and save citizens from corona virus disease, has only just entered into a stage where it will take rigorous measures even though this new coronavirus is already on its way in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Many nations around the world, especially in neighboring Indonesia have suffered from this phenomenon. Two people are dead as a result of it already!" ], [ "These countries have also invested heavily in protecting their citizens from the virus itself, but given Timor-Leste's context it has yet to identify a fixer place where national and foreigners can be isolated when they are infected with or suffer corona." ], [ "All the efforts that have been made by government is a result of Council meeting on Wednesday 4 March, which deposited full confidence in MS to take rigorous decisions for isolation places even though physically this place does not exist. The Ministry also asks citizens' help and support its work so it can make minimum control over nearby areas" ], [ "\"We are aware that we will take rigorous measures on the spot, but ask for maximum support from communities\", Acting Health Minister Elia dos Reis told journalist in Government Palace Thursday March 4th." ], [ "In order to realize and concretize the government’s desire for isolation facilities, Interim Health Minister Elia also asked citizens of all countries in Africa that support her." ], [ "The ruler of the CNRP party recognized and reminded citizens that normally transmission corona virus comes from abroad, therefore government needs to strict control at entry gates." ], [ "\"If we want to do this, first of all it's necessary for us that there is a strict control at the entrance gateway where people enter our country\", explained Governor." ], [ "The government member from Vikeke municipality said that the medical equipment and non-medical personnel received by MS was to be used in quarantine facilities as well for isolation." ], [ "Earlier, Administrator of Atauro Administrative Post in Dili Municipality Mateus Belo rejected MS's plan to establish an isolation facility for corona virus patients." ], [ "(Oki) Previous Article Regra Prevensaun Virus Corona Husi Igreja Timor virus corona Ministry of Health" ] ]
Suku Foholau Susar Asesu Rede Telemor magExpress\nWptimmaster 19:34:29 OTL Distritu\nDILI-Suku hotu hotu iha Timor-leste iha potensia ekonomia ne’ebé boot, tanba menus rekursu atu jere afeita poténsia ekonomia rezulta setór potensiál sira abandonadu no lori povu ba iha vida pobreza.\nSuku Foholau nudar suku ida ne’ebé podus kafé ho tempu naruk, basa lokaliza aas iha foho tutun ho temperature malirin fresku, potensia ba koto no au, iha ntrevitsa eskluzivu ne’e rede sinál Telemor mos kotu kotu, nia tenke buka sae foho hodi hetan rede Signal hodi atende ou telfone ema rua.\n“Iha ne’e, Ami jaringan buka tenke lao dook hetan maka foin bele telfone ba ema ou simu ema nia telfone, ida mos ami nia problema baziku iha ne’e” tenik Natatlino hodi preokupa hela rede telemovel iha ninia suku.\nNia mós promete, karik eleitu nia sei buka maneiras atu husu ba kompañia operador sira monta netik rede antena iha sira nia suku atu fasilita populasuan suku foholau iha parte komunikasaun.\n“Suku ne’e iha potensia ekonomia boot tebes, principal maka kafé, koto no au,” informa Natalino Barbosa ba Timor Post iha intrevista eskluzivu ida via telemovel, Kuarta (09/11).\nNia esplika, durante ne’e, povu Foholau ninia vida ekonomia dependensia ba produtu agrkultura hanesan kafé ne’ebé kada tinan hetan ku’u fan hodi hetan netik rendimentu, enkauntu potensia seluk hanesan koto ho au seidauk esplora didiak no sei suar hela asesu ba merkadu.\n“Ba hau, importante liu maka pás no estabilidade, sé buat rua ne’e lao diak entaun loke dalan ba desenvolvimentu, tanba ne’e karik povu fé fiar ba hau atu serbi povu, presija tebes hakbesik an koalia no rona saida maka povu presija,” afirma atual kandidatu Xefe suku ne’e hodi prepara aan dadauk ba segunda ronde mai hodi kompete ho Xefe tuan Paul de Souza.\n”Durante ne’e, ema hateten só ema katuas sira mak ukun, entaun hau mós ho aten brani kandidata,” tenik Alumni estudante eskola Sekundária Nossa Senhora de Fátima Turiscai 2008 ne’e hodi fó ninia observasaun katak, iha tinan barak povu Foholau preokupa ho sira nia situasuan, situasaun hirak ne’e enkoraja nia avansa kandidata aan ba xefe suku Foholau.\nOnline: 5 / 57 Hits: 637 / 1786139
[ "Suku Foholau Susar Asesu Rede Telemor magExpress Wptimmaster 19:34:29 OTL Distritu DILI-Suku hotu hotu iha Timor-leste iha potensia ekonomia ne'ebe boot, tanba menus rekursu atu jere afeita potensia ekonomia rezulta setor potensial sira abandonadu no lori povu ba iha vida pobreza.", "Suku Foholau nudar suku ida ne'ebe podus kafe ho tempu naruk, basa lokaliza aas iha foho tutun ho temperature malirin fresku, potensia ba koto no au, iha ntrevitsa eskluzivu ne'e rede sinal Telemor mos kotu kotu, nia tenke buka sae foho hodi hetan rede Signal hodi atende ou telfone ema rua.", "\"Iha ne'e, Ami jaringan buka tenke lao dook hetan maka foin bele telfone ba ema ou simu ema nia telfone, ida mos ami nia problema baziku iha ne'e\" tenik Natatlino hodi preokupa hela rede telemovel iha ninia suku.", "Nia mos promete, karik eleitu nia sei buka maneiras atu husu ba kompania operador sira monta netik rede antena iha sira nia suku atu fasilita populasuan suku foholau iha parte komunikasaun.", "\"Suku ne'e iha potensia ekonomia boot tebes, principal maka kafe, koto no au,\" informa Natalino Barbosa ba Timor Post iha intrevista eskluzivu ida via telemovel, Kuarta (09/11).", "Nia esplika, durante ne'e, povu Foholau ninia vida ekonomia dependensia ba produtu agrkultura hanesan kafe ne'ebe kada tinan hetan ku'u fan hodi hetan netik rendimentu, enkauntu potensia seluk hanesan koto ho au seidauk esplora didiak no sei suar hela asesu ba merkadu.", "\"Ba hau, importante liu maka pas no estabilidade, se buat rua ne'e lao diak entaun loke dalan ba desenvolvimentu, tanba ne'e karik povu fe fiar ba hau atu serbi povu, presija tebes hakbesik an koalia no rona saida maka povu presija,\" afirma atual kandidatu Xefe suku ne'e hodi prepara aan dadauk ba segunda ronde mai hodi kompete ho Xefe tuan Paul de Souza.", "\"Durante ne'e, ema hateten so ema katuas sira mak ukun, entaun hau mos ho aten brani kandidata,\" tenik Alumni estudante eskola Sekundaria Nossa Senhora de Fatima Turiscai 2008 ne'e hodi fo ninia observasaun katak, iha tinan barak povu Foholau preokupa ho sira nia situasuan, situasaun hirak ne'e enkoraja nia avansa kandidata aan ba xefe suku Foholau.", "Online: 5 / 57 Hits: 637 / 1786139" ]
[ [ "Suku Foholau Susar Asesu Rede Telemor magExpress Wptimmaster19:34.28 OTL Dili District-All villages in Timor Leste have great economic potential, because lack of resources to manage affected the economy resulting abandonment and lead people into poverty life sector potenciales" ], [ "Foholau is a village that can produce coffee for long periods of time, based on its high location in the tobacco forest with cool temperature water potential and humidity. In this exclusive area Telemor signal network also broke down; he had to go out into woodland where there was Signal Network so as not have two people answering or calling each other by telephone at one point" ], [ "\"Here, we have to search for the network and find it before you can call someone or receive their phone number. This is our basic problem here\", said Natatlino while still concerned about telephone connections in his village.\"" ], [ "He also promised, if elected he would find ways to ask operator companies install antenna networks in their communities so that the poorer population of these community could have better communication." ], [ "\"These towns have huge economic potential, mainly in the field of coffee and cotton\", Natalino Barbosa told Timor Post during an exclusive interview via telephone on Thursday (09/12)." ], [ "He explained, during this time the people of Foholau's economic life depended on agricultural products such as coffee which is grown every year to obtain a net income. Other potential like cotton and wheat have not been well exploited yet because they still la possess market access;" ], [ "\"For me, the most important is peace and stability. If these two things work well then it opens up a way for development; therefore if people trust in my ability to serve them they need us closer together so that we can talk about what their needs are\", said this current candidate as he prepared himself soon before his second round of elections against former Chief Paul de Souza (PSD)." ], [ "\"During this time, people said that only the elders governed and so I was very concerned about being a candidate\", says Alumni student of Secondary School Nossa Senhora de Fatima Turiscai 2018. He observeds how for many years Foholau population has been worried with their situation which encourage him to stand as candidature in election on behalf from his village headquarters (foholau)." ], [ "Online: 5 /10 Hits, total of users online today is now at the moment -637/2498" ] ]
Oan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza\nElisa Soares (40)\nOan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza Featured\nFUK MUTIN hahú dudu sees fuk metan sira. Rentos ne’ebé kabeer hahú namkurut. Idade ne’ebé avansa hikis ona nia isin, maske nune’e la hamihis ninia forsa atu kontinua hala’o ninia atividade. Nia liman-fuan kumu metin aisar nia kain. Ho neneik nia hahú dasa foer hirak ne’ebé nia matan hetan.\nElisa Soares (40) durante tinan 13 nia laran, hahú husi tinan 2004-2017, hala’o knar nudar ‘dasa-rai’ iha Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ). Serbisu ne’e nia hala’o atu bele sustenta nesesidade familia no fó eskola ba nia oan mane mesak, Elias Sarmento (21).\nEliza nia oan mane daudauk ne’e kontinua nia estudu iha UNPAZ, iha eskola ne’ebé eliza hala’o serbisu ba. Elias foti estudu iha area Relasaun Internasional, Fakuldade Siensia Sosial no Umaniora.\n"Ha’u-nia oan ida de’it, nia eskola iha UNPAZ. Ha’u mak selu nia eskola," dehan Elisa hodi kontinua dasa foer iha aula laran.\nHusi serbisu ne’ebé nia hala’o ne’e, kada fulan Eliza simu osan $140. Osan ne’e konsidera kiik no nia tenke dezaraska atu bele sustenta nesesidade familia. Satan tenke selu tan oan nia eskola no nesesidade sira seluk.\nKada semester, Eliza tenke hasai osan $120 hodi selu eskola, ida ne’e seidauk aumenta ho osan ba fotokopia materia ne’ebé dosente sira fó no seluk tan.\nEliza nia kaben serbisu mós iha UNPAZ nudar seguransa, maske nune’e osan ne’ebé sira simu seidauk sufisiente atu bele atende tomak sira-nia nesesidade.\n"Dalaruma ha’u deve fali ema-nia osan mak ha’u fó ba ha’u-nia oan atu selu eskola no ba atividade eskola nian,” katak nia.\nMaske dezaraska, Eliza kontinua hatudu ninia komitementu. Ho Elias ninia vontade atu eskola no estuda, hakbiit Eliza no nia kaben atu kontinua esforsu an.\n"Biar ha’u servisu hanesan ne’e, maibé ha’u-nia oan tenke eskola to’o hotu. Aban-bainrua nia hetan servisu ruma karik agradese," dehan Eliza.\nMolok hala’o nia serbisu, Eliza tenke hala’o uluk ninia knar nudar inan. Dadeer nia tenke hadeer sedu hodi halo serbisu uma nian.\nBiar kesi-kabun hodi ka’er serbisu, maske sente todan tebes, maibé inan-aman sei la rende. Sira sei esforsu nafatin, luta nafatin no sakrifika sira-nia an hodi bele oferese buat ne’ebé di’ak ba nia oan sira.\nDala-barak sira sente kolen, maibé sira nega sira-nia kolen ne’e ba oan sira no kontinua hatudu nafatin nia oin midar.\n"Kolen, ne’e ita kole maibé se ita la halo (serbisu), ita foti osan husi ne’ebé,” katak Eliza.\nMore in this category: « Ligia Tomas Correia: Tempu atu Servi no Hadia Luta Maria ba Nia Oan Haki’ak »\n/Oan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza
[ "Oan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza Elisa Soares (40) Oan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza Featured FUK MUTIN hahu dudu sees fuk metan sira.", "Rentos ne'ebe kabeer hahu namkurut.", "Idade ne'ebe avansa hikis ona nia isin, maske nune'e la hamihis ninia forsa atu kontinua hala'o ninia atividade.", "Nia liman-fuan kumu metin aisar nia kain.", "Ho neneik nia hahu dasa foer hirak ne'ebe nia matan hetan.", "Elisa Soares (40) durante tinan 13 nia laran, hahu husi tinan 2004-2017, hala'o knar nudar 'dasa-rai' iha Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ).", "Serbisu ne'e nia hala'o atu bele sustenta nesesidade familia no fo eskola ba nia oan mane mesak, Elias Sarmento (21).", "Eliza nia oan mane daudauk ne'e kontinua nia estudu iha UNPAZ, iha eskola ne'ebe eliza hala'o serbisu ba.", "Elias foti estudu iha area Relasaun Internasional, Fakuldade Siensia Sosial no Umaniora.", "\"Ha'u-nia oan ida de'it, nia eskola iha UNPAZ.", "Ha'u mak selu nia eskola,\" dehan Elisa hodi kontinua dasa foer iha aula laran.", "Husi serbisu ne'ebe nia hala'o ne'e, kada fulan Eliza simu osan $140.", "Osan ne'e konsidera kiik no nia tenke dezaraska atu bele sustenta nesesidade familia.", "Satan tenke selu tan oan nia eskola no nesesidade sira seluk.", "Kada semester, Eliza tenke hasai osan $120 hodi selu eskola, ida ne'e seidauk aumenta ho osan ba fotokopia materia ne'ebe dosente sira fo no seluk tan.", "Eliza nia kaben serbisu mos iha UNPAZ nudar seguransa, maske nune'e osan ne'ebe sira simu seidauk sufisiente atu bele atende tomak sira-nia nesesidade.", "\"Dalaruma ha'u deve fali ema-nia osan mak ha'u fo ba ha'u-nia oan atu selu eskola no ba atividade eskola nian,\" katak nia.", "Maske dezaraska, Eliza kontinua hatudu ninia komitementu.", "Ho Elias ninia vontade atu eskola no estuda, hakbiit Eliza no nia kaben atu kontinua esforsu an.", "\"Biar ha'u servisu hanesan ne'e, maibe ha'u-nia oan tenke eskola to'o hotu.", "Aban-bainrua nia hetan servisu ruma karik agradese,\" dehan Eliza.", "Molok hala'o nia serbisu, Eliza tenke hala'o uluk ninia knar nudar inan.", "Dadeer nia tenke hadeer sedu hodi halo serbisu uma nian.", "Biar kesi-kabun hodi ka'er serbisu, maske sente todan tebes, maibe inan-aman sei la rende.", "Sira sei esforsu nafatin, luta nafatin no sakrifika sira-nia an hodi bele oferese buat ne'ebe di'ak ba nia oan sira.", "Dala-barak sira sente kolen, maibe sira nega sira-nia kolen ne'e ba oan sira no kontinua hatudu nafatin nia oin midar.", "\"Kolen, ne'e ita kole maibe se ita la halo (serbisu), ita foti osan husi ne'ebe,\" katak Eliza.", "More in this category: \" Ligia Tomas Correia: Tempu atu Servi no Hadia Luta Maria ba Nia Oan Haki'ak \" /Oan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza" ]
[ [ "Elisa Soares (40) Oan Nia Vontade Hakbeit Eliza Featured FUK MUTIN began to do two sees of metan them." ], [ "Rentos ne'ebe kabeer hahu namkurut. rents that are worthwhile and start to grow up" ], [ "His advanced age has weakened his body, but he still retains the strength to continue carrying out all of these activities." ], [ "His hands-foots securely cuddled his clothes." ], [ "With no hesitation he began to decipher the words that his eyes saw." ], [ "Elisa Soares (40) for 13 years, starting from the year of autumn-25th - December. The work as 'dasa rai' at Universidade da Paz(UNPAZ)." ], [ "She does this service to support her family and pay for the schooling of his only son, Elias Sarmento (21)." ], [ "Eliza's son is currently continuing his studies at UNPAZ, the school for which she works." ], [ "Elias studied International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities." ], [ "\"I have only one child, he goes to school at UNPAZ." ], [ "I paid for her school,\" Elisa said and continued to throw fire in the classroom." ], [ "Eliza was paid $140 a month for her work." ], [ "The money was considered small and he had to give it away in order for him or her family's needs." ], [ "Satan has to pay for his son's school and other necessities." ], [ "Each semester, Eliza had to spend $120 on tuition fees. This is not including the cost of photocopying materials given by teachers and so forth..." ], [ "Eliza's husband also works at UNPAZ as a security guard, but the money they receive is not enough to meet all their needs." ], [ "\"I owe people's money that I give to my children for school and the activities of our schools,\" she said." ], [ "Despite her disintegration, the Church continues to show its commitment." ], [ "Elias’s determination to go and study encouraged Eliza & her husband in continuing their efforts." ], [ "\"Even though I work like this, my children have to finish school." ], [ "He'll get some work in a couple of days if he is grateful,\" Eliza said." ], [ "Prior to carrying out her duties, Eliza must first fulfil the role of a mother." ], [ "Dadeer she had to have a sedu for doing the housework." ], [ "Even if you have to work hard, even though it feels very badly for them but their parents will not give up." ], [ "They will continue to strive, fight and sacrifice themselves in order that they can offer good things for their children." ], [ "They often feel ashamed, but they deny their shame to the children and continue showing them his naked face." ], [ "\"Colen, that's what we collect but if you don’t do it (the service), then take the money from wherever\", Eliza said." ], [ "More in this category: \" Ligia Tomas Correia - Time to Serve and Reward the Struggle of Mary for Her True Son\" /Oan Nia Vontade Hakbiit Eliza" ] ]
Lú Olo: Estadu Tenke Halo Knaar Importante Ba Ekonomia, Presiza garante Bens no servisu Publikus – TAFARA.TL\nHome / Sosial & Politika / Lú Olo: Estadu Tenke Halo Knaar Importante Ba Ekonomia, Presiza garante Bens no servisu Publikus\nPrezidente da Republika, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú Olo hatoo mesajen povu Tomak .[Foto: Media gabinete Prezidente da Republika].\nZevonia Vieira September 17, 2018\tSosial & Politika Leave a comment 196 Views\n“Estadu tenke haree oinsa mak bele asegura finansiamentu ba despeza públika liu hosi reseitas hosi setór naun-petrolíferu ka liu hosi empréstimu. Maibé tusan ne’ebé de’it labele liu, Ita tenke preokupa maka’as ho difikuldade finanseira Estadu nian”. Lú Olo\nEkonomia nudar seitor importante iha nasaun ne’ebe mak foin hetan nia liberdade, hosi okupasaun Indonesia. Liu hosi deskursu Prezidente da Republka, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional hateten katak, iha prosesu harii Estadu no Nasaun, Timor-Leste hili ekonomia nakloke ba merkadu ho intervensaun husi Estadu. Maibé presiza hahú hanoin klean, se opsaun ida ne’e fó ka lae servisu di’ak ida ba sosiedade ho kondisaun no karaterístika ne’ebe ita iha ohin loron.\nLú Olo deklara katak Estadu ida ne’ebe depende de’it ba rekursu ida, minarai no gás, ne’ebé loron ruma sei hotu, ne’ebé uza rekursu ne’e no halo sidadaun no sosiedade sira, sai dependente hosi riku soin ida ne’e.\n“Tuir ha’u-nia hanoin, Estadu ne’e la tuir polítika dezenvolvimentu sustentável. Ita-nia sosiedade rasik, ohin loron, hatoman-an dadaun ona atu simu de’it benefísiu no simu liu tán, ohin kedas, husi riku soin ne’e, biar dalan ida ne’e ladi’ak ba ita-nia futuru.Estadu no sosiedade gasta no uza kedas, la hala’o investimentus produtivus, la hamosu rikeza ohin loron, atu ita bele sustenta-an, ho dignidade, iha tempu tuir mai kedas”, hateten Lú Olo iha sesaun solene dahuluk, 17/09\nPrezidente da Republika hateten katak Ita tenke haree ba ita-nia an, nu’udar sidadaun ho responsabilidade istórika, atu luta ba kaer metin no haburas babeibeik Estadu no Sosiedade timorense, “ita haree momoos hela katak, ita-nia Estadu tenke hala’o nafatin knaar importante ba ita-nia ekonomia. Estadu Timor -Leste presiza garante nafatin bens no servisus públikus ba sidadaun sira, ba empreza sira no presiza hatama rekursus husi Fundu Minarai iha ita-nia ekonomia. Presiza harii mós kondisaun sira ne’ebé fó fatin, ba haburas ekonomia diversifikada no sustentável, katak mai husi rekursu oioin, ita bele uza ba beibeik, atu bele kore-an husi ekonomia ida ne’ebé depende de’it husi minarai no gás”.\nEiz Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne’e mos fo hanoin fila fali membru parlamentu nacional sira katak kontas nasionais, nota katak hosi soren ida, ritmu kreximentu ekonomia nasional parese iha relasaun maka’as ho volume despezas públikas, liuliu ho orsamentu ne’ebé konsegue ezekuta. Sektór privadu formal sei fraku tebes no emprega ema, ho idade servisu, la to’o désimu ida hosi populasaun total, katak, fó servisu de’it ba ema 6000 resin liu oituan. Ita-nia ema hala’o liuliu servisu agrikultura nian, iha atividade informál ho produtividade kiik no saláriu mos kiik.\nHosi deskursu Prezidente Lú Olo esplika katak liu hosi Taxa kreximentu Produtu Internu Brutu [PIM], iha tinan sira ne’ebe volume investimentus as tebes, taxa kreximentu PIB mós bele aas tebes, hanesan akontese iha 2016. Nune’e, iha tinan ne’e, PIB naun-petrolíferu sae 5.3% tamba investimentu públiku hetan kreximentu 40%. Bainhira volume investimentus públikus tun, ekonomia naun-petrolífera bele tun tebes hanesan akontese iha 2014 no 2015, tamba kreximentu ekonomia sae de’it 4%. Iha tinan 2013, tamba investimentu públiku kiik tebes, kreximentu naun-petrolíferu sae to’o de’it 2.5%.\nSituasaun ida ne’e akontese fila fali iha 2017. Iha tinan ne’e, ekonomia nasional tun oituan ho taxa kreximentu mos tun-sae entre 3% no 3.5%, tuir estimativas husi Fundu Monetáriu Internasionál no Banku Sentrál.\nTuir Lú Olo dadus ne’ e hatudu katak, hatama rekursus husi Fundu Petrolíferu iha ekonomia la’ós ona modelu kreximentu ne’ ebé bele kaer nafatin. Rekursus ne’ebé iha ohin loron sei lató, iha momentu ne’ebé de’it, atu hasoru dezafiu sira ne’ebé iha, ohin loron atu harii ita-nia Estadu no tau matan ba ita-nia sidadaun sira.\nEiz estudante Universidade Timor-Lorosa’e ne’e mos esplika katak investimentus públikus la depende de’it husi kapasidade atu gasta osan iha rai-laran, maibé depende mós ba oinsá uza finansas públikas ba tempu naruk. Importante hatete katak entre tinan 2012 no 2017, hare’e ba ezekusaun ne’ebé konsegue hala’ o duni, ita gasta $US 7,700.70 biliaun, husi total $US 9, 800.63 billaun.\n“Ezekusaun orsamentál iha períodu ne’e, en-média, to’o de’it 79%, tuir informasaun hasai husi Portál Transparénsia Ministériu Finansas. Iha tinan ida ne’e. Iha fulan 8 nia laran ho rejime duodésimu, ho rekursus finanseirus ne’ebé ladún iha, kapasidade ezekusaun orsamentál kiik mós, no ezekuta de’it, en-média, besik 65%”, esplika Lú Olo\nTuir dadus ne’ebe Lú Olo esplika katak Fundu Petrolíferu, harii iha 2005, fó rendimentu ne’ebé permite, hodi uza ba finansia Estadu ninia funsionamentu no aplika ba investimentus ne’ebé presiza atu harii kondisiun sira ne’ebé lori dezenvolvimentu no moris-di’ak ba sosiedade timorense, ho respeitu ba kritériu Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu.\nMaibe tuir Lú Olo aplika osan husi Fundu Minarai ba despeza sira ho montante liu fali Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu. Entretantu, la hamosu dalan sira seluk ne’ebé bele garante finansiamentu públiku, investimentu privadu no kapasidade atu hamosu rikeza liu hosi ekonomia diversifikada.\nita-nia ekonomia la’ ós sustentável. Ita iha de’ it fundu soberanu ida, mak Fundu Minarai ne’ebé ita harii tuir artigu 139 Konstituisaun Repúblika. Artigu ne’e obriga ita uza rekursu naturál loloos no hanesan de’ it ba ema hotu no haruka kria rezerva finanseira obrigatória, hodi rendimentus hosi eisplorasaun, tuir interese nasionál. Lei Fundu Mina-Rai la’o tuir menon sira-ne’e no haktuir objetivus katak halo jestaun di’ak ba rekursus idrokarbonetus, fó benefísiu ba jeraşaun ohin-loron no aban-bainrua nian no sai matadalan ba polítika fiskál di’ak. Atu sai sustentável, ita tenke konta ho ita-nia kbiit rasik no haree mós oinsá ita uza rekursus renováveis, Ita hotu hatene ona katak mina-rai iha kampu Bayu-Undan besik hotu no ita seidauk hatene los bainhira mak ita bele hahú esplora Greater Sunrise”, hateten Lú Olo\nLú Olo mos deklara katak, estadu tenke haree oinsa mak bele asegura finansiamentu ba despeza públika liu hosi reseitas hosi setór naun-petrolíferu ka liu hosi empréstimu. Maibé tusan ne’ebé de’it labele liu, Ita tenke preokupa maka’as ho difikuldade finanseira Estadu nian, ne’ebé sei boot ba beibeik aban bainrua. * [ Zevonia Vieira | TAFARA.TL | 17.09.2018 ]\nPrevious Ema Uza SosMed Hatoo Lia Bosok no Hatete At, Lú Olo: Presiza Aprova Lejislasaun Ruma, Hodi Proteje Orgaun Soberania\nNext TMR: PR Lú Olo Sei Estuda OJE 2018, Governu Prepara Orsamentu Duadesimu Septembru nian
[ "Lu Olo: Estadu Tenke Halo Knaar Importante Ba Ekonomia, Presiza garante Bens no servisu Publikus - TAFARA.TL Home / Sosial & Politika / Lu Olo: Estadu Tenke Halo Knaar Importante Ba Ekonomia, Presiza garante Bens no servisu Publikus Prezidente da Republika, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hatoo mesajen povu Tomak .[Foto: Media gabinete Prezidente da Republika].", "Zevonia Vieira September 17, 2018 Sosial & Politika Leave a comment 196 Views \"Estadu tenke haree oinsa mak bele asegura finansiamentu ba despeza publika liu hosi reseitas hosi setor naun-petroliferu ka liu hosi emprestimu.", "Maibe tusan ne'ebe de'it labele liu, Ita tenke preokupa maka'as ho difikuldade finanseira Estadu nian.\"", "Lu Olo Ekonomia nudar seitor importante iha nasaun ne'ebe mak foin hetan nia liberdade, hosi okupasaun Indonesia.", "Liu hosi deskursu Prezidente da Republka, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional hateten katak, iha prosesu harii Estadu no Nasaun, Timor-Leste hili ekonomia nakloke ba merkadu ho intervensaun husi Estadu.", "Maibe presiza hahu hanoin klean, se opsaun ida ne'e fo ka lae servisu di'ak ida ba sosiedade ho kondisaun no karateristika ne'ebe ita iha ohin loron.", "Lu Olo deklara katak Estadu ida ne'ebe depende de'it ba rekursu ida, minarai no gas, ne'ebe loron ruma sei hotu, ne'ebe uza rekursu ne'e no halo sidadaun no sosiedade sira, sai dependente hosi riku soin ida ne'e.", "\"Tuir ha'u-nia hanoin, Estadu ne'e la tuir politika dezenvolvimentu sustentavel.", "Ita-nia sosiedade rasik, ohin loron, hatoman-an dadaun ona atu simu de'it benefisiu no simu liu tan, ohin kedas, husi riku soin ne'e, biar dalan ida ne'e ladi'ak ba ita-nia futuru.Estadu no sosiedade gasta no uza kedas, la hala'o investimentus produtivus, la hamosu rikeza ohin loron, atu ita bele sustenta-an, ho dignidade, iha tempu tuir mai kedas,\" hateten Lu Olo iha sesaun solene dahuluk, 17/09 Prezidente da Republika hateten katak Ita tenke haree ba ita-nia an, nu'udar sidadaun ho responsabilidade istorika, atu luta ba kaer metin no haburas babeibeik Estadu no Sosiedade timorense, \"ita haree momoos hela katak, ita-nia Estadu tenke hala'o nafatin knaar importante ba ita-nia ekonomia.", "Estadu Timor -Leste presiza garante nafatin bens no servisus publikus ba sidadaun sira, ba empreza sira no presiza hatama rekursus husi Fundu Minarai iha ita-nia ekonomia.", "Presiza harii mos kondisaun sira ne'ebe fo fatin, ba haburas ekonomia diversifikada no sustentavel, katak mai husi rekursu oioin, ita bele uza ba beibeik, atu bele kore-an husi ekonomia ida ne'ebe depende de'it husi minarai no gas.\"", "Eiz Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'e mos fo hanoin fila fali membru parlamentu nacional sira katak kontas nasionais, nota katak hosi soren ida, ritmu kreximentu ekonomia nasional parese iha relasaun maka'as ho volume despezas publikas, liuliu ho orsamentu ne'ebe konsegue ezekuta.", "Sektor privadu formal sei fraku tebes no emprega ema, ho idade servisu, la to'o desimu ida hosi populasaun total, katak, fo servisu de'it ba ema 6000 resin liu oituan.", "Ita-nia ema hala'o liuliu servisu agrikultura nian, iha atividade informal ho produtividade kiik no salariu mos kiik.", "Hosi deskursu Prezidente Lu Olo esplika katak liu hosi Taxa kreximentu Produtu Internu Brutu [PIM], iha tinan sira ne'ebe volume investimentus as tebes, taxa kreximentu PIB mos bele aas tebes, hanesan akontese iha 2016.", "Nune'e, iha tinan ne'e, PIB naun-petroliferu sae 5.3% tamba investimentu publiku hetan kreximentu 40%.", "Bainhira volume investimentus publikus tun, ekonomia naun-petrolifera bele tun tebes hanesan akontese iha 2014 no 2015, tamba kreximentu ekonomia sae de'it 4%.", "Iha tinan 2013, tamba investimentu publiku kiik tebes, kreximentu naun-petroliferu sae to'o de'it 2.5%.", "Situasaun ida ne'e akontese fila fali iha 2017.", "Iha tinan ne'e, ekonomia nasional tun oituan ho taxa kreximentu mos tun-sae entre 3% no 3.5%, tuir estimativas husi Fundu Monetariu Internasional no Banku Sentral.", "Tuir Lu Olo dadus ne' e hatudu katak, hatama rekursus husi Fundu Petroliferu iha ekonomia la'os ona modelu kreximentu ne' ebe bele kaer nafatin.", "Rekursus ne'ebe iha ohin loron sei lato, iha momentu ne'ebe de'it, atu hasoru dezafiu sira ne'ebe iha, ohin loron atu harii ita-nia Estadu no tau matan ba ita-nia sidadaun sira.", "Eiz estudante Universidade Timor-Lorosa'e ne'e mos esplika katak investimentus publikus la depende de'it husi kapasidade atu gasta osan iha rai-laran, maibe depende mos ba oinsa uza finansas publikas ba tempu naruk.", "Importante hatete katak entre tinan 2012 no 2017, hare'e ba ezekusaun ne'ebe konsegue hala' o duni, ita gasta $US 7,700.70 biliaun, husi total $US 9, 800.63 billaun.", "\"Ezekusaun orsamental iha periodu ne'e, en-media, to'o de'it 79%, tuir informasaun hasai husi Portal Transparensia Ministeriu Finansas.", "Iha tinan ida ne'e.", "Iha fulan 8 nia laran ho rejime duodesimu, ho rekursus finanseirus ne'ebe ladun iha, kapasidade ezekusaun orsamental kiik mos, no ezekuta de'it, en-media, besik 65%,\" esplika Lu Olo Tuir dadus ne'ebe Lu Olo esplika katak Fundu Petroliferu, harii iha 2005, fo rendimentu ne'ebe permite, hodi uza ba finansia Estadu ninia funsionamentu no aplika ba investimentus ne'ebe presiza atu harii kondisiun sira ne'ebe lori dezenvolvimentu no moris-di'ak ba sosiedade timorense, ho respeitu ba kriteriu Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimadu.", "Maibe tuir Lu Olo aplika osan husi Fundu Minarai ba despeza sira ho montante liu fali Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimadu.", "Entretantu, la hamosu dalan sira seluk ne'ebe bele garante finansiamentu publiku, investimentu privadu no kapasidade atu hamosu rikeza liu hosi ekonomia diversifikada. ita-nia ekonomia la' os sustentavel.", "Ita iha de' it fundu soberanu ida, mak Fundu Minarai ne'ebe ita harii tuir artigu 139 Konstituisaun Republika.", "Artigu ne'e obriga ita uza rekursu natural loloos no hanesan de' it ba ema hotu no haruka kria rezerva finanseira obrigatoria, hodi rendimentus hosi eisplorasaun, tuir interese nasional.", "Lei Fundu Mina-Rai la'o tuir menon sira-ne'e no haktuir objetivus katak halo jestaun di'ak ba rekursus idrokarbonetus, fo benefisiu ba jerasaun ohin-loron no aban-bainrua nian no sai matadalan ba politika fiskal di'ak.", "Atu sai sustentavel, ita tenke konta ho ita-nia kbiit rasik no haree mos oinsa ita uza rekursus renovaveis, Ita hotu hatene ona katak mina-rai iha kampu Bayu-Undan besik hotu no ita seidauk hatene los bainhira mak ita bele hahu esplora Greater Sunrise,\" hateten Lu Olo Lu Olo mos deklara katak, estadu tenke haree oinsa mak bele asegura finansiamentu ba despeza publika liu hosi reseitas hosi setor naun-petroliferu ka liu hosi emprestimu.", "Maibe tusan ne'ebe de'it labele liu, Ita tenke preokupa maka'as ho difikuldade finanseira Estadu nian, ne'ebe sei boot ba beibeik aban bainrua. * [ Zevonia Vieira | TAFARA.TL | 17.09.2018 ] Previous Ema Uza SosMed Hatoo Lia Bosok no Hatete At, Lu Olo: Presiza Aprova Lejislasaun Ruma, Hodi Proteje Orgaun Soberania Next TMR: PR Lu Olo Sei Estuda OJE 2018, Governu Prepara Orsamentu Duadesimu Septembru nian" ]
[ [ "Lu Olo: State Must Do Important Work For The Economy, Needs To Guarantee Public Good and Services - TAFARA.TL Home / Sosial & Politika (Social)/Lu olo 2018-375946 lu olu musk the president of republic Dr Francisco Guterres [Photo by Media gabinete Presidente da Republika]" ], [ "Zevonia Vieira September 17,.2038 Social & Politics Leave a comment \"The state must look at how to ensure the financing of public expenditure through revenues from non-oil sector or via borrowings.\"" ], [ "But debt alone can't go on, you have to be very concerned about the financial difficulties of this state.\"" ], [ "Lu Olo The economy is an important sector in the country that has just gained its freedom from Indonesian occupation." ], [ "In his speech to the House of Representatives, President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo stated that in building a State and Nation Timor-Leste chose an economy opened up towards markets with intervention by government." ], [ "But we need to start thinking clearly, whether or not this option will provide a good service for society with the conditions and characteristics of today." ], [ "Lu Olo declared that a state which depends on only one resource, mineral and gas resources - the latter of whom will eventually run out – exploits these sources by making its citizens as well As societies dependent upon this wealth." ], [ "\"In my opinion, this state does not follow a sustainable development policy." ], [ "Our own society, today is already prepared to take only the benefits and receive more from this wealth right now even though it's not a good way for our future. The State of Timor-Leste has no productive investment in its economy so that we can sustain us with dignity immediately afterwards\", Lu Olo said at his first solemn session on September (17). President da República says: \"We must look upon each other as citizens who have historical responsibilities; fighting hard every day towards strengthening East Тимориan statehood.\"" ], [ "The State of Timor-Leste needs to guarantee public goods and services for citizens, businesses as well. It also need the resources from Fundu Minarai in our own economy;" ], [ "We also need to create the conditions that will allow us, in order for a diversified and sustainable economy of diverse resources which we can use again after another year or two. To move away from an entirely mineral-and gas dependent economic system.\"" ], [ "The President of the National Parliament also reminded national parliamentarians that, in a nation's accounting system it is noted from one side as to whether or not there was strong correlation between growth rate and public expenditure volume." ], [ "The formal private sector is very weak and employs less than one tenth of the total population, in working age. This means that it only provides employment for over six thousand people alone!" ], [ "Our people are engaged mainly in agricultural work, informally with low productivity and wages." ], [ "In his speech, President Lu Olo explained that through the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product [GDP], in years with very high investment volumes GDP can also grow at a higher pace as it did during 2016." ], [ "Thus, this year the non-oil GDP grew by 5.3% because public investment increased at a rate of over fourty per cent (40%)." ], [ "When the volume of public investment falls, non-oil economies may decline sharply as they did in both autumn and winter years since economic growth rose by only about four percent." ], [ "In 2013, owing to low public investments non-oil growth rose only by a mere two and half percent." ], [ "This situation occurred again in 2017." ], [ "That year, the national economy declined eightfold with growth rate also fluctuating between three percent and thirty-five per cent according to estimates by International Monetary Fund (IMF) & Central Bank." ], [ "According to Lu Olo, the data show that pumping resources from Petroleum Funds into an economy is no longer a sustainable growth model." ], [ "The resources that are available today will be lacking, at the very moment in time to meet our challenges of building a State and caring for its citizens." ], [ "The former student of the Universidade Timor-Lorosa'e also explained that public investments do not only depend on ability to spend money domestically, but it is a question about how we use our long term financial resources." ], [ "It is important to say that between 2013 and the current year, in terms of actual execution we have spent $US7.8 trillion on total expenditure ($9 billion)." ], [ "\"Budget execution in this period, on average only reached 79%, according to information taken from the Portal Transparencia Ministerio Finanzas." ], [ "In this year, there was one." ], [ "In the eight months of this twelfth regime, with lacking financial resources and low budget execution capacity as well - on average only nearly a sixty-five per cent was implemented\", Lu Olo explains. According to data provided by Mr Olu that Petroleum Fund established in December last year generated revenue which allowed for financing State functioning through investment necessary towards establishing conditions conducive To development And welfare For Timorese society respectful Of Estimated Sustainable Income criteria (ESIR)." ], [ "But according to Lu Olo, the money from Minerals Fund was applied for expenditures in excesse of Estimated Sustainable Return." ], [ "Meanwhile, no alternatives have been created that can ensure public financing and private investment as well the ability to generate more than a diversified economy. Our economiet is not sustainable!" ], [ "We have only one sovereign fund, the Minarai Fund which we established pursuant to Article 139 of our Constitution." ], [ "This article obliges us to make proper and equal use of natural resources for all peoples, as well a mandatory financial reserve is established in order that the proceeds from exploration may be used accordingly." ], [ "The Minas-Rai Fund Law follow the same lines and aims to ensure good management of hydrocarbon resources, provide benefits for present generation as well As future ones. It also provides guidance on sound fiscal policy" ], [ "To become sustainable, we must rely on our own strength and look at how to use the resources. We all know that oil in Bayu-Undan field is almost there but it's not clear when Greater Sunrise can be explored.\" Lu Olo said he also declared: \"The state should see what way they could secure financing for public expenditure through revenues from non petroleum sector or via loans\"." ], [ "But debt alone can't go on, we must be very concerned about the financial difficulties of State which will grow bigger and larger tomorrow. * [ Zevonia Vieira | TAFARA ] Previous People Use Social Media to Make Lies Go Away; Lu Olo: It Is Necessary To Approve Legislation In Portugal So AsTo Protect The Organs Of sovereignty Next PR President Luis Eduardo Magalhãis Will Study Budget For Year2018" ] ]
Reuniaun KM: deside serka sanitária iha Dili durante loron hitu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Reuniaun KM: deside serka sanitária iha Dili durante loron hitu\nDILI, 08 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) estraordinária deside aplika serka sanitária iha munisípiu Dili durante loron-hitu, hahú hosi oras 00:00 no ramata iha loron 15 marsu tinan ne’e.\n“Konsellu Ministru deside katak hahú aban (tersa), sei tama iha vigór inposizasaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu ba iha munisípiu Dili. Ho ida ne’e katak hahú aban to’o loron 15 marsu, hafoin loron hitu maka sei haree fifali iha nesesidade atu kontinua ou lae?,” Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, relata hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu iha Ministériu Finansa (MF), Aitarak-laran, segunda ne’e.\nDurante loron hitu nia laran sei bandu atu labele sai hosi Dili, ba sira ne’ebé maka atu sai hosi Dili ba munisípiu seluk karik só sira ne’ebé maka lori ai-moruk emerjénsia ou fó seguransa sira, maibé kuandu iha autorizasaun hosi Ministériu Interiór no Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jesraun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés).\nEnkuantu, sira seluk ne’ebé mak daudaun iha munisípiu no rezidente iha Dili bele filafali mai Dili, maibé tenke relata ba Sala Situasaun.\n“Iha ámbitu ne’e Konsellu Ministru deside atu impoin konfinamentu obrigatóriu iha ita-nia munisípiu, la autoriza sidadaun sira atu halo atividade kulturál, relijioza durante períodu loron hitu ne’e nia laran, no mós la autoriza atu sai hosi hela fatin no ba fatin públiku sira, ou desloka ba fatin sira sein nesesidade maibé kuandu nesesidade sira hanesan ba hola ai-han, sosa pulsa eletrisidade ou sosa medikamentu sira, kuandu la’o maka pesoál seguransa sira halo auto stop karik tenke fó justifikasaun,” Portavós Governu esplika.\nAtividade seluk hanesan merkadu no atividade hanesan ensinu nian sei hatúr tuir despaisu sira ne’ebé maka ministériu relevante sira sei fó sai tanba medida implementasaun Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) ba-11 fó dalan ba ida ne’e.\n“Ne’ebé ita iha presupostu ida atu dehan katak atividade sira hotu sei paradu iha loron hitu nia laran, ba efeitu prosesuál maka atividade sira hanesan ensinu eskolár sei hatúr tuir despaisu ministeriál maibé ho konkluzaun ida katak atividade sira ne’e hotu ein pedidu hotu tanba inpoin ona serka sanitária no impoin konfinamentu,”nia hatutan.\nMedida hirak ne’e hatúr tuir rezolusaun KM, tanba aleinde medida jerál ba territóriu tomak maibé Governu deside halo medida espesiál sira ba zona espesiál sira liuhosi rezolusaun KM, katak serka sanitária ida-ne’e, konfinamentu obrigatóriu ne’e vale de’it iha munisípiu Dili inklui Ataúro no Metinaru, munisípiu sira seluk bele halo atividade lorloron nian maibé tenke implementa medida sira ne’ebé EE ejize.\nGovernante ne’e subliña, durante Serka sanitária no konfinamentu obrigatóriu ne’e, gabinete ministeriál sira sei funsiona nafatin.\n“Maibé ministru sira sei halo despaisu hodi define katak sira ne’ebé esensiál de’it mak ba serbisu, no ba hirak ne’ebé despensadu bele halo serbisu hosi uma katak halo esforsu hotu atu lebele sai hosi uma, la’ós hela iha uma hodi pasiár fali ba fatin-fatin ou ba fali partisipa iha atividade sira seluk,” nia akresenta.\nPrevious articleMS sei rekruta profisionál saúde permanente 320\nNext articlePR Lú Olo kansela serimónia lansamentu livru “Buibere Hamriik Ukun Rasik An”
[ "Reuniaun KM: deside serka sanitaria iha Dili durante loron hitu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Reuniaun KM: deside serka sanitaria iha Dili durante loron hitu DILI, 08 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) estraordinaria deside aplika serka sanitaria iha munisipiu Dili durante loron-hitu, hahu hosi oras 00:00 no ramata iha loron 15 marsu tinan ne'e.", "\"Konsellu Ministru deside katak hahu aban (tersa), sei tama iha vigor inposizasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu ba iha munisipiu Dili.", "Ho ida ne'e katak hahu aban to'o loron 15 marsu, hafoin loron hitu maka sei haree fifali iha nesesidade atu kontinua ou lae?,\" Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, relata hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu iha Ministeriu Finansa (MF), Aitarak-laran, segunda ne'e.", "Durante loron hitu nia laran sei bandu atu labele sai hosi Dili, ba sira ne'ebe maka atu sai hosi Dili ba munisipiu seluk karik so sira ne'ebe maka lori ai-moruk emerjensia ou fo seguransa sira, maibe kuandu iha autorizasaun hosi Ministeriu Interior no Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jesraun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges).", "Enkuantu, sira seluk ne'ebe mak daudaun iha munisipiu no rezidente iha Dili bele filafali mai Dili, maibe tenke relata ba Sala Situasaun.", "\"Iha ambitu ne'e Konsellu Ministru deside atu impoin konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha ita-nia munisipiu, la autoriza sidadaun sira atu halo atividade kultural, relijioza durante periodu loron hitu ne'e nia laran, no mos la autoriza atu sai hosi hela fatin no ba fatin publiku sira, ou desloka ba fatin sira sein nesesidade maibe kuandu nesesidade sira hanesan ba hola ai-han, sosa pulsa eletrisidade ou sosa medikamentu sira, kuandu la'o maka pesoal seguransa sira halo auto stop karik tenke fo justifikasaun,\" Portavos Governu esplika.", "Atividade seluk hanesan merkadu no atividade hanesan ensinu nian sei hatur tuir despaisu sira ne'ebe maka ministeriu relevante sira sei fo sai tanba medida implementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) ba-11 fo dalan ba ida ne'e.", "\"Ne'ebe ita iha presupostu ida atu dehan katak atividade sira hotu sei paradu iha loron hitu nia laran, ba efeitu prosesual maka atividade sira hanesan ensinu eskolar sei hatur tuir despaisu ministerial maibe ho konkluzaun ida katak atividade sira ne'e hotu ein pedidu hotu tanba inpoin ona serka sanitaria no impoin konfinamentu,\"nia hatutan.", "Medida hirak ne'e hatur tuir rezolusaun KM, tanba aleinde medida jeral ba territoriu tomak maibe Governu deside halo medida espesial sira ba zona espesial sira liuhosi rezolusaun KM, katak serka sanitaria ida-ne'e, konfinamentu obrigatoriu ne'e vale de'it iha munisipiu Dili inklui Atauro no Metinaru, munisipiu sira seluk bele halo atividade lorloron nian maibe tenke implementa medida sira ne'ebe EE ejize.", "Governante ne'e sublina, durante Serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu ne'e, gabinete ministerial sira sei funsiona nafatin.", "\"Maibe ministru sira sei halo despaisu hodi define katak sira ne'ebe esensial de'it mak ba serbisu, no ba hirak ne'ebe despensadu bele halo serbisu hosi uma katak halo esforsu hotu atu lebele sai hosi uma, la'os hela iha uma hodi pasiar fali ba fatin-fatin ou ba fali partisipa iha atividade sira seluk,\" nia akresenta.", "Previous articleMS sei rekruta profisional saude permanente 320 Next articlePR Lu Olo kansela serimonia lansamentu livru \"Buibere Hamriik Ukun Rasik An\"" ]
[ [ "Meeting of the Council Of Ministers (KM) decide to impose curfew in Dili for seven days | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Reuniaun KM: deside serka sanitária iha Díli durante loron hitu DILI, Mar.08/25 – An extraordinary meeting by Cabinet minister decided that a health lockdown will be implemented on Tuesday and Wednesday from midnight until March’ s end this year at Dilí City Government Hall" ], [ "\"The Council of Ministers has decided that, starting tomorrow (Tuesday), the imposition and confinement in Dili City will come into force." ], [ "This means that from tomorrow until March 15, after seven days we will look again at the need to continue or not? \" Minister of Presidency Council minister Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes reported following an executive meeting in Ministry Finance (MF), Aitarak-laran on Monday." ], [ "During the seven days there will be a ban on leaving Dili, for those who are going to leave from other municipalities only if they carry emergency medicine or provide security but with permission of Ministry Of Interior and Situation Room Integrated Crisis Response Centre (CIGC)." ], [ "Others who are currently in the municipality and resident of Dili can return to their home town, but must report back at Sala Situasaun." ], [ "\"In this context the Council of Ministers decided to impose compulsory confinement in our municipalities, not authorizing citizens for cultural and religious activities during these seven days period. Nor is it permitted people leave their homes or public places without necessity but when there are needs such as buying food products like beans cold-pressed oil (FGTL), electric power plug(S)or buy medicine; if they do so security personnel will make an auto stop with justification required\", Government Spokesperson explained" ], [ "Other activities such as markets and education will follow the instructions that relevant ministries are going to issue because measure implementation of State Emergency (EE) for 10 days gives way." ], [ "\"What we have a presumption to say that all activities will be stopped in the seven days, for procedural effect is activity such as school education shall follow ministerial dispatch but with one conclusion which these are everything requested because of imposing sanitary curfew and confinement\", he continued." ], [ "These measures are in accordance with the KM resolution, because besides general territory-wide but Government decided to make special provisions for specific zones by means of CM Resolution that this sanitarial curfew is mandatory confinement only valid on Dili including Atauro and Metinaro municipalities. Other cities can do their daily activities however must implement all EE requirements" ], [ "The governor emphasizes that, during the Serka sanitary and compulsory confinement periods of time ministerial office will continue to function." ], [ "\"But the ministers will go a long way to define that only those essential people are going at work, and for them who have been discharged from home they can do their best efforts not just staying in house but walked back into places or participated on other activities\", he added." ], [ "Previous articleMS will recruit 320 permanent health professionals Next ArticlePR Lu Olo cancels book launch ceremony \"Buibere Hamriik Ukun Rasik An\"" ] ]
Assanami nia proposta adisionál millaun $40 atu kapitaliza BNCTL la pasa | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Assanami nia proposta adisionál millaun $40 atu kapitaliza BNCTL la pasa\nAssanami nia proposta adisionál millaun $40 atu kapitaliza BNCTL la pasa\nDILI, 09 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Deputadu Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) Mariano Assanami Sabino, propoin verba adisionál ho montante millaun $40 atu kapitaliza Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL-sigla portugés) maibé maioria deputadu sira vota kontra proposta refere.\nDeputadu Assanami propoin proposta adisionál ho montante millaun $40 ne’e atu foti hosi kategoria transferénsia públika Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP) nian hodi halo kapitalizasaun ba BNCTL.\n“Ho nune’e proposta númeru 43 la pasa,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, anunsia liuhosi plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, kuarta ne’e.\nAssanami nia proposta ne’e atu foti millaun $40 hosi programa ho kódigu boa governasaun no jestaun institusionál kategoria transferénsia públika hosi Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP) nian hosi montante orsamentu $ 194,489,688.00 (millaun $190.490).\nDeputadu Mariano Assanami Sabino fundamenta liuhosi justifikasaun sumária, katak bazea ba polítika Governu nian katak presiza fó kondisaun atu estimula vontade emprezáriu lokál sira atu-bele moris no bele kompete iha vida negósiu nian.\nMaibé realidade hatudu katak emprezáriu timoroan sira sempre hasoru situasaun defísil tebes tanba laiha kondisaun no sira sempre halo deve iha li’ur ho jurus ne’ebé boot liu (10-20%) tanba ne’e sempre hamosu problema barak iha vida emprezariál nian.\n“Ho razaun ne’e mak ami propoin orsamentu millaun $40 hosi orsamentu transferénsia públika MOP nian atu-bele aumenta ba kapitalizasaun Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) hodi bele fasilita ita-nia emprezáriu sira hodi bele hala’o sira vida emprezariál ho di’ak, dignu no kompetetivu,” Assanami argumenta liuhosi justifikasaun sumária.\nHatán ba poposta ne’e, Ministru Finansa Rui Gomes, esplika Governu prevee tiha ona millaun $40 ba BNCTL liuhosi dotasaun todo Governu, tanba ne’e la presiza aumenta tán.\n“Ita hotu hatene banku públiku timor nian no ita kompara ho banku sira seluk ne’ebé iha timor, BNCTL fó empréstimu barak liu, apoia ekonomia la’ós mai de’it hosi kréditu ka empréstimu tanba ne’e ba 2021 governu aloka millaun $40,” Rui Gomes hateten.\nNia fundamenta, Ministériu Finansa no Banku Sentrál Timor-Leste (BCTL-sigla portugés) presiza halo estudu ba kréditu ne’ebé Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste implementa ne’e iha efeitu ekonómiku ka lae.\nPrezidente Komisaun C (Finansa Públika), Deputada Maria Angélica Rangel, akresenta proposta millaun $40 ne’e laiha fatin.\nPrevious articleProblema família rezulta Ricardo Aparicio mate fatin\nNext articleFundu rezerva kontijénsia 2021 la sufisiente
[ "Assanami nia proposta adisional millaun $40 atu kapitaliza BNCTL la pasa | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Assanami nia proposta adisional millaun $40 atu kapitaliza BNCTL la pasa Assanami nia proposta adisional millaun $40 atu kapitaliza BNCTL la pasa DILI, 09 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Deputadu Partidu Demokratiku (PD) Mariano Assanami Sabino, propoin verba adisional ho montante millaun $40 atu kapitaliza Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL-sigla portuges) maibe maioria deputadu sira vota kontra proposta refere.", "Deputadu Assanami propoin proposta adisional ho montante millaun $40 ne'e atu foti hosi kategoria transferensia publika Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP) nian hodi halo kapitalizasaun ba BNCTL.", "\"Ho nune'e proposta numeru 43 la pasa,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, anunsia liuhosi plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, kuarta ne'e.", "Assanami nia proposta ne'e atu foti millaun $40 hosi programa ho kodigu boa governasaun no jestaun institusional kategoria transferensia publika hosi Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP) nian hosi montante orsamentu $ 194,489,688.00 (millaun $190.490).", "Deputadu Mariano Assanami Sabino fundamenta liuhosi justifikasaun sumaria, katak bazea ba politika Governu nian katak presiza fo kondisaun atu estimula vontade emprezariu lokal sira atu-bele moris no bele kompete iha vida negosiu nian.", "Maibe realidade hatudu katak emprezariu timoroan sira sempre hasoru situasaun defisil tebes tanba laiha kondisaun no sira sempre halo deve iha li'ur ho jurus ne'ebe boot liu (10-20%) tanba ne'e sempre hamosu problema barak iha vida emprezarial nian.", "\"Ho razaun ne'e mak ami propoin orsamentu millaun $40 hosi orsamentu transferensia publika MOP nian atu-bele aumenta ba kapitalizasaun Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) hodi bele fasilita ita-nia emprezariu sira hodi bele hala'o sira vida emprezarial ho di'ak, dignu no kompetetivu,\" Assanami argumenta liuhosi justifikasaun sumaria.", "Hatan ba poposta ne'e, Ministru Finansa Rui Gomes, esplika Governu prevee tiha ona millaun $40 ba BNCTL liuhosi dotasaun todo Governu, tanba ne'e la presiza aumenta tan.", "\"Ita hotu hatene banku publiku timor nian no ita kompara ho banku sira seluk ne'ebe iha timor, BNCTL fo emprestimu barak liu, apoia ekonomia la'os mai de'it hosi kreditu ka emprestimu tanba ne'e ba 2021 governu aloka millaun $40,\" Rui Gomes hateten.", "Nia fundamenta, Ministeriu Finansa no Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL-sigla portuges) presiza halo estudu ba kreditu ne'ebe Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste implementa ne'e iha efeitu ekonomiku ka lae.", "Prezidente Komisaun C (Finansa Publika), Deputada Maria Angelica Rangel, akresenta proposta millaun $40 ne'e laiha fatin.", "Previous articleProblema familia rezulta Ricardo Aparicio mate fatin Next articleFundu rezerva kontijensia 2021 la sufisiente" ]
[ [ "Assanami’s additional $40 million proposal to capitalize BNCTL failed | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Asanani' s extra$1.5 billion proposed for the National Commercial Bank of East Тимор (BNC TL) fail Dili, December -9th Dec27:36 PM DILI – Democratic Party MP Mariano Assamani Sabino has put forward a budget increase in an amount that would allow him and his party members from all political parties who are represented on Parliamentary Assembly with more than one seat at least two months before election date as they vote against this bill which is being considered by parliamentarian groups like PLP/PDL or PDI–RDTL because it does not meet their objectives regarding restructure bank sector; however most MEP voting rejected its draft legislation" ], [ "MP Assanami proposed that the additional $40 million be taken from public transfer category of Ministry for Public Works (MOP) to capitalize BNCTL." ], [ "\"Thus proposal number 43 did not pass,\" Speaker of the National Parliament (PN), Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopez announced in plenary session on Tuesday." ], [ "Assanami's proposal is to take $40 million from the program with code of good governance and institutional management public transfer category by Ministry for Public Works (MOP) budget amounting 193,687.52 ($million)." ], [ "Deputy Mariano Assanami Sabino made a brief justification, stating that based on the government’s policy it is necessary to create conditions in order for local entrepreneurial will be stimulated so as they can survive and compete within business life." ], [ "However, reality shows that Portuguese entrepreneurs always face very difficult situation because there are no conditions and they constantly borrow abroad with higher interest rates (10-25%) so this has caused many problems in the business life." ], [ "\"For this reason, we propose a budget of $40 million from the MOP's public transfer funds to increase capitalization in Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) so that it can facilitate our entrepreneurial life with dignity and competitiveness\", Assanami argues through his brief justification." ], [ "In response to this post, Finance Minister Rui Gomes explained that the Government has already allocated $40 million for BNCTL through government-wide endowment and therefore no further increase is necessary." ], [ "\"We all know the public bank of Timor-Leste and we compare it with other banking institutions in timors, BNCTL gives more loans. Supporting economy does not come only from credit or loan so for 2019 government allocates $45 billion\", Rui Gomes said" ], [ "He argues that the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank (BCTL) need to conduct a study on whether or not credits implemented by BNT have an economic effect." ], [ "The Chair of Committee C (Public Finance), Deputada Maria Angelica Rangel, affirms that the $40 million proposal is not appropriate." ], [ "Previous articleProblema familia rezulta Ricardo Aparicio mate fatin Next ArticleFundu rezerva kontijensia 2019 la sufisiente" ] ]
East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: JSMP : EN NOME INTERESE PROFEISAUN, TESTEMU?A REZEITA ATU FO DEPOIMENTUS IHA TRIBUNAL\nJSMP : EN NOME INTERESE PROFEISAUN, TESTEMU?A REZEITA ATU FO DEPOIMENTUS IHA TRIBUNAL\nKomunikadu Imprensa Novembru 2009 EN NOME INTERESE PROFEISAUN, TESTEMU?A REZEITA ATU FO DEPOIMENTUS IHA TRIBUNAL\nJulgamentu ba kazu 11 de Fevereiru 2008 at? fulan ne?e sei nafatin kontinua ho orariu julgamentu ba rona depoimentus husi testemu?a sira. Hanesan iha informasaun hirak ne?ebe mak hato?o ona ba iha publiku liu husi media elektr?nika katak testemu?a ba kazu ne?e total mais ou menus 175 at? 200 tal. At? loron 24/11 Tribunal Distrital Dili rona ona depoimentus husi testemu?a hamutuk total 80 tal. Depoimentus barak ne?ebe mai husi testemu?a sira katak sira la hatene kazu ne?e ou sira rona, ne?e mos dala ruma rona husi ema seluk deit konaba attentadu hasoru ema importante rua ne?e.\nIha buat interesante balu ne?ebe mak nunka akontese durante kazu ne?e julga. Iha sesaun primeiru julgamentu ne?ebe halo iha loron 24 fulan ne?e, Tribunal Distrital Dili konsegue rona depoimentus husi testemu?a na?in lima husi total testemu?a na?in ualu (8) ne?ebe notifika tiha ona. Iha prosesu jugamentu hodi rona depoimentus husi testemu?a JB, JB rezeita atu fo ninia depoimentus ba iha tribunal relasionadu ba ninia profeisaun nu?udar ema journalista. Testemu?a ne?e wainhira iha Juizes Kolektivu nia oin, antes komesa nia deklara ninia direitu sira ne?ebe iha lei nia mahan. Testemu?a ho firmeza deklara katak ?hau iha direitu ne?ebe iha lei nia mahan, tanba ne?e, nu?udar sidadaun bai-bain hau sei hat?n ba perguntas sira ne?ebe mak mai husi tribunal ne?e bazeia deit ba buat ne?ebe mak hau hatene. Nu?udar ema ne?ebe mak iha profeisaun hanesan journalista, hau sei la fo resposta relasionadu ho kobertura ne?ebe mak hau halo tiha ona?.\nRelasionadu ba afirmasaun ne?ebe mak mai hosi testemu?a ne?e, konsegue hamosu debate argumentasaun oit-oan entre Miniteriu Publiku ka Prokurador Felismino Cardoso no Defensor Publiku Internasional Andre Peixoto Fernandes, parte rua ne?e foti problema ba prosedimentu. Parte Ministeriu Publiku dehan katak lei fo mahan ba ema hotu, maybe wainhira Ministeriu Publiku hato?o perguntas relasiona ho 11 de Fevereiru maka testemu?a tenke pronto atu responde. Nune?e parte Defensor Publiku fo hanoin ba iha testemu?a atu la fo resposta ba perguntas wainhira perguntas ne?ebe mak hato?o ba nia defisil ka wainhira resposta ne?ebe fo hodi hat?n sei iha risku ba responsabilidade criminal.\nArgumentu husi Defensor Publiku ne?e iha razaun ne?ebe forte, wainhira hare ba iha profeisaun testemu?a nian ne?ebe nu?udar journalista, hanesan Kodigu Prosesu Penal Timor Leste Artigu 126.1 garante no mahan ba direitu ne?ebe mak iha. Kontiudu husi Artigu ne?e hanesan tuir mai ?Religiaun ka konfisaun religioza nia ministru, advogadu, m?diku, journalista, instituisaun-de-kr?ditu nia membru ka ema ne?ebe mak lei permite ka obriga rai segredu iha direitu atu la kohi fo depoimentu konaba faktu ne?ebe tama iha segredu ne?e?\nFinalmente bazeia ba lei ne?ebe temi ona iha leten, parte Ministeriu Publiku la hato?o perguntas ruma ba testemu?a nune?e Juizes Kolektivu fo lisensa ba testemu?a atu husik sala julgamentu ho respeitu.\nJSMP monitora katak iha nivel balun, sosiedade tomak iha ona kompriensaun no utilize ona direitu professional atu hamahan interese ba ninia profeisaun. Ne?e hanesan dezenvolvimentu signifikante ida. Maibe JSMP mos espera atu komponente tomak iha nasaun ne?e, tantu pessoalmente, grupus, no ou nivel organizasaun bele matan moris neon na?in atu bele kompriende didiak no bele tau interese kolektivu ne?ebe ideal liu iha oin, nune?e interese ba afirmasaun legal no justisa iha nasaun no estadu ida ne?e, nune?e bele iha sustanebilidade estadu no nasaun ne?ebe mak nakonu ho kultura legal.\nAtu hetan informasaun kle?an favor kontaktu: Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Direitor Ezekutivu JSMP Diresaun E-mail: luis@jsmp.minihub.org Landline: 3323883
[ "East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: JSMP: EN NOME INTERESE PROFEISAUN, TESTEMU?A REZEITA ATU FO DEPOIMENTUS IHA TRIBUNAL JSMP: EN NOME INTERESE PROFEISAUN, TESTEMU?A REZEITA ATU FO DEPOIMENTUS IHA TRIBUNAL Komunikadu Imprensa Novembru 2009 EN NOME INTERESE PROFEISAUN, TESTEMU?A REZEITA ATU FO DEPOIMENTUS IHA TRIBUNAL Julgamentu ba kazu 11 de Fevereiru 2008 at? fulan ne?e sei nafatin kontinua ho orariu julgamentu ba rona depoimentus husi testemu?a sira.", "Hanesan iha informasaun hirak ne?ebe mak hato?o ona ba iha publiku liu husi media elektr?nika katak testemu?a ba kazu ne?e total mais ou menus 175 at?", "200 tal.", "At? loron 24/11 Tribunal Distrital Dili rona ona depoimentus husi testemu?a hamutuk total 80 tal.", "Depoimentus barak ne?ebe mai husi testemu?a sira katak sira la hatene kazu ne?e ou sira rona, ne?e mos dala ruma rona husi ema seluk deit konaba attentadu hasoru ema importante rua ne?e.", "Iha buat interesante balu ne?ebe mak nunka akontese durante kazu ne?e julga.", "Iha sesaun primeiru julgamentu ne?ebe halo iha loron 24 fulan ne?e, Tribunal Distrital Dili konsegue rona depoimentus husi testemu?a na?in lima husi total testemu?a na?in ualu (8) ne?ebe notifika tiha ona.", "Iha prosesu jugamentu hodi rona depoimentus husi testemu?a JB, JB rezeita atu fo ninia depoimentus ba iha tribunal relasionadu ba ninia profeisaun nu?udar ema journalista.", "Testemu?a ne?e wainhira iha Juizes Kolektivu nia oin, antes komesa nia deklara ninia direitu sira ne?ebe iha lei nia mahan.", "Testemu?a ho firmeza deklara katak ?hau iha direitu ne?ebe iha lei nia mahan, tanba ne?e, nu?udar sidadaun bai-bain hau sei hat?n ba perguntas sira ne?ebe mak mai husi tribunal ne?e bazeia deit ba buat ne?ebe mak hau hatene.", "Nu?udar ema ne?ebe mak iha profeisaun hanesan journalista, hau sei la fo resposta relasionadu ho kobertura ne?ebe mak hau halo tiha ona?.", "Relasionadu ba afirmasaun ne?ebe mak mai hosi testemu?a ne?e, konsegue hamosu debate argumentasaun oit-oan entre Miniteriu Publiku ka Prokurador Felismino Cardoso no Defensor Publiku Internasional Andre Peixoto Fernandes, parte rua ne?e foti problema ba prosedimentu.", "Parte Ministeriu Publiku dehan katak lei fo mahan ba ema hotu, maybe wainhira Ministeriu Publiku hato?o perguntas relasiona ho 11 de Fevereiru maka testemu?a tenke pronto atu responde.", "Nune?e parte Defensor Publiku fo hanoin ba iha testemu?a atu la fo resposta ba perguntas wainhira perguntas ne?ebe mak hato?o ba nia defisil ka wainhira resposta ne?ebe fo hodi hat?n sei iha risku ba responsabilidade criminal.", "Argumentu husi Defensor Publiku ne?e iha razaun ne?ebe forte, wainhira hare ba iha profeisaun testemu?a nian ne?ebe nu?udar journalista, hanesan Kodigu Prosesu Penal Timor Leste Artigu 126.1 garante no mahan ba direitu ne?ebe mak iha.", "Kontiudu husi Artigu ne?e hanesan tuir mai ?Religiaun ka konfisaun religioza nia ministru, advogadu, m?diku, journalista, instituisaun-de-kr?ditu nia membru ka ema ne?ebe mak lei permite ka obriga rai segredu iha direitu atu la kohi fo depoimentu konaba faktu ne?ebe tama iha segredu ne?e?", "Finalmente bazeia ba lei ne?ebe temi ona iha leten, parte Ministeriu Publiku la hato?o perguntas ruma ba testemu?a nune?e Juizes Kolektivu fo lisensa ba testemu?a atu husik sala julgamentu ho respeitu.", "JSMP monitora katak iha nivel balun, sosiedade tomak iha ona kompriensaun no utilize ona direitu professional atu hamahan interese ba ninia profeisaun.", "Ne?e hanesan dezenvolvimentu signifikante ida.", "Maibe JSMP mos espera atu komponente tomak iha nasaun ne?e, tantu pessoalmente, grupus, no ou nivel organizasaun bele matan moris neon na?in atu bele kompriende didiak no bele tau interese kolektivu ne?ebe ideal liu iha oin, nune?e interese ba afirmasaun legal no justisa iha nasaun no estadu ida ne?e, nune?e bele iha sustanebilidade estadu no nasaun ne?ebe mak nakonu ho kultura legal.", "Atu hetan informasaun kle?an favor kontaktu: Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Direitor Ezekutivu JSMP Diresaun E-mail: luis@jsmp.minihub.org Landline: 3323883" ]
[ [ "East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: JSMP RECEPTS TESTIMONIALS FROM PROFESSIONAL INTEREST AND WITNESSES ON BEHALF OF THE COURT Press Releases November,2013 JUSTICE FOR A FIRST-TIME DEPOIMENT BY WITNESS The trial of the case will continue from February (the day before) until this month with a schedule for witnesses to testify." ], [ "As the information has been made public through electronic media that there are a total of about 175 witnesses to this case." ], [ "120 tal." ], [ "As of November 24, the Dili District Court has heard testimony from a total amounting to about eighty witnesses." ], [ "There are many testimonies from witnesses that they did not know about the case or heard, sometimes only through others of an assassination attempt against these two important people." ], [ "There are some interesting things that never happened during the trial of this case." ], [ "In the first trial session held on 24th of this month, Dili District Court was able to hear five witnesses from a total nominated eleven (8) who had been notified." ], [ "During the hearing of J.B's witnesses, she refused to give her testimony in court because it was related with his profession as a journalist and would not be heard by any other judge or prosecutor at that time for this reason.\"" ], [ "This testimony is given before the Collective Judges, prior to which he declares his rights under law." ], [ "The witness firmly declares that I have the right under law, therefore as a citizen of this country i will answer questions from these court based only on what is known to me." ], [ "As a person with the profession of journalist, I am not going to give any responses related in relation for coverage that i have already done." ], [ "In relation to the statement made by this witness, it has resulted in an argumentative debate between Public Minister or Prosecutor Felismino Cardoso and International Defender Andre Peixoto Fernandes. Both parties have raised problems with procedure; both sides claim that there is no evidence of a violation on their part as they do not know what was done against them during these events (see above)." ], [ "The Public Prosecutor's Office said that the law is open to everyone, perhaps whenever it asks questions related with February 12th witnesses should be ready." ], [ "Thus, the Public Defender advised witnesses not to answer questions when they are being asked difficult or if their response would be at risk of criminal liability." ], [ "The argument of the Public Defender has strong grounds, when considering that in a journalistic profession as witnesses Article 126.3(a) and (b)(i), Code Of Criminal Procedure Timor-Leste guaranteed rights are respected by all parties involved with regard to their personal privacy or otherwise protected against harmful influence from outside sources;" ], [ "The content of this Article is as follows: \"A minister, lawyer or doctor in a religious profession and/or religion (confession), journalist(in)a member-of credit institutionand any person permitted by law to keep secret has the right not To testify on fact that falls within such secrecy." ], [ "Finally, based on the law referred to above and without asking any questions of witnesses by Prosecutor's Office so that Judge Collective gave permission for testimony with respect." ], [ "JSMP monitors that at some level, society as a whole has an understanding and use of the professional rights to advance their profession." ], [ "This is a significant development." ], [ "But JSMP also hopes that all component of this country, both personally and at the group or organizational level will look beyond their own lives to understand better how they can put ahead an ideal collective interest for legal claiming in justice within our nation so as there may be sustainability amongst us." ], [ "For more information please contact: Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Executive Director JSMP Address E-mail address luis@jsmp.minihub,org Landline number 3291085" ] ]
MKAE otimista prezensa membru CNT-CAT foun bele hadi’a ambiente traballu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MKAE otimista prezensa membru CNT-CAT foun bele hadi’a ambiente traballu\nMinistru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, entrega despaxu nomeasaun ba membru Konsellu Nasionál Traballu, iha salaun SEFOPE, Caicoli, segunda (11/10). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 11 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, iha segunda ne’e, fó pose ba membru foun Konsellu Nasionál Traballu (CNT, sigla portugés) na’in-hitu no Konsellu Arbitrajen Traballu (CAT, sigla portugés) na’in-tolu, ba mandatu tinan-tolu.\nIha ámbitu ne’e, Ministru tau konfiansa ba membru foun sira no husu atu serbisu ho responsabilidade tuir lei ne’ebé iha.\n“Konsellu nasionál sei hamutuk ho Governu atu buka dalan hadi’a ambiente traballu ba ita-nia ekonomia iha Timor-Leste, tanba durante tinan-rua ona ita-nia ekonomia hetan difikuldade, tanba kondisaun pandemia COVID-19,” governante ne’e hateten iha nia ninia diskursu, iha seremónia pose, iha salaun SEFOPE, Caicoli.\nMembru foun ne’ebé simu pose hanesan, hanesan Prezidente CNT, Alarico de Rosário, Vise-Prezidente, Ángelo dos Santos Veloso, no membru sira mak hanesan Rofino dos Reis, Horguilina Alves, Norberto José, Almeiro Gouveia, no António da Costa.\nEnkuantu, Prezidente CAT, Geraldo Moniz, Vise-Prezidente, Etelvina Sarmento, no membru mak hanesan Julio Fernandes.\nMinistru enkoraja membru foun emposadu atu fó enerjia foun ba ambiente traballu hodi permite investimentu no iha mandatu foun ne’e bele rezolve problema ekonomia, liuliu saláriu mínimu ba traballadór sira.\n“Prosesu saláriu mínimu agora la’o hela, maibé kestaun mak tempu de’it tanba tama ona ajenda ne’ebé ita sei to’o solusaun inklui iha revizaun ba saláriu sira tanba iha lejizlasaun ne’e rasik ita tenke haree,” nia akresenta.\nTanba ne’e, Ministru iha esperansa mandatu membru foun sira, bele rezolve saláriu mínimu ba traballadór sira, tanba prosesu ne’e mai kedas hosi anterior.\n“Presiza buka meiu atubele hadi’a no rezolve, tanba ne’e espera ekipa foun agora bele hadi’a ambiente laborál, ne’ebé hanesan komponente engloba sira hotu hodi hadi’a ambiente laborál inklui ba iha sira-nia seguransa tanba ne’e mak presiza tau-matan ba lei laborál,” Ministru fó hanoin.\nMembru sesante husu atualiza saláriu mínimu\nIha fatin hanesan, Vise-Prezidente Kámara Komérsiu Indústria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL, sigla portugés) Asuntu Sosiál no Relasaun Industriál, Alberto Carvalho, ne’ebé hanesan membru CNT sesante, hateten ekipa rua hahú mandatu iha tinan 2015 to’o 2020, ne’ebé serbisu boot ne’ebé sira-nia parte halo maka halo estudu no propoin saláriu mínimu, tanba ne’e presiza kontinuasaun.\n“Ita kuaze apoiu saláriu mínimu ba dala-rua, maibé to’o agora sei pendente, tanba ne’e molok ami husik mandatu ne’e, rekomenda ba MKAE hamutuk ho membru foun sira atubele atualiza ka realiza proposta ne’ebé uluk kaduka,” nia fó hanoin.\nNotísia relevante: Revizaun saláriu mínimu, MKAE konsidera presiza realístiku ho kondisaun ekonomia\nAleinde ne’e, Konsellu Nasionál Traballu halo tan estudu hodi propoin filafali saláriu mínimu ne’ebé agora iha hela iha meza ministériu tutela.\n“Espera saida maka ami husik hela ba ita-boot sira bele kumpre lei kódigu traballu atu halo duni revizaun ba sálariu mínimu. Tanba tuir loloos ne’e iha iha ona revizaun bazeia ba kondisaun ekonomia, maibé tinan-sia ona mantein ho $115 no seidauk halo revizaun.\nNune’e, durante mandatu, Konsellu Nasionál Traballu sesante, konsege iha konkordánsia hodi hamosu desizaun administrativa kona-ba asidente traballu, ne’ebé haree traballadór sira ne’ebé hetan asidente, empregadór bele konsidera no fó indemnizasaun bazeia ba desizaun no uza ba negosiasaun mak konsellu halo.\nAsuntu seluk, CNT konsege halo konkodánsia atu uniformiza oras serbisu ho turnu ba traballdór sira, ne’ebé bainhira iha futuru atu lori desizaun ne’e ba lei, kompeténsia membru foun.\nNune’e mós, Prezidente CNT emposadu, Alarico de Rosário, hateten nu’udar membru foun hakarak luta nafatin ba saláriu mínimu maski progresu han tempu.\n“Durante tempu naruk Konsellu Nasionál Traballu hamutuk Sekretariadu Arbitrajen halo estudu oioin ba saláriu mínimu, ita tenke iha sentimentu ba ita-nia nasaun viziñu sira, estandariza saláriu mínimu, ho razaun parte rua ne’e halo ona peskiza iha territóriu laran tomak no halo estudu komparativu katak saláriu mínimu ne’e atu tau hira,” nia subliña.\nTuir atuál Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) ne’e, progresu saláriu mínimu bele halo debate kada tinan-rua no halo revizaun, maibé buat hotu desizaun ikus iha Konsellu Ministru.\n“Tanba ne’e, kona-ba montante saláriu mínimu ne’ebé Konsellu Nasionál Traballu atu propoin ba Konsellu Ministru, daudaun ne’e sei halo hela estudu atu define, tanba ne’e sei segredu,” nia akresenta.\nKonsellu Arbitrajen Traballu\nKonsellu Nasionál Traballu\nPrevious articleZumalai seidauk ezekuta orsamentu programa mão de obra faze daruak\nNext articleDTT Covalima fó ezame eskrita ba motorista trata karta kondusaun
[ "MKAE otimista prezensa membru CNT-CAT foun bele hadi'a ambiente traballu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MKAE otimista prezensa membru CNT-CAT foun bele hadi'a ambiente traballu Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, entrega despaxu nomeasaun ba membru Konsellu Nasional Traballu, iha salaun SEFOPE, Caicoli, segunda (11/10).", "Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 11 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, iha segunda ne'e, fo pose ba membru foun Konsellu Nasional Traballu (CNT, sigla portuges) na'in-hitu no Konsellu Arbitrajen Traballu (CAT, sigla portuges) na'in-tolu, ba mandatu tinan-tolu.", "Iha ambitu ne'e, Ministru tau konfiansa ba membru foun sira no husu atu serbisu ho responsabilidade tuir lei ne'ebe iha.", "\"Konsellu nasional sei hamutuk ho Governu atu buka dalan hadi'a ambiente traballu ba ita-nia ekonomia iha Timor-Leste, tanba durante tinan-rua ona ita-nia ekonomia hetan difikuldade, tanba kondisaun pandemia COVID-19,\" governante ne'e hateten iha nia ninia diskursu, iha seremonia pose, iha salaun SEFOPE, Caicoli.", "Membru foun ne'ebe simu pose hanesan, hanesan Prezidente CNT, Alarico de Rosario, Vise-Prezidente, Angelo dos Santos Veloso, no membru sira mak hanesan Rofino dos Reis, Horguilina Alves, Norberto Jose, Almeiro Gouveia, no Antonio da Costa.", "Enkuantu, Prezidente CAT, Geraldo Moniz, Vise-Prezidente, Etelvina Sarmento, no membru mak hanesan Julio Fernandes.", "Ministru enkoraja membru foun emposadu atu fo enerjia foun ba ambiente traballu hodi permite investimentu no iha mandatu foun ne'e bele rezolve problema ekonomia, liuliu salariu minimu ba traballador sira.", "\"Prosesu salariu minimu agora la'o hela, maibe kestaun mak tempu de'it tanba tama ona ajenda ne'ebe ita sei to'o solusaun inklui iha revizaun ba salariu sira tanba iha lejizlasaun ne'e rasik ita tenke haree,\" nia akresenta.", "Tanba ne'e, Ministru iha esperansa mandatu membru foun sira, bele rezolve salariu minimu ba traballador sira, tanba prosesu ne'e mai kedas hosi anterior.", "\"Presiza buka meiu atubele hadi'a no rezolve, tanba ne'e espera ekipa foun agora bele hadi'a ambiente laboral, ne'ebe hanesan komponente engloba sira hotu hodi hadi'a ambiente laboral inklui ba iha sira-nia seguransa tanba ne'e mak presiza tau-matan ba lei laboral,\" Ministru fo hanoin.", "Membru sesante husu atualiza salariu minimu Iha fatin hanesan, Vise-Prezidente Kamara Komersiu Industria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL, sigla portuges) Asuntu Sosial no Relasaun Industrial, Alberto Carvalho, ne'ebe hanesan membru CNT sesante, hateten ekipa rua hahu mandatu iha tinan 2015 to'o 2020, ne'ebe serbisu boot ne'ebe sira-nia parte halo maka halo estudu no propoin salariu minimu, tanba ne'e presiza kontinuasaun.", "\"Ita kuaze apoiu salariu minimu ba dala-rua, maibe to'o agora sei pendente, tanba ne'e molok ami husik mandatu ne'e, rekomenda ba MKAE hamutuk ho membru foun sira atubele atualiza ka realiza proposta ne'ebe uluk kaduka,\" nia fo hanoin.", "Notisia relevante: Revizaun salariu minimu, MKAE konsidera presiza realistiku ho kondisaun ekonomia Aleinde ne'e, Konsellu Nasional Traballu halo tan estudu hodi propoin filafali salariu minimu ne'ebe agora iha hela iha meza ministeriu tutela.", "\"Espera saida maka ami husik hela ba ita-boot sira bele kumpre lei kodigu traballu atu halo duni revizaun ba salariu minimu.", "Tanba tuir loloos ne'e iha iha ona revizaun bazeia ba kondisaun ekonomia, maibe tinan-sia ona mantein ho $115 no seidauk halo revizaun.", "Nune'e, durante mandatu, Konsellu Nasional Traballu sesante, konsege iha konkordansia hodi hamosu desizaun administrativa kona-ba asidente traballu, ne'ebe haree traballador sira ne'ebe hetan asidente, empregador bele konsidera no fo indemnizasaun bazeia ba desizaun no uza ba negosiasaun mak konsellu halo.", "Asuntu seluk, CNT konsege halo konkodansia atu uniformiza oras serbisu ho turnu ba traballdor sira, ne'ebe bainhira iha futuru atu lori desizaun ne'e ba lei, kompetensia membru foun.", "Nune'e mos, Prezidente CNT emposadu, Alarico de Rosario, hateten nu'udar membru foun hakarak luta nafatin ba salariu minimu maski progresu han tempu.", "\"Durante tempu naruk Konsellu Nasional Traballu hamutuk Sekretariadu Arbitrajen halo estudu oioin ba salariu minimu, ita tenke iha sentimentu ba ita-nia nasaun vizinu sira, estandariza salariu minimu, ho razaun parte rua ne'e halo ona peskiza iha territoriu laran tomak no halo estudu komparativu katak salariu minimu ne'e atu tau hira,\" nia sublina.", "Tuir atual Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) ne'e, progresu salariu minimu bele halo debate kada tinan-rua no halo revizaun, maibe buat hotu desizaun ikus iha Konsellu Ministru.", "\"Tanba ne'e, kona-ba montante salariu minimu ne'ebe Konsellu Nasional Traballu atu propoin ba Konsellu Ministru, daudaun ne'e sei halo hela estudu atu define, tanba ne'e sei segredu,\" nia akresenta.", "Konsellu Arbitrajen Traballu Konsellu Nasional Traballu Previous articleZumalai seidauk ezekuta orsamentu programa mao de obra faze daruak Next articleDTT Covalima fo ezame eskrita ba motorista trata karta kondusaun" ]
[ [ "MKAE optimistic presence of new CNT-CAT member can improve working environment | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e VARANDA EKONOMIA Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs (MKAU), Joaquim Amaral, handed over the nomination letter for a National Labour Council Member in SEFOPE hall at Caicoli on Monday." ], [ "DILI, October 12th (TATOLI) - Minister Coordinador of Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral on Monday sworn in seven new members to the National Labour Council and three more for Labor Arbitration Committees. The appointment was made by Prime Ministru Taur Matan Ruak at a ceremony which took place during his official trip from Dili City Hall where he held an inaugural speech before officials who attended this important event that will be honoured with honorary citizenship as well!" ], [ "In this context, the Minister put his confidence in new members and asked them to work responsibly according with existing law." ], [ "\"The National Council will work together with the Government to find ways of improving our economy's working environment in Timor-Leste, because for two years now we have been experiencing difficulties due on COVID 19 pandemic conditions\", said this governor during his speech at an inauguration ceremony held by SEFOPE hall Caicoli." ], [ "The new members who took office were the President of CNT, Alarico de Rosario; Vice-President Angelo dos Santos Veloso and Members Rofino Dos Reis Horguilina Alves Norberta Jose Almeiro Gouveias Antonio da Costa." ], [ "Meanwhile, the CAT President is Geraldo Moniz; Vice-President Etelvina Sarmento and members are Julio Fernandes." ], [ "The minister encouraged the newly appointed members to bring fresh energy into work environments in order for investment and under this mandate can resolve economic problems, especially minimum wages." ], [ "\"The minimum wage process is now underway, but the issue of time alone because it has been included in our agenda and we will come up with solutions including salary revisions as this legislation itself require us to look at them.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the Minister hopes that during their new mandate they will be able to resolve minimum wage issues for workers because this process has come straight from before." ], [ "\"We need to look for ways of improving and resolving, so we expect the new team now can improve working environments. This is a component that encompassed them all in order To enhance work conditions including their own safety therefore it was necessary enforcing labor law\", said Minister Fogo de Mina" ], [ "Meanwhile, Vice-President of the Timorese Chambers Of Commerce And Industry (CCITL) Social Affairs and Industrial Relation. Alberto Carvalho who is also a CNT member said that both teams started their mandate in year from2015 to364 which was great work on his part as he did studying minimum wage proposal so it needs continuation for this reason we need updating minimal salary" ], [ "\"We almost supported the minimum wage twice, but until now it is pending. Therefore before leaving this mandate we recommend to MKAE together with new members that they can update or implement proposals which were previously outdated\", he said" ], [ "Relevant news: The revision of the minimum wage, MKAE considers realistic need and economic conditions In addition to this 19th National Labour Council has made another study in order propose a re-establishment minimal salary which is currently on table at ministry." ], [ "\"Hopefully what we have left for you is to comply with the Labour Code laws and make a real revision of minimum wages." ], [ "Because there should have been a revision based on economic conditions, but for the past year it has remained at $120 and no review." ], [ "Thus, during the mandate of this National Labour Council in session it was able to reach agreement on an administrative decision regarding work accident which sees that workers who have suffered injuries can be considered by employers and compensated based upon a negotiation made with them." ], [ "On another matter, the CNT managed to reach an agreement on standardizing working hours and shifts for workers. When in future it will be up at new members' initiative if this decision is taken into law or not;" ], [ "Similarly, incumbent CNT President Alarico de Rosario said that as a new member he wants to continue fighting for the minimum wage even though progress takes time." ], [ "\"For a long time the National Labour Council together with Arbitration Secretariat have done various studies on minimum wages, we must take into account our neighboring countries and standardize minimal salaries. For this reason both parties conducted research throughout their territory to make comparative study of how much should be paid as an average salary.\"" ], [ "According to the current Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE), progress on minimum wage can be debated every two years, with a review being made but all final decisions are taken in Council." ], [ "\"Therefore, regarding the amount of minimum wage that Conselho Nacional de Trabalhu will propose to Council Of Ministers a study is currently being carried out for definition and therefor it shall be kept confidential\", he added." ], [ "Labour Arbitration Council National Labor Board Previous articleZumalai has not executed the budget for second phase of work program Next ArticleDTT Covalima gives written examination to drivers about driving licence" ] ]
Xanana ho Alkatiri\nXanana: FRETILIN iha Papel Importante iha Luta ba FM Featured\nTuir Xanana, FRETILIN hola papél importante tanba aseita hodi hola parte iha V Governu Konstitisuonál hamutuk ho CNRT hodi luta hasoru Austrália kona-ba fronteira tasi.\n“Ita hotu bele la’o hamutuk ho hanoin ida de’it, hakarak ida de’it no hahalok ida de’it to’o alkansa vitoria boot hasoru Austrália kona-ba ita-nia fronteiratasi hodi kaer ita-nia rikusoin iha tasi laran,” dehan Xanana liu husi gravasaun filmajen ba kuadrus CNRT, iha Sede CNRT, Bairru Grillus, Sabadu (27/04).\nLori partidu CNRT nia naran, Xanana fó obrigado ba partidu FRETILIN tanba bele hamutuk atu defende interese nasionál ne’ebé aas liu duke interese partidu idak-idak nian.\nXanana konsidera FRETILIN hamutuk ho CNRT hanesan lisaun di’ak no ezemplár tebes ne’ebé akontese ba prosesu konstrusaun estadu no konstrusaun nasaun.\nAleinde ne’e, Prezidente CNRT mós rekorda nia saudades ba partidu parseiru sira seluk ne’ebé hamutuk iha IV Governu no V Governu Konstitusionál hanesan Partidu Demokrativu (PD), ASDT, PSD, UNDERTIM, Frente Mundansa, no PST.\n“Obrigadu ba imi-nia parseiru, tanba iha tempu defisil imi hakarak hamutuk ho CNRT hodi esforsu atu harii aliserse ba konstrusaun ita-nia nasaun, CNRT sei la haluha imi,” dehan Xanana.\nCNRT Tenke Rekoñese Frakeza\nIha ninia mensajen, Prezidente CNRT ne’e husu mós ba kuadrus no militante partidu CNRT atu tenke sinseriu, onestu no nakloke hodi rekoñese frakeza.\nTuir Xanana, ida ne’e fundamental tebes ba futuru partidu CNRT nian.\n“Ita la haree didi’ak ba aspetu sira ne’e ita sei la hetan konsensia atu hadi’a partidu nia uma laran no sei la sente nesesidade atu hadi’a ita aan rasik nu’udar kuadru ka militante,” dehan nia.\n“Ita la halo interonpeksaun ne’e nia tendesia mak ita hatudu liman ba maluk seluk no organizasaun seluk inklui ita-nia tendensia monu ba loko aan de’it hodi ezije de’it ba ita-nia direitu, haluha ita-nia dever ba nasaun.”\nTanba ne’e, husu ba kuadru no militante CNRT tomak atu kontinua fiar aan la’o ba oin hodi fó kontribuisaun ba estadu no nasaun hodi fó mundansa ba povu nia moris husi kiak no mukit.\nHahú iha tinan 2007 to’o 2017, Partidu CNRT mós halo ona mudansa balun liu husi eletrisidade, agrikultura, turizmu, ekonomia no seluk tan, maibé CNRT mós konsiente katak la’ós halo mesak de’it.\nEntertantu, Sekjen Partidu CNRT, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay fó parabéns ba kuadru no militante partidu CNRT nian iha kada munisípiu hodi kontinua esforsu hamutuk atu dezenvolve nasaun no rai ida ne’e.\nAniversariu ba dala-12 ne’e, nia dehan, kuadru partidu CNRT iha nasionál tuun hotu ba munisípiu sira atu selebra hamutuk ho militante sira.\nMore in this category: « LH: Xefe Estadu Presiza Hatene Dokumentus Legal Sosa Asaun Conoco-Shell PR Lú Olo husu: “Oinsa mak atu Dada Kadoras Mai?” »\n/Xanana: FRETILIN iha Papel Importante iha Luta ba FM
[ "Xanana ho Alkatiri Xanana: FRETILIN iha Papel Importante iha Luta ba FM Featured Tuir Xanana, FRETILIN hola papel importante tanba aseita hodi hola parte iha V Governu Konstitisuonal hamutuk ho CNRT hodi luta hasoru Australia kona-ba fronteira tasi.", "\"Ita hotu bele la'o hamutuk ho hanoin ida de'it, hakarak ida de'it no hahalok ida de'it to'o alkansa vitoria boot hasoru Australia kona-ba ita-nia fronteiratasi hodi kaer ita-nia rikusoin iha tasi laran,\" dehan Xanana liu husi gravasaun filmajen ba kuadrus CNRT, iha Sede CNRT, Bairru Grillus, Sabadu (27/04).", "Lori partidu CNRT nia naran, Xanana fo obrigado ba partidu FRETILIN tanba bele hamutuk atu defende interese nasional ne'ebe aas liu duke interese partidu idak-idak nian.", "Xanana konsidera FRETILIN hamutuk ho CNRT hanesan lisaun di'ak no ezemplar tebes ne'ebe akontese ba prosesu konstrusaun estadu no konstrusaun nasaun.", "Aleinde ne'e, Prezidente CNRT mos rekorda nia saudades ba partidu parseiru sira seluk ne'ebe hamutuk iha IV Governu no V Governu Konstitusional hanesan Partidu Demokrativu (PD), ASDT, PSD, UNDERTIM, Frente Mundansa, no PST.", "\"Obrigadu ba imi-nia parseiru, tanba iha tempu defisil imi hakarak hamutuk ho CNRT hodi esforsu atu harii aliserse ba konstrusaun ita-nia nasaun, CNRT sei la haluha imi,\" dehan Xanana.", "CNRT Tenke Rekonese Frakeza Iha ninia mensajen, Prezidente CNRT ne'e husu mos ba kuadrus no militante partidu CNRT atu tenke sinseriu, onestu no nakloke hodi rekonese frakeza.", "Tuir Xanana, ida ne'e fundamental tebes ba futuru partidu CNRT nian.", "\"Ita la haree didi'ak ba aspetu sira ne'e ita sei la hetan konsensia atu hadi'a partidu nia uma laran no sei la sente nesesidade atu hadi'a ita aan rasik nu'udar kuadru ka militante,\" dehan nia.", "\"Ita la halo interonpeksaun ne'e nia tendesia mak ita hatudu liman ba maluk seluk no organizasaun seluk inklui ita-nia tendensia monu ba loko aan de'it hodi ezije de'it ba ita-nia direitu, haluha ita-nia dever ba nasaun.\"", "Tanba ne'e, husu ba kuadru no militante CNRT tomak atu kontinua fiar aan la'o ba oin hodi fo kontribuisaun ba estadu no nasaun hodi fo mundansa ba povu nia moris husi kiak no mukit.", "Hahu iha tinan 2007 to'o 2017, Partidu CNRT mos halo ona mudansa balun liu husi eletrisidade, agrikultura, turizmu, ekonomia no seluk tan, maibe CNRT mos konsiente katak la'os halo mesak de'it.", "Entertantu, Sekjen Partidu CNRT, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay fo parabens ba kuadru no militante partidu CNRT nian iha kada munisipiu hodi kontinua esforsu hamutuk atu dezenvolve nasaun no rai ida ne'e.", "Aniversariu ba dala-12 ne'e, nia dehan, kuadru partidu CNRT iha nasional tuun hotu ba munisipiu sira atu selebra hamutuk ho militante sira.", "More in this category: \" LH: Xefe Estadu Presiza Hatene Dokumentus Legal Sosa Asaun Conoco-Shell PR Lu Olo husu: \"Oinsa mak atu Dada Kadoras Mai?\" \" /Xanana: FRETILIN iha Papel Importante iha Luta ba FM" ]
[ [ "According to Xanana, FRETILIN played an important role in the fight for FM because it agreed on being part of V Constitutional Government together with CNRT (Congress National Party) and struggled against Australia over maritime borders." ], [ "\"We can all walk together with one thought, a single will and an action to achieve the great victory against Australia on our borders in order that we may seize wealth at ocean depths\", Xanana said during filming for CNRP framework meeting held Saturday (27/04) from CNRT Headquarters near Grillus." ], [ "Speaking on behalf of the CNRP party, Xanana thanked FRETILIN for being able to work together in defending a national interest that is higher than any individual parties' own." ], [ "Xanana considers FRETILIN together with CNRT as a very good and exemplary lesson that has happened in the process of state-building." ], [ "In addition, the President of CNRT also recorded his misses for other partner parties that join in IV Government and V Constitutional government such as Democratic Party (PD), ASDT PSD UNDERTIM Frente Mundansa ." ], [ "\"Thank you to your partners, because in a difficult time that they want together with CNRP and strive for building the foundations of our country." ], [ "In his message, the President of CNRT also urged all cadres and party members to be sincere in their acknowledging frailty. He called on them not only for honesty but openness as well: “We must admit our weak points.”" ], [ "According to Xanana, this is fundamental for the future of CNRP." ], [ "\"If we don't look closely at these aspects, then there will be no awareness to improve within the party and not feel any need of improving ourselves as cadres or militant\", he said." ], [ "\"Our lack of scrutiny, our tendency to point the finger at others and other organizations includes a propensity for falling into selfishness in demanding only what we deserve while neglecting that which is necessary.\"" ], [ "Therefore, he urged the cadres and all CNRT members to continue their self-confidence in moving forward so as make a contribution for state & country. To give worldlines of people' s lives from poverty no misery :" ], [ "Since 2017, the CNRP Party has made some changes in areas such as electricity and agriculture but it is also aware that they are not all." ], [ "Meanwhile, CNRT Party Secretary Francisco Kalbuadi Lay congratulated the cadres and militante of CNRT party in each municipality to continue their efforts together for developing this country." ], [ "On this 12th anniversary, he said that all CNRP cadres at the national level have gone to their municipalities in order for them and members of CNT-FAI together." ], [ "More in this category: \" PR Lu Olo asks, “What will give us the dignity?” /Xanana says FRETILIN has an important role to play against FM\"/“LH’s Head of State needs legal documents on Conoco-Shell action”" ] ]
Diálogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Polítika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Diálogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Polítika\nDiálogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Polítika\nDeputadu Bankada Partidu Demokrátiku, Adriano do Nascimento. Imajen dok. Tatoli\nDILI, 7 agostu 2019 (TATOLI)—Partidu sira iha papél ba estabilidade polítika iha rai laran no atu garante estabilidade polítika líder sira tenke tuur hamutuk liuhosi diálogu.\n“Katuas sira (líder nasionál) tenke tuur hamutuk. Se katuas sira lori ita ba konfuzaun, ha’u hanoin tenke para ona. Katuas sira tenke rezolve problema ne’e nia hún,” hateten Deputadu Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Adriano do Nascimento, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, kuarta ne’e.\nDeputadu ne’e krítika jerasaun tuan sira, tanba lakohi diálogu. “Katuas balun dehan diálogu la importante, ha’u (Adriano) krítika ida ne’e,” nia realsa.\nNia preokupa katak sá governu mak ministru ida bele lidera ministériu ualu (8) no sia (9) kedas. “Ezekusaun orsamentu no pagamentu ba kompañia sira la la’o, tanba ne’e diálogu importante hodi solusiona inserteza polítika ne’e,” katak nia.\nEntretantu, Vise Prezidente Bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Miranda Branco, akresenta, diálogu ne’e importante iha sosiedade no estadu ne’e.\n“Ha’u hanoin estabilidade polítika ne’e importante tebes. Tanba ne’e mak ami sempre apela diálogu. Ema balun interpreta dehan diálogu atu fahe kadeira, lae. Diálogu ne’e atu garante estabilidade polítika,” dehan Branco.\nTuir nia, liuhosi diálogu mak bele iha komunikasaun ba malu no loke kanál ba malu, tanba estadu ne’e iha forsa barak—forsa balun iha polítiku, forsa balun reprezenta sosiedade sivíl no forsa morál nasaun nian maka Igreja Katólika.\n“Ita labele halo interpretasaun katak kuandu ejize diálogu ne’e atu fahe kadeira. Ko’alia ba malu entre órgaun soberania sira, entre partidu polítiku, tanba interese estadu ne’e boot liu. Ida ne’e mak presiza interpreta loloos ba diálogu ne’e,” tenik Branco.\nNia salienta, estadu ne’e ema hotu-hotu nian, la’ós kaer ukun nian de’it, entaun diálogu mak bele nakloke ba malu.\n“Estadu ne’e ita hotu nian, balun opozisaun, balun kaer ukun, hotu-hotu nia interese ba di’ak no ba Estadu Timor-Leste,” nia esklarese.\nIha parte seluk, Segundu Vise Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Luís Roberto, hateten diálogu ne’e importante duni, maibé partidu ida-idak tenke hadi’a lai uma laran hafoin ko’alia ho partidu ne’ebé kaer ukun.\nNia salienta, labele dehan diálogu ne’e laiha, labele tuur iha fatin de’it mak ko’alia ho arrogánsia polítika. “Diálogu ne’e iha tipu oioin. Kuandu diálogu ne’e tama ona iha partidu polítika, imposível dehan la fahe kadeira. Kuandu Igreja mak dehan la fahe kadeira, ne’e loos, maibé partidu polítika ida mak ejize diálogu la hanoin kadeira, ne’e bosok,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articlePN Resesu iha 15 Agostu\nNext articleMinistru Babo Aprezenta Relatóriu Progresu Adezaun ASEAN\nDILI, 26 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - PERTAMINA International Timor, SA, fó apoia sasán nesesidade bázika no tanki bee ida ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse...
[ "Dialogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Politika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Dialogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Politika Dialogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Politika Deputadu Bankada Partidu Demokratiku, Adriano do Nascimento.", "Imajen dok.", "Tatoli DILI, 7 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) - Partidu sira iha papel ba estabilidade politika iha rai laran no atu garante estabilidade politika lider sira tenke tuur hamutuk liuhosi dialogu.", "\"Katuas sira (lider nasional) tenke tuur hamutuk.", "Se katuas sira lori ita ba konfuzaun, ha'u hanoin tenke para ona.", "Katuas sira tenke rezolve problema ne'e nia hun,\" hateten Deputadu Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Adriano do Nascimento, iha Parlamentu Nasional, kuarta ne'e.", "Deputadu ne'e kritika jerasaun tuan sira, tanba lakohi dialogu.", "\"Katuas balun dehan dialogu la importante, ha'u (Adriano) kritika ida ne'e,\" nia realsa.", "Nia preokupa katak sa governu mak ministru ida bele lidera ministeriu ualu (8) no sia (9) kedas.", "\"Ezekusaun orsamentu no pagamentu ba kompania sira la la'o, tanba ne'e dialogu importante hodi solusiona inserteza politika ne'e,\" katak nia.", "Entretantu, Vise Prezidente Bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Miranda Branco, akresenta, dialogu ne'e importante iha sosiedade no estadu ne'e.", "\"Ha'u hanoin estabilidade politika ne'e importante tebes.", "Tanba ne'e mak ami sempre apela dialogu.", "Ema balun interpreta dehan dialogu atu fahe kadeira, lae.", "Dialogu ne'e atu garante estabilidade politika,\" dehan Branco.", "Tuir nia, liuhosi dialogu mak bele iha komunikasaun ba malu no loke kanal ba malu, tanba estadu ne'e iha forsa barak - forsa balun iha politiku, forsa balun reprezenta sosiedade sivil no forsa moral nasaun nian maka Igreja Katolika.", "\"Ita labele halo interpretasaun katak kuandu ejize dialogu ne'e atu fahe kadeira.", "Ko'alia ba malu entre orgaun soberania sira, entre partidu politiku, tanba interese estadu ne'e boot liu.", "Ida ne'e mak presiza interpreta loloos ba dialogu ne'e,\" tenik Branco.", "Nia salienta, estadu ne'e ema hotu-hotu nian, la'os kaer ukun nian de'it, entaun dialogu mak bele nakloke ba malu.", "\"Estadu ne'e ita hotu nian, balun opozisaun, balun kaer ukun, hotu-hotu nia interese ba di'ak no ba Estadu Timor-Leste,\" nia esklarese.", "Iha parte seluk, Segundu Vise Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Luis Roberto, hateten dialogu ne'e importante duni, maibe partidu ida-idak tenke hadi'a lai uma laran hafoin ko'alia ho partidu ne'ebe kaer ukun.", "Nia salienta, labele dehan dialogu ne'e laiha, labele tuur iha fatin de'it mak ko'alia ho arrogansia politika.", "\"Dialogu ne'e iha tipu oioin.", "Kuandu dialogu ne'e tama ona iha partidu politika, imposivel dehan la fahe kadeira.", "Kuandu Igreja mak dehan la fahe kadeira, ne'e loos, maibe partidu politika ida mak ejize dialogu la hanoin kadeira, ne'e bosok,\" nia sublina.", "Previous articlePN Resesu iha 15 Agostu Next articleMinistru Babo Aprezenta Relatoriu Progresu Adezaun ASEAN DILI, 26 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - PERTAMINA International Timor, SA, fo apoia sasan nesesidade bazika no tanki bee ida ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse..." ]
[ [ "Dialogu, Dalan Garante Estabilidade Politika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE “Dialogue is the only way to ensure political stability,” said Adriano do Nascimento." ], [ "Imagine doc." ], [ "Tatoli DILI, August 7th (Xinhua) - Political parties have a role to play for political stability in the country and leaders must sit together through dialogue." ], [ "\"The elders (national leaders) have to sit together." ], [ "If the elders are leading us into confusion, I think they should stop." ], [ "The elders must solve this problem for themselves,\" said Democratic Party (PD) MP Adriano do Nascimento in the National Parliament on Tuesday." ], [ "The MP criticized the old generations, because they lack dialogue." ], [ "\"Some people say that dialogue is not important, I (Adriano) criticize this." ], [ "He is concerned about the question of what kinds Of government a minister can lead with eight and nine ministries at once." ], [ "\"Budget execution and payments to companies are not going well, so dialogue is important for resolving this political insecurity\", he said." ], [ "Meanwhile, Vice-Chairman of the FRETILIN Group in Parliament Francisco Miranda Branco added that dialogue is important for society and state." ], [ "\"I think political stability is very important." ], [ "That's why we always call for dialogue." ], [ "Some people interpret it as a dialogue to share the seat, lae." ], [ "This dialogue is to guarantee political stability,\" Branco said." ], [ "According to him, it is through dialogue that there can be mutual communication and open channels for each other because the state has many forces - some of them in politics; others representing civil society. The moral force behind this country are Catholic Churches which have a strong influence on political decision-making as well" ], [ "\"We can't interpret this as if we are trying to divide the seats when dialogue is being held." ], [ "Talk to each other between sovereign bodies, among political parties because the interest of state is greater." ], [ "This is what needs to be interpreted correctly for this dialogue,\" Branco said." ], [ "He emphasized that the state belongs to everyone, not just those in power. Therefore dialogue is what can open up each other and make them understand one another better.\"" ], [ "\"The state belongs to all of us, some are in the opposition and others hold power. Everyone has a good interest for Timor-Leste as an entire State.\"" ], [ "On the other hand, Second Vice-President of National Parliament Luis Roberto said that dialogue is important but each party has to clean up inside after talking with ruling parties." ], [ "He emphasized, you can't say that there is no dialogue. You cannot just sit and talk with political arrogance.\"" ], [ "\"There are different kinds of dialogue." ], [ "Once this dialogue has entered into the political party, it is impossible to say no seat sharing." ], [ "When the Church says it will not share chairs, that's true. But if a political party demanding dialogue does NOT think about seat sharing is false.\"" ], [ "Previous articlePN Recess on August 15 Next ArticleMinister Babo Presents Report of ASEAN Accession Progresse DILI, May.26th (TATOLI) - PERTAMINA International Timor SA has donated basic necessities and a water tank to the Oe-cus..." ] ]
Timor Telecom apoia Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste\nDomingu, 24 Marsu 2013 00:47\nTinan haat sai patrosíniu ba Selesaun Nasional Futebol sira\nTimor Telecom (TT), foin asina hotu kontratu fó patrosíniu ba Selesaun Futebol Timor-Leste, durante tinan haat ba oin. To´o fevereiru 2016, TT mak sei sai patrosinador ofisial ba Selesaun Nasional.\nPatrosíniu ida ne´é tama ba estratéjia konsolidadu ba promosaun Timor nasionalmente no internasionalmente, no íha parte seluk mos, hodi asosia emosionalmente TT ba kauza ida ke naturalmente hametin Timor-oan hotu hotu.\nPatrosíniu ida ne´é inklui apoiu ba selesaun nasional futebol Timor-Leste – Selesaun A, Selesaun sub-23, sub-21, sub-19, sub-16, sub-14, sub-12, Femininu no Futsal – ke sei partisipa íha tinan oin sira mai íha kompetisaun oin oin, nasional no internasional, hodi nune´é destaka Liga Nasional Futebol, Asian Games, Sea Games no Mundial Futebol mos.\nTuir liafuan husi Sr. Prezidente FFTL, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, no ho naran Komité Exekutivu FFTL nian: “TT komprete duni atu ajuda sosiedade sivil, no laos deit atu hetan lukru, maibe buka ajuda ona mos dezenvolvimentu desportu, liu liu futebol, íha Timor-Leste, no ajuda ona mos atu promove turismu Timor-Leste ba rai liur.”\nTT hanesan empreza ida ke komprometidu ho dezenvolvimentu sosiedade íha ninia dimensaun oin oin hodi apoiu Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste, kumpre objetivu atu reforsa valor nasional, hodi fo apoiu ba Futebol, desporto Liurai íha Timor-Leste.\nEma liu husi rihun hitu maka halai pas nian iha Maratona II iha Dili\nSegunda, 27 Juñu 2011 20:10\nMais de sete mil correram pela paz na II Maratona de Díli\nAtleta hamutuk rihun hitu resin maka partisipa iha Maratona II iha Dili, kahur malu husi atletas, polítiku, diplomatas no ema ne’ebé larejistu iha festa desportivu ida ne’e, ne’ebé hala’o husi Prezidente Repúblika atu hodi haree kona-ba pas no estabilidade.\nHo tulun boot ne´ebé mai husi Timor Telecom, Maratona Dili nian ne’ebé ba daruak/sidade pas nian hetan, husi mane, maka ema kenianu ida naran Sammy Kiptoo, ho oras rua, minutu 20 no segundu 6 nia laran, liu fali nia halai-maluk Phlimon Rotich, ne’ebé maka hetan iha halai ba dahuluk ho oras rua minutu 34 no segundu 57.\nIha nia dadalia ho Lusa, Sammy Kiptoo dehan katak nia kontente ho buat ne’ebé nia halo, haree katak buat ida ne’ebé “susar tebes” haree ba temperatura ne’ebé maka’as no rai tun sa’e iha fatin ne’ebé halai ba.\nNune’e mós Augusto Ramos Soares, timoroan ne’ebé di’ak liu iha knaar ida ne'e, haree katak nia hetan tempu ho 2h30:54, tuir kedas husi Kiptoo.\n“Mai ha’u di’ak hela. Iha halai nia laran mós ha’u sente di’ak no ha’u kontente ho ha’u-nia pasu sira”, hateten Augosto Soares ne’ebé sei hanesan atleta husi na’in haat timoroan ne’e ida ne’ebé hili atu hodi ba Estadus Unidus iha Novembru, partisipa iha “New York Cyti Maraton”.\nSira seluk maka Juventina Gonçalves, ne’ebé di’ak mós husi señora sira ne’ebé hetan iha tinan liubá, Calisto da Costa Hanesan klasifikadu ba datoluk iha tinan ida ne’e ho tempu 2:34:54) no Lola Gama (3h10:47), Maratona Dili nian ne’e atu prepara ema atleta na’in haat ne’ebé hein hela atu hodi rai ida ne’e nia naran ba iha jogu Olímpiku sira iha Londres, iha 2012.\nHaree foto ho kamiza kór-matak nian ne´ebé hakonu sidade Díli foin lalais ne´e, iha loron Sábadu dadeersan\nPT husu ba Governu timór-oan katak sensibiliza ho Indonézia nune´e hodi liga kabu submarinu\nKinta, 07 Abril 2011 23:24\nPrezidente ezekutivu husi PT, Zeianl Bava, fó sai ona ba envolvimentu Governu Timór-oan hodi halo esforsu hamututk ho Indonézia hodi adota país husi ligasaun kabu submarinu, nune´e bele permiti Internet ne´ebé lalais liu nó baratu liu.\n“Ami husi atu bele iha konjunsaun ida husi esforsu hirak ne´ebé luan liu tán, la´ós de´it husi Portugal Telekom [PT] nó Timor Telekom, maibé bele iha mós apoiu husi nível governu nian, tannba ida ne´e mak imperativu estratéjiku ida ba iha Timor”, nia deklara ona.\nZeinal Bava, ne´ebé mak dezloka iha Díli hodi fó sai kliente rihun 500 ne´ebé mak atinji ona husi Timor Telekom iha rede móvel, nia haktuir katak empreza ne´ebé partisipa husi PT “ne´ebé mak liu porsentu 50 husi interese ekonómiku timór-oan nian “ nó kompromisu hotu-hotu ne´ebé mak nia asumi iha vizita ne´ebé nia hala´o iha tinan 2009 ho autoridade sira husi Timor-Leste, kompromisu hirak ne´e atinji ona.\n“Bainhira ita hanoin kona-ba nível TT nian ne´e presiza hanoin katak hanesan mós empreza timór-oan sira nian. Alende partisipasaun direta husi Estadu Timor-Leste nó huis emprezáriu lokál sira, nó mós iha partisipasaun indireta ida husi Fundação São José (Diocese de Baucau).\nTanba ne´e mak susesu husi TT tenke sai nudar kontributu husi projetu operasionál ne´ebé mak PT halo ona, nó mós ba investimentu timór-ona ninian.\nNia konfirma nó hodi esplika ba jornalista sira, aumentu débitu nian, ne´e hadi´a di´ak liu tán kualidade husi servisu nó redusaun husi folin sira ba asesu Internet, liu-liu atu fó sai ba públikuhusi informasaun iha Timor-Leste, depende ba komunikasaun sira atu la bele iha limitadu ba satélite nó tempu oin mai sei ho kabu submarinu.\nPortugés sira manan iha kategoria hotu hotu husi RunBike Díli\nKinta, 03 Fevereiru 2011 03:19\nPortugés sira ohin manan ona ba kategoria hotu hotu ne´ebé di´ak liu iha prova "RunBike Díli, ne´ebé mak hadau ho manas nó humidade ne´ebé mka´as tebes iha relevu ne´ebé asentua iha Timor-Leste.\nNelson Silva mak sai manan destakadu husi foho (prémiu Timor Telekom), ho ida ne´e konsege hetan primeiru lugar iha klasifikasaun individuál, tuir mai mós tuir kedas husi portugés Carlos Cardoso.\nJacinto Costa mak sai tiha, entre timorenses, sai di´ak liu iha prova, klasifika iha terseiru lugar haree ba iha individuál. Ba feto-sira, hanesan portugeza Mónica Vieira mak manan, hetan iha segundu lugar Krista Harsias, husi Nova Zelândia, nó Mirth Hiemitra, ho nasionalidade norte-amerikana, iha terseira pozisaun.\nBa ekipa sira, grupu ne´ebé mak reprezenta ona ba GNR mak ida ne´ebé sura nia pontu barak liu, nó tuir fali husi grupu Forsas Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL).\nBa sira ne´ebé konkore sura hamutu atleta 140 husi nasaun 12, ne´ebé mak halai bizikleta kuaze kilómetru 19, kuaze sira tama to´o iha foho leten nó iha rai kuak sira, manas tebes, nó ho umidade ne´ebé aas uitoan husi kilómetru iha korrida ain nian, to´o ona ba tasi ibun.\nNelson Silva satisfeitu iha finál : "ha´u gosta tebes prova, maske iha difikuldade barak iha etapa primeiru".\nZeinal Bava garante ba PR nó primeiru ministru timor-oan investimentu ida tán iha rai laran\nTersa, 14 Dezembru 2010 02:31\nPrezidente ezekutivu husi PT, Zeinal Bava, hasoru malu ona iha loron 29 Novembru ho Prezidente nó primeiru-ministru Timor-Leste hodi asegura katak Timor Telecom (TT) sei investe hodi halori nasaun iha telekomunikasaun ne’ebé sai referénsia iha rejiaun.\n“Ha’u mai liuliu hodi reafirma komprimisu Timor Telecom, nó Portugal Telecom hanesan asionista estratéjiku, katak ami sei kontinua investe, hodi posibilita Timór ho infraestrutura ida iha telekomunikasaun ida ne’ebé kompetitivu liu iha rejiaun”, Zeinal Bava dehan ona ba Lusa, iha finál husi audiénsia ho Prezidente da Repúblika.\nTuir prezidente ezekutivu, nia viajén mai Timor-Leste, mai mós “atu konfirma evolusaun nó progresu husi Timor Telecom ne’ebé mak hala’o tiha ona. TT investe barak ona iha merkadu ida ne’e”, hakbesik ba pursentu 29 husi reseita sira.\n“Ami aumenta ho signifikativamente kobertu movél 2G nó pur sentu 86 husi populasaun timor-oan iha tiha ona asesu ba telemovél, ho variedade tarifa” dehan ona. Konsidera Timor Telecom “ativu estratéjiku ida”, Zeinal Bava hanoin fali katak, maske ekonomia timor-oan ninia di’ak dadaun, “wainhira Timór presiza ona katak investimentu hirak ne’ebé hala’o ona mai husi PT nó grupu parseiru lokál ne’ebé mak toma ona inisiativa nó asumi risku sira, iha momentu ida empreza seluk la konsidera ona hanesan merkadu ida interesante nó atrativu”. Timor Telecom “hanesan ezemplu ida eselente iha parseria ida ho investidór lokál.\nPT iha partisipasaun ida signifikativu iha parseria ida ne’e nó nu’udar empreza ida ne’ebé halori jestaun iha telekomunikasaun sira, maibé jestaun ida ne’e hatu’ur iha komprimisu ida klaru ne’ebé ami hala’o iha rekursu timor-oan ninian. Parte bo’ot husi ami nia kuadru sira mesak ema lokál nó ami hakarak katak iha sira nia formasaun ba periode ida ne’ebé xefia rasik husi ema Timór”, tenik ona.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé fó ba jornalista sira, to’o iha finál tinan ida ne’e, pursentu 7,5 husi populasaun timor-oan sei hetan ona asesu ba internet (hakbesik ba rihun 80 husi utilizadór sira), nó objetivu mak ba 2011 persentajén ne’e sei dobru. “Iha finál 2011 iha estimativa konservadora ho pursentu 15 husi populasaun, Timor-Leste sei sai hanesan país ida ho penetrasaun bo’ot iha erjiaun, wainhira kompara ho 13,5 husi illa Fiji ka pursentu 8,7 husi Indonézia, ida ne’ebé importante liu tamba internet haloke odamatan koñesimentu ninian nó sei aumenta grau husi edukasaun nó formasaun husi ema sira”, nia subliña ona.\nIha setembru lansa ona portál www.sapo.tl, ba dahuluk iha versaun bilinge (tetum nó portugés), “hodi promove utilizasaun husi internet nó dinamiza banda larga ho konteúdu multimédia lokál, ajuda ho nune’e promove mós konsolidasaun husi lian portugés, enkuantu lian nasionál iha Timor-Leste”.\nIha área movél, pursentu 40 husi populasaun utiliza servisu ne’ebé mak fó ona husi Timor Telecom, (pursentu 33 iha tinan 2009), hein ho nune’e empreza bá to’o finál tinan ne’e ho kliente rihun 470 nó atinji kobertura iha kapitál distritu 13 tomak, ida ne’ebé hatan ba pursentu 86 husi populasaun.\nAssinatura Adenda Protokolu hala’o tia ona iha Loron 1 Agoustu 2010 Husi STAE ho Timor Telekom\nSesta, 26 Novembru 2010 20:58\nIha loron 28 Outubro 2010, Sr. Tomas do Rosário Cabral, Director STAE ,hasoru malun ho Administrador delegadu husi Timor Telekom, Eng.º Manuel Capitão Amaro ho nia assessor komunikasaun ba relasaun publika , Sr. Manuel Cárceres da Costa, iha fatin servisu Timor Telekom nian, atu asina adenda ba protokolu iha Loron 1 Agoustu 2009.\nAdenda ne’e atu hodi haforsa apoio ba nivel telekomunikasaun nian nebe hatudu ona husi Timor Telekom ba STAE desde eleisaun Chefe suku nebe hala’o tia ona iha Loron 9 Outubru 2009.\nIha serimonia asinatura adenda, Administrador delegadu Timor Telekom hateten katak STAE mos bele konta ona ho apoio Timor Telekom nebe maka permanente, Referiu, Inklusive, nune mos Timor Telekom espera katak sei fo espektivas nebe diak ba iha nasaun no governu Timor Leste. Director STAE, Sr. Tomas do Rosário Cabral. Hateten katak importansia kona ba servisu hamutuk husi Timor Telekom ho STAE ne’e atu kompleta STAE nia servisu no hodi hein Timor Telekom nia apoio ba preparasaun no realijasaun eleisaun jeral nebe sei hala’o iha Timor Leste ba tinan 2012.\nEsforsu kona ba servisu hamutuk husi instuisaun rua ne’e hare liu ba iha particular STAE nian konaba linha asesu internet iha STAE nasional nomos STAE distritu, sei permiti mos asesu ba partidu politik sira no publiku hotu-hotu kona ba informasaun nebe maka hala’o husi STAE.\nInkontru ida ne’e nia rejultado hatudu garantia husi Administrador delegadu Timor Telekom nebe hanesan impresariu nasional nebe prepara ona hodi fo apoio tomak nebe nesesariu ba eleisaun jeral 2012.
[ "Timor Telecom apoia Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste Domingu, 24 Marsu 2013 00:47 Tinan haat sai patrosiniu ba Selesaun Nasional Futebol sira Timor Telecom (TT), foin asina hotu kontratu fo patrosiniu ba Selesaun Futebol Timor-Leste, durante tinan haat ba oin.", "To'o fevereiru 2016, TT mak sei sai patrosinador ofisial ba Selesaun Nasional.", "Patrosiniu ida ne'e tama ba estratejia konsolidadu ba promosaun Timor nasionalmente no internasionalmente, no iha parte seluk mos, hodi asosia emosionalmente TT ba kauza ida ke naturalmente hametin Timor-oan hotu hotu.", "Patrosiniu ida ne'e inklui apoiu ba selesaun nasional futebol Timor-Leste - Selesaun A, Selesaun sub-23, sub-21, sub-19, sub-16, sub-14, sub-12, Femininu no Futsal - ke sei partisipa iha tinan oin sira mai iha kompetisaun oin oin, nasional no internasional, hodi nune'e destaka Liga Nasional Futebol, Asian Games, Sea Games no Mundial Futebol mos.", "Tuir liafuan husi Sr. Prezidente FFTL, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, no ho naran Komite Exekutivu FFTL nian: \"TT komprete duni atu ajuda sosiedade sivil, no laos deit atu hetan lukru, maibe buka ajuda ona mos dezenvolvimentu desportu, liu liu futebol, iha Timor-Leste, no ajuda ona mos atu promove turismu Timor-Leste ba rai liur.\"", "TT hanesan empreza ida ke komprometidu ho dezenvolvimentu sosiedade iha ninia dimensaun oin oin hodi apoiu Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste, kumpre objetivu atu reforsa valor nasional, hodi fo apoiu ba Futebol, desporto Liurai iha Timor-Leste.", "Ema liu husi rihun hitu maka halai pas nian iha Maratona II iha Dili Segunda, 27 Junu 2011 20:10 Mais de sete mil correram pela paz na II Maratona de Dili Atleta hamutuk rihun hitu resin maka partisipa iha Maratona II iha Dili, kahur malu husi atletas, politiku, diplomatas no ema ne'ebe larejistu iha festa desportivu ida ne'e, ne'ebe hala'o husi Prezidente Republika atu hodi haree kona-ba pas no estabilidade.", "Ho tulun boot ne'ebe mai husi Timor Telecom, Maratona Dili nian ne'ebe ba daruak/sidade pas nian hetan, husi mane, maka ema kenianu ida naran Sammy Kiptoo, ho oras rua, minutu 20 no segundu 6 nia laran, liu fali nia halai-maluk Phlimon Rotich, ne'ebe maka hetan iha halai ba dahuluk ho oras rua minutu 34 no segundu 57.", "Iha nia dadalia ho Lusa, Sammy Kiptoo dehan katak nia kontente ho buat ne'ebe nia halo, haree katak buat ida ne'ebe \"susar tebes\" haree ba temperatura ne'ebe maka'as no rai tun sa'e iha fatin ne'ebe halai ba.", "Nune'e mos Augusto Ramos Soares, timoroan ne'ebe di'ak liu iha knaar ida ne'e, haree katak nia hetan tempu ho 2h30:54, tuir kedas husi Kiptoo.", "\"Mai ha'u di'ak hela.", "Iha halai nia laran mos ha'u sente di'ak no ha'u kontente ho ha'u-nia pasu sira,\" hateten Augosto Soares ne'ebe sei hanesan atleta husi na'in haat timoroan ne'e ida ne'ebe hili atu hodi ba Estadus Unidus iha Novembru, partisipa iha \"New York Cyti Maraton.\"", "Sira seluk maka Juventina Goncalves, ne'ebe di'ak mos husi senora sira ne'ebe hetan iha tinan liuba, Calisto da Costa Hanesan klasifikadu ba datoluk iha tinan ida ne'e ho tempu 2:34:54) no Lola Gama (3h10:47), Maratona Dili nian ne'e atu prepara ema atleta na'in haat ne'ebe hein hela atu hodi rai ida ne'e nia naran ba iha jogu Olimpiku sira iha Londres, iha 2012.", "Haree foto ho kamiza kor-matak nian ne'ebe hakonu sidade Dili foin lalais ne'e, iha loron Sabadu dadeersan PT husu ba Governu timor-oan katak sensibiliza ho Indonezia nune'e hodi liga kabu submarinu Kinta, 07 Abril 2011 23:24 Prezidente ezekutivu husi PT, Zeianl Bava, fo sai ona ba envolvimentu Governu Timor-oan hodi halo esforsu hamututk ho Indonezia hodi adota pais husi ligasaun kabu submarinu, nune'e bele permiti Internet ne'ebe lalais liu no baratu liu.", "\"Ami husi atu bele iha konjunsaun ida husi esforsu hirak ne'ebe luan liu tan, la'os de'it husi Portugal Telekom [PT] no Timor Telekom, maibe bele iha mos apoiu husi nivel governu nian, tannba ida ne'e mak imperativu estratejiku ida ba iha Timor,\" nia deklara ona.", "Zeinal Bava, ne'ebe mak dezloka iha Dili hodi fo sai kliente rihun 500 ne'ebe mak atinji ona husi Timor Telekom iha rede movel, nia haktuir katak empreza ne'ebe partisipa husi PT \"ne'ebe mak liu porsentu 50 husi interese ekonomiku timor-oan nian \" no kompromisu hotu-hotu ne'ebe mak nia asumi iha vizita ne'ebe nia hala'o iha tinan 2009 ho autoridade sira husi Timor-Leste, kompromisu hirak ne'e atinji ona.", "\"Bainhira ita hanoin kona-ba nivel TT nian ne'e presiza hanoin katak hanesan mos empreza timor-oan sira nian.", "Alende partisipasaun direta husi Estadu Timor-Leste no huis emprezariu lokal sira, no mos iha partisipasaun indireta ida husi Fundacao Sao Jose (Diocese de Baucau).", "Tanba ne'e mak susesu husi TT tenke sai nudar kontributu husi projetu operasional ne'ebe mak PT halo ona, no mos ba investimentu timor-ona ninian.", "Nia konfirma no hodi esplika ba jornalista sira, aumentu debitu nian, ne'e hadi'a di'ak liu tan kualidade husi servisu no redusaun husi folin sira ba asesu Internet, liu-liu atu fo sai ba publikuhusi informasaun iha Timor-Leste, depende ba komunikasaun sira atu la bele iha limitadu ba satelite no tempu oin mai sei ho kabu submarinu.", "Portuges sira manan iha kategoria hotu hotu husi RunBike Dili Kinta, 03 Fevereiru 2011 03:19 Portuges sira ohin manan ona ba kategoria hotu hotu ne'ebe di'ak liu iha prova \"RunBike Dili, ne'ebe mak hadau ho manas no humidade ne'ebe mka'as tebes iha relevu ne'ebe asentua iha Timor-Leste.", "Nelson Silva mak sai manan destakadu husi foho (premiu Timor Telekom), ho ida ne'e konsege hetan primeiru lugar iha klasifikasaun individual, tuir mai mos tuir kedas husi portuges Carlos Cardoso.", "Jacinto Costa mak sai tiha, entre timorenses, sai di'ak liu iha prova, klasifika iha terseiru lugar haree ba iha individual.", "Ba feto-sira, hanesan portugeza Monica Vieira mak manan, hetan iha segundu lugar Krista Harsias, husi Nova Zelandia, no Mirth Hiemitra, ho nasionalidade norte-amerikana, iha terseira pozisaun.", "Ba ekipa sira, grupu ne'ebe mak reprezenta ona ba GNR mak ida ne'ebe sura nia pontu barak liu, no tuir fali husi grupu Forsas Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL).", "Ba sira ne'ebe konkore sura hamutu atleta 140 husi nasaun 12, ne'ebe mak halai bizikleta kuaze kilometru 19, kuaze sira tama to'o iha foho leten no iha rai kuak sira, manas tebes, no ho umidade ne'ebe aas uitoan husi kilometru iha korrida ain nian, to'o ona ba tasi ibun.", "Nelson Silva satisfeitu iha final: \"ha'u gosta tebes prova, maske iha difikuldade barak iha etapa primeiru.\"", "Zeinal Bava garante ba PR no primeiru ministru timor-oan investimentu ida tan iha rai laran Tersa, 14 Dezembru 2010 02:31 Prezidente ezekutivu husi PT, Zeinal Bava, hasoru malu ona iha loron 29 Novembru ho Prezidente no primeiru-ministru Timor-Leste hodi asegura katak Timor Telecom (TT) sei investe hodi halori nasaun iha telekomunikasaun ne'ebe sai referensia iha rejiaun.", "\"Ha'u mai liuliu hodi reafirma komprimisu Timor Telecom, no Portugal Telecom hanesan asionista estratejiku, katak ami sei kontinua investe, hodi posibilita Timor ho infraestrutura ida iha telekomunikasaun ida ne'ebe kompetitivu liu iha rejiaun,\" Zeinal Bava dehan ona ba Lusa, iha final husi audiensia ho Prezidente da Republika.", "Tuir prezidente ezekutivu, nia viajen mai Timor-Leste, mai mos \"atu konfirma evolusaun no progresu husi Timor Telecom ne'ebe mak hala'o tiha ona.", "TT investe barak ona iha merkadu ida ne'e,\" hakbesik ba pursentu 29 husi reseita sira.", "\"Ami aumenta ho signifikativamente kobertu movel 2G no pur sentu 86 husi populasaun timor-oan iha tiha ona asesu ba telemovel, ho variedade tarifa\" dehan ona.", "Konsidera Timor Telecom \"ativu estratejiku ida,\" Zeinal Bava hanoin fali katak, maske ekonomia timor-oan ninia di'ak dadaun, \"wainhira Timor presiza ona katak investimentu hirak ne'ebe hala'o ona mai husi PT no grupu parseiru lokal ne'ebe mak toma ona inisiativa no asumi risku sira, iha momentu ida empreza seluk la konsidera ona hanesan merkadu ida interesante no atrativu.\"", "Timor Telecom \"hanesan ezemplu ida eselente iha parseria ida ho investidor lokal.", "PT iha partisipasaun ida signifikativu iha parseria ida ne'e no nu'udar empreza ida ne'ebe halori jestaun iha telekomunikasaun sira, maibe jestaun ida ne'e hatu'ur iha komprimisu ida klaru ne'ebe ami hala'o iha rekursu timor-oan ninian.", "Parte bo'ot husi ami nia kuadru sira mesak ema lokal no ami hakarak katak iha sira nia formasaun ba periode ida ne'ebe xefia rasik husi ema Timor,\" tenik ona.", "Tuir informasaun ne'ebe fo ba jornalista sira, to'o iha final tinan ida ne'e, pursentu 7,5 husi populasaun timor-oan sei hetan ona asesu ba internet (hakbesik ba rihun 80 husi utilizador sira), no objetivu mak ba 2011 persentajen ne'e sei dobru.", "\"Iha final 2011 iha estimativa konservadora ho pursentu 15 husi populasaun, Timor-Leste sei sai hanesan pais ida ho penetrasaun bo'ot iha erjiaun, wainhira kompara ho 13,5 husi illa Fiji ka pursentu 8,7 husi Indonezia, ida ne'ebe importante liu tamba internet haloke odamatan konesimentu ninian no sei aumenta grau husi edukasaun no formasaun husi ema sira,\" nia sublina ona.", "Iha setembru lansa ona portal www.sapo.tl, ba dahuluk iha versaun bilinge (tetum no portuges), \"hodi promove utilizasaun husi internet no dinamiza banda larga ho konteudu multimedia lokal, ajuda ho nune'e promove mos konsolidasaun husi lian portuges, enkuantu lian nasional iha Timor-Leste.\"", "Iha area movel, pursentu 40 husi populasaun utiliza servisu ne'ebe mak fo ona husi Timor Telecom, (pursentu 33 iha tinan 2009), hein ho nune'e empreza ba to'o final tinan ne'e ho kliente rihun 470 no atinji kobertura iha kapital distritu 13 tomak, ida ne'ebe hatan ba pursentu 86 husi populasaun.", "Assinatura Adenda Protokolu hala'o tia ona iha Loron 1 Agoustu 2010 Husi STAE ho Timor Telekom Sesta, 26 Novembru 2010 20:58 Iha loron 28 Outubro 2010, Sr. Tomas do Rosario Cabral, Director STAE ,hasoru malun ho Administrador delegadu husi Timor Telekom, Eng.o Manuel Capitao Amaro ho nia assessor komunikasaun ba relasaun publika , Sr. Manuel Carceres da Costa, iha fatin servisu Timor Telekom nian, atu asina adenda ba protokolu iha Loron 1 Agoustu 2009.", "Adenda ne'e atu hodi haforsa apoio ba nivel telekomunikasaun nian nebe hatudu ona husi Timor Telekom ba STAE desde eleisaun Chefe suku nebe hala'o tia ona iha Loron 9 Outubru 2009.", "Iha serimonia asinatura adenda, Administrador delegadu Timor Telekom hateten katak STAE mos bele konta ona ho apoio Timor Telekom nebe maka permanente, Referiu, Inklusive, nune mos Timor Telekom espera katak sei fo espektivas nebe diak ba iha nasaun no governu Timor Leste.", "Director STAE, Sr. Tomas do Rosario Cabral.", "Hateten katak importansia kona ba servisu hamutuk husi Timor Telekom ho STAE ne'e atu kompleta STAE nia servisu no hodi hein Timor Telekom nia apoio ba preparasaun no realijasaun eleisaun jeral nebe sei hala'o iha Timor Leste ba tinan 2012.", "Esforsu kona ba servisu hamutuk husi instuisaun rua ne'e hare liu ba iha particular STAE nian konaba linha asesu internet iha STAE nasional nomos STAE distritu, sei permiti mos asesu ba partidu politik sira no publiku hotu-hotu kona ba informasaun nebe maka hala'o husi STAE.", "Inkontru ida ne'e nia rejultado hatudu garantia husi Administrador delegadu Timor Telekom nebe hanesan impresariu nasional nebe prepara ona hodi fo apoio tomak nebe nesesariu ba eleisaun jeral 2012." ]
[ [ "Timor Telecom supports the Football Federation of East-Timor Sunday, 24 Mar.13:50 Sponsorship for four years to National Soccer Team The company has just concluded a sponsoring contract with Eastern Тимор' s national football team (EFF) and will continue this partnership until its expiration in March next year" ], [ "Until February 2016, TT will be an official sponsor of the National Team." ], [ "This sponsorship is part of a consolidated strategy for promoting Timor nationally and international, as well to emotionally associate TT with the cause that naturaly strengthens all people." ], [ "This sponsorship includes support to the Timor-Leste national football team - Seleção A, Sub 23s and U19/U07 selection – which will participate in coming years at various competition of both domestical as well international level. The National Football League (LNF), Asian Games(AGS) Sea games' World Cup is also a major event for Sponsoring" ], [ "In the words of FFTL President Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, and on behalf Of The Executive Committee: \"TT is committed to helping civil society not only for profit but also in order To develop sport especially football within Timor-Leste as well As promote tourism abroad.\"" ], [ "TT is a company committed to the development of society in its various dimensions and supports Timor-Leste Football Federation, fulfilling their objectives for strengthening national value by providing assistance with football as an international sport." ], [ "More than seven thousand people took part in the Marathon II of Dili Monday, 27 Junu-06:13 Mais de sete mil correram pela paz na I Maratona da Cidade do Porto A total number over a hundred and ninety athletes participated at this sporting event held by President Xanana Gusmão to ensure peace." ], [ "With the great help of Timor Telecom, Dili Marathon's second place/city win was won by a Kenyan man named Sammy Kiptoo in two hours 20 minutes and six seconds. He outpaced his fellow runner Phlimon Rotich who had made it to first with an overall time from three-hour half marathon run:" ], [ "In his interview with Lusa, Sammy Kiptoo said that he was satisfied by what they had done as something \"very exciting\" given the high temperatures and soil erosion where it went." ], [ "Also Augusto Ramos Soares, the best-performing Tongan in this race saw that he set a time of 2h30:54 and was followed by Kiptoo." ], [ "\"Maybe I'm fine." ], [ "I feel good during the run and am satisfied with my steps,\" said Augosto Soares who will be one of four Malagasy athletes to choose a trip in November for participation at \"The New York City Marathon.\"" ], [ "Others are Juventina Goncalves, who was also good among the ladies that won last year; Calisto da Costa (who finished third this season with a time of2:34.56) and Lola Gama(1h09m78). The Dili Marathon is to prepare four athletes waiting for their country' s name in London Olympic Games on July" ], [ "PT asks Timorese government to raise awareness with Indonesia so it can connect submarine cable Friday, 07 April (Xinhua) -- The CEO of the Portuguese Telecommunications Company \"PT\", Zeianl Bava has called for involvement by East-Timor' s Government in joint efforts together With Indonesian authorities and other stakeholder groups on adopting an underwater fiber optic connection that will allow faster Internet access at lower costs." ], [ "\"We want to have a conjunction of these broader efforts, not only from Portugal Telekom [PT] and Timor Telecom but also support at the government level as this is strategically imperative for East-Timor\", he said." ], [ "Zeinal Bava, who was in Dili to present the 501 thousand customers that have already been reached by Timor Telekom on mobile networks said PT participation \"is more than a fifty percent of East-Timorese economic interest\" and all commitments he made during his visit with authorities from east -timor were achieved." ], [ "\"When we think about the level of TT, it is necessary to consider that this also applies for Timorese businesses." ], [ "In addition to the direct participation of Timor-Leste State and local entrepreneurs, there is also an indirect one from Fundacao Sao Jose (Diocese de Baucau)." ], [ "Therefore, the success of PT must be seen as a contribution to its existing operational projects and Timorese investments." ], [ "He confirmed and explaining to journalists, the increase in throughput is a further improvement of service quality as well reduction on prices for Internet access especially when it comes out information publicly. In Timor-Leste communication depend not only upon satellite but also submarine cable which will be available soon 10 years later than today' s broadband connection with high speed internet (4G)." ], [ "Portuguese wins all categories at RunBike Dili Friday, Feb.03th21:59 PM The Portugese have won today in every category of the best race \"Run BIKE DILI\", which was a very hot and humid event on Timor-Leste' s terrain with high temperature levels that were not to be tolerated by most people who live there" ], [ "Nelson Silva was the outstanding winner from Foho (premium Timor Telekom), who managed to take first place in individual classification, followed by Portuguese Carlos Cardoso." ], [ "Jacinto Costa, from Timor-Leste was the best in his race and placed third for individuals." ], [ "In the women's event, Monica Vieira of Portugal won with Krista Harsias from New Zealand in second place and Mirth Hiemitra (USA) third." ], [ "For teams, the group that represented GNR was one of those with most points and followed by Timor-Leste Defence Forces (F - FDTL) team." ], [ "For those competing, the 140 athletes from twelve nations rode nearly nineteen kilometres on their bike. They almost entered desert and mud terrain in extreme heat with a slightly high humidity for one kilometer of race before reaching sea level to get out at sunset again!" ], [ "Nelson Silva was satisfied at the end: \"I really enjoy this race, even though there were a lot of difficulties in stage one.\"" ], [ "PT CEO Zeinal Bava assures President and Prime Minister of Timor-Leste another investment in the country Tersa, 14 Dezembro (Wednesday), December.20:36 PM The Chairman Executive Officer from Pte Ltda(PTL)Zeinel bavo met on November' s second day with Presidente e prime minister to ensure that TT will invest so as it can make telecommunication a benchmark for its region" ], [ "\"I have come in particular to reaffirm the commitment of Timor Telecom, and Portugal Telekom as a strategic shareholder that we will continue investing so it is possible for our country with an infrastructure on telecommunications which are more competitive than anywhere else\", Zeinal Bava told Lusa after his audience at President da República." ], [ "According to the executive president, his trip is also \"to confirm Timor Telecom's evolution and progress that has already been made." ], [ "TT has invested heavily in this market,\" which accounts for nearly 29 percent of revenues." ], [ "\"We have significantly increased 2G mobile coverage and now over the entire Timorese population has access to telephones, with a variety of tariffs\" he said." ], [ "Considering Timor Telecom a \"strategic asset,\" Zeinal Bava recalls that despite the good state of East-Timorese economy at this time in 2014 and its need for investment from PT' s local partner groups who have taken initiatives to take risk. At one point other companies did not consider it as an interesting or attractive market.\"" ], [ "Timor Telecom \"has found an excellent example in a partnership with local investors." ], [ "PT has a significant participation in this partnership and as an enterprise that is responsible for the management of telecommunications, but its administration comes from our clear commitment to Timorese resources." ], [ "A large part of our cadres are local and we want them to be trained for a period that is led by Timorese themselves,\" he said." ], [ "According to the information given, by this year's end 7.5 percent of Timorese population will have accessed internet (nearly an eighty thousand users), and it is a goal that in2013 these numbers should double;" ], [ "\"By the end of 2015, in conservative estimates at about a fifteenth percent population Timor-Leste will be one country with highest penetration rate compared to Fiji (where it is only around thirty five per cent) or Indonesia where this percentage reaches an impressive nine and seven. This would have been even more important if internet had opened doors for knowledge that could improve people' s educational level.\"" ], [ "In September, the portal www.sapo tl was launched in its first bilingual version (Tetum and Portuguese), \"to promote internet uses as well to boost broadband with local multimedia content which will help further consolidate Portugese language that is Timor-Leste' s national languages.\"" ], [ "In the mobile area, 40 percent of population uses services already provided by Timor Telecom (compared to only about a third in year one), so that at end-of this years company has reached more than four hundred and seventy thousand customers with coverage across all thirteen district capital cities covering an estimated twenty six per cent." ], [ "Signature of Protocol Addendum Held on 1 August,209 By STAE and Timor Telekom Saturday November the.3rd at The Offices Of TIMOTELKOM On October (three) twenty-eighth(twelve), Mr Tomas do Rosario Cabral Director OF STAE met with Administrator Delegate from TIM Telecom Eng Manuel Capitao Amaros & his communication advisor for public relations M/F Manoel Carceres da Costa in order to sign an addendum protocol which will be concluded by signing it as soon" ], [ "This amendment is intended to reinforce the level of telecommunications support that Timor Telekom has shown for STAE since village chief election held on 9 October,2013." ], [ "At the signing ceremony, Timor Telekom’s Managing Director said that STAE can now count on permanent support from TIMOTELK which will be a referee and inclusive. He also hoped this would provide better prospect for both East-Timor government as well in general to all of our countries members.”" ], [ "STAE Director, Mr. Tomas do Rosario Cabral; and the President of State Assessment Committee (STAC), Ms Maria da Glória de Souza" ], [ "He stressed the importance of Timor Telekom's cooperation with STAE in order to complement its work and hoped that it would provide support for preparation, conducting & monitoring general elections which will be held on 2013." ], [ "The cooperation effort between the two institutions, in particular with regard to STAE's internet access lines at national and district level of STAE will also allow political parties as well a whole public for information about what is being done by Stae." ], [ "The outcome of this meeting showed the assurances by Timor Telekom' s Managing Director that as a national entrepreneur he is prepared to provide all necessary support for general elections in December." ] ]
RONA LIAFUAN HODI HALO TUIR\nData posting Tersa, 21 Julhu 2015 - 09:32:47 OTL, Husi : Administrator\nKategoria: LIA KSOLOK BA MORIS (LKBM) - Le'e Dala: 1012\nOlá leitor rtk doben sira! uluk knanain ita nobun ho lian ida deit hatutur ita nia obrigado ba Maromak tan dom da vida nebe ita hotu simu no halao desde ohin dadersan to’o momento kmanek nee. Nunee ba moris loron ohin, ita ida-idak sei hakas an atu senti Maromak nia presença iha ita nia leet. Nia hela ita nia fuan laran. Atu senti nia presença ida ne’e mak ita preciso rona nia Futar Liafuan. No buat nebe Nia hakarak husi ita mak ida ne’e Hakarak ita tau laran metin (confia) iha Nia no hala’o iha ita nia moris saida mak Maromak liuhusi Jesus Cristo hanorin. Aproveita momento nee mak ami hakarak convida maluk sira atu fo netik tempo minuto ida rua hamutuk ho Maromak nebe Santa Kreda liuhusi liturgia da Palavra oferece mai ita hodi refleta ba ita nia moris.\n“sira nee mak hau nia inan no hau nia maun alin sira”(Mt 12,50). Citação husi passgem Evangelho nee mak sai nudar ponto de partilha ba ita nia sorumutu edição loron ohin\nDoben le-nain RTK lian nain Feto sira hotu! Matenek nain sira kona ba Bíblia nian afirma katak existe linha vertente importante rua iha Nai Jesus Cristo nia-An; ida bolu Filho Unigénito no ida seluk hanaran Filho Primogénito. Ponto dahuluk; Filho Unigénito iha nee hakarak fo-hanoin mai ita katak Cristo Jesus mak Oan Mane Mesak (Putra Tunggal) nebe Aman Maromak tan hadomi tebes mundo, haruka mai atu ema hotu nebe fiar iha Nia la bele lakon, maibe hetan moris rohan laek (cfr. Jo 3,16). São Marcos iha nia intervenção declara mos katak Jesus mak Aman Maromak nia Oan Doben nebe ita preciso rona Nia (cfr. Mc 9,7 ou Mt 3,17). Nunee Aman Maromak la iha tan ona oan mane seluk além de Cristo. Husi nee mak ita compreende katak Filho Unigénito sublinha liu relação entre Aman Maromak ho Jesus nudar Filho Único, Oan Mane Mesak.\nTuir mai, leitor RTK lian nain feto doben sira! ita hakat ba ponto daruak; Filho Primogénito. Hanoin balun husi Livro Salmo nian nebe bele halo ita compreende kona ba ponto nee mak Cristo Jesus é o Filho Primogénito entre entre os mortos e os vivos. Significa Jesus mak Oan Mane uluk liu ema hothotu tanto sira nebe moris no mate tiha ona iha período antes de Cristo no mos ita hirak nebe moris no sei moris iha período depois de Cristo(cfr. 1Cor 15, 20. 23); Então, ponto nee fo-hanoin mai ita kona ba relação entre ita ema ho Maromak. Habadak lia ita bele dehan Buat nebe halo ita compreende liu tan mak nee Jesus iha natureza rua, natureza divina, Nia mak Filho Unigénito(Filho Único, Oan Mane Mesak). Jesus mos iha natureza humana, Nia mak Filho Primogénito(Oan Mane uluk liu ema hothotu). Ita hotu mak oan fudin Maromak nian husi a morte do Filho Unigénito dará a vida aos filhos adoptivos de Deus.\nFamília le-nain RTK doben sira! Liuhusi Evangelho S. Mateus nian ohin, hakarak hanorin ba ema Judeu sira, Apóstolo sira inclui ita hotu kona ba a verdadeira família de Jesus, Jesus nia família nebe lolos. Jesus oferece mai ita definição foun kona ba família; Família la’os deit vínculo humano eh ikatan manusiawi tuir isin no ran nian, maibé família lolos nebe Cristo harí mak comunhão ema hohotu nebe rona no halo tuir Maromak nia hakarak. Hanesan Jesus dehan ohin “Hau nia inan no maun alin sira mak hirak nebe rona no halo tuir Maromak nia hakarak iha moris”. Jesus la nega nem despreza nia família tuir ran nian, maibé louva liu tan Maria nia posição nebe aceita Maromak nia vontade, ata oan mak nee, halo tuir deit Ita liafuan ba (cfr.Lc 1,38), inclui harí fali fraternidade foun, atu ema hotu hare malu hanesan maun alin...\nNunee, maluk sira nebe acessa ba Rádio ONLINE RTK nian! Condição atu sai Maromak nia família lolos la’os hare husi parte isin ou ran nian maibé husi fiar nian hodi rona no tau iha vida prática Maromak nia hakarak. Condição nee considerado nudar garantia nebe Cristo, husi Nia moris, mate no ressurreição foti hikas ita ema nia dignidade be folin laek sai nudar oan fudin eh oan hakiak Família lolos Maromak nian.\nLe-nain sira!Carta S. Tiago 1, 22-25 hameno mai ita nunee “buka hakas an atu sai ema nebe halo tuir liafuan ba, laos deit rona nia, hodi bosok imi an. Basa ema rona deit liafuan karik, maibé la halo tuir nia, ema nee hanesan ema nebe hateke ba nia oin iha espelho no hare duni nia oin rasik. Nia hare tiha didiak nia oin, hafoin haluhan kedas nia ilas oinsa los....ema nebe halo tuir Maromak nia ukun fuan, ema nee sei hetan bênção iha buat hotu be nia halo”.\nEspera reflexão nee refresca liu tan ita nia fé... semoga........ChickyFatubay\n�Imi Ba No haklaken : Reino Maromak Nian Besik Ona�.\nVisita Ohin Loron : 391\nTotal Visitor : 1546494\nHits Ohin Loron : 1186\nTotal Hits : 10954085
[ "RONA LIAFUAN HODI HALO TUIR Data posting Tersa, 21 Julhu 2015 - 09:32:47 OTL, Husi: Administrator Kategoria: LIA KSOLOK BA MORIS (LKBM) - Le'e Dala: 1012 Ola leitor rtk doben sira! uluk knanain ita nobun ho lian ida deit hatutur ita nia obrigado ba Maromak tan dom da vida nebe ita hotu simu no halao desde ohin dadersan to'o momento kmanek nee.", "Nunee ba moris loron ohin, ita ida-idak sei hakas an atu senti Maromak nia presenca iha ita nia leet.", "Nia hela ita nia fuan laran.", "Atu senti nia presenca ida ne'e mak ita preciso rona nia Futar Liafuan.", "No buat nebe Nia hakarak husi ita mak ida ne'e Hakarak ita tau laran metin (confia) iha Nia no hala'o iha ita nia moris saida mak Maromak liuhusi Jesus Cristo hanorin.", "Aproveita momento nee mak ami hakarak convida maluk sira atu fo netik tempo minuto ida rua hamutuk ho Maromak nebe Santa Kreda liuhusi liturgia da Palavra oferece mai ita hodi refleta ba ita nia moris. \"sira nee mak hau nia inan no hau nia maun alin sira\" (Mt 12,50).", "Citacao husi passgem Evangelho nee mak sai nudar ponto de partilha ba ita nia sorumutu edicao loron ohin Doben le-nain RTK lian nain Feto sira hotu!", "Matenek nain sira kona ba Biblia nian afirma katak existe linha vertente importante rua iha Nai Jesus Cristo nia-An; ida bolu Filho Unigenito no ida seluk hanaran Filho Primogenito.", "Ponto dahuluk; Filho Unigenito iha nee hakarak fo-hanoin mai ita katak Cristo Jesus mak Oan Mane Mesak (Putra Tunggal) nebe Aman Maromak tan hadomi tebes mundo, haruka mai atu ema hotu nebe fiar iha Nia la bele lakon, maibe hetan moris rohan laek (cfr.", "Jo 3,16).", "Sao Marcos iha nia intervencao declara mos katak Jesus mak Aman Maromak nia Oan Doben nebe ita preciso rona Nia (cfr.", "Mc 9,7 ou Mt 3,17).", "Nunee Aman Maromak la iha tan ona oan mane seluk alem de Cristo.", "Husi nee mak ita compreende katak Filho Unigenito sublinha liu relacao entre Aman Maromak ho Jesus nudar Filho Unico, Oan Mane Mesak.", "Tuir mai, leitor RTK lian nain feto doben sira! ita hakat ba ponto daruak; Filho Primogenito.", "Hanoin balun husi Livro Salmo nian nebe bele halo ita compreende kona ba ponto nee mak Cristo Jesus e o Filho Primogenito entre entre os mortos e os vivos.", "Significa Jesus mak Oan Mane uluk liu ema hothotu tanto sira nebe moris no mate tiha ona iha periodo antes de Cristo no mos ita hirak nebe moris no sei moris iha periodo depois de Cristo (cfr.", "1Cor 15, 20.", "23); Entao, ponto nee fo-hanoin mai ita kona ba relacao entre ita ema ho Maromak.", "Habadak lia ita bele dehan Buat nebe halo ita compreende liu tan mak nee Jesus iha natureza rua, natureza divina, Nia mak Filho Unigenito (Filho Unico, Oan Mane Mesak).", "Jesus mos iha natureza humana, Nia mak Filho Primogenito (Oan Mane uluk liu ema hothotu).", "Ita hotu mak oan fudin Maromak nian husi a morte do Filho Unigenito dara a vida aos filhos adoptivos de Deus.", "Familia le-nain RTK doben sira!", "Liuhusi Evangelho S. Mateus nian ohin, hakarak hanorin ba ema Judeu sira, Apostolo sira inclui ita hotu kona ba a verdadeira familia de Jesus, Jesus nia familia nebe lolos.", "Jesus oferece mai ita definicao foun kona ba familia; Familia la'os deit vinculo humano eh ikatan manusiawi tuir isin no ran nian, maibe familia lolos nebe Cristo hari mak comunhao ema hohotu nebe rona no halo tuir Maromak nia hakarak.", "Hanesan Jesus dehan ohin \"Hau nia inan no maun alin sira mak hirak nebe rona no halo tuir Maromak nia hakarak iha moris.\"", "Jesus la nega nem despreza nia familia tuir ran nian, maibe louva liu tan Maria nia posicao nebe aceita Maromak nia vontade, ata oan mak nee, halo tuir deit Ita liafuan ba (cfr.Lc 1,38), inclui hari fali fraternidade foun, atu ema hotu hare malu hanesan maun alin...", "Nunee, maluk sira nebe acessa ba Radio ONLINE RTK nian!", "Condicao atu sai Maromak nia familia lolos la'os hare husi parte isin ou ran nian maibe husi fiar nian hodi rona no tau iha vida pratica Maromak nia hakarak.", "Condicao nee considerado nudar garantia nebe Cristo, husi Nia moris, mate no ressurreicao foti hikas ita ema nia dignidade be folin laek sai nudar oan fudin eh oan hakiak Familia lolos Maromak nian.", "Le-nain sira!Carta S. Tiago 1, 22-25 hameno mai ita nunee \"buka hakas an atu sai ema nebe halo tuir liafuan ba, laos deit rona nia, hodi bosok imi an.", "Basa ema rona deit liafuan karik, maibe la halo tuir nia, ema nee hanesan ema nebe hateke ba nia oin iha espelho no hare duni nia oin rasik.", "Nia hare tiha didiak nia oin, hafoin haluhan kedas nia ilas oinsa los....ema nebe halo tuir Maromak nia ukun fuan, ema nee sei hetan bencao iha buat hotu be nia halo.\"", "Espera reflexao nee refresca liu tan ita nia fe... semoga........ChickyFatubay Imi Ba No haklaken: Reino Maromak Nian Besik Ona.", "Visita Ohin Loron: 391 Total Visitor: 1546494 Hits Ohin Loron: 1186 Total Hits: 10954085" ]
[ [ "Data posting Tersa, 21 Julhu (Thursday),09:35 - Le'e Dalas. Hello dear readers of the RtK! before we knew each other and now with one voice thank God for his gift to life which all have received from today until this moment in time..." ], [ "Thus, for today' s life each of us will strive to feel God’ S presence in our midst." ], [ "He lives in our hearts." ], [ "To feel this presence we need to hear His Last Word." ], [ "And what He wants of us is that we put our trust in Him and live according to the teaching God has given through Jesus Christ." ], [ "We would like to take this opportunity and invite our fellow Christians, who are in the same situation as us here at St. Peter' s Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday 15th May for a few minutes together with God that Holy Creed through its liturgy offers them so they can reflect upon their own lives: \"These [are] my mother\" (Mt28;49)." ], [ "This quotation from the Gospel passage became a point of sharing for our meeting today's edition Doben le-nain RTK!" ], [ "The scholars of the Bible affirm that there are two important lines in Mother Jesus Christ; one called Only Begotten Son and another named Primogenito." ], [ "The first point; the Only-Begotten Son here wants to remind us that Christ Jesus is his only son, whom God loved so much as he sent him into this world: That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (cf." ], [ "John 3:16)." ], [ "St. Mark in his intervention also declares that Jesus is the only Son of God Father whom we need to hear (cf 1 John,3:20)." ], [ "Mark 9:7 or Mt.3,18)." ], [ "Thus God the Father has no other son except Christ." ], [ "From this we understand that the Only-Begotten Son emphasizes more than anything else, a relationship between God Father and Jesus as His only son." ], [ "Next, dear female RTK readers! we move on to the second point; Filho Primogenito." ], [ "Some thoughts from the Book of Psalms can make us understand on this point that Christ Jesus and His Firstborn Son are amongst both dead people, as well alive." ], [ "It means that Jesus is the Son of God before all mankind, both those who lived and died in pre-Christ periods as well for us to live or die after Christ (cf." ], [ "1Corinthians:20." ], [ "23); So this point gives us some insight into the relationship between man and God." ], [ "What makes us understand more is that Jesus has two natures, divine and human. He was the Only Begotten Son of God (Jesus Christ)." ], [ "Jesus also had human nature, He is the Primogenito Son (Firstborn)." ], [ "We are all God's adopted children through the death of His Only Begotten Son, who gave life to those whom He had chosen." ], [ "RTK family doben sira!" ], [ "Through the Gospel of St. Matthew today, wanting to teach Jewish people and us all about Jesus’ true family – His very own Family - The Apostles include ourselves among them as well!" ], [ "Jesus offers us a new definition of the family; it is not just human bonds and ties in flesh or blood, but Christ' s true families are communion among all who listen to his will." ], [ "As Jesus said today, \"My mother and my brothers are those who hear the will of God in life.\"" ], [ "Jesus did not deny or despise his blood family, but rather praised Mary's position of accepting God’ s will as the only child to do just what He said (cf. Lk 1:38), including rebuilding a new brotherhood so that all people would see each other like their own..." ], [ "So, friends who access RTK's ONLINE Radio! are welcome to listen." ], [ "The qualification to become a member of God's family does not look at the body or blood but on faith in listening and putting into practice, through life." ], [ "This consecration is considered to be the guarantee that Christ, through His life and death has restored our precious dignity as children of God." ], [ "The letter of St. James 1:25-30 reminds us that \"be doers and not only hearer, deceiving yourselves.\"" ], [ "For if any man be a hearer of the word, and not one that doeth it; he is like unto an individual who looked upon his own face in another mirror." ], [ "He looked at his face, and immediately forgot how he was...the man who keeps the commandments of God will be blessing in all that is done by him.\"" ], [ "Hope this reflection refreshes our faith... hopefully........ChickyFatubay Imi Ba No haklaken: The Kingdom of God Has Come." ], [ "Visita Ohin Loron: 391 Total Visitor, Hits and Views of the Forum (Total)" ] ]
TL-Singapura Sei Halo Konferénsia Hodi Atrai Investidór | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA TL-Singapura Sei Halo Konferénsia Hodi Atrai Investidór\nTL-Singapura Sei Halo Konferénsia Hodi Atrai Investidór\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Tempu badak, Governu Timor-Leste ho Singapura sei halo konferénsia hamutuk iha Singapura hodi atria investidór sira, liu-liu investidór sira husi Singapura hodi investe iha nasaun ne’e.\nTuur hamutuk ho sira depois esplika polítika investimentu iha Timor-Leste, planu dezenvolvimentu inklui kuadru legál, fasilidade saida de’it ne’e para bele halo investimentu iha ne’e. Governu Singapura rasik fó apoiu tomak ba ne’e.\n“Agora ligasaun ho saida mak ita prepara, ita iha TradeInvest. Ne’ebé mais téknika, mais espesífiku TradeInvest mak sei halo esplikasaun kle’an liutan kona-ba rekizitu investimentu iha ita-nia rai laran durante konferénsia ne’e”, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun, Aurélio Guterres, hatan ba TATOLI iha MNEK Praia dos Coqueiros, tersa ne’e.\nNia dehan sei konvida timoroan, emprezáriu nasionál sira ne’ebé mak interese atu serbisu hamutuk ho emprezáriu internasionál sira ne’e atu bele halo investimentu ida pozitivu, lukrutivu nomós bele benefísia ita-nia rai laran liu-liu kampu traballu iha ita-nia rai laran. Pontu ida kona-ba investimentu.\nPontu rua, Singapura mós prontu atu fó formasaun ba timoroan sira. Agora dadauk husi ita-nia parte, atrávez ita-nia embaixada iha Singapura nomós MNEK prepara hela programa ida.\nPrograma ne’e sei koordena ho ministériu relevante iha ita-nia rai laran, liu-liu identifika área espesífika hodi nune’e halo formasaun ida ba médiu prazu ho Singapura. Singapura sei apoia tomak.\n“Ne’ebé ita planu, planu formasaun ba ita-nia ema sira iha setór hotu-hotu, hodi tuir formasaun iha Singapura”, katak tan.\nHodi hatutan konferénsia ne’e tuir planu, bele iha fulan tolu eh haat nia laran ne’e, ita bele realiza lais liutan porque ne’e pratikamente singapura mak fó apoiu iha ne’ebá. Ita mobiliza de’it buat balun, ita koordena de’it buat balun hodi nune’e ita bele fó apoiu ba realizasaun ne’e.\nEma Hakarak Investe iha Timor-Leste\nMinistru Aurélio mós haktuir durante nia vizita traballu iha Singapura no Indonézia inklui nasaun balun, sira hateten Timor-Leste nasaun ne’ebé úniku, nunka espera to’o iha situasaun ida diverjénsia polítika, povu kumprende.\nRai ida ne’e bele iha dezentendimentu polítiku, diskusaun polítiku sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál, buat ida ne’ebé ema barak, rai barak la espera.\nEnkontru iha Singapura, Indonézia, sira dehan ita-nia rain ema bele iha diverjénsia polítika, i bele deskute malu mas povu kumprende. Ema hatene saida mak polítika no la kahur ho vida loro-loron ida.\nSei la afeta investimentu, ema hakarak mai investe nafatin. Soké ita mak presiza prepara meius hanesan kuadru legál. Ema hakarak mai investe tanba iha estabilidade polítika, iha oportunidade para ema hakarak mai investe.\n“Ha’u sente sei sei la afeta ema mai halo investimentu iha ne’e, ema kontinua hakarak, depende ita mak tenkeser prepara aan para simu ema sira ne’e halo didi’ak liu-liu husi kuadru legál no seluk tan”, konklui.\nPrevious articleGovernu Presiza Koloka Artigu Hodi Proteje Labarik iha EA\nNext articlePasaporte Timor-Leste Okupa Fatin Di’ak iha Mundu
[ "TL-Singapura Sei Halo Konferensia Hodi Atrai Investidor | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA TL-Singapura Sei Halo Konferensia Hodi Atrai Investidor TL-Singapura Sei Halo Konferensia Hodi Atrai Investidor DILI, (TATOLI) - Tempu badak, Governu Timor-Leste ho Singapura sei halo konferensia hamutuk iha Singapura hodi atria investidor sira, liu-liu investidor sira husi Singapura hodi investe iha nasaun ne'e.", "Tuur hamutuk ho sira depois esplika politika investimentu iha Timor-Leste, planu dezenvolvimentu inklui kuadru legal, fasilidade saida de'it ne'e para bele halo investimentu iha ne'e.", "Governu Singapura rasik fo apoiu tomak ba ne'e.", "\"Agora ligasaun ho saida mak ita prepara, ita iha TradeInvest.", "Ne'ebe mais teknika, mais espesifiku TradeInvest mak sei halo esplikasaun kle'an liutan kona-ba rekizitu investimentu iha ita-nia rai laran durante konferensia ne'e,\" Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun, Aurelio Guterres, hatan ba TATOLI iha MNEK Praia dos Coqueiros, tersa ne'e.", "Nia dehan sei konvida timoroan, emprezariu nasional sira ne'ebe mak interese atu serbisu hamutuk ho emprezariu internasional sira ne'e atu bele halo investimentu ida pozitivu, lukrutivu nomos bele benefisia ita-nia rai laran liu-liu kampu traballu iha ita-nia rai laran.", "Pontu ida kona-ba investimentu.", "Pontu rua, Singapura mos prontu atu fo formasaun ba timoroan sira.", "Agora dadauk husi ita-nia parte, atravez ita-nia embaixada iha Singapura nomos MNEK prepara hela programa ida.", "Programa ne'e sei koordena ho ministeriu relevante iha ita-nia rai laran, liu-liu identifika area espesifika hodi nune'e halo formasaun ida ba mediu prazu ho Singapura.", "Singapura sei apoia tomak.", "\"Ne'ebe ita planu, planu formasaun ba ita-nia ema sira iha setor hotu-hotu, hodi tuir formasaun iha Singapura,\" katak tan.", "Hodi hatutan konferensia ne'e tuir planu, bele iha fulan tolu eh haat nia laran ne'e, ita bele realiza lais liutan porque ne'e pratikamente singapura mak fo apoiu iha ne'eba.", "Ita mobiliza de'it buat balun, ita koordena de'it buat balun hodi nune'e ita bele fo apoiu ba realizasaun ne'e.", "Ema Hakarak Investe iha Timor-Leste Ministru Aurelio mos haktuir durante nia vizita traballu iha Singapura no Indonezia inklui nasaun balun, sira hateten Timor-Leste nasaun ne'ebe uniku, nunka espera to'o iha situasaun ida diverjensia politika, povu kumprende.", "Rai ida ne'e bele iha dezentendimentu politiku, diskusaun politiku sira iha Parlamentu Nasional, buat ida ne'ebe ema barak, rai barak la espera.", "Enkontru iha Singapura, Indonezia, sira dehan ita-nia rain ema bele iha diverjensia politika, i bele deskute malu mas povu kumprende.", "Ema hatene saida mak politika no la kahur ho vida loro-loron ida.", "Sei la afeta investimentu, ema hakarak mai investe nafatin.", "Soke ita mak presiza prepara meius hanesan kuadru legal.", "Ema hakarak mai investe tanba iha estabilidade politika, iha oportunidade para ema hakarak mai investe.", "\"Ha'u sente sei sei la afeta ema mai halo investimentu iha ne'e, ema kontinua hakarak, depende ita mak tenkeser prepara aan para simu ema sira ne'e halo didi'ak liu-liu husi kuadru legal no seluk tan,\" konklui.", "Previous articleGovernu Presiza Koloka Artigu Hodi Proteje Labarik iha EA Next articlePasaporte Timor-Leste Okupa Fatin Di'ak iha Mundu" ]
[ [ "TL-Singapura Will Hold Conference To Attract Investor | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The Governments of the Republic Of East and Singapore will hold a joint conference in Singapur to attract investor, especially from Singapura." ], [ "Then I went with them and explained the investment policy in Timor-Leste, development plan including legal framework. What facilities are there for investing here?" ], [ "The Singapore Government itself has given its full support to this." ], [ "\"Now the connection with what we are preparing, that is TradeInvest." ], [ "TradeInvest will provide a more technical, specific explanation of the requirements for investment in our country during this conference,” Minister Aurelio Guterres told TATOLI at MNEK Praia dos Coqueiros on Tuesday." ], [ "He said that he will invite the national entrepreneurs who are interested in working together with these international businessmen to make a positive, profitable investment and benefit our country especially job opportunities." ], [ "One point about investment." ], [ "Secondly, Singapore is also ready to provide training for the Taiwanese." ], [ "Now on our part, through the embassy in Singapore and MNEK are preparing a programme." ], [ "The programme will coordinate with the relevant ministries in our country, particularly identifying specific areas so as to make a medium-term training program together." ], [ "Singapore will fully support." ], [ "\"What we are planning is to train our people in all sectors, and they will be training there.\"" ], [ "To continue the conference as planned, maybe in three or four months' time we can do it again because Singapore is practically giving support there." ], [ "We just mobilize some things, we coordinate a few of them so that they can be supported." ], [ "People Want to Invest in Timor-Leste Minister Aurelio also said during his working visits into Singapore and Indonesia including some countries, they stated that the country is unique. They never expected such a situation of political divergence; people understand it!" ], [ "This country can have political disagreements, the national parliamentary debates are something that many people and countries do not expect." ], [ "Meeting in Singapore, Indonesia they said that our country people can have political differences and discuss each other but the population understand." ], [ "People know what politics is, but they don't care about everyday life." ], [ "It will not affect investment, people want to come and invest again." ], [ "But we need to prepare the means as a legal framework." ], [ "People want to come and invest because there is political stability, an opportunity for people who are interested in investing." ], [ "\"I feel that it will not affect people who come to invest here, they still want. It depends on us how well we prepare ourselves for receiving them especially from the legal framework and other aspects.\"" ], [ "Previous articleGovernment Needs to Place Article To Protect Children in EA Next artikelPassport Timor-Leste Occupying a Good House In the World" ] ]
Sosiedade sivíl husu MAP lori aspirasaun povu bá simeira mundiál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Sosiedade sivíl husu MAP lori aspirasaun povu bá simeira mundiál\nSosiedade sivíl husu MAP lori aspirasaun povu bá simeira mundiál\nDILI, 15 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)--Sosiedade Sivíl iha Timor-Leste, kompostu hosi La’o Hamutuk, PERMATIL, HASATIL no Kooperativa Kamponeza Maubere (CCM) entrega ona karta ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Pedro dos Reis, atu lori aspirasaun povu hanesan informasaun importante ba simeira mundiál kona-ba sistema ai-han ka Food Systems Summit.\n“Ami husu ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peska atu lori lian povu ba simeira mundiál. Iha karta ami hato’o rekomendasaun neen inklui husu ba Ministru atu kestiona knaar World Economic Forum (WEF) iha simeira globál ne’ebé limita povu nia partisipasaun no uza oportunidade simeira atu loke diskusaun kona-ba knaar sosiedade sivíl no grupu to’os-na’in iha governasaun Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU) no promove akontabilidade no inkluzaun iha prosesu refere,” Peskizadór La’o Hamutuk, Celestino Gusmão, relata, liuhosi nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, kinta ne’e.\nSimeira globál ne’e, ho objetivu atu fó dalan ba nasaun ida-idak atinje meta Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável (ODS) no oinsá dezenvolve planu asaun atu hametin sistema ai-han iha mundu.\nMinistru Agrikultura no Peska sei partisipa pra-simeira iha jullu nia rohan no partisipa mós iha votasaun finál iha setembru iha, Nova Iorke.\nONU kolabora no serbisu hamutuk ho WEF hodi organiza no fasilita simeira mundiál ne’e.\nWEF nu’udar organizasaun ne’ebé reprezenta interese kompañia boot sira liu 1000 resin.\nTanba ne’e, nota ne’e esplika sosiedade sivíl iha Timor-Leste inklui iha mundu tomak analiza no haree katak konkordánsia entre ONU no WEF hodi realiza simeira mundiál ne’e sei loke dalan de’it ba kompañia boot mak partisipa ho sira-nia interese ida-idak, do que buka dalan no solusaun ba povu agrikultór no kamponéz kiik sira.\nTanba ne’e ONG lamenta partisipasaun WEF iha simeira mundiál tanba bainhira governasaun sistema ai-han domina hosi kompañia multinasionál boot sira, sei labele rezolve problema estruturál ne’ebé kauza ba hamlaha, kiak, má nutrisaun no dezigualidade oin-oin ne’ebé halo povu barak iha mundu kontinua moris kiak no susar.\nSimeira mundiál ho modelu no lala’ok sira hanesan ne’e sei la hamosu solusaun di’ak no justu ba povu kiik no kiak sira inklui ba nasaun kiik no kiak sira hanesan Timor-Leste.\nBazeia ba esperiénsia iha Timor-Leste, intervensaun ba iha setór agrikultura sei la efetivu bainhira la inklui povu iha prosesu sira.\n“Ami lamenta no kestiona katak simeira mundiál sistema ai-han ne’e sei fó prioridade ba kompañia boot do que akomoda agrikultór kiik sira-nia partisipasaun. Kompañia boot sira-nia solusaun mak hanesan produsaun industriál no kontinua foka ba implementasaun solusaun téknika ne’ebé la bele rezolve hamlaha ka hametin sistema ai-han,” Celestino Gusmão argumenta.\nLa’o Hamutuk no sosiedade sivíl sira seluk fiar katak povu Timor-Leste iha perspetiva diferente no koñesimentu relevante no importante, ne’ebé Ministru ho ekipa sei partisipa no bele lori ba fórum globál ne’e.\nSosiedade Sivíl husu mós Ministru atubele fahe Timor-Leste nia esperiénsia ho agrikultura familiar inklui sistema agrikultura sustentável, agro-ecology no produsaun orgániku atu enkoraja partisipante iha simeira ativu no promove solusaun sustentável.\nPrevious articleTraballadór SWP Austrália 280 kontratu ramata ona\nNext articlePR husu ajente Estadu asume kargu ho efisiénsia-kualidade
[ "Sosiedade sivil husu MAP lori aspirasaun povu ba simeira mundial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Sosiedade sivil husu MAP lori aspirasaun povu ba simeira mundial Sosiedade sivil husu MAP lori aspirasaun povu ba simeira mundial DILI, 15 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) --Sosiedade Sivil iha Timor-Leste, kompostu hosi La'o Hamutuk, PERMATIL, HASATIL no Kooperativa Kamponeza Maubere (CCM) entrega ona karta ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Pedro dos Reis, atu lori aspirasaun povu hanesan informasaun importante ba simeira mundial kona-ba sistema ai-han ka Food Systems Summit.", "\"Ami husu ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peska atu lori lian povu ba simeira mundial.", "Iha karta ami hato'o rekomendasaun neen inklui husu ba Ministru atu kestiona knaar World Economic Forum (WEF) iha simeira global ne'ebe limita povu nia partisipasaun no uza oportunidade simeira atu loke diskusaun kona-ba knaar sosiedade sivil no grupu to'os-na'in iha governasaun Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU) no promove akontabilidade no inkluzaun iha prosesu refere,\" Peskizador La'o Hamutuk, Celestino Gusmao, relata, liuhosi nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, kinta ne'e.", "Simeira global ne'e, ho objetivu atu fo dalan ba nasaun ida-idak atinje meta Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) no oinsa dezenvolve planu asaun atu hametin sistema ai-han iha mundu.", "Ministru Agrikultura no Peska sei partisipa pra-simeira iha jullu nia rohan no partisipa mos iha votasaun final iha setembru iha, Nova Iorke.", "ONU kolabora no serbisu hamutuk ho WEF hodi organiza no fasilita simeira mundial ne'e.", "WEF nu'udar organizasaun ne'ebe reprezenta interese kompania boot sira liu 1000 resin.", "Tanba ne'e, nota ne'e esplika sosiedade sivil iha Timor-Leste inklui iha mundu tomak analiza no haree katak konkordansia entre ONU no WEF hodi realiza simeira mundial ne'e sei loke dalan de'it ba kompania boot mak partisipa ho sira-nia interese ida-idak, do que buka dalan no solusaun ba povu agrikultor no kamponez kiik sira.", "Tanba ne'e ONG lamenta partisipasaun WEF iha simeira mundial tanba bainhira governasaun sistema ai-han domina hosi kompania multinasional boot sira, sei labele rezolve problema estrutural ne'ebe kauza ba hamlaha, kiak, ma nutrisaun no dezigualidade oin-oin ne'ebe halo povu barak iha mundu kontinua moris kiak no susar.", "Simeira mundial ho modelu no lala'ok sira hanesan ne'e sei la hamosu solusaun di'ak no justu ba povu kiik no kiak sira inklui ba nasaun kiik no kiak sira hanesan Timor-Leste.", "Bazeia ba esperiensia iha Timor-Leste, intervensaun ba iha setor agrikultura sei la efetivu bainhira la inklui povu iha prosesu sira.", "\"Ami lamenta no kestiona katak simeira mundial sistema ai-han ne'e sei fo prioridade ba kompania boot do que akomoda agrikultor kiik sira-nia partisipasaun.", "Kompania boot sira-nia solusaun mak hanesan produsaun industrial no kontinua foka ba implementasaun solusaun teknika ne'ebe la bele rezolve hamlaha ka hametin sistema ai-han,\" Celestino Gusmao argumenta.", "La'o Hamutuk no sosiedade sivil sira seluk fiar katak povu Timor-Leste iha perspetiva diferente no konesimentu relevante no importante, ne'ebe Ministru ho ekipa sei partisipa no bele lori ba forum global ne'e.", "Sosiedade Sivil husu mos Ministru atubele fahe Timor-Leste nia esperiensia ho agrikultura familiar inklui sistema agrikultura sustentavel, agro-ecology no produsaun organiku atu enkoraja partisipante iha simeira ativu no promove solusaun sustentavel.", "Previous articleTraballador SWP Australia 280 kontratu ramata ona Next articlePR husu ajente Estadu asume kargu ho efisiensia-kualidade" ]
[ [ "Civil society asks MAP to take people's aspirations for the world summit | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste CIVIL SOCIETY ASKS MAPS TO TAKE PEOPLE’S APPOINTMENT FOR THE WIDESSUMMIT Dili, July.15th (AFP) --Civil Society in Indonesia comprised of Lao Hamutuk and Permatil have presented a letter with petitioning request on behalf from civil societies including HASATIL & Kooperativa Kamponeza Maubere(CCM), which are all representation groups that support agriculture reform at their respective countries; they also present an invitation by MP Pedro dos Reis who is Minister Of Agriculture And Fishery)." ], [ "\"We ask the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries to take people's language on a global level." ], [ "In the letter, we made nine recommendations including asking Minister to question World Economic Forum (WEF) role in global summit that limits people participation and use opportunity of this meeting for opening discussion about civil society' s work with farmer groups on United Nations governance processes. Promote accountability & inclusion.\" La’o Hamutuk researcher Celestino Gusmaos reported through a note which Agência TATOLI accessed yesterday" ], [ "The aim of the global summit is to provide guidance on how countries can achieve their Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) target and develop action plans for strengthening world food systems." ], [ "The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries will attend the pre-seeding sessions during July, as well a final vote in September at New York." ], [ "The UN collaborates and works in partnership with WEF to organize, facilitate the World Summit." ], [ "The WEF is an organization representing the interests of more than 1,056 large corporations." ], [ "Therefore, the note explains that civil society in Timor-Leste as well worldwide analyzes and sees this agreement between UN/WEF to hold World Summit will only open up a way for big companies participate with their own interest rather than finding ways of solutions on behalf farmer people." ], [ "The NGOs therefore regret the participation of WEF in this world summit because while governance is dominated by large multinational corporations, it will not be possible to solve structural problems that cause hunger and poverty. Malabsorptive food disorder (MND) causes many people around our planet continue living under extremely poor conditions as they suffer from nutritional deficiencies or other inequities which make them live a life without hope for future prosperity.\"" ], [ "A world summit with such a model and procedure will not produce good, just solutions for the poor people including small countries like Timor-Leste." ], [ "Based on experience in Timor-Leste, intervention to the agricultural sector will be ineffective if it does not include people." ], [ "\"We regret and question that this global food system symposium will give priority to large corporations rather than accommodate small farmers' participation." ], [ "Large companies' solutions are like industrial production and continue to focus on the implementation of technical solution that will not resolve hunger or strengthen food systems,\" Celestino Gusmao argues." ], [ "La'o Hamutuk and other civil society believe that the people of Timor-Leste have different perspectives, relevant knowledge which will be important to bring with them at this global forum." ], [ "Civil Society also asked the Minister to share Timor-Leste’s experience with family farming including sustainable agricultural systems, agroecology and organic production in order encouraging participants into active symposium participation." ], [ "Previous article280 SWP Australia workers’ contracts have expired Next artikelPR calls on State agents to take up office with efficiency-quality." ] ]
PLP uza subvensaun públika ba formasaun polítika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PLP uza subvensaun públika ba formasaun polítika\nPLP uza subvensaun públika ba formasaun polítika\nDILI, 05 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP) uza atribuisaun subvensaun públika hosi Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE-sigla portugés) ba formasaun no polítika no kontinua hala’o kontaktu regulár ho apoiante.\nTerseira Vise-Prezidente PLP, Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento, esplika subvensaun públika ne’ebé atribui ba partidu polítiku sira, hosi PLP hanesan bankada foun no partidu foun ne’ebé hetan asentu parlamentár, ne’ebé komesa kedas iha 2018 no 2019.\nNia dehan, osan ne’e uza hodi formasaun polítika no mós atividade kontaktu regulár ho partidu ninia militante no kuadru sira iha nível munisípiu, no simpatizante sira iha baze.\nNia akresenta, PLP uza subvensaun ne’e ho mekanizmu diferensa uitoan ho partidu sira seluk, tanba obrigatoriamente munisípiu no postu administrativu tenke iha konta bankária rasik.\nNia haktuir, bazea ba kritéria ne’e mak iha 2019 ne’e, munisípiu sira iha ona konta bankária no iha 2020 ba postu administrativu sira hodi nune’e idak-idak jere osan ne’e ba atividade partidu nian.\nMolok kuadru munisípiu no postu administrativu atu asesu subvensaun ne’e tenke aprezenta planu ba sekretariadu nasionál depois sekretariadu halo análize ba proposta hafoin halo aprovasaun ba osan ne’e nune’e evita osan cash.\n“Kada asentu parlamentár (kada kadeira) hetan rihun $92 no ami kadeira ualu (8), kada tinan ami hetan rihun $736. Osan ne’e, ami uza hodi reforsa liuhosi kontaktu regulár ho kuadru estrutura sira iha munisípiu, postu administrativu no suku sira. Formasaun polítika no formasaun ne’e parte ida halo investimentu rekursu umanu partidu nian,” Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento informa ba Agência TATOLI iha resintu PN, setsa ne’e.\nNia hatutan, osan ne’e mós utiliza ba kontaktu eleitorál hodi bele esplika asaun ne’ebé Governu iha no dinámika polítika ne’ebé akontese.\n“Atividade sira-ne’e ninia objetivu prinsipál mak atu oinsá reforma komunikasaun polítika ho kuadru estrutura sira nível munisípiu to’o baze no mós atu partilla informasaun kona-ba dinámika polítika ne’ebé akontese iha VIII Governu Konstitusionál. Inklui, orsamentu sira-ne’ebé gasta durante governasaun ida-ne’e no programa sira-ne’ebé mak lori benefísiu diretamente ba ita-nia povu,” nia hateten.\nNune’e mós abranje liután informasaun kona-ba programa saida de’it mak Governu ida-ne’e realiza ona no programa ida realiza ne’e mai hosi kompromisu polítiku partidária nian ne’ebé hala’o iha kampaña durante eleisaun parlamentár 2018 nian.\nTanba komunikasaun ida-ne’e presiza kontinua atu hato’o fila-fali ba militante sira, kuadru sira no esturura sira katak programa sira-ne’ebé mak elabora durante períodu kampaña eleitorál.\nTuir nia, osan ne’e atu fasilita hosi fahe informasaun ba militante sira atu bele komprende no intende di’ak liután kona-ba partidu nia vizaun, misaun, filozófia no partidu nia aprosimasaun ba dezenvolvimentu inklui karáter lideransa ida-ne’ebé militante no kuadru sira hakarak atu lori dezenvolvimentu di’ak liután.\nNia dehan, to’o agora PLP seidauk iha sede permanente no sede nasionál mak iha Metiaut, Dili, maibé ba futuru sei haree fali sede ida-ne’ebé adekuada no konfortável liu nune’e membru sira hala’o servisu ho di’ak.\nSede iha munisípiu, nia dehan, seidauk iha tanba PLP nu’udar partidu foun no foin mak hetan subvensaun públika tinan-ida ho balun, tanba ne’e seidauk bele halo buat hotu-hotu.\n“Ne’e duni konstrusaun fízika ami seidauk halo maibé oinsá mak atu hametin komunikasaun polítika. Ida-ne’e mak ami-nia alvu prinsipál,” nia hateten.\nNia subliña, PLP foin moris iha 2016 atu ba 2017, espontaneamente ema mai partisipa iha partidu refere tanba haree katak durante tinan naruk nia laran partidu seluk ho figura ne’ebé nafatin, filózofia ida mak nafatin.\n“Entaun ema hakarak ambiente foun. Ema hakarak haree lideransa foun ho perspetiva foun no lideransa ida-ne’ebé ema hakarak haree dehan duru iha Governasaun ida di’akliu, governasaun ida moos,” nia dehan.\nTanba, tuir nia, rekursu umanu iha PLP rasik preparadu tanba kuadru sira maioria joven ne’ebé hakarak haree mudansa ba dezenvolvimentu iha rai ida-ne’e.\n“Hakarak haree rai ida-ne’e presiza iha transformasaun hosi difikuldade sai di’akliu,” Terseira Vise-Prezidente PLP ne’e informa.\nPrevious articleEstudante 5.582 admitidu ba UNTL no IPB\nNext articleFeto nia prontidaun no paixaun mak bele determina karreira polítika
[ "PLP uza subvensaun publika ba formasaun politika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PLP uza subvensaun publika ba formasaun politika PLP uza subvensaun publika ba formasaun politika DILI, 05 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) uza atribuisaun subvensaun publika hosi Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE-sigla portuges) ba formasaun no politika no kontinua hala'o kontaktu regular ho apoiante.", "Terseira Vise-Prezidente PLP, Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento, esplika subvensaun publika ne'ebe atribui ba partidu politiku sira, hosi PLP hanesan bankada foun no partidu foun ne'ebe hetan asentu parlamentar, ne'ebe komesa kedas iha 2018 no 2019.", "Nia dehan, osan ne'e uza hodi formasaun politika no mos atividade kontaktu regular ho partidu ninia militante no kuadru sira iha nivel munisipiu, no simpatizante sira iha baze.", "Nia akresenta, PLP uza subvensaun ne'e ho mekanizmu diferensa uitoan ho partidu sira seluk, tanba obrigatoriamente munisipiu no postu administrativu tenke iha konta bankaria rasik.", "Nia haktuir, bazea ba kriteria ne'e mak iha 2019 ne'e, munisipiu sira iha ona konta bankaria no iha 2020 ba postu administrativu sira hodi nune'e idak-idak jere osan ne'e ba atividade partidu nian.", "Molok kuadru munisipiu no postu administrativu atu asesu subvensaun ne'e tenke aprezenta planu ba sekretariadu nasional depois sekretariadu halo analize ba proposta hafoin halo aprovasaun ba osan ne'e nune'e evita osan cash.", "\"Kada asentu parlamentar (kada kadeira) hetan rihun $92 no ami kadeira ualu (8), kada tinan ami hetan rihun $736.", "Osan ne'e, ami uza hodi reforsa liuhosi kontaktu regular ho kuadru estrutura sira iha munisipiu, postu administrativu no suku sira.", "Formasaun politika no formasaun ne'e parte ida halo investimentu rekursu umanu partidu nian,\" Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento informa ba Agencia TATOLI iha resintu PN, setsa ne'e.", "Nia hatutan, osan ne'e mos utiliza ba kontaktu eleitoral hodi bele esplika asaun ne'ebe Governu iha no dinamika politika ne'ebe akontese.", "\"Atividade sira-ne'e ninia objetivu prinsipal mak atu oinsa reforma komunikasaun politika ho kuadru estrutura sira nivel munisipiu to'o baze no mos atu partilla informasaun kona-ba dinamika politika ne'ebe akontese iha VIII Governu Konstitusional.", "Inklui, orsamentu sira-ne'ebe gasta durante governasaun ida-ne'e no programa sira-ne'ebe mak lori benefisiu diretamente ba ita-nia povu,\" nia hateten.", "Nune'e mos abranje liutan informasaun kona-ba programa saida de'it mak Governu ida-ne'e realiza ona no programa ida realiza ne'e mai hosi kompromisu politiku partidaria nian ne'ebe hala'o iha kampana durante eleisaun parlamentar 2018 nian.", "Tanba komunikasaun ida-ne'e presiza kontinua atu hato'o fila-fali ba militante sira, kuadru sira no esturura sira katak programa sira-ne'ebe mak elabora durante periodu kampana eleitoral.", "Tuir nia, osan ne'e atu fasilita hosi fahe informasaun ba militante sira atu bele komprende no intende di'ak liutan kona-ba partidu nia vizaun, misaun, filozofia no partidu nia aprosimasaun ba dezenvolvimentu inklui karater lideransa ida-ne'ebe militante no kuadru sira hakarak atu lori dezenvolvimentu di'ak liutan.", "Nia dehan, to'o agora PLP seidauk iha sede permanente no sede nasional mak iha Metiaut, Dili, maibe ba futuru sei haree fali sede ida-ne'ebe adekuada no konfortavel liu nune'e membru sira hala'o servisu ho di'ak.", "Sede iha munisipiu, nia dehan, seidauk iha tanba PLP nu'udar partidu foun no foin mak hetan subvensaun publika tinan-ida ho balun, tanba ne'e seidauk bele halo buat hotu-hotu.", "\"Ne'e duni konstrusaun fizika ami seidauk halo maibe oinsa mak atu hametin komunikasaun politika.", "Ida-ne'e mak ami-nia alvu prinsipal,\" nia hateten.", "Nia sublina, PLP foin moris iha 2016 atu ba 2017, espontaneamente ema mai partisipa iha partidu refere tanba haree katak durante tinan naruk nia laran partidu seluk ho figura ne'ebe nafatin, filozofia ida mak nafatin.", "\"Entaun ema hakarak ambiente foun.", "Ema hakarak haree lideransa foun ho perspetiva foun no lideransa ida-ne'ebe ema hakarak haree dehan duru iha Governasaun ida di'akliu, governasaun ida moos,\" nia dehan.", "Tanba, tuir nia, rekursu umanu iha PLP rasik preparadu tanba kuadru sira maioria joven ne'ebe hakarak haree mudansa ba dezenvolvimentu iha rai ida-ne'e.", "\"Hakarak haree rai ida-ne'e presiza iha transformasaun hosi difikuldade sai di'akliu,\" Terseira Vise-Prezidente PLP ne'e informa.", "Previous articleEstudante 5.582 admitidu ba UNTL no IPB Next articleFeto nia prontidaun no paixaun mak bele determina karreira politika" ]
[ [ "PLP uses public subsidy for political training | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Partido Libertação Popular (PLP) utilizes allocation of the National Electoral Commission'(CNE - Portuguese acronym), to train and promote its supporters. The party has continued regular contact with supporter, as it is using a grant allocated by that body in order at least partly covering costs associated from their campaign activities; they also have been given an opportunity on Friday night during which members were invited into parliamentary meeting rooms where there was discussion about how best way forward could be made through dialogue between all parties involved" ], [ "Third Vice-President of PLP, Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento explained the public subsidy allocated to political parties from 2018 and onwards. The newly elected parliamentarians were given a seat in Parliament as well that was already occupieds by former members or those who had been discharged with their duties before they became deputies for three years (from January until December)." ], [ "He said that the money was used for political training and also regular contact with party militants at municipal level, as well a sympathizers on grassroot levels." ], [ "He added that the PLP uses this subsidy with a mechanism slightly different from other parties, because municipalities and administrative posts must have their own bank account." ], [ "He said, based on these criteria in 2019 the municipalities will have bank accounts and for administrative posts it is planned to do so by this year. Each of them can then manage their money as they wish with a view towards party activities.\"" ], [ "Before the municipality and administrative post cadres to assess this subsidy must submit a plan for national secretariat after which secretary analyzes proposal then makes approval of money so avoid cash." ], [ "\"Each parliamentary seat (each chair) gets $92 thousand and we eight chairs, every year our gain is a billion dollars." ], [ "This money, we use to reinforce through regular contact with the structures in municipalities and administrative posts." ], [ "Political formation and training is part of investing in the human resources,\" Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento told Agência TATOLI at PN reception hall on Thursday." ], [ "He added that the money was also used for electoral contacts to explain government actions and political dynamics." ], [ "\"The main objective of these activities is to reform political communication with the framework structures from municipality level upwards and also share information about policy dynamics that occurred in VIII Constitutional Government." ], [ "Including the budgets that have been spent during this administration and programs which bring direct benefits to our people,\" he said." ], [ "It also covered information on what programmes this Government has implemented and one of which is a program that comes from partisan political commitments made in the campaign during parliamentary elections." ], [ "Because this communication needs to be continued, we are reiterating the programmes that have been elaborated during electoral campaign period for our members and cadre." ], [ "According to him, the money will be used for disseminating information among militants so that they can better understand and comprehend what is happening in terms of their party vision. Mission; philosophy & approach towards development including character leadership which members want from themselves as a way forward with good results" ], [ "He said that so far PLP has not had a permanent headquarters and the national office is in Metiaut, Dili but for future will look at one which would be more appropriate & comfortable thus members carry out their work well." ], [ "He said there is no headquarters in the municipality because PLP was a new party and had only received one-year public subsidies, so it could not do everything." ], [ "\"It is true that we haven't done the physical construction, but how to strengthen political communication." ], [ "This is our main goal,\" he said." ], [ "He emphasized that PLP was born in 2016 and went on to become a party of the year, spontaneously people joined it because they saw during many years other parties with similar figures but one philosophy." ], [ "\"So people want a new environment." ], [ "\"People want to see new leadership with a fresh perspective and the kind of Leadership that they'd like is hard in better governance, clean government.\"" ], [ "According to him, the PLP's human resources are well prepared because its cadre is mostly young people who want a change for development in this country." ], [ "\"I would like to see this country in need of a transformation from difficulties into opportunities,\" the PLP Third Vice-President informs." ], [ "Previous5,602 students admitted to UNTL and IPB Next articleA girl’s readiness or passion can determine her political career." ] ]
Hasoru SEJD, Isabel Ferreira Prontu Kolabora ho Governu ba Dezemvolve CPNTL\nIsabel Ferreira Prontu Kolabora ho Governu ba Dezemvolve CPNTL\nBy Admin 29 Agostu 2019, 10:47:00 TLs\tDESPORTU\nDILI (05/06/209) – Comite Paralimpico Nacional Timor-Leste (CPNTL) iha lideransa foun Prezidenti Isabel Ferreira pronto atu kolabora ho programa governu nian ba dezemvolve organizasaun ne’ebe nia asumi ba.\nIsabel Ferreira nu’udar mos kaben hosi Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak ne’e hato’o lia hirak ne’e hafoin inkontru ho Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Nelyo Isaac Sarmento iha Salaun Inkontru SEJD, Lecidere, Dili, Kuarta (05/06/2019).\n“Ohin hau mai iha ne’e hodi koalia kona ba servisu Komite Paralimpiku nian, hanesan imi hatene, hau foin hetan nomeasaun prezidenti lidera ba komite ida ne’e, entau hau persiza hasoru hosi parte governu atu hatene no simu informasaun no orientasaun hosi governu kona ba politik governu nian iha areia nee no mos apoiu ne’ebe governu fo ba komite,” dehan Isabel Ferreira.\nEma numeru ida iha CPNTL ne’e mos konkorda ho hanoin balun hosi Sekretariu Estadu hodi oinsa halo kadernizasaun ba atleta sira ne’ebe iha potensia hodi kompete iha jogos internasional sira.\n“Hau hanoin planu CPNTL Iha ona antes, iha mos hanoin foun balun atu halo hanesan sekretariu estadu koalia, ita persiza halo kadernizasaun ba atleta foun. Ohin ita iha ona atleta ho prestizu internasional, hanesan Teofilo. Mais ita mos tenki prepara Teofilo seluk tuir mai fali, no mos ba modalidade seluk ne’ebe ita hare’e iha potensia ba timoroan sira ba iha area desportu ne’ebe iha talentu, ita tenki prepara sira para ba kompete iha kompetisaun internasional ne’ebe ita partisipa,” esplika Isabel Ferreira.\nIha inkontru ne’e, Sekretariu Estadu Nelyo Isaac Sarmento hateten, parte governu, iha tinan-tinan tau orsamentu operasional ba CPNTL, inklui orsamentu hodi partisipa iha jogos internasional hanesan Paragames Manila 2019 ne’ebe Timor-Leste sei partisipa.\n“Orsamentu SEJD iha ona, hein deit para transfere ba CPNTL hodi bele uza tuir nesesidade nian, inklui preparasaun ba Paragames Manila nian,” dehan Nelyo Isaac Sarmento.\nSekretáriu Estadu mos husu ba CPNTL atu prepara no hatama proposta orsamentu ba atividade tinan 2020 nune’e bele submete ba orsamentu jeral estadu ba tinan oin nian.
[ "Hasoru SEJD, Isabel Ferreira Prontu Kolabora ho Governu ba Dezemvolve CPNTL Isabel Ferreira Prontu Kolabora ho Governu ba Dezemvolve CPNTL By Admin 29 Agostu 2019, 10:47:00 TLs DESPORTU DILI (05/06/209) - Comite Paralimpico Nacional Timor-Leste (CPNTL) iha lideransa foun Prezidenti Isabel Ferreira pronto atu kolabora ho programa governu nian ba dezemvolve organizasaun ne'ebe nia asumi ba.", "Isabel Ferreira nu'udar mos kaben hosi Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak ne'e hato'o lia hirak ne'e hafoin inkontru ho Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Nelyo Isaac Sarmento iha Salaun Inkontru SEJD, Lecidere, Dili, Kuarta (05/06/2019).", "\"Ohin hau mai iha ne'e hodi koalia kona ba servisu Komite Paralimpiku nian, hanesan imi hatene, hau foin hetan nomeasaun prezidenti lidera ba komite ida ne'e, entau hau persiza hasoru hosi parte governu atu hatene no simu informasaun no orientasaun hosi governu kona ba politik governu nian iha areia nee no mos apoiu ne'ebe governu fo ba komite,\" dehan Isabel Ferreira.", "Ema numeru ida iha CPNTL ne'e mos konkorda ho hanoin balun hosi Sekretariu Estadu hodi oinsa halo kadernizasaun ba atleta sira ne'ebe iha potensia hodi kompete iha jogos internasional sira.", "\"Hau hanoin planu CPNTL Iha ona antes, iha mos hanoin foun balun atu halo hanesan sekretariu estadu koalia, ita persiza halo kadernizasaun ba atleta foun.", "Ohin ita iha ona atleta ho prestizu internasional, hanesan Teofilo.", "Mais ita mos tenki prepara Teofilo seluk tuir mai fali, no mos ba modalidade seluk ne'ebe ita hare'e iha potensia ba timoroan sira ba iha area desportu ne'ebe iha talentu, ita tenki prepara sira para ba kompete iha kompetisaun internasional ne'ebe ita partisipa,\" esplika Isabel Ferreira.", "Iha inkontru ne'e, Sekretariu Estadu Nelyo Isaac Sarmento hateten, parte governu, iha tinan-tinan tau orsamentu operasional ba CPNTL, inklui orsamentu hodi partisipa iha jogos internasional hanesan Paragames Manila 2019 ne'ebe Timor-Leste sei partisipa.", "\"Orsamentu SEJD iha ona, hein deit para transfere ba CPNTL hodi bele uza tuir nesesidade nian, inklui preparasaun ba Paragames Manila nian,\" dehan Nelyo Isaac Sarmento.", "Sekretariu Estadu mos husu ba CPNTL atu prepara no hatama proposta orsamentu ba atividade tinan 2020 nune'e bele submete ba orsamentu jeral estadu ba tinan oin nian." ]
[ [ "Isabel Ferreira Ready to Collaborate with the Government for Development of CPNTL By Admin 29 August,10:47 AM GMT DESPORTU DILI (3/6) - The National Paralympic Committee Timor-Leste's President is ready and committed in collaborating on government programs that will help develop its organization." ], [ "Isabel Ferreira, who is also the wife of Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak made these remarks after meeting with State Secretary for Youth and Sports Nelyo Isaac Sarmento at SEJD Meeting Room in Lecidere Dili on Thursday (05/19)." ], [ "\"Today I have come here to talk about the work of Paralympic Committee, as you know that i've just been appointed president leading this committee. But now my meeting with government is necessary so we can get information and guidance from them on their policies in these areas\" said Isabel Ferreira.\"" ], [ "A number of people in CPNTL also agreed with some ideas from the State Secretariat on how to cadernize athletes who have potential for competing at international games." ], [ "\"I think the CPNTL plan was already there before, and also some new ideas to do as state secretary spoke of. We need a caderization for young athletes.\"" ], [ "Today we already have athletes of international prestige, such as Teofilo." ], [ "But we also have to prepare the next Teofilo, and for other modalities in which there is potential. In sport areas where talented people are present from our country they must be ready with international competitions that will take place here\", explaines Isabel Ferreira.\"" ], [ "In the meeting, Secretary of State Nelyo Isaac Sarmento said that every year government provides operational budget for CPNTL including funding to participate in international games such as Paragames Manila (2019) which Timor-Leste will take part." ], [ "\"The budget of SEJD is already there, just waiting to be transferred into CPNTL so that it can use as needed including preparation for the Paragames in Manila\", said Nelyo Isaac Sarmento." ], [ "The Secretary of State also asked CPNTL to prepare and submit a budget proposal for 2019 activities so that it can be submitted in the state's General Budget." ] ]
PDHJ HALA’O WORKSHOP HALO APREZENTASAUN MANUAL DIREITOS HUMANOS BA KOMANDANTE PNTL - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nProvedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Direitus Humanos, Departamentu Promosaun no Edukasaun halo aprezentasaun manual direitos humanos ba komandante PNTL iha Sentru Formasaun PNTL iha Comoro Dili, liu husi workshop loron ida (04 Novembru 2014).\nMarina Bernadina Gaio, Xefe Departamentu Promosaun no Edukasaun hateten antes elabora manual treinamentu ba PNTL PDHJ halo koperasaun servisu ho Sentru Formasaun PNTL hodi kria ekipa apoiu hakerek manual. Ekipa ne’ebé hakerek manual refere husi PDHJ, Sentru Formasaun PNTL no Unidade Assesoria ba Direitos Humanos iha Timor-Leste.\nMarina esplika katak ekipa refere nia funsaun maka organiza no kontribui ideas hodi dezenvolve manual direitos humanos. Materia ne’ebé inklui iha manual ne’e maka pakote baziku no materiais adisional. Metodolojia ne’ebé sei inklui iha manual maka aprezentasaun, estudu kazu, ezersisiu, kuis no analize ba filme kona-ba direitos humanos.\nObjetivu husi manual maka atu intrega efikasia direitus humanos iha kurikulum PNL nian no mos atu sai matadalan ba fasilitador sira hodi uza ho uniforme ba materia direitos humanos ba PNTL, hodi nune’e bele reforsa kapasidade PNTL hodi hala’o knaar iha terenu tenke respeita no protege ema nia direitos humanos.\nDr. Silverio Pinto Baptista, Provedor hateten PDHJ nu’udar instituisaun direitos humanos maka iha mandatu hodi promove no protege direitos humanos. Nune’e PDHJ nia funsaun maka atu tau matan ba entidades publiku sira mak hanesan PNTL, F-FDTL, Guarda Prizaun, Profesores no sira seluk. Tan ne’e PDHJ iha knaar hodi halo kapasitasaun ba entidades públiku sira inklui membros PNTL.\nProvedor hatutan PNTL maka primeira instansi hodi reprezenta estadu Timor-Leste hodi halo promosaun no protesaun direitos humanos nune’e PDHJ iha dever hodi kapasita PNTL hodi nune’e bele hala’o knaar ho profesional no mos tuir legalidade.\nPrevious: Provedor foun iha komitementu hodi haforsa independensia PDHJ\nNext: PDHJ SELEBRA LORON INTERNASIONAL DIREITOS HUMANOS HO KOMUNIDADE TUTULURO
[ "PDHJ HALA'O WORKSHOP HALO APREZENTASAUN MANUAL DIREITOS HUMANOS BA KOMANDANTE PNTL - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Direitus Humanos, Departamentu Promosaun no Edukasaun halo aprezentasaun manual direitos humanos ba komandante PNTL iha Sentru Formasaun PNTL iha Comoro Dili, liu husi workshop loron ida (04 Novembru 2014).", "Marina Bernadina Gaio, Xefe Departamentu Promosaun no Edukasaun hateten antes elabora manual treinamentu ba PNTL PDHJ halo koperasaun servisu ho Sentru Formasaun PNTL hodi kria ekipa apoiu hakerek manual.", "Ekipa ne'ebe hakerek manual refere husi PDHJ, Sentru Formasaun PNTL no Unidade Assesoria ba Direitos Humanos iha Timor-Leste.", "Marina esplika katak ekipa refere nia funsaun maka organiza no kontribui ideas hodi dezenvolve manual direitos humanos.", "Materia ne'ebe inklui iha manual ne'e maka pakote baziku no materiais adisional.", "Metodolojia ne'ebe sei inklui iha manual maka aprezentasaun, estudu kazu, ezersisiu, kuis no analize ba filme kona-ba direitos humanos.", "Objetivu husi manual maka atu intrega efikasia direitus humanos iha kurikulum PNL nian no mos atu sai matadalan ba fasilitador sira hodi uza ho uniforme ba materia direitos humanos ba PNTL, hodi nune'e bele reforsa kapasidade PNTL hodi hala'o knaar iha terenu tenke respeita no protege ema nia direitos humanos.", "Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista, Provedor hateten PDHJ nu'udar instituisaun direitos humanos maka iha mandatu hodi promove no protege direitos humanos.", "Nune'e PDHJ nia funsaun maka atu tau matan ba entidades publiku sira mak hanesan PNTL, F-FDTL, Guarda Prizaun, Profesores no sira seluk.", "Tan ne'e PDHJ iha knaar hodi halo kapasitasaun ba entidades publiku sira inklui membros PNTL.", "Provedor hatutan PNTL maka primeira instansi hodi reprezenta estadu Timor-Leste hodi halo promosaun no protesaun direitos humanos nune'e PDHJ iha dever hodi kapasita PNTL hodi nune'e bele hala'o knaar ho profesional no mos tuir legalidade.", "Previous: Provedor foun iha komitementu hodi haforsa independensia PDHJ Next: PDHJ SELEBRA LORON INTERNASIONAL DIREITOS HUMANOS HO KOMUNIDADE TUTULURO" ]
[ [ "PDHJ HOLDS WORKSHOP TO PRESENTED HUMAN RIGHTS MANUAL FOR PNTL COMMANDANT - The National Human Rights Directorate, Department of Promotion and Education (PDH) presented the human rights manual to a one-day workshop for police commanders at Police Training Centre in Comoro Dili on November.4th(2015)." ], [ "Marina Bernadina Gaio, Head of the Promotion and Education Department said that before developing a training manual for PNTL PDHJ worked in cooperation with Centro de Formação Policia Nacional to create an assistance team." ], [ "The team that wrote the manual refers to PDHJ, PNTL Training Centre and Human Rights Advisory Unit in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Marina explained that the function of this team is to organize and contribute ideas for developing a manual on human rights." ], [ "The material included in this manual is the basic package and additional materials." ], [ "The methodology that will be included in the manual is a presentation, case studies and exercises." ], [ "The objective of the manual is to integrate human rights effectiveness into PNL's curriculum and also as a guideline for facilitators in using it uniformly on subject Human Rights, so that they can strengthen PNTL capacity with respecting their work at field level." ], [ "Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista, the Ombudsman said that PDHJ as a human rights institution has an mandate to promote and protect Human Rights:" ], [ "Thus, the PDHJ function is to take care of public entities such as PNTL (National Police), F-FDTL(Foreign Defence Force) and Prison Guard." ], [ "Therefore, the PDHJ is responsible for providing training to public entities including members of PNTL." ], [ "The Prosecutor said that the PNTL is in first instance to represent Timor-Leste State for promoting and protecting human rights so PDHJ has a duty of capacity building with regards police personnel, thue they can carry out their duties professionally as well according legality." ], [ "Previous: New Ombudsman is committed to strengthening the independence of PDHJ Next:Pdhj CELEBRATES INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY WITH PROTECTION COMMUNITY" ] ]
Alkatiri: Labele Kompriende Sala Deklarasaun Xanana - Opini Timor\n» Alkatiri: Labele Kompriende Sala Deklarasaun Xanana\nAlkatiri: Labele Kompriende Sala Deklarasaun Xanana\nWritten By Timor News Online on 11/17/2014 | 12:50 AM\nSekretariu Jeral Paritidu historiku FRETILIN, Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri hatete katak, publiku labele kompriende sala deklarasaun Primeiru Ministru, Kayrala Xanana Gusmao nian iha 12 Novembru liu ba nebe dehan nia ( Xanana ‘red) mak koruptor liu iha Timor Leste nee.\nMari Alkatiri konsidera deklarsaun nee hanesan salkaju ida publiku. Tanba agora dadauk ne’e, publiku konsidera Governu ida ne’e, barak maka komete korupsaun.\n“Ema maka la kompriende Primeiru Ministru Xanana nia deklarasaun ne’e, ida ne’e portugues bolu dehan, Salkaju. Se imi komesa dehan ema hot-hotu koruptor, diak liu dehan, hau maka koruptu liu,”dehan Alkatiri ba Jornalista sira Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru i Koperasaun Sesta (14/11).\nMaibé Alkatiri dehan, Xanana la’os rekoñese katak, nia maka koruptu liu, publiku sira labele kumpriende sala deklarasaun Xanana nian ne’e, tanba dala barak ema koalia buat ida,\nema kompriende fali buat seluk.\n“Tenki husu ba joven sira ne’ebé halo asaun iha ne’eba, para sira bele hatete se maka iha sira nia kotuk,”ejiji Alkatiri.\nNia dehan, nia konsidera asaun ne’ebé maka halo husi joven sira iha selebrasaun 12 Novembru foin lalais ne’e, laiha importansia.\nAntes ne’e, Primeiru Minitru (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ran nakali hodi koalia ho lian maka’as ba joven sira ne’ebé maka partisipa iha selebrasaun 12 Novembru ba dala 23, tanba iha seremonia ne’e, iha joven balu maka aproveita tempu hodi halo asaun manifestasaun politika hasoru Governu.\n“Koruptu hau maka koruptu liu imi hotu, hau maka koruptu liu iha Timor, hau naok osan Estadu nian barak tiha ona, hau impede ema atu ba Tribunal, matebian sira hau maka ne’e, hola hau ba,”dehan PM Xanana iha nia diskursu ba selebrasaun loron 12 ba dala\n23 Kuarta (12/11) iha Semiteriu Santa Cruz.\nHo asaun ne’ebe maka halo husi joven balu ne’e, ho nerbozu Xanana hakilar ba matebian sira iha Santa Cruz atu\nhola ninia klamar, tanba ema akuza Governu ne’e halo ona koruptu barak liu, ba osan Estadu.\nRezolusaun Hotu Ne’ebé Aprova Husi PN Invalidu EisPrimeiru Ministru, Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri deklara katak, rezolusaun sira ne’ebé maka durante ne’e aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional inkonstitusional hotu.\nAlkatiri dehan tuir lei, rezolusaun sira ne’e la ejiste, tanba Parlamentu Nasional laiha planu, antes atu hasai rezolusaun ida.\n“Hau dehan ona katak, se rezoluaun primeira ne’e, inkonstitusional, rezolusaun hot-hotu ne’ebé maka aprova iha Parlamentu Nasional hot-hotu dalan hanesan deit,”deklara Alkatiri ba\njornalista sira Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru i Koperasaun Sesta (14/11).\nAlkatiri konsidera rezolusaun sira ne’ebé maka durante ne’e aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional ne’e inkonstitusional hotu, tanba ema ne’ebé maka aprova rezolusaun ne’e, hanesan deit tanba laos rezolusaun ida aprova husi ema ida.\nAlkatiri haktuir, sei rezolusaun ida Parlamentu Nasional laiha kompetensia atu aprova, rezoluaun 10 mos laiha\nnafatin kompetensia atu aprova buat sira ne’e.\n“Rezolusaun sira ne’e labale, no tuir lei katak, rezolusaun sira ne’e laiha ka la ejiste,”katak Alkatiri.\nNia esplika, kuandu Parlamentu Nasional hakarak halo rezolusaun, tenki tau iha ajenda katak, rezolusaun ba buat ida ne’e. laos konvoka dehan, audensia ho Primeiru Ministru, maibé aprova fali rezolusaun ida ne’e labele.\nMaske rezolusaun ne’ebe aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional ho Governu hodi hapara kontratu autor judisiariu internasional sira ne’e hetan kritikas maka’as husi públiku, maibé Parlamentu Nasional ho Governu kontinua defende rezolusaun ne’e, ho intresenasional.tap
[ "Alkatiri: Labele Kompriende Sala Deklarasaun Xanana - Opini Timor \" Alkatiri: Labele Kompriende Sala Deklarasaun Xanana Alkatiri: Labele Kompriende Sala Deklarasaun Xanana Written By Timor News Online on 11/17/2014 | 12:50 AM Sekretariu Jeral Paritidu historiku FRETILIN, Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri hatete katak, publiku labele kompriende sala deklarasaun Primeiru Ministru, Kayrala Xanana Gusmao nian iha 12 Novembru liu ba nebe dehan nia (Xanana 'red) mak koruptor liu iha Timor Leste nee.", "Mari Alkatiri konsidera deklarsaun nee hanesan salkaju ida publiku.", "Tanba agora dadauk ne'e, publiku konsidera Governu ida ne'e, barak maka komete korupsaun.", "\"Ema maka la kompriende Primeiru Ministru Xanana nia deklarasaun ne'e, ida ne'e portugues bolu dehan, Salkaju.", "Se imi komesa dehan ema hot-hotu koruptor, diak liu dehan, hau maka koruptu liu,\"dehan Alkatiri ba Jornalista sira Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru i Koperasaun Sesta (14/11).", "Maibe Alkatiri dehan, Xanana la'os rekonese katak, nia maka koruptu liu, publiku sira labele kumpriende sala deklarasaun Xanana nian ne'e, tanba dala barak ema koalia buat ida, ema kompriende fali buat seluk.", "\"Tenki husu ba joven sira ne'ebe halo asaun iha ne'eba, para sira bele hatete se maka iha sira nia kotuk,\"ejiji Alkatiri.", "Nia dehan, nia konsidera asaun ne'ebe maka halo husi joven sira iha selebrasaun 12 Novembru foin lalais ne'e, laiha importansia.", "Antes ne'e, Primeiru Minitru (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ran nakali hodi koalia ho lian maka'as ba joven sira ne'ebe maka partisipa iha selebrasaun 12 Novembru ba dala 23, tanba iha seremonia ne'e, iha joven balu maka aproveita tempu hodi halo asaun manifestasaun politika hasoru Governu.", "\"Koruptu hau maka koruptu liu imi hotu, hau maka koruptu liu iha Timor, hau naok osan Estadu nian barak tiha ona, hau impede ema atu ba Tribunal, matebian sira hau maka ne'e, hola hau ba,\"dehan PM Xanana iha nia diskursu ba selebrasaun loron 12 ba dala 23 Kuarta (12/11) iha Semiteriu Santa Cruz.", "Ho asaun ne'ebe maka halo husi joven balu ne'e, ho nerbozu Xanana hakilar ba matebian sira iha Santa Cruz atu hola ninia klamar, tanba ema akuza Governu ne'e halo ona koruptu barak liu, ba osan Estadu.", "Rezolusaun Hotu Ne'ebe Aprova Husi PN Invalidu EisPrimeiru Ministru, Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri deklara katak, rezolusaun sira ne'ebe maka durante ne'e aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional inkonstitusional hotu.", "Alkatiri dehan tuir lei, rezolusaun sira ne'e la ejiste, tanba Parlamentu Nasional laiha planu, antes atu hasai rezolusaun ida.", "\"Hau dehan ona katak, se rezoluaun primeira ne'e, inkonstitusional, rezolusaun hot-hotu ne'ebe maka aprova iha Parlamentu Nasional hot-hotu dalan hanesan deit,\"deklara Alkatiri ba jornalista sira Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru i Koperasaun Sesta (14/11).", "Alkatiri konsidera rezolusaun sira ne'ebe maka durante ne'e aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional ne'e inkonstitusional hotu, tanba ema ne'ebe maka aprova rezolusaun ne'e, hanesan deit tanba laos rezolusaun ida aprova husi ema ida.", "Alkatiri haktuir, sei rezolusaun ida Parlamentu Nasional laiha kompetensia atu aprova, rezoluaun 10 mos laiha nafatin kompetensia atu aprova buat sira ne'e.", "\"Rezolusaun sira ne'e labale, no tuir lei katak, rezolusaun sira ne'e laiha ka la ejiste,\"katak Alkatiri.", "Nia esplika, kuandu Parlamentu Nasional hakarak halo rezolusaun, tenki tau iha ajenda katak, rezolusaun ba buat ida ne'e. laos konvoka dehan, audensia ho Primeiru Ministru, maibe aprova fali rezolusaun ida ne'e labele.", "Maske rezolusaun ne'ebe aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional ho Governu hodi hapara kontratu autor judisiariu internasional sira ne'e hetan kritikas maka'as husi publiku, maibe Parlamentu Nasional ho Governu kontinua defende rezolusaun ne'e, ho intresenasional.tap" ]
[ [ "Alkatiri: Don't Understand the False Declaration of Xanana - Opini Timor \" Fretilin General Secretary Mari Bim Amude said that, public cannot understand wrongly Prime Minister Kayrala Gusmão statement on November 12th about who he (Xanana 'red) says is most corrupted in East-Timor." ], [ "Mari Alkatiri considers the statement as a public insult." ], [ "Because today, the public considers this government to be corrupt. Many people commit corruption in it and there is no way that they can get rid of them!" ], [ "\"People do not understand Prime Minister Xanana's statement, this is Portuguese call it saying Salkaju." ], [ "If you start saying that all people are corrupt, it would be better to say I am more corruption,” Alkatiri told journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation on Saturday (14/2)." ], [ "But Alkatiri said, Xanana does not acknowledge that he is more corrupt. The public cannot understand the mistaken declaration of Xanana because often people say one thing and then they understood something else;" ], [ "\"I have to ask the young people who are acting there, so they can say if anyone is behind them\", said Alkatiri." ], [ "He said that he considered the actions taken by young people in recent November 12 celebrations to be unimportant." ], [ "Earlier, Prime Minister (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ran nakali to speak with a loud voice for the young people who participated in celebration of November 12th on its twenty-third year because during this ceremonY some youth took time out and made political demonstrations against Government." ], [ "\"I am the most corrupt of you all, I have been more than anybody else in Timor-Leste. My state's money has gone a long way already; my people are not going to court because they know that it is me who killed them and now take him away\", Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said during his speech at celebrations for November Twelfth on Thursday (12/09) from Santa Cruz Cemetery" ], [ "With the actions of some young people, with nervousness Xanana called to those dead in Santa Cruz for his lament because they accused this government has done more corruption on State money." ], [ "Ex-Prime Minister Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri declares that all the resolutions passed by Parliament during this period are unconstitutional. He said, \"There is no reason to believe in a constitutional system where there will be an absolute majority of parliamentarians who vote against it.\"" ], [ "Alkatiri said that the resolutions do not exist under law, because there is no plan in Parliament before issuing a decision." ], [ "\"I have already said that, if the first resolution is unconstitutional all other decisions adopted by Parliament will go through in a similar way\", declared Alkatiri to journalist of Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation on Saturday (14/09)." ], [ "Alkatiri considers all the resolution that have been passed by Parliament unconstitutional, because those who approved them were just as many people. It is not a one-man showing up to vote for each of these 120 decision and they are also in fact only two person which can pass this kind Of Resolution!" ], [ "Alkatiri said, six resolutions the National Parliament has no competence to approve; ten also have not any power." ], [ "\"These resolutions are invalid, and according to the law they either do not exist or have no existence at all\", said Alkatiri." ], [ "He explained that when the National Parliament wants to make a resolution, it must put on its agenda for this matter. It is not called upon by saying hearing with Prime Minister but approving again of these issues cannot be done in such case as we have here today.\"" ], [ "Although the resolution adopted by National Parliament and Government to terminate contracts of international judicial authorities has been heavily criticized from public opinion, but national parliament & government continue defending this decision with interest.tap" ] ]
Covid 19, Taur : Armezein Foos iha 'Uma Laran' Hamenus Stock\nTempotimor (Dili) - Stock foos iha armezein hahú menus tanba populasaun barak maka hola foos barak hodi halo fali armazein foos iha 'uma laran'.\nTaur : Tama Ilegal Husi Fronteira Rai Sei Hada'et Covid ba Familia\nTempotimor (Dili) - Governu husu ba populasaun sira ne'ebé tama ilegalmente mai Timor-Leste liuhusi fronteira terrestre atu aprezenta-aan ba Governu hodi evita hada'et moras Covid 19 ba nasaun Timor Leste.\nGovernu Garante Timor-oan ne'ebé Sa'e Bus Maliana Tama Hotu Ona Kuarentena\nTempotimor (Dili)-Governu liu husi Sentru Media Covid-19 fó esplikasaun relasiona ho preokupasaun kona-ba pasajeiru sira ne'ebé sa'e bus Maliana hamutuk ho pasiente Covid-19 na'in tolu (3). Governu garante katak ema sira ne'ebé sa'e bus Maliana, inklui kondutór no ninia ajudante sira tama hotu ona kuarentena.\nHahú segunda 00:00 OTL, Bandu kualker nasionalidade tama TL\nTempotimor (Dili) - Tuir despaixu numeru 19/GABMI/IV/2020/ ne’ebe fo sai husi Gabinete Ministru Interior Interinu Filomino da paixao de Jesus informa katak, atu evita propagasaun Covid-19, hahú Segunda feira, 13 fulan Abril 00:00 OTL, autoridade sei bandu ema ho kualkuer nasionalidade, atu tama iha nasaun ne’e.\nTempotimor (Dili)-Relasiona ho estadu emerjénsia iha nasaun Timor Leste, tuir loloos politiku nain sira mos susende tiha atividade polítika, maibé iha realidade lider sira kontinua halo poltika. Padre Julio Crispin Belo lamenta ho jogadas politika ne’ebe lider sira halo.
[ "Covid 19, Taur: Armezein Foos iha 'Uma Laran' Hamenus Stock Tempotimor (Dili) - Stock foos iha armezein hahu menus tanba populasaun barak maka hola foos barak hodi halo fali armazein foos iha 'uma laran'.", "Taur: Tama Ilegal Husi Fronteira Rai Sei Hada'et Covid ba Familia Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu husu ba populasaun sira ne'ebe tama ilegalmente mai Timor-Leste liuhusi fronteira terrestre atu aprezenta-aan ba Governu hodi evita hada'et moras Covid 19 ba nasaun Timor Leste.", "Governu Garante Timor-oan ne'ebe Sa'e Bus Maliana Tama Hotu Ona Kuarentena Tempotimor (Dili) -Governu liu husi Sentru Media Covid-19 fo esplikasaun relasiona ho preokupasaun kona-ba pasajeiru sira ne'ebe sa'e bus Maliana hamutuk ho pasiente Covid-19 na'in tolu (3).", "Governu garante katak ema sira ne'ebe sa'e bus Maliana, inklui kondutor no ninia ajudante sira tama hotu ona kuarentena.", "Hahu segunda 00:00 OTL, Bandu kualker nasionalidade tama TL Tempotimor (Dili) - Tuir despaixu numeru 19/GABMI/IV/2020/ ne'ebe fo sai husi Gabinete Ministru Interior Interinu Filomino da paixao de Jesus informa katak, atu evita propagasaun Covid-19, hahu Segunda feira, 13 fulan Abril 00:00 OTL, autoridade sei bandu ema ho kualkuer nasionalidade, atu tama iha nasaun ne'e.", "Tempotimor (Dili) -Relasiona ho estadu emerjensia iha nasaun Timor Leste, tuir loloos politiku nain sira mos susende tiha atividade politika, maibe iha realidade lider sira kontinua halo poltika.", "Padre Julio Crispin Belo lamenta ho jogadas politika ne'ebe lider sira halo." ]
[ [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - Stocks of grain in the armezein have started to decrease because many people are buying a lot more corn and storing it at home." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The Government is asking people who are entering Timor-Leste illegally through the land border to present themselves at its offices so that they can avoid spreading Covid 19 disease in their country." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The Government, through the Covid-19 Media Centre has given an explanation regarding concerns about passengers who boarded a Malina bus together with three other people diagnosed as having covid." ], [ "The government assures that all people boarding the Malian bus, including driver and his assistant have been quarantined." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - According to dispatch number 19/GABMI /IV-2035 issued by the Cabinet of Interim Interior Minister Filomino da Paixao de Jesus, in order for preventing Covid –4 spread from Monday April. The authorities will ban people with any nationality entering Timor Leste starting at noon on Thursday March and until midnight Saturday May as well; this is because they are not vaccinated or have a negative COVID test result before entry into their home country" ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) -Related to the state of emergency in Timor-Leste, politicians should have stopped their political activity as well. But leaders are still doing politics today and they will continue with it tomorrow too!" ], [ "Father Julio Crispin Belo deplores the political moves made by leaders." ] ]
Governu Fraku Ekonomia Sei Mout – STL Online\nGovernu Fraku Ekonomia Sei Mout\nDILI- Husi governu anterior too mai VI Governu konstitusional fraku tebes, tanba sira nunka tau atensaun ba non petroliferu hodi grantia ekonomia iha nasaun ida, maibe governu sira nee depende liu ba fundu petroliferu, tanba nee osan iha banku hela deit ona billaun 15.8, agora la buka mekanismu seluk, entau ekonomia Timor Leste (TL), sei mout iha loron ikus.\nLia hirak nee hatoo husi Ekonmista Gilberto da Costa Pinto, ba STL iha nia knar fatin Colmera, Dili, kuarta (19/04/2017).\nAmi apoiu husi governu anterior too mao agora ukun lao diak, maibe planu atu hadia ekonomia TL maka la iha, tanba sira foti osan husi fundu petroliferu deit, hodi jere dezenvolvimentu nasaun nee, maibe atu hadia seitores balun hanesan Turismu, agrikultura no buat seluk ruma hodi hetan osan hodi troka fundu petroliferu seidauk iha, tanba nee ita triste ba futuru osan mina nia hotu TL bele mout ka hakdasak,” hateten Gilberto.\nIha parte seluk Peskizador Lao Hamutuk Juvinal Dias hateten durante nee mina folin tun, afeta ba rendimentu fundu petroliu tun, osan minarai biliaun U$ 15.8 investe banku, governu foun iha 2017 tenke analiza politika ekonomia TL, atu nunee halo poupansa ba Osan minarai, la bele foti osan minarai boot, hodi halo defeza estadu nian, neebe laiha retornu ekonomia ba estadu no povu.\nNunee mos Deputadu Bankada PD Jacinta Abu Cau Pereira hatete, TL depende ba osan minarai kada tinan aloka ba OJE hodi halo dezenvolvimentu iha rai laran, tanba reseitas domestika sei kiik tebes selu salariu ba funsionariu latoo, tanba nee mina folin tun, produsaun mina tun afeta ba rendimentu fundu petrolium. Joao Anibal\nPrevious article Hemu Lanu ADJ Baku ES\nNext article TL Lafiar Amerika Ho Korea do Norte Funu
[ "Governu Fraku Ekonomia Sei Mout - STL Online Governu Fraku Ekonomia Sei Mout DILI- Husi governu anterior too mai VI Governu konstitusional fraku tebes, tanba sira nunka tau atensaun ba non petroliferu hodi grantia ekonomia iha nasaun ida, maibe governu sira nee depende liu ba fundu petroliferu, tanba nee osan iha banku hela deit ona billaun 15.8, agora la buka mekanismu seluk, entau ekonomia Timor Leste (TL), sei mout iha loron ikus.", "Lia hirak nee hatoo husi Ekonmista Gilberto da Costa Pinto, ba STL iha nia knar fatin Colmera, Dili, kuarta (19/04/2017).", "Ami apoiu husi governu anterior too mao agora ukun lao diak, maibe planu atu hadia ekonomia TL maka la iha, tanba sira foti osan husi fundu petroliferu deit, hodi jere dezenvolvimentu nasaun nee, maibe atu hadia seitores balun hanesan Turismu, agrikultura no buat seluk ruma hodi hetan osan hodi troka fundu petroliferu seidauk iha, tanba nee ita triste ba futuru osan mina nia hotu TL bele mout ka hakdasak,\" hateten Gilberto.", "Iha parte seluk Peskizador Lao Hamutuk Juvinal Dias hateten durante nee mina folin tun, afeta ba rendimentu fundu petroliu tun, osan minarai biliaun U$ 15.8 investe banku, governu foun iha 2017 tenke analiza politika ekonomia TL, atu nunee halo poupansa ba Osan minarai, la bele foti osan minarai boot, hodi halo defeza estadu nian, neebe laiha retornu ekonomia ba estadu no povu.", "Nunee mos Deputadu Bankada PD Jacinta Abu Cau Pereira hatete, TL depende ba osan minarai kada tinan aloka ba OJE hodi halo dezenvolvimentu iha rai laran, tanba reseitas domestika sei kiik tebes selu salariu ba funsionariu latoo, tanba nee mina folin tun, produsaun mina tun afeta ba rendimentu fundu petrolium.", "Joao Anibal Previous article Hemu Lanu ADJ Baku ES Next article TL Lafiar Amerika Ho Korea do Norte Funu" ]
[ [ "Dili- From the previous government to VI constitutional Government is very weak, because they never paid attention on non petroleum sectors for granting an economy in a country. But these governments are more dependent upon oil funds; therefore money remained only 15 billion and now do not seek other mechanism: so Timor Leste (TL)' s Economy will die at last day of its existence! - Stl Online" ], [ "These were the words of Economist Gilberto da Costa Pinto, speaking to STL at his office in Colmera (Dili), on Thursday 19 April." ], [ "Our support from the previous government until now is working well, but there are no plans to improve TL's economy because they take money only of oil fund in order for them manage development. But we haven’t got any plan on how some sector like tourism and agriculture can be reformed so that it will get more cash as a replacement or replacing petroleum funds; this makes us sad about future mine revenues which may all go down.\"" ], [ "On the other hand, Lao Hamutuk Researcher Juvinal Dias said that during oil price decline affected on petroleum fund revenues down. Mineral money billion U $ 15:8 invest bank; new government in2037 must analyze TL economic policy to make saving for mineral funds can not take large amount of mining cash and do defense state which has no return economy State & people" ], [ "Likewise, PD Group Member Jacinta Abu Cau Pereira said that the country depends on mineral money each year allocated to budget for domestic development because of low revenues and lackability in paying salaried public servant. That is why oil prices decline as production falls affecting income from petroleum funds;" ], [ "Joao Anibal Previous article TL Lafiar Amerika Ho Korea do Norte Funu Next Article ADJ Baku ES Homem de Lanus" ] ]
Alfándega TL no Indonézia Sei Asina Akordu Iha Setembru Hodi Kontrola Atividade Ilísitu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Alfándega TL no Indonézia Sei Asina Akordu Iha Setembru Hodi Kontrola Atividade...\nAlfándega TL no Indonézia Sei Asina Akordu Iha Setembru Hodi Kontrola Atividade Ilísitu\nDiretór Jerál Autoridade Aduaneira (AA), José António Fátima Abílio. Imajen/TATOLI.\nDILI, 27 agostu 2019,(TATOLI)-Autoridade Aduaneira (AA) ka Alfándega Timor-Leste (TL) no Alfándega Indonézia sei selebra akordu ida iha setembru tinan ne’e ho objetivu atu iha relasaun di’ak liután hodi kontrola atividade ilísitu sira.\nDiretór Jerál AA, José António Fátima Abílio, hatete haruka ona karta ofisiál ba Diretór Jerál AA Indonézia para husu konfirmasaun katak sira konkorda ona ezbosu ba alterasaun asinatura ba akordu ne’e\n“Kuandu sira konkorda ona, sira fó tiha notifikasaun ofisiál ida mai liu hosi Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru, ita bele determina ona data para realiza asinatura. Akordu ne’e sei asina iha fulan-setembru 2019”, Diretór Jerál informa iha Palásiu Governu, ohin.\nJosé António esplika estabelese akordu ne’e para bele fó kontinuidade ba akordu ida ne’ebé Ministra Finansa Timor-Leste ho Indonézia asina iha 4 maiu 2019 kona-ba kooperasaun fronteira terrestre nian para atu fasilita transporte, turizmu, veterinária no pekuária ne’ebé Alfándega automatikamente hanesan parte ida hosi CIQ ne’ebé tenke fasilita prosesu sira.\nAkordu ne’ebé atu asina ho Indonézia atu fasilita di’ak no hametin liután kooperasaun Alfándega nasaun rua ne’e hodi haree prosesu sira iha pasa fronteira no haree mós atividade ilísitu sira hanesan komérsiu illegal no droga.\n“Ida ne’e maka ami sei konsentra para serbisu hamutuk di’ak liután hodi minimiza risku sira ne’e. Agora, informalmente kooperasaun liuhosi komunikasaun nafatin entre intelijénsia Alfándega Indonézia ho Timór-Leste nian ba iha prosesu troka informasaun, dadus. Tantu rekizita hosi sira-nia parte no husi Timor-Leste nian fó informasaun ba malu para ajuda halo kontrolu iha fronteira ida-idak ninian”.\nIha asinatura ne’e sei kobre hotu iha fronteira sira inklui mós portu sira, tanba bainhira konkorda ona ho Bea Cukai (Alfándega) Indonézia automatikamente área fronteirisa sira sei kobre, inklui portu.\n“Ita-nia ekipamentu mak limitadu tebes, ita iha x-ray maibé ne’e la’ós própriu para atu deteta ba droga sira. Ne’ebé presiza atu investe tan, klaru Governu tenke aloka osan, maibé kona-ba sasán sira x-ray sufisiente atu deteta”, katak nia.\nFoin lalais ne’e, Governu liuhusi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru aprova proposta deliberasaun kona-ba akordu kooperasaun (MoU-sigla inglés) Alfandegária entre Timor-Leste ho Repúblika Indonézia ne’ebé aprezenta hosi Ministra Finansas ein-funsaun, Sara Lobo Brites, hodi bele presta kooperasaun entre TL-RI oinsá haforsa malu no transforma koñesimentu ba malu iha area servisu alfándega nian.\nMinistru Estadu Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira, relata katak MoU ida ne’e atu promove kooperasaun entre nasaun rua ne’e hodi troka informasaun no fahe koñesimentu ba luta efetiva kontra krime, espesiál ba krime transnational no tráfiku ba sasán ilísitu sira.\n“Ministériu Finansas sei asina ho nia omólogu Ministériu Finansa Indonézia nian iha ámbitu komersiál, fasilitasaun, atividade ekonómika ne’ebé mak KM aprova ona MoU ne’e”, informa Ministru Agio Pereira liuhosi konferénsia imprensa, foin lalais ne’e.\nNia hatutan, MoU ne’e mós prevee komponente hosi dezenvolvimentu institusionál ba atividade edukasaun no formasaun. KM fó podér tomak ba Diretór Jerál Autoridade Aduaneira, José António Fatima Abílio atu realiza asinatura ba memorandu nee.\nIha biban hanesan Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites, hatete KM fó plenu podér ba Alfándega hodi asina akordu ida ho Alfándega Indonesia, kona-ba troka informasaun no mós apoiu formasaun ba Alfándega TL no Indonesia hodi fó apoiu ba malu.\nNotísia relevante : TL-RI ho ADB Asina Akordu Fronteirisu iha Fiji\nPrevious articleHatene Istória, Kuda Espíritu Nasionalizmu No Patriotizmu\nNext articleMRLAP Kontinua Konsulta Lei Kostumeiru iha Atabae\nUE orgullu tanba AstraZeneca to’o ona TL\nDILI, 05 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Uniaun Europeia (UE) orgullu tanba Fundu Nasaun Unida ba Infánsia (UNICEF), liu hosi COVAX facility transporta ona ai-moruk vasina COVID-29,...\nDILI, 10 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak konsidera laiha konseitu, dezeñu fó impaktu boot ba kualidade obra sira, nune'e sai problema boot...
[ "Alfandega TL no Indonezia Sei Asina Akordu Iha Setembru Hodi Kontrola Atividade Ilisitu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Alfandega TL no Indonezia Sei Asina Akordu Iha Setembru Hodi Kontrola Atividade...", "Alfandega TL no Indonezia Sei Asina Akordu Iha Setembru Hodi Kontrola Atividade Ilisitu Diretor Jeral Autoridade Aduaneira (AA), Jose Antonio Fatima Abilio.", "Imajen/TATOLI.", "DILI, 27 agostu 2019, (TATOLI) -Autoridade Aduaneira (AA) ka Alfandega Timor-Leste (TL) no Alfandega Indonezia sei selebra akordu ida iha setembru tinan ne'e ho objetivu atu iha relasaun di'ak liutan hodi kontrola atividade ilisitu sira.", "Diretor Jeral AA, Jose Antonio Fatima Abilio, hatete haruka ona karta ofisial ba Diretor Jeral AA Indonezia para husu konfirmasaun katak sira konkorda ona ezbosu ba alterasaun asinatura ba akordu ne'e \"Kuandu sira konkorda ona, sira fo tiha notifikasaun ofisial ida mai liu hosi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru, ita bele determina ona data para realiza asinatura.", "Akordu ne'e sei asina iha fulan-setembru 2019,\" Diretor Jeral informa iha Palasiu Governu, ohin.", "Jose Antonio esplika estabelese akordu ne'e para bele fo kontinuidade ba akordu ida ne'ebe Ministra Finansa Timor-Leste ho Indonezia asina iha 4 maiu 2019 kona-ba kooperasaun fronteira terrestre nian para atu fasilita transporte, turizmu, veterinaria no pekuaria ne'ebe Alfandega automatikamente hanesan parte ida hosi CIQ ne'ebe tenke fasilita prosesu sira.", "Akordu ne'ebe atu asina ho Indonezia atu fasilita di'ak no hametin liutan kooperasaun Alfandega nasaun rua ne'e hodi haree prosesu sira iha pasa fronteira no haree mos atividade ilisitu sira hanesan komersiu illegal no droga.", "\"Ida ne'e maka ami sei konsentra para serbisu hamutuk di'ak liutan hodi minimiza risku sira ne'e.", "Agora, informalmente kooperasaun liuhosi komunikasaun nafatin entre intelijensia Alfandega Indonezia ho Timor-Leste nian ba iha prosesu troka informasaun, dadus.", "Tantu rekizita hosi sira-nia parte no husi Timor-Leste nian fo informasaun ba malu para ajuda halo kontrolu iha fronteira ida-idak ninian.\"", "Iha asinatura ne'e sei kobre hotu iha fronteira sira inklui mos portu sira, tanba bainhira konkorda ona ho Bea Cukai (Alfandega) Indonezia automatikamente area fronteirisa sira sei kobre, inklui portu.", "\"Ita-nia ekipamentu mak limitadu tebes, ita iha x-ray maibe ne'e la'os propriu para atu deteta ba droga sira.", "Ne'ebe presiza atu investe tan, klaru Governu tenke aloka osan, maibe kona-ba sasan sira x-ray sufisiente atu deteta,\" katak nia.", "Foin lalais ne'e, Governu liuhusi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru aprova proposta deliberasaun kona-ba akordu kooperasaun (MoU-sigla ingles) Alfandegaria entre Timor-Leste ho Republika Indonezia ne'ebe aprezenta hosi Ministra Finansas ein-funsaun, Sara Lobo Brites, hodi bele presta kooperasaun entre TL-RI oinsa haforsa malu no transforma konesimentu ba malu iha area servisu alfandega nian.", "Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira, relata katak MoU ida ne'e atu promove kooperasaun entre nasaun rua ne'e hodi troka informasaun no fahe konesimentu ba luta efetiva kontra krime, espesial ba krime transnational no trafiku ba sasan ilisitu sira.", "\"Ministeriu Finansas sei asina ho nia omologu Ministeriu Finansa Indonezia nian iha ambitu komersial, fasilitasaun, atividade ekonomika ne'ebe mak KM aprova ona MoU ne'e,\" informa Ministru Agio Pereira liuhosi konferensia imprensa, foin lalais ne'e.", "Nia hatutan, MoU ne'e mos prevee komponente hosi dezenvolvimentu institusional ba atividade edukasaun no formasaun.", "KM fo poder tomak ba Diretor Jeral Autoridade Aduaneira, Jose Antonio Fatima Abilio atu realiza asinatura ba memorandu nee.", "Iha biban hanesan Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites, hatete KM fo plenu poder ba Alfandega hodi asina akordu ida ho Alfandega Indonesia, kona-ba troka informasaun no mos apoiu formasaun ba Alfandega TL no Indonesia hodi fo apoiu ba malu.", "Notisia relevante: TL-RI ho ADB Asina Akordu Fronteirisu iha Fiji Previous articleHatene Istoria, Kuda Espiritu Nasionalizmu No Patriotizmu Next articleMRLAP Kontinua Konsulta Lei Kostumeiru iha Atabae UE orgullu tanba AstraZeneca to'o ona TL DILI, 05 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Uniaun Europeia (UE) orgullu tanba Fundu Nasaun Unida ba Infansia (UNICEF), liu hosi COVAX facility transporta ona ai-moruk vasina COVID-29,...", "DILI, 10 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak konsidera laiha konseitu, dezenu fo impaktu boot ba kualidade obra sira, nune'e sai problema boot..." ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste and Indonesia Customs Sign Agreement in September to Control Illicit Activities | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór - Leste VARANDA DILI TL & INDONESIA CUSTOMS WILL SIGN AGREEMENT IN SEPTEMBRE TO CONTROL ILICITAL ACTIVITIES" ], [ "Customs TL and Indonesia to Sign Agreement in September To Control Illicit Activities Director General of the custom authority (AA), Jose Antonio Fatima Abilio." ], [ "Imajen/Sputnik." ], [ "Dili, August 27th (Agência Notícias) -The Custom Authority of Timor-Leste and the Indonesian custom service will sign an agreement in September this year with a view to maintaining good relations between them so that they can control illicit activities." ], [ "AA Director General, Jose Antonio Fatima Abilio said that he has sent an official letter to the Indonesian director general of AAA asking for confirmation they have agreed on draft amendment signing agreement \"When we are in accordance with them and after receiving their formal notification through Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), then it will be timely." ], [ "The agreement will be signed in September of this year,\" the Director-General said today at Government Palace." ], [ "Jose Antonio explained the establishment of this agreement to give continuity for an Agreement signed by Timor-Leste's Finance Minister and Indonesia on May,4th.2019 regarding cooperation at land border in facilitating transportation tourism veterinary cattle which Custom automates as part CIQ that should ease process" ], [ "The agreement to be signed with Indonesia will facilitate and strengthen customs cooperation between the two countries in regard of border crossing processes, as well As illicit activities like illegal trade or drugs." ], [ "\"This is what we will focus on to work well together in order minimise these risks." ], [ "Now, informally cooperation through communication is still between Indonesian and Timor-Leste Customs intelligence in the process of exchanging information." ], [ "Both requested by their side and the Timorese to give information on each other in order help control at both borders.\"" ], [ "The signing of the agreement will cover all border areas including ports, because once it is agreed with Indonesia Custom Service (Cukai) automatically cross-border area are covered as well." ], [ "\"Our equipment is very limited, we have an x-ray but it's not suitable for detecting drugs." ], [ "There is a need to invest more, of course the government must allocate money but for things like x-rays there are sufficient ones in place.\"" ], [ "Recently, the Government through its Council of Ministers meeting approved a proposal for deliberation regarding an agreement on cooperation (MoU) custom between Timor-Leste and Indonesia presented by Finance minister in office Sara Lobo Brites. The purpose is to establish cooperative relations among TL - RI so as strengthen mutual knowledge about Custom services areas operating within both countries' border area;" ], [ "The Minister of State for the Presidency, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira said that this MoU is to promote cooperation between both countries in exchangeing information and sharing knowledge on effectively fight against crimes especially transnational criminality." ], [ "\"The Ministry of Finance will sign with its Indonesian counterpart in the scope commercial, facilitation and economic activity that KM has approved this MoU\", Minister Agio Pereira told a press conference recently." ], [ "He added that the MoU also provides for a component of institutional development in education and training activities." ], [ "The KM gave full powers to the Director General of Custom Authority, Jose Antonio Fatima Abilio for signing this Memorandum." ], [ "At the same time, Minister of Finance Sara Lobo Brites said that KM gave full powers to Custom for signing an agreement with Indonesian custom on information exchange and training support between TL & Indonesia' s aduanas in order provide mutual assistance." ], [ "Relevant News: TL-RI and ADB Sign Border Agreement in Fiji Previous articleHatene Historia, Kuda Spirit of Nationalism And Patriotismo Next MRLAP Continues Consulting Custom Law at Atabe EU proud because AstraZeneca has arrived to Timor Leste DILI 05 April - The European Union (EU) is prideful that the United Nations Children' s Fund(UNICEF), through COVAX facility have transporte..." ], [ "DILI, April 10th (TATOLI) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak considers that the lack of concept and design has a big impact on work quality." ] ]
PNSIK detein suspeitu tráfiku umanu - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança PNSIK detein suspeitu tráfiku umanu\nPolísia Nasional Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK), Kuarta (18/04/18), ezekuta mandadu Tribunal Distrital Díli, hodi halo detensaun ba suspeitu inisial NM alias Popi, ne’ebé deskonfia involve kazu tráfiku umanu fa’an feto.\nPNSIK kaptura suspeitu NM iha nia rezidensia wainhira suspeitu ne´e partisipa hela iha festa komunidade nian. Nia hela fatin Becussi Kraik Suco Becora, Munisípiu Díli.\nSuspeitu NM koopera diak ho Polísia hodi nune´e entrega a´an ba Polísia hodi sa’e kareta PNSIK nian hodi ba sertifika iha PNSIK iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Díli, hafoin lori ba detein iha sela Polísia Munisípiu Díli durante oras 72, hafoin submete ba primeiru interogatóriu.\nTuir mandadu detensaun NUC (ic.NUCNO)0053/17.P66CC.\nMandadu detensaun husi Tribunal, primeiru interogatoriu halo detensaun ba ema ne´ebé temi iha kraik nu’udar suspeitu investiga tanba halo krimi P.P. husi artigu 163 kódigu penal nian.\nHafoin detensaun, aprezenta nian ba juis hodi halo primeiru interogatóriu judisiál, iha oras 72 nia laran hahú husi momentu detensaun.\nBainhira hala´o detensaun ténki entrega orijinál mandadu nian ba vizadu.\nOras no loron detensaun ténki hatebes no detensaun komunika kedas ba Juis.avi
[ "PNSIK detein suspeitu trafiku umanu - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca PNSIK detein suspeitu trafiku umanu Polisia Nasional Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK), Kuarta (18/04/18), ezekuta mandadu Tribunal Distrital Dili, hodi halo detensaun ba suspeitu inisial NM alias Popi, ne'ebe deskonfia involve kazu trafiku umanu fa'an feto.", "PNSIK kaptura suspeitu NM iha nia rezidensia wainhira suspeitu ne'e partisipa hela iha festa komunidade nian.", "Nia hela fatin Becussi Kraik Suco Becora, Munisipiu Dili.", "Suspeitu NM koopera diak ho Polisia hodi nune'e entrega a'an ba Polisia hodi sa'e kareta PNSIK nian hodi ba sertifika iha PNSIK iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Dili, hafoin lori ba detein iha sela Polisia Munisipiu Dili durante oras 72, hafoin submete ba primeiru interogatoriu.", "Tuir mandadu detensaun NUC (ic.NUCNO) 0053/17.P66CC.", "Mandadu detensaun husi Tribunal, primeiru interogatoriu halo detensaun ba ema ne'ebe temi iha kraik nu'udar suspeitu investiga tanba halo krimi P.P. husi artigu 163 kodigu penal nian.", "Hafoin detensaun, aprezenta nian ba juis hodi halo primeiru interogatoriu judisial, iha oras 72 nia laran hahu husi momentu detensaun.", "Bainhira hala'o detensaun tenki entrega orijinal mandadu nian ba vizadu.", "Oras no loron detensaun tenki hatebes no detensaun komunika kedas ba Juis.avi" ]
[ [ "PNSIK detain suspected human trafficker - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca National Police Criminal Investigation Service (PNSIC), Thursday, April 18th executes a warrant issued by the Dili District Court to arrest initially accuse NM alias Popi in connection with an alleged case of sexual exploitation and sale." ], [ "PNSIK captured suspect NM at his residence while the accused was participating in a community party." ], [ "He lives in Becussi Kraik, Becora Sub-District of Dili Municipality." ], [ "Suspect NM cooperated well with the Police so that he surrendered himself to them and boarded a PNSIK car for certification at PNTL Dili General Headquarters, then taken into detention in police custody of Municipality Policia during 72 hours after being submitted first interrogation." ], [ "Pursuant to arrest warrant NUC (ic.NU C NO) 0153/24-P67CC," ], [ "A warrant of arrest issued by the Court, first interrogation makes an apprehension to a person mentioned in kraik as suspect investigated for committing crimes P.P from article 163 Criminal Code" ], [ "Upon arrest, the suspect is brought before a judge for first judicial interrogation within 72 hours of detention." ], [ "Upon arrest, the original warrant must be handed over to him." ], [ "The time and date of detention must be precise, notified immediately to the Juis.avi" ] ]
Semana oin estudante sira filafali bá eskola | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Semana oin estudante sira filafali bá eskola\nSemana oin estudante sira filafali bá eskola\nEstudante Sekundáriu Nino Konis Santana Gleno. Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 12 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) sei re-ativa fali atividade eskolár iha loron segunda 18 janeiru, nune’e bele prepara prosesu inskrisaun no orientasaun ba estudante foun sira.\nDiretór Jeral Pré-Eskolar, Ensinu Báziku no Ensinu Rekorenti, Apolinário Serpa Rosa informa, MEJD hakarak re-ativa hikas atividade eskolár ne’e tanba estudante pré-eskolár, ensinu báziku, ensinu sekundáriu jerál no ensinu tekníku vokasionál bele kontinua fali aula prezensiál.\nNotísia Relevante :Governu suspende prosesu aprendizajen no inskrisaun ba estudante\n“Ministru suspende tiha atividade aula prezensiál ba estudante sira, liu de’it loron tolu nia revee filafali deklarasaun ne’e, tanba bazeia ba despaixu Konsellu-Ministru nian la hateten hapara atividade ensinu aprendijazen iha eskola sira, maibé husu de’it atu eskola sira kumpre nafatin medida protokolu ne’ebé iha ona,” Apolinário Serpa Rosa fó sai asuntu ne’e ba jornalista ajénsia Tatoli via telefone, Tersa ne’e.\nNe’e duni, tuir kalendáriu MEJD nian katak, molok hahú aula prezensiál ba estudante sira, eskola sira sei hala’o orientasaun ba estudante foun husi nível ensinu báziku no ensinu sekundáriu hahú husi 13 to’o 15 janeiru.\nTanba ne’e, iha prosesu aula prezensiál ne’e mak eskola sira tenki aplika medida protokólu distansiamentu sosiál, uza máskara, fase liman molok tama aula, estudante barak liu tenki fahe ba grupu atu nune’e labele kontra regras ne’ebé ona.\nMEJD tau prioridade ba eskola sira iha fronteira\nMinistériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) mós deside ona katak, sei tau prioridade ba eskola sira iha liña fronteira atu hetan atensaun maka’as hodi nune’e bele prevene estudante sira husi COVID-19.\nApolinário Serpa Rosa, deklara katak eskola sira iha liña fronteira Batugade, Bobonaro, Covalima no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), sei hetan apoiu fasilidade prevensaun COVID-19 atu nune’e bele asegura labarik sira iha prosesu aula prezensiál.\n“Ita agora sei iha stock máskara rihun 77. Máskara sira ne’e ita sei forñese hotu ba estudante sira iha liña fronteira. Bainhira ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 ne’e la sufisiente, ita sei husu nafatin apoiu ba ita nia parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira atu apoia tan,” Diretór Jerál ne’e hateten.\nTanba ne’e, MEJD sei distribui máskara hirak ne’e ba eskola sira iha fronteira iha tempu badak nia laran atu nune’e aula prezensiál hahú estudante sira bele utiliza.\nKona-ba hand sanitizer, tanki bee moos, parseiru sira husu MEJD atu halo proposta ruma ba ajénsia dezenvolvimentu sira, nune’e bele hetan apoiu lalais nune’e bele forñese ba eskola sira iha fronteira ne’ebé mak seidauk iha.\n“Tanba eskola iha liña fronteira ne’e mak sai risku bo’ot liu bá surtu Covid-19 ne’e rasik,” nia hakotu.\nPrevious articleMESSK sei publika lista estudante rejime espesiál iha 30 janeiru\nNext articleFakuldade direitu no siénsia ezata UNTL la preparadu tuir graduasaun
[ "Semana oin estudante sira filafali ba eskola | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Semana oin estudante sira filafali ba eskola Semana oin estudante sira filafali ba eskola Estudante Sekundariu Nino Konis Santana Gleno.", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 12 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) sei re-ativa fali atividade eskolar iha loron segunda 18 janeiru, nune'e bele prepara prosesu inskrisaun no orientasaun ba estudante foun sira.", "Diretor Jeral Pre-Eskolar, Ensinu Baziku no Ensinu Rekorenti, Apolinario Serpa Rosa informa, MEJD hakarak re-ativa hikas atividade eskolar ne'e tanba estudante pre-eskolar, ensinu baziku, ensinu sekundariu jeral no ensinu tekniku vokasional bele kontinua fali aula prezensial.", "Notisia Relevante:Governu suspende prosesu aprendizajen no inskrisaun ba estudante \"Ministru suspende tiha atividade aula prezensial ba estudante sira, liu de'it loron tolu nia revee filafali deklarasaun ne'e, tanba bazeia ba despaixu Konsellu-Ministru nian la hateten hapara atividade ensinu aprendijazen iha eskola sira, maibe husu de'it atu eskola sira kumpre nafatin medida protokolu ne'ebe iha ona,\" Apolinario Serpa Rosa fo sai asuntu ne'e ba jornalista ajensia Tatoli via telefone, Tersa ne'e.", "Ne'e duni, tuir kalendariu MEJD nian katak, molok hahu aula prezensial ba estudante sira, eskola sira sei hala'o orientasaun ba estudante foun husi nivel ensinu baziku no ensinu sekundariu hahu husi 13 to'o 15 janeiru.", "Tanba ne'e, iha prosesu aula prezensial ne'e mak eskola sira tenki aplika medida protokolu distansiamentu sosial, uza maskara, fase liman molok tama aula, estudante barak liu tenki fahe ba grupu atu nune'e labele kontra regras ne'ebe ona.", "MEJD tau prioridade ba eskola sira iha fronteira Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) mos deside ona katak, sei tau prioridade ba eskola sira iha lina fronteira atu hetan atensaun maka'as hodi nune'e bele prevene estudante sira husi COVID-19.", "Apolinario Serpa Rosa, deklara katak eskola sira iha lina fronteira Batugade, Bobonaro, Covalima no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), sei hetan apoiu fasilidade prevensaun COVID-19 atu nune'e bele asegura labarik sira iha prosesu aula prezensial.", "\"Ita agora sei iha stock maskara rihun 77.", "Maskara sira ne'e ita sei fornese hotu ba estudante sira iha lina fronteira.", "Bainhira ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 ne'e la sufisiente, ita sei husu nafatin apoiu ba ita nia parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira atu apoia tan,\" Diretor Jeral ne'e hateten.", "Tanba ne'e, MEJD sei distribui maskara hirak ne'e ba eskola sira iha fronteira iha tempu badak nia laran atu nune'e aula prezensial hahu estudante sira bele utiliza.", "Kona-ba hand sanitizer, tanki bee moos, parseiru sira husu MEJD atu halo proposta ruma ba ajensia dezenvolvimentu sira, nune'e bele hetan apoiu lalais nune'e bele fornese ba eskola sira iha fronteira ne'ebe mak seidauk iha.", "\"Tanba eskola iha lina fronteira ne'e mak sai risku bo'ot liu ba surtu Covid-19 ne'e rasik,\" nia hakotu.", "Previous articleMESSK sei publika lista estudante rejime espesial iha 30 janeiru Next articleFakuldade direitu no siensia ezata UNTL la preparadu tuir graduasaun" ]
[ [ "Students return to school next week | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Semana oin estudante sira filafali ba eskola Estudante Sekundariu Nino Konis Santana Gleno." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, January 12 (TATOLI) - The Ministry of Education Youth and Sports will re-activate school activities on Monday the next day to prepare for enrollment processes." ], [ "Director General of Pre-School, Basic and Repetitive Education Apolinario Serpa Rosa informs that MEJD want to reactivate school activity quickly because students from preschool levels as well basic educational level general secondary schools vocational technical training can continue their classes in classroom." ], [ "\"The Minister has suspended the classroom activities for students, only three days ago he revised this declaration again because based on a decision of Council Of Ministries it does not say to stop teaching and learning activity in schools but just asks that all school comply with protocol measures which already exist\", Apolinario Serpa Rosa told journalist Tatoli agency via telephone Tuesday." ], [ "Therefore, according to the calendar of MEJD that before starting face-to -face classes for students schools will conduct orientation sessions with new pupils from primary and secondary education levels beginning on January 13th until Jan." ], [ "Therefore, in the face-to -face classroom process schools must apply social distancing protocol measures such as wearing a mask and washing their hands before entering. Students should be divided into groups so that they do not go against existing rules when there are more than one student per group to avoid spread of COVID 19 virus among students at home or on campus" ], [ "MEJD gives priority to schools on the border The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD) has also decided that it will give a high-priority status for school in frontline areas so they can be given more attention as well." ], [ "Apolinario Serpa Rosa, declared that schools in the borderline Batugade Bobonaro and Covalima Oe-Cusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region (RAEOA), will receive support COVID -19 prevention facilities so as to ensure children's presence at school." ], [ "\"We will now have a stock of 7.5 million face masks,\" he said in an interview with the news agency AFP on Monday morning (10 March)." ], [ "We will provide all these masks to students on the border." ], [ "When the COVID-19 prevention equipment is not sufficient, we will ask our development partners to provide additional support\", said Director General." ], [ "Therefore, MEJD will distribute these masks to schools in the border area within a short time so that students can use them when face-to -face classes begin." ], [ "Regarding hand sanitizer and clean water tanks, the partners asked MEED to make a proposal for development agencies so that they can get support quickly in order of supplying schools on border areas where there is no such facility." ], [ "\"Because the schools on this border line are at greater risk of Covid-19 outbreak itself,\" he concluded." ], [ "PreviousMESSK will publish list of special regime students on January 30 Next articleFaculty Of Law And Science Says UNTL Is Not Prepared For Graduation" ] ]
Idozu-invalidés ne’ebé moras, BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BOBONARU Idozu-invalidés ne’ebé moras, BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma\nIdozu-invalidés ne’ebé moras, BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma\nEdifísiu BNCTL sukursál Maliana, Imagen Tatoli/Sérgio da Cruz.\nBOBONARO, 29 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Funsionáriu hosi Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL sígla portugés), sukursál Maliana, sei halo pagamentu ba idozu no invalidés ne’ebé moras, iha idaidak nia uma.\n“Bainhira sira la mai, ami sei halo pagamentu iha suku. Ita-nia funsionáriu-sira sei ba halo pagamentu to’o uma liu-liu ba inan-aman sira ne’ebé la’o labele no moras todan,” Koordenadór BNCTL sukursál Maliana, Cesaltino dos Santos hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:COVID-19 aumenta, INSS-BNCTL sei prodús ATM ba idozu sira\nMekanizmu pagamentu sei halo de’it iha suku, maibé BNCTL mós fó oportunidade ba benefisiáriu-sira atu trata karatun ATM, maibé la obrigatóriu tanba atu hafásil de’it oinsá foti osan ho lalais.\nIha fatin hanesan benefisiária, Marta da Costa, kontente ho atendimentu BNCTL, tanba fasilita-sira hodi trata kartaun ATM, nune’e bele foti iha estasaun ne’ebé estabelesidu iha Maliana laran ho laisliu.\n“Agora uza ATM de’it ne’e la presija ba forma ona, ida ne’e diak tebes no la hanesan antes ferik katuas sira tenke forma kleur to’o balun oin halai,” nia hateten.\nDadus ne’ebé Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI), fornese ba BNCTL, sei halo pagamentu ba idozu no invalidés iha munisípiu Bobonaro hamutuk suku 50 ho totál benefisiáriu na’in 9.345.\nHahú 23 juñu, BNCTL sukursál Maliana halo ona pagamentu ba benefisiáriu-sira iha suku haat iha postu administrativu Maliana mak hanesan, Lahomea, Raifun, Ritabou no Odomau.\nTuir oráriu, BNCTL sei konklui pagamentu iha postu administrativu Maliana hafoin bele kontinua ba postu administrativu seluk.\nBNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma\nIdozu-invalidés ne’ebé moras\nPrevious articleAbitante 5.496 iha Manatuto simu ona vasina AstraZeneca\nNext articleVítima dezastre naturál 115 iha Bobonaro simu materiál konstrusaun
[ "Idozu-invalides ne'ebe moras, BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BOBONARU Idozu-invalides ne'ebe moras, BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma Idozu-invalides ne'ebe moras, BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma Edifisiu BNCTL sukursal Maliana, Imagen Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz.", "BOBONARO, 29 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Funsionariu hosi Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL sigla portuges), sukursal Maliana, sei halo pagamentu ba idozu no invalides ne'ebe moras, iha idaidak nia uma.", "\"Bainhira sira la mai, ami sei halo pagamentu iha suku.", "Ita-nia funsionariu-sira sei ba halo pagamentu to'o uma liu-liu ba inan-aman sira ne'ebe la'o labele no moras todan,\" Koordenador BNCTL sukursal Maliana, Cesaltino dos Santos hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, tersa ne'e.", "Notisia relevante:COVID-19 aumenta, INSS-BNCTL sei produs ATM ba idozu sira Mekanizmu pagamentu sei halo de'it iha suku, maibe BNCTL mos fo oportunidade ba benefisiariu-sira atu trata karatun ATM, maibe la obrigatoriu tanba atu hafasil de'it oinsa foti osan ho lalais.", "Iha fatin hanesan benefisiaria, Marta da Costa, kontente ho atendimentu BNCTL, tanba fasilita-sira hodi trata kartaun ATM, nune'e bele foti iha estasaun ne'ebe estabelesidu iha Maliana laran ho laisliu.", "\"Agora uza ATM de'it ne'e la presija ba forma ona, ida ne'e diak tebes no la hanesan antes ferik katuas sira tenke forma kleur to'o balun oin halai,\" nia hateten.", "Dadus ne'ebe Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), fornese ba BNCTL, sei halo pagamentu ba idozu no invalides iha munisipiu Bobonaro hamutuk suku 50 ho total benefisiariu na'in 9.345.", "Hahu 23 junu, BNCTL sukursal Maliana halo ona pagamentu ba benefisiariu-sira iha suku haat iha postu administrativu Maliana mak hanesan, Lahomea, Raifun, Ritabou no Odomau.", "Tuir orariu, BNCTL sei konklui pagamentu iha postu administrativu Maliana hafoin bele kontinua ba postu administrativu seluk.", "BNCTL sei halo pagamentu iha uma Idozu-invalides ne'ebe moras Previous articleAbitante 5.496 iha Manatuto simu ona vasina AstraZeneca Next articleVitima dezastre natural 115 iha Bobonaro simu material konstrusaun" ]
[ [ "Sick elderly and disabled people, BNCTL will make payment at home | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BOBONARU The sickened senior citizens of the country are receiving aid from Bobonaru's National Bank (BNC) in their homes." ], [ "BOBONARO, June 29th - Employees of Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL), branch office in Maliana will make payments to elderly and sick people at their homes." ], [ "\"If they don't come, we will make payments in the village." ], [ "Our employees will make payment to the home especially for parents who cannot walk and are ill,\" Coordinator BNCTL Malina branch Cesaltino dos Santos told journalist Agência Tatoli on Tuesday." ], [ "Relevant news:COVID-19 increases, INSS - BNCTL will produce ATM for the elderly The payment mechanism is only made in municipalities but also gives beneficiaries an opportunity to process their cash card. However this was not compulsory because it would make withdrawing money faster and easier" ], [ "In turn, the beneficiary Marta da Costa is satisfied with BNCTL's service because of its facilities to process ATM cards so that they can be taken at stations established in Malina without delay." ], [ "\"Now using only ATM is not necessary to form now, it's very good and unlike before the older children have had a long time until some of them go on.\" he said." ], [ "Data provided to BNCTL by the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) show that payments will be made for elderly people in 50 communities, with a total beneficiaries numbering at present about12.34 million person" ], [ "As of June 23, BNCTL Malina branch has made payments to beneficiaries in four village groups at the administrative post office Lahomea Raifun Ritabou and Odomau." ], [ "According to the schedule, BNCTL will conclude payments at Malina administrative post and then proceed with other administration posts." ], [ "Previous article5,496 residents in Manatuto have received the AstraZeneca vaccine Next ArticleVitima desastre natural em Bobonaro recebem material de construção 10.273 pessoas estão com a vacina contra o novo coronavírus" ] ]
Garantia Eleisaun Lao Susesu STAE Enkontro PNTL No Autoridade Lokal – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Atu garantia paz no estabilidade iha eleisaun 2012 mai ne’e Servisu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) organiza sorumutu integradu entre Komandantes PNTL ho Administradores husi 13 Distritu. Sorumutu ne’e foka liu ba knar no responsabilidade kada instituisaun iha prosesu eleitoral no loron votasaun eleisaun Presidente 17 Marsu 2012.\nSorumutu ne’e halao iha salaun apuramentu Nasional CNE Kaicoli, Dili (16/2). Diretor Geral STAE Tomas Cabral iha nia diskursu hateten, sorumutu ho Komandantes PNTL no Administradores husi 13 Distritu ne’e dala ikus nian, tamba ne’e husu ba importante mak administrador sira atu tau matan ba rekrutamentu ba sekertairu sentru de votasaun no stasaun votus.\nDiretor husu ba Administrador Distritu, Sub-Distritu no Komandantes sira iha distritu hotu, tenki kontrola masimu offisias eleitorais sira ne’ebe iha sukus no sentru votasaun. Eleisaun geral 2012 politiku atu hametin unidade iha nasaun ne’e.\n“Hau husu liu tan ba administrador distritu, Sub-Distritu no polisia sira labele involve an iha partido politiku,”Tomas apela.\nIha fatin hanesan Ministro Administrasaun Estatal E Ordenamentu do Territoriu, Arcangelo Leite hateten, papel governu maka oinsa asegura prosesu hotu ne’ebe ligasaun ho eleisaun bele lao diak no susesu.\nMinistru husi PD ne’e dehan, susesu husi eleisaun la hare husi semak manan no lakon. Sasukat importante maka povo uza ninia direitu ho livre la iha presaun atu ba vota.\n‘Hau husu ba orgaun eleitorais hotu CNE, STAE halao knar tuir regras ne’ebe iha labele iha interferensia politika,”Arcanjo apela.\nEntertantu Komandante Geral PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro reforsa katak, papel PNTL iha prosesu eleisaun 2012 fo garantia eleisaun geral lao ho diak, povo sente hakmatek para atu bele goza direitu konstituisional hanesan sidadaun.\nKomandante Geral antes ne’e halao ona breafing ho Komandante husi distritu 13 atu ezekuta didiak regulamentu no kodiku ne’ebe mak STAE hasai, ne’ebe aprova ona husi CNE.\n“Mai ita kolabora hamutuk hodi nune’e eleisaun ne’e loa ho diak, povo hakmatek hodi ezerse sira nia direitu,”Long esklarese.
[ "Garantia Eleisaun Lao Susesu STAE Enkontro PNTL No Autoridade Lokal - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Atu garantia paz no estabilidade iha eleisaun 2012 mai ne'e Servisu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) organiza sorumutu integradu entre Komandantes PNTL ho Administradores husi 13 Distritu.", "Sorumutu ne'e foka liu ba knar no responsabilidade kada instituisaun iha prosesu eleitoral no loron votasaun eleisaun Presidente 17 Marsu 2012.", "Sorumutu ne'e halao iha salaun apuramentu Nasional CNE Kaicoli, Dili (16/2).", "Diretor Geral STAE Tomas Cabral iha nia diskursu hateten, sorumutu ho Komandantes PNTL no Administradores husi 13 Distritu ne'e dala ikus nian, tamba ne'e husu ba importante mak administrador sira atu tau matan ba rekrutamentu ba sekertairu sentru de votasaun no stasaun votus.", "Diretor husu ba Administrador Distritu, Sub-Distritu no Komandantes sira iha distritu hotu, tenki kontrola masimu offisias eleitorais sira ne'ebe iha sukus no sentru votasaun.", "Eleisaun geral 2012 politiku atu hametin unidade iha nasaun ne'e.", "\"Hau husu liu tan ba administrador distritu, Sub-Distritu no polisia sira labele involve an iha partido politiku,\"Tomas apela.", "Iha fatin hanesan Ministro Administrasaun Estatal E Ordenamentu do Territoriu, Arcangelo Leite hateten, papel governu maka oinsa asegura prosesu hotu ne'ebe ligasaun ho eleisaun bele lao diak no susesu.", "Ministru husi PD ne'e dehan, susesu husi eleisaun la hare husi semak manan no lakon.", "Sasukat importante maka povo uza ninia direitu ho livre la iha presaun atu ba vota.", "'Hau husu ba orgaun eleitorais hotu CNE, STAE halao knar tuir regras ne'ebe iha labele iha interferensia politika,\"Arcanjo apela.", "Entertantu Komandante Geral PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro reforsa katak, papel PNTL iha prosesu eleisaun 2012 fo garantia eleisaun geral lao ho diak, povo sente hakmatek para atu bele goza direitu konstituisional hanesan sidadaun.", "Komandante Geral antes ne'e halao ona breafing ho Komandante husi distritu 13 atu ezekuta didiak regulamentu no kodiku ne'ebe mak STAE hasai, ne'ebe aprova ona husi CNE.", "\"Mai ita kolabora hamutuk hodi nune'e eleisaun ne'e loa ho diak, povo hakmatek hodi ezerse sira nia direitu,\"Long esklarese." ]
[ [ "Guarantee Election Success STAE Encounters PNTL And Local Authority - Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz radio, online To guarantee peace and stability in the upcoming elections (2013) Technical Service of Electoral Administration organized an integrated meeting between Police Commanders with Administrator from thirteen District(S)." ], [ "The summit focused on the role and responsibility of each institution in electoral processes, as well a polling day for presidential elections March 17th." ], [ "The meeting was held in the CNE Kaicoli National Counting Room, Dili (16/2)." ], [ "STAE Director General Tomas Cabral in his speech said that the meeting with PNTL Commanders and Administrators of 13 District is last time, therefore he asked for administrator to take care about recruitment as polling station secretary." ], [ "The Director asked the District Administrator, Sub-District and Commanders in all districts to have maximum control of electoral office at village level." ], [ "The 2014 general election was held in the United Kingdom to elect a new parliament." ], [ "\"I again ask the district administrators, sub-district and police officer to not get involved in political parties\", Tomas appealed." ], [ "Minister of State Administration and Territorial Planning, Arcangelo Leite said that the government's role is to ensure all processes linked with elections can run smoothly." ], [ "The minister of the PD said, success in elections does not depend on whether you win or lose." ], [ "An important consideration is that the people exercise their right freely without pressure to vote." ], [ "'I ask all electoral bodies CNE, STAE to carry out their work according the rules that exist and not with political interference\", Arcanjo appealed." ], [ "Meanwhile, PNTL Commander General Longuinhos Monteiro emphasized that the role of Police in 2013 elections guaranteed a smooth running general election and people felt satisfied to enjoy their constitutional rights as citizens." ], [ "The Comandante General had previously held a briefing with the Commanders of 13 districts to ensure that they implement properLY regulation and codes issued by STAE, which have been approved from NEC." ], [ "\"Let's work together so that the elections go well, people are happy to exercise their rights\", Long explained." ] ]
Atu tama Timor-Leste hanesan turista ida ka ho asuntu negósiu nian, ita-boot tenki obtein vistu ida apropriadu. Iha maioria kazu, ita-boot bele obtein vistu ida iha xegada.\nViajante sira tenki prienxe kartaun xegada nian ida (disponível iha postu fronteira nian). Se bainhira husu, ita-boot mós tenki bele demonstra:\nIntensaun jenuína husi vizita ida (nu’udar turista ida ka ba viajen negósiu nian).\nFundu sufisiente atu sustenta ita-nia an durante períodu estadia proposta nian sein violasaun ba kondisaun sira vistu nian.\nKatak ita-boot halo ona arranju akomodasaun ne’ebé apropriadu.\nAleinde ne’e, ita-boot tenki:\nKaer pasaporte ida, ka dokumentu viajen nian ho prazu validade la menus husi fulan 6 (neen) konta husi data entrada mai Timor-Leste. Pasaporte ne’e tenki tahan mamuk ruma hodi taka vistu.\nKaer billete ida ba-mai nian ka pré-markadu nian ka hatudu kapasidade atu finansia ita-nia partida.\nSelu taxa ba vistu ho osan $30. Observa katak dalaruma laiha ATM ka fasilidades troka-osan nian, ne’e duni ita-boot sempre tenki koko no garante katak ita-boot lori ho osan $30 ne’e.\nIha métodu oioin ba obtensaun vistu nian, depende ba karik ita-boot nia entrada ne’e liuhusi fronteira terrestre, aérea ka tasi.\nGabinete Ministériu Interiór\nXegada liuhusi Fronteira Terrestre\nHo exesaun ba sidadaun Indonéziu no Portugés sira no mós sidadaun sira Estadus Unidus Amérika nian, kualkér ema ne’ebé xegada liuhusi postu fronteira terrestre nian tenki solisita ho antesedénsia “Karta Autorizasaun Vistu” nian. Bainhira ita-boot to’o mai iha fronteira, tenki aprezenta “Karta Autorizasaun Vistu” ne’e ba ofisiál imigrasaun. Se bainhira ita-boot prienxe duni rekezitu relevante sira, entaun sei konsede vistu ida ba ita-boot bainhira selu tiha osan $30.\nXegada liuhusi Aérea ka Tasi\nSidadaun sira Indonézia nian bele solisita vistu iha xegada iha kualkér postu fronteira nian, inklui hakat liu husi fronteira terrestre no aeroportu Internasionál Dili, no mós Portu Marítimu Dili nian. Sidadaun Portugés no Estadus Unidus Amérika nian, ka Timoroan sira ne’ebé halo viajen uza pasaporte Portugés sei benefisia husi izensaun ba vistu ba efeitu sira turizmu nian.\nSidadaun sira husi nasaun sira seluk bele solisita vistu iha xegada iha Aeroportu Internasionál Dili ka Portu Marítima Dili nian.\nNaran katak ita-boot prienxe rekezitu relevante sira, sei konsede vistu id aba ita-boot bainhira selu tiha osan $30.\nHatene liutankona-ba vistu no rekezitu sira asosiadu iha ne’e
[ "Atu tama Timor-Leste hanesan turista ida ka ho asuntu negosiu nian, ita-boot tenki obtein vistu ida apropriadu.", "Iha maioria kazu, ita-boot bele obtein vistu ida iha xegada.", "Viajante sira tenki prienxe kartaun xegada nian ida (disponivel iha postu fronteira nian).", "Se bainhira husu, ita-boot mos tenki bele demonstra: Intensaun jenuina husi vizita ida (nu'udar turista ida ka ba viajen negosiu nian).", "Fundu sufisiente atu sustenta ita-nia an durante periodu estadia proposta nian sein violasaun ba kondisaun sira vistu nian.", "Katak ita-boot halo ona arranju akomodasaun ne'ebe apropriadu.", "Aleinde ne'e, ita-boot tenki: Kaer pasaporte ida, ka dokumentu viajen nian ho prazu validade la menus husi fulan 6 (neen) konta husi data entrada mai Timor-Leste.", "Pasaporte ne'e tenki tahan mamuk ruma hodi taka vistu.", "Kaer billete ida ba-mai nian ka pre-markadu nian ka hatudu kapasidade atu finansia ita-nia partida.", "Selu taxa ba vistu ho osan $30.", "Observa katak dalaruma laiha ATM ka fasilidades troka-osan nian, ne'e duni ita-boot sempre tenki koko no garante katak ita-boot lori ho osan $30 ne'e.", "Iha metodu oioin ba obtensaun vistu nian, depende ba karik ita-boot nia entrada ne'e liuhusi fronteira terrestre, aerea ka tasi.", "Gabinete Ministeriu Interior Xegada liuhusi Fronteira Terrestre Ho exesaun ba sidadaun Indoneziu no Portuges sira no mos sidadaun sira Estadus Unidus Amerika nian, kualker ema ne'ebe xegada liuhusi postu fronteira terrestre nian tenki solisita ho antesedensia \"Karta Autorizasaun Vistu\" nian.", "Bainhira ita-boot to'o mai iha fronteira, tenki aprezenta \"Karta Autorizasaun Vistu\" ne'e ba ofisial imigrasaun.", "Se bainhira ita-boot prienxe duni rekezitu relevante sira, entaun sei konsede vistu ida ba ita-boot bainhira selu tiha osan $30.", "Xegada liuhusi Aerea ka Tasi Sidadaun sira Indonezia nian bele solisita vistu iha xegada iha kualker postu fronteira nian, inklui hakat liu husi fronteira terrestre no aeroportu Internasional Dili, no mos Portu Maritimu Dili nian.", "Sidadaun Portuges no Estadus Unidus Amerika nian, ka Timoroan sira ne'ebe halo viajen uza pasaporte Portuges sei benefisia husi izensaun ba vistu ba efeitu sira turizmu nian.", "Sidadaun sira husi nasaun sira seluk bele solisita vistu iha xegada iha Aeroportu Internasional Dili ka Portu Maritima Dili nian.", "Naran katak ita-boot prienxe rekezitu relevante sira, sei konsede vistu id aba ita-boot bainhira selu tiha osan $30.", "Hatene liutankona-ba vistu no rekezitu sira asosiadu iha ne'e" ]
[ [ "In order to enter Timor-Leste as a tourist or on business, you must obtain an appropriate visa." ], [ "In most cases, you can obtain a visa immediately." ], [ "Travellers must fill out a freeze card (available at the border post)." ], [ "If asked, you must also be able to demonstrate: Genuine intention of a visit (as tourist or for business trip)." ], [ "Sufficient funds to support ourselves during the proposed period of stay without violating visa conditions." ], [ "That you have arranged for appropriate accommodation." ], [ "In addition, you must: Bring a passport or other travel document valid for at least 6 (six) months from the date of entry into Timor-Leste." ], [ "The passport must withstand a certain amount of moisture to cover the visa." ], [ "Carry a return or pre-marked ticket, show ability to finance your trip." ], [ "Pay the visa fee of $30." ], [ "Note that there may not be any ATM or money exchange facilities, so you should always make sure to carry your $30." ], [ "There are different methods of obtaining a visa, depending on whether your entry is via land borders or by air and sea." ], [ "With the exception of Indonesian and Portuguese nationals, as well As United States citizens who are crossing through land border posts in Indonesia or other countries with which Malaysia has a diplomatic relationship must apply for an \"Autorization Visa Card\" prior to entering." ], [ "Upon arrival at the border, you must present this \"Visa Authorization Card\" to an immigration officer." ], [ "If you meet the relevant requirements, then a visa will be granted upon payment of $30." ], [ "Indonesian citizens can apply for a visa on arrival at any border post, including through the land frontier and Dili International Airport as well As to Delhi Maritime Port." ], [ "Portuguese and United States of America citizens, or Timorese who travel using a portuguese passport will benefit from the visa waiver for tourism purposes." ], [ "Citizens of other countries can apply for a visa at the check-in desk in Dili International Airport or Maritime Port." ], [ "As long as you meet the relevant requirements, your visa will be granted upon payment of $30." ], [ "Please find further information on visa and associated requirements here." ] ]
Kla'ak Semanal On Line: HALIRI: Keta Husik Povu Sai Mutun ba Vingansa Politika!\nHALIRI: Keta Husik Povu Sai Mutun ba Vingansa Politika!\nReforma Administrativa! Ida ne'e mak palavra de ordem governu AMP nian bainhira hahu nia ukun iha tinan 2007. Iha diskursu ka dadalia ho media, ministro AMP sira sempre afirma katak tinan 2008 nudar tinan atu implementa palavra de ordem ne'e. Xefe governu AMP, Xanana Gusmao, mos repete bebeik palavra de ordem ne'e iha biban barak.\nIta hotu sai sasin duni ba ezekusaun palavra de ordem ne'e. Director instansia barak mak katik husi nia pozisaun. Hahu kedas ho Director Nacional Aprovisionamento, Gregorio da Silva. Tuir mai, Director Nacional de Terras e Propriedades, Pedro de Sousa. Ita mos rona katak, governu AMP hahu atu troka administrador distrito no sub-distrito balun. Iha ministerio balun mos prosesu reshuffle kontinua la'o.\nIta hein katak, resan atu halo reforma administrativa ne'e bazeia ba inkompetensia ka inkapasidade profesional. La'os tan vingansa politika. Sa tan, bazeia ba desgostu pessoal.\nFelizmente, planu reforma administrativa sira nebe hahu ona ne'e, la dun hetan reasaun husi publiku no politiku sira iha Parlamento Nasional, maski prosesu ne'e seidauk hamosu indikador katak mudansa lideransa ne'e halo servisu nebe di'ak liu ka susesu liu estrutura anterior.\nAsuntu importante nebe oras ne'e sai preokupasaun politiku barak, inklui sosiedade sivil, mak Proposta Lei Tributario nebe governu AMP propoin. Tuir esbosu lei ne'e, governu AMP propoin atu halo redusaun taxa (impostu) ho objektivu atu loke biban bisnis nebe konduzivu ba sektor privadu sira.\nArgumentu nebe sai baze ba governu AMP iha proposta lei ne'e mak atu dada investidor sira husi rai-li'ur atu mai investe iha timor, hodi loke fatin servisu ba timor oan sira. Argumentu ne'e reflekte mos lamentasaun empreza ka kompanhia balun durante ne'e kona ba aplikasaun impostu nebe aas.\nBainhira halo analize jeral de'it, ita bele konsidera katak hanoin no ambisaun governu AMP nian ne'e iha resan politik nebe justifikavel. Justifikavel bainhira ita bazeia ba realidade katak, numeru servisu-laek iha timor aas tebes. Klosan timor barak mak sai ba buka servisu iha rai-li'ur hanesan, Irlanda no Inglaterra, tan fatin servisu iha rai-laran la iha. Do que haruka ka husik klosan sira ne'e ba servisu iha rai-li'ur, di'ak liu loke fatin servisu ba sira iha rai-laran.\nMaibe, bainhira ita hare didi'ak impaktu husi implementasaun hanoin di'ak ne'e, mosu taridu fundamental ida. Proposta lei tributaria ne'e sei fo vantajem de'it ba empreza boot sira husi rai-liur ho kapital boot no ema sira nebe simu osan fulan-fulan. Kompanhia nasional no populasaun timor nebe barak sei moris mukit sei enfrenta situasaun ekonomika nebe difisil.\nTuir hanoin husi organizasaun sosiedade sivil balun, bainhira reforma lei tributaria ne'e implementa duni, sei halo ekonomia timor nian dependente de'it ba osan minarai nian no sasan nebe importa husi li'ur. Sasan nebe importa husi li'ur, hanesan nesesidade bazika, sei hamate produsaun agrikultura husi rai-laran. Ita sei depende de'it ba foz nebe importa husi Tailandia, Vietname ka China. La'os depende de'it, maibe ita tenke sosa foz no sasan nesesidade primaria sira ne'e ho folin nebe aas. Folin nebe la'os ita nia agrikultor sira mak determina, maibe empreza importadora mak determina.\nTuir ONG nasional La'o Hamutuk, halo redusaun taxa la'os unika solusaun atu dada investidor sira mai ita nia rain. Situasaun seguransa nebe estavel no sistema judisial nebe metin, sai mos faktor determinante atu atrai investidor sira. Sei la iha investidor ida mak hakarak mai tau nia osan ka kapital iha nasaun nebe moris hela iha Estado de Sitio no Estado de Emergencia nia laran. Mos sei la iha ema riku ida mak hakarak hit-an mai halo bisnis iha ita nia rain, bainhira ita nia sistema apropriasaun ba rai seidauk los.\nMaski seguransa estavel no justisa la'o di'ak, maibe implementasaun kualker lei, inklui lei tributaria, tenke ho objectivu atu hadi'a povu Timor nia moris. La'os atu hariku de'it ema lubun oan ida no habokur de'it ema rai-seluk.\nAplikasaun lei tributaria tenke ho objektivu atu halo povu timor sai povu nebe independente duni. La'os atu halo povu Timor dependente fali ba Vietname, Tailandia, China ka Australia.\nIndependensia nebe Timor hetan, nudar rezultadu husi luta povu timor nebe ki'ik no mukit. Tan ne'e, ema mukit no ki'ak rai doben ne'e iha direito atu hetan benefisiu husi dezenvolvimentu nebe governu rai ne'e halo. Governu iha responsabilidade atu labele husik biban ba ema timor atu sai fali mendigo iha nia rain rasik. Keta husik povu sai mutun ba vingansa politika!
[ "Kla'ak Semanal On Line: HALIRI: Keta Husik Povu Sai Mutun ba Vingansa Politika!", "HALIRI: Keta Husik Povu Sai Mutun ba Vingansa Politika!", "Reforma Administrativa!", "Ida ne'e mak palavra de ordem governu AMP nian bainhira hahu nia ukun iha tinan 2007.", "Iha diskursu ka dadalia ho media, ministro AMP sira sempre afirma katak tinan 2008 nudar tinan atu implementa palavra de ordem ne'e.", "Xefe governu AMP, Xanana Gusmao, mos repete bebeik palavra de ordem ne'e iha biban barak.", "Ita hotu sai sasin duni ba ezekusaun palavra de ordem ne'e.", "Director instansia barak mak katik husi nia pozisaun.", "Hahu kedas ho Director Nacional Aprovisionamento, Gregorio da Silva.", "Tuir mai, Director Nacional de Terras e Propriedades, Pedro de Sousa.", "Ita mos rona katak, governu AMP hahu atu troka administrador distrito no sub-distrito balun.", "Iha ministerio balun mos prosesu reshuffle kontinua la'o.", "Ita hein katak, resan atu halo reforma administrativa ne'e bazeia ba inkompetensia ka inkapasidade profesional.", "La'os tan vingansa politika.", "Sa tan, bazeia ba desgostu pessoal.", "Felizmente, planu reforma administrativa sira nebe hahu ona ne'e, la dun hetan reasaun husi publiku no politiku sira iha Parlamento Nasional, maski prosesu ne'e seidauk hamosu indikador katak mudansa lideransa ne'e halo servisu nebe di'ak liu ka susesu liu estrutura anterior.", "Asuntu importante nebe oras ne'e sai preokupasaun politiku barak, inklui sosiedade sivil, mak Proposta Lei Tributario nebe governu AMP propoin.", "Tuir esbosu lei ne'e, governu AMP propoin atu halo redusaun taxa (impostu) ho objektivu atu loke biban bisnis nebe konduzivu ba sektor privadu sira.", "Argumentu nebe sai baze ba governu AMP iha proposta lei ne'e mak atu dada investidor sira husi rai-li'ur atu mai investe iha timor, hodi loke fatin servisu ba timor oan sira.", "Argumentu ne'e reflekte mos lamentasaun empreza ka kompanhia balun durante ne'e kona ba aplikasaun impostu nebe aas.", "Bainhira halo analize jeral de'it, ita bele konsidera katak hanoin no ambisaun governu AMP nian ne'e iha resan politik nebe justifikavel.", "Justifikavel bainhira ita bazeia ba realidade katak, numeru servisu-laek iha timor aas tebes.", "Klosan timor barak mak sai ba buka servisu iha rai-li'ur hanesan, Irlanda no Inglaterra, tan fatin servisu iha rai-laran la iha.", "Do que haruka ka husik klosan sira ne'e ba servisu iha rai-li'ur, di'ak liu loke fatin servisu ba sira iha rai-laran.", "Maibe, bainhira ita hare didi'ak impaktu husi implementasaun hanoin di'ak ne'e, mosu taridu fundamental ida.", "Proposta lei tributaria ne'e sei fo vantajem de'it ba empreza boot sira husi rai-liur ho kapital boot no ema sira nebe simu osan fulan-fulan.", "Kompanhia nasional no populasaun timor nebe barak sei moris mukit sei enfrenta situasaun ekonomika nebe difisil.", "Tuir hanoin husi organizasaun sosiedade sivil balun, bainhira reforma lei tributaria ne'e implementa duni, sei halo ekonomia timor nian dependente de'it ba osan minarai nian no sasan nebe importa husi li'ur.", "Sasan nebe importa husi li'ur, hanesan nesesidade bazika, sei hamate produsaun agrikultura husi rai-laran.", "Ita sei depende de'it ba foz nebe importa husi Tailandia, Vietname ka China.", "La'os depende de'it, maibe ita tenke sosa foz no sasan nesesidade primaria sira ne'e ho folin nebe aas.", "Folin nebe la'os ita nia agrikultor sira mak determina, maibe empreza importadora mak determina.", "Tuir ONG nasional La'o Hamutuk, halo redusaun taxa la'os unika solusaun atu dada investidor sira mai ita nia rain.", "Situasaun seguransa nebe estavel no sistema judisial nebe metin, sai mos faktor determinante atu atrai investidor sira.", "Sei la iha investidor ida mak hakarak mai tau nia osan ka kapital iha nasaun nebe moris hela iha Estado de Sitio no Estado de Emergencia nia laran.", "Mos sei la iha ema riku ida mak hakarak hit-an mai halo bisnis iha ita nia rain, bainhira ita nia sistema apropriasaun ba rai seidauk los.", "Maski seguransa estavel no justisa la'o di'ak, maibe implementasaun kualker lei, inklui lei tributaria, tenke ho objectivu atu hadi'a povu Timor nia moris.", "La'os atu hariku de'it ema lubun oan ida no habokur de'it ema rai-seluk.", "Aplikasaun lei tributaria tenke ho objektivu atu halo povu timor sai povu nebe independente duni.", "La'os atu halo povu Timor dependente fali ba Vietname, Tailandia, China ka Australia.", "Independensia nebe Timor hetan, nudar rezultadu husi luta povu timor nebe ki'ik no mukit.", "Tan ne'e, ema mukit no ki'ak rai doben ne'e iha direito atu hetan benefisiu husi dezenvolvimentu nebe governu rai ne'e halo.", "Governu iha responsabilidade atu labele husik biban ba ema timor atu sai fali mendigo iha nia rain rasik.", "Keta husik povu sai mutun ba vingansa politika!" ]
[ [ "Kla'ak Semanal On Line: HALIRI (Halili): “Keta Husik Povo” – The People Must Decide to Revenge Politics!" ], [ "HALIRI: Don't Hurl the People, But Put Down Your Politics!" ], [ "Administrative reform!" ], [ "This was the slogan of AMP's government when it came to power in 2017." ], [ "In their speeches and interviews with the media, MPA minister-elect always stated that 2018 was a year to implement this slogan." ], [ "AMP government head, Xanana Gusmao also repeats this slogan on many occasions." ], [ "We have all witnessed the implementation of this slogan." ], [ "Many directors of institutions have been removed from their position." ], [ "He was immediately met by the National Director of Procurement, Gregorio da Silva." ], [ "Following him, the National Director of Lands and Properties Pedro de Sousa." ], [ "We also hear that the AMP government has begun to replace some district and sub-district administrators." ], [ "In some ministries, the reshuffle process is still underway." ], [ "We expect that the decision to carry out this administrative reform is based on incompetence or professional incapacity." ], [ "There is no such thing as a vengeance policy." ], [ "Furthermore, it is based on personal dislike." ], [ "Fortunately, the plans for administrative reform that have already been initiated do not encounter a strong reaction from public and politicians at National Parliament level. The process has yet to produce any indicators of whether this leadership change is doing better or more successful work than its predecessors had done before it took effect (see below)." ], [ "An important issue that is currently becoming a political concern for many, including civil society groups and the MPLA government's proposed Tax Bill." ], [ "According to the draft law, AMP government proposes a tax reduction with an objective of opening up business opportunities for private sector." ], [ "The argument that the AMP government uses as a basis for this bill is to encourage foreign investor in Timor and create employment opportunities." ], [ "This argument also reflects the laments of some companies over high tax rates during this period." ], [ "In a general analysis, we can consider that the ideas and ambitions of this AMP government have justifiable political reasons." ], [ "Justified if we base ourselves on the reality that Timor-Leste has a very high number of unemployed." ], [ "Many East Timorese have left their homeland in search of employment abroad, such as Ireland and England because there are no jobs available." ], [ "Rather than sending or leaving these monks to work abroad, it would be better if we opened up employment opportunities for them at home." ], [ "However, when we look closely at the impact of implementing these good ideas a fundamental problem arises." ], [ "The proposed tax law will only benefit large foreign companies with a lot of capital and people who receive monthly payments." ], [ "National companies and the large Timorese population who will live in poverty, face a difficult economic situation." ], [ "According to some civil society organizations, if the tax law reform is implemented it will make Timorese economy dependent only on mineral revenues and imported products." ], [ "Goods imported from abroad, such as basic necessities will destroy domestic agricultural production." ], [ "We will only depend on fish imported from Thailand, Vietnam or China." ], [ "Not only do we depend on them, but also have to buy these foods and basic necessities at a high price." ], [ "Prices that are not determined by our farmer, but the importing company." ], [ "According to the national NGO La'o Hamutuk, reducing taxes is not a single solution for attracting investors into our country." ], [ "A more stable security situation and a stronger judicial system are also decisive factors in attracting investors." ], [ "There will be no investor who wants to put his money or capital in a country that is living under State of Siege and the Emergency Status." ], [ "There will not be a single rich man who wants to come and do business in our country if we haven’t put the right land appropriation system into place." ], [ "Even though stable security and justice are well-functioning, the implementation of any laws including taxation must be aimed at improvings Timorese people' s lives." ], [ "It's not just to kill a Lubun national and hurt another countryman." ], [ "The application of tax laws must be objective in order to make the Timorese people a truly independent nation." ], [ "It is not to make the Timorese people dependent on Vietnam, Thailand or Australia." ], [ "Timor's independence is the result of a struggle by its small and humble people." ], [ "Therefore, the poor and indigenous peoples of this land are entitled to benefit from development by their government." ], [ "The government has a responsibility not to leave Timorese beggars in their own country." ], [ "Do not let the people become victims of political revenge!" ] ]
MS deteta tan timor-oan ida pozitivu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 MS deteta tan timor-oan ida pozitivu COVID-19\nMS deteta tan timor-oan ida pozitivu COVID-19\nDILI, 13 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Saúde deteta tan timor-oan na’in-ida pozitivu CAVID-19. Ho nune’e aumenta númeru kazu pozitivu COVID-19 atuál baixa iha sala izolamentu iha Dili no Rejiaun Administrativu Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hamutuk na’in-39.\n”Ohin, 13 fevereiru 2021, hosi komisaun nasionál rejista tan kazu foun ida hosi Timor-oan feto-ida ho idade tinan 28. Nia la hatudu sintoma signifika la iha isin manas, la iha mear,’’ koordenadora Jerál Komisaun Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, informa liuhosi konferénsia imprensa iha Palásiu Sinzas, Caicoli, Dili, sábadu ne’e.\nNotísia Relevante : Komisaun Interministeriál seidauk iha opsaun hili ai-moruk vasina COVID-19\nNia hateten, iha loron 28 janeiru 2021, Timor-oan ne’e ho nia-oan feto-ki’ik, tinan ida fulan hitu, sira na’in-rua viajen hosi Atambua, Indonézia mai Timór deside liuhosi dalan ilegál ka klandestina iha área Memo nian Munisípiu Bobonaro. Bainhira to’o iha Maliana, inan ne’e konsege aluga motór ojek hodi lori sira na’in-rua atu mai liu Dili. Bainhira sira to’o iha Kuartél Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) Batugade nian hetan liuhosi pasa revista hosi ajente Polísia UPF no identifika katak sidadaun ne’e tama klandestina. Iha biban ne’e kedas UPF lori inan ho oan ne’e ba iha Kuarentena Batugade, Munisípiu Bobonaro.\nIha loron-ne’e, Odete Viegas informa, ekipa ba halo teste swab, rezultadu negativu no iha loron 12 ekipa halo teste tan dala ida hafoin rezultadu pozitivu no fó sai ba públiku iha loron 13 fevereiru 2021.\nNotísia Relevante : MS rejista kazu pozitivu COVID-19 na’in 14, baixa 38\n“Inan pozitivu ho nia-oan daudaun ne’e iha ona izolamentu Vera Krús, maibé iha sala ketak la hamutuk ho pasiente sira seluk,” Odete hateten.\nKona-ba abitante ne’ebé kondús motór hanesan ojek tula pasiente ne’e, Odete informa, ekipa halo tiha ona investigasaun ho pasiente COVID-19 maibé nia dehan katak la koñese ema ne’e inklui mós númeru matrikula motór refere.\nDadus ba loron 13 fevereiru 2021 kumulativu teste hamutuk 20100, kumulativu negativu 19770, hein rezultadu 229, komulativu kazu 101, kazu foun +1 atuál ho baixa 39, rekuperadu la iha, kumulativu rekuperadu 62+4 = 66, kuarentena 236; iha Dili 168, munisípiu 68, auto-kuarentena 79; Dili 60, Munisípiu 19, pasa ona loron 14 na’in-7845; iha Dili 6455 no munisípiu 1390.\nPrevious articleTL iha kondisaun simu AstraZeneca\nNext articleOMS hanorin hela profisionál saúde kona-bá vasinasaun COVID-19
[ "MS deteta tan timor-oan ida pozitivu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 MS deteta tan timor-oan ida pozitivu COVID-19 MS deteta tan timor-oan ida pozitivu COVID-19 DILI, 13 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Saude deteta tan timor-oan na'in-ida pozitivu CAVID-19.", "Ho nune'e aumenta numeru kazu pozitivu COVID-19 atual baixa iha sala izolamentu iha Dili no Rejiaun Administrativu Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hamutuk na'in-39.", "\"Ohin, 13 fevereiru 2021, hosi komisaun nasional rejista tan kazu foun ida hosi Timor-oan feto-ida ho idade tinan 28.", "Nia la hatudu sintoma signifika la iha isin manas, la iha mear, \" koordenadora Jeral Komisaun Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, informa liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha Palasiu Sinzas, Caicoli, Dili, sabadu ne'e.", "Notisia Relevante: Komisaun Interministerial seidauk iha opsaun hili ai-moruk vasina COVID-19 Nia hateten, iha loron 28 janeiru 2021, Timor-oan ne'e ho nia-oan feto-ki'ik, tinan ida fulan hitu, sira na'in-rua viajen hosi Atambua, Indonezia mai Timor deside liuhosi dalan ilegal ka klandestina iha area Memo nian Munisipiu Bobonaro.", "Bainhira to'o iha Maliana, inan ne'e konsege aluga motor ojek hodi lori sira na'in-rua atu mai liu Dili.", "Bainhira sira to'o iha Kuartel Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) Batugade nian hetan liuhosi pasa revista hosi ajente Polisia UPF no identifika katak sidadaun ne'e tama klandestina.", "Iha biban ne'e kedas UPF lori inan ho oan ne'e ba iha Kuarentena Batugade, Munisipiu Bobonaro.", "Iha loron-ne'e, Odete Viegas informa, ekipa ba halo teste swab, rezultadu negativu no iha loron 12 ekipa halo teste tan dala ida hafoin rezultadu pozitivu no fo sai ba publiku iha loron 13 fevereiru 2021.", "Notisia Relevante: MS rejista kazu pozitivu COVID-19 na'in 14, baixa 38 \"Inan pozitivu ho nia-oan daudaun ne'e iha ona izolamentu Vera Krus, maibe iha sala ketak la hamutuk ho pasiente sira seluk,\" Odete hateten.", "Kona-ba abitante ne'ebe kondus motor hanesan ojek tula pasiente ne'e, Odete informa, ekipa halo tiha ona investigasaun ho pasiente COVID-19 maibe nia dehan katak la konese ema ne'e inklui mos numeru matrikula motor refere.", "Dadus ba loron 13 fevereiru 2021 kumulativu teste hamutuk 20100, kumulativu negativu 19770, hein rezultadu 229, komulativu kazu 101, kazu foun +1 atual ho baixa 39, rekuperadu la iha, kumulativu rekuperadu 62+4 = 66, kuarentena 236; iha Dili 168, munisipiu 68, auto-kuarentena 79; Dili 60, Munisipiu 19, pasa ona loron 14 na'in-7845; iha Dili 6455 no munisipiu 1390.", "Previous articleTL iha kondisaun simu AstraZeneca Next articleOMS hanorin hela profisional saude kona-ba vasinasaun COVID-19" ]
[ [ "MS detects one more Timorese positive for COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór–Leste VARANDA Covid‑20 Ministry of Health confirmed no new cases in East Тимор Dili, Feb.3 (AFP) – The ministry has reported that there have been three people who are currently undergoing treatment at the hospital after having tested negative on a test kit and being admitted to an intensive care unit with symptomatics similar or severely different from those found during their previous visit" ], [ "Thus, the number of COVID-19 positive cases currently in isolation rooms at Dili and Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA) has increased to 38." ], [ "\"Today, February 13th of the National Commission has registered a new case involving an Timorese woman at age-28." ], [ "He did not show any symptoms, meaning he wasn't sick or hungry,” the General Coordinator of COVID-19 Prevention Commission Odete da Silva Viegas said during a press conference at Palasiu Sinzas in Caicoli on Saturday." ], [ "Relevant News: Interministerial Commission still has no option to choose COVID-19 vaccine He said, on January 28th of this year the Timorese and his daughter aged one month seven days traveled from Atambua in Indonesia through illegal or clandestine routes into Memo area Bobonaro Municipality." ], [ "When she arrived in Maliana, the mother managed to rent a motorcycle and carry her two children over Dili." ], [ "When they arrived at Batugade's Border Patrol Unit (UPF) headquarters, the citizen was found by a search of UFP police officer and identified as being entering clandestinely." ], [ "UPF immediately took the mother and child to Batugade Quarantine, Bobonaro Municipality." ], [ "On that day, Odete Viegas informed the team to do a swab test and it was negative. The 12th of February they tested again after having received positive results which were released on Febrary’s first Sunday (February)" ], [ "\"The positive mother and her child are currently in Vera Cruz isolation, but they have a separate room not shared with other patients\", Odete said. The patient was admitted to the hospital on Monday afternoon as he had tested negative for COVID-19 two days earlier at 8:30 am (local time)." ], [ "Concerning the inhabitant who drove a motorcycle to carry this patient, Odete said that his team had investigated with COVID-19 patients but he did not know about him or any of their license plate numbers." ], [ "Data as of 13th February, cumulative test totals are:20758; negative tests -cumulation- is currently at the level +4 with a decrease in cases being no more than one and recoveries numbering none. The recovery rate has been increased to over four times (69%) from previous days' levels for all areas except Dili where there were only two positive testing results on Tuesday night which was reportedly caused by an uncontrollable flu attack that occurred after lunchtime last week when it had infected people living within five miles or less away.[citation needed]" ], [ "Previous articleTL in condition to receive AstraZeneca Next artikelWHO is teaching health professionals on COVID-19 vaccination" ] ]
TIMOR AGORA: Ramos-Horta: Timor-Leste sai refém maka'as hosi kompañia aéreu "gangster" sira\nRamos-Horta: Timor-Leste sai refém maka'as hosi kompañia aéreu "gangster" sira\nTimor-Leste moris iha "trajédia" tanba sai "refém maka'as hosi kompañia aérea sira hosi Austrália ho Indonézia ne'ebé atua "ho komportamentu hosi "gangster" sira", hodi mantén folin sira ne'ebé aas tebes, hatete hosi José Ramos-Horta iha loron-kinta ne'e.\n"Ami iha trajénsia hosi nasaun ne'ebé hanesan refém maka'as hosi "gangsterizmu" aéreu ne'e hosi parte Garuda nian", hatete hosi eis-Prezidente Repúblika, hodi refere ba empreza estatal hosi Indonézia, proprietáriu hosi empreza sira Sriwijaya ho Citilink ne'ebé maka semo ba Timor-Leste.\n"No ami kontinua hanesan refém hosi AirNorth ne'ebé klaru hanesan naok ida", nia afirma hodi ko'alia kona-ba kompañia Qantas ne'ebé mantén monopóliu ida iha semo sira entre Timor-Leste ho Austrália, iha dalan ida ne'ebé hanesan karun liu iha mundu.\nRamos-Horta ko'alia iha Díli iha lansamentu ofisial hosi asosiasaun hoteleiru dahuluk iha nasaun, HOTL, harii hosi unidade hoteleira sanulu ne'ebé barak liu situa iha kapital nasaun nian.\nLíder istóriku timoroan ironiza mós kona-ba folin sira ne'ebé aas tebes bainhira haree ba kualidade hosi aviaun balun.\nKestaun hosi folin viajen aéreu sira agora daudaun hanesan susar boot ida ba turizmu iha Timor-Leste ne'ebé hanesan fraku ona tanba hasoru dezafiu sira seluk liuliu iha nível infraestrutura sira.\nHahú hosi loron 01 Abril nasaun sei sai izoladu liu tanba laiha ona semo entre Díli ho Singapura, ligasaun ida hosi ligasaun internasional atual tolu, ho ligasaun rua seluk, ba Bali, iha Indonézia ho ba Darwin (Austrália), sai hanesan karun liu iha mundu iha presu tuir kilómetru.\nHo monopóliu ida, dezde tinan 1999, iha ligasaun ba Darwin, AirNorth, hosi empreza boot australianu Qantas, kontinua nafatin ho presu tuir kilómetru ne'ebé aas tebes.\nBa fulan-Abril, folin indikativu hosi viajen ida ba-mai Díli-Darwin (kilómetru 722 ba perkursu ida) hanesan aas liu dolar amerikanu 600 (euro 530 resin).\nIha períudu hanesan, semo ida ba-mai entre Darwin ho Singapura (kilómetru 3.350 tuir perkursu ida) kusta besik metade.\nLigasaun ho Indonézia depende mós hosi monopóliu ida, iha kazu ne'e, hosi grupu Garuda ho marka sira Citilink ho Sriwijaya. Iha fulan neen ikus ne'e, folin sira hosi semo sira hosi transportador sira ne'e triplika maka'as tebes.\nViajen ida ba-mai entre Díli ho Denpasar, kapital Bali nian, (kilómetru 1.140 tuir perkursu) kusta liu dolar 590, bainhira semo ida entre Kupang, kapital Timor Osidental nian, ho Surabaya, sidade boot daruak iha Indonézia, (kilómetru 1.236 tuir perkursu) kusta de'it 150.\nNe'e signifika katak folin tuir kilómetru no tuir fatin Díli-Bali maka séntimu 26, sentímu 20 liu duké séntimu neen entre Kupang-Surabaya.\nRamos-Horta aproveita ona diskursu hodi husik rekadu ba Governu, hodi afirma katak "lideransa ko'alia barak kona-ba turizmu, hanesan alternativu ba petróleu ho gás", maibé deklarasaun sira "la reflete iha orsamentu".\n"Ha'u hatene katak ema sira iha Ministériu Turizmu, iha tinan barak nia laran, luta hodi iha orsamentu di'ak ida, ne'ebé la to'o ba kustu operasional sira hosi ministériu rasik", nia deklara.\nEis-Prezidente no Prémiu Nobel Dame nian refere mós ba reuniaun ne'ebé halo foin lalais ne'e ho ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru, Dionísio Babo, kona-ba kampaña ida promosaun hosi investimentu iha Timor-Leste.\n"Ha'u hatete ba nia katak ita tenki hahú hakohak, felisita investidor sira ne'ebé iha ona nasaun laran, ne'ebé mai bainhira ema ida lakohi mai, ne'ebé hetan ona risku sira no investe ona", nia hatete.\nBa proprietáriu sira hosi área hoteleiru nia husik mós rekadu sira hodi afirma katak folin sira tenki konsistente ho serbisu.\nPrezidente HOTL nian, Tony Jape, ne'ebé harii ona sentru komersial timoroan boot dahuluk, Timor Plaza - ne'ebé iha mós unidade hotel ida -, asinala ona katak asosiasaun moris hodi hametin parseria sira iha área turizmu nian.\nHodi afirma katak prepara hela "hodi estabelese parseria ho Governu, ho setór privadu no mós ho parseiru sira seluk", Tony Jape ko'alia kona-ba fator sira ne'ebé afeta dezenvolvimentu hosi turizmu hanesan "estrada sira, asesu ba internet ka formasaun", hodi konsidera katak "laiha empreza ida mesak, laiha organizasaun ida mesak, laiha parseiru ida no mós Governu ida mesak maka konsege loke dalan".
[ "TIMOR AGORA: Ramos-Horta: Timor-Leste sai refem maka'as hosi kompania aereu \"gangster\" sira Ramos-Horta: Timor-Leste sai refem maka'as hosi kompania aereu \"gangster\" sira Timor-Leste moris iha \"trajedia\" tanba sai \"refem maka'as hosi kompania aerea sira hosi Australia ho Indonezia ne'ebe atua \"ho komportamentu hosi \"gangster\" sira,\" hodi manten folin sira ne'ebe aas tebes, hatete hosi Jose Ramos-Horta iha loron-kinta ne'e.", "\"Ami iha trajensia hosi nasaun ne'ebe hanesan refem maka'as hosi \"gangsterizmu\" aereu ne'e hosi parte Garuda nian,\" hatete hosi eis-Prezidente Republika, hodi refere ba empreza estatal hosi Indonezia, proprietariu hosi empreza sira Sriwijaya ho Citilink ne'ebe maka semo ba Timor-Leste.", "\"No ami kontinua hanesan refem hosi AirNorth ne'ebe klaru hanesan naok ida,\" nia afirma hodi ko'alia kona-ba kompania Qantas ne'ebe manten monopoliu ida iha semo sira entre Timor-Leste ho Australia, iha dalan ida ne'ebe hanesan karun liu iha mundu.", "Ramos-Horta ko'alia iha Dili iha lansamentu ofisial hosi asosiasaun hoteleiru dahuluk iha nasaun, HOTL, harii hosi unidade hoteleira sanulu ne'ebe barak liu situa iha kapital nasaun nian.", "Lider istoriku timoroan ironiza mos kona-ba folin sira ne'ebe aas tebes bainhira haree ba kualidade hosi aviaun balun.", "Kestaun hosi folin viajen aereu sira agora daudaun hanesan susar boot ida ba turizmu iha Timor-Leste ne'ebe hanesan fraku ona tanba hasoru dezafiu sira seluk liuliu iha nivel infraestrutura sira.", "Hahu hosi loron 01 Abril nasaun sei sai izoladu liu tanba laiha ona semo entre Dili ho Singapura, ligasaun ida hosi ligasaun internasional atual tolu, ho ligasaun rua seluk, ba Bali, iha Indonezia ho ba Darwin (Australia), sai hanesan karun liu iha mundu iha presu tuir kilometru.", "Ho monopoliu ida, dezde tinan 1999, iha ligasaun ba Darwin, AirNorth, hosi empreza boot australianu Qantas, kontinua nafatin ho presu tuir kilometru ne'ebe aas tebes.", "Ba fulan-Abril, folin indikativu hosi viajen ida ba-mai Dili-Darwin (kilometru 722 ba perkursu ida) hanesan aas liu dolar amerikanu 600 (euro 530 resin).", "Iha periudu hanesan, semo ida ba-mai entre Darwin ho Singapura (kilometru 3.350 tuir perkursu ida) kusta besik metade.", "Ligasaun ho Indonezia depende mos hosi monopoliu ida, iha kazu ne'e, hosi grupu Garuda ho marka sira Citilink ho Sriwijaya.", "Iha fulan neen ikus ne'e, folin sira hosi semo sira hosi transportador sira ne'e triplika maka'as tebes.", "Viajen ida ba-mai entre Dili ho Denpasar, kapital Bali nian, (kilometru 1.140 tuir perkursu) kusta liu dolar 590, bainhira semo ida entre Kupang, kapital Timor Osidental nian, ho Surabaya, sidade boot daruak iha Indonezia, (kilometru 1.236 tuir perkursu) kusta de'it 150.", "Ne'e signifika katak folin tuir kilometru no tuir fatin Dili-Bali maka sentimu 26, sentimu 20 liu duke sentimu neen entre Kupang-Surabaya.", "Ramos-Horta aproveita ona diskursu hodi husik rekadu ba Governu, hodi afirma katak \"lideransa ko'alia barak kona-ba turizmu, hanesan alternativu ba petroleu ho gas,\" maibe deklarasaun sira \"la reflete iha orsamentu.\"", "\"Ha'u hatene katak ema sira iha Ministeriu Turizmu, iha tinan barak nia laran, luta hodi iha orsamentu di'ak ida, ne'ebe la to'o ba kustu operasional sira hosi ministeriu rasik,\" nia deklara.", "Eis-Prezidente no Premiu Nobel Dame nian refere mos ba reuniaun ne'ebe halo foin lalais ne'e ho ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru, Dionisio Babo, kona-ba kampana ida promosaun hosi investimentu iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Ha'u hatete ba nia katak ita tenki hahu hakohak, felisita investidor sira ne'ebe iha ona nasaun laran, ne'ebe mai bainhira ema ida lakohi mai, ne'ebe hetan ona risku sira no investe ona,\" nia hatete.", "Ba proprietariu sira hosi area hoteleiru nia husik mos rekadu sira hodi afirma katak folin sira tenki konsistente ho serbisu.", "Prezidente HOTL nian, Tony Jape, ne'ebe harii ona sentru komersial timoroan boot dahuluk, Timor Plaza - ne'ebe iha mos unidade hotel ida -, asinala ona katak asosiasaun moris hodi hametin parseria sira iha area turizmu nian.", "Hodi afirma katak prepara hela \"hodi estabelese parseria ho Governu, ho setor privadu no mos ho parseiru sira seluk,\" Tony Jape ko'alia kona-ba fator sira ne'ebe afeta dezenvolvimentu hosi turizmu hanesan \"estrada sira, asesu ba internet ka formasaun,\" hodi konsidera katak \"laiha empreza ida mesak, laiha organizasaun ida mesak, laiha parseiru ida no mos Governu ida mesak maka konsege loke dalan.\"" ]
[ [ "TIMOR AGORA: Ramos-Horta says Timor Leste has become a hostage to \"gangster\" airlines The country is living in the midst of tragedy as it became an “important hostage” for Australian and Indonesian airline companies, which act with gangsters’ behaviour so they can keep prices too high. This was said by Jose Ramo Horta on Sunday (10/2)." ], [ "\"We have a transit of the country that is very much repressed by this air 'gangsterism' on Garuda part,\" said former President da República referring to Indonesia state-owned company owner Sriwijaya and Citilink companies flying into Timor Leste." ], [ "\"And we continue to be a refem of AirNorth which is clearly not one,\" he said speaking about the Qantas company that maintains monopoly on flights between Timor-Leste and Australia in an airline considered as being amongst most expensive worldwide." ], [ "Ramos-Horta was speaking in Dili at the official launch of HOTL, Timor's first hotel association formed by more than thirty hotels located mainly within its capital." ], [ "The historical leader of the country also ironized about some aircraft's price being too high when compared to their quality." ], [ "The issue of air travel costs is currently a major problem for tourism in Timor-Leste, which has already been weakened by other challenges particularly at the infrastructure level." ], [ "As of April 1, the country will become even more isolated as there is no longer a sea connection between Dili and Singapore. This one-of three international links currently in operation with two other routes to Bali (Indonesia) or Darwin(Australia), has been declared by Air New Zealand' s cost per kilometre reporting agency \"the most expensive airline service worldwide\"." ], [ "With a monopoly, since 1980s on the Darwin route AirNorth of Qantas has continued to operate at very high per-kilometre prices." ], [ "For April, the indicative price of a round-trip flight from Dili to Darwin (720 kilometres per route) is more than US$658." ], [ "During the same period, a round-trip flight between Darwin and Singapore (3.405 kilometres on one route) cost almost half as much;" ], [ "Connections with Indonesia also rely on a monopoly, in this case by the Garuda group under Citilink and Sriwijaya brands." ], [ "In the last six months, prices of seeds from these carrier have tripled dramatically." ], [ "A round trip between Dili and Denpasar, the capital of Bali (1.236 kilometres along route) costs more than $590 while a half-day journey from Kupang in West Timor to Surabaya - Indonesia' s second largest city – only cost 87 euros or just over £4/€:" ], [ "This means that the price per kilometre and by location between Dili-Bali is 26 cents, up from six to twenty more than it was for Kupang - Surabaya." ], [ "Ramos-Horta took the opportunity of his speech to leave a backlash on government, stating that \"leadership talks much about tourism as an alternative for oil and gas\", but these declarations are not reflected in budget." ], [ "\"I know that people in the Ministry of Tourism, for many years now have been struggling to get a good budget which is not sufficient on operating expenses from their own ministry\", he declared." ], [ "The former President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate also referred to a recent meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dionisio Babo on an investment promotion campaign in Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"I told him that we should start to congratulate the investors who are already in our country, which come when no one want't and have taken their risk of investing.\"" ], [ "To the owners of hotel areas he also left a rebuke by stating that prices must be consistent with work." ], [ "HOTL President Tony Jape, who has built the first large commercial center in Timor-Leste - which also includes a hotel unit – noted that this association was created to strengthen partnerships within tourism." ], [ "Affirming that he was prepared \"to establish partnerships with the government, private sector and other partners\", Tony Jape spoke about factors affectings tourism development such as “roadways or internet access” to consider it is not just one company alone which has paved this way. No single organization nor any partner but also no Government can do so on its own.”" ] ]
Situasaun Rai Laran, Lori Empreza Barak Kee Kuak no Taka Kuak\nDÍLI----Situasaun politika ne’ebe mak durante ne’e lao iha Timor-Leste hahú husi Tinan 2017 to’o ohin loron lori dezastre boot ba empreza sira ne’ebe mak durante ne’e halao sira nia atividade ekonomia iha Timor-Leste.\nDezastre ne’ebe empreza sira hasoru relasiona ho situasaun ne’ebe lao iha rai laran mak hanesan rendimentu empreza sira tantu empreza Nasional nomos empreza internasional sira ne’ebe mak halao sira nia atividade iha Timor-Leste hanesan Komersiu, Industria, Konstrusaun inklui mos Investimentu sira.\nHusi atividade sira nee’ebe empreza sira halao iha Timor-Leste konsege fó kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu Nasaun ninian hanesan selu taxa inklui mos ajuda estadu no governu hodi minimiza numeru dezempregu ne’ebe mak nasaun Timor-Leste hasoru. Husi situasaun ne’ebe lao iha rai laran ohin loron empreza sira barak mak kontinua ho fuan boot hodi tahan hodi kontinua empréga timoroan sira ba servisu maske sira hasoru problema oin-oin hodi lao ho situasaun kee kuak no taka kuak.\nEmpreza sira hahú kee kuak no taka kuak ho rajaun empreza sira foti osan husi rendimentu fatin seluk hodi selu fali ba traballador sira iha ne’ebe mak empreza sira empréga. Tuir diretora Jacinto Departamentu Store Claricia Lay konta tuir katak ho situasaun ne’ebe ohin loron Timor-Leste hasoru konsege lori negativu barak ba empreza sira ne’ebe mak durante ne’e halao atividade hanesan komersiu nomos investimentu sira hodi selu tusan ne’ebe mak iha.\n“Kona-ba situasaun ohin loron empreza sira kee kuak no taka kuak iha tanbá ha’u hare kuandu ha’u sai distributor iha tinan 2004 to’o iha 2014, ha’u fó kreditu sasan ba ema la boot hanesan agora, agora hau fó kreditu ba sira boot liutan maibe sira selu susar uituan tanbá sira tenke buka osan segunda nian hodi taka ba kinta, buka fali ba kinta hodi taka fali ba segunda, no ida ne’e akontese no sente ida ne’e,” dehan diretora Claricia Lay ba BT iha nia knar fatin, JDS, Kuluhun, Díli, semana kotuk.\nNia esplika katak problema refere empreza sira hasoru tanbá situasaun politika ne’ebe lao iha rai laran hodi fó prejudikasaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ninian ne’ebe sai save importante ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun ninian, lakonsege sirkula iha rai laran hodi fó mos impaktu ba rendimentu atividade empreza sira nian.\n“Prosesu ida ne’e mak ita dehan ita gali luban tutup luban mak ida ne’e ezemplu ha’u faan loja ida nian taka fali ba loja ida ne’e nian, ha’u foti fali husi loja A hodi taka fali ba loja B, ida ne’e akontese kleur ona hahú kedas iha tinan 2017 to’o agora,” hateten Claricia. Alende ne’e nia mos afirma katak laos deit problema refere empreza sira hasoru maibe empreza sira mos balun konsege faan sira nia rikusoin balun ne’ebe la merese atu faan hodi selu traballador sira maibe tanbá situasaun obriga empreza balun tenke faan nia rikusoin balun hanesan Kareta, Rai no Uma hodi salva problema ne’ebe empreza hasoru.\n“Kona-ba faan rikusoin balun hodi selu traballador ida ne’e akontese duni tanbá iha empreza boot balun hahú faan sira nia rai maske uluk sosa maibe ohin loron sira faan fila-fali hodi kontinua funsiona tanbá nia la faan nia hamate ona nia kompaña,” hatete nia. Tan ne’e Claricia Lay hateten katak wainhira situasaun politika kontinua lao ba oin no laiha solusaun mak empreza barak mak sei taka no numeru dezempregu sei aumenta iha Timor-Leste.\n“Sé situasaun ne’e mak kontinua lao hanesan ne’e to’o fulan neen mai ema barak sei gulung Tikar,” Informa Claricia. Iha fatin seluk Prezidente Camara Comersiu Industria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) Oscar Lima mos hateten katak situasaun politika ne’ebe ohin loron lao iha Timor-Leste hahú fó impaktu ba rendimentu Empreza inklui mos lori dezastre ba traballador ne’ebe empreza sira empréga.\n“Hau hakarak hateten deit katak situasaun ohin loron lori problema boot ba empreza ne’ebe ami loke tanbá rendimentu hahú tun dadaun, husi rendimentu tun amiasa mos trabllador sira ne’ebe ami emprega,” hateten Oscar Lima ba BT iha nia knar fatin, Acait foin lalais ne’e. Nia esplika katak amiasa ne’ebe mak traballador sira hasoru mak empreza sira oras ne’e hahú redus nia traballador sira tanbá laiha rendimentu hodi selu sira.\nNia dehan wainhira situasaun ne’e kontinua lao ba oin mak empreza barak sei taka inklui mos numeru dezempregu sei aumenta inklui sei kria mos problema iha rai laran. “Sé situasaun ne’e kontinua lao ba oin mak empreza barak mak sei taka tanbá laiha osan hodi selu taxa, Selu traballador sira, Selu eletrisidade sira ne’e inklui numeru dezempregu mos sei aumenta ba beibeik iha Timor- Leste,” informa nia.\nAlende ne’e tuir Informasaun husi traballador balun ne’ebe servisu iha kompaña Internasional ida (Red-Latemi) ne’ebe halao atividade hodi kaer obras Estadu nian iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebe lakohi publika nia naran katak maske empreza internasional balun hahú minimiza loron servisu (rotativa) ba traballador sira tanbá laiha finanseiru hodi selu sira, inklui mos sira kuaze fulan 3 ona seidauk simu Salariu.\n“Ami mos servisu iha empreza boot husi rai laran (lakohi Temi) ami agora servisu rotativa semana ida grupu ida tama no semana oin ami mak tama fali tanbá laiha osan hodi selu ami, inklui ami mos kuaze fulan 3 ona la simu salariu,” hateten nia. Nia dehan maske empreza muda ajenda servisu ne’ebe lahanesan bainbain, sira pasensia servisu tanbá sira komprende kona-ba situasaun ne’ebe ohin loron lao iha Timor-Leste.\n“Situasaun mak halo ami pasensia servisu, ita ba uma mos hanesan deit, ba halo saida, maske sira seidauk selu ami nia salariu maibe kompaña sempre komprende no sei selu iha tempu ida,” hateten nia. Tan ne’e nia husu ba lideransa sira atu unidade hodi hakotu problema ne’ebe mak iha nune’e labele lori dezastre ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste. (BT)
[ "Situasaun Rai Laran, Lori Empreza Barak Kee Kuak no Taka Kuak DILI----Situasaun politika ne'ebe mak durante ne'e lao iha Timor-Leste hahu husi Tinan 2017 to'o ohin loron lori dezastre boot ba empreza sira ne'ebe mak durante ne'e halao sira nia atividade ekonomia iha Timor-Leste.", "Dezastre ne'ebe empreza sira hasoru relasiona ho situasaun ne'ebe lao iha rai laran mak hanesan rendimentu empreza sira tantu empreza Nasional nomos empreza internasional sira ne'ebe mak halao sira nia atividade iha Timor-Leste hanesan Komersiu, Industria, Konstrusaun inklui mos Investimentu sira.", "Husi atividade sira nee'ebe empreza sira halao iha Timor-Leste konsege fo kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu Nasaun ninian hanesan selu taxa inklui mos ajuda estadu no governu hodi minimiza numeru dezempregu ne'ebe mak nasaun Timor-Leste hasoru.", "Husi situasaun ne'ebe lao iha rai laran ohin loron empreza sira barak mak kontinua ho fuan boot hodi tahan hodi kontinua emprega timoroan sira ba servisu maske sira hasoru problema oin-oin hodi lao ho situasaun kee kuak no taka kuak.", "Empreza sira hahu kee kuak no taka kuak ho rajaun empreza sira foti osan husi rendimentu fatin seluk hodi selu fali ba traballador sira iha ne'ebe mak empreza sira emprega.", "Tuir diretora Jacinto Departamentu Store Claricia Lay konta tuir katak ho situasaun ne'ebe ohin loron Timor-Leste hasoru konsege lori negativu barak ba empreza sira ne'ebe mak durante ne'e halao atividade hanesan komersiu nomos investimentu sira hodi selu tusan ne'ebe mak iha.", "\"Kona-ba situasaun ohin loron empreza sira kee kuak no taka kuak iha tanba ha'u hare kuandu ha'u sai distributor iha tinan 2004 to'o iha 2014, ha'u fo kreditu sasan ba ema la boot hanesan agora, agora hau fo kreditu ba sira boot liutan maibe sira selu susar uituan tanba sira tenke buka osan segunda nian hodi taka ba kinta, buka fali ba kinta hodi taka fali ba segunda, no ida ne'e akontese no sente ida ne'e,\" dehan diretora Claricia Lay ba BT iha nia knar fatin, JDS, Kuluhun, Dili, semana kotuk.", "Nia esplika katak problema refere empreza sira hasoru tanba situasaun politika ne'ebe lao iha rai laran hodi fo prejudikasaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ninian ne'ebe sai save importante ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun ninian, lakonsege sirkula iha rai laran hodi fo mos impaktu ba rendimentu atividade empreza sira nian.", "\"Prosesu ida ne'e mak ita dehan ita gali luban tutup luban mak ida ne'e ezemplu ha'u faan loja ida nian taka fali ba loja ida ne'e nian, ha'u foti fali husi loja A hodi taka fali ba loja B, ida ne'e akontese kleur ona hahu kedas iha tinan 2017 to'o agora,\" hateten Claricia.", "Alende ne'e nia mos afirma katak laos deit problema refere empreza sira hasoru maibe empreza sira mos balun konsege faan sira nia rikusoin balun ne'ebe la merese atu faan hodi selu traballador sira maibe tanba situasaun obriga empreza balun tenke faan nia rikusoin balun hanesan Kareta, Rai no Uma hodi salva problema ne'ebe empreza hasoru.", "\"Kona-ba faan rikusoin balun hodi selu traballador ida ne'e akontese duni tanba iha empreza boot balun hahu faan sira nia rai maske uluk sosa maibe ohin loron sira faan fila-fali hodi kontinua funsiona tanba nia la faan nia hamate ona nia kompana,\" hatete nia.", "Tan ne'e Claricia Lay hateten katak wainhira situasaun politika kontinua lao ba oin no laiha solusaun mak empreza barak mak sei taka no numeru dezempregu sei aumenta iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Se situasaun ne'e mak kontinua lao hanesan ne'e to'o fulan neen mai ema barak sei gulung Tikar,\" Informa Claricia.", "Iha fatin seluk Prezidente Camara Comersiu Industria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) Oscar Lima mos hateten katak situasaun politika ne'ebe ohin loron lao iha Timor-Leste hahu fo impaktu ba rendimentu Empreza inklui mos lori dezastre ba traballador ne'ebe empreza sira emprega.", "\"Hau hakarak hateten deit katak situasaun ohin loron lori problema boot ba empreza ne'ebe ami loke tanba rendimentu hahu tun dadaun, husi rendimentu tun amiasa mos trabllador sira ne'ebe ami emprega,\" hateten Oscar Lima ba BT iha nia knar fatin, Acait foin lalais ne'e.", "Nia esplika katak amiasa ne'ebe mak traballador sira hasoru mak empreza sira oras ne'e hahu redus nia traballador sira tanba laiha rendimentu hodi selu sira.", "Nia dehan wainhira situasaun ne'e kontinua lao ba oin mak empreza barak sei taka inklui mos numeru dezempregu sei aumenta inklui sei kria mos problema iha rai laran.", "\"Se situasaun ne'e kontinua lao ba oin mak empreza barak mak sei taka tanba laiha osan hodi selu taxa, Selu traballador sira, Selu eletrisidade sira ne'e inklui numeru dezempregu mos sei aumenta ba beibeik iha Timor- Leste,\" informa nia.", "Alende ne'e tuir Informasaun husi traballador balun ne'ebe servisu iha kompana Internasional ida (Red-Latemi) ne'ebe halao atividade hodi kaer obras Estadu nian iha Timor-Leste, ne'ebe lakohi publika nia naran katak maske empreza internasional balun hahu minimiza loron servisu (rotativa) ba traballador sira tanba laiha finanseiru hodi selu sira, inklui mos sira kuaze fulan 3 ona seidauk simu Salariu.", "\"Ami mos servisu iha empreza boot husi rai laran (lakohi Temi) ami agora servisu rotativa semana ida grupu ida tama no semana oin ami mak tama fali tanba laiha osan hodi selu ami, inklui ami mos kuaze fulan 3 ona la simu salariu,\" hateten nia.", "Nia dehan maske empreza muda ajenda servisu ne'ebe lahanesan bainbain, sira pasensia servisu tanba sira komprende kona-ba situasaun ne'ebe ohin loron lao iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Situasaun mak halo ami pasensia servisu, ita ba uma mos hanesan deit, ba halo saida, maske sira seidauk selu ami nia salariu maibe kompana sempre komprende no sei selu iha tempu ida,\" hateten nia.", "Tan ne'e nia husu ba lideransa sira atu unidade hodi hakotu problema ne'ebe mak iha nune'e labele lori dezastre ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "Situasaun Rai Laran, Lori Empreza Barak Kee Kuak no Taka kuek Dili----The political situation that has been going on in Timor-Leste since 2017 to this day brings a great disaster for the companies which have carried out their economic activities during these years." ], [ "The disaster faced by companies related to the situation that is happening in Timor-Leste has affected both national and international enterprises' revenue, which are carrying out their activities on this island such as commerce. industry construction including investments also have been hit badly with these events" ], [ "From the activities that companies carry out in Timor-Leste, they have been able to make a contribution for development of this nation by paying taxes and also helping state or governments minimize unemployment." ], [ "From the situation that is going on in our country today many companies continue with great enthusiasm to keep up and still employ Angolans for work although they face various problems working under such bad conditions." ], [ "Companies began to cut down and close businesses with the reason that they were taking money from other sources of income in order for them, as well their employees." ], [ "According to Jacinto Store Department Director Claricia Lay, the situation that Timor-Leste is facing today has brought a lot of negative effects on businesses which have been carrying out activities such as commerce and investments in order for them To pay off their debts." ], [ "\"Regarding the situation today, enterprises are going down and closing because I see when i became a distributor in 2014 until now. When it wasn't as big people that got credits like this time around but they pay out of their pockets to find money for Monday so we can close on Tuesday again then back onto Wednesday afterwards.\" Director Claricia Lay told BT at her office JDS Kuluhun Dili last week:" ], [ "He explained that the problem faced by these enterprises is due to a political situation in Brazil, which has negatively impacting on State budgets. The money generatet from exportation of good products and services for domestic consumption cannot circulate at home so it will have an adverse effect upon income earned through business activities; hence there are problems with foreign exchange reserve (FED)." ], [ "\"This is the process that we call it 'gali luban tutup luban', for example when I sell a store and then close this shop again. When i take back from Store A to Close Shop B once more...this has been happening since 2017 until now\", Claricia said in an interview with TV Globo on Monday (July) at around midnight local time.\"" ], [ "In addition, he also affirmed that not only the problem referred to companies faced but some enterprises managed selling their assets which did NOT deserve being sold for paying workers. But because of this situation obliging certain businesses have sell his property such as cars and houses in order save problems facing company ;" ], [ "\"Regarding the sale of some assets to pay workers, this has indeed happened because there are large companies that have started selling their land although they bought it before but now sell again so as not operating since he sold and his company was closed down\", she said." ], [ "Therefore, Claricia Lay said that if the political situation continues to go on and no solution is found many companies will close down. The number of unemployed people in Timor-Leste would increase as a result.\"" ], [ "\"If this situation continues like that until the next six months, many people will go to Tikar\", Claricia said." ], [ "On the other hand, President of Timor-Leste's Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (CCI) Oscar Lima also said that political situation which is currently going on in East Timor has begun to impact enterprise income and bring disaster for workers employed by companies." ], [ "\"I just want to say that the situation today brings a big problem for our company because income is falling, and from this decrease in revenue we are also affecting workers who employ us\", Oscar Lima told BT at his office recently." ], [ "He explained that the difficulty faced by workers is because companies are now reducing their employees as they have no income to pay them." ], [ "He said that if the situation continues, many companies will close down and unemployment number increase as well. This would create problems in our country too.\"" ], [ "\"If this situation continues, many businesses will close because they do not have money to pay taxes. Pay the workers and electricity costs; including unemployment rates that are going up in Timor-Leste.\"" ], [ "In addition, according to information from some workers who work in an international company (Red-Latemi) that carries out activities for the taking over of State works on Timor Leste and did not want their name published although certain International companies have started minimizing working days(rotativa), because there is no financial means available. They also are almost 3 months without receiving salary" ], [ "\"We also work in a large company from the country (not Temi) we now rotate every week one group comes and next weekend, it is us who come back because there are no money to pay for ourselves. We have not received any salary since almost 3 months ago.\"" ], [ "He said that although the company has changed its work agenda which is not very pleasant, they are still working because of their understanding about what's going on in Timor-Leste today." ], [ "\"The situation makes us work with patience, we go home the same way and do whatever. Even though they haven't paid our salary yet but their company always understands it will pay in time.\"" ], [ "Therefore, he called on the leaders to unite in order that they can end these problems so as not bring disaster for Timor-Leste's development." ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Rejime Kontrolu Tabaku La’ós De’it ba Vendedór | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Rejime Kontrolu Tabaku La’ós De’it ba Vendedór\nRejime Kontrolu Tabaku La’ós De’it ba Vendedór\nDILI, 17 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) – Koordenadór Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonómika, Sanitária no Alimentár (AIFAESA), Abílio Oliveira Sereno, hateten rejime kontrolu tabaku ho númeru 14/2009 ne’e la’ós de’it vale ba vendedór sira, maibé mós ba fumadór.\n“Hakarak hateten rejime ne’e la’ós ko’alia de’it negosiante sira ne’ebé maka fa’an, más ko’alia mós oinsá fumadór sira tenke komporta tuir rejime jurídiku ne’e, ne’ebé atu fuma karik tenke haree didi’ak fatin, labele fuma iha fatin públiku, bainhira sa’e transporte públiku”, Koordenadór AIFAESA afirma bainhira hamutuk ho Aliansa Nasionál Kontrola Tabaku Timor-Leste (ANCT-TL, sigla portugés) realiza semináriu ida ho tema “Vendedór tabaku kumpre rejime kontrolu tabaku” ne’ebé partisipa hosi Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE) interinu, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, iha salaun Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Kaikoli, ohin.\nAbílio dehan sosializasaun ba rejime kontrolu tabaku, antes ne’e, AIFAESA hala’o tiha ona iha munisípiu sira, liuhosi fahe broxura ne’ebé hakerek ho lian Tetun, Inglés no Portugés. “Maibé liuhusi semináriu ne’e mós bele kompleta tan buat seluk ne’ebé ami halo tiha ona. Iha tinan 2020, ami-nia asaun preventiva sei makaas”, Abílio katak.\nObjetivu hosi rejime kontrolu tabaku ne’e maka atu evita moras sira ne’ebé mai hosi konsume tabaku no kontrola produtu sira tabaku nian.\nAleinde proibisaun sira seluk kona-ba konsumu tabaku iha fatin sira ne’ebé determinadu, ezemplu iha fatin públiku fexadu, servisu fatin, transporte públiku, agora, produtu sira tabaku nian tenke kumpre ho proibisaun no kondisaun foun sira ne’ebé aplikavel.\nProdutór, importadór, distribuidór no fa’an-na’in sira ne’ebé la kumpre regra sira sei hetan sansaun no selu koima.\nIha rejime númeru 14/2009 ne’e, iha mós kompozisaun no substánsia sira ne’ebé kontein iha produtu sira tabaku nian. Produtu sira tabaku nian ne’ebé prodús ka fa’an iha Timor-Leste maka, sigarru lolon ida labele kontein alkatraun liu miligrama 10, labele kontein nikotina liu miligrama 1, no sigarru lolon ida labele kontein monóksidu karbonu liu miligrama 10.\nEmbalajen kona-ba produtu sira tabaku nian hanesan; informasaun kona-ba konteúdu alkatraun, nikotina no monóksidu karbonu tenke imprime ho letra ne’ebé iha kór kontra ho kór baze, iha kada masu sigarru nia sorin (lolon) ki’ik, informasaun tenke hakerek iha lian Tetun ka Portugés. Hosi kada masu sigarru no husi kada slop sigarru (masu esteriór) tenke tau ida-idak nia númeru lote ka ekivalente, hodi nune’e bele halo identifikasaun ba fatin no data produsaun nian.\nIha rejime ne’e mós iha mensajen proibida sira hanesan; labele uza iha masu sigarru produtu tabaku ho testu, kór figura, naran, marka no símbolu figurativu ka sinál sira seluk ne’ebé halo sensasaun katak produtu balu ladún iha prejuízu kompara ho produtu sira seluk, ka tradusaun má vokábulu ekivalente sira, nune’e mós kualkér tipu grafízmu ne’ebé iha relasaun ho tabaku ka ho intensaun halo relasaun ho deskrisaun sira refere, ezemplu kona-ba testu proibidu sira ‘kmaan, kmaan tebetebes, natoon, ladún todan, no elegante’. Mensajen ikus liu maka la permite mensajen sira iha embalajen produtu tabaku nian ne’ebé enkoraja ka insentiva konsumu produtu tabaku.\nIha rejime ne’e bandu hodi fa’an produtu tabaku ba labarik sira ho tinan 17 mai kraik, fa’an-na’in sira tenke ezije atu hatudu dokumentu nian bainhira de’it iha dúvida kona-ba idade sosa-na’in nian. Karik sosa-na’in lakohi hatudu dokumentu, fa’an-na’in labele fa’an produtu ba nia, labarik sira ho tinan 17 mai kraik bandu atu fa’an produtu tabaku.\nBandu mós atu fa’an embalajen promosionál produtu tabaku. Bandu fa’an de’it sigarru iha masu, ne’ebé kontein pelumenus sigarru lolon 20, bandu atu fa’an kada sigarru lolon, no bandu atu fa’an produtu tabaku iha fatin sira hanesan; iha fatin sira ne’ebé fó kuidadu ba saúde (ospitál, klínika, sentru saúde, konsultóriu médiku, postu sokorru, laboratóriu, farmásia no fatin sira ne’ebé fornese ai-moruk la sujeita ba reseita médika).\nIha fatin sira ba idozu no ema ho defisiénsia sira, sentru komunitáriu, ofisina traballu protejidu, sentru reabilitasaun no unidade apoiu ba toxikodependente no alkóliku sira.\nIha fatin sira destina ba labarik menór sira hanesan; infantáriu, krexe no fatin sira seluk ba asisténsia infantíĺ, fatin ba infánsia no foin-sa’e, sentru ba okupasaun tempu livre, kampu ba féria no fatin similár sira.\nIha fatin ensinu primáriu no sekundáriu, fatin ensinu superiór, sentru formasaun profisionál no fatin desportu nian. Iha fatin sira iha ne’ebé instala órgaun lejizlativu no judisiál, nune’e mós servisu no órgaun administrasaun públika.\nIha kantina no refeitóriu entidade públika no privada sira iha ne’ebé maka uza de’it ba ema hira ne’e. Iha fatin sira iha ne’ebé esplora mákina diversaun, video jogu, jogu biliár no bowling, no iha siber kafé sira.\nLiuhusi dalan ne’ebé maka bele iha asesu diretamente ba sosa-na’in, ezemplu; liuhusi mákina automátika no espozitór sira. Liuhusi dalan sira seluk ne’ebé la permite fa’an-na’in identifika sosa-na’in sira-nia tinan, ezemplu internét ka korreiu postál.\nIha rejime ne’e mós hateten katak sei aplika koima husi US$ 70 to’o US$500 bainhira fa’an produtu tabaku iha fatin sira ne’ebé temi ona, fa’an produtu tabaku liuhusi dalan ne’ebé maka bele iha asesu diretamente ba sosa-na’in, ezemplu liuhusi mákina automátika no espozitór sira. Fa’an produtu tabaku liuhusi televenda ka liuhusi internét ka korreiu postál, fa’an embalajen promosionál ba produtu tabaku.\nSei aplika koima hosi US$70 to’o US$1,000 bainhira fa’an produtu tabaku ne’ebé la tuir rekizitu sira embalajen nian ne’ebé temin ona, fa’an produtu tabaku ba, ka husi, labarik ho tinan 17 mai kraik.\nSei aplika koima husi US$100 to’o US$5,009 bainhira fa’an sigarru eletrónika, fa’an masu sigarru ne’ebé la kontein pelumenus sigarru lolon 20 ka fa’an sigarru lolon, no viola proibisaun kona-ba publisidade, promosaun no patrosíniu nian.\nProdutór importadór, distribuidór, no grosista sira ne’ebé la respeita konteúdu másima nikotina, monóksidu karbonu no alkatraun, rekizitu embalajen, regra kona-ba fa’an produtu tabaku, ka proibisaun kona-ba publisidade, promosaun no patrosíniu, sei sujeita ba koima husi US$500 to’o US$10,000.\nTuir Abílio katak asaun preventiva ne’ebé AIFAESA n sei halo iha tinan oin, aleinde envolve ANCT-TL, sei involve mós xefe suku sira, eskola sira hahú hosi eskola primária, sekundária to’o ensinu superior sira para redús fuma tabaku.\nKona-ba sigarru ilísitu kontinua fa’an, Koordenadór ne’e dehan tanba sira la haree, no bainhira simu informasaun no tun direta ba terrenu labele hetan tanba loja na’in sira subar.\nMaibé Abílio dehan, kuandu ekipa AIFAESA hetan maka sei aplika sansaun rigoroza tuir regulamentu ne’ebé estabelese ona.\nNotísia relevante : Nasaun atu Bá Oin Populasaun Tenke Saudavel\nRejime kontrolu tabaku\nPrevious articleKAK Halo Sensibilizasaun Kona-ba Prevensaun Korrupsaun iha Munisípiu\nNext articleVítima Inséndiu Comoro Agradese Tratamentu Saúde Gratuita
[ "Rejime Kontrolu Tabaku La'os De'it ba Vendedor | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Rejime Kontrolu Tabaku La'os De'it ba Vendedor Rejime Kontrolu Tabaku La'os De'it ba Vendedor DILI, 17 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Koordenador Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonomika, Sanitaria no Alimentar (AIFAESA), Abilio Oliveira Sereno, hateten rejime kontrolu tabaku ho numeru 14/2009 ne'e la'os de'it vale ba vendedor sira, maibe mos ba fumador.", "\"Hakarak hateten rejime ne'e la'os ko'alia de'it negosiante sira ne'ebe maka fa'an, mas ko'alia mos oinsa fumador sira tenke komporta tuir rejime juridiku ne'e, ne'ebe atu fuma karik tenke haree didi'ak fatin, labele fuma iha fatin publiku, bainhira sa'e transporte publiku,\" Koordenador AIFAESA afirma bainhira hamutuk ho Aliansa Nasional Kontrola Tabaku Timor-Leste (ANCT-TL, sigla portuges) realiza seminariu ida ho tema \"Vendedor tabaku kumpre rejime kontrolu tabaku\" ne'ebe partisipa hosi Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE) interinu, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, iha salaun Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Kaikoli, ohin.", "Abilio dehan sosializasaun ba rejime kontrolu tabaku, antes ne'e, AIFAESA hala'o tiha ona iha munisipiu sira, liuhosi fahe broxura ne'ebe hakerek ho lian Tetun, Ingles no Portuges.", "\"Maibe liuhusi seminariu ne'e mos bele kompleta tan buat seluk ne'ebe ami halo tiha ona.", "Iha tinan 2020, ami-nia asaun preventiva sei makaas,\" Abilio katak.", "Objetivu hosi rejime kontrolu tabaku ne'e maka atu evita moras sira ne'ebe mai hosi konsume tabaku no kontrola produtu sira tabaku nian.", "Aleinde proibisaun sira seluk kona-ba konsumu tabaku iha fatin sira ne'ebe determinadu, ezemplu iha fatin publiku fexadu, servisu fatin, transporte publiku, agora, produtu sira tabaku nian tenke kumpre ho proibisaun no kondisaun foun sira ne'ebe aplikavel.", "Produtor, importador, distribuidor no fa'an-na'in sira ne'ebe la kumpre regra sira sei hetan sansaun no selu koima.", "Iha rejime numeru 14/2009 ne'e, iha mos kompozisaun no substansia sira ne'ebe kontein iha produtu sira tabaku nian.", "Produtu sira tabaku nian ne'ebe produs ka fa'an iha Timor-Leste maka, sigarru lolon ida labele kontein alkatraun liu miligrama 10, labele kontein nikotina liu miligrama 1, no sigarru lolon ida labele kontein monoksidu karbonu liu miligrama 10.", "Embalajen kona-ba produtu sira tabaku nian hanesan; informasaun kona-ba konteudu alkatraun, nikotina no monoksidu karbonu tenke imprime ho letra ne'ebe iha kor kontra ho kor baze, iha kada masu sigarru nia sorin (lolon) ki'ik, informasaun tenke hakerek iha lian Tetun ka Portuges.", "Hosi kada masu sigarru no husi kada slop sigarru (masu esterior) tenke tau ida-idak nia numeru lote ka ekivalente, hodi nune'e bele halo identifikasaun ba fatin no data produsaun nian.", "Iha rejime ne'e mos iha mensajen proibida sira hanesan; labele uza iha masu sigarru produtu tabaku ho testu, kor figura, naran, marka no simbolu figurativu ka sinal sira seluk ne'ebe halo sensasaun katak produtu balu ladun iha prejuizu kompara ho produtu sira seluk, ka tradusaun ma vokabulu ekivalente sira, nune'e mos kualker tipu grafizmu ne'ebe iha relasaun ho tabaku ka ho intensaun halo relasaun ho deskrisaun sira refere, ezemplu kona-ba testu proibidu sira 'kmaan, kmaan tebetebes, natoon, ladun todan, no elegante'.", "Mensajen ikus liu maka la permite mensajen sira iha embalajen produtu tabaku nian ne'ebe enkoraja ka insentiva konsumu produtu tabaku.", "Iha rejime ne'e bandu hodi fa'an produtu tabaku ba labarik sira ho tinan 17 mai kraik, fa'an-na'in sira tenke ezije atu hatudu dokumentu nian bainhira de'it iha duvida kona-ba idade sosa-na'in nian.", "Karik sosa-na'in lakohi hatudu dokumentu, fa'an-na'in labele fa'an produtu ba nia, labarik sira ho tinan 17 mai kraik bandu atu fa'an produtu tabaku.", "Bandu mos atu fa'an embalajen promosional produtu tabaku.", "Bandu fa'an de'it sigarru iha masu, ne'ebe kontein pelumenus sigarru lolon 20, bandu atu fa'an kada sigarru lolon, no bandu atu fa'an produtu tabaku iha fatin sira hanesan; iha fatin sira ne'ebe fo kuidadu ba saude (ospital, klinika, sentru saude, konsultoriu mediku, postu sokorru, laboratoriu, farmasia no fatin sira ne'ebe fornese ai-moruk la sujeita ba reseita medika).", "Iha fatin sira ba idozu no ema ho defisiensia sira, sentru komunitariu, ofisina traballu protejidu, sentru reabilitasaun no unidade apoiu ba toxikodependente no alkoliku sira.", "Iha fatin sira destina ba labarik menor sira hanesan; infantariu, krexe no fatin sira seluk ba asistensia infantil, fatin ba infansia no foin-sa'e, sentru ba okupasaun tempu livre, kampu ba feria no fatin similar sira.", "Iha fatin ensinu primariu no sekundariu, fatin ensinu superior, sentru formasaun profisional no fatin desportu nian.", "Iha fatin sira iha ne'ebe instala orgaun lejizlativu no judisial, nune'e mos servisu no orgaun administrasaun publika.", "Iha kantina no refeitoriu entidade publika no privada sira iha ne'ebe maka uza de'it ba ema hira ne'e.", "Iha fatin sira iha ne'ebe esplora makina diversaun, video jogu, jogu biliar no bowling, no iha siber kafe sira.", "Liuhusi dalan ne'ebe maka bele iha asesu diretamente ba sosa-na'in, ezemplu; liuhusi makina automatika no espozitor sira.", "Liuhusi dalan sira seluk ne'ebe la permite fa'an-na'in identifika sosa-na'in sira-nia tinan, ezemplu internet ka korreiu postal.", "Iha rejime ne'e mos hateten katak sei aplika koima husi US$ 70 to'o US$500 bainhira fa'an produtu tabaku iha fatin sira ne'ebe temi ona, fa'an produtu tabaku liuhusi dalan ne'ebe maka bele iha asesu diretamente ba sosa-na'in, ezemplu liuhusi makina automatika no espozitor sira.", "Fa'an produtu tabaku liuhusi televenda ka liuhusi internet ka korreiu postal, fa'an embalajen promosional ba produtu tabaku.", "Sei aplika koima hosi US$70 to'o US$1,000 bainhira fa'an produtu tabaku ne'ebe la tuir rekizitu sira embalajen nian ne'ebe temin ona, fa'an produtu tabaku ba, ka husi, labarik ho tinan 17 mai kraik.", "Sei aplika koima husi US$100 to'o US$5,009 bainhira fa'an sigarru eletronika, fa'an masu sigarru ne'ebe la kontein pelumenus sigarru lolon 20 ka fa'an sigarru lolon, no viola proibisaun kona-ba publisidade, promosaun no patrosiniu nian.", "Produtor importador, distribuidor, no grosista sira ne'ebe la respeita konteudu masima nikotina, monoksidu karbonu no alkatraun, rekizitu embalajen, regra kona-ba fa'an produtu tabaku, ka proibisaun kona-ba publisidade, promosaun no patrosiniu, sei sujeita ba koima husi US$500 to'o US$10,000.", "Tuir Abilio katak asaun preventiva ne'ebe AIFAESA n sei halo iha tinan oin, aleinde envolve ANCT-TL, sei involve mos xefe suku sira, eskola sira hahu hosi eskola primaria, sekundaria to'o ensinu superior sira para redus fuma tabaku.", "Kona-ba sigarru ilisitu kontinua fa'an, Koordenador ne'e dehan tanba sira la haree, no bainhira simu informasaun no tun direta ba terrenu labele hetan tanba loja na'in sira subar.", "Maibe Abilio dehan, kuandu ekipa AIFAESA hetan maka sei aplika sansaun rigoroza tuir regulamentu ne'ebe estabelese ona.", "Notisia relevante: Nasaun atu Ba Oin Populasaun Tenke Saudavel Rejime kontrolu tabaku Previous articleKAK Halo Sensibilizasaun Kona-ba Prevensaun Korrupsaun iha Munisipiu Next articleVitima Insendiu Comoro Agradese Tratamentu Saude Gratuita" ]
[ [ "Tobacco Control Regime Not Only for Sellers | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Rejime Kontrolu Tabaku La'os De’it ba Vendedor (Inspection and Fiscalization Authority of Economic, Sanitary & Food Activities) Coordinator Abilio Oliveira Sereno says the tobaco control regime with number #14/209 is not only valid to vendors but also smokers." ], [ "\"I would like to say that this regime is not only about the retailers who are selling, but also how smokers should behave in accordance with these legal regulations. If they want a cigarette and do it at home or on public transportation then we must look carefully for places where people can't smokes\", said AIFAESA Coordinator Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaés when he held together With National Tobacco Control Alliance Timor-Leste (ANCT) an event entitled “Tobaco Sellers Complying To The tobaccal control rules” which was participated by Interim Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs of Social Solidarity & Inclusion(MSSI), today 15th November" ], [ "Abilio said that AIFAESA has already carried out awareness-raising on the tobacco control regime in its municipalities, by distributing brochures written into Tetun and Portuguese." ], [ "\"But through this seminar we can also complete other things that have already been done." ], [ "In 2019, our preventive action will be increased to the same level as in previous years." ], [ "The objectives of the tobacco control regime are to prevent diseases caused by smoking and regulate tabaco products." ], [ "In addition to other prohibitions on tobacco consumption in certain places, such as closed public spaces and workplace or transportation facilities for example. Tobaco products must now comply with the newly applicable restriction provisions of this regulation which are also available online at:" ], [ "Manufacturers, importers and distributors who do not comply with the rules will be sanctioned by paying a fine." ], [ "In the regime number 14/2059, there are also composition and substances contained in tobacco products." ], [ "Tobacco products produced or sold in Timor-Leste are: a cigarette pack does not contain more than 10 milligrams of tar, no nicotine is allowed to exceed one mg and the carbon monoxide content cannot be greater then ten microgramme." ], [ "Tobacco products packaging such as: information on tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contents must be printed in a contrasting color with the base colour of each small cigarette bag (lobe) shoulder. Information shall also have to appear written or translated into Tetum/Portuguese;" ], [ "Each cigarette pack and each cigar slop (outer package) must be marked with their lot number or equivalent, so that the place of production can also have been identifiable." ], [ "The regime also includes prohibited messages such as; no use on cigarette boxes of tobacco products with text, figures or names and trademarks that may give the impression some product is not prejudiced compared to other items (or equivalent translation/vocabulary), nor any type Of graphism related To Tobaccy Products Or intended In connection With Such Description. For example: forbidden are words like 'flavored' \"extremely flavorful\", “sweet”, ‘non-spicy’ ”and elegant”." ], [ "The latter message does not allow messages on the packaging of tobacco products that encourage or incentivize consumption." ], [ "Under this regime, it is forbidden to sell tobacco products in the United States and Canada (including those of children under 17 years old) without a valid identity card or passport." ], [ "If the buyer refuses to show documents, a seller cannot sell him/her products. Children under seventeen years of age are prohibited from selling tobacco and alcoholic beverages in any manner whatsoever (including smoking)." ], [ "Bandu also sells promotional packaging for tobacco products." ], [ "Only the sale of cigarettes in boxes containing at least 20 cigars is prohibited, as are sales per pack and tobacco products sold within health care facilities (hospital-clinic centres/health centers; medical consultations or ambulance services. laboratorie: pharmacies & non prescription drug stores)." ], [ "There are places for the elderly and people with disabilities, community centres; protected work offices. rehabilitation centers as well support units to drug addiction sufferers or alcoholics" ], [ "There are places for minor children such as: nursery schools, crèches and other child care facilities; spaces to accommodate young people in their early years of life or youth activities." ], [ "There is a primary and secondary school, higher education facility (university), vocational training center as well sport facilities." ], [ "They are the places where they install legislative and judicial bodies, but also public administration offices." ], [ "There are canteens and refectories of public or private entities that only use for these people." ], [ "There are places where they can explore amusement machines, video games and billiards or bowling. And there is a cybercafe for them to go out on the internet!" ], [ "Outside of the ways that can have direct access to buyers, for example; through vending machines and displays." ], [ "By other means that do not allow the seller to identify buyers' age, such as internet or postal mail." ], [ "The regime also stipulates that a fine of US$ 70 to $512 will be applied when selling tobacco products in the aforementioned locations, by means which have direct access with buyers such as vending machines and display units." ], [ "Sale of tobacco products by teleshopping or via the Internet, postal mail and promotional packaging for cigarettes." ], [ "A fine of US$70 to $1,295 will be imposed when selling tobacco products that do not comply with the prescribed packaging requirements or if you sell a product from/to children under 3 years old." ], [ "A fine of between $109 and 5,248 will be imposed when selling an electronic cigarette or a packaging that does not contain at least twenty cigar rolls; if the sale is in violation with prohibitions on advertising promotional sponsorship." ], [ "Manufacturers, importers and wholesalers who do not comply with the maximum nicotine contents of tobacco products or prohibitions on advertising promotion will be subject to a fine ranging from $10.5 million (US$236m) upto an additional penalty amounted at 4% per year for non-compliance in respect thereof;" ], [ "According to Abilio, the preventive action that AIFAESA will undertake in coming years not only involves ANCT-TL but also village headmen and schools from primary school through secondary education for reducing tobacco smoking." ], [ "Regarding illegal cigarettes that continue to be sold, the Coordinator said because they did not see it and when receiving information from them he went directly on site but couldn't find any of these cigars as store owners were out." ], [ "However, Abilio said that when the AIFAESA team finds them they will apply strict sanctions according to established regulation." ], [ "Relevant news: Nation to Go Ahead Population Needs Healthy Tobacco Control Regime Previous articleKAK Raises Consciousness on Corruption Prevention in Municipality Next ArticleComoro Fire Victim Thankful for Free Medical Treatment" ] ]
USA Official Visit Dili\nUS Congressmen Visit East Timor\nPR Konfuzaun, Governu Manda Dekretu Lei, PN Manda Lei\nTempotimor (Dili) – Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo, Segunda (29/07/19) bolu Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, hodi ko’alia kona-ba prosesu manda leis nomós dekretu leis hirak ne'ebé presiza hetan promulga husi Prezidente Repúblika.\n“Prezidente da Repúblika mak bolu ha'u mai, liu-liu ko’alia ituan kona-ba leis no dekretu leis hirak ne'ebé haruka mai. Espesialmente, hirak ne'ebé iha relasaun ho asinatura tratadu dia 30 nian ne'e. So pontu ida ne'e de'it mak ohin prezidente konvoka ha'u para atu fó hatene,” PM Taur informa ba jornalista iha Palásiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite.\nPM Taur hatete, “Prezidente Repúblika husu katak prosesu ne’e tama dala ida de’it. Tanba normalmente, lei mak tenki mai uluk. La'ós dekretu lei mai uluk. “So que, ami haruka dekretu leis mai uluk, antes parlamentu aprova iha Parlamentu, haruka mai sr. Prezidente, ami (nia) dekretu lei tama uluk. Entaun entermus prosesuais ami halo ajustu ida, para halonusa maka hadi’a ida ne’e,” PM dehan.\nPM Taur mós rekoñese katak ein termu prosesu ne'e la justu. Tan ne'e, nia promete para oinsá mak hadi'a no oinsá prosesu atu ajusta.\nTuir fontes tempotimor.com ne’ebe besik liu ba Governu informa katak antes Parlamentu aprova projetu alterasaun ba leis hat, VIII governu haruka ona dekretu lei hat mak iha Konsellu dos Ministrus ba Prezidente da Republika. Tuir fontes hanesan mos informa katak iha semana kotuk, wainhira Prezidente Republika Francisco guterres Lu Olo simu leis sira ne’ebe aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasional, iha momentu hanesan Xefe do estadu haruka fali hotu governu ninia dekretu lei sira ne’e ba Parlamentu Nasional.
[ "USA Official Visit Dili US Congressmen Visit East Timor PR Konfuzaun, Governu Manda Dekretu Lei, PN Manda Lei Tempotimor (Dili) - Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, Segunda (29/07/19) bolu Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, hodi ko'alia kona-ba prosesu manda leis nomos dekretu leis hirak ne'ebe presiza hetan promulga husi Prezidente Republika.", "\"Prezidente da Republika mak bolu ha'u mai, liu-liu ko'alia ituan kona-ba leis no dekretu leis hirak ne'ebe haruka mai.", "Espesialmente, hirak ne'ebe iha relasaun ho asinatura tratadu dia 30 nian ne'e.", "So pontu ida ne'e de'it mak ohin prezidente konvoka ha'u para atu fo hatene,\" PM Taur informa ba jornalista iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite.", "PM Taur hatete, \"Prezidente Republika husu katak prosesu ne'e tama dala ida de'it.", "Tanba normalmente, lei mak tenki mai uluk.", "La'os dekretu lei mai uluk.", "\"So que, ami haruka dekretu leis mai uluk, antes parlamentu aprova iha Parlamentu, haruka mai sr.", "Prezidente, ami (nia) dekretu lei tama uluk.", "Entaun entermus prosesuais ami halo ajustu ida, para halonusa maka hadi'a ida ne'e,\" PM dehan.", "PM Taur mos rekonese katak ein termu prosesu ne'e la justu.", "Tan ne'e, nia promete para oinsa mak hadi'a no oinsa prosesu atu ajusta.", "Tuir fontes tempotimor.com ne'ebe besik liu ba Governu informa katak antes Parlamentu aprova projetu alterasaun ba leis hat, VIII governu haruka ona dekretu lei hat mak iha Konsellu dos Ministrus ba Prezidente da Republika.", "Tuir fontes hanesan mos informa katak iha semana kotuk, wainhira Prezidente Republika Francisco guterres Lu Olo simu leis sira ne'ebe aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasional, iha momentu hanesan Xefe do estadu haruka fali hotu governu ninia dekretu lei sira ne'e ba Parlamentu Nasional." ]
[ [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo on Monday called Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to discuss with him about legislation process and decree laws that must be promulgated by his office." ], [ "\"The President of the Republic called me, especially to talk about laws and decrees-law that he has issued." ], [ "In particular, those related to the signing of this treaty on 30th." ], [ "This is the only point that today's president summoned me to make known,\" PM Taur informed journalist at Presidential Palace." ], [ "Prime Minister Taur said, \"The President of the Republic asked that this process only take place once." ], [ "Because normally, the law must come first." ], [ "It is not the decree of law that comes first." ], [ "\"Only, we sent the decree-law first before Parliament approved it in parliament and then send to Mr." ], [ "President, my decree law comes first." ], [ "So during the proceedings we made an adjustment, so that halonusa could improve this,” PM said." ], [ "PM Taur also acknowledged that the term of this process is not fair." ], [ "Therefore, he promised to improve the process and how it should be adjusted." ], [ "According to tempotimor.com's sources closer with the Government, before Parliament approved draft amendments of four law-making bodies (Leis Hat), government VIII sent decrees that had been passed by Council Of Minister for President da Republica 1987 -2034" ], [ "According to the same sources also informed that last week, when President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo received all laws approved by National Parliament at a time as Head of State sent back these government decrees and legislation." ] ]
CITRA MARES Sei Prepara-an Maximu Kompete LVTL Finais – STL Online\nSente Ofendidu, Governante Pendente Haruka Karta Ba PR Lu Olo\nVIII Governu Hein Apoiu Maioria Husi PN\nXanana: Prezidente Republika Tenke Fuan Boot\nJulio Hornay: Situasaun Rai Laran Hakmatek\nXanana Husu Prezidente Tenke Komprende Konstituisaun\nPM Sei Esforsu Kompleta Membru Governu\nFilomeno: Dezenvolve Forsa Presiza Iha Konsensus\nCITRA MARES Sei Prepara-an Maximu Kompete LVTL Finais\nDili-Klubu Citra Mares nuudar klubu voleibol neebe hola parte iha kompetisaun Liga Voleibol Timor-Leste (LVTL) konsege tama final. Nee duni, dadaun halo preparasaun hodi prepara-an ba kompetisaun jogu finais LVTL.\nTuir Treinador Klubu Citra Mares, Ildefonso Dias Quintas katak, iha jogu finais Klubu Citra Mares sei hasoru Klubu AD.SLB nee duni presiza preparasaun neebe maximu atu nunee bele manan iha jogu LVTL ba finais neebe sei realiza iha, Sabadu (15/7/2017).\nAmi husi Klubu Citra Mares dadaun nee prepara-an maximu atu nunee bele manan iha jogu final agora. Fiar katak ami sei sai bensedor ba LVTL tinan ida nee,” katak Ildefonso ba STL iha Ginagiu Dili, Tersa (11/7/2017).\nTuir Ildefonso katak, antes tama ba jogu durante semana ida nee nia laran Citra Mares tenke halo preparasaun didiak atu nunee bele manan. Tanba klubu AD.SLB mos makaas nee duni presiza preparasaun neebe maximu.\nIldefonso mos relata liu tan katak, Citra Mares tama final laos fasil maibe ho esforsu-an tomak foin bele manan klubu sira seluk neebe hola parte iha kompetisaun LVTL.\nIha fatin hanesan Emi Viana nuudar atleta Citra Mares dehan, nia sente kontente tanba liu husi prosesu naruk hodi treinu no esforsu-an hodi kompete jogu ida nee ikus liu bele hakat ba finais hasoru Klubu AD.SLB.\n“Ami sei prepara-an diak liu tan iha treinu hodi compete iha faze ikus ba final, hau fiar katak ami sei hatudu jogu neebe diak liu iha final hodi halo kontente adeptus sira mos bele semangat nafatin iha kompetisaun ida nee tanba final nee adeptus sira mai barak hodi fo suporta tuir ida-idak nia fens klubu neebe nia gosta,” katak Emi. Est-4\nPrevious article MAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Rezultadu Peskiza\nNext article Poltraz Prende Motor Privadu 25 Husi Membru Polisia
[ "CITRA MARES Sei Prepara-an Maximu Kompete LVTL Finais - STL Online Sente Ofendidu, Governante Pendente Haruka Karta Ba PR Lu Olo VIII Governu Hein Apoiu Maioria Husi PN Xanana: Prezidente Republika Tenke Fuan Boot Julio Hornay: Situasaun Rai Laran Hakmatek Xanana Husu Prezidente Tenke Komprende Konstituisaun PM Sei Esforsu Kompleta Membru Governu Filomeno: Dezenvolve Forsa Presiza Iha Konsensus CITRA MARES Sei Prepara-an Maximu Kompete LVTL Finais Dili-Klubu Citra Mares nuudar klubu voleibol neebe hola parte iha kompetisaun Liga Voleibol Timor-Leste (LVTL) konsege tama final.", "Nee duni, dadaun halo preparasaun hodi prepara-an ba kompetisaun jogu finais LVTL.", "Tuir Treinador Klubu Citra Mares, Ildefonso Dias Quintas katak, iha jogu finais Klubu Citra Mares sei hasoru Klubu AD.SLB nee duni presiza preparasaun neebe maximu atu nunee bele manan iha jogu LVTL ba finais neebe sei realiza iha, Sabadu (15/7/2017).", "Ami husi Klubu Citra Mares dadaun nee prepara-an maximu atu nunee bele manan iha jogu final agora.", "Fiar katak ami sei sai bensedor ba LVTL tinan ida nee,\" katak Ildefonso ba STL iha Ginagiu Dili, Tersa (11/7/2017).", "Tuir Ildefonso katak, antes tama ba jogu durante semana ida nee nia laran Citra Mares tenke halo preparasaun didiak atu nunee bele manan.", "Tanba klubu AD.SLB mos makaas nee duni presiza preparasaun neebe maximu.", "Ildefonso mos relata liu tan katak, Citra Mares tama final laos fasil maibe ho esforsu-an tomak foin bele manan klubu sira seluk neebe hola parte iha kompetisaun LVTL.", "Iha fatin hanesan Emi Viana nuudar atleta Citra Mares dehan, nia sente kontente tanba liu husi prosesu naruk hodi treinu no esforsu-an hodi kompete jogu ida nee ikus liu bele hakat ba finais hasoru Klubu AD.SLB.", "\"Ami sei prepara-an diak liu tan iha treinu hodi compete iha faze ikus ba final, hau fiar katak ami sei hatudu jogu neebe diak liu iha final hodi halo kontente adeptus sira mos bele semangat nafatin iha kompetisaun ida nee tanba final nee adeptus sira mai barak hodi fo suporta tuir ida-idak nia fens klubu neebe nia gosta,\" katak Emi.", "Est-4 Previous article MAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Rezultadu Peskiza Next article Poltraz Prende Motor Privadu 25 Husi Membru Polisia" ]
[ [ "CITRA MARES Will Prepare Maximum Compete LVTL Finals - Stl Online Sent Offensive, Pending Governor Send Letter To PR Lu Olo VIII Government Want Majority Support From Parliament Xanana: President of the Republic Must Be Happy Julio Hornay – Situation in Timor-Leste Has to be Recognized by Prime Minister PM will Complete Effort Filomeno government member needs consensus Citra Mares as a volleyball club participating at Liga Voleibol TL (LVL) has managed its final." ], [ "However, preparations are being made to prepare for the LVTL final game competition." ], [ "According to the coach of Citra Mares Club, Ildefonso Dias Quintan said that in final game Klubu citro mare will face AD.SLB therefore it needs maximum preparation so they can win LVTL match for finale which is held on Saturday (15/7 /204)." ], [ "We from Citra Mares Club are currently preparing to the maximum so that we can win in this final game now." ], [ "I am confident that we will be a benefactor to LVTL this year,\" Ildefonso told Stl in Dili Gingiu on Tuesday (10/7)" ], [ "According to Ildefonso, before entering the game during this week Citra Mares must make a good preparation so that they can win." ], [ "Because the club AD.SLB is also very high, it requires maximum preparation and effort to win this tournament in Croatia!" ], [ "Ildefonso also reported that Citra Mares reached the final not easily but with all their efforts they were able to win over other clubs taking part in LVTL competition." ], [ "Citra Mares said that she was happy because after a long process of training and striving to compete in this game, they finally reached the finals against AD.SLB Club: \"I am very excited about my achievement today.\"" ], [ "\"We will prepare ourselves better in training to compete at the final stage, I believe that we can show a more positive game and make fans happy so they are still enthusiastic about this competition because many supporters come here for their favourite club\", said Emi." ], [ "Est-4 Previous article MAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Resultas Pesquisa Next Article Poltraz Prende Motor Privado 25 Husi Membru Polisia" ] ]
VIII Governu Sei Fasilita Sidadaun Asesu Kréditu\nDÍLI----VIII Governu Konstituisionál liu husi Ministériu Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães koordena liu husi Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) no Banku Central, atu nune’e bele fo asesu kréditu diak ba sidadaun timoroan sira.\nTuir Ministru Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães hatete Governu sei koordena ba BNCTL no Banku Central atu nune’e bele fo kréditu ba sidadaun sira, hodi bele asesu ba finansiamentu hodi loke sira nia emprejas atu halao diak.\n“Hau rasik servisu liu husi BNCTL no koalia ona koordena ba Banku Central, atu bele fo mekanismu oferta ba sira ne’ebé mak diak liu, atu bele fo asesu kreditu ne’ebé mak diak ba ita nia komunidade sira,” dehan Ministru Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, hafoin remata ekontru ho instituisaun relevante sira iha Edifisiu Tradelnvest Kolmera Díli, Kinta-Feira (05/09).\nGovernante ne’e hatutan tenki asegura ba ita nia sidadaun sira, iha asesu ba finansiamentu atu nune’e bele loke sira ninia emprejas hodi bele la’o ba oin. Tanba iha Timor-Leste emprejáriu no iha Banku Internasionál barak, maibe barak ne’e lafo fali ba sira nia kréditu ba ita nia komunidade sira, ita nia sidadaun iha Timor, maibe osan sira ne’e sira sei lori hotu ba rai liur ne’e lalos.\nFidelis informa hanesan 1 Miliaun sira fo imprestimu ne’e 100 Miloens hanesan ne’e, ne’e nia eskándalu ne’ebé mak boot, ida ne’e ita tenki koalia ho sira atu nune’e sira bele fokus hodi orienta depósitu ne’ebé mak sira atu hetan, no fatin balun hodi fo fali ba kréditu, atu nune’e bele finansia ba ita nia Setór Privadu sira no empreja sira bele moris.\nTanba ne’e konsidera hirak ne’e mak VIII Governu mos liu husi Banku Nasional Comersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL), no kolaborasaun liu husi Banku Cenral, fo eskema garantia kréditu ida ne’ebé mak Banku Central avansa ona ho projeitu pilotu 4 Miloens no futuru sei hare tan dalan atu aumenta. MRLAP konsidera Sidadaun sira ne’ebé mak rai ladun folin labele halo jaminan Banku Central bele tama no bele partilla hodi fo jaminan ba sira kolateral ba sira, atu nune’e ema bele hetan asesu kréditu.\nFidelis dehan Governu nia hare oinsa bele lori motor mos ba bele halo jaminan ba foti osan, karik problema ho rai motor sira ne’e bein moves sira mos bele sai jaminan. Nia klarifika ida ne’e importante atu asesu ba kréditu ne’e importante, atu hadia liutan ekonómia Timor-Leste, ita tenki hare lalais ba lei rai no propriedade, lei iha ona maibe ita presiza liutan, agora lei subsidiária sira ita sei rona husi justisa atu nune’e bele implementa no opersionaliza implementasaun lei ba rai nian. (BT)
[ "VIII Governu Sei Fasilita Sidadaun Asesu Kreditu DILI----VIII Governu Konstituisional liu husi Ministeriu Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes koordena liu husi Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) no Banku Central, atu nune'e bele fo asesu kreditu diak ba sidadaun timoroan sira.", "Tuir Ministru Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes hatete Governu sei koordena ba BNCTL no Banku Central atu nune'e bele fo kreditu ba sidadaun sira, hodi bele asesu ba finansiamentu hodi loke sira nia emprejas atu halao diak.", "\"Hau rasik servisu liu husi BNCTL no koalia ona koordena ba Banku Central, atu bele fo mekanismu oferta ba sira ne'ebe mak diak liu, atu bele fo asesu kreditu ne'ebe mak diak ba ita nia komunidade sira,\" dehan Ministru Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, hafoin remata ekontru ho instituisaun relevante sira iha Edifisiu Tradelnvest Kolmera Dili, Kinta-Feira (05/09).", "Governante ne'e hatutan tenki asegura ba ita nia sidadaun sira, iha asesu ba finansiamentu atu nune'e bele loke sira ninia emprejas hodi bele la'o ba oin.", "Tanba iha Timor-Leste emprejariu no iha Banku Internasional barak, maibe barak ne'e lafo fali ba sira nia kreditu ba ita nia komunidade sira, ita nia sidadaun iha Timor, maibe osan sira ne'e sira sei lori hotu ba rai liur ne'e lalos.", "Fidelis informa hanesan 1 Miliaun sira fo imprestimu ne'e 100 Miloens hanesan ne'e, ne'e nia eskandalu ne'ebe mak boot, ida ne'e ita tenki koalia ho sira atu nune'e sira bele fokus hodi orienta depositu ne'ebe mak sira atu hetan, no fatin balun hodi fo fali ba kreditu, atu nune'e bele finansia ba ita nia Setor Privadu sira no empreja sira bele moris.", "Tanba ne'e konsidera hirak ne'e mak VIII Governu mos liu husi Banku Nasional Comersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL), no kolaborasaun liu husi Banku Cenral, fo eskema garantia kreditu ida ne'ebe mak Banku Central avansa ona ho projeitu pilotu 4 Miloens no futuru sei hare tan dalan atu aumenta.", "MRLAP konsidera Sidadaun sira ne'ebe mak rai ladun folin labele halo jaminan Banku Central bele tama no bele partilla hodi fo jaminan ba sira kolateral ba sira, atu nune'e ema bele hetan asesu kreditu.", "Fidelis dehan Governu nia hare oinsa bele lori motor mos ba bele halo jaminan ba foti osan, karik problema ho rai motor sira ne'e bein moves sira mos bele sai jaminan.", "Nia klarifika ida ne'e importante atu asesu ba kreditu ne'e importante, atu hadia liutan ekonomia Timor-Leste, ita tenki hare lalais ba lei rai no propriedade, lei iha ona maibe ita presiza liutan, agora lei subsidiaria sira ita sei rona husi justisa atu nune'e bele implementa no opersionaliza implementasaun lei ba rai nian.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "Dili -- The Eighth Constitutional Government through the Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes coordinated with Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste(BNCTL), Central bank, to provide good credit access for citizens." ], [ "According to Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes said that the Government will coordinate with BNCTL, Central Bank so as it can provide credits for citizens in order they may access financing which open their businesses." ], [ "\"I myself work through BNCTL and have spoken to coordinate with the Central Bank, so that we can provide a mechanism for offering them better ones in order of providing access credits which are more suitable on our communities\", said Minister Legislative Reform & Parliamentary Affairs (MRLAP) Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes after concluding meeting With relevant institutions at Edificio Kolmera Dili Tradelnavest building." ], [ "The governor added that we must ensure our citizens have access to financing so they can open their businesses and move forward." ], [ "Because in Timor-Leste entrepreneurs and there are many International Bank, but a lot of them give back their credit to our communities the citizens on this island. But that they will take all these money overseas is not true!" ], [ "Fidelis informed as 1 Million they give loans to this is a scandal that's big, we need talk with them so it can focus on directing the deposit which you get and some places for credit again. So finance our private sector companies may live up!" ], [ "Therefore, considering these issues the VIII Government through Banku Nasional Comersii Timor-Leste (BNCTL), and in collaboration with Cenral banks provided a credit guarantee scheme that Centralbank has already advanced as 4 million pilot project. In future we will look at ways to increase this amount of loan granted by BNCtl for small businesses under development projects which have been successfully completed or are currently being developed within our country' s existing sectoral framework;" ], [ "MRLAP considers that citizens who have land of no value can not guarantee the Central Bank to come in and share it with them, giving collateral for their security so people could get credit assessment." ], [ "Fidelis said the government is looking at how to bring motors and can make a guarantee for taking money, if there are problems with land of these engine belongings they may also become guarantor." ], [ "He clarified that this is important to access credit, it's essential for improving the Timor-Leste economy. We must look quickly at land and property law; we already have legislation but need a revision of these subsidiary rules which will now be heard by justice so as they can implement in operational terms implementations on Land Act 2015 (Law No:3/Jul)." ], [ "(BT) 2016-375" ] ]
Estudantes Foun UNDIL Na’in Atus 333 Hala’o Orientasaun\nDÍLI----Estudantes foun Universidade Dili (UNDIL) hamutuk atus 333 hala’o orientasaun loron tolu hodi priense rekezitus sira i justifika estudante foun sira sai hanesan estudante legal iha Universida nomos oinsa hatene lala’ok iha universidade nian.\nReitor Universidade Dili (UNDIL) José A. Perreira Belo Hateten ba estudante foun sira, agora imi tuir orientasaun ne’e hodi priense imi nia rekezitus ka justifika imi sai hanesan estudante legal ida iha Universidade Dili nomos oinsa hatene lala’ok universidade nian. dehan ba jornalista sira iha kampus UNDIL, kinta (21/02).\n“Agora dadauk total estudantes foun hamutuk atus 333 mak tuir orientasaun iha tinan ida ne’e Inklui fakuldade ne’en mak tuir hela orientasaun komesa husi ohin to’o loron terseiru”. Nune’e Fakuldade ne’en (6) ne’ebe mak tuir orientasaun mak, Fakuldade Siensia Politika, Fakuldade Direitu, Fakuldade Ekonomia, Fakuldade Enginharia, Fakuldade Edukasaun no Fakuldade Saude.\nLoron dahuluk ba orientasaun mak sesaun ebertura no depois loron tuir mai tan mak palestra no loron terseiru mak sei fo seminar husi presidente boakril no dekanu sira husi universidade nian. Nia dehan, Uluk hala’o orientasaun loron 5 maibe komu ho tempu ne’ebe la’o hela, entaun ita agora sura loron lima (5) efetivu ne’e loron 3 deit mak ita atu hala’o.\nTamba ne’e loron primeiru atu hala’o ne’e kladi saida mak sira atu hala’o hela I nomos sira tenke prepara dokumentus sira I buat sira ne’e hotu, loron segundu ohin ami halo hela abertura, loron terseiru sira ba deit fakuldade oinsa bele ba konsulta iha fakuldade ho diak, I par susar saida par it abele resolve, nomos iha mos dekanu ho madre balun atu fo konselin ba sira ne’ebe mai husi foho atu nune’e bele kuinese diak liu tan iha universidade.\nNia haktuir tan, Ita tenke muda it oan sira nia metode ba orientasaun, uluk ne’e ita orientasaun fisiku oinsa foti sasan, dasar rai, halo ida ne’e maibe agora ita ajuda sira para oinsa fo forma sira nia mentalidade ho diak, sira nia wawasan ne’ebe diak I oinsa par atu hatene lala’ok universidade nian.\nTamba ne’e sira tuir orientasaun I ida ne’e hodi kompriende no akumula sira nia hanoin no ikus liu ami sei iha seminar ida ne’ebe ohin hau mensiona hela, atu mai para loke sira nia kakutak, fo esperansa ba sira katak eskola ne’e prosesu ida ke naruk sente mal ikus liu ami sei halo limpeza jeral iha sidade dili laran ne’e hanesan atividades sira ne’ebe atu hala’o.\n“Agora ita nia preparasaun ba estudante sira ne’ebe mak seidauk tuir prosesu orientasaun, sira sei tuir orientasaun iha periode tuir mai tan I sira sei tuir orientasaun tuir mai tamba orientasaun ne’e mos hanesan rekezitus importante ida par oinsa bele ikus sira iha sertifikadu par bele justifika katak estudante ne’e legal duni hahu husi inisiu to’o remata.” dehan nia.\nNia dehan, Hau hanoin sansaun ba sira laiha tamba sira sei tuir nafatin orientasaun atu prense rekezitus tuir normal I Sira tuir prosesu hanesan agora i depois sira bele prense fali rekezitus sira ne’e. I nomos bainhira estudantes sira ne’ebe mak la prense rekezitus sira ne’e, sira laiha direitu ka sira hanesan mos ema illegal ida ne’ebe mak lahala’o sira nia orientasaun tamba ne’e mak sira presiza prense rekezitus ne’e par depois sira mos bele prense sira nia dokumentus ikus mai presiza husi universidade.\nTamba ne’e reitor mos informa ba sira katak “UNDIL nia pensamentu ita hare nia iha timor ne’e ita sura ne’e ita iha suku ita sura atus 400 ital sukus I iha aldeia kuaze total rihun 2600 ital”. Entaun ita nia hanoin ne’e dehan ema be atu azensia saude ne’ebe prepara atu ba serbisu ho sira I liliu sira husi dentaria nehan ne’e deit tamba ema iha foho la’os kabun moras, ema la’os ulun, moras ema mos tenke nehan moras.\nTamba ne’e maka hau nia hanoin projeita hela par bele fo responde ba necesidade tamba ukun-an labele ida Dili lartan deit, ukun-an tenke to’o iha ne’eba. Agora atu bele realiza ida ne’e governu iha politika ne’ebe diak par ita atu bele ajuda maibe ami mos apoiu sira rekursu umanu naton pelu menus asistensia ba nehan ninian, tan ne’e preparadu atu nune’e para ema hot-hotu bele iha tratamentu hanesan.\nI buat ida bolu esesnsia independensia ne’e sai realidade tamba ne’e maka esforsu ami nian koloka liu ba saude ninian ne’e I agora mos ami serbisu mos WHO doutor sira husi nehan ninian, nune’e par ami sei hari’I klinika ida iha ne’e para atendementu ba estudante sira mos ba publika sira oinsa par atu bele prepara. Tamba nehan la’os deit hasai fokit, la’os deit hanesan sasan mais ne’e prosesu tomak, kona ba matan, kona ba buat hotu ida ne’e mak esforsu ne’ebe mak ami halo ami hakarak hadia saude nian sai area de ke importante.\nTamba ita moris mai ki’ik oan ema dehan tenke trata ita ho diak begitu sai bo’ot ita fali katuas ita labarik fali tamba ne’e ne’e mak hau hanoin katak resultadu hotu mais ekonomia ami hanoin hela katak agora sente hanoin tenke tau osan tamba bainhira ita hasai osan kuandu ita forte mais kuandu ita katuas ona hasai osan barak liu tan nune’e sensibilizasaun ida ne’e mak ami halo hela par oinsa atu ajuda komunidade sira.\nUNDIL iha fakuldade kerasu ne’en, ita iha dosente tahap rua katak permanente ne’e ita iha 120 pesoas depois dosente sira Partime ka kontratadu sira ne’e iha hotu depois eis ministru iha na’in 5 mai hanorin iha ne’e. Ne’e hanesan ema sira ne’ebe preparadu ema sira ne’ebe kapasidade naton para atu bele aselera lalais kualidade ne’ebe ita sente, dehan Reitor. (BT)
[ "Estudantes Foun UNDIL Na'in Atus 333 Hala'o Orientasaun DILI----Estudantes foun Universidade Dili (UNDIL) hamutuk atus 333 hala'o orientasaun loron tolu hodi priense rekezitus sira i justifika estudante foun sira sai hanesan estudante legal iha Universida nomos oinsa hatene lala'ok iha universidade nian.", "Reitor Universidade Dili (UNDIL) Jose A. Perreira Belo Hateten ba estudante foun sira, agora imi tuir orientasaun ne'e hodi priense imi nia rekezitus ka justifika imi sai hanesan estudante legal ida iha Universidade Dili nomos oinsa hatene lala'ok universidade nian. dehan ba jornalista sira iha kampus UNDIL, kinta (21/02).", "\"Agora dadauk total estudantes foun hamutuk atus 333 mak tuir orientasaun iha tinan ida ne'e Inklui fakuldade ne'en mak tuir hela orientasaun komesa husi ohin to'o loron terseiru.\"", "Nune'e Fakuldade ne'en (6) ne'ebe mak tuir orientasaun mak, Fakuldade Siensia Politika, Fakuldade Direitu, Fakuldade Ekonomia, Fakuldade Enginharia, Fakuldade Edukasaun no Fakuldade Saude.", "Loron dahuluk ba orientasaun mak sesaun ebertura no depois loron tuir mai tan mak palestra no loron terseiru mak sei fo seminar husi presidente boakril no dekanu sira husi universidade nian.", "Nia dehan, Uluk hala'o orientasaun loron 5 maibe komu ho tempu ne'ebe la'o hela, entaun ita agora sura loron lima (5) efetivu ne'e loron 3 deit mak ita atu hala'o.", "Tamba ne'e loron primeiru atu hala'o ne'e kladi saida mak sira atu hala'o hela I nomos sira tenke prepara dokumentus sira I buat sira ne'e hotu, loron segundu ohin ami halo hela abertura, loron terseiru sira ba deit fakuldade oinsa bele ba konsulta iha fakuldade ho diak, I par susar saida par it abele resolve, nomos iha mos dekanu ho madre balun atu fo konselin ba sira ne'ebe mai husi foho atu nune'e bele kuinese diak liu tan iha universidade.", "Nia haktuir tan, Ita tenke muda it oan sira nia metode ba orientasaun, uluk ne'e ita orientasaun fisiku oinsa foti sasan, dasar rai, halo ida ne'e maibe agora ita ajuda sira para oinsa fo forma sira nia mentalidade ho diak, sira nia wawasan ne'ebe diak I oinsa par atu hatene lala'ok universidade nian.", "Tamba ne'e sira tuir orientasaun I ida ne'e hodi kompriende no akumula sira nia hanoin no ikus liu ami sei iha seminar ida ne'ebe ohin hau mensiona hela, atu mai para loke sira nia kakutak, fo esperansa ba sira katak eskola ne'e prosesu ida ke naruk sente mal ikus liu ami sei halo limpeza jeral iha sidade dili laran ne'e hanesan atividades sira ne'ebe atu hala'o.", "\"Agora ita nia preparasaun ba estudante sira ne'ebe mak seidauk tuir prosesu orientasaun, sira sei tuir orientasaun iha periode tuir mai tan I sira sei tuir orientasaun tuir mai tamba orientasaun ne'e mos hanesan rekezitus importante ida par oinsa bele ikus sira iha sertifikadu par bele justifika katak estudante ne'e legal duni hahu husi inisiu to'o remata.\" dehan nia.", "Nia dehan, Hau hanoin sansaun ba sira laiha tamba sira sei tuir nafatin orientasaun atu prense rekezitus tuir normal I Sira tuir prosesu hanesan agora i depois sira bele prense fali rekezitus sira ne'e.", "I nomos bainhira estudantes sira ne'ebe mak la prense rekezitus sira ne'e, sira laiha direitu ka sira hanesan mos ema illegal ida ne'ebe mak lahala'o sira nia orientasaun tamba ne'e mak sira presiza prense rekezitus ne'e par depois sira mos bele prense sira nia dokumentus ikus mai presiza husi universidade.", "Tamba ne'e reitor mos informa ba sira katak \"UNDIL nia pensamentu ita hare nia iha timor ne'e ita sura ne'e ita iha suku ita sura atus 400 ital sukus I iha aldeia kuaze total rihun 2600 ital.\"", "Entaun ita nia hanoin ne'e dehan ema be atu azensia saude ne'ebe prepara atu ba serbisu ho sira I liliu sira husi dentaria nehan ne'e deit tamba ema iha foho la'os kabun moras, ema la'os ulun, moras ema mos tenke nehan moras.", "Tamba ne'e maka hau nia hanoin projeita hela par bele fo responde ba necesidade tamba ukun-an labele ida Dili lartan deit, ukun-an tenke to'o iha ne'eba.", "Agora atu bele realiza ida ne'e governu iha politika ne'ebe diak par ita atu bele ajuda maibe ami mos apoiu sira rekursu umanu naton pelu menus asistensia ba nehan ninian, tan ne'e preparadu atu nune'e para ema hot-hotu bele iha tratamentu hanesan.", "I buat ida bolu esesnsia independensia ne'e sai realidade tamba ne'e maka esforsu ami nian koloka liu ba saude ninian ne'e I agora mos ami serbisu mos WHO doutor sira husi nehan ninian, nune'e par ami sei hari'I klinika ida iha ne'e para atendementu ba estudante sira mos ba publika sira oinsa par atu bele prepara.", "Tamba nehan la'os deit hasai fokit, la'os deit hanesan sasan mais ne'e prosesu tomak, kona ba matan, kona ba buat hotu ida ne'e mak esforsu ne'ebe mak ami halo ami hakarak hadia saude nian sai area de ke importante.", "Tamba ita moris mai ki'ik oan ema dehan tenke trata ita ho diak begitu sai bo'ot ita fali katuas ita labarik fali tamba ne'e ne'e mak hau hanoin katak resultadu hotu mais ekonomia ami hanoin hela katak agora sente hanoin tenke tau osan tamba bainhira ita hasai osan kuandu ita forte mais kuandu ita katuas ona hasai osan barak liu tan nune'e sensibilizasaun ida ne'e mak ami halo hela par oinsa atu ajuda komunidade sira.", "UNDIL iha fakuldade kerasu ne'en, ita iha dosente tahap rua katak permanente ne'e ita iha 120 pesoas depois dosente sira Partime ka kontratadu sira ne'e iha hotu depois eis ministru iha na'in 5 mai hanorin iha ne'e.", "Ne'e hanesan ema sira ne'ebe preparadu ema sira ne'ebe kapasidade naton para atu bele aselera lalais kualidade ne'ebe ita sente, dehan Reitor.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "UNDIL's New Students Hold Three-Day Orientation Dili----3,104 new students at the University of Timor Leste (UNTD) held a three day orientations to meet their requirements and justify how they can become legally enrolled as student in this university." ], [ "Rector of Dili University (UNDIL) Jose A. Perreira Belo told the new students, now you follow this guideline to meet your requirements or justify yourself as a legal student at Universidade de Díli and know how it runs in university life.\" he said on Wednesday 21 February when speaking with journalist'S during an interview held by his office for press release from UNDil campus" ], [ "\"There are now a total of 3,014 new students attending orientation this year. Including the faculty that has been following orientations from today until day three.\"" ], [ "Thus, the (6) faculties that follow this orientation are: Faculty of Political Science; School Of Law and Economic Sciences. The school is also home to a College For Educational Research in Health Care Studies as well As an Engineering Institute for Medical Students During their studies" ], [ "The first day of orientation will be an opening session followed by a lecture on the following morning and seminars from boakril president, deans or vice-dean." ], [ "She said, \"Before we had a 5-day orientation but due to the current weather conditions it is now five days effectively and only three of them will be held." ], [ "Therefore, the first day to carry out is what they are doing and how do you prepare documents I all these things. The second Day today we're opening up ourselves for them; on their third days it was just about going into faculties so that there can be good consultation in a university with some difficultities which could solve themselves as well because of this dean had several sisters who would give advice towards those coming from rural areas whereby he/she might get better acquainted at University!" ], [ "He also said, We have to change our children's method of orientation. In the past we gave them physical guidance on how they should pick things up and lay ground but now it is helping us shape their mindset better so that there will be a good understanding about what happen in university as well.\"" ], [ "Therefore they follow this orientation to understand and accumulate their thoughts, in the end we will have a seminar that I am mentioning today. To come open up your minds; give them hope because school is an extended process which takes some time but it'll be done at last: general cleanup of Dili city as activities are being carried out..." ], [ "\"Now we are preparing for the students who have not completed their orientation process, they will follow up with it in next period because this is also an important requirement to see them on a certificate and justify that these student were legal from beginning until end.\" he said." ], [ "He said, \"I think there is no sanction for them because they will follow the guidelines to fill out requirements as normal and continue with their processes like now. After that it's possible again.\"" ], [ "And also when the students who do not fill out these requirements, they have no right or are as an illegal person that is rejecting their orientation so it's necessary for them to complete this requirement and afterwards can print all documents required by university." ], [ "Therefore, the rector also informed them that \"UNDIL's thinking we see it on Timor-Leste. We are looking at this area of our district and look for 401 ital suku I a village almost totally thousand two hundred sixty\"." ], [ "So our idea is to say that the people in health care agencies who are prepared for work with them and especially those from dentistry should not eat this only because a person at home does no harm, it's nothing else than an illness." ], [ "That's why I think the project is going to be a response because independence can not only happen in Dili, it must reach there." ], [ "Now, to achieve this the government has a good policy for us that we can help but also support their human resources with less assistance in food so they are prepared and all people have equal treatment." ], [ "And something called the essence of independence is a reality because that's why our efforts are focused more on this health and now we also work with WHO doctor from nehan, so for us to build 'I clinic here as well service students public how can prepare." ], [ "Because it's not just about eating, but the whole process is important. It has to do with our eyes and everything else that we are doing in this area of health care which will be a major focus for us as well!" ], [ "Because we were born young and people say they should treat us well, so it becomes bo'ot when you are old or a child again therefore this is why I think that the result of all but economy We believe now feel thought to put money because if one takes out cash while stronger than once older take more then sensitization in how can help communities." ], [ "UNDIL in the faculty of masters, we have two-stage teachers that are permanent and there're about120 people after all these Partime or contracted professor is here. After five former minister has come to teach at this university..." ], [ "It's like people who are prepared, they have the capacity to quickly accelerate that quality we feel\", said Rector." ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais Lulik “Kasto Mutin” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais Lulik “Kasto Mutin”\nJerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais Lulik “Kasto Mutin”\nTais Timor-Leste. Foto espesiál\nDILI, 27 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) – Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais lulik “Kasto Mutin”, iha eventu Festivál Kultura Rezisténsia Populár (FKRP), iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD-sigla inglés).\nTais Kasto Mutin konsidera lulik husi reinu Manufahi tanba Dom Boaventura hatais hodi funu hasoru kolonializmu Portugés iha Manufahi. Tais ne’e mós konsidera iha valór místiku tanba tais ne’e pertense de’it ba uma lisan Mausala Malimau husi Dom Boaventura nian.\nKoordenadora Grupu soru Tais Samalenol husi Munisípiu Manufahi, Natalia Seizas esplika katak maske to’o ohin loron istória místika kona-ba Tais Kasto mutin ne’e sira nunka rona maibé jerasaun sira kontinua hakru’uk bandu ne’ebé beiala sira husik hela atu nafatin konsidera sasán hotu ne’ebé mak pertense ba Avo Dom Boaventura nian.\n“Ami dezde tempu Portugés kuandu Avo Dom Boaventura lakon funu no mós lakon iha rai Manufahi to’o ohin loron. Tais ne’e mós konsidera lakon hotu ona tanba laiha lisensa atu ninia jerasaun sira kontinua promove avo nia hatais sira ne’e,” hateten Koordenadora Natalia Seizas ba jornalista Ajénsia TATOLI, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCS-sigla portugés), tersa (27/08/2019).\n“Maibé depois kuandu Timor-Leste manán funu hodi ukun rasik aan foin mak hetan lisensa husi uma lisan Dom Boaventura nian atu jerasaun sira bele koñese sasán lulik sira ne’ebé avo uza iha tempu ne’ebá,” nia haktuir.\nNe’e duni, hanesan jerasaun foun, Koordenadora Natalia entuziazmu liu ba Tais Kasto Mutin ne’e ho hanoin ida atu promove fila fali tais origin ne’e atu keta lakon. Iha 2015 kuandu nia harii grupu Samalen nian motif dahuluk nia foti mak Baria funan ne’ebé mak hanaran Kasto Mutin.\nNia dehan maske agora sira hahú promove ona maibú la foti hotu ninia orijen tanba Tais orijen mai husi natureza difisil atu halo tuir.\nNinia modelu no koris hanesan maibé ninia tempra mak laiha ema ida hatene. Maibé pelumenus bele promove ona no jerasaun ohin kuandu haree rezultadu husi Tais Kasto Mutin ne’e sira haksolok tebes\nNune’e mos iha tais seluk mak hanesan Tais Metan (dom metan) bele hatais ba serimónia kulturál uma lisan no Tais matak uza ba serimónia tara bandu no saubatar.\nEntertantu, husi aprezentasaun konkursu soru Tais ne’e Grupu ne’e lori Motif Baria funan husi hatais Dom Boaventura nian no sira rasik garante katak Tais ne’ebé sira soru iha duni ninia kualidade tanba kabas ne’ebé uza liu ona husi teste manuál ne’ebé hoban ona ho ai-ben depois maran tiha hahú fase fila fali hodi hatene ninia kualidade.no ninia rezultadu kabas sira ne’e la malahuk.\nNotisia relevante:Grupu Artezanatu Lima Kompete Iha Eventu FKRP\nPrevious articleTratamentu ba Vítima Funu Sei Liuhusi Enkuadramentu Legál\nNext articleOhin, Kompetisaun Hahán Lokál iha Feira Gastronomia\nDeputadu Kalohan: “Loloos Ne’e Vise-Prezidente Na’in-Rua Tenke Destitui”\nDILI, 26 maiu 2020 (TATOLI)—Xefe Bankada Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Deputadu António da Conceição "Kalohan", hateten loloos ne’e vise-prezidente na’in-rua tenke destitui no halo eleisaun...\nMANATUTO, 30 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Eis Komandante Ein-Xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana, dezafia membru Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu hala’o serbisu labele haree...\nDILI, 29 maiu 2020 (TATOLI)—Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputada Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes hateten, ohin, Parlamentu Nasionál simu ona proposta alterasaun artigu balu hosi Fundu...
[ "Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais Lulik \"Kasto Mutin\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais Lulik \"Kasto Mutin\" Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais Lulik \"Kasto Mutin\" Tais Timor-Leste.", "Foto espesial DILI, 27 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) - Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promove Tais lulik \"Kasto Mutin,\" iha eventu Festival Kultura Rezistensia Popular (FKRP), iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD-sigla ingles).", "Tais Kasto Mutin konsidera lulik husi reinu Manufahi tanba Dom Boaventura hatais hodi funu hasoru kolonializmu Portuges iha Manufahi.", "Tais ne'e mos konsidera iha valor mistiku tanba tais ne'e pertense de'it ba uma lisan Mausala Malimau husi Dom Boaventura nian.", "Koordenadora Grupu soru Tais Samalenol husi Munisipiu Manufahi, Natalia Seizas esplika katak maske to'o ohin loron istoria mistika kona-ba Tais Kasto mutin ne'e sira nunka rona maibe jerasaun sira kontinua hakru'uk bandu ne'ebe beiala sira husik hela atu nafatin konsidera sasan hotu ne'ebe mak pertense ba Avo Dom Boaventura nian.", "\"Ami dezde tempu Portuges kuandu Avo Dom Boaventura lakon funu no mos lakon iha rai Manufahi to'o ohin loron.", "Tais ne'e mos konsidera lakon hotu ona tanba laiha lisensa atu ninia jerasaun sira kontinua promove avo nia hatais sira ne'e,\" hateten Koordenadora Natalia Seizas ba jornalista Ajensia TATOLI, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCS-sigla portuges), tersa (27/08/2019).", "\"Maibe depois kuandu Timor-Leste manan funu hodi ukun rasik aan foin mak hetan lisensa husi uma lisan Dom Boaventura nian atu jerasaun sira bele konese sasan lulik sira ne'ebe avo uza iha tempu ne'eba,\" nia haktuir.", "Ne'e duni, hanesan jerasaun foun, Koordenadora Natalia entuziazmu liu ba Tais Kasto Mutin ne'e ho hanoin ida atu promove fila fali tais origin ne'e atu keta lakon.", "Iha 2015 kuandu nia harii grupu Samalen nian motif dahuluk nia foti mak Baria funan ne'ebe mak hanaran Kasto Mutin.", "Nia dehan maske agora sira hahu promove ona maibu la foti hotu ninia orijen tanba Tais orijen mai husi natureza difisil atu halo tuir.", "Ninia modelu no koris hanesan maibe ninia tempra mak laiha ema ida hatene.", "Maibe pelumenus bele promove ona no jerasaun ohin kuandu haree rezultadu husi Tais Kasto Mutin ne'e sira haksolok tebes Nune'e mos iha tais seluk mak hanesan Tais Metan (dom metan) bele hatais ba serimonia kultural uma lisan no Tais matak uza ba serimonia tara bandu no saubatar.", "Entertantu, husi aprezentasaun konkursu soru Tais ne'e Grupu ne'e lori Motif Baria funan husi hatais Dom Boaventura nian no sira rasik garante katak Tais ne'ebe sira soru iha duni ninia kualidade tanba kabas ne'ebe uza liu ona husi teste manual ne'ebe hoban ona ho ai-ben depois maran tiha hahu fase fila fali hodi hatene ninia kualidade.no ninia rezultadu kabas sira ne'e la malahuk.", "Notisia relevante:Grupu Artezanatu Lima Kompete Iha Eventu FKRP Previous articleTratamentu ba Vitima Funu Sei Liuhusi Enkuadramentu Legal Next articleOhin, Kompetisaun Hahan Lokal iha Feira Gastronomia Deputadu Kalohan: \"Loloos Ne'e Vise-Prezidente Na'in-Rua Tenke Destitui\" DILI, 26 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Deputadu Antonio da Conceicao \"Kalohan,\" hateten loloos ne'e vise-prezidente na'in-rua tenke destitui no halo eleisaun...", "MANATUTO, 30 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Eis Komandante Ein-Xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana, dezafia membru Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu hala'o serbisu labele haree...", "DILI, 29 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputada Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes hateten, ohin, Parlamentu Nasional simu ona proposta alterasaun artigu balu hosi Fundu..." ]
[ [ "Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promotes Tais Lulik \"Kasto Mutin\" | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI JERASÃO DO BOAVENTURA PROMOTES TAIS LULIK “KASTO MUTIN” JERASION OF THE GODS (JERASON)" ], [ "DILI, August 27th (Xinhua) - Jerasaun Dom Boaventura Promotes Tais lulik \"Kasto Mutin\" at the Popular Resistance Culture Festival event in Dili Convention Centre. The festival is held every year since it was founded by a group of young people who wanted to promote their own culture and traditions through traditional dance activities such as “kastos” or dancing on horseback during Christmas holiday time" ], [ "Tais Kasto Mutin considers himself a lulik of the kingdom Manufahi because Dom Boaventura had fought against Portuguese colonialism in Manuhai." ], [ "It is also considered to have a mystical value because it belongs exclusively in the house of Mausala Malimau from Dom Boaventura." ], [ "The coordinator of the Tais Samalenol research group from Manufahi Municipality, Natalia Seizas explained that although to this day they have never heard about mystical stories regarding these mutin's Kasto Cave but generation after Generation continue holding fast at their forefather’ s legacy and consider all things belongings by Avo Dom Boanventura." ], [ "\"We have since Portuguese times when Grandfather Dom Boaventura lost the war and also in Manufahi to this day." ], [ "It's also considered lost because there is no license for its generation to continue promoting his grandfather,\" Coordinator Natalia Seizas told journalist Ajensia TATOLI at the Dili Convention Center (CCS), on Tuesday." ], [ "\"But later when Timor-Leste won the war for independence, we only got a license from Dom Boaventura's house so that future generation can know about all those things our grandfather used at this time.\"" ], [ "As a new generation, Coordinator Natalia is more enthusiastic about Tais Kasto Mutin with the idea of promoting back this original tais so that it will not be lost." ], [ "In 2015 when he founded the Samalen group, his first motif was a funny bar called Kasto Mutin." ], [ "He said that although now they have begun to promote maibu not take all its origin because Tai's origine comes from nature difficult." ], [ "His model and choir are the same but his time is unknown." ], [ "But the young people can promote and today's generation when seeing results of Tais Kasto Mutin they are very happy. Also in other tais is as Metan (methane gift) may be used for cultural ceremony home language, methan use to ceremonies tara bandu e saubatar .\"" ], [ "However, from the presentation of this Tais competition Motif Baria was taken by Group and they themselves guarantee that their taies have its quality because it has passed a manual test which is mixed with wood after drying begins phase back to know his qualities.no results kabaas these are not faulty!" ], [ "Relevant News:Five Craftsmen Group Compete In FKRP Event Previous articleTreatment for Victim of Funu Will Be Legally Framed Next ArticleToday, Local Food Competitions at Gastronomy Fair MP Kalohan says \"Loloos is Vice-President Na'in Rua Must be Dismissed\" DILI May.26th (AFP) - Democratic Party(PD), MEP Antonio da Conceicao “Kalohang,” said that the two vice president must actually..." ], [ "MANATUTO, May 30th (TATOLI) - Former FALINTIL Commandant-in–Chief Kay Rala Xanana challenged members of the Timorese National Police to carry out their work without looking at..." ], [ "DILI, May 29th (TATOLI) - Deputy Speaker of the National Parliament Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes said that today it has received a proposal to change some articles in..." ] ]
TIC TIMOR FASILITA TREINAMENTU BA TÉKNIKU ICT HUSI LIÑA MINISTERIAL SIRA | TIC TIMOR\nTIC TIMOR FASILITA TREINAMENTU BA TÉKNIKU ICT HUSI LIÑA MINISTERIAL SIRA\nTIC MEDIA - Mon, 07/27/2020 - 16:44\nAjénsia Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) TIMOR I.P, liu husi Divizaun Infraestrutura, fasilita treinamentu kona-ba Internetworking Concepts Network ba tékniku Information Communications Technology (ICT), husi liña Ministerial sira ne’ebé iha ona ligasaun mai TIC TIMOR I.P.\nObjetivu husi treinamentu ne’e, atu hasa’e tékniku sira nia koñesimentu hodi hadi’a liu tan sira nia rede internal iha idak-idak nia instituisaun bainhira hetan problema.\nIha serimónia enserramentu, Diretór Ezekutivu TIC TIMOR I.P, Roberto Caitano de Sousa Vicente hatete, nia parte hein katak buat ne’ebé tékniku sira aprende husi TIC TIMOR bele aplika iha sira nia servisu loroloron.\nXefe Ezekutivu Informa katak, treinamentu ne’e, hola parte husi planu ne’ebé TIC TIMOR iha, tanba Ajénsia iha kbiit naton atu fó formasaun sira no sei iha kontinuasaun la’ós iha rede de’it maibé mós, kona-ba aplikasaun ruma liu-liu iha área espesializadu kona-ba dezenvolve programasaun, no seguransa sibernétika.\nIha biban ne’e, Askar Syarif, hanesan treinadór hatete, Matéria ne’ebé fó, la’ós báziku liu maibé prepara sira atu hetan sertifikadu kona-ba rede nian no matéria ne’ebé hanorin iha relasaun ho Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).\nTreinamentu ne’e, fó prioridade ba liña ministerial sira ne’ebé iha ona ligasaun mai TIC TIMOR maibé fó mós espasu ba liña ministerial sira ne’ebé hakarak tuir no sei iha tan treinamentu iha fulan hira mai ho nivel ne’ebé avansadu.\nAlende ne’e, reprezentante husi partisipante sira, Agradese ba TIC TIMOR tanba fó ona oportunidade ba sira hodi tuir treinamentu ida ne’e tanba TIC TIMOR hanesan sentru ba informátika no husu atu aumenta tempu naruk ituan nune’e sira bele aproveita ho di’ak.\nPartisipante sira ne’e mai husi, Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP) na’in 2, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) na’in 2, Ministériu Saúde (MS) na’in 2, SEPFOPE na’in 2, SERVE I.P na’in 2, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKOP) na’in 2, inklui estajiáriu na’in 2 husi TIC TIMOR.\nEntretantu iha serimónia enserramentu ne’e, fahe mós sertifikadu ba partisipante sira no sertifikadu ne’e fahe direta husi Diretór Ezekutivu TIC TIMOR I.P. #MÉDIA TIC#\nTIC fasilita treinamentu ba tekniku ICT husi lina ministeriu sira
[ "TIC TIMOR FASILITA TREINAMENTU BA TEKNIKU ICT HUSI LINA MINISTERIAL SIRA | TIC TIMOR TIC TIMOR FASILITA TREINAMENTU BA TEKNIKU ICT HUSI LINA MINISTERIAL SIRA TIC MEDIA - Mon, 07/27/2020 - 16:44 Ajensia Tecnologia da Informacao e Comunicacao (TIC) TIMOR I.P, liu husi Divizaun Infraestrutura, fasilita treinamentu kona-ba Internetworking Concepts Network ba tekniku Information Communications Technology (ICT), husi lina Ministerial sira ne'ebe iha ona ligasaun mai TIC TIMOR I.P. Objetivu husi treinamentu ne'e, atu hasa'e tekniku sira nia konesimentu hodi hadi'a liu tan sira nia rede internal iha idak-idak nia instituisaun bainhira hetan problema.", "Iha serimonia enserramentu, Diretor Ezekutivu TIC TIMOR I.P, Roberto Caitano de Sousa Vicente hatete, nia parte hein katak buat ne'ebe tekniku sira aprende husi TIC TIMOR bele aplika iha sira nia servisu loroloron.", "Xefe Ezekutivu Informa katak, treinamentu ne'e, hola parte husi planu ne'ebe TIC TIMOR iha, tanba Ajensia iha kbiit naton atu fo formasaun sira no sei iha kontinuasaun la'os iha rede de'it maibe mos, kona-ba aplikasaun ruma liu-liu iha area espesializadu kona-ba dezenvolve programasaun, no seguransa sibernetika.", "Iha biban ne'e, Askar Syarif, hanesan treinador hatete, Materia ne'ebe fo, la'os baziku liu maibe prepara sira atu hetan sertifikadu kona-ba rede nian no materia ne'ebe hanorin iha relasaun ho Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).", "Treinamentu ne'e, fo prioridade ba lina ministerial sira ne'ebe iha ona ligasaun mai TIC TIMOR maibe fo mos espasu ba lina ministerial sira ne'ebe hakarak tuir no sei iha tan treinamentu iha fulan hira mai ho nivel ne'ebe avansadu.", "Alende ne'e, reprezentante husi partisipante sira, Agradese ba TIC TIMOR tanba fo ona oportunidade ba sira hodi tuir treinamentu ida ne'e tanba TIC TIMOR hanesan sentru ba informatika no husu atu aumenta tempu naruk ituan nune'e sira bele aproveita ho di'ak.", "Partisipante sira ne'e mai husi, Ministeriu Obras Publika (MOP) na'in 2, Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) na'in 2, Ministeriu Saude (MS) na'in 2, SEPFOPE na'in 2, SERVE I.P na'in 2, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKOP) na'in 2, inklui estajiariu na'in 2 husi TIC TIMOR.", "Entretantu iha serimonia enserramentu ne'e, fahe mos sertifikadu ba partisipante sira no sertifikadu ne'e fahe direta husi Diretor Ezekutivu TIC TIMOR I.P. #MEDIA TIC# TIC fasilita treinamentu ba tekniku ICT husi lina ministeriu sira" ]
[ [ "TIC TIMOR FACILITATE TRAINING FOR INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS Technology (ICT) TEACHERS IN THE MINISTERIAL SERVICES - Mon,07/26 /19:45 The Information and Communication Technologies Agency of Timor-Leste through its Infrastructure Division has facilitated training on Internetworking Concepts Network for information communication technology teachers in the ministerial services that are already connected to IT Services. This is aimed at improvings their knowledge so they can further improve internal network functionality within each institution when problems arise with it;" ], [ "At the closing ceremony, TIC TIMOR I.P Executive Director Roberto Caitano de Sousa Vicente said he hoped that what they learned from their training would be applied in everyday work and help them to achieve better outcomes at all levels of governmental administrations as a whole.\"" ], [ "The Chief Executive informed that the training is part of ICT TIMOR's plan, because it has a strong capacity to provide this type Training and will continue not only on network but also for some applications especially specialized areas such as programming development or cyber security." ], [ "In addition, Askar Syarif as trainer said that the material given is not basic but prepares them to obtain certification on networking and subject matter taught in relation with Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)." ], [ "This training, gives priority to the ministerial lines that already have a connection with ICT TIMOR but also give space for line ministries who want and there will be more in coming months at an advanced level." ], [ "In addition, representatives of the participants thanked TIC TIMOR for having given them an opportunity to attend this training because it is a centre in information technology and asked that they increase their long-term commitment so we can take full benefit." ], [ "The participants came from the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) 2, Ministerial for Foreign Trade and Cooperation( MNEK), Ministerie de la Santé/Ministry Of Health - MS- two persons; SEPFOPE: Two people SERVE I.P –two individual members Secretariat State Cooperative Secretaryship SEKOPS–Two trainees including one intern at ITTC TIMOR" ], [ "Meanwhile, at the closing ceremony certificates were also handed out to participants and this certification was given directly by ICT TIMOR I.P Executive Director #MEDIA#TIC@TCT facilitates training for IT Technicians from line ministries" ] ]
Taur Matan Ruak husu ba tribunal atu avalia konstitusionalidade hosi modifikasaun ba lei eleitoral - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nTaur Matan Ruak husu ba tribunal atu avalia konstitusionalidade hosi modifikasaun ba lei eleitoral\n04 de Abril de 2017, 18:51\nPrezidente Repúblika Timor-Leste, Taur Matan Ruak, husu ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba tribunal rekursu atu avalia konstitusionalidade hosi alterasaun balun iha lei eleitoral, inklui posibilidade hosi deputadu sira bele lakon mandatu tanba violasaun ba disiplina partidáriu nian.\nKomunikadu ida ne'ebé haruka ba Lusa hosi gabinete Prezidente nian informa katak Taur Matan Ruak haruka ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba tribunal rekursu dekretu ida parlamentu nian ne'ebé aprova mudansa dahaat ba lei eleitoral hodi halo "fiskalizasaun preventivu hosi konstitusionalidade nian".\n"Iha dúvida sira kona-ba konstitusionalidade ba norma sira ne'ebé relativu ho posibilidade atu deputadu sira lakon mandatu tanba viola disiplina partidáriu nian", hanesan mós mudansa hosi "kompeténsia regulamentasaun nian" ba lei sira kona-ba asaun eleitoral sira hosi Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun sira nian ba Governu.\nPrezidente timoroan husu mós atu tribunal analiza norma ne'ebé haree ba krimi "utilizasaun la loos hosi naran ka símbolu" durante períudu kampaña eleitoral nian.\n"Prezidente Repúblika konfia atu Tribunal Rekursu esklarese dúvida sira ne'ebé mosu iha intervensaun lejislativu ho importánsia maka'as tebes", hakotu hosi komunikadu ne'e.\nEleisaun lejislativu sei hala'o iha fulan-Jullu.
[ "Taur Matan Ruak husu ba tribunal atu avalia konstitusionalidade hosi modifikasaun ba lei eleitoral - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Taur Matan Ruak husu ba tribunal atu avalia konstitusionalidade hosi modifikasaun ba lei eleitoral 04 de Abril de 2017, 18:51 Prezidente Republika Timor-Leste, Taur Matan Ruak, husu ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba tribunal rekursu atu avalia konstitusionalidade hosi alterasaun balun iha lei eleitoral, inklui posibilidade hosi deputadu sira bele lakon mandatu tanba violasaun ba disiplina partidariu nian.", "Komunikadu ida ne'ebe haruka ba Lusa hosi gabinete Prezidente nian informa katak Taur Matan Ruak haruka ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba tribunal rekursu dekretu ida parlamentu nian ne'ebe aprova mudansa dahaat ba lei eleitoral hodi halo \"fiskalizasaun preventivu hosi konstitusionalidade nian.\"", "\"Iha duvida sira kona-ba konstitusionalidade ba norma sira ne'ebe relativu ho posibilidade atu deputadu sira lakon mandatu tanba viola disiplina partidariu nian,\" hanesan mos mudansa hosi \"kompetensia regulamentasaun nian\" ba lei sira kona-ba asaun eleitoral sira hosi Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun sira nian ba Governu.", "Prezidente timoroan husu mos atu tribunal analiza norma ne'ebe haree ba krimi \"utilizasaun la loos hosi naran ka simbolu\" durante periudu kampana eleitoral nian.", "\"Prezidente Republika konfia atu Tribunal Rekursu esklarese duvida sira ne'ebe mosu iha intervensaun lejislativu ho importansia maka'as tebes,\" hakotu hosi komunikadu ne'e.", "Eleisaun lejislativu sei hala'o iha fulan-Jullu." ]
[ [ "Taur Matan Ruak asks court to assess constitutionality of amendments in electoral law - News SAPO 04 de Abril,18:52 The Timor-Leste President has asked the appeals tribunal on Tuesday for an evaluation by that body regarding some changes made into election legislation. These include provisions which would allow MP'S lose their mandate if they violated party discipline and other restrictions imposed upon parliamentarians when sitting at national level (see above)." ], [ "A statement sent to Lusa from the presidential office informs that on Tuesday, Taur Matan Ruak submitted a parliamentary decree approving further changes in electoral law for \"preventive fiscalization of its constitutionality.\"" ], [ "\"There are doubts about the constitutionality of norms relating to members' possibility for losing their mandate because they violated party discipline,\" as well a change in “regulatory competence” on law concernings electoral actions from National Election Commission (NEC) and Government." ], [ "The president also requested that the courts analyse rules relating to crime of \"improper use or symbol\" during electoral campaign period." ], [ "\"The President of the Republic trusts that this Court will clarify doubts raised in a legislative intervention which is extremely important,\" concluded its statement." ], [ "The legislative elections will be held in July." ] ]
By Tempo Timor March 20, 2021 1272\nAutoridade Lokál Aldeia Raeudu, Suku Lihu, Postu Administrativu Railaku,Munisípiu Ermera, Rejina Pereira Carvalho hamutuk ho komunidade kuda ai oan iha Rai Lako, Sexta (19/3) Foto Tempo Timor\n“Ita tenke kuda filafali atu nune'e futuru oin mai ai-horis sira boot ne'e bele uza ba halo produsaun material importente. Tamba ne'e tenke kuda fali nune'e bainhira udan boot bele salva rai labele mosu inundasaun”, dehan nia ba www.tempotimor.com iha fatin kuda ai-horis, sesta (19/03).\nTanba inisiativa joven sira ne’e di’ak hodi proteje meiu ambiente no iha vizaun ne'ebè di’ak ba futuru.\nKomisaun organizadora, representa mòs Joventude, Rigobertu de Jesus Soares hatete, objetivu husi kuda ai-horis ne'e atu halo reaflorestasaun oinsá proteje natureza bainhira udan labele mosu inundasaun.\n“Ne'e hanoin ida husi ami joventude 50 apoiu mòs inan no aman sira hodi realiza programa refere”, afirma nia.\nIha programe hetan apoiu husi Organizasaun\nNaun Governamental (NGO) CI no tipu Ai-horis iha 3, ai-santuku, ai-kakeu no aí-au. Tanba ne’e totál hamutuk 250, aí-kakeu 100, aí-santuku 100 no Ai-au 50, no rai ne'ebè kuda ho medida luan ektare 2. (*)\n« Ponte AISOL Kotu, Izola Komunidade Suku Rua Autoriedade Ermera Hari’i Postu Vizilánsia iha Pontu Entrada Motahare »
[ "By Tempo Timor March 20, 2021 1272 Autoridade Lokal Aldeia Raeudu, Suku Lihu, Postu Administrativu Railaku,Munisipiu Ermera, Rejina Pereira Carvalho hamutuk ho komunidade kuda ai oan iha Rai Lako, Sexta (19/3) Foto Tempo Timor \"Ita tenke kuda filafali atu nune'e futuru oin mai ai-horis sira boot ne'e bele uza ba halo produsaun material importente.", "Tamba ne'e tenke kuda fali nune'e bainhira udan boot bele salva rai labele mosu inundasaun,\" dehan nia ba www.tempotimor.com iha fatin kuda ai-horis, sesta (19/03).", "Tanba inisiativa joven sira ne'e di'ak hodi proteje meiu ambiente no iha vizaun ne'ebe di'ak ba futuru.", "Komisaun organizadora, representa mos Joventude, Rigobertu de Jesus Soares hatete, objetivu husi kuda ai-horis ne'e atu halo reaflorestasaun oinsa proteje natureza bainhira udan labele mosu inundasaun.", "\"Ne'e hanoin ida husi ami joventude 50 apoiu mos inan no aman sira hodi realiza programa refere,\" afirma nia.", "Iha programe hetan apoiu husi Organizasaun Naun Governamental (NGO) CI no tipu Ai-horis iha 3, ai-santuku, ai-kakeu no ai-au.", "Tanba ne'e total hamutuk 250, ai-kakeu 100, ai-santuku 100 no Ai-au 50, no rai ne'ebe kuda ho medida luan ektare 2. (*) \" Ponte AISOL Kotu, Izola Komunidade Suku Rua Autoriedade Ermera Hari'i Postu Vizilansia iha Pontu Entrada Motahare \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor March 20,1973 Local Authority Aldeia Raeudu in Suku Lihu of Posto Administrativu Railaku Municipality Ermera planting trees with the community at Rai Lako on Friday (March) Photo: Time East \"We have to replant so that we can use these large plants for important material production." ], [ "Therefore, we have to replant so that when heavy rains can save the land from flooding does not occur\", he told www.tempotimor!com at a planting site on Saturday (19/03)." ], [ "Because young people's initiatives are good for protecting the environment and have a great vision of their future." ], [ "Rigobertu de Jesus Soares, from the Organizing Committee and Youth representative said: \"The aim of this tree plantation is to reforest so that when it rains there will be no flood." ], [ "\"This is one of the ideas from our youth group 50, which also supports mother and father to carry out this program\", she said." ], [ "The program was supported by the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) CI and type Trees in 3, trees of santuku ai." ], [ "Therefore, the total is 250 trees: kaktus tree -147; sakura-tree (A. santuku) –368 and ai au plantation of which has been planted on a land area measuring approximately two hectares (*). \" Ponte AISOL Kotu Izola Comunidade Suco Rua Autoriedade Ermera Hari'I Posto Vizilansia no Ponto Entrada Motahare\"" ] ]
KM Aprova Dekretu Lei Apoiu Nesesidade Baziku Ba Funsionariu Publiku | STLNEWS\nDILI , STLNEWS.co – Konsellu Ministru (KM) halao sorumutu iha Palasiu Governu aprova ona projetu dekretu-lei, atu kria subsidiu mensal ai-han nian ba funsionariu publiku sira.\nMinistru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (MPKM) Fidelis Leite Magalhaes katak, projetu dekretu lei neebe Konselu Ministru aprova nee, ho objetivu atu kria subsidiu mensal ba funsionariu publiku sira.\n“Subsidiu ida nee hanesan produtu agrikola nasional, neebe sei fo ba funsionariu publiku sira ho objetivu permite hamenus despeza, ho akizisaun ba ai-han sira no konfesaun refeisaun sira, liu – liu atu promove akizisaun produtu agrikola sira husi produtor nasional, nomos atu insentiva aumentu produtividade setor agrikola nian,” dehan Ministru MPKM Fidelis Leite Magalhaes hafoin remata enkontru KM extra ordinariu iha Palasiu Governu, Dili, Segunda nee (20/09/2021).\nTamba nee, kada fulan funsionariu publiku sira sei hetan subsidiu ai-han hanesan foos 35 Kg nomos produtu lokal sira seluk.\n“Fulan – fulan funsionariu publiku sira iha diretu ba foos 35kg, batar kilo lima, koto kilo lima, fore mungu kilo lima no fore keli kilo rua. Karik laiha produtu sira anterior balun neebe temi ona, bele troka ho produtu sira seluk ho valor hanesan. Sei entrega trimestralmente husi orgaun no servisu sira ba benefisiariu, neebe ezerse ninia funsaun,” dehan governante nee.\nFidelis dehan, hafoin KM aprova projetu dekretu lei nee, tuir mai sei haruka ba Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres “Lu Olo” hodi deside tuir dalan legal neebe mak iha.\n“Proposta dekretu lei nee ohin governu foin aprova, no tuir mai sei haruka ba iha prezidensia Republika ba promulgasaun, neebe desizaun ohin KM deside nee parte governu nian hotu ona, maibe tanba tuir konstituisaun mak haruka fali ba iha Prezidensia repúblika hodi deside, no ida nee seidauk final, bainhira seidauk iha promulgasaun,” dehan porta voz governu.\nNia hatutan, bainhira dekretu lei hetan promulgasaun husi Prezidente Republika, mak sei tama iha vigor iha fulan Janeiru tinan 2022.*\nPrevious articleMAE Fo Pose Ba Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Dili\nNext articleWPF Apoiu Laptop 10 Ho Printer 4 Ba RTTL.EP
[ "KM Aprova Dekretu Lei Apoiu Nesesidade Baziku Ba Funsionariu Publiku | STLNEWS DILI , STLNEWS.co - Konsellu Ministru (KM) halao sorumutu iha Palasiu Governu aprova ona projetu dekretu-lei, atu kria subsidiu mensal ai-han nian ba funsionariu publiku sira.", "Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (MPKM) Fidelis Leite Magalhaes katak, projetu dekretu lei neebe Konselu Ministru aprova nee, ho objetivu atu kria subsidiu mensal ba funsionariu publiku sira.", "\"Subsidiu ida nee hanesan produtu agrikola nasional, neebe sei fo ba funsionariu publiku sira ho objetivu permite hamenus despeza, ho akizisaun ba ai-han sira no konfesaun refeisaun sira, liu - liu atu promove akizisaun produtu agrikola sira husi produtor nasional, nomos atu insentiva aumentu produtividade setor agrikola nian,\" dehan Ministru MPKM Fidelis Leite Magalhaes hafoin remata enkontru KM extra ordinariu iha Palasiu Governu, Dili, Segunda nee (20/09/2021).", "Tamba nee, kada fulan funsionariu publiku sira sei hetan subsidiu ai-han hanesan foos 35 Kg nomos produtu lokal sira seluk.", "\"Fulan - fulan funsionariu publiku sira iha diretu ba foos 35kg, batar kilo lima, koto kilo lima, fore mungu kilo lima no fore keli kilo rua.", "Karik laiha produtu sira anterior balun neebe temi ona, bele troka ho produtu sira seluk ho valor hanesan.", "Sei entrega trimestralmente husi orgaun no servisu sira ba benefisiariu, neebe ezerse ninia funsaun,\" dehan governante nee.", "Fidelis dehan, hafoin KM aprova projetu dekretu lei nee, tuir mai sei haruka ba Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\" hodi deside tuir dalan legal neebe mak iha.", "\"Proposta dekretu lei nee ohin governu foin aprova, no tuir mai sei haruka ba iha prezidensia Republika ba promulgasaun, neebe desizaun ohin KM deside nee parte governu nian hotu ona, maibe tanba tuir konstituisaun mak haruka fali ba iha Prezidensia republika hodi deside, no ida nee seidauk final, bainhira seidauk iha promulgasaun,\" dehan porta voz governu.", "Nia hatutan, bainhira dekretu lei hetan promulgasaun husi Prezidente Republika, mak sei tama iha vigor iha fulan Janeiru tinan 2022.* Previous articleMAE Fo Pose Ba Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Dili Next articleWPF Apoiu Laptop 10 Ho Printer 4 Ba RTTL.EP" ]
[ [ "CM Approves Decree-Law Supporting Basic Necessities For Public Employees | STLNEWS DILI ,Stlnews.co - The Council of Minister (CM) held a meeting at the Government Palace has approved draft decreet law to create monthly food subsidie for public employee" ], [ "The Minister of the Presidency (MPKM) Fidelis Leite Magalhaes said that, with this draft decree-law approved by a Council and Parliamentary Committees on 20th June in Lisbon to create monthly subsidization for public employee." ], [ "\"This subsidy is a national agricultural product, which will be given to civil servants with the objective of allowing for reduced expenditure on food purchase and meal confession. It also aims at promoting acquisition from domestic producer in order as an incentive increase productivity within this sector\", said MPKM Minister Fidelis Leita Magalhaes after concluded his extraordinary KM meeting that took place Monday (20/9) last week during Government Palace' s regular session held here today.\"" ], [ "Therefore, every month civil servants will receive food subsidies such as 35 kg of flour and other local produce." ], [ "\"In the next month, civil servants will have direct access to 35kg of wheat flour; five kilogramme batter and cotton wool." ], [ "If there are no previously mentioned products, they can be exchanged for other items of equal value." ], [ "They will be delivered on a quarterly basis by the bodies and services to beneficiaries, who exercise their functions\", said Governor." ], [ "Fidelis said that after the KM approves this draft decree, it will then be sent to President Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\" so he can decide through legal means." ], [ "\"The proposed decree-law was approved today by the government, and will be subsequently sent to President's Office for promulgation. The decision taken on this day is a part of all Government actions but because it has been referred back under Constitutional provisions in order that Presidency may decide thereon; so its not yet finalized until such time as promulgations are made.\"" ], [ "He added that when the decree-law is promulgated by President of Republic, it will enter into force in January 2019.* PreviousMAE Appoints Dili Municipal Authority Chairman Next articleWPF Supporting RTTL.EP With Ten Laptop and Four Printers" ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Dom Basilio do Nascimento: “KOK Tenki Kaer Lalais Ona Mauk Moruk”\nDom Basilio do Nascimento: “KOK Tenki Kaer Lalais Ona Mauk Moruk”\nJornal Nacional Diário - 27 de abril de 2015\nBispo Diocese Baucau, Dom Basilio do Nascimento, husu ba Komando Operasaun Konjunta (KOK) atu kaer lalais Mauk Moruk ho nia grupu, tanba oras ne’e dadauk povu iha Municipiu Baucau, terus liu ona.\nDom Basilio dehan, buat ne’ebé maka povu iha Municipiu Baucau nian ne’eba lamenta ne’e, tanba sira ladun bok an, tanba operasaun ne’e.\n“Sira tenki buka atu kaer lalais, atu povu mós bele la’o avontade. Situasaun ne’e halo povu la’o atu buka moris ladiak,”dehan Dom Basilio do Nacimentu iha Palacio Governu, Sesta (24/4), hafoin hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru Rui Maria de Araújo.\nDom Basilio hatutan, situasaun hanesan ne’e, sira tenki kontrola duni, maibé operasaun ne’e, lao durante fulan ida ona, no povu sira mós senti katak, buat ne’e demais ona, baihira maka kaer los. Dom Basilio dehan, nia mós lamenta tebés ho hahalok Komando Operasaun Konjunta nian, tanba estraga povu nia sasan, no baku povu ne’ebé maka lahatene buat ida.\nPovu sira nia sasan, hanesan odamatan, janela, sanan, bikan no buat seluk tan maka KOK tebe rahun, wainhira pasa revista tama sai uma. Dom Basilio esklarese, povu iha Municipiu Baucau, dadauk ne’e labele bok an atu buka sira moris lor-loron, tanba tuku lima lokraik deit, sira tenki sulan ona iha sira nia uma laran.\nDom Basilio dehan, nia triste tebes ho situasaun ida ne’e, tanba dala barak ona povu ki’ik sira ba hato’o keixa ba nia, relasiona ho hahalok KOK nian.\n“Katekista sira hato’o keixa mai hau, no membru Diocese nian, ba komisaun Justisa e paz mós, ba halo investigasaun hodi hare. i hau dehan ba sira katak, kuandu iha sasan hanesan ne’e, tenki buka atu halo ba oin, liu husi kanais sira ne’ebé maka iha atu buat hirak ne’e, bele to’o iha leten ba,”tenik Dom Basilio.tap .
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Dom Basilio do Nascimento: \"KOK Tenki Kaer Lalais Ona Mauk Moruk\" Dom Basilio do Nascimento: \"KOK Tenki Kaer Lalais Ona Mauk Moruk\" Jornal Nacional Diario - 27 de abril de 2015 Bispo Diocese Baucau, Dom Basilio do Nascimento, husu ba Komando Operasaun Konjunta (KOK) atu kaer lalais Mauk Moruk ho nia grupu, tanba oras ne'e dadauk povu iha Municipiu Baucau, terus liu ona.", "Dom Basilio dehan, buat ne'ebe maka povu iha Municipiu Baucau nian ne'eba lamenta ne'e, tanba sira ladun bok an, tanba operasaun ne'e.", "\"Sira tenki buka atu kaer lalais, atu povu mos bele la'o avontade.", "Situasaun ne'e halo povu la'o atu buka moris ladiak,\"dehan Dom Basilio do Nacimentu iha Palacio Governu, Sesta (24/4), hafoin hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru Rui Maria de Araujo.", "Dom Basilio hatutan, situasaun hanesan ne'e, sira tenki kontrola duni, maibe operasaun ne'e, lao durante fulan ida ona, no povu sira mos senti katak, buat ne'e demais ona, baihira maka kaer los.", "Dom Basilio dehan, nia mos lamenta tebes ho hahalok Komando Operasaun Konjunta nian, tanba estraga povu nia sasan, no baku povu ne'ebe maka lahatene buat ida.", "Povu sira nia sasan, hanesan odamatan, janela, sanan, bikan no buat seluk tan maka KOK tebe rahun, wainhira pasa revista tama sai uma.", "Dom Basilio esklarese, povu iha Municipiu Baucau, dadauk ne'e labele bok an atu buka sira moris lor-loron, tanba tuku lima lokraik deit, sira tenki sulan ona iha sira nia uma laran.", "Dom Basilio dehan, nia triste tebes ho situasaun ida ne'e, tanba dala barak ona povu ki'ik sira ba hato'o keixa ba nia, relasiona ho hahalok KOK nian.", "\"Katekista sira hato'o keixa mai hau, no membru Diocese nian, ba komisaun Justisa e paz mos, ba halo investigasaun hodi hare. i hau dehan ba sira katak, kuandu iha sasan hanesan ne'e, tenki buka atu halo ba oin, liu husi kanais sira ne'ebe maka iha atu buat hirak ne'e, bele to'o iha leten ba,\"tenik Dom Basilio.tap ." ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Bishop Basilio do Nascimento, Diocese of Baucau's Archbishop asks the Joint Operation Command (KOK) to quickly arrest Mauk Moruk and his group. The people in Municipality Bacau are suffering more than ever before at this time; they have been forced into a state where their lives can be threatened by terrorist groups like Boko Haram or Al-Qaeda.\"" ], [ "Dom Basilio said that what the people in Baucau Municipality lamented was because they did not feel comfortable with this operation." ], [ "\"They must try to catch it quickly, so that the people can not go on their own." ], [ "The situation makes people go to seek a better life,\" said Dom Basilio do Nacimentu in the Government Palace on Saturday (24/05), after meeting with Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo." ], [ "Dom Basilio said that such a situation should be controlled, but the operation has been going on for one month now and people feel it's too much to handle." ], [ "Dom Basilio said, he also deplored the actions of Joint Operation Command because they destroyed people's property and beat up those who were not holding anything." ], [ "People's belongings, such as doors and windows were broken down by KOK when they went through the house." ], [ "Dom Basilio explained, people in the Municipality of Baucau today cannot afford to look for their daily livelihoods because at five o'clock they have already been forced into bed." ], [ "Dom Basilio said that he is very sad about this situation, because many times the small people have come to him with complaints regarding KOK'S behaviour." ], [ "\"The catechists complained to me, and members of the diocese's Justice & Peace commission also for an investigation. I told them that when there is such a thing they must try their best through all available channel in order this matter can be brought up\", said Dom Basilio .\"" ] ]
F-FDTL Hahu Distribui Formulariu Rekrutamentu – STL Online\nF-FDTL Hahu Distribui Formulariu Rekrutamentu\nDILI-Komisaun Rekrutamentu F-FDTL, hahu dia 25 Novembru 2019, komesa distribui formulariu rekrutamentu ba foinsae Timor oan neebe hakarak sai militar F-FDTL.\nRelasiona ho rekrutamentu nee, Komisaun Rekrutamentu Konjuntu Ministeriu Defeza no Komando F-FDTL koloka ona ekipa konjunta hamutuk nain 13 hodi tun direita ba kada munisipiu inklui RAEOA, no postu administraitvu 65, no suku 450 hodi fahe direita vaga formulariu rekrutamentu. Formulariu nee konta hamutuk 11.000.\nPrezidente Komisaun Rekrutamentu F-FDTL, Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Tanente Coronel Calisto dos Santos “Coliati” husu ba membru Komisaun Rekrutamentu neebe hahu halo distrbuisaun formulariu, tenki kaer metin prinsipiu no valores militares bainhira tun ba terenu, halao servisu tenke profesionalismu.\nServisu sira neebe Komando F-FDTL no Ministeriu Defeza fo ba komisaun, tenke susesu iha prosesu distibuisaun, hodi responde ba ema barak no interese nasaun nian. Membru ekipa neebe sei tun ba terenu iha munisipiu 13 hamutuk ema nain 51 kompostu husi militares no sivil husi Ministeriu Defeza, hatete Coliati iha Salaun Enkontru Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL Fatuhada, Dili, Segunda (25/11/2019).\nFormulariu rekrutamentu neebe prepara, fahe ba kada suku hamutuk 25 formulariu, maibe iha flexibilidade. Depende ba nesesidade iha terenu. Karik iha suku ida, liu husi ema nain 25, maka komisaun sei haree oinsa bele hatoo formulariu sira ba joven sira neebe iha interesadu atu hola parte.\nBainhira komisaun distribui ona formulariu ba suku sira, no atu hadok husi aktu sira hanesan familiarismu iha prosesu rekrutamentu nee, nia husu ba autoridade suku sira neebe hetan fiar husi ninia ema, hanesan liu husi eleisaun suku, tenki servisu ho laran mos tanba nasaun Timor Leste hamrik liuhusi funu, liuhusi ema nia terus no mate. “Tan nee atu servi, tenki servi ho lolos. Karik servi lalos, ida nee problema ninia,” hatete Coliati.\nNia informa katak, Domingu (24/11/2019) dader too kalan, nia simu telefone husi ema. Husi Leste ba too Oeste, husi Norte ba too Sul. Iha fatin balu nia hatete katak,\nIda nee hau la akuza liurai sira. Maibe ema reinu neebe telefone mai hau hatoo nunee ka lae. Hau apela ba sira hotu, atu hotu-hotu bele tau atensaun.dehan Coliati\nIha suku balu iha 25 formularius, balu mosu ba liurai (xefe suku) hatete katak formulariu 25 nee pas tiha ona. Signifika, liurai iha tiha ona ema nain 25, enkuantu formulariu seidauk too ba suku.\nNia husu ba liurai sira atu honestu hamrik iha klaran nudar aman, nudar ulun ba reinu iha suku laran. Nia husu sira labele uza oprtunidade ba interese individual ka grupu.\nIha fatin hanesan, Segundu Prezidente Komisaun Rekrutamentu F-FDTL, Nuno Carvalho dos Santos esplika, formulariu neebe komisaun imprimi sai nee orizinal. Sei laiha falsifikasaun dokumentus iha prosesu rekrutamentu F-FDTL nee.\nAmi garante numeru formulariu sira atu distribui nee. Ami defini ona katak kada suku iha deit formulariu 25 maibe lasignifika hamate ema nia numeru iha suku ida.katak Nuno\nBainhira formulariu iha suku latoo, no sira neebe lahetan formulariu hahu husi dia 14 Dezembru 2019, bele ba foti iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL Fatuhada. Maibe ba, tenki lori ho kartaun eleitoral husi suku neebe hela ba.\nTanba nee, nia alerta ba partisipante neebe hakarak partisipa iha selesaun/ rekrutamentu, atu labele halo falsifikasaun dokumentus. Bainhira komisaun haree hetan, sei hasai kedas husi prosesu selesaun nee.\nHusi parte seluk, Xefe Suku Bairo Pite Joao Baptista Belo hatete, Komandu F-FDTL distribui deit 25 furmulariu ba kada suku, maibe konaba kriteria rekrutamentu autoridade suku seidauk simu.\nAmi hein deit kreteria sira lori mai, hamutuk ho formulariu, para ami halo distribuisaun,nia dehan.\nNia hatete, juven sira hatene antes ona konaba kreiteria rekrutamentu. Juven sira trata ona kartaun bilite identidade no dokumentu sira seluk.\nIha Suku Bairo Pite, nia laiha familia. Uluk kedas nia fo hatene bebeik katak familia nee aparte. Tuir estadu nian, tenki lao tuir lei neebe iha. “I hau hanoin, formulariu 25 kada suku nee latoo. Komisaun sira mai, hau sei hatoo ba sira,” nia dehan. ESTI 01\nPrevious article PNTL Halo Atensaun Seriu ba Krime\nNext article PR Halo Audensia Ho Saudozu Mau-Lear Nia Oan
[ "F-FDTL Hahu Distribui Formulariu Rekrutamentu - STL Online F-FDTL Hahu Distribui Formulariu Rekrutamentu DILI-Komisaun Rekrutamentu F-FDTL, hahu dia 25 Novembru 2019, komesa distribui formulariu rekrutamentu ba foinsae Timor oan neebe hakarak sai militar F-FDTL.", "Relasiona ho rekrutamentu nee, Komisaun Rekrutamentu Konjuntu Ministeriu Defeza no Komando F-FDTL koloka ona ekipa konjunta hamutuk nain 13 hodi tun direita ba kada munisipiu inklui RAEOA, no postu administraitvu 65, no suku 450 hodi fahe direita vaga formulariu rekrutamentu.", "Formulariu nee konta hamutuk 11.000.", "Prezidente Komisaun Rekrutamentu F-FDTL, Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Tanente Coronel Calisto dos Santos \"Coliati\" husu ba membru Komisaun Rekrutamentu neebe hahu halo distrbuisaun formulariu, tenki kaer metin prinsipiu no valores militares bainhira tun ba terenu, halao servisu tenke profesionalismu.", "Servisu sira neebe Komando F-FDTL no Ministeriu Defeza fo ba komisaun, tenke susesu iha prosesu distibuisaun, hodi responde ba ema barak no interese nasaun nian.", "Membru ekipa neebe sei tun ba terenu iha munisipiu 13 hamutuk ema nain 51 kompostu husi militares no sivil husi Ministeriu Defeza, hatete Coliati iha Salaun Enkontru Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL Fatuhada, Dili, Segunda (25/11/2019).", "Formulariu rekrutamentu neebe prepara, fahe ba kada suku hamutuk 25 formulariu, maibe iha flexibilidade.", "Depende ba nesesidade iha terenu.", "Karik iha suku ida, liu husi ema nain 25, maka komisaun sei haree oinsa bele hatoo formulariu sira ba joven sira neebe iha interesadu atu hola parte.", "Bainhira komisaun distribui ona formulariu ba suku sira, no atu hadok husi aktu sira hanesan familiarismu iha prosesu rekrutamentu nee, nia husu ba autoridade suku sira neebe hetan fiar husi ninia ema, hanesan liu husi eleisaun suku, tenki servisu ho laran mos tanba nasaun Timor Leste hamrik liuhusi funu, liuhusi ema nia terus no mate.", "\"Tan nee atu servi, tenki servi ho lolos.", "Karik servi lalos, ida nee problema ninia,\" hatete Coliati.", "Nia informa katak, Domingu (24/11/2019) dader too kalan, nia simu telefone husi ema.", "Husi Leste ba too Oeste, husi Norte ba too Sul.", "Iha fatin balu nia hatete katak, Ida nee hau la akuza liurai sira.", "Maibe ema reinu neebe telefone mai hau hatoo nunee ka lae.", "Hau apela ba sira hotu, atu hotu-hotu bele tau atensaun.dehan Coliati Iha suku balu iha 25 formularius, balu mosu ba liurai (xefe suku) hatete katak formulariu 25 nee pas tiha ona.", "Signifika, liurai iha tiha ona ema nain 25, enkuantu formulariu seidauk too ba suku.", "Nia husu ba liurai sira atu honestu hamrik iha klaran nudar aman, nudar ulun ba reinu iha suku laran.", "Nia husu sira labele uza oprtunidade ba interese individual ka grupu.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Segundu Prezidente Komisaun Rekrutamentu F-FDTL, Nuno Carvalho dos Santos esplika, formulariu neebe komisaun imprimi sai nee orizinal.", "Sei laiha falsifikasaun dokumentus iha prosesu rekrutamentu F-FDTL nee.", "Ami garante numeru formulariu sira atu distribui nee.", "Ami defini ona katak kada suku iha deit formulariu 25 maibe lasignifika hamate ema nia numeru iha suku ida.katak Nuno Bainhira formulariu iha suku latoo, no sira neebe lahetan formulariu hahu husi dia 14 Dezembru 2019, bele ba foti iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL Fatuhada.", "Maibe ba, tenki lori ho kartaun eleitoral husi suku neebe hela ba.", "Tanba nee, nia alerta ba partisipante neebe hakarak partisipa iha selesaun/ rekrutamentu, atu labele halo falsifikasaun dokumentus.", "Bainhira komisaun haree hetan, sei hasai kedas husi prosesu selesaun nee.", "Husi parte seluk, Xefe Suku Bairo Pite Joao Baptista Belo hatete, Komandu F-FDTL distribui deit 25 furmulariu ba kada suku, maibe konaba kriteria rekrutamentu autoridade suku seidauk simu.", "Ami hein deit kreteria sira lori mai, hamutuk ho formulariu, para ami halo distribuisaun,nia dehan.", "Nia hatete, juven sira hatene antes ona konaba kreiteria rekrutamentu.", "Juven sira trata ona kartaun bilite identidade no dokumentu sira seluk.", "Iha Suku Bairo Pite, nia laiha familia.", "Uluk kedas nia fo hatene bebeik katak familia nee aparte.", "Tuir estadu nian, tenki lao tuir lei neebe iha.", "\"I hau hanoin, formulariu 25 kada suku nee latoo.", "Komisaun sira mai, hau sei hatoo ba sira,\" nia dehan.", "ESTI 01 Previous article PNTL Halo Atensaun Seriu ba Krime Next article PR Halo Audensia Ho Saudozu Mau-Lear Nia Oan" ]
[ [ "F-FDTL Hahu Distribui Formulariu Rekrutamentu - STL Online Dili – The Timorese Defence Forces’ (FTD) recruitment commission, starting on November 25th of this year began to distribute the form for young people who wishes become a member." ], [ "In relation to the recruitment, Joint Rekrutement Commission Ministry of Defence and F-FDTL Command has deployed a joint team totaling 13 members in order for each municipality including Oecusse Region (RAEOA), administrative post numbered from one upwards at sixty five points on top with four hundred fifties villages distribute vacant position form." ], [ "The form accounts for a total of 10,564." ], [ "The President of the F-FDTL Recruitment Commission, Chief Of Staff (COE) Lieutenant Colonel Calisto dos Santos \"Coliati\" asked members who have begun to distribute forms that they should adhere strictly and professionalistically when going into action." ], [ "The services provided to the commission by F-FDTL Command and Ministry of Defence must succeed in their distribution process, responding so much people's needs as possible." ], [ "The team members who will go to the field in 13 municipalities are a total of about five dozen, comprising military and civilian personnel from Ministry Of Defence. Coliati said this at F-FDTL Fatuhada General Headquarters Meeting Room on Monday (25/09)." ], [ "The recruitment forms are prepared, distributed to each village in a total of 25 formulae but there is flexibility." ], [ "It depends on the needs in field." ], [ "If there are more than 25 people in a village, the commission will look at how to submit forms for youngsters who may be interested." ], [ "After the commission had distributed forms to villagers, and in order for them not be familiarized with recruitment processes he asked that local authorities who have gained trust from their people through communal elections should work patiently because Timor-Leste has been suffering during war as well." ], [ "\"So to serve, you must do it honestly." ], [ "If they don't serve, that is their own problem,” Coliati said." ], [ "He informed that, Sunday (24/19) late at night he received a phone call from people." ], [ "From east to west, from north towards south." ], [ "In some places he says, \"I am not accusing the kings of this." ], [ "But the king's man who called me did not say so." ], [ "I appeal to all of them, so that everyone can pay attention. said Coliati In some villages there are 25 formularius and they come up for the liurai (village chief) saying this form has already been approved by their community councillor or municipality board member who is responsible in a particular area with respect on how many people will be eligible as members at any given time during an election period" ], [ "This means that there are already 25 people in the village, but no forms have yet been sent to them." ], [ "He asked the kings to honestly hamrik in claran as father, head of kingdom within his village." ], [ "He urged them not to use the opportunity for individual or group interests." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairman of F-FDTL Recruitment Commission Nuno Carvalho dos Santos explained that forms issued by commission are original." ], [ "There will be no forgery of documents in the F-FDTL recruitment process." ], [ "We guarantee the number of forms to be distributed." ], [ "We have defined that each village has only forms of the number, but it does not mean to kill people in a community. said Nuno When formularies are filled out by communities and those who don’t do so can pick them up at F-FDTL General Headquarters Fatuhada starting from December14th2039.”" ], [ "However, you must bring your voter card from the village in which it is registered." ], [ "Therefore, he warned participants who want to participate in the selection / recruitment process not forge documents." ], [ "When the commission sees it, they will immediately withdraw from this selection process." ], [ "On the other hand, Chief of Bairo Pite Village Joao Baptista Belo said that F-FDTL Command only distributed 25 forms to each village but had not received information on recruitment criterias for community authorities." ], [ "We are just waiting for them to bring the necessary documents, together with a form and we will distribute it,” she said." ], [ "He said that the youths knew beforehand about recruitment criteria." ], [ "The juveniles have already processed ID cards, passports and other documents." ], [ "In Bairo Pite, he has no family. He lives with his mother and brothers in a small village named “Bairro do Pico”." ], [ "She was told that her family would be separated from the rest of them." ], [ "According to the state, it must act in accordance with law." ], [ "\"And I think, 25 forms per village is too much." ], [ "The commissions come, I will pass it on to them,” he said." ], [ "Previous article PNTL Takes Serious Attention to Crime Next artikel PR Make Audience With Saudozu Mau-Lear Nia Oan" ] ]
Ilustrasaun selu indinimizasaun. FOTO: HolaDoctor\nBainhira ‘Obrigadu’ Sai Karun Featured\nHo ansi, Arnaldo ho ho nia primu hakat ba fatin akontesimentu. Motor ne’ebé ohin sira haree halai mai husi diresaun Atsabe ba Lauana hetan asidente.\nBainhira haree mane na’in rua latan hela iha rai, Arnaldo ho nia primu no komunidade balun ho lalais koko atu fó asistensia. Maibé, vitima asidente ida hiit oin hodi hasai lia-fuan ne’ebé ema la imajina.\n“O mak jagoan iha ituan ne’e ka?”, dehan vitima asidente ida hodi refere ba Arnaldo ne’ebé koko hela atu ajuda nia.\nMaske nune’e, Arnaldo ho nia primu sira la preokupa ho lia-fuan refere no kontinua ajuda. Sa tan vitima na’in rua ne’e sei iha relasaun familia ho Arnaldo.\nArnaldo husu ba nia primu, Marcelo, atu tula vitima sira ba sira-nia hela-fatin. Maibé, vitima asidente ne’e hanesan la preokupa ho intensaun di’ak husi ema sira ne’e no kontinua hasai lia-fuan provokativu ho intensaun ameasa.\n“Ami monu bé nusa? o haan besi ka, ka o mak jagoan iha ituan ne’e?” vitima asidente hasai tan lia-fuan ba Arnaldo.\nArnaldo hahú lakon pasensia no koalia hatan hasoru vitima asidente ne’e, no vitima ne’e hahú emosaun liu tan no hasai lia-fuan tolok. Nune’e sira hahú diskuti-malu no konsege para hafoin Arnaldo nia tiun no primu sira ba sori.\nMaske sente nervozu, maibé Arnaldo husu nafatin ba Marcelo atu ajuda tula hela vitima asidente ba nia uma.\nIkus mai Marcelo tula duni vitima asidente sira ho motor, maibé seidauk halai dook vitima asidente na’in rua ne’e ameasa Marcelo atu baku mate bainhira la hatun sira. Marcelo ne’ebé tauk hatuun vitima asidente na’in rua ne’e iha dalan.\nHafoin tuun husi motor leten, vitima asidente ida hakilar ba Marcelo dehan “O miring ha’u ida Rom…. ne'e miring at liu o”.\nHafoin ida ne’e, vitima asidente na’in rua ne’e fila ba hodi buka Arnaldo no sira baku Arnaldo nia ai ho besi kanu ne’ebé rezultadu nia ain ruin sorin nakfera.\nKazu ne’ebé akontese iha 3 Jullu 2018 ne’e konsege tama tribunal, no iha 19 Fevereiru, Tribunal Munisipiu Dili (TMD) hala’o prosesu julgamentu hasoru arguidu na’in rua ho inisial RD no JS ne’ebé halo agresaun fiziku hasoru lezadu Arnaldo Bere Reis.\nMolok hala’o julgamentu, tribunal husu ba lezadu atu dada fila fali krime ne’e tanba konsidera krime ne’e ho natureza semi-publiku nune’e lei fó dalan bainhira lezadu hakarak dada fila fali.\nHatan ba ida ne’e, lezadu Arnaldo deklara nia bele dada fila fali kazu ne’e maibé ho kondisaun ida, katak arguidu sira tenke selu fila fali osan ne’ebé durante ne’e lezadu gasta hodi halo tratamentu ba nia ain ruin ne’ebé nakfera.\n“Ha’u mos hakarak dada fila krime ne’e tanba arguidu sira ho ha’u sei iha relasaun familia, maibé arguidu sira tenke selu indimizasaun $4.000,” dehan lezadu ba Tribunál iha sala audesia julgamentu TMD, Tersa (19/02).\nArguidu sira mós deklara prontu atu selu indimizasaun iha fulan ida ne’e nia laran. Iha oportunidade ne’e arguidu sira mós husu deskulpa ba lezadu ba hahalok at ne’ebé sira halo ona.\n“Ami lori osan ne’e mai iha Tribunál hafoin Tribunál entrega ba lezadu,” dehan arguidu sira.\nHo desizaun husi lezadu ne’e, Ministériu Públiku no Defensór Públiku husu ba tribunál atu homolga arguidu sira husi distansia krime ne’ebé sira komete.\nKazu ne’e bele sai lisaun importante. Tanba iha altura ne’ebá, bainhira hetan tulun husi ema, ibun la toos atu hasai lia-fuan ‘obrigadu’ no odiu ho emosaun la domina neon, istoria karik sei sai oin-seluk. Karik moras to’o de’it iha asidente no ain mós sei la hakat to’o mai iha tribunal.\nMore in this category: « Beioan Ameasa Oho Viziñu ne’ebé Konta Istoria ho Nia Abo\tLaen Baku Feen tan Lori Oan ba Banin Nia Uma »\n/Bainhira ‘Obrigadu’ Sai Karun
[ "Ilustrasaun selu indinimizasaun.", "FOTO: HolaDoctor Bainhira 'Obrigadu' Sai Karun Featured Ho ansi, Arnaldo ho ho nia primu hakat ba fatin akontesimentu.", "Motor ne'ebe ohin sira haree halai mai husi diresaun Atsabe ba Lauana hetan asidente.", "Bainhira haree mane na'in rua latan hela iha rai, Arnaldo ho nia primu no komunidade balun ho lalais koko atu fo asistensia.", "Maibe, vitima asidente ida hiit oin hodi hasai lia-fuan ne'ebe ema la imajina.", "\"O mak jagoan iha ituan ne'e ka?,\" dehan vitima asidente ida hodi refere ba Arnaldo ne'ebe koko hela atu ajuda nia.", "Maske nune'e, Arnaldo ho nia primu sira la preokupa ho lia-fuan refere no kontinua ajuda.", "Sa tan vitima na'in rua ne'e sei iha relasaun familia ho Arnaldo.", "Arnaldo husu ba nia primu, Marcelo, atu tula vitima sira ba sira-nia hela-fatin.", "Maibe, vitima asidente ne'e hanesan la preokupa ho intensaun di'ak husi ema sira ne'e no kontinua hasai lia-fuan provokativu ho intensaun ameasa.", "\"Ami monu be nusa? o haan besi ka, ka o mak jagoan iha ituan ne'e?\" vitima asidente hasai tan lia-fuan ba Arnaldo.", "Arnaldo hahu lakon pasensia no koalia hatan hasoru vitima asidente ne'e, no vitima ne'e hahu emosaun liu tan no hasai lia-fuan tolok.", "Nune'e sira hahu diskuti-malu no konsege para hafoin Arnaldo nia tiun no primu sira ba sori.", "Maske sente nervozu, maibe Arnaldo husu nafatin ba Marcelo atu ajuda tula hela vitima asidente ba nia uma.", "Ikus mai Marcelo tula duni vitima asidente sira ho motor, maibe seidauk halai dook vitima asidente na'in rua ne'e ameasa Marcelo atu baku mate bainhira la hatun sira.", "Marcelo ne'ebe tauk hatuun vitima asidente na'in rua ne'e iha dalan.", "Hafoin tuun husi motor leten, vitima asidente ida hakilar ba Marcelo dehan \"O miring ha'u ida Rom.... ne'e miring at liu o.\"", "Hafoin ida ne'e, vitima asidente na'in rua ne'e fila ba hodi buka Arnaldo no sira baku Arnaldo nia ai ho besi kanu ne'ebe rezultadu nia ain ruin sorin nakfera.", "Kazu ne'ebe akontese iha 3 Jullu 2018 ne'e konsege tama tribunal, no iha 19 Fevereiru, Tribunal Munisipiu Dili (TMD) hala'o prosesu julgamentu hasoru arguidu na'in rua ho inisial RD no JS ne'ebe halo agresaun fiziku hasoru lezadu Arnaldo Bere Reis.", "Molok hala'o julgamentu, tribunal husu ba lezadu atu dada fila fali krime ne'e tanba konsidera krime ne'e ho natureza semi-publiku nune'e lei fo dalan bainhira lezadu hakarak dada fila fali.", "Hatan ba ida ne'e, lezadu Arnaldo deklara nia bele dada fila fali kazu ne'e maibe ho kondisaun ida, katak arguidu sira tenke selu fila fali osan ne'ebe durante ne'e lezadu gasta hodi halo tratamentu ba nia ain ruin ne'ebe nakfera.", "\"Ha'u mos hakarak dada fila krime ne'e tanba arguidu sira ho ha'u sei iha relasaun familia, maibe arguidu sira tenke selu indimizasaun $4.000,\" dehan lezadu ba Tribunal iha sala audesia julgamentu TMD, Tersa (19/02).", "Arguidu sira mos deklara prontu atu selu indimizasaun iha fulan ida ne'e nia laran.", "Iha oportunidade ne'e arguidu sira mos husu deskulpa ba lezadu ba hahalok at ne'ebe sira halo ona.", "\"Ami lori osan ne'e mai iha Tribunal hafoin Tribunal entrega ba lezadu,\" dehan arguidu sira.", "Ho desizaun husi lezadu ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku no Defensor Publiku husu ba tribunal atu homolga arguidu sira husi distansia krime ne'ebe sira komete.", "Kazu ne'e bele sai lisaun importante.", "Tanba iha altura ne'eba, bainhira hetan tulun husi ema, ibun la toos atu hasai lia-fuan 'obrigadu' no odiu ho emosaun la domina neon, istoria karik sei sai oin-seluk.", "Karik moras to'o de'it iha asidente no ain mos sei la hakat to'o mai iha tribunal.", "More in this category: \" Beioan Ameasa Oho Vizinu ne'ebe Konta Istoria ho Nia Abo Laen Baku Feen tan Lori Oan ba Banin Nia Uma \" /Bainhira 'Obrigadu' Sai Karun" ]
[ [ "Illustration selling indinimization." ], [ "PHOTO: HolaDoctor Nuai 'Obrigadu' Sai Karun Featured With anxiety, Arnaldo and his cousin drove to the scene." ], [ "The motorbike they saw today driving from Atsabe to Lauana had an accident." ], [ "When they saw the two men lying on their knees, Arnaldo and his cousin along with some community members hurried to provide assistance." ], [ "However, one accident victim jumped forward to make an unimaginable statement." ], [ "\"Are you the one in this boat?\" said an accident victim, referring to Arnaldo who was standing by for help." ], [ "However, Arnaldo and his cousins were not concerned about the words in question but continued to help." ], [ "The other two victims were also in a family relationship with Arnaldo." ], [ "Arnaldo asked his cousin Marcelo to take the victims home." ], [ "However, the accident victim seemed to be unaware of these people's good intention and continued using provocative language with a threatening intent." ], [ "\"Why did we fall? Was it a steel tree, or was I the one who fell down?\" The accident victim continued speaking to Arnaldo." ], [ "Arnaldo began to lose patience and spoke back towards the accident victim, who became more emotionally charged." ], [ "They began to argue and eventually stopped after Arnaldo's uncle went out." ], [ "Although Arnaldo is nervous, he still asks Marcelo to help him carry the accident victim back home." ], [ "Marcelo then took the accident victims on his motorcycle, but before he could leave these two of them threatened to kill him if they didn't." ], [ "Marcelo, who was stunned by the two accident victims on his way home from work." ], [ "After getting off the motorbike, one accident victim screamed at Marcelo saying \"O miring eu'da Rom.... é o Miringiat too.\"" ], [ "After this, the two accident victims returned to find Arnaldo and they beat him with a knife that resulting in his left foot ruining sorin nakfera." ], [ "The case, which occurred on July 3rd of this year (2018), was brought before the courts. On February a thirteenth day in that same month Dili Municipal Court held trial against two defendants named Rd and JS for physically assaulting Arnaldo Bere Reis who had been injured by them during their fight with policemen at an airport near Portu Velho city center last week; they were convicted to life imprisonment after being found guilty as well from all charger' s allegations regardling these offences.\"" ], [ "Before the trial, court asked victim to file a new case because it considered that crime was of semi-public nature so law allows when injured wants back." ], [ "In response to this, the victim Arnaldo declared that he could re-open his case but with one condition: The defendants must reimburse him for all money spent on treatments during these years." ], [ "\"I also want to give back this crime because the defendants and I have a family relationship, but they must pay compensation of $4.025\", said victim in courtroom TMD trial hearing on Tuesday (19 / 3)." ], [ "The defendants also declared that they were ready to pay compensation within this month." ], [ "On this occasion, the defendants also apologised to victims for their actions and what they had done." ], [ "\"We brought the money to court after it was handed over by a judge,\" they said." ], [ "With this decision of the injured party, Public Prosecutor and Defensor Público asked to court that defendants be exonerated from their crimes." ], [ "This case could be an important lesson." ], [ "Because at that time, when she was helped by someone else her mother did not hesitate to use words of 'obligation' and hatred with emotions lacking in neon." ], [ "If I'm sick enough to have an accident and not get in court, then it won’t happen." ], [ "More in this category: \" Beioan Ameasa Oho Vizinu ne'ebe Konta Istoria ho Nia Abo Laen Baku Fein tan Lori Oon ba Banin Sua Uma\" /Bainhira 'Obrigadu’ Sai Karun" ] ]
Minimiza Korupsaun, Ukun Nain Tenke Iha Politika Diak - TIMOR AGORA\nNunee mos, Iha parte seluk, Deputadu husi husi Bankada PD Adriano Joao hatete haree ba kazu korupsaun nee presiza atu minimiza ida nee husu ba governu foun mai agora tenke toma atensaun atu nunee hodi halakon hahalok sira hanesan nee hodi halo dezenvolvimentu diak ba moris povu no hasai povu husi kiak no mukit.\nAlberto Ximenes disse...\nIta kolia kona ba Korupsaun ne'e maioria mai husi Lideransa sira, Laos Mai husi Povu, oinsa atu minimiza nai ulun sira rasik ne'ebe agora dadaun tur iha PN kolia dadauk no komentario kona ba Korupsaun, Nai Deputado sira hatene kolia Korupsaun, Tamba sa Lei CAC nian tenke Bodu no dada ba bebeik?? Se mak atu halo Lei ne'e?? se Laos PN se tan mak atu halo?? Korupsaun ne'e iha Parte Rua mak hanesan: 1). Korupsaun Indireita mak hanesan, Halo kontratu ba projeitu sira, halo manipulasaun oi-oin iha kontratu sira no seluk-seluk tan.\n2) Korupsaun Direita ou Korupsaun Legal mak hanesan, Deputadu sira halo Lei hodi Veneficio deit ba Deputadu sira nia an rasik. Exemplu : Lei Pensaun Vitalisia Fo Veneficio liu ba Eis Deputado sira ho Regalias oi-oin, Halo Lei no Aprova Lei kona ba Halo Lelao ba Kareta Estadu sira Ne'ebe sosa ho folin Karun Maibe Lei ne fo dalan ba deit Deputado sira hodi Lelao Kareta Prado Ne'ebe mak foin uja Tinan 5 ho folin $ 8.000 kada Kareta ida. Se nune nusa la Loke ba Publiku atu ne'e bele Lelaun ho folin ne'ebe masuk akal itoan no Lori Veneficio ba Estado?? Deputadu sira dala barak hakilar Guverno atu Poupa Osan maibe deputadu sira pior liu tamba halo lei ba sira nia an rasik deit. Deputadu sira agora laiha lie sentimentu Nasionalismo nbe diak ba Povu no rai ida ne. Tamba deit imi ami Povu liu-liu inan aman sira nebe kiak dificiente sira Sae foho tun Foho, Forma hbai loron ho hamlaha hodi ba Vota no hili imi tamba deit imi nia bosok, atu halakon kiak no mukit, maibe to ikus realidade halakon deit imi nain 65 nia kiak no mukit, laos Povu, Povu nafatin sopre ba imi nia diak. Favor ida husu Hanoin mos ami Gerasaun foun, no husu Hanorin ami no fo Exemplu nebe diak ba ami Gerasaun foun liu husi imi nia hahalok no imi nia Lideransa nebe diak no nakonu ho ispiritu Nasionalismo no Patriotismo. Obrigado.
[ "Minimiza Korupsaun, Ukun Nain Tenke Iha Politika Diak - TIMOR AGORA Nunee mos, Iha parte seluk, Deputadu husi husi Bankada PD Adriano Joao hatete haree ba kazu korupsaun nee presiza atu minimiza ida nee husu ba governu foun mai agora tenke toma atensaun atu nunee hodi halakon hahalok sira hanesan nee hodi halo dezenvolvimentu diak ba moris povu no hasai povu husi kiak no mukit.", "Alberto Ximenes disse...", "Ita kolia kona ba Korupsaun ne'e maioria mai husi Lideransa sira, Laos Mai husi Povu, oinsa atu minimiza nai ulun sira rasik ne'ebe agora dadaun tur iha PN kolia dadauk no komentario kona ba Korupsaun, Nai Deputado sira hatene kolia Korupsaun, Tamba sa Lei CAC nian tenke Bodu no dada ba bebeik??", "Se mak atu halo Lei ne'e?? se Laos PN se tan mak atu halo??", "Korupsaun ne'e iha Parte Rua mak hanesan: 1).", "Korupsaun Indireita mak hanesan, Halo kontratu ba projeitu sira, halo manipulasaun oi-oin iha kontratu sira no seluk-seluk tan.", "2) Korupsaun Direita ou Korupsaun Legal mak hanesan, Deputadu sira halo Lei hodi Veneficio deit ba Deputadu sira nia an rasik.", "Exemplu: Lei Pensaun Vitalisia Fo Veneficio liu ba Eis Deputado sira ho Regalias oi-oin, Halo Lei no Aprova Lei kona ba Halo Lelao ba Kareta Estadu sira Ne'ebe sosa ho folin Karun Maibe Lei ne fo dalan ba deit Deputado sira hodi Lelao Kareta Prado Ne'ebe mak foin uja Tinan 5 ho folin $ 8.000 kada Kareta ida.", "Se nune nusa la Loke ba Publiku atu ne'e bele Lelaun ho folin ne'ebe masuk akal itoan no Lori Veneficio ba Estado??", "Deputadu sira dala barak hakilar Guverno atu Poupa Osan maibe deputadu sira pior liu tamba halo lei ba sira nia an rasik deit.", "Deputadu sira agora laiha lie sentimentu Nasionalismo nbe diak ba Povu no rai ida ne.", "Tamba deit imi ami Povu liu-liu inan aman sira nebe kiak dificiente sira Sae foho tun Foho, Forma hbai loron ho hamlaha hodi ba Vota no hili imi tamba deit imi nia bosok, atu halakon kiak no mukit, maibe to ikus realidade halakon deit imi nain 65 nia kiak no mukit, laos Povu, Povu nafatin sopre ba imi nia diak.", "Favor ida husu Hanoin mos ami Gerasaun foun, no husu Hanorin ami no fo Exemplu nebe diak ba ami Gerasaun foun liu husi imi nia hahalok no imi nia Lideransa nebe diak no nakonu ho ispiritu Nasionalismo no Patriotismo.", "Obrigado." ]
[ [ "On the other hand, MP from PD Group Adriano João said that in view of corruption cases it is necessary to minimize this and asked for a new government now must take care so as not only eliminate such behaviors but also make good development on people' s lives. To get out poorness & misery..." ], [ "10:56 AM - Alberto Ximenes disse..." ], [ "We fight about Corruption is mostly from the Leadership, not coming From The People. How to minimize their own heads who are now sitting in Parliament daily and comment on corruption? Deputies know how corrupt they're; Why should CAC law be Bodu (bogus)and given a lot??" ], [ "Who is to make this Law?? If the Lao PN fails who will do it?" ], [ "Corruption in Part Four is as follows: 1)." ], [ "Indirect corruption includes contracting for projects, manipulating various types of agreements and so on." ], [ "2) Corruption Right or Legal corruption is the same, MPs make law to benefit only their own members." ], [ "Example: Lifetime Pension Law Gives More Benefit to Former Deputies with Various Regalias, Make and Approve a law on the Sale of State cars purchased at an expensive price but this Act only allows deputy members for sale Prado car that has been used just five years by $8.015 each one" ], [ "If so why not Offer to the Public in order that it can be Leasing at a reasonable price and bring Benefit for State??" ], [ "Members of Parliament often urge the Government to save money, but they are even worse because their lawmakers make them for themselves." ], [ "The MPs now have no right to feel Nationalism that is good for the People and this country." ], [ "Only because of you, our people especially the poor and deprived parents came out into streets to protest against your lies about eradicating poverty but in reality it is only eliminating 65' s misery. The People are still waiting for their goodness!" ], [ "Please do us a favor, and please respect our new generation. And ask you to honour me as well by setting good examples for my younger Generation through your conduct in the workplace with leadership that is imbued of nationalism & patriotic spirit!" ], [ "Thank you, I appreciate it." ] ]
Serve Baucau rekolla reseita $4.000 resin iha fulan-jullu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Serve Baucau rekolla reseita $4.000 resin iha fulan-jullu\nServe Baucau rekolla reseita $4.000 resin iha fulan-jullu\nBAUCAU, 12 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Koordenadór Servisu Rejistrasaun no Verifikasaun Emprezariál (SERVE) Baucau, Raul Sanches Lajes, hateten, fulan-jullu nia laran rekolla reseita $4.000 resin.\n“Hafoin hakotu serka sanitária iha Baucau, hosi loron 12 to’o fulan-jullu nia rohan ami konsege rekolla reseita hamutuk $4.055,” Koordenadór SERVE Baucau informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova, kinta ne’e.\nSERVE rekolla reseita hosi kompañia konstrusaun, negosiante, kios no loja inklui transporte públiku ne’ebé hala’o atividade negósiu maibé iha kompañia balun mak hato’o kestaun laiha rendimentu.\nDurante períodu serka sanitária iha fulan-lima nia laran, SERVE halo atendimentu rejistu liuhosi meiu online, bazeia ba Dekretu Prezidente Repúblika númeru 6/2021 no Dekretu Governu númeru 15/2021, ne’ebé la permite atribuisaun dokumentu direta tanba iha situasaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu domisiliáriu obrigatóriu.\n“Hafoin hakotu serka sanitária, SERVE foin halo xamada ba emprezáriu sira atu mai foti dokumentu orijinál. Baucau maski hasoru dezafiu maibé atividade ekonomia la’o ho normál no númeru emprezáriu aumenta,” Raul akresenta.\nHosi loron 12 jullu to’o agora, SERVE Baucau rejista kompañfoun 70.\nBa kestaun ne’e, Koordenadór ne’e husu emprezáriu Baucau-oan sira atu hahú negósiu kiik no kontinua rejista iha servisu ne’e tanba rekezitu hahú redús inklui durasaun tempu atu hasai lisensa, ne’ebé antes ne’e ho prosesu kleur.\nNia dehan, SERVE nafatin loke odomatan ba kompañia sira iha Baucau atu trata dokumentu ruma inklui kolabora ho entidade relevante sira hodi fasilita kréditu ba emprezáriu sira.\n“Ami nafatin sai liman ain Ministériu Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Institutu Apoiu Dezenvolvementu Emprezárial (IADE), no Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL, sigla Portugés) atu hetan kréditu,” Raul subliña.\nTuir dadus, SERVE Baucau hahú hosi tinan 2018 to’o agora konsege rejista kompañia foun hamutuk 656, renovasaun hamutuk 769 inklui alterasaun ka aumenta atividade hamutuk 754.\nPrevious articleEskola TECVOC Covalima laiha fatin atu pratika\nNext articleKliente-sira husu serbisu notariadu hadi’a mekanizmu atendimentu
[ "Serve Baucau rekolla reseita $4.000 resin iha fulan-jullu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Serve Baucau rekolla reseita $4.000 resin iha fulan-jullu Serve Baucau rekolla reseita $4.000 resin iha fulan-jullu BAUCAU, 12 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Koordenador Servisu Rejistrasaun no Verifikasaun Emprezarial (SERVE) Baucau, Raul Sanches Lajes, hateten, fulan-jullu nia laran rekolla reseita $4.000 resin.", "\"Hafoin hakotu serka sanitaria iha Baucau, hosi loron 12 to'o fulan-jullu nia rohan ami konsege rekolla reseita hamutuk $4.055,\" Koordenador SERVE Baucau informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova, kinta ne'e.", "SERVE rekolla reseita hosi kompania konstrusaun, negosiante, kios no loja inklui transporte publiku ne'ebe hala'o atividade negosiu maibe iha kompania balun mak hato'o kestaun laiha rendimentu.", "Durante periodu serka sanitaria iha fulan-lima nia laran, SERVE halo atendimentu rejistu liuhosi meiu online, bazeia ba Dekretu Prezidente Republika numeru 6/2021 no Dekretu Governu numeru 15/2021, ne'ebe la permite atribuisaun dokumentu direta tanba iha situasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliariu obrigatoriu.", "\"Hafoin hakotu serka sanitaria, SERVE foin halo xamada ba emprezariu sira atu mai foti dokumentu orijinal.", "Baucau maski hasoru dezafiu maibe atividade ekonomia la'o ho normal no numeru emprezariu aumenta,\" Raul akresenta.", "Hosi loron 12 jullu to'o agora, SERVE Baucau rejista kompanfoun 70.", "Ba kestaun ne'e, Koordenador ne'e husu emprezariu Baucau-oan sira atu hahu negosiu kiik no kontinua rejista iha servisu ne'e tanba rekezitu hahu redus inklui durasaun tempu atu hasai lisensa, ne'ebe antes ne'e ho prosesu kleur.", "Nia dehan, SERVE nafatin loke odomatan ba kompania sira iha Baucau atu trata dokumentu ruma inklui kolabora ho entidade relevante sira hodi fasilita kreditu ba emprezariu sira.", "\"Ami nafatin sai liman ain Ministeriu Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Institutu Apoiu Dezenvolvementu Emprezarial (IADE), no Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL, sigla Portuges) atu hetan kreditu,\" Raul sublina.", "Tuir dadus, SERVE Baucau hahu hosi tinan 2018 to'o agora konsege rejista kompania foun hamutuk 656, renovasaun hamutuk 769 inklui alterasaun ka aumenta atividade hamutuk 754.", "Previous articleEskola TECVOC Covalima laiha fatin atu pratika Next articleKliente-sira husu serbisu notariadu hadi'a mekanizmu atendimentu" ]
[ [ "Serve Baucau raises more than $4,025 in revenue during July | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Servir Baukau raised over US$3.867 for the month of June Service Baucau collected about USD19k from taxpayers through its Business Registration and Verification Services (SERVE) service BUCA U August - The Coordinator Raul Sanches Lajes said that he has received an estimated amount to be approximately £/€ /£:" ], [ "\"After ending the sanitary curfew in Baucau, from 12 to July we managed collect revenue totaling $4.056\", SERVE Co-ordinator Baukau informs Agência Tatoli at his office location Villa Nova on Wednesday (July)." ], [ "SERVE collects revenue from construction companies, retailers and kiosks including public transportation that are carrying out business activities but some of the businesses report no income." ], [ "During the five-month period of quarantine, SERVE carried out registration services through online means based on Presidential Decree No.6/2019 and Governmental decrees no:57483 (in force since March) which do not allow direct document allocation due to a situation involving mandatory home confinement or lockdowns as well" ], [ "\"After the end of quarantine, SERVE only called on entrepreneurs to come and collect original documents." ], [ "Although Baucau faces challenges, economic activity is going normally and the number of entrepreneurial activities are increasing,” Raul add." ], [ "From July 12 to now, SERVE Baucau has registered a total of seventy companies." ], [ "On this issue, the Coordinator asked entrepreneurs from Baucau to start small businesses and continue registering in that service because requirements have been reduced including duration of time for obtaining a license which previously had long process." ], [ "He said, SERVE is still open to companies in Baucau for processing some documents including collaborating with relevant entities and facilitating credits." ], [ "\"We continue to work hand in hands with the Ministry Coordinating Economic Affairs (MKAE), Institute for Business Development Support and Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste,\" Raul emphasizes." ], [ "According to the data, SERVE Baucau since 2018 until now has registered a new company totaling in all of it:657 companies; renewals for an activity number (including alteration or increase) -394." ], [ "Next articleClients ask the notary's office to improve its service mechanism PreviousEducação TECVOC Covalima não tem lugar para praticar – The Technical College of Covilhã lacks a place for practice" ] ]
Eis-Prezidente timoroan, José Ramos-Horta, hatete katak iha loron-sesta ne'e fila fali ba Ezekutivu hodi apoia esforsu sira governasaun Mari Alkatiri nian no kontribui hod hametin dame no dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian iha tinan hirak tuirmai.\n"Tinan haat ka lima tuirmai hanesan importante hodi hametin dame no ba konstrusaun nasaun nian no ba entrega ba jerasaun fpun no tanba ne'e maka ha'u hanoin hanesan obrigasaun aseita konviti hosi Mari Alkatiri hodi halo parte iha nia ekipa", Ramos-Horta hatete ba Lusa.\nDiretora CAUCUS Paula Corte Real hatete la kontente ho kompozisaun meza parlamentu tanba make mak domina.\nOrganizasaun feto CAUCUS (Feto iha Politika) dezkontente ho lideransa partidu politiku sira ne’ebe la fo oportunidade ba feto atu kompete iha estruktura meza parlamentu nasional ne’ebe domina husi mane.\nDiretora CAUCUS Paula Corte Real hateten iha feto nain tolu ne’ebe tur iha estruktura meza parlamentu hanesan sekretaria no vice sekretaria, maibe iha presidente no vice presiente mane hotu.
[ "Eis-Prezidente timoroan, Jose Ramos-Horta, hatete katak iha loron-sesta ne'e fila fali ba Ezekutivu hodi apoia esforsu sira governasaun Mari Alkatiri nian no kontribui hod hametin dame no dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian iha tinan hirak tuirmai.", "\"Tinan haat ka lima tuirmai hanesan importante hodi hametin dame no ba konstrusaun nasaun nian no ba entrega ba jerasaun fpun no tanba ne'e maka ha'u hanoin hanesan obrigasaun aseita konviti hosi Mari Alkatiri hodi halo parte iha nia ekipa,\" Ramos-Horta hatete ba Lusa.", "Diretora CAUCUS Paula Corte Real hatete la kontente ho kompozisaun meza parlamentu tanba make mak domina.", "Organizasaun feto CAUCUS (Feto iha Politika) dezkontente ho lideransa partidu politiku sira ne'ebe la fo oportunidade ba feto atu kompete iha estruktura meza parlamentu nasional ne'ebe domina husi mane.", "Diretora CAUCUS Paula Corte Real hateten iha feto nain tolu ne'ebe tur iha estruktura meza parlamentu hanesan sekretaria no vice sekretaria, maibe iha presidente no vice presiente mane hotu." ]
[ [ "Former Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta said that on Saturday he would return to the Executive in order for him and his party, PT (PT) 2017 - The Democratic Party of East Тимор/Partido Democrático de Leste – To support Mari Alkatiri's efforts as Prime Minister." ], [ "\"The next four or five years are as important to consolidate peace and for the construction of our nation, in order that we can deliver on this task towards future generations. That is why I feel it an obligation from my side at all times when Mari Alkatiri invited me into his team.\" Ramos-Horta told Lusa:" ], [ "CAUCUS Director Paula Corte Real said she was dissatisfied with the composition of parliamentary committees because they dominated." ], [ "Women's organization CAUCUS (Women in Politics) is dissatisfied with the leadership of political parties that do not give women an opportunity to compete on a male-dominated national parliamentary desk structure." ], [ "CAUCUS Director Paula Corte Real said that there are three women in the parliamentary table structure as secretary and vice-secretary, but all presidents of committee were men." ] ]
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OMS: Iha Posibilidade Atu Interrompe Virus Nia Espalla | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE OMS: Iha Posibilidade Atu Interrompe Virus Nia Espalla\nOMS: Iha Posibilidade Atu Interrompe Virus Nia Espalla\nDILI, 07 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI)-Reprezentante Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) iha Timor-Leste (TL) Rajesh Pandav hateten, dadus husi OMS relata katak iha loron 6 fulan fevereiru tinan 2020 kazu virus corona ne’ebé konfirmadu hamutuk 24.363 inklui mate hamutuk 491 kazu ne’e kontinua sa’e ba bebeik.\nIha fatin seluk, husi Xina kazu konfirmadu atus ida sianulu resin ida (191) iha nasaun ruanulu resin lima (25), mate ida iha Filipina.\n“Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde kompreende katak ema barak preokupadu ho sira-nia saúde rasik no sira-nia amigu no família sira,” Representante OMS, Rajesh Pandav hateten, banhira hato’o diskursu iha Workshop Nasionál Media kona-ba corona virus, iha Suai Room, Timor Plaza, ohin.\nNia hatutan, prezensa patojen foun ruma ne’ebé iha posibilidade atu kauza moras grave no mate, iha pasiente balun tenke foti medida ho seriedade tanba ita ema laiha imunidade ba virus foun ruma.\nOMS fiar katak, iha posibilidade atu interrompe virus (corona) nia espalla, naran katak nasaun iha medida forte atu deteta moras sedu, izola no fó tratamentu ba kazu, buka tuir kontaktu no promove medida distánsia adekuada ho risku.\nOMS servisu hela iha oras 24/7 ho kanál sientista, klíniku, persegidór moras, governu, liña fornesimentu péritu no parseiru husi setór públiku no privadu atu koordena responde 2019, iha área téknika oioin, inklui iha nivel nasaun, iha Timor-Leste, OMS suporta Ministériu Saúde (MS) iha kada pasu ne’ebé hakat ba.\n“Ami hetan ona introdusaun ba tipu Corona virus foun ida ne’ebé kauza sintoma respiratóriu iha sira ne’ebé infetadu. Ida husi na’in lima ne’ebé infetadu dezenvolve ba kazu grave inklui pneumonia ho fallansu respiratóriu. Sorte di’ak, ba ema sira ne’ebé hetan nia efeitu kamán,”Reprezentante OMS, Rajesh Pandav hateten.\nBazeadu ba informasaun ne’ebé oras ne’e iha, tuir nia, fonte animál ida sai posibilidade hanesan huun ba surtu ida ne’e investigasaun detalladu la’o hela atu determina ida ne’e.\nRekomendasaun padraun atu prevene infesaun nia espalla inklui fase liman beibeik, taka inus no ibun bainhira me’ar no fani, te’in na’an no manu tolun halo tasak didi’ak. Evita hakbesik ho ema ne’ebé hatudu sintoma moras respiratóriu hanesan me’ar no fani.\nIha kontextu Timor-Leste, mós konsiente ho nia dezenvolvimentu. Iha membru F-FDTL na’in rua vizita Wuhan ba treinamentu, la iha sintoma no hetan observasaun iha HNGV no tuituir malu alta ona no nafatin saudavel no la iha ameasa ba saúde públiku.\nReprezentante OMS ne’e dehan, em termos de pasu ne’ebé foti ona ba prevensaun no preparasaun, nia hakarak relata katak MS ho suporta husi OMS no parseiru halo hela servisu exelente ida. Pasajen fronteira hothotu, rai maran, tasi no aereu iha vijilánsia nia okos. Koloka ona ekipa oioin atu deteta kazu ativu, buka tuir kontaktu hafoin hetan treinamentu adekuadu.“Ami fó apoiu ba Ministériu Saúde iha étapa hotu inklui sosa ai-moruk vasina no jestaun klíniku”.\nNia haklaken, MS ho suporta téknika husi OMS treina ona knaar na’in saúde liu atus rua haatnulu iha aspeitu oioin ba Corona Virus, hahú husi jestaun kazu atu uza ekipamentu protetivu pesoál. Iha mós kolaborasaun besik ho ajénsia oioin ne’ebe iha papél importante iha prestasaun servisu saúde iha nasaun laran hanesan Brigada Médika Cubana no Brigada Médika Xineza.\nIha mós pakote akampamentu médika instala ona iha área fronteira Batugade no Covalima. Ekipa médika emerjénsia ida husi nasaun laran tomak tuir hela treinamentu ne’ebe hanesan no oras ne’e la’o dadaun.\nSeluk husi servisu tékniku oioin ne’ebé la’o hela, OMS mós esforsu hela atu sensibiliza komunidade liuhusi kanál oioin. Broxur no panfletu disponivel iha fatin prinsipál hothotu, kanál media sosiál hanesan Facebook no Twitter. Tanba ne’e, media iha papél importante no sensitivu iha tempu hanesan ne’e. Sai nafatin fonte informasaun primeiru no beibeik ba ema barak. Tanba ne’e, jornalista tenke iha kompreensaun di’ak ba Corona Virus, ho nune’e imformasaun akuradu no konsistente sai ba públiku.\n“Papél no reponsabilidade ne’ebé tula hela iha sira-nia kabás iha tempu hanesan ne’e labele sai fali presaun.Tuir saida mak ami nia Diretór Jerál Dr Tedros hateten ohin, bazeadu ba avaliasaun risku ne’ebé akontese lorloron, la prezisa atu limita viajen ka servisu komérsiu. Ita presiza de’it mak atu mobiliza suporta ba nasaun frajil ho setór saúde sei dezenvolve hela atu atinji nia potensialidade kompletu”.\nKona-bá asuntu Nova Zelándia konkorda atu evakua no karantina estudante Timor-oan na’in sanulu resin hitu (17) iha sira nia nasaun hanesan ezemplu di’ak ida husi solidariedade internasionál atu suporta nasaun ne’ebé ho sistema saúde fraku.\n“Molok remata, dala ida tan ha’u hakarak fo énfaze prezisa fahe de’it informasaun akuradu no haloos no kontra informasaun ne’ebé iha posibilidade sai perigu. Tanba ne’e mak ita-boot sira iha papél signifikante atu hala’o”.\nNo ikus liu, favór ida hanoin hela mensajen no énfaze prinsipál hirak ne’e iha kada oportunidade:\n1. Taka inus no ibun bainhira me’ar ka fani;\n2. Fase liman beibeik (liliu bainhira fo’er);\n3. Koko atu lalika hakbesik ba ema ruma ne’ebé ho sintomas respiratóriu hanesan me’ar no inus metin;\n4. Karik ita-boot iha sintomas respiratóriu, favór uza maskra;\n5. Maskra oin presiza deitba ema sira ne’ebé ho sintoma respiratóriu ka sira ne’ebé fo atendimentu direta ba sira laos ema hothotu;\n6. Te’in na’an no manu-tolun tasak didi’ak molok han;\nNotísia relevante:OMS Sei Apoiu Makina Thermoscan Neen Ba MS\nPrevious articleAJTL-TLPU Presiza Fó Formasaun Espesífika No Avansada Ba Jornalista\nNext articleDezeñu Klínika UNITAL Konklui Ona\nBAUCAU, 07 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)--Ministra saúde (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, halo diskusaun ho Prezidente Autoridade munisípiu Baucau, Olívio ‘Bou lesa’ Freitas, relasiona ho...
[ "OMS: Iha Posibilidade Atu Interrompe Virus Nia Espalla | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE OMS: Iha Posibilidade Atu Interrompe Virus Nia Espalla OMS: Iha Posibilidade Atu Interrompe Virus Nia Espalla DILI, 07 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) -Reprezentante Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) iha Timor-Leste (TL) Rajesh Pandav hateten, dadus husi OMS relata katak iha loron 6 fulan fevereiru tinan 2020 kazu virus corona ne'ebe konfirmadu hamutuk 24.363 inklui mate hamutuk 491 kazu ne'e kontinua sa'e ba bebeik.", "Iha fatin seluk, husi Xina kazu konfirmadu atus ida sianulu resin ida (191) iha nasaun ruanulu resin lima (25), mate ida iha Filipina.", "\"Organizasaun Mundial Saude kompreende katak ema barak preokupadu ho sira-nia saude rasik no sira-nia amigu no familia sira,\" Representante OMS, Rajesh Pandav hateten, banhira hato'o diskursu iha Workshop Nasional Media kona-ba corona virus, iha Suai Room, Timor Plaza, ohin.", "Nia hatutan, prezensa patojen foun ruma ne'ebe iha posibilidade atu kauza moras grave no mate, iha pasiente balun tenke foti medida ho seriedade tanba ita ema laiha imunidade ba virus foun ruma.", "OMS fiar katak, iha posibilidade atu interrompe virus (corona) nia espalla, naran katak nasaun iha medida forte atu deteta moras sedu, izola no fo tratamentu ba kazu, buka tuir kontaktu no promove medida distansia adekuada ho risku.", "OMS servisu hela iha oras 24/7 ho kanal sientista, kliniku, persegidor moras, governu, lina fornesimentu peritu no parseiru husi setor publiku no privadu atu koordena responde 2019, iha area teknika oioin, inklui iha nivel nasaun, iha Timor-Leste, OMS suporta Ministeriu Saude (MS) iha kada pasu ne'ebe hakat ba.", "\"Ami hetan ona introdusaun ba tipu Corona virus foun ida ne'ebe kauza sintoma respiratoriu iha sira ne'ebe infetadu.", "Ida husi na'in lima ne'ebe infetadu dezenvolve ba kazu grave inklui pneumonia ho fallansu respiratoriu.", "Sorte di'ak, ba ema sira ne'ebe hetan nia efeitu kaman,\"Reprezentante OMS, Rajesh Pandav hateten.", "Bazeadu ba informasaun ne'ebe oras ne'e iha, tuir nia, fonte animal ida sai posibilidade hanesan huun ba surtu ida ne'e investigasaun detalladu la'o hela atu determina ida ne'e.", "Rekomendasaun padraun atu prevene infesaun nia espalla inklui fase liman beibeik, taka inus no ibun bainhira me'ar no fani, te'in na'an no manu tolun halo tasak didi'ak.", "Evita hakbesik ho ema ne'ebe hatudu sintoma moras respiratoriu hanesan me'ar no fani.", "Iha kontextu Timor-Leste, mos konsiente ho nia dezenvolvimentu.", "Iha membru F-FDTL na'in rua vizita Wuhan ba treinamentu, la iha sintoma no hetan observasaun iha HNGV no tuituir malu alta ona no nafatin saudavel no la iha ameasa ba saude publiku.", "Reprezentante OMS ne'e dehan, em termos de pasu ne'ebe foti ona ba prevensaun no preparasaun, nia hakarak relata katak MS ho suporta husi OMS no parseiru halo hela servisu exelente ida.", "Pasajen fronteira hothotu, rai maran, tasi no aereu iha vijilansia nia okos.", "Koloka ona ekipa oioin atu deteta kazu ativu, buka tuir kontaktu hafoin hetan treinamentu adekuadu.\"Ami fo apoiu ba Ministeriu Saude iha etapa hotu inklui sosa ai-moruk vasina no jestaun kliniku.\"", "Nia haklaken, MS ho suporta teknika husi OMS treina ona knaar na'in saude liu atus rua haatnulu iha aspeitu oioin ba Corona Virus, hahu husi jestaun kazu atu uza ekipamentu protetivu pesoal.", "Iha mos kolaborasaun besik ho ajensia oioin ne'ebe iha papel importante iha prestasaun servisu saude iha nasaun laran hanesan Brigada Medika Cubana no Brigada Medika Xineza.", "Iha mos pakote akampamentu medika instala ona iha area fronteira Batugade no Covalima.", "Ekipa medika emerjensia ida husi nasaun laran tomak tuir hela treinamentu ne'ebe hanesan no oras ne'e la'o dadaun.", "Seluk husi servisu tekniku oioin ne'ebe la'o hela, OMS mos esforsu hela atu sensibiliza komunidade liuhusi kanal oioin.", "Broxur no panfletu disponivel iha fatin prinsipal hothotu, kanal media sosial hanesan Facebook no Twitter.", "Tanba ne'e, media iha papel importante no sensitivu iha tempu hanesan ne'e.", "Sai nafatin fonte informasaun primeiru no beibeik ba ema barak.", "Tanba ne'e, jornalista tenke iha kompreensaun di'ak ba Corona Virus, ho nune'e imformasaun akuradu no konsistente sai ba publiku.", "\"Papel no reponsabilidade ne'ebe tula hela iha sira-nia kabas iha tempu hanesan ne'e labele sai fali presaun.Tuir saida mak ami nia Diretor Jeral Dr Tedros hateten ohin, bazeadu ba avaliasaun risku ne'ebe akontese lorloron, la prezisa atu limita viajen ka servisu komersiu.", "Ita presiza de'it mak atu mobiliza suporta ba nasaun frajil ho setor saude sei dezenvolve hela atu atinji nia potensialidade kompletu.\"", "Kona-ba asuntu Nova Zelandia konkorda atu evakua no karantina estudante Timor-oan na'in sanulu resin hitu (17) iha sira nia nasaun hanesan ezemplu di'ak ida husi solidariedade internasional atu suporta nasaun ne'ebe ho sistema saude fraku.", "\"Molok remata, dala ida tan ha'u hakarak fo enfaze prezisa fahe de'it informasaun akuradu no haloos no kontra informasaun ne'ebe iha posibilidade sai perigu.", "Tanba ne'e mak ita-boot sira iha papel signifikante atu hala'o.\"", "No ikus liu, favor ida hanoin hela mensajen no enfaze prinsipal hirak ne'e iha kada oportunidade: 1.", "Taka inus no ibun bainhira me'ar ka fani; 2.", "Fase liman beibeik (liliu bainhira fo'er); 3.", "Koko atu lalika hakbesik ba ema ruma ne'ebe ho sintomas respiratoriu hanesan me'ar no inus metin; 4.", "Karik ita-boot iha sintomas respiratoriu, favor uza maskra; 5.", "Maskra oin presiza deitba ema sira ne'ebe ho sintoma respiratoriu ka sira ne'ebe fo atendimentu direta ba sira laos ema hothotu; 6.", "Te'in na'an no manu-tolun tasak didi'ak molok han; Notisia relevante:OMS Sei Apoiu Makina Thermoscan Neen Ba MS Previous articleAJTL-TLPU Presiza Fo Formasaun Espesifika No Avansada Ba Jornalista Next articleDezenu Klinika UNITAL Konklui Ona BAUCAU, 07 junu 2021 (TATOLI) --Ministra saude (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, halo diskusaun ho Prezidente Autoridade munisipiu Baucau, Olivio 'Bou lesa' Freitas, relasiona ho..." ]
[ [ "OMS: There Is Possibility To Stop The Spread Of Virus | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE World Health Organization (WHO) Reports That Covid19 Case Number Has Continued to Rise In East Asia Dili, Feb.7th - Representative of the world health organization WHO Rajesh Pandav said that data from WHO reported on February6of this year confirmed corona virus cases totalled a whopping number as well including death involving an overall figure amounting upto $24305 and deaths account for over £8 million since March last month which is still rising steadily with more than one thousand new coronavirus infectious patients per day being detectes everyday across all countries within ASEAN region" ], [ "On the other hand, from China confirmed one hundred and ninety-one (192) cases in eighteen countries. One death has been reported to be a Filipino national who died on Monday after being diagnosed with coronavirus at home by his doctors during an emergency visit of another country where he was hospitalized for treatment as well" ], [ "\"The World Health Organization understands that many people are concerned about their own health and the well-being of friends, family members\", WHO Representative Rajesh Pandav said after speaking at a National Media Workshop on corona virus in Suai Room today." ], [ "He added that the presence of a new pathogen which has potential to cause serious illness and death, in some patients must take measures with gravity because we have no human immune system for any novel virus." ], [ "WHO believes that there is a possibility to halt the spread of this virus (corona) if countries have strong measured for detecting acute illness, isolating and treated cases; tracing contacts with patients who are at risk." ], [ "WHO is working 24/7 with channel scientists, clinicians and disease trackers as well government experts supply lines to coordinate the response in various technical areas including at country level. In Timor-Leste it has supported Ministry of Health (MOH) on every step that takes towards a successful outbreak prevention strategy for COVID19" ], [ "\"We have been introduced to a new strain of Corona virus that causes respiratory symptoms in those infected." ], [ "One in five infected develops to severe cases including pneumonia with respiratory failure." ], [ "Good luck to those who have suffered the adverse effects,\" WHO Representative Rajesh Pandav said." ], [ "Based on the information currently available, he said an animal source is a possible cause of this outbreak and detailed investigations are ongoing to determine it." ], [ "Standard recommendations to prevent the spread of infection include washing your hands frequently, covering nose and mouth when you breathe or sneeze." ], [ "Avoid contact with people who show symptoms of respiratory illness such as cough and sneezing." ], [ "In the context of East Timor, also aware with its development." ], [ "There were two F-FDTL members visiting Wuhan for training, they had no symptoms and have been observed at HNGV. The other member has now discharge from the hospital but is still healthy without any threat to public health" ], [ "The WHO representative said, in terms of the steps already taken for prevention and preparedness he would like to report that MS with support fromWHOand partners is doing an excellent job." ], [ "All land, sea and air border crossings are subject to surveillance." ], [ "Various teams have been deployed to detect active cases, track down contacts after receiving appropriate training.\"We support the Ministry of Health at all stages including purchasing medicine and vaccine as well As clinical management. \"" ], [ "He announced that MS with technical support from WHO has trained more than 142 health workers in various aspects of the Corona Virus, ranging From case management to using personal protective equipment." ], [ "There is also a close collaboration with various agencies that play an important role in the provision of health services at home such as Cuban Medical Brigade and Chinese medical brigade." ], [ "There are also medical camp packages installed in the Batugade and Covalima border area." ], [ "An emergency medical team from all over the country is undergoing similar training and it's currently in progress." ], [ "In addition to the various ongoing technical work, WHO is also working on raising awareness through different channels." ], [ "Brochures and leaflet are available at all major locations, social media channel such as Facebook or Twitter." ], [ "Therefore, the media has an important and sensitive role to play at such a time." ], [ "Be the first and only source of information for many people." ], [ "Therefore, journalists must have a good understanding of the Corona Virus so that accurate and consistent information can be provided to public." ], [ "\"The role and responsibility that they have on their shoulders at such a time must not become pressure. As our Director General Dr Tedros said today, based upon risk evaluations taking place every day there is no need to limit travel or commercial services.\"" ], [ "We just need to mobilize support for fragile states with a health sector that is still developing in order it can reach its full potential.\"" ], [ "On the matter, New Zealand agreed to evacuate and quarantine 17 Timorese students in their country as a good example of international solidarity supporting countries with weak health systems." ], [ "\"Before concluding, I would like to emphasize once again the importance of only disseminating accurate and truthful information against potentially dangerous ones." ], [ "That is why you have a significant role to play.\"" ], [ "Finally, it is a favor to keep in mind these key messages and emphasis at every opportunity: 1." ], [ "Take inus no ibun bainhira me'ar ka fani; 2." ], [ "Fase hands often (lilies when fo'er); 3." ], [ "Avoid contact with anyone who has respiratory symptoms such as cough and stiff nose; 4." ], [ "If you have respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask; 5." ], [ "Only people with respiratory symptoms or those providing direct care to them need a face mask, not everyone; 6." ], [ "Te'in na’an no manu-tolun tasak didi‘ak molok han; Notisia relevante:OMS Sei Apoiu Makina Thermoscan Neen Ba MS Previous articleAJTL - TLPU Needs To Give Specific And Advanced Training For Journalist Next ArticleUNITAL Clinic Design Concluded BAUCAU, 07 June... Read More »" ] ]
Kazu Hudi-Laran, PNTL hein mandadu husi MP - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Kazu Hudi-Laran, PNTL hein mandadu husi MP\n``Tanba ne´e mak ami husu ba media no públiku fó oportunidade ba PNTL hodi promove kazu ne´e. Ami halo ona pedidu ba Tribunal kona-ba akontesimentu ne´e, prosesu ne´e sei han tempu, maibe prosesu ne´e toleransia laiha. Tanba ne´e mak promosaun ami halo ona, espera sedu ka tarde suspeitu ne´ebé mak ami identifika ona sei submete ba prosesu kriminal``, esplika Segundu Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Díli ba jornalista sira Tersa (04/12/18) iha Kuartel PNTL Kaikoli Munisípiu Díli.\n``Hanesan ita boot sira ne´ebé mak ita akompaña iha facebook, ami husu kedas mandadu ba Ministériu Públiku``, dehan Euclides Belo.\n``Tanba ne´e mak ami hein mandadu sai sei kaptura suspeitu sira, motivu ne´ebé mak ita boot sira husu sai hanesan materia ba investigasaun kriminal ou Ministériu Públiku hodi investiga suspeitu sira``,dehan Euclides Belo.avi
[ "Kazu Hudi-Laran, PNTL hein mandadu husi MP - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Kazu Hudi-Laran, PNTL hein mandadu husi MP \" Tanba ne'e mak ami husu ba media no publiku fo oportunidade ba PNTL hodi promove kazu ne'e.", "Ami halo ona pedidu ba Tribunal kona-ba akontesimentu ne'e, prosesu ne'e sei han tempu, maibe prosesu ne'e toleransia laiha.", "Tanba ne'e mak promosaun ami halo ona, espera sedu ka tarde suspeitu ne'ebe mak ami identifika ona sei submete ba prosesu kriminal \" , esplika Segundu Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili ba jornalista sira Tersa (04/12/18) iha Kuartel PNTL Kaikoli Munisipiu Dili. \"", "Hanesan ita boot sira ne'ebe mak ita akompana iha facebook, ami husu kedas mandadu ba Ministeriu Publiku \" , dehan Euclides Belo. \"", "Tanba ne'e mak ami hein mandadu sai sei kaptura suspeitu sira, motivu ne'ebe mak ita boot sira husu sai hanesan materia ba investigasaun kriminal ou Ministeriu Publiku hodi investiga suspeitu sira \" ,dehan Euclides Belo.avi" ]
[ [ "Kazu Hudi-Laran, PNTL hein mandadu husi MP - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca \"That is why we ask the media and public to give an opportunity for Polisia Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (PNTL) in promoting this case." ], [ "We have made a request to the Court regarding this incident, it will take some time but there is no tolerance for that." ], [ "That's why we have made the promotion, waiting for sedu or late suspect that has been identified will be submitted to criminal proceeding\", explaining Deputy Commander of Dili Municipal Police Department (DMPPD) told journalist on Tuesday 04/12 /38 at Kaikoli District Headquarters." ], [ "As the elders we follow on facebook, I immediately asked for a warrant from Public Prosecution Service \" . said Euclides Belo.\"" ], [ "That is why we are waiting for the warrant to be issued and arresting suspects, reason that our grandfather asked out as a matter of criminal investigation or Public Prosecutor' s Office (MPO) in order To Investigate Suspected \" ." ] ]
Servisu saúde Baucau hato’o ona pedidu vasina ba SAMES | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Servisu saúde Baucau hato’o ona pedidu vasina ba SAMES\nServisu saúde Baucau hato’o ona pedidu vasina ba SAMES\nBAUCAU, 28 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)–Diretór servisu saúde munisípiu Baucau, Domingos Reinaldo da Costa Guterres, hateten daudaun ne’e hato’o ona pedidu ba Servisu Autónomu Medikamentu Ekipamentu Saúde (SAMES) Nasionál atu distribui tan vasina AstraZeneca hodi kompleta vasina iha munisípiu Baucau.\n“Ami halo ona pedidu lori ona ba, ita hein de’it aimoruk karik to’o ona iha Dili, entaun segunda (05/07) sira drop fali mai ita-nia munisípiu atu nune’e iha kontinuasaun,” Diretor saúde Baucau, hateten iha Admistrasaun Munisipál Baucau villa nova, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Stock vasina AstraZeneca iha Baucau limitadu\nDaudaun ne’e kampaña vasinasaun kontinua hala’o hela iha postu admistrativu inklui suku tuir sentru saúde ne’ebé estabelese iha munisípiu Baucau.\nKampaña vasinasaun rasik nafatin fó perioridade ba komunidade sira ne’ebé seidauk kompleta doze dalaruak inklui idozu no invalidez.\n“Falta ema 3.330 mak seidauk hetan vasina, ita husu doze ne’ebé mak ho totál ne’e, atu atendente ba ita-nia komunidade ne’ebé presiza,” nia akresenta.\nIha fatin ketak, Xefe Unidade Armazen SAMES rejionál Baucau, hateten, normalmente pedidu ruma hosi servisu saúde Baucau deretamente hato’o ba SAMES nasionál, enkuantu kona-ba vasinasaun iha Baucau presiza aumenta tan vasina tipu AstraZeneca hodi kobre númeru partisipante.\n“Karik semana oin hanesan ne’e sei distribui mai ita-nia munisípiu, tamba ita-nia daudaun ne’e AstraZeneca, vasina seluk seidauk,” João Cancio Ximenes Ornai hateten iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova.\nDadaun ne’e kampaña vasinasaun atinje ona 70% resin ba doze dahuluk ho totál 10.697, doze daruak iha 1.837, ne’ebé ho totál vasina 12.534, enkuantu totál alvu iha Baucau hamutuk 15.863, nune’e hela 3.330 mak seidauk vasina.\nPrevious articleJaneiru-juñu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu hamutuk 86\nNext articleEmbaixadór dizignadu na’in-13 tuir formasaun
[ "Servisu saude Baucau hato'o ona pedidu vasina ba SAMES | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Servisu saude Baucau hato'o ona pedidu vasina ba SAMES Servisu saude Baucau hato'o ona pedidu vasina ba SAMES BAUCAU, 28 junu 2021 (TATOLI) -Diretor servisu saude munisipiu Baucau, Domingos Reinaldo da Costa Guterres, hateten daudaun ne'e hato'o ona pedidu ba Servisu Autonomu Medikamentu Ekipamentu Saude (SAMES) Nasional atu distribui tan vasina AstraZeneca hodi kompleta vasina iha munisipiu Baucau.", "\"Ami halo ona pedidu lori ona ba, ita hein de'it aimoruk karik to'o ona iha Dili, entaun segunda (05/07) sira drop fali mai ita-nia munisipiu atu nune'e iha kontinuasaun,\" Diretor saude Baucau, hateten iha Admistrasaun Munisipal Baucau villa nova, segunda ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Stock vasina AstraZeneca iha Baucau limitadu Daudaun ne'e kampana vasinasaun kontinua hala'o hela iha postu admistrativu inklui suku tuir sentru saude ne'ebe estabelese iha munisipiu Baucau.", "Kampana vasinasaun rasik nafatin fo perioridade ba komunidade sira ne'ebe seidauk kompleta doze dalaruak inklui idozu no invalidez.", "\"Falta ema 3.330 mak seidauk hetan vasina, ita husu doze ne'ebe mak ho total ne'e, atu atendente ba ita-nia komunidade ne'ebe presiza,\" nia akresenta.", "Iha fatin ketak, Xefe Unidade Armazen SAMES rejional Baucau, hateten, normalmente pedidu ruma hosi servisu saude Baucau deretamente hato'o ba SAMES nasional, enkuantu kona-ba vasinasaun iha Baucau presiza aumenta tan vasina tipu AstraZeneca hodi kobre numeru partisipante.", "\"Karik semana oin hanesan ne'e sei distribui mai ita-nia munisipiu, tamba ita-nia daudaun ne'e AstraZeneca, vasina seluk seidauk,\" Joao Cancio Ximenes Ornai hateten iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova.", "Dadaun ne'e kampana vasinasaun atinje ona 70% resin ba doze dahuluk ho total 10.697, doze daruak iha 1.837, ne'ebe ho total vasina 12.534, enkuantu total alvu iha Baucau hamutuk 15.863, nune'e hela 3.330 mak seidauk vasina.", "Previous articleJaneiru-junu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu hamutuk 86 Next articleEmbaixador dizignadu na'in-13 tuir formasaun" ]
[ [ "BAUCAU, June 28th (TATOLI) -Baucau municipal health service director Domingos Reinaldo da Costa Guterres said that he has submitted a request to the National Autonomous Service for Medicine and Health Equipment(SAMES), which is responsible of distributing AstraZeneca vaccine in Baucau. He also stated his department will continue working on this issue with SAMS until they have received an approval from them before applying further information about how COVID-19 vaccination can be implemented at their hospital or community centre as well..." ], [ "\"We have already made the request and we've taken it to Dili. We just wait for medicines if they arrived, so on Monday (05/17) will drop back in our municipality as follow-up\", Health Director Baucau said at Municipal Administration of Villa Nova Bacau this monday.\"" ], [ "Relevant news: AstraZeneca vaccine stock in Baucau limited At the moment, vaccination campaign continues to be carried out at administrative posts including village according health centers established within Bacau municipality." ], [ "The vaccination campaign itself still gives priority to communities that have not completed the second dose including elderly and disabled." ], [ "\"There are 3,405 people who have not been vaccinated yet. We ask for the dose that is with this total to attend our communities in need.\"" ], [ "On the other hand, Head of SAMES Regional Warehouse Unit Baucau said that normally some requests from health services in Baucai are directly submitted to national Sames. As for vaccination at Bacau it is necessary further increase AstraZeneca type vaccine coverage so as not only 10% but also more people can be vaccinated with this new variant and therefore we need an additional dose each day.\"" ], [ "\"About the next week or so we will distribute to our municipalities, because at present it is AstraZeneca and no other vaccines have been received yet\", said Joao Cancio Ximenes Ornai in his office." ], [ "To date, the vaccination campaign has reached more than 70% for first dose with a total of21.534 people and second doses in689 persons which means that there are still about three thousand unvaccinated individual who have not received their vaccine yet (the target population is approximately one million)." ], [ "Previous articleJanuary-June, PNTL Baucau registers 86 cases Next13 ambassadors to be trained in the country" ] ]
By Tempo Timor January 08, 2021 1967\nDeputada bankada opozisaun CNRT Maria Gorumali Bareto koalia hela ho jornlista iha parlamentu nasional, kinta (7/1). Foto Tempo Timor\nNia kestiona asuntu ne'e tanba to'o ohin loron povu iha munisipiu Baucau kontinua ejize governu atu tau bee moos iha hospital rejionál Baucau, maibé realidade ejizénsia hirak ne’e hela ho rezultadu mamuk.\n"Até agora Baukau sei hakilar nafatin ba bee-moos iha hospital, mais Ministeriu Saúde rasik taka matan no tilun diuk la rona, matan delek la hare ba sofrimentu pasiente nomós komunidade iha hospital rejional Baukau," Deputada ne’e kestiona iha PN, Kinta (7/1).\nNia kestiona katak, dalaruma governante sira mak laiha kapasidade no laiha responsabilidade ba problema sira ne'ebé komunidade husi hospital rejional hato'o.\nKona-ba osan ne'ebe atu halo manutensaun ba bee moos ne'e nia haktuir, imposivel atu governu dehan osan laiha, tanba osan ne'ebe parlamentu aprova hahu husi tinan 2019 to'o 2020, inklui 2021 ne'e ho montante ne'ebé mak boot.\n"Sé sira dehan osan laiha, ne'e imposivél, tanba iha parlamentu nasional, ami rasik halo audiénsia publika kona-ba OJE ne'ebe mai husi tinan 2019 mos iha, 2020 mos iha, no orsamentu 2021 nian ne'ebe mak aprovasaun ho montante boot tebes. Maibe realidade sira la responde ida ne'e, ida ne'e hatudu ba ita katak, governu ida ne'e laiha kapasidade,"nia kestiona.\nKona-ba bee ba hospital ne'e nia konta tuir katak, durante ne'e bankada CNRT iha PN sempre levanta ba iha membru governu sira atu tau prioridade, tanba bee moos no atendimentu saúde ne'e servisu ida ne'ebè intergrade.\nNia preokupa asuntu ne'e tanba, tuir loloos Servisu Agua no Saneamnetu (SAS) mak atu tau atensaun maibé lahatene kestaun ida ne'e dalaruma sira mak laiha kapasidade iha liña koordenasaun ba malu atu ba hadi’a. (*)\nOspitál Referál Baukau\n« Bispu Basilio: “Sé Ita Timór mak Mate 700 kada loron, Ita ba Hotu” Deskonfia Iha Sintomas Covid-19, Evakua ema 10 Husi Baukau »
[ "By Tempo Timor January 08, 2021 1967 Deputada bankada opozisaun CNRT Maria Gorumali Bareto koalia hela ho jornlista iha parlamentu nasional, kinta (7/1).", "Foto Tempo Timor Nia kestiona asuntu ne'e tanba to'o ohin loron povu iha munisipiu Baucau kontinua ejize governu atu tau bee moos iha hospital rejional Baucau, maibe realidade ejizensia hirak ne'e hela ho rezultadu mamuk.", "\"Ate agora Baukau sei hakilar nafatin ba bee-moos iha hospital, mais Ministeriu Saude rasik taka matan no tilun diuk la rona, matan delek la hare ba sofrimentu pasiente nomos komunidade iha hospital rejional Baukau,\" Deputada ne'e kestiona iha PN, Kinta (7/1).", "Nia kestiona katak, dalaruma governante sira mak laiha kapasidade no laiha responsabilidade ba problema sira ne'ebe komunidade husi hospital rejional hato'o.", "Kona-ba osan ne'ebe atu halo manutensaun ba bee moos ne'e nia haktuir, imposivel atu governu dehan osan laiha, tanba osan ne'ebe parlamentu aprova hahu husi tinan 2019 to'o 2020, inklui 2021 ne'e ho montante ne'ebe mak boot.", "\"Se sira dehan osan laiha, ne'e imposivel, tanba iha parlamentu nasional, ami rasik halo audiensia publika kona-ba OJE ne'ebe mai husi tinan 2019 mos iha, 2020 mos iha, no orsamentu 2021 nian ne'ebe mak aprovasaun ho montante boot tebes.", "Maibe realidade sira la responde ida ne'e, ida ne'e hatudu ba ita katak, governu ida ne'e laiha kapasidade,\"nia kestiona.", "Kona-ba bee ba hospital ne'e nia konta tuir katak, durante ne'e bankada CNRT iha PN sempre levanta ba iha membru governu sira atu tau prioridade, tanba bee moos no atendimentu saude ne'e servisu ida ne'ebe intergrade.", "Nia preokupa asuntu ne'e tanba, tuir loloos Servisu Agua no Saneamnetu (SAS) mak atu tau atensaun maibe lahatene kestaun ida ne'e dalaruma sira mak laiha kapasidade iha lina koordenasaun ba malu atu ba hadi'a. (*) Ospital Referal Baukau \" Bispu Basilio: \"Se Ita Timor mak Mate 700 kada loron, Ita ba Hotu\" Deskonfia Iha Sintomas Covid-19, Evakua ema 10 Husi Baukau \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor January 08,1967 Opposition MP Maria Gorumali Bareto speaks to journalist in the national parliament on Tuesday (January)." ], [ "He questioned the matter because to this day people in Baucau municipality continue demanding government put clean water at regional hospital of Bacau, but reality is that these requests are still with poor results." ], [ "\"Until now Baukau will continue to cry for water in the hospital, but Ministry of Health itself closes its eyes and does not listen or look at patients' suffering as well a community on regional Hospital Baukau\", this deputy questioned before Parliament Thursday (7/1)." ], [ "He questioned that often the governors are incapable and not responsible for problems raised by communities from regional hospital." ], [ "Regarding the money to maintain clean water, he said that it is impossible for governments say there are no funds because Parliament approved a large amount of funding from year-2019 through - and including in – years like this." ], [ "\"If they say there is no money, it's impossible because in the national parliament we have our own public hearing on budget that comes from 2019 and also has a large amount of funds." ], [ "But in reality they do not answer this, it shows us that the government has no capacity\", he questioned." ], [ "Regarding the water to hospital, he said that during this time CNRP's parliamentary group has always raised issues with government members in order for priority be given because sanitation and health care is an integrated service." ], [ "He is concerned about this issue because, it should be the Water and Sanitation Service (SAS) to pay attention but he notes that sometimes they lack capacity in coordination line for each other so as improve. (*). Ospital Referal Baukau \" Bishop Basilio: “If We Timorese Die 701 per day we'll go home” Desconfia Have Symptoms Covid-29 Evacuate Ten People From Baucau\"" ] ]
Veteranu barak moris iha mukit nia laran | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Veteranu barak moris iha mukit nia laran\nVeteranu barak moris iha mukit nia laran\nMembru FALINTIL feto sira kaer kilita funu hasoru invazór. Imajen/Google.\nDILI, 20 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)- Veteranu FALINTIL marak mak sei ativa servisu iha vida militár hanesan membru FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no barak mós mak reforma ona ba vida sivíl.\nHusi sira-lubun ne’ebé fila ba vida sivíl, moris iha situasaun susar no mukit tebes. at liután, balun la iha hela-fatin no moris difisil tebes iha faze ukun rasik-an ne’e.\nTuir Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál F-FDTL, Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timor, informa katak, problema ne’ebé veteranu rezisténsia sira hasoru, tanba falta atensaun husi Estadu, liu-liu lider polítiku ka fundadór nasaun sira ne’ebé moris fahe malu iha vida polítika too hamosu inserteza polítika iha rai laran.\nNia husu ba Estadu no Governu halo lei atu garante veteranu sira-nia futuru, no sira-nia oan no bei-oan sira hetan direitu no regalia tanba aman-inan sira-nia kontribuisaun boot ba libertasaun nasionál.\nLere husu mós ba Estadu Timor-Leste, kada tinan tenke tau iha programa Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) iha nafatin fundus atu harii veteranu sira-nia uma ka hela fatin ne’ebé dignu.\n“Veteranu FALINTIL sira ne’ebé ohin loron sei ativu iha F-FDTL laran la kontente ho moris ne’e, tanba la iha justisa kona-ba sira nia estatutu no direitu ne’ebé sira merese,” hateten Lere Anan Timur.\nNia lia tun tan dehan, veteranu FALINTIL sira ne’ebé uluk funu tinan 24 nia laran ba Timor nia independénsia, sira-nia estatutu no tratamentu hanesan funsionáriu públiku baibain de’it. No situasaun sai aat liu, bainhira sira ba reforma, tanba ema la tau matan ba sira.\n“Ita haluha sira-nia esforsu no sakrifísiu harii nasaun no Estadu ida ne’e,” dehan Lere Anan Timur liuhusi diskursu iha selebrasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala-45 ne’ebé hala’o iha Kuartél Jenerál F-FDTL, Fatuhada, Dili, ohin.\nNia dehan, Forsas Armadas, loloos tenke iha estatutu espesiál ida ho nia natureza militár duni, ketak no labele kompara. Tanba bainhira ko’alia kona-ba osan operasionál ka perdiem, funsionáriu públiku sira hetan $40,00, maibé soldadu F-FDTL sira hetan $10,00 de’it, ne’e la iha ekilíbriu.\nKomandante Lere hatutan, veteranu sira ne’ebé to’o ohin loron sei servisu iha Instituisaun F-FDTL, bainhira konta loloos, sira halo ona tinan-44 serbí Estadu, tinan 24 iha funu rezisténsia nia-laran no tinan 20 iha tempu independénsia nian.\n“Dala balu ho impase polítiku ida ne’e polítiku sira, liu-liu na’i-ulun sira taka matan ba problema sira ne’e. Se ohin loron nasaun ne’e estavel, ne’e tanba kontribuisaun boot husi líderes istóriku sira hamutuk ho veteranu FALINTIL sira,” dehan Lare.\nIha parte seluk, Lere dehan, ohin loron ema balu hakarak iha mós istória no inventa istória. Sira dehan katak ukun-an ne’e hahú husi (pregu) konsulta populár, no sira nega prosesu tomak ne’ebé la’o molok konsulta populár. FRETILIN no FALINTIL ne’e patrimóniu Estadu nian ne’ebé labele husik malu. Ohin loron FRETILIN partidu polítiku ida, maibé FRETILIN uluk, nia mak matadalan no komanda FALINTIL hodi funu no reziste hasoru invazora sira ba libertasaun nasionál. Sobrevivente sira ne’ebé uluk komanda funu mak Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Mauhunu Bulerek Karatayanu.\nNia hatutan, FRETELIN no FALINTIL mak la iha karik, Referendu mós la iha no independénsia mós la iha.\n“Ita tenke rekoñese katak uluk FRETILIN mak matadalan no FALINTIL mak liman kro’at FRETILIN no povu Maubere nian. Ikus mai CNRT moris nu’udar produtu Unidade Nasionál no despartidarizasaun FALINTIL nian no lori Timor-Oan sira ba Referendu.”\nLere tatoli ho espera katak, liuhusi desizaun Estadu hodi harii ona Konsellu Nasionál Veteranu no Ministériu ba Veteranu. Instituisaun rua-ne’e Estadu fó responsabilidade atu identifika problema sira hotu ne’ebé mosu hodi fó solusaun.\nKomandante F-FDTL ne’e mós husu ba jerasaun futuru Timor-Leste sira atu buka dalan oinsá atu ema labele nega no labele hamoos istória. Dalan di’ak liu mak habelar istória ne’e ba jerasaun foun sira liuhusi dalan edukasaun sívika, hahú husi eskola sira, edukasaun polítiku, instituisaun Estadu no seluk tan, atu nune’e, sidadaun hot-hotu bele hatene istória ne’e nu’udar TL nia identidade rasik.\nKomandu F-FDTL mós rekomenda ba Estadu no Governu, atu loron 20 agostu sai loron nasionál.\nIha parte seluk, Veteranu rezisténsia, Alin Laek husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu tau matan no halo uma ba veteranu tinan-24 barak ne’ebé reformadu ona iha Instituisaun F-FDTL fila ba vida sivíl barak moris uma la iha, Estadu tenke kria polítika para halo uma ba sira.\n“Problema veteranu ne’e ita haree barak tebes, balun ate agora uma la iha, ida ne’e presiza hetan atensaun husi Estadu para halo uma ba sira, tanba sira fó ona kontribuisaun boot ba luta libertasaun nasionál,” Alin Laek hateten.\nNia hatutan, sira nia parte sei ajuda Governu ne’e hodi rezolve mós problema veteranu nian barak ne’ebé sei pendente, inklui veteranu falsu sira ne’ebé simu ona osan Estadu atu identifika hodi hakotu problema veteranu nian.\nPrevious articleXanana-Taur no Lú Olo hamutuk bele hakotu impase polítika\nNext articleJenerál Lere rekomenda halo Lei rigorozu kontrola GAM
[ "Veteranu barak moris iha mukit nia laran | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Veteranu barak moris iha mukit nia laran Veteranu barak moris iha mukit nia laran Membru FALINTIL feto sira kaer kilita funu hasoru invazor.", "Imajen/Google.", "DILI, 20 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) - Veteranu FALINTIL marak mak sei ativa servisu iha vida militar hanesan membru FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no barak mos mak reforma ona ba vida sivil.", "Husi sira-lubun ne'ebe fila ba vida sivil, moris iha situasaun susar no mukit tebes. at liutan, balun la iha hela-fatin no moris difisil tebes iha faze ukun rasik-an ne'e.", "Tuir Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timor, informa katak, problema ne'ebe veteranu rezistensia sira hasoru, tanba falta atensaun husi Estadu, liu-liu lider politiku ka fundador nasaun sira ne'ebe moris fahe malu iha vida politika too hamosu inserteza politika iha rai laran.", "Nia husu ba Estadu no Governu halo lei atu garante veteranu sira-nia futuru, no sira-nia oan no bei-oan sira hetan direitu no regalia tanba aman-inan sira-nia kontribuisaun boot ba libertasaun nasional.", "Lere husu mos ba Estadu Timor-Leste, kada tinan tenke tau iha programa Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) iha nafatin fundus atu harii veteranu sira-nia uma ka hela fatin ne'ebe dignu.", "\"Veteranu FALINTIL sira ne'ebe ohin loron sei ativu iha F-FDTL laran la kontente ho moris ne'e, tanba la iha justisa kona-ba sira nia estatutu no direitu ne'ebe sira merese,\" hateten Lere Anan Timur.", "Nia lia tun tan dehan, veteranu FALINTIL sira ne'ebe uluk funu tinan 24 nia laran ba Timor nia independensia, sira-nia estatutu no tratamentu hanesan funsionariu publiku baibain de'it.", "No situasaun sai aat liu, bainhira sira ba reforma, tanba ema la tau matan ba sira.", "\"Ita haluha sira-nia esforsu no sakrifisiu harii nasaun no Estadu ida ne'e,\" dehan Lere Anan Timur liuhusi diskursu iha selebrasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala-45 ne'ebe hala'o iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL, Fatuhada, Dili, ohin.", "Nia dehan, Forsas Armadas, loloos tenke iha estatutu espesial ida ho nia natureza militar duni, ketak no labele kompara.", "Tanba bainhira ko'alia kona-ba osan operasional ka perdiem, funsionariu publiku sira hetan $40,00, maibe soldadu F-FDTL sira hetan $10,00 de'it, ne'e la iha ekilibriu.", "Komandante Lere hatutan, veteranu sira ne'ebe to'o ohin loron sei servisu iha Instituisaun F-FDTL, bainhira konta loloos, sira halo ona tinan-44 serbi Estadu, tinan 24 iha funu rezistensia nia-laran no tinan 20 iha tempu independensia nian.", "\"Dala balu ho impase politiku ida ne'e politiku sira, liu-liu na'i-ulun sira taka matan ba problema sira ne'e.", "Se ohin loron nasaun ne'e estavel, ne'e tanba kontribuisaun boot husi lideres istoriku sira hamutuk ho veteranu FALINTIL sira,\" dehan Lare.", "Iha parte seluk, Lere dehan, ohin loron ema balu hakarak iha mos istoria no inventa istoria.", "Sira dehan katak ukun-an ne'e hahu husi (pregu) konsulta popular, no sira nega prosesu tomak ne'ebe la'o molok konsulta popular.", "FRETILIN no FALINTIL ne'e patrimoniu Estadu nian ne'ebe labele husik malu.", "Ohin loron FRETILIN partidu politiku ida, maibe FRETILIN uluk, nia mak matadalan no komanda FALINTIL hodi funu no reziste hasoru invazora sira ba libertasaun nasional.", "Sobrevivente sira ne'ebe uluk komanda funu mak Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Mauhunu Bulerek Karatayanu.", "Nia hatutan, FRETELIN no FALINTIL mak la iha karik, Referendu mos la iha no independensia mos la iha.", "\"Ita tenke rekonese katak uluk FRETILIN mak matadalan no FALINTIL mak liman kro'at FRETILIN no povu Maubere nian.", "Ikus mai CNRT moris nu'udar produtu Unidade Nasional no despartidarizasaun FALINTIL nian no lori Timor-Oan sira ba Referendu.\"", "Lere tatoli ho espera katak, liuhusi desizaun Estadu hodi harii ona Konsellu Nasional Veteranu no Ministeriu ba Veteranu.", "Instituisaun rua-ne'e Estadu fo responsabilidade atu identifika problema sira hotu ne'ebe mosu hodi fo solusaun.", "Komandante F-FDTL ne'e mos husu ba jerasaun futuru Timor-Leste sira atu buka dalan oinsa atu ema labele nega no labele hamoos istoria.", "Dalan di'ak liu mak habelar istoria ne'e ba jerasaun foun sira liuhusi dalan edukasaun sivika, hahu husi eskola sira, edukasaun politiku, instituisaun Estadu no seluk tan, atu nune'e, sidadaun hot-hotu bele hatene istoria ne'e nu'udar TL nia identidade rasik.", "Komandu F-FDTL mos rekomenda ba Estadu no Governu, atu loron 20 agostu sai loron nasional.", "Iha parte seluk, Veteranu rezistensia, Alin Laek husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu tau matan no halo uma ba veteranu tinan-24 barak ne'ebe reformadu ona iha Instituisaun F-FDTL fila ba vida sivil barak moris uma la iha, Estadu tenke kria politika para halo uma ba sira.", "\"Problema veteranu ne'e ita haree barak tebes, balun ate agora uma la iha, ida ne'e presiza hetan atensaun husi Estadu para halo uma ba sira, tanba sira fo ona kontribuisaun boot ba luta libertasaun nasional,\" Alin Laek hateten.", "Nia hatutan, sira nia parte sei ajuda Governu ne'e hodi rezolve mos problema veteranu nian barak ne'ebe sei pendente, inklui veteranu falsu sira ne'ebe simu ona osan Estadu atu identifika hodi hakotu problema veteranu nian.", "Previous articleXanana-Taur no Lu Olo hamutuk bele hakotu impase politika Next articleJeneral Lere rekomenda halo Lei rigorozu kontrola GAM" ]
[ [ "Many veterans lived in the shadow of war | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Women FALINTIL members carry kilita fighting against invaders." ], [ "Image/Google." ], [ "DILI, August 20th - Many FALINTIL veterans will be active in military life as members of the Timor-Leste Defence Force (F– FDTL) and many have retired to civilian service." ], [ "Of the many who returned to civilian life, some lived in very difficult and miserable conditions. Some were homeless or had a hard time living during this period of independence from Portugal; others lost their homes because they did not have enough money for food at that point (see below)." ], [ "According to the Chief of General Staff, Major-General Lere Anan Timor said that resistance veterans are facing a problem because they lack attention from state authorities. Particularly political leaders or founders who lived in countries divided by their own politics have created internal insecurity and uncertainties about what is happening within those nations' border areas as well; this has led them into an increasing sense for national identity which can be used against other people on ground level but not at all international levels.\"" ], [ "He called on the State and Government to make laws that guaranteed their future, as well for children of those who had served in military service because they made a great contribution towards national liberation." ], [ "Lere also asked the State of Timor-Leste, every year should put in General Budget (GOB) program still funds to build veterans' homes or housing that is decent." ], [ "\"FALINTIL veterans who today will be active in the F-FDTL are not satisfied with their lives, because there is no justice regarding its status and rights that they deserve\", said Lere Anan Timur." ], [ "He went on to say that FALINTIL veterans who fought for 24 years in the struggle of Timorese independence, their status and treatment is just like ordinary civil servant." ], [ "And the situation gets worse when they go into retirement, because people don't take care of them." ], [ "\"Let us not forget their efforts and sacrifices to build this nation,\" said Lere Anan Timur in a speech at the celebration of FALINTIL'S 45th Anniversary held today (10/2) from F-FDTL Headquarters Fatuhada." ], [ "He said, the Armed Forces should have a special statute with its very military nature that is distinct and cannot be compared." ], [ "Because when we talk about operating money or loss, civil servants get $40.15 but F-FDTL soldiers only receive a minimum of US$28 per month; there is no balance in this situation!" ], [ "Commander Lere said that the veterans who are still working in F-FDTL, if they were to count correctly would have served for a state service of over four decades: twenty years during resistance war and thirty at independence." ], [ "\"Sometimes with this political impasse politicians, especially the head of state turn a blind eye to these problems." ], [ "If today the country is stable, it's because of great contributions from historical leaders together with FALINTIL veteran." ], [ "On the other hand, Lere says that nowadays some people want to have history and invent it." ], [ "They say that independence begins with a popular consultation, and they deny the whole process which went on prior to this." ], [ "FRETILIN and FALINTIL are the heritage of a State that cannot be left behind." ], [ "Today FRETILIN is a political party, but in the past it was Fretilin who led and commanded FALINTIL to fight against invaders for national liberation." ], [ "The survivors who once commanded the war were Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Mauhunu Bulerek Karatayanu and Maunulu Bulai." ], [ "He added that if there had not been FRETELIN and FALINETIL, the Referendum wouldn’t have taken place nor independence." ], [ "\"We must recognize that FRETILIN was the guide and FALINTIL is a crooked arm of Fretilin, as well As Maubere people." ], [ "In the end, CNRT was born as a product of National Unity and de-partisanization in FALINTIL. It led Timorese to Referendum.\"" ], [ "Lere reported with hope that, through the State’s decision to establish a National Council of Veteran and Ministry for veteran." ], [ "These two institutions give the State responsibility to identify all problems that arise and provide solutions." ], [ "The F-FDTL commander also asked future generations of Timorese to find ways so that people can not deny and cannot clean up history." ], [ "The best way is to share this history with the new generations through civic education, starting from schools and political schooling in public institutions so that every citizen can know it as a part of their identity." ], [ "The F-FDTL Command also recommends to the State and Government that August 20 be declared a national day." ], [ "On the other hand, Resistance Veteran Alin Laek asked Timor-Leste to take care of and build a house for many 24 year old veterans who have retired from Institution F -FDTL returned civilian life. Many live homelessly; State must create policy on building houses in their place" ], [ "\"The problem of veterans we see a lot, some up to now have no house. This needs the attention from state for building houses because they made great contributions in national liberation struggle\", Alin Laek said .\"" ], [ "He added that his side will help the Government to solve many outstanding veterans' problems, including those fake Veteran who have received State money for identifying and ending their problem." ], [ "Previous articleXanana-Taur and Lu Olo together can end political impasse Next ArticleGeneral Lere recommends making a strict law to control GAM" ] ]
Ema Soe Bomba Iha embaxada EUA – Sedu Liu Iha Ligasaun ho Mauk Moruk - Opini Timor\n» Ema Soe Bomba Iha embaxada EUA – Sedu Liu Iha Ligasaun ho Mauk Moruk\nEma Soe Bomba Iha embaxada EUA – Sedu Liu Iha Ligasaun ho Mauk Moruk\nWritten By Timor News Online on 1/20/2015 | 7:22 AM\nKomandante Geral PNTL, Longuinhos Monteiro hatete,ema deskonhesidu nebe soe granada iha residensia funsionariu Embaxada Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) sedu liu atu hola konklusaun katak iha relasaun estrategiku ho Mauk Moruk. Maske nune sei iha investigasaun hodi hare hahalok ne’e iha duni relasaun ka lae.\nExplika kona akontesimentu ne’e, Longuinhos hateten tan katak,sedu liu atu hateten se los maka soe granada ne’e, nomos sedu liu hateten katak ema nebe soe granada ne’e iha\nrelasaun estrategiku ho Mauk Moruk.\nDomingu kalan (18/01/2015), tuku 22:15 OTL, soe granada ba iha residensia funsionariu Embaxada Estadus Unidus da Amerika (EUA) nebe halo komunidade iha parte Marconi, Pantai Kelapa to’o mai Luro Matan ho Fatuhada nian, hakfodak ho tarutu bot.\nKomunidade sira trauma liu tan, wainhira\nliu minutu balun nia laran deit, autoridade polisia ho membru F-FDTL kareta hicom rua halai ho velosidade no loke lampu emerjensia (sirene) nadodon liu ba Embaixada Estadu Unidos America (EUA) nia kotuk.\nHusi ibun ba ibun, ema hirak ne’ebe hela\nbesik deskunfia espluzaun ne’e la’os buat ki’ik, maibe talves bomba ruma mak rebenta. Ho nune’e, informasaun ofisial sira fo sai katak, kalan neba ema deskonhesidu sira mak soe granada husi moru kotuk ba residensia staff embaixada EUA nian iha moru laran embaixada nian.\nAkontesimentu ne’e rezulta moru uma staf\nembaixada nian ne’e kuak, vidru balun rahun, inklui kareta ida nia roda\n4 nakfera hotu alias kareta hakdasak kedas.\nMaske la rezulta ema ruma mate, maibe kazu ne’e hamosu paniku boot ba embaixada EUA ho komunidade sira ne’ebe hela besik embaixada.\nIha Segunda (19/01/2015), Ministerio Negosiu Estranzeiru Coperasaun (MNEC) kria kedas sormutuk ida ho diplomata sira iha Dili hodi kulia kona-ba situasaun rai laran, inklui fahe mos informasaun ba malu sobre akontesimentu Saelari ho tan Granada rebenta iha residensia funsinariu Embaixada EUA.\n“Kazu ema soe granada ba residensia staf\nEmbaixada UEA nian ne’e iha ona investigasaun,” hateten Vise Ministru MNEC, Constancio Pinto, liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Salaun konferensia MNEC.\nConstancio Pinto husu ba diplomata sira atu koopera ho Governu,hodi fahe informasaun ne’ebe bele benefisia ema hotu no kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional.\nKomandante Longuinhos hateten tan katak Iha investigasaun nia laran maka bele foti konkluzaun mesmu ke ita alertadu loron tolu ona antes buat ne’e mosu.\nNudar Komandante Geral ba PNTL, Longuinhos simu informasaun katak, iha ona orientasaun ba grupu balun hodi halo disturbiu iha Dili laran.\nLonguinhos Monteiro husu ba populasaun sira atu lalika paniku no tauk, maske iha kalan hirak ne’e nia laran sei\niha movimentu seguransa halo auto stop.\n“Hau husu dala ida tan ba komunidade sira karik iha auto stop la bele kebra (halai). Se halai, hau husu diskulpa ami hola asaun seriu imi para para identifika imi nia an atu la\nbele akontese buat ne’ebe ita hotu la espera,” afirma Longuinhos Monteiro. nax
[ "Ema Soe Bomba Iha embaxada EUA - Sedu Liu Iha Ligasaun ho Mauk Moruk - Opini Timor \" Ema Soe Bomba Iha embaxada EUA - Sedu Liu Iha Ligasaun ho Mauk Moruk Ema Soe Bomba Iha embaxada EUA - Sedu Liu Iha Ligasaun ho Mauk Moruk Written By Timor News Online on 1/20/2015 | 7:22 AM Komandante Geral PNTL, Longuinhos Monteiro hatete,ema deskonhesidu nebe soe granada iha residensia funsionariu Embaxada Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) sedu liu atu hola konklusaun katak iha relasaun estrategiku ho Mauk Moruk.", "Maske nune sei iha investigasaun hodi hare hahalok ne'e iha duni relasaun ka lae.", "Explika kona akontesimentu ne'e, Longuinhos hateten tan katak,sedu liu atu hateten se los maka soe granada ne'e, nomos sedu liu hateten katak ema nebe soe granada ne'e iha relasaun estrategiku ho Mauk Moruk.", "Domingu kalan (18/01/2015), tuku 22:15 OTL, soe granada ba iha residensia funsionariu Embaxada Estadus Unidus da Amerika (EUA) nebe halo komunidade iha parte Marconi, Pantai Kelapa to'o mai Luro Matan ho Fatuhada nian, hakfodak ho tarutu bot.", "Komunidade sira trauma liu tan, wainhira liu minutu balun nia laran deit, autoridade polisia ho membru F-FDTL kareta hicom rua halai ho velosidade no loke lampu emerjensia (sirene) nadodon liu ba Embaixada Estadu Unidos America (EUA) nia kotuk.", "Husi ibun ba ibun, ema hirak ne'ebe hela besik deskunfia espluzaun ne'e la'os buat ki'ik, maibe talves bomba ruma mak rebenta.", "Ho nune'e, informasaun ofisial sira fo sai katak, kalan neba ema deskonhesidu sira mak soe granada husi moru kotuk ba residensia staff embaixada EUA nian iha moru laran embaixada nian.", "Akontesimentu ne'e rezulta moru uma staf embaixada nian ne'e kuak, vidru balun rahun, inklui kareta ida nia roda 4 nakfera hotu alias kareta hakdasak kedas.", "Maske la rezulta ema ruma mate, maibe kazu ne'e hamosu paniku boot ba embaixada EUA ho komunidade sira ne'ebe hela besik embaixada.", "Iha Segunda (19/01/2015), Ministerio Negosiu Estranzeiru Coperasaun (MNEC) kria kedas sormutuk ida ho diplomata sira iha Dili hodi kulia kona-ba situasaun rai laran, inklui fahe mos informasaun ba malu sobre akontesimentu Saelari ho tan Granada rebenta iha residensia funsinariu Embaixada EUA.", "\"Kazu ema soe granada ba residensia staf Embaixada UEA nian ne'e iha ona investigasaun,\" hateten Vise Ministru MNEC, Constancio Pinto, liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Salaun konferensia MNEC.", "Constancio Pinto husu ba diplomata sira atu koopera ho Governu,hodi fahe informasaun ne'ebe bele benefisia ema hotu no kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional.", "Komandante Longuinhos hateten tan katak Iha investigasaun nia laran maka bele foti konkluzaun mesmu ke ita alertadu loron tolu ona antes buat ne'e mosu.", "Nudar Komandante Geral ba PNTL, Longuinhos simu informasaun katak, iha ona orientasaun ba grupu balun hodi halo disturbiu iha Dili laran.", "Longuinhos Monteiro husu ba populasaun sira atu lalika paniku no tauk, maske iha kalan hirak ne'e nia laran sei iha movimentu seguransa halo auto stop.", "\"Hau husu dala ida tan ba komunidade sira karik iha auto stop la bele kebra (halai).", "Se halai, hau husu diskulpa ami hola asaun seriu imi para para identifika imi nia an atu la bele akontese buat ne'ebe ita hotu la espera,\" afirma Longuinhos Monteiro. nax" ]
[ [ "Bomber At U.S Embassy - Sedu Liu Has Link With Mauk Moruk – Opini Timor \"Bombers at the US embassy have strong connections with Mao Tse-Tung\" Written By TIMOR NEWS ONLINE on 1/20 /5:36 PM Police Chief, Longuinhos Monteiro said that an unfamiliar person who threw a grenade in residence of United States Ambassador is more likely to conclude there are strategic links between him and Mau Merah (Maok)." ], [ "However, there will be an investigation to see if this behavior is indeed related." ], [ "Explaining about the incident, Longuinhos said that it is more difficult to say who threw this grenade and also he says those people had a strategic relationship with Mauk Moruk." ], [ "On Sunday night (18/02) at 9:35 PM, a hand grenade was fired into the residence of an official from United States Embassy in Jakarta. The community around Marconi and Pantai Kelapa as far away to Luro Matan with Fatuhada were struck by gunshot wounds after being hit on several occasions during this incident that took place about one hour before midnight local time - approximately three hours later than scheduled for its start-up date – which had been delayed because they did not have sufficient supplies available or needed them immediateły" ], [ "The communities were further traumatized when, within a few minutes of the attacks two hicom cars packed with police authorities and F-FDTL members drove at high speed to open an emergency light (siren) just behind United States Embassy." ], [ "Head on, people who were nearby suspected that the explosion was not a minor one but perhaps some bomb had exploded." ], [ "According to official information, that night unknown persons threw grenades from the back of a boat at U.S embassy staff residence on an inland seaside site nearby shoreline and destroyed it completely with explosive material (including firearms)." ], [ "The incident resulted in the embassy's staff house being completely damaged, some windows broken and one car with all four wheeling burned down." ], [ "Although there were no fatalities, the incident caused a great panic in both U.S embassy and communities living nearby to this location of interest for Americans who are travelling or staying here on business trip (see below)." ], [ "On Monday (19/02) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation immediately created a meeting with diplomats in Dili to discuss about domestic situation, including sharing information on Saelari incident. A grenade exploded at U" ], [ "\"The case of people throwing a grenade at the staff residence in UEA Embassy is under investigation,\" said Deputy Minister MNEC Constancio Pinto during his press conference." ], [ "Constancio Pinto asked diplomats to cooperate with the Government, sharing information that can benefit everyone and contribute towards national development." ], [ "Commander Longuinhos also said that in the course of investigation it is possible to draw conclusions even though we were alerted three days before this happened." ], [ "As PNTL Commander General, Longuinhos has received information that there is an orientation for some groups to make disturbances in Dili." ], [ "Longuinhos Monteiro urged the population not to panic and be afraid, although during these nights there will also have been security movement making auto stop." ], [ "\"I ask once again to the communities if there is a hitchhiker you can not kebra (hail)." ], [ "If you leave, I apologize we will take serious action to identify yourself so that nothing can happen which is unexpected for us all\", says Longuinhos Monteiro. nax" ] ]
Timor-oan ezije Portugal prosesa lalais sertidaun narativa – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Timor-oan ezije Portugal prosesa lalais sertidaun narativa\nTimor-oan sira ezije ba Governu Portugal liu husi embaixada Portugal iha Díli, atu prosesa lalais ona sertidaun narativa hodi bele hetan bilhete identidade, nune’e fasilita asesu pasaporte Portugal.\nEzijensia ne´e hala´o loron rua ona, hahú husi loron sanulu resin ualu to´o loron sanulu resin sia, fulan ne´e, iha embaixada Portugal, Colmera, Díli.\nJoven hirak ne’e ezije tanba balun trata dokumentu atu hetan pasporte Portugal, dezde tinan 2013, maibe to´o oras ne´e hela de’it ho promesa.\n“Horiseik (Horibairuak) sira traballador Portugal sira dehan hela mai ami ohin (Horiseik) ne´e sira taka ona ami-nia naran kona-ba narativa, pasaporte Bilhete identidade, maibe agora laiha. Ami mak tama ba hasoru mas nusa mak sira lakohi atende ami-nia problema husik tiha ami abandona hanesan ne´e razaun saida, sira ténki esplika mai ami”,esplika Porta voz José Ricardo ba GMN, Sesta (19/10/18), iha resintu Embaixada Portugal iha Colmera Díli.\nNia hatutan, atu trata sertidaun narativa Portugal, ne´e joven sira kuaze rihun resin mak hatama osan. “Ami selu osan dolar amerikanu 200 ba leten, kada ema ne´e mak sira kuandu lakohi selu fali ami-nia osan, ne´e sira bele ka lae”,dehan José Ricardo.\nBa preokupsaun ne’e, GMN tenta konfirma ho parte Embaixada Portugal, maibe portaun taka metin. Ezijensia hanesan mos hala’o iha Fulan Marsu liu ba, maibe la iha rezultadu.avi\nLee hotu : Pastora Maria hakotu iis tanba sofre moras kardiaku\nMinisterio Saúde(MS) liu husi, (Saúde Publika),...\nPrimeira Vise Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional (PN),...
[ "Timor-oan ezije Portugal prosesa lalais sertidaun narativa - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Timor-oan ezije Portugal prosesa lalais sertidaun narativa Timor-oan sira ezije ba Governu Portugal liu husi embaixada Portugal iha Dili, atu prosesa lalais ona sertidaun narativa hodi bele hetan bilhete identidade, nune'e fasilita asesu pasaporte Portugal.", "Ezijensia ne'e hala'o loron rua ona, hahu husi loron sanulu resin ualu to'o loron sanulu resin sia, fulan ne'e, iha embaixada Portugal, Colmera, Dili.", "Joven hirak ne'e ezije tanba balun trata dokumentu atu hetan pasporte Portugal, dezde tinan 2013, maibe to'o oras ne'e hela de'it ho promesa.", "\"Horiseik (Horibairuak) sira traballador Portugal sira dehan hela mai ami ohin (Horiseik) ne'e sira taka ona ami-nia naran kona-ba narativa, pasaporte Bilhete identidade, maibe agora laiha.", "Ami mak tama ba hasoru mas nusa mak sira lakohi atende ami-nia problema husik tiha ami abandona hanesan ne'e razaun saida, sira tenki esplika mai ami,\"esplika Porta voz Jose Ricardo ba GMN, Sesta (19/10/18), iha resintu Embaixada Portugal iha Colmera Dili.", "Nia hatutan, atu trata sertidaun narativa Portugal, ne'e joven sira kuaze rihun resin mak hatama osan.", "\"Ami selu osan dolar amerikanu 200 ba leten, kada ema ne'e mak sira kuandu lakohi selu fali ami-nia osan, ne'e sira bele ka lae,\"dehan Jose Ricardo.", "Ba preokupsaun ne'e, GMN tenta konfirma ho parte Embaixada Portugal, maibe portaun taka metin.", "Ezijensia hanesan mos hala'o iha Fulan Marsu liu ba, maibe la iha rezultadu.avi Lee hotu: Pastora Maria hakotu iis tanba sofre moras kardiaku Ministerio Saude (MS) liu husi, (Saude Publika),...", "Primeira Vise Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional (PN),..." ]
[ [ "Timorese demand Portugal to process rapidly narrative certificate - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sociedades\" (Society) The Portuguese government, through the embassy in Dili has been asked by a group of people who are concerned about their rights and interests at home or on foreign soil that it should expeditiously proceed with processing an identity card for them." ], [ "The event has been held for two days, from 15th to the last day of this month at Portugal's embassy in Colmera." ], [ "These young people are demanding because some of them have been processing documents to obtain Portuguese passports since 2013, but until now they're only waiting for promise." ], [ "\"Horiseik (horibairuak) the Portuguese workers told us today that they have already closed our names on narrative, passports and identity cards but now no." ], [ "We went to the meeting but why do they not deal with our problems and leave us abandoned like this, what is their reasons? They must explain them\", said Jose Ricardo spokesman for GMN on Saturday (19/08) in front of Portugal Embassy." ], [ "He added that, in order to deal with the narrative of Portugal's certidões (certificates), almost 10 thousand young people contributed money." ], [ "\"We paid US$ 201 for each person, and if they don't want to pay us back our money then that is their choice\", said Jose Ricardo." ], [ "On this concern, GMN tries to confirm with the Portuguese Embassy but doors are closed." ], [ "Similar emergencies were carried out in March last year, but without any results.avi Read more: Pastora Maria has died due to heart disease Ministry of Health (MS) through the..." ], [ "First Vice President of the National Parliament (PN),..." ] ]
TR Presiza Klarifika Lapsu Ba Desizaun LAP, Governu Kontinua Sosa Asaun\nTR Presiza Klarifika Lapsu Ba Desizaun LAP, Governu Kontinua Sosa Asaun Featured\nDILI: Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), haruka ona karta hodi husu ba Tribunál Rekursu (TR) atu klarifikasaun ba desizaun Altrerasaun ba Lei Atividade Petroliferu ne’ebé konsidera inkonstitusionál, maibé too ikus iha fali lapsu.\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Noe hateten, desizaun sira ne’ebé iha laran ne’e loos hela maibé to’o iha desizaun ikus ne’e la klaru iha buat rua, primeiru refere ba lei ne’ebé altera, tuir desizaun ne’e atu altera lei númeru 9/2005 ba Lei Fundu Petroliferu nian.\nLei ne’ebé altera ba LAP ne’e, lei númeru 1/2019 Lei Atividade Petrolífera altera ba lei númeru 13/2005 la’ós altera ba fundu petrolíferu nian, tanba ne’e mak PN husu fila-fali ba TR atu halo deklarasaun.\nAsuntu seluk mak artigu 2, intensaun husi tribunál ba artigu 2 ne’ebé dehan inkonstitusionál ne’e artigu 2 ida ne’ebé loos.\nTanba, iha artigu 2 (dois) ne’e iha rua, ida ba LAP ne’e mak altera ko’alia kona-ba tratadu ne’ebé asina uluk ho Austrália 20 meiu 2002 ho tratadu ne’ebé asina iha 6 Marsu 2018 iha Nova Yorke, karik intensaun ba ida ne’e tenke klarifika iha nia redasaun atu nune’e ema bele entende didi'ak.\nLae husi redasaun ne’e ema bele interpreta oin rua, artigu 2, husi lei númeru 1/2019 ba LAP nian no mós iha artigu 2 (dois) mak halo alterasaun ba artigu rua mak hanesan artigu 2 no 22 LAP nian, tanba ne’e artigu 2 (dois) ne’e ida ne’ebé loos.\n“Alterasaun ba artigu 2 kona-ba tratadu Fronteira Martima ne’ebé asina iha 6 Marsu 2018 ne’e mak inkonstitusionál, soke desizaun eskrita mak la iha klarifikasaun klaru, temi de’it artigu 2, mas la klarifika artigu 2 LAP lei númeru 13/2005, atu nune’e bele hateten,” dehan nia iha PN.\nArão hatutan, se ko’alia de’it artigu 2 husi LAP, entaun sei dehan artigu ne’e la vale hotu.\nDesizaun agora ne’e iha tiha ona hein tribunál klareza de’it desizaun ne’e nia intensaun loloos mak ida ne’ebé loos, atu bele fó garantia ba implementasaun no ema ne’ebé atu fa'an nia asaun mós sente seguru iha prosesu ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arão Noe de Jesus hateten, Tribunal Rekursu dekara inskonstitusionalidade ba materia ida, maibe la afeta ba ezekusaun osan hodi sosa asaun ba ConocoPhillips no Shell.\nNune’e, tranferensia osan tokon $650 husi Fundu Petroliferu (FP) bele hala’o ona, tanba la fo impaktu ruma ba prosesu hirak ne’e.\nMF Kontinua Ezekuta Orsamentu Sosa Asaun\nEntretantu, maski TR konsidera Lei Atividade Petróliferu ne’ebé anunsia ba públiku konsidera lapsu, maibé parte Governu kontinua ezekuta orsamentu halo pagamentu tanba sosa asaun Kompañia ConochoPhilips ho Shell montante tokon $650.\nMinistra Finansas Interena (MF), Sara Lobo Brites dehan, Governu atu prosesa pagamentu sosa asaun tanba LAP tama em vigór hela, tanba Ministériu Finansas koordena ona Timor GAP ho BCTL ne’ebé akordu estabelese hein transfere orsamentu ba empreza rua ne’e.\nSara Lobo dehan bainhira, Ministériu Finansas labele kansela pagamentu ba ConochoPhilipa ho Shell tanba prosesu sira ne’e tuir lei, tanba LAP rasik iha em vigór hela iha evidénsia, tanba ne’e Governu aselera prosesu pagamentu.\n“Sin, ezekusaun ba orsamentu ne’e kontinua,” dehan Sara iha Palásiu Governu Dili, Kinta (14/3).\nGovernu konsidera bainhira situasaun sira ne’ebé daudaun ne’e enfrenta parte legál sira mak bele responde maibé Ministériu Finansas kontinua ezekuta bazeia prosesu legál ne’ebé iha.\nLAP Labele Implementa\nEntretantu, Jurista Padre Júlio Crispim esplika, alterasaun LAP kompostu husi artigu tolu mak hanesan, artigu dahuluk ko’alia kona-bá objetivu, daruak kona-ba konteúdu no datoluk kona-bá entrada em vigór.\nTanba ne’e, Padre Júlio sujere ba Parlamentu Nasionál, tenke buka dalan atu halo retifikasaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE), nune’e bele hatama fila fali osan sosa asaun ne’e iha Lei Retifikativu hodi bele selu.\nMore in this category: « LAP Inkonstitusionál, La Taka Dalan ba Governu Sosa Asaun\tKonstrusaun Aeroportu Komoro Hahú iha Marsu 2020 »\nTribunal Rekursu Anula Kazu Eis MF Emilia Pires\nTempu Badak TR Deside Klarifikasaun LAP\n/TR Presiza Klarifika Lapsu Ba Desizaun LAP, Governu Kontinua Sosa Asaun
[ "TR Presiza Klarifika Lapsu Ba Desizaun LAP, Governu Kontinua Sosa Asaun TR Presiza Klarifika Lapsu Ba Desizaun LAP, Governu Kontinua Sosa Asaun Featured DILI: Parlamentu Nasional (PN), haruka ona karta hodi husu ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR) atu klarifikasaun ba desizaun Altrerasaun ba Lei Atividade Petroliferu ne'ebe konsidera inkonstitusional, maibe too ikus iha fali lapsu.", "Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe hateten, desizaun sira ne'ebe iha laran ne'e loos hela maibe to'o iha desizaun ikus ne'e la klaru iha buat rua, primeiru refere ba lei ne'ebe altera, tuir desizaun ne'e atu altera lei numeru 9/2005 ba Lei Fundu Petroliferu nian.", "Lei ne'ebe altera ba LAP ne'e, lei numeru 1/2019 Lei Atividade Petrolifera altera ba lei numeru 13/2005 la'os altera ba fundu petroliferu nian, tanba ne'e mak PN husu fila-fali ba TR atu halo deklarasaun.", "Asuntu seluk mak artigu 2, intensaun husi tribunal ba artigu 2 ne'ebe dehan inkonstitusional ne'e artigu 2 ida ne'ebe loos.", "Tanba, iha artigu 2 (dois) ne'e iha rua, ida ba LAP ne'e mak altera ko'alia kona-ba tratadu ne'ebe asina uluk ho Australia 20 meiu 2002 ho tratadu ne'ebe asina iha 6 Marsu 2018 iha Nova Yorke, karik intensaun ba ida ne'e tenke klarifika iha nia redasaun atu nune'e ema bele entende didi'ak.", "Lae husi redasaun ne'e ema bele interpreta oin rua, artigu 2, husi lei numeru 1/2019 ba LAP nian no mos iha artigu 2 (dois) mak halo alterasaun ba artigu rua mak hanesan artigu 2 no 22 LAP nian, tanba ne'e artigu 2 (dois) ne'e ida ne'ebe loos.", "\"Alterasaun ba artigu 2 kona-ba tratadu Fronteira Martima ne'ebe asina iha 6 Marsu 2018 ne'e mak inkonstitusional, soke desizaun eskrita mak la iha klarifikasaun klaru, temi de'it artigu 2, mas la klarifika artigu 2 LAP lei numeru 13/2005, atu nune'e bele hateten,\" dehan nia iha PN.", "Arao hatutan, se ko'alia de'it artigu 2 husi LAP, entaun sei dehan artigu ne'e la vale hotu.", "Desizaun agora ne'e iha tiha ona hein tribunal klareza de'it desizaun ne'e nia intensaun loloos mak ida ne'ebe loos, atu bele fo garantia ba implementasaun no ema ne'ebe atu fa'an nia asaun mos sente seguru iha prosesu ne'e.", "Antes ne'e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe de Jesus hateten, Tribunal Rekursu dekara inskonstitusionalidade ba materia ida, maibe la afeta ba ezekusaun osan hodi sosa asaun ba ConocoPhillips no Shell.", "Nune'e, tranferensia osan tokon $650 husi Fundu Petroliferu (FP) bele hala'o ona, tanba la fo impaktu ruma ba prosesu hirak ne'e.", "MF Kontinua Ezekuta Orsamentu Sosa Asaun Entretantu, maski TR konsidera Lei Atividade Petroliferu ne'ebe anunsia ba publiku konsidera lapsu, maibe parte Governu kontinua ezekuta orsamentu halo pagamentu tanba sosa asaun Kompania ConochoPhilips ho Shell montante tokon $650.", "Ministra Finansas Interena (MF), Sara Lobo Brites dehan, Governu atu prosesa pagamentu sosa asaun tanba LAP tama em vigor hela, tanba Ministeriu Finansas koordena ona Timor GAP ho BCTL ne'ebe akordu estabelese hein transfere orsamentu ba empreza rua ne'e.", "Sara Lobo dehan bainhira, Ministeriu Finansas labele kansela pagamentu ba ConochoPhilipa ho Shell tanba prosesu sira ne'e tuir lei, tanba LAP rasik iha em vigor hela iha evidensia, tanba ne'e Governu aselera prosesu pagamentu.", "\"Sin, ezekusaun ba orsamentu ne'e kontinua,\" dehan Sara iha Palasiu Governu Dili, Kinta (14/3).", "Governu konsidera bainhira situasaun sira ne'ebe daudaun ne'e enfrenta parte legal sira mak bele responde maibe Ministeriu Finansas kontinua ezekuta bazeia prosesu legal ne'ebe iha.", "LAP Labele Implementa Entretantu, Jurista Padre Julio Crispim esplika, alterasaun LAP kompostu husi artigu tolu mak hanesan, artigu dahuluk ko'alia kona-ba objetivu, daruak kona-ba konteudu no datoluk kona-ba entrada em vigor.", "Tanba ne'e, Padre Julio sujere ba Parlamentu Nasional, tenke buka dalan atu halo retifikasaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE), nune'e bele hatama fila fali osan sosa asaun ne'e iha Lei Retifikativu hodi bele selu.", "More in this category: \" LAP Inkonstitusional, La Taka Dalan ba Governu Sosa Asaun Konstrusaun Aeroportu Komoro Hahu iha Marsu 2020 \" Tribunal Rekursu Anula Kazu Eis MF Emilia Pires Tempu Badak TR Deside Klarifikasaun LAP /TR Presiza Klarifika Lapsu Ba Desizaun LAP, Governu Kontinua Sosa Asaun" ]
[ [ "TR Needs to Clarify Lack of Information About LAP Decision, Government Continued Action Dili: Parliament (PN), has sent a letter asking the Court Of Appeal for clarification on its decision regarding Amendment To The Petroleum Activities Law which it considered unconstitutional but finally failed." ], [ "The President of the National Parliament, Arao Noe said that decisions in this matter are still valid but up to now there is no clarity on two things. Firstly it referred for amendment by law number 9/2015 Petroleum Fund Law according with these changes were made and then they have not been cleared until today as well because we need more information about what was done before being decided upon an amended Act No:" ], [ "The law amending the LAP, Law No.1/2039 Petrochemical Activity Act amended to Legislative Decree no:456 of July-August - December is not an amendment on petroleum fund; therefore PN again asks TR for declaration in this regard" ], [ "Another issue is Article 2, the Court's intention with article two that says unconstitutional was to make it a true one." ], [ "Because, in article 2 (dois) there are two parts: one for the AAP that alters speaking about treaty first with Australia on May of this year and another which is to be concluded by New York City. If it was meant so then its wording should have been clarified more clearly as a result people can understand better what they're saying!" ], [ "Other than this wording, one can interpret the following two articles: Article 2 of Law No.1/309 and also article (two) which makes amendments to both Articles as well As Sections II & XXII; therefore it is correctly called \"article\" in that case!" ], [ "\"The amendment to article 2 on the Maritime Boundary Treaty, which was concluded in March of this year is unconstitutional. The written decision does not contain any clear clarification; it only mentions Article II but doesn't explain that there should be no further explanation for Section III (Article I) and IV(1),\" he said at Parliamentary Assembly meeting today with MP José Manuel Fernandes da Costa-Carvalho" ], [ "Arao adds that if we only talk about Article 2 of the Act, then it will be said this article is not valid." ], [ "The decision is now there, waiting for the court to clarify it. It's only a matter of time before this will be cleared up and its true intent become evident so that we can guarantee implementation as well; people who are selling their share also feel safe in doing such things!" ], [ "Earlier, President of the National Parliament Arao Noe de Jesus said that Tribunal Recurso declared unconstitutionality in one matter but did not affect execution money to buy shares for ConocopPhillips and Shell." ], [ "Thus, the transfer of $650 million from Petroleum Fund (FP) can be carried out because it does not have any impact on these processes." ], [ "Meanwhile, although the TR considers that Petroleum Activities Act announced to public is an oversight act of governmental policy making payment because it purchased share in ConochoPhilip and Shell for $650 million. The Government continue with its budget execution by paying out cash as well since they bought 12% stake from both companies worth more than US$3 billion (USD478m)." ], [ "Minister of Internal Finance (MF), Sara Lobo Brites said, the Government to process payment buy shares because LAP is still in force. The Ministry has coordinated Timor GAP with BCTL which established an agreement waiting for transferring budget between these two companies and now they are working on a plan that will allow them both parties' accountability as well:" ], [ "Sara Lobo said that while, the Ministry of Finance cannot cancel payments to ConochoPhilipa and Shell because these processes are in accordance with law as LAP itself is still valid on evidence so government accelerates processing." ], [ "\"No, the implementation of this budget continues\", said Sara in Dili Government Palace on Wednesday (14/3)." ], [ "The Government considers that when the situation is currently facing legal parties can respond but Ministry of Finance continue to execute based on existing law process." ], [ "Meanwhile, lawyer Padre Julio Crispim explains that the amendment to LAP is composed of three articles. The first article deals with its objectives; secondly on content and third about entry into force: \"The purpose for which this law was created has been established in Article I.\"" ], [ "Therefore, Padre Julio suggested to the National Parliament that it should find a way of rectifying its General State Budget (GSB), so as in order for this money purchased shares can be returning back into an Amendment Law and paid." ], [ "More in this category: \" LAP Unconstitutional, Does Not Close The Door For Government To Suspend Construction Of Komoro Airport Hahu In March of '20\" Tribunal Recurso Anula Caso Eis MF Emilia Pires Tempo Badak TR Decide Clarification /TR Precisa Klarifika Lapsu" ] ]
Forum Feto-nian (2005) — Timor-Leste Research Program\nForum Feto-nian (2005)\nRelatóriu ba Forum iha lia-Tetun no lia-Inglés (PDF)\nTinan ida-ne’e, 2005, marka tinan datoluk ba Timor-Leste nia independénsia formál no tinan neen husi loron ne’ebé Indonézia sai husi Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999. Programa rekonstrusaun no dezenvolvimentu longu-prazu nian kontinua hala’o iha Timor-Leste, no programa barak maka tau foku ba asuntu hirak ne’ebé afeta feto sira.\nIha kontestu ida-ne’e, ‘Dezafiu no Oportunidade’ buka atu hakbiban hanoin no esperiénsia husi partisipante sira, inklui feto Timoroan sira no reprezentante hosi organizasaun internasionál, atu esplora kestaun prinsipál tolu:\n1. Prátika no supozisaun husi organizasaun internasionál sira ne’ebé servisu ho feto Timoroan sira;\n2. Oinsá feto Timoroan sira hatán ba prátika ne’e; no\n‘Dezafiu no Oportunidade’ reprezenta oportunidade úniku ida ba membru husi sosiedade sivil Timor-Leste nian, reprezentante hosi organizasaun internasionál sira, no ema Austrália sira ne’ebé iha interese atu esplora hamutuk asuntu ida ne’ebé krítiku, maibé dala barak ladún fó importánsia ba. Objetivu prinsipál husi eventu ida-ne’e maka atu harii forum ida ba diálogu refletivu, kolaborasaun no ezame krítiku ba an rasik no grupu maluk sira atu nune’e halo avaliasaun nakloke ida kona-ba organizasaun internasionál sira-nia impaktu ba feto sira-nia moris iha Timor-Leste. Enfoke ba eventu findesemana ida-ne’e tau énfaze ba partisipasaun, diálogu nakloke no kolaborasaun iha ambiente ida ne’ebé seguru no envolvidu. Ida-ne’e realiza tiha liuhosi kombinasaun husi konferénsia, semináriu, ho fasilitasaun ne’ebé profesionál, no mós oportunidade seluk ne’ebé ladún formál ba ema atu halo interkámbiu sosiál.\nDurante loron tolu maizumenus ema na’in 150 maka mai Melburne hosi Austrália no hosi Timor-Leste hodi halo diskusaun hamutuk kona ba asuntu hirak ne’e; atu fahe informasaun ba malu, halo debate no rona kona-ba ida-idak nia esperiénsia. Relatóriu ida-ne’e nu’udar tentativa ida atu reflete idea balu ne’ebé fahe ba malu iha forum ida-ne’e. Ne’ebé ema voluntáriu sira maka tau hamutuk, ami hein katak ema haree relatóriu ida-ne’e hanesan dokumentu ida ne’ebé sei bele dezenvolve liután abain-bainrua. Nune’e mós, ami hein katak ema haree forum ida-ne’e nu’udar oportunidade ida ba diskusaun, no mós katak diskusaun formál nakloke entre indivíduu no organizasaun sira kona-ba tema ida-ne’e sei kontinua nafatin ho maneira oin-oin no iha fatifatin ba futuru.\nFila ba Akontesimentu
[ "Forum Feto-nian (2005) - Timor-Leste Research Program Forum Feto-nian (2005) Relatoriu ba Forum iha lia-Tetun no lia-Ingles (PDF) Tinan ida-ne'e, 2005, marka tinan datoluk ba Timor-Leste nia independensia formal no tinan neen husi loron ne'ebe Indonezia sai husi Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999.", "Programa rekonstrusaun no dezenvolvimentu longu-prazu nian kontinua hala'o iha Timor-Leste, no programa barak maka tau foku ba asuntu hirak ne'ebe afeta feto sira.", "Iha kontestu ida-ne'e, 'Dezafiu no Oportunidade' buka atu hakbiban hanoin no esperiensia husi partisipante sira, inklui feto Timoroan sira no reprezentante hosi organizasaun internasional, atu esplora kestaun prinsipal tolu: 1.", "Pratika no supozisaun husi organizasaun internasional sira ne'ebe servisu ho feto Timoroan sira; 2.", "Oinsa feto Timoroan sira hatan ba pratika ne'e; no 'Dezafiu no Oportunidade' reprezenta oportunidade uniku ida ba membru husi sosiedade sivil Timor-Leste nian, reprezentante hosi organizasaun internasional sira, no ema Australia sira ne'ebe iha interese atu esplora hamutuk asuntu ida ne'ebe kritiku, maibe dala barak ladun fo importansia ba.", "Objetivu prinsipal husi eventu ida-ne'e maka atu harii forum ida ba dialogu refletivu, kolaborasaun no ezame kritiku ba an rasik no grupu maluk sira atu nune'e halo avaliasaun nakloke ida kona-ba organizasaun internasional sira-nia impaktu ba feto sira-nia moris iha Timor-Leste.", "Enfoke ba eventu findesemana ida-ne'e tau enfaze ba partisipasaun, dialogu nakloke no kolaborasaun iha ambiente ida ne'ebe seguru no envolvidu.", "Ida-ne'e realiza tiha liuhosi kombinasaun husi konferensia, seminariu, ho fasilitasaun ne'ebe profesional, no mos oportunidade seluk ne'ebe ladun formal ba ema atu halo interkambiu sosial.", "Durante loron tolu maizumenus ema na'in 150 maka mai Melburne hosi Australia no hosi Timor-Leste hodi halo diskusaun hamutuk kona ba asuntu hirak ne'e; atu fahe informasaun ba malu, halo debate no rona kona-ba ida-idak nia esperiensia.", "Relatoriu ida-ne'e nu'udar tentativa ida atu reflete idea balu ne'ebe fahe ba malu iha forum ida-ne'e.", "Ne'ebe ema voluntariu sira maka tau hamutuk, ami hein katak ema haree relatoriu ida-ne'e hanesan dokumentu ida ne'ebe sei bele dezenvolve liutan abain-bainrua.", "Nune'e mos, ami hein katak ema haree forum ida-ne'e nu'udar oportunidade ida ba diskusaun, no mos katak diskusaun formal nakloke entre individuu no organizasaun sira kona-ba tema ida-ne'e sei kontinua nafatin ho maneira oin-oin no iha fatifatin ba futuru.", "Fila ba Akontesimentu" ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste Research Program Women's Forum (2015) Report to the forum in Tetum and English This year, 3rd anniversary of formal independence is marked as well. It was also nine years since Indonesia left East Тимор on October onethst from that date until then it had been under Indonesian rule for more than two decades before finally becoming an independent state with its own constitutional system which has now become known by name \"Timor Leste\"." ], [ "Reconstruction and long-term development programmes continue to be carried out in Timor Leste, with many of them focusing on issues that affect women." ], [ "In this context, 'Challenges and Opportunities' seeks to gather the ideas of participants including Timorese women as well representatives from international organizations in order for them explore three main issues: 1." ], [ "The practices and assumptions of international organization that work with Timorese women; 2." ], [ "What is the response of Timorese women to this practice; and 'Challenges & Opportunities' represents a unique opportunity for members from civil society in East Тимор, representatives by international organization (I.O) ’ s as well As interested Australian people together explore an issue that has been critical but often overlooked" ], [ "The main objective of this event is to establish a forum for reflexive dialogue, collaboration and critical self-examination by the participants in order that they can make an open evaluation about international organizations' impact on Timorese women." ], [ "The focus of this week's event emphasizes participation, open dialogue and collaboration in a safe environment." ], [ "This is achieved through a combination of conferences, seminar-like events with professional facilitation and other informal opportunities for people to engage in social exchange." ], [ "For three days, about 150 people from Australia and Timor-Leste came to Melbourne for a joint discussion of these issues; sharing information with each other in the debates as well As listening on one another' s experience." ], [ "This report is an attempt to reflect some of the ideas that were shared in this forum." ], [ "We hope that people will see this report, which has been put together by volunteers as a document to be developed further." ], [ "Likewise, we hope that people will see this forum as an opportunity for discussion and also expect the formal open debate between individuals or organization on these issues to continue in a more progressive way." ], [ "Queue for the Event" ] ]
Kazu kontentór sia, Advogadu husu TR-MP devolve matéria prima – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Kazu kontentór sia, Advogadu husu TR-MP devolve matéria prima\nLiu husi konferénsia imprensa ne’ebé hala’o iha Timor Plaza, Díli, Tersa, loron 28, fulan ne’e, Advogadu Privadu sira ba kazu ne’ebé deskonfia kompañia Naroman Furak, Lda, importa matéria prima sira ho substánsia husi droga, husu ba Ministériu Públiku (MP) atu halo konfirmasaun di-di’ak ho advogadu sira molok halo destruisaun.\nAdvogadu Privadu, Januário Martins, hateten, bazeia ba desizaun primeira instánsia ne’ebé Tribunál Distritál Díli (TDD) deside iha loron 28, fulan Agostu, tinan 2019, absolve ona arguidu sira husi krime sira ne’ebé MP akuza ba kliente sira.\nNune’e, husu ba MP no tribunál atu devolve fila-fali materiál hirak ne’e ba kompañia, nune’e kompañia mak bele halo destruisaun tuir regulamentu ne’ebé iha.\n“Objetu sira ne’e agora dau-daun iha ona planu ba halo destroisaun, tanba ne’e ami fiar katak, sé halo destroisaun mak sei hamosu impaktu ambientál no mós ba saúde públika. Tanba sasan sira ne’e balun agora dau-daun atu tama ona ba nia validade, wainhira nia validade ne’e remata ona automatikamente sei transforma-an sai tóxitu ka veneno ida ne’ebé maka’as”, Advogadu Privadu, Januário Martins.\nAdvogadu ne’e mós afirma, iha desizaun primeira instánsia tribunál deside absolve arguidu sira no devolve fila-fali materiál sira ne’e ba proprietáriu.\n“Maibé MP rekore rekursu ba Tribunál Rekursu (TR), TR konfirma parsialmente simu pedidu balun ne’ebé MP aprezenta no mós TR deside buat balun. Simu parsialmente ne’e mak TR konfirma desizaun primeira instánsia ni’an kona-bá fó absolvisaun ba arguidu sira, maibé iha akordaun ne’e mós hateten perde a favór ba Estadu, depois ho konsekuensia halo destroisaun”, esplika advogadu ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan, Advogadu Pedro Camoes mós konsidera, MP laiha seriedade ba investigasaun kona-bá kazu kontentór 9 ne’e, tanba ne’e mak ikus mai tribunál absolve tiha arguidu sira husi krime ne’ebé iha, nune’e sira husu ba tribunál no MP atu rekopera fali reputasaun no naran di’ak arguidu sira ni’an tuir dalan justísa.\n“Ba kazu ida ne’e tribunál la foti desizaun ida ne’ebé fó justisa loloos ba komunidade ne’ebé enfrenta problema, ne’ebé akuza ikus mai absolve. Iha imvestigasaun durante ne’e mós prokuradór sira gasta osan Estadu ni’an ba test oi-oin para konfirma droga ka la droga”, afirma Advogadu Privadu ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, advogadu ne’e mós afirma, ho kazu kontentór 9 ne’e hamosu prejuízu ba Estadu Timor-Leste, tanba Estadu gasta osan halo teste ba materia prima sira ne’ebé deskonfia hanesan substánsia ba produsaun droga, maibé ikus la’ós materiál ba produsaun droga.\n“Prosedimentu tinan ida mai ne’e Estadu ne’e lakon tiha tempu, lakon tiha osan ba asuntu ida ke ikus mai Estadu lakon tan osan atu halo destroisaun dala ida tan”, termina advogadu ne’e.\nKazu ne’e rasik tribunál iha primeira instánsia, deside absolve ona arguidu sira, tanba laiha faktu provadu ne’ebé akuza husi MP kona-bá krime perkusór no asosiasaun kriminoza tuir artigu 08 no 10, lei kombate tráfiku no konsumu ilísitu ba droga, lei númeru 2/2017. San
[ "Kazu kontentor sia, Advogadu husu TR-MP devolve materia prima - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Kazu kontentor sia, Advogadu husu TR-MP devolve materia prima Liu husi konferensia imprensa ne'ebe hala'o iha Timor Plaza, Dili, Tersa, loron 28, fulan ne'e, Advogadu Privadu sira ba kazu ne'ebe deskonfia kompania Naroman Furak, Lda, importa materia prima sira ho substansia husi droga, husu ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP) atu halo konfirmasaun di-di'ak ho advogadu sira molok halo destruisaun.", "Advogadu Privadu, Januario Martins, hateten, bazeia ba desizaun primeira instansia ne'ebe Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) deside iha loron 28, fulan Agostu, tinan 2019, absolve ona arguidu sira husi krime sira ne'ebe MP akuza ba kliente sira.", "Nune'e, husu ba MP no tribunal atu devolve fila-fali material hirak ne'e ba kompania, nune'e kompania mak bele halo destruisaun tuir regulamentu ne'ebe iha.", "\"Objetu sira ne'e agora dau-daun iha ona planu ba halo destroisaun, tanba ne'e ami fiar katak, se halo destroisaun mak sei hamosu impaktu ambiental no mos ba saude publika.", "Tanba sasan sira ne'e balun agora dau-daun atu tama ona ba nia validade, wainhira nia validade ne'e remata ona automatikamente sei transforma-an sai toxitu ka veneno ida ne'ebe maka'as,\" Advogadu Privadu, Januario Martins.", "Advogadu ne'e mos afirma, iha desizaun primeira instansia tribunal deside absolve arguidu sira no devolve fila-fali material sira ne'e ba proprietariu.", "\"Maibe MP rekore rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR), TR konfirma parsialmente simu pedidu balun ne'ebe MP aprezenta no mos TR deside buat balun.", "Simu parsialmente ne'e mak TR konfirma desizaun primeira instansia ni'an kona-ba fo absolvisaun ba arguidu sira, maibe iha akordaun ne'e mos hateten perde a favor ba Estadu, depois ho konsekuensia halo destroisaun,\" esplika advogadu ne'e.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Advogadu Pedro Camoes mos konsidera, MP laiha seriedade ba investigasaun kona-ba kazu kontentor 9 ne'e, tanba ne'e mak ikus mai tribunal absolve tiha arguidu sira husi krime ne'ebe iha, nune'e sira husu ba tribunal no MP atu rekopera fali reputasaun no naran di'ak arguidu sira ni'an tuir dalan justisa.", "\"Ba kazu ida ne'e tribunal la foti desizaun ida ne'ebe fo justisa loloos ba komunidade ne'ebe enfrenta problema, ne'ebe akuza ikus mai absolve.", "Iha imvestigasaun durante ne'e mos prokurador sira gasta osan Estadu ni'an ba test oi-oin para konfirma droga ka la droga,\" afirma Advogadu Privadu ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, advogadu ne'e mos afirma, ho kazu kontentor 9 ne'e hamosu prejuizu ba Estadu Timor-Leste, tanba Estadu gasta osan halo teste ba materia prima sira ne'ebe deskonfia hanesan substansia ba produsaun droga, maibe ikus la'os material ba produsaun droga.", "\"Prosedimentu tinan ida mai ne'e Estadu ne'e lakon tiha tempu, lakon tiha osan ba asuntu ida ke ikus mai Estadu lakon tan osan atu halo destroisaun dala ida tan,\" termina advogadu ne'e.", "Kazu ne'e rasik tribunal iha primeira instansia, deside absolve ona arguidu sira, tanba laiha faktu provadu ne'ebe akuza husi MP kona-ba krime perkusor no asosiasaun kriminoza tuir artigu 08 no 10, lei kombate trafiku no konsumu ilisitu ba droga, lei numeru 2/2017.", "San" ]
[ [ "Case of nine containers, lawyer asks TR-MP to return raw materials - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca\" Kazu kontenor sia (9), Advogado pedeTR/ MP devolver matéria prima Through a press conference held in Timor Plaza on Tuesday 28th this month the private lawyers for case that suspect Naroman Furak Lda company importing commodities with substances from drugs asked Public Prosecution Service(PPS)to make good confirmationwith their legal representative before carrying out its destruction." ], [ "Private lawyer, Januario Martins said that based on the first instance decision of Dili District Court (TDD) decided August 28th in this year acquitted defendants from all offences charged by MP against their clients." ], [ "Thus, the MP and court are asked to return these materials back into company so that it can be destroyed in accordance with regulation." ], [ "\"These objects are now damaged and there is a plan for their destruction, so we believe that if they were to be destroyed it would have an impact on the environment but also public health." ], [ "Because some of these things are now damaged to enter its validity, when it expires automatically will transform itself into a toxic or poison that is very high\", Private Lawyer Januario Martins." ], [ "The lawyer also stated that in the first instance decision, court decided to acquit defendants and return these materials back." ], [ "\"But the MP appealed to Tribunal de Recurso (TR), TR confirms partially receipt of some petitions submitted by MPS and also decided something." ], [ "\"The court confirmed the first instance's decision on acquittal of defendants, but in this settlement it also states that they lost to favor State and consequently destruction was carried out.\"" ], [ "At the same time, lawyer Pedro Camoes also considers that MP did not seriously investigate about container 9 case. That is why in final court acquitted defendants of crime therefore they ask to tribunal and public prosecutor recover reputation by justice means again good name accused' s way back" ], [ "\"In this case, the court failed to take a decision that would give proper justice for community facing problems and ultimately acquitted accusers." ], [ "During the investigation, prosecutors also spent state money on various tests to confirm whether or not there was any drug in their possession\", said this private lawyer." ], [ "Therefore, the lawyer also affirms that with Container Case 9 this caused damage to Timor-Leste State because it spent money on testing raw materials suspected of being substances for drug production but in fact they were not drugs." ], [ "\"The next year's proceeding is a waste of time and money for the State on an issue that will end up with it losing its funds to carry out destruction once again,\" he concluded." ], [ "In this case, the court of first instance decided to acquit all defendants because there were no proven facts that charged them with perpetrating a crime and criminal association under articles 08-12 in Law No." ], [ "San." ] ]
Preambulu – Kapitulu III – MOVIMENTO CÍVICO DOS PROFISSIONAIS DE TIMOR-LESTE\nPreambulu – Kapitulu III\nKapitulu I Naran, Sede\nArtigu 1º Naran\nArtigu 2º Sede\nKapitulu II Natureza, Objetivu, Vizaun, Moto, Misaun,\nArtigu 3º Natureza\nArtigu 4º Objetivu\nArtigu 5º Vizaun\nArtigu 6º Moto\nproposta Dr Rui Araujo:\n”Mérito no profizionalizmu maka abut no hun ba progresu iha Timor-Leste.”\nArtigu 7º Misaun\nArtigu 8º Valores no Prinsipius Orientadores\nKapitulu III Membru\nArtigu 9º Kondisaun atu sai Membru\nArtigu 10º Kategoria Membru\nArtigu 11º Direitus no Deveres Membru sira nian\nArtigu 12º Lakon Direitu Membru\nOrijinal Editada (DR Dionisio Babo)\nHo abandunsia no diversidade servisu espesializadu sira ne’ebé prestadores servisu sira oferese ba komunidade, no mos tamba karakteristika inerta profisaun balu, mosu fallansun merkadu iha area demanda prestasaun servisu barak, iha setor publiku no mós iha setor privadu. Atu garante seguransa esensial no kualidade aseitável husi servisu sira ne’ebé disponível ba komunidade, presiza iha garantia katak profisional sira ne’ebé halao servisu sira ne’e iha kualifikasaun, kompetensia, abilidade no atitude apropriada atu bele oferese servisu sira ne’ebé sira providensia.\nTimor-Leste atravesa daudaun faze ida iha ne’ebé instituisoens relevantes seidauk iha kbiit no mekanismu apropriadu atu verifika no sertifika preenximentu rekizitu sira ne’e. Iha parte seluk, iha impresaun katak seidauk iha entidade kompetente no instituisoens ezistentes seidauk hatudu empeñu atu kria mekanismu sira ne’ebé bele garante seguransa ho kualidade servisu sira ne’ebé komunidade simu. Iha setor publiku, administrasaun publika ezibe tendensia influensia politika iha alokasaun kargu publiku sira, hodi tau iha perigu garantia seguransa no kualidade servisu publiku sira.\nNudar sisadaun ne’ebé liu tiha ona husi prosesu kualifikasaun akadémika no estájiu profisional adekuadu iha ida-idak nia área, ami, profisional iha área prestasaun servisu oioin, ho roman koñesimentu ne’ebé ami iha, preokupa ho situasaun ida ne’e. Tan ne’e, motivadu ho ami nia responsabilidade nudar sidadaun no pratikante ne’ebé hakiak no mantein apresu ás ba profisaun ne’ebé ami pratika, ami deside halibur-an iha organizasaun ida ne’ebé ami deklara ho dokumentu ida ne’e, hodi buka dalan atu kontribui ba kriasaun no manutensaun kondisoens sira ne’ebé garante observansia padraun kompetensia no padraun prátika prestasaun servisu profisional iha Timor-Leste.\nTimor-Leste atravesa daudaun faze ida iha kontrusaun Estadu nian ne’ebé nesesita involvementu Timor-oan hotu, liu-liu profissionais sira iha área oin-oin, iha nia dezenvolvimentu. Iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e politizasaun servisus públikus domina aspetu hotu-hotu dezenvolvimento nian no limita espasu ba kontribuisaun husi profisionais sira ho forma adekuada, iha area oioin servisus públikus no privadus. Nune’e mós, to’o ohin loron seidauk iha hela mekanismu apropriadu atu verifika no sertifika preenximentu rekezitus profissionais sira hodi bele garante provizaun servisu ne’ebé seguru no kualifikadu.\nIha parte seluk, ita nia komunidade nota falta entidade kompetente no falta interese husi entidade ezistente atu kria mekanismu sira ne’ebé bele garante seguransa ho kualidade servisu sira ne’ebé komunidade simu. Iha setor publiku, administrasaun publika denota tendensia influensia politika iha alokasaun kargu publiku sira, hodi nune’e tau iha perigu seguransa utente servisu sira. Ho abandunsia no diversidade servisu espesializadu sira ne’ebé prestadores servisu liu-liu iha área especializada sira oferese ba komunidade, no mos karakteristika inerta profisaun balu, necessidade merkadu iha area demanda ba prestasaun servisu oin-oin, tantu iha setor publiku hanesan mós iha setor privadu, maka iha necessidade atu harii espaço ida ne hodi bele fo-hanoin ita tomak no ita nia estado konaba despolitizasaun sector público atu garante seguransa esensial no kualidade apropriada husi servisu sira ne’ebé disponível ba komunidade. Nune mos, presiza iha garantia katak profisional sira ne’ebé providensia servisu sira ne’e iha kualifikasaun, kompetensia, abilidade no atitude apropriada preciza iha atensaun útil hosi se se deit.\nNudar sidadaun ne’ebé liu tiha ona husi prosesu kualifikasaun akadémiku no estájiu profisional adekuadu iha ida-idak nia área, ami, profisional iha área prestasaun servisu oin-oin, preokupa ho situasaun profisional iha Timor-Leste. Tan ne’e, siente ho ami nia responsabilidade nudar sidadaun no mós nudar pratikante profisional, ami deside halibur-an iha organizasaun ida, hodi buka dalan atu kontribui ba melloramentu prestasaun servisu profisional iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebé ami deklara ho dokumentu ida ne’e.\nAsosiasaun ida ne’e naran Movimento Cívico dos Profissionais de Timor-Leste, ho sigla MCPTL\nMCPTL hari iha loron ….. fulan…. tinan…., liu husi Asembleia Jeral nia membru sira.\nFundasaun MCTL marka ho publikasaun Akta Fundasaun ne’ebé Membru Fundador sira hotu asina\nMCPTL nia sede iha Dil.i.\nMCPTL bele harii mos sukursal subnasional (rejional ka munisipal).\nVersaun Orijinal (Dr Zetó) Versaun Editada (Dr Sérgio)\nMCPTL AMTL sai nu’udar organizasaun profisionál independente ne’ebé la iha fim lukrativu (katak la servisu atu buka manan osan ka lukru seluk), la iha filiasaun polítika, hala’o nia kna’ar tuir buat ne’ebé defini iha Estatutu ida ne’e, no submete ba Konstituisaun Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste, no mós lei ne’ebé vigora iha paíz ida ne’e; MCPTL halibur profisional timor-oan husi area oioin MCPTL hetan inspirasaun husi prinsipiu jeral hirak ne’ebé regula kada profisaun.\nMCPTL organizasaun profisionál independente ne’ebé la iha fim lukrativu.\nMCPTL halibur profisional timor-oan husi area oioin.\nMCPTL respeita profisaun ida-idak nia prinsipiu étiku no deontolojiku no fasilita no advoga observansia prinsípiu sira ne’e.\nMCPTL la iha filiasaun polítika, maibe fo liberdade ba nia membru sira atu hili filiasaun plitika tuir ida-idak nia konsiensia.\nMCPTL sei la halo deskriminasaun bazeia ba sexu, kor kulit, rasa, relijiaun ou afiliasaun polítika iha nia atividade sira.\nMCPTL atua tuir prinsípiu juridiko-legal sira ne’ebé defini iha Konstituisaun RDTL.\nMCPTL advoga ho promove profisionalismu iha area prestasaun servisu hotu-hotu.\nMCPTL luta ba implementasaun, observansia no manutensaun garantia seguransa no kualidade prátika profisional iha Timor-Leste.\nMCPTL advoga no promove prinsípiu meritrokrasia iha administrasaun públika.\nSai mahon (fatin) atu halibur matenek-nain (intelektual) no profesional husi área oin-oin nebé iha hanoin hanesan atu kontribui ba objetivu atu hari estadu sivíl ida nebé garante sidadaun hotu-hotu ninia partisipasaun no kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu paíz, la-haré ba rasa, (kór), relijiaun no ideolojia, nunee Timór bele sai FATIN nebé dignu ba ema Timor-oan hotu\nPratika profisional sira hotu iha Timor-Leste bele providensia servisu ho seguransa no kualidade tuir lege artis kada profisional ba utente sira hotu.\nAdministrasaun publika ne’ebé valoriza no respeita meritrokrasia.\nMCPTL hamrík nudár movimentu sivíl ida nebé la-sadere (la afilia) ba organizasaun polítiku ruma (naun-partidáriu) ho objetivu atu despolitiza (despartidariza) administrasaun públiku no atu promove governasaun diak no estabelese lideransa forte nebé bele muda paradigma sosial iha sosiedade Timorense (hodi bele garante prestasaun servisu diak liu ba povu).\nHalao prátika profisional profisaun ida-idak nia lege artis.\nExperiensia, prátika no melloramentu kontínuo garante provizaun servisu ho padraun ás.\nSai organizasaun ho maior kredibilidade nebé promove transparénsia no imparsialidade iha aprosimasaun no atuasaun.”\nSai organizasaun nebé promove UNIDADE NASIONAL iha diversidade.’\nSai organizasaun nebé promove despolitizasaun no despartidarizasaun iha sistema funsionalismu públiku.\nSai organizasaun nebé servisu nudár parseiru dezenvolvimentu ba governu iha área tékniku hotu-hotu.’Sai organizasaun nebé fornese asesoria (inputs) ba governu iha área tékniku no espesializadu, tuir nesesidade no ezijensia iha momentu nebé nesesáriu ka momentu krítiku sira nebé kauza husi dezastre natural, pandemia, katástrofe, krize militar, krize iha sosiedade no krize iha governasaun.\nSai mahon ba profesional husi área oin-oin.\nSai organizasaun multiprofisional kredível.\nAdvoga kriasaun entidade kompetente no dedikada ba rejistu no regulamentasaun kada profisaun.\nInsentiva kada grupu profisional atu estabelese normas no padroens ba kompetensia no pratika profisional iha ida-idak nia área.\nAdvoga implementasaun, observansia no manutensaun ba prinsípius étikus no deontolójikus kada profisaun.\nAdvoga sistema rejistu nasional ba profisional sira hotu.\nAdvoga kriasaun mekanismu, entidade i/ou instituisaun ne’ebé responsabiliza ba sertifikasaun no monitorizasaun pratika profisional iha kada área pestasaun servisu profisional.\nAdvoga kriasaun sistema ka rejime karreira profional ne’ebé valoriza kualifikasaun, kompetensia, abilidade no meritrokrasia.\nSai referensia ba padraun kompetensia no prátika profisional oioin.\nFo protesaun ba profisional sira hotu.\nFo pretasaun ba komunidade relasiona ho prátika profisional\nServisu ho prinsipiu KOLEJIALIDADE no PARSERIA ho entidade hotu-hotu inklui governu, sisiedade sivíl, ajensia nasoens unidas, konfisoens relijiozas no parte seluk ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun.\nNAKLOKE ba ema hotu-hotu nebé iha hakarak no hanoin diak no hanesan atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun, hodi hari estadu demokrátiku.\nPromove no tane aas UNIDADE iha DIVERSIDADE.\nServisu makaa’s atu promove TRANSPARÊNSIA iha governasaun.\nRESPEITA diferensa iha opiniuan no promove DIÁLOGU nudár dalan diak liu atu buka solusaun ba ideia diferente no konfrontasaun sira.\nHatudu EMPENHU diak iha ida-idak nia knaar atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu\nHatudu KAPASIDADE atu enfrenta no ultrapasa dezafius hotu-hotu iha espíritu solidariedade no respeitu mútua no bazei ba faktus /peskiza.\nHatudu atitude KRÍTIKU (Laos apatia) wainhira enfrenta situasaun nebé la demonstra valores no prinsipius husi governasaun diak, viola direitu umanu no justisa ka desizaun ruma nebé LÁ bazeia ba evidénsia.\nHatudu DEDIKASAUN ba kualidade no melhoramentu pesoal ou individual ka grupu.\nAsumi RESPONSABILIDADE MORAL ba atus, kompromisu, rezultadu ka impaktu ba interese komúm no interese povu.\nHatudu imajenj hanesan MODELU EZEMPLAR iha ida-idak nia área kompetënsia iha ida-idak nia knar-fatin ka iha públiku, liu husi konhesimentu, abilidade no atitude.\nProfisaun hotu-hotu iha estatutu legal hanesan.\nProfisional sira hotu iha estatutu legal hanesan.\nKada pratika profisional sai nudar manifestasaun implementasaun arte no siensia atu presta servisu espesializadu iha determinada area.\nTempu no experiensia pratika kontinua bele garante exselensia iha pratika profisional.\nHarii no hametik prinsipiu meritrokrasia iha administrasaun publika.\nServisu ho prinsipiu kolejialidade iha estabelesimentu normas no padroens kada profisaun.\nBele sai membru MPCTL sidadaun Timor-oan sira hotu ne’e iha profisional ruma, komprova ho sertifikadu kualifikasaun akademika miinimu nivel lisensiatura.\nAtu sai membru, kandidatu interesadu bele hato’o rekerimentu ho dokumentus komprovativus kualifikasaun akademika no sertifikasaun profisional ba sekretariadu MCPTL.\nProsedimentu ba rejistu no sertifikasaun membru sei regula ho dokumentu rasik husi Diresaun Ezekutiva.\nKandidatu ne’ebé preenxe rekizitus atu sai membru bele hetan tomada pose iha tempu no fatin ne’ebé Diresaun Ezekutiva determina.\nMembru ne’ebé simu tiha ona pose bele simu kartaun membru.\nMembru ne’ebé simu tiha ona pose sei rejista iha Livru Rejistu Membru no publika iha Diretoria Membru iha orgaun komunikasaun MCPTL nian.\nMembru bele hetan demisaun ou ezonerasaun ho desizaun Diresaun Ezekutiva.\nKategoria membru MCPTL:\nMembru Fundador mak membru sira ne’ebé partisipa ativamente iha prosesu estabelesmentu MCPTL, partisipa iha Kongresu Dahluk MCPTL no asina ata fundasaun MCPTL.\nMembru Benemeritu mak membru sira ne’ebé halao doasaun espesial ka presta servisu estraordináriu ba MCPTL.\nMembru Benemeritu hetan titulu ne’e Asembleia Jeral bazeia ba proposta husi Diresaun Ezekutiva.\nMembru Onorariu mak membru sira ne’ebé nia servisu iha impaktu determinante no pozitivu ba MCPTL nia moris.\nMembru Onorariu hetan títulu ne’e husi Asembleia Jeral bazeia ba proposta husi Dieresaun Ezekutiva.\nMembru Ordináriu mak membru sira hotu ne’ebé hetan pose husi Diresaun Ezekutiva.\nMembrus sira nia direitu:\nPartisipa iha Asembleia Jeral MCPTL.\nVota no simu vota ba kargu eletivu sira iha MCPTL nia laran.\nMembru Benemeritu no membru onorariu laiha direitu atu vota no atu hetan votu.\nDeveres membru nian:\nKumpre estatutu no rejimentu MCTL.\nHalao saída mak Diresaun Ezekutiva Determina.\nMembru sira la responde ba obrigasoens no enkargus sosiais MCPTL nian.\nWainhira iha kauza justa, Diresaun Ezekutiva bele atu demite ou exklui membru ida husi MCTL.\nMembru ne’ebé hetan exkluzaun ou demisaun husi DIresaun Jeral bele halo rekursu baAsembleia Jeral.\nCategorized as Diskusaun, Estatutu\nBy Sergio Lobo\nMediku. Servisu iha Klinika Cindranita\nView all of Sergio Lobo's posts.
[ "Preambulu - Kapitulu III - MOVIMENTO CIVICO DOS PROFISSIONAIS DE TIMOR-LESTE Preambulu - Kapitulu III Kapitulu I Naran, Sede Artigu 1o Naran Artigu 2o Sede Kapitulu II Natureza, Objetivu, Vizaun, Moto, Misaun, Artigu 3o Natureza Artigu 4o Objetivu Artigu 5o Vizaun Artigu 6o Moto proposta Dr Rui Araujo: \"Merito no profizionalizmu maka abut no hun ba progresu iha Timor-Leste.\"", "Artigu 7o Misaun Artigu 8o Valores no Prinsipius Orientadores Kapitulu III Membru Artigu 9o Kondisaun atu sai Membru Artigu 10o Kategoria Membru Artigu 11o Direitus no Deveres Membru sira nian Artigu 12o Lakon Direitu Membru Orijinal Editada (DR Dionisio Babo) Ho abandunsia no diversidade servisu espesializadu sira ne'ebe prestadores servisu sira oferese ba komunidade, no mos tamba karakteristika inerta profisaun balu, mosu fallansun merkadu iha area demanda prestasaun servisu barak, iha setor publiku no mos iha setor privadu.", "Atu garante seguransa esensial no kualidade aseitavel husi servisu sira ne'ebe disponivel ba komunidade, presiza iha garantia katak profisional sira ne'ebe halao servisu sira ne'e iha kualifikasaun, kompetensia, abilidade no atitude apropriada atu bele oferese servisu sira ne'ebe sira providensia.", "Timor-Leste atravesa daudaun faze ida iha ne'ebe instituisoens relevantes seidauk iha kbiit no mekanismu apropriadu atu verifika no sertifika preenximentu rekizitu sira ne'e.", "Iha parte seluk, iha impresaun katak seidauk iha entidade kompetente no instituisoens ezistentes seidauk hatudu empenu atu kria mekanismu sira ne'ebe bele garante seguransa ho kualidade servisu sira ne'ebe komunidade simu.", "Iha setor publiku, administrasaun publika ezibe tendensia influensia politika iha alokasaun kargu publiku sira, hodi tau iha perigu garantia seguransa no kualidade servisu publiku sira.", "Nudar sisadaun ne'ebe liu tiha ona husi prosesu kualifikasaun akademika no estajiu profisional adekuadu iha ida-idak nia area, ami, profisional iha area prestasaun servisu oioin, ho roman konesimentu ne'ebe ami iha, preokupa ho situasaun ida ne'e.", "Tan ne'e, motivadu ho ami nia responsabilidade nudar sidadaun no pratikante ne'ebe hakiak no mantein apresu as ba profisaun ne'ebe ami pratika, ami deside halibur-an iha organizasaun ida ne'ebe ami deklara ho dokumentu ida ne'e, hodi buka dalan atu kontribui ba kriasaun no manutensaun kondisoens sira ne'ebe garante observansia padraun kompetensia no padraun pratika prestasaun servisu profisional iha Timor-Leste.", "Timor-Leste atravesa daudaun faze ida iha kontrusaun Estadu nian ne'ebe nesesita involvementu Timor-oan hotu, liu-liu profissionais sira iha area oin-oin, iha nia dezenvolvimentu.", "Iha tinan hirak ikus ne'e politizasaun servisus publikus domina aspetu hotu-hotu dezenvolvimento nian no limita espasu ba kontribuisaun husi profisionais sira ho forma adekuada, iha area oioin servisus publikus no privadus.", "Nune'e mos, to'o ohin loron seidauk iha hela mekanismu apropriadu atu verifika no sertifika preenximentu rekezitus profissionais sira hodi bele garante provizaun servisu ne'ebe seguru no kualifikadu.", "Iha parte seluk, ita nia komunidade nota falta entidade kompetente no falta interese husi entidade ezistente atu kria mekanismu sira ne'ebe bele garante seguransa ho kualidade servisu sira ne'ebe komunidade simu.", "Iha setor publiku, administrasaun publika denota tendensia influensia politika iha alokasaun kargu publiku sira, hodi nune'e tau iha perigu seguransa utente servisu sira.", "Ho abandunsia no diversidade servisu espesializadu sira ne'ebe prestadores servisu liu-liu iha area especializada sira oferese ba komunidade, no mos karakteristika inerta profisaun balu, necessidade merkadu iha area demanda ba prestasaun servisu oin-oin, tantu iha setor publiku hanesan mos iha setor privadu, maka iha necessidade atu harii espaco ida ne hodi bele fo-hanoin ita tomak no ita nia estado konaba despolitizasaun sector publico atu garante seguransa esensial no kualidade apropriada husi servisu sira ne'ebe disponivel ba komunidade.", "Nune mos, presiza iha garantia katak profisional sira ne'ebe providensia servisu sira ne'e iha kualifikasaun, kompetensia, abilidade no atitude apropriada preciza iha atensaun util hosi se se deit.", "Nudar sidadaun ne'ebe liu tiha ona husi prosesu kualifikasaun akademiku no estajiu profisional adekuadu iha ida-idak nia area, ami, profisional iha area prestasaun servisu oin-oin, preokupa ho situasaun profisional iha Timor-Leste.", "Tan ne'e, siente ho ami nia responsabilidade nudar sidadaun no mos nudar pratikante profisional, ami deside halibur-an iha organizasaun ida, hodi buka dalan atu kontribui ba melloramentu prestasaun servisu profisional iha Timor-Leste, ne'ebe ami deklara ho dokumentu ida ne'e.", "Asosiasaun ida ne'e naran Movimento Civico dos Profissionais de Timor-Leste, ho sigla MCPTL MCPTL hari iha loron ..... fulan.... tinan...., liu husi Asembleia Jeral nia membru sira.", "Fundasaun MCTL marka ho publikasaun Akta Fundasaun ne'ebe Membru Fundador sira hotu asina MCPTL nia sede iha Dil.i.", "MCPTL bele harii mos sukursal subnasional (rejional ka munisipal).", "Versaun Orijinal (Dr Zeto) Versaun Editada (Dr Sergio) MCPTL AMTL sai nu'udar organizasaun profisional independente ne'ebe la iha fim lukrativu (katak la servisu atu buka manan osan ka lukru seluk), la iha filiasaun politika, hala'o nia kna'ar tuir buat ne'ebe defini iha Estatutu ida ne'e, no submete ba Konstituisaun Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste, no mos lei ne'ebe vigora iha paiz ida ne'e; MCPTL halibur profisional timor-oan husi area oioin MCPTL hetan inspirasaun husi prinsipiu jeral hirak ne'ebe regula kada profisaun.", "MCPTL organizasaun profisional independente ne'ebe la iha fim lukrativu.", "MCPTL halibur profisional timor-oan husi area oioin.", "MCPTL respeita profisaun ida-idak nia prinsipiu etiku no deontolojiku no fasilita no advoga observansia prinsipiu sira ne'e.", "MCPTL la iha filiasaun politika, maibe fo liberdade ba nia membru sira atu hili filiasaun plitika tuir ida-idak nia konsiensia.", "MCPTL sei la halo deskriminasaun bazeia ba sexu, kor kulit, rasa, relijiaun ou afiliasaun politika iha nia atividade sira.", "MCPTL atua tuir prinsipiu juridiko-legal sira ne'ebe defini iha Konstituisaun RDTL.", "MCPTL advoga ho promove profisionalismu iha area prestasaun servisu hotu-hotu.", "MCPTL luta ba implementasaun, observansia no manutensaun garantia seguransa no kualidade pratika profisional iha Timor-Leste.", "MCPTL advoga no promove prinsipiu meritrokrasia iha administrasaun publika.", "Sai mahon (fatin) atu halibur matenek-nain (intelektual) no profesional husi area oin-oin nebe iha hanoin hanesan atu kontribui ba objetivu atu hari estadu sivil ida nebe garante sidadaun hotu-hotu ninia partisipasaun no kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu paiz, la-hare ba rasa, (kor), relijiaun no ideolojia, nunee Timor bele sai FATIN nebe dignu ba ema Timor-oan hotu Pratika profisional sira hotu iha Timor-Leste bele providensia servisu ho seguransa no kualidade tuir lege artis kada profisional ba utente sira hotu.", "Administrasaun publika ne'ebe valoriza no respeita meritrokrasia.", "MCPTL hamrik nudar movimentu sivil ida nebe la-sadere (la afilia) ba organizasaun politiku ruma (naun-partidariu) ho objetivu atu despolitiza (despartidariza) administrasaun publiku no atu promove governasaun diak no estabelese lideransa forte nebe bele muda paradigma sosial iha sosiedade Timorense (hodi bele garante prestasaun servisu diak liu ba povu).", "Halao pratika profisional profisaun ida-idak nia lege artis.", "Experiensia, pratika no melloramentu kontinuo garante provizaun servisu ho padraun as.", "Sai organizasaun ho maior kredibilidade nebe promove transparensia no imparsialidade iha aprosimasaun no atuasaun.\"", "Sai organizasaun nebe promove UNIDADE NASIONAL iha diversidade.'", "Sai organizasaun nebe promove despolitizasaun no despartidarizasaun iha sistema funsionalismu publiku.", "Sai organizasaun nebe servisu nudar parseiru dezenvolvimentu ba governu iha area tekniku hotu-hotu.'Sai organizasaun nebe fornese asesoria (inputs) ba governu iha area tekniku no espesializadu, tuir nesesidade no ezijensia iha momentu nebe nesesariu ka momentu kritiku sira nebe kauza husi dezastre natural, pandemia, katastrofe, krize militar, krize iha sosiedade no krize iha governasaun.", "Sai mahon ba profesional husi area oin-oin.", "Sai organizasaun multiprofisional kredivel.", "Advoga kriasaun entidade kompetente no dedikada ba rejistu no regulamentasaun kada profisaun.", "Insentiva kada grupu profisional atu estabelese normas no padroens ba kompetensia no pratika profisional iha ida-idak nia area.", "Advoga implementasaun, observansia no manutensaun ba prinsipius etikus no deontolojikus kada profisaun.", "Advoga sistema rejistu nasional ba profisional sira hotu.", "Advoga kriasaun mekanismu, entidade i/ou instituisaun ne'ebe responsabiliza ba sertifikasaun no monitorizasaun pratika profisional iha kada area pestasaun servisu profisional.", "Advoga kriasaun sistema ka rejime karreira profional ne'ebe valoriza kualifikasaun, kompetensia, abilidade no meritrokrasia.", "Sai referensia ba padraun kompetensia no pratika profisional oioin.", "Fo protesaun ba profisional sira hotu.", "Fo pretasaun ba komunidade relasiona ho pratika profisional Servisu ho prinsipiu KOLEJIALIDADE no PARSERIA ho entidade hotu-hotu inklui governu, sisiedade sivil, ajensia nasoens unidas, konfisoens relijiozas no parte seluk ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun.", "NAKLOKE ba ema hotu-hotu nebe iha hakarak no hanoin diak no hanesan atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun, hodi hari estadu demokratiku.", "Promove no tane aas UNIDADE iha DIVERSIDADE.", "Servisu makaa's atu promove TRANSPARENSIA iha governasaun.", "RESPEITA diferensa iha opiniuan no promove DIALOGU nudar dalan diak liu atu buka solusaun ba ideia diferente no konfrontasaun sira.", "Hatudu EMPENHU diak iha ida-idak nia knaar atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu Hatudu KAPASIDADE atu enfrenta no ultrapasa dezafius hotu-hotu iha espiritu solidariedade no respeitu mutua no bazei ba faktus /peskiza.", "Hatudu atitude KRITIKU (Laos apatia) wainhira enfrenta situasaun nebe la demonstra valores no prinsipius husi governasaun diak, viola direitu umanu no justisa ka desizaun ruma nebe LA bazeia ba evidensia.", "Hatudu DEDIKASAUN ba kualidade no melhoramentu pesoal ou individual ka grupu.", "Asumi RESPONSABILIDADE MORAL ba atus, kompromisu, rezultadu ka impaktu ba interese komum no interese povu.", "Hatudu imajenj hanesan MODELU EZEMPLAR iha ida-idak nia area kompetensia iha ida-idak nia knar-fatin ka iha publiku, liu husi konhesimentu, abilidade no atitude.", "Profisaun hotu-hotu iha estatutu legal hanesan.", "Profisional sira hotu iha estatutu legal hanesan.", "Kada pratika profisional sai nudar manifestasaun implementasaun arte no siensia atu presta servisu espesializadu iha determinada area.", "Tempu no experiensia pratika kontinua bele garante exselensia iha pratika profisional.", "Harii no hametik prinsipiu meritrokrasia iha administrasaun publika.", "Servisu ho prinsipiu kolejialidade iha estabelesimentu normas no padroens kada profisaun.", "Bele sai membru MPCTL sidadaun Timor-oan sira hotu ne'e iha profisional ruma, komprova ho sertifikadu kualifikasaun akademika miinimu nivel lisensiatura.", "Atu sai membru, kandidatu interesadu bele hato'o rekerimentu ho dokumentus komprovativus kualifikasaun akademika no sertifikasaun profisional ba sekretariadu MCPTL.", "Prosedimentu ba rejistu no sertifikasaun membru sei regula ho dokumentu rasik husi Diresaun Ezekutiva.", "Kandidatu ne'ebe preenxe rekizitus atu sai membru bele hetan tomada pose iha tempu no fatin ne'ebe Diresaun Ezekutiva determina.", "Membru ne'ebe simu tiha ona pose bele simu kartaun membru.", "Membru ne'ebe simu tiha ona pose sei rejista iha Livru Rejistu Membru no publika iha Diretoria Membru iha orgaun komunikasaun MCPTL nian.", "Membru bele hetan demisaun ou ezonerasaun ho desizaun Diresaun Ezekutiva.", "Kategoria membru MCPTL: Membru Fundador mak membru sira ne'ebe partisipa ativamente iha prosesu estabelesmentu MCPTL, partisipa iha Kongresu Dahluk MCPTL no asina ata fundasaun MCPTL.", "Membru Benemeritu mak membru sira ne'ebe halao doasaun espesial ka presta servisu estraordinariu ba MCPTL.", "Membru Benemeritu hetan titulu ne'e Asembleia Jeral bazeia ba proposta husi Diresaun Ezekutiva.", "Membru Onorariu mak membru sira ne'ebe nia servisu iha impaktu determinante no pozitivu ba MCPTL nia moris.", "Membru Onorariu hetan titulu ne'e husi Asembleia Jeral bazeia ba proposta husi Dieresaun Ezekutiva.", "Membru Ordinariu mak membru sira hotu ne'ebe hetan pose husi Diresaun Ezekutiva.", "Membrus sira nia direitu: Partisipa iha Asembleia Jeral MCPTL.", "Vota no simu vota ba kargu eletivu sira iha MCPTL nia laran.", "Membru Benemeritu no membru onorariu laiha direitu atu vota no atu hetan votu.", "Deveres membru nian: Kumpre estatutu no rejimentu MCTL.", "Halao saida mak Diresaun Ezekutiva Determina.", "Membru sira la responde ba obrigasoens no enkargus sosiais MCPTL nian.", "Wainhira iha kauza justa, Diresaun Ezekutiva bele atu demite ou exklui membru ida husi MCTL.", "Membru ne'ebe hetan exkluzaun ou demisaun husi DIresaun Jeral bele halo rekursu baAsembleia Jeral.", "Categorized as Diskusaun, Estatutu By Sergio Lobo Mediku.", "Servisu iha Klinika Cindranita View all of Sergio Lobo's posts." ]
[ [ "Preamble - Chapter III – CIVIC MOVEMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL SECTORS IN TIMOR-LESTE PREAMBLE CHAPTER I Name, Headquarters Article 1st Naran article2nd Home chapter II Nature Objectives Vision Motto Mission Proposal Dr. Rui Araujo: \"Merito e profissionalismo é a base para o progresso em Timor Leste.\"" ], [ "Article 7o Missions and objectives of the association, Articles.8 Guiding value & principle Chapter III Membership article9 Condition for becoming a member articles10 Category Of members art24 Rights And Duties OF MEMBERS Art36 Laconic rights Originally edited (DR Dionisio Babos) With an abandonment in specialized services that are offered by service provider to community as well because some profession is not active there has been market failure where many work have become required both public sector but also private Sector" ], [ "In order to ensure the essential safety and acceptable quality of services available for public use, it is necessary that there be assurances which indicate whether professionals performing these activities have appropriate qualifications. competence abilities attitude in providing them;" ], [ "Timor-Leste is currently going through a phase in which relevant institutions do not have the capacity and appropriate mechanisms to verify or certify compliance with these requirements." ], [ "On the other hand, there is an impression that no competent entity exists and existing institutions have not shown any commitment to creating a mechanism which can guarantee safety of quality services for communities." ], [ "In the public sector, there is a tendency for government to influence politically allocation of offices in order that it may jeopardize guaranteed security and quality." ], [ "As professionals who have already undergone the process of academic qualification and appropriate professional internship in their respective fields, we are concerned about this situation. We work as a group with our knowledge from different areas to provide services that meet your needs" ], [ "Therefore, motivated by our responsibility as citizens and practitioners who care about the profession we practice with great esteem. We have decided to assemble in an organization that is declared hereinby for seeking ways of contributing towards creatings conditions which guarantee compliance on standard competence & professional service delivery pattern at Timor-Leste" ], [ "Timor-Leste is currently going through a phase in the construction of its state which requires involvement by all people, especially professionals from various areas." ], [ "In recent years, the politicization of public services has dominated all developmental aspects and limited space for professional contributions in appropriate forms to various areas both privately-owned or government service." ], [ "Likewise, to date there is no appropriate mechanism in place for verifying and certification of compliance with the professional requirements so that a safe provision can be guaranteed." ], [ "On the other hand, our community notes a lack of competent entities and an interest from existing bodies to create mechanisms that can guarantee safety with quality services for communities." ], [ "In the public sector, Public Administration denotes a tendency to political influence in allocation of offices and thereby jeopardize security for service users." ], [ "With the abundance and diversity of specialized services that service providers, especially in specialised areas offer to society as well with some profession' s characteristic laziness; market needs for a variety demanding provision both publicly but also private. Therefore there is an urgent need on our part (and at national level) about depoliticizing this sector so we can guarantee essential security & appropriate quality from all available social-service activities" ], [ "Similarly, there must be assurances that the professionals providing these services have appropriate qualifications and competence as well As skills And attitude Require useful attention from each other." ], [ "As citizens who have undergone the process of academic qualification and appropriate professional internship in their respective fields, we professionals from various service provision areas are concerned about Timor-Leste' s occupational situation." ], [ "Therefore, conscious of our responsibility as citizens and professional practitioners we have decided to unite in an organization that will help us contribute towards improving the provision for professionals' services at Timor-Leste. This is what it states herein:" ], [ "This association is named Movimento Civico dos Profissionais de Timor-Leste, with the acronym MCPTL. The Movement was founded on ..... month.... year..... by its members at a General Assembly held in 2013 and has been active since then (see below)." ], [ "The MCTL Foundation marks the publication of a Founding Act, which all founding members sign at its headquarters in Dili." ], [ "MCPTL may also establish subnational (regional or municipal) branches." ], [ "Original Version (Dr Zeto) Edited version MCPTL AM TL is an independent professional organization that has no profit-making purposes, does not have any political affiliation and carries out its work in accordance with the provisions of this Statute. It shall be subject to both Constitutional law as well a legal framework which applies within Timor Leste; it bring together professionals from various areas who are inspire by those general principled governing each profession 10" ], [ "MCPTL is an independent, non-profit professional organization." ], [ "MCPTL brings together Timorese professionals from various areas." ], [ "The MCPTL respects the ethical and deontological principle of each profession, facilitates their observance as well." ], [ "The MCPTL has no political affiliation, but gives its members the freedom to choose their own party in accordance with each individual's conscience." ], [ "MCPTL will not discriminate on the basis of sex, kor kulit (racial or ethnic origin), race and religion in its activities." ], [ "The MCPTL acts according to the legal and juridical principles defined in Timor-Leste' s Constitution." ], [ "MCPTL advocates and promotes professionalism in all areas of service provision." ], [ "MCPTL fights for the implementation, compliance and maintenance of guaranteed safety & quality professional practice in Timor-Leste." ], [ "MCPTL advocates and promotes the principle of meritocracy in public administration." ], [ "Become a forum to gather intellectuals and professionals from different areas who share the same vision of contributing towards building an inclusive civil state that guarantee all citizens’ participation in, contributions for development regardless race (colour), religion or ideology so Timor can become worthy FATIN. All professional practitioner on East-Timor should provide work with safety & quality according law art each professional must be able providing services at high standard as per every client needs" ], [ "A public administration that values and respect meritocracy." ], [ "MCPTL is a non-partisan civil movement with the goal of depoliticizing public administration and promoting good governance, establishing strong leadership that can change social paradigms in Timorese society (and therefore guarantee better service delivery to people)." ], [ "To carry out the professional practice of each profession in accordance with its laws." ], [ "Experience, practice and continuous improvement ensure the provision of service to a high standard." ], [ "Become the most credible organization that promotes transparency and impartiality in its approaches to action.\"" ], [ "Become an organization that promotes NATIONAL UNITY in diversity.'" ], [ "Become an organization that promotes depoliticization and non-partisanship in the system of public functionalism." ], [ "Become an organization that serves as a development partner to the government in all technical areas. 'Becoming organisation which provides input (advisory) for Government on specialized and specialist issues, accordingly with need or demand at necessary time of critical moments caused by natural disaster pandemic catastrophe military crisis social Crisis governance'" ], [ "Become a professional in various fields." ], [ "It is a credible multi-professional organization." ], [ "It advocates the creation of a competent and dedicated entity to register, regulate each profession." ], [ "Encourage each professional group to establish norms and standard of competence in their respective field." ], [ "It advocates the implementation, observance and maintenance of ethical principles in each profession." ], [ "Advocate a national registration system for all professionals." ], [ "Advocates the creation of mechanisms, entities and/or institutions responsible for certification or monitoring professional practice in each area within a profession." ], [ "It advocates the creation of a professional career system or regime that values qualifications, competence and meritocracy." ], [ "It is a reference to different standards of competence and professional practice." ], [ "Provides protection to all professionals." ], [ "Provide services to the community in relation with professional practice of service on principles OF COLLEGIALITY and PARTNERSHIP, including governmental entities; civil society organization. United Nations agencies: religious confessions etc for country development" ], [ "CALLS upon all people with good will and minds to contribute in the development of our country, building a democratic state." ], [ "It promotes and nurtures UNITY in DIVERSity. Promotes unification within diversity" ], [ "Makaa's service is to promote TRANSPARENCY in governance." ], [ "RESPECTS differences of opinion and promoteS DIALOG as the best way to find solutions for different ideas, confrontations." ], [ "Show good COMMITMENT in each of their roles to contribute towards development. Demonstrate CAPACITY for facing and overcoming all challenges, based on fact/research with a spirit Of solidarity & mutual respect" ], [ "Be CRITICAL (not apathy) when faced with situations that do not demonstrate the value and principle of good governance, violating human rights or justice." ], [ "Show DEDICATION to quality and personal or individual/group improvement." ], [ "To take MORAL RESPONSIBILITY for actions, compromises or results that affect the common good and interests of people." ], [ "Show the image as a ROLES MODEL in each area of competence, either at home or publicly through knowledge and skills." ], [ "All professions have the same legal status." ], [ "All professionals have the same legal status." ], [ "Each professional practice becomes a manifestation of the application in art and science to provide specialized work within an area." ], [ "Time and continuous practical experience can guarantee excellence in professional practice." ], [ "He established and promoted the principle of meritocracy in public administration." ], [ "Service with the principle of collegiality in establishing norms and standard for each profession." ], [ "Any Timorese citizen who is in possession of a professional qualification, supported by an academic certificate at the minimum licentiate level can become member." ], [ "In order to become a member, interested candidates can submit applications with documents corroborating academic qualifications and professional certification at the secretariat of MCPTL." ], [ "The procedure for registration and certification of members will be regulated by the Executive Directorate's own documents." ], [ "Candidates who meet the requirements for membership may be inaugurated at a time and place determined by The Executive Board." ], [ "Members who have already taken possession may receive a membership card." ], [ "Members who have taken office shall be registered in the Register of members and published on MCPTL'S communication organ, Directorate-General." ], [ "A member may be dismissed or exonerated by decision of the Executive Board." ], [ "MCPTL Membership Category: Founding members are those who actively participated in the establishment process of The Movement, attended its Dahluk Congress and signed a founding charter." ], [ "Members of Merit are members who have made special donations or provided extraordinary service to the MCPTL." ], [ "The title of Member Benemerite is awarded by the General Assembly based on proposals from its Executive Board." ], [ "Honorary Members are members whose work has had a decisive and positive impact on the life of MCPTL." ], [ "The Honorary Member is awarded this title by the General Assembly on proposal of its Executive Directorate." ], [ "Ordinary Members are all members who have been appointed to the Executive Board." ], [ "Members have the following rights: To participate in MCPTL General Assembly." ], [ "Voting and receiving votes for elected office within the MCPTL." ], [ "Members of Honour and honorary members have no right to vote or be elected." ], [ "Duties of the member: To comply with MCTL's statutes and rules." ], [ "Do what the Executive Board Determines." ], [ "Members are not responsible for the obligations and social responsibilities of MCPTL." ], [ "When there is a just cause, the Executive Board may dismiss or exclude any member from MCTL." ], [ "A member who has been excluded or dismissed by the General Board may appeal to a general meeting." ], [ "Categorized as Discussion, Statute By Sergio Lobo Mediku." ], [ "Servisu iha Klinika Cindranita View all of Sergio Lobo's posts." ] ]
Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu timoroan nian rejeita akuzasaun sira iregularidade nian - TIMOR AGORA\nPrezidente Tribunal Rekursu timoroan nian rejeita akuzasaun sira iregularidade nian\nPrezidente Tribunal Rekursu timoroan nian rejeita iha loron-segunda ne'e akuzasaun sira kona-ba iregularidade, ne'ebé aponta iha karta aberta ida hosi ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratéjiku, Xanana Gusmão, hodi konsidera hanesan "falsu" katak hetan osan la tuir dalan regular.\n"Ha'u seidauk haree karta. Ha'u la haree, maibé hanesan la loos katak halo duni asaun ne'e", afirma hosi Guilhermino da Silva, liuhosi deklarasaun sira ne'ebé nia halo ba Lusa iha nia gabinete iha Tribunal Rekursu iha Díli.\n"Ne'e hanesan la loos. Ha'u la hatene kona-ba asuntu ne'e no hanesan ba dala uluk maka ha'u rona", nia hatutan mós, hodi husu kona-ba deskonfia iregularidade ne'ebé duun ba nia.\nAkuzasaun sira iregularidade nian halo hosi Xanana Gusmão iha karta aberta naruk ida ne'ebé diriji ba eis-ministra Finansa, Emília Pires, hafoin eis-ministra hetan kondenasaun ba kadeia tinan hitu tanba partisipasaun ekonómiku iha negósiu.\nIha konkretu maka akuza ba iregularidade finanseiru hosi Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu no mós Prokurador-Jeral Repúblika nian.\n"Ema barak hatene katak Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu rasik simu ona osan hosi kompañia ida, ne'ebé iha projetu ida iha Tribunal, no ne'ebé seidauk hotu tanba falta osan, tanba folin di'ak ida fó ona ba Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu ne'ebé presiza. Ministériu Públiku de'it maka la hatene", Xanana hakerek.\n"No iha tan: Prezidente ne'e fó projetu ida seluk ba nia irmaun, rekuza rezultadu hosi konkursu ne'ebé nia funsionáriu sira aprezenta ho kompañia ida seluk ne'ebé manán", nia hatutan mós.\nXanana Gusmão hatete katak justisa la atua iha kazu ne'e no kazu sira seluk "tanba tauk vingansa" no akuza mós iregularidade ba prokurador-jeral Repúblika nian, José Ximenes, hodi hatete katak nia karik uza ba benefísiu rasik osan ne'ebé nia aprezenta ona hanesan gastu ofisial sira durante nia partisipasaun iha enkontru ida CPLP nian iha Brazil.\nXanana Gusmão hakerek katak Prokurador-Jeral karik aprezenta relatóriu ida despeza sira nian, inklui jantar ida lahó faktura no ho de'it deklarasaun ida ne'ebé asinadu, afirma iha Díli "katak osan ne'e gasta iha jantar ida ba delegasaun CPLP nian" bainhira "labele iha duni resibu sira, tanba osan ne'e gasta tiha ona hodi sosa vestidu sira no buat sira seluk ba nia feen".\nInsisti hosi ajénsia Lusa iha loron hirak ikus ne'e hodi komenta konteúdu karta nian, prokurador-jeral lakohi halo komentáriu ruma hodi hatete de'it katak rekupera hela hosi konstipasaun ida.\nBainhira hatán pergunta hosi Lusa kona-ba akuzasaun sira kona-ba abuzu poder hosi ajente judisial sira, halo iha karta hanesan, Guilhermino Silva rejeita mós avaliasaun ne'e.\n"Ema sira hamosu daudaun konfuzaun maibé la'ós hanesan avaliasaun loloos ida hosi área justisa nian. Laiha abuzu poder ida. Ema ne'ebé hatete tenki hatudu prova, indika sé maka halo asaun ne'e", afirma hosi prezidente Tribunal Rekursu nian.\nResponsável hosi área aas rekursu iha nasaun konsidera ona katak "problema hosi lian" portugeza hanesan dezafiu boot ida ne'ebé área judisial hasoru hodi konsidera katak "iha jeral laiha problema boot sira seluk".\n"Buat hotu la'o daudaun ho di'ak, julgamentu sira halo hela iha tribunal distrital sira no iha ne'e mós avansa hela", nia hatete.\nSAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ António Amaral /EPA
[ "Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu timoroan nian rejeita akuzasaun sira iregularidade nian - TIMOR AGORA Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu timoroan nian rejeita akuzasaun sira iregularidade nian Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu timoroan nian rejeita iha loron-segunda ne'e akuzasaun sira kona-ba iregularidade, ne'ebe aponta iha karta aberta ida hosi ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku, Xanana Gusmao, hodi konsidera hanesan \"falsu\" katak hetan osan la tuir dalan regular.", "\"Ha'u seidauk haree karta.", "Ha'u la haree, maibe hanesan la loos katak halo duni asaun ne'e,\" afirma hosi Guilhermino da Silva, liuhosi deklarasaun sira ne'ebe nia halo ba Lusa iha nia gabinete iha Tribunal Rekursu iha Dili.", "\"Ne'e hanesan la loos.", "Ha'u la hatene kona-ba asuntu ne'e no hanesan ba dala uluk maka ha'u rona,\" nia hatutan mos, hodi husu kona-ba deskonfia iregularidade ne'ebe duun ba nia.", "Akuzasaun sira iregularidade nian halo hosi Xanana Gusmao iha karta aberta naruk ida ne'ebe diriji ba eis-ministra Finansa, Emilia Pires, hafoin eis-ministra hetan kondenasaun ba kadeia tinan hitu tanba partisipasaun ekonomiku iha negosiu.", "Iha konkretu maka akuza ba iregularidade finanseiru hosi Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu no mos Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian.", "\"Ema barak hatene katak Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu rasik simu ona osan hosi kompania ida, ne'ebe iha projetu ida iha Tribunal, no ne'ebe seidauk hotu tanba falta osan, tanba folin di'ak ida fo ona ba Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu ne'ebe presiza.", "Ministeriu Publiku de'it maka la hatene,\" Xanana hakerek.", "\"No iha tan: Prezidente ne'e fo projetu ida seluk ba nia irmaun, rekuza rezultadu hosi konkursu ne'ebe nia funsionariu sira aprezenta ho kompania ida seluk ne'ebe manan,\" nia hatutan mos.", "Xanana Gusmao hatete katak justisa la atua iha kazu ne'e no kazu sira seluk \"tanba tauk vingansa\" no akuza mos iregularidade ba prokurador-jeral Republika nian, Jose Ximenes, hodi hatete katak nia karik uza ba benefisiu rasik osan ne'ebe nia aprezenta ona hanesan gastu ofisial sira durante nia partisipasaun iha enkontru ida CPLP nian iha Brazil.", "Xanana Gusmao hakerek katak Prokurador-Jeral karik aprezenta relatoriu ida despeza sira nian, inklui jantar ida laho faktura no ho de'it deklarasaun ida ne'ebe asinadu, afirma iha Dili \"katak osan ne'e gasta iha jantar ida ba delegasaun CPLP nian\" bainhira \"labele iha duni resibu sira, tanba osan ne'e gasta tiha ona hodi sosa vestidu sira no buat sira seluk ba nia feen.\"", "Insisti hosi ajensia Lusa iha loron hirak ikus ne'e hodi komenta konteudu karta nian, prokurador-jeral lakohi halo komentariu ruma hodi hatete de'it katak rekupera hela hosi konstipasaun ida.", "Bainhira hatan pergunta hosi Lusa kona-ba akuzasaun sira kona-ba abuzu poder hosi ajente judisial sira, halo iha karta hanesan, Guilhermino Silva rejeita mos avaliasaun ne'e.", "\"Ema sira hamosu daudaun konfuzaun maibe la'os hanesan avaliasaun loloos ida hosi area justisa nian.", "Laiha abuzu poder ida.", "Ema ne'ebe hatete tenki hatudu prova, indika se maka halo asaun ne'e,\" afirma hosi prezidente Tribunal Rekursu nian.", "Responsavel hosi area aas rekursu iha nasaun konsidera ona katak \"problema hosi lian\" portugeza hanesan dezafiu boot ida ne'ebe area judisial hasoru hodi konsidera katak \"iha jeral laiha problema boot sira seluk.\"", "\"Buat hotu la'o daudaun ho di'ak, julgamentu sira halo hela iha tribunal distrital sira no iha ne'e mos avansa hela,\" nia hatete.", "SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Antonio Amaral /EPA" ]
[ [ "The President of the Tribunal de Apelação rejected on Monday accusations about irregularities, which pointed out in an open letter by Planning and Strategic Investment Minister Xanana Gusmao as \"false\" that he received money not through regular channels. He said: “I have no complaint against any person or entity who has been charged with fraudulently obtaining funds from a government agency.”" ], [ "\"I haven't seen the card." ], [ "I do not see, but it is untrue that the action was taken\", affirmed Guilhermino da Silva in statements he gave to Lusa from his office at Dili' s Court of Appeal." ], [ "\"That's not true. It is just a lie,\" he said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph on Monday morning.\"" ], [ "I don't know about it and this is the first time that i have heard of,\" he said asking what his suspicion was regarding irregularities." ], [ "The allegations of irregularities were made by Xanana Gusmao in a long open letter addressed to former Finance Minister Emilia Pires, after the latter was sentenced for seven years' imprisonment over economic participation." ], [ "Specifically, the President of The Court Of Appeal and Prosecutor General were accused for financial irregularities." ], [ "\"Many people know that the President of Appeals Court himself has received money from a company, which had one project in court and it is not finished because there are no funds. A good price was given to him for what he needed.\"" ], [ "Only the Public Prosecutor's Office does not know,\" Xanana wrote." ], [ "\"And there is more: the president gave another project to his brother, rejected results of a tender submitted by its officials with other company that won it\", he added." ], [ "Xanana Gusmao said that the justice system was not acting in this and other cases \"out of revenge\", accusing also Attorney General Jose Ximenes, who had used for his own benefit money he presented as official expenses during a meeting with CPLP leaders at Brazil." ], [ "Xanana Gusmao writes that the Attorney-General should have presented a report of expenses, including one dinner to invoice and with only signed statement claiming from Dili \"that money was spent on dining for CPLP delegation\" when there would not be any receipt because it had already been spend buying clothed his wife." ], [ "When Lusa insisted in recent days to comment on the contents of his letter, he refuses any comments and only says that she is recovering from a constipation." ], [ "In reply to a question from Lusa about the allegations of abuse by judicial officials, made in similar letters and email messages on 20 June last year (see below), Guilhermino Silva also rejected this evaluation." ], [ "\"People are creating confusion but it is not a true evaluation of the area." ], [ "Laiha abuzu power ida." ], [ "The person who says that he has to show proof, indicates whether the action was taken,” said Court of Appeal president." ], [ "The head of the country's highest resource area has considered that Portuguese \"language problem\" is a major challenge facing judicial areas, considering there are no other big problems in general." ], [ "\"Everything is going well, trials are being held in the district court and there too progress has been made\", he said." ], [ "SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Antonio Amaral /EPA" ] ]
Quinta-Feira, III Semana Iha Tempo Comum – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quinta-Feira, III Semana Iha Tempo Comum\nQuinta-Feira, III Semana Iha Tempo Comum\nPosted on: January 24, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura 2Sm. 7. 18-19, 24-29\nIha loron hirak neba, wainhira profeta Natã hato’o tiha ba David liafuan sira Na’i nian, liurai ba hamriik tiha iha Na’i nia oin hodi dehan: “Sé mak ha’u, Na’i Maromak, sé mak ha’u uma-kain, atu lori ha’u to’o iha ne’e? Na’i Maromak, buat ne’e la folin iha ita matan karik, ita haraik ita lia-moruk ba ita atan nia uma-kain ba tempo ikus nian! Ema ida bele iha direito ida hanesan ne’e, Na’i Maromak? Ita harí metin Isarael, ita atan, nu’udar ita povo ba nafatin, no ita, Na’i, hela nu’udar Na’i Maromak.”\nOras ne’e Na’i Maromak, ha’u tuir nafatin lia-moruk nebé ita hakotu ona ba ita atan no ba ita atan nia uma-kain; hala’o tuir nu’udar ita hateten. Itaboot naran sei sai boot ba nafatin ho liafuan hirak ne’e ˊNa’i, lalehan no rai tomak nian, mak Israel nia Maromak!’ No uma-kain ita atan David nian harí metin nafatin iha ita oin. Basá, Itaboot, lalehan no rai tomak nia Na’in, Israel nia Maromak, hato’o ba ita atan buat ida ne’e: ˊHa’u sei harí uma ida ba ó!’ Tan ne’e, ita atan la ta’uk hodi hasa’e harohan ne’e ba itaboot. Lós duni, Na’i Maromak lós, dehan lia sira be mesak lós, mak haraik ksolok di’ak ida ne’e ba ita atan. Haraik bensa ba ita atan nia uma-kain atu nia bele hela metin nafatin iha itaboot Nia futar oin. Tan itaboot, be Na’i maromak mak dehan: housi itaboot Nia bensa, ita atan nia uma-kain sei simu bensa ba nafatin.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 131(132). 1-2, 11, 12, 13-14 (R. Lc. 1. 32b)\nRefrão: Na’i Maromak sei haraik ba nia,\nNia aman David nia trono!!! Repete-se\nNa’i, keta haluha David;\nNia knaar sira be wa’in tebes;\nNia halo juramento ida ba Na’i,\nNia hakotu lia ne’e ba Jacob nia Maromak. Refrao\n“Ha’u sei la tama iha ha’u uman,\nSei la sa’e ba ha’u toba fatin,\nHa’u sei la taka ha’u matan,\nSei la fó descansa ba ha’u matan-fukun\nto’o hetan hôrik fatin ida ba Na’i,\nkadunan ida ba Jacob nia Maromak. Refrao\nNa’i jura ba David\nPromesa ida nebé sei la halo hikas fali:\nIda housi ó ran mak sei tur iha\nÓ nia trono leten! Refrão\nÓ nia oan sira moris tuir karik Ha’u nia aliança,\nNo Ha’u nia hakarak be Ha’u hatudu ona ba sira;\nSira nia oan sira mós sei tur nafatin\nIha ó trono nia leten. Refrão\nNa’i hili Sião,\nNia hakarak hôrik iha nia:\n“Ida ne’e mak Ha’u uma ba nafatin,\nHa’u sei moris iha ne’e, tan Ha’u hili nia”! Refrão\nNa’i, Itaboot nia liafuan mak ahi oan mai ha’u nia fatin,\nIha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba escolante sira: “Imi sunu lakan ahi oan ida hodi tau nia iha balde okos eh iha toba fatin okos? Lolós, imi sei tau nia iha nia fatin! La iha buat ida nebé subar; nebé ema sei la fó sai; la iha buat ida nebé subar metin nebé ema la fó hatene. Ema nebé iha tilun atu rona, rona ida ne’e ba” Nia dehan mós ba sira: “Rona didiak buat nebé imi rona dadaun: Sasukat nebé imi usa sei usa mós ba imi, no barak liu tan. Basá, ema nebé iha ona, sei simu tan; housi ema nebé la iha, buat nebé nia iha sei hasai tan housi nia”.\nPrevious PostSAIDA MAK OBRIGA SÃO SEBASTIÃO ATU SARAN NIA-AN BA MATE Next PostSexta-Feira, III Semana iha tempo comum
[ "Quinta-Feira, III Semana Iha Tempo Comum - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quinta-Feira, III Semana Iha Tempo Comum Quinta-Feira, III Semana Iha Tempo Comum Posted on: January 24, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura 2Sm.", "7.", "18-19, 24-29 Iha loron hirak neba, wainhira profeta Nata hato'o tiha ba David liafuan sira Na'i nian, liurai ba hamriik tiha iha Na'i nia oin hodi dehan: \"Se mak ha'u, Na'i Maromak, se mak ha'u uma-kain, atu lori ha'u to'o iha ne'e?", "Na'i Maromak, buat ne'e la folin iha ita matan karik, ita haraik ita lia-moruk ba ita atan nia uma-kain ba tempo ikus nian!", "Ema ida bele iha direito ida hanesan ne'e, Na'i Maromak?", "Ita hari metin Isarael, ita atan, nu'udar ita povo ba nafatin, no ita, Na'i, hela nu'udar Na'i Maromak.\"", "Oras ne'e Na'i Maromak, ha'u tuir nafatin lia-moruk nebe ita hakotu ona ba ita atan no ba ita atan nia uma-kain; hala'o tuir nu'udar ita hateten.", "Itaboot naran sei sai boot ba nafatin ho liafuan hirak ne'e /Na'i, lalehan no rai tomak nian, mak Israel nia Maromak!'", "No uma-kain ita atan David nian hari metin nafatin iha ita oin.", "Basa, Itaboot, lalehan no rai tomak nia Na'in, Israel nia Maromak, hato'o ba ita atan buat ida ne'e: /Ha'u sei hari uma ida ba o!'", "Tan ne'e, ita atan la ta'uk hodi hasa'e harohan ne'e ba itaboot.", "Los duni, Na'i Maromak los, dehan lia sira be mesak los, mak haraik ksolok di'ak ida ne'e ba ita atan.", "Haraik bensa ba ita atan nia uma-kain atu nia bele hela metin nafatin iha itaboot Nia futar oin.", "Tan itaboot, be Na'i maromak mak dehan: housi itaboot Nia bensa, ita atan nia uma-kain sei simu bensa ba nafatin.", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "131 (132).", "1-2, 11, 12, 13-14 (R. Lc.", "1.", "32b) Refrao: Na'i Maromak sei haraik ba nia, Nia aman David nia trono!!!", "Repete-se Na'i, keta haluha David; Nia knaar sira be wa'in tebes; Nia halo juramento ida ba Na'i, Nia hakotu lia ne'e ba Jacob nia Maromak.", "Refrao \"Ha'u sei la tama iha ha'u uman, Sei la sa'e ba ha'u toba fatin, Ha'u sei la taka ha'u matan, Sei la fo descansa ba ha'u matan-fukun to'o hetan horik fatin ida ba Na'i, kadunan ida ba Jacob nia Maromak.", "Refrao Na'i jura ba David Promesa ida nebe sei la halo hikas fali: Ida housi o ran mak sei tur iha O nia trono leten!", "Refrao O nia oan sira moris tuir karik Ha'u nia alianca, No Ha'u nia hakarak be Ha'u hatudu ona ba sira; Sira nia oan sira mos sei tur nafatin Iha o trono nia leten.", "Refrao Na'i hili Siao, Nia hakarak horik iha nia: \"Ida ne'e mak Ha'u uma ba nafatin, Ha'u sei moris iha ne'e, tan Ha'u hili nia\"!", "Refrao Na'i, Itaboot nia liafuan mak ahi oan mai ha'u nia fatin, Iha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba escolante sira: \"Imi sunu lakan ahi oan ida hodi tau nia iha balde okos eh iha toba fatin okos?", "Lolos, imi sei tau nia iha nia fatin!", "La iha buat ida nebe subar; nebe ema sei la fo sai; la iha buat ida nebe subar metin nebe ema la fo hatene.", "Ema nebe iha tilun atu rona, rona ida ne'e ba\" Nia dehan mos ba sira: \"Rona didiak buat nebe imi rona dadaun: Sasukat nebe imi usa sei usa mos ba imi, no barak liu tan.", "Basa, ema nebe iha ona, sei simu tan; housi ema nebe la iha, buat nebe nia iha sei hasai tan housi nia.\"", "Previous PostSAIDA MAK OBRIGA SAO SEBASTIAO ATU SARAN NIA-AN BA MATE Next PostSexta-Feira, III Semana iha tempo comum" ]
[ [ "Thursday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Sundays Daily Reading for the week Friday (2nd) Wednesday Posted on January.18th-04/Feb by Departamento Comunicacao Diocese de Timor Primeira Leitura Domingo II Semana em Tempo Comum" ], [ "7. Requirements for the application" ], [ "18 And it came to pass in those days, when Nathan the prophet had spoken unto David all these words of Jehovah; that he went and fell down before Yahweh. He said: Who am I LORD God? or what is my house! That thou shouldest bring me hither" ], [ "O Lord God, if these things are of no value in your sight; let us give our promise to the house and peoples that you have chosen for yourself." ], [ "Can any man have such a right as this, O Lord God?" ], [ "And thou hast established thy servant Israel to be a people unto thee for ever: and you, O LORD God of hosts!" ], [ "Now therefore, O Lord GOD! the word that thou hast spoken unto thy servant and to thine own house have I kept: do as we said." ], [ "Let thy name be magnified for ever in these words, O LORD God of heaven and all the earth over Israel.'" ], [ "And the house of our servant David shall be established before us." ], [ "But you, O LORD God of heaven and all the earth! You have spoken to my servant saying: 'I will build a house for yourself.'" ], [ "Therefore, we do not hesitate to raise this request before our Lord." ], [ "19:20 For the LORD God is truthful, and his words are true; he hath given this good thing unto our servant." ], [ "Bless the house of our servant, that he may dwell before your face." ], [ "For the LORD hath said, With thy blessing shall be your servant's house for ever." ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "132 (4). pp.  59–60, and pgs:" ], [ "1-2,30; R. Lc)" ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "32b) Refrao: May the Lord God give to him, The throne of his father David!!!" ], [ "Repeat, O LORD; forget not David: his works are greatly honored. He swore an oath to the Lord and fulfilled it unto Jacob's God.\"" ], [ "\"I will not enter into my own house, I won't go up to the place of mine abode; ill never close out My eyes and give no rest unto Mine eyesight until there be found a dwelling for Jehovah. A resting-place is made For The God Of Jacob.\"" ], [ "The LORD swore to David a promise which shall not be broken, saying: Of thy seed and of thine offspring will there sit one upon Thy throne." ], [ "Refrao His children shall live according to My covenant, And my will which I have made known unto them; Their sons also should sit upon the throne." ], [ "The LORD chose Zion, and dwelled in it: \"This is my house for ever; I will abide therein. For he has been mine.\"" ], [ "At that time, Jesus said to the disciples: \"Do you burn a fire and put it in an old bucket or into another new one? Do they place them on their own feet where there is no water?\"" ], [ "Instead, you will put it back in its place!" ], [ "There is nothing that rises up, which a man will not give out; there are no things lastingly growing in the earth whose origins cannot be known." ], [ "He who has an ear to hear, let him listen.\" And he said unto them: \"Hear carefully what ye have heard. The measure with which all of you are measuring shall be used against every one; and more than that will also come upon everyone else\"." ], [ "For to every one who has will be given more, and from him that does not have even what he is having shall also take away.\"" ], [ "Previous PostSAIDA MAK OBRIGA SAO SEBASTIAN ATU SARAN NI-NYA BA MATE Next postFriday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time" ] ]
Lider Nasionál Konkorda EA Última Rekursu\nBy Tempo Timor February 10, 2020 2939\nPrezidente da Republika ko'alia ba Midia hafoin hasoru malu ho lider sira iha palasiu prezidensial (10/2) Foto Midia PR\nTempotimor (Dili) - Hafoin dialogu durante oras hitu (7) nia-laran, lider nasionál no rezisténsia sira konkorda atu Prezidente Repúblika buka meiu sira seluk hodi solusiona impase polítika no eleisaun antesipada nu'udar rekursu ikus.\nReuniaun nee prezide husi Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo no partisipa husi lider nasionál sira hanesan Mari Alkatiri, José Ramos Horta, Lere Anan Timur no Roque Rodrigues.\nEnkontru ne'ebé halao iha Palásiu Prezidensiál, Bairru-Pité nee rezultadu pontu impotante tolu.\nPrimeiru, partidu polítiku sira ne'ebé iha asentu parlamentár sira hotu-hotu tenke halo movimentu polítiku oinsa mak bele dezeña sira-nia opiniaun no hakarak atu bele hetan solusaun ba impase polítika ne'e.\nSegundu, husu partidu polítiku sira iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasionál atu konvoka diálogu no Taur Matan Ruak kontinua Primeiru Ministru to'o hetan solusaun ba impase polítika.\nNune'e, bainhira laiha ona dalan seluk maka foin bele hakat ba rekursu ikus liu eleisaun antesipada.\n"Ohin ami na'in hirak halo reuniaun, pontu hirak ne'ebé importante ne'ebé asenta iha reuniaun ida ne'e maka, eleisaun antesipada hanesan rekursu ikus liu," dehan Prezidenti Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál, iha Bairru-Pité, Segunda (10/2).\nNia hatutan, hahu husi 20 Janeiru 2020, Prezidenti Repúblika asume totál situasaun ne'ebé akontese hafoin Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2020 xumba iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nNune'e, Xefe Estadu kontinua promove diálogu ho partidu politiku sira ho nia lider bankada sira, sosiadade sivíl, veteranu, konviksaun Relijioza no mós ema barak hodi rona sira-nia pontu-de-vista relasiona situasaun polítika ne'ebé atravessa rai-laran.\nEntertantu iha diálogu entre lider sira realiza la hetan partisipasaun husi Xanana Gusmão. (*)\nLast modified on Monday, 10 February 2020 17:22\n« Branco: FRETILIN Prontu Ba EA mas Xanana Labele Halai Husi Diálogu Lú Olo Hein Xanana iha Bairru-Pité »
[ "Lider Nasional Konkorda EA Ultima Rekursu By Tempo Timor February 10, 2020 2939 Prezidente da Republika ko'alia ba Midia hafoin hasoru malu ho lider sira iha palasiu prezidensial (10/2) Foto Midia PR Tempotimor (Dili) - Hafoin dialogu durante oras hitu (7) nia-laran, lider nasional no rezistensia sira konkorda atu Prezidente Republika buka meiu sira seluk hodi solusiona impase politika no eleisaun antesipada nu'udar rekursu ikus.", "Reuniaun nee prezide husi Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo no partisipa husi lider nasional sira hanesan Mari Alkatiri, Jose Ramos Horta, Lere Anan Timur no Roque Rodrigues.", "Enkontru ne'ebe halao iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite nee rezultadu pontu impotante tolu.", "Primeiru, partidu politiku sira ne'ebe iha asentu parlamentar sira hotu-hotu tenke halo movimentu politiku oinsa mak bele dezena sira-nia opiniaun no hakarak atu bele hetan solusaun ba impase politika ne'e.", "Segundu, husu partidu politiku sira iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional atu konvoka dialogu no Taur Matan Ruak kontinua Primeiru Ministru to'o hetan solusaun ba impase politika.", "Nune'e, bainhira laiha ona dalan seluk maka foin bele hakat ba rekursu ikus liu eleisaun antesipada.", "\"Ohin ami na'in hirak halo reuniaun, pontu hirak ne'ebe importante ne'ebe asenta iha reuniaun ida ne'e maka, eleisaun antesipada hanesan rekursu ikus liu,\" dehan Prezidenti Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palasiu Prezidensial, iha Bairru-Pite, Segunda (10/2).", "Nia hatutan, hahu husi 20 Janeiru 2020, Prezidenti Republika asume total situasaun ne'ebe akontese hafoin Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2020 xumba iha Parlamentu Nasional.", "Nune'e, Xefe Estadu kontinua promove dialogu ho partidu politiku sira ho nia lider bankada sira, sosiadade sivil, veteranu, konviksaun Relijioza no mos ema barak hodi rona sira-nia pontu-de-vista relasiona situasaun politika ne'ebe atravessa rai-laran.", "Entertantu iha dialogu entre lider sira realiza la hetan partisipasaun husi Xanana Gusmao. (*) Last modified on Monday, 10 February 2020 17:22 \" Branco: FRETILIN Prontu Ba EA mas Xanana Labele Halai Husi Dialogu Lu Olo Hein Xanana iha Bairru-Pite \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor February 10,. The President of the Republic speaks to media after meeting with leaders in Presidential Palace (2/3) Photo Media PR Timetomor(Dili), - After a seven-hour dialogue between national and opposition leader agreed that he should seek other means for solving political impasse by early elections as last resort; however it is not clear whether this will be possible or if there are any alternative options available at present time" ], [ "The meeting was chaired by President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo and attended with national leaders like Mari Alkatiri, Jose Ramos Horta Lere Anan Timur Roque Rodrigues." ], [ "The meeting held at the Presidential Palace, Bairru-Pite resulted in three important points." ], [ "Firstly, all the political parties with parliamentary seats must make a movement in order to express their views and wishes so that they can find solutions for this impasse." ], [ "Secondly, he called on the political parties in House of Representatives to convene a dialogue and requested that Taur Matan Ruak continue as Prime Minister until there is an outcome from this impasse." ], [ "Thus, when there is no other way to proceed the last resort may be early elections." ], [ "\"Today we held a meeting, the important points that were established in this session are early elections as last resort\", said President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at his Presidential Palace on Monday (10/2)." ], [ "He added that, starting from January 20th of this year the President assumed all responsibility for situations arising after General State Budget (GSB) fiscal years to fall in National Parliament." ], [ "Therefore, the Head of State continues to promote dialogue with political parties and their party leaders as well civil society groups like Veteran' s Association (VA), Religious Convictions Group(RCG) etc. in order that he can hear from them about what they think on this particular situation which is going through our country today" ], [ "Meanwhile, the dialogue between leaders did not have Xanana Gusmao's participation. (*) Last modified on Monday 10th of February in \" Brancu: FRETILIN Prontu Ba EA mas Gusmão Labele Halai Husi Dialogue Lu Olo Hein Alkatiri iha Bairru-Pite\"" ] ]
Governu aprova limiti gastu ba janeiru iha inísiu hosi rejimi duodésimu nian - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 22:59h, segunda-feira 25 Maiu\nGovernu aprova limiti gastu ba janeiru iha inísiu hosi rejimi duodésimu nian\n14 de Janeiro de 2020, 22:38\nIha loron-segunda ne'e, Governu aprova ona iha reuniaun estraordináriu ida hosi Konsellu Ministru nian limiti hosi gastu ne'ebé sei uza iha fulan-Janeiru iha ámbitu hosi rejimi duodésimu ne'ebé maka hala'o iha nasaun dezde loron 01 Janeiru.\nIha komunikadu, ezekutivu esplika katak rejimi duodésimu - ne'ebé sei iha limiti máximu hosi gastu hamutuk dolar millaun 116,4 - hanesan presiza tanba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020 seidauk hetan aprovasaun.\nProposta hosi limiti gastu nian ba fulan-Janeiru aprezenta hosi ministra interina Finansa nian, Sara Lobo Brites, no debate hosi Governu iha enkontru estraordináriu iha loron-segunda ne'e.\nDiploma hosi rejimi duodesimal "hamosu efeitu sira iha loron 01 Janeiru 2020 no taka automátiku hafoin hahú hala'o lei hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian ba tinan 2020", esplika hosi Governu.\nRekorda katak Governu aprova ona iha loron 19 Dezembru proposta foun ki'ik liu hosi OJE tinan 2020 nian, ne'ebé ko'a 14,46% hosi total despeza sira ne'ebé proposta antes, ba dolar millaun 1.668.\nOJE 2020 nian - ne'ebé agora daudaun debate hela iha komisaun espesializadu sira Parlamentu Nasional nian - prepara ona ho baze iha prinsípiu fundamental lima, inklui "sustentabilidade fiskal iha prazu médiu ho prazu naruk no aliñamentu ho prioridade nasional sira".\nKonsidera mós "kapasidade hosi ezekusaun orsamental, kapasidade absorsaun hosi ekonomia lokal ho kualidade orsamentu nian".\nProposta, ne'ebé maka Lusa iha asesu, kalkula ko'a iha kuaze kategoria tomak hosi gastu sira - saláriu sira ho vensimentu sira, sasán ho serbisu sira, transferénsia públika ho kapital menor - aumenta de'it iha kapital dezenvolvimentu nian.\nMaski nune'e, folin hosi kapital dezenvolvimentu nian hetan diminuisaun iha kuaze ministériu tomak, aumenta iha nível global tanba de'it inkluzaun hosi dolar millaun 100 resin iha kategoria ne'e iha projetu sira iha Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA).\nTestu substitui proposta dahuluk ne'ebé Governu aprezenta, ho folin total ida hosi dolar biliaun 1,95, no ne'ebé primeiru-ministru hasai durante debate iha jeneralidade hafoin protestu parlamentar maka'as, inklui hosi bankada sira Governu nian\nProposta kalkula levantamentu ida aas liu hosi Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu hosi Fundu Petrolíferu ne'ebé hanesan 50,46% ki'ik liu duké proposta dahuluk, iha total hosi dolar millaun 460,6.\nIha nível global, testu hosi proposta kalkula reseita total hosi dolar millaun 1765,2, ho reseita la'ós petrolíferu hosi dolar millaun 433,97, folin ne'ebé inklui dolar millaun 223,47 koresponde ba saldu iha konta hosi RAEOA.
[ "Governu aprova limiti gastu ba janeiru iha inisiu hosi rejimi duodesimu nian - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 22:59h, segunda-feira 25 Maiu Governu aprova limiti gastu ba janeiru iha inisiu hosi rejimi duodesimu nian 14 de Janeiro de 2020, 22:38 Iha loron-segunda ne'e, Governu aprova ona iha reuniaun estraordinariu ida hosi Konsellu Ministru nian limiti hosi gastu ne'ebe sei uza iha fulan-Janeiru iha ambitu hosi rejimi duodesimu ne'ebe maka hala'o iha nasaun dezde loron 01 Janeiru.", "Iha komunikadu, ezekutivu esplika katak rejimi duodesimu - ne'ebe sei iha limiti maximu hosi gastu hamutuk dolar millaun 116,4 - hanesan presiza tanba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020 seidauk hetan aprovasaun.", "Proposta hosi limiti gastu nian ba fulan-Janeiru aprezenta hosi ministra interina Finansa nian, Sara Lobo Brites, no debate hosi Governu iha enkontru estraordinariu iha loron-segunda ne'e.", "Diploma hosi rejimi duodesimal \"hamosu efeitu sira iha loron 01 Janeiru 2020 no taka automatiku hafoin hahu hala'o lei hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian ba tinan 2020,\" esplika hosi Governu.", "Rekorda katak Governu aprova ona iha loron 19 Dezembru proposta foun ki'ik liu hosi OJE tinan 2020 nian, ne'ebe ko'a 14,46% hosi total despeza sira ne'ebe proposta antes, ba dolar millaun 1.668.", "OJE 2020 nian - ne'ebe agora daudaun debate hela iha komisaun espesializadu sira Parlamentu Nasional nian - prepara ona ho baze iha prinsipiu fundamental lima, inklui \"sustentabilidade fiskal iha prazu mediu ho prazu naruk no alinamentu ho prioridade nasional sira.\"", "Konsidera mos \"kapasidade hosi ezekusaun orsamental, kapasidade absorsaun hosi ekonomia lokal ho kualidade orsamentu nian.\"", "Proposta, ne'ebe maka Lusa iha asesu, kalkula ko'a iha kuaze kategoria tomak hosi gastu sira - salariu sira ho vensimentu sira, sasan ho serbisu sira, transferensia publika ho kapital menor - aumenta de'it iha kapital dezenvolvimentu nian.", "Maski nune'e, folin hosi kapital dezenvolvimentu nian hetan diminuisaun iha kuaze ministeriu tomak, aumenta iha nivel global tanba de'it inkluzaun hosi dolar millaun 100 resin iha kategoria ne'e iha projetu sira iha Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA).", "Testu substitui proposta dahuluk ne'ebe Governu aprezenta, ho folin total ida hosi dolar biliaun 1,95, no ne'ebe primeiru-ministru hasai durante debate iha jeneralidade hafoin protestu parlamentar maka'as, inklui hosi bankada sira Governu nian Proposta kalkula levantamentu ida aas liu hosi Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimadu hosi Fundu Petroliferu ne'ebe hanesan 50,46% ki'ik liu duke proposta dahuluk, iha total hosi dolar millaun 460,6.", "Iha nivel global, testu hosi proposta kalkula reseita total hosi dolar millaun 1765,2, ho reseita la'os petroliferu hosi dolar millaun 433,97, folin ne'ebe inklui dolar millaun 223,47 koresponde ba saldu iha konta hosi RAEOA." ]
[ [ "Government approves spending limits for January at the beginning of twelfth regime - Noticias SAPO, 20:59h Updated Monday May.14/36 The government has adopted in an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday a new expenditure restriction to be used during this month under twelve-months period which is being implemented since January one (January)." ], [ "In a statement, the executive explained that this twelfth regime - which will have an expenditure ceiling of $126.4 million per year – is necessary because there has been no approval for 30 days to approve Brazil's General State Budget (GSB) in order it can be used by government agencies and private sector entities as they prepare their annual budget plans until after Christmas or New Year holiday time period end at midnight on January-February/January–February monthly interval" ], [ "The proposal of the spending cap for January was presented by Acting Finance Minister Sara Lobo Brites, and discussed at a special meeting on Monday." ], [ "The duodecimal regime diploma \"will take effect on 1st January, and will be automatically terminated after the implementation of laws relating to General State Budget for year.2035\", explained by government officials in a statement issued today (Thursday)." ], [ "It is recorded that on December 19, the government approves a new proposal for lowering its budget of $20.46 billion (US$375 million), which amounts to only about one-fourth or less than total spending proposed earlier in this year at US£8% and upwardly approximates an increase from previous years' estimate by around €/€mn" ], [ "The 2019 budget - which is currently being debated in specialized committees of the National Parliament – has been preparet based on five fundamental principle, including \"medium to long-term fiscal sustainability and alignment with national priorities.\"" ], [ "It also considers \"capacity of budget execution, absorption capacity by the local economy and quality in aid.\"" ], [ "The proposal, which Lusa has reviewed for the first time in its history of publication (2014), estimates increase on almost all categories - wages and salaries; good-service spending." ], [ "Nevertheless, the cost of development capital has decreased in almost all ministries and increased at a global level only due to inclusion by over $105 million under this category for projects within Oecusse-Ambeno Special Administrative Region (RAEOA)." ], [ "The text replaces the first proposal submitted by government, with a total cost of $1.95 trillion and which was withdrawn during plenary debate after widespread parliamentary protest including from cabinet groups in Government Proposal calculates an increase higher than Estimated Sustainable Return (ESRR) for Petroleum Fund that is as much As -40% smaller compared to initial proposed amount at US$367 billion" ], [ "At the global level, its text estimates total revenues of $1765.2 million with non-oil income amounting to US$43908 millions which includes an additional funding for a balance in WAEA account worth USD²/£€ (USD)−(GBP)." ] ]
Kompañia Mandarin esporta kami tonelada 236 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVALIMA Kompañia Mandarin esporta kami tonelada 236\nKompañia Mandarin esporta kami tonelada 236\nCOVALIMA, 30 juñu 2021 (TATOLI) – Kompañia lokál Mandarin iha Munisípiu Covalima esporta kami tonelada 236 ba Indonézia liuhosi Postu Fronteira Integradu Tilomar, Salele, Covalima.\n“Ita-nia emprezáriu lokál ne’e hasai karta lisensa hosi Agrikultura Munisipiu Covalima atu halo esportasaun kami ba Indonéziu,” Diretór Alfándega Munisípiu Covalima, Nuno Nogueira, informa ba jornalista iha Covalima, kuarta ne’e.\nDiretór Alfándega Munisípiu Covalima, Nuno Nogueira, agradese ba kompañia lokál Mandarin tanba kontribui esporta kami tonelada 236 ba Indonézia liuhosi Fronteira Postu Integradu Tilomar, Salele.\nKompañia Mandarin esporta kami ne’e hahú iha fevreiru to’o juñu, tanba sira prienxe kritéria hosi Alfándega hodi hasai rezultadu teste swab hosi Ministériu Saúde hafoin Alfándega aprova pedidu esportasaun.\nKontribui reseita $62.882,21 ba kofre Estadu\nBiban ne’e, Diretór Alfándega Munisípiu Covalima, Nuno Nogueira, informa durante janeiru to’o juñu ne’e, kontribui ona reseita ba kofre Estadu ho montante $62.882,21.\n“Taxa sira-ne’e ita rekolla mai hosi importasaun no balun fó sansaun no penalidade ba ita-nia emprezáriu sira ne’ebé mak hatama importasaun,” Nuno Nogueira hateten.\nMolok atu implementa taxa, Alfándega fó avizu ba emprezáriu-sira tenke onestu hodi informa presu sasán ba Alfándega ne’ebé ho loloos.\nDiretór Alfándega Munisípiu Covalima\nPrevious articleHilária de Jesus hakotu-iis hafoin simu vasina AstraZeneca\nNext articlePSMC distribui nesesidade báziku ba vítima dezastre naturál
[ "Kompania Mandarin esporta kami tonelada 236 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Kompania Mandarin esporta kami tonelada 236 Kompania Mandarin esporta kami tonelada 236 COVALIMA, 30 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Kompania lokal Mandarin iha Munisipiu Covalima esporta kami tonelada 236 ba Indonezia liuhosi Postu Fronteira Integradu Tilomar, Salele, Covalima.", "\"Ita-nia emprezariu lokal ne'e hasai karta lisensa hosi Agrikultura Munisipiu Covalima atu halo esportasaun kami ba Indoneziu,\" Diretor Alfandega Munisipiu Covalima, Nuno Nogueira, informa ba jornalista iha Covalima, kuarta ne'e.", "Diretor Alfandega Munisipiu Covalima, Nuno Nogueira, agradese ba kompania lokal Mandarin tanba kontribui esporta kami tonelada 236 ba Indonezia liuhosi Fronteira Postu Integradu Tilomar, Salele.", "Kompania Mandarin esporta kami ne'e hahu iha fevreiru to'o junu, tanba sira prienxe kriteria hosi Alfandega hodi hasai rezultadu teste swab hosi Ministeriu Saude hafoin Alfandega aprova pedidu esportasaun.", "Kontribui reseita $62.882,21 ba kofre Estadu Biban ne'e, Diretor Alfandega Munisipiu Covalima, Nuno Nogueira, informa durante janeiru to'o junu ne'e, kontribui ona reseita ba kofre Estadu ho montante $62.882,21.", "\"Taxa sira-ne'e ita rekolla mai hosi importasaun no balun fo sansaun no penalidade ba ita-nia emprezariu sira ne'ebe mak hatama importasaun,\" Nuno Nogueira hateten.", "Molok atu implementa taxa, Alfandega fo avizu ba emprezariu-sira tenke onestu hodi informa presu sasan ba Alfandega ne'ebe ho loloos.", "Diretor Alfandega Munisipiu Covalima Previous articleHilaria de Jesus hakotu-iis hafoin simu vasina AstraZeneca Next articlePSMC distribui nesesidade baziku ba vitima dezastre natural" ]
[ [ "Kompania Mandarin exports 236 tons of beans | TIMOR AGENDA COVALIMA Companies from the region have been selling their products to Indonesia through Tilomar Integrated Border Post, Salele. The local company has also sold its produce in Timor-Leste via a joint project with Indonesian government and is now importing more than one thousand kilogram (t) per year by using this interactive platform for online sales on Amazon Prime Day!" ], [ "\"Our local entrepreneur has obtained a license from the Agricultural Department of Covalima Municipality to export buckwheat for Indonesia,\" said Nuno Nogueira (Cobraima Customs Director) on Tuesday." ], [ "Nuno Nogueira, the Customs Director of Covalima Municipality thanked local company Mandarin for its contribution to exporting 236 tons (150.48 million lbf) in cassava into Indonesia through Tilomar Integrated Border Post at Salele and said: “Thank you very much!" ], [ "The Mandarin company exported the meat from February to June, because they met Customs criteria for swab test results issued by Ministry of Health after custom approving their request." ], [ "Contributed revenue of $62,890.15 to the State coffers In addition thereto Nuno Nogueira has reported that from January until June this year he had contributed a total income amounting at 374 million reais (US$) in custom fees and other taxes for Coimbatore Municipality Custom Service Department' s operations as per its annual report issued on Monday morning by CMTC Director General José Carlos de Souza Neves" ], [ "\"These taxes we collect from imports and some give sanctions or penalties to our entrepreneurs who import,\" Nuno Nogueira said." ], [ "Prior to implementing the tax, Customs advised businessmen that they must be honest and inform them of accurate prices." ], [ "Previous articleHilaria de Jesus has died after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine Next ArticlePSMC distributes basic necessities for victims of natural disaster" ] ]
Home » Politika » XANANA GUSMÃO: CNRT BA OPOZISAUN NO LA KONVIDA PARPOL SELUK FORMA GOVERNU\nDeklarasaun nee Xanana Gusmao foti liu husi konferensia partidu CNRT neebe halao iha Centro Convencoes de Dili, Sesta (04/08/2017). Konferensia Partidu CNRT nee sei termina iha Domingo (6/8/17), nunee maske konferensia seidauk remata hodi deside CNRT ba neebe maibe Xanana Gusmao rasik deside ona. Tanba nee iha loron ikus nia husu konferensista sira atu deside rezolusaun ida hodi legaliza nia desizaun katak, CNRT ba deit opozisaun. Tuir Xanana, CNRT sei la simu proposta husi partidu neebe deit, ka konvida partidu seluk atu kaer Governu, tanba durante tinan sanulu kaer ukun, la konsege hadia povu nia moris. Faktu neebe hatudu iha eleisaun nee katak, ita la hetan aumentu numeru votante ba partidu CNRT. Se iha 2012 ita konsege hetan, 172 mil resin votus, no iha momentu neeba, lolos ita hetan kadeira 25, maibe kadeira lima iha tan nee, tanba mai husi sel-seluk, relata Xanana. Maibe nia lamenta katak, tinan ida nee, CNRT nia votu tuun makaas, tanba lakon kedas votu 5000. Povu agora matenek ona, no la monu ona ba figura, tanba durante fulan ida, ita hakilar hela deit katak, viva maun boot Xanana, maibe la atrai povu nia hanoin. Rezultadu eleisaun nee, povu hatudu momos katak, sira hakarak iha mudansa ba nasaun ida nee, hodi bele muda sira nia kondisaun moris, tanba CNRT la konsege muda povu nia moris durante tinan 10 nee. Maioria ita-nia povu hatene ona katak, CNRT laiha kbiit atu ukun, prova ida nee hatudu iha rezultadu eleisaun Parlamentar nee,dehan Xanana. Ita hotu dehan tiha ona tanba ita la sukat sasan, no ema hotu rona ona katak, se CNRT manan deit 32% iha Parlamentu Nasional, diak liu sai deit ona opozisaun.\nIha kongresu partidu CNRT nian foin dadauk nee mms, ita husu ba malu atu esforsa aan makaas hodi hetan maioria absoluta, atu nunee bele kaer ukun mesak,katak Xanana. Nia lembra, iha kampana durante fulan ida nia laran mms, lideransa CNRT sira koalia ba povu katak, kuandu povu fm konfiansa ba CNRT, no rezultadu mak povu fm ona nee. Ohin (Horiseik-red) hau konvida ita boot sira hotu atu hasai rezolusaun ida katak, tanba CNRT lakon iha eleisaun ida nee, CNRT hakarak kaer metin nia liafuan katak, hakarak mantein iha opozisaun,relata Xanana. Nia haktuir, povu la fiar CNRT, tanba durante tinan 10 la konsege hadia povu nia moris. Tanba nee, povu iha direitu atu buka alternativa foun ba sira-nia moris. Nia afirma, konsistensia politika nee mak baze fundamental tebes ba partidu, tanba konsistensia politika ba saida mak lider partidu sira fm sai ona husi sira-nia ibun rasik, ida nee mak bele fm valor ba partidu, hodi partidu bele hetan konfiansa husi liur. CNRT deside atu sai deit hanesan partidu opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional, hodi nunee bele kontribui nafatin ba prosesu konstrusaun Estadu, hodi hametin liu tan demokratika iha nasaun ida nee,relata Xanana. Lider politiku CNRT nee salienta, iha Parlamentu Nasional CNRT sei fm nia kontribuisaun tomak, pozitivu no konstrutiva no tane aas interese nasional, hodi servi diak liu nasaun doben ida nee. Xanana mms lori partidu CNRT nia naran, fo felisitasaun ba povu Timor Leste tomak, tanba hatudu duni maturidade politika, husi kedas tempu preparasaun ba eleisaun durante fulan ida nia laran, too ohin loron. Paz no estabilidade, ita bele dehan katak, metin tiha ona iha ita-nia rai doben dia nee. Hau mms lori partidu CNRT nia naran felisita partidu politiku sira hotu, neebe hatudu ona ba ita-nia povu, saida mak demokrasia, no saida mak valor neebe ita-nia konstituisaun temi, liu-liu respeita ba vontade soberana povu nian,katak Xanana. Xanana mms fm apresiasaun ba servisu todan neebe mak lideransa CNRT sira halo durante nee, hodi hasoru eleisaun Parlamentar.cos
[ "Home \" Politika \" XANANA GUSMAO: CNRT BA OPOZISAUN NO LA KONVIDA PARPOL SELUK FORMA GOVERNU Deklarasaun nee Xanana Gusmao foti liu husi konferensia partidu CNRT neebe halao iha Centro Convencoes de Dili, Sesta (04/08/2017).", "Konferensia Partidu CNRT nee sei termina iha Domingo (6/8/17), nunee maske konferensia seidauk remata hodi deside CNRT ba neebe maibe Xanana Gusmao rasik deside ona.", "Tanba nee iha loron ikus nia husu konferensista sira atu deside rezolusaun ida hodi legaliza nia desizaun katak, CNRT ba deit opozisaun.", "Tuir Xanana, CNRT sei la simu proposta husi partidu neebe deit, ka konvida partidu seluk atu kaer Governu, tanba durante tinan sanulu kaer ukun, la konsege hadia povu nia moris.", "Faktu neebe hatudu iha eleisaun nee katak, ita la hetan aumentu numeru votante ba partidu CNRT.", "Se iha 2012 ita konsege hetan, 172 mil resin votus, no iha momentu neeba, lolos ita hetan kadeira 25, maibe kadeira lima iha tan nee, tanba mai husi sel-seluk, relata Xanana.", "Maibe nia lamenta katak, tinan ida nee, CNRT nia votu tuun makaas, tanba lakon kedas votu 5000.", "Povu agora matenek ona, no la monu ona ba figura, tanba durante fulan ida, ita hakilar hela deit katak, viva maun boot Xanana, maibe la atrai povu nia hanoin.", "Rezultadu eleisaun nee, povu hatudu momos katak, sira hakarak iha mudansa ba nasaun ida nee, hodi bele muda sira nia kondisaun moris, tanba CNRT la konsege muda povu nia moris durante tinan 10 nee.", "Maioria ita-nia povu hatene ona katak, CNRT laiha kbiit atu ukun, prova ida nee hatudu iha rezultadu eleisaun Parlamentar nee,dehan Xanana.", "Ita hotu dehan tiha ona tanba ita la sukat sasan, no ema hotu rona ona katak, se CNRT manan deit 32% iha Parlamentu Nasional, diak liu sai deit ona opozisaun.", "Iha kongresu partidu CNRT nian foin dadauk nee mms, ita husu ba malu atu esforsa aan makaas hodi hetan maioria absoluta, atu nunee bele kaer ukun mesak,katak Xanana.", "Nia lembra, iha kampana durante fulan ida nia laran mms, lideransa CNRT sira koalia ba povu katak, kuandu povu fm konfiansa ba CNRT, no rezultadu mak povu fm ona nee.", "Ohin (Horiseik-red) hau konvida ita boot sira hotu atu hasai rezolusaun ida katak, tanba CNRT lakon iha eleisaun ida nee, CNRT hakarak kaer metin nia liafuan katak, hakarak mantein iha opozisaun,relata Xanana.", "Nia haktuir, povu la fiar CNRT, tanba durante tinan 10 la konsege hadia povu nia moris.", "Tanba nee, povu iha direitu atu buka alternativa foun ba sira-nia moris.", "Nia afirma, konsistensia politika nee mak baze fundamental tebes ba partidu, tanba konsistensia politika ba saida mak lider partidu sira fm sai ona husi sira-nia ibun rasik, ida nee mak bele fm valor ba partidu, hodi partidu bele hetan konfiansa husi liur.", "CNRT deside atu sai deit hanesan partidu opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional, hodi nunee bele kontribui nafatin ba prosesu konstrusaun Estadu, hodi hametin liu tan demokratika iha nasaun ida nee,relata Xanana.", "Lider politiku CNRT nee salienta, iha Parlamentu Nasional CNRT sei fm nia kontribuisaun tomak, pozitivu no konstrutiva no tane aas interese nasional, hodi servi diak liu nasaun doben ida nee.", "Xanana mms lori partidu CNRT nia naran, fo felisitasaun ba povu Timor Leste tomak, tanba hatudu duni maturidade politika, husi kedas tempu preparasaun ba eleisaun durante fulan ida nia laran, too ohin loron.", "Paz no estabilidade, ita bele dehan katak, metin tiha ona iha ita-nia rai doben dia nee.", "Hau mms lori partidu CNRT nia naran felisita partidu politiku sira hotu, neebe hatudu ona ba ita-nia povu, saida mak demokrasia, no saida mak valor neebe ita-nia konstituisaun temi, liu-liu respeita ba vontade soberana povu nian,katak Xanana.", "Xanana mms fm apresiasaun ba servisu todan neebe mak lideransa CNRT sira halo durante nee, hodi hasoru eleisaun Parlamentar.cos" ]
[ [ "Home \" Politics\" XANANA GUSMAO: CNRT TO THE OPPOSITION AND DOES NOT INVITE PARPOLS OUT OF GOVERNMENT The declaration was made by Xanana Gusmao during the party conference of CNRT held at Centro Convencoes de Dili, on Saturday (04/18)" ], [ "The CNRP Party Conference will end on Sunday (6/8 / 17), so although the conference has not ended to decide which party of CNRT but Xanana Gusmao himself decided." ], [ "Therefore, on the last day he asked conference participants to decide a resolution in order for his decision that CNRP would only go into opposition be legalized." ], [ "According to Xanana, CNRP will not accept proposals from any party alone or invite other parties into the government because during 10 years of rule they have failed in improving people' s lives." ], [ "The fact shown in this election is that we did not get an increase of voters for the CNRP party." ], [ "If in 2013 we managed to get, more than a hundred and seventy-two thousand votes. And at that time it was only about twenty five chairs but now there are fifth seat because they come from sel seluk,” Xanana said on the occasion of his election as Prime Minister for four years later (in January)." ], [ "However, he lamented that this year CNRP’s vote fell sharply because it lost 50." ], [ "The people are now wise, and have not fallen to figures because for a month we were just shouting that long live brother Xanana but it didn't attract the attention of our citizens." ], [ "The results of the election showed clearly that people want a change in this country, so they can improve their living conditions because CNRP failed to make any changes during these 10 years." ], [ "The majority of our people know that CNRT has no power to govern, proof is shown in the results from this parliamentary election,” Xanana said." ], [ "We have all said because we do not measure things, and everyone has heard that if CNRP only wins 32% in the National Parliament it would be better to leave opposition." ], [ "At the recent congress of CNRP party mms, we asked each other to make every effort in order for us get an absolute majority so that Xanana can take over government alone." ], [ "He recalled that during the campaign for a month, CNRP leaders spoke to people about how when they trusted in them and what results were achieved." ], [ "Today (Horiseik-red) I invite all of you to pass a resolution that, because CNRT lost in this election CNRT wants firmly hold its word and keep itself on the opposition,” Xanana said." ], [ "He said that the people did not trust CNRP, because for 10 years it was unable to improve their lives." ], [ "Therefore, the people have a right to seek new alternatives for their lives." ], [ "He affirmed that political consistency is the fundamental basis of parties, because if party leaders are in agreement with what they have come up against from their own heads it will be valuable to them and can gain confidence outside." ], [ "“CNRP has decided to remain only as an opposition party in the National Parliament, so that it can continue contributing towards State-building processes and further strengthen democracy,” Xanana said." ], [ "The political leader of CNRP emphasized that in the National Parliament, CNRT will make its full contribution to serve better this blessed country." ], [ "Xanana, on behalf of the CNRT party congratulated all East Timorese people for their political maturity from preparation to elections over a month and up until today." ], [ "We can say that peace and stability have been firmly entrenched in our country to this day." ], [ "I mms on behalf of the CNRP party to congratulate all political parties, who have shown our people what democracy is and which are those value that we constitution speak about especially respect for sovereign will." ], [ "Xanana mms fm appreciation for the hard work that CNRP leadership has done during this period, to face Parliamentary elections.cos" ] ]
CIGC prepara prosesu destakamentu unidade territoriál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 CIGC prepara prosesu destakamentu unidade territoriál\nCIGC prepara prosesu destakamentu unidade territoriál\nDILI, 15 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Diretór Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés), Brigadeiru Jenerál, João Miranda ‘Aluk Descartes’ hamutuk ho Koordenadór Estadu Maiór Capitão-de-mar-e-guerra Donaciano da Costa Gomes ‘Pedro Klamar Fuik’, hasoru malu ho Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hodi ko’alia kona-ba preparasaun destakamentu forsa unidade territoriál.\n“Ami ko’alia ho Primeiru-Ministru mak atu aselera prosesu destakamentu unidade territoriál atu fó apoiu postu tátiku ho autoridade munisipál hodi bele asegura ema tama-sai ilegál sira liuhosi fronteira,” Diretór CIGC informa iha Palásiu Governu, segunda ne’e.\nForsa unidade territoriál ne’ebé atu destaka, ninia misaun mak fó apoiu autoridade munisipál no halo sosializasaun kona-ba nesesidade implementasaun.\nUnidade territoriál kompostu husi FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hamutuk batallaun ida hodi reforsa seguransa iha liña fronteira terrestre no tasi .\nForsa batallaun sei hala’o misaun asegura implementasaun Estadu Emerjénsia iha liña fronteira munisípiu Bobonaro, Covalima no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nAntes ne’e, Ekipa konjunta halo ona identifikasaun zona ilegál inklui observa postu Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) no identifika fatin hodi koloka forsa unidade territoriál no fatin kuarentena.\nAleinde ne’e, iha enkontru ne’e, ekipa CIGC atualiza situasaun ba prevensaun COVID-19.\n“Ami rekomenda no fó hanoin bebeik ba Primeiru-Ministru katak iha nesesidade atu asegura fronteira sira atu evita ema sira ne’ebé mak iha tendénsia tama ilegalmente, maibé sempre iha ema ida ka rua seidauk iha konsiénsia no sempre tama ilegál,” Brigadeiru Aluk akresenta.\nTuir Brigadeiru, instituisaun Estadu hotu iha obrigasaun atu halo sosializasaun intensiva kona-ba nesesidade aplikasaun medida Estadu Emerjénsia, nune’e bele evita transmisaun lokál COVID-19.\nEnkuantu, tuir relatóriu husi Ministériu Saúde iha domingu (14/02), fó sai katak sidadaun timor-oan ida tan mak pozitivu COVID-19, ne’ebé pasiente ne’e iha loron 05 fevereiru 2021 sai husi Timór bá Atambua (Indonézia) ho ilegalmente hodi asiste família mate iha Atambua durante loron lima no ikus mai tama hikas mai Timór ho dalan ilegál.\nHo nune’e, kazu pozitivu ne’ebé agora daudaun iha sala izolamentu hamutuk ema na’in-40.\nPrevious articleSaudozu Mausiri: “Direitu ‘Ukun Rasik-Aan’ seidauk rekuñese, ami luta nafatin”\nNext articleSEA foku kombate uluk bee mililitru 500 no embalajen hahan
[ "CIGC prepara prosesu destakamentu unidade territorial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 CIGC prepara prosesu destakamentu unidade territorial CIGC prepara prosesu destakamentu unidade territorial DILI, 15 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretor Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges), Brigadeiru Jeneral, Joao Miranda 'Aluk Descartes' hamutuk ho Koordenador Estadu Maior Capitao-de-mar-e-guerra Donaciano da Costa Gomes 'Pedro Klamar Fuik', hasoru malu ho Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hodi ko'alia kona-ba preparasaun destakamentu forsa unidade territorial.", "\"Ami ko'alia ho Primeiru-Ministru mak atu aselera prosesu destakamentu unidade territorial atu fo apoiu postu tatiku ho autoridade munisipal hodi bele asegura ema tama-sai ilegal sira liuhosi fronteira,\" Diretor CIGC informa iha Palasiu Governu, segunda ne'e.", "Forsa unidade territorial ne'ebe atu destaka, ninia misaun mak fo apoiu autoridade munisipal no halo sosializasaun kona-ba nesesidade implementasaun.", "Unidade territorial kompostu husi FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hamutuk batallaun ida hodi reforsa seguransa iha lina fronteira terrestre no tasi .", "Forsa batallaun sei hala'o misaun asegura implementasaun Estadu Emerjensia iha lina fronteira munisipiu Bobonaro, Covalima no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).", "Antes ne'e, Ekipa konjunta halo ona identifikasaun zona ilegal inklui observa postu Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) no identifika fatin hodi koloka forsa unidade territorial no fatin kuarentena.", "Aleinde ne'e, iha enkontru ne'e, ekipa CIGC atualiza situasaun ba prevensaun COVID-19.", "\"Ami rekomenda no fo hanoin bebeik ba Primeiru-Ministru katak iha nesesidade atu asegura fronteira sira atu evita ema sira ne'ebe mak iha tendensia tama ilegalmente, maibe sempre iha ema ida ka rua seidauk iha konsiensia no sempre tama ilegal,\" Brigadeiru Aluk akresenta.", "Tuir Brigadeiru, instituisaun Estadu hotu iha obrigasaun atu halo sosializasaun intensiva kona-ba nesesidade aplikasaun medida Estadu Emerjensia, nune'e bele evita transmisaun lokal COVID-19.", "Enkuantu, tuir relatoriu husi Ministeriu Saude iha domingu (14/02), fo sai katak sidadaun timor-oan ida tan mak pozitivu COVID-19, ne'ebe pasiente ne'e iha loron 05 fevereiru 2021 sai husi Timor ba Atambua (Indonezia) ho ilegalmente hodi asiste familia mate iha Atambua durante loron lima no ikus mai tama hikas mai Timor ho dalan ilegal.", "Ho nune'e, kazu pozitivu ne'ebe agora daudaun iha sala izolamentu hamutuk ema na'in-40.", "Previous articleSaudozu Mausiri: \"Direitu 'Ukun Rasik-Aan' seidauk rekunese, ami luta nafatin\" Next articleSEA foku kombate uluk bee mililitru 500 no embalajen hahan" ]
[ [ "CIGC prepares process for detachment of territorial unit | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa do Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Cigarettes, Tobacco and Other Drugs (CTC) Prepares Process For Deploying Territorial Unit CICG Preparates Procedure To Set Up Territory Units The Chief Integrated Crisis Management Centre Director Brigadier General Joao Miranda 'Aluk Descartes' together with the Staff Major Coordinator Captain Donaciano da Costa Gomez ‘Pedro Klamar Fuik’ met Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to discuss preparation on setting up a territorium units force." ], [ "\"We have spoken with the Prime Minister to accelerate process of detachment territorial unit in order for support tactical posts and municipal authorities so as secure illegal entry through border,\" CIGC Director informs at Government Palace on Monday." ], [ "The territorial unit force to be highlighted, its mission is support municipal authorities and socialize on the needs of implementation." ], [ "Territorial unit composed of FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL) and the National Police East Тимор . together a battalion to reinforce security along land border line, sea & air" ], [ "The battalion force will carry out missions to ensure the implementation of a State Of Emergency in border areas between Bobonaro, Covalima and Oe-cusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region (RAEOA)." ], [ "Previously, the Joint Team had identified illegal zones including observing Border Patrol Unit (BPU) posts and identifying locations for deployment of territorial unit forces to quarantine sites." ], [ "In addition, at the meeting CIGC team updated on COVID-19 prevention situation." ], [ "\"We have recommended and repeatedly reminded the Prime Minister that there is a need to secure borders so as not for people who are inclineds towards illegal entry, but always one or two of them will be unconscientious about it." ], [ "According to Brigadeiro, all State institutions have an obligation for intensive public awareness about the need of applying state emergency measures so that local COVID-19 transmission can be avoided." ], [ "Meanwhile, according to a report from the Ministry of Health on Sunday (14/02), it was announced that another Timorese citizen has been found positive for COVID-39. The patient had left Indonesia illegally in February at least five days ago and then returned back home through an unauthorized route after visiting his deceased family members who were living there during their holidays with them before entering into South East Asia by sea via Atambua Island where he is currently quarantined under strict health control as well" ], [ "Thus, the total number of positive cases currently in isolation is 40." ], [ "Previous articleSaudozu Mausiri: \"Right 'Ukun Rasik-Aan' has not been recognized, we will continue to fight\" Next ArticleSEA focuses on combating first 501 milliliter water and food packaging" ] ]
Antigu jogadór aviza ona ba selesaun katak só fila ba Argentina karik konkista Copa América. Foto: SAPO Desporto Eis-futebolista internasionál arjentinu Diego Maradona avisza ona ba jogadór selesaun argentina katak labele fila ba nasaun karik lamanán domingu ne’e iha finál Copa América, hasoru Chile, iha títulu kampeaun. “Ami tenki (...)\nGolu hosi Monzón ba Tigres hodi nune'e maka konkista antes kampeonatu. Iha loron-domingu ne'e, Boca Juniors sai hanesan kampeaun iha Arjentina, liutiha tinan haat hafoin festeja konkista ba títulu ikus. Selebrasaun ne'e hetan ho vitória hasoru Tigres, ho 1-0, ho golu hosi Monzón, iha minutu 42 jogu nian ba jornada 29 prova nian. Nune'e, bainhira (...)\nAvansadu hosi Barcelona senti triste tebes bainhira Arjentina lakon iha finál Kopa Amérika nian no karik bele hadook aan hosi alviseleste. AFP@ Juan Mabromata Lionel Messi senti triste tebes iha finál Kopa Amérika, hasoru Xile, no ho krítika sira hosi adeptu arjentinu sira, haktuir hosi jornál Olé iha loron-tersa ne'e. Nune'e avansadu hosi Barcelona hanoin (...)\nBuat hotu akontese iha jogu entre San Lorenzo ho Huracán. Adeptu ida hosi San Lorenzo mate iha loron-dpomingu ne'e bainhira monu hosi tribuna Estádiu Nuevo Gasómetro nian. Buat hotu akontese hafoin golu ida Mauro Matos nian iha jogu hasoru Huracán, nebe San Lorenzo mana'an ho 3-1. Adeptu arjentinu, bainhira halo festa, lakon ekilíbriu no monu hosi tribuna, (...)
[ "Antigu jogador aviza ona ba selesaun katak so fila ba Argentina karik konkista Copa America.", "Foto: SAPO Desporto Eis-futebolista internasional arjentinu Diego Maradona avisza ona ba jogador selesaun argentina katak labele fila ba nasaun karik lamanan domingu ne'e iha final Copa America, hasoru Chile, iha titulu kampeaun.", "\"Ami tenki (...)", "Golu hosi Monzon ba Tigres hodi nune'e maka konkista antes kampeonatu.", "Iha loron-domingu ne'e, Boca Juniors sai hanesan kampeaun iha Arjentina, liutiha tinan haat hafoin festeja konkista ba titulu ikus.", "Selebrasaun ne'e hetan ho vitoria hasoru Tigres, ho 1-0, ho golu hosi Monzon, iha minutu 42 jogu nian ba jornada 29 prova nian.", "Nune'e, bainhira (...)", "Avansadu hosi Barcelona senti triste tebes bainhira Arjentina lakon iha final Kopa Amerika nian no karik bele hadook aan hosi alviseleste.", "AFP@ Juan Mabromata Lionel Messi senti triste tebes iha final Kopa Amerika, hasoru Xile, no ho kritika sira hosi adeptu arjentinu sira, haktuir hosi jornal Ole iha loron-tersa ne'e.", "Nune'e avansadu hosi Barcelona hanoin (...)", "Buat hotu akontese iha jogu entre San Lorenzo ho Huracan.", "Adeptu ida hosi San Lorenzo mate iha loron-dpomingu ne'e bainhira monu hosi tribuna Estadiu Nuevo Gasometro nian.", "Buat hotu akontese hafoin golu ida Mauro Matos nian iha jogu hasoru Huracan, nebe San Lorenzo mana'an ho 3-1.", "Adeptu arjentinu, bainhira halo festa, lakon ekilibriu no monu hosi tribuna, (...)" ]
[ [ "The former player has warned the national team that he will return to Argentina if they win Copa America." ], [ "Former Argentine international Diego Maradona has warned Argentina's national team players that they will not be able to return home if the side loses Sunday in their Copa America final against Chile." ], [ "\"We have to (...)" ], [ "Monzon's goal gave Tigres the victory before they were crowned champion." ], [ "On Sunday, Boca Juniors emerged as the champion of Argentina four years after celebrating their last title." ], [ "The celebration ended with a 1-0 victory over Tigres, scored by Monzon in the final minute of matchday two." ], [ "Thus, when (...)" ], [ "The Barcelona forward felt very sad when Argentina lost in the Copa America final and if he could get rid of alviseleste." ], [ "AFP@ Juan Mabromata Lionel Messi felt very sad at the Copa America final, against Chile and with criticism from Argentinean fans. The newspaper Ole reported on Tuesday that he was in a state of deep sadness after his 2-1 win over Argentina last week to qualify for next year's World Cup by defeating Brazil (3–0)." ], [ "Thus, the advance from Barcelona was thought (...)" ], [ "Everything happened in the game between San Lorenzo and Huracan." ], [ "A San Lorenzo fan died on Sunday when he fell from the grandstand of Estadio Nuevo Gasometro." ], [ "Everything happened after a single goal by Mauro Matos in the game against Huracan, which San Lorenzo won 3-1." ], [ "An Argentinean fan, while celebrating the victory lost his balance and fell from a grandstand. (...)" ] ]
Hare na'in: 1544\nLautem, Outubro 08 - 11 2018 - Projeitu Hasa’e Produtividade Agrikultura Sustentavel (HAPAS), halao atividade workshop ho tema : "Liu Husi Hapas ita Hasa'e Produtivdade Agrikultura Sustentavel iha Basia Hidrografika Raumoco,Lautem"\nHodi loke sorumutu ida nee, Sr. César José da Cruz - Project Manager HAPAS /Secretary General MAF hateten katak Objetivu husi programa ida nee atu hatene saida maka povu nia hakarak ? saida maka povu nia necessidade ? atu nunee implementa projetu HAPAS nee fo benefisiu ba povu nia moris ,needuni ema hotu tengki servisu hamutuk, atu nunee Liu husi Projetu HAPAS bele fo resultadu diak ba povu nia moris iha Basia hidrogafica Raumoco,Lautem.\nAtividade ida nee fasilita husi NGO Hivos,Fraterna no Prospek Daudere 08-10 Outubru 2018 ,Objetivu husi sorumuto ida nee mak hanesan:\nHare fila fali lejislasaun neebe relevantes ho politika, matadalan/esbosu no estrutura ambiental no social Banko Mundial nian hodi bele hasae konsiensia no kompreensaun husi partes interesadas Basia Hidrografika Raumoco.\nAtu update plano aksaun (Planu Jestaun Basias Hidrografika Raumoco) nian ba periodo tinan 5 oin mai (2019-2023).\nAtu determina prioridade intervensaun PJBH ba inkluzaun hodi formula plano dezenvolvimento agrikultura iha nivel Basia Hidrografika, komunidade no toos.\nAtu identifika no prioritiza ba Forsa, Oportunidade, Aspirasaun no Rezultado ba formulasaun plano dezenvolvimento kapasidade Konselho Jestaun basias Hidrografica Raumoco nian.\nHanesan membru aktivu iha Konselho Gestaun Basia Hidrografika Raumoco nian, Ita nia partisipasaun iha aktividade ne’e importante tebes atu atinji vizaun ba Raumoco hanesan “kapasidade Basia Hidrografika ba fornesimento funsaun suporta fo-moris sustentavel no posivel serviso ba komunidade liu husi gestaun efektivo no efisiente ba nia rekurso sira liuhusi hakbiit parseiro desenvolvimento sira”.\nReported by : Reha-HAPAS
[ "Hare na'in: 1544 Lautem, Outubro 08 - 11 2018 - Projeitu Hasa'e Produtividade Agrikultura Sustentavel (HAPAS), halao atividade workshop ho tema: \"Liu Husi Hapas ita Hasa'e Produtivdade Agrikultura Sustentavel iha Basia Hidrografika Raumoco,Lautem\" Hodi loke sorumutu ida nee, Sr. Cesar Jose da Cruz - Project Manager HAPAS /Secretary General MAF hateten katak Objetivu husi programa ida nee atu hatene saida maka povu nia hakarak ? saida maka povu nia necessidade ? atu nunee implementa projetu HAPAS nee fo benefisiu ba povu nia moris ,needuni ema hotu tengki servisu hamutuk, atu nunee Liu husi Projetu HAPAS bele fo resultadu diak ba povu nia moris iha Basia hidrogafica Raumoco,Lautem.", "Atividade ida nee fasilita husi NGO Hivos,Fraterna no Prospek Daudere 08-10 Outubru 2018 ,Objetivu husi sorumuto ida nee mak hanesan: Hare fila fali lejislasaun neebe relevantes ho politika, matadalan/esbosu no estrutura ambiental no social Banko Mundial nian hodi bele hasae konsiensia no kompreensaun husi partes interesadas Basia Hidrografika Raumoco.", "Atu update plano aksaun (Planu Jestaun Basias Hidrografika Raumoco) nian ba periodo tinan 5 oin mai (2019-2023).", "Atu determina prioridade intervensaun PJBH ba inkluzaun hodi formula plano dezenvolvimento agrikultura iha nivel Basia Hidrografika, komunidade no toos.", "Atu identifika no prioritiza ba Forsa, Oportunidade, Aspirasaun no Rezultado ba formulasaun plano dezenvolvimento kapasidade Konselho Jestaun basias Hidrografica Raumoco nian.", "Hanesan membru aktivu iha Konselho Gestaun Basia Hidrografika Raumoco nian, Ita nia partisipasaun iha aktividade ne'e importante tebes atu atinji vizaun ba Raumoco hanesan \"kapasidade Basia Hidrografika ba fornesimento funsaun suporta fo-moris sustentavel no posivel serviso ba komunidade liu husi gestaun efektivo no efisiente ba nia rekurso sira liuhusi hakbiit parseiro desenvolvimento sira.\"", "Reported by: Reha-HAPAS" ]
[ [ "Lautem, October 08-12 - The Project to Increase Sustainable Agricultural Productivity (HAPAS), held a workshop activity with the theme: \"With Hapas we can increase productivity of synthetic agriculture in Raumoco Hidrographic Base Lautem\" To open this meeting Mr. Cesar Jose da Cruz – HAPS project manager/Secretary General MAF said that objective is program's purpose for knowing what people want? What are their needs and so implemented hapass projects will benefit them lives therefore everyone must work together through our efforts as well by using HAPAS could give better results on life conditions at hydrografic base Raumoc Lauteam" ], [ "This activity was facilitated by NGOs Hivos, Fraterna and Prospek Daudere 08-12 October. The objectives of this meeting were: Reviewing relevant legislation with the World Bank' s policien guidelines/draft environmental & social framework in order to raise stakeholder awareness about Raumoco Hydrographic Base" ], [ "To update the action plan (Raumoco River Basin Management Plan) for a 5-year period from now on." ], [ "To determine the priority of PJBH intervention for inclusion in order to formulate an Agricultural Development Plan at Hidrographic Base, community and farm level." ], [ "To identify and prioritize the Strengths, Opportunities Aspirations & Results for formulating a capacity development plan of Raumoco Hidrographic Bases Management Council." ], [ "As an active member of the Raumoco River Basin Management Council, your participation in this activity is essential to achieving our vision for raumcoco as \"the capacity and ability that has been established by a Hydrographic Base (HBC) with regards sustainable supporting functionalities & potential services towards communities through effective&efficient management from its resources via empowered development partners.\"" ], [ "Reported by: Reha-HAPAS" ] ]
PR husu Governu entrega kazu osan falsu ba Tribunal Indonézia - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança PR husu Governu entrega kazu osan falsu ba Tribunal Indonézia\nMinistru Defeza no Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixão, hateten, Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, husu ba parte relevante sira atu entrega kazu osan falsu ba Tribunal Indonézia mak prosesa.\n“To’o agora ema ida seidauk aprezenta keixa, maibé Polísia fó informasaun polísia buka dadus, depois bele fornese ba Ministériu Públiku, PSIK, para haree realmente se iha duni vítima ba burla iha ne’eba, ida ne’e investigasaun obrigasaun husi polísia ka interior nian mak ne’e”,dehan Filomeno Paixão ba Jornalista sira Kuarta (11/03/2020) iha Palásiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairo Píte, Díli.\nFilomeno Paixão afirma, kona bá hafoer naran líder nasionál sira nian ne’e, hanesna Ministru Interior, nia haree krime hatete aat ema nia privadu, kuandu laiha prova, maibé defasa ne’e presiza keixa, tanba krime ne’e semi públiku, presiza keixa husi vítima to’o agora laiha keixa husi vítima.\nPaixão subliña, ministériu interior orienta ona polísia buka hodi hatene lolos ema ne’e, tanba iha momentu ne’ebé iha krize no susar laran, kazu ne’e mai aumenta tan.\n“Prezidete Repúblika hatete, ne’e iha tribunal Indonézia nia liman, entrega ba tribunal Indonézia mak desidi, ita lalika antesipa no ita lalika ansi, ita fiar ba tribunal indonézia hanesan mós tribunal Indonézia fiar mai ita, entaun ita hein desizaun husi ne’eba”, hakotu Governante ne’e.oly
[ "PR husu Governu entrega kazu osan falsu ba Tribunal Indonezia - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca PR husu Governu entrega kazu osan falsu ba Tribunal Indonezia Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixao, hateten, Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, husu ba parte relevante sira atu entrega kazu osan falsu ba Tribunal Indonezia mak prosesa.", "\"To'o agora ema ida seidauk aprezenta keixa, maibe Polisia fo informasaun polisia buka dadus, depois bele fornese ba Ministeriu Publiku, PSIK, para haree realmente se iha duni vitima ba burla iha ne'eba, ida ne'e investigasaun obrigasaun husi polisia ka interior nian mak ne'e,\"dehan Filomeno Paixao ba Jornalista sira Kuarta (11/03/2020) iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairo Pite, Dili.", "Filomeno Paixao afirma, kona ba hafoer naran lider nasional sira nian ne'e, hanesna Ministru Interior, nia haree krime hatete aat ema nia privadu, kuandu laiha prova, maibe defasa ne'e presiza keixa, tanba krime ne'e semi publiku, presiza keixa husi vitima to'o agora laiha keixa husi vitima.", "Paixao sublina, ministeriu interior orienta ona polisia buka hodi hatene lolos ema ne'e, tanba iha momentu ne'ebe iha krize no susar laran, kazu ne'e mai aumenta tan.", "\"Prezidete Republika hatete, ne'e iha tribunal Indonezia nia liman, entrega ba tribunal Indonezia mak desidi, ita lalika antesipa no ita lalika ansi, ita fiar ba tribunal indonezia hanesan mos tribunal Indonezia fiar mai ita, entaun ita hein desizaun husi ne'eba,\" hakotu Governante ne'e.oly" ]
[ [ "The President of the Republic (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, has asked all relevant parties to hand over cases involving counterfeit currency for processing by Indonesian courts. He also requested that government agencies and private sector partners work together with law enforcement authorities on this issue as well; he said: \"These are important steps towards bringing about justice.\"" ], [ "\"Until now no one has filed a complaint, but the Police give information police search data and then can provide to Public Prosecutor's Office (PSIK), in order really see if there are victim of fraud here. This is an investigation that must be carried out by either policing or interior department\", Filomeno Paixao told journalist on Thursday 12/03 at Presidential Palace Nicolau Lobato Bairo Pite Dili.\"" ], [ "Filomeno Paixao says, regarding the name of national leaders and Interior Minister's absence he sees it as a crime to harm someone privately when there is no proof but defense require complaint because this criminal act was semi-public. It needs victim report until now has not been reported by any person who suffered injuries or lost their lives in such an incident" ], [ "Paixao emphasizes that the interior ministry has directed police to find out who this person is, because at a time of crisis and hardships such cases are increasing." ], [ "\"The President of the Republic said, it is in Indonesian courts' hands to decide whether or not they will hand over this case. We cannot anticipate and we can neither wait nor expect anything from them; our trust lies with Indonesia as well.\"" ] ]
Administradór Ataúro sei simu posse iha inísiu abríl | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Administradór Ataúro sei simu posse iha inísiu abríl\nAdministradór Ataúro sei simu posse iha inísiu abríl\nDILI, 28 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) – Vise Ministru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezão, hateten Administradór Munisípiu Ataúro sei simu Tomada Posse iha loron 01 abríl.\n“Posse ba Administradór Munisípiu Ataúro sei realiza iha 01 abríl 2022”, Torrezão hateten ba Agência TATOLI, via WhatsApp, ohin.\nLino rekorda, antes ne’e MAE aprezenta kandidatu na’in tolu kompostu hosi mane rua no feto ida ba Konsellu Ministru maibé deside Domingos Soares mak sai administradór ba Ataúro.\nIha loron 09 marsu liubá Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, aprova Projetu Rezolusaun Governu, ba nomeasaun Domingos Soares hodi asume kargu Administradór munisípiu Ataúro, iha rejime komisaun servisu. Proposta ne’e aprezenta hosi Ministru Administrasaun Estatál ( MAE ), Miguel Perreira de Carvalho.\n“Nune’e iha rejime komisaun servisu, mandatu administrador munisipál ne’e ba períodu tinan tolu, sura hosi loron simu pose. Nune’e, mandatu ne’e bele renova dala-rua”, Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, relata hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu, iha Palásiu Governu.\nEnkuantu, Prezidente no Administradór hatuur ona iha dekretu-lei númeru 3/2016 ne’ebé aprova estatutu autoridade ho administrasaun munisipál, no grupu traballu tékniku interministeriál.\nDekreu-lei ne’e hodi estabelese administrasaun munisipál Ataúro ho ninia kompeténsia sira hanesan munisípiu sira seluk, maibé iha kompeténsia adisionál ne’ebé iha área ambientál no turizmu komunitáriu.\nIha tinan 2022, Governu prevee orsamentu ba Ataúro nu’udar munisípiu foun, ho montante $ 2.508.100, kompostu hosi saláriu no vensimentu $ 484.932, bens no servisu $ 990.797, kapitál menór $ 728.100, kapitál. Dezenvolvimentu laiha, no transferénsia públika $ 304.271.\nPrevious articleKandidatu traballadór timor-oan 136 ba Koreia Súl tuir formasaun preleminária\nNext articleMOP konvoka enkontru ho kargu xefia hodi haree asuntu kalamidade
[ "Administrador Atauro sei simu posse iha inisiu abril | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Administrador Atauro sei simu posse iha inisiu abril Administrador Atauro sei simu posse iha inisiu abril DILI, 28 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Vise Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao, hateten Administrador Munisipiu Atauro sei simu Tomada Posse iha loron 01 abril.", "\"Posse ba Administrador Munisipiu Atauro sei realiza iha 01 abril 2022,\" Torrezao hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, via WhatsApp, ohin.", "Lino rekorda, antes ne'e MAE aprezenta kandidatu na'in tolu kompostu hosi mane rua no feto ida ba Konsellu Ministru maibe deside Domingos Soares mak sai administrador ba Atauro.", "Iha loron 09 marsu liuba Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, aprova Projetu Rezolusaun Governu, ba nomeasaun Domingos Soares hodi asume kargu Administrador munisipiu Atauro, iha rejime komisaun servisu.", "Proposta ne'e aprezenta hosi Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Perreira de Carvalho.", "\"Nune'e iha rejime komisaun servisu, mandatu administrador munisipal ne'e ba periodu tinan tolu, sura hosi loron simu pose.", "Nune'e, mandatu ne'e bele renova dala-rua,\" Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, relata hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu, iha Palasiu Governu.", "Enkuantu, Prezidente no Administrador hatuur ona iha dekretu-lei numeru 3/2016 ne'ebe aprova estatutu autoridade ho administrasaun munisipal, no grupu traballu tekniku interministerial.", "Dekreu-lei ne'e hodi estabelese administrasaun munisipal Atauro ho ninia kompetensia sira hanesan munisipiu sira seluk, maibe iha kompetensia adisional ne'ebe iha area ambiental no turizmu komunitariu.", "Iha tinan 2022, Governu prevee orsamentu ba Atauro nu'udar munisipiu foun, ho montante $ 2.508.100, kompostu hosi salariu no vensimentu $ 484.932, bens no servisu $ 990.797, kapital menor $ 728.100, kapital.", "Dezenvolvimentu laiha, no transferensia publika $ 304.271.", "Previous articleKandidatu traballador timor-oan 136 ba Koreia Sul tuir formasaun preleminaria Next articleMOP konvoka enkontru ho kargu xefia hodi haree asuntu kalamidade" ]
[ [ "Administrator of Atauro Municipality to take office in early April | TATOLI Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA DILI Administrador de Águas Limpas will be inaugurated at the beginning Of March Dili, Mar.28/03 /19 (Agência Noticiosa) - Deputy Minister for State Administration Lino De Jesus Torrezao has announced that he is taking up his duties as Administrative Director and City Councillor on Apri..." ], [ "\"The inauguration of the Atauro Municipality Administrator will take place on April 1st,\" Torrezao told AP via WhatsApp today." ], [ "Lino recorded that previously the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had presented three candidates, two men and one woman to be elected in Council but decided on Sunday Soares as administrator for Atauro." ], [ "On March 9, the Government approved a draft government resolution to nominate Domingos Soares as Administrator of Atauro municipality in commission-of -service regime." ], [ "The proposal was presented by the Minister of State Administration (MAE), Miguel Perreira de Carvalho." ], [ "\"Now under the service commission regime, this municipal administrator's mandate is for a period of three years from his or her inauguration." ], [ "Thus, the mandate can be renewed twice\", said Minister of Presidency and Council minister Fidelis Manuel Leita Magalhaes after an executive meeting at Government Palace." ], [ "In the meantime, President and Administrator have met in Decree-Law No. 3/2016 approving statutes of authority with municipal administrations; an interministerial technical working group has been set up to this effect" ], [ "The decree-law establishes the municipal administration of Atauro with its competences as other communes, but has additional responsibilities in environmental and community tourism areas." ], [ "In 2018, the Government envisages a budget for Atauro as new municipality of $3.495 million comprising salary and income tax ($76) billion; goods & services taxes (GST), capital expenditure or other expenses on property valued at approximately US$" ], [ "No development, no public transfers $304.271" ], [ "Previous article136 Timorese candidate workers to South Korea undergo preliminary training NextMOP convenes meeting with senior officials on disaster relief issues" ] ]
Timor-Leste no Liberia Selesionadu nudar Reviewer ba Implementasaun Konvensaun ONU kontra Korrupsaun iha Angola – Comissão Anti-Corrupção | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun\nDili, 29/06/2012—Durante sesaun ba datoluk grupu halo revizaun ba implementasaun (Implementation Review Group) ba Konvensaun Nasoens Unidas kontra Korrupsaun (UNCAC) iha Vienna, Timor-Leste no Liberia selesionadu atu halo revizaun hamutuk ba Angola nia implementasaun. Selesaun ne’e hala’o iha 18 Juñu 2012 iha reprezentantes Estadu Parte ba Konvensaun sira nia oin.\nProsesu halo revizaun ba Angola ne’e halo parte husi Siklu Dahuluk husi Mekanismu halo Revizaun konaba implementasaun Konvensaun ONU ne’e. Iha espetativa katak servisu halo revizaun ne’e sei hala’o iha tinan ne’e nia laran, tuir preparasaun nebe Angola sei halo wainhira sira prosesu revizaun liu husi meza (desk review) remata. Ba Timor-Leste nudar Estadu Parte nebe sei halo servisu revizaun ba Konvensaun nia implementasaun, servisu ne’e sei involve halo estudu no análiza kle’an ba leis no regulamentus no evidensia sira seluk nebe iha relasaun ho UNCAC nia implementasaun iha Angola. Nunemos, servisu ne’e karik sei involve vizita direta ba terenu wainhira Estadu Parte Angola permite. Revizaun ba Konvensaun ne’e konsentra ba Kapitúlu III konaba Penalizasaun no Implementasaun Lei no Kapitúlu IV konaba Koperasaun Internsional.\nSemana kotuk, Timor-Leste aprezenta ona lista peritus governantes na’in lima ba Sekretáriadu Mekanismu halo Revizaun (Secretariat Review Mechanism) atu halo selesaun. Peritu sira ne’e mak sei partisipa iha prosesu halo revizaun ba Angola nia implementasaun.\nTimor-Leste nia papel nudar Estadu Parte halo revizaun ba UNCAC ne’e hanesan esperiensia ba dahuluk hodi hala’o tarefa internasional ne’e. Komisáriu Anti-Korrupsaun Adérito de Jesus Soares hatete katak, “Partisipasaun Timor-Leste nian iha prosesu halo revizaun ne’e hatudu katak Timor-Leste iha komitementu bo’ot atu implementa nia dever hanesan membru Estadu Parte ba Konvensaun ONU ne’e.”\nTinan kotuk, Timor-Leste a’adia nia dever sai nudar Estadu Parte atu halo revizaun ba Cabo Verde nia implementasaun. Timor-Leste deside hakarak atu estadu parte seluk, Namibia no Fiji, mak halo revizaun uluk ba nia implementasaun, atu nune bele fo tempu atu prepara didiak no bele aprende husi rai seluk nia esperiensia antes kumpri nia dever.\nReprezentante Timor-Leste nian iha eventu sorumutu sesaun ba datoluk grupu halo revizaun ba implementasaun ne’e mak Komisáriu Adjuntu Anti-Korrupsaun José António de Jesus das Neves no akompanha husi Claudia Sayago husi UNMIT.\nPermanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2012/06/timor-leste-no-liberia-selesionadu-nudar-reviewer-ba-implementasaun-konvensaun-onu-kontra-korrupsaun-iha-angola/
[ "Timor-Leste no Liberia Selesionadu nudar Reviewer ba Implementasaun Konvensaun ONU kontra Korrupsaun iha Angola - Comissao Anti-Corrupcao | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Dili, 29/06/2012 - Durante sesaun ba datoluk grupu halo revizaun ba implementasaun (Implementation Review Group) ba Konvensaun Nasoens Unidas kontra Korrupsaun (UNCAC) iha Vienna, Timor-Leste no Liberia selesionadu atu halo revizaun hamutuk ba Angola nia implementasaun.", "Selesaun ne'e hala'o iha 18 Junu 2012 iha reprezentantes Estadu Parte ba Konvensaun sira nia oin.", "Prosesu halo revizaun ba Angola ne'e halo parte husi Siklu Dahuluk husi Mekanismu halo Revizaun konaba implementasaun Konvensaun ONU ne'e.", "Iha espetativa katak servisu halo revizaun ne'e sei hala'o iha tinan ne'e nia laran, tuir preparasaun nebe Angola sei halo wainhira sira prosesu revizaun liu husi meza (desk review) remata.", "Ba Timor-Leste nudar Estadu Parte nebe sei halo servisu revizaun ba Konvensaun nia implementasaun, servisu ne'e sei involve halo estudu no analiza kle'an ba leis no regulamentus no evidensia sira seluk nebe iha relasaun ho UNCAC nia implementasaun iha Angola.", "Nunemos, servisu ne'e karik sei involve vizita direta ba terenu wainhira Estadu Parte Angola permite.", "Revizaun ba Konvensaun ne'e konsentra ba Kapitulu III konaba Penalizasaun no Implementasaun Lei no Kapitulu IV konaba Koperasaun Internsional.", "Semana kotuk, Timor-Leste aprezenta ona lista peritus governantes na'in lima ba Sekretariadu Mekanismu halo Revizaun (Secretariat Review Mechanism) atu halo selesaun.", "Peritu sira ne'e mak sei partisipa iha prosesu halo revizaun ba Angola nia implementasaun.", "Timor-Leste nia papel nudar Estadu Parte halo revizaun ba UNCAC ne'e hanesan esperiensia ba dahuluk hodi hala'o tarefa internasional ne'e.", "Komisariu Anti-Korrupsaun Aderito de Jesus Soares hatete katak, \"Partisipasaun Timor-Leste nian iha prosesu halo revizaun ne'e hatudu katak Timor-Leste iha komitementu bo'ot atu implementa nia dever hanesan membru Estadu Parte ba Konvensaun ONU ne'e.\"", "Tinan kotuk, Timor-Leste a'adia nia dever sai nudar Estadu Parte atu halo revizaun ba Cabo Verde nia implementasaun.", "Timor-Leste deside hakarak atu estadu parte seluk, Namibia no Fiji, mak halo revizaun uluk ba nia implementasaun, atu nune bele fo tempu atu prepara didiak no bele aprende husi rai seluk nia esperiensia antes kumpri nia dever.", "Reprezentante Timor-Leste nian iha eventu sorumutu sesaun ba datoluk grupu halo revizaun ba implementasaun ne'e mak Komisariu Adjuntu Anti-Korrupsaun Jose Antonio de Jesus das Neves no akompanha husi Claudia Sayago husi UNMIT.", "Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2012/06/timor-leste-no-liberia-selesionadu-nudar-reviewer-ba-implementasaun-konvensaun-onu-kontra-korrupsaun-iha-angola/" ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste and Liberia Selected as Reviewers for Implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption in Angola - Comissao Anti–Corrução | Assembleia Nacional da República Dili, June.29th/06:15pm (UTC+3) – At its third session held on July7in Vienna under United Nations International Criminal Court’s Executive Committee to review implementations by Angolan authorities with regard towards implementing provisions from The UNFPA Programme Against Transnational Organized Crime" ], [ "The selection took place on 18 June in front of representatives from the States parties to this Convention." ], [ "The review process for Angola is part of the First Cycle in a Review Mechanism to examine implementation by countries under this Convention." ], [ "It is expected that the review work will be carried out during this year, following preparations made by Angola when they complete their desk-review process." ], [ "For Timor-Leste as a State Party that will undertake the review of implementation, this work would involve studying and analyzing laws/regulations or other evidence related to UNCAC' s application in Angola." ], [ "However, this work may involve direct field visits when the State Party Angola allows it." ], [ "The revision of the Convention focuses on Chapter III, Criminalization and Law Enforcement; chapter IV: International Cooperation." ], [ "Last week, Timor-Leste submitted a list of five governance experts to the Secretariat Review Mechanism for selection." ], [ "These experts will participate in the process of reviewing Angola's implementation." ], [ "Timor-Leste's role as a State Party reviewing UNCAC is its first experience in carrying out this international task." ], [ "Anti-Corruption Commissioner Aderito de Jesus Soares said that, \"Timor Leste's involvement in this review process shows TimorLeste has a strong commitments to implement its duty as member State Party of the UN Convention.\"" ], [ "Last year, Timor-Leste a'dia its duty as State Party to review the implementation of Cape Verde." ], [ "Timor-Leste has decided that it wants the other States Parties, Namibia and Fiji to review its implementation first so as for time in which they can prepare properly before fulfilling their obligations." ], [ "Timor-Leste's representative at the event meeting session for third group reviewing implementation was Deputy Anti Corruptions Commissioner Jose Antonio de Jesus das Neves and accompanied by Claudia Sayago from UNMIT." ], [ "Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2013-597684_timorleste and liberia selected as reviewers for implementation of the UN Convention against Corruptions in Angola" ] ]
Quinta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quinta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM\nQuinta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM\nPosted on: November 22, 2017 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura 1Mac. 2. 15-29\nLia housi primeiro livro Macabeus nian\nIha loron hirak neba, ema sira be liurai Antíoco haruka simu ordem atu obriga Israel oan sira husik sira nia fiar. Sira mai iha cidade Modin atu hadi’a hasa’e sacrifício. Israel oan sira wa’in libur hamutuk ho sira. Maibé Matatias ho nia oan sira hadook an housi sira no metin nafatin ho sira nia fiar. Liurai nia manu ain sira ba hasouru Matatias hodi dehan: “Ó mak ulun boot no naran boot iha cidade ne’e. Ó nia oan sira no parente sira fó biit no ukun ba ó. Tan ne’e, ó mai uluk halo tuir liurai nia ordem hanesan nação sira hotu halo, ema sira housi Judá no sira nebe hela iha Jerusalém halo. Nune’e, ó ho ó nia oan sira sei hela iha belun sira liurai nia leet; hetan honra hodi simu osan mutin, osan mean ho presente barak”. Wainhira atu hatan, Matatias dehan ho lian maka’as: “Maski nação hot-hotu be iha liurai nia ukun rona liurai hodi husik sira nia bei-ala sira nia lisan, hakarak liu tuir liurai nia ordem; ha’u, oan sira ha’u nian, ha’u nia parenti sira, ami sei tuir nafatin moruk ami nia bei-ala sira nian. Maromak sei tulun ami atu halo tuir nafatin Nia lei no Nia ukunfuan sira. Ami sei la sée tilun ba liurai nia liafuan sira, hodi husik ami nia lisan, maski ba kuanan eh ba karuk.”\nWainhira nia ko’alia hotu tiha liafuan hirak ne’e, ema Judeu ida, iha ema hotu nia oin, hakbesik ba atu hasa’e sacrifício ida iha altar Modin nian, tuir ordem liurai nian. Matatias haré tiha nia ho biit maka’as tebes, nia laran nakdedar, ho hirus be justo, nia halai hasouru nia hodi oho tiha nia iha altar ne’e. Oho mós liurai nia manu ain nebe obriga nia hasa’e sacrifício hodi sobu mós altar.\nHo nia barani ida ne’e, hatudu nia domin tan ba Lei, hanesan uluk Fineias halo hodi hasouru Zambri, Salu nia oan. Nune’e, Matatias hahu hakilar iha cidade ho lian maka’as, dehan : “Imi hotu nebe hadomi Na’i Nia Lei hodi hakarak metin nafatin iha moruk, sai hodi mai tuir ha’u”. Hafoin, nia halai ba foho ho nia oan sira hodi husik hela hotu sira nia riku-soi iha cidade.\nIha tempo neba duni, ema Judeu sira barak nebe hadomi justiça no direito, tun ba rai fuik maran hodi hôrik iha neba.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 49(50). 1-2, 5-6, 14-15 (R.23b)\nRefrão : Ba ema nebe moris tuir lialós,\nHa’u sei fó Maromak Nia Maksoyn!!! Repete-se\nKo’alia ba Na’i, Maromak be Ida mesak,\nHalibur rai hotu, housi loro sa’e to’o loro manu,\nHousi Sião be kmo’ok tebes, Maromak nabilan,\nIta nia Maromak hi’it An mai, Nai sei la nonok. Refrão\n“Halibur Ha’u Nia emar sira hotu,\nSira be simu ona Ha’u moruk ho sacrifício.”\nMaromak rasik mai tesi lia. Refrão\nHasa’e sacrifício hahi nian ba Maromak,\nHalo tuir ó nia lia hakotu ba Leten áas liu;\nHarohan mai Ha’u iha loron susar,\nHa’u sei soi ó no ó sei fó mai Ha’u glória. Refrão\nIha tempo neba, wainhira Jesus to’o besik ba Jerusalém, haré cidade, Jesus tanis no dehan: “Ó hatene karik ohin ne’e Ida nebe lori dame! Maibé buat ne’e sumin hela ba ó nia matan. Loron sei mai wainhira ó nia funu baluk sira sei hada kota hale’u ó housi fatin hotu; sira sei hanehan ó ba rai, no mós ó nia oan sira iha ó nia muro laran; sora sei la husik fatuk ida hamriik iha fatuk seluk nia leten, basá ó la hatene tempo nebe Na’i sei mai haré ó”.\nPrevious PostCOMISSÃO C PN LA APROVA PARECER DISCUÇÃO ORSAMENTO RATIFICATIVO (OR) Next PostSexta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM
[ "Quinta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quinta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM Quinta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM Posted on: November 22, 2017 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura 1Mac.", "2.", "15-29 Lia housi primeiro livro Macabeus nian Iha loron hirak neba, ema sira be liurai Antioco haruka simu ordem atu obriga Israel oan sira husik sira nia fiar.", "Sira mai iha cidade Modin atu hadi'a hasa'e sacrificio.", "Israel oan sira wa'in libur hamutuk ho sira.", "Maibe Matatias ho nia oan sira hadook an housi sira no metin nafatin ho sira nia fiar.", "Liurai nia manu ain sira ba hasouru Matatias hodi dehan: \"O mak ulun boot no naran boot iha cidade ne'e.", "O nia oan sira no parente sira fo biit no ukun ba o.", "Tan ne'e, o mai uluk halo tuir liurai nia ordem hanesan nacao sira hotu halo, ema sira housi Juda no sira nebe hela iha Jerusalem halo.", "Nune'e, o ho o nia oan sira sei hela iha belun sira liurai nia leet; hetan honra hodi simu osan mutin, osan mean ho presente barak.\"", "Wainhira atu hatan, Matatias dehan ho lian maka'as: \"Maski nacao hot-hotu be iha liurai nia ukun rona liurai hodi husik sira nia bei-ala sira nia lisan, hakarak liu tuir liurai nia ordem; ha'u, oan sira ha'u nian, ha'u nia parenti sira, ami sei tuir nafatin moruk ami nia bei-ala sira nian.", "Maromak sei tulun ami atu halo tuir nafatin Nia lei no Nia ukunfuan sira.", "Ami sei la see tilun ba liurai nia liafuan sira, hodi husik ami nia lisan, maski ba kuanan eh ba karuk.\"", "Wainhira nia ko'alia hotu tiha liafuan hirak ne'e, ema Judeu ida, iha ema hotu nia oin, hakbesik ba atu hasa'e sacrificio ida iha altar Modin nian, tuir ordem liurai nian.", "Matatias hare tiha nia ho biit maka'as tebes, nia laran nakdedar, ho hirus be justo, nia halai hasouru nia hodi oho tiha nia iha altar ne'e.", "Oho mos liurai nia manu ain nebe obriga nia hasa'e sacrificio hodi sobu mos altar.", "Ho nia barani ida ne'e, hatudu nia domin tan ba Lei, hanesan uluk Fineias halo hodi hasouru Zambri, Salu nia oan.", "Nune'e, Matatias hahu hakilar iha cidade ho lian maka'as, dehan: \"Imi hotu nebe hadomi Na'i Nia Lei hodi hakarak metin nafatin iha moruk, sai hodi mai tuir ha'u.\"", "Hafoin, nia halai ba foho ho nia oan sira hodi husik hela hotu sira nia riku-soi iha cidade.", "Iha tempo neba duni, ema Judeu sira barak nebe hadomi justica no direito, tun ba rai fuik maran hodi horik iha neba.", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "49 (50).", "1-2, 5-6, 14-15 (R.23b) Refrao: Ba ema nebe moris tuir lialos, Ha'u sei fo Maromak Nia Maksoyn!!!", "Repete-se Ko'alia ba Na'i, Maromak be Ida mesak, Halibur rai hotu, housi loro sa'e to'o loro manu, Housi Siao be kmo'ok tebes, Maromak nabilan, Ita nia Maromak hi'it An mai, Nai sei la nonok.", "Refrao \"Halibur Ha'u Nia emar sira hotu, Sira be simu ona Ha'u moruk ho sacrificio.\"", "Maromak rasik mai tesi lia.", "Refrao Hasa'e sacrificio hahi nian ba Maromak, Halo tuir o nia lia hakotu ba Leten aas liu; Harohan mai Ha'u iha loron susar, Ha'u sei soi o no o sei fo mai Ha'u gloria.", "Refrao Iha tempo neba, wainhira Jesus to'o besik ba Jerusalem, hare cidade, Jesus tanis no dehan: \"O hatene karik ohin ne'e Ida nebe lori dame!", "Maibe buat ne'e sumin hela ba o nia matan.", "Loron sei mai wainhira o nia funu baluk sira sei hada kota hale'u o housi fatin hotu; sira sei hanehan o ba rai, no mos o nia oan sira iha o nia muro laran; sora sei la husik fatuk ida hamriik iha fatuk seluk nia leten, basa o la hatene tempo nebe Na'i sei mai hare o.\"", "Previous PostCOMISSAO C PN LA APROVA PARECER DISCUCAO ORSAMENTO RATIFICATIVO (OR) Next PostSexta-Feira, XXXIII DO TEMPO COMUM" ]
[ [ "Thursday, XXXIII OF ORDINARY TIME - Diocese of Dili Diocese de Timor Leste > NOTÍCIAS / NEWS/ DAILY READINGS: Daily Readings from the Holy Week in Ordinary Time Posted on November.21st (Thursday) by Department Comunicacao The First reading is to be read as a reminder that we are all born and raised with Christ Jesus for His redemption!" ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "15-29 The First Book of the Maccabees In those days, king Antiochus sent men with orders to compel Israelites from their faith." ], [ "They came to the city of Modin, and there they made a sacrifice." ], [ "The children of Israel gathered themselves to them." ], [ "But Mattathias and his sons separated themselves from them, remaining steadfast in their faith." ], [ "And the king's servant came to meet Mattathias, and said unto him: Thou art a great head in this city." ], [ "Your sons and your kin are giving you strength to rule." ], [ "And he first did according to the king's commandment, as all men of Judah and those who dwelt in Jerusalem had done." ], [ "And you and your sons shall live with the king' s neighbor; be honored to receive silver, gold or bronze in abundance.\"" ], [ "When he was about to answer, Mattathias said in a loud voice: \"Even if all the princes who are under his rule would obey him and follow their lords' words by doing what is commanded of them; I will do it with my children." ], [ "God will help us to keep His laws and commandments." ], [ "We will not give our finger to the king's words, nor leave him in his way either for good or bad.\"" ], [ "And it came to pass, as he had ended speaking these words; behold a certain Jew stood up in the presence of all that were with him: and according unto his commandment there was made an offering upon Modin's altar." ], [ "When Mattathias saw him, he fell upon his face with a great rage and grief in the heart. With righteous indignation He went to kill them on that altar;" ], [ "Oh, the king's hand that forced him to make a sacrifice and destroy an altar." ], [ "With this ram he showed his love for the Law, as Phineas had done to Zambri son of Salu." ], [ "And Mattathias began to proclaim in the city with a loud voice, saying: \"All you who love Yahweh's law and delight at goodness come out after me.\"" ], [ "Then he went to the countryside with his sons, leaving all their wealth in town." ], [ "Now at that time many of the Jews, who loved justice and righteousness went down to dwell in desert places." ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "49 (50)." ], [ "1-2,5 -6.4 (R) Refrao: To the man who lives according to words I will give God's grace!!!" ], [ "Say, Thus saith the LORD God alone; Gather all earth from east to west: Zion is full of joy. The Lord will be with you for ever and your god shall come in his glory without ceasing!" ], [ "Refrao \"Gather all my servants, for they have received mine oil with sacrifice.\"" ], [ "God Himself has tested it." ], [ "Refrao Lift up an offering of sacrifices unto God, keep his word to the highest heaven; turn thou in distressed day: I will save and give my glory." ], [ "And it came to pass, when Jesus drew nigh unto Jerusalem and saw the city; that he stood up with a great crying of joy." ], [ "But it's still dark in your eyes." ], [ "The days will come when your enemies shall cut you off from every side, and throw thee to earth with thy children within thines walls; they won't leave one stone upon another rock: for thou knowest not what time Jehovah visiteth.\"" ], [ "Previous PostCOMMISSION C PN LA APPROVES OPINION DISCUSSING RATIFICATION BUDGET (OR) Next postFriday, XXXIII OF ORDINARY" ] ]
PNTL Aumeta Pesoal 200 Reforsa Seguransa Iha Area Risku\nPolisia Komando Munisipio Dili, koloka tan pesoal hamutuk 200 hodi reforsa seguransa ba area sira ne’ebe identifikado risku ba konflito iha kapital Dili laran ne’ebe mak sempre fo amiasa ba ema nia vida.\nSegundo Komandante Polisia Munisipio Dili, Superientendente Euclides Belo hateten, kapital Dili ne’e area risku ba konflito ne’e barak tebes, no polisia konsegue identifika ona hamutuk area 40 resin liu-liu iha Dom Aleixo, Bekora, Tasi Tolu, Taibesi no fatin seluk tan.\n“Atu reforsa seguransa iha area risku sira, komando koloka tan membro hamutuk 200 hodi garante seguransa iha area refere,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan, membro sira ne’ebe mak koloka ne’e bazeia ba numero referensia 537/2020 ne’ebe mak komando rasik aprova hodi fo seguransa ba komunidade iha Dili laran hahu husi fulan Novembro to’o Natal tinan foun.\nEnkuanto nia informa, antes ne’e komando koloka ona pesoal 500 maibe komando hare ne’e la sufisiente tanba ne’e koloka tan atus 200 hodi reforsa seguransa.\n“Pesoal hira ne’ebe ita koloka ne’e komposto husi unidade hotu iha komando munisipio Dili nian, hodi fo seguransa ba komunidade iha Dili laran atu nune’e bele halo movimento livre no la iha amiasa,” nia hateten.\nEntretanto, Admistrador Dom Aleixo Tomas Valus hateten, iha Dom Aleixo area ne’ebe mak sempre provoka situasaun no halo polisia sira kontrola ba mai no tur la hakmatek.\n“Iha Dom Aleixo lideransa komunitaria sira sempre serviso hamutuk ho polisia hodi kontrola no halo prevensaun ba konflito sira ne’ebe mak sempre akontese iha area refere,” nia informa.\nNia dehan, atu redus krime sira ne’e la’os serviso polisia nia deit maibe presija mos prezensa komunidade nian, hodi kuntribui ba paz estabilidade iha Dom Aleixo nune’e mos kapital Dili.\nIha parte seluk Diretor Ezekutivo Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Joao Almeida hateten serviso vijilansia polisia iha Dili laran ne’e kontrolado iha area ne’ebe deit, kona ba seguransa polisia no forsa defeza F-FDTL sempre apoio malu serviso, tuir monitorizasaun ne’ebe mak Fundasuan Mahein halo durante ne’e.\n“Konaba seguransa ita garantia hela tanba durante estado emergensia ne’e serviso polisia iha area risku tanto la risku ne’e serviso la’o diak tebes, seguransa atu diak liu tan kontribuisaun komunidade importante,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne’e nia dehan, serviso vizilansia polisia nia durante ne’e hatudo duni katak sira fo duni an serviso ho monta tan posto vizilansia sira iha Dili laran hodi kontrola komunidade sira.\n“Ita hare katak instituisaun rua ne’e hala’o serviso diak tebes maibe presija mos kontribuisaun komunidade nian nune’e bele lori dezenvolvimento siguransa la’o ba oin no nafatin,” Diretor FM Almeida hateten.
[ "PNTL Aumeta Pesoal 200 Reforsa Seguransa Iha Area Risku Polisia Komando Munisipio Dili, koloka tan pesoal hamutuk 200 hodi reforsa seguransa ba area sira ne'ebe identifikado risku ba konflito iha kapital Dili laran ne'ebe mak sempre fo amiasa ba ema nia vida.", "Segundo Komandante Polisia Munisipio Dili, Superientendente Euclides Belo hateten, kapital Dili ne'e area risku ba konflito ne'e barak tebes, no polisia konsegue identifika ona hamutuk area 40 resin liu-liu iha Dom Aleixo, Bekora, Tasi Tolu, Taibesi no fatin seluk tan.", "\"Atu reforsa seguransa iha area risku sira, komando koloka tan membro hamutuk 200 hodi garante seguransa iha area refere,\" nia hateten.", "Nia dehan, membro sira ne'ebe mak koloka ne'e bazeia ba numero referensia 537/2020 ne'ebe mak komando rasik aprova hodi fo seguransa ba komunidade iha Dili laran hahu husi fulan Novembro to'o Natal tinan foun.", "Enkuanto nia informa, antes ne'e komando koloka ona pesoal 500 maibe komando hare ne'e la sufisiente tanba ne'e koloka tan atus 200 hodi reforsa seguransa.", "\"Pesoal hira ne'ebe ita koloka ne'e komposto husi unidade hotu iha komando munisipio Dili nian, hodi fo seguransa ba komunidade iha Dili laran atu nune'e bele halo movimento livre no la iha amiasa,\" nia hateten.", "Entretanto, Admistrador Dom Aleixo Tomas Valus hateten, iha Dom Aleixo area ne'ebe mak sempre provoka situasaun no halo polisia sira kontrola ba mai no tur la hakmatek.", "\"Iha Dom Aleixo lideransa komunitaria sira sempre serviso hamutuk ho polisia hodi kontrola no halo prevensaun ba konflito sira ne'ebe mak sempre akontese iha area refere,\" nia informa.", "Nia dehan, atu redus krime sira ne'e la'os serviso polisia nia deit maibe presija mos prezensa komunidade nian, hodi kuntribui ba paz estabilidade iha Dom Aleixo nune'e mos kapital Dili.", "Iha parte seluk Diretor Ezekutivo Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Joao Almeida hateten serviso vijilansia polisia iha Dili laran ne'e kontrolado iha area ne'ebe deit, kona ba seguransa polisia no forsa defeza F-FDTL sempre apoio malu serviso, tuir monitorizasaun ne'ebe mak Fundasuan Mahein halo durante ne'e.", "\"Konaba seguransa ita garantia hela tanba durante estado emergensia ne'e serviso polisia iha area risku tanto la risku ne'e serviso la'o diak tebes, seguransa atu diak liu tan kontribuisaun komunidade importante,\" nia hateten.", "Tanba ne'e nia dehan, serviso vizilansia polisia nia durante ne'e hatudo duni katak sira fo duni an serviso ho monta tan posto vizilansia sira iha Dili laran hodi kontrola komunidade sira.", "\"Ita hare katak instituisaun rua ne'e hala'o serviso diak tebes maibe presija mos kontribuisaun komunidade nian nune'e bele lori dezenvolvimento siguransa la'o ba oin no nafatin,\" Diretor FM Almeida hateten." ]
[ [ "The Dili Municipal Police Command has deployed an additional 201 police personnel to reinforce security in areas identified as at risk of conflict within the capital, which is always a threat for people's lives." ], [ "According to the Dili Municipal Police Commander, Superintendent Euclides Belo said that there are many areas at risk of conflict in capital city and police have identified more than 40 such zones including Dom Aleixo (Dili), Bekora(Becora) Tasi Tolu Taibesi etc." ], [ "\"In order to reinforce security in high-risk areas, the command has deployed an additional 201 members of its personnel for this purpose.\"" ], [ "He said, the members who have been placed are based on reference number #537/2019 which was approved by command itself to provide security for communities in Dili from November until Christmas." ], [ "According to him, the command had previously deployed 501 personnel but he said that this was not enough and therefore they have added an additional two hundred in order for security." ], [ "\"The personnel that we have placed are composed of all units in the Dili municipality command, to provide security for communities within Diu so they can move freely and without any threat\", he said." ], [ "Meanwhile, Admiral Dom Aleixo Tomas Valus said that there is always a situation provoking in the area of Dois Irmãos which makes police control to come and go." ], [ "\"In Dom Aleixo, community leaders always work together with the police to control and prevent conflicts that have occurred in this area\", he said." ], [ "He said, to reduce crimes are not only police services but also needs the presence of community in order contribute peace and stability at Dom Aleixo as well Dili capital." ], [ "On the other hand, Executive Director of Fundação Mahein (FM), Joao Almeida said that police vigilance service in Dili is controlled only within one area. As for security policy and F-FDTL defence forces always support each others services according to monitoring made by Foundation Mahein during this period 2017/3" ], [ "\"As for security, we are guaranteeing it because during the state of emergency police services in risk areas and non-risk area service is going very well. To improve safety community contribution also plays an important role.\"" ], [ "Therefore, he said that the police surveillance service during this period has shown itself to be effective and they have set up more vigilante posts in Dili city centre for community control." ], [ "\"We see that these two institutions are performing very good services but they also need the community's contribution so as to bring safety development forward,\" FM Director Almeida said." ] ]
Laiha droga iha Estatua Nossa Senhora – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Laiha droga iha Estatua Nossa Senhora\nEstatua Nossa Senhora de Assunção ne’ebé mak antes ne’e deskonfia droga iha laran, hafoin ko’a husi Mekániku Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), la hetan objetu ruma iha estatua laran.\nEstatua ne’e ko’a uza mákina gurinda iha Kinta, loron 21, fulan Janeiru, tinan 2021, lorokraik tuku 15:00 oras Timor-Leste no asiste diretamente hosi ekipa konjunta PNSIK, Polísia Militár, Servisu Nasionál Intelijénsia no Alfándega.\nKomandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, agradese ba madre kongresaun ADM ne’ebé koopera tebes, hodi entrega estatua Nossa Senhora ba PNSIK hodi koa estatua ne’e, nune’e bele deskobre objetu droga duni ka lae.\n“Ami hato’o agradese wa’in, tanba madre sira bele koopera teb-tebes lori estatua ne’e mai, ita-nia intensaun ida de’it mak bele responde ba públiku katak, buat ne’e mak hanesan ne’e, para nune’e ema hotu bele hela ho informasaun ne’ebé mak klaru. Tanba dalaruma ita la ko’a hodi hasa’i ema bele deskonfia hanesan ne’e nusa mak laiha asaun ruma hodi haree di-di’ak ida ne’e. Hodi komando nia naran agradese, ha’u sei oriénta fali ekipa sira kria fali kondisaun di’ak ba estatua ne’e hodi bele lori ba iha Lospalos”, afirma Komandante Jerál PNTL liu husi nia lia menon hafoin observa ekipa ko’a estatua Nossa Senhora ne’e.\nAlende ne’e, Madre Goretti ADM, rekoñese sira mak hatama estatua ne’e hosi Pejaksana Yogyakarta Indonézia atu lori ba Lospalos.\n“Estatua ne’e rasik seidauk book no seidauk fó bensaun ruma, ne’ebé ami mós ho haraik-an entrega ba polísia lori mai atu ko’a sai, hodi deskobre loloos saída mak iha estatua nia-laran”, dehan Madre Goretti.\nEstatua Nossa Senhora de Assunção ne’e, Madre Konventu Kasih Mulia ADM Lospalos hamutuk ho Parókia Lospalos importa liu hosi fronteira terreste to’o iha Postu Integradu Batugade iha loron 2, fulan Dezembru, tinan 2020 no lori ba Lospalos iha loron 5, fulan Dezembru, tinan 2020. avi\nPrograma vasina COVID-19, sei hahú Juñu...
[ "Laiha droga iha Estatua Nossa Senhora - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Laiha droga iha Estatua Nossa Senhora Estatua Nossa Senhora de Assuncao ne'ebe mak antes ne'e deskonfia droga iha laran, hafoin ko'a husi Mekaniku Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), la hetan objetu ruma iha estatua laran.", "Estatua ne'e ko'a uza makina gurinda iha Kinta, loron 21, fulan Janeiru, tinan 2021, lorokraik tuku 15:00 oras Timor-Leste no asiste diretamente hosi ekipa konjunta PNSIK, Polisia Militar, Servisu Nasional Intelijensia no Alfandega.", "Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Faustino da Costa, agradese ba madre kongresaun ADM ne'ebe koopera tebes, hodi entrega estatua Nossa Senhora ba PNSIK hodi koa estatua ne'e, nune'e bele deskobre objetu droga duni ka lae.", "\"Ami hato'o agradese wa'in, tanba madre sira bele koopera teb-tebes lori estatua ne'e mai, ita-nia intensaun ida de'it mak bele responde ba publiku katak, buat ne'e mak hanesan ne'e, para nune'e ema hotu bele hela ho informasaun ne'ebe mak klaru.", "Tanba dalaruma ita la ko'a hodi hasa'i ema bele deskonfia hanesan ne'e nusa mak laiha asaun ruma hodi haree di-di'ak ida ne'e.", "Hodi komando nia naran agradese, ha'u sei orienta fali ekipa sira kria fali kondisaun di'ak ba estatua ne'e hodi bele lori ba iha Lospalos,\" afirma Komandante Jeral PNTL liu husi nia lia menon hafoin observa ekipa ko'a estatua Nossa Senhora ne'e.", "Alende ne'e, Madre Goretti ADM, rekonese sira mak hatama estatua ne'e hosi Pejaksana Yogyakarta Indonezia atu lori ba Lospalos.", "\"Estatua ne'e rasik seidauk book no seidauk fo bensaun ruma, ne'ebe ami mos ho haraik-an entrega ba polisia lori mai atu ko'a sai, hodi deskobre loloos saida mak iha estatua nia-laran,\" dehan Madre Goretti.", "Estatua Nossa Senhora de Assuncao ne'e, Madre Konventu Kasih Mulia ADM Lospalos hamutuk ho Parokia Lospalos importa liu hosi fronteira terreste to'o iha Postu Integradu Batugade iha loron 2, fulan Dezembru, tinan 2020 no lori ba Lospalos iha loron 5, fulan Dezembru, tinan 2020. avi Programa vasina COVID-19, sei hahu Junu..." ]
[ [ "No drugs in the Statue of Our Lady - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca\" There is no drug inside our lady's statues The Assunção, which was previously suspected to contain a quantity from illegal weaponry after being inspected by Mekaniku Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), has not found any object within." ], [ "The statue will be demolished using a machine on Tuesday, January 21st of this year at the morning time (3:05 pm Timor-Leste Time) and directly attended by joint team PNSIK Military Police National Intelligence Service Customs." ], [ "PNTL Commander General, Commissioner Faustino da Costa thanked the ADM congresswomen for their cooperation in handing over Nossa Senhora statue to PNSIK so that they could cover it and discover whether or not there was a drug object." ], [ "\"We express our gratitude, because the nuns were very cooperative in bringing this statue here. Our only intention is to answer publicly that things are as they have been so everyone can live with clear information.\"" ], [ "Because sometimes we do not co'a to raise people can disconfide like this why is there no action for looking at the good of it." ], [ "On behalf of the command, I'll again direct teams to create good conditions for this statue so that it can take in Lospalos\", affirmed PNTL General Commander through his words after observing team from Nossa Senhora Statues." ], [ "In addition, Mother Goretti ADM acknowledged that they sent the statue from Pejaksana Yogyakarta Indonesia to Lospalos." ], [ "\"The statue itself has not been cleaned and we haven't given any blessing, which is why I am willing to hand it over for the police who will take out what really lies underneath\", said Mother Goretti." ], [ "The statue of Nossa Senhora da Assunção, the Mother Convent Kasih Mulias ADM Lospalos together with Parishes in lospaleos imported through land border to Batugade Integrated Post on December 2nd and brought it back into lospalos for transportation. avi COVID-19 vaccination program will begin June..." ] ]
By Tempo Timor November 09, 2020 682\nMinistéru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonimia (MKAE) Joaquim Amaral ko'alia ba Jornalista sira (9/11) Tempo Timor\nMinistru MKAE, Joaquim Amaral hateten, ho orsamentu millaun $2 resin ne’e sufisiente ona ba ministériu ne’e, no importante mak aloka ba área estratéjiku sira liu husi instituisaun autonoma ne'ebé bele halo sinerjia servisu hamutuk no ikus bele fó rezultadu.\n"Diak liu ita tau osan oituan hodi koko ita nia kapasidade organizasaun, koko ita nia kapasidade kria grupu, alvu benefisiáriu sira ne'e, sira halo diak liu tan ita estende ne'e fasil ona. Kuandu hetan ona nia modelu ita estende ne'e fasil ona, duke tau osan barak ita ezekuta depois failla mak barak," Joaquim Amaral hateten ba jornalista iha Parlamentu Nasionál Dili, Segunda (9/11).\nJoaquim subliña, labele hanoin katak, ho osan bele rezolve problema, iha osan bainhira la preparadu entaun ezekusaun mós ulun moras, tanba ne'e la’o ho orsamentu oituan, dalan barak atu hetan solusaun.\nGovernante ne'e hateten, hanesan ministériu koordenador MKAE iha orsamentu millaun $2 resin, inklui simu planu rekoperasaun ekonomiku hamutuk rihun $340.\nMKAE rasik iha programa apoiu atividade ekonomia ki'ik sira hanesan kontinuasaun husi governu anteriór nia programa, balun sussesu no aloka fali osan oituan atu ajuda re-inisia fali programa, inklui hare'e tan fali inisiativa foun ne'ebé bele suporta ho osan.\n"Ami aloka osan oituan, planu rekoperasaun mai tan osan oituan, ami halo transferénsia públika hamutuk rihun $450, naton ba MKAE bele partisipa iha planu rekoperasaun 2021 nian," Joaquim hateten.\nEntertantu, ohin MKAE rasik hamutuk ho institusaun autonoma sira halo audiénsia ho deputadu komisaun C, D, E hodi fahe informasaun relasiona ho planu OJE 2021 iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nMinistru MKAE, Joaquim Amaral\n« Populasaun 619 Suku Sanirin Simu Sesta Bázika SEKoop sei Distribui Karosa ba Negosiante Ambulante iha Dezembru »\nKalendáriu Expo-Dubai ‘Obriga’ Governu Lori Delegasaun 120\nMKAE 'Defende' Aprezentasaun Dansa Kultura ho Biti\nFONGTIL Konsidera Delegasaun Aprezenta Dansa Kultura ‘Inventadu’ iha Expo-Dubai
[ "By Tempo Timor November 09, 2020 682 Ministeru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonimia (MKAE) Joaquim Amaral ko'alia ba Jornalista sira (9/11) Tempo Timor Ministru MKAE, Joaquim Amaral hateten, ho orsamentu millaun $2 resin ne'e sufisiente ona ba ministeriu ne'e, no importante mak aloka ba area estratejiku sira liu husi instituisaun autonoma ne'ebe bele halo sinerjia servisu hamutuk no ikus bele fo rezultadu.", "\"Diak liu ita tau osan oituan hodi koko ita nia kapasidade organizasaun, koko ita nia kapasidade kria grupu, alvu benefisiariu sira ne'e, sira halo diak liu tan ita estende ne'e fasil ona.", "Kuandu hetan ona nia modelu ita estende ne'e fasil ona, duke tau osan barak ita ezekuta depois failla mak barak,\" Joaquim Amaral hateten ba jornalista iha Parlamentu Nasional Dili, Segunda (9/11).", "Joaquim sublina, labele hanoin katak, ho osan bele rezolve problema, iha osan bainhira la preparadu entaun ezekusaun mos ulun moras, tanba ne'e la'o ho orsamentu oituan, dalan barak atu hetan solusaun.", "Governante ne'e hateten, hanesan ministeriu koordenador MKAE iha orsamentu millaun $2 resin, inklui simu planu rekoperasaun ekonomiku hamutuk rihun $340.", "MKAE rasik iha programa apoiu atividade ekonomia ki'ik sira hanesan kontinuasaun husi governu anterior nia programa, balun sussesu no aloka fali osan oituan atu ajuda re-inisia fali programa, inklui hare'e tan fali inisiativa foun ne'ebe bele suporta ho osan.", "\"Ami aloka osan oituan, planu rekoperasaun mai tan osan oituan, ami halo transferensia publika hamutuk rihun $450, naton ba MKAE bele partisipa iha planu rekoperasaun 2021 nian,\" Joaquim hateten.", "Entertantu, ohin MKAE rasik hamutuk ho institusaun autonoma sira halo audiensia ho deputadu komisaun C, D, E hodi fahe informasaun relasiona ho planu OJE 2021 iha Parlamentu Nasional.", "Ministru MKAE, Joaquim Amaral \" Populasaun 619 Suku Sanirin Simu Sesta Bazika SEKoop sei Distribui Karosa ba Negosiante Ambulante iha Dezembru \" Kalendariu Expo-Dubai 'Obriga' Governu Lori Delegasaun 120 MKAE 'Defende' Aprezentasaun Dansa Kultura ho Biti FONGTIL Konsidera Delegasaun Aprezenta Dansa Kultura 'Inventadu' iha Expo-Dubai" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor November 09,12:36 PM Ministry of Economic Affairs (MKAE) Coordinator Joaquim Amaral speaks to journalist(8/5), Time-Timor Minister for the Economy and Finance Joao de Almeida said that with a budget over $4 billion this is sufficient already. He also stressed on allocating funds in strategic areas through independent institutions which can work together synergistically so as ultimately produce results" ], [ "\"It's better to put a lot of money into building our organizational capacity, in creating groups and target beneficiaries. They do it much more effectively than if we extended the program easily.\"" ], [ "When we have his model, it's easier for us to extend. Rather than putting a lot of money into the project and then fail afterwards there is more that will happen.\" Joaquim Amaral told journalist in Dili National Parliament on Monday (9/10)." ], [ "Joaquim emphasizes, you can not think that with money to solve the problem. There is a lot of cash when unprepared so execution also headache because it's going on in one budget and there are many ways for finding solutions" ], [ "The governor said that, as the co-ordinating ministry MKAE has a budget of $2 million including receiving economic recovery plan totaling 340 thousand dollars." ], [ "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself has programmes to support small-scale economic activities as a continuation from the previous government' s programs, some successful and allocating significant funds for helping restart program including looking at new initiatives that can be funded." ], [ "\"We allocated money eight times, the recovery plan came with another $80 million. We made public transfers totalling over a thousand and fifty dollars so that MKAE can participate in our reconstruction plans for this year.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, today MKAE itself together with the autonomous institutions held an audition to members of committees C. D and E in order To share information relating 2019 budget plan at National Parliament (PN)." ], [ "Minister MKAE, Joaquim Amaral \"População 619 Suku Sanirin Simu Sesta Básica SEKoop vai Distribuir Karosa a Vendedores Ambulantes em Dezembra\" Expo-Dubai Calendar 'Obriga' Government Carry Delegation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Dubai: The Secrets to Success" ] ]
Oinsá mak Ita bele iha moris neʼebé diʼak liu? Buka no tuir dalan neʼebé lori Ita ba moris\nLEE IHA Acholi Afrikander Albanés Alemaun Amáriku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aukan Aymara Azerbaijanu Azerbaijanu (Siríliku) Baoule Bashkir Bassa (Kamaroins) Batak (Karo) Batak (Toba) Belize Kriol Biak Bicol Bislama Boulou Búlgaru Chichewa Chin (Hakha) Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitonga (Zimbabué) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chokwe Chol Chuukese Chuvash Cibemba Cinyanja Dangme Dinamarkés Douala Drehu Ebraiku Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Españól Estonianu Ewe Fijianu Finlandés Fon Fransés Ga Galés Garifuna Gregu Groenlandés Guarani Gujarati Gun Hausa Herero Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Hmong (White) Iban Ibanag Igbo Iloko Indonézia Inglés Isoko Italianu Izlandés Japonés Javanés Jeorjianu Kabiye Kannada Karen (S'gaw) Katalaun Kazakh Kekchi Kikaonde Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kimbundu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krioulu Haití Krioulu Maurísiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) Kurdish Kurmanji (Cyrillic) Kwangali Kwanyama Letaun Lhukonzo Lingala Lituanu Low German Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Língua liman Alemaun Língua liman Amerikana Língua liman Brazíl Língua liman Española Língua liman Filipina Língua liman Italianu Língua liman Japonés Língua liman Kebeke Língua liman Kolómbia Língua liman Koreia Língua liman Kuba Língua liman Méxiku Língua liman Polónia Língua liman Rúsia Língua liman Venezuela Língua liman Índia Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltés Mam Mambwe-Lungu Marathi Marxarés Masedóniu Maya Mazatec (Huautla) Mbunda Mizo Mongól Moore Myanmar Nahuatl (Guerrero) Nahuatl (Huasteca) Ndau Ndebele Ndonga Nedebele (Zimbabué) Nepalés Ngangela Nias Niuean Noruegés Nyaneka Nzema Náuatle (Puebla norte) Náuatle (Sentrál) Olandés Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (Aruba) Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Pidgin Illas Salomaun Polaku Ponapeanu Portugés (Brazil) Portugés (Portugál) Punjabi Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Quichua (Chimborazo) Quichua (Imbabura) Rarotongan Romenu Runyankore Rusu Rutoro Samoanu Sango Saramaccan Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Sezotu (África Súl) Shona Sidama Silozi Singalés Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Swati Sérviu (Siríliku) Sérviu (latino) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandés Tajiki Tamil Tarascan Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tlapanec Tojolabal Tok Pisin Tonganés Totonac Tshiluba Tshwa Tsonga Turku Tuvaluanu Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Ukranianu Umbundu Urhobo Uruund Uzbeke Uzbeke (Roman) Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xinés Kantonés (tradisionál) Xinés Mandarín (simples) Xinés Mandarín (tradisionál) Yapese Yoruba Zande Zapoteka (Istmu) Zapoteka (Lachiguiri) Zulu Árabe Úngaru\nMORIS ohin loron laʼós moris neʼebé loloos tuir Maromak nia hakarak. Tuir loloos mundu tenke nakonu ho ema neʼebé hatudu respeitu ba ita-nia Kriadór nia direitu atu ukun, hetan benefísiu husi ninia matadalan, haleno Maromak nia domin no ninia hahalok furak seluk tan. Maromak hakarak ema atu moris kontente no unidade nuʼudar família, aprende buat foun, no halo mundu tomak sai paraízu.\nMAROMAK PROMETE ATU HADIʼA SITUASAUN IHA MUNDU\n“Nia sei hapara funu sira iha mundu tomak.”​—Salmo 46:9.\n“Tempu neʼebé deside tiha toʼo mai ona . . . atu halakon sira neʼebé estraga daudaun mundu.”​—Apokalipse 11:18.\n“La iha ema ida iha rai mak sei dehan: ‘Haʼu moras.’”​—Isaias 33:24.\n“Sira neʼebé haʼu hili ona sei haksolok duni ho serbisu neʼebé sira halo ho sira-nia liman.”​—Isaias 65:22.\nOinsá mak profesia sira-neʼe sei sai loos? Maromak hili ona ninia Oan-Mane, Jesus, nuʼudar Liurai ba governu neʼebé iha lalehan atu ukun mundu. Bíblia bolu neʼe nuʼudar Maromak nia Ukun. (Daniel 2:44) Bíblia koʼalia kona-ba Jesus hodi dehan, ‘Maromak sei fó kadunan ba nia’, no “nia sei ukun nuʼudar Liurai”.—Lucas 1:32, 33.\nDurante iha rai, Jesus halo ona milagre barak atu hatudu katak nuʼudar Ukun-Naʼin, nia sei halo ema nia moris diʼak liu fali ohin loron.\nJESUS HATUDU OINSÁ NIA SEI FÓ BUAT DIʼAK BA EMA NEʼEBÉ HALO TUIR\nNia kura ema neʼebé moras. Neʼe hatudu katak nia sei halakon ita-nia susar hotu.​—Mateus 9:35.\nNia halo tasi sai hakmatek. Neʼe hatudu katak nia sei proteje ita hodi kontrola natureza.​—Marcos 4:36-39.\nNia fó-han ema rihun ba rihun. Neʼe hatudu katak nia sei fó buat neʼebé ita presiza atu moris.​—Marcos 6:41-44.\nNia halo bee sai tua iha festa kazamentu nian. Neʼe hatudu katak nia sei ajuda ita atu bele goza moris.​—João 2:7-11.\nOinsá mak ita bele hetan moris neʼebé Maromak prepara ona ba ema neʼebé hadomi nia? Bíblia dehan, iha “dalan” neʼebé “kiʼik tebes” no “lori ema ba moris, no ema uitoan deʼit mak hetan dalan neʼe”. Ita tenke buka no laʼo tuir dalan neʼe.—Mateus 7:14.\nTUIR DALAN NEʼEBÉ LORI ITA BA MORIS NEʼEBÉ DIʼAK LIU\nSaida mak dalan ba moris? Maromak dehan: “Haʼu, Jeová, mak imi-nia Maromak, haʼu hanorin imi kona-ba buat neʼebé diʼak liu ba imi, no dirije imi iha dalan neʼebé imi tenke laʼo bá.” (Isaias 48:17) Laʼo tuir dalan neʼe mak bele lori ita ba moris neʼebé diʼak liu.\nJesus dehan: “Haʼu mak dalan no lia-loos no moris.” (João 14:6) Hodi tau fiar ba buat neʼebé Jesus hanorin no halo tuir ninia ezemplu neʼebé nia husik hela mai ita, sei halo ita besik liután ba Maromak no ita-nia moris sei sai diʼak liután.\nOinsá mak Ita bele hatene dalan ba moris? Ohin loron iha relijiaun barak, maibé Jesus hatete: “Laʼós ema hotu neʼebé dehan mai haʼu: ‘Naʼi, Naʼi’, sei tama ba Ukun lalehan nian, maibé ema neʼebé halo tuir haʼu-nia Aman iha lalehan nia hakarak mak sei tama ba Ukun neʼe.” (Mateus 7:21) Nia mós hatete: “Imi bele hatene sira liuhusi sira-nia hahalok.” (Mateus 7:16) Bíblia bele ajuda ita hatene relijiaun neʼebé mak halaʼo adorasaun neʼebé loos.—João 17:17.\nOinsá mak Ita bele laʼo tuir dalan ba moris? Neʼe mak hodi hatene kona-ba Ida neʼebé fó moris mai ita. Nia mak sé? Nia iha naran ka lae? Nia hanesan saida? Saida mak nia hakarak ita atu halo? *\nDuké han, halimar, no tau matan família deʼit, Maromak hakarak ita atu halo liu fali ida-neʼe. Ita bele aprende kona-ba ita-nia Kriadór no sai ninia belun. Ita bele hatudu katak ita hadomi nia hodi halo tuir ninia hakarak. Jesus hatete: “Neʼe mak moris rohan-laek: Katak sira hatene didiʼak kona-ba Ita, Maromak loos mesak deʼit.”—João 17:3.\nLIUHUSI BÍBLIA, MAROMAK HANORIN ‘BUAT NEʼEBÉ DIʼAK LIU BA ITA’.​—ISAIAS 48:17\nFOTI HAKAT PRIMEIRU ATU TUIR DALAN NEʼE\nAtu halo tuir Maromak neʼebé loos, karik ita presiza halo mudansa balu ba ita-nia moris no neʼe la fasil. Maibé se ita hili atu laʼo tuir dalan neʼe, ita-nia moris sei sai diʼak liu. Testemuña ba Jeová oferese estudu Bíblia gratuitu tuir Ita-nia tempu no fatin, atu ajuda Ita hetan resposta sira kona-ba Maromak. Ita bele kontaktu ami liuhusi ami-nia sítiu www.jw.org/tdt.\n^ par. 20 Haree Livru Haklaken, No. 1 2019.
[ "Oinsa mak Ita bele iha moris ne'ebe di'ak liu?", "Buka no tuir dalan ne'ebe lori Ita ba moris LEE IHA Acholi Afrikander Albanes Alemaun Amariku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aukan Aymara Azerbaijanu Azerbaijanu (Siriliku) Baoule Bashkir Bassa (Kamaroins) Batak (Karo) Batak (Toba) Belize Kriol Biak Bicol Bislama Boulou Bulgaru Chichewa Chin (Hakha) Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitonga (Zimbabue) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chokwe Chol Chuukese Chuvash Cibemba Cinyanja Dangme Dinamarkes Douala Drehu Ebraiku Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Espanol Estonianu Ewe Fijianu Finlandes Fon Franses Ga Gales Garifuna Gregu Groenlandes Guarani Gujarati Gun Hausa Herero Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Hmong (White) Iban Ibanag Igbo Iloko Indonezia Ingles Isoko Italianu Izlandes Japones Javanes Jeorjianu Kabiye Kannada Karen (S'gaw) Katalaun Kazakh Kekchi Kikaonde Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kimbundu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krioulu Haiti Krioulu Maurisiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) Kurdish Kurmanji (Cyrillic) Kwangali Kwanyama Letaun Lhukonzo Lingala Lituanu Low German Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Lingua liman Alemaun Lingua liman Amerikana Lingua liman Brazil Lingua liman Espanola Lingua liman Filipina Lingua liman Italianu Lingua liman Japones Lingua liman Kebeke Lingua liman Kolombia Lingua liman Koreia Lingua liman Kuba Lingua liman Mexiku Lingua liman Polonia Lingua liman Rusia Lingua liman Venezuela Lingua liman India Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltes Mam Mambwe-Lungu Marathi Marxares Masedoniu Maya Mazatec (Huautla) Mbunda Mizo Mongol Moore Myanmar Nahuatl (Guerrero) Nahuatl (Huasteca) Ndau Ndebele Ndonga Nedebele (Zimbabue) Nepales Ngangela Nias Niuean Norueges Nyaneka Nzema Nauatle (Puebla norte) Nauatle (Sentral) Olandes Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (Aruba) Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Pidgin Illas Salomaun Polaku Ponapeanu Portuges (Brazil) Portuges (Portugal) Punjabi Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Quichua (Chimborazo) Quichua (Imbabura) Rarotongan Romenu Runyankore Rusu Rutoro Samoanu Sango Saramaccan Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Sezotu (Africa Sul) Shona Sidama Silozi Singales Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Swati Serviu (Siriliku) Serviu (latino) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandes Tajiki Tamil Tarascan Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tlapanec Tojolabal Tok Pisin Tonganes Totonac Tshiluba Tshwa Tsonga Turku Tuvaluanu Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Ukranianu Umbundu Urhobo Uruund Uzbeke Uzbeke (Roman) Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xines Kantones (tradisional) Xines Mandarin (simples) Xines Mandarin (tradisional) Yapese Yoruba Zande Zapoteka (Istmu) Zapoteka (Lachiguiri) Zulu Arabe Ungaru MORIS ohin loron la'os moris ne'ebe loloos tuir Maromak nia hakarak.", "Tuir loloos mundu tenke nakonu ho ema ne'ebe hatudu respeitu ba ita-nia Kriador nia direitu atu ukun, hetan benefisiu husi ninia matadalan, haleno Maromak nia domin no ninia hahalok furak seluk tan.", "Maromak hakarak ema atu moris kontente no unidade nu'udar familia, aprende buat foun, no halo mundu tomak sai paraizu.", "MAROMAK PROMETE ATU HADI'A SITUASAUN IHA MUNDU \"Nia sei hapara funu sira iha mundu tomak.\" - Salmo 46:9.", "\"Tempu ne'ebe deside tiha to'o mai ona . . . atu halakon sira ne'ebe estraga daudaun mundu.\" - Apokalipse 11:18.", "\"La iha ema ida iha rai mak sei dehan: 'Ha'u moras.'\" - Isaias 33:24.", "\"Sira ne'ebe ha'u hili ona sei haksolok duni ho serbisu ne'ebe sira halo ho sira-nia liman.\" - Isaias 65:22.", "Oinsa mak profesia sira-ne'e sei sai loos?", "Maromak hili ona ninia Oan-Mane, Jesus, nu'udar Liurai ba governu ne'ebe iha lalehan atu ukun mundu.", "Biblia bolu ne'e nu'udar Maromak nia Ukun.", "(Daniel 2:44) Biblia ko'alia kona-ba Jesus hodi dehan, 'Maromak sei fo kadunan ba nia', no \"nia sei ukun nu'udar Liurai.\" - Lucas 1:32, 33.", "Durante iha rai, Jesus halo ona milagre barak atu hatudu katak nu'udar Ukun-Na'in, nia sei halo ema nia moris di'ak liu fali ohin loron.", "JESUS HATUDU OINSA NIA SEI FO BUAT DI'AK BA EMA NE'EBE HALO TUIR Nia kura ema ne'ebe moras.", "Ne'e hatudu katak nia sei halakon ita-nia susar hotu. - Mateus 9:35.", "Nia halo tasi sai hakmatek.", "Ne'e hatudu katak nia sei proteje ita hodi kontrola natureza. - Marcos 4:36-39.", "Nia fo-han ema rihun ba rihun.", "Ne'e hatudu katak nia sei fo buat ne'ebe ita presiza atu moris. - Marcos 6:41-44.", "Nia halo bee sai tua iha festa kazamentu nian.", "Ne'e hatudu katak nia sei ajuda ita atu bele goza moris. - Joao 2:7-11.", "Oinsa mak ita bele hetan moris ne'ebe Maromak prepara ona ba ema ne'ebe hadomi nia?", "Biblia dehan, iha \"dalan\" ne'ebe \"ki'ik tebes\" no \"lori ema ba moris, no ema uitoan de'it mak hetan dalan ne'e.\"", "Ita tenke buka no la'o tuir dalan ne'e. - Mateus 7:14.", "TUIR DALAN NE'EBE LORI ITA BA MORIS NE'EBE DI'AK LIU Saida mak dalan ba moris?", "Maromak dehan: \"Ha'u, Jeova, mak imi-nia Maromak, ha'u hanorin imi kona-ba buat ne'ebe di'ak liu ba imi, no dirije imi iha dalan ne'ebe imi tenke la'o ba.\"", "(Isaias 48:17) La'o tuir dalan ne'e mak bele lori ita ba moris ne'ebe di'ak liu.", "Jesus dehan: \"Ha'u mak dalan no lia-loos no moris.\"", "(Joao 14:6) Hodi tau fiar ba buat ne'ebe Jesus hanorin no halo tuir ninia ezemplu ne'ebe nia husik hela mai ita, sei halo ita besik liutan ba Maromak no ita-nia moris sei sai di'ak liutan.", "Oinsa mak Ita bele hatene dalan ba moris?", "Ohin loron iha relijiaun barak, maibe Jesus hatete: \"La'os ema hotu ne'ebe dehan mai ha'u: 'Na'i, Na'i', sei tama ba Ukun lalehan nian, maibe ema ne'ebe halo tuir ha'u-nia Aman iha lalehan nia hakarak mak sei tama ba Ukun ne'e.\"", "(Mateus 7:21) Nia mos hatete: \"Imi bele hatene sira liuhusi sira-nia hahalok.\"", "(Mateus 7:16) Biblia bele ajuda ita hatene relijiaun ne'ebe mak hala'o adorasaun ne'ebe loos. - Joao 17:17.", "Oinsa mak Ita bele la'o tuir dalan ba moris?", "Ne'e mak hodi hatene kona-ba Ida ne'ebe fo moris mai ita.", "Nia mak se?", "Nia iha naran ka lae?", "Nia hanesan saida?", "Saida mak nia hakarak ita atu halo? * Duke han, halimar, no tau matan familia de'it, Maromak hakarak ita atu halo liu fali ida-ne'e.", "Ita bele aprende kona-ba ita-nia Kriador no sai ninia belun.", "Ita bele hatudu katak ita hadomi nia hodi halo tuir ninia hakarak.", "Jesus hatete: \"Ne'e mak moris rohan-laek: Katak sira hatene didi'ak kona-ba Ita, Maromak loos mesak de'it.\" - Joao 17:3.", "LIUHUSI BIBLIA, MAROMAK HANORIN 'BUAT NE'EBE DI'AK LIU BA ITA'. - ISAIAS 48:17 FOTI HAKAT PRIMEIRU ATU TUIR DALAN NE'E Atu halo tuir Maromak ne'ebe loos, karik ita presiza halo mudansa balu ba ita-nia moris no ne'e la fasil.", "Maibe se ita hili atu la'o tuir dalan ne'e, ita-nia moris sei sai di'ak liu.", "Testemuna ba Jeova oferese estudu Biblia gratuitu tuir Ita-nia tempu no fatin, atu ajuda Ita hetan resposta sira kona-ba Maromak.", "Ita bele kontaktu ami liuhusi ami-nia sitiu www.jw.org/tdt. ^ par.", "20 Haree Livru Haklaken, No. 1 2019." ]
[ [ "What can you do to have a better life?" ], [ "Search Follow the path that leads you to life LE IHA Acholi Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Aymara Azerbaijani Azerbaijan (Cyrillic) Baoule Bashkir Bassa, of Bolivia), Batak(Toba): Belize Kriol Biak Bicol Bislama Boulou Bulgarian Cakchiquel Cambodian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Mandarin [Simplified] China Mandarín - tradicional]] Chol Chuvash Croatian Czech Dangme Danish Douala Drehu Dutch Efik English Estonian Ewe Fijian Finnish Fon French Ga Galician Garifuna Georgian German Greek Greenlandic Guarani Gujarati Gun Haitian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Hungarian Iban Ibanag Icelandic Igbo Iloko Indonesian Isoko Italian Japanese Javanese Kabiye Kannada Kikamba Kikaonde Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kimbundu Kinyarwanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisi Kisonge Kongo Korean Krio Kwangali Kwanyama Lamba Latvian Lhukonzo Lingala Lithuanian Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Mam Mambwe-Lungu Marathi Mauritian dialect Mixe Mongolian Moore Myanmar Ndebele Ndonga Nepali Ngangela Nias Niuean Norwegian Nyaneka Nzema Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (\"Aruba\") Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Quechua \"Ancash\" Quichua de Imbabura Romanian Runyankore Russian Samoan Sango Sepedi Serbian Serbian Spanish Sranantongo Swahili Swati Swedish Tagalog Tahitian Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Thai Tigrinya Tiv Tlapanec Tojolabal Totonac Tshiluba Tsonga Turkish Tuvaluan Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Ukrainian Umbundu Urhobo Uruund Uzbek Venda Vietnamese Wallisian Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xhosa Yoruba Zande Zulu" ], [ "The world should be filled with people who respect our Creator's right to rule, benefit from His guidance and enjoy God’S love." ], [ "God wants people to live happily and in unity as a family, learn new things from each other." ], [ "MAROMAK PROMETS TO REDUCED THE SITUATION IN The world \"He will put an end to wars throughout the whole earth.\" - Psalm,46:9." ], [ "\"And the time is come, which was determined...to destroy them that corrupt [the world].\" - Revelation 10:23." ], [ "\"There shall be no man in the land that will say, 'I am sick.'\" - Isaiah 34:25." ], [ "\"My chosen ones will rejoice in the work of their hands.\" - Isaiah (65:21)." ], [ "What will these prophecies come true?" ], [ "God has chosen His Son, Jesus Christ as the King of a government in heaven to rule over this world." ], [ "The Bible calls it the Kingdom of God." ], [ "The Bible speaks of Jesus as saying, 'He shall be glorified in heaven' and \"he will reign like a King.\" —Luke1:32-40." ], [ "During his time on earth, Jesus performed many miracles to show that as the King he would make people's lives better than they are today." ], [ "Jesus showed His power to heal the sick. He healed those who were ill, and made them recover from their illnesses with his own blood (Luke19:28-30)." ], [ "This shows that he will take away all our troubles.—Matthew 9:35." ], [ "He divided the sea into two parts." ], [ "This indicates that he will protect us by controlling nature.—Mark 4:36-29." ], [ "He fed thousands of people." ], [ "This indicates that he will give us what we need to live. - Mark 6:41-39,50" ], [ "He made the water cold at his wedding feast." ], [ "This shows that he will help us to enjoy life.—John 2:7-10." ], [ "How can we get the life that God has prepared for those who love him?" ], [ "The Bible says that there is a \"narrow way\" and one which leads to life, but few are those who find it." ], [ "We must seek and walk the way. - Matthew 7:14 (NKJV)." ], [ "THE WAY TO GOOD LIFE What is the way to good life?" ], [ "God says: \"I am the LORD your GOD, who teach you that which is good for ye; I direct You in a way wherein Thou shalt walk.\"" ], [ "(Isaiah 48:17) Following this path will lead us to a better life." ], [ "Jesus said, \"I am the way and truth & life.\"" ], [ "(John 14:6) By believing in what Jesus teaches and following the example he has left us, we will be brought closer to God. Our lives shall become better as a result of this faith!" ], [ "How can you know the way to life?" ], [ "There are many religions today, but Jesus said: \"Not everyone who says to me 'Lord! Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven. But he that does my Father in Heaven want shall go into it.\"" ], [ "(Matthew 7:21) He also said, \"By their deeds you will know them.\"" ], [ "(Matthew 7:16) The Bible can help us know which religions practice true worship. —John, John'S Gospel of Jesus Christ" ], [ "How can you walk in the way of life?" ], [ "This is to know the One who gave us life." ], [ "What is he?" ], [ "Does he have a name? He has no." ], [ "What is he like?" ], [ "What does he want us to do? * By eating, drinking and caring for the family only. God would like more than that from ourselves!" ], [ "We can learn about our Creator and become his beloved." ], [ "We can show that we love him by doing his will." ], [ "Jesus said: \"This is eternal life, that they should know you and the only true God.\" - John 17.3 (KJV)." ], [ "SEEING THE BIBLE, MAROMAK HANORIN 'DOES THAT WHICH IS GOOD FOR US'. -ISAIAH48:17 PHOTOGRAPHY OF FROM FIRST WE LIKE TO follow this path To be true to God requires that we make some changes in our lives and it is not an easy task!" ], [ "But if we choose to follow this path, our lives will be better." ], [ "Jehovah’s Witnesses offer free Bible study in your time and place, to help you find the answer about God." ], [ "You can contact us through our website at www.jw,org/tdt ^ par 2" ], [ "20 Haree Livru Haklaken, No.1 (January-February)/Not published in English" ] ]
CNJTL:Joven la’ós autór ba krime | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN CNJTL:Joven la’ós autór ba krime\nCNJTL:Joven la’ós autór ba krime\nDILI, 10 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Konsellu Nasionál Juventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL-sigla portugés), Maria Dadi Soares Magno, hateten CNJTL la konkorda prespetiva públiku nian katak joven mak autór ba krime.\nKazu krime ne’ebé durante ne’e komete husi joven na’in ida la reprezenta joven feto ho mane sira iha Territóriu Timor-Leste.\nNotísia Relevante :CNJTL Enkoraja Joven Sira Tenke Orgullu Nu’udar Timoroan\n“Ita tenke esforsu atu muda hanoin ida ne’e, tanba joven ida labele reprezenta joven hotu iha nasaun ne’e,” nia hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin sai oradór ba semináriu nasionál ho tema jerál “Joven Autór ba Harii Sosiedade Reziliente” hodi komemora tinan 29 masakre Santa Cruz Dili no loron nasionál juventude ba dala 15 ne’ebé hala’o iha salaun Delta Nova, ohin.\nNia observa katak joven barak iha talentu iha área oioin maibé laiha oportunidade hodi dezenvolve sira-nia talentu hirak ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, CNJTL rekomenda ba Governu liliu Ministériu Edukasaun, Ministériu Saúde, Minist’eriu Turizmu no Kultura, Organizasaun Naun Govermentál, Ajénsia Internasionál no ema hotu-hotu atu kria kondisaun ba joven sira hodi dezenvolve sira-nia talentu.\n“Ita hein planu no programa VIII Governu nian oinsá bele iha konsistensia servisu ho liña minsisteriál sira ne’ebé mak servisu kona-ba asuntu juventude atu bele fó atensaun ba juventude sira,” nia hateten.\nNotísia Relevante :Joven purvolta rihun 48 laiha oportunidade bá eskola\nPrevious articleSensu agríkola 2019 iha kestaun haat Governu presiza tau prioridade\nNext articleRiak Leman: “joven tenke kaer metin unidade nasionál”
[ "CNJTL:Joven la'os autor ba krime | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN CNJTL:Joven la'os autor ba krime CNJTL:Joven la'os autor ba krime DILI, 10 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Konsellu Nasional Juventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL-sigla portuges), Maria Dadi Soares Magno, hateten CNJTL la konkorda prespetiva publiku nian katak joven mak autor ba krime.", "Kazu krime ne'ebe durante ne'e komete husi joven na'in ida la reprezenta joven feto ho mane sira iha Territoriu Timor-Leste.", "Notisia Relevante:CNJTL Enkoraja Joven Sira Tenke Orgullu Nu'udar Timoroan \"Ita tenke esforsu atu muda hanoin ida ne'e, tanba joven ida labele reprezenta joven hotu iha nasaun ne'e,\" nia hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin sai orador ba seminariu nasional ho tema jeral \"Joven Autor ba Harii Sosiedade Reziliente\" hodi komemora tinan 29 masakre Santa Cruz Dili no loron nasional juventude ba dala 15 ne'ebe hala'o iha salaun Delta Nova, ohin.", "Nia observa katak joven barak iha talentu iha area oioin maibe laiha oportunidade hodi dezenvolve sira-nia talentu hirak ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, CNJTL rekomenda ba Governu liliu Ministeriu Edukasaun, Ministeriu Saude, Minist'eriu Turizmu no Kultura, Organizasaun Naun Govermental, Ajensia Internasional no ema hotu-hotu atu kria kondisaun ba joven sira hodi dezenvolve sira-nia talentu.", "\"Ita hein planu no programa VIII Governu nian oinsa bele iha konsistensia servisu ho lina minsisterial sira ne'ebe mak servisu kona-ba asuntu juventude atu bele fo atensaun ba juventude sira,\" nia hateten.", "Notisia Relevante:Joven purvolta rihun 48 laiha oportunidade ba eskola Previous articleSensu agrikola 2019 iha kestaun haat Governu presiza tau prioridade Next articleRiak Leman: \"joven tenke kaer metin unidade nasional\"" ]
[ [ "CNJTL:Joven la'os autor ba krime | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION and Education News Council of National Youth (CNM) says young people are not the perpetrators Dili, November.10th/Novembre25 - The Presidents’ Committee on Justice for Young People in East Тимор said that they do NOT agree with public opinion which believed youth were responsible to commit a crime against children or adolescents at any time during their childhood years; however this is an unacceptable view as it has been used by some groups who have made use thereof since early infancy until adult age" ], [ "The crimes committed by a single young man during this period do not represent the youth of Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"We must strive to change this mentality, because one young person cannot represent all the youth in our country\", he told journalists after speaking at a national seminar on “Young Author for Building Resilient Societies” held today as part of commemorating 29 years since Santa Cruz Dili massacre and National Youth Day (15th), which was hosted by Delta Nova Hall." ], [ "He observed that many young people have talent in various areas but lack the opportunity to develop these." ], [ "Therefore, CNJTL recommends to the Government especially Ministry of Education and Science (MECS), Ministerial Health Department(MHDD) Ministries for Tourism & Culture ONG'S International Agencies all people create conditions that allow youngsters develop their talent." ], [ "\"We are waiting for the plan and programme of Government VIII how to have consistency in work with ministerial lines that deal on youth issues so as you can pay attention,\" he said." ], [ "Notisia Relevante:Joven purvolta rihun 48 laiha oportunidade ba eskola Previous article2019 Agricultural Census in four issues Government needs to prioritize Next ArticleRiak Leman, \"young people must maintain national unity\"" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Konsolidasaun Estrutura PD iha Suai-Vila\nKonsolidasaun Estrutura PD iha Suai-Vila\nSIMU BA HOTU-HOTU HAN, NE’E IMI NIAN, NE’E ITA HOTU NIAN\nIha loron 21, fulan Fevereiru 2016, PD halo konsolidasaun ba ninia estrutura iha Posto Administrativu Suai, nebe hola fatin iha Suku Suai Loro. Partisipante sira hamutuk atus nen resin partisipa iha konsolidasaun ne’e. Iha konsolidasaun ne’e partisipa lider PD sira husi estrutura nasional nian hanesan Adriano do Nascimento (Presidente PD), Lurdes Bessa (Vise-Presidente PD), Francisco Borolaco Soares (Vise Sekretariu-Jeral), Samuel Mendonça (Vise Sekretario-Jeral), Carlos da Silva Saky (Membro CPN no Vise Presidente KEEP), Rui Menezes (Sekretariu Ezekutivu), Nivio Magalhães, (Presidente Juventude Democrático), Benjamim Martins (Membro CPN no KEEP), Marcos da Cruz (Membro KEEP), Florindo Pereira (Membro KEEP), no seluk-seluk tan, no estrutura PD husi Munisipiu Kovalima nian.\nPrezidente PD, Adriano do Nascimento, iha Suai Loro (21/02/2016)\nIha tomada de posse ba estrutura sira iha Posto Administratitu Suai Via, Lideransa. Nasional fo juramentu ba membru PD sira nebe halo parte estrutura PD husi nivel suku to’o aldeias hamutuk ema 288. Posto Administrativo Suai Vila iha Suku 5, mak Suku Debos, Lakonak, Beko, Kamanasa no Suai Loro. Iha tempu rezistensia aumenta tan Suku rua, Suku Holbilis no Labarai.\nKonsolidasaun estrutura PD iha Posto Administrativo Suai Vila hahuu ho missa, nebe diriji husi amo Paroko Suai. Missa ne’e oferese ba saudozu Fernando La Sama, Prezidente PD, no membru PD sira nebe mate iha Munisipiu Kovalima.\nIha konsolidasaun iha Postu Administrativu Suai Vila, Prezidente PD, Adriano do Nascimento, nebe hanesan mos Suai oan, nia fahe ninia intervensaun ba asuntu tolu: (1) saida mak PD, (2) oinsa hametin no haburas PD iha ida-idak nia suku, aldeia no iha Timor laran tomak, no (3) politika atual nebe la’o hela iha Timor.\nAdriano do Nascimento, nebe hanesan mos Vise-Prezidenti Parlamento Nasional, esplika ba partisipante sira konsolidasaun katak, PD harii iha 2001, harii husi joven ho estudanti sira nebe mai husi tempu Rezistensia nia, hanesan husi RENETIL, Dewan Solidaritas, OPJLATIL, Fitun, FPI, no seluk-seluk tan. Nia realsa katak harii PD ho preokupasaun oin-sa atu hametin demokrasia no lori progresu no dezenvolvimentu ba Timor-Leste nebe foin ukun-an.\nLider PD sira husi Nacional, iha Suai Loro (21/02/2016)\nLider maximo PD nian ne’e, afirma katak se mak hakarak rona ema konta historia de’it, ninia fatin la’os iha PD, se mak hakarak rona no simu orden de’it mos ninia fatin la’os iha PD. Se mak hakarak rona ema konta historia, diak liu ba partido historiku sira. Se mak hakarak atu simu orden deit, ba partido sira nebe ninia lider sira fo ordem deit. Se mak hakarak halo diskusaun hodi buka solusaun ba problema sira nebe Timor hasoru, ninia fatin mak iha PD. PD nudar fatin nebe ita atu halu diskusaun hamutuk, buka solusaun hamutuk no hola desizaun hamutuk liu husi demokrasia Timor nian, nebe bolu biti boot. Hotu-hotu tuur iha bitu boot nia leten, lok bua ho malus ba malu, tuur hamutuk hodi diskuti no fahe hanoin ba malu, oin-sa atu lori Timor-Leste ba iha moris diak.\nPrezidente PD nian ne’e mos esplika luhu ka kova nebe hetan iha bandeira PD katak kova reprezenta kultura no identidade Timor nian. Demokrasia PD nian reprezenta husi biti boot. Hotu-hotu tuur iha biti boot mak fahe hanoin politika ba malu, politika nebe atu lori dezenvolvimentu no progressu ba Timor oan tomak.\nAtu hametin PD iha nivel hotu-hotu, segundu Prezidenti PD nian ne’e, fo hanoin ba estrutura sira hotu, tenki la’o hamutuk, la’o hamutuk nudar familia nebe tenki habelar dame no domin iha Timor laran tomak.\nNia sublina katak, sai lider iha PD, labele dehan “hau mak PD uluk, imi PD ikus”. Iha PD nia laran, la kuinese se mak PD uluk ho se mak PD ikus, hotu-hotu mesak PD nebe ho vontade no espiritu atu serbisu ba Timor. Nune’e, se lider ida troka ho seluk, ka membru ida kuandu la konsegue fatin iha estrutura PD laran, labele hanoin halai ba partido seluk atu buka pozisaun de’it hodi bele hetan lais pozisaun hanesan deputado ka membro Governo. Nia fo exemplo, iha PD nia laran, membro PD balun, la tuur iha estrutura laran, maibe sira matenek, sira bele sai deputado no sai membro governo. Nia afirma katak, ema PD nebe diak, mak sira nebe bele lakon ninia fatin iha PD laran, atu nudar prezidenti ka sekretariu jeral munisipiu nian, ka la konsegue hetan fatin iha partidu laran, nia la sei halai, hela nafatin iha partido laran hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu Timor nian. Maibe, Prezidente PD nian ne’e mos sublina, “PD mos la obriga ema ruma atu tama iha PD, no la bando mos ema rua atu sai husi PD.”\nAdriano do Nascimento mos afirma katak, ema tuir PD seidauk barak, maibe sei sai barak. Nia halo komparasaun PD ho guerrilheiro sira, katak iha tempu rezistensia, guerrilheiro sira hela uituan deit, maibe sira konsegue reziste no halo ema barak tuir sira. Sira dada ita hotu hamutuk, sai barak, hodi luta no hetan duni ukun-rasik-an ba Timor-Leste. Neduni, nia husu ba lider sira PD nian, “sai lider tenki buka konvense ema atu tama mai iha partido laran hodi hamutuk sai forte liu tan. Se lider ida la lori ema ruma mai iha PD, ne’e signifika, la’os sai lider nebe diak, sa tan lider nebe halo ema sai hotu husi partido.”\nMembro PD sira iha Zumalai (20/02/2016)\nRelasiona ho politika atual, Prezidente PD nian ne’e sublina katak, PD ninia politika ho filozofia mak “kaer metin ukun-rasik-an no harii nasaun husi baze”. Nia esplika katak, politika ho filozofia ida ne’e mai ho hanoin ida atu tau atensaun maka’as ba baze, tanba povo moris iha baze. Iha baze maioria nudar agrikultor. Nia esplika katak, atu hadia moris ema agrikultor sira nian, mak bainhira Mariano Sabino Assanami, Sekretariu-Jeral PD nian, sai ministru Agrikultura no Peskas, nia luta maka’as hodi tau osan ba sosa trator hodi tulun agrikultor sira. Tanba sa? Tanba PD hakarak halo agrikultor sira halo serbisu diak no bele moris diak liu husi produsaun sira nebe sira produz. Ho hanoin ida ne’e mak hodi sosa trator hodi fahe ba agrikultor sira. Assanami sosa duni trator no fahe ba agrikultur sira iha Timor laran tomak, maibe agrikultor sira hotu seidauk hetan trator. PD hakarak sosa tan trator hodi fahe ba agrikultor sira, maibe PD lakon, tanba iha Parlamento PD iha kadeia 8 deit. Sira seluk kontra PD nia hanoin atu aumenta osan dolar juta 2 resin tan hodi sosa trator, tanba sira dehan, sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat mak importante liu. Maibe (agrikultor) sira sei la sa’e aviaun, maibe karik sosa trator, imi bele uza iha toos ho natar. Trator mai imi uza hodi halo imi nia to’os ho natar, aviaun mai imi la sei uza. Kapal cepat mai mos imi la sa’e, tanba kapal ne’e halai husi Dili ba Oekusi, hanesan aviaun mos semo husi Dili ba Oekuse. Sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat se mak atu sa’e? PD defende sosa trator, tanba ami hatene, sosa trator, imi hotu sei uza, sira mak la uza tanba sira la’os agrikultor hanesan imi. Iha Parlamento Nasional, ami foti liman no foti an hotu atu tau tan osan hodi sosa trator, maibe PD lakon tanba PD iha kadeira 8 de’it. Sira defende tau tan osan dolar juta hitu resin hodi sosa aviaun, sira manan, tanba sira iha kadeira barak.\nPD mos defende tau osan hodi sosa karau hodi agrikultor sira bele hakiak, maibe laliu. “Hau rona imi balun halo ona karau luhan, no balu loke rekening ona. Maibe karau ruma la sei mai, tanba sira prefere sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat. Aviaun ho kapal cepat mak importante liu duke sosa karau ba agrikultor sira hakiak”, dehan tenik Adriano do Nascimento.\nAdriano do Nascimento mos konta nia esperiensia katak, bainhira Eng. Mario Carrascalhão sei nudar deputado husi PSD nian, sira na’in 2 involve iha diskusaun ida maka’as iha Parlamento Nasional. Eng. Mario Carrascalão kontra maka’as politika PD nian nebe hakarak sosa trator ba agrikultor sira. Adriano defende tenki sosa trator ba agrikultor sira hodi dehan ba Eng. Mario Carrascalão: “Ita boot koalia kona-ba agrikultura tanba ita boot estuda kona-ba agrikultura, hau la estuda kona-ba agrikultura, maibe hau hanesan ema agrikultor, hau hatene agrikultor sira nia difikuldade. Hau ema agrikultor, halo toos no natar, molok sai deputado, hau hatene diak tebes agrikultor sira nia moris ho sira nia susar, tan ne’e politika atu sosa trator ne’e presiza tebes hodi tulun agrikultor sira”.\nPolitika sosa trator konsegue liu duni iha tempu neba ho apoio husi Frente Mudansa nian. Tuir Adriano, foin daudaun, iha debate Orsamentu Jeral Estado ba 2016, PD hakarak tau osan hodi sosa tan trator, maibe PD lakon. Tinan ida ne’e la sosa trator tanba sira dehan sosa trator la importante, importante liu mak sosa aviaun. En vez de tau osan dolar juta rua resin hodi sosa trator, sira tau fali osan dolar juta hitu resin hodi sosa aviaun, tanba dehan aviaun mak importante liu. Importante liu ba sira mak sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat, la’os trator. Maibe se mak sei sa’e aviaun ho kapal cepat? Klaru la’os agrikultor sira, dehan Adriano do Nascimento.\nPD mos defende atu tau osan ba saude, hodi hadia klinika ho ospital sira, hodi sosa aimoruk sira, maibe sira dehan, ne’e la importante. Importante ba sira mak sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat. Mate sira sei dudu ho gerobak, tanba sira dehan sosa uluk aviaun ho kapal cepat lai”, dehan Prezidente PD nian ne’e.\nPD mos defende tau osan ba edukasaun hodi hadia eskola sira, hodi sosa meja ho kadeira, hodi ita nia oan sira tuur hodi estuda, ne’e mos sira dehan la importante, importante mak sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat.\nMembro PD sira iha Tilomar (20/02/2016)\nAgora sira hamosu Fundo Autonomo, fundo ida iha nebe sira bele uza konforme sira nia hakarak hodi sosa saida deit bainhira sira hakarak, tanba halo ajudikasaun direkta sein fronteira. Sira hakarak atu fahe osan ba nia maluk sira mos bele, tanba ema ruma la kontrola fundu ne’e. Uluk, fundo de intra-estrutura, sei bele kontrola, agora ho fundo autonomo, ho ajudikasaun direkta sein fronteira, laiha ema ida bele kontrola. Ho orsamentu ne’e, Autoridade Oekusi bele hatudu kompainia konforme nia hakarak, tanba bele halu ajudikasaun direkta sein fronteiras.\nPrezidente PD mos realsa katak, eleisaun besik ona, partido balun sei lori osan bornal boboot mai hodi fahe, hodi sosa imi nia votos. Sira sei fahe osan, fo projetu ho fo pozisaun ba imi. “Hau hakarak dehan ba imi hotu, simu ba hotu-hotu han, ne’e imi nian, ne’e ita hotu nian”. Tanba osan nebe sira fahe ne’e la’os sira nia osan, osan povu nian. Sira nebe mai ho osan, la halo politika ho fuan. Sira mai sosa imi nia kiak, ne’e la digno, no la umanu. Sira hatene hela povo barak sei kiak, sira mai sosa povu nia kiak. Se hakarak ajuda povo, entaun labele hein eleisaun mak lori osan mai hodi sosa povu. Se hakarak ajuda povo entaun tau osan hodi sosa trator hodi fahe ba agrikultor sira hodi halo natar, hodi hadia sira nia moris, maibe sira buka mak sosa fali aviaun ho kapal cepat. Sira lakohi povo moris diak, tan ne’e sira lakohi sosa trator, hodi husik povo kontinua moris kiak, para iha tempu eleisaun hodi sira lori osan mai fahe hodi halo povu kontente hodi fo votos ba sira. Sira mai ho osan 25 dolares ho fos karun ida, fahe ba imi hodi hili sira, depois imi hili tiha, sira la mai tan ona fahe osan. Presidente PD nian afirma tan dala ida, bainhira sira mai fahe osan tan, imi simu de’it hodi hotu-hotu han, tanba osan ne’e la’os sira hasai husi sira nia bolsa, osan povo nian mak sira uza fali partido nia naran hodi fahe ba imi. Simu de’it hodi hotu-hotu han, maibe kuandu ba vota, vota ba imi nia partido, tanba voto sekretu, sira mos la hatene imi vota ba se.\nIha konsolidasaun ne’e, Adriano do Nasimento, Prezidente PD nian ne’e mos fo instrusaun ba estrutura sira PD nian katak, “sai lider, labele halo promesa no labele bosok povo. Labele halo violensia. Se ema halo violensia, ita sees, tanba PD defende dame ho domin.” Nia mos husu ba lider PD sira, atu banati tuir Prezidenti PD, saudozu Fernando La Sama, nebe moris simples. Halo politika ho honestidade no simplisidade. Nia dehan La Sama mate, “husik hela osan dolar 300 deit ba nia oan ho fen. Adriano husu ba membro PD sira tenki halo politika ho laran moos, tuir La Sama nia hanorin, labele lori osan estado nian tau iha karun atu fahe.\nMembro PD sira simu Posse iha Fatululik (20/02/2016)\nIha konsolidasaun ne’e, Adriano do Nascimento la’os agradese de’it ba amo Paroko nebe halo missa ona iha konsolidasaun ne’e, maibe agradese mos ba Sr. Abel Gusmão, Sr. Silvino Amaral, Celestino, Apolinario no Xefe Suku Dato Tolu, nebe mai tuir hotu konsolidasaun PD nian no manifesta ona sira nia prontidaun hodi fo apoia PD.\nSr. Abel Gusmão, eis Sekretariu Zona iha tempu rezistensia nian, no nudar lider Fretilin radikal ida iha Kovalima. Uluk, se mak hateten aat FRETILIN iha Kovalima, Sr. Abel haruka husu deskulpa, se la husu deskulpa, nia haruka tara ou oho. PD harii foufoun iha Munisipiu Kovalima mos la fasil, tanba Sr. Abel Gusmão la simu, nia haruka atu tara tiha Julio “badak”, maibe ohin loron nia mai hamutuk ho PD, tanba PD liman nakloke atu simu ema hotu nebe hakarak kontribui ba hametin demokrasia, paz, estabilidade, progresu no dezenvolvimento, dehan Adriano do Nascimento hodi taka konsolidasaun iha Suai Vila.\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 3:52 da tarde
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Konsolidasaun Estrutura PD iha Suai-Vila Konsolidasaun Estrutura PD iha Suai-Vila SIMU BA HOTU-HOTU HAN, NE'E IMI NIAN, NE'E ITA HOTU NIAN Iha loron 21, fulan Fevereiru 2016, PD halo konsolidasaun ba ninia estrutura iha Posto Administrativu Suai, nebe hola fatin iha Suku Suai Loro.", "Partisipante sira hamutuk atus nen resin partisipa iha konsolidasaun ne'e.", "Iha konsolidasaun ne'e partisipa lider PD sira husi estrutura nasional nian hanesan Adriano do Nascimento (Presidente PD), Lurdes Bessa (Vise-Presidente PD), Francisco Borolaco Soares (Vise Sekretariu-Jeral), Samuel Mendonca (Vise Sekretario-Jeral), Carlos da Silva Saky (Membro CPN no Vise Presidente KEEP), Rui Menezes (Sekretariu Ezekutivu), Nivio Magalhaes, (Presidente Juventude Democratico), Benjamim Martins (Membro CPN no KEEP), Marcos da Cruz (Membro KEEP), Florindo Pereira (Membro KEEP), no seluk-seluk tan, no estrutura PD husi Munisipiu Kovalima nian.", "Prezidente PD, Adriano do Nascimento, iha Suai Loro (21/02/2016) Iha tomada de posse ba estrutura sira iha Posto Administratitu Suai Via, Lideransa.", "Nasional fo juramentu ba membru PD sira nebe halo parte estrutura PD husi nivel suku to'o aldeias hamutuk ema 288.", "Posto Administrativo Suai Vila iha Suku 5, mak Suku Debos, Lakonak, Beko, Kamanasa no Suai Loro.", "Iha tempu rezistensia aumenta tan Suku rua, Suku Holbilis no Labarai.", "Konsolidasaun estrutura PD iha Posto Administrativo Suai Vila hahuu ho missa, nebe diriji husi amo Paroko Suai.", "Missa ne'e oferese ba saudozu Fernando La Sama, Prezidente PD, no membru PD sira nebe mate iha Munisipiu Kovalima.", "Iha konsolidasaun iha Postu Administrativu Suai Vila, Prezidente PD, Adriano do Nascimento, nebe hanesan mos Suai oan, nia fahe ninia intervensaun ba asuntu tolu: (1) saida mak PD, (2) oinsa hametin no haburas PD iha ida-idak nia suku, aldeia no iha Timor laran tomak, no (3) politika atual nebe la'o hela iha Timor.", "Adriano do Nascimento, nebe hanesan mos Vise-Prezidenti Parlamento Nasional, esplika ba partisipante sira konsolidasaun katak, PD harii iha 2001, harii husi joven ho estudanti sira nebe mai husi tempu Rezistensia nia, hanesan husi RENETIL, Dewan Solidaritas, OPJLATIL, Fitun, FPI, no seluk-seluk tan.", "Nia realsa katak harii PD ho preokupasaun oin-sa atu hametin demokrasia no lori progresu no dezenvolvimentu ba Timor-Leste nebe foin ukun-an.", "Lider PD sira husi Nacional, iha Suai Loro (21/02/2016) Lider maximo PD nian ne'e, afirma katak se mak hakarak rona ema konta historia de'it, ninia fatin la'os iha PD, se mak hakarak rona no simu orden de'it mos ninia fatin la'os iha PD.", "Se mak hakarak rona ema konta historia, diak liu ba partido historiku sira.", "Se mak hakarak atu simu orden deit, ba partido sira nebe ninia lider sira fo ordem deit.", "Se mak hakarak halo diskusaun hodi buka solusaun ba problema sira nebe Timor hasoru, ninia fatin mak iha PD.", "PD nudar fatin nebe ita atu halu diskusaun hamutuk, buka solusaun hamutuk no hola desizaun hamutuk liu husi demokrasia Timor nian, nebe bolu biti boot.", "Hotu-hotu tuur iha bitu boot nia leten, lok bua ho malus ba malu, tuur hamutuk hodi diskuti no fahe hanoin ba malu, oin-sa atu lori Timor-Leste ba iha moris diak.", "Prezidente PD nian ne'e mos esplika luhu ka kova nebe hetan iha bandeira PD katak kova reprezenta kultura no identidade Timor nian.", "Demokrasia PD nian reprezenta husi biti boot.", "Hotu-hotu tuur iha biti boot mak fahe hanoin politika ba malu, politika nebe atu lori dezenvolvimentu no progressu ba Timor oan tomak.", "Atu hametin PD iha nivel hotu-hotu, segundu Prezidenti PD nian ne'e, fo hanoin ba estrutura sira hotu, tenki la'o hamutuk, la'o hamutuk nudar familia nebe tenki habelar dame no domin iha Timor laran tomak.", "Nia sublina katak, sai lider iha PD, labele dehan \"hau mak PD uluk, imi PD ikus.\"", "Iha PD nia laran, la kuinese se mak PD uluk ho se mak PD ikus, hotu-hotu mesak PD nebe ho vontade no espiritu atu serbisu ba Timor.", "Nune'e, se lider ida troka ho seluk, ka membru ida kuandu la konsegue fatin iha estrutura PD laran, labele hanoin halai ba partido seluk atu buka pozisaun de'it hodi bele hetan lais pozisaun hanesan deputado ka membro Governo.", "Nia fo exemplo, iha PD nia laran, membro PD balun, la tuur iha estrutura laran, maibe sira matenek, sira bele sai deputado no sai membro governo.", "Nia afirma katak, ema PD nebe diak, mak sira nebe bele lakon ninia fatin iha PD laran, atu nudar prezidenti ka sekretariu jeral munisipiu nian, ka la konsegue hetan fatin iha partidu laran, nia la sei halai, hela nafatin iha partido laran hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu Timor nian.", "Maibe, Prezidente PD nian ne'e mos sublina, \"PD mos la obriga ema ruma atu tama iha PD, no la bando mos ema rua atu sai husi PD.\"", "Adriano do Nascimento mos afirma katak, ema tuir PD seidauk barak, maibe sei sai barak.", "Nia halo komparasaun PD ho guerrilheiro sira, katak iha tempu rezistensia, guerrilheiro sira hela uituan deit, maibe sira konsegue reziste no halo ema barak tuir sira.", "Sira dada ita hotu hamutuk, sai barak, hodi luta no hetan duni ukun-rasik-an ba Timor-Leste.", "Neduni, nia husu ba lider sira PD nian, \"sai lider tenki buka konvense ema atu tama mai iha partido laran hodi hamutuk sai forte liu tan.", "Se lider ida la lori ema ruma mai iha PD, ne'e signifika, la'os sai lider nebe diak, sa tan lider nebe halo ema sai hotu husi partido.\"", "Membro PD sira iha Zumalai (20/02/2016) Relasiona ho politika atual, Prezidente PD nian ne'e sublina katak, PD ninia politika ho filozofia mak \"kaer metin ukun-rasik-an no harii nasaun husi baze.\"", "Nia esplika katak, politika ho filozofia ida ne'e mai ho hanoin ida atu tau atensaun maka'as ba baze, tanba povo moris iha baze.", "Iha baze maioria nudar agrikultor.", "Nia esplika katak, atu hadia moris ema agrikultor sira nian, mak bainhira Mariano Sabino Assanami, Sekretariu-Jeral PD nian, sai ministru Agrikultura no Peskas, nia luta maka'as hodi tau osan ba sosa trator hodi tulun agrikultor sira.", "Tanba sa?", "Tanba PD hakarak halo agrikultor sira halo serbisu diak no bele moris diak liu husi produsaun sira nebe sira produz.", "Ho hanoin ida ne'e mak hodi sosa trator hodi fahe ba agrikultor sira.", "Assanami sosa duni trator no fahe ba agrikultur sira iha Timor laran tomak, maibe agrikultor sira hotu seidauk hetan trator.", "PD hakarak sosa tan trator hodi fahe ba agrikultor sira, maibe PD lakon, tanba iha Parlamento PD iha kadeia 8 deit.", "Sira seluk kontra PD nia hanoin atu aumenta osan dolar juta 2 resin tan hodi sosa trator, tanba sira dehan, sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat mak importante liu.", "Maibe (agrikultor) sira sei la sa'e aviaun, maibe karik sosa trator, imi bele uza iha toos ho natar.", "Trator mai imi uza hodi halo imi nia to'os ho natar, aviaun mai imi la sei uza.", "Kapal cepat mai mos imi la sa'e, tanba kapal ne'e halai husi Dili ba Oekusi, hanesan aviaun mos semo husi Dili ba Oekuse.", "Sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat se mak atu sa'e?", "PD defende sosa trator, tanba ami hatene, sosa trator, imi hotu sei uza, sira mak la uza tanba sira la'os agrikultor hanesan imi.", "Iha Parlamento Nasional, ami foti liman no foti an hotu atu tau tan osan hodi sosa trator, maibe PD lakon tanba PD iha kadeira 8 de'it.", "Sira defende tau tan osan dolar juta hitu resin hodi sosa aviaun, sira manan, tanba sira iha kadeira barak.", "PD mos defende tau osan hodi sosa karau hodi agrikultor sira bele hakiak, maibe laliu.", "\"Hau rona imi balun halo ona karau luhan, no balu loke rekening ona.", "Maibe karau ruma la sei mai, tanba sira prefere sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat.", "Aviaun ho kapal cepat mak importante liu duke sosa karau ba agrikultor sira hakiak,\" dehan tenik Adriano do Nascimento.", "Adriano do Nascimento mos konta nia esperiensia katak, bainhira Eng.", "Mario Carrascalhao sei nudar deputado husi PSD nian, sira na'in 2 involve iha diskusaun ida maka'as iha Parlamento Nasional.", "Eng.", "Mario Carrascalao kontra maka'as politika PD nian nebe hakarak sosa trator ba agrikultor sira.", "Adriano defende tenki sosa trator ba agrikultor sira hodi dehan ba Eng.", "Mario Carrascalao: \"Ita boot koalia kona-ba agrikultura tanba ita boot estuda kona-ba agrikultura, hau la estuda kona-ba agrikultura, maibe hau hanesan ema agrikultor, hau hatene agrikultor sira nia difikuldade.", "Hau ema agrikultor, halo toos no natar, molok sai deputado, hau hatene diak tebes agrikultor sira nia moris ho sira nia susar, tan ne'e politika atu sosa trator ne'e presiza tebes hodi tulun agrikultor sira.\"", "Politika sosa trator konsegue liu duni iha tempu neba ho apoio husi Frente Mudansa nian.", "Tuir Adriano, foin daudaun, iha debate Orsamentu Jeral Estado ba 2016, PD hakarak tau osan hodi sosa tan trator, maibe PD lakon.", "Tinan ida ne'e la sosa trator tanba sira dehan sosa trator la importante, importante liu mak sosa aviaun.", "En vez de tau osan dolar juta rua resin hodi sosa trator, sira tau fali osan dolar juta hitu resin hodi sosa aviaun, tanba dehan aviaun mak importante liu.", "Importante liu ba sira mak sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat, la'os trator.", "Maibe se mak sei sa'e aviaun ho kapal cepat?", "Klaru la'os agrikultor sira, dehan Adriano do Nascimento.", "PD mos defende atu tau osan ba saude, hodi hadia klinika ho ospital sira, hodi sosa aimoruk sira, maibe sira dehan, ne'e la importante.", "Importante ba sira mak sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat.", "Mate sira sei dudu ho gerobak, tanba sira dehan sosa uluk aviaun ho kapal cepat lai,\" dehan Prezidente PD nian ne'e.", "PD mos defende tau osan ba edukasaun hodi hadia eskola sira, hodi sosa meja ho kadeira, hodi ita nia oan sira tuur hodi estuda, ne'e mos sira dehan la importante, importante mak sosa aviaun ho kapal cepat.", "Membro PD sira iha Tilomar (20/02/2016) Agora sira hamosu Fundo Autonomo, fundo ida iha nebe sira bele uza konforme sira nia hakarak hodi sosa saida deit bainhira sira hakarak, tanba halo ajudikasaun direkta sein fronteira.", "Sira hakarak atu fahe osan ba nia maluk sira mos bele, tanba ema ruma la kontrola fundu ne'e.", "Uluk, fundo de intra-estrutura, sei bele kontrola, agora ho fundo autonomo, ho ajudikasaun direkta sein fronteira, laiha ema ida bele kontrola.", "Ho orsamentu ne'e, Autoridade Oekusi bele hatudu kompainia konforme nia hakarak, tanba bele halu ajudikasaun direkta sein fronteiras.", "Prezidente PD mos realsa katak, eleisaun besik ona, partido balun sei lori osan bornal boboot mai hodi fahe, hodi sosa imi nia votos.", "Sira sei fahe osan, fo projetu ho fo pozisaun ba imi.", "\"Hau hakarak dehan ba imi hotu, simu ba hotu-hotu han, ne'e imi nian, ne'e ita hotu nian.\"", "Tanba osan nebe sira fahe ne'e la'os sira nia osan, osan povu nian.", "Sira nebe mai ho osan, la halo politika ho fuan.", "Sira mai sosa imi nia kiak, ne'e la digno, no la umanu.", "Sira hatene hela povo barak sei kiak, sira mai sosa povu nia kiak.", "Se hakarak ajuda povo, entaun labele hein eleisaun mak lori osan mai hodi sosa povu.", "Se hakarak ajuda povo entaun tau osan hodi sosa trator hodi fahe ba agrikultor sira hodi halo natar, hodi hadia sira nia moris, maibe sira buka mak sosa fali aviaun ho kapal cepat.", "Sira lakohi povo moris diak, tan ne'e sira lakohi sosa trator, hodi husik povo kontinua moris kiak, para iha tempu eleisaun hodi sira lori osan mai fahe hodi halo povu kontente hodi fo votos ba sira.", "Sira mai ho osan 25 dolares ho fos karun ida, fahe ba imi hodi hili sira, depois imi hili tiha, sira la mai tan ona fahe osan.", "Presidente PD nian afirma tan dala ida, bainhira sira mai fahe osan tan, imi simu de'it hodi hotu-hotu han, tanba osan ne'e la'os sira hasai husi sira nia bolsa, osan povo nian mak sira uza fali partido nia naran hodi fahe ba imi.", "Simu de'it hodi hotu-hotu han, maibe kuandu ba vota, vota ba imi nia partido, tanba voto sekretu, sira mos la hatene imi vota ba se.", "Iha konsolidasaun ne'e, Adriano do Nasimento, Prezidente PD nian ne'e mos fo instrusaun ba estrutura sira PD nian katak, \"sai lider, labele halo promesa no labele bosok povo.", "Labele halo violensia.", "Se ema halo violensia, ita sees, tanba PD defende dame ho domin.\"", "Nia mos husu ba lider PD sira, atu banati tuir Prezidenti PD, saudozu Fernando La Sama, nebe moris simples.", "Halo politika ho honestidade no simplisidade.", "Nia dehan La Sama mate, \"husik hela osan dolar 300 deit ba nia oan ho fen.", "Adriano husu ba membro PD sira tenki halo politika ho laran moos, tuir La Sama nia hanorin, labele lori osan estado nian tau iha karun atu fahe.", "Membro PD sira simu Posse iha Fatululik (20/02/2016) Iha konsolidasaun ne'e, Adriano do Nascimento la'os agradese de'it ba amo Paroko nebe halo missa ona iha konsolidasaun ne'e, maibe agradese mos ba Sr. Abel Gusmao, Sr. Silvino Amaral, Celestino, Apolinario no Xefe Suku Dato Tolu, nebe mai tuir hotu konsolidasaun PD nian no manifesta ona sira nia prontidaun hodi fo apoia PD.", "Sr. Abel Gusmao, eis Sekretariu Zona iha tempu rezistensia nian, no nudar lider Fretilin radikal ida iha Kovalima.", "Uluk, se mak hateten aat FRETILIN iha Kovalima, Sr. Abel haruka husu deskulpa, se la husu deskulpa, nia haruka tara ou oho.", "PD harii foufoun iha Munisipiu Kovalima mos la fasil, tanba Sr. Abel Gusmao la simu, nia haruka atu tara tiha Julio \"badak,\" maibe ohin loron nia mai hamutuk ho PD, tanba PD liman nakloke atu simu ema hotu nebe hakarak kontribui ba hametin demokrasia, paz, estabilidade, progresu no dezenvolvimento, dehan Adriano do Nascimento hodi taka konsolidasaun iha Suai Vila.", "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 3:52 da tarde" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Consolidation of the PD Structure in Suai-Vila SIMU BA HOTU -HOTU HAN, NE'E IM NIAN NIAN On Feb.21st (Friday), DP made consolidation to its structure at Posto Administrative Suai which is located on Suai Loro Village" ], [ "Thousands of participants participated in the consolidation." ], [ "The consolidation was attended by PD leaders of the national structure such as Adriano do Nascimento (President), Lurdes Bessa, Francisco Borolaco Soares and Samuel Mendonca. Also participated were Carlos da Silva Saky(CPN Member & KEEP Vice President) Rui Menezes Executive Secretary Nivio Magalhaes Youth Democratic Chairman Benjamim Martins CPN MEMBER Marcos Da Cruz Keep Member Florindo Pereira KEPEM member among others along with members from Kovalima Municipality' s DP Structure" ], [ "President of the Democratic Party, Adriano do Nascimento in Suai Loro (21/03 ) At a ceremony to take over structures at Post Administratitu Baucau Via Lideransa." ], [ "National took the oath to PD members who are part of DP structure from village level upwards, totaling 289 people." ], [ "Suai Vila Administrative Post has 5 villages: Debos, Lakonak and Beco; Kamanasa. The area is divided into five sub-districts (Suku)." ], [ "During the period of resistance, two tribes increased their numbers: Holbilis and Labarai." ], [ "The consolidation of the PD structure in Suai Vila Administrative Post ended with a mass, conducted by Suai Parish Priest." ], [ "The Mass was dedicated to the late Fernando La Sama, President of PD and members who died in Kovalima Municipality." ], [ "At the consolidation in Suai Vila Administrative Post, PD President Adriano do Nascimento who is also a local of Suaí divided his intervention into three issues: (1) what it means to be an independent party;(2), how we can strengthen and develop our Party at each village level as well throughout Timor-Leste." ], [ "Adriano do Nascimento, who is also Vice-President of the National Parliament explained to participants in this consolidation that PD was formed by young people and students from Resistance periods such as RENETIL (Revolutionary Youth League), Dewan Solidaritas(Council for solidarity) OPJLAtil Fitun FPI etc." ], [ "He emphasized that PD was founded with the aim of strengthening democracy and bringing progress to Timor-Leste, which has recently achieved independence." ], [ "PD leaders from Nacional, in Suai Loro (21/03 / 5) The maximum leader of the DP affirmed that if you want to hear people tell only history his place is not at Pd. If he just wanted listen and take orders also its position wasn't right here with pD" ], [ "If you want to hear people tell history, it's better for the historical parties." ], [ "If you only want to take orders, go with the parties whose leaders give them." ], [ "If you want to discuss and find solutions for the problems that Timor faces, your place is in PD." ], [ "PD is a place where we can discuss together, find solutions and make decisions through Timorese democracy." ], [ "Everyone sits under the big star, lovingly laughing at each other. They sit together to discuss and share ideas about how they can lead Timor-Leste towards a better life for all of us!" ], [ "The PD president also explained that the cove on their flag represents Timorese culture and identity." ], [ "The PD’s democracy is represented by the big beetle." ], [ "All of them sat in a big table and shared political ideas with each other, politics that will bring progress to all Timorese." ], [ "In order to strengthen the PD at all levels, this second President of DP reminded that every structure must work together as a family which should have peace and love throughout Timor-Leste." ], [ "He emphasized that, to be a leader in the PD you cannot say \"I was first and then they were last.\"" ], [ "Within the PD, it is not known who was first and last in this party. All of them are only members with a will to work for Timor-Leste as their own peoples' interest stands above all other things!" ], [ "Thus, if one leader changes with another or a member does not get his place in the PD structure then he shouldn't think of moving to other parties just for position so that they can be able obtain him as deputy and government members." ], [ "He gave an example, within the PD some of its members do not sit in structures but they are wise and can become deputies or governmental officials." ], [ "He affirmed that, the good PD people are those who may lose their place within DP to become president or secretary general of municipality. If they fail in finding an office inside party he will not leave but remains with partido and contributes for Timor' s development :" ], [ "However, the PD President also emphasized that \"PD does not compel anyone to join it or allow two people out of DP.\"" ], [ "Adriano do Nascimento also says that people who follow PD are not many, but they will be a lot." ], [ "He made a comparison between the PD and guerrillas, saying that in resistance times there were only eight thousand of them but they managed to resist with many people following." ], [ "They brought us all together, came out in large numbers to fight and achieve independence for Timor-Leste." ], [ "Therefore, he asked PD leaders: \"leaving the party you must try to convince people that they should come into it so we can be stronger together." ], [ "If a leader does not bring anyone into the PD, it means he isn't going to be any better than someone who makes people leave.\"" ], [ "Members of the PD in Zumalai (02/19, 3:45 PM) In relation to current politics and political situation on Timor-Leste' s mainland as a whole. The President underlined that his party’S policy is “to maintain independence from foreign power” by building up its country \"from below.\"" ], [ "He explained that this policy and philosophy came with the idea of paying great attention to grassroots, because people live on ground." ], [ "There is a base majority as farmers." ], [ "He explained that, in order to improve the livelihoods of farming people when Mariano Sabino Assanami (PD Secretary-General) became Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries he fought hard so as not only would be money but also tractor purchased." ], [ "Why?" ], [ "Because PD wants to make the farmer do a good job and live better from what they produce." ], [ "This is to buy tractors and distribute them among the farmer, with this in mind." ], [ "Assanami purchased tractors and distributed them to farmer in all of Timor-Leste, but not every one has been given a traktor." ], [ "The PD wanted to buy more tractors and distribute them among the farmer, but they lost because in Parliament there are only an average of just over eleven." ], [ "Others opposed the PD' s idea of increasing $2 million to buy tractor, because they said that buying a plane with fast boats is more important." ], [ "But (farmers) will not get on the plane, but if you buy a tractor then it can be used in woods and field." ], [ "Tractor you use to make your garden with natar, airplane will not be used." ], [ "The fast boat will come and you won't get on it, because the ship goes from Dili to Oekusi as an airplane does." ], [ "How many planes and fast ships will we need?" ], [ "PD is in favor of buying tractors, because we know that you will all use them. They are not using the machines as they're no farmer like yourselves!" ], [ "In the National Parliament, we put our hands together and committed to spend more money on tractors. But PD lost because it only had a seat in parliament (8)." ], [ "They argued that putting seventy million dollars more into buying the plane, they won because there were plenty of seats." ], [ "The PD also advocated giving money to buy fertilizers so that farmers could harvest, but not before." ], [ "\"I hear some of you have made a bank account, and others opened one." ], [ "But some of them won't come, because they would rather buy a plane with speedboats." ], [ "Fast aircraft and ships are more important than buying fertilizers for the poor farmer,\" said Adriano do Nascimento." ], [ "Adriano do Nascimento also recounted his experience that, when Eng." ], [ "Mario Carrascalhao will be a deputy from the PSD, both of whom are involved in an intense debate at Parliament." ], [ "Ing. Engr 2016" ], [ "Mario Carrascalao strongly opposed the PD' s policy of buying tractor to farmer." ], [ "Adriano argued that farmers should be buying tractor and told Eng." ], [ "Mario Carrascalao: \"We talk about agriculture because we study agricultural science, I don't studied it but as a farmer i know the difficulties of farming." ], [ "I am a farmer, working in the forest and on farms. Before becoming an MP i knew very well how it is to live as agriculturist with all their difficulties so this policy of buying tractor was necessary for helping them.\"" ], [ "The policy of buying tractors was successful at that time with the support from Frente de Mudança (Front for Change)." ], [ "According to Adriano, recently in the debate of General State Budget for 2016 PD wanted money so that it could buy more traktors but lost." ], [ "This year, they did not buy tractors because it was said that buying a traktor isn't important." ], [ "Instead of spending $20 million to buy tractors, they spent seventy-five millions dollars on aircraft because the airplane was more important." ], [ "It is more important for them to buy aircraft with fast boats, not tractors." ], [ "But who's going to get on a plane with an ultra-fast boat?" ], [ "Of course they are not farmers, says Adriano do Nascimento." ], [ "The PD also advocated spending money on health, to improve clinics and hospitals or buy medicine. But they said that was not important for them; it'd be better if the government put more funds into this sector instead of giving out loans as a way in which people could get medical care at their own expense.\"" ], [ "It is important for them to buy aircraft and fast boats." ], [ "They'll be duped with wagons, because they say first buy an airplane and then a ship to speed up the process.\"" ], [ "The PD also advocated putting money into education to improve schools, buy tables and chairs so that our children can sit down for studying. They said this was not important; what is more essential than buying a plane or speedboat?" ], [ "PD Members in Tilomar (20/16) Now they are creating a Fundo Autonomico, an autonomy fund that can be used at their will to buy whatever and whenever it suits them because of the direct tender without border." ], [ "They want to distribute the money amongst their fellows, but they can't because somebody does not control this fund." ], [ "Previously, intra-structure funds could be controlled; now with autonomous fund and direct awarding across borders no one can control." ], [ "With this budget, Oekusi Authority can show the company as it wants because they could do direct adjudication over border." ], [ "The President of the PD also stressed that, elections are nearby and some parties will bring a great deal to distribute in order for you votes." ], [ "They will give you money, projects and positions." ], [ "\"I want to tell you all, take and eat it. It is yours; we are the same.\"" ], [ "Because the money they are giving out is not theirs, it'd be public." ], [ "Those who come with money, do not make politics from heart." ], [ "They will buy your poverty, it is not dignified and humane." ], [ "They know that many people will be poor, they come to buy their poverty." ], [ "If you want to help the people, then don't wait for elections and bring money in." ], [ "If they want to help the people, then spend money on buying tractors and distributing them among farmer-farmers so that their livelihood can be improved. But instead of doing this it is all about purchasing planes with speedboats!" ], [ "They don't want the people to live well, so they do not buy tractors and leave them living in poverty until elections are held. Then it is their job of bringing money for distribution that will make all those who have voted on these leaders happy with themselves!" ], [ "They come with 25 dollars and a cheap foss, give it to you so that they can be chosen. After your choice is made the money will not go anywhere more than there for distribution of cash!" ], [ "The President of the PD once again stated, when they come to distribute more money you only get it and eat everything because this is not their own pocket but people's cash that was used in party name for distribution." ], [ "You're just silly to everyone, but when you go and vote for your party because the ballot is secret they won’ts know who it was." ], [ "At the consolidation, Adriano do Nasimento also instructed PD structures that \"leave leadership and don't make promise or lie to people. Do not deceive them.\"" ], [ "Labele has done violence." ], [ "If people commit violence, we will remain silent because the PD defends peace with love.\"" ], [ "He also asked PD leaders to follow the example of former President Fernando La Sama, who lived a simple life." ], [ "Do politics with honesty and simplicity." ], [ "He said La Sama died, \"having left only $301 for his son and wife." ], [ "Adriano asked the PD members to do politics with a clean heart, as La Sama taught them: don’t take state money and put it in bags for distribution." ], [ "PD Members Take Posse in Fatululik (20/16) In this consolidation, Adriano do Nascimento not only thanked the parish priest who celebrated Mass at that time but also Mr. Abel Gusmaos and Silvino Amaral as well As Celestino Apolinario e Dato Tolu Chief of Village which all attendedathe konsolidationofPDand have manifest their readiness to support it During his speech he expresses thanks for every member' s commitment towards our Party" ], [ "Mr. Abel Gusmao, former Zone Secretary during the time of resistance and a radical Fretilin leader in Kovalim was one such persons;" ], [ "Previously, if anyone spoke ill of FRETILIN in Kovalima Mr. Abel would send an apology; and when he did not apologize to the people then his order was either kill them or take away their lifes with him!" ], [ "The PD founded a group in Kovalima Municipality was not easy, because Mr. Abel Gusmão did NOT accept it; he told me to wait until July \"a little bit\", but today I join with the DP as we have open hands for everyone who wants contribute towards strengthening democracy and peace stability progress development said Adriano do Nascimento closing consolidation meeting at Suai Vila" ], [ "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, março16.2034" ] ]
COVID-19: ONU ho UE haruka apoiu hodi kombate violénsia jéneru nian iha Timor-Leste - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 07:14h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu\nCOVID-19: ONU ho UE haruka apoiu hodi kombate violénsia jéneru nian iha Timor-Leste\n15 de Abril de 2020, 01:22\nUE ho ONU anunsia, iha loron-tersa ne'e, katak sei haruka dolar millaun ia hosi programa Spotlight hodi hatán ba risku hosi violénsia hasoru feto sira iha kontestu hosi pandemia COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nObjetivu maka reforsa kompromisu hodi proteje no apoia feto sira ho labarik-feto sira iha Timor-Leste, haktuir hosi komunikadu konjuntu ida.\nNune'e, misaun sira UE ho ONU konkorda muda programasaun hosi programa Spotlight, lansa tinan ne'e iha Díli, hodi "aborda violénsia hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira iha kontestu COVID-19 nian".\nIha kauza maka "polítika sira apoiu nian, aumentu ba apoiu ba organizasaun sira sosiedade sivil nian, aumentu hosi envolvimentu ho área edukasaun ho saúde no konsiensializasaun kona-ba risku hosi aumentu violénsia hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira".\nEmbaixador UE nian iha Díli, Andrew Jacobs, afirma ona katak hanesan "aumentu apoiu ba organizasaun sira hosi sosiedade sivil iha liña oin hodi hatán, garanti atu serbisu sira la'ós nakloke de'it maibé iha liu asesu ba grupu sira ne'ebé dalabarak ema haluha".\n"Iha krizi global ne'ebé maka nunka akontese no imprevizível, Uniaun Europeia kontinua iha empeñu hodi proteje no apoia feto sira iha Timor-Leste", nia refere iha komunikadu hanesan.\nKordenador rezidente ONU nian iha Díli, Roy Trivedy, lembra ona katak resposta ba violénsia jéneru "halo parte iha sentru programasaun kona-ba resposta ba COVID-19".\nBainhira konsidera katak hanesan responsabilidade hosi ema hotu hodi iha asaun, Trivedy hatete katak apoiu ba Timor-Leste, liuhosi Governu ho sosiedade sivil, sei kontinua "ko'alia kona-ba violénsia hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira, inklui dezafiu foun sira ne'ebé COVID-19 hamosu" iha nasaun.\n"Ne'e hanesan momentu ida ba Timor-Leste hodi iha asaun solidariedade nian no muda krizi ne'e ba oportunidade ida hodi hetan Objetivu Global sira. ONU sei asegura nafatin atu ema sira ne'ebé maka ami serbi sai forte liu hosi krizi ne'e no proteje direitu fundamental sira hosi labarik-feto tomak, feto sira ho ema sira ne'ebé fraku liu", nia hatete.\nIha kontestu atual hosi limitasaun sira iha Timor-Leste, "feto sira bele hetan risku maka'as ba violénsia doméstika duké antes, tanba iha izolamentu iha ambiente ida ne'ebé nível stress hanesan aas".\n"Fator oioin ne'ebé bele hamosu violénsia ne'e hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira", liuliu sira ne'ebé hasoru ona "limitasaun iha sira nia komunidade, hanesan ezemplu, tanba defisiénsia ida ka moras", nia adianta.\n"Feto sira ho labarik-feto sira hasoru risku boot ida violénsia nian tanba aumentu hosi izolamentu iha uma, limitasaun ba movimentu iha liur, interupsaun sira iha meiu subsisténsia nian, taka eskola sira no tensaun sira ne'ebé aumenta iha família nia laran", nia refere.\nPrestasaun hosi asisténsia téknika krítika ba dezenvolvimentu hosi polítika sira ho programa sira, inklui relasionadu ba instalasaun sira kuarentena, iha ámbitu hosi kombate ba violénsia jéneru nian, hanesan mudansa ida ne'ebé aprovadu.\nSei iha mós komunikasaun sira ba risku hodi konsiensializa kona-ba "aumentu hosi risku ba violénsia hasoru feto sira no labarik-feto sira iha kontestu COVID-19 nian no kona-ba oinsá komunidade sira bele iha asaun hodi prevene violénsia".\nSei fó mós apoiu ba organizasaun lokal sira hosi sosiedade sivil "hodi garanti atu feto sira ho labarik-feto sira bele iha kontaktu ho prestador sira serbisu nian (polísia, saúde ka apoiu sosial) no garanti atu serbisu sira bele nakloke no asesível ba ema sira ne'ebé fraku liu".\nSei iha mós lasu sira ho eskola sira ho aman-inan sira hodi promove relasionamentu saudável no respeitozu iha kontestu foun hosi ensinu distánsia nian.\nONU ho UE haree "ho preokupasaun maka'as, relatóriu sira hosi aumentu ba violénsia doméstika no íntima hosi parseiru sira", iha kontestu hosi pandemia COVID-19.\nTimor-Leste to'o agora rejista ona kazu neen ba COVID-19, inklui na'in ida ne'ebé rekupera ona.\nPandemia COVID-19 halo ona ema rihun 118 resin mate no infeta ona ema millaun 1,9 resin iha nasaun ho teritóriu hamutuk 193.
[ "COVID-19: ONU ho UE haruka apoiu hodi kombate violensia jeneru nian iha Timor-Leste - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 07:14h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu COVID-19: ONU ho UE haruka apoiu hodi kombate violensia jeneru nian iha Timor-Leste 15 de Abril de 2020, 01:22 UE ho ONU anunsia, iha loron-tersa ne'e, katak sei haruka dolar millaun ia hosi programa Spotlight hodi hatan ba risku hosi violensia hasoru feto sira iha kontestu hosi pandemia COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Objetivu maka reforsa kompromisu hodi proteje no apoia feto sira ho labarik-feto sira iha Timor-Leste, haktuir hosi komunikadu konjuntu ida.", "Nune'e, misaun sira UE ho ONU konkorda muda programasaun hosi programa Spotlight, lansa tinan ne'e iha Dili, hodi \"aborda violensia hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira iha kontestu COVID-19 nian.\"", "Iha kauza maka \"politika sira apoiu nian, aumentu ba apoiu ba organizasaun sira sosiedade sivil nian, aumentu hosi envolvimentu ho area edukasaun ho saude no konsiensializasaun kona-ba risku hosi aumentu violensia hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira.\"", "Embaixador UE nian iha Dili, Andrew Jacobs, afirma ona katak hanesan \"aumentu apoiu ba organizasaun sira hosi sosiedade sivil iha lina oin hodi hatan, garanti atu serbisu sira la'os nakloke de'it maibe iha liu asesu ba grupu sira ne'ebe dalabarak ema haluha.\"", "\"Iha krizi global ne'ebe maka nunka akontese no imprevizivel, Uniaun Europeia kontinua iha empenu hodi proteje no apoia feto sira iha Timor-Leste,\" nia refere iha komunikadu hanesan.", "Kordenador rezidente ONU nian iha Dili, Roy Trivedy, lembra ona katak resposta ba violensia jeneru \"halo parte iha sentru programasaun kona-ba resposta ba COVID-19.\"", "Bainhira konsidera katak hanesan responsabilidade hosi ema hotu hodi iha asaun, Trivedy hatete katak apoiu ba Timor-Leste, liuhosi Governu ho sosiedade sivil, sei kontinua \"ko'alia kona-ba violensia hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira, inklui dezafiu foun sira ne'ebe COVID-19 hamosu\" iha nasaun.", "\"Ne'e hanesan momentu ida ba Timor-Leste hodi iha asaun solidariedade nian no muda krizi ne'e ba oportunidade ida hodi hetan Objetivu Global sira.", "ONU sei asegura nafatin atu ema sira ne'ebe maka ami serbi sai forte liu hosi krizi ne'e no proteje direitu fundamental sira hosi labarik-feto tomak, feto sira ho ema sira ne'ebe fraku liu,\" nia hatete.", "Iha kontestu atual hosi limitasaun sira iha Timor-Leste, \"feto sira bele hetan risku maka'as ba violensia domestika duke antes, tanba iha izolamentu iha ambiente ida ne'ebe nivel stress hanesan aas.\"", "\"Fator oioin ne'ebe bele hamosu violensia ne'e hasoru feto sira ho labarik-feto sira,\" liuliu sira ne'ebe hasoru ona \"limitasaun iha sira nia komunidade, hanesan ezemplu, tanba defisiensia ida ka moras,\" nia adianta.", "\"Feto sira ho labarik-feto sira hasoru risku boot ida violensia nian tanba aumentu hosi izolamentu iha uma, limitasaun ba movimentu iha liur, interupsaun sira iha meiu subsistensia nian, taka eskola sira no tensaun sira ne'ebe aumenta iha familia nia laran,\" nia refere.", "Prestasaun hosi asistensia teknika kritika ba dezenvolvimentu hosi politika sira ho programa sira, inklui relasionadu ba instalasaun sira kuarentena, iha ambitu hosi kombate ba violensia jeneru nian, hanesan mudansa ida ne'ebe aprovadu.", "Sei iha mos komunikasaun sira ba risku hodi konsiensializa kona-ba \"aumentu hosi risku ba violensia hasoru feto sira no labarik-feto sira iha kontestu COVID-19 nian no kona-ba oinsa komunidade sira bele iha asaun hodi prevene violensia.\"", "Sei fo mos apoiu ba organizasaun lokal sira hosi sosiedade sivil \"hodi garanti atu feto sira ho labarik-feto sira bele iha kontaktu ho prestador sira serbisu nian (polisia, saude ka apoiu sosial) no garanti atu serbisu sira bele nakloke no asesivel ba ema sira ne'ebe fraku liu.\"", "Sei iha mos lasu sira ho eskola sira ho aman-inan sira hodi promove relasionamentu saudavel no respeitozu iha kontestu foun hosi ensinu distansia nian.", "ONU ho UE haree \"ho preokupasaun maka'as, relatoriu sira hosi aumentu ba violensia domestika no intima hosi parseiru sira,\" iha kontestu hosi pandemia COVID-19.", "Timor-Leste to'o agora rejista ona kazu neen ba COVID-19, inklui na'in ida ne'ebe rekupera ona.", "Pandemia COVID-19 halo ona ema rihun 118 resin mate no infeta ona ema millaun 1,9 resin iha nasaun ho teritoriu hamutuk 193." ]
[ [ "COVID-19: UN and EU send support to combat gender violence in Timor Leste - Noticias SAPO 03 de Julho, Tuesday at the latest Updated on Thursday July.28th (UTC+7) The United Nations has announced that it will provide $5 million from its Spotlight programme for addressing risks of violations against women during a pandemic such as this one which affected more than two millions people worldwide since April last year when an outbreak began with over five thousand cases reported across all continental countries including Australia & New Zealand" ], [ "The objective is to reinforce commitment for protecting and supported women, girls in Timor-Leste according a joint communiqué." ], [ "Thus, the EU and UN missions agreed to change programming of Spotlight programme launched this year in Dili \"to address violence against women & girls within a COVID-19 context.\"" ], [ "Among the causes are \"supportive policies, increased support for civil society organization (CSOs), greater involvement with education and health areas as well awareness-raising on risk of increase in violence against women.\"" ], [ "EU Ambassador to Dili, Andrew Jacobs has stated that \"increased support for civil society organization in the front line of response ensure their work is not only open but also more accessible and reaches groups often overlooked.\"" ], [ "\"In the face of an unprecedented and impredictible global crisis, European Union remains committed to protecting & support women in Timor-Leste\", he said." ], [ "The UN Resident Coordinator in Dili, Roy Trivedy has recalled that the response to gender-based violence \"plays a central part of programming on COVID 19.\"" ], [ "While considering it is everyone's responsibility to take action, Trivedy said that support for Timor-Leste through the Government and civil society will continue \"to speak out about violence against women & girls including new challenges created by COVID 19\" in this country." ], [ "\"This is a moment for Timor-Leste to act in solidarity and turn this crisis into an opportunity of achieving the Global Goals." ], [ "The UN will continue to ensure that the people we serve come stronger out of this crisis and protects fundamental rights for all girls, women or those who are most vulnerable,” he said." ], [ "In the current context of limitations in Timor-Leste, \"women may be at a higher risk for domestic violence than before because they are isolated and living with high levels Of stress.\"" ], [ "\"There are many factors that can lead to this violence against women and girls,\" especially those who have already faced “limitations in their communities because of a disability or illness for example,” she adds." ], [ "\"Women and girls face a greater risk of violence due to increased isolation at home, restrictions on movement outside the house; disruption in livelihoods as well. School closures are increasing tension within families.\"" ], [ "The provision of critical technical assistance for the development Of policies and programs, including those related to quarantine facilities in a context where gender-based violence is being combated was one change that has been approving." ], [ "There will also be risk communications to raise awareness about the \"increased threat of violence against women and girls in COVID-19 context, as well on how communities can take action towards preventing it.\"" ], [ "It will also provide support to local civil society organizations \"to ensure that women and girls can have contact with job suppliers (police, health or social welfare) as well As guaranteeing jobs are opened up And accessible for the most vulnerable.\"" ], [ "There will also be meetings with schools and parents to promote healthy, respectful relationship in the new context of distance learning." ], [ "The UN and the EU looked \"with deep concern, on reports of increase in domestic violence against women by their partners\" during a COVID-19 pandemic." ], [ "So far, Timor-Leste has registered nine cases of COVID 19 including one recovering patient." ], [ "The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 208,543 people and infected over a million in the country’s total of about" ] ]
Senador norte-amerikanu konfiante iha Timor-Leste nia futuru - TIMOR AGORA\nSenador norte-amerikanu konfiante iha Timor-Leste nia futuru\nSenador norte-amerikanu Jack Reed afirma ona ba Lusa katak Timor-Leste sei iha "futuru pasífiku ida no prósperu", felisita serbisu ne'ebé halo hosi elite timoroan sira iha kontrusaun nasaun nian.\nIha deklarasaun sira ba Lusa, demokrata Jack Reed, ne'ebé semana hirak liubá simu ona Medalla Ordem de Timor-Leste - kondekorasaun aas ne'ebé maka ema estranjeiru ida bele simu hosi nasaun ne'e - hodi rekoñese nia kontribuisaun ba kauza independénsia nian, afirma ona katak, iha tinan 1990, simu ona alerta ba problema sira kona-ba direitu ema sira nian iha nasaun hosi komunidade portugeza iha nia estadu, Rhode Island.\n"Iha tempu ne'ebá, hanesan kongresista mo grupu ida hosi luzu-amerikanu sira, sidadaun preokupadu sira, hamutuk ho alunu no profesor sira hosi Universidade Brown hodi fó sai kestaun kona-ba violasaun sira direitu ema nian iha Timor-Leste no hosi nia movimentu independentista nian", nia hanoin hikas.\nIha loron-sábadu, liutiha tinan 20 hafoin sai hanesan advogadu ida koñesidu tanba situasuan timoroan nian iha polítika norte-amerikanu, Jack Reed hanesan otimista: "Ha'u iha fiar katak Timor sei harii nafatin futuru pasífiku ida no prósperu".\nNo hatudu sensibilizadu ho homenajen hosi governu timoroan: "Hanesan onra ida aleinde hosi ha'u nia komprensaun".\nIha tinan 1990, bainhira hatete situasaun hosi nasaun, Reed hahú defende kauza independénsia iha Kámara Reprezentante sira nian; liutiha tempu balun, vizita ona nasaun hodi hetan liután informasaun, viajen ida ne'ebé nia halo beibeik iha tinan barak nia laran.\n"Bainhira ha'u to'o iha ne'ebá, ha'u hetan ema barak ne'ebé komprometidu ho independénsia hosi nia nasaun. Hanesan komovente asisti ema sira ne'e nia aten-barani ne'ebé hakarak luta ba nia liberdade no kompromete hodi halo sai hanesan nasaun ida demokrasia independente nian", nia afirma.\nIha viajen hanesan, Reed koñese ona Xanana Gusmão, líder hosi luta ba independénsia no figura polítika fundamental hosi istória timoroan nian iha tinan hirak ikus ne'e.\n"Ha'u konsege hanoin, hafoin liutiha tinan barak, momentu ne'ebé maka ami koñese malu. Ha'u senti impresionadu ho nia korajen ho lideransa. Durante ha'u nia vizita sira ba nasaun, ha'u sempre inspiradu ho nia kompromisu hodi harii demokrasia ida. Hanesan buat ne'ebé toka ona ha'u no sei toka nafatin", Reed hanoin hikas kona-ba Xanana Gusmão.\nOrdem de Timor antes ne'e fó ona ba kongresista demokrata Nancy Pelosi, hosi Califórnia, no ba jeneral John G. Castellaw, ne'ebé komanda ona forsa internasional iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999.\nSAPO TL ho Lusa | Foto@ Michael Reynolds/EPA
[ "Senador norte-amerikanu konfiante iha Timor-Leste nia futuru - TIMOR AGORA Senador norte-amerikanu konfiante iha Timor-Leste nia futuru Senador norte-amerikanu Jack Reed afirma ona ba Lusa katak Timor-Leste sei iha \"futuru pasifiku ida no prosperu,\" felisita serbisu ne'ebe halo hosi elite timoroan sira iha kontrusaun nasaun nian.", "Iha deklarasaun sira ba Lusa, demokrata Jack Reed, ne'ebe semana hirak liuba simu ona Medalla Ordem de Timor-Leste - kondekorasaun aas ne'ebe maka ema estranjeiru ida bele simu hosi nasaun ne'e - hodi rekonese nia kontribuisaun ba kauza independensia nian, afirma ona katak, iha tinan 1990, simu ona alerta ba problema sira kona-ba direitu ema sira nian iha nasaun hosi komunidade portugeza iha nia estadu, Rhode Island.", "\"Iha tempu ne'eba, hanesan kongresista mo grupu ida hosi luzu-amerikanu sira, sidadaun preokupadu sira, hamutuk ho alunu no profesor sira hosi Universidade Brown hodi fo sai kestaun kona-ba violasaun sira direitu ema nian iha Timor-Leste no hosi nia movimentu independentista nian,\" nia hanoin hikas.", "Iha loron-sabadu, liutiha tinan 20 hafoin sai hanesan advogadu ida konesidu tanba situasuan timoroan nian iha politika norte-amerikanu, Jack Reed hanesan otimista: \"Ha'u iha fiar katak Timor sei harii nafatin futuru pasifiku ida no prosperu.\"", "No hatudu sensibilizadu ho homenajen hosi governu timoroan: \"Hanesan onra ida aleinde hosi ha'u nia komprensaun.\"", "Iha tinan 1990, bainhira hatete situasaun hosi nasaun, Reed hahu defende kauza independensia iha Kamara Reprezentante sira nian; liutiha tempu balun, vizita ona nasaun hodi hetan liutan informasaun, viajen ida ne'ebe nia halo beibeik iha tinan barak nia laran.", "\"Bainhira ha'u to'o iha ne'eba, ha'u hetan ema barak ne'ebe komprometidu ho independensia hosi nia nasaun.", "Hanesan komovente asisti ema sira ne'e nia aten-barani ne'ebe hakarak luta ba nia liberdade no kompromete hodi halo sai hanesan nasaun ida demokrasia independente nian,\" nia afirma.", "Iha viajen hanesan, Reed konese ona Xanana Gusmao, lider hosi luta ba independensia no figura politika fundamental hosi istoria timoroan nian iha tinan hirak ikus ne'e.", "\"Ha'u konsege hanoin, hafoin liutiha tinan barak, momentu ne'ebe maka ami konese malu.", "Ha'u senti impresionadu ho nia korajen ho lideransa.", "Durante ha'u nia vizita sira ba nasaun, ha'u sempre inspiradu ho nia kompromisu hodi harii demokrasia ida.", "Hanesan buat ne'ebe toka ona ha'u no sei toka nafatin,\" Reed hanoin hikas kona-ba Xanana Gusmao.", "Ordem de Timor antes ne'e fo ona ba kongresista demokrata Nancy Pelosi, hosi California, no ba jeneral John G. Castellaw, ne'ebe komanda ona forsa internasional iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999.", "SAPO TL ho Lusa | Foto@ Michael Reynolds/EPA" ]
[ [ "US Senator Confident in Timor-Leste's Future - TIMOR AGORA U.S senator confidently on the future of East Тимор The United States Senate member Jack Reed has stated to Lusa that it is certain for east timors have a \"peaceful and prosperous tomorrow,\" commending work done by Taiwanese elite as they build their country up again after 1975" ], [ "In statements to Lusa, Democrat Jack Reed who a few weeks ago received the Order of Timor-Leste Medal -the highest honour that can be given by this country for an alien – in recognition his contribution towards independence said he had been alerted about human rights problems there from Portuguese communities on Rhode Island." ], [ "\"At that time, as a congressman I was with the group of Latin Americans and concerned citizens who were together in Brown University students' groups to raise issues about human rights violations on Timor-Leste by its independence movement\", he recalled." ], [ "On Saturday, 20 years after becoming a lawyer connected with the situation of Timorese people in U.S policy Jack Reed was optimistic: \"I am confident that East-Timor will continue to build its peaceful and prosperous future.\"" ], [ "He also expressed his appreciation for the tribute from Timorese government: \"It is an honor beyond my understanding.\"" ], [ "In 1980, when speaking about the state of his country Reed began to advocate for independence in its House; after some time he visited Cuba on a research trip which would be repeated over many years." ], [ "\"When I arrived there, i found many people who were committed to the independence of their country." ], [ "It was moving to watch the attention of these people who wants fight for their freedom and compromise in order that they can become an independent democratic country,\" he said." ], [ "On the same trip, Reed had met Xanana Gusmao - a leader of independence struggle and fundamental political figure in recent Tongan history." ], [ "\"I was able to remember, after many years of absence the moment when we first met." ], [ "I was impressed by his courage and leadership." ], [ "During my visits to the country, I was always inspired by his commitment in building a democracy." ], [ "It's something that I have played and will continue to play,\" Reed thought hard about Xanana Gusmao." ], [ "The Order of Timor has previously been awarded to Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi from California and General John G. Castellaw, who commanded the international force in East Indonesia (IFOR) since 1987 until his retirement on June 20th" ], [ "SAPO TL ho Lusa | Foto@ Michael Reynolds/EPA" ] ]
Xanana Kontinua Observa Lagoa Tasi-Tolu | STLNEWS\nXanana Kontinua Observa Lagoa Tasi-Tolu\nLider Karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão lakolen hodi kontinua halo observasaun ba lagoa Tasi-Tolu, neebe nia rasik orienta kompania sira supa bee. Asaun supa bee nee iha ona mudansa lubuk ida, tanba volume bee tuun makas. (Foto: STL/Guilhermina Franco)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Lider Karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão lakolen hodi kontinua halo observasaun ba lagoa Tasi-Tolu, neebe nia rasik orienta kompania sira supa bee. Asaun supa bee nee iha ona mudansa lubuk ida, tanba volume bee tuun makas.\nObservasaun lider karismatiku Xanana Gusmão ba supa lagoa Tasi-Tolu nee, kontinua halao iha loron Sabadu (08/05/2021), mezmu kompania no ekipa tekniku sira neebe apoiu Xanana nee halao hela sira nia servisu supa bee, maibe lider nee lasente kolen, hodi loron-loron nafatin observa tanba hakarak atu komunidade neebe sofre ba inundasaun fila hikas ba sira nia horik fatin.\nEntretantu observasaun jornalista STL haree katak, lagoa neebe volume aumenta iha loron 3 no 4 Abril tanba udan been mai ho intensidade makas, halo komunidade barak sofre ba inundasaun, maibe volume bee nee agora iha mudansa tanba menus makas ona. Halo komunidade balu konsege fila hikas ona ba sira nia horik fatin, mezmu balu seidauk maibe asaun supa bee nee sei kontinua.\nAman luta nain nee, aleinde kada loron halo observasaun ba lagoa, nia mos sempre apoiu komunidade sira hanesan apoiu hahan, oferese bee mos, halo limpeza ba lixu sira, hamoos komunidade sira nia uma neebe bee maran ona, no seluk tan.*\nPrevious articleWFP Apoiu Tenda 220 Too Ona Dili\nNext articlePasiente Covid-19 Rekoperadu 487, Detektadu 835
[ "Xanana Kontinua Observa Lagoa Tasi-Tolu | STLNEWS Xanana Kontinua Observa Lagoa Tasi-Tolu Lider Karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao lakolen hodi kontinua halo observasaun ba lagoa Tasi-Tolu, neebe nia rasik orienta kompania sira supa bee.", "Asaun supa bee nee iha ona mudansa lubuk ida, tanba volume bee tuun makas.", "(Foto: STL/Guilhermina Franco) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Lider Karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao lakolen hodi kontinua halo observasaun ba lagoa Tasi-Tolu, neebe nia rasik orienta kompania sira supa bee.", "Asaun supa bee nee iha ona mudansa lubuk ida, tanba volume bee tuun makas.", "Observasaun lider karismatiku Xanana Gusmao ba supa lagoa Tasi-Tolu nee, kontinua halao iha loron Sabadu (08/05/2021), mezmu kompania no ekipa tekniku sira neebe apoiu Xanana nee halao hela sira nia servisu supa bee, maibe lider nee lasente kolen, hodi loron-loron nafatin observa tanba hakarak atu komunidade neebe sofre ba inundasaun fila hikas ba sira nia horik fatin.", "Entretantu observasaun jornalista STL haree katak, lagoa neebe volume aumenta iha loron 3 no 4 Abril tanba udan been mai ho intensidade makas, halo komunidade barak sofre ba inundasaun, maibe volume bee nee agora iha mudansa tanba menus makas ona.", "Halo komunidade balu konsege fila hikas ona ba sira nia horik fatin, mezmu balu seidauk maibe asaun supa bee nee sei kontinua.", "Aman luta nain nee, aleinde kada loron halo observasaun ba lagoa, nia mos sempre apoiu komunidade sira hanesan apoiu hahan, oferese bee mos, halo limpeza ba lixu sira, hamoos komunidade sira nia uma neebe bee maran ona, no seluk tan.* Previous articleWFP Apoiu Tenda 220 Too Ona Dili Next articlePasiente Covid-19 Rekoperadu 487, Detektadu 835" ]
[ [ "Charismatic Leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has invited to continue observing the Tasi-Tolu Lagoon, which he himself guides companies supply water from. The lagoon is located at a depth of approximately two meters and it’ll be opened for public use in early June this year after being reopenet by STLNEWS on Thursday morning (10/2)." ], [ "The water supply has undergone a lot of changes, as the volumes have decreased dramatically." ], [ "(Photo: STL/Guilhermina Franco) DILI,StlNEWS.co - Charismatic Leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has been invited to continue observing the Tasi-Tolu lagoon where he himself guides companies in supping water from it for a number of years now and is still doing so today with his own company that supplies him drinkablewater through an artificial reservoir built by local people on land which belonged previously under public ownership but was sold as private property after being bought out at auction last year" ], [ "The water supply has undergone a lot of changes, as the volumes have decreased dramatically." ], [ "The charismatic leader Xanana Gusmao's observation of the flood in Tasi-Tolu lagoon, continued on Saturday (08/21), even though companies and technical teams supporting him were carrying out their work supping water. But he is silently sitting there every day to observe because they want that communities suffered by flood should return home as soon As possible" ], [ "Meanwhile, STL journalists observed that the lagoon' s volume increased on April 3rd and4th because heavy rainfall came with great intensity. Many communities suffered from flooding but now there is a change in water flow as it has decreases considerably" ], [ "Some of the communities have already returned to their homes, while others are not yet but water recovery will continue." ], [ "The father of the struggle, in addition to daily observing lagoon he also always supports communities such as food assistance and water supply. He clean up garbage areas or community houses that have been dryed out by rainwater.* Previous articleWFP Support Tenda210 Too Ona Dili Next Article487 Covid-39 Recovery Patient Detected In Timor Leste" ] ]
Timor-Leste ho Mongólia hasoru malu, iha Díli, iha jogu dahuluk kualifikasaun ba Mundial2018 - SAPO Desportu TL\nTimor-Leste ho Mongólia hasoru malu, iha Díli, iha jogu dahuluk kualifikasaun ba Mundial2018\nEstádiu Munisipál Díli, ohin, sei hetan senáriu istóriku ida tanba simu dezafiu entre selesaun futeból Timor-Leste nian hasoru Mongólia, hanesan enkontru dahuluk ba faze kualifikasaun ba Mundiál2018 ne'ebé sei halo iha Rúsia.\nSelesaun Mongólia, ne'ebé halo ona treinu iha loron rua ikus ne'e iha Díli, joga hasoru membru foun liu FIFA nian, Timor-Leste, nasaun ida ne'ebé iha tinan barak nia laran laiha liga profisionál futeból nian maski iha interese ne'ebé maka'as ba desportu ne'e.\nProsesu naruk durante tinan rua ho balun hodi hili finalista sira ba Mundiál tinan 2018 - ne'ebé kandidatu ona ekipa hamutuk 208 - hahú iha tuku haat loraik ohin iha Díli.\nTimor-Leste sai nu'udar membru FIFA nian hahú tinan 2005, hanesan senáriu paixaun maka'as ba futeból, hanesan ezemplu iha ona konfrontu entre adeptu futeból sira nian bainhira joga Real Madrid-FC Barcelona, ka baibain mosu aposta maka'as iha jogu importante sira.\nKapitál ne'e iha ekipa istóriku rua Timor-Leste nian, Sport Dili e Benfica ho Sporting Clube de Timor maibé ofisiál laiha kampeonatu profisionál ida.\nIha tinan sira ikus ne'e iha alternativu maka Liga Benfica nian, torneiu ne'ebé iha edisaun datoluk hahú mós iha loron-kinta, hafoin jogu entre Timor-Leste ho Mongólia no tinan ne'e sei partisipa ekipa hamutuk 21.\nBernardo Correia Barradas maka kapitaun hosi Boavista de Timor-Leste, ekipa "portugés" ba torneiu "nebe aumenta tinan-tinan" no hakarak habelar kampeonatu ne'e ba distritu seluk.\n"Hanesan edisaun datoluk. Tinan-tinan aumenta no ami hakarak halo mós iha fatin seluk", nia hatete ba ajénsia Lusa. Ohin iha ona jogu ida "akesimentu" nian maibé "entre belun sira": sé maka mosu iha Benfica tuku 21:45 bele joga.\nIha loron-kinta, iha jogu sériu, Timor-Leste sei hakarak hapara "jejun" iha jogu kualifikasaun sira ba Mundiál - lakon ona jogu haat - no buka repete susesu selesaun nian nebe, iha edisaun sira ikus ne'e, loke ona ronda kualifikasaun nian.\nEstádiu Munisipál Díli hein simu ema rihun sanulu - iha loron ida ne'ebé Xanana Gusmão defende ona penalti hosi Eusébio - ne'ebé loron ne'e sei sai istóriku.\nJogu daruak markadu ona ba loron 17 fulan-Marsu iha Ulan Bator.
[ "Timor-Leste ho Mongolia hasoru malu, iha Dili, iha jogu dahuluk kualifikasaun ba Mundial2018 - SAPO Desportu TL Timor-Leste ho Mongolia hasoru malu, iha Dili, iha jogu dahuluk kualifikasaun ba Mundial2018 Estadiu Munisipal Dili, ohin, sei hetan senariu istoriku ida tanba simu dezafiu entre selesaun futebol Timor-Leste nian hasoru Mongolia, hanesan enkontru dahuluk ba faze kualifikasaun ba Mundial2018 ne'ebe sei halo iha Rusia.", "Selesaun Mongolia, ne'ebe halo ona treinu iha loron rua ikus ne'e iha Dili, joga hasoru membru foun liu FIFA nian, Timor-Leste, nasaun ida ne'ebe iha tinan barak nia laran laiha liga profisional futebol nian maski iha interese ne'ebe maka'as ba desportu ne'e.", "Prosesu naruk durante tinan rua ho balun hodi hili finalista sira ba Mundial tinan 2018 - ne'ebe kandidatu ona ekipa hamutuk 208 - hahu iha tuku haat loraik ohin iha Dili.", "Timor-Leste sai nu'udar membru FIFA nian hahu tinan 2005, hanesan senariu paixaun maka'as ba futebol, hanesan ezemplu iha ona konfrontu entre adeptu futebol sira nian bainhira joga Real Madrid-FC Barcelona, ka baibain mosu aposta maka'as iha jogu importante sira.", "Kapital ne'e iha ekipa istoriku rua Timor-Leste nian, Sport Dili e Benfica ho Sporting Clube de Timor maibe ofisial laiha kampeonatu profisional ida.", "Iha tinan sira ikus ne'e iha alternativu maka Liga Benfica nian, torneiu ne'ebe iha edisaun datoluk hahu mos iha loron-kinta, hafoin jogu entre Timor-Leste ho Mongolia no tinan ne'e sei partisipa ekipa hamutuk 21.", "Bernardo Correia Barradas maka kapitaun hosi Boavista de Timor-Leste, ekipa \"portuges\" ba torneiu \"nebe aumenta tinan-tinan\" no hakarak habelar kampeonatu ne'e ba distritu seluk.", "\"Hanesan edisaun datoluk.", "Tinan-tinan aumenta no ami hakarak halo mos iha fatin seluk,\" nia hatete ba ajensia Lusa.", "Ohin iha ona jogu ida \"akesimentu\" nian maibe \"entre belun sira\": se maka mosu iha Benfica tuku 21:45 bele joga.", "Iha loron-kinta, iha jogu seriu, Timor-Leste sei hakarak hapara \"jejun\" iha jogu kualifikasaun sira ba Mundial - lakon ona jogu haat - no buka repete susesu selesaun nian nebe, iha edisaun sira ikus ne'e, loke ona ronda kualifikasaun nian.", "Estadiu Munisipal Dili hein simu ema rihun sanulu - iha loron ida ne'ebe Xanana Gusmao defende ona penalti hosi Eusebio - ne'ebe loron ne'e sei sai istoriku.", "Jogu daruak markadu ona ba loron 17 fulan-Marsu iha Ulan Bator." ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste and Mongolia meet in Dili, at the first qualifying match for World Cup2018 - SAPO Desportu TL The Municipal Stadium of Delhi will see a historic scenario today as it is being challenged by East Тимор's national football team against Mongoly. This game marks their opening encounter to qualifier phase on behalf from Russia towards world cup qualification round which takes place next year (Russia)." ], [ "The Mongolian team, which has been training for the past two days in Dili will play against FIFA's newest member Timor-Leste. This is a country that had no professional football league despite its high interest level toward this sport over many years and it was not even involved with international competition until 2014 when they were invited by Fifa as part of their preparation processes before being selected into World Cup qualifiers on June" ], [ "The two-year long process of selecting the 2018 FIFA World Cup finalists - who have been selected from a total list that includes all teams in their respective groups (around one hundred and twenty) – began at four o'clock p.m today, on Tuesday morning with an official opening ceremonY held by Dili City Council President Adil Rami Alias" ], [ "Timor-Leste became a member of FIFA in 2015, as the country's passion for football has grown. For example there have been clashes between soccer fans during Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona matches or it is common to see high betting on important games at all times and places throughout this time period (see below)." ], [ "The capital is home to two historic East Timorese teams, Sport Dili and Benfica with the sporting clube de Timór but officially no professional championship." ], [ "In recent years there has been an alternative to the Benfica League, a tournament which in its third edition also starts on Friday after Timor-Leste and Mongolia meet. This year 21 teams will take part at this competition that is being held every two or three months since it was first organized by Portugal before becoming officially recognised as one of Europe' s most prestigious football events for men only some decades ago" ], [ "Bernardo Correia Barradas is the captain of Boavista de Timor-Leste, a \"portuguese\" team for tournaments that are increasing every year and want to bring this championship into other district." ], [ "\"Hanesan edisaun datoluk." ], [ "Every year it increases and we want to do this elsewhere,\" he told Lusa." ], [ "Today there is already a game of \"accession\" but between friends: if you show up in Benfica at 21.45, then play it!" ], [ "On Friday, in a serious game Timor-Leste will want to break the \"fast\" of World Cup qualifying games - they have lost four matches already – and seek repeat their successes which on recent editions opened up qualification round." ], [ "The Dili Municipal Stadium is expected to host a hundred thousand people - on the day when Xanana Gusmao defended Eusebio's penalty shot – in what will be an historic event." ], [ "The second match is scheduled for March 17 in Ulaanbaatar." ] ]
Lere: “Kualkér Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegál” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Lere: “Kualkér Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegál”\nLere: “Kualkér Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegál”\nDILI, 13 maiu 2020 (TATOLI)–Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, fó atensaun sériu ba kualkér sidadaun atu labele tama-sai fronteira terrestre ho dalan illegál.\n“Se mak iha sorin, tantu ita timoroan mak ba iha ne’eba ka Ttmoroan mak sai ona sidadaun Indonézia, bainhira hakarak atu tama mai territóriu Timor Leste, tenke tuir dalan legal no labele liuhosi dalan ilegál. Ida ne’e mak importante liu,” Lere fó atensaun ne’e, hafoin enkontru regulár ho Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres ”Lú Olo”, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál, Bairru Pité, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nLere esplika, durante enkontru regulár ho Prezidente Repúblika, informa kona-ba situasuan rai laran, d’iak hela, kalma, no laiha buat ida. Maibé, atividade forsa armada ninian, komandu komesa reforsa fronteira ninian, la’ós tanba ba funu ho arma maibé funu hasoru Coronavirus (COVId-19).\n“Ida ne’e mak ami reforsa tan postu rua ka tolu iha fronteira ne’eba atu bele prevee ema ne’ebé tama illegal, tanba bele lori moras mai rai laran no bele kontajia ba ita-nia populasaun,” nia hateten.\nKona-ba medida seguransa iha fronteira, lider másimu forsa armada ne’e hateten, kuandu hetan kaer nia lori mai entrega iha polisia.\n“Se halai, tiru tohar tiha nia ain tanba fronteira ne’e fronteira duni, ne’ebé nasaun rua mak fahe malu. Ita tama, tenke tuir dalan odamatan nian, la’ós tama tuir fali janela. Tanba ne’e, bainhira forsa hetan no bolu, tenke koopera, se lae hili buat rua, entre mate ou ain tohar,” nia apela.\nLere mós rekoñese katak, situasaun iha forsa armada enfrenta problema barak, tanba impase politika ida ne’e, liu-liu kona-ba lojístika, manutensaun ba karreta operasionál sira, no buat seluk tan, maibé hanesan líder ida Lere mós labele fó sala ba situasaun.\n“Agora lider ida-idak, komandante, dirijente ida-idak mak tenke halo oinsa mak ninia instituisaun ne’e bele normaliza ninia atividade sira, loro-loron nian,” Veteranu ne’e, rekoñese.\nPrevious articleBankada CNRT Preparadu Hatama Fali Petisaun Ba Tribunál Rekursu\nNext articleGovernu Husu Públiku Pasiénsia Hein Implementasaun Pakote Sosio-Ekonómiku\nSEA-SEPS fasilita formasaun ba jornalista área ambiente no risku dezastre\nDILI, 08 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) hamutuk ho Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), liuhosi projetu green light of funny, fasilita formasaun loron-ida via online...
[ "Lere: \"Kualker Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegal\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Lere: \"Kualker Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegal\" Lere: \"Kualker Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegal\" DILI, 13 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) -Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, fo atensaun seriu ba kualker sidadaun atu labele tama-sai fronteira terrestre ho dalan illegal.", "\"Se mak iha sorin, tantu ita timoroan mak ba iha ne'eba ka Ttmoroan mak sai ona sidadaun Indonezia, bainhira hakarak atu tama mai territoriu Timor Leste, tenke tuir dalan legal no labele liuhosi dalan ilegal.", "Ida ne'e mak importante liu,\" Lere fo atensaun ne'e, hafoin enkontru regular ho Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo,\" iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairru Pite, Dili, kuarta ne'e.", "Lere esplika, durante enkontru regular ho Prezidente Republika, informa kona-ba situasuan rai laran, d'iak hela, kalma, no laiha buat ida.", "Maibe, atividade forsa armada ninian, komandu komesa reforsa fronteira ninian, la'os tanba ba funu ho arma maibe funu hasoru Coronavirus (COVId-19).", "\"Ida ne'e mak ami reforsa tan postu rua ka tolu iha fronteira ne'eba atu bele prevee ema ne'ebe tama illegal, tanba bele lori moras mai rai laran no bele kontajia ba ita-nia populasaun,\" nia hateten.", "Kona-ba medida seguransa iha fronteira, lider masimu forsa armada ne'e hateten, kuandu hetan kaer nia lori mai entrega iha polisia.", "\"Se halai, tiru tohar tiha nia ain tanba fronteira ne'e fronteira duni, ne'ebe nasaun rua mak fahe malu.", "Ita tama, tenke tuir dalan odamatan nian, la'os tama tuir fali janela.", "Tanba ne'e, bainhira forsa hetan no bolu, tenke koopera, se lae hili buat rua, entre mate ou ain tohar,\" nia apela.", "Lere mos rekonese katak, situasaun iha forsa armada enfrenta problema barak, tanba impase politika ida ne'e, liu-liu kona-ba lojistika, manutensaun ba karreta operasional sira, no buat seluk tan, maibe hanesan lider ida Lere mos labele fo sala ba situasaun.", "\"Agora lider ida-idak, komandante, dirijente ida-idak mak tenke halo oinsa mak ninia instituisaun ne'e bele normaliza ninia atividade sira, loro-loron nian,\" Veteranu ne'e, rekonese.", "Previous articleBankada CNRT Preparadu Hatama Fali Petisaun Ba Tribunal Rekursu Next articleGovernu Husu Publiku Pasiensia Hein Implementasaun Pakote Sosio-Ekonomiku SEA-SEPS fasilita formasaun ba jornalista area ambiente no risku dezastre DILI, 08 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) hamutuk ho Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), liuhosi projetu green light of funny, fasilita formasaun loron-ida via online..." ]
[ [ "Lere: \"Kualker Sidadaun, Labele Tama-Sai Fronteira Ilegal\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Chief of the FALINTIL Defence Forces (F– FDTL), Major General lera Anan Timur has warned all citizens not to cross illegally over land border. He also urged people who are travelling from other countries or have been banned by law in their home country that they should avoid entering and exiting this area through an unauthorized way as well; he said it would be a serious violation against international human rights rules if such actions were carried out without proper authorization beforehand.\"" ], [ "\"Whoever wants to enter East Timor, whether it is ourselves who are going there or Ttmoroan that have already become Indonesian citizens must follow the legal route and not through illegal means." ], [ "This is more important,\" Lere said after a regular meeting with President of the Republic (PR), Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\", at Presidential Palace in Dili on Tuesday." ], [ "Lere explained, during regular meetings with the President of Republic informing him about situation in his country that it was calm and nothing happened." ], [ "However, the activity of this armed force and its command has begun to strengthen borders not because they are fighting with arms but against Coronavirus (COVId-19)." ], [ "\"That's why we have reinforced two or three posts at the border to prevent people entering illegally, because they can bring disease into our country and spread it amongst us\", he said." ], [ "Regarding security measures at the border, he said that whenever someone is caught they take him to police." ], [ "\"If you go, shoot him in the foot because this border is a real frontier that divides two countries." ], [ "You enter, you have to follow the path of a door and not take it through an window." ], [ "\"Therefore, when the force is called in and calls out to cooperate or else choose between death ou not fighting.\"" ], [ "Lere also acknowledged that the situation in armed forces is facing many problems, because of this political impasse especially on logistics and maintenance for operational cars etc. but as a leader he cannot blame it all to his own failure or lack thereof" ], [ "\"Now it's up to each leader, commander and manager how his or her institution can normalize its activities on a daily basis.\" The veteran acknowledged." ], [ "Previous articleCNT Party Prepared To File Petition At Court of Appeal Next artikelGovernment Asks Public for Patience to Implement Socio-Economic Package SEPS facilitates training in environment and disaster risk area journalist Dili, June (08) - The State Secretariat on Environment together with the Civil Protection Department through green light..." ] ]
By Tempo Timor August 20, 2021 1986\nMembru Grupu Arte Marsiál balun ne’ebé autoridade seguransa sira kaer iha Fronteira Timor-Leste ho Indonézia, momentu liuba. Foto Suplay\nFunsionáriu públiku na'in-5 ne'e, nu'udár sidadaun timoroan, husi Munisípiu Ainaru, no entre sira, na'in-1 nu'udár funsionáriu iha Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), husi Ministériu Saúde (MS) iha na'in-2, Ministériu Justisa (MJ) nian 1, no na'in-1 seluk nu'udár funsionáriu iha empreza Telekomunikasaun Telemor.\n“Foin dader iha ne’e, ita-nia membru UPM Suai nian halo kapturasaun ba membru arte marsiál sira kompletu ho atributu organizasaun PSHT hamutuk na’in-5 ne’ebé tama husi área Betun nian mai iha Mota Masin. Husi sira na'in-5 ne’e iha funsionariu públiku husi Munisípiu Ainaru iha ema na'in-4 mak profesór na’in-1, Ministeriu Saúde na’in-2, Ministériu Justisa na'in-1 nomós husi Maliana mak funsionáriu Telemor na’in-1”, informa Komandante UPM, Superintendente Basilio de Jesus, liuhusi karta komunikadu ne'ebé www.tempotimor.com asesa, sesta (20/08).\nSidadaun na'in-5 ne’e, sai husi área Timor-Leste ba Indonézia iha loron kuarta (04/08), no sa’e sabuk iha Indonézia iha loron 16 Agostu, no daudaun ne’e entrega ona ba ekipa Saúde hodi kumpre kuarentena durante loron 14 nia laran.\nEntretantu, sidadaun na'in-lima ne'ebé UPM identifika nu'udár funsionáriu públiku ne'e, kaptura iha sesta (20/08), oras dadeer, iha área Mota-masin, Munisípiu Covalima, bainhira fila husi atividade GAM iha Atambua. (*)\nLast modified on Friday, 20 August 2021 20:25\nKomandante UPM, Superintendente Basilio de Jesus\n« Komandu F-FDTL Promove Membru Na'in-19 Ba Ofisiais Aniversáriu Falintil, Timoroan Hotu Fó Onra ba Martire Sira »
[ "By Tempo Timor August 20, 2021 1986 Membru Grupu Arte Marsial balun ne'ebe autoridade seguransa sira kaer iha Fronteira Timor-Leste ho Indonezia, momentu liuba.", "Foto Suplay Funsionariu publiku na'in-5 ne'e, nu'udar sidadaun timoroan, husi Munisipiu Ainaru, no entre sira, na'in-1 nu'udar funsionariu iha Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), husi Ministeriu Saude (MS) iha na'in-2, Ministeriu Justisa (MJ) nian 1, no na'in-1 seluk nu'udar funsionariu iha empreza Telekomunikasaun Telemor.", "\"Foin dader iha ne'e, ita-nia membru UPM Suai nian halo kapturasaun ba membru arte marsial sira kompletu ho atributu organizasaun PSHT hamutuk na'in-5 ne'ebe tama husi area Betun nian mai iha Mota Masin.", "Husi sira na'in-5 ne'e iha funsionariu publiku husi Munisipiu Ainaru iha ema na'in-4 mak profesor na'in-1, Ministeriu Saude na'in-2, Ministeriu Justisa na'in-1 nomos husi Maliana mak funsionariu Telemor na'in-1,\" informa Komandante UPM, Superintendente Basilio de Jesus, liuhusi karta komunikadu ne'ebe www.tempotimor.com asesa, sesta (20/08).", "Sidadaun na'in-5 ne'e, sai husi area Timor-Leste ba Indonezia iha loron kuarta (04/08), no sa'e sabuk iha Indonezia iha loron 16 Agostu, no daudaun ne'e entrega ona ba ekipa Saude hodi kumpre kuarentena durante loron 14 nia laran.", "Entretantu, sidadaun na'in-lima ne'ebe UPM identifika nu'udar funsionariu publiku ne'e, kaptura iha sesta (20/08), oras dadeer, iha area Mota-masin, Munisipiu Covalima, bainhira fila husi atividade GAM iha Atambua. (*) Last modified on Friday, 20 August 2021 20:25 Komandante UPM, Superintendente Basilio de Jesus \" Komandu F-FDTL Promove Membru Na'in-19 Ba Ofisiais Aniversariu Falintil, Timoroan Hotu Fo Onra ba Martire Sira \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor August 20,1986 Some members of Martial Arts Group that security authorities arrested at the border between East and West Indonesia recently." ], [ "The 5 civil servants, who are all Tongan citizens from Ainaru Municipality and among them one is an employee of the Ministry for Education Youth & Sports (MEJD), two work at Health Ministerial(MS) a single person works in Justice ministry." ], [ "\"After we arrived here, our members of UPM Suai caught five martial arts players with all attributes from the PSHT organization who had come in Mota Masin." ], [ "Of these 5, there are civil servants from Ainaru Municipality (4), one professor; Ministry of Health two and the Justice ministry a person. From Maliana is Telemor employee\" inform UPM Commander Superintendent Basilio de Jesus through letter communiqué which www-tempotimore/com accesses on Saturday(20 August)." ], [ "The five citizens, who left the Timor-Leste area for Indonesia on Tuesday (04/16), and arrived in Bali from Jakarta by plane at 2:35pm local time today have now been handed over to a health team where they will be undergoing quarantine during fourteen days." ], [ "Meanwhile, the five citizens that UPM identified as public employees were captured on Saturday (20/8), afternoon time in Mota-masin area of Covalima Municipality while returning from GAM activity at Atambua. (*) Last modified On Friday 19 August - FDTL Command Promotes Nineteen Member To Officership In Celebration Of Falintil Birthday: Timoroans Honor Martyrs" ] ]
ÁUSTRIA RELATA KAZU DAHULUK COVID VARIASAUN OMICRON, NEBE’E LAIHA SINTOMA | Radio Voz\nÁUSTRIA RELATA KAZU DAHULUK COVID VARIASAUN OMICRON, NEBE’E LAIHA SINTOMA\n29 Nov, 2021 | Tetun News | 0 comments\nIlustrasaun Covid variasaun Omicron. (REUTERS/DADO RUVIC)\nJakarta, CNN Indonésia – Áustria relata prezensa husi suspeitu Covid-19 ne’ebé diferente iha nasaun ne’e ba dala uluk iha Sábadu (27 / 11). Turista ida-ne’ebé foin fila husi Áfrika súl iha Domingu hetan teste pozitivu ba Covid-19, ho indikasaun ba variasaun foun.\nIndikadór sira-ne’e deskobre iha faze inisiál husi teste ne’ebé Institutu virolojia hala’o iha innsbruck. Suspeitu ne’e hela-fatin ba distritu schwaz husi Tiro, Áustria. Amostra hosi Rezidente sira sei haruka ba Áustria nia ajénsia ai-han saúde no seguransa (tinan) hodi halo teste liutan.\nElmar Rizoli, Xefe Gabinete koronavirus nian, hatete: “ho tinan hirak oin mai, sei koñesidu ho naran-boot, iha loron hirak oin mai.”\nRizoli hatutan tan: “ema ne’ebé kona moras-lepra, tuir ninia liafuan no informasaun ne’ebé nia hetan ohin loron, nia fila husi ninia uma iha loron tolu liubá no la hatudu sintoma ida.”\nGovernu Áustria hala’o hela teste ida tan ba ema sira ne’ebé tama iha nasaun ne’e iha loron 14 liubá. Teste ida-ne’e halo nu’udar forma prevensaun ba omicron nia variasaun ne’ebé aumenta maka’as.\nLoron balu liubá, Áustria mós impoin moras Covid-19 ba nasaun tomak. Sira sai hanesan nasaun dahuluk iha Europa Osidentál nebe halo Lockdown iha territóriu mediu iha rejiaun ne’ebe aumenta covid.\nAFP relata katak iha momentu ne’ebá, restaurante hotu no merkadu boot sira taka tiha ona. Rezidente hotu-hotu mós labele husik uma, salvu ba objetivu balu, hanesan servisu, kompras ba nesesidade báziku, ka hala’o.\nEntretantu, sei nakloke nafatin ba eskola no parentesku, maibé husu ba inan-aman sira atu dudu sira-nia oan sai husi uma. Maibé, Governu la hala’o programa estudu uma-laran nian iha tempu badak de’it.\nTuir dadus husi Johns hopkins husi Universidade, aleinde kazu pozitivu sira husi Covid-19 iha austria to’o kazu 11,671 mak akontese iha Sábadu (27 / 11). Iha realidade, nasaun ne’e kuaze nunka hetan kazu liu rihun sanulu dezde pandemia ne’e hahú. Figura ida-ne’e atinji ona rihun sanulu husi loron 10 Novembru. [mf]
[ "AUSTRIA RELATA KAZU DAHULUK COVID VARIASAUN OMICRON, NEBE'E LAIHA SINTOMA | Radio Voz AUSTRIA RELATA KAZU DAHULUK COVID VARIASAUN OMICRON, NEBE'E LAIHA SINTOMA 29 Nov, 2021 | Tetun News | 0 comments Ilustrasaun Covid variasaun Omicron.", "(REUTERS/DADO RUVIC) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - Austria relata prezensa husi suspeitu Covid-19 ne'ebe diferente iha nasaun ne'e ba dala uluk iha Sabadu (27 / 11).", "Turista ida-ne'ebe foin fila husi Afrika sul iha Domingu hetan teste pozitivu ba Covid-19, ho indikasaun ba variasaun foun.", "Indikador sira-ne'e deskobre iha faze inisial husi teste ne'ebe Institutu virolojia hala'o iha innsbruck.", "Suspeitu ne'e hela-fatin ba distritu schwaz husi Tiro, Austria.", "Amostra hosi Rezidente sira sei haruka ba Austria nia ajensia ai-han saude no seguransa (tinan) hodi halo teste liutan.", "Elmar Rizoli, Xefe Gabinete koronavirus nian, hatete: \"ho tinan hirak oin mai, sei konesidu ho naran-boot, iha loron hirak oin mai.\"", "Rizoli hatutan tan: \"ema ne'ebe kona moras-lepra, tuir ninia liafuan no informasaun ne'ebe nia hetan ohin loron, nia fila husi ninia uma iha loron tolu liuba no la hatudu sintoma ida.\"", "Governu Austria hala'o hela teste ida tan ba ema sira ne'ebe tama iha nasaun ne'e iha loron 14 liuba.", "Teste ida-ne'e halo nu'udar forma prevensaun ba omicron nia variasaun ne'ebe aumenta maka'as.", "Loron balu liuba, Austria mos impoin moras Covid-19 ba nasaun tomak.", "Sira sai hanesan nasaun dahuluk iha Europa Osidental nebe halo Lockdown iha territoriu mediu iha rejiaun ne'ebe aumenta covid.", "AFP relata katak iha momentu ne'eba, restaurante hotu no merkadu boot sira taka tiha ona.", "Rezidente hotu-hotu mos labele husik uma, salvu ba objetivu balu, hanesan servisu, kompras ba nesesidade baziku, ka hala'o.", "Entretantu, sei nakloke nafatin ba eskola no parentesku, maibe husu ba inan-aman sira atu dudu sira-nia oan sai husi uma.", "Maibe, Governu la hala'o programa estudu uma-laran nian iha tempu badak de'it.", "Tuir dadus husi Johns hopkins husi Universidade, aleinde kazu pozitivu sira husi Covid-19 iha austria to'o kazu 11,671 mak akontese iha Sabadu (27 / 11).", "Iha realidade, nasaun ne'e kuaze nunka hetan kazu liu rihun sanulu dezde pandemia ne'e hahu.", "Figura ida-ne'e atinji ona rihun sanulu husi loron 10 Novembru. [mf]" ]
[ [ "AUSTRIA RELATA KAZU DAHULUK COVID VARIASAUN OMICRON, NEBE'E LAIHA SYMTOM | Radio Voz Austria Reports 20 Case of Omicron Variant Covid in the Republic Of Timor-Leste (RTTL) Nov.19th/Novembre3rd" ], [ "(REUTERS/DADO RUVIC) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - Austria reported the presence of a different Covid-19 suspect in that country for first time on Saturday 27 November." ], [ "A tourist who just returned from South Africa on Sunday tested positive for Covid-19, with indications of a new variant." ], [ "These indicators were discovered in the early stages of testing conducted by Institute for Virology, Innsbruck." ], [ "The suspect resides in the Schwaz district of Tyrol, Austria." ], [ "Samples from Resident will be sent to the Austrian Food Health and Safety Agency (annually) for further testing." ], [ "Elmar Rizoli, Chief of Staff for the coronavirus said: \"with years to come we will be connected with great names in days ahead.\"" ], [ "Rizoli adds: \"the man with leprosy, according to his own words and the information he has received today had left home three days ago without showing any symptom.\"" ], [ "The Austrian government is conducting another test for people entering the country on 14 March." ], [ "This test is being used as a form of prevention against the rapidly increasing variation in omicron." ], [ "A few days earlier, Austria also imposed Covid-19 restrictions throughout the country." ], [ "They became the first country in Western Europe to impose Lockdown on a medium-territory region with rising covid." ], [ "AFP reports that at the time, all restaurants and large market were closed." ], [ "All residents are also not allowed to leave their homes, except for certain purpose-specific activities such as work or purchasing basic necessities." ], [ "In the meantime, schools and family gatherings will remain open but parents are asked to take their children out of home." ], [ "However, the government did not implement a home study programme in such short time." ], [ "According to data from Johns Hopkins University, in addition positive cases of Covid-19 occurred on Saturday (27 / 08) and the total number was increased by more than one thousand." ], [ "In reality, the country has hardly ever had more than 10 thousand cases since this pandemic began." ], [ "This figure has reached 13,028 since November the tenth. [mf]" ] ]
Rendimentu Restaurante Amalia menus tanba serka sanitária | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Rendimentu Restaurante Amalia menus tanba serka sanitária\nJestór Restaurante Amalia, Agostinho da Costa. Imajen Tatoli/Natalino Belo.\nBAUCAU, 20 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Jestór Restaurante Amalia, Agostinho da Costa, hateten implementasaun serka sanitária iha munisípiu Baucau fó impkatu ba rendimentu tanba vizitante menus.\n“Serka sanitaria ne’e ema mós la mai. Ne’ebé, agora ami-nia negosiu la la’o tanba kuaze komesa hosi implementasaun serka sanitária ne’e dalan sira taka. Lahatene loos, bainhira mak dalan ne’e loke fali. Se nafatin hanesan ne’e, ami-nia negósiu ne’e rendimentu menus,” Agostinho da Costa hateten ba Agência Tatoli, iha restaurante Amalia, Baucau Vila Antiga, domingu ne’e.\nAgostinho esplika, diferensa entre antes no hafoin inplementasaun serka sanitária ne’e hanesan movimentu ema hosi Dili-Baucau menus. Uluk ne’e tanba destinasaun ba Lospalos no Viqueque barak liu deskansa iha Baucau, entaun bele fó rendimentu maibé agora ne’e susar atu hetan rendimentu.\nRestaurante Amália nia kliente, nia dehan, barak liu vizitante sira hosi Timor-oan no estranjeiru sira-ne’ebé vizita Baucau inklui halo viajen ba-mai Dili, Baucau, Lospalos inklui Viqueque.\nAntes ne’e, iha situasaun normál rendimentu ne’ebé nia hetan ne’e mínimu liu mak $5 maibé hafoin Governu inplementa serka sanitaria ne’e rendimentu menus, dalaruma kuaze loron tomak rendimentu laek tanba laiha vizitante.\n“Antes aplika serka sanitária ne’e, rendimentu mínimu liu ne’e $5 kada loron. Agora, loron ida tomak dalaruma laiha, semana ida mak foin ema ida-rua mak mai netik. Vida ne’e susar,” nia dehan hodi lakohi hateten sai rendimentu másimu ne’ebé nia hetan iha kada loron no kada fulan.\nTanba ne’e, nia husu atu Governu tau atensaun mós ba negosiante sira liu-liu loke dalan atu ema halo movimentu, nune’e restaurante sira iha Baucau bele hetan fali rendimentu hanesan baibain.\nAlende ne’e, Agostinho mós husu komunidade sira hola parte iha kampaña vasinasaun atu kontribui ba redús surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste liu-liu iha Baucau, nune’e bele normaliza hikas ekonomia.\nEntertantu, Governu liuhosi konsellu ministru deside renova serka sanitária iha Munisípiu Baucau loron 7 tan hahu hosi loron 16 too 23 juñu 2021, tanba COVID-19 iha rejionál ne’e númeru aumenta beibeik.\nSerka Sanitaria Munisípiu Baucau\nPrevious articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 29, rekoperadu 63 no ativu 1059\nNext articleGovernu apoiu rihun $10 ba grupu HAFUCU hadi’a nutrisaun-saúde labarik\nBAUCAU, 27 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)--Diretór Servisu Edukasaun munisipál Baucau, Augusto Hornai Ximenes, orienta ona profesór sira liuhosi diretór eskola, atu aproveita tempu ho di’ak...
[ "Rendimentu Restaurante Amalia menus tanba serka sanitaria | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Rendimentu Restaurante Amalia menus tanba serka sanitaria Jestor Restaurante Amalia, Agostinho da Costa.", "Imajen Tatoli/Natalino Belo.", "BAUCAU, 20 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Jestor Restaurante Amalia, Agostinho da Costa, hateten implementasaun serka sanitaria iha munisipiu Baucau fo impkatu ba rendimentu tanba vizitante menus.", "\"Serka sanitaria ne'e ema mos la mai.", "Ne'ebe, agora ami-nia negosiu la la'o tanba kuaze komesa hosi implementasaun serka sanitaria ne'e dalan sira taka.", "Lahatene loos, bainhira mak dalan ne'e loke fali.", "Se nafatin hanesan ne'e, ami-nia negosiu ne'e rendimentu menus,\" Agostinho da Costa hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, iha restaurante Amalia, Baucau Vila Antiga, domingu ne'e.", "Agostinho esplika, diferensa entre antes no hafoin inplementasaun serka sanitaria ne'e hanesan movimentu ema hosi Dili-Baucau menus.", "Uluk ne'e tanba destinasaun ba Lospalos no Viqueque barak liu deskansa iha Baucau, entaun bele fo rendimentu maibe agora ne'e susar atu hetan rendimentu.", "Restaurante Amalia nia kliente, nia dehan, barak liu vizitante sira hosi Timor-oan no estranjeiru sira-ne'ebe vizita Baucau inklui halo viajen ba-mai Dili, Baucau, Lospalos inklui Viqueque.", "Antes ne'e, iha situasaun normal rendimentu ne'ebe nia hetan ne'e minimu liu mak $5 maibe hafoin Governu inplementa serka sanitaria ne'e rendimentu menus, dalaruma kuaze loron tomak rendimentu laek tanba laiha vizitante.", "\"Antes aplika serka sanitaria ne'e, rendimentu minimu liu ne'e $5 kada loron.", "Agora, loron ida tomak dalaruma laiha, semana ida mak foin ema ida-rua mak mai netik.", "Vida ne'e susar,\" nia dehan hodi lakohi hateten sai rendimentu masimu ne'ebe nia hetan iha kada loron no kada fulan.", "Tanba ne'e, nia husu atu Governu tau atensaun mos ba negosiante sira liu-liu loke dalan atu ema halo movimentu, nune'e restaurante sira iha Baucau bele hetan fali rendimentu hanesan baibain.", "Alende ne'e, Agostinho mos husu komunidade sira hola parte iha kampana vasinasaun atu kontribui ba redus surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste liu-liu iha Baucau, nune'e bele normaliza hikas ekonomia.", "Entertantu, Governu liuhosi konsellu ministru deside renova serka sanitaria iha Munisipiu Baucau loron 7 tan hahu hosi loron 16 too 23 junu 2021, tanba COVID-19 iha rejional ne'e numeru aumenta beibeik.", "Serka Sanitaria Munisipiu Baucau Previous articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 29, rekoperadu 63 no ativu 1059 Next articleGovernu apoiu rihun $10 ba grupu HAFUCU hadi'a nutrisaun-saude labarik BAUCAU, 27 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) --Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipal Baucau, Augusto Hornai Ximenes, orienta ona profesor sira liuhosi diretor eskola, atu aproveita tempu ho di'ak..." ]
[ [ "Amalia Restaurant’s revenue lower due to sanitary curfew | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Revenue of the Amália restaurant is low because it has been closed for health reason." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Natalino Belo." ], [ "BAUCAU, June 20th (TATOLI) - Restaurante Amalia manager Agostinho da Costa says the implementation of a sanitary lockdown in Baucau municipality has an impact on revenues because there are fewer visitors." ], [ "\"There's no one coming to the sanitary checkpoint." ], [ "That, now our business is not going because almost since the implementation of this lockdown roads are closed." ], [ "When the road is opened again, it's a good thing." ], [ "If it continues like this, our business will have a lower return\", Agostinho da Costa told Agência Tatoli at Amalia restaurant in Baucau Vila Antiga on Sunday." ], [ "Agostinho explains, the difference between before and after implementation of this sanitary curfew is that there was less movement from Dili-Baucau." ], [ "In the past, because of destination to Lospalos and Viqueque many more people retreated in Baucau so it could give income but now is difficult." ], [ "Amalia Restaurant's clients, he says are mostly visitors from Timor-Leste and foreigners who visit Baucau including travelling to Dili." ], [ "Before, in a normal situation the minimum income she got was $5 but after government implemented this lockdown her revenue fell and sometimes almost all day he had no money because there were not any visitors." ], [ "\"Before this lockdown, the minimum income was $5 a day." ], [ "Now, a whole day can be spent with no visits; only one or two people come to the netik every week." ], [ "Life is hard,\" he said without stating the maximum income that she earns each day and every month." ], [ "Therefore, he asked the government to pay attention also for traders especially open ways so that people can move around and restaurants in Baucau could get back their usual income." ], [ "In addition, Agostinho also asked communities to take part in the vaccination campaign so as contribute towards reducing COVID-19 outbreaks on Timor Leste especially Baucau. This will help normalize economic growth and restore stability for people who have been affected by this pandemic during their lifetime (see below)." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Government through its council of ministers decided to renew a seven-day curfew in Baucau Municipality from June 16th until Jun.23rd for another week because COVID -09 cases are increasing rapidly and there is no cure or remedy at this time" ], [ "Previous articleCOVID-19: 27 positive, recovered and active cases in Baucau Municipality Next ArticleGovernment supports HAFUCU group with $30k to improve children'... BAUCAU (AP) --Baucau municipal education service director Augusto Hornai Ximenes has instructed teachers through school principal that they should make the most of their time at home." ] ]
Job 41 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nMaromak koʼalia kona-ba lafaek (1-34)\n41 “Ó bele kail lafaek*+ hanesan kail ikan ka?Ó bele kesi metin ninia nanál ho tali ka? 2 Ó bele tuu tali ba ninia inus-kuak ka?Ó bele sona borus ninia hasan-ruin ho besi-kaʼit* ka? 3 Nia sei husu ó atu hatudu laran-sadiʼa ba nia ka?Nia sei koʼalia mamar ba ó ka? 4 Nia sei promete ba óHodi sai ó-nia atan durante ninia moris tomak ka? 5 Ó bele halimar ho nia hanesan halimar ho manu sira ka?Ó bele kesi nia ho tali hodi fó ba ó-nia oan-feto kiʼikoan sira atu halimar ho nia ka? 6 Negósiu-naʼin sira sei haksesuk malu kona-ba ninia folin ka? Ema neʼebé fila liman sei koʼa ninia isin hodi fahe ba malu ka? 7 Ó bele sona nia kulit ho diman barak ka?+Ó bele sona nia ulun ho keur ka? 8 Tau toʼok ó-nia liman ba nia dala ida deʼit,Ó sei nunka haluha ida-neʼe no nunka halo fali! 9 Se ó mehi atu kaer nia, neʼe sei nunka akontese. Maski ó haree deʼit mós sei halo ó taʼuk tebes toʼo monu* ba rai. 10 La iha ema ida mak brani atu book nia. Tan neʼe, sé mak bele hamriik hasoru haʼu?+ 11 Sé mak fó uluk buat ruma mai haʼu, hodi nuneʼe haʼu tenke selu ba nia?+ Buat hotu-hotu iha lalehan okos mak haʼu-nian.+ 12 Haʼu sei koʼalia tan kona-ba lafaek nia ain sira,Kona-ba ninia forsa boot no isin-lolon neʼebé kria ona ho diʼak tebes. 13 Sé mak kolu ona ninia roupa? Bainhira ninia ibun nakloke, sé mak brani atu tama ba laran? 14 Sé mak bele loke ninia hasan-ruin sira neʼebé boot?* Ninia nehan sira neʼebé haleʼu ninia ibun halo ema taʼuk. 15 Ninia kotuk iha kikit sira neʼebé rabat malu metin,*Sira tutan malu ho loloos. 16 Kikit sira rabat malu metin loosToʼo anin mós labele tama. 17 Sira belit metin ba malu,Sira belit metin loos toʼo labele haketak. 18 Bainhira nia fani, naroman sai husi ninia inus,Ninia matan hanesan naroman iha dadeer. 19 Naroman hanesan rai-lakan sai husi ninia ibun,No ahi-funan mós haksoit sai husi ninia ibun. 20 Suar sai husi ninia inus,Hanesan ahi-matan neʼebé lakan hela.* 21 Nia huu iis,* halo ahi-klaak lakan,No ninia ibun tiru sai ahi. 22 Ninia kakorok iha forsa boot,Sira hotu neʼebé hasoru nia sai taʼuk tebes. 23 Ninia kulit belit metin ba malu,No toos hanesan besi neʼebé labele muda. 24 Ninia fuan toos hanesan fatuk,Sin, toos hanesan fatuk dulas trigu nian. 25 Bainhira nia hiʼit an saʼe, sira neʼebé forsa boot mós sai taʼuk,Bainhira nia book an bá-mai, neʼe halo sira bilán. 26 La iha surik ida mak bele manán nia,Nuneʼe mós ho diman, rama-oan ka rama ulun.+ 27 Nia haree besi hanesan duʼut-maran deʼit,Riti hanesan ai lahuk deʼit. 28 Rama-oan ida labele halo nia halai,Fatuk sira neʼebé ema tuda ho tali-baku* mós sai hanesan duʼut-maran deʼit. 29 Nia haree ai-dona hanesan duʼut-maran deʼit,No nia hamnasa deʼit bainhira nia rona lian husi diman neʼebé ema doko hela. 30 Ninia kabun hanesan sanan-rai nia rohan neʼebé kroʼat,Nia latan an iha tahu laran hanesan ai-kabelak sama trigu nian.+ 31 Nia halo tasi nakali hanesan bee iha sanan laran,Nia halo tasi nafurin hanesan mina iha sanan. 32 Fatin neʼebé nia nani liu ona sai nabilan. Ema sei hanoin katak bee kleʼan mak hanesan fuuk mutin. 33 Iha rai tomak la iha buat ida mak hanesan ho nia,Maromak kria nia nuʼudar animál ida neʼebé la hatene taʼuk. 34 Nia fihir ba animál hotu neʼebé loko an. Nia mak liurai ba animál siʼak hotu neʼebé forsa boot.”\n^ Lian Ebraiku, leviatan. Haree Glosáriu.\n^ Orj., “ai-tarak”.\n^ Ka “soe”.\n^ Orj., “odamatan sira husi ninia oin”.\n^ Ka karik “nia foti an tanba ninia kikit sira”.\n^ Ka “ahi-matan neʼebé lakan makaʼas han duʼut sira”.\n^ Ka “Ninia iis”. Haree “Nefes” iha Glosáriu.
[ "Job 41 | Biblia online | New World Translation Maromak ko'alia kona-ba lafaek (1-34) 41 \"O bele kail lafaek*+ hanesan kail ikan ka?O bele kesi metin ninia nanal ho tali ka?", "2 O bele tuu tali ba ninia inus-kuak ka?O bele sona borus ninia hasan-ruin ho besi-ka'it* ka?", "3 Nia sei husu o atu hatudu laran-sadi'a ba nia ka?Nia sei ko'alia mamar ba o ka?", "4 Nia sei promete ba oHodi sai o-nia atan durante ninia moris tomak ka?", "5 O bele halimar ho nia hanesan halimar ho manu sira ka?O bele kesi nia ho tali hodi fo ba o-nia oan-feto ki'ikoan sira atu halimar ho nia ka?", "6 Negosiu-na'in sira sei haksesuk malu kona-ba ninia folin ka?", "Ema ne'ebe fila liman sei ko'a ninia isin hodi fahe ba malu ka?", "7 O bele sona nia kulit ho diman barak ka?+O bele sona nia ulun ho keur ka?", "8 Tau to'ok o-nia liman ba nia dala ida de'it,O sei nunka haluha ida-ne'e no nunka halo fali!", "9 Se o mehi atu kaer nia, ne'e sei nunka akontese.", "Maski o haree de'it mos sei halo o ta'uk tebes to'o monu* ba rai.", "10 La iha ema ida mak brani atu book nia.", "Tan ne'e, se mak bele hamriik hasoru ha'u?+ 11 Se mak fo uluk buat ruma mai ha'u, hodi nune'e ha'u tenke selu ba nia?+ Buat hotu-hotu iha lalehan okos mak ha'u-nian.+ 12 Ha'u sei ko'alia tan kona-ba lafaek nia ain sira,Kona-ba ninia forsa boot no isin-lolon ne'ebe kria ona ho di'ak tebes.", "13 Se mak kolu ona ninia roupa?", "Bainhira ninia ibun nakloke, se mak brani atu tama ba laran?", "14 Se mak bele loke ninia hasan-ruin sira ne'ebe boot?* Ninia nehan sira ne'ebe hale'u ninia ibun halo ema ta'uk.", "15 Ninia kotuk iha kikit sira ne'ebe rabat malu metin,*Sira tutan malu ho loloos.", "16 Kikit sira rabat malu metin loosTo'o anin mos labele tama.", "17 Sira belit metin ba malu,Sira belit metin loos to'o labele haketak.", "18 Bainhira nia fani, naroman sai husi ninia inus,Ninia matan hanesan naroman iha dadeer.", "19 Naroman hanesan rai-lakan sai husi ninia ibun,No ahi-funan mos haksoit sai husi ninia ibun.", "20 Suar sai husi ninia inus,Hanesan ahi-matan ne'ebe lakan hela.* 21 Nia huu iis,* halo ahi-klaak lakan,No ninia ibun tiru sai ahi.", "22 Ninia kakorok iha forsa boot,Sira hotu ne'ebe hasoru nia sai ta'uk tebes.", "23 Ninia kulit belit metin ba malu,No toos hanesan besi ne'ebe labele muda.", "24 Ninia fuan toos hanesan fatuk,Sin, toos hanesan fatuk dulas trigu nian.", "25 Bainhira nia hi'it an sa'e, sira ne'ebe forsa boot mos sai ta'uk,Bainhira nia book an ba-mai, ne'e halo sira bilan.", "26 La iha surik ida mak bele manan nia,Nune'e mos ho diman, rama-oan ka rama ulun.+ 27 Nia haree besi hanesan du'ut-maran de'it,Riti hanesan ai lahuk de'it.", "28 Rama-oan ida labele halo nia halai,Fatuk sira ne'ebe ema tuda ho tali-baku* mos sai hanesan du'ut-maran de'it.", "29 Nia haree ai-dona hanesan du'ut-maran de'it,No nia hamnasa de'it bainhira nia rona lian husi diman ne'ebe ema doko hela.", "30 Ninia kabun hanesan sanan-rai nia rohan ne'ebe kro'at,Nia latan an iha tahu laran hanesan ai-kabelak sama trigu nian.+ 31 Nia halo tasi nakali hanesan bee iha sanan laran,Nia halo tasi nafurin hanesan mina iha sanan.", "32 Fatin ne'ebe nia nani liu ona sai nabilan.", "Ema sei hanoin katak bee kle'an mak hanesan fuuk mutin.", "33 Iha rai tomak la iha buat ida mak hanesan ho nia,Maromak kria nia nu'udar animal ida ne'ebe la hatene ta'uk.", "34 Nia fihir ba animal hotu ne'ebe loko an.", "Nia mak liurai ba animal si'ak hotu ne'ebe forsa boot.\" ^ Lian Ebraiku, leviatan.", "Haree Glosariu. ^ Orj., \"ai-tarak.\" ^ Ka \"soe.\" ^ Orj., \"odamatan sira husi ninia oin.\" ^ Ka karik \"nia foti an tanba ninia kikit sira.\" ^ Ka \"ahi-matan ne'ebe lakan maka'as han du'ut sira.\" ^ Ka \"Ninia iis.\"", "Haree \"Nefes\" iha Glosariu." ]
[ [ "Job 41 | Bible online - New World Translation God speaks of the wild beast (2-35) \"Canst thou cut off a wolf*+ like an eel?" ], [ "2 Can you tie a cord to his nose?Can your iron-cage* pierce through the innermost part of its belly," ], [ "3 Will he ask you to show him mercy?Will she speak harshly of thee?\"" ], [ "4 Will he promise Oholiab to be his servant all the days of her life?" ], [ "5 Canst thou lay with him as a lamb lies, and cut off his flesh by the cords to give it unto thy little daughter?" ], [ "6 Will merchants dispute with one another about its price?" ], [ "Does a man who has broken his hands cut off and divide himself?" ], [ "7 Can you brush his skin with many hairs?+Can your head be broached?" ], [ "8 Put your hand on him once, and you will never forget it or do again!" ], [ "9 If you desire to catch him, it will never happen." ], [ "Even just looking at it will make you feel so weak that* your head falls to the ground." ], [ "10 No one is willing to punish him. He will not be punished by any man," ], [ "10 For who can stand up against me?+ Who will give something to my hands, so that I may pay him?+ All things in the heavens are mine." ], [ "13 Who has washed his own clothes? who hath laundered himself in the waters of hell." ], [ "When its mouth is closed, who will resist entering it?" ], [ "14 Who can open his great bowels?* His necks that are in the midst of its belly make a man tremble." ], [ "15 On his back there are fingers that hold together firmly; They touch one another with truth." ], [ "16 They wrapped their necks tightly around each other, so that the wind could not enter." ], [ "17 They bind one another tightly; they tie each other fast, so that it cannot break." ], [ "18 When she was thirsty, blood came out of her innards; Her eyes were like the reds on dadeer." ], [ "19 Naor is like a lion that comes out of her womb, And fires go forth from the midst thereof." ], [ "20 A sound goes out of his nostrils, and he burns up the fires that are in it.*" ], [ "21 His throne is in great strength: all that meet him are afraid." ], [ "23 His skins are firmly girded together, And his flesh is as iron that cannot be shaken." ], [ "24 His breath is hard as a stone; Sin, it's harsh like the threshing-stones of wheat." ], [ "25 When he rises up, the mighty are made low; and when his feet go down they fall." ], [ "26 There is no snake that can overcome him,Not even a dragon or an eagle+ nor any other creature with the head of man." ], [ "28 A ram can't make it move, and the woods that are tied with a ribbon* turn out like dusty grass." ], [ "29 He seeth the fruits of her field as a dull cloud,And his heart is troubled when he hearet noise from an open place." ], [ "30 His dungeons are like the wide expanses of a sea; He lays down in hedges as wheatgrass.+1:29 Psalms (KJV)" ], [ "32 The house which he had chosen for himself is turned into ruins." ], [ "People will think that clear water is like a mustard fire." ], [ "34 There is nothing like it in all the earth; as a beast that knoweth not how to walk, so hath he made him." ], [ "34 He looked upon every living thing that moved." ], [ "He is the king over all good beasts of great strength.\" ^ Hebrew, leviatan." ], [ "See Glossary. ^ Orj, \"the trees.\" ↑ or “soe.” (see glossary).   Org: „The fruits of his forehead.“ → if he took himself for the reason that it was so thickly planted with grapevine plants; a tree which is too tall to eat them and its seed has been taken away from him by their own root system – see also this article about an example in English-English dictionary" ], [ "See \"Nefes\" in the Glossary." ] ]
Assanami Promete Militante Pd | Partidu Demokratiku\nAssanami Promete Militante Pd\nAssanami Promete Militante PD Halo Dezenvolvimentu Nasional\nDiskursu Presidente PD, Mariano Assanami Sabino, iha nia kampana dahuluk iha Munisipiu Lautem (20_06) | Photo Dok: Partidu Demokratiku\nLAUTEM : Presidente Pártidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino promete ba povu sei halo Dezenvolvimentu hahu husi baze to’o nasional. Wainhira povu fo fiar ba Pártidu Demokrátiku (PD), manan iha Eleisaun Parlamentar (Elpar) period 2017-2022.\nPresidente PD, Mariano Assanami, husu ba povu Lautem oan atu vota ba PD ho numeru 13, atu nune’e iha period ida ne’e bele hadia povu nia moris husi baze.\nEis Ministru MAP ne’e dehan, vota ba PD, sei loke kreditu ba povu atu hadia povu nia moris, PD sei halo mudansa ba povu nia moris liu husi produsaun aihan, fahe trakrotor gratuita ba povu agrikultor sira no liberta povu husi kiak, garanitia saude gratuita ba povu tomak atu bele asesu.\n“Ne’ebe PD promote, vota ba PD, PD sei halo Estrada, moris diak, vota PD uma ida-idak ba populasaun sira ho dignu, hari’I aeroportu, kompana publiku, telekomunikasaun, portu no aeroportu. PD PRomete atu halo, tanba PD hatene kaer ukun ne’e ho diak no hatene mos nia moras ne’e. moras ne;ebe ke mai husi Ailaran, moras ida ai husi klandestina, moras ida mak husi Timor oan fahe mau desde rezistensia desde 1975, diskriminasaun ukun ne’ebe hamosu krizi 2006, AMP ukun, Bloku ukun mais seidauk bosu,” hatete Presidente Pártidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, iha nia kampaña dahuluk iha munisipiu Lautem, tersa (20/06).\nAssanami hatutan katka, povu atu moris diak ho dignu. Tenke prepara abilidade hotu liu-liu ba kriasaun abitasaun atu nune’e sidadaun hotu-hotu bele moris ho dignu. Nune’e hakarak atu dezenvolve joven sira nia mentadade liu husi produsaun ai-aihan.\nPD nia programa seluk, veteranus sira tenke simu subsidiu. “Tanba ne’e kuandu PD povu kontinua fo fiar sei loke tan kreditu ba ba veteranus sira atu bele kontinua hadia sira nia moris. Politika ne’e partidu demokratiku la’os kolia deit maibe atu realize,” nia dehan.\nAssanami mos husu ba nia militants no kuadrus sira tenke hahi malu, atu PD moris solidu nafatin. Timor-Leste ohin loron iha rekursu naturais ne’ebe barak ohin loron balun halo ona esplorasaun no barak ohin loron sedauk iha. Tanba ne’e PD brani hodi kompromete ba povu tomak atu halo dezenvolvimentu husi baze liu-liu ba kriasaun abitasaun. Vota ba PD sei la iha tan funsionariu kontratadu no volontariu sen salariu ne’e bele hamosu diskriminasaun tamba ne’e hakarak atu halo simplifikasaun ba administrasaun publiku.\nIha periode ne’e PD nia programa politika fo prioridade numeru 1 ba Estrada, hasa’e salariu ba Funsionariu Publiku liu-liu ba PNTL, FFDTL no funsionariu sira seluk atu nune’e bele halakon KKN, tanba sira iha ona salariu ne’ebe naton atu trata nia moris.\n“Ami halo, ami laos halimar, vota ami, vota ita. Imi koko tok fo imi nia konfiansa ba PD, tanba ami laos koalia deit. Tamba PD nia hakarak ne’e fo kor diferente ba mundu, tanba iha rikusoin no iha rekursus umanus ne’ebe pronto ona atu servi husi leten to’o kraik. Ne’ebe kuandu PD promesa, PD sei halo tanba ida ne’e dever no reponsabilidade ida,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e Prezidente PD husu ba militante no Simpazitantes tenke fo fiar ba jerasaun foun sira katak, segundu zerasaun povu maubere nia oan sira bele ona atu kaer ukun. Prontu ona tanba Ami protu ona .
[ "Assanami Promete Militante Pd | Partidu Demokratiku Assanami Promete Militante Pd Assanami Promete Militante PD Halo Dezenvolvimentu Nasional Diskursu Presidente PD, Mariano Assanami Sabino, iha nia kampana dahuluk iha Munisipiu Lautem (20_06) | Photo Dok: Partidu Demokratiku LAUTEM: Presidente Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino promete ba povu sei halo Dezenvolvimentu hahu husi baze to'o nasional.", "Wainhira povu fo fiar ba Partidu Demokratiku (PD), manan iha Eleisaun Parlamentar (Elpar) period 2017-2022.", "Presidente PD, Mariano Assanami, husu ba povu Lautem oan atu vota ba PD ho numeru 13, atu nune'e iha period ida ne'e bele hadia povu nia moris husi baze.", "Eis Ministru MAP ne'e dehan, vota ba PD, sei loke kreditu ba povu atu hadia povu nia moris, PD sei halo mudansa ba povu nia moris liu husi produsaun aihan, fahe trakrotor gratuita ba povu agrikultor sira no liberta povu husi kiak, garanitia saude gratuita ba povu tomak atu bele asesu.", "\"Ne'ebe PD promote, vota ba PD, PD sei halo Estrada, moris diak, vota PD uma ida-idak ba populasaun sira ho dignu, hari'I aeroportu, kompana publiku, telekomunikasaun, portu no aeroportu.", "PD PRomete atu halo, tanba PD hatene kaer ukun ne'e ho diak no hatene mos nia moras ne'e. moras ne;ebe ke mai husi Ailaran, moras ida ai husi klandestina, moras ida mak husi Timor oan fahe mau desde rezistensia desde 1975, diskriminasaun ukun ne'ebe hamosu krizi 2006, AMP ukun, Bloku ukun mais seidauk bosu,\" hatete Presidente Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, iha nia kampana dahuluk iha munisipiu Lautem, tersa (20/06).", "Assanami hatutan katka, povu atu moris diak ho dignu.", "Tenke prepara abilidade hotu liu-liu ba kriasaun abitasaun atu nune'e sidadaun hotu-hotu bele moris ho dignu.", "Nune'e hakarak atu dezenvolve joven sira nia mentadade liu husi produsaun ai-aihan.", "PD nia programa seluk, veteranus sira tenke simu subsidiu.", "\"Tanba ne'e kuandu PD povu kontinua fo fiar sei loke tan kreditu ba ba veteranus sira atu bele kontinua hadia sira nia moris.", "Politika ne'e partidu demokratiku la'os kolia deit maibe atu realize,\" nia dehan.", "Assanami mos husu ba nia militants no kuadrus sira tenke hahi malu, atu PD moris solidu nafatin.", "Timor-Leste ohin loron iha rekursu naturais ne'ebe barak ohin loron balun halo ona esplorasaun no barak ohin loron sedauk iha.", "Tanba ne'e PD brani hodi kompromete ba povu tomak atu halo dezenvolvimentu husi baze liu-liu ba kriasaun abitasaun.", "Vota ba PD sei la iha tan funsionariu kontratadu no volontariu sen salariu ne'e bele hamosu diskriminasaun tamba ne'e hakarak atu halo simplifikasaun ba administrasaun publiku.", "Iha periode ne'e PD nia programa politika fo prioridade numeru 1 ba Estrada, hasa'e salariu ba Funsionariu Publiku liu-liu ba PNTL, FFDTL no funsionariu sira seluk atu nune'e bele halakon KKN, tanba sira iha ona salariu ne'ebe naton atu trata nia moris.", "\"Ami halo, ami laos halimar, vota ami, vota ita.", "Imi koko tok fo imi nia konfiansa ba PD, tanba ami laos koalia deit.", "Tamba PD nia hakarak ne'e fo kor diferente ba mundu, tanba iha rikusoin no iha rekursus umanus ne'ebe pronto ona atu servi husi leten to'o kraik.", "Ne'ebe kuandu PD promesa, PD sei halo tanba ida ne'e dever no reponsabilidade ida,\" nia dehan.", "Tanba ne'e Prezidente PD husu ba militante no Simpazitantes tenke fo fiar ba jerasaun foun sira katak, segundu zerasaun povu maubere nia oan sira bele ona atu kaer ukun.", "Prontu ona tanba Ami protu ona ." ]
[ [ "Assanami Promete Militante Pd | Partido Democrático (PD) Assunção, 20_6: President of the Democratic Party(DP), Mariano Asami Sabino promises to people that he will make development from grassroot level up national." ], [ "When the people gave their confidence to Democratic Party (PD), it won in Parliamentary Elections 2017-36." ], [ "PD President, Mariano Assanami asked the people of Lautem to vote for DP with number 13 so that in this period they can improve their lives from ground up." ], [ "The former Minister of Agriculture said, vote for PD will open credit to the people in order improve their lives. They'll make a change through food production and distribute free tractors among farmer’ s population so as liberating them from poverty; they also guaranteed that all citizens would have accessibility on health care services at no cost whatsoever" ], [ "\"What the PD promotes, vote for them. The DP will make road and live well; they'll give every home to its inhabitants a dignified living environment by building an airport with public companies such as telecommunication company port or airfield.\"" ], [ "The PD promises to do so, because the DP know how well it is in power and also understand its disease. This sickness that comes from Ailaran; a sickness of clandestine activity which has divided Timorese since 1975 resistance movement discrimination governing cause crisis for years now AMP ruling block government but not yet bosu\", said Democratic Party (PD) President Mariano Assanami Sabino at his first campaign meeting on Tuesday June(20)." ], [ "Assanami said that the people want to live well and with dignity." ], [ "We must prepare all the skills, especially for housing so that everyone can live with dignity." ], [ "He wants to develop young people' s mentality through the production of fruit and vegetables." ], [ "Another PD program, veterans must receive subsidies." ], [ "\"Therefore, if the PD people continue to trust it will open more credit for veterans so that they can keep improving their lives." ], [ "\"Politics is a democratic party not just to fight but also for realization,\" he said." ], [ "Assanami also urged his militants and cadre to support each other, so that the PD can remain solid." ], [ "Timor-Leste today has many natural resources, some of which have been explored and others are not." ], [ "Therefore, the PD is committed to all people in order for development from a basic level especially housing." ], [ "Voting for the PD means that there will be no more contracted officials and volunteers without salary, which may lead to discrimination because they want a simplification of public administration." ], [ "During this period, the PD's political program gave priority number one to road construction and raising salaries for civil servant in particular of PNTL (Police), F-FDTL(Fire Force)and other officials so that they could defeat KKN because their wages were sufficient." ], [ "\"We do, we don't hurt you. Vote for us and vote to ourselves.\"" ], [ "You should give your confidence to PD, because we are not just talking." ], [ "Because the PD wants to give a different direction for this world, because there is wealth and human resources that are ready already." ], [ "When the PD promises something, it will do so because this is a duty and responsibility,” he said." ], [ "Therefore, the President of PD asked militants and sympathizers to trust in new generation that second-generation children from Maubere people can now take power." ], [ "Ready because we are ready." ] ]
Prezidente Repúblika fó pose ba embaixadór dezignadu sira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Prezidente Repúblika fó pose ba embaixadór dezignadu sira\nPrezidente Repúblika fó pose ba embaixadór dezignadu sira\nPrezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, hasai retratu hamutuk ho embaixadór dezignadu sira iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, tersa (13/07). Imajen Tatoli /Egas Cristóvão.\nDILI, 13 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, tersa ne’e fó pose ba embaixadór dezignadu sira atu hala’o misaun multilaterál iha Nasaun Unida no misaun bilaterál iha Repúblika Cuba, Brunei Darussalam, Nova Zelândia, no Enviadu Espesiál ho kategoria Embaixadór Itinerante ba Asuntu Klimátiku.\nPrezidente Repúblika hateten, embaixadór Carlito Nunes ba postu ho karáter multilaterál iha Misaun Permanente Organizasaun Nasaun Unida, Eusebio Cursino ba postu ho karáter bilaterál iha Repúblika Cuba, Abel Guterres ba Estadu Brunei Darussalam, Felicidade Guterres ba Nova Zelândia no Adão Soares Barbosa ba Enviadu Espesiál, ho kategoria Embaixadór Itinerante ba Asuntu Klimátiku.\nPrezidente fó pose bazea Konstitituisaun RDTL Artigu 6 (objetivu Estadu nian) hateten, Estadu nia objetivu fundamental mak “harii no haburas relasaun di’ak no harosan (kooperasaun) ho povu no ho estadu hotu-hotu”.\n“Nomeasaun ida-ne’e signifika katak Governu no Prezidente Repúblika fó fiar ba ita-boot sira atu servisu hamutuk ho país no organizasaun sira-ne’ebé ita-boot simu akreditasaun ba, no nune’e, relasaun bilaterál no multilaterál entre ita-nia Estadu no Estadu sira seluk sei hametin liután. Ha’u fiar katak Ita-Boot sira iha kondisaun atu hasa’ e no haluan,” Prezidente Repúblika hateten liuhosi diskursu iha serimónia tomada de pose ba Embaixadór foun Timor-Leste, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nPrezidente haktuir, Embaixadór Karlito Nunes iha esperiénsia servisu tinan barak ona ho ajénsia internasionál sira, inklui ho misaun no ajénsia sira hosi Nasaun Unida hanesan Unated Nation Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) no International Organization for Migration (IOM), liu-liu iha área eduka eleitór sira, repatriasaun no insersaun refujiadu sira-nian no mós iha programa asisténsia hodi reintegra membru FALINTIL.\nEmbaixadór Eusébio Corsino harii Grupu Amizade ho Cuba iha 2008. Tanba ko’alia kona-ba kooperasaun entre Cuba no Timor-Leste, Xefe Estadu bolu atensaun ema hotu nian liu-liu Governu Timor-Leste no embaixador Eusébio Corsino atu halo kooperasaun iha área saúde kona-ba formasaun médiku timor-oan sira.\n“Ha’ u hasa’e iha ne’e importánsia kooperasaun entre Cuba no Timor-Leste iha área saúde, kona-ba formsaun médiku timor-oan iha Fakuldade Medisina UNTL no mós iha Universidade Cuba,” Xefe Estadu hateten.\nEmbaixadór Abel Guterres iha esperiénsia boot iha área diplomasia, negosiasaun, reprezentasaun, sosiedade sivíl, solidariedade sosiál, refujiadu, imigrasaun, kooperasaun no relasaun internasional.\nIha 2001 integra iha kuadru Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun, no okupa kargu oioin, no ida mak sai Diretor Divizaun Asuntu Bilaterál, responsável ba relasaun ho Austrália, Nova Zelândia no Ila Pasífiku. Husi 2010 to’o 2019 kaer kargu nu’udar Embaixador Timor-Leste ba Austrália.\nEmbaixadora Felicidade Guterres reprezenta Timor-Leste no ko’alia iha konferénsia oioin, reuniaun no eventu internasionál sira iha país oioin. Ohin loron, halo parte Diresaun ba Centro Nasional CHEGA! Husi 2015 to’o 2019, Embaixadora Timor-Leste ba Reinu Cambodia.\nEmbaixadór Adão Soares Barbosa iha esperiénsia boot tebes iha área agrikultura, dezenvolvimentu rurál no polítika ambientál. Ho mestradu iha Siénsias Ambiente hasai iha Universidade Teknolojia Victória, iha Austrália, halo servisu peskiza kona-ba asuntu liga ba klima no reprezenta Timor-Leste nu’udar pontu vogál ba servisu sira refere ba Konvensaun Nasaun Unida kona-bá Mudansa Klimátika.\nPR Lú Olo fó posse ba Embaixadór foun iha Timor-Leste\nPrevious articleKazu Ritabou, PNTL deteta grupu balun provoka iha kalan\nNext articlePN konstitui ona Komisaun Permanente durante períodu resesu\nBAUCAU, 13 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)--Komandante Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) Baucau, Superintendente Armando Monteiro, hateten, sidadaun hamutuk na’in-198 ne'ebé deporta hosi Indonézia hala’o ona prosesa...
[ "Prezidente Republika fo pose ba embaixador dezignadu sira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Prezidente Republika fo pose ba embaixador dezignadu sira Prezidente Republika fo pose ba embaixador dezignadu sira Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', hasai retratu hamutuk ho embaixador dezignadu sira iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, tersa (13/07).", "Imajen Tatoli /Egas Cristovao.", "DILI, 13 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, tersa ne'e fo pose ba embaixador dezignadu sira atu hala'o misaun multilateral iha Nasaun Unida no misaun bilateral iha Republika Cuba, Brunei Darussalam, Nova Zelandia, no Enviadu Espesial ho kategoria Embaixador Itinerante ba Asuntu Klimatiku.", "Prezidente Republika hateten, embaixador Carlito Nunes ba postu ho karater multilateral iha Misaun Permanente Organizasaun Nasaun Unida, Eusebio Cursino ba postu ho karater bilateral iha Republika Cuba, Abel Guterres ba Estadu Brunei Darussalam, Felicidade Guterres ba Nova Zelandia no Adao Soares Barbosa ba Enviadu Espesial, ho kategoria Embaixador Itinerante ba Asuntu Klimatiku.", "Prezidente fo pose bazea Konstitituisaun RDTL Artigu 6 (objetivu Estadu nian) hateten, Estadu nia objetivu fundamental mak \"harii no haburas relasaun di'ak no harosan (kooperasaun) ho povu no ho estadu hotu-hotu.\"", "\"Nomeasaun ida-ne'e signifika katak Governu no Prezidente Republika fo fiar ba ita-boot sira atu servisu hamutuk ho pais no organizasaun sira-ne'ebe ita-boot simu akreditasaun ba, no nune'e, relasaun bilateral no multilateral entre ita-nia Estadu no Estadu sira seluk sei hametin liutan.", "Ha'u fiar katak Ita-Boot sira iha kondisaun atu hasa' e no haluan,\" Prezidente Republika hateten liuhosi diskursu iha serimonia tomada de pose ba Embaixador foun Timor-Leste, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, tersa ne'e.", "Prezidente haktuir, Embaixador Karlito Nunes iha esperiensia servisu tinan barak ona ho ajensia internasional sira, inklui ho misaun no ajensia sira hosi Nasaun Unida hanesan Unated Nation Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) no International Organization for Migration (IOM), liu-liu iha area eduka eleitor sira, repatriasaun no insersaun refujiadu sira-nian no mos iha programa asistensia hodi reintegra membru FALINTIL.", "Embaixador Eusebio Corsino harii Grupu Amizade ho Cuba iha 2008.", "Tanba ko'alia kona-ba kooperasaun entre Cuba no Timor-Leste, Xefe Estadu bolu atensaun ema hotu nian liu-liu Governu Timor-Leste no embaixador Eusebio Corsino atu halo kooperasaun iha area saude kona-ba formasaun mediku timor-oan sira.", "\"Ha' u hasa'e iha ne'e importansia kooperasaun entre Cuba no Timor-Leste iha area saude, kona-ba formsaun mediku timor-oan iha Fakuldade Medisina UNTL no mos iha Universidade Cuba,\" Xefe Estadu hateten.", "Embaixador Abel Guterres iha esperiensia boot iha area diplomasia, negosiasaun, reprezentasaun, sosiedade sivil, solidariedade sosial, refujiadu, imigrasaun, kooperasaun no relasaun internasional.", "Iha 2001 integra iha kuadru Ministeriu Negosius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun, no okupa kargu oioin, no ida mak sai Diretor Divizaun Asuntu Bilateral, responsavel ba relasaun ho Australia, Nova Zelandia no Ila Pasifiku.", "Husi 2010 to'o 2019 kaer kargu nu'udar Embaixador Timor-Leste ba Australia.", "Embaixadora Felicidade Guterres reprezenta Timor-Leste no ko'alia iha konferensia oioin, reuniaun no eventu internasional sira iha pais oioin.", "Ohin loron, halo parte Diresaun ba Centro Nasional CHEGA!", "Husi 2015 to'o 2019, Embaixadora Timor-Leste ba Reinu Cambodia.", "Embaixador Adao Soares Barbosa iha esperiensia boot tebes iha area agrikultura, dezenvolvimentu rural no politika ambiental.", "Ho mestradu iha Siensias Ambiente hasai iha Universidade Teknolojia Victoria, iha Australia, halo servisu peskiza kona-ba asuntu liga ba klima no reprezenta Timor-Leste nu'udar pontu vogal ba servisu sira refere ba Konvensaun Nasaun Unida kona-ba Mudansa Klimatika.", "PR Lu Olo fo posse ba Embaixador foun iha Timor-Leste Previous articleKazu Ritabou, PNTL deteta grupu balun provoka iha kalan Next articlePN konstitui ona Komisaun Permanente durante periodu resesu BAUCAU, 13 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) --Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Baucau, Superintendente Armando Monteiro, hateten, sidadaun hamutuk na'in-198 ne'ebe deporta hosi Indonezia hala'o ona prosesa..." ]
[ [ "The President of the Republic takes oath as ambassador-designate | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Presidential inauguration for newly designated embassies: Prime Minister, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' and Ambassador to Indonesia Luís Roberto Barroso take a portrait together at Nicolau Lobato Presidensial Palace in Bairru Pite district on Tuesday (13/07)." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao." ], [ "DILI, July 13th (Xinhua) - President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo on Tuesday sworn in the ambassadors designated to carry out multilateral mission at United Nations and bilateral Missions with Republic of Cuba; Brunei Darussalam. New Zealand: Special Envoy for Climate Affairs as Ambassador Going-To" ], [ "The President of the Republic has appointed Ambassador Carlito Nunes to a multilateral post at his Permanent Mission in New York, Eusebio Cursino for bilateral posts with Cuba and Abel Guterres as Special Envoy on Climate Change." ], [ "Article 6 (objectives of the State) states that, \"the fundamental objective is to establish and foster good relations with all peoples in Timor-Leste.\"" ], [ "\"This appointment means that the Government and President of Republic have placed confidence in you to work with countries, organizations for which we are accredited. Thurso bilateral relations between our State as well a multilateral relationship will be further strengthened.\"" ], [ "I am confident that you have the conditions to rise and grow,\" President of Timor-Leste said in his speech at an inauguration ceremony for new Ambassadors from East Тимор. The event took place on Tuesday (21/03) during a meeting between Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak with Vice Premier Xanana Gusmao no Deputy Chief Secretary António de Sousa da Costa Pereira Jerónimos" ], [ "The President said that Ambassador Karlito Nunes has many years of experience working with international agencies, including United Nations missions and organization such as the Unated Nation Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) or International Organization for Migration(IOM), particularly on voter education; refugee repatriation/insertions programme. He also assisted to integrate FALINTIL members into society through a program called “Reintegração de Membros da Força Armada”." ], [ "Ambassador Eusebio Corsino established the Friendship Group with Cuba in 2018." ], [ "Speaking about cooperation between Cuba and Timor-Leste, the Head of State called on everyone's attention especially to East Тимор Government & Ambassador Eusebio Corsino for cooperating in health area regarding training timorense medical staff." ], [ "\"I emphasize the importance of cooperation between Cuba and Timor-Leste in healthcare, regarding training for medical staff at UNTL's Medical Faculty as well to that provided by Universidad de la República (UCR),\" said President Raul Castro." ], [ "Ambassador Abel Guterres has extensive experience in the fields of diplomacy, negotiations and representation. He also works with civil society organization (CSOs), social solidarity groups as well As on refugee-related issues like immigration cooperation & international relations" ], [ "He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in 2013, where he held various positions including Director for Bilateral Relationship Division responsible on relations with Australia/New Zealand & Pacific Islands." ], [ "He served as Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Australia from January,2019 until December." ], [ "Ambassador Felicidade Guterres has represented Timor-Leste and spoken at various international conferences, gatherings & events in different countries." ], [ "Today, she is part of the Board at CHEGA! National Center." ], [ "From 2015 to 'o're, Ambassador of Timor-Leste in the Kingdom Cambodia." ], [ "Ambassador Adao Soares Barbosa has extensive experience in the field of agriculture, rural development and environmental policy." ], [ "With a Master's degree in Environmental Science from Victoria University of Technology, Australia he conducted research on climate-related issues and representing Timor Leste as the focal point for work related to UNFCCC." ], [ "Previous articleRitabou case, PNTL detects some groups provoked at night Next artikelPN constitutes Standing Committee during recess period BAUCAU 13 September (TATOLI) --Commander of the National Police Timor-Leste'(PNTL), Superintendent Armando Monteiro said that a total number... Read More »" ] ]
Juís 10 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nJuís Tola no Jair (1-5)\nEma Izraél husik Jeová, depois arrepende an (6-16)\nEma Ammon ameasa ema Izraél (17, 18)\n10 Depois Abimelec nia tempu, mane ida husi Issacar naran Tola mak salva Izraél.+ Tola mak Puá nia oan-mane, Dodo nia bei-oan. Nia hela iha Samir, iha Efraim nia área foho nian. 2 Nia sai juís iha Izraél ba tinan 23. Tuirmai nia mate no ema hakoi nia iha Samir. 3 Depois nia, Jair, ema Gilead, mak sai juís iha Izraél ba tinan 22. 4 Nia iha oan-mane naʼin-30 neʼebé saʼe kuda-burru 30, no sira iha sidade 30, neʼebé toʼo ohin loron ema bolu nuʼudar Havot-Jair;+ sidade sira-neʼe iha rai-Gilead. 5 Depois neʼe, Jair mate no ema hakoi nia iha Kamon. 6 Dala ida tan ema Izraél halo buat neʼebé aat tuir Jeová nia haree,+ no sira komesa serbí Baal sira,+ estátua Astoret, maromak sira husi Aram,* maromak sira husi Sidon, maromak sira husi Moab,+ ema Ammon nia maromak sira+ no ema Filístia nia maromak sira.+ Sira husik tiha Jeová no la serbí tan nia. 7 Tuirmai Jeová sai hirus tebes hasoru ema Izraél, no nia faʼan sira ba ema Filístia no ema Ammon nia liman.+ 8 Entaun sira halakon no hanehan makaʼas ema Izraél iha tinan neʼe, sin, ba tinan 18 sira hanehan ema Izraél hotu iha Mota Jordaun nia sorin, iha rai neʼebé uluk nuʼudar ema Amoreu nian iha Gilead. 9 No ema Ammon mós hakur Mota Jordaun hodi halo funu hasoru suku Judá, suku Benjamim no suku Efraim, no ida-neʼe halo ema Izraél neon-susar tebes. 10 Entaun, ema Izraél husu ajuda ba Jeová,+ hodi dehan: “Ami halo ona sala hasoru Ita tanba ami husik ona ami-nia Maromak no serbí fali Baal sira.”+ 11 Maibé Jeová hatete ba ema Izraél: “Haʼu mak salva imi husi rai-Ejitu,+ husi ema Amoreu,+ ema Ammon, ema Filístia,+ 12 ema Sidon, ema Amalec no ema Midian bainhira sira hanehan imi, loos ka lae? Kuandu imi husu haʼu, haʼu salva imi husi sira-nia liman. 13 Maibé imi husik tiha haʼu no serbí fali maromak sira seluk.+ Tan neʼe mak haʼu sei la salva tan imi.+ 14 Laʼo ba maromak sira neʼebé imi hili ona no husu ajuda ba sira.+ Husik sira salva imi iha tempu susar.”+ 15 Maibé ema Izraél hatete ba Jeová: “Ami halo ona sala. Halo ba ami tuir Ita-nia hakarak. Maibé favór ida, salva ami iha loron neʼe.” 16 No sira hasai tiha maromak falsu* husi sira-nia leet no serbí Jeová,+ entaun nia labele tahan ona atu haree ema Izraél terus.+ 17 Liutiha tempu balu, tropa Ammon sira+ bolu malu hamutuk, no sira harii tropa nia hela-fatin iha Gilead. Entaun ema Izraél mós halibur hamutuk no sai prontu atu funu iha Mizpa. 18 Povu no ulun-naʼin sira iha Gilead koʼalia ba malu dehan: “Sé mak sei dirije ita atu funu hasoru ema Ammon?+ Husik nia sai nuʼudar xefe ba ema Gilead tomak.”
[ "Juis 10 | Biblia online | New World Translation Juis Tola no Jair (1-5) Ema Izrael husik Jeova, depois arrepende an (6-16) Ema Ammon ameasa ema Izrael (17, 18) 10 Depois Abimelec nia tempu, mane ida husi Issacar naran Tola mak salva Izrael.+ Tola mak Pua nia oan-mane, Dodo nia bei-oan.", "Nia hela iha Samir, iha Efraim nia area foho nian.", "2 Nia sai juis iha Izrael ba tinan 23.", "Tuirmai nia mate no ema hakoi nia iha Samir.", "3 Depois nia, Jair, ema Gilead, mak sai juis iha Izrael ba tinan 22.", "4 Nia iha oan-mane na'in-30 ne'ebe sa'e kuda-burru 30, no sira iha sidade 30, ne'ebe to'o ohin loron ema bolu nu'udar Havot-Jair;+ sidade sira-ne'e iha rai-Gilead.", "5 Depois ne'e, Jair mate no ema hakoi nia iha Kamon.", "6 Dala ida tan ema Izrael halo buat ne'ebe aat tuir Jeova nia haree,+ no sira komesa serbi Baal sira,+ estatua Astoret, maromak sira husi Aram,* maromak sira husi Sidon, maromak sira husi Moab,+ ema Ammon nia maromak sira+ no ema Filistia nia maromak sira.+ Sira husik tiha Jeova no la serbi tan nia.", "7 Tuirmai Jeova sai hirus tebes hasoru ema Izrael, no nia fa'an sira ba ema Filistia no ema Ammon nia liman.+ 8 Entaun sira halakon no hanehan maka'as ema Izrael iha tinan ne'e, sin, ba tinan 18 sira hanehan ema Izrael hotu iha Mota Jordaun nia sorin, iha rai ne'ebe uluk nu'udar ema Amoreu nian iha Gilead.", "9 No ema Ammon mos hakur Mota Jordaun hodi halo funu hasoru suku Juda, suku Benjamim no suku Efraim, no ida-ne'e halo ema Izrael neon-susar tebes.", "10 Entaun, ema Izrael husu ajuda ba Jeova,+ hodi dehan: \"Ami halo ona sala hasoru Ita tanba ami husik ona ami-nia Maromak no serbi fali Baal sira.\"+ 11 Maibe Jeova hatete ba ema Izrael: \"Ha'u mak salva imi husi rai-Ejitu,+ husi ema Amoreu,+ ema Ammon, ema Filistia,+ 12 ema Sidon, ema Amalec no ema Midian bainhira sira hanehan imi, loos ka lae?", "Kuandu imi husu ha'u, ha'u salva imi husi sira-nia liman.", "13 Maibe imi husik tiha ha'u no serbi fali maromak sira seluk.+ Tan ne'e mak ha'u sei la salva tan imi.+ 14 La'o ba maromak sira ne'ebe imi hili ona no husu ajuda ba sira.+ Husik sira salva imi iha tempu susar.\"+ 15 Maibe ema Izrael hatete ba Jeova: \"Ami halo ona sala.", "Halo ba ami tuir Ita-nia hakarak.", "Maibe favor ida, salva ami iha loron ne'e.\"", "16 No sira hasai tiha maromak falsu* husi sira-nia leet no serbi Jeova,+ entaun nia labele tahan ona atu haree ema Izrael terus.+ 17 Liutiha tempu balu, tropa Ammon sira+ bolu malu hamutuk, no sira harii tropa nia hela-fatin iha Gilead.", "Entaun ema Izrael mos halibur hamutuk no sai prontu atu funu iha Mizpa.", "18 Povu no ulun-na'in sira iha Gilead ko'alia ba malu dehan: \"Se mak sei dirije ita atu funu hasoru ema Ammon?+ Husik nia sai nu'udar xefe ba ema Gilead tomak.\"" ]
[ [ "Judgments 10 | Bible online Juges Tola et Jair (2-5) Les Israélites abandonnent l’Éternel, puis ils repent. The Ammonite threatens the Israelitens [Israelites]: They turn away from Jehovah and then they do evil to him.[369][487], or “they forsake Yahweh” – NLT)." ], [ "He lived in Shamir, on the outskirts of Ephraim." ], [ "2 He judged Israel for twenty-three years. And he was king over the children of Judah and Jerusalem," ], [ "And he died, and they buried him in Shamir." ], [ "3 And after him Jair the Gileadite judged Israel twenty and two years." ], [ "4 He had thirty sons who rode on three decades of donkey colts, and they possessed twenty cities which are called the villaged-of Jair to this day.+ They were in Gilead." ], [ "5 And it came to pass afterward, that Jair died; and they buried him in Kamon." ], [ "6 Again the children of Israel did that which was evil in Jehovah’s eyes,+ and they began to serve Baal, Ashtoreth+ as a graven image; also their worshipped gods were Aramite deities,* Sidonian idol-bearers+, Moabites.+ They forsook Yahweh from serving him." ], [ "7 And Jehovah was very angry with Israel, and he sold them into the hand of both Philistines+and Ammonites.+10:8 So they destroyed all Israeli men in that year; for an entirely eighteenth time*they devoured every man from among their people at Jordan Valley,+in what had been before a land belonging to Amorites." ], [ "9 And the children of Ammon went over Jordan to fight against Judah, and Benjamin; but they did not pass by them." ], [ "10 Then the children of Israel cried out to Jehovah,+ saying, “We have sinned against you because we forsook our God and turned back towards Baals.”+ But Yahweh said unto them: ‘I saved yourselves from Egypt.+ From under my hand are not come all these nations?’”" ], [ "When you asked me, I delivered from their hands." ], [ "13 But you have forsaken me and worshiped other devils.+ Therefore I will no longer save yourselves.+20:4 Go to the idolaters whom ye chose, call unto them for help; they shall deliver us in time of distress.”" ], [ "Do unto us as Thou wilt." ], [ "But one favor, save us on this day.\"" ], [ "16 And when they had put away the false deities* from among them, and were serving Jehovah,+ he could no longer bear to see Israel suffering." ], [ "And the men of Israel also gathered themselves together, and set their armies in battle at Mizpah." ], [ "18 And the people and rulers of Gilead said one to another, “Who will lead us out against Ammonites?+ May he be head over all Galaad.”" ] ]
Loron Tolu, Familia Boot CAC Hala’o Avaliasaun Annuál iha Fuiluro – Comissão Anti-Corrupção | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun\nFuiluro – Familia Boot Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) hahú loron Segunda-feira (27/12) ohin to’o loron (30/12) semana ne’e hala’o Avaliasaun Annuál iha kompleks Eskola Tékniku Agrikula (ETA) Salesiano Fuiluro Munisipiu Lautem. Avaliasaun Annuál nu’udar tradisaun Komisaun nian ne’ebé halao ona durante tinan 11 husi Primeiru Mandatu Komisariu nian too Terseira Mandatu Komisariu.\nLoron Dahuluk iha Avaliasaun Annuál tinan 2021 nian Tersa-feira (28/12) aban, sei hahú ho aprezentasaun rezultadu servisu Diresaun Servisus Apóiu no Kooperasaun (DSAK) ne’ebé lidera husi Komisariu Adjuntu ba Asuntu SAK nian Alexandre Freitas.\nRefkesaun Badak Komisairu CAC Sergio Hornai\nKomisariu Sergio Hornai iha ninian pontuasaun, kapturasaun no leitura durante tinan tomak ba Espesialista Anti-Korrupsaun (EAK) subliña ita abitua hatudu liman para ema seluk atu tuir ita! Los ka la los? Ita hotu halo reflesaun.\nMaibé, karik ita tarde la kumpri ita ninian dever sira, ita la obedese ita ninian regras sira, la komporta ba ita ninian superior sira! Entaun, oinsá mak ita bele bolu ema atu obedese ba ita? Ida ne’e rekere ita atu halo reflesaun prevensaun!\nDala ruma ha’u rona to’o tilun manas! Perguntas boot ita boot sira husik hela! Komisariu iha kapasidade ka? Iha intereses ka? Ka iha kamuflase de’it iha ninian retórika?\nEntaun ha’u bolu fali ita boot sira mai iha fatin (Fuiluro) ida ne’e para hateke ba iha idak-idak nian relatóriu Tibar (Avaliasaun Primeiru Semester Terseiru Mandatu Komisariu) ninian, Fatumaca Baucau ninian ho João Paul II Comoro ninian. Saida mak ita (boot EAK) ho ha’u no Adjuntus sira kumpri hotu ona ka seidauk?\nSe seidauk karik? Ha’u (Komisariu) ho ita boot sira halo hodi komprimenta rekomendasaun (iha avaliasaun annuál pasadu nian) sira ne’e. Sé ó (EAK sira) bele hatudu liman ba ha’u (Komisariu)? Husu uluk ba ó nian-an! Saida mak ó bele kontribui ona ba instituisaun (CAC) ne’ebé ha’u servisu ba! Reflesaun ida ba ita hotu!\nIta sempre ponta ita ninian tebes ba iha ema seluk! Perguntas ha’u nian simples! Se ha’u konsege ponta ha’u ninian tamba faktus, tamba provas, tamba razaun no ha’u ninian komportamentus iha instituisaun oinsá? Ha’u la hateten! Ha’u la dun! Mais ita hotu-hotu halo reflesaun para ita hotu-hotu iha sentidu partense ga lae?\nSe ita la iha sentidu partense!? Ita sei namlele, ita iha inserteja, kamuflase ida falsu. Ne’ebé husik ita halo reflesaun. Se ha’u Diretor Jerál! Ha’u kontribui ona saida ba iha hau ninian instituisaun? Ha’u halo ona saida ba iha ha’u ninian sub-ordinadu sira? Ha’u nian sub-ordinadu sira atu kontribui ba ha’u iha saida? Entaun, iha perguntas lubuk oan ida mak ita husik!\nBainhira ita tau planu, ita tau orsamentu! ita hotu-hotu desididu halo reflesaun. Ita uza osan povu ninian, tamba razaun ita hanesan instituisaun referensiadu, ita hanesan instituisaun Estadu fó ba ita. Ita hotu-hotu ninian responsabilidade.\nIkus, hakarak hateten! Ita boot sira ku’u Lakeru dikin iha to’os (instituisaun) ida ne’e, ita boot sira hakarak han fore iha to’os (instituisaun CAC) ida ne’e! ita hotu-hotu iha reflesaun no responsabilidade plena no la iha razaun atu hateten lae. Mais, tenke sente, ha’u partense ba instituisaun ida ne’e hodi hateke ba dook atu halo buat ida ba rai (Timor-Leste) ida ne’e.\nSuperior ho sub-ordinadu sira tenki sai solusioner no la sai obstakulu ba problema sira iha instituisaun CAC iha luta sagradu kontra korrupsaun ba povu no nasaun nian di’ak.\nReflesaun Kompletu Amu Lulik Rolando Fernandez, SDB\nAvaliasaun Annuál hahu Segunda-feira loraik ne’e ho reflesaun badak aprezenta husi Amo Lulik Rolando Fernandez, SDB ho topiku Synopsis “Akontesimentu Korrupsaun Nian Iha Biblia”.\nSynopsis Amu Lulik Rolando nian kobre pontus hitu (7);\nJacob hadau direitu oan mane boot nian hosi Esau (Genesis 25:29-34; 27:1-40)\nLiurai David selinkuh ho Urias nian fen no haruka oho urias (2 Samuel 11:1-12:31)\nIsabel hadau Nabot nian toos Uvas (1 Liurai 21:1-22:38)\nKatuas rua (2) akuza Susana halo adulteriu ho foinsa’e ida (Daniel 13:1-64),\nJoão Baptista nian lia menon ba publikasaun no soldadu sira (Lucas 13:12-14),\nJudas fa’an Jesus ba osan mutin 30 (Mateus 26:14-18; 27:3-8) no\nAnanias no Safira bosok Pedro (Apostolu sira nia hahalok 5:1-11).\nIstoria Badak (Synopsis)\n1. Isaac nia oan mane kaduak mak Esau no Jacob. Isaac hadomi Esau no nia feen Rebecca hadomi Jacob. Esau mak sai uluk hosi nia inan, ne’e duni iha direitu nudar oan mane boot. Direitu ne’e ho bensa no mos liman rohan boot. Maibe loron ida nia fila ba uma hamlaha, no husu Jacob nebe tein kotu daudaun atu fo han nia. Jacob fo han deit se Esau fo ba Jacob nia direitu nudar oan mane boot. Esau fo duni tan nia hamlaha liu.\nBainhira Isaac besik atu mate no husu Esau atu prepara nia hahán favoritu, Rebecca haruka Jacob oho bibi ida hodi tein. Esau ba kasa daudaun. Rebecca haruka Jacob lori hahán ba Isaac. Isaac nia matan fraku liu; Rebecca falun Jacob nia liman ho bibi kulit atu lohi Isaac tan Esau nia liman iha fuuk barak. Isaac fo bensa ba Jacob hodi hanoin katak nia mak Esau. Esau fila hodi lorin hahán maibe Isaac han tiha no mos fo ona bensa ba Jacob, tan ne’e la bele fo bensa ba Esau.\nJacob ten ke halai hosi Esau ba tinan barak, maibe ikus mai nia hadame malu ho Esau. Jacob no Esau nia bei oan sira funu malu nafatin.\n2. David pasear iha nia uma nia kakuluk no hare feto furak haris daudaun. Nia haruka bolu feto ne’e naran Betsabe hodi halo sala ho nia. Betsabe nia laen Urias soldadu nebe halo funu daudaun. Bainhira Betsabe fo hatene ba David katak nia isin rua, David haruka bolu Urias. Fo han no halo nia lanu hodi haruka ba uma, maibe Urias la ba uma. Ikus mai David haruka surat ba Urias nia komandante. Urias lori surat ne’e nebe haruka komandanste atu tau Urias iha funu makaas nia laran hafoin dada an hodi husik Urias nune’e funubalun sira oho nia. Kore metan tiha, Betsabe ba David nia uma atu sai nia fen. Profeta Natan siak David, no David hakribi nia sala, maibe labarik nebe moris mai sai moras no ikus mai mate.\n3. Liurai Ahab hakarak Nabot nia toos uvas nian atu kuda nia modo. Nabot la fo tan rai ne’e nia bei ala sira nian. Jesebel, Ahab nia feen, haruka surat ba katuas sira iha Nabot nia rai hodi husu sira atu buka sasin bosok nebe sei akusa Nabot krime nebe soi kastigu mate. Ema tuda mate Nabot no Jesebel haruka Ahab foti Nabot nia rai. Profeta Elias siak liurai Ahab, nebe hakribi hodi halo penitensia. Maibe ikus mai, iha funu laran, rama oan kona Ahab, nebe halai hosi funu laran. Ema hasai nia hosi nia kuda kareta. Bainhira ema fase Ahab nia kuda kareta, asu sira sei lambi Ahab nia ran iha fatin nebe ema tuda mate Nabot.\n4. Katuas naran boot rua hakarak halo sala ho kaben na’in furak ida naran Susana, maibe nia la fo an; tan ne’e sira akusa nia halo sala ho foinsa’e ida iha nia jardin laran. Tan sira nia sasin, ema kondena Susana ba mate. Daniel hatudu ba povu katak katuas sira fo sasin bosok, hodi soi Susana no kondena katuas rua ne’e.\n5. Publikanu sira mos mai atu simu baptismu. Sira husu ba Nia: “Mestre, ami sei halo sa los?” Nia hatan ba sira: “Imi keta husu impostu liu ida nebe estadu haruka.” Soldadu sira mos husu ba nia: “Be, ami sei halo sa los?” Nia hatan: “Keta hanehan ema, keta duu matak ema, simu deit ho laran imi nia kolen.\n6. Judas husu amlulik sira osan hira mak sira sei fo ba nia atu saran Jesus ba sira. Sira fo osan mutin 30. Ikus mai Judas nia konsiénsia book nia. Nia fo fali osan ne’e ba amlulik sira no ikus mai taran an. Amlulik sira uza osan ne’e atu sosa rai iha nebe sir hakoi Judas/\n7. Ananias no nia feen Safira faan sira nia rai, hodi lori rai nia folin ba Pedro. Maibe Ananias bosok Pedro tan nia la fo rai nia folin tomak. Nia monu mate iha Pedro nia oin. Foinsa’e sir lori nia isin mate hodi hakoi. Feen Safira la hatene kona ba nia laen nia mate. Pedro husu nia kona ba rai nia folin no Safira dehan katak osan nia laen saran ba Pedro no rai nia folin tomak. Ikus mai nia mos mate no foinsa’e sira lori nia atu hakoi.\nKorupsaun hahalok nebe antigu liu, la’os buat foun. Iha Jacob-Esau, maun alin sai inimigu ba tempu barak no bainhira sira hadame malu, deskonfia malu nafatin. Sira nia bei oan sira nebe sai nasaun rua funu malu nafatin. Maibe hosi Jacob nia hahalok aat (lolos nia inan mak autor) Maromak aproveita atu forma povu Israel. Mos tan Esau, bainhira nia husu aihan his Jacob, la iha neon ba buat nebe futuru hanoin deit kona ba diak nebe besik.\nIha David nia korupsaun, Maromak fo kastigu hodi halo labarik moras no maske David halo penitensia, labarik mate. David hakribi nia sala (Salmo 51) no Maromak aproveita atu hamosu hosi David no Betsabe oan ida naran Salomao nebe Maromak uza ba nia povo nia diak.\nHo liurai Ahab, Maromak perdua nia ba tempu, maibe ikus mai fo kastigu mate ba nia liu hosi funu no asu sira lambi nia ran nebe monu hosi nia kuda kareta bainhira ema fase kareta ne’e.\nJudas mate tara an. Jesus haka’as an atu soi nia hodi bolu nia “belun”, maibe Judas nia pentimentu la too atu fila ba Maromak.\nAnanias no Safira hetan kastigu mate hodi la iha tempu atu hakribi sala no fila fali ba Maromak.\nKonklusaun husi synopsis badak husi Amu Lulik Rolando hateten mai servisu nain CAC nian iha katak Maromak lakohi korrupsaun, no nia ameasa atu fo kastigu todan ba korruptor. Maibe, fo tempu atu hakribit sala hodi fila ba Nia. Maromak halo ne’e ba korruptor no mos ba ida ne’ebé kolabora ho korruptor (Safira). Mos, Maromak aproveita atu hosi ema nian sala buat diak mosu. (*)\nPermanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2022/04/loron-tolu-familia-boot-cac-halao-avaliasaun-annual-iha-fuiluro/
[ "Loron Tolu, Familia Boot CAC Hala'o Avaliasaun Annual iha Fuiluro - Comissao Anti-Corrupcao | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Fuiluro - Familia Boot Comissao Anti-Corrupcao (CAC) hahu loron Segunda-feira (27/12) ohin to'o loron (30/12) semana ne'e hala'o Avaliasaun Annual iha kompleks Eskola Tekniku Agrikula (ETA) Salesiano Fuiluro Munisipiu Lautem.", "Avaliasaun Annual nu'udar tradisaun Komisaun nian ne'ebe halao ona durante tinan 11 husi Primeiru Mandatu Komisariu nian too Terseira Mandatu Komisariu.", "Loron Dahuluk iha Avaliasaun Annual tinan 2021 nian Tersa-feira (28/12) aban, sei hahu ho aprezentasaun rezultadu servisu Diresaun Servisus Apoiu no Kooperasaun (DSAK) ne'ebe lidera husi Komisariu Adjuntu ba Asuntu SAK nian Alexandre Freitas.", "Refkesaun Badak Komisairu CAC Sergio Hornai Komisariu Sergio Hornai iha ninian pontuasaun, kapturasaun no leitura durante tinan tomak ba Espesialista Anti-Korrupsaun (EAK) sublina ita abitua hatudu liman para ema seluk atu tuir ita!", "Los ka la los?", "Ita hotu halo reflesaun.", "Maibe, karik ita tarde la kumpri ita ninian dever sira, ita la obedese ita ninian regras sira, la komporta ba ita ninian superior sira!", "Entaun, oinsa mak ita bele bolu ema atu obedese ba ita?", "Ida ne'e rekere ita atu halo reflesaun prevensaun!", "Dala ruma ha'u rona to'o tilun manas!", "Perguntas boot ita boot sira husik hela!", "Komisariu iha kapasidade ka?", "Iha intereses ka?", "Ka iha kamuflase de'it iha ninian retorika?", "Entaun ha'u bolu fali ita boot sira mai iha fatin (Fuiluro) ida ne'e para hateke ba iha idak-idak nian relatoriu Tibar (Avaliasaun Primeiru Semester Terseiru Mandatu Komisariu) ninian, Fatumaca Baucau ninian ho Joao Paul II Comoro ninian.", "Saida mak ita (boot EAK) ho ha'u no Adjuntus sira kumpri hotu ona ka seidauk?", "Se seidauk karik?", "Ha'u (Komisariu) ho ita boot sira halo hodi komprimenta rekomendasaun (iha avaliasaun annual pasadu nian) sira ne'e.", "Se o (EAK sira) bele hatudu liman ba ha'u (Komisariu)?", "Husu uluk ba o nian-an!", "Saida mak o bele kontribui ona ba instituisaun (CAC) ne'ebe ha'u servisu ba!", "Reflesaun ida ba ita hotu!", "Ita sempre ponta ita ninian tebes ba iha ema seluk!", "Perguntas ha'u nian simples!", "Se ha'u konsege ponta ha'u ninian tamba faktus, tamba provas, tamba razaun no ha'u ninian komportamentus iha instituisaun oinsa?", "Ha'u la hateten!", "Ha'u la dun!", "Mais ita hotu-hotu halo reflesaun para ita hotu-hotu iha sentidu partense ga lae?", "Se ita la iha sentidu partense!?", "Ita sei namlele, ita iha inserteja, kamuflase ida falsu.", "Ne'ebe husik ita halo reflesaun.", "Se ha'u Diretor Jeral!", "Ha'u kontribui ona saida ba iha hau ninian instituisaun?", "Ha'u halo ona saida ba iha ha'u ninian sub-ordinadu sira?", "Ha'u nian sub-ordinadu sira atu kontribui ba ha'u iha saida?", "Entaun, iha perguntas lubuk oan ida mak ita husik!", "Bainhira ita tau planu, ita tau orsamentu! ita hotu-hotu desididu halo reflesaun.", "Ita uza osan povu ninian, tamba razaun ita hanesan instituisaun referensiadu, ita hanesan instituisaun Estadu fo ba ita.", "Ita hotu-hotu ninian responsabilidade.", "Ikus, hakarak hateten!", "Ita boot sira ku'u Lakeru dikin iha to'os (instituisaun) ida ne'e, ita boot sira hakarak han fore iha to'os (instituisaun CAC) ida ne'e! ita hotu-hotu iha reflesaun no responsabilidade plena no la iha razaun atu hateten lae.", "Mais, tenke sente, ha'u partense ba instituisaun ida ne'e hodi hateke ba dook atu halo buat ida ba rai (Timor-Leste) ida ne'e.", "Superior ho sub-ordinadu sira tenki sai solusioner no la sai obstakulu ba problema sira iha instituisaun CAC iha luta sagradu kontra korrupsaun ba povu no nasaun nian di'ak.", "Reflesaun Kompletu Amu Lulik Rolando Fernandez, SDB Avaliasaun Annual hahu Segunda-feira loraik ne'e ho reflesaun badak aprezenta husi Amo Lulik Rolando Fernandez, SDB ho topiku Synopsis \"Akontesimentu Korrupsaun Nian Iha Biblia.\"", "Synopsis Amu Lulik Rolando nian kobre pontus hitu (7); Jacob hadau direitu oan mane boot nian hosi Esau (Genesis 25:29-34; 27:1-40) Liurai David selinkuh ho Urias nian fen no haruka oho urias (2 Samuel 11:1-12:31) Isabel hadau Nabot nian toos Uvas (1 Liurai 21:1-22:38) Katuas rua (2) akuza Susana halo adulteriu ho foinsa'e ida (Daniel 13:1-64), Joao Baptista nian lia menon ba publikasaun no soldadu sira (Lucas 13:12-14), Judas fa'an Jesus ba osan mutin 30 (Mateus 26:14-18; 27:3-8) no Ananias no Safira bosok Pedro (Apostolu sira nia hahalok 5:1-11).", "Istoria Badak (Synopsis) 1.", "Isaac nia oan mane kaduak mak Esau no Jacob.", "Isaac hadomi Esau no nia feen Rebecca hadomi Jacob.", "Esau mak sai uluk hosi nia inan, ne'e duni iha direitu nudar oan mane boot.", "Direitu ne'e ho bensa no mos liman rohan boot.", "Maibe loron ida nia fila ba uma hamlaha, no husu Jacob nebe tein kotu daudaun atu fo han nia.", "Jacob fo han deit se Esau fo ba Jacob nia direitu nudar oan mane boot.", "Esau fo duni tan nia hamlaha liu.", "Bainhira Isaac besik atu mate no husu Esau atu prepara nia hahan favoritu, Rebecca haruka Jacob oho bibi ida hodi tein.", "Esau ba kasa daudaun.", "Rebecca haruka Jacob lori hahan ba Isaac.", "Isaac nia matan fraku liu; Rebecca falun Jacob nia liman ho bibi kulit atu lohi Isaac tan Esau nia liman iha fuuk barak.", "Isaac fo bensa ba Jacob hodi hanoin katak nia mak Esau.", "Esau fila hodi lorin hahan maibe Isaac han tiha no mos fo ona bensa ba Jacob, tan ne'e la bele fo bensa ba Esau.", "Jacob ten ke halai hosi Esau ba tinan barak, maibe ikus mai nia hadame malu ho Esau.", "Jacob no Esau nia bei oan sira funu malu nafatin.", "2.", "David pasear iha nia uma nia kakuluk no hare feto furak haris daudaun.", "Nia haruka bolu feto ne'e naran Betsabe hodi halo sala ho nia.", "Betsabe nia laen Urias soldadu nebe halo funu daudaun.", "Bainhira Betsabe fo hatene ba David katak nia isin rua, David haruka bolu Urias.", "Fo han no halo nia lanu hodi haruka ba uma, maibe Urias la ba uma.", "Ikus mai David haruka surat ba Urias nia komandante.", "Urias lori surat ne'e nebe haruka komandanste atu tau Urias iha funu makaas nia laran hafoin dada an hodi husik Urias nune'e funubalun sira oho nia.", "Kore metan tiha, Betsabe ba David nia uma atu sai nia fen.", "Profeta Natan siak David, no David hakribi nia sala, maibe labarik nebe moris mai sai moras no ikus mai mate.", "3.", "Liurai Ahab hakarak Nabot nia toos uvas nian atu kuda nia modo.", "Nabot la fo tan rai ne'e nia bei ala sira nian.", "Jesebel, Ahab nia feen, haruka surat ba katuas sira iha Nabot nia rai hodi husu sira atu buka sasin bosok nebe sei akusa Nabot krime nebe soi kastigu mate.", "Ema tuda mate Nabot no Jesebel haruka Ahab foti Nabot nia rai.", "Profeta Elias siak liurai Ahab, nebe hakribi hodi halo penitensia.", "Maibe ikus mai, iha funu laran, rama oan kona Ahab, nebe halai hosi funu laran.", "Ema hasai nia hosi nia kuda kareta.", "Bainhira ema fase Ahab nia kuda kareta, asu sira sei lambi Ahab nia ran iha fatin nebe ema tuda mate Nabot.", "4.", "Katuas naran boot rua hakarak halo sala ho kaben na'in furak ida naran Susana, maibe nia la fo an; tan ne'e sira akusa nia halo sala ho foinsa'e ida iha nia jardin laran.", "Tan sira nia sasin, ema kondena Susana ba mate.", "Daniel hatudu ba povu katak katuas sira fo sasin bosok, hodi soi Susana no kondena katuas rua ne'e.", "5.", "Publikanu sira mos mai atu simu baptismu.", "Sira husu ba Nia: \"Mestre, ami sei halo sa los?\"", "Nia hatan ba sira: \"Imi keta husu impostu liu ida nebe estadu haruka.\"", "Soldadu sira mos husu ba nia: \"Be, ami sei halo sa los?\"", "Nia hatan: \"Keta hanehan ema, keta duu matak ema, simu deit ho laran imi nia kolen.", "6.", "Judas husu amlulik sira osan hira mak sira sei fo ba nia atu saran Jesus ba sira.", "Sira fo osan mutin 30.", "Ikus mai Judas nia konsiensia book nia.", "Nia fo fali osan ne'e ba amlulik sira no ikus mai taran an.", "Amlulik sira uza osan ne'e atu sosa rai iha nebe sir hakoi Judas/ 7.", "Ananias no nia feen Safira faan sira nia rai, hodi lori rai nia folin ba Pedro.", "Maibe Ananias bosok Pedro tan nia la fo rai nia folin tomak.", "Nia monu mate iha Pedro nia oin.", "Foinsa'e sir lori nia isin mate hodi hakoi.", "Feen Safira la hatene kona ba nia laen nia mate.", "Pedro husu nia kona ba rai nia folin no Safira dehan katak osan nia laen saran ba Pedro no rai nia folin tomak.", "Ikus mai nia mos mate no foinsa'e sira lori nia atu hakoi.", "Korupsaun hahalok nebe antigu liu, la'os buat foun.", "Iha Jacob-Esau, maun alin sai inimigu ba tempu barak no bainhira sira hadame malu, deskonfia malu nafatin.", "Sira nia bei oan sira nebe sai nasaun rua funu malu nafatin.", "Maibe hosi Jacob nia hahalok aat (lolos nia inan mak autor) Maromak aproveita atu forma povu Israel.", "Mos tan Esau, bainhira nia husu aihan his Jacob, la iha neon ba buat nebe futuru hanoin deit kona ba diak nebe besik.", "Iha David nia korupsaun, Maromak fo kastigu hodi halo labarik moras no maske David halo penitensia, labarik mate.", "David hakribi nia sala (Salmo 51) no Maromak aproveita atu hamosu hosi David no Betsabe oan ida naran Salomao nebe Maromak uza ba nia povo nia diak.", "Ho liurai Ahab, Maromak perdua nia ba tempu, maibe ikus mai fo kastigu mate ba nia liu hosi funu no asu sira lambi nia ran nebe monu hosi nia kuda kareta bainhira ema fase kareta ne'e.", "Judas mate tara an.", "Jesus haka'as an atu soi nia hodi bolu nia \"belun,\" maibe Judas nia pentimentu la too atu fila ba Maromak.", "Ananias no Safira hetan kastigu mate hodi la iha tempu atu hakribi sala no fila fali ba Maromak.", "Konklusaun husi synopsis badak husi Amu Lulik Rolando hateten mai servisu nain CAC nian iha katak Maromak lakohi korrupsaun, no nia ameasa atu fo kastigu todan ba korruptor.", "Maibe, fo tempu atu hakribit sala hodi fila ba Nia.", "Maromak halo ne'e ba korruptor no mos ba ida ne'ebe kolabora ho korruptor (Safira).", "Mos, Maromak aproveita atu hosi ema nian sala buat diak mosu. (*) Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2022/04/loron-tolu-familia-boot-cac-halao-avaliasaun-annual-iha-fuiluro/" ]
[ [ "For the third day, CAC Family Held Annual Evaluation in Fuiluro - Comissao Anti-Corrupcaa | Commission Against Corruptive Behavior The Brazilian anticorrution commission (Commissaria de Luta Contra a corrupção – CACT) began its annual examination at Salesiano School of Agriculture and Technology complex from Monday to Wednesday." ], [ "The Annual Evaluation is a tradition of the Commission which has been carried out for 10 years from Commissioner's First Term to Third term." ], [ "The first day of the Annual Assessment for 2019, Tuesday (3/8), will begin with a presentation by Deputy Commissioner Alexandre Freitas on results from work carried out in this year." ], [ "A Brief Reflection by CAC Commissioner Sergio Hornai In his scores, capture and reading throughout the year for Anti-Corruption Specialist (ACS), CCA Commissioner Sergei Hornai emphasizes that we are used to showing our hands so others can follow us!" ], [ "Los ka la los? (love you)" ], [ "We all reflected." ], [ "But if we are late in fulfilling our duties, not obeying the rules and behaving badly toward superiors!" ], [ "How then can we call people to obey us?" ], [ "This requires us to reflect on prevention!" ], [ "Sometimes I hear it to the point of my fingers!" ], [ "Great questions we have left behind!" ], [ "Does the commissioner have competence?" ], [ "Are you interested?" ], [ "Or is there just a camouflage in this rhetoric?" ], [ "So I call you all to this place (Fuiluro) for each of the Tibar, Fatumaca Baucau and Joao Paul II Comoro reports." ], [ "What have we (head of EAK) and I, the Adjuncts accomplished or not yet?" ], [ "Have you already?" ], [ "I (the Commissioner) and you have made a commitment to follow up on these recommendations [in the past annual evaluation]." ], [ "If you (EAKs) can raise your hands to me?" ], [ "Ask yourselves first!" ], [ "What can I contribute to the institution (CAC) for which i work!" ], [ "A reflection for all of us!" ], [ "We always point ourselves too much at others!" ], [ "My questions are simple!" ], [ "What if I succeeded in pointing out my own facts, evidence and reason for the way that we behaved within our institution?" ], [ "I didn't say it!" ], [ "Ha'u la dun!" ], [ "But let us all reflect so that we have a sense of belonging, right?" ], [ "If we do not have a sense of belonging!?" ], [ "We will be named, we have an inserteja a false camouflage." ], [ "That leaves us to reflect." ], [ "If I am the Director General!" ], [ "What have I contributed to my institution?" ], [ "What have I done for my subordinates?" ], [ "What are my subordinates to contribute for me?" ], [ "So, there are a lot of questions that we should leave!" ], [ "When we make plans, then budgets! We are all determined to reflect." ], [ "We use the people's money, because we are a reference institution and as such it is given to us." ], [ "It is the responsibility of us all." ], [ "Ikus, want to say!" ], [ "You guys have Lakeru in this forest (institution), you want to eat forage from the woods of CAC! we all reflect and take full responsibility, there is no reason not." ], [ "But, I have to feel that my departure from this institution was aimed at doing something for the country (East Timor)." ], [ "Superiors and subordinates must be solvers rather than obstacles to problems in the CAC institution, as they fight a sacred struggle against corruption for their people' s good." ], [ "The Annual Evaluation begins on Monday evening with a brief reflection presented by Fr. Rolando Fernandez, SDB under the topic Synopsis \"The Case of Corruption in our Bible.\"" ], [ "Synopsis Father Rolando covers seven (7) points; Jacob violating the rights of Esau's eldest son, Isaac(Genesis 25:30-41); King David cheating on Uriah and sending Urijah away from his house to be executed by a kingly judgement in Jerusalem. Queen Elizabeth robbery Naboths vineyard with grape trees for sale at an unfair price as he was accusing Susanna that she had committed adultery against her younger sister or brother/brother whose name is not mentionned anywhere other than \"Susanna\" which means 'the one whom God has chosen out among all men’)." ], [ "The Badak Story (Synopsis) 1." ], [ "The sons of Isaac: Esau and Jacob. These are the father' s names in Hebrew" ], [ "Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah his wife loves Jacob." ], [ "Esau was born earlier than his mother, so he is entitled to the title of eldest son." ], [ "This right has no benevolence and also a wide hand." ], [ "But one day he came home hungry, and begged Jacob who was cutting the corn to give him something." ], [ "Jacob would only give food if Esau gave him his right as the first-born son." ], [ "And Esau gave him more than he was hungry for." ], [ "When Isaac was dying and asked Esau to prepare his favorite meal, Rebecca sent Jacob a slaughtered calf for him." ], [ "Esau going to bed." ], [ "Rebecca sent Jacob to bring food for Isaac." ], [ "Isaac's eyes became weak; Rebecca broke Jacob’S hand with a calf-skin to heat Esau‘ s hands in the fire." ], [ "Isaac blessed Jacob to remember that he was Esau." ], [ "Esau returned to eat, but Isaac had devoured his food and blessing Jacob; so he could not give a prayer for him." ], [ "Jacob had been away from Esau for many years, but eventually he fell in love with him." ], [ "Jacob and Esau's son, the half-brother of his father were still fighting." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "And David walked in the courtyard of his house, and saw a woman that was wretched." ], [ "And he sent and called her name Bath-sheba, to make him sin against the woman." ], [ "Bathsheba's brother Uriah was a soldier in the battle." ], [ "When Bathsheba told David that she was pregnant, he sent for Uriah." ], [ "He gave him food and washed his wool to send home, but Uriah did not go." ], [ "And David sent letters to the captain of Uriah." ], [ "Uriah carried the letter, which commanded his captains to put Urijah in high battle and then give himself up so that he might be killed." ], [ "And when it was done, Bath-sheba went to David's house for her wife." ], [ "Prophet Nathan prayed to David, and when he repented of his sin the child born was sickly." ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "King Ahab wants Naboth' s vineyard to plant his own crops." ], [ "Naboth would not give the land to his neighbors." ], [ "Jezebel, Ahab’s wife sent letter to the elder of Naboth' s country asking them for false witnesses who would accuse him with a crime worthy and worthy." ], [ "Naboth was killed, and Jezebel sent Ahab to take his land." ], [ "Prophet Elijah was a witness to King Ahab, who despised and repented." ], [ "But then, in the middle of a battle with Ahab's offspring who had fled from war." ], [ "A man pulled him out of his chariot." ], [ "When Ahab's chariot is cut, the dog will lick his blood in that place where Naboth was killed." ], [ "4. Amendment of the Regulations" ], [ "Two old men wanted to commit adultery with a beautiful wife named Susanna, but she refused; so they accuse her of having an affair in his garden." ], [ "Because of their testimony, Susanna was sentenced to death." ], [ "Daniel demonstrated to the people that they had given false witness, so Susanna was convicted and both elderly men were condemned." ], [ "5. Requirements for the application" ], [ "Publicans also came to be baptized. The publican's son was born of a woman named Martha, and he had been called by the name Mary (or Maria)." ], [ "And they asked him, saying: Master what shall we do?" ], [ "And he answered them, \"I charge no tax except that which the state imposes.\"" ], [ "The soldiers also asked him, \"What shall we do?\"" ], [ "He replied, \"Don't eat from anybody. Don ' t be rude to anyone; only take your food with heart and accept it in peace.\"" ], [ "6. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "Judas asked them how much money they were willing to give him in exchange for Jesus." ], [ "They gave me 30 bucks." ], [ "Then Judas' conscience commanded him." ], [ "He returned the money to his servants and went back home." ], [ "They used the money to buy land where Judas was buried/7." ], [ "Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold their land, bringing the price of it to Peter." ], [ "But Ananias lied to Peter by not giving him the full price of his land." ], [ "She fell dead at Peter's feet." ], [ "Foinsa'e sir carried his dead body to Hakoi." ], [ "Feen Safira does not know about her sister's death." ], [ "Peter asked her about the price of that land and Sapphire said she gave it to him, as well all its value." ], [ "Afterwards he died, and the young men carried him to be buried." ], [ "Corruption is an older practice, not a new one." ], [ "In Jacob-Esau, brothers became enemies for a long time and while they loved each other still mistrusted one another." ], [ "Their descendants who became two nations were still fighting each other." ], [ "But from Jacob's evil deeds (not his mother) God took advantage to form the people of Israel." ], [ "No more Esau, when he asked for food from Jacob's hand there was no neon to future things but only thought of the nearer good." ], [ "In David's corruption, God punished him by making the child sick and although he made penance for it his son died." ], [ "David rejected his sin (Psalm 51) and God took the opportunity to bring forth from him a son named Solomon whom He used in His people's good." ], [ "In the case of King Ahab, God pardoned him for a while but ultimately punished his death through battle and dogs licking up blood that fell from their chariot when it was prepared." ], [ "Judas died tara an." ], [ "Jesus arrogantly called him his \"beloved,\" but Judas' repentance was not sufficient to return Him." ], [ "Ananias and Sapphira were punished to death before they had time for repentance. They returned unto God, but not in the same way as their fathers did;" ], [ "The conclusion of the short synopsis by Father Lulik Rolando tells CAC employees that God does not like corruption, and he threatens to give death punishment for corruptors." ], [ "But give time to repent and return." ], [ "God does this for the corrupt and also to one who collaborates with corruption (Safira)." ], [ "(*) Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2018-396754_about@gmail,com (link is external and will be updated in a few days)." ] ]
Komponente Naval halo tinan 16, kontinua infrenta dezafiu - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Komponente Naval halo tinan 16, kontinua infrenta dezafiu\n``Atu harii komponente Naval fofoun iha dezafiu barak impedementum balun konkorda balun la konkorda, maibe la konkorda mak barak liu, hodi ita nia Governu nia inisiativa ita hari ita nia komponente Naval ne´ebé mak kiik, hahú husi ro rua Portugal fó ba ita,``esplika Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, liu husi diskursu, Sesta (12/01/18) iha aniversariu Komponente Naval ba dala 16 iha Kuartel Naval Hera.\n`´Hanesan ohin loron ita kumpara tinan 16 ba kotuk diferente meiu, diferente kondisoins, diferente kapasidade rekursu humanus ninian, diferente mós iha pesoal,``dehan Lere Anan Timur.\n``Ohin loron ita haree mesak joven de´it mak hola parte iha komponente Naval, joven feto no mane matenek edukadu,``dehan Lere Anan Timur.\n`` Dezafiu barak mak ita hasoru ita atu aprende buat barak iha ita nia moris, iha ita nia pasu no iha ita nia oin, iha ita nia asaun. Saida mak ita tenta halo durante tinan 16 ba kotuk asaun lubuk mak ita halo rezultadu neneik ou lais los ou sala ida ne´e aprende, apredende ita sai matenek liu tan,``esplika Kapitaun Fragata Adão Brito, alias Zeky.\n``Entaun ita presiza rekursu ne´ebé sufisiente atu enkuadra a´an iha momentu ne´ebé mak la´o hela,``dehan Adão Brito.\nSomotxo dehan, Governu Timor-Leste, la´os buat foun. “ Ha´u hanoin lori tempu naruk, maibe ita la hatene, aproveita mós kondisoins balun ne´ebé advejes favorese ba Timor-Leste, liu-liu ba Komponente Naval,``dehan Somotxo.\n``Tan ida ne´e mak ha´u atu koalia ka la koalia hanesan responsabilidade Estadu ne´e nian para atu dezenvolve kapasidade komponente Naval,``dehan Somotxo.\n``Ha´u nia preokupasaun nudar MInistru Defesa no Seguransa mak imi rona dala barak ona dehan modernizasaun instituisional. Modernizasaun instituisional signifika kondisoins ne´ebé ohin loron ita hare´e bele hakat liu ba oin para kapasita ita nia membru sira bele halo servisu,``dehan Somotxo.\n`´Ba internasional Komponente Naval husu nafatin imi ninia apoiu i Australia atu fó tan ro ida, rua ka tolu, mas sei kleur, ami hakarak lalais oituan,``dehan Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.avi
[ "Komponente Naval halo tinan 16, kontinua infrenta dezafiu - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Komponente Naval halo tinan 16, kontinua infrenta dezafiu \" Atu harii komponente Naval fofoun iha dezafiu barak impedementum balun konkorda balun la konkorda, maibe la konkorda mak barak liu, hodi ita nia Governu nia inisiativa ita hari ita nia komponente Naval ne'ebe mak kiik, hahu husi ro rua Portugal fo ba ita, \" esplika Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, liu husi diskursu, Sesta (12/01/18) iha aniversariu Komponente Naval ba dala 16 iha Kuartel Naval Hera.", "\"Hanesan ohin loron ita kumpara tinan 16 ba kotuk diferente meiu, diferente kondisoins, diferente kapasidade rekursu humanus ninian, diferente mos iha pesoal, \" dehan Lere Anan Timur. \"", "Ohin loron ita haree mesak joven de'it mak hola parte iha komponente Naval, joven feto no mane matenek edukadu, \" dehan Lere Anan Timur. \"", "Dezafiu barak mak ita hasoru ita atu aprende buat barak iha ita nia moris, iha ita nia pasu no iha ita nia oin, iha ita nia asaun.", "Saida mak ita tenta halo durante tinan 16 ba kotuk asaun lubuk mak ita halo rezultadu neneik ou lais los ou sala ida ne'e aprende, apredende ita sai matenek liu tan, \" esplika Kapitaun Fragata Adao Brito, alias Zeky. \"", "Entaun ita presiza rekursu ne'ebe sufisiente atu enkuadra a'an iha momentu ne'ebe mak la'o hela, \" dehan Adao Brito.", "Somotxo dehan, Governu Timor-Leste, la'os buat foun. \"", "Ha'u hanoin lori tempu naruk, maibe ita la hatene, aproveita mos kondisoins balun ne'ebe advejes favorese ba Timor-Leste, liu-liu ba Komponente Naval, \" dehan Somotxo. \"", "Tan ida ne'e mak ha'u atu koalia ka la koalia hanesan responsabilidade Estadu ne'e nian para atu dezenvolve kapasidade komponente Naval, \" dehan Somotxo. \"", "Ha'u nia preokupasaun nudar MInistru Defesa no Seguransa mak imi rona dala barak ona dehan modernizasaun instituisional.", "Modernizasaun instituisional signifika kondisoins ne'ebe ohin loron ita hare'e bele hakat liu ba oin para kapasita ita nia membru sira bele halo servisu, \" dehan Somotxo.", "\"Ba internasional Komponente Naval husu nafatin imi ninia apoiu i Australia atu fo tan ro ida, rua ka tolu, mas sei kleur, ami hakarak lalais oituan, \" dehan Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.avi" ]
[ [ "Komponente Naval fez ano 16, continua infrenta desafeu - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca \"In order to establish the naval component there are many challenges some agree and others disagree with it but we have more than one agreement. It is our government's own initiatives that led us towards building a smaller sized maritime force starting from two ship of Portugal\" explained F-FDTL Chief Of Staff Major General Lere Anan Timur during his speech on Saturday (03/24) at Hera Navy Base for its sixteenth birthday celebration" ], [ "\"However today we compare 16 years ago different means, other conditions and human resource capacities. Different in terms of personnel as well\", said Lere Anan Timur.\"" ], [ "Today we see only young people taking part in the naval component, educated and wise youths of both sexes,” says Lere Anan Timur." ], [ "There are many challenges that we face and so much to learn in our lives, with each step of the way." ], [ "What we have tried to do over the past 16 years is a lot of actions that resulted in nothing or wrong, it's learning and by learning you become wiser\", said Frigate Captain Adao Britos aka Zeky. \"" ], [ "So we need sufficient resources to frame ourselves in the moment that is going on,\" says Adao Brita." ], [ "Somotxo said, \"Governo Timor-Leste is not a new thing." ], [ "I think it will take a long time, but we don't know. We also want to make the most of some conditions that have been favourable for Timor-Leste in recent times and especially with regards on its naval component,” Somotxo said.”" ], [ "So this is what I'm going to talk about or not as the responsibility of that state in order for it develop its naval component capabilities,\" Somotxo said. \"" ], [ "My concern as Minister of Defence and Security is what you have heard many times about institutional modernization." ], [ "Institutional modernization means that the conditions we see today can be improved to enable our members in their work,\" said Somotxo." ], [ "\"For international, the Naval Component is asking your support and Australia to provide one more ship or two-three but it will be shortly. We want a quick response\", said Major General Lere Anan Timuravi" ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: ”Operasaun Baucau Provizoriamente Susesu”\nJornal Independente - Kinta-Feira, 10 Abril 2014\nOperasaun konjunta entre FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Distritu Baucau la’o ho susesu, tanba rezultadu husi operasaun ne’e membru CPD-RDTL nain 573 mak entrega aan ona.\nXefe Estadu maior F-FDTL, Koronel Falur Rate Laek informa ba prezidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak katak, operasaun konjunta ne’ebe hala’o iha Sub Distritu Baguia, Distritu Baucau susesu tanba maioria membru CPD-RDTL entrega aan ona.\nHafoin simu relatoriu ne’e, Xefe Estadu kontinua enkoraja F-FDTL no PNTL hodi servisu hamutuk nafatin atu labele mosu violensia durante operasaun, maske informasaun hasai katak, membru CPD-RDTL sira ne’e balun lori kilat.\nMembru CPD sira ne’ebe rende, entrega mos atributu militar nian inklui sasan kroat balun, oras ne’e dadauk PNTL no F-FDTL sei kontinua hala’o operasaun buka tuir grupu balun ne’ebe halai sae ba subar iha foho leten no ai-laran parte foho Matebian no area Vikeke nian.\nHafoin enkontru, Koronel Falur Rate Laek ho membru F-FDTL balun dezloka kedas ba Distritu Baucau hodi akompania prosesu operasaun forsa rua bele la’o susesu liu tan.
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Operasaun Baucau Provizoriamente Susesu\" Jornal Independente - Kinta-Feira, 10 Abril 2014 Operasaun konjunta entre FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Distritu Baucau la'o ho susesu, tanba rezultadu husi operasaun ne'e membru CPD-RDTL nain 573 mak entrega aan ona.", "Xefe Estadu maior F-FDTL, Koronel Falur Rate Laek informa ba prezidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak katak, operasaun konjunta ne'ebe hala'o iha Sub Distritu Baguia, Distritu Baucau susesu tanba maioria membru CPD-RDTL entrega aan ona.", "Hafoin simu relatoriu ne'e, Xefe Estadu kontinua enkoraja F-FDTL no PNTL hodi servisu hamutuk nafatin atu labele mosu violensia durante operasaun, maske informasaun hasai katak, membru CPD-RDTL sira ne'e balun lori kilat.", "Membru CPD sira ne'ebe rende, entrega mos atributu militar nian inklui sasan kroat balun, oras ne'e dadauk PNTL no F-FDTL sei kontinua hala'o operasaun buka tuir grupu balun ne'ebe halai sae ba subar iha foho leten no ai-laran parte foho Matebian no area Vikeke nian.", "Hafoin enkontru, Koronel Falur Rate Laek ho membru F-FDTL balun dezloka kedas ba Distritu Baucau hodi akompania prosesu operasaun forsa rua bele la'o susesu liu tan." ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Operação Baucau Provizoriamente Sucesso\" Jornal Independente - Quinta-Feira, 10 Abril. The joint operation between FALINTIL (Forsa Defesa Timor Leste) and PNTL in the district of Bacau has been successful as a result there have already surrendered to police force members from CPD – RDTL numbering upto now at least five hundred seventy three persons" ], [ "Chief of the F-FDTL General Staff, Colonel Falur Rate Laek informed President Taur Matan Ruak that joint operation carried out at Baguia Subdistrict and Baucau District was successful because most CPD members surrendered." ], [ "After receiving this report, the Head of State continued to encourage F-FDTL and PNTL continue working together so that there would be no violence during operation although information indicates some members CPD - RTL carry guns." ], [ "Members of the CPD who surrendered also handed over military attributes including some croat items, at this time soon PNTL and F-FDTL will continue to carry out operations looking for certain groups that have gone up into subar in lowlands on Matebian hillside area." ], [ "Following the meeting, Colonel Falur Rate Laek and some F-FDTL members immediately deployed to Baucau District in order for both forces' operations processes can go more successful." ] ]
Bobonaro Nakloke Ba Estagiadu Universidade | STLNEWS\nBobonaro Nakloke Ba Estagiadu Universidade\nMALIANA-Munisipiu Bobonaro nakloke luan ba estagiadu Universidade Oriental (Unital) no universidade sira seluk, hateten Secretario autoridade Municipal Bobonaro, Julio Carvalho Caeiro.\nOras nee dadaun, estudante finalista Unital halao pratika estagizo iha area autoridade Municipal Bobonaro.\nIha tinan 17 nia laran, ami simu ona estudante finalista husi universidade, institutu iha Timor Leste barak, mak mai halao ona estagio iha administrasaun autoridade Bobonaro. Mais, estudante finalista husi UNITAL, foin mak mai halao estagio iha fatin ida ne’e,” hateten Julio Carvalho Caeiro iha enseramento estagiado iha Administrasaun Autoridade Municipal Bobonaro, Maliana.\nNia hateten, odomatan edifici administrasaun autoridade Municipal Bobonaro nakloke ba estudante finalista husi universidade no instituto hotu iha Timor Leste. Realidade hatudu, administrasaun autoridade simu ona estudante finalista husi universidade no instituto lubun ida iha Timor Leste, mak halao pratika estagio.\nNia apresia ba autoridade UNITAL tamba koloka ona sira nia estudante finalista, ba dahuluk hili administrasaun autoridade Municipal Bobonaro, sai fatin ba estagio hodi kompleta teoria antes remata estudu iha universidade. Durante fulan ida, hahu iha loron 16, fulan Janeiro to’o loron 16 fulan Fevereiro, tinan 2017, estudante estagiado sai ona familiar ho funsionaris iha fatin pratika.\nNia husu ba autoridade UNITAL, ba futuru kria regras ida fo tempo naton, ba estudantes finalista sira mak halao pratika estagio iha baze. Tamba, tempo fulan ida deit, estudante finalista mak halao estagiado, atu labele gainha esperiensia barak husi baze, antes fila ba fatin hodi kompleta estudu iha Universidade.\nNia mos husu ba dosente orentador, ba futuru hamutuk autoridade iha baze halao monitorin serviso ba estudante finalista iha fatin estagio, atu hatene saida deit mak sai dezafiu. Iha moritorizasaun, mak hatene dezafiu estagiado sira, hodi hadia hamutuk, atu bele hakonu saida mak universidade nia hakarak hodi garante futuru estudante ida-idak nian.”Ba futuru ita kontinua kolabora serviso hamutuk. Odomatan autoridade Municipal Bobonaro nakloke nafatin ba estagiado foun, mak atu mai,” Julio hatete.\nEntretantu, Administrador Sesante Municipio Bobonaro, Domingos Martins mos husu ba estudante finalista UNITAL sira mak remata estagio iha idificio hirak iha Maliana, atu buka nafatin esperiensia, antes aplika teoria iha fatin serviso ruma. Tamba, teoria sira mak hetan iha universidade sei la to’o, atu serviso iha institutasaun estado, institusaun privado, maibe esperiensia, liu husi pratika importante, atu aumenta tan kapasidade ema –ida-idak nian.\nDosente Orentador, Aristiris hatete, estagio hanesan fase importante ida mak univesidade no institusaun iha mundu akademiku halao, antes remata estudu iha univesidade. Estudante finalista hirak ne’e, durante periodu tinan hirak nia laran, simu ona teoria lubun ida, husi dosente iha universidade. Estagio parte ida, hodi kompleta teoria iha univrsidade, liu husi apoiu dadus iha ida-idak nia eskripsi. João Mau Leto\nPrevious articleKresementu Ekonomia Depende Osan Minarai\nNext articleRezolve Fronteira Oecusse, TL-RI Fokus Ba Segmentu Rua
[ "Bobonaro Nakloke Ba Estagiadu Universidade | STLNEWS Bobonaro Nakloke Ba Estagiadu Universidade MALIANA-Munisipiu Bobonaro nakloke luan ba estagiadu Universidade Oriental (Unital) no universidade sira seluk, hateten Secretario autoridade Municipal Bobonaro, Julio Carvalho Caeiro.", "Oras nee dadaun, estudante finalista Unital halao pratika estagizo iha area autoridade Municipal Bobonaro.", "Iha tinan 17 nia laran, ami simu ona estudante finalista husi universidade, institutu iha Timor Leste barak, mak mai halao ona estagio iha administrasaun autoridade Bobonaro.", "Mais, estudante finalista husi UNITAL, foin mak mai halao estagio iha fatin ida ne'e,\" hateten Julio Carvalho Caeiro iha enseramento estagiado iha Administrasaun Autoridade Municipal Bobonaro, Maliana.", "Nia hateten, odomatan edifici administrasaun autoridade Municipal Bobonaro nakloke ba estudante finalista husi universidade no instituto hotu iha Timor Leste.", "Realidade hatudu, administrasaun autoridade simu ona estudante finalista husi universidade no instituto lubun ida iha Timor Leste, mak halao pratika estagio.", "Nia apresia ba autoridade UNITAL tamba koloka ona sira nia estudante finalista, ba dahuluk hili administrasaun autoridade Municipal Bobonaro, sai fatin ba estagio hodi kompleta teoria antes remata estudu iha universidade.", "Durante fulan ida, hahu iha loron 16, fulan Janeiro to'o loron 16 fulan Fevereiro, tinan 2017, estudante estagiado sai ona familiar ho funsionaris iha fatin pratika.", "Nia husu ba autoridade UNITAL, ba futuru kria regras ida fo tempo naton, ba estudantes finalista sira mak halao pratika estagio iha baze.", "Tamba, tempo fulan ida deit, estudante finalista mak halao estagiado, atu labele gainha esperiensia barak husi baze, antes fila ba fatin hodi kompleta estudu iha Universidade.", "Nia mos husu ba dosente orentador, ba futuru hamutuk autoridade iha baze halao monitorin serviso ba estudante finalista iha fatin estagio, atu hatene saida deit mak sai dezafiu.", "Iha moritorizasaun, mak hatene dezafiu estagiado sira, hodi hadia hamutuk, atu bele hakonu saida mak universidade nia hakarak hodi garante futuru estudante ida-idak nian.\"Ba futuru ita kontinua kolabora serviso hamutuk.", "Odomatan autoridade Municipal Bobonaro nakloke nafatin ba estagiado foun, mak atu mai,\" Julio hatete.", "Entretantu, Administrador Sesante Municipio Bobonaro, Domingos Martins mos husu ba estudante finalista UNITAL sira mak remata estagio iha idificio hirak iha Maliana, atu buka nafatin esperiensia, antes aplika teoria iha fatin serviso ruma.", "Tamba, teoria sira mak hetan iha universidade sei la to'o, atu serviso iha institutasaun estado, institusaun privado, maibe esperiensia, liu husi pratika importante, atu aumenta tan kapasidade ema -ida-idak nian.", "Dosente Orentador, Aristiris hatete, estagio hanesan fase importante ida mak univesidade no institusaun iha mundu akademiku halao, antes remata estudu iha univesidade.", "Estudante finalista hirak ne'e, durante periodu tinan hirak nia laran, simu ona teoria lubun ida, husi dosente iha universidade.", "Estagio parte ida, hodi kompleta teoria iha univrsidade, liu husi apoiu dadus iha ida-idak nia eskripsi.", "Joao Mau Leto Previous articleKresementu Ekonomia Depende Osan Minarai Next articleRezolve Fronteira Oecusse, TL-RI Fokus Ba Segmentu Rua" ]
[ [ "Bobonaro Opens Up For University Internship | STLNEWS.com, Timor-Leste'S Leading Online Newspaper MALIANA UNIVERSITY - The Municipality of Bogonaro opened up its doors for university trainees from the Oriental (Unital) and other universities to study in this city according To Julio Carvalho Caeiro Secretario da Autoridade Municipais de Bobonaru" ], [ "Currently, Unital finalist students are carrying out internship practice in the area of Municipal authority Bobonaro." ], [ "In the past 17 years, we have received finalist students from many universities and institute in East Timor who come to conduct internships at Bobonaro authority administration." ], [ "But, the finalist student from UNITAL has just come to carry out his internship in this place\", said Julio Carvalho Caeiro at an enseramento trainee's meeting held by Bobonaro Municipal Authority Administration (BMA), Maliana." ], [ "He said, the administration building of Bobonaro Municipal Authority is open to all finalist students from universities and institute in Timor-Leste." ], [ "The reality shows, the administration authorities have accepted finalist students from one university and institute in Timor-Leste to carry out internship practice." ], [ "He thanked the UNITAL authorities for placing their finalist students, firstly choosin Bobonaro Municipal Authority administration as a place to intern in order complete theory before completion of university studies." ], [ "During a month, from January the sixteenth to February of this year's seventeneth day (16-20), internship students have become familiar with staff at their practice site." ], [ "He asked UNITAL authorities, in the future to create a rule giving time for finalists students carry out internship practice at base." ], [ "Therefore, for only one month the finalist students do an internship so that they don’t gain too much experience from base before returning to their place of residence and completed studies at University." ], [ "He also asked the instructors, in future together with authorities at base perform service monitoring for finalist students on internship sites to know exactly what is challenging." ], [ "At the time of moratorium, we know about interns’ challenges and can improve together in order to achieve what our university want for each student. \"For future service collaboration.\"" ], [ "The Bobonaro Municipal authorities are still open to new interns,\" Julio said." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Sesante Administrator of Bobonaro Municipality Domingos Martina also asked UNITAL finalist students who have completed their internship in these buildings to look for experience before applying theory at a service location." ], [ "Therefore, the theories acquired at university will not be enough to serve in a state institution or private institute. But experience through practice is important for increasing individual capacities and competencies of each person.\"" ], [ "Professor Orentador, Aristiris said that the internship is an important phase in which universities and institutions of academia carry out before completing their studies at university." ], [ "These finalist students, over a period of several years have received an in-depth theory course from university lecturers." ], [ "One part of the internship, to complete theory at university through data support in each student's dissertation." ], [ "Joao Mau Leto Previous articleEconomic Growth Depends on Osan Minarai Next ArticleResolving Border Issue, TL-RI Focus On Road Segment" ] ]
Polísia detein ema na’in-haat deskonfia hadau ema nia sasán | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Polísia detein ema na’in-haat deskonfia hadau ema nia sasán\nPolísia detein ema na’in-haat deskonfia hadau ema nia sasán\nDILI, 04 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)-Komandu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Dili detein ema na’in-haat (mane hotu) ne’ebé deskonfia envolve iha kazu hadau ema nia sasán iha Kapitál Dili.\n“Horiseik detein suspeitu na’in-rua no ohin na’in-rua tan iha area Dom Aleixo no Nain Feto ne’ebé ita nia polísia parte servisu sekreta deskobre rede ka grupu ne’ebé durante ne’e hadau ema nia telefone iha kalsa bolsu no motór nia dashboard,’’ Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe, Henrique da Costa, informa ba jornalista iha Komandu Dili, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia Relevante : Dili rejista kazu asalta hadau ema nia sasán\nNia dehan, polísia hetan ho evidénsia hanesan motór ida ho telefone iPhone, Oppo, Samsung no prosesu investigasaun kontinua lao sei aprezenta ba Ministériu Públiku (MP) .\nSuspeitu sira-ne’e iha hela sela polísia hodi presta deklarasaun no investigasaun durante oras 72 nia laran no sei submete ba primeiru interrogatóriu iha Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD).\nPrevious articleIGE prioritiza halo intervensaun ba kazu emerjénsia kauza dezastre naturál\nNext articleDGE-UNDP asina akordu halo peskiza impaktu sosiu-ekonómiku iha ámbitu COVID-19
[ "Polisia detein ema na'in-haat deskonfia hadau ema nia sasan | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Polisia detein ema na'in-haat deskonfia hadau ema nia sasan Polisia detein ema na'in-haat deskonfia hadau ema nia sasan DILI, 04 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) -Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Dili detein ema na'in-haat (mane hotu) ne'ebe deskonfia envolve iha kazu hadau ema nia sasan iha Kapital Dili.", "\"Horiseik detein suspeitu na'in-rua no ohin na'in-rua tan iha area Dom Aleixo no Nain Feto ne'ebe ita nia polisia parte servisu sekreta deskobre rede ka grupu ne'ebe durante ne'e hadau ema nia telefone iha kalsa bolsu no motor nia dashboard, \" Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe, Henrique da Costa, informa ba jornalista iha Komandu Dili, kinta ne'e.", "Notisia Relevante: Dili rejista kazu asalta hadau ema nia sasan Nia dehan, polisia hetan ho evidensia hanesan motor ida ho telefone iPhone, Oppo, Samsung no prosesu investigasaun kontinua lao sei aprezenta ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP).", "Suspeitu sira-ne'e iha hela sela polisia hodi presta deklarasaun no investigasaun durante oras 72 nia laran no sei submete ba primeiru interrogatoriu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD).", "Previous articleIGE prioritiza halo intervensaun ba kazu emerjensia kauza dezastre natural Next articleDGE-UNDP asina akordu halo peskiza impaktu sosiu-ekonomiku iha ambitu COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Police detain 10 suspected robbers Dili, Mar.4 (Agência Noticiosa) -The National Timor-Leste police force'(PNTL), in collaboration with the Municipality of Diu and a local community group called for help to rescue people who had lost their belongings after being robbed by thieves at an apartment building on March25th during nighttime heists that took place around one o’clock this morning; all men were reportedly involved as they tried not only unsuccessfully but also attempting suicide through stealing property from residential areas nearby which is believed has been used into illegal activities such As:" ], [ "\"Early in the morning two suspects were arrested and today another 2 more are detained at Dom Aleixo area, where our police secret service discovered a network or group who had been hacking people' s phone into their pants pockets as well to motor vehicle dashboard\", Dili Municipal Police Chief Superintendente Henrique da Costa told reporter on Wednesday." ], [ "He said the police found evidence such as a motorcycle with iPhone, Oppo and Samsung phones. The investigation process is continuing to be presented at Public Prosecutor' s Office (MP)." ], [ "The suspects are held in police custody for 72 hours to provide statement and investigation, before they will be submitted at first interrogation by the Dili District Court (TDD)." ], [ "Previous articleIGE prioritizes intervention in emergencies caused by natural disasters Next artikelGED-UNDP sign agreement to conduct socioeconomic impact research on COVID 19" ] ]
Sporting Dili Benfica tun ba terseira divizaun hafoin remata kontra ekipa Nagarjo FC iha jogu neebe halao iha Estadium Municipal-Dili, Kuarta feira horseik. Jogu neebe, lidera husi Arbritu Pedro de Carvalho, iha primeira parte, jogador sira hatudu sira nian tekniku kontra atake ho esp­ritu kompetitivo tebes. Nagarjo FC hatudu sira nian unidade iha kampu nunee jogador Romau Simons ho jersey 77 ofrese golu dahuluk iha minutu (30) tamba guarda rede lakonsege salva husi Baliza Sporting Dili Benfica, Joanico Guterres. Maski nunee Sporting Dili Benfica lalakon espiritu, no tenta fo responde suta ameasa ba rede adversariu maibe konsege salva husi guarda rede Ezaquel Moniz. To jogu primeira parte remata, Nagarjo FC lidera provizoriu ho skor um a zero ( 1 – 0). Hafoin intervalu minutu 15, kontinua jogu parte daruak,  jogador Romau Simons fo tan golu ba daruak nian hafoin simu pasa bola husi kompatriota Abrao Cozino, iha minutu 59. La kleur deit, Romau Simons neebe hamriik iha parte avansadu aproveita oportunidade nee ho konfortavel wainhira simu bola neebe pasa husi nia kompatriota Apolinario de Jesus, iha menutu 79 hodi ense tan golu ida ba rede adeversariu. Ekipa Sporting Dili Benfica tenta esforu no atake ba area perigu Nagarjo hodi rezulta golu ida neebe oferese husi Marcal da Costa iha minutu 84. Liu minutu 2, avansadu Nagarjo FC, Jose de Jesus marka golu dahaat hafoin kore defeza Sporting Dili Benfica, jogu nee remata, Nagarjo FC hanesan vensedor ho skor kuatru a um ( 4 – 1 ). Treinador Sporting Dili Benfica, Jose Gama, hateten, derota neebe sira hetan tanba klubu la halo kontratu ba jogador. Ami fo parabens ba sira ninian vitoria, e klaru katak ami tun ba terseira divizaun iha epoka tuir mai. Derota nee tanba kauza klubu la halo kontratu ba jogador maibe sira mai joga tanba vontade e voluntariu, salienta Nia. Treinador Nagarjo FC, Atanasio do Rosario Belo, konsidera vitoria nee hanesan motivasaun atu haree jogu tuir mai. Vitoria ida nee laos diak liu ona, maibe nee nudar motivasaun ida atu ami bele fihir fali jogu seluk tuir mai hasoru ekipa Kablaky FC. Ami iha esperansa boot atu tama ba jogu primeira divizaun, dehan Nia. Sporting Dili Benfica tur metin ona iha Zona degradasaun ho pontu ida (1) husi jogu sia (9), derota ualu (8) no empata ida (1). Nagarjo FC okupa pozisaun segundu iha grupu B ho pontu 19, husi jogu sia (9), manan 5 no empata 4. Ito
[ "Sporting Dili Benfica tun ba terseira divizaun hafoin remata kontra ekipa Nagarjo FC iha jogu neebe halao iha Estadium Municipal-Dili, Kuarta feira horseik.", "Jogu neebe, lidera husi Arbritu Pedro de Carvalho, iha primeira parte, jogador sira hatudu sira nian tekniku kontra atake ho espA ritu kompetitivo tebes.", "Nagarjo FC hatudu sira nian unidade iha kampu nunee jogador Romau Simons ho jersey 77 ofrese golu dahuluk iha minutu (30) tamba guarda rede lakonsege salva husi Baliza Sporting Dili Benfica, Joanico Guterres.", "Maski nunee Sporting Dili Benfica lalakon espiritu, no tenta fo responde suta ameasa ba rede adversariu maibe konsege salva husi guarda rede Ezaquel Moniz.", "To jogu primeira parte remata, Nagarjo FC lidera provizoriu ho skor um a zero (1 - 0).A Hafoin intervalu minutu 15, kontinua jogu parte daruak, A jogador Romau Simons fo tan golu ba daruak nian hafoin simu pasa bola husi kompatriota Abrao Cozino, iha minutu 59.", "La kleur deit, Romau Simons neebe hamriik iha parte avansadu aproveita oportunidade nee ho konfortavel wainhira simu bola neebe pasa husi nia kompatriota Apolinario de Jesus, iha menutu 79 hodi ense tan golu ida ba rede adeversariu.", "Ekipa Sporting Dili Benfica tenta esforu no atake ba area perigu Nagarjo hodi rezulta golu ida neebe oferese husi Marcal da Costa iha minutu 84.", "Liu minutu 2, avansadu Nagarjo FC, Jose de Jesus marka golu dahaat hafoin kore defeza Sporting Dili Benfica, jogu nee remata, Nagarjo FC hanesan vensedor ho skor kuatru a um (4 - 1).", "Treinador Sporting Dili Benfica, Jose Gama, hateten, derota neebe sira hetan tanba klubu la halo kontratu ba jogador.", "Ami fo parabens ba sira ninian vitoria, e klaru katak ami tun ba terseira divizaun iha epoka tuir mai.", "Derota nee tanba kauza klubu la halo kontratu ba jogador maibe sira mai joga tanba vontade e voluntariu, salienta Nia.A Treinador Nagarjo FC, Atanasio do Rosario Belo, konsidera vitoria nee hanesan motivasaun atu haree jogu tuir mai.", "Vitoria ida nee laos diak liu ona, maibe nee nudar motivasaun ida atu ami bele fihir fali jogu seluk tuir mai hasoru ekipa Kablaky FC.", "Ami iha esperansa boot atu tama ba jogu primeira divizaun, dehan Nia.", "Sporting Dili Benfica tur metin ona iha Zona degradasaun ho pontu ida (1) husi jogu sia (9), derota ualu (8) no empata ida (1).", "Nagarjo FC okupa pozisaun segundu iha grupu B ho pontu 19, husi jogu sia (9), manan 5 no empata 4.", "Ito" ]
[ [ "Sporting Dili Benfica were relegated to the third division after defeating Nagarjo FC in a match played at Estadium Municipal-Dili, on Thursday night." ], [ "The game, led by Referee Pedro de Carvalho in the first half of which players showed their counter-attack techniques with a very competitive spirit." ], [ "Nagarjo FC showed their unity on the field and Romau Simons with jersey 78 offered his first goal in minute (30) when he was not saved by Sporting Dili Benfica Goalkeeper Joanico Guterres." ], [ "Despite this Sporting Dili Benfica kept their spirits high, and tried to respond with a strong threat at the opponent' s net but was saved by goalkeeper Ezaquel Moniz." ], [ "To the end of first half, Nagarjo FC led provisionally with a score one to zero (1 - 0).After interval minute fifteen continues game second part. The player Romau Simones gave another goal for his team after receiving pass from fellow countryman Abrao Cozino in minutes fivety-nineth" ], [ "Not long after, Romau Simons who was in the forward position took advantage of this opportunity comfortably when he picked up his compatriot Apolinario de Jesus’ pass and scored another goal for Brazil." ], [ "Team Sporting Dili Benfica tried to push and attack the Nagarjo area resulted in a goal offered by Marcal da Costa at 84 minutes." ], [ "After 2 minutes, Nagarjo FC forward Jose de Jesus scored the second goal after overcoming Sporting Dili Benfica defenders. The match ended with a four to one (4 -1) victory for Nagarejo Fc" ], [ "Coach of Sporting Dili Benfica, Jose Gama said the defeat was due to their failure in signing players." ], [ "We congratulate them on their victory, and it is clear that we will be relegated to the Third Division next season." ], [ "The loss came because the club did not sign a contract with players but they come to play out of will and volunteerism, she emphasizes. Nagarjo FC coach Atanasio do Rosario Belo considers this victory as motivation for next games in order that he can focus on his team' s progressing towards championship final 10 years later!" ], [ "This victory is not a better result, but it’s another motivation for us to look forward again in the next game against Kablaky FC." ], [ "We have great hopes of entering the first division games, she said." ], [ "Sporting Dili Benfica are firmly in the relegation zone with one (1) point from nine games, eight defeats and a draw." ], [ "Nagarjo FC occupy second place in group B with 19 points, out of nine (8) matches they have won five and drawn four." ], [ "It is Ito." ] ]
EDTL Kontinua Instala Eletrisidade iha Manufahi, Suku Fahi-Nehan no Bubususu Difisil – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Munisípiu » MANUFAHI » EDTL Kontinua Instala Eletrisidade iha Manufahi, Suku Fahi-Nehan no Bubususu Difisil\n21 outubro 2021 by Noemio Falcao-1.137 views\nJulio Pacheko Pinheiro\nMANUFAHI (Timor Post)—Hafoin suku hitu (7) tama iha instalasaun faze dahuluk, Xefe departamentu Eletrisidade Timor-Leste (EDTL) munisípiu Manufahi, Julio Pacheco Pinheiro konfirma, EDTL aprova tan projetu instalasaun eletrisidade ba suku lima (5) ba faze daruak.\nSuku benefísiu ba projetu refere maka suku Taitudak no Aituha iha postu Alas, suku Klakuk iha postu Fatuberliu, suku Orana iha postu Turiskai no suku Holarua iha postu Same.\nEnkuantu suku Fahi-nehan no suku Bubususu Xefe departamentu ne’e dehan, seidauk halo levantamentu tanba kondisaun estrada difisil transporta torre sa’e ba area rurais, no klima udan. Maibé bailoro ekipa sei halo levantamentu.\n“Dadus ami submete no Diresaun Nasionál Eletrisidade Timor-Leste Empreza públiku aprova tiha ona, instalasaun tuir mai sei halo iha suku Taitudak no suku Aituha iha postu Alas, komunidade eis tranzmigrasaun SP1 suku Klakuk iha postu Fatuberliu, suku Orana iha postu Turiskai inklui aldeia Tirilolo, aldeia Faturae no aldeia Falitehu suku Holarua postu Same”, informa Julio Pacheco ba Timor Post iha nia kna’ar fatin, Segunda (18/10).\nTempu badak EDTL-EP sei loke publikasaun tender empreza sira bele partisipa hodi kompete.\nEntretantu projetu instalasaun ne’ebé oras ne’e prosesu tender la’o hela maka suku Daisua, Rotuto, Grotu, Tutuluru hosi postu Same, suku Liu Rai, Mindelo hosi postu Turiskai, no aldeia Weberek, suku Dotik, postu Alas, munisípiu Manufahi.\nTender instalasaun iha suku Rotuto-Same loke ona ba públiku, kompañia balun sosa ona dokumentu no sei anunsia manan na’in iha tempu badak.\nAlende ne’e suku Fatukalo no suku Lesuata ne’ebé seidauk asesu ba liña eletrisidade sei esforsu haruka ba nasionál.\nOperasaun Ba Ligasaun Ilegál\nPacheco Pinheiro afirma, iha tempu badak sei halo operasaun ba ligasaun illegal ba liña eletrisidade sira iha munisípiu Manufahi.\nManufahi iha kontadór rezerva 1.500 atu halo instalasaun hodi benefisiáriu sosa pulsa no bele kontribui ba EDTL-EP bele la’o di’ak.\n“Ita sei halo re-instala kontadór maibé ami sei serbisu hamutuk entre autoridade seguransa munisípiu hanesan polisia no Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) hodi halo operasaun ba ligasaun illegal”, dehan, Julio ba Timor Post iha nia kna’ar fatin, Segunda (18/10).\nObservasaun EDTL nian ema uza eletrisidade gratuita barak ona, problema ne’e tanba fasilidade ba kontadór laiha. Tama ona iha Manufahi kuaze rihun 40 resin kontadór atu instala ba faze dahuluk. (lcl)\nPrevious post Eskola hamutuk 30 iha Baukau Loke Konta Bankária ba PKRIE\nNext post Expo Dubai: FONGTIL Offisialmente Hato’o Keixa ba KAK, Delegasaun husi Timor Leste Hamutuk-134
[ "EDTL Kontinua Instala Eletrisidade iha Manufahi, Suku Fahi-Nehan no Bubususu Difisil -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Munisipiu \" MANUFAHI \" EDTL Kontinua Instala Eletrisidade iha Manufahi, Suku Fahi-Nehan no Bubususu Difisil 21 outubro 2021 by Noemio Falcao-1.137 views Julio Pacheko Pinheiro MANUFAHI (Timor Post) - Hafoin suku hitu (7) tama iha instalasaun faze dahuluk, Xefe departamentu Eletrisidade Timor-Leste (EDTL) munisipiu Manufahi, Julio Pacheco Pinheiro konfirma, EDTL aprova tan projetu instalasaun eletrisidade ba suku lima (5) ba faze daruak.", "Suku benefisiu ba projetu refere maka suku Taitudak no Aituha iha postu Alas, suku Klakuk iha postu Fatuberliu, suku Orana iha postu Turiskai no suku Holarua iha postu Same.", "Enkuantu suku Fahi-nehan no suku Bubususu Xefe departamentu ne'e dehan, seidauk halo levantamentu tanba kondisaun estrada difisil transporta torre sa'e ba area rurais, no klima udan.", "Maibe bailoro ekipa sei halo levantamentu.", "\"Dadus ami submete no Diresaun Nasional Eletrisidade Timor-Leste Empreza publiku aprova tiha ona, instalasaun tuir mai sei halo iha suku Taitudak no suku Aituha iha postu Alas, komunidade eis tranzmigrasaun SP1 suku Klakuk iha postu Fatuberliu, suku Orana iha postu Turiskai inklui aldeia Tirilolo, aldeia Faturae no aldeia Falitehu suku Holarua postu Same,\" informa Julio Pacheco ba Timor Post iha nia kna'ar fatin, Segunda (18/10).", "Tempu badak EDTL-EP sei loke publikasaun tender empreza sira bele partisipa hodi kompete.", "Entretantu projetu instalasaun ne'ebe oras ne'e prosesu tender la'o hela maka suku Daisua, Rotuto, Grotu, Tutuluru hosi postu Same, suku Liu Rai, Mindelo hosi postu Turiskai, no aldeia Weberek, suku Dotik, postu Alas, munisipiu Manufahi.", "Tender instalasaun iha suku Rotuto-Same loke ona ba publiku, kompania balun sosa ona dokumentu no sei anunsia manan na'in iha tempu badak.", "Alende ne'e suku Fatukalo no suku Lesuata ne'ebe seidauk asesu ba lina eletrisidade sei esforsu haruka ba nasional.", "Operasaun Ba Ligasaun Ilegal Pacheco Pinheiro afirma, iha tempu badak sei halo operasaun ba ligasaun illegal ba lina eletrisidade sira iha munisipiu Manufahi.", "Manufahi iha kontador rezerva 1.500 atu halo instalasaun hodi benefisiariu sosa pulsa no bele kontribui ba EDTL-EP bele la'o di'ak.", "\"Ita sei halo re-instala kontador maibe ami sei serbisu hamutuk entre autoridade seguransa munisipiu hanesan polisia no Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) hodi halo operasaun ba ligasaun illegal,\" dehan, Julio ba Timor Post iha nia kna'ar fatin, Segunda (18/10).", "Observasaun EDTL nian ema uza eletrisidade gratuita barak ona, problema ne'e tanba fasilidade ba kontador laiha.", "Tama ona iha Manufahi kuaze rihun 40 resin kontador atu instala ba faze dahuluk. (lcl) Previous post Eskola hamutuk 30 iha Baukau Loke Konta Bankaria ba PKRIE Next post Expo Dubai: FONGTIL Offisialmente Hato'o Keixa ba KAK, Delegasaun husi Timor Leste Hamutuk-134" ]
[ [ "EDTL Continues to Install Electricity in Manufahi, Fahinhan and Bubususu Difisil Village -:.Timor Post Online 21 October-0 views Julio Pacheko Pinheiro MANUFAHI (The Timor post) – After seven village of the municipalities entered into first phase installation processes for electricity supplying them with a total power capacity over five thousand kilowatt hours per year from July until September this month; it is confirmation by Chief Departmental Officer at Eletricidade de Angola Lda(ENTL), Júlio Paixão da Silva that they have now approve projects on electrical distribution systems across their district which will be installable within two years after completion" ], [ "The beneficiary villages of the project are Taitudak and Aituha in Alat post, Klakuk township at Fatuberliu station; Orana community on Turiskai Post. Holarua Village is Same Station" ], [ "As for Fahi-nehan and Bubususu villages, the head of this department said that no survey has been made because road conditions are difficult to transport tower up into rural areas." ], [ "However, the local team will do a survey." ], [ "\"Data we submitted and the National Electricity Timor-Leste Public Enterprise Directorate has approved, next installations will be made in Taitudak village & Aituha Village at Ala' s post office; former transmigration community SP1 Klakuk Township of Fatuberliu Post Office Orana Town Turiskai Station including Tirilolo Village Faturae villages falitehu Holarua Same station\", Julio Pacheco told The East News on Monday (October 20)." ], [ "Soon EDTL-EP will publish tenders for companies to participate in the competition." ], [ "Meanwhile, the installation projects that are currently undergoing tender procedures include Daisua commune and Rotuto village of Same post office; Liu Rai community in Mindelo Post Office Turiskai district. Weberek Village is located at Dotik Commune (post Ala) Manufahi municipality 20 km from Manado city centre" ], [ "The tender for the installation in Rotuto-Same village has been opened to public, some companies have purchased documents and will announce their winners shortly." ], [ "In addition, the Fatukalo and Lesuata villages that have not yet been connected to electricity lines will endeavour for national access." ], [ "Operation on Illegal Connection Pacheco Pinheiro says, in the near future will be an operation to illegal connections of electricity lines." ], [ "Manufahi has a reserve of 1,502 meters to be installed so that beneficiaries can buy pulse and contribute towards EDTL-EP's good running." ], [ "\"We will re-install meters but we are working together with the municipal security authorities such as police and Timorese Defence Force (F - FDTL) to carry out operations on illegal connections,\" Julio told The Times at his office Monday." ], [ "EDTL's observation that many people use free electricity, the problem is because there are no meters." ], [ "(lcl) Previous post 30 Schools in Baukau Place Bank Account for PKRIE Next posta Expo Dubai: FONGTIL Officially Send Request to the Anti-Corruption Commission, Delegations from Timor Leste Hametuk -142" ] ]
Kazu Emilia Destinu Judisiariu – STL Online\nKazu Emilia Destinu Judisiariu\nDILI- Eis membru governu balu tama ona kadeia, maibe agora dadaun Eis Ministra Finansa Emilia Pires nia kazu neebe lao hela seidauk iha rezultadu lolos, maibe labele ansi tanba kazu nee ligasaun ho destinu sistema judisiariu nian.\nIta labele ansi, tanba kazu nee iha ligasaun ho kestaun kapasidade tribunal nian, integridade tribunal nian atu bele halo avaliasaun neebe diak antes halo desizaun. Tanba iha ligasaun ho destinu sistema judisiariu nian, tanba iha kazu nee rasik iha lamentasaun iha akuzasaun alegasaun barak katak, ita nia tribunal sira la iha kapasidade atu julga. Kazu nee nakonu ho bingansa no nakonu ho presigasaun politiku no buat sira seluk,” hateten Direktor JSMP Luis De Oliveira Sampaio ba Jornalista sira iha nia knar fatin Colmera, Kinta (07/09/2017).\nSampaio relata, Emilia Pires nia kazu iha tribunal rekursu, no fiar tribunal atu haree ba kazu ida nee. Tanba ema hotu hatene kazu nee, importante ba povu atu hatene justisa lolos, maibe haree mos ba iha kapasidade rekursu humanus nian.\nNunee tribunal rekursu iha juiz tolu deit, agora prosesu konaba inspesaun ka prosesu avaliasaun ba majislatura lao hela, maibe fiar ho prezidente tribunal agora sei halo esforsu atu bele hetan nia rejultadu.\nLuis afirma tan, atu halo desijaun ba kazu nee tenke ho kuidadu. Maibe hanesan ema sidadaun hakarak hetan lalais rejultadu husi kazu neebe iha, maibe labele ejiji deit rezultadu hodi hasai rejultadu neebe dalaruma afeita ba sistema judisiariu em jeral. Tanba buat hotu sei liu husi prosesu hotu.\nIha fatin seluk, Akademika FCS UNTL Juliana Mendonca hateten, ema hotu neebe ejiste iha rau ida nee, hotu hotu moris iha lei nia okos. Se deit mak halo sala, ba hatun iha tribunal atu kumpri desijaun neebe fo, labele halai husi sala.\nLaos ba deit eis ministra finansas maibe, see deit mak halo sala ba hatan iha tribunal. Ita haree iha balu tama ona kadeia no se deit mak sala tenke tama kadeia, agora nee los duni laos ami estudante deit mak ejiji ba kazu Emilia nian, maibe publiku sira hotu. Tanba nee orgaun justisa sira presija haree mos ba kazu Emilia nian, no lao oinsa ona, ”dehan Juliana.\nMendonca relata tan, ema hotu iha lei nia okos la haree ba nia boot no kiik, tanba nee governu foun kopera ho orgaun justisa atu bele haree ba kazu Emilia nian. Tanba publiku sira mos kestiona hela ba kazu nee, presija hatene nia rejultadu iha tempu badak.\nGovernu neebe sei mai ukun, haree mos ba iha area justisa nian. Oinsa bele halo balansu ba servisu hotu, neebe lao hela iha orgaun independente nee nia laran. Terezinha De Deus\nPrevious article Planu Lejislativu Hatur Lei AK\nNext article Polisia Latolera GAM Treinu Subar
[ "Kazu Emilia Destinu Judisiariu - STL Online Kazu Emilia Destinu Judisiariu DILI- Eis membru governu balu tama ona kadeia, maibe agora dadaun Eis Ministra Finansa Emilia Pires nia kazu neebe lao hela seidauk iha rezultadu lolos, maibe labele ansi tanba kazu nee ligasaun ho destinu sistema judisiariu nian.", "Ita labele ansi, tanba kazu nee iha ligasaun ho kestaun kapasidade tribunal nian, integridade tribunal nian atu bele halo avaliasaun neebe diak antes halo desizaun.", "Tanba iha ligasaun ho destinu sistema judisiariu nian, tanba iha kazu nee rasik iha lamentasaun iha akuzasaun alegasaun barak katak, ita nia tribunal sira la iha kapasidade atu julga.", "Kazu nee nakonu ho bingansa no nakonu ho presigasaun politiku no buat sira seluk,\" hateten Direktor JSMP Luis De Oliveira Sampaio ba Jornalista sira iha nia knar fatin Colmera, Kinta (07/09/2017).", "Sampaio relata, Emilia Pires nia kazu iha tribunal rekursu, no fiar tribunal atu haree ba kazu ida nee.", "Tanba ema hotu hatene kazu nee, importante ba povu atu hatene justisa lolos, maibe haree mos ba iha kapasidade rekursu humanus nian.", "Nunee tribunal rekursu iha juiz tolu deit, agora prosesu konaba inspesaun ka prosesu avaliasaun ba majislatura lao hela, maibe fiar ho prezidente tribunal agora sei halo esforsu atu bele hetan nia rejultadu.", "Luis afirma tan, atu halo desijaun ba kazu nee tenke ho kuidadu.", "Maibe hanesan ema sidadaun hakarak hetan lalais rejultadu husi kazu neebe iha, maibe labele ejiji deit rezultadu hodi hasai rejultadu neebe dalaruma afeita ba sistema judisiariu em jeral.", "Tanba buat hotu sei liu husi prosesu hotu.", "Iha fatin seluk, Akademika FCS UNTL Juliana Mendonca hateten, ema hotu neebe ejiste iha rau ida nee, hotu hotu moris iha lei nia okos.", "Se deit mak halo sala, ba hatun iha tribunal atu kumpri desijaun neebe fo, labele halai husi sala.", "Laos ba deit eis ministra finansas maibe, see deit mak halo sala ba hatan iha tribunal.", "Ita haree iha balu tama ona kadeia no se deit mak sala tenke tama kadeia, agora nee los duni laos ami estudante deit mak ejiji ba kazu Emilia nian, maibe publiku sira hotu.", "Tanba nee orgaun justisa sira presija haree mos ba kazu Emilia nian, no lao oinsa ona, \"dehan Juliana.", "Mendonca relata tan, ema hotu iha lei nia okos la haree ba nia boot no kiik, tanba nee governu foun kopera ho orgaun justisa atu bele haree ba kazu Emilia nian.", "Tanba publiku sira mos kestiona hela ba kazu nee, presija hatene nia rejultadu iha tempu badak.", "Governu neebe sei mai ukun, haree mos ba iha area justisa nian.", "Oinsa bele halo balansu ba servisu hotu, neebe lao hela iha orgaun independente nee nia laran.", "Terezinha De Deus Previous article Planu Lejislativu Hatur Lei AK Next article Polisia Latolera GAM Treinu Subar" ]
[ [ "DILI- Former government members have gone into jail, but at the moment there is no clear outcome of former Finance Minister Emilia Pires’ ongoing case. But we cannot be anxious because this matter has a connection with judicial system' s fate and it will affect all aspects in relation to our country as well - STL Online" ], [ "We cannot be shy, because this case is linked to the issue of a court's capacity and integrity in order for it properly evaluate before making its decision." ], [ "Because there is a link with the fate of our judiciary, because in this case itself it was lamented by many prosecutors and allegations that we have courts which are not capable to judge." ], [ "The case is filled with intrigue and full of political pressing,\" JSMP Director Luis De Oliveira Sampaio told journalists at his office in Colmera on Thursday (September 7th)." ], [ "Sampaio reported that Emilia Pires' case is in the appeal court, and trusted it to look into this matter." ], [ "Because everyone knows about this case, it is important for the people to understand justice properly but also look at human resource capacity." ], [ "The appeal court has only three judges, now the process of inspection or evaluation for magistrates is ongoing but I trust that president will make every effort to get his outcome." ], [ "Luis also affirmed that making decisions in this case must be done with care." ], [ "However, as a citizen who wants to get the outcome of his case quickly he cannot just avoid it in order for that result often affecting justice system em geral." ], [ "Because everything will go through all the processes." ], [ "On the other hand, FCS UNTL Academician Juliana Mendonca said that everyone who exists in this world lives under law." ], [ "If you do something wrong, go to court and comply with the decision. You can't escape from your mistakes!" ], [ "Not only did the former finance minister fail, but whoever failed to answer in court." ], [ "We see that some of them have gone to jail and only those who are gualty should go into prison, now it is true not just us students but the public as a whole were upset about Emilia's case." ], [ "Therefore, the judicial bodies need to look at Emilia's case as well and work in this direction\", said Juliana." ], [ "Mendonca also reports that everyone is under the law regardless of their size, so this new government cooperates with justice bodies to look into Emilia' s case." ], [ "Because the public is still questioning this case, it will be necessary to know its outcome in a short time." ], [ "The new government will also look at the area of justice." ], [ "No one can make a balance of all the work that is being done within this independent body." ], [ "Terezinha De Deus Previous article Planu Lejislativu Hatur Lei AK Next Article Polisia Latolera GAM Treinu Subar" ] ]
Lider hotu nia kontribuisaun mak forsa servisu ba kombate COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Lider hotu nia kontribuisaun mak forsa servisu ba kombate COVID-19\nDILI, 01 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)-Vise-koordenadora Forsa Tarefa Prevensaun Metigasaun Surtu COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, husu lider hotu nia kontribuisaun atu reforsa ekipa saúde atu halo servisu ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nNotísia Relevante : Ema hamutuk 28.678 simu ona vasina AstraZeneca\n“Agora ita husu ba lider hotu-hotu atu fó liman ba malu atu kontribui no reforsa tan ekipa saúde no liña frente sira atu hala’o servisu ida ne’e. Tanba lider sira hamutuk mak fó mensajen ne’ebé mak di’ak ba ita-nia populasaun no ba ita-nia komunidade para iha konfiansa liután atu kolabora ho liña frente liu-liu Mistériu Saúde atu hala’o swab screening no vasina ba ita-nia populasaun hotu-hotu,’’ Odete da Silva Viegas informa ba jornalista sira iha Aldeia 03, Suku Fatuhada, Dili, sábadu ne’e.\nNia husu lider hotu-hotu atu apoiu Saúde tanba ekipa saúde mesak hala’o servisu sem lider sira-nia apoiu la bele alkansa objetivu, maibé husu katak lider sira mak hamutuk fó liman ba malu hato’o mós mensajen ba povu iha situasaun rua difisil COVID-19 no inundasaun.\nPrevious articleEma hamutuk 28.678 simu ona vasina AstraZeneca\nNext articleTraballadór nu’udar eroi foun iha faze dezenvolvimentu
[ "Lider hotu nia kontribuisaun mak forsa servisu ba kombate COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Lider hotu nia kontribuisaun mak forsa servisu ba kombate COVID-19 DILI, 01 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) -Vise-koordenadora Forsa Tarefa Prevensaun Metigasaun Surtu COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, husu lider hotu nia kontribuisaun atu reforsa ekipa saude atu halo servisu ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Notisia Relevante: Ema hamutuk 28.678 simu ona vasina AstraZeneca \"Agora ita husu ba lider hotu-hotu atu fo liman ba malu atu kontribui no reforsa tan ekipa saude no lina frente sira atu hala'o servisu ida ne'e.", "Tanba lider sira hamutuk mak fo mensajen ne'ebe mak di'ak ba ita-nia populasaun no ba ita-nia komunidade para iha konfiansa liutan atu kolabora ho lina frente liu-liu Misteriu Saude atu hala'o swab screening no vasina ba ita-nia populasaun hotu-hotu, \" Odete da Silva Viegas informa ba jornalista sira iha Aldeia 03, Suku Fatuhada, Dili, sabadu ne'e.", "Nia husu lider hotu-hotu atu apoiu Saude tanba ekipa saude mesak hala'o servisu sem lider sira-nia apoiu la bele alkansa objetivu, maibe husu katak lider sira mak hamutuk fo liman ba malu hato'o mos mensajen ba povu iha situasaun rua difisil COVID-19 no inundasaun.", "Previous articleEma hamutuk 28.678 simu ona vasina AstraZeneca Next articleTraballador nu'udar eroi foun iha faze dezenvolvimentu" ]
[ [ "All leaders’ contribution is a working force to fight COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Covid –20 Leaders all contribute as workforce for combating the pandemic Dili, May (Agência Tatoli) — Deputy Coordinator of Task Force on Prevention and Mitigation in Response To an Outbreak Of The New Coronavirus Disease (“COVID–3”), Odete da Silva Viegas has called upon every leader at national level that they should make their part by strengthening health teams." ], [ "\"Now we are asking all the leaders to join hands and contribute, strengthen health teams in front lines of fighting this disease. We need more than 10 million doses for each country's population.\"" ], [ "Because the leaders together are giving a good message to our population and community for confidence in collaborating with front lines, especially Misteriu Saude (Health Mystery), so that we can conduct swab screenings of all people who have contacted us\", Odete da Silva Viegas told journalist on Saturday at Aldeia03 Fatuhada Village." ], [ "He asked all leaders to support Health because the health team alone does not work without their leadership, but he requested that they should hold hands together and send messages for people in two difficult situations COVID-19." ], [ "PreviousA total of 28,679 people have received the AstraZeneca vaccine Next articleWorker as a new hero in development phase" ] ]
KUÑESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE KUÑESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio\nKUÑESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio\nDOM DUARTE PIO. Foto: Ionline\nDILI, 28 agostu 2019 (TATOLI)-Iha ámbitu selebrasaun tinan 20 aniversáriu referendu (Konsulta Populár) no misaun INTERFET, Timor-Leste liuhusi Komisaun Organizadora, sesaun protokolu no serimoniál konvida mós bainaka internasionál sira, ne’ebé sira-nia kontribuisaun direta no indireta ba kauza Timór nian iha dékada rua liu ba.\nTanba ne’e, TATOLI oferese edisaun espesiál ba públiku atu bele koñese liután konvidadu sira ne’e nia perfíl idaidak.\nIha edisaun dahuluk ne’e, mai ita koñese:\nDom Duarte Pio João Miguel Rafael moris iha loron 15 Maiu 1945 iha Bern, Switzerland, hanesan oan-mane boot husi maun-alin na’in tolu (3) husi Duarte Nuno husi Bragança, no Maria Francisca husi Orléans-Bragança. Ninia aman Liurai Miguel I nia bei-oan, entretantu ninia inan nakeek (cicit) husi Liurai Pedro IV (Imperadór Pedro I husi Brazil), ne’ebé sai nu’udar Liurai Miguel I nia maun rasik.\nLiuhusi ninia aman nia jerasaun, nia nu’udar membru ida husi ramu Muguelis husi rai Bragança. Ida ne’ebé reprezenta sai nu’udar Duarte Pio nia aman sarani mak Amu Papa Pius XII, Liurai-Feto Amélie (Liurai Manuel II nia inan, makaer ukun dala-ikus iha Portugal) no ninia Tian Infanta Adelgundes, Liurai-feto Guimarães. Bainhira Duarte Pio moris, nia hetan titulu ka onra DOM (Maromak) no hatemi His Royal Highness no to’o ninia aman nia mate, nia kaer títulu Liurai-Mane Beira no Liurai-mane Bercelos.\nIha loron 13 Maiu 1995, Dom Duarte Pio kaben ho Isabel Inés de Castro Curvelo de Herédia, emprezária Portugal ida no mai husi jerasaun raan liurai nian. Kazamentu ida ne’e nu’udar kazamentu dahuluk husi membru família liurai Portugal nian ne’ebé hala’o iha Portugal husi Liurai Carlos I nia kazamentu iha 1886. Serimónia kazamentu refere hala’o iha Konventu Jerónimos iha Lisboa ne’ebé lidera husi Kardinál António Ribeiro. Serimónia refere partisipa husi figura polítika importante sira iha Portugal inklui Prezidente da Repúblika Portugal, Mario Soares, Primeiru-Ministru Aníbal Cavaco Silva no mós reprezentante ua’in husi liurai sira iha Europa mós marka prezensa.\nDom Duarte nia kontribuisaun ba kauza Timór, nu’udar ativista, iha okupasaun Indonézia, iha périodu krusiál sira to’o referendu.\nPrevious articleEstadu Presiza Rekoñese Vítima 1999 iha Istória Luta\nNext articleEzbosu Orgánika AIFAESA iha KM\nDILI, 20 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)— Komité 12 de Novembru (K12N), ho Resistência Nacional dos Estudantes de Timor-Leste (RENETIL), planea sei komemora tinan 30 Masakre...\nDILI, 25 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Estudante Ensinu Sekundária Jerál São Pedro Comoro Dili, prodúz ona ai-moruk hodi halo filtrasaun ba bee fo’er sai bee moos...
[ "KUNESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE KUNESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio KUNESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio DOM DUARTE PIO.", "Foto: Ionline DILI, 28 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) -Iha ambitu selebrasaun tinan 20 aniversariu referendu (Konsulta Popular) no misaun INTERFET, Timor-Leste liuhusi Komisaun Organizadora, sesaun protokolu no serimonial konvida mos bainaka internasional sira, ne'ebe sira-nia kontribuisaun direta no indireta ba kauza Timor nian iha dekada rua liu ba.", "Tanba ne'e, TATOLI oferese edisaun espesial ba publiku atu bele konese liutan konvidadu sira ne'e nia perfil idaidak.", "Iha edisaun dahuluk ne'e, mai ita konese: Dom Duarte Pio Joao Miguel Rafael moris iha loron 15 Maiu 1945 iha Bern, Switzerland, hanesan oan-mane boot husi maun-alin na'in tolu (3) husi Duarte Nuno husi Braganca, no Maria Francisca husi Orleans-Braganca.", "Ninia aman Liurai Miguel I nia bei-oan, entretantu ninia inan nakeek (cicit) husi Liurai Pedro IV (Imperador Pedro I husi Brazil), ne'ebe sai nu'udar Liurai Miguel I nia maun rasik.", "Liuhusi ninia aman nia jerasaun, nia nu'udar membru ida husi ramu Muguelis husi rai Braganca.", "Ida ne'ebe reprezenta sai nu'udar Duarte Pio nia aman sarani mak Amu Papa Pius XII, Liurai-Feto Amelie (Liurai Manuel II nia inan, makaer ukun dala-ikus iha Portugal) no ninia Tian Infanta Adelgundes, Liurai-feto Guimaraes.", "Bainhira Duarte Pio moris, nia hetan titulu ka onra DOM (Maromak) no hatemi His Royal Highness no to'o ninia aman nia mate, nia kaer titulu Liurai-Mane Beira no Liurai-mane Bercelos.", "Iha loron 13 Maiu 1995, Dom Duarte Pio kaben ho Isabel Ines de Castro Curvelo de Heredia, emprezaria Portugal ida no mai husi jerasaun raan liurai nian.", "Kazamentu ida ne'e nu'udar kazamentu dahuluk husi membru familia liurai Portugal nian ne'ebe hala'o iha Portugal husi Liurai Carlos I nia kazamentu iha 1886.", "Serimonia kazamentu refere hala'o iha Konventu Jeronimos iha Lisboa ne'ebe lidera husi Kardinal Antonio Ribeiro.", "Serimonia refere partisipa husi figura politika importante sira iha Portugal inklui Prezidente da Republika Portugal, Mario Soares, Primeiru-Ministru Anibal Cavaco Silva no mos reprezentante ua'in husi liurai sira iha Europa mos marka prezensa.", "Dom Duarte nia kontribuisaun ba kauza Timor, nu'udar ativista, iha okupasaun Indonezia, iha periodu krusial sira to'o referendu.", "Previous articleEstadu Presiza Rekonese Vitima 1999 iha Istoria Luta Next articleEzbosu Organika AIFAESA iha KM DILI, 20 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Komite 12 de Novembru (K12N), ho Resistencia Nacional dos Estudantes de Timor-Leste (RENETIL), planea sei komemora tinan 30 Masakre...", "DILI, 25 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Estudante Ensinu Sekundaria Jeral Sao Pedro Comoro Dili, produz ona ai-moruk hodi halo filtrasaun ba bee fo'er sai bee moos..." ]
[ [ "KUNESE ITA-NIA BAINAKA (I): Dom Duarte Pio | VARANDA HEADLINE Kunese Italia Bainaka: Mons." ], [ "Foto: Ionline DILI, August 28th (TATOLI) -Within the framework of celebrating twentieth anniversary referendum and INTERFET mission Timor-Leste through its Organizing Committee has invited international guests whose direct or indirect contributions to East Asian cause over two decades." ], [ "Therefore, TATOLI offers a special edition to the public so that they can know through each of their guests' profile." ], [ "In this first edition, let us know: Bishop Duarte Pio Joaa Miguel Rafael was born on May 15th in Bern Switzerland as the eldest son of three (3) siblings. His parents were Nuno de Bragança and Maria Francisca d'Orleans-Bragança; his mother is a Portuguese native who has been living with her family since she had five years old when they moved to Portugal from Brazil where their father worked at an oil refinery during World War II.[2]" ], [ "His father was a cousin of King Miguel I, while his mother had been the niece (cicit) to Peter IV(Emperor Pedro 1st), who became king Michael's own brother." ], [ "Through his father's lineage, he was a member of the Muguelis dynasty from Braganca." ], [ "The one who represented as Duarte Pio's Catholic father was Father Pope, Queen Amélie (mother of King Manuel II) and her cousin Infanta Adelgundes." ], [ "When Duarte Pio died, he was given the title or honour of DOM (Maromák) and held His Royal Highness's rank. Until his father’S death in Portugal it remained as King-Mane Beira e Reino de Bercelos (“King Manes from Bairros”)." ], [ "On 13 May, Dom Duarte Pio married Isabel Ines de Castro Curvelo da Heredia a Portuguese businesswoman and descendant of the royal blood." ], [ "The wedding was the first marriage of a Portuguese royal family member to take place in Portugal since King Charles I's 1896." ], [ "The wedding ceremony took place at the Convent of São Jerônimo in Lisbon and was presided over by Cardinal Antonio Ribeiro." ], [ "The ceremony was attended by important political figures in Portugal including the President of Portuguese Republic, Mario Soares; Prime Minister Anibal Cavaco Silva and representatives from several European monarchies." ], [ "Dom Duarte's contribution to the Timorese cause, as an activist under Indonesian occupation in crucial period up until referendum." ], [ "PreviousState Needs to Recognize Victim 1975 in History of Struggle NextAIFAESA Organic Draft at the Cabinet DILI, Nov.20 (TATOLI) - The November-Twelfth Committee and Timorese National Students’ resistance plan a commemoration for thirty years since..." ], [ "DILI, November 25th (TATOLI) - Students of São Pedro Comoro Dili General Secondary School have produced a medicinal plant to filter waste water into clean..." ] ]
Edukasaun no formasaun - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nAleinde prevene violasaun no fó resposta ba kesar sira, PDHJ tau foku boot ida ba papél edukasaun no formasaun hodi hasa’e-hadi’a (improve) padraun sira governasaun nian no harii no apoia ambiente ida-ne’ebé pozitivu iha-ne’ebé ema hotu-hotu iha komunidade Timorense bele komprende no respeita didi’ak estadu-direitu no boa-governasaun.\nPrograma edukasaun no formasaun foka ba tantu grupu vulneravel sira-ne’ebé presiza atu hatene sira-nia direitu no prosesu kona-ba kesar sira no mós ema sira-ne’ebé serbisu iha instituisaun públika sira-ne’ebé presiza atu hetan informasaun kona-ba prinsípiu sira direitos humanos no boa-governasaun nian hodi hala’o sira-nia papél sira ho maneira ida kompativel.\nTo’o ohin loron, programa sira-ne’e fornese ona ba funsionáriu públiku sira/funsaun públika, polísia, militár, eskola sira, autoridade sira saúde nian, administradór governu lokál sira, lider/grupu sira komunidade nian, grupu feto, jornalista sira, estudante/juventude no komunidade lokál iha nivel distritu no suku.\nMekanizmu prinsipál atu hato’o informasaun kona-ba PDHHJ iha nivel komunidade mak liuhosi programa sosializasaun PDHJ nian, ne’ebé envolve ekipa ki’ik oan ida husi funsionáriu sira iha sede rejionál ne’ebé prepara no hato’o workshop loron-tomak ida kona-ba informasaun interativa ba partisipante konvidadu sira. Ida-ne’e hala’o durante tinan tomak. PDHJ nia Planu Estratéjiku tinan 2011-2020 nota katak presiza hala’o maizumenus sesaun sosializasaun hamutuk 80 tinan-tinan. Atividade sira Sosializasaun nian sei hetan koordena hosi PDHJ nia grupu traballu espesiál ba komunikasaun.\nPDHJ mós hala’o workshop lubuk ida tinan-tinan ho intensaun atu informa ba grupu alvu balu kona-ba kestaun relevante balu relasiona ba direitos humanos ka boa-governasaun. Workshop sira liubá ne’ebé PDHJ hala’o maka nia tópiku sira kona-ba direitus traballadór nian, kestaun sira relasiona ho direitus husi LGBT (Beremanek, Omoseksuál, Biseksuál no Paneleiru) no feto sira-nian. PDHJ, hanesan temi ona iha ninia planu estratéjiku, rekoñese importánsia atu grupu vulneravel sira porezemplu feto, labarik oan sira, minoria relijioza no ema sira ho defisiénsia bele hetan asesu ba servisu sira instituisaun nian no, ba ida-ne’e, PDHJ hala’o workshop sira-ne’e hodi informa ba populasaun sira kona-ba oinsá PDHJ bele ajuda sira karik sira sente katak sira-nia direitos humanos hetan viola.\nPDHJ nia funsionáriu sira hetan formasaun no apoiu hodi fornese tantu informasaun efetiva no relevante no mós atu serbisu liuhosi uzu métodu formasaun partisipativa ne’ebé fó empoderamentu no ligasaun ho ema lokál sira no kontestu iha-ne’ebé funsionáriu sira sei uza informasaun ne’ebé sira simu. Ezemplu no situasaun konkretu sira-ne’e hetan diskute no, karik posivel, uza lian (dialetu) lokál sira.\nMedia sai nu’udar parseiru xave ida iha serbisu ida-ne’e no PDHJ iha akordu sira ho media impresaun, televizaun no rádiu iha nivel nasionál no lokál(iha-ne’ebé sira eziste) hodi habelar/disemina programa sira pre-preparadu no debate ho tranzmisaun-direta kona-ba tópiku sira relasiona ho direitos humanos no boa-governasaun. Komunidade lokál sira simu ho di’ak programa sira-ne’e. PDHJ mós uza komunikadu-imprensa no entrevista sira nu’udar dalan ida atu kompartilla (fahe-ba-malu) ka troka informasaun ho komunidade sira kona-ba kestaun importante sira.\nNúmeru kesar sira-ne’ebé monu iha PDHJ nia mandatu mós tinan-tinan sa’e ba beibeik. Estatístika sira-ne’e hatudu programa promosaun no edukasaun ida-ne’ebé susesu.\nPorfavór haree ami-nia biblioteka ba publikasaun sira kona-ba relatóriu sira sobre ami-nia programa sira edukasaun no formasaun nian no mós sobre matéria edukasionál sira-ne’ebé hetan transfere (download) tiha ona.\nKarik Ita-Boot hakarak atu PDHJ ba vizita Ita-Boot nia komunidade no halo sesaun sosializasaun maka porfavór kontakta ami.
[ "Edukasaun no formasaun - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica Aleinde prevene violasaun no fo resposta ba kesar sira, PDHJ tau foku boot ida ba papel edukasaun no formasaun hodi hasa'e-hadi'a (improve) padraun sira governasaun nian no harii no apoia ambiente ida-ne'ebe pozitivu iha-ne'ebe ema hotu-hotu iha komunidade Timorense bele komprende no respeita didi'ak estadu-direitu no boa-governasaun.", "Programa edukasaun no formasaun foka ba tantu grupu vulneravel sira-ne'ebe presiza atu hatene sira-nia direitu no prosesu kona-ba kesar sira no mos ema sira-ne'ebe serbisu iha instituisaun publika sira-ne'ebe presiza atu hetan informasaun kona-ba prinsipiu sira direitos humanos no boa-governasaun nian hodi hala'o sira-nia papel sira ho maneira ida kompativel.", "To'o ohin loron, programa sira-ne'e fornese ona ba funsionariu publiku sira/funsaun publika, polisia, militar, eskola sira, autoridade sira saude nian, administrador governu lokal sira, lider/grupu sira komunidade nian, grupu feto, jornalista sira, estudante/juventude no komunidade lokal iha nivel distritu no suku.", "Mekanizmu prinsipal atu hato'o informasaun kona-ba PDHHJ iha nivel komunidade mak liuhosi programa sosializasaun PDHJ nian, ne'ebe envolve ekipa ki'ik oan ida husi funsionariu sira iha sede rejional ne'ebe prepara no hato'o workshop loron-tomak ida kona-ba informasaun interativa ba partisipante konvidadu sira.", "Ida-ne'e hala'o durante tinan tomak.", "PDHJ nia Planu Estratejiku tinan 2011-2020 nota katak presiza hala'o maizumenus sesaun sosializasaun hamutuk 80 tinan-tinan.", "Atividade sira Sosializasaun nian sei hetan koordena hosi PDHJ nia grupu traballu espesial ba komunikasaun.", "PDHJ mos hala'o workshop lubuk ida tinan-tinan ho intensaun atu informa ba grupu alvu balu kona-ba kestaun relevante balu relasiona ba direitos humanos ka boa-governasaun.", "Workshop sira liuba ne'ebe PDHJ hala'o maka nia topiku sira kona-ba direitus traballador nian, kestaun sira relasiona ho direitus husi LGBT (Beremanek, Omoseksual, Biseksual no Paneleiru) no feto sira-nian.", "PDHJ, hanesan temi ona iha ninia planu estratejiku, rekonese importansia atu grupu vulneravel sira porezemplu feto, labarik oan sira, minoria relijioza no ema sira ho defisiensia bele hetan asesu ba servisu sira instituisaun nian no, ba ida-ne'e, PDHJ hala'o workshop sira-ne'e hodi informa ba populasaun sira kona-ba oinsa PDHJ bele ajuda sira karik sira sente katak sira-nia direitos humanos hetan viola.", "PDHJ nia funsionariu sira hetan formasaun no apoiu hodi fornese tantu informasaun efetiva no relevante no mos atu serbisu liuhosi uzu metodu formasaun partisipativa ne'ebe fo empoderamentu no ligasaun ho ema lokal sira no kontestu iha-ne'ebe funsionariu sira sei uza informasaun ne'ebe sira simu.", "Ezemplu no situasaun konkretu sira-ne'e hetan diskute no, karik posivel, uza lian (dialetu) lokal sira.", "Media sai nu'udar parseiru xave ida iha serbisu ida-ne'e no PDHJ iha akordu sira ho media impresaun, televizaun no radiu iha nivel nasional no lokal (iha-ne'ebe sira eziste) hodi habelar/disemina programa sira pre-preparadu no debate ho tranzmisaun-direta kona-ba topiku sira relasiona ho direitos humanos no boa-governasaun.", "Komunidade lokal sira simu ho di'ak programa sira-ne'e.", "PDHJ mos uza komunikadu-imprensa no entrevista sira nu'udar dalan ida atu kompartilla (fahe-ba-malu) ka troka informasaun ho komunidade sira kona-ba kestaun importante sira.", "Numeru kesar sira-ne'ebe monu iha PDHJ nia mandatu mos tinan-tinan sa'e ba beibeik.", "Estatistika sira-ne'e hatudu programa promosaun no edukasaun ida-ne'ebe susesu.", "Porfavor haree ami-nia biblioteka ba publikasaun sira kona-ba relatoriu sira sobre ami-nia programa sira edukasaun no formasaun nian no mos sobre materia edukasional sira-ne'ebe hetan transfere (download) tiha ona.", "Karik Ita-Boot hakarak atu PDHJ ba vizita Ita-Boot nia komunidade no halo sesaun sosializasaun maka porfavor kontakta ami." ]
[ [ "Education and training - PDHJ In addition to preventing violations of human rights, the Providoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça places a strong focus on educational roles in order for all Timorese communities fully understand their responsibility towards good governance. The provision is also aimed at improvings standard-setting processes by providing an environment where people can learn about how they should act as well; thereby enhancing public confidence that will lead them into better decision making with respected results which are expected from those who work within these institutions.\"" ], [ "The education and training programmes focus on both vulnerable groups who need to know their rights, the complaint processes they have before them as well people working in public institutions that require information about human right principle of good governance for carrying out a compatible role." ], [ "To date, these programs have been provided to civil servants/public functionaries; police and military personnel. schools: health authorities local government administrator (LGA), community leaders / groups women' s group journalist student youth at the district or village level" ], [ "The main mechanism for delivering information on HRD at the community level is through a human rights dissemination programme, which involves small teams of staff in regional headquarters who prepare and present one-day interactive informative workshop to invited participants." ], [ "This is done throughout the year." ], [ "The PDHJ's Strategic Plan for 2013-4 notes that it is necessary to conduct at least a total of about eighty publication session per year." ], [ "Socialization activities will be coordinated by the PDHJ’s special working group on communication." ], [ "The PDHJ also conducts a number of workshop every year with the intention to inform specific target groups on relevant issues related human rights or good governance." ], [ "The previous workshops conducted by the PDHJ have been on workers' rights, issues relating to LGBT (Lesbian-Gay Bisexual and Transgender) people’ s right as well women." ], [ "As mentioned in its strategic plan, the PDHJ recognizes that it is important for vulnerable groups such as women and children of religious minorities or persons with disability to have accessibility on institutional services. For this reason we are conducting these workshop-like events so people can be made aware about how our office could help them if they feel their human rights were violated by a third party who does not know what he/she means when saying \"I am against discrimination\"." ], [ "The PDHJ staff are trained and supporting to provide both effective, relevant information but also work through the use of participatory training methods that empower them in connection with local peoples' context where they will be used." ], [ "Examples and concrete situations are discussed, using local dialect where possible." ], [ "The media have become a key partner in this work and the PDHJ has made agreements with print, television or radio stations at national level as well (where they exist) to disseminate pre-prepared programs/debates via live broadcast on topic of human rights." ], [ "These programs have been well received by local communities." ], [ "PDHJ also uses press release and interview as a way to share or exchange information with communities on important issues." ], [ "The number of complaints that fell under the PDHJ'S mandate has also been increasing year after years." ], [ "These statistics demonstrate the success of this promotion and education programme." ], [ "Please see our library for publications on reports about education and training programs, as well the downloadable material." ], [ "If you would like the PDHJ to visit your community and conduct a socialization session, please contact us." ] ]