PDHJ Públika Rejultadu Monitorizasaun Ba Implementasaun Projetu Alargamentu Estrada no Irigasaun Barazen Tono Iha RAEOA - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBy Joana da Cruz On 31 May 2016 In Notísia sira\nDili– iha loron 30 Maiu 2016, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) públika rejultadu monitorizasaun Direitus Umanus no Governasaun Di’ak, relasiona ho projetu Zona Espesial Ekonomia Social no Merkadu (ZEESM), refere liu ba “Impaktu, Projetu Alargamentu Estrada no Projetu Irigasaun no Barazen Tono ba Komunidade” Provedor, Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista iha konferensia ba imprensa hateten katak, atividade monitorizasaun ne’e hala’o iha Rejiaun Espesial Autonomo Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA), hahu husi loron 11 to’o 18 Novembru 2015, foka ba Postu Administrativu Pante Makasar, Suku Costa, Nipane, Cunha no Lalisuk. Husi Suku haat (4) ne’e, PDHJ konsege entrevista benefisiariu hamutuk 93 kompostu husi feto 38 no mane 55. Objetivu husi monitorizasaun PDHJ nian, relasiona ho preokupasaun no aspirasaun komunidade sira nian ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu ZEESM nian liu-liu direitu ekonomia, social no kulturais no mós hakat advokasia ba propoin enkuadramentu estratéjiku ida hodi hala’o pasu sira bá oin liga ho direitu ekonomiku sosial no kulturais. Provedor esplika katak, husi monitorizasaun no depois halo audiensia públiku ho autoridades no komunidades iha rejultadu hatudu katak; Isu Alargamentu Estrada;\nPDHJ identifika iha distribuisaun material hirak ne’e laiha kualidade ex. Rai henek kahur ho Rai tahu, ai hodi harii uma dodok ka a’at, fatuk kiik la merese halo uma.\nPDHJ identifika katak laiha akompanhamentu ka monitoriza husi autoridades wainhira distribui material konstrusaun\nPDHJ identifika iha komunidade nia kios balun hetan sobu tiha ona maibe Governu seidauk fó matérial konstrusaun\nPDHJ identifika laiha jestaun ne’ebe diak hodi jere osan ba badaen sira no ikus mai rezulta osan ba badaen la sufsiente\nPDHJ identifka falta informasaun husi Governu ba komunidade sira liu hosi dialogu ne’ebe la involve ema hotu – hotu\nPDHJ identifika katak Governu laiha konsiderasaun hodi harii uluk uma ba komunidade depois maka sobu komunidade nia uma ne’ebé afeta husi Projetu\nPDHJ nota katak Governu presiza hare fila fali kestaun rai privadu tanba iha Oecusse komunidade ne’ebé maka sira nia uma no rai hetan afeta husi alargamentu Estrada Governu so rekompensa deit ba uma maibe rai lae.\nIdentifika komunidade balun ne’ebe afetadu la hetan rai alternativu seluk hodi harii fali uma foun\nEstrada ateru ona maibe be dalan laiha tanba ne’e mak be sulin tama fali ba komunidade nia uma wainhira udan.\nIsu Barazen Tono;\nPDHJ identifika katak, komunidade afetadu balun lahetan oportunidade hodi servisu iha Projetu Konstrusaun Barazen Tono.\nPDHJ mos nota katak rezultadu husi diálogu to’o agora la iha implementasaun.\nInvolvimentu iha diálogu la iha partisipasaun máximu husi komunidade afetadu.\nKomunidade afetadu tenki muda profisaun husi Agrikultór ba fali profisaun seluk ne’ebé foun ba sira hodi sustenta nesesidade uma laran. Lori tempu ba adaptasaun ho profisaun foun.\nRekomendasaun Isu Alargamentu Estrada\nAtu kompleta lalais matérial konstrusaun ne’ebé mak sei falta\nHalo analiza/hare fila fali orsamentu ba badaen, tamba ho mega projetu iha Oecusse fó mós impaktu ba folin badaen local sira.\nAtu kria uluk kondisaun ne’ebé adekuadu ka halo uluk uma ba komunidade afetadu sira antes sobu sira nia uma.\nAtu monitora no kontrola distribuisaun matérial sira no fa sansaun ba kompania sira ne’ebé maka halo distribusaun matérial tarde no mós distribui matérial la iha kualidade.\nPresiza haklean informasaun ne’ebé lolos ba komunidade sira tantu sira ne’ebe uma sobu ona ka seidauk sobu.\nAtu sobu komunidade nia uma presiza halo tuir estandar prosesu eviksaun nian ne’ebé maka konsidera hakat 3 hanesan antes, durante no depois eviksaun.\nRekomendasaun Isu Barazen Tono\nPresiza iha estudu viabilidade antes implementasaun projetu barajen tono, tamba projetu ne’e fó impaktu ba menus ai han no vida ekonomia iha komunidade.\nAtu kontrola folin (nesesidade baziku) iha merkadu wainhira taka Irigasaun Tono\nAtu fó subsidiu ba afetadu sira hodi bele sustenta moris iha tempu ne’ebé projetu barazen Tono sei iha konstrusaun nian laran, liu husi dadus Suco nian.\nAtu identifika afetadus ne’ebé bele iha oportunidade servisu iha projetu atu nuneé hetan rendimentu sustenta família.\nAutoridade ZEESM presiza tau iha planu hodi bele sosa fali produtu hirak ne’e no iha OGE hodi halo Manutensaun ba Irigasaun.\nPresiza kria koperativa ne’ebé mak tau asuntu ba variadade ai-han relasiona ho produsaun ne’ebé komunidade sira planta, Ez. Fore-munggu, Fore-rai, fore-tali no seluk tan.\nPresiza iha Planu Mestri hanesan baze fundamentu ba projetu hotu iha Oecusse.\nHusu ba Autoridade ZEESM katak presiza iha Planu sosializasaun regular ba komunidade Oecusse tomak hodi hasae sira nia konsensia kona ba “sira maka nain ba konstrusaun sira ne’e atu nuneé sira bele kontribui no partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu.\nIha oportunidade ne’e PDHJ mós hakarak hato’o katak Komunidade afetadu hakarak halo Dialogo ho Autoridade ZEESM ne’ebé fasilita husi PDHJ.\nUza kompetensia tuir konstituisaun RDTL artigu 95 hodi halo fizkalizasaun ba impaktu implementasaun Projetu ZEESM nian, Parlamentu Nasional hanesan reprezentante povu atu husu Autoridade ZEESM esplika kona ba progresu no dezafiu husi implementasau Projetu ZEESM nian iha Parlamentu Nasional.\nHusu ba Parlamentu Nasional liu husi Membru Deputadu sira, wainhira tun ba terrenu hodi halo konsolidasaun Partidu Politika nian, presiza mos halo sensibilizasaun ba militante sira katak projetu sira ne’e ho alokasaun orsamentu ne’ebé ho kustu bo’ot, atu nuneé sira sente katak kontrusaun sira ne’e presiza iha retornu hodi hetan sustentabilidade husi projetu hirak ne’e no bele asegura benefisiu husi projetu fiziku hirak ne’e no mos ba povu tomak.\nPrevious: PDHJ-PNTL Asina Akordu Servisu Hamutuk\nNext: PDHJ Realiza Enkontru Públiku Ho Funsionariu Saúde Munisipiu Dili
[ "PDHJ Publika Rejultadu Monitorizasaun Ba Implementasaun Projetu Alargamentu Estrada no Irigasaun Barazen Tono Iha RAEOA - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By Joana da Cruz On 31 May 2016 In Notisia sira Dili- iha loron 30 Maiu 2016, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) publika rejultadu monitorizasaun Direitus Umanus no Governasaun Di'ak, relasiona ho projetu Zona Espesial Ekonomia Social no Merkadu (ZEESM), refere liu ba \"Impaktu, Projetu Alargamentu Estrada no Projetu Irigasaun no Barazen Tono ba Komunidade\" Provedor, Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista iha konferensia ba imprensa hateten katak, atividade monitorizasaun ne'e hala'o iha Rejiaun Espesial Autonomo Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA), hahu husi loron 11 to'o 18 Novembru 2015, foka ba Postu Administrativu Pante Makasar, Suku Costa, Nipane, Cunha no Lalisuk.", "Husi Suku haat (4) ne'e, PDHJ konsege entrevista benefisiariu hamutuk 93 kompostu husi feto 38 no mane 55.", "Objetivu husi monitorizasaun PDHJ nian, relasiona ho preokupasaun no aspirasaun komunidade sira nian ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu ZEESM nian liu-liu direitu ekonomia, social no kulturais no mos hakat advokasia ba propoin enkuadramentu estratejiku ida hodi hala'o pasu sira ba oin liga ho direitu ekonomiku sosial no kulturais.", "Provedor esplika katak, husi monitorizasaun no depois halo audiensia publiku ho autoridades no komunidades iha rejultadu hatudu katak; Isu Alargamentu Estrada; PDHJ identifika iha distribuisaun material hirak ne'e laiha kualidade ex.", "Rai henek kahur ho Rai tahu, ai hodi harii uma dodok ka a'at, fatuk kiik la merese halo uma.", "PDHJ identifika katak laiha akompanhamentu ka monitoriza husi autoridades wainhira distribui material konstrusaun PDHJ identifika iha komunidade nia kios balun hetan sobu tiha ona maibe Governu seidauk fo material konstrusaun PDHJ identifika laiha jestaun ne'ebe diak hodi jere osan ba badaen sira no ikus mai rezulta osan ba badaen la sufsiente PDHJ identifka falta informasaun husi Governu ba komunidade sira liu hosi dialogu ne'ebe la involve ema hotu - hotu PDHJ identifika katak Governu laiha konsiderasaun hodi harii uluk uma ba komunidade depois maka sobu komunidade nia uma ne'ebe afeta husi Projetu PDHJ nota katak Governu presiza hare fila fali kestaun rai privadu tanba iha Oecusse komunidade ne'ebe maka sira nia uma no rai hetan afeta husi alargamentu Estrada Governu so rekompensa deit ba uma maibe rai lae.", "Identifika komunidade balun ne'ebe afetadu la hetan rai alternativu seluk hodi harii fali uma foun Estrada ateru ona maibe be dalan laiha tanba ne'e mak be sulin tama fali ba komunidade nia uma wainhira udan.", "Isu Barazen Tono; PDHJ identifika katak, komunidade afetadu balun lahetan oportunidade hodi servisu iha Projetu Konstrusaun Barazen Tono.", "PDHJ mos nota katak rezultadu husi dialogu to'o agora la iha implementasaun.", "Involvimentu iha dialogu la iha partisipasaun maximu husi komunidade afetadu.", "Komunidade afetadu tenki muda profisaun husi Agrikultor ba fali profisaun seluk ne'ebe foun ba sira hodi sustenta nesesidade uma laran.", "Lori tempu ba adaptasaun ho profisaun foun.", "Rekomendasaun Isu Alargamentu Estrada Atu kompleta lalais material konstrusaun ne'ebe mak sei falta Halo analiza/hare fila fali orsamentu ba badaen, tamba ho mega projetu iha Oecusse fo mos impaktu ba folin badaen local sira.", "Atu kria uluk kondisaun ne'ebe adekuadu ka halo uluk uma ba komunidade afetadu sira antes sobu sira nia uma.", "Atu monitora no kontrola distribuisaun material sira no fa sansaun ba kompania sira ne'ebe maka halo distribusaun material tarde no mos distribui material la iha kualidade.", "Presiza haklean informasaun ne'ebe lolos ba komunidade sira tantu sira ne'ebe uma sobu ona ka seidauk sobu.", "Atu sobu komunidade nia uma presiza halo tuir estandar prosesu eviksaun nian ne'ebe maka konsidera hakat 3 hanesan antes, durante no depois eviksaun.", "Rekomendasaun Isu Barazen Tono Presiza iha estudu viabilidade antes implementasaun projetu barajen tono, tamba projetu ne'e fo impaktu ba menus ai han no vida ekonomia iha komunidade.", "Atu kontrola folin (nesesidade baziku) iha merkadu wainhira taka Irigasaun Tono Atu fo subsidiu ba afetadu sira hodi bele sustenta moris iha tempu ne'ebe projetu barazen Tono sei iha konstrusaun nian laran, liu husi dadus Suco nian.", "Atu identifika afetadus ne'ebe bele iha oportunidade servisu iha projetu atu nunee hetan rendimentu sustenta familia.", "Autoridade ZEESM presiza tau iha planu hodi bele sosa fali produtu hirak ne'e no iha OGE hodi halo Manutensaun ba Irigasaun.", "Presiza kria koperativa ne'ebe mak tau asuntu ba variadade ai-han relasiona ho produsaun ne'ebe komunidade sira planta, Ez.", "Fore-munggu, Fore-rai, fore-tali no seluk tan.", "Presiza iha Planu Mestri hanesan baze fundamentu ba projetu hotu iha Oecusse.", "Husu ba Autoridade ZEESM katak presiza iha Planu sosializasaun regular ba komunidade Oecusse tomak hodi hasae sira nia konsensia kona ba \"sira maka nain ba konstrusaun sira ne'e atu nunee sira bele kontribui no partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu.", "Iha oportunidade ne'e PDHJ mos hakarak hato'o katak Komunidade afetadu hakarak halo Dialogo ho Autoridade ZEESM ne'ebe fasilita husi PDHJ.", "Uza kompetensia tuir konstituisaun RDTL artigu 95 hodi halo fizkalizasaun ba impaktu implementasaun Projetu ZEESM nian, Parlamentu Nasional hanesan reprezentante povu atu husu Autoridade ZEESM esplika kona ba progresu no dezafiu husi implementasau Projetu ZEESM nian iha Parlamentu Nasional.", "Husu ba Parlamentu Nasional liu husi Membru Deputadu sira, wainhira tun ba terrenu hodi halo konsolidasaun Partidu Politika nian, presiza mos halo sensibilizasaun ba militante sira katak projetu sira ne'e ho alokasaun orsamentu ne'ebe ho kustu bo'ot, atu nunee sira sente katak kontrusaun sira ne'e presiza iha retornu hodi hetan sustentabilidade husi projetu hirak ne'e no bele asegura benefisiu husi projetu fiziku hirak ne'e no mos ba povu tomak.", "Previous: PDHJ-PNTL Asina Akordu Servisu Hamutuk Next: PDHJ Realiza Enkontru Publiku Ho Funsionariu Saude Munisipiu Dili" ]
[ [ "By Joana da Cruz On 31 May,2048 In News Dili- on the day of June (May) one thousand and thirty sixth year in our calendar. The Human Rights Prosecutor's Office has published a report regarding human rights monitoring activities carried out by it during its visit to Oecusse Ambeno Special Autonomous Region from November eleven through December nineteenteen years ago with reference \"Impact Road Extension Project & Irrigation project for Community\". Dr Silverio Pinto Baptistas said at his press conference that this activity is being conducted within oecussese ambenu special autonomy region between October seven hundred fiftieth month until January twentiethafth months past which focuses mainly around administrative post office Pante Makasar as well As village Costa Nipane Cunha Lalisuk etc..." ], [ "Of these four (4) villages, PDHJ was able to interview 93 beneficiaries composed of women and men." ], [ "The objectives of the PDHJ monitoring, related to community concerns and aspirations for ZEESM development process especially economic social cultural rights as well advocacy in order propose a strategic framework that will take steps forward linked with Economic Social Cultural Rights." ], [ "The Ombudsman explained that, from the monitoring and after having a public hearing with authorities or communities in its outcome shows: Road Extension Issue; PDHJ identifies these materials distribution is not quality e.g 10/25" ], [ "Rai henek kahur ho rai tahu, ai hodi harii uma dodok Ka a'at. Fatuk kiik la merese halo rumah (The earth is too small to build an house)." ], [ "PDHJ identifies that there is no accompaniment or monitoring by the authorities when distributing construction material. The Office of Human Rights and Justice (OHRJ) has found some community kiosks have already been demolished, but Government still does not provide building materials to them; it also finds a lack in good management for managing money allocated as compensation funds which ultimately results into an unsufficient amount paid out on damage relief costs: 2014-365789 - A report from Oecusse State Department indicates this situation was caused because government did NOT consider constructing houses first before then demoling communities' homes affected through project development work at their own expense with only one objective – destroy those whose home they had left behind after being resettled under Project Development Work Initiated By Ministry Of Interior" ], [ "Identify some affected communities that did not get alternative land to build a new house The road has been restored but there is no way, so the water enters back into their houses when it rains." ], [ "Barazen Tono Issue; PDHJ identified that some of the communities were not given an opportunity to work on a construction project." ], [ "The PDHJ also notes that the outcome of this dialogue has so far not been implemented." ], [ "Involvement in dialogue does not involve the maximum participation of affected communities." ], [ "Affected communities have had to switch from farming into other new occupations in order for their households and the community as a whole." ], [ "Take the time to adapt with new profession." ], [ "Recommendations on the Road Extension Issue To quickly complete construction material that will be missing Analyze/re-examine budget for roads, because mega projects in Oecusse also impact local highway prices." ], [ "To create adequate conditions or housing for the affected communities before demolishing their homes." ], [ "To monitor and control the distribution of materials, to impose sanctions on companies that distribute late or poor quality material." ], [ "There is a need to provide accurate information for the communities, both those whose houses have been demolished or not." ], [ "In order to demolish a community's house, the standard eviction process must be followed. This includes three steps: before evacuation; during and after it is completed (after demolition)." ], [ "A feasibility study must be carried out before the implementation of a Tono Dam project, as this will have an impact on food shortages and economic life in communities." ], [ "To control prices (basic necessities) in the market when closing irrigation tono. Give subsidies for affected people so that they can sustain their livelihoods while construction of dam project is underway, through data from municipality" ], [ "To identify affected persons who may have the opportunity to work in projects so as they can earn an income that sustains their families." ], [ "The ZEESM authorities need to plan how they can buy back these products and have the OGE in place for Irrigation Maintenance." ], [ "We need to create cooperatives that take care of the food variety related with produces planted by communities, eg." ], [ "Fore-munggu, forerai and foretali among others." ], [ "A Master Plan is required as the foundational basis for all projects in Oecusse." ], [ "He urged the ZEESM Authority to have a regular socialization plan for all Oecusse communities in order \"to raise their consciousness that they are owners of these constructions, so it can contribute and participate into development processes." ], [ "On this occasion the PDHJ also wishes to report that affected community wants Dialogue with ZEESM Authority facilitated by pdhj." ], [ "Using its competence under Article 95 of the Constitution to review and assess impacts from implementation, National Parliament as representative for people requested ZEESM Authority explain about progress in implementing Project Zeesm." ], [ "We ask the National Parliament through Members of Congress, when they go on to consolidate Political Parties it is necessary also raise awareness amongst their members that these projects are with budget allocation which has high cost so as not only for them but all people feel this construction needs return in order obtaining sustainability from such project and can ensure benefits both physically." ], [ "Previous: PDHJ-PNTL Sign Joint Service Agreement Next:PDHH holds Public Meeting with Dili Municipal Health Officials" ] ]
Hafoin Kompleta Loron 14 Kuarentena, Sidadaun Ida Iha Munisipiu Ermera Hetan Fali Sintomas COVID-19 - Naunil Media\nNaunil Media (Díli), Timor-oan ida ho inisiál DA kompri ona loron 14 hela iha kuarentena, hafoin fila ba nia moris fatin postu administrative Hatolia A, Munispiu Ermera, sidadaun ne’e hetan fali sintomas hanesan COVID-19, nune’e família sira lori DA ba aprezenta iha Sentru Saúde Hatolia.\nDiretór Servisu Saúde Munisipiu Ermera, António de Deus Fátima, hateten iha família ida hosi postu Hatolia lori sira nian oan aprezenta iha Sentru Saúde tanba mosu fila-fali sintomas ne’ebe deskonfia hanesan COVID-19.\n“Ohin dader mak nia (Suspeitu) foin hetan sintomas ida ne’e no ninia inan ki’ik lori kedas nia hodi aprezenta ba sentru Saude Hatulia” informa Diretór Servisu Saúde Munisipiu Ermera, António de Deus Fátima, via tlf ba jornalista sira, Kinta (16/04).\nDiretór Servisu Saúde Munisipiu Ermera, António de Deus Fátima, informa liu-tan, hafoin família lori DA ba aprezenta-án iha Sentru Saúde, Servisu Saúde Munisipiu Ermera kontaktu kedas ba Ministériu Saúde no ekipa Servisu Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC-Sigla Português) hodi tun halo vizilansia imediata.\n“Ami halo kedas kontaktu ba mai, servisu saúde munisipiu Ermera kontaktu ba Ministériu Saúde hodi ekipa epidemiologia tun kedas mai hodi ba halo vizilansia imediata atu bele hatene sintomas ne’ebe iha nomos atu hatene kona-ba durante nia iha fatin kuarentina nia kontaktu ho sese atu nune’e ita bele hakotu lalais korenti transmisaun COVID-19”, informa Nia.\nSuspeitu ho naran inisiál DA foin mai hosi estranjeiru to’o iha Timor-Leste tama kedas iha Fatin Kuarentena Otel Fortuna iha Díli kompleta loron 14. Iha loron 11 fulan Abríl fila ba ninia uma ka hela fatin postu administrative Hatolia A, Munisipiu Ermera. Uar\n← Evakua Tan Pasiente Tolu Ba Izolamentu, Deskonfia Pozitivu COVID-19 Iha TL Aumenta Ba Nain Sia\nPM Taur Orienta CIGC Tenke Haree Ba Senáriu Piór →\nUE Hakarak Kuda Ai-oan iha Eskola Tékniku Vokasional Rua Viqueque
[ "Hafoin Kompleta Loron 14 Kuarentena, Sidadaun Ida Iha Munisipiu Ermera Hetan Fali Sintomas COVID-19 - Naunil Media Naunil Media (Dili), Timor-oan ida ho inisial DA kompri ona loron 14 hela iha kuarentena, hafoin fila ba nia moris fatin postu administrative Hatolia A, Munispiu Ermera, sidadaun ne'e hetan fali sintomas hanesan COVID-19, nune'e familia sira lori DA ba aprezenta iha Sentru Saude Hatolia.", "Diretor Servisu Saude Munisipiu Ermera, Antonio de Deus Fatima, hateten iha familia ida hosi postu Hatolia lori sira nian oan aprezenta iha Sentru Saude tanba mosu fila-fali sintomas ne'ebe deskonfia hanesan COVID-19.", "\"Ohin dader mak nia (Suspeitu) foin hetan sintomas ida ne'e no ninia inan ki'ik lori kedas nia hodi aprezenta ba sentru Saude Hatulia\" informa Diretor Servisu Saude Munisipiu Ermera, Antonio de Deus Fatima, via tlf ba jornalista sira, Kinta (16/04).", "Diretor Servisu Saude Munisipiu Ermera, Antonio de Deus Fatima, informa liu-tan, hafoin familia lori DA ba aprezenta-an iha Sentru Saude, Servisu Saude Munisipiu Ermera kontaktu kedas ba Ministeriu Saude no ekipa Servisu Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC-Sigla Portugues) hodi tun halo vizilansia imediata.", "\"Ami halo kedas kontaktu ba mai, servisu saude munisipiu Ermera kontaktu ba Ministeriu Saude hodi ekipa epidemiologia tun kedas mai hodi ba halo vizilansia imediata atu bele hatene sintomas ne'ebe iha nomos atu hatene kona-ba durante nia iha fatin kuarentina nia kontaktu ho sese atu nune'e ita bele hakotu lalais korenti transmisaun COVID-19,\" informa Nia.", "Suspeitu ho naran inisial DA foin mai hosi estranjeiru to'o iha Timor-Leste tama kedas iha Fatin Kuarentena Otel Fortuna iha Dili kompleta loron 14.", "Iha loron 11 fulan Abril fila ba ninia uma ka hela fatin postu administrative Hatolia A, Munisipiu Ermera.", "Uar - Evakua Tan Pasiente Tolu Ba Izolamentu, Deskonfia Pozitivu COVID-19 Iha TL Aumenta Ba Nain Sia PM Taur Orienta CIGC Tenke Haree Ba Senariu Pior - UE Hakarak Kuda Ai-oan iha Eskola Tekniku Vokasional Rua Viqueque" ]
[ [ "After Completing 14 Days Quarantine, Citizen In Ermera Municipality Has Symptoms Like COVID-20 - Naunil Media A Timorese with the initial DA has completed a period of quarantine. He returned to his home post administrative Hatolia B in ermer municipalities and after completing this time he again developed symptom like Covid –39 so that family members took him back for treatment at Health Center “Hatonia”." ], [ "Ermera Municipal Health Service Director, Antonio de Deus Fatima said that a family from Hatolia post brought their child to the health center because of recurrence symptoms suspected as COVID-19." ], [ "\"Today he (Suspect) first developed these symptoms and his mother immediately took him to the Hatulia Health Center,\" said Ermera Municipality Director of health services Antonio de Deus Fatima via telephone on Thursday 16 April." ], [ "Director of Municipal Health Service Ermera, Antonio de Deus Fatima further informed that after the family took DA to present itself at a health center. The municipality's medical service immediately contacted Ministry and Integrated Crisis Management Services (CIGC) team so they could carry out imediata vigilance on her condition 10 days later she was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS by an expert group from this hospital which is also responsible for monitoring patients who have been infecting others through their sexual intercourse or sex-transmitted disease(STD)." ], [ "\"We immediately contacted the Ministry of Health so that an epidemiology team could come down and carry out a surveillance to determine his symptoms, as well for information about any contacts he had with other people during quarantine. This way we can quickly stop COVID-19 transmission\", she said in her statement on Thursday (20 March)." ], [ "Suspect with initials DA recently arrived from abroad to Timor-Leste and immediately entered the Quarantine House of Hotel Fortuna in Dili, completing 14 days." ], [ "On April 10, he returned to his home or residence in Hatolia A administrative post of Ermera Municipality." ], [ "Uar - Evacua Tan Pasiente Tres Ba Isolation, Diskonfia Positivu COVID-19 Iha TL Aumenta ba Nain Sia PM Taur Orienta CIGC Tenke HareeBa Senariu Horruer EU Hakarak Kuda Ai‑oan iha Eskola Tekniku Vokasional Rua Viqueque" ] ]
Kiakilir: Voz Off DK Music Entrevista ho Abio Salsinha\nVoz Off DK Music Entrevista ho Abio Salsinha\nEntrevista ho cantor no musico Abio Salsinha konaba nia careira musical no atu hatene liu tan sobre musicos timoroan sira nia partisipasaun iha eventu ikus Cimeira CPLP foin dadauk iha Dili, Timor Leste, nebe publiku ladun hetan informasaun.\nPor Dalia Kiakilir (Oxford, 14 Outubro 2014)\nDalia - Abio Salisinha hahu'u carreira musical husi nebe'e, motivo saida ma'ak halo ita bo'ot hili carreira ne'e?\nAbio - Hau hahu hau nia careira musical ne desde scola SD, gosta rona musica i gosta canta. Motivu hau hili musica ne tamba talento duni, i musica ne halo ita kontente i halo ita mos sai tristesa.\nDalia - Inspirasaun ruma husi artista conhecido ruma?\nAbio - Inspirasaun husi artista senior hanesan Tonny pereirra, Anito matos, Sico Maulohi i barak tan. Ho nune mak hau brani hodi foti kakak senior sira nia talenta ne.\nDalia - Ita bo'ot nia genero musica ne'e saida? Causa social, Domin ka saida?\nAbio - Hau nia musica ne halai ba social ho domin mos. Social hanesan musica "Comarca" ne, atu fo hanoin ba ita hotu atu hakribi violensia, ida tan mak musica "Keta Loko An". Musica ida ne fo hanoin mos ba ita katak moris iha mundu ne keta loko an demais, loko an demais moris loron baluk deit. Kona ba domin atu fo hanoin ba foin sae sira katak keta halimar ho liafuan domin nee. Dala barak ita ema ne hatene mak hadomi deit maibe atu refleta ba liafuan domin ne susar teb tebes satan ho liafuan estima ne. Tamba atu fonon deit.\nDalia - Husi inicio carreira artistica ne'e amigo lanca ona album hira? No album sira ne'e lanca iha fatin nebe?\nAbio - Hau nia album agora dadaun ne lanca ona hamutuk album 7 ona i lanca iha Timor Leste deit, maibe nia faan iha indonesia, Australia ho Timor Laran tomak.\nDalia - Infelizmente ita nia rai timor leste laiha fonte oficial ruma nebe fo sai ba liur noticia update sobre ita nia artista timor oan sira nia arte no obra, foin dadauk iha cimeira cplp, liu husi rede social ne'e mak iha oportunidade hare liu husi ita bot nia facebook foto balun kona ba cimeira ne'e, amigo mos hetan convite hodi ba canta?\nAbio - Sim hau mos iha oportunidade canta iha evento CPLP ne i hau mos hetan fiar husi SEJD ho sai chefe comisaun organizadora ba artista rai laran ho rai liur hodi canta iha evento inportante ida ne. I orgulho bot ba parte governo liu hsi SEJD hodi fo fiar ba artista timor oan rasik mak organiza ivento ida ne.\nDalia - Musica hira no tema saida mak apresenta?\nAbio - Musica nebe mak ami si canta iha CPLP ne mak musica Tetum, Portugues ho Englesh. I hau momento ne lori musica identidae cultura Timor Leste nian hanesan musica Tebe Likurai, Tei Sandler ho Rai Timor Loro Sae.\nDalia - Artista timor oan hira mak hetan mos convite hodi participa iha cimeira ne'e no musica saida mak apresenta?\nAbio - Artista timor oan deit, liu liu ba senior sira nomos banda musica timor oan hotu, i ami mos convida artista canta solo mai husi Indonesian Idol i nia mos timor oan ida soke hela iha indo kleur ona. Nia mos mai canta hotu iha ivento ne.\nDalia - Iha tan artista balun husi rai seluk ma'ak ba perform iha neba? No sira nia arte saida?, cultura?, danca? musiko?\nAbio - Sim hau nia music rasik hau tau iha youtube. Bele buka iha youtube "Prison video song timor leste", ida tan mk "Didi". Se iha wp hau bele send ba ita.\nDalia - Iha liafuan balun mak ita bo'ot hakarak hato'o ba musisi sira kona ba sira nia carreira?\nAbio - Hau hanoin hau nia sugestao ba colega musisi timor oan sira hotu katak, mai ita canta ita nia musica rasik atu nune ita hatudu ba mundo katak ita nia identidade musica nebe ita halo mak ne duni. I hau mos fo lia menon ba colega sira hotu ita tenki halakon hahalok nebe mak ladiak hanesan copy ema rai liur nia musica hodi mai ita halo fali ba ita nian rasik, ne hahalok nebe mak ladiak ba ita hotu. Nebe ita tenki kaer metin ita nia musica numero primeiro mak irama tebe tebe ne.\nLiafuan ikus ba ita nia musico Abio Salsinha mak agradeceimento ba disponibilidade ho prontidao ba entrevista badak nee. Hein katak eventu seluk mai ho nivel hanesan Cimeira CPLP nee publiku bele hetan asesu ba informasaun liu husi media. Sukses ba amigo, continua haburas no hamorin nafatin Timor nian naran iha mundo rai klaran.\nVizita Abio nia perfil iha espaco DK Music\nPortugues & Bahasa Indonesia\nPublicada por Kiakilir à(s) 09:12
[ "Kiakilir: Voz Off DK Music Entrevista ho Abio Salsinha Voz Off DK Music Entrevista ho Abio Salsinha Entrevista ho cantor no musico Abio Salsinha konaba nia careira musical no atu hatene liu tan sobre musicos timoroan sira nia partisipasaun iha eventu ikus Cimeira CPLP foin dadauk iha Dili, Timor Leste, nebe publiku ladun hetan informasaun.", "Por Dalia Kiakilir (Oxford, 14 Outubro 2014) Dalia - Abio Salisinha hahu'u carreira musical husi nebe'e, motivo saida ma'ak halo ita bo'ot hili carreira ne'e?", "Abio - Hau hahu hau nia careira musical ne desde scola SD, gosta rona musica i gosta canta.", "Motivu hau hili musica ne tamba talento duni, i musica ne halo ita kontente i halo ita mos sai tristesa.", "Dalia - Inspirasaun ruma husi artista conhecido ruma?", "Abio - Inspirasaun husi artista senior hanesan Tonny pereirra, Anito matos, Sico Maulohi i barak tan.", "Ho nune mak hau brani hodi foti kakak senior sira nia talenta ne.", "Dalia - Ita bo'ot nia genero musica ne'e saida?", "Causa social, Domin ka saida?", "Abio - Hau nia musica ne halai ba social ho domin mos.", "Social hanesan musica \"Comarca\" ne, atu fo hanoin ba ita hotu atu hakribi violensia, ida tan mak musica \"Keta Loko An.\"", "Musica ida ne fo hanoin mos ba ita katak moris iha mundu ne keta loko an demais, loko an demais moris loron baluk deit.", "Kona ba domin atu fo hanoin ba foin sae sira katak keta halimar ho liafuan domin nee.", "Dala barak ita ema ne hatene mak hadomi deit maibe atu refleta ba liafuan domin ne susar teb tebes satan ho liafuan estima ne.", "Tamba atu fonon deit.", "Dalia - Husi inicio carreira artistica ne'e amigo lanca ona album hira?", "No album sira ne'e lanca iha fatin nebe?", "Abio - Hau nia album agora dadaun ne lanca ona hamutuk album 7 ona i lanca iha Timor Leste deit, maibe nia faan iha indonesia, Australia ho Timor Laran tomak.", "Dalia - Infelizmente ita nia rai timor leste laiha fonte oficial ruma nebe fo sai ba liur noticia update sobre ita nia artista timor oan sira nia arte no obra, foin dadauk iha cimeira cplp, liu husi rede social ne'e mak iha oportunidade hare liu husi ita bot nia facebook foto balun kona ba cimeira ne'e, amigo mos hetan convite hodi ba canta?", "Abio - Sim hau mos iha oportunidade canta iha evento CPLP ne i hau mos hetan fiar husi SEJD ho sai chefe comisaun organizadora ba artista rai laran ho rai liur hodi canta iha evento inportante ida ne.", "I orgulho bot ba parte governo liu hsi SEJD hodi fo fiar ba artista timor oan rasik mak organiza ivento ida ne.", "Dalia - Musica hira no tema saida mak apresenta?", "Abio - Musica nebe mak ami si canta iha CPLP ne mak musica Tetum, Portugues ho Englesh.", "I hau momento ne lori musica identidae cultura Timor Leste nian hanesan musica Tebe Likurai, Tei Sandler ho Rai Timor Loro Sae.", "Dalia - Artista timor oan hira mak hetan mos convite hodi participa iha cimeira ne'e no musica saida mak apresenta?", "Abio - Artista timor oan deit, liu liu ba senior sira nomos banda musica timor oan hotu, i ami mos convida artista canta solo mai husi Indonesian Idol i nia mos timor oan ida soke hela iha indo kleur ona.", "Nia mos mai canta hotu iha ivento ne.", "Dalia - Iha tan artista balun husi rai seluk ma'ak ba perform iha neba?", "No sira nia arte saida?, cultura?, danca? musiko?", "Abio - Sim hau nia music rasik hau tau iha youtube.", "Bele buka iha youtube \"Prison video song timor leste,\" ida tan mk \"Didi.\"", "Se iha wp hau bele send ba ita.", "Dalia - Iha liafuan balun mak ita bo'ot hakarak hato'o ba musisi sira kona ba sira nia carreira?", "Abio - Hau hanoin hau nia sugestao ba colega musisi timor oan sira hotu katak, mai ita canta ita nia musica rasik atu nune ita hatudu ba mundo katak ita nia identidade musica nebe ita halo mak ne duni.", "I hau mos fo lia menon ba colega sira hotu ita tenki halakon hahalok nebe mak ladiak hanesan copy ema rai liur nia musica hodi mai ita halo fali ba ita nian rasik, ne hahalok nebe mak ladiak ba ita hotu.", "Nebe ita tenki kaer metin ita nia musica numero primeiro mak irama tebe tebe ne.", "Liafuan ikus ba ita nia musico Abio Salsinha mak agradeceimento ba disponibilidade ho prontidao ba entrevista badak nee.", "Hein katak eventu seluk mai ho nivel hanesan Cimeira CPLP nee publiku bele hetan asesu ba informasaun liu husi media.", "Sukses ba amigo, continua haburas no hamorin nafatin Timor nian naran iha mundo rai klaran.", "Vizita Abio nia perfil iha espaco DK Music Portugues & Bahasa Indonesia Publicada por Kiakilir a (s) 09:12" ]
[ [ "Kiakilir: Voz Off DK Music Interview with Abio Salsinha Entrevista com o cantor e músico Abrio salsina about his musical career and to know more on the participation of Timorese musicians in recent CPLP Summit event just recently held at Dili, East-Timor where public did not get information." ], [ "By Dalia Kiakilir (Oxford, October 14th) Where did Abio Salisinha start his musical career? What was the reason for him to choose this path in life and what is it that makes us so happy about our choice of music." ], [ "Abio - I started my musical career since school SD, i like to hear music and sing." ], [ "The reason I chose music is because it’s talented, and the musical makes us happy as well." ], [ "Dalia - Any inspiration from a known artist?" ], [ "Abio - Inspired by senior artists such as Tonny Pereirra, Anito matos and Sico Maulohi." ], [ "So I decided to take the talent of my senior brothers." ], [ "Dalia - What kind of music do you like?" ], [ "Causa social, Domin ka saida?" ], [ "Abio - My music is going on social media with love too." ], [ "Social like the music \"Comarca\", to remind us all of rejection against violence, another is a song called\"Keta Loko An.\"" ], [ "This music reminds us that life in the world is not too much, it's only a few days." ], [ "Regarding love, to remind the young people that they should not be fooled by these words of Love." ], [ "Many times we know that people just love but to reflect on the word of Love is very difficult. Satan with words like \"love\" and estimation are so powerful!" ], [ "So just call me." ], [ "Dalia - Since the beginning of your artistic career, do you have released any albums?" ], [ "And where are these albums being released?" ], [ "Abio - I have released 7 albums in East Timor only, but they are sold all over Indonesia and Australia." ], [ "Dalia - Unfortunately, our country East Timor has no official source that gives out to the outside news update about its artists' art and work. Just recently in CPLP summit through this social network we have had an opportunity see some photos on facebook of us friends also got invited for a concert?" ], [ "Abio - Yes I also had the opportunity to sing in CPLP event and i got confidence from SEJD as head of organizing committee for artists both domestically & abroad, so that they can perform at this important festival." ], [ "I am very proud on the part of government and SEJD to trust Timorese artists themselves in organizing this event." ], [ "Dalia - Music no tema saida mak apresenta?" ], [ "Abio - The music we sing in the CPLP is Tetum, Portuguese and English." ], [ "And I will bring music that is the identity of Timorese culture like Tebe Likurai, Tei Sandler and Rai Timor Loro Sae." ], [ "Dalia - How many Timorese artists have been invited to participate in this summit and what music do they present?" ], [ "Abio - Young Timorese artists only, especially for senior people and all the music band of East-Timor. We also invited a solo singer from Indonesian Idol who is still living in Indonesia as well; he was born on 15th February but now lives with his family here at home!" ], [ "She also sang all the songs at this event." ], [ "Dalia - Are there any other artists from outside the country who are good enough to perform here?" ], [ "And what is their art?, culture?? dance??? music????" ], [ "Abio - Yes, I put my own music on youtube." ], [ "You can search on youtube for \"Prison video song east timor,\" one more mk is “Didi.”" ], [ "If there is a wp I can send it to us." ], [ "Dalia - Are there any words that we would like to say about the musicians and their careers?" ], [ "Abio - I think my suggestion to all Timorese musicians is that, let us sing our own songs so we can show the world how unique and original it really was." ], [ "And I also say to all my colleagues that we must eliminate the bad practice of copying foreign music and making it our own, which is not good for us." ], [ "We must keep our music number one is irama tebe tebe ne." ], [ "Finally, I would like to thank our musician Abio Salsinha for his availability and readiness in this brief interview." ], [ "It is to be hoped that other events of such a level as the CPLP Summit will have public access through media." ], [ "Sukses ba amigo, continua haburas and hamorin lagi Timor's name in the world rai klaran." ], [ "Visit Abio's profile on DK Music Portuguese & Bahasa Indonesia Publicada por Kiakilir a (r)" ] ]
MD Austrália Kompromete Hametin Kooperasaun\nTempotimor (Dili) – Ministra Defeza (MD) Austrália, Senadora Hon Linda Reynolds CSC kompromete, sei hametin kooperasaun bilaterál entre nasaun rua iha área marítima, ambiente no manutensaun ba paz.\nKomunikadu imprensa ne’ebé tempotimor.com asesu iha portál Departamentu Ministériu Defeza Australia nian hatete, Ministra Defeza Australiana ne’e sei vizita Timor-Leste entre loron 19 -21 fulan Setembru tinan ida ne’e.\n“Hau sei halo viajen ba Dili, entre 19 e 21 Setembru hodi partisipa iha eventu sira hodi rekoñese aniversáriu ba daruanuluk lansamentu Forsa Internasionál ba Timor-Leste (INTERFET),” hateten Ministra Linda iha komunikadu ne’e.\nNia konsidera, aniversáriu ne’e hanesan oportunidade hodi fó onra ba papél INTERFET nian, hodi reestabelese paz no fasilita Timor-Leste, hodi dezenvolve hanesan nasaun ne’ebé independente, soberanu no sustentavel ekonomikamente.\nPrivilejiu hodi reuniaun ho Governu Timor-Leste, ho povu Timor-Leste no ho veteranu INTERFET nian, hodi komemora lansamentu istóriku ne’e.\n“Ha’u espera koñese veteranu sira no membru forsa defesa Australia nian ne'ebé uluk serbisu iha INTERFET ho Ministru Assuntos Veteranus no Pesoál Defesa, Darren Chester, iha resepsaun ida iha ró HMAS Choules, ne'ebé hela iha Dili, hodi marka komemorasaun ida ne’e,” Ministra ne'e hateten.\nNia dehan, ninia visita dahuluk iha Timor-Leste hanesan Ministra Defesa. Nia sei fornese mós oportunidade hodi hala'o diskusaun formál ho Governu Timor-Leste kona-ba oinsá atu bele haluan kooperasaun iha ambiente marítima, formasaun no operasaun manutensaun paz.\nMinistra ne'e mós sei visita Base Naval iha Hera. Fatin ne’ebé sei renova liuhosi pakote seguransa marítima ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru Austrália, Scott Morrison anunsia ona hodi asegura katak fatin refere prontu hodi simu ró patrulhu tipo Guardian Class rua ne'ebé Australia sei entrega iha 2023.\n“Ha’u nia visita mós ho konklusaun Ezersisiu Hari’i Hamutuk – ezersisiu engenharia no kapasidade ne'ebé akontese durante fulan ida, tinan-tinan,” nia esplika.\nTinan ida nee engenheiro kombate nian husi Austrália no Timor-Leste serbisu hamutuk hodi hasa’e sira nia kapasidade iha área konstrusaun, dezenvolvimentu infraestruktura no manutensaun ekipamentu, liuhosi projetu iha Kapitál Timor-Leste.\nHari’i Hamutuk, nia signifikadu iha Tetun emblematiku ho futuru kooperasaun defesa Austrália ho Timor-Leste, ho foku iha kooperasaun prátika hodi suporta Timor-Leste nia kapasidade defesa.\nEvita Single Source, MTK Tender Fornesementu Internet\nTempotimor (Dili) – Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), José Agustinho da Silva sei loke konkursu foun ba fornesementu internet ba Governu, ho kapasita 200 Mega Bytes per Second (Mbps).\nTuir MTK, nia parte haruka ona karta ba Primeiru Ministru husu autorizasaun para loke konkursu foun ba kompañia sira ne'ebé bele konkore no atu evita single source.\n“Foin daudauk, ha'u halo fali karta ida ba ita nia sua exelénsia PM. Tanba, ida ne'e valor boot. Ita labele deside. Entaun, ha'u halo fali karta ida ba PM par husu autorizasaun, para ita halo tenderizasaun foun ba kompañia sira ne'ebé mak bele konkore,” MTK esplika ba tempotimor.com via telefone, Kinta (12/09/19).\nMaski nune'e, nia espera valor la hanesan. Nia dehan, tenke diferensia ho ida agora ne'e. “Valor bele tuun, depois ninia likidu ne'e bele aumenta, para bele ajuda ajénsia Governu sira-nia servisu,” MTK informa.\nHatán ba perguntas kona-ba tempu ne'ebé limitadu, tanba Outubru tinan ida ne'e, kontratu ho kompañia GlobalNet hotu ona, MTK dehan, kona-ba ba buat ne'e presiza autorizasaun husi Primeiru Ministru. Tanba, orsamentu ba ida ne'e boot. “Sei nia valor la boot, ministru bele hola dezisaun,” MTK esplika.\nTuir fontes Tempotimor.com iha Palásiu Governu, iha hanoin balun Governu atu halo single source ba fornesementu internet 200 MBPS ba Kompañia Telkomcel Indonézia, maibé Ministru José Agustinho da Silva dehan valor osan boot, nune'e presiza loke tender para kompañia sira bele konkore.\nSinál Di'ak Ba Embaixadór Sira\nTempotimor (Dili) – Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Deonísio Babo Soares hetan ona sinál di'ak husi Palásiu Prezidensiál Bairru-Pite, kona-ba lista embaixadór sira ne'ebé to'o agora pendente no durante ne'e sai polémika.\n“Prezidente Repúblika (PR) laiha intensaun atu impede ka la fó tomada posse. Tanba ne'e, interese estadu nian, ne'ebé ha'u hetan kedas ona garantia husi Xefe Estadu katak ne'e la'ós intensaun husi PR nian, atu impede ema ruma. Maibé, hanesan Xefe Estadu nia iha dever konstituisionál atu fó hanoin ba Governu nomós ba ministru," MNEK informa ba jornalista bainhira remata sorumutu ho PR, Kinta (19/09/19).\nNia dehan, iha sorumutu ho PR ne'e, nia relata lalais de'it situasaun atuál. Depois, nia mós rona xefe estadu ninia hanoin sira uluk ne'e. “Halo tiha ajustamentu uitoan no ajustamentu ne'e sei hato'o fali ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) para aprova, depois sei haruka fali ba Palásiu Prezidensiál atu prosesa,” MNEK hatete.\nDesizaun ne'ebé di'ak no klaru liu, tuir Babo, PR sei komunika diretamente ho Xefe Governu. Tanba, PR nu'udar Xefe Estadu, inklui lider máximu diplomásia Timor-Leste nian mak tenke aprova embaixadór sira.\n“Entaun PR maka tenke aprova. Ne'ebé sei lori mai maka PR dehan katak tenke muda fali, tenke ajustamentu fali, ida ne'e sei rona no sei halo tuir. Tanba, ida ne'e ba interese estadu nian," Babo akresenta\nLista ne'ebé Governu submete ba PR hamutuk 16, depois na'in tolu maka simu ona pose. Restu seidauk simu pose.\nUS$ 492.000 Hodi Hola Karreta Foun 12\nTempotimor (Dili) – Parlamentu Nasionál liuhusi Orsamentu Privativa aloka tan orsamentu atu hola tan karreta foun 12 ba deputadu foun sira hamutuk US$ 492.000.00.\n"Kalkulu ne'ebé iha, deputadu sira ne'e eleitu fali husi lejislasaun datolu nian, ne'ebé uza nafatin Toyota Prado anterior, deputadu sanulu resin walu de'it. Hanesan CNRT iha 9, Fretilin iha 8 no PD 1. Entaun aumenta tan karreta 35 ne'ebé iha prosesu hela ne'e, hela deputadu sanulu resin rua mak karreta seidauk iha. Tanba ne'e, mak iha planu orsamentu 2020 inklui nafatin karreta 12, " dehan Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Noé de Jesus da Costa Amarál iha PN, Kinta (19/09/19).\nNia akresenta, orsamentu 2020 nian ne'e, kada karreta ida ho nia presu US$41.000. Entaun, totál husi karreta sanulu resin rua ne'e hamutuk US$ 492.000.00.\nAlende ne'e, karreta 35 ne'ebé iha tinan 2019 aloka orsamentu, iha ona prosesu laran. "Prosesu sosa karreta foun, Sekretária Jerál Parlamentu Nasionál nian asina tiha ona kontratu ho kompañia iha semana kotuk no agora iha prosesu kompañia ne'ebé hola. Tuir akordu katak, durante iha loron 45 kompañia hatama ona kareta mai," dehan Arão.\nNia akresenta, orsamentu ne'ebé Parlamentu Nasionál aloka ba hola karreta foun ba deputadu sira ne'e, hamutuk ba kareta 35.\n"Orsamentu 2019 nian, ne'ebé aloka ba kareta hamutuk 35. Kada karreta ida ho nia folin US$41.000, ne'ebé oras ne'e iha hela prosesu. Ami hein de'it para kompaña kumpri kontratu ne'ebé estabelese ona entre loron 45 nia laran bele lori mai. Tanba deputadu barak mak agora sei uza transporte privadu," dehan Arão.\nEntretantu Xefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes katak, karreta ne'ebé mak iha ona prosesu hodi hola ba deputadu sira ho marka Pajero Sport.\nMOP Sei Aprezenta Tenderizasaun Kompañia Fornese Mina\nTempotimor (Dili) – Komisaun Nasionál halo ona prosesu prosedimentu ba kompañia sira ne'ebé atu sai manan nain hodi fornese mina ba sentru eletrisidade sentrál Hera no Betano.\n"Iha ona prosesu tenderizasaun Komisaun Nasionál prosedementu semana oin sei lori ba konsellu ministru hodi hetan apresiasaun ba kompañia ne'ebé sai manan na'in ba tenderizasaun ne'e," Informa MOP, Salvador Pires iha Ministériu Finansas, Sabadu (14/09/19).\nKompañia sira ne'ebé apply ba tenderizasaun ne'e nasionál no internasionál. "Ha'u hanoin, kompañia sira ne'e husi nasionál ho internasionál sira, halo parseria hodi bele halo joint venter ba konkursu ne'e," nia tenik.
[ "MD Australia Kompromete Hametin Kooperasaun Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministra Defeza (MD) Australia, Senadora Hon Linda Reynolds CSC kompromete, sei hametin kooperasaun bilateral entre nasaun rua iha area maritima, ambiente no manutensaun ba paz.", "Komunikadu imprensa ne'ebe tempotimor.com asesu iha portal Departamentu Ministeriu Defeza Australia nian hatete, Ministra Defeza Australiana ne'e sei vizita Timor-Leste entre loron 19 -21 fulan Setembru tinan ida ne'e.", "\"Hau sei halo viajen ba Dili, entre 19 e 21 Setembru hodi partisipa iha eventu sira hodi rekonese aniversariu ba daruanuluk lansamentu Forsa Internasional ba Timor-Leste (INTERFET),\" hateten Ministra Linda iha komunikadu ne'e.", "Nia konsidera, aniversariu ne'e hanesan oportunidade hodi fo onra ba papel INTERFET nian, hodi reestabelese paz no fasilita Timor-Leste, hodi dezenvolve hanesan nasaun ne'ebe independente, soberanu no sustentavel ekonomikamente.", "Privilejiu hodi reuniaun ho Governu Timor-Leste, ho povu Timor-Leste no ho veteranu INTERFET nian, hodi komemora lansamentu istoriku ne'e.", "\"Ha'u espera konese veteranu sira no membru forsa defesa Australia nian ne'ebe uluk serbisu iha INTERFET ho Ministru Assuntos Veteranus no Pesoal Defesa, Darren Chester, iha resepsaun ida iha ro HMAS Choules, ne'ebe hela iha Dili, hodi marka komemorasaun ida ne'e,\" Ministra ne'e hateten.", "Nia dehan, ninia visita dahuluk iha Timor-Leste hanesan Ministra Defesa.", "Nia sei fornese mos oportunidade hodi hala'o diskusaun formal ho Governu Timor-Leste kona-ba oinsa atu bele haluan kooperasaun iha ambiente maritima, formasaun no operasaun manutensaun paz.", "Ministra ne'e mos sei visita Base Naval iha Hera.", "Fatin ne'ebe sei renova liuhosi pakote seguransa maritima ne'ebe Primeiru Ministru Australia, Scott Morrison anunsia ona hodi asegura katak fatin refere prontu hodi simu ro patrulhu tipo Guardian Class rua ne'ebe Australia sei entrega iha 2023.", "\"Ha'u nia visita mos ho konklusaun Ezersisiu Hari'i Hamutuk - ezersisiu engenharia no kapasidade ne'ebe akontese durante fulan ida, tinan-tinan,\" nia esplika.", "Tinan ida nee engenheiro kombate nian husi Australia no Timor-Leste serbisu hamutuk hodi hasa'e sira nia kapasidade iha area konstrusaun, dezenvolvimentu infraestruktura no manutensaun ekipamentu, liuhosi projetu iha Kapital Timor-Leste.", "Hari'i Hamutuk, nia signifikadu iha Tetun emblematiku ho futuru kooperasaun defesa Australia ho Timor-Leste, ho foku iha kooperasaun pratika hodi suporta Timor-Leste nia kapasidade defesa.", "Evita Single Source, MTK Tender Fornesementu Internet Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), Jose Agustinho da Silva sei loke konkursu foun ba fornesementu internet ba Governu, ho kapasita 200 Mega Bytes per Second (Mbps).", "Tuir MTK, nia parte haruka ona karta ba Primeiru Ministru husu autorizasaun para loke konkursu foun ba kompania sira ne'ebe bele konkore no atu evita single source.", "\"Foin daudauk, ha'u halo fali karta ida ba ita nia sua exelensia PM.", "Tanba, ida ne'e valor boot.", "Ita labele deside.", "Entaun, ha'u halo fali karta ida ba PM par husu autorizasaun, para ita halo tenderizasaun foun ba kompania sira ne'ebe mak bele konkore,\" MTK esplika ba tempotimor.com via telefone, Kinta (12/09/19).", "Maski nune'e, nia espera valor la hanesan.", "Nia dehan, tenke diferensia ho ida agora ne'e.", "\"Valor bele tuun, depois ninia likidu ne'e bele aumenta, para bele ajuda ajensia Governu sira-nia servisu,\" MTK informa.", "Hatan ba perguntas kona-ba tempu ne'ebe limitadu, tanba Outubru tinan ida ne'e, kontratu ho kompania GlobalNet hotu ona, MTK dehan, kona-ba ba buat ne'e presiza autorizasaun husi Primeiru Ministru.", "Tanba, orsamentu ba ida ne'e boot.", "\"Sei nia valor la boot, ministru bele hola dezisaun,\" MTK esplika.", "Tuir fontes Tempotimor.com iha Palasiu Governu, iha hanoin balun Governu atu halo single source ba fornesementu internet 200 MBPS ba Kompania Telkomcel Indonezia, maibe Ministru Jose Agustinho da Silva dehan valor osan boot, nune'e presiza loke tender para kompania sira bele konkore.", "Sinal Di'ak Ba Embaixador Sira Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Deonisio Babo Soares hetan ona sinal di'ak husi Palasiu Prezidensial Bairru-Pite, kona-ba lista embaixador sira ne'ebe to'o agora pendente no durante ne'e sai polemika.", "\"Prezidente Republika (PR) laiha intensaun atu impede ka la fo tomada posse.", "Tanba ne'e, interese estadu nian, ne'ebe ha'u hetan kedas ona garantia husi Xefe Estadu katak ne'e la'os intensaun husi PR nian, atu impede ema ruma.", "Maibe, hanesan Xefe Estadu nia iha dever konstituisional atu fo hanoin ba Governu nomos ba ministru,\" MNEK informa ba jornalista bainhira remata sorumutu ho PR, Kinta (19/09/19).", "Nia dehan, iha sorumutu ho PR ne'e, nia relata lalais de'it situasaun atual.", "Depois, nia mos rona xefe estadu ninia hanoin sira uluk ne'e.", "\"Halo tiha ajustamentu uitoan no ajustamentu ne'e sei hato'o fali ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) para aprova, depois sei haruka fali ba Palasiu Prezidensial atu prosesa,\" MNEK hatete.", "Desizaun ne'ebe di'ak no klaru liu, tuir Babo, PR sei komunika diretamente ho Xefe Governu.", "Tanba, PR nu'udar Xefe Estadu, inklui lider maximu diplomasia Timor-Leste nian mak tenke aprova embaixador sira.", "\"Entaun PR maka tenke aprova.", "Ne'ebe sei lori mai maka PR dehan katak tenke muda fali, tenke ajustamentu fali, ida ne'e sei rona no sei halo tuir.", "Tanba, ida ne'e ba interese estadu nian,\" Babo akresenta Lista ne'ebe Governu submete ba PR hamutuk 16, depois na'in tolu maka simu ona pose.", "Restu seidauk simu pose.", "US$ 492.000 Hodi Hola Karreta Foun 12 Tempotimor (Dili) - Parlamentu Nasional liuhusi Orsamentu Privativa aloka tan orsamentu atu hola tan karreta foun 12 ba deputadu foun sira hamutuk US$ 492.000.00.", "\"Kalkulu ne'ebe iha, deputadu sira ne'e eleitu fali husi lejislasaun datolu nian, ne'ebe uza nafatin Toyota Prado anterior, deputadu sanulu resin walu de'it.", "Hanesan CNRT iha 9, Fretilin iha 8 no PD 1.", "Entaun aumenta tan karreta 35 ne'ebe iha prosesu hela ne'e, hela deputadu sanulu resin rua mak karreta seidauk iha.", "Tanba ne'e, mak iha planu orsamentu 2020 inklui nafatin karreta 12, \" dehan Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral iha PN, Kinta (19/09/19).", "Nia akresenta, orsamentu 2020 nian ne'e, kada karreta ida ho nia presu US$41.000.", "Entaun, total husi karreta sanulu resin rua ne'e hamutuk US$ 492.000.00.", "Alende ne'e, karreta 35 ne'ebe iha tinan 2019 aloka orsamentu, iha ona prosesu laran.", "\"Prosesu sosa karreta foun, Sekretaria Jeral Parlamentu Nasional nian asina tiha ona kontratu ho kompania iha semana kotuk no agora iha prosesu kompania ne'ebe hola.", "Tuir akordu katak, durante iha loron 45 kompania hatama ona kareta mai,\" dehan Arao.", "Nia akresenta, orsamentu ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional aloka ba hola karreta foun ba deputadu sira ne'e, hamutuk ba kareta 35.", "\"Orsamentu 2019 nian, ne'ebe aloka ba kareta hamutuk 35.", "Kada karreta ida ho nia folin US$41.000, ne'ebe oras ne'e iha hela prosesu.", "Ami hein de'it para kompana kumpri kontratu ne'ebe estabelese ona entre loron 45 nia laran bele lori mai.", "Tanba deputadu barak mak agora sei uza transporte privadu,\" dehan Arao.", "Entretantu Xefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes katak, karreta ne'ebe mak iha ona prosesu hodi hola ba deputadu sira ho marka Pajero Sport.", "MOP Sei Aprezenta Tenderizasaun Kompania Fornese Mina Tempotimor (Dili) - Komisaun Nasional halo ona prosesu prosedimentu ba kompania sira ne'ebe atu sai manan nain hodi fornese mina ba sentru eletrisidade sentral Hera no Betano.", "\"Iha ona prosesu tenderizasaun Komisaun Nasional prosedementu semana oin sei lori ba konsellu ministru hodi hetan apresiasaun ba kompania ne'ebe sai manan na'in ba tenderizasaun ne'e,\" Informa MOP, Salvador Pires iha Ministeriu Finansas, Sabadu (14/09/19).", "Kompania sira ne'ebe apply ba tenderizasaun ne'e nasional no internasional.", "\"Ha'u hanoin, kompania sira ne'e husi nasional ho internasional sira, halo parseria hodi bele halo joint venter ba konkursu ne'e,\" nia tenik." ]
[ [ "(Dili) - Australia's Defence Minister, Senator Linda Reynolds CSC has pledged to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries in maritime areas and peacekeeping. The commitment was made during a joint press briefing with Australian Defense Secretary David Lloyd George on Tuesday at 10:35am local time(UTC+8)." ], [ "The press release that tempotimor.com accessed on the Australian Ministry of Defence Department portal says, this Minister will visit Timor-Leste between 19 -20 September and is scheduled to arrive in Dili at midnight (UTC+8)." ], [ "\"I will be travelling to Dili, between 19th and September's the last day of my visit in Timor-Leste (20 October), where I shall participate at events commemorating two years since launching INTERFET\", said Minister Linda." ], [ "He considered the anniversary as an opportunity to honor INTERFET's role in restoring peace and facilitating Timor-Leste, so that it can develop into independent sovereign economically sustainable country." ], [ "It is a privilege to meet with the Government of Timor-Leste, its people and INTERFET veterans in commemorating this historic launch." ], [ "\"I look forward to meeting with veterans and members of the Australian defence forces who served in INTERFET, alongside Minister for Veteran Affairs & Defense Personnel Darren Chester at a reception on board HMAS Choules that will be held today (Thursday) from Dili." ], [ "She said this was her first visit to Timor-Leste as Minister of Defence." ], [ "It will also provide an opportunity to hold formal discussions with the Government of Timor-Leste on how cooperation in maritime environment, training and peacekeeping operations can be enhanced." ], [ "The Minister will also visit Naval Base in Hera." ], [ "The facility, which will be renovated under the maritime security package announced by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ensure that it is ready for Australia's delivery of two Guardian Class patrol boats in 2013." ], [ "\"My visit also concludes the Building Together Exercise - an engineering and capability exercise that takes place over a month, year in years out\", he explained." ], [ "This year, combat engineers from Australia and Timor-Leste have been working together to enhance their capacity in the areas of construction; infrastructure development & equipment maintenance through a project at Capital City." ], [ "Hari'i Hamutuk, its meaning in Tetun is emblematic of the future defence cooperation between Australia and Timor-Leste with a focus on practical collaboration to support East Тимор’s capabilities." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - Minister of Transporte and Communications, Jose Agustinho da Silva will open a new tender for the provision to Government Internet with 201 Mega Bytes per Second capacity. MTK is planning on offering an internet service that can be used by all Timor-Leste’s residential users at speed upto one gigabyte/second or two GigaByte / second in case they are not connected via single source networking services such as ADSL modem systems which provide high quality broadband connection through multiple sources like satellite telephone lines etc..." ], [ "According to MTK, his side has sent a letter of request for authorization from the Prime Minister asking that new tenders be opened with companies who are eligible and avoiding single source." ], [ "\"Recently, I wrote a letter again to our Excellency the PM." ], [ "Because, this is a big value." ], [ "You can't decide." ], [ "Therefore, I have sent a letter to the PM again asking for authorization so that we can hold new tenders with companies who could compete,” MTK explained via telephone on Thursday (12/09) ." ], [ "Nevertheless, he expects a different value." ], [ "He said, \"It must be different from what we have now." ], [ "\"Value may go down, then its liquidity can increase to help government agencies' services\", MTK informs." ], [ "Responding to questions about the limited time, since in October this year a contract with GlobalNet expired. MTK said that it would require authorization from Prime Minister for all of these things and will not be allowed into force until after 2013 or later if there is no agreement between both sides on how long they can work together as an entire company.\"" ], [ "But, the budget for this project is big." ], [ "\"If its value is not high, the minister can make a decision\", MTK explained." ], [ "According to Tempotimor.com's sources in the Government Palace, there are some thoughts that government would make a single source for supplying 201 MBPS internet service at Telkomcel Indonesia Company but Minister Jose Agustinho da Silva says it is very expensive and hence tender must be opened so companies can compete with each other" ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Deonisio Babo Soares has received a positive signal from the Presidential Palace in Bairru-Pite regarding his lists with ambassadors that have been pending to date." ], [ "\"President Republika (PR) has no intention of preventing or not taking office." ], [ "Therefore, in the interests of our state - and I immediately received assurance from my Head that it was not his intention to prevent anyone." ], [ "But as Head of State he has a constitutional duty to advise the Government and ministers,\" MNE informed journalist at his meeting with PR on Thursday (19/08)." ], [ "He said, in this meeting with the PR he briefly reported on his current situation." ], [ "Later, he also heard the head of state his thoughts on this." ], [ "\"After making some adjustments and these will be submitted back to the Council of Ministers (CM) for approval, then they'll go again into Presidential Palace\" MNEK said." ], [ "For a better and clearer decision, according to Babo the PR will communicate directly with his Prime Minister." ], [ "Because, the PR as Head of State and including Timor-Leste's highest diplomatic leaders must approve ambassadors." ], [ "\"Then the PR has to approve it." ], [ "What will be brought in is the PR saying that it has to change again, adjustment must come back. He'll listen and follow through on this issue.\"" ], [ "Because, this is in the interest of state\", Babo adds. The list that government submitted to PR numbered 16 and then three have taken their office already.\"" ], [ "The rest have not yet taken office." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The National Parliament, through its Private Budget has allocated a budget of US$ 492.01 million to purchase twelve new cars for the members who will be elected in January and February this year as well As an additional $365 thousand per month from private funds that are being used by parliamentarians during their tenure at Timor-Leste’s national assembly since December last years' end" ], [ "\"According to the calculation, these deputies were re-elected by a third legislature that used previous Toyota Prado cars. There are only 138 MPs in this Legislature.\"" ], [ "As CNRP has 9, Fretilin is in the top of its group with only one seat." ], [ "There are 35 cars in the process of being added to this list, but there still remains a hundred and two members who do not have any." ], [ "That's why the 2019 budget plan also includes a purchase of twelve cars,\" said Parliament President Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral in parliament on Thursday (September) [3/4]." ], [ "He adds that in the 2019 budget, each car will cost US$43.5 million (US $678k)." ], [ "So, the total of these two hundred and thirty cars is US$ 492.01 million (US $537m)." ], [ "In addition, 35 cars that were allocated in the budget of year for years to come are already being processed." ], [ "\"Process of purchasing new cars, the General Secretariat for National Parliament has signed a contract with company last week and is now in process buying companies." ], [ "According to the agreement, during 45 days companies have delivered cars,” said Arao." ], [ "He added that the budget allocated by Parliament to buy new cars for MPs, totaling 35 vehicles." ], [ "\"The 2019 budget, which is allocated to cars totals about $35." ], [ "Each car is valued at $41,025 and the deal has not yet been finalized." ], [ "We are just waiting for the company to comply with its contractual obligations within 45 days of delivery." ], [ "Because many MPs will now use private transport,\" Arao said." ], [ "Meanwhile, CNRP Party Chair Duarte Nunes said that the car which has already been processed to be purchased for members of Parliament is a Pajero Sport." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The National Commission on Oil and Gas has completed the procedures for tendering out companies to supply oil, gas or natural gases in Timor-Leste' Hera Central Power Station." ], [ "\"The tender process has already been launched by the National Commission, and next week it will be taken to Council of Ministers for approval on which company won this tendering\", MOP spokesman Salvador Piret said in a press conference held at his office Saturday (September 14th)." ], [ "The companies applying to the tender are national and international." ], [ "\"I think that these companies, both national and international ones have made a partnership to be able jointly enter into this tender.\" he said." ] ]
Enkontru PR ho PARPOL, PLP kumpri desizaun PR, FRETILIN prefere eleisaun antisipada - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Enkontru PR ho PARPOL, PLP kumpri desizaun PR, FRETILIN prefere eleisaun antisipada\nPrezidenti Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, Tersa feira (23/1) konvoka reuniaun ho partidu polítiku sira ne’ebé hetan asentu iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN). Enkontru ne’e Xefi Estadu organiza atu rona opiniaun husi partidu polítiku sira molok ema númeru um ne’e foti desizaun hodi hakotu impase polítika ne’ebé nasaun ne’e infrenta.\nEnkontru ne’ebé hahú ho partidu FRETILIN iha tuku 09:00 OTL, marka prezensa husi lideransa másimu partidu FRETILIN Sekretariu Jerál Marí Alkatiri ho membrus Comite Central FRETILIN (CCF) nian balun inklui deputadu sira husi bankada FRETILIN nian iha Parlamentu. Iha tuku 10:00 ho CNRT, PLP tuku 11:00, PD 15:00 no Partidu KHUNTO iha 16:00.\nEntretantu husi PLP lidera husi Prezidenti Partidu rasik, Taur Matan Ruak no akompaiña mós husi membru estrutura partidu no mós deputadu sira PLP nian iha parlamentu.\nHafoin enkontru ho Xefi Estadu durante oras ida, Prezidenti PLP, Taur Matan Ruak hateten, atu solusiona impase polítika ne’e, di’ak liu Prezidenti Repúblika tenke foti duni desizaun ruma, maibé ba PLP sei kumpri no hakruk ba desizaun saida deit mak PR foti.\n“Ami nia pozisaun ne’ebé ami transmite ba Prezidenti Repúblika katak, iha situasaun hanesan ne’e di’ak liu iha desizaun du ke la halo desizaun, nia bele aat mós tenki hasai. No ami fó apoiu tomak desizaun saida de’it mak Prezidenti Repúblika toma, ami nia partidu simu i hanesan mós porta voz Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (AMP), garante ba Prezidenti Repúblika katak, desizaun saida de’it mak nia toma ami kumpri no kontribui,” Taur Matan Ruak haktuir ba jornalista sira, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato Bairu Pite.\nMaibé Taur Matan Ruak esplika, wainhira Prezidenti Repúblika desidi katak eleisaun antesipada nu’udar dalan ba hakotu krize polítika agora ne’e dadaun, PLP prontu kumpri no avansa nafatin. Maibé iha situasaun agora ne’e, di’ak liu PR mak tenki foti desizaun.\nKestiona konaba partidu CNRT sujere ba Prezidenti Repúblika atu fó ba AMP hodi kaer Governu, Porta voz AMP ne’e mós haklaken katak, lakohi mete partidu seluk nia opiniaun.\n“Ha’u koalia konaba ha’u nia Partidu nian deit, lakohi koalia ema seluk nian”, Taur Matan Ruak fundamenta.\nEntretantu enkontru Sekretáriu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN Mari Alkatiri ho estrutrura Partidu FRETILIN ho PR Francisco Guterres Lú Olo ne’e, Partidu FRETILIN la aseita ho governu undade nasionál maibé prefere liu eleisaun antesipada, nu’udar dalan úniku atu solusiona krize polítika ne’ebé nasaun infrenta.\n“Ha’u hanoin katak semak soberanu atu foti desizaun ikus liu, ha’u la koalia ba Prezidenti Repúblika, desizaun atu ba ukun nian semak atu ukun, ne’e povu mak soberanu, Prezidenti Repúblika tuir konstituisaun bele loke dalan ou bele la loke, maibé ba FRETILIN tenki fó fila ba povu atu desidi, ne’e mak dalan ba eleisaun antesipada,”hateten Alkatiri ba jornalista sira hafoin enkontru ho PR.\nAlkatiri mós garante katak, sé ba eleisaun antesipada FRETILIN la presiza ba halo tan kampaiña, tanba manan tiha ona. Maibé sei respeita desizaun saida de’it husi PR.\n“Ami ba eleisaun para atu manan hodi ukun, la’os ba eleisaun para atu lakon, la’o hamutuk ho PD ne’e sei la’o ba tempu naruk”, Marí Alkatiri esplika.\nEnkontru hanesan mós hala’o ho Partidu Polítiku hanesan Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) ne’ebé mak oras ne’e hamutuk iha Bloku Koligasaun FRETILIN nian hodi kaer ukun VII Governu.\nHafoin ne’e, PR mós sei halo enkontru ho partidu KHUNTO ne’ebé ho kadeira lima iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) no okupa mós kadeira Vise Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasionál iha terseira lejislatura.\nTuir ajenda PR nian, hafoin rona tiha partidu polítiku sira ne’e, iha Kuarta-feira, (24/01) tuku 09:00 OTL, Prezidente Repúblika mós sei konvoka reuniaun membru Konsellu Estadu, ne’ebé ba periodu 2017-2022.\nAntes ne’e mós Prezidenti Repúblika mós halo ona enkontru enkontru ho sosiedade sivíl sira, entidades relijiozas hodi rona sira nia hanoin molok foti desizaun hodi hakotu krize polítika iha rai laran no PR mós promete katak desizaun ne’ebé nia foti sei bazeia ba konstituisaun no sei la haterus povu.ías
[ "Enkontru PR ho PARPOL, PLP kumpri desizaun PR, FRETILIN prefere eleisaun antisipada - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Enkontru PR ho PARPOL, PLP kumpri desizaun PR, FRETILIN prefere eleisaun antisipada Prezidenti Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, Tersa feira (23/1) konvoka reuniaun ho partidu politiku sira ne'ebe hetan asentu iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN).", "Enkontru ne'e Xefi Estadu organiza atu rona opiniaun husi partidu politiku sira molok ema numeru um ne'e foti desizaun hodi hakotu impase politika ne'ebe nasaun ne'e infrenta.", "Enkontru ne'ebe hahu ho partidu FRETILIN iha tuku 09:00 OTL, marka prezensa husi lideransa masimu partidu FRETILIN Sekretariu Jeral Mari Alkatiri ho membrus Comite Central FRETILIN (CCF) nian balun inklui deputadu sira husi bankada FRETILIN nian iha Parlamentu.", "Iha tuku 10:00 ho CNRT, PLP tuku 11:00, PD 15:00 no Partidu KHUNTO iha 16:00.", "Entretantu husi PLP lidera husi Prezidenti Partidu rasik, Taur Matan Ruak no akompaina mos husi membru estrutura partidu no mos deputadu sira PLP nian iha parlamentu.", "Hafoin enkontru ho Xefi Estadu durante oras ida, Prezidenti PLP, Taur Matan Ruak hateten, atu solusiona impase politika ne'e, di'ak liu Prezidenti Republika tenke foti duni desizaun ruma, maibe ba PLP sei kumpri no hakruk ba desizaun saida deit mak PR foti.", "\"Ami nia pozisaun ne'ebe ami transmite ba Prezidenti Republika katak, iha situasaun hanesan ne'e di'ak liu iha desizaun du ke la halo desizaun, nia bele aat mos tenki hasai.", "No ami fo apoiu tomak desizaun saida de'it mak Prezidenti Republika toma, ami nia partidu simu i hanesan mos porta voz Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (AMP), garante ba Prezidenti Republika katak, desizaun saida de'it mak nia toma ami kumpri no kontribui,\" Taur Matan Ruak haktuir ba jornalista sira, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato Bairu Pite.", "Maibe Taur Matan Ruak esplika, wainhira Prezidenti Republika desidi katak eleisaun antesipada nu'udar dalan ba hakotu krize politika agora ne'e dadaun, PLP prontu kumpri no avansa nafatin.", "Maibe iha situasaun agora ne'e, di'ak liu PR mak tenki foti desizaun.", "Kestiona konaba partidu CNRT sujere ba Prezidenti Republika atu fo ba AMP hodi kaer Governu, Porta voz AMP ne'e mos haklaken katak, lakohi mete partidu seluk nia opiniaun.", "\"Ha'u koalia konaba ha'u nia Partidu nian deit, lakohi koalia ema seluk nian,\" Taur Matan Ruak fundamenta.", "Entretantu enkontru Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN Mari Alkatiri ho estrutrura Partidu FRETILIN ho PR Francisco Guterres Lu Olo ne'e, Partidu FRETILIN la aseita ho governu undade nasional maibe prefere liu eleisaun antesipada, nu'udar dalan uniku atu solusiona krize politika ne'ebe nasaun infrenta.", "\"Ha'u hanoin katak semak soberanu atu foti desizaun ikus liu, ha'u la koalia ba Prezidenti Republika, desizaun atu ba ukun nian semak atu ukun, ne'e povu mak soberanu, Prezidenti Republika tuir konstituisaun bele loke dalan ou bele la loke, maibe ba FRETILIN tenki fo fila ba povu atu desidi, ne'e mak dalan ba eleisaun antesipada,\"hateten Alkatiri ba jornalista sira hafoin enkontru ho PR.", "Alkatiri mos garante katak, se ba eleisaun antesipada FRETILIN la presiza ba halo tan kampaina, tanba manan tiha ona.", "Maibe sei respeita desizaun saida de'it husi PR.", "\"Ami ba eleisaun para atu manan hodi ukun, la'os ba eleisaun para atu lakon, la'o hamutuk ho PD ne'e sei la'o ba tempu naruk,\" Mari Alkatiri esplika.", "Enkontru hanesan mos hala'o ho Partidu Politiku hanesan Partidu Demokratiku (PD) ne'ebe mak oras ne'e hamutuk iha Bloku Koligasaun FRETILIN nian hodi kaer ukun VII Governu.", "Hafoin ne'e, PR mos sei halo enkontru ho partidu KHUNTO ne'ebe ho kadeira lima iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) no okupa mos kadeira Vise Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional iha terseira lejislatura.", "Tuir ajenda PR nian, hafoin rona tiha partidu politiku sira ne'e, iha Kuarta-feira, (24/01) tuku 09:00 OTL, Prezidente Republika mos sei konvoka reuniaun membru Konsellu Estadu, ne'ebe ba periodu 2017-2022.", "Antes ne'e mos Prezidenti Republika mos halo ona enkontru enkontru ho sosiedade sivil sira, entidades relijiozas hodi rona sira nia hanoin molok foti desizaun hodi hakotu krize politika iha rai laran no PR mos promete katak desizaun ne'ebe nia foti sei bazeia ba konstituisaun no sei la haterus povu.ias" ]
[ [ "Encontru PR ho PARPOL, PLP cumpri decizia PRESIDENTE DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - GMN TV Politika President of the Republic Francisco Guterres Lu Olo on Tuesday (23/1) convened a meeting with political parties that have obtained seats in Parliament. On Thursday and Friday he will meet all party leaders to discuss their plans for future governance after elections are held next month" ], [ "The meeting was organized by the Head of State in order to hear opinions from political parties before he takes a decision on ending this country' s impasse." ], [ "The meeting, which began with the FRETILIN party at 09:15 OTL (23.48 GMT), marked a presence of Fretilin's top leadership including General Secretary Mari Alkatiri and some members from CCF Central Committee among them MEP’S who are in parliamentary group for FRENTILIN Party Group" ], [ "At 10 a.m with CNRP, PLP at23:59 PM and PD in the evening of Thursday afternoon (4pm)." ], [ "The PLP is led by its own President, Taur Matan Ruak and accompanied also of members from the party structure as well As MPs in Parliament." ], [ "After an hour-long meeting with the Head of State, PLP President Taur Matan Ruak said that in order to resolve this political impasse it would be better if president took some decisions. But for his party he will comply and adhere whatever PR takes as a rule" ], [ "\"Our position, which we have conveyed to the President of Republic is that in such a situation it would be better if he took his decisions and did not take any other one. He could get hurt but must also leave office.\"" ], [ "And we give our full support to whatever decision the President of Republic takes, which is accepted by my party and as spokesperson for Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP), I guarantee that whatever he makes will be complied with.\" Taur Matan Ruak told journalist at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Bairro Pite." ], [ "But Taur Matan Ruak explained, when the President of Republic decides that early elections are a way to end this political crisis right now PLP is ready and prepared." ], [ "But in the current situation, it would be better for PR to make a decision." ], [ "Asked about the CNRT party suggesting to President of Republic that it should give AMP government, this spokesperson also declared he would not put in other parties' opinion." ], [ "\"I'm talking about my Party only, not speaking of anyone else’s party,” Taur Matan Ruak explained." ], [ "Meanwhile, in the meeting between FRETILIN General Secretary Mari Alkatiri and Fretilin structures with Prime Minister Francisco Guterres Lu Olo this morning (20/1), CNRT rejeited a national unity government but preferred early elections as only way to solve political crisis facing our country." ], [ "\"I think it is up to the people sovereignly, I am not talking about President of Republic. The decision on whether we will rule or no shall be taken by them; that's a matter for their own sake and they are responsible therefor.\" According To Constitutional provisions president can open pathways but FRETILIN must leave this issue back with its citizens who have an ultimate say in how early elections should take place: Alkatiri told reporter after meeting Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão" ], [ "Alkatiri also assured that if there were an early election, FRETILIN would not need to campaign again because it had already won." ], [ "But we will respect whatever decision the President takes." ], [ "\"We are going to the elections for win and rule, not an election in which we will lose. Going together with PD is a long-term strategy\", Mari Alkatiri explained .\"" ], [ "Similar meetings were also held with political parties such as the Democratic Party (PD), which is currently part of a bloc in FRETILIN' s coalition to hold control over VII Government." ], [ "Afterwards, the Prime Minister will also meet with KHUNTO party which has five seats in Parliament (PN) and is Vice-Presidente of this third legislature." ], [ "According to the PR's agenda, after hearing these political parties on Wednesday (24/01) at 9 a.m OTL - time of Timor-Leste – President da República will also convene meeting with members from Council Of State for its term in office between January and December" ], [ "The President of the Republic has previously held meetings with civil society and religious entities to hear their views before taking decision on ending political crisis in his country. He also promised that any action he takes will be based upon constitutional rules, which would not harm people' s lives or property;" ] ]
By Tempo Timor October 24, 2021 442\nEstrutura OPMT hala'o hela konferensia iha salaun ginazio vila nova baukau, domingu (24/10). Foto Tomas Freitas\nKoordenadóra OPMT Munisípiu Baukau, Ana da Consiesão Ribeirro informa, membru OPMT hamutuk na’in-291 delegada ne’ebé halo konsentrasaun hili konsellu koordenadór Munisípiu atu ba partisipa iha kongresu nasionál.\n"Objetivu konferensia atu hili estrutura foun ba tinan 2022 to'o 2024, tuir mandatu tinan lima", dehan nia iha salaun Jinajiu Vila Nova, Naukau, domingu (24/10).\nNune’e mós, Zélia Fernandes hanesan Adjunta Sekrétaria Jerál OPMT hatete, iha konferensia dala-haat iha Munisípiu Baukau balun aprezenta reritoriu husi tinan 2016 to'o 2021 ba mandatu periodu ida ne'e nian, no halo avaliasaun ba relatoriu sira ne'ebé estrutura OPMT periodu dadaun ne’e aprezenta.\n"Husi objetivu ne'ebé mak ohin hatete ne'e mós sei difini kona-ba estrategia saida mak OPMT munisípiu baukau sei halo mandatu ida tuir mai", dehan zélia.\nTanba, OPMT hanesan organizasaun Fretilin nian no airin ne'ebé tenke garantia fó susesu no vitoria ba partidu fretilin.\n"Ita hatene 2022 sei iha festa demokrasia boot mak eleisaun prezidensiál no mós eleisaun Lejislativu OPMT sei fó vitória ba fretilin", nia apoiu\nOPMT mós hanesan feto fretilin ne’ebé halo esforsu no garante katak, fretilin sei manan iha eleisaun prezidensiál no legislativa.\nTanba ne’e, OPMT kontinua prontu atu rona no simu informasaun husi lideransa partidu nian, ba se de'it mak atu kandidatu-an, OPMT prontu atu fó votus. (*)\nLast modified on Sunday, 24 October 2021 20:47\nOPMT Iha Baukau\nKoordenadóra OPMT Munisípiu Baucau, Ana da Consiesão Ribeirro\nOrganizasaun Popular da Mulher Timor (OPMT)\n« João Saldanha 'Aseita' Kandidata-an ba PR PD Hakilar Governu 'Faila' Kria Kampu Servisu »\nAlkatiri Fila Hikas Mai iha Dili ho Aviaun Citilink
[ "By Tempo Timor October 24, 2021 442 Estrutura OPMT hala'o hela konferensia iha salaun ginazio vila nova baukau, domingu (24/10).", "Foto Tomas Freitas Koordenadora OPMT Munisipiu Baukau, Ana da Consiesao Ribeirro informa, membru OPMT hamutuk na'in-291 delegada ne'ebe halo konsentrasaun hili konsellu koordenador Munisipiu atu ba partisipa iha kongresu nasional.", "\"Objetivu konferensia atu hili estrutura foun ba tinan 2022 to'o 2024, tuir mandatu tinan lima,\" dehan nia iha salaun Jinajiu Vila Nova, Naukau, domingu (24/10).", "Nune'e mos, Zelia Fernandes hanesan Adjunta Sekretaria Jeral OPMT hatete, iha konferensia dala-haat iha Munisipiu Baukau balun aprezenta reritoriu husi tinan 2016 to'o 2021 ba mandatu periodu ida ne'e nian, no halo avaliasaun ba relatoriu sira ne'ebe estrutura OPMT periodu dadaun ne'e aprezenta.", "\"Husi objetivu ne'ebe mak ohin hatete ne'e mos sei difini kona-ba estrategia saida mak OPMT munisipiu baukau sei halo mandatu ida tuir mai,\" dehan zelia.", "Tanba, OPMT hanesan organizasaun Fretilin nian no airin ne'ebe tenke garantia fo susesu no vitoria ba partidu fretilin.", "\"Ita hatene 2022 sei iha festa demokrasia boot mak eleisaun prezidensial no mos eleisaun Lejislativu OPMT sei fo vitoria ba fretilin,\" nia apoiu OPMT mos hanesan feto fretilin ne'ebe halo esforsu no garante katak, fretilin sei manan iha eleisaun prezidensial no legislativa.", "Tanba ne'e, OPMT kontinua prontu atu rona no simu informasaun husi lideransa partidu nian, ba se de'it mak atu kandidatu-an, OPMT prontu atu fo votus. (*) Last modified on Sunday, 24 October 2021 20:47 OPMT Iha Baukau Koordenadora OPMT Munisipiu Baucau, Ana da Consiesao Ribeirro Organizasaun Popular da Mulher Timor (OPMT) \" Joao Saldanha 'Aseita' Kandidata-an ba PR PD Hakilar Governu 'Faila' Kria Kampu Servisu \" Alkatiri Fila Hikas Mai iha Dili ho Aviaun Citilink" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor October 24,10:38 PM The OPMT structure is conducting a conference in the ginazio salaun vila nova baukau on Sunday (Oct." ], [ "Photo Tomas Freitas The OPMT Coordinator of Baukau Municipality, Ana da Consiesao Ribeirro inform that the 291 delegates who participated in a concentration elected municipal co-ordinating council to attend its national congress." ], [ "\"The objective of the conference is to elect a new structure for 2019-35, following five year mandate\", he said in Jinajiu Vila Nova hall." ], [ "Also, Zelia Fernandes as Deputy General Secretary of OPMT said that in the eighth conference held at Baukau Municipality some members presented their reports for this mandate period (2016-4) and made an evaluation on those which were submitted by current structure." ], [ "\"From the objectives that we have stated today, it will also be defined what strategy OPMT municipality of Baukau is going to make in a next mandate\", said zelia." ], [ "Because, OPMT is the organization of Fretilin and its leader who must guarantee success for FRETILIN." ], [ "\"We know that 2018 will be a great democratic celebration, the presidential election and also legislative elections OPMT is going to give victory for Fretilin\", she supports Opmt as fretilin women who have made efforts in order guaranteed which fretilins won't win at both presidency & legislature." ], [ "Therefore, OPMT remains ready to hear and receive information from the party leadership. If only they want a candidate for presidential election in 2017 or any other post that is opened up by this legislature (see below), then opmt will be willingly voting on them (*) Last modified: Sunday October -3rd-threat of 'Failure' Government Creating Service Camp \" Alkatiri Fila Hikas Mai Dili ho Aviaun Citilink" ] ]
By Tempo Timor July 16, 2021 1419\n“Husi fontes ne'ebé mak ha'u hetan, relatóriu husi servisu prizionál sira, hato'o katak iha 12 pesoál ne'ebé sei kumpri pena iha prizaun laran. Agora, sira kumpri pena iha prizaun, maizoumenus tama ba ona metade, tenke hetan pedidu”, deklara José Edmundo Caetano, iha Kaikoli, sesta (16/07).\nMaibé, pedidu atu liberta prizioneiru sira ne'ebé kumpri ona pena metade iha prizau ne'e, bele hatama husi advogadu no bele mós liuhusi família ho konteúdu justifikasaun, hafoin bele prosesa.\n“Pedidu husi nia advogadu, nia família, depois mak ita prosesu ba ministériu públiku nomós Tribunál para fó desizaun ha asuntu sira hanesan ne'e”, esplika nia.\nMaibé ministériu Justisa sei koopera ho nasaun sira hothotu, liliu hirak ne'ebé nia sidadaun kumpri hela pena iha Timor-Leste.\n“Iha nasaun barak husi Filipina, Xina, Indonézia, ho nasaun seluk ne'ebé mak iha ne'e, ita tenke halo ida ne'e, tanba importante ba ita-nia sidadaun sira”, dehan nia. (*)\nVise Ministru Justisa (MJ), José Edmundo Caetano\npena prizaun sira iha TimorLeste (TL)\n« Durante Fulan Rua, PJR Rejista Kazu Pendente 2.721 MJ Sei Buka Maneira Liberta Prizioneiru Timoroan Iha Liur »
[ "By Tempo Timor July 16, 2021 1419 \"Husi fontes ne'ebe mak ha'u hetan, relatoriu husi servisu prizional sira, hato'o katak iha 12 pesoal ne'ebe sei kumpri pena iha prizaun laran.", "Agora, sira kumpri pena iha prizaun, maizoumenus tama ba ona metade, tenke hetan pedidu,\" deklara Jose Edmundo Caetano, iha Kaikoli, sesta (16/07).", "Maibe, pedidu atu liberta prizioneiru sira ne'ebe kumpri ona pena metade iha prizau ne'e, bele hatama husi advogadu no bele mos liuhusi familia ho konteudu justifikasaun, hafoin bele prosesa.", "\"Pedidu husi nia advogadu, nia familia, depois mak ita prosesu ba ministeriu publiku nomos Tribunal para fo desizaun ha asuntu sira hanesan ne'e,\" esplika nia.", "Maibe ministeriu Justisa sei koopera ho nasaun sira hothotu, liliu hirak ne'ebe nia sidadaun kumpri hela pena iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Iha nasaun barak husi Filipina, Xina, Indonezia, ho nasaun seluk ne'ebe mak iha ne'e, ita tenke halo ida ne'e, tanba importante ba ita-nia sidadaun sira,\" dehan nia. (*) Vise Ministru Justisa (MJ), Jose Edmundo Caetano pena prizaun sira iha TimorLeste (TL) \" Durante Fulan Rua, PJR Rejista Kazu Pendente 2.721 MJ Sei Buka Maneira Liberta Prizioneiru Timoroan Iha Liur \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor July 16,.2037 \"From sources I have obtained reports from the prison services that there are twelve people who will serve their sentence in jail.\"" ], [ "Now, they are serving their sentences in prison. Most of them have already served half the term and need to get a petition,” declared Jose Edmundo Caetano at Kaikoli on Saturday (16/07)." ], [ "However, requests for the release of prisoners who have served half their sentence in this jail can be submitted by lawyers and also through families with justification content." ], [ "\"A request from his lawyer, her family and then we proceed to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MPO) or Court for a decision on such matters\", she said." ], [ "But the Ministry of Justice will cooperate with all countries, especially those whose citizens are serving sentences in Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"In many countries from the Philippines, China to Indonesia and other nations that are here we must do this because it is important for our citizens\", he said. (*) Deputy Minister of Justice (MJ), Jose Edmundo Caetano on prison sentences in Timor-Leste (\"During Last Week PJR Registered Pending Case Number:2701 M J Will Look For Way To Release A Foreign Prisioner\")" ] ]
Estúdiu GMN Sai Palku Debate ParPol - TIMOR AGORA\nEstúdiu GMN Sai Palku Debate ParPol\nDili, (TATOLI) – Estúdiu Grupu Mídia Nasionál (GMN) sai fatin eh palku debate ba partidu polítiku (ParPol) hamutuk 21 ne’ebé admitidu hosi tribunál rekursu.\nPrezidente Consselho Imprensa (CI) , Virgilio Gurterres informa asuntu ne’e wainhira hasoru malu ho partidu polítiku sira oinsa GMN sai espasu ba sira (ParPol) hodi emite programa polítika liuhosi debate.\n“Espasu Grupu Mídia Nasionál (GMN) sai meiu determinante atu partidu polítiku bele hato’o planu estratéjiku, programa, vizaun no misaun ba sidadaun hotu,” informa Prezidente CI ba Ajénsia TATOLI foin lalais ne’e iha Beach Garden.\nIha fatin hanesan, Konseleiru CI, José Ximenes iha nia intervensaun dehan programa debate partidu polítiku sei hahú iha 28-30 Juñu no kontinua to’o 3-5 Jullu.\nNia hatutan Timor-Leste eziste mídia barak maibé rekursu limitadu hodi kobre partidu hotu nia kampaña, enkuantu iha oportunidade debate ne’e bele dizemina informasaun kona-ba partidu polítiku sira nia estratejia polítika.\nPartisipante ba debate polítiku ne’e sei hetan prezensa hosi reprezentante partidu polítiku sira, jornalista senior eh xefe redasaun ho objetivu atu husu pergunta ba debate ho kualidade, enkuantu estimasaun ba prezensa debate ne’e besik ema 100.\nDebate publiko iha GMNTV publiko bele asesu hosi signál UHF no iha satelite format HD.\nFoto: PM Rui M Araujo koalia iha lasamentu GMNTV foin lalais ne'e
[ "Estudiu GMN Sai Palku Debate ParPol - TIMOR AGORA Estudiu GMN Sai Palku Debate ParPol Dili, (TATOLI) - Estudiu Grupu Midia Nasional (GMN) sai fatin eh palku debate ba partidu politiku (ParPol) hamutuk 21 ne'ebe admitidu hosi tribunal rekursu.", "Prezidente Consselho Imprensa (CI), Virgilio Gurterres informa asuntu ne'e wainhira hasoru malu ho partidu politiku sira oinsa GMN sai espasu ba sira (ParPol) hodi emite programa politika liuhosi debate.", "\"Espasu Grupu Midia Nasional (GMN) sai meiu determinante atu partidu politiku bele hato'o planu estratejiku, programa, vizaun no misaun ba sidadaun hotu,\" informa Prezidente CI ba Ajensia TATOLI foin lalais ne'e iha Beach Garden.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Konseleiru CI, Jose Ximenes iha nia intervensaun dehan programa debate partidu politiku sei hahu iha 28-30 Junu no kontinua to'o 3-5 Jullu.", "Nia hatutan Timor-Leste eziste midia barak maibe rekursu limitadu hodi kobre partidu hotu nia kampana, enkuantu iha oportunidade debate ne'e bele dizemina informasaun kona-ba partidu politiku sira nia estratejia politika.", "Partisipante ba debate politiku ne'e sei hetan prezensa hosi reprezentante partidu politiku sira, jornalista senior eh xefe redasaun ho objetivu atu husu pergunta ba debate ho kualidade, enkuantu estimasaun ba prezensa debate ne'e besik ema 100.", "Debate publiko iha GMNTV publiko bele asesu hosi signal UHF no iha satelite format HD.", "Foto: PM Rui M Araujo koalia iha lasamentu GMNTV foin lalais ne'e" ]
[ [ "Dili, (Agência TATOLI) - The GMN Media Group's studio has become the place and stage for debate between political parties admitted by a court of appeal. This is in addition to its role as an international media centre that served both Timor-Leste government officials who were present at this event but also those from other countries which have been selected on their own behalf or are being considered amongst them when considering whether they can participate therein because it was not allowed beforehand under Article II(2)(a)." ], [ "The President of the Press Council (CI), Virgilio Gurterres, informed about this when he met with political parties on how GMN became a space for them to issue their policy programme through debate." ], [ "\"Espasu Grupu Media Nasional (GMN) has become a decisive means for political parties to present their strategic plans, programs and visions of mission on all citizens' behalf\", CI President informed the Agência TATOLI recently at Beach Garden." ], [ "Meanwhile, CI Councillor Jose Ximenes in his intervention said that the political party debate program will begin on June 28-30 and continue until July." ], [ "He added that Timor-Leste has many media outlets but limited resources to cover all parties' campaign, while the opportunity of debate can disseminate information about political party strategie." ], [ "Participants in this political debate will be represented by representatives of the parties, senior journalists and editorial staff with a view to asking questions for quality debating. The estimated attendance is closer than 105 people per day" ], [ "Public debates on public GMNTV can be accessed from the UHF signal and in HD format by satellite." ], [ "Photo: PM Rui M Araujo speaking at GMNTV's recent release." ] ]
Eskritor Olga Tokarczuk ho Peter Handke manán Prémiu Nobel Literatura 2018 ho 2019 nian - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 12:28h, kuarta-feira 27 Maiu\nEskritor Olga Tokarczuk ho Peter Handke manán Prémiu Nobel Literatura 2018 ho 2019 nian\n11 de Outubro de 2019, 01:40\nEskritora polaka Olga Tokarczuk ho austríaku Peter Handke sai premiadu ho Prémiu Nobel Literatura nian ba tinan 2018 ho 2019, anunsia hosi Akademia Sueka iha loron-kinta ne'e.\nPrémiu Nobel sira Literatura nian ba tinan 2018 ho 2019 anunsia ona iha loron-kinta ne'e iha Estokolmo hosi Akademia Sueka, hafoin interupsaun tinan ida tanba eskándalu hosi abuzu seksual no krimi finanseiru sira ne'ebé maka akontese iha organizasaun.\nAkademia Sueka fó Nobel Literatura 2018 nian ba Olga Tokarczuk, ho tinan 57, "tanba imajinasaun narativu ida ne'ebé, ho paixaun ensiklopédiku, reprezenta kruzamentu hosi fronteira sira hanesan dalan moris ida nian".\nBa Akademia Sueka, eskritora "nunka haree realidade hanesan buat estável ida ka permanente" no "harii nia romanse sira iha tensaun ida entre kultura sira ne'ebé la hanesan; natureza "versus" kultura, razaun "versus" loukura, maskulinu "versus" femininu, uma "versus" alienasaun".\n"Obra boor" hosi laureada to'o agora hanesan, ba akademia, "romanse impresionante istóriku 'Ksiegi Jakubowe' ['Jacob nia livru sira' iha tradusaun livre]", publika iha tinan 2014 lahó edisaun iha lian portugés. Olga Tokarczuk hatudu iha serbisu ne'e "kapasidade aas hosi romanse hodi reprezenta kazu ida kuaze aleinde komprensaun ema nian".\n"Viagens" hanesan livru ida to'o agora iha Portugal hosi Olga Tokarczuk, feto dala 15 ne'ebé maka hetan prémiu Nobel Literatura nian, iha premiadu na'in 116.\nNobel Literatura 2019 nian fó ba Peter Handke, tinan 76, "tanba serbisu influente ida ne'ebé, ho enjeñu linguístiku, esplora ona periferia ho espesifisidade hosi esperiénsia ema nian".\nBa Akademia Sueka, "arte espesial" hosi Peter Handke hanesan "atensaun estraordináriu ba paizajen sira ho prezensa material mundu nian ne'ebé halo hosi sinema ho pintura hanesa nia fonte inspirasaun rua maka'as".\nPeter Handke, "produz nafatin númeru boot ida hosi obra sira iha jéneru oioin, estabelese ona hanesan eskritór influente ida iha Europa hafoin Funu Mundial Daruak".\n"A Mulher Canhota", "A Angústia do Guarda Redes antes do Penalti" hanesan livru balun hosi Peter Handke ne'ebé maka edita iha Portugal. "Os Belos Dias de Aranjuez - Um diálogo de Verão" publika ona hosi Documenta iha 2014.\nTuir sekretáriu Akademia Sueka nian, Anders Olsson, lista hosi finalista sira hosi Nobel Literatura tinan 2018 ho 2019 nian komposta hosi naran ualu.\nLaureadu sira simu, ida-idak, prémiu osan hamutuk millaun sia koroa sueka nian (euro rihun 830 resin), medalla osan-mean ida ho diploma ida ne'ebé sei entrega iha serimónia ida iha Estokolmo iha loron 10 Dezembru.\nTotal ida hosi eskritor na'in 116 - na'in 15 hanesan feto - hetan ona prémiu Nobel Literatura nian ne'ebé maka fó dezde tinan 1901.\nIha de'it autor na'in ida ho lian portugeza maka premiadu: portugés José Saramago, iha tinan 1998.
[ "Eskritor Olga Tokarczuk ho Peter Handke manan Premiu Nobel Literatura 2018 ho 2019 nian - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 12:28h, kuarta-feira 27 Maiu Eskritor Olga Tokarczuk ho Peter Handke manan Premiu Nobel Literatura 2018 ho 2019 nian 11 de Outubro de 2019, 01:40 Eskritora polaka Olga Tokarczuk ho austriaku Peter Handke sai premiadu ho Premiu Nobel Literatura nian ba tinan 2018 ho 2019, anunsia hosi Akademia Sueka iha loron-kinta ne'e.", "Premiu Nobel sira Literatura nian ba tinan 2018 ho 2019 anunsia ona iha loron-kinta ne'e iha Estokolmo hosi Akademia Sueka, hafoin interupsaun tinan ida tanba eskandalu hosi abuzu seksual no krimi finanseiru sira ne'ebe maka akontese iha organizasaun.", "Akademia Sueka fo Nobel Literatura 2018 nian ba Olga Tokarczuk, ho tinan 57, \"tanba imajinasaun narativu ida ne'ebe, ho paixaun ensiklopediku, reprezenta kruzamentu hosi fronteira sira hanesan dalan moris ida nian.\"", "Ba Akademia Sueka, eskritora \"nunka haree realidade hanesan buat estavel ida ka permanente\" no \"harii nia romanse sira iha tensaun ida entre kultura sira ne'ebe la hanesan; natureza \"versus\" kultura, razaun \"versus\" loukura, maskulinu \"versus\" femininu, uma \"versus\" alienasaun.\"", "\"Obra boor\" hosi laureada to'o agora hanesan, ba akademia, \"romanse impresionante istoriku 'Ksiegi Jakubowe' ['Jacob nia livru sira' iha tradusaun livre],\" publika iha tinan 2014 laho edisaun iha lian portuges.", "Olga Tokarczuk hatudu iha serbisu ne'e \"kapasidade aas hosi romanse hodi reprezenta kazu ida kuaze aleinde komprensaun ema nian.\"", "\"Viagens\" hanesan livru ida to'o agora iha Portugal hosi Olga Tokarczuk, feto dala 15 ne'ebe maka hetan premiu Nobel Literatura nian, iha premiadu na'in 116.", "Nobel Literatura 2019 nian fo ba Peter Handke, tinan 76, \"tanba serbisu influente ida ne'ebe, ho enjenu linguistiku, esplora ona periferia ho espesifisidade hosi esperiensia ema nian.\"", "Ba Akademia Sueka, \"arte espesial\" hosi Peter Handke hanesan \"atensaun estraordinariu ba paizajen sira ho prezensa material mundu nian ne'ebe halo hosi sinema ho pintura hanesa nia fonte inspirasaun rua maka'as.\"", "Peter Handke, \"produz nafatin numeru boot ida hosi obra sira iha jeneru oioin, estabelese ona hanesan eskritor influente ida iha Europa hafoin Funu Mundial Daruak.\"", "\"A Mulher Canhota,\" \"A Angustia do Guarda Redes antes do Penalti\" hanesan livru balun hosi Peter Handke ne'ebe maka edita iha Portugal.", "\"Os Belos Dias de Aranjuez - Um dialogo de Verao\" publika ona hosi Documenta iha 2014.", "Tuir sekretariu Akademia Sueka nian, Anders Olsson, lista hosi finalista sira hosi Nobel Literatura tinan 2018 ho 2019 nian komposta hosi naran ualu.", "Laureadu sira simu, ida-idak, premiu osan hamutuk millaun sia koroa sueka nian (euro rihun 830 resin), medalla osan-mean ida ho diploma ida ne'ebe sei entrega iha serimonia ida iha Estokolmo iha loron 10 Dezembru.", "Total ida hosi eskritor na'in 116 - na'in 15 hanesan feto - hetan ona premiu Nobel Literatura nian ne'ebe maka fo dezde tinan 1901.", "Iha de'it autor na'in ida ho lian portugeza maka premiadu: portuges Jose Saramago, iha tinan 1998." ]
[ [ "Authors Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke win Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018, respectively - News SAPO – The Swedish Academy announced on Wednesday that Polish author Olha to Karczuk (Olga) was awarded the prize together with Austrian writerPeter handkes. This is as part of an international campaign aimed at promoting literary exchange between Europe' s two most influential people: Poetry has become more important than ever before because it can be shared by all culture-based communities worldwide.\"" ], [ "The Nobel Prizes in Literature for the years 2018 and, respectively (for women) to-morrow were announced on Friday by Sweden' s Swedish Academy of Sciences after a year long suspension due with sexual abuse scandal." ], [ "The Swedish Academy has awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature to Olga Tokarczuk, at age five and seventy-seven \"for her narrative imagination which with encyclopedic passion represents crossing border as one' s way of life.\"" ], [ "For the Swedish Academy, she \"never sees reality as something stable or permanent\" and builds her romance on a tension between different culture: nature 'versus' civilization; reason ‘vs’ madness." ], [ "The \"best work\" of the laureate to date is, for academia members and critics in general: her impressive historical novel 'Ksiegi Jakubowe' [Jacob’ s Books], published 2014 with an edition also available on Portuguese." ], [ "Olga Tokarczuk shows in this work \"the high capacity of romance to represent a case almost beyond human comprehension.\"" ], [ "\"Viagens\" is the only book so far in Portugal by Olga Tokarczuk, 15th woman to win a Nobel Prize for Literature out of an all-time list that numbered over one hundred and sixteen." ], [ "The 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to Peter Handke, \"for an influential work which with linguistic ingenuity explores the peripheries and specificities of human experience.\"" ], [ "For the Swedish Academy, Peter Handke's \"special art\" is as an extraordinary attention to landscape with a material presence of world that makes film and painting his two greatest inspiration sources.\"" ], [ "Peter Handke, \"continuing to produce a large number of works in various genres\", has established himself as an influential writer on the European scene after World War II." ], [ "\"A Mulher Canhota,\" “The Anguish of the Goalkeeper before Penalty” are some books by Peter Handke that have been published in Portugal." ], [ "\"The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez - a Dialogue in Truth\" was published by Documenta 2014." ], [ "According to Swedish Academy Secretary Anders Olsson, the list of finalists for both 2018 and a newly-appointed Nobel Prize in Literature consisting from six names." ], [ "The winners each receive a prize money of nine million Swedish kronor (about 830 thousand euros), one silver medal and diploma to be presented at an award ceremony in Stockholm on December, the tenth." ], [ "A total of 120 writers - including fifteen women – have won the Nobel Prize in Literature, which has been awarded since its establishment." ], [ "Only one Portuguese-speaking author has won the prize: José Saramago, in 1987." ] ]
TEMPO SEMANAL: TIBUNAL JULGA EIS ADMINISTRADO DESKONFIA FAAN KARRET\nTimor oan liu-liu maioria husi sira ne'ebe sevi estadu no povu tama daudaun ne'e hasoru bo'ot ida katak fungsionariu publiku menus husi sentimentu responsabilidade no dala barak uza vieklu ka sasan estadu ninian ba sira nia aan no familias duke hodi halo servisu ba nasaun ho povu Timor Leste. Iha oras kalan, iha fin do semana kareta estadu cirkula nafatin maske estadu entrega kareta ba sira atu halo servisu maibe halo fali atividades partikular ninian. Hetook aat liu tan halo lakon ka faan fali kareta hirak ne'e ba ema selu hanesan kazu\nEis Sub-administradór Aileu vila gasta osan ne'ebé apoiu husi Banku Mundiál hodi sosa karreta no fa'an karreta fefere ba komunidade seluk.\nAPOIU- orsamentu ne'ebé fó husi Banku Mundiál ba distritu Aileu atu fasilita administrasaun sub-distritu Aileu hodi fó apoiu ba suku ne'ebé presiza ladún implementa ho di'ak husi sub-administradór distritu Aileu vila. Ne'e duni, eis sub-administradór Aileu vila tenke hakat an ba iha Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) sai hanesan arguidu tanba deskonfia hala'o manipulasaun ba orsamentu ne'ebé apoiu husi Banku Mundiál gasta la ho transparénsia hodi sosa karreta kamioneta no fa'an fali ba komunidade.\nJulgamentu ne'ebé hala'o iha TDD tuir Sub-administradór distritu Aileu vila, Marcos dos Santos hanesan mós testamunha deklara katak, antes nia simu knaar hanesan adjuntu administradór sub-distritu Aileu vila, “ha'u rona, Banku Mundiál fó ajuda orsamentu ba sub-distritu Aileu vila inklui suku sanulu (10 )” tenik Marcos iha TDD.\nNia dehan, tempu ne'ebá arguidu Xisto A mak hanesan administradór\nsub -distritu Aileu vila, hahú husi 2003 -2012. Too agora orsamentu ne'ebé mak hetan apoiu husi Banku Mundiál la hatene ninia montante osan hira.?\n“Ha'u rona informasaun katak, sira sosa tiha karreta kamioneta ida hodi hodi halo sirkulasaun iha Aileu laran. Maibé, ikus mai karreta ne'e aat no para hela iha edifísiu administrasaun Aileu vila. Maibé, Xisto hanesan administradór sub distritu Aileu vila foti desizaun, fa'an karreta ne'e ba iha António ho folin rihun ualu dolar amerikanu (U$ 8000 ). sira na'in rua halo kontratu António fó uluk rihun rua dolar amerikanu (U$ 2000) ba iha Xisto no kada fulan António selu atus rua lima nulu dolar amerikanu (U$ 250.00).\n“Ha'u rona informasaun ne'e, husi Elidio ho Domingos mak fó hatene ba ha'u. Ha'u la hare ho matan.” Maibé, António dehan, nia estor osan ba arguidu Xisto fulan ida de'it ho valór osan atus rua lima nulu dolar amerikanu (U$ 250.) Hafoin nia rona katak, karreta ne'e problema hela. Entaun, nia (António) la estor tuir buat ne'ebé sira na'in rua halo akordu. Tanba, António ta'uk entrega fila fali karreta ba Xisto no simu fila ninia osan.\nNune'e mós António ne'ebé sosa karreta kamioneta husi eis sub -administradór Aileu vila deklara ba tribunál katak, nia mak sosa dunik karreta ne'e iha tinan 2009 ho kondisaun aat. “Ha'u mak sosa karreta kamioneta ne'e . Maibé, karreta ninia kondisaun aat. Ha'u mak sosa materiál karreta nian hodi hadi'a fali karreta ne'e, iha tinan 2010 karreta ne'e foin di'ak no hala'o sirkulasaun mós ladún di'ak. Tanba halai mate moris hela de'it. Ha'u mós hasai ona osan barak ba karreta ne'e”Antónia konta hikas ba tribunál.\n“Iha 2011- 2012 fulan Marsu karreta la halai tanba aat. Ne'e duni, karreta para de'it iha uma. Iha dia 4/4/2012. ha'u entrega fila fali karreta ne'e ba Xisto no ha'u simu fila fali ha'u nia osan de'it. Ha'u nia maluk sira dehan, karreta ne'e problema di'ak liu fó fila fali de'it ona. Entaun ha'u foti entrega karreta ba Xisto” hakotu António.\nProsesu julgamentu ne'ebé hala'o iha TDD kona ba kazu deskonfia sub-administradór gasta orsamentu ne'ebé apoiu husi Banku Mundiál iha tempu nia kaer ukun tenke sai arguidu ho númeru prosesu 306/2012 TDD . (AM)
[ "TEMPO SEMANAL: TIBUNAL JULGA EIS ADMINISTRADO DESKONFIA FAAN KARRET Timor oan liu-liu maioria husi sira ne'ebe sevi estadu no povu tama daudaun ne'e hasoru bo'ot ida katak fungsionariu publiku menus husi sentimentu responsabilidade no dala barak uza vieklu ka sasan estadu ninian ba sira nia aan no familias duke hodi halo servisu ba nasaun ho povu Timor Leste.", "Iha oras kalan, iha fin do semana kareta estadu cirkula nafatin maske estadu entrega kareta ba sira atu halo servisu maibe halo fali atividades partikular ninian.", "Hetook aat liu tan halo lakon ka faan fali kareta hirak ne'e ba ema selu hanesan kazu Eis Sub-administrador Aileu vila gasta osan ne'ebe apoiu husi Banku Mundial hodi sosa karreta no fa'an karreta fefere ba komunidade seluk.", "APOIU- orsamentu ne'ebe fo husi Banku Mundial ba distritu Aileu atu fasilita administrasaun sub-distritu Aileu hodi fo apoiu ba suku ne'ebe presiza ladun implementa ho di'ak husi sub-administrador distritu Aileu vila.", "Ne'e duni, eis sub-administrador Aileu vila tenke hakat an ba iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) sai hanesan arguidu tanba deskonfia hala'o manipulasaun ba orsamentu ne'ebe apoiu husi Banku Mundial gasta la ho transparensia hodi sosa karreta kamioneta no fa'an fali ba komunidade.", "Julgamentu ne'ebe hala'o iha TDD tuir Sub-administrador distritu Aileu vila, Marcos dos Santos hanesan mos testamunha deklara katak, antes nia simu knaar hanesan adjuntu administrador sub-distritu Aileu vila, \"ha'u rona, Banku Mundial fo ajuda orsamentu ba sub-distritu Aileu vila inklui suku sanulu (10) \" tenik Marcos iha TDD.", "Nia dehan, tempu ne'eba arguidu Xisto A mak hanesan administrador sub -distritu Aileu vila, hahu husi 2003 -2012.", "Too agora orsamentu ne'ebe mak hetan apoiu husi Banku Mundial la hatene ninia montante osan hira.?", "\"Ha'u rona informasaun katak, sira sosa tiha karreta kamioneta ida hodi hodi halo sirkulasaun iha Aileu laran.", "Maibe, ikus mai karreta ne'e aat no para hela iha edifisiu administrasaun Aileu vila.", "Maibe, Xisto hanesan administrador sub distritu Aileu vila foti desizaun, fa'an karreta ne'e ba iha Antonio ho folin rihun ualu dolar amerikanu (U$ 8000). sira na'in rua halo kontratu Antonio fo uluk rihun rua dolar amerikanu (U$ 2000) ba iha Xisto no kada fulan Antonio selu atus rua lima nulu dolar amerikanu (U$ 250.00).", "\"Ha'u rona informasaun ne'e, husi Elidio ho Domingos mak fo hatene ba ha'u.", "Ha'u la hare ho matan.\"", "Maibe, Antonio dehan, nia estor osan ba arguidu Xisto fulan ida de'it ho valor osan atus rua lima nulu dolar amerikanu (U$ 250.)", "Hafoin nia rona katak, karreta ne'e problema hela.", "Entaun, nia (Antonio) la estor tuir buat ne'ebe sira na'in rua halo akordu.", "Tanba, Antonio ta'uk entrega fila fali karreta ba Xisto no simu fila ninia osan.", "Nune'e mos Antonio ne'ebe sosa karreta kamioneta husi eis sub -administrador Aileu vila deklara ba tribunal katak, nia mak sosa dunik karreta ne'e iha tinan 2009 ho kondisaun aat.", "\"Ha'u mak sosa karreta kamioneta ne'e .", "Maibe, karreta ninia kondisaun aat.", "Ha'u mak sosa material karreta nian hodi hadi'a fali karreta ne'e, iha tinan 2010 karreta ne'e foin di'ak no hala'o sirkulasaun mos ladun di'ak.", "Tanba halai mate moris hela de'it.", "Ha'u mos hasai ona osan barak ba karreta ne'e\"Antonia konta hikas ba tribunal.", "\"Iha 2011- 2012 fulan Marsu karreta la halai tanba aat.", "Ne'e duni, karreta para de'it iha uma.", "Iha dia 4/4/2012. ha'u entrega fila fali karreta ne'e ba Xisto no ha'u simu fila fali ha'u nia osan de'it.", "Ha'u nia maluk sira dehan, karreta ne'e problema di'ak liu fo fila fali de'it ona.", "Entaun ha'u foti entrega karreta ba Xisto\" hakotu Antonio.", "Prosesu julgamentu ne'ebe hala'o iha TDD kona ba kazu deskonfia sub-administrador gasta orsamentu ne'ebe apoiu husi Banku Mundial iha tempu nia kaer ukun tenke sai arguidu ho numeru prosesu 306/2012 TDD .", "(AM)" ]
[ [ "TEMPO SEMANAL: TIBUNAL JULGA EIS ADMINISTRADO DESCONFIA FAAN KARRET Timorese, especially the majority of those who serve state and people are currently facing a big problem that public officials lack any senses for responsibility. They often use vehicles or property belonging to State in their own interest rather than serving country with East-Timorians' needs 2017/3" ], [ "At night, on weekends state cars continue to circulate although the government gives them car for work but they do their private activities." ], [ "Even worse, they lose or resell these cars to paid people as in the case of Former Sub-Administrator Aileu Vila spending money supported by World Bank for buying a car and selling it off." ], [ "SUPPORT- The World Bank granted a budget to Aileu district for the purpose of facilitating subdistrict administration and providing support in need villages, but this was not properly carried out by underadministrators." ], [ "Therefore, the former sub-administrator of Aileu Vila had to go before Dili District Court (TDD) as a defendant on suspicion that he manipulated World Bank supported budgets spent without transparency in buying truck and selling them back." ], [ "The trial held in the TDD according to Sub-administrator of Aileu vila district, Marcos dos Santos as a witness also declared that before he took up his duties and became deputy administrator subdistrict AILEU VILLA \"I heard from you World Bank gave budgetary assistance for all ten (10) communities including village." ], [ "He said, at the time Xisto A was administrator of sub-district in Vila Ailei from 2013 to now." ], [ "Until now, the budgets supported by World Bank don't know how much money they will receive.?" ], [ "\"I heard information that they have bought a truck to circulate in Aileu." ], [ "However, the car was broken and parked in an administrative building of Aileu Vila." ], [ "However, Xisto as administrator of the sub-district Aileu vila took a decision to sell Antonio's car for five thousand U.S dollars (U$ 8015). The two men made an agreement that he would pay them $2496 and each month they paid him one hundred twenty fifty zero US dollar ($37) per day or every three months it was his own responsibilities if there were any problems with its operational functioning at all times during this period in which she had been working on her homework from work time until nighttime hours before leaving their house after school days are over!" ], [ "\"I heard this information, from Elidio and Domingos who told me." ], [ "I have seen your eyes.\"" ], [ "However, Antonio says that he paid the defendant Xisto only one month worth two thousand five hundred and ninety U.S dollars ($250)." ], [ "After hearing that the car was in trouble, she decided to take it back." ], [ "So, he (Antonio) did not follow what the two of them had agreed." ], [ "Because, Antonio refuses to hand over the car back Xisto and receives his money." ], [ "Also, Antonio who bought the truck from former sub-administrator Aileu Vila declared in court that he purchased it owns this car 2015 and was bad." ], [ "\"I bought this truck. I'm the owner of it,\" he said in an interview with The Independent on Sunday (23/10)." ], [ "But, his car is in bad condition." ], [ "I bought the car's material to improve it, in 2013 this was a good and circulating vehicle." ], [ "Because halai mate moris hela de'it." ], [ "I've also spent a lot of money on this car,\" Antonia told the court." ], [ "\"In March 2013, the car was not running because of a breakdown." ], [ "So, the car just stops at home." ], [ "On April 4th, I returned the car to Xisto and received back only my money." ], [ "My colleagues said, the car is a problem better give it back." ], [ "So I took the delivery car to Xisto,\" said Antonio." ], [ "The trial proceedings in the TDD on a case of suspected sub-administrator spending funds supporting by World Bank during his tenure should be defendant with number 306/2145." ], [ "(AM) - 10:45 AM" ] ]
Governu presiza tetu rekruta F-FDTL priense servisu PNTL - GMN TV\nGMN TV Diarío Governu presiza tetu rekruta F-FDTL priense servisu PNTL\nSosiedade Sivíl husu Governu atu tetu didiak pozitivu no negativu, wainhira rekruta fali membru FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hodi priense servisu servisu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian.\nDiretór ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein, João Alemeida, hato’o lia hirak ne’e, ba jornalista sira Sesta (26/04/19)iha nia servisu fatin Fundasaun Mahein Fomento Díli, relasiona ho deklarasaun Ministru Defeza Interior Interino Filomeno Paixao, ne´ebé antes ne´e hateten, sei rekruta F-FDTL hodi priense servisu PNTL.\n“Agora sera que pesoal servisu militar F-FDTL bele priense iha rekrutamentu PNTL? tuir observasaun ami husi FM ninian, rekrutamentu ne´e iha pozitivu no negativu``, esplika Diretór ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein João Alemeida.\nTuir João Almeida , pozitivu ne’e mak Governu bele redus despeza sira rekrutamentu, no prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e husi etapa lubuk ho rekursu ne’ebé ténki sufisiente atu bele kompleta rekrutamentu, tantu iha militar no PNTL, maibe iha mós negativu.\n``Sé bainhira ita foti militar sira ne’ebé mak treinadu ona husi F-FDTL ba PNTL ita sei forma fila fali mós, husi inisiu, liu-liu iha vida sivil hanesan Polísia tanba ita nia Polísia sira adopta ninia filosofia ninia karater Polísia komunitaria, la’os Polísia ida para militar. Entaun sé bainhira ita foti militar ba prense iha PNTL ita presiza mós halo formasaun ida husi baze katak, ténki forma ninia karakterista hanesan Polísia komunitaria``,dehan João Almeida.\nJoão Almeida akresenta, rekrutamentu sira hanesan ne´e la viola regra no la deskreve iha lei ruma. Tanba ne´e rekrutramentu Polísial PNTL ninian bele foti iha F-FDTL.\nTuir João Alemeida, durante ne’e rekrutamentu PNTL ho F-FDTL la’o tuir prosesu normal iha instituisaun ida-idak ninian, militar hala’o tuir instituisaun militar nomós PNTL.\nEntretantu tuir lei Konstituisaun RDTL, artigu 146, difini katak, institisaun F-FDTL hala’o sira nia misaun ba ameasa externa, no artigu 147, PNTL sei hala’o misaun interna.avi
[ "Governu presiza tetu rekruta F-FDTL priense servisu PNTL - GMN TV GMN TV Diario Governu presiza tetu rekruta F-FDTL priense servisu PNTL Sosiedade Sivil husu Governu atu tetu didiak pozitivu no negativu, wainhira rekruta fali membru FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hodi priense servisu servisu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian.", "Diretor ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein, Joao Alemeida, hato'o lia hirak ne'e, ba jornalista sira Sesta (26/04/19) iha nia servisu fatin Fundasaun Mahein Fomento Dili, relasiona ho deklarasaun Ministru Defeza Interior Interino Filomeno Paixao, ne'ebe antes ne'e hateten, sei rekruta F-FDTL hodi priense servisu PNTL.", "\"Agora sera que pesoal servisu militar F-FDTL bele priense iha rekrutamentu PNTL? tuir observasaun ami husi FM ninian, rekrutamentu ne'e iha pozitivu no negativu \" , esplika Diretor ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein Joao Alemeida.", "Tuir Joao Almeida , pozitivu ne'e mak Governu bele redus despeza sira rekrutamentu, no prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e husi etapa lubuk ho rekursu ne'ebe tenki sufisiente atu bele kompleta rekrutamentu, tantu iha militar no PNTL, maibe iha mos negativu. \"", "Se bainhira ita foti militar sira ne'ebe mak treinadu ona husi F-FDTL ba PNTL ita sei forma fila fali mos, husi inisiu, liu-liu iha vida sivil hanesan Polisia tanba ita nia Polisia sira adopta ninia filosofia ninia karater Polisia komunitaria, la'os Polisia ida para militar.", "Entaun se bainhira ita foti militar ba prense iha PNTL ita presiza mos halo formasaun ida husi baze katak, tenki forma ninia karakterista hanesan Polisia komunitaria \" ,dehan Joao Almeida.", "Joao Almeida akresenta, rekrutamentu sira hanesan ne'e la viola regra no la deskreve iha lei ruma.", "Tanba ne'e rekrutramentu Polisial PNTL ninian bele foti iha F-FDTL.", "Tuir Joao Alemeida, durante ne'e rekrutamentu PNTL ho F-FDTL la'o tuir prosesu normal iha instituisaun ida-idak ninian, militar hala'o tuir instituisaun militar nomos PNTL.", "Entretantu tuir lei Konstituisaun RDTL, artigu 146, difini katak, institisaun F-FDTL hala'o sira nia misaun ba ameasa externa, no artigu 147, PNTL sei hala'o misaun interna.avi" ]
[ [ "Government needs to consider recruiting F-FDTL members for PNTL service - GMN TV Civil Society asks the government that it take into account both positive and negative aspects when recruitment of FALINTIL Forces Defence Timor Leste (FFTL) member in order served with National Police." ], [ "The Executive Director of Fundação Mahein, Joao Alemeida made these remarks to journalist on Saturday (26/04 / 19) in his office at the Foundation Mahein Fomento Dili. He said this regarding a statement by Interim Interior Defence Minister Filomeno Paixau who had previously stated that he would recruit F-FDTL personnel for PNTL service" ], [ "\"Now, can F-FDTL military service personnel participate in the recruitment of PNTL? According to our observation from FM's side there are both positive and negative aspects\", explained Executive Director Joao Alemeida." ], [ "According to Joao Almeida , the positive is that government can reduce recruitment expenses and this process has many stages with resources which should be sufficient for completing both military & PNTL recruiting. But there are also negative aspects.\"" ], [ "If we take the soldiers who have already been trained by F-FDTL to PNTL, then they will be retraining from scratch especially in civilian life as Police because our police adopt its philosophy of community policing character and not a military type." ], [ "So if we take military to the police force, then it is necessary that there be a basic training which must form its characteristics as community policing\", said Joao Almeida." ], [ "Joao Almeida adds that such recruitment does not violate the rules and isn't described in any law." ], [ "Therefore, the recruitment of PNTL Police can be taken in F-FDTL." ], [ "According to Joao Alemeida, during this time the recruitment of PNTL and F-FDTL follows normal processes in each institution. The military proceeds accordingly with their respective institutions as well a police force (PNTL)." ], [ "According to article 146 of the Constitution, F-FDTL is responsible for carrying out its mission against an external threat and accordingly under Article." ] ]
SEFOPE Notifika Ona Diretór GMN Ba Kazu Jornalista Nain Tolu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SEFOPE Notifika Ona Diretór GMN Ba Kazu Jornalista Nain Tolu\nJornalista GMN nain tolu ne'ebé GMN hapara sira nia servisu. Imajen/Domingos Piedade\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) –Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Relasaun ba Traballu (DNRT), Departamentu Mediasaun no Konsiliasaun, segunda (02/12/2019), tuku 14:00 Otl, haruka ona karta notifikasaun ba Diretór Informasaun Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Fransedes Suni, atu bele marka prezensa iha SEFOPE hodi submete ba primeiru mediasaun ba kazu hasai jornalista nain tolu hosi servisu.\nKarta notifikasaun ne’ebé SEFOPE haruka ba Julito Ximenes ho Fransedes Suni, diretór informasaun GMN atu submete ba primeira mediasaun iha SEFOPE.\nIha loron 31 outubru 2019, GMN liuhosi Diretór Rekursu Umanu, Nivio Freitas ho koñesimentu hosi Diretór Informasaun GMN, Fransedes Suni, hasai karta ba jornalista nain tolu; Julito Ximenes, Evaristo Mariz ho Carmelita Isaac, hodi hapara sira nia servisu iha loron determinadu, 30 novembru 2019. Ho nune’e, jornalista nain tolu halo hikas karta auto defeza hodi husu justifikasaun loloos ho aprezenta dezempeñu servisu. Infelizmente, karta auto defeza ne’ebé jornalista nain tolu hatama iha loron 06 novembru 2019 la hetan resposta.\nNotifikasaun hanesan mós SEFOPE dirije ba jornalista nain tolu; Julito Ximenes, Evaristo Mariz ho Carmelita Isaac, atu marka prezensa iha SEFOPE iha loron 10 dezembru 2019, tuku 14:30 Otl, hodi hola parte iha mediasaun entre parte sira ne’ebé fasilita hosi SEFOPE iha sala mediasaun SEFOPE, Caicoli, Dili.\n“Ami nain tolu simu ona notifikasaun no kolega Carmelita Isaac mós lori ona notifikasaun SEFOPE nian ne’e ba entrega iha GMN ne’ebé dirije ba Fransedes Suni atu bele hola parte iha mediasaun ba ami nia kazu,” informa Julito Ximenes, hodi responde Ajénsia TATOLI, ohin, iha Dili.\nIha karta hapara sira jornalista nain tolu ne’e ho razaun la hanesan. Ba Jornalista Julito Ximenes nia kauza tanba hala’o dupla funsaun, maibé Julito rasik halo ona karta auto defeza hodi husu evidénsia ka prova, maibé GMN la responde karta no nunka hatudu prova ruma.\nBa jornalista Carmelita Isaac, GMN deside hasai nia hosi servisu tuir karta ne’ebé asina hosi Nivio Freitas nu’udar Diretór Rekursu Umanu GMN ho Fransedes Suni, nu’udar Diretór Informasaun GMN, katak dezobediénsia ba ierarkia. Nune’e, Carmelita mós halo ona karta auto defeza hodi husu justifikasaun no avaliasaun dezempeñu. Maske nune’e, to’o ohin loron, GMN nunka halo resposta no nunka aprezenta sala sira ne’ebé mak GMN sita hodi sai hanesan razaun ba GMN hasai Carmelita hosi servisu.\nBa jornalista Evaristo Mariz, GMN hola desizaun hasai nia hosi servisu tanba razaun ne’ebé GMN aprezenta iha karta ho N/Ref 03/Adm.DAFRH-GMNTV/X/19, katak komete violasaun repetitivu hasoru regra jornalizmu nian. Nune’e, Everisto Mariz mós uza nia auto defeza hodi resposta ba karta ne’e hodi husu aprezenta faktu ba sala sira ne’ebé GMN mensiona. Maibé, to’o ohin loron GMN nunka halo resposta ba nia karta hodi aprezenta evidénsia no prova ruma.\nJornalista Ajénsia TATOLI halo ona esforsu atu halo entrevista direita ho Diretór Informasaun GMN, Fransedes Suni, maibé la konsege hasoru Fransedes Suni iha Edifísiu GMN ho razaun katak nia lakohi halo komentáriu.\nkazu GMN ho Jornalista\nPrevious articleGovernu Prevee Millaun $6 Ba Pagamentu Pensaun Vitalísia\nNext articleSEII Hala’o Kampaña Hapara Violénsia Hasoru Feto ho Labarik\nPaulo Quelo December 4, 2019 at 12:00 am\nAnaliza didi’ak mak bele esklui staff.
[ "SEFOPE Notifika Ona Diretor GMN Ba Kazu Jornalista Nain Tolu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SEFOPE Notifika Ona Diretor GMN Ba Kazu Jornalista Nain Tolu Jornalista GMN nain tolu ne'ebe GMN hapara sira nia servisu.", "Imajen/Domingos Piedade DILI, 03 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Relasaun ba Traballu (DNRT), Departamentu Mediasaun no Konsiliasaun, segunda (02/12/2019), tuku 14:00 Otl, haruka ona karta notifikasaun ba Diretor Informasaun Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Fransedes Suni, atu bele marka prezensa iha SEFOPE hodi submete ba primeiru mediasaun ba kazu hasai jornalista nain tolu hosi servisu.", "Karta notifikasaun ne'ebe SEFOPE haruka ba Julito Ximenes ho Fransedes Suni, diretor informasaun GMN atu submete ba primeira mediasaun iha SEFOPE.", "Iha loron 31 outubru 2019, GMN liuhosi Diretor Rekursu Umanu, Nivio Freitas ho konesimentu hosi Diretor Informasaun GMN, Fransedes Suni, hasai karta ba jornalista nain tolu; Julito Ximenes, Evaristo Mariz ho Carmelita Isaac, hodi hapara sira nia servisu iha loron determinadu, 30 novembru 2019.", "Ho nune'e, jornalista nain tolu halo hikas karta auto defeza hodi husu justifikasaun loloos ho aprezenta dezempenu servisu.", "Infelizmente, karta auto defeza ne'ebe jornalista nain tolu hatama iha loron 06 novembru 2019 la hetan resposta.", "Notifikasaun hanesan mos SEFOPE dirije ba jornalista nain tolu; Julito Ximenes, Evaristo Mariz ho Carmelita Isaac, atu marka prezensa iha SEFOPE iha loron 10 dezembru 2019, tuku 14:30 Otl, hodi hola parte iha mediasaun entre parte sira ne'ebe fasilita hosi SEFOPE iha sala mediasaun SEFOPE, Caicoli, Dili.", "\"Ami nain tolu simu ona notifikasaun no kolega Carmelita Isaac mos lori ona notifikasaun SEFOPE nian ne'e ba entrega iha GMN ne'ebe dirije ba Fransedes Suni atu bele hola parte iha mediasaun ba ami nia kazu,\" informa Julito Ximenes, hodi responde Ajensia TATOLI, ohin, iha Dili.", "Iha karta hapara sira jornalista nain tolu ne'e ho razaun la hanesan.", "Ba Jornalista Julito Ximenes nia kauza tanba hala'o dupla funsaun, maibe Julito rasik halo ona karta auto defeza hodi husu evidensia ka prova, maibe GMN la responde karta no nunka hatudu prova ruma.", "Ba jornalista Carmelita Isaac, GMN deside hasai nia hosi servisu tuir karta ne'ebe asina hosi Nivio Freitas nu'udar Diretor Rekursu Umanu GMN ho Fransedes Suni, nu'udar Diretor Informasaun GMN, katak dezobediensia ba ierarkia.", "Nune'e, Carmelita mos halo ona karta auto defeza hodi husu justifikasaun no avaliasaun dezempenu.", "Maske nune'e, to'o ohin loron, GMN nunka halo resposta no nunka aprezenta sala sira ne'ebe mak GMN sita hodi sai hanesan razaun ba GMN hasai Carmelita hosi servisu.", "Ba jornalista Evaristo Mariz, GMN hola desizaun hasai nia hosi servisu tanba razaun ne'ebe GMN aprezenta iha karta ho N/Ref 03/Adm.DAFRH-GMNTV/X/19, katak komete violasaun repetitivu hasoru regra jornalizmu nian.", "Nune'e, Everisto Mariz mos uza nia auto defeza hodi resposta ba karta ne'e hodi husu aprezenta faktu ba sala sira ne'ebe GMN mensiona.", "Maibe, to'o ohin loron GMN nunka halo resposta ba nia karta hodi aprezenta evidensia no prova ruma.", "Jornalista Ajensia TATOLI halo ona esforsu atu halo entrevista direita ho Diretor Informasaun GMN, Fransedes Suni, maibe la konsege hasoru Fransedes Suni iha Edifisiu GMN ho razaun katak nia lakohi halo komentariu. kazu GMN ho Jornalista Previous articleGovernu Prevee Millaun $6 Ba Pagamentu Pensaun Vitalisia Next articleSEII Hala'o Kampana Hapara Violensia Hasoru Feto ho Labarik Paulo Quelo December 4, 2019 at 12:00 am Analiza didi'ak mak bele esklui staff." ]
[ [ "SEFOPE Notifies Director of GMN In Case Of Three Journalists | TATOLI Agência noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The three journalist who were terminated from their work by the news agency have been notified that they will be dismissed." ], [ "DILI, December 03rd (TATOLI) -The State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment through the National Directorate of Labour Relations’ Mediation & Consulting Department on Monday at around two o'clock pm has sent a letter to Grupo Média Nacional Information Manager Fransedes Suni asking him or her in order that he/she may schedule an appointment with SEFOPE so they can submit their first mediations regarding three journalist dismissals." ], [ "Letter of notification sent by SEFOPE to Julito Ximenes and Fransedes Suni, information directors at GMN for the first mediation with them." ], [ "On 31 October, GMN through its Human Resources Director Nivio Freitas and with the knowledge of Information Manager Fransedes Suni sent a letter to three journalist: Julito Ximenes; Evaristo Mariz e Carmelita Isaac. The latter were ordered by their employers in order that they cease working on an agreed date (November) at which time all staff members would be dismissed from work as well!" ], [ "As a result, the three journalists filed letter of self-defence to demand proper justification and presentation on their performance." ], [ "Unfortunately, the letter of self-defense sent by three journalists on November 6th was not answered." ], [ "The same notification also directed SEFOPE to the three journalists; Julito Ximenes, Evaristo Mariz and Carmelita Isaac. To make an appearance at Sefope on December (10th) of this year for a mediation session between parties facilitated by SEFOPE in Mediations Room - Caicoli – Dili" ], [ "\"The three of us have received the notification and our colleague Carmelita Isaac has also taken this SEFOPE's notice for delivery to GMN which is directed at Fransedes Suni so that he can take part in mediation on my case,\" Julito Ximenes told Ajensia Tatoli today." ], [ "The letters of dismissal for the three journalist are based on different reasoning." ], [ "For Journalist Julito Ximenes' case because he performs a dual function, but Julio himself has made self-defense letter to ask for evidence or proof. But GMN did not respond and never showed any of the documents in question as well!" ], [ "For the journalist Carmelita Isaac, GMN decided to dismiss her from work following a letter signed by Nivio Freitas as Director of Human Resources and Fransedes Suni (as Information Manager), which was deemed disobedience." ], [ "In addition, Carmelita has filed a letter of self-defense to ask for justification and performance evaluation." ], [ "However, to this day GMN has never responded and not provided the errors that were cited as a reason for dismissing Carmelita from work." ], [ "For the journalist Evaristo Mariz, GMN took a decision to dismiss him from his job for reasons that were presented in letter with N/Ref 03 /Adm.DAFRH-GNMTV X19: he has committed repeated violations against journalism rules and regulation" ], [ "Thus, Everisto Mariz also used his self-defense to respond the letter by asking for factual evidence of GMN' s mistake." ], [ "However, to this day GMN has never replied on his letters in which he asked for evidence and proof." ], [ "Journalist Ajensia TATOLI has made efforts to have a direct interview with the Director of Information GMN, Fransedes Suni. However he was unable meet Fransedas in building on reasons that she does not want commentary about this case Previous articleGovernment Expects $6 Million For Lifetime Pension Payment Next ArticleSEII Carry Out Campaign Against Violence against Women and Children Paulo Quelo December" ] ]
Profisionál saúde liña frente hamutuk rihun hitu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Profisionál saúde liña frente hamutuk rihun hitu\nProfisionál saúde liña frente hamutuk rihun hitu\nPesoál liña frente halo atendementu iha Aeroportu Comoro, sábadu (24/04/21). Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves.\nDILI, 06 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)— Daudaun ne’e lista profisionál saúde ba liña frente hamutuk rihun hitu maibé bainhira la vasina mak sei la simu subsidiu liña frente nian.\n“Lista profisionál saúde ba liña frente hamutuk rihun hitu. Agora rekizitu ne’ebé mak elijivel atu simu subsídiu mak profisionál saúde sira tenki vasina. Se sira la vasina mak nia la iha direitu ba subsidiu,” Diretora Nasionál Rekursu Umanu Ministériu Saúde (MS) Tomasia de Sousa hateten iha nia knaar fatin MS, Caicoli, ohin.\nMS liuhusi parte rekursu umanu sei verifika dadus no tuirmai lori ba Ministériu Finansa halo pagamentu.\n“Husi númeru rihun hitu ami sei haree fila fali tanba situasaun COVID-19 ne’e mai rekruta profisionál saúde hodi apoiu ba vasinator iha munisípiu hotuhotu ezetu RAEOA tanba RAEOA ami apoiu ba iha saúde iha família maibé ba iha 12 munisípiu ne’e ami apoiu ekipa ba vasinator tanba ami-nia ema ne’ebé mak apoiu ba vasina ne’e hamutuk 800,” nia informa.\n“Entaun lista sira husi munisípiu sira haruka mai no balun seidauk haruka mai entaun husi nasionál verifika lai tuir rekezitu ka lae atu nunue’e ajusta ona iha despaxu ministeriál hafoin halo pagamentu tanba Diretór sira husi minisípiu no diresaun relevante sira nia lista hatama hotu ona no balun ami verifika no balun seidauk tanba ne’e mak parte Ministériu Saúde seidauk submete ba Ministériu Finansa”.\nNotísia relevante:MS sei konklui lista liña frente iha tempu badak\nPrevious articleInfografia: Covid-19 Update: TL records 4 new cases, 143 recoveries\nNext articleGovernu aprova Proposta Lei OJE 2022 biliaun $1,675
[ "Profisional saude lina frente hamutuk rihun hitu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Profisional saude lina frente hamutuk rihun hitu Profisional saude lina frente hamutuk rihun hitu Pesoal lina frente halo atendementu iha Aeroportu Comoro, sabadu (24/04/21).", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves.", "DILI, 06 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Daudaun ne'e lista profisional saude ba lina frente hamutuk rihun hitu maibe bainhira la vasina mak sei la simu subsidiu lina frente nian.", "\"Lista profisional saude ba lina frente hamutuk rihun hitu.", "Agora rekizitu ne'ebe mak elijivel atu simu subsidiu mak profisional saude sira tenki vasina.", "Se sira la vasina mak nia la iha direitu ba subsidiu,\" Diretora Nasional Rekursu Umanu Ministeriu Saude (MS) Tomasia de Sousa hateten iha nia knaar fatin MS, Caicoli, ohin.", "MS liuhusi parte rekursu umanu sei verifika dadus no tuirmai lori ba Ministeriu Finansa halo pagamentu.", "\"Husi numeru rihun hitu ami sei haree fila fali tanba situasaun COVID-19 ne'e mai rekruta profisional saude hodi apoiu ba vasinator iha munisipiu hotuhotu ezetu RAEOA tanba RAEOA ami apoiu ba iha saude iha familia maibe ba iha 12 munisipiu ne'e ami apoiu ekipa ba vasinator tanba ami-nia ema ne'ebe mak apoiu ba vasina ne'e hamutuk 800,\" nia informa.", "\"Entaun lista sira husi munisipiu sira haruka mai no balun seidauk haruka mai entaun husi nasional verifika lai tuir rekezitu ka lae atu nunue'e ajusta ona iha despaxu ministerial hafoin halo pagamentu tanba Diretor sira husi minisipiu no diresaun relevante sira nia lista hatama hotu ona no balun ami verifika no balun seidauk tanba ne'e mak parte Ministeriu Saude seidauk submete ba Ministeriu Finansa.\"", "Notisia relevante:MS sei konklui lista lina frente iha tempu badak Previous articleInfografia: Covid-19 Update: TL records 4 new cases, 143 recoveries Next articleGovernu aprova Proposta Lei OJE 2022 biliaun $1,675" ]
[ [ "Frontline health professionals in total seven thousand | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Back to top Health front line personnel at Comoro Airport, Saturday (24/05)" ], [ "Image: Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves." ], [ "DILI, October 6th (TATOLI) - Currently the list of front-line health professionals is seven thousand but if they are not vaccinated will receive no subsidies." ], [ "\"Lista profisional saude ba lina frente hamutuk rihun hitu." ], [ "Now the eligible requirement for receiving subsidies is that health professionals must be vaccinated." ], [ "If they are not vaccinated, then he isn't entitled to the subsidy\", National Director of Human Resources Ministry (MS) Tomasia de Sousa said at her MS office in Caicoli today." ], [ "The Ministry of Health through its human resources department will verify the data and then transfer it to Finance for payment." ], [ "\"From the number seven thousand we will look back because this COVID-19 situation has come to recruit health professionals in support of vaccinators, not only for RAEOA but all municipalities. We have been providing assistance with family care services and now our team is working on these vaccinations as there are more than a dozen people who provide such service.\"" ], [ "\"Then the lists from municipalities were sent and some have not yet been submitted, so national verification is done to see if they are in accordance with requirements. The amount will be adjusted at a ministerial level after payment has taken place because all director of minisipiu'i (municipality) or relevant direction’ s listings had already arrived; therefore we did check on certain ones but others still lack for this reason Health Ministry part was unsubmitting them again.\"" ], [ "Relevant News:MS to finalize frontline list shortly Previous articleInfographics on Covid-19 Update in TL, including 4 new cases and a total number of recoveries at the moment Next ArticleGovernment approves proposed budget bill for $20.6 billion" ] ]
MTM Kontra COVID-19 hodi Hala’o Limpeza iha Fatin Públiku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MTM Kontra COVID-19 hodi Hala’o Limpeza iha Fatin Públiku\nMTM Kontra COVID-19 hodi Hala’o Limpeza iha Fatin Públiku\nDILI, 23 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)–Movimentu Tasi Moos (MTM), ho inisiativa rasik hala’o limpeza hodi hamoos fatín Públiku sira iha Dili laran hodi kontribui ba luta kontra Coronavirus.\n“Ami husi Movimentu Tasi Moos, liga ho situasaun ne’ebé akontese globalmente, katak ita hasoru daudaun susar boot ida ne’ebé mak ita la konsege haree naran Coronavirus (COVID-19). Virus ne’e perigozu ba ema-nia vida, la iha ai moruk atu kura. Ne’eduni, ami hanesan joven ba nasaun ne’e, ami sente katak ami iha obrigasaun hodi kontribui netik buat ruma ba prevensaun, oinsa salva povu no nasaun ida ne’e,” dehan Koordenadór Movimentu Tasi Moos, Galio Soares Araújo, ba Ajénsia TATOLI iha Palásiu Governu, Dili, ohin.\nNia hatutan, ho ida ne’e mak MTM deside katak hahú ohin ba oin, presiza uitoan ka barak kontribui hodi tama no hamoos, fase, fatin publiku sira, fase ho sasan báziku ne’ebé maka Ministériu Saúde rasik fó sai ona katak presiza uza deterjente.\n“Ami-nia kontribuisaun kiik liu mak ida ne’e. Ami espera katak, uma-Kain sira seluk hahú daudaun, hodi hamoos uma laran, varanda, no ambiente iha uma. Atu nune’e, ita hamutuk luta kontra Virus perigozu ida ne’e. Ohin, ami mai uluk iha Palásiu Governu nia oin, hanesan medida ida fanun Governu atu oinsá reajen lalais, atua situasaun emerjénsia ida-ne’e,” nia hateten.\nIha loron Primeru Ohin nian, nia hateten, MTM lori bee tanki ida ho volume bee litru rihun neen, lori mós sabaun clean no buat seluk tan hodi hamoos fatin públiku.\nTuir trajetu, nia hatutan, aban MTM sei kontinua hamoos fatin públiku sira. Maski ohin la to’o na’in sanulu, maibé MTM hakarak kontribui aban no bainrua sei iha ema voluntáriu sira barak liután.\n“Ami sei kontinua hamoos fatin públiku sira no ami seidauk termina loron atu para. Ami-nia trajetu sei hamoos fatin públiku hanesan Palásiu Governu, spitál sira, aeroportu, Largo Lecidere no seluk tan ne’ebé iha sirkulasaun ema barak nian.\nPrevious articleKomunidade Maloa iha Inisiativa Hadi’a Kanu Ne’ebé Tohar\nNext articlePrevene COVID-19, Xanana Husu Povu “Hakmatek” Iha Uma
[ "MTM Kontra COVID-19 hodi Hala'o Limpeza iha Fatin Publiku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MTM Kontra COVID-19 hodi Hala'o Limpeza iha Fatin Publiku MTM Kontra COVID-19 hodi Hala'o Limpeza iha Fatin Publiku DILI, 23 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) -Movimentu Tasi Moos (MTM), ho inisiativa rasik hala'o limpeza hodi hamoos fatin Publiku sira iha Dili laran hodi kontribui ba luta kontra Coronavirus.", "\"Ami husi Movimentu Tasi Moos, liga ho situasaun ne'ebe akontese globalmente, katak ita hasoru daudaun susar boot ida ne'ebe mak ita la konsege haree naran Coronavirus (COVID-19).", "Virus ne'e perigozu ba ema-nia vida, la iha ai moruk atu kura.", "Ne'eduni, ami hanesan joven ba nasaun ne'e, ami sente katak ami iha obrigasaun hodi kontribui netik buat ruma ba prevensaun, oinsa salva povu no nasaun ida ne'e,\" dehan Koordenador Movimentu Tasi Moos, Galio Soares Araujo, ba Ajensia TATOLI iha Palasiu Governu, Dili, ohin.", "Nia hatutan, ho ida ne'e mak MTM deside katak hahu ohin ba oin, presiza uitoan ka barak kontribui hodi tama no hamoos, fase, fatin publiku sira, fase ho sasan baziku ne'ebe maka Ministeriu Saude rasik fo sai ona katak presiza uza deterjente.", "\"Ami-nia kontribuisaun kiik liu mak ida ne'e.", "Ami espera katak, uma-Kain sira seluk hahu daudaun, hodi hamoos uma laran, varanda, no ambiente iha uma.", "Atu nune'e, ita hamutuk luta kontra Virus perigozu ida ne'e.", "Ohin, ami mai uluk iha Palasiu Governu nia oin, hanesan medida ida fanun Governu atu oinsa reajen lalais, atua situasaun emerjensia ida-ne'e,\" nia hateten.", "Iha loron Primeru Ohin nian, nia hateten, MTM lori bee tanki ida ho volume bee litru rihun neen, lori mos sabaun clean no buat seluk tan hodi hamoos fatin publiku.", "Tuir trajetu, nia hatutan, aban MTM sei kontinua hamoos fatin publiku sira.", "Maski ohin la to'o na'in sanulu, maibe MTM hakarak kontribui aban no bainrua sei iha ema voluntariu sira barak liutan.", "\"Ami sei kontinua hamoos fatin publiku sira no ami seidauk termina loron atu para.", "Ami-nia trajetu sei hamoos fatin publiku hanesan Palasiu Governu, spital sira, aeroportu, Largo Lecidere no seluk tan ne'ebe iha sirkulasaun ema barak nian.", "Previous articleKomunidade Maloa iha Inisiativa Hadi'a Kanu Ne'ebe Tohar Next articlePrevene COVID-19, Xanana Husu Povu \"Hakmatek\" Iha Uma" ]
[ [ "MTM Against COVID-19 to Perform Cleaning in Public Places | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e VARANDA DILI Movimentu Tasi moos (MTM), on its own initiatives, performed a cleanup of the public places within Dili as an effort towards fight against Coronavirus." ], [ "\"We from the Sea of Moos Movement, linked to a situation that is happening globally and we are facing this great distress which has not been seen by us called Coronavirus (COVID-19)." ], [ "The virus is life-threatening, and there are no cures for it." ], [ "Therefore, we as young people for this country feel that our obligation is to contribute something in terms of prevention and how can save the nation's population\", said Tasi Moos Movement Coordinator Galio Soares Araujo at Dili Government Palace today." ], [ "He added, with this MTM decided that from today onwards it will be necessary to contribute little or much in order for the entry and cleaning of public places. The Ministry itself has already given instructions about using detergents as well" ], [ "\"This is our smallest contribution." ], [ "We hope that other house-Kain are starting to clean up the inside of their houses, balconies and surroundings." ], [ "So, let's fight together against this dangerous virus." ], [ "Today, we came first in front of the Government Palace as a measure by government to react quickly and act on this emergency situation,” he said." ], [ "On the day of Primeiro Dia, he said that MTM brought a water tank with six thousand litres volume and clean soap to clear public places." ], [ "Along the route, he added that tomorrow MTM will continue to clean public places." ], [ "Although there are not enough volunteers today, MTM want to contribute tomorrow and the next day will have many more." ], [ "\"We will continue to clean public spaces and we haven't finished the day of stop." ], [ "Our route will clean public places such as the Government Palace, hospitals and airport areas. Largo Lecidere is one of them where there are a lot people circulating in this area" ], [ "Previous articleComunidade Maloa Initiatives to Improve Laws that Tohar Next ArticlePreventing COVID-19, Xanana Calling People \"Hakmatek\" At Home" ] ]
PNTL detein suspeitu na’in-tolu “lori subar” motór | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PNTL detein suspeitu na’in-tolu “lori subar” motór\nPNTL detein suspeitu na’in-tolu “lori subar” motór\nMotór ne’ebé suspeitu-sira “lori subar”. Imajen/PNTL\nDILI, 10 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Komandu Polísia Munisípiu Dili servisu hamutuk ho Servisu Investigasaun Kriminál (SIC), ohin, detein suspeitu na’in-tolu ne’ebé envolve iha kazu “lori subar” motór komunidade balun nian iha kapitál Dili.\nMotór ida ne’ebé polísia foti hosi suspeitu-sira. Imajen/PNTL\nSuspeitu na’in-tolu ho inisiál JDX, JDCP no GDA ne’e, SIC no Servisu Informasaun Polísia (SIP) detein no halo apreensaun ba motór Mio Beat haat ne’ebé suspeitu uza la’o pasiar iha área Don Aleixo-Dili.\nSegundu Komandante PNTL, Superintendente Euclides Belo, deklara suspeitu-sira ne’e PNTL buka kleur ona, tanba parte vítima sira halo keixa mai polísia tanba sira-nia motór lakon.\n“Operasaun ne’e PNTL Dili halo ba motór komunidade nian ne’ebé lakon konsege hetan iha área Don Aleixo-Dili nian. Suspeitu sira entrega ona ba parte investigasaun hodi halo prosesu identifikasaun,” Euclides Belo hateten ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.\nMotór haat ne’ebé PNTL halo apreensaun hosi suspeitu sira ninia dokumentu la iha no parte PNTL sei halo identifikasaun ba motór hirak ne’e nia xapa matrikula no númeru serial body no mákina.\nSuperintendente Euclides Belo husu ba komunidade-sira ne’ebé motór lakon atu hakbesik ba parte PNTL lori ho dokumentu kompletu hodi PNTL halo identifikasaun no halo termu entrega ba motór na’in.\nPrevious article2021, MEJD rekruta profesór 975\nNext articleMEJD hapara hanorin lian materna iha eskola
[ "PNTL detein suspeitu na'in-tolu \"lori subar\" motor | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PNTL detein suspeitu na'in-tolu \"lori subar\" motor PNTL detein suspeitu na'in-tolu \"lori subar\" motor Motor ne'ebe suspeitu-sira \"lori subar.\"", "Imajen/PNTL DILI, 10 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Komandu Polisia Munisipiu Dili servisu hamutuk ho Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (SIC), ohin, detein suspeitu na'in-tolu ne'ebe envolve iha kazu \"lori subar\" motor komunidade balun nian iha kapital Dili.", "Motor ida ne'ebe polisia foti hosi suspeitu-sira.", "Imajen/PNTL Suspeitu na'in-tolu ho inisial JDX, JDCP no GDA ne'e, SIC no Servisu Informasaun Polisia (SIP) detein no halo apreensaun ba motor Mio Beat haat ne'ebe suspeitu uza la'o pasiar iha area Don Aleixo-Dili.", "Segundu Komandante PNTL, Superintendente Euclides Belo, deklara suspeitu-sira ne'e PNTL buka kleur ona, tanba parte vitima sira halo keixa mai polisia tanba sira-nia motor lakon.", "\"Operasaun ne'e PNTL Dili halo ba motor komunidade nian ne'ebe lakon konsege hetan iha area Don Aleixo-Dili nian.", "Suspeitu sira entrega ona ba parte investigasaun hodi halo prosesu identifikasaun,\" Euclides Belo hateten ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.", "Motor haat ne'ebe PNTL halo apreensaun hosi suspeitu sira ninia dokumentu la iha no parte PNTL sei halo identifikasaun ba motor hirak ne'e nia xapa matrikula no numeru serial body no makina.", "Superintendente Euclides Belo husu ba komunidade-sira ne'ebe motor lakon atu hakbesik ba parte PNTL lori ho dokumentu kompletu hodi PNTL halo identifikasaun no halo termu entrega ba motor na'in.", "Previous article2021, MEJD rekruta profesor 975 Next articleMEJD hapara hanorin lian materna iha eskola" ]
[ [ "PNTL detain three suspects \"wanting to ride\" motor | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa do Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Polisia Detainees Three Suspected Motor Riders Police Detents Two Suspicious Motorcycle Driving The One They Wanted To Drive" ], [ "Dili, December 10th (AFP) - The Police Command of the Municipality in collaboration with Criminal Investigation Service today arrested three suspects involved \"in an attempt to overthrow\" a motorbike belonging for some community members." ], [ "A motorcycle that the police seized from suspects." ], [ "The three suspects with the initial JDX,JDCP and GDA were arrested by SIC (Police Investigation Service) in cooperation to Serviço de Informação Policial. Four Mio Beat motorcycle that they allegedly used for their trafficking activities on Don Aleixo-Dili area was seized from them as well" ], [ "Second Police Commander, Superintendent Euclides Belo declared that the police had been searching for these suspectes since some of their motorcycle was lost." ], [ "\"The operation was carried out by the Dili Police for a community motorbike that had been lost and found in Don Aleixo-Dili area." ], [ "The suspects have been handed over to the investigative department for identification,\" said Euclides Belo at a press conference in PNTL Commando Caicoli." ], [ "The four motorcycles that the PNTL seized from suspected person have no documents and they will be identifies by their license plate, serial number of body & engine." ], [ "Superintendent Euclides Belo asked the communities who lost their motorbike to approach PNTL with complete documents so that they can identify and hand over them." ], [ "Previous article2018, MEJD recruta professor 975 Next ArticleMEJD suspende ensino de língua materna em escolas" ] ]
Haksesuk Bola | AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 Archives - Haksesuk Bola\nPosts Tagged /AAF Suzuki Cup 2018/\nKompania promete obra hotu no inagura 15.10.2018 maibe realidade rehabilitasaun lao nafatin\nDili. Rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili, loron tinan tolu (3) ona, implementa ho Orçamento Geral (OGE) 2016. Maibe ita hare realidade tó ona loron 15.10.2018, obra sei dauk remata, maske fulan ida kotuk kompania konstrusaun Marino Enterprise garante ba GMNTV katak, “ Tuir kompania ne´ebe halao obra Marino Enterprise haktuir katak,“ progresu rehabilitasaun atinji ona 80%\nThailandia ladun fó perioridade ba AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 tanba kompetisi ne´ebe laos official FIFA nian\nDili. Kompetisaun Futebol nivel selesaun ne´e organiza husi FIFA (Fedaeration Futball Asociation) no AFC (Asian Futball Asociation) ba Asia. Kompetisaun sira ne´ebe mak organiza husi FIFA no AFC kontribui ba rangkin Selesaun Nacional sira. Selesaun Nacional husi Thailandia ne´ebe sei kompete iha AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 ne´ebe hamutuk iha grupu B, hamutuk ho selesaun husi\nPN tenki fiskaliza Obra rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili\nMaske atrasu tinan 3, Marino Enterprise garante obra atinji ona 80%\nDili. Rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili, lori tinan 3, hahu obra fulan Novembro –Dezembro tinan 2016 (1). Husi adeptos bola ka le nain haksesukbola.com, fó kulpa ba SEJD no ADN, nudar nain ba projetu no kontrola qualidade projetu rasik. Hatan husi Sani Nain ka Le nain www.haksesukbola.com fó sala ka kulpa ba SEJD ho AND. Tuir observador\nKulpa SEJD ho ADN, Atrasu rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili\nDili. Tuir publikasaun Haksesukbola.com, edisaun Terça-feira (11/09/2018) konaba, “ Estadio Municipal Dili rehabilita lori tinan 3 (HB,11/09/2018)´´, (1). Iha publikasaun ne´e, Haksesukbola.com koloka kestaun hirak hanesan: “ Hein autoridade kompetente hanesan:01.SEJD nudar nain ba projetu no tutela desporto no futebol buka acelera.02.ADN nudar cerfika qualidade projetu ,atu tun ba direita hare projetu03.Publiku avalia konaba kinerja\nEstadio Municipal Dili rehabilita lori tinan 3\nDili. Iha fulan Novembru tinan 2016, Haksesuk Bola hahu hakerek konaba rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili. Tuir kobertura Haksesukbola.com, konstrusaun estadio ho realizasaun Kompetisaun daruak Liga Fuebol Amadora (LFA) 2016/17. Hakerek Haksesukbola.com,“rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili la progresso´´, (1). Kompania nasional Marino Enterpise mak manan tender, iha biban ne´eba Haksesukbola.com hakerek,“lorin fulan 6 mak hakotuk rehabilitasaun Estadiu\nDili. Timor-Leste hakat ba fase grupu AAF Suzuki cup 2018,hafoin iha jogu qualifikasaun lori vantajen liu Brunei, ho total «agregado» 3-2, “ “, (1). Selesaun Nacional Timor-Leste, sei ba tabik iha grupu B, nebe sei joga ho Selesaun Nacional sira husi Thailandia, Filipina,Indonesia no Singapura, (2). Buka aprende ho eru jogu husi iha torneio\nAAF Suzuki Cup 2018: Timor-Leste hakat ba fase grupu\nBandar Sri Begawan, Brunei. Jogu qualifikasaun AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, jogu daruak,ohin,sabadu,08.09.2018, iha Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, Bandar Seri Begawan, resultadu final Brunei 1-Timor-Leste 0. Timor-Leste hakat ba fase tuir mai tanba manan jogu dahuluk 3-1, hare ninia agregadu (2-3), Timor-Leste hakat ba fase tuir mai. Timor-Leste mosmanan taça qualifikasaun ba fase grupu AAF Suzuki\nEstadio Municipal Dili seidauk prontu simu kompetisaun\nDili. Tuir publikasaun HaksesukBola.com iha edisaun Quarta-feira (05/09/2018),“ Fase grupu AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, Timor-Leste jogu rua iha uma´´, (1). “Realizasaun jogu depende ba progresu husi konstrusaun Estadio Municipal Dili,sorin ida.Sorin seluk, depende mos ba facilidade infraestrutura ne´ebe tuir duni estandard AFC ho FIFA nian´´, defende Ivo Pinto,observador Bola ba Haksesukbola.com,iha nia knar fatin, Quinta-feira\nFase grupu AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, Timor-Leste jogu rua iha uma\nDili.Jogu qualifikasaun ba AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, iha jogu dahuluk (1º jogo) Timor-Leste empresta KLFA Stadium, Cheras, Malaysia, Sabadu,01.09.2018, Timor-Leste 3-Brunei 1. Jogu daruak (2º jogo) sei halao iha Brunei nia uma, iha Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, loron Sabadu, 08.09.2018 tuku 20:15,horas Brunei nian. Maske falta 90´minutus, Timor-Leste lori vantajen ho agregadu 3-1, basta empate
[ "Haksesuk Bola | AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 Archives - Haksesuk Bola Posts Tagged /AAF Suzuki Cup 2018/ Kompania promete obra hotu no inagura 15.10.2018 maibe realidade rehabilitasaun lao nafatin Dili.", "Rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili, loron tinan tolu (3) ona, implementa ho Orcamento Geral (OGE) 2016.", "Maibe ita hare realidade to ona loron 15.10.2018, obra sei dauk remata, maske fulan ida kotuk kompania konstrusaun Marino Enterprise garante ba GMNTV katak, \" Tuir kompania ne'ebe halao obra Marino Enterprise haktuir katak,\" progresu rehabilitasaun atinji ona 80% Thailandia ladun fo perioridade ba AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 tanba kompetisi ne'ebe laos official FIFA nian Dili.", "Kompetisaun Futebol nivel selesaun ne'e organiza husi FIFA (Fedaeration Futball Asociation) no AFC (Asian Futball Asociation) ba Asia.", "Kompetisaun sira ne'ebe mak organiza husi FIFA no AFC kontribui ba rangkin Selesaun Nacional sira.", "Selesaun Nacional husi Thailandia ne'ebe sei kompete iha AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 ne'ebe hamutuk iha grupu B, hamutuk ho selesaun husi PN tenki fiskaliza Obra rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili Maske atrasu tinan 3, Marino Enterprise garante obra atinji ona 80% Dili.", "Rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili, lori tinan 3, hahu obra fulan Novembro -Dezembro tinan 2016 (1).", "Husi adeptos bola ka le nain haksesukbola.com, fo kulpa ba SEJD no ADN, nudar nain ba projetu no kontrola qualidade projetu rasik.", "Hatan husi Sani Nain ka Le nain www.haksesukbola.com fo sala ka kulpa ba SEJD ho AND.", "Tuir observador Kulpa SEJD ho ADN, Atrasu rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili Dili.", "Tuir publikasaun Haksesukbola.com, edisaun Terca-feira (11/09/2018) konaba, \" Estadio Municipal Dili rehabilita lori tinan 3 (HB,11/09/2018) ,\" (1).", "Iha publikasaun ne'e, Haksesukbola.com koloka kestaun hirak hanesan: \" Hein autoridade kompetente hanesan:01.SEJD nudar nain ba projetu no tutela desporto no futebol buka acelera.02.ADN nudar cerfika qualidade projetu ,atu tun ba direita hare projetu03.Publiku avalia konaba kinerja Estadio Municipal Dili rehabilita lori tinan 3 Dili.", "Iha fulan Novembru tinan 2016, Haksesuk Bola hahu hakerek konaba rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili.", "Tuir kobertura Haksesukbola.com, konstrusaun estadio ho realizasaun Kompetisaun daruak Liga Fuebol Amadora (LFA) 2016/17.", "Hakerek Haksesukbola.com,\"rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili la progresso,\" (1).", "Kompania nasional Marino Enterpise mak manan tender, iha biban ne'eba Haksesukbola.com hakerek,\"lorin fulan 6 mak hakotuk rehabilitasaun Estadiu Dili.", "Timor-Leste hakat ba fase grupu AAF Suzuki cup 2018,hafoin iha jogu qualifikasaun lori vantajen liu Brunei, ho total \"agregado\" 3-2, \" ,\" (1).", "Selesaun Nacional Timor-Leste, sei ba tabik iha grupu B, nebe sei joga ho Selesaun Nacional sira husi Thailandia, Filipina,Indonesia no Singapura, (2).", "Buka aprende ho eru jogu husi iha torneio AAF Suzuki Cup 2018: Timor-Leste hakat ba fase grupu Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei.", "Jogu qualifikasaun AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, jogu daruak,ohin,sabadu,08.09.2018, iha Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, Bandar Seri Begawan, resultadu final Brunei 1-Timor-Leste 0.", "Timor-Leste hakat ba fase tuir mai tanba manan jogu dahuluk 3-1, hare ninia agregadu (2-3), Timor-Leste hakat ba fase tuir mai.", "Timor-Leste mosmanan taca qualifikasaun ba fase grupu AAF Suzuki Estadio Municipal Dili seidauk prontu simu kompetisaun Dili.", "Tuir publikasaun HaksesukBola.com iha edisaun Quarta-feira (05/09/2018),\" Fase grupu AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, Timor-Leste jogu rua iha uma,\" (1).", "\"Realizasaun jogu depende ba progresu husi konstrusaun Estadio Municipal Dili,sorin ida.Sorin seluk, depende mos ba facilidade infraestrutura ne'ebe tuir duni estandard AFC ho FIFA nian,\" defende Ivo Pinto,observador Bola ba Haksesukbola.com,iha nia knar fatin, Quinta-feira Fase grupu AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, Timor-Leste jogu rua iha uma Dili.Jogu qualifikasaun ba AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, iha jogu dahuluk (1o jogo) Timor-Leste empresta KLFA Stadium, Cheras, Malaysia, Sabadu,01.09.2018, Timor-Leste 3-Brunei 1.", "Jogu daruak (2o jogo) sei halao iha Brunei nia uma, iha Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, loron Sabadu, 08.09.2018 tuku 20:15,horas Brunei nian.", "Maske falta 90'minutus, Timor-Leste lori vantajen ho agregadu 3-1, basta empate" ]
[ [ "Haksesuk Bola | AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 Archives - hakkesuksbola.com Posts Tagged /aaf suzuki cup/ The company promised to complete the work and inaugurate on October, but in reality rehabilitation is still going forward Dili" ], [ "The rehabilitation of the Dili Municipal Stadium, which has been underway for three (3) years now is being implemented with General Budget 2016." ], [ "But we see the reality that on October 15,2038 work will not be completed although one month ago construction company Marino Enterprise assures GMNTV: \"According to project manager Marine enterprise said progress of rehabilitation has already reached an average rate in Thailand is no priority for AAF Suzuki Cup because competition which wasn't official FIFA Dili." ], [ "It is an international football competition organized by FIFA (Federation of International Football Associations) and AFC for Asia." ], [ "The competitions organized by FIFA and AFC contribute to the National Team ranking." ], [ "The National Team of Thailand that will compete in the AAF Suzuki Cup 2018, which are together on group B with a selection from PN must supervise work rehabilitation Estadio Municipal Dili Despite being delayed by three years Marino Enterprise guarantees works have reached already attained to an estimated level." ], [ "Rehabilitation of the Dili Municipal Stadium, 3rd year in progress. Work started November - December (1)" ], [ "The football fans and owners of haksesukbola.com blame SEJD, as the owner for this project that controls its own quality; but also DNA because they are responsible to ensure it is a good one!" ], [ "In response to a comment by the owner of www.haksesukbola, SEJD and AND were blamed or guilty for this incident?" ], [ "According to the observer, SEJD is guilty of ADN and delays in rehabilitating Estadio Municipal Dili." ], [ "According to the publication Haksesukbola.com, edition Tuesday (09/12) on \"Estadio Municipal Dili rehabilita lori tinan 3\" [Dili municipal stadium is being renovated for three years](HB-Headlines)." ], [ "In the publication, Haksesukbola.com puts issues such as: \"I want competent authorities like 01 SEJD being owner of project and guardian sports football to accelerate it;2 DNA is a quality certificate for projects but turn right looking at them3 Public evaluate on performance Estadio Municipal Dili rehabilitated over three years in Dili.\"" ], [ "In November 2016, Haksesuk Bola began writing about the rehabilitation of Estadio Municipal Dili." ], [ "According to Haksesukbola.com coverage, the stadium construction and holding of Second Competition Liga Fuebol Amadora (LFA) in autumn will be completed by mid-2017 or early next year" ], [ "Hakerek Haksesukbola.com,\"rehabilitasaun Estadio Municipal Dili la progresso\", (1)." ], [ "The national company Marino Enterprises won the tender, in which Haksesukbola.com wrote: \"In 6 months will finish rehabilitation of Dili Stadium.\"" ], [ "Timor-Leste advanced to the 2018 AAF Suzuki Cup group stage after a qualifying match that took an overwhelming victory against Brunei, with total \"aggregate\" scores of (3)–“(4),”-(5)." ], [ "The East Timor National Team will be in Group B, which includes the national teams of Thailand (2), Philippines(3) and Singapore." ], [ "Look to learn from the experience of playing in AAF Suzuki Cup 2018: Timor-Leste advances into group stage Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei." ], [ "AAF Suzuki Cup 2018 qualifying match, second game today Saturday September the9th at Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium in Bandar Seri Begawan. Brunei won by a final score of (Brunei-East Timor)." ], [ "Timor-Leste advanced to the next round after winning their first match by a score of (3–1), but with an overall record, which is now at home drawn out in favour." ], [ "Timor-Leste has now qualified for the group stage of AAF Suzuki Estadio Municipal Dili is not yet ready to host competitions." ], [ "According to the publication of HaksesukBola.com in its Wednesday edition (05/29, 18), \"Group stage AAF Suzuki Cup: Timor-Leste play two games at home\"(3)." ], [ "On the other hand, it also depends on infrastructure facilities that are in line with AFC and FIFA standard\", says Ivo Pinto (Football observer for Haksesukbola.com), at his workplace Thursday Group stage of 2018 Suzuki Cup: Timor-Leste play two games home to Dili Qualifying game -AAF Suzuki cup – In first match(match one)Timor Leste borrow KLFA Stadium from Cheras Malaysia Saturday September The second qualification round will be played between Indonesia vs Brunei Darussalam which is scheduled as a semi final against Thailand next week Friday October" ], [ "The second match (match 2) will be played at Brunei’s home ground, Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium on Saturday September.08th in the evening of Septuary15 and is scheduled to start from about9:47pmBrunei time(UTC+3)." ], [ "Despite the remaining 90' minutes, Timor-Leste took advantage with an overall score of (3:1) and only needed to draw." ] ]
Xanana Nia Lian “TATOLI” (XI) | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Xanana Nia Lian “TATOLI” (XI)\nDILI, 2 setembru 2019 (TATOLI)—Kalan ne’e duni, ha’u rona husi rádiu katak Militares Indonézia sira kaer tiha ona Lider Movimentu Irian Jaya… ha’u nunka bele mehi katak, iha tinan 1992, ha’u bele hamutuk ho nia iha Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang (LP Cipinang) ka Prizaun Cipinang, Jakarta, Indonézia.\nIha ámbitu komemorasaun Loron Konsulta Populár ba dala-20 iha Covalima, Suai, Prezidente Komisaun Organizadora, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, sita liafuan refere hodi hato’o ninia lia-tatoli ba povu Covalima tomak.\nKatak, antes nia [Xanana] rona rádiu iha kalan ne’ebá, iha dadersan ne’e tanba nia ho nia membru sira la’o husi Ponta-Leste atu ba Zumalai enfrenta kabun hamlaha-boot, sira konsege foti-na’uk populasaun nia ai-farina sira be kuda iha to’os laran hodi kalsu netik sira nia kabun be mamuk hela, maibé sorte laek tanba ema na’in kaer-toman sira. Husi timoroan sira kaer-toman malu, husi ne’e hatudu duni katak timoroan hotu-hotu partisipa iha FUNU.\n“Oan sira, ami hatene imi mai husi dook, agora ita kombina, imi presiza ba de’it uma-to’os lori mak batar fulin ne’ebé ami rai hela iha ne’eba, maibé kuidadu labele halo ain-fatin, no sama arbiru de’it,” dehan Prezidente Komisaun Organizadora ba Komemorasaun Loron Konsulta Populár ba dala-20, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hodi haktuir ka hasara tuir katuas ida ko’alia ba sira.\nAtu hatene istória FUNU no LUTA ida ne’e nian, Ajénsia TATOLI fó sai hikas Xanana ninia lia-TATOLI ba komemorasaun Loron Konsulta Populár ba dala-20 ho ninia lian “TATOLI”=Tama To’o Lidun sira be subar iha jerasaun foun sira nia fuan atu refleta no aprende ba memória pasadu.\nIha loron hirak ne’e, ita sei hamutuk selebra loron boot ida iha ne’ebé, tinan ruanulu (20) liu ba, povu tomak mak hamriik, determinadu tebes atu ba tú iha urnas, hodi hadau tiha ita-nia rain husi invazores no okupantes sira.\nDepois de fulan Abril tinan 1974, timoroan sira organiza-aan tuir sira-nia hanoin ba futuru Timor Lorosa’e nian, hodi nune’e polítika mak la’o makaas iha ita-nia rai-laran. Kontradisoens iha ideolojias halo partidus sira komesa soran malu, no UDT halo golpe iha Dili.\nDepois de konflitu armada ne’e, inimigu komesa tama iha fronteira no okupa tiha Atabae, nune’e FRETILIN halo proklamasaun unilateral ba independénsia, hodi hamosu RDTL iha 28 de Novembru tinan 1975.\nIha dadersan loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan ne’e duni, Dili hadeer ko hakfodak tanba avioens Indonéziu semo hale’u sidade hodi soe parakedistas.\nHusi tempu ne’eba, iha fatin hotu-hotu hala’o hela rezisténsia, maibé tuir de’it komandante sira ida-idak ninia inisiativa. Iha ona fulan Maiu tinan 1976, mak akontese reuniaun iha Soibada hofi organiza Estrutura Rezisténsia no Luta Armada nian, tuir Setóres militares no Komisariadus Politikus. Nune’e, Caovalima (Sauai), hamutuk ho Bobonaro, halo parte ba Setór Sentru Sul.\nIha fulan Maiu, tinan 1977, depois de reuniaun Comité Central Fretilin (CCF), iha Laline, mosu problemas iha nível nasionál, ne’ebé hada’et ba rai-laran tomak. Peoblemas sira ne’e mak halo mós Komandante di’ak tebes ida, Espirito Santo, mós ita oho tiha no seluk tan sai dadur.\nIha tempu ne’ebá mós, inimigu hahú kedas ona ninia Operasoens Serku no Anikilamentu ba Bazes dr Apoiu, iha ne’ebé ezije ba populasaun no forsas hakiduk no halo movimentu makaas hodi mate hamlaha, moras nomós, ho deskontrolu boot, ema barak mate tanba inimigu oho. Inimigu hahú sobu husi Setór Fronteira Sul, hakat ba Fronteira Norte, hodi ba toó iha Ponta-Leste.\nSetóres hotu-hotu naksobu tutuir malu, ho situasaun defisil ne’e hotu mak halo populasaun tomak, iha nível nasionál rende ka ema kaptura hotu. Populasaun ema kaer hotu, forsas mós rende, nune’e mós kuadrus politikus no militares, balun mate balun rende. Inimigu bele hetan kontrolu totál ba vilas tomak.\nIha 1980, husi Ponta Leste, ha’u ho kompañia ida, ne’ebé hanaran Destakamentu Ligasaun Nasionál, ami esforsa-aan ba to’o Sentru no Fronteira, hodi buka tuir kuadrus no forsas ne’ebé namkari. To’o duni Remexio, naibé la konsege hakat liu ba Fronteira Norte, tanba inimigu, ne’ebé buka tuir sira ne’ebé halo operasaun iha Dare no Marabia, mak tahan tiha, hodi fila ba Sentru no esforsa-aan nafatin hodi to’o duni Ainaro.\nIha ona 1988, husi Ponta-Leste ha’u hakat liu mai Ainaro, hodi sa’e Foho Ramelau no tun fali husi Zumalai nia leten. Ha’u-nia grupu, la liu gerrileiru sanulu (10), hamlaha ona no ami tama to’os ida, hodi fokit aifarina ruma hodi tein. Liu tiha loron ida, populasaun mane na’in tolu mosu iha ami-nia fatin, hodi si’ak ami ba husik hela sinais iha sira-nia to’os laran, hodi HANSIP sira haree karik bele baku no dadur sira. Ami hotu hakfodak ho moe uituan.\nKatuas ida dehan nune’e, “Oan sira, ami hatene imi mai husi dook, agora ita kombina, imi presiza ba de’it uma-to’os lori mak batar fulin ne’ebé ami rai hela iha ne’eba, maibé kuidadu labele halo ain-fatin, no sama arbiru de’it.” Ami hakuak malu no hametin duni konviksaun povu nian katak ema hotu-hotu partisipa iha funu.\nKalan ne’e duni, ha’u rona husi rádiu katak Militares Indonézia sira kaer tiha ona Lider Movimentu Irian Jaya… ha’u nunka bele mehi katak, iha tinan 1992, ha’u bele hamutuk ho nia iha Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang (LP Cipinang), Jakarta, Indonézia.\nOhin, iha Covalima-Suai, ita halo selebrasoens ba Konsulta Populár, ne’ebé hahú husi Munisípiu iha Leste (Lautem), iha loron 31 fulan Jullu 2019, ho hanoin katak povu tomak bele haksolok no halo reflesaun ba eventu boot ne’e!\nHa’u hakruuk ba Rai-lulik no Matebian sira hotu, la haluha ita-nia Eroi sira hotu, ne’ebé ha’u labele temi ida por ida, husi Kuadrus Militares no polítiku no mós kombatentes Falintil Aaswa’in nian nomós populasaun hotu ne’ebé mate iha funu laran, imi rasik, maluk sira, labele haluha.\nPrevious articlePNTL La Rejista Kazu Krime Durante Festa Konsulta Populár\nNext articleTL-RI Sei Asina MoU Hodi Atende Dezastre iha Liña Fronteira
[ "Xanana Nia Lian \"TATOLI\" (XI) | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Xanana Nia Lian \"TATOLI\" (XI) DILI, 2 setembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Kalan ne'e duni, ha'u rona husi radiu katak Militares Indonezia sira kaer tiha ona Lider Movimentu Irian Jaya... ha'u nunka bele mehi katak, iha tinan 1992, ha'u bele hamutuk ho nia iha Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang (LP Cipinang) ka Prizaun Cipinang, Jakarta, Indonezia.", "Iha ambitu komemorasaun Loron Konsulta Popular ba dala-20 iha Covalima, Suai, Prezidente Komisaun Organizadora, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, sita liafuan refere hodi hato'o ninia lia-tatoli ba povu Covalima tomak.", "Katak, antes nia [Xanana] rona radiu iha kalan ne'eba, iha dadersan ne'e tanba nia ho nia membru sira la'o husi Ponta-Leste atu ba Zumalai enfrenta kabun hamlaha-boot, sira konsege foti-na'uk populasaun nia ai-farina sira be kuda iha to'os laran hodi kalsu netik sira nia kabun be mamuk hela, maibe sorte laek tanba ema na'in kaer-toman sira.", "Husi timoroan sira kaer-toman malu, husi ne'e hatudu duni katak timoroan hotu-hotu partisipa iha FUNU.", "\"Oan sira, ami hatene imi mai husi dook, agora ita kombina, imi presiza ba de'it uma-to'os lori mak batar fulin ne'ebe ami rai hela iha ne'eba, maibe kuidadu labele halo ain-fatin, no sama arbiru de'it,\" dehan Prezidente Komisaun Organizadora ba Komemorasaun Loron Konsulta Popular ba dala-20, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hodi haktuir ka hasara tuir katuas ida ko'alia ba sira.", "Atu hatene istoria FUNU no LUTA ida ne'e nian, Ajensia TATOLI fo sai hikas Xanana ninia lia-TATOLI ba komemorasaun Loron Konsulta Popular ba dala-20 ho ninia lian \"TATOLI\"=Tama To'o Lidun sira be subar iha jerasaun foun sira nia fuan atu refleta no aprende ba memoria pasadu.", "Iha loron hirak ne'e, ita sei hamutuk selebra loron boot ida iha ne'ebe, tinan ruanulu (20) liu ba, povu tomak mak hamriik, determinadu tebes atu ba tu iha urnas, hodi hadau tiha ita-nia rain husi invazores no okupantes sira.", "Depois de fulan Abril tinan 1974, timoroan sira organiza-aan tuir sira-nia hanoin ba futuru Timor Lorosa'e nian, hodi nune'e politika mak la'o makaas iha ita-nia rai-laran.", "Kontradisoens iha ideolojias halo partidus sira komesa soran malu, no UDT halo golpe iha Dili.", "Depois de konflitu armada ne'e, inimigu komesa tama iha fronteira no okupa tiha Atabae, nune'e FRETILIN halo proklamasaun unilateral ba independensia, hodi hamosu RDTL iha 28 de Novembru tinan 1975.", "Iha dadersan loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan ne'e duni, Dili hadeer ko hakfodak tanba avioens Indoneziu semo hale'u sidade hodi soe parakedistas.", "Husi tempu ne'eba, iha fatin hotu-hotu hala'o hela rezistensia, maibe tuir de'it komandante sira ida-idak ninia inisiativa.", "Iha ona fulan Maiu tinan 1976, mak akontese reuniaun iha Soibada hofi organiza Estrutura Rezistensia no Luta Armada nian, tuir Setores militares no Komisariadus Politikus.", "Nune'e, Caovalima (Sauai), hamutuk ho Bobonaro, halo parte ba Setor Sentru Sul.", "Iha fulan Maiu, tinan 1977, depois de reuniaun Comite Central Fretilin (CCF), iha Laline, mosu problemas iha nivel nasional, ne'ebe hada'et ba rai-laran tomak.", "Peoblemas sira ne'e mak halo mos Komandante di'ak tebes ida, Espirito Santo, mos ita oho tiha no seluk tan sai dadur.", "Iha tempu ne'eba mos, inimigu hahu kedas ona ninia Operasoens Serku no Anikilamentu ba Bazes dr Apoiu, iha ne'ebe ezije ba populasaun no forsas hakiduk no halo movimentu makaas hodi mate hamlaha, moras nomos, ho deskontrolu boot, ema barak mate tanba inimigu oho.", "Inimigu hahu sobu husi Setor Fronteira Sul, hakat ba Fronteira Norte, hodi ba too iha Ponta-Leste.", "Setores hotu-hotu naksobu tutuir malu, ho situasaun defisil ne'e hotu mak halo populasaun tomak, iha nivel nasional rende ka ema kaptura hotu.", "Populasaun ema kaer hotu, forsas mos rende, nune'e mos kuadrus politikus no militares, balun mate balun rende.", "Inimigu bele hetan kontrolu total ba vilas tomak.", "Iha 1980, husi Ponta Leste, ha'u ho kompania ida, ne'ebe hanaran Destakamentu Ligasaun Nasional, ami esforsa-aan ba to'o Sentru no Fronteira, hodi buka tuir kuadrus no forsas ne'ebe namkari.", "To'o duni Remexio, naibe la konsege hakat liu ba Fronteira Norte, tanba inimigu, ne'ebe buka tuir sira ne'ebe halo operasaun iha Dare no Marabia, mak tahan tiha, hodi fila ba Sentru no esforsa-aan nafatin hodi to'o duni Ainaro.", "Iha ona 1988, husi Ponta-Leste ha'u hakat liu mai Ainaro, hodi sa'e Foho Ramelau no tun fali husi Zumalai nia leten.", "Ha'u-nia grupu, la liu gerrileiru sanulu (10), hamlaha ona no ami tama to'os ida, hodi fokit aifarina ruma hodi tein.", "Liu tiha loron ida, populasaun mane na'in tolu mosu iha ami-nia fatin, hodi si'ak ami ba husik hela sinais iha sira-nia to'os laran, hodi HANSIP sira haree karik bele baku no dadur sira.", "Ami hotu hakfodak ho moe uituan.", "Katuas ida dehan nune'e, \"Oan sira, ami hatene imi mai husi dook, agora ita kombina, imi presiza ba de'it uma-to'os lori mak batar fulin ne'ebe ami rai hela iha ne'eba, maibe kuidadu labele halo ain-fatin, no sama arbiru de'it.\"", "Ami hakuak malu no hametin duni konviksaun povu nian katak ema hotu-hotu partisipa iha funu.", "Kalan ne'e duni, ha'u rona husi radiu katak Militares Indonezia sira kaer tiha ona Lider Movimentu Irian Jaya... ha'u nunka bele mehi katak, iha tinan 1992, ha'u bele hamutuk ho nia iha Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang (LP Cipinang), Jakarta, Indonezia.", "Ohin, iha Covalima-Suai, ita halo selebrasoens ba Konsulta Popular, ne'ebe hahu husi Munisipiu iha Leste (Lautem), iha loron 31 fulan Jullu 2019, ho hanoin katak povu tomak bele haksolok no halo reflesaun ba eventu boot ne'e!", "Ha'u hakruuk ba Rai-lulik no Matebian sira hotu, la haluha ita-nia Eroi sira hotu, ne'ebe ha'u labele temi ida por ida, husi Kuadrus Militares no politiku no mos kombatentes Falintil Aaswa'in nian nomos populasaun hotu ne'ebe mate iha funu laran, imi rasik, maluk sira, labele haluha.", "Previous articlePNTL La Rejista Kazu Krime Durante Festa Konsulta Popular Next articleTL-RI Sei Asina MoU Hodi Atende Dezastre iha Lina Fronteira" ]
[ [ "Xanana Nia Lian \"TATOLI\" (XI) Dili, September 2019 - Today I heard from the radio that Indonesian military had captured a leader of an independent movement called Movimentu irian Jaya...I could never have wished to be together with him in Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang or Prision at Jakarta. In fact it was not until later on this month when he returned home after being imprisoning for over two years and then released by Indonesia's authorities...." ], [ "Within the framework of commemoration for 20th People's Consultation Day in Covalima, Suai. The President and Chairwoman (Presidente e Presidente da Comissão Organizadora), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao cited these words to convey his message towards all people from Cova Lima" ], [ "In other words, before he [Xanana] heard the radio that night on Sunday because his members were walking from Ponta Leste to Zumalai facing a huge hunger in their fields they managed and took all of people' s flour plants grown inside forest for calf meat. But luck was good with them as somebody carried it out there!" ], [ "The fact that the people of Timor-Leste were caring for each other showed clearly how all those who participated in UNEF did so." ], [ "\"Children, we know you come from far away; now let's combine. You only need to go into the house-toothes and bring batar fulin that is where our land lies but be careful not for ain fatin or just as much arbiru.\" said Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao President of Organizing Committee on Commemoration Day Popular Consultation at twentieth time while explained what happened according an elder who talked with them" ], [ "In order to know the history of FUNU and this LUTA, Agência TATOLI gives out Xanana's short speech on commemoration for Popular Consulta Day at its twentieth anniversary with his words \"Atividade\"=Tama To’o Lidun that rise up in new generation heart so they can reflect upon past memories." ], [ "In these days, we will celebrate together a great day on which 20 years ago the whole people came out of their hiding places with strong determination to go and vote for our freedom from invaders or occupiers." ], [ "After April 1974, the people of Timor-Leste organized themselves according to their ideas for a better future in East Тимор so that politics could be carried out on our land." ], [ "Contradictions in ideologies led the parties to start fighting each other, and UDT carried out a coup d'état." ], [ "After this armed conflict, the enemy began to enter into border and occupied Atabae so that FRETILIN made a unilateral declaration of independence which created RDTL on 28 November." ], [ "On 7 December that year, Dili was in a state of havoc because Indonesian planes bombarded the city to kill paratroopers." ], [ "Since then, resistance has been carried out everywhere but only on the initiative of each commander." ], [ "As early as May 1976, a meeting was held in Soibada to organize the Structure of Resistance and Armed Fighting (SCAR), accordingly Military Sectors & Political Commissariats." ], [ "Thus, Caovalima (Sauai), together with Bobonaro are part of the South Central Sector." ], [ "In May 1976, after a meeting of the Fretilin Central Committee (CCF) in Laline there were problems at national level which spread to all parts." ], [ "These peoples also made a very good Commander, Espirito Santo. We killed him and the others went to jail for it too!" ], [ "At that time, the enemy had already begun its Operations of Siege and Destruction to Support Base. This required population as well As forces from moving rapidly To die out starvation And disease With great uncontrolled many people died because they were attacked by The Enemy'S troops During this period" ], [ "The enemy began to destroy from the South Frontier Sector, headed towards North Fronteira and then reached Ponta Leste." ], [ "All sectors were in a state of uncertainty, and the difficult situation led to an entire population surrendering or being captured at national level." ], [ "The population carried away all the people, forces surrendered and so did political cadres in military." ], [ "The enemy can gain total control of the entire village." ], [ "In 1980, from Ponta Leste I and a company called Destacamento Ligação Nacional (National Linking Detachment) made an effort to the center of Brazil in search for cadres or forces that had escaped." ], [ "When they reached Remexio, neither of them was able to reach the northern border because enemy troops who were pursuing those operating in Dare and Marabia stopped their progress. They returned back into central Spain but made every effort possible for reaching Ainaro as well" ], [ "In 1987, from Ponta-Leste I went to Ainaro and climbed Foho Ramelau before going down the Zumalai." ], [ "My group, not more than ten guerrillas were starving and we went into a forest to get some flour for cooking." ], [ "One day later, three male residents appeared in our place and told us to leave signage on their forest so that the HANSIP could see if they might beat or kill them." ], [ "Ami hotu hakfodak ho moe uituan." ], [ "One of the elders said, \"Children we know you come from far away; now let us combine: You only need to go out into a wood and bring back some batter that is in our field. But be careful not breaking it down but just cutting off.\"" ], [ "We supported each other and strengthened the people's conviction that everyone participated in war." ], [ "That very day, I heard on the radio that Indonesian military had captured Leader of Movement for Indonesia...I could never have wished to be with him in 1982 at Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang (LP CIPINANG), Jakarta." ], [ "Today, in Covalima-Suai we are celebrating the Popular Consultation that started from Municipality of Leste (Lautem), on July 31st. We hope all people can rejoice and reflect upon this great event!" ], [ "I bow down to all those who fought and died, not forgetting our Heroes whom we cannot mention one by One from the Military Squadrons or political figure of Falintil Aaswa'i as well a whole population that lost their lives in war. You yourselves comrades do NOT FORGET!" ], [ "Previous articlePNTL Does Not Register Crime Case During Festa Konsulta Popular Next artikelTL-RI Will Sign MoU To Address Disaster In Border Line" ] ]
PM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma - Opini Timor\n» PM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma\nPM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma\nWritten By Timor News Online on 11/18/2014 | 7:44 PM\nParlamentu Nasional (PN), konsidera prezensa Primeiru Ministru (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, nian iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) ne’e la liu husi prosesu formal.\nAsaun ne’ebé mak PM Xanana Gusmão halo ne’e hodi responde ba ejijensia husi movimentu grupu estudante sira halo\niha komemorasaun loron masakre Santa Cruz 12 Novembro nian foin lalais ne’e katak membru Governu sira mesak koruptor.\n“Ne’e resposta ne’ebé maka maun boot (Xanana-red) halo relasiona ho asaun ne’ebé maka halo iha 12 Novembro husi movimentu grupo estudante sira ne’ebé halo asaun de protesta iha ne’eba ne’e maka maun boot halo reasaun ida ne’e maibe ne’e la liu husi prosesu formal,”hateten Deputadu, Virgilio da Costa Hornai, ba jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Tersa (18/11).\nTuir deputadu husi bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD) ne’e katak, regras normal maka membru orgaun soberania ruma hetan akuzasaun, primeiru presiza iha karta notifikasaun husi Tribunal ba PN depois PN halo agendamentu, diskuti para hasai imunidade nune’e membru orgaun soberania ne’e bele sai hanesan sidadaun bai-bain iha lei nia oin.\nMaibe ho inisiativa Primeiru Ministru nian ne’e hanesan voluntariamnete hodi hatan kona ba informasaun ne’e iha katak Governu hasai osan apoiu ba Guine-Bissau ne’e iha mal uzus, tamba ne’e ho voluntariamente PM Xanana ba TDD aprezenta faktus.\n“Iha informasaun katak Governu hasai osan apoia ba Guine-Bissau ne’e maka iha indikasaun ba mal uzus ne’e maka ne’e tia ne’e. maibe formalmente la’os hanesan ne’e tenki iha notifikasaun husi Tribunal mai iha Parlamentu,”dehan nia.\nPrezensa PM Xanana nian iha TDD ne’e hanesan espontania deit hodi fo resposta ba informasaun ne’e maibe Tribunal sira labele simu PM Xanana atu presta deklarasaun ruma ofisialmente tamba prosesu ne’e seidauk la’o.\nNune’e mós deputadu husi bankada partidu\nFrente Revolusionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Antoninho Bianco, hateten baibain membru orgaun soberania sira atu ba hatan iha Tribunal, Parlamentu Nasional tenki hasai nia imunidade.\n“Baibain membru Governu ida atu ba ne’e Tribunal haruka surat (karta-red) mai iha ne’e, mas ami Parlamentu seidauk hetan surat ida husi Tribunal, keta halo ba vizita karik,”dehan Antoninho Bianco.dgx
[ "PM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma - Opini Timor \" PM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma PM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma Written By Timor News Online on 11/18/2014 | 7:44 PM Parlamentu Nasional (PN), konsidera prezensa Primeiru Ministru (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, nian iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) ne'e la liu husi prosesu formal.", "Asaun ne'ebe mak PM Xanana Gusmao halo ne'e hodi responde ba ejijensia husi movimentu grupu estudante sira halo iha komemorasaun loron masakre Santa Cruz 12 Novembro nian foin lalais ne'e katak membru Governu sira mesak koruptor.", "\"Ne'e resposta ne'ebe maka maun boot (Xanana-red) halo relasiona ho asaun ne'ebe maka halo iha 12 Novembro husi movimentu grupo estudante sira ne'ebe halo asaun de protesta iha ne'eba ne'e maka maun boot halo reasaun ida ne'e maibe ne'e la liu husi prosesu formal,\"hateten Deputadu, Virgilio da Costa Hornai, ba jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Tersa (18/11).", "Tuir deputadu husi bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD) ne'e katak, regras normal maka membru orgaun soberania ruma hetan akuzasaun, primeiru presiza iha karta notifikasaun husi Tribunal ba PN depois PN halo agendamentu, diskuti para hasai imunidade nune'e membru orgaun soberania ne'e bele sai hanesan sidadaun bai-bain iha lei nia oin.", "Maibe ho inisiativa Primeiru Ministru nian ne'e hanesan voluntariamnete hodi hatan kona ba informasaun ne'e iha katak Governu hasai osan apoiu ba Guine-Bissau ne'e iha mal uzus, tamba ne'e ho voluntariamente PM Xanana ba TDD aprezenta faktus.", "\"Iha informasaun katak Governu hasai osan apoia ba Guine-Bissau ne'e maka iha indikasaun ba mal uzus ne'e maka ne'e tia ne'e. maibe formalmente la'os hanesan ne'e tenki iha notifikasaun husi Tribunal mai iha Parlamentu,\"dehan nia.", "Prezensa PM Xanana nian iha TDD ne'e hanesan espontania deit hodi fo resposta ba informasaun ne'e maibe Tribunal sira labele simu PM Xanana atu presta deklarasaun ruma ofisialmente tamba prosesu ne'e seidauk la'o.", "Nune'e mos deputadu husi bankada partidu Frente Revolusionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Antoninho Bianco, hateten baibain membru orgaun soberania sira atu ba hatan iha Tribunal, Parlamentu Nasional tenki hasai nia imunidade.", "\"Baibain membru Governu ida atu ba ne'e Tribunal haruka surat (karta-red) mai iha ne'e, mas ami Parlamentu seidauk hetan surat ida husi Tribunal, keta halo ba vizita karik,\"dehan Antoninho Bianco.dgx" ]
[ [ "PM Xanana Ba TDD La Liu Husi Prosesu Forma - Opini Timor \" Prime Minister Jose Ramos Horta's Appearance At Dili District Court Is Not Beyond Formal Procedure. Written By TIMOR News Online on 10/24 /3:56 AM The National Parliament (PN), considering the presences of prime minister Kay Rala Gusmão at Tribunal Distritale de Díli, is not beyond formal procedure.\"" ], [ "PM Xanana Gusmao's action is in response to the demand of a student group movement at recent commemoration on November 12th, Santa Cruz massacre that members from government are corrupt." ], [ "\"This is the response that brother (Xanana-red) made in relation to action taken on November 12 by a movement of student groups who took protest actions there. Brother reacted this way but it was not through formal process,\" said MP Virgilio da Costa Hornai for journalists at Parliament House Tuesday(Nov)." ], [ "According to the deputy from Democratic Party (PD) that, normal rules when a member of sovereign organ is charged first requires letter notification by Court for Parliament after PN makes an appointment discusses lifting immunity so this Member can become as citizen before law." ], [ "But with the Prime Minister's initiative this is a voluntary response to information that Government spent money for Guinea-Bissau assistance in misuse, therefore PM Xanana voluntarily presented fact at TDD." ], [ "\"There is information that the Government has taken money from aid to Guinea-Bissau and there are indications of misuse, but formally it's not so. There should be notification by Tribunal in Parliament\", he said .\"" ], [ "PM Xanana's presence at the TDD was only spontaneous in order to give a response on this information, but court cannot accept any official statement from Prime Minister Xanana because that process is not yet underway." ], [ "Similarly, Antoninho Bianco of the Frente Revolucionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) party said that if a sovereign body's member is to appear in court he or she must have his/her immunity lifted by Parliament." ], [ "\"A member of the Government is going to go there, but we haven't received a letter (red card) from this Tribunal yet. We will not make any visits if necessary\", said Antoninho Bianco dgx" ] ]
Governu prevee orsamentu akizisaun materiál eleitorál besik millaun $2 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Governu prevee orsamentu akizisaun materiál eleitorál besik millaun $2\nDILI, 18 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, informa Governu prevee orasamentu akizisaun ba materiál eleitorál besik millaun $2.\n“Ita-nia osan ne’ebé mak Governu prevee ba akizisaun ba materiál eleitorál ninian mak besik millaun $2,” Acilino Manuel Branco hateten ba Agéncia TATOLI, iha Novu Turizmu, Lecidere, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nAkizasaun ba materiál eleitorál nian ne’e, tarde liu mak iha fulan-setembru ka fulan-outubru tinan ne’e.\n“Ita-nia planu akizasaun ba materiál eleitorál ne’ebé sosa iha rai-li’ur to’o tarde iha fulan-setembru ka outubru, tanba ita-nia eleisaun prezidensiál ba 2022 ne’e sei akontese iha marsu. Tanba ne’e, ami garante katak materiál eleitorál hirak ne’e sei to’o iha setembru nia-laran,” nia dehan.\nNia informa, iha tinan ne’e Governu prevee orsamentu ba STAE millaun $3 maibé ne’e inklui ona ho saláriu vensimentu ba funsionáriu sira, no pesoál sira-ne’ebé halo knaar iha postu administrativu ba resensiamentu sira-nian nomós lori halo ba akizisaun ba materiál.\nGovernu prevee orasamentu akizasaun ba materiál hamutuk $2.000.000\nPrevious articleSosiedade sivíl ho BTL no EDTL buka solusaun ba impaktu COVID-19\nNext articleLiña frente iha Lacluta simu ona vasina kompletu
[ "Governu prevee orsamentu akizisaun material eleitoral besik millaun $2 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Governu prevee orsamentu akizisaun material eleitoral besik millaun $2 DILI, 18 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, informa Governu prevee orasamentu akizisaun ba material eleitoral besik millaun $2.", "\"Ita-nia osan ne'ebe mak Governu prevee ba akizisaun ba material eleitoral ninian mak besik millaun $2,\" Acilino Manuel Branco hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Novu Turizmu, Lecidere, Dili, sesta ne'e.", "Akizasaun ba material eleitoral nian ne'e, tarde liu mak iha fulan-setembru ka fulan-outubru tinan ne'e.", "\"Ita-nia planu akizasaun ba material eleitoral ne'ebe sosa iha rai-li'ur to'o tarde iha fulan-setembru ka outubru, tanba ita-nia eleisaun prezidensial ba 2022 ne'e sei akontese iha marsu.", "Tanba ne'e, ami garante katak material eleitoral hirak ne'e sei to'o iha setembru nia-laran,\" nia dehan.", "Nia informa, iha tinan ne'e Governu prevee orsamentu ba STAE millaun $3 maibe ne'e inklui ona ho salariu vensimentu ba funsionariu sira, no pesoal sira-ne'ebe halo knaar iha postu administrativu ba resensiamentu sira-nian nomos lori halo ba akizisaun ba material.", "Governu prevee orasamentu akizasaun ba material hamutuk $2.000.000 Previous articleSosiedade sivil ho BTL no EDTL buka solusaun ba impaktu COVID-19 Next articleLina frente iha Lacluta simu ona vasina kompletu" ]
[ [ "Government plans to allocate nearly $2 million for procurement of electoral material | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The government anticipates a budget acquisition election materials near billion dollars Dili, June.18th (AFP) - Director General Technical Secretariat Electoral Administration(STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco informed that the gov' t envisages timetabled purchases by almost US$30m on elections and voting equipment during this year’ s legislative session" ], [ "\"Our own money that the government provides for acquisition of electoral material is nearly $2 million,\" Acilino Manuel Branco told Agência TATOLI at Novu Turismo in Lecidere on Saturday." ], [ "The procurement of electoral materials will be completed by September or October this year at the latest." ], [ "\"Our plans for procurement of electoral materials purchased abroad are until late September or October, because our presidential elections in 2018 will take place by March." ], [ "Therefore, we guarantee that these electoral materials will arrive in the course of September,” he said." ], [ "He informed that this year the Government provided a budget of $3 million for STAE but it already includes salaries and wages to officials, personnel who work at administrative posts on their census as well with material acquisition." ], [ "Previous articleCivil society with BTL and EDTL looking for solutions to the impact of COVID-19 Next ArticleLacluta frontline has received full vaccination Government plans timetable procurement material totaling $2,057.83 million" ] ]
Polisia justifika ona, Yuniria la´os terrorista - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Polisia justifika ona, Yuniria la´os terrorista\nSegundu Komandante Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Munisípiu Díli Superintendente Assistente, Euclides Belo, klarifika katak, inan feton Yuniria Gea ne’ebé hela iha Tasitolu la´os terrorista hanesan komunidade sira koalia, maibe nia matan dook ne´ebé mak kura ema.\nKlarifikasaun ne´e Euclides Belo hato´o ba jornalista sira Segunda (21/05/18) iha Kuartel PNTL Caicoli- Díli, relasiona ho informasaun balun ne’ebé espalha liu husi media sosial facebook katak, Yuniria hanesan feto ne´ebé deskonfia terrorista.\nHo informasaun falsu ne´ebé fó sai husi media sosial ne´e halo komunidade barak mak antusiazmu hakarak ba to´o iha inan feton ne’e nia uma iha Tasitolu hodi haree lolos ninia atividade.\nTanba ne´e, Komando PNTL Munisípiu Díli liu husi seksaun investigasaun kriminal Díli Domingu (20/05/18) bolu ona inan feton ne’e no akompaña husi nia laen hodi halo identifikasaun (investiga) durante 12 horas de tempo iha Eskuadra Dom Aleixo Comoro.\nHusi rezultadu identifikasaun hatudu katak, inan feton ne´e sidadaun Indonesia, no nia naran iha rua, ida husi Indonesia nian mak Yuniria Gea no naran iha Timor mak Adriana dos Santos no nia kaben mak Quintiliano dos Santos de Araújo, husi Postu Administrativu Maliana, Munisípiu Bobonaro.\nYuniria Gea tama iha Timor-Leste iha iha tinan 1999 to´o agora nia ho nia laen harii uma mutin ida hodi hela, maibe uma ne´e ho odamatan ida de´it, pinta koor modok.\n``Ba media sosial ne´ebé mak fó sai katak, sidadaun ida iha Tasitolu lori sasan ne´ebé mak proibidu ka bomba. Tanba ne´e mak media ne´e fó sai horiseik, Komando PNTL Munisípiu Díli Eskuadra Dom Aleixo liu husi seksaun investigasaun kriminal foti ona sidadaun ne´e halo ona identifikasaun ba nia, no sidadaun ne´e feto ida, nia naran Yuniria Gea hela duni Tasitolu,``dehan Euclides Belo.\nEuclides Belo hatutan, tuir informasaun husi komunidade sira katak, Yuniria mate tiha mak moris fali mai, ne´e lalos.\n``So iha nia uma seksaun investigasaun hetan mak sasan oin tolu Alkitab ida utiliza hodi reja, mapa Timor ida no mós fotografia ne´ebé mak reprezenta espiritu. Tanba ne´e mak konkluzaun PNTL nian parte investigasaun kriminal katak, sidadaun refere la´os ema terrorista, PNTL konsidera nia hanesan matan dook ne´ebé mak kura ema,``dehan Euclides Belo.\nTanba ne´e mak Euclides Belo dehan, liu husi identifikasaun remata ba sidadaun ne´e haruka Yuniria Gea ho nia laen fila fali ba nia uma iha Tasitolu.\nAlende ne´e Yuniria Gea dehan, nia la´os terrorista, nia hanesan sidadaun Timor Leste.\n``Nusa mak imi la buka terrorista, ha´u ne´e Timor oan, la´os terrorista. Imi bele pasa revista ha´u-nia ain to’o ulun fatuk, imi ba haree ha´u-nia uma laran mak haree buat ruma laiha imi atu fó saida mai ha´u. Ha´u la mate klamar, ha´u-nia liman ain kompletu. Tanba ne´e nia entrega de´it ba rai lulik, se mak fitnah ha´u ne´e,``dehan Yuniria Gea.\nYuniria Gea mos informa, tuir planu nia sei selebra nia tinan iha loron 15 fulan Juñu mai. Tanba ne´e nia hakarak konvida ema hotu bele partisipa hodi dansa hamutuk.avi
[ "Polisia justifika ona, Yuniria la'os terrorista - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Polisia justifika ona, Yuniria la'os terrorista Segundu Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Munisipiu Dili Superintendente Assistente, Euclides Belo, klarifika katak, inan feton Yuniria Gea ne'ebe hela iha Tasitolu la'os terrorista hanesan komunidade sira koalia, maibe nia matan dook ne'ebe mak kura ema.", "Klarifikasaun ne'e Euclides Belo hato'o ba jornalista sira Segunda (21/05/18) iha Kuartel PNTL Caicoli- Dili, relasiona ho informasaun balun ne'ebe espalha liu husi media sosial facebook katak, Yuniria hanesan feto ne'ebe deskonfia terrorista.", "Ho informasaun falsu ne'ebe fo sai husi media sosial ne'e halo komunidade barak mak antusiazmu hakarak ba to'o iha inan feton ne'e nia uma iha Tasitolu hodi haree lolos ninia atividade.", "Tanba ne'e, Komando PNTL Munisipiu Dili liu husi seksaun investigasaun kriminal Dili Domingu (20/05/18) bolu ona inan feton ne'e no akompana husi nia laen hodi halo identifikasaun (investiga) durante 12 horas de tempo iha Eskuadra Dom Aleixo Comoro.", "Husi rezultadu identifikasaun hatudu katak, inan feton ne'e sidadaun Indonesia, no nia naran iha rua, ida husi Indonesia nian mak Yuniria Gea no naran iha Timor mak Adriana dos Santos no nia kaben mak Quintiliano dos Santos de Araujo, husi Postu Administrativu Maliana, Munisipiu Bobonaro.", "Yuniria Gea tama iha Timor-Leste iha iha tinan 1999 to'o agora nia ho nia laen harii uma mutin ida hodi hela, maibe uma ne'e ho odamatan ida de'it, pinta koor modok. \"", "Ba media sosial ne'ebe mak fo sai katak, sidadaun ida iha Tasitolu lori sasan ne'ebe mak proibidu ka bomba.", "Tanba ne'e mak media ne'e fo sai horiseik, Komando PNTL Munisipiu Dili Eskuadra Dom Aleixo liu husi seksaun investigasaun kriminal foti ona sidadaun ne'e halo ona identifikasaun ba nia, no sidadaun ne'e feto ida, nia naran Yuniria Gea hela duni Tasitolu, \" dehan Euclides Belo.", "Euclides Belo hatutan, tuir informasaun husi komunidade sira katak, Yuniria mate tiha mak moris fali mai, ne'e lalos. \"", "So iha nia uma seksaun investigasaun hetan mak sasan oin tolu Alkitab ida utiliza hodi reja, mapa Timor ida no mos fotografia ne'ebe mak reprezenta espiritu.", "Tanba ne'e mak konkluzaun PNTL nian parte investigasaun kriminal katak, sidadaun refere la'os ema terrorista, PNTL konsidera nia hanesan matan dook ne'ebe mak kura ema, \" dehan Euclides Belo.", "Tanba ne'e mak Euclides Belo dehan, liu husi identifikasaun remata ba sidadaun ne'e haruka Yuniria Gea ho nia laen fila fali ba nia uma iha Tasitolu.", "Alende ne'e Yuniria Gea dehan, nia la'os terrorista, nia hanesan sidadaun Timor Leste. \"", "Nusa mak imi la buka terrorista, ha'u ne'e Timor oan, la'os terrorista.", "Imi bele pasa revista ha'u-nia ain to'o ulun fatuk, imi ba haree ha'u-nia uma laran mak haree buat ruma laiha imi atu fo saida mai ha'u.", "Ha'u la mate klamar, ha'u-nia liman ain kompletu.", "Tanba ne'e nia entrega de'it ba rai lulik, se mak fitnah ha'u ne'e, \" dehan Yuniria Gea.", "Yuniria Gea mos informa, tuir planu nia sei selebra nia tinan iha loron 15 fulan Junu mai.", "Tanba ne'e nia hakarak konvida ema hotu bele partisipa hodi dansa hamutuk.avi" ]
[ [ "The police justifies, Yuniria is not a terrorist - GMN TV Justice and Security Police justified that the young woman wasn't terrorism Deputy Commander of Timor-Leste National Policia (PNTL), Dili Municipality Assistant Superintendent Euclides Belo clarified to us in an interview with our news agency on Tuesday morning 12th June. He said: \"Juniri Geas mother who lives at Tasitolu township has no connection or ties anywhere but she only cared for herself.\"" ], [ "Euclides Belo made the clarification to journalist on Monday (21/05) at Caicoli-Dili Police Headquarters, in connection with some information spread through social media facebook that Yuniria is a woman who suspected terrorist." ], [ "With the false information given by social media, many people enthusiastically wanted to go and see this young woman's home in Tasitolu." ], [ "Therefore, PNTL Dili Municipality Command through the criminal investigation section of police on Sunday (20/18) called this mother and accompanied by her husband to carry out identifications during 6 hours at Esquadra Dom Aleixo Comoro." ], [ "The results of the identification showed that she was an Indonesian citizen, and her name is in two forms: one as Yuniria Gea (Indonesian) or Adrianna dos Santos for Timorese. Her spouse' s names are Quintiliano Dos Santo de Araujo from Malianas Administrative Post Office at Bobonaro Municipality; his wife’ Sra Maria do Carmo da Silva who lives with him on a private property located near to Maliana administrative post office where they live together since several years ago" ], [ "Yuniria Gea came to Timor-Leste in 1980 and until now she has built a little house with her wife, but it only had one door." ], [ "The social media reported that a citizen in Tasitolu was carrying something prohibited or bombs." ], [ "That's why the media reported today, that Police Command of Dili Municipality Esquadrão Dom Aleixo through its criminal investigation section has taken this citizen and identified him as a female. Her name is Yuniria Gea who lives in Tasitolu\", said Euclides Belo.\"" ], [ "Euclides Belo added, \"According to information from the community that Yuniria died and then came back alive is not true." ], [ "In his home the investigation section found three objects: a Bible used to grate, map of Timor and also photograph representing spirit." ], [ "That is why the conclusion of PNTL's criminal investigation part was that this citizen did not act as a terrorist, but rather he treated himself like an eye-watcher who cured people\", said Euclides Belo." ], [ "That is why Euclides Belo said that after the identification of this citizen was completed, he sent Uniria Gea and her wife back to their home in Tasitolu." ], [ "In addition, Yuniria Gea said that he is not a terrorist. \"He's an East Timorese citizen.\"" ], [ "If you are not looking for terrorists, I am a Timorese." ], [ "You can go through my feet to the top of your head, you may look in and see anything inside but there's nothing for me." ], [ "Ha'u la mate klamar, ha ' u-nia liman ain komplet." ], [ "That's why he only handed over to the country of lulik, if anyone is fitnah me this\", said Yuniria Gea." ], [ "Yuniria Gea also informs, according to the plan she will celebrate her birthday on June 15th." ], [ "Therefore, he wants to invite everyone can participate and dance together.avi" ] ]
Peskiza Preliminária La’o Hamutuk Hatudu Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Peskiza Preliminária La’o Hamutuk Hatudu Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola\nPeskiza Preliminária La’o Hamutuk Hatudu Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Peskiza preliminária ne’ebé halo husi Organizasaun Naun Governamentál (ONG), Lao Hamutuk ne’ebé liga ba dezenvolvimentu indústria ki’ik liuliu ba prosesamentu produtu agríkola hatudu iha dezafiu liuliu ba matéria prima, merkadu ne’ebé laiha, ekipamentu ne’ebé seidauk suporta no fatin produsaun ne’ebé seidauk apropriada.\nPeskizadór Lao Hamutuk iha asuntu agrikultura, Mariano Ferreira, hatete metodolojia ne’ebé uza iha peskiza ne’e hodi deskobre dezafiu no poténsia mak halo vizita bá kada grupu iha munisípiu Baukau, Ainaru, Suai, Maliana no Dili hodi halo entrevista, diskusaun, observa, nomós haree impaktu direta ne’ebé grupu sira halo liga ho atividade indústria ki’ik.\nHaree ba produtu agríkola ne’ebé agora fa’an iha supermerkadu, dalaruma iha feira ne’ebé Governu promove atu fa’an produtu lokál bolu ONG ne’e nia atensaun atu hatene dezafiu saida mak sira iha, poténsia no oinsá sira bele rezolve ekonomia ho serbisu ne’ebé halo.\n“Iha dezafiu boot lubuk ida mak enfrenta maka bainhira sira halo prosesamentu ba produtu ruma hanesan marmelada fore-rai no dalaruma sira bá buka fore-rai ne’e atu sosa laiha tiha, entaun ida ne’e problema ida ho matéria prima, ema barak lahalo produsaun ba ida ne’e antaun sira rasik labele ajuda atubele halo produsaun ruma ne’ebé bele fornese mai merkadu”, Mariano hatete iha Komoro, ohin.\nAleinde ne’e halo mós produsaun mina-nuu virjen, maibé tuir peskiza ne’ebé halo grupu sira dehan se nuu sira hola hotu ona, dalaruma ema hatene ona atu komesa hasa’e folin entaun tenke sosa iha fatin dook, automátikamente uza transporte ne’ebé karun uitoan atubele sosa no lori bá sira-nia fatin.\n“Hafoin halo tiha produsaun problema seluk mak atu lori produtu sira nee mai iha Dili enfrenta ona problema tanba produsaun uitoan de’it depois kustu ne’ebé gasta boot demais entaun halo serbisu maka’as maski iha inisiativa forte, maibé labele apoiu ekonomia”.\n“Ida ne’e mak buat prinsipál ne’ebé ami hetan, ida mak matéria prima, kustu transporte no ekipamentu ne’ebé atu ajuda sira. Ita hatene katak Governu, ONG ajuda ekipamentu balun mas ne’e ki’ik liu, agora ita hanoin atu dezenvolve indústria sai boot no haforsa ita-nia ekonomia ho ekipamentu ki’ikoan sira hanesan ne’e, ita sei lahalo buat ida”.\nDezafiu seluk mak fatin atu halo prosesamentu tanba dalabarak mak sira halo iha uma ho fatin ne’ebé ki’ik no haree katak ne’e lapropriada atu halo prosesamentu sira hanesan ne’e.\n“Ita espera katak ho aprezentasaun sira hanesan ne’e liuliu Ministériu Komérsiu, Governu bele haree ona katak ida ne’e tuir loloos poténsia atubele dezenvolve ita-nia ekonomia entaun Governu tenke tau iha sira-nia planu oinsá fó apoiu, treinamentu, fasilidade nomós prepara infraestrutura sira, haforsa ita-nia inan-feton sira halo produsaun”.\nNune’e peskiza ne’e atu fahe informasaun ba públiku nomós ba ministériu relevante atu halo programa ka planu ruma bele uza informasaun ne’ebé mak iha no deskobre mós katak poténsia boot ne’ebé iha maka komunidade iha inisiativa atu halo produsaun, iha produtu agrikutura barak ne’ebé ohin loron seidauk halo prosesamentu, no merkadu ne’ebé sai hanesan poténsia no dezafiu.\nMinistru Komérsiu no Indústria (MKI), António da Conceição, hatete hatán ba iha ida ne’e tenke halo medida polítika hodi responde ba saida mak ONG Lao Hamutuk observa.\n“Iha semana kotuk liubá Ministériu Komérsiu lori ona ba iha Konsellu Ministru dekretu lei ne’ebé aprova estabelesimentu Instituto de Qualidade. Institutu ne’e importante atubele eziste hodi nune’e nia bele halo estandarizasaun produtu, sertifikasaun produtu para nune’e nia bele hatama sasán sira ne’e ba mas ne’e sekuénsia, prosesamentu iha no nia tenke halo estandarizasaun”.\nAtubele benefisia produtu tama iha merkadu maka institutu mós tende hola responsabilidade ba ida ne’e.\nDezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola\nPrevious articleSTAE Públika Kalendáriu Operasaun Eleitorál Ba Eleisaun Antesipada\nNext articleDixiplina-Vontade Servisu Determinasaun EA\nADTL Selebra Loron Mundial ba Ema ho Defisiénsia\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Asosiasaun Defisiénsia Timor-Leste (ADTL), ohin, selebra loron mundiál ba ema ho defisiénsia ho tema "mai ita garante inkluzividade no igualdade...\nDILI, 05 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)-United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) iha Timor-Leste, ohin, komemora loron mundiál voluntáriu ho tema "volunteering for an inclusive future". Komemorasaun ne'e...
[ "Peskiza Preliminaria La'o Hamutuk Hatudu Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agrikola | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Peskiza Preliminaria La'o Hamutuk Hatudu Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agrikola Peskiza Preliminaria La'o Hamutuk Hatudu Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agrikola DILI, (TATOLI) - Peskiza preliminaria ne'ebe halo husi Organizasaun Naun Governamental (ONG), Lao Hamutuk ne'ebe liga ba dezenvolvimentu industria ki'ik liuliu ba prosesamentu produtu agrikola hatudu iha dezafiu liuliu ba materia prima, merkadu ne'ebe laiha, ekipamentu ne'ebe seidauk suporta no fatin produsaun ne'ebe seidauk apropriada.", "Peskizador Lao Hamutuk iha asuntu agrikultura, Mariano Ferreira, hatete metodolojia ne'ebe uza iha peskiza ne'e hodi deskobre dezafiu no potensia mak halo vizita ba kada grupu iha munisipiu Baukau, Ainaru, Suai, Maliana no Dili hodi halo entrevista, diskusaun, observa, nomos haree impaktu direta ne'ebe grupu sira halo liga ho atividade industria ki'ik.", "Haree ba produtu agrikola ne'ebe agora fa'an iha supermerkadu, dalaruma iha feira ne'ebe Governu promove atu fa'an produtu lokal bolu ONG ne'e nia atensaun atu hatene dezafiu saida mak sira iha, potensia no oinsa sira bele rezolve ekonomia ho serbisu ne'ebe halo.", "\"Iha dezafiu boot lubuk ida mak enfrenta maka bainhira sira halo prosesamentu ba produtu ruma hanesan marmelada fore-rai no dalaruma sira ba buka fore-rai ne'e atu sosa laiha tiha, entaun ida ne'e problema ida ho materia prima, ema barak lahalo produsaun ba ida ne'e antaun sira rasik labele ajuda atubele halo produsaun ruma ne'ebe bele fornese mai merkadu,\" Mariano hatete iha Komoro, ohin.", "Aleinde ne'e halo mos produsaun mina-nuu virjen, maibe tuir peskiza ne'ebe halo grupu sira dehan se nuu sira hola hotu ona, dalaruma ema hatene ona atu komesa hasa'e folin entaun tenke sosa iha fatin dook, automatikamente uza transporte ne'ebe karun uitoan atubele sosa no lori ba sira-nia fatin.", "\"Hafoin halo tiha produsaun problema seluk mak atu lori produtu sira nee mai iha Dili enfrenta ona problema tanba produsaun uitoan de'it depois kustu ne'ebe gasta boot demais entaun halo serbisu maka'as maski iha inisiativa forte, maibe labele apoiu ekonomia.\"", "\"Ida ne'e mak buat prinsipal ne'ebe ami hetan, ida mak materia prima, kustu transporte no ekipamentu ne'ebe atu ajuda sira.", "Ita hatene katak Governu, ONG ajuda ekipamentu balun mas ne'e ki'ik liu, agora ita hanoin atu dezenvolve industria sai boot no haforsa ita-nia ekonomia ho ekipamentu ki'ikoan sira hanesan ne'e, ita sei lahalo buat ida.\"", "Dezafiu seluk mak fatin atu halo prosesamentu tanba dalabarak mak sira halo iha uma ho fatin ne'ebe ki'ik no haree katak ne'e lapropriada atu halo prosesamentu sira hanesan ne'e.", "\"Ita espera katak ho aprezentasaun sira hanesan ne'e liuliu Ministeriu Komersiu, Governu bele haree ona katak ida ne'e tuir loloos potensia atubele dezenvolve ita-nia ekonomia entaun Governu tenke tau iha sira-nia planu oinsa fo apoiu, treinamentu, fasilidade nomos prepara infraestrutura sira, haforsa ita-nia inan-feton sira halo produsaun.\"", "Nune'e peskiza ne'e atu fahe informasaun ba publiku nomos ba ministeriu relevante atu halo programa ka planu ruma bele uza informasaun ne'ebe mak iha no deskobre mos katak potensia boot ne'ebe iha maka komunidade iha inisiativa atu halo produsaun, iha produtu agrikutura barak ne'ebe ohin loron seidauk halo prosesamentu, no merkadu ne'ebe sai hanesan potensia no dezafiu.", "Ministru Komersiu no Industria (MKI), Antonio da Conceicao, hatete hatan ba iha ida ne'e tenke halo medida politika hodi responde ba saida mak ONG Lao Hamutuk observa.", "\"Iha semana kotuk liuba Ministeriu Komersiu lori ona ba iha Konsellu Ministru dekretu lei ne'ebe aprova estabelesimentu Instituto de Qualidade.", "Institutu ne'e importante atubele eziste hodi nune'e nia bele halo estandarizasaun produtu, sertifikasaun produtu para nune'e nia bele hatama sasan sira ne'e ba mas ne'e sekuensia, prosesamentu iha no nia tenke halo estandarizasaun.\"", "Atubele benefisia produtu tama iha merkadu maka institutu mos tende hola responsabilidade ba ida ne'e.", "Dezafiu Ba Prosesamentu Produtu Agrikola Previous articleSTAE Publika Kalendariu Operasaun Eleitoral Ba Eleisaun Antesipada Next articleDixiplina-Vontade Servisu Determinasaun EA ADTL Selebra Loron Mundial ba Ema ho Defisiensia DILI, 03 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Asosiasaun Defisiensia Timor-Leste (ADTL), ohin, selebra loron mundial ba ema ho defisiensia ho tema \"mai ita garante inkluzividade no igualdade...", "DILI, 05 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) iha Timor-Leste, ohin, komemora loron mundial voluntariu ho tema \"volunteering for an inclusive future.\"", "Komemorasaun ne'e..." ]
[ [ "Preliminary Research of Lao Hamutuk Shows Challenge for Processing Agricultural Products | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PRELIMINARY RESEARCH OF LA'O HAMUTUK SHOWING CHALLENGES FOR PROCESSING AGRICULTURALPRODUCTS. Dili, (INTL) - The preliminary research conducted by the Non Government Organization(NGO), La’o Hamuk which is link to small industry development especially in processing agriculture products shows challenges particularly with raw materials lack market not support equipment and production sites that are still appropriate no adequate" ], [ "Lao Hamutuk researcher on agricultural issues, Mariano Ferreira said that the methodology used in this study to uncover challenges and potential was visiting each group at Baukau municipalities Ainaru Suai Maliana Dili for interviews discussion observation as well see direct impact of groups linked with small industrial activities." ], [ "Given the agricultural products that are now sold in supermarkets, sometimes at fair which government promote to sell local produce calls this NGO' s attention so as know what challenges they have potential and how can resolve their economy with work done." ], [ "\"There are many big challenges they face when processing some products such as forage marmalade and sometimes the people go to look at this raw material, so there is a problem with it. Many of them don't want production in order that their own can not help produce something which could supply markets\", Mariano said today on Komoro Island 2018-3" ], [ "In addition, there is also the production of virgin olive oils but according to research by groups said that when they have bought all their nuts people often know about price hikes and must buy in a separate place automatically use slightly more expensive transportation so can purchase them." ], [ "\"After producing another problem is to bring the products here in Dili faced problems because there was only a small production then costs that are too high so work hard even with strong initiative, but can not support economy.\"" ], [ "\"That's the main thing we get, one is raw materials and transportation costs. And equipment to help them out.\"" ], [ "We know that the government, NGOs help with some equipment but it is smaller. Now we think of developing a big industry and strengthening our economy by using such tiny devices; there will be nothing.\"" ], [ "Another challenge is the location of processing because they often do it at home with a small space and see that this would be inappropriate for such processes." ], [ "\"We hope that with presentations like this, especially the Ministry of Commerce and Trade (MCT), Government can see now it is actually potential to develop our economy so government must put in their plans how they will provide supports training facilities infrastructure preparation strengthen us mother-daughter production.\"" ], [ "Thus, the research is to share information with public and relevant ministries in order for some programs or plans can use existing data. It also discovered that there was a great potential of community production initiative; many agriculture products are not processed at this time: market opportunities as well challenged by these activities" ], [ "The Minister of Commerce and Industry (MKI), Antonio da Conceicao, said in response to this that political measures must be taken as a reply on what NGO Lao Hamutuk observed." ], [ "\"Last week, the Ministry of Commerce submitted a decree-law approving establishing an Institute for Quality." ], [ "The institute is important to exist so that it can do product standardization, certification of products and then he will be able put these things on the market. There's a sequence there are processing processes in place which must go through.\"" ], [ "In order to benefit from products entering the market, institutes tend also take responsibility for this." ], [ "Previous articleSTAE Publishes Calendar of Electoral Operations for Early Election Next artikelDiscipline-Voice Service Determination EA ADTL Celebrates World Day For People with Disabilities Dili, December 03rd (TATOLI) -The Timor Leste Association Of Person With disabilities today celebrated the world day on people who have a handicap under \"let us guarantee inclusiveness and equality..." ], [ "DILI, December 05th (TATOLI) -The United Nations Volunteers Programme in Timor-Leste today celebrated World volunteer day with the theme \"volleyball for an inclusive future.\"" ], [ "This commemoration..." ] ]
Segunda-Feira, V Semana da Páscoa (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Segunda-Feira, V Semana da Páscoa (ANO A)\nSegunda-Feira, V Semana da Páscoa (ANO A)\nPrimeira Leitura Act. 14. 5-18\nIha loron hirak nebá, iha Icónio hala’o tiha movimento ida housi ema gentio ni judeu sira hamutuk ho sira ulun, hodi futu lia atu halo áat ba Apóstolo Barnabé ho Paulo, hodi buka atu tuda mate tiha sira. Wainhira sira hatene buat ne’e, sira na’in rua halai tiha ba cidade sira Licaónia, Listra no Derbe nian, no ba iha fatin seluk-seluk iha besik nebá. Iha nebá sira na’in rua haklaken Na’i nia Lia-Foun.\nHaré tiha buat hirak nebé Paulo halo, ema lubun boot ne’e hasa’e lia hodi hateten ho lia Licaónico: “Maromak sira halo-an ba ema hodi tun to’o mai ita”. Sira hanaran Zeus ba Bernabé ho Hermes ba Paulo, basá ida ne’e mak ko’alia ba sira. Hafoin amululik Zeus housi rai-ketan cidade nian lori karau vaka sira hamutuk ho ai-funan futu be furak hod mai iha odamatan no hakarak, hamutuk ho ema lubun boot sira atu hasa’e sacrifício ida ba sira nain rua. Wainhira sira rona buat ne’e, sira lês tiha sira unuk, haksoit ba sira klaran hodi hateten ho lian maka’as: “Na’in sira, imi halo sá ne’e? Ami mós ema hanesan imi, ami mai haklaken atu imi husik Maromak falso hodi fila ba Maromak moris; nia hakiak lalehan no rai, tasi no buat tomak nebé hetan iha sira. Hori uluk liu, nia husik ema hot-hotu hili hodi tuir ida-idak nia dalan. Maibé, maski nune’e, nia haraik nia tulun nafatin hodi fó udan no tempo di’ak oi-oin ba imi hodi hetan aihan wain no ksolok ba imi nia moris”. Ho liafuan hirak ne’e, maski susar teb-tebes, atu tahan sira hodi hakiak ema lubun ne’e atu la bele hasa’e sacrifício ba sira na’in rua.\nMaibé hasa’e glória ba ita naran;\nNebé ema halo ho liman,\nNebé halo Lalehan no Rai.\nNia mak sei halo imi hanoin hetan fali buat tomak nebé\nHa’u hanorin ona ba imi”. Refrão\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus lia tun ba nia escolante sira dehan: “ Ema nebé moris tuir Ha’u nia ukun-fuan hodi rai didiak, ema ne’e hadomin ha’u. ha’u Aman mós sei hadomi nia; Ha’u sei hadomi nia, Ha’u sei hatudu Ha’u An ba nia”. Judas, ida be la’os escariotes, hasa’e lia ba nia, dehan: “ Na’i, oinsá mak ita hatudu ita-an mai ami no la hatudu ba mundo”? Jesus hatan ba nia: “Ema nebé hadomi ha’u, nia sei halo tuir ha’u nia liafuan. Liafuan imi rona daudaun, la’os Ha’u nian, maibé Ha’u Aman nian, Aman ida nebé haruka Ha’u mai. Ha’u hateten sai lia hirak ne’e ba imi, wainhira Ha’u sei hela iha imi leet. Maibé, ksolok-Na’in, katak Espírito Santo, ida be ha’u Aman haruka mai hodi Ha’u nia naran, nia mak sei hanourin imi ba buat hot-hotu. Nia mak sei halo imi hanoin hetan fali buat tomak nebé Ha’u hanourin ona ba imi”.\nPrevious PostCASO RECUPERADO AUMENTA BA 22, NAIN 6 SEI IHA FATIN ISOLAMENTO Next PostTerça-Feira, V Semana da Páscoa (ANO A)
[ "Segunda-Feira, V Semana da Pascoa (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Segunda-Feira, V Semana da Pascoa (ANO A) Segunda-Feira, V Semana da Pascoa (ANO A) Primeira Leitura Act.", "14.", "5-18 Iha loron hirak neba, iha Iconio hala'o tiha movimento ida housi ema gentio ni judeu sira hamutuk ho sira ulun, hodi futu lia atu halo aat ba Apostolo Barnabe ho Paulo, hodi buka atu tuda mate tiha sira.", "Wainhira sira hatene buat ne'e, sira na'in rua halai tiha ba cidade sira Licaonia, Listra no Derbe nian, no ba iha fatin seluk-seluk iha besik neba.", "Iha neba sira na'in rua haklaken Na'i nia Lia-Foun.", "Hare tiha buat hirak nebe Paulo halo, ema lubun boot ne'e hasa'e lia hodi hateten ho lia Licaonico: \"Maromak sira halo-an ba ema hodi tun to'o mai ita.\"", "Sira hanaran Zeus ba Bernabe ho Hermes ba Paulo, basa ida ne'e mak ko'alia ba sira.", "Hafoin amululik Zeus housi rai-ketan cidade nian lori karau vaka sira hamutuk ho ai-funan futu be furak hod mai iha odamatan no hakarak, hamutuk ho ema lubun boot sira atu hasa'e sacrificio ida ba sira nain rua.", "Wainhira sira rona buat ne'e, sira les tiha sira unuk, haksoit ba sira klaran hodi hateten ho lian maka'as: \"Na'in sira, imi halo sa ne'e?", "Ami mos ema hanesan imi, ami mai haklaken atu imi husik Maromak falso hodi fila ba Maromak moris; nia hakiak lalehan no rai, tasi no buat tomak nebe hetan iha sira.", "Hori uluk liu, nia husik ema hot-hotu hili hodi tuir ida-idak nia dalan.", "Maibe, maski nune'e, nia haraik nia tulun nafatin hodi fo udan no tempo di'ak oi-oin ba imi hodi hetan aihan wain no ksolok ba imi nia moris.\"", "Ho liafuan hirak ne'e, maski susar teb-tebes, atu tahan sira hodi hakiak ema lubun ne'e atu la bele hasa'e sacrificio ba sira na'in rua.", "Maibe hasa'e gloria ba ita naran; Nebe ema halo ho liman, Nebe halo Lalehan no Rai.", "Nia mak sei halo imi hanoin hetan fali buat tomak nebe Ha'u hanorin ona ba imi.\"", "Refrao Iha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba nia escolante sira dehan: \" Ema nebe moris tuir Ha'u nia ukun-fuan hodi rai didiak, ema ne'e hadomin ha'u. ha'u Aman mos sei hadomi nia; Ha'u sei hadomi nia, Ha'u sei hatudu Ha'u An ba nia.\"", "Judas, ida be la'os escariotes, hasa'e lia ba nia, dehan: \" Na'i, oinsa mak ita hatudu ita-an mai ami no la hatudu ba mundo\"?", "Jesus hatan ba nia: \"Ema nebe hadomi ha'u, nia sei halo tuir ha'u nia liafuan.", "Liafuan imi rona daudaun, la'os Ha'u nian, maibe Ha'u Aman nian, Aman ida nebe haruka Ha'u mai.", "Ha'u hateten sai lia hirak ne'e ba imi, wainhira Ha'u sei hela iha imi leet.", "Maibe, ksolok-Na'in, katak Espirito Santo, ida be ha'u Aman haruka mai hodi Ha'u nia naran, nia mak sei hanourin imi ba buat hot-hotu.", "Nia mak sei halo imi hanoin hetan fali buat tomak nebe Ha'u hanourin ona ba imi.\"", "Previous PostCASO RECUPERADO AUMENTA BA 22, NAIN 6 SEI IHA FATIN ISOLAMENTO Next PostTerca-Feira, V Semana da Pascoa (ANO A)" ]
[ [ "Monday, 5th Week of Easter (YEAR A) - Diocese de Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Daily Readings for the week beginning on Tuesday in Ordinary Time and ending with Sunday at noon." ], [ "14. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "5 And in those days there arose an uproar at Iconium, both of the Gentiles and Jewish men with their chief leaders; so that they set up evil accusations against Barnaby (and) Paul [the apostle], seeking to kill them." ], [ "And when they had heard of it, the two men departed to Lycaonia's cities Lysthar and Derbe; as well for other places nearby." ], [ "There they preached the word of God." ], [ "When he saw what Paul was doing, the great man of faith took up his voice and said in Lycaonian language: \"The Jews have made themselves into men to come down unto us.\"" ], [ "And they called Barnabas Zeus, and Paul Hermes; because he spake unto them." ], [ "After Zeus had emerged from the city's depths, he brought his bull cart with a beautifully-grown tree to its gates and wanted them both alongside other great men of Athena City." ], [ "And when they heard these things, their ears were opened; and crying out with a loud voice to them in plain English: \"Sir." ], [ "We are also human beings of the same nature as you, and we preach that ye should turn from false gods unto a living God; who made heaven & earth: sea&all things which in them exist." ], [ "In the past, he left all men to choose their own way." ], [ "And yet, he still gives you his help by giving rain and various good times so that your life may be filled with foodstuff.'" ], [ "With these words, though very hard to hold them back and make the lion man not offer sacrifices for their two master." ], [ "But give glory to our name, the work of men's hands; He who made heaven and earth." ], [ "He will bring you to remembrance all that I have taught your.\"" ], [ "At that time, Jesus spoke to his disciples and said: \"If any man keep my commandments he will love me. My Father also shall Love him; I too Will LOVE Him And Manifest myself To His.\"" ], [ "Judas (not the Escariot) answered him, saying: \"Lord how is it that we shall manifest ourselves to us and not unto this world?\"" ], [ "Jesus answered and said unto him, He that loveth me shall keep my word;" ], [ "The word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent me." ], [ "These words have I spoken unto you, while yet abiding with yourselves." ], [ "But blessed is the Holy Spirit, whom my Father will send in My name; he shall teach you all things." ], [ "He will bring you to remembrance of all things that I have commanded.\"" ], [ "Previous PostRECOVERED CASE AUGMENTS TO 23, NAIN SIX IN FATIN ISOLATION Next postTuesday of the Fifth Week in Easter (YEAR B)" ] ]
Dom Basilio Husu Polítiku Sira Hamutuk ‘Kultiva’ Domin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MUNISÍPIU Dom Basilio Husu Polítiku Sira Hamutuk ‘Kultiva’ Domin\nDom Basilio Husu Polítiku Sira Hamutuk ‘Kultiva’ Domin\nBAUCAU, 05 agostu 2019 (TATOLI)-Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Mgr. Basilio do Nascimento, husu ba ukun na’in no polítiku sira atu la bele la’o ida-idak nian, maibé tuur hamutuk kultiva domin ba interese nasaun nian mak boot liu.\nBispu Basilio do Nascimento hateten lia hirak ne’e hodi responde Ajénsia TATOLI, kona-ba reflesaun komemorasaun loron konsulta popular ba dala-20 (30 agostu 1999-30 agostu 2019) iha Igreja Vila Nova, Baucau, domingu (04/08/2019).\nDom Basilio hateten, komemorasaun loron konsulta popular sai hanesan reflesaun hodi hateke ba oin, atu kultiva ho domin ba interese nasaun mak boot liu.\n“Ha’u nia mensajen mak ne’e, liuliu ba ukun na’in no polítiku sira, labele la’o ida-idak nian. Buka atu tur hamutuk kultiva domin ba interese nasaun nian mak boot liu hotu,” hateten Dom Basilio.\nAmu Basilio fó sasin katak, loron 30 agostu 1999 ba kotuk sai sasukat ida ba timoroan hotu hodi haree atu to’o iha ne’e, ran hira mak fakar no vida hira mak lakon.\n“Agora ba oin, ne’e halo ita nia nasaun independente, maibé independente mós tenke iha realidade tanba buat lubuk ohin loron akontese hela ne’e halo ita nia indesénsia kudik uitoan,” tenik Dom Basilio do Nascimento.\n“Ha’u hanoin buat sira hotu ona iha 30 agostu 1999 liu ba, maibé agora nasaun timor mak independente liu ne’e duni horibainhira ida-idak buka nia dalan oinsá mak liberta aan hosi indonézia.”\nNia afirma katak, Timor-Leste atu sai independente presiza timoroan hotu nia kolaborasaun no kontribuisaun. Ne’e duni, buat ida egoízmu, auto-kontemplasaun, narsizizmu katak haree de’it ba nia aan ba lalenok ha’u mak boot liu.\n“Kuandu ita haree nasaun nia interese ne’e narsizizmu ita kultiva de’it egoízmu, ita la kultiva interese nasaun nian,” afirma Dom Basilio.\nNia husu iha komemorasaun loron konsulta popular atu haree ba oin no hotu-hotu hamutuk hodi dezenvolve interese nasaun mak boot liu. Tanba tuir Amu Basilio, rai ki’ikoan ne’e ema hakarak hadau malu hela iha timoroan nia leten tanba riku.\nPrevious articleHatric Rofino Gama Lori Karketu Liki Boavista 3-2\nNext articleIrmán FMA Na’in Haat Simu Primeira Profisaun\nLABNAS kobra reseita husi teste COVID-19 hamutuk rihun 39\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Diretora Laboratóriu Nasionál, Endang Soares, relata, durante fulan rua rekolla ona osan hamutuk rihun $39.799 husi teste COVID-19 ba sidadaun...\nDILI, 04 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Xefe Gabinete Kontrolu Kualidade Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portugés), Sara Maria Xavier, relata durante fulan-novembru 2020 rejista inan isin-rua...\nGovernu konsiente sustentabilidade fundu petrolíferu, rekomenda MF halo ezersísiu haat\nDILI, 02 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten VIII Governu Konstitusionál konsiente kona-ba sustentabilidade fundu petrolíferu, tanba ne’e halo ona rekomendasaun ba...
[ "Dom Basilio Husu Politiku Sira Hamutuk 'Kultiva' Domin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNISIPIU Dom Basilio Husu Politiku Sira Hamutuk 'Kultiva' Domin Dom Basilio Husu Politiku Sira Hamutuk 'Kultiva' Domin BAUCAU, 05 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) -Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Mgr.", "Basilio do Nascimento, husu ba ukun na'in no politiku sira atu la bele la'o ida-idak nian, maibe tuur hamutuk kultiva domin ba interese nasaun nian mak boot liu.", "Bispu Basilio do Nascimento hateten lia hirak ne'e hodi responde Ajensia TATOLI, kona-ba reflesaun komemorasaun loron konsulta popular ba dala-20 (30 agostu 1999-30 agostu 2019) iha Igreja Vila Nova, Baucau, domingu (04/08/2019).", "Dom Basilio hateten, komemorasaun loron konsulta popular sai hanesan reflesaun hodi hateke ba oin, atu kultiva ho domin ba interese nasaun mak boot liu.", "\"Ha'u nia mensajen mak ne'e, liuliu ba ukun na'in no politiku sira, labele la'o ida-idak nian.", "Buka atu tur hamutuk kultiva domin ba interese nasaun nian mak boot liu hotu,\" hateten Dom Basilio.", "Amu Basilio fo sasin katak, loron 30 agostu 1999 ba kotuk sai sasukat ida ba timoroan hotu hodi haree atu to'o iha ne'e, ran hira mak fakar no vida hira mak lakon.", "\"Agora ba oin, ne'e halo ita nia nasaun independente, maibe independente mos tenke iha realidade tanba buat lubuk ohin loron akontese hela ne'e halo ita nia indesensia kudik uitoan,\" tenik Dom Basilio do Nascimento.", "\"Ha'u hanoin buat sira hotu ona iha 30 agostu 1999 liu ba, maibe agora nasaun timor mak independente liu ne'e duni horibainhira ida-idak buka nia dalan oinsa mak liberta aan hosi indonezia.\"", "Nia afirma katak, Timor-Leste atu sai independente presiza timoroan hotu nia kolaborasaun no kontribuisaun.", "Ne'e duni, buat ida egoizmu, auto-kontemplasaun, narsizizmu katak haree de'it ba nia aan ba lalenok ha'u mak boot liu.", "\"Kuandu ita haree nasaun nia interese ne'e narsizizmu ita kultiva de'it egoizmu, ita la kultiva interese nasaun nian,\" afirma Dom Basilio.", "Nia husu iha komemorasaun loron konsulta popular atu haree ba oin no hotu-hotu hamutuk hodi dezenvolve interese nasaun mak boot liu.", "Tanba tuir Amu Basilio, rai ki'ikoan ne'e ema hakarak hadau malu hela iha timoroan nia leten tanba riku.", "Previous articleHatric Rofino Gama Lori Karketu Liki Boavista 3-2 Next articleIrman FMA Na'in Haat Simu Primeira Profisaun LABNAS kobra reseita husi teste COVID-19 hamutuk rihun 39 DILI, 03 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Diretora Laboratoriu Nasional, Endang Soares, relata, durante fulan rua rekolla ona osan hamutuk rihun $39.799 husi teste COVID-19 ba sidadaun...", "DILI, 04 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Gabinete Kontrolu Kualidade Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portuges), Sara Maria Xavier, relata durante fulan-novembru 2020 rejista inan isin-rua...", "Governu konsiente sustentabilidade fundu petroliferu, rekomenda MF halo ezersisiu haat DILI, 02 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten VIII Governu Konstitusional konsiente kona-ba sustentabilidade fundu petroliferu, tanba ne'e halo ona rekomendasaun ba..." ]
[ [ "Archbishop Basilio Husu Politika Sira Hamutuk 'Kultiva' Domin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME MUNICIPALITY Bishop Basil Houses Politics in the Church, But Has a Cultivation BAUCAU (AFP) -The Diocese of Baucau has elected its new Episcopal Chairperson." ], [ "Basilio do Nascimento, called on the rulers and politicians not to walk in their own way but instead sit together cultivating a belief that national interest is greater." ], [ "Bishop Basilio do Nascimento said these words in response to Agência TATOLI, regarding reflections on the commemoration of popular consultation day for twentieth time (30th August1975-28 September) at Igreja Vila Nova." ], [ "Bishop Basilio said that the commemoration of popular consultation day was a reflection to look forward, cultivate with love for greater national interests." ], [ "\"My message is this, especially to the rulers and politicians: don't go everybody his own way." ], [ "Seeking to cultivate together love for the interests of our country is greater than anything,\" said Dom Basilio." ], [ "Father Basilio testifies that, 30 August of the past year was a test for all Tongans to see how much blood has been spilled and life lost before we reached this point." ], [ "\"Now for the future, it makes our country independent but independence must also be a reality because many things that are happening today make us less important than ever before\", said Dom Basilio do Nascimento." ], [ "\"I think everything was done on August 30th, but now that Timor is an independent country it's time for everyone to find their own way of liberating themselves from Indonesia.\"" ], [ "He affirmed that Timor-Leste to become independent requires the collaboration and contribution of all people." ], [ "Therefore, one kind of selfishness is egoism and narcissistic thinking that you are greater than others." ], [ "\"When we see that the interest of our country is narcissistic, then it means only cultivating selfishness and not cultiving national concern\", Dom Basilio affirmed." ], [ "In commemorating the day of popular consultation, he called on all to look ahead and work together in order for developing greater national interests." ], [ "Because according to Father Basilio, the small country is a place where people want each other's wealth because they are rich." ], [ "Previous articleHatric Rofino Gama Lori Karketu Liki Boavista 3-2 Next artikelIrman FMA Na'in Haat Simu Primeira Profissão LABNAS collect revenue from COVID -19 tests totaling $40,578 DILI (AP) – Laboratoire National Director Endang Soares reported that during two months she has already raised a sum of Rs." ], [ "DILI, December 04th (TATOLI) - Head of Quality Control Office at National Guido Valadares Hospital in Dili Sara Maria Xavier reports that during November-November..." ], [ "Government aware of sustainability oil fund, recommends MF to carry out four exercise Dili 02 December (TATOLI) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said the VIII Constitutional government is conscious about petroleum funds' sustainable development and therefore has made a..." ] ]
Kandidatu Traballadór 619 Tuir Teste Fíziku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Kandidatu Traballadór 619 Tuir Teste Fíziku\nKandidatu traballadór Korea hamutuk 619 tuir teste fíziku iha Akademia Polísia Komoro.\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Kandidatu traballadór Korea hamutuk 619, ohin halo teste fíziku iha Sentru Formasaun Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komoro.\nEzame ne’e hetan apoia husi instrutór PNTL hamutuk na’in-20. “Ezame fíziku ba push-up ne’e iha 15 de’it, lahanesan ho ezame polísia nian ne’ebé todan liu. Halai mós ami redús ba dala-ualu iha kampu”, hatete Komandante Sentru Formasaun PNTL, Arquinino Ramos, iha akademia polísia Komoro, ohin.\nSobre ezame luku tasi ba traballadór ne’ebé liu iha área peska, Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Traballu (SEJT) sei informa fali ba Komandante Jerál no husi Polísia Marítima mak bele apoia ida ne’e. “Ami responsabiliza ba ezame fíziku ne’ebé mak tuir pedidu husi Sekretáriu Estadu”, katak Arquinino.\nSEJT, Nívio Leite Magalhães, hatete razaun ezame ne’e tanba traballadór ne’ebé haruka bá Korea iha balun fíziku ladún di’ak no bainhira hasoru serbisu todan, posibilidade bele abandona.\n“Bainhira sira abandona serbisu maka sei konsidera ilegál no agora daudaun iha Korea ita iha númeru boot, tanba ne’e hanesan membru Governu ne’ebé responsabiliza ba área ida ne’e tenke buka mós solusaun. Ita labele labele buka problema, maibé lafó solusaun”.\nNune’e solusaun ida mak sira ne’ebé atu hala’o serbisu iha Korea tenke tuir teste ba sira-nia fíziku ne’ebé iha tempu badak sei dezloka bá Korea.\n“Presiza halo teste fíziku tanba sira sei bá halo serbisu iha área peska. Serbisu ida ne’ebé lakmaan, tanba ne’e tenke preparadu no prontu atu hala’o knaar ne’e no bainhira bá ne’ebá mak sira serbisu hodi di’ak maka tratamentu ba sira mós sei di’ak. Ida ne’e mak ita hakarak atu asegura katak hetan tratamentu ne’ebé di’ak no dignu”.\nTuir informasaun traballadór balun ne’ebé fíziku ladún di’ak dalaruma sira-nia empregadór fó tratamentu ladi’ak hanesan hirus no baku.\nAntes ne’e iha kandidatu hamutuk 7255 ne’ebé tuir ona teste eskrita hafoin bele tuir kursu lia-korea.\n“Selesaun ne’e tuir sira-nia kapasidade, só ida ne’ebé iha kualidade mak bá, sei laharee ba grupu, família ka partidu. Programa ne’e tenke loke ba timoroan hotu no labele iha diskriminasaun, tanba ne’e mak ami halo no prosesu teste ne’e sei kontinua fíziku depois organiza sira para bele bá mós iha tasi tanba sira sei serbisu iha área peska tenke iha esperiénsia ida hanesan ne’e”, hatutan tan.\nGovernante ne’e dehan tan: “Ha’u mós ko’alia ho sira balun ne’ebé serbisu iha área peska mas nunka nani tasi, ida ne’e iha posibilidade boot atu abandona serbisu tanba hakfodak ho situasaun reál ne’ebé hasoru”.\nBa númeru traballadór ne’ebé iha bele prienxe kuota ne’ebé Korea fó, maibé sira ne’ebé lapasa labele ba tanba programa ne’e laharee ba kuantidade, maibé kualidade ema nian.\nPrevious articleMSS-CBP Halibur Osan Rihun Haat Resin ba Klínika Bairru Pité\nNext articleLinguajen Polítika Bele Tuun Sa’e, Importante Hakmatek\nGovernu Koko Implementa Merenda Eskolár ho Produtu Lokál\nParesér JSMP Ba MJ, Kontra Ezbosu Lei Kriminaliza Difamasaun\nEroina “Cristal”: “Ami Feto Timor Aseita Mate, Duké Atan Ba Militár Indonézia Sira”\nKBRI Sei Hanorin Língua Melayu iha UNPAZ\nArkivu Select Month July 2020 (92) June 2020 (709) May 2020 (537) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)\nDILI, 01 jullu 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), kuarta ne’e simu apoiu ekipamentu prevensaun coronavirus hanesan máskara 40.000 no hand sanitizer 560...\nMinistra Adaljiza Sei Esforsu Lori TL Adere ba ASEAN\nDILI, 29 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministra Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, promete durante ninia mandatu tinan rua-resin sei esforsu ba...
[ "Kandidatu Traballador 619 Tuir Teste Fiziku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Kandidatu Traballador 619 Tuir Teste Fiziku Kandidatu traballador Korea hamutuk 619 tuir teste fiziku iha Akademia Polisia Komoro.", "DILI, (TATOLI) - Kandidatu traballador Korea hamutuk 619, ohin halo teste fiziku iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komoro.", "Ezame ne'e hetan apoia husi instrutor PNTL hamutuk na'in-20.", "\"Ezame fiziku ba push-up ne'e iha 15 de'it, lahanesan ho ezame polisia nian ne'ebe todan liu.", "Halai mos ami redus ba dala-ualu iha kampu,\" hatete Komandante Sentru Formasaun PNTL, Arquinino Ramos, iha akademia polisia Komoro, ohin.", "Sobre ezame luku tasi ba traballador ne'ebe liu iha area peska, Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Traballu (SEJT) sei informa fali ba Komandante Jeral no husi Polisia Maritima mak bele apoia ida ne'e.", "\"Ami responsabiliza ba ezame fiziku ne'ebe mak tuir pedidu husi Sekretariu Estadu,\" katak Arquinino.", "SEJT, Nivio Leite Magalhaes, hatete razaun ezame ne'e tanba traballador ne'ebe haruka ba Korea iha balun fiziku ladun di'ak no bainhira hasoru serbisu todan, posibilidade bele abandona.", "\"Bainhira sira abandona serbisu maka sei konsidera ilegal no agora daudaun iha Korea ita iha numeru boot, tanba ne'e hanesan membru Governu ne'ebe responsabiliza ba area ida ne'e tenke buka mos solusaun.", "Ita labele labele buka problema, maibe lafo solusaun.\"", "Nune'e solusaun ida mak sira ne'ebe atu hala'o serbisu iha Korea tenke tuir teste ba sira-nia fiziku ne'ebe iha tempu badak sei dezloka ba Korea.", "\"Presiza halo teste fiziku tanba sira sei ba halo serbisu iha area peska.", "Serbisu ida ne'ebe lakmaan, tanba ne'e tenke preparadu no prontu atu hala'o knaar ne'e no bainhira ba ne'eba mak sira serbisu hodi di'ak maka tratamentu ba sira mos sei di'ak.", "Ida ne'e mak ita hakarak atu asegura katak hetan tratamentu ne'ebe di'ak no dignu.\"", "Tuir informasaun traballador balun ne'ebe fiziku ladun di'ak dalaruma sira-nia empregador fo tratamentu ladi'ak hanesan hirus no baku.", "Antes ne'e iha kandidatu hamutuk 7255 ne'ebe tuir ona teste eskrita hafoin bele tuir kursu lia-korea.", "\"Selesaun ne'e tuir sira-nia kapasidade, so ida ne'ebe iha kualidade mak ba, sei laharee ba grupu, familia ka partidu.", "Programa ne'e tenke loke ba timoroan hotu no labele iha diskriminasaun, tanba ne'e mak ami halo no prosesu teste ne'e sei kontinua fiziku depois organiza sira para bele ba mos iha tasi tanba sira sei serbisu iha area peska tenke iha esperiensia ida hanesan ne'e,\" hatutan tan.", "Governante ne'e dehan tan: \"Ha'u mos ko'alia ho sira balun ne'ebe serbisu iha area peska mas nunka nani tasi, ida ne'e iha posibilidade boot atu abandona serbisu tanba hakfodak ho situasaun real ne'ebe hasoru.\"", "Ba numeru traballador ne'ebe iha bele prienxe kuota ne'ebe Korea fo, maibe sira ne'ebe lapasa labele ba tanba programa ne'e laharee ba kuantidade, maibe kualidade ema nian.", "Previous articleMSS-CBP Halibur Osan Rihun Haat Resin ba Klinika Bairru Pite Next articleLinguajen Politika Bele Tuun Sa'e, Importante Hakmatek Governu Koko Implementa Merenda Eskolar ho Produtu Lokal Pareser JSMP Ba MJ, Kontra Ezbosu Lei Kriminaliza Difamasaun Eroina \"Cristal\": \"Ami Feto Timor Aseita Mate, Duke Atan Ba Militar Indonezia Sira\" KBRI Sei Hanorin Lingua Melayu iha UNPAZ Arkivu Select Month July 2020 (92) June 2020 (709) May 2020 (537) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161) DILI, 01 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), kuarta ne'e simu apoiu ekipamentu prevensaun coronavirus hanesan maskara 40.000 no hand sanitizer 560...", "Ministra Adaljiza Sei Esforsu Lori TL Adere ba ASEAN DILI, 29 junu 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministra Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, promete durante ninia mandatu tinan rua-resin sei esforsu ba..." ]
[ [ "619 Korean Candidates Undergo Physical Testing at Police Academy of the Comoros | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DILI Korea candidate workers undergone a physical test today (28/05) in Komoro’ s police academy." ], [ "DILI, (IHA) - A total of 619 Korean worker candidates today underwent a physical test at the National Police Timor-Leste Training Center in Komoro." ], [ "The exam was supported by 20 PNTL instructors." ], [ "\"The physical examination for the push-up is only 15, not compared with police exams which are more rigorous." ], [ "We also reduced the number of times we were in camp,\" said PNTL Training Centre Commander Arquinino Ramos at Komoro Police Academy today." ], [ "Regarding the examination of fishing licenses for workers who have been working in fish farming, SEJT will report back to Commander General and Maritime Police so that they can support this." ], [ "\"We are responsible for the physical examination as requested by Secretary of State,\" said Arquinino." ], [ "SEJT, Nivio Leite Magalhaes said the reason for this examination is because some of workers sent to Korea have poor physical condition and when faced with heavy work they may abandon." ], [ "\"When they leave work it will be considered illegal and at the moment in Korea we have a large number, so as members of government responsible for this area must also find solutions." ], [ "We can't just look for problems, but we have to find solutions.\"" ], [ "So one solution is that those who are going to work in Korea will have their own physicians test for them, and they'll soon be deployed there." ], [ "\"They need to have a physical test because they will be going for work in the fishing area." ], [ "It is a very demanding service, so they must be prepared and ready to carry out this task. If the staff are well trained in their work then treatment for them will also have been good as it would with any other professions of healthcare workers who do not receive proper training or educational support from government agencies like HealthCare Canada (HCC)." ], [ "That's what we want to ensure that they get good and dignified treatment.\"" ], [ "According to information, some workers who are physically unfit often receive ill-treatment such as beatings and hitting by their employers." ], [ "Previously, there were 7256 candidates who had taken the written test before they could take a Korean language course." ], [ "\"The selection is according to their ability, only the one with quality will go. It's a group or family/party decision.\"" ], [ "The program must be open to all people of the country and there should not exist any discrimination, which is why we are doing it. This test process will continue physically then organise them so that they can also go out at sea because if you work in fishing areas this experience needs a continuation.\"" ], [ "The governor added: \"I have also talked with some of those who work in the fishing area but never go to sea, and they are very likely going out because disappointed by their real situation.\"" ], [ "The number of workers can fill the quota that Korea gives, but those who pass cannot go because this program focuses on quantity and not quality." ], [ "PreviousMSS-CBP Receives 10,578.62 Pound for Pite Ward Clinic Next articlePolitical Language Can Increase and It's Important to Know Government Will Not Imply School Meals with Local Products JSMP Opinion To MJ Against Draft Law Criminalizing Defamation Heroine \"Cristar\": 'Ami Timorese Women Accept Death And Don’t Give Up On Indonesian Military Force... Arkivu Select Month July (3) June(49), May/April March /February February January December November October September April August" ], [ "Minister Adaljiza Will Make Efforts to Get TL Join ASEAN DILI, June 29th (TATOLI) -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation(MNEK), Ministra Adalji..." ] ]
Pulsa ba estudante-sira, MESSK asina kontratu ho operadór telekomunikasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Pulsa ba estudante-sira, MESSK asina kontratu ho operadór telekomunikasaun\nMESSK troka nota entendimentu ho operadór telekomunikasaun tolu iha prosesu distribui pulsa internet ba estudante universidade sira, sesta (23/07). Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 23 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)– Diretór Jerál Administrasaun Finansas, Ministériu Ensinu Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Hernánio da Costa, sesta ne’e, asina kontratu ho operadór telekomunikasaun tolu iha Timor-Leste hodi distribui pulsa internet ba estudante universidade sira iha territóriu nasionál.\nNotísia Relevante : MESSK sei prosesa tan subsídiu propina no pulsa internet iha faze daruak\n“Ami asina kontratu rua ho kompañia telekomunikasaun tolu; Telemor, Timor Telecom bo Telkomcel, ba buat rua ida mak atu apoiu pulsa ba estudante universidade sira hotu iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé akreditadu hosi MESSK no akordu segundu mak atu kria liña internet ba ensinu superiór privadu sira, la inklui UNTL,” Diretór Jerál Administrasaun Finansas MESSK, Hernánio da Costa, informa ba jornalista sira hafoin asina akordu ho operadór telekomunikasaun tolu ne’e iha salaun enkontru MESSK nian iha Dili.\nEstudante ne’ebé rejista iha MESSK hamutuk 64.000-resin hosi universidade 17 iha territóriu nasionál ho númeru telephone estudante sira-nian.\n“Ba iha Telkomcel ita sei fó pulsa ba estudante hamutuk 5.000-resin, ba Telemor 23.000-resin no Timor Telecom 9.000-resin. Total estudante 30.000-resin mak sei simu iha faze da-uluk nian, no seluk sei hein tuir tan tanba númeru ne’e boot purvolta 64.000-resin benefisiáriu,” Hernánio da Costa informa.\nEstudante sira sei simu pulsa hosi operadór tolu ne’e durante fulan tolu hahú jullu-setembru kada fulan $10.00 ba estudante ida hodi nune’e estudante sira utiliza ba prosesu aprendizajen.\nMekanizmu transfere pulsa tuir kontratu ne’ebé MESSK halo ho operadór telekomunikasaun tolu ne’e maka transfere direita ba estudante sira-nia númeru telemovel ida-idak.\nBa instalasaun rede internet gratuita ba universidade privadu sira ne’ebé la inklui UNTL atu ajuda estudante sira bele hala’o estudu no peskiza ba matéria eskola nian no seluk tan iha arredores universidade sira.\nProsesu instalasaun internet ba universidade privadu sira hahú jullu-dezembru 2021 ho nia kustu hamutuk $1.500 kada fulan.\nDiretór Informátika Timor Telecom, Ladislau Eustáquio de Sousa Saldanha. Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nIha fatin hanesan Diretór Sistema no Informátika Timor Telecom, Ladislau Eustáquio de Sousa Saldanha, esplika inisiativa ne’ebé MESSK halo hodi asina kontratu ho operadór telekomunikasaun tolu ne’e di’ak tebes hodi apoiu estudante sira bele estuda online ka eskola online.\n“Ida ne’e inisiativa di’ak ida hosi Governu liuhosi MESSK. Ami mós haree durante ne’e estudante sira hela de’it iha uma, laiha pulsa atu sira aprende ka partisipa ativa iha aula online, entaun ida ne’e inisiativa di’ak,” Ladislau Saldanha tenik.\nDiretór Jerál Administrasaun Finansas\nPrevious articleIha potensialidade, MAP planeia dezenvolve reflorestasaun iha Lautém\nNext articleAldeia Soikili tinan barak seidauk asesu eletrisidade
[ "Pulsa ba estudante-sira, MESSK asina kontratu ho operador telekomunikasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Pulsa ba estudante-sira, MESSK asina kontratu ho operador telekomunikasaun MESSK troka nota entendimentu ho operador telekomunikasaun tolu iha prosesu distribui pulsa internet ba estudante universidade sira, sesta (23/07).", "Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, 23 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretor Jeral Administrasaun Finansas, Ministeriu Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Hernanio da Costa, sesta ne'e, asina kontratu ho operador telekomunikasaun tolu iha Timor-Leste hodi distribui pulsa internet ba estudante universidade sira iha territoriu nasional.", "Notisia Relevante: MESSK sei prosesa tan subsidiu propina no pulsa internet iha faze daruak \"Ami asina kontratu rua ho kompania telekomunikasaun tolu; Telemor, Timor Telecom bo Telkomcel, ba buat rua ida mak atu apoiu pulsa ba estudante universidade sira hotu iha Timor-Leste ne'ebe akreditadu hosi MESSK no akordu segundu mak atu kria lina internet ba ensinu superior privadu sira, la inklui UNTL,\" Diretor Jeral Administrasaun Finansas MESSK, Hernanio da Costa, informa ba jornalista sira hafoin asina akordu ho operador telekomunikasaun tolu ne'e iha salaun enkontru MESSK nian iha Dili.", "Estudante ne'ebe rejista iha MESSK hamutuk 64.000-resin hosi universidade 17 iha territoriu nasional ho numeru telephone estudante sira-nian.", "\"Ba iha Telkomcel ita sei fo pulsa ba estudante hamutuk 5.000-resin, ba Telemor 23.000-resin no Timor Telecom 9.000-resin.", "Total estudante 30.000-resin mak sei simu iha faze da-uluk nian, no seluk sei hein tuir tan tanba numeru ne'e boot purvolta 64.000-resin benefisiariu,\" Hernanio da Costa informa.", "Estudante sira sei simu pulsa hosi operador tolu ne'e durante fulan tolu hahu jullu-setembru kada fulan $10.00 ba estudante ida hodi nune'e estudante sira utiliza ba prosesu aprendizajen.", "Mekanizmu transfere pulsa tuir kontratu ne'ebe MESSK halo ho operador telekomunikasaun tolu ne'e maka transfere direita ba estudante sira-nia numeru telemovel ida-idak.", "Ba instalasaun rede internet gratuita ba universidade privadu sira ne'ebe la inklui UNTL atu ajuda estudante sira bele hala'o estudu no peskiza ba materia eskola nian no seluk tan iha arredores universidade sira.", "Prosesu instalasaun internet ba universidade privadu sira hahu jullu-dezembru 2021 ho nia kustu hamutuk $1.500 kada fulan.", "Diretor Informatika Timor Telecom, Ladislau Eustaquio de Sousa Saldanha.", "Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony Iha fatin hanesan Diretor Sistema no Informatika Timor Telecom, Ladislau Eustaquio de Sousa Saldanha, esplika inisiativa ne'ebe MESSK halo hodi asina kontratu ho operador telekomunikasaun tolu ne'e di'ak tebes hodi apoiu estudante sira bele estuda online ka eskola online.", "\"Ida ne'e inisiativa di'ak ida hosi Governu liuhosi MESSK.", "Ami mos haree durante ne'e estudante sira hela de'it iha uma, laiha pulsa atu sira aprende ka partisipa ativa iha aula online, entaun ida ne'e inisiativa di'ak,\" Ladislau Saldanha tenik.", "Diretor Jeral Administrasaun Finansas Previous articleIha potensialidade, MAP planeia dezenvolve reflorestasaun iha Lautem Next articleAldeia Soikili tinan barak seidauk asesu eletrisidade" ]
[ [ "Pulse for students, MESSK signs contract with telecommunication operator | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI pulsu para estudante: MESSKS exchange memorandum of understanding in the process to distribute pulse internet services among university and college student on Saturday (23/07)." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, July 23rd (TATOLI) - Director General of Finance Administration at the Ministry for Higher Education Science and Culture Hernanio da Costa on Saturday concluded a contract with three telecommunications operator in Timor-Leste to distribute pulsa internet access points among university students across national territories." ], [ "\"We have signed two contracts with three telecommunication companies; Telemor, Timor Telecom and Telkomcel. The first is to provide tuition subsidy for all university students in the country who are accredited by MESSK (Ministry of Social Welfare), while a second agreement will create an internet line at private higher education institutions not including UNTL\", Director General Administration Finance MESSK Hernanio da Costa told journalist after signing this deal on Tuesday night during his visit as Minister from Dili City where he was attending one meeting held today morning between representatives that represent both parties concerned about how they can work together towards achieving their goal: enhancing accessibility through broadband infrastructure.\"" ], [ "Students enrolled in MESSK are more than 64,017 from the national territories' seventeen universitie with student telephone numbers." ], [ "\"For Telkomcel we will give pulses to more than 5,012 students; for Telemor over a dozen and thirty-three thousand." ], [ "A total of more than 30,125 students will receive in the first phase and others are waiting to follow because this is a large number for over an additional sixty-four thousand beneficiaries\", Hernanio da Costa informs." ], [ "Students will receive pulses from the three operator for a period of 3 months starting July-September each month at $10 per student so that students can use them in their learning process." ], [ "The pulse transfer mechanism under the contract that MESSK has made with these three telecommunication operators is directly to students' mobile phone numbers." ], [ "For the installation of a free internet network for private universities that do not include UNTL to help students carry out studies and research on school subjects, as well in their surroundings." ], [ "Internet installation process for private universities begins July-December 2019 at a cost of $5,876 per month." ], [ "Timor Telecom’s Information Technology Director, Ladislau Eustaquio de Sousa Saldanha." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony In turn, the Director of Systems and Informatics at Timor Telecom Ladislau Eustaquio de Sousa Saldanha explained that MESSK's initiative to sign a contract with three telecommunication operator is very good for supporting students study online or school on-line." ], [ "\"This is a good initiative by the Government through MESSK." ], [ "We also noticed that during this period, students are only staying at home and there is no pulse for them to learn or actively participate in the online classroom. So it's a good initiative\", Ladislau Saldanha said.\"" ], [ "Previous articleIn potential, MAP plans to develop reforestation in Lautem Next ArticleSoikili Village has not had access for many years electricity." ] ]
F-FDTL sei hari tan postu iha fatin 5\n07 Outubru 2013\nRadio online, fonte JND – Falintil-Forsa Defeza Timor-Lete (F-FDTL) sei hari tan postu iha fatin 5, kompostu husi Distritu Bobonaro, Tunu-bibi, fronteira Atauro no Distritu Oe-cusse.\nHanesan prezensa orgaun soberanu nian, maka iha Atauro. Identifika ona rai no agora iha prosesu tendernnizasaun lao ona iha komisaun nasional aprovazionamentu. Alene ne’e iha Distritu Oe-cusse sei halo lansamentu ho premeira pedra.\n“Ita sei tau tan postu Forsa nian iha fatin lima, ne’ebe agora dadaun kompanha sira mos dadauk halo ona nomos balun agora sei prosesa iha tendernizasaun no tama ona iha aprovazionamentu,”dehan Sekertairu Estadu Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto ba jornalista iha Hera, Kinta foin lalais liuba ne’e.\nJulio Tomas Pinto hatutan, kompanha nasional mak sei kaer projetu hodi hari postu ba iha fatin lima ne’e, iha Atauro prosesu tendernizasaun lao hela. postu iha Oe-cusse ida inagura ona no ida seluk iha foin mak hotu. Iha Maliana Tunu-bibi tendernizasaun sei remata iha fin de fulan Outobru ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan Major Jeneral, Lere Anan Timur hatutan, agora dadaun iha planu ba oin sei monta forsa iha fatin hotu-hotu, tanba komponente terestres sei tau hela iha Baucau, maibe sei ba too iha parte sul ninian. Tanba iha planu sei monta postu iha Norte, Sul no Oeste.\n“Hau haruka ekipa ida ba tun ona iha baze atu hare fatin. Kuandu los ona sei lori teras propriedade atu integra ba iha instituisaun F-FDTL,” dehan Lere.
[ "F-FDTL sei hari tan postu iha fatin 5 07 Outubru 2013 Radio online, fonte JND - Falintil-Forsa Defeza Timor-Lete (F-FDTL) sei hari tan postu iha fatin 5, kompostu husi Distritu Bobonaro, Tunu-bibi, fronteira Atauro no Distritu Oe-cusse.", "Hanesan prezensa orgaun soberanu nian, maka iha Atauro.", "Identifika ona rai no agora iha prosesu tendernnizasaun lao ona iha komisaun nasional aprovazionamentu.", "Alene ne'e iha Distritu Oe-cusse sei halo lansamentu ho premeira pedra.", "\"Ita sei tau tan postu Forsa nian iha fatin lima, ne'ebe agora dadaun kompanha sira mos dadauk halo ona nomos balun agora sei prosesa iha tendernizasaun no tama ona iha aprovazionamentu,\"dehan Sekertairu Estadu Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto ba jornalista iha Hera, Kinta foin lalais liuba ne'e.", "Julio Tomas Pinto hatutan, kompanha nasional mak sei kaer projetu hodi hari postu ba iha fatin lima ne'e, iha Atauro prosesu tendernizasaun lao hela. postu iha Oe-cusse ida inagura ona no ida seluk iha foin mak hotu.", "Iha Maliana Tunu-bibi tendernizasaun sei remata iha fin de fulan Outobru ne'e.", "Iha fatin hanesan Major Jeneral, Lere Anan Timur hatutan, agora dadaun iha planu ba oin sei monta forsa iha fatin hotu-hotu, tanba komponente terestres sei tau hela iha Baucau, maibe sei ba too iha parte sul ninian.", "Tanba iha planu sei monta postu iha Norte, Sul no Oeste.", "\"Hau haruka ekipa ida ba tun ona iha baze atu hare fatin.", "Kuandu los ona sei lori teras propriedade atu integra ba iha instituisaun F-FDTL,\" dehan Lere." ]
[ [ "F-FDTL to establish new post in place 5 October,7th of the year - Radio online source JND Falintil – Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (FFTL) will build a station at site number five comprising Bobonaro District Tunu Bibi border Atauro and Oecusse district." ], [ "As the presence of a sovereign organ, there is Atauro." ], [ "The land has been identified and is now in the tendering process, pending approval by a national commission." ], [ "In addition, in the District of Oe-cusse will be launched with premeira pedra." ], [ "\"We will set up another post of the Force in five places, which companies have already done and some are now being processed by tenderizations to be approving them\", Defence State Secretary Julio Tomas Pinto told journalist at Hera on Thursday." ], [ "Julio Tomas Pinto said, the national company will take over project to build post in these five locations. In Atauro tenderization process is underway and one of Oe-cusse posts has already been inaugurated while another just finished building on other site" ], [ "In Mali, tenderization of Tunu-bibi will be completed by the end Of October." ], [ "Major-General Lere Anan Timur said that there are plans to deploy forces in all locations, because the ground component will be stationed at Baucau but it is going south." ], [ "Because there is a plan to set up posts in the North, South and West." ], [ "\"I have sent a team down to the base and looked at it." ], [ "When it's right, we will take the terrain to integrate into F-FDTL institutions\", Lere said." ] ]
Karreta tula material produs droga\nParadeiru Arguidu Autór Droga La Klaru Featured\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé diáriu ne’e rekolla husi ema sira ne’ebé besik autor ne’e katak, kleur ona nia la hela ona Bebonuk. La hatene klaru agora daudaun ninia rezidénsia loloos iha ne’ebé.\n“Besik tinan ida ona nia la hela iha ninia uma Bebonuk ne’e”, tenik fonte ne’ebé lakohi fó sai ninia identidade ne’e.\nNune’e, informasaun seluk ne’ebé hetan fonte besik arguidu katak, dezde akontesimentu kazu ne’e arguidu mós muda ona ninia rezidénsia ba Bairru-Pité ho ninia oan-feto.\n“Depois kazu ne’e mosu nia sees-aan husi ninia uma,”dehan nia, iha Bebonuk, horisehik.\nNia esplika, arguidu ninia rezidénsia iha Bebonuk ne’e ninia kaben no oan sira maka hela, maibé nia rasik nunka ba fatin ne’e.\nNune’e, diáriu ne’e mós tenta atu identifika hela fatin arguidu nian iha Bairru-Pité maibé la konsege hela.\nEntretantu, Advogadu arguidu AAP, Januário Martins hateten, bainhira polisia identifika, autór ne’e deklara katak nia hela fatin loloos maka iha Bebonuk.\nDefeza arguidu ne’e hatutan, imposivel ba autór ne’e halai sees husi justisa tanba agora daudaun arguidu nia-pasaporte ne’ebé uza ba estranjeiru Tribunál prende hotu.\nTanba ne’e, advogadu arguidu AAP deklara, ninia kliente agora daudaun iha Timor hodi hein prosesu investigasaun ne’ebé tuir mai.\n“Ami nia kliente Tribunál aplika medida koasaun TIR ho proibisaun ba auzénsia atu nune’e arguidu labele halai sees husi justisa no hatene nia hela fatin,” dehan nia.\nJanuário hatutan, agora Tribunál aplika medida TIR atu nia hela nafatin ne’ebé arguidu fó ba Tribunál no mós polisia, tanba ne’e dehan informasaun arguidu halai sai la loos.\nEntretantu, Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) mós dismente informasaun ne’e, maibé la esplika klaramente paradeiru arguidu ne’e.\n“Informasaun autór droga AAP dehan halai ne’e informasaun ne’ebé la loos,” dehan Segundu Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Mateus Fernandes.\nAntes ne’e, PNTL hamutuk ho Servisu Alfándega sita pakote ai-moruk ne’ebé deskonfia materiál primária ba produsaun droga ho naha kilograma 250.\nAi-moruk ho tipu Carisprodol (Physicotropic) kontein ho elementu metamfetamine "Crystal Meth" ka "shabu-shabu kristál" ne'ebé prontu ona atu uza hanesan Narcotics.\nAi-moruk tipu Carisprodol (Physicotropic) bele hatama bainhira iha autorizasaun husi Ministériu Saúde, tanba uzu ai-moruk ne’e la kontrola husi doutór bele fó efeitu negativu ba saúde hanesan neon lakon no bele rezulta ema mate, hanesan iha Indonézia, tinan kotuk.\nIha Tinan kotuk, iha Kendiri-Sulawesi, Indonézia, ema na’in rua mate no na’in 50 tama ospitál tan konsumu ai-moruk ho tipu hanesan.\nMore in this category: « CNRT, Partidu Maioria ne’ebé Sente Aan Minoria SEFOPE Promesa Hasa’e Saláriu Minimu ba Trabaladores »\n/Paradeiru Arguidu Autór Droga La Klaru
[ "Karreta tula material produs droga Paradeiru Arguidu Autor Droga La Klaru Featured Tuir informasaun ne'ebe diariu ne'e rekolla husi ema sira ne'ebe besik autor ne'e katak, kleur ona nia la hela ona Bebonuk.", "La hatene klaru agora daudaun ninia rezidensia loloos iha ne'ebe.", "\"Besik tinan ida ona nia la hela iha ninia uma Bebonuk ne'e,\" tenik fonte ne'ebe lakohi fo sai ninia identidade ne'e.", "Nune'e, informasaun seluk ne'ebe hetan fonte besik arguidu katak, dezde akontesimentu kazu ne'e arguidu mos muda ona ninia rezidensia ba Bairru-Pite ho ninia oan-feto.", "\"Depois kazu ne'e mosu nia sees-aan husi ninia uma,\"dehan nia, iha Bebonuk, horisehik.", "Nia esplika, arguidu ninia rezidensia iha Bebonuk ne'e ninia kaben no oan sira maka hela, maibe nia rasik nunka ba fatin ne'e.", "Nune'e, diariu ne'e mos tenta atu identifika hela fatin arguidu nian iha Bairru-Pite maibe la konsege hela.", "Entretantu, Advogadu arguidu AAP, Januario Martins hateten, bainhira polisia identifika, autor ne'e deklara katak nia hela fatin loloos maka iha Bebonuk.", "Defeza arguidu ne'e hatutan, imposivel ba autor ne'e halai sees husi justisa tanba agora daudaun arguidu nia-pasaporte ne'ebe uza ba estranjeiru Tribunal prende hotu.", "Tanba ne'e, advogadu arguidu AAP deklara, ninia kliente agora daudaun iha Timor hodi hein prosesu investigasaun ne'ebe tuir mai.", "\"Ami nia kliente Tribunal aplika medida koasaun TIR ho proibisaun ba auzensia atu nune'e arguidu labele halai sees husi justisa no hatene nia hela fatin,\" dehan nia.", "Januario hatutan, agora Tribunal aplika medida TIR atu nia hela nafatin ne'ebe arguidu fo ba Tribunal no mos polisia, tanba ne'e dehan informasaun arguidu halai sai la loos.", "Entretantu, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) mos dismente informasaun ne'e, maibe la esplika klaramente paradeiru arguidu ne'e.", "\"Informasaun autor droga AAP dehan halai ne'e informasaun ne'ebe la loos,\" dehan Segundu Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Mateus Fernandes.", "Antes ne'e, PNTL hamutuk ho Servisu Alfandega sita pakote ai-moruk ne'ebe deskonfia material primaria ba produsaun droga ho naha kilograma 250.", "Ai-moruk ho tipu Carisprodol (Physicotropic) kontein ho elementu metamfetamine \"Crystal Meth\" ka \"shabu-shabu kristal\" ne'ebe prontu ona atu uza hanesan Narcotics.", "Ai-moruk tipu Carisprodol (Physicotropic) bele hatama bainhira iha autorizasaun husi Ministeriu Saude, tanba uzu ai-moruk ne'e la kontrola husi doutor bele fo efeitu negativu ba saude hanesan neon lakon no bele rezulta ema mate, hanesan iha Indonezia, tinan kotuk.", "Iha Tinan kotuk, iha Kendiri-Sulawesi, Indonezia, ema na'in rua mate no na'in 50 tama ospital tan konsumu ai-moruk ho tipu hanesan.", "More in this category: \" CNRT, Partidu Maioria ne'ebe Sente Aan Minoria SEFOPE Promesa Hasa'e Salariu Minimu ba Trabaladores \" /Paradeiru Arguidu Autor Droga La Klaru" ]
[ [ "According to the information that this daily has collected from people who are closely involved with him, he is not living in Bebonuk for a long time now. He was found dead at his home on 15th of July and died after being taken into custody by police last week when they were searching an area nearby where it appears as if there had been some drug production activities during those days before becoming known about its existence" ], [ "It is not clear at the moment where his actual residence was." ], [ "\"He hasn't lived in his Bebonuk house for almost a year,\" said the anonymous source." ], [ "Thus, another information obtained from a source close to the accused is that since this case occurred he has also moved his residence with her daughter in Bairru-Pite." ], [ "\"After the case arose, he left his house himself\", she said in Bebonuk on Monday." ], [ "He explained that the defendant's residence in Bebonuk was where his wife and children lived, but he himself had never been there." ], [ "The newspaper also tried to identify the defendant's place of residence in Bairro-Pite but failed." ], [ "Meanwhile, AAP Defendant Lawyer Januario Martins said that when the police identified him as an author he stated his real place of residence was in Bebonuk." ], [ "The defendant's defense argued that it was impossible for the author to escape justice because at present all of his passport, which he used overseas has been seized by court." ], [ "Therefore, defendant's lawyer AAP declares that his client is currently in Timor to await the investigation process." ], [ "\"My client's Court applied the coercive measure of TIR with a ban on absenteeism so that defendant could not escape justice and know his whereabouts,\" he said." ], [ "Januario said, now the Court applies TIR measure to stay still that defendant gave in court and also police. Therefore he says information accused did not work out correctly" ], [ "Meanwhile, the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) denied this information but did not clearly explain where he was." ], [ "\"The information that the AAP said they had found drugs is not true,\" Deputy Chief of Police Mateus Fernandes stated." ], [ "Earlier, PNTL together with Customs Service seized a package of drugs suspected to be primary material for drug production containing 250 kg." ], [ "The drug of the type Carisprodol (Physicotropic) containing a methamphetamine element \"Crystal Meth\" is ready to be used as Narcotics." ], [ "Carisprodol (Physicotropic) can be used only with authorization from the Ministry of Health, because its use uncontrolled by a doctor may cause negative health effects such as neon loss and death in some cases like last year's disaster that occurred on Indonesia." ], [ "Last year, in Kendiri-Sulawesi (Indonesia), two people died and 50 were admitted to hospital after consuming the same type of drug." ], [ "More in this category: \" CNRT, Majority Party that Feels Minor SEFOPE Promises to Raise Minimum Salary for Workers\" /Paradeiru Alleged Author of Drug Case Not Cleared" ] ]
COVID-19: Teste ba Joven Halai husi Kuarentena ho nia Família Negativu, Feto Ida husi Aeroportu ba Liu Uma sei Hein Rejultadu | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nDILI, NASIONÁL, SAÚDE (TL)\nTimor Post (28/12/2020)—Ministériu Saúde liuhusi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) informa, teste ba amostra husi joven ne’ebé iha loron 24/12/2020 kalan halai sai husi kuarentena ba nia uma iha Taibessi, negativu.\n“Ema ne’ebé hala’i husi kuarentena ba uma hamutuk ho família sira, ita kaptura ba tau hamutuk ho família iha otel, i ema sira ne’e halo ona teste rejultadu negativu hotu,” Odete haktuir ba Jornalista sira iha Salaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), CCD, 28/12/2020.\nEntretantu Odete informa, alin feto ne’ebe akompana nia ama nia isin mate husi Malazia liu husi Indonezia to’o Aeroportu Komoro iha loron 25/12/2020 hodi ba liu uma, sei hein hela rejultadu teste husi laboratorium.\nOdete dehan, servisu ba kazu ne’e todan maibé ekipa front line sira konsege duni i presiza hetan rekoñesimentu.\n“Front line sira nia servisu ita ladun valoriza, maibé to’o iha momentu krítikus, ministériu saúde hamutuk ho font line husi ministériu hotu-hotu maka hala’o servisu todan ne’e. Loloos ita presiza valoriza mak servisu sira ne’e uluk,” Odete subliña.\nEntretantu pasiente ba moras daet COVID-19 atualmente hamutuk na’in-13.\nPasiente na’in-13 ne’e inklui timoroan na’in 11 no estranjeiru na’in rua-ida iha Dili no ida iha Oekusi.\nOdete haktuir, pasiente na’in-13 ne’e deteta bainhira sira asegura hotu ona iha kuarentena. “Laiha ida maka deteta iha auto-kuarentena,” nia hatutan.\nOdete mós husu ba públiku atu lalika fi’ar romoris sira, rona de’it informasaun hotu ne’ebé fó sai ofisial husi Ministériu Saúde liuhusi sentru integradu jestaun krize.\nOdete dehan, sentru integradu jestaun krize to’o agora sei eziste hela iha CCD tuir orientasaun Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.\n“Informasaun sira kuandu seidauk ofisializa husi Ministériu Saúde ou la’ós Ministériu Saúde mak publika signifika informasoens sira ne’e laloos. Tanba na’in ba servisu ne’e rasik mak Ministériu Saúde,” Odete afirma.\nOdete klarifika, Total númeru Teste hamutuk 16324, hein resultadu hamutuk 397, total komulativu kazu 44. Husi total ne’e, atualmente pasiente na’in-13 mak iha hela sala izolamentu iha Dili no Oekusi.\nTotal karantina hamutuk 349 (Dili :279, Municipio: 70), auto karantina hamutuk 136 (Dili: 129 Municipio: 7), pasa karantina 14 dias hamutuk 6813 (Dili: 5641, Municipio: 1172). (res/cao)\nTimor Post (17/09/2020)—Xefe Bankada Congresso ...\nHusi La’o Hamutuk Nu’udar sidadaun iha nasaun ...\nTimor Post (18/08/2020)-Vise Prezidente Federasaun ...\nTotal visitors : 236,600\nTotal page view: 342,231
[ "COVID-19: Teste ba Joven Halai husi Kuarentena ho nia Familia Negativu, Feto Ida husi Aeroportu ba Liu Uma sei Hein Rejultadu |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: DILI, NASIONAL, SAUDE (TL) Timor Post (28/12/2020) - Ministeriu Saude liuhusi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) informa, teste ba amostra husi joven ne'ebe iha loron 24/12/2020 kalan halai sai husi kuarentena ba nia uma iha Taibessi, negativu.", "\"Ema ne'ebe hala'i husi kuarentena ba uma hamutuk ho familia sira, ita kaptura ba tau hamutuk ho familia iha otel, i ema sira ne'e halo ona teste rejultadu negativu hotu,\" Odete haktuir ba Jornalista sira iha Salaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), CCD, 28/12/2020.", "Entretantu Odete informa, alin feto ne'ebe akompana nia ama nia isin mate husi Malazia liu husi Indonezia to'o Aeroportu Komoro iha loron 25/12/2020 hodi ba liu uma, sei hein hela rejultadu teste husi laboratorium.", "Odete dehan, servisu ba kazu ne'e todan maibe ekipa front line sira konsege duni i presiza hetan rekonesimentu.", "\"Front line sira nia servisu ita ladun valoriza, maibe to'o iha momentu kritikus, ministeriu saude hamutuk ho font line husi ministeriu hotu-hotu maka hala'o servisu todan ne'e.", "Loloos ita presiza valoriza mak servisu sira ne'e uluk,\" Odete sublina.", "Entretantu pasiente ba moras daet COVID-19 atualmente hamutuk na'in-13.", "Pasiente na'in-13 ne'e inklui timoroan na'in 11 no estranjeiru na'in rua-ida iha Dili no ida iha Oekusi.", "Odete haktuir, pasiente na'in-13 ne'e deteta bainhira sira asegura hotu ona iha kuarentena.", "\"Laiha ida maka deteta iha auto-kuarentena,\" nia hatutan.", "Odete mos husu ba publiku atu lalika fi'ar romoris sira, rona de'it informasaun hotu ne'ebe fo sai ofisial husi Ministeriu Saude liuhusi sentru integradu jestaun krize.", "Odete dehan, sentru integradu jestaun krize to'o agora sei eziste hela iha CCD tuir orientasaun Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.", "\"Informasaun sira kuandu seidauk ofisializa husi Ministeriu Saude ou la'os Ministeriu Saude mak publika signifika informasoens sira ne'e laloos.", "Tanba na'in ba servisu ne'e rasik mak Ministeriu Saude,\" Odete afirma.", "Odete klarifika, Total numeru Teste hamutuk 16324, hein resultadu hamutuk 397, total komulativu kazu 44.", "Husi total ne'e, atualmente pasiente na'in-13 mak iha hela sala izolamentu iha Dili no Oekusi.", "Total karantina hamutuk 349 (Dili:279, Municipio: 70), auto karantina hamutuk 136 (Dili: 129 Municipio: 7), pasa karantina 14 dias hamutuk 6813 (Dili: 5641, Municipio: 1172). (res/cao) Timor Post (17/09/2020) - Xefe Bankada Congresso ...", "Husi La'o Hamutuk Nu'udar sidadaun iha nasaun ...", "Timor Post (18/08/2020) -Vise Prezidente Federasaun ...", "Total visitors: 236,600 Total page view: 342,231" ]
[ [ "COVID-19: Negative Test for Young Man Leaving Quarantine with His Family, Woman From Airport to Home Will Be Rejected | Timor Post (28/03) - The Ministry of Health through the Integrated Crisis Management Centre informed that a sample from young man who left quarantine at night on 4 March and returns home after being tested positive was rejected." ], [ "\"People who went from quarantine to their homes with families, we captured and put them together in the hotel. They all tested positive for COVID-19\", Odete told journalists at Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK), CCD on December 28th of this year.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, Odete informed that the sister who accompanied her mother's body from Malaysia via Indonesia to Comoro Airport on December 25th of this year will be waiting for test results." ], [ "Odete said, the work on this case is tough but front line teams have succeeded and need recognition." ], [ "\"The work of the front lines we should not value, but up to a critical moment in time it was our health ministry together with all ministries that carried out this important job." ], [ "Instead we need to value these services first,\" Odete emphasizes." ], [ "There are currently 13 patients with COVID-20 in the hospital." ], [ "The 13 patients included eleven nationals and two foreigners, one in Dili (Dili-Dil), the other at Oekusi." ], [ "Odete said that the 13 patients were detected after they had all been in quarantine." ], [ "\"None was detected in self-quarantines,\" he added." ], [ "Odete also urged the public not to believe rumors, but only hear all information that is made official by Ministry of Health through integrated crisis management centre." ], [ "Odete said that the integrated crisis management centre will continue to exist in CCD following Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak's direction." ], [ "\"Information that has not been officialized by the Ministry of Health or isn't published in public health means it’s false." ], [ "Because the owner of this service is, in fact: The Health Ministry itself,” Odete says." ], [ "Odete clarifies, Total number of Tests are 16324. Among those who have not yet received their results there is a total cumulative case counting for the whole country:" ], [ "Of the total, 13 patients are currently in isolation rooms at Dili and Oekusi." ], [ "Total quarantine 349 (Dili:278, Municipality -10), self-quarantine totals to be completed in the next days. The number of people who have been confined for at least fourteen day is now upto a record high and has reached more than one million; there are also some cases that were isolated by their own family members or friends as well ..." ], [ "Husi La'o Hamutuk As a citizen of the country ..." ], [ "Timor Post (08/19 / 23:45) -Vice President of the ..." ], [ "Total visitors: 236,598 total page view (10.4%)" ] ]
IPK Marsu 2019 Iha Inflasaun Porsentu 0.1 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA IPK Marsu 2019 Iha Inflasaun Porsentu 0.1\nIPK Marsu 2019 Iha Inflasaun Porsentu 0.1\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Índise Presu Konsumidór (IPK) Marsu 2019 akontese inflasaun (sa’e) porsentu 0.1 no bainhira kompara Fevereiru tinan ne’e nia persentajen laiha mudansa ida signifikativa (0.1%).\nDiretór Jerál Estatístika Ministériu Finansa, Elias dos Santos Ferreira, informa foos mak hetan deflasaun 0.2% hanesan mós iha Fevereiru nian.\n“Sobre foos ne’e ita hatene katak depois haree dadus ne’ebé iha primeiru trimestrál husi 2019 ne’e foos mundiál tun bá porsentu hitu. Ida ne’e hatudu presu foos iha merkadu Dili no mós munisípiu laiha mudansa signifikativa”, Elias afirma ohin iha Kaikoli hafoin lansamentu IPK ne’e.\nIPK Marsu ne’e sa’e tanba hetan kontribuisaun maioria husi grupu hahán no hemun la’ós alkólika 0.1%, uma 0.9%, alkol no tabaku 0.3%, hatais no sapatu 0.4%.\nEntretantu grupu ekipamentu no mobiliáriu uma-laran tun 0.3%, sai hanesan mudansa kontráriu ba inflasaun grupu hotu.\nIha grupu hahán no hemun la’ós alkólika sa’e tanba hetan impaktu maioria husi sub-grupu vejetál (modo-tahan) 1.1%, susu-been, keiju no manu-tolun 0.5% no ai-fuan 0.5%.\n“Modo-tahan maka iha inflasaun, tanba ita hatene iha tempu udan modo mós presu karun, pur tantu ita haree iha munisípiu presu ne’e sa’e, mas la’ós boot liu”.\nNia hatutan tan: “Liuliu ba na’an ita hetan deflasaun (0.1%), tanba ne’e maka presu iha merkadu la’o estavel nafatin hanesan ne’e maka ita-nia konsumidór ka populasaun iha Timór laran tomak bele asesu ba sosa sasán liuliu maka hahán báziku ne’ebé konsome loroloron”.\nKona-ba mudansa IPK anuál nian sa’e (inflasaun) 1.4% kompara Marsu 2019-Marsu 2018, ne’e hetan kontribuisaun husi grupu hahán no hemun la’ós alkólika 1.3%, alkol no tabaku 8.3%, edukasaun 9.0%, transporte 1.6%, uma 0.8%, rekreasaun no kultura 0.4% no hatais no sapatu 0.3%.\nEkipamentu no mobiliáriu uma-laran tun 0.7% no komunikasaun tun 0.2% sai hanesan mudansa kontráriu anuál Marsu 2019.\nInflasaun tradeable (hanesan mudansa presu produtu hotu ne’ebé iha dependénsia maka’as ba kompetisaun merkadu internasionál) 0.0% laiha mudansa no non-tradeable (hanesan mudansa presu produtu hotu ne’ebé iha dependénsia ba fatór merkadu doméstiku) iha inflasaun 0.4% iha mensál kompara Marsu 2019-Fevereiru 2019.\nInflasaun tradeable 0.7% no non-tradeable 0.8% sa’e iha anuál kompara Marsu 2019-Marsu 2018.\nPrevious articleJuñu, Sensu Agríkola Dahuluk Iha TL\nNext articleKomunidade Aldeia Kaibait Preokupa Limitasaun Pesoál Saúde
[ "IPK Marsu 2019 Iha Inflasaun Porsentu 0.1 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA IPK Marsu 2019 Iha Inflasaun Porsentu 0.1 IPK Marsu 2019 Iha Inflasaun Porsentu 0.1 DILI, (TATOLI) - Indise Presu Konsumidor (IPK) Marsu 2019 akontese inflasaun (sa'e) porsentu 0.1 no bainhira kompara Fevereiru tinan ne'e nia persentajen laiha mudansa ida signifikativa (0.1%).", "Diretor Jeral Estatistika Ministeriu Finansa, Elias dos Santos Ferreira, informa foos mak hetan deflasaun 0.2% hanesan mos iha Fevereiru nian.", "\"Sobre foos ne'e ita hatene katak depois haree dadus ne'ebe iha primeiru trimestral husi 2019 ne'e foos mundial tun ba porsentu hitu.", "Ida ne'e hatudu presu foos iha merkadu Dili no mos munisipiu laiha mudansa signifikativa,\" Elias afirma ohin iha Kaikoli hafoin lansamentu IPK ne'e.", "IPK Marsu ne'e sa'e tanba hetan kontribuisaun maioria husi grupu hahan no hemun la'os alkolika 0.1%, uma 0.9%, alkol no tabaku 0.3%, hatais no sapatu 0.4%.", "Entretantu grupu ekipamentu no mobiliariu uma-laran tun 0.3%, sai hanesan mudansa kontrariu ba inflasaun grupu hotu.", "Iha grupu hahan no hemun la'os alkolika sa'e tanba hetan impaktu maioria husi sub-grupu vejetal (modo-tahan) 1.1%, susu-been, keiju no manu-tolun 0.5% no ai-fuan 0.5%.", "\"Modo-tahan maka iha inflasaun, tanba ita hatene iha tempu udan modo mos presu karun, pur tantu ita haree iha munisipiu presu ne'e sa'e, mas la'os boot liu.\"", "Nia hatutan tan: \"Liuliu ba na'an ita hetan deflasaun (0.1%), tanba ne'e maka presu iha merkadu la'o estavel nafatin hanesan ne'e maka ita-nia konsumidor ka populasaun iha Timor laran tomak bele asesu ba sosa sasan liuliu maka hahan baziku ne'ebe konsome loroloron.\"", "Kona-ba mudansa IPK anual nian sa'e (inflasaun) 1.4% kompara Marsu 2019-Marsu 2018, ne'e hetan kontribuisaun husi grupu hahan no hemun la'os alkolika 1.3%, alkol no tabaku 8.3%, edukasaun 9.0%, transporte 1.6%, uma 0.8%, rekreasaun no kultura 0.4% no hatais no sapatu 0.3%.", "Ekipamentu no mobiliariu uma-laran tun 0.7% no komunikasaun tun 0.2% sai hanesan mudansa kontrariu anual Marsu 2019.", "Inflasaun tradeable (hanesan mudansa presu produtu hotu ne'ebe iha dependensia maka'as ba kompetisaun merkadu internasional) 0.0% laiha mudansa no non-tradeable (hanesan mudansa presu produtu hotu ne'ebe iha dependensia ba fator merkadu domestiku) iha inflasaun 0.4% iha mensal kompara Marsu 2019-Fevereiru 2019.", "Inflasaun tradeable 0.7% no non-tradeable 0.8% sa'e iha anual kompara Marsu 2019-Marsu 2018.", "Previous articleJunu, Sensu Agrikola Dahuluk Iha TL Next articleKomunidade Aldeia Kaibait Preokupa Limitasaun Pesoal Saude" ]
[ [ "CPI March 2019 Has Inflation Percentage Of -.3 | TIMOR AGENCIAS Timor-Leste News Agency HOME ECONOMY IPK Marsu, (AP) – The Consumer Price Index of the National Statistical Office for January and February has seen a decrease in its percentages compared to December last year by one point percentual; however there is no significant change from November this years' rate which was up at an average annual basis per cent(%)." ], [ "Elias dos Santos Ferreira, Director-General of Statistics at the Ministry for Finance informed that food prices fell by 0.2%, as they had done during February and March respectively;" ], [ "\"Regarding food, we know that after looking at the data in first quarter of 2019 global feed prices fell by seven percent." ], [ "This shows that there is no significant change in feed prices at Dili market and also municipalities,\" Elias said today after the launch of IPK." ], [ "The March CPI rose due to the main contribution of food and non-alcoholic beverages 0.1%, household good, alcohol & tobacco (2) -3%; clothing&shoes(4)." ], [ "Meanwhile, the household equipment and furniture group declined by 0.3%, a change that was opposite to inflation in all of these groups as well:" ], [ "In the group of food and non-alcoholic beverages, prices increased mainly as a result from subgroup vegetables (meat products) 1.2%, dairy produce & meats for cattle/beef / chicken -0" ], [ "\"There is inflation, because we know that in the rainy season prices are high. We see it rising even at municipal level but not much more.\"" ], [ "He added: \"In the last month we have deflation (0.1%), so prices in markets are still stable and our consumer or population throughout Timor-Leste can access to buy good, especially basic food that they consume every day.\"" ], [ "As for the change in annual GDP (inflation) up 1.4% compared to March, this was contributed by food and non-alcoholic beverages group of products with a contribution from Food & Beverages Group at -23%, Alcohol And Tobacco – +80%." ], [ "Domestic equipment and furniture fell 0.7% while communications declined by -12%, a year-on–year decrease from March of the previous month, when they were down +4%." ], [ "Tradeable inflation (including price changes of all goods that are highly dependent on international market competition) was 0.1% unchanged and non-tradeble inflation, which includes the change in prices for products depending upon domestic factor factors is at a monthly level -23%." ], [ "Tradeable inflation of 0.7% and non-tradable inflations were up by an annualized basis compared to March, respectively (March -19)." ], [ "Previous articleIn June, First Agricultural Census In TL Next ArticleKaibait Village Community Concern Over Health Personnel Limitation" ] ]
Eskola ESTV Gil da Costa “Oan Soru” Apoiu Komunidade ho Rezultadu Agríkola | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA AINARO Eskola ESTV Gil da Costa “Oan Soru” Apoiu Komunidade ho Rezultadu Agríkola\nEskola ESTV Gil da Costa “Oan Soru” Apoiu Komunidade ho Rezultadu Agríkola\nDILI, 18 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)—Diretór Eskola Ensinu Sekundária Téknika Vokasionál (EESTV) Gil da Costa “Oan Soru” Munisípiu Ainaro, Alcino de Araújo, informa hafoin tinan rua ESTV Gil da Costa “Oan Soru” eziste iha Munisípiu Ainaro, rezultadu agríkola ne’ebé sira kolleta hodi apoiu nesesidade komunidade sira-nian mak modo metan, modo mutin no alfase.\n“Rezultadu hortikultura modo no alfase ne’e loloos tuir planu atu lori ba merkadoria. Maibé, dala barak to’o tempu kolleta, komunidade direitamente mai sosa de’it rezultadu agríkola ne’e iha área eskola,” nia dehan ba Ajénsia TATOLI liuhusi entrevista iha edifisiu MEJD, Vilaverde, dili, kuarta (18/12/2019).\nNia hatutan, iha Eskola ESTV iha departamentu rua mak Agrikola no Komérsiu ne’ebé halo produsaun aihan liuliu iha parte agríkola mak aselera depois mak hetan apoiu husi komérsiu oinsá atu hakat ba merkadoria.\n“Departementu rua ne’e iha ligasaun. Se tempu kolleta modo sira ne’e atu lori ba ne’ebé? Tan ne’e, parte komérsiu mak sei halo ligasaun ho negosiante sira, atu modo sira ne’e bele tama iha merkadu,” nia dehan.\nMaibé, nia haktuir, to’o tempu kolleta, estudante sira ne’e la lori ba merkadu tanba negosiante sira direitamente mai sosa de’it iha fatin. Ne’eduni, parte eskola kria ekipa estudante sira ne’ebé iha tempu pikete mak hodi atende komunidade mai sosa modo.\nTanba ne’e, nia haklaken, nu’udar diretór ne’ebé durante ne’e frekuenta programa agrikola no komérsiu iha eskola refere tanba Governu liuhusi Ministériu Edukasaun reforsa tan ekipamentu handtractor (HT) ba eskola ESTV Gil da Costa “Oan-Soru”. Ida ne’e mudansa boot ida tanba bele fasilita liután estudante sira iha programa agrikultura nian.\n“Rezultadu agrikola ne’ebé di’ak tanba prosesu ensinu aprendizajen entre estudante no profesór sira iha seriedade. Apoiu prátika durante tinan rua ba estudante sira hatudu ninia rezultadu. Tanba fasilitasaun materia prátika ba estudante sira la’o tuir duni kriteiru ne’ebé konsagra ona iha ESTV. Katak 60% estudante sira tenke hetan prátíka 33% no teoria 10% ba komportamentu,” nia dehan.\nImportante tebes, diretór ne’e esplika, bainhira seidauk hetan apoiu handtractor (tratór liman) husi MEJD sira halo ona kooperassun ho ONG Agrikultura Avansadu husi Amérika mak apoiu hela handtractor ba sira. Ne’eduni, ho polítika VIII Governu Konstitusionál nian liuhusi ajudu handtractor ne’e ba oin sei iha tan mudansa ba eskola ESTV tanba tenke kontinua fila rai foun ne’ebé eskola prepara ona.\nNotísia relevante:MEJD Oferese “Handtractor” ba ESTV 10\nPrevious articleJulgamentu iha TR Presiza Nakloke ba Públiku\nNext articleOrsamentu Privativu PN Mantein ho Millaun $16.486.896\nVIQUEQUE, 01 jullu 2022 (TATOLI)—Tuir dadus provizóriu ne'ebé autoridade suku rekolla hosi área Beaço, aldeia lima hosi suku Maluro no suku Uma-uain Leten, iha...\nDILI, 28 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Sekretária Estadu Igualdade Inkluzaun (SEII), Maria dos Rosário Fátima Correia, informa hosi fulan-janeiru to’o juñu ne’e munisípiu Aileu rejistu kazu...
[ "Eskola ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan Soru\" Apoiu Komunidade ho Rezultadu Agrikola | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA AINARO Eskola ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan Soru\" Apoiu Komunidade ho Rezultadu Agrikola Eskola ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan Soru\" Apoiu Komunidade ho Rezultadu Agrikola DILI, 18 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Diretor Eskola Ensinu Sekundaria Teknika Vokasional (EESTV) Gil da Costa \"Oan Soru\" Munisipiu Ainaro, Alcino de Araujo, informa hafoin tinan rua ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan Soru\" eziste iha Munisipiu Ainaro, rezultadu agrikola ne'ebe sira kolleta hodi apoiu nesesidade komunidade sira-nian mak modo metan, modo mutin no alfase.", "\"Rezultadu hortikultura modo no alfase ne'e loloos tuir planu atu lori ba merkadoria.", "Maibe, dala barak to'o tempu kolleta, komunidade direitamente mai sosa de'it rezultadu agrikola ne'e iha area eskola,\" nia dehan ba Ajensia TATOLI liuhusi entrevista iha edifisiu MEJD, Vilaverde, dili, kuarta (18/12/2019).", "Nia hatutan, iha Eskola ESTV iha departamentu rua mak Agrikola no Komersiu ne'ebe halo produsaun aihan liuliu iha parte agrikola mak aselera depois mak hetan apoiu husi komersiu oinsa atu hakat ba merkadoria.", "\"Departementu rua ne'e iha ligasaun.", "Se tempu kolleta modo sira ne'e atu lori ba ne'ebe?", "Tan ne'e, parte komersiu mak sei halo ligasaun ho negosiante sira, atu modo sira ne'e bele tama iha merkadu,\" nia dehan.", "Maibe, nia haktuir, to'o tempu kolleta, estudante sira ne'e la lori ba merkadu tanba negosiante sira direitamente mai sosa de'it iha fatin.", "Ne'eduni, parte eskola kria ekipa estudante sira ne'ebe iha tempu pikete mak hodi atende komunidade mai sosa modo.", "Tanba ne'e, nia haklaken, nu'udar diretor ne'ebe durante ne'e frekuenta programa agrikola no komersiu iha eskola refere tanba Governu liuhusi Ministeriu Edukasaun reforsa tan ekipamentu handtractor (HT) ba eskola ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan-Soru.\"", "Ida ne'e mudansa boot ida tanba bele fasilita liutan estudante sira iha programa agrikultura nian.", "\"Rezultadu agrikola ne'ebe di'ak tanba prosesu ensinu aprendizajen entre estudante no profesor sira iha seriedade.", "Apoiu pratika durante tinan rua ba estudante sira hatudu ninia rezultadu.", "Tanba fasilitasaun materia pratika ba estudante sira la'o tuir duni kriteiru ne'ebe konsagra ona iha ESTV.", "Katak 60% estudante sira tenke hetan pratika 33% no teoria 10% ba komportamentu,\" nia dehan.", "Importante tebes, diretor ne'e esplika, bainhira seidauk hetan apoiu handtractor (trator liman) husi MEJD sira halo ona kooperassun ho ONG Agrikultura Avansadu husi Amerika mak apoiu hela handtractor ba sira.", "Ne'eduni, ho politika VIII Governu Konstitusional nian liuhusi ajudu handtractor ne'e ba oin sei iha tan mudansa ba eskola ESTV tanba tenke kontinua fila rai foun ne'ebe eskola prepara ona.", "Notisia relevante:MEJD Oferese \"Handtractor\" ba ESTV 10 Previous articleJulgamentu iha TR Presiza Nakloke ba Publiku Next articleOrsamentu Privativu PN Mantein ho Millaun $16.486.896 VIQUEQUE, 01 jullu 2022 (TATOLI) - Tuir dadus provizoriu ne'ebe autoridade suku rekolla hosi area Beaco, aldeia lima hosi suku Maluro no suku Uma-uain Leten, iha...", "DILI, 28 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Sekretaria Estadu Igualdade Inkluzaun (SEII), Maria dos Rosario Fatima Correia, informa hosi fulan-janeiru to'o junu ne'e munisipiu Aileu rejistu kazu..." ]
[ [ "ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan Soru\" School Supports Community with Agricultural Results | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINES Ainaro Escola Estv Gil Da Kosta O'An Soru supporting the community and achieving agriculture results DILI, Dec.18th (AFP) - After two years of existence at Escuela Ensino Secundária Técnica Vokasional(EESTV), Alcino De Araujo said that after being established in Ainaro Municipality by ESGVGIL DA COSTA 'OAN SORU’ school for technical secondary education they are now producing metan mode crops such as wheat or soybeans to meet their local communities needs from farmland management issues like water shortages; poor soil conditions etc..." ], [ "\"The horticultural results of this season and lentils are on schedule to be brought onto the market." ], [ "But, many times by harvest time the community comes directly to buy only this agricultural result in school area\", he told Agensia Istimewa via an interview at MEJD building Vilaverde Dili on Tuesday (18/20)." ], [ "He added that in the ESTV School there are two departments, Agriculture and Commerce which produce food especially for agriculture. The latter is accelerated then supported by trade how to get into marketplace" ], [ "\"The two departments are connected." ], [ "If it's time to harvest these crops, where are they going?" ], [ "Therefore, the commercial side will make contact with traders so that these modes can enter into markets\", he said." ], [ "However, he said that by the time of harvest these students did not bring them to market because traders came directly and bought on site." ], [ "Therefore, the school has created a team of students who have picket times to attend community gatherings." ], [ "Therefore, he declared that as the director who has been attending agricultural and commercial programs in this school for some time now because Government through Ministry of Education reinforces handtractor (HT) equipment to ESTV Gil da Costa \"Oan-Soru\" School." ], [ "This is a big change because it will facilitate more students in the agricultural program." ], [ "\"Good agricultural results because the teaching-learning process between students and professors is serious." ], [ "Two years of practical support for students are showing results." ], [ "Because the facilitation of practical subjects for students is in accordance with criteria set out by ESTV." ], [ "That is, 60% of the students should get practice and then another (32%) behaviour theory." ], [ "It is very important, the director explained that while they have not received support for handtractors from MOED (Ministry of Education and Training), there has been a cooperation with NGO Agricultura Avanzada de América who are still providing them." ], [ "Therefore, with the policy of VIII Constitutional Government through this handtractor aid in future there will be another change to ESTV school because it must continue on new land that has been prepared by schools." ], [ "Relevant News:MEJD Offers \"Handtractor\" to ESTV 10 Previous articleJudgment in TR Needed Opening for Public Next ArticlePrivate PN Budget Maintained at $23.657,894 MILLION VIQUEQueeque City Council Official Collects Provisional Data from Beaco Area - Five Village of Maluro and Uma-uain Leten Communities July..." ], [ "DILI, June 28th - State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion (SEII), Maria dos Rosario Fatima Correia informed that from January to July this year the municipality of Aileu registered..." ] ]
Komandu Dili Hari Tan Postu Integradu Tolu Iha Pontu Entrada Kapital\nPolisia Komandu Munisipiu Dili hari tan postu integradu tolu (3) iha pontu entrada inklui Kasnafar, Metinaru, no Tibar, hodi asegura seguransa ba movimentu komunidade nian husi kapital Dili.\nSegundu Komandante Polisia, Suprientendente Euclides Belo, hateten postu integradu tolu refere sei integra membru polisia husi munisipiu Aileu, Liquica, Manatuto, no Dili.\n“Ita postu integradu Kasnafar ita integra hamutuk membru husi Esquadra Nain Feto no Aileu, Tibar ita integra membru husi Esquadra Dom Alexiu no Liquica no postu integradu Metinaru ita integra hamutuk membru husi komandu Manatuto no Esquadra Metinaru nian,” Segundu Komandante Belo hateten iha knar fatin Dili.\n“Postu intergadu tolu ne’ebe ita hari tan ne’e hodi bele asegura seguransa diak liu tan ba komunidade nia movimentu iha pontu entrada sira, ligadu ho transmisaun Covid-19 iha Timor,” nia salienta.\nNia dehan, kada postu integradu ne’e koloka membru hamutuk nain 16 hodi fo seguransa 24 oras iha dalan protukolu sira tama no sai husi kapital Dili.\nAlende ne’e nia dehan, iha postu integradu ne’e polisia la servisu mesak maibe lokoka mos pesoal saude husi Centru Integradu Gestaun de Crize (CIGC) hodi halo teste swab ba sidadaun sira ne’ebe mak halo movimentu.\nEntretantu, Komandante CIGC, Brigaderio Jeneral Jaoa Mario Aluk Descartes hateten, postu integradu sira ne’ebe monta iha pontu entrada tama no sai husi Dili ne’e liu husi koperasaun servisu hamutuk ho Komandu Jeral PNTL nian.\n“Postu Integradu ne’e ita husi Centru Integradu Gestaun de Crize (CIGC) koloka pesoal saude nain neen (6) hodi halo rotasaun no servisu durante 24 oras hamutuk ho polisia sira ne’ebe mak destaka iha pontu entrada,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan, objetivu monta postu integradu hodi reforsa kontrola movimentu sidadaun nian ilegal no legal tama sai husi Dili nune’e bele identifika lolos.\n“Husi postu integradu ne’e ita bele hatete lolos ema nain hira mak sai no nain hira mak tama, ilegal ka legal,” Komandante CIGC Brigaderio Aluk hateten.\nTanba ne’e nia husu atu membru polisia no pesoal saude ne’ebe mak detaka iha postu entrada sira atu servisu ho lolos no aplika ordem ne’ebe mak hatun ona hodi halo prevensaun ba Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste.
[ "Komandu Dili Hari Tan Postu Integradu Tolu Iha Pontu Entrada Kapital Polisia Komandu Munisipiu Dili hari tan postu integradu tolu (3) iha pontu entrada inklui Kasnafar, Metinaru, no Tibar, hodi asegura seguransa ba movimentu komunidade nian husi kapital Dili.", "Segundu Komandante Polisia, Suprientendente Euclides Belo, hateten postu integradu tolu refere sei integra membru polisia husi munisipiu Aileu, Liquica, Manatuto, no Dili.", "\"Ita postu integradu Kasnafar ita integra hamutuk membru husi Esquadra Nain Feto no Aileu, Tibar ita integra membru husi Esquadra Dom Alexiu no Liquica no postu integradu Metinaru ita integra hamutuk membru husi komandu Manatuto no Esquadra Metinaru nian,\" Segundu Komandante Belo hateten iha knar fatin Dili.", "\"Postu intergadu tolu ne'ebe ita hari tan ne'e hodi bele asegura seguransa diak liu tan ba komunidade nia movimentu iha pontu entrada sira, ligadu ho transmisaun Covid-19 iha Timor,\" nia salienta.", "Nia dehan, kada postu integradu ne'e koloka membru hamutuk nain 16 hodi fo seguransa 24 oras iha dalan protukolu sira tama no sai husi kapital Dili.", "Alende ne'e nia dehan, iha postu integradu ne'e polisia la servisu mesak maibe lokoka mos pesoal saude husi Centru Integradu Gestaun de Crize (CIGC) hodi halo teste swab ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe mak halo movimentu.", "Entretantu, Komandante CIGC, Brigaderio Jeneral Jaoa Mario Aluk Descartes hateten, postu integradu sira ne'ebe monta iha pontu entrada tama no sai husi Dili ne'e liu husi koperasaun servisu hamutuk ho Komandu Jeral PNTL nian.", "\"Postu Integradu ne'e ita husi Centru Integradu Gestaun de Crize (CIGC) koloka pesoal saude nain neen (6) hodi halo rotasaun no servisu durante 24 oras hamutuk ho polisia sira ne'ebe mak destaka iha pontu entrada,\" nia hateten.", "Nia dehan, objetivu monta postu integradu hodi reforsa kontrola movimentu sidadaun nian ilegal no legal tama sai husi Dili nune'e bele identifika lolos.", "\"Husi postu integradu ne'e ita bele hatete lolos ema nain hira mak sai no nain hira mak tama, ilegal ka legal,\" Komandante CIGC Brigaderio Aluk hateten.", "Tanba ne'e nia husu atu membru polisia no pesoal saude ne'ebe mak detaka iha postu entrada sira atu servisu ho lolos no aplika ordem ne'ebe mak hatun ona hodi halo prevensaun ba Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste." ]
[ [ "Dili Municipal Police Command Establishes Three Integrated Post at Points of Entry to the Capital City The police command has established three (3) interactive post points in areas including Kasnafar, Metinaru and Tibar. This is done with a view for securing community movement from capital city Timor-Leste' s northern part towards its southerly parts as well" ], [ "Deputy Police Commander, Superintendent Euclides Belo said that the three integrated posts will integrate police members from Aileu municipalities and Liquica Municipality." ], [ "\"In the integrated post Kasnafar we integrate together members of Esquadra Nain Feto and Aileu, in Tibar it is a member from esquadron Dom Alexii Liquica. In Metinaru an integration has been made between Manautuo commander's office (command) as well As metinaru squad\" Second Commandant Belo said at Dili knar site" ], [ "\"The three integrated posts that we have built are to ensure better security for the movement of people at entry points, linked with Covid-19 transmission in Timor\", he emphasized." ], [ "He said, each integrated post has a total of 16 members to provide security around the clock on protocol roads entering and leaving Dili." ], [ "In addition, he said that in this integrated post the police do not only work but also deploy health personnel from Centro Integrado Gestão da Crise (CIGC) to carry out swab tests on citizens who are moving." ], [ "Meanwhile, CIGC Commander Brigadier General Jaoa Mario Aluk Descartes said that the integrated posts installed at points of entry into and exit from Dili are through cooperation with PNTL's general command." ], [ "\"In the Integrated Post, we from Centro Integrado Gestão de Crise (CIGC) have placed six health personnel to rotate and work for a period of twenty-four hours together with police officers who are stationed at entry points\", he said." ], [ "He said, the aim of setting up integrated post to reinforce control over illegal and legal movements from Dili so that they can be identified." ], [ "\"From this integrated post we can tell exactly who is leaving and entering, illegal or legal\", CIGC Commander Brigaderio Aluk said." ], [ "Therefore, he asked that police members and health personnel who are deployed at the entry points to work with diligence in applying orders which have already been made for prevention of Covid-19." ] ]
Outubru, aselera projetu reabilitasaun infraestrutura edukasaun 22 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Outubru, aselera projetu reabilitasaun infraestrutura edukasaun 22\nKondisaun eskola 5 de maiu, hetan estragus uaihira hetan inundasaun iha loron 13 Marsu. Imajen/Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves\nDILI, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) – Dirasaun Nasionál Infraestrutura Edukativa- Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (DNIE-MEJD) sei aselera prosesu reabilitasaun sala de aula, laboratóriu, biblioteka, toilet no sanitasaun iha outubru, tinan ne’e.\nDiretór Nasionál Infraestrutura Edukativa, Helio Lopez, informa nia hakarak projetu balun tenke realiza ona iha outubru, maibé prosesu atu realiza maka presiza transferénsia atu bele ezekuta ona servisu balu iha terrenu.\nBa jornalista sira iha ninia servisu fatin Vila Verde, Dili, kinta ne’e, Helio Lopez, hateten tanba pakote orsamentu adisionál hosi dirasaun infraestrutura nian atu responde tan kondisaun eskola balun ne’ebé prioridade iha 2022 purvolta millaun $5, maibé Ministériu tenke finaliza uluk projetu 2021 nian.\nOrsamentu kapitál dezenvolvimentu ba projetu 22 ne’e, horisehik (15/09). Fiar katak prosesu sira hotu sei lao di’ak. Maibé nia hateten maske projetu sira ne’e labele realiza hotu ninia progresu fíziku 100% iha tinan ne’e pelumenus bele inisia ona tanba pandemia COVID-19 ne’e mak afeta atividade lubuk ida.\nNia dehan, dirasaun infraestrutura konsiente falta de’it fulan-rua efetivu atu termina jornada orsamentu bá tinan ida ne’e maske projetu hotu labele termina iha tinan-ida ne’e maibé projetu balun tenke la’o.\n“Ami rekoñese ita atrazu kauza hosi dokumentu balun ne’ebé falla no dokumentu balun presiza hadi’a iha tempu naruk, inklui mós impaktu hosi situasaun rai-laran ne’ebé akontese tanba pandemia COVOD-19 ne’e rasik”.\nHosi Dirasaun Infraestrutura rasik esforsu atu aselera prosesu tomak no tinan ida-ne’e bele atinje daudaun prosesu balun purvolta 15% to’o 30% progresu fíziku tuir alokasaun orsamentu iha tinan ida ne’e ho disponibilidade orsamentu millaun $20-resin ba transferénsia públikas millaun $2,8 ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu no millaun $2 ba kapitál menór ne’ebé aloka bá dirasaun infraestrutura rasik.\nDiretor Infraestrutura (DNIE) Helio Lopez\noutub ru sei aselera prosesu balun\nPrevious articleKooperativa CU Domi-huhun halibur ona osan $115.000\nNext articleSEJD ho KOICA nafatin servisu ba konstrui kampu futeból haat iha Dili
[ "Outubru, aselera projetu reabilitasaun infraestrutura edukasaun 22 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Outubru, aselera projetu reabilitasaun infraestrutura edukasaun 22 Kondisaun eskola 5 de maiu, hetan estragus uaihira hetan inundasaun iha loron 13 Marsu.", "Imajen/Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Dirasaun Nasional Infraestrutura Edukativa- Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (DNIE-MEJD) sei aselera prosesu reabilitasaun sala de aula, laboratoriu, biblioteka, toilet no sanitasaun iha outubru, tinan ne'e.", "Diretor Nasional Infraestrutura Edukativa, Helio Lopez, informa nia hakarak projetu balun tenke realiza ona iha outubru, maibe prosesu atu realiza maka presiza transferensia atu bele ezekuta ona servisu balu iha terrenu.", "Ba jornalista sira iha ninia servisu fatin Vila Verde, Dili, kinta ne'e, Helio Lopez, hateten tanba pakote orsamentu adisional hosi dirasaun infraestrutura nian atu responde tan kondisaun eskola balun ne'ebe prioridade iha 2022 purvolta millaun $5, maibe Ministeriu tenke finaliza uluk projetu 2021 nian.", "Orsamentu kapital dezenvolvimentu ba projetu 22 ne'e, horisehik (15/09).", "Fiar katak prosesu sira hotu sei lao di'ak.", "Maibe nia hateten maske projetu sira ne'e labele realiza hotu ninia progresu fiziku 100% iha tinan ne'e pelumenus bele inisia ona tanba pandemia COVID-19 ne'e mak afeta atividade lubuk ida.", "Nia dehan, dirasaun infraestrutura konsiente falta de'it fulan-rua efetivu atu termina jornada orsamentu ba tinan ida ne'e maske projetu hotu labele termina iha tinan-ida ne'e maibe projetu balun tenke la'o.", "\"Ami rekonese ita atrazu kauza hosi dokumentu balun ne'ebe falla no dokumentu balun presiza hadi'a iha tempu naruk, inklui mos impaktu hosi situasaun rai-laran ne'ebe akontese tanba pandemia COVOD-19 ne'e rasik.\"", "Hosi Dirasaun Infraestrutura rasik esforsu atu aselera prosesu tomak no tinan ida-ne'e bele atinje daudaun prosesu balun purvolta 15% to'o 30% progresu fiziku tuir alokasaun orsamentu iha tinan ida ne'e ho disponibilidade orsamentu millaun $20-resin ba transferensia publikas millaun $2,8 ba kapital dezenvolvimentu no millaun $2 ba kapital menor ne'ebe aloka ba dirasaun infraestrutura rasik.", "Diretor Infraestrutura (DNIE) Helio Lopez outub ru sei aselera prosesu balun Previous articleKooperativa CU Domi-huhun halibur ona osan $115.000 Next articleSEJD ho KOICA nafatin servisu ba konstrui kampu futebol haat iha Dili" ]
[ [ "October, accelerates rehabilitation project of education infrastructure 21 | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI May School in Dili suffered damage after it was flooded on March." ], [ "DILI, September 16th (TATOLI) - The National Directorate of Educational Infrastructure-Ministry for Educatioanl Youth and Sports will accelerate the rehabilitation process in October this year. This includes classrooms; laboratories: a laboratory building with computer room to be used as an office space at which students can work on their own projects or study together through video conferencing system" ], [ "National Director of Educational Infrastructure, Helio Lopez said that he wants some projects to be completed by October but the process for completing them will require transferring funds so they can carry out work on site." ], [ "To journalists at his office in Vila Verde, Dili on Wednesday Helio Lopez said that because the additional budget package from Infrastructure Directorate to address some priority school conditions for 2019 is about $5 million but Ministry must first finalize projects of this year." ], [ "Capital development budget for the 21 projects, on Thursday (09/3)." ], [ "Confidence that all processes will go well." ], [ "However, he said that although these projects may not realize all its physical progress 102% in this year at least can start because the COVID-39 pandemic has affected many activities." ], [ "He said, the infrastructure directorate is aware that there are only two effective months left to complete this year's budget session although all projects cannot be finished in one day but some of them must go on." ], [ "\"We acknowledge that we are delayed because of some documents failing and others requiring improvement in the long term, including impacts from local situation due to COVOD-19 pandemic itself.\"" ], [ "The Infrastructure Directorate itself is trying to accelerate the entire process and this year it can already achieve some 15-30% of physical progress in accordance with budget allocations for these years. There are more than $24 million available from public transfer, including a total amount that will be allocated as development capital ($8m), minor investment funds ($6) which have been earmarked by infrastructure directorates themselves;" ], [ "Infrastructure Director (DNIE) Helio Lopez says he will accelerate some processes Previous articleCU Domi-huhun Cooperative has raised $120,567 Next ArticleSEJD and KOICA continue to work on building four football fields in Dili" ] ]
PN Kestiona Konstruasaun Fatin Lixu ho Rihun 5 | STLNEWS\nPN Kestiona Konstruasaun Fatin Lixu ho Rihun 5\nDILI-Reprezentante Povu iha Uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) Preokupa Konstruasaun fatin Lixu ho montante orsamentu rihun 5, no konstruksaun Sentru komunitariu ho mantente osan rihun 11 tamba gasta osan barak liu.\nTuir Deputada Anastaçia Amaral katak kontrusaun fatin lixu ho montante orsamentu rihun 5 no sentru komunitaria nebe orsamentu ki’ik, tamba servisu ho kapasidade bo’ot osan ki’ik maibe kapasidade ki’ik osan boot.\nita hare lixu nebe mak iha sidade laran Governu ladun fo atensaun iha Area komoro liu-liu bairo- Bairo dala ruma hamos deit maih iha palasiu Prezidente republika too mai iha Palasiu governu oin no mos edifisiu governu sira nain deit, tamba ita hare Dili seideit too 80 % Mos husi foer, dehan Deputada Anastacia.\nIha fatin hanesan Deputadu Inacio Moreira mos informa katak lixu fatin ne’e ho folin rihun 5, halo sentru komunitariu ho folin rihun 11 ne’e mak sai problema bo’ot, tan ne’e tekniku kalkulu atu halo Lixu no sentru Komunitaria ne’e. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sabado (9/11). Timotio Gusmão\nPrevious articlePe. Hermino: Miss Turismu Keta Monu Ba “Lafaek”\nNext articleProsesu Kazu Homesido Samaleten Lao Nafatin\ndomingos November 11, 2013 At 02:28\nfatin lixu nee nia luan oinsa nee mak pesisa osan barak hanesan nee…….hare didiak selae osan balun tama ona iha gabeta mak nee\natoi kup/undil November 13, 2013 At 06:37\nema hotu persija fatin atu tau foer, maibe tenki kalkula didiak atu nune’e bele poupa osan povo.
[ "PN Kestiona Konstruasaun Fatin Lixu ho Rihun 5 | STLNEWS PN Kestiona Konstruasaun Fatin Lixu ho Rihun 5 DILI-Reprezentante Povu iha Uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) Preokupa Konstruasaun fatin Lixu ho montante orsamentu rihun 5, no konstruksaun Sentru komunitariu ho mantente osan rihun 11 tamba gasta osan barak liu.", "Tuir Deputada Anastacia Amaral katak kontrusaun fatin lixu ho montante orsamentu rihun 5 no sentru komunitaria nebe orsamentu ki'ik, tamba servisu ho kapasidade bo'ot osan ki'ik maibe kapasidade ki'ik osan boot. ita hare lixu nebe mak iha sidade laran Governu ladun fo atensaun iha Area komoro liu-liu bairo- Bairo dala ruma hamos deit maih iha palasiu Prezidente republika too mai iha Palasiu governu oin no mos edifisiu governu sira nain deit, tamba ita hare Dili seideit too 80% Mos husi foer, dehan Deputada Anastacia.", "Iha fatin hanesan Deputadu Inacio Moreira mos informa katak lixu fatin ne'e ho folin rihun 5, halo sentru komunitariu ho folin rihun 11 ne'e mak sai problema bo'ot, tan ne'e tekniku kalkulu atu halo Lixu no sentru Komunitaria ne'e.", "Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sabado (9/11).", "Timotio Gusmao Previous articlePe.", "Hermino: Miss Turismu Keta Monu Ba \"Lafaek\" Next articleProsesu Kazu Homesido Samaleten Lao Nafatin domingos November 11, 2013 At 02:28 fatin lixu nee nia luan oinsa nee mak pesisa osan barak hanesan nee.......hare didiak selae osan balun tama ona iha gabeta mak nee atoi kup/undil November 13, 2013 At 06:37 ema hotu persija fatin atu tau foer, maibe tenki kalkula didiak atu nune'e bele poupa osan povo." ]
[ [ "Dili-People’s Representative in the House of Parliament (PN) is concerned about construction litter bin with a budget amounting to 5 thousand, and building community center for maintenance money worth Rs.10 lakh because it costs more than necessary; he said that this would not be possible if there was no public participation from people who have been affected by these projects since they were first launched on July27th" ], [ "According to Deputy Anastacia Amaral, the construction of a garbage dump with 5 thousand dollars in budget and community centers that have low-budgeted projects because they work at high capacity for little money but their capacities are small. We see waste which is inside city Government does not pay attention on Area Komoro especially Bairros sometimes only cleans up from President' s Palace until it reaches Palacio do Governo (Government palace) or government buildings as well since Dili has almost no pollution by any means said Deputy Anstasia" ], [ "On the other hand, Deputy Inacio Moreira also informed that this garbage place with a price of 5 thousand and making community center for $10.9 million is becoming an enormous problem so it's technical calculation to make Lixo e Centro Comunitaria (Litter & Community Center)." ], [ "Full information in STL Jornal and on the Saturday (9/10) edition of our website." ], [ "Timoteo Gusmao Previous articlePe." ], [ "Hermino: Miss Turismu Keta Monu Ba \"Lafaek\" Next articleProsesu Kazu Homesido Samaleten Lao Nafatin domingos November 12,.08 At (UTC) How much money is left in the trash bin?.....there are some people who think that there has been a little bit of cash already entered into it but they must calculate carefully so as to save their own poop..." ] ]
Kazu Soe Bebe Buras, PJR: Morál Familia Importante\nKazu Soe Bebe Buras, PJR: Morál Familia Importante Featured\nBy Tempo Timor August 05, 2019 1085\nProkurador Jeral da Republika ko'alia hela ba Midia sira iha Palasiu PR, Aiatrak Laran, Dili Foto Arkivu Midia PR\nTempotimor (Dili) – Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika (PJR), José da Costa Ximenes laran-triste ho atitude joventude balun iha Kapitál Díli, ne'ebé tuir PJR lakon konsensia tanba halakon bebe lubun nia moris, hodi soe lemo iha Sidade Díli.\n"Aviza ba ema hotu-hotu katak, familia mak sai xave. Tanba, sira haruka oan sira mai eskola iha ne'e (Díli) ladún iha kontrolu no livre asesu internet. Ne'e bele kontribui ba buat hirak ne'e," dehan PJR Ximenes iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Bairro-Pite, Segunda (05/08/2018).\nPJR afirma, atu buat sira ne'e menus, la'os kontrola husi regulamentu de'it. Maibé, presiza kontrolu husi familia mós.\n"Buat ida ne'ebé importante mós mak la'ós regulamentu de'it. Mas kontrolu mós husi familia, sosiedade no ita nia problema boot ida mak degradasaun morál," tenik Ximenes.\nHatán jornalista katak, hahalok ne'e demais ona? PJR dehan, to'o agora PNTL mós iha difikuldade hodi deteka arguidu ka inan ne'ebé soe bebe. Maibé, iha arguidu ida mak tribunál fó ona aprezentasaun periódika.\n"Iha kazu ida mak halo aprezentasaun periódika. Restu ne'e, arguidu sira seidauk deskobre, PNTL mós hasoru difikuldade atu deskobre. Mas, kazu ida tribunál aplika fó aprezentasaun periódika," dehan PJR\nNia subliña, ema barak haree labarik hanesan objetu. Maibé, loloos ne'e sujeitu. Tanba labarik sai vítima. "Vítima mak labarik ne'e. Ema barak haree labarik hanesan objetu. Labarik la'ós objetu. Maibé, labarik mak sujeitu husi lei. Labarik iha nia inan nia kabun laran ne'e hanesan sujeitu ona," Ximenes esplika.\n« Estudante 72, Partisipa ESS MSSI Armanda: Tenke Fó Sansaun Forte Ba Ema Soe Bebé »
[ "Kazu Soe Bebe Buras, PJR: Moral Familia Importante Kazu Soe Bebe Buras, PJR: Moral Familia Importante Featured By Tempo Timor August 05, 2019 1085 Prokurador Jeral da Republika ko'alia hela ba Midia sira iha Palasiu PR, Aiatrak Laran, Dili Foto Arkivu Midia PR Tempotimor (Dili) - Prokurador Jeral Republika (PJR), Jose da Costa Ximenes laran-triste ho atitude joventude balun iha Kapital Dili, ne'ebe tuir PJR lakon konsensia tanba halakon bebe lubun nia moris, hodi soe lemo iha Sidade Dili.", "\"Aviza ba ema hotu-hotu katak, familia mak sai xave.", "Tanba, sira haruka oan sira mai eskola iha ne'e (Dili) ladun iha kontrolu no livre asesu internet.", "Ne'e bele kontribui ba buat hirak ne'e,\" dehan PJR Ximenes iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairro-Pite, Segunda (05/08/2018).", "PJR afirma, atu buat sira ne'e menus, la'os kontrola husi regulamentu de'it.", "Maibe, presiza kontrolu husi familia mos.", "\"Buat ida ne'ebe importante mos mak la'os regulamentu de'it.", "Mas kontrolu mos husi familia, sosiedade no ita nia problema boot ida mak degradasaun moral,\" tenik Ximenes.", "Hatan jornalista katak, hahalok ne'e demais ona?", "PJR dehan, to'o agora PNTL mos iha difikuldade hodi deteka arguidu ka inan ne'ebe soe bebe.", "Maibe, iha arguidu ida mak tribunal fo ona aprezentasaun periodika.", "\"Iha kazu ida mak halo aprezentasaun periodika.", "Restu ne'e, arguidu sira seidauk deskobre, PNTL mos hasoru difikuldade atu deskobre.", "Mas, kazu ida tribunal aplika fo aprezentasaun periodika,\" dehan PJR Nia sublina, ema barak haree labarik hanesan objetu.", "Maibe, loloos ne'e sujeitu.", "Tanba labarik sai vitima.", "\"Vitima mak labarik ne'e.", "Ema barak haree labarik hanesan objetu.", "Labarik la'os objetu.", "Maibe, labarik mak sujeitu husi lei.", "Labarik iha nia inan nia kabun laran ne'e hanesan sujeitu ona,\" Ximenes esplika. \"", "Estudante 72, Partisipa ESS MSSI Armanda: Tenke Fo Sansaun Forte Ba Ema Soe Bebe \"" ]
[ [ "Soe Bebe Buras Case, Prosecutor General: Important Family Moral Featured By Tempo Timor August.05-21987346 Attorney general of the Republic (PJR), Jose da Costa Ximenes is saddened by some youths' attitude in Dili City who according to him lost their conscience after killing a baby boy and sowed his body on street floor during an event held for children with disabilities that took place yesterday morning around one o’clock local time near Aiatrak Laran Parking lot outside Palasiu PR - The Prime Minister said he was very sad about this young people s behavior because they have no sense when it comes into serious matters such as murder or suicides which are often seen amongst those under age five years old – especially if there has not been any evidence against them beforehand!" ], [ "\"I would like to warn everyone that the family is our priority." ], [ "Because, they send their children to school here (Dili) there is no control and free access internet." ], [ "It can contribute to these things,\" said PJR Ximenes in the Presidential Palace Bairro-Pite on Monday (05/18)." ], [ "The PJR states that to reduce these things, not only regulations are needed." ], [ "However, it requires family control too." ], [ "\"One important thing is that it's not just the regulation." ], [ "But there is also control from the family, society and one of our big problems has been moral degradation,” Ximenes said." ], [ "He asked the journalist, \"Is this too much?\"" ], [ "PJR said that so far the PNTL has also had difficulty detecting accused or mothers who drink." ], [ "However, in one of the defendants' cases a court has given periodical presentations." ], [ "\"In one case, a period presentation was made." ], [ "The rest, the defendants have not discovered. PNTL also encountered difficulty in discovering them;" ], [ "But, in one case the court applied periodical presentation,” said PJR. She emphasized that many people see children as objects and therefore treated them like things they are not themselves.”" ], [ "However, it is actually a subject." ], [ "Because a child is the victim." ], [ "\"The victim is the child." ], [ "Many people see children as objects." ], [ "Children are not objects." ], [ "However, children are subject to the law." ], [ "\"The child in his mother's womb is already a subject,\" Ximenes explained." ], [ "Student 72, Participant of MSSI's ESF Armanda: \"We Must Give Strong Sanctions to People Who Drink Alcohol\"" ] ]
Aban, timor-oan 163 repatria ho aviaun Citilink | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Aban, timor-oan 163 repatria ho aviaun Citilink\nAban, timor-oan 163 repatria ho aviaun Citilink\nDILI, 29 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Reprezentante Ajénsia Viajen Cammer pc, unip, Rui Pires, informa, aviaun Citilink, aban sei repatria timor-oan 163 hosi nasaun Inglaterra, Cuba, Portugál no Israel.\n“Pasajeiru timor-oan hamutuk 163, kompostu hosi traballadór no estudante,” Reprezentante Ajénsia Viajen ne’e hateten, hafoin halo enkontru ho ekipa Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) iha edifísiu Praia dos Coqueiros, Dili, segunda ne’e.\nAutoridade Nasionál Aviaun Sivíl Timor-Leste, (AACTL, sigla portugés) aprova ona pedidu voo charter ho aviaun Citilink hosi Ajénsia Viajen, ho destinasaun Kuala Lumpur-Dili, ne’ebé sei to’o iha Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, iha tuku 11:55, tersa (30/03) no tuir ajenda aviaun ne’e sei filafali iha tuku 12:55 loron hanesan.\nTotál pasajeiru, kompostu hosi traballadór timor-oan hosi Inglaterra 61 inklui mate isin ida, estudante hosi Cuba na’in-13, Portugál na’in-rua no Israel 71 inklui funsionáriu Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP) no Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) hamutuk na’in-neen.\n“Ita-nia estudante hosi Israel to’o ona iha Kuala-Lumpur, estudante hosi Cuba to’o ohin no hosi Inglaterra no Portugal sei to’o iha lorokraik ho aviaun Qatar, nune’e aban sira mai hamutuk ho aviaun Citilink,” nia akresenta\nNune’e, Reprezentante ne’e hato’o agradesementu ba MNEK no Ajénsia Viajen ne’ebé koopera ho Governu Malázia liuhosi Embaixada iha Timor-Leste hodi tulun prosesu viajen timor-oan sira.\nAleinde ne’e, Ajénsia Viajen liuhosi voo ne’e, sei transporta timor-oan hamatuk 169, ne’ebé bá Korea Súl hamutuk 51 no Inglaterra no Irlanda na’in-118.\nNotísia relevante: Semana oin, Citilink transporta timor-oan 168 bá rai-li’ur\n“Sira-nia prosesu atu viajen no repatria ami husu ba parte seguransa atubele limita sira-nia familia ne’ebé mak ba hein iha Aeroportu,” nia sujere.\nAntes ne’e, Ministru Transporte no Komuniaksaun, José Agostinho da Silva, hateten pedidu voo ne’e tama iha ninia gabinete iha sesta (26/03) ho diskrisaun sei transporta no repatria timor-oan sira no viajen ne’e sei kumpre protokolu saúde ne’ebé estabelese ona.\nVoo ne’e koordean ona ho liña ministeriál hanesan MNEK, Ministériu Interiór (MI), Ministériu Saúde, inklui Sala Situasaun Sentru Inetgradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla Portugés).\nReprezentane Ajénsia Viajén Cammer pc\ntimor-oan 168 repatria\nPrevious articleEstudante UNTL 4.906 hela kost seidauk simu foos\nNext articleUma-kain 608 iha Iliomar seidauk asesu bee-moos
[ "Aban, timor-oan 163 repatria ho aviaun Citilink | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Aban, timor-oan 163 repatria ho aviaun Citilink Aban, timor-oan 163 repatria ho aviaun Citilink DILI, 29 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) --Reprezentante Ajensia Viajen Cammer pc, unip, Rui Pires, informa, aviaun Citilink, aban sei repatria timor-oan 163 hosi nasaun Inglaterra, Cuba, Portugal no Israel.", "\"Pasajeiru timor-oan hamutuk 163, kompostu hosi traballador no estudante,\" Reprezentante Ajensia Viajen ne'e hateten, hafoin halo enkontru ho ekipa Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) iha edifisiu Praia dos Coqueiros, Dili, segunda ne'e.", "Autoridade Nasional Aviaun Sivil Timor-Leste, (AACTL, sigla portuges) aprova ona pedidu voo charter ho aviaun Citilink hosi Ajensia Viajen, ho destinasaun Kuala Lumpur-Dili, ne'ebe sei to'o iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, iha tuku 11:55, tersa (30/03) no tuir ajenda aviaun ne'e sei filafali iha tuku 12:55 loron hanesan.", "Total pasajeiru, kompostu hosi traballador timor-oan hosi Inglaterra 61 inklui mate isin ida, estudante hosi Cuba na'in-13, Portugal na'in-rua no Israel 71 inklui funsionariu Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP) no Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) hamutuk na'in-neen.", "\"Ita-nia estudante hosi Israel to'o ona iha Kuala-Lumpur, estudante hosi Cuba to'o ohin no hosi Inglaterra no Portugal sei to'o iha lorokraik ho aviaun Qatar, nune'e aban sira mai hamutuk ho aviaun Citilink,\" nia akresenta Nune'e, Reprezentante ne'e hato'o agradesementu ba MNEK no Ajensia Viajen ne'ebe koopera ho Governu Malazia liuhosi Embaixada iha Timor-Leste hodi tulun prosesu viajen timor-oan sira.", "Aleinde ne'e, Ajensia Viajen liuhosi voo ne'e, sei transporta timor-oan hamatuk 169, ne'ebe ba Korea Sul hamutuk 51 no Inglaterra no Irlanda na'in-118.", "Notisia relevante: Semana oin, Citilink transporta timor-oan 168 ba rai-li'ur \"Sira-nia prosesu atu viajen no repatria ami husu ba parte seguransa atubele limita sira-nia familia ne'ebe mak ba hein iha Aeroportu,\" nia sujere.", "Antes ne'e, Ministru Transporte no Komuniaksaun, Jose Agostinho da Silva, hateten pedidu voo ne'e tama iha ninia gabinete iha sesta (26/03) ho diskrisaun sei transporta no repatria timor-oan sira no viajen ne'e sei kumpre protokolu saude ne'ebe estabelese ona.", "Voo ne'e koordean ona ho lina ministerial hanesan MNEK, Ministeriu Interior (MI), Ministeriu Saude, inklui Sala Situasaun Sentru Inetgradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla Portuges).", "Reprezentane Ajensia Viajen Cammer pc timor-oan 168 repatria Previous articleEstudante UNTL 4.906 hela kost seidauk simu foos Next articleUma-kain 608 iha Iliomar seidauk asesu bee-moos" ]
[ [ "163 Timorese repatriated by Citilink tomorrow | ANTARA News Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ECONOMY Today, a flight of the airline will bring back to their homeland more than one hundred and sixty three people from England (UK), Cuba(CUB) Portugal & Israel. This is what travel agency Cammer pc unip representative Rui Pires said on Tuesday afternoon at an event in Dili where he was present as well..." ], [ "\"163 Timorese passengers, comprising workers and students\", said the Travel Agency's representative after meeting with a team from Ministry of Foreign Trade & Cooperation (MNEK) in Praia dos Coqueiros building on Monday." ], [ "The National Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste (AACTL) has approved the request for a charter flight with Citilink aircraft from Travel Agency, to Kuala Lumpur - Dili. It will arrive at President Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Comoro on Tuesday 30 March and accordingly it is scheduled that this plane returns by noon Monday day as well!" ], [ "The total number of passengers, comprising 61 East Timorese workers from England including one dead body; students (from Cuba) - thirteen persons. two Portuguese and Israel-based people: seventyone in addition to four officials at the Ministry for Public Works(MOP), State Secretariat on Vocational Training & Employment)." ], [ "\"Our students from Israel have already arrived in Kuala-Lumpur, the Cubans today and those coming to us this morning will be travelling with Qatar Airways. Tomorrow they'll come together on Citilink flights.\" The Representative also thanked MNEK (Ministry of External Affairs) for their cooperation through its embassy as well a Travel Agency that cooperated closely alongside Malaysian government agencies helping East Timorese people make it back home without any difficulty or problems at all during these three months before leaving again after 14 days away by airplane via Singapore Airline\"." ], [ "In addition, Viagens Aéreas will transport 169 Timor-oan through this flight: South Korea -50 and England/Ireland (UK) –28." ], [ "\"Their process to travel and repatriate, we asked the security part of limiting their families who are waiting at airport\", he suggested. Relevant news: Next week Citilink transports 168 Timorese abroad" ], [ "Earlier, Transport and Communications Minister Jose Agostinho da Silva said the request for this flight came to his office on Saturday (26/03) with a description that it would transport Timorese people back home. The journey will comply With health protocols established by government of East-Timor'S Ministry Of Health & Social Welfare 14 days before departure from Dili Airport in order not risking life or property damage as travelers are being transported into another country through airport security checkpoint at Portu Tibar" ], [ "The flight has been coordinated with ministerial lines such as MNEK, Ministry of Interior (MI), Health Department and the Situation Room Centre for Crisis Management." ], [ "Previous4,906 UNTL students still waiting to receive food Next articleAbout 125 Timor-oan repatriated from Cammer pc travel agency’s office in Iliomar" ] ]
2022: Governu hahú implementa sistema lixu ateru kontroladu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA KAPITÁL 2022: Governu hahú implementa sistema lixu ateru kontroladu\nDILI, 17 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Ministru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho hatete tinan ne’e, Governu transforma lixu iha lixeira Tibar hodi hahú implementa sistema lixu ateru kontroladu.\nNotísia Relevante: PN husu Autoridade Munisípiu Dili halo jestaun ba lixeiru Tibar\n“Lixu Tibar ne’e, ami planea iha tinan ne’e duni hosi forma ida hodi transforma ba Sistema lixu ateru kontroladu, nune’e bele hamate tiha ai-su’ar depois mak hakoi tiha lixu sira-ne’e iha rai-kuak, nune’e lalar labele hobur. Sistema foun ne’e ha’u espera iha tinan ne’e fó solusaun ba lixu iha Dili,” Ministru Administrasaun Estatál ne’e hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD-sigla portugés), foin lalais ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, nia dehan, MAE hamutuk ho autoridade munisipál sira halo sensibilizasaun iha suku no aldeia sira kona-ba konteudu hosi dekretu lei 2/2017, nune’e bele garante ba populasuan sira.\nRegulmentu kona-ba sistema jestaun lixu urbana ho dekretu lei 2/2017 ne’ebé mak fó biban ba Autoridade Munisípiu Dili (AMD) no administrasaun postu administrativu atu bele halo jestaun ba lixu.\nGovernu sei estabelese sistema ida ba kompozisaun lixu hosi uma-kain mai tau iha kaixa (kontentór) lixu-nian, hafoin soe iha lixeira Tibar nian depois lixu sira-ne’e uza sistema lixu ateru kontroladu.\nNia informa, komunidade iha kapitál Dili prodús lixu tonelaada 220 kada loron ida no hosi lixu hirak ne’e, 55% mak komapañia sira raut no tula ba lixeira Tibar no 45% ne’e soe tuun ba drainajén ka baleta depois bee-mota lori ba tasi, lixu balun ema sunu no balun hakoi.\n“Ho ida-ne’e autoridade munisípiu halo mak tenke mellora jestaun lixu atu transforma sistema kollesaun lixu ida-ne’ebé mak atuál no ida-ne’ebé mak modern. Se ita tau kaixote (kontentór) lixu iha kilometru 170 iha dalan mak transporte hodi ba tula ba lixeira Tibar,” nia hateten.\nSolusaun ida mak oinsá atu bele hadi’a jestaun lixu ho di’ak mak rejime jurídiku kona-ba jestaun lixu ne’e estabelese ona mak selu koima, maibé só falta de’it mak rejime jurídiku kontra ordenasaun ne’ebé fó biban ba autoridade munisipál para bele halo prosesu.\n“Ita-nia obrigasaun dahuluk mak tenke kumpre regra sira-ne’ebé mak fó sai ona ne’e, katak labele soe lixu arbiru ida dalan públiku,” nia dehan.\nGovernante ne’e hateten, to’o agora Autoridade Munisipál Dili (AMD) seidauk bele aplika koima ba sidadaun sira-ne’ebé mak soe lixu arbiru iha dalan públiku lahó responsabilidade.\n“Ita seiduak bele aplika koima ne’e tanba ita seidauk hadi’a regulamentu kona-ba sistema jestaun lixu ne’e. Bainhira hadi’a ona mak ita foin aplika regra ne’e,” nia dehan.\ndekretu lei 2/2017\nPrevious articleMF no MTKI selebra akordu kooperasaun iha área peskiza-estatístika\nNext articleGovernu prevee millaun $3,1 atu atualiza Sensu Populasaun iha setembru 2022
[ "2022: Governu hahu implementa sistema lixu ateru kontroladu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA KAPITAL 2022: Governu hahu implementa sistema lixu ateru kontroladu DILI, 17 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho hatete tinan ne'e, Governu transforma lixu iha lixeira Tibar hodi hahu implementa sistema lixu ateru kontroladu.", "Notisia Relevante: PN husu Autoridade Munisipiu Dili halo jestaun ba lixeiru Tibar \"Lixu Tibar ne'e, ami planea iha tinan ne'e duni hosi forma ida hodi transforma ba Sistema lixu ateru kontroladu, nune'e bele hamate tiha ai-su'ar depois mak hakoi tiha lixu sira-ne'e iha rai-kuak, nune'e lalar labele hobur.", "Sistema foun ne'e ha'u espera iha tinan ne'e fo solusaun ba lixu iha Dili,\" Ministru Administrasaun Estatal ne'e hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD-sigla portuges), foin lalais ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, nia dehan, MAE hamutuk ho autoridade munisipal sira halo sensibilizasaun iha suku no aldeia sira kona-ba konteudu hosi dekretu lei 2/2017, nune'e bele garante ba populasuan sira.", "Regulmentu kona-ba sistema jestaun lixu urbana ho dekretu lei 2/2017 ne'ebe mak fo biban ba Autoridade Munisipiu Dili (AMD) no administrasaun postu administrativu atu bele halo jestaun ba lixu.", "Governu sei estabelese sistema ida ba kompozisaun lixu hosi uma-kain mai tau iha kaixa (kontentor) lixu-nian, hafoin soe iha lixeira Tibar nian depois lixu sira-ne'e uza sistema lixu ateru kontroladu.", "Nia informa, komunidade iha kapital Dili produs lixu tonelaada 220 kada loron ida no hosi lixu hirak ne'e, 55% mak komapania sira raut no tula ba lixeira Tibar no 45% ne'e soe tuun ba drainajen ka baleta depois bee-mota lori ba tasi, lixu balun ema sunu no balun hakoi.", "\"Ho ida-ne'e autoridade munisipiu halo mak tenke mellora jestaun lixu atu transforma sistema kollesaun lixu ida-ne'ebe mak atual no ida-ne'ebe mak modern.", "Se ita tau kaixote (kontentor) lixu iha kilometru 170 iha dalan mak transporte hodi ba tula ba lixeira Tibar,\" nia hateten.", "Solusaun ida mak oinsa atu bele hadi'a jestaun lixu ho di'ak mak rejime juridiku kona-ba jestaun lixu ne'e estabelese ona mak selu koima, maibe so falta de'it mak rejime juridiku kontra ordenasaun ne'ebe fo biban ba autoridade munisipal para bele halo prosesu.", "\"Ita-nia obrigasaun dahuluk mak tenke kumpre regra sira-ne'ebe mak fo sai ona ne'e, katak labele soe lixu arbiru ida dalan publiku,\" nia dehan.", "Governante ne'e hateten, to'o agora Autoridade Munisipal Dili (AMD) seidauk bele aplika koima ba sidadaun sira-ne'ebe mak soe lixu arbiru iha dalan publiku laho responsabilidade.", "\"Ita seiduak bele aplika koima ne'e tanba ita seidauk hadi'a regulamentu kona-ba sistema jestaun lixu ne'e.", "Bainhira hadi'a ona mak ita foin aplika regra ne'e,\" nia dehan. dekretu lei 2/2017 Previous articleMF no MTKI selebra akordu kooperasaun iha area peskiza-estatistika Next articleGovernu prevee millaun $3,1 atu atualiza Sensu Populasaun iha setembru 2022" ]
[ [ "2019: Government begins to implement controlled waste disposal system | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA KAPITAL Governing body of the State Administration (MAE), Miguel Pereira De Carvalho said this year, government will transform garbage in Tibar litter bin and start implementation controlled recycle systems." ], [ "Relevant News: PN asks Dili Municipal Authority to manage Tibar Litter \"The waste of the river, we plan this year in a form that will transform into controlled disposal system so it can kill all fires and then throw these garbage on land-fill." ], [ "The new system I hope this year will provide a solution for the waste in Dili,\" said Minister of State Administration to Agência TATOLI at CCD (Dili Convention Center) recently." ], [ "Therefore, he said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with municipal authorities raise awareness in villages and hamlets about decree-law 2/17 so as to ensure its implementation." ], [ "Regulations on the urban waste management system by Decree Law 2/17 which gives power to Dili Municipal Authority (AMD) and administrative post administration in order for them manage garbage." ], [ "The government will establish a system for the composition of household waste, putting it in garbage bins (container), then burning them at Tibar' s trash can after which they use controlled recycling systems." ], [ "He informed that the community of Dili produces 20 tonnes per day, and from these waste materials companies pick up about a fifty-five percent which is transported into Tibar garbage dump. The remaining fourteen percentage points are drained down or wasted after being carried by motor boats onto seawater where they can be burned as well As discarded on landfill sites for disposal at local communities' expense.\"" ], [ "\"With this, municipal authorities must improve waste management to transform the current garbage collection system into a modern one." ], [ "If we put a container of garbage in 170 kilometers on the road, it will be transported to Tibar litter dump,” he said." ], [ "One solution to improve waste management is that the legal regime on this issue has already been established and fines can be paid, but there are still lacking provisions against ordinance giving municipal authorities a right of action." ], [ "\"Our first obligation is to comply with the rules that have been issued, which means you can't dump any garbage on public roads.\"" ], [ "The governor said, so far Dili Municipal Authority (AMD) has not been able to apply fines on citizens who dump garbage in public street without responsibility." ], [ "\"We can only apply this fine because we have not improved the regulations on waste management system." ], [ "Previous articleMF and MTKI sign cooperation agreement in the area of research-statistics Next artikelGovernment foresees $3.1 million to update Population Census for September 2048,\" he said.\"" ] ]
By Tempo Timor April 04, 2021 3377\nVítima Inundasaun husi parte Golgota, Domingas Henriqueta tuur hela iha lona leten, iha salaun Dom Bosco Comoro nian, Domingu (4/4) Foto Tempo Timor\nHusi rezultadu inundasaun ne'e mak komunidade uma-ka'in kuaze 200 evakua ona ba salaun Dom Bosco Comoro, tanba laiha fatin hodi hela.\nLiga ba situasau ne'e Diretór Eskolár Dom Bosco Comoro, Pe. Adriano Maria de Jesus katak, fatin ne'ebé Dom Bosco iha hodi oferese ba vítima sira mak fatin Gim nian de'it.\n"Fatin ne'ebé ami iha mak Gim ne'e, hanesan ita-boot haree dadaub, ida ne'e mak ami bele oferese ba vítima inundasaun nian husi hodikalan to'o ohin," dehan Pe. Adriano ba www.tempotimor.com iha Dom Bosco, Domingu (4/4).\nDiretór ne'e mós dehan, totál komunidade hira mak iha ona fatin refere, maibé labarik mak barak liu.\n"Ema hira ha'u seidauk hatene, maibé maibé ita haree katak labarik mak barak liu. Inan-aman sira sei hadi'a hela sira-nia sasan ne'ebé horsida kalan mak mai, ne'ebé horsida sira mai ne'e ho sira-nia xefe aldeia no koordenadór sira. Maibé agora ami hahú rejistu ona sira-nia naran tuir uma-kain ida-idak," dehan Nia.\nPadre ne'e mós dehan, bainhira komunidade sira evakua mai fatin refere husi parte governu no Kruz Vermella mós mai haree ona hodi apoiu lona. Depois kona-ba hahan parte Dom Bosco sei koordena hela ho governu para lori hahan mai.\n"Maibé ohin meudia ami Dom Bosco rasik prepara hahan tuir buat ne'ebé ami iha, ne'ebé sira ne'ebé mai uluk hetan ona mezmu la'ós barak liu, maibé hotu-hotu hetan ona hahan," dehan Nia.\nPadre ne'e mós akresenta, labarik ki'ik de'it liu 100 no bebe ne'ebé ki'ik liu ho inan-aman refuziu mai salaun Dom Bosco ne'e mak fulan ida.\nIha fatin hanesan vítima ba inundasaun Domingas Henriqueta husi aldeia Goglota katak, kondisaun uma di'ak, maibé sasan hotu iha uma laran la aproveita tanba ne'e nakonu.\n"Uma di'ak, maibé sasan hotu iha uma laran, kios nian mak la aproveita, ami-nia roupa mós aat hotu, ami mai mak hanesan ne'e de'it, hahan mós laiha, roupa hodi troka mós laiha, entaun ami mai hanesan ne'e de'it, ami hamutuk na'in 10," dehan vítima Domingas.\nAlende ne'e www.tempotimor.com mós observa katak komunidade ne'ebé hetan ona rejistu hamutuk uma-ka'in 173, maibé komunidade sira kontinua forma hodi halo rejistu.\nEntretantu, dadaun ne'e komunidade ne'ebé sai vítima ba inundasaun ne'e hetan ona apoiu husi OXFAM hanesan biscuit, supermi no hahan seluk tan inklui parte saúde mós apoiu máskara ba vítima sira hodi uza tanba situasaun Covid-19 hela.(*)\n« Udan Boot Muda Dili Sai Sidade Natar Inundasaun Ataka Aitarak-laran, Povu Okupa Edifísiu MF »
[ "By Tempo Timor April 04, 2021 3377 Vitima Inundasaun husi parte Golgota, Domingas Henriqueta tuur hela iha lona leten, iha salaun Dom Bosco Comoro nian, Domingu (4/4) Foto Tempo Timor Husi rezultadu inundasaun ne'e mak komunidade uma-ka'in kuaze 200 evakua ona ba salaun Dom Bosco Comoro, tanba laiha fatin hodi hela.", "Liga ba situasau ne'e Diretor Eskolar Dom Bosco Comoro, Pe.", "Adriano Maria de Jesus katak, fatin ne'ebe Dom Bosco iha hodi oferese ba vitima sira mak fatin Gim nian de'it.", "\"Fatin ne'ebe ami iha mak Gim ne'e, hanesan ita-boot haree dadaub, ida ne'e mak ami bele oferese ba vitima inundasaun nian husi hodikalan to'o ohin,\" dehan Pe.", "Adriano ba www.tempotimor.com iha Dom Bosco, Domingu (4/4).", "Diretor ne'e mos dehan, total komunidade hira mak iha ona fatin refere, maibe labarik mak barak liu.", "\"Ema hira ha'u seidauk hatene, maibe maibe ita haree katak labarik mak barak liu.", "Inan-aman sira sei hadi'a hela sira-nia sasan ne'ebe horsida kalan mak mai, ne'ebe horsida sira mai ne'e ho sira-nia xefe aldeia no koordenador sira.", "Maibe agora ami hahu rejistu ona sira-nia naran tuir uma-kain ida-idak,\" dehan Nia.", "Padre ne'e mos dehan, bainhira komunidade sira evakua mai fatin refere husi parte governu no Kruz Vermella mos mai haree ona hodi apoiu lona.", "Depois kona-ba hahan parte Dom Bosco sei koordena hela ho governu para lori hahan mai.", "\"Maibe ohin meudia ami Dom Bosco rasik prepara hahan tuir buat ne'ebe ami iha, ne'ebe sira ne'ebe mai uluk hetan ona mezmu la'os barak liu, maibe hotu-hotu hetan ona hahan,\" dehan Nia.", "Padre ne'e mos akresenta, labarik ki'ik de'it liu 100 no bebe ne'ebe ki'ik liu ho inan-aman refuziu mai salaun Dom Bosco ne'e mak fulan ida.", "Iha fatin hanesan vitima ba inundasaun Domingas Henriqueta husi aldeia Goglota katak, kondisaun uma di'ak, maibe sasan hotu iha uma laran la aproveita tanba ne'e nakonu.", "\"Uma di'ak, maibe sasan hotu iha uma laran, kios nian mak la aproveita, ami-nia roupa mos aat hotu, ami mai mak hanesan ne'e de'it, hahan mos laiha, roupa hodi troka mos laiha, entaun ami mai hanesan ne'e de'it, ami hamutuk na'in 10,\" dehan vitima Domingas.", "Alende ne'e www.tempotimor.com mos observa katak komunidade ne'ebe hetan ona rejistu hamutuk uma-ka'in 173, maibe komunidade sira kontinua forma hodi halo rejistu.", "Entretantu, dadaun ne'e komunidade ne'ebe sai vitima ba inundasaun ne'e hetan ona apoiu husi OXFAM hanesan biscuit, supermi no hahan seluk tan inklui parte saude mos apoiu maskara ba vitima sira hodi uza tanba situasaun Covid-19 hela. (*) \" Udan Boot Muda Dili Sai Sidade Natar Inundasaun Ataka Aitarak-laran, Povu Okupa Edifisiu MF \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor April 04,1923 Flood Victims from Golgotha: Domingas Henriqueta sits on the floor in Dom Bosco Comoro Hall Sunday (April) Photo Time of East As a result to this flood almost two hundred householders have been evacuated into Don Bosco Salado because there is no place for them." ], [ "Don Bosco Comoro School Principal, Fr." ], [ "According to Adriano Maria de Jesus, the only place that Don Bosco has for victims is in Gim." ], [ "\"The house that we have is the Gym, as you can see today. It's this one which has been offered to victim of flood from day 1 until now\", said Fr Ambrosio de Souza da Silva" ], [ "Adriano told www.tempotimor,com in Dom Bosco on Sunday (4/10)." ], [ "The director also said, the total number of communities that have a place in this area is not known but there are many children." ], [ "\"I don't know how many women, but we see that there are more children." ], [ "The mothers will be repairing their stuff that the night hawk comes, which they come with its village chief and coordinators." ], [ "But now we have begun to register their names by household,\" said Nia." ], [ "The priest also said that when the communities were evacuated to this area, government and Red Cross came in order for them." ], [ "Then about the food part, Dom Bosco will coordinate with government to bring hahan mai." ], [ "\"But today we have prepared food ourselves according to what Don Bosco has for us, and those who came first did not get more but everyone got some of it.\" She said." ], [ "The Father also added that only over 105 young children and the smallest babies with their parents refused to come in Dom Bosco's hall for a month." ], [ "In a similar way, Domingos Henriqueta from the village of Goglotas said that her house was in good condition but all things inside were not used because they are full." ], [ "\"The house is good, but all the stuff inside it's kiosk was not used. Our clothes are bad too; we came just like this: no food and nothing to change ourselves in so that there were only 10 of us here.\"" ], [ "In addition, www.tempotimor!com also observes that the community which has already been registered total 173 homes but communities continue to form in order for registration is made possible" ], [ "Meanwhile, the community that became victim of this flood has already received assistance from OXFAM such as biscuits and other food including health care also provided mask for Victim to use because Covid-19 situation still. (*) \"Udan Boot Muda Dili Sai Sidade Natar Inundação Ataca Aitarak -laran; Povo Okupa Edificio MF\"" ] ]
CET: Martinho Gusmão lakon-nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CET: Martinho Gusmão lakon-nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente\nCET: Martinho Gusmão lakon-nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente\nPotavóz CET no Prezidente Ezekutivu Justisa Paz no Integridade Kriasaun, Padre Júlio Crispin, halo konferensia imprensa, iha Balide, segunda (01/03). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 01 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)–Konferénsia Episkopál Timorense (CET, sigla portugés), tersa ne’e, realiza konferénsia imprensa relasiona ho sarani sira-nia preokupasaun ho situasaun Kanónika eis Padre Martinho Gusmão.\n“Martinho Gusmão lakon nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente no la’ós tranzitóriu ho virtude hosi Reskritu númeru 3593/21, 13 outubru 2021, fó ba nia, konforme Cânon 290, númeru 3, C.D.C. ‘lakon nia Estadu Klerikal’, katak la’ós ona Na’i-Lulik, nia fila ona ba vida nu’udár leigu,” Potavóz CET no Prezidente Ezekutivu Justisa Paz no Integridade Kriasaun (JPIC, sigla portugés), Padre Júlio Crispin, informa, iha edifísiu CET, Balide.\nNotísia relevante: Suspende hosi knaar saserdósiu, Padre Martinho prepara kompete iha Eleisaun Prezidensiál\nNune’e, konsede mós ba nia dispensa selibatu, katak livre hosi obrigasaun selibatu ka bele ona simu sakramentu matrimóniu.\n“Martinho Gusmão nia la’ós de’it suspendidu hosi Ministériu Saserdotál, maibé konforme reskritu hateten no norma igreja, esklui ona hosi ezersísiu Ministériu Sagradu, bainhira lakon ona ho maneira permanente Estadu Klerikal,” nia esplika.\nHo karta númeru 3593/21, 15 outubru 2021, hosi Eminentísimu, Cardeal Luís António Tagle, Prefeito da Congregação para a Evangelização dos Povos, encoraja atu iha vida ezemplar ida nu’udár leigu, atu presta servisu útil no buras ba komunidade kristaun, liuhosi taletu sira ne’ebé Maromak haraik ona.\n“Karta ne’ebé temi, la hateten explisitu kona-ba fó korajen ka fó referénsia ruma atu tama iha vida polítika ka atu kandidata ba kargu polítika ida, maski nia livre atu hili dalan ba atividade polítika hanesan kualkuer leigu kristaun sira seluk,” Amu Crispin akresenta.\nBiban ne’e, Prezidente Ezekutivu JPIC, klarifika, Eis Padre Martinho Gusmão la simu karta pesoál ruma hosi Santu Padre, maibé sita de’it karta hosi Cardeal Tagle, ne’ebé haruka ho Papa Francisco nia naran, ba eis saserdote sira ne’ebé lakon ona sira-nia Estadu Klerikal tuir sira rasik, husu atu moris iha vida ezemplar ida ba komunidade.\nAntes ne’e, Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Don Basílio do Nascimento, dekreta suspensaun Ministériu Saserdotál, hahú loron 20 agostu 2021 ba oin, hapara Martinho Gusmão nia atividade sira hotu ne’ebé sakramentu orden haraik ba nia atu hala’o iha Uma-kreda.\nKarta ne’e bazeia ba karta ne’ebé eis Padre haruka ba Bispu Diosezanu iha loron 25 janeiru 2021, hodi husu renunsia ba Ministériu Saserdotál katak hapara nia knaar nu’udar Na’i-Lulik.\nNune’e mós, iha Loron 04 fevereiru 2021, Martinho Gusmão haruka karta ba Santu Padre hodi husu demisaun Estadu Kredikál, atu la moris ona tuir estatutu Na’i-Lulik.\nIha loron 03 fevereiru 2022, eis Padre ne’e rejista iha Tribunál Rekursu hanesan Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika Independente ba períodu 2022-2027, hodi kompete iha Eleisaun Prezidensiál ne’ebé realiza iha 19 marsu tinan ne’e.\nPrevious articleProsesu burokrasia sai dezafiu promosaun projetu\nNext articleInspesaun Jerál MESSK nota inzensaun propina estudante 66.106 la’o di’ak
[ "CET: Martinho Gusmao lakon-nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CET: Martinho Gusmao lakon-nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente CET: Martinho Gusmao lakon-nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente Potavoz CET no Prezidente Ezekutivu Justisa Paz no Integridade Kriasaun, Padre Julio Crispin, halo konferensia imprensa, iha Balide, segunda (01/03).", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao DILI, 01 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) -Konferensia Episkopal Timorense (CET, sigla portuges), tersa ne'e, realiza konferensia imprensa relasiona ho sarani sira-nia preokupasaun ho situasaun Kanonika eis Padre Martinho Gusmao.", "\"Martinho Gusmao lakon nia Estadu Klerikal ho maneira permanente no la'os tranzitoriu ho virtude hosi Reskritu numeru 3593/21, 13 outubru 2021, fo ba nia, konforme Canon 290, numeru 3, C.D.C. 'lakon nia Estadu Klerikal', katak la'os ona Na'i-Lulik, nia fila ona ba vida nu'udar leigu,\" Potavoz CET no Prezidente Ezekutivu Justisa Paz no Integridade Kriasaun (JPIC, sigla portuges), Padre Julio Crispin, informa, iha edifisiu CET, Balide.", "Notisia relevante: Suspende hosi knaar saserdosiu, Padre Martinho prepara kompete iha Eleisaun Prezidensial Nune'e, konsede mos ba nia dispensa selibatu, katak livre hosi obrigasaun selibatu ka bele ona simu sakramentu matrimoniu.", "\"Martinho Gusmao nia la'os de'it suspendidu hosi Ministeriu Saserdotal, maibe konforme reskritu hateten no norma igreja, esklui ona hosi ezersisiu Ministeriu Sagradu, bainhira lakon ona ho maneira permanente Estadu Klerikal,\" nia esplika.", "Ho karta numeru 3593/21, 15 outubru 2021, hosi Eminentisimu, Cardeal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefeito da Congregacao para a Evangelizacao dos Povos, encoraja atu iha vida ezemplar ida nu'udar leigu, atu presta servisu util no buras ba komunidade kristaun, liuhosi taletu sira ne'ebe Maromak haraik ona.", "\"Karta ne'ebe temi, la hateten explisitu kona-ba fo korajen ka fo referensia ruma atu tama iha vida politika ka atu kandidata ba kargu politika ida, maski nia livre atu hili dalan ba atividade politika hanesan kualkuer leigu kristaun sira seluk,\" Amu Crispin akresenta.", "Biban ne'e, Prezidente Ezekutivu JPIC, klarifika, Eis Padre Martinho Gusmao la simu karta pesoal ruma hosi Santu Padre, maibe sita de'it karta hosi Cardeal Tagle, ne'ebe haruka ho Papa Francisco nia naran, ba eis saserdote sira ne'ebe lakon ona sira-nia Estadu Klerikal tuir sira rasik, husu atu moris iha vida ezemplar ida ba komunidade.", "Antes ne'e, Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Don Basilio do Nascimento, dekreta suspensaun Ministeriu Saserdotal, hahu loron 20 agostu 2021 ba oin, hapara Martinho Gusmao nia atividade sira hotu ne'ebe sakramentu orden haraik ba nia atu hala'o iha Uma-kreda.", "Karta ne'e bazeia ba karta ne'ebe eis Padre haruka ba Bispu Diosezanu iha loron 25 janeiru 2021, hodi husu renunsia ba Ministeriu Saserdotal katak hapara nia knaar nu'udar Na'i-Lulik.", "Nune'e mos, iha Loron 04 fevereiru 2021, Martinho Gusmao haruka karta ba Santu Padre hodi husu demisaun Estadu Kredikal, atu la moris ona tuir estatutu Na'i-Lulik.", "Iha loron 03 fevereiru 2022, eis Padre ne'e rejista iha Tribunal Rekursu hanesan Kandidatu Prezidente Republika Independente ba periodu 2022-2027, hodi kompete iha Eleisaun Prezidensial ne'ebe realiza iha 19 marsu tinan ne'e.", "Previous articleProsesu burokrasia sai dezafiu promosaun projetu Next articleInspesaun Jeral MESSK nota inzensaun propina estudante 66.106 la'o di'ak" ]
[ [ "CET: Martinho Gusmao loses his clerical status permanently | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The Executive President of Justice Peace and Integrity Creation, Padre Julio Crispin held a press conference in Balide on Monday (01/3). He said that the decision was taken after he had heard from several people who were concerned about this matter." ], [ "DILI, 01 March (TATOLI) -The Timorese Episcopal Conference held a press conference on Tuesday to express its concerns about the situation of former Canonical Father Martinho Gusmao. The news was reported by Agência Fides via AFP and Egas Cristovaos' imagery from Reuters/AFP" ], [ "\"Martinho Gusmao has lost his clerical state in a permanent and not transitory manner by virtue of Rescript No. 3592/18, dated October the thirteenth (07), given to him pursuant Canons number three [Canon II], CDC 'lost His Clerical State' which means that he is no longer Lord-Priest but returned as lay person\", said Father Julio Crispin from Justice Peace Integrity for Creation - JPIC at an event held on Monday morning with members or supporterd groups around Balide City Council building" ], [ "Relevant news: Suspended from priestly office, Father Martinho prepares to contest in the Presidential Election Also granted him celibacy dispensation that is free of celestial obligations or can receive marriage sacrament." ], [ "\"Martinho Gusmao is not only suspended from the Priestly Ministry, but according to scripture and church norms he has been excluded of exercising Sacred ministry when permanently losing his clerical status.\"" ], [ "By letter no. 3592/18, dated October the fifteenth of this year His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle Prefect for Congregation For The Evangelization Of Peoples encouraged lay people to live an exemplary life as laity and provide useful services in their communities through God-given talent" ], [ "\"The letter in question is not explicit about encouraging or giving any references to enter into political life, nor can he run for a position of public office. He was free as anyone other Christian lay person and would choose the path that fitted him best.\"" ], [ "In this regard, the Executive President of JPIC clarifies that Former Priest Martinho Gusmao did not receive any personal letters from his Holy Father but only quoted a Letter by Cardinal Tagle sent in Pope Francis' name to ex-priestese who have lost their clerical status accordingly and requested them live an exemplary life for community." ], [ "Earlier, the Bishop of Baucau Diocese Don Basilio do Nascimento decreed suspension from Priestly Ministry starting on August 20th and terminating all activities that Martinho Gusmaos had been given to carry out in House-of Faith." ], [ "The letter is based on a previously sent Letter by the former Priest to his Diocesan Bishop, dated January 25th of this year asking for resignation from priest's ministry and terminating him in office." ], [ "Likewise, on February 4th of this year Martinho Gusmao sent a letter to the Holy Father asking for his resignation from State Kredikal because he is no longer in accordance with Na'i-Lulik statutes." ], [ "On February 3, the former priest registered with Tribunal de Recurso as an Independent Candidate for President of Brazil from March to June in order that he could contest his second term on this year's presidential election." ], [ "Previous articleProcess bureaucracy becomes a challenge for project promotion Next artikelInspeção Geral MESSK notes student tuition incentive of 65,908 is going well" ] ]
Barcelona-Bayern ho Juventus-Real Madrid hanesan jogu hosi "semi-final" Champions - SAPO Desportu TL\nBarcelona-Bayern ho Juventus-Real Madrid hanesan jogu hosi "semi-final" Champions\nJogu sira ba dala uluk marka ona ba loron 05 no 06 fulan-Maiu no jogu daruak ajenda ona ba loron 12 no 13 fulan hanesan.\nReal Madrid sei hasoru Juventus iha semi final Champions League, haktuir hosi sorteiu nebe halo iha Nyon, Suisa. Jogu dahuluk sei halo iha Itália. Ronaldo, Pepe ho Fábio Coentrão sei iha vantajen joga iha jogu daruak iha uma, nune'e mós akontese ona iha kuartu-finál, hasoru Atlético Madrid.\nIha semi finál seluk iha duelu titã sira, entre Barcelona ho Bayern Munique. Enkontru dahuluk sei halo iha España. Nune'e Guardiola sei fila ba Katalluña, iha duelu ida nebe sei ekilibradu, ho ekipa rua nebe iha priviléjiu no iha pasa bola maka'as.\nHamutuk, ekipa haat iha títulu 21 kampeaun europeu nian: Real Madrid (10), Barcelona (6), Bayern Munique (5) ho Juventus (2).\nIha kuartu-finál Bayern Munique halakon FC Porto, Real Madrid nebe defende títulu halakon Atlético Madrid. Juventus halakon Mónaco no Barcelona despaxa PSG.\nJogu sira dahuluk nian marka ona ba loron 05 no 06 fulan-Maiu no jogu daruak ajenda ona ba loron 12 no 13 fulan hanesan. Final kompetisaun nian marka ona ba loron 06 fulan-Juñu iha Estádiu Olímpiku Berlin nian.
[ "Barcelona-Bayern ho Juventus-Real Madrid hanesan jogu hosi \"semi-final\" Champions - SAPO Desportu TL Barcelona-Bayern ho Juventus-Real Madrid hanesan jogu hosi \"semi-final\" Champions Jogu sira ba dala uluk marka ona ba loron 05 no 06 fulan-Maiu no jogu daruak ajenda ona ba loron 12 no 13 fulan hanesan.", "Real Madrid sei hasoru Juventus iha semi final Champions League, haktuir hosi sorteiu nebe halo iha Nyon, Suisa.", "Jogu dahuluk sei halo iha Italia.", "Ronaldo, Pepe ho Fabio Coentrao sei iha vantajen joga iha jogu daruak iha uma, nune'e mos akontese ona iha kuartu-final, hasoru Atletico Madrid.", "Iha semi final seluk iha duelu tita sira, entre Barcelona ho Bayern Munique.", "Enkontru dahuluk sei halo iha Espana.", "Nune'e Guardiola sei fila ba Katalluna, iha duelu ida nebe sei ekilibradu, ho ekipa rua nebe iha privilejiu no iha pasa bola maka'as.", "Hamutuk, ekipa haat iha titulu 21 kampeaun europeu nian: Real Madrid (10), Barcelona (6), Bayern Munique (5) ho Juventus (2).", "Iha kuartu-final Bayern Munique halakon FC Porto, Real Madrid nebe defende titulu halakon Atletico Madrid.", "Juventus halakon Monaco no Barcelona despaxa PSG.", "Jogu sira dahuluk nian marka ona ba loron 05 no 06 fulan-Maiu no jogu daruak ajenda ona ba loron 12 no 13 fulan hanesan.", "Final kompetisaun nian marka ona ba loron 06 fulan-Junu iha Estadiu Olimpiku Berlin nian." ]
[ [ "Barcelona-Bayern and Juventus–Real Madrid as the Champions \"semifinal\" matches - SAPO Desportu TL The first games have been scheduled for 5/6 May, with a second set to be played on April." ], [ "Real Madrid will face Juventus in the Champions League semi-finals, according to a draw held at Nyon." ], [ "The first match will be played in Italy." ], [ "Ronaldo, Pepe and Fabio Coentraos will have the advantage of playing in their second home game as they did against Atletico Madrid." ], [ "In another semi-final, there was a titan duel between Barcelona and Bayern Munich." ], [ "The first meeting will be held in Spain." ], [ "Guardiola will thus return to Catalonia, in a match that is expected balanced with two teams having the privilege and plenty of pass opportunities." ], [ "Together, four teams have won 21 European championship titles: Real Madrid (9), Barcelona(6) Bayern Munich and Juventus." ], [ "In the quarter-finals, Bayern Munich defeated FC Porto and defending champion Real Madrid beat Atletico." ], [ "Juventus beat Monaco in Barcelona's home game, PSG defeated by Paris Saint-Germain." ], [ "The first matches have been scheduled for May 5-6 and the second games are set to be played on may,12th -3rd." ], [ "The final of the competition is scheduled for June 6 at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium." ] ]
Governu define objetivu haat atu alkansa iha tinan 2022 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Governu define objetivu haat atu alkansa iha tinan 2022\nPrimeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hamutuk ho membru Governu sira partisipa iha debate Jeneralidade ba Proposta Lei OJE 2022, iha sala plenária PN, kuarta (01/12). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 01 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten, proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 ne’ebé VIII Governu aprezenta ba Parlamentu Nasionál, nu’udar kontinuidade kompromisu polítiku ba sidadaun to’o mandatu ramata iha tinan 2023.\n“Ami define objetivu haat ne’ebé atu alkansa iha tinan oin, hanesan kombate pandemia no proteje sidadaun, rekupera ekonomia, kria empregu, no iha tinan 2022 atu rekupera situasaun COVID-19,” Xefe Governu informa iha ámbitu intervensaun debate OJE 2022 ba loron dahuluk iha faze jeneralidade, iha sala plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), kuarta ne’e.\nBainhira COVID-19 identifika iha inísiu tinan 2020, infeta ona ema millaun 245 no ema millaun lima-resin maka mate iha mundu tomak.\nAleinde ne’e, Governu hasoru krize ekonómiku grave liu iha sékulu ikus no país balun rejista taxa kreximentu tun maka’as dezde depresaun boot ne’e.\n“Hanesan mundu seluk, situasaun ekonomia no sosiál iha Timor-Leste hetan impaktu hosi pandemia COVID-19, ne’ebé obriga Governu taka fronteira terrestre no aéreu ba sirkulasaun internasionál, ho konsekuénsia dramátika ba sirkulasaun ema no sasán, inklui komérsiu ein jerál,” Xefe Governu haktuir.\nNune’e, iha inísiu tinan 2021, iha aumentu númeru kazu e’ebé deteta iha territóriu nasionál, ne’ebé ezije Governu reforsa medida prevensaun no kombate COVID-19, ho impozisaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu jerál iha área ho númeru infetadu maka’as.\nMaibé, iha loron 07 abríl 2021, Timor-Leste hahú halo planu vasinasaun nasionál kontra COVID-19, ho rekursu vasina ne’ebé hetan liuhosi mekanizmu COVAX no vasina sira ne’ebé oferese hosi país amigu hanesan Austrália, Repúblika Populár Xina, Estadu Unidu Amérika (EUA), Japaun, Nova Zelándia no Portugal, ne’ebé vasina ona ema hamutuk liu 77% hosi populasaun elejível ho doze dahuluk no 51% ho doze daruak.\nIha loron 27 outubru, lote dahuluk vasina Pfizer to’o iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebé permite atu hahú vasinasaun ba foin-sa’e sira ho idade hosi tinan 12 to’o 17.\nTanba ne’e, hafoin aumentu kazu variante Delta tama iha territóriu nasionál, iha tinan klaran, Timor-Leste hasoru ona redusaun graduál iha númeru infetadu no kazu grave sira.\nNune’e, Governu propoin atu hasa’e orsamentu COVID-19 hamutuk millaun $37,6, aleinde saldo jerénsia besik millaun $40, ne’ebé sei lori ba tinan orsamentál oin mai, nune’e bele sura ho totál besik millaun $77,8, atu hasoru inserteza ne’ebé sei ameasa saúde públika.\n“Governu sei halo reabilitasaun no manutensaun ba instalasaun kuarentena iha país tomak no fó kuidadu ba sidadaun iha kuarentena, inklui sei kontinua hasa’e kapasidade vijilánsia epidemiolójika, liuhosi testajen no akizisaun doze vasina. Nune’e mós, sei haluan kampaña sensibilizasaun iha territóriu nasionál tomak no kapasita profisionál saúde sira no traballadór ne’ebé halo kontaktu diretu ho COVID-19,” Xefe Ezekutivu dehan.\nIha biban ne’e, Primeiru-Ministru dehan katak iha tinan 2022 bainhira realiza Eleisaun Prezidensiál, presiza garante katak kondisaun hotu iha ona, nune’e eventu ne’e bele realiza sein ka lahó problema.\n“Presiza garante eleisaun ne’e la kontribui halo pandemia COVID-19 sai grave, tanba ne’e ami sei disponibiliza meiu hotu hodi garante realiza ho kondisaun ijiene no seguransa ne’ebé presiza. Governu sei garante katak buat hotu sei realiza sein problema no mós ho partisipasaun hosi forsa polítika hotu,” PM Taur tenik.\nGovernu sei investe millaun $106,7 hodi garante asesu ba saúde ne’ebé iha kualidade ba sidadaun tomak hosi idade hotu, liuhosi hadi’a instalasaun servisu saúde, prestasaun servisu saúde primáriu, no mós kuidadu saúde oioin iha internamentu, ambulatóriu no urjénsia, ho rekursu meiu diagnóstiku no terapéutika hodi apoia tratamentu saúde sekundáriu no tersiáriu.\n“Ami kontinua hamenus prevalénsia no taxa insidénsia moras krónika la da’et, kontinua hadi’a estadu nutrisionál inan no labarik, garante disponibilidade no kualidade ai-moruk no ekipamentu médiku iha unidade saúde hotu, inklui kontinua promove formasaun kontinua no hasa’e kapasidade profisionál saúde sira iha espesialidade oin-oin ba interese nasaun,” Xefe Ezekutivu promete.\nIha tinan 2022, iha área saúde sei hetan benefísiu boot liuhosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu hamutuk millaun $34, ne’ebé ekivalente ho 1/5 hosi totál apoiu doadór sira.\nPrevious articleTempu udan, komunidade tenki halo prevensaun ba moras denge\nNext articleMS hahú koordena ministériu kompetente implementa Lei Sistema Saúde
[ "Governu define objetivu haat atu alkansa iha tinan 2022 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Governu define objetivu haat atu alkansa iha tinan 2022 Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hamutuk ho membru Governu sira partisipa iha debate Jeneralidade ba Proposta Lei OJE 2022, iha sala plenaria PN, kuarta (01/12).", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao DILI, 01 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten, proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 ne'ebe VIII Governu aprezenta ba Parlamentu Nasional, nu'udar kontinuidade kompromisu politiku ba sidadaun to'o mandatu ramata iha tinan 2023.", "\"Ami define objetivu haat ne'ebe atu alkansa iha tinan oin, hanesan kombate pandemia no proteje sidadaun, rekupera ekonomia, kria empregu, no iha tinan 2022 atu rekupera situasaun COVID-19,\" Xefe Governu informa iha ambitu intervensaun debate OJE 2022 ba loron dahuluk iha faze jeneralidade, iha sala plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional (PN), kuarta ne'e.", "Bainhira COVID-19 identifika iha inisiu tinan 2020, infeta ona ema millaun 245 no ema millaun lima-resin maka mate iha mundu tomak.", "Aleinde ne'e, Governu hasoru krize ekonomiku grave liu iha sekulu ikus no pais balun rejista taxa kreximentu tun maka'as dezde depresaun boot ne'e.", "\"Hanesan mundu seluk, situasaun ekonomia no sosial iha Timor-Leste hetan impaktu hosi pandemia COVID-19, ne'ebe obriga Governu taka fronteira terrestre no aereu ba sirkulasaun internasional, ho konsekuensia dramatika ba sirkulasaun ema no sasan, inklui komersiu ein jeral,\" Xefe Governu haktuir.", "Nune'e, iha inisiu tinan 2021, iha aumentu numeru kazu e'ebe deteta iha territoriu nasional, ne'ebe ezije Governu reforsa medida prevensaun no kombate COVID-19, ho impozisaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu jeral iha area ho numeru infetadu maka'as.", "Maibe, iha loron 07 abril 2021, Timor-Leste hahu halo planu vasinasaun nasional kontra COVID-19, ho rekursu vasina ne'ebe hetan liuhosi mekanizmu COVAX no vasina sira ne'ebe oferese hosi pais amigu hanesan Australia, Republika Popular Xina, Estadu Unidu Amerika (EUA), Japaun, Nova Zelandia no Portugal, ne'ebe vasina ona ema hamutuk liu 77% hosi populasaun elejivel ho doze dahuluk no 51% ho doze daruak.", "Iha loron 27 outubru, lote dahuluk vasina Pfizer to'o iha Timor-Leste, ne'ebe permite atu hahu vasinasaun ba foin-sa'e sira ho idade hosi tinan 12 to'o 17.", "Tanba ne'e, hafoin aumentu kazu variante Delta tama iha territoriu nasional, iha tinan klaran, Timor-Leste hasoru ona redusaun gradual iha numeru infetadu no kazu grave sira.", "Nune'e, Governu propoin atu hasa'e orsamentu COVID-19 hamutuk millaun $37,6, aleinde saldo jerensia besik millaun $40, ne'ebe sei lori ba tinan orsamental oin mai, nune'e bele sura ho total besik millaun $77,8, atu hasoru inserteza ne'ebe sei ameasa saude publika.", "\"Governu sei halo reabilitasaun no manutensaun ba instalasaun kuarentena iha pais tomak no fo kuidadu ba sidadaun iha kuarentena, inklui sei kontinua hasa'e kapasidade vijilansia epidemiolojika, liuhosi testajen no akizisaun doze vasina.", "Nune'e mos, sei haluan kampana sensibilizasaun iha territoriu nasional tomak no kapasita profisional saude sira no traballador ne'ebe halo kontaktu diretu ho COVID-19,\" Xefe Ezekutivu dehan.", "Iha biban ne'e, Primeiru-Ministru dehan katak iha tinan 2022 bainhira realiza Eleisaun Prezidensial, presiza garante katak kondisaun hotu iha ona, nune'e eventu ne'e bele realiza sein ka laho problema.", "\"Presiza garante eleisaun ne'e la kontribui halo pandemia COVID-19 sai grave, tanba ne'e ami sei disponibiliza meiu hotu hodi garante realiza ho kondisaun ijiene no seguransa ne'ebe presiza.", "Governu sei garante katak buat hotu sei realiza sein problema no mos ho partisipasaun hosi forsa politika hotu,\" PM Taur tenik.", "Governu sei investe millaun $106,7 hodi garante asesu ba saude ne'ebe iha kualidade ba sidadaun tomak hosi idade hotu, liuhosi hadi'a instalasaun servisu saude, prestasaun servisu saude primariu, no mos kuidadu saude oioin iha internamentu, ambulatoriu no urjensia, ho rekursu meiu diagnostiku no terapeutika hodi apoia tratamentu saude sekundariu no tersiariu.", "\"Ami kontinua hamenus prevalensia no taxa insidensia moras kronika la da'et, kontinua hadi'a estadu nutrisional inan no labarik, garante disponibilidade no kualidade ai-moruk no ekipamentu mediku iha unidade saude hotu, inklui kontinua promove formasaun kontinua no hasa'e kapasidade profisional saude sira iha espesialidade oin-oin ba interese nasaun,\" Xefe Ezekutivu promete.", "Iha tinan 2022, iha area saude sei hetan benefisiu boot liuhosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu hamutuk millaun $34, ne'ebe ekivalente ho 1/5 hosi total apoiu doador sira.", "Previous articleTempu udan, komunidade tenki halo prevensaun ba moras denge Next articleMS hahu koordena ministeriu kompetente implementa Lei Sistema Saude" ]
[ [ "Government defines four objectives to be achieved in 2019 | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, together with members of the government participated at a general debate on Proposal for Budget Law (Proposta Lei Orçamento Gerals) – BGJ -4/35." ], [ "DILI, December 1st (TATOLI) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that the proposed General State Budget for a period of five years from now to end in January next year is an expression and continuity on political commitment towards citizens until its mandate expires." ], [ "\"We have defined four objectives to be achieved in the coming year, such as fighting pandemic and protect citizens; recover economy: create jobs. And by this time we are going towards recovery from COVID-19 situation\", said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao during his intervention on Budget debate for first day of plenary session at Parliament's Plenary Hall Tuesday (23/04)." ], [ "When COVID-19 was first identified in early 2045, more than five billion people had died worldwide." ], [ "In addition, the government has been facing its worst economic crisis in a century and some countries have seen their growth rates plummet since that Great Depression." ], [ "\"Along with the rest of world, Timor-Leste's economic and social situation has been affected by COVID 19 pandemic which forced Government to close land border for international circulation as well air traffic. This had dramatic consequences on people movement in general trade.\"" ], [ "Thus, at the beginning of 2019 there was an increase in cases detected on national soil which required government to reinforce prevention and control measure against COVID-35 with imposition sanitary lockdown or general confinement for areas where high numbers were found." ], [ "However, on April 7th of this year Timor-Leste began to make a national COVID19 vaccination plan with vaccine resources obtained through the COVAX mechanism and those offered by friendly countries such as Australia; People's Republic China (PRC); United States Of America(USA), Japan. New Zealand & Portugal which have vaccinated more than in total over seventy Seven percent from eligible population for first dose or fifteen per cent who received second doses" ], [ "On October 27, the first batch of Pfizer vaccine arrived in Timor-Leste which will allow vaccination to begin for young people aged between twelve and seventeen." ], [ "Therefore, after the increase in Delta variant cases entering national territory last year Timor-Leste has experienced a gradual reduction of both infected and severe case counts." ], [ "Therefore, the Government proposes to increase COVID-19 budget by $37.6 million in addition of a surplus balance nearly US$40m that will be carried over into next fiscal year so as it can reach an amount totaling almost USD 85million for dealing with insecurity which is threatening public health" ], [ "\"The government will rehabilitate and maintain quarantine facilities throughout the country, provide care for citizens in quarantaine. It also continues to build epidemiological surveillance capacity through testing activities as well a procurement of vaccine doses.\"" ], [ "Likewise, we will carry out awareness-raising campaigns throughout the country and train health workers who come into direct contact with COVID 19,” said Chief Executive." ], [ "In addition, the Prime Minister said that in 2018 when a Presidential Election is held it will be necessary to ensure all conditions are there so this event can take place without any problems." ], [ "\"We need to ensure that the elections do not contribute towards making COVID-19 pandemic become serious, so we will make available all means in order for them be carried out with hygiene and security conditions." ], [ "The Government will ensure that everything is carried out without problems and with the participation of all political forces,\" PM Taur said." ], [ "The Government will invest $106.7 million to ensure access of quality health care for all citizens at any age, through improvements in the facilities and delivery services provided by Primary Health Care (PHC), as well a variety from hospitalized-to outpatient/emergency treatment with diagnostic resources supporting secondary or tertiary medical attention;" ], [ "\"We will continue to reduce the prevalence and incidence rates of chronic diseases, continuously improve maternal-child nutritional status; ensure availability & quality medicine& medical equipment in all health units. We shall also promote continuous training for professional staff at various levels as well As raise their capacities towards national interest.\" The Chief Executive promised" ], [ "In 2018, the health sector will benefit from $34 billion in development partners' contributions to totaling about one-fifth of all donor support." ], [ "Previous articleRain season, community must prevent dengue disease Next artikelMS begins coordinating competent ministry to implement Health System Law" ] ]
Reitór UNPAZ: Ensinu aprendizajen la’o la loos implika ba kualidade rekursu umanu - GMN TV\nGMN TV Saude e Educação Reitór UNPAZ: Ensinu aprendizajen la’o la loos implika ba kualidade rekursu umanu\nReitór Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), Adolmando Amaral, husu Governu reativa ensinu aprendizajen ba eskola hotu no universidade sira, nune’e estudante sira bele aprende. Tanba bainhira ensinu apredizajen la’o la loos, sei implika ba kualidade rekursu umanu (RH) nasaun nian.\nAdolmando Amaral, konsidera, subsídiu propinas ne’ebé Governu atribui ba universidade sira sei la iha folin, bainhira ensinu apredizajen paradu.\n“Durante ne’e Governu estende Estadu Emerjénsia ba tempu naruk tebes, aumenta tan ho serka sanitária, aperta liutan ho konfinamentu obrigatóriu, halo atividade laiha, entaun prosesu aprendizajen iha Timor-Leste ne’e, hahu hosi konfinamentu ho serka sanitária ne’e kuaze laiha prosesu aprendizajen, ita haree ida ne’e situasaun ida perigu tebes, ameasa Timor-Leste ba futuru. Tanba liuhosi prosesu aprendizajen ne’e mak bele hanorin hodi prepara rekursu umanu ida ne’ebé mak kualidade, nune’e bele hatán ba ita-nia situasaun ne’ebé mak iha Timor. Se ita nafatin halo estadu emerjénsia iha tempu naruk, aumenta konfinamentu ho serka sanitaria, laiha prosesu aprendizajen, maka TL iha futuru sei la iha rekursu umanu ne’ebé di’ak, hodi hatan ba nesesidade TL nian rasik. Tanba ne’e mak Governu tenke haree ona kondisaun mínimu ne’ebé mak eskola sira prepara, para depois bele halo ona sirkulár para bele reativa”,afirma Reitór UNPAZ ne’e ba GMN, Segunda (19/07/2021).\nAkadémiku ne’e agradese ba Governu ne’ebé apoia ona subsídiu ba estudante sira.\n“Agradese tanba Governu bele hakmaan netik estudante sira nian todan no mós ajuda ona inan-aman sira ba semester ida, maibe labele ho subsídiu ne’e depois ita impede tiha prosesu parendizajen la la’o”,tenik Adolmando.\nUNPAZ simu ona transferénsia subsídiu hosi Governu, ba estudante hamutuk rihun sia resin, nune’e estudante sira hahú forma no konfirma subsídiu propinas ne’ebé Governu atribui iha universidade sira, hanesan DIT, UNPAZ no seluk tan.\nAlénde ne’e, GMN mós tenta atu konfirma ho reitór Dili Institute Of Technology (DIT) kona-ba subsídiu ba propinas no kalendáriu reativa prosesu aprendizajen, maibe responsavel ba universidade refere la iha nia fatin.\nTuir avizu ne’ebé fó sai hosi Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) sei hahú nia ensinu aprendizajen iha loron rua, fulan Agostu, maibe ho rekizitu ida, estudante tenke lori kartaun vasina COVID-19, bainhira la iha kartaun vasina, sei la autoriza tama eskola.Say
[ "Reitor UNPAZ: Ensinu aprendizajen la'o la loos implika ba kualidade rekursu umanu - GMN TV GMN TV Saude e Educacao Reitor UNPAZ: Ensinu aprendizajen la'o la loos implika ba kualidade rekursu umanu Reitor Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), Adolmando Amaral, husu Governu reativa ensinu aprendizajen ba eskola hotu no universidade sira, nune'e estudante sira bele aprende.", "Tanba bainhira ensinu apredizajen la'o la loos, sei implika ba kualidade rekursu umanu (RH) nasaun nian.", "Adolmando Amaral, konsidera, subsidiu propinas ne'ebe Governu atribui ba universidade sira sei la iha folin, bainhira ensinu apredizajen paradu.", "\"Durante ne'e Governu estende Estadu Emerjensia ba tempu naruk tebes, aumenta tan ho serka sanitaria, aperta liutan ho konfinamentu obrigatoriu, halo atividade laiha, entaun prosesu aprendizajen iha Timor-Leste ne'e, hahu hosi konfinamentu ho serka sanitaria ne'e kuaze laiha prosesu aprendizajen, ita haree ida ne'e situasaun ida perigu tebes, ameasa Timor-Leste ba futuru.", "Tanba liuhosi prosesu aprendizajen ne'e mak bele hanorin hodi prepara rekursu umanu ida ne'ebe mak kualidade, nune'e bele hatan ba ita-nia situasaun ne'ebe mak iha Timor.", "Se ita nafatin halo estadu emerjensia iha tempu naruk, aumenta konfinamentu ho serka sanitaria, laiha prosesu aprendizajen, maka TL iha futuru sei la iha rekursu umanu ne'ebe di'ak, hodi hatan ba nesesidade TL nian rasik.", "Tanba ne'e mak Governu tenke haree ona kondisaun minimu ne'ebe mak eskola sira prepara, para depois bele halo ona sirkular para bele reativa,\"afirma Reitor UNPAZ ne'e ba GMN, Segunda (19/07/2021).", "Akademiku ne'e agradese ba Governu ne'ebe apoia ona subsidiu ba estudante sira.", "\"Agradese tanba Governu bele hakmaan netik estudante sira nian todan no mos ajuda ona inan-aman sira ba semester ida, maibe labele ho subsidiu ne'e depois ita impede tiha prosesu parendizajen la la'o,\"tenik Adolmando.", "UNPAZ simu ona transferensia subsidiu hosi Governu, ba estudante hamutuk rihun sia resin, nune'e estudante sira hahu forma no konfirma subsidiu propinas ne'ebe Governu atribui iha universidade sira, hanesan DIT, UNPAZ no seluk tan.", "Alende ne'e, GMN mos tenta atu konfirma ho reitor Dili Institute Of Technology (DIT) kona-ba subsidiu ba propinas no kalendariu reativa prosesu aprendizajen, maibe responsavel ba universidade refere la iha nia fatin.", "Tuir avizu ne'ebe fo sai hosi Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) sei hahu nia ensinu aprendizajen iha loron rua, fulan Agostu, maibe ho rekizitu ida, estudante tenke lori kartaun vasina COVID-19, bainhira la iha kartaun vasina, sei la autoriza tama eskola.Say" ]
[ [ "Reitor UNPAZ: Ensino aprendizagem la'o errado implica para qualidade de recurso humano - GMN TV Health and Education University of Peace (UNPAZ) rector Adolmando Amaral asked the government to reactivate teaching learning for all schools, universities so that students can learn." ], [ "Because when education and training is not going well, it will have implications for the quality of human resources (HR) in a country." ], [ "Adolmando Amaral, considers that the tuition subsidies allocated by government to universitie will be worthless if education is stopped." ], [ "\"During this time the Government extended State of Emergency for a very long period, increased it with sanitary lockdowns and tightened afterwards by compulsory confinement. There was no activity so that learning process in Timor-Leste started from quarantine to sanitary lock down almost without any educational activities; we can see here is an extremely dangerous situation which threatens our country' s future.\"" ], [ "Because through this learning process we can teach to prepare a human resource that is of quality, so it will be possible for us in Timor-Leste." ], [ "If we continue to maintain a state of emergency for the long term, increase confinement and sanitary lockdowns without any learning processes in place then TL will not have good human resources that can meet its own needs." ], [ "That's why the Government has to look at minimum conditions that schools are preparing, so then we can circulate for reactivation\", affirmed UNPAZ Rector this GMN on Monday (19/07 / 25)." ], [ "The academic thanked the Government for supporting subsidies to students." ], [ "\"Thank you because the Government has been able to help students and parents for one semester, but we cannot allow this subsidy after that preventing parental processes from going on\", said Adolmando." ], [ "UNPAZ has received a transfer of subsidies from the Government, for 19 thousand students. Students have begun to form and confirm tuition subsidy granted by government in universitie such as DIU (Distrito Universitario Indígenas), UNPAS etc..." ], [ "In addition, GMN also tried to confirm with the rector of Dili Institute Of Technology (DIT) regarding tuition subsidies and a calendar for reactivating learning process. But he was not in his place at that time;" ], [ "According to the notice issued by Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) will begin its teaching and learning on August 2nd, but with one requirement: students must carry COVID-19 vaccination card. If they do not have an immunization certificate then their admission into school is denied! Says Prof Dr Adil Rami" ] ]
Ministru Filomeno Sei Estuda Lei Orgánika PNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Ministru Filomeno Sei Estuda Lei Orgánika PNTL\nMinistru Filomeno Sei Estuda Lei Orgánika PNTL\nDILI, 12 juñu 2019 (TATOLI)—Ministru Interiór Interinu, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus dehan nia parte simu ona proposta estatutu no lei orgánika Komandu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no oras ne’e nia sei estuda hela molok aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru hodi halo diskusaun kle’an.\n“Lei disiplinár agora foin to’o mai ha’u-nia liman. Ha’u sei haree no estuda. Se loos ona mak ha’u sei aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru,” informa Ministru Interiór, Filomeno ba jornalista iha Palásiu Governu, Dili, ohin, relasiona ho antes ne’e ekipa Ministériu Interiór hamutuk ho Komandu PNTL forma ona ekipa konjunta hodi halo estudu kle’an, ho hanoin atu revee lejizlasaun sira iha PNTL hanesan lei orgánika, estatutu no mós regulamentu disiplinár ho objetivu profisionaliza membru PNTL sira.\nEstudu ne’e, nia informa, sei aprezenta iha relatóriu finál ba governu konstitusionál da-ualu atu hamosu mudansa iha estrutura no delegasaun kompeténsia hahú hosi nasionál to’o munisípiu.\nProsesu estudu ne’ebé halo hosi asesór tékniku MI no asesór jurídiku sira iha PNTL, foku liu ba asuntu prioridade tolu ne’ebé konsidera importante hodi hadi’a serbisu tomak iha polísia bele serbisu ho profisionál no dixiplina mak; hadi’a lei orgánika, estatutu no regulamentu disiplinár PNTL nian.\nGovernu konsidera, asuntu prioridade tolu ne’e presiza hadi’a hodi fó valór pozitivu ba progresu dezenvolvimentu Komandu PNTL tuir Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (PEDN) 2011-2030 hodi lori PNTL hakbesik liu-ba komunidade hodi garantia pás no estabilidade interna no esterna.\nHahú iha tinan 2000 to’o mai agora, PNTL hala’o nia kna’ar tuir Konstituisaun artigu 147 iha ne’ebé polísia nia kna’ar atu defende legalidade demokrátika no garante seguransa interna ba sidadaun hotu no la inklina ba kualker grupu polítiku. Prevensaun krimi tenke bazeia ba respeitu direitu umanu.\nHo kna’ar hirak ne’e, iha 18 fevereiru 2009, Governu Timor-Leste hasai Lei Orgánika PNTL nian ida ne’ebé uza to’o ohin loron no Komandu PNTL rasik to’o agora seidauk iha Estatutu Própriu.\nNune’e, hahú iha tinan 2015 nia laran, Komandu PNTL harii ona ekipa independente ne’ebé involve Governu hodi prepara estatatu PNTL foun inklui lei orgánika PNTL no revee Regulamentu Disiplinár ne’ebé sei aumenta artigu balun hodi fó kompeténsia ba Departamentu Justisa atu uza regulamentu foun sira sai “nehan” kro’at ida ba Departamentu Justisa hala’o kna’ar no ezekuta misaun sira ne’ebé iha relasaun ho justisa no kestaun disiplinár sira tenke tuir nórma sira Konstituisaun nian.\nLei no diretiva sira ne’ebé vigora iha Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste nia territóriu laran, hanesan artigu 2, 16 to’o 28, no Artigu 31 no artigu 147 hosi Konstituisaun RDTL, Dekretu-Lei 9/2009 (Lei Orgánika PNTL nian) no Dekretu-Lei Nú. 13/2004 (PNTL nia Regulamentu Disiplinár).\nRegulamentu foun sei fó kompeténsia hala’o investigasaun ba kazu sira ne’ebé iha natureza disiplinár hasoru membru PNTL sira ne’ebé serbisu iha Kuartél Jerál PNTL nian ka iha unidade ka serbisu sira ne’ebé laiha Seksaun Justisa. Hala’o mós investigasaun ba kazu sira ne’ebé iha natureza disiplinár ne’ebé, tanba sira-nia gravidade, sensibilidade ka urjénsia, iha potensialidade atu halo fo’er PNTL nia imajen institusionál ka satan instituisaun ne’e atu hala’o nia misaun.\nAleinde ne’e, Komandu PNTL sei haforsa serbisu Unidade Patruliamentu Fronteira (UPF) no Serbisu Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS) liuhosi hadi’a kondisaun infraestrutura no kapasita rekursu umanu no fasilidade serbisu.\nKomandu PNTL hato’o ona proposta ba governu liuhosi Ministériu Interiór atu muda naran Unidade Polísia Marítima (UPM) ba Unidade Seguransa Kosteira (USC-sigla portugés) no hamosu tan Departamentu Tránzitu Kontrolu Auto Estrada (UDTKAE) no Unidade Frauda Fiskál (UFK).\nPrevious articleGovernu Aprova Kriasaun Komisaun Interministeriál Dezenvolvimentu Turizmu\nNext articleJuventude Tenke Halo Parseria Di’ak Ho PNTL\nDILI, 21 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu Japaun liuhosi Embaixadór Japaun iha Timor-Leste, Hiroshi Minami, apoia $99,825 ba Fundasaun Mahon hodi halo konstrusaun ba Ensinu Báziku Filiál (RBF) iha munisípiu Bobonaro. Notísia...
[ "Ministru Filomeno Sei Estuda Lei Organika PNTL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Ministru Filomeno Sei Estuda Lei Organika PNTL Ministru Filomeno Sei Estuda Lei Organika PNTL DILI, 12 junu 2019 (TATOLI) - Ministru Interior Interinu, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus dehan nia parte simu ona proposta estatutu no lei organika Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no oras ne'e nia sei estuda hela molok aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru hodi halo diskusaun kle'an.", "\"Lei disiplinar agora foin to'o mai ha'u-nia liman.", "Ha'u sei haree no estuda.", "Se loos ona mak ha'u sei aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru,\" informa Ministru Interior, Filomeno ba jornalista iha Palasiu Governu, Dili, ohin, relasiona ho antes ne'e ekipa Ministeriu Interior hamutuk ho Komandu PNTL forma ona ekipa konjunta hodi halo estudu kle'an, ho hanoin atu revee lejizlasaun sira iha PNTL hanesan lei organika, estatutu no mos regulamentu disiplinar ho objetivu profisionaliza membru PNTL sira.", "Estudu ne'e, nia informa, sei aprezenta iha relatoriu final ba governu konstitusional da-ualu atu hamosu mudansa iha estrutura no delegasaun kompetensia hahu hosi nasional to'o munisipiu.", "Prosesu estudu ne'ebe halo hosi asesor tekniku MI no asesor juridiku sira iha PNTL, foku liu ba asuntu prioridade tolu ne'ebe konsidera importante hodi hadi'a serbisu tomak iha polisia bele serbisu ho profisional no dixiplina mak; hadi'a lei organika, estatutu no regulamentu disiplinar PNTL nian.", "Governu konsidera, asuntu prioridade tolu ne'e presiza hadi'a hodi fo valor pozitivu ba progresu dezenvolvimentu Komandu PNTL tuir Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) 2011-2030 hodi lori PNTL hakbesik liu-ba komunidade hodi garantia pas no estabilidade interna no esterna.", "Hahu iha tinan 2000 to'o mai agora, PNTL hala'o nia kna'ar tuir Konstituisaun artigu 147 iha ne'ebe polisia nia kna'ar atu defende legalidade demokratika no garante seguransa interna ba sidadaun hotu no la inklina ba kualker grupu politiku.", "Prevensaun krimi tenke bazeia ba respeitu direitu umanu.", "Ho kna'ar hirak ne'e, iha 18 fevereiru 2009, Governu Timor-Leste hasai Lei Organika PNTL nian ida ne'ebe uza to'o ohin loron no Komandu PNTL rasik to'o agora seidauk iha Estatutu Propriu.", "Nune'e, hahu iha tinan 2015 nia laran, Komandu PNTL harii ona ekipa independente ne'ebe involve Governu hodi prepara estatatu PNTL foun inklui lei organika PNTL no revee Regulamentu Disiplinar ne'ebe sei aumenta artigu balun hodi fo kompetensia ba Departamentu Justisa atu uza regulamentu foun sira sai \"nehan\" kro'at ida ba Departamentu Justisa hala'o kna'ar no ezekuta misaun sira ne'ebe iha relasaun ho justisa no kestaun disiplinar sira tenke tuir norma sira Konstituisaun nian.", "Lei no diretiva sira ne'ebe vigora iha Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nia territoriu laran, hanesan artigu 2, 16 to'o 28, no Artigu 31 no artigu 147 hosi Konstituisaun RDTL, Dekretu-Lei 9/2009 (Lei Organika PNTL nian) no Dekretu-Lei Nu.", "13/2004 (PNTL nia Regulamentu Disiplinar).", "Regulamentu foun sei fo kompetensia hala'o investigasaun ba kazu sira ne'ebe iha natureza disiplinar hasoru membru PNTL sira ne'ebe serbisu iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL nian ka iha unidade ka serbisu sira ne'ebe laiha Seksaun Justisa.", "Hala'o mos investigasaun ba kazu sira ne'ebe iha natureza disiplinar ne'ebe, tanba sira-nia gravidade, sensibilidade ka urjensia, iha potensialidade atu halo fo'er PNTL nia imajen institusional ka satan instituisaun ne'e atu hala'o nia misaun.", "Aleinde ne'e, Komandu PNTL sei haforsa serbisu Unidade Patruliamentu Fronteira (UPF) no Serbisu Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS) liuhosi hadi'a kondisaun infraestrutura no kapasita rekursu umanu no fasilidade serbisu.", "Komandu PNTL hato'o ona proposta ba governu liuhosi Ministeriu Interior atu muda naran Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM) ba Unidade Seguransa Kosteira (USC-sigla portuges) no hamosu tan Departamentu Tranzitu Kontrolu Auto Estrada (UDTKAE) no Unidade Frauda Fiskal (UFK).", "Previous articleGovernu Aprova Kriasaun Komisaun Interministerial Dezenvolvimentu Turizmu Next articleJuventude Tenke Halo Parseria Di'ak Ho PNTL DILI, 21 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu Japaun liuhosi Embaixador Japaun iha Timor-Leste, Hiroshi Minami, apoia $99,825 ba Fundasaun Mahon hodi halo konstrusaun ba Ensinu Baziku Filial (RBF) iha munisipiu Bobonaro.", "Notisia..." ]
[ [ "Minister Filomeno Will Study the Organic Law of PNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Interim Interior minister will study organic laws and statutes for National Police (PNTL) Dili, June.12th - The interims interior ministry has received a proposal to revise constitutional provisions involving national police force commanders' status before presenting it on discussion at Council Of Ministry meeting next week; he said that his department is currently working with them as well:" ], [ "\"Disciplinary law has just reached my hands." ], [ "I'll see and study. i will look at it" ], [ "If it is true, I will submit to the Council of Ministers\", Interior minister Filomeno informed journalist at Palasiu Governu (Government Palace), Dili today. He said that previously a team from his ministry and PNTL Command had assembled together for an extensive study aimed on reviewing legislation within police such as organic law; statutes or disciplinary regulation with purpose professionalizing members" ], [ "The study, he said will be presented in a final report to the constitutional government of eight years for bringing about changes on structure and delegation from national competence down into municipal." ], [ "The study process carried out by MI technical advisers and legal advisors in the PNTL, focused on three priority issues considered important to improve all aspects of police work so that it can operate with professionalism & discipline; improving organic law. statute e disciplinary regulation for Police Force (PNTL)." ], [ "The Government considers that these three priority issues need to be improved in order for the PNTL Command' s development progress according with Plano Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) 2014-35, and bringing it closer towards its community so as guarantee peace of mind." ], [ "Since 2013, the Police Force has carried out its duties in accordance with Article I-47 of Brazil's Constitution which stipulates that it is responsible for defending democratic legality and guarantee internal security to all citizens without any political affiliation." ], [ "Crime prevention must be based on respect for human rights." ], [ "With these efforts, on February 18th of this year the Timor-Leste Government issued an Organic Law for PNTL which is in use to date and so far it has not yet had its own Statute." ], [ "Thus, starting in 2015 the Police Command has established an independent team with Government involvement to prepare a new police statute including organic law of PNTL and revised disciplinary regulation which will add some articles that give competence for DJP use these rules as \"nehan\" cro'at Department Justice carry out its work & execution mission relating justice. Disciplinar matters must be carried through accordingly norming Constitutional provisions" ], [ "The laws and directives in force within the territory of Timor-Leste, such as Articles:2;16 to.38 (and Article)47(a), are not compatible with Decree Law No9/05 on Police Organization Act or any other legislation that may be adopted by Parliament under this Constitutional Procedure for Legislative Purpose" ], [ "13/204 (Police Disciplinary Regulations)." ], [ "The new regulations will give the Justice Section competence to conduct investigations into cases of a disciplinary nature against PNTL members who work at their headquarters or in units and office where there is no Judicial Division." ], [ "It also conducts investigations into cases of a disciplinary nature which, due to their seriousness or sensitivity and urgency have the potential for damaging PNTL' s institutional image." ], [ "In addition, PNTL Command will strengthen the work of Border Patrol Unit (UPF) and Serviço Oficial Policia Comunitária(OPS), through improving infrastructure conditions as well As human resource capacity & working facilities." ], [ "The PNTL Command has submitted a proposal to the government through Ministry of Interior, changing Maritime Police Unit (UPM) name into Coastal Security Units and creatings Departments for Highway Transit Control(UDTKAE), Fiscal Fraud unit." ], [ "Previous articleGovernment Approves Creation of Interministerial Commission for Tourism Development Next ArticleYouth Need to Make Good Partnership with Police DILI, June 21st (TATOLI) - The Government Of Japan through Ambassador To Timor-Leste Hiroshi Minami has supported Mahon Foundation by $98.5 million in the construction work on Ensinu Báziku Filiál school at Bobonaro municipality" ], [ "News..." ] ]
Publika iha: 17 Fevereiro 2021\nXefe Gabinete Kontrolu Kualidade no Komunikasaun Sosial, iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valdares (HNGV), Sara Maria Xavier informa iha tinan 2020, ema nain 987 maka mate husi total 22,674 pasientes ne’ebe baixa iha hospital.\nNia salienta pasiente sira ne’e, nain 453 maka mate depois baixa durante 48 oras resin, no nain 534 mak mate antes 48 oras baixa iha hospital tanba sofre moras kronika grave oioion hanesan atakasaun fuan, kankru, diabetes no seluk tan.\n“Ita presiza hadia diak liu tan ita nia kualidade atendimentu ba ita nia pasiente sira atu ita bele redus taxa mortalidade sira ne’e. Dala ruma ita nia pasiente sira mai ho kondisaun sira ne’ebe grave tebes hanesan kankru ho stadiu avansadu entaun mai hetan deit kuidadu paliativus, no balun mai orgaun vital sira hanesan rins falha tanba ne’e labele salva sira,” nia hateten liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Bidau, Dili.\nNia dehan tuir padraun Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS) katak taxa mortalidade iha hospital liu 45/1,000 konsidera grave no presiza hare fali kualidade atendimentu.\nNia haktuir dadus HNGV nian hatudu iha tinan 2020, taxa mortalidade Net Death Rate 24/1000, no taxa mortalidade bruto 43/1000, signifika sei iha lina ne’ebe diak, maibe presiza hadia diak liu tan kualidade atendimentu.\nNia hatutan taxa okupasaun kama iha HNGV atinji 90%, no sala enfarmaria balun liu 100% tanba numeru pasiente barak liu kapasidade kama ne’ebe iha, no rotasaun utilizasaun kama 0% katak laiha kama ida mak mamuk.\nNia dehan alende fo atendimentu ba pasiente sira iha nasional, liu-liu refere husi sentru saúde komunitaria sira iha Dili laran, sira mos simu pasiente referral husi ospital referral sira hamutuk 7000.\nEntretantu, membru parlamentu nasional, Deputado Antonio da Conçeicão husu governu atu fo atensaun makas ba funsionamentu atendimentu iha hospital nasional tanba pasiente barak presiza hela atendimentu saúde.\nNia preokupa governu nia orietasaun makas liu ba kontrolu no halo metigasaun ba surtu COVID-19, no haluhan tiha ema lorloron mate iha hospital nasional tanba moras seluk.\n“Hau hanoin situasaun covid-19 halo ita preokupa, maibe labele halo funsionamentu hospital nian atu halo atendimentu ba sira ne’ebe moras tanba moras barak liu-liu labarik sira,” nia hateten.\nIha parte seluk, Diretor Nasional Servisu Apoia Hospitalar no Emergensia, iha Ministerio da Saúde, Doutor Nilton da Silva hateten planu atu eleva kapasidade hospital sira iha, maibe presiza investimentu ida longu prazu tanba tenke hare ekuipamentu, rekursu humanu no kestaun logistika seluk atu apoia servisu.\n“Ita laos hare deit ekipamentu intermus kualidade no kuantidade ekipamentu, maibe ita presiza hare mos manutensaun ba ekipamentu sira ne’e. ita hare mos ita nia rekursu humanu, no kestaun logistika seluk hanesan infrastruktura inklui orsamentu,” nia hateten.
[ "Publika iha: 17 Fevereiro 2021 Xefe Gabinete Kontrolu Kualidade no Komunikasaun Sosial, iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valdares (HNGV), Sara Maria Xavier informa iha tinan 2020, ema nain 987 maka mate husi total 22,674 pasientes ne'ebe baixa iha hospital.", "Nia salienta pasiente sira ne'e, nain 453 maka mate depois baixa durante 48 oras resin, no nain 534 mak mate antes 48 oras baixa iha hospital tanba sofre moras kronika grave oioion hanesan atakasaun fuan, kankru, diabetes no seluk tan.", "\"Ita presiza hadia diak liu tan ita nia kualidade atendimentu ba ita nia pasiente sira atu ita bele redus taxa mortalidade sira ne'e.", "Dala ruma ita nia pasiente sira mai ho kondisaun sira ne'ebe grave tebes hanesan kankru ho stadiu avansadu entaun mai hetan deit kuidadu paliativus, no balun mai orgaun vital sira hanesan rins falha tanba ne'e labele salva sira,\" nia hateten liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Bidau, Dili.", "Nia dehan tuir padraun Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) katak taxa mortalidade iha hospital liu 45/1,000 konsidera grave no presiza hare fali kualidade atendimentu.", "Nia haktuir dadus HNGV nian hatudu iha tinan 2020, taxa mortalidade Net Death Rate 24/1000, no taxa mortalidade bruto 43/1000, signifika sei iha lina ne'ebe diak, maibe presiza hadia diak liu tan kualidade atendimentu.", "Nia hatutan taxa okupasaun kama iha HNGV atinji 90%, no sala enfarmaria balun liu 100% tanba numeru pasiente barak liu kapasidade kama ne'ebe iha, no rotasaun utilizasaun kama 0% katak laiha kama ida mak mamuk.", "Nia dehan alende fo atendimentu ba pasiente sira iha nasional, liu-liu refere husi sentru saude komunitaria sira iha Dili laran, sira mos simu pasiente referral husi ospital referral sira hamutuk 7000.", "Entretantu, membru parlamentu nasional, Deputado Antonio da Conceicao husu governu atu fo atensaun makas ba funsionamentu atendimentu iha hospital nasional tanba pasiente barak presiza hela atendimentu saude.", "Nia preokupa governu nia orietasaun makas liu ba kontrolu no halo metigasaun ba surtu COVID-19, no haluhan tiha ema lorloron mate iha hospital nasional tanba moras seluk.", "\"Hau hanoin situasaun covid-19 halo ita preokupa, maibe labele halo funsionamentu hospital nian atu halo atendimentu ba sira ne'ebe moras tanba moras barak liu-liu labarik sira,\" nia hateten.", "Iha parte seluk, Diretor Nasional Servisu Apoia Hospitalar no Emergensia, iha Ministerio da Saude, Doutor Nilton da Silva hateten planu atu eleva kapasidade hospital sira iha, maibe presiza investimentu ida longu prazu tanba tenke hare ekuipamentu, rekursu humanu no kestaun logistika seluk atu apoia servisu.", "\"Ita laos hare deit ekipamentu intermus kualidade no kuantidade ekipamentu, maibe ita presiza hare mos manutensaun ba ekipamentu sira ne'e. ita hare mos ita nia rekursu humanu, no kestaun logistika seluk hanesan infrastruktura inklui orsamentu,\" nia hateten." ]
[ [ "Sara Maria Xavier, Head of the Office for Quality Control and Social Communication at Hospital Nacional Guido Valdares (HNGV), reported that in 2019 there were a total amounts to be discharged from hospital." ], [ "He highlighted that among these patients, 453 died after being discharged for more than a day or so and another1078 were killed before they got out of the hospital due to severe chronic diseases such as heart attack." ], [ "\"We need to improve the quality of care for our patients even more so that we can reduce these mortality rates." ], [ "Sometimes our patients come with very serious conditions such as cancer in an advanced stage so they only get palliative care, and some have vital organs like kidney failure therefore we cannot save them\", he said during a press conference at Bidau Hospital." ], [ "He said that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standards, a hospital mortality rate of more than 45/1.02 is considered serious and needs reviewing quality care in healthcare facilities for improvement as well:" ], [ "He said that HNGV data showed in the year, Net Death Rate of mortality rate for years to come and Gross Mortality Ratio (43/105), which means there is a good line but needs better quality care." ], [ "He added that the bed occupancy rate at HNGV reached a record high of nearly ninety percent, and some infirmaries had more than one hundred per cent occupation because there were too many patients to accommodate on their own." ], [ "He said that in addition to providing care for patients nationally, especially referrals from community health centres within Dili city area. They also receive 7015 patient referenced by the referee hospital (hospital)." ], [ "Meanwhile, Member of the National Parliament Antonio da Conceicao asked government to pay close attention on service functioning in national hospital because many patients still need health care." ], [ "He is concerned that the government has focused more on controlling and mitigating COVID-19 outbreaks, while forgetting about people dying in national hospital every day from other disease." ], [ "\"I think the covid-19 situation makes us worried, but we cannot operate hospitals to care for those who are sick because there is a lot of illness especially among children\", he said." ], [ "On the other hand, National Director of Hospital Support and Emergency Services at Ministry Of Health Dr. Nilton da Silva said that there are plans to increase hospital capacity but a long-term investment is needed because we need equipments human resources logistical issues in supporting service 24/7" ], [ "\"We do not only look at equipment intermus quality and quantity of the gear, but we also need to see maintenance for these tools. We are looking our human resources as well; other logistical issues such infrastructure including budgeting.\"" ] ]
Pasiente Kankru Susun Iha TL 345, Alito: “Pasiente Sira Tarde Halo Diagnóstiku” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Pasiente Kankru Susun Iha TL 345, Alito: “Pasiente Sira Tarde Halo Diagnóstiku”\nDILI, 16 setembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Prezidente Komisaun Nasionál Kombate Kankru iha Timor-Leste (KNKKTL), Alito Soares informa katak pasiente kankru susun iha Timor-Leste hahú husi 2015 to’o 2019 hamutuk ema na’in 345. Maske nune’e, tuir nia, problema kankru susun la’ós de’it akontese iha Timor-Leste maibé akontese mós iha nasaun dezenvolvida eh avansada sira.\n“Mortalidade ba moras kankru ne’e mós aas tebes, ida ne’e relasaun maioria, tanba pasiente sira ne’e mai sempre tarde no tarde ba ospitál tarde ba sentru saúde hodi halo diagnóstiku,” hateten Prezidente KNKKTL, Alito Soares ba jornalista sira iha Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV), ohin.\nRazaun seluk sira mai tarde atu halo tratamentu, tuir Prezidente Alito Soares, tanba kultura dehan moras kankru ne’e kultura ida ne’ebá mak seidauk loos no ida seluk fali moe para ko’alia sai.\n“Kanek ne’e to’o kanek loos ona no iis mak foin nota no família sira foin lori mai ospitál nasionál. Entaun kondisaun sira hanesan susar para ita atu kura no 50% kazu ne’e mai hodi halo tratamentu maibé maioria mai ho avansadu loos no 80% ne’e mate ba moras kankru susun,” nia konsidera.\nTuir broxura informasaun Ministériu Saúde (MS) nian ho patrosíniu husi UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), OMS (Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde), Marie Stopes International, Alola no Ita-nia Saúde Iha Ita-nia Liman Rasik fó sai katak kankru susun hanesan kankru ne’ebé mosu iha ita-nia glándula susun.\nKankru susun hanesan kankru ne’ebé aas tebes ba feto sira iha mundu tomak reprezenta 19% husi kankru hotu iha feto sira ne’ebé dala barak hetan diagnóstiku tarde ka iha faze avansadu.\nTo’o ohin loron kauza ba kankru susun seidauk hatene loloos no ida ne’ebé mak ema matenek na’in sira deskobre ona mak fatór risku ne’ebé hasae posibilidade atu hetan kankru susun mak hanesan iha família primeiru grau ne’ebé sofre ona kankru susun (inan bin, alin ka oan feto) no iha istória pesoál ho kankru susun halo Raiu-X beibeik dezde idade ki’ik to’o boot.\nHala’o tratamentu ho ormona kle’ur ezemplu konsume anti-konseitu orál no uza ormona durante menopauza feto ne’ebé la ko’us ka la iha oan, feto ne’ebé hetan oan primeiru hafoin tinan 35.\nInan ne’ebé la fó susu ba nia bebé hafoin partu, menstruasaun primeiru ho idade tinan 50 ba leten no bokur iha durante menopauza konsumu ai-han la saudavel, fuma ho hemu tua, menus atividade fízika ka la halo ezersísiu fíziku.\nKona-ba sintoma, sintoma kankru susun ne’ebé atu mosu iha susun mak hamutuk haat primeiru kafuak ki’ik oan mosu iha susun no kalilin la moras ho medida ne’ebé la hanesan.\nSegundu, susun kulit namkurut hanesan sabraka kulit, terseiru susu-matan dada aan tama no dala ruma sai been ka líkidu ne’ebé la normál hanesan kór mutin, kinur no dalaruma kahur ho raan. Kuartu, kanek nakloke iha susun ne’ebé susar atu kura akompaña mós ho sinál seluk hanesan ruin moras isin tun no bubu la iha kalilin.\nFeto hotu ho idade 20 ba leten tenke halo ezaminasaun rasik ba susun dala ida kada fulan no feto hotu ho idade 20 ba leten tenke hetan ezame klíniku ba susun husi doutór sira tinan ida dala ida.\nNo feto hahú husi tinan 40 to’o 45 ne’ebé la iha sintoma tenke halo ezaminasaun ho monografia dala ida kada tinan rua no idade 50 to’o 69 dala ida kada tinan.\nHo pasu sira hanesan, pasu primeiru hamriik iha espellu nia oin hasai tiha ita-nia bluza no haree didi’ak ita-nia susun iha lalenok nia oin liman rua tau iha knotak.\nPasu segundu, haree ho atensaun karik iha kafuak ka mudansa ruma ho ita-nia susun kulit no susun-matan.\nPasu terseiru, haree didi’ak ho atensaun tanba ema ida-idak mak hatene liu kona-ba nia isin-lolon rasik.\nPasu kuartu, tau liman rua iha knotak nune’e ita-nia susun bele hatudu an momoos hafoin bele haree fila fali karik iha kafuak kulit namkurut hanesan sabraka kulit susun-matan tama ka mudansa seluk iha ita-nia susun.\nPasu kintu, hamriik buti susu-matan hodi haree karik sai been ka líkidu ne’ebé la normál hanesan kór mutin, kinur no dalaruma kahur ho raan. Ba inan ne’ebé fó susu hela bebé bele halo diferensa ho inan nia susu-been.\nPasu sestu, pozisaun toba primeiru tau xumasu ida iha ita-nia kotuk laran, segundu liman sorin loos tau iha ulun kotuk no uza liman karuk atu koko ita-nia susun loos. Terseiru, liman sorin karuk tau iha ulun kotuk no uza liman loos atu koko ita-nia susun karuk.\nPasu sétimu, koko ita-nia susun liuhusi kaer hale’u primeiru koko ita-nia susun ho liman fuan tolu parte klaran ne’ebé tau rabat iha susun. Segundu halo ezaminasaun hale’u ita-nia susun ho presaun neineik hahú husi parte susun ninin to’o iha susun-matan tuir diresaun relójiu nian. Halo uluk ezaminasaun ba susun loos hafoin tuir kedas susun karuk.\nNotísia relevante:HALIKU Fó Asisténsia Ba Inan Feton 115 Ne’ebé Sofre Kankru\nPrevious articlePN Fó Votu Pezár Ba Habibie No Votu Saudasaun Loron Konsulta Populár\nNext articleGovernu Xina Konvida Timor-Leste Partisipa iha Konferénsia Mundiál Internét
[ "Pasiente Kankru Susun Iha TL 345, Alito: \"Pasiente Sira Tarde Halo Diagnostiku\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Pasiente Kankru Susun Iha TL 345, Alito: \"Pasiente Sira Tarde Halo Diagnostiku\" DILI, 16 setembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Komisaun Nasional Kombate Kankru iha Timor-Leste (KNKKTL), Alito Soares informa katak pasiente kankru susun iha Timor-Leste hahu husi 2015 to'o 2019 hamutuk ema na'in 345.", "Maske nune'e, tuir nia, problema kankru susun la'os de'it akontese iha Timor-Leste maibe akontese mos iha nasaun dezenvolvida eh avansada sira.", "\"Mortalidade ba moras kankru ne'e mos aas tebes, ida ne'e relasaun maioria, tanba pasiente sira ne'e mai sempre tarde no tarde ba ospital tarde ba sentru saude hodi halo diagnostiku,\" hateten Prezidente KNKKTL, Alito Soares ba jornalista sira iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV), ohin.", "Razaun seluk sira mai tarde atu halo tratamentu, tuir Prezidente Alito Soares, tanba kultura dehan moras kankru ne'e kultura ida ne'eba mak seidauk loos no ida seluk fali moe para ko'alia sai.", "\"Kanek ne'e to'o kanek loos ona no iis mak foin nota no familia sira foin lori mai ospital nasional.", "Entaun kondisaun sira hanesan susar para ita atu kura no 50% kazu ne'e mai hodi halo tratamentu maibe maioria mai ho avansadu loos no 80% ne'e mate ba moras kankru susun,\" nia konsidera.", "Tuir broxura informasaun Ministeriu Saude (MS) nian ho patrosiniu husi UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), OMS (Organizasaun Mundial Saude), Marie Stopes International, Alola no Ita-nia Saude Iha Ita-nia Liman Rasik fo sai katak kankru susun hanesan kankru ne'ebe mosu iha ita-nia glandula susun.", "Kankru susun hanesan kankru ne'ebe aas tebes ba feto sira iha mundu tomak reprezenta 19% husi kankru hotu iha feto sira ne'ebe dala barak hetan diagnostiku tarde ka iha faze avansadu.", "To'o ohin loron kauza ba kankru susun seidauk hatene loloos no ida ne'ebe mak ema matenek na'in sira deskobre ona mak fator risku ne'ebe hasae posibilidade atu hetan kankru susun mak hanesan iha familia primeiru grau ne'ebe sofre ona kankru susun (inan bin, alin ka oan feto) no iha istoria pesoal ho kankru susun halo Raiu-X beibeik dezde idade ki'ik to'o boot.", "Hala'o tratamentu ho ormona kle'ur ezemplu konsume anti-konseitu oral no uza ormona durante menopauza feto ne'ebe la ko'us ka la iha oan, feto ne'ebe hetan oan primeiru hafoin tinan 35.", "Inan ne'ebe la fo susu ba nia bebe hafoin partu, menstruasaun primeiru ho idade tinan 50 ba leten no bokur iha durante menopauza konsumu ai-han la saudavel, fuma ho hemu tua, menus atividade fizika ka la halo ezersisiu fiziku.", "Kona-ba sintoma, sintoma kankru susun ne'ebe atu mosu iha susun mak hamutuk haat primeiru kafuak ki'ik oan mosu iha susun no kalilin la moras ho medida ne'ebe la hanesan.", "Segundu, susun kulit namkurut hanesan sabraka kulit, terseiru susu-matan dada aan tama no dala ruma sai been ka likidu ne'ebe la normal hanesan kor mutin, kinur no dalaruma kahur ho raan.", "Kuartu, kanek nakloke iha susun ne'ebe susar atu kura akompana mos ho sinal seluk hanesan ruin moras isin tun no bubu la iha kalilin.", "Feto hotu ho idade 20 ba leten tenke halo ezaminasaun rasik ba susun dala ida kada fulan no feto hotu ho idade 20 ba leten tenke hetan ezame kliniku ba susun husi doutor sira tinan ida dala ida.", "No feto hahu husi tinan 40 to'o 45 ne'ebe la iha sintoma tenke halo ezaminasaun ho monografia dala ida kada tinan rua no idade 50 to'o 69 dala ida kada tinan.", "Ho pasu sira hanesan, pasu primeiru hamriik iha espellu nia oin hasai tiha ita-nia bluza no haree didi'ak ita-nia susun iha lalenok nia oin liman rua tau iha knotak.", "Pasu segundu, haree ho atensaun karik iha kafuak ka mudansa ruma ho ita-nia susun kulit no susun-matan.", "Pasu terseiru, haree didi'ak ho atensaun tanba ema ida-idak mak hatene liu kona-ba nia isin-lolon rasik.", "Pasu kuartu, tau liman rua iha knotak nune'e ita-nia susun bele hatudu an momoos hafoin bele haree fila fali karik iha kafuak kulit namkurut hanesan sabraka kulit susun-matan tama ka mudansa seluk iha ita-nia susun.", "Pasu kintu, hamriik buti susu-matan hodi haree karik sai been ka likidu ne'ebe la normal hanesan kor mutin, kinur no dalaruma kahur ho raan.", "Ba inan ne'ebe fo susu hela bebe bele halo diferensa ho inan nia susu-been.", "Pasu sestu, pozisaun toba primeiru tau xumasu ida iha ita-nia kotuk laran, segundu liman sorin loos tau iha ulun kotuk no uza liman karuk atu koko ita-nia susun loos.", "Terseiru, liman sorin karuk tau iha ulun kotuk no uza liman loos atu koko ita-nia susun karuk.", "Pasu setimu, koko ita-nia susun liuhusi kaer hale'u primeiru koko ita-nia susun ho liman fuan tolu parte klaran ne'ebe tau rabat iha susun.", "Segundu halo ezaminasaun hale'u ita-nia susun ho presaun neineik hahu husi parte susun ninin to'o iha susun-matan tuir diresaun relojiu nian.", "Halo uluk ezaminasaun ba susun loos hafoin tuir kedas susun karuk.", "Notisia relevante:HALIKU Fo Asistensia Ba Inan Feton 115 Ne'ebe Sofre Kankru Previous articlePN Fo Votu Pezar Ba Habibie No Votu Saudasaun Loron Konsulta Popular Next articleGovernu Xina Konvida Timor-Leste Partisipa iha Konferensia Mundial Internet" ]
[ [ "345 Breast Cancer Patients In Timor-Leste, Alito: \"Patientes Sira Tarde Halo Diagnostiku\" | Tempo Semanal Agência Noticiosa de TL VARANDA HEADLINE Paciente Kankru Susun IhaTL16/09 - President of the National Commission to Combat Cancro in TIMOR LESTE (KNKKtl), Mr.Alitu Soares reported that there were a total number Of patients with breast cancer from year beginning on September and end up until October this years amounting To an average Number From one thousand four hundred fifty five people who have been diagnosed With these disease at any time during their lifetime as well As three Hundred Thirty Five People Who Have Been Admitted For Treatment At Any Time between January & June each Year" ], [ "However, according to him the problem of stomach cancer is not only in Timor-Leste but also occurs at developed and advanced countries." ], [ "\"Mortality from cancer is also very high, this has a major relationship because these patients always come late and later to the hospital than health centers for diagnosis\", said KNKKTL President Alito Soares at Ospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV), today." ], [ "Another reason they come late for treatment, according to President Alito Soares is because the culture says that cancer diseases are not true in one country and other countries don't talk about it." ], [ "\"The injury was so serious and severe that I only noticed it when my family brought me to the national hospital." ], [ "So the conditions are as difficult for us to cure and 50% of these cases come in treatment, but most comes with very advanced stages. And then there is a death rate from breast cancer that reaches upwardly at least an estimated byte per day.\"" ], [ "According to an information brochure by the Ministry of Health (MS) sponsored with UNFPA, WHO and Marie Stopes International Alola & Your health in your hands says that breast cancer is a form which occurs on our mammary glands." ], [ "Breast cancer is the most common form of breast Cancer in women worldwide, accounting for 19% and often being diagnosed late or at an advanced stage." ], [ "To date, the exact causes of breast cancer are not known and what scientists have discovered is that risk factors for developing it include having a first-degree family member who has suffered from Breast Cancer (mother or sister) with an inherited gene pattern which may be responsible." ], [ "Conduct hormonal treatments such as taking oral contraceptives and using hormone during menopause, women who are not pregnant or have no children; those having their first child after the age of 35." ], [ "Mothers who do not breastfeed their babies after childbirth, have first menstruation at the age of 50 or later and suffer from bowel problems during menopause eat an unhealthy diet; smoke with a cigarette burner." ], [ "As for symptoms, there are four types of breast cancer that can occur in the chest: Firstly a small bump appearing on your stomach and it is not diseased to any extent." ], [ "Secondly, the breasts may become narrow as a result of skin inflammation. The third is that there can be abnormal milk or other liquid in your mouth like mucus and sometimes bloody discharge from it (causing urticaria)." ], [ "Fourth, an open wound in the abdomen that is difficult to heal and accompanied by other signs such as a runny nose with no breath." ], [ "All women aged 20 and over should have their breasts self-examined once per month, while all female patients must be given an annual clinical examination of the mammary glands by doctor." ], [ "And women from 40 to the age of, and without any symptoms should undergo an examination with a monograph once every two years." ], [ "With the same steps, first step stand in front of a mirror take off our blouse and look closely at your buttocks on top two hands put into knots." ], [ "Step two, look carefully for any signs of aging or changes in our skin and hair." ], [ "Step three, look carefully because each person knows best about their own body." ], [ "Fourth step, put two hands on the node so that our abdomen can show itself and then we will look again if there is a callus skin narrow as sabraka kulit susu-matan masuk or any other change in your stomach." ], [ "Check your breasts for any abnormal fluid such as mucus, pus and sometimes bleeding." ], [ "For breastfeeding mothers, the baby can make a difference to her own milk." ], [ "Step sixth, the tubing position first put a thumb in our backs; second hand right finger on head behind and use left to touch your abdomen." ], [ "Thirdly, put your right hand on the back of our head and use it to press against one’s neck." ], [ "Step seventh, massage our abdomen by caring for the first hale'u. Massage with your hand on three parts of claran that are wrapped in a bandage and placed at one end toward us from behind; this is called \"the back\"." ], [ "The second is to examine our breast with a slight pressure from the inside of it upwards, in clockwise direction." ], [ "The first examination was done on the right breast, followed by a second one at left." ], [ "Relevant News:HALIKU Gives Assistance To 150 Women Suffering From Cancer Previous articleParliament Passes Vote of Appreciation For Habibie And Vote to Greet the Day Of Popular Consultation Next artikelChinese Government Invite Timor-Leste Participate in World Internet Conference" ] ]
Dom Virgílio-PM Ko’alia Universidade Katólika – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Edukasaun » Dom Virgílio-PM Ko’alia Universidade Katólika\n14 agosto 2021 14 agosto 2021 by Noemio Falcao-308 views\nDILI (Timor Post)—Arsebispu arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, ho ekipa hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak, hodi partilla informasaun kona-ba prosesu atu hari universidade Katólika.\n“Ohin ami ekipa oan ida husi Arkidioseze Dili, ami halo audiénsia ho exelénsia Primeiru Ministru, tanba ami hakarak atu atualiza uitoan informasaun kona-ba ami aprezenta ona dokumentu atu ba kriasaun universidade katólika Timorénse”, Dom Virgílio informa hafoin remata enkontru ho Primeiru Ministru, iha rezidensiál Faról, Sesta (13/08).\nDom Virgílio dehan, maski lisensa Ministériu Ensinu Superior sei estuda hela, maibé hakarak partilla ba Primeiru Ministru, kona-ba inisiativa ida ne’e.\nTuir Na’i Lulik ne’e katak, inisiativa atu hari universidade katólika ne’e, la’ós mai husi nia, maibé mai hahú kedas kuaze tinan 20 liubá, iha kedan Dom Carlos Filipe Belo nia tempu, no iha 2002 forma ona ekipa ida atu halo estudu viabilidade, depois Carlos rezignasaun para tiha, mai fali iha Don Alberto Ricardo, komesa ona tau primeiru pedra iha Balidi, hafoin Alberto Ricardo mate buat hotu para tiha.\n“Ha’u tama mai iha 2016, ami koko atu kontinua, maibé iha momentu ne’ebá tanba buat barak liu, entaun ha’u laiha korajen hala’o ida ne’e, maibé durante tinan lima ne’e nia laran kontinua halo aproximasaun husi dalan oioin, ikus mai ami haree katak ida ne’e la’ós de’it ona ha’u-nia hakarak no ema ida nia hakarak, maibé ida ne’e hanesan nesesidade ida presiza no lori duni ba iha realizasaun”, Dom Virgílio afirma. (jry)\nPrevious post Ema Deskoñesidu Soke Mate Afonso\nNext post Tane Konsumidor Identifka Foos ho Marka Tali Merah Aat
[ "Dom Virgilio-PM Ko'alia Universidade Katolika -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Edukasaun \" Dom Virgilio-PM Ko'alia Universidade Katolika 14 agosto 2021 14 agosto 2021 by Noemio Falcao-308 views DILI (Timor Post) - Arsebispu arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, ho ekipa hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak, hodi partilla informasaun kona-ba prosesu atu hari universidade Katolika.", "\"Ohin ami ekipa oan ida husi Arkidioseze Dili, ami halo audiensia ho exelensia Primeiru Ministru, tanba ami hakarak atu atualiza uitoan informasaun kona-ba ami aprezenta ona dokumentu atu ba kriasaun universidade katolika Timorense,\" Dom Virgilio informa hafoin remata enkontru ho Primeiru Ministru, iha rezidensial Farol, Sesta (13/08).", "Dom Virgilio dehan, maski lisensa Ministeriu Ensinu Superior sei estuda hela, maibe hakarak partilla ba Primeiru Ministru, kona-ba inisiativa ida ne'e.", "Tuir Na'i Lulik ne'e katak, inisiativa atu hari universidade katolika ne'e, la'os mai husi nia, maibe mai hahu kedas kuaze tinan 20 liuba, iha kedan Dom Carlos Filipe Belo nia tempu, no iha 2002 forma ona ekipa ida atu halo estudu viabilidade, depois Carlos rezignasaun para tiha, mai fali iha Don Alberto Ricardo, komesa ona tau primeiru pedra iha Balidi, hafoin Alberto Ricardo mate buat hotu para tiha.", "\"Ha'u tama mai iha 2016, ami koko atu kontinua, maibe iha momentu ne'eba tanba buat barak liu, entaun ha'u laiha korajen hala'o ida ne'e, maibe durante tinan lima ne'e nia laran kontinua halo aproximasaun husi dalan oioin, ikus mai ami haree katak ida ne'e la'os de'it ona ha'u-nia hakarak no ema ida nia hakarak, maibe ida ne'e hanesan nesesidade ida presiza no lori duni ba iha realizasaun,\" Dom Virgilio afirma. (jry) Previous post Ema Deskonesidu Soke Mate Afonso Next post Tane Konsumidor Identifka Foos ho Marka Tali Merah Aat" ]
[ [ "Dom Virgilio-PM Ko'alia Universidade Católica 14 August,2039 by Noemio Falcau Dili (Timor Post Online) - Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archidiocese and Diocesan Headquarters in Timor Leste Mons. Virgilius do Carmo da Silva met with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to share information on process for establishing a Catholic University at his headquater located near Durban International Airport today after visiting East Nusa Tenggara Province where he will be hosting an official ceremony during which it is planned that this university would open its doors as soon As possible following approval from both sides before being inaugurated tomorrow morning" ], [ "\"Today we, a team from the Archdiocese of Dili have held an audience with His Excellency Prime Minister because We want to update some information regarding our submitted documents for forming Timorese Catholic University\", Dom Virgilio informed after finishes his meeting at Farol residential on Saturday (13/08)." ], [ "Dom Virgilio said, although the Ministry of Higher Education license is still being studied but wants to share with Prime Minister about this initiative." ], [ "According to Mr. Lulik, the initiative for establishing this Catholic university did not come from him but was started almost twenty years ago in Dom Carlos Filipe Belo's time and a team had been set up by Don Alberto Ricardo (2013-present) after his resignation; they began laying their first stone at Balidi when he died before it could be completed because everything has gone downhill since that day" ], [ "\"I entered in 2016, we wanted to continue but at the time there were too many things so I didn't have enough daring. But during these five years of continuing approaches from different directions it turned out that this was not just my wish or someone’ s desire; rather a need and one must take into consideration\", Dom Virgilio says (jry) Previous post People Not Known Soke Afonso Dead Next Post Consumer Tane Identify Foos with Red Label Tag Without Slip Belt" ] ]
EE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Públiku Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 EE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Públiku Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun\nEE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Públiku Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun\nEis Portavóz CIGC atual Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Servisu Saúde, Odete da Silva Viegas. Imajen/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 22 juñu 2020 (TATOLI) – Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) datoluk ne’ebé Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’ dekreta iha loron 27 maiu ba implementasaun durante loron-30, sei ramata iha loron 26 juñu tuku 23:59.\nPortavóz Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés), Odete Viegas, hateten maski implementasaun EE kuaze konklui maibé públiku presiza kontinua kumpre regra ne’ebé fó sai husi Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) inklui Ministériu Saúde (MS) atu prevene-an husi COVID-19.\n“Iha semana ida-ne’e Estadu Emerjénsia sei ramata maibé servisu COVID-19 ne’e rasik sei nafatin iha to’o OMS globalmente deklara katak laiha ona,” dehan Portavóz CIGC liuhosi konfrénsia imprensa iha Sala Sentru Mídia COVID-19, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD, sigla portugés), segunda ne’e.\nIha biban hanesan, servisu saúde sei hala’o nafatin vijilánsia iha territóriu laran tomak no haforsa liután iha vijilánsia iha área fronteira terrestre.\n“Daudaun ne’e la’ós de’it Ministeriu Saúde maka halo esforsu maibé husi parte Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) inklui autoridade lokál halo esforsu atubele prevene ema tama ilegál. Ema ne’ebé tama ilegál, parte Polísia Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) sira kaptura no entrega kedan ba servisu saúde sira,” nia akresenta.\nAtuál Diretora Jerál ba Prestasaun Servisu Ministériu Saúde, realsa iha EE datoluk iha fatin públiku, eskola, no universitáriu hahú hala’o ona atividade maibé nafatin kolabora ho MS atu nafatin implementa medida preventiva.\n“Nune’e ita nafatin la’o tuir rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé maka OMS fó hodi prevene ita-nia an husi surtu COVID-19,” tenik Portavóz Sala Situasaun.\nNia subliña, maski implementasaun EE kuaze ramata maibé esforsu sei la to’o iha ne’e de’it tanba ema hahú desobediensia ba regra.\n“Ita tenke tau iha prátika loron-loron katak moras ne’e sei eziste. Ita liu ona faze dahuluk no daruak maibé provavelmente bele hetan situasaun a’at liu ida-ne’e tanba ita-nia nasaun viziñu Indonézia loron ba loron aumenta kazu konfirmadu no ita bele kona impaktu kazu importadu. Tanba ne’e husu komunidade sira atu kolabora ho autoridade lokál no autoridade Polísia inklui Militár, bainhira hetan ema foun ne’ebé tama ilegál tenke informa nune’e ita bele prevene-an husi kazu importadu sira,” nia apela.\nTotál kazu konfirmadu iha Timor-Leste hamutuk na’in-24 no provável na’in-haat, ne’ebé husi totál konfirmadu ne’e, na’in-22 rejista iha Dili enkuantu na’in-rua seluk rejista iha Munisípiu Liquiçá.\nIha loron 15 maiu, CIGC deklara pasiente konfirmadu COVID-19 no provável rekuperadu hotu ona no to’o agora seidauk rejista kazu foun maski ema kontinua tama ilegál husi fronteira terrestre.\nKazu konfirmadu ne’ebé rejistadu iha Timor-Leste hanesan kazu importadu husi sidadaun ne’ebé halo viajen husi nasaun afetadu COVID-19 no tama mai Timor-Leste liuhosi dalan fronteira terrestre no aeroportu.\nTo’o oras ne’e, kazu konfirmadu iha Timor Osidentál, Indonézia hamutuk 111, na’in-44 maka rekuperadu no na’in-ida maka mate.\nTotál kazu konfirmadu iha Repúblika Indonézia hamutuk 46.485, na’in-18.735 maka rekuperadu no na’in-2.500 maka mate.\nIha nasaun tomak, daudaun ne’e rejista totál kazu konfirmadu 9.007.391, rekuperadu 4.860.137 no mate 471.246, nune’e kazu ativu hamutuk 3.746.7000.\nKazu konfirmadu kontinua zero\nNafatin kumpre regra prevensaun\nPrevious articlePD Hahú Moderniza Servisu Liuhosi Portál Informasaun no Teknolojia\nNext articleEma Tuda Kanek Reitór UNPAZ\nArkivu Select Month September 2021 (579) August 2021 (857) July 2021 (932) June 2021 (998) May 2021 (732) April 2021 (779) March 2021 (693) February 2021 (623) January 2021 (602) December 2020 (581) November 2020 (653) October 2020 (756) September 2020 (681) August 2020 (609) July 2020 (747) June 2020 (710) May 2020 (537) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)
[ "EE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Publiku Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 EE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Publiku Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun EE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Publiku Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun Eis Portavoz CIGC atual Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Servisu Saude, Odete da Silva Viegas.", "Imajen/Egas Cristovao DILI, 22 junu 2020 (TATOLI) - Estadu Emerjensia (EE) datoluk ne'ebe Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' dekreta iha loron 27 maiu ba implementasaun durante loron-30, sei ramata iha loron 26 junu tuku 23:59.", "Portavoz Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges), Odete Viegas, hateten maski implementasaun EE kuaze konklui maibe publiku presiza kontinua kumpre regra ne'ebe fo sai husi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) inklui Ministeriu Saude (MS) atu prevene-an husi COVID-19.", "\"Iha semana ida-ne'e Estadu Emerjensia sei ramata maibe servisu COVID-19 ne'e rasik sei nafatin iha to'o OMS globalmente deklara katak laiha ona,\" dehan Portavoz CIGC liuhosi konfrensia imprensa iha Sala Sentru Midia COVID-19, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD, sigla portuges), segunda ne'e.", "Iha biban hanesan, servisu saude sei hala'o nafatin vijilansia iha territoriu laran tomak no haforsa liutan iha vijilansia iha area fronteira terrestre.", "\"Daudaun ne'e la'os de'it Ministeriu Saude maka halo esforsu maibe husi parte Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) inklui autoridade lokal halo esforsu atubele prevene ema tama ilegal.", "Ema ne'ebe tama ilegal, parte Polisia Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) sira kaptura no entrega kedan ba servisu saude sira,\" nia akresenta.", "Atual Diretora Jeral ba Prestasaun Servisu Ministeriu Saude, realsa iha EE datoluk iha fatin publiku, eskola, no universitariu hahu hala'o ona atividade maibe nafatin kolabora ho MS atu nafatin implementa medida preventiva.", "\"Nune'e ita nafatin la'o tuir rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe maka OMS fo hodi prevene ita-nia an husi surtu COVID-19,\" tenik Portavoz Sala Situasaun.", "Nia sublina, maski implementasaun EE kuaze ramata maibe esforsu sei la to'o iha ne'e de'it tanba ema hahu desobediensia ba regra.", "\"Ita tenke tau iha pratika loron-loron katak moras ne'e sei eziste.", "Ita liu ona faze dahuluk no daruak maibe provavelmente bele hetan situasaun a'at liu ida-ne'e tanba ita-nia nasaun vizinu Indonezia loron ba loron aumenta kazu konfirmadu no ita bele kona impaktu kazu importadu.", "Tanba ne'e husu komunidade sira atu kolabora ho autoridade lokal no autoridade Polisia inklui Militar, bainhira hetan ema foun ne'ebe tama ilegal tenke informa nune'e ita bele prevene-an husi kazu importadu sira,\" nia apela.", "Total kazu konfirmadu iha Timor-Leste hamutuk na'in-24 no provavel na'in-haat, ne'ebe husi total konfirmadu ne'e, na'in-22 rejista iha Dili enkuantu na'in-rua seluk rejista iha Munisipiu Liquica.", "Iha loron 15 maiu, CIGC deklara pasiente konfirmadu COVID-19 no provavel rekuperadu hotu ona no to'o agora seidauk rejista kazu foun maski ema kontinua tama ilegal husi fronteira terrestre.", "Kazu konfirmadu ne'ebe rejistadu iha Timor-Leste hanesan kazu importadu husi sidadaun ne'ebe halo viajen husi nasaun afetadu COVID-19 no tama mai Timor-Leste liuhosi dalan fronteira terrestre no aeroportu.", "To'o oras ne'e, kazu konfirmadu iha Timor Osidental, Indonezia hamutuk 111, na'in-44 maka rekuperadu no na'in-ida maka mate.", "Total kazu konfirmadu iha Republika Indonezia hamutuk 46.485, na'in-18.735 maka rekuperadu no na'in-2.500 maka mate.", "Iha nasaun tomak, daudaun ne'e rejista total kazu konfirmadu 9.007.391, rekuperadu 4.860.137 no mate 471.246, nune'e kazu ativu hamutuk 3.746.7000.", "Kazu konfirmadu kontinua zero Nafatin kumpre regra prevensaun Previous articlePD Hahu Moderniza Servisu Liuhosi Portal Informasaun no Teknolojia Next articleEma Tuda Kanek Reitor UNPAZ Arkivu Select Month September 2021 (579) August 2021 (857) July 2021 (932) June 2021 (998) May 2021 (732) April 2021 (779) March 2021 (693) February 2021 (623) January 2021 (602) December 2020 (581) November 2020 (653) October 2020 (756) September 2020 (681) August 2020 (609) July 2020 (747) June 2020 (710) May 2020 (537) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)" ]
[ [ "EE Datoluk Kuaze Ramata, CIGC Husu Publika Kontinua Kumpre Regra Prevensaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 E.E Dataluku Quase Ramata (EE) and the Public Health Centre of Dili continue to comply with prevention rules – Odete da Silva Viegas Former spokesperson for ICGC current Director General on health services provision" ], [ "Image/Egas Cristovao DILI, June 23rd (TATOLI) - The third state of emergency declared by the President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' on May-19 for a period to be extending until December will end at midnight Monday." ], [ "Odete Viegas, spokeswoman for the Situation Room of Integrated Crisis Management Centre (CIGC), said that although implementation is almost completed but public needs to continue complying with rules issue d by World Health Organization and Ministry Of health in order prevent COVID-19." ], [ "\"This week the State of Emergency will end but this COVID-19 work itself remains until WHO globally declares it no longer,\" said CIGC Spokesperson during a press conference in Covid Media Center Room at Dili Convention Centre (CCD), Monday." ], [ "At the same time, health services will continue to carry out vigilance throughout its territorys and strengthen surveillances in land border areas." ], [ "\"It is not only the Ministry of Health that has made efforts but also PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste) and FALINTIL - Forsa Defesa Timór Leste, including local authorities have done an effort to prevent people entering illegally." ], [ "People who enter illegally, part of the Police Border Patrol Unit (UPF) capture and hand over cases to health services\", he added." ], [ "The current Director General for Service Provision of the Ministry, stresses that in 3rd EE public places such as schools and university have already started to carry out activities but still collaborate with MS on implementing preventative measures." ], [ "\"Now we are continuing to follow the recommendations that WHO has given us in order for prevent ourselves from an outbreak of COVID-19,\" said Situation Room Spokesperson." ], [ "He emphasized that, although the implementation of EC is almost over but efforts will not be enough because people have begun to disobey rules." ], [ "\"We have to put into daily practice that the disease will exist." ], [ "We have passed the first and second phases but we are likely to get a more severe situation because our neighboring country Indonesia is increasing confirmed cases by day, so it'll be hard for us." ], [ "Therefore, he asks the communities to collaborate with local authorities and police including military. Whenever there is a new person entering illegally they must inform so that we can prevent imported cases.\"" ], [ "The total confirmed cases in Timor-Leste are 24 and the likely number is ninety, of which twenty two have been reported from Dili while a further three were registering with Liquica Municipality." ], [ "On May 15, the CIGC declared that all COVID-20 patients had been diagnosed and were likely recovering. So far no new cases have yet appeared although people continue to enter illegally through land borders in Spain from other countries of Europe or Asia (including China)." ], [ "The confirmed cases registering in Timor-Leste are imported by citizens travelling from countries affectes COVID 19 and entering the country via land border routes or airport." ], [ "So far, confirmed cases in West Timor (Indonesia) have reached 109; of these there are now a total Of recoveries and deaths is one." ], [ "The total confirmed cases in the Republic of Indonesia are 46,580; there have been a record-breaking recovery rate (19.2%) and an estimated death toll is about $37k per day for all infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS" ], [ "In the country as a whole, there are currently 9.01 million confirmed cases of COVID-27 in Brazil; recoveries totaling to now have been reported for more than one billion people worldwide (486 thousand and seven hundred millions)." ], [ "Previous articlePD Hahu Moderniza Servisu Liuhosi Portal Informasaun no Teknolojia NextEma Tuda Kanek Reitor UNPAZ Arkivu Select Month September 2019 (38) August, July and June of the Year: May to April March February January December November October The monthly calendar for this year is as follows." ] ]
Governu presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitária | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Governu presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitária\nGovernu presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitária\nDILI, 28 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Bankada Frente-Mudança iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasionál, husu VIII Governu Konstitusionál halo avaliasaun ba deklarasaun estadu emerjénsia no aplikasaun regra serka sanitária no konfinamentu obrigatóriu ne’e la efetivu.\n“Governu presiza halo avaliasaun ba iha implementasaun estadu emerjénsia ne’ebé la’o ona ba dala-XIII ne’e (agora ba dala-XIV) la efetivu, tanba kazu infesaun COVID-19 iha nível komunidade kontinua aumenta,” Xefe Bankada Frente-Mudança (FM), Deputada Isabel Maria Barreto Freitas Ximenes, levanta liuhosi diskusaun estensaun estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV, iha uma fukun, sesta ne’e.\nNia observa katak implementasaun medida serka sanitária iha problema sósiu-ekonómiku ne’ebé Governu hatuur hatudu katak restaurante no prestasaun serbisu bele loke maibé só bele halo serbisu lori entrega iha uma, maibé realidade iha implementasaun ne’e hamosu diskriminasaun tanba balun kumpre regra no balun lae.\n“Ami husu ba Governu atu bele kria mekanizmu ida di’ak hodi bele kontrola didi’ak situasaun ida-ne’e,” nia husu.\nAleinde ne’e, Bankada Frente-Mudança iha preokupasaun boot kona-ba vida ekonomia povu nian tanba iha períodu agora daudaun ne’e, zona produtór kafé sira tama ona iha kolleta kafe hanesan iha Ermera maibé ho serka sanitaria ne’e limita tiha povu nia sirkulasaun.\n“Limitasaun ba sirkulasaun populasaun nian difikulta ita-nia populasaun sira iha zona produtór kafé nian, sira labele kolleta kafé ho di’ak. Ne’e problema boot ida-ne’ebé mosu hela. Períodu kolleta kafé hanesan agora ne’e nu’udar períodu importante ba zona produtór kafé sira tanba maioria populasaun sira-nia rendimentu dependente ba sira-nia kafé,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 163, rekoperadu 198 no ativu 2.692\nNext articleBankada FRETILIN husu SIJK habadak burokrasia autorizasaun
[ "Governu presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitaria | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Governu presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitaria Governu presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitaria DILI, 28 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Bankada Frente-Mudanca iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional, husu VIII Governu Konstitusional halo avaliasaun ba deklarasaun estadu emerjensia no aplikasaun regra serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu ne'e la efetivu.", "\"Governu presiza halo avaliasaun ba iha implementasaun estadu emerjensia ne'ebe la'o ona ba dala-XIII ne'e (agora ba dala-XIV) la efetivu, tanba kazu infesaun COVID-19 iha nivel komunidade kontinua aumenta,\" Xefe Bankada Frente-Mudanca (FM), Deputada Isabel Maria Barreto Freitas Ximenes, levanta liuhosi diskusaun estensaun estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV, iha uma fukun, sesta ne'e.", "Nia observa katak implementasaun medida serka sanitaria iha problema sosiu-ekonomiku ne'ebe Governu hatuur hatudu katak restaurante no prestasaun serbisu bele loke maibe so bele halo serbisu lori entrega iha uma, maibe realidade iha implementasaun ne'e hamosu diskriminasaun tanba balun kumpre regra no balun lae.", "\"Ami husu ba Governu atu bele kria mekanizmu ida di'ak hodi bele kontrola didi'ak situasaun ida-ne'e,\" nia husu.", "Aleinde ne'e, Bankada Frente-Mudanca iha preokupasaun boot kona-ba vida ekonomia povu nian tanba iha periodu agora daudaun ne'e, zona produtor kafe sira tama ona iha kolleta kafe hanesan iha Ermera maibe ho serka sanitaria ne'e limita tiha povu nia sirkulasaun.", "\"Limitasaun ba sirkulasaun populasaun nian difikulta ita-nia populasaun sira iha zona produtor kafe nian, sira labele kolleta kafe ho di'ak.", "Ne'e problema boot ida-ne'ebe mosu hela.", "Periodu kolleta kafe hanesan agora ne'e nu'udar periodu importante ba zona produtor kafe sira tanba maioria populasaun sira-nia rendimentu dependente ba sira-nia kafe,\" nia dehan.", "Previous articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 163, rekoperadu 198 no ativu 2.692 Next articleBankada FRETILIN husu SIJK habadak burokrasia autorizasaun" ]
[ [ "Government needs to evaluate application of sanitary curfew measures | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Governo presiza avalia aplikasaun medida serka sanitária Governu precisa evaluár a aplicação medidas Serca Sanitariu DILI, May.28 (Xinhua) - The Front for Change group in the lower house on Thursday asked that VIII Constitutional government make an evaluation about declaring state emergency and apply mandatory confinement rules not effective as they have been imposed by health authorities since March last year when COVID19 first spread across East Asia from China through Indonesia into South Korea via airborne route" ], [ "\"The government needs to make an evaluation of the implementation ineffectual state-of -emergency that has been running for XIII (now XIV) because COVID 19 cases at community level continues increasing,\" Chairwoman Frente de Mudança Group MP Isabel Maria Barreto Freitaes Ximenes raised during discussion on extending a fourteenth time State Emergency." ], [ "He observed that the implementation of sanitary lockdown measures in socio-economic problems raised by government showed restaurants and workplace services can open but only take home delivery, however reality is discriminatory because some follow rules while others do not." ], [ "\"We ask the Government to create a good mechanism so that we can control this situation carefully,\" he asked." ], [ "Furthermore, the Frente-Mudanca Group is very concerned about people's economic life because in recent times coffee producer zones have entered into a harvest as Ermera but with this sanitary lock down has limited circulation." ], [ "\"Restrictions on the circulation of people make it difficult for our populations in coffee-producing zones to harvest well." ], [ "This is a big problem that's arising." ], [ "Coffee harvest periods such as this are important for coffee-producing areas because most of the population depend on their own income from these crops,\" he said." ], [ "Previous articleCOVID-19: positive 20, recovered and active cases totals to rise by more than a third Next ArticleFRETILIN’S Banking Group asks SIJK for easing authorization bureaucracy" ] ]
PM Xanana Gusmão Seidauk Autoriza Hasai Imunidade – Julgamentu Emilia Pires Adia - Opini Timor\n» PM Xanana Gusmão Seidauk Autoriza Hasai Imunidade – Julgamentu Emilia Pires Adia\nWritten By Timor News Online on 10/27/2014 | 8:53 PM\nTribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) hein deit ona to’o bainhira mak Primeiru Ministru (PM) Xanana Gusmão, bele autoriza hasai imunidade Ministra Finansas (MF) Emilia Pires hodi bele tuir julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD).\nJuis Administrador Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), Duarte Tilman, Segunda (26/10), klarifika ba jornalista sira\niha TDD katak, oras ne’e dadaun Tribunal hein deit ona desizaun PM Xanana Gusmão, to’o bainhira mak atu suspende funsaun Emilia Pires atual\nMinistra Finansas hodi nune’e Parlamentu Nasional hasai imunidade ba arguida Emilia Pires.\nLoron julgamentu ba Emilia Pires ajenda ona atu halo, horseik, iha TDD, maibe kanseladu ka adi’a tiha tanba Emilia Pires la marka prezensa, inklui PM Xanana seidauk autoriza atu nune bele hasai imunidade Emilia Pires nian.\n“Juis prosesu informa mai hau katak, sira tenki adia fali julgamentu ne’e la hatene bainhira tanba levantamentu imunidade seidauk iha,” esplika Duarte Tilman.\nSeluk fali, Duarte hatutan, arguida Emilia ho nia mandataria sira halo rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR) kona\nba prosesual seidauk iha rezultadu no tribunal rasik mos seidauk iha actos husi TR.\nTribunal kontinua hein levantamentu imunidade arguida Emilia hodi nune’e arguida Emilia bele mai iha tribunal hodi responsabiliza ou fo resposta no prova ba akuzasaun MP nian.\nJuis koletivu ba prosesu ne’e labele halo julgamentu ba kazu partisipasaun ekonomi negosio ne’ebe involve Ministra Emilia Pires ho eis vise Ministra Saude Madalena Hanjam, tanba seidauk hasai imunidade Emilia nian.\nKazu ne’e akontese iha tinan 2011 relasiona ho projetu sosa ekipamentus ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadres (HNGV) ne’ebe Emilia “konsente” fo projetu ne’e ba nia kaben.\nIha sala audensia juis presidente Julio Gantes hatete, Tribunal labele halo julgamentu maske arguida Madalena Hanjam marka prezensa, tanba arguida Emilia hanesan membru governu seidauk hasai nia imunidade husi PN.\nJuis prezidente Julio Gantes mos seidauk\nhatene atu marka ba sa loron fali, tanba sira sei hein desizaun Governu\nkona ba levantamentu imunidade arguida Emilia nian.\nIha audiensia ne’e Ministeriu Publiku (MP) reprezenta prokuradora Angelina Saldanha ho Gloria Alves, arguida Madalena hetan defeza husi advogadu privadu Jose Guterres, Nuno Morais ho Rui Costa Fereira, arguida Emilia hetan defeza husi advogadu privadu Jose Pedro Camães ho Angelica Moniz. lia
[ "PM Xanana Gusmao Seidauk Autoriza Hasai Imunidade - Julgamentu Emilia Pires Adia - Opini Timor \" PM Xanana Gusmao Seidauk Autoriza Hasai Imunidade - Julgamentu Emilia Pires Adia Written By Timor News Online on 10/27/2014 | 8:53 PM Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) hein deit ona to'o bainhira mak Primeiru Ministru (PM) Xanana Gusmao, bele autoriza hasai imunidade Ministra Finansas (MF) Emilia Pires hodi bele tuir julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD).", "Juis Administrador Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), Duarte Tilman, Segunda (26/10), klarifika ba jornalista sira iha TDD katak, oras ne'e dadaun Tribunal hein deit ona desizaun PM Xanana Gusmao, to'o bainhira mak atu suspende funsaun Emilia Pires atual Ministra Finansas hodi nune'e Parlamentu Nasional hasai imunidade ba arguida Emilia Pires.", "Loron julgamentu ba Emilia Pires ajenda ona atu halo, horseik, iha TDD, maibe kanseladu ka adi'a tiha tanba Emilia Pires la marka prezensa, inklui PM Xanana seidauk autoriza atu nune bele hasai imunidade Emilia Pires nian.", "\"Juis prosesu informa mai hau katak, sira tenki adia fali julgamentu ne'e la hatene bainhira tanba levantamentu imunidade seidauk iha,\" esplika Duarte Tilman.", "Seluk fali, Duarte hatutan, arguida Emilia ho nia mandataria sira halo rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR) kona ba prosesual seidauk iha rezultadu no tribunal rasik mos seidauk iha actos husi TR.", "Tribunal kontinua hein levantamentu imunidade arguida Emilia hodi nune'e arguida Emilia bele mai iha tribunal hodi responsabiliza ou fo resposta no prova ba akuzasaun MP nian.", "Juis koletivu ba prosesu ne'e labele halo julgamentu ba kazu partisipasaun ekonomi negosio ne'ebe involve Ministra Emilia Pires ho eis vise Ministra Saude Madalena Hanjam, tanba seidauk hasai imunidade Emilia nian.", "Kazu ne'e akontese iha tinan 2011 relasiona ho projetu sosa ekipamentus ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadres (HNGV) ne'ebe Emilia \"konsente\" fo projetu ne'e ba nia kaben.", "Iha sala audensia juis presidente Julio Gantes hatete, Tribunal labele halo julgamentu maske arguida Madalena Hanjam marka prezensa, tanba arguida Emilia hanesan membru governu seidauk hasai nia imunidade husi PN.", "Juis prezidente Julio Gantes mos seidauk hatene atu marka ba sa loron fali, tanba sira sei hein desizaun Governu kona ba levantamentu imunidade arguida Emilia nian.", "Iha audiensia ne'e Ministeriu Publiku (MP) reprezenta prokuradora Angelina Saldanha ho Gloria Alves, arguida Madalena hetan defeza husi advogadu privadu Jose Guterres, Nuno Morais ho Rui Costa Fereira, arguida Emilia hetan defeza husi advogadu privadu Jose Pedro Camaes ho Angelica Moniz. lia" ]
[ [ "PM Xanana Gusmao Seidauk Autoriza Hasai Imunidade - Julgamentu Emilia Pires Adia – Opini Timor \" Prime Minister Gusmão Does Not Authorize Lifting Immunity of Finance Ministry (MF) Employee, Emiliia Pereira Dili District Court has been waiting until the time when prime minister Jose Ramos Horta can authorise liffing illness to finance ministry employee and former MP empty-handedly." ], [ "The Administrative Judge of the Dili District Court (TDD), Duarte Tilman, Monday 26/10 clarified to journalists in Tdd that at present Tribunal is only waiting for decision PM Xanana Gusmao when it will suspend Emilia Piries' function as current Minister Finance so Parliament can lift immunity from prosecution." ], [ "The trial day for Emilia Pires was scheduled to be held, tomorrow morning at the TDD but cancelled or postpones because of her absence and PM Xanana has not yet authorized that she may waive immunity." ], [ "\"The trial judge informed me that they had to postpone the hearing for an unknown date because there was no lifting of immunity,\" explained Duarte Tilman." ], [ "On the other hand, Duarte said that defendant Emilia and her attorneys appealed to Tribunal Recurso (TR) regarding procedural issues but no outcome has been obtained. The court itself does not have acts of TR available yet as well!" ], [ "The court continues to await the lifting of defendant Emilia' s immunity so that she can appear in tribunal and answer or provide evidence against MP accusations." ], [ "The collective judges for this proceeding cannot adjudicate on the case of economic business participation involving Minister Emilia Pirees and former Deputy Health Secretary Madalena Hanjam, because they have not lifted her immunity." ], [ "The case occurred in 2013, related to a project of purchasing equipment for the National Guido Valadres Hospital (HNGV) where Emilia \"consented\" that her husband should be given this contract." ], [ "In the hearing room, presiding judge Julio Gantes said that although defendant Madalena Hanjam was in attendance on trial she could not be heard because Emilia as member of government has yet to waive her immunity from parliament." ], [ "The presiding judge Julio Gantes also has not yet decided on a new date, as they will wait for the government's decision regarding lifting Emilia’ s immunity." ], [ "At this hearing, the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) was represented by Attorney Angelina Saldanha and Gloria Alves; defendant Madalena had her defence provided through private lawyers Jose Guterres." ] ]
DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES (SVD) - TIMOR LESTE REGION: SVD NIA PRESENSA IHA PAROQUIA UATOLARI (1)\n<< Back to Parish Page\nIta hatene katak kleur ona SVD habelar liras hodi hala‟o nia misaun iha rai Timor. Tamba ne‟e, ha‟u hakarak hekerek konaba “SVD NIA PRESENSA IHA PAROQUIA UATOLARI”, hodi nune‟e membru SVD sira ne'ebe seidauk hatene bele hatene oinsa Historia Paroquia Uatolari no oinsa SVD hala'o nia missaun iha Paroquia Uatolari. Maibe, ha'u mos hatene katak buat ne'ebe ha'u hakerek ne'e seidauk kompletu, tamba ne‟e husu mos le'e nain sira atu bele kompleta saida mak ha'u hakerek ne'e.\nHistoria Paroquia Uatolari\nMolok sai Paroquia ida, Uatolari sai hanesan estasaun misionario husi Missaun Catolica (Paroquia) Ossu. Tuir noticia Historia ne'ebe Katekista Mateus da Silva (matebian) hakerek iha nia diariu/ajenda katak fini fiar Katolika hahu moris iha Uatolari iha tinan 1930. Iha tempu neba Administrador, Oscar Ruas, no Chefe do Posto Uatolari, Miguel Pereira Luis, hola inisiativu atu hari eskola ida iha Mameta (Afaloikai). Iha tinan 1933, wainhira eskola ne'e halo hotu ona, Padre Francisco Antonio Durao Quintao husi Missaun Soibada vizita Posto Uatolari no fo Sakramentu Baptismu ba primeira ves ba eskola oan sira. Liu tiha tinan ida, tinan 1934, Padre Jaime Gorcia Goulart vizita Uatolari no fo Sakramentu\nBaptismu ba ema barak\nWainhira Bispu Jose da Costa Nunes husi Macau-China, vizita Timor inklui mos Ossu, Liurai Ossu no Ossoroa husu ba Amo Bispo atu loke Paroquia ida no eskola iha Waida'a-Ossu. Hatan ba sugestaun ne'e Bispo haruka Padre Ezequiel Ines Pascoal no Padre Norbertu Parada atu hahu hala'o knaar missaun iha Ossu hodi taumatan ba estasaun sira hanesan Viqueque, Cajularan, Lacluta no Uatolari.\nIha tinan 1945, iha tempu Padre Manuel Silveiro sai Amo Pároco Ossu, iha hanoin atu hari Kapela iha Uatolari. Servisu maka'as Amo Pároco hamutuk ho Katekista no sarani sira iha Uatolari, Kapela ne'e bele halo duni. Bispu Jaime Gorcia Goulart rasik mak inagura no bensa Kapela ne'e. Iha tempu neba, Bispu foti ema nain rua, mak Alarico Soares husi Soibada no Armando da Costa Pinto husi Uatolari atu sai Katekista. Katekista nain rua ne'e hala'o knaar hanesan hanorin katekumenu sira no hare/taumatan ba Kapela ne'ebe foin hari. Liu tiha tinan lima, iha tinan 1959, Amo Pároco Ossu haruka Katekista Mateus da Silva ne'ebe servisu iha Viqueque ba Uatolari atu hamutuk ho Katekista Alarico Soares no Armando da Costa Pinto bele hanorin no prepara katekumenu sira iha Uatolari. Katekista sira ne'e servisu maka'as, tama sai bairo ka aldeia hodi hanorin katekumenu sira.\nIha tempu Padre Julio Pereira Bride sai Amo Pároco Ossu, maizu-menus tinan 1966, nia hola inisiativu atu halo reuniaun ho Katekista iha Uatolari, Chefe do Posto Uatolari no Chefe do Suco nain neen. Rezultadu enkontru ida ne'e mak “Tenke hari Igreja foun iha Uatolari”. Sarani sira fo sira nia kontribuisaun ho osan (eskudo) ba konstrusaun Igreja ne'e. Liu tiha tinan rua, tinan 1968, Igreja foun hahu harí iha Uatolari (Afaloicai).\nIha tinan 1972 konstrusaun Igreja foun ne'e remata. Iha loron 7 Outobro 1972, Bispo Dili, Jose Joaquim Ribeiro, mai inagura no bensa Igreja Uatolari. Iha momentu ne'e mos, Bispo foti estasaun Uatolari sai Paroquia Uatolari ne'ebe dedika ba “Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Fatima”. (Kampianus Tagul,SVD)\nGo to Parish Page >>\nLabels: Home, Parish, Uatolari
[ "DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES (SVD) - TIMOR LESTE REGION: SVD NIA PRESENSA IHA PAROQUIA UATOLARI (1) << Back to Parish Page Ita hatene katak kleur ona SVD habelar liras hodi hala\"o nia misaun iha rai Timor.", "Tamba ne\"e, ha\"u hakarak hekerek konaba \"SVD NIA PRESENSA IHA PAROQUIA UATOLARI,\" hodi nune\"e membru SVD sira ne'ebe seidauk hatene bele hatene oinsa Historia Paroquia Uatolari no oinsa SVD hala'o nia missaun iha Paroquia Uatolari.", "Maibe, ha'u mos hatene katak buat ne'ebe ha'u hakerek ne'e seidauk kompletu, tamba ne\"e husu mos le'e nain sira atu bele kompleta saida mak ha'u hakerek ne'e.", "Historia Paroquia Uatolari Molok sai Paroquia ida, Uatolari sai hanesan estasaun misionario husi Missaun Catolica (Paroquia) Ossu.", "Tuir noticia Historia ne'ebe Katekista Mateus da Silva (matebian) hakerek iha nia diariu/ajenda katak fini fiar Katolika hahu moris iha Uatolari iha tinan 1930.", "Iha tempu neba Administrador, Oscar Ruas, no Chefe do Posto Uatolari, Miguel Pereira Luis, hola inisiativu atu hari eskola ida iha Mameta (Afaloikai).", "Iha tinan 1933, wainhira eskola ne'e halo hotu ona, Padre Francisco Antonio Durao Quintao husi Missaun Soibada vizita Posto Uatolari no fo Sakramentu Baptismu ba primeira ves ba eskola oan sira.", "Liu tiha tinan ida, tinan 1934, Padre Jaime Gorcia Goulart vizita Uatolari no fo Sakramentu Baptismu ba ema barak Wainhira Bispu Jose da Costa Nunes husi Macau-China, vizita Timor inklui mos Ossu, Liurai Ossu no Ossoroa husu ba Amo Bispo atu loke Paroquia ida no eskola iha Waida'a-Ossu.", "Hatan ba sugestaun ne'e Bispo haruka Padre Ezequiel Ines Pascoal no Padre Norbertu Parada atu hahu hala'o knaar missaun iha Ossu hodi taumatan ba estasaun sira hanesan Viqueque, Cajularan, Lacluta no Uatolari.", "Iha tinan 1945, iha tempu Padre Manuel Silveiro sai Amo Paroco Ossu, iha hanoin atu hari Kapela iha Uatolari.", "Servisu maka'as Amo Paroco hamutuk ho Katekista no sarani sira iha Uatolari, Kapela ne'e bele halo duni.", "Bispu Jaime Gorcia Goulart rasik mak inagura no bensa Kapela ne'e.", "Iha tempu neba, Bispu foti ema nain rua, mak Alarico Soares husi Soibada no Armando da Costa Pinto husi Uatolari atu sai Katekista.", "Katekista nain rua ne'e hala'o knaar hanesan hanorin katekumenu sira no hare/taumatan ba Kapela ne'ebe foin hari.", "Liu tiha tinan lima, iha tinan 1959, Amo Paroco Ossu haruka Katekista Mateus da Silva ne'ebe servisu iha Viqueque ba Uatolari atu hamutuk ho Katekista Alarico Soares no Armando da Costa Pinto bele hanorin no prepara katekumenu sira iha Uatolari.", "Katekista sira ne'e servisu maka'as, tama sai bairo ka aldeia hodi hanorin katekumenu sira.", "Iha tempu Padre Julio Pereira Bride sai Amo Paroco Ossu, maizu-menus tinan 1966, nia hola inisiativu atu halo reuniaun ho Katekista iha Uatolari, Chefe do Posto Uatolari no Chefe do Suco nain neen.", "Rezultadu enkontru ida ne'e mak \"Tenke hari Igreja foun iha Uatolari.\"", "Sarani sira fo sira nia kontribuisaun ho osan (eskudo) ba konstrusaun Igreja ne'e.", "Liu tiha tinan rua, tinan 1968, Igreja foun hahu hari iha Uatolari (Afaloicai).", "Iha tinan 1972 konstrusaun Igreja foun ne'e remata.", "Iha loron 7 Outobro 1972, Bispo Dili, Jose Joaquim Ribeiro, mai inagura no bensa Igreja Uatolari.", "Iha momentu ne'e mos, Bispo foti estasaun Uatolari sai Paroquia Uatolari ne'ebe dedika ba \"Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Fatima.\"", "(Kampianus Tagul,SVD) Go to Parish Page >> Labels: Home, Parish, Uatolari" ]
[ [ "DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES (SVD) - TIMOR LESTE REGION: SVD'S PRESENCE IN UATOLARI PARISH << Back to Parish Page We know that for some time now, the Society has been collecting money in order of carrying out its mission on Timor." ], [ "Therefore, I would like to highlight the \"SVD'S PRESENCE IN UATOLARI PARISH\" so that SVD members who are not familiar with it can learn about its history and how they carry out their mission in this parish." ], [ "However, I also know that what i've written is not complete and therefore ask the readers to help me in completing my writing." ], [ "Although Uatolari became a Parish, it remained as the missionary station of Ossu Catholic Mission (Parochial Church)." ], [ "According to the news that Catechist Mateus da Silva (deceased) wrote in his diary/agenda, Catholic faith began growing up at Uatolari around 1930." ], [ "At that time, the Administrator of Mameta (Afaloikai), Oscar Ruas and Postmaster Uatolari's Chief Miguel Pereira Luis took an initiative to establish a school in this village." ], [ "In 1932, when the school was completed and in order to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary Father Francisco Antonio Durao Quintano of Soibada Mission visites Post Uatolari where he gives Baptism for first time." ], [ "A year later, in 1934 Father Jaime Gorcia Goulart visited Uatolari and administered the Sacrament of Baptism to many people. When Bishop Jose da Costa Nunes from Macau-China visiting Timor including Ossu asked His Eminence for a Parish with school at Waida'a - Ossu (see below)." ], [ "In response to this suggestion, the Bishop sent Father Ezequiel Pascoal and Padre Norberto Parada in Ossu as missionaries. They began serving stations like Viqueque (Victoria), Cajularan(Cajularan) Lacluta e Uatolari" ], [ "In 1945, at the time of Father Manuel Silveiro as parish priest in Ossu there was a plan to build an old chapel on Uatolari." ], [ "The great service of the parish priest together with catechists and faithful in Uatolari, this chapel can do." ], [ "Bishop Jaime Gorcia Goulart himself inaugurated and blessed the Chapel." ], [ "At that time, the Bishop chose two men to become Catechists: Alarico Soares of Soibada and Armando da Costa Pinto from Uatolari." ], [ "The two catechists performed tasks such as teaching the catechumens and taking care of a newly built chapel." ], [ "Five years later, in 1958/60 the parish priest of Ossu sent Catechist Mateus da Silva from Viqueque to Uatolari so that together with Katechists Alarico Soares and Armando Da Costa Pinto he could teach catechumens there." ], [ "These catechists work hard, going out to the villages and town centers for teaching catechumens." ], [ "At the time when Father Julio Pereira Bride became Parish Priest of Ossu, in 1965 or so he took an initiatives to hold a meeting with Catechists from Uatolari and six Chiefs (Chief do Posto) as well." ], [ "The outcome of this meeting was \"To build a new church in Uatolari.\"" ], [ "The Sarani gave their contribution in money (escudo) for the construction of this church." ], [ "Two years later, in 1968 a new church was erected at Uatolari (Afaloicai)." ], [ "In 1972, the construction of this new church was completed." ], [ "On 7 October, Bishop Jose Joaquim Ribeiro of Dili visited Uatolari Church and blessed it." ], [ "At the same time, Bishop made Uatolari station a parish dedicated to \"Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Fatima.\"" ], [ "(Kampianus Tagul,SVD) Go to Parish Page >> Labels: 2017-3/4 Sunday in Ordinary Time" ] ]
UNTL-FEG-DCT NIA ESTUDANTE NA’IN 80 PARTISIPA PRÁTIKA OTELARIA\nPublicado em quarta, 10 novembro 2021 11:50\t Escrito por Adelaide da Cunha\tVisualizações: 146\n#TimorLeste #UNTL #FEG-DCT #COVID19 #COVID19TL 27 Outubru 2021 - Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) nia Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun (FEG) liuhusi Departamentu Komérsiu no Turizmu (DKT) hala’o simulasaun no prátika otelaria ba estudante na’in ualunulu (80) ne’ebé programa materia Jestaun Otelaria.\n“Sira hala’o prátika kona-ba prosesu servisu iha otelaria hanesan restaurante, koziña no oinsa serve bainaka, sira no sira mós hatene diferensa entre tau tudik, garfu, bikan no ida ne’e baziku tebes ba otelaria nian”, hateten Profesór Luis Simões dosente materia, iha Kampus FEG UNTL, (27/10).\nDosente ne’e mós hatutan prátika ida ne’e importante tebes atu lori estudante sira kompartilla teoria no prátiku nune’e, sira preparadu ba merkadu servisu nian.\nIha fatin hanesan estudante DCT, Manuel Gonçalves sente orgullu tebes liuhusi prátika sira bele hatene oinsa atu serve bainaka, no hatene mós lala’ok atu dobra guardanapu (hikar hena iha meza hamoos ibun nian) sira hodi tau iha meza.\n“Ami aprende husi prátika ida ne’e mak oinsa ami bele halo mistura ba tua sira no aprende mós tein iha Otelaria nian nomós serve ema ho di’ak iha otél no ami atu bele sai rekursu ida ba iha área otelaria ninian”, dehan.\nAtualizado em quarta, 10 novembro 2021 11:55
[ "UNTL-FEG-DCT NIA ESTUDANTE NA'IN 80 PARTISIPA PRATIKA OTELARIA Publicado em quarta, 10 novembro 2021 11:50 Escrito por Adelaide da Cunha Visualizacoes: 146 #TimorLeste #UNTL #FEG-DCT #COVID19 #COVID19TL 27 Outubru 2021 - Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) nia Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun (FEG) liuhusi Departamentu Komersiu no Turizmu (DKT) hala'o simulasaun no pratika otelaria ba estudante na'in ualunulu (80) ne'ebe programa materia Jestaun Otelaria.", "\"Sira hala'o pratika kona-ba prosesu servisu iha otelaria hanesan restaurante, kozina no oinsa serve bainaka, sira no sira mos hatene diferensa entre tau tudik, garfu, bikan no ida ne'e baziku tebes ba otelaria nian,\" hateten Profesor Luis Simoes dosente materia, iha Kampus FEG UNTL, (27/10).", "Dosente ne'e mos hatutan pratika ida ne'e importante tebes atu lori estudante sira kompartilla teoria no pratiku nune'e, sira preparadu ba merkadu servisu nian.", "Iha fatin hanesan estudante DCT, Manuel Goncalves sente orgullu tebes liuhusi pratika sira bele hatene oinsa atu serve bainaka, no hatene mos lala'ok atu dobra guardanapu (hikar hena iha meza hamoos ibun nian) sira hodi tau iha meza.", "\"Ami aprende husi pratika ida ne'e mak oinsa ami bele halo mistura ba tua sira no aprende mos tein iha Otelaria nian nomos serve ema ho di'ak iha otel no ami atu bele sai rekursu ida ba iha area otelaria ninian,\" dehan.", "Atualizado em quarta, 10 novembro 2021 11:55" ]
[ [ "80 UNTL-FEG - DCT Students Participate in Hospitality Practicum Published on Wednesday, Nov.12th (Wednesday) at the University of National Timor Lorosa'e’s Faculty for Economic and Management through its Department Of Trade & Tourism carried out a simulation training session with hotel practitioner to help students who are studying Hotel management subject area October/November:" ], [ "\"They carried out practice on the work process in hotels such as restaurants, kitchens and how to serve meals. They also knew what difference there was between putting a dish upside down or using forks with spoons; this is very basic of hotel management\", said Professor Luis Simoes who taught these course at FEG UNTL Campus (27/10)." ], [ "The lecturer also explained that this practice is very important to bring students share theory and practical so, they are prepared for the job market." ], [ "As a DCT student, Manuel Goncalves feels very proud that through the practice they know how to serve beans and can also fold guardanapu (a piece of cloth on which you wipe your face) for placing them at table." ], [ "\"We learned from this practice how we can make the mixture for them and also learning to cook in our hotel as well serve people with good service at hotels, so that you could become a resource of value within your area.\"" ], [ "Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 November." ] ]
DÍLI----Direktor Eskola Baziku Filial (EBF) Bidau Masaur, José Gusmão, Hatete, EBF Bidau Masaur seidauk simu orientasaun husi governu bainhira atu ezame ba periodu daruak no estudante total agora dadaun hamutuk-564 ne’e kada nivel no turma fahe tiha ba alunus ba 24 turma, tanba moras Covid-19 tenke fahe tiha.\n“Ami la simu orientasaun husi governu bainhira mak atu tuir ezame ba Segundu periodu, to’o agora ami seidauk simu, estudante total hamutuk agora dadaun ne’e iha 564, ne’e kada nivel no turma, tanba Covid-19 ne’e mak halo ami fahe tiha alunus ne’e ba 24 kada turma,” Hateten Direktor EBF Bidau Masaur, José Gusmão ba jornalista BT iha eskola EBF Bidau Masau Dili, Tersa (05/10).\nNia hatutan, EBF Bidau Masaur ne’e hahu reativa fila fali iha loron 20 setembru, depois kona ba prova segundu preriodu ne’e ba ami EBF Bidau Masau ne’e la halo, anunsia sira ne’ebé ensinu baziku mós iha setimu anu oitavu anu ba leten, tanba ami simu ona orientasaun durante eskola hanesan iha fulan jullu mós komesa fila fali, maibé para tiha fali.\nEBF Bidau Masau komesa fali iha fulan setembru ne’e, husi direkor eskolar mak fó kedas orientasaun diretamente ba profesores sira, turma ida-idak sira hanorin hotu iha planu ba aula ida ho nia konteudus atu remata halo kedas avaliasaun katak, sira hasa’i kedas valor husi labarik sira nian segundu periodu ne’e ami la halo.\nAntes ne’e la to’o 24 turma, tanba moras covid-19 ne’e mak halo fahe tiha alunus ne’e ba 24 turmas, antes ne’e moras ne’e seidauk iha la to’o 24 turmas, tanba kada nivel ami fahe ba turma ha’at, ne’ebé alunus ne’e la’o ema nain 30, entre turma balun mak iha nain-27-26, bo’ot liu mak nain-27 ona. “Restu labele halo to’o, tanba karteira iha ne’e labarik ida tu’ur karteira ida, uluk ne’e iha de’it 16 turmas de’it, tanba covid-19 ne’e atu priense kriteria hodi bele reativa fila fali, entaun fahe tiha ba 24 turma katak, kada nivel iha kuatru turmas,” Informa nia. (BT)
[ "DILI----Direktor Eskola Baziku Filial (EBF) Bidau Masaur, Jose Gusmao, Hatete, EBF Bidau Masaur seidauk simu orientasaun husi governu bainhira atu ezame ba periodu daruak no estudante total agora dadaun hamutuk-564 ne'e kada nivel no turma fahe tiha ba alunus ba 24 turma, tanba moras Covid-19 tenke fahe tiha.", "\"Ami la simu orientasaun husi governu bainhira mak atu tuir ezame ba Segundu periodu, to'o agora ami seidauk simu, estudante total hamutuk agora dadaun ne'e iha 564, ne'e kada nivel no turma, tanba Covid-19 ne'e mak halo ami fahe tiha alunus ne'e ba 24 kada turma,\" Hateten Direktor EBF Bidau Masaur, Jose Gusmao ba jornalista BT iha eskola EBF Bidau Masau Dili, Tersa (05/10).", "Nia hatutan, EBF Bidau Masaur ne'e hahu reativa fila fali iha loron 20 setembru, depois kona ba prova segundu preriodu ne'e ba ami EBF Bidau Masau ne'e la halo, anunsia sira ne'ebe ensinu baziku mos iha setimu anu oitavu anu ba leten, tanba ami simu ona orientasaun durante eskola hanesan iha fulan jullu mos komesa fila fali, maibe para tiha fali.", "EBF Bidau Masau komesa fali iha fulan setembru ne'e, husi direkor eskolar mak fo kedas orientasaun diretamente ba profesores sira, turma ida-idak sira hanorin hotu iha planu ba aula ida ho nia konteudus atu remata halo kedas avaliasaun katak, sira hasa'i kedas valor husi labarik sira nian segundu periodu ne'e ami la halo.", "Antes ne'e la to'o 24 turma, tanba moras covid-19 ne'e mak halo fahe tiha alunus ne'e ba 24 turmas, antes ne'e moras ne'e seidauk iha la to'o 24 turmas, tanba kada nivel ami fahe ba turma ha'at, ne'ebe alunus ne'e la'o ema nain 30, entre turma balun mak iha nain-27-26, bo'ot liu mak nain-27 ona.", "\"Restu labele halo to'o, tanba karteira iha ne'e labarik ida tu'ur karteira ida, uluk ne'e iha de'it 16 turmas de'it, tanba covid-19 ne'e atu priense kriteria hodi bele reativa fila fali, entaun fahe tiha ba 24 turma katak, kada nivel iha kuatru turmas,\" Informa nia.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "DILI----Bidau Masaur Primary School (EBF) Director Jose Gusmao, Hatete said that the school has not received guidance from government when to hold exams for second term and total students are now 564 per level. The classroom is divided into two classes because of Covid-19 disease which must be split up between them as well" ], [ "\"We have not received any guidance from the government when to take exams for Second Period, so far we still do NOT receive it. The total number of students is currently 564 per level and class because Covid-19 has made us divide these pupils into classes with a maximum size at least as large or smaller than that.\" Director EBF Bidau Masaur Jose Gusmao told BT journalist in Dili on Tuesday (08/27)." ], [ "He said, EBF Bidau Masaur started reactivating again on September 20th. After the second pre-period test for us at our school was not done and we announced that those who are in basic education also will have to go through it since they were already given orientation during their time as a child of elementary schools like July began returning but then stopped back down once more" ], [ "EBF Bidau Masao started again in September, the school director immediately gave direct guidance to teachers. Every class taught everything according a plan for one lesson with its contents and then made an evaluation that they had increased their children' s value at once; this second period we did not do it!" ], [ "Previously there were not 24 classes, because the covid-19 disease divided students into two groups. Before that we had no more than twenty four classrooms; each level was split up in larger units with a total of thirty pupils per unit and some have between twelve to seventeen or even over ten children at one time (the number is increasing)." ], [ "\"The rest can't be done, because there is a card here one child puts on the other. Previously we had only 16 classes but since covid-20 must meet criteria to reactivate back then they were divided into four groups of each level.\"" ], [ "(BT) 2016-375" ] ]
Notisia Semanal Ministériu Saúde RDTL: 08/01/2012 - 09/01/2012\nMinisteriu Saude Marka Istoria Foun\nDili MoH, Ceremonia simu ministru no vice foun Ministeriu da saude hetan partisipasaun masimu husi Knar nain saude sira, Profesionais saude, inklui mos direktores Nasionais, Direktores Distritais, UN agency no sel-seluktan.\nEntretatu Ministru saude Dr. Segio Lobo iha ninia diskursu hateten “ hau sinte orgulhu tebes no hw sinte ohin hw simu knar ida nebe ke todan tebes, Atu sai atan no servidor ba nasaun ida nee, ida nee hanesan buat foun ida ba hau no hau husu atu entidades hotu bele kopera diak atu bele fo assistensia ida ke diak no adekuada ba komunidade diak liutan iha future mai.\nMinistru saude eleitu nee mos realsa katak, Uluk ita iha buat barak nebe sei presija hadia no agora dadaun ita hamutuk para bele halo diak liutan. Nunee husu ba knar nain saude sira hotu atu esforsu aan masimu atu atinje ita nia kobertura nebe diak liu.\nAgora dadaun ita nia Ministeriu Marka tan istoria foun ida katak uluk ita hamrik ho Vice ida deit komesa husi Primeiru Governu too IV Governu Konstitusional ita iha Vice ida deit. Maibe realidade agora hatudu oinseluk agora dadaun ita iha Vice rua” Vice-Ministra de Ética e Prestação de Serviços sra. Natália de Araújo, nomos Vice-Ministra de Gestão, Apoio e Recursos: Drª Maria do Céu Sarmento ida nee hatudu katak ita iha mudansa nebe signifikante tebes ba prosesu ida nee.\nNOTISIA SEXTA 10 AGUSTU 2012 NEBE PROTOCOLO HETAN HUSI JORNAL DIARIO NASIONAL\nMinistru saude iha V governu konstitusional Sergio Lobo, Sei dedika ninia kbiit tomak atu fo motivasaun no hasae moral profesionais saude nian atu bele atende nesesidade povu nian too area remotas.\nSergio Lobo nota katak, Servisu profesionais saude peresija halo melhoramentu iha area etikas profesionalismu. Tamba nee mak SM iha vice ministra nain rua para kompleta servisu ho kuidadu no efektivu liu.\nPresija hadia buat barak hodia hadia konseitus balun konaba asesu hanesan rekursus humanus atu halo servisu, liu-liu hasae moral no motivasaun professional saude sira nian”. Deklara Sergio Lobo hodi responde ba jornalista sira iha salaun Ministeriu Negosiu Estrangeiru Dili, Kinta 9/8/2012.\nSergio Lobo mos hateten, Durante nia mandate sei habelar servisu profesionais saude nian too area remotas ho sentiment nasionalidade atu benefisia povu kbiit laek sira iha area remotas.\nSergio Lobo mos sei halo esforsu atu tau atensaun ba rejime de kareira profesionais saude sira nian atu rekonhese dedikasaun nebe professional sira agora fob a sistema saude. MOH\nVijita Traballu Direktor Geral Iha Manatuto\nVizita halao iha dia 26 de Julho de 2012 ate 28 de Julho de 2012\nFatin Vizita Distrito Manatuto Sub Distrito Laclubar Suco Fatumakerek e Sub Distrito Soibada\nObjectivo de Vizita:\nHare kondisaun actual servisu Profesional da saude iha area Remotas\nFo koragem e informasaun ba Pessoal da Saude sira\nImplementasaun Rejime Especial\nFo Apoio Motorizada ida ba Posto da Saude Fatumakerek\nE seluk seluk tan\nEncontro iha Fatumakerek :\nPartisipa mos hosi Lideransa Comunitaria\nKondisaun uma ladiak no la seguru\nLaiha Equipamentos Medico atu halo atendemento\nLaiha Kama e Kulsaun atu halo ANC ka konsulta\nLaiha armario diak atu tau aimoruk, arquivo no equipamentos servisu seluk\nLaiha Meja no cadeira hodi halao servisu\nSasan tau deit iha rai\nLaiha Meja servisu nebe’e diak (So iha Meja Escola ida)\nFalta Kadeira /Banku naruk k ba Pasiente sira\nKondisaun Centro da Saude Laclubar\nMaternidade ( Foru foer hotu tamba Mahoben, Didilolon nakfera e laiha be’e mos)\nKondisaun Maternidade Soibada\nLaiha Be’e mos\nForu uma nian foer tamba Mahoben\nLa’ mos (Foer Oituan)\nKondisaun Centro da Suade Soibada\nArus odamatan at hotu ona\nProblemas nebe Centro da Saude Laclubar e Soibada infrenta mak hanesan:\nATK (Ekipamentus Escritorio) ate agora laiha/ Ladauk sai\nPercisa aumenta Clener iha Maternidade Soibada\nFalta Be’e mos\nEsklaresemento kona ba Kartaun ID nebe foti ho $25.00 ho DNRH\nPercisa halo manutensaun transporte (Tamba motor 3 at)\nFarda bosan ona e percisa suku foun (Tinan 4 liu ona la hetan farda foun)\nLaiha Pasta mutin dificulta tebes actividades servisu lor loron nian (Exemplo chavi odamatan at laiha osan atu hadia)\nOinsa ho Guarda (Kontrak Out nia futuro ba oin?)\nSuco Fatumakerek, Sub Distrito Laclubar, hori kedan beiala sira laiha asesu dalan ba suco ida ne, asessu so bele lao ho ain ka usa kuda, no bele alkansa hosi Sub Distrito entre oras 6-8 nian laran, iha Tinan hirak liu ba SDS Distrito Manatuto konsegue estabelese duni Posto da Saude 2 hodi atende populasaun hamutuk rihun ida resin. Iha era Ukun an Fulan Junho 2012 estrada konsegue loke no too suco Fatumakerek nian laran, ba ida nee DG Ministerio da Saude halao nia visita hodi hare direitamente kondisaun servico no facilidades posto saude Fatumakerek no Sasahi. Iha oportunidade ne equipa MdS halao encontro liders comunitarios nopessoal da saude nebe halao servico ihaarea neba, iha intervesaun sr. DG koalia kona ba :\nRejime Especial atu implementa husu ba Profesional da Saude sira servisu lolos e laos tun sae Distrito ka Dili, labele lisensa bebeik tengki tuir regulamentu Funcao Publica nian, nunee mos CFP sei estabelese hela regimi ida ba Subsidiu areas remotas.\nFalta tengki iha justifikasaun, se latama servisu sem justifikasaun no la tuir Lei FP sei hetan sansaun e kua salariu.\nAutrortidades Suco Fatumakerek percisa hare ou identifika ona rai mamuk ho luan nebe sufiusiente atu bele hari Posto da Saude, no residencia ba staf sira.\nCentro da Saude Laclubar tengki mai halo atendemento fulan fulan iha Fatumakerek, hodi bele suporta staf sira nebe halao sira nia knar iha fatumakerek no hametin supervisaun ba Posto refere.\nPartisipasaun Comunitaria iha area saude importante tebes,\nHusu ba Authoridade local atu tau matan ba Profesional da Saude no facilidades saude nian. Tan Facilidade sira n rikusoin sucu Fatumakerek nian.\nPosto da Saude Funar\nWain hira iha viagem fila DG ho nia komitiva halao mos visita badak ba Posto da saude Funar\nIha oportunidade ne funcionarios Postu da saude hatoo mos lamentasoens kona ba kondisaun Edificio PS, Sollar panel nebe at no nia equipamentos.\nCentro da Saude Soibada:\nDG Halao mos visita ba Centro da Saude Soibada hodi hare situasaun service iha Sub distrito refere. Iha oportunidade encontro ho staf tomak DG iha nia intervensaun :\nHusu atu Pessoal da Saude sira bele fo asistensia diak liu ba Povo, Ho aumenta salariu nebe iha precisa hadia diak liu tan desempenho no vontade hodi bele servi diak liu tan comunidade.\nVontade de servisu importante iha ita nia atendemento e dedikasaun.\nHusu atu Profesional da saude sira fo Promosaun da saude liu hosi Escola no bele usa tempo nebe mamuk ho diak.\nHusu atu halo atendemento durante 24 oras (Pikete) Katak, tenke tau responsavel ida hodi fo atendimento ba urgencias iha fora do orario de trabalho.\nDisiplina de servisu percisa Impoen no chefe tengki tegas. Ba professional da saude sira nebe’e mak falta laiha justifikasaun ne’e, tengki fo sansaun e kua salario\nPercisa kria unidade iha servisu fatin hodi bele suporta malu iha actividade loron loron. Iha assunto ruma nebe ita la konkorda bele kritika maibe percisa uza linguagem nebe los no fo dalan ba hadiak\nRejultado de Vizita\nHusu ba lider comunitaria suco Fatumakerek atu identifika fatin/rai urgenty, atu hari Posto da Saude Fatumakerek\nIha Tempo badak Injinheiro hosi Centrais sei ba sukat e hare fatin nebe’e atu hari Posto da Saude Fatumakerek\nCentrais sei fo apoio equipamentus Medicos balun ba Fatumakerek iha tempo badak\nSei hato’o Problemas ba Diresaun relevantes ida idak atu bele hatene e buka atu rezolve nomos fo informasaun klaru ba\nCentro da Saude Soibada\nMuda solar sel antigo hosi HP Funar ba HP Fatumakerek, aumenta ho Batria Rua nomos equipamentus balun\nHadia Panel sell actual iha HP Funar nebe la’Funsiona\nHusu ba Departamento Logistica, Centrais atu prepara hodi bele implementa montagem solar sell no material nebe promete\nParte infraestrutura atu halo “site visit” ba fatin hari Posto Saude Suco, Fatumakerek iha tempo besik MOH
[ "Notisia Semanal Ministeriu Saude RDTL: 08/01/2012 - 09/01/2012 Ministeriu Saude Marka Istoria Foun Dili MoH, Ceremonia simu ministru no vice foun Ministeriu da saude hetan partisipasaun masimu husi Knar nain saude sira, Profesionais saude, inklui mos direktores Nasionais, Direktores Distritais, UN agency no sel-seluktan.", "Entretatu Ministru saude Dr. Segio Lobo iha ninia diskursu hateten \" hau sinte orgulhu tebes no hw sinte ohin hw simu knar ida nebe ke todan tebes, Atu sai atan no servidor ba nasaun ida nee, ida nee hanesan buat foun ida ba hau no hau husu atu entidades hotu bele kopera diak atu bele fo assistensia ida ke diak no adekuada ba komunidade diak liutan iha future mai.", "Ministru saude eleitu nee mos realsa katak, Uluk ita iha buat barak nebe sei presija hadia no agora dadaun ita hamutuk para bele halo diak liutan.", "Nunee husu ba knar nain saude sira hotu atu esforsu aan masimu atu atinje ita nia kobertura nebe diak liu.", "Agora dadaun ita nia Ministeriu Marka tan istoria foun ida katak uluk ita hamrik ho Vice ida deit komesa husi Primeiru Governu too IV Governu Konstitusional ita iha Vice ida deit.", "Maibe realidade agora hatudu oinseluk agora dadaun ita iha Vice rua\" Vice-Ministra de Etica e Prestacao de Servicos sra.", "Natalia de Araujo, nomos Vice-Ministra de Gestao, Apoio e Recursos: Dra Maria do Ceu Sarmento ida nee hatudu katak ita iha mudansa nebe signifikante tebes ba prosesu ida nee.", "NOTISIA SEXTA 10 AGUSTU 2012 NEBE PROTOCOLO HETAN HUSI JORNAL DIARIO NASIONAL Ministru saude iha V governu konstitusional Sergio Lobo, Sei dedika ninia kbiit tomak atu fo motivasaun no hasae moral profesionais saude nian atu bele atende nesesidade povu nian too area remotas.", "Sergio Lobo nota katak, Servisu profesionais saude peresija halo melhoramentu iha area etikas profesionalismu.", "Tamba nee mak SM iha vice ministra nain rua para kompleta servisu ho kuidadu no efektivu liu.", "Presija hadia buat barak hodia hadia konseitus balun konaba asesu hanesan rekursus humanus atu halo servisu, liu-liu hasae moral no motivasaun professional saude sira nian.\"", "Deklara Sergio Lobo hodi responde ba jornalista sira iha salaun Ministeriu Negosiu Estrangeiru Dili, Kinta 9/8/2012.", "Sergio Lobo mos hateten, Durante nia mandate sei habelar servisu profesionais saude nian too area remotas ho sentiment nasionalidade atu benefisia povu kbiit laek sira iha area remotas.", "Sergio Lobo mos sei halo esforsu atu tau atensaun ba rejime de kareira profesionais saude sira nian atu rekonhese dedikasaun nebe professional sira agora fob a sistema saude.", "MOH Vijita Traballu Direktor Geral Iha Manatuto Vizita halao iha dia 26 de Julho de 2012 ate 28 de Julho de 2012 Fatin Vizita Distrito Manatuto Sub Distrito Laclubar Suco Fatumakerek e Sub Distrito Soibada Objectivo de Vizita: Hare kondisaun actual servisu Profesional da saude iha area Remotas Fo koragem e informasaun ba Pessoal da Saude sira Implementasaun Rejime Especial Fo Apoio Motorizada ida ba Posto da Saude Fatumakerek E seluk seluk tan Encontro iha Fatumakerek: Partisipa mos hosi Lideransa Comunitaria Kondisaun uma ladiak no la seguru Laiha Equipamentos Medico atu halo atendemento Laiha Kama e Kulsaun atu halo ANC ka konsulta Laiha armario diak atu tau aimoruk, arquivo no equipamentos servisu seluk Laiha Meja no cadeira hodi halao servisu Sasan tau deit iha rai Laiha Meja servisu nebe'e diak (So iha Meja Escola ida) Falta Kadeira /Banku naruk k ba Pasiente sira Kondisaun Centro da Saude Laclubar Maternidade (Foru foer hotu tamba Mahoben, Didilolon nakfera e laiha be'e mos) Kondisaun Maternidade Soibada Laiha Be'e mos Foru uma nian foer tamba Mahoben La' mos (Foer Oituan) Kondisaun Centro da Suade Soibada Arus odamatan at hotu ona Problemas nebe Centro da Saude Laclubar e Soibada infrenta mak hanesan: ATK (Ekipamentus Escritorio) ate agora laiha/ Ladauk sai Percisa aumenta Clener iha Maternidade Soibada Falta Be'e mos Esklaresemento kona ba Kartaun ID nebe foti ho $25.00 ho DNRH Percisa halo manutensaun transporte (Tamba motor 3 at) Farda bosan ona e percisa suku foun (Tinan 4 liu ona la hetan farda foun) Laiha Pasta mutin dificulta tebes actividades servisu lor loron nian (Exemplo chavi odamatan at laiha osan atu hadia) Oinsa ho Guarda (Kontrak Out nia futuro ba oin?)", "Suco Fatumakerek, Sub Distrito Laclubar, hori kedan beiala sira laiha asesu dalan ba suco ida ne, asessu so bele lao ho ain ka usa kuda, no bele alkansa hosi Sub Distrito entre oras 6-8 nian laran, iha Tinan hirak liu ba SDS Distrito Manatuto konsegue estabelese duni Posto da Saude 2 hodi atende populasaun hamutuk rihun ida resin.", "Iha era Ukun an Fulan Junho 2012 estrada konsegue loke no too suco Fatumakerek nian laran, ba ida nee DG Ministerio da Saude halao nia visita hodi hare direitamente kondisaun servico no facilidades posto saude Fatumakerek no Sasahi.", "Iha oportunidade ne equipa MdS halao encontro liders comunitarios nopessoal da saude nebe halao servico ihaarea neba, iha intervesaun sr.", "DG koalia kona ba: Rejime Especial atu implementa husu ba Profesional da Saude sira servisu lolos e laos tun sae Distrito ka Dili, labele lisensa bebeik tengki tuir regulamentu Funcao Publica nian, nunee mos CFP sei estabelese hela regimi ida ba Subsidiu areas remotas.", "Falta tengki iha justifikasaun, se latama servisu sem justifikasaun no la tuir Lei FP sei hetan sansaun e kua salariu.", "Autrortidades Suco Fatumakerek percisa hare ou identifika ona rai mamuk ho luan nebe sufiusiente atu bele hari Posto da Saude, no residencia ba staf sira.", "Centro da Saude Laclubar tengki mai halo atendemento fulan fulan iha Fatumakerek, hodi bele suporta staf sira nebe halao sira nia knar iha fatumakerek no hametin supervisaun ba Posto refere.", "Partisipasaun Comunitaria iha area saude importante tebes, Husu ba Authoridade local atu tau matan ba Profesional da Saude no facilidades saude nian.", "Tan Facilidade sira n rikusoin sucu Fatumakerek nian.", "Posto da Saude Funar Wain hira iha viagem fila DG ho nia komitiva halao mos visita badak ba Posto da saude Funar Iha oportunidade ne funcionarios Postu da saude hatoo mos lamentasoens kona ba kondisaun Edificio PS, Sollar panel nebe at no nia equipamentos.", "Centro da Saude Soibada: DG Halao mos visita ba Centro da Saude Soibada hodi hare situasaun service iha Sub distrito refere.", "Iha oportunidade encontro ho staf tomak DG iha nia intervensaun: Husu atu Pessoal da Saude sira bele fo asistensia diak liu ba Povo, Ho aumenta salariu nebe iha precisa hadia diak liu tan desempenho no vontade hodi bele servi diak liu tan comunidade.", "Vontade de servisu importante iha ita nia atendemento e dedikasaun.", "Husu atu Profesional da saude sira fo Promosaun da saude liu hosi Escola no bele usa tempo nebe mamuk ho diak.", "Husu atu halo atendemento durante 24 oras (Pikete) Katak, tenke tau responsavel ida hodi fo atendimento ba urgencias iha fora do orario de trabalho.", "Disiplina de servisu percisa Impoen no chefe tengki tegas.", "Ba professional da saude sira nebe'e mak falta laiha justifikasaun ne'e, tengki fo sansaun e kua salario Percisa kria unidade iha servisu fatin hodi bele suporta malu iha actividade loron loron.", "Iha assunto ruma nebe ita la konkorda bele kritika maibe percisa uza linguagem nebe los no fo dalan ba hadiak Rejultado de Vizita Husu ba lider comunitaria suco Fatumakerek atu identifika fatin/rai urgenty, atu hari Posto da Saude Fatumakerek Iha Tempo badak Injinheiro hosi Centrais sei ba sukat e hare fatin nebe'e atu hari Posto da Saude Fatumakerek Centrais sei fo apoio equipamentus Medicos balun ba Fatumakerek iha tempo badak Sei hato'o Problemas ba Diresaun relevantes ida idak atu bele hatene e buka atu rezolve nomos fo informasaun klaru ba Centro da Saude Soibada Muda solar sel antigo hosi HP Funar ba HP Fatumakerek, aumenta ho Batria Rua nomos equipamentus balun Hadia Panel sell actual iha HP Funar nebe la'Funsiona Husu ba Departamento Logistica, Centrais atu prepara hodi bele implementa montagem solar sell no material nebe promete Parte infraestrutura atu halo \"site visit\" ba fatin hari Posto Saude Suco, Fatumakerek iha tempo besik MOH" ]
[ [ "Notisia Semanal Ministeriu Saude RDTL: 08/12-359746 MoH, Ceremony to receive new minister and vice ministry of health was attended by a large number from the Knar nan Health professionals including National Directors District director UN agency." ], [ "Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Segio Lobo in his speech said \"I am very proud and I feel today that we have received a job which is so important, to be servants for this country it' s something new with me i ask all entities can cooperate well as they are able give good assistance better liutan community properly the future come .\"" ], [ "The Minister-elect of Health also stressed that, in the past we had many things which will need to be improved and at this time together can do better." ], [ "He called on all health workers to make their utmost efforts in order for our coverage of the best." ], [ "Now our Ministry is making a new history because we used to have only one Vice-President from the Prime Minister's Government until 4th Constitutional government. We had no more than once vice president in this period of time, but now it has been replaced by another deputy minister and there are two Deputy Cabinet members for each cabinet member since that moment onwards!" ], [ "But the reality now shows that we have a Vice-Rua\" Deputy Minister of Ethics and Service Provision Mrs." ], [ "Natalia de Araujo, Vice-Minister of Management Support and Resources: Dr Maria do Ceu Sarmento this shows that we have a very significant change in the process." ], [ "NEWS SEXTA 10 DE AUGUSTO, NEBE PROTOCOLO HETAN HUSI JORNAL DIARIO NASIONAL Health Minister in the V constitutional government Sergio Lobo will dedicate all his power to motivate and raise morale of health professionals so that they can meet people's needs even remote areas." ], [ "Sergio Lobo notes that the health professional services have made improvements in terms of ethics and profesionalism." ], [ "That is why SM has two vice ministers to complete the work more carefully and effectively." ], [ "There is a need to improve many things, including some concepts of access such as human resources for work and especially raising the moral level or motivation in health professionals.\"" ], [ "Sergio Lobo declared in reply to journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dili, Thursday 9/8-2013." ], [ "Sergio Lobo also said, During his mandate he will bring the services of health professionals to remote areas with a national feeling in order for them benefit poor peoples from these regions." ], [ "Sergio Lobo will also endeavour to pay attention on the career regime of health professionals in order that they are recognized for their dedication and commitment." ], [ "MOH Visits Work Director General In Manatuto The visit took place on July 26th to the next day of June. Fatin Vizita District Manaotu Sub-District Laclubar Suco Fatumakerek and Soibada Objective: See current conditions for health professional work in remote areas Give encouragement & information To Health Personnel Implementation Special Regime Provide Motorized Support For Posto da Saude fatumakerek And other Meeting at Falemakerek Participated also by Community Leadership Bad Condition House Not Safe No Medical Equipment Attend Patient Non good wardrobe where you can put your medicine, files or any equipment You have no desks/chair with which performing their jobs All things are only laid out On earth There is not a decent working table (Only one School Table) Falta Chair /bank naruk k patient condition Centro Da Saúde Mahoben Maternity(Foru foer all because there were many people who died from dizziness but they had nothing water as well)." ], [ "The village of Fatumakerek, Sub District Laclubar has no road access for the locals and can only be reached by foot or a tractor. It is reachable from this sub district between noon-6:30am to midnight; in recent years SDS Distrito Manatuto have established two health posts that serve more than one thousand people each year" ], [ "In June 2013, the road was opened and reached Fatumakerek village. DG Ministry of Health carried out a visit to see first-hand service conditions at health posts in both towns: Fatumakereke (Fatumekere) & Sasahi(Sasah)." ], [ "On the occasion this team MdS held a meeting with community leaders not personal health who carry out services in that area, Mr. intervention intervened therein" ], [ "DG spoke about: Special Regime to be implemented asking for Health Professionals work well and not come down from the District or Dili, can't license a lot of time according Public Service regulation. Also CFP will establish an arrangement on Subsidy Remote areas" ], [ "Lack of justification, if you take work without reason and not in accordance with the FP Law will get a sanction." ], [ "The authorities of Fatumakerek Township have identified a lot with sufficient area to build the health centre and residence for staff." ], [ "Centro da Saude Laclubar will come to provide monthly care in Fatumakerek, so that it can support the staff who carry out their work at fatumakeri and strengthen supervision of this post." ], [ "Community participation in the health area is very important, calling on local authorities to take care of Health Professionals and facilities." ], [ "Many of their facilities are in the wealthy Fatummaker's hands." ], [ "The DG and his committee also made a short visit to the Funar Health Post. On this occasion, health post officials expressed their regrets about PS Building' s condition of floor panel that has been damaged as well its equipment; they said there is no need for any repair work on it since 2014 when we were building our new hospital in Fonte Nova (Funars)." ], [ "Centro da Saude Soibada: The DG also visited the Health Centre in order to see how services are being provided there." ], [ "On the occasion of meeting with all DG staff in his intervention: Asks that Health Personnel can give better assistance to People, By increasing salaries which are needed for improved performance and will so as best serve community." ], [ "Will to serve is important in our service and dedication." ], [ "He urged health professionals to be Health Promotion through the School and can use time better." ], [ "I ask for a 24-hour service (Picket) Please, there must be one person responsible to attend emergencies outside of working hours." ], [ "Strict service discipline Impose on the chief tengki Tegas." ], [ "For health professionals who are lacking without justification, you have to give sanctions and increase salaries. Percisa create units in the workplace so that they can support each other on a daily basis" ], [ "There are some issues that we do not agree can criticize but precise use the right language and give a way for improvement Rejultado de Visita Call to community leader suco Fatumakerek identify place/land urgenty, To build Posto da Saúde Fatumaker Soon Engineer from Centrals will go surveying & see where it is necessary Build post of health in fatumerer soon The central would provide support with medical equipment Some Medical staff at fatumaker shortly I'll submit problems on relevant Directorate one idad so you know how they work And find solutions as well given clear information about Health Center requested Change old solar cell HP Funar hp Fatumerek increase Batria Street Equipment Repair current Panel sell In Hp Fumar which does Not Work Request Department Logistical Centre prepared installment Solar Sell material promise Infrastructures part make \"site visit\" site building Suc." ] ]
HOTU-HOTU MAUN ALIN – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > REFLEXÃO > HOTU-HOTU MAUN ALIN\nPosted on: October 24, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nReflexão DOMINGOCOMUM XXX/Ano A/2020\nEx 22,21-17 Tes 1,5c-10 Mt 22:34-40\nIha dia 3 de Outubro, Papa Franciso assina Enciclica Foun ida ho título “Fratelli Tutti” (Tradução Literal: Hot-hotu maun-alin). Encilica ida ne’e tuir mai publica iha dia 4 iha Assisi; terra natal São Francisco de Assis nian.\nPapa publica Enciclica ida ne’e ho motivo atu sociedade hamoris hikas sentido fraternidade (persaudaraan) no amizade social concreto. Progresso tecnológico halo com que ita hotu tendencioso liu ba amizade virtual (persahabatan virtual) liu housi media social hanesan facebook, youtube, whatsapp,…nst.\nPandemia Covid19 sai motivo eh pano de fundo (latar belakanh) ba Enciclica refere. Emergência saúde global hatudu ona indicação global ida katak la iha ema ida bele moris mesak. Pandemia loke ema nia fuan hodi tulun malu iha susar laran. Too ona tempo atu ema hotu kaer ba mehi ida katak ita nobun mesak comunidade ida; mesak maun alin nebé hanaran sociedade ser humano.\nIha Primeira Leitura no Evangelho Mateus nian, ita nobun hetan alarme kona ba sentido domin-amor-cinta kasih. Afinal, sentido no aplicação lolos housi amor (domin) ne’e mak; Domin ba Maromak no domin ba ema seluk. Sentido domin/amor rua ne’e ida nunca bele haketak ho ida seluk. Compara hanesan osan coin eh centavo ida nebé sor-sorin maibé, valor ida deit. Ho expressão aswuain (heroico/kepahlawanan) nian dehan; domin ba Maromak no ba ema hanesan espada de dois gumes (samurai ho kroat sor-sorin).\nSe mosu maun alin ruma dehan fiar deit no lee deit Bíblia ita tama ona lalehan, talves ne’e laos Igreja Católica nia hanorin basá, fiar nebé la hatudu iha hahalok, fiar ne’e buat kalen mamuk ida. Nune’e mos domin nebé la expressa iha moris sarani nian, domin ne’e, domin falso ida.\nIha Antigo Testamento, expressão amor/domin ba Maromak tenke hatudu liu housi tau matan ba feto faluk sir, oan kiak sira, orfanato sira. Regra ne’e mos afirma katak ema nebé la aplica domin no tulun ema seluk, ema ne’e merece hetan castigo.\nIta compara situação socio-política iha rai laran post-covid19, mosu tensão, mal interpretação, dun mali, hadau malu, no politiza sasan. Wainhira lider carismático Kayrala Xanana Gusmão lao volta território laran hodi fahe apoio hahan ao mesmo tempo hodi socializa kona ba perigo no impacto housi virus covid, quadros no apoiante partido Fretilin ho partido balu tan acusa dehan Xanana lao haleu buka votos, lao taka falta, lao ba hamaus ema nia simpatia.\nEnquanto, governo horas ne’e namanas hela debate oinsa realiza plano apoio sexta básica ba população hotu nebé hetan impacto económico durante pandemia covid19.\nAtu keta dun malu, kmanek liu wainhira partido hot-hotu nebé hetan assento iha Parlamento, concretiza mos apoio caritativa hirak ne’e ba ema hotu tuir partido ida-ida-idak nia capacidade financeira no sentido hodi fo honra no agradecimento ba povo nebé hili ona político sira sai governante.\nNune’e, lalika besik eleição mak foin hakbesik povo hodi hais voto maibé, diak liu no kmanek liu mak antes, antes ne’e, fo apoio dau-daun ba atu wainhira povo fo votos mos, fo ho dignidade tomak.\nRelato Evangelho semana ne’e, contem fonts (we matan) fundamental fiar povo judeu nian: “Rona mai isarel, hadomi imi Nai, imi nia Maromak ho fuan tomak nolaran tomak, no ho kbiit tomak (Deut. 6,4-5)”. Ne’e mak Fundamento housi moris religiosa judeu nian maibé, princípio ne’e aumenta tan ho expressão: “hadomi ema seluk hanesan o-an rasik: Hau mak Nai (Lev. 19,18)”.\nEvangelho semana ne’e mos hatudu ba ita oinsa mosu diferença ideia entre fariseu ho saduceu perante Jesus. Grupo rua ne’e motivação atu ataca Jesus hanesan maibé, sira nia doutrina ou ideologia mak diferente. Jesus considerado nudar mestre maske nia la conhecido iha escola lei moises nian. Na verdade, fariseu, escriba ho saduceu sira, povo considera hanesan périto (ahli) kona ba lei sira.\nPrecisa ita hatene katak; housi lei moises nian, fariseu sira conhece ukun fuan hamutuk 613 nebé contem iha livro lima pentateuco nian. Housi ukun fuan 613 refere, iha ukun funa 248 ho caracter positivo ou obrigatório no 365 negativo ou bandu. Tanba ukun fuan barak demais, então, sira mos confusão no aproveita situação hodi koko Jesus:”Mestre, Ukun-fuan ida nebé mak boot liu?”.\nJesus fo resposta prudente no fundamentado dehan:“Ó sei hadomi Na’i, ó nia Maromak, ho laran ho neon tomak, ho hanoin hotu! Ukun-fuan ida seluk hanesan mos ida ne’e: Ó sei hadomi ó maluk nu’udar ó an rasik! Ukun-fuan hotu ho profeta sira la’o hamutuk ho ukun-fuan rua ne’e”.\nResposta ne’e automaticamente sulan kedas fariseu, escriba ho saduceu sira nia ibun kuak tanba liu tiha ne’e, sira la iha tan argumento atu contra Jesus.\nPolémica fahe sasan inclui plano governo kona ba sexta básica, la seluk la leet nudar concretização domin estado ba povo nebé mesak Maromak oan. Problema eh polémica mosu wainhira plano siak sira ne’e, falun ho interece política, buka persen, fahe osan, hili malu, monopólio, buka cargo, buka naran,….nst.\nBaut nebé precisa tau iha consideração mak; hadomi Maromak liu sasan hot-hotu no hadomi ema seluk hanesan ita-an rasik.\nLabele hadomi poder liu nação no povo nia prosperidade. Pior ainda, kaer ukun hodi habokur grupo, partido, família no pemilik partai. Too iha ponto ne’e, hadomi Maromak no hadomi ema seluk mak nebé?\nPadre Martinho Gusmão halo reflexão klean kona ba Enciclica Fratelli Tutti ne’e iha ninia acount Facebook. Buat nebé ita precisa tau iha contexto Timor mak, lalika trata malu tanba deit diferente cor partido, hot-hotu maun alin, lolo liman hodi lori Timor sai nabilan iha futuro. Labele político sira nia família deit mak luxo no nabilan, enquanto povo nafatin halerik be mós, saúde ho estrada. (Assim Seja e Bem Haja. Ignas)\nPrevious PostXXX DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A) Next PostSegunda-Feira, XXX Tempo Comum (ANO A)
[ "HOTU-HOTU MAUN ALIN - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > REFLEXAO > HOTU-HOTU MAUN ALIN Posted on: October 24, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Reflexao DOMINGOCOMUM XXX/Ano A/2020 Ex 22,21-17 Tes 1,5c-10 Mt 22:34-40 Iha dia 3 de Outubro, Papa Franciso assina Enciclica Foun ida ho titulo \"Fratelli Tutti\" (Traducao Literal: Hot-hotu maun-alin).", "Encilica ida ne'e tuir mai publica iha dia 4 iha Assisi; terra natal Sao Francisco de Assis nian.", "Papa publica Enciclica ida ne'e ho motivo atu sociedade hamoris hikas sentido fraternidade (persaudaraan) no amizade social concreto.", "Progresso tecnologico halo com que ita hotu tendencioso liu ba amizade virtual (persahabatan virtual) liu housi media social hanesan facebook, youtube, whatsapp,...nst.", "Pandemia Covid19 sai motivo eh pano de fundo (latar belakanh) ba Enciclica refere.", "Emergencia saude global hatudu ona indicacao global ida katak la iha ema ida bele moris mesak.", "Pandemia loke ema nia fuan hodi tulun malu iha susar laran.", "Too ona tempo atu ema hotu kaer ba mehi ida katak ita nobun mesak comunidade ida; mesak maun alin nebe hanaran sociedade ser humano.", "Iha Primeira Leitura no Evangelho Mateus nian, ita nobun hetan alarme kona ba sentido domin-amor-cinta kasih.", "Afinal, sentido no aplicacao lolos housi amor (domin) ne'e mak; Domin ba Maromak no domin ba ema seluk.", "Sentido domin/amor rua ne'e ida nunca bele haketak ho ida seluk.", "Compara hanesan osan coin eh centavo ida nebe sor-sorin maibe, valor ida deit.", "Ho expressao aswuain (heroico/kepahlawanan) nian dehan; domin ba Maromak no ba ema hanesan espada de dois gumes (samurai ho kroat sor-sorin).", "Se mosu maun alin ruma dehan fiar deit no lee deit Biblia ita tama ona lalehan, talves ne'e laos Igreja Catolica nia hanorin basa, fiar nebe la hatudu iha hahalok, fiar ne'e buat kalen mamuk ida.", "Nune'e mos domin nebe la expressa iha moris sarani nian, domin ne'e, domin falso ida.", "Iha Antigo Testamento, expressao amor/domin ba Maromak tenke hatudu liu housi tau matan ba feto faluk sir, oan kiak sira, orfanato sira.", "Regra ne'e mos afirma katak ema nebe la aplica domin no tulun ema seluk, ema ne'e merece hetan castigo.", "Ita compara situacao socio-politica iha rai laran post-covid19, mosu tensao, mal interpretacao, dun mali, hadau malu, no politiza sasan.", "Wainhira lider carismatico Kayrala Xanana Gusmao lao volta territorio laran hodi fahe apoio hahan ao mesmo tempo hodi socializa kona ba perigo no impacto housi virus covid, quadros no apoiante partido Fretilin ho partido balu tan acusa dehan Xanana lao haleu buka votos, lao taka falta, lao ba hamaus ema nia simpatia.", "Enquanto, governo horas ne'e namanas hela debate oinsa realiza plano apoio sexta basica ba populacao hotu nebe hetan impacto economico durante pandemia covid19.", "Atu keta dun malu, kmanek liu wainhira partido hot-hotu nebe hetan assento iha Parlamento, concretiza mos apoio caritativa hirak ne'e ba ema hotu tuir partido ida-ida-idak nia capacidade financeira no sentido hodi fo honra no agradecimento ba povo nebe hili ona politico sira sai governante.", "Nune'e, lalika besik eleicao mak foin hakbesik povo hodi hais voto maibe, diak liu no kmanek liu mak antes, antes ne'e, fo apoio dau-daun ba atu wainhira povo fo votos mos, fo ho dignidade tomak.", "Relato Evangelho semana ne'e, contem fonts (we matan) fundamental fiar povo judeu nian: \"Rona mai isarel, hadomi imi Nai, imi nia Maromak ho fuan tomak nolaran tomak, no ho kbiit tomak (Deut.", "6,4-5) .\"", "Ne'e mak Fundamento housi moris religiosa judeu nian maibe, principio ne'e aumenta tan ho expressao: \"hadomi ema seluk hanesan o-an rasik: Hau mak Nai (Lev.", "19,18) .\"", "Evangelho semana ne'e mos hatudu ba ita oinsa mosu diferenca ideia entre fariseu ho saduceu perante Jesus.", "Grupo rua ne'e motivacao atu ataca Jesus hanesan maibe, sira nia doutrina ou ideologia mak diferente.", "Jesus considerado nudar mestre maske nia la conhecido iha escola lei moises nian.", "Na verdade, fariseu, escriba ho saduceu sira, povo considera hanesan perito (ahli) kona ba lei sira.", "Precisa ita hatene katak; housi lei moises nian, fariseu sira conhece ukun fuan hamutuk 613 nebe contem iha livro lima pentateuco nian.", "Housi ukun fuan 613 refere, iha ukun funa 248 ho caracter positivo ou obrigatorio no 365 negativo ou bandu.", "Tanba ukun fuan barak demais, entao, sira mos confusao no aproveita situacao hodi koko Jesus:\"Mestre, Ukun-fuan ida nebe mak boot liu?.\"", "Jesus fo resposta prudente no fundamentado dehan:\"O sei hadomi Na'i, o nia Maromak, ho laran ho neon tomak, ho hanoin hotu!", "Ukun-fuan ida seluk hanesan mos ida ne'e: O sei hadomi o maluk nu'udar o an rasik!", "Ukun-fuan hotu ho profeta sira la'o hamutuk ho ukun-fuan rua ne'e.\"", "Resposta ne'e automaticamente sulan kedas fariseu, escriba ho saduceu sira nia ibun kuak tanba liu tiha ne'e, sira la iha tan argumento atu contra Jesus.", "Polemica fahe sasan inclui plano governo kona ba sexta basica, la seluk la leet nudar concretizacao domin estado ba povo nebe mesak Maromak oan.", "Problema eh polemica mosu wainhira plano siak sira ne'e, falun ho interece politica, buka persen, fahe osan, hili malu, monopolio, buka cargo, buka naran,....nst.", "Baut nebe precisa tau iha consideracao mak; hadomi Maromak liu sasan hot-hotu no hadomi ema seluk hanesan ita-an rasik.", "Labele hadomi poder liu nacao no povo nia prosperidade.", "Pior ainda, kaer ukun hodi habokur grupo, partido, familia no pemilik partai.", "Too iha ponto ne'e, hadomi Maromak no hadomi ema seluk mak nebe?", "Padre Martinho Gusmao halo reflexao klean kona ba Enciclica Fratelli Tutti ne'e iha ninia acount Facebook.", "Buat nebe ita precisa tau iha contexto Timor mak, lalika trata malu tanba deit diferente cor partido, hot-hotu maun alin, lolo liman hodi lori Timor sai nabilan iha futuro.", "Labele politico sira nia familia deit mak luxo no nabilan, enquanto povo nafatin halerik be mos, saude ho estrada.", "(Assim Seja e Bem Haja.", "Ignas) Previous PostXXX DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A) Next PostSegunda-Feira, XXX Tempo Comum (ANO A)" ]
[ [ "HOTU-HOTU MAUN ALIN - Diocese of Dili Posted on: October 24,1987 by the Department for Communication and Communications (Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas) Reflection COMMON SUNDAY XXX/YEAR B /3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex." ], [ "This encyclical was subsequently published on the 4th in Assisi; homeland of St. Francis, Father and Saviour" ], [ "The Pope publishes this encyclical with the motivation that society should develop a sense of fraternity (persaudaraan) in concrete social friendship." ], [ "Technological progress has made us all more inclined to virtual friendships via social media like facebook, youtube and whatsapp." ], [ "The Covid19 pandemic is the reason and background (latar belakanh) of what this Encyclical refers to." ], [ "The global health emergency has shown a worldwide indication that no one can survive on their own." ], [ "The pandemic has opened people's heart to help each other in their distress." ], [ "It is time for all of us to realize that we are not just a community; only brothers and sister in the society called human being." ], [ "In the First Reading and in Matthew's Gospel, we are both alarmed about this sense of love." ], [ "After all, the true meaning and application of love (domin) is; Love for God." ], [ "These two senses of love/loving can never be combined with each other." ], [ "Compare it to a penny coin, which is one cent worth but has different values." ], [ "With the expression of aswuain (heroic/kepahlawanan) he said; love for God and man is a two-edged sword." ], [ "If there is a brother or sister who says that just by believing and reading the Bible we will go to heaven, maybe this does not correspond with what Catholic Church teaches. Faith without practices of faith are nothing but crappy things!" ], [ "Likewise, love that is not expressed in the life of a saint or believer will be false." ], [ "In the Old Testament, expression of love/dominant to God must be shown more than by caring for poor women and children." ], [ "The rule also states that those who do not apply love and help to others deserve punishment." ], [ "We compare the socio-political situation in our country post covid19, tensions arise and misunderstandings occur." ], [ "While the charismatic leader Kayrala Xanana Gusmao is touring his country to distribute food support and at same time socialize about dangers of Covid-19 virus, staffers in Fretilin party supporter with some other parties accuse him that he'll go around looking for voters." ], [ "Meanwhile, the government is currently debating how to implement a sixth basic support plan for all populations that have been economically impacted during covid19 pandemic." ], [ "In order to avoid mutual confusion, it would be better if all the parties that get a seat in Parliament also implemented this charitable support for everyone accordingly with each party's financial capacity and sense of honoring or thanking people who have elected them as rulers." ], [ "Thus, the closer to elections is when people come and vote but it would be better beforehand if they gave their full support so that once voters have given them with dignity." ], [ "This week's Gospel report, contains sources (we matan) fundamental faith of the Jewish people: \"And thou shalt love thy neighbour as thine own God with all Thy heart and your soul." ], [ "6:4-5).\"" ], [ "This is the foundation of Jewish religious life, but this principle has been enhanced by a statement: \"Love thy neighbour as yourself; I am your God\" (Lev." ], [ "19:20).\"" ], [ "This week's Gospel also shows us how a difference of opinion arises between Pharisee and Sadducee before Jesus." ], [ "The two groups had the same motivation to attack Jesus, but their doctrine or ideology was different." ], [ "Jesus is considered a teacher even though he was not known in the school of Moses' law." ], [ "Indeed, the Pharisees and Sadducees were regarded by people as experts (ahli) in their law." ], [ "We need to know that from the law of Moses, Pharisees knew 613 holy commandments contained in five books." ], [ "Of the 613 laws referred to, there are a positive or mandatory character of only one (248) and an uncompulsory nature in another three hundred sixty-five." ], [ "Because there were so many commandments, they also became confused and took advantage of the situation to ask Jesus: \"Teacher which is greater?\"" ], [ "Jesus gave a wise and reasoned answer, saying: \"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart; With every soul that breathes in it." ], [ "Another commandment is like this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thine own self." ], [ "All the commandments and prophets go together with these two.\"" ], [ "This answer automatically made the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees shake their head because they had no more argument against Jesus." ], [ "The controversial issues included the government's plan on basic sexta, otherwise not read as a materialization of state love for people who are only children Of God." ], [ "Problems and controversy arise when these plans are broken down for political interest, seeking percentages of the voters' support or share money between themselves." ], [ "The things that need to be taken into consideration are: love God above all and other people as yourself." ], [ "He will not love power more than his people's prosperity." ], [ "Even worse, he took power to divide groups and parties. He used his family as a party owner in the name of political control over people's lives!" ], [ "At this point, what is the difference between loving God and other people?" ], [ "Father Martinho Gusmao made a clear reflection on the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti in his Facebook account." ], [ "What we need to put in the Timorese context is, do not treat each other because of different color party only. All brothers and sister arms together bringing East-Timor forward into a bright future!" ], [ "It should not be only the politicians’ families who have luxury and nabil, while people are still well-off with health care." ], [ "(That it may be so and that all will go well." ], [ "Ignas) Previous PostXXXI SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (YEAR A, B & C), YELLOW Next postMonday XXX in Ordinary Time" ] ]
Fulan ne’e, movimentasaun transporte públiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BOBONARO Fulan ne’e, movimentasaun transporte públiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu\nFulan ne’e, movimentasaun transporte públiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu\nPonte Bulobu, suku Ritabou, postu administrativu Maliana, munisípiu Bobonaro. Imajen Tatoli/Sérgio da Cruz.\nBOBONARO, 09 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) – Enjeñeiru hosi kompañia Nanayo Unipessoal Lda, Lázaro Olandino, fó-sai katak, iha fulan-ne’e komunidade sira bele uitiliza transporte públiku no privada bele asesu ponte Bulobu, suku Ritabou, postu administrativu Maliana, munisípiu Bobonaro tanba atinje ona 99.8%.\n“Agora atinje ona 99,8%, iha fulan ida-ne’e nia laran komunidade bele utiliza ona, tanba agora tama faze nahe aspal, hein aban maran, ami tau aspal halus tán silindru sama tiha liu menutu 30 hanesan karreta no motorizada bele liu ba mai kedas,” nia informa ba Agência Tatoli, iha mota Bulobu, kuarta ne’e.\nProjetu ne’e hahú iha inísiu 2018 serbisu hotu la’o ho di’ak, maibé iha 2019 to’o 2020 tanba impaktu hosi pandemia Covid-19 entaun serbisu balun la konsege realiza, tanba regra prevensaun Covid-19 traballadór estrajeiru sira labele dezloka mai Timor-Leste.\nTanba ne’e iha tinan 2021 governu halo tán estensaun kontratu hahú hosi fulan-janeiru to’o juñu, maibé situasaun klima la konsege finaliza no governu deside estende tán fulan-neen to’o dezembru 2021.\nKomunidade sira-ne’ebé la’o-ain iha ponte ponte Bulobu, suku Ritabou, postu administrative Maliana, munisípiu Bobonaro. Imajen Tatoli/Sérgio da Cruz.\n“Loloos ne’e ami entrega iha fulan-dezembru tinan kotuk, maibé tanba situasaun natureza, udan beibeik ami adia hela de’it to’o agora mak foin tau aspal, hotu tiha bele fasilita kedas komunidade liu ba mai, kona-ba atu inagura ou lae ne’e kestaun obra públiku nian,” nia dehan.\nNia haktuir, dezde inísiu fulan-janeiru ne’e to’o agora komunidade sira-ne’ebé la’o-ain, utiliza ona hodi halo movimentasaun ba mai, liuliu iha tempu udan, maibé sira transporte para de’it iha ponte sorin, hein udan para mak foin bele asesu.\nEntretantu komunidade António de Jesus da Costa, hateten, maske projetu ne’e la’o atrazu, maibé nia sente kontente no agardese ba governu ne’ebé planu ona projetu to’o implementa konstrusaun ponte ne’e hodi fasilita sira-nia movimentu ba-mai iha tempu ne’ebé presiza.\n“Ami komunidade koléjiu agora sente kmaan ona tanba udan rezulta mota boot mai mós senti la ta’uk ona, uluk ne’e mota boot mai mak família ruma moras susar tebes ami atu lori ba ospitál, ne’e ami tenke hein to’o kleur mak foin liu. Uluk ne’e ami-nia família balun mate tanba mota lori, ne’ebé ho ponte ne’e ami sente moris livre ona,” nia orgullu.\nEnkuantu ponte ne’e ho naruk metru 100 no luan metru hitu. Projetu ne’e responsabiliza hosi kompañia Nananyo Join Venture Adam motor ho totál kontratu $2.860,755.65 hosi orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2017 nian.\nPonte ne’e sei fasilita movimentasaun komunidade aldeia tolu kompostu hosi aldeia Daitete, Riti-Udu no Ma-hui ho totál populasaun 775 no uma-kain 218, inklui mós komunidade suku Manapa, postu administrativu Cailaco balu mós asesu.\nmovimentasaun transporte públiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu\nPrevious articleGovernu aprova polítika nasionál planeamentu familiár\nNext articleGovernu aprova tan donativu ba reprezentasaun permanente Repúblika Árabe Saaraui
[ "Fulan ne'e, movimentasaun transporte publiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BOBONARO Fulan ne'e, movimentasaun transporte publiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu Fulan ne'e, movimentasaun transporte publiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu Ponte Bulobu, suku Ritabou, postu administrativu Maliana, munisipiu Bobonaro.", "Imajen Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz.", "BOBONARO, 09 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Enjeneiru hosi kompania Nanayo Unipessoal Lda, Lazaro Olandino, fo-sai katak, iha fulan-ne'e komunidade sira bele uitiliza transporte publiku no privada bele asesu ponte Bulobu, suku Ritabou, postu administrativu Maliana, munisipiu Bobonaro tanba atinje ona 99.8%.", "\"Agora atinje ona 99,8%, iha fulan ida-ne'e nia laran komunidade bele utiliza ona, tanba agora tama faze nahe aspal, hein aban maran, ami tau aspal halus tan silindru sama tiha liu menutu 30 hanesan karreta no motorizada bele liu ba mai kedas,\" nia informa ba Agencia Tatoli, iha mota Bulobu, kuarta ne'e.", "Projetu ne'e hahu iha inisiu 2018 serbisu hotu la'o ho di'ak, maibe iha 2019 to'o 2020 tanba impaktu hosi pandemia Covid-19 entaun serbisu balun la konsege realiza, tanba regra prevensaun Covid-19 traballador estrajeiru sira labele dezloka mai Timor-Leste.", "Tanba ne'e iha tinan 2021 governu halo tan estensaun kontratu hahu hosi fulan-janeiru to'o junu, maibe situasaun klima la konsege finaliza no governu deside estende tan fulan-neen to'o dezembru 2021.", "Komunidade sira-ne'ebe la'o-ain iha ponte ponte Bulobu, suku Ritabou, postu administrative Maliana, munisipiu Bobonaro.", "Imajen Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz.", "\"Loloos ne'e ami entrega iha fulan-dezembru tinan kotuk, maibe tanba situasaun natureza, udan beibeik ami adia hela de'it to'o agora mak foin tau aspal, hotu tiha bele fasilita kedas komunidade liu ba mai, kona-ba atu inagura ou lae ne'e kestaun obra publiku nian,\" nia dehan.", "Nia haktuir, dezde inisiu fulan-janeiru ne'e to'o agora komunidade sira-ne'ebe la'o-ain, utiliza ona hodi halo movimentasaun ba mai, liuliu iha tempu udan, maibe sira transporte para de'it iha ponte sorin, hein udan para mak foin bele asesu.", "Entretantu komunidade Antonio de Jesus da Costa, hateten, maske projetu ne'e la'o atrazu, maibe nia sente kontente no agardese ba governu ne'ebe planu ona projetu to'o implementa konstrusaun ponte ne'e hodi fasilita sira-nia movimentu ba-mai iha tempu ne'ebe presiza.", "\"Ami komunidade kolejiu agora sente kmaan ona tanba udan rezulta mota boot mai mos senti la ta'uk ona, uluk ne'e mota boot mai mak familia ruma moras susar tebes ami atu lori ba ospital, ne'e ami tenke hein to'o kleur mak foin liu.", "Uluk ne'e ami-nia familia balun mate tanba mota lori, ne'ebe ho ponte ne'e ami sente moris livre ona,\" nia orgullu.", "Enkuantu ponte ne'e ho naruk metru 100 no luan metru hitu.", "Projetu ne'e responsabiliza hosi kompania Nananyo Join Venture Adam motor ho total kontratu $2.860,755.65 hosi orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2017 nian.", "Ponte ne'e sei fasilita movimentasaun komunidade aldeia tolu kompostu hosi aldeia Daitete, Riti-Udu no Ma-hui ho total populasaun 775 no uma-kain 218, inklui mos komunidade suku Manapa, postu administrativu Cailaco balu mos asesu. movimentasaun transporte publiku bele asesu ponte Bulobu Previous articleGovernu aprova politika nasional planeamentu familiar Next articleGovernu aprova tan donativu ba reprezentasaun permanente Republika Arabe Saaraui" ]
[ [ "Today, public transport movements can access Bulobu bridge | TIMOR AGENDA BOBONARO Tomorrow (Friday) the traffic on Public Transport will be able to reach Bullob Bridge in Ritabou village of Maliana administrative post." ], [ "Image: Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz." ], [ "BOBONARO, February 9th (Agência Notícias) - Engineer of the company Nanayo Unipessoal Lda. Lazaro Olandino said that this month communities can use public and private transport to access Bulobu Bridge in Ritabou village at Maliana administrative post because it has reached a completeness rate as high As" ], [ "\"Now we have reached 98%, in this month the community can use, because now it enters into phase of asphalting. Wait until tomorrow dry and then put fine cylinder-like asfalting after more than thirty minutes like cars or motorized vehicles could pass immediately\", he told Tatoli Agency at Bulobu highway on Tuesday (20/1)." ], [ "The project started in early 2018 and all work went well, but from the impact of Covid-39 pandemic some works were not carried out because foreign workers couldn't come to Timor Leste." ], [ "Therefore, in 2019 the government made another extension of contract starting from January to June but climate situation could not be finalized and Government decided extend a further nine months until December." ], [ "Communities walking on the Bulobu bridge, Ritabou village of Maliana administrative post in Bobonaro province." ], [ "Image: Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz." ], [ "\"We delivered this road in December last year, but because of the natural situation and frequent rains we have been postponing it until now when asphalt was put on. After all that can be done immediately to facilitate community access; whether or not they will open is a matter for public works.\"" ], [ "He said that since the beginning of January until now, communities who walk on their own have been using it to move in and out especially during rainy seasons but they only stop at a bridge nearby waiting for rain before accessing." ], [ "Meanwhile, community member Antonio de Jesus da Costa said that although the project is being delayed he feels satisfied and hopeful for government to implement this bridge construction in time as it has already been planned so they can move around more easily." ], [ "\"We college community now feel sorry because the rain resulted in big roads coming and also felt not ta'uk already, before a large motorway came some family was sick very difficult for us to take them into hospital we had wait until time is over." ], [ "Some of our families died because the road was broken, but with this new Bridge we feel free to live now.\"" ], [ "The bridge is about one hundred meters long and seven metres wide." ], [ "The project is under the responsibility of Nananyo Join Venture Adam motor with a total contract amounting to $2,860.754 million from Brazil's General State Budget (GSB) for 13 months in January and February" ], [ "The bridge will facilitate the movement of community three villages composed by Daitete, Riti-Udu and Ma -hui with a total population inhabitants from Manapa commune. Public transport can access Bulobu Bridge Previous articleGovernment approves national family planning policy Next ArticleGovernement approval donation to permanent representations for Saharawi Arab Republic" ] ]
MPRM Kapasita Foinsa’e Suai Ba Supply Base\nAsesu dala: 3227\nMinisteriu Petroleo e Recursos Naturais oras ne’e dadaun kapasita hela foinsa’e distritu Suai ho kursu lian Ingles, nune’e sir abele partisipa iha projetu supply base ne’ebe sei hala’o iha tempu badak.\nResponsavel Programa Bolsu Estudu Ministerio Petroleo e Rekusru Minarais (MPRM), Ana Lucinda, hateten programa kursu lian Ingles ne’e hala’o durante tinan ida.\n“Ami foka liu ba iha distritu Suai, atu responde ba projetu supply base ne’ebe sei tama iha ne’eba,” responsavel Lucinda hateten, iha Hotel Ramelau Aimutin, Dili.\nNia dehan, kursu ne’e la’os deit partisipa husi jovens, maibe ferik katuas inklui labarik sira hamutuk 2.000 resin.\nAlem de ne’e nia hatutan, ministerio mos fo oportunidade ba graduadu lisensiatura area engineria petroleo no geologia atu hasa’e konesementu ba lian Ingles iha St. Joseph Engineering College Mangalore ,India.\nOras ne’e dadaun, nia dehan, bolseirus hamutuk 96 mak tuir hela formasaun kona ba lian Ingles iha India.\nEntretantu, Ministru Petroleo e Rekursu Minareis, Alfredo Pires, hateten lian Ingles ne’e importante tebes ba area petroleo no minareis tanba ne’e tenke prepara foinsa’e sira iha aspeitu tekniku no lingua hodi dezenvolve rasik riku soin ne’ebe Timor –Leste iha.\n“Ami hasoru problema ida; estudante ida remata estudu iha Indonezia iha area petroleo iha konesementu ne’ebe diak tebes, maibe nia labele servisu iha area ida ne’e tanba la hatene lingua Ingles,” Ministru Pires dehan.\nTanba ne’e, nia dehan, programa kapasitasaun lian Ingles iha distru Suai ne’e positive tebes, hatudu progresu ne’ebe signifikante tanba partisipantes maoria koalia hatene no komprende ona dalen Ingles maske foin tinan ida.\nIha parte seluk, foinsa’e Benjamin da Costa, kongratula ba progresu ida ne’e, hatudu katak governu la presiza lakon osan barak hodi haruka deit ema ida ka rua ba aprende lian Ingles iha nasaun seluk.\n“Governu la presiza haruka ba rai liur atu aprende lian Ingles,” nia dehan.
[ "MPRM Kapasita Foinsa'e Suai Ba Supply Base Asesu dala: 3227 Ministeriu Petroleo e Recursos Naturais oras ne'e dadaun kapasita hela foinsa'e distritu Suai ho kursu lian Ingles, nune'e sir abele partisipa iha projetu supply base ne'ebe sei hala'o iha tempu badak.", "Responsavel Programa Bolsu Estudu Ministerio Petroleo e Rekusru Minarais (MPRM), Ana Lucinda, hateten programa kursu lian Ingles ne'e hala'o durante tinan ida.", "\"Ami foka liu ba iha distritu Suai, atu responde ba projetu supply base ne'ebe sei tama iha ne'eba,\" responsavel Lucinda hateten, iha Hotel Ramelau Aimutin, Dili.", "Nia dehan, kursu ne'e la'os deit partisipa husi jovens, maibe ferik katuas inklui labarik sira hamutuk 2.000 resin.", "Alem de ne'e nia hatutan, ministerio mos fo oportunidade ba graduadu lisensiatura area engineria petroleo no geologia atu hasa'e konesementu ba lian Ingles iha St. Joseph Engineering College Mangalore ,India.", "Oras ne'e dadaun, nia dehan, bolseirus hamutuk 96 mak tuir hela formasaun kona ba lian Ingles iha India.", "Entretantu, Ministru Petroleo e Rekursu Minareis, Alfredo Pires, hateten lian Ingles ne'e importante tebes ba area petroleo no minareis tanba ne'e tenke prepara foinsa'e sira iha aspeitu tekniku no lingua hodi dezenvolve rasik riku soin ne'ebe Timor -Leste iha.", "\"Ami hasoru problema ida; estudante ida remata estudu iha Indonezia iha area petroleo iha konesementu ne'ebe diak tebes, maibe nia labele servisu iha area ida ne'e tanba la hatene lingua Ingles,\" Ministru Pires dehan.", "Tanba ne'e, nia dehan, programa kapasitasaun lian Ingles iha distru Suai ne'e positive tebes, hatudu progresu ne'ebe signifikante tanba partisipantes maoria koalia hatene no komprende ona dalen Ingles maske foin tinan ida.", "Iha parte seluk, foinsa'e Benjamin da Costa, kongratula ba progresu ida ne'e, hatudu katak governu la presiza lakon osan barak hodi haruka deit ema ida ka rua ba aprende lian Ingles iha nasaun seluk.", "\"Governu la presiza haruka ba rai liur atu aprende lian Ingles,\" nia dehan." ]
[ [ "MPRM Capacita Foinsa'e Suai Ba Supply Base Access time: 3219 The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources is currently training young people in the district with English language courses, so that they can participate on supply base projects to be carried out shortly." ], [ "Ana Lucinda, Head of the Ministry for Petroleum and Mineral Resources (MPRM) Scholarship Program said that this English-language course will last one year." ], [ "\"We are focusing more on Suai district, to meet the supply base projects that will come there\", said Lucinda in charge at Hotel Ramelau Aimutin." ], [ "He said that the course was not only attended by young people, but also older children and adults including about two thousand kids." ], [ "In addition, the ministry also provides opportunities for graduates of petroleum engineering and geology to improve their English language skills at St. Joseph Engineering College Mangalore in India.\"" ], [ "Currently, he said that 96 scholarship holders are undergoing English language training in India." ], [ "Meanwhile, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Alfredo Pires said that English is very important in the oil-mine sector so young people must be prepared with technical skills to develop Timor -Leste' s natural resources." ], [ "\"We have a problem; there is one student who graduated from Indonesia in the petroleum field with very good knowledge, but he cannot work because of his lack Of English language skills." ], [ "Therefore, he said that the English language training program in Suai district is very positive. It shows significant progress because Maori speakers have learned to understand and speak english even though they only had a year of experience with it before this programme started on June 2014 (see below)." ], [ "On the other hand, young Benjamin da Costa congratulated on this progress which shows that governments do not need to waste a lot of money just sending one or two people out in foreign countries." ], [ "\"The government doesn't need to send people abroad for English,\" he said." ] ]
PM Alkatiri “Ha’u Tenke Simu Rezultadu Dialog” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PM Alkatiri “Ha’u Tenke Simu Rezultadu Dialog”\nPM Alkatiri “Ha’u Tenke Simu Rezultadu Dialog”\nDILI (TATOLI)—Primeiru Ministru Sétimu Governu konstitusionál, Mari Alkatiri afirma katak, nia sei simu kualkér desizaun ne’ebé mak Prezidente da Repúblika foti hosi rezultadu dialog ne’ebé halo ho Prezidente ohin, bainhira desizaun ne’e la kontra konstituisaun.\n“Ha’u lakohi interfere Prezidente Repúblika nia kompeténsia. Se Prezidente deside tuir konstituisaun ha’u tenke simu,” Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri afirma ba Jornalista sira hafoin halo dialog ho Prezidente da Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo iha Palásiu Prezidente Repúblika, Bairru Pité, ohin.\nAlkatiri dehan, iha Timor-Leste ne’e, sosiedade mak importante, la’ós polítika sira mak importante. Ho nune’e dialog ne’ebé mak iha atu buka estabilidade nasionál la’ós estabilidade governativa de’it.\nBasa governu maioria mak ka’er governu mós sei la garantia estabilidade. Realidade iha Primeiru Governu konstitusionál hetan maioria kualifikada se kompara ho maioria ida agora 35 kadeira deputadu de’it mosu instabilidade .\nTanba ne’e dialog ne’ebé mak Nia (Alkatiri) halo ho Prezidente da Repúblika la diskute senáriu ruma aleinde de modalidade governasaun hanesan, koligasaun, insidénsia parlamentár, no inkluzaun, tanba sei hein nafatin Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.\n“Ita Hein ho Bom Senso para ita halo senáriu se lae ita halo fali teatru no la hetan senáriu ruma ba governasaun,” Primeiru Ministru realsa.\nHodi lamenta katak haree ba situasaun polítika ohin loron nia sá kultura polítika mak sira (jerasaun tuan) bele husik hela ba jerasaun foun ba aban bainrua tanba Timor Leste realiza tiha eleisaun depois halo golpe hodi la respeita rezultadu eleisaun.\nEntretantu tuir Padre. Júlio Crispim Ximenes Belo, Clero Diocesano Diocese Baucau; nia esplika iha http://diocesededili.org/2017/11/13/entre-rejeicao-ou-hetan-voto-confianca-ba-pragrama-governo-iha-quantidade-ou-qualidade-tuir-crdtl/ katak, Sétimu governu konstitusionál nia programa Parlamentu nasionál rejeita ona ba dahuluk tanba ne’e funsionamentu sei enfrenta nafatin hela dezafiu no obstákulu oi-oin.\nDezafiu sira, entre seluk, mak VII governu forma husi partidu mais votado nia aliansa ne’ebé hetan apoiu husi deputadu Nain 30, menus liu husi deputadu bloku opozisaun Maioria Parlamentár (bloku OMP) ho Nain 35 iha PN.\nObstákulu sira, entre seluk, mak programa Governu hetan ona mosaun “rejeição” dala ida iha PN husi OMP sira, ne’ebé sei iha mós posibilidade boot atu hetan tan rejeição ba dala rua.\nRejeição ka hetan votu konfiansa ba programa Governu no nia konsekuénsia sira mak, Karik programa Governu nee hetan votu konfiansa ida husi PN, tuir mai Governu bele executa nia programa sira nee. Maibé, karik programa Governu hetan rejeisaun dala ida husi PN, tuir mai Governu tem que elabora didi’ak fali hodi submete dala ida tan ba apreciação PN nian. Mak programa Governo hetan rejeisaun dala rua tutuir malu, implika demissão Governo (art. 112.º, n.º 1 (d) CRDTL). Demissão Governu nee, PR rasik mak usa nia kompeténsia exclusiva hodi halo demisaun ba Governu no halo exoneração ba Primeiru Ministru (art. 86.º (g) CRDTL).\nPrevious articleDialog Alkatiri ho Taur, PR Lú Olo La Bele Impoin\nNext articleEstadu Presiza Diversifika Setór Agrikultura\nDILI, 31 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) –Timoroan rihun ne’ebé buka vida nu’udar traballadór iha Reinu Unidu (United Kingdom) ho Irlanda preokupadu boot no sente “ameasadu”...
[ "PM Alkatiri \"Ha'u Tenke Simu Rezultadu Dialog\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PM Alkatiri \"Ha'u Tenke Simu Rezultadu Dialog\" PM Alkatiri \"Ha'u Tenke Simu Rezultadu Dialog\" DILI (TATOLI) - Primeiru Ministru Setimu Governu konstitusional, Mari Alkatiri afirma katak, nia sei simu kualker desizaun ne'ebe mak Prezidente da Republika foti hosi rezultadu dialog ne'ebe halo ho Prezidente ohin, bainhira desizaun ne'e la kontra konstituisaun.", "\"Ha'u lakohi interfere Prezidente Republika nia kompetensia.", "Se Prezidente deside tuir konstituisaun ha'u tenke simu,\" Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri afirma ba Jornalista sira hafoin halo dialog ho Prezidente da Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo iha Palasiu Prezidente Republika, Bairru Pite, ohin.", "Alkatiri dehan, iha Timor-Leste ne'e, sosiedade mak importante, la'os politika sira mak importante.", "Ho nune'e dialog ne'ebe mak iha atu buka estabilidade nasional la'os estabilidade governativa de'it.", "Basa governu maioria mak ka'er governu mos sei la garantia estabilidade.", "Realidade iha Primeiru Governu konstitusional hetan maioria kualifikada se kompara ho maioria ida agora 35 kadeira deputadu de'it mosu instabilidade .", "Tanba ne'e dialog ne'ebe mak Nia (Alkatiri) halo ho Prezidente da Republika la diskute senariu ruma aleinde de modalidade governasaun hanesan, koligasaun, insidensia parlamentar, no inkluzaun, tanba sei hein nafatin Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.", "\"Ita Hein ho Bom Senso para ita halo senariu se lae ita halo fali teatru no la hetan senariu ruma ba governasaun,\" Primeiru Ministru realsa.", "Hodi lamenta katak haree ba situasaun politika ohin loron nia sa kultura politika mak sira (jerasaun tuan) bele husik hela ba jerasaun foun ba aban bainrua tanba Timor Leste realiza tiha eleisaun depois halo golpe hodi la respeita rezultadu eleisaun.", "Entretantu tuir Padre.", "Julio Crispim Ximenes Belo, Clero Diocesano Diocese Baucau; nia esplika iha http://diocesededili.org/2017/11/13/entre-rejeicao-ou-hetan-voto-confianca-ba-pragrama-governo-iha-quantidade-ou-qualidade-tuir-crdtl/ katak, Setimu governu konstitusional nia programa Parlamentu nasional rejeita ona ba dahuluk tanba ne'e funsionamentu sei enfrenta nafatin hela dezafiu no obstakulu oi-oin.", "Dezafiu sira, entre seluk, mak VII governu forma husi partidu mais votado nia aliansa ne'ebe hetan apoiu husi deputadu Nain 30, menus liu husi deputadu bloku opozisaun Maioria Parlamentar (bloku OMP) ho Nain 35 iha PN.", "Obstakulu sira, entre seluk, mak programa Governu hetan ona mosaun \"rejeicao\" dala ida iha PN husi OMP sira, ne'ebe sei iha mos posibilidade boot atu hetan tan rejeicao ba dala rua.", "Rejeicao ka hetan votu konfiansa ba programa Governu no nia konsekuensia sira mak, Karik programa Governu nee hetan votu konfiansa ida husi PN, tuir mai Governu bele executa nia programa sira nee.", "Maibe, karik programa Governu hetan rejeisaun dala ida husi PN, tuir mai Governu tem que elabora didi'ak fali hodi submete dala ida tan ba apreciacao PN nian.", "Mak programa Governo hetan rejeisaun dala rua tutuir malu, implika demissao Governo (art.", "112.o, n.o 1 (d) CRDTL).", "Demissao Governu nee, PR rasik mak usa nia kompetensia exclusiva hodi halo demisaun ba Governu no halo exoneracao ba Primeiru Ministru (art.", "86.o (g) CRDTL).", "Previous articleDialog Alkatiri ho Taur, PR Lu Olo La Bele Impoin Next articleEstadu Presiza Diversifika Setor Agrikultura DILI, 31 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) -Timoroan rihun ne'ebe buka vida nu'udar traballador iha Reinu Unidu (United Kingdom) ho Irlanda preokupadu boot no sente \"ameasadu...\"" ]
[ [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri \"I Want to See the Outcome of Dialogue\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PM Xanana Gusmao: I'm Not Afraid To Talk About Politics Dili (ANTARA NEWS) - The Seventh Constitutional Government’s prime minister, Mari Guterres said that he will accept any decision taken by President da Republika from today´ s dialogue with him if it is not against constitution." ], [ "\"I do not want to interfere with the President of Republic's competence." ], [ "If the President decides according to constitution I must accept,\" Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri told journalistes after a dialogue with Portuguese president Francisco Guterres Lu Olo in Bairru Pite today." ], [ "Alkatiri said that in Timor-Leste, society is important and not politics." ], [ "Thus, the dialogue that is needed to seek national stability does not just concern governmental stabilite." ], [ "Because a majority government is not guaranteed stability." ], [ "Reality in the First Constitutional Government obtained a qualified majority compared to one now only 35 seats parliamentary majorities arises uncertainty." ], [ "Therefore, the dialogue that He (Alkatiri) has made with President da República does not discuss any scenarios other than modalities of governance such as coalition government and parliamentary incidencies or inclusion because he will still wait for CNRT Party Chairman Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao." ], [ "\"Let's hope with Common Sense that we make a scenario or else it will be theatre again and there is no script for governance,\" the Prime Minister emphasized." ], [ "He lamented that given the current political situation, what kind of cultural culture can they (the old generation) leave behind to a new one for tomorrow because East Timor held elections and then carried out coups d'état in order not To respect election results." ], [ "In the meantime, follow Father." ], [ "Julio Crispim Ximenes Belo, Diocesan Clergy of the Baucau diocese; he explained in http://diocesededili.org/2017 / 396845-entre -rejeicao ou voto de confiança para o programa do governo em quantidade e qualidade segundo a CRDTL (between rejection or voting confidence for government's program by quantity and quality according to CRDT) that seventh constitutional Government programme has been firstly rejecting national Parliament so its function will still face challenges as well obstacles various other things" ], [ "Challenges, among others are the VII government formed by alliance of most voted parties which has been supported in Parliament with more than three dozen members less that opposition bloc Majority Parlamentar (OMP block) who have thirty-five MP." ], [ "The obstacles, among others are that the Government's programme has already received a \"rejection\" motion once in Parliament from OMP and there is also great chance of it being rejected twice." ], [ "Rejection or a vote of no confidence in the Government programme and its consequences are, If this government program receives an unconfident voting by Parliament then it can execute these programs." ], [ "However, if the Government's programme is rejected once again by Parliament (PN), then it must be elaborated carefully and submitted to PN for further consideration." ], [ "If the Government programme is rejected twice in a row, it implies dismissal of government (art." ], [ "1 (d) CRDTL)." ], [ "The Prime Minister himself uses his exclusive competence to dismiss the Government and exonerate him from office (art. 107, paragr)." ], [ "86(g) CRDTL)." ], [ "Previous articleDialog Alkatiri ho Taur, PR Lu Olo La Bele Impoin NextState Needs to Diversify Agriculture Sector DILI 31st March (TATOLI) -Thousands of Timorese who are looking for a living as workers in the United Kingdom and Ireland have great concern that they feel \"threatened...\"" ] ]
Rejultadu Diálogu Líder Istóriku Konsideradu Hamosu Dúvida no Hanaruk Liu Tan Impase Polítika” – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Nasionál » Rejultadu Diálogu Líder Istóriku Konsideradu Hamosu Dúvida no Hanaruk Liu Tan Impase Polítika"\n11 fevereiro 2020 11 fevereiro 2020 by Timor Post-519 views\nDILI—Akadémiku nu’udar Dosente Departamentu Polítika Públika iha Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Felisberto de Carvalho, konsidera pontu tolu ne’ebé líder istóriku no personalidade sira konklui iha diálogu ne’ebé hala’o iha Segunda (10/02/2020) hamosu dúvida iha sosiedade no hanaruk liu tan impase polítika iha rai laran.\nFelisberto fó rajaun ne’e tanba problema nia hún lolo’os ne’ebé sai debate boot iha públiku maka membru governu na’in sia la hetan posse husi prezidente repúblika. Tanba ne’e, tuir nia, atu hakotu lalais, prezeidente repúblika tenke tetu liuliu mak ida ne’e. Tanba nia hatutan, pontu ida husi tolu ne’ebé hatete prezidente repúblika fó fali oportunidade ba partidu polítiku sira iha parlamentu nasionál halo movimentu polítiku ne’e hamosu dúvida. Nune’e mós bainhira la hetan solusaun maka hakat ba pontu seluk eleisaun antisipada maka impase polítika iha rai laran naruk ba bebeik.\n“Diálogu entre lider istóriku sira ne’e pelumenus tenke solusiona impase polítika ne’e hodi nune’e fó klarifikasaun ba públiku katak asuntu ou rezultadu sira ne’ebé iha bele rezolve,” Felisberto ba Timor Post iha nia knar fatin kampus UNTL, Tersa (11/02/2020).\nFelisberto hatete, ukun na’in sira lebele dada naruk impase polítika tanba ida ne’ebé terus maka povu tanba laiha dezenvolvimentu ba nasaun.\nEntretantu Jurista Senior Timoroan Manuel Tilman afirma, laiha tan dalan seluk só eleisaun antesipada maka bele hakotu impase polítika ida ne’e.\n“Prezidente foti hanoin (pontu tolu refere) ida di’ak nian ba ita hotu. Maibé la rezolve ida sa, pontu tolu ne’e sei la rezolve ida,” Tilman hatete.\nSolusaun atu hakotu impase polítika ne’e maka entrega fila fali ba povu hodi hili sira nia reprezentante foun tanba ne’e tuir dalan jurídiku. “Solusaun mak eleisaun antisipada ne’e, la iha tan buat seluk,” Tilman salienta.\n“Primeiru Ministru tenke mantein nafatin ninia funsaun, ne’e konstituisaun mak haruka, eleisaun antisipada agora governu ne’e tuun kuandu governu foun mosu,” Tilman dehan.\nEntretantu hafoin diálogu ne’ebé Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo organiza no hetan partisipasaun husi inklui Marí Bim Amude Alkatiri, José Manuel Ramos Horta, Taur Matan Ruak, Lere Anan Timur no Roque Rodrigues ne’e, ba Jornalista sira Xefe Estadu subliña pontu tolu ne’e mak hanesan, dahuluk, eleisaun antesipada hanesan rekursu ikus liu; daruak, partidu polítiku sira ne’ebé asentu parlamentar nasionál hotu-hotu tenke halo movimentu polítiku oinsá mak bele dezeña opiniaun no hakarak atu bele hetan solusaun ba impase polítiku ida ne’e; no datoluk, primeiru ministru sei mantein nafatin primeiru ministru ba governu daualu to’o hetan solusaun ba situasaun polítika atuál.\nLú Olo dehan, liuhusi dalan diálogu ida ne’e nia fi’ar katak sei iha solusaun ida ne’ebé di’ak liu ba Timor Leste nia situasaun polítika hodi labele sakrifika nafatin dezenvolvimentu nasionál. (ato)\nPrevious post Miguel ho nia Oan Jacinta Mate Hafoin Haan Kadiuk iha Aldeia Kolkau\nNext post CNRT La Halo Movimentu Polítiku ‘hanesan’ Partidu Seluk iha Parlamentu Nasional
[ "Rejultadu Dialogu Lider Istoriku Konsideradu Hamosu Duvida no Hanaruk Liu Tan Impase Politika\" -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Nasional \" Rejultadu Dialogu Lider Istoriku Konsideradu Hamosu Duvida no Hanaruk Liu Tan Impase Politika\" 11 fevereiro 2020 11 fevereiro 2020 by Timor Post-519 views DILI - Akademiku nu'udar Dosente Departamentu Politika Publika iha Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Felisberto de Carvalho, konsidera pontu tolu ne'ebe lider istoriku no personalidade sira konklui iha dialogu ne'ebe hala'o iha Segunda (10/02/2020) hamosu duvida iha sosiedade no hanaruk liu tan impase politika iha rai laran.", "Felisberto fo rajaun ne'e tanba problema nia hun lolo'os ne'ebe sai debate boot iha publiku maka membru governu na'in sia la hetan posse husi prezidente republika.", "Tanba ne'e, tuir nia, atu hakotu lalais, prezeidente republika tenke tetu liuliu mak ida ne'e.", "Tanba nia hatutan, pontu ida husi tolu ne'ebe hatete prezidente republika fo fali oportunidade ba partidu politiku sira iha parlamentu nasional halo movimentu politiku ne'e hamosu duvida.", "Nune'e mos bainhira la hetan solusaun maka hakat ba pontu seluk eleisaun antisipada maka impase politika iha rai laran naruk ba bebeik.", "\"Dialogu entre lider istoriku sira ne'e pelumenus tenke solusiona impase politika ne'e hodi nune'e fo klarifikasaun ba publiku katak asuntu ou rezultadu sira ne'ebe iha bele rezolve,\" Felisberto ba Timor Post iha nia knar fatin kampus UNTL, Tersa (11/02/2020).", "Felisberto hatete, ukun na'in sira lebele dada naruk impase politika tanba ida ne'ebe terus maka povu tanba laiha dezenvolvimentu ba nasaun.", "Entretantu Jurista Senior Timoroan Manuel Tilman afirma, laiha tan dalan seluk so eleisaun antesipada maka bele hakotu impase politika ida ne'e.", "\"Prezidente foti hanoin (pontu tolu refere) ida di'ak nian ba ita hotu.", "Maibe la rezolve ida sa, pontu tolu ne'e sei la rezolve ida,\" Tilman hatete.", "Solusaun atu hakotu impase politika ne'e maka entrega fila fali ba povu hodi hili sira nia reprezentante foun tanba ne'e tuir dalan juridiku.", "\"Solusaun mak eleisaun antisipada ne'e, la iha tan buat seluk,\" Tilman salienta.", "\"Primeiru Ministru tenke mantein nafatin ninia funsaun, ne'e konstituisaun mak haruka, eleisaun antisipada agora governu ne'e tuun kuandu governu foun mosu,\" Tilman dehan.", "Entretantu hafoin dialogu ne'ebe Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo organiza no hetan partisipasaun husi inklui Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri, Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, Taur Matan Ruak, Lere Anan Timur no Roque Rodrigues ne'e, ba Jornalista sira Xefe Estadu sublina pontu tolu ne'e mak hanesan, dahuluk, eleisaun antesipada hanesan rekursu ikus liu; daruak, partidu politiku sira ne'ebe asentu parlamentar nasional hotu-hotu tenke halo movimentu politiku oinsa mak bele dezena opiniaun no hakarak atu bele hetan solusaun ba impase politiku ida ne'e; no datoluk, primeiru ministru sei mantein nafatin primeiru ministru ba governu daualu to'o hetan solusaun ba situasaun politika atual.", "Lu Olo dehan, liuhusi dalan dialogu ida ne'e nia fi'ar katak sei iha solusaun ida ne'ebe di'ak liu ba Timor Leste nia situasaun politika hodi labele sakrifika nafatin dezenvolvimentu nasional. (ato) Previous post Miguel ho nia Oan Jacinta Mate Hafoin Haan Kadiuk iha Aldeia Kolkau Next post CNRT La Halo Movimentu Politiku 'hanesan' Partidu Seluk iha Parlamentu Nasional" ]
[ [ "\"Rejultado Dialogu Lider Istoriku Konsideradu Hamosu Duvida no Hanaruk Liu Tan Impase Politika\" -:;Timor Post Online 10 February,325 views Dili – Academician and Professor of the Department for Public Policy at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Felisberto de Carvalho considers that three points concluded by historical leaders in a dialogue held on Monday caused doubt among society to prolong political impasse." ], [ "Felisberto explained this because the main problem, which has been a major public debate is that nine members of government have not taken office from President da República." ], [ "Therefore, according to him in order for the process of speedy completion it must be given special consideration by President de la République." ], [ "Because he said, one of the three points that stated President da República gave an opportunity to political parties in national parliament make this movement raises doubts." ], [ "In addition, if a solution is not found it will lead to another point early elections the political impasse in India prolongs." ], [ "\"Dialogue between the historical leaders must at least solve this political impasse in order to clarify for public that issues or results can be resolved,\" Felisberto told Timor Post from his office on UNTL campus Tuesday (12/03).\"" ], [ "Feliciberto said that the rulers should not prolong a political impasse because what is suffering are people who have no development for their country." ], [ "Meanwhile, Timorese Senior Lawyer Manuel Tilman affirms that there is no other way but early elections to end this political impasse." ], [ "\"The President took a good idea (the three points referred to) for all of us." ], [ "But if we don't solve one thing, these three points will not resolve any of them,” Tilman said." ], [ "The solution to end the political impasse would be a return of powers back in hand, so that people could elect their new representatives through legal means." ], [ "\"The solution is this early election, there's nothing else to do with it\", Tilman emphasizes." ], [ "\"The Prime Minister must keep his function, that's what the constitution says. There are anticipated elections now and this government will come down when a new one comes up.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, after the dialogue that President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo organized and had participation of Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri; Jose Manuel Ramos Horta: Taur Matan Ruak (President), Lere Anan Timur e Roque Rodrigues to journalists. The Head Of State emphasized these three points are firstly early elections as a last resort 2nd all political parties with national parliamentary seat must make politics movement how can draw opinion & will for finding solution from this impasse in policy3rd Prime Minister shall remain prime minister until solutions have been found on current situation4th" ], [ "Lu Olo said, through this way of dialogue he believes that there will be a better solution for Timor-Leste' s political situation so as not to sacrifice national development again. (ato) Previous post Miguel and his Son Jacinta Die After Haun Kadiuk in Aldeia Kolkau Next posta CNRT La Halo Movimentu Politik 'hanesan’ Partidu Seluk iha Parlamentu Nasional" ] ]
Observadór Politika: Posibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentár\nObservador Politika Timor-Leste, Valentim Ximenes\nObservadór Politika: Posibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentár Featured\nDILI: Hafoin prezidente partidu Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timor-Leste (CNRT), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, fó apoiu ba kandidatura prezidente repúblika husi partidu FRETILIN, loke hela dalan ba partidu boot rua ne’e halo koligasaun iha eleisaun parlamentár.\nHaree husi perspetiva polítika, relasaun lider nivel altu husi partidu mais votadu rua ne’e di’ak tebes. Ne’e duni, la taka dalan ba sira atu ‘kaben’ iha eleisaun lejizlativa nian.\nObservadór polítiku, Valentim Ximenes hateten, ema barak iha esperansa atu sira rua bele hamutuk hodi lori rai ne'e ba oin, tanba sira iha lider ne'ebé potensiál atu lori unidade nasionál no iha figura di'ak atu konvense povu.\nTuir nia, maski partidu FRETILIN no CNRT iha diferensa ideolojia, maibé kuandu iha eleisaun oin mak povu maioria fó fiar ba sira atu halo koligasaun hodi forma governu, ne’e depende ba konsensu polítiku partidu rua nian.\n“Ha'u haree ne’e di'ak. Importante mak tenke lori dezenvolvimentu ba povu” dehan Valentim Ximenes, iha Café Páteo, Kolmera, horisehik.\nEntretantu, kona-ba Francisco Guterres ‘Lú-Olo’ ne’ebé eleitu ba kargu prezidente repúblika, haree husi ókulu analiza polítika nian, la’ós planeadu husi ai-laran maibé puru kompetisaun demokrátiku.\nValentim hateten, ema ida atu sai presidente repúblika liu husi prosesu naruk. Tenke investe makaas iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasionál hahú investe husi enerjia no kapasidade mak foin bele sai lider, la'ós tuur-tuur hakfodak hakarak lidera nasaun ida.\nKampaña Eleitorál La Proporsionál\nTuir Valentim-nia observasaun, kampaña eleitorál ne'ebé kandidatura ba presidente repúblika sira halo iha loron 15 nia laran ladún proporsionál, tanba sira balun la konsege halo kampaña eleitorál bazeia ba oráriu ne'ebé CNE fó sai.\nIha prosesu kampaña eleitorál kandidatu husi partidu sira konsege tama to’o fatin ne'ebé CNE determina ona no tuir duni tempu ne'ebé iha, maibé sira ne'ebé hanesan kandidatu independente balun la konsege ezekuta tanba problema finanseiru no laiha estrutura iha baze atu apoiu sira-nia kandidatura.\n“Ha'u haree kampaña eleitorál ne’e la proporsionál tanba kandidatu sira balun sofre hela finanseiru tanba ne’e sira balun la konsege la’o tuir oráriu ne'ebé CNE fó sai”, dehan nia.\nNia hatutan, atu kandidata-aan ba presidente repúblika másimu ema ne’e iha finanseiru no ida mak estrutura baze, kuandu sira ne’e laiha oinsá bele halo atividade hodi halo polítika propaganda eleitorál.\nMaski nune’e, tuir dosente UNTL ne’e, durante períodu propaganda eleitorál tinan ne’e la’o di’ak liu kompara ho períodu rua liubá. Militante no simpatizante sira ba tuir kampaña la’o hakmatek no laiha problema to’o tempu eleisaun.\nValentim dehan, situasaun sira konduzivu tanba povu iha ona koñesimentu polítika ba festa demokrasia atu sidadaun hotu partisipa. Knaar parte seguransa hanesan PNTL no F-FDTL mós importante, tanba dedika sira nia-aan tomak hodi servisu fó asegura eventu ne’e bele la’o di'ak no susesu.\nTaxa Partisipasaun Eleitór Mínimu\nNia hateten, taxa partisipasaun eleitór iha eleisaun prezidensiál mínimu tebes kompara ho períodu rua liu ba.\nTuir Valentim Ximenes, fatór tolu ne'ebé kontribui ba grau partisipasaun tun primeiru, Konstituisaun RDTL iha artigu 65 rasik iha parte seluk obriga ema atu halo resenseamentu eleitorál, maibé iha parte seluk votasaun la'ós obrigatoriu. Signifika, konstituisaun rasik limite ona ema nia partisipasaun.\nFatór segundu, lei eleisaun ne'ebé agora daudaun vigora impede liután ema-nia partisipasaun, hanesan obriga ema ne'ebé mai husi munisípiu tenke ba vota tuir nia kartaun eleitorál, ne’e halo ema barak sei la tuir vota.\nTanba ne’e, foin lalais aprova lei eleisaun ne’e sira haree didi'ak eleisaun jerál ne’e tuir loloos bele vota iha ne'ebé de'it. Termu jurídiku tuir loloos uza sirku úniku signifika, sidadaun ne'ebé iha kartaun eleitorál iha momentu eleisaun ne’e ba vota iha ne'ebé livre, tanba la'ós eleisaun xefe, ne’e eleisaun jerál.\nIkus liu, brigada sira iha meza asembleia mós kaer lei eleisaun nian, ne'ebé dehan eleisaun remata iha tuku 15:00, ne'ebé ema sira mai iha oras hanesan ne’e obriga tenke fila tanba lei determina. Prosedimentu sira hanesan ne’e mak kontribui hodi partisipasaun mínimu, la'ós sidadaun sira mak laiha responsabilidade.\nTuir nia, eleisaun ne’e ronda ida de’it, kuandu tama ba segunda ronda taxa partisipasaun bele tuun tan, tanba ema la’o tun-sa’e gasta tempu. Haree ba distánsia, estudante sira osan laiha atu selu karreta. Ne’e duni, lei rasik mak la fó espasu ba eleitór sira atu bele ezerse sira nia direitu.\nTanba ne’e, tuir Valentim, iha nasaun barak implementa lei eleisaun obrigatoriu ba sidadaun sira atu tuir votasaun hodi hili nia lideransa nasaun nian. Kuandu la tuir votasaun ne’e lei kondena hetan pena ka multa.\nNia dehan, sistema ne’e di'ak tebes atu bele implementa iha Timor-Leste, maibé kuandu governu tenke halo revizaun ba lei eleisaun no konstituisaun lei artigu 65 atu bele fó biban ba ninia implementasaun.\nMaski nune’e, kuandu implementa vota obrigatoriu, maibé laiha kondisaun ba eleitór sira nafatin fila ba nia munisípiu mak vota, mós nafatin fó impedementu.\nMore in this category: « Eleitoradu Rejistadu 743.150, La Vota 214.337\tBandu Transporte Públiku Besi Tua Halo Operasaun »\n/Observadór Politika: Posibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentár
[ "Observador Politika: Posibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentar Observador Politika Timor-Leste, Valentim Ximenes Observador Politika: Posibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentar Featured DILI: Hafoin prezidente partidu Congresso Nacional Reconstrucao Timor-Leste (CNRT), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, fo apoiu ba kandidatura prezidente republika husi partidu FRETILIN, loke hela dalan ba partidu boot rua ne'e halo koligasaun iha eleisaun parlamentar.", "Haree husi perspetiva politika, relasaun lider nivel altu husi partidu mais votadu rua ne'e di'ak tebes.", "Ne'e duni, la taka dalan ba sira atu 'kaben' iha eleisaun lejizlativa nian.", "Observador politiku, Valentim Ximenes hateten, ema barak iha esperansa atu sira rua bele hamutuk hodi lori rai ne'e ba oin, tanba sira iha lider ne'ebe potensial atu lori unidade nasional no iha figura di'ak atu konvense povu.", "Tuir nia, maski partidu FRETILIN no CNRT iha diferensa ideolojia, maibe kuandu iha eleisaun oin mak povu maioria fo fiar ba sira atu halo koligasaun hodi forma governu, ne'e depende ba konsensu politiku partidu rua nian.", "\"Ha'u haree ne'e di'ak.", "Importante mak tenke lori dezenvolvimentu ba povu\" dehan Valentim Ximenes, iha Cafe Pateo, Kolmera, horisehik.", "Entretantu, kona-ba Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' ne'ebe eleitu ba kargu prezidente republika, haree husi okulu analiza politika nian, la'os planeadu husi ai-laran maibe puru kompetisaun demokratiku.", "Valentim hateten, ema ida atu sai presidente republika liu husi prosesu naruk.", "Tenke investe makaas iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional hahu investe husi enerjia no kapasidade mak foin bele sai lider, la'os tuur-tuur hakfodak hakarak lidera nasaun ida.", "Kampana Eleitoral La Proporsional Tuir Valentim-nia observasaun, kampana eleitoral ne'ebe kandidatura ba presidente republika sira halo iha loron 15 nia laran ladun proporsional, tanba sira balun la konsege halo kampana eleitoral bazeia ba orariu ne'ebe CNE fo sai.", "Iha prosesu kampana eleitoral kandidatu husi partidu sira konsege tama to'o fatin ne'ebe CNE determina ona no tuir duni tempu ne'ebe iha, maibe sira ne'ebe hanesan kandidatu independente balun la konsege ezekuta tanba problema finanseiru no laiha estrutura iha baze atu apoiu sira-nia kandidatura.", "\"Ha'u haree kampana eleitoral ne'e la proporsional tanba kandidatu sira balun sofre hela finanseiru tanba ne'e sira balun la konsege la'o tuir orariu ne'ebe CNE fo sai,\" dehan nia.", "Nia hatutan, atu kandidata-aan ba presidente republika masimu ema ne'e iha finanseiru no ida mak estrutura baze, kuandu sira ne'e laiha oinsa bele halo atividade hodi halo politika propaganda eleitoral.", "Maski nune'e, tuir dosente UNTL ne'e, durante periodu propaganda eleitoral tinan ne'e la'o di'ak liu kompara ho periodu rua liuba.", "Militante no simpatizante sira ba tuir kampana la'o hakmatek no laiha problema to'o tempu eleisaun.", "Valentim dehan, situasaun sira konduzivu tanba povu iha ona konesimentu politika ba festa demokrasia atu sidadaun hotu partisipa.", "Knaar parte seguransa hanesan PNTL no F-FDTL mos importante, tanba dedika sira nia-aan tomak hodi servisu fo asegura eventu ne'e bele la'o di'ak no susesu.", "Taxa Partisipasaun Eleitor Minimu Nia hateten, taxa partisipasaun eleitor iha eleisaun prezidensial minimu tebes kompara ho periodu rua liu ba.", "Tuir Valentim Ximenes, fator tolu ne'ebe kontribui ba grau partisipasaun tun primeiru, Konstituisaun RDTL iha artigu 65 rasik iha parte seluk obriga ema atu halo resenseamentu eleitoral, maibe iha parte seluk votasaun la'os obrigatoriu.", "Signifika, konstituisaun rasik limite ona ema nia partisipasaun.", "Fator segundu, lei eleisaun ne'ebe agora daudaun vigora impede liutan ema-nia partisipasaun, hanesan obriga ema ne'ebe mai husi munisipiu tenke ba vota tuir nia kartaun eleitoral, ne'e halo ema barak sei la tuir vota.", "Tanba ne'e, foin lalais aprova lei eleisaun ne'e sira haree didi'ak eleisaun jeral ne'e tuir loloos bele vota iha ne'ebe de'it.", "Termu juridiku tuir loloos uza sirku uniku signifika, sidadaun ne'ebe iha kartaun eleitoral iha momentu eleisaun ne'e ba vota iha ne'ebe livre, tanba la'os eleisaun xefe, ne'e eleisaun jeral.", "Ikus liu, brigada sira iha meza asembleia mos kaer lei eleisaun nian, ne'ebe dehan eleisaun remata iha tuku 15:00, ne'ebe ema sira mai iha oras hanesan ne'e obriga tenke fila tanba lei determina.", "Prosedimentu sira hanesan ne'e mak kontribui hodi partisipasaun minimu, la'os sidadaun sira mak laiha responsabilidade.", "Tuir nia, eleisaun ne'e ronda ida de'it, kuandu tama ba segunda ronda taxa partisipasaun bele tuun tan, tanba ema la'o tun-sa'e gasta tempu.", "Haree ba distansia, estudante sira osan laiha atu selu karreta.", "Ne'e duni, lei rasik mak la fo espasu ba eleitor sira atu bele ezerse sira nia direitu.", "Tanba ne'e, tuir Valentim, iha nasaun barak implementa lei eleisaun obrigatoriu ba sidadaun sira atu tuir votasaun hodi hili nia lideransa nasaun nian.", "Kuandu la tuir votasaun ne'e lei kondena hetan pena ka multa.", "Nia dehan, sistema ne'e di'ak tebes atu bele implementa iha Timor-Leste, maibe kuandu governu tenke halo revizaun ba lei eleisaun no konstituisaun lei artigu 65 atu bele fo biban ba ninia implementasaun.", "Maski nune'e, kuandu implementa vota obrigatoriu, maibe laiha kondisaun ba eleitor sira nafatin fila ba nia munisipiu mak vota, mos nafatin fo impedementu.", "More in this category: \" Eleitoradu Rejistadu 743.150, La Vota 214.337 Bandu Transporte Publiku Besi Tua Halo Operasaun \" /Observador Politika: Posibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentar" ]
[ [ "Observador Politika: Possibilidade FRETILIN-CNRT Koliga iha Parlamentar Featured Dili, Timor Leste - After Congresso Nacional Reconstrucaa de Timór Leste's president Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão supported the candidateship of Fretilin for Presidential election in November this year. This has paved way to two major parties form a coalition and contest parliamentary elections together as opposing sides on Tuesday (10/2)." ], [ "From a political perspective, the high-level leadership relationship of these two most voted parties is very good." ], [ "This does not preclude them from 'marrying' in the legislative elections." ], [ "Political observer, Valentim Ximenes says that many people have hopes the two can work together to take this country forward because they are leaders with potential for bringing national unity and a good figure who will convince them." ], [ "According to him, although FRETILIN and CNRT have ideological differences but if in the upcoming elections most people will trust them for coalition government formation it is dependent on political consensus of both parties." ], [ "\"I think it's good. I see that as a positive thing.\"" ], [ "It is important to bring development for the people,\" said Valentim Ximenes at Cafe Pateo in Kolmera today." ], [ "Meanwhile, regarding Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' who was elected to the office of president in 2016 from a political analysis group it is not planned by ground but also democratic competition." ], [ "Valentim said that a person to become president of the republic must go through long processes." ], [ "You have to invest heavily in the process of national development start investing from energy and ability only then you can be a leader, not just standing around haphazard looking for how do I lead one country." ], [ "According to Valentim's observation, the electoral campaign that presidential candidacies conducted during 15 days was not proportionate because some of them failed in carrying out an election based on a schedule issued by CNE." ], [ "During the electoral campaign, candidates from political parties managed to get into places that CNE had determined and in accordance with time limitations. However some of those who were independent could not do so because they have financial problems or lack a structure at base level for supporting their candidacy" ], [ "\"I see this electoral campaign as disproportionate because some candidates are suffering financially and therefore they were not able to follow the schedule given by CNE,\" he said." ], [ "He added that, to run for president of the republic at most a person must have financial and one is base structure. When they do not has how can be done activities in order make political electoral propaganda?" ], [ "Nevertheless, according to the UNTL lecturer during this year's electoral campaign period went better than in two previous years." ], [ "Activists and supporters went to the campaign fairly free of problems until election time." ], [ "Valentim said that these situations are conducive because the people already have political knowledge for a democratic party to which all citizens can participate." ], [ "The role of security forces such as the PNTL and F-FDTL is also important, because they devoted themselves to work hard in ensuring that this event would run smoothly." ], [ "He said that the voter turnout rate in presidential elections was very low compared to two previous periods." ], [ "According to Valentim Ximenes, there are three factors that contributed towards the decline in voter turnout. Firstly: The Constitution of Timor-Leste itself (Article 65) obliges people on one hand for electoral census but otherwise vote is not compulsory; and" ], [ "This means that the constitution itself limits people' s participation." ], [ "Secondly, the electoral law currently in force prevents many people from participating. For example it require that those coming to vote must be registered with their voter card and this means a lot of them will not go out on ballot; therefore they are unlikeliest than other citizens who would have been eligible for such an opportunity at any time before 2014 elections or even after these were held as well (see above)." ], [ "Therefore, recently passed the election law they looked carefully at this general elections should be able to vote in there only." ], [ "The legal term should use the single circle meaning, citizens who have an elector card at time of election to vote in which is free because it's not a chief elections but general." ], [ "Finally, the brigades at assembly table also carried out election laws which stated that elections end by three o'clock p.m and people who came in such an hour were obliged to return because of what was stipulated as a rule on this matter:" ], [ "Such procedures contribute to minimal participation, not lack of responsibility by citizens." ], [ "According to him, the election is only one round and when you go into a second Round turnout may drop again because people walk up-down." ], [ "Due to the distance, students do not have money for a carriage." ], [ "However, the law itself does not allow voters to exercise their right." ], [ "Therefore, according to Valentim in many countries implement compulsory election laws for citizens who vote and elect their country leaders." ], [ "Failure to comply with this vote is punishable by a penalty or fine." ], [ "He said that the system is very good to be implemented in Timor-Leste, but when government must make a revision of election law and constitutional article 65 legislation can give rise its application." ], [ "However, when the compulsory voting is implemented but there are no conditions for electors to return home and vote in their municipality they will still be impeded." ], [ "More in this category: \" Registered Electorate 743,150; La Vota (Not Voted) - Public Transporte Besi Tua Halo Operasaun\" /Observador Politika" ] ]
DIT FC TUN BA 2º DIVIZAUN LFA ÉPOKA 2019 - GMN TV\nGMN TV Desporto DIT FC TUN BA 2º DIVIZAUN LFA ÉPOKA 2019\nTreinadór Ekipa Futebol DIT FC, Manuel da Costa, hateten ekipa ne'e degrada ba ba Segundo (2º) Divizaun Liga Futeból Amadora (LFA) ho ambiasaun bo'ot atu sai Kampiaun iha époka 2019.\nTreinadór Manuel Da Costa koalia asuntu ne'e hafoin nia ekipa DIT FC kontra FC Boavista Timor iha jornada'14 neebe halao iha kampu demokrasia Díli, Sabádu (28/08). Jogu ikus entre ekipa rua ho rezultadu empata 0-0.\nTreinadór ne'e hatutan durante époka 2018, DIT FC sempre hetan derota maibe ne'e kestaun sorte no laos tekniku.\n"Derota sira ne'ebé mak ami hetan, ne'e la'ós tanba la iha kemampuan skill tekniku, maibe ne'e keberuntungan mak la memihak mai ami, tanba ne'e ami remata jogu ikus ho preforma diak. Ami tun ba segundu divizaun, ne'e ami ho objetivu ida deit, ami hakarak juara no sa'e hikas ba jogu primeira divizaun nian époka 2020," hateten treinador DIT FC, Manuel Da Costa.\nDurante partisipa iha kompetisaun primeira divizaun LFA iha époka 2018 DIT FC kolekta pontu 12 hafoin kompleta nia jornada 14, manan 3, empata 3 no derota 8.\nHo pontu 12 ne'e lori ekipa DIT FC hamutuk ho Cacusan FC degrada ba segunda divizaun LFA époka 2019. Ito
[ "DIT FC TUN BA 2o DIVIZAUN LFA EPOKA 2019 - GMN TV GMN TV Desporto DIT FC TUN BA 2o DIVIZAUN LFA EPOKA 2019 Treinador Ekipa Futebol DIT FC, Manuel da Costa, hateten ekipa ne'e degrada ba ba Segundo (2o) Divizaun Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA) ho ambiasaun bo'ot atu sai Kampiaun iha epoka 2019.", "Treinador Manuel Da Costa koalia asuntu ne'e hafoin nia ekipa DIT FC kontra FC Boavista Timor iha jornada'14 neebe halao iha kampu demokrasia Dili, Sabadu (28/08).", "Jogu ikus entre ekipa rua ho rezultadu empata 0-0.", "Treinador ne'e hatutan durante epoka 2018, DIT FC sempre hetan derota maibe ne'e kestaun sorte no laos tekniku.", "\"Derota sira ne'ebe mak ami hetan, ne'e la'os tanba la iha kemampuan skill tekniku, maibe ne'e keberuntungan mak la memihak mai ami, tanba ne'e ami remata jogu ikus ho preforma diak.", "Ami tun ba segundu divizaun, ne'e ami ho objetivu ida deit, ami hakarak juara no sa'e hikas ba jogu primeira divizaun nian epoka 2020,\" hateten treinador DIT FC, Manuel Da Costa.", "Durante partisipa iha kompetisaun primeira divizaun LFA iha epoka 2018 DIT FC kolekta pontu 12 hafoin kompleta nia jornada 14, manan 3, empata 3 no derota 8.", "Ho pontu 12 ne'e lori ekipa DIT FC hamutuk ho Cacusan FC degrada ba segunda divizaun LFA epoka 2019.", "Ito" ]
[ [ "DIT FC RELEGATION TO LFA SECOND DIVISION - GMN TV Sports News and Events Football Coach of the team, Manuel da Costa said that this is a relegation to Second (2nd) Division Liga Futebol Amadora with great ambition for becoming Champion in season." ], [ "Coach Manuel Da Costa spoke about the matter after his team DIT FC against Boavista Timor in matchday '14 which took place at Camp Demokrasia Dili, Saturday (28/09)." ], [ "The last match between the two teams ended in a 0-2 draw." ], [ "The coach added that during the 2018 season, they were always defeated but it was a matter of chance and not technical." ], [ "\"The defeats we suffered were not due to lack of technical skills, but it was bad luck on our part. That's why the final game ended with a good preform and I think that is what made us win this match.\"" ], [ "We are relegated to the second division, and we have only one goal: be champions of this season so that our team can play in first-division games for 2019/'35.\" said Manuel Da Costa." ], [ "During participation in the LFA first division competition for seasons from January to June, they collected a total of twelve points after completing their fourteenth matchday with three victories and five losses." ], [ "The 12 points brought the team of Dito FC together with Cacusan relegated to LFA second division season." ], [ "It is Ito." ] ]
PM Taur “kontente” tanba kazu COVID-19 menus - GMN TV\nGMN TV Uncategorized PM Taur “kontente” tanba kazu COVID-19 menus\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, orgullu tebes, tanba númeru kazu COVID-19 ne’ebé atualiza husi sala situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) loron ba loron sempre tun ba bei-beik.\n“Ha’u kontente los, tanba tun ne’e signifika katak ita vasina, ita-nia kampaña vasinasaun í liu-liu ha’u fó parabens ba Díli, tanba primeira doze, segundu doze kuaze ultrapasa setenta e tál porsentu ne’e di’ak los,” dehan Xefe Governu Taur Matan Ruak, Kinta (14/10) hafoin enkontru semanál ho PR Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato Bairo-Pité.\nKona-ba persentajen kampaña vasinasaun iha nível nasionál no Munisípiu sira, Taur iha esperansa katak, to’o fulan Dezembru tinan ne’e, bele atinje to’o porsentu 80.\n“Dezembru ne’e ita-bele atinje 80 porsentu, espera ne’e bele atinje ne’e di’ak bele ajuda ita normaliza fali situasaun liu-liu fasilita ita-nia atividade, no tinan oin elisoins presidensias no atividade ekonómika” hakotu.\nAtualizasaun dadus husi SIJK, to’o loron 14, fulan ne’e, Timor-Leste rejista kazu COVID-19 foun 6, kazu rekuperadu 26, kazu ativu 111, kazu komulativu konfirmadu hamutuk 19.694 no kazu óbitu hamutuk 119.\nNo dadus vasinasaun iha Munisípiu Díli ba doze dahuluk atinje ona porsentu 79.8, no doze daruak mós atinje ona porsentu 71.0. Ba territóriu nasionál doze dahuluk atinje ona porsentu 66.2, no doze daruak foin atinje porsentu 42.2.Ben
[ "PM Taur \"kontente\" tanba kazu COVID-19 menus - GMN TV GMN TV Uncategorized PM Taur \"kontente\" tanba kazu COVID-19 menus Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, orgullu tebes, tanba numeru kazu COVID-19 ne'ebe atualiza husi sala situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) loron ba loron sempre tun ba bei-beik.", "\"Ha'u kontente los, tanba tun ne'e signifika katak ita vasina, ita-nia kampana vasinasaun i liu-liu ha'u fo parabens ba Dili, tanba primeira doze, segundu doze kuaze ultrapasa setenta e tal porsentu ne'e di'ak los,\" dehan Xefe Governu Taur Matan Ruak, Kinta (14/10) hafoin enkontru semanal ho PR Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato Bairo-Pite.", "Kona-ba persentajen kampana vasinasaun iha nivel nasional no Munisipiu sira, Taur iha esperansa katak, to'o fulan Dezembru tinan ne'e, bele atinje to'o porsentu 80.", "\"Dezembru ne'e ita-bele atinje 80 porsentu, espera ne'e bele atinje ne'e di'ak bele ajuda ita normaliza fali situasaun liu-liu fasilita ita-nia atividade, no tinan oin elisoins presidensias no atividade ekonomika\" hakotu.", "Atualizasaun dadus husi SIJK, to'o loron 14, fulan ne'e, Timor-Leste rejista kazu COVID-19 foun 6, kazu rekuperadu 26, kazu ativu 111, kazu komulativu konfirmadu hamutuk 19.694 no kazu obitu hamutuk 119.", "No dadus vasinasaun iha Munisipiu Dili ba doze dahuluk atinje ona porsentu 79.8, no doze daruak mos atinje ona porsentu 71.0.", "Ba territoriu nasional doze dahuluk atinje ona porsentu 66.2, no doze daruak foin atinje porsentu 42.2.Ben" ]
[ [ "PM Taur \"contente\" porque caso COVID-19 menos - GMN TV Prime Minister (PM), Tau Matan Ruak, is very proud because the number of cases reported by Integrated Crisis Management Centre's situation room on a daily basis are constantly decreasing." ], [ "\"I'm really happy, because it means that we vaccinated ourselves and especially I congratulate Dili on the first dose. The second one almost exceeds 70 percent which is very good\", said Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak after a weekly meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Bairo-Pit (Dili)." ], [ "Regarding the percentage of vaccination campaigns at national and municipal level, Taur hoped that by December this year it could reach up to 80 percent." ], [ "\"This December we can reach 80 percent, hopefully it will be possible to achieve this. It is a good thing that could help us normalize the situation again especially facilitate our activities and next year elisoins presidencies in economic activity\" he concluded" ], [ "Data update from SIJK, up to 14th of this month Timor-Leste has registered six new COVID -20 cases; twotysix recoveries and one hundred eleven active patients. The cumulative number is now at the total confirmation level (total case count) that amounting in all together a whopping twenty nine thousand thirteen (+39)." ], [ "Vaccination data in Dili Municipality for the first dose has reached 79.8 percent, and second doses have also achieved a rate of vaccinated people (percentage) that is now at about" ], [ "In the national territory, first dose coverage has already reached a rate of over-65.2 percent and second doses have only been given to about one in four (43)." ] ]
Komisaun A ho E PN Vizita CAC – Comissão Anti-Corrupção | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun\nDili – Iha loron Kinta-feira (9/8), Parlamentu Nasional (PN) hosi Komisaun A no Komisaun E mai vizita no halao fiskalizasaun ba edifisiu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) hodi hare’e ho matan kondisaun servisu Komisaun nian durante ne’e hafoin Segundu Mandatu Komisariu CAC nian remata iha loron 15 fulan Julho fulan kotuk.\nKomisaun A ba asuntu Konstitusional, Justisa no anti-korrupsaun lidera hosi deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz no Komisaun E ba asuntu Infra – Estruturas lidera hosi Deputadu Abel Pires.\nEis Sekretariu Ezekutivu CAC Alexandre Freitas, Direitur Investigasaun, Direitur Servisu Tekniku no Kooperasaun, Direitur Prevensaun no servisu nain Komisaun nian tomak simu delegasaun ne’e ho laran haksolok. Durante vizita iha oras balun nia laran Delegasaun PN hamutuk nain 13 ne’e halo sorumutu aberta ho servisu nain Komisaun nian iha Salaun Enkountru CAC nian.\nEis Sekretariu Ezekutivu Alexandre Freitas lori Komisaun nia naran apresia no agradese inisiativa delegasaun PN kompostu hosi komisaun A ho E nian mai vizita Komisaun nian hodi hare’e rasik ho matan no husu atu kontinua tau matan ba Komisaun nia difikuldades, obstakulu no dezafiu agora hasoru dadaun .\n“Situasaun sai difisil wainhira Komisariu ho adjuntu sira nian manadatu remata la iha delegasaun kompetensia (despacho) atribui hela mai ami direitur sira hodi ezerse ami nian knar hanesan diretor hodi asume resposabilidade ba asegura funsionamentu instituisaun,” Informa Diretur Servisu Apoio no Kooperasaun Carlos Benti Mau Bere ba deputadu sira iha Salaun Sorumutu CAC Farol Dili.\n“Diresaun Investigasaun lao normalmente maske Komisariu ho Komisariu Adjuntu sira nian mandatu determina ona,” Diretur Investigasaun Agosto Castro sublinha.\nIha biban nee Prezidenti Komisaun A Deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz apresia esplikasaun detalhadu hosi teknikus Espesialista Anti Korrupsaun (EAK) sira no bazeia ba esplikasaun sirak ne’e PN sei buka politika diak hodi solusaun situasaun estagnadu iha CAC.\n“Esplikasaun di’ak no detalladu tebes no ami bele entende ona difikuldade sira ne’ebé CAC hasoru. Urgullu tebes ho tékniku sira nia korazen, ónestu hodi hateten buat loos mai ami polítiku sira atu tetu no buka solusaun polítiku ida iha Parlamentu Nasionál bázeia ba esklaresementu ne’ebé ita-boot sira hato’o. Presiza altera lei ou por-rezulusaun ida buka atu resolve tiha situasaun estagnadu ne’e to’o Komisáriu foun mai,” promete Deputada Carmelita Moniz ba EAK sira.\nFiskalizasaun PN ida ne’e ba Dahuluk hafoin CAC estabelese iha loron 22 Fulan Fevereiro 2010. CAC kada tinan Senior Management CAC ba hatoo ninian relatoriu annual ba plenaria PN.\nDeputadus hamutuk nain 13 ne’e kompostu bankada FRETILIN, CNRT, UDT, PUDD, PLP no KHUNTO husi Komisaun A ba assuntu Constitucionais e Justiça. Komisaun ne’e lidera hosi Deputada CNRT Carmelita Caetano Moniz.\nKomisaun oras ne’e dadaun iha servisu nain hamutuk 71; investigador nain 24, administrasaun nain 19, prevensaun nain 14, motorista nain 7, Cleaner nain 5 no ajente administrativu nain 2. (*)\nPermanent link to this article: http://cac.tl/2018/08/komisaun-a-ho-e-pn-vizita-cac/
[ "Komisaun A ho E PN Vizita CAC - Comissao Anti-Corrupcao | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Dili - Iha loron Kinta-feira (9/8), Parlamentu Nasional (PN) hosi Komisaun A no Komisaun E mai vizita no halao fiskalizasaun ba edifisiu Comissao Anti-Corrupcao (CAC) hodi hare'e ho matan kondisaun servisu Komisaun nian durante ne'e hafoin Segundu Mandatu Komisariu CAC nian remata iha loron 15 fulan Julho fulan kotuk.", "Komisaun A ba asuntu Konstitusional, Justisa no anti-korrupsaun lidera hosi deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz no Komisaun E ba asuntu Infra - Estruturas lidera hosi Deputadu Abel Pires.", "Eis Sekretariu Ezekutivu CAC Alexandre Freitas, Direitur Investigasaun, Direitur Servisu Tekniku no Kooperasaun, Direitur Prevensaun no servisu nain Komisaun nian tomak simu delegasaun ne'e ho laran haksolok.", "Durante vizita iha oras balun nia laran Delegasaun PN hamutuk nain 13 ne'e halo sorumutu aberta ho servisu nain Komisaun nian iha Salaun Enkountru CAC nian.", "Eis Sekretariu Ezekutivu Alexandre Freitas lori Komisaun nia naran apresia no agradese inisiativa delegasaun PN kompostu hosi komisaun A ho E nian mai vizita Komisaun nian hodi hare'e rasik ho matan no husu atu kontinua tau matan ba Komisaun nia difikuldades, obstakulu no dezafiu agora hasoru dadaun .", "\"Situasaun sai difisil wainhira Komisariu ho adjuntu sira nian manadatu remata la iha delegasaun kompetensia (despacho) atribui hela mai ami direitur sira hodi ezerse ami nian knar hanesan diretor hodi asume resposabilidade ba asegura funsionamentu instituisaun,\" Informa Diretur Servisu Apoio no Kooperasaun Carlos Benti Mau Bere ba deputadu sira iha Salaun Sorumutu CAC Farol Dili.", "\"Diresaun Investigasaun lao normalmente maske Komisariu ho Komisariu Adjuntu sira nian mandatu determina ona,\" Diretur Investigasaun Agosto Castro sublinha.", "Iha biban nee Prezidenti Komisaun A Deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz apresia esplikasaun detalhadu hosi teknikus Espesialista Anti Korrupsaun (EAK) sira no bazeia ba esplikasaun sirak ne'e PN sei buka politika diak hodi solusaun situasaun estagnadu iha CAC.", "\"Esplikasaun di'ak no detalladu tebes no ami bele entende ona difikuldade sira ne'ebe CAC hasoru.", "Urgullu tebes ho tekniku sira nia korazen, onestu hodi hateten buat loos mai ami politiku sira atu tetu no buka solusaun politiku ida iha Parlamentu Nasional bazeia ba esklaresementu ne'ebe ita-boot sira hato'o.", "Presiza altera lei ou por-rezulusaun ida buka atu resolve tiha situasaun estagnadu ne'e to'o Komisariu foun mai,\" promete Deputada Carmelita Moniz ba EAK sira.", "Fiskalizasaun PN ida ne'e ba Dahuluk hafoin CAC estabelese iha loron 22 Fulan Fevereiro 2010.", "CAC kada tinan Senior Management CAC ba hatoo ninian relatoriu annual ba plenaria PN.", "Deputadus hamutuk nain 13 ne'e kompostu bankada FRETILIN, CNRT, UDT, PUDD, PLP no KHUNTO husi Komisaun A ba assuntu Constitucionais e Justica.", "Komisaun ne'e lidera hosi Deputada CNRT Carmelita Caetano Moniz.", "Komisaun oras ne'e dadaun iha servisu nain hamutuk 71; investigador nain 24, administrasaun nain 19, prevensaun nain 14, motorista nain 7, Cleaner nain 5 no ajente administrativu nain 2. (*) Permanent link to this article: http://cac.tl/2018/08/komisaun-a-ho-e-pn-vizita-cac/" ]
[ [ "Dili - On Wednesday (9/8), the National Parliament's Committee A and E visited, in a fiscal inspection of CAC building to see with their own eyes how it has been working since last July. The second term as Commissioner for Anti-Corruptions Commission ended on that date but there is still some work being carried out by this new commissioner who will take over after his predecessor expired its mandate at June '15" ], [ "Committee A on Constitutional Affairs, Justice and Anti-Corruption led by MP Carmelita Caetano Moniz. Commission E for Infrastructure was headed By MEP Abel Pires ; the other two were Chairperson of Parliamentary Group (PPE)." ], [ "Former CAC Executive Secretary Alexandre Freitas, the Director of Investigation and Technical Services & Cooperation (DITEC), director for Prevention as well all staff members welcomed this delegation with great pleasure." ], [ "During the visit, which lasted for a few hours this Parliamentary Delegation of thirteen members held an open meeting with Commission staff in Meeting Room." ], [ "Former Executive Secretary Alexandre Freitas, on behalf of the Commission appreciated and thanked Parliamentary delegation from Committee A & E for visiting to see with their own eyes. He asked that they continue looking at difficulties in which we are currently facing obstacles as well challenges .\"" ], [ "\"The situation becomes difficult when the Commissioner and his deputies' mandates end without a delegation of competence (despacho) assigned to us, so that we can exercise our duties in order at assume responsibility for ensure institutional functioning\", said Carlos Benti Mau Bere Director Support Services & Cooperation." ], [ "\"The Investigation Directorate is working normally even though the mandates of Commissioners and Deputy-Commissioners have been determined,\" underlines Inspector General Augusto Castro." ], [ "At the same time, Chair of Committee A Deputy Carmelita Caetano Moniz appreciated detailed explanations by Anti-Corruption Specialists (EAK) technicians and based on their explications that PN will seek good policier to resolve situation stagnated in CCA." ], [ "\"The explanation was very good and detailed, so we could understand the difficulties that CAC is facing." ], [ "It is very urgent with the technicians' heart, honesty and truth to tell us politicians that we should consider this issue in order for a political solution be found at Parliament based on your clarification." ], [ "We need to amend the law or seek an ordinance that will resolve this stagnant situation until new Commissioner arrives,\" MP Carmelita Moniz promised EAK." ], [ "This fiscalization of the National Assembly is a follow-up to CAC's establishment on February,21st." ], [ "The CAC annually submits its Annual Report to the National Assembly Plenary." ], [ "The 13 MPs are made up of the FRETILIN, CNRT and UDT factions as well PUDD PLP from Committee A for Constitutional Affairs." ], [ "The committee is headed by Congress for National Reconciliation (CNRT) MP Carmelita Caetano Moniz." ], [ "The Commission currently has a total of 71 employees; investigators, administrative staff (24), prevention team members and other personnel. (*) Permanent link to this article: http://cac-tl/comisiones_ahoepnvisitacacao083596?lang=en" ] ]
X DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > X DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A)\nX DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A)\nPrimeira Leitura Êx 34, 4b-6.8-9\nLia husi Livro Êxodo:\nIha loron hirak nebá, dadersan, Moises hader, tuir Na’i haruka, nia sae ba foho Sinai, kaer iha liman, fatuk belar rua. Na’i tun mai iha kalohan ida; Moises hela ho Na’i iha nebá hodi bolu Na’i nia naran, Na’i liu housi Moises nia oin, hodi dehan ho lian makas: ”Na’i, Na’i, Maromak nebé laran luak tebes, la hirus lalais, hadomi la bosok”. Moises hakneak kedas hodi monu ba rai. Hafoin, nia hasae lia nune’e: “Na’i, hau monu karik ba Ita-Boot matan, hiit-An mai, la’o iha ami leet. Lós duni, ami ema ulun moruk maibé, haraik perdua mai ami salan, halo ami sai Ita Boot liman rohan”.\nSalmo Responsorial Dan. 3, 52-56\nRefrão : Hahí no hasae glória nafatin!!! Repete-se\nIta Boot kmanek tebes, Na’i,\nAmi bei-ala nia Maromak;\nKmanek Ita Boot naran santo,\nAmi hahí tinan ba tinan. Refrão\nIta Boot kmanek tebes iha Ita horik fatin,\nAmi hahí liu hotu tinan ba tinan. Refrão\nIta Boot kmanek tebes, Na’i be ukun buat tomak\nNa’i be hatodan-An iha anjo sira fohon,\nKmanek tebes Na’i, iha Nia kadunan liurai,\nKmanek tebes Na’i, iha fitun sira Lalehan,\nSegunda Leitura 2Cor 13, 11-13\nMaun alin sira: Imi buka moris iha ksolok laran, kaer imi kna’ar halo didi’ak, haksolok malu ho hanoin ida de’it hodi moris iha dame laran. Maromak domin no damen na’in sei hela ho imi. Imi cumprimenta malu ho paz. Sarani sira hotu cumprimenta imi. Na’i Jesus Cristo nia graça, Maromak nia domin, Espírito Santo nia tulun malu hela hamutuk ho imi hotu.\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus dehan ba Nicodemos: “Maromak hadomi teb-tebes mundo to’o saran Nia Oan Mane mesak ba mate, atu ema tomak nebé fiar iha Nia, la bele lakon maibé, hetan moris rohan laek. Maromak haruka nia Oan mai iha mundo, laós atu fo todan ba mundo, maibé, hodi Nia tulun mundo bele hetan salvação. Ema nebé fiar iha Nia, la hetan aat; maibé, ema nebé la fiar, hetan tebes aat; tan la fiar iha Maromak Oan Mane Mesak nia naran”.\nPrevious PostSábado, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Next PostMAROMAK IDA DEIT IHA PESSOA: AMAN, OAN NO ESPÍRITO SANTO.
[ "X DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > X DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A) X DOMINGO TEMPO COMUM (ANO A) Primeira Leitura Ex 34, 4b-6.8-9 Lia husi Livro Exodo: Iha loron hirak neba, dadersan, Moises hader, tuir Na'i haruka, nia sae ba foho Sinai, kaer iha liman, fatuk belar rua.", "Na'i tun mai iha kalohan ida; Moises hela ho Na'i iha neba hodi bolu Na'i nia naran, Na'i liu housi Moises nia oin, hodi dehan ho lian makas: \"Na'i, Na'i, Maromak nebe laran luak tebes, la hirus lalais, hadomi la bosok.\"", "Moises hakneak kedas hodi monu ba rai.", "Hafoin, nia hasae lia nune'e: \"Na'i, hau monu karik ba Ita-Boot matan, hiit-An mai, la'o iha ami leet.", "Los duni, ami ema ulun moruk maibe, haraik perdua mai ami salan, halo ami sai Ita Boot liman rohan.\"", "Salmo Responsorial Dan.", "3, 52-56 Refrao: Hahi no hasae gloria nafatin!!!", "Repete-se Ita Boot kmanek tebes, Na'i, Ami bei-ala nia Maromak; Kmanek Ita Boot naran santo, Ami hahi tinan ba tinan.", "Refrao Ita Boot kmanek tebes iha Ita horik fatin, Ami hahi liu hotu tinan ba tinan.", "Refrao Ita Boot kmanek tebes, Na'i be ukun buat tomak Na'i be hatodan-An iha anjo sira fohon, Kmanek tebes Na'i, iha Nia kadunan liurai, Kmanek tebes Na'i, iha fitun sira Lalehan, Segunda Leitura 2Cor 13, 11-13 Maun alin sira: Imi buka moris iha ksolok laran, kaer imi kna'ar halo didi'ak, haksolok malu ho hanoin ida de'it hodi moris iha dame laran.", "Maromak domin no damen na'in sei hela ho imi.", "Imi cumprimenta malu ho paz.", "Sarani sira hotu cumprimenta imi.", "Na'i Jesus Cristo nia graca, Maromak nia domin, Espirito Santo nia tulun malu hela hamutuk ho imi hotu.", "Iha tempo neba, Jesus dehan ba Nicodemos: \"Maromak hadomi teb-tebes mundo to'o saran Nia Oan Mane mesak ba mate, atu ema tomak nebe fiar iha Nia, la bele lakon maibe, hetan moris rohan laek.", "Maromak haruka nia Oan mai iha mundo, laos atu fo todan ba mundo, maibe, hodi Nia tulun mundo bele hetan salvacao.", "Ema nebe fiar iha Nia, la hetan aat; maibe, ema nebe la fiar, hetan tebes aat; tan la fiar iha Maromak Oan Mane Mesak nia naran.\"", "Previous PostSabado, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Next PostMAROMAK IDA DEIT IHA PESSOA: AMAN, OAN NO ESPIRITO SANTO." ]
[ [ "10TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili The Diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Ex34,5b-6.8 From the Book Of Exodus In those days Moses came up to Mount Sinai as Yahweh had commanded him and took two large rocks into his hand; then he went out from there on a mountain called Sin'ai where God spoke with them by voice through an angel that was standing above it for seventy years" ], [ "And the Lord came down in a chariot, and Moses dwelt with him; for he called upon his name. The LORD departed from before Musah: He cried out loudly \"Lord!" ], [ "Moses arose and fell to the ground." ], [ "Then he said, \"Lord if I have fallen down before your eyes come and walk with us." ], [ "For we are hard-headed men, but forgive us our sins and make thee a good man.\"" ], [ "Psalm Responsorial Dan. Ps 103:2" ], [ "3,52-60 Refrain: Hahi no hasae gloria nafatin!!!" ], [ "Let us say, O Lord God of our neighbours! Thou art very gracious; let your holy name be praised from year to years." ], [ "Refrao Your Majesty is very comfortable in your home, We have more than all year by years." ], [ "Blessed be the Lord, who rules all things; blessed is he that dwells in heavenly angel' s presence. 13:2-4 Dear brethren and sister’S of God! Be joyful toward one another with a single mind so as you may live peaceably together.”" ], [ "The God of love and mercy will be with you." ], [ "Greet me well with peace." ], [ "All the people of Saran greet you." ], [ "May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and love by God's Spirit be with you all." ], [ "Jesus said to Nicodemus, \"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son in order for everyone who believes on him not то perish but have eternal life." ], [ "God did not send his Son into the world to destroy it, but so that through him salvation might be found for all people." ], [ "Whoever believes in him does not suffer evil; but whoso disbelieves has received greater iniquity, because he didn’t trust the name of God' s only Son.\"" ], [ "Previous PostSaturday, 9th Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) Next postMAROMAK IDAT DEIT IN PESSOA: AMÃO E OAN NO ESPÍRITU SANTO." ] ]
Vendedór Husi Rai-Ketan\nLabarik dudu karosa hodi fa'an pentolan iha kapital Dili Foto INDEPENDENTE\nVendedór Husi Rai-Ketan Featured\n14 Fevereiru 2017\nORAS hatudu ona tuku 12.00 meiudia, babain oras hanesan ne’e loro-matan hasai nia manas hanesan atu sunu ulun, maibé loron ne’e kalohan metan ne’ebé dezde dader taka metin lalehan seidauk sees.\nAnin ne’ebé dala-ruma hu’u maka’as no iha tempu seluk hu’u neneik, se is fresku ba isin. Dala-balun, udan suviska ne’ebé habokon roupa halo isin nakdedar.\nAitahan ne’ebé iha menutu hirak liu ba satan udan-been, la forsa ona atu tahan, tanba volume bee ne’ebé husi menutu ba menutu aumenta boot. Isin-kiik ida ne’ebé hamriik iha ai-hun ne’e nia okos hahú laran susar.\nNia matan hateke ho susar ba karosa ne’ebé para iha nia sorin. Loron sorin ona, pentolan ne’ebé nia fa’an ladauk folin. Udan halo nia la konsege atu la’o dook hanesan loron baibain.\nJanu Falo (15), labarik husi Rejiaun Autonomu Oekusse, durante tinan rua ona, 2014-2016, serbisu fa’an pentolan.\nLorloron, Janu dudu karosa ne’ebé ense ho pentolan $20 tama sai bairu-bairu no eskola sira hodi fa’an.\nLabarik ne’ebé moris iha Sakato iha fulan Marsu tinan 2002, husi fuan domin Sebastião Sego (71) no Rosita Meton (69), deside mai Kapital Dili hodi buka osan atu apoiu ninia inan-aman.\nIha tinan 2014, Janu sama ain iha Sidade Dili. Fofoun nia tama-sai loza sira hodi oferese an atu bele serbisu, maibé tanba nia idade sei kiik, loza-nain sira simu nia.\n“Iha loron ida, ha’u hetan labarik ida dudu karosa pentolan. Kolega ne’e ema Oekusse, ne’ebé ha’u husu halimar kona-ba serbisu ne’ebé nia halo. Depois kolega ne’e dehan nia fa’an ema nia pentolan, no nia simu osan husi atividade ne’e,” dehan Janu iha dada-lia ho jornalista jornál INDEPENDENTE iha area Komoro, Tersa (31/01).\nRona informasaun ne’e, Janu lakohi lakon oportunidade, nia husu ba nia kolega ne’e atu husu ba nia patraun karik presiza ema nia hakarak mós atu serbisu.\n“Kolega ne’e ba fó hatene Patraun no Patraun husu atu ha’u ba hasoru nia. Ha’u kontente tebes tanba bele hetan serbisu,” dehan nia.\nHusi atividade fa’an pentolan ne’e, Janu simu salariu $120 kada fulan.\n“Osan ne’e balun ha’u uza atende ha’u-nia nesesidade no balun ha’u haruka ba ha’u-nia inan-aman iha Oekusse,” dehan nia.\nFó Serbisu ba Labarik\nMarcel Lafu, ema Oekusse ida mak fó serbisu ba Janu. La’os de’it Janu, Marcel iha funsionariu na’in lima (5), inklui Janu.\n“Labarik sira ne’ebé fa’an pentolan hamutuk na’in lima (5) ne’e mai husi Oekusse hotu. Sira balun hela hamutuk ho ha’u no balun hela hamutuk ho sira-nia família. Labarik ne’ebé hela ho ha’u ne’e na’in tolu (3), sira hela hamutuk iha kuartu ida,” informa Marcel.\nDurante ne’e, Marcel dehan nia trata labarik sira ho di’ak no fó salariu ne’ebé tuir salariu minimu ne’ebé governu fó sai.\n“Sira ne’ebé hela ho ha’u dader matabisu ami hamutuk, (matabisu) hotu mak hafoin ba fa’an pentolan, hotu ou lae meiudia sira tenke mai uma par han, depois mak kontinua ba fa’an fali,” dehan Patraun ne’e.\nKondisaun ekonomia familia, dala-barak obriga labarik sira atu tuun direitamente hodi serbisu. Sira tenke leba todan ne’ebé loloos seidauk merese ba sira atu hiit.\nSosiadade Sivil balun no Governu rasik dala-barak hakilar kona-ba direitu labarik nian, maibé realidade, iha kapital Dili ne’ebé sai sentru ba buat hotu, labarik lubuk mak seidauk goza sira-nia direitu. Kazu sira ne’e konsidera akontese iha ita-nia inus-okos, karik tanba iha inus-okos ne’e mak halo matan la konsege atu haree hetan.\nMore in this category: « Taur sei La Promulga Lei Rai\tJoven Husu Polítiku Sira Hadomi Malu »\n/Vendedór Husi Rai-Ketan
[ "Vendedor Husi Rai-Ketan Labarik dudu karosa hodi fa'an pentolan iha kapital Dili Foto INDEPENDENTE Vendedor Husi Rai-Ketan Featured 14 Fevereiru 2017 ORAS hatudu ona tuku 12.00 meiudia, babain oras hanesan ne'e loro-matan hasai nia manas hanesan atu sunu ulun, maibe loron ne'e kalohan metan ne'ebe dezde dader taka metin lalehan seidauk sees.", "Anin ne'ebe dala-ruma hu'u maka'as no iha tempu seluk hu'u neneik, se is fresku ba isin.", "Dala-balun, udan suviska ne'ebe habokon roupa halo isin nakdedar.", "Aitahan ne'ebe iha menutu hirak liu ba satan udan-been, la forsa ona atu tahan, tanba volume bee ne'ebe husi menutu ba menutu aumenta boot.", "Isin-kiik ida ne'ebe hamriik iha ai-hun ne'e nia okos hahu laran susar.", "Nia matan hateke ho susar ba karosa ne'ebe para iha nia sorin.", "Loron sorin ona, pentolan ne'ebe nia fa'an ladauk folin.", "Udan halo nia la konsege atu la'o dook hanesan loron baibain.", "Janu Falo (15), labarik husi Rejiaun Autonomu Oekusse, durante tinan rua ona, 2014-2016, serbisu fa'an pentolan.", "Lorloron, Janu dudu karosa ne'ebe ense ho pentolan $20 tama sai bairu-bairu no eskola sira hodi fa'an.", "Labarik ne'ebe moris iha Sakato iha fulan Marsu tinan 2002, husi fuan domin Sebastiao Sego (71) no Rosita Meton (69), deside mai Kapital Dili hodi buka osan atu apoiu ninia inan-aman.", "Iha tinan 2014, Janu sama ain iha Sidade Dili.", "Fofoun nia tama-sai loza sira hodi oferese an atu bele serbisu, maibe tanba nia idade sei kiik, loza-nain sira simu nia.", "\"Iha loron ida, ha'u hetan labarik ida dudu karosa pentolan.", "Kolega ne'e ema Oekusse, ne'ebe ha'u husu halimar kona-ba serbisu ne'ebe nia halo.", "Depois kolega ne'e dehan nia fa'an ema nia pentolan, no nia simu osan husi atividade ne'e,\" dehan Janu iha dada-lia ho jornalista jornal INDEPENDENTE iha area Komoro, Tersa (31/01).", "Rona informasaun ne'e, Janu lakohi lakon oportunidade, nia husu ba nia kolega ne'e atu husu ba nia patraun karik presiza ema nia hakarak mos atu serbisu.", "\"Kolega ne'e ba fo hatene Patraun no Patraun husu atu ha'u ba hasoru nia.", "Ha'u kontente tebes tanba bele hetan serbisu,\" dehan nia.", "Husi atividade fa'an pentolan ne'e, Janu simu salariu $120 kada fulan.", "\"Osan ne'e balun ha'u uza atende ha'u-nia nesesidade no balun ha'u haruka ba ha'u-nia inan-aman iha Oekusse,\" dehan nia.", "Fo Serbisu ba Labarik Marcel Lafu, ema Oekusse ida mak fo serbisu ba Janu.", "La'os de'it Janu, Marcel iha funsionariu na'in lima (5), inklui Janu.", "\"Labarik sira ne'ebe fa'an pentolan hamutuk na'in lima (5) ne'e mai husi Oekusse hotu.", "Sira balun hela hamutuk ho ha'u no balun hela hamutuk ho sira-nia familia.", "Labarik ne'ebe hela ho ha'u ne'e na'in tolu (3), sira hela hamutuk iha kuartu ida,\" informa Marcel.", "Durante ne'e, Marcel dehan nia trata labarik sira ho di'ak no fo salariu ne'ebe tuir salariu minimu ne'ebe governu fo sai.", "\"Sira ne'ebe hela ho ha'u dader matabisu ami hamutuk, (matabisu) hotu mak hafoin ba fa'an pentolan, hotu ou lae meiudia sira tenke mai uma par han, depois mak kontinua ba fa'an fali,\" dehan Patraun ne'e.", "Kondisaun ekonomia familia, dala-barak obriga labarik sira atu tuun direitamente hodi serbisu.", "Sira tenke leba todan ne'ebe loloos seidauk merese ba sira atu hiit.", "Sosiadade Sivil balun no Governu rasik dala-barak hakilar kona-ba direitu labarik nian, maibe realidade, iha kapital Dili ne'ebe sai sentru ba buat hotu, labarik lubuk mak seidauk goza sira-nia direitu.", "Kazu sira ne'e konsidera akontese iha ita-nia inus-okos, karik tanba iha inus-okos ne'e mak halo matan la konsege atu haree hetan.", "More in this category: \" Taur sei La Promulga Lei Rai Joven Husu Politiku Sira Hadomi Malu \" /Vendedor Husi Rai-Ketan" ]
[ [ "Featured February,14th of the year (2037) The time showed that it was about noon in Dili. At such an hour everybody's head is burning with heat but on this day there has been a lot more methane than ever before and since then we have not seen any cloud falling down from heaven yet!" ], [ "The wind that sometimes blows very strongly and at other times does not, is refreshing to the body." ], [ "Sometimes, a wet swimsuit that fits the clothes makes it embarrassing." ], [ "Plants that have had a few months of rainfall are no longer able to withstand it, because the water flow from one plant into another is greatly increased." ], [ "A little girl who was lying in the tree began to feel angry." ], [ "His eyes looked with difficulty at the car parked next to him." ], [ "A day later, the candles he had sold were not worth anything." ], [ "The rain made him unable to walk around as he would on a normal day." ], [ "Janu Falo (15), a child from the Autonomous Region of Oekusse, has been selling pots and pans for two years now." ], [ "Every day, Janu carries a $20 pentolan carry-on to neighborhoods and schools for sale." ], [ "The child, who was born in Sakato on March 2013 to Sebastiao Sego (75) and Rosita Meton(69), decided that he would come back home from the capital of Dili for money." ], [ "In 2014, Janu joined Dili City." ], [ "His grandfather went into and out of the taverns to offer himself for work, but because he was young enough his father accepted him." ], [ "\"One day, I found a child sucking on the carriage's pot." ], [ "This colleague is from Oekusse, and I asked him about the work he did." ], [ "Then the colleague said he sold people's pans, and received money from this activity\", Janu told a reporter of INDEPENDENTE newspaper in Komoro area on Tuesday (31/02)." ], [ "Hearing this information, Janu did not want to lose the opportunity and asked his colleague that he ask him if there was a need for someone who would also work." ], [ "\"That colleague told Patroun and he asked me to go meet him." ], [ "I'm so happy because we can get a job,\" she said." ], [ "From the activity of selling pots, Janu get a salary $120 per month." ], [ "\"Some of the money I used to meet my own needs and some that was sent back by me,\" she said." ], [ "Marcel Lafu, a man from Oekusse who provides Janu with childcare services." ], [ "Not only Janu, Marcel has five (5) employees including him." ], [ "\"The five (5) people who sold the pots came all from Oekusse." ], [ "Some of them lived with me and some were living in their families." ], [ "There are three (3) children living with me, they live together in one room\", Marcel said." ], [ "During that time, Marcel said he treated the children well and paid them a salary according to government minimum wage." ], [ "\"Those who lived with me dader matabisu we together, (matabisus) all then go to sell pots and pans. All or not they have come home par han meiudia afterwards continue for sale again\", said the Patroun this one.\"" ], [ "Family economic conditions often force children to go straight down and work." ], [ "They have to look at the truth that they do not really deserve." ], [ "Some civil society and the Government itself often speak out about children's rights, but in reality many of them do not enjoy their right to education." ], [ "These cases are considered to have occurred in our own nasopharynx, if it is because the eye cannot see through this." ], [ "More in this category: \" Taur sei La Promulga Lei Rai Joven Husu Politikus Sira Hadomi Malu\" /Vendedor Husi Ray-Ketan" ] ]
Bankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi’ak kondisaun ró-ahi Tranship II | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Bankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi’ak kondisaun ró-ahi Tranship II\nBankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi’ak kondisaun ró-ahi Tranship II\nDILI, 28 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Bankada Frente Revolusionária Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) husu Governu liuhosi Ministériu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) tenke haree didi’ak kondisaun ró-ahi Tranship II molok hala’o operasaun entre Dili-Atauro no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nNotísia Relevante: PN bele halo interpelasaun ba Governu kona-ba ró-ahi Tranship II\n“Ha’u hanoin kondisaun ró ne’e tenke haree. Se ró ba beibeik mak problema hanesan ne’e tenke buka dalan, labele husik ema mate. Ministru ne’ebé toma konta ne’e tenke responsabiliza. Ha’u hanesan reprezentante povu hakarak proteje povu, nune’e povu labele mate tanba kondisaun ró ne’e,” Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN Antoninho Bianco, levanta liuhosi plenária, segunda ne’e.\nReprezentante Povu ne’e husu ministériu relevante tenke halo inspesaun didi’ak ba kondisaun Ró Tranship II.\nMinistru tenke responsabiliza tanba buat ne’e ameasa ema-nia vida no bainhira kondisaun ladi’ak ne’e tenke dehan ladi’ak, tanba FRETILIN mai viabiliza maibé la’ós viabiliza buat-ne’ebé laloos.\nEntretantu, Deputadu Bankada Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução de Timorense (CNRT), Ricardo Baptista, hateten foin lalais ne’e ró refere hala’o operasaun ba Ataúro maibé hatun de’it karreta mós ladi’ak.\n“Povu sira iha Ataúro mak hatete mai katak iha semana kotuk (kuarta-feira) labele hatun karreta ba rai-maran. Foin lalais, sábadu ne’e, akontese tán ró ne’e atu sai tán ba rai-maran, sorte ró ne’e la travesa. Governu dehan buat hotu-hotu di’ak maibé hatun karreta ladi’ak ne’e problema. Se akontese ema ruma mate, ita foin mak dehan ne’e problema no ne’e sériu,” nia afirma.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé Bankada CNRT rekolla iha 18 fevereiru 2021 katak foufoun deside kontratu rihun $150 ba ró refere, maibé derrepente folin aluga ró-ahi Tranship II ne’e sa’e ba rihun $220.\nEntretantu, Komisaun Antí Korrupsaun (CAC-sigla portugés) lideradu Sérgio Hornai, hato’o ona notísia krime kona-ba ró refere ba Ministériu Públiku.\nHatán ba kestaun ne’e, Ministru ba Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál, Francisco Jerónimo, fó-sai katak preokupasaun hosi uma fukun informa ona ba ministériu relevante.\nBankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi’ak kondisaun Ró Tranship II\nPrevious article6 jullu, ekipa TL dezloka ba partisipa simeira CPLP iha Luanda\nNext articleEBC 30 agostu, halo limpeza prepara ba ensinu aprendizajen prejensiál
[ "Bankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi'ak kondisaun ro-ahi Tranship II | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Bankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi'ak kondisaun ro-ahi Tranship II Bankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi'ak kondisaun ro-ahi Tranship II DILI, 28 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Bankada Frente Revolusionaria Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) husu Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) tenke haree didi'ak kondisaun ro-ahi Tranship II molok hala'o operasaun entre Dili-Atauro no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).", "Notisia Relevante: PN bele halo interpelasaun ba Governu kona-ba ro-ahi Tranship II \"Ha'u hanoin kondisaun ro ne'e tenke haree.", "Se ro ba beibeik mak problema hanesan ne'e tenke buka dalan, labele husik ema mate.", "Ministru ne'ebe toma konta ne'e tenke responsabiliza.", "Ha'u hanesan reprezentante povu hakarak proteje povu, nune'e povu labele mate tanba kondisaun ro ne'e,\" Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN Antoninho Bianco, levanta liuhosi plenaria, segunda ne'e.", "Reprezentante Povu ne'e husu ministeriu relevante tenke halo inspesaun didi'ak ba kondisaun Ro Tranship II.", "Ministru tenke responsabiliza tanba buat ne'e ameasa ema-nia vida no bainhira kondisaun ladi'ak ne'e tenke dehan ladi'ak, tanba FRETILIN mai viabiliza maibe la'os viabiliza buat-ne'ebe laloos.", "Entretantu, Deputadu Bankada Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao de Timorense (CNRT), Ricardo Baptista, hateten foin lalais ne'e ro refere hala'o operasaun ba Atauro maibe hatun de'it karreta mos ladi'ak.", "\"Povu sira iha Atauro mak hatete mai katak iha semana kotuk (kuarta-feira) labele hatun karreta ba rai-maran.", "Foin lalais, sabadu ne'e, akontese tan ro ne'e atu sai tan ba rai-maran, sorte ro ne'e la travesa.", "Governu dehan buat hotu-hotu di'ak maibe hatun karreta ladi'ak ne'e problema.", "Se akontese ema ruma mate, ita foin mak dehan ne'e problema no ne'e seriu,\" nia afirma.", "Tuir informasaun ne'ebe Bankada CNRT rekolla iha 18 fevereiru 2021 katak foufoun deside kontratu rihun $150 ba ro refere, maibe derrepente folin aluga ro-ahi Tranship II ne'e sa'e ba rihun $220.", "Entretantu, Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC-sigla portuges) lideradu Sergio Hornai, hato'o ona notisia krime kona-ba ro refere ba Ministeriu Publiku.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru ba Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial, Francisco Jeronimo, fo-sai katak preokupasaun hosi uma fukun informa ona ba ministeriu relevante.", "Bankada FRETILIN husu Governu haree didi'ak kondisaun Ro Tranship II Previous article6 jullu, ekipa TL dezloka ba partisipa simeira CPLP iha Luanda Next articleEBC 30 agostu, halo limpeza prepara ba ensinu aprendizajen prejensial" ]
[ [ "FRETILIN Group Asks Government to Take a Closer Look at the Condition of Tranship II Ferry | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Fretilin group asks government take close look on condition Transchip I and III ferry TL, Jun.28th (AFP) - The Independent Revolutionary Front for East Тимор'(FRETILIN), has asked that through Ministry Transporte e Comunicação it should give careful consideration about conditions in Transit Ship before carrying out operations between Dili – Ataúro & Oecusse Ambeno special administrative region/RAEOA)." ], [ "Relevant News: Parliament may interpella the Government on Tranship II \"I think we have to look at this ship's condition." ], [ "If there is a problem like this, you have to find out how it can be solved. You cannot let people die!" ], [ "The minister who takes charge must be held accountable." ], [ "As a representative of the people, I want to protect them so that they do not die because this boat is in such bad condition,” said Antoninho Bianco (Fretilin), deputy leader for parliamentary group." ], [ "The MP calls on the relevant ministry to carry out a thorough inspection of Ro Tranship II's condition." ], [ "The minister must be held responsible because this threatens people's lives and when the conditions are not good it should say no, since FRETILIN came to make things possible but does NOT allow for anything that is unnecessary." ], [ "Meanwhile, Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucaon do Timorense (CNRT) deputy Ricardo Baptista said that recently the boat carried out an operation to Atauro but only hit a car and it was not safe." ], [ "\"People in Atauro told me last week (Wednesday) that they couldn't let cars into the river." ], [ "Recently, on Saturday it happened again that the boat was going to go out into sea. Luckily this time she didn't cross a river and did not sink down in waters nearby" ], [ "The government says everything is good but the problem with driving bad cars." ], [ "If someone dies, then we say it's a problem and that is serious.\"" ], [ "According to information gathered by the CNRP Group on 18 February, a contract of $250 thousand for this ship was agreed upon but suddenly it went up from that amount." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Portuguese Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), led by Sergio Hornai has filed a criminal case against this ship with Public Prosecutor's Office." ], [ "Responding to the issue, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication Francisco Jeronimo said that concerns from householders have been communicated with relevant ministries." ], [ "Previous article6 July, TL team departs to participate in CPLP summit at Luanda NextEBC 30 August clean up preparation for presential learning education" ] ]
Guiné-Bissau/Eleisaun: Umaro Sissoco Embaló hatete katak kampaña eleitoral hotu ona no hanesan Prezidente eleitu - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nGuiné-Bissau/Eleisaun: Umaro Sissoco Embaló hatete katak kampaña eleitoral hotu ona no hanesan Prezidente eleitu\n14 de Janeiro de 2020, 23:32\nUmaro Sissoco Embaló, hanesan vensedor hosi volta daruak hosi prezidensial guiniense sira nian, hatete iha loron-tersa katak kampaña eleitoral hotu ona no hanesan Prezidente eleitu hosi Guiné-Bissau nian.\nBainhira fila ba nasaun hafoin viajen ida hosi nasaun afrikanu balun, Umaro Sissoco Embaló defende ona, iha deklarasaun badak iha aeroportu Bissau, katak agora hanesan momentu hodi halibur forsa sira hodi hadi'a Guiné-Bissau nia imajen.\nMajor-jeneral la refere ba polémika kona-ba rezultadu eleitoral sira, asaun ne'ebé hanesan protestu iha justisa ne'ebé halo hosi nia adversáriu iha volta daruak prezidensial sira nian, Domingos Simões Pereira.\nHaleu hosi dirijente sira hosi Movimentu ba Alternánsia Demokrátika (Madem-G15), Umaro Sissoco Embaló hatete katak ko'alia ba ema guiniense tomak "la haree ba partidu ne'ebé maka sira pertense".\n"Hanesan baibain ha'u hatete, eleisaun Umaro Sissoco Embaló nian hanesan determinasaun nasional. Iha Repúblika daruak ne'e, ita labele falla", nia observa.\nNo hatutan: "Ita besik monu ona. Ne'e hanesan esperansa hosi povu guiniense nian, ita labele hamosu fraude".\nUmaro Sissoco Embaló indika mós katak ba estranjeiru hanesan misaun hodi agradese ba belun sira no agora homólogu sira no adianta ona katak sei vizita Portugal iha findesemana hodi hasoru malu ho primeiru-ministru, António Costa, iha loron-sábadu, no ho Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa iha loron-domingu.\nHo sira na'in rua, Umaro Sissoco Embaló sei trata "hodi hametin relasaun sira" ho Guiné-Bissau.\nTuir rezultadu provizóriu sira ne'ebé maka aprezenta hosi Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) nian, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, apoia hosi Madem-G15, manán ona eleisaun ho votu 53,55%, bainhira Domingos Simões Pereira, apoia hosi Partidu Afrikanu ba Independénsia Guiné ho Cabo Verde (PAIGC), konsege hetan 46,45%.\nKandidatu Domingos Simões Pereira protesta ona verasidade hosi rezultadu sira iha Supremu Tribunal Justisa, ne'ebé konsidera katak auzénsia hosi asaun hosi ata apuramentu nasional hosi rezultadu prezidensial sira hodi impede nia hatene "méritu ne'e".\nSupremu Tribunal Justisa haruka ona ba CNE hodi kompleta prosedimentu sira ne'ebé prevista iha lei eleitoral no elabora ata hosi apuramentu nasional hosi rezultadu sira.\nCNE hatete katak ata halo ona maibé falta asinatura sira ho konvoka ona ba loron-tersa ne'e reuniaun plenáriu ida hodi kompleta prosedimentu.
[ "Guine-Bissau/Eleisaun: Umaro Sissoco Embalo hatete katak kampana eleitoral hotu ona no hanesan Prezidente eleitu - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Guine-Bissau/Eleisaun: Umaro Sissoco Embalo hatete katak kampana eleitoral hotu ona no hanesan Prezidente eleitu 14 de Janeiro de 2020, 23:32 Umaro Sissoco Embalo, hanesan vensedor hosi volta daruak hosi prezidensial guiniense sira nian, hatete iha loron-tersa katak kampana eleitoral hotu ona no hanesan Prezidente eleitu hosi Guine-Bissau nian.", "Bainhira fila ba nasaun hafoin viajen ida hosi nasaun afrikanu balun, Umaro Sissoco Embalo defende ona, iha deklarasaun badak iha aeroportu Bissau, katak agora hanesan momentu hodi halibur forsa sira hodi hadi'a Guine-Bissau nia imajen.", "Major-jeneral la refere ba polemika kona-ba rezultadu eleitoral sira, asaun ne'ebe hanesan protestu iha justisa ne'ebe halo hosi nia adversariu iha volta daruak prezidensial sira nian, Domingos Simoes Pereira.", "Haleu hosi dirijente sira hosi Movimentu ba Alternansia Demokratika (Madem-G15), Umaro Sissoco Embalo hatete katak ko'alia ba ema guiniense tomak \"la haree ba partidu ne'ebe maka sira pertense.\"", "\"Hanesan baibain ha'u hatete, eleisaun Umaro Sissoco Embalo nian hanesan determinasaun nasional.", "Iha Republika daruak ne'e, ita labele falla,\" nia observa.", "No hatutan: \"Ita besik monu ona.", "Ne'e hanesan esperansa hosi povu guiniense nian, ita labele hamosu fraude.\"", "Umaro Sissoco Embalo indika mos katak ba estranjeiru hanesan misaun hodi agradese ba belun sira no agora homologu sira no adianta ona katak sei vizita Portugal iha findesemana hodi hasoru malu ho primeiru-ministru, Antonio Costa, iha loron-sabadu, no ho Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa iha loron-domingu.", "Ho sira na'in rua, Umaro Sissoco Embalo sei trata \"hodi hametin relasaun sira\" ho Guine-Bissau.", "Tuir rezultadu provizoriu sira ne'ebe maka aprezenta hosi Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) nian, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, apoia hosi Madem-G15, manan ona eleisaun ho votu 53,55%, bainhira Domingos Simoes Pereira, apoia hosi Partidu Afrikanu ba Independensia Guine ho Cabo Verde (PAIGC), konsege hetan 46,45%.", "Kandidatu Domingos Simoes Pereira protesta ona verasidade hosi rezultadu sira iha Supremu Tribunal Justisa, ne'ebe konsidera katak auzensia hosi asaun hosi ata apuramentu nasional hosi rezultadu prezidensial sira hodi impede nia hatene \"meritu ne'e.\"", "Supremu Tribunal Justisa haruka ona ba CNE hodi kompleta prosedimentu sira ne'ebe prevista iha lei eleitoral no elabora ata hosi apuramentu nasional hosi rezultadu sira.", "CNE hatete katak ata halo ona maibe falta asinatura sira ho konvoka ona ba loron-tersa ne'e reuniaun plenariu ida hodi kompleta prosedimentu." ]
[ [ "Guinea-Bissau/Elections: Umaro Sissoco Embalo says the electoral campaign is over and he's President elected - News SAPO 14 de Janeiro De January,20.35 The winner of Guinean presidential second round elections said on Tuesday that his election has been won by more than half a million voters who voted for him as their new leader in an unlikely contest with opposition candidate Omary Sesocco (left)." ], [ "Upon his return from a trip to several African countries, Umaro Sissoco Embalo has already defended in brief statements at Bissau airport that now is the time for him and other leaders of Guinea-Bissau \"to unite forces\" with an objective: improving its image." ], [ "The major-general did not refer to the controversy over electoral results, an action that was a protest in justice by his opponent of presidential runoff Domingos Simoes Pereira." ], [ "Alongside the leaders of Movement for Democratic Alternance (Madem-G15), Umaro Sissoco Embalo said that he was speaking to all Guineans \"regardless which party they below.\"" ], [ "\"As I usually say, the election of Umaro Sissoco Embalo is a national determination." ], [ "In this Second Republic, we cannot fail,” he observed." ], [ "He added: \"We are almost down. We're about to collapse,\" he said in a statement on Monday morning (10/3)." ], [ "This is the hope of Guinean people, we can't create fraud.\"" ], [ "Umaro Sissoco Embalo also indicated that going abroad is as much of an appreciation mission to his neighbours and now counterpart, he has already announced the visiting Portugal in this week-end for meeting with Prime Minister Antonio Costa on Saturday. He will meet Marcello Rebelu de Sousa next Sunday 10th October at Lisbon International Airport (LIS)." ], [ "With the two, Umaro Sissoco Embalo will try to \"strengthen relations\" with Guinea-Bissau." ], [ "According to provisional results presented by the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Umaro Sissoco Embalo, supported from Madem-G15 has won with 46.37% of votes while Domingon Simoes Pereira who is backed through African Party for Independent Guinea and Cape Verde(PAIGC) got only about a third part or just over one in three percent points less than his opponent at that time;" ], [ "Candidate Domingos Simoes Pereira has protested the authenticity of these results before The Supreme Court, which considered that an absence from action by national recounting body for presidential elections prevent him to know \"their merit.\"" ], [ "The Supreme Court of Justice has instructed the CNE to complete all procedures provided for in electoral law and prepare a report on national accumulation." ], [ "The CNE said that the deed had been made but lacked signatures and called a plenary meeting this Tuesday to complete procedure." ] ]
Hanoin "iha futuru nasaun no povu nian", Xanana hanoin hikas avó sira - TIMOR AGORA\nHanoin "iha futuru nasaun no povu nian", Xanana hanoin hikas avó sira\nHosi António Sampaio\nIha ponta hosi biti verde, iha palku ne'ebé monta iha resintu iha besik iha igreja Manatutu nian, iha kilómetru 65 hosi leste Díli nian, Xanana Gusmão haruka bolu entre ema barak nia leet katuas ida no ferik ida.\nLoloos ne'e hanesan momentu nonook nian, hodi hanoin ba mártir timoroan sira, antes hahú komísiu ba dala 17 hosi CNRT nian iha kampaña ba lejislativu loron 22 Jullu, ne'ebé sei "ko'alia ba futuru nasaun nian, futuru hosi povu nian".\nKatuas, ho xapeu 'cowboy', ho ferik ho fuuk metan ne'ebé kesi, sira na'in rua uza kamizola azul kampaña hosi Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) nian ne'ebé iha kotuk iha '7' mean - pozisaun iha boletin votu nian - hamriik iha líder nia sorin ne'ebé ko'alia ba multidaun.\n"Bainhira ita ko'alia kona-ba futuru ita labele haluha pasadu. Ha'u senti haksolok haree iha ne'e joven barak. Maibé ita tenki hanoin mós ita nia "katuas sira", "ferik sira", ita nia avó sira", nia explika ba ema rihun resin ne'ebé iha minutu balun antes hakilar viva ba partidu no ba nia líder.\n"Ha'u hakarak fó mós homenajen iha ne'e ba ita nia mártir sira", hatete hosi Xanana Gusmão, ho tinan 71, ne'ebé uluk nu'udar "maun boot" no agora hanesan "avó-mane Nana".\nIha Manatuto iha dirijente prinsipal sira hosi CNRT nian maibé Xanana Gusmão, ne'ebé iha tais to'o sintura, ida iha kabaas no hena tradisional ida iha ulun, sai nafatin sentru atensaun nian.\nIha minutu sanulu entre entrada ba fatin no palku hetan saudasaun hosi líder tradisional sira, nia rona poezia nasionalista hosi joven ida nia ibun, hakohak ema tomak ho tinan oioin, kumprimenta ba ema barak no mós ba joven ida-idak ne'ebé, pinta mutin ho verde, - kór hosi partidu nian - hakerek ona ho letra sira iha sira nia isin loloos ho sigla hosi CNRT no Xanana nia naran.\nNo nia tanis. Hakohak joven sira no katuas sira.\nHafoin ne'e, antes diskursu sira, reprezentasaun duké líder timoroan explika ona ba Lusa akontese nafatin iha komísiu ikus sira ne'e: militante sira hosi partidu sira seluk atu foti desizaun, iha duni fatin ne'e, hodi "halibur hamutuk" nia apoiu ba CNRT.\nTuir ida-idak, hamriik iha Xanana nia oin iha biti, hasai kamizola sira hosi partidu sira seluk ne'ebé maka sira hatais no partisipa iha asaun ida hanesan ezorsizmu polítiku, ho hakilar selebrasaun hosi multidaun nian.\nHo hatene ba sira nia matan, Xanana fó hatais mane no feto sira ne'ebé para iha nia oin ho kamizola CNRT nian no hafoin ne'e kaer sira kanoruk no iha momentu intensu ida hanesan aperta antes liman iha kabaas no hakohak ida.\nDezde hahú kampaña maka asaun sira hanesan asaun sira loron-domingu nian repete iha fatin balun iha nasaun.\nCNRT iha ambisaun hodi hetan maioria absoluta maski senáriu ida hosi forsa polítika oioin, hosi prezensa renovadu Fretilin nian no prezensa hosi partidu foun hosi eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (PLP) posibilidade ne'e sei labele hetan.\nXanana Gusmão dehan sim. No, bainhira iha komísiu ida-idak nia rohan, nia senti "liután responsabilidade", senti tan apoiu no ambisaun ne'e aumenta.\nFatin ne'e la nakonu. Maibé ambiente hanesan festa nian. No, pelumenus iha loron-domingu, iha estrada entre Díli ho Manatuto - kilómetru 65 kuaze hetan obra hotu no demora iha viajen kuaze oras rua - bele haree de'it bandeira ho kartaz sira CNRT nian.\nTimor-Leste bele iha tan joven sira, joven sira barak maka foin tuir eleisaun sira - 20% hanesan votante foun sira - maibé knaar ativu hosi figura istórika sira kontinua maka'as.\nKampaña ba lejislativu sira hotu iha loron 19 Jullu, ho CNRT hili kapital Díli ba komísiu ikus.
[ "Hanoin \"iha futuru nasaun no povu nian,\" Xanana hanoin hikas avo sira - TIMOR AGORA Hanoin \"iha futuru nasaun no povu nian,\" Xanana hanoin hikas avo sira Hosi Antonio Sampaio Iha ponta hosi biti verde, iha palku ne'ebe monta iha resintu iha besik iha igreja Manatutu nian, iha kilometru 65 hosi leste Dili nian, Xanana Gusmao haruka bolu entre ema barak nia leet katuas ida no ferik ida.", "Loloos ne'e hanesan momentu nonook nian, hodi hanoin ba martir timoroan sira, antes hahu komisiu ba dala 17 hosi CNRT nian iha kampana ba lejislativu loron 22 Jullu, ne'ebe sei \"ko'alia ba futuru nasaun nian, futuru hosi povu nian.\"", "Katuas, ho xapeu 'cowboy', ho ferik ho fuuk metan ne'ebe kesi, sira na'in rua uza kamizola azul kampana hosi Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT) nian ne'ebe iha kotuk iha '7' mean - pozisaun iha boletin votu nian - hamriik iha lider nia sorin ne'ebe ko'alia ba multidaun.", "\"Bainhira ita ko'alia kona-ba futuru ita labele haluha pasadu.", "Ha'u senti haksolok haree iha ne'e joven barak.", "Maibe ita tenki hanoin mos ita nia \"katuas sira,\" \"ferik sira,\" ita nia avo sira,\" nia explika ba ema rihun resin ne'ebe iha minutu balun antes hakilar viva ba partidu no ba nia lider.", "\"Ha'u hakarak fo mos homenajen iha ne'e ba ita nia martir sira,\" hatete hosi Xanana Gusmao, ho tinan 71, ne'ebe uluk nu'udar \"maun boot\" no agora hanesan \"avo-mane Nana.\"", "Iha Manatuto iha dirijente prinsipal sira hosi CNRT nian maibe Xanana Gusmao, ne'ebe iha tais to'o sintura, ida iha kabaas no hena tradisional ida iha ulun, sai nafatin sentru atensaun nian.", "Iha minutu sanulu entre entrada ba fatin no palku hetan saudasaun hosi lider tradisional sira, nia rona poezia nasionalista hosi joven ida nia ibun, hakohak ema tomak ho tinan oioin, kumprimenta ba ema barak no mos ba joven ida-idak ne'ebe, pinta mutin ho verde, - kor hosi partidu nian - hakerek ona ho letra sira iha sira nia isin loloos ho sigla hosi CNRT no Xanana nia naran.", "No nia tanis.", "Hakohak joven sira no katuas sira.", "Hafoin ne'e, antes diskursu sira, reprezentasaun duke lider timoroan explika ona ba Lusa akontese nafatin iha komisiu ikus sira ne'e: militante sira hosi partidu sira seluk atu foti desizaun, iha duni fatin ne'e, hodi \"halibur hamutuk\" nia apoiu ba CNRT.", "Tuir ida-idak, hamriik iha Xanana nia oin iha biti, hasai kamizola sira hosi partidu sira seluk ne'ebe maka sira hatais no partisipa iha asaun ida hanesan ezorsizmu politiku, ho hakilar selebrasaun hosi multidaun nian.", "Ho hatene ba sira nia matan, Xanana fo hatais mane no feto sira ne'ebe para iha nia oin ho kamizola CNRT nian no hafoin ne'e kaer sira kanoruk no iha momentu intensu ida hanesan aperta antes liman iha kabaas no hakohak ida.", "Dezde hahu kampana maka asaun sira hanesan asaun sira loron-domingu nian repete iha fatin balun iha nasaun.", "CNRT iha ambisaun hodi hetan maioria absoluta maski senariu ida hosi forsa politika oioin, hosi prezensa renovadu Fretilin nian no prezensa hosi partidu foun hosi eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (PLP) posibilidade ne'e sei labele hetan.", "Xanana Gusmao dehan sim.", "No, bainhira iha komisiu ida-idak nia rohan, nia senti \"liutan responsabilidade,\" senti tan apoiu no ambisaun ne'e aumenta.", "Fatin ne'e la nakonu.", "Maibe ambiente hanesan festa nian.", "No, pelumenus iha loron-domingu, iha estrada entre Dili ho Manatuto - kilometru 65 kuaze hetan obra hotu no demora iha viajen kuaze oras rua - bele haree de'it bandeira ho kartaz sira CNRT nian.", "Timor-Leste bele iha tan joven sira, joven sira barak maka foin tuir eleisaun sira - 20% hanesan votante foun sira - maibe knaar ativu hosi figura istorika sira kontinua maka'as.", "Kampana ba lejislativu sira hotu iha loron 19 Jullu, ho CNRT hili kapital Dili ba komisiu ikus." ]
[ [ "Thinking \"in the future of country and people,\" Xanana remembers grandparents - TIMOR AGORA Thought in 'the Future Of Country And People': Xanana Remembered His Grandfather Antonio Sampaio At a peak on green beech trees at an event stage set up nearby Manatuto church 65 km east from Dili." ], [ "Instead, it was a moment of silence to remember the martyrs in Timor-Leste before starting its seventeenth Commission on Congress for National Unity (CNRT) campaigning towards July'21 legislative elections which will \"speak about our country and people future.\"" ], [ "The old man, with a 'cowboy' hat on his head and the boy wearing an embroidered metan firecracker. Both of them wear blue campaign shirts from Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) which is behind in middle ‘7’ - position at voting ballot- standing next to their leader speaking out towards crowds 10" ], [ "\"When we talk about the future, let's not forget our past." ], [ "I was delighted to see so many young people here." ], [ "But we must also remember our \"grandfathers,\" 'children' and grandmothers\", he explained to the thousand of people who a few minutes before that shouted live for his party." ], [ "\"I also want to pay tribute here, in this place and time for our martyrs\", said Xanana Gusmao (71), who was once a 'grandfather' but now is known as the grandmothe Nana." ], [ "In Manatuto there were the main leaders of CNRP but Xanana Gusmao, who was wearing a long-sleeved shirt with kabaas and traditional hair on his head remained in focus." ], [ "Thirteen minutes between entering the venue and being greeted on stage by traditional leaders, he heard nationalist poetry from a young man's neck. He cheered all of them with different ages; complaining to many people as well for each individual youth whose green-painted mutin - choir in party form – had written lettering upon their real bodies that accompanies both CNRP names (National Democratic Congress Party) & Xanana Gusmão name:" ], [ "No, she isn't." ], [ "Love young and old." ], [ "Afterwards, before the speeches were made by leaders of CNRT and PLP in Dili on Tuesday evening (10/2), representative from each party explained to Lusa that what happened at these recent commissions has also occurred here: militanti'l other parties have taken a decision - right there- \"to gather together\" their support for CNRT." ], [ "In turn, each one stood in front of Xanana on a ledge and took off the shirts from other parties they were wearing. They participated to an action like political exorcism that sparked celebrations by crowds all over Mozambique for his victory at Maputo'" ], [ "Knowing it with their own eyes, Xanana gave the men and women who stood in front of him CNRP shirts then grabbed them by his shoulders for an intense moment like a handshake before going to bed." ], [ "Since the campaign began, actions such as Sunday's have been repeated in some parts of this country." ], [ "CNRT has the ambition to obtain an absolute majority although in one scenario of multiple political forces, with renewed presence from Fretilin and presentation by former President Taur Matan Ruak's (PLP) new party this possibility will not be achieved." ], [ "Xanana Gusmao said yes." ], [ "And, when there is a commission in the run-up to each one of them he feels \"beyond responsibility\", feeling more support and ambition increase." ], [ "The girl is gone." ], [ "But the atmosphere is like a party." ], [ "And, at least on Sundays the road between Dili and Manatuto - 65 km almost completed with a delay of nearly two hours in travelling – was all signposted by CNRP banners." ], [ "Timor-Leste may have more young people, many of them are new to the election - 20% as fresh voters – but active roles by historical figure continue high." ], [ "The campaign for all legislative elections began on 19 July, with CNRT choosing the capital Dili as its final commission." ] ]
INDMO Prepara Joven Akreditadu Kompete Iha Kampu Servisu\nDĺLI----Institutu Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Mão De Obra (INDMO) kontinua prepara abilidade ba joven iha area Tékniku Vokasionál hodi kompete iha kampu servisu iha nasionál no internasionál.\nTuir jerente Institutu Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Mão De Obra Jerente Isabel Fernandes De Lima hateten INDMO estabelese iha tinan 2008 ho hetan ona progresu balun ne’ebé mak pozitivu liu husi instalasaun sira iha territóriu laran, ne’ebé mak hetan ona akreditasaun hodi fó formasaun ba joven sira iha area tékniku vokasionál hodi bele kompete iha kampu servisu nasionál no mós iha internasionál.\n‘Hakarak atu avalia ba progresu hotu ne’ebé mak durante nee INDMO alkansa ona, ohin loron hakarak atu realiza konferénsia internasionál ida hodi konvida orador internasionál sira hodi bele mai fahe esperiénsia kona-ba progresu saida mak sira hetan iha sira nia nasaun, kona-ba preparasaun ba joven sira hodi kompete iha merkadu internasionál’’, Dehan Diretora Institutu Dezenvolvimentu Mão De Obra Isabel Fernandes De Lima ba Media Business Timor iha Otel Novo Turizmo, Sexta-Feira (15/11/2019).\nNia afirma katak atu hasa’e kualidade formasaun ba instituisaun informál ba tékniku vokasionál mak presiza regula insitasaun hirak nee liu husi esperiénsia ne’ebé mak ajénsia internasionál hanesan International Labor Organization ILO sei fahe esperiénsia INDO hodi hadi’a ba sistema sira ne’ebé presiza.\nNia mos dehan katak presiza regula mós eskola tékniku professional sira tanba ligadu ba lei de traballu hodi utiliza atu bele fó benefísiu ba prosesu formasaun ne’ebé mak di’ak atu forma joven sira sai traballadór ida ke’e professional tuir nia abilidade ne’ebé mak iha.\n‘’Oras nee Timor-Leste hasoru problema menus kampu de traballu tan nee INDMO iha responsabilidade boot atu oinsá bele koopera ho instituisaun sira hodi prepara formasaun ida di’ak ba joven sira iha area tékniku vokasionál atu sira bele hetan abilidade hodi kria servisu ba sira nia aan rasik la presiza atu tenke ba servisu iha rai liur.\nPresiza duni atu tau atensaun másimu ba kapasitasaun joven sira iha area tékniku vokasionál tanba joven barak mak seidauk iha abilidade atu bele kompete iha kampu de traballu.’’ Dehan Diretora Isabel. Ministru Asuntu Deformasaun Lejizlasaun Parlamentár Fideliz Leite Magalhães hateten katak Parte Governu sempre fó apoiu tomak ba instituisaun públiku sira atu bele forma joven sira ho rigorozu atu bele hasa’e sira nia talentu hodi kompete iha merkadu.\nNia subliña tan katak oras nee governu Timor-Leste implementa hela polítika ba kapasitasaun eskola informal hodi prepara joven sira iha tékniku vokasionál tanba bele apoiu kresimentu ekonomia ba país ida nee. ‘’64 porsentu husi komunidade Timor Laran tomak husi idade 30 anos ba kraik seidauk iha abilidade di’ak tan nee presiza hetan formasaun ida ne’ebé di’ak.\nDala barak instituisaun sira sempre fó formasaun ba ema sira ne’ebé mak merkadu ladún presiza sira, maibé liu husi konferénsia ida nee presiza atu fó formasaun hodi hasa’e rekursu ba pontu importante rua mak hanesan fornesimentu abilidade ba merkadu no mós demanda ba nesesidade iha merkadu.’’ Dehan Ministru Asuntu Deformasaun Lejizlasaun Parlamentár Fideliz Leite Magalhães ba Jornalista sira iha Otel Novo Turizmu, Sexta-Feira (15/11/2019).\nHusu ba instituisaun ne’ebé fó formasaun ba joven atu akredita ba joven sira ne’ebé mak merese duni atu hetan liu husi abilidade ne’ebé mak iha, atu nune’e bele kompete iha merkadu nasionál no mós internasionál hodi kontribui ba kresimentu ekonomia iha Timor-Leste. (BT)
[ "INDMO Prepara Joven Akreditadu Kompete Iha Kampu Servisu DlLI----Institutu Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Mao De Obra (INDMO) kontinua prepara abilidade ba joven iha area Tekniku Vokasional hodi kompete iha kampu servisu iha nasional no internasional.", "Tuir jerente Institutu Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Mao De Obra Jerente Isabel Fernandes De Lima hateten INDMO estabelese iha tinan 2008 ho hetan ona progresu balun ne'ebe mak pozitivu liu husi instalasaun sira iha territoriu laran, ne'ebe mak hetan ona akreditasaun hodi fo formasaun ba joven sira iha area tekniku vokasional hodi bele kompete iha kampu servisu nasional no mos iha internasional.", "'Hakarak atu avalia ba progresu hotu ne'ebe mak durante nee INDMO alkansa ona, ohin loron hakarak atu realiza konferensia internasional ida hodi konvida orador internasional sira hodi bele mai fahe esperiensia kona-ba progresu saida mak sira hetan iha sira nia nasaun, kona-ba preparasaun ba joven sira hodi kompete iha merkadu internasional \" , Dehan Diretora Institutu Dezenvolvimentu Mao De Obra Isabel Fernandes De Lima ba Media Business Timor iha Otel Novo Turizmo, Sexta-Feira (15/11/2019).", "Nia afirma katak atu hasa'e kualidade formasaun ba instituisaun informal ba tekniku vokasional mak presiza regula insitasaun hirak nee liu husi esperiensia ne'ebe mak ajensia internasional hanesan International Labor Organization ILO sei fahe esperiensia INDO hodi hadi'a ba sistema sira ne'ebe presiza.", "Nia mos dehan katak presiza regula mos eskola tekniku professional sira tanba ligadu ba lei de traballu hodi utiliza atu bele fo benefisiu ba prosesu formasaun ne'ebe mak di'ak atu forma joven sira sai traballador ida ke'e professional tuir nia abilidade ne'ebe mak iha.", "\"Oras nee Timor-Leste hasoru problema menus kampu de traballu tan nee INDMO iha responsabilidade boot atu oinsa bele koopera ho instituisaun sira hodi prepara formasaun ida di'ak ba joven sira iha area tekniku vokasional atu sira bele hetan abilidade hodi kria servisu ba sira nia aan rasik la presiza atu tenke ba servisu iha rai liur.", "Presiza duni atu tau atensaun masimu ba kapasitasaun joven sira iha area tekniku vokasional tanba joven barak mak seidauk iha abilidade atu bele kompete iha kampu de traballu. \"", "Dehan Diretora Isabel.", "Ministru Asuntu Deformasaun Lejizlasaun Parlamentar Fideliz Leite Magalhaes hateten katak Parte Governu sempre fo apoiu tomak ba instituisaun publiku sira atu bele forma joven sira ho rigorozu atu bele hasa'e sira nia talentu hodi kompete iha merkadu.", "Nia sublina tan katak oras nee governu Timor-Leste implementa hela politika ba kapasitasaun eskola informal hodi prepara joven sira iha tekniku vokasional tanba bele apoiu kresimentu ekonomia ba pais ida nee.", "\"64 porsentu husi komunidade Timor Laran tomak husi idade 30 anos ba kraik seidauk iha abilidade di'ak tan nee presiza hetan formasaun ida ne'ebe di'ak.", "Dala barak instituisaun sira sempre fo formasaun ba ema sira ne'ebe mak merkadu ladun presiza sira, maibe liu husi konferensia ida nee presiza atu fo formasaun hodi hasa'e rekursu ba pontu importante rua mak hanesan fornesimentu abilidade ba merkadu no mos demanda ba nesesidade iha merkadu. \"", "Dehan Ministru Asuntu Deformasaun Lejizlasaun Parlamentar Fideliz Leite Magalhaes ba Jornalista sira iha Otel Novo Turizmu, Sexta-Feira (15/11/2019).", "Husu ba instituisaun ne'ebe fo formasaun ba joven atu akredita ba joven sira ne'ebe mak merese duni atu hetan liu husi abilidade ne'ebe mak iha, atu nune'e bele kompete iha merkadu nasional no mos internasional hodi kontribui ba kresimentu ekonomia iha Timor-Leste.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "INDMO Prepares Young Accredited Competent In DlLI Service Camp----The National Institute for the Development of Labour (INDMA) continues to prepare skills in technical and vocational field young people compete on job camp nationally." ], [ "According to the director of Instituto Nacional Desenvolvimento Mao de Obra, Director Isabel FernandesDe Lima said INDMO was established in 2018 and has made some positive progress through its installations on national soil which have been accredited for training young people within technical-vocational areas that can compete at a domestic level as well internationally." ], [ "'Wishing to evaluate all the progress that INDMO has achieved during this period, today we want a hold an international conference and invite foreign speakers so they can share their experience about what kind of progression is being made in each country on preparing young people for competing at International market' . Dehan Director Instituto de desenvolvimento Mao-De Obra Isabel Fernandes DE Lima told Media Business Timor (MBT) from Novo Turismo Hotel Friday November(15/09)." ], [ "He affirmed that in order to improve the quality of training for informal technical vocational institutions it is necessary regulate these incentives through experiences which international organization such as International Labor Organization (ILO) will share with INDO so they can enhance their systems where needed." ], [ "He also said that it is necessary to regulate the professional technical schools because they are linked with labour law in order for them be used so as a benefit of training processes which will form young people into workers who can become professionals according their skills." ], [ "\"Now Timor-Leste is facing the problem of lack employment, so INDMO has a great responsibility to cooperate with institutions in preparing good training for young people on technical and professional fields that they can gain skills which will create jobs themselves without going overseas." ], [ "It is necessary to pay maximum attention for the training of young people in technical vocational fields because many youth do not have skills that can compete on a job market.\"" ], [ "Dehan Director Isabel." ], [ "Minister of Parliamentary Legislation Affairs Fideliz Leite Magalhaes said that the Government has always given full support to public institutions in order for them rigorously train young people so they can develop their talents and compete on a competitive market." ], [ "He also emphasized that the Timor-Leste government is currently implementing a policy for informal school capacity building to prepare young people in vocational techniques because it can support economic growth of this country." ], [ "\"64 per cent of the East Timorese community aged 30 and under do not have good skills so they need to get some training." ], [ "Many times institutions always train people who are not needed by the market, but through this conference we need to provide training in order for resources on two important points as supplying skills and demands of needs. \"" ], [ "Dehan Minister of Parliamentary Legislation and Distortion Affairs Fideliz Leite Magalhaes to Journalists at Novo Turismo Hotel, on Friday (15/09) 23:48." ], [ "He urged the institutions that provide training for young people to accredit those who truly deserve it, so they can get more out of their skills and compete in national as well international markets. This will contributes towards economic growth on Timor-Leste' s economy" ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
PN Preokupa Numeru Populasaun Partisipa Elpar - TIMOR AGORA\nPN Preokupa Numeru Populasaun Partisipa Elpar\nDILI – Reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Palamentu Nasional preokupa tebes ho numeru populasaun sira neebe sei partisipa iha eleisaun parlamentar, neebe sei monu iha loron 22 fulan Jullu tinan nee.\nTuir Deputadu Bankada CNRT, Agostinho Lay katak, iha eleisaun prezidensial sai ona esperensia, tanba populasaun kuaze 30% mak lapartisipa.\nNumeru populasaun neebe mak atu ba vota nee mak ita tau kestaun tanba hanesan esperensia eleisaun prezidensial ninia kuaze 30% laba vota,” dehan Deputadu ba jornalista sira iha PN-Dili, Segunda (10/07/2017).\nDeputadu nee haktuir, populasaun barak laba vota nee laos problema CNE no STAE nian maibe nee problema populasaun nian, depende ba sira nia konsiensia tanba vota laos obrigasaun. Agostinho esplika, maibe hanesan sidadaun neebe mak diak ba vota tanba ita nia votus nee mak termina mos futuru rai nee tanba liu husi partidu politiku sira.\nIha fatin ketak, Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco hatete katak, tuir dadus neebe Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) rejista total eleitores partisipa eleisaun parlamentar nee hamutuk 744.613 husi rai laran no mos rai liur. Raimundo S. Fraga
[ "PN Preokupa Numeru Populasaun Partisipa Elpar - TIMOR AGORA PN Preokupa Numeru Populasaun Partisipa Elpar DILI - Reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Palamentu Nasional preokupa tebes ho numeru populasaun sira neebe sei partisipa iha eleisaun parlamentar, neebe sei monu iha loron 22 fulan Jullu tinan nee.", "Tuir Deputadu Bankada CNRT, Agostinho Lay katak, iha eleisaun prezidensial sai ona esperensia, tanba populasaun kuaze 30% mak lapartisipa.", "Numeru populasaun neebe mak atu ba vota nee mak ita tau kestaun tanba hanesan esperensia eleisaun prezidensial ninia kuaze 30% laba vota,\" dehan Deputadu ba jornalista sira iha PN-Dili, Segunda (10/07/2017).", "Deputadu nee haktuir, populasaun barak laba vota nee laos problema CNE no STAE nian maibe nee problema populasaun nian, depende ba sira nia konsiensia tanba vota laos obrigasaun.", "Agostinho esplika, maibe hanesan sidadaun neebe mak diak ba vota tanba ita nia votus nee mak termina mos futuru rai nee tanba liu husi partidu politiku sira.", "Iha fatin ketak, Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco hatete katak, tuir dadus neebe Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) rejista total eleitores partisipa eleisaun parlamentar nee hamutuk 744.613 husi rai laran no mos rai liur.", "Raimundo S. Fraga" ]
[ [ "People's Representatives Concern Over Number of Elpar Voters - TIMOR AGORA PN Preoccupied About Population Participation In Election Dili – The representatives in the lower house, National Parliament are very concerned about population participation rates during parliamentary elections which will be held on July." ], [ "According to Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) MP Agostinho Lay, the presidential election has become an experience because almost 30% of people did not participate." ], [ "The number of people going to vote is what we are questioning because the experience in presidential elections has shown that almost 30% do not go,\" said MP for journalists at PN-Dili on Monday (12/7)." ], [ "According to the deputy, that many people are not voting isn’t a problem of CNE and STAE but rather it depends on their conscience because they have no obligation." ], [ "Agostinho explains, but as a citizen we are good to vote because our voting also end the future of this country through political parties." ], [ "On the other hand, Director General of Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco said that according to data registered by technical secretariats electoral administration total voters participate in parliamentary elections are 743.612 from home and abroad as well" ], [ "Raimundo S. Fraga" ] ]
Komisaun C Rekomenda “Investiga” Dívida iha PNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Komisaun C Rekomenda “Investiga” Dívida iha PNTL\nKomisaun C Rekomenda “Investiga” Dívida iha PNTL\nDILI, 09 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)—Komisaun C (Finansa Públika) rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu fó orientasaun ba Komisaun B (Negósiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Seguransa ) “investiga” dívida iha instituisaun Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) tanba enfrenta dívida naun-finanseira dezde 2013.\nNotísia Relevante: Taur Husu Selu Lalais Dívida PNTL ho F-FDTL Nian\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopez, husu Komisaun B konsidera relatóriu no pareser Komisaun B nian hodi investiga dívida naun-finanseira ne’e.\n“Iha rekomendasaun ida hosi Komisaun C nian númeru 17, ida-ne’e dirije mai parlamentu rasik liuliu Komisaun B (Negósiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Seguransa) atu investiga situasaun dívida naun-finanseira iha PNTL, PNTL bele halo regulariazasaun rapidamente posível. Komisaun B rejista hela ida-ne’e,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Guterres, informa iha ámbitu aprezentasaun relatóriu no pareser Konta Jerál Estadu (CGE-sigla portugés) liuhosi plenária, segunda ne’e.\nTuir rekomendasaun no pareser hosi Kámara Kontas hosi Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas (LOCdC-sigla portugés), relata ba Komisaun C (Finansa Públika), argumenta dívida naun-finanseira iha PNTL sai preokupante tanba iha kazu relasaun ho obrigasaun kontratu iha 2013 susesivamente akumulada ho dívida kontraída iha ikus-ikus ne’e iha tinan 2018 no kuja (ne’ebé) rezolusaun la hetan solusaun iha tempu dadak.\nKámara Kontas hosi Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas relata iha nia relatóriu iha ámbitu aprezentasaun Konta Jerál Estadu (CGE-sigla portugés) nian iha Parlamentu Nasionál, segunda horisehik.\nHo rekomendasaun ne’e hosi Kámara Kontas hosi Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas ne’e, Komisaun C elabora mós relatóriu no pareser ba instituisaun estadu hotu-hotu no husu Komisaun B ne’ebé ne’ebé trata asuntu polísia nian tenke investiga situasaun dívida naun-finanseira iha PNTL, ho objetivu atu fó solusaun mais rapidamente posível.\nMembru Komisaun B, Deputadu Adérito Hugo da Costa, hateten ho dívida ne’ebé instituisaun refere enfrenta tenke investiga nune’e bele deskobre fukun hosi dívida naun-finanseira (utang non finansial) ne’e.\n“Instituisaun ne’e importantísimu ba setór seguransa ninian maibé maibé situasaun balun liga ho despeza sira liuliu dívida, la’ós kestaun dívida de’it mas jestaun finansa no administrasaun iha instituisaun ida-ne’e mak reflete iha Tribunál das Kontas ninia auditória, ami sei haree imediata jestaun finansa iha instituisaun ne’e. Ami sei halo audiénsia ho instituisaun PNTL,” Membru Komisaun B ne’e informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nEis Prezidente Komisaun B ne’e hateten kada tinan instituisaun PNTL sempre iha dívida tanba dívida balun pendente hela no la konsege rejista.\nNune’e mós kada tinan finanseiru sempre iha diferensa dívida hosi instituisaun Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste ne’e.\nMembru Komisaun B ne’e hateten, dívida naun-finanseira mosu bainhira iha eleisaun ruma no eventu nasionál sira.\n“Ha’u lalika dehan dívida ninia detalla maibé iha situasaun ida-ne’ebé preokupante tebes ne’ebé fó-sai hosi Tribunál Kontas nian,” nia dehan.\nDeputadu Bankada CNRT ne’e akresenta indikasaun mais forte mai hosi Kámara Kontas hosi Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas (LOCdC-sigla portugés) kona-ba dívida iha PNTL.\n“Entaun ida-ne’e forsa tebes hodi kontinua halo korresaun, hadi’a instituisaun PNTL. Komisaun B nia papél ninia fiskalizasaun polítiku durante ne’e haree hela indikasaun sira-ne’e iha terrenu, la’ós de’it kestaun operasionalizasaun hanesan ekipamentu operasionál menus hotu,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan, uniforma hanesan farda, sapatu ne’e tuir loloos la ko’alia ona tanba instituisaun eziste besik tinan 20 ona.\n“Ne’e ita bolu despeza rútina, ne’e hatudu katak instituisaun PNTL sei dook hosi espetativa povu katak instituisaun ne’e tenke avansa. Sira-nia dezempeñu ita haree iha progresu maibé kestaun jestaun finansa nian tenke hadi’a nune’e labele mosu dívida naun-finanseira, data estatístika dívida ne’e hatudu inkapasidade jestaun,” Membru Komisaun B ne’e hateten.\nEntretantu, Membru Komisaun B, Deputadu Luis Roberto, preokupa ho instituisaun PNTL ne’ebé enfrenta hela dívida naun-finanseira.\n“Komesa hosi 2013 instituisaun PNTL enfrenta tiha ona dívida maibé tanba saida mak Governu no parlamentu la halo asaun sériu ida hodi buka-hatene instituisaun ne’ebé enfrenta hela dívida. Agora ita tama ona Konta Jerál Estadu 2018 nian, la’ós ba iha 2013. Ita ko’alia barak maibé implementasaun ladi’ak, hanesan de’it. Osan halai ba para iha ne’ebé mós ita la hatene, kuandu ita la halo fiskalizasaun ne’ebé sériu,” Deputadu Luis Roberto hateten.\nDeputadu Luis Roberto husu Parlamentu Nasionál no Governu halo investigasaun kle’an kona-ba dívida ne’ebé PNTL enfrenta hodi buka-hatene fukun loloos hosi situasaun ne’e.\n“Se lae, ita atu tama ba orsamentu 2021 mós dívida hosi PNTL sei kontinua aumenta,” dehan Vise-Prezidente PN ne’e.\nPrevious articleLugu:Ha’u Sei Servisu To’o Minutu Ikus\nNext articleBenefisiáriu Saláriu $500 Bele Simu Subsídiu $200
[ "Komisaun C Rekomenda \"Investiga\" Divida iha PNTL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Komisaun C Rekomenda \"Investiga\" Divida iha PNTL Komisaun C Rekomenda \"Investiga\" Divida iha PNTL DILI, 09 junu 2020 (TATOLI) - Komisaun C (Finansa Publika) rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional atu fo orientasaun ba Komisaun B (Negosiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Seguransa) \"investiga\" divida iha instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) tanba enfrenta divida naun-finanseira dezde 2013.", "Notisia Relevante: Taur Husu Selu Lalais Divida PNTL ho F-FDTL Nian Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopez, husu Komisaun B konsidera relatoriu no pareser Komisaun B nian hodi investiga divida naun-finanseira ne'e.", "\"Iha rekomendasaun ida hosi Komisaun C nian numeru 17, ida-ne'e dirije mai parlamentu rasik liuliu Komisaun B (Negosiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Seguransa) atu investiga situasaun divida naun-finanseira iha PNTL, PNTL bele halo regulariazasaun rapidamente posivel.", "Komisaun B rejista hela ida-ne'e,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Guterres, informa iha ambitu aprezentasaun relatoriu no pareser Konta Jeral Estadu (CGE-sigla portuges) liuhosi plenaria, segunda ne'e.", "Tuir rekomendasaun no pareser hosi Kamara Kontas hosi Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas (LOCdC-sigla portuges), relata ba Komisaun C (Finansa Publika), argumenta divida naun-finanseira iha PNTL sai preokupante tanba iha kazu relasaun ho obrigasaun kontratu iha 2013 susesivamente akumulada ho divida kontraida iha ikus-ikus ne'e iha tinan 2018 no kuja (ne'ebe) rezolusaun la hetan solusaun iha tempu dadak.", "Kamara Kontas hosi Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas relata iha nia relatoriu iha ambitu aprezentasaun Konta Jeral Estadu (CGE-sigla portuges) nian iha Parlamentu Nasional, segunda horisehik.", "Ho rekomendasaun ne'e hosi Kamara Kontas hosi Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas ne'e, Komisaun C elabora mos relatoriu no pareser ba instituisaun estadu hotu-hotu no husu Komisaun B ne'ebe ne'ebe trata asuntu polisia nian tenke investiga situasaun divida naun-finanseira iha PNTL, ho objetivu atu fo solusaun mais rapidamente posivel.", "Membru Komisaun B, Deputadu Aderito Hugo da Costa, hateten ho divida ne'ebe instituisaun refere enfrenta tenke investiga nune'e bele deskobre fukun hosi divida naun-finanseira (utang non finansial) ne'e.", "\"Instituisaun ne'e importantisimu ba setor seguransa ninian maibe maibe situasaun balun liga ho despeza sira liuliu divida, la'os kestaun divida de'it mas jestaun finansa no administrasaun iha instituisaun ida-ne'e mak reflete iha Tribunal das Kontas ninia auditoria, ami sei haree imediata jestaun finansa iha instituisaun ne'e.", "Ami sei halo audiensia ho instituisaun PNTL,\" Membru Komisaun B ne'e informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.", "Eis Prezidente Komisaun B ne'e hateten kada tinan instituisaun PNTL sempre iha divida tanba divida balun pendente hela no la konsege rejista.", "Nune'e mos kada tinan finanseiru sempre iha diferensa divida hosi instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste ne'e.", "Membru Komisaun B ne'e hateten, divida naun-finanseira mosu bainhira iha eleisaun ruma no eventu nasional sira.", "\"Ha'u lalika dehan divida ninia detalla maibe iha situasaun ida-ne'ebe preokupante tebes ne'ebe fo-sai hosi Tribunal Kontas nian,\" nia dehan.", "Deputadu Bankada CNRT ne'e akresenta indikasaun mais forte mai hosi Kamara Kontas hosi Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas (LOCdC-sigla portuges) kona-ba divida iha PNTL.", "\"Entaun ida-ne'e forsa tebes hodi kontinua halo korresaun, hadi'a instituisaun PNTL.", "Komisaun B nia papel ninia fiskalizasaun politiku durante ne'e haree hela indikasaun sira-ne'e iha terrenu, la'os de'it kestaun operasionalizasaun hanesan ekipamentu operasional menus hotu,\" nia hateten.", "Nia dehan, uniforma hanesan farda, sapatu ne'e tuir loloos la ko'alia ona tanba instituisaun eziste besik tinan 20 ona.", "\"Ne'e ita bolu despeza rutina, ne'e hatudu katak instituisaun PNTL sei dook hosi espetativa povu katak instituisaun ne'e tenke avansa.", "Sira-nia dezempenu ita haree iha progresu maibe kestaun jestaun finansa nian tenke hadi'a nune'e labele mosu divida naun-finanseira, data estatistika divida ne'e hatudu inkapasidade jestaun,\" Membru Komisaun B ne'e hateten.", "Entretantu, Membru Komisaun B, Deputadu Luis Roberto, preokupa ho instituisaun PNTL ne'ebe enfrenta hela divida naun-finanseira.", "\"Komesa hosi 2013 instituisaun PNTL enfrenta tiha ona divida maibe tanba saida mak Governu no parlamentu la halo asaun seriu ida hodi buka-hatene instituisaun ne'ebe enfrenta hela divida.", "Agora ita tama ona Konta Jeral Estadu 2018 nian, la'os ba iha 2013.", "Ita ko'alia barak maibe implementasaun ladi'ak, hanesan de'it.", "Osan halai ba para iha ne'ebe mos ita la hatene, kuandu ita la halo fiskalizasaun ne'ebe seriu,\" Deputadu Luis Roberto hateten.", "Deputadu Luis Roberto husu Parlamentu Nasional no Governu halo investigasaun kle'an kona-ba divida ne'ebe PNTL enfrenta hodi buka-hatene fukun loloos hosi situasaun ne'e.", "\"Se lae, ita atu tama ba orsamentu 2021 mos divida hosi PNTL sei kontinua aumenta,\" dehan Vise-Prezidente PN ne'e.", "Previous articleLugu:Ha'u Sei Servisu To'o Minutu Ikus Next articleBenefisiariu Salariu $500 Bele Simu Subsidiu $200" ]
[ [ "Commission C Recommends \"Investigate\" Divide in PNTL Dili, June 9th (TATOLI) - The Committee on Public Finance has recommended to the National Parliament that it give guidance for its committee B of Foreign Affairs and Defence & Security Department (\"Comité de Negócios Estrangeiros e da Segurança\"), which investigates division within Timor-Leste Police Authority (“PNTL”), because they have been facing a nonfinancial divide since their establishment." ], [ "Relevant News: Taur Asks Commission B To Consider Report and Opinion of Committee to Investigate Non-Financial Divide President, MP Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopez asked that the commission consider its report on investigating non financial division." ], [ "\"In a recommendation of Commission C number 17, this is addressed to the parliament itself in particular Committee B (Foreign Affairs Defence and Security) for investigation into non-financial debt situation at PNTL so that they can regularize as quickly." ], [ "Commission B has noted this,\" the President of Parliament Aniceto Guterres informed during his presentation on Monday at plenary session to report and opinions from General State Account (CGE)." ], [ "Following the recommendations and opinions of The Audit Chamber from Tribunal Superior Administrativo, Fiscal e Contas (LOCdC-Portuguese acronym), report to Commission C(Public Finance) argues that non financial debt in PNTL is a concern because there are cases related with contractual obligations 2013 successively accumulated by debts incurred at this point on year." ], [ "The Chamber of Auditors at the Superior Administrative, Fiscal and Accounts Tribunal reported in its report within a framework for presenting General State account (CGE) to Parliament on Monday." ], [ "With this recommendation of the Chamber Of Accounts, Commission C also prepared a report and opinion for all state institutions asking Committee B which deals with police matters to investigate non-financial debts in PNTL so that they can be solved quickly." ], [ "Committee B member Aderito Hugo da Costa said that the debt faced by this institution must be investigated so as to discover a source of non-financial debts." ], [ "\"This institution is very important for the security sector but there are some situations related to expenditures especially debt, not just a question of debts and financial management in this institutions that will be reflected on by Tribunal das Conta' s audit. We shall immediately look at its finance administration.\"" ], [ "We will hold an audition with the PNTL,\" this Commission B member informed Agência TATOLI (Agency) at Parliament Hall on Tuesday." ], [ "The former Chairman of Commission B said that every year the PNTL institution always has debts because some outstanding debt remains and could not be registered." ], [ "Likewise, each financial year always has a difference divided by the institution of PNTL." ], [ "The Commission B member said that non-financial debt arises when there are some elections and national events." ], [ "\"I would not say the details of this debt but there is a very worrying situation that has come out from The Court Of Audit,\" he said." ], [ "He added that the strongest indication comes from a report by LOCdC (the Chamber of Auditors) regarding debt within PNTL." ], [ "\"So this is a great force to continue making corrections, improving the PNTL institution." ], [ "The role of Commission B in its political supervision during this time is looking at these indications on the ground, not just operationalization issues such as lacking operating equipment\", he said." ], [ "He said, uniforms are like a suit and shoes should not be discussed because the institution has existed for nearly 20 years." ], [ "\"This is what we call routine expenditure, it shows that the PNTL institution has not met people's expectations of advancing." ], [ "Their performance we see in progress but the issue of financial management must be improved so that non-financial debt does not arise, statistics data on this showed a lack to manage it\", said Committee B member." ], [ "Meanwhile, Committee B member Luis Roberto is concerned about the PNTL facing non-financial debt." ], [ "\"Since 2013, the PNTL institution has faced debt but why haven't government and parliament taken serious action to find out which institutions are facing debts." ], [ "We are now entering the General State Accounts for 2018, not in a year like that." ], [ "We talk a lot but we don't implement it, just the same." ], [ "Money goes to where we don't know, when there is no serious auditing of the funds.\" MP Luis Roberto said." ], [ "MP Luis Roberto asked the National Parliament and Government to carry out a thorough investigation into PNTL's debts in order for them, as well." ], [ "\"If not, when we go into the 2019 budget also divided by PNTL will continue to increase\", said Vice-President of Parliament." ], [ "Previous articleLugu: I'm Going to Service To’o Next MinutesNext ArticleBeneficiary of $501 Salary Can Pay Subsidy Of US$249" ] ]
Asosiasaun Ótel Nain TL Hato’o Proposta Atu Hasa’e Kualidade Turizmu Iha Maubise\nDÍli, 17 dezembru 2019 - Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonomia (MKAE) no Turismu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) interinu, Fidelis Magalhães tersa lo’raik ne’e simu Prezidente Asosiasaun Ótel Nain-Sira Timor-Leste Nian (ka HOTL) Señor Tony Jape, ne’ebé hato’o mai proposta ida atu hasa’e padraun iha Pouzada Maubise.\nTuir Prezidente HOTL, fatin Pouzada no Vila Maubise hanesan sentru estratéjiku ba dezenvolvimentu turizmu iha rai laran tanba ne’e mak presija aumenta kualidade, inklui edifísiu pouzada nian ne’ebé patrimómiu istóriku nomos aumenta kuartus no fasilidades sira seluk ne’ebé bele dada mai rejiaun vizitante barak liu.\nMKAE-MTKI interinu simu proposta no hatete katak tuir Oitavu nia planu mos Maubise hanesan área estratéjiku lolos tanba ne’e mak nia sei iha interese atu hare’e ho detallus proposta husi HOTL, ne’ebé sei haruka kedas ba DJ sira relevante atu bele analiza no pareser tékniku.\nParte rua nian hanoin mos han malu konaba prosesu atu hari’i Komisaun Luan Ba Turismu (ka Tourism Board) ne’ebé sei inklui reprezentante husi área sira hotu iha Turismu nia leet, inklui governu, ótel nain sira, operador no ajénsia turizmu sira seluk ne’ebé hetan representasaun husi área Ekonomia, Kultura, Turizmu inklui ajénsia públiku i privadu sira, setor semu no transportes no estrada sira hotu.\nMinistru Fidelis Magalhães hato’o mos katak nia fo tiha ona instrusaun ba MTKI sira atu avansa lalaok Komisaun Luan Ba Turismu ne’e. Ministru hatutan katak nia espera bele implementa ona Tourism Board refere iha fulan Fevereiru mai oin hafoin OJE2020 tama iha vigór.
[ "Asosiasaun Otel Nain TL Hato'o Proposta Atu Hasa'e Kualidade Turizmu Iha Maubise DIli, 17 dezembru 2019 - Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomia (MKAE) no Turismu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) interinu, Fidelis Magalhaes tersa lo'raik ne'e simu Prezidente Asosiasaun Otel Nain-Sira Timor-Leste Nian (ka HOTL) Senor Tony Jape, ne'ebe hato'o mai proposta ida atu hasa'e padraun iha Pouzada Maubise.", "Tuir Prezidente HOTL, fatin Pouzada no Vila Maubise hanesan sentru estratejiku ba dezenvolvimentu turizmu iha rai laran tanba ne'e mak presija aumenta kualidade, inklui edifisiu pouzada nian ne'ebe patrimomiu istoriku nomos aumenta kuartus no fasilidades sira seluk ne'ebe bele dada mai rejiaun vizitante barak liu.", "MKAE-MTKI interinu simu proposta no hatete katak tuir Oitavu nia planu mos Maubise hanesan area estratejiku lolos tanba ne'e mak nia sei iha interese atu hare'e ho detallus proposta husi HOTL, ne'ebe sei haruka kedas ba DJ sira relevante atu bele analiza no pareser tekniku.", "Parte rua nian hanoin mos han malu konaba prosesu atu hari'i Komisaun Luan Ba Turismu (ka Tourism Board) ne'ebe sei inklui reprezentante husi area sira hotu iha Turismu nia leet, inklui governu, otel nain sira, operador no ajensia turizmu sira seluk ne'ebe hetan representasaun husi area Ekonomia, Kultura, Turizmu inklui ajensia publiku i privadu sira, setor semu no transportes no estrada sira hotu.", "Ministru Fidelis Magalhaes hato'o mos katak nia fo tiha ona instrusaun ba MTKI sira atu avansa lalaok Komisaun Luan Ba Turismu ne'e.", "Ministru hatutan katak nia espera bele implementa ona Tourism Board refere iha fulan Fevereiru mai oin hafoin OJE2020 tama iha vigor." ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste Hotel Association Submits Proposal to Improve Tourism Quality in Maubise Dili, December 17th - The Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs (MKAE) and Interim of the Ministry for Turismo Trade & Industry(MTKI), Fidelis Magalhaes Tuesday evening received President Of East Timor'S Top Hotels’ association or HOTL Mr. Tony Jape who submitted a proposal To improve standard In Pousada maabisse" ], [ "According to the President of HOTL, Pousada and Vila Maubise are strategic centres for tourism development in Brazil. Therefore there is a need that quality be improved including building pousadas which have historical heritage status as well increase rooms with other facilities so they can attract more visitors from around this region 10 times greater than it does today!" ], [ "Interim MKAE-MTKI received the proposal and said that according to Oitavu's plan Maubise is a strategic area, so he will be interested in looking at HOTL’ s detailed proposed development. He would immediately send it back for technical analysis by relevant departmental directorates (DJ)." ], [ "The two sides also discussed the process of establishing a Tourism Board that would include representatives from all areas involving tourism, including governments and hoteliers. Other tourist operator & agency representation will be made up by economical/cultural sector; public&private travel agents (including transport) as well As roadways etc..." ], [ "Minister Fidelis Magalhaes also stated that he has already instructed MTKI to advance the procedures of this Third Committee on Tourism." ], [ "The Minister added that he hoped to be able implement the Tourism Board in February following 2019 budget entry into force." ] ]
CI Agradese Oitavu Governu Tanba Hahú Investe iha Dezenvolvimentu Komunikasaun\nCI Atividade 29 Outubro 2019\t Hare na'in: 369\nDíli – Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI), hato’o agradese ba Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál no Oitavu Governu ne’ebé iha kompromisu hodi hahú investe iha seitór komunikasaun ninian.\nPrezidente CI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres, hato’o kestaun ne’e bainhira sai nu’udar oradór ba atividade workshop hosi Sentru Formasaun Técnica em Comunicação (CEFTEF – Sigla Portuges) ho tema “Avaliasaun Jerál ba Atividade Formasaun Períodu 2019”, iha salaun Tower conference, Fatuhada – Díli, tersa-feira (29/10).\n“Conselho de Imprensa hakarak hato’o apresiasaun ida maka’as tebes ba oitavu Governu nia kompromisu atu hahú investe iha dezenvolvimentu komunikasaun ninian,” dehan prezidente CI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres.\nNia esplika oitavu governu la’ós de’it investe iha seitór komunikasaun sosiál ka imprensa nian maibé mós oinsá prepara profisionál sira ne’ebé serbisu iha ministériu sira atu oinsá bele halo komunikasaun ida di’ak ho públiku.\nApresiasaun hirak ne’e, prezidente ko’alia iha ámbitu avaliasaun CEFTEC nian durante loron tomak iha ne’ebé prezidente CI hetan fiar hodi sai mós nu’udar oradór prinsipál hodi ko’alia kona-ba karteira professional no oinsá atu asesu ba profisaun jornalista. (CI)\n20 Out 2020 08:47\n14 Out 2020 10:35\nKarta Koñesimentu F-FDTL
[ "CI Agradese Oitavu Governu Tanba Hahu Investe iha Dezenvolvimentu Komunikasaun CI Atividade 29 Outubro 2019 Hare na'in: 369 Dili - Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI), hato'o agradese ba Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial no Oitavu Governu ne'ebe iha kompromisu hodi hahu investe iha seitor komunikasaun ninian.", "Prezidente CI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres, hato'o kestaun ne'e bainhira sai nu'udar orador ba atividade workshop hosi Sentru Formasaun Tecnica em Comunicacao (CEFTEF - Sigla Portuges) ho tema \"Avaliasaun Jeral ba Atividade Formasaun Periodu 2019,\" iha salaun Tower conference, Fatuhada - Dili, tersa-feira (29/10).", "\"Conselho de Imprensa hakarak hato'o apresiasaun ida maka'as tebes ba oitavu Governu nia kompromisu atu hahu investe iha dezenvolvimentu komunikasaun ninian,\" dehan prezidente CI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres.", "Nia esplika oitavu governu la'os de'it investe iha seitor komunikasaun sosial ka imprensa nian maibe mos oinsa prepara profisional sira ne'ebe serbisu iha ministeriu sira atu oinsa bele halo komunikasaun ida di'ak ho publiku.", "Apresiasaun hirak ne'e, prezidente ko'alia iha ambitu avaliasaun CEFTEC nian durante loron tomak iha ne'ebe prezidente CI hetan fiar hodi sai mos nu'udar orador prinsipal hodi ko'alia kona-ba karteira professional no oinsa atu asesu ba profisaun jornalista.", "(CI) 20 Out 2020 08:47 14 Out 2020 10:35 Karta Konesimentu F-FDTL" ]
[ [ "CI Thanks Eighth Government Because It Wants to Invest in the Development of Communication IC Activities 29 Octobre,10:37 Dili - The Timor-Leste Press Council (CI), expresses its thanks for both State Secretariat on Social Communications and an eighth government that are committed towards investing into communication sector." ], [ "CI President, Virgilio da Silva Guterres raised this issue when he was a speaker at the workshop activity of Centro de Formação Tecnica em Comunicacao (CEFTEF - Portuguese acronym) on \"General Evaluation for Training Activity Period 2019\", in Tower conference hall. Fatuhada – Dili Tuesday October(3/4)." ], [ "\"Conselho de Imprensa would like to express a great appreciation for the eighth government' s commitment of investing in communication development,\" said CI president Virgilio da Silva Guterres." ], [ "He explained that the eighth government is not only investing in social communications or press sector but also preparing professionals who work at ministries to communicate well with public." ], [ "These appreciations, the president spoke in scope of CEFTEC's evaluation during all day where CI President was trusted to be also as a main speaker speaking about professional portfolio and how accessible for journalistic profession." ], [ "(CI) 20 Oct,14:35 F-FDTL Knowledge Card" ] ]
Marquita Soares »\nName: Marquita Soares\nMAP – ADB SEI HADIA KUALIDADE KAFÉ IHA TL — September 15, 2017\nMAP SEI DETERMINA FOLIN FINI — September 12, 2017\nTreinadór 20 Husi Xina Sei Fo Treinamentu Ba Agrikultór No Funsionariu Balun — September 6, 2017\nMAP- CCITL Hala’o Diskusaun Meja Kabuar konaba oportunidade Negosiu iha area Agrikultura — September 5, 2017\nDelegasaun Ministeriu Agrikultura Indonesia Hasoru Malu Ho MAP TL — September 5, 2017\nDiretor Jeral Agrikultura, Hortikultura e Extensaun halao enkontru ho Konsello fini nasional. Fotografer Elsio Jong/Info MAP\nDili- Ministeriu Agrikultura e Peskas (MAP) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura E Extensaun hala’o ekontru ho ekipa konsello fini Nasional hare konaba folin fini hanesan Hare, Batar no fore rai.\nDiretór Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura e Extensaun, Amaro Ximenes iha nia entrevista sesta –feira (8/09) iha salaun MAP Komoro Dili katak, objetivu enkontru atu bele formula ideia ruma konaba folin fini ne’ebe maka garikultór sira produs sira bele eleva sira nia nivel Ekonomia iha future liu husi produsaun ne’ebe maka sira iha.\nAgora dadauk MAP sei hare konaba folin fini nian atu nune’e ita nia agrikultor sira mos bele hetan subsidiu husi Estadu.\nIha estrutura Fini Nasional nian Ministru Agrikultura mak sai presidenti iha konsello fini nasional nian no hau rasik mak sai sekretario neduni iha ne’e atu hare problema ida mak konaba presu fini tanba durante ne’e agrikultór sira faan sira nia fini karung liu fali fini importasaun neduni orasa ne’e dadaun MAP iha estratejia ida hodi oinsa mak bele hare folin refere, sekundo ita hatun folin fini entaun ita tenki iha kustu de operasaun. Nia akresenta.\nEkipa ne’ebe servisu ba area ne’e hanesan, Akademia Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosae, Asosiasaun ANSA, HASATIL, Departamentu Fini, Departamentu Estensaun no Departamnetu Produsaun Alimentar hamutuk ho Diretór Jeral Agrikultura Hortikulta no ohin ekipa ne’e mos aprejenta katak batar no hare presiza fa’an duni ho folin 1.50 kada kilgograma maibe presiza hasa’e fore rai nia folin ituan tanba ita nia Agrikultór sira sente lakon.\nEntretantu Acacia da Costa Guterres Xefe Departamentu Agronomia UNTL hanesan mos membru iha konselho fini Nasional ne’e hatutan katak, konsello Fini Nasional determina konaba folin Fini ne’e importante tebes atu ita bele hare ba Agrikultór sira atu produs buat ruma entermus de negosiasaun atu sira mos bele hetan rendimentu diak ba sira nia moris.\nNia realsa folin fini iha buat rua maka importante tebes, Ida maka halo kalkulasaun ba kustu produsaun, no ita mos halo ita nia estimasaun ba iha produtividade ne’ebe ita koalia konaba rendimentu. Husi faktor rua ne’e hafoin ita halo fali nia kalkulasaun ida kuandu ninia kustu produsaun ne’e bo’ot liu rendimentu maka ita nia agrikultór ida ne’ebe fa’an ne’e labele hetan osan, tanba ne’e maka ita tenta nafatin atu hadia nia rendimentu bo’ot liu iha produsaun.(Tyfa)\nSistema garantia ba kreditu ne rasik hanesan instrumentu atu garantia ba emprejariu sira atu bele hafasil sira atu oinsa bele apoiu sira iha sira nia atividade emprejaria nian.(tyfa)\nStaff Departamentu IT no ALGIS tuir Treinamentu konaba programa Joomla\nStaf Dept. ALGIS no IT tuir treinamentu konaba programa Joomla iha MAP. foto Doc. MAP.\nStaff Diresaun Nasional Peskiza Estatistika e Informasaun Geográfika liu husi departamentu rua hanesan IT no Algis liu-liu ba Unidade Informasaun tuir treinamentu konaba oinsa utiliza no upload informasaun atividade Ministeriu nian iha website MAP ne’ebe mak kria liu husi programa ka aplikasi Joomla.\nTreinamentu ne’e durante loron tolu hahu iha loron 17 ate 21 fulan agustus iha Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas.\nXefi departamentu IT, Gilberto da Costa iha nia intrevista kuarta- feira loron 23/8/2017 iha nia servisu fatin Departamentu IT MAP hateten katak, objetivu treinamentu ba staff departamentu rua oinsa maka atu halo manutensaun no redesaing fali website Ministeriu nian ne’ebe mak uja programa ou aplikasi joomla atu nune’e bele troka template balun iha website ne’e rasik.\nNia mos hatutan, durante treinamentu ne’e parsipante laos hetan de’it teoria maibe sira mos pratika direitamente oinsa mak atu edit no muda hafoun artigu ka Notisia iha web ne’e rasik.\nGilberto mos realsa tan, Treinamentu ne’e iha planu atu hala’o iha kada tinan tanba aplikasi ka programa kada tinan sempre iha mudansa maibe depende mos ba planu orsamentu Diresaun nian.\nTreinamentu ne’e hetan apoiu husi parseiru Ministeriu Agrikultura SAPIP no Durante loron treinamentu ne’e lao diak, iha tempu badak Sapip mos sei entraga website foun ne’e ba Departamentu Algis liu-liu ba parte Informasaun nian.(Tyfa,Elis)\nMAP SEI UTILIZA EKIPAMENTUS MODERNU IHA PROSESU SENSU AGRIKULTURA 2018\nDiretor Nasional DNPIEG, Claudino N. Nabais hala’o enkontru entre Linas Ministerias, iha Hotel Timor-Dili. Fotografer Elsio Jong/info MAP\nDili – Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Peskiza Estatistika e Informasaun Geografika (DNPEIG), Departamentu ALGIS konvoka enkontru ho Liña Ministeriais hanesan Sekretariadu Estadu Terras e Propriedades, Instituisaun Petroliu no Gas no JICA hodi fahe esperensia servisu rasik konaba oinsa utiliza ekipementus modernu iha pilotu sensu Agrikultura.\nSensu agrikultura ita foin maka atu implementa primeira ves iha Timor Leste ne’ebe ninia legalidade ne’ebe maka liu tiha ona husi rezolusaun Governo nian ne’ebe aprova iha fulan Maio liu ba katak Timor Leste sei implementa sensu agrikultura ba dahuluk iha Timor Leste. Tuir Diretór Claudino Ninas Nabais iha nia deskursu iha enkontru entra liñas ministerial ho ajensia MAP, loron kinta-feira (10/08/17) iha Hotel Timor Dili.\nNia mos hatutan, MAP servisu hamutuk mos ho Ministeriu Finansas ne’ebe iha Diresaun Jeral Estatistika maka sai hanesan Diresaun tekniku ne’ebe suporta ba impplementasaun ida ne’e suporta mos husi ajensia Internasional FAO nian ne’ebe ita halo tiha ona preparativus lobuk ida komesa husi tinan 2016 nian eskenariu ba implementasaun oinsa maka atu implementa sensu agrikultura ida ne’e.\nMaske primeira vez atu implementa, maibe ita koko atu bele implementa ho diak, tanba ita mos iha tiha ona estimasaun ba gastus ne’ebe maka ita sei presiza durante implementasaun sensu ne’e rasik, implementasaun sei iha faze rua Primeiru faze maka ita hanaran pilotu no segundu maka sensu agrikultura lolos, pilotu ita mos sei implementa iha fulan Novembro tinan ida ne’e no ba sensu Agrikultura lolos ita sei implemeta ita tinan 2018 .\nIha fatin hanesan, reprezentante husi Secretariu Estadu Terras e propriedades Paulino da Cruz esplika katak, hanesan Instituisaun Estadu ne’ebe halo jestaun kona ba pedidu rai iha Timor-Leste iha kestaun tekniku tolu maka hanesan primeiru kestaun Administrasaun rai, kestaun tekniku levantamentu no terseiru kestaun Lejislasaun rai nian.\nNia subliña, Iha Ministeriu Finansas mos estabelese tan servisu ida hodi halo levantementu konaba mapamentu, servisu ne’e agora finaliza tiha ona no nia rezultadu oras ne’e dadauk entrega ona ba Ministeriu Finansas. Ida ne’e maka modelu sistema informasaun oinsa atu foti dadus depois halo ninia sistema informasaun Tamba ne’e sujestaun ba sensu Agrikulturan ita bele kria mapa ortografia ou satelite, bele mos uza GPS ne’ebe avansadu liu ou tablet ba terenu hodi foti dadus ho mapa ne’ebe ita print out.\nEntretantu Diretór Instituisaun Petroliu no Gas, Osorio Xavier da Costa hatutan katak, objetivu prinsipal Institusaun IPG maka atu halo peskiza sobre Geologia iha Timor Leste, Identifika petroleu no Gas no distribui minarais iha ita nia rai laran no mos halo estudu kona ba risku jeolojia ida ne’ebe atu hatene kona ba area ne’ebe mak potensia ba rai nakdoko, rai halai, inundasaun no mos deskobre be’e iha rai okos.\nOsorio X. da Costa mos salienta, Liu husi institusaun iha mos devizaun Geo Information no Baze de dadus ne’ebe mak ninia papel importante maka atu maneza dadus parsial jeolojia, geo Siensia nian no kria sistema data base ou Baza de dadus. Atu kria sentru informasaun jeolojia no utiliza teknolojia Moderna hanesan GIS iha ne’eba ami ba liu iha ESRI-RGIS no liga ba buat sira ne’e hotu ami refere ho bazea ba dekretu Lei ne’ebe maka governo Aprova iha 34/12 entaun tuir duni politika ne’ebe mak iha Ministeriu MPRM nian.\nNia mos realsa, Tinan rua kotuk Governu investe ona iha projetu LIDAR ne’ebe mak ninia objetivu prinsipal atu utiliza ba plano espasu teritoriu tomak, Ministerio MPIE maka sai nain ba projetu liu husi Ministeriu Finansas.\nUtilizasaun dadus teknolojia LIDAR no Foto Aero ne’ebe mak ita iha, bele uza ba kualker area ba Ministeriu Relevante mak hanesan agrikultura, area minerais ajuda suporta identifika rikeza iha ita nia rai laran, entaun ida ne’e importante hotu mos ba iha defesa e Siguransa, Teras propreidade tamba ninia rezulusaun diak teb-tebes.\nIha ne’e teknologia LIDER ita uza Aero foto ba iha sensu agrikultura ita hare kona ba area potensia agrikultura iha Timor ita bele hatene ona luan natar entaun ita bele utiliza teknolojia ida ne’e para halo sensu lalais mais fasil e depois ita bele dehan efisiensia no efikasia tamba uza teknologia ne’ebe mak Governu Investe ona.\nKona ba Drone, institusaun seidauk utiliza Drone maibe ninia konseptu no teknolojia Drone ne’e institusaun iha rekursu hatene hela tamba ba teknolojia LIDAR rua ne’e atu hanesan, ida seluk uza pilotu ida seluk lae, mas em termus de akurasaun iha duni diferente uituan ida ne’e mak ita hakarak ba oin teknolojia ne’e bele suporta ita nia servisu hotu.\nBazeia ba espresia no lalaok servisu iha IPG konaba ekipamentus ne’ebe sei uja iha sensu agrikultura sira sujere atu utiliza dadus produtu LIDAR ba projeitu sensu ne’e rasik, GPS hanesan ekipamentus ne’ebe atu suporta servisu iha kampo no verifika area agrikola no Drone utiliza wanhira mudansa iha terenu ou bele ,os prosesu updating informasaun ne’ebe espesial inkus liu maka Satelite imaje uja wanhira ministeriu relevante hakarak potensia solo ba agrikultura ne’ebe detallu. (TYFA)\nFoto Ministru MAP Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, Lansa fore keli Hektares 4 iha Oebaba-Covalima. Fotografer Roger/Info MAP.\nCovalima-Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura no Hortikultura e Estensaun lansa tan fore keli 4 hektares ho objetivu atu produsaun fore keli no aumnta redimentu ekonomiku joven ne’ebe involve iha vida agrikultura.\nFore keli 4 hektares 4 ne’e ofisialmente lansa husi Ministru Agrikultura e Peskas Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, foin lalais ne’e iha Suku Raimea Posto Administrativu Zuamalai Munisipiu Covalima.\n“Hau sente kontente tebes tanba grupu ne’ebe maka kuda fore keli ne’e mesak joven de’it ne’e hatudu katak joven sira mos hakarak atu envolve iha area Agrikultura nian, tanba ne’e Ministeriu Agrikultura sei fo apoiu nafatin.”tenik Estanislau Aleixo da Silva.\nNia hatutan, MAP iha programa ida fo ba joven sira tanba ne’e maka atividade sira hanesan ne’e hola parte mos ba iha joven sira, fiar katak Governu foun mai sei iha kompremisiu ou atensaun masimu ba area agrikultura liu-liu ba joven sira oinsa atu kontinua envolve a’an iha vida Agrikultura nian.\n“Hau husu ba Agrikultor sira kontinua nafatin hala’o sira nia kna’ar, Governu mos sei hare oinsa maka atu bele fo apoiu ba sira, Governu sei kria kondisaun atu produsaun ne’ebe maka sira hetan ita mos sei hetan iha merkadu, husi parte Ministeriu Agrikultura sei koordena atividade diak ho Centru logistiku atu sira bele sosa produtu lokal wainhira agrupu agrikultor no grupu joven sira produs sira nia produsaun atu sira mos bele hetan rendimentu husi servisu ne’ebe maka sira halo liu husi produsaun ne’ebe maka iha atu bele sustenta ekonomia iha sira nia moris.” tenik Estanislau\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Jeral Agrikultura Hortikultura e Estensaun Deolindo da Silva esplika, Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura e estensaun liu-liu Departamentu produsaun Alimentar nia programa ida ne’e oinsa maka atu ultimaliza irrigasaun Oebaba no oinsa maka atu produs fini fore keli bele sai mos hanesan fini fore keli ba iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak.\nDeolindo akresenta, Fore keli ne’ebe maka lansa ona ne’e bolu mos ho naran orba, objetivu ba atividades kuda fore keli ne’e iha hanoin ida katak oinsa atu bele uja natar ne’ebe maka mamuk entaun oinsa maka atu bele uza efektividade be’e no rai ne’ebe maka iha, tanba ita nia Agrikultor sira foin maka koa hare entaun ita halo mos rotasaun ba kultiva alimentasaun.\nPlanu ida ne’e mosu iha tinan 2017 no planu ne’e trasa duni no ida ne’e mos hanesan teste pilotu ida ba Agrikultor sira, fini ne’ebe maka oras dadauk hetan alokasaun husi Nasional nian.\nIha fatin hanesan Diretór MAP Covalima, Jeferino Amaral Guterres hatutan katak, bazeia ba asesmentu no dadus ne’ebe maka tekniku sira halo katak sei kuda fore keli ho luan 75 hektares, maibe ohin hala’o lansamentu ida ne’e sei kuda de’it ho 4 hektares hanesan mos simbolikamente no restu sei kuda to area ne’ebe mak determina ona.\nJeferino sublinha, programa ida ne’e bele halo rotasaun ba aihan ne’ebe maka ita bele utiliza ita nia natar, tanba ne’e politika MAP nian liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura no Hortikultura ita implementa.\nEntretantu xefi Grupu Hametin Juventude Oebaba, Lorenço Ferreira esplika katak wainhira sira halo kolleta hare hotu sira mos hahu bolu malu iha grupu hodi fo hanoin ou idea ba malu atu bele kontinua kuda fore keli iha natar, no ami nia grupu mos konkorda hodi ohin loron halo duni lansamentu ida ne’e.\nGrupu ne’e rasik total ema hamutuk sanolu resin lima (15) feto lima (5) no mane sanolu (10) maibe problema ne’ebe sira hasoru mak komunidade sira hasik livre animal ne’ebe mak sira hakiak bele estraga sira nia aihorus ne’ebe sira kuda.\nMAP mos durenate ne’e grupu joventude hamutuk 13 iha munisipiu refere, maibe sira mos iha ona diskusaun hodi bele rezolve promblema ne’e.(Tyfa)\nChina Investe iha Area Peskas\nDili- Guvernu Timor-leste liu Husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas kometidu hodi halo diversifikasaun ekonomia Timor-leste liu husi investimentu iha area Peskas husi Kompañia Hong Long Fisheries.\nOras ne’e dadauk Ró hamutuk sanolu resin Lima (15) iha dalan ona husi China mai Timor- Leste, hodi hala’o atividades kaer ikan iha parte sul tasi mane no oras ne’e dadauk besik tama mai ona nasaun Singapura.\nBainhira ró refere to iha Timor Leste sei atraka provijoriu iha Kaidabela tanba portu ba peskas rasik seidauk iha. Esplika Diretór Jeral Peskas Acacio Guterres, iha nia fatin servisu MAP Comoro, loron Segunda (24/10/2016).\nTuir Diretór Jeral Peskas Acacio Guterres, ró sanolu resin lima ne’ebe mai ho objetivu atu halo investimentu iha seitór peskas tuir negosiasaun ne’ebe iha, Ministeriu mos hasai ona autorizasaun atu ró refere sei kaer ikan iha parte Sul Tasi Mane nian no sei prosesu iha Timor-Leste hafoin exporta ba rai liur.\nNia hatutan tan , “ Kompañia Hong Long Fisheries” mai husi provinsia FU JO -China hodi halo atividade peskas iha tasi Timor “ ita la iha akordu espesifiku maibe bazeia ba Dekretu Lei Peskas no 4/2014 ne’ebe maka vigora, tanba ne’e Ministeriu mos fo ona autorizasaun no ita halo de’it inspesaun konjunta ho Ministeriu relevante sira hotu, hafoin hare ba dokumentus ró ne’ebe maka kompletu ita bele hasai ona lisensa hodi bele ba kaer ikan”.\nHusi parte Peskas kontaktu ona ho SEPFOPE konaba trabalhadór sira ne’ebe maka atu servisu iha ró refere no SEPFOPE mos halo ona rekrutamentu ba trabalhador hamutuk 120 ne’ebe remata ona sira nia servisu iha Korea no ba faze primeiru sei fasilita uluk trabalhadores 75.” informa Diretor Jeral Peskas.\nKompañia Hong Long Fisheries sei servisu iha Timor Leste ho durasaun tinan 30 ba longu prazu, tanba sei halo konstrusaun fabrika iha Vemase no presiza tan rai 100 hetares atu bele hakiak ikan no boek, tanba ne’e maka ita presiza fo apoiu ba sira.\nBainhira Kompañia ne’e komesa hala’o atividade kaer ikan, husi parte peskas mos sei halo diskusaun ne’ebe mak klean ho sira atu nune’e rezultadu ikan ne’ebe sira kaer 75% sira bele Exporta ba rai liu no 25% sei sirkula iha Timor laran.\nImportansia Poda Café hodi hasaé Produssaun\nErmera - Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas realiza programa poda kafé hodi hadia kuliadade no hasae produsaun,iha loron 21/10/2016, Suku Dukurai, Posto Admintrativu Letefoho.\nTinan ida ne’e,MAP liu huis Diresaun Geral Floresta, Kafé e Plantas Industriais hala’o lansamentu poda ba kafé ba hetares atus lima (500) iha municipiu Ermera no Liquiça.\nIha serimonia lansamentu ne’e, Primeiru- Ministru RDTL, Dr.Rui Maria de Araujo, Louva Servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas ne’ebe ho esforsu bo’ot hala’o programa poda kafé .\n” Ha’u hakarak fo parabens ba Agrikultór kafé sira, tanba ita bo’ot sira brani atu tesi fila -fali kafé sira ne’e, kafé ne’ebe maka tesi ne’e, tinan oin fuan la dun diak no prosesu fuan sei to’o tinan tolu ou haat tan”. Tenik Primeiru- Ministru RDTL.\nIha fatin hanesan, Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, iha nia diskursu hateten katak, iha estratejia ida atu poda kafé iha Timor laran tomak no hahu fila- fali plantasaun ai-mahon iha kafe laran tomak.\nEstanislau Aleixo da Silva hateten katak, kafé hanesan rikusoin Timor-Leste, ne’e duni ita tenki fo perioridade nafatin ba kafé, tanba iha tinan barak plantasaun kafe, floresta no peskas abandonadu hela.\nTinan ne’e, MAP iha kbi’it ba poda kafé hetares 500 no tinan oin sei aumenta tan 400 hetares, maibe ha’u fiar katak tempu tuir mai sei hatutan programa ne’e ba municipiu sira ne’ebe mak iha ai-horis kafé tanba programa ne’e inportante tebes.\nAlende ne’e, Diretór Jeral Floresta, Mario Nunes informa mos katak, Diresaun Nasional Kafé no plantas Industriais halo identifikasaun importante maka tenki poda kafé, iha desizaun sira ne’e maka iha 2016 tau orsamentu ba poda kafé 500 hetares ne’ebe husi total kafé Timor-Leste mais ou menus 59 mil hetares.\nHetares 500 ne’e ita dehan bo’ot maibe ne’e ki’ik oan tebes, entermos de área kafé nian ne’ebe mak existe, atividade ne’e ita hala’o ba 350 hetares iha Municipiu Ermera no 150 hetares iha Liquiça.\nMario Nunes akresenta tan, preokupasaun laos de’it ba poda Kafé maibe impotante mos tenki hare ai-mahon ba kafé, tanba Kafé sira presiza mahon mais ou menus 50% atu nune’e produsaun bele kontinua sae kada tinan.\nFulan Dezembru tinan ida ne’e, sei iha konferensia Internasional ida kona ba kafé no sei halo lansamentu ofisial ba Asosiasaun Produtures Kafé Timor, depois sei hare ba presu merkadu Internasional nian nomos sei estabelese presu minimu iha Timor.
[ "Marquita Soares \" Name: Marquita Soares MAP - ADB SEI HADIA KUALIDADE KAFE IHA TL - September 15, 2017 MAP SEI DETERMINA FOLIN FINI - September 12, 2017 Treinador 20 Husi Xina Sei Fo Treinamentu Ba Agrikultor No Funsionariu Balun - September 6, 2017 MAP- CCITL Hala'o Diskusaun Meja Kabuar konaba oportunidade Negosiu iha area Agrikultura - September 5, 2017 Delegasaun Ministeriu Agrikultura Indonesia Hasoru Malu Ho MAP TL - September 5, 2017 Diretor Jeral Agrikultura, Hortikultura e Extensaun halao enkontru ho Konsello fini nasional.", "Fotografer Elsio Jong/Info MAP Dili- Ministeriu Agrikultura e Peskas (MAP) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura E Extensaun hala'o ekontru ho ekipa konsello fini Nasional hare konaba folin fini hanesan Hare, Batar no fore rai.", "Diretor Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura e Extensaun, Amaro Ximenes iha nia entrevista sesta -feira (8/09) iha salaun MAP Komoro Dili katak, objetivu enkontru atu bele formula ideia ruma konaba folin fini ne'ebe maka garikultor sira produs sira bele eleva sira nia nivel Ekonomia iha future liu husi produsaun ne'ebe maka sira iha.", "Agora dadauk MAP sei hare konaba folin fini nian atu nune'e ita nia agrikultor sira mos bele hetan subsidiu husi Estadu.", "Iha estrutura Fini Nasional nian Ministru Agrikultura mak sai presidenti iha konsello fini nasional nian no hau rasik mak sai sekretario neduni iha ne'e atu hare problema ida mak konaba presu fini tanba durante ne'e agrikultor sira faan sira nia fini karung liu fali fini importasaun neduni orasa ne'e dadaun MAP iha estratejia ida hodi oinsa mak bele hare folin refere, sekundo ita hatun folin fini entaun ita tenki iha kustu de operasaun.", "Nia akresenta.", "Ekipa ne'ebe servisu ba area ne'e hanesan, Akademia Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosae, Asosiasaun ANSA, HASATIL, Departamentu Fini, Departamentu Estensaun no Departamnetu Produsaun Alimentar hamutuk ho Diretor Jeral Agrikultura Hortikulta no ohin ekipa ne'e mos aprejenta katak batar no hare presiza fa'an duni ho folin 1.50 kada kilgograma maibe presiza hasa'e fore rai nia folin ituan tanba ita nia Agrikultor sira sente lakon.", "Entretantu Acacia da Costa Guterres Xefe Departamentu Agronomia UNTL hanesan mos membru iha konselho fini Nasional ne'e hatutan katak, konsello Fini Nasional determina konaba folin Fini ne'e importante tebes atu ita bele hare ba Agrikultor sira atu produs buat ruma entermus de negosiasaun atu sira mos bele hetan rendimentu diak ba sira nia moris.", "Nia realsa folin fini iha buat rua maka importante tebes, Ida maka halo kalkulasaun ba kustu produsaun, no ita mos halo ita nia estimasaun ba iha produtividade ne'ebe ita koalia konaba rendimentu.", "Husi faktor rua ne'e hafoin ita halo fali nia kalkulasaun ida kuandu ninia kustu produsaun ne'e bo'ot liu rendimentu maka ita nia agrikultor ida ne'ebe fa'an ne'e labele hetan osan, tanba ne'e maka ita tenta nafatin atu hadia nia rendimentu bo'ot liu iha produsaun.", "(Tyfa) Sistema garantia ba kreditu ne rasik hanesan instrumentu atu garantia ba emprejariu sira atu bele hafasil sira atu oinsa bele apoiu sira iha sira nia atividade emprejaria nian. (tyfa) Staff Departamentu IT no ALGIS tuir Treinamentu konaba programa Joomla Staf Dept.", "ALGIS no IT tuir treinamentu konaba programa Joomla iha MAP. foto Doc.", "MAP.", "Staff Diresaun Nasional Peskiza Estatistika e Informasaun Geografika liu husi departamentu rua hanesan IT no Algis liu-liu ba Unidade Informasaun tuir treinamentu konaba oinsa utiliza no upload informasaun atividade Ministeriu nian iha website MAP ne'ebe mak kria liu husi programa ka aplikasi Joomla.", "Treinamentu ne'e durante loron tolu hahu iha loron 17 ate 21 fulan agustus iha Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas.", "Xefi departamentu IT, Gilberto da Costa iha nia intrevista kuarta- feira loron 23/8/2017 iha nia servisu fatin Departamentu IT MAP hateten katak, objetivu treinamentu ba staff departamentu rua oinsa maka atu halo manutensaun no redesaing fali website Ministeriu nian ne'ebe mak uja programa ou aplikasi joomla atu nune'e bele troka template balun iha website ne'e rasik.", "Nia mos hatutan, durante treinamentu ne'e parsipante laos hetan de'it teoria maibe sira mos pratika direitamente oinsa mak atu edit no muda hafoun artigu ka Notisia iha web ne'e rasik.", "Gilberto mos realsa tan, Treinamentu ne'e iha planu atu hala'o iha kada tinan tanba aplikasi ka programa kada tinan sempre iha mudansa maibe depende mos ba planu orsamentu Diresaun nian.", "Treinamentu ne'e hetan apoiu husi parseiru Ministeriu Agrikultura SAPIP no Durante loron treinamentu ne'e lao diak, iha tempu badak Sapip mos sei entraga website foun ne'e ba Departamentu Algis liu-liu ba parte Informasaun nian.", "(Tyfa,Elis) MAP SEI UTILIZA EKIPAMENTUS MODERNU IHA PROSESU SENSU AGRIKULTURA 2018 Diretor Nasional DNPIEG, Claudino N. Nabais hala'o enkontru entre Linas Ministerias, iha Hotel Timor-Dili.", "Fotografer Elsio Jong/info MAP Dili - Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Peskiza Estatistika e Informasaun Geografika (DNPEIG), Departamentu ALGIS konvoka enkontru ho Lina Ministeriais hanesan Sekretariadu Estadu Terras e Propriedades, Instituisaun Petroliu no Gas no JICA hodi fahe esperensia servisu rasik konaba oinsa utiliza ekipementus modernu iha pilotu sensu Agrikultura.", "Sensu agrikultura ita foin maka atu implementa primeira ves iha Timor Leste ne'ebe ninia legalidade ne'ebe maka liu tiha ona husi rezolusaun Governo nian ne'ebe aprova iha fulan Maio liu ba katak Timor Leste sei implementa sensu agrikultura ba dahuluk iha Timor Leste.", "Tuir Diretor Claudino Ninas Nabais iha nia deskursu iha enkontru entra linas ministerial ho ajensia MAP, loron kinta-feira (10/08/17) iha Hotel Timor Dili.", "Nia mos hatutan, MAP servisu hamutuk mos ho Ministeriu Finansas ne'ebe iha Diresaun Jeral Estatistika maka sai hanesan Diresaun tekniku ne'ebe suporta ba impplementasaun ida ne'e suporta mos husi ajensia Internasional FAO nian ne'ebe ita halo tiha ona preparativus lobuk ida komesa husi tinan 2016 nian eskenariu ba implementasaun oinsa maka atu implementa sensu agrikultura ida ne'e.", "Maske primeira vez atu implementa, maibe ita koko atu bele implementa ho diak, tanba ita mos iha tiha ona estimasaun ba gastus ne'ebe maka ita sei presiza durante implementasaun sensu ne'e rasik, implementasaun sei iha faze rua Primeiru faze maka ita hanaran pilotu no segundu maka sensu agrikultura lolos, pilotu ita mos sei implementa iha fulan Novembro tinan ida ne'e no ba sensu Agrikultura lolos ita sei implemeta ita tinan 2018 .", "Iha fatin hanesan, reprezentante husi Secretariu Estadu Terras e propriedades Paulino da Cruz esplika katak, hanesan Instituisaun Estadu ne'ebe halo jestaun kona ba pedidu rai iha Timor-Leste iha kestaun tekniku tolu maka hanesan primeiru kestaun Administrasaun rai, kestaun tekniku levantamentu no terseiru kestaun Lejislasaun rai nian.", "Nia sublina, Iha Ministeriu Finansas mos estabelese tan servisu ida hodi halo levantementu konaba mapamentu, servisu ne'e agora finaliza tiha ona no nia rezultadu oras ne'e dadauk entrega ona ba Ministeriu Finansas.", "Ida ne'e maka modelu sistema informasaun oinsa atu foti dadus depois halo ninia sistema informasaun Tamba ne'e sujestaun ba sensu Agrikulturan ita bele kria mapa ortografia ou satelite, bele mos uza GPS ne'ebe avansadu liu ou tablet ba terenu hodi foti dadus ho mapa ne'ebe ita print out.", "Entretantu Diretor Instituisaun Petroliu no Gas, Osorio Xavier da Costa hatutan katak, objetivu prinsipal Institusaun IPG maka atu halo peskiza sobre Geologia iha Timor Leste, Identifika petroleu no Gas no distribui minarais iha ita nia rai laran no mos halo estudu kona ba risku jeolojia ida ne'ebe atu hatene kona ba area ne'ebe mak potensia ba rai nakdoko, rai halai, inundasaun no mos deskobre be'e iha rai okos.", "Osorio X. da Costa mos salienta, Liu husi institusaun iha mos devizaun Geo Information no Baze de dadus ne'ebe mak ninia papel importante maka atu maneza dadus parsial jeolojia, geo Siensia nian no kria sistema data base ou Baza de dadus.", "Atu kria sentru informasaun jeolojia no utiliza teknolojia Moderna hanesan GIS iha ne'eba ami ba liu iha ESRI-RGIS no liga ba buat sira ne'e hotu ami refere ho bazea ba dekretu Lei ne'ebe maka governo Aprova iha 34/12 entaun tuir duni politika ne'ebe mak iha Ministeriu MPRM nian.", "Nia mos realsa, Tinan rua kotuk Governu investe ona iha projetu LIDAR ne'ebe mak ninia objetivu prinsipal atu utiliza ba plano espasu teritoriu tomak, Ministerio MPIE maka sai nain ba projetu liu husi Ministeriu Finansas.", "Utilizasaun dadus teknolojia LIDAR no Foto Aero ne'ebe mak ita iha, bele uza ba kualker area ba Ministeriu Relevante mak hanesan agrikultura, area minerais ajuda suporta identifika rikeza iha ita nia rai laran, entaun ida ne'e importante hotu mos ba iha defesa e Siguransa, Teras propreidade tamba ninia rezulusaun diak teb-tebes.", "Iha ne'e teknologia LIDER ita uza Aero foto ba iha sensu agrikultura ita hare kona ba area potensia agrikultura iha Timor ita bele hatene ona luan natar entaun ita bele utiliza teknolojia ida ne'e para halo sensu lalais mais fasil e depois ita bele dehan efisiensia no efikasia tamba uza teknologia ne'ebe mak Governu Investe ona.", "Kona ba Drone, institusaun seidauk utiliza Drone maibe ninia konseptu no teknolojia Drone ne'e institusaun iha rekursu hatene hela tamba ba teknolojia LIDAR rua ne'e atu hanesan, ida seluk uza pilotu ida seluk lae, mas em termus de akurasaun iha duni diferente uituan ida ne'e mak ita hakarak ba oin teknolojia ne'e bele suporta ita nia servisu hotu.", "Bazeia ba espresia no lalaok servisu iha IPG konaba ekipamentus ne'ebe sei uja iha sensu agrikultura sira sujere atu utiliza dadus produtu LIDAR ba projeitu sensu ne'e rasik, GPS hanesan ekipamentus ne'ebe atu suporta servisu iha kampo no verifika area agrikola no Drone utiliza wanhira mudansa iha terenu ou bele ,os prosesu updating informasaun ne'ebe espesial inkus liu maka Satelite imaje uja wanhira ministeriu relevante hakarak potensia solo ba agrikultura ne'ebe detallu.", "(TYFA) Foto Ministru MAP Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, Lansa fore keli Hektares 4 iha Oebaba-Covalima.", "Fotografer Roger/Info MAP.", "Covalima-Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura no Hortikultura e Estensaun lansa tan fore keli 4 hektares ho objetivu atu produsaun fore keli no aumnta redimentu ekonomiku joven ne'ebe involve iha vida agrikultura.", "Fore keli 4 hektares 4 ne'e ofisialmente lansa husi Ministru Agrikultura e Peskas Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, foin lalais ne'e iha Suku Raimea Posto Administrativu Zuamalai Munisipiu Covalima.", "\"Hau sente kontente tebes tanba grupu ne'ebe maka kuda fore keli ne'e mesak joven de'it ne'e hatudu katak joven sira mos hakarak atu envolve iha area Agrikultura nian, tanba ne'e Ministeriu Agrikultura sei fo apoiu nafatin.\"tenik Estanislau Aleixo da Silva.", "Nia hatutan, MAP iha programa ida fo ba joven sira tanba ne'e maka atividade sira hanesan ne'e hola parte mos ba iha joven sira, fiar katak Governu foun mai sei iha kompremisiu ou atensaun masimu ba area agrikultura liu-liu ba joven sira oinsa atu kontinua envolve a'an iha vida Agrikultura nian.", "\"Hau husu ba Agrikultor sira kontinua nafatin hala'o sira nia kna'ar, Governu mos sei hare oinsa maka atu bele fo apoiu ba sira, Governu sei kria kondisaun atu produsaun ne'ebe maka sira hetan ita mos sei hetan iha merkadu, husi parte Ministeriu Agrikultura sei koordena atividade diak ho Centru logistiku atu sira bele sosa produtu lokal wainhira agrupu agrikultor no grupu joven sira produs sira nia produsaun atu sira mos bele hetan rendimentu husi servisu ne'ebe maka sira halo liu husi produsaun ne'ebe maka iha atu bele sustenta ekonomia iha sira nia moris.\" tenik Estanislau Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Jeral Agrikultura Hortikultura e Estensaun Deolindo da Silva esplika, Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura e estensaun liu-liu Departamentu produsaun Alimentar nia programa ida ne'e oinsa maka atu ultimaliza irrigasaun Oebaba no oinsa maka atu produs fini fore keli bele sai mos hanesan fini fore keli ba iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak.", "Deolindo akresenta, Fore keli ne'ebe maka lansa ona ne'e bolu mos ho naran orba, objetivu ba atividades kuda fore keli ne'e iha hanoin ida katak oinsa atu bele uja natar ne'ebe maka mamuk entaun oinsa maka atu bele uza efektividade be'e no rai ne'ebe maka iha, tanba ita nia Agrikultor sira foin maka koa hare entaun ita halo mos rotasaun ba kultiva alimentasaun.", "Planu ida ne'e mosu iha tinan 2017 no planu ne'e trasa duni no ida ne'e mos hanesan teste pilotu ida ba Agrikultor sira, fini ne'ebe maka oras dadauk hetan alokasaun husi Nasional nian.", "Iha fatin hanesan Diretor MAP Covalima, Jeferino Amaral Guterres hatutan katak, bazeia ba asesmentu no dadus ne'ebe maka tekniku sira halo katak sei kuda fore keli ho luan 75 hektares, maibe ohin hala'o lansamentu ida ne'e sei kuda de'it ho 4 hektares hanesan mos simbolikamente no restu sei kuda to area ne'ebe mak determina ona.", "Jeferino sublinha, programa ida ne'e bele halo rotasaun ba aihan ne'ebe maka ita bele utiliza ita nia natar, tanba ne'e politika MAP nian liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura no Hortikultura ita implementa.", "Entretantu xefi Grupu Hametin Juventude Oebaba, Lorenco Ferreira esplika katak wainhira sira halo kolleta hare hotu sira mos hahu bolu malu iha grupu hodi fo hanoin ou idea ba malu atu bele kontinua kuda fore keli iha natar, no ami nia grupu mos konkorda hodi ohin loron halo duni lansamentu ida ne'e.", "Grupu ne'e rasik total ema hamutuk sanolu resin lima (15) feto lima (5) no mane sanolu (10) maibe problema ne'ebe sira hasoru mak komunidade sira hasik livre animal ne'ebe mak sira hakiak bele estraga sira nia aihorus ne'ebe sira kuda.", "MAP mos durenate ne'e grupu joventude hamutuk 13 iha munisipiu refere, maibe sira mos iha ona diskusaun hodi bele rezolve promblema ne'e.", "(Tyfa) China Investe iha Area Peskas Dili- Guvernu Timor-leste liu Husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas kometidu hodi halo diversifikasaun ekonomia Timor-leste liu husi investimentu iha area Peskas husi Kompania Hong Long Fisheries.", "Oras ne'e dadauk Ro hamutuk sanolu resin Lima (15) iha dalan ona husi China mai Timor- Leste, hodi hala'o atividades kaer ikan iha parte sul tasi mane no oras ne'e dadauk besik tama mai ona nasaun Singapura.", "Bainhira ro refere to iha Timor Leste sei atraka provijoriu iha Kaidabela tanba portu ba peskas rasik seidauk iha.", "Esplika Diretor Jeral Peskas Acacio Guterres, iha nia fatin servisu MAP Comoro, loron Segunda (24/10/2016).", "Tuir Diretor Jeral Peskas Acacio Guterres, ro sanolu resin lima ne'ebe mai ho objetivu atu halo investimentu iha seitor peskas tuir negosiasaun ne'ebe iha, Ministeriu mos hasai ona autorizasaun atu ro refere sei kaer ikan iha parte Sul Tasi Mane nian no sei prosesu iha Timor-Leste hafoin exporta ba rai liur.", "Nia hatutan tan , \" Kompania Hong Long Fisheries\" mai husi provinsia FU JO -China hodi halo atividade peskas iha tasi Timor \" ita la iha akordu espesifiku maibe bazeia ba Dekretu Lei Peskas no 4/2014 ne'ebe maka vigora, tanba ne'e Ministeriu mos fo ona autorizasaun no ita halo de'it inspesaun konjunta ho Ministeriu relevante sira hotu, hafoin hare ba dokumentus ro ne'ebe maka kompletu ita bele hasai ona lisensa hodi bele ba kaer ikan.\"", "Husi parte Peskas kontaktu ona ho SEPFOPE konaba trabalhador sira ne'ebe maka atu servisu iha ro refere no SEPFOPE mos halo ona rekrutamentu ba trabalhador hamutuk 120 ne'ebe remata ona sira nia servisu iha Korea no ba faze primeiru sei fasilita uluk trabalhadores 75.\" informa Diretor Jeral Peskas.", "Kompania Hong Long Fisheries sei servisu iha Timor Leste ho durasaun tinan 30 ba longu prazu, tanba sei halo konstrusaun fabrika iha Vemase no presiza tan rai 100 hetares atu bele hakiak ikan no boek, tanba ne'e maka ita presiza fo apoiu ba sira.", "Bainhira Kompania ne'e komesa hala'o atividade kaer ikan, husi parte peskas mos sei halo diskusaun ne'ebe mak klean ho sira atu nune'e rezultadu ikan ne'ebe sira kaer 75% sira bele Exporta ba rai liu no 25% sei sirkula iha Timor laran.", "Importansia Poda Cafe hodi hasae Produssaun Ermera - Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas realiza programa poda kafe hodi hadia kuliadade no hasae produsaun,iha loron 21/10/2016, Suku Dukurai, Posto Admintrativu Letefoho.", "Tinan ida ne'e,MAP liu huis Diresaun Geral Floresta, Kafe e Plantas Industriais hala'o lansamentu poda ba kafe ba hetares atus lima (500) iha municipiu Ermera no Liquica.", "Iha serimonia lansamentu ne'e, Primeiru- Ministru RDTL, Dr.Rui Maria de Araujo, Louva Servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas ne'ebe ho esforsu bo'ot hala'o programa poda kafe . \"", "Ha'u hakarak fo parabens ba Agrikultor kafe sira, tanba ita bo'ot sira brani atu tesi fila -fali kafe sira ne'e, kafe ne'ebe maka tesi ne'e, tinan oin fuan la dun diak no prosesu fuan sei to'o tinan tolu ou haat tan.\"", "Tenik Primeiru- Ministru RDTL.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, iha nia diskursu hateten katak, iha estratejia ida atu poda kafe iha Timor laran tomak no hahu fila- fali plantasaun ai-mahon iha kafe laran tomak.", "Estanislau Aleixo da Silva hateten katak, kafe hanesan rikusoin Timor-Leste, ne'e duni ita tenki fo perioridade nafatin ba kafe, tanba iha tinan barak plantasaun kafe, floresta no peskas abandonadu hela.", "Tinan ne'e, MAP iha kbi'it ba poda kafe hetares 500 no tinan oin sei aumenta tan 400 hetares, maibe ha'u fiar katak tempu tuir mai sei hatutan programa ne'e ba municipiu sira ne'ebe mak iha ai-horis kafe tanba programa ne'e inportante tebes.", "Alende ne'e, Diretor Jeral Floresta, Mario Nunes informa mos katak, Diresaun Nasional Kafe no plantas Industriais halo identifikasaun importante maka tenki poda kafe, iha desizaun sira ne'e maka iha 2016 tau orsamentu ba poda kafe 500 hetares ne'ebe husi total kafe Timor-Leste mais ou menus 59 mil hetares.", "Hetares 500 ne'e ita dehan bo'ot maibe ne'e ki'ik oan tebes, entermos de area kafe nian ne'ebe mak existe, atividade ne'e ita hala'o ba 350 hetares iha Municipiu Ermera no 150 hetares iha Liquica.", "Mario Nunes akresenta tan, preokupasaun laos de'it ba poda Kafe maibe impotante mos tenki hare ai-mahon ba kafe, tanba Kafe sira presiza mahon mais ou menus 50% atu nune'e produsaun bele kontinua sae kada tinan.", "Fulan Dezembru tinan ida ne'e, sei iha konferensia Internasional ida kona ba kafe no sei halo lansamentu ofisial ba Asosiasaun Produtures Kafe Timor, depois sei hare ba presu merkadu Internasional nian nomos sei estabelese presu minimu iha Timor." ]
[ [ "\" Name: Marquita Soares MAP - ADB WILL SUPPORT KAFE QUALITY IN TL – September 15,2037 Map Will Determine Fine Rice Prices in Timor-Leste (September) “ABD’S COFFEE PRODUCTION IS THE BEST OF THAILAND”– October.9th/November'86 | The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and Horticulture has a meeting with the National Council for Finish Products to discuss on business opportunities within agriculture sector;" ], [ "Fotografer Elsio Jong/Info MAP Dili- Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) through the National Directorate for Agricultural Horticulture & Extension held a meeting with national fertilizer council team to discuss on prices such as Hare, Batar e Forrai." ], [ "National Director of Agriculture Horticulture and Extension, Amaro Ximenes in his interview on Saturday (09/8) at the MAP Komoro Dili hall said that aim was to formulate some ideas about grain prices which can raise farmers' economic level through their current production." ], [ "Now MAP will look into the price of corn so that our farmers can also get subsidies from state." ], [ "In the structure of National Fines, Minister Agriculture is presidenti in national fine council and I myself am secretary therefore here to look at a problem with prices because during this time farmer selling their grain more expensive than imported ones so now MAP has an strategy how can we see that price. Secondly if you lower your corn costs then it must have cost de operação (cost for operation)." ], [ "Nia adds." ], [ "The team that works in this area is, Akademia Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosae (UNTL), Association ANSA HASATIL Fini Department Extension and Food Production department together with the Director General of Agriculture Horticulture today it's also noticed batar e hare should be sold at 1.50 per kilogram but need to raise forage land price because our farmer feel lost" ], [ "Meanwhile Acacia da Costa Guterres, Head of the UNTL's Agricultural Department and also a member in this National Fine Council said that it is very important for us to see how farmer can produce something during negotiations so they may get good income from their livelihood." ], [ "He emphasized that the price of grain is very important in two ways, firstly to calculate production costs and second we make our estimates for productivity which means yield." ], [ "From these two factors we then make a new calculation if its production cost is higher than the yield our farmer who sells it can not get money, so that' s why you try to improve his greater output." ], [ "(Tyfa) The credit guarantee system itself is an instrument to provide entrepreneurs with a safeguard and support in their business activities. Staff of the IT Department & ALGIS have been trained on Joomla Staf Dept program" ], [ "ALGIS and IT are following training on the Joomla program at MAP. photo Doc 2013" ], [ "MAP. Map of the area" ], [ "The staff of the National Directorate for Research, Statistics and Geographical Information through two department (IT & Algis) in particular to its information unit have been trained on how they can use a Joomla website created by MAP." ], [ "The three-day training started on 17 to August, and will continue until the end of this month. It was held at Ministry for Agriculture & Fisheries in Dili from Augst's20th till Sept ' s3rd" ], [ "IT department head, Gilberto da Costa in his interview on Tuesday 23/08-17 at the office of MAP's Department said that training for staff from two different ministries was aimed to help them maintain and redesign their website using Joomla software or application so they can change some template." ], [ "He added that during the training, participants not only gained theory but also practiced directly how to edit and change articles or news on this web itself." ], [ "Gilberto also stressed that the training is planned to be carried out every year because each application or program always changes, but it depends on Directorate budget plan." ], [ "The training was supported by the partner Ministry of Agriculture SAPIP and During this day's course went well, in a short time Sapip will also hand over new website to Department Algis especially for information." ], [ "(Tyfa,Elis) MAP WILL USE MODERN EQUIPMENT IN AGRICULTURE SENSE PROCESS National Director DNPIEG Claudino N. Nabais held a meeting with the Ministeries at Hotel Timor-Dili in Dili on Thursday night to discuss development of modern equipment for agriculture surveying and monitoring processes" ], [ "Fotografer Elsio Jong/info MAP Dili - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) through the National Directorate for Research, Statistics & Geographic Information(DNPEIG), ALGIS Department convenes meeting with Ministerial lines such as State Secretariat Land Property Institution Petroleum Gas Institute JICA to share their experience on how modern equipment can be used in a pilot agricultural census." ], [ "The agricultural census is to be implemented for the first time in Timor-Leste and its legality has already passed through a Government resolution approving last May that East Тимор will introduce an Agricultural Census." ], [ "According to Director Claudino Ninas Nabais in his speech at the inter-ministerial meeting with MAP agency, on Tuesday (10/8) 25th August." ], [ "He added that MAP also works with the Ministry of Finance, which has a General Directorate for Statistics as its technical directorat to support this implementation. The FAO International Agency is in charge and we have already made some preparations starting from 2016 on how it will be implemented: an execution scenario regarding what should happen when these censuses are carried out;" ], [ "Although this is the first time to implement, but we want it well because there are already estimates of expenses that will be needed during implementation. The census itself has two phase: one pilot and another general agricultural survey; a second pilotage was also planned for November in order with an overall agriculture Survey which would take place by December or January next year (2018)." ], [ "Meanwhile, representative of the State Secretary Terras e Propriedades Paulino da Cruz explained that as a state institution managing land claim in Timor-Leste there are three technical issues: firstly Land Administration issue; second technique surveying and third question legislation." ], [ "He emphasized that the Ministry of Finance has also established a task force to carry out surveys on mapping, this work is now completed and its results have been handed over shortly." ], [ "This is a model of information system how to collect data then make its informations systems Therefore suggestion for the agricultural census we can create orthographic map or satellite, you may also use more advanced GPS and tablet on site in order that it captures with our print out." ], [ "The Director of the Oil and Gas Institution, Osorio Xavier da Costa said that IPG's main objective is to carry out research on Geology in Timor-Leste. It will identify oil & gas resources as well a distribution map for these mineral sources within our country; it also conduct geological risk studies so we can know where there are potential areas with low ground water levels or flooding possibilities while discovering new reservoir at other places around us.\"" ], [ "Osorio X. da Costa also emphasized that, through the institution there is a division of Geo Information and Database which has an important role in managing partial data from geology or geo sciences to create database systems (Data Base)." ], [ "In order to create a geological information centre and use modern technology such as GIS, we went through ESRI-RGIS. All of these things are based on the Decree Law that was approved by government in 34/12 so it follows policy from MPRM'S Ministry (Ministry for Public Works)." ], [ "He also emphasized that two years ago the Government invested in a LIDAR project whose main objective is to be used for spatial planning of all territories. The Ministry MPIE owns this Project through its Finance Department, and it has been implemented with great success since then.\"" ], [ "The use of LIDAR technology data and aerial photos that we have, can be used for any area to the relevant ministry is agriculture as minerals areas help support identifying wealth in our land. This it' s important also defense & security field because its results are very good" ], [ "Here we use LIDER technology for aerial photography in the agricultural census. We look at Timor's potential area of agriculture and know how wide it is, so this can be used to make an easier survey faster than before; then you could say that there has been efficiency because they have invested into these technologies which are already being implemented by our government.\"" ], [ "Regarding Drone, the institution has not used a drone but its concept and technology is known by resources because for LIDAR two technologies are identical; one uses another pilot or otherwise. But in terms of accuracy there're really different outcomes that we want to go forward with this Technology can support our work all 10" ], [ "Based on the expression and work practices in IPG regarding equipment to be used for agricultural censuses, they suggested that LIDAR data products should also support this project. GPS is an instrument which can help fieldwork or verify farmland areas while Drone use when there are changes of terrain; Satellite imagery could provide a more specific updating process if relevant ministry want soil potential information about agriculture with greater detail as well" ], [ "(TYFA) Photo: Minister of Agriculture Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, Launches 4 Hektars Forage in Oebaba-Covalima." ], [ "Photographer Roger/Info MAP." ], [ "Covalima-The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through the National Directorate for Agricultural, Horticultural & Extension has launched another 4 hectares (10 acres) planting area with an objective to produce more seedlings in order that young farmers who are involved into agriculture can increase their economic return." ], [ "The 4-hectare farm was officially launched by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, recently in Raimea Village Administrative Post Zuamalai Municipality Covalima." ], [ "\"I am very pleased because the group that grows this fork is only young people, which shows how many of them want to get involved in agriculture and therefore we will continue supporting it.\" said Estanislau Aleixo da Silva." ], [ "He added that MAP has a program for young people so activities like this are also part of the youth, he believes it will be comprehensive or maximum attention to agricultural area especially in order new government is coming and how they can continue engaged with agriculture life." ], [ "\"I ask farmers to continue their work, the Government will also look at how they can support them. The government is going creating conditions so that production which are obtained by these groups we'll get in market as well; from Ministry of Agriculture side there would be coordinated good activities with logistical centers for buying local products when group agriculture and young people produce what it has produced thue allowings a return on labor through producing this product who could sustain economically.\" said Estanislau In turn Director General Agricultura Horticultura e Extensão Deolindo da Silva explained: National Direction Agricola horticultura & extension especially Food Production Department program was about finalizing irrigation Oebaba (Obaba River) whereby producer fore keli seed may become likefore kelis grain throughout Timor-Leste interior area\"." ], [ "Deolindo adds, the fore keli that has been launched is also called orba. The aim of these activities to grow this forge kelis was in an idea about how we can use soil which will be fertile and then using water effectively because our agriculturists are just harvesting therefore rotation on food crops should take place as well.\"" ], [ "This plan was launched in 2017 and it has already been implemented as a pilot test for farmers, who have received seed allocation from the national government." ], [ "As for the MAP Director of Covalima, Jeferino Amaral Guterres said that based on assessments and data made by technicians it was planned to plant cauliflower in an area with width as larger than seventy-five hectares. However today this launch will be done only symbolically at four hektares whereas all remaining areas are already determinet from beforehand:" ], [ "Jeferino emphasizes, this program can make rotation for the crops that we could use our soil; therefore MAP's policy through National Directorate of Agriculture and Horticulture is implemented." ], [ "Meanwhile, the head of Oebaba Youth Support Group Lorenco Ferreira explained that when they collect all their harvests and start calling each other in groups to give ideas or idea for one another so we can continue growing fore keli on our land. Our group also agreed with this launching today as it is a good day!" ], [ "The group itself has a total of fifteen (15) people, five women and ten men. However the problem they face is that communities have freely roaming animals which can damage their crops or even kill them if not treated appropriatelly;" ], [ "MAP also maintains that there are 13 youth groups in the municipality, but they have already had discussion to resolve this problem." ], [ "(Tyfa) China Invests in Fisheries Area Dili- The East Timorese Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing is committed to diversifying east timorese economy by investing into fisheries area from Hong Long fish company." ], [ "Fifteen (15) fishing boats are now on their way from China to East Timor, in order for the activities of catching fish at South Sea and is about entering Singapore." ], [ "When the referred ship arrives in East Timor, it will dock provisionally at Kaidabela because there is no fishing port of its own." ], [ "Explains Director General of Fisheries Acacio Guterres, in his office MAP Comoro on Monday (24/10 / 36)." ], [ "According to Director General of Fisheries Acacio Guterres, the 145 vessels that came with a view for investment in fisheries sector according negotiations which have been made. The Ministry has also issued authorization so this ship will catch fish on South Manx Sea and process it at Timor-Leste before exporting overseas" ], [ "He also added that \"Hong Long Fisheries Company\" came from FU JO province -China to carry out fishing activities in the Timor Sea, we have no specific agreement but based on Decree Law of Fishing and 4/2013 which is currently applicable. Therefore our Ministry has already given authorizations for this activity; after a joint inspection with all relevant ministries it will be issued license so as you can go fish.\"" ], [ "The Fisheries Department has contacted SEPFOPE regarding the workers who will be working on this ship, and it also recruited 120 of those that have already completed their work in Korea. In a first phase we are going to facilitate only for some seventy-five.\"" ], [ "The Hong Long Fisheries company will work in East Timor for 30 years over the long term, because they are going to build a factory at Vemase and need an additional land of about one hundred hectares so that it can farm fish. That's why we must provide them with support as well.\"" ], [ "When the company starts catching fish, fisheries department will have a clear discussion with them so that 75% of their catch can be exported to other countries and only another half is circulated in Timor." ], [ "Importance of Coffee Poding to Increase Production Ermera - The Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries carried out a coffee potting program in order To improve quality, on October 21st." ], [ "This year, MAP through its Directorate General of Forestry and Coffee Plants carried out pruning for coffee trees in the municipalities Ermera e Liquica." ], [ "In the launching ceremony, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo praised Ministry Agriculture and Fisheries' services for their efforts in carrying out coffee plantation programmes.\"" ], [ "I would like to congratulate the coffee farmers, because we are not going back and planting these plants again. Coffee that has been planted will give no good fruit next year; it'll take three or four years for this process.\"" ], [ "The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste said." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Estanislau Aleixo da Silva in his speech said that there is a strategy to plant coffee throughout Timor-Leste. He also reiterated how important it would be for people who have been deprived from their land because they are not able or willing elsewhere on earth" ], [ "Estanislau Aleixo da Silva said that coffee is the wealth of Timor-Leste, so we must give priority to it because for many years there have been abandoned plantations and forests." ], [ "This year, MAP has the capacity to cut 501 hectares of coffee and next years will increase by another four hundred. But I am confident that in future time this program can be extended into other municipalities where there are cafe groves because it is very important for us as a programme!" ], [ "In addition, General Director of Forestry Mario Nunes also informed that the National Coffee and Industrial Plant Direction has made important identification to prune coffee. The decision is for 2016 a budget was allocated on cultivation area which amounted from total Timor-Leste more or fewer than five hundred thousand hectares (59k ha)." ], [ "We say that 501 hectares is a lot, but it's very small. In the existing coffee area we have carried out this activity in Ermera Municipality (349 ha) and Liquica municipalty(267ha)." ], [ "Mario Nunes added that the concern is not only about pruning coffee but also important to harvest fruit trees for cafe, because Coffee needs more or less 50% of grapefruit so production can continue rising every year." ], [ "In December this year, there will be an international conference on coffee and the official launch of Timor Coffee Productions Association. After that they'll look at prices in International market to establish minimum price for East-Timoran café production;" ] ]
By Admin 28 Outobru 2020, 08:47:59 TLs\tCRAM\nPrezidente KRAM esplika pol챠tika prioridade sira Sekretariu Estadu nian kona-ba arte marsial no disemina m처s Lei N첬. 5/2017.\nHusi loron-20 to’o loron-30 fulan-Outubro tinan-2020, FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hala’o ezersisiu Kobra II ne’ebé hala’o iha postu administrativu Laga, munisipiu Baucau. Iha ezersisiu ida ne’e, F-FDTL foka ba asuntu importante rua mak; COVID-19 no Lei Arte Marsial.\nSekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu Sua Excellencia Eng. Abrão Saldanha delega Prezidente Komisaun Reguladora Arte Marsiais, Sr. Octavio da Conçeicão “Anus” hodi hola parte iha ezersisiu ida ne’e lori esplika serbisu sira ne’ebé mak SEJD halo ona no sei halo ba oin liga ho organizasaun arte marsial sira.\nKoalia iha sorumutu sira ne’ebé mak Komando F-FDTL organiza, Prezidente KRAM esplika polítika prioridade sira Sekretariu Estadu nian kona-ba arte marsial no disemina mós Lei Nú. 5/2017, rezolusaun kon kriteriu sira ba arte marsial ne’ebé mak publika ona Jornal da Repúblika.\nHalo esplikasaun kona-ba Sekretariu Estadu nia polítika ‘reintegrasaun arte marsial no sira nia enkuadramentu iha sistema nasional desportu,’ Sr. Octavio Conçeicão hatete katak, “Artes Marsiais nudar arte de kombate seidauk regula ho lejislasaun propriu ida. Pratika artes marsiais laos deit kontribui ba hadiak saude, espiritualidade, mental no fiziku maibe mos bele kontribui ba estraga orden publik no valores sosiedade ida nian bainhira la regula ho didiak.”\nTamba ne’e, Prezidente KRAM, hatutaun, “Sr. Sekretariu Estadu nia polítika mak atu hare fila fali no avalia lei existente sira relasiona ho artes marsiais, seguransa publik, no dezenvolvimentu juventude no desportu, organiza no halo konsulta ho organizasaun artes marsiais no partes relevante sira ho metodu propriu hodi halibur informasaun no iha tempu hanesan eleva koinesementu partes sira iha konsultasaun kona ba importansia hosi asuntu save sira,” serbisu importante seluk balu tan.\nSersbisu sira ne’e hotu nia intensaun mak “atu dezenvolve lejislasaun sira hodi garante prosesu propriu ida atu Reintegra Artes Marsiais iha Sosiedade no Enkuadra iha Sistema Dezenvolvimentu Desportu.”\nEzersisiu Kobra II ne’e Komando F-FDTL hala’o iha suku sira hotu iha Postu Administrativu Laga, ne’ebé hahu iha loron-20 no sei ensera iha loron-30 fulan Outubro.
[ "By Admin 28 Outobru 2020, 08:47:59 TLs CRAM Prezidente KRAM esplika polcyatika prioridade sira Sekretariu Estadu nian kona-ba arte marsial no disemina mceos Lei Nceoss.", "5/2017.", "Husi loron-20 to'o loron-30 fulan-Outubro tinan-2020, FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hala'o ezersisiu Kobra II ne'ebe hala'o iha postu administrativu Laga, munisipiu Baucau.", "Iha ezersisiu ida ne'e, F-FDTL foka ba asuntu importante rua mak; COVID-19 no Lei Arte Marsial.", "Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu Sua Excellencia Eng.", "Abrao Saldanha delega Prezidente Komisaun Reguladora Arte Marsiais, Sr. Octavio da Conceicao \"Anus\" hodi hola parte iha ezersisiu ida ne'e lori esplika serbisu sira ne'ebe mak SEJD halo ona no sei halo ba oin liga ho organizasaun arte marsial sira.", "Koalia iha sorumutu sira ne'ebe mak Komando F-FDTL organiza, Prezidente KRAM esplika politika prioridade sira Sekretariu Estadu nian kona-ba arte marsial no disemina mos Lei Nu.", "5/2017, rezolusaun kon kriteriu sira ba arte marsial ne'ebe mak publika ona Jornal da Republika.", "Halo esplikasaun kona-ba Sekretariu Estadu nia politika 'reintegrasaun arte marsial no sira nia enkuadramentu iha sistema nasional desportu,' Sr. Octavio Conceicao hatete katak, \"Artes Marsiais nudar arte de kombate seidauk regula ho lejislasaun propriu ida.", "Pratika artes marsiais laos deit kontribui ba hadiak saude, espiritualidade, mental no fiziku maibe mos bele kontribui ba estraga orden publik no valores sosiedade ida nian bainhira la regula ho didiak.\"", "Tamba ne'e, Prezidente KRAM, hatutaun, \"Sr. Sekretariu Estadu nia politika mak atu hare fila fali no avalia lei existente sira relasiona ho artes marsiais, seguransa publik, no dezenvolvimentu juventude no desportu, organiza no halo konsulta ho organizasaun artes marsiais no partes relevante sira ho metodu propriu hodi halibur informasaun no iha tempu hanesan eleva koinesementu partes sira iha konsultasaun kona ba importansia hosi asuntu save sira,\" serbisu importante seluk balu tan.", "Sersbisu sira ne'e hotu nia intensaun mak \"atu dezenvolve lejislasaun sira hodi garante prosesu propriu ida atu Reintegra Artes Marsiais iha Sosiedade no Enkuadra iha Sistema Dezenvolvimentu Desportu.\"", "Ezersisiu Kobra II ne'e Komando F-FDTL hala'o iha suku sira hotu iha Postu Administrativu Laga, ne'ebe hahu iha loron-20 no sei ensera iha loron-30 fulan Outubro." ]
[ [ "By Admin 28 Octombrie,10:47 CRAM President of Kram explains the policy priorities on martial art and disseminate mceos Law NCEOSSS." ], [ "5/2017." ], [ "From October 20th to the end of that month, FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL) carried out Cobra II exercise at Laga administrative post in Baucau municipality." ], [ "In this exercise, F-FDTL focused on two important issues; COVID 19 and Martial Arts Law." ], [ "Secretary of State for Youth and Sports His Excellency Eng." ], [ "Abrao Saldanha delegated the President of Martial Arts Regulatory Commission, Mr. Octávio da Conceição \"Anus\" to take part in this exercise explaining what SEJD has done and will do for future related with martials arts organizations" ], [ "Speaking at meetings organized by the F-FDTL Command, President KRAM explaining priorities of policy from Secretariat Of State on martial arts and disseminating Law No." ], [ "5/2017, resolution on the criteria for martial art which has been published in Jornal da República." ], [ "Explaining the Secretary of State's policy 'reintegration martial arts and their framework in national sports system,\" Mr. Octavio Conceicaa said that \"Martials Arts as a combat art is not regulated by proper legislation.\"" ], [ "The practice of martial arts not only contributes to improving health, spirituality and mental/physical well-beings but can also undermine public order or the value in a society if it isn't properly regulated.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the President of KRAM stated: \"The Secretary-General's policy is to review and evaluate existing legislation related with martial arts; public security. youth development & sports activities as well organizing consultations between Martials Arts organization (MAO)& relevant parties using appropriate methods for gathered information in timely manner like raising stakeholder awareness on important issues concernings these matters.\"" ], [ "The intention of all these services is \"to develop legislation to guarantee a proper process for the Reintegration and Enquadramento de Artes Marciais in Sociedade (Martial Arts) into Sport Development System.\"" ], [ "The F-FDTL Command conducted the Cobra II exercise in all villages of Laga Administrative Post, which began on October 20 and will continue until November." ] ]
TL rejista ema na’in 113 mate ho COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 TL rejista ema na’in 113 mate ho COVID-19\nLabarik ida ne’ebé atu sai ba munisípiu submete hela ba swab teste iha Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), segunda (27/09/21). Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves.\nDILI, 27 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—To’o ohin, Timor-Leste (TL) rejista ona ema na’in 113 mak mate ho COVID-19, inklui ema na’in ualu ne’ebé mak mate iha semana kotuk. Taxa kazu óbitu nian iha Timor-Leste, iha semana kotuk mak 2,3% (obitu ualu husi kazu hamutuk 349).\n“Hosi ema hamutuk 113 ne’ebé mak mate ho COVID-19 iha TL até agora, 105 (92,9%) mak seidauk simu vasina kompletamente,” Buletín epidemiolójika, ne’ebé Tatoli asesu, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:COVID-19, pozitivu 16 no kazu ativu 920\nBuletín ne’e mós relata katak, desde 01 marsu 2021, iha ona ema hamutuk na’in 641 ho moras COVID-19, mak presiza ona hospitalizasaun.\nNúmeru hospitalizasaun ne’e inklui de’it ema sira ho moras moderadu, grave no krítiku, ne’ebé mak presiza halo tratamentu iha fasilidade saúde espesializadu ba COVID-19 nian.\nIha semana kotuk, kazu hamutuk 19 mak baixa ona iha ospitál, tantu Vera Cruz, Lahane ka HNGV ou hospitál referál sira seluk.\nTaxa ba insidénsia-nian, ne’e sukat kona-bá númeru kazu konfirmadu, iha populasaun ida kada loron, no baibain nia sukat ka halo medida hanesan, kazu pur 100.000, populasaun iha kada loron.\nTaxa notifikasaun diária nia média ka average iha TL, durante loron hitu liu-bá hosi 20–26 setembru, 2021, ne’e mak kazu 3,8 pur 100.000 populasaun iha kada loron, kompara ho kazu 5,6 pur 100.000 populasaun ba kada loron, iha períudu relatóriu anteriór.\nTaxa ba teste pozitivu durante semana kotuk, teste iha Laboratóriu HNGV no Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde hamutuk 2.512/221 ka 8,8% mak pozitivu kompara ho 29,3% hosi surtu variante Delta COVID-19 ne’ebé mak sa’e a’as.\nPeskiza Serolójika Menzies School of Health Research no Ministériu Saúde (MS) hala’o serbisu hamutuk atu realiza estudu peskiza serolójika, hodi determina proporsaun populasaun nian ne’ebé mak iha antikorpu, hodi kontra COVID-19, tantu liu hosi infesaun anteriór ou vasinasaun.\nEkipa estudu nian sei vizita uma-ka’in sira iha kada munisípiu, hodi rejista partisipante sira iha semana hirak tuir-mai.\nSerbisu balun hala’o tiha ona, hodi teste profisionál saúde-sira ba prezensa antikorpu-nian kontra COVID-19.\nAnálize adisionál hala’o hela, maibé rezultadu prelimináriu indika katak, to’o iha fulan agostu 2021, profisionál saúde hamutuk 90% ba leten mak iha antikorpu, tantu hosi vasinasaun ou infesaun anterór.\nAtualizasaun ba vasinasaun Maizumenus vasina COVID-19 nia doze hamutuk 35.000 mak administra ona iha semana kotuk.\nTo’o loron 26 fulan setembru 2021, vasina COVID-19 nia doze dahuluk hamutuk 434.836 mak administra ona, iha TL, reprezenta 57,6% hosi populasaun ne’ebé elejível ho idade hosi 18 ba leten.\nTo’o iha loron 26 fulan setembru 2021, ema hamutuk 262.719 mak simu ona sira-nia doze daruak ba vasina COVID-19 nian, iha TL, reprezenta 34,8% hosi populasaun sira ne’ebé mak elijível ho idade 18 ba leten.\nRekomendasaun no asaun saúde públika-nian iha ona relatóriu ba ema ne’ebé mate iha uma, sem tuir teste ba COVID-19 no la buka atensaun médiku.\nEma barak ne’ebé mak simu tratamentu sedu, ne’e hetan rezultadu ida ne’ebé mak di’ak. Sidadaun-sira tenke buka tratamentu saúde bainhira moras, inklui ba moras sira ne’ebé mak la iha relasaun ho COVID-19.\nHusu ba públiku atu buka lalais atensaun médiku, karik sente sintoma sira ne’ebé mak relasiona ho COVID-19, inklui kakorok moras, mear, inus-be’en, lakon sabor ou labele horon, isin-manas ou susar atu dada i’is.\nMaioria ema ho moras COVID-19 sei rekopera fila-fali no halo tratamentu sedu ne’e importante tebes. Ema balun ho COVID-19 bele izola a’an iha uma. Tratamentu ospitál ne’e rekomenda ba jestaun kazu moderadu no grave, no disponivel liu hosi Ministériu Saúde nia fasilidade sira iha rai-laran tomak.\nTratamentu ho padraun a’as ne’e fornesidu, hamutuk ho osijéniu, apoiu respiratóriu, ai-moruk ne’ebé efetivu no tratamentu suportivu.\nEma ne’ebé mak seidauk simu vasina kompletamente, ne’e iha risku as atu dezenvolve COVID-19 grave no presiza apoiu respiratóriu. Sira mós iha risku as atu mate ho COVID-19. Adultu hotu-hotu ne’ebé mak seidauk simu vasina tenke ba simu lalais sira nia doze dahuluk, bainhira posível.\nVasina nia doze daruak ne’e nesesáriu tebes, hodi fornese protesaun di’ak, liu-liu hodi kontra COVID-19 nia variante Delta.\nIha vasina nia doze 500.000 resin, iha TL ne’ebé mak sei expira iha fim de novembru 2021. Iha oportunidade ida atu uza doze vasina hirak ne’e hotu, antes to’o nia loron expira.\nBainhira doze hirak-ne’e sei uza hotu iha semana 10 tuir-mai, ida-ne’e sei posível atu 100% kobre hotu kedan adultu-sira ho vasina nia doze dahuluk no 75%, atu simu vasina kompletu ho doze daruak antes natál tinan 2021.\nKobertura vasina nian ne’ebé mak di’ak iha TL ne’e sei prevene kazu ne’ebé grave no ema mate, no sei permite TL atu evita implementa konfinamentu no restrisaun adisionál ba viajen. Taxa vasinasaun ne’ebé a’as, ne’e hanesan estratejia ne’ebé mak di’ak liu hodi halo prevensaun ba transmisaun, prevensaun ba surtu, prevensaun ba kazu grave no prevensaun ba ema mate.\nTenke aloka rekursu sira hodi hasa’e asesu ba vasina, partikularmente iha área sira ne’ebé mak ho kobertura mínimu, inklui Ermera, Ainaro, Bobonaro, Manufahi, Aileu, Liquiça no Lautém.\nKonseptu atu hala’o vasina hosi door-to-door ne’e tenke konsidera, partikularmente iha área remota no iha área ne’ebé mak la aprezenta númeru bo’ot ba vasinasaun. Ida-ne’e esensiál atu hasai barreira hotu-hotu hodi simu vasina.\nPrevious articleSaudozu Ma’Huno sei haloot iha semitériu espesiál\nNext articleSerbisu floresta Covalima presiza aumenta funsionáriu
[ "TL rejista ema na'in 113 mate ho COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 TL rejista ema na'in 113 mate ho COVID-19 Labarik ida ne'ebe atu sai ba munisipiu submete hela ba swab teste iha Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), segunda (27/09/21).", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves.", "DILI, 27 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - To'o ohin, Timor-Leste (TL) rejista ona ema na'in 113 mak mate ho COVID-19, inklui ema na'in ualu ne'ebe mak mate iha semana kotuk.", "Taxa kazu obitu nian iha Timor-Leste, iha semana kotuk mak 2,3% (obitu ualu husi kazu hamutuk 349).", "\"Hosi ema hamutuk 113 ne'ebe mak mate ho COVID-19 iha TL ate agora, 105 (92,9%) mak seidauk simu vasina kompletamente,\" Buletin epidemiolojika, ne'ebe Tatoli asesu, segunda ne'e.", "Notisia relevante:COVID-19, pozitivu 16 no kazu ativu 920 Buletin ne'e mos relata katak, desde 01 marsu 2021, iha ona ema hamutuk na'in 641 ho moras COVID-19, mak presiza ona hospitalizasaun.", "Numeru hospitalizasaun ne'e inklui de'it ema sira ho moras moderadu, grave no kritiku, ne'ebe mak presiza halo tratamentu iha fasilidade saude espesializadu ba COVID-19 nian.", "Iha semana kotuk, kazu hamutuk 19 mak baixa ona iha ospital, tantu Vera Cruz, Lahane ka HNGV ou hospital referal sira seluk.", "Taxa ba insidensia-nian, ne'e sukat kona-ba numeru kazu konfirmadu, iha populasaun ida kada loron, no baibain nia sukat ka halo medida hanesan, kazu pur 100.000, populasaun iha kada loron.", "Taxa notifikasaun diaria nia media ka average iha TL, durante loron hitu liu-ba hosi 20-26 setembru, 2021, ne'e mak kazu 3,8 pur 100.000 populasaun iha kada loron, kompara ho kazu 5,6 pur 100.000 populasaun ba kada loron, iha periudu relatoriu anterior.", "Taxa ba teste pozitivu durante semana kotuk, teste iha Laboratoriu HNGV no Laboratoriu Nasional Saude hamutuk 2.512/221 ka 8,8% mak pozitivu kompara ho 29,3% hosi surtu variante Delta COVID-19 ne'ebe mak sa'e a'as.", "Peskiza Serolojika Menzies School of Health Research no Ministeriu Saude (MS) hala'o serbisu hamutuk atu realiza estudu peskiza serolojika, hodi determina proporsaun populasaun nian ne'ebe mak iha antikorpu, hodi kontra COVID-19, tantu liu hosi infesaun anterior ou vasinasaun.", "Ekipa estudu nian sei vizita uma-ka'in sira iha kada munisipiu, hodi rejista partisipante sira iha semana hirak tuir-mai.", "Serbisu balun hala'o tiha ona, hodi teste profisional saude-sira ba prezensa antikorpu-nian kontra COVID-19.", "Analize adisional hala'o hela, maibe rezultadu preliminariu indika katak, to'o iha fulan agostu 2021, profisional saude hamutuk 90% ba leten mak iha antikorpu, tantu hosi vasinasaun ou infesaun anteror.", "Atualizasaun ba vasinasaun Maizumenus vasina COVID-19 nia doze hamutuk 35.000 mak administra ona iha semana kotuk.", "To'o loron 26 fulan setembru 2021, vasina COVID-19 nia doze dahuluk hamutuk 434.836 mak administra ona, iha TL, reprezenta 57,6% hosi populasaun ne'ebe elejivel ho idade hosi 18 ba leten.", "To'o iha loron 26 fulan setembru 2021, ema hamutuk 262.719 mak simu ona sira-nia doze daruak ba vasina COVID-19 nian, iha TL, reprezenta 34,8% hosi populasaun sira ne'ebe mak elijivel ho idade 18 ba leten.", "Rekomendasaun no asaun saude publika-nian iha ona relatoriu ba ema ne'ebe mate iha uma, sem tuir teste ba COVID-19 no la buka atensaun mediku.", "Ema barak ne'ebe mak simu tratamentu sedu, ne'e hetan rezultadu ida ne'ebe mak di'ak.", "Sidadaun-sira tenke buka tratamentu saude bainhira moras, inklui ba moras sira ne'ebe mak la iha relasaun ho COVID-19.", "Husu ba publiku atu buka lalais atensaun mediku, karik sente sintoma sira ne'ebe mak relasiona ho COVID-19, inklui kakorok moras, mear, inus-be'en, lakon sabor ou labele horon, isin-manas ou susar atu dada i'is.", "Maioria ema ho moras COVID-19 sei rekopera fila-fali no halo tratamentu sedu ne'e importante tebes.", "Ema balun ho COVID-19 bele izola a'an iha uma.", "Tratamentu ospital ne'e rekomenda ba jestaun kazu moderadu no grave, no disponivel liu hosi Ministeriu Saude nia fasilidade sira iha rai-laran tomak.", "Tratamentu ho padraun a'as ne'e fornesidu, hamutuk ho osijeniu, apoiu respiratoriu, ai-moruk ne'ebe efetivu no tratamentu suportivu.", "Ema ne'ebe mak seidauk simu vasina kompletamente, ne'e iha risku as atu dezenvolve COVID-19 grave no presiza apoiu respiratoriu.", "Sira mos iha risku as atu mate ho COVID-19.", "Adultu hotu-hotu ne'ebe mak seidauk simu vasina tenke ba simu lalais sira nia doze dahuluk, bainhira posivel.", "Vasina nia doze daruak ne'e nesesariu tebes, hodi fornese protesaun di'ak, liu-liu hodi kontra COVID-19 nia variante Delta.", "Iha vasina nia doze 500.000 resin, iha TL ne'ebe mak sei expira iha fim de novembru 2021.", "Iha oportunidade ida atu uza doze vasina hirak ne'e hotu, antes to'o nia loron expira.", "Bainhira doze hirak-ne'e sei uza hotu iha semana 10 tuir-mai, ida-ne'e sei posivel atu 100% kobre hotu kedan adultu-sira ho vasina nia doze dahuluk no 75%, atu simu vasina kompletu ho doze daruak antes natal tinan 2021.", "Kobertura vasina nian ne'ebe mak di'ak iha TL ne'e sei prevene kazu ne'ebe grave no ema mate, no sei permite TL atu evita implementa konfinamentu no restrisaun adisional ba viajen.", "Taxa vasinasaun ne'ebe a'as, ne'e hanesan estratejia ne'ebe mak di'ak liu hodi halo prevensaun ba transmisaun, prevensaun ba surtu, prevensaun ba kazu grave no prevensaun ba ema mate.", "Tenke aloka rekursu sira hodi hasa'e asesu ba vasina, partikularmente iha area sira ne'ebe mak ho kobertura minimu, inklui Ermera, Ainaro, Bobonaro, Manufahi, Aileu, Liquica no Lautem.", "Konseptu atu hala'o vasina hosi door-to-door ne'e tenke konsidera, partikularmente iha area remota no iha area ne'ebe mak la aprezenta numeru bo'ot ba vasinasaun.", "Ida-ne'e esensial atu hasai barreira hotu-hotu hodi simu vasina.", "Previous articleSaudozu Ma'Huno sei haloot iha semiteriu espesial Next articleSerbisu floresta Covalima presiza aumenta funsionariu" ]
[ [ "TL registers 109 new COVID-2 cases | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór Leste VARANDA Covid -365 RTK reporting the death of a child with coronavirus in Dili, Monday (7/4). The result was positive for covid." ], [ "Image: Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves." ], [ "Dili, September 27th (Agência Tatoli) - So far Timor-Leste has registered a total of109 deaths from COVID–43 including seven who died last week." ], [ "The death rate in Timor-Leste last week was 2.3% (seven deaths out of a total amounted to the number)." ], [ "\"Of the 105 people who have died with COVID-29 in Timor Leste so far, there are still others (87.6%) not fully vaccinated\", according to an epidemiological bulletin that Tatoli accessed on Monday morning.\"" ], [ "Relevant news:COVID-19, 20 positive and active cases of COVID in the country The bulletin also reports that since March (3) there have been a total number from people with illnesses related to Covid which require hospitalization." ], [ "The hospitalization figures only include people with moderate, serious and critical illnesses who require treatment in a health facility specialized for COVID-19." ], [ "Last week, a total of 19 cases were discharged from hospitals in Vera Cruz and Lahane or at the Hospital National de Grenoble-Ville (HNGV), as well to other referral health centres." ], [ "The incidence rate, which is a measure of the number infections confirmed per day within one population and usually defined as cases for every hundred thousand people daily." ], [ "The average daily notification rate in the country, during 7 days from September20-September16th of this year was at a level that represents an increase by about one case per thousand people compared to previous reporting period when it had been around five cases." ], [ "The rate of positive tests during the past week, at both HNGV Laboratory and National Health Laboratories totaled a whopping number (2.513)/(407), or about one-third were negative compared to an average infections with Delta variant COVID -" ], [ "Serological Research The Menzies School of Health research and the Ministry (MS) have been working together to conduct a serologic study, in order To determine how many people are immunized against COVID-19 from previously infected or vaccinated." ], [ "The study team will visit households in each county, registering participants over the following weeks." ], [ "Several services have already been implemented to test health professionals for the presence of antibodies against COVID-19." ], [ "Additional analysis is ongoing, but preliminary results indicate that by August 2019 more than a quarter of healthcare professionals have antibodies from either vaccination or previous infection." ], [ "Vaccination UpdateAt least 35,014 doses of COVID-29 vaccine have been administered in the last week." ], [ "As of 26 September, the first dose has been administered to a total number in excess from that amount. This representing an overall vaccination rate for all eligible population over age-18 (57% or more)." ], [ "As of 26 September, the total number who have received their second dose has reached a record high as well. In this case it is an estimated amount that represents about one-thirt (34%) or more than half(1/5)of all eligible people in Timor Leste at age over sixteen years old and up to seventy five percent from those above thirties are already vaccinated with two doses for COVID -" ], [ "Public health recommendations and actions have already been reported for people who died at home, without being tested to COVID-19 or seeking medical attention." ], [ "Many people who have been treated with sedative drugs are having a very good outcome." ], [ "Citizens should seek health care when they become ill, including for illnesses not related to COVID-19." ], [ "The public is urged to seek medical attention immediately if they experience any symptoms related with COVID-19, including a sick mouth or throat; nausea and vomiting. Loss of taste in food (or not having it), feeling hot/cold at the same time as difficulty breathing i'is..." ], [ "Most people with COVID-19 will recover and sweat treatment is very important." ], [ "Some people with COVID-19 can isolate themselves at home." ], [ "Hospital treatment is recommended for the management of moderate to severes cases, and available through Ministry Of Health facilities nationwide." ], [ "High standards of treatment are provided, along with oxygen and respiratory support as well effective medications." ], [ "People who have not been fully vaccinated are at high risk of developing severe COVID-19 and requiring respiratory support." ], [ "They are also at high risk of dying with COVID-19." ], [ "All adults who have not yet been vaccinated should get their first dose of the vaccine as soon, if possible." ], [ "The second dose of the vaccine is essential to provide good protection, especially against COVID-19's Delta variant." ], [ "There are more than 501,278 doses of the vaccine in TL which will expire at end November." ], [ "There is one opportunity to use all doses of these vaccines before their expiration date." ], [ "Once all of these doses are used up in the next 10 weeks, it will be possible to reach a coverage rate for adults with first dose vaccinations as high and complete second-dose immunization by Christmas." ], [ "Good vaccination coverage in the country will prevent serious cases and deaths, as well As allow it to avoid implementing lockdowns And additional travel restrictions." ], [ "High vaccination rates are the best strategy for preventing transmission, prevention of outbreaks and severe cases as well As death." ], [ "Resources must be allocated to increase access, particularly in areas with minimal coverage such as Ermera and Ainaro provinces." ], [ "The concept of carrying out door-to–door vaccinations should be considered, particularly in remote areas and those that do not have high coverage rates." ], [ "This is essential in order to remove all barriers for vaccination." ], [ "Previous articleSaudozu Ma'Huno will be buried in special cemetery Next ArticleCovalima Forest Service needs to increase staffing" ] ]
Laran-diʼak importante iha Maromak nia haree\nLivru Haklaken | Outubru 2012\nLEE IHA Afrikander Albanés Alemaun Amáriku Armenu Búlgaru Chichewa Chitonga Chitumbuka Cibemba Dinamarkés Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Españól Estonianu Fijianu Finlandés Fransés Ga Gregu Hiligaynon Igbo Iloko Indonézia Inglés Italianu Izlandés Japonés Jeorjianu Kambojanu Kikongo Kikuyu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kirundi Koreanu Kroata Lingala Lituanu Luo Malgaxe Masedóniu Myanmar Ndebele Noruegés Olandés Oromo Ossetian Polaku Portugés (Brazil) Quechua (Bolivia) Romenu Rusu Samoanu Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Shona Silozi Singalés Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Sérviu (Siríliku) Sérviu (latino) Tagalog Tailandés Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tshiluba Tsonga Turku Twi Ukranianu Vietnamita Xeku Xhosa Xinés (Sixuanés) Xinés (Wu Shanghai) Xinés Kantonés (tradisionál) Xinés Mandarín (simples) Xinés Mandarín (tradisionál) Xinés kantonés (simples) Zulu Árabe Úngaru\nTANBA katuas ida hatudu laran-diʼak ba mane joven ida iha rai-Japaun, ida-neʼe kona loos joven neʼe nia laran. Katuas neʼe mak misionáriu ida neʼebé foin muda ba rai neʼe no nia aprende hela lia-japonés. Maibé semana-semana nia vizita mane joven neʼe atu koʼalia hamutuk kona-ba Bíblia. Ho oin-midar no laran-diʼak, katuas neʼe hatán ho pasiénsia joven neʼe nia pergunta sira.\nKarik joven neʼe sei nunka haluha laran-diʼak neʼebé misionáriu neʼe hatudu ba nia. Mane joven neʼe hanoin: ‘Se Bíblia bele halo ema sai laran-diʼak no hatudu domin, entaun haʼu tenke aprende kona-ba neʼe.’ Katuas nia laran-diʼak book duni joven neʼe atu hakarak aprende buat neʼebé foun ba nia. Sin, dala barak laran-diʼak iha forsa liu fali liafuan no bele book duni ema nia laran.\nMaromak nia hahalok ida neʼebé ita haleno\nBaibain deʼit ba ita atu hatudu laran-diʼak ba ita-nia família. Ida-neʼe loos tanba laran-diʼak iha arti katak domin neʼebé ema hatudu iha família laran. Maibé tuir loloos, laran-diʼak mak Maromak nia hahalok ida. Jesus hatete katak ninia Aman iha lalehan hatudu laran-diʼak laʼós deʼit ba sira neʼebé hadomi Nia, maibé mós “ba ema aat” sira. Jesus haruka ninia dixípulu sira atu banati-tuir Maromak nia ezemplu kona-ba neʼe. Jesus hatete: “Imi sai diʼak loos bá, hanesan imi-nia Aman iha lalehan diʼak loos.”—Lucas 6:35; Mateus 5:48; Êxodo (Keluaran) 34:6.\nTanba Maromak kria ita tuir ninia ilas, ita bele haleno no hatudu hahalok laran-diʼak. (Gênesis [Kejadian] 1:27) Sin, ita bele banati-tuir Maromak no aprende atu hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk. Bíblia dehan katak laran-diʼak mak parte husi hahalok sira neʼebé Maromak nia espíritu santu lori mai. (Galasia 5:22) Tan neʼe, nuʼudar ita aprende liután kona-ba ita-nia Maromak, no hakbesik liután ba nia, ita bele haburas laran-diʼak.\nLaran-diʼak laʼós deʼit parte husi ema nia an. Iha Maromak nia haree, hahalok neʼe mak importante tebes. Tan neʼe ita bele komprende tanbasá Maromak haruka ita atu hatudu “laran-diʼak ba malu”. (Efeso 4:32) Bíblia mós fó-hanoin ba ita atu “simu ema laʼo-rai sira ho laran-diʼak”.—Ebreu 13:2.\nIha mundu neʼe neʼebé nakonu ho ema neʼebé la hatene fó-agradese no la hatudu laran-diʼak, ita bele ka lae hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk, inklui mós ema neʼebé ita la koñese? Saida mak bele ajuda ita atu halo ida-neʼe? No tanbasá mak ita presiza hanoin atu halo ida-neʼe?\nImportante ba Maromak\nKarik ita hakfodak atu hatene katak kuandu apóstolu Paulo koʼalia tiha kona-ba hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema laʼo-rai, ka estranjeiru, nia mós hatete: “Hodi halo nuneʼe ema balun simu tiha anju sira hodi la hatene.” Ita sei sente oinsá se Ita hetan oportunidade atu simu anju sira nuʼudar bainaka? Maibé Paulo dehan katak sira halo nuneʼe “hodi la hatene”. Buat neʼebé Paulo hakarak hatete mak, se ita iha toman atu hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk, inklui mós ema neʼebé ita la koñese, karik ita sei simu bensaun iha dalan neʼebé ita la hatene.\nHusi tradusaun Bíblia balu neʼebé iha referénsia, Paulo nia liafuan neʼe liga ho istória kona-ba Abraão no Lot iha Gênesis kapítulu 18 no 19. Iha situasaun rua neʼe, ita lee kona-ba anju sira neʼebé mosu ba sira nuʼudar estranjeiru no lori mensajen neʼebé importante. Mensajen neʼebé anju hatoʼo ba Abraão mak kona-ba oinsá Maromak sei kumpre ninia promete hodi fó ba sira oan-mane ida. No kona-ba Lot, neʼe mak kona-ba sira-nia salvasaun kuandu Maromak sobu sidade rua naran Sodoma no Gomorra.—Gênesis 18:1-10; 19:1-3, 15-17.\nSe Ita lee eskritura sira neʼebé temi iha leten, Ita sei haree katak Abraão no Lot hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema estranjeiru neʼebé mai iha sira-nia área. Klaru katak iha tempu Bíblia, ema iha toman atu hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk hanesan kolega, família, ka ema estranjeiru. Tuir loloos, iha Moisés nia Ukun-Fuan, haruka ema Israel sira atu fó ajuda ba ema husi rai seluk neʼebé hela iha sira-nia rai. (Deuteronômio [Ulangan] 10:17-19) Maski ema iha toman atu hatudu laran-diʼak iha tempu neʼebá, maibé buat neʼebé Abraão no Lot halo, liu fali buat neʼebé ukun-fuan haruka. Sira hakaʼas an atu hatudu laran-diʼak iha dalan neʼebé boot liu, no tanba ida-neʼe sira simu bensaun.\nBensaun neʼebé Abraão simu tanba hatudu laran-diʼak mak nia hetan oan-mane. Maibé liuhusi nia ita mós hetan bensaun. Oinsá? Tanba Maromak uza Abraão no ninia oan Isaac atu kumpre ninia hakarak. Husi sira-nia família mak Mesias, Jesus, mosu mai. No tanba Abraão no Isaac hatudu laran-diʼak no sira laran-metin ba Maromak, neʼe reprezenta oinsá Maromak salva ema hotu liuhusi ninia domin no laran-diʼak.—Gênesis 22:1-18; Mateus 1:1, 2; Joao 3:16.\nIstória sira-neʼe hatudu saida mak Maromak nia hakarak husi sira neʼebé nia hadomi, no oinsá nia haree hahalok laran-diʼak nuʼudar importante tebes. Tanba hahalok laran-diʼak importante iha Maromak nia haree, ita hotu presiza hatudu ida-neʼe.\nHatudu laran-diʼak ajuda ita atu hatene Maromak diʼak liután\nBíblia esplika katak iha ita-nia tempu, ema barak sei “la hatene fó-agradese, la hatene Maromak; la hatene sadiʼa maluk”. (2 Timoteo 3:1-3) Klaru katak loroloron Ita hasoru ema sira hanesan neʼe. Maski nuneʼe, neʼe laʼós razaun ba ita atu haluha ona hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk. Ema kristaun sira simu avizu tuirmai neʼe: “Keta selu aat ho aat ba ema; buka buat neʼebé loos iha ema hotu-hotu nia oin.”—Roma 12:17.\nIta bele hakaʼas an atu hatudu laran-luak no laran-diʼak ba ema seluk. Bíblia hatete: “Ema neʼebé hadomi, . . . nia hatene Maromak,” no dalan ida atu hatudu domin mak hodi hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk. (1 Joao 4:7; 1 Korinto 13:4) Sin, kuandu ita hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk, neʼe sei ajuda ita atu hatene Maromak diʼak liután, no neʼe sei halo ita kontente liu. Iha Jesus nia diskursu iha foho ida, nia hatete: “Ksolok ba sira neʼebé laran-luak, basá sira sei hetan laran-luak. Ksolok ba sira neʼebé laran moos, basá sira sei haree Maromak.”—Mateus 5:7, 8.\nTanba Abraão hatudu laran-diʼak, nia simu bensaun\nHanoin toʼok kona-ba feto ida ho oan naʼin-rua husi rai-Japaun naran Aki. Derrepente deʼit ninia inan mate, no neʼe halo nia sai laran-tun toʼo nia hetan moras depresaun. Dala ruma nia situasaun sai aat liu toʼo nia presiza bá doutór. Depois, família ida muda iha ninia área. Família neʼe foin lakon sira-nia aman tanba asidente, no husik hela nia feen atu tau matan ba sira-nia oan naʼin-lima neʼebé sei kiʼik. Aki sente hanoin tebes família neʼe no nia hakaʼas an atu habelun ho sira. Nia halo buat hotu neʼebé nia bele atu ajuda família neʼe. Porezemplu, nia fahe ai-han ba sira, fó roupa sira neʼebé ninia família la uza ona, no buat seluk tan. Tanba Aki halo ida-neʼe, nia hetan fali ninia forsa. Bíblia hatete: “Diʼak liu fó liu fali simu.” (Apostolu 20:35) Aki sente katak Bíblia nia liafuan neʼe mak loos duni. Sin, hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk mak buat diʼak neʼebé ita bele halo ba ita-nia an kuandu ita sente laran-tun.\n“Fó empresta ba Maromak Jeová”\nIta la presiza gasta osan barak atu hatudu laran-diʼak. No mós ida-neʼe la depende ba ita-nia matenek ka forsa. Dala ruma kuandu ita hatudu oin-midar, koʼalia ho domin, prontu atu ajuda, fó prezente kiʼik ruma, ka maski fó tempu ba ema seluk atu uluk liu ita, neʼe bele halo sira kontente iha laran. Kuandu ita ladún hatene atu halo saida ka hatete saida iha situasaun ruma, hatudu deʼit laran-diʼak ho ita-nia liafuan ka hahalok. Iha parágrafu primeiru temi kona-ba mane joven ida. Maski katuas misionáriu seidauk bele koʼalia moos iha lia-japonés, maibé ninia laran-diʼak kona duni joven neʼe nia laran. Ho ida-neʼe ita bele komprende tanbasá Maromak hakarak sira neʼebé adora nia atu “hadomi laran-diʼak”.—Miquéias (Mikha) 6:8.\nSin, hatudu laran-diʼak lori duni rezultadu diʼak. Kuandu ita hatudu laran-diʼak ho razaun neʼebé loos, no liuliu kuandu halo ida-neʼe tanba ita hadomi Maromak, neʼe sei halo Ita no mós ema seluk sente diʼak. Maski ema seluk la hafolin ita-nia hahalok neʼe, maibé neʼe la saugati deʼit. Tanba hahalok neʼe importante iha Maromak nia haree. Bíblia hatete mai ita katak kuandu ita hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk, neʼe hanesan ita “fó empresta ba Maromak Jeová”. (Provérbios [Amsal] 19:17) Entaun, diʼak atu buka oportunidade atu hatudu laran-diʼak ba ema seluk, loos ka lae?\nThe Oxford English Dictionary shows that the original meaning of “kindness” is “kinship; near relationship; natural affection arising from this.”\nFahe Fahe Laran-diʼak importante iha Maromak nia haree\nw12 1/10 p. 12-14\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN Susar neʼebé feto sira hasoru\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN Maromak loloos hanoin feto sira ka lae?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN Maromak hakarak ema atu hafolin feto sira\nAnju sira bele book ita ka lae?\nMoris iha tempu Bíblia nian—Peskadór\n“Wainhira imi harohan, hateten nuneʼe: ‘Aman’”\nMai aprende Bíblia\nTanbasá mak Maromak haruka nia atan sira atu kaben deʼit ho maluk fiar-naʼin?\nHANORIN ITA-NIA OAN Geazi lakon Maromak nia domin tanba nia sai kaan-teen\nKoʼalia hamutuk kona-ba Bíblia—Ema diʼak hotu bá lalehan ka lae?\nTestu Opsaun kona-ba download publikasaun LIVRU HAKLAKEN Outubru 2012\nFahe Fahe LIVRU HAKLAKEN Outubru 2012\nLIVRU HAKLAKEN Outubru 2012\nLabele karak ba malu
[ "Laran-di'ak importante iha Maromak nia haree Livru Haklaken | Outubru 2012 LEE IHA Afrikander Albanes Alemaun Amariku Armenu Bulgaru Chichewa Chitonga Chitumbuka Cibemba Dinamarkes Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Espanol Estonianu Fijianu Finlandes Franses Ga Gregu Hiligaynon Igbo Iloko Indonezia Ingles Italianu Izlandes Japones Jeorjianu Kambojanu Kikongo Kikuyu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kirundi Koreanu Kroata Lingala Lituanu Luo Malgaxe Masedoniu Myanmar Ndebele Norueges Olandes Oromo Ossetian Polaku Portuges (Brazil) Quechua (Bolivia) Romenu Rusu Samoanu Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Shona Silozi Singales Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Serviu (Siriliku) Serviu (latino) Tagalog Tailandes Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tshiluba Tsonga Turku Twi Ukranianu Vietnamita Xeku Xhosa Xines (Sixuanes) Xines (Wu Shanghai) Xines Kantones (tradisional) Xines Mandarin (simples) Xines Mandarin (tradisional) Xines kantones (simples) Zulu Arabe Ungaru TANBA katuas ida hatudu laran-di'ak ba mane joven ida iha rai-Japaun, ida-ne'e kona loos joven ne'e nia laran.", "Katuas ne'e mak misionariu ida ne'ebe foin muda ba rai ne'e no nia aprende hela lia-japones.", "Maibe semana-semana nia vizita mane joven ne'e atu ko'alia hamutuk kona-ba Biblia.", "Ho oin-midar no laran-di'ak, katuas ne'e hatan ho pasiensia joven ne'e nia pergunta sira.", "Karik joven ne'e sei nunka haluha laran-di'ak ne'ebe misionariu ne'e hatudu ba nia.", "Mane joven ne'e hanoin: 'Se Biblia bele halo ema sai laran-di'ak no hatudu domin, entaun ha'u tenke aprende kona-ba ne'e.'", "Katuas nia laran-di'ak book duni joven ne'e atu hakarak aprende buat ne'ebe foun ba nia.", "Sin, dala barak laran-di'ak iha forsa liu fali liafuan no bele book duni ema nia laran.", "Maromak nia hahalok ida ne'ebe ita haleno Baibain de'it ba ita atu hatudu laran-di'ak ba ita-nia familia.", "Ida-ne'e loos tanba laran-di'ak iha arti katak domin ne'ebe ema hatudu iha familia laran.", "Maibe tuir loloos, laran-di'ak mak Maromak nia hahalok ida.", "Jesus hatete katak ninia Aman iha lalehan hatudu laran-di'ak la'os de'it ba sira ne'ebe hadomi Nia, maibe mos \"ba ema aat\" sira.", "Jesus haruka ninia dixipulu sira atu banati-tuir Maromak nia ezemplu kona-ba ne'e.", "Jesus hatete: \"Imi sai di'ak loos ba, hanesan imi-nia Aman iha lalehan di'ak loos.\" - Lucas 6:35; Mateus 5:48; Exodo (Keluaran) 34:6.", "Tanba Maromak kria ita tuir ninia ilas, ita bele haleno no hatudu hahalok laran-di'ak.", "(Genesis [Kejadian] 1:27) Sin, ita bele banati-tuir Maromak no aprende atu hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk.", "Biblia dehan katak laran-di'ak mak parte husi hahalok sira ne'ebe Maromak nia espiritu santu lori mai.", "(Galasia 5:22) Tan ne'e, nu'udar ita aprende liutan kona-ba ita-nia Maromak, no hakbesik liutan ba nia, ita bele haburas laran-di'ak.", "Laran-di'ak la'os de'it parte husi ema nia an.", "Iha Maromak nia haree, hahalok ne'e mak importante tebes.", "Tan ne'e ita bele komprende tanbasa Maromak haruka ita atu hatudu \"laran-di'ak ba malu.\"", "(Efeso 4:32) Biblia mos fo-hanoin ba ita atu \"simu ema la'o-rai sira ho laran-di'ak.\" - Ebreu 13:2.", "Iha mundu ne'e ne'ebe nakonu ho ema ne'ebe la hatene fo-agradese no la hatudu laran-di'ak, ita bele ka lae hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk, inklui mos ema ne'ebe ita la konese?", "Saida mak bele ajuda ita atu halo ida-ne'e?", "No tanbasa mak ita presiza hanoin atu halo ida-ne'e?", "Importante ba Maromak Karik ita hakfodak atu hatene katak kuandu apostolu Paulo ko'alia tiha kona-ba hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema la'o-rai, ka estranjeiru, nia mos hatete: \"Hodi halo nune'e ema balun simu tiha anju sira hodi la hatene.\"", "Ita sei sente oinsa se Ita hetan oportunidade atu simu anju sira nu'udar bainaka?", "Maibe Paulo dehan katak sira halo nune'e \"hodi la hatene.\"", "Buat ne'ebe Paulo hakarak hatete mak, se ita iha toman atu hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk, inklui mos ema ne'ebe ita la konese, karik ita sei simu bensaun iha dalan ne'ebe ita la hatene.", "Husi tradusaun Biblia balu ne'ebe iha referensia, Paulo nia liafuan ne'e liga ho istoria kona-ba Abraao no Lot iha Genesis kapitulu 18 no 19.", "Iha situasaun rua ne'e, ita lee kona-ba anju sira ne'ebe mosu ba sira nu'udar estranjeiru no lori mensajen ne'ebe importante.", "Mensajen ne'ebe anju hato'o ba Abraao mak kona-ba oinsa Maromak sei kumpre ninia promete hodi fo ba sira oan-mane ida.", "No kona-ba Lot, ne'e mak kona-ba sira-nia salvasaun kuandu Maromak sobu sidade rua naran Sodoma no Gomorra. - Genesis 18:1-10; 19:1-3, 15-17.", "Se Ita lee eskritura sira ne'ebe temi iha leten, Ita sei haree katak Abraao no Lot hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema estranjeiru ne'ebe mai iha sira-nia area.", "Klaru katak iha tempu Biblia, ema iha toman atu hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk hanesan kolega, familia, ka ema estranjeiru.", "Tuir loloos, iha Moises nia Ukun-Fuan, haruka ema Israel sira atu fo ajuda ba ema husi rai seluk ne'ebe hela iha sira-nia rai.", "(Deuteronomio [Ulangan] 10:17-19) Maski ema iha toman atu hatudu laran-di'ak iha tempu ne'eba, maibe buat ne'ebe Abraao no Lot halo, liu fali buat ne'ebe ukun-fuan haruka.", "Sira haka'as an atu hatudu laran-di'ak iha dalan ne'ebe boot liu, no tanba ida-ne'e sira simu bensaun.", "Bensaun ne'ebe Abraao simu tanba hatudu laran-di'ak mak nia hetan oan-mane.", "Maibe liuhusi nia ita mos hetan bensaun.", "Oinsa?", "Tanba Maromak uza Abraao no ninia oan Isaac atu kumpre ninia hakarak.", "Husi sira-nia familia mak Mesias, Jesus, mosu mai.", "No tanba Abraao no Isaac hatudu laran-di'ak no sira laran-metin ba Maromak, ne'e reprezenta oinsa Maromak salva ema hotu liuhusi ninia domin no laran-di'ak. - Genesis 22:1-18; Mateus 1:1, 2; Joao 3:16.", "Istoria sira-ne'e hatudu saida mak Maromak nia hakarak husi sira ne'ebe nia hadomi, no oinsa nia haree hahalok laran-di'ak nu'udar importante tebes.", "Tanba hahalok laran-di'ak importante iha Maromak nia haree, ita hotu presiza hatudu ida-ne'e.", "Hatudu laran-di'ak ajuda ita atu hatene Maromak di'ak liutan Biblia esplika katak iha ita-nia tempu, ema barak sei \"la hatene fo-agradese, la hatene Maromak; la hatene sadi'a maluk.\"", "(2 Timoteo 3:1-3) Klaru katak loroloron Ita hasoru ema sira hanesan ne'e.", "Maski nune'e, ne'e la'os razaun ba ita atu haluha ona hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk.", "Ema kristaun sira simu avizu tuirmai ne'e: \"Keta selu aat ho aat ba ema; buka buat ne'ebe loos iha ema hotu-hotu nia oin.\" - Roma 12:17.", "Ita bele haka'as an atu hatudu laran-luak no laran-di'ak ba ema seluk.", "Biblia hatete: \"Ema ne'ebe hadomi, . . . nia hatene Maromak,\" no dalan ida atu hatudu domin mak hodi hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk.", "(1 Joao 4:7; 1 Korinto 13:4) Sin, kuandu ita hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk, ne'e sei ajuda ita atu hatene Maromak di'ak liutan, no ne'e sei halo ita kontente liu.", "Iha Jesus nia diskursu iha foho ida, nia hatete: \"Ksolok ba sira ne'ebe laran-luak, basa sira sei hetan laran-luak.", "Ksolok ba sira ne'ebe laran moos, basa sira sei haree Maromak.\" - Mateus 5:7, 8.", "Tanba Abraao hatudu laran-di'ak, nia simu bensaun Hanoin to'ok kona-ba feto ida ho oan na'in-rua husi rai-Japaun naran Aki.", "Derrepente de'it ninia inan mate, no ne'e halo nia sai laran-tun to'o nia hetan moras depresaun.", "Dala ruma nia situasaun sai aat liu to'o nia presiza ba doutor.", "Depois, familia ida muda iha ninia area.", "Familia ne'e foin lakon sira-nia aman tanba asidente, no husik hela nia feen atu tau matan ba sira-nia oan na'in-lima ne'ebe sei ki'ik.", "Aki sente hanoin tebes familia ne'e no nia haka'as an atu habelun ho sira.", "Nia halo buat hotu ne'ebe nia bele atu ajuda familia ne'e.", "Porezemplu, nia fahe ai-han ba sira, fo roupa sira ne'ebe ninia familia la uza ona, no buat seluk tan.", "Tanba Aki halo ida-ne'e, nia hetan fali ninia forsa.", "Biblia hatete: \"Di'ak liu fo liu fali simu.\"", "(Apostolu 20:35) Aki sente katak Biblia nia liafuan ne'e mak loos duni.", "Sin, hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk mak buat di'ak ne'ebe ita bele halo ba ita-nia an kuandu ita sente laran-tun.", "\"Fo empresta ba Maromak Jeova\" Ita la presiza gasta osan barak atu hatudu laran-di'ak.", "No mos ida-ne'e la depende ba ita-nia matenek ka forsa.", "Dala ruma kuandu ita hatudu oin-midar, ko'alia ho domin, prontu atu ajuda, fo prezente ki'ik ruma, ka maski fo tempu ba ema seluk atu uluk liu ita, ne'e bele halo sira kontente iha laran.", "Kuandu ita ladun hatene atu halo saida ka hatete saida iha situasaun ruma, hatudu de'it laran-di'ak ho ita-nia liafuan ka hahalok.", "Iha paragrafu primeiru temi kona-ba mane joven ida.", "Maski katuas misionariu seidauk bele ko'alia moos iha lia-japones, maibe ninia laran-di'ak kona duni joven ne'e nia laran.", "Ho ida-ne'e ita bele komprende tanbasa Maromak hakarak sira ne'ebe adora nia atu \"hadomi laran-di'ak.\" - Miqueias (Mikha) 6:8.", "Sin, hatudu laran-di'ak lori duni rezultadu di'ak.", "Kuandu ita hatudu laran-di'ak ho razaun ne'ebe loos, no liuliu kuandu halo ida-ne'e tanba ita hadomi Maromak, ne'e sei halo Ita no mos ema seluk sente di'ak.", "Maski ema seluk la hafolin ita-nia hahalok ne'e, maibe ne'e la saugati de'it.", "Tanba hahalok ne'e importante iha Maromak nia haree.", "Biblia hatete mai ita katak kuandu ita hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk, ne'e hanesan ita \"fo empresta ba Maromak Jeova.\"", "(Proverbios [Amsal] 19:17) Entaun, di'ak atu buka oportunidade atu hatudu laran-di'ak ba ema seluk, loos ka lae?", "The Oxford English Dictionary shows that the original meaning of \"kindness\" is \"kinship; near relationship; natural affection arising from this.\"", "Fahe Fahe Laran-di'ak importante iha Maromak nia haree w12 1/10 p.", "12-14 INFORMASAUN IHA OIN Susar ne'ebe feto sira hasoru INFORMASAUN IHA OIN Maromak loloos hanoin feto sira ka lae?", "INFORMASAUN IHA OIN Maromak hakarak ema atu hafolin feto sira Anju sira bele book ita ka lae?", "Moris iha tempu Biblia nian - Peskador \"Wainhira imi harohan, hateten nune'e: 'Aman'\" Mai aprende Biblia Tanbasa mak Maromak haruka nia atan sira atu kaben de'it ho maluk fiar-na'in?", "HANORIN ITA-NIA OAN Geazi lakon Maromak nia domin tanba nia sai kaan-teen Ko'alia hamutuk kona-ba Biblia - Ema di'ak hotu ba lalehan ka lae?", "Testu Opsaun kona-ba download publikasaun LIVRU HAKLAKEN Outubru 2012 Fahe Fahe LIVRU HAKLAKEN Outubru 2012 LIVRU HAKLAKEN Outubru 2012 Labele karak ba malu" ]
[ [ "LEARN Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Bulgarian Cebuano Chichewa Chitonga Chitumbuka Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Efik English Estonian Fijian Finnish French Ga Georgian German Greek Hiligaynon Igbo Iloko Indonesian Italian Japanese Kazakh Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kinyarwanda Kirghiz Kirundi Korean Lingala Lithuanian Luo Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Myanmar Ndebele (Zimbabwe) Nepali Norwegian Oromo Ossetian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Samoan Sepedi Serbian Serbs(Cyrillic), Sesotho, Lesotho Shona Silozi Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Spanish Sranantongo Swahili Swedish Tagalog Tatar Thai Tigrinya Tshiluba Tsonga Turkish Twi Ukrainian Vietnamese Xhosa Yoruba Zulu An elderly man in Japan showed compassion for a young guy." ], [ "The elderly man was a missionary who had just moved to the country and he learned Japanese." ], [ "But every week he visited the young man to talk about bible with him." ], [ "With humility and compassion, the old man patiently answered his younger brother's questions." ], [ "The young man will never forget the kindness shown to him by this missionary." ], [ "The young man thought, 'If the Bible can make people compassionate and show love then I must learn about it.'" ], [ "The old man's kindness prompted the young boy to learn something new for him." ], [ "Rather, many times compassion is stronger than words and can really touch a person." ], [ "One of God's acts that we look upon is to show compassion for our family." ], [ "This is true because kindness in the art means love shown within a family." ], [ "But in fact, compassion is the act of God." ], [ "Jesus said that His Father in heaven shows mercy not only to those who love Him, but also \"to the wicked.\"" ], [ "Jesus sent his disciples to teach the example of God in this regard." ], [ "Jesus said: \"Be ye good, even as your Father which is in heaven [is] great.\" - Luke 6;35-48." ], [ "Because God created us in His image, we can breathe and show compassion." ], [ "(Genesis 1:27) Instead, we can worship God and learn to show compassion for others." ], [ "The Bible says that compassion is part of the deeds brought about by God's Holy Spirit." ], [ "(Galatians 5:21) Therefore, as we learn more about our God and draw closer to him in the way of faith that is given by Christ Jesus for us." ], [ "Good words are not just a part of the person." ], [ "In the eyes of God, this is very important." ], [ "Thus we can understand why God commanded us to show \"goodness unto one another.\"" ], [ "(Ephesians 4:32) The Bible also urges us to \"be good-natured in the heart of those who walk righteously.\" - Hebrews10." ], [ "In a world filled with people who are not grateful and uncompassionate, can we show compassion to others? Even those whom you do NOT know." ], [ "What can help us to do this?" ], [ "And why do we need to think about doing this?" ], [ "Important for God It is good to know that when the apostle Paul spoke of showing mercy towards strangers, he also said: \"So did some who received angels without knowledge.\"" ], [ "How would you feel if You were given the opportunity to receive angels as your companions?" ], [ "But Paul says that they did so \"without knowing.\"" ], [ "What Paul is saying here, though: if we have the habit of showing compassion to others including those whom you don't know then it will bless us in ways that are unknown." ], [ "From some referenced Bible translations, Paul' s words are linked to the story of Abraham and Lot in Genesis chapter 18-20." ], [ "In these two situations, we read about the angel that appeared to them as a stranger and brought an important message." ], [ "The message that the angel brought to Abraham was about how God would fulfill His promise of giving them a son." ], [ "And as for Lot, it was about their salvation when God overthrew the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. - Genesis 18:2-4;" ], [ "If you read the scriptures mentioned above, it will be clear that Abraham and Lot were compassionate toward foreigners who came into their area." ], [ "It is clear that in biblical times, people were accustomed to showing compassion for others such as colleagues of work and family or strangers." ], [ "Indeed, in the Old Testament of Moses he sent Israelites to help foreigners who lived within their borders." ], [ "(Deuteronomy [Acts] 10:27-34) Although it was customary to show mercy at that time, what Abraham and Lot did went beyond the commandments of God." ], [ "They exalt themselves to show mercy in the greater way, and because of this they are blessed." ], [ "The blessing that Abraham received because he showed mercy was his offspring." ], [ "But through him we are also blessed." ], [ "Oinsa?" ], [ "Because God used Abraham and his son Isaac to fulfill His will." ], [ "From their family came the Messiah, Jesus." ], [ "And because Abraham and Isaac showed mercy to God, this represents how He saves all people through His love. - Genesis 23:1-8; Matthew (Matthew)" ], [ "These stories show what God wants of those He love, and how he sees compassion as essential." ], [ "Because kindness is important in God's sight, we all need to show it." ], [ "The Bible explains that in our time, many people will \"know not to give thanks; they know God no more. They have become ignorant of their neighbor.\"" ], [ "(2 Timothy 3:1-4) Of course, you encounter people like this every day." ], [ "However, this is no reason for us to lose sight of showing kindness." ], [ "Christians receive the following advice: \"Render evil for an ill thing to men; seek what is right in all people' s presence.\" - Romans12." ], [ "We can exalt ourselves to show kindness and compassion for others." ], [ "The Bible says, \"He that loveth...knoweth God;\" and one way of showing loving kindness is to be kind unto others." ], [ "(I John 4:7; I Corinthians13.5) Rather, when we show compassion for others it will help us to know God better and that is what makes our lives more satisfying!" ], [ "In Jesus' discourse in one of the seas, he said: \"Blessed are those who have mercy; for they will find compassion." ], [ "Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.\" - Matthew 5:7-8." ], [ "Because Abraham showed mercy, he received a blessing from Hanoin to'ok about an Japanese woman and her two children named Aki." ], [ "His mother died suddenly, and this made him very sad until he fell into depression." ], [ "Sometimes his condition gets so bad that he needs to see a doctor." ], [ "Afterwards, one family moved into its area." ], [ "The family had just lost their father in an accident, leaving his wife to take care of the five young children." ], [ "Aki feels very much for the family and she is determined to live with them." ], [ "He did everything he could to help the family." ], [ "However, he distributed food to them and clothes that his family had no longer used." ], [ "Because Aki did this, he regained his strength." ], [ "The Bible says, \"It is better to give than take.\"" ], [ "(Acts 20:35) I feel that the Bible is absolutely true." ], [ "Rather, showing compassion to others is the best thing we can do for ourselves when feeling sympathetic." ], [ "\"Lend to Jehovah God\" You don't need a lot of money for showing kindness." ], [ "But this does not depend on our wisdom or strength." ], [ "Sometimes when we show some kindness, talk with love and willingness to help others or give them a small gift - even if it's just giving time for other people before us." ], [ "When we don't know what to do or say in a situation, just show compassion with our words and actions." ], [ "The first paragraph deals with a young man." ], [ "Although the elderly missionary is not yet fluent in Japanese, he has a deep sympathy for this young man." ], [ "With this we can understand why God wants those who worship him to \"love goodness.\" - Micah 6:8." ], [ "But, showing kindness brings good results." ], [ "When we show kindness for the right reasons, and especially when it is done because of our love toward God - this will make you feel good as well." ], [ "Even if other people don't like our behaviour, it is not a bad thing." ], [ "This is important in God's sight." ], [ "The Bible tells us that when we show mercy to others, it is as if \"we lend fire unto Jehovah our God.\"" ], [ "(Proverbs 19:20) So it is good to seek opportunities for showing kindness, right?" ], [ "The Oxford English Dictionary shows that the original meaning of \"kindness\" is, in fact: kinship; near relationship. natural affection arising from this.\"" ], [ "Fahe Important Good News in God’s Sight w12 3/4 p." ], [ "12-30 INTRODUCTION The struggles women face Introduction Does God really care about them?" ], [ "God wants people to love women. Can not the angel be a book for us?" ], [ "Living in Bible Time - The Fisherman \"When you pray, say this: 'Father'\" Come learn the bible Why does God tell his servants to marry only fellow believers?" ], [ "HELP OUR CHILDREN Geazi lost God's love because he became a sinner Talk about the Bible - Do all good people go to heaven?" ], [ "Text Download options for the publication THE STUDY GUIDE—EDITION FOR PUBLICATION October,2013 Share The Study Guide — Edition For Publications Oct." ] ]
Manan Nain Kompetisaun Blog\nTimor-Leste Open Source Community Monday, December 17, 2018\nParabenz ba manan nain kompetisaun blog, naran manan nain mak hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1. David Gomes de Arujo dg-habitek.blogspot.com\n2. Quintiliano da Costa Fernandes quintidcf.blogspot.com 3. Elizito dos Santos elhymendes.blogspot.com\nKompetisaun ne'e hetan suporta masimu husi Elovia Solution, likisahost, no visimitra, telkomcel, no Timor Plaza.\nAprende Konaba Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux (Parte 1)\nPartisaun hanesan maneira ida para hafahe espasu iha hard disk ho metodu logic no la'os ho metodu fiziku, hodi nune'e Ita bele edita no manipula partisaun husi kapasidade hard disk ne'ebe iha tuir nesesidade.\nVantajem husi partisaun:\nFasil para organiza dadus ou dokumentus, ezemplu bele hafahe partisaun ida ba sistema operasaun no partisaun seluk para rai dadus/dokumentus.\nHalo seguru dadus ou dokumentus, ezemplu karik partisaun sistema falha, dadus ou dokumentus ne'ebe iha partisaun seluk nafatin seguru.\nBele instala sistema operasaun liu husi ida.\nHasa'e atuasaun tempu asesu ba hard disk ne'ebe lais liutan.\nTipu Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux\nBainhira atu kria partisaun iha hard disk, dahuluk presija hatene tiha lai tipu partisaun ne'ebe iha.\nPartisaun iha hard disk fahe ba tipu tolu, ne'e maka Primary, Extended, no Logical.\nTuir mai esplikasaun badak husi tipu hirak ne'e:\nTipu partisaun ne'e hanesan partisaun Primary iha hard disk, jeralmente bodik ba sistema operasaun. Kada hard disk ida bele kria maksimu partisaun Primary 4 deit karik la iha partisaun Extended, ou maksimu 3 partisaun Primary karik iha partisaun Extended.\nTipu partisaun ne'e hanesan mos parte husi partisaun Primary no maksimu bele kria ida deit iha hardisk laran, utilizadu para akomoda partisaun Logical. Hanesan esplikasaun konaba tipu partisaun primary ne'ebe limitadu ho kuantidade 4 deit, bainhira atu kria partisaun ne'ebe barak, bele utiliza partisaun Extended.\nPartisaun ne'e bele kria karik iha ona partisaun Extended no utilizadu para rai dadus. La iha limitasaun kuantidade husi partisaun Logical, ne'e signifika iha hard disk ida bele kria partisaun Logical ho kuantidade depende husi nesesidade.\nOinsa Bele Hatene Tipu Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux?\nIha GNU/Linux Ita bele hatene partisaun Primary, Extended no Logical husi numeru ne'ebe iha hanesan ezemplu tuir mai:\nkomesa husi numeru 1 to'o 4\nsda1, sda2, sda3, no sda4.\nkomesa husi numeru 1 to'o 4 depende husi kuantidade partisaun Primary ne'ebe iha.\nKarik iha hard disk disponivel ona partisaun Primary 2, signifika partisaun Extended bele iha pozisaun sda3 ou sda4.\nkomesa husi numeru 5 ba leten.\nsda5, sda6, no seluktan.\nHanesan ezemplu husi ilustrasaun iha kraik ne'e, sei esplika oinsa identifika tipu partisaun iha hard disk husi sistema GNU/Linux.\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Husi Tipu Partisaun Iha Hard disk (Linux)\nEzemplu husi ilustrasaun iha leten signifika:\n- Partisaun Primary iha 3 (sda1, sda2 no sda3)\n- Partisaun Extended iha ida deit ne'ebe okupa sda4\n- Partisaun Logical iha 3 (sda5, sda6 no sda7)\nGeralmente sda hanesan hard disk Primary ne'ebe identifikadu iha sistema GNU/Linux. Karik disponivel hard disk 3 sei detekta sda, sdb, sdc no seluktan.\nKomparasaun Tabela Partisaun Windows & GNU/Linux?\nIha sistema operasaun Windows, partisaun sei identifikadu ho tipu alfabetu la'os numeru hanesan iha GNU/Linux. Aliende ne'e mos, partisaun sei temi ho naran 'Drive'.\nTuir mai ezemplu ilustrasaun tabela partisaun iha sistema operasaun Windows:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Tabela Partisaun Ne'ebe Identifikadu Iha Windows\nIlustrasaun husi ezemplu iha leten signifika:\n- Partisaun Primary iha 1 (drive C)\n- Iha Windows partisaun Extended la definido ho alfabeto\n- Partisaun Logical iha 3 (drive D, drive E no drive F)\nKarik konvertidu ba tabela partisaun GNU/Linux hanesan tuir mai:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Tabela Partisaun Ne'ebe Identifikadu Iha GNU/Linux\n- Partisaun Primary iha 1 (sda1)\n- Partisaun Extended iha ida deit ne'ebe okupa sda2\nAlokasaun Partisaun Ba GNU/Linux\nKuandu hakarak halo alokasaun partisaun ba sistema operasaun Linux, presija komprende uluk deskrisaun jeral konaba tipu partisaun ne'ebe mensiona iha leten, hodi nune'e labele halakon dadus ou dokumentus.\nPartisaun ne'ebe atu aloka ba instalasaun sistema operasaun Linux, minimu tenser iha partisaun mamuk rua:\n1. partisaun / (root)\n2. partisaun Swap\nRoot hanesan partisaun prinsipal ba Linux, karik iha sistema operasaun Windows maka Drive C. Rekomendasaun kapasidade para instalasaun sistema Linux minimu 4GB.\nPartisaun ne'ebe preparadu nudar Virtual Memory ba Linux, kuandu memoria komputador nakonu parsialmente prosesu serbisu sei desviadu ba partisaun swap. Kapasidade ba partisaun swap tenser 2X bo'ot husi RAM. Ezemplu memoria ou RAM komputador 512MB, kria swap sai 1GB.\nHo partisaun rua ne'ebe iha leten, bele kompleta kriteriu minimu para instala sistema operasaun Linux.\nTuir mai ezemplu ilustrasaun husi tabela partisaun rua ne'ebe mensiona:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Kriteriu Minimu Partisaun Ba GNU/Linux\n- sda1 no sda2 utiliza tipu partisaun Primary\n- Partisaun sda1 ba Swap\n- Partisaun sda2 ba / (root)\nAliende ne'e mos iha sistema operasaun Linux, diretorio ne'ebe maka disponivel iha partisaun root bele ita kria ketak tuir utilidade. Hanesan diretorio /home ho fungsaun para rai dadus ou dokumentus husi utilizador ne'ebe sei parte ida hamutuk ho partisaun root kuandu alokadu tuir kriteriu minimu. Maibe karik hakarak impede dadus ou dokumentus labele lakon bainhira akontese buat ne'ebe la espera, hanesan ezemplu halo re-instalasaun Linux, sujestaun husi Autores diak liu kria partisaun /home ketak husi partisaun prinsipal (/).\nEquivalente ho diretorio "Documents & Settings" karik iha sistema operasaun Windows XP ou "Users" iha Windows 7 ba leten.\nEzemplu ilustrasaun husi alokasaun ketak partisaun /home hanesan iha kraik ne'e:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Partisaun /home ne'ebe ketak husi / (root)\nEsplikasaun husi ezemplu ilustrasaun iha leten:\n- sda1, sda2, sda3 utiliza tipu partisaun Primary\n- Partisaun sda3 ba /home\nKria Partisaun GNU/Linux Husi Hard Disk Ne'ebe Ezisti Ona Windows!\nEzemplu iha leten kuandu kondisaun kapasidade hard disk alokadu tomak ba GNU/Linux, maibe oinsa karik atu kria partisaun husi hard disk ne'ebe ezisti ona sistema operasaun Windows?\nResposta husi pergunta refere maka presija kria parsialmente kapasidade hard disk ne'ebe ezisti ona para bele alokadu ba GNU/Linux. Jeralmente komputador ho sistema operasaun Windows konsisti partisaun rua ne'ebe maka drive C no D. Karik partisaun husi D disponivel kapasidade hard disk ho espasu bo'ot, diak liu resize partisaun refere bodik ba GNU/Linux.\nTuir mai ezemplu ilustrasaun husi tabela partisaun Windows ne'ebe jeralmente disponivel iha komputador:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Tabela Partisaun Iha Windows Em Jeral\nDepois resize partisaun D no kria fali partisaun foun para alokadu ba sistema operasaun GNU/Linux, tabela partisaun sei konvertidu sai hanesan ezemplu ilustrasaun iha kraik ne'e:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Resultadu Husi Resize Partisaun Windows\n- Partisaun sda1 ba C\n- Partisaun sda2 ba Extended\n- Partisaun sda5 ba D\n- Partisaun sda6 ba Swap\n- Partisaun sda7 ba / (root)\nKarik hakarak aumenta partisaun /home, tabela partisaun sei sai hanesan tuir mai:\nEzemplu Ilustrasaun Resultadu Husi Aumenta Partisaun /home\n- Partisaun sda8 ba /home\nArtiklu "Aprende Konaba Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux" parte dahuluk to'o iha ne'e deit, no sei iha kontinuasaun ba parte daruak.\nNafatin le'e weblog MataDalanLinux!
[ "Manan Nain Kompetisaun Blog Timor-Leste Open Source Community Monday, December 17, 2018 Parabenz ba manan nain kompetisaun blog, naran manan nain mak hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1.", "David Gomes de Arujo dg-habitek.blogspot.com 2.", "Quintiliano da Costa Fernandes quintidcf.blogspot.com 3.", "Elizito dos Santos elhymendes.blogspot.com Kompetisaun ne'e hetan suporta masimu husi Elovia Solution, likisahost, no visimitra, telkomcel, no Timor Plaza.", "Aprende Konaba Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux (Parte 1) Partisaun hanesan maneira ida para hafahe espasu iha hard disk ho metodu logic no la'os ho metodu fiziku, hodi nune'e Ita bele edita no manipula partisaun husi kapasidade hard disk ne'ebe iha tuir nesesidade.", "Vantajem husi partisaun: Fasil para organiza dadus ou dokumentus, ezemplu bele hafahe partisaun ida ba sistema operasaun no partisaun seluk para rai dadus/dokumentus.", "Halo seguru dadus ou dokumentus, ezemplu karik partisaun sistema falha, dadus ou dokumentus ne'ebe iha partisaun seluk nafatin seguru.", "Bele instala sistema operasaun liu husi ida.", "Hasa'e atuasaun tempu asesu ba hard disk ne'ebe lais liutan.", "Tipu Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux Bainhira atu kria partisaun iha hard disk, dahuluk presija hatene tiha lai tipu partisaun ne'ebe iha.", "Partisaun iha hard disk fahe ba tipu tolu, ne'e maka Primary, Extended, no Logical.", "Tuir mai esplikasaun badak husi tipu hirak ne'e: Tipu partisaun ne'e hanesan partisaun Primary iha hard disk, jeralmente bodik ba sistema operasaun.", "Kada hard disk ida bele kria maksimu partisaun Primary 4 deit karik la iha partisaun Extended, ou maksimu 3 partisaun Primary karik iha partisaun Extended.", "Tipu partisaun ne'e hanesan mos parte husi partisaun Primary no maksimu bele kria ida deit iha hardisk laran, utilizadu para akomoda partisaun Logical.", "Hanesan esplikasaun konaba tipu partisaun primary ne'ebe limitadu ho kuantidade 4 deit, bainhira atu kria partisaun ne'ebe barak, bele utiliza partisaun Extended.", "Partisaun ne'e bele kria karik iha ona partisaun Extended no utilizadu para rai dadus.", "La iha limitasaun kuantidade husi partisaun Logical, ne'e signifika iha hard disk ida bele kria partisaun Logical ho kuantidade depende husi nesesidade.", "Oinsa Bele Hatene Tipu Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux?", "Iha GNU/Linux Ita bele hatene partisaun Primary, Extended no Logical husi numeru ne'ebe iha hanesan ezemplu tuir mai: komesa husi numeru 1 to'o 4 sda1, sda2, sda3, no sda4. komesa husi numeru 1 to'o 4 depende husi kuantidade partisaun Primary ne'ebe iha.", "Karik iha hard disk disponivel ona partisaun Primary 2, signifika partisaun Extended bele iha pozisaun sda3 ou sda4. komesa husi numeru 5 ba leten. sda5, sda6, no seluktan.", "Hanesan ezemplu husi ilustrasaun iha kraik ne'e, sei esplika oinsa identifika tipu partisaun iha hard disk husi sistema GNU/Linux.", "Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Husi Tipu Partisaun Iha Hard disk (Linux) Ezemplu husi ilustrasaun iha leten signifika: - Partisaun Primary iha 3 (sda1, sda2 no sda3) - Partisaun Extended iha ida deit ne'ebe okupa sda4 - Partisaun Logical iha 3 (sda5, sda6 no sda7) Geralmente sda hanesan hard disk Primary ne'ebe identifikadu iha sistema GNU/Linux.", "Karik disponivel hard disk 3 sei detekta sda, sdb, sdc no seluktan.", "Komparasaun Tabela Partisaun Windows & GNU/Linux?", "Iha sistema operasaun Windows, partisaun sei identifikadu ho tipu alfabetu la'os numeru hanesan iha GNU/Linux.", "Aliende ne'e mos, partisaun sei temi ho naran 'Drive'.", "Tuir mai ezemplu ilustrasaun tabela partisaun iha sistema operasaun Windows: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Tabela Partisaun Ne'ebe Identifikadu Iha Windows Ilustrasaun husi ezemplu iha leten signifika: - Partisaun Primary iha 1 (drive C) - Iha Windows partisaun Extended la definido ho alfabeto - Partisaun Logical iha 3 (drive D, drive E no drive F) Karik konvertidu ba tabela partisaun GNU/Linux hanesan tuir mai: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Tabela Partisaun Ne'ebe Identifikadu Iha GNU/Linux - Partisaun Primary iha 1 (sda1) - Partisaun Extended iha ida deit ne'ebe okupa sda2 Alokasaun Partisaun Ba GNU/Linux Kuandu hakarak halo alokasaun partisaun ba sistema operasaun Linux, presija komprende uluk deskrisaun jeral konaba tipu partisaun ne'ebe mensiona iha leten, hodi nune'e labele halakon dadus ou dokumentus.", "Partisaun ne'ebe atu aloka ba instalasaun sistema operasaun Linux, minimu tenser iha partisaun mamuk rua: 1. partisaun / (root) 2. partisaun Swap Root hanesan partisaun prinsipal ba Linux, karik iha sistema operasaun Windows maka Drive C. Rekomendasaun kapasidade para instalasaun sistema Linux minimu 4GB.", "Partisaun ne'ebe preparadu nudar Virtual Memory ba Linux, kuandu memoria komputador nakonu parsialmente prosesu serbisu sei desviadu ba partisaun swap.", "Kapasidade ba partisaun swap tenser 2X bo'ot husi RAM.", "Ezemplu memoria ou RAM komputador 512MB, kria swap sai 1GB.", "Ho partisaun rua ne'ebe iha leten, bele kompleta kriteriu minimu para instala sistema operasaun Linux.", "Tuir mai ezemplu ilustrasaun husi tabela partisaun rua ne'ebe mensiona: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Kriteriu Minimu Partisaun Ba GNU/Linux - sda1 no sda2 utiliza tipu partisaun Primary - Partisaun sda1 ba Swap - Partisaun sda2 ba / (root) Aliende ne'e mos iha sistema operasaun Linux, diretorio ne'ebe maka disponivel iha partisaun root bele ita kria ketak tuir utilidade.", "Hanesan diretorio /home ho fungsaun para rai dadus ou dokumentus husi utilizador ne'ebe sei parte ida hamutuk ho partisaun root kuandu alokadu tuir kriteriu minimu.", "Maibe karik hakarak impede dadus ou dokumentus labele lakon bainhira akontese buat ne'ebe la espera, hanesan ezemplu halo re-instalasaun Linux, sujestaun husi Autores diak liu kria partisaun /home ketak husi partisaun prinsipal (/).", "Equivalente ho diretorio \"Documents & Settings\" karik iha sistema operasaun Windows XP ou \"Users\" iha Windows 7 ba leten.", "Ezemplu ilustrasaun husi alokasaun ketak partisaun /home hanesan iha kraik ne'e: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Partisaun /home ne'ebe ketak husi / (root) Esplikasaun husi ezemplu ilustrasaun iha leten: - sda1, sda2, sda3 utiliza tipu partisaun Primary - Partisaun sda3 ba /home Kria Partisaun GNU/Linux Husi Hard Disk Ne'ebe Ezisti Ona Windows!", "Ezemplu iha leten kuandu kondisaun kapasidade hard disk alokadu tomak ba GNU/Linux, maibe oinsa karik atu kria partisaun husi hard disk ne'ebe ezisti ona sistema operasaun Windows?", "Resposta husi pergunta refere maka presija kria parsialmente kapasidade hard disk ne'ebe ezisti ona para bele alokadu ba GNU/Linux.", "Jeralmente komputador ho sistema operasaun Windows konsisti partisaun rua ne'ebe maka drive C no D. Karik partisaun husi D disponivel kapasidade hard disk ho espasu bo'ot, diak liu resize partisaun refere bodik ba GNU/Linux.", "Tuir mai ezemplu ilustrasaun husi tabela partisaun Windows ne'ebe jeralmente disponivel iha komputador: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Tabela Partisaun Iha Windows Em Jeral Depois resize partisaun D no kria fali partisaun foun para alokadu ba sistema operasaun GNU/Linux, tabela partisaun sei konvertidu sai hanesan ezemplu ilustrasaun iha kraik ne'e: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Resultadu Husi Resize Partisaun Windows - Partisaun sda1 ba C - Partisaun sda2 ba Extended - Partisaun sda5 ba D - Partisaun sda6 ba Swap - Partisaun sda7 ba / (root) Karik hakarak aumenta partisaun /home, tabela partisaun sei sai hanesan tuir mai: Ezemplu Ilustrasaun Resultadu Husi Aumenta Partisaun /home - Partisaun sda8 ba /home Artiklu \"Aprende Konaba Partisaun Iha GNU/Linux\" parte dahuluk to'o iha ne'e deit, no sei iha kontinuasaun ba parte daruak.", "Nafatin le'e weblog MataDalanLinux!" ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste Open Source Community Blog Competition Winner Monday, December 17th Congratulations to the winners of our blog competition. The names are as follow:" ], [ "David Gomes de Arujo dg-habitek.blogspot 2014/3 /" ], [ "Quintiliano da Costa Fernandes quintidcf.blogspot,com 3" ], [ "The competition was supported by Elovia Solution, likisahost and visimitra. telkomcel is the sponsor of this contest as well Timor Plaza has been awarded with 50% discount on all items purchased at Telcomsel's website: elhymendeselectronicshop@gmail" ], [ "Partitioning is a way to free up space on the hard disk by logical rather than physical methods, so that you can edit and manipulate partitions of available capacity as needed. Learn About Parts in GNU/Linux (Part 1)" ], [ "Advantages of partitioning: Easy to organize data or documents, for example you can have one partyion on the operating system and another partsion with your files." ], [ "Safeguarding data or documents, for example if the system partition fails to function properly then any other part of your computer will remain safe." ], [ "You can install more than one operating system." ], [ "Increases performance of access time to unlinked hard disks." ], [ "Types of Partitions in GNU/Linux When creating a partition on your hard disk, you first need to know what type it is." ], [ "Partitions in hard disks are divided into three types: Primary, Extended and Logical." ], [ "The following is a brief explanation of these types: This partition type corresponds to the Primary Partitions on hard disk, generally operating system body." ], [ "Each hard disk can create a maximum of only 4 Primary partitions if there is no Extended, or up to three primary Partitioning in the event that an extended has been created." ], [ "This type of partition is also part the primary and maximum one can be created on a hard disk, used to accommodate Logical Partitions." ], [ "As an explanation of the primary partition type that is limited to only 4, when creating a larger number you can use Extended." ], [ "This partition can be created if there is already an extended and not used for data storage." ], [ "There is no quantity limitation on the number of logical partitions, this means that in one hard disk you can create as many logical Partition depending upon your needs." ], [ "How to Determine the Type of Partition in GNU/Linux?" ], [ "In GNU/Linux you can know the Primary, Extended and Logical partitions by their numbers as follows: starting from number 1 to #4 sda2. Starting with a numerical value of one or more depend on how many primary Partition there are in your system (example)." ], [ "If there is already a Primary 2 partition available on the hard disk, it means that an Extended can be in either sda3 or SDA4. Starting from number five to letters like this: \"SDA5\",\"SADA6\"." ], [ "As an example of the illustration below, I will explain how to identify partition types on a hard disk in GNU/Linux systems." ], [ "Example Illustration of Partitions Types on Hard Disk (Linux) The example illustrated below means: - Primary partitionen in 3(SDA1, SDAE2 and SDAE4).- Extendedpartitionerin one only which occupies sdae5. LogicalPartitionisn three partations with the same name as it is used to identify a primary hard disk or logical drive within GNU/linux systems; this includes both internally identifiable primaries including \"SATA\" (\"Sata\") for external storage devices like USB flash memory cards etc" ], [ "If hard disk 3 is available it will detect sda,sdb and cdc in detail." ], [ "Comparison Table Windows & GNU/Linux Partition?" ], [ "In the Windows operating system, partitions are identified by alphabetical rather than numerical characters as in GNU/Linux." ], [ "In addition, the partition will be named 'Drive'." ], [ "The following is an example illustration of a partition table in the Windows operating system: Example Illustrated Partitions Table Identified In windows An illustrated version from above means that - Primary on drive C (drive A) – Extended undefined with any letters or numbers under Win XP and Vista Logical On Drive D, F & G Can be convert to GNU/Linux as follow-up. Examples for converting into Linux are shown below; Exemple Figure Tabela Identificada de Parteções Em Debian e Ubuntu — Primaria em disco rígido sda1—Extendida na unidade ocupando somente o espaço SDA2 Allocation Of Partions For FreeBSD If you want partations allocated within your freebsd environment then it'll take some time before data will get lost because there may not have enough space left between two parts which would otherwise become one larger disk than what was originally created by booting up our harddisk at first" ], [ "The partition to be allocated for the installation of Linux operating system, at least tenser in two mamuk Partitions:1. / (root) partytioon2; Swap Root Partytiion as primary partcioination on a Windows OS is Drive C Recommended Capacity For Installing A GNU/Linux System Is Minimum Of4GB" ], [ "Partition prepared as Virtual Memory for Linux, when the computer memory is partially full work processes will be diverted to swap." ], [ "Tensor swap partition capacity is 2X larger than RAM." ], [ "Example computer memory or RAM 512MB, creates swap out of the disk space." ], [ "With the above two partitions, you can complete a minimum criterion for installing Linux operating system." ], [ "The following is an example illustration of the two partition tables mentioned: Example Illustrations Minimum Criteria Partitioners For GNU/Linux - sda1 and SDA2 use a primary type Primary-SADA part for swap, SDATA par / (root) In addition to this in Linux OS directories that are available on root can be created by utility." ], [ "Like the /home directory with functions for storing user data or documents, it will be part of a root partition when allocated according to minimum criteria." ], [ "However, if you want to prevent data or documents from being lost in the event of something unexpected happening (for example a Linux reinstallation), it is suggested by our authors that /home be created separately." ], [ "Equivalent to the \"Documents & Settings\" directory if on Windows XP, or “Users” in windows from v7 and up." ], [ "An example illustration of a /home partition allocation as shown below: Example Illustrations for the/Home Partitionen, die von der (root) Explanations to illustrations above - sda1.sd2 and 3 use primary type-partitionering – SDA4 is an extension on your home disk Creating Linux from existing Windows hard drive!" ], [ "In the above example, all hard disk capacity is allocated to GNU/Linux. But how about creating a partition from an existing Windows operating system?" ], [ "The answer to the above question is that we will need partially create existing hard disk capacity for GNU/Linux." ], [ "Generally, computers with the Windows operating system consist of two partitions which are drive C and D. If a large amount is available on hard disk capacity in partation B then it would be better to resize this body for GNU/Linux using that size as an example:" ], [ "Here is an example illustration of the Windows partition table generally available on computers: Examples Illustrations Partitioner Table In General After resizing D and creating a new part to be allocated for GNU/Linux operating system, this will convert into as illustrated below. Example Results Of Resize The Win7 - sda1 To C SDA2 Extended SD5 Swap SSD6 / (root) If you want increase your home disk size by increasing its volume or expand it with another hard drive then here are some results from re-sizing that Hard Drive if there was no other option left in mind before doing so; This article \"Learning About Linux Partions\" has only reached first half but we'll continue until second Half!" ], [ "Nafatin le'e weblog MataDalanLinux!" ] ]
Semana oin, MAE lansa Uma Kbiit Laek iha suku Triloka | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Semana oin, MAE lansa Uma Kbiit Laek iha suku Triloka\nXefe suku Triloka, postu admistrativu Baucau villa, munisípiu Baucau, Alexandre da Costa. Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 24 juñu 2021 (BAUCAU)—Xefe suku Triloka, postu admistrativu Baucau villa, munisípiu Baucau, Alexandre da Costa, hateten, Ministru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, sei lansa fatuk dahuluk Uma Kbiit Laek iha aldeia Aubaka, suku Triloka, semana oin.\n“Uma Kbiit Laek suku Triloka iha benefisiáriu tolu, la kleur tan iha loron 01 jullu, Ministru Admistrasaun Estatál atu halo lansamentu fatuk dahuluk ba uma tolu ne’e inklui inaugura mós moru eskola ho orsamentu hosi Programa Nasionál Dezenvolvementu Suku (PNDS),” Xefe suku Triloka, informa iha edifísiu Administrasaun postu Baucau villa antiga, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: 28 juñu, lansa fatuk dahuluk ‘Uma Kbiit Laek’ iha Baucau\nAntes ne’e, Diretora PNDS munisípiu Baucau, Aurea Viegas, hateten, antes atu hahú implenta Uma Kbiit Laek, PNDS Baucau orienta tuir livru matadalan ne’ebé guia, hanesan kritéria ba benefisiáriu ne’ebé mak autoridade lokál sira mak envolve direita iha ekipa verifikadór, lidera hosi xefe aldeia, Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS) no reprezentante joven na’in-ualu hosi kada suku.\n“PNDS la la’o mesak, iha kooperasaun másimu ho autoridade suku,” nia dehan.\nTotál orsamentu Uma Kbiit Laek ba suku ida hetan $54.000, ne’ebé fahe ba kustu operasionál $3.000 no kustu infraestrutura $51.000, tuir tipu uma.\nUma Kbiit Laek iha tipu rua bazeia ba kritéria, ne’ebé ho montante la hanesan, 48m² ho kustu $17.000 no 37m² ho kustu entre $14.000 to’o $16.000.\nPNDS Baucau rasik tuir alvu sei konstrui uma hamutuk 177 iha tinan 2021, ne’ebé hosi totál ne’e, suku 59 iha munisípiu Baucau sei konstrui uma tolu iha kada suku.\nSuku Triloka kompostu hosi aldeia haat hanesan Aubaka, Baduho’o, Makadae no Likiloiwatu, ho totál populasaun hamutuk 2.732.\nPrevious articleNegosiante husu Governu konstrui uma iha merkadu Batugade\nNext articleTIC Timor esforsu ezekuta OJE 2021 tuir meta
[ "Semana oin, MAE lansa Uma Kbiit Laek iha suku Triloka | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Semana oin, MAE lansa Uma Kbiit Laek iha suku Triloka Xefe suku Triloka, postu admistrativu Baucau villa, munisipiu Baucau, Alexandre da Costa.", "Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 24 junu 2021 (BAUCAU) - Xefe suku Triloka, postu admistrativu Baucau villa, munisipiu Baucau, Alexandre da Costa, hateten, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, sei lansa fatuk dahuluk Uma Kbiit Laek iha aldeia Aubaka, suku Triloka, semana oin.", "\"Uma Kbiit Laek suku Triloka iha benefisiariu tolu, la kleur tan iha loron 01 jullu, Ministru Admistrasaun Estatal atu halo lansamentu fatuk dahuluk ba uma tolu ne'e inklui inaugura mos moru eskola ho orsamentu hosi Programa Nasional Dezenvolvementu Suku (PNDS),\" Xefe suku Triloka, informa iha edifisiu Administrasaun postu Baucau villa antiga, kinta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: 28 junu, lansa fatuk dahuluk 'Uma Kbiit Laek' iha Baucau Antes ne'e, Diretora PNDS munisipiu Baucau, Aurea Viegas, hateten, antes atu hahu implenta Uma Kbiit Laek, PNDS Baucau orienta tuir livru matadalan ne'ebe guia, hanesan kriteria ba benefisiariu ne'ebe mak autoridade lokal sira mak envolve direita iha ekipa verifikador, lidera hosi xefe aldeia, Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS) no reprezentante joven na'in-ualu hosi kada suku.", "\"PNDS la la'o mesak, iha kooperasaun masimu ho autoridade suku,\" nia dehan.", "Total orsamentu Uma Kbiit Laek ba suku ida hetan $54.000, ne'ebe fahe ba kustu operasional $3.000 no kustu infraestrutura $51.000, tuir tipu uma.", "Uma Kbiit Laek iha tipu rua bazeia ba kriteria, ne'ebe ho montante la hanesan, 48m2 ho kustu $17.000 no 37m2 ho kustu entre $14.000 to'o $16.000.", "PNDS Baucau rasik tuir alvu sei konstrui uma hamutuk 177 iha tinan 2021, ne'ebe hosi total ne'e, suku 59 iha munisipiu Baucau sei konstrui uma tolu iha kada suku.", "Suku Triloka kompostu hosi aldeia haat hanesan Aubaka, Baduho'o, Makadae no Likiloiwatu, ho total populasaun hamutuk 2.732.", "Previous articleNegosiante husu Governu konstrui uma iha merkadu Batugade Next articleTIC Timor esforsu ezekuta OJE 2021 tuir meta" ]
[ [ "Next week, MAE launches Uma Kbiit Laek in Triloka village | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Week ahead of the inauguration ceremony for Ma’e lanse uma kbit laeks iha suku trilok by Alexandre da Costa." ], [ "BAUCAU, June 24th (BAUCAU) - The head of Triloka village in the administrative post Baucau villa municipality Alexandre da Costa said that Minister for State Administration Miguel Pereira de Carvalho will lay down a first stone to build an Uma Kbiit Laek home next week." ], [ "\"The low-income home in Triloka village has three beneficiaries, not long after July 1st the Minister of State Administration will lay first stone for these houses and also inaugurate school grounds with budget from Programa Nacional Desenvolvimento Rural (PNDS),\" said Chief Villager trilok at post administration building Baucau villa antiga on Wednesday." ], [ "Prior to this, PNDS Director of Baucau Municipality Aurea Viegas said that before starting implementing Uma Kbiit Laek (Homes for the Poor), it was based on a guidebook as well. The criteria were set by local authorities who involved themselves directly in verification teams led from village chief through Village Police Officer and eight youth representatives per community; they also had access into information about how many people are eligible or not entitled at which time each project will be launched:" ], [ "\"PNDS is not running alone, there's maximum cooperation with the village authorities\", he said." ], [ "The total budget for low-income housing in a village is $54,012. This includes operational costs of US$368 and infrastructure cost (depending on the type), which amounts to USD97 per unit or approximately £:" ], [ "There are two types of low-income housing based on criteria, which have different amounts: the one with a cost between $14.025 and$37m² is available at an average price from around US£9k to about £8K per month; while for those who want more comfortable homes there will be another type that costs as much or less than this (US€6)." ], [ "The PNDS Baucau itself aims to build 179 houses in the year, which of this total will be built three homes per village." ], [ "Triloka Village is composed of four villages: Aubaka, Baduho'o and Likiloiwatu with a total population 2731." ], [ "Previous articleBusinessman asks Government to build house in Batugade market Next ArticleICT Timor strives for 2019 budget implementation accordingly" ] ]
PN hahú audiénsia ba proposta OJE 2020 \t31 Janeiru entrega ba PR - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika PN hahú audiénsia ba proposta OJE 2020 \t31 Janeiru entrega ba PR\nParlamentu Nasionál (PN), Ohin, Segunda (06/01) hahú Audiénsia Públika ba Proposta Lei foun Lei no.9/V (2a) Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020. Audiénsia Públika ba Proposta lei OJE 2020 ho motante billaun USD1,668 nee durante loron lima, Segunda (06/1) to’o Sesta ( 10/01).\nHafoin audensia, komisaun sira elabora relatóriu pareser durante loron lima, nunee iha Tersa ( 14/01) Komisaun C sei aprezenta relatóriu ba meza Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) hodi hahu debate iha plenaria\nProposta lei OJE 2020 nee ho karater urjenti, nunee diskusaun no aprovasaun ba jeneralidade nebe karakter normal loron 3 hamenus ba loron 2, no debate ba espesialidade loron 10 hamenus ba loron 8 deit hodi aprova final no global, hafoin konklui redasaun final haruka ba Prezidente Republika iha loron ikus fulan Janeiru nee.\nOitavu Governu Konstitusional iha faze dahuluk,aprova proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) Tinan 2020, Billaun USD1,950 ,liu husi reuniaun estraordinária, nunee submete ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), no hahú debate Dahuluk iha loron (2/12/2019).\nHusi total Orsamentu ne’e, fahe ba kategoria saláriu no vensimentu hamutuk Millaun USD241,271,ba sasán no servisu , hamutuk Millaun USD738,428,ba transferénsia públika, iha Millaun USD457,773,nune’e mós ba Kapitál menór Millaun USD53,267 no ba Kapitál Dezenvolvimentu Millaun USD459,260.\nKona-ba prioridade, oitavu Governu nafatin tau atensaun ba iha saúde ho edukasaun, liu-liu iha parte sosiál,no mós Agrikultura, Infraestrutura, ho konétividades Estrada, be’e no saneamentu.\nNune’e Governu avansa, ho total proposta Orsamentu ne’e, ba iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) atu hetan aprovasaun. Maibé debate loron daruak, iha faze Jeneralidade iha loron (3/12/2019) governu retira tiha proposta ne’e husi parlamentu, tanba hetan presaun polítika no ejijénsia husi parlamentu, ne’ebé la’os deit mai husi bankada opozisaun sira, maibé própriu bankada governu maka ameasa vota kontra no mós konsidera, artigu balun iha proposta orsamentu ne’e, deteta iha indisius balun.\nNunee Primeiru-Ministru,Taur Matan Ruak, obrigadu desidi tenke retira, Proposta Lei Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 ho razaun hakarak ajusta no akomoda preokupasaun deputadu sira nian, tantu husi Bankada Governu no Opozisaun, ne’ebé kestiona maka’as kona-ba montante osan ne’ebé mak bo’ot.\nMaske dada hikas proposta orsamentu, maibé governu promote, lori hikas proposta ne’e ba, Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) ,iha loron (13/12/2019), maibé Governu la konsege submete hikas Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE), ne’e ba Parlamentu, tuir data ne’ebé determinadu.\nTanba ekipa ajustamentu ne’ebé lidera husi Ministru Estadu Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru ,Agio Pereira, kontinua , konsulta ho ministériu sira, hodi kontribui ba redusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2020 nian.\nDurante semana ida, Ekipa Ajustamentu orsamentu, konsege halo redusaun ba Orsamentu Ministériu sira nian, no elimana orsamentu RAEOA / ZEESM ne’ebé propoen iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ,hamutuk $ 26 Milhões, tanba ho razaun RAEOA / ZEESM sei iha saldo hamutuk $ 27 Milhões.\nGovernu halo redusaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020, hodi kumprimenta ejijénsia Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) no hare’e ba kapasidade ministériu nian ne’ebé la ,konsege ezekuta orsamentu ho másimu.\nHo nune’e orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 husi billaun $ 1,950 ,reduz ba Biliaun $1,668.\nNune’e Governu liu husi Konselu Ministru, aprova hikas redusaun proposta Orsamentu ne’e, nu’udar proposta orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) foun ba tinan 2020 , iha loron 19 , fulan Dezembru , tinan 2019.\nHusi valór ne’e sei aloka ba saláriu no vensimentu $235,610, aloka ba Bens Servisu, 583,800 ba transferénsia públika $328,206, no mós aloka ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu $31,488,837.\nProposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) Foun 2020 Governu submete hikas ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) iha (19/12/2019) no Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) sei hahú Audiénsia Públika iha segunda nee.Tos
[ "PN hahu audiensia ba proposta OJE 2020 31 Janeiru entrega ba PR - GMN TV GMN TV Politika PN hahu audiensia ba proposta OJE 2020 31 Janeiru entrega ba PR Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Ohin, Segunda (06/01) hahu Audiensia Publika ba Proposta Lei foun Lei no.9/V (2a) Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020.", "Audiensia Publika ba Proposta lei OJE 2020 ho motante billaun USD1,668 nee durante loron lima, Segunda (06/1) to'o Sesta (10/01).", "Hafoin audensia, komisaun sira elabora relatoriu pareser durante loron lima, nunee iha Tersa (14/01) Komisaun C sei aprezenta relatoriu ba meza Parlamentu Nasional (PN) hodi hahu debate iha plenaria Proposta lei OJE 2020 nee ho karater urjenti, nunee diskusaun no aprovasaun ba jeneralidade nebe karakter normal loron 3 hamenus ba loron 2, no debate ba espesialidade loron 10 hamenus ba loron 8 deit hodi aprova final no global, hafoin konklui redasaun final haruka ba Prezidente Republika iha loron ikus fulan Janeiru nee.", "Oitavu Governu Konstitusional iha faze dahuluk,aprova proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) Tinan 2020, Billaun USD1,950 ,liu husi reuniaun estraordinaria, nunee submete ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), no hahu debate Dahuluk iha loron (2/12/2019).", "Husi total Orsamentu ne'e, fahe ba kategoria salariu no vensimentu hamutuk Millaun USD241,271,ba sasan no servisu , hamutuk Millaun USD738,428,ba transferensia publika, iha Millaun USD457,773,nune'e mos ba Kapital menor Millaun USD53,267 no ba Kapital Dezenvolvimentu Millaun USD459,260.", "Kona-ba prioridade, oitavu Governu nafatin tau atensaun ba iha saude ho edukasaun, liu-liu iha parte sosial,no mos Agrikultura, Infraestrutura, ho konetividades Estrada, be'e no saneamentu.", "Nune'e Governu avansa, ho total proposta Orsamentu ne'e, ba iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) atu hetan aprovasaun.", "Maibe debate loron daruak, iha faze Jeneralidade iha loron (3/12/2019) governu retira tiha proposta ne'e husi parlamentu, tanba hetan presaun politika no ejijensia husi parlamentu, ne'ebe la'os deit mai husi bankada opozisaun sira, maibe propriu bankada governu maka ameasa vota kontra no mos konsidera, artigu balun iha proposta orsamentu ne'e, deteta iha indisius balun.", "Nunee Primeiru-Ministru,Taur Matan Ruak, obrigadu desidi tenke retira, Proposta Lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 ho razaun hakarak ajusta no akomoda preokupasaun deputadu sira nian, tantu husi Bankada Governu no Opozisaun, ne'ebe kestiona maka'as kona-ba montante osan ne'ebe mak bo'ot.", "Maske dada hikas proposta orsamentu, maibe governu promote, lori hikas proposta ne'e ba, Parlamentu Nasional (PN),iha loron (13/12/2019), maibe Governu la konsege submete hikas Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE), ne'e ba Parlamentu, tuir data ne'ebe determinadu.", "Tanba ekipa ajustamentu ne'ebe lidera husi Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru ,Agio Pereira, kontinua , konsulta ho ministeriu sira, hodi kontribui ba redusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2020 nian.", "Durante semana ida, Ekipa Ajustamentu orsamentu, konsege halo redusaun ba Orsamentu Ministeriu sira nian, no elimana orsamentu RAEOA / ZEESM ne'ebe propoen iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE),hamutuk $ 26 Milhoes, tanba ho razaun RAEOA / ZEESM sei iha saldo hamutuk $ 27 Milhoes.", "Governu halo redusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020, hodi kumprimenta ejijensia Parlamentu Nasional (PN) no hare'e ba kapasidade ministeriu nian ne'ebe la ,konsege ezekuta orsamentu ho masimu.", "Ho nune'e orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 husi billaun $ 1,950 ,reduz ba Biliaun $1,668.", "Nune'e Governu liu husi Konselu Ministru, aprova hikas redusaun proposta Orsamentu ne'e, nu'udar proposta orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) foun ba tinan 2020 , iha loron 19 , fulan Dezembru , tinan 2019.", "Husi valor ne'e sei aloka ba salariu no vensimentu $235,610, aloka ba Bens Servisu, 583,800 ba transferensia publika $328,206, no mos aloka ba kapital dezenvolvimentu $31,488,837.", "Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) Foun 2020 Governu submete hikas ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN) iha (19/12/2019) no Parlamentu Nasional (PN) sei hahu Audiensia Publika iha segunda nee.Tos" ]
[ [ "PN begins public hearing on 2019 budget proposal - GMN TV Politika National Parliament (PN), today, Monday(6/3) began a Public Audience for the Proposal of New Law no.8 /V-A General State Budget in January and February years to be submitted by Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho at his meeting with parliamentarians from all political parties that participated therein as well..." ], [ "The Public Hearing on the Proposed Bill of Budget 2019 with a total budget amounting to USD3.5 billion will be held during five days, Monday (6/4) through Saturday(8-7)." ], [ "After the hearing, commissions prepared their opinion report for five days and on Tuesday (14/02) Commission C will present its rapport to Parliament’ s table in order that it may begin debate at plenary session. The Proposal of Law Budget 3 is urgently discussed with general approval which normal day three has been shortened by two; a full-session debating took place only ten minutes later so as final global adoption can be made after conclude drafting submitted from last January this year until President da República" ], [ "The Eighth Constitutional Government in its first phase approved the proposed General State Budget (GSB) for 2019, worth US$3.5 billion through an extraordinary meeting and submitted it to National Parliament where a preliminary debate began on December(4/8)." ], [ "Of the total budget, divided into salary and income category amounts to USD241.37 million for good & services ; $USD805 billion in public transferences (including US$69% of GDP), which is a decrease from previous years' estimate ($US£) by about €-/mn)." ], [ "Regarding priorities, the eighth Government continues to focus on health and education especially in social areas as well agriculture infrastructure with connectivity road water sanitation." ], [ "Thus, the Government is forwarding this total Budget proposal to Parliament (PN) for approval." ], [ "However, on the second day of debate in Generality phase (3/12) government withdrew this proposal from parliament because it received political pressure and demands by Parliament. This was not only due to opposition groups but also their own group threatened voting against as well considering that some articles within budget were found under certain indications elsewhere:" ], [ "Thus, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak was obliged to decide that the Proposal for a General State Budget (GSB) 2019 must be withdrew because he wanted it adjust and accommodate MP' s concern of both Government Group as well As Opposition who were very concerned about this huge amount." ], [ "Although the budget proposal was submitted quickly, but government promoted it to be brought swiftly before Parliament on 13/02. The Government did not succeed in submitting its General State Budget (GSB) promptly as schedules had been set forth by parliamentary committee and that is why there hasn't yet come a decision about how this will go forward with respect of future legislative processes at national level or local levels.\"" ], [ "Because the adjustment team led by Minister of State for Presidency and Council, Agio Pereira continues to consult with ministries in order that they can contribute towards reducing 2019 General Budget." ], [ "During one week, the Budget Adjustment Team managed to make reductions in budgets of ministries and eliminate $26 million from a proposed State General Account (GAA) for OAS/ZEESM. The reason given was that there would be an overflow totalling at least US$105 millions between GA AO / ZEESm' s account with other government agencie or entities within its jurisdiction; this amount is now worth only about USD347 Million" ], [ "The Government has reduced the General State Budget (GSB) 2019, in order to comply with Parliament's requirements and considering that it is not possible for a ministry of its capacity as well." ], [ "Thus, the General State Budget (GSB) 2019 was reduced from $3.5 billion to a total of US$486 million in fiscal year end-September" ], [ "The Government, through the Council of Ministers approved a rapid reduction in this proposed Budget as new draft General State budget (GSB) for 2019 on December." ], [ "Of this amount, $235.610 will be allocated to salaries and wages; 498 million dollars for goods services (including transportation), public transfer ($7-million); as well a total of US$" ], [ "Proposed General State Budget (GSB) New 2019 Government submitted quickly to the National Parliament on December, and will begin Public Hearing in Monday.Tos" ] ]
“Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi’a Defisiénsia” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI “Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi’a Defisiénsia”\n“Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi’a Defisiénsia”\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Ulun boot FALINTL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (FDTL) no Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu husu ba jornalista sira atu kontinua hadi’a hodi hala’o funsaun ho di’ak.\n“Jornalista tenke servisu didiak no hadi’a defisiénsia no difikuldade sira hasoru”, Majór Jenerál F-FDTL, Lere Anan Timur hato’o ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Prezidensiál ohin relasiona ho loron mundiál ba liberdade imprensa.\nJornalista maka fonte informasaun ba públiku. ʺHa’u fó parabéns ba jornalista sira tanba jornalista maka povu nia matan no povu nia tilunʺ, hatutan.\nHodi hatutan, povu iha área rurál asesu prosesu dezenvolvimentu liuhusi obra jornalista ne’ebé hakerek liuhusi mídia imprime, radiu no televizaun.\nKongratulasaun hanesan mai hosi Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu. “Mídia liliu jornalista sira tenke dezempeña funsaun ho di’ak liutan hodi hetan konfiansa públiku tanba tarefa jornalista importante hodi apoiu dezenvolvimentuʺ, dehan Deolindo dos Santos.\nNia sujere ba jornalista sira, kontinua partisipa formasaun hodi fornese informasaun ba públiku ho kualidade.\nMomentu ne’e, Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor-Leste (AJTL), Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU) hamutuk ho estudante komunikasaun sosiál hosi Universidade Nasionál Timor-Lorosa’e no Universidade Oriental selebra ho atividade kari aifunan ba tasi Palásiu Governu nia oin, halo marsa liuhosi dalan liberdade imprensa no atividade seluk iha jardim 5 de maiu Kolmera.\nMensajen Lere Anan Timur ba Liberdade Imprensa\nPrevious articlePR–Komando F-FDTL Diskute Seguransa ba 20 Maiu\nNext articleBolseiru Portugal Sei Fila Laiha Tittlu Kuandu Governu La-Hanaruk Kontratu
[ "\"Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi'a Defisiensia\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI \"Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi'a Defisiensia\" \"Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi'a Defisiensia\" DILI, (TATOLI) - Ulun boot FALINTL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (FDTL) no Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu husu ba jornalista sira atu kontinua hadi'a hodi hala'o funsaun ho di'ak.", "\"Jornalista tenke servisu didiak no hadi'a defisiensia no difikuldade sira hasoru,\" Major Jeneral F-FDTL, Lere Anan Timur hato'o ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Prezidensial ohin relasiona ho loron mundial ba liberdade imprensa.", "Jornalista maka fonte informasaun ba publiku. \"Ha'u fo parabens ba jornalista sira tanba jornalista maka povu nia matan no povu nia tilun\", hatutan.", "Hodi hatutan, povu iha area rural asesu prosesu dezenvolvimentu liuhusi obra jornalista ne'ebe hakerek liuhusi midia imprime, radiu no televizaun.", "Kongratulasaun hanesan mai hosi Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu.", "\"Midia liliu jornalista sira tenke dezempena funsaun ho di'ak liutan hodi hetan konfiansa publiku tanba tarefa jornalista importante hodi apoiu dezenvolvimentu\", dehan Deolindo dos Santos.", "Nia sujere ba jornalista sira, kontinua partisipa formasaun hodi fornese informasaun ba publiku ho kualidade.", "Momentu ne'e, Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor-Leste (AJTL), Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU) hamutuk ho estudante komunikasaun sosial hosi Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e no Universidade Oriental selebra ho atividade kari aifunan ba tasi Palasiu Governu nia oin, halo marsa liuhosi dalan liberdade imprensa no atividade seluk iha jardim 5 de maiu Kolmera.", "Mensajen Lere Anan Timur ba Liberdade Imprensa Previous articlePR-Komando F-FDTL Diskute Seguransa ba 20 Maiu Next articleBolseiru Portugal Sei Fila Laiha Tittlu Kuandu Governu La-Hanaruk Kontratu" ]
[ [ "\"Journalists Need to Improve Disabilities\" | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI “Jornalista Sira Tenke Hadi'a Defisiensia” Dili, (IHA) - The Chief of Staff FALINTL – Forsa Defesa TL and the President Of Tribunal Recurso have asked all journalist that they continue their improvement in order for them perform well." ], [ "\"Journalists must work hard and overcome the deficiencies they encounter,\" F-FDTL Major General Lere Anan Timur told journalist in Presidential Palace today on World Press Freedom Day." ], [ "Journalists are the source of information for people. \"I congratulate journalist, because they're eyes and fingertips\", he said in a statement released by his office on Thursday (12/05)." ], [ "In addition, the people in rural areas access to development processes through journalists' work written for print media and radio/television." ], [ "Similar congratulations came from the President of The Court Of Appeal." ], [ "\"The media, especially journalists must perform their function well in order to gain public confidence because the task of journalism is important for supporting development\", says Deolindo dos Santos." ], [ "He suggested that journalists continue to attend training in order for them provide the public with quality information." ], [ "At this moment, Timor-Leste Journalists Association (AJTL), the Press Union together with students of social communication from Universidade Nacional de Timór Lorosa'e and Oriental University celebrated by carrying flowers to a beach in front Government Palace. They also marched through Freedom Street press freedom street as well other activities at 5th May Garden Kolmera" ], [ "Previous articlePR-FDTL Command Discusses Security on May 20 Next ArticlePortuguese Scholar Will Leave Without Title When Government Lacks Contract Read Anan Timur’S Message to Freedom of the Press" ] ]
Joven ida mate iha Bairro-Pite tanba kareta soke – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Joven ida mate iha Bairro-Pite tanba kareta soke\nKondutór kareta fuso ida ho sapa matríkula 50-453 TL, husi kompañia Everise Warehousing and Transportation, soke mate joven ida ho naran Izidio Bonifacio iha Bairro-Pite, Díli, wainhira kondus motor Beat ida ho sapa matríkula G 7207 TL.\nEnkuantu kareta ne’e kondus husi motorista ho inisial LL, husi diresaun Bairro-Pite atu liu ba iha Hudi-Laran.\nAsidente trâfegu ne’e akontese iha Sesta (09/08/19) mais ou menus tuku sanulu resin 12 meudia oras Timor-Leste, ne’ebé mak rezulta vitima Izidio Bonifacio monu ran barak sulin ba estrada halo vítima labele bo’ok-an, maibe vítima iis iha hela.\nTanba ne’e, membru Polísia Trânzitu no familia desidi transporta vítima Izidio Bonifacio ba iha Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi hala’o tratamentu emerjensia, maibe dotór sira labele salva.\nHafoin asidente motorista LL ne’ebé mak kondus kareta halai ba asegura iha Kuartel Unidade Espesial Bairro-Pite, hafoin membru Polísia Tránzitu lori ba iha Kuartel PNTL Munisípiu Díli hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun. Enkuantu evidensia motor ho kareta asegura ona iha Polísia.\nMotorsita ho inisial LL hateten, asidente ne’e nia la espera, maibe derepente de’it akontese.\n“Ha’u halai tuir ha’u nia dalan, maibe derepenti de’it motor tuir husi kareta nia kotuk mak kareta ninia gandengan kait”,esplika motorista LL ba GMN iha Kuartel Unidade Espesial Polísia Bairro-Pite, Díli. Motorista LL mós prontu kolobora ho justisa no família sira.\nTuir família matebian ne’ebé informa via telefoni katak, mate isin Izidio posibilidade transporta ba Holbelis, Suai hodi hala’o seremonia funebre.avi\nCountry Manager, ConocoPhillips, José Lobato Gonçalves...
[ "Joven ida mate iha Bairro-Pite tanba kareta soke - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Joven ida mate iha Bairro-Pite tanba kareta soke Kondutor kareta fuso ida ho sapa matrikula 50-453 TL, husi kompania Everise Warehousing and Transportation, soke mate joven ida ho naran Izidio Bonifacio iha Bairro-Pite, Dili, wainhira kondus motor Beat ida ho sapa matrikula G 7207 TL.", "Enkuantu kareta ne'e kondus husi motorista ho inisial LL, husi diresaun Bairro-Pite atu liu ba iha Hudi-Laran.", "Asidente trafegu ne'e akontese iha Sesta (09/08/19) mais ou menus tuku sanulu resin 12 meudia oras Timor-Leste, ne'ebe mak rezulta vitima Izidio Bonifacio monu ran barak sulin ba estrada halo vitima labele bo'ok-an, maibe vitima iis iha hela.", "Tanba ne'e, membru Polisia Tranzitu no familia desidi transporta vitima Izidio Bonifacio ba iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi hala'o tratamentu emerjensia, maibe dotor sira labele salva.", "Hafoin asidente motorista LL ne'ebe mak kondus kareta halai ba asegura iha Kuartel Unidade Espesial Bairro-Pite, hafoin membru Polisia Tranzitu lori ba iha Kuartel PNTL Munisipiu Dili hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun.", "Enkuantu evidensia motor ho kareta asegura ona iha Polisia.", "Motorsita ho inisial LL hateten, asidente ne'e nia la espera, maibe derepente de'it akontese.", "\"Ha'u halai tuir ha'u nia dalan, maibe derepenti de'it motor tuir husi kareta nia kotuk mak kareta ninia gandengan kait,\"esplika motorista LL ba GMN iha Kuartel Unidade Espesial Polisia Bairro-Pite, Dili.", "Motorista LL mos prontu kolobora ho justisa no familia sira.", "Tuir familia matebian ne'ebe informa via telefoni katak, mate isin Izidio posibilidade transporta ba Holbelis, Suai hodi hala'o seremonia funebre.avi Country Manager, ConocoPhillips, Jose Lobato Goncalves..." ]
[ [ "A young man died in Bairro-Pite because a car crashed - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sociedade\" Youngman dies after being hit by vehicle The driver of an electric truck with registration number TL 5043, from the Everise Warehousing and Transportation company struck to death Izidio Bonifacio at Barrio Pit (Dili), when he was driving his Beat motorcycle registered as GT7219." ], [ "While the car was driven by a driver with initials LL, from Bairro-Pite to Hudi Laran." ], [ "The traffic accident occurred on Saturday (09/12) at about 3:45 pm Timor-Leste time, which resulted in the victim Izidio Bonifacio falling bloody down to road so that he couldn't recover but remains dead." ], [ "Therefore, members of the Traffic Police and family decided to transport victim Izidio Bonifacio for emergency treatment at National Guido Valadares Hospital (HNGV), but doctors could not save him." ], [ "After the accident, driver LL who was driving his car went to be arrested at Bairro-Pite Special Unit Headquarters. Later on members of Traffic Police took him with them into Dili Municipality's National Security Force (PNTL) headkvarter for further investigation and he is currently being held in custody there by police officials as a possible suspect under Article 194(2)(a)." ], [ "As for the evidence, motorbike and car have been seized by police." ], [ "A motorcyclist with the initial LL said that he did not expect this accident, but it happened all of a sudden." ], [ "\"I was driving my way, but suddenly the motor came from behind and hit me in front of a car\", LL explained to GMN at Bairro-Pite Special Police Unit Headquarters." ], [ "Driver LL is also ready to cooperate with justice and the families." ], [ "According to the deceased's family who informed via telephone that, Izidio body is possible transporting Holbelin Suai for funeral ceremony.avi Country Manager ConocoPhillips Jose Lobato Goncalves..." ] ]
TIMOR AGORA: Povu Ermera Husu Obrigado ba Xanana\nPovu Ermera Husu Obrigado ba Xanana\nGLENO (TATOLI) - Eis-FALINTÍL, Gil da Costa, lori povu Ermera nia naran fó obrigado ba Komandante FALINTÍL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. Nia konsidera Xanana nia esforsu mak hamoris rezisténsia iha Ermera. Nune’e mos, Xanana defende ona fronteira Marítima.\n“Ha’u empresta Ermera nia lian no ibun, hodi hatete, no hato’o; Avo Nana (Xanana-red), ami Ermera la iha murak no mutin hodi fó ami husu de’it mak Obrigado,” Gil da Costa hato’o iha kampaíña Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), iha Gleno, ohin.\nNia esplika fó obrigado ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, tanba iha tempu rezisténsia, ho Xanana nia esforsu, lori kilat lolon ida ho marka AR15, entrega ba Eis-gerrilleiru, Ernesto Dudu (aktual, deputadu Partidu Demokrátiku), iha Ermera, ikus mai nia funu iha region IV moris.\n“Obrigado, Avo Nana, Ita boot nia mehi lori AR15 ida mai fó ba Apa Dudu hodi hamoris Ermera. Ita boot ba ko’alia kona ba Fronteira Marítima, maski matenek barak mak la fiar maibé ikus mai konsege manan. Obrigado ba Ita Boot,” Gil hato’o tan.\nNia husu ba Ermera oan sira hotu atu vota ba AMP, iha loron 12 Maiu, hodi hatudu sentidu obrigadu ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, ne’ebé oras ne’e sai hanesan Prezidente ba AMP, bainhira AMP manan, Xanana Gusmão ho nia alin Taur Matan Ruak sei hametin estadu.\nIha fatin hanesan, Konselleiru Superior AMP, Naimori Bucar, reforsa, fó fiar (vota) ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ho Taur Matan Ruak atu ukun, iha tinan lima mai, nia objetivu mak hakotu problema hotu-hotu hodi lori povu ba moris di’ak.\n“Ha’u atu hatete de’it katak, ohin loron se mak halo sala hodi iha eleisaun antisipada ? Maun balun nia hahalok mak ohin loron sai hanesan,” Naimori dehan tuir.\nNia husu atu lider polítiku sira ba oin la bele dun ba AMP, katak, ho AMP mak hamosu Eleisaun Antisipada. Maibé, tanba iha lider balun trata, tolok partidu KHUNTO, ikus mai nia rezultadu iha Eleisaun Antisipada.\nHo ida ne’e, nia husu ba partidu ne’ebé mak oras ne’e sei adora lider refere, buka hakses an. Partidu hanesan Fretilín ema hotu hadomi, tantu partidu KHUNTO, Partidu Libertasaun Popular ho CNRT, ne’ebé Xanana mak lidera.\nImajen: Militante AMP hosi Ermera, hakilar, “Viva AMP” iha Kampaíña ohin, iha Gleno.\nPelo TIMOR AGORA à(s) 16.4.18
[ "TIMOR AGORA: Povu Ermera Husu Obrigado ba Xanana Povu Ermera Husu Obrigado ba Xanana GLENO (TATOLI) - Eis-FALINTIL, Gil da Costa, lori povu Ermera nia naran fo obrigado ba Komandante FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.", "Nia konsidera Xanana nia esforsu mak hamoris rezistensia iha Ermera.", "Nune'e mos, Xanana defende ona fronteira Maritima.", "\"Ha'u empresta Ermera nia lian no ibun, hodi hatete, no hato'o; Avo Nana (Xanana-red), ami Ermera la iha murak no mutin hodi fo ami husu de'it mak Obrigado,\" Gil da Costa hato'o iha kampaina Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), iha Gleno, ohin.", "Nia esplika fo obrigado ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, tanba iha tempu rezistensia, ho Xanana nia esforsu, lori kilat lolon ida ho marka AR15, entrega ba Eis-gerrilleiru, Ernesto Dudu (aktual, deputadu Partidu Demokratiku), iha Ermera, ikus mai nia funu iha region IV moris.", "\"Obrigado, Avo Nana, Ita boot nia mehi lori AR15 ida mai fo ba Apa Dudu hodi hamoris Ermera.", "Ita boot ba ko'alia kona ba Fronteira Maritima, maski matenek barak mak la fiar maibe ikus mai konsege manan.", "Obrigado ba Ita Boot,\" Gil hato'o tan.", "Nia husu ba Ermera oan sira hotu atu vota ba AMP, iha loron 12 Maiu, hodi hatudu sentidu obrigadu ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, ne'ebe oras ne'e sai hanesan Prezidente ba AMP, bainhira AMP manan, Xanana Gusmao ho nia alin Taur Matan Ruak sei hametin estadu.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Konselleiru Superior AMP, Naimori Bucar, reforsa, fo fiar (vota) ba Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ho Taur Matan Ruak atu ukun, iha tinan lima mai, nia objetivu mak hakotu problema hotu-hotu hodi lori povu ba moris di'ak.", "\"Ha'u atu hatete de'it katak, ohin loron se mak halo sala hodi iha eleisaun antisipada ?", "Maun balun nia hahalok mak ohin loron sai hanesan,\" Naimori dehan tuir.", "Nia husu atu lider politiku sira ba oin la bele dun ba AMP, katak, ho AMP mak hamosu Eleisaun Antisipada.", "Maibe, tanba iha lider balun trata, tolok partidu KHUNTO, ikus mai nia rezultadu iha Eleisaun Antisipada.", "Ho ida ne'e, nia husu ba partidu ne'ebe mak oras ne'e sei adora lider refere, buka hakses an.", "Partidu hanesan Fretilin ema hotu hadomi, tantu partidu KHUNTO, Partidu Libertasaun Popular ho CNRT, ne'ebe Xanana mak lidera.", "Imajen: Militante AMP hosi Ermera, hakilar, \"Viva AMP\" iha Kampaina ohin, iha Gleno.", "Pelo TIMOR AGORA a (s) 16.4.18" ]
[ [ "TIMOR AGORA: People of Ermera Say Thank You to Xanana GLENO (Agência TATOLI) - Former FALINTIL member Gil da Costa, speaking on behalf the peoples from East Timor'S province ermerra expressed his gratitude and appreciation for Kay Rala Gusmão." ], [ "He considered Xanana’s efforts to encourage resistance in Ermera." ], [ "Likewise, Xanana defended the maritime border." ], [ "\"I borrow Ermera's voice and mouth, to say; Avo Nana (Xanana-red), we in the town of ermara do not have any words or gestures for you. We only ask Obrigado\", said Gil da Costa at a campaign event held by Aliansa Mudansa ba Progreso(AMP) today on Glenos road near Cape Town city centre.\"" ], [ "He explained that he was grateful to Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, because during the time of resistance with his efforts and carrying a rifle cartridge mark AR15 delivering it in Ermera for former guerrilla Ernesto Dudu (currently MP from Democratic Party), who ended up struggling at region IV." ], [ "\"Obrigado, Avo Nana. Your dedication to bring an AR15 here gave Apa Dudu the opportunity of attacking Ermera and killing many people.\"" ], [ "We've talked about the Maritime Frontier, although many were skeptical but eventually they won." ], [ "Obrigado ba Ita Boot,\" Gil added." ], [ "He asked all Ermera people to vote for AMP, on May 12th as a sign of gratitude towards Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao who is now the President. If APC wins elections in January next year he and his brother Taur Matan Ruak will strengthen our state' s position within Africa with their strong leadership skills that they have demonstrated over many years.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, AMP Senior Councillor Naimori Bucar reaffirmed that he trusts (votes) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and Taur Matan Ruak to rule in the next five years. His goal is ending all of these problems so as for his people a better life can be lived on their own terms:" ], [ "\"I just want to say that, today who is wrong in having early elections?" ], [ "Some of the men's behaviour today is like that,\" Naimori continued." ], [ "He asked that political leaders in the future should not join AMP, which is to say it was with AMPL who caused early elections." ], [ "However, because some leaders tried to turn KHUNTO away from the party it ended up losing in early elections." ], [ "With this, he urged the party that is now worshipping his leader to seek access." ], [ "Parties like Fretilin are loved by everyone, both the party of Xanana Gusmão (KHUNTO), Partido Libertação Popular and CNRT." ], [ "Image: AMP militants from Ermera, shouting \"Viva Amp\" during the Campaign today in Gleno." ], [ "By TIMOR AGORA at 16.4" ] ]
La Kumpre Desizaun Tribunál, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediénsia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI La Kumpre Desizaun Tribunál, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediénsia\nLa Kumpre Desizaun Tribunál, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediénsia\nDILI, 27 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) – Ministériu Públiku (MP) akuza arguidu ho inisiál AS no AC ba krime dezobediénsia tanba la kumpre orden ka desizaun lejítimu hosi Tribunál nian ne’ebé antes ne’e deside hosi kazu disputa rai.\nMinistériu Públiku, iha prosesu komún promove atu halo julgamentu liuhosi Tribunál Singular haktuir iha artigu 236 ho 15 hosi kódigu prosesu penál hatada akuzasaun hasoru arguidu sira.\nLiuhosi audiénsia julgamentu, ohin, iha Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD), MP hato’o akuzasaun katak, testamuña ho inisiál A liuhosi keixa Defensoria Públika estaura asaun restituisaun ba posse terrenu ka plantasaun kafé ne’ebé lokaliza iha Aldeia Boromata, Balibar, Cristo Rei, Dili, kontra na’in-rua. Nune’e, Tribunál Rekursu (TR) konfirma desizaun Tribunál Distritál hodi mantein kondena arguidu sira hodi restitui terrenu ka plantasaun Kafé refere ba testemuña A nu’udar proprietáriu rai refere.\nMezmu Tribunál dekreta restituisaun pose ba testemuña, maibé arguidu sira kontinua hela iha terrenu refere, tanba ne’e testemuña liuhosi Defensoria Publika restaura fali asaun ezekusaun forsada kontra arguidu sira.\nHafoin ida ne’e, Tribunal dekreta ezekusaun kuersiva ne’ebé obriga arguidu sira sai hosi terrenu ne’ebé sira okupa. Tanba ne’e, iha loron 29 janeiru 2017, purvolta tuku 08:30 Otl, iha Lakoto, Balibar, Cristo Rei, Dili, ofisial Tribunál halo ezekusaun forsada ba arguidu sira no iha momentu ne’ebé arguidu sira obrigatóriamente sai hosi terrenu refere. Maibé depois sai hosi terrenu refere, arguidu nain-rua fila-fali deit ba hela iha terrenu refere.\nKonsekuénsia direta no nesesáriu hosi hahalok arguidu sira nia ne’e, la obedese ba orden lejítimu hosi Tribunál.\nArguidu sira halo ho forma livre, konsiente ho intensaun la obedese ba orden lejítimu hosi Tribunál ka seja arguidu sira abandona terrenu refere tanba liuhosi aktu ezekusaun forsada hosi Tribunál, maibé liu tiha tempu balun arguidu sira ho intensaun fila okupa fali terrenu refere, ne’ebé klaramente la kumpre desizaun Tribunál tuir artigu 315 hosi Kódigu Prosesu Sivíl.\nArguidu hatene sira-nia hahalok ne’e lei bandu no punidu, maibé sira halo nafatin no hahalok ida ne e, arguidu AS no AC konsidera nu’udar autór material ho forma konsumada.\nPratika krime ida, dezobediénsia ne’ebé previstu no punidu tuir artigu 244° n.° 1 al. a) hosi K.P. no konjuga ho artigu 315 Kódigu Prosesu Sivíl.\nHatán ba akuzasaun ne’e arguidu AS ho AC konfesa parsialmente ba Tribunál katak, loos duni mezmu desizaun Tribunál nian tun ona, sira nafatin hela ka okupada tanba momentu ne’ebá tempu udan la konsege sai uma mós seidauk hadi’a tanba ne’e agora hadi’a ona, kuandu lezadu agora ba sira-nia parte prontu atu sai hosi fatin refere.\nHafoin rona tiha parte sira Tribunál deside adia fila-fali julgamentu ne’e ba iha loron 15 setembru 2020.\nAudiénsia julgamentu ne’e prezide hosi juis singular Ana Paula Fonseca, Ministériu Públiku reprezenta hosi Prokuradór Claudio Ximenes no arguidu sira hetan asisténsia legal hosi Defensór Públiku Sergio Quintas.\nPrevious articleJSMP Apresia Ho TATOLI Tanba Sempre Fó Sai Notísia ho Kredivel\nNext articlePM Taur Orienta Liña Ministeriál Define Planu Prioridade Iha Setór Infraestutura
[ "La Kumpre Desizaun Tribunal, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediensia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI La Kumpre Desizaun Tribunal, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediensia La Kumpre Desizaun Tribunal, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediensia DILI, 27 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Publiku (MP) akuza arguidu ho inisial AS no AC ba krime dezobediensia tanba la kumpre orden ka desizaun lejitimu hosi Tribunal nian ne'ebe antes ne'e deside hosi kazu disputa rai.", "Ministeriu Publiku, iha prosesu komun promove atu halo julgamentu liuhosi Tribunal Singular haktuir iha artigu 236 ho 15 hosi kodigu prosesu penal hatada akuzasaun hasoru arguidu sira.", "Liuhosi audiensia julgamentu, ohin, iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), MP hato'o akuzasaun katak, testamuna ho inisial A liuhosi keixa Defensoria Publika estaura asaun restituisaun ba posse terrenu ka plantasaun kafe ne'ebe lokaliza iha Aldeia Boromata, Balibar, Cristo Rei, Dili, kontra na'in-rua.", "Nune'e, Tribunal Rekursu (TR) konfirma desizaun Tribunal Distrital hodi mantein kondena arguidu sira hodi restitui terrenu ka plantasaun Kafe refere ba testemuna A nu'udar proprietariu rai refere.", "Mezmu Tribunal dekreta restituisaun pose ba testemuna, maibe arguidu sira kontinua hela iha terrenu refere, tanba ne'e testemuna liuhosi Defensoria Publika restaura fali asaun ezekusaun forsada kontra arguidu sira.", "Hafoin ida ne'e, Tribunal dekreta ezekusaun kuersiva ne'ebe obriga arguidu sira sai hosi terrenu ne'ebe sira okupa.", "Tanba ne'e, iha loron 29 janeiru 2017, purvolta tuku 08:30 Otl, iha Lakoto, Balibar, Cristo Rei, Dili, ofisial Tribunal halo ezekusaun forsada ba arguidu sira no iha momentu ne'ebe arguidu sira obrigatoriamente sai hosi terrenu refere.", "Maibe depois sai hosi terrenu refere, arguidu nain-rua fila-fali deit ba hela iha terrenu refere.", "Konsekuensia direta no nesesariu hosi hahalok arguidu sira nia ne'e, la obedese ba orden lejitimu hosi Tribunal.", "Arguidu sira halo ho forma livre, konsiente ho intensaun la obedese ba orden lejitimu hosi Tribunal ka seja arguidu sira abandona terrenu refere tanba liuhosi aktu ezekusaun forsada hosi Tribunal, maibe liu tiha tempu balun arguidu sira ho intensaun fila okupa fali terrenu refere, ne'ebe klaramente la kumpre desizaun Tribunal tuir artigu 315 hosi Kodigu Prosesu Sivil.", "Arguidu hatene sira-nia hahalok ne'e lei bandu no punidu, maibe sira halo nafatin no hahalok ida ne e, arguidu AS no AC konsidera nu'udar autor material ho forma konsumada.", "Pratika krime ida, dezobediensia ne'ebe previstu no punidu tuir artigu 244deg n.deg 1 al. a) hosi K.P. no konjuga ho artigu 315 Kodigu Prosesu Sivil.", "Hatan ba akuzasaun ne'e arguidu AS ho AC konfesa parsialmente ba Tribunal katak, loos duni mezmu desizaun Tribunal nian tun ona, sira nafatin hela ka okupada tanba momentu ne'eba tempu udan la konsege sai uma mos seidauk hadi'a tanba ne'e agora hadi'a ona, kuandu lezadu agora ba sira-nia parte prontu atu sai hosi fatin refere.", "Hafoin rona tiha parte sira Tribunal deside adia fila-fali julgamentu ne'e ba iha loron 15 setembru 2020.", "Audiensia julgamentu ne'e prezide hosi juis singular Ana Paula Fonseca, Ministeriu Publiku reprezenta hosi Prokurador Claudio Ximenes no arguidu sira hetan asistensia legal hosi Defensor Publiku Sergio Quintas.", "Previous articleJSMP Apresia Ho TATOLI Tanba Sempre Fo Sai Notisia ho Kredivel Next articlePM Taur Orienta Lina Ministerial Define Planu Prioridade Iha Setor Infraestutura" ]
[ [ "La Kumpre Decizaun Tribunal, MP Akuza Arguidu Sira ho Krime Dezobediensia Dili (Agência TATOLI) - The Public Prosecutor's Office has charged defendants with the initial AS and AC for crime of disobesience because they did not comply to order or legitimate decision by a court that had previously decided on land disputes." ], [ "The Public Prosecutor's Office, in the ordinary proceeding promoted to be tried by a single court pursuant articles 236 and15 of criminal procedure charge against defendants." ], [ "During the trial hearing, today at Dili District Court (TDD), MP presented charges that witnesses with initial A through complaint Defensoria Pública initiated action for restitution of possession land or coffee plantation located on Boromata Village Balibar Cristo Rei against two." ], [ "Thus, the Court of Appeal (TR) confirmed District court decision to uphold conviction defendants for restituting land or coffee plantation in question witnesses A as owner." ], [ "Even though the Court decrees restitution of possession to witnesses, but defendants continue living on land in question. Therefore testimony through Defensoría Pública restores forced enforcement action against accused ones" ], [ "Subsequently, the Court decrees a restraining order that forces defendants to leave their occupied land." ], [ "Therefore, on January 29th of this year at approximately time (8:30 a.m) in Lakoto Balibar Cristo Rei Dili court officers made forced execution to the defendants and immediatelment they were ordered by Court officials forcibly leave their premises" ], [ "But after leaving the premises, both defendants returned to live in that property." ], [ "The direct and necessary consequence of the defendants' actions was that they failed to obey a legitimate order by this Court." ], [ "The defendants did so in a free, conscious and intentional manner by not obeying the legitimate order of Court or either they abandoned this land because through an act forcible execution from court but after some time with intent to return occupy it again which clearly does no compliance on decisions under article 315 Code Civil Procedure." ], [ "The defendants knew that their actions were prohibited and punishable by law, but they did not refrain from doing so. In this case the accused AS & AC are considered to be material perpetrators in consummate form of these acts;" ], [ "The commission of a crime, disobedience provided for and punishable under article 245 n.deg (1) al(a), CCP in conjunction with Article309 Code Of Civil Procedure;" ], [ "In response to the accusation, defendants AS and AC partially confessed in court that it is true even though Court decision has fallen they are still living or occupying because at this time rain did not get out of their house which hadn't been fixed so now repairs have taken place. When injuries occurred on both sides there was no problem for them leaving said premises" ], [ "After hearing the parties, it was decided to adjourn this trial again until 15 September." ], [ "The hearing was presided over by single judge Ana Paula Fonseca, the Public Ministry representing Attorney General Claudio Ximenes and defendants were legally advised from Defensor Público Sergio Quintas." ], [ "Previous articleJSMP Appreciates TATOLI Because It Always Provides Credible News Next artikelPM Taur Orienta Ministerial Line Define Priority Plan In Infrastructure Sector" ] ]
PR sei prezide serimónia komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL PR sei prezide serimónia komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX\nPR sei prezide serimónia komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX\nPrezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo kualia hela ho prezidenti Komite 12 Novembru Gregorio Saldanha iha selebrasaun 29 anos masacre santa Cruz. Imajen TATOLI/ António Gonçalves\nDILI, 10 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrão Saldanha, informa Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo sei prezide serimónia komemorasaun loron nasionál juventude no masakre santa cruz 12 novembru (1991).\n“Ohin, SEJD hamutuk ho komisaun organizadora no organizasaun juventude mai konvida Prezidente Repúblika atu partisipa iha selebrasaun loron nasionál juventude no masakre Santa Crúz 12 Novembru. Ohin, ami mai informa mós programa sira-ne’ebé mak iha no konvida Prezidente Repúblika atu prezide selebrasaun ne’e,” Abrão Saldanha hateten ba jornalista sira, hafoin hala’o sorumutu ho Xefe Estadu, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Díli, kuarta ne’e.\nIha sorumutu ne’e, Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo hato’o nia disponibilidade atu partisipa iha komemorasaun ne’e no sei hato’o mós mensajen Estadu ba juventude.\nXefe Estadu hateten, juventude hanesan forsa ida Estadu nian hodi defende Estadu Direitu demokrátiku, hanesan uluk juventude defende direitu auto-determinasaun no ohin juventude sira hamutuk ho Estadu defende povu.\nEntretantu, komemorasaun Loron Nasionál Juventude ba dala-16 no Masakre Santa Cruz ba dala-XXX ho tema “Ho espíritu aswa’in 12 Novembru nian juventude sai autór importante ba proteje Timor-Leste hosi Covid-19” ne’e, sei hala’o programa sira hanesan kampaña vasinasaun ba juventude iha postu administrativu sira, doasaun raan, kompetisaun diskursu públiku, kompetisaun drum band, semináriu, misa no kalan-reflesaun.\nPrezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú-olo\nPrevious articleJuventude ho komportamentu di’ak sai xave ba dezenvolvimentu nasionál\nNext articleMTKI motiva agrikultór Viqueque hasa’e produsaun kompete iha merkadu nasionál
[ "PR sei prezide serimonia komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL PR sei prezide serimonia komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX PR sei prezide serimonia komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo kualia hela ho prezidenti Komite 12 Novembru Gregorio Saldanha iha selebrasaun 29 anos masacre santa Cruz.", "Imajen TATOLI/ Antonio Goncalves DILI, 10 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrao Saldanha, informa Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo sei prezide serimonia komemorasaun loron nasional juventude no masakre santa cruz 12 novembru (1991).", "\"Ohin, SEJD hamutuk ho komisaun organizadora no organizasaun juventude mai konvida Prezidente Republika atu partisipa iha selebrasaun loron nasional juventude no masakre Santa Cruz 12 Novembru.", "Ohin, ami mai informa mos programa sira-ne'ebe mak iha no konvida Prezidente Republika atu prezide selebrasaun ne'e,\" Abrao Saldanha hateten ba jornalista sira, hafoin hala'o sorumutu ho Xefe Estadu, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, kuarta ne'e.", "Iha sorumutu ne'e, Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hato'o nia disponibilidade atu partisipa iha komemorasaun ne'e no sei hato'o mos mensajen Estadu ba juventude.", "Xefe Estadu hateten, juventude hanesan forsa ida Estadu nian hodi defende Estadu Direitu demokratiku, hanesan uluk juventude defende direitu auto-determinasaun no ohin juventude sira hamutuk ho Estadu defende povu.", "Entretantu, komemorasaun Loron Nasional Juventude ba dala-16 no Masakre Santa Cruz ba dala-XXX ho tema \"Ho espiritu aswa'in 12 Novembru nian juventude sai autor importante ba proteje Timor-Leste hosi Covid-19\" ne'e, sei hala'o programa sira hanesan kampana vasinasaun ba juventude iha postu administrativu sira, doasaun raan, kompetisaun diskursu publiku, kompetisaun drum band, seminariu, misa no kalan-reflesaun.", "Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu-olo Previous articleJuventude ho komportamentu di'ak sai xave ba dezenvolvimentu nasional Next articleMTKI motiva agrikultor Viqueque hasa'e produsaun kompete iha merkadu nasional" ]
[ [ "PR will preside ceremony commemorating Massacre 12 November for the XXXth time | Tempo Timor Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME NEWS President of Republic, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo is welcoming with president Committee on December's Death Gregorio Saldanha in celebration to mark twentieth anniversary Santa Cruz massacres." ], [ "DILI, November 10th (TATOLI) - State Secretary for Youth and Sports Abrao Saldanha has informed President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo that he will preside over a ceremony to commemorate the National Day of Young Peoples’ Rights on Nov.26 at Santa Cruz Massacre Memorial Hall from noon until midnight this week as part Of his national youth day celebrations which are being held every year since its establishment last month" ], [ "\"Today, SEJD together with the organizing committee and youth organizations invited President of Republic to participate in celebrations for National Youth Day on November 12th." ], [ "Today, we have also come to inform you about the programmes that are in place and invited President da República (Presidente of Republic) for this celebration\", Abrao Saldanha told journalist after meeting with Head Of State at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace on Tuesday." ], [ "During the meeting, President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo expressed his availability to participate in this commemoration and will also deliver State message for youth." ], [ "The Head of State said that youth is a force in the state to defend democratic rights, as before young people defended self-determination and today together with states they are fighting for their country." ], [ "Meanwhile, the commemoration of National Youth Day for 16th time and Massacre Santa Cruz XXX with theme \"In spirit aswa'in November’s youth become an important author to protect Timor-Leste from Covid -20\" this will carry out programs such vaccination campaign in administrative posts young people blood donation public discourse competition drum band contest seminar mass night reflection." ], [ "President Francisco Guterres Lu-olo Previous articleYouth with good behaviour is key to national development NextMTTKI motivates Viqueque farmers increase production competitive in the domestic market" ] ]
MOP submete ona lista benefisiáriu suplementu remuneratóriu tékniku EDTL-DGAS | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 MOP submete ona lista benefisiáriu suplementu remuneratóriu tékniku EDTL-DGAS\nDILI, 14 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP), submete ona lista tékniku Eletricidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL) inklui Diresaun Jerál Água no Saneamentu (DGAS, sigla portugés) sira ne’ebé mak kualifikadu hodi hetan suplementu remuneratóriu iha ámbitu Estadu Emerjénsia ligadu ho prevensaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nMinistru Obra Públika, Salvador Eugênio Soares dos Reis Pires, konsidera tékniku EDTL no DGAS iha mós direitu atu benefisia medida ekonómiku hosi Governu.\n“Sira iha direitu ba suplementu remuneratóriu ne’e, daudaun ne’e ami trata hela dokumentu no iha ona finansa, espera katak iha tempu badak halo ona pagamentu ba sira,” informa Ministru Salvador hafoin ramata enkontru ho Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak iha Palásiu Governu, sesta ne’e.\nTuir Ministru, tékniku EDTL sira hosi sentrál eletrisidade Hera no Betano ne’e depende ba definisaun, kuandu kualifika tuir dekretu-lei ne’ebé mak aprova iha Konsellu Ministru ba pesoál sira ne’ebé mak merese duni atu hetan duni ba supmentu remuneratóriu ne’e.\nTuir proposta MOP prevee hamutuk $100.000 ne’ebé fahe ba diresaun rua hanesan EDTL ho tékniku na’in-340 no DGAS na’in-140 no tuir kálkulu kada tékniku sei hetan subsídiu $5 loron-ida, konta husi implementasaun Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) ne’ebé liga ho prevensaun no kombate surtu COVID-19.\nPrevious articleLei Orgánika foun la atribui kompeténsia ba Vise MOP\nNext articleCNC halo koordenasaun ho liña ministeriál hodi evita duplikasaun programa
[ "MOP submete ona lista benefisiariu suplementu remuneratoriu tekniku EDTL-DGAS | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 MOP submete ona lista benefisiariu suplementu remuneratoriu tekniku EDTL-DGAS DILI, 14 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP), submete ona lista tekniku Eletricidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL) inklui Diresaun Jeral Agua no Saneamentu (DGAS, sigla portuges) sira ne'ebe mak kualifikadu hodi hetan suplementu remuneratoriu iha ambitu Estadu Emerjensia ligadu ho prevensaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Ministru Obra Publika, Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Pires, konsidera tekniku EDTL no DGAS iha mos direitu atu benefisia medida ekonomiku hosi Governu.", "\"Sira iha direitu ba suplementu remuneratoriu ne'e, daudaun ne'e ami trata hela dokumentu no iha ona finansa, espera katak iha tempu badak halo ona pagamentu ba sira,\" informa Ministru Salvador hafoin ramata enkontru ho Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak iha Palasiu Governu, sesta ne'e.", "Tuir Ministru, tekniku EDTL sira hosi sentral eletrisidade Hera no Betano ne'e depende ba definisaun, kuandu kualifika tuir dekretu-lei ne'ebe mak aprova iha Konsellu Ministru ba pesoal sira ne'ebe mak merese duni atu hetan duni ba supmentu remuneratoriu ne'e.", "Tuir proposta MOP prevee hamutuk $100.000 ne'ebe fahe ba diresaun rua hanesan EDTL ho tekniku na'in-340 no DGAS na'in-140 no tuir kalkulu kada tekniku sei hetan subsidiu $5 loron-ida, konta husi implementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) ne'ebe liga ho prevensaun no kombate surtu COVID-19.", "Previous articleLei Organika foun la atribui kompetensia ba Vise MOP Next articleCNC halo koordenasaun ho lina ministerial hodi evita duplikasaun programa" ]
[ [ "MOP has submitted list of beneficiaries EDTL-DGAS technical remuneration supplement | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA COVID –19 The Ministry for Public Works (MPW) is submitting the Technical Lists to be issued by Electricity Authority, including Directorate General Water and Sanitation. These are those who qualify as recipients in order that they may receive a remunerative suplement within State Emergency related with prevention against Covid–20 on East Тимор’S health care system during this time period when there have been no cases confirmed or reported from other areas than public sector services which could result into further spreading coronavirus outbreak among people living outside their home communities" ], [ "Minister of Public Works, Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Pires believed that EDTL and DGAS technicians were also entitlede to benefit from the government’ s economic measure." ], [ "\"They are entitled to this remuneration supplement, we currently process the documents and already have finances. We hope that in a short time they will be paid out\", Minister Salvador said after meeting with Prime minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak at Government Palace on Saturday 10th of July" ], [ "According to the Minister, EDTL technicians from Hera and Betano power plants depend on a definition when they qualify under decree-law approved by Council of ministers for those who really merit this remuneration supplement." ], [ "According to the MOP proposal, a total of $102.5 million is allocated for two directions: EDTL with 348 and DGAS (Direção Geral de Administrações Sociais) -within which each department will have its own staff), whereby every service provider would receive an annual subsidy amounting in at least US$6 per day from June until December as it takes into account that this state has been declared by President Jair Bolsonaro on March-April because there was no COVID outbreak since then;" ], [ "Previous articleNew Organic Law does not assign competence to Vice MOP Next artikelCNC coordinates with ministerial lines in order To avoid duplication of programmes." ] ]
PM Taur preokupa ho sendimentasaun iha portu Navál Hera | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA PM Taur preokupa ho sendimentasaun iha portu Navál Hera\nDILI, 27 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak, preokupa ho sendimentasaun iha portu Navál Hera, kauza hosi inundasaun ne’ebé akontese iha 04 abríl.\nTanba ne’e, Taur Matan Ruak husu ona Ministru Defeza (MD), Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, atu buka solusaun hodi rezolve problema ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:Inundasaun estraga fasilidade balun iha Aeroportu Comoro\n“Primeiru Ministru bolu ha’u tanba preokupadu ho situasaun iha portu Navál Hera. Foin lalais mota tun makaas hosi Remexio hamosu sendimentasaun boot iha portu Hera, difikulta ita-nia maluk Australianu-sira ne’ebé ajuda ita atu harii portu ba ró militár rua ne’ebé sira atu oferese ba ita,” Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, hateten iha rezidénsia Primeiru Ministru, Faról, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nMinistru Defeza dehan, Xefe Governu ho Ministru Obra Públika (MOP) rasik halo ona vizita hodi mobiliza ekipamentu atu hadi’a mota-dalan, nune’e labele fó impaktu ba prosesu konstrusaun portu Hera.\nGovernu halo ona esforsu atu harii moru protesaun hodi satan mota Hera bele sees ba karuk parte loron-monu nian, nune’e evita sendimentasaun bainhira mota tuun.\n“Ita sei hadi’a bee dalan atu mota ne’e sees oitoan ba parte loron-monu nian hodi evita sendimentasaun,” nia esplika.\nGovernante ne’e sei kontinua koordena ho Governu Austrália liu hosi militár Australianu-sira atu kontinua prosesu harii obra portu Navál Hera to’o entrega ró militár rua ba Governu Timor-Leste (TL) iha 2023.\nSendimentasaun iha portu Navál Hera\nPrevious articlePN aprova projetu-lei migrasaun no azilu iha jeneralidade\nNext articleMPM-ANPM planeia re-avalia prosedimentu lisensa ambientál ba empreza
[ "PM Taur preokupa ho sendimentasaun iha portu Naval Hera | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA PM Taur preokupa ho sendimentasaun iha portu Naval Hera DILI, 27 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak, preokupa ho sendimentasaun iha portu Naval Hera, kauza hosi inundasaun ne'ebe akontese iha 04 abril.", "Tanba ne'e, Taur Matan Ruak husu ona Ministru Defeza (MD), Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, atu buka solusaun hodi rezolve problema ne'e.", "Notisia relevante:Inundasaun estraga fasilidade balun iha Aeroportu Comoro \"Primeiru Ministru bolu ha'u tanba preokupadu ho situasaun iha portu Naval Hera.", "Foin lalais mota tun makaas hosi Remexio hamosu sendimentasaun boot iha portu Hera, difikulta ita-nia maluk Australianu-sira ne'ebe ajuda ita atu harii portu ba ro militar rua ne'ebe sira atu oferese ba ita,\" Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, hateten iha rezidensia Primeiru Ministru, Farol, Dili, tersa ne'e.", "Ministru Defeza dehan, Xefe Governu ho Ministru Obra Publika (MOP) rasik halo ona vizita hodi mobiliza ekipamentu atu hadi'a mota-dalan, nune'e labele fo impaktu ba prosesu konstrusaun portu Hera.", "Governu halo ona esforsu atu harii moru protesaun hodi satan mota Hera bele sees ba karuk parte loron-monu nian, nune'e evita sendimentasaun bainhira mota tuun.", "\"Ita sei hadi'a bee dalan atu mota ne'e sees oitoan ba parte loron-monu nian hodi evita sendimentasaun,\" nia esplika.", "Governante ne'e sei kontinua koordena ho Governu Australia liu hosi militar Australianu-sira atu kontinua prosesu harii obra portu Naval Hera to'o entrega ro militar rua ba Governu Timor-Leste (TL) iha 2023.", "Sendimentasaun iha portu Naval Hera Previous articlePN aprova projetu-lei migrasaun no azilu iha jeneralidade Next articleMPM-ANPM planeia re-avalia prosedimentu lisensa ambiental ba empreza" ]
[ [ "Prime Minister Taur preoccupied with the sedimentation in Naval Hera port | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA PM Tau'ur concerned about sedimentations at heran naval harbour DILI, April.27th (Agência Tatoli) - The prime minister of East Timor is worried that there will be a new flooding on Thursday night which could cause further damage to Naivasha’s Navy Port and resulting waterlogging problems for people living nearby as well..." ], [ "Therefore, Taur Matan Ruak has asked Defence Minister (MD), Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus to find a solution for this problem." ], [ "\"The Prime Minister called me because of his concern about the situation in Naval Port Hera. I am very concerned with this port,\" he said at a press conference on Thursday morning (15 June)." ], [ "Recently, a high-speed road from Remexio caused great disturbance in the port of Hera. It is making it difficult for our fellow Australians who help us to build an harbour where we can take two military boats that they are offering up,” Filomeno da Paixaon de Jesus said at Prime Minister' s residence Farol on Tuesday (23/01)." ], [ "The Defence Minister said that the Head of Government and Public Works (MOP) minister themselves had visited to mobilize equipment for road improvement, so as not impact on Hera port construction process." ], [ "The government has made efforts to build a protective lake so that the Hera river can drain down on its left bank, thus avoiding sedimentation when it descended." ], [ "\"We will improve the road so that it drains out toward day-monument side in order not for sedimentation,\" he explained." ], [ "The governor will continue to coordinate with the Australian Government through its military forces in order for Hera Naval Port work on construction of two naval ships, which are due at 2019 and delivered by Timor-Leste' s government (GTL) as early autumn this year." ], [ "Previous articleParliament approves migration and asylum bill in general session NextMPM-ANPM plans to reappraise environmental licensing procedures for companies MPP, ANpm plan a joint investigation into 2017 tax evasion" ] ]
REFLEXÃO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019 – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > REFLEXÃO > REFLEXÃO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019\nREFLEXÃO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019\n“Hadia Nai nia dalan, Halos Na’i ninia dalan inuk, taka rai klean hotu. Hatun foho tomak ass ba Badak, Dalan Kleuk sai sei los, dalan at sei tetuk hotu. Hafoin Criatura tomak sei hare Maromak nia Maksoin!”\nMaun alin sarani doben sira, rona tiha liafuan ne’e ita bele hanoin ho maneira cómico nian ita bele dehan São João Batista hatene hela karik ita nia rai Timor ninia condição em geral karik, nee mak nia koalia los mai ita hanesan nee. Mas hau hanoin ita hotu hatene hela katak nia halo ilustração deit hodi convida ita atu ba hadia laos dalan kuak no rai klean ho fohon sira nee, maibe hadia ita ida idak ninia an iha tempo advento nee hodi ba hasoru loron Na’i nian. Loron nebe Maromak halo-an ba ema hodi mai moris hamutuk ho ita, incarnação, emanuel.\nTempo advento be ita liu hela dadaun ne’e tempo ida nebe ita hein hela Maromak ninia maksoin mai ita hotu nudar Maromak ninia povo. Maksoin ida nebe laos ita husu mak Maromak sei haraik mai ita maibe, tamba domin no laran luak rohan laek Maromak nian, Maromak sei haraik mai ita. Tempo ida nee tempo nebe Maromak hatudu ninia laran luak no ninia domin sai momos liu mai ita, hatudu iha buat nebe nia dehan ona sei halo mai ita. Na’i Maromak promete no nia halo.\nIta rona kedas ona iha primeira leitura Nai’i Maromak liu husi ninia profeta Baruc convida ita atu ita hasai tiha ka kolu tiha husi ita leet laran susar no taridu sira, laran triste no desesperado hodi hakonu deit ita an ho ksolok no laran metin lolos basa Na’i Maromak sei hatudu ninia naroman ba ita ema no ba sasan ho mundo tomak. Naroman ida be lori justiça, dame no domin, iha ksolok no iha laran luak nudar Maromak rasik hakarak nanis ona mai ita. Ho ne’e Maromak sei hafoun ita ema sira nebe moris hela iha nakukun laran, iha susar, triste, tarido, desesperado nia laran sai ema nebe neon metin, laran metin no fiar metin lolos iha Maromak basa Maromak sei hit-An mai horik ho ninia povo sira.\nSão Paulo fo hanoin mai ita iha segunda leitura katak Maksoin nebe Na’i Maromak sei halo mai ita iha Ita Nain Jesus Cristo be mai moris hola isin ida hanesan ita nee ne’e sai momento nebe Na’i Maromak halo nakonu lolos ona buat diak tomak nebe nia promete mai ita nia beala sira no nia halo ba sira mai too ita sira tempo ohin loron nee nian. Nune’e maun alin sira, tan Maromak halo diak mai ita ita mos tem que buka hadomi malu lolos ho neon mos, ita tem que laran metin lolos iha Maromak basa loron Maromak ninia maksoin mai iha ita leet nee laos ona promessa ida maibe certeza ida. Certeza ida katak Na’i sei soi duni ninia povo sira.\nBa ne’e atu ita bele to’o duni iha loron Na’i ninia hit-an mai ho roman maksoin nian nee’ ita percisa harohan Maka’as. Katak atu ita ninia preparação sira iha tempo advento nee bele lori ita ba too selebra Nai ninia natal didiak oras nee ita tem que harohan makas liu tan, harohan ba ita an rasik, ba ita ninia rain no ba ema seluk, liu liu ba sira nebe precisa tebes tulun. Harohan ida laos atu convence Maromak ba buat nebe ita husu iha ita nia oração sira, maibe harohan nafatin ka harohan makas atu ita besik liu tan ba Maromak, atu ita fiar no laran metin liu tan iha Maromak, atu ita hadomi liu tan Maromak no maun alin sira seluk. Ita percisa harohan liu tan duni basa la ho oração ita sei labele hakat ba to’o celebração festa Natal Nai nian no familia nian ida diak no nakonu ho graça tebes. Ita sei harohan makas duni tan oração mak bele fo laran metin lolos mai ita, haburas no haboot ita ninia fiar, ita nia domin no ita ninia laran luak. Susar ba ita wainhira iha tempo advento nee ninia laran ita la harohan makas ou la ha halo oração.\nMaun alin sarani doben sira hodi halo nune’e mak ita prepara-an duni, ita halo duni buat nebe São Joã Baptista dehan “Hadia Nai nia dalan., Halos Na’i ninia dalan inuk, taka rai klean hotu. Hatun foho tomak ass ba Badak, Dalan Kleuk sai sei los, dalan at sei tetuk hotu. Hafoin Criatura tomak sei hare Maromak nia Maksoin!.” Evangelista hatudu dalan completo liu tan mai ita hodi halo ita ninia preparação tempo advento nian nee sai diak liu tan hodi dehan mai ita atu oras nee kedas ona ita percisa hakribit salan sira. Hodi hakribi sala mak ita bele fila fali ba besik Na’i Maromak, mak ita hamos duni ita ninia-an, ita prepara duni ita ninia-an sai diak tebes ba Nai be sei hiit-an mai. Hakribi salan nee unica condição atu bele fila fali ba Maromak, atu haboot Na’i ninia domin, paz, laran luak no ksolok mai ita.\nDoben maun alin sira, nudar ema sarani hakribi salan nee buat ida nebe ita precisa halo duni loron loron no iha tempo forte sira hanesan advento nee ita precisa hakribit liu tan, hakribit fila fila. Wainhira ita la hakribit salan ita laos sarani ona, odamatan maksoin nian taka ona ba ita. Mai ita hakribit salan husi kedas, hakribit violência, ódio, vingança, laran moras, lori lia, bosok, lia falço, tolok, hakribi ema no seluk seluk tan. Hahau uluk husi ita ida idak ninia an hafoin mak tulun ema sira seluk liu husi ita ninia liafuan, hahalok no oração, atu nune’e iha loron Na’i to’o mai ita hotu bele hamutuk haksolok iha fiar ida deit, domin ida deit, no dame ida deit hamutuk iha Na’i. Amen.\nBecora, 08.12.19, II D.Advento. Pb.\nPrevious PostHADIA NAI NIA DALAN TERIK SIRA……..U Grande…???? Next PostRAHUN DIAK FETO KMANEK TEBES NA’I HO ITA
[ "REFLEXAO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019 - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > REFLEXAO > REFLEXAO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019 REFLEXAO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019 \"Hadia Nai nia dalan, Halos Na'i ninia dalan inuk, taka rai klean hotu.", "Hatun foho tomak ass ba Badak, Dalan Kleuk sai sei los, dalan at sei tetuk hotu.", "Hafoin Criatura tomak sei hare Maromak nia Maksoin!\"", "Maun alin sarani doben sira, rona tiha liafuan ne'e ita bele hanoin ho maneira comico nian ita bele dehan Sao Joao Batista hatene hela karik ita nia rai Timor ninia condicao em geral karik, nee mak nia koalia los mai ita hanesan nee.", "Mas hau hanoin ita hotu hatene hela katak nia halo ilustracao deit hodi convida ita atu ba hadia laos dalan kuak no rai klean ho fohon sira nee, maibe hadia ita ida idak ninia an iha tempo advento nee hodi ba hasoru loron Na'i nian.", "Loron nebe Maromak halo-an ba ema hodi mai moris hamutuk ho ita, incarnacao, emanuel.", "Tempo advento be ita liu hela dadaun ne'e tempo ida nebe ita hein hela Maromak ninia maksoin mai ita hotu nudar Maromak ninia povo.", "Maksoin ida nebe laos ita husu mak Maromak sei haraik mai ita maibe, tamba domin no laran luak rohan laek Maromak nian, Maromak sei haraik mai ita.", "Tempo ida nee tempo nebe Maromak hatudu ninia laran luak no ninia domin sai momos liu mai ita, hatudu iha buat nebe nia dehan ona sei halo mai ita.", "Na'i Maromak promete no nia halo.", "Ita rona kedas ona iha primeira leitura Nai'i Maromak liu husi ninia profeta Baruc convida ita atu ita hasai tiha ka kolu tiha husi ita leet laran susar no taridu sira, laran triste no desesperado hodi hakonu deit ita an ho ksolok no laran metin lolos basa Na'i Maromak sei hatudu ninia naroman ba ita ema no ba sasan ho mundo tomak.", "Naroman ida be lori justica, dame no domin, iha ksolok no iha laran luak nudar Maromak rasik hakarak nanis ona mai ita.", "Ho ne'e Maromak sei hafoun ita ema sira nebe moris hela iha nakukun laran, iha susar, triste, tarido, desesperado nia laran sai ema nebe neon metin, laran metin no fiar metin lolos iha Maromak basa Maromak sei hit-An mai horik ho ninia povo sira.", "Sao Paulo fo hanoin mai ita iha segunda leitura katak Maksoin nebe Na'i Maromak sei halo mai ita iha Ita Nain Jesus Cristo be mai moris hola isin ida hanesan ita nee ne'e sai momento nebe Na'i Maromak halo nakonu lolos ona buat diak tomak nebe nia promete mai ita nia beala sira no nia halo ba sira mai too ita sira tempo ohin loron nee nian.", "Nune'e maun alin sira, tan Maromak halo diak mai ita ita mos tem que buka hadomi malu lolos ho neon mos, ita tem que laran metin lolos iha Maromak basa loron Maromak ninia maksoin mai iha ita leet nee laos ona promessa ida maibe certeza ida.", "Certeza ida katak Na'i sei soi duni ninia povo sira.", "Ba ne'e atu ita bele to'o duni iha loron Na'i ninia hit-an mai ho roman maksoin nian nee' ita percisa harohan Maka'as.", "Katak atu ita ninia preparacao sira iha tempo advento nee bele lori ita ba too selebra Nai ninia natal didiak oras nee ita tem que harohan makas liu tan, harohan ba ita an rasik, ba ita ninia rain no ba ema seluk, liu liu ba sira nebe precisa tebes tulun.", "Harohan ida laos atu convence Maromak ba buat nebe ita husu iha ita nia oracao sira, maibe harohan nafatin ka harohan makas atu ita besik liu tan ba Maromak, atu ita fiar no laran metin liu tan iha Maromak, atu ita hadomi liu tan Maromak no maun alin sira seluk.", "Ita percisa harohan liu tan duni basa la ho oracao ita sei labele hakat ba to'o celebracao festa Natal Nai nian no familia nian ida diak no nakonu ho graca tebes.", "Ita sei harohan makas duni tan oracao mak bele fo laran metin lolos mai ita, haburas no haboot ita ninia fiar, ita nia domin no ita ninia laran luak.", "Susar ba ita wainhira iha tempo advento nee ninia laran ita la harohan makas ou la ha halo oracao.", "Maun alin sarani doben sira hodi halo nune'e mak ita prepara-an duni, ita halo duni buat nebe Sao Joa Baptista dehan \"Hadia Nai nia dalan., Halos Na'i ninia dalan inuk, taka rai klean hotu.", "Hatun foho tomak ass ba Badak, Dalan Kleuk sai sei los, dalan at sei tetuk hotu.", "Hafoin Criatura tomak sei hare Maromak nia Maksoin!.\"", "Evangelista hatudu dalan completo liu tan mai ita hodi halo ita ninia preparacao tempo advento nian nee sai diak liu tan hodi dehan mai ita atu oras nee kedas ona ita percisa hakribit salan sira.", "Hodi hakribi sala mak ita bele fila fali ba besik Na'i Maromak, mak ita hamos duni ita ninia-an, ita prepara duni ita ninia-an sai diak tebes ba Nai be sei hiit-an mai.", "Hakribi salan nee unica condicao atu bele fila fali ba Maromak, atu haboot Na'i ninia domin, paz, laran luak no ksolok mai ita.", "Doben maun alin sira, nudar ema sarani hakribi salan nee buat ida nebe ita precisa halo duni loron loron no iha tempo forte sira hanesan advento nee ita precisa hakribit liu tan, hakribit fila fila.", "Wainhira ita la hakribit salan ita laos sarani ona, odamatan maksoin nian taka ona ba ita.", "Mai ita hakribit salan husi kedas, hakribit violencia, odio, vinganca, laran moras, lori lia, bosok, lia falco, tolok, hakribi ema no seluk seluk tan.", "Hahau uluk husi ita ida idak ninia an hafoin mak tulun ema sira seluk liu husi ita ninia liafuan, hahalok no oracao, atu nune'e iha loron Na'i to'o mai ita hotu bele hamutuk haksolok iha fiar ida deit, domin ida deit, no dame ida deit hamutuk iha Na'i.", "Amen.", "Becora, 08.12.19, II D.Advento.", "Pb.", "Previous PostHADIA NAI NIA DALAN TERIK SIRA........U Grande...????", "Next PostRAHUN DIAK FETO KMANEK TEBES NA'I HO ITA" ]
[ [ "REFLEXAO DOMINGO ADVENTO II, TA 2019 - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NOTICIAS / NEWS/REFLECTIONS> \"Hada nai nia dalan Halos Na'i ninia via inuk taka rai klean hotu." ], [ "Hatun foho tomak ass ba Badak, Dalan Kleuk sai sei los. dalan at seis tetuk hotu 1970s" ], [ "After all creation will see the purpose of God!\"" ], [ "Dear Christian brothers and sister, after hearing these words we can think in a comical way that St. John the Baptist knew if our Timorese country was under such conditions as it is now; this has been his real message to us so far!" ], [ "But I think we all know that he was just making an illustration to invite us not only for the repair of our roads and clearing up those hole, but also in order each one will make sure his or her self is ready during this advent time." ], [ "The day that God made Himself man to come into life with us, incarnation." ], [ "The time of Advent that we are currently passing through is a period in which God's will for us all as His people has been awaited." ], [ "God will not give us what we ask for, but because of His infinite love and mercy. He is the only one who can do this to you!" ], [ "This is a time when God shows His compassion and love to us more abundantly, in the things He has promised that he will do for our sake." ], [ "The LORD promises, and he does. He has done what the Lord had spoken of;" ], [ "As we have heard in the first reading, God through his prophet Baruch invites us to put away our worries and fatigue of heart; sorrowfulness or despair. We should be filled with joy because He will show His love for mankind as well that he is loving all things on earth!" ], [ "A world that brings justice, peace and love in joy as God Himself has desired for us." ], [ "Thus God will turn us who are living in misery, distress and despair into people with a firm heart that has no doubt about the truth of his promise." ], [ "St. Paul reminds us in the second reading that God's purpose for our salvation through Our Lady Jesus Christ, who came to life as a flesh like we are is when He has fulfilled all His good things which he promised his brethren and did unto them until this present time;" ], [ "So brothers and sister, because God has done good to us we also have that seek loving one another with neon as well. We must be firm in our heart for the day of his mercy is not a promise but an assured thing 10" ], [ "There is no doubt that the Lord will surely save his people." ], [ "Therefore, that we may truly reach the day of our Lord's return with his holy angel in this world. We need to pray so much for you as possible!" ], [ "That is, in order for our preparations during the time of Advent to lead us towards celebrating Our Lady’s christmas day properly at this very moment we must pray even more earnestly. Prayers that are made by oneself and also through others – especially those who need help most desperateliely!" ], [ "A prayer is not to convince God of the things we ask in our Prayers, but rather a constant or intense request that We may come closer and more intimately with Him. That Our faith will be strengthened by His love for us as well As those who are nearest To Us;" ], [ "We need to pray even more because without it we will not be able for a good and graceful celebration of the Christmas feast in Our Lady's family." ], [ "We will pray very much because it is through our own Prayer that we can be firm in heart, grow and strengthen the faith of love." ], [ "It is a warning to us when in the time of Advent we do not pray hard or have no desire." ], [ "Dear brothers and sister, to do this we must prepare ourselves. We have done what St John the Baptist said: \"The way of God is clear; but his ways are dark.\"" ], [ "Hatun foho tomak ass ba Badak, Dalan Kleuk sai sei los. dalan at seis tetuk hotu 1970s" ], [ "After that all creation will see God's plan!\"" ], [ "The Evangelist shows us a more complete way to make our preparation for the time of Advent even better by telling Us that from this very hour we must reject sins." ], [ "By rejecting our sins we can return to the Lord God, cleanse and prepare for Him who is coming." ], [ "Forgiveness of sin is the only condition for us to be able back with God, so that He may bring His love and peace." ], [ "Dear brethren and sisters, as a Christian to reject sin is something that we must do every day. And in the strong times of Advent it'll be even more necessary for us all time again!" ], [ "When we do not repent of our sins, the door to heaven is closed on us." ], [ "Let us despise sin from the outset, deny violence and hatred; revenge. malice of hearts: slandering others with falsehood or faulty words as a means to gain pleasure for ourselves (1 Corinthians)." ], [ "Let each of us first love ourselves, and then help others by word. deed & prayer; that in the day which is to come we may all rejoice together with one faith 10one charity23and a single heart54in Christ Jesus:" ], [ "Amen.Amen!" ], [ "Becora, 08.12" ], [ "Pb., 1986; pgs:" ], [ "Previous PostHADIA NAI NIA DALAN TERIK SIRA........U Grande...????" ], [ "Next PostRAHUN DIAK FETO KMANEK TEBES NA'I HO ITA" ] ]
Joven na’in-rua hetan hana no ida taa iha tilun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA LEI Joven na’in-rua hetan hana no ida taa iha tilun\nJoven na’in-rua hetan hana no ida taa iha tilun\nVítima ne’ebé hetan taa iha tilun halo tratamentu iha ospitál. Imajen/Foti hosi Facebook\nDILI, 24 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) – Joven na’in-rua sofre kanek iha sira-nia isin-lolon tanba hetan hana hosi ema deskoñesidu no na’in-ida seluk fali hetan taa iha nia tilun parte loos iha akontesimentu kazu krime balun iha Dili laran, tersa kalan (23/03).\nTuir relatóriu Polísia nian katak vítima sira ba kazu krime arma branka ne’e; na’in-ida hetan hana ho rama ambon iha parte liman nian iha area Manleuana, besik estasaun kombustivel Levi, purvolta tuku 07:00 kalan.\nJoven na’in-rua seluk ne’ebé na’in-ida hetan hana ho rama ambon iha parte kabun no ida seluk hetan taa iha parte tilun nian, akontese iha área Comoro no konsege hamosu problema hodi halo juventude sira tuda-malu.\nKomandu Polisia Munisipiu Dili rejista joven na’in-tolu sofre kanek tanba hetan hana hosi grupu deskoñesidu ho rama ambon iha área kapitál Dili.\nSegundu Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Dili, Superintendente Euclides Belo, hateten hosi kazu krime ne’ebé rezulta vítima na’in-tolu ne’e, autoridade Polísia hala’o kedas intervensaun no detein ona juventude na’in-ualu (8) ne’ebé deskonfia envolve iha kazu tuda-malu no lori sasán kro’at duni-malu.\nPNTL mós lori kedas vítima na’in-tolu ne’ebé kanek ba ospitál hodi hala’o operasaun hasai rama ambon iha sira-nia isin-lolon.\n“Horikalan, mosu asidente iha Manleuana no Comoro nian rezulta joven na’in-tolu mak kanek. Ami seidauk bele fó sai sira-nia identidade, maibé PNTL Dili alarga kedas ninia operasaun preventiva hodi foti mós joven na’in-ualu maka halo hela identifikasaun,” Superintendente Euclides Belo, informa ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.\nKomandu PNTL Dili no Servisu Informasaun Polísia (SIP) lansa ona iha terrenu hodi koopera ho autoridade lokál no membru Konsellu Polisiamentu Komunitáriu (KPK) hodi rekolla informasaun no buka tuir suspeitu deskoñesidu sira.\nKomandu PNTL apela ba juventude sira atu tuur hakmatek hodi kontribui ba estabilidade.\n“Ami husu ba povu atu kontribui, agora ba oin oras ne’ebé ita termina tuku 22:00 Otl, ba leten, joven hotu-hotu tama uma labele iha tuur iha lurón, se maka la kumpre ne’e ami konsidera la kumpre ona regra serka sanitaria, no PNTL bele foti medida tuir lei,” Euclides Belo afirma.\nPNTL Dili hetan apoiu seguransa hosi Unidade Espesiál Polísia (COE), Unidade Polísia Marítima (UPF), Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF), Batallaun Orden Públiku (COE) ho FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Unidade Polísia Militár (PM) halo patrullamentu iha Dili laran\nPrevious articleAviaun Qantas voo Darwin-Dili lori pasajeiru 20\nNext articleKCL fó apoiu solidariedade ba estudante Cacavei-oan iha Dili
[ "Joven na'in-rua hetan hana no ida taa iha tilun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA LEI Joven na'in-rua hetan hana no ida taa iha tilun Joven na'in-rua hetan hana no ida taa iha tilun Vitima ne'ebe hetan taa iha tilun halo tratamentu iha ospital.", "Imajen/Foti hosi Facebook DILI, 24 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Joven na'in-rua sofre kanek iha sira-nia isin-lolon tanba hetan hana hosi ema deskonesidu no na'in-ida seluk fali hetan taa iha nia tilun parte loos iha akontesimentu kazu krime balun iha Dili laran, tersa kalan (23/03).", "Tuir relatoriu Polisia nian katak vitima sira ba kazu krime arma branka ne'e; na'in-ida hetan hana ho rama ambon iha parte liman nian iha area Manleuana, besik estasaun kombustivel Levi, purvolta tuku 07:00 kalan.", "Joven na'in-rua seluk ne'ebe na'in-ida hetan hana ho rama ambon iha parte kabun no ida seluk hetan taa iha parte tilun nian, akontese iha area Comoro no konsege hamosu problema hodi halo juventude sira tuda-malu.", "Komandu Polisia Munisipiu Dili rejista joven na'in-tolu sofre kanek tanba hetan hana hosi grupu deskonesidu ho rama ambon iha area kapital Dili.", "Segundu Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Euclides Belo, hateten hosi kazu krime ne'ebe rezulta vitima na'in-tolu ne'e, autoridade Polisia hala'o kedas intervensaun no detein ona juventude na'in-ualu (8) ne'ebe deskonfia envolve iha kazu tuda-malu no lori sasan kro'at duni-malu.", "PNTL mos lori kedas vitima na'in-tolu ne'ebe kanek ba ospital hodi hala'o operasaun hasai rama ambon iha sira-nia isin-lolon.", "\"Horikalan, mosu asidente iha Manleuana no Comoro nian rezulta joven na'in-tolu mak kanek.", "Ami seidauk bele fo sai sira-nia identidade, maibe PNTL Dili alarga kedas ninia operasaun preventiva hodi foti mos joven na'in-ualu maka halo hela identifikasaun,\" Superintendente Euclides Belo, informa ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.", "Komandu PNTL Dili no Servisu Informasaun Polisia (SIP) lansa ona iha terrenu hodi koopera ho autoridade lokal no membru Konsellu Polisiamentu Komunitariu (KPK) hodi rekolla informasaun no buka tuir suspeitu deskonesidu sira.", "Komandu PNTL apela ba juventude sira atu tuur hakmatek hodi kontribui ba estabilidade.", "\"Ami husu ba povu atu kontribui, agora ba oin oras ne'ebe ita termina tuku 22:00 Otl, ba leten, joven hotu-hotu tama uma labele iha tuur iha luron, se maka la kumpre ne'e ami konsidera la kumpre ona regra serka sanitaria, no PNTL bele foti medida tuir lei,\" Euclides Belo afirma.", "PNTL Dili hetan apoiu seguransa hosi Unidade Espesial Polisia (COE), Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPF), Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF), Batallaun Orden Publiku (COE) ho FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Unidade Polisia Militar (PM) halo patrullamentu iha Dili laran Previous articleAviaun Qantas voo Darwin-Dili lori pasajeiru 20 Next articleKCL fo apoiu solidariedade ba estudante Cacavei-oan iha Dili" ]
[ [ "Two young people were beaten and one was stabbed in the back | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA LEGISLATION TWO YOUNG PEOPLE WERE BEATED AND One Was Tapped In The BackTwo youths had been struck by a gun, but both survived." ], [ "Image/Photo from Facebook DILI, March 24th (TATOLI) - Two young people suffered injuries to their bodies after being beaten by an unknown person and another one was hit in his right toe during a crime incident within Dili on Tuesday night." ], [ "According to the police report, victims of this sword crime were: one was stabbed with a knife in his hand at Manleuana area near Levi petrol station around seven o'clock." ], [ "Two other young people, one of whom was stabbed with an ambon branch in the chest and another injured on his forehead occurred at Comoro area where they created a problem for youths to beat each others." ], [ "The Dili Municipal Police Command has registered three young people who suffer injuries as they were beaten by an unknown group with a knife in the capital area of Diu." ], [ "Dili Municipal Police Deputy Commander Superintendent Euclides Belo said that in the criminal case resulting three victim, police authorities immediately intervened and detained seven (8) young people who were suspect of being involved with a murder-suicide incident." ], [ "The police also immediately took the three injured victims to hospital for surgery on removing an ambon branch from their bodies." ], [ "\"In the morning, an accident occurred in Manleuana and Comoro resulting three young people were injured." ], [ "We have not yet been able to disclose their identities, but the PNTL Dili immediately extended its preventive operation by taking seven young people who were undergoing identification,” Superintendent Euclides Belo told journalist in Caicoli Police Station." ], [ "PNTL Dili Command and the Police Information Service (SIP) have deployed on-site to cooperate with local authorities, members of Community Policing Council(KPK), in gathering information about suspects." ], [ "The PNTL Command appeals to the young people in order that they sit upright and contribute towards stability." ], [ "\"We ask the people to contribute, from now on when we end at 10 pm Otl. All youngsters should go home and not sit in their backs; if they do this then it is considered as non-compliance with sanitary lockdown rules which may be prosecuted by police accordingly\", Euclidet Belo affirmed" ], [ "The Dili Police received security support from the Special Policing Unit (COE), Maritime police unit, Border patrol units and Public Order Battalion. Previous articleQantas flight Darwin-Dili carries 20 passengers Next ArticleKCL provides solidarity assistance to Cacavei students in Delhi" ] ]
EUA Oferese Pfizer Doze 100,620, SAMES Preparadu – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Internasional » EUA Oferese Pfizer Doze 100,620, SAMES Preparadu\nVasinasaun Ba Idade 12-17\n18 outubro 2021 by Timor Post-494 views\nEstadus Unidus Amérika (EUA) oferese vasina ho naran Pfizer hamutuk doze 100.620 mai Timor-Leste. (Foto TP/Estajiadu Deny)\n(Jornalista Estajiadu Mj10/Mj7/Editora Suzana Cardoso)\nDILI (Timor Post) — Atu prevene Covid-19 nia da’et maka husi Estadus Unidus Amérika (EUA) oferese vasina ho naran Pfizer hamutuk doze 100.620 mai Timor-Leste (TL) hodi fó vasinasaun ba labarik ho idade tinan 12 to’o tinan 17.\nHafoin Vasina Pfizer doze 100.620 ne’e to’o iha aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato iha loron Sábadu ((16/10), diretamente transfere ba Servisu Autónomu de Medikamentu no Ekipamentu Saúde, Institutu Públiku (SAMES,IP) ne’ebé preparadu ona hodi halo prezervasaun.\n“Ha’u kontente tebes. Ohin mai entrega vasina Pfizer ba Timor Leste, Estadus Unidus entrega vasina ne’e ba governu Timor-Leste (TL) atu hasa’e komunidade nia imunidade hodi kombate Covid-19 ne’ebé hamate ema barak iha mundu.”\nHaktuir Embaixadór EUA iha Timor-Leste (TL), Tom Daley ba Jornalista iha Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Sábadu (16/10/21).\nHanesan saida mak Prezidente Estadus Unidus mensiona katak Embaixadór Tom, fornesimentu vasina sei kontinua oferese bazeia ba nasaun sira nia nesesidade atu utiliza, inklui TL ne’ebé nia númeru vasinasaun sei menus hosi total populasaun.\nAtu kombate Covid-19, antes ne’e Estadus Unidus kontribui ona osan besik US$5 milloes ba TL. Iha parte seluk Embaixadór Tom kestiona kona bá vasina AstraZeneca nia stock balun sei iha armazenamento ne’ebé fulan oin ameasa sei expirado.\n“Vasina AstraZeneca mós di’ak. Maibé, infelizmente la bele uza ba labarik sira ho ida tinan 12 ba kraik. AstraZeneca so uza ba ema ne’ebé mak tinan 18 ba leten. Entaun ho fornesimentu vasina Pfizer ne’e bele ona utiliza ba labarik sira ho idade 12,” Embaixadór Tom esplika.\nIha Fatin hanesan Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) Armindo Maia lori Governu no povu TL nia naran hato’o obrigadu barak ba Governu EUA liu husi COVAX fasilita ba parseiru sira seluk, hanesan UNICEF hodi fasilita vasina Pfizer doze 100,620 mai TL.\n“Benefísiu boot tebes ba labarik besik rihun 50 hodi bele hetan vasinasaun. Ba preparasaun atu simu vasinasaun ne’e, Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu serbisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Saúde halo ona recapitulação no formatu ba labarik sira ne’ebé mak atu simu vasinasaun ne’e,” Armindo dehan.\nAntes ne’e ba Timor Post, Diretór ezekutivu SAMES, Santana Martins esplika, atu asegura ai moruk vasina Pfizer hosi SAMES,IP instala ona jeleira no halo ona teste hodi hatene nia temperatura liga ho eletrisidade.\nKatak Santana, SAMES aumenta tan liña eletrisidade ba rua ona. Liña ida hosi Kampu Alor no liña ida seluk dada hosi estrada boot Fatuhada hodi eletrisidade mantein nafatin iha oras 24 nia laran.\nMaski katak Santana, SAMES antes ne’e iha jeradór. Maibé efeitu husi inundasaun iha loron 04 Abríl tinan ne’e avaria tiha. Nune’e SAMES tenke halo elevasaun aas liu para asegura jeradór ne’e labele iha failansu tan.\n“Kompeténsia atu jere vasina di’ak maka SAMES, I.P instala ona jeleira vasina Pfizer. No tama ona ba fase kona-ba oinsá atu utiliza. Nune’e bainhira vasina Pfizer ne’e mai, ami lojístika SAMES nian preparadu ona,” katak Santana.\nAntes simu doasaun fasilidade Maskra no Hand sanitizer hosi SAMES,IP ba jornál Timor Post hetan esplikasaun kona bá sistema armazenamento ai moruk Vasina Covid-19. (Foto konributor media SAMES)\nAleinde ne’e Santana haktuir, atu sistema armazenamento lao ho di’ak maka fó ona treinamentu ba funsionáriu SAMES kona-ba asesu iha jeleira vasina Pfizer. Tanba jeleira vasina Pfizer sensitivu. Tenke kuidadu ho rekizitu, ezemplu temperatura menus 70 Celsius ne’e sei sai fatuk tiha.\n“Entaun tenke iha jestaun ne’ebé di’ak. Maibé atu lori ba munisípiu dentru loron 30 tenke rai fali iha temperatura (+20 c) to’o (+80c), atu nune’e labele hetan estraga. Kuandu iha ona fasilidade dentru husi temperatura 30 dias to’o 31 ne’e nia data expire ona,” katak Santana.\nDaudaun ne’e komunidade TL uza ona vasina AstraZeneca ne’ebé produs hosi farmásia Inglaterra. Vasina AstraZeneca TL hetan ho doasaun hosi EUA no Nasaun viziñu Australia. AstraZeneca nia eficácia 62,1 por sentu . Vasina AstraZeneca fó ba sira ne’ebé idade 18 ba leten.\nVasina seluk mak vasina Sinovac. Komunidade TL uza vasina Sinovac hafoin hetan doasaun hosi Nasaun Xina. Maski hetan kontrovérsia ba ninia efikásia, maibé hafoin lider Nasionál Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão simu vasinasaun Sinovac konsege dada Timoroan ninia interese hodi ba simu vasinasaun. Eficácia hosi vacina Sinovac 65,3 pursentu. Vacina Sinovac Uza deit ba sira ne’ebé ho idade 18 ba leten.(Lee notísia relevante iha Jornál Timor Post)\nTagged EUA Pfizer SAMES)\nPrevious post Inaugura Monumentu Saudoza Eulália, Gregório husu Aproveita Xanana-Taur-Lere\nNext post F-FDTL no PNTL atu Halo Rekrutamentu Konjunta\nSames Reforsa Sistema Suplay
[ "EUA Oferese Pfizer Doze 100,620, SAMES Preparadu -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Internasional \" EUA Oferese Pfizer Doze 100,620, SAMES Preparadu Vasinasaun Ba Idade 12-17 18 outubro 2021 by Timor Post-494 views Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) oferese vasina ho naran Pfizer hamutuk doze 100.620 mai Timor-Leste.", "(Foto TP/Estajiadu Deny) (Jornalista Estajiadu Mj10/Mj7/Editora Suzana Cardoso) DILI (Timor Post) - Atu prevene Covid-19 nia da'et maka husi Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) oferese vasina ho naran Pfizer hamutuk doze 100.620 mai Timor-Leste (TL) hodi fo vasinasaun ba labarik ho idade tinan 12 to'o tinan 17.", "Hafoin Vasina Pfizer doze 100.620 ne'e to'o iha aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato iha loron Sabadu ((16/10), diretamente transfere ba Servisu Autonomu de Medikamentu no Ekipamentu Saude, Institutu Publiku (SAMES,IP) ne'ebe preparadu ona hodi halo prezervasaun.", "\"Ha'u kontente tebes.", "Ohin mai entrega vasina Pfizer ba Timor Leste, Estadus Unidus entrega vasina ne'e ba governu Timor-Leste (TL) atu hasa'e komunidade nia imunidade hodi kombate Covid-19 ne'ebe hamate ema barak iha mundu.\"", "Haktuir Embaixador EUA iha Timor-Leste (TL), Tom Daley ba Jornalista iha Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Sabadu (16/10/21).", "Hanesan saida mak Prezidente Estadus Unidus mensiona katak Embaixador Tom, fornesimentu vasina sei kontinua oferese bazeia ba nasaun sira nia nesesidade atu utiliza, inklui TL ne'ebe nia numeru vasinasaun sei menus hosi total populasaun.", "Atu kombate Covid-19, antes ne'e Estadus Unidus kontribui ona osan besik US$5 milloes ba TL.", "Iha parte seluk Embaixador Tom kestiona kona ba vasina AstraZeneca nia stock balun sei iha armazenamento ne'ebe fulan oin ameasa sei expirado.", "\"Vasina AstraZeneca mos di'ak.", "Maibe, infelizmente la bele uza ba labarik sira ho ida tinan 12 ba kraik.", "AstraZeneca so uza ba ema ne'ebe mak tinan 18 ba leten.", "Entaun ho fornesimentu vasina Pfizer ne'e bele ona utiliza ba labarik sira ho idade 12,\" Embaixador Tom esplika.", "Iha Fatin hanesan Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) Armindo Maia lori Governu no povu TL nia naran hato'o obrigadu barak ba Governu EUA liu husi COVAX fasilita ba parseiru sira seluk, hanesan UNICEF hodi fasilita vasina Pfizer doze 100,620 mai TL.", "\"Benefisiu boot tebes ba labarik besik rihun 50 hodi bele hetan vasinasaun.", "Ba preparasaun atu simu vasinasaun ne'e, Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu serbisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saude halo ona recapitulacao no formatu ba labarik sira ne'ebe mak atu simu vasinasaun ne'e,\" Armindo dehan.", "Antes ne'e ba Timor Post, Diretor ezekutivu SAMES, Santana Martins esplika, atu asegura ai moruk vasina Pfizer hosi SAMES,IP instala ona jeleira no halo ona teste hodi hatene nia temperatura liga ho eletrisidade.", "Katak Santana, SAMES aumenta tan lina eletrisidade ba rua ona.", "Lina ida hosi Kampu Alor no lina ida seluk dada hosi estrada boot Fatuhada hodi eletrisidade mantein nafatin iha oras 24 nia laran.", "Maski katak Santana, SAMES antes ne'e iha jerador.", "Maibe efeitu husi inundasaun iha loron 04 Abril tinan ne'e avaria tiha.", "Nune'e SAMES tenke halo elevasaun aas liu para asegura jerador ne'e labele iha failansu tan.", "\"Kompetensia atu jere vasina di'ak maka SAMES, I.P instala ona jeleira vasina Pfizer.", "No tama ona ba fase kona-ba oinsa atu utiliza.", "Nune'e bainhira vasina Pfizer ne'e mai, ami lojistika SAMES nian preparadu ona,\" katak Santana.", "Antes simu doasaun fasilidade Maskra no Hand sanitizer hosi SAMES,IP ba jornal Timor Post hetan esplikasaun kona ba sistema armazenamento ai moruk Vasina Covid-19.", "(Foto konributor media SAMES) Aleinde ne'e Santana haktuir, atu sistema armazenamento lao ho di'ak maka fo ona treinamentu ba funsionariu SAMES kona-ba asesu iha jeleira vasina Pfizer.", "Tanba jeleira vasina Pfizer sensitivu.", "Tenke kuidadu ho rekizitu, ezemplu temperatura menus 70 Celsius ne'e sei sai fatuk tiha.", "\"Entaun tenke iha jestaun ne'ebe di'ak.", "Maibe atu lori ba munisipiu dentru loron 30 tenke rai fali iha temperatura (+20 c) to'o (+80c), atu nune'e labele hetan estraga.", "Kuandu iha ona fasilidade dentru husi temperatura 30 dias to'o 31 ne'e nia data expire ona,\" katak Santana.", "Daudaun ne'e komunidade TL uza ona vasina AstraZeneca ne'ebe produs hosi farmasia Inglaterra.", "Vasina AstraZeneca TL hetan ho doasaun hosi EUA no Nasaun vizinu Australia.", "AstraZeneca nia eficacia 62,1 por sentu .", "Vasina AstraZeneca fo ba sira ne'ebe idade 18 ba leten.", "Vasina seluk mak vasina Sinovac.", "Komunidade TL uza vasina Sinovac hafoin hetan doasaun hosi Nasaun Xina.", "Maski hetan kontroversia ba ninia efikasia, maibe hafoin lider Nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao simu vasinasaun Sinovac konsege dada Timoroan ninia interese hodi ba simu vasinasaun.", "Eficacia hosi vacina Sinovac 65,3 pursentu.", "Vacina Sinovac Uza deit ba sira ne'ebe ho idade 18 ba leten.", "(Lee notisia relevante iha Jornal Timor Post) Tagged EUA Pfizer SAMES) Previous post Inaugura Monumentu Saudoza Eulalia, Gregorio husu Aproveita Xanana-Taur-Lere Next post F-FDTL no PNTL atu Halo Rekrutamentu Konjunta Sames Reforsa Sistema Suplay" ]
[ [ "USA Offers 10,625 Dose Pfizer Vaccine to Timor-Leste -:.Timor Post Online Home \" Internasional\" US Oferese AstraZeneca Vacinação Ba Idade De Adolescentes E Adultos de Menor a Maiori Temporada (Adolescência) – SAMES Preparado para vacinar crianças entre os seis meses e oito anos | News & Events" ], [ "(Foto TP/Estajiado Deny) Dili, Timor-Leste - To prevent the spread of Covid 19 infections and to protect children aged between twelve years old until seventeen from being infected with it. The United States has offered one million doses Pfizer vaccine for childhood vaccination against this disease that will be distributed by its national health agency through an international donor program called \"Pfizer Vaccination Partnership\"." ], [ "After the 10.62 million doses of Pfizer vaccine arrived at President Nicolau Lobato Airport on Saturday (October,7), they were directly transferred to SAMES Public Institute's Autonomous Service for Medicine and Health Equipment which has been preparet in order that it can be preserved there until its final delivery date: October '9th" ], [ "\"I am very happy. I'm so pleased with my results,\" he said in a statement to the media on Thursday morning (10/2)." ], [ "Today's delivery of Pfizer vaccine to Timor-Leste, the United States is delivering this vaccination for government in East Тимор (TL) with a view on raising community immunity against Covid 19 which has killed so many people worldwide.\"" ], [ "U.S Ambassador to Timor-Leste (TL), Tom Daley told journalists at Nicolau Lobato Airport on Saturday, October 16th in a press conference held by the Embassy of United States for East Asia and Oceania" ], [ "As U.S President Barack Obama mentioned to Ambassador Tom, vaccine supplies will continue being offered based on the needs of countries that need them for their use including Thailand whose immunization rate is lower than its total population's coverage rates" ], [ "To fight Covid-19, the United States has previously contributed nearly US$5 million to Thailand." ], [ "On the other hand, Ambassador Tom questioned about some stock of AstraZeneca's vaccine will be in storage that next month threaten to expire." ], [ "\"AstraZeneca vaccine is not good." ], [ "However, unfortunately it cannot be used for children under the age of 12." ], [ "AstraZeneca is only used in people aged 18 and over." ], [ "So with the supply of Pfizer this vaccine can now be used for children aged 12,\" Ambassador Tom explained." ], [ "At home as Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD) Armindo Maia on behalf the Government & people TL expressed many thanks to US government through COVAX facilitated for other partners like UNICEF in providing Pfizer vaccine 10.62 million doses TOTL" ], [ "\"It is a huge benefit for nearly 50 thousand children to be vaccinated." ], [ "In preparation to receive the vaccination, Ministry of Education Youth and Sports working together with Health has made recapitulação format for children who will be receiving this vaccine\", Armindo said." ], [ "Earlier to Timor Post, Executive Director of SAMES Santana Martins explained that in order for the vaccine from Pfizer be safely stored at IP has install a refrigerator and tested its temperature by connecting it with electricity." ], [ "According to Santana, SAMES has increased the electricity lines in two areas." ], [ "One line from Kampu Alor and the other one given by Fatuhada highway to maintain electricity for 24 hours." ], [ "Although Santana, SAMES before had a generator." ], [ "However, the effect of floods on April 4th this year has been damaged." ], [ "Therefore, SAMES had to make a higher elevation in order for the generator not again failing." ], [ "\"The competence to manage the vaccine is SAMES, I.P has installed a Pfizer vaccination freezer cold storage facility.\"" ], [ "And it has entered the phase of how to use." ], [ "So when the Pfizer vaccine arrives, we have prepared SAMES' logistical facilities for it\", said Santana." ], [ "Before receiving the donation of Masks and Hand sanitizer facilities from SAMES, IP for Timor Post newspaper got an explanations about Covid-19 Vaccine storage system." ], [ "(Photo kontribuitor media SAMES) In addition, Santana said that in order for the storage system to work properly training has been given on accessing Pfizer vaccine freezers." ], [ "Because the jelly is sensitive to Pfizer vaccine." ], [ "Be careful with the requirements, for example a temperature below 70 Celsius will be faded." ], [ "\"So there must be good management." ], [ "However, to take them into the municipality within 30 days must be planted at a temperature of (+25 c) up (+84c), so that they do not get damage." ], [ "When there is a facility within the temperature of 30 days to this date, its expiration has already occurred,” said Santana." ], [ "Currently, the local community is using AstraZeneca vaccine produced by UK pharmaceutical company." ], [ "AstraZeneca vaccine TL received with donations from the USA and neighboring nation Australia." ], [ "AstraZeneca &apos;s efficacy was 62.1 per cent" ], [ "The AstraZeneca vaccine is given to people aged 18 and over." ], [ "The other vaccine is Sinovac." ], [ "The community is using the Sinovac vaccine after receiving a donation from China." ], [ "Despite controversy over its effectiveness, after National Leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao received the Sinovac vaccine he managed to get Timorese interested in getting vaccinated." ], [ "The efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine is 65.3 percent, according to a report from China’s National Health Commission (NHC)." ], [ "Sinovac Vaccine Use only for people 18 years of age and over." ], [ "(Read related news in Jornal Timor Post) Tagged USA Pfizer SAMES Featured Previous post Inauguration of Saudoza Eulalia Monument, Gregorio Asks To Take Advantage Of Xanana-Taur Lere Next posta FFDTL and PNTL to Do Joint Recruitment Sames Reinforce Supply System" ] ]
Quinta – Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quinta – Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)\nQuinta – Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)\nPrimeira Leitura Mal. 3. 13-20ª\nNa’i lia tun ba Israel oan sira: “Imi nia liafuan sira hasouru Ha’u, mesak loko an nian de’it! Maski nune’e, imi sei husu: ‘Sá lós mak ami ko’alia hasouru Ita?’ Imi sei hateten tan: ‘La vale buat ida serbi Maromak. Sá di’ak mak ita sei hetan hodi moris tuir Na’i Nia hakaran, no la’o ho hatais penitência nian, iha Na’i, mundo rai-klaran Nia futar oin? Oras ne’e, Ita hahí ho haksolok ema loko an sira; sira nebé halo buat áat moris iha ksolok; sira halo hirus karik Maromak, sira la hetan susar ida’”. Nune’e, sira nebé hamta’uk Maromak, hahu ko’alia ba malu; Na’i sée tilun hodi rona didiak sira ko’alia. Iha Na’i Nia futar oin, hakerek livro ida fó hanoin nian kona ba sira nebé hamta’uk Na’i, no hahí hana’i Nia naran. “Iha loron nebé Ha’u hadi’a – Na’i, Mundo Rai-klaran nian, dehan – sira ne’e sai Ha’u Nian. ha’u sei hanoin netik sira, hanesan aman ida nebé serbi nia ho neon no laran. Iha ne’e imi sei haré oinsá ema laran mós ida ho ema maksalak ida, oinsá ema nebé serbi Maromak ho ema nebé la serbi Maromak”. Basá, Na’i nia loron sei to’o mai, manas hanesan ahi matan boot nia manas. Sira hotu nebé loko an no sira hotu nebé halo buat áat, sei sai hanesan du’ut maran. “Loron nebé atu mai, sei sunu mutuk sira hotu – Na’i, Mundo Rai-klaran nian, dehan – sei la husik hela abut ka sanak ida. Maibé, ba imi nebé hamta’uk Ha’u Nia naran, sei mosu loro matan nabilan justiça nian, nia roman nabilan sei lori salvação mai imi”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, (R. Sal. 39. 5ª)\nLa tuir dalan maksalak nian.\nMaibé haksolok ho Na’i Nia\nUkufuan hodi hanoin nia kalan-loron. Refrão\nDalan ema áat sira nian, lori ba rahu áat. Refrão\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus dehan tan ba Nia escolante sira: “Imi ida iha karik belun ida nebé iha kalan boot ba hateten ba nia: ‘Belun, fó netik pão fuan ida tolu mai, basá ha’u nia belun foin to’o mai housi dook no ha’u la iha buat ida atu fó ba nia’. Belun ne’e bele hatan housi uma laran: ‘Keta hasusar ha’u! Odamatan taka metin ona. Ha’u ho ha’u nia oan sira toba tiha ona. Ha’u la bele hader atu fó buat ruma ba ó’. Ha’u dehan ba imi katak, maski nia sei la hader hodi fó tanba sira belun malu, nia sei fó duni buat hotu nebé nia belun kuran tanba nia husu fila fila. Ne’e duni, Ha’u dehan ba imi: husu ba, imi sei simu; buka ba, imi sei hetan; tuku odamatan ba, odamatan sei nakloke ba imi. Basá ema hotu nebé husu, sei simu, ema nebé buka sei hetan; no ba ema nebé tuku odamatan, odamatan sei nakloke ba nia. Iha imi leet, aman ida nebé mak sei fó samea wainhira nia oan husu ikan? Eh sei fó sakunar ida wainhira nia husu manu tolun? Ne’e duni, maski imi ema laran áat hatene fó buat di’ak ba imi nia oan sira, oin sá liu tan mak imi nia Aman iha lalehan sei haraik Espírito Santo ba sira nebé husu ba Nia?”\nPrevious PostQuarta – Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Next PostSexta – Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)
[ "Quinta - Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quinta - Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Quinta - Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Primeira Leitura Mal.", "3.", "13-20a Na'i lia tun ba Israel oan sira: \"Imi nia liafuan sira hasouru Ha'u, mesak loko an nian de'it!", "Maski nune'e, imi sei husu: 'Sa los mak ami ko'alia hasouru Ita?'", "Imi sei hateten tan: 'La vale buat ida serbi Maromak.", "Sa di'ak mak ita sei hetan hodi moris tuir Na'i Nia hakaran, no la'o ho hatais penitencia nian, iha Na'i, mundo rai-klaran Nia futar oin?", "Oras ne'e, Ita hahi ho haksolok ema loko an sira; sira nebe halo buat aat moris iha ksolok; sira halo hirus karik Maromak, sira la hetan susar ida'.\"", "Nune'e, sira nebe hamta'uk Maromak, hahu ko'alia ba malu; Na'i see tilun hodi rona didiak sira ko'alia.", "Iha Na'i Nia futar oin, hakerek livro ida fo hanoin nian kona ba sira nebe hamta'uk Na'i, no hahi hana'i Nia naran.", "\"Iha loron nebe Ha'u hadi'a - Na'i, Mundo Rai-klaran nian, dehan - sira ne'e sai Ha'u Nian. ha'u sei hanoin netik sira, hanesan aman ida nebe serbi nia ho neon no laran.", "Iha ne'e imi sei hare oinsa ema laran mos ida ho ema maksalak ida, oinsa ema nebe serbi Maromak ho ema nebe la serbi Maromak.\"", "Basa, Na'i nia loron sei to'o mai, manas hanesan ahi matan boot nia manas.", "Sira hotu nebe loko an no sira hotu nebe halo buat aat, sei sai hanesan du'ut maran.", "\"Loron nebe atu mai, sei sunu mutuk sira hotu - Na'i, Mundo Rai-klaran nian, dehan - sei la husik hela abut ka sanak ida.", "Maibe, ba imi nebe hamta'uk Ha'u Nia naran, sei mosu loro matan nabilan justica nian, nia roman nabilan sei lori salvacao mai imi.\"", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "1.", "2, 3, 4, 6, (R. Sal.", "39.", "5a) La tuir dalan maksalak nian.", "Maibe haksolok ho Na'i Nia Ukufuan hodi hanoin nia kalan-loron.", "Refrao Dalan ema aat sira nian, lori ba rahu aat.", "Refrao Iha tempo neba, Jesus dehan tan ba Nia escolante sira: \"Imi ida iha karik belun ida nebe iha kalan boot ba hateten ba nia: 'Belun, fo netik pao fuan ida tolu mai, basa ha'u nia belun foin to'o mai housi dook no ha'u la iha buat ida atu fo ba nia'.", "Belun ne'e bele hatan housi uma laran: 'Keta hasusar ha'u!", "Odamatan taka metin ona.", "Ha'u ho ha'u nia oan sira toba tiha ona.", "Ha'u la bele hader atu fo buat ruma ba o'.", "Ha'u dehan ba imi katak, maski nia sei la hader hodi fo tanba sira belun malu, nia sei fo duni buat hotu nebe nia belun kuran tanba nia husu fila fila.", "Ne'e duni, Ha'u dehan ba imi: husu ba, imi sei simu; buka ba, imi sei hetan; tuku odamatan ba, odamatan sei nakloke ba imi.", "Basa ema hotu nebe husu, sei simu, ema nebe buka sei hetan; no ba ema nebe tuku odamatan, odamatan sei nakloke ba nia.", "Iha imi leet, aman ida nebe mak sei fo samea wainhira nia oan husu ikan?", "Eh sei fo sakunar ida wainhira nia husu manu tolun?", "Ne'e duni, maski imi ema laran aat hatene fo buat di'ak ba imi nia oan sira, oin sa liu tan mak imi nia Aman iha lalehan sei haraik Espirito Santo ba sira nebe husu ba Nia?\"", "Previous PostQuarta - Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Next PostSexta - Feira, XXVII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)" ]
[ [ "Thursday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Y.C) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS & PUBLICATIONS> DAILY READING: First Reading from the Gospel According to St Matthew and Saint Luke Sundays with Pope Francis Friday morning reading From John Paul II" ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "13 And the LORD spake unto Israel, saying: Your words have troubled me in your own hearts." ], [ "Yet you will say, 'Is it true that we speak against thee?'" ], [ "You will say again, 'Nothing is worth serving God; nothing serves him.'" ], [ "What good will we get if, in the presence of our Lord and before His face on earth-lighted worlds' gaze; We live according to his commandments. And walk with a heart filled by penance?" ], [ "Now thou hast made men to rejoice in their hearts: they that do evil live with joy; but those who are righteous, when God is near unto them there shall be no grief." ], [ "Then those who feared God began to speak with one another; and the Lord put his finger on them so that he could hear their words." ], [ "In the presence of Yahweh, write a book and give it to those who seek Jehovah's face. And they will love his name.\"" ], [ "\"In the day that I will restore them, saith Jehovah of hosts; they shall be mine. And as a father serveth his son with all heart and soul: so also would ye remember me.\"" ], [ "Here you will see how the humble are against those who do not, and that which serves God is contrary to what does.\"" ], [ "For the day of Yahweh will come, hot as a great fire." ], [ "All the wicked and all those who do evil will be like dry grass." ], [ "\"The days to come shall burn them all, saith the LORD of hosts; there will be neither bone nor flesh left." ], [ "But for you who seek my name, the eyes of righteousness shall be opened and his sight will bring salvation.\"" ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "2,3 (R. Salm)" ], [ "39. Assessment of the impact on health" ], [ "5a) Do not follow the path of evil." ], [ "But rejoice in the Lord's mercy, remembering him every night." ], [ "Rejecting the way of evildoers leads to bad peace." ], [ "At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: \"Which one of you has a neighbor who goes out at night and tells him 'Brother give me three loaves bread; for my brother just came home from the field. I have nothing else on hand'?" ], [ "The girl can answer from inside the house: 'You're going to make fun of me!" ], [ "Odamatan taka metin ona. odmatian like text to it" ], [ "I and my children have already slept." ], [ "I can't come and give you anything." ], [ "I tell you, though he will not give it because of his neighbor's friendship with him; yet whatsoever is desired by the one who asks for them again - whatever they ask-he shall grant." ], [ "And I say unto you, Ask and ye shall receive; seek und find: knock et the door will be opened for youre." ], [ "For every one that asketh shall receive; and he which seeketh will find: And to him who knocket at the door, it must be opened." ], [ "Which father among you will give a fish to his child when he asks for one?" ], [ "Will you give him a sakunar when he asks for three fish?" ], [ "If you therefore, evil-minded ones know how to give your children good gifts; How much more will the Father who is in heaven grant His Holy Spirit unto those that ask Him?\"" ], [ "Previous PostWednesday 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Year C) Next postFriday, XXVII week of Common Times(Y.C)." ] ]
Programa merenda eskolár deskonsentra ona ba munisípiu sira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Programa merenda eskolár deskonsentra ona ba munisípiu sira\nProfesora sira akompaña hela estudante Eskola Ensinu Báziku Canossa iha sala aula, hafoin Governu hasai sirkular hodi reativa fali aula prezensiál ba eskola sira iha Dili laran, segunda (20/09/2021). Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Relasiona ho implementasaun programa merenda eskolár tinan ne’e ba estudante 320.000 ne’ebé ezekuta ho di’ak, tanba ne’e Governu sentrál deside deskonsentra programa ne’e ba munisípiu sira.\nNune’e, kada munisípiu mak sei jere orsamentu ba programa ne’e, ne’ebé antes ne’e programa ne’e diretamente jere hosi MEJD sentrál\n“Kolaborasaun ministériu rua ba programa merenda eskolár efetivu hela, tanba ne’e MEJD halo ona deskonsentrasaun programa ne’e ba munisípiu 12 no MAE aloka ona orsamentu $15.000 ba munisípiu sira ne’e,” Ministru Administrasaun Estatál, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, informa iha iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), iha sesta ne’e.\nMinistru Miguel ko’alia asuntu ne’e tanba Deputadu hosi Komisaun G ne’ebé trata asuntu Edukasaun, Kultura, Juventude, Desportu no Sidadania, husu ministériu rua koordena ho di’ak no tau atensaun maka’as ba programa edukasaun ne’e.\n“Nune’e, bele garante alunu sira iha tinan ne’e bele hetan atendimentu merenda eskolár ho lalais,” nia akresenta.\nNotísia relevante: MEJD sei hapara provizóriu merenda eskolár iha munisípiu ualu\nOrsamentu ba merenda eskolár bazeia ba númeru estudante ne’ebé iha, ne’e duni prevee millaun $7-resin ba estudante 281.418 hosi pre-eskolár no ensinu báziku.\n“Loloos orsamentu ne’e tenke mantein millaun $15 hodi responde ba loron 191 merenda eskolár, maibé tanba limitasaun orsamentu, entaun munisípiu sira hamenus orsamentu merenda eskolár,” governante ne’e tenik.\nMaski eskola balun iha Covalima, Lautém no Dili, iha tinan ne’e la hetan merenda eskolár, maibé eskola seluk kontinua programa ne’e ho di’ak\n“Iha Dili tanba implementasaun konfinamentu obrigatóriu, entaun sira-nia ezekusaun orsamentu kiik hela, maibé iha munisípiu sira seluk di’ak. Tanba ne’e, Parlamentu Nasionál sujere tinan 2022 implementasaun programa merenda eskolár ba estudante ensinu báziku sira iha territóriu nasionál tenke efetivu, ne’e duni ministériu rua tenke iha liña koordenasaun di’ak,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleAbitante ida hosi Uaibobo hakotu iis iha mota Aenau\nNext articleMESSK loke vaga 1.000 programa bolsa hakbiit iha tinan 2022
[ "Programa merenda eskolar deskonsentra ona ba munisipiu sira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Programa merenda eskolar deskonsentra ona ba munisipiu sira Profesora sira akompana hela estudante Eskola Ensinu Baziku Canossa iha sala aula, hafoin Governu hasai sirkular hodi reativa fali aula prezensial ba eskola sira iha Dili laran, segunda (20/09/2021).", "Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 03 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Relasiona ho implementasaun programa merenda eskolar tinan ne'e ba estudante 320.000 ne'ebe ezekuta ho di'ak, tanba ne'e Governu sentral deside deskonsentra programa ne'e ba munisipiu sira.", "Nune'e, kada munisipiu mak sei jere orsamentu ba programa ne'e, ne'ebe antes ne'e programa ne'e diretamente jere hosi MEJD sentral \"Kolaborasaun ministeriu rua ba programa merenda eskolar efetivu hela, tanba ne'e MEJD halo ona deskonsentrasaun programa ne'e ba munisipiu 12 no MAE aloka ona orsamentu $15.000 ba munisipiu sira ne'e,\" Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, informa iha iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), iha sesta ne'e.", "Ministru Miguel ko'alia asuntu ne'e tanba Deputadu hosi Komisaun G ne'ebe trata asuntu Edukasaun, Kultura, Juventude, Desportu no Sidadania, husu ministeriu rua koordena ho di'ak no tau atensaun maka'as ba programa edukasaun ne'e.", "\"Nune'e, bele garante alunu sira iha tinan ne'e bele hetan atendimentu merenda eskolar ho lalais,\" nia akresenta.", "Notisia relevante: MEJD sei hapara provizoriu merenda eskolar iha munisipiu ualu Orsamentu ba merenda eskolar bazeia ba numeru estudante ne'ebe iha, ne'e duni prevee millaun $7-resin ba estudante 281.418 hosi pre-eskolar no ensinu baziku.", "\"Loloos orsamentu ne'e tenke mantein millaun $15 hodi responde ba loron 191 merenda eskolar, maibe tanba limitasaun orsamentu, entaun munisipiu sira hamenus orsamentu merenda eskolar,\" governante ne'e tenik.", "Maski eskola balun iha Covalima, Lautem no Dili, iha tinan ne'e la hetan merenda eskolar, maibe eskola seluk kontinua programa ne'e ho di'ak \"Iha Dili tanba implementasaun konfinamentu obrigatoriu, entaun sira-nia ezekusaun orsamentu kiik hela, maibe iha munisipiu sira seluk di'ak.", "Tanba ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional sujere tinan 2022 implementasaun programa merenda eskolar ba estudante ensinu baziku sira iha territoriu nasional tenke efetivu, ne'e duni ministeriu rua tenke iha lina koordenasaun di'ak,\" nia dehan.", "Previous articleAbitante ida hosi Uaibobo hakotu iis iha mota Aenau Next articleMESSK loke vaga 1.000 programa bolsa hakbiit iha tinan 2022" ]
[ [ "Teachers are accompanying students of Canossa Primary School in the classroom, after Government issued a circular to reactivate face-to‑face classes for schools within Dili on Monday (20/9 / 14). The school lunch program has been deconcentrated into municipalities | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa do Leste HOME EDUCATION Program is being reactivated and will now be offered at all district levels." ], [ "DILI, December 03th (TATOLI) - In relation to the implementation of this year's school meal program for students whose number is estimated at over three hundred and twenty thousand. The central government has decided that it will deconcentrate its efforts on municipalities as a result because they have performed well in implementing these programs during their mandate period from January until March last years’ end – said Dili Mayor Antonio Goncalves today after meeting with local officials" ], [ "Thus, each municipality will manage the budget for this program which was previously directly managed by central MEJD \"The collaboration of two ministries on school snacks programme is still effective. Therefore MOED has deconcentrated it to 12 cities and MAE allocated a total amount involving $350 million (US$468m)\" said State Administration Minister Miguel Pereira De Carvalho at Parliament meeting last Saturday" ], [ "Minister Miguel spoke about this issue because Members of the Commission G, which deals with educational issues such as culture and youth. They requested that both ministries coordinate well in order to pay close attention on these programs for children who are undergoing an early childhood training program (PEP)." ], [ "\"Now, we can guarantee that this year's pupils will be able to get school snacks quickly\", he added." ], [ "Relevant news: MEJD will temporarily discontinue school meals in seven municipalities The budget for lunch is based on the number of students there, so it provides over $7 million to 281.409 pre-school and elementary education pupils" ], [ "\"The budget should have maintained $15 million to meet the need for 204 days of school meals, but because there are financial constraints on this amount municipalities reduced their schools' snack funds.\"" ], [ "Although some schools in Covalima, Lautem and Dili did not receive school snacks this year but other universities continued the program with good results. \"The implementation of compulsory confinement has meant that budget expenditure is still low for our university's district; however others are doing well.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the National Parliament suggests that in 2018 implementation of school meal program for basic education students on national territories should be effective. This is why both ministrie must have a good coordinating line.\"" ], [ "Previous articleA resident of Uaibobo dies in the Aenau motorway NextMESSK opens 1,025 scholarship programme vacancies for students to be enrolled by year-end." ] ]
===KONFERÉNSIA IMPRENSA=== 28 fevereiru 2021 15:00 – COVID-19 Timor-Leste\n28 fevereiru 2021 15:00\nKordenadór Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu COVID-19\nOhin 28 fevereiru 2021, hodi Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krizi (SS-CIGC) nia naran, hakarak hato’o ba jornalista, no públiku tomak, informasaun hanesan tuirmai:\n✅‘’CLUSTER’’ KLAUHALEK HAMOSU TAN ‘’CLUSTER’’ FOUN IDA IHA ONU-LARAN, MAUDEMU, TILOMAR.\nHanesan horiseik informa ona ba ita-boot sira hotu, husi kontaktu-besik ne’ebé halo ho Kazu Primáriu Klauhalek (KPK), estensionista, ema ida ne’ebé hela iha aldeia Onu-laran, Suku Maudemu, Postu Administrativu Tilomar, konfirmadu pozitivu. Husi atividade buka-tuir ema ne’ebé halo kontaktu-besik ho estensionista ne’e, horiseik 27 fevereiru, ekipa saúde rekolle total amostra 90 iha fatin 4 mak hanesan aldeia Klauhalek no aldeia Belulik Kra’ik, iha Postu Administrativu Fatumea, Aldeia Onu-Laran, Suku Maudemu, Postu Administrativu Tilomar nomós iha Suai vila.\nAmostra hirak ne’e seidauk halo hotu análize, maibé iha amostra 47 ne’ebé halo ona análize laboratóriu, iha tan kazu konfirmadu na’in rua (2). Kazu konfirmadu na’in 2 ne’e, ema família uma-laran husi estensionista.\nIha sira nia uma laran iha ema na’in 9. Ida ne’e signifika husi ema na’in 8 seluk ne’ebé iha uma laran iha na’in rua deit maka konfirmadu hetan kontájiu, ka pursentu rua-nulu resin-lima (25%) “Household Secondary Attack Rate.” Ho tan kazu konfirmadu 2 ne’e signifika iha Munisípiu Covalima iha ona ‘’Cluster’’ ka agrupamentu kazu konfirmadu 2. Dehan ho liafuan seluk, ‘’Cluster’’ Klauhalek hahoris tan cluster Onu-laran.\nIta hein cluster Onu-laran sei la hahoris-tutan cluster seluk. Informa mós katak estensionista ninia kolega serbísu hamutuk na’in 27, ho tan kontaktu-besik iha família iha na’in 12 hatudu rezultadu negativu, maibé ekipa saúde sei monitoriza nafatin ema sira ne’e, iha izolamentu profilaktiku obrigatóriu “Quarantine” nomós ne’ebé halo iha idak-idak nia uma “auto-quarantine.”\nAmostra sira seluk husi hirak ne’ebé rekolla horiseik sei halo hela analize iha laboratoriu.\n1️⃣Kazu konfirmadu foun: 2\n3️⃣Kazu ativu: 23\n4️⃣Ema tama husi fronteira husi dia 25 to’o ohin : Liu dalan regular hamutuk 17, irregular iha 11, sira deteta hamutuk nain 11. Sira hotu tama iha kuarentena.\n✅APROVEITA MOS ESPLIKA PONTU HIRAK HANESAN TUIRMAI NE’E:\nHakarak informa mós públiku tomak katak, husi kazu konfirmadu foun ne’ebé ohin anunsía, ida estudante 5º Anu, iha eskola Bazika Sentral Salele, Tilomar. Ekipa saúde nian kordena ona ho autoridade relevante sira, hodi buka-tuir dadaun ona ninia kolega turma, nomós kolega halimar husi estudante ne’e rasik.\nAproveita atu informa no apela ba inan-aman estudante, nomós profesór sira iha eskola bázika sentral Salele atu kalma, labele pániku, no favór kolabora ho ekipa saúde nian. Wainhira iha estudante ida pozitivu, la signifika nia bele hada’et vírus ne’e ba ema hotu-hotu. Ezemplu konkretu maka uma-kain estesionista ne’e rasik, sira hamutuk na’in 8 (lasura ho estensionista), maibé iha na’in 2 deit maka pozitivu. Maski nune’e, presiza foti amostra husi profesóra turma, kolega turma no kolega halimar hamutuk husi estudante ne’ebé konfirmadu ona, hodi bele halo análize iha laboratóriu.\nEkipa saúde sei foti mós amostra adisionál balun (random) husi profesór no estudante balun inklui mós iha fatin seluk iha Suai vila. Ba estudante no profesór sira seluk, wainhira iha karik sintomas ka sente isin manas, kakorok moras maka’as, mear ka inus-ben, favór kontaktu Sentru Saúde, ka bele telefone diretu ba númeru 119 atu ekipa saúde organiza oin sá bele hetan atendimentu.\nProsesu rastreiu seletivu em massa ka screening ne’ebé hala’o iha Munisípiu Covalima, Bobonaro ho RAEOA, sei nafatin la’o hela. Amostra ne’ebé foti husi dia 26 mai to’o ohin nei nafatin hatudu rezultadu negativu.\n1️⃣Apela ba populasaun iha Salele, Suai Vila no Covalima nia laran tomak, atu labele pániku. Favór tuur hakmatek iha idak-idak nia fatin, lalika la’o ba-mai lai, fó tempu atu ekipa saúde ho ekipa konjunta Unidade Territoriál CIGC-SS, Munisípiu Covalima, buka tuir kontaktu sira hotu, no foti tán amostra hodi bele halo teste.\n2️⃣Apela mós ba populasaun Timor-Leste tomak, atu nafatin matan-moris neon-na’in, pratíka nafatin medida sira ne’ebé ita hotu hatene ona;\na. Uza máskara\nb. Fase liman bebeik ho sabaun ka dezinfetante ruma\nc. Wainhira kumprimenta malu, lapresiza kaer-liman, bensa-liman, rei-malu ka haku’ak-malu\nd. Evita halibur malu barak\ne. Hamriik ka tuur dook husi ema seluk, mínimu metru ida ho balun
[ "===KONFERENSIA IMPRENSA=== 28 fevereiru 2021 15:00 - COVID-19 Timor-Leste 28 fevereiru 2021 15:00 Kordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu COVID-19 Ohin 28 fevereiru 2021, hodi Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krizi (SS-CIGC) nia naran, hakarak hato'o ba jornalista, no publiku tomak, informasaun hanesan tuirmai: \"CLUSTER \" KLAUHALEK HAMOSU TAN \"CLUSTER \" FOUN IDA IHA ONU-LARAN, MAUDEMU, TILOMAR.", "Hanesan horiseik informa ona ba ita-boot sira hotu, husi kontaktu-besik ne'ebe halo ho Kazu Primariu Klauhalek (KPK), estensionista, ema ida ne'ebe hela iha aldeia Onu-laran, Suku Maudemu, Postu Administrativu Tilomar, konfirmadu pozitivu.", "Husi atividade buka-tuir ema ne'ebe halo kontaktu-besik ho estensionista ne'e, horiseik 27 fevereiru, ekipa saude rekolle total amostra 90 iha fatin 4 mak hanesan aldeia Klauhalek no aldeia Belulik Kra'ik, iha Postu Administrativu Fatumea, Aldeia Onu-Laran, Suku Maudemu, Postu Administrativu Tilomar nomos iha Suai vila.", "Amostra hirak ne'e seidauk halo hotu analize, maibe iha amostra 47 ne'ebe halo ona analize laboratoriu, iha tan kazu konfirmadu na'in rua (2).", "Kazu konfirmadu na'in 2 ne'e, ema familia uma-laran husi estensionista.", "Iha sira nia uma laran iha ema na'in 9.", "Ida ne'e signifika husi ema na'in 8 seluk ne'ebe iha uma laran iha na'in rua deit maka konfirmadu hetan kontajiu, ka pursentu rua-nulu resin-lima (25%) \"Household Secondary Attack Rate.\"", "Ho tan kazu konfirmadu 2 ne'e signifika iha Munisipiu Covalima iha ona \"Cluster \" ka agrupamentu kazu konfirmadu 2.", "Dehan ho liafuan seluk, \"Cluster \" Klauhalek hahoris tan cluster Onu-laran.", "Ita hein cluster Onu-laran sei la hahoris-tutan cluster seluk.", "Informa mos katak estensionista ninia kolega serbisu hamutuk na'in 27, ho tan kontaktu-besik iha familia iha na'in 12 hatudu rezultadu negativu, maibe ekipa saude sei monitoriza nafatin ema sira ne'e, iha izolamentu profilaktiku obrigatoriu \"Quarantine\" nomos ne'ebe halo iha idak-idak nia uma \"auto-quarantine.\"", "Amostra sira seluk husi hirak ne'ebe rekolla horiseik sei halo hela analize iha laboratoriu.", "1Kazu konfirmadu foun: 2 3Kazu ativu: 23 4Ema tama husi fronteira husi dia 25 to'o ohin: Liu dalan regular hamutuk 17, irregular iha 11, sira deteta hamutuk nain 11.", "Sira hotu tama iha kuarentena. APROVEITA MOS ESPLIKA PONTU HIRAK HANESAN TUIRMAI NE'E: Hakarak informa mos publiku tomak katak, husi kazu konfirmadu foun ne'ebe ohin anunsia, ida estudante 5o Anu, iha eskola Bazika Sentral Salele, Tilomar.", "Ekipa saude nian kordena ona ho autoridade relevante sira, hodi buka-tuir dadaun ona ninia kolega turma, nomos kolega halimar husi estudante ne'e rasik.", "Aproveita atu informa no apela ba inan-aman estudante, nomos profesor sira iha eskola bazika sentral Salele atu kalma, labele paniku, no favor kolabora ho ekipa saude nian.", "Wainhira iha estudante ida pozitivu, la signifika nia bele hada'et virus ne'e ba ema hotu-hotu.", "Ezemplu konkretu maka uma-kain estesionista ne'e rasik, sira hamutuk na'in 8 (lasura ho estensionista), maibe iha na'in 2 deit maka pozitivu.", "Maski nune'e, presiza foti amostra husi profesora turma, kolega turma no kolega halimar hamutuk husi estudante ne'ebe konfirmadu ona, hodi bele halo analize iha laboratoriu.", "Ekipa saude sei foti mos amostra adisional balun (random) husi profesor no estudante balun inklui mos iha fatin seluk iha Suai vila.", "Ba estudante no profesor sira seluk, wainhira iha karik sintomas ka sente isin manas, kakorok moras maka'as, mear ka inus-ben, favor kontaktu Sentru Saude, ka bele telefone diretu ba numeru 119 atu ekipa saude organiza oin sa bele hetan atendimentu.", "Prosesu rastreiu seletivu em massa ka screening ne'ebe hala'o iha Munisipiu Covalima, Bobonaro ho RAEOA, sei nafatin la'o hela.", "Amostra ne'ebe foti husi dia 26 mai to'o ohin nei nafatin hatudu rezultadu negativu.", "1Apela ba populasaun iha Salele, Suai Vila no Covalima nia laran tomak, atu labele paniku.", "Favor tuur hakmatek iha idak-idak nia fatin, lalika la'o ba-mai lai, fo tempu atu ekipa saude ho ekipa konjunta Unidade Territorial CIGC-SS, Munisipiu Covalima, buka tuir kontaktu sira hotu, no foti tan amostra hodi bele halo teste.", "2Apela mos ba populasaun Timor-Leste tomak, atu nafatin matan-moris neon-na'in, pratika nafatin medida sira ne'ebe ita hotu hatene ona; a.", "Uza maskara b.", "Fase liman bebeik ho sabaun ka dezinfetante ruma c.", "Wainhira kumprimenta malu, lapresiza kaer-liman, bensa-liman, rei-malu ka haku'ak-malu d.", "Evita halibur malu barak e.", "Hamriik ka tuur dook husi ema seluk, minimu metru ida ho balun" ]
[ [ "===PRESS CONFERENCE================ February,28th - COVID-19 Timor Leste (Presencial) On behalf of the Situation Room and Integrated Crisis Management Centre(ICM), Coordinator Task Force for Prevention & Mitigation Of The Outbreak OF COVID –30 Today on Febrairu'n." ], [ "As we have informed you all this morning, from close contact with the Primary Case Klauhalek (KPK), extensionist a person living at Onu-laran village of Maudemu Village Administrative Post Tilomar confirmed positive." ], [ "From the activity of tracking people who had close contact with extensionist, on February 27th afternoon a health team collected total samples in four places: Klauhalek village and Belulik Kra'ik Village; Fatumea Administrative Post Office (Fatumea), Onu-Laran Rural Community Maudemu Township Tilomar Administration post office as well As Suai Town." ], [ "Not all of these samples have been analyzed, but among the 47 that were tested there are two confirmed cases." ], [ "The 2 confirmed cases are family members of a home-based extensionist." ], [ "In their house there are 9 people." ], [ "This means that for every eight other people in the household, only two have been confirmed to be infectious or a twenty-five percent (25%) \"Household Secondary Attack Rate.\"" ], [ "The addition of 2 confirmed cases means that there is a \"Cluster\" in the Municipality, with two newly-confirmed case." ], [ "Dehan in other words, \"Cluster\" Klaushalek has horizons of another cluster on the planet." ], [ "It is expected that clusters in the United Nations will not lead to other similar groups." ], [ "It was also reported that 27 of the extensionist's colleagues, with additional close family contacts in twelve showed negative results. The health team will continue to monitor these people under compulsory prophylaxis isolation \"Quarantine\" and self-quarantine at home.\"" ], [ "Other samples of those collected tomorrow will be analyzed in the laboratory." ], [ "1Newly confirmed cases:23Active case number of people entering from the border since March, to date is as follows. Through regular route in total there are seventeen and through irregular one hundred eleven person were detecting a new virus; they have now found an additional ten more whose status has not yet been determined" ], [ "USE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLAIN THREE POINTS OF CONCLUSIONS: I would also like to inform the public that, from today's new confirmed cases one is a fifth-year student at Salele Central Primary School in Tilomar." ], [ "The health team has coordinated with the relevant authorities, and is currently searching for his classmates as well." ], [ "I take this opportunity to inform and appeal the parents of students, as well teachers at Salele Central Primary School calm down not panic please collaborate with health team." ], [ "If one student is positive, it does not mean that he can spread the virus to everyone." ], [ "A concrete example is the extensionist household itself, they are 8 (lasura and extensionista), but only two of them have a positive result." ], [ "However, it is necessary to take samples from class teachers and fellow students of the student who has been confirmed positive for laboratory analysis." ], [ "The health team will also take additional samples (random) from some teachers and students, including in other places around Suai." ], [ "For other students and teachers, if you have any symptoms or feel sick like fever (high temperature), sore throat/cough /diarrhea etc. please contact the Health Centre in your area of residence for advice on how to deal with this situation; also call 1-805–273‑469) so that a health team can arrange further care at home" ], [ "The mass screening process carried out in the Municipalities of Covalima, Bobonaro and RAEOA will continue." ], [ "The samples taken from May 26 to today have shown negative results." ], [ "1Appels to the population in Salele, Suai Vila and all of Covalima not panicking." ], [ "Please stay in your seats, don't walk around and give time for the health team with joint CIGC-SS Territorial Unit of Covalima Municipality to track down all contacts. We will take more sample from them so that we can test each one individually as well!" ], [ "2. Appeals to the entire population of East Timor, remain vigilant and practice measures that we are all aware; a)" ], [ "Wear a mask b. Bring your own hand sanitizer" ], [ "Wash your hands frequently with soap or a disinfectant c." ], [ "When they are compressed together, it is necessary to use the following words: kaer-liman d." ], [ "Avoid gathering a lot of people." ], [ "Stand or sit apart from other people, at least one meter and a few inches." ] ]
Atu utilizadór hatene:\nSítiu ka fatin ida ne’e Governu konsidera hanesan Servisu Públiku, ne’ebé konsidera mós públika informasaun ne’ebé iha nia laran.\nProíbe maka’as tebes kualkér tentativa atu altera tiha informasaun, ka halo karregamentu informasaun, ka naran halo asaun seluktán hodi halo sai aat ka tau iha risku integridade sistema ida ne’e.\nDeklarasaun ezonerasaun ka la obrigadu simu responsabilidade\nPortál Governu Timór-Leste iha objetivu atu hadi’a asesu Públiku ba informasaun kona-ba polítikas públikas no kona-ba inisiativas Governu Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian.\nMateriál ne’ebé tau iha sítiu ida ne’e, mesak informasoens ho karáter jerál ne’ebé la la presiza katak tenke ezaustivas ka kompletu liu, rigorozas no atualizadas.\nDala ruma liga ho sítius husi li’ur ne’ebé Governu la iha kontrolu, tanba ne’e mak sei la naran asume ka simu responsabilidade ida.\nPortál Governu Timór-Leste nian ne’e, labele garante katak dokumentu ida ne’ebé disponível iha linha bele reprodúz tuir loloos kedas textu ne’ebé adopta ofisialmente. Tanba ne’e, mak só versaun atus ne’ebé publika tiha ona iha Jornál Repúblika mak konsidera hanesan autêntika.\nPortál ne’e nia objetivu mak atu hamenus inkonvenientes ka problemas tanba errus Téknikus. Maski nune’e dadus ka informasaun balu ne’ebé tau iha portál ne’e, bele mós kria ka estrutura iha fixeirus ka formatus ne’ebé dala ruma sala, ho nia konsukênsia katak labele garante interrupsaun ka evita perturbasaun servisu tan de’it ba problemas hirak ne’e. O Governu sei la simu kualkér responsabilidade tanba problemas ne’ebé mosu, bainhira halo konsulta iha sítiu ida ne’e ka sítius husi li’ur ne’ebé ligadus ho nia.\nDeklarasaun kona-ba protesaun ba autór nia Direitus\nKonteúdu portál Governu Timór-Leste protejidu ho Direitus Autór nian bazeia ba leis ne’ebé vigora no konvensoens internasionais, tanba ne’e mak labele utiliza se la kumpri kondisoens ne’ebe´admiti iha Portál ne’e.\nUtilizadór bele kopia, importa ka uza informasoens ka símbolus nasionais ne’ebé iha portál ne’e, i lalika selu, ba uzu pesoál ka públiku, se la iha finalidades ilísitas ka ilejítimas, lukrativas ou ofensivas. Utente ka ema ne’ebé uza tenke temi fonte informasaun.\nKona-ba sítius hirak ne’ebé portál ne’e halo ligasaun tenke hetan uluk lai autorizasaun husi autores materál ida ne’e nian ka tenke temi fonte tuir deklarasoens direitus autór ida-ida.\nDireitus autor nian la aplika ba diskursus, deklarasoens, komunikadus ne’ebé membrus Governu sira halo, maski sira nia autores, data no sirkunstânsias tenke temi nafatin atu informasaun ne’ebé bele di’ak.\nInformasaun ne’ebé hetan kona-ba vizitantes portál nian la’ós karáter pesoál, tanba ne’e mak presiza asegura konfidensialidade kona-ba identidade vizitante nian.\nMaibé sei bele halo identifikasaun kona-ba utilizadores bainhira sira halo sala ruma iha Portál laran, viola nia kódigu konduta, ka tuir ezijênsia desizaun Judisiál.\nKarik vizitante haruka mensajen ba portál Governu Timór-Leste, nia enderesu sei la fó sai, exeptu halo pedidu tuir sentensa judisiál.
[ "Atu utilizador hatene: Sitiu ka fatin ida ne'e Governu konsidera hanesan Servisu Publiku, ne'ebe konsidera mos publika informasaun ne'ebe iha nia laran.", "Proibe maka'as tebes kualker tentativa atu altera tiha informasaun, ka halo karregamentu informasaun, ka naran halo asaun seluktan hodi halo sai aat ka tau iha risku integridade sistema ida ne'e.", "Deklarasaun ezonerasaun ka la obrigadu simu responsabilidade Portal Governu Timor-Leste iha objetivu atu hadi'a asesu Publiku ba informasaun kona-ba politikas publikas no kona-ba inisiativas Governu Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian.", "Material ne'ebe tau iha sitiu ida ne'e, mesak informasoens ho karater jeral ne'ebe la la presiza katak tenke ezaustivas ka kompletu liu, rigorozas no atualizadas.", "Dala ruma liga ho sitius husi li'ur ne'ebe Governu la iha kontrolu, tanba ne'e mak sei la naran asume ka simu responsabilidade ida.", "Portal Governu Timor-Leste nian ne'e, labele garante katak dokumentu ida ne'ebe disponivel iha linha bele reproduz tuir loloos kedas textu ne'ebe adopta ofisialmente.", "Tanba ne'e, mak so versaun atus ne'ebe publika tiha ona iha Jornal Republika mak konsidera hanesan autentika.", "Portal ne'e nia objetivu mak atu hamenus inkonvenientes ka problemas tanba errus Teknikus.", "Maski nune'e dadus ka informasaun balu ne'ebe tau iha portal ne'e, bele mos kria ka estrutura iha fixeirus ka formatus ne'ebe dala ruma sala, ho nia konsukensia katak labele garante interrupsaun ka evita perturbasaun servisu tan de'it ba problemas hirak ne'e.", "O Governu sei la simu kualker responsabilidade tanba problemas ne'ebe mosu, bainhira halo konsulta iha sitiu ida ne'e ka sitius husi li'ur ne'ebe ligadus ho nia.", "Deklarasaun kona-ba protesaun ba autor nia Direitus Konteudu portal Governu Timor-Leste protejidu ho Direitus Autor nian bazeia ba leis ne'ebe vigora no konvensoens internasionais, tanba ne'e mak labele utiliza se la kumpri kondisoens ne'ebe'admiti iha Portal ne'e.", "Utilizador bele kopia, importa ka uza informasoens ka simbolus nasionais ne'ebe iha portal ne'e, i lalika selu, ba uzu pesoal ka publiku, se la iha finalidades ilisitas ka ilejitimas, lukrativas ou ofensivas.", "Utente ka ema ne'ebe uza tenke temi fonte informasaun.", "Kona-ba sitius hirak ne'ebe portal ne'e halo ligasaun tenke hetan uluk lai autorizasaun husi autores materal ida ne'e nian ka tenke temi fonte tuir deklarasoens direitus autor ida-ida.", "Direitus autor nian la aplika ba diskursus, deklarasoens, komunikadus ne'ebe membrus Governu sira halo, maski sira nia autores, data no sirkunstansias tenke temi nafatin atu informasaun ne'ebe bele di'ak.", "Informasaun ne'ebe hetan kona-ba vizitantes portal nian la'os karater pesoal, tanba ne'e mak presiza asegura konfidensialidade kona-ba identidade vizitante nian.", "Maibe sei bele halo identifikasaun kona-ba utilizadores bainhira sira halo sala ruma iha Portal laran, viola nia kodigu konduta, ka tuir ezijensia desizaun Judisial.", "Karik vizitante haruka mensajen ba portal Governu Timor-Leste, nia enderesu sei la fo sai, exeptu halo pedidu tuir sentensa judisial." ]
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Iha krize, ita kona Jezús nia kanek sira ne’ebé la buka sarani perfeitu | fmatin.org\nIha krize, ita kona Jezús nia kanek sira ne’ebé la buka sarani perfeitu\nPapa Francisco nia lia-menon molok harohan Regina Coeli, 24 Abríl 2022\nMaun no biin-alin doben sira, bondia!\nOhin, loron ikus Oitava Páskua nian, Evanjellu haktuir aparisaun dahuluk no daruak Na’i Moris-Hi’as nian ba dixípulu sira. Jezús mai iha Páskua, enkuantu Apóstolu sira taka an iha senákulu, tan ta’uk, maibé tanba Tomé , sira Na’in Sanulu-Resin-Rua ne’e ida la prezente, liutiha loron ualu Nia mai fali (kf Jo 20,19-29). Ita konsentra an iha protagonista na’in rua, Tomé no Jezús, hodi hateke uluk ba dixípulu no hafoin ba Mestre. Sira na’in rua halo diálogu furak ida.\nUluknanai Apóstolu Tomé. Nia reprezenta ita hotu, ne’ebé la prezente iha senákulu bainhira Na’i mosu no ita la iha sinál fíziku sira seluk ka aparisaun sira husi Nia parte. Ita mós, hanesan dixípulu ne’e, dalaruma susar mai ita: oinsá fiar katak Jezús moris hi’as, katak Nia akompaña ita no Nia mak Na’i ita-nia moris nian maski la haree Nia, la kona Nia? Oinsá fiar buat ne’e? Tanba sá Na’i la fó sinál ruma evidente liu kona-ba ninia prezensa no ninia domin mai ita? Sinál ruma atu haree di’ak liután… Ne’e duni. Ita mós Tomé, ho dúvida hanesan, rasiosíniu hanesan.\nIta la presiza moe ba buat ne’e. Hodi haktuir Tomé nia istória, defaktu, Evanjellu dehan mai ita katak Na’i la buka ema sarani perfeitu. Ha’u dehan ba imi: ha’u ta’uk bainhira haree sarani ruma, asosiasaun ruma ema sarani sira-nian ne’ebé hanoin sira perfeitu. Na’i la buka sarani perfeitu; Na’i la buka sarani sira ne’ebé nunka duvida no nafatin hatudu fiar seguru atu ema hotu haree. Bainhira sarani ida hanesan ne’e, iha buat ruma ne’ebé la la’o loos. Lae, aventura fiar nian, hanesan ba Tomé, halo husi naroman no nakukun. Lae karik, fiar sá loos mak ida-ne’e? Fiar koñese tempu konsolasaun nian, impulsu no entuziazmu nian, maibé mós kolen, lakon-dalan, dúvida no nakukun. Evanjellu hatudu mai ita Tomé nia “krize” atu dehan mai ita katak ita labele ta’uk krize moris no fiar nian. Krize sira la’ós salan, krize sira mak dalan, ita labele ta’uk krize. Dalabarak krize sira halo ita sai haraik an, tanba sira hasai husi ita ideia katak ita loos de’it, ita di’ak liu ema seluk. Krize sira tulun ita atu rekoñese katak ita iha nesesidade: hamoris hikasfali ita-nia nesesidade kona-ba Maromak, nune’e halo ita fila fali ba Na’i, kona nia kanek sira, halo hikasfali esperiénsia nia domin nian, hanesan ba dala uluk. Maun no biin-alin doben sira, di’ak liu fiar ida imperfeita maibé haraik an, ne’ebé halo ita fila fali beibeik ba Jezús, duké fiar ida forte maibé fiar an demais, ne’ebé halo sai foti-an no arrogante. Susar ba ema sira ne’e, susar!\nNo hasoru Tomé nia auzénsia no dalan, ne’ebé dalabarak ita-nian mós, sá loos atitude Jezús nian? Evanjellu ba dala rua hateten katak nia «mai» (vv. 19.26). Ba dala uluk, hafoin ba dala rua, liutiha loron ualu. Jezús la deziste, la kole ho ita, la ta’uk ita-nia krize sira, ita-nia frakeza sira. Nia nafatin mai filafali: bainhira odamatan sira taka, nia mai fali; bainhira ita duvida, nia mai fali; bainhira, hanesan Tomé, ita sente nesesidade atu hasoru no kona Nia besik liu, nia mai fali. Jezús nafatin mai fali, dere nafatin odamatan, no nia la mai fali ho sinál kbiit-na’in sira ne’ebé bele halo ita sente ki’ik-oan no la soi, moe mós, maibé ho ninia kanek sira; nia mai fali hodi hatudu ninia kanek sira, sinál sira nia domin nian ne’ebé hola ita-nia frajilidade sira.\nMain no biin-alin sira, espesialmente bainhira ita esperimenta kole ka momentu sira krize nian, Jezús, ida-ne’ebé Moris-Hi’as, hakarak mai fali atu hela ho ita. Nia hein de’it atu ita buka Nia, invoka Nia, maski hanesan Tomé, protesta, hodi lori ba Nia ita-nia nesesidade sira no ita-nia fiar-laek. Nia nafatin mai fali. Tanba sá? Tanba nia pasiente no mizerikordiozu. Nia mai atu loke senákulu sira ita-nia ta’uk nian, ita-nia fiar-laek nian, tanba Nia nafatin hakarak fó mai ita oportunidade seluk. Jezús mak Na’i “oportunidade seluk” nian: nia nafatin fó oportunidade seluk, nafatin. Ita hanoin sá loos dala ikus – ita halo memória uitoan – iha-ne’ebé, durante momentu difisil ida, eh períodu krize nian, ita taka iha an rasik, sulan an iha ita-nia problema sira no husik Jezús iha uma li’ur. No ita promete filafali, atu dala seluk, iha difikuldade, bá buka Jezús, atu bá fali Nia, ba ninia perdaun – Nia perdua nafatin, nafatin! –, bá fali kanek sira ne’ebé kura hikas ita. Nune’e, ita mós iha kapasidade ba kompaixaun, atu hakbesik lahó rijidés no lahó perkonseitu ba ema sira seluk nia kanek sira.\nAtu Na’i-Feto, Inan Mizerikórdia nian – ha’u gosta hanoin nia nu’udar Inan Mizerikórdia nian, loron segunda depoizde Domingu Mizerikórdia nian –, akompaña ita iha dalan fiar no domin nian.\nTags:\tfiar, krize, regina caeli
[ "Iha krize, ita kona Jezus nia kanek sira ne'ebe la buka sarani perfeitu | fmatin.org Iha krize, ita kona Jezus nia kanek sira ne'ebe la buka sarani perfeitu Papa Francisco nia lia-menon molok harohan Regina Coeli, 24 Abril 2022 Maun no biin-alin doben sira, bondia!", "Ohin, loron ikus Oitava Paskua nian, Evanjellu haktuir aparisaun dahuluk no daruak Na'i Moris-Hi'as nian ba dixipulu sira.", "Jezus mai iha Paskua, enkuantu Apostolu sira taka an iha senakulu, tan ta'uk, maibe tanba Tome , sira Na'in Sanulu-Resin-Rua ne'e ida la prezente, liutiha loron ualu Nia mai fali (kf Jo 20,19-29).", "Ita konsentra an iha protagonista na'in rua, Tome no Jezus, hodi hateke uluk ba dixipulu no hafoin ba Mestre.", "Sira na'in rua halo dialogu furak ida.", "Uluknanai Apostolu Tome.", "Nia reprezenta ita hotu, ne'ebe la prezente iha senakulu bainhira Na'i mosu no ita la iha sinal fiziku sira seluk ka aparisaun sira husi Nia parte.", "Ita mos, hanesan dixipulu ne'e, dalaruma susar mai ita: oinsa fiar katak Jezus moris hi'as, katak Nia akompana ita no Nia mak Na'i ita-nia moris nian maski la haree Nia, la kona Nia?", "Oinsa fiar buat ne'e?", "Tanba sa Na'i la fo sinal ruma evidente liu kona-ba ninia prezensa no ninia domin mai ita?", "Sinal ruma atu haree di'ak liutan...", "Ne'e duni.", "Ita mos Tome, ho duvida hanesan, rasiosiniu hanesan.", "Ita la presiza moe ba buat ne'e.", "Hodi haktuir Tome nia istoria, defaktu, Evanjellu dehan mai ita katak Na'i la buka ema sarani perfeitu.", "Ha'u dehan ba imi: ha'u ta'uk bainhira haree sarani ruma, asosiasaun ruma ema sarani sira-nian ne'ebe hanoin sira perfeitu.", "Na'i la buka sarani perfeitu; Na'i la buka sarani sira ne'ebe nunka duvida no nafatin hatudu fiar seguru atu ema hotu haree.", "Bainhira sarani ida hanesan ne'e, iha buat ruma ne'ebe la la'o loos.", "Lae, aventura fiar nian, hanesan ba Tome, halo husi naroman no nakukun.", "Lae karik, fiar sa loos mak ida-ne'e?", "Fiar konese tempu konsolasaun nian, impulsu no entuziazmu nian, maibe mos kolen, lakon-dalan, duvida no nakukun.", "Evanjellu hatudu mai ita Tome nia \"krize\" atu dehan mai ita katak ita labele ta'uk krize moris no fiar nian.", "Krize sira la'os salan, krize sira mak dalan, ita labele ta'uk krize.", "Dalabarak krize sira halo ita sai haraik an, tanba sira hasai husi ita ideia katak ita loos de'it, ita di'ak liu ema seluk.", "Krize sira tulun ita atu rekonese katak ita iha nesesidade: hamoris hikasfali ita-nia nesesidade kona-ba Maromak, nune'e halo ita fila fali ba Na'i, kona nia kanek sira, halo hikasfali esperiensia nia domin nian, hanesan ba dala uluk.", "Maun no biin-alin doben sira, di'ak liu fiar ida imperfeita maibe haraik an, ne'ebe halo ita fila fali beibeik ba Jezus, duke fiar ida forte maibe fiar an demais, ne'ebe halo sai foti-an no arrogante.", "Susar ba ema sira ne'e, susar!", "No hasoru Tome nia auzensia no dalan, ne'ebe dalabarak ita-nian mos, sa loos atitude Jezus nian?", "Evanjellu ba dala rua hateten katak nia \"mai\" (vv.", "19.26).", "Ba dala uluk, hafoin ba dala rua, liutiha loron ualu.", "Jezus la deziste, la kole ho ita, la ta'uk ita-nia krize sira, ita-nia frakeza sira.", "Nia nafatin mai filafali: bainhira odamatan sira taka, nia mai fali; bainhira ita duvida, nia mai fali; bainhira, hanesan Tome, ita sente nesesidade atu hasoru no kona Nia besik liu, nia mai fali.", "Jezus nafatin mai fali, dere nafatin odamatan, no nia la mai fali ho sinal kbiit-na'in sira ne'ebe bele halo ita sente ki'ik-oan no la soi, moe mos, maibe ho ninia kanek sira; nia mai fali hodi hatudu ninia kanek sira, sinal sira nia domin nian ne'ebe hola ita-nia frajilidade sira.", "Main no biin-alin sira, espesialmente bainhira ita esperimenta kole ka momentu sira krize nian, Jezus, ida-ne'ebe Moris-Hi'as, hakarak mai fali atu hela ho ita.", "Nia hein de'it atu ita buka Nia, invoka Nia, maski hanesan Tome, protesta, hodi lori ba Nia ita-nia nesesidade sira no ita-nia fiar-laek.", "Nia nafatin mai fali.", "Tanba sa?", "Tanba nia pasiente no mizerikordiozu.", "Nia mai atu loke senakulu sira ita-nia ta'uk nian, ita-nia fiar-laek nian, tanba Nia nafatin hakarak fo mai ita oportunidade seluk.", "Jezus mak Na'i \"oportunidade seluk\" nian: nia nafatin fo oportunidade seluk, nafatin.", "Ita hanoin sa loos dala ikus - ita halo memoria uitoan - iha-ne'ebe, durante momentu difisil ida, eh periodu krize nian, ita taka iha an rasik, sulan an iha ita-nia problema sira no husik Jezus iha uma li'ur.", "No ita promete filafali, atu dala seluk, iha difikuldade, ba buka Jezus, atu ba fali Nia, ba ninia perdaun - Nia perdua nafatin, nafatin! -, ba fali kanek sira ne'ebe kura hikas ita.", "Nune'e, ita mos iha kapasidade ba kompaixaun, atu hakbesik laho rijides no laho perkonseitu ba ema sira seluk nia kanek sira.", "Atu Na'i-Feto, Inan Mizerikordia nian - ha'u gosta hanoin nia nu'udar Inan Mizerikordia nian, loron segunda depoizde Domingu Mizerikordia nian -, akompana ita iha dalan fiar no domin nian.", "Tags: fiar, krize, regina caeli" ]
[ [ "In crisis, we care about the wounded of Jesus who do not seek perfect conversion | fmatin.org in crises 2019-38 Pope Francis' words before Regina Coeli prayer on April (April)4th Dear brother and sister: Goodbye!" ], [ "Today, the last day of Eighth Passover (Epiphany), we read about Jesus' first and second apparitions to his disciples." ], [ "Jesus came at the Passover, and while his apostles were shut up in their chamber because of heat but Thomas was not present (cf. Jn 20:19-34), seven days later He returned to them again with a greater power than before His coming on Easter Day; for they had been told that there would be no bread until after Paschal feast day(cfr John" ], [ "We concentrate on the two protagonists, Thomas and Jesus. First of all we look at his disciple but then to our Master:" ], [ "The two have a lively dialogue." ], [ "Holy Apostle Thomas. The greatest of the apostles" ], [ "He represents all of us who were not present at the altar when Jesus appeared and we have no other physical sign or appearance from Him." ], [ "We too, like the disciples are sometimes troubled: how can we believe that Jesus is alive and accompanies us as Lord of our lives even though he has not seen Him or heard about him?" ], [ "Who can believe this?" ], [ "Why does the Lord not give us some more obvious signs of His presence and love?" ], [ "Some signs of a good look around..." ], [ "That's right." ], [ "We also take, with the same doubtfulness and rationality." ], [ "We don't need to worry about it." ], [ "Following Thomas' story, in fact the Gospel tells us that God is not looking for perfect believers." ], [ "I tell you, it hurts me to see any believer or association of faithful who think they are perfect." ], [ "The Lord is not looking for perfect believers; He's never seeking those who have no doubts and still show a firm faith that everyone can look at." ], [ "When a believer is like this, there's something wrong." ], [ "No, the adventure of faith is like that for Thomas: it’s made up from good and evil." ], [ "If not, how true is this belief?" ], [ "Faith knows times of consolation, impulse and enthusiasm but also cries for help." ], [ "The Gospel presents us with Thomas' \"crisis\" to tell ourselves that we cannot be left in a crisis of life and faith." ], [ "The crises are not the fault, they're a way forward and we can’t just let them go." ], [ "Often crises make us self-conscious, because they take away the idea that we are only right and better than others." ], [ "Crises help us to recognize that we have a need: remind ourselves of God's needs, so returning back towards the Lord in his wounds and experiencing again His love as before." ], [ "Dear brothers and sister, it is better to have an imperfect but generous faith that makes us constantly turn back towards Jesus than a strong yet overconfident one which renders you selfish." ], [ "Woe to these people, woes!" ], [ "And in the face of Thomas' absence and departure, which is often ours as well: what was Jesus’ attitude?" ], [ "The Gospel says twice that he \"comes\" (vv. 1-2)." ], [ "19.26)." ], [ "The first time, then the second and so on for eighteen days." ], [ "Jesus did not give up, he wasn't angry with us and we were afraid of our crises or frailties." ], [ "He keeps coming: when the doors are closed, he comes back; When we doubt and have no faith in him or his word of salvation." ], [ "Jesus comes again, still opens the door and he does not come back with a sign of power that can make us feel small or weary but in his wounds; He returned to show our sufferings as marks on His love which takes care for all those who are frail." ], [ "Brothers and sisters, especially when we experience moments of grief or crisis Jesus the Living One want to come back with us." ], [ "He only waits for us to seek Him, invoke him even as Thomas did when he protested and brought our needs or unbelief." ], [ "He keeps coming back." ], [ "Why?" ], [ "Because he is patient and not merciful." ], [ "He has come to open the gates of our blindness, because he still wants us another opportunity." ], [ "Jesus is the Lord of \"the second chance\": he always gives another opportunity, again." ], [ "We think back to the last time - we do a little remembrance work- when, during some difficult moment or period of crisis in our lives and relationships with others that is not Jesus' day." ], [ "And we promise once again, to another time in difficulty find Jesus and return Him - He always forgives!- To the wounds that heal us." ], [ "Thus, we also have the ability to compassionately approach and understand others' wounds." ], [ "May the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Mercy - I like to think about her as our Mother on Sunday after Holy Week for Merciful Charities – accompany us in faith and love." ], [ "Tags: faith, crisis of trust in the Queen Of Heaven." ] ]
TIMOR AGORA: La Aplika Orden, Sidade Bele Sai Fahi Luhan\nLa Aplika Orden, Sidade Bele Sai Fahi Luhan\nDILI, (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hateten, mentalidade sidadaun sira, seidauk preparadu atu moris iha sidade, tanba ne’e, se la aplika orden no regra, bele halo sidade sai fahi luhan.\n“Uluk hanesan prezidente repúblika, ha’u krítika Administrasaun Munisipál Dili tanba hasai vendedór sira, maibé ohin ha’u hanesan primeiru-ministru, ha’u haree katak dalaruma ha’u ba hamoos rai, sira (vendedór) tuur tonka hasan hateke de’it ha’u. Ne’e la ajuda para prestejía Timor”, hateten PM Taur Matan Ruak, ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pité, ohin, relasiona ho vendedór ambulante sira hetan tiru hosi polísia ho gas lakrimijéniu iha Parlamentu Nasionál nia oin, foin lalais ne’e.\nTaur hateten katak, maske Timor-Leste tama iha kategoria terseiru mundu, maibé timoroan nia kakutak ne’e tenke primeiru mundu, se lae lori fali ábitu sira iha foho mai fali sidade. Tanba ne’e, nia husu ba komunidade liu-liu vendedór sira atu kumpre regra no koopera ho seguransa Estadu.\nXefe Governu ne’e hateten, kestaun ne’e mós parte ida husi preokupasaun governu nian halo oinsá maka halo polítika ida ajuda setór informál hanesan ambulante sira ne’e atu movimenta ba setór formál, para vendedór ambulante sira komesa aprende regra no prosedimentu.\nIha fatin hanesan, Komandante Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisáriu Faustinho da Costa, informa katak, kazu tiru gas lakrimijéniu ba vendedór ambulante no estudante sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál nia oin iha hela prosesu investigasaun nia laran.\n“Prosesu investigasaun ba kazu ne’e la’o hela. Hosi prosesu ne’e maka ita foin deteta katak lala’ok ne’e oinsá no parte ida ne’ebé maka viola lei,” Komisáriu Faustino da Costa hateten.\nImajen: Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak. Imajen/Egas Cristovão
[ "TIMOR AGORA: La Aplika Orden, Sidade Bele Sai Fahi Luhan La Aplika Orden, Sidade Bele Sai Fahi Luhan DILI, (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hateten, mentalidade sidadaun sira, seidauk preparadu atu moris iha sidade, tanba ne'e, se la aplika orden no regra, bele halo sidade sai fahi luhan.", "\"Uluk hanesan prezidente republika, ha'u kritika Administrasaun Munisipal Dili tanba hasai vendedor sira, maibe ohin ha'u hanesan primeiru-ministru, ha'u haree katak dalaruma ha'u ba hamoos rai, sira (vendedor) tuur tonka hasan hateke de'it ha'u.", "Ne'e la ajuda para prestejia Timor,\" hateten PM Taur Matan Ruak, ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, ohin, relasiona ho vendedor ambulante sira hetan tiru hosi polisia ho gas lakrimijeniu iha Parlamentu Nasional nia oin, foin lalais ne'e.", "Taur hateten katak, maske Timor-Leste tama iha kategoria terseiru mundu, maibe timoroan nia kakutak ne'e tenke primeiru mundu, se lae lori fali abitu sira iha foho mai fali sidade.", "Tanba ne'e, nia husu ba komunidade liu-liu vendedor sira atu kumpre regra no koopera ho seguransa Estadu.", "Xefe Governu ne'e hateten, kestaun ne'e mos parte ida husi preokupasaun governu nian halo oinsa maka halo politika ida ajuda setor informal hanesan ambulante sira ne'e atu movimenta ba setor formal, para vendedor ambulante sira komesa aprende regra no prosedimentu.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Komandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisariu Faustinho da Costa, informa katak, kazu tiru gas lakrimijeniu ba vendedor ambulante no estudante sira iha Parlamentu Nasional nia oin iha hela prosesu investigasaun nia laran.", "\"Prosesu investigasaun ba kazu ne'e la'o hela.", "Hosi prosesu ne'e maka ita foin deteta katak lala'ok ne'e oinsa no parte ida ne'ebe maka viola lei,\" Komisariu Faustino da Costa hateten.", "Imajen: Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak.", "Imajen/Egas Cristovao" ]
[ [ "TIMOR AGORA: La Aplica Orden, Sidade Bele Sai Fahi Luhan Dili (Agência TATOLI) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that the mentality of citizens is not prepared to live in a city. Therefore if order and rules are no applied it can make towns become fahi luhang or fahe-luha; he also stressed how important for local government officials should be applying rule enforcement when they work with people who have mental illnesses such as Alzheimer' s disease" ], [ "\"Before as president of the republic, I criticized Dili Municipal Administration for firing out vendors. But now that i'm prime minister and seeing how they (vendors) are sitting around looking at me whenever im going to clean up a street..." ], [ "It does not help Timor's prestige,\" Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak told journalist in the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace today regarding police shootings with tear gas on street vendor at National Parliament." ], [ "Taur said that although Timor-Leste is in the third world category, but it must be first World or else they will bring back their habits from coast to city." ], [ "Therefore, he asked the community especially vendors to comply with rules and cooperate With State security." ], [ "The Chief of Government said, this issue is also part one concerns the government how to make a policy helping informal sector like street vendor that move into formal area so they begin learning rules and procedure." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Commander General of Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), Commissioner Faustinho da Costa informed that investigation is underway into tear gas firing on street vendors and students outside Parliament." ], [ "\"The investigation into this case is ongoing." ], [ "It is through this process that we can detect what the fraud was and which part of it violated law,\" said Commissioner Faustino da Costa." ], [ "Image: Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak. Photo credits to the Premier' s office" ], [ "Image/Egas Cristovao" ] ]
LU-OLO ba PREZIDENTE:: Komunikadu Imprensa - Organizadór kampaña Ramos–Horta nian la tuir kódigu eleisaun\nKomunikadu Imprensa - Organizadór kampaña Ramos–Horta nian la tuir kódigu eleisaun\nLoron 31, Fulan Marsu, Tinan 2007\nOrganizadór kampaña Ramos–Horta nian la tuir kódigu eleisaun\nOrganizadór boot ba kampaña eleisaun prezidensiál Ramos-Horta nian la tuir kódigu eleisaun bainhira nia fó-sai deklarasaun ne'ebé defende asaun asaltu kontra sidadaun Timor-Leste nian husi tropa Australiana.\nDionísio Babo Soares maka asina deklarasaun nee iha sesta-feira loron 30 fulan Marsu iha Antara news, husi Indonézia, ho títulu “Reprezentante Partidu Fretilin la fó dalan ba tropa Austrália” (http://www.antara.co.id/en/arc/2007/3/30/fretilin-party-representatives-hinder-australian-troops/)\nSoares-nia statement ne'e la fó-sai katak nia maka reprezentante ofisiál husi Komisaun Nasionál Eleitorál (CNE) ba kandidatu prezidensiál Ramos-Horta nian no mós sekretáriu-jerál interinu ba partidu “Konsellu Nasionál ba Rekonstrusaun Timor-Leste” (CNRT), partidu foun ne'ebé Prezidente Xanana Gusmão foin harii.\nSoares falla tuir kódigu eleitorál tanba nia la identifika ninia pozisaun iha kampaña no partidu ne’e. Kandidatu hotu-hotu no sira nia reprezentante ofisiál konkorda tiha ona katak sira tenke hatudu hahalok ne'ebé transparente, dehan Filomeno Aleixo, membru Komisaun Polítika Nasionál Fretilin nian.\n“Reprezentante ofisiál ne'e hatudu hahalok hanesan bobar no lohi tanba nia la fó-sai ninia pozisaun polítika no finje katak nia hanesan fó relatóriu neturál,” katak Aleixo.\nAleixo haktuir katak Soares nia deklarasaun la fó-sai faktu kona ba eventu ida ne'ebé akontese iha loron 26 fulan Marsu no Soares mós interpreta sala Fretilin-nia pozisaun kona ba tropa Australian iha Timor-Leste laran.\n“Ekipa Ramos-Horta nian tuir loloos buka estabelese faktus uluk lai kona-ba insidente ne'e no defende direitus-umanus sidadaun Timor-Leste nian molok defende tropa Australiana,” Aleixo hatete.\nFretilin protesta tiha ona ba Brigadeiru Mal Rerden, komandante forsa Australiana nian, kona-ba asaltu ne'ebé akontese bainhira komitiva Fretilin nian sai husi Gleno hafoin komísiu ba kandidatu prezidensiál Francisco “Lu’Olo” Guterres, nebe hala'o hotu ho dame.\nKarreta tropa Australiana nian hakarak halai liu komitiva Fretilin nian maibé sira la konsege liu. Depois soldadu Australianu ida sé kilat ba kondutór-nia ulun no soldadu seluk dada joven ida, naran Ramos, sai husi karreta kotuk, sama nia ba rai no tau kilat ba nia ulun.\nJosé Manuel Fernandes (Reprezentante ofisiál ba Francisco Guterres Lu Olo) : (+670) 734 2174 (Dili)\nArsénio Bano (+670) 723 0023 (Dili)\nPosted by FRETILIN at 11:06\nCampanha em Ainaro: cerca de 7000 pessoas / Kampan...\nVideo husi Maliana / Video de Maliana / Video from...\nKomunikadu Imprensa - Organizadór kampaña Ramos–Ho...
[ "LU-OLO ba PREZIDENTE:: Komunikadu Imprensa - Organizador kampana Ramos-Horta nian la tuir kodigu eleisaun Komunikadu Imprensa - Organizador kampana Ramos-Horta nian la tuir kodigu eleisaun Loron 31, Fulan Marsu, Tinan 2007 Organizador kampana Ramos-Horta nian la tuir kodigu eleisaun Organizador boot ba kampana eleisaun prezidensial Ramos-Horta nian la tuir kodigu eleisaun bainhira nia fo-sai deklarasaun ne'ebe defende asaun asaltu kontra sidadaun Timor-Leste nian husi tropa Australiana.", "Dionisio Babo Soares maka asina deklarasaun nee iha sesta-feira loron 30 fulan Marsu iha Antara news, husi Indonezia, ho titulu \"Reprezentante Partidu Fretilin la fo dalan ba tropa Australia\" (http://www.antara.co.id/en/arc/2007/3/30/fretilin-party-representatives-hinder-australian-troops/) Soares-nia statement ne'e la fo-sai katak nia maka reprezentante ofisial husi Komisaun Nasional Eleitoral (CNE) ba kandidatu prezidensial Ramos-Horta nian no mos sekretariu-jeral interinu ba partidu \"Konsellu Nasional ba Rekonstrusaun Timor-Leste\" (CNRT), partidu foun ne'ebe Prezidente Xanana Gusmao foin harii.", "Soares falla tuir kodigu eleitoral tanba nia la identifika ninia pozisaun iha kampana no partidu ne'e.", "Kandidatu hotu-hotu no sira nia reprezentante ofisial konkorda tiha ona katak sira tenke hatudu hahalok ne'ebe transparente, dehan Filomeno Aleixo, membru Komisaun Politika Nasional Fretilin nian.", "\"Reprezentante ofisial ne'e hatudu hahalok hanesan bobar no lohi tanba nia la fo-sai ninia pozisaun politika no finje katak nia hanesan fo relatoriu netural,\" katak Aleixo.", "Aleixo haktuir katak Soares nia deklarasaun la fo-sai faktu kona ba eventu ida ne'ebe akontese iha loron 26 fulan Marsu no Soares mos interpreta sala Fretilin-nia pozisaun kona ba tropa Australian iha Timor-Leste laran.", "\"Ekipa Ramos-Horta nian tuir loloos buka estabelese faktus uluk lai kona-ba insidente ne'e no defende direitus-umanus sidadaun Timor-Leste nian molok defende tropa Australiana,\" Aleixo hatete.", "Fretilin protesta tiha ona ba Brigadeiru Mal Rerden, komandante forsa Australiana nian, kona-ba asaltu ne'ebe akontese bainhira komitiva Fretilin nian sai husi Gleno hafoin komisiu ba kandidatu prezidensial Francisco \"Lu'Olo\" Guterres, nebe hala'o hotu ho dame.", "Karreta tropa Australiana nian hakarak halai liu komitiva Fretilin nian maibe sira la konsege liu.", "Depois soldadu Australianu ida se kilat ba kondutor-nia ulun no soldadu seluk dada joven ida, naran Ramos, sai husi karreta kotuk, sama nia ba rai no tau kilat ba nia ulun.", "Jose Manuel Fernandes (Reprezentante ofisial ba Francisco Guterres Lu Olo): (+670) 734 2174 (Dili) Arsenio Bano (+670) 723 0023 (Dili) Posted by FRETILIN at 11:06 Campanha em Ainaro: cerca de 7000 pessoas / Kampan...", "Video husi Maliana / Video de Maliana / Video from...", "Komunikadu Imprensa - Organizador kampana Ramos-Ho..." ]
[ [ "Press Release - Ramos-Horta's campaign organizer does not follow election code March 31st, Year of the Lion: The main organizing officer for his presidential elections has failed to comply with electoral codes when he issued a statement that advocated an assault on East Timorese citizens by Australian troops." ], [ "Dionisio Babo Soares signed the declaration on Saturday, March.30th in Antara news from Indonesia with a headline \"Representants of Fretilin Party do not allow Australian troops to enter\" (http://www-antara/co_id /arc21796584) The statement by Mr Soears did no mention that he is an official representatives for Ramos Horta's presidential candidate and also interim secretary general at CNRT party which has been founded just now under President Xanana Gusmau as National Council For Reconstruction Of Timor Leste(CNNT)." ], [ "Soares failed under the electoral code because he did not identify his position in campaign and party." ], [ "All candidates and their official representatives have agreed that they must behave transparently, says Filomeno Aleixo of the Fretilin National Political Committee." ], [ "\"This official representative has acted as if he were stupid and shameless because of his lack to disclose political positions, pretending that it was the nature' s rapporteur\", said Aleixo." ], [ "Aleixo said that Soares' statement did not provide the facts about an event which took place on 26 March and he also misrepresented Fretilin position regarding Australian troops in East Timor." ], [ "\"The Ramos-Horta team should have sought to establish the facts of this incident first and defended East Timorese citizens' human rights rather than defending Australian troops,\" Aleixo said." ], [ "Fretilin has already protested to Brigadier Mal Rerden, the commander of Australian forces in Timor-Leste (ATF), about an assault that occurred when a committee from FRETILIN left Gleno after commissioning presidential candidate Francisco \"Lu'Olo\" Guterres." ], [ "The Australian troop wagons tried to pass by the Fretilin committee but they were unable." ], [ "Then one Australian soldier shot the driver in his head and another officer threw a young woman, named Ramos out of her back seat carriage." ], [ "Jose Manuel Fernandes (Official Representative of Francisco Guterres Lu Olo): (+670) 812-3459(Dili), Arsenio Bano: +/-(+ -)(Dil... Posted by FRETILIN at" ], [ "Video husi Maliana / video de Maliana/video from..." ], [ "Komunikadu Imprensa - Organizador kampana Ramos-Ho..." ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Carta de Coimbra 2*: “O VALOR DA INDEPENDÊNCIA”\nCarta de Coimbra 2*: “O VALOR DA INDEPENDÊNCIA”\nCarta de Coimbra 2*\n“O VALOR DA INDEPENDÊNCIA”\n20 de Maio 2006\n“Independência não é uma dádiva mas é uma conquista” (Nicolau Lobato)\nBa: Ex.mo Senhor Xanana Gusmão\nPresidente da República Democrática de Timor Leste\nHusi: Estudante Timor-Oan iha Coimbra-Portugal\nUluk nanain, ho respeito ami hato´o ami nia “UM MINUTO DE SILENCIO” no ORASAUN” ba AS-WAIN sira nebe fo-an ba mate ba ita nia UKUN-AN.\nBa Presidente Xanana Gusmão, ami nia hakoak bo’ot ho respeitu. Ho karta ne’e ami hakbesik-an ba ita bot hodi hato ami nia preocupasaun kona ba situasaun rai laran.\nLiu husi “Carta de Coimbra 2”, ami estudante Timor-oan hato´o ami nia saudasaun ba nai-ulun politiku sira hotu nebe oras ne´e hahú dau-daun kongresso partidu nian. Ami hein atu kongresso hirak ne´e bele lori sai mai liur “LIDER DIAK” nebe hamtauk no halo tuir ukun-fuan, kaer metin demokrasia, tane unidade no soberania nasional.\nAmi mos sauda, F-FDTL nebe entrega ona relatoriu ba Parlamentu Nacional kona ba akontesimentu iha loron 28 Abril 2006. Relatoriu no esforsu husi parte hot-hotu ne´e hatudu sinal diak no loke dalan hodi resolve problema krize nebe maka mosu iha ita nia rain.\nHo biban ida ne´e, liu husi ami nia Carta de Coimbra 2, convida maun alin inan feton sira hotu hodi hanoin wit-oan kona ba “O VALOR DA INDEPENDÊNCIA”, tema ida nebe ami haré relevante teb-tebes atu ita koalia iha loron 20 fulan Maio hodi kompleta tinan haat ukun rasik-an, buat ida ita buka ho terus no susar oi-oin iha tinan atus haat resin nia laran no hetan duni iha loron ida ne’e.\nKrize nebe mosu, lori ita ses husi buat nebe ita hot-hotu hili no hakarak – MORIS DIAK iha LIBERDADE. Ida ne´e valor lulik ida aas liu hotu iha ita nia luta. Ema rihun ba rihun lakon sira nia moris tan deit hakarak moris diak ho liberdade. Maibe moris diak ne´e, precisa segurança, unidade no soberania nasional ida garantida.\n“Wainhira funu baluk iha, ita hamutuk funu hasouru, agora funu baluk laiha ona, ita funu hasouru malu”. Iha tempo ukun rasik-an, ita nia funu baluk lolos maka analfabetismu, kiak, moras, servisu laiha, korupsaun no seluk-seluk tan. Sira ne´e mak teri netik dalan ba justisa, demokrasia no desenvolimentu.\nSe ita hateke wit-oan ba kotuk, unidade nasional, dalan ida komplexu no harí iha tempu naruk nia laran. Iha momentu históriku balun nebe halo ita hanoin: hanesan CNRM, 12 Novembro 1991, CNRT, Convensaun Peniche-Portugal 1998, liu-liu Referendum 30 de Agosto 1999. Momentu sira nebe halo ita hanoin hikas fali susar oin sá ita harí unidade nasional. Ho ne´e maka ohin loron ita ukun-an maibe krize hirak ne´e halo mihis fali espiritu unidade nasional .\nTuir lei-inan artº. 1 dehan: “República Democrática de Timor Leste é um Estado de Direito Democrático, Soberano, Independente e Unitário baseado na vontade popular e no Rspeito pela Dgnidade da Pessoa Humana”. Tuir prinsipiu de soberania, nudar estado soberano, iha direito no dever atu resolve problema saida deit iha rai laran no labele hetan ingerência husi rai seluk. Tan ne´e, se timor oan halo sala, timor oan maka resolve.\nTuir notisia nebe ami tuir husi primeiro to´o agora, iha sinal barak mak hatudu katak ita seidauk iha kbiit diak atu resolve problema interno hirak ne´e, halo rai seluk mos preokupadu ho situasaun ne´e no sente iha responsabilidade moral atu fo tulun ita tan deit krize sira ne´e. Ita rasik hatudu imagem la dun diak ba rai liur, afinal, iha dalan barak atu resolve problema. Fó to´ok tempo ba komissaun Notáveis atu halao nia servisu. Komissaun nia knar sei lao diak wainhira ita hotu kolabora no tau konfiansa ba sira. Basa fiar sira, hanesan fiar-ita-an rasik hanesan Timor oan.\nTimor Leste nasaun ida Demokrátika. Iha ne’e, ema iha responsabilidade no iha liberdade hanesan direitu atu koalia, halo politika no buat seluk tan. Diversidade iha hanoin, hakarak ou lakohi, nudar lian português dehan “o mundo é uma harmonia de contrários”, katak hanoin bele la hanesan maibe hakarak ida deit, hari ita nia rain no hametin ita nia ukun rasik-an\nTan ne´e, halao knar tuir ida-idak nia servisu. Ne’e importante teb-tebes. Nudar lia-inan hateten iha artº. 137. Se ita hotu hakruk ba lei-inan, ami hanoin sei la mosu tan instabilidade hirak ikus ne´e, hanesan, tuir artº. 146 no artº. 147 atu defini saida mak ita no instituisaun sira bele halo.\nAkontesimentu hirak ikus ne’e, hatudu katak buat balu lao lalos karik? Tan sa maka povu halai? Tan sa maka apelus bara-barak la iha efeitu? Tansa maka manifestasaun pasífika ida termina ho violensia?\nAproveita loron históriku ida ne’e atu hatan perguntas hirak ne.\nLoron 20 de Maio de 2006, loron ksolok ida ba ita hotu maibe buat hirak nebe mosu ikus-ikus ne´e halo ita la haksolok. Ukun-an laos hanesan buat karan/dádiva ida nebe ema fó maibe sosa ho susar no terus oi-oin – “Independência não é uma dádiva mas é uma conquista” (Nicolau Lobato). Atu dehan deit “República Democrática de Timor Leste” ne´e hari ho ran. Tan ne´e nia hanesan osan mean ida nebe ita tane metin no tau iha fatin aas.\nRealidade ida ohin loron nian, hatudu katak valor nebe ita tau iha fatin aas nebá, hetan ameaça tan ita fahe malu no la rona malu, hodi haluha tiha unidade nebe ita kaer hanesan força hodi hasouru inimigo iha tinan atus haat resin nia laran. Ohin loron, inimigo laiha ona, ita mak inimigo ba malu? Ema seluk mak sei mai resolve nafatin ita nia problema?\nHanesan timor oan, ita maka halo problema, ita rasik maka sai solusaun ba problema ne´e. Ita tenki aprende tesi lia no banati tuir lisan ka tuir lei-inan hodi garante nafatin justisa, lia-los no tranparencia. Ita hotu buka rona malu hodi respeita prinsipiu unidade nasional.\nSituasaun nebe ita nia rain atravesa, ami husi do´ok, acompanha nafatin liu husi mass-média no halo ami nia laran la hakmatek. Problema hirak ne´e, hatudu ba mundo katak ita sidauk iha hakarak diak atu nakfilak independencia politika ba ema hotu liu husi ekonomia, saúde, edukasaun, agricultura, infra-estruturas no buat seluk tan. Se ita moris nafatin iha instabilidade, bele estraga ita nia unidade nacional no bele obriga ita atu sacrifica soberania nacional.\nTuir mai, ami habadak lia-menon ba loron 20 de Maio de 2006:\nUnidade nasional laos karan/dádiva ida maibe valor ida karun teb-tebes. Nia maka lori ita ba ukun rasik-an;\n20 de Maio de 2002, sai hanesan momentu aás ba ita nia Unidade Nasional no afirma-an ba mundo ita nia Soberania Nasional;\nHakruk ba lei-inan basa nia maka ita nia hun no abut. Lulik ida nebe reconhece ita nia direito, liberdade e garantia;\n20 de Maio, loron ida nebe ita tuur hamutuk hodi hanoin hikas valor ukun rasik-an. Ita nia obrigasaun maka tane netik nia ho respeitu. Basa ukun-an maka presente bo´ot ida nebe ita sei rai hela ba bei-oan sira;\nEstado iha dever moral atu garante segurança ba povo, respeita ema nia dignidade ka valor humana no satan netik povo iha klima tauk nia laran;\nBa NGO´s, Instituisaun sira nebe kaer lei direitu ema nian atu labele tauk haklaken lia-los;\nAmi husu ba nai ulun no povo tomak atu lalika lori kroat maka tesi-lia basa kroat maka democrasia nia funu baluk/inimigo;\nAmi lakohi atu ran fakar tan! Ita hotu nia knar maka tane nafatin unidade no integridade nasaun nian;\nTimor se sai nasaun ida dame nain, se ita harí dame iha ida-idak nia fuan, uma laran, hodi sai to´o ba liur;\nIta maka problema, ita maka solusaun.\nMolok hakotu lia, ami tetu katak acontesimentu hirak ikus ne´e todan tebes duni ba ita. Desafio ida tan iha processu construsaun ita nia Estadu-Nasaun. Karik normal ba nasaun foun ida hanesan Timor Lorosae maibe sei sai catástrofe ida se ita husik prolema ki´ik oan sai fali prolema nasaun. Mai ita aprende hamutuk ho problema hirak nebe acontese hodi hadia hikas ita rain, prevene buat nebe la diak no hare ba oin ho fiar metin nafatin\nDalan sei naruk, maibe ita sei to´o iha neba, basa labarik ida foin moris la lao kedas. Nia sei precisa ema seluk nia tulun. Karik nia aprende lao, mos sei monu maibe nia sei hamrik hodi lao ba oin nafatin. Ita preocupa maibe iha mos esperansa nafatin katak futuru ida diak liu sei mai. Ne´e duni, maun alin inan feton Timor-oan tomak! Timor ne´e Ó nian, Haú nian no Ita hotu nian.\n“The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who watch and let it happen” (Albert Einstein).\nHato´o mos ba:\nSociedade Civil (Igreja no ONG´s)\nEmbaixada RDTL iha Lisboa\nCNJTL no DSMTT\nCoimbra, 19 de Maio 2006\nJoaquim Jacob da Silva Fernandes\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 3:24 da tarde
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Carta de Coimbra 2*: \"O VALOR DA INDEPENDENCIA\" Carta de Coimbra 2*: \"O VALOR DA INDEPENDENCIA\" Carta de Coimbra 2* \"O VALOR DA INDEPENDENCIA\" 20 de Maio 2006 \"Independencia nao e uma dadiva mas e uma conquista\" (Nicolau Lobato) Ba: Ex.mo Senhor Xanana Gusmao Presidente da Republica Democratica de Timor Leste Husi: Estudante Timor-Oan iha Coimbra-Portugal Uluk nanain, ho respeito ami hato'o ami nia \"UM MINUTO DE SILENCIO\" no ORASAUN\" ba AS-WAIN sira nebe fo-an ba mate ba ita nia UKUN-AN.", "Ba Presidente Xanana Gusmao, ami nia hakoak bo'ot ho respeitu.", "Ho karta ne'e ami hakbesik-an ba ita bot hodi hato ami nia preocupasaun kona ba situasaun rai laran.", "Liu husi \"Carta de Coimbra 2,\" ami estudante Timor-oan hato'o ami nia saudasaun ba nai-ulun politiku sira hotu nebe oras ne'e hahu dau-daun kongresso partidu nian.", "Ami hein atu kongresso hirak ne'e bele lori sai mai liur \"LIDER DIAK\" nebe hamtauk no halo tuir ukun-fuan, kaer metin demokrasia, tane unidade no soberania nasional.", "Ami mos sauda, F-FDTL nebe entrega ona relatoriu ba Parlamentu Nacional kona ba akontesimentu iha loron 28 Abril 2006.", "Relatoriu no esforsu husi parte hot-hotu ne'e hatudu sinal diak no loke dalan hodi resolve problema krize nebe maka mosu iha ita nia rain.", "Ho biban ida ne'e, liu husi ami nia Carta de Coimbra 2, convida maun alin inan feton sira hotu hodi hanoin wit-oan kona ba \"O VALOR DA INDEPENDENCIA,\" tema ida nebe ami hare relevante teb-tebes atu ita koalia iha loron 20 fulan Maio hodi kompleta tinan haat ukun rasik-an, buat ida ita buka ho terus no susar oi-oin iha tinan atus haat resin nia laran no hetan duni iha loron ida ne'e.", "Krize nebe mosu, lori ita ses husi buat nebe ita hot-hotu hili no hakarak - MORIS DIAK iha LIBERDADE.", "Ida ne'e valor lulik ida aas liu hotu iha ita nia luta.", "Ema rihun ba rihun lakon sira nia moris tan deit hakarak moris diak ho liberdade.", "Maibe moris diak ne'e, precisa seguranca, unidade no soberania nasional ida garantida.", "\"Wainhira funu baluk iha, ita hamutuk funu hasouru, agora funu baluk laiha ona, ita funu hasouru malu.\"", "Iha tempo ukun rasik-an, ita nia funu baluk lolos maka analfabetismu, kiak, moras, servisu laiha, korupsaun no seluk-seluk tan.", "Sira ne'e mak teri netik dalan ba justisa, demokrasia no desenvolimentu.", "Se ita hateke wit-oan ba kotuk, unidade nasional, dalan ida komplexu no hari iha tempu naruk nia laran.", "Iha momentu historiku balun nebe halo ita hanoin: hanesan CNRM, 12 Novembro 1991, CNRT, Convensaun Peniche-Portugal 1998, liu-liu Referendum 30 de Agosto 1999.", "Momentu sira nebe halo ita hanoin hikas fali susar oin sa ita hari unidade nasional.", "Ho ne'e maka ohin loron ita ukun-an maibe krize hirak ne'e halo mihis fali espiritu unidade nasional .", "Tuir lei-inan arto.", "1 dehan: \"Republica Democratica de Timor Leste e um Estado de Direito Democratico, Soberano, Independente e Unitario baseado na vontade popular e no Rspeito pela Dgnidade da Pessoa Humana.\"", "Tuir prinsipiu de soberania, nudar estado soberano, iha direito no dever atu resolve problema saida deit iha rai laran no labele hetan ingerencia husi rai seluk.", "Tan ne'e, se timor oan halo sala, timor oan maka resolve.", "Tuir notisia nebe ami tuir husi primeiro to'o agora, iha sinal barak mak hatudu katak ita seidauk iha kbiit diak atu resolve problema interno hirak ne'e, halo rai seluk mos preokupadu ho situasaun ne'e no sente iha responsabilidade moral atu fo tulun ita tan deit krize sira ne'e.", "Ita rasik hatudu imagem la dun diak ba rai liur, afinal, iha dalan barak atu resolve problema.", "Fo to'ok tempo ba komissaun Notaveis atu halao nia servisu.", "Komissaun nia knar sei lao diak wainhira ita hotu kolabora no tau konfiansa ba sira.", "Basa fiar sira, hanesan fiar-ita-an rasik hanesan Timor oan.", "Timor Leste nasaun ida Demokratika.", "Iha ne'e, ema iha responsabilidade no iha liberdade hanesan direitu atu koalia, halo politika no buat seluk tan.", "Diversidade iha hanoin, hakarak ou lakohi, nudar lian portugues dehan \"o mundo e uma harmonia de contrarios,\" katak hanoin bele la hanesan maibe hakarak ida deit, hari ita nia rain no hametin ita nia ukun rasik-an Tan ne'e, halao knar tuir ida-idak nia servisu.", "Ne'e importante teb-tebes.", "Nudar lia-inan hateten iha arto.", "137.", "Se ita hotu hakruk ba lei-inan, ami hanoin sei la mosu tan instabilidade hirak ikus ne'e, hanesan, tuir arto.", "146 no arto.", "147 atu defini saida mak ita no instituisaun sira bele halo.", "Akontesimentu hirak ikus ne'e, hatudu katak buat balu lao lalos karik?", "Tan sa maka povu halai?", "Tan sa maka apelus bara-barak la iha efeitu?", "Tansa maka manifestasaun pasifika ida termina ho violensia?", "Aproveita loron historiku ida ne'e atu hatan perguntas hirak ne.", "Loron 20 de Maio de 2006, loron ksolok ida ba ita hotu maibe buat hirak nebe mosu ikus-ikus ne'e halo ita la haksolok.", "Ukun-an laos hanesan buat karan/dadiva ida nebe ema fo maibe sosa ho susar no terus oi-oin - \"Independencia nao e uma dadiva mas e uma conquista\" (Nicolau Lobato).", "Atu dehan deit \"Republica Democratica de Timor Leste\" ne'e hari ho ran.", "Tan ne'e nia hanesan osan mean ida nebe ita tane metin no tau iha fatin aas.", "Realidade ida ohin loron nian, hatudu katak valor nebe ita tau iha fatin aas neba, hetan ameaca tan ita fahe malu no la rona malu, hodi haluha tiha unidade nebe ita kaer hanesan forca hodi hasouru inimigo iha tinan atus haat resin nia laran.", "Ohin loron, inimigo laiha ona, ita mak inimigo ba malu?", "Ema seluk mak sei mai resolve nafatin ita nia problema?", "Hanesan timor oan, ita maka halo problema, ita rasik maka sai solusaun ba problema ne'e.", "Ita tenki aprende tesi lia no banati tuir lisan ka tuir lei-inan hodi garante nafatin justisa, lia-los no tranparencia.", "Ita hotu buka rona malu hodi respeita prinsipiu unidade nasional.", "Situasaun nebe ita nia rain atravesa, ami husi do'ok, acompanha nafatin liu husi mass-media no halo ami nia laran la hakmatek.", "Problema hirak ne'e, hatudu ba mundo katak ita sidauk iha hakarak diak atu nakfilak independencia politika ba ema hotu liu husi ekonomia, saude, edukasaun, agricultura, infra-estruturas no buat seluk tan.", "Se ita moris nafatin iha instabilidade, bele estraga ita nia unidade nacional no bele obriga ita atu sacrifica soberania nacional.", "Tuir mai, ami habadak lia-menon ba loron 20 de Maio de 2006: Unidade nasional laos karan/dadiva ida maibe valor ida karun teb-tebes.", "Nia maka lori ita ba ukun rasik-an; 20 de Maio de 2002, sai hanesan momentu aas ba ita nia Unidade Nasional no afirma-an ba mundo ita nia Soberania Nasional; Hakruk ba lei-inan basa nia maka ita nia hun no abut.", "Lulik ida nebe reconhece ita nia direito, liberdade e garantia; 20 de Maio, loron ida nebe ita tuur hamutuk hodi hanoin hikas valor ukun rasik-an.", "Ita nia obrigasaun maka tane netik nia ho respeitu.", "Basa ukun-an maka presente bo'ot ida nebe ita sei rai hela ba bei-oan sira; Estado iha dever moral atu garante seguranca ba povo, respeita ema nia dignidade ka valor humana no satan netik povo iha klima tauk nia laran; Ba NGO's, Instituisaun sira nebe kaer lei direitu ema nian atu labele tauk haklaken lia-los; Ami husu ba nai ulun no povo tomak atu lalika lori kroat maka tesi-lia basa kroat maka democrasia nia funu baluk/inimigo; Ami lakohi atu ran fakar tan!", "Ita hotu nia knar maka tane nafatin unidade no integridade nasaun nian; Timor se sai nasaun ida dame nain, se ita hari dame iha ida-idak nia fuan, uma laran, hodi sai to'o ba liur; Ita maka problema, ita maka solusaun.", "Molok hakotu lia, ami tetu katak acontesimentu hirak ikus ne'e todan tebes duni ba ita.", "Desafio ida tan iha processu construsaun ita nia Estadu-Nasaun.", "Karik normal ba nasaun foun ida hanesan Timor Lorosae maibe sei sai catastrofe ida se ita husik prolema ki'ik oan sai fali prolema nasaun.", "Mai ita aprende hamutuk ho problema hirak nebe acontese hodi hadia hikas ita rain, prevene buat nebe la diak no hare ba oin ho fiar metin nafatin Dalan sei naruk, maibe ita sei to'o iha neba, basa labarik ida foin moris la lao kedas.", "Nia sei precisa ema seluk nia tulun.", "Karik nia aprende lao, mos sei monu maibe nia sei hamrik hodi lao ba oin nafatin.", "Ita preocupa maibe iha mos esperansa nafatin katak futuru ida diak liu sei mai.", "Ne'e duni, maun alin inan feton Timor-oan tomak!", "Timor ne'e O nian, Hau nian no Ita hotu nian.", "\"The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who watch and let it happen\" (Albert Einstein).", "Hato'o mos ba: Sociedade Civil (Igreja no ONG's) Embaixada RDTL iha Lisboa CNJTL no DSMTT Coimbra, 19 de Maio 2006 Joaquim Jacob da Silva Fernandes Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 3:24 da tarde" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Letter from Coimbra *2* \"The Value of Independence\" (Nicolau Lobato) To His Excellency Mr. Xanana Gusmao, President Of The Democratic Republic OF Timor-Leste From the Students in Coimbatore - Portugal With respect we offer our MINUTE'S SILENCE and prayer to those who gave their lives for Our Freedom!" ], [ "For President Xanana Gusmao, we have a lot of respect for his work." ], [ "With this letter, we approach you to express our concerns about the situation in your country." ], [ "Through the \"Carta de Coimbra 2,\" we Timorese students extend our greetings to all political leaders who are now beginning their party congresses." ], [ "We hope that these congresses will bring out \"LIDER DIAK\" who are committed and faithful to the rule of law, upholding democracy as well asserting national unity & sovereignty." ], [ "We also welcome the F-FDTL, which has submitted a report to National Parliament on events of 28 April." ], [ "The report and the efforts of all these parties are a good sign, paving way for solving problems that have arisen in our country." ], [ "With this in mind, through our Carta de Coimbra 2 we invite all brothers and siblings to reflect on \"O VALOR DA INDEPENDENCIA\", a theme that is very relevant for us as of May the twentieth when four years have passed since independence was achieved. Something which has been sought with many pains over more than three hundred fivety-five (354) year(es), but finally obtained today!" ], [ "The crisis that arises, takes us away from everything we have chosen and desired - DIE FREELY." ], [ "This is the highest and most precious value in our struggle." ], [ "Thousands and thousands of people lost their lives just because they wanted to live a better life in freedom." ], [ "But this good life requires security, unity and guaranteed national sovereignty." ], [ "\"When there was war, we fought together to defeat it; now when no more is a fighting battle. We're all going out and killing each other.\"" ], [ "During the period of independence, our main struggles were against illiteracy and poverty. We also fought illnesses such as cholera (a disease caused by a virus), unemployment or corruption among other problems that we had to deal with during this time-span in order for us not just one day but all three days before Independence Day!" ], [ "They pave the way for justice, democracy and development." ], [ "If we look back, national unity was a complex and long-standing process. It took many years to build it up over the course of several decades in order for this national uniting movement that has been so successfully pursued by all parties involved at every stage from its beginning until today'" ], [ "There are some historical moments that bring us to mind: CNRM, 12th of November (November), the Congress for National Reconciliation and Democracy in Mozambique - CNRT; Peniche-Portugal Conventions – Convenção de Penache e Portugal em Lisboa." ], [ "Moments that make us think back to the difficulties we faced in building national unity." ], [ "This is how we are governing ourselves today, but these crises have weakened the spirit of national unity." ], [ "According to the laws of art." ], [ "1 states: \"The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is a democratic, sovereign and independent unitary state governed by the rule Of Law based on popular will And Respect For The Dignity OF THE HUMAN PERSON.\"" ], [ "According to the principle of sovereignty, as a soberany state it is entitled and obliged in its internal affairs. It cannot be subject for interference from other nations or countries that do not have their own constitutional system (especially if they are independent)." ], [ "So if Timor-Leste is wrong, it will resolve." ], [ "According to the news that we have been following from day one until now, there are many signs of our not being able yet properly solve these internal problems. This has made other countries concerned about this situation and feel a moral responsibility for helping us overcome those crisis as well!" ], [ "We ourselves show a bad image to the outside world, after all there are many ways of solving problems." ], [ "Give enough time to the Notable Persons Commission for its work." ], [ "The work of the Commission will be well done when we all cooperate and trust it." ], [ "Basa faith, as our own beliefs like Timorese." ], [ "Timor-Leste is a democratic country. Democratic Republic of the People's Liberation Army (FDTL)" ], [ "There, people have responsibilities and freedoms such as the right to speak out or do politics etc." ], [ "Diversity of ideas, whether we want it or not. As the Portuguese say \"o mundo e uma harmonia de contrarios\", meaning that thoughts may differ but there is only one will to build our country and strengthen its independence So do your work as you are appointed by each other" ], [ "This is very important." ], [ "Nudar’s mother-tongue says iha arto." ], [ "137." ], [ "If we all adhered to the laws of our father, I think that there would be no more recent instability as it is now." ], [ "146 in art. Artt:" ], [ "147 to define what we and the institutions can do." ], [ "Recent events have shown that things are not going as they should." ], [ "Why did the people leave?" ], [ "Why are many appeals ineffective?" ], [ "Why would a peaceful demonstration end in violence?" ], [ "Take advantage of this historic day to answer these questions." ], [ "On May 20th, a happy day for all of us but things that have happened in the last few days do not make it so." ], [ "Independence is not a gift that one gives but purchases with many hardship and suffering - \"Independencia não é uma dadiva mas e una conquista\" (Nicolau Lobato)." ], [ "Just to say that the \"Democratic Republic of East Timor\" was built with blood." ], [ "Therefore, he is like gold that we refine and put in a high place." ], [ "A reality of today, which shows that the values we put so high are being threatened by our division and non-listening to each other. We have forgotten about unity as a force in defeating enemy over four hundred years ago!" ], [ "Today, there is no enemy. Are we enemies of each other?" ], [ "Are other people going to come and solve our problems?" ], [ "As Timorese, we create the problem and ourselves are a solution to it." ], [ "We must learn to judge and act accordingly, whether by language or laws of our native land in order for us always guarantee justice." ], [ "We all seek to listen and respect the principle of national unity." ], [ "The situation that our country is going through, we from do'ok keep following it via the mass-media and makes us very unhappy." ], [ "These problems show the world that we do not have good will to provide political independence for all through economic, healthcare and educational reforms as well." ], [ "If we continue to live in uncertainty, it may destroy our national unit and force us into sacrificing the sovereignties of this country." ], [ "Next, we recall the words of 20 May: National unity is not a precious thing but an extremely dear value." ], [ "He led us to independence; May 20,1975 was a high moment for our National Unity and the proclamation of national sovereignty before all peoples. We clung firmly on this law as it is indeed one' s life-blood!" ], [ "A day that recognises our right, freedom and guarantee; May 20th a date when we sit together to reflect on the value of independence." ], [ "It is our duty to cultivate it with respect." ], [ "Because independence is a great gift that we will leave to our future generations; The State has the moral duty of guaranteeing security for people, respect their dignity or human value and protect them in an environment where violence prevails. For NGO'S/institutions which uphold law on rights not be afraid from spreadling lies! We ask all leaders & whole nation stop carrying croats as enemies because they are warriors against democracy: No more bloodshed!!" ], [ "It is all of us's job to keep the unity and integrity in our country; Timor will be a peaceful nation, if we build peace within each one’ s heart at home as well. You are problem – you have solution!" ], [ "Before concluding, we would like to point out that the recent events have been very painful for us." ], [ "Another challenge in the process of building our nation-state." ], [ "This is normal for a new nation like Timor-Leste, but it will be catastrophic if we let small problems become the problem of our country." ], [ "Let's learn together from the problems that happen to improve our country, prevent bad things and look forward with confidence. The road will be long but we shall get there because a newborn child does not walk immediately!" ], [ "He will need the help of others." ], [ "If he learns to walk, it may fall but will be hungry and go forward." ], [ "We are concerned but there is still hope that a better future will come." ], [ "In fact, brothers and siblings mother-and daughter of all Timorese!" ], [ "Timor is yours, mine and all of you're own." ], [ "\"The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of those who do evil but caused by the ones that watch and let it happen\" (Albert Einstein)." ], [ "Also available to: Civil Society (Church and NGO's) Embassy of Timor-Leste in Lisbon CNJTL at DSMTT Coimbra, May 19th.2056 Joaquim Jacob da Silva Fernandes Posted by FORUM HACKSESUK a(r), on the following day" ] ]
Brigadista 65 Husu Ona Pagamentu husi Governu - TIMOR AGORA\nBrigadista 65 Husu Ona Pagamentu husi Governu\nby TIMOR AGORA on 1.4.17 0 Comment\nDili, (Tatoli) – Brigada hamutuk 65 iha eleisaun prezidensiál husu ba governu liuhosi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál no Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) atu halo pagamentu ba sira tanba besik fulan haat seidauk hetan pagamentu.\nKestaun ne hato husi Reprezentante Brigada eleisaun prezidensiál munisípiu Dili, Andre de Araujo Ximenes ba Agência Noticiosa Tatoli iha Caicoli STAE, Kuarta (29/3) kona-ba brigada sira servisu iha Janeiru to’o oras ne’e maibé seidauk hetan osan.\nTuir reprezentante brigada, kontratu ne’ebé ami halo ho governu liuhosi STAE durante fulan hitu, hahú hosi Janeiru to’o Jullu maibé to’o fulan haat ona seidauk hetan osan.\n“Ami rona informasaun katak brigada sira hosi munisípiu hotu-hotu simu hotu ona maibé ami munisípiu Dili mak seidauk hetan, karik razaun saida?” nia husu esplikasaun.\nIha fatin hanesan, brigadista Ana Ataide reforsa katak, bazeia ba kontratu sira iha direitu fulan ida U$ 2,21 ho osan ba edukasaun votante sira, formasaun ba pollyng staff no treinamentu balun durante ne’e, maibé hein ba hein osan la sai.\nEntretantu, Agência Noticiosa tenta konfirma ba Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco maibé dirijente orgaun tékniku la fo komentariu no Agência mos seidaukladauk hetan konfirmasaun hosi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál. (Jornalista: Zezito Silva / Editor: Alberto Alves)\nFoto: Brigadista 65 husu governu atu halo pagamentu ba sira, Foto ANTIL/Zezito Silva\nLEE MÓS IHA AGÊNCIA TATOLI
[ "Brigadista 65 Husu Ona Pagamentu husi Governu - TIMOR AGORA Brigadista 65 Husu Ona Pagamentu husi Governu by TIMOR AGORA on 1.4.17 0 Comment Dili, (Tatoli) - Brigada hamutuk 65 iha eleisaun prezidensial husu ba governu liuhosi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal no Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) atu halo pagamentu ba sira tanba besik fulan haat seidauk hetan pagamentu.", "Kestaun ne hato husi Reprezentante Brigada eleisaun prezidensial munisipiu Dili, Andre de Araujo Ximenes ba Agencia Noticiosa Tatoli iha Caicoli STAE, Kuarta (29/3) kona-ba brigada sira servisu iha Janeiru to'o oras ne'e maibe seidauk hetan osan.", "Tuir reprezentante brigada, kontratu ne'ebe ami halo ho governu liuhosi STAE durante fulan hitu, hahu hosi Janeiru to'o Jullu maibe to'o fulan haat ona seidauk hetan osan.", "\"Ami rona informasaun katak brigada sira hosi munisipiu hotu-hotu simu hotu ona maibe ami munisipiu Dili mak seidauk hetan, karik razaun saida?\" nia husu esplikasaun.", "Iha fatin hanesan, brigadista Ana Ataide reforsa katak, bazeia ba kontratu sira iha direitu fulan ida U$ 2,21 ho osan ba edukasaun votante sira, formasaun ba pollyng staff no treinamentu balun durante ne'e, maibe hein ba hein osan la sai.", "Entretantu, Agencia Noticiosa tenta konfirma ba Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco maibe dirijente orgaun tekniku la fo komentariu no Agencia mos seidaukladauk hetan konfirmasaun hosi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal.", "(Jornalista: Zezito Silva / Editor: Alberto Alves) Foto: Brigadista 65 husu governu atu halo pagamentu ba sira, Foto ANTIL/Zezito Silva LEE MOS IHA AGENCIA TATOLI" ]
[ [ "Brigadier 65 Demands Payment from Government - TIMOR AGORA by Timor-Leste on April,17 Dili (Tatoli) – A total of sixty five brigaders who participated in the presidential election are asking government through Ministry for State Administration and Technical Secretariat to pay them because they have not received payment since almost four months ago." ], [ "The question was raised by Representative Brigade Presidential Election Dili municipality, Andre de Araujo Ximenes to Agência Noticiosa Tatoli in Caicoli STAE on Thursday (29/3) regarding the brigades working from January until now but have not received money." ], [ "According to the brigade representative, we had a contract with STAE for seven months from January until July but have not received any money in four of those weeks." ], [ "\"We have heard information that the brigades from all municipalities received it but we in Dili Municipality did not, if so why?\" he asked for an explanation." ], [ "In the same way, brigadier Ana Ataide emphasizes that based on contracts they are entitled to a monthly U$ 2.10 with money for voter education and training of pollyng staff during this period but wait waiting no cash is coming out" ], [ "Meanwhile, Agência Noticiosa tried to confirm with Director General of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco but technical body leader did not comment and Agency has yetto receiveconfirmation from Ministry State administration." ], [ "(Journalist: Zezito Silva / Editor, Alberto Alves) Photo by Brigadista 65 asking the government to make payments for them. Foto ANTIL/Ɨezito Silva READ MORE AT AGENCIA TIMOR-LESTE" ] ]
Fatór Haat Sai Obstákulu Ba Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Fatór Haat Sai Obstákulu Ba Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu\nFatór Haat Sai Obstákulu Ba Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu\nDILI, 4 setembru 2019 (TATOLI)–Sentru Estudu ba Pás no Dezenvolvimentu (CEPAD-sigla portugés), identifika fatór haat sai obstákulu ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu.\nObstákulu haat ne’e mak hanesan interese privadu no partidu aas liu interese nasionál. Rua, justisa sei fraku no ema-boot sira kontinua goza impunidade polítika. Tolu, narativu istória seidauk loos. Haat, Korrupsaun, Koluzaun no Nepotizmu (KKN) sei buras.\n“Fatuk boot haat (4) ne’e mak sai obstákulu”, Diretór Ezekutivu CEPAD, João Boavida, ba Agência TATOLI, iha nia kna’ar fatin, Bidau Akadiru-hún, Dili, kuarta (2/10).\nNia argumenta, iha Timor hatoman-aan liuhosi tradisaun katak hatán ba ema-boot ruma, ne’e lójiku. Lójiku ne’e dehan loos duni. Hanesan tempu rezisténsia, Komandu Luta mak dirije no organiza funu, maibé tempu independénsia tenke opta ba sistema, lei sira no respeita separasaun podér entre órgaun soberania sira.\n“Ita labele hatán fali ba maun-boot ka biin-boot ne’ebé fó projetu mai ita. Nee mak polítika kliantalizmu ka polítika patraun ho kliente. Ida ne’e iha Timor buras tebes. Tanba ne’e mak difikulta ita-nia Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál hodi hamosu diskriminasaun”, Boavida subliña.\nNia hateten katak situasaun atuál oras ne’e ema sira ne’ebé relasaun di’ak iha sistema mak moris di’ak ba oin. Sira ne’ebé laiha relasaun di’ak, la’o ba kotuk nafatin.\nNia esplika justisa sei fraku no ema-boot sira goza impunidade tanba sei iha intervensaun ba sistema judisiária laran. Ne’ebé, kaer mak ikan ki’ik sira, maibé ikan boot sira sempre sees-aan. Ezemplu hanesan kazu eis Ministra Finansa, Emília Pires.\n“Ema-boot sira goza impunidade, entaun presiza hasai imunidade mak sira ba hatán. Lae susar”, tenik nia.\nJoão Boavida afirma, justisa atu la’o di’ak labele iha intervensaun hosi sé de’it.\n“Faktu mak ita-boot sira dehan ita-nia justisa sei fraku, maibé sira dehan ne’e denunsiante tiha ona”, katak diretór CEPAD.\nNia salienta, kada tinan Governu foti orsamentu biliaun ida resin hosi fundu mina-rai maibé dezenvolvimentu la la’o, entaun buat ruma la loos.\nNia konsidera katak kada tinan aprova orsamentu hodi mantein de’it mákina burokrátiku Governu nian.\n“Ne’e problema iha jestaun, lideransa no iha buat hotu-hotu. Ita-nia planu di’ak maibé implementasaun mak la tuir dalan”, tenik João Boavida.\nNune’e mós, tuir nia, fatór seluk mak iha nesesidede atu hamosu narativu istória ida ho kompreensivu kompletu kona-ba rezisténsia no okupasaun, nune’e hatuur faktu iha nia fatin.\n“Kuandu ita laiha istória ida kompletu, ema ida-idak hamriik ejize ninia direitu no nia obrigasaun. Ne’ebé, susar ba Governu atu hatán ba nesesidade timoroan nian tomak”, nia haklaken.\nNia fó ezemplu, impase polítika ohin loron mai hosi kompetisaun lideransa ba sé mak sai na’in ba narativu istóriku.\nPrevious articleSara Lobo Orgullu ho Kriasaun Portál AT\nNext articleAprezentasaun Bloku iha Simeira Mina no Gás Provadu TL iha Rekursu Naturál
[ "Fator Haat Sai Obstakulu Ba Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Fator Haat Sai Obstakulu Ba Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu Fator Haat Sai Obstakulu Ba Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu DILI, 4 setembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Sentru Estudu ba Pas no Dezenvolvimentu (CEPAD-sigla portuges), identifika fator haat sai obstakulu ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu.", "Obstakulu haat ne'e mak hanesan interese privadu no partidu aas liu interese nasional.", "Rua, justisa sei fraku no ema-boot sira kontinua goza impunidade politika.", "Tolu, narativu istoria seidauk loos.", "Haat, Korrupsaun, Koluzaun no Nepotizmu (KKN) sei buras.", "\"Fatuk boot haat (4) ne'e mak sai obstakulu,\" Diretor Ezekutivu CEPAD, Joao Boavida, ba Agencia TATOLI, iha nia kna'ar fatin, Bidau Akadiru-hun, Dili, kuarta (2/10).", "Nia argumenta, iha Timor hatoman-aan liuhosi tradisaun katak hatan ba ema-boot ruma, ne'e lojiku.", "Lojiku ne'e dehan loos duni.", "Hanesan tempu rezistensia, Komandu Luta mak dirije no organiza funu, maibe tempu independensia tenke opta ba sistema, lei sira no respeita separasaun poder entre orgaun soberania sira.", "\"Ita labele hatan fali ba maun-boot ka biin-boot ne'ebe fo projetu mai ita.", "Nee mak politika kliantalizmu ka politika patraun ho kliente.", "Ida ne'e iha Timor buras tebes.", "Tanba ne'e mak difikulta ita-nia Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional hodi hamosu diskriminasaun,\" Boavida sublina.", "Nia hateten katak situasaun atual oras ne'e ema sira ne'ebe relasaun di'ak iha sistema mak moris di'ak ba oin.", "Sira ne'ebe laiha relasaun di'ak, la'o ba kotuk nafatin.", "Nia esplika justisa sei fraku no ema-boot sira goza impunidade tanba sei iha intervensaun ba sistema judisiaria laran.", "Ne'ebe, kaer mak ikan ki'ik sira, maibe ikan boot sira sempre sees-aan.", "Ezemplu hanesan kazu eis Ministra Finansa, Emilia Pires.", "\"Ema-boot sira goza impunidade, entaun presiza hasai imunidade mak sira ba hatan.", "Lae susar,\" tenik nia.", "Joao Boavida afirma, justisa atu la'o di'ak labele iha intervensaun hosi se de'it.", "\"Faktu mak ita-boot sira dehan ita-nia justisa sei fraku, maibe sira dehan ne'e denunsiante tiha ona,\" katak diretor CEPAD.", "Nia salienta, kada tinan Governu foti orsamentu biliaun ida resin hosi fundu mina-rai maibe dezenvolvimentu la la'o, entaun buat ruma la loos.", "Nia konsidera katak kada tinan aprova orsamentu hodi mantein de'it makina burokratiku Governu nian.", "\"Ne'e problema iha jestaun, lideransa no iha buat hotu-hotu.", "Ita-nia planu di'ak maibe implementasaun mak la tuir dalan,\" tenik Joao Boavida.", "Nune'e mos, tuir nia, fator seluk mak iha nesesidede atu hamosu narativu istoria ida ho kompreensivu kompletu kona-ba rezistensia no okupasaun, nune'e hatuur faktu iha nia fatin.", "\"Kuandu ita laiha istoria ida kompletu, ema ida-idak hamriik ejize ninia direitu no nia obrigasaun.", "Ne'ebe, susar ba Governu atu hatan ba nesesidade timoroan nian tomak,\" nia haklaken.", "Nia fo ezemplu, impase politika ohin loron mai hosi kompetisaun lideransa ba se mak sai na'in ba narativu istoriku.", "Previous articleSara Lobo Orgullu ho Kriasaun Portal AT Next articleAprezentasaun Bloku iha Simeira Mina no Gas Provadu TL iha Rekursu Natural" ]
[ [ "Haat Factor Becomes Obstacle To The Development Process | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Fator ha’it sai obstakulu ba prosesu Dezenvolvimentu (Factors that become an obstruction to the development process) Dili, Sept." ], [ "These four obstacles are private interests and party prioritization over the national concern." ], [ "On the streets, justice is weak and good people continue to enjoy political impunity." ], [ "Third, the historical narrative is not correct." ], [ "Hate, Corruption and Nepotism (HCN) is rampant." ], [ "\"The four (4) big walls are the obstacle,\" CEPAD Executive Director Joao Boavida told Agência TATOLI at his office in Bidau Akadiru-hun district of Dili on Thursday." ], [ "He argues that in Timor, self-recognizing through tradition as a response to some great man is logical." ], [ "The logic is right." ], [ "As in the resistance period, it was a Fighting Command that directed and organized warfare; but during independence time we must opt for systemic laws which respect separation of power between sovereign organ." ], [ "\"We can't be responsible to a country or government that gives us projects." ], [ "This is the policy of clientelism or a political deception with clients." ], [ "This is very bad in Timor." ], [ "That is why it hinders our Strategic Plan for National Development to create discrimination,\" Boavida emphasizes." ], [ "He said that in the current situation, people who are well connected to this system will live better." ], [ "Those who do not have good relationships, go backwards." ], [ "He explained that the justice system is weak and high-ranking officials enjoy impunity because there will be intervention in judicial systems." ], [ "He catches the small fish, but big ones are always free." ], [ "An example is the case of former Finance Minister, Emilia Pires." ], [ "\"The ladies enjoy impunity, so they need to waive their immunity before answering." ], [ "It's not difficult,\" he said." ], [ "Joao Boavida states that justice must not be subject to the intervention of anyone alone if it is going well." ], [ "\"The fact is that they say our justice system will be weak, but it's what the whistle-blowers are saying\", said CEPAD director." ], [ "He stressed that every year the Government takes more than one billion from minerals fund but development is not going on, so something' s wrong." ], [ "He considers that each year the budget is approved to maintain only a bureaucratic machine of government." ], [ "\"It's a problem in management, leadership and everything else." ], [ "Our plans are good but the implementation is not on track,\" said Joao Boavida." ], [ "Likewise, according to him another factor is the need for a comprehensive historical narrative of resistance and occupation that puts fact in its place." ], [ "\"When we do not have a complete history, each individual must claim his rights and obligations." ], [ "\"Therefore, it is difficult for the Government to meet all of Timorese's needs\", he proclaimed." ], [ "He gave the example of today's political impasse, which comes from a leadership competition over who will own historical narratives." ], [ "Previous articleSara Lobo Proud of Creating AT Portal Next ArticlePresentation at the Mining and Gas Simferopol Bloc Tested TL in Natural Resource" ] ]
MD Husu Autoridade Lokal Konsensializa Komunidade Kona-ba Vasinasaun - Ministériu Defesa\nMD Husu Autoridade Lokal Konsensializa Komunidade Kona-ba Vasinasaun\n6 Jul, 2021 Felix Manuel NEWS 448 views\t0\nBobonaro: Ministru Defeza Brig-Gen (Ref), Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, iha Tersa-feira horsehik, vizita Munisipiu Bobonaru, Postu Administrativu Maliana, hodi hala’o sosializasaun kona-ba kombate Covid-19, tanba ne’e Ministru husu ba autoridade lokal sira atu konsensializa komunidade hodi ba tuir vasinasaun.\n“Ha’u mai atu koalia polítika VIIIGovernu Konstitusionál kona-ba moras COVID-19, Primeiru Ministru husu ba ministériu sira atu hatoo mensazem ba komunidade sira kona-ba importansia husi vasinasaun, ida ne’e mak governu nia responsablidade ba kestaun ne’e,”dehan Ministru Defeza bainhira hala’o sosializasaun iha edifisiu administrasaun Maliana Vila.\nMinistru Defeza esplika, nasaun boot hanesan Estadus nidus Amérika, Rusi, China, Eropa iha matenek barak, sedauk deskobre aimoruk ba moras COVID-19 maibé iha de’it mak vasina. vasina sempre iha nia efisiensia laiha vasina ida mak laiha efisiensia ne’e hodi aumenta imunidade, estadu laos bulak lori vasina mai atu oho populsaun, tanba ne’e labele atu eskolaha vasina.\nBainhira moras ne’e mosu iha ita nia nasaun Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak preokupa ona, hanoin povu entaun foti lalais desizaun hodi implementa Estadu Emerjensia. Tetu halo didiak mak dehan Astrazeneca ladiak.\nPrezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Bobonaro Sr.Ernesto de Oliveira Barreto hatutan, ho prezensa Xefe Suku sira ne’ebé hala’o serbisu iha terenu hodi fohatene ba komunidade sira ba tuir vasinasaun. tenke hatene vasina ne’e laos foin akontese agora, dezde uluk malae mutin nia tempu vasina ida hanaran Sagra ema ba tuir, ema ne’ebé mate ne’e nia distinu laos aimoruk mak halo.\n“Ha’u husu ba funsionariu hotu ne’ebé marka tempu mai labele sai fali opozisaun ba governu, tanba moras ne’e laos iha Timor de’it ne’e akontese iha mundu tomak, husu nafatin naiulun Xefe Suku atu haklean liutan kona-ba program ida ne’e,”tenik Administradór ne’e.\nIha serimonia sosializasaun ne’e Xefe suku sira iha Postu Administrativu Maliana informa, ba dadaun ne’e sira nia populasaun barak mak kuaze simu ona vasina, iha balun mak sei tauk tanba ina informasaun barak katak vasina hamete ema, maibé Xefe Suku sira enkoraza nafatin hodi labele atu tauk ba vasina tanba ida me’e de’it mak dalan uniku hodi kombate moras COVID-19.\nPrevious MD Husu Komunidade Munisipiu Likisa Di’ak Liu Ba Vasina\nNext MD Hatoo Relatóriu Rekrutamentu Forsa F-FDTL Foun Ba PR
[ "MD Husu Autoridade Lokal Konsensializa Komunidade Kona-ba Vasinasaun - Ministeriu Defesa MD Husu Autoridade Lokal Konsensializa Komunidade Kona-ba Vasinasaun 6 Jul, 2021 Felix Manuel NEWS 448 views 0 Bobonaro: Ministru Defeza Brig-Gen (Ref), Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, iha Tersa-feira horsehik, vizita Munisipiu Bobonaru, Postu Administrativu Maliana, hodi hala'o sosializasaun kona-ba kombate Covid-19, tanba ne'e Ministru husu ba autoridade lokal sira atu konsensializa komunidade hodi ba tuir vasinasaun.", "\"Ha'u mai atu koalia politika VIIIGovernu Konstitusional kona-ba moras COVID-19, Primeiru Ministru husu ba ministeriu sira atu hatoo mensazem ba komunidade sira kona-ba importansia husi vasinasaun, ida ne'e mak governu nia responsablidade ba kestaun ne'e,\"dehan Ministru Defeza bainhira hala'o sosializasaun iha edifisiu administrasaun Maliana Vila.", "Ministru Defeza esplika, nasaun boot hanesan Estadus nidus Amerika, Rusi, China, Eropa iha matenek barak, sedauk deskobre aimoruk ba moras COVID-19 maibe iha de'it mak vasina. vasina sempre iha nia efisiensia laiha vasina ida mak laiha efisiensia ne'e hodi aumenta imunidade, estadu laos bulak lori vasina mai atu oho populsaun, tanba ne'e labele atu eskolaha vasina.", "Bainhira moras ne'e mosu iha ita nia nasaun Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak preokupa ona, hanoin povu entaun foti lalais desizaun hodi implementa Estadu Emerjensia.", "Tetu halo didiak mak dehan Astrazeneca ladiak.", "Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Bobonaro Sr.Ernesto de Oliveira Barreto hatutan, ho prezensa Xefe Suku sira ne'ebe hala'o serbisu iha terenu hodi fohatene ba komunidade sira ba tuir vasinasaun. tenke hatene vasina ne'e laos foin akontese agora, dezde uluk malae mutin nia tempu vasina ida hanaran Sagra ema ba tuir, ema ne'ebe mate ne'e nia distinu laos aimoruk mak halo.", "\"Ha'u husu ba funsionariu hotu ne'ebe marka tempu mai labele sai fali opozisaun ba governu, tanba moras ne'e laos iha Timor de'it ne'e akontese iha mundu tomak, husu nafatin naiulun Xefe Suku atu haklean liutan kona-ba program ida ne'e,\"tenik Administrador ne'e.", "Iha serimonia sosializasaun ne'e Xefe suku sira iha Postu Administrativu Maliana informa, ba dadaun ne'e sira nia populasaun barak mak kuaze simu ona vasina, iha balun mak sei tauk tanba ina informasaun barak katak vasina hamete ema, maibe Xefe Suku sira enkoraza nafatin hodi labele atu tauk ba vasina tanba ida me'e de'it mak dalan uniku hodi kombate moras COVID-19.", "Previous MD Husu Komunidade Munisipiu Likisa Di'ak Liu Ba Vasina Next MD Hatoo Relatoriu Rekrutamentu Forsa F-FDTL Foun Ba PR" ]
[ [ "MD Calls on Local Authorities to Raise Community Awareness About Vaccination - Ministry of Defence 6 Jul,2019 Felix Manuel NEWS (Bobonaru) Bobonaro: Minister for Defense Brig-Gen Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus visited the Municipality in Malina last Tuesday and conducted a vaccination campaign against Covid. Therefore he called upon local authoridades that raise community consciousness about vaccinating themselves as well!" ], [ "\"I have come to talk about the Constitutional Government's policy regarding COVID-19, Prime Minister asked ministries that send a message for communities on how important vaccination is and this was our government responsibility in relation with it\", said Defence minister during an information session at Maliana Vila administration building." ], [ "The Minister of Defence explained, large countries like the United States Americas Russia China and Europe have many wisdom not to discover a cure for COVID-19 but there is only one vaccine. Vaccine always has its efficiency no vaccination that does it't effectively increase immunity; state doesn ' t just bring vaccin in order kill population so you cannot teach people about vaccinating them" ], [ "When the disease emerged in our country, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak was preoccupied and thought about his people so he quickly took a decision to implement State of Emergency." ], [ "Tetu did two tests and said Astrazeneca is not safe." ], [ "Mr. Ernesto de Oliveira Barreto, President of Bobonaro Municipal Authority said that with the presence from village chiefs who are working on-site to encourage communities for vaccination it should be known this is not a new thing since in old times there was one vaccine called Sagra da Mulher (Sacred Woman) and people died because they were vaccinated but no medicine did anything about their death" ], [ "\"I ask all the officials who have marked their time to come not be in opposition again, because this disease isn't only Timorese it happens around world. I also request that village chief and community leaders take a closer look at these programs\", said Administrator João Martinho da Costa Fernandes (PSD)." ], [ "During the socialization ceremony, village heads in Malina Administrative Post reported that at present many of their population has almost received vaccine. Some people will be reluctant because there is much information about vaccination reducing numbers but they encouraged them not to turn away from vaccinating as this alone would provide an effective way for combating COVID-19 disease and it was only by doing so we could fight against Covid -20" ], [ "Previous MD Urges Communities In Likisa Di'ak Liu Ba Vasina Next MS Hatoo Relatoriu Rekrutamentu Forsa F-FDTL Foun ba PR" ] ]
MS Selebra Loron Mundial Ai-Han Seguru | STLNEWS\nMS Selebra Loron Mundial Ai-Han Seguru\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Loron 7 fulan Junnu, nasaun hotu-hotu iha mundu inklui Timor-Leste selebra loron mundial Ai-han Seguru ho tema “Ai-han seguru hahu agora, ba futuru neebe saudavel”. Ida nee selebrasaun ba dala-tolu nian hafoin selebrasaun dahuluk realiza iha tinan 2019.\nHatete Vise Ministru Saude (MS), Bonifacio Mau Coli dos Reis, liu husi deskursu iha MS, Segunda feira (07/06/2021).\nNia rekonese naha todan ba moras sira neebe kauza husi ai-han, Asembleia Jeral Nasoens Unidas, deklara loron 7 fulan Junnu nuudar loron dedikadu ba ai-han seguru.\n“Fanun ita hotu, hodi haree hikas katak ai-han seguru asuntu ida neebe esensial maibe ladun hetan atensaun forte, tanba ai-han neebe la seguru responsabiliza ba kauza moras oi-oin iha mundu, no bele kauza risku ba defisiensia nutrisaun no mortalidade,” tenik nia.\nNia esplika, grupu sira neebe vulneravel no risku aas liu maka hanesan labarik menus husi idade tinan 5, inan isin-rua, inan fo susu, idozu no sira neebe ho imuno komprometidu.\nNia informa, ho pandemia COVID-19 neebe aumenta kada loron, hamosu dezafiu boot ba parte kompetente sira neebe responsabiliza ba kontrolu nasional, ai-han seguru atu kontinua halao sira nia funsaun no atividade sira neebe iha konkordansia tuir regulamentu no padraun nasional no rekomendasaun internasional sira.\n“Maibe, dezafiu sira nee ita bele hamenus bainhira ita idak-idak rekonese katak ai-han seguru ita hotu nia responsabilidade,” nia informa.\nNia afirma, i kontribuisaun, kolaborasaun no halo tuir ka implementa padraun ba pratika ai-han seguru ho diak sei asegura, nia emar, ekonomia no planeta neebe saudavel. Tanba nee tenke haforsa ai-han seguru liu husi asegura ho seguru, katak Governu iha papel importante hodi asegura ema hotu hotu bele asesu ba ai-han neebe seguru no nutritivu.*\nPrevious articleAluc Rekonese Governu & SIJK Kontinua Husik Xanana\nNext articleCovid-19 Update (07/06/2021): SIJK Rejistu Kazu Foun 24, Rekoperadu 194
[ "MS Selebra Loron Mundial Ai-Han Seguru | STLNEWS MS Selebra Loron Mundial Ai-Han Seguru DILI, STLNEWS.co - Loron 7 fulan Junnu, nasaun hotu-hotu iha mundu inklui Timor-Leste selebra loron mundial Ai-han Seguru ho tema \"Ai-han seguru hahu agora, ba futuru neebe saudavel.\"", "Ida nee selebrasaun ba dala-tolu nian hafoin selebrasaun dahuluk realiza iha tinan 2019.", "Hatete Vise Ministru Saude (MS), Bonifacio Mau Coli dos Reis, liu husi deskursu iha MS, Segunda feira (07/06/2021).", "Nia rekonese naha todan ba moras sira neebe kauza husi ai-han, Asembleia Jeral Nasoens Unidas, deklara loron 7 fulan Junnu nuudar loron dedikadu ba ai-han seguru.", "\"Fanun ita hotu, hodi haree hikas katak ai-han seguru asuntu ida neebe esensial maibe ladun hetan atensaun forte, tanba ai-han neebe la seguru responsabiliza ba kauza moras oi-oin iha mundu, no bele kauza risku ba defisiensia nutrisaun no mortalidade,\" tenik nia.", "Nia esplika, grupu sira neebe vulneravel no risku aas liu maka hanesan labarik menus husi idade tinan 5, inan isin-rua, inan fo susu, idozu no sira neebe ho imuno komprometidu.", "Nia informa, ho pandemia COVID-19 neebe aumenta kada loron, hamosu dezafiu boot ba parte kompetente sira neebe responsabiliza ba kontrolu nasional, ai-han seguru atu kontinua halao sira nia funsaun no atividade sira neebe iha konkordansia tuir regulamentu no padraun nasional no rekomendasaun internasional sira.", "\"Maibe, dezafiu sira nee ita bele hamenus bainhira ita idak-idak rekonese katak ai-han seguru ita hotu nia responsabilidade,\" nia informa.", "Nia afirma, i kontribuisaun, kolaborasaun no halo tuir ka implementa padraun ba pratika ai-han seguru ho diak sei asegura, nia emar, ekonomia no planeta neebe saudavel.", "Tanba nee tenke haforsa ai-han seguru liu husi asegura ho seguru, katak Governu iha papel importante hodi asegura ema hotu hotu bele asesu ba ai-han neebe seguru no nutritivu.* Previous articleAluc Rekonese Governu & SIJK Kontinua Husik Xanana Next articleCovid-19 Update (07/06/2021): SIJK Rejistu Kazu Foun 24, Rekoperadu 194" ]
[ [ "MS Celebrates World Safe Food Day | STLNEWS Dili, 7 June - On this day all countries in the world including Timor-Leste are celebrating safe food with a theme of \"Safefood starts now for healthy future.\"" ], [ "This is the third celebration of this day, following its first in 2019." ], [ "This was stated by Deputy Minister of Health (MS), Bonifacio Mau Coli dos Reis, during a visit to MS on Monday 07 June." ], [ "Recognizing the danger of food-borne diseases, 7 June was declared as Food Safety Day by The United Nations General Assembly." ], [ "\"It is urgent for all of us to see that food safety has become an essential but under-recognized issue, because unsafe Foods are responsible in the world by many disease causes and can cause risk on nutritional deficiency as well mortality.\"" ], [ "He explained that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups are children under 5 years of age, pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers; elderly people with immunocompromise." ], [ "He informed that, with the COVID-19 pandemic increasing every day it is a great challenge for competent parties responsible of national food safety control to continue carrying out their functions and activities which are consistent accordingly National regulation or standard as well international recommendations." ], [ "\"But these challenges can be mitigated if we all recognize that safe food is our common responsibility,\" he said." ], [ "He affirmed that contributions, collaboration and compliance with or implementation of standards for good food safety practice will ensure healthier farming systems in the world." ], [ "Previous articleAluc Recognizes Government & SIJK Continues to Husik Xanana Next ArticleCovid-19 Update (07/24 / 6:35 PM): Sijk Registered New Case of Covid, Recovering Patient Number Rises To One Hundred and Ninety Four" ] ]