Justisa Lalika Monu ba Manobra Ekonomiku no Politiku: Pessoa – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nJustisa Lalika Monu ba Manobra Ekonomiku no Politiku: Pessoa\nAna Pessoa. Foto: Timornewsline\nTimor Newsline – Prokurador Jeral, Ana Pessoa hateten justisa lalika monu ba manobra ekonomiku no politiku, maibe prefere defende komunidade kbit laek sira.\nPessoa hato’o lia hirak ne’e iha serimonia tomada de pose ba juis, prokuradores no defensores hamutuk nain 14 iha sentru formasaun kaikoli dili segunda (16 / 05 / 2011).\nPessoa haforsa justisa nia papel importante tebes ba komunidade atu garantia lialos, Justisa no tau matan ba komunidade. “ita nia knar defende legalidade, ita hakruk deit ba lei. Ita lahakruk ba poder ekonomiku ka poder politiku, ita nia obrigasaun mak hakruk ba lei hakruk ba konstituisaun.” hateten Ana Pessoa.\nIha parte seluk Ministra da Justisa Dra. Lusia Lobato hateten terseiru kursu de formasaun ne’ebe ho durasaun tenpu tinan 2.6, formandu sira konsege remata ba seitor justisa hodi servi ba komunidade.\n“ohin ita kontenti tanba bele fo tomada de pose no sai sasin ba sira nai saulu resin hat ne’ebe sai husi terseiru kursu formasaun bo seitor justisa” hateten lusia lobato.\nIha fatin hanesan Defensor Publiku Jeral Sr. Sergio Hornai hateten seitor Justisa importante teb-tebes atu bele lori justisa ne’ebe justu no solidaria ba Estadu de Direitu Demokratiku bele eziste no buras nafatin.\n” tinan-tinan instituisaun iha seitor Justisa ninian liu husi Governo ka Estadu ida ne’e hakarak hametin dezenvolvimentu institusional atu nune’e instituisaun bele metin liu tan hodi bele presta servisu ne’ebe dignu, responsavel.” Hateten Sergio Hornai.\nIha parte seluk Manuel Expostu hanesan formandu hateten Defensor Publiku nia papel importante tebes iha sistema administrasaun justisa. Prezensa instituisaun Defensor Publiku atu garante prestasaun servisu gratuitu ba sidadaun sira.\n“prezensa instituisaun ida ne’e atu garante prestasaun servisu gratuitu ba sidadaun sira ne’ebe laiha kbiit ekonomikamente atu selu buat sira ne’e,” dehan Exposto\nJustisa hanesan seitor ida ne’ebe importante tebes atu defende komunidade no tau matan ba kumunidade hodi kaer metin lia los no Justisa iha Nasaun Direitu de Demokratiku. (Efrem Duarte Guterres)\nXanana Gusmao kritika Timor oan sira ne’ebé serbisu ba UNMIT\nTimor-Leste sidauk preparadu atu tama ASEAN: Horta
[ "Justisa Lalika Monu ba Manobra Ekonomiku no Politiku: Pessoa - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Justisa Lalika Monu ba Manobra Ekonomiku no Politiku: Pessoa Ana Pessoa.", "Foto: Timornewsline Timor Newsline - Prokurador Jeral, Ana Pessoa hateten justisa lalika monu ba manobra ekonomiku no politiku, maibe prefere defende komunidade kbit laek sira.", "Pessoa hato'o lia hirak ne'e iha serimonia tomada de pose ba juis, prokuradores no defensores hamutuk nain 14 iha sentru formasaun kaikoli dili segunda (16 / 05 / 2011).", "Pessoa haforsa justisa nia papel importante tebes ba komunidade atu garantia lialos, Justisa no tau matan ba komunidade. \"ita nia knar defende legalidade, ita hakruk deit ba lei.", "Ita lahakruk ba poder ekonomiku ka poder politiku, ita nia obrigasaun mak hakruk ba lei hakruk ba konstituisaun.\" hateten Ana Pessoa.", "Iha parte seluk Ministra da Justisa Dra.", "Lusia Lobato hateten terseiru kursu de formasaun ne'ebe ho durasaun tenpu tinan 2.6, formandu sira konsege remata ba seitor justisa hodi servi ba komunidade. \"ohin ita kontenti tanba bele fo tomada de pose no sai sasin ba sira nai saulu resin hat ne'ebe sai husi terseiru kursu formasaun bo seitor justisa\" hateten lusia lobato.", "Iha fatin hanesan Defensor Publiku Jeral Sr. Sergio Hornai hateten seitor Justisa importante teb-tebes atu bele lori justisa ne'ebe justu no solidaria ba Estadu de Direitu Demokratiku bele eziste no buras nafatin. \" tinan-tinan instituisaun iha seitor Justisa ninian liu husi Governo ka Estadu ida ne'e hakarak hametin dezenvolvimentu institusional atu nune'e instituisaun bele metin liu tan hodi bele presta servisu ne'ebe dignu, responsavel.\"", "Hateten Sergio Hornai.", "Iha parte seluk Manuel Expostu hanesan formandu hateten Defensor Publiku nia papel importante tebes iha sistema administrasaun justisa.", "Prezensa instituisaun Defensor Publiku atu garante prestasaun servisu gratuitu ba sidadaun sira. \"prezensa instituisaun ida ne'e atu garante prestasaun servisu gratuitu ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe laiha kbiit ekonomikamente atu selu buat sira ne'e,\" dehan Exposto Justisa hanesan seitor ida ne'ebe importante tebes atu defende komunidade no tau matan ba kumunidade hodi kaer metin lia los no Justisa iha Nasaun Direitu de Demokratiku.", "(Efrem Duarte Guterres) Xanana Gusmao kritika Timor oan sira ne'ebe serbisu ba UNMIT Timor-Leste sidauk preparadu atu tama ASEAN: Horta" ]
[ [ "Justisa Lalika Monu ba Manobra Ekonomika no Politik: Pessoa - Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz Judisiária Aplica Lei de Segurança Nacional para Proteger Cidadãos da Violência Doméstica e Familiar (Lei Anti-Corrupção)" ], [ "Timor Newsline - Prosecutor General, Ana Pessoa says justice does not fall prey to economic and political manoeuvres but rather defends the poor communities." ], [ "Pessoa made these remarks at the inauguration ceremony for 14 judge, prosecutor and defence counsel in Kaikoli training centre Dili Monday (05/26 /37)." ], [ "Pessoa reinforces the very important role of justice for communities to guarantee fairness, Justice and care. \"our job is defending legality; we only stand by law.\"" ], [ "We do not aspire to economic or political power, our obligation is the respect of law and constitution.\" said Ana Pessoa." ], [ "On the other hand, Minister of Justice Dra." ], [ "Lusia Lobato said that the third training course which lasted 2.6 years, trainees were able to finish for justice sector in order serve community \"Today we are happy because can take office and witness them ninety-four who come out of this Third Training Course bo Justice Sector\" says lusia lobato" ], [ "On the other hand, Public Defender General Mr. Sergio Hornai said that justice sector is very important to bring a just and supportive Justice for democratic State of Law can exist or survive \"year after year institutions in this area through Governments want strengthen institutional development so as it may be stronger than before with respectable service responsible.\"" ], [ "They hate Sergio Hornai. Hate him, too!" ], [ "On the other hand, Manuel Expostu as a trainee said that Defensor Publico's role is very important in justice administration system." ], [ "\"The presence of this institution is to guarantee the provision free service for citizens who are not economically able,\" said Exposto Justice as a sector that's very important in defending community and take care about communities so they can uphold justice. The Defensor Publico will be an independent body which provides legal advice on all matters related with civil rights issues.\"" ], [ "(Efrem Duarte Guterres) Xanana Gusmao criticizes Timorese who work for UNMIT: Horta says they are not prepared to join ASEAN" ] ]
By Tempo Timor October 16, 2020 2355\nKareta ne'ebe soke iha Bidau Lecidere, besik diresaun Otel Novo Turizmu nia oin iha inisiu fulan Setembro tinan ne'e Foto arkivu\nLiga ba situasaun lakon vida ne'e, Komandante Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) Komisáriu Faustino da Costa katak, asidente sira ne'e akontese hodi rezulta vítima sira, tanba neglizensia umana.\n"Situasaun rodoviáriu, iha semana ida ne'e nia laran, asidente hamutuk 36 ne'ebé rezulta ema na'in ne'e mak mate ka lakon vida," dehan Komjer PNTL Komisáriu Faustino da Costa iha Palásiu Prezidensiál bairru-pite, Kinta (15/10).\nKomjer mós akresenta, asidente sira ne'e mosu, tanba hahalok ema nian ka konduz transporte la ho kuidadu ka neglizensia umanu.\n"Hanesan akontese iha domingu dadersan iha Dili, motor korta kareta, entaun xoke, hanesan iha Lospalos ne'ebé kareta monu rezulta ema mate inklui mós iha Baukau ne'ebé kareta tula sasan todan maibé la kontrola, entaun xoke motor no ema balun lakon vida," nia tenik.\nKona-ba vítima sira ne'ebé hetan kanek todan no kanek kaman halo hela tratamentu saúde iha ospitál no sentru saúde sira ne'ebé besik.\nEntretantu, kona-ba situasaun jerál iha teritóriu nasionál la'o di'ak, maske mosu asidente trafegu iha fatin-fatin. (*)\nLast modified on Friday, 16 October 2020 08:11\n« Intrega Pistola ba Polisia-Militar, PSIK Tenke Uza Kakutak Laos Kilat PSIK Uza Pistola, Lider Seguransa no Governu Hahú 'Xoke Malu' Ideia »
[ "By Tempo Timor October 16, 2020 2355 Kareta ne'ebe soke iha Bidau Lecidere, besik diresaun Otel Novo Turizmu nia oin iha inisiu fulan Setembro tinan ne'e Foto arkivu Liga ba situasaun lakon vida ne'e, Komandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Komisariu Faustino da Costa katak, asidente sira ne'e akontese hodi rezulta vitima sira, tanba neglizensia umana.", "\"Situasaun rodoviariu, iha semana ida ne'e nia laran, asidente hamutuk 36 ne'ebe rezulta ema na'in ne'e mak mate ka lakon vida,\" dehan Komjer PNTL Komisariu Faustino da Costa iha Palasiu Prezidensial bairru-pite, Kinta (15/10).", "Komjer mos akresenta, asidente sira ne'e mosu, tanba hahalok ema nian ka konduz transporte la ho kuidadu ka neglizensia umanu.", "\"Hanesan akontese iha domingu dadersan iha Dili, motor korta kareta, entaun xoke, hanesan iha Lospalos ne'ebe kareta monu rezulta ema mate inklui mos iha Baukau ne'ebe kareta tula sasan todan maibe la kontrola, entaun xoke motor no ema balun lakon vida,\" nia tenik.", "Kona-ba vitima sira ne'ebe hetan kanek todan no kanek kaman halo hela tratamentu saude iha ospital no sentru saude sira ne'ebe besik.", "Entretantu, kona-ba situasaun jeral iha teritoriu nasional la'o di'ak, maske mosu asidente trafegu iha fatin-fatin. (*) Last modified on Friday, 16 October 2020 08:11 \" Intrega Pistola ba Polisia-Militar, PSIK Tenke Uza Kakutak Laos Kilat PSIK Uza Pistola, Lider Seguransa no Governu Hahu 'Xoke Malu' Ideia \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor October 16,.2035 The bus that crashed in Bidau Lecidere near the direction of Novo Turismo Hotel at early September this year File photo In relation to these fatal accidents which have caused many people' s deaths and injuries General Commander PNTL Commissioner Faustino da Costa said: \"These are incidentes resulting from human negligence.\"" ], [ "\"Road traffic situation, this week there were 36 accidents that resulted in the death or loss of life\", said Police Commissioner Faustino da Costa at Presidential Palace on Wednesday (15/20)." ], [ "Komjer also adds that these accident rates are caused by human behaviour or driving with carelessness and negligence." ], [ "\"What happened on Sunday morning in Dili, the car's engine broke down and there was a shock. In Lospaloes it crashed causing people to die as well with Baukau where an uncontrolled truck carried heavy good of materials so its motor collapsed leaving some lives lost.\"" ], [ "As for the victims who suffered serious and minor injuries, they are undergoing medical treatment at nearby hospital or health centre." ], [ "Meanwhile, the general situation in national territory is going well despite traffic accidents. (*) Last modified on Friday (October16th),20:49 PM \" Intrega Pistola ba Polisia-Militar; PSIK Tenke Usa Kakutak Laos Kilat\" Security Leader and Government Have 'Xoke Malu' Idea of Using Pistol" ] ]
Avó-feto ninia hudi - Contes pour le français langue seconde\nAvó-feto ninia hudi Les bananes de grand-mère\nAvó-feto ninia jardin furak, nakonu ho sorgu, milhu no aifarina. Maibé ida ne’ebé furak liu mak hudi sira. Maske Avó-feto iha bei-oan barak, ha’u hatene katak ha’u mak ninia favoritu. Nia konvida ha’u beibeik ba ninia uma. Nia mós konta mai ha’u segredu ki’ik sira. Maibé iha segredu ki’ik ida mak nia la fahe ho ha’u: iha fatin ne’ebé nia hatasak hudi sira.\nLoron ida ha’u haree raga nakonu ho du’ut sira rai hela iha avó-feto nia uma liur iha loron matan nia okos. Bainhira ha’u husu kona-ba raga ne’e, resposta unika ne’ebé ha’u simu mak, “Ne’e ha’u nia raga majiku.” Besik ba raga ne’e, iha hudi tahan barak ne’ebé avó-feto fila ba mai dalabarak. Hau kuriozu. “Ai tahan sira ne’e atu halo saida, avó-feto?” ha’u husu. Resposta unika ne’ebé ha’u simu mak, “Sira ha’u nia ai-tahan majiku sira.”\nInteresante tebes haree avó-feto, hudi sira, hudi tahan sira no raga du’ut ne’ebé bo’ot. Maibé avó-feto haruka ha’u ba ajuda tiha ha’u nia ama. “Avó-feto favor ida husik ha’u haree oinsá ita prepara…” “Labele nakar, labarik, halo tuir saida mak dehan ba o atu halo,” nia ejiji. Hau foti halai.\nBainhira ha’u fila, avó-feto tuur hela iha liur maibé la ho raga ka hudi sira. “Avó-feto raga ne’e iha ne’ebé ona, hudi sira iha ne’ebé ona no iha ne’ebé…” maibé resposta unika ne’ebé ha’u hetan mak, “Sira iha ha’u nia fatin majiku.” Sente triste tebes!\nLoron rua tuir mai, avó-feto haruka ha’u atu ba foti ninia ai-tonka husi ninia kuartu. Iha momentu ha’u loke odamatan, hudi tasak ninia morin simu kedas ha’u. Iha kuartu ida iha klaran, iha avó-feto ninia raga majiku halo husi du’ut. Lensol tuan ida mak taka subar tiha nia. Hau foti sai tiha nia no horon morin ne’ebé gostu.\nAvó-feto ninia lian halo ha’u hakfodak bainhira nia bolu ha’u, “O halo hela saida? Lalais no foti ai-tonka ne’e mai ha’u.” Hau sai kedas ho ninia ai-tonka ne’e. “O hamnasa ba saida?” Avó-feto husu. Ninia pergunta halo ha’u realiza katak ha’u sei hamnasa tan ha’u diskobre ona ninia fatin majiku.\nLoron tuir mai bainhira avó-feto mai vizita, ha’u ba lalais ninia uma atu halo revista ba hudi sira dala ida tan. Iha hudi sasuit tasak ida iha ne’eba. Hau foti ida no subar tiha iha ha’u nia vestidu laran. Depois de taka tiha raga ne’e, ha’u ba uma kotuk no han lalais tiha hudi ne’e. Hudi ne’e mak hudi ida midar tebes ne’ebé ha’u han.\nLoron tuir mai, bainhira avó-feto iha jardin ku’u hela modo-tahan sira, ha’u hateke tama no hare ba hudi sira. Kuaze hudi sira hotu tasak ona. Ha’u labele tahan aan no foti hudi fuan haat. Bainhira ha’u la’o neneik ba odamatan, ha’u rona avó-feto me’ar iha liur. Ha’u maneja atu subar hudi sira iha ha’u nia vestidu laran no la’o liu nia oin.\nLoron tuir mai mak loron bazar. Avó-feto hadeer sedu. Nia sempre foti hudi tasak no ai-farina ba fa’an iha merkadu. Ha’u la ba lalais atu vizita nia iha loron ne’e. Maibé ha’u labele sees husi nia ba tempu naruk.\nDepois iha kalan ne’e, ha’u hetan bolu husi ha’u nia mama no apa no avó-feto. Hau hatene tanbasa. Iha kalan ne’e bainhira ha’u toba, ha’u hatene katak ha’u sei labele tan kedas atu na’ok, la’ós husi avó-feto, husi ha’u nia inan-papa, no la na’ok husi ema seluk.\nFeriadu ho avó-feto Kuku nia vingansa Saida mak Vusi nia feton dehan
[ "Avo-feto ninia hudi - Contes pour le francais langue seconde Avo-feto ninia hudi Les bananes de grand-mere Avo-feto ninia jardin furak, nakonu ho sorgu, milhu no aifarina.", "Maibe ida ne'ebe furak liu mak hudi sira.", "Maske Avo-feto iha bei-oan barak, ha'u hatene katak ha'u mak ninia favoritu.", "Nia konvida ha'u beibeik ba ninia uma.", "Nia mos konta mai ha'u segredu ki'ik sira.", "Maibe iha segredu ki'ik ida mak nia la fahe ho ha'u: iha fatin ne'ebe nia hatasak hudi sira.", "Loron ida ha'u haree raga nakonu ho du'ut sira rai hela iha avo-feto nia uma liur iha loron matan nia okos.", "Bainhira ha'u husu kona-ba raga ne'e, resposta unika ne'ebe ha'u simu mak, \"Ne'e ha'u nia raga majiku.\"", "Besik ba raga ne'e, iha hudi tahan barak ne'ebe avo-feto fila ba mai dalabarak.", "Hau kuriozu.", "\"Ai tahan sira ne'e atu halo saida, avo-feto?\" ha'u husu.", "Resposta unika ne'ebe ha'u simu mak, \"Sira ha'u nia ai-tahan majiku sira.\"", "Interesante tebes haree avo-feto, hudi sira, hudi tahan sira no raga du'ut ne'ebe bo'ot.", "Maibe avo-feto haruka ha'u ba ajuda tiha ha'u nia ama.", "\"Avo-feto favor ida husik ha'u haree oinsa ita prepara...\"", "\"Labele nakar, labarik, halo tuir saida mak dehan ba o atu halo,\" nia ejiji.", "Hau foti halai.", "Bainhira ha'u fila, avo-feto tuur hela iha liur maibe la ho raga ka hudi sira.", "\"Avo-feto raga ne'e iha ne'ebe ona, hudi sira iha ne'ebe ona no iha ne'ebe...\" maibe resposta unika ne'ebe ha'u hetan mak, \"Sira iha ha'u nia fatin majiku.\"", "Sente triste tebes!", "Loron rua tuir mai, avo-feto haruka ha'u atu ba foti ninia ai-tonka husi ninia kuartu.", "Iha momentu ha'u loke odamatan, hudi tasak ninia morin simu kedas ha'u.", "Iha kuartu ida iha klaran, iha avo-feto ninia raga majiku halo husi du'ut.", "Lensol tuan ida mak taka subar tiha nia.", "Hau foti sai tiha nia no horon morin ne'ebe gostu.", "Avo-feto ninia lian halo ha'u hakfodak bainhira nia bolu ha'u, \"O halo hela saida?", "Lalais no foti ai-tonka ne'e mai ha'u.\"", "Hau sai kedas ho ninia ai-tonka ne'e.", "\"O hamnasa ba saida?\"", "Avo-feto husu.", "Ninia pergunta halo ha'u realiza katak ha'u sei hamnasa tan ha'u diskobre ona ninia fatin majiku.", "Loron tuir mai bainhira avo-feto mai vizita, ha'u ba lalais ninia uma atu halo revista ba hudi sira dala ida tan.", "Iha hudi sasuit tasak ida iha ne'eba.", "Hau foti ida no subar tiha iha ha'u nia vestidu laran.", "Depois de taka tiha raga ne'e, ha'u ba uma kotuk no han lalais tiha hudi ne'e.", "Hudi ne'e mak hudi ida midar tebes ne'ebe ha'u han.", "Loron tuir mai, bainhira avo-feto iha jardin ku'u hela modo-tahan sira, ha'u hateke tama no hare ba hudi sira.", "Kuaze hudi sira hotu tasak ona.", "Ha'u labele tahan aan no foti hudi fuan haat.", "Bainhira ha'u la'o neneik ba odamatan, ha'u rona avo-feto me'ar iha liur.", "Ha'u maneja atu subar hudi sira iha ha'u nia vestidu laran no la'o liu nia oin.", "Loron tuir mai mak loron bazar.", "Avo-feto hadeer sedu.", "Nia sempre foti hudi tasak no ai-farina ba fa'an iha merkadu.", "Ha'u la ba lalais atu vizita nia iha loron ne'e.", "Maibe ha'u labele sees husi nia ba tempu naruk.", "Depois iha kalan ne'e, ha'u hetan bolu husi ha'u nia mama no apa no avo-feto.", "Hau hatene tanbasa.", "Iha kalan ne'e bainhira ha'u toba, ha'u hatene katak ha'u sei labele tan kedas atu na'ok, la'os husi avo-feto, husi ha'u nia inan-papa, no la na'ok husi ema seluk.", "Feriadu ho avo-feto Kuku nia vingansa Saida mak Vusi nia feton dehan" ]
[ [ "Grandmother's banana garden - Contes pour le francais langue seconde Avo-feto ninia hudi Les bananen de grand‑mere The fruity, full of sorghum and corn farm is the home to a great variety." ], [ "But the one who was most delighted were Jews." ], [ "Even though Grandma has a lot of sweethearts, I know that it is me who she liked the most." ], [ "He often invited me to his house." ], [ "She also told me my little secrets." ], [ "But there is one little secret he did not share with me: the place where they were sent." ], [ "One day I saw a body filled with dusts lying in my grandmother's yard on her birthday." ], [ "When I asked about it, the only answer that came to me was: \"It's my magic body.\"" ], [ "In addition to the body, there are many farmyards where grandmother returned frequently." ], [ "This is curious." ], [ "\"What are you holding them for, grandmother?\" I asked." ], [ "The only answer I got was, \"They are my magic plants.\"" ], [ "It was very interesting to see the grandmothers, Jewish women and men who were resistant Jews." ], [ "But my grandmother sent me to help her mother." ], [ "\"Grandmother one favor let me see how we prepare...\"" ], [ "\"Labele nakar, child. Do what I tell you to do.\" he exclaimed reluctantly" ], [ "This is a good one." ], [ "When I returned, my grandmother was sitting outside but not with her dogs or cats." ], [ "\"They're where the ragged grandmothers are, there they were and here...\" but my only answer was: 'You have to be in this magical place." ], [ "Feel very sad!" ], [ "Two days later, my grandmother sent me to pick up her sweet potatoes from his room." ], [ "The moment I opened the door, hudi tasak his morin immediately welcomed me." ], [ "In a room in Klaran, there is her grandmother's magical body made of duvet." ], [ "An old lens had covered it up." ], [ "I took him out and gave her a little morin that she liked." ], [ "The grandmother's voice made me laugh as she called out to Me, \"What are you doing?" ], [ "Lalais didn't take the ai-tonka to me.\"" ], [ "I immediately went out with his tree." ], [ "\"What do you want?\" he asked." ], [ "Grandfather asks." ], [ "Her question made me realize that I was going to be thrilled because i'd discovered her magical place." ], [ "The next day when my grandmother came to visit, I hurried over into her house and ran the Jews through once again." ], [ "There is a small, grey-haired man in there." ], [ "I picked one up and climbed into it from under my dress." ], [ "After closing the hood, I went back and quickly ate it." ], [ "This was the most delicious chicken I've ever had." ], [ "The next day, while my grandmother was in the garden growing her crops I looked inside and saw a bunch of sheep." ], [ "Almost all the Jews have been killed." ], [ "I couldn't hold back and took a cold shower." ], [ "As I walked to the door, i heard my grandmother crying outside." ], [ "I managed to put the Jews under my garment and walk past him." ], [ "The following day is the Bazaar Day." ], [ "Grand-father hadeer sedu. grandmoth had been deceived" ], [ "He always brought a bag of wheat and flour to sell in the market." ], [ "I didn't rush to visit him this day." ], [ "But I couldn't stay away from him for a long time." ], [ "Later that night, I got a call from my mom and dad & grandpa." ], [ "I know why." ], [ "That night as I slept, i knew that immediately afterwards it was not my grandmother's drinking water or the one of our parents and nobody else." ], [ "Vacation with grandmother Kuku's revenge Saida how Vusi daughter says to her?" ] ]
Apóstolu 20 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nPaulo iha Masedónia no Grésia (1-6)\nÉutiko hetan moris-hiʼas iha Tróade (7-12)\nHusi Tróade toʼo Mileto (13-16)\nPaulo hasoru malu ho katuas sira husi Éfeso (17-38)\nHanorin husi uma ba uma (20)\n“Kontente liu atu fó duké simu” (35)\n20 Kuandu sidade hakmatek ona, Paulo bolu dixípulu sira hodi fó aten-brani ba sira. Depois neʼe nia fó adeus ba sira, no nia hahú halo viajen ba Masedónia. 2 Nia laʼo haleʼu área neʼe no koʼalia liafuan barak hodi fó aten-brani ba dixípulu sira iha neʼebá, depois neʼe, nia toʼo iha Grésia. 3 Nia hela fulan tolu iha neʼebá, maibé kuandu nia atu saʼe ró hodi bá Síria, ema Judeu sira+ halo planu atu oho nia, entaun nia deside atu fila liuhusi Masedónia. 4 Sira neʼebé laʼo hamutuk ho nia mak Pirro nia oan-mane Sópater, husi Bereia; Aristarco+ no Sekundus neʼebé husi Tesalónika; Gaio husi Derbe; Timóteo;+ no mós Tíkiko+ no Trófimo+ neʼebé husi provínsia Ázia. 5 Mane sira-neʼe bá uluk hodi hein ami iha Tróade. 6 Maibé, kuandu Festa Paun Fermentu-Laek nian+ hotu ona, ami saʼe ró husi Filipe, no loron lima tuirmai ami toʼo ba sira iha Tróade; no ami hela loron hitu iha neʼebá. 7 Iha loron primeiru ba semana neʼe kuandu ami halibur hamutuk atu han, Paulo hahú hatoʼo diskursu ba sira tanba nia atu husik fatin neʼebá iha loron tuirmai, no nia kontinua hatoʼo diskursu toʼo kalan-boot. 8 Iha ahi-oan barak iha andár leten iha fatin neʼebé ami halibur hamutuk. 9 Mane joven ida naran Éutiko tuur iha janela, no bainhira Paulo kontinua koʼalia, Éutiko toba-dukur loos toʼo nia monu husi andár tolu, no kuandu sira tun atu haree nia, nia mate ona. 10 Maibé Paulo tun ba kraik no latan nia an iha Éutiko nia leten no hakoʼak nia,+ hodi dehan: “Imi keta laran-taridu, tanba nia moris* fali ona.”+ 11 Tuirmai, Paulo saʼe ba andár leten, no nia silu paun no hahú han. Nia koʼalia tan ba oras balu toʼo rai naroman, depois neʼe, nia husik fatin neʼe. 12 Entaun sira lori mane joven neʼe fila no sira haksolok tebes tanba nia moris fali ona. 13 Tuirmai, ami saʼe ró hodi bá uluk Assos, tanba iha neʼebá mak ami atu tula Paulo, tanba nia haruka ami atu halo nuneʼe, maibé nia rasik hakarak bá neʼebá hodi laʼo ain deʼit. 14 Entaun, kuandu nia hasoru ami iha Assos, nia saʼe ró hamutuk ho ami hodi bá Mitilene. 15 Loron tuirmai ami sai husi fatin neʼe no bá illa Kio nia sorin seluk, maibé loron tuirmai tan ami para uitoan iha Samos, no iha loron tuirmai tan ami toʼo iha Mileto. 16 Paulo deside ona atu liu deʼit Éfeso+ hodi nuneʼe nia labele lakon tempu iha provínsia Ázia, tanba nia hakarak toʼo lalais Jeruzalein+ iha loron Festa Pentekostes nian. 17 Maibé husi Mileto, Paulo haruka lia-menon ba Éfeso hodi bolu katuas sira iha kongregasaun neʼe. 18 Kuandu sira toʼo, nia dehan ba sira: “Imi hatene ho didiʼak oinsá haʼu halaʼo haʼu-nia moris iha imi-nia leet hahú husi loron primeiru neʼebé haʼu toʼo iha provínsia Ázia,+ 19 haʼu sai atan ba Naʼi ho haraik an,+ ho matan-been no mós ho terus sira neʼebé haʼu hasoru tanba ema Judeu sira-nia planu aat. 20 Haʼu la dada an hodi fó-hatene imi buat hotu neʼebé diʼak ba imi no haʼu hanorin imi iha ema barak nia oin+ no husi uma ba uma.+ 21 Maibé, haʼu fó sasin ho didiʼak ba ema Judeu no ba ema Gregu katak sira tenke arrepende+ sira-nia sala hodi fila fali ba Maromak no tau fiar ba ita-nia Naʼi Jesus.+ 22 Agora, Maromak nia espíritu haruka haʼu atu laʼo ba Jeruzalein, maski haʼu la hatene saida mak sei akontese ba haʼu iha neʼebá, 23 maibé husi sidade ba sidade espíritu santu fó avizu beibeik ba haʼu katak haʼu sei tama komarka no hetan terus.+ 24 Maski nuneʼe, haʼu la haree haʼu-nia moris* nuʼudar buat neʼebé importante.* Haʼu hanoin deʼit atu bele halai toʼo rohan+ no halo hotu serbisu neʼebé haʼu simu husi Naʼi Jesus, hodi fó sasin ho loloos ba liafuan diʼak kona-ba Maromak nia laran-diʼak neʼebé boot. 25 “Maibé agora, haʼu hatene katak imi hotu, imi neʼebé haʼu vizita hodi haklaken kona-ba Maromak nia Ukun,* imi sei la haree tan haʼu-nia oin. 26 Tan neʼe, haʼu bolu imi atu sai nuʼudar sasin iha loron neʼe katak haʼu moos ona husi ema hotu nia raan+ 27 tanba haʼu la dada an atu fó-hatene ba imi Maromak nia hakarak* hotu.+ 28 Tau matan didiʼak ba imi-nia an+ no ba bibi-lubun tomak, tanba espíritu santu hili ona imi nuʼudar katuas sira+ atu tau matan ba* Maromak nia kongregasaun nuʼudar bibi-atan.+ Nia sosa ona kongregasaun neʼe ho ninia Oan-Mane rasik nia raan.+ 29 Haʼu hatene katak depois haʼu bá tiha, asu-lobu* sira sei tama iha imi-nia leet+ no sei halo aat ba bibi-lubun neʼe, 30 no husi imi-nia leet sei mosu mane sira neʼebé sei koʼalia lia-bobar oioin hodi dada sees dixípulu sira atu halo tuir sira.+ 31 “Tan neʼe, matan-moris nafatin bá, no hanoin-hetan bá katak durante tinan tolu,+ loron no kalan, haʼu la para atu hanorin* imi ida-idak ho matan-been. 32 Agora haʼu entrega imi ba Maromak no mós ba mensajen kona-ba ninia laran-diʼak neʼebé boot. Mensajen neʼe bele hametin imi no bele loke dalan ba imi atu simu liman-rohan iha ema santu* hotu nia leet.+ 33 Haʼu la kaan ema ida nia osan-mutin, osan-mean, ka roupa.+ 34 Imi rasik hatene katak ho haʼu-nia liman rasik haʼu serbisu atu tau matan ba haʼu-nia presiza+ no ba sira neʼebé hamutuk ho haʼu. 35 Iha buat hotu-hotu haʼu hatudu ona ba imi katak hodi halo serbisu makaʼas hanesan haʼu halo,+ imi tenke tau matan ba sira neʼebé fraku. No imi tenke hanoin-hetan Naʼi Jesus nia liafuan kuandu nia rasik dehan: ‘Kontente liu atu fó+ duké simu.’” 36 Koʼalia tiha buat sira-neʼe, Paulo hakneʼak hamutuk ho sira hotu no halo orasaun. 37 Tuir loloos, sira hotu tanis makaʼas, no sira hakoʼak Paulo* no reʼi nia ho domin. 38 Sira triste, liuliu tanba nia dehan katak sira sei la haree tan ninia oin.+ Tuirmai, sira lori nia ba ró.\n^ Ka “iha folin”.\n^ Ka “katuas neʼebé tau matan no proteje”. Haree “Katuas” iha Glosáriu.\n^ Orj., “sira monu ba Paulo nia kakorok”.
[ "Apostolu 20 | Biblia online | New World Translation Paulo iha Masedonia no Gresia (1-6) Eutiko hetan moris-hi'as iha Troade (7-12) Husi Troade to'o Mileto (13-16) Paulo hasoru malu ho katuas sira husi Efeso (17-38) Hanorin husi uma ba uma (20) \"Kontente liu atu fo duke simu\" (35) 20 Kuandu sidade hakmatek ona, Paulo bolu dixipulu sira hodi fo aten-brani ba sira.", "Depois ne'e nia fo adeus ba sira, no nia hahu halo viajen ba Masedonia.", "2 Nia la'o hale'u area ne'e no ko'alia liafuan barak hodi fo aten-brani ba dixipulu sira iha ne'eba, depois ne'e, nia to'o iha Gresia.", "3 Nia hela fulan tolu iha ne'eba, maibe kuandu nia atu sa'e ro hodi ba Siria, ema Judeu sira+ halo planu atu oho nia, entaun nia deside atu fila liuhusi Masedonia.", "4 Sira ne'ebe la'o hamutuk ho nia mak Pirro nia oan-mane Sopater, husi Bereia; Aristarco+ no Sekundus ne'ebe husi Tesalonika; Gaio husi Derbe; Timoteo;+ no mos Tikiko+ no Trofimo+ ne'ebe husi provinsia Azia.", "5 Mane sira-ne'e ba uluk hodi hein ami iha Troade.", "6 Maibe, kuandu Festa Paun Fermentu-Laek nian+ hotu ona, ami sa'e ro husi Filipe, no loron lima tuirmai ami to'o ba sira iha Troade; no ami hela loron hitu iha ne'eba.", "7 Iha loron primeiru ba semana ne'e kuandu ami halibur hamutuk atu han, Paulo hahu hato'o diskursu ba sira tanba nia atu husik fatin ne'eba iha loron tuirmai, no nia kontinua hato'o diskursu to'o kalan-boot.", "8 Iha ahi-oan barak iha andar leten iha fatin ne'ebe ami halibur hamutuk.", "9 Mane joven ida naran Eutiko tuur iha janela, no bainhira Paulo kontinua ko'alia, Eutiko toba-dukur loos to'o nia monu husi andar tolu, no kuandu sira tun atu haree nia, nia mate ona.", "10 Maibe Paulo tun ba kraik no latan nia an iha Eutiko nia leten no hako'ak nia,+ hodi dehan: \"Imi keta laran-taridu, tanba nia moris* fali ona.\"+ 11 Tuirmai, Paulo sa'e ba andar leten, no nia silu paun no hahu han.", "Nia ko'alia tan ba oras balu to'o rai naroman, depois ne'e, nia husik fatin ne'e.", "12 Entaun sira lori mane joven ne'e fila no sira haksolok tebes tanba nia moris fali ona.", "13 Tuirmai, ami sa'e ro hodi ba uluk Assos, tanba iha ne'eba mak ami atu tula Paulo, tanba nia haruka ami atu halo nune'e, maibe nia rasik hakarak ba ne'eba hodi la'o ain de'it.", "14 Entaun, kuandu nia hasoru ami iha Assos, nia sa'e ro hamutuk ho ami hodi ba Mitilene.", "15 Loron tuirmai ami sai husi fatin ne'e no ba illa Kio nia sorin seluk, maibe loron tuirmai tan ami para uitoan iha Samos, no iha loron tuirmai tan ami to'o iha Mileto.", "16 Paulo deside ona atu liu de'it Efeso+ hodi nune'e nia labele lakon tempu iha provinsia Azia, tanba nia hakarak to'o lalais Jeruzalein+ iha loron Festa Pentekostes nian.", "17 Maibe husi Mileto, Paulo haruka lia-menon ba Efeso hodi bolu katuas sira iha kongregasaun ne'e.", "18 Kuandu sira to'o, nia dehan ba sira: \"Imi hatene ho didi'ak oinsa ha'u hala'o ha'u-nia moris iha imi-nia leet hahu husi loron primeiru ne'ebe ha'u to'o iha provinsia Azia,+ 19 ha'u sai atan ba Na'i ho haraik an,+ ho matan-been no mos ho terus sira ne'ebe ha'u hasoru tanba ema Judeu sira-nia planu aat.", "20 Ha'u la dada an hodi fo-hatene imi buat hotu ne'ebe di'ak ba imi no ha'u hanorin imi iha ema barak nia oin+ no husi uma ba uma.+ 21 Maibe, ha'u fo sasin ho didi'ak ba ema Judeu no ba ema Gregu katak sira tenke arrepende+ sira-nia sala hodi fila fali ba Maromak no tau fiar ba ita-nia Na'i Jesus.+ 22 Agora, Maromak nia espiritu haruka ha'u atu la'o ba Jeruzalein, maski ha'u la hatene saida mak sei akontese ba ha'u iha ne'eba, 23 maibe husi sidade ba sidade espiritu santu fo avizu beibeik ba ha'u katak ha'u sei tama komarka no hetan terus.+ 24 Maski nune'e, ha'u la haree ha'u-nia moris* nu'udar buat ne'ebe importante.* Ha'u hanoin de'it atu bele halai to'o rohan+ no halo hotu serbisu ne'ebe ha'u simu husi Na'i Jesus, hodi fo sasin ho loloos ba liafuan di'ak kona-ba Maromak nia laran-di'ak ne'ebe boot.", "25 \"Maibe agora, ha'u hatene katak imi hotu, imi ne'ebe ha'u vizita hodi haklaken kona-ba Maromak nia Ukun,* imi sei la haree tan ha'u-nia oin.", "26 Tan ne'e, ha'u bolu imi atu sai nu'udar sasin iha loron ne'e katak ha'u moos ona husi ema hotu nia raan+ 27 tanba ha'u la dada an atu fo-hatene ba imi Maromak nia hakarak* hotu.+ 28 Tau matan didi'ak ba imi-nia an+ no ba bibi-lubun tomak, tanba espiritu santu hili ona imi nu'udar katuas sira+ atu tau matan ba* Maromak nia kongregasaun nu'udar bibi-atan.+ Nia sosa ona kongregasaun ne'e ho ninia Oan-Mane rasik nia raan.+ 29 Ha'u hatene katak depois ha'u ba tiha, asu-lobu* sira sei tama iha imi-nia leet+ no sei halo aat ba bibi-lubun ne'e, 30 no husi imi-nia leet sei mosu mane sira ne'ebe sei ko'alia lia-bobar oioin hodi dada sees dixipulu sira atu halo tuir sira.+ 31 \"Tan ne'e, matan-moris nafatin ba, no hanoin-hetan ba katak durante tinan tolu,+ loron no kalan, ha'u la para atu hanorin* imi ida-idak ho matan-been.", "32 Agora ha'u entrega imi ba Maromak no mos ba mensajen kona-ba ninia laran-di'ak ne'ebe boot.", "Mensajen ne'e bele hametin imi no bele loke dalan ba imi atu simu liman-rohan iha ema santu* hotu nia leet.+ 33 Ha'u la kaan ema ida nia osan-mutin, osan-mean, ka roupa.+ 34 Imi rasik hatene katak ho ha'u-nia liman rasik ha'u serbisu atu tau matan ba ha'u-nia presiza+ no ba sira ne'ebe hamutuk ho ha'u.", "35 Iha buat hotu-hotu ha'u hatudu ona ba imi katak hodi halo serbisu maka'as hanesan ha'u halo,+ imi tenke tau matan ba sira ne'ebe fraku.", "No imi tenke hanoin-hetan Na'i Jesus nia liafuan kuandu nia rasik dehan: 'Kontente liu atu fo+ duke simu.'\"", "36 Ko'alia tiha buat sira-ne'e, Paulo hakne'ak hamutuk ho sira hotu no halo orasaun.", "37 Tuir loloos, sira hotu tanis maka'as, no sira hako'ak Paulo* no re'i nia ho domin.", "38 Sira triste, liuliu tanba nia dehan katak sira sei la haree tan ninia oin.+ Tuirmai, sira lori nia ba ro. ^ Ka \"iha folin.\" ^ Ka \"katuas ne'ebe tau matan no proteje.\"", "Haree \"Katuas\" iha Glosariu. ^ Orj., \"sira monu ba Paulo nia kakorok.\"" ]
[ [ "Apostles 20 | Bible online - New World Translation Paul in Macedonia and Greece (1-6) Eutyches grown up at Troas(7,8;9–35); From Troades to Miletus: the journey from Corinth through Thessalonica." ], [ "And when he had taken his leave of them, and was gone forth into Macedonia." ], [ "2 And when he had passed through the country, and preached many words to encourage them there; afterwards came into Greece." ], [ "3 He stayed there three months, but when he was about to set sail for Syria,+ the Jews+ plotted against him so that they might kill his life. Therefore it seemed rightful of them in ordering Paul and Silas’ return through Macedonia.+" ], [ "4 Those who went with him were Sopater, the son of Pyrrhus,+ from Berea; Aristarchus+ and Secondus+, both Thessalonians: Gaius,* a Derbean—and Timothy;+ Tychicus.+ And Trophimus+." ], [ "5 These men went before, and waited for us at Troas." ], [ "6 But when the feast of Unleavened Bread+ was over, we sailed from Philip and arrived at them in Troas on a fifth day; wherewe staying for seven days." ], [ "7 Now on the first day of a week, as we were gathered together to eat bread and drink with them at dinner time (for he was going away from there next morning), Paul began his discourse." ], [ "8 And there was much fire in the lower room where we were gathered together." ], [ "9 And a certain young man named Eutychus was sitting in the window: and as Paul continued speaking, he fell down from three floors; which when they came to see him were dead." ], [ "10 But Paul went down to his knees and fell on Eutychus’ shoulders, embracing him,+ saying: “Do not be sad; for he is alive again.”+" ], [ "He spoke for a few hours until he reached the land of Israel, and then left." ], [ "12 And they brought the young man, and rejoiced greatly that he was alive." ], [ "13 But we sailed beforeward to Assos, because there was Paul that should be taken up: for he had so commanded us; but himself would go by foot." ], [ "14 When he therefore met us in Assos, and went up with our ship to Mitylene." ], [ "15 And the next day we set sail from there, and passed over to Chios: but on a second time staying at Samos; upon another also coming unto Miletus." ], [ "16 For Paul had decided to pass by the sea over Ephese+ so that he would not be delayed in Asia, because of his desire for a speedy arrival at Jerusalem on Pentecost." ], [ "17 But from Miletus Paul sent letters unto the church of Thessalonica, and called forth to him all those who were elderly." ], [ "18 And when they were come, he said unto them: Ye know very well how I have behaved among you from the first day of my coming into Asia;" ], [ "20 I did not give myself to making known all the things that are good for you, teaching them in front of many people+ and from house-to‑house.+" ], [ "25 And now, behold I know that all of you among whom i pass preaching the kingdom* shall see my face no more." ], [ "26 Therefore, I call you to witness this day that i am cleansed from the blood of all men,+ for it is not my own will which made me declare unto yourselves every thing God desireth.+" ], [ "32 Now I commend you to God and the message of his great mercy." ], [ "This message may strengthen you and open the way for your hands to be laid before all those who are holy.+ 32 I did not ask anyone’s jewellery, or money-boxes* of any kind,+ nor clothing.+" ], [ "35 In all things I have shown you that, to do great work as also myself,+ ye must look after the weak." ], [ "And you must remember the words of our Lord Jesus, when he himself said: ‘It is more delightful to give+ than for receiving.’””" ], [ "36 And when he had spoken these things, Paul fell down with them all and prayed." ], [ "37 And indeed there was a great joy among them all, and they held Paul* dear to themselves." ], [ "38 They were sad, especially because he said that they would not see his face anymore.+ Then the disciples took him to a ship. ^ Or “have value.” *Or \"a watchful and protective eye.\"" ], [ "^ Orj., \"they fell to Paul's knees.\"" ] ]
Viabiliza Governu, Opozisaun Asina Plataforma | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Viabiliza Governu, Opozisaun Asina Plataforma\nViabiliza Governu, Opozisaun Asina Plataforma\nDILI (TATOLI)—Prezidente Jurisdisaun Partidu CNRT esplika, intensaun hosi plataforma polítika ne’ebé partidu opozisaun CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO asina nia objetivu mak viabiliza sétimu governu tanba forsa governu iha Parlamentu minoritária.\n“Ita hotu hatene katak, sétimu governu la iha maioria parlamentár nune’e mak atu viabiliza governasaun ida ne’e, no funsionamentu normal parlamentu forsa polítika sira hanesan CNRT, PLP, KHUNTO tenke kontribui. Ida ne’e mak hatudu sentidu estadu,” Eis Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ne’e informa ba TATOLI, hafoin partisipa serimónia asina plataforma iha Fatu-hada, Jl Vila, ohin.\nSétimu governu nia dehan, governu koligasaun ida ne’ebé la hetan apoiu maioria hosi parlamentár, ho realidade ida ne’e bele konsidera hanesan problema ida ne’ebé nia konsekuénsia afeta ba estabilidade governativa.\nBazeia ba realidade, Bloku Opozisaun Maioria Parlamentár, kompostu hosi, Partidu CNRT, Partidu Libertasaun Popular-PLP ho Partidu KHUNTO tau hanoin hamutuk liuhosi plataforma polítika aliansa maioria parlamentár ho objetivu prinsipál, lori povu Timor-Leste ba moris di’ak liu hosi promove dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé fahe rekursu no oportunidade hanesan, se sétimu governu nia programa la hetan apoiu másimu iha parlamentu nasionál.\n“Se nucaso governu ida ne’e la bele kontinua, la presiza hanoin kondisaun oin, iha forsa polítika ida eziste hela ne’e ho maioria parlamentár ba interese nasionál sira prontu atu toma responsabilidade,” Aderito afirma. No lamenta mós katak, formasaun sétimu governu la prudente bainhira ko’alia kona-bá sentidu estadu, Tan ida ne’e, la iha dalan seluk, bainhira akontese ‘dezastre’ ba sétimu governu, forsa polítika ne’ebé iha maioria parlamentár bele asegura iha kontestu asume responsabilidade governasaun.\n“Regra konstituisaun fó dalan. Husu ita hotu-hotu komunga regra konstitusionál duke fera ulun hodi halo interpretasaun oin-oin.”\nIha fatin hanesan Prezidente Bankada KHUNTO, Luis Roberto da Silva deklara momoos katak, Opozisaun maioria parlamentár sei vota kontra programa sétimu governu nian.\n“Ita ko’alia frankamente, lakohi ko’alia subar kuandu diskusaun programa governu da-hituk iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) sei vota kontra tanba partidu tolu iha parlamentu maioria iha ne’ebá,” Luis Roberto da Silva haktuir.\nEntretantu palaforma polítika aliansa maioria parlamentár ne’ebé hetan visto hosi Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Taur Matan Ruak, Prezidente Partidu PLP, no José dos Santos NAIMORI Bucar, Konselleiru Superior KHUNTO nia objetivu prinsipál mak hanesan; Kontinua hametin estabilidade, hadi’a di’ak liu tan povu nia moris liuhosi investimentu públiku liga liu ba kapasidade prodúz povu nian, kontinua polítika desentralizasaun, hametin sistema justisa, promove transparénsia ba uzu kualkér fundu estadu, kontinua implementa reforma fiskál, preserva no haburas jestaun petrolíferu.\nKontinua mós promove setór privadu hodi ajuda kria oportunidade servisu, hadi’a fali programa balun la kondús ho situasaun real, hanesan prestasaun servisu, kualidade servisu saúde, promove edukasaun kualidade, enkoraza dezenvolvimentu auto empregu, promove kréditu, protesaun ba labarik, feto, katuas no ema defisiente, atensaun ba juventude, hametin dezenvolvimentu kulturál, hari uma ba kbiit laek sira.\nIha parte seluk objetivu sétimu governu ne’ebé haktuir iha nia programa ba tinan lima oin mai hanesan tuir mai; setór sosiál : asesu ba ensinu kualidade, asesu ba servisu saúde nian ho kualidade, apoia ema veneravel, dezenvolvimentu sustentável ba jerasaun hotu, indústria kriativa ne’ebé ativa liu no promosaun kultura nasionál, foin sa’e sira ho saúde.\nDezenvolvimentu infraestrutura : hasae kapasidade produtivu, hadi’a ema nia asesu ba servisu, hasa’e sustentabilidade hosi infraestrutura sira.\nDezenvolvimentu setór ekonomia : hasa’e produsaun agríkola, dezenvolvimentu indústria hosi rekursu Naturais, hasa’e rendimentu liuhosi kriasaun ba empregu, ambiente ne’ebé favoravel ba diversifikasaun ekonomia.\nModernizasaun institusionál : garantia ba defeza no estabilidade nasionál, garante ba sistema justisa ida ne’e asesivel no efetivu, timor leste nia integrasaun no pozisaun global, haforsa kultura demokrátika liuhosi responsabilizasaun no transparénsia, jestaun ba setór públiku ho efikásia no responsabilidade.\nAsina Plataforma Polítika Vota Kontra Ba Programa Governu\nPrevious articleUNDP Sei Apoiu Tan Komunikasaun Sosiál Timor-Leste\nNext articleXanana Simu Proposta Lidera Alta Autoridade
[ "Viabiliza Governu, Opozisaun Asina Plataforma | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Viabiliza Governu, Opozisaun Asina Plataforma Viabiliza Governu, Opozisaun Asina Plataforma DILI (TATOLI) - Prezidente Jurisdisaun Partidu CNRT esplika, intensaun hosi plataforma politika ne'ebe partidu opozisaun CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO asina nia objetivu mak viabiliza setimu governu tanba forsa governu iha Parlamentu minoritaria.", "\"Ita hotu hatene katak, setimu governu la iha maioria parlamentar nune'e mak atu viabiliza governasaun ida ne'e, no funsionamentu normal parlamentu forsa politika sira hanesan CNRT, PLP, KHUNTO tenke kontribui.", "Ida ne'e mak hatudu sentidu estadu,\" Eis Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'e informa ba TATOLI, hafoin partisipa serimonia asina plataforma iha Fatu-hada, Jl Vila, ohin.", "Setimu governu nia dehan, governu koligasaun ida ne'ebe la hetan apoiu maioria hosi parlamentar, ho realidade ida ne'e bele konsidera hanesan problema ida ne'ebe nia konsekuensia afeta ba estabilidade governativa.", "Bazeia ba realidade, Bloku Opozisaun Maioria Parlamentar, kompostu hosi, Partidu CNRT, Partidu Libertasaun Popular-PLP ho Partidu KHUNTO tau hanoin hamutuk liuhosi plataforma politika aliansa maioria parlamentar ho objetivu prinsipal, lori povu Timor-Leste ba moris di'ak liu hosi promove dezenvolvimentu ida ne'ebe fahe rekursu no oportunidade hanesan, se setimu governu nia programa la hetan apoiu masimu iha parlamentu nasional.", "\"Se nucaso governu ida ne'e la bele kontinua, la presiza hanoin kondisaun oin, iha forsa politika ida eziste hela ne'e ho maioria parlamentar ba interese nasional sira prontu atu toma responsabilidade,\" Aderito afirma.", "No lamenta mos katak, formasaun setimu governu la prudente bainhira ko'alia kona-ba sentidu estadu, Tan ida ne'e, la iha dalan seluk, bainhira akontese 'dezastre' ba setimu governu, forsa politika ne'ebe iha maioria parlamentar bele asegura iha kontestu asume responsabilidade governasaun.", "\"Regra konstituisaun fo dalan.", "Husu ita hotu-hotu komunga regra konstitusional duke fera ulun hodi halo interpretasaun oin-oin.\"", "Iha fatin hanesan Prezidente Bankada KHUNTO, Luis Roberto da Silva deklara momoos katak, Opozisaun maioria parlamentar sei vota kontra programa setimu governu nian.", "\"Ita ko'alia frankamente, lakohi ko'alia subar kuandu diskusaun programa governu da-hituk iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) sei vota kontra tanba partidu tolu iha parlamentu maioria iha ne'eba,\" Luis Roberto da Silva haktuir.", "Entretantu palaforma politika aliansa maioria parlamentar ne'ebe hetan visto hosi Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Taur Matan Ruak, Prezidente Partidu PLP, no Jose dos Santos NAIMORI Bucar, Konselleiru Superior KHUNTO nia objetivu prinsipal mak hanesan; Kontinua hametin estabilidade, hadi'a di'ak liu tan povu nia moris liuhosi investimentu publiku liga liu ba kapasidade produz povu nian, kontinua politika desentralizasaun, hametin sistema justisa, promove transparensia ba uzu kualker fundu estadu, kontinua implementa reforma fiskal, preserva no haburas jestaun petroliferu.", "Kontinua mos promove setor privadu hodi ajuda kria oportunidade servisu, hadi'a fali programa balun la kondus ho situasaun real, hanesan prestasaun servisu, kualidade servisu saude, promove edukasaun kualidade, enkoraza dezenvolvimentu auto empregu, promove kreditu, protesaun ba labarik, feto, katuas no ema defisiente, atensaun ba juventude, hametin dezenvolvimentu kultural, hari uma ba kbiit laek sira.", "Iha parte seluk objetivu setimu governu ne'ebe haktuir iha nia programa ba tinan lima oin mai hanesan tuir mai; setor sosial: asesu ba ensinu kualidade, asesu ba servisu saude nian ho kualidade, apoia ema veneravel, dezenvolvimentu sustentavel ba jerasaun hotu, industria kriativa ne'ebe ativa liu no promosaun kultura nasional, foin sa'e sira ho saude.", "Dezenvolvimentu infraestrutura: hasae kapasidade produtivu, hadi'a ema nia asesu ba servisu, hasa'e sustentabilidade hosi infraestrutura sira.", "Dezenvolvimentu setor ekonomia: hasa'e produsaun agrikola, dezenvolvimentu industria hosi rekursu Naturais, hasa'e rendimentu liuhosi kriasaun ba empregu, ambiente ne'ebe favoravel ba diversifikasaun ekonomia.", "Modernizasaun institusional: garantia ba defeza no estabilidade nasional, garante ba sistema justisa ida ne'e asesivel no efetivu, timor leste nia integrasaun no pozisaun global, haforsa kultura demokratika liuhosi responsabilizasaun no transparensia, jestaun ba setor publiku ho efikasia no responsabilidade.", "Asina Plataforma Politika Vota Kontra Ba Programa Governu Previous articleUNDP Sei Apoiu Tan Komunikasaun Sosial Timor-Leste Next articleXanana Simu Proposta Lidera Alta Autoridade" ]
[ [ "Viabilize Government, Opposition Sign Platform | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Government and opposition sign platform for viability of government Dili (Agência Notícias) - The President Of the CNRT Party Juriddiction explained that intended political programme which has been submitted to Parliament by CNT'S opponent parties PLP & KHUNTO is aimed at making a seventh cabinet possible because their coalition forces are minority." ], [ "\"We all know that the seventh government does not have a parliamentary majority, so in order to make this governance viable and normal functioning of Parliament political forces such as CNRT (Congress for National Unity), PLP(People's Liberal Party) KHUNTO must contribute." ], [ "This shows a sense of state,\" the ex-Presidente do Parlamento Nacional told TATOLI after attending platform signing ceremony in Fatuhada on Jl Vila today." ], [ "The seventh government he said, was a coalition that did not have the support of most parliamentarians and this reality can be considered as an issue with consequences affecting governance stability." ], [ "Based on reality, the Opposition Majority Parliamentary Block composed of CNRT Party-PLP and KHUNTO party put together their ideas through a political platform for an parliamentarian majority coalition with as its main objective to bring Timorese people better lives by promoting development that shares resources & opportunities. If this seventh government program does not receive maximum support in national parlementaries it will have no chance at all!" ], [ "\"If this government cannot continue, there is no need to think about future conditions. There exists a political force with the parliamentary majority of national interest ready and willing for responsibility\", Aderito said in an interview on 24/10 at Radio Nacional de Angola (RNA)." ], [ "He also regrets that the formation of a seventh government is not prudent when it comes to sense-of state, because there'd be no other way in which if 'disaster’ happened for an eighth Government. The political force with parliamentary majority could ensure within this context assume responsibility governance and take on its own duties as well!" ], [ "\"The rule of the constitution gives way." ], [ "He urges us all to abide by the constitutional rules rather than shake our heads about different interpretations.\"" ], [ "On the other hand, KHUNTO Group Chairman Luis Roberto da Silva declares that his party will vote against this seventh government's programme." ], [ "\"Let's speak frankly, we do not want to talk up when the discussion of a government programme in Parliament will vote against it because three parties have parliamentary majority there\", said Luis Roberto da Silva." ], [ "Meanwhile, the political alliance of parliamentary majority which was approved by Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao (CNRT Party President), Taur Matan Ruak(PLP party president) and Jose dos Santos Naimori Bucar KHUNTO Senior Councillor's main objectives are; Continue to strengthen stability. Improve people life through public investment related more than producing capacity for our nation continue decentralization policy reinforce justice system promote transparencies in use any state funds implement fiscal reform preserve petroleum management improved" ], [ "We will continue to promote the private sector, help create job opportunities and improve some programs that do not reflect real situations such as service provision; quality health care services. Promote high-quality education for all children in our country by encouraging self employment development through promoting credit accessibility protection of childhood women elderly disabled people youth attention strengthening cultural growth building homes on low income families" ], [ "On the other hand, seven goals of government mentioned in its program for next five years are as follow; social sector: access to quality education and health care services supporting vulnerable people sustainable development among all generation a more active creative industry promotion national culture youngsters with healthy." ], [ "Infrastructure development: increase productivity capacity, improve people's access to employment and enhance the sustainability of infrastructure." ], [ "Development of the economic sector: increase agricultural production, industrial development from natural resources; raise income through job-creation and an environment conducive to diversification." ], [ "Institutional modernization: guaranteeing national defence and stability, ensuring an accessible & effective justice system; East Timor' s integration in the global position of development countries. Strengthening democratic culture through accountability& transparence for public sector management with efficiency/responsibility" ], [ "Previous articleUNDP Will Support More Social Communication In Timor-Leste Next artikelXanana Simu Proposal Leads High Authority To Vote Against Government Program" ] ]
Timor-Leste presiza ajusta modelu hanorin Hybrid Learning Environments Model | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OPINIAUN Timor-Leste presiza ajusta modelu hanorin Hybrid Learning Environments Model\nTimor-Leste presiza ajusta modelu hanorin Hybrid Learning Environments Model\nLígia Rosita Vieira Aniceto.\nLígia Rosita Vieira Aniceto\nHo situasaun pandemia ida ne’e, mundu tomak afetadu COVID-19, ka pandemia globál coronavírus ezije responsabilidade husi governu sira iha mundu tomak. Timor-Leste iha ninia maneira únika rasik bainhira responde ba situasaun ida ne’e. Governu Timor-Leste foti aktus hodi prevene cononavirus ida ne’e liu husi deklara Estadu emerjénsia ida, ne’ebé suspende atividade halibur malu hanesan relijiozu, taka eskola sira, suspende transporte públiku no atividade grupu boot, estabelese rekezitu ba distansiamentu sosiál nomos suspende movimentu iha fronteira nomos sosializa informasaun kona ba medida hirak-ne’e aplika hodi evita COVID-19 nabelar bá-mai. Governu Timor-Leste mós rekoñese impaktu sosiál no ekonómiku ne’ebé akontese iha komunidade ninia leet. Maneira balu ne’ebé mak konsege Governu foti mak fó apoiu ba sidadaun mak bainhira sidadaun ida implementa auto-kuarentena, subsídiu eletrisidade ho montante $15 kada fulan, fó subsídiu uma-kain $100 kada fulan i programa cesta bázika ne’ebé fó apoiu ai-han. Governu mós lansa programa Eskola ba Uma, programa aprendizajen remota ida ba estudante sira ne’ebé izola an iha uma. Maibé programa aprendizajen remota ida ne’e la sufisiente atu kobre hotu nesesidade prosesu hanorin. Ne’e duni, Governu tenki mai ho solusaun ida efetivu i adekuadu atu bele hadi’a sistema apredizajen i fó dalan ba estudante sira hotu atu bele asesu ba edukasaun durante tempu pandemia ida ne’e.\nSituasaun inserteza ida ne’e halo ema hotu buka meius oinsá atu bele ajusta an hodi nafatin halo atividade sosiál no ekonómiku. Ho teknolojia avansadu ne’ebé mak disponivel, Governu tenki mai ona ho meius ida implementa sistema aprendizajen remota ida ne’ebé sustentável uza modelu Hybrid Learning Environments Model. Atu ajusta modelu hanorin iha situasaun pandemia ne’ebé afeta mundu, presiza tebes kreatividade no hanoin ida ne’ebé luan mai husi setór edukasaun i edukadór sira. Iha mundu avansadu ida ne’e teknolojia foun hanesan Artificial Intelligence (AI) mai ho solusaun lubuk boot ne’ebé disponivel gratuita iha linha internet (Google). Fó vantaje bo’ot ba estudante sira atu asesu ba edukasaun uza meius online meeting ka virtual meeting ne’ebé la presiza estudante atu atende aula iha iskola. Estudante hotu-hotu hanesan universidade, ensinu superiór, eskola sekundária, i eskola primária bele uza meius hanesan hybrid ka virtual meeting uza teknologia ne’ebé disponivel gratuita iha internet hanesan Zoom Meeting, Cisco Webex, i seluk-seluk tan ne’ebé mak bele download husi internet. Governu Timor-Leste rasik mos bele kria ninia pagina independente ka integradu ba Hybrid Model liu husi servisu asistensia “Ajénsia Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC)” hodi fó apoiu ba setór edukasaun hodi kria pagina Hybrid Model ida hodi bele uza iha teritóriu tomak. Iha parte seluk mos Governu bele uza maneira ida ne’e hodi fasilita mos servisu públiku sira uza Hybrid Model atu antisipada situasaun inserteza ba pandemia globál ne’e.\nSistema aprendizajen uja Hybrid Model la persiza media ka ekipamentu barak, bele uza de’it telemovel, komputadór, e laptop ne’ebé iha koneksaun ba linha internet. Benefisiu husi Hybrid Learning Environments Model ba edukasaun mak responde ba sistema aprendizajen remota, atividade e servisu remota ba edukadór sira, minimiza risku durante pandemia, efetivu ba partisipante liu husi ema 100, hasae produtividade estudante sira, flexsivel i fasil atu uza iha ne’ebé de’it. Tanba sa mak Hybrid Model efetivu tebes durante pandemia? hanesan ezemplu, karik estudante ida hakarak halo diskusaun ka servisu grupu ruma sira bele kria rasik Zoom Meeting tuir sira nia tempu depois manda Zoom Meeting Link ba nia kolega maluk atu sira bele utiliza, tempu hanesan edukadór ka funsionáriu públiku sira bele utiliza modelu ida ne’e hodi halo servisu husi uma. Edukadór, estudante ka ema sé de’it bele kria rasik Zoom Meeting Schedule, bele haree iha link ne’e: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AgDfvKVwss. Edukadór ka estudante sira mos bele uza Google Classrooms atu bele arkiva materiál hodi hanorin, share class materiál sira ba estudante, nomos bele uza fasilidade ne’ebé existe iha Google Classrooms https://edu.google.com/intl/en/products/classroom/ ne’ebé fasil, simplis i konveniente.\nHakerek nain mestradu iha área International Management- MBA, International University of Japan.\nPrevious articleArguidu na’in-lima faan sigaru iha tasi kumpre aprezentasaun periódika\nNext articleEstudante UNPAZ 1.200 hala’o peskiza atu prepara matéria ezame sientífiku\nRodolfo Vicente de Sousa September 5, 2021 at 4:57 pm\nModelo ida nee Diak. Mais hau hare hanesan hakerek nain focus los deit ba sisi ida deit kona ba oinsa utiliza Web internet ba Prosesu aprindizagem . Maibe tuir lolos ne model hybrida ne rasik sistema edukasaun aprendizagem ida que combinar buat RUA :\n1. Alunos balun attende aulas class pessoalmentel ho nia professores ” Soru malun ” face to face .\n2. Alunos balun tuir deit aula ka class virtual online housi Uma deit wainhira profesores hanorin face to face iha aulas ho hirak nebe maka fahe ona atu mai tuir aulas .\nHirak restu nee tuir online husi uma deit atu evita estudante sira labele mai hotu iha aula laran tan escola presisa espasu ba sosial distansia durante covid 19 labele halibur alunos hotu hanesan bain bain. Obrigado\nLigia Aniceto September 7, 2021 at 5:27 pm\nHakerek nain focus ba los hybrid model without attending class.\nBOBONARO, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Populasaun hosi aldeia Atubuti ho Tuturema, postu administrativu Cailaco, munisípiu Bobonaro, to’o oras-ne’e seidauk asesu eletrisidade. “Aldeia rua ne’ebé la asesu...\nDILI, 23 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Feto FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), realiza semináriu ho tema kapasitasaun promosaun feto F-FDTL, hodi fahe koñsimentu ba knaar militár. Xefe...
[ "Timor-Leste presiza ajusta modelu hanorin Hybrid Learning Environments Model | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIAUN Timor-Leste presiza ajusta modelu hanorin Hybrid Learning Environments Model Timor-Leste presiza ajusta modelu hanorin Hybrid Learning Environments Model Ligia Rosita Vieira Aniceto.", "Ligia Rosita Vieira Aniceto Ho situasaun pandemia ida ne'e, mundu tomak afetadu COVID-19, ka pandemia global coronavirus ezije responsabilidade husi governu sira iha mundu tomak.", "Timor-Leste iha ninia maneira unika rasik bainhira responde ba situasaun ida ne'e.", "Governu Timor-Leste foti aktus hodi prevene cononavirus ida ne'e liu husi deklara Estadu emerjensia ida, ne'ebe suspende atividade halibur malu hanesan relijiozu, taka eskola sira, suspende transporte publiku no atividade grupu boot, estabelese rekezitu ba distansiamentu sosial nomos suspende movimentu iha fronteira nomos sosializa informasaun kona ba medida hirak-ne'e aplika hodi evita COVID-19 nabelar ba-mai.", "Governu Timor-Leste mos rekonese impaktu sosial no ekonomiku ne'ebe akontese iha komunidade ninia leet.", "Maneira balu ne'ebe mak konsege Governu foti mak fo apoiu ba sidadaun mak bainhira sidadaun ida implementa auto-kuarentena, subsidiu eletrisidade ho montante $15 kada fulan, fo subsidiu uma-kain $100 kada fulan i programa cesta bazika ne'ebe fo apoiu ai-han.", "Governu mos lansa programa Eskola ba Uma, programa aprendizajen remota ida ba estudante sira ne'ebe izola an iha uma.", "Maibe programa aprendizajen remota ida ne'e la sufisiente atu kobre hotu nesesidade prosesu hanorin.", "Ne'e duni, Governu tenki mai ho solusaun ida efetivu i adekuadu atu bele hadi'a sistema apredizajen i fo dalan ba estudante sira hotu atu bele asesu ba edukasaun durante tempu pandemia ida ne'e.", "Situasaun inserteza ida ne'e halo ema hotu buka meius oinsa atu bele ajusta an hodi nafatin halo atividade sosial no ekonomiku.", "Ho teknolojia avansadu ne'ebe mak disponivel, Governu tenki mai ona ho meius ida implementa sistema aprendizajen remota ida ne'ebe sustentavel uza modelu Hybrid Learning Environments Model.", "Atu ajusta modelu hanorin iha situasaun pandemia ne'ebe afeta mundu, presiza tebes kreatividade no hanoin ida ne'ebe luan mai husi setor edukasaun i edukador sira.", "Iha mundu avansadu ida ne'e teknolojia foun hanesan Artificial Intelligence (AI) mai ho solusaun lubuk boot ne'ebe disponivel gratuita iha linha internet (Google).", "Fo vantaje bo'ot ba estudante sira atu asesu ba edukasaun uza meius online meeting ka virtual meeting ne'ebe la presiza estudante atu atende aula iha iskola.", "Estudante hotu-hotu hanesan universidade, ensinu superior, eskola sekundaria, i eskola primaria bele uza meius hanesan hybrid ka virtual meeting uza teknologia ne'ebe disponivel gratuita iha internet hanesan Zoom Meeting, Cisco Webex, i seluk-seluk tan ne'ebe mak bele download husi internet.", "Governu Timor-Leste rasik mos bele kria ninia pagina independente ka integradu ba Hybrid Model liu husi servisu asistensia \"Ajensia Tecnologia da Informacao e Comunicacao (TIC) \" hodi fo apoiu ba setor edukasaun hodi kria pagina Hybrid Model ida hodi bele uza iha teritoriu tomak.", "Iha parte seluk mos Governu bele uza maneira ida ne'e hodi fasilita mos servisu publiku sira uza Hybrid Model atu antisipada situasaun inserteza ba pandemia global ne'e.", "Sistema aprendizajen uja Hybrid Model la persiza media ka ekipamentu barak, bele uza de'it telemovel, komputador, e laptop ne'ebe iha koneksaun ba linha internet.", "Benefisiu husi Hybrid Learning Environments Model ba edukasaun mak responde ba sistema aprendizajen remota, atividade e servisu remota ba edukador sira, minimiza risku durante pandemia, efetivu ba partisipante liu husi ema 100, hasae produtividade estudante sira, flexsivel i fasil atu uza iha ne'ebe de'it.", "Tanba sa mak Hybrid Model efetivu tebes durante pandemia? hanesan ezemplu, karik estudante ida hakarak halo diskusaun ka servisu grupu ruma sira bele kria rasik Zoom Meeting tuir sira nia tempu depois manda Zoom Meeting Link ba nia kolega maluk atu sira bele utiliza, tempu hanesan edukador ka funsionariu publiku sira bele utiliza modelu ida ne'e hodi halo servisu husi uma.", "Edukador, estudante ka ema se de'it bele kria rasik Zoom Meeting Schedule, bele haree iha link ne'e: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AgDfvKVwss.", "Edukador ka estudante sira mos bele uza Google Classrooms atu bele arkiva material hodi hanorin, share class material sira ba estudante, nomos bele uza fasilidade ne'ebe existe iha Google Classrooms https://edu.google.com/intl/en/products/classroom/ ne'ebe fasil, simplis i konveniente.", "Hakerek nain mestradu iha area International Management- MBA, International University of Japan.", "Previous articleArguidu na'in-lima faan sigaru iha tasi kumpre aprezentasaun periodika Next articleEstudante UNPAZ 1.200 hala'o peskiza atu prepara materia ezame sientifiku Rodolfo Vicente de Sousa September 5, 2021 at 4:57 pm Modelo ida nee Diak.", "Mais hau hare hanesan hakerek nain focus los deit ba sisi ida deit kona ba oinsa utiliza Web internet ba Prosesu aprindizagem .", "Maibe tuir lolos ne model hybrida ne rasik sistema edukasaun aprendizagem ida que combinar buat RUA: 1.", "Alunos balun attende aulas class pessoalmentel ho nia professores \" Soru malun \" face to face .", "2.", "Alunos balun tuir deit aula ka class virtual online housi Uma deit wainhira profesores hanorin face to face iha aulas ho hirak nebe maka fahe ona atu mai tuir aulas .", "Hirak restu nee tuir online husi uma deit atu evita estudante sira labele mai hotu iha aula laran tan escola presisa espasu ba sosial distansia durante covid 19 labele halibur alunos hotu hanesan bain bain.", "Obrigado Ligia Aniceto September 7, 2021 at 5:27 pm Hakerek nain focus ba los hybrid model without attending class.", "BOBONARO, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Populasaun hosi aldeia Atubuti ho Tuturema, postu administrativu Cailaco, munisipiu Bobonaro, to'o oras-ne'e seidauk asesu eletrisidade.", "\"Aldeia rua ne'ebe la asesu...", "DILI, 23 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Feto FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), realiza seminariu ho tema kapasitasaun promosaun feto F-FDTL, hodi fahe konsimentu ba knaar militar.", "Xefe..." ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste needs to adjust the teaching model Hybrid Learning Environments Model | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór - Leste HOME OPINIONS TIMOR LESTE NEED TO ADJUSTA THE TEACHING MODELS OF HIBRIDS LEARNERING ENVIRONMENTS MODELLA Ligia Rosita Vieira Aniceto." ], [ "With this pandemic situation, the whole world affected by COVID-19 or global coronavirus pandemic demands responsibility from government in all parts of our planet." ], [ "Timor-Leste has its own unique way of responding to this situation." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste has taken measures to prevent this cononavirus by declaring a stateofemergency, which suspended activities such as religious gatherings; shut down schools and public transportation facilities for large group events. It also established social distanciment requirements including the suspension on border movement with other countries (excluding China) while disseminating information about these actions in order not allow COVID 19 spread into another country or region" ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste also recognizes the social and economic impacts that occur within its communities." ], [ "Some of the ways in which government has been able to support its citizens are when a citizen implements self-quarantine, electricity subsidies amounting $15 per month and household subsidy is given at an annual rate." ], [ "The government also launched the School at Home program, a remote learning programme for students who are isolated in their homes." ], [ "However, this remote learning program is not sufficient to cover all the needs of teaching." ], [ "Therefore, the Government must come up with an effective and adequate solution to improve educational systems so that all students can have access during this pandemic." ], [ "This situation of insecurity makes everyone look for ways to adjust and continue with their social or economic activities." ], [ "With advanced technology available, the government must come up with a way to implement sustainable distance learning systems using Hybrid Learning Environments Model." ], [ "In order to adapt the teaching model in a pandemic situation affecting all of us, we need creativity and broad thinking from educational sectors." ], [ "In this advanced world, new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) have come with a huge number of solutions that are available for free on the internet." ], [ "Gives great advantage to students in accessing education using online meeting or virtual conference which does not require the student attend classes at school." ], [ "All students in universities, colleges and high schools can use hybrid or virtual meeting methods using technology available free of charge on the Internet such as Zoom Meeting. Cisco Webex is another software that you may download from online resources to help with this task:" ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste itself can also create its own independent or integrated page for the Hybrid Model through assistance service \"Agensia Tecnologia da Informacao e Comunicação (TIC)\" to support education sector in creating a hybrid model website that could be used throughout their territory." ], [ "On the other hand, Governments can use this way to facilitate public services using Hybrid Model in order for them anticipating situation insertion of global pandemic." ], [ "The learning system using the Hybrid Model does not require many media or equipment, you can only use a mobile phone and computers with an internet connection." ], [ "The benefits of the Hybrid Learning Environments Model for education are responsive to remote learning systems, activities and work from home by educators; minimize risk during pandemic times. Effectively allows participants over a hundred people in one classroom or group meeting room while increasing students' productivity as it is flexible with easy use anywhere!" ], [ "Why is Hybrid Model so effective during the pandemic? For example, if a student wants to have some discussion or group work they can create their own Zoom Meeting at your time and then send zoom meeting link for his colleagues that he may use. Educators as well public officials could utilize this model when working from home 24/7" ], [ "Educators, students or just people can create their own Zoom Meeting Schedules. See this link: https://www!/watch?v=7AgDfVKVwsS&feature_id=\"10254\"" ], [ "Educators or students can also use Google Classrooms to archive teaching materials, share class material with their pupils and take advantage of the easy-to–use features available in https://edu.google" ], [ "He is a graduate of International Management- MBA, from the international university in Japan." ], [ "Previous articleArguidu na'in-cinco vendendo cigarru no mar cumpre apresentação periódica Next1,205 UNPAZ students conduct research to prepare for scientific exam Rodolfo Vicente de Souza September 4.97 pm This model is good!" ], [ "But I see as the author focus only on one aspect of how to use Web internet for learning process." ], [ "But according to many the hybrid model itself is an educational learning system that combines things RUA: 1." ], [ "Some students attended class classes personally with their teachers \"Soru malun\" face to Face." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "Some students only attend classes or virtual class online from home when professors teach face to Face in the lessons with those who have been distributed." ], [ "The rest of the classes will be taken online from home only to avoid students not being able all come in class because school needs space for social distancing during covid 19 can't gather every student as well." ], [ "Thank you Ligia Aniceto September 7,2019 at.5:36 pm Author focus on the hybrid model without attending class!" ], [ "BOBONARO, September 24th - The population of the villages Atubuti and Tuturema in Cailaco administrative post (Bobonaro municipality) have not yet had access to electricity." ], [ "\"Village streets that are not accessible..." ], [ "DILI, September 23rd (TATOLI) - The Timor-Leste Defence Forces’ Female FALINTIL conducted a seminar on the promotion of female FDTL personnel to increase their knowledge and understanding about military duties." ], [ "Chief..." ] ]
PR Lú Olo Promulga Dekretu-Lei Autoridade Nasionál Eletrisidade (ANE,I.P) - Naunil Media\nPR Lú Olo Promulga Dekretu-Lei Autoridade Nasionál Eletrisidade (ANE,I.P)\nSeptember 24, 2020 September 24, 2020 Julito Ximenes\t0 Comments\nNaunil Media (Díli), Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, anunsia Dekretu Lei kona-ba kriasaun Autoridade Nasionál Eletrisidade (ANE, I.P) ne’ebe hetan promulga hosi Prezidente Republika iha loron 23 fulan Setembru tinan 2020 ne’e.\nDekretu Lei ne’e fó sai hosi Komunkadu imprensa hosi Media Palásiu Prezidensiál, Kinta (24/09) ne’e, Autoridade Nasionál Eletrisidade, I.P, ho knaar atu asegura ezekusaun polítika nasionál setór enerjétiku, garante regulasaun no fiskalizasaun produsaun, transporte, distribuisaun, komersializasaun enerjia elétrika iha Sistema Nasionál Eletrisidade, no mós normalizasaun nasionál ba komponente instalasoins elétrikas.\nAutoridade Nasionál Eletrisidade, I.P sei tutela ba membru Goveru ne’ebé responsabiliza ba setór enerjia elétrika.\nInstitutu Públiku ne’e sei diriji superiormente husi Konsellu Administrasaun ho responsabilidade ba definisaun orientasaun jerál, no Konsellu Fiskla ba fiskalizasaun. Ba ezekusaun jestaun atividade ANE, I.P, sei asegura husi Diretór Ezekutivu, noemeadu husi ministru tutela, ho proposta husi Konsellu Administrasaun.\nSetór eletrisidade nu’udar pilar ida ne’ebé fundamental tebetebes ba promosaun no dezenvolvimentu ekonomia País no instrumentu privilijiadu ba seguransa no bem-estar populasaun ninian, tanba ne’e, konsidera nu’udar servisu públiku esensiál.\nTuir Dekretu-Lei númeru 13/2003, 24 setembru, ne’ebé estabelese Sistema Nasionál Eletrisidade ko’alia kona-ba prinsípiu báziku servisu universal enerjia elétrika ba populasaun no entidade públikas no privadas ba atividade iha setór oioin. Estadu Timor-Leste mak ohinloron jere atividade setor enerjia elétrika.\nIha posibilidade atu estabelese parseria ho setor privadu, espesialmente ba produsaun enerjia elétrika renovavel. Estadu sei kontinua tau matan ba integridade infraestruturas no fiabilidade ba fornesimentu. Tanba ne’e, autoridade reguladora sei sai fonte informasaun ba públiku no kualidade setór enerjia hodi kontinua halo fiskalizasaun ba atividades entidade públikas no privada ne’ebé opera iha setór ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, estadarizasaun ba material elétriku no instalasoins elétrika sai nu’udar motivu ida hodi kria entidade ne’ebé estabelese naormas nasionais ba material elétriku no ninia utilizasaun no instalasaun hodi promove seguransa ba utilizasaun eletrisidade ba ninia sidadaun sira. */Pau\n← Komunidade Same Nafatin Halerik ba Bee Moos no Estrada\nPM Taur : 15 Outobru 2020 Governu Sei Haruka Proposta OJE 2021 ba PN →\nRui Apela Atividade Atendementu Iha HNGV, La’o Normál\nMarch 14, 2021 March 14, 2021 Julito Ximenes 0\nKKLN Sei Hala’o Asembleia Jerál Deskute no Aprova Planu Sira\nNovember 10, 2020 November 14, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0\nSandra Tilman: Lalika Dukur No Tuku Tuur, Tempu Ona Apoiu Lere\nMarch 10, 2022 March 10, 2022 Latu Cavani 0
[ "PR Lu Olo Promulga Dekretu-Lei Autoridade Nasional Eletrisidade (ANE,I.P) - Naunil Media PR Lu Olo Promulga Dekretu-Lei Autoridade Nasional Eletrisidade (ANE,I.P) September 24, 2020 September 24, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0 Comments Naunil Media (Dili), Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, anunsia Dekretu Lei kona-ba kriasaun Autoridade Nasional Eletrisidade (ANE, I.P) ne'ebe hetan promulga hosi Prezidente Republika iha loron 23 fulan Setembru tinan 2020 ne'e.", "Dekretu Lei ne'e fo sai hosi Komunkadu imprensa hosi Media Palasiu Prezidensial, Kinta (24/09) ne'e, Autoridade Nasional Eletrisidade, I.P, ho knaar atu asegura ezekusaun politika nasional setor enerjetiku, garante regulasaun no fiskalizasaun produsaun, transporte, distribuisaun, komersializasaun enerjia eletrika iha Sistema Nasional Eletrisidade, no mos normalizasaun nasional ba komponente instalasoins eletrikas.", "Autoridade Nasional Eletrisidade, I.P sei tutela ba membru Goveru ne'ebe responsabiliza ba setor enerjia eletrika.", "Institutu Publiku ne'e sei diriji superiormente husi Konsellu Administrasaun ho responsabilidade ba definisaun orientasaun jeral, no Konsellu Fiskla ba fiskalizasaun.", "Ba ezekusaun jestaun atividade ANE, I.P, sei asegura husi Diretor Ezekutivu, noemeadu husi ministru tutela, ho proposta husi Konsellu Administrasaun.", "Setor eletrisidade nu'udar pilar ida ne'ebe fundamental tebetebes ba promosaun no dezenvolvimentu ekonomia Pais no instrumentu privilijiadu ba seguransa no bem-estar populasaun ninian, tanba ne'e, konsidera nu'udar servisu publiku esensial.", "Tuir Dekretu-Lei numeru 13/2003, 24 setembru, ne'ebe estabelese Sistema Nasional Eletrisidade ko'alia kona-ba prinsipiu baziku servisu universal enerjia eletrika ba populasaun no entidade publikas no privadas ba atividade iha setor oioin.", "Estadu Timor-Leste mak ohinloron jere atividade setor enerjia eletrika.", "Iha posibilidade atu estabelese parseria ho setor privadu, espesialmente ba produsaun enerjia eletrika renovavel.", "Estadu sei kontinua tau matan ba integridade infraestruturas no fiabilidade ba fornesimentu.", "Tanba ne'e, autoridade reguladora sei sai fonte informasaun ba publiku no kualidade setor enerjia hodi kontinua halo fiskalizasaun ba atividades entidade publikas no privada ne'ebe opera iha setor ne'e.", "Aleinde ne'e, estadarizasaun ba material eletriku no instalasoins eletrika sai nu'udar motivu ida hodi kria entidade ne'ebe estabelese naormas nasionais ba material eletriku no ninia utilizasaun no instalasaun hodi promove seguransa ba utilizasaun eletrisidade ba ninia sidadaun sira. */Pau - Komunidade Same Nafatin Halerik ba Bee Moos no Estrada PM Taur: 15 Outobru 2020 Governu Sei Haruka Proposta OJE 2021 ba PN - Rui Apela Atividade Atendementu Iha HNGV, La'o Normal March 14, 2021 March 14, 2021 Julito Ximenes 0 KKLN Sei Hala'o Asembleia Jeral Deskute no Aprova Planu Sira November 10, 2020 November 14, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0 Sandra Tilman: Lalika Dukur No Tuku Tuur, Tempu Ona Apoiu Lere March 10, 2022 March 10, 2022 Latu Cavani 0" ]
[ [ "PR Lu Olo Promulga Decreto-Lei Autoridade Nacional Eletrisidade (ANE,I.P) - Naunil Media PRESIDENT LU OLO PROMULE DECRETO LEGISLATIVE ON THE CRITICAL FUNCTION OF A NATIONAL ELECTRICITY AUTORITY September24th: President of the Republic Francisco Guterres \"Lú\" Oló announces a decree law to establish National Electricity Authority which has been promulgated by his office on Septemre13rd" ], [ "The Decree-Law was issued in a press release from the Presidential Palace Media on Wednesday (24/09), establishing National Electricity Authority, I.P with responsibility to ensure national energy sector policy execution; guarantee regulation and supervision of production transmission distribution commercialization electric power within Sistema Nacional de Eletricidade as well nationwide standardisation for electrical installation components" ], [ "The National Electricity Authority, I.P will supervise the members of Government responsible for electric energy sectors and provide them with technical assistance in their work as well" ], [ "The public institute will be directed by a Board of Directors responsible for defining general direction, and the Fiscal Council to oversee its activities." ], [ "For the execution of management activities ANE, I.P will be ensured by an Executive Director nominated from ministers responsible on a proposal made to him/her and his board (Board)." ], [ "The electricity sector is a fundamental pillar for the promotion and development of our country's economy, as well an important instrument to ensure security & welfare. Therefore it has been recognized by many governmental bodies that this industry constitutes essential public services in Brazil" ], [ "According to Decree-Law No. 13/204, of September the establishing National Electricity System speaks about basic principle universal service electricity energy for population and public entities as well private activities in various sectores" ], [ "The State of Timor-Leste regularly manages activities in the electricity sector." ], [ "There is a possibility to establish partnerships with the private sector, especially for renewable electricity production." ], [ "The State will continue to take care of the integrity and reliability for supply." ], [ "Therefore, the regulatory authority will be a source of information for public and quality energy sector to continue supervising activities by private entities operating in this field." ], [ "In addition, the standardization of electrical material and installations has become a reason to create an entity that establishes national rules for electric materials as well its use. */Pau - Same Community Nafatin Halerik ba Bee Moos no Estrada PM Taur: 15th October Government Will Send Proposed Budget For The Year Of PN-Rui Calling Attention Activities in Hospital NGV La'o Normal March" ] ]
Quarta-Feira, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quarta-Feira, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nPrimeira Leitura 2 Tim. 1. 1-3, 6-12\nKalan loron ha’u fó agradece ba Maromak, nebé ha’u serbi ho laran mós nu’udar ita nia bei-ala sira halo, uainhira ha’u hanoin ó iha ha’u nia orasaun.\nTan ne’e, ha’u dehan fali ba ó atu halo moris hanesan ahi lakan presente nebé Maromak nebé haraik ona ba ó iha tempo nebé ha’u tau liman ba ó. Maromak nia presente ne’e la’os ema taukten nia neon, maibé espírito biit, domin no ukun an nian. Ne’e duni, ó la bele moe uainhira ó fó sasin kona ba ita Na’i, eh moe kona ba ha’u, Jesus nia dadur na’in; maibé hamutuk ho ha’u, ó bele tahan terus no susar tanba Evangelho, hodi fiar de’it biit Maromak nian, nebé soi ita no bolu ita atu sai santo; la’os tanba buat nebé ita rasik halo, maibé tanba Nia hakarak rasik no tanba nia graça. Graça ida ne’e fó tiha ona mai ita, iha Cristo Jesus, molok tempo hahu, maibé foin mak fó hatene sai housi ita Maksoi, Cristo Jesus, nia hi’it an mai. Nia sobu rahun mate, hodi haklaken moris rohan laek housi Evangelho; no Maromak foti ha’u atu sai nia manu ain, nia apóstolo no mestre.\nTanba buat sira ne’e mak ha’u hetan susar; maibé ha’u la moe, basá ha’u hatene ida nebé ha’u fiar, no ha’u hatene lolós katak Nia bele tau matan ba buat hotu nebé Nia saran mai ha’u to’o loron nebá.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 122(123). 1-2ª, 2bcd (R. 1a)\nRefrão : Ba ita, Na’i, ha’u fila ha’u oin!!! Repete-se\nHa’u foti ha’u matan ba ita boot,\nBa ita boot be hôrik iha lalehan;\nHanesan atan nia matan,\nFila ba nia na’in nia liman. Refrão\nHanesan atan feto nia matan,\nFila ba Na’in feto nia liman;\nNune’e mós ami matan fila ba Maromak\nTo’o Nia hatudu Nia laran-luak. Refrão\nAclamação Jo. 11. 25a-26\nEma nebé fiar ha’u, maski mate ona, nia sei moris. Refrão\nEvangelho Mc. 12. 18-27\nIha tempo nebá, ema saduceu balun nebé dehan katak la iha moris hi’as hakbesik Jesus hodi husu Nia “ Mestre, Moisés hakerek ba imi katak uainhira mane ida nia maun mate hodi husik nia kaben no la husik oan, mane ne’e sei hola feto faluk ne’e atu fó oan ba nia maun. Iha maun-alin na’in hitu. Ida boot liu hola feto, hafoin nia mate, la hetan oan ida. Ida nebé tuir hola feto faluk ne’e, maibé nia mós mate, la hetan oan. Nune’e mós ida nebé tuir nia. Sira na’in hitu ne’e la hetan oan ida. Ikus mai feto ne’e mós mate. Iha moris hi’as, uanhira sira hotu sei moris fali, feto ne’e se lós nia kaben, basá sira hotu hola nia?” Jesus hatan ba sira, “Imi hanoin sala teb-tebes! Imi la compreende Escritura sira no Maromak nia biit. Basá uainhira sira moris hi’as hosi mate, sira la hola malu tan; sira sei sai hanesan anjo sira iha lalehan. Kona ba matebian sira moris hi’as fali, imi la lê iha Moisés nia livro, iha ai nebé lakan, oin sá Na’i Maromak ko’alia ba nia dehan: ‘Ha’u Abraão nia Maromak, Isaac nia Maromak, no Jacob nia Maromak.’ Nia la’os ema mate nia Maromak maibé ema moris nian. Imi hanoin sala teb-tebes!”\nPrevious PostMSSI ANUNCIA ONA DATA PAGAMENTO SUBSÍDIO $ 100 BA UMA KAIN Next PostQuinta-Feira, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)
[ "Quarta-Feira, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quarta-Feira, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Primeira Leitura 2 Tim.", "1.", "1-3, 6-12 Kalan loron ha'u fo agradece ba Maromak, nebe ha'u serbi ho laran mos nu'udar ita nia bei-ala sira halo, uainhira ha'u hanoin o iha ha'u nia orasaun.", "Tan ne'e, ha'u dehan fali ba o atu halo moris hanesan ahi lakan presente nebe Maromak nebe haraik ona ba o iha tempo nebe ha'u tau liman ba o.", "Maromak nia presente ne'e la'os ema taukten nia neon, maibe espirito biit, domin no ukun an nian.", "Ne'e duni, o la bele moe uainhira o fo sasin kona ba ita Na'i, eh moe kona ba ha'u, Jesus nia dadur na'in; maibe hamutuk ho ha'u, o bele tahan terus no susar tanba Evangelho, hodi fiar de'it biit Maromak nian, nebe soi ita no bolu ita atu sai santo; la'os tanba buat nebe ita rasik halo, maibe tanba Nia hakarak rasik no tanba nia graca.", "Graca ida ne'e fo tiha ona mai ita, iha Cristo Jesus, molok tempo hahu, maibe foin mak fo hatene sai housi ita Maksoi, Cristo Jesus, nia hi'it an mai.", "Nia sobu rahun mate, hodi haklaken moris rohan laek housi Evangelho; no Maromak foti ha'u atu sai nia manu ain, nia apostolo no mestre.", "Tanba buat sira ne'e mak ha'u hetan susar; maibe ha'u la moe, basa ha'u hatene ida nebe ha'u fiar, no ha'u hatene lolos katak Nia bele tau matan ba buat hotu nebe Nia saran mai ha'u to'o loron neba.", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "122 (123).", "1-2a, 2bcd (R. 1a) Refrao: Ba ita, Na'i, ha'u fila ha'u oin!!!", "Repete-se Ha'u foti ha'u matan ba ita boot, Ba ita boot be horik iha lalehan; Hanesan atan nia matan, Fila ba nia na'in nia liman.", "Refrao Hanesan atan feto nia matan, Fila ba Na'in feto nia liman; Nune'e mos ami matan fila ba Maromak To'o Nia hatudu Nia laran-luak.", "Refrao Aclamacao Jo.", "11.", "25a-26 Ema nebe fiar ha'u, maski mate ona, nia sei moris.", "Refrao Evangelho Mc.", "12.", "18-27 Iha tempo neba, ema saduceu balun nebe dehan katak la iha moris hi'as hakbesik Jesus hodi husu Nia \" Mestre, Moises hakerek ba imi katak uainhira mane ida nia maun mate hodi husik nia kaben no la husik oan, mane ne'e sei hola feto faluk ne'e atu fo oan ba nia maun.", "Iha maun-alin na'in hitu.", "Ida boot liu hola feto, hafoin nia mate, la hetan oan ida.", "Ida nebe tuir hola feto faluk ne'e, maibe nia mos mate, la hetan oan.", "Nune'e mos ida nebe tuir nia.", "Sira na'in hitu ne'e la hetan oan ida.", "Ikus mai feto ne'e mos mate.", "Iha moris hi'as, uanhira sira hotu sei moris fali, feto ne'e se los nia kaben, basa sira hotu hola nia?\"", "Jesus hatan ba sira, \"Imi hanoin sala teb-tebes!", "Imi la compreende Escritura sira no Maromak nia biit.", "Basa uainhira sira moris hi'as hosi mate, sira la hola malu tan; sira sei sai hanesan anjo sira iha lalehan.", "Kona ba matebian sira moris hi'as fali, imi la le iha Moises nia livro, iha ai nebe lakan, oin sa Na'i Maromak ko'alia ba nia dehan: 'Ha'u Abraao nia Maromak, Isaac nia Maromak, no Jacob nia Maromak.'", "Nia la'os ema mate nia Maromak maibe ema moris nian.", "Imi hanoin sala teb-tebes!\"", "Previous PostMSSI ANUNCIA ONA DATA PAGAMENTO SUBSIDIO $ 100 BA UMA KAIN Next PostQuinta-Feira, IX Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)" ]
[ [ "Wednesday 9th in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS>DAILY READINGS: First Reading from the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter One" ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "1:6-7, “Every day I give thanks to the God whom my heart serves as also that of our neighbor in Christ Jesus whenever you are mentioned by me." ], [ "For this reason, I tell you again to live as a gift of fire which God has already given in the day when my hands were laid on your head." ], [ "The gift of God is not man's desire, but the power and love in spirit." ], [ "Therefore you cannot weep in your testimony of our Lord, but weeping for me the father-son Jesus; But with patience and affliction have suffered together because I believed on God's power who has made us holy by his own will." ], [ "which was given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages, but has been made manifest amongst you by his resurrection." ], [ "He overthrew the power of death, preaching eternal life by his gospel; and God chose me to be His handmaids' servant as well As an apostle And a teacher." ], [ "For these things I am afflicted with; but i do not sleep, for im knowing him in whom it is my faith and that he has power to keep all his promises unto me until the day of judgment." ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "123 (4). pp. 79–80, and pg(56)" ], [ "1-2a, bcd (R. a) Refrain: Let us go; O Lord! let me lay my feet under thee!!!" ], [ "I have set my eyes on the great, On those who fly in heaven; As a servant's eye is to his master." ], [ "Refrao As the eyes of a servant, so look we to God's hand; So also will our gaze be upon him until he showeth his mercy." ], [ "Refrao Acclamation Jo." ], [ "10.25pm: The House of Commons opens for business" ], [ "26 He that believeth on me, though he were dead shall live." ], [ "Refrao Gospel of Mc." ], [ "12. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "18 And there came to him certain of the Sadducees, which say that they have no eternal life; and asked Him: Master (o. pneuma), Moses wrote unto you [that] if a man's brother die without leaving wife or children after himself --" ], [ "There were seven siblings." ], [ "The eldest took a wife, and when she died he had no children." ], [ "The next one bought her, but he also died childless." ], [ "And he went and followed him." ], [ "And the seven of them had no children." ], [ "Then the woman also died." ], [ "In the highest life, when they will all be raised again; is this woman his wife? for so many have taken her.\"" ], [ "But Jesus answered and said to them, \"You are thinking wrongly." ], [ "You do not understand the Scriptures, nor know God's love." ], [ "For when they are raised from the dead, no one is married to another anymore. They will be like angels in heaven.\"" ], [ "But concerning the dead that rise, have ye not read in Moses' book how God spake unto him by means of a tree? saying: I am Abraham’s god and Isaac‘ s godseand Jacob ‘S." ], [ "He is not a God of the dead, but one who lives." ], [ "You think so wrong!\"" ], [ "Previous PostMSSI ANNOUNCES PAYMENT DATE FOR $102 BA A KAIN Next postThursday, IX Week in Ordinary Time (Year a)" ] ]
Governu sei submete fali OJE 2020 ba PN iha loron 19 ■Agio Pereira: Adia tanba halo redusaun ba OJE – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Governu sei submete fali OJE 2020 ba PN iha loron 19 ■Agio Pereira: Adia tanba halo redusaun ba OJE\nOitavu Governu Konstitusional ne’ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak adia fali loron aprezentasaun proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020 ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), tanba antes ne’e promete sei aprezenta iha loron 13, fulan ne’e.\n“Ohin ha’u simu tiha ona karta husi PM, Taur fó hatene mai PN katak, governu labele kumpri tempu ne’ebé Xefi Governu promete iha plenária, ne’ebé hateten iha loron 13, fulan ne’e, atu submete fali OJE 2020 ba PN“, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Arão Noe ba jornalista sira iha salaun Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE), Kolmera-Díli, Kuarta (12-12-2019).\nXefi Órgaun Legislativu ne’e, informa, razaun governu seidauk submete proposta OJE 2020, tanba Xefi Governu husu tempu atu armóniza ka halo ajustamentu ba OJE, tanba ne’e, governu sei aprezenta fali OJE 2020 iha loron 19, fulan ne’e.\n“Ami fiar molok final fulan Janeiru, tinan 2020, ita aprova ona OJE 2020, tanba governu submete OJE iha loron 19, fulan Dezembru ne’e no PN tama ona feriadu Natal, maibé ami kompromete sei aprova iha final fulan Janeiru, tinan 2020“, tenik Arão.\nAntes ne’e, PM, Taur Matan Ruak, retira proposta OJE 2020, iha loron 3, fulan Dezembru ne’e, tanba iha indísiu artigu balun inkonstitusional no montante OJE 2020 boot liu, hafoin debate proposta OJE iha PN ba loron daruak iha faze jeneralidade.\nRedusaun ba OJE\nNune’e Governu adia tempu atu submete proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 nian iha Sesta (13/12) semana ne’e, maibe ba fali semana oin, tanba sei halo konsulta ho ministériu sira ne’ebé kontribui ba redusaun OJE ne’e.\nLee hotu : Indefere pedidu husi eis PPN Arão Noe, CNRT konsidera TR halo desizaun polítika\n“Aban (Sesta ohin –red) sei kontinua revizaun,tamba sei koalia mós ho Prezidensia Republika, Parlamentu, Ministériu tomak,tanba hatun osan ne’e hatun barak tuir komisaun sira husi parlamentu sira nia krítikas ne’ebé ami rona no rejista, ne’ebé hanesan orsamentu foun ida. Entaun tenki prepara mós livrus hirak ne’e atu haruka ba parlamentu ne’ebé planu Governu nian konklui audisaun ho ajensia ho instituisaun hotu-hotu ohin (Kinta –red) ho aban depois semana oin mai mak halo Konsellu Ministrus extra ordináriu ida hodi aprova no hatun ba Parlamentu Nasionál”, esplika Koordenadór Ekipa Ajustamentu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu, Agio Pereira ba JNDiário, Kinta (12/12), iha Ministériu Finansas Aitarak laran.\nEma numeru daruak iha Oitavu Governu konstitusional dehan redusaun OJE ba tinan 2020 ne’e,sei sai hanesan proposta orsamentu foun nune’e sira sei konsulta ajensia, instituisaun Estadu, Parlamentu Nasionál no Prezidente Repúblika hafoin aprova iha Konsellu Ministru no submete hikas ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\nPrimeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak dada hikas proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2020 husi debate jenralidade iha Parlamentu Nasional, tanba membru Parlamentu sira konsidera proposta OJE nee inkonstitusionál.\nHafoin retira proposta OJE nee, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, promote atu lori hikas ba parlamentu iha loron (13/12), fulan Dezembru ne’e, maibé adia ba loron seluk, tanba Ekipa Ajustamentu Orsamentu Jerál 2020 ,sei halo konsulta ho ministériu sira ne’ebé, kontribui ba redusaun Orsamentu.\nKordenadór Ekipa Ajustamentu, Agio Pereira, esplika Governu sei hatún Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 ,tuir krítika parlamentu nian, nune’e wainhira Governu submete fila-fali,ba Parlamentu Nasionál sei sai hanesan OJE foun.\nTuir planu Governu, ekipa ajustamentu orsamentu, sei termina faze audénsia ho ministru sira, iha semana oin no sei realiza Konsellu Ministru Estráordinária ida, hodi aprova OJE foun ne’e, molok submete ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN).\nProposta OJE 2020 iha inisiu ho montante billaun USD1.950 no tuir ejijensia bankada Parlamentar hakarak hatun ba billaun USD1.3.ety/Tos\nMinistru Defeza no Interior Filomeno Paixão...\nGovernu ho Parlamentu Nasional (PN) tenki...
[ "Governu sei submete fali OJE 2020 ba PN iha loron 19 #Agio Pereira: Adia tanba halo redusaun ba OJE - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Governu sei submete fali OJE 2020 ba PN iha loron 19 #Agio Pereira: Adia tanba halo redusaun ba OJE Oitavu Governu Konstitusional ne'ebe lidera husi Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak adia fali loron aprezentasaun proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020 ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), tanba antes ne'e promete sei aprezenta iha loron 13, fulan ne'e.", "\"Ohin ha'u simu tiha ona karta husi PM, Taur fo hatene mai PN katak, governu labele kumpri tempu ne'ebe Xefi Governu promete iha plenaria, ne'ebe hateten iha loron 13, fulan ne'e, atu submete fali OJE 2020 ba PN,\" Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Arao Noe ba jornalista sira iha salaun Comissao Nacional de Eleicoes (CNE), Kolmera-Dili, Kuarta (12-12-2019).", "Xefi Orgaun Legislativu ne'e, informa, razaun governu seidauk submete proposta OJE 2020, tanba Xefi Governu husu tempu atu armoniza ka halo ajustamentu ba OJE, tanba ne'e, governu sei aprezenta fali OJE 2020 iha loron 19, fulan ne'e.", "\"Ami fiar molok final fulan Janeiru, tinan 2020, ita aprova ona OJE 2020, tanba governu submete OJE iha loron 19, fulan Dezembru ne'e no PN tama ona feriadu Natal, maibe ami kompromete sei aprova iha final fulan Janeiru, tinan 2020,\" tenik Arao.", "Antes ne'e, PM, Taur Matan Ruak, retira proposta OJE 2020, iha loron 3, fulan Dezembru ne'e, tanba iha indisiu artigu balun inkonstitusional no montante OJE 2020 boot liu, hafoin debate proposta OJE iha PN ba loron daruak iha faze jeneralidade.", "Redusaun ba OJE Nune'e Governu adia tempu atu submete proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 nian iha Sesta (13/12) semana ne'e, maibe ba fali semana oin, tanba sei halo konsulta ho ministeriu sira ne'ebe kontribui ba redusaun OJE ne'e.", "Lee hotu: Indefere pedidu husi eis PPN Arao Noe, CNRT konsidera TR halo desizaun politika \"Aban (Sesta ohin -red) sei kontinua revizaun,tamba sei koalia mos ho Prezidensia Republika, Parlamentu, Ministeriu tomak,tanba hatun osan ne'e hatun barak tuir komisaun sira husi parlamentu sira nia kritikas ne'ebe ami rona no rejista, ne'ebe hanesan orsamentu foun ida.", "Entaun tenki prepara mos livrus hirak ne'e atu haruka ba parlamentu ne'ebe planu Governu nian konklui audisaun ho ajensia ho instituisaun hotu-hotu ohin (Kinta -red) ho aban depois semana oin mai mak halo Konsellu Ministrus extra ordinariu ida hodi aprova no hatun ba Parlamentu Nasional,\" esplika Koordenador Ekipa Ajustamentu Orsamentu Jeral Estadu, Agio Pereira ba JNDiario, Kinta (12/12), iha Ministeriu Finansas Aitarak laran.", "Ema numeru daruak iha Oitavu Governu konstitusional dehan redusaun OJE ba tinan 2020 ne'e,sei sai hanesan proposta orsamentu foun nune'e sira sei konsulta ajensia, instituisaun Estadu, Parlamentu Nasional no Prezidente Republika hafoin aprova iha Konsellu Ministru no submete hikas ba Parlamentu Nasional.", "Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak dada hikas proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2020 husi debate jenralidade iha Parlamentu Nasional, tanba membru Parlamentu sira konsidera proposta OJE nee inkonstitusional.", "Hafoin retira proposta OJE nee, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, promote atu lori hikas ba parlamentu iha loron (13/12), fulan Dezembru ne'e, maibe adia ba loron seluk, tanba Ekipa Ajustamentu Orsamentu Jeral 2020 ,sei halo konsulta ho ministeriu sira ne'ebe, kontribui ba redusaun Orsamentu.", "Kordenador Ekipa Ajustamentu, Agio Pereira, esplika Governu sei hatun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 ,tuir kritika parlamentu nian, nune'e wainhira Governu submete fila-fali,ba Parlamentu Nasional sei sai hanesan OJE foun.", "Tuir planu Governu, ekipa ajustamentu orsamentu, sei termina faze audensia ho ministru sira, iha semana oin no sei realiza Konsellu Ministru Estraordinaria ida, hodi aprova OJE foun ne'e, molok submete ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN).", "Proposta OJE 2020 iha inisiu ho montante billaun USD1.950 no tuir ejijensia bankada Parlamentar hakarak hatun ba billaun USD1.3.ety/Tos Ministru Defeza no Interior Filomeno Paixao...", "Governu ho Parlamentu Nasional (PN) tenki..." ]
[ [ "The Government will resubmit 2019 Budget to the National Parliament on July, #Agio Pereira: Adia because of budget reductions - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\"The government is going back submitting its newly drafted General State Finance (GSF) Bill for this year's financial years. This time it has been postponed until June and now we are waiting a few days before presenting our proposed general state finance bill in parliament which was promiset that would be submitted by December one hundred thirty-three as well..." ], [ "\"Today I have received a letter from PM, Taur informed the Parliament that government cannot meet time limits promised by Prime Minister during plenary session on December 13 to submit again Budget of State (BOS) for year-end and resubmit it at this meeting\", said President Arao Noe. He told journalist with CNE office Kolmera -Dili Thursday(December20)." ], [ "The Head of the Legislative Body informed that, because he asked for time to harmonize or make adjustments on 2019's budget and therefore has not yet submitted a proposal regarding its re-submission this month. He said: \"There is no reason why we haven’t made any changes.\"" ], [ "\"We believe that before the end of January 2019, we will have approved our budget for this year. The government submitted its Budget on December's first day and Parliament is now in Christmas holiday period; but it promised to pass by late February or early March\", Arao said.\"" ], [ "Earlier, PM Taur Matan Ruak withdrew the proposed 2019 budget on Dec.3 because there were indications of some unconstitutional articles and a larger amount for that year's Budget after debate in Parliament over its second day at plenary session stage (General Session)." ], [ "Thus, the Government postponed time to submit a proposal for General State Budget (GSB) 2019 on Friday this week but will do so again next weekend because it is going in consultation with ministries that contribute towards reduction of budget." ], [ "\"Tomorrow (Saturday -red) we will continue the review, but also talk with Presidency of Republic and Parliament. We'll speak to all ministries as well because this budget is a huge cut in accordance by commissions from parliamentary criticism that have been heard & recorded which are new ones.\"" ], [ "Therefore, we must also prepare these books to send them into parliament where the Government plans conclude its hearings with all agencies and institutions today (Thursday -red)and tomorrow afternoon next week will hold an extraordinary Council of Ministers meeting for approval by Parliament\", explained Coordinator Team Adjustment General State Budget Agio Pereira in JNDiario on Wednesday 12/09 at Ministry Finance Aitarak." ], [ "The second person in the Eighth Constitutional Government said that reduction of 2019 budget will be a new proposal so they would consult agencies, State institutions and National Parliament after approval by Council Of Ministers." ], [ "Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak has withdrawn the proposed General State Budget for The Years of Economic Crisis from general debate in Parliament because members consider it to be unconstitutional." ], [ "After withdrawing the budget proposal, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak promoted that it would be brought to parliament on December (13/20), but postponed for another day because Budget Adjustment Team will consult with ministries which contribute towards reduction in this project." ], [ "Adjustment Team Coordinator, Agio Pereira explained that the Government will reduce its General State Budget (GSB) 2019 according to parliament's criticism and when it is submitted again by government in National Parliament this would be a new budget." ], [ "According to the Government's plan, budget adjustment team will finish hearing phase with minister in next week and hold an extraordinary Council of Minister for approval before submission into Parliament." ], [ "Proposed Budget 2019 was initially in the amount of USD3.5 billion and according to evidence Parliamentary groups wants it reduced by $4,678 million...ety/To Minister Defence & Interior Filomeno Paixao…" ], [ "The Government and the National Parliament (PN) must..." ] ]
Estudante sira konsome aihan husi programa merenda eskolar.\nOrsamentu Programa Merenda Eskolar iha 2021 Hamutuk Tokon U$11 Featured\nDiretór Nasionál Finansas Munisipal MAE, Valente de Fatima Miranda, hatete, iha 2021 governu planeia ona prevee orsamentu ne’e ba programa merenda eskolar, maibé sei diskute iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\n“Orsamentu ne’ebé atu aloka ba iha implementasaun programa merenda eskolár husi Ministériu Estatal, maibé politikamente kontinua nafatin husi Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, tanba programa ne’e ministeriu edukasaun nian,” dehan nia, iha knaar fatin, MEJD, Villa-Verde.\nIha 2021, MAE halo ona diskusaun katak, kapasidade orsamentu ne’e la konsege kobre hotu loron efktivus hamutuk 190 ne’e, maibé iha komissaun polítika konsege aprova ona osan hamutuk tokon U$11, no orsamentu ida ne’e ba de’it programa merenda eskolar nian.\nKada loron estudante hamutuk ida sei haan osan 0,25 sentavus, ho númeru estudante hamutuk na’in 297.061 mak sei hetan benefisiu.\nOrsamentu ne’e normalmente MAE ho Sekretariu munisípiu sira sei transfere direita ba iha konta bankaria kada eskola, depois mak sira halo jestaun tuir prosedimentu ne’ebe mak MEJD nia planu rasik.\niha 2017 to’o agora MAE seidauk halo alterasaun ida ba prosedimentu manual ho regulamentu sira seluk, sira nafatin ezekuta saida mak MEJD durante ne’e hala’o iha munisípiu, maibé iha loron 1 fulan-Setembru 2016 asina ona kontratu entre MEJD ho MAE ne’ebé mak hala’o iha Kristu-Rei, ho ida ne’e mak iha 2017 to’o agora munisípiu sira nia implementasaun programa merenda eskolár ne’e planu munisípiu rasik mak ezekuta.\nOrsamentu ba 2020 nian la tau iha MAE, maibé aloka direitamente ba iha munisípiu ida-idak, no iha tinan 2020 ne’e alokasaun orsamentu kada munisípiu ida-idak la hanesan, tanba bazei ba kapasidade orsamentu kada tinan, tuir loloos munisípiu sira governu liu husi MAE iha dever hodi obriga atu nune’e tenke aloka kada tinan ba eskola sira tuir manual ho regulamentu sira ne’ebé mak regularija kona-ba programa merenda eskolár nian.\nAntes atu aloka orsamentu tenke define dahuluk nia loron efektivu husi programa merenda eskolar rasik, iha tinan ida iha 190 dias efektivus ka 196, maibé normalmente munisípiu sira ezekuta mak iha 190 dias efektivu, ida ne’e hahú kedas iha tinan hirak liu ba kotuk no to’o mai agora.\nIha tinan ida ne’e la konsege ezekuta pograma merenda eskolar, tanba Covid-19, entaun munisípiu sira la konsege tranfere osan ne’e ba iha eskola sira, tanba loron efektivu ne’e nafatin, maibé aula mak la efektivu hanesan baibain.\nAntes ne’e, Diretór Nasionál Asaun Eskolár, Joaquim Martins, hatete, implementasaun programa Merenda eskolár 2020 iha munisipiu hotu la’o ho di’ak, maibé durante ne’e afetadu husi Covid-19, entaun hahú husi fulan-Marsu merenda eskolár paradu tiha no hahú fali iha fulan-Juñu.\nDiretór ne’e husu ba entidade hotu atu monitoriza programa ne’e atu la’o tuir nia padraun.\nMore in this category: « Indikadór TL Ki’ak no Hamlaha Presiza Prova Saldanha: OJE 2020 Selu De’it ba Divida Laiha Problema »\n/Orsamentu Programa Merenda Eskolar iha 2021 Hamutuk Tokon U$11
[ "Estudante sira konsome aihan husi programa merenda eskolar.", "Orsamentu Programa Merenda Eskolar iha 2021 Hamutuk Tokon U$11 Featured Diretor Nasional Finansas Munisipal MAE, Valente de Fatima Miranda, hatete, iha 2021 governu planeia ona prevee orsamentu ne'e ba programa merenda eskolar, maibe sei diskute iha Parlamentu Nasional.", "\"Orsamentu ne'ebe atu aloka ba iha implementasaun programa merenda eskolar husi Ministeriu Estatal, maibe politikamente kontinua nafatin husi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, tanba programa ne'e ministeriu edukasaun nian,\" dehan nia, iha knaar fatin, MEJD, Villa-Verde.", "Iha 2021, MAE halo ona diskusaun katak, kapasidade orsamentu ne'e la konsege kobre hotu loron efktivus hamutuk 190 ne'e, maibe iha komissaun politika konsege aprova ona osan hamutuk tokon U$11, no orsamentu ida ne'e ba de'it programa merenda eskolar nian.", "Kada loron estudante hamutuk ida sei haan osan 0,25 sentavus, ho numeru estudante hamutuk na'in 297.061 mak sei hetan benefisiu.", "Orsamentu ne'e normalmente MAE ho Sekretariu munisipiu sira sei transfere direita ba iha konta bankaria kada eskola, depois mak sira halo jestaun tuir prosedimentu ne'ebe mak MEJD nia planu rasik. iha 2017 to'o agora MAE seidauk halo alterasaun ida ba prosedimentu manual ho regulamentu sira seluk, sira nafatin ezekuta saida mak MEJD durante ne'e hala'o iha munisipiu, maibe iha loron 1 fulan-Setembru 2016 asina ona kontratu entre MEJD ho MAE ne'ebe mak hala'o iha Kristu-Rei, ho ida ne'e mak iha 2017 to'o agora munisipiu sira nia implementasaun programa merenda eskolar ne'e planu munisipiu rasik mak ezekuta.", "Orsamentu ba 2020 nian la tau iha MAE, maibe aloka direitamente ba iha munisipiu ida-idak, no iha tinan 2020 ne'e alokasaun orsamentu kada munisipiu ida-idak la hanesan, tanba bazei ba kapasidade orsamentu kada tinan, tuir loloos munisipiu sira governu liu husi MAE iha dever hodi obriga atu nune'e tenke aloka kada tinan ba eskola sira tuir manual ho regulamentu sira ne'ebe mak regularija kona-ba programa merenda eskolar nian.", "Antes atu aloka orsamentu tenke define dahuluk nia loron efektivu husi programa merenda eskolar rasik, iha tinan ida iha 190 dias efektivus ka 196, maibe normalmente munisipiu sira ezekuta mak iha 190 dias efektivu, ida ne'e hahu kedas iha tinan hirak liu ba kotuk no to'o mai agora.", "Iha tinan ida ne'e la konsege ezekuta pograma merenda eskolar, tanba Covid-19, entaun munisipiu sira la konsege tranfere osan ne'e ba iha eskola sira, tanba loron efektivu ne'e nafatin, maibe aula mak la efektivu hanesan baibain.", "Antes ne'e, Diretor Nasional Asaun Eskolar, Joaquim Martins, hatete, implementasaun programa Merenda eskolar 2020 iha munisipiu hotu la'o ho di'ak, maibe durante ne'e afetadu husi Covid-19, entaun hahu husi fulan-Marsu merenda eskolar paradu tiha no hahu fali iha fulan-Junu.", "Diretor ne'e husu ba entidade hotu atu monitoriza programa ne'e atu la'o tuir nia padraun.", "More in this category: \" Indikador TL Ki'ak no Hamlaha Presiza Prova Saldanha: OJE 2020 Selu De'it ba Divida Laiha Problema \" /Orsamentu Programa Merenda Eskolar iha 2021 Hamutuk Tokon U$11" ]
[ [ "Students consume food from the school snack program." ], [ "Featured National Director of Municipal Finances MAE, Valente de Fatima Miranda said that the government has planned to allocate this budget for school meal program in a national parliamentary debate." ], [ "\"The budget to be allocated for the implementation of school meal program is from State Ministry, but politically it continues with Education Youth and Sports Ministerials because this programme has been a ministry education\", he said at MEJD office in Villa-Verde." ], [ "In 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has discussed that this budget capacity could not cover all these effective days in total. But a political commission approves $5 million for school meal programs only and it will be used to fund more than half-a billion dollars per year (US$638m) on education programmes throughout Brazil by midterm elections from January until December next years' end;" ], [ "Each student will receive 0.25 cents per day, with a total number of students benefiting from the program being about197 thousand and seven hundred sixty-one (3684)." ], [ "This budget is normally transferred directly to the bank account of each school by MAE and municipal secretariats, after which they manage it in accordance with MEJD's own plan procedure. In 2017 until now MAE has not made an amendment for manual proceeding or other regulation; however during this period there was still executing what Mejd had been doing at local level but on September-3rd (September) we have already concluded contract between Meidj & Maes that will be carried out within Christo Rei district so since then all implementation program activities are being done through Municipalities themselves" ], [ "The budget for 2019 is not put in the MAE, but allocated directly to each municipality and this year's allocation of funds will be different from previous years because based on their annual capacity they are given a smaller amount. In fact every city should have an obligation by government through MAE so that it must make its own financial contributions per school according with manual rules which regulate about lunch programs at schools" ], [ "Before allocating the budget, it is necessary to first define its effective days of school meal program itself. In a year there are 190 or even more active day(s), but normally municipalities execute in an actual period that has started some years ago and continue up until now:" ], [ "This year, the school meal program was not executed due to Covid-19. The municipalities were unable To transfer this money into schools because it is still an effective day but classrooms are inefficient as usual" ], [ "Previously, National Director of School Action Joaquim Martins said that implementation school meal 2019 program in all municipalities is going well but during this period was affected by Covid-38 so from March to June the programme stopped and started again." ], [ "The director asked all entities to monitor the program so that it runs accordingly." ], [ "More in this category: \" Indicador TL Ki'ak no Hamlaha Presiza Prova Saldanha 2019/3-5 /Budget of School Meal Program for the year is $7.6 Billion, and it will not be a problem to pay dividends.\"" ] ]
Pozisaun no Oportunidade La Importante ba PLP | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Pozisaun no Oportunidade La Importante ba PLP\nVise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Maria Angelina Lopez Sarmento. Foto Tatoli/ Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 27 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI)—Terseira Vise-Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopez hateten, pozisaun no oportunidade la importante ba Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP) maibé importante liu mak solusiona impase polítika iha rai-laran.\n“Ami-nia prezidente partidu tun hosi Governu no nia fiar katak CNRT sei rezolve buat hotu iha tempu badak. PLP la’ós haree ba pozisaun, la’ós haree ba oportunidade atu ukun maibé ema ne’ebé iha oportunidade bele responde povu nia halerik ba nesesidade loron-loron nian. Ida-ne’e mak ba PLP importante liu,” Maria Angelina ba jornalista sira, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál, kinta ne’e.\nRelasiona ho Komisaun Jurisdisaun CNRT, Carmelita Monis, ne’ebé hateten Aliansa Maioria Parlamentár sei nakloke ba partidu seluk atu envolve iha koligasaun ida ne’e, nia hatán, ne’e depende ba CNRT nia desizaun polítika no hanoin katak Timor atu bá-oin liuhosi koligasaun partidária ne’e depende ba CNRT hakarak uza modalidade saida de’it.\n“Ezemplu, CNRT hakarak uza modalidade Insidénsia Parlamentár, Grande Inkluzaun ka, ne’e depende ba sira-nia konsensu hamutuk. Keta halo distribuisaun pozisaun sira ne’ebé la tama iha koligasaun, bele kria fali injustisa entre koligasaun sira. Ida-ne’e, orsida ita lori malu bá-mai ho situasaun hanesan de’it,” nia dehan.\nTuir nia, Insidénsia Parlamentár no Grande Inkluzaun ne’e buat di’ak ida tanba bele envolve ema teknokrata sira, ema iha méritu no iha kualidade no ema ne’ebé hosi estrutura partidária maibé tenke garante katak sira tenke iha konsensu hamutuk mak sira hola desizaun hamutuk.\nNia afirma, se sira laiha konsensu no depois iha fali dezikilibru distribuisaun pasta bele hamosu nafatin situasaun inserteza no bele hamosu deskontentamentu entre membru koligasaun sira.\n“Ami-nia pozisaun seidauk ko’alia. Se iha Insidénsia Parlamentár ka Governu Grande Inkluzaun, individu ida ka rua ne’ebé iha méritu bele ba envolve ka lae. Ami hotu presiza desizaun koletiva ida hodi simu responsabilidade ba desizaun ne’ebé mak ita foti,” nia hateten.\nRazaun, nia dehan, ho nune’e individu sira ne’ebé mak bá tanba insidénsia Parlamentár, nia hola desizaun ruma karik labele afeta ba dignidade Partidu Libertasaun Populár nian.\n“Ba ami (PLP) kualkér modalidade ami prontu atu koopera. Importante liu mak oinsá mak ita solusiona imediamente inserteza polítika ne’ebé mak ita-nia povu enfrenta,” nia esplika.\nNotísia Relevante: PLP Espera CNRT Bele Solusiona Impase Polítika\nPrevious articleSEKoop Rejista Kooperativa Tolu Hatudu Progresu Di’ak\nNext articleGovernu Hakarak Funsiona Tarifa Suplementár iha Operasaun Portu Tibar
[ "Pozisaun no Oportunidade La Importante ba PLP | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Pozisaun no Oportunidade La Importante ba PLP Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Maria Angelina Lopez Sarmento.", "Foto Tatoli/ Egas Cristovao DILI, 27 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) - Terseira Vise-Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopez hateten, pozisaun no oportunidade la importante ba Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) maibe importante liu mak solusiona impase politika iha rai-laran.", "\"Ami-nia prezidente partidu tun hosi Governu no nia fiar katak CNRT sei rezolve buat hotu iha tempu badak.", "PLP la'os haree ba pozisaun, la'os haree ba oportunidade atu ukun maibe ema ne'ebe iha oportunidade bele responde povu nia halerik ba nesesidade loron-loron nian.", "Ida-ne'e mak ba PLP importante liu,\" Maria Angelina ba jornalista sira, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasional, kinta ne'e.", "Relasiona ho Komisaun Jurisdisaun CNRT, Carmelita Monis, ne'ebe hateten Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar sei nakloke ba partidu seluk atu envolve iha koligasaun ida ne'e, nia hatan, ne'e depende ba CNRT nia desizaun politika no hanoin katak Timor atu ba-oin liuhosi koligasaun partidaria ne'e depende ba CNRT hakarak uza modalidade saida de'it.", "\"Ezemplu, CNRT hakarak uza modalidade Insidensia Parlamentar, Grande Inkluzaun ka, ne'e depende ba sira-nia konsensu hamutuk.", "Keta halo distribuisaun pozisaun sira ne'ebe la tama iha koligasaun, bele kria fali injustisa entre koligasaun sira.", "Ida-ne'e, orsida ita lori malu ba-mai ho situasaun hanesan de'it,\" nia dehan.", "Tuir nia, Insidensia Parlamentar no Grande Inkluzaun ne'e buat di'ak ida tanba bele envolve ema teknokrata sira, ema iha meritu no iha kualidade no ema ne'ebe hosi estrutura partidaria maibe tenke garante katak sira tenke iha konsensu hamutuk mak sira hola desizaun hamutuk.", "Nia afirma, se sira laiha konsensu no depois iha fali dezikilibru distribuisaun pasta bele hamosu nafatin situasaun inserteza no bele hamosu deskontentamentu entre membru koligasaun sira.", "\"Ami-nia pozisaun seidauk ko'alia.", "Se iha Insidensia Parlamentar ka Governu Grande Inkluzaun, individu ida ka rua ne'ebe iha meritu bele ba envolve ka lae.", "Ami hotu presiza desizaun koletiva ida hodi simu responsabilidade ba desizaun ne'ebe mak ita foti,\" nia hateten.", "Razaun, nia dehan, ho nune'e individu sira ne'ebe mak ba tanba insidensia Parlamentar, nia hola desizaun ruma karik labele afeta ba dignidade Partidu Libertasaun Popular nian.", "\"Ba ami (PLP) kualker modalidade ami prontu atu koopera.", "Importante liu mak oinsa mak ita solusiona imediamente inserteza politika ne'ebe mak ita-nia povu enfrenta,\" nia esplika.", "Notisia Relevante: PLP Espera CNRT Bele Solusiona Impase Politika Previous articleSEKoop Rejista Kooperativa Tolu Hatudu Progresu Di'ak Next articleGovernu Hakarak Funsiona Tarifa Suplementar iha Operasaun Portu Tibar" ]
[ [ "Pozisaun no Oportunidade La Importante ba PLP | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Position and opportunity not important for the National Parliament Vice President, Maria Angelina Lopez Sarmento." ], [ "Foto Tatoli/ Egas Cristovao DILI, February 27th (TATOLI) - Third Vice-President of the People’s Liberation Party Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopez said that position and opportunity are not important for her party but it is more essential to resolve political impasse in Timor." ], [ "\"Our party president has left the government and he is confident that CNRP will solve everything in a short time." ], [ "PLP does not look for position, it doesn't see opportunity to govern but people who have the chance can answer everyday needs of our nation." ], [ "This is the most important thing for PLP,\" Maria Angelina told journalists in Parliament Hall on Wednesday." ], [ "Regarding the CNRP Jurisdiction Committee, Carmelita Monis who said that Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar will be open to other parties involved in this coalition replied it depend on CNRT' s political decision and believed Timor-Leste going forward through a partisan coalitions depending upon what modality they want." ], [ "\"For example, CNRT wants to use the modality of Parliamentary Incident or Great Inclusion. It depend on their consensus together.\"" ], [ "Do not distribute positions that are outside the coalition, as this can create injustice between alliances." ], [ "That's why we carry each other back and forth with the same situation,\" he said." ], [ "According to him, Parliamentary Incident and Greater Inclusion is a good thing because it can involve technocrats - people of merit with qualities – from the party structure but must ensure that they have common consensus before making decision." ], [ "He affirmed that if they do not have consensus and then there is another imbalance in the distribution of ministers, this can create an unsettled situation which may lead to dissatisfaction among coalition members." ], [ "\"Our position has not yet been discussed." ], [ "If there is a Parliamentary Incident or Great Inclusion Government, one-two individuals of merit may be involved." ], [ "We all need a collective decision to take responsibility for the choices we make,\" he said." ], [ "The reason, he said so individuals who go because of the parliamentary incident; I take any decision if it does not affect PLP dignity." ], [ "\"For us (PLP) any modality we are ready to cooperate." ], [ "More important is how we immediately solve the political insecurity that our people face,\" he explained." ], [ "Related News: PLP Expects CNRT Can Solve Political Impasse Previous articleSEKoop Registers Three Cooperative Showing Good Progresse Next ArticleGovernment Want to Apply Supplemental Tariff in Tibar Port Operation" ] ]
COVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 COVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL\nCOVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL\nDILI, 09 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—COVAX Facility liuhosi aprovasaun United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) oferese millaun $7 ba Governu Timor-Leste (TL) hodi fasilita vasinasaun AstraZeneca.\nKoordenadora Jerál Komisaun Nasionál Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, informa apoiu millaun $7 ne’e gratuita atu sosa ai-moruk ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca 20% no orsamentu 80% Governu Timor-Leste mak sei prevee.\nTuir planu, orsamentu millaun $7 ne’e sei sosa ai-moruk ba vasinasaun ho kuantidade doses 100.000 ne’ebé to’o uluk TL iha fulan fevereiru-nia rohan, no faze daruak ho kuantidade dosis 160.000 sei to’o iha fulan abríl no maiu.\n“Atu halo akizasaun ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca, COVAX facility apoia 20% ho orsamentu millaun $7 no hetan aprovizionamentu liuhosi UNICEF. Ita sei tau 80% ho orsamentu millaun $12-resin no ita tenki tau tan osan ba kustu operasionál millaun $1.2, tanba tuir planu orsamentu ba vasinasaun iha TL sei to’o millaun $21,’’ Koordenadora Jerál Komisaun Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Sinzas, Caicoli, tersa (09/02).\nKona-bá orsamentu 80%, nia dehan, Governu TL mak sei finansia no proposta ikus aban sei aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) hodi hein desizaun.\nOdete mós rekoñese katak, Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 la prevee ba vasinasaun ne’e, maibé orsamentu fundu COVID-19 nian sei iha atu bele halo prosesu ida ne’e.\n“Orsamentu iha fundu COVID -19 ne’e sei iha kuaze millaun $7, entaun bele ajuda prosesu sira ne’e,’’ nia subliña.\nEntretantu, COVAX Facility nu’udár programa kunjunta mundiál ida atu fó apoiu ba asesu prevensaun COVID-19 liuhosi kolaborasaun peskiza, produsaun no asesu komun ba vasinasaun COVID-19.\noferese millaun $7\nPrevious articleSEFOPE atualiza konstrusaun Sentru Formasaun Exelente ba PM Taur\nNext articlePN aprova proposta-lei baze jerál administrasaun públika
[ "COVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 COVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL COVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL DILI, 09 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - COVAX Facility liuhosi aprovasaun United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) oferese millaun $7 ba Governu Timor-Leste (TL) hodi fasilita vasinasaun AstraZeneca.", "Koordenadora Jeral Komisaun Nasional Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, informa apoiu millaun $7 ne'e gratuita atu sosa ai-moruk ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca 20% no orsamentu 80% Governu Timor-Leste mak sei prevee.", "Tuir planu, orsamentu millaun $7 ne'e sei sosa ai-moruk ba vasinasaun ho kuantidade doses 100.000 ne'ebe to'o uluk TL iha fulan fevereiru-nia rohan, no faze daruak ho kuantidade dosis 160.000 sei to'o iha fulan abril no maiu.", "\"Atu halo akizasaun ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca, COVAX facility apoia 20% ho orsamentu millaun $7 no hetan aprovizionamentu liuhosi UNICEF.", "Ita sei tau 80% ho orsamentu millaun $12-resin no ita tenki tau tan osan ba kustu operasional millaun $1.2, tanba tuir planu orsamentu ba vasinasaun iha TL sei to'o millaun $21, \" Koordenadora Jeral Komisaun Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Sinzas, Caicoli, tersa (09/02).", "Kona-ba orsamentu 80%, nia dehan, Governu TL mak sei finansia no proposta ikus aban sei aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) hodi hein desizaun.", "Odete mos rekonese katak, Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 la prevee ba vasinasaun ne'e, maibe orsamentu fundu COVID-19 nian sei iha atu bele halo prosesu ida ne'e.", "\"Orsamentu iha fundu COVID -19 ne'e sei iha kuaze millaun $7, entaun bele ajuda prosesu sira ne'e, \" nia sublina.", "Entretantu, COVAX Facility nu'udar programa kunjunta mundial ida atu fo apoiu ba asesu prevensaun COVID-19 liuhosi kolaborasaun peskiza, produsaun no asesu komun ba vasinasaun COVID-19. oferese millaun $7 Previous articleSEFOPE atualiza konstrusaun Sentru Formasaun Exelente ba PM Taur Next articlePN aprova proposta-lei baze jeral administrasaun publika" ]
[ [ "COVAX Facility Offers $7 Million for AstraZeneca Vaccination in TL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 The United Nations International Children'S Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has approved the provision of a grant to facilitate vaccine delivery from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna." ], [ "The General Coordinator of the National Commission for COVID-19 Prevention, Odete da Silva Viegas said that $7 million will be used to buy medicines and vaccine free. 20% is provided by AstraZeneca while another part (85%) from Timorese government funds" ], [ "According to the plan, this $7 million budget will purchase vaccines for vaccination with a quantity of 102.5 thousand doses that first arrived in February and second phase which includes an additional amount (around) one hundred sixty-thousands dose would be delivered during April/May" ], [ "\"To procure the AstraZeneca vaccine, COVAX facility supports 20% with a budget of $7 million and is being supplied through UNICEF." ], [ "We will spend 80% with a budget of over $12 million and we have to put more money for operational costs, because according the plan in TL's vaccination cost would be upto US$3.5 billion\", said Odete da Silva Viegas (General Coordinator COVID-9 Prevention Commission), speaking on Tuesday at Palacio Sinzas - Caicoli" ], [ "Regarding the 80% budget, he said that TL Government will finance and final proposal tomorrow to be presented in Council of Ministers (KM) for decision." ], [ "Odete also acknowledged that the State Budget (OJE) 2019 does not provide for this vaccination, but there will be a budget of COVID-36 funds to carry out it." ], [ "\"The budget in this COVID-19 fund will have almost $7 million, so it can help these processes\", he emphasized." ], [ "Meanwhile, the COVAX Facility is a joint global program to support access for COVID-19 prevention through collaborative research and production of commonly available Covid vaccines. The facility offers $7 million Previous articleSEFOPE updates construction Center For Excellence Training in order that PM Taur can attend Next ArticleParliament approves general basis public administration bill" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: MUAMBA\nMuamba laos rai nia naran, ka teoria ruma ka prezidenti nasaun ruma ka premiadu nobel ruma. Maibe Muamba hanesan jogador futebal ida nebee joga iha Klubu Futebal, Bolton Wanderes, membru English Premiere League. Muamba nia naran kompletu mak Fabrice Ndala Muamba nebee moris iha Zaire (Kongo), 6 Abril 1988. Nia mos membru ekipa Sub-21 Inglatera nian. Antes nee, Muamba mos joga iha klubu Arsenal ho Birmingham City (Wikipedia).\nIha Domingu madrugada (18 Marsu 2012), Muamba ho nia klubu joga hasoru klubu Tottenham Hotspur, klubu Inglatera seluk, iha Tasa FA. Jogu lao diak, ho kompetetivu, no hetan suporta makas husi supporter klubu ida-idak nian. Iha minutu 40 primeira parte, Muamba derepenti deit monu iha kampu laran (la iha benturan ho jogador seluk), la hamrik no la kualia. Nia kondisaun kritiku loos, no lori kedas ba hospital. Nia kolega sira hakfodak, mediku tim rua buka ho kbiit tomak hodi fo primeiru sukoru hodi salva Muamba nia moris. Too artigu nee hakerek hotu Muamba nia kondisaun sei kritiku hela no oras nee halao hela tratamentu iha ICU, London Chest Hospital.\nBainhira Muamba iha kondisaun kritiku, ofisial ho FA desidi hodi hapara jogu hodi hatudu sentidu respeitu ho solidaridade ba Muamba. Mediku, jogador ho supporter husi klubu rua nee nonok hotu, la espera, no reza makas hodi Muamba didiak la’lais. Importante liu supporter sira la protesta bainhira komisaun organizadora deside hodi hapara jogu, maske sira selu karu, lakon tempu ho energia hodi hare jogu nee.\nLisaun sa ida mak ita bele aprende husi kazu Muamba? Tanba saa sira simu hodi hapara jogu? Tanba ema nia moris, ka vida nee aas ka folin liu sasan hot-hotu. Realidade hatudu kompetisaun jogu entre Bolton ho Totenham lao makas, kompetetivu ho skor hatudu 1-1. Maibe iha klaran sira hapara, tanba vida ema nian. Nunee, ema nia moris, la iha minoria ho maioria, no la iha metan ho mutin, la iha lorosae ho loromonu, la iha liu rai ho “atan”, ho la iha fronteira. Maibe ema hotu iha folin hanesan nebee merese hetan respeitu aas ho “tratamentu VIP”. Ema mak sai sentru kompetisaun, no kompetitor sira tenki respeita tomak ema nia vida, maske ema nee mai husi klubu/grupu/partidu seluk.\nIha kazu Muamba, Kyle Walker, defender Tottenham, hatoo:” la interese se mak o suporta, la interese o laos fans futebal, la interese o laos ema religius. Mai reza ba Frabrice Muamba. Ka Andy Carroll, Jogador Liverpool hatoo: Tasa FA la folin buat ida, futebal la folin buat ida, agora Fabrice Muamba mak buat hotu-hotu (Skysports, 18 Marsu 2012). Nunee mos jogador Andrea Pirlo husi Juventus, Italia, dedika tim nia manan 5-0 ho Parma ba Muamba (Factbox, Yahoo, 18 Marsu 2012). Bainhira kazu hanesan nee akontese, maka komunidade futebolista sira sei sai hamutuk ida deit (Robie Savage iha BBC, 18 Marsu 2012). Iha kazu seluk, Eric Abidal, Defender Barcelona nian, nebee moras no tama hospital atu halo transplantasaun hati, Jose Mourinho, Treinador, Real Madrid, hatoo: ba Abidal hau hatoo ami nia simpatia ba nian. Iha kazu hanesan nee, la iha Real ka Barca, la iha koor, so iha jogador foin sa’e nebee nia moris fantastiku (Kompas, 18 Marsu 2012). Nunee hatudu katak maske sira iha kompetisaun, rivalidade, dala ruma tebe malu iha kampu laran, maibe konaba ema nia vida, sira hotu hamutuk hodi tane aas, la bele iha fronteira, koor no violensia.\nIha naroman nee, Timor Leste foin hahotu kompetisaun prezidensial ka Eleisaun Presidensial 2012 hodi hetan “tasa”, sai Prezidenti RDTL. Tasa seidauk simu, tanba prosesu avaliasaun rezultadu sei halao hela husi Juri (CNE/STAE). Iha kompetisaun nee, kandidatu ida-idak iha klubu (partidu ho grupu kampanye) ho supporter (membru ho simpatizante). Kandidatu sira hasai osan makas hodi selu honor, publisidade, transporte, aihan, ho seluk tan ba sira nia aan, organizador, supporter ho simpatizante balu. Nunee mos sira nia simpatizante sira hasai osan, energia ho tempu hodi ba vota ho asisti eleisaun presidensial nee. Situasaun nee kuaze hanesan mos kompetisaun futebal iha kontestu organiza, publika ho despeza. Nunee sira la bele tau aas osan ho interese politika partidariu iha povu nia moris leten.\nMaske rezultadu kompetisaun foin hahu hatoo, maibe nee sei dok husi kompletu. Iha kondisaun hanesan nee, jogador (Kapres sira) sira ho nia sponsor sira balu hahu toba la dukur, tensi, no stressful. Sira nian tensaun bele sae makas liu tan, bainhira arpitu (CNE/STAE) prosesa rezultadu neineik ho hatoo rezultadu kleur liu, tanba la pasiensia hein. Hanoin ho espetativas aas, maibe rezultadu seidauk sai ka rezultadu inisiu sai la tuir espetativa inisiu. Iha nee, jogador, organizador ho supporter sira, dala ruma, bele hahu dun malu ho fo sala ba malu ka ema seluk. Ka expresa sira nian tensaun iha forma violensia nebee bele destroi buat barak nebee investa ona. Liu-liu vida hakmatek ho dame hodi sai fondase ba dezenvolvimentu hodi hasai ema husi moris mukit ho kiak.\nIha situasaun tensaun ho stressful nee, ita espera kadidatu ho nia partidu politiku/grupu sponsor, supporter ho nia simpatizante sira tenki rasional nafatin, fuan bot ho ulung malirin hodi hein ho simu rezultadu kompetisaun nee. Karik rezultadu kompetisaun nee hatudu Kapres ida mak manan, mak Kapres seluk tenki simu. Nunee la presiza halo protesta oioin ho halo violensia hasoru arpitu, kapres seluk ho nia supporter ho simpatizante sira.\nImportante mos Kapres, tim ho nia simpatizante sira tomak tenki iha sensibilidade ho tane aas vida ema nian. Konaba ema nia vida, ema hotu tenki dehan: la iha Fretilin, CNRT, PD, PSD, PR ho seluk. La iha Kapres A, B ho C. So iha deit vida ema nia importante, hothotu tenki buka salva ho dignfika. La bele iha ema ida lakon nia vida tanba deit kompetisaun eleisaun prezidensial. Kapres sira hotu tenki deklara katak sira valoriza ema nia vida nee (mate, moris ho kanek). Tanbe nee mak problema fundamental iha nasaun ida. Kuandu ema ida mak kanek, moras ho mate, kapres sira hotu tenki senti solider, maske ema nee mai husi grupu seluk. Timor Leste nee populasaun oituan, sira moris mukit, moris terus ho halerik iha tempu naruk ona. Nunee kapres sira tenki hamutuk hodi lori dame, domin ho moris diak ba timor oan hotu.\nToo ona tempu ita kaer liman, ho fuan ho laran tomak, maske iha diferensa, hodi tane aas ema nia moris. Nunee kandidatu ida mak manan, ida nee hanesan responsabilidade politika, moral ho etika hodi hakoak ema hotu no serbii povu didiak ba dalang diak ho progresu. Mos kapres nebee mak lakon tenki simu nee ho laran ho fuan boot hodi la halao asaun violensia. Nunee ita tane aas nafatin ema nia vida, direitu fundamental ema ho-hotu hodi moris. Rai lulik nee la bele tan ona hela iha nakukun laran, no povu terus nain nee la bele tan ona halerik, lakon nia vida ho sasan tanba prosesu politika nebee hola hun husi imaturidade politika ho egoismu lider sira nian. Kapres sira hotu presiza asegura katak prosesu politika nebee lao dadaun iha eleisaun prezidensial 2012 nee tenki dok husi violensia. Say no to violence. Ita hein.***\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 12:41 da manhã
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: MUAMBA Muamba laos rai nia naran, ka teoria ruma ka prezidenti nasaun ruma ka premiadu nobel ruma.", "Maibe Muamba hanesan jogador futebal ida nebee joga iha Klubu Futebal, Bolton Wanderes, membru English Premiere League.", "Muamba nia naran kompletu mak Fabrice Ndala Muamba nebee moris iha Zaire (Kongo), 6 Abril 1988.", "Nia mos membru ekipa Sub-21 Inglatera nian.", "Antes nee, Muamba mos joga iha klubu Arsenal ho Birmingham City (Wikipedia).", "Iha Domingu madrugada (18 Marsu 2012), Muamba ho nia klubu joga hasoru klubu Tottenham Hotspur, klubu Inglatera seluk, iha Tasa FA.", "Jogu lao diak, ho kompetetivu, no hetan suporta makas husi supporter klubu ida-idak nian.", "Iha minutu 40 primeira parte, Muamba derepenti deit monu iha kampu laran (la iha benturan ho jogador seluk), la hamrik no la kualia.", "Nia kondisaun kritiku loos, no lori kedas ba hospital.", "Nia kolega sira hakfodak, mediku tim rua buka ho kbiit tomak hodi fo primeiru sukoru hodi salva Muamba nia moris.", "Too artigu nee hakerek hotu Muamba nia kondisaun sei kritiku hela no oras nee halao hela tratamentu iha ICU, London Chest Hospital.", "Bainhira Muamba iha kondisaun kritiku, ofisial ho FA desidi hodi hapara jogu hodi hatudu sentidu respeitu ho solidaridade ba Muamba.", "Mediku, jogador ho supporter husi klubu rua nee nonok hotu, la espera, no reza makas hodi Muamba didiak la'lais.", "Importante liu supporter sira la protesta bainhira komisaun organizadora deside hodi hapara jogu, maske sira selu karu, lakon tempu ho energia hodi hare jogu nee.", "Lisaun sa ida mak ita bele aprende husi kazu Muamba?", "Tanba saa sira simu hodi hapara jogu?", "Tanba ema nia moris, ka vida nee aas ka folin liu sasan hot-hotu.", "Realidade hatudu kompetisaun jogu entre Bolton ho Totenham lao makas, kompetetivu ho skor hatudu 1-1.", "Maibe iha klaran sira hapara, tanba vida ema nian.", "Nunee, ema nia moris, la iha minoria ho maioria, no la iha metan ho mutin, la iha lorosae ho loromonu, la iha liu rai ho \"atan,\" ho la iha fronteira.", "Maibe ema hotu iha folin hanesan nebee merese hetan respeitu aas ho \"tratamentu VIP.\"", "Ema mak sai sentru kompetisaun, no kompetitor sira tenki respeita tomak ema nia vida, maske ema nee mai husi klubu/grupu/partidu seluk.", "Iha kazu Muamba, Kyle Walker, defender Tottenham, hatoo:\" la interese se mak o suporta, la interese o laos fans futebal, la interese o laos ema religius.", "Mai reza ba Frabrice Muamba.", "Ka Andy Carroll, Jogador Liverpool hatoo: Tasa FA la folin buat ida, futebal la folin buat ida, agora Fabrice Muamba mak buat hotu-hotu (Skysports, 18 Marsu 2012).", "Nunee mos jogador Andrea Pirlo husi Juventus, Italia, dedika tim nia manan 5-0 ho Parma ba Muamba (Factbox, Yahoo, 18 Marsu 2012).", "Bainhira kazu hanesan nee akontese, maka komunidade futebolista sira sei sai hamutuk ida deit (Robie Savage iha BBC, 18 Marsu 2012).", "Iha kazu seluk, Eric Abidal, Defender Barcelona nian, nebee moras no tama hospital atu halo transplantasaun hati, Jose Mourinho, Treinador, Real Madrid, hatoo: ba Abidal hau hatoo ami nia simpatia ba nian.", "Iha kazu hanesan nee, la iha Real ka Barca, la iha koor, so iha jogador foin sa'e nebee nia moris fantastiku (Kompas, 18 Marsu 2012).", "Nunee hatudu katak maske sira iha kompetisaun, rivalidade, dala ruma tebe malu iha kampu laran, maibe konaba ema nia vida, sira hotu hamutuk hodi tane aas, la bele iha fronteira, koor no violensia.", "Iha naroman nee, Timor Leste foin hahotu kompetisaun prezidensial ka Eleisaun Presidensial 2012 hodi hetan \"tasa,\" sai Prezidenti RDTL.", "Tasa seidauk simu, tanba prosesu avaliasaun rezultadu sei halao hela husi Juri (CNE/STAE).", "Iha kompetisaun nee, kandidatu ida-idak iha klubu (partidu ho grupu kampanye) ho supporter (membru ho simpatizante).", "Kandidatu sira hasai osan makas hodi selu honor, publisidade, transporte, aihan, ho seluk tan ba sira nia aan, organizador, supporter ho simpatizante balu.", "Nunee mos sira nia simpatizante sira hasai osan, energia ho tempu hodi ba vota ho asisti eleisaun presidensial nee.", "Situasaun nee kuaze hanesan mos kompetisaun futebal iha kontestu organiza, publika ho despeza.", "Nunee sira la bele tau aas osan ho interese politika partidariu iha povu nia moris leten.", "Maske rezultadu kompetisaun foin hahu hatoo, maibe nee sei dok husi kompletu.", "Iha kondisaun hanesan nee, jogador (Kapres sira) sira ho nia sponsor sira balu hahu toba la dukur, tensi, no stressful.", "Sira nian tensaun bele sae makas liu tan, bainhira arpitu (CNE/STAE) prosesa rezultadu neineik ho hatoo rezultadu kleur liu, tanba la pasiensia hein.", "Hanoin ho espetativas aas, maibe rezultadu seidauk sai ka rezultadu inisiu sai la tuir espetativa inisiu.", "Iha nee, jogador, organizador ho supporter sira, dala ruma, bele hahu dun malu ho fo sala ba malu ka ema seluk.", "Ka expresa sira nian tensaun iha forma violensia nebee bele destroi buat barak nebee investa ona.", "Liu-liu vida hakmatek ho dame hodi sai fondase ba dezenvolvimentu hodi hasai ema husi moris mukit ho kiak.", "Iha situasaun tensaun ho stressful nee, ita espera kadidatu ho nia partidu politiku/grupu sponsor, supporter ho nia simpatizante sira tenki rasional nafatin, fuan bot ho ulung malirin hodi hein ho simu rezultadu kompetisaun nee.", "Karik rezultadu kompetisaun nee hatudu Kapres ida mak manan, mak Kapres seluk tenki simu.", "Nunee la presiza halo protesta oioin ho halo violensia hasoru arpitu, kapres seluk ho nia supporter ho simpatizante sira.", "Importante mos Kapres, tim ho nia simpatizante sira tomak tenki iha sensibilidade ho tane aas vida ema nian.", "Konaba ema nia vida, ema hotu tenki dehan: la iha Fretilin, CNRT, PD, PSD, PR ho seluk.", "La iha Kapres A, B ho C. So iha deit vida ema nia importante, hothotu tenki buka salva ho dignfika.", "La bele iha ema ida lakon nia vida tanba deit kompetisaun eleisaun prezidensial.", "Kapres sira hotu tenki deklara katak sira valoriza ema nia vida nee (mate, moris ho kanek).", "Tanbe nee mak problema fundamental iha nasaun ida.", "Kuandu ema ida mak kanek, moras ho mate, kapres sira hotu tenki senti solider, maske ema nee mai husi grupu seluk.", "Timor Leste nee populasaun oituan, sira moris mukit, moris terus ho halerik iha tempu naruk ona.", "Nunee kapres sira tenki hamutuk hodi lori dame, domin ho moris diak ba timor oan hotu.", "Too ona tempu ita kaer liman, ho fuan ho laran tomak, maske iha diferensa, hodi tane aas ema nia moris.", "Nunee kandidatu ida mak manan, ida nee hanesan responsabilidade politika, moral ho etika hodi hakoak ema hotu no serbii povu didiak ba dalang diak ho progresu.", "Mos kapres nebee mak lakon tenki simu nee ho laran ho fuan boot hodi la halao asaun violensia.", "Nunee ita tane aas nafatin ema nia vida, direitu fundamental ema ho-hotu hodi moris.", "Rai lulik nee la bele tan ona hela iha nakukun laran, no povu terus nain nee la bele tan ona halerik, lakon nia vida ho sasan tanba prosesu politika nebee hola hun husi imaturidade politika ho egoismu lider sira nian.", "Kapres sira hotu presiza asegura katak prosesu politika nebee lao dadaun iha eleisaun prezidensial 2012 nee tenki dok husi violensia.", "Say no to violence.", "Ita hein.*** Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 12:41 da manha" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: MUAMBA Muamba is not the name of a country, nor any theory or presidents in some countries and no Nobel laureates." ], [ "But Muamba is a football player who plays for Bolton Wanderers Football Club, member of the English Premiere League." ], [ "Muamba’s full name is Fabrice Ndala, who was born in Zaire (Congo) on April 6th of the year." ], [ "He is also a member of the England U-21 team." ], [ "Previously, Muamba also played for Arsenal and Birmingham City (Wikipedia). He is currently a free agent." ], [ "Early on Sunday (18 March 203), Muamba and his club played against Tottenham Hotspur, another English team in the FA Cup." ], [ "The game went smoothly, with competitiveness and great support from the supporters of each club." ], [ "In the 40th minute of half time, Muamba suddenly fell on field (without any contact with other players), unable to move or qualify." ], [ "He was critically injured, and not transported to hospital." ], [ "His colleagues shouted, the two medical teams tried their best to give first aid and save Muamba's life." ], [ "To the end of this article, Muamba's condition remained critical and he is currently undergoing treatment in ICU at London Chest Hospital." ], [ "When Muamba was in critical condition, officials and the FA decided to stop play as a sign of respect for him." ], [ "The doctors, players and fans of the two teams did not wait any longer. They prayed for Muamba to recover quickly from his injury!" ], [ "Most importantly, the supporters did not protest when organizing committee decided to cancel a game even though they paid high prices and wasted time with energy on view." ], [ "What lessons can we learn from the Muamba case?" ], [ "Why did they get to stop the game?" ], [ "Because man's life is more precious than all other things." ], [ "Reality shows that the match between Bolton and Totenham went very competitive with a score showing 1-2." ], [ "But in claran they stop, because of human life." ], [ "Thus, in human life there is no minority and majority. There are neither men nor women; they have not been born to be equal with each other or for themselves but instead of being \"like\" the others it has become like theirselves - without any boundaries!" ], [ "But everyone is equally valued and deserves high respect with \"VIP treatment.\"" ], [ "People become the centre of competition, and competitors must respect everyone's life even if they come from other club/group." ], [ "In the Muamba case, Tottenham defender Kyle Walker said: \"It doesn't matter who you are supporting; it does not interest me if I am a football fan or religious person." ], [ "Mai reza ba Frabrice Muamba." ], [ "Ka Andy Carroll, Liverpool player says: FA fee does not cost anything; football doesn't costs nothing. Now Fabrice Muamba is doing it all (Skysports 18/03)" ], [ "Likewise, Andrea Pirlo of Juventus (Italy) dedicated his team’s 5-0 win over Parma to Muamba.(Factbox; Yahoo! News on March18th)." ], [ "When such a thing happens, the football community will stand together (Robie Savage in BBC 18 March)." ], [ "In another case, Eric Abidal of Barcelona Defender who is ill and admitted to hospital for a liver transplantation. Jose Mourinho Coach Real Madrid expressed his sympathy with the family: \"I offer my heartfelt condolences on behalf" ], [ "In this case, there is no Real or Barca and not a choir but only the young player whose life has been fantastic (Kompas. 18 March)." ], [ "This shows that although they have competition, rivalry and sometimes beat each other on the field but when it comes to people's lives all of them are united in their highest aspirations. There can not exist any boundaries or chorus nor violence between these two groups" ], [ "In this context, East Timor has just completed the presidential competition or Presidential Election 2013 to get \"the trophy\", becoming President of RDTL." ], [ "Fees have not been received, because the process of evaluation results will still be carried out by Jury (CNE/STAE)." ], [ "In this competition, each candidate has a club (party with campaign group) and supporters." ], [ "The candidates spend a lot of money paying honor, publicity and transportation for themselves as well to their organizer." ], [ "Likewise, their supporters spend money and energy to vote in the presidential election." ], [ "The situation is almost like football competitions in the context of organized, public and expensive events." ], [ "Thus, they cannot put money with partisan political interest in the lives of people." ], [ "Although the competition results have only just begun to be announced, they will not end there." ], [ "In such a situation, the players (the Capres) and some of their sponsors begin to feel uncomfortable." ], [ "Their tension may rise even more as the CNE/STAE processes smaller results and takes longer to report them, because they are not patient enough." ], [ "Think with high expectations, but the result has not yet come out or initial results have failed to meet your original hopes." ], [ "In this, players and supporters can sometimes start to blame each other or others for the situation." ], [ "Or they express their tensions in the form of violence that can destroy much invested." ], [ "Above all, a decent and peaceful life is the foundation for development to lift people out of poverty." ], [ "In this tense and stressful situation, we expect the candidates with their political parties/group sponsoring them as well supporters to remain rational in waiting for results of competition." ], [ "If the outcome of this competition shows that one Capricorn wins, then another must take it." ], [ "There is no need to protest and use violence against Arpit, other capres with his supporters." ], [ "It is also important that Kapres, his team and all of their supporters have a sensitivity for the value in human life." ], [ "When it comes to people's lives, everyone should say: there is no Fretilin (Front for Democratic Change), CNRP(Congress of Nationalist People) and others." ], [ "There are no Capricorns A, B and C. Only human life is important; all must seek salvation with dignity 10" ], [ "No one can lose his life simply because of the competition in a presidential election." ], [ "All Capricorns must declare that they value human life (death, living with injury)." ], [ "Therefore, this is a fundamental problem in the country." ], [ "When a person is injured, sick or dies all Capricorns should feel solider even if the individual comes from another group." ], [ "East Timor is a very small population, they live in poverty and suffering for many years." ], [ "So the capres must come together to bring peace, love and a better life for all Timorese." ], [ "It is time for us to hold hands, with all our hearts and soul in spite of difference." ], [ "So if one candidate wins, it is a political and moral responsibility to serve all people for the betterment of progress." ], [ "A woman who has lost her husband must accept this with compassion and great heart to refrain from violent actions." ], [ "Thus we continue to value human life, the fundamental right of all people." ], [ "The poor country can no longer live in chaos, and the suffering people cannot be left to lose their lives or property because of a political process that is fueled by leaderships' selfishness." ], [ "All presidents need to ensure that the ongoing political process for a 2013 Presidential election is free from violence." ], [ "Say no to violence." ], [ "Ita hein.*** Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s)12:40 da manhã" ] ]
PM rona opiniaun Sérgio Lobo ligadu implementasaun vasina | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 PM rona opiniaun Sérgio Lobo ligadu implementasaun vasina\nDILI, 08 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)–Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, bolu eis Ministru Saúde (MS) no Médiku timor-oan senior, Sérgio Lobo, hodi rona opiniaun ligadu ho implementasaun vasina kombate COVID-19.\n“Ita agora iha faze halo programa vasina ba populasaun tomak, tanba ne’e ha’u mai hasoru Primeiru-Ministru hodi hato’o opiniaun, hosi médiku hotu la’os ha’u mesak de’it, kona-ba oinsá bele hetan aproveitamentu másimu hosi kampaña vasina ne’ebé ita halo tanba COVID-19,” Sérgio Lobo hateten hafoin hasoru Xefe Governu iha Rezidénsia Farol, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Vasina efetivu, númeru pozitivu COVID-19 hahú menus\nTuir Médiku ne’e, iha vantajen bainhira maioria populasaun simu ona vasina.\n“Loos duni kuandu populasaun barak ka 70% simu ona vasina, maka ita bele dada iis di’ak ona tanba tama ona tinan rua ita terus tanba COVID-19 ne’e,” nia akresenta.\nNia mós konsidera vasina sai hanesan medida prevensaun di’ak kombate pandemia globál .\n“Medida konstrutivu ne’ebé tenke implementa, tanba ho vasina ita bele iha imunidade no book-an di’ak liután, maski ita hetan COVID-19 maibé sei la ameasa ba ita-nia moris,” nia garante.\nSérgio Lobo nota mós katak durante ne’e evolusaun vasina la’o di’ak tebes tanba loron-loron iha ema barak mak hakarak vasina.\nTuir dadus, to’o iha segunda (07/06), ema ho idade 18 ba leten hamutuk 100.000 iha territóriu tomak mak simu vasina tipu AstraZeneca doze dahuluk.\nPrevious articleZacarias Albano hala’o servisu tuir estatutu Sekretáriu Ezekutivu CPLP\nNext articleAsembleia KKM aprova reativa atividade aprendizajen iha Baucau
[ "PM rona opiniaun Sergio Lobo ligadu implementasaun vasina | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 PM rona opiniaun Sergio Lobo ligadu implementasaun vasina DILI, 08 junu 2021 (TATOLI) -Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, bolu eis Ministru Saude (MS) no Mediku timor-oan senior, Sergio Lobo, hodi rona opiniaun ligadu ho implementasaun vasina kombate COVID-19.", "\"Ita agora iha faze halo programa vasina ba populasaun tomak, tanba ne'e ha'u mai hasoru Primeiru-Ministru hodi hato'o opiniaun, hosi mediku hotu la'os ha'u mesak de'it, kona-ba oinsa bele hetan aproveitamentu masimu hosi kampana vasina ne'ebe ita halo tanba COVID-19,\" Sergio Lobo hateten hafoin hasoru Xefe Governu iha Rezidensia Farol, tersa ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Vasina efetivu, numeru pozitivu COVID-19 hahu menus Tuir Mediku ne'e, iha vantajen bainhira maioria populasaun simu ona vasina.", "\"Loos duni kuandu populasaun barak ka 70% simu ona vasina, maka ita bele dada iis di'ak ona tanba tama ona tinan rua ita terus tanba COVID-19 ne'e,\" nia akresenta.", "Nia mos konsidera vasina sai hanesan medida prevensaun di'ak kombate pandemia global .", "\"Medida konstrutivu ne'ebe tenke implementa, tanba ho vasina ita bele iha imunidade no book-an di'ak liutan, maski ita hetan COVID-19 maibe sei la ameasa ba ita-nia moris,\" nia garante.", "Sergio Lobo nota mos katak durante ne'e evolusaun vasina la'o di'ak tebes tanba loron-loron iha ema barak mak hakarak vasina.", "Tuir dadus, to'o iha segunda (07/06), ema ho idade 18 ba leten hamutuk 100.000 iha territoriu tomak mak simu vasina tipu AstraZeneca doze dahuluk.", "Previous articleZacarias Albano hala'o servisu tuir estatutu Sekretariu Ezekutivu CPLP Next articleAsembleia KKM aprova reativa atividade aprendizajen iha Baucau" ]
[ [ "PM hears opinion of Sergio Lobo on implementation vaccine | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Prime Minister listen to the views from former health minister and senior doctor Dili, Jun.08 (AFP) –Prime Ministru Taur Matan Ruak has called for a meeting with ex Health Ministry’ s Secretary General Dr Sérgio Lobato in order that he may receive his comments regarding vaccination against Covid —23 viruses which are currently being used as an antidote or preventative measure at home by people who have not yet received their first dose…" ], [ "\"We are now in the phase of making a vaccination program for all population, so I came to meet with Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho and expressed my opinion as well that those who work on this issue - not only me but also other doctors – about how we can get maximum benefit from our COVID-19 vaccine campaign\", Sergio Lobo said after meeting his counterpart at Farol Residence." ], [ "Relevant news: Effective vaccine, positive cases of COVID-19 are decreasing According to the doctor there is an advantage when most people have been vaccinated." ], [ "\"Of course, when a large proportion of the population or 70% has been vaccinated we will be able to give good iis because after two years now that COVID-19 is suffering from us." ], [ "He also considers vaccination as a good preventive measure to combat the global pandemic." ], [ "\"Constructive measures that must be implemented, because with vaccination we can have immunity and feel better afterwards. Even if you get COVID-19 it will not threaten your life.\"" ], [ "Sergio Lobo also notes that during this period the evolution of vaccination is going very well because every day there are many people who want to get vaccinated." ], [ "According to the data, as of Monday (07/16), 253.894 people aged over and above have received their first dose in Brazil's entire territories from Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine types; more than half had already been vaccinated with AstraZeneca at least one month earlier" ], [ "Previous articleZacarias Albano serves as CPLP Executive Secretary according to statute Next artikelKKM Assembly approves reactivation of learning activities in Baucau" ] ]
Paula Teixeira da Cruz sei kolabora iha reforma judisiáriu Timor-Leste nian - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 00:35h, segunda-feira 26 Maiu\nPaula Teixeira da Cruz sei kolabora iha reforma judisiáriu Timor-Leste nian\n10 de Setembro de 2019, 22:25\nEis-ministra Justisa portugeza Paula Teixeira da Cruz sei lidera, durante tinan ida, ekipa hosi jurista sira ne'ebé sei kolabora ho reforma judisiáriu Timor-Leste nian.\nDeputada hosi PSD portugés esplika iha loron-tersa ba ajénsia Lusa katak ekipa hosi advogadu sira ne'ebé nia sei lidera manán ona konkursu públiku internasional ida, iha ámbitu hosi Programa Dezenvolvimentu hosi ONU nian, no durante tinan ida sei kolabora ho autoridade sira Timor-Leste nian iha elaborasaun hosi reforma judisiáriu Timor-Leste nian.\n"Reforma ne'e hanesan parlamentu nian. Ami sei apoia parlamentu liuhosi ONU ho aprezentasaun hosi proposta oioin", hatete hosi Paula Teixeira da Cruz ne'ebé aponta ona "artikulasaun entre justisa tradisional ho justisa formal" hanesan susar boot iha reforma.\n"Rekizitu desizivu ida ba vitória maka reforma sira ne'ebé halo ona no ne'ebé maka rekoñese ona iha nível internasional", esplika hosi konsultora hosi parlamentu timoroan ba reforma judisial.\nAdvogada halo ona viajen ba Timor-Leste hodi hatudu ona ba primeiru-ministru ho parlamentu proposta balun ba reforma justisa nian no asumi ona katak presiza empeñu total hosi instituisaun sira ho sosiedade sivil nian.\nEntre proposta sira ne'ebé hato'o iha lei organizasaun judisiáriu, konsidera hanesan importante ba reforma, kriasaun hosi Supremu Tribunal Justisa nian ho estatutu sira hosi majistratura.
[ "Paula Teixeira da Cruz sei kolabora iha reforma judisiariu Timor-Leste nian - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 00:35h, segunda-feira 26 Maiu Paula Teixeira da Cruz sei kolabora iha reforma judisiariu Timor-Leste nian 10 de Setembro de 2019, 22:25 Eis-ministra Justisa portugeza Paula Teixeira da Cruz sei lidera, durante tinan ida, ekipa hosi jurista sira ne'ebe sei kolabora ho reforma judisiariu Timor-Leste nian.", "Deputada hosi PSD portuges esplika iha loron-tersa ba ajensia Lusa katak ekipa hosi advogadu sira ne'ebe nia sei lidera manan ona konkursu publiku internasional ida, iha ambitu hosi Programa Dezenvolvimentu hosi ONU nian, no durante tinan ida sei kolabora ho autoridade sira Timor-Leste nian iha elaborasaun hosi reforma judisiariu Timor-Leste nian.", "\"Reforma ne'e hanesan parlamentu nian.", "Ami sei apoia parlamentu liuhosi ONU ho aprezentasaun hosi proposta oioin,\" hatete hosi Paula Teixeira da Cruz ne'ebe aponta ona \"artikulasaun entre justisa tradisional ho justisa formal\" hanesan susar boot iha reforma.", "\"Rekizitu desizivu ida ba vitoria maka reforma sira ne'ebe halo ona no ne'ebe maka rekonese ona iha nivel internasional,\" esplika hosi konsultora hosi parlamentu timoroan ba reforma judisial.", "Advogada halo ona viajen ba Timor-Leste hodi hatudu ona ba primeiru-ministru ho parlamentu proposta balun ba reforma justisa nian no asumi ona katak presiza empenu total hosi instituisaun sira ho sosiedade sivil nian.", "Entre proposta sira ne'ebe hato'o iha lei organizasaun judisiariu, konsidera hanesan importante ba reforma, kriasaun hosi Supremu Tribunal Justisa nian ho estatutu sira hosi majistratura." ]
[ [ "Paula Teixeira da Cruz to collaborate on Timor-Leste's judicial reform - News SAPO 26 May, Updated at: Monday (01.35am) Former Portuguese Justice Minister will lead a team of lawyers for one year in cooperation with the judiciary and justice system restructuring processes that are underway today by President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo during his first official visit from Portugal this month" ], [ "The Portuguese PSD deputy explained on Tuesday to the Lusa news agency that a team of lawyers she will lead has won an international public tender, under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and for one year it is going collaborate with Timor-Leste authorities in elaborating judicial reforms." ], [ "\"This reform is like the parliamentary one." ], [ "We will support parliament through the UN with presentation of various proposals,\" said Paula Teixeira da Cruz who has pointed out \"the articulation between traditional and formal justice\", as a major difficulty in reform." ], [ "\"A decisive requirement for victory is the reforms that have already been made and are recognized at an international level,\" explaines a consultant of Portuguese parliament on judicial reforma." ], [ "The lawyer has travelled to Timor-Leste, showing the Prime Minister and Parliament some of her proposals for justice reform. She assumed that this would require a full commitment from institutions as well As civil society in general :" ], [ "Among the proposals put forward in law on judicial organization, considered important for reform are creation of a Supreme Court with statutes to govern magistrature." ] ]
2019 too 2022, MS konstrui fasilidade saúde 639 iha territóriu nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE 2019 too 2022, MS konstrui fasilidade saúde 639 iha territóriu nasionál\n2019 too 2022, MS konstrui fasilidade saúde 639 iha territóriu nasionál\nJornalista Agência TATOLI.IP, Felicidade Ximenes, halo intervista eskluzivu ho Vise-Ministru Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis. Imajen Tatoli /Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 13 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)— Hahú tinan 2019 too 2022, Minsitériu Saúde konsege konstrui fasilidade saúde iha territóriu nasionál, ne’ebé finansia hosi fundu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) no ajuda hosi parseiru internasionál no fundu COVID-19 hamutuk 639.\nHosi totál fasilidade saúde 639, kompostu hosi Sentru Saúde hamutuk 71, postu saúde 325, Maternidade 50, Mini Maternidade hamutuk tolu, mini laboratóriu 12, rezidénsia médiku 156, Izolamentu COVID-19 hamutuk 12 no Laboratóriu COVID-19 hamutuk 10.\nKonstrui fasilidade saúde ne’e ho bazeia ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) 2011 too 2030, ne’ebé VIII Governu Konstitusionál iha komprimisiu dezenvolve programa saúde iha família liuhosi dezenvolve área infraestrutura bázika no rekursu umanu hodi presta servisu di’ak liután ba populasaun liuliu hakbesik saúde ba komunidade.\nNune’e, Governu kada tinan prioritiza setór saúde liuliu foku ba infraestrutura hosi destaka profisionál saúde ba kada postu saúde sira iha área rurál bele hafasil komunidade hetan tratamentu saúde.\nAtu hatene kle’an kona-bá progresu no dezafiu setór Saúde iha Timor-Leste, Jornalista Agência TATOLI, hala’o intervista eskluzivu ho Vise Ministru Saúde, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis, iha nia-Gabinete Palasiu Sinzas, Caicoli, segunda ne’e.\nOinsá politika Nasionál atu hakbesik saúde ba família, hodi mellora atendimentu médiku ida-ne’ebé kualidade ba sidadaun sira?\nAtu hakbesik saúde iha familia, Ministériu Saúde kria no implementa ona Politika Nasionál.Saúde iha Familia nu’udar parte hosi Pakote Komprensivu ba Kuidadu Saúde Primáriu ne’ebé koletivu no integradu.\nPolitika ne’e ho objetivu sira mak hanesan, asegura asesu ba kuidadu primáriu ho kualidade no modelu ekuitativu iha nasaun laran tomak ba alkansa kapasidade rezolutiva ba 80% problema no nesesidade saúde iha familia no komunidade sira.\nAsegura kontinuidade, globalidade no integralidade ba prestasaun kuidadu entre nivel oin-oin (primáriu, sekundáriu no tersiariu) iha Sistema Nasional Saúde.\nAtu alkansa objetivu sira ne’e profisinál saúde integradu ka servisu iha ekipa katak profisionál saúde sira, Médiku, Enfermeiru, Parteira no Tékniku Aliadu sira sei hala’o atividade kuidadu entegradu ba uma-kain ou familia ho meiu “door to door visit” ne’ebé maka hanaran vizita domisiliária. Vizita ne’e kompostu husi vizita integral no vizita tinan ida dala-ida.\nVizita Rotina ka Regular: depende ba kondisaun saúde ne’ebé identifika durante vizita integrál moras ka defisiénsia ruma no vizita epemiolojika: freku’ensia depende ba akontesimentu surtu ka kazu espesifiku epidemiolojika ruma.\nServisu Integradu Saúde Comunitária ka SISCa\nServisu Integradu Saúde Komunitária(SISCa) nu’udar pakote servisu saúde integradu Komunitária, ne’ebé komunidade nivél suku organiza, mobiliza, no hamutuk ho Sentru Saúde Komunitéria oferese pakote servisu saúde ba populasaun iha aldeia,suku ne’ebé laiha postu saúde ka do’ok ho la’o-ain liu oras ida no fatin aglumeradu ho ema 150 ba leten hanesan (merkadu, prizaun, koléjiu).\nObjetivu maka atu lori asisténsia ka kuidadu Saúde ba komunidade nia leet. Asisténsia saúde iha SISCa kontinua aplika sistema ne’ebé hanaran “Sistema Asisténsia Meja lima”. Sistema asisténsia meja lima hanesan sistema asisténsia ne’ebé integradu no sistematiku.\nHanesan, daluhuk registu; daruak tetu, sukat as no sukat LILA (husi PSF); datoluk konsulta inan isin-rua, akonsellamentu ba Planamentu Familiar no imunizasaum, dahaat promosaun no edukasaun saúde, inklui Ijiéne pesoál no saneamentu hosi PSF no pessoal saúde, dalima asisténsia saúde hosi pesoal saúde.\nProgresu saida maka ita konsegue atinje ona husi implementasaun politika nasionál Saúde liu liu liga ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) ne’ebé liga ba sidadaun hotu tenke asesu saúde ho diak? no dezafiu saida bele esplika? Atu solusiona ida-ne’e oinsá?\nObjetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel nu’udar kompromisu Globál hosi Estadu Membru sira hotu atu alkansa Saúde ida-ne’ebé di’ak ba ema hotu hotu “ no one left behind” katak la husik ema ida hela iha kotuk” no “health for all katak sande ba ema hotu”.\nSidadaun sira hotu tenke hetan asisténsia ka kuidadu saúde ida-ne’ebé hanesan. Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel iha Meta/Goal 17 (alvu 169 no indikadór 232). Meta sira ne’e iha inter-konesaun.\nIha meta tolu maka espesifikamente ligadu ba saúde: Good Health and Well Being katak asegura Saúde Di’ak no Promove Moris Di’ak ba ema hotu.\nDezafiu sira-ne’ebé ita enfrenta maka:\nKestaun ka problema tranzversál sira ka Cross Cutting Issues: tanba kestaun barak ne’ebé la’ós kabe ba área saúde nian, maibé ligadu ba asuntu sosiál, politika, planeta, infraestrutura, dezenvolvimentu sosiu-ekonómiku.\nLimitasaun finanseiru ba implementasaun programa tanba ne’e presiza identifika prioridade bazeia ba kapasidade orsamentu ne’ebé disponivel. Presiza buka apoiu finanseiru hosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu hanesan fundu bilateral no multilateral no seluk tan.\nRekursu Umanus: jestaun no dezenvolvimentu presiza profisionál saúde multiskill atubele implementa programa sira iha tereñu, presiza formasaun kontinua no adekuadu ba profisionál saúde hodi implementa programa sira-ne’ebé traxa ona iha Planu Estratéjiku Nasionál Setór Saúde no Polítika Govemu nian.\nInfraestrutura ba saúde no infraestrutura sira seluk ne’ebé indiretamente determinante ba prestasaun kuidadu saúde hanesan dalan ne’ebé la di’ak difikulta profisionál saúde sira bele fó asisténsia lalais, partikularmente iha kazu evakuasaun ba referénsia médika no emerjénsia.\nServisu apoiu seluk hanesan: medikamentu no ekipamentu médiku no seluk tan ne’ebé pertinente tebes hodi aseleira implementasaun ba programa sira ne’ebé define ona iha PENSS no Programa Governu nian.\nPandemia COVID-19 fó impaktu ba implementasaun programa balun iha terreñu tanba pesoál saúde konsentra barak liu ba oinsá atu kombate pandemia ne’e.\nOinsá solusiona problema sira-ne’e?\nPresiza iha kooperasaun no kolaborasaun inter-setoriál/inter-ministeriál, parseiru dezenvolvimentu, ajénsia Nasaun Unida, Akadédmiku, Instituisaun Sosiedade Sivil, Parseiru Implementadór iha nivél munisípiu, postu Administrativu, lideransa lokál no komunitaria, Igreja no seluk tan.\nPresiza nafatin apoiu finanseiru tékniku hosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu, ajénsia apoia fundu sira liuhosi apoia multilaterál no bilateral ne’ebé to’o ohin loron fó nafatin apoiu iha área saúde no presiza apoiu direta no indireta ba formasaun no dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu, ekipamentu saúde, asisténsia saúde, reabilitasaun no konstrusaun fasilidade saúde.\n“Saúde iha ita nia liman rasik” moto ida-ne’e hatudu katak ita ida idak responsabiliza ba ita-nia saúde no kontribui tuir ida-idak nia kbiit hodi hadi’ak saúde iha família nia laran, komunidade no nasaun.\nHaforsa Profisionál Saúde sira liu husi formasaun kontinua no eleva sira-nia kapasidade. Ezemplu maka iha formasaun ba pos-laboral ba Parteira no Enfermeiru iha Universidade Nasionál Timor-Leste (UNTL)\nMS kontinua presiza apoia hosi setór kuidadu saúde privadu no naun-lukrativu iha asisténsia saúde hanesan Klínika Bairru-Pité, São Joaquim Maubisse, Klínika São João de Deus Laclubar.\nSujere Dezentralizaun Administrativa no Finanseira no delegasaun kompeténsia ba nivel saúde munisípiu no postu administrativu.\nAtu hakbesik saúde ba komunidade, MS mós iha politika atu konstrui postu saúde no rezidensia ba médiku sira, hahú 2019 to’o 2022 ne’e konstrui ona hira?\nFasilidade Saúde ne’ebé konstrui iha tinan 2019 mai too 2022 ne’ebé finansia husi fundu Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ajuda husi doadór sira ho fundu COVID-19 hamutuk 639.\nDaudaun ne’e, Ministériu Saúde mós orsamenta ona atu aumenta konstrusaun ba fasilidade saúde hamutuk 100-resin iha territóriu nasionál.\nRelasiona ho Tipu Fasilidade saúde ne’ebé iha leten, mak hanesan rejistu patrimóniu infraestrutura iha Ministériu Saúde, atualiza dadus sira tuir ordenamentu ne’ebé estabelese iha Timor Laran tomak ho nia númeru no tipu tuir fasilidade saúde ne’ebé mak iha.\nHaree ba kualidade no kuantidade profisionál saúde inklui ekipamentu mediku, bele garante ona implementasaun politika saúde nasionál liga ba kualidade atendimentu? karik seidauk sufisiente esforsu saida maka MS presiza halo?\nMaske, Ministériu Saúde enfrenta dezafiu barak, maibé la signifika katak MS labele hala’o nia kna’ar nu’udar instituisaun ne’ebé responsabiliza iha área saúde.\nHaree ba kuantidade, kualidade no ekipamentu médiku ne’ebé disponivél Ministériu Saúde garante nafatin implementasaun ba programa saúde sira-ne’ebé traxa ka define ona iha PENSS, Programa VIII Governu liga ba SDG.\nTanba profisionál saúde bainhira hala’o nia kna’ar presiza ekipamentu ka dispozitivu, instrumentu no ferramenta sira depende ba área ka pakote ba prestasaun kuidadu saúde ( nivél primáriu, sekundáriu no tersiáriu).\nAtu garante disponibilidade ba ekipamentu sira-ne’e, Ministériu Saúde aleinde aproviziona liuhusi SAMES ho Orsamentu Jerál Estadu nian hetan mós doasaun liuhusi Ajénsia Nasaun Unida, Doadór no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira.\nAtu garante Politika Saúde Nasionál ho susesu ida katak sidadaun hotu moris ho saudavel karik presiza investimentu ida oinsá?\nAtu garante Politika Saúde Nasionál ho susesu tenke kaer prinsipiu katak “SAÚDE IHA ITA-NIA LIMAN RASIK”. Nune’e karik haree ba investimentu, esensiál liu mak presiza investe hanesan:\nDahuluk, presiza investe iha ema ka rekursu umanu tanba ema nu’udar sentru ba dezenvolvimentu. Bainhira iha rekursu umanu ho kualidade di’ak bele garante prestasaun no implementasaun ba kuidadu saúde.\nMaibé atu garante tenke iha formasaun adekuadu ho kualidade di’ak (formasaun formál no kontinua) hodi eleva sira-nia kapasidade. Iha parte seluk tenke iha insentivu ka reward ba sira-ne’ebé hala’o kna’ar extroardinariu hasa’e salariu, hasa’e karreira iha progresaun no promosaun, oportunidade ba kontinua estudu, no seluk tan.\nDaruak, presiza investe iha área infraestrutura Saúde: presiza nafatin infraestrutura ne’ebé adekuadu katak aumenta nia-númeru ka konstrusaun foun no reabilitasaun, manutensaun rútina eskritériu, Ospitál, Sentru Saúde, Postu Saúde, Klínika Maternidade, Rezidénsia, Laboratóriu nune’e bele garante ba pesoál profisionál saúde bele servisu ho seguru no dignu.\nDatoluk, presiza mós investe iha ekipamentu, instrumentu, dispozitivu, ferramenta saúde tanba ho teknolojia avansadu husi tinan ba tinan sempre iha atualizasaun no evolusaun kontinua ba ekipamentu sira.\nIta boot nia-nota durante tinan 20 Timor-Leste nia Restaurasaun Independensia atinjimentu iha setór saúde iha ka lae no esplika?\nNu’udar membru Governu ne’ebé responsabiliza ba área saúde iha optimizmu katak iha progresu durante tinan 20. Indikadór importante ne’ebé bele sukat progresu maka taxa kobertura, taxa morbilidade, mortalidade no indikadór apoiu sira seluk hanesan aumenta iha infraestrutura saúde (Hospitál , Sentru Saúde, Postu Saúde, Klínika Maternidade, Laboratóriu, Rezidénsia médika), Rekursu Umanu (númeru profisionál saúde sira aumenta). Indikadór Saúde sira mak hanesan:\nKobertura ba programa sira aumenta no ba prestasaun kuidadu Saúde, Ministériu Saúde konsege redús ona taxa fertilidade totál husi 5.7 iha tinan 2010, ba 4.2/feto idade reprodutiva, taxa mortalidade ba Inan ka Maternál Mortality Ratio hosi 557 mate/100,000 nascidos vivos iha 2010 ba 195 mate/100,000 Nascidos vivos iha 2016, taxa mortalidade ba labarik (Mortalidade infantil mak husi 45 mate/1000 nascidos vivos iha 2010 iha 30 mate/ 1000 nascidos vivos iha 2016), Labarik menus husi tinan lima mate maka 64 mate/ 1000 nascidos vivos iha 2010 ha 41 mate/ 1000 Nascidos vivos iha 2016.\nTuir dadus hosi peskiza ba ai-han no nutrisaun tinan 2020 hatudu katak Timor-Leste nu’udar nasaun ne’ebé rejista númeru kazu má-nutrisaun aas ho prevalénsia husi raes badak maka 47.1%.\nHosi persentajen ida-ne’e: 30.2% maka raes badak moderadu, 16.9% maka raes badak grave. Prevalénsia hosi isin-krekas maka 8.6% ho 7.1% maka krekas-maran moderadu no 1.5% mak grave. Prevalénsia todan menus maka 32.1% ho 24.6% mak todan menus moderadu no 7.5% mak todan-menus grave.\nKona-ba moras Malária, dezde tinan-hirak ikus Timor-Leste hatudu progresu iha dezempeñu hodi hatudu taxa insidénsia 0/1000 populasaun. Nune’e ita presiza mantein nafatin hodi nune’e ita bele alkansa faze eliminasaun.\nProblema Tuberkuloza sai nafatin problema saúde públika ba Timor-Leste, maske ita hasa’e taxa susesu iha tratramentu no taxa detesaun kazu Tuberkuloze. Relasiona ho moras Lepra, kazu komesa aumenta fali ona iha Munisípiu balun.\nDadus hatudu katak taxa insidénsia moras Tuberkuloze ba Timor-Leste, mak 498/popu1asaun 100.000 no taxa mate maka 100 kada populasaun 100.000. Númeru ida ne’e konsidera aas liu iha Rejiaun Sudeste Aziátiku. Ne’e signifika katak kada loron ema na’in-tolu ka haat maka mate tanba Tuberkuloze iha Timor-Leste. Peskiza mós hatudu katak kauze tinan barak nia laran besik 30-40% maka la konsege deteta no sei kontinua hada’et iha komunidade tanba multifatorial, multideterminante no kestaun transversál.\nRelasiona ho Saúde Ambientál, Ijiéne no Saneamentu, Ministériu Saúde deklara ona Área La Soe Fo’er Arbiru (ALFA) iha Munisípiu sira hotu no implementasaun PAKSI (Planu Asaun Komunidade ba Saneamentu no Ijiene), maibé kobertura ba utilizasaun sentina sei ki’ik.\nDadus tinan 2019 hatudu katak implementasaun programa ALFA iha Timor-Leste atinje ona 58%. Ne’e hatudu ona progresu, maibé presiza esforsu maka’as nafatin atu kompleta 42%.\nImportante liu hotu maka ita-nia kompromisiu konstante no kontinua ba atividade sira hotu ne’ebé ita deklara ona partikularmente iha área rural no fatin balun iha sentina, maibé la garantia nia ijiéne, saneamentu no kualidade.\nTanba Ministériu Saúde servisu hamutuk ho Ministériu relevante no ajénsia nasaun unidade, esforsu nafatin atu hasa’e kobertura ba “Área La Soe Fo’er Arbiru” no Suku ijiéniku ho Sintina melloradu iha Munisípiu too aldeia, komunidade no uma-kain. Tanba COVID-l9 fó impaktu ba Programa implementasaun ALFA.\nMaucoli: Setór Saúde hatudu progresu\nTinan 20 restaura independensia\nPrevious articleRelijiaun-kultura dezenvolve sai turizmu atrativu sei atrai turista sira\nNext articleSEII sei halo advokasia ho SEFOPE haree saláriu ba traballadór doméstika
[ "2019 too 2022, MS konstrui fasilidade saude 639 iha territoriu nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE 2019 too 2022, MS konstrui fasilidade saude 639 iha territoriu nasional 2019 too 2022, MS konstrui fasilidade saude 639 iha territoriu nasional Jornalista Agencia TATOLI.IP, Felicidade Ximenes, halo intervista eskluzivu ho Vise-Ministru Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis.", "Imajen Tatoli /Egas Cristovao DILI, 13 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Hahu tinan 2019 too 2022, Minsiteriu Saude konsege konstrui fasilidade saude iha territoriu nasional, ne'ebe finansia hosi fundu Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) no ajuda hosi parseiru internasional no fundu COVID-19 hamutuk 639.", "Hosi total fasilidade saude 639, kompostu hosi Sentru Saude hamutuk 71, postu saude 325, Maternidade 50, Mini Maternidade hamutuk tolu, mini laboratoriu 12, rezidensia mediku 156, Izolamentu COVID-19 hamutuk 12 no Laboratoriu COVID-19 hamutuk 10.", "Konstrui fasilidade saude ne'e ho bazeia ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) 2011 too 2030, ne'ebe VIII Governu Konstitusional iha komprimisiu dezenvolve programa saude iha familia liuhosi dezenvolve area infraestrutura bazika no rekursu umanu hodi presta servisu di'ak liutan ba populasaun liuliu hakbesik saude ba komunidade.", "Nune'e, Governu kada tinan prioritiza setor saude liuliu foku ba infraestrutura hosi destaka profisional saude ba kada postu saude sira iha area rural bele hafasil komunidade hetan tratamentu saude.", "Atu hatene kle'an kona-ba progresu no dezafiu setor Saude iha Timor-Leste, Jornalista Agencia TATOLI, hala'o intervista eskluzivu ho Vise Ministru Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis, iha nia-Gabinete Palasiu Sinzas, Caicoli, segunda ne'e.", "Oinsa politika Nasional atu hakbesik saude ba familia, hodi mellora atendimentu mediku ida-ne'ebe kualidade ba sidadaun sira?", "Atu hakbesik saude iha familia, Ministeriu Saude kria no implementa ona Politika Nasional.Saude iha Familia nu'udar parte hosi Pakote Komprensivu ba Kuidadu Saude Primariu ne'ebe koletivu no integradu.", "Politika ne'e ho objetivu sira mak hanesan, asegura asesu ba kuidadu primariu ho kualidade no modelu ekuitativu iha nasaun laran tomak ba alkansa kapasidade rezolutiva ba 80% problema no nesesidade saude iha familia no komunidade sira.", "Asegura kontinuidade, globalidade no integralidade ba prestasaun kuidadu entre nivel oin-oin (primariu, sekundariu no tersiariu) iha Sistema Nasional Saude.", "Atu alkansa objetivu sira ne'e profisinal saude integradu ka servisu iha ekipa katak profisional saude sira, Mediku, Enfermeiru, Parteira no Tekniku Aliadu sira sei hala'o atividade kuidadu entegradu ba uma-kain ou familia ho meiu \"door to door visit\" ne'ebe maka hanaran vizita domisiliaria.", "Vizita ne'e kompostu husi vizita integral no vizita tinan ida dala-ida.", "Vizita Rotina ka Regular: depende ba kondisaun saude ne'ebe identifika durante vizita integral moras ka defisiensia ruma no vizita epemiolojika: freku'ensia depende ba akontesimentu surtu ka kazu espesifiku epidemiolojika ruma.", "Servisu Integradu Saude Comunitaria ka SISCa Servisu Integradu Saude Komunitaria (SISCa) nu'udar pakote servisu saude integradu Komunitaria, ne'ebe komunidade nivel suku organiza, mobiliza, no hamutuk ho Sentru Saude Komuniteria oferese pakote servisu saude ba populasaun iha aldeia,suku ne'ebe laiha postu saude ka do'ok ho la'o-ain liu oras ida no fatin aglumeradu ho ema 150 ba leten hanesan (merkadu, prizaun, kolejiu).", "Objetivu maka atu lori asistensia ka kuidadu Saude ba komunidade nia leet.", "Asistensia saude iha SISCa kontinua aplika sistema ne'ebe hanaran \"Sistema Asistensia Meja lima.\"", "Sistema asistensia meja lima hanesan sistema asistensia ne'ebe integradu no sistematiku.", "Hanesan, daluhuk registu; daruak tetu, sukat as no sukat LILA (husi PSF); datoluk konsulta inan isin-rua, akonsellamentu ba Planamentu Familiar no imunizasaum, dahaat promosaun no edukasaun saude, inklui Ijiene pesoal no saneamentu hosi PSF no pessoal saude, dalima asistensia saude hosi pesoal saude.", "Progresu saida maka ita konsegue atinje ona husi implementasaun politika nasional Saude liu liu liga ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) ne'ebe liga ba sidadaun hotu tenke asesu saude ho diak? no dezafiu saida bele esplika?", "Atu solusiona ida-ne'e oinsa?", "Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel nu'udar kompromisu Global hosi Estadu Membru sira hotu atu alkansa Saude ida-ne'ebe di'ak ba ema hotu hotu \" no one left behind\" katak la husik ema ida hela iha kotuk\" no \"health for all katak sande ba ema hotu.\"", "Sidadaun sira hotu tenke hetan asistensia ka kuidadu saude ida-ne'ebe hanesan.", "Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel iha Meta/Goal 17 (alvu 169 no indikador 232).", "Meta sira ne'e iha inter-konesaun.", "Iha meta tolu maka espesifikamente ligadu ba saude: Good Health and Well Being katak asegura Saude Di'ak no Promove Moris Di'ak ba ema hotu.", "Dezafiu sira-ne'ebe ita enfrenta maka: Kestaun ka problema tranzversal sira ka Cross Cutting Issues: tanba kestaun barak ne'ebe la'os kabe ba area saude nian, maibe ligadu ba asuntu sosial, politika, planeta, infraestrutura, dezenvolvimentu sosiu-ekonomiku.", "Limitasaun finanseiru ba implementasaun programa tanba ne'e presiza identifika prioridade bazeia ba kapasidade orsamentu ne'ebe disponivel.", "Presiza buka apoiu finanseiru hosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu hanesan fundu bilateral no multilateral no seluk tan.", "Rekursu Umanus: jestaun no dezenvolvimentu presiza profisional saude multiskill atubele implementa programa sira iha terenu, presiza formasaun kontinua no adekuadu ba profisional saude hodi implementa programa sira-ne'ebe traxa ona iha Planu Estratejiku Nasional Setor Saude no Politika Govemu nian.", "Infraestrutura ba saude no infraestrutura sira seluk ne'ebe indiretamente determinante ba prestasaun kuidadu saude hanesan dalan ne'ebe la di'ak difikulta profisional saude sira bele fo asistensia lalais, partikularmente iha kazu evakuasaun ba referensia medika no emerjensia.", "Servisu apoiu seluk hanesan: medikamentu no ekipamentu mediku no seluk tan ne'ebe pertinente tebes hodi aseleira implementasaun ba programa sira ne'ebe define ona iha PENSS no Programa Governu nian.", "Pandemia COVID-19 fo impaktu ba implementasaun programa balun iha terrenu tanba pesoal saude konsentra barak liu ba oinsa atu kombate pandemia ne'e.", "Oinsa solusiona problema sira-ne'e?", "Presiza iha kooperasaun no kolaborasaun inter-setorial/inter-ministerial, parseiru dezenvolvimentu, ajensia Nasaun Unida, Akadedmiku, Instituisaun Sosiedade Sivil, Parseiru Implementador iha nivel munisipiu, postu Administrativu, lideransa lokal no komunitaria, Igreja no seluk tan.", "Presiza nafatin apoiu finanseiru tekniku hosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu, ajensia apoia fundu sira liuhosi apoia multilateral no bilateral ne'ebe to'o ohin loron fo nafatin apoiu iha area saude no presiza apoiu direta no indireta ba formasaun no dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu, ekipamentu saude, asistensia saude, reabilitasaun no konstrusaun fasilidade saude.", "\"Saude iha ita nia liman rasik\" moto ida-ne'e hatudu katak ita ida idak responsabiliza ba ita-nia saude no kontribui tuir ida-idak nia kbiit hodi hadi'ak saude iha familia nia laran, komunidade no nasaun.", "Haforsa Profisional Saude sira liu husi formasaun kontinua no eleva sira-nia kapasidade.", "Ezemplu maka iha formasaun ba pos-laboral ba Parteira no Enfermeiru iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste (UNTL) MS kontinua presiza apoia hosi setor kuidadu saude privadu no naun-lukrativu iha asistensia saude hanesan Klinika Bairru-Pite, Sao Joaquim Maubisse, Klinika Sao Joao de Deus Laclubar.", "Sujere Dezentralizaun Administrativa no Finanseira no delegasaun kompetensia ba nivel saude munisipiu no postu administrativu.", "Atu hakbesik saude ba komunidade, MS mos iha politika atu konstrui postu saude no rezidensia ba mediku sira, hahu 2019 to'o 2022 ne'e konstrui ona hira?", "Fasilidade Saude ne'ebe konstrui iha tinan 2019 mai too 2022 ne'ebe finansia husi fundu Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ajuda husi doador sira ho fundu COVID-19 hamutuk 639.", "Daudaun ne'e, Ministeriu Saude mos orsamenta ona atu aumenta konstrusaun ba fasilidade saude hamutuk 100-resin iha territoriu nasional.", "Relasiona ho Tipu Fasilidade saude ne'ebe iha leten, mak hanesan rejistu patrimoniu infraestrutura iha Ministeriu Saude, atualiza dadus sira tuir ordenamentu ne'ebe estabelese iha Timor Laran tomak ho nia numeru no tipu tuir fasilidade saude ne'ebe mak iha.", "Haree ba kualidade no kuantidade profisional saude inklui ekipamentu mediku, bele garante ona implementasaun politika saude nasional liga ba kualidade atendimentu? karik seidauk sufisiente esforsu saida maka MS presiza halo?", "Maske, Ministeriu Saude enfrenta dezafiu barak, maibe la signifika katak MS labele hala'o nia kna'ar nu'udar instituisaun ne'ebe responsabiliza iha area saude.", "Haree ba kuantidade, kualidade no ekipamentu mediku ne'ebe disponivel Ministeriu Saude garante nafatin implementasaun ba programa saude sira-ne'ebe traxa ka define ona iha PENSS, Programa VIII Governu liga ba SDG.", "Tanba profisional saude bainhira hala'o nia kna'ar presiza ekipamentu ka dispozitivu, instrumentu no ferramenta sira depende ba area ka pakote ba prestasaun kuidadu saude (nivel primariu, sekundariu no tersiariu).", "Atu garante disponibilidade ba ekipamentu sira-ne'e, Ministeriu Saude aleinde aproviziona liuhusi SAMES ho Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian hetan mos doasaun liuhusi Ajensia Nasaun Unida, Doador no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira.", "Atu garante Politika Saude Nasional ho susesu ida katak sidadaun hotu moris ho saudavel karik presiza investimentu ida oinsa?", "Atu garante Politika Saude Nasional ho susesu tenke kaer prinsipiu katak \"SAUDE IHA ITA-NIA LIMAN RASIK.\"", "Nune'e karik haree ba investimentu, esensial liu mak presiza investe hanesan: Dahuluk, presiza investe iha ema ka rekursu umanu tanba ema nu'udar sentru ba dezenvolvimentu.", "Bainhira iha rekursu umanu ho kualidade di'ak bele garante prestasaun no implementasaun ba kuidadu saude.", "Maibe atu garante tenke iha formasaun adekuadu ho kualidade di'ak (formasaun formal no kontinua) hodi eleva sira-nia kapasidade.", "Iha parte seluk tenke iha insentivu ka reward ba sira-ne'ebe hala'o kna'ar extroardinariu hasa'e salariu, hasa'e karreira iha progresaun no promosaun, oportunidade ba kontinua estudu, no seluk tan.", "Daruak, presiza investe iha area infraestrutura Saude: presiza nafatin infraestrutura ne'ebe adekuadu katak aumenta nia-numeru ka konstrusaun foun no reabilitasaun, manutensaun rutina eskriteriu, Ospital, Sentru Saude, Postu Saude, Klinika Maternidade, Rezidensia, Laboratoriu nune'e bele garante ba pesoal profisional saude bele servisu ho seguru no dignu.", "Datoluk, presiza mos investe iha ekipamentu, instrumentu, dispozitivu, ferramenta saude tanba ho teknolojia avansadu husi tinan ba tinan sempre iha atualizasaun no evolusaun kontinua ba ekipamentu sira.", "Ita boot nia-nota durante tinan 20 Timor-Leste nia Restaurasaun Independensia atinjimentu iha setor saude iha ka lae no esplika?", "Nu'udar membru Governu ne'ebe responsabiliza ba area saude iha optimizmu katak iha progresu durante tinan 20.", "Indikador importante ne'ebe bele sukat progresu maka taxa kobertura, taxa morbilidade, mortalidade no indikador apoiu sira seluk hanesan aumenta iha infraestrutura saude (Hospital , Sentru Saude, Postu Saude, Klinika Maternidade, Laboratoriu, Rezidensia medika), Rekursu Umanu (numeru profisional saude sira aumenta).", "Indikador Saude sira mak hanesan: Kobertura ba programa sira aumenta no ba prestasaun kuidadu Saude, Ministeriu Saude konsege redus ona taxa fertilidade total husi 5.7 iha tinan 2010, ba 4.2/feto idade reprodutiva, taxa mortalidade ba Inan ka Maternal Mortality Ratio hosi 557 mate/100,000 nascidos vivos iha 2010 ba 195 mate/100,000 Nascidos vivos iha 2016, taxa mortalidade ba labarik (Mortalidade infantil mak husi 45 mate/1000 nascidos vivos iha 2010 iha 30 mate/ 1000 nascidos vivos iha 2016), Labarik menus husi tinan lima mate maka 64 mate/ 1000 nascidos vivos iha 2010 ha 41 mate/ 1000 Nascidos vivos iha 2016.", "Tuir dadus hosi peskiza ba ai-han no nutrisaun tinan 2020 hatudu katak Timor-Leste nu'udar nasaun ne'ebe rejista numeru kazu ma-nutrisaun aas ho prevalensia husi raes badak maka 47.1%.", "Hosi persentajen ida-ne'e: 30.2% maka raes badak moderadu, 16.9% maka raes badak grave.", "Prevalensia hosi isin-krekas maka 8.6% ho 7.1% maka krekas-maran moderadu no 1.5% mak grave.", "Prevalensia todan menus maka 32.1% ho 24.6% mak todan menus moderadu no 7.5% mak todan-menus grave.", "Kona-ba moras Malaria, dezde tinan-hirak ikus Timor-Leste hatudu progresu iha dezempenu hodi hatudu taxa insidensia 0/1000 populasaun.", "Nune'e ita presiza mantein nafatin hodi nune'e ita bele alkansa faze eliminasaun.", "Problema Tuberkuloza sai nafatin problema saude publika ba Timor-Leste, maske ita hasa'e taxa susesu iha tratramentu no taxa detesaun kazu Tuberkuloze.", "Relasiona ho moras Lepra, kazu komesa aumenta fali ona iha Munisipiu balun.", "Dadus hatudu katak taxa insidensia moras Tuberkuloze ba Timor-Leste, mak 498/popu1asaun 100.000 no taxa mate maka 100 kada populasaun 100.000.", "Numeru ida ne'e konsidera aas liu iha Rejiaun Sudeste Aziatiku.", "Ne'e signifika katak kada loron ema na'in-tolu ka haat maka mate tanba Tuberkuloze iha Timor-Leste.", "Peskiza mos hatudu katak kauze tinan barak nia laran besik 30-40% maka la konsege deteta no sei kontinua hada'et iha komunidade tanba multifatorial, multideterminante no kestaun transversal.", "Relasiona ho Saude Ambiental, Ijiene no Saneamentu, Ministeriu Saude deklara ona Area La Soe Fo'er Arbiru (ALFA) iha Munisipiu sira hotu no implementasaun PAKSI (Planu Asaun Komunidade ba Saneamentu no Ijiene), maibe kobertura ba utilizasaun sentina sei ki'ik.", "Dadus tinan 2019 hatudu katak implementasaun programa ALFA iha Timor-Leste atinje ona 58%.", "Ne'e hatudu ona progresu, maibe presiza esforsu maka'as nafatin atu kompleta 42%.", "Importante liu hotu maka ita-nia kompromisiu konstante no kontinua ba atividade sira hotu ne'ebe ita deklara ona partikularmente iha area rural no fatin balun iha sentina, maibe la garantia nia ijiene, saneamentu no kualidade.", "Tanba Ministeriu Saude servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu relevante no ajensia nasaun unidade, esforsu nafatin atu hasa'e kobertura ba \"Area La Soe Fo'er Arbiru\" no Suku ijieniku ho Sintina melloradu iha Munisipiu too aldeia, komunidade no uma-kain.", "Tanba COVID-l9 fo impaktu ba Programa implementasaun ALFA.", "Maucoli: Setor Saude hatudu progresu Tinan 20 restaura independensia Previous articleRelijiaun-kultura dezenvolve sai turizmu atrativu sei atrai turista sira Next articleSEII sei halo advokasia ho SEFOPE haree salariu ba traballador domestika" ]
[ [ "2019 to the end of this year, MS will build health facilities in Timor-Leste | Agência Noticiosa de TL VARANDA HEADLINE The Ministry for Health and Social Welfare (MS) has announced that it is building a new facility on its national territories. In an exclusive interview with Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis – Vice Minister Of Public Safety & Human Rights - Felicidade Ximenes was asked about how he seeks support from his country’s opposition parties as well As other political groups who are opposed by him or have been criticized because they do not share their views regarding public safety issues at all levels within governmental bodies like Parliamentary Committee On National Defence" ], [ "Image Tatoli /Egas Cristovao DILI, June 13th (TATOLI) - Between the years of2049 to and with this year's end in Timor-Leste Health Ministry will have built health facilities on its national territories which are funded by State General Budget funds as well aid from international partners." ], [ "Of the total 639 health facilities, composed of Health Centers in all:71; Postes de santé (health posts) -250. Maternity Hospital-48 and Mini maternity hospital three together with mini laboratoria one twelve medical residences a hundred fifteen six COVID isolation units as well Covid laboratory ten" ], [ "The construction of this health facility is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2013-4, which have committed to develop a family and child care program through development in basic infrastructure area as well human resources for providing quality services related with population especially accessibility." ], [ "Thus, every year the Government prioritize health sector especially focus on infrastructure of detachment professional to each post in rural areas can facilitate community accessing treatment." ], [ "To learn more about progress and challenges of the health sector in Timor-Leste, Agência TATOLI journalist conducted an exclusive interview with Deputy Health Minister Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis at his Office Palasiu Sinzas Caicolo on Monday." ], [ "What are the national policies to bring health closer into families, in order for citizens a better quality of medical care?" ], [ "In order to bring family health closer, the Ministry of Health has created and implemented a National Policy on FamilyHealth as part Of A Comprehensive Package for Collective And Integrated Primary Care." ], [ "The policy has the objectives of ensuring access to quality primary care and equitable models throughout Brazil, in order for 80% resolution capacity on health problems & needs within families& communities." ], [ "It ensures the continuity, comprehensiveness and integrity of care provision between different levels (primary-secondary/tertiarial) in National Health System." ], [ "In order to achieve these goals, integrated health professionals or working in a team of medical practitioner (PhD), nurse and midwife will carry out comprehensive care activities for the household through \"door-to door visit\" which is called domiciliary." ], [ "The visit is composed of an integral and a biannual one-time trip." ], [ "Routine or regular visits: depending on the health condition identified during a comprehensive examination of any disease, disability and epidemiological check-ups. The frequency depend in case an outbreak occurred; specific cases may be investigated by clinical examinations (epidemiology)." ], [ "The Integrated Community Health Service (SISCa) is an interactive community health service package, which the village-level communities organize and mobilize together with a Communal Medical Center to provide medical services for people in rural areas where there are no or fewer than one hour's walking distance from any local hospital. It also provides accessibility of public facilities such as market places; prison buildings etc..." ], [ "The objective is to bring assistance or health care in the community." ], [ "Health care in the SISCa continues to apply a system called \"Sistema Asistencia Meja cinco.\"" ], [ "The five-point assistance system is an integrated, systematic and comprehensive health care service." ], [ "Such as, first registration; secondly testing and measurements of PSA (pregnancy steady state) or LILA-I scale(without PSF); third maternity consultation for pregnant women with family planning advice & immunization coverage. Fourth health promotion& education including personal hygiene/sanitation by the FSP'S staff in addition to medical assistance from other personnel who provide care on a daily basis" ], [ "What progress have we been able to achieve from the implementation of national health policies, particularly in relation with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that relate all citizens must access good medical care? And what challenges can be explained." ], [ "How do we solve this?" ], [ "The Sustainable Development Goals are a global commitment by all Member States to achieve good health for everyone, \"no one left behind\" and “health For All.”" ], [ "All citizens shall have equal access to health care and assistance." ], [ "The Sustainable Development Goals have 17 Target/Goals (targeting objectives, target number:269 and indicator numbers;304)." ], [ "These goals are inter-connected." ], [ "There are three goals specifically linked to health: Good Health and Well Being means Ensure good healthy living for all." ], [ "The challenges we face are: Cross Cutting Issues, because there is a lot of issues that go beyond the health area and linked to social matters such as politics or planet infrastructures." ], [ "The financial constraints on the implementation of programs therefore require identifying priorities based upon available budgetary capacity." ], [ "It is necessary to seek financial support from development partners such as bilateral and multilateral funds, etc." ], [ "Human resources: management and development requires multi-skilled health professionals to implement programs in the field, continuing training is needed for adequately trained medical workers who can then carry out all of those programme that have been laid down by National Strategic Health Sector Plan (PSNHS) as well government policy." ], [ "Health and other infrastructures that are indirectly determining for the provision of health care, such as poor road accessibility make it difficult to provide rapid assistance by medical professionals in particular evacuation cases." ], [ "Other support services are: medicines and medical equipment, etc. which is very relevant to facilitate the implementation of programs already defined in PENSS or Government Program;" ], [ "The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the implementation of some programmes in this field, as health workers have been more focused to combat it." ], [ "Is there a solution to these problems?" ], [ "Inter-sectoral/interministerial cooperation and collaboration is needed, with development partners; United Nations agencies. Academic institutions are required as well: Civil Society Institution (CSI); Implementing Partners at the municipality level - administrative posts – local community leaders Church etc..." ], [ "Technical financial support from development partners is also needed, the agency's funds are provided through multilateral and bilateral aid which to date has been providing assistance in health areas. It needs direct or indirect help for human resource training/development; medical equipment: care facilities rehabilitation & construction" ], [ "\"Health is in our own hands\" this motto shows that we each take responsibility for your health and contribute to the extent of one's abilities towards improving healthy living within family, community or country." ], [ "Haforsa Health Professionals undergo continuous training and enhance their skills." ], [ "Examples include post-employment training for Midwives and Nurses at the National University of Timor Leste (UNTL). MS continue to need support from private health care sector, not profit in medical assistance such as Klinika Bairru Pité; Sao Joaquim Maubisse Clinic." ], [ "It proposes Administrative and Financial Decentralization in the delegation of competence to municipality level health care, as well administrative post." ], [ "To bring health closer to the community, MS also has a policy of building medical stations and residences for doctors. How many have been built from this year (2019) until now?" ], [ "Health Facilities built in 2019 through to the year, which is financed by State General Budget (GOB) funds helped from donors with COVID-36." ], [ "At present, the Ministry of Health has also budgeted to increase construction for more than 102 health facilities in national territories." ], [ "In relation to the Type of Health Facility above, it is a registry asset infrastructure in Ministry Of health that updates data according order established throughout Timor-Leste with its number and type by existing facilities." ], [ "Given the quality and quantity of health professionals including medical equipment, is it possible to guarantee that national policies on high-quality care are being implemented? If not enough what efforts should be made by MS in this regard." ], [ "Although the Ministry of Health faces many challenges, this does not mean that MS cannot carry out its work as an institution responsible for health." ], [ "In view of the quantity, quality and medical equipment available to ensure that health programmes are implemented as outlined in PENSS (Programme VIII Government linking with SDG) is still being carried through by MOH." ], [ "Because health professionals require equipment or devices, instruments and tools when performing their work depending on the area of care delivery (primary-levels to tertiary levels)." ], [ "To ensure the availability of these equipments, in addition to procurement through SAMES and State General Budget (BGS), Ministry has also received donations from United Nations agencies as well As Donors And Development Partners." ], [ "How much investment is needed to ensure a successful National Health Policy that all citizens live healthy lives?" ], [ "To guarantee a successful National Health Policy, the principle of \"HEALTH IN OUR FIVE RACES\" must be adhered to." ], [ "If we look at investment, it is more essential to invest as follows: First of all you need investing in people or human resources because they are the center for development." ], [ "When there are human resources with good quality can guarantee the provision and implementation of health care." ], [ "However, to ensure this there must be adequate quality training (formal and continuing education) in order for these people's capacities." ], [ "On the other hand, there should be incentives or rewards for those who perform extraordinary work: salary increases; career advancement in terms of progression and promotion. Opportunities to continue studying etc..." ], [ "Secondly, we need to invest in the area of health infrastructure: adequate infra-structure is still needed that means increasing its number or new construction and rehabilitation; routine maintenance facilities such as hospitals. Health centers stations maternity clinics residences laboratories so it can guarantee for medical professionals work with safety & dignity" ], [ "Thirdly, it is also necessary to invest in healthcare equipment and tools because with advanced technology from year-to -year there are always updates of the continuing evolution." ], [ "Do you note during the 20 years of Timor-Leste’s Restoration to Independence any achievements in health sector and explain?" ], [ "As a member of the government responsible for health, he is optimistic that progress has been made over 20 years." ], [ "Important indicators for measuring progress are coverage rate, morbidity and mortality rates as well other supporting indices such As increase in health infrastructure (Hospital; Health Center: Posto de Saúde/Poste Médico) Human Resource(Increase number of medical professionals)." ], [ "Health indicators include: Increased coverage of programmes and health care provision, the Ministry has reduced total fertility rate from 5.7/woman in reproductive age (2013) to only about a third; Maternal Mortality Ratio decreased by more than one-thirt point percentagepoint per year since it was at its lowest level for over five years before reaching an all time high levels as reported on January - June this month with maternel mortality ratio rising again after falling below two percent points during last three months or so that is now lower then previously recording average value(49 deaths / every thousand live birth)." ], [ "According to data from the 2019 Food and Nutrition Survey, Timor-Leste is a country with high malnutrition levels. The prevalence of shortness in teeth at home was estimated as being about one out every five people (47)." ], [ "Of this percentage: 30.2% had moderate shortness of breath, and the remaining were severely long-term unwell (16;9%)." ], [ "The prevalence of body cramps was 8.6%, with moderate and severes respectively at a rate, as follows:" ], [ "The prevalence of severe headache is 32.1% with moderately serious headaches accounting for the remainder, at a total rate in excess or less than one-third (75%)." ], [ "With regard to malaria, since the last 10 years Timor-Leste has shown progress in its performance towards an incidence rate of zero per thousand population." ], [ "So we need to keep up so that you can reach the elimination phase." ], [ "The problem of tuberculosis remains a public health issue for Timor-Leste, even though we have increased the success rate in treatment and detection rates." ], [ "In connection with the Leprosy disease, cases have started to increase in some Municipalities." ], [ "The data show that the TB incidence rate for Timor-Leste is 498/10.2 million population and mortality ratios are at least one per hundred thousand people (percentage)." ], [ "This figure is considered to be the highest in Southeast Asia, and one of its largest." ], [ "This means that every day three to four people die from TB in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Research has also shown that over the years, nearly 30-45% of causes have gone undetected and will continue to spread in communities because they are multifactorial." ], [ "Regarding Environmental Health, Hygiene and Sanitation (EHHS), the Ministry of health has declared Areas Without Wastewater in all municipalities. The PAKSI Community Action Plan for sanitation is being implementing but coverage to use septic tank was low; there are still many communities that do not have a waste water system or disposal facility at their locality' s level" ], [ "2019 data show that implementation of the ALFA programme in Timor-Leste has reached a level at which it is already implemented to an extent reaching upward from about one third." ], [ "This is a sign of progress, but greater efforts are needed to reach the 42% target." ], [ "Most importantly, our constant and ongoing commitment to all the activities we have declared in particular rural areas or some places on sentinel but without guarantees of hygiene sanitation quality." ], [ "As the Ministry of Health works with relevant Ministries and agencie nation unity, it continues to strive for increasing coverage in \"Area La So’ Fo'er Arbiru\" as well hygienic village by improved Sanitary facilities throughout Municipalities into every Village Community Household." ], [ "Because COVID-19 has an impact on the ALFA Implementation Program." ], [ "Maucoli: Health Sector shows progress 20 years restore independence Previous articleReligion-culture develop attractive tourism will draw tourists Next ArticleSEII to advocate with Sefope on wages for domestic workers" ] ]
Ermera no Baucau menus asesu servisu finanseiru | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Ermera no Baucau menus asesu servisu finanseiru\nGovernadór BCTL, Abraão de Vasconcelos, simbolikamente entrega relatóriu inkluzaun finanseiru tinan 2020 ba entidade relevante, iha salaun Hotel Novo Turismo, kinta (17/06). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 17 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Banco Sentrál Timor-Leste (BCTL, sigla portugés), iha kinta ne’e, lansa relatóriu inkluzaun finanseira tinan 2020, ho tema ‘Aumeta Asesu Servisu Finanseiru liuhosi Dijitalizasaun.\nRelatóriu ne’ebé lansa tinan 2020 ne’e ba datoluk, ne’ebé Banku Sentrál deside kada tinan-rua publika, hahú tinan 2016, 2018 no 2020.\nGovernadór BCTL, Abraão de Vasconcelos, informa, relatóriu ne’e hatudu katak, ein termu pontu asesu servisu finanseiru ninian, iha munisípiu Ermera no Baucau mínimu tebes, kompara ho munisípiu seluk.\n“Ida-ne’e ezersisíu ba Governu, BCTL no instituisaun finanseira atu haree tanba saida pontu asesu númeru oituan, populasaun ne’ebé asesu ba servisu finanseiru mós oituan entaun hanesan traballu ida ba entidade hotu. Ne’e la’ós foin akontese iha relatóriu 2020, maibé iha relatóriu rua uluk mós munisípiu rua ne’e iha,” Governadór BCTL relata iha ámbitu lansamentu relatóriu, iha salaun Hotel Novo Turismo, Lecidere.\nTuir Dirijente banku ne’e, relatóriu ne’e bazeia ba pontu asesu ema ida iha flesibidade halo levantamentu osan iha mákina ATM, sukursál banku ka bele ba ajente ida.\nNune’e mós, relata diskrisaun kona-ba atu haree kualidade servisu finanseira sira.\n“Ida-ne’e parte ida hanesan kompromisu Banku Sentrál atu informa ba públiku, Governu no instituisaun finanseira sira, kona-ba situasaun dezenvolvimentu iha sistema finanseira,” nia tenik.\nRelatóriu ne’e, koloka asuntu importante sira kona-ba utilizasaun servisu finanseira ba tinan 2020, hatudu progresu di’ak tanba populasaun adultu ne’ebé asesu ba servisu finanseira atinje ona 68%.\n“Signifika kada populasaun adultu na’in-100, iha 86 mak iha konta bankária, ne’e signifikante tanba ajuda ita intende kona-ba situasaun dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia instituisaun,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, BCTL iha hanoin moderniza sistema pagamentu, ne’ebé prosesu ne’e hahú ona iha tinan barak no fasilita konekta entre institusaun finanseira inklui karteira eletrónika ba sistema P24, nu’udar sentru ba operadór nasionál.\nGovernadór konsidera, halo mudansa ba sistema presiza tebes rekursu no han tempu barak, maibé funsionalidade sistema ajuda kliente institusaun finanseira halo tranzasaun ho maneira dijitál entre diferente kliente hosi institusaun finanseira no fasilita trazasaun entre konta bankária no konta karteira eletrónika.\n“Sistema ne’e konveniénsia iha servisu finaseiru, nu’udar ezemplu pagamentu taxa ba Governu bele selu iha ATM no iha futuru timor-oan sira bele uza kartaun débitu iha rejiaun nasaun seluk,” nia hatutan.\nMaioria kliente uza konta bankária simu pagamentu hosi Governu\nIha biban hanesan, Vise-Governadora, Nur Aini Alkatiri, hateten, iha aumentu imprensivu 200% ba pontu asesu servisu finanseiru, ne’ebé barak liu kontribui hosi ajente karteira eletrónika nian.\nTuir nia, relatóriu inkluzaun finanseira 2020 ne’e diferente ho relatóriu antes, tanba relatóriu ne’e la’ós aprezenta de’it dadus ne’ebé Banku Sentrál rekolla hosi instituisaun finanseira sira hotu, maibé rekolla mós dadus liuhosi peskiza hamutuk ho The Asia Foundation.\n“Relatóriu ne’e hatudu utilizadór konta bankária, barak mak uza konta hodi simu pagamentu hosi Governu de’it no hosi fonte seluk korresponde 6%, ne’ebé maioria kliente uza de’it sira-nia konta bankária atu simu pagamentu hosi Governu. Iha parte foti osan ka levantamentu 38%, ne’ebé sira halo levantamentu dala-ida to’o tolu kada fulan,” nia esplika.\nIdentifika mós katak populasaun barak mak laiha konta iha banku, tanba sira laiha rendimentu no banku dook.\n“La rai osan iha banku tanba rendimentu la sufisiente no prefere gasta de’it tanba sente la seguru rai osan,” nia dehan.\nNune’e mós, Koordenadór Residente Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU), Roy Trivedy, konsidera, inkluzaun finanseira presiza hatene nesesidade kliente.\n“Tanba ne’e presiza komprende kliente sira-nia nesisidade, atu nune bele kria produtu ne’ebé adekuadu. Ida-ne’e aliña ho tema nasaun unida katak ‘la husik ema ida mesak iha kotuk’, tanba ne’e importante kria servisu finanseiru no edukasaun finanseira ne’ebé disponível ba ema hotu,” nia subliña.\nSeremónia ne’e partisipa hosi Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizário Ferreira, entidade institusaun finanseira no parseiru dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé iha papel ba dezenvolvimentu setór finanseiru.\nasesu servisu finanseira\nPrevious articleDeputadu sira inísia ona projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik sira\nNext articleCOVID-19: PAM husu Baucau-oan iha konsiénsia kumpre regra prevensaun
[ "Ermera no Baucau menus asesu servisu finanseiru | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Ermera no Baucau menus asesu servisu finanseiru Governador BCTL, Abraao de Vasconcelos, simbolikamente entrega relatoriu inkluzaun finanseiru tinan 2020 ba entidade relevante, iha salaun Hotel Novo Turismo, kinta (17/06).", "Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 17 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Banco Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL, sigla portuges), iha kinta ne'e, lansa relatoriu inkluzaun finanseira tinan 2020, ho tema 'Aumeta Asesu Servisu Finanseiru liuhosi Dijitalizasaun.", "Relatoriu ne'ebe lansa tinan 2020 ne'e ba datoluk, ne'ebe Banku Sentral deside kada tinan-rua publika, hahu tinan 2016, 2018 no 2020.", "Governador BCTL, Abraao de Vasconcelos, informa, relatoriu ne'e hatudu katak, ein termu pontu asesu servisu finanseiru ninian, iha munisipiu Ermera no Baucau minimu tebes, kompara ho munisipiu seluk.", "\"Ida-ne'e ezersisiu ba Governu, BCTL no instituisaun finanseira atu haree tanba saida pontu asesu numeru oituan, populasaun ne'ebe asesu ba servisu finanseiru mos oituan entaun hanesan traballu ida ba entidade hotu.", "Ne'e la'os foin akontese iha relatoriu 2020, maibe iha relatoriu rua uluk mos munisipiu rua ne'e iha,\" Governador BCTL relata iha ambitu lansamentu relatoriu, iha salaun Hotel Novo Turismo, Lecidere.", "Tuir Dirijente banku ne'e, relatoriu ne'e bazeia ba pontu asesu ema ida iha flesibidade halo levantamentu osan iha makina ATM, sukursal banku ka bele ba ajente ida.", "Nune'e mos, relata diskrisaun kona-ba atu haree kualidade servisu finanseira sira.", "\"Ida-ne'e parte ida hanesan kompromisu Banku Sentral atu informa ba publiku, Governu no instituisaun finanseira sira, kona-ba situasaun dezenvolvimentu iha sistema finanseira,\" nia tenik.", "Relatoriu ne'e, koloka asuntu importante sira kona-ba utilizasaun servisu finanseira ba tinan 2020, hatudu progresu di'ak tanba populasaun adultu ne'ebe asesu ba servisu finanseira atinje ona 68%.", "\"Signifika kada populasaun adultu na'in-100, iha 86 mak iha konta bankaria, ne'e signifikante tanba ajuda ita intende kona-ba situasaun dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia instituisaun,\" nia akresenta.", "Aleinde ne'e, BCTL iha hanoin moderniza sistema pagamentu, ne'ebe prosesu ne'e hahu ona iha tinan barak no fasilita konekta entre institusaun finanseira inklui karteira eletronika ba sistema P24, nu'udar sentru ba operador nasional.", "Governador konsidera, halo mudansa ba sistema presiza tebes rekursu no han tempu barak, maibe funsionalidade sistema ajuda kliente institusaun finanseira halo tranzasaun ho maneira dijital entre diferente kliente hosi institusaun finanseira no fasilita trazasaun entre konta bankaria no konta karteira eletronika.", "\"Sistema ne'e konveniensia iha servisu finaseiru, nu'udar ezemplu pagamentu taxa ba Governu bele selu iha ATM no iha futuru timor-oan sira bele uza kartaun debitu iha rejiaun nasaun seluk,\" nia hatutan.", "Maioria kliente uza konta bankaria simu pagamentu hosi Governu Iha biban hanesan, Vise-Governadora, Nur Aini Alkatiri, hateten, iha aumentu imprensivu 200% ba pontu asesu servisu finanseiru, ne'ebe barak liu kontribui hosi ajente karteira eletronika nian.", "Tuir nia, relatoriu inkluzaun finanseira 2020 ne'e diferente ho relatoriu antes, tanba relatoriu ne'e la'os aprezenta de'it dadus ne'ebe Banku Sentral rekolla hosi instituisaun finanseira sira hotu, maibe rekolla mos dadus liuhosi peskiza hamutuk ho The Asia Foundation.", "\"Relatoriu ne'e hatudu utilizador konta bankaria, barak mak uza konta hodi simu pagamentu hosi Governu de'it no hosi fonte seluk korresponde 6%, ne'ebe maioria kliente uza de'it sira-nia konta bankaria atu simu pagamentu hosi Governu.", "Iha parte foti osan ka levantamentu 38%, ne'ebe sira halo levantamentu dala-ida to'o tolu kada fulan,\" nia esplika.", "Identifika mos katak populasaun barak mak laiha konta iha banku, tanba sira laiha rendimentu no banku dook.", "\"La rai osan iha banku tanba rendimentu la sufisiente no prefere gasta de'it tanba sente la seguru rai osan,\" nia dehan.", "Nune'e mos, Koordenador Residente Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU), Roy Trivedy, konsidera, inkluzaun finanseira presiza hatene nesesidade kliente.", "\"Tanba ne'e presiza komprende kliente sira-nia nesisidade, atu nune bele kria produtu ne'ebe adekuadu.", "Ida-ne'e alina ho tema nasaun unida katak 'la husik ema ida mesak iha kotuk', tanba ne'e importante kria servisu finanseiru no edukasaun finanseira ne'ebe disponivel ba ema hotu,\" nia sublina.", "Seremonia ne'e partisipa hosi Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira, entidade institusaun finanseira no parseiru dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe iha papel ba dezenvolvimentu setor finanseiru. asesu servisu finanseira Previous articleDeputadu sira inisia ona projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik sira Next articleCOVID-19: PAM husu Baucau-oan iha konsiensia kumpre regra prevensaun" ]
[ [ "Ermera and Baucau lack access to financial services | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA BCTL Governor, Abraao De Vasconcelos symbolically handed over the report on Financial Inclusion in TL for this year (2019) at Hotel Novo Turismo’s meeting room Tuesday." ], [ "DILI, June 17th (TATOLI) - Central Bank of Timor-Leste today launched its financial inclusion report for the year ending in May. The theme is 'Increase Access to Financial Services through Digitalization' and it will focus on:" ], [ "The 2019 report is the third in a series of two-yearly publications by Central Bank, beginning with those for years from January to June." ], [ "BCTL Governor, Abraao de Vasconcelos informs that the report shows in terms of access to financial services points Ermera and Baucau municipalities are very low compared with other cities." ], [ "\"This is an exercise for the Government, BCTL and financial institutions to see why there are so many access points. The population that has such a high number of people who can get their hands on these services also counts as one entity.\"" ], [ "This is not the first time that this has happened in 2019's report, but it was already done two years ago when these municipalities were included\", BCTL Governor reported during a press conference at Hotel Novo Turismo." ], [ "According to the bank's director, this report is based on assessment points of flexibility in withdrawing money from an ATM machine or branch office." ], [ "In addition, he reports on the description of how to look at quality financial services." ], [ "\"This is part of the Central Bank's commitment to informing public, government and financial institutions about developmental situation in our system\", he said." ], [ "The report, which sets key issues regarding the use of financial services by 2015 and to be achieved in this year's period (to date), shows good progress with adult population accessibility reaching a high level at about sixty-eight percent." ], [ "\"That means that for every 106 adults in the population, there are about a hundred who have bank accounts. This is significant because it gives us an idea of how our institutions' development situation has evolved.\"" ], [ "In addition, BCTL intends to modernize the payment system which has been initiated many years ago and facilitate connection between financial institutions including electronic wallets with P24 as a hub for national operator." ], [ "The governor considers that making changes to the system require a lot of resources and time, but functionality helping financial institution clients make transaction in digital way between different customers from Financial Institution facilitates tracing bank account e-wallet." ], [ "\"This system is a convenience in financial services, for example payment of taxes to the Government can be paid at ATMs and Timorese people may use their debit cards within other countries' regions\", he added." ], [ "Most clients use bank accounts to receive payment from the government. In addition, Deputy Governor Nur Aini Alkatiri said there was an impressive 201% increase in access points for financial services which is largely contributed by e-wallet agents" ], [ "According to him, the Financial Inclusion Report 2019 is different from previous reports because it does not only present data collected by Central Bank of India (CBI) on all financial institutions but also through joint research with The Asia Foundation." ], [ "\"The report shows that among bank account users, many use their banking only to receive payments from government and other sources corresponding 6%, where the majority of clients are using your own financial institutions solely for receiving Government." ], [ "There is a 38% portion that takes money or makes payments, which they do once to three times per month\", he explained." ], [ "It also identified that many people do not have a bank account, because they lack income and the banking system is poor." ], [ "\"They don't borrow money in banks because the income is not sufficient and they prefer to spend it just so that their loans are unsafe,\" he said." ], [ "Similarly, United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator Roy Trivedy believes that financial inclusion require a better understanding of client needs." ], [ "\"Therefore, it is necessary to understand the needs of customers so that we can create an appropriate product." ], [ "This is in line with the United Nations theme of 'leaving no one behind', which makes it important to create financial services and education that are available for everyone.\"" ], [ "The ceremony was attended by the Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, State Secretary for Cooperatives Elizario Ferreira and financial institution entities as well development partners who play a role in developing finance sector. Previous articleDeputes have started draft law on child protection Next ArticleCOVID-19: WFP urges Baucau residents to be conscious of complying with prevention rules" ] ]
Timor-Leste Open Source Community: Report: Open Source Goes 2 Campus\nReport: Open Source Goes 2 Campus\nAnonymous Event, Information Monday, June 3, 2013\nTIMOR-LESTE OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY- Iha dia 4-5 de Maiu 2013, TOSC hato'o Seminariu "Open Source Goes 2 Campus" nebe organiza husi Estudantes Universitarius Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) ho Institute of Business (IOB) Paralel Distritu Baucau. Materia nebe maka hato'o iha seminariu ne'e maka hanesan: Introdusaun Linux & Open Source, Wireless Hacking, Mikrotik, VOIP ho Seluk-seluktan. orador sira husi Divisaun TOSC nian maka hanesan Divisaun Networking, Divisaun Programming no Divisaun Multimedia. Seminariu ne'e rasik hetan antuziasmu makaas husi estudantes sira no estudantes besik 50 resin maka partisipa. Espera katak saida mk maluk sira hetan (Kona ba Open Source) sira sei la rai dt iha sira nia An, maibe sei hatutan mos ba maluk sira seluk nebe seidauk hatene kona ba OS e liu-liu ba maluk sira nebe mak sedauk konhece liu kona ba Teknolojia, tenik Charlez Lopes nudar Chefe Divisaun Multimedia. Mak ne'e deit relatoriu badak husi aktividade TOSC ba programa Open Source Goes 2 Campus iha Distrito Baucau__Obrigado\nInfoTek said... June 3, 2013 at 4:33 PM\nNudar jornal ba Informasaun Teknologia no Komunikasaun, ami sei suporta aktividade ne'ebe maluk TOSC sira halo.\nSuksesu nafatin ba TOSC
[ "Timor-Leste Open Source Community: Report: Open Source Goes 2 Campus Report: Open Source Goes 2 Campus Anonymous Event, Information Monday, June 3, 2013 TIMOR-LESTE OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY- Iha dia 4-5 de Maiu 2013, TOSC hato'o Seminariu \"Open Source Goes 2 Campus\" nebe organiza husi Estudantes Universitarius Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) ho Institute of Business (IOB) Paralel Distritu Baucau.", "Materia nebe maka hato'o iha seminariu ne'e maka hanesan: Introdusaun Linux & Open Source, Wireless Hacking, Mikrotik, VOIP ho Seluk-seluktan. orador sira husi Divisaun TOSC nian maka hanesan Divisaun Networking, Divisaun Programming no Divisaun Multimedia.", "Seminariu ne'e rasik hetan antuziasmu makaas husi estudantes sira no estudantes besik 50 resin maka partisipa.", "Espera katak saida mk maluk sira hetan (Kona ba Open Source) sira sei la rai dt iha sira nia An, maibe sei hatutan mos ba maluk sira seluk nebe seidauk hatene kona ba OS e liu-liu ba maluk sira nebe mak sedauk konhece liu kona ba Teknolojia, tenik Charlez Lopes nudar Chefe Divisaun Multimedia.", "Mak ne'e deit relatoriu badak husi aktividade TOSC ba programa Open Source Goes 2 Campus iha Distrito Baucau__Obrigado InfoTek said...", "June 3, 2013 at 4:33 PM Nudar jornal ba Informasaun Teknologia no Komunikasaun, ami sei suporta aktividade ne'ebe maluk TOSC sira halo.", "Suksesu nafatin ba TOSC" ]
[ [ "Report: Open Source Goes 2 Campus Anonymous Event, Information Monday (June)10th. Timor-Leste OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY - On May the four and five of this year TOSC hosted a seminar entitled \"Open source goes to campus\" which was organized by University Students from Universidade Oriental with Institute Of Business Paralel District Baucau in collaboration between UNITALS & IOB" ], [ "The topics presented at the seminar were: Introduction to Linux & Open Source, Wireless Hacking and Mikrotik. Speaker from TOSC'S Network Division will be Dr Adil Al-Hassan (TOSCO), Professor of Computer Science with a specialization in Information Systems Engineering; Prof Mohamed El Fassily(TOSC) who is also an expert on Internet Security for IT companies" ], [ "The seminar itself was met with great enthusiasm by the students and nearly 50 participants attended." ], [ "I hope that what you learned (about Open Source) will not be for yourselves, but also to others who are unfamiliar with the OS and especially those less familiar about technology,” said Charlez Lopes as Head of Multimedia Division." ], [ "This is just a brief report of TOSC's activities for the Open Source Goes 2 Campus program in Baucau District__Obrigado InfoTek said..." ], [ "June 3,2014 at (6:58 PM) As a newspaper for Information Technology and Communication we will support the activities of TOSC." ], [ "Continued success for TOSC." ] ]
Maucoli husu ema hotu kontribui ba moris saudável | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA SAÚDE Maucoli husu ema hotu kontribui ba moris saudável\nDILI, 21 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)—Vise ministru saúde, Bonifácio ‘Maucoli’ dos Reis apela ba ema hotu atu kontribui ba moris saudável liliu eduka família atu abitua fase liman ho sabaun iha moris lorloron.\n“Husu ba hotu-hotu nia kontribuisaun atu prátika hahalok ne’ebé saudável, bainhira iha ona koñesimentu, tanba ho informasaun no mudansa hahalok mak bele lori ita ba moris saudável. Inan-aman mak sai modelu di’ak ba labarik sira oinsá hatene fase liman loloos ho sabaun. Husi ne’e mak sei kontribui ba redusaun taxa mortalidade labarik no moras oin-oin”, nia hateten ba jornalista sira durante serimonia komemorasaun loron mundiál fase liman iha Palasiu da Sinzas Caicoli, Dili.\nNotísia Relevante:Timor-Leste Komemora Loron Mundiál Fase Liman Ho Sabaun\nVise ministru saúde ne’e esplika, ohin loron Timor-Leste selebra loron mundiál fase liman tinan 2020, ho tema globál “ijiene ba ema hotu” tanba mundu iha mudansa boot iha paradigma ijiéne liman, dezde mosu surtu pandemia Coronavirus ka COVID-19.\n”COVID-19 lori implikasaun boot, liliu fó mai ita oportunidade osan mean atu hadi’a ita-nia koñesimentu no hahalok relasiona ho ijiéne liman,” Governante dehan.\nTanba ne’e, Vise Ministru Saúde ne’e, kontinua enkoraza ba ema hotu atu mantein kuidadu ijiéne fase liman loloos ho sabaun hodi proteze labarik sira hosi moras oioin ne’ebé bele fó ameasa ba moris.\n“Fase liman ho sabaun mak maneira simples no baratu liu atu mantein promove ijiéne liman,”nia hateten.\nEntretantu, Kada tinan mundu tomak sempre selebra loron mundiál fase liman ne’ebé monu iha loron 15 fulan-outubru.\nNotísia Relevante:Kampaña prevensaun fase liman, iha área rural laiha kanalizasaun bee-moos\nMS 21 10 20\nPrevious articlePJDD-PNTL hadi’a liña koordenasaun fó asisténsia ba suspeitu no vítima sira\nNext articleMAE kontinua halo prosesu ba reklamasaun 12.725\nDezobediénsia, PNTL prosesa abitante 95 ba MP\nDILI, 06 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL), liu hosi Polísia Nasionál Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminál (PNSIK), prosesa ona Timoroan na’in 96, ne’ebé dezobediénsia...\nSEKOMS enkoraja jornalista hadi’a produtu jornalizmu\nDILI, 03 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)--Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS), Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’, enkoraja jornalista sira hodi hadi’a produtu jornalizmu, nune’e pozisaun Timor-Leste...
[ "Maucoli husu ema hotu kontribui ba moris saudavel | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA SAUDE Maucoli husu ema hotu kontribui ba moris saudavel DILI, 21 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Vise ministru saude, Bonifacio 'Maucoli' dos Reis apela ba ema hotu atu kontribui ba moris saudavel liliu eduka familia atu abitua fase liman ho sabaun iha moris lorloron.", "\"Husu ba hotu-hotu nia kontribuisaun atu pratika hahalok ne'ebe saudavel, bainhira iha ona konesimentu, tanba ho informasaun no mudansa hahalok mak bele lori ita ba moris saudavel.", "Inan-aman mak sai modelu di'ak ba labarik sira oinsa hatene fase liman loloos ho sabaun.", "Husi ne'e mak sei kontribui ba redusaun taxa mortalidade labarik no moras oin-oin,\" nia hateten ba jornalista sira durante serimonia komemorasaun loron mundial fase liman iha Palasiu da Sinzas Caicoli, Dili.", "Notisia Relevante:Timor-Leste Komemora Loron Mundial Fase Liman Ho Sabaun Vise ministru saude ne'e esplika, ohin loron Timor-Leste selebra loron mundial fase liman tinan 2020, ho tema global \"ijiene ba ema hotu\" tanba mundu iha mudansa boot iha paradigma ijiene liman, dezde mosu surtu pandemia Coronavirus ka COVID-19.", "\"COVID-19 lori implikasaun boot, liliu fo mai ita oportunidade osan mean atu hadi'a ita-nia konesimentu no hahalok relasiona ho ijiene liman,\" Governante dehan.", "Tanba ne'e, Vise Ministru Saude ne'e, kontinua enkoraza ba ema hotu atu mantein kuidadu ijiene fase liman loloos ho sabaun hodi proteze labarik sira hosi moras oioin ne'ebe bele fo ameasa ba moris.", "\"Fase liman ho sabaun mak maneira simples no baratu liu atu mantein promove ijiene liman,\"nia hateten.", "Entretantu, Kada tinan mundu tomak sempre selebra loron mundial fase liman ne'ebe monu iha loron 15 fulan-outubru.", "Notisia Relevante:Kampana prevensaun fase liman, iha area rural laiha kanalizasaun bee-moos MS 21 10 20 Previous articlePJDD-PNTL hadi'a lina koordenasaun fo asistensia ba suspeitu no vitima sira Next articleMAE kontinua halo prosesu ba reklamasaun 12.725 Dezobediensia, PNTL prosesa abitante 95 ba MP DILI, 06 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), liu hosi Polisia Nasional Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK), prosesa ona Timoroan na'in 96, ne'ebe dezobediensia...", "SEKOMS enkoraja jornalista hadi'a produtu jornalizmu DILI, 03 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) --Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS), Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara', enkoraja jornalista sira hodi hadi'a produtu jornalizmu, nune'e pozisaun Timor-Leste..." ]
[ [ "Maucoli urges everyone to contribute for a healthy lifestyle | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Mauroco calls on all of us, especially families and young people in the community that we should washed our hands with soap every day." ], [ "\"I urge everyone's contribution to practice healthy behaviour, when there is knowledge because with information and behavior change can lead us towards a healthier life." ], [ "Parents become good role models for children in how to know the correct phase of washing their hands with soap." ], [ "This will contribute to the reduction of child mortality rates and various diseases,\" he told journalistt during a ceremony commemorating World Hand Sanitizer Day at Palasiu da Sinzas Caicoli in Dili." ], [ "Timor-Leste Celebrates World Hand Sanitizer Day With Soap The vice minister of health explained that today, the country celebrates world hand sanitiser day 2019 with a global theme \"hygiene for all\" because there has been great change in hands hygienic paradigm since outbreak Coronavirus pandemic or COVID." ], [ "\"COVID-19 carries huge implications, particularly giving us the opportunity to improve our knowledge and behaviour regarding hand hygiene.\" The Governor said." ], [ "Therefore, the Deputy Minister of Health continues to encourage all people in order for them maintain proper hand hygiene and wash their hands with soap so as protect children from life-threatening disease." ], [ "\"Washing hands with soap is the simplest and cheapest way to maintain hand hygiene,\" she said." ], [ "World Hand Sanitizer Day is celebrated every year on October 15th, the day when hand sanitizers are first introduces to people." ], [ "Relevante Notisia:Kampana prevensaun fase liman, iha área rural laiha drenajen bee-moos MS 21/05 - The National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL), through the Criminal Investigation Service's national police force(PNSIK) has already processed a total... Previous articlePJDD and PNTL improve coordinating line to provide assistance for suspecting victim Next MAE continue processing claim number." ], [ "SEKOMS Encourages Journalist to Improve Journalism DILI, 03 May (TATOLI) --Secretary of State for Social Communications Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' encouraged journalist in Timor-Leste and the rest..." ] ]
By Tempo Timor August 14, 2020 829\nServisu Na'in Sira sobu hela fos iha Portu Dili Foto Supply\nJusi total foos tonelada rihun 30 neebé governu sosa, tonelada rihun 6 mak too uluk ona. Prezidente Sentru Lojistika Nasionál (SLN) Agusto Junior Trindade informa, iha Kinta (13/08) loraik, foos tonelada 6 too ona iha portu Dili.\nNia hatete, foos neebé governu sosa husi rai liur sei tama tuir faze, iha faze dahuluk tonelada rihun 6 no restu sei tama iha faze tuir mai.\n"Liga ba pandemia Covid-19 ne'e, governu deside hola tan foos husi rai liur ho montante tonelada rihun 30. Hanesan ita hotu haree katak horseik lokraik to'o ona iha portu Dili hamutuk tonelada rihun 6. Iha 21 Agostu sei to'o tan tonelada 12.500 no dia 30 sei to'o tan tonelada 11.500 par halo kompleta tonelada rihun 30 ne'ebé governu hola husi estranjéiru," dehan Agusto ba www.tempotimor.com iha nia knaar fatin Bebora, Dili, Sesta (14/08).\nTuir nia, foos hirak nee sei rai hotu iha armajen governu atu bainhira presiza halo intervensaun, bele hasai.\n"Armajen ba foos tonelada rihun 30 ne'ebé governu hola husi estranjéiru ne'e ami prepara ona armajen haat. Armajen tolu iha Tibar no ida iha Bebora, mais ida iha Bebora ne'e sei iha prosesu reabilitasaun husi JICA," nia dehan.\n« Kompañia Santos Desidi Fura Tan Mina Matan 3 iha Tasi Laran SLN husu Timor-oan Fila ba Halo Natar »
[ "By Tempo Timor August 14, 2020 829 Servisu Na'in Sira sobu hela fos iha Portu Dili Foto Supply Jusi total foos tonelada rihun 30 neebe governu sosa, tonelada rihun 6 mak too uluk ona.", "Prezidente Sentru Lojistika Nasional (SLN) Agusto Junior Trindade informa, iha Kinta (13/08) loraik, foos tonelada 6 too ona iha portu Dili.", "Nia hatete, foos neebe governu sosa husi rai liur sei tama tuir faze, iha faze dahuluk tonelada rihun 6 no restu sei tama iha faze tuir mai.", "\"Liga ba pandemia Covid-19 ne'e, governu deside hola tan foos husi rai liur ho montante tonelada rihun 30.", "Hanesan ita hotu haree katak horseik lokraik to'o ona iha portu Dili hamutuk tonelada rihun 6.", "Iha 21 Agostu sei to'o tan tonelada 12.500 no dia 30 sei to'o tan tonelada 11.500 par halo kompleta tonelada rihun 30 ne'ebe governu hola husi estranjeiru,\" dehan Agusto ba www.tempotimor.com iha nia knaar fatin Bebora, Dili, Sesta (14/08).", "Tuir nia, foos hirak nee sei rai hotu iha armajen governu atu bainhira presiza halo intervensaun, bele hasai.", "\"Armajen ba foos tonelada rihun 30 ne'ebe governu hola husi estranjeiru ne'e ami prepara ona armajen haat.", "Armajen tolu iha Tibar no ida iha Bebora, mais ida iha Bebora ne'e sei iha prosesu reabilitasaun husi JICA,\" nia dehan. \"", "Kompania Santos Desidi Fura Tan Mina Matan 3 iha Tasi Laran SLN husu Timor-oan Fila ba Halo Natar \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor August 14,.2038 Servicemen Destroying Foss in Port of Dili Foto Supply Just the total foos tons that government bought from over a million and thirty thousand tonnes has arrived earlier than schedule: only six hundreds have been delivered yet!" ], [ "President of the National Logistics Center (SLN) Agusto Junior Trindade informed that on Thursday morning, 6 tonnes have arrived at Dili port." ], [ "He said that the feedstuff purchased from abroad will be delivered in phase, with 6 thousand tons of food being distributed first and then next." ], [ "\"In connection with the Covid-19 pandemic, government decided to buy more feed from abroad for an amount of 30 thousand tons." ], [ "As we can all see, 6 thousand tons of horse meat have arrived at the port in Dili this morning." ], [ "On August 21, we will receive another ton of wheat and on the day after that a further one to complete our total purchases from overseas\", said Agusto at his office in Bebora (Dili), Saturday." ], [ "According to him, all of the food will be stored in government warehouses so that when intervention is needed it can also get out." ], [ "\"We have prepared four warehouses for the 30 thousand tons of wheat that our government is buying from abroad." ], [ "Three warehouses are in Tibar and one is at Bebora, but the other will be undergoing rehabilitation by JICA,” he said." ], [ "\"Santos Company Decides to Bury 3 More Oilfields in the Outer Sea SLN Calling on Timorese People To Go and Make a Deal\"" ] ]
PM otimista konkretiza objetivu vasina 80% to’o tinan ne’e ramata | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 PM otimista konkretiza objetivu vasina 80% to’o tinan ne’e ramata\nDILI, 28 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, otimista bele konkretiza objetivu vasina 80% ba populasaun eleijível to’o tinan ne’e ramata, nune’e Timor-Leste bele tama ba normalidade foun.\n“Ha’u fiar katak ho ritmu vasinasaun ne’ebé rejistadu, númeru hosi ema inokulada sira ho vasina doze daruak ne’ebé kontinua aumenta, mantein viavel no konretizável objetivu vasina 80% hosi populasaun elejível sira iha Timor-Leste to’o tinan ne’e ramata,” Xefe Governu hateten iha debate pedidu renovasaun Estadu Emerjénsia ba da-XVIII, iha sala plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nTo’o loron 21 setembru, populasaun 77% mak simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha munisípiu Dili no 57,6% hosi populasaun nasionál.\n“Maski hasoru difikuldade iha terrenu, maibé programa nasionál vasinasaun la’o nafatin ho ritmu di’ak. Iha loron 07 setembru kotuk, ita simu dozes vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 ho totál 1.112.380, ne’ebé fornese hosi sistema COVAX no hosi país amigu sira hanesan Austrália, Xina, Japaun, Nova Zelándia no Portugál,” Xefe Governu informa.\nAleinde ne’e, vasina Pfizer doze dahuluk ne’ebé atu vasina ba labarik no joven sira ho idade entre tinan 12 to’o tinan 17 atu to’o ona Dili.\n“Ritmu ezekusaun planu vasina ne’ebé di’ak permite atu hapara limitasaun no restrisaun graduál sira hodi impede propagasaun vírus iha territóriu nasionál no normalizasaun progresiva ba realizasaun atividade sosiál no ekonómika sira iha ita-nia país. Daudaun ne’e Governu promove atu reabertura fazeada ba ensinu prezensiál iha munisípiu Dili, maski nune’e ba mós kontinua tau-matan ba evolusaun situasaun no prontu atu atua bainhira iha nesesidade.\nGovernu reafirma no renova kompromisu atu kontinua haloos medida atu kombate COVID-19 nian iha situasaun pandemia ne’e, tuir dadus sira ne’ebé rekolla ho rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé emite ona hosi entidade kompetente sira kona-ba saúde públika.\n“Ita dezeja katak filafali ba normalidade bele hala’o ho seguru no konsistente, fiar katak susesu ba ezekusaun planu vasinasaun sei reprezenta oportunidade foun hodi hasa’e limitasaun no restrisaun sira ne’ebé sei iha no kontinua filafali dalan kreximentu ekonómiku ne’ebé ita liu ona iha tinan 2019 tanba kauza huoi pandemia,” PM subliña.\nIha sorin seluk, kazu akumuladu infesaun COVID-19 hahú 20 marsu 2020 to’o agora hamutuk 19.000 no kazu rekuperadu 18.000 resin no óbitu rejistadu desde inísiu hamutuk 113.\n“Iha esforsu mobilizasaun tomak kontra COVID, ha’u apela ba ema sira ne’ebé mak seidauk vasina, atu nune’e sira bele simu vasina, buka no hetan vasina hodi kontribui, ne’e la’ós protesaun ba ninia-an de’it hodi kontra moras, ne’ebé maka bele foti ona ema 100 resin iha ita-nia rain, maibé hodi garante ba protesaun familiár sira, amigu, kolega sira, no ita-nia komunidade rai-laran,” nia apela.\nPrevious articlePM orienta membru Governu hala’o kampaña vasinasaun iha territóriu nasionál\nNext articlePN autoriza Prezidente Repúblika dekreta estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XVIII
[ "PM otimista konkretiza objetivu vasina 80% to'o tinan ne'e ramata | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 PM otimista konkretiza objetivu vasina 80% to'o tinan ne'e ramata DILI, 28 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, otimista bele konkretiza objetivu vasina 80% ba populasaun eleijivel to'o tinan ne'e ramata, nune'e Timor-Leste bele tama ba normalidade foun.", "\"Ha'u fiar katak ho ritmu vasinasaun ne'ebe rejistadu, numeru hosi ema inokulada sira ho vasina doze daruak ne'ebe kontinua aumenta, mantein viavel no konretizavel objetivu vasina 80% hosi populasaun elejivel sira iha Timor-Leste to'o tinan ne'e ramata,\" Xefe Governu hateten iha debate pedidu renovasaun Estadu Emerjensia ba da-XVIII, iha sala plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.", "To'o loron 21 setembru, populasaun 77% mak simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha munisipiu Dili no 57,6% hosi populasaun nasional.", "\"Maski hasoru difikuldade iha terrenu, maibe programa nasional vasinasaun la'o nafatin ho ritmu di'ak.", "Iha loron 07 setembru kotuk, ita simu dozes vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 ho total 1.112.380, ne'ebe fornese hosi sistema COVAX no hosi pais amigu sira hanesan Australia, Xina, Japaun, Nova Zelandia no Portugal,\" Xefe Governu informa.", "Aleinde ne'e, vasina Pfizer doze dahuluk ne'ebe atu vasina ba labarik no joven sira ho idade entre tinan 12 to'o tinan 17 atu to'o ona Dili.", "\"Ritmu ezekusaun planu vasina ne'ebe di'ak permite atu hapara limitasaun no restrisaun gradual sira hodi impede propagasaun virus iha territoriu nasional no normalizasaun progresiva ba realizasaun atividade sosial no ekonomika sira iha ita-nia pais.", "Daudaun ne'e Governu promove atu reabertura fazeada ba ensinu prezensial iha munisipiu Dili, maski nune'e ba mos kontinua tau-matan ba evolusaun situasaun no prontu atu atua bainhira iha nesesidade.", "Governu reafirma no renova kompromisu atu kontinua haloos medida atu kombate COVID-19 nian iha situasaun pandemia ne'e, tuir dadus sira ne'ebe rekolla ho rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe emite ona hosi entidade kompetente sira kona-ba saude publika.", "\"Ita dezeja katak filafali ba normalidade bele hala'o ho seguru no konsistente, fiar katak susesu ba ezekusaun planu vasinasaun sei reprezenta oportunidade foun hodi hasa'e limitasaun no restrisaun sira ne'ebe sei iha no kontinua filafali dalan kreximentu ekonomiku ne'ebe ita liu ona iha tinan 2019 tanba kauza huoi pandemia,\" PM sublina.", "Iha sorin seluk, kazu akumuladu infesaun COVID-19 hahu 20 marsu 2020 to'o agora hamutuk 19.000 no kazu rekuperadu 18.000 resin no obitu rejistadu desde inisiu hamutuk 113.", "\"Iha esforsu mobilizasaun tomak kontra COVID, ha'u apela ba ema sira ne'ebe mak seidauk vasina, atu nune'e sira bele simu vasina, buka no hetan vasina hodi kontribui, ne'e la'os protesaun ba ninia-an de'it hodi kontra moras, ne'ebe maka bele foti ona ema 100 resin iha ita-nia rain, maibe hodi garante ba protesaun familiar sira, amigu, kolega sira, no ita-nia komunidade rai-laran,\" nia apela.", "Previous articlePM orienta membru Governu hala'o kampana vasinasaun iha territoriu nasional Next articlePN autoriza Prezidente Republika dekreta estadu emerjensia ba dala-XVIII" ]
[ [ "PM optimistic on achieving 80% vaccination target by the end of this year | TIMOR HAU Notícias Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, is optimised that he can achieve his goal to vaccinate an eligible population at a rate as high and comprehensive for all ages in order which will enable East Тимор' s economy back into normality." ], [ "\"I am confident that with the pace of vaccination registered, and number people inoculated by second dose which continues to rise will keep a viable objective 80% immunization eligible population in Timor-Leste until this year end\", said Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak during debate on request for renewal state emergency period XVIII." ], [ "As of September 21, the population has received a first dose in Dili municipality and nationally." ], [ "\"Despite difficulties on the ground, but national vaccination program is still running at a good pace." ], [ "On September 7, we received a total of1.2 million doses against COVID-09 provided by the COVAX system and from friendly countries such as Australia; China: Japan New Zealand Portugal.\"" ], [ "In addition, the first dose of Pfizer vaccine for children and young people aged between 12- to -7 years old has arrived in Dili." ], [ "\"The good pace of implementation in the vaccination plan allows to lift gradual limitations and restrictions, preventing virus spread on national soil. And a progressive normalization for carrying out social-economic activities within our country.\"" ], [ "At present, the Government is promoting a phased reopening of face-to‑face education in Dili municipality. However it will continue to monitor developments and be ready for action whenever necessary;" ], [ "The Government reaffirms and renews its commitment to continue implementing the COVID-19 control measure in this pandemic situation, based on data collected by competent public health authorities as well As recommendations already issued." ], [ "\"We hope that the return to normality will proceed safely and consistently, confident in our successes with implementing a vaccination plan which represents new opportunities for weakening existing limitations or restrictions as well As continuation of economic growth pathway overwhelmed by 2019 due To Pandemic causes.\"" ], [ "On the other hand, cumulative cases of COVID-19 infection from March 20th to date totals over a dozen and twenty thousand. More than one hundred fifty people have recovered with more as death count since beginning is now at about thirteen (36)." ], [ "\"In the whole effort of mobilization against COVID, I appeal to people who have not been vaccinated so that they can get vaccined and seek out a vaccination in order for them contribute. This isn't just protection from this disease which has already taken more than 105 lives here but also guarantees our families’ safety as well As friends´ security And colleaguesâ€TM safeguarding Our communities at home.\"" ], [ "Previous articlePM directs members of Government to carry out vaccination campaign in national territorys Next artikelPN authorize President decrees state-of emergency for the XVIIIth time" ] ]
Benefisiáriu bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu bá IESP | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Benefisiáriu bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu bá IESP\nBenefisiáriu bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu bá IESP\nFDCH halo anunsia kona-bá rezultadu programa bolsa hakbiit liuhosi konferénsia imprensa iha salaun MESSK, tersa (13/07/2021). Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 13 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) – Diretora Ezekutiva Fundus Dezenvolvimentu Kapitál Umanu (FDCH), Leila Cárceres dos Santos, anunsia ona rezultadu avaliasaun bolsa hakbiit bá benefisiáriu 410 asesu bá Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór Privadu (IESP).\nLeila Cárceres dos Santos relata katak inskrisaun bá programa bolsa hakbiit ne’ebé hala’o iha munisípiu hotu, inklui RAEOA, ekipa Sekretariadu FDCH no mós Ministériu Ensinu Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) simu dokumentu hamutuk 1.705 maibé kandidatu ne’ebé liu iha prosesu verifikasaun dokumentu ne’e hamutuk 1.500.\nNia esplika avaliasaun inklui selesaun no verifikasaun dokumentu konsege aprova ona kandidatu hamutuk 410 mak pasa. Kandidatu bolseiru sira-ne’e sei asesu bá Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór Privadu sira tanba antes ne’e estabelese ona memorandum entendimentu ho FDCH.\n“ita nia benefisiáriu bolsa hakbiit 410 ne’e sei hala’o estudu iha área sira mak hanesan agrikultura edukasaun, enjeñaria, saúde no turizmu tuir IESP ne’ebé sira rasik deside,” Leila Cárceres dos Santos, hateten liuhosi konferénsia imprensa ne’ebé hala’o iha salaun MESSK, Colmera, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nTuir nia katak naran bolseiru sira ne’e sei manda direita bá diretór ida-idak iha munisípiu atu públika iha kuadru avizu MEJD nian iha territóriu nasionál, inklui RAEOA. Nune’e mós FDCH sei fó tempu bá kandidatu ne’ebé la pasa iha selesaun dokumentu ne’e atu halo reklamasaun hahú ohin to’o 28 jullu 2021.\nLeila rasik afirma katak prosesu avaliasaun bá dokumentu sira-ne’e bazeia bá diploma Ministeriál númeru 9/2021, 10 marsu iha loron 25 fevereiru 2021 hodi fó biban bá sekretariadu FDCH forma ekipa tékniku kompostu hosi sekretariadu tékniku FDCH, MESSK, MEJD, MSSI iha munisípiu sira hodi halo inskrisaun bá programa bolsa hakbiit bá kandidatu bolseiru sira atu asesu bá Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór Privadu iha rai-laran.\nEkipa juri avaliasaun bá dokumentu ne’e kompostu hosi diretora ezekutiva FDCH nu’udar prezidente inklui membru haat mak hanesan Diretora Jerál Ensinu Superiór, Koordenadora UKAE, Asesór Jurídiku MESSK no Koordenadór Gagesi hosi FDCH.\nDiretora Jerál Ministériu Ensinu Superiór Siénsia (DJ-MESS) Maria Filomena Lay informa katak hosi prosesu verifikasaun dokumentu sira-ne’e komprova ona katak dadus ne’ebé deside ona bá bolseiru bolsa hakbiit 410 atu asesu bá IESP ne’e fiksu ona.\nFundus Dezenvolvimentu Kapitál Umanu (FDCH)\nPrevious article79% populasaun Manufahi asesu bee-moos ho sufisiente\nNext articleTNI-POLRI kaptura Timoroan na’in 14 iha Atambua
[ "Benefisiariu bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu ba IESP | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Benefisiariu bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu ba IESP Benefisiariu bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu ba IESP FDCH halo anunsia kona-ba rezultadu programa bolsa hakbiit liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha salaun MESSK, tersa (13/07/2021).", "Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, 13 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretora Ezekutiva Fundus Dezenvolvimentu Kapital Umanu (FDCH), Leila Carceres dos Santos, anunsia ona rezultadu avaliasaun bolsa hakbiit ba benefisiariu 410 asesu ba Instituisaun Ensinu Superior Privadu (IESP).", "Leila Carceres dos Santos relata katak inskrisaun ba programa bolsa hakbiit ne'ebe hala'o iha munisipiu hotu, inklui RAEOA, ekipa Sekretariadu FDCH no mos Ministeriu Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) simu dokumentu hamutuk 1.705 maibe kandidatu ne'ebe liu iha prosesu verifikasaun dokumentu ne'e hamutuk 1.500.", "Nia esplika avaliasaun inklui selesaun no verifikasaun dokumentu konsege aprova ona kandidatu hamutuk 410 mak pasa.", "Kandidatu bolseiru sira-ne'e sei asesu ba Instituisaun Ensinu Superior Privadu sira tanba antes ne'e estabelese ona memorandum entendimentu ho FDCH. \"ita nia benefisiariu bolsa hakbiit 410 ne'e sei hala'o estudu iha area sira mak hanesan agrikultura edukasaun, enjenaria, saude no turizmu tuir IESP ne'ebe sira rasik deside,\" Leila Carceres dos Santos, hateten liuhosi konferensia imprensa ne'ebe hala'o iha salaun MESSK, Colmera, Dili, tersa ne'e.", "Tuir nia katak naran bolseiru sira ne'e sei manda direita ba diretor ida-idak iha munisipiu atu publika iha kuadru avizu MEJD nian iha territoriu nasional, inklui RAEOA.", "Nune'e mos FDCH sei fo tempu ba kandidatu ne'ebe la pasa iha selesaun dokumentu ne'e atu halo reklamasaun hahu ohin to'o 28 jullu 2021.", "Leila rasik afirma katak prosesu avaliasaun ba dokumentu sira-ne'e bazeia ba diploma Ministerial numeru 9/2021, 10 marsu iha loron 25 fevereiru 2021 hodi fo biban ba sekretariadu FDCH forma ekipa tekniku kompostu hosi sekretariadu tekniku FDCH, MESSK, MEJD, MSSI iha munisipiu sira hodi halo inskrisaun ba programa bolsa hakbiit ba kandidatu bolseiru sira atu asesu ba Instituisaun Ensinu Superior Privadu iha rai-laran.", "Ekipa juri avaliasaun ba dokumentu ne'e kompostu hosi diretora ezekutiva FDCH nu'udar prezidente inklui membru haat mak hanesan Diretora Jeral Ensinu Superior, Koordenadora UKAE, Asesor Juridiku MESSK no Koordenador Gagesi hosi FDCH.", "Diretora Jeral Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia (DJ-MESS) Maria Filomena Lay informa katak hosi prosesu verifikasaun dokumentu sira-ne'e komprova ona katak dadus ne'ebe deside ona ba bolseiru bolsa hakbiit 410 atu asesu ba IESP ne'e fiksu ona.", "Fundus Dezenvolvimentu Kapital Umanu (FDCH) Previous article79% populasaun Manufahi asesu bee-moos ho sufisiente Next articleTNI-POLRI kaptura Timoroan na'in 14 iha Atambua" ]
[ [ "Beneficiário bolsa hakbiit 410 asesu ba IESP FDCH announces the results of scholarship program through a press conference in MESSK hall, Tuesday (26/7) | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DILI The Ministry for Education and Science announced on Wednesday that it had granted access to more than one thousand beneficiaries." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, July 13th (TATOLI) - Executive Director of the Fundus Dezenvolvimentu Kapital Humanu(FDCH), Leila Carceres dos Santos has announced results from evaluation for scholarship grant to beneficiaries who have been selected by private higher education institutions." ], [ "Leila Carceres dos Santos reported that the enrollment for scholarship program held in all municipalities, including RAEOA. The team of FDCH Secretariat and Ministry Of Higher Education Science And Culture (MESSK) received a total documentation amounting to1705 but candidate who passed through verification process this documents are numbered as many like" ], [ "He explained that the evaluation, including selection and document verification was successfully completed by a total of 410 candidates." ], [ "These scholarship candidates will be admitted to private higher education institutions because a memorandum of understanding has already been established with FDCH. \"Our 410 beneficiaries from the Scholarships for Skilled Employment programme (SESPE) are going on studies in areas such as agriculture, engineering and health care according their own choice\", Leila Carceret dos Santos said during her press conference held at MESSK hall Colmera Dili this Tuesday" ], [ "According to him, the names of these scholarship recipients will be sent directly into each municipal director's office for publication in MEJD notice boards on national and regional level." ], [ "Likewise, FDCH will give time to candidates who did not pass the selection of these documents for making a claim from today until July 28th." ], [ "Leila herself affirmed that the evaluation process for these documents is based on Ministerial Decree number 9/2018, of March. The Ministry issued this decrees in order to enable FDCH secretariat form technical team compose by Technical Secretariats (FDCh), MESSK and MEJD) MSSI at municipality level so as make registrations into scholarship program empowering candidate scholars access private higher education institutions locally" ], [ "The jury evaluation team for this document is composed of the Executive Director FDCH as president and four members: General Manager Higher Education, Coordinator UKAE Legal Adviser MESSK Gagesi Co-ordinator." ], [ "The Director General of the Ministry for Higher Education and Science (DJ-MESS), Maria Filomena Lay, informed that through verification process these documents have been confirmed to be correct." ], [ "Fundus Dezenvolvimento Capital Humano (FDCH) Previous article79% of the population in Manufahi has adequate access to water Next artikelTNI-POLRI captures 14 Timorese at Atambua" ] ]
“Hadook an husi sala-foʼer!” (1 Korinto 6:18) | Maromak nia Domin\n“Hadook an husi sala-foʼer!”\n“Neʼe duni, imi sei oho hakarak rai neʼe nian neʼebé book imi-nia laran, hanesan sala-foʼer, hanoin foʼer, hakarak foʼer, laran-aat, laran karak-teen, neʼebé hanesan adora lulik.”​—KOLOSO 3:5.\n1, 2. Oinsá mak Balaão halo planu atu lasu Maromak Jeová nia povu?\nPESKADÓR ida bá kail ikan iha fatin neʼebé nia gosta tebes. Nia hakarak atu kail ikan oin ida deʼit. Nia hili iska ida, no tau iha kail-isin, depois soe ba bee laran. Lakleur, kail-talin sai metin no nia dada sai ikan. Nia oin kontente tanba nia hatene katak nia hili iska neʼebé diʼak.\n2 Iha tinan 1473 molok Kristu, mane ida naran Balaão hanoin didiʼak kona-ba iska ida neʼebé nia hakarak uza nuʼudar lasu ida. Maibé nia hakarak uza iska ida-neʼe atu lasu Maromak nia povu. Sira hela daudaun iha tenda iha rai-tetuk iha rai-Moab, besik rai neʼebé Maromak promete ba sira. Balaão hatete katak nia mak Maromak Jeová nia profeta ida, maibé tuir loloos nia mane ida neʼebé kaan-teen no simu osan atu hotar ema Izraél. Maibé, Maromak Jeová envolve an hodi halo Balaão bele haraik bensaun deʼit ba ema Izraél. Maski nuneʼe nia hakarak duni atu simu nia osan, entaun nia hanoin katak se nia tenta ema Izraél atu halo sala boot, Maromak rasik sei hotar nia povu. Ho planu ida-neʼe Balaão uza lasu ida​—feto-klosan bonita husi rai-Moab.​—Números 22:​1-7; 31:15, 16; Apokalipse 2:​14.\n3. Balaão nia planu iha susesu saida?\n3 Nia planu iha susesu ka lae? Sin, susesu balun tanba iha mane Izraél rihun ba rihun neʼebé mate. Sira monu ba lasu ida-neʼe hodi halo “sala-foʼer ho feto Moab sira”. Mane sira-neʼe mós komesa adora Moab nia maromak sira, inklui Baal husi Peor, maromak seksuál nian. Tan neʼe, ema Izraél naʼin-24.000 mate besik rai neʼebé Maromak promete ona ba sira. Akontesimentu neʼe mak nuʼudar dezastre boot ba nasaun neʼe.—Números 25:​1-9.\n4. Tanbasá mak ema Izraél rihun ba rihun monu ba lasu sala-foʼer?\n4 Oinsá mak buat aat neʼe akontese? Ema barak komesa sai laran-aat hodi hadook an husi Jeová, Maromak neʼebé mak halo sira livre husi rai-Ejitu, neʼebé fó ai-han, proteje no lori sira atu tama ba rai neʼebé nia promete. (Ebreu 3:​12) Hodi hanoin kona-ba neʼe apóstolu Paulo hakerek: “Ita keta halo sala-foʼer hanesan sira balun halo, no ema rihun ruanulu-resin-tolu mate iha loron ida deʼit nia laran.” *​—1 Korinto 10:​8.\n5, 6. Tanbasá mak istória kona-ba ema Izraél nia sala iha rai-tetuk iha Moab importante duni ba ita ohin loron?\n5 Istória husi livru Números hatudu lisaun barak neʼebé importante ba Maromak nia povu ohin loron, neʼebé moris iha tempu neʼebé besik atu tama ba rai diʼak liu neʼebé promete ona. (1 Korinto 10:11) Porezemplu, mundu neʼe hanoin demais kona-ba hahalok seksuál nian, no ida-neʼe hanesan ho Moab antigu, maibé aat liu. Liután neʼe, tinan-tinan ema kristaun rihun ba rihun monu ba lasu sala-foʼer, lasu neʼebé halo ema Izraél monu. (2 Korinto 2:​11) No hanesan ho Zinri neʼebé ho barani laʼo hamutuk ho feto Midian iha ema Izraél nia leet no lori feto neʼe ba nia tenda, ohin loron ema balun neʼebé halibur hamutuk ho Maromak nia povu, sira hatudu ezemplu aat no kona ema seluk iha kongregasaun kristaun.​—Números 25:​6, 14; Judas 4.\n6 Ita hatene ka lae, katak ita ida-idak hasoru situasaun neʼebé loloos hanesan ho buat neʼebé akontese ba ema Izraél iha rai-tetuk iha Moab? Ita bele haree ka lae, katak mundu foun neʼebé Ita hein besik ona atu mai? Se nuneʼe, Ita sei hakaʼas an atu hela nafatin iha Maromak nia domin hodi halo tuir ukun-fuan neʼebé hatete: “Hadook an husi sala-foʼer.”​—1 Korinto 6:​18.\nHaree ba rai-tetuk Moab\nSAIDA MAK SALA-FOʼER?\n7, 8. Saida mak “sala-foʼer”? Oinsá mak ema neʼebé halo ida-neʼe koʼa buat neʼebé sira kari?\n7 Iha Bíblia, liafuan “sala-foʼer” (lia-gregu, porneía) koʼalia kona-ba relasaun seksuál entre ema neʼebé laʼós kaben-naʼin tuir Maromak nia haree. Neʼe inklui kaben-naʼin neʼebé halo relasaun seksuál ho ema seluk; halo hahalok seksuál hodi manán osan; relasaun seksuál entre ema neʼebé seidauk kaben; halo buat seksuál ho ibun ka kidun no kaer oin-lulik husi ema neʼebé laʼós nia kaben. Sala-foʼer mós inklui relasaun seksuál entre feto ho feto ka mane ho mane ka ho animál. *\n8 Eskritura hatete ho klaru: Ema neʼebé kontinua atu halo sala-foʼer labele sai parte iha kongregasaun kristaun no sei la simu moris rohan-laek. (1 Korinto 6:​9; Apokalipse 22:15) Liután neʼe, agora mós sira lori susar ba sira-nia an tanba ema la fiar sira, sira sente folin-laek, sira-nia laran fó-sala ba sira, haksesuk-malu iha kaben laran, sai isin-rua maibé la hakarak, hetan moras no mós mate. (Galasia 6:⁠7, 8) Tanbasá mak ita hakarak laʼo iha dalan neʼebé nakonu ho problema no lori ita ba susar oioin? Triste tebes tanba ema barak la hanoin uluk kona-ba problema neʼebé sei mosu, kuandu sira komesa hakat ba dalan neʼebé sala. Dala barak hakat primeiru ba problema sira-neʼe mak liuhusi haree pornografia.\n9. Ema balun hanoin katak pornografia la iha perigu. Ida-neʼe loos ka lae? Esplika.\n9 Iha rai barak ema bele haree pornografia iha livru, múzika, televizaun, no hatudu barak liu iha ínternet. * Ema barak hanoin katak ida-neʼe la iha perigu ba sira-nia an. Ida-neʼe loos ka lae? Lae duni! Sira neʼebé haree pornografia bele sai toman atu halo masturbasaun, neʼe katak halimar ho sira-nia oin-lulik, no ida-neʼe haburas hakarak seksuál neʼebé lamoos. Neʼe lori problema hanesan hanoin no buka deʼit atu halo relasaun seksuál, hakarak seksuál neʼebé foʼer, problema boot iha kaben laran, no mós bele halo kaben-naʼin soe malu. * (Roma 1:​24-​27; Efeso 4:​19) Matenek-naʼin ida kompara hanoin no buka deʼit atu halo relasaun seksuál hanesan ho moras-kankru. Nia hatete: “Ida-neʼe sai boot no buras. Baibain hakarak neʼe iha nafatin, no mós susar tebes atu hadiʼa no kura.”\nDalan neʼebé matenek mak inan-aman tau matan ba buat neʼebé sira-nia oan haree\n10. Oinsá mak ita bele halo tuir matadalan husi Tiago 1:14, 15? (Haree mós kaixa “ Oinsá haʼu hetan forsa atu sai moos iha dalan morál”.)\n10 Hanoin toʼok liafuan iha Tiago 1:​14, 15, neʼebé hatete: “Ema hetan tentasaun wainhira nia hakarak aat rasik mak koko nia. Hakarak aat neʼe fó fuan, no lori ba sala; wainhira sala sai boot ona, sala lori mate mai.” Entaun, se hakarak neʼebé aat tama iha Ita-nia hanoin, lalais halo buat ruma atu halakon hanoin ida-neʼe! Porezemplu, se Ita la ho neon haree imajen ruma neʼebé hatudu buat seksuál, Ita lalais fila oin, taka ka troka ba programa seluk iha televizaun, no hanesan mós ho komputadór. Halo buat hotu neʼebé Ita presiza halo hodi sees husi hakarak imorál! Importante atu halo ida-neʼe antes hakarak imorál neʼe sai buras no bele ukun Ita.​—Mateus 5:​29, 30.\n11. Kuandu ita luta hasoru hakarak neʼebé sala, oinsá mak ita bele hatudu katak ita fiar ba Maromak Jeová?\n11 Maromak mak hatene liu kona-ba buat neʼebé diʼak mai ita. Tan neʼe nia fó konsellu ida-neʼe: “Neʼe duni, imi sei oho hakarak rai neʼe nian neʼebé book imi-nia laran, hanesan sala-foʼer, hanoin foʼer, hakarak foʼer, laran-aat, laran karak-teen, neʼebé hanesan adora lulik.” (Koloso 3:⁠5) Loos duni, karik susar atu halo ida-neʼe. Maibé hanoin-hetan katak ita iha Aman iha lalehan neʼebé hatudu pasiénsia no hadomi ita, no mós ita bele husu nia ajuda. (Salmo 68:19) Entaun halo orasaun kedas kuandu hanoin neʼebé sala tama iha Ita-nia hanoin. Halo orasaun atu hetan “kbiit makaʼas” no hakaʼas an atu hanoin kona-ba buat seluk.​—2 Korinto 4:7; 1 Korinto 9:​27; haree kaixa “ Oinsá mak haʼu bele halakon haʼu-nia toman neʼebé aat?”.\n12. “Laran” katak sá? Tanbasá mak ita tenke proteje ita-nia laran?\n12 Salomão, mane neʼebé matenek, hakerek: “Liután buat sira-neʼe hotu neʼebé mak ó tenke proteje, proteje bá ó-nia laran, tanba husi nia mak moris nia hun.” (Provérbios 4:​23) Ita-nia “laran” katak ita-nia hanoin, sentimentu, matenek no hakarak neʼebé ema seluk la bele haree. Maromak mak bele haree ita-nia “laran”. Liután neʼe, atubele hetan moris rohan-laek depende ba saida mak Maromak nia haree kona-ba ita-nia “laran”​—laʼós saida mak ema hanoin kona-ba ita. Ida-neʼe simples deʼit. Maibé, ida-neʼe importante ba ita-nia moris. Job, ema neʼebé laran-metin, halo promete ho nia matan atu la haree feto iha dalan neʼebé ladiʼak. (Jó 31:1) Ida-neʼe mak ezemplu diʼak loos mai ita! Ema ida neʼebé hakerek livru Salmos mós hanoin hanesan neʼe, nia harohan: “Keta husik haʼu-nia matan atu haree buat neʼebé la iha folin.”​—Salmo 119:37.\nOINSÁ HAʼU HETAN FORSA ATU SAI MOOS IHA DALAN MORÁL\nMane-klosan ida hatete: “Kuandu haʼu sei joven, haʼu sai toman atu haree pornografia no halimar ho haʼu-nia oin-lulik. Haʼu-nia kolega sira iha eskola hanoin katak hahalok hanesan neʼe baibain deʼit ba joven sira. Ida-neʼe halo haʼu-nia laran la fó sala tan mai haʼu, no dada haʼu ba moris neʼebé imorál. Ikusmai haʼu rekoñese katak haʼu sai atan ba haʼu-nia hakarak neʼebé aat. Maibé, liuhusi Maromak Jeová no kongregasaun nia ajuda haʼu bele halakon haʼu-nia toman neʼebé lamoos. Agora haʼu kuidadu tebes ho ema neʼebé haʼu halibur, tanba haʼu hatene katak ema seluk nia hahalok iha forsa atu dada haʼu atu monu fali ba sala. Haʼu hatene katak hodi halo orasaun beibeik no estuda Bíblia mesak mak importante hodi haʼu la monu fali ba toman neʼebé aat. Haʼu la sai atan tan ba hakarak isin nian, no agora haʼu iha knaar atu serbí nuʼudar pioneiru regulár.”\nDINA HALO DESIZAUN NEʼEBÉ LA MATENEK\n13. Sé mak Dina? Tanbasá mak la matenek atu nia sai belun ho feto Kanaán?\n13 Hanesan ita haree iha Kapítulu 3, buat neʼebé ita-nia belun halo ka hanoin, bele book ita atu halo buat neʼebé diʼak ka aat. (Provérbios 13:20; 1 Korinto 15:33) Haree toʼok Dina nia ezemplu. Nia mak oan-feto husi Jacob, ulun ba umakain Izraél nian. (Gênesis 34:1) Maski Dina hetan treinu husi kiʼik, maibé nia la halo tuir hodi sai belun ho feto sira husi rai-Kanaán. Hanesan ema Moab, ema Kanaán mós iha toman atu halo sala-foʼer. (Levítico 18:​6-​25) Mane Kanaán, inklui mós Siquém neʼebé mak iha naran-boot iha nia aman nia umakain, haree Dina hanesan feto ida neʼebé bele envolve an iha hahalok seksuál neʼebé foʼer.​—Gênesis 34:18, 19.\n14. Tanba Dina hili belun neʼebé la diʼak, oinsá mak ida-neʼe lori susar ba nia no ninia família?\n14 Kuandu Dina hasoru Siquém, karik Dina la hanoin atu iha relasaun seksuál ho nia. Maibé Siquém halo deʼit buat neʼebé ema Kanaán toman atu halo kuandu sira iha hakarak seksuál. Se Dina hakaʼas an atu sees, ida-neʼe saugati deʼit tanba Siquém “lori nia” no “hafoʼer nia”. Depois neʼe, Siquém hatete katak nia “laran monu” ba Dina, maibé ida-neʼe labele halakon sala neʼebé nia halo tiha ona. (Gênesis 34:​1-4) No laʼós Dina mesak deʼit mak hetan susar husi buat neʼebé akontese. Tanba nia hili atu sai belun ho feto sira husi rai-Kanaán, ikusmai problema neʼebé mosu hamoe no hafoʼer ninia família tomak nia naran.​—Gênesis 34:​7, 25-​31; Galasia 6:​7, 8.\n15, 16. Oinsá mak ita bele hetan matenek neʼebé loos? (Haree mós kaixa “ Hanoin kleʼan kona-ba eskritura sira-neʼe”.)\n15 Karik Dina aprende buat ruma neʼebé importante liuhusi nia esperiénsia rasik, maibé nia aprende ida-neʼe depois nia monu ba susar. Sira neʼebé hadomi no halo tuir Maromak Jeová la presiza monu ba susar atu hetan esperiénsia iha sira-nia moris, tanba sira rona ba Maromak no sira hili atu ‘laʼo hamutuk ho sira neʼebé matenek’. (Provérbios 13:20a) Nuneʼe, sira komprende “dalan hotu kona-ba buat neʼebé mak diʼak” no sees husi problema sira neʼebé bele lori susar ba sira.​—Provérbios 2:​6-9; Salmo 1:​1-3.\n16 Ita hotu neʼebé hakarak hetan Maromak nia matenek, bele hetan duni hodi kontinua halo orasaun, estuda beibeik Maromak nia liafuan no livru sira neʼebé mai husi grupu atan neʼebé laran metin no matenek. (Mateus 24:45; Tiago 1:5) Importante mós atu haraik an, tanba ema neʼebé haraik an hakarak duni atu halo tuir Bíblia nia konsellu. (2 Reis 22:​18, 19) Porezemplu, ema kristaun ida hatene buat neʼebé Bíblia hatete kona-ba nia laran, katak nia laran bele lohi nia. (Jeremias 17:9) Maibé se nia hasoru problema ruma no halo tiha desizaun neʼebé ladún matenek, nia sei hatudu haraik-an hodi simu konsellu no ajuda kona-ba ninia problema ka lae?\n17. Konta toʼok situasaun ida neʼebé bele mosu iha família laran. Esplika oinsá mak aman ida bele ajuda nia oan-feto.\n17 Hanoin toʼok kona-ba situasaun ida-neʼe: Aman ida la fó lisensa ba nia oan-feto atu sai ho mane kristaun ida, se ema seluk la bá hamutuk sira. Nia oan-feto hatete: “Apá, la fiar haʼu ka? Ami sei la halo buat neʼebé sala!” Oan-feto neʼe hadomi Maromak Jeová no nia la iha hanoin atu halo buat neʼebé sala. Maibé nia “laʼo ho [Maromak nia] matenek” ka lae? Nia bele ‘halai husi sala-foʼer’ ka lae? Ka karik nia la matenek tanba “tau fiar ba nia laran”, loos ka lae? (Provérbios 28:26) Karik Ita bele hanoin kona-ba Bíblia nia matadalan seluk tan neʼebé aman no nia oan-feto bele hanoin didiʼak atu hasoru situasaun hanesan neʼe.​—Haree Provérbios 22:3; Mateus 6:​13; 26:41.\nOINSÁ MAK HAʼU BELE HALAKON HAʼU-NIA TOMAN NEʼEBÉ AAT?\nMatadalan: “Hei, imi neʼebé hadomi Jeová, odi buat neʼebé aat.”​—Salmo 97:10.\nHaʼu sees an husi situasaun neʼebé bele hamosu hakarak neʼebé sala ka lae?​—Mateus 5:​27, 28.\nHaʼu hanoin kleʼan ona kona-ba rezultadu aat neʼebé bele mosu se haʼu halo tuir hakarak neʼebé sala?​—Provérbios 22:3.\nSaida deʼit mak haʼu hakarak halo atu halakon toman neʼebé aat?​—Mateus 5:​29, 30.\nHaʼu prontu atu koʼalia kona-ba haʼu-nia problema ba haʼu-nia inan ka aman, ka kolega ida neʼebé iha esperiénsia ona iha lia-loos?​—Provérbios 1:8, 9; Galasia 6:1, 2.\nOinsá mak haʼu bele hatudu katak haʼu sadere ba Aman Jeová nia kbiit no matenek hodi halakon haʼu-nia toman neʼebé aat?​—Provérbios 3:​5, 6; Tiago 1:5.\nJOSÉ HALAI-SEES HUSI SALA-FOʼER\n18, 19. Tentasaun saida mak José hasoru iha nia moris? Oinsá mak nia hasoru ida-neʼe?\n18 Mane-klosan diʼak ida neʼebé hadomi Maromak no halai-sees husi sala-foʼer mak José, Dina nia alin-mane. (Gênesis 30:20-​24) Nuʼudar alin, José haree ho matan rasik problema neʼebé mosu ba nia biin tanba halo hahalok beik. Tinan balun liu tiha neʼe, kuandu José moris iha rai-Ejitu, nia patraun nia feen “loron-loron” tenta nia atu halo sala-foʼer. Maibé, José hanoin-hetan buat neʼebé akontese ba nia biin, no tanba nia hakarak atu hela nafatin iha Maromak nia domin, neʼe proteje nia hodi la monu ba tentasaun ida-neʼe. Nuʼudar atan ida nia la bele husik no sai deʼit husi nia serbisu! Nia tenke hatudu matenek no aten-barani atu hasoru situasaun neʼe. Nia hamriik-metin hodi fó-hatene beibeik ba Potifar nia feen katak nia labele duni halo ida-neʼe no ikusmai José halai-sees husi nia.​—Gênesis 39:​7-​12.\n19 Hanoin toʼok: Oinsá se José hanoin beibeik kona-ba feto neʼe ka iha toman hanoin kona-ba buat seksuál nian, nia bele laran-metin ba Maromak ka lae? Karik, la bele. Nia la hanoin beibeik buat neʼebé sala. Maibé, nia hafolin liu nia relasaun ho Maromak Jeová. Ita hatene ida-neʼe tanba nia hatete beibeik ba Potifar nia feen: “Haʼu-nia patraun la satan netik buat ida husi haʼu, maibé Ita deʼit, tanba Ita mak nia feen. Entaun oinsá mak haʼu bele halo buat neʼebé aat tebes no halo sala kontra Maromak?”​—Gênesis 39:​8, 9.\n20. Oinsá mak Maromak Jeová tau matan José nia moris?\n20 Hanoin toʼok kona-ba oinsá mak Maromak Jeová sente kuandu haree José neʼebé klosan deʼit, no dook husi nia família, maibé loron-loron nia hatudu laran-metin ba Maromak. (Provérbios 27:11) Ikusmai Maromak Jeová troka José nia moris hodi halo nia livre husi komarka. Maibé laʼós neʼe deʼit, José sai Ejitu nia primeiru ministru no administradór ba ai-han. (Gênesis 41:39-​49) Liafuan iha Salmo 97:10 mak loos duni: “Hei, imi neʼebé hadomi Jeová, odi buat neʼebé aat. Nia tau matan ba ema laran-metin nia moris, no nia salva sira husi ema aat nia liman”!\n21. Oinsá mak irmaun klosan ida hatudu aten-barani atu halo buat neʼebé loos?\n21 Hanesan mós ohin loron, Maromak nia atan sira barak hatudu katak sira “odi buat neʼebé aat, no hadomi buat neʼebé diʼak”. (Amós 5:​15) Iha rai-Áfrika ida, irmaun klosan ida hanoin-hetan katak nia kolega feto ida iha eskola ho barani fó-hatene ba nia katak se nia ajuda ho ezame matemátika feto neʼe sei halo relasaun seksuál ho nia. Irmaun neʼe hatete: “Haʼu hatán kedas ba nia katak haʼu lakohi. Hodi hatudu laran-metin ba Maromak, haʼu nafatin iha respeitu no hafolin haʼu-nia an, neʼebé mak iha folin boot liu.” Sin, maski halo sala bele fó “haksolok ba tempu uitoan”, maibé baibain haksolok hanesan neʼe lori susar barak. (Ebreu 11:25) Liután neʼe, haksolok hanesan neʼe la iha folin se kompara ho haksolok ba nafatin neʼebé ita hetan kuandu ita halo tuir Maromak Jeová.​—Provérbios 10:22.\nSIMU AJUDA HUSI MAROMAK LARAN-SADIʼA NIAN\n22, 23. (a) Se ema kristaun ida halo sala boot, nia bele hetan perdua ka lae? (b) Sé mak Maromak uza atu ajuda ema neʼebé halo sala?\n22 Ita hotu hakarak halo buat neʼebé loos iha Maromak nia oin, maibé tanba ita la perfeitu ita hotu luta atu kontra hasoru hakarak isin nian. (Roma 7:​21-​25) Maromak Jeová komprende ida-neʼe tanba nia “hanoin-hetan katak ita mak rai-rahun”. (Salmo 103:14) Maibé dala ruma kristaun ida karik halo sala boot. Se nuneʼe, nia bele hetan perdua ka lae? Sin nia bele duni! Maibé karik nia sei koʼa rezultadu aat husi buat neʼebé nia kari, hanesan Liurai David. Maski nuneʼe, Maromak sempre “prontu atu fó perdua” ba sira neʼebé hakribi no “konfesa” no la “taka” sira-nia sala.​—Salmo 86:5; Tiago 5:​16; Provérbios 28:13.\n23 Liután neʼe, iha kongregasaun kristaun Maromak ho laran-diʼak fó mane sira ho “kmanek oioin”​—sira iha esperiénsia kona-ba buat espirituál, no nuʼudar bibi-atan, sira hakarak duni atu ajuda ita. (Efeso 4:​8, 12; Tiago 5:​14, 15) Sira-nia knaar mak atu ajuda ema neʼebé halo sala atu hadiʼa fali nia relasaun ho Maromak, no ajuda nia atu “hetan laran neʼebé diʼak” hodi la halo tan sala neʼe.​—Provérbios 15:32.\n‘HETAN LARAN NEʼEBÉ DIʼAK’\n24, 25. (a) Oinsá mak mane-klosan iha Provérbios 7:6-23 hatudu katak nia “la iha laran neʼebé diʼak”? (b) Oinsá mak ita bele “hetan laran neʼebé diʼak”?\n24 Bíblia koʼalia kona-ba ema neʼebé “la iha laran neʼebé diʼak” no ema neʼebé “hetan laran neʼebé diʼak”. (Provérbios 7:⁠7) Karik ema neʼebé ladún komprende no ladún iha esperiénsia kona-ba Maromak nia matadalan mós hatudu katak nia “la iha laran neʼebé diʼak” hodi halo desizaun neʼebé ladún matenek. Hanesan mane-klosan iha Provérbios 7:​6-​23, karik fasil ba nia atu monu ba sala boot. Maibé “ema neʼebé hetan laran neʼebé diʼak” fó atensaun ba saida mak iha nia laran hodi estuda Maromak nia Liafuan no halo orasaun. Maski nia la perfeitu nia hakaʼas an atu halo nia hanoin, hakarak no sentimentu tuir Maromak nia hakarak. Entaun, nia “hadomi nia moris”, ka lori bensaun ba nia an, no “sei hetan buat neʼebé diʼak”.​—Provérbios 19:8.\n25 Husu ba Ita-nia an: ‘Haʼu loloos fiar katak Maromak nia matadalan mak loos? Haʼu fiar-metin katak hodi halo tuir matadalan sira-neʼe sei lori moris neʼebé haksolok tebes?’ (Salmo 19:​7-​10; Isaías 48:17, 18) Se Ita iha dúvida uitoan deʼit kona-ba neʼe, halo buat ruma atu hadiʼa Ita-nia hanoin. Hanoin kleʼan kona-ba rezultadu neʼebé sei mosu se Ita la halo tuir Maromak nia ukun-fuan. No mós “koko no haree katak Jeová mak diʼak” hodi moris tuir lia-loos no halo nakonu ita-nia hanoin ho buat neʼebé mak loos, diʼak, moos no furak. (Salmo 34:8; Filipe 4:​8, 9) Ita bele fiar katak kuandu Ita halo beibeik buat sira-neʼe, Ita sei haburas Ita-nia domin ba Maromak, hadomi buat neʼebé nia hadomi no odi buat neʼebé nia odi. José laʼós ema perfeitu. Maibé nia bele halai-sees husi sala-foʼer tanba nia husik Maromak Jeová atu forma nia ba tinan barak hodi nia iha laran neʼebé hakarak atu halo kontente Maromak. Ita mós bele sai hanesan José.​—Isaías 64:8.\n26. Ita sei haree buat importante saida iha kapítulu tuirmai?\n26 Ita-nia Kriadór kria mane no feto ho parte isin nian atubele iha relasaun espesiál no hetan oan​—laʼós atu uza naranaran deʼit. (Provérbios 5:​18) Iha kapítulu rua tuirmai ita sei koʼalia kona-ba Maromak nia haree kona-ba moris kaben nian.\n^ par. 4 Karik livru Números temi ema naʼin-24.000 neʼebé mate tanba sira-neʼe inklui “xefe sira ba povu” neʼebé juis sira oho, neʼebé karik hamutuk ema naʼin-1.000, ho mós ema neʼebé Maromak Jeová rasik oho.​—Números 25:​4, 5.\n^ par. 7 Atu hetan informasaun liután kona-ba hahalok foʼer no hahalok naranaran deʼit, haree “Pertanyaan Pembaca” iha Menara Pengawal husi 15 Jullu, 2006, husi Testemuña ba Jeová. Iha mós iha lia-portugés.\n^ par. 9 “Pornografia” katak imajen, filme, livru, ka lian neʼebé ema halo hodi hamosu hakarak seksuál. Pornografia mós inklui imajen neʼebé ema hatudu an iha dalan seksuál ka hahalok seksuál neʼebé aat tebes entre ema naʼin-rua ka liu.\n^ par. 9 Haree Apéndise “Sai livre husi masturbasaun” kona-ba masturbasaun”.\nHANOIN KLEʼAN KONA-BA ESKRITURA SIRA-NEʼE\n“Hei, imi neʼebé hadomi Jeová, odi buat neʼebé aat.”​—Salmo 97:10.\n“Ema neʼebé hateke ba feto ida hodi kaan nia, nia halo ona sala-foʼer ho nia iha nia laran.”​—Mateus 5:​28.\n“Ema neʼebé halo sala-foʼer halo sala hasoru nia isin rasik.”​—1 Korinto 6:18.\n“Haʼu ukun haʼu-nia isin no hadiʼa nia, tan haʼu taʼuk katak, wainhira haʼu haklaken tiha ba ema seluk, haʼu rasik lakon.”​—1 Korinto 9:27.\n“Ema ida sei koʼa buat neʼebé nia kari. Nia kari iha toʼos hakarak aat sira-nian karik, nia sei koʼa mate husi nia; nia kari karik iha toʼos espíritu nian, husi toʼos neʼe mak nia sei koʼa moris rohan-laek.”​—Galasia 6:7, 8.\n“Neʼe duni, imi sei oho hakarak rai neʼe nian neʼebé book imi-nia laran, hanesan sala-foʼer, hanoin foʼer, hakarak foʼer.”​—Koloso 3:5.\n“Imi ida-idak tenke hatene oinsá atu kontrola imi rasik nia isin hodi hanoin-hetan buat neʼebé santu no respeitu, laʼós hodi hanoin hakarak seksuál neʼebé laran kaan-teen.”​—1 Tesalónika 4:4, 5, MF.
[ "\"Hadook an husi sala-fo'er!\"", "(1 Korinto 6:18) | Maromak nia Domin \"Hadook an husi sala-fo'er!\"", "\"Ne'e duni, imi sei oho hakarak rai ne'e nian ne'ebe book imi-nia laran, hanesan sala-fo'er, hanoin fo'er, hakarak fo'er, laran-aat, laran karak-teen, ne'ebe hanesan adora lulik.\" - KOLOSO 3:5.", "1, 2.", "Oinsa mak Balaao halo planu atu lasu Maromak Jeova nia povu?", "PESKADOR ida ba kail ikan iha fatin ne'ebe nia gosta tebes.", "Nia hakarak atu kail ikan oin ida de'it.", "Nia hili iska ida, no tau iha kail-isin, depois soe ba bee laran.", "Lakleur, kail-talin sai metin no nia dada sai ikan.", "Nia oin kontente tanba nia hatene katak nia hili iska ne'ebe di'ak.", "2 Iha tinan 1473 molok Kristu, mane ida naran Balaao hanoin didi'ak kona-ba iska ida ne'ebe nia hakarak uza nu'udar lasu ida.", "Maibe nia hakarak uza iska ida-ne'e atu lasu Maromak nia povu.", "Sira hela daudaun iha tenda iha rai-tetuk iha rai-Moab, besik rai ne'ebe Maromak promete ba sira.", "Balaao hatete katak nia mak Maromak Jeova nia profeta ida, maibe tuir loloos nia mane ida ne'ebe kaan-teen no simu osan atu hotar ema Izrael.", "Maibe, Maromak Jeova envolve an hodi halo Balaao bele haraik bensaun de'it ba ema Izrael.", "Maski nune'e nia hakarak duni atu simu nia osan, entaun nia hanoin katak se nia tenta ema Izrael atu halo sala boot, Maromak rasik sei hotar nia povu.", "Ho planu ida-ne'e Balaao uza lasu ida - feto-klosan bonita husi rai-Moab. - Numeros 22: 1-7; 31:15, 16; Apokalipse 2: 14.", "3.", "Balaao nia planu iha susesu saida?", "3 Nia planu iha susesu ka lae?", "Sin, susesu balun tanba iha mane Izrael rihun ba rihun ne'ebe mate.", "Sira monu ba lasu ida-ne'e hodi halo \"sala-fo'er ho feto Moab sira.\"", "Mane sira-ne'e mos komesa adora Moab nia maromak sira, inklui Baal husi Peor, maromak seksual nian.", "Tan ne'e, ema Izrael na'in-24.000 mate besik rai ne'ebe Maromak promete ona ba sira.", "Akontesimentu ne'e mak nu'udar dezastre boot ba nasaun ne'e. - Numeros 25: 1-9.", "4.", "Tanbasa mak ema Izrael rihun ba rihun monu ba lasu sala-fo'er?", "4 Oinsa mak buat aat ne'e akontese?", "Ema barak komesa sai laran-aat hodi hadook an husi Jeova, Maromak ne'ebe mak halo sira livre husi rai-Ejitu, ne'ebe fo ai-han, proteje no lori sira atu tama ba rai ne'ebe nia promete.", "(Ebreu 3: 12) Hodi hanoin kona-ba ne'e apostolu Paulo hakerek: \"Ita keta halo sala-fo'er hanesan sira balun halo, no ema rihun ruanulu-resin-tolu mate iha loron ida de'it nia laran.\" * - 1 Korinto 10: 8.", "5, 6.", "Tanbasa mak istoria kona-ba ema Izrael nia sala iha rai-tetuk iha Moab importante duni ba ita ohin loron?", "5 Istoria husi livru Numeros hatudu lisaun barak ne'ebe importante ba Maromak nia povu ohin loron, ne'ebe moris iha tempu ne'ebe besik atu tama ba rai di'ak liu ne'ebe promete ona.", "(1 Korinto 10:11) Porezemplu, mundu ne'e hanoin demais kona-ba hahalok seksual nian, no ida-ne'e hanesan ho Moab antigu, maibe aat liu.", "Liutan ne'e, tinan-tinan ema kristaun rihun ba rihun monu ba lasu sala-fo'er, lasu ne'ebe halo ema Izrael monu.", "(2 Korinto 2: 11) No hanesan ho Zinri ne'ebe ho barani la'o hamutuk ho feto Midian iha ema Izrael nia leet no lori feto ne'e ba nia tenda, ohin loron ema balun ne'ebe halibur hamutuk ho Maromak nia povu, sira hatudu ezemplu aat no kona ema seluk iha kongregasaun kristaun. - Numeros 25: 6, 14; Judas 4.", "6 Ita hatene ka lae, katak ita ida-idak hasoru situasaun ne'ebe loloos hanesan ho buat ne'ebe akontese ba ema Izrael iha rai-tetuk iha Moab?", "Ita bele haree ka lae, katak mundu foun ne'ebe Ita hein besik ona atu mai?", "Se nune'e, Ita sei haka'as an atu hela nafatin iha Maromak nia domin hodi halo tuir ukun-fuan ne'ebe hatete: \"Hadook an husi sala-fo'er.\" - 1 Korinto 6: 18.", "Haree ba rai-tetuk Moab SAIDA MAK SALA-FO'ER?", "7, 8.", "Saida mak \"sala-fo'er\"?", "Oinsa mak ema ne'ebe halo ida-ne'e ko'a buat ne'ebe sira kari?", "7 Iha Biblia, liafuan \"sala-fo'er\" (lia-gregu, porneia) ko'alia kona-ba relasaun seksual entre ema ne'ebe la'os kaben-na'in tuir Maromak nia haree.", "Ne'e inklui kaben-na'in ne'ebe halo relasaun seksual ho ema seluk; halo hahalok seksual hodi manan osan; relasaun seksual entre ema ne'ebe seidauk kaben; halo buat seksual ho ibun ka kidun no kaer oin-lulik husi ema ne'ebe la'os nia kaben.", "Sala-fo'er mos inklui relasaun seksual entre feto ho feto ka mane ho mane ka ho animal. * 8 Eskritura hatete ho klaru: Ema ne'ebe kontinua atu halo sala-fo'er labele sai parte iha kongregasaun kristaun no sei la simu moris rohan-laek.", "(1 Korinto 6: 9; Apokalipse 22:15) Liutan ne'e, agora mos sira lori susar ba sira-nia an tanba ema la fiar sira, sira sente folin-laek, sira-nia laran fo-sala ba sira, haksesuk-malu iha kaben laran, sai isin-rua maibe la hakarak, hetan moras no mos mate.", "(Galasia 6: 7, 8) Tanbasa mak ita hakarak la'o iha dalan ne'ebe nakonu ho problema no lori ita ba susar oioin?", "Triste tebes tanba ema barak la hanoin uluk kona-ba problema ne'ebe sei mosu, kuandu sira komesa hakat ba dalan ne'ebe sala.", "Dala barak hakat primeiru ba problema sira-ne'e mak liuhusi haree pornografia.", "9.", "Ema balun hanoin katak pornografia la iha perigu.", "Ida-ne'e loos ka lae?", "Esplika.", "9 Iha rai barak ema bele haree pornografia iha livru, muzika, televizaun, no hatudu barak liu iha internet. * Ema barak hanoin katak ida-ne'e la iha perigu ba sira-nia an.", "Ida-ne'e loos ka lae?", "Lae duni!", "Sira ne'ebe haree pornografia bele sai toman atu halo masturbasaun, ne'e katak halimar ho sira-nia oin-lulik, no ida-ne'e haburas hakarak seksual ne'ebe lamoos.", "Ne'e lori problema hanesan hanoin no buka de'it atu halo relasaun seksual, hakarak seksual ne'ebe fo'er, problema boot iha kaben laran, no mos bele halo kaben-na'in soe malu. * (Roma 1: 24- 27; Efeso 4: 19) Matenek-na'in ida kompara hanoin no buka de'it atu halo relasaun seksual hanesan ho moras-kankru.", "Nia hatete: \"Ida-ne'e sai boot no buras.", "Baibain hakarak ne'e iha nafatin, no mos susar tebes atu hadi'a no kura.\"", "Dalan ne'ebe matenek mak inan-aman tau matan ba buat ne'ebe sira-nia oan haree 10.", "Oinsa mak ita bele halo tuir matadalan husi Tiago 1:14, 15?", "(Haree mos kaixa \" Oinsa ha'u hetan forsa atu sai moos iha dalan moral.\")", "10 Hanoin to'ok liafuan iha Tiago 1: 14, 15, ne'ebe hatete: \"Ema hetan tentasaun wainhira nia hakarak aat rasik mak koko nia.", "Hakarak aat ne'e fo fuan, no lori ba sala; wainhira sala sai boot ona, sala lori mate mai.\"", "Entaun, se hakarak ne'ebe aat tama iha Ita-nia hanoin, lalais halo buat ruma atu halakon hanoin ida-ne'e!", "Porezemplu, se Ita la ho neon haree imajen ruma ne'ebe hatudu buat seksual, Ita lalais fila oin, taka ka troka ba programa seluk iha televizaun, no hanesan mos ho komputador.", "Halo buat hotu ne'ebe Ita presiza halo hodi sees husi hakarak imoral!", "Importante atu halo ida-ne'e antes hakarak imoral ne'e sai buras no bele ukun Ita. - Mateus 5: 29, 30.", "11.", "Kuandu ita luta hasoru hakarak ne'ebe sala, oinsa mak ita bele hatudu katak ita fiar ba Maromak Jeova?", "11 Maromak mak hatene liu kona-ba buat ne'ebe di'ak mai ita.", "Tan ne'e nia fo konsellu ida-ne'e: \"Ne'e duni, imi sei oho hakarak rai ne'e nian ne'ebe book imi-nia laran, hanesan sala-fo'er, hanoin fo'er, hakarak fo'er, laran-aat, laran karak-teen, ne'ebe hanesan adora lulik.\"", "(Koloso 3: 5) Loos duni, karik susar atu halo ida-ne'e.", "Maibe hanoin-hetan katak ita iha Aman iha lalehan ne'ebe hatudu pasiensia no hadomi ita, no mos ita bele husu nia ajuda.", "(Salmo 68:19) Entaun halo orasaun kedas kuandu hanoin ne'ebe sala tama iha Ita-nia hanoin.", "Halo orasaun atu hetan \"kbiit maka'as\" no haka'as an atu hanoin kona-ba buat seluk. - 2 Korinto 4:7; 1 Korinto 9: 27; haree kaixa \" Oinsa mak ha'u bele halakon ha'u-nia toman ne'ebe aat?.\"", "12.", "\"Laran\" katak sa?", "Tanbasa mak ita tenke proteje ita-nia laran?", "12 Salomao, mane ne'ebe matenek, hakerek: \"Liutan buat sira-ne'e hotu ne'ebe mak o tenke proteje, proteje ba o-nia laran, tanba husi nia mak moris nia hun.\"", "(Proverbios 4: 23) Ita-nia \"laran\" katak ita-nia hanoin, sentimentu, matenek no hakarak ne'ebe ema seluk la bele haree.", "Maromak mak bele haree ita-nia \"laran.\"", "Liutan ne'e, atubele hetan moris rohan-laek depende ba saida mak Maromak nia haree kona-ba ita-nia \"laran\" - la'os saida mak ema hanoin kona-ba ita.", "Ida-ne'e simples de'it.", "Maibe, ida-ne'e importante ba ita-nia moris.", "Job, ema ne'ebe laran-metin, halo promete ho nia matan atu la haree feto iha dalan ne'ebe ladi'ak.", "(Jo 31:1) Ida-ne'e mak ezemplu di'ak loos mai ita!", "Ema ida ne'ebe hakerek livru Salmos mos hanoin hanesan ne'e, nia harohan: \"Keta husik ha'u-nia matan atu haree buat ne'ebe la iha folin.\" - Salmo 119:37.", "OINSA HA'U HETAN FORSA ATU SAI MOOS IHA DALAN MORAL Mane-klosan ida hatete: \"Kuandu ha'u sei joven, ha'u sai toman atu haree pornografia no halimar ho ha'u-nia oin-lulik.", "Ha'u-nia kolega sira iha eskola hanoin katak hahalok hanesan ne'e baibain de'it ba joven sira.", "Ida-ne'e halo ha'u-nia laran la fo sala tan mai ha'u, no dada ha'u ba moris ne'ebe imoral.", "Ikusmai ha'u rekonese katak ha'u sai atan ba ha'u-nia hakarak ne'ebe aat.", "Maibe, liuhusi Maromak Jeova no kongregasaun nia ajuda ha'u bele halakon ha'u-nia toman ne'ebe lamoos.", "Agora ha'u kuidadu tebes ho ema ne'ebe ha'u halibur, tanba ha'u hatene katak ema seluk nia hahalok iha forsa atu dada ha'u atu monu fali ba sala.", "Ha'u hatene katak hodi halo orasaun beibeik no estuda Biblia mesak mak importante hodi ha'u la monu fali ba toman ne'ebe aat.", "Ha'u la sai atan tan ba hakarak isin nian, no agora ha'u iha knaar atu serbi nu'udar pioneiru regular.\"", "DINA HALO DESIZAUN NE'EBE LA MATENEK 13.", "Se mak Dina?", "Tanbasa mak la matenek atu nia sai belun ho feto Kanaan?", "13 Hanesan ita haree iha Kapitulu 3, buat ne'ebe ita-nia belun halo ka hanoin, bele book ita atu halo buat ne'ebe di'ak ka aat.", "(Proverbios 13:20; 1 Korinto 15:33) Haree to'ok Dina nia ezemplu.", "Nia mak oan-feto husi Jacob, ulun ba umakain Izrael nian.", "(Genesis 34:1) Maski Dina hetan treinu husi ki'ik, maibe nia la halo tuir hodi sai belun ho feto sira husi rai-Kanaan.", "Hanesan ema Moab, ema Kanaan mos iha toman atu halo sala-fo'er.", "(Levitico 18: 6- 25) Mane Kanaan, inklui mos Siquem ne'ebe mak iha naran-boot iha nia aman nia umakain, haree Dina hanesan feto ida ne'ebe bele envolve an iha hahalok seksual ne'ebe fo'er. - Genesis 34:18, 19.", "14.", "Tanba Dina hili belun ne'ebe la di'ak, oinsa mak ida-ne'e lori susar ba nia no ninia familia?", "14 Kuandu Dina hasoru Siquem, karik Dina la hanoin atu iha relasaun seksual ho nia.", "Maibe Siquem halo de'it buat ne'ebe ema Kanaan toman atu halo kuandu sira iha hakarak seksual.", "Se Dina haka'as an atu sees, ida-ne'e saugati de'it tanba Siquem \"lori nia\" no \"hafo'er nia.\"", "Depois ne'e, Siquem hatete katak nia \"laran monu\" ba Dina, maibe ida-ne'e labele halakon sala ne'ebe nia halo tiha ona.", "(Genesis 34: 1-4) No la'os Dina mesak de'it mak hetan susar husi buat ne'ebe akontese.", "Tanba nia hili atu sai belun ho feto sira husi rai-Kanaan, ikusmai problema ne'ebe mosu hamoe no hafo'er ninia familia tomak nia naran. - Genesis 34: 7, 25- 31; Galasia 6: 7, 8.", "15, 16.", "Oinsa mak ita bele hetan matenek ne'ebe loos?", "(Haree mos kaixa \" Hanoin kle'an kona-ba eskritura sira-ne'e.\")", "15 Karik Dina aprende buat ruma ne'ebe importante liuhusi nia esperiensia rasik, maibe nia aprende ida-ne'e depois nia monu ba susar.", "Sira ne'ebe hadomi no halo tuir Maromak Jeova la presiza monu ba susar atu hetan esperiensia iha sira-nia moris, tanba sira rona ba Maromak no sira hili atu 'la'o hamutuk ho sira ne'ebe matenek'.", "(Proverbios 13:20a) Nune'e, sira komprende \"dalan hotu kona-ba buat ne'ebe mak di'ak\" no sees husi problema sira ne'ebe bele lori susar ba sira. - Proverbios 2: 6-9; Salmo 1: 1-3.", "16 Ita hotu ne'ebe hakarak hetan Maromak nia matenek, bele hetan duni hodi kontinua halo orasaun, estuda beibeik Maromak nia liafuan no livru sira ne'ebe mai husi grupu atan ne'ebe laran metin no matenek.", "(Mateus 24:45; Tiago 1:5) Importante mos atu haraik an, tanba ema ne'ebe haraik an hakarak duni atu halo tuir Biblia nia konsellu.", "(2 Reis 22: 18, 19) Porezemplu, ema kristaun ida hatene buat ne'ebe Biblia hatete kona-ba nia laran, katak nia laran bele lohi nia.", "(Jeremias 17:9) Maibe se nia hasoru problema ruma no halo tiha desizaun ne'ebe ladun matenek, nia sei hatudu haraik-an hodi simu konsellu no ajuda kona-ba ninia problema ka lae?", "17.", "Konta to'ok situasaun ida ne'ebe bele mosu iha familia laran.", "Esplika oinsa mak aman ida bele ajuda nia oan-feto.", "17 Hanoin to'ok kona-ba situasaun ida-ne'e: Aman ida la fo lisensa ba nia oan-feto atu sai ho mane kristaun ida, se ema seluk la ba hamutuk sira.", "Nia oan-feto hatete: \"Apa, la fiar ha'u ka?", "Ami sei la halo buat ne'ebe sala!\"", "Oan-feto ne'e hadomi Maromak Jeova no nia la iha hanoin atu halo buat ne'ebe sala.", "Maibe nia \"la'o ho [Maromak nia] matenek\" ka lae?", "Nia bele 'halai husi sala-fo'er' ka lae?", "Ka karik nia la matenek tanba \"tau fiar ba nia laran,\" loos ka lae?", "(Proverbios 28:26) Karik Ita bele hanoin kona-ba Biblia nia matadalan seluk tan ne'ebe aman no nia oan-feto bele hanoin didi'ak atu hasoru situasaun hanesan ne'e. - Haree Proverbios 22:3; Mateus 6: 13; 26:41.", "OINSA MAK HA'U BELE HALAKON HA'U-NIA TOMAN NE'EBE AAT?", "Matadalan: \"Hei, imi ne'ebe hadomi Jeova, odi buat ne'ebe aat.\" - Salmo 97:10.", "Ha'u sees an husi situasaun ne'ebe bele hamosu hakarak ne'ebe sala ka lae? - Mateus 5: 27, 28.", "Ha'u hanoin kle'an ona kona-ba rezultadu aat ne'ebe bele mosu se ha'u halo tuir hakarak ne'ebe sala? - Proverbios 22:3.", "Saida de'it mak ha'u hakarak halo atu halakon toman ne'ebe aat? - Mateus 5: 29, 30.", "Ha'u prontu atu ko'alia kona-ba ha'u-nia problema ba ha'u-nia inan ka aman, ka kolega ida ne'ebe iha esperiensia ona iha lia-loos? - Proverbios 1:8, 9; Galasia 6:1, 2.", "Oinsa mak ha'u bele hatudu katak ha'u sadere ba Aman Jeova nia kbiit no matenek hodi halakon ha'u-nia toman ne'ebe aat? - Proverbios 3: 5, 6; Tiago 1:5.", "JOSE HALAI-SEES HUSI SALA-FO'ER 18, 19.", "Tentasaun saida mak Jose hasoru iha nia moris?", "Oinsa mak nia hasoru ida-ne'e?", "18 Mane-klosan di'ak ida ne'ebe hadomi Maromak no halai-sees husi sala-fo'er mak Jose, Dina nia alin-mane.", "(Genesis 30:20- 24) Nu'udar alin, Jose haree ho matan rasik problema ne'ebe mosu ba nia biin tanba halo hahalok beik.", "Tinan balun liu tiha ne'e, kuandu Jose moris iha rai-Ejitu, nia patraun nia feen \"loron-loron\" tenta nia atu halo sala-fo'er.", "Maibe, Jose hanoin-hetan buat ne'ebe akontese ba nia biin, no tanba nia hakarak atu hela nafatin iha Maromak nia domin, ne'e proteje nia hodi la monu ba tentasaun ida-ne'e.", "Nu'udar atan ida nia la bele husik no sai de'it husi nia serbisu!", "Nia tenke hatudu matenek no aten-barani atu hasoru situasaun ne'e.", "Nia hamriik-metin hodi fo-hatene beibeik ba Potifar nia feen katak nia labele duni halo ida-ne'e no ikusmai Jose halai-sees husi nia. - Genesis 39: 7- 12.", "19 Hanoin to'ok: Oinsa se Jose hanoin beibeik kona-ba feto ne'e ka iha toman hanoin kona-ba buat seksual nian, nia bele laran-metin ba Maromak ka lae?", "Karik, la bele.", "Nia la hanoin beibeik buat ne'ebe sala.", "Maibe, nia hafolin liu nia relasaun ho Maromak Jeova.", "Ita hatene ida-ne'e tanba nia hatete beibeik ba Potifar nia feen: \"Ha'u-nia patraun la satan netik buat ida husi ha'u, maibe Ita de'it, tanba Ita mak nia feen.", "Entaun oinsa mak ha'u bele halo buat ne'ebe aat tebes no halo sala kontra Maromak?\" - Genesis 39: 8, 9.", "20.", "Oinsa mak Maromak Jeova tau matan Jose nia moris?", "20 Hanoin to'ok kona-ba oinsa mak Maromak Jeova sente kuandu haree Jose ne'ebe klosan de'it, no dook husi nia familia, maibe loron-loron nia hatudu laran-metin ba Maromak.", "(Proverbios 27:11) Ikusmai Maromak Jeova troka Jose nia moris hodi halo nia livre husi komarka.", "Maibe la'os ne'e de'it, Jose sai Ejitu nia primeiru ministru no administrador ba ai-han.", "(Genesis 41:39- 49) Liafuan iha Salmo 97:10 mak loos duni: \"Hei, imi ne'ebe hadomi Jeova, odi buat ne'ebe aat.", "Nia tau matan ba ema laran-metin nia moris, no nia salva sira husi ema aat nia liman\"!", "21.", "Oinsa mak irmaun klosan ida hatudu aten-barani atu halo buat ne'ebe loos?", "21 Hanesan mos ohin loron, Maromak nia atan sira barak hatudu katak sira \"odi buat ne'ebe aat, no hadomi buat ne'ebe di'ak.\"", "(Amos 5: 15) Iha rai-Afrika ida, irmaun klosan ida hanoin-hetan katak nia kolega feto ida iha eskola ho barani fo-hatene ba nia katak se nia ajuda ho ezame matematika feto ne'e sei halo relasaun seksual ho nia.", "Irmaun ne'e hatete: \"Ha'u hatan kedas ba nia katak ha'u lakohi.", "Hodi hatudu laran-metin ba Maromak, ha'u nafatin iha respeitu no hafolin ha'u-nia an, ne'ebe mak iha folin boot liu.\"", "Sin, maski halo sala bele fo \"haksolok ba tempu uitoan,\" maibe baibain haksolok hanesan ne'e lori susar barak.", "(Ebreu 11:25) Liutan ne'e, haksolok hanesan ne'e la iha folin se kompara ho haksolok ba nafatin ne'ebe ita hetan kuandu ita halo tuir Maromak Jeova. - Proverbios 10:22.", "SIMU AJUDA HUSI MAROMAK LARAN-SADI'A NIAN 22, 23. (a) Se ema kristaun ida halo sala boot, nia bele hetan perdua ka lae? (b) Se mak Maromak uza atu ajuda ema ne'ebe halo sala?", "22 Ita hotu hakarak halo buat ne'ebe loos iha Maromak nia oin, maibe tanba ita la perfeitu ita hotu luta atu kontra hasoru hakarak isin nian.", "(Roma 7: 21- 25) Maromak Jeova komprende ida-ne'e tanba nia \"hanoin-hetan katak ita mak rai-rahun.\"", "(Salmo 103:14) Maibe dala ruma kristaun ida karik halo sala boot.", "Se nune'e, nia bele hetan perdua ka lae?", "Sin nia bele duni!", "Maibe karik nia sei ko'a rezultadu aat husi buat ne'ebe nia kari, hanesan Liurai David.", "Maski nune'e, Maromak sempre \"prontu atu fo perdua\" ba sira ne'ebe hakribi no \"konfesa\" no la \"taka\" sira-nia sala. - Salmo 86:5; Tiago 5: 16; Proverbios 28:13.", "23 Liutan ne'e, iha kongregasaun kristaun Maromak ho laran-di'ak fo mane sira ho \"kmanek oioin\" - sira iha esperiensia kona-ba buat espiritual, no nu'udar bibi-atan, sira hakarak duni atu ajuda ita.", "(Efeso 4: 8, 12; Tiago 5: 14, 15) Sira-nia knaar mak atu ajuda ema ne'ebe halo sala atu hadi'a fali nia relasaun ho Maromak, no ajuda nia atu \"hetan laran ne'ebe di'ak\" hodi la halo tan sala ne'e. - Proverbios 15:32.", "'HETAN LARAN NE'EBE DI'AK' 24, 25. (a) Oinsa mak mane-klosan iha Proverbios 7:6-23 hatudu katak nia \"la iha laran ne'ebe di'ak\"? (b) Oinsa mak ita bele \"hetan laran ne'ebe di'ak\"?", "24 Biblia ko'alia kona-ba ema ne'ebe \"la iha laran ne'ebe di'ak\" no ema ne'ebe \"hetan laran ne'ebe di'ak.\"", "(Proverbios 7: 7) Karik ema ne'ebe ladun komprende no ladun iha esperiensia kona-ba Maromak nia matadalan mos hatudu katak nia \"la iha laran ne'ebe di'ak\" hodi halo desizaun ne'ebe ladun matenek.", "Hanesan mane-klosan iha Proverbios 7: 6- 23, karik fasil ba nia atu monu ba sala boot.", "Maibe \"ema ne'ebe hetan laran ne'ebe di'ak\" fo atensaun ba saida mak iha nia laran hodi estuda Maromak nia Liafuan no halo orasaun.", "Maski nia la perfeitu nia haka'as an atu halo nia hanoin, hakarak no sentimentu tuir Maromak nia hakarak.", "Entaun, nia \"hadomi nia moris,\" ka lori bensaun ba nia an, no \"sei hetan buat ne'ebe di'ak.\" - Proverbios 19:8.", "25 Husu ba Ita-nia an: 'Ha'u loloos fiar katak Maromak nia matadalan mak loos?", "Ha'u fiar-metin katak hodi halo tuir matadalan sira-ne'e sei lori moris ne'ebe haksolok tebes?'", "(Salmo 19: 7- 10; Isaias 48:17, 18) Se Ita iha duvida uitoan de'it kona-ba ne'e, halo buat ruma atu hadi'a Ita-nia hanoin.", "Hanoin kle'an kona-ba rezultadu ne'ebe sei mosu se Ita la halo tuir Maromak nia ukun-fuan.", "No mos \"koko no haree katak Jeova mak di'ak\" hodi moris tuir lia-loos no halo nakonu ita-nia hanoin ho buat ne'ebe mak loos, di'ak, moos no furak.", "(Salmo 34:8; Filipe 4: 8, 9) Ita bele fiar katak kuandu Ita halo beibeik buat sira-ne'e, Ita sei haburas Ita-nia domin ba Maromak, hadomi buat ne'ebe nia hadomi no odi buat ne'ebe nia odi.", "Jose la'os ema perfeitu.", "Maibe nia bele halai-sees husi sala-fo'er tanba nia husik Maromak Jeova atu forma nia ba tinan barak hodi nia iha laran ne'ebe hakarak atu halo kontente Maromak.", "Ita mos bele sai hanesan Jose. - Isaias 64:8.", "26.", "Ita sei haree buat importante saida iha kapitulu tuirmai?", "26 Ita-nia Kriador kria mane no feto ho parte isin nian atubele iha relasaun espesial no hetan oan - la'os atu uza naranaran de'it.", "(Proverbios 5: 18) Iha kapitulu rua tuirmai ita sei ko'alia kona-ba Maromak nia haree kona-ba moris kaben nian. ^ par.", "4 Karik livru Numeros temi ema na'in-24.000 ne'ebe mate tanba sira-ne'e inklui \"xefe sira ba povu\" ne'ebe juis sira oho, ne'ebe karik hamutuk ema na'in-1.000, ho mos ema ne'ebe Maromak Jeova rasik oho. - Numeros 25: 4, 5. ^ par.", "7 Atu hetan informasaun liutan kona-ba hahalok fo'er no hahalok naranaran de'it, haree \"Pertanyaan Pembaca\" iha Menara Pengawal husi 15 Jullu, 2006, husi Testemuna ba Jeova.", "Iha mos iha lia-portuges. ^ par.", "9 \"Pornografia\" katak imajen, filme, livru, ka lian ne'ebe ema halo hodi hamosu hakarak seksual.", "Pornografia mos inklui imajen ne'ebe ema hatudu an iha dalan seksual ka hahalok seksual ne'ebe aat tebes entre ema na'in-rua ka liu. ^ par.", "9 Haree Apendise \"Sai livre husi masturbasaun\" kona-ba masturbasaun.\"", "HANOIN KLE'AN KONA-BA ESKRITURA SIRA-NE'E \"Hei, imi ne'ebe hadomi Jeova, odi buat ne'ebe aat.\" - Salmo 97:10.", "\"Ema ne'ebe hateke ba feto ida hodi kaan nia, nia halo ona sala-fo'er ho nia iha nia laran.\" - Mateus 5: 28.", "\"Ema ne'ebe halo sala-fo'er halo sala hasoru nia isin rasik.\" - 1 Korinto 6:18.", "\"Ha'u ukun ha'u-nia isin no hadi'a nia, tan ha'u ta'uk katak, wainhira ha'u haklaken tiha ba ema seluk, ha'u rasik lakon.\" - 1 Korinto 9:27.", "\"Ema ida sei ko'a buat ne'ebe nia kari.", "Nia kari iha to'os hakarak aat sira-nian karik, nia sei ko'a mate husi nia; nia kari karik iha to'os espiritu nian, husi to'os ne'e mak nia sei ko'a moris rohan-laek.\" - Galasia 6:7, 8.", "\"Ne'e duni, imi sei oho hakarak rai ne'e nian ne'ebe book imi-nia laran, hanesan sala-fo'er, hanoin fo'er, hakarak fo'er.\" - Koloso 3:5.", "\"Imi ida-idak tenke hatene oinsa atu kontrola imi rasik nia isin hodi hanoin-hetan buat ne'ebe santu no respeitu, la'os hodi hanoin hakarak seksual ne'ebe laran kaan-teen.\" - 1 Tesalonika 4:4, 5, MF." ]
[ [ "\"Hadook an hui sala-fo'er!\"" ], [ "(I Corinthians 6:18) | God's love \"Give yourselves up to sin!\"" ], [ "\"Therefore kill the earthly lusts that dwell in your hearts, which are lustfulness and passionate thoughts of pleasure; covetous desire: evil-heartedness. This is worshipping idolatry.\" - COLOSSIANS (3):5" ], [ "1,2." ], [ "What did Balaam plan to deceive the people of Jehovah God?" ], [ "A fisherman is fishing in a place he loves." ], [ "He wants to catch only one fish." ], [ "He picked up one, and put it in his chest; then he threw him into the water." ], [ "Soon, Kail-talin became strong and his chest turned into a fish." ], [ "He is happy because he knows that his choice of search has been the right one." ], [ "In 1473 B.C, a man named Balaao was thinking about an iceberg that he would use as his snare to catch the fishes from sending them away with him in search of food and water for himself or other people who might be eating it too much!" ], [ "But he wants to use this mist as a means of deceiving the people." ], [ "They lived in tents on the grassy plains of Moab, near to a land that God had promised them." ], [ "Balaam claimed to be a prophet of Jehovah God, but in fact he was an unbelieving man who had been paid by the LORD's servant Moses." ], [ "But Jehovah God intervened so that Balaam could only bless the people of Israel." ], [ "Even though he wanted to receive his money, He thought that if Israel were tempted into sin God Himself would frighten His people." ], [ "With this plan Balaam used a snare - the beautiful young woman of Moab.-Numbers 21:3; Revelation (Revelation) [Exodus]40,56" ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "What was the success of Balaam’s plan?" ], [ "3 Will his plan succeed?" ], [ "However, some successes were achieved because thousands and again of the Israelite men died." ], [ "They fell into this trap to commit \"fornication with the daughters of Moab.\"" ], [ "The men also began to worship Moab's idol, including Baal of Peor the sexual deity." ], [ "As a result, 24.015 Israelites died near the land God had promised them to give their descendants as an inheritance from Moses and Aaron's generation after they were brought out of Egypt by Pharaoh (Exodus)." ], [ "This event was a great disaster for the nation. - Numbers 25:1-9" ], [ "4. Amendment of the Regulations" ], [ "Why did thousands and again of the Israelites fall into sinfulness?" ], [ "4 What is this evil thing that has happened?" ], [ "Many people began to be discouraged and turned away from Jehovah, the God who had brought them out of Egypt. He gave food for their stomachs; he protected him that led his nation into a promised land in which they would live securely as Israelites.\"" ], [ "(Hebrews 3:12) With this in mind, the apostle Paul wrote that \"Let us not err as some of them did; and there fell a thousand sixty-three men on one day.\" * - I Corinthians." ], [ "5,6." ], [ "Why is the story of Israel’s sin in Moab so important to us today?" ], [ "5 The story of the book Numbers contains many important lessons for God' s people today, who are living in a time close to entering into their better promised land." ], [ "(1 Corinthians 2:3) But the world is too much concerned with sexual behavior, and this resembles ancient Moab but worse." ], [ "In addition, every year thousands and again of Christian people fall into the delusion that led to Israel' s downfall." ], [ "(2 Corinthians 15:3-4) And just as Zimri with his ram went alongside the Midianite woman among Israelites and brought her to their tent, so today some who are gathered together in God's people set a bad example also for others within Christian congregation. - Numbert" ], [ "6 Do you not know that every one of us faces exactly the same situation as what happened to Israel in Moab?" ], [ "Can we see that the new world, which you have been waiting for is coming soon?" ], [ "In this way, you will be able to remain in the love of God by keeping his commandment: \"Do away with all sin.\" - 1 Cor." ], [ "Aree ba rai-tetuk Moab SAIDA MAK SALA -FO'ER?" ], [ "7,8." ], [ "What is \"sala-fo'er\"?" ], [ "Who are the people who do this and what is it that they carry?" ], [ "7 In the Bible, \"extramarital sex\" (Latin: porneia) refers to sexual intercourse between people who are unmarried in God' s eyes." ], [ "This includes a spouse having sex with another person; engaging in sexual acts for the sake of money, intercourse between unmarried people and doing anything that involves breast or pussy-fucking." ], [ "Fornication also includes sexual intercourse between woman and women, or male with man (or animal). *8 Scripture makes it clear: A person who continues to commit sin is not a member of the Christian congregation nor will he receive eternal life." ], [ "(1 Corinthians 6:9; Revelations, Chapter23) In addition to this they now also bring trouble on themselves because of unbelievers. They feel worthless and their heart is guilty for them as well in marriage or childbearing without willing it out from the mother'S womb when she has been sickly with a disease that causes her death" ], [ "(Galatians 6:7,8) Why do we want to walk in a path that is full of trouble and leads us into various difficulties?" ], [ "It is sad that many people do not think in advance about the problems which will arise when they start to go down a wrong path." ], [ "Many times the first contact with these problems is through watching pornography." ], [ "9. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "Some people think that pornography is harmless." ], [ "Is this right?" ], [ "Explanation." ], [ "9 In many countries people can see pornography in books, music and television shows. * Many think that it is harmless to themselves; they do not know what the risks are for them or how much of a danger this represented on their lives.*" ], [ "Is this right?" ], [ "Lae dui!" ], [ "Those who watch pornography may become accustomed to masturbation, which is the act of licking their own pussy and this encourages uncontrollable sexual desire." ], [ "This leads to problems such as obsession with sexual intercourse, excessive desire for sex and serious issues in marriage that can even cause the spouses' separation. * (Rom 1:24-37; Ephesians" ], [ "He said, \"It's going to be big and boring." ], [ "But the desire is still there, and it's also very difficult to improve or cure.\"" ], [ "A wise way is for parents to keep an eye on what their children are watching 10." ], [ "What can we do to follow the guidelines of James 1:20, and what does this mean for us?" ], [ "(See also the box \"Where do I find strength to become clean in a moral way?\")" ], [ "10 Consider the words of James, which says: \"A man is tempted when he comes under his own evil desire." ], [ "The evil will feeds, and lead to sin; but when the sins have grown greater they bring death.\"" ], [ "So, if an evil desire enters your mind quickly do something to destroy it!" ], [ "However, if you don't have a neon light when watching some sexually explicit imagery on your television - and the same applies to computers." ], [ "Do whatever it takes to keep you from immoral desires!" ], [ "It is important to do this before the immoral desire comes out and takes control of you.—Matthew 5:29,30." ], [ "10.25pm: The House of Commons opens for business" ], [ "When we struggle against evil desires, how can you show that your faith is in Jehovah God?" ], [ "For God knows best what is good for us. 12" ], [ "Therefore he advised, \"Therefor ye shall kill the lusts of this earth which are in your hearts: sinfulness; vain thoughts and vile desire." ], [ "(Colossians 3:5) Of course, if it is difficult to do so." ], [ "But remember that we have a Father in Heaven who is patient and loving to us, so ask him for help." ], [ "(Psalm 68:19) So pray immediately when wrong thoughts enter your mind." ], [ "Pray for \"great power\" and encourage yourselves to think about other things. - 2 Corinthians,4:7; I Corinthians (9)10-35 See box “How can i destroy my evil habits?”" ], [ "12. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "\"For\" frogs?" ], [ "Why do we need to protect our inner self?" ], [ "12 Solomon, the wise man wrote: \"About all these things you should guard your heart; for by it is life.\"" ], [ "(Proverbs 4:23) Our \"heart\" is our thoughts, feeling. wisdom and desire that other people cannot see; it can only be seen by God' s eyes who know what we are doing in the world.\"" ], [ "God can see our \"faces.\"" ], [ "Furthermore, eternal life depends on what God sees of our \"face\" - not how people think about us." ], [ "It's simple enough." ], [ "However, it is important for our lives." ], [ "Job, a steadfast man of heart made an oath with his eyes not to look upon women in the way that is wicked." ], [ "(John 31:2) This is a good example for us!" ], [ "The writer of Psalms thought likewise, praying: \"Let my eyes behold vain things\" (Psalm 120.37)." ], [ "HOW I FIND MY FORCE TO BE MORE MORAL A man of my age said: \"When i was younger, it became a habit for me to watch pornography and fuck with myself." ], [ "My classmates at school thought that this kind of behaviour was normal for young people." ], [ "This made my heart no longer sinful to me, and led myself into an immoral life." ], [ "At last I acknowledged that my own evil desires had taken hold of me." ], [ "But through the help of Jehovah God and my congregation, I was able to break free from this bad habit." ], [ "Now I am very careful with the people that i gather, because im knowing other men's behavior has power to lead me back into sin." ], [ "I knew that regular prayer and Bible study were the only important things to keep me from falling back into bad habits." ], [ "I am no longer a slave to the desires of flesh, and now have an office in serving as regular pioneer.\"" ], [ "DINA HALO DESIZAUN NE'EBE LA MATENEK 13." ], [ "Who is Dina?" ], [ "Why was it not wise for him to befriend a Canaanite woman?" ], [ "13 As we have seen in Chapter Three, what our neighbors do or think can lead us to act for good and evil." ], [ "(Proverbs 13:20; I Cor." ], [ "She is the daughter of Jacob, and head over Israel's house." ], [ "(Genesis 34:1) Although Dinah was trained from an early age, she did not follow the advice of her father to befriend Canaanite women." ], [ "Like the Moabites, Canaanite people had a tendency to sin." ], [ "(Leviticus 18:6-25) The Canaanite men, including Shechem who was famous in her father's house also saw Dinah as a woman to engage with sexual immorality. - Genesis34;" ], [ "14. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "Because Dina chose the wrong partner, how can this bring so much trouble to her and his family?" ], [ "14 When Dina came to Shechem, she did not think of having sex with him." ], [ "But Shechem did only what the Canaanites were accustomed to do when they had sexual desire." ], [ "If Dinah was too proud to lie, it is only because Shechem \"loves her\" and has a 'heart' for him." ], [ "Shechem later said that his \"heart fell down\" on Dinah, but this could not undo the wrong he had done." ], [ "(Genesis 34:1-5) Dinah was not the only one who suffered from what had happened." ], [ "Because he chose to befriend the daughters of Canaan, eventually problems arose and his whole family was put on trial. - Genesis 34:7-25; Galatians (6):8" ], [ "15,20." ], [ "How can we get true wisdom?" ], [ "(See also the box \" Key Reflections on These Scriptures.\")" ], [ "15 Perhaps Dinah learned something important through her own experience, but she did not do so until after falling into trouble." ], [ "Those who love and follow Jehovah God do not have to fall into hardships in order for their experience of life, because they listened unto the Lord' s voice." ], [ "(Proverbs 13:20a) So, they understand \"all the way of good things\" and avoid problems that may bring them trouble. -Proverbs" ], [ "16 All of us who desire to obtain the wisdom from God can do so by continuing in prayer, and constantly studied through His Word as well with books that have come down via a group which is strong-willed." ], [ "It is also important to give, because a person who gives wants indeed the Bible advice." ], [ "(2 Kings 18:30) However, a Christian knows what the Bible says about his heart that it may reject him." ], [ "(Jeremiah 17:9) But if he encounters a problem and makes an unwise decision, wouldn't the man be willing to accept advice or help with his problems?" ], [ "17. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "It tells the story of a situation that may arise within one's family." ], [ "Explains how a mother can help her daughter." ], [ "17 Consider this situation: A father would not give his daughter permission to go out with a Christian man, unless another person went along." ], [ "His daughter said, \"What do you not believe me?" ], [ "We will not do anything wrong!\"" ], [ "The girl loved Jehovah God and had no intention of doing anything wrong." ], [ "But did he \"walk with [Maromak's] wisdom\"?" ], [ "Could he 'get out of the way'?" ], [ "Or if he is not wise because \"he trusts in himself,\" right?" ], [ "(Proverbs 28:16) Perhaps you can think of other Bible guidelines that a father and his daughter should consider carefully in order to deal with such situation. - See Matthew, Chapter sixteen; Psalm seventy-one" ], [ "WHY DO YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR OWN TAMAN?" ], [ "Guidelines: \"Hear, ye that love Jehovah! Hate evil.\" - Psalm 97.10 (NKJV)." ], [ "Am I avoiding situations that might lead to wrong desire? - Matthew 5:27,38." ], [ "Have I thought carefully about the evil consequences that may come if my desires are wrong? - Proverbi,2:3." ], [ "What will I do to break my habits? - Matthew 5:29,30." ], [ "Am I willing to talk about my problems with a parent or colleague who is experienced in the truth? —Proverbs 1:8,9; Galatians" ], [ "What can I do to show that my reliance on the power and wisdom of Jehovah our Father is enough for me, so it will help us break away from evil habits?—Proverb 3:5-6; James (1):4." ], [ "JOSE HALAI-SEES HUSI SALES FO'ER:18,20." ], [ "What temptation did Joseph face in his life?" ], [ "What did he face?" ], [ "18 A good man, who loveth God and turneth away from sin was Joseph the brother of Dinah." ], [ "(Genesis 30:24) As a brother, Joseph saw with his own eyes the problems that came to him because of doing good." ], [ "Some years later, when Joseph was alive in Egypt his master's wife \"daily\" tempted him to commit adultery." ], [ "But Joseph remembered what had happened to him, and because he wished for the love of God in his life it protected them from falling into this temptation." ], [ "As a servant he cannot leave and go away from his work!" ], [ "He must show wisdom and caution in dealing with this situation." ], [ "He insisted on repeatedly telling Potifar's wife that he could not do this, and Joseph finally left her. - Genesis (39:7-12)." ], [ "19 Consider this: What if Joseph had been mindful of her, or was obsessed with sexual things? Would he have trusted God in that case." ], [ "Karik, la belle." ], [ "He did not think about something wrong all the time." ], [ "However, he preferred his relationship with Jehovah God. He loved the Lord more than anything otherwise in life;" ], [ "We know this because he repeatedly said to Potiphar's wife: \"My master does not want anything from me, but only you as his woman." ], [ "How then should I do so great an evil thing and sin against God?\" - Genesis 39:8,10." ], [ "20. Assessment of the impact on health" ], [ "How did Jehovah God look upon Joseph’s life? What was the purpose of his visitation to Israel, and how long would he stay there afterwards." ], [ "20 Think about how Jehovah God felt when he saw Joseph, who was alone and apart from his family but showed daily patience toward him." ], [ "(Proverbs 27:10) Eventually, Jehovah God changed Joseph’t life by delivering him from the slavery." ], [ "But not only that, Joseph became Egypt's prime minister and food administrator." ], [ "Psalm 97:10 is true, \"Behold you who love the LORD! Hate evil." ], [ "He keepeth the souls of them that are righteous, and deliverth [them] from inward wickedness.\"" ], [ "21. Assessment of the impact on human rights" ], [ "How does a brother show the determination to do what is right?" ], [ "21 Just as today, many of God's servantes have shown that they \"hate evil and love good.\"" ], [ "(Amos 5:14) In one African country, a cousin recalled that his female schoolmate had told him with trepidation if he helped her on the maths test she would have sex." ], [ "The brother said, \"I immediately answered him that I did not." ], [ "By showing steadfastness to God, I remain in respect and love for myself who is of greater value.\"" ], [ "Sin, while making mistakes can give \"a little joy for a time\", but such pleasure usually carries much trouble." ], [ "Moreover, such joy is priceless when compared to the everlasting happiness that comes from following Jehovah God.—Proverbs 10:23." ], [ "HELP THEM THAT ARE IN DIFFICULTIES LEVITICANS (20:1-3) CHAPTER SIX. ASSISTANCE FROM GOD'S LORD AND HEALTH OF MANkind LEARNED BY BIBLE PARAGRAPH, PART II - Chapters two and three are dedicated to helping those who have been in trouble because of their sinfulness or forgivening them from the sins that they committed before being saved by Christ Jesus as His Savior!" ], [ "21 For we all strive to do that which is right before God; but because of our imperfections, the desire in us fighteth against it." ], [ "(Romans 7:21-35) Jehovah God understand this because he \"knoweth that we are corrupt.\"" ], [ "(Psalm 103:4) But sometimes a Christian may make great mistakes." ], [ "If so, can he be forgiven?" ], [ "Sin nia bele dui! - He can die without it." ], [ "But if he will bear the evil consequences of his actions, like King David." ], [ "Nevertheless, God is always \"ready to forgive\" those who despise and confess their sins without covering them. - Psalm 86:5; James" ], [ "23 Furthermore, in the Christian congregation God has mercifully given men with \"different gifts\" - they have experience of spiritual things and as creatures are willing to help us." ], [ "(Ephesians 4:8,12; James.5-7) Their job is to help the sinner restore his relationship with God and \"to bring him into a good heart\" so that he will not commit another sin.—Proverbial Words of Jesus Christ in English Version" ], [ "24,15. (a) What does the man in Psalms show that he \"has no good heart\"?(b), what can we do to have a “good mind”?" ], [ "24 The Bible speaks of people who \"have no good heart\" and those that have a “good mind.”" ], [ "(Proverbs 7:10) Perhaps a person who lacks understanding and experience of God' s guidance also shows that he has \"no good heart\" to make an unwise decision." ], [ "Like the clown in Proverbs, it would be easy for him to fall into great sin." ], [ "But \"a man of good heart\" pays attention to what is inside him by studying God's Word and prayer." ], [ "Even though he was not perfected, He strived to make his thoughts and desires in accordance with God' s will." ], [ "Then he \"loves his life,\" or bring a blessing to himself and will find good things.\" - Proverbial19:8." ], [ "25 Ask yourself, 'Do I truly believe that God's guidance is true?" ], [ "I am confident that following these guidelines will lead to a very happy life.'" ], [ "(Psalm 19:7-20; Isaiah, Chapters of the Bible) If you have any doubts about this matter do something to improve your mind." ], [ "Think carefully about the consequences of not obeying God's commandments." ], [ "And also to \"look and see that Jehovah is good\" in living the word of God, filling our minds with things which are true." ], [ "(Psalm 34:8; Philippians10) We can trust that as we continue to do these things, you will grow in your love for God by loving what He likes and hating whatever he hate." ], [ "Joseph is not a perfect mother." ], [ "But he was able to escape from sin-fo'er because for many years, Jehovah God had been forming him into a man who wanted the pleasure of his Lord." ], [ "We can be like Joseph, too.—Isaiah 64:8." ], [ "26. Assessment of the risks and benefits" ], [ "What important things will we see in the next chapter?" ], [ "26 Our Creator created male and female with the parts of their bodies to have a special relationship, not just for sexual use." ], [ "(Proverbs 5:18) In the next two chapter, we will talk about God' s view of married life. ^ para" ], [ "4 Perhaps the book of Numbers mentioned that among those who died because they were \"rulers over people\" and judged by them, there might have been about a thousand in all. They included also some whom Jehovah God himself had killed.—Number-25:3–6 ^ par; cf The Book Of Numeri" ], [ "7 For more information on the difference between evil and good behavior, see \"Pertanyaan Pembaca\" in Jehovah's Witnesses’ Watchtower of July15th.206" ], [ "There are also some in Portuguese-language." ], [ "9 \"Pornography\" means any image, film or book made by a person with the intention of inducing sexual desire." ], [ "Pornography also includes images of self-exposure in a sexual manner or extremely abusive sex between two persons." ], [ "9 Haree Appendix \"Get Free from Masturbation\" on masturbate.\"" ], [ "\"Behold, ye that love the LORD abhor evil.\" - Psalm 97:10. READ THESE SCRIPTURE VERSES IN DETAILS" ], [ "\"Everyone who looks at a woman to have sex with her has committed adultery in his heart.\" - Matthew 5:28." ], [ "\"For the woman who commits sin sins against her own shame.\" - 1 Cor." ], [ "\"I exercise my body, and restore it: for I think that by having preached unto other men i am lost myself.\" - 1 Cor." ], [ "\"A man will eat what he carries." ], [ "If he picks the fruit of evil desire, from it will be his death; but if they are spiritual in nature and spirit-filled with life. - Galatians 6:7–8 (NIV)" ], [ "\"Therefore kill the earthly lusts that are in your hearts, such as sinfulness and lust for pleasure.\" -Col.3:5 (NIV)." ], [ "\"Let every one of you know how to control his own body, so that he may think about things which are holy and honorable but not for the pleasures whose desire is unclean.\" - 1 Thessalonians (4:5)" ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Kontrola Riku Soin TL: “Lere Husu Governu Sosa Ro No Helikoptru”\nKontrola Riku Soin TL: “Lere Husu Governu Sosa Ro No Helikoptru”\nXefe Estado maior Jeneral Forca Aramada F-FDTL Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timor husu ba V Governu Konstitusional atu sosa Ro no Helikoptru ba F-FDTL atu kontrola riku soin iha tasi laran.\n“Ita nasaun rai maran oituan deit maibe tasi mak hadulas tamba ne’e importante mos atu kontrola rikusoin iha tasi laran, Governu tenki hola ro diak no Helikoptru atu hodi kontrola rikusoin iha tasi latan,” dehan Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur relata kestaun ne’e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuarta (22/) iha Palacio Prezidenti Republika Aitarak Laran, Dili hafoin enkontru regular ho Prezidenti republika nudar komandante supreme Forsa Armada nian.\nLere husu ba V Governu konstitusional ne’ebe mak lidera husi eis komandante guereleiru FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ne’ebe asumi mos pasta Ministru Defesa I seguransa atu toma konsiderasaun nesesidades instituisaun F-FDTL ne’ebe durante ne’e infrenta.\n“Prioridade baa mi nia instituisaun F-FDTL barak tebes mash au sempre dehan kuandu ema bosu ne’e kontenti hotu, kuandu ema hamlaha hanesan ita nia oan iha uma susu been laiha, ne’ebe hau hanoin ita nia governu tenki preokupa vida instituisaun Forsa nian,” afirma Maijor Jeneral Lere.\nNia mos hatutan tan,” ita haree sira nia hahan, sira nia hatais, toba fatin no Movimentu depois toma konta defesa ekzterna no interna,” haklaken Lere.\nLere mos informa katak, rekursu iha instituisaun F-FDTL sufisiente oituan ona, maibe instituisaun F-FDTL presija nafatin kapasitasaun no preparasaun ezersisiu para haklean liu tan kapasidade instituisaun no pessoal militares nian.\nEis komandante FALINTIL Regiaun I iha tempo rejistensia ne’e hateten katak, F-FDTL halao servisu nudar lutu nasaun nian, importante ba Governu atu preokupa nesesidade forsa armadas ninian para servisu lao diak liu tan.\nPublicada por Timor Hau Nian Doben à(s) 15:47
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Kontrola Riku Soin TL: \"Lere Husu Governu Sosa Ro No Helikoptru\" Kontrola Riku Soin TL: \"Lere Husu Governu Sosa Ro No Helikoptru\" Xefe Estado maior Jeneral Forca Aramada F-FDTL Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timor husu ba V Governu Konstitusional atu sosa Ro no Helikoptru ba F-FDTL atu kontrola riku soin iha tasi laran.", "\"Ita nasaun rai maran oituan deit maibe tasi mak hadulas tamba ne'e importante mos atu kontrola rikusoin iha tasi laran, Governu tenki hola ro diak no Helikoptru atu hodi kontrola rikusoin iha tasi latan,\" dehan Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur relata kestaun ne'e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuarta (22/) iha Palacio Prezidenti Republika Aitarak Laran, Dili hafoin enkontru regular ho Prezidenti republika nudar komandante supreme Forsa Armada nian.", "Lere husu ba V Governu konstitusional ne'ebe mak lidera husi eis komandante guereleiru FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ne'ebe asumi mos pasta Ministru Defesa I seguransa atu toma konsiderasaun nesesidades instituisaun F-FDTL ne'ebe durante ne'e infrenta.", "\"Prioridade baa mi nia instituisaun F-FDTL barak tebes mash au sempre dehan kuandu ema bosu ne'e kontenti hotu, kuandu ema hamlaha hanesan ita nia oan iha uma susu been laiha, ne'ebe hau hanoin ita nia governu tenki preokupa vida instituisaun Forsa nian,\" afirma Maijor Jeneral Lere.", "Nia mos hatutan tan,\" ita haree sira nia hahan, sira nia hatais, toba fatin no Movimentu depois toma konta defesa ekzterna no interna,\" haklaken Lere.", "Lere mos informa katak, rekursu iha instituisaun F-FDTL sufisiente oituan ona, maibe instituisaun F-FDTL presija nafatin kapasitasaun no preparasaun ezersisiu para haklean liu tan kapasidade instituisaun no pessoal militares nian.", "Eis komandante FALINTIL Regiaun I iha tempo rejistensia ne'e hateten katak, F-FDTL halao servisu nudar lutu nasaun nian, importante ba Governu atu preokupa nesesidade forsa armadas ninian para servisu lao diak liu tan.", "Publicada por Timor Hau Nian Doben a (s) 15:47" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: F-FDTL Chief of Staff Major General Lere Anan Timor asks the Fifth Constitutional Government to purchase a boat and helicopter for its sea treasure control forces." ], [ "\"Our country has only land but the sea dominates so it is also important to control our resources in this area. The government must buy good boats and helicopters for that purpose,\" Major General Lere Anan Timur told journalist on Thursday (21/) at Aitarak Laran Presidential Palace after a regular meeting with his counterpart as supreme commander of armed forces.\"" ], [ "Lere called on the V Constitutional Government led by former FALINTIL guerrilla commander Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, who has also assumed as Minister of Defence and Security to take into consideration F-FDTL's needs that it is facing." ], [ "\"The priorities for my institution F-FDTL are many but I always say when the poor is all satisfied, if people starve like our children in a house with no milk and nothing else that's what i think we government should be concerned about life of Force Institution\", says Major General Lere." ], [ "He also added, \"we look at their food and clothing. We take care of the toilets for them to move around then we think about external defense as well internally.\"" ], [ "Lere also informed that the F-FDTL institutional resources are already sufficient, but it still needs training and exercise preparation to further enhance its capacity as a military organization." ], [ "Former FALINTIL Region I Commandant during the registration said that F-FDTL performs its work as a leader of our country, it is important for Government to consider this armed forces' needs so they can do their job better." ], [ "Publicada por Timor Hau Nian Doben a(s) 15:47 Sem comentários" ] ]
SETP Rekolha 4.2 Milhoens Dolares Husi Propriedade Estado\nDiretur Jeral Secretaria Estado Terras Propriedade (SETP), Rodrigo de Mendonça, hateten kada fulan sira rekolha reseita hamutuk 4.2 milhoens dolar americano husi propriedade estado nian, liu-liu abitante no fatin negosio iha teritorio nasional.\nNia dehan desde governasaun dahuluk to’o governu actual registu ona kuaze 4,000 propriedade hanesan rai no uma estado nian, ne’ebe utilizadu no tenke selu reseita kada fulan.\n“Total reseita ne’ebe ami hetan husi abitante no fatin negosio sira, kada fulan 4.2 milhoens dolar americano milhoens ba kofre estado,” nia hateten iha Colmera, Dili.\nNia konsiente hahu tinan 2020, nasaun enfrenta situasaun difisil ne’ebe afeta total atividade hotu iha rai laran, maibe okupamente sira nafatin halo pagamentu, maske tarde.\nNia hateten sira iha sistema apropriadu atu halo jestaun ba propriedade estado nian iha teritorio tomak atu bele kontribui ba reseita domestika.\nNia hatutan iha lei numeru 13/2017 konaba difinisaun titularidade artigu 3 koalia konaba direitu anterior mak kompostu husi direitu primaria no sekundariu. Direitu primaria maka sasan ou propriedade ne’ebe kulturalmente no heransa ne’ebe sira hela hosi tempu portugues to’o agora ho boa fé ne’e konsidera direitu primaria, no iha okupasaun Portugues bolu direitu perfeitu ne’e direitu primaria ba sidadaun Timor-Leste. No direitu sekundario maka propriedade ne’ebe iha tempu okupasaun Portugues utiliza deit ou iha direitu utiliza to’o prazu ne’ebe determina ona maka propriedade ne’e fila ba estado.\nIha parte seluk, Emprezaria Kathleen Gonçalves hateten estado iha propriedade barak ne’ebe bele sai fonte reseita domestika, maibe presiza halo jestaun ne’ebe diak atu reseita sira ne’e tama duni iha kofre estado.\nNia dehan iha tinan hira liu ba kotuk, nia renda fatin Acait hodi halo atividade negosio, maibe kontratu ho asosiasaun Acait laos diretamente ho governu.\n“Propriedade estado nian ne’e fo kontratu ba membru sira ba tutan fali kontratu ho ema seluk tanba ne’e ita lahatene reseita ne’e tama hotu ba kofre estado ou lae,” nia hateten.\nNia hateten governu tenke iha dadus ne’ebe proprio no halo jestaun ne’ebe diak ba propriedade sira estado nian hodi kontribui ba reseita domestika, alende selu taxa tanba iha situasaun emergensia ne’e atividade negosio tun no taxa importasaun mos menus.
[ "SETP Rekolha 4.2 Milhoens Dolares Husi Propriedade Estado Diretur Jeral Secretaria Estado Terras Propriedade (SETP), Rodrigo de Mendonca, hateten kada fulan sira rekolha reseita hamutuk 4.2 milhoens dolar americano husi propriedade estado nian, liu-liu abitante no fatin negosio iha teritorio nasional.", "Nia dehan desde governasaun dahuluk to'o governu actual registu ona kuaze 4,000 propriedade hanesan rai no uma estado nian, ne'ebe utilizadu no tenke selu reseita kada fulan.", "\"Total reseita ne'ebe ami hetan husi abitante no fatin negosio sira, kada fulan 4.2 milhoens dolar americano milhoens ba kofre estado,\" nia hateten iha Colmera, Dili.", "Nia konsiente hahu tinan 2020, nasaun enfrenta situasaun difisil ne'ebe afeta total atividade hotu iha rai laran, maibe okupamente sira nafatin halo pagamentu, maske tarde.", "Nia hateten sira iha sistema apropriadu atu halo jestaun ba propriedade estado nian iha teritorio tomak atu bele kontribui ba reseita domestika.", "Nia hatutan iha lei numeru 13/2017 konaba difinisaun titularidade artigu 3 koalia konaba direitu anterior mak kompostu husi direitu primaria no sekundariu.", "Direitu primaria maka sasan ou propriedade ne'ebe kulturalmente no heransa ne'ebe sira hela hosi tempu portugues to'o agora ho boa fe ne'e konsidera direitu primaria, no iha okupasaun Portugues bolu direitu perfeitu ne'e direitu primaria ba sidadaun Timor-Leste.", "No direitu sekundario maka propriedade ne'ebe iha tempu okupasaun Portugues utiliza deit ou iha direitu utiliza to'o prazu ne'ebe determina ona maka propriedade ne'e fila ba estado.", "Iha parte seluk, Emprezaria Kathleen Goncalves hateten estado iha propriedade barak ne'ebe bele sai fonte reseita domestika, maibe presiza halo jestaun ne'ebe diak atu reseita sira ne'e tama duni iha kofre estado.", "Nia dehan iha tinan hira liu ba kotuk, nia renda fatin Acait hodi halo atividade negosio, maibe kontratu ho asosiasaun Acait laos diretamente ho governu.", "\"Propriedade estado nian ne'e fo kontratu ba membru sira ba tutan fali kontratu ho ema seluk tanba ne'e ita lahatene reseita ne'e tama hotu ba kofre estado ou lae,\" nia hateten.", "Nia hateten governu tenke iha dadus ne'ebe proprio no halo jestaun ne'ebe diak ba propriedade sira estado nian hodi kontribui ba reseita domestika, alende selu taxa tanba iha situasaun emergensia ne'e atividade negosio tun no taxa importasaun mos menus." ]
[ [ "SETP Collects US$4.2 Million From State Property Director General of the Secretariado Estado Terras Propriedade (SETP), Rodrigo de Mendonca, said that each month they collect revenue totaling 10 million dollars from state property inhabitants and business premises on national soil" ], [ "He said that from the first administration to this one, nearly 4.0 thousand properties have been registered as state land and houses which are used by people who pay a monthly fee for their use of these property's revenue.\"" ], [ "\"The total revenue that we get from residents and business places, every month 4.2 million US dollars millions to the state coffer\", he said in Colmera (Dili)." ], [ "He is aware that as of 2019, the country faces a difficult situation affecting all domestic activities but they are still making payment even though late." ], [ "He said they have an appropriate system in place to manage state property throughout the territory so that it can contribute towards domestic revenues." ], [ "He added that in Law No. 13/2047 on the definition of ownership, Article III speaks about prior rights which are composed by primary and secondary right;" ], [ "The primary right is the culturally and historical property that they have inhabited from Portuguese time until now, which are considered to be a primal rights of good faith. Under Portugal's occupation it was called perfect law; this first-order legal status for Timorese citizens has been revoked since 1975 by constitutional changes made after independence (see above)." ], [ "In the secondary right, property that was used only during Portuguese occupation or had a rights of use until such time as determined by law is returned to state ownership." ], [ "On the other hand, Businesswoman Kathleen Goncalves said that state has many properties which could be a source of domestic revenue but needs to do better management so these incomes actually go into State coffer." ], [ "He said in the past few years, he rented Acait to do business activities but his contract with Acait association is not directly from government." ], [ "\"The state property gives contracts to the members in full than it does with other people, so we will check whether all of this revenue goes into State coffer or not.\"" ], [ "He said that the government must have its own data and make good management of state properties to contribute domestic revenues, in addition paying taxes because during this emergency business activity declined." ] ]
MOP-EDTL sei define kontratu ho Timor GAP fornese kombustível | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MOP-EDTL sei define kontratu ho Timor GAP fornese kombustível\nMOP-EDTL sei define kontratu ho Timor GAP fornese kombustível\nDILI, 30 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP) hamutuk ho Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (EDTL,EP) sei define kontratu ho Timor Gás no Petróleu, Empreza Públika (Timor GAP, E.P) hodi fornese kombustível ba sentrál elétrika Hera no Betano.\n“Ami sei define kotratu maibé prosedimentu sei hanesan, kona-ba kestaun administrativu no téknika tuir nafatin Komisaun Nasionál Aprovizionamentu (CNA, sigla portugés) inklui espesifikasaun tékniku mina,” informa Ministru Obra Públika, Salvador Eugênio Soares dos Reis Pires, iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e dehan, EDTL sei loke konkursu hodi empreza estatál no privadu sira konkorre no Timor GAP tenki kompleta rekezitu administrativa no tékniku.\nNotísia Relevante: Reuniaun KM: deside Timor GAP fornese kombustível ba EDTL\nTuir Ministru, bainhira dekretu-lei ne’e aprovadu maka sei atribui lote ida hosi tolu ne’ebé iha hodi empreza estatál ne’e partisipa.\n“Agora atu fó lote ida ba Timor GAP partisipa fornese mina iha Hera ka Betano, hafoin ita haree. EDTL avalia maka ami sei deside,” nia akresenta.\nMinistru Salvador hateten, desizaun partisipasaun empreza estatál ne’e nu’udar orientasaun Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak.\n“Bazeia ba polítika Xefe Governu ne’ebé hanoin katak liuhosi partisipasaun Timor GAP bele asegura enerjétika,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articleMOP rejeita informasaun espalla, asina karta autorizasaun serbisu ba kompañia\nNext articleDurante EE, MS transfere pasiente 11 ba rai-liur
[ "MOP-EDTL sei define kontratu ho Timor GAP fornese kombustivel | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MOP-EDTL sei define kontratu ho Timor GAP fornese kombustivel MOP-EDTL sei define kontratu ho Timor GAP fornese kombustivel DILI, 30 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP) hamutuk ho Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (EDTL,EP) sei define kontratu ho Timor Gas no Petroleu, Empreza Publika (Timor GAP, E.P) hodi fornese kombustivel ba sentral eletrika Hera no Betano.", "\"Ami sei define kotratu maibe prosedimentu sei hanesan, kona-ba kestaun administrativu no teknika tuir nafatin Komisaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu (CNA, sigla portuges) inklui espesifikasaun tekniku mina,\" informa Ministru Obra Publika, Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Pires, iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.", "Governante ne'e dehan, EDTL sei loke konkursu hodi empreza estatal no privadu sira konkorre no Timor GAP tenki kompleta rekezitu administrativa no tekniku.", "Notisia Relevante: Reuniaun KM: deside Timor GAP fornese kombustivel ba EDTL Tuir Ministru, bainhira dekretu-lei ne'e aprovadu maka sei atribui lote ida hosi tolu ne'ebe iha hodi empreza estatal ne'e partisipa.", "\"Agora atu fo lote ida ba Timor GAP partisipa fornese mina iha Hera ka Betano, hafoin ita haree.", "EDTL avalia maka ami sei deside,\" nia akresenta.", "Ministru Salvador hateten, desizaun partisipasaun empreza estatal ne'e nu'udar orientasaun Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak.", "\"Bazeia ba politika Xefe Governu ne'ebe hanoin katak liuhosi partisipasaun Timor GAP bele asegura enerjetika,\" nia sublina.", "Previous articleMOP rejeita informasaun espalla, asina karta autorizasaun serbisu ba kompania Next articleDurante EE, MS transfere pasiente 11 ba rai-liur" ]
[ [ "MOP-EDTL will define contract with Timor GAP to supply fuel | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timór Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) and the Electricity, Power & Gas Company for East Тимор in cooperation are defining a new agreement between them. Together they have agreed on an additional $10 million ($25m USD), which is needed by both Hera power plants as well As Betano electric plant that needs more than £36M per year from their respective public utilities – Eletricidade e Petróleo Nacional Ltdas(EPNL)." ], [ "\"We will define the contract but procedures shall be identical, regarding administrative and technical issues according to National Procurement Commission (CNA) including mine' s specification\", informed Public Works Minister Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Piries at Government Palace on Tuesday." ], [ "The governor said that EDTL will open tenders for state-owned and private enterprises to compete, while Timor GAP must complete the administrative or technical requirements." ], [ "Relevant News: Meeting of the Ministerial Committee decides that Timor GAP will supply fuel to EDTL The minister said, once this decree-law is approved it would be allocated one lot from three available for participation by state company." ], [ "\"Now to give a lot for Timor GAP participate in supplying oil at Hera or Betano, then we see." ], [ "EDTL evaluates it and we will decide,\" he added." ], [ "Minister Salvador said that the decision to participate in this state-owned company was a guidance of Prime minister, Taur Matan Ruak." ], [ "\"It is based on the policy of our Prime Minister, who believes that through Timor GAP participation we can secure energy supply\", he emphasized." ], [ "PreviousMOP rejects information spread, sign letter of authorization to work for the company Next articleDuring EE 2019 MS transferred eleven patients abroad" ] ]
Polisia Koloka Efetivus 300 Asegura Missa Natal – STL Online\nPolisia Koloka Efetivus 300 Asegura Missa Natal\nDILI-Segundu Komandante Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe, Euclides Belo informa katak, Komandu Munisipiu Dili (KMD) koloka ninia membru hamutuk atus tolu (300) resin hodi asegura seguransa iha misa Natal 25 Dezembru 2017.\nTanba knar Polisia nian atu garante estabilidade ba loron boot Natal nian neebe povu Kapital Dili selebra iha loron (24-25/12/2017).\nIta orienta hotu kedas tuir klendariu komandu PNTL munisipiu halo hodi garante seguransa ba igreja sira. Tanba nee ami koloka pesoal sira ba iha igreja sira no kapela sira, inkui iha fatin risku sira,”dehan Euclides ba STL iha nia knar fain, Komandu Munisipiu Dili, Caicoli-Dili, Tersa (26/12/2017).\nAliende ida nee mos polisia laos grante deit seguransa maibe, asegura mos komunidade sira nia transporte sira atu nunee labele lakon, no hetan estragus husi ema ka grupu sira neebe mak laiha konsensia.\nTanba nee mak polisia koloka mos seguransa ida proxima besik fatin parker sira, nunee bele garante nafatin komunidade sira nia transporte iha tempu misa natal.\nNia hatete komandu PNTL munisipiu Dili koloka pesoal neebe asegura selebrasaun misa kalan no misa loron nian hamutuk atus tolu (300) resin. Tanba nee iha misa kalan natal tinan ida nee situasaun hotu-hotu lao kontroladu.\nNunee mos KMD hetan apoiu seguransa husi F-FDTL hodi asegura misa iha Postu Administrativu Metinaro. No mos iha Postu Administrativu Atauro hetan apoiu husi Forsa Naval.\nEnkuantu iha Munisipiu Dili hetan apoiu husi Unidade Espesial Polisai (UEP) no mos husi Polisia Militar hodi fo seguransa ba misa natal nian.*\nPrevious article Tama Natal Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu\nNext article Natal Lori Ksolok Ba Ema Hotu
[ "Polisia Koloka Efetivus 300 Asegura Missa Natal - STL Online Polisia Koloka Efetivus 300 Asegura Missa Natal DILI-Segundu Komandante Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe, Euclides Belo informa katak, Komandu Munisipiu Dili (KMD) koloka ninia membru hamutuk atus tolu (300) resin hodi asegura seguransa iha misa Natal 25 Dezembru 2017.", "Tanba knar Polisia nian atu garante estabilidade ba loron boot Natal nian neebe povu Kapital Dili selebra iha loron (24-25/12/2017).", "Ita orienta hotu kedas tuir klendariu komandu PNTL munisipiu halo hodi garante seguransa ba igreja sira.", "Tanba nee ami koloka pesoal sira ba iha igreja sira no kapela sira, inkui iha fatin risku sira,\"dehan Euclides ba STL iha nia knar fain, Komandu Munisipiu Dili, Caicoli-Dili, Tersa (26/12/2017).", "Aliende ida nee mos polisia laos grante deit seguransa maibe, asegura mos komunidade sira nia transporte sira atu nunee labele lakon, no hetan estragus husi ema ka grupu sira neebe mak laiha konsensia.", "Tanba nee mak polisia koloka mos seguransa ida proxima besik fatin parker sira, nunee bele garante nafatin komunidade sira nia transporte iha tempu misa natal.", "Nia hatete komandu PNTL munisipiu Dili koloka pesoal neebe asegura selebrasaun misa kalan no misa loron nian hamutuk atus tolu (300) resin.", "Tanba nee iha misa kalan natal tinan ida nee situasaun hotu-hotu lao kontroladu.", "Nunee mos KMD hetan apoiu seguransa husi F-FDTL hodi asegura misa iha Postu Administrativu Metinaro.", "No mos iha Postu Administrativu Atauro hetan apoiu husi Forsa Naval.", "Enkuantu iha Munisipiu Dili hetan apoiu husi Unidade Espesial Polisai (UEP) no mos husi Polisia Militar hodi fo seguransa ba misa natal nian.* Previous article Tama Natal Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu Next article Natal Lori Ksolok Ba Ema Hotu" ]
[ [ "Dili-Dili Municipality Command (KMD) deployed 301 members to ensure the security of Christmas Mass on December,25th. The police said that they had a total force numbering more than one hundred and thirty people in place for this event which will be held at Santa Maria Cathedral from Monday morning until Sunday evening during Easter holidays - STL Online POLICE DEPLOYS THREE HUNDRED PERSONNEL TO ENSURE CHRISTMAS MASS" ], [ "Because the Police’s task is to guarantee stability for Christmas Day, which people of Dili Capital celebrate on (24-15 / 09/7)." ], [ "We immediately instructed everyone to follow the instructions of PNTL municipal command, which ensured security for churches." ], [ "That is why we are deploying personnel to churches and chapels, especially in high-risk areas,” Euclidet told STL at his office of Dili Municipal Command on Tuesday (26/13)." ], [ "In addition to this, the police not only grant security but also ensures that community transportation is protected from being lost or damaged by unscrupulous people and groups." ], [ "That is why the police also placed a security guard close to parking lots, so that they can still guarantee community transportation during Christmas mass." ], [ "He said that the PNTL command of Dili municipality has placed personnel to ensure celebration night and day mass, totalling over three hundred." ], [ "Because at the Mass on Christmas Eve this year, everything was under control." ], [ "KMD also received security support from F-FDTL to secure the mass at Post Administrative Metinaro." ], [ "And also in the Administrative Post of Atauro was supported by Naval Force." ], [ "While in Dili Municipality, the Special Police Unit (UEP) and Military police were supported to provide security for Christmas mass.* Previous article Natal Lori Ksolok Ba Ema Hotu Next Article Santa Claus Brings Happiness To Hot People" ] ]
ADTL apoia inisiativa DNER atu elabora kurríkulu Ensinu Sekundáriu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI ADTL apoia inisiativa DNER atu elabora kurríkulu Ensinu Sekundáriu\nADTL apoia inisiativa DNER atu elabora kurríkulu Ensinu Sekundáriu\nDiretór Ezekutivu ADTL, Cesário da Silva. Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovão.\nDILI, 12 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor Leste (ADTL) fó apoiu tomak ba Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) liuhosi inisiativa Diresaun Nasionál Ensinu Rekorrente (DNER) ne’ebé hakarak elabora kurríkulu Ensinu Sekundáriu.\nDiretór ezekutivu ADTL, Cesário da Silva hateten asosiasaun ne’e apoia inisitiva DNER tanba ADTL sei sai benefisiáriu hodi integra membru sira atu bele frekuenta estudu nível sekundáriu.\nNotísia Relevante:DNER planeia elabora kurríkulu ba ensinu sekundáriu\n“Deklarasaun MEJD nian ne’ebé ami simu katak, tinan ne’e hakarak hatama ona kurríkulu nível Sekundáriu iha Ensinu Rekorrente. Tanba ne’e mak ami sei konsulta nafatin atu hatene kona-bá progresu hosi planu no promesa ne’e tanba ami-nia membru sira sei integra iha programa ne’e,” Cesário hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli iha serbisu fatin Mascarenhas, Dili, sesta (12/02).\nNia mós informadu katak, antes ne’e MEJD realiza ona diskusaun tékniku ho ekipa sira hosi INFORDEPE, asuntu kurríkulár, DNER, Edukasaun Inkluzivu atu asegura Dekretu Ministériu-nian hodi fó rekoñesimentu ba Ensinu Sekundáriu.\nTanba ne’e, ADTL mós promete sei fó advokasia ba MEJD hodi introdús kona-bá meiu apoiu ne’ebé iha.\n“Ezemplu MEJD seidauk iha mákina atu imprime letra Braille no ADTL bele oferese ninia mákina. Alende ne’e MEJD seidauk iha tradutór lian jestuál, ADTL bele oferese tradutór,” nia subliña.\nOras ne’e daudaun ADTL rejista ona Ema ho Defisiénsia hamutuk 38.118 bazeia ba dadus Sensu Nasionál 2015.\nHosi dadus ne’e, ADTL identifika númeru bo’ot-liu maka defisiénsia matan rihun 14-resin no defisiénsia tilun rihun 12-resin, defisiénsia fíziku no mobilitáriu hamutuk rihun 7-resin, inklui defisiénsia mentál no intelektuál hamutuk rihun 3-resin.\nADTL foin mak halo intervensaun direta ba Ema ho Defisiénsia iha munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) ho pursentu 25, tanba difikuldade rekursu umanu atu reforsa atendimentu iha munisípiu.\n“Hosi dadus ne’ebé iha, Ema ho Defisiénsia ne’ebé to’o agora seidauk asesu ba edukasaun hamutuk rihun 25. Signifika, rihun 4 de’it mak foin asesu ba edukasaun ho nível primária. Dadus ida ne’e kombinasaun entre sensu 2015 ho dadus husi MEJD,” diretór ne’e esplika.\nPrograma MEJD-nian hodi realiza edukasaun Ensinu Rekorrente ne’ebé estabelese iha 2016, ADTL integra ona Ema ho Defisiénsia 150 iha programa ensinu báziku primeiru, segundu no terseiru síkulu no hein katak, bele realiza duni ensinu sekundáriu iha tinan ida ne’e.\nAntes ne’e Diretór nasionál DNER, José Artúr Viana hateten diresaun ne’e planeia ona atu elabora-tan kurríkulu ensinu sekundáriu, tanba oras ne’e daudaun iha de’it mak ensinu báziku primeiru, segundu no terseiru síklu.\nJosé Artúr Viana hateten, planu elaborasaun ne’e tanba diresaun nia haree katak, iha Timoroan barak ne’ebé abandona ensinu sekundáriu, nune’e ho integrasaun iha kurríkulu ne’e sei fasilita hodi bele hetan diploma ensinu sekundáriu no bele asesu ba ensinu superiór.\nDesde estabelesimentu Diresaun Nasionál Ensinu Rekorrente (DNER), hosi Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) iha tinan 2016 to’o 2020, konsege gradua estudante na’in 816 ho diploma bázika.\nNotísia Relevante:MEJD prevee rihun $200 ba Ensinu Rekorrente\nKurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu\nPrevious articleMKAE konsidera produtu bee Gota iha kualidade ba konsumu nasionál\nNext articleSidadaun tama ilegál fó informasaun laloos ba ekipa vijilánsia\nPNTL Bobonaro rejista asidente tráfegu 13\nBOBONARO,25 outubro 2021 (TATOLI) — Komandu Polísia munisípiu Bobonaro liuhosi seksaun Polísia Tránzitu rejista kazu asidente tráfegu hamutuk 13 iha fulan-agostu to’o outubru tinan...
[ "ADTL apoia inisiativa DNER atu elabora kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI ADTL apoia inisiativa DNER atu elabora kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu ADTL apoia inisiativa DNER atu elabora kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu Diretor Ezekutivu ADTL, Cesario da Silva.", "Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao.", "DILI, 12 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor Leste (ADTL) fo apoiu tomak ba Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) liuhosi inisiativa Diresaun Nasional Ensinu Rekorrente (DNER) ne'ebe hakarak elabora kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu.", "Diretor ezekutivu ADTL, Cesario da Silva hateten asosiasaun ne'e apoia inisitiva DNER tanba ADTL sei sai benefisiariu hodi integra membru sira atu bele frekuenta estudu nivel sekundariu.", "Notisia Relevante:DNER planeia elabora kurrikulu ba ensinu sekundariu \"Deklarasaun MEJD nian ne'ebe ami simu katak, tinan ne'e hakarak hatama ona kurrikulu nivel Sekundariu iha Ensinu Rekorrente.", "Tanba ne'e mak ami sei konsulta nafatin atu hatene kona-ba progresu hosi planu no promesa ne'e tanba ami-nia membru sira sei integra iha programa ne'e,\" Cesario hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli iha serbisu fatin Mascarenhas, Dili, sesta (12/02).", "Nia mos informadu katak, antes ne'e MEJD realiza ona diskusaun tekniku ho ekipa sira hosi INFORDEPE, asuntu kurrikular, DNER, Edukasaun Inkluzivu atu asegura Dekretu Ministeriu-nian hodi fo rekonesimentu ba Ensinu Sekundariu.", "Tanba ne'e, ADTL mos promete sei fo advokasia ba MEJD hodi introdus kona-ba meiu apoiu ne'ebe iha.", "\"Ezemplu MEJD seidauk iha makina atu imprime letra Braille no ADTL bele oferese ninia makina.", "Alende ne'e MEJD seidauk iha tradutor lian jestual, ADTL bele oferese tradutor,\" nia sublina.", "Oras ne'e daudaun ADTL rejista ona Ema ho Defisiensia hamutuk 38.118 bazeia ba dadus Sensu Nasional 2015.", "Hosi dadus ne'e, ADTL identifika numeru bo'ot-liu maka defisiensia matan rihun 14-resin no defisiensia tilun rihun 12-resin, defisiensia fiziku no mobilitariu hamutuk rihun 7-resin, inklui defisiensia mental no intelektual hamutuk rihun 3-resin.", "ADTL foin mak halo intervensaun direta ba Ema ho Defisiensia iha munisipiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) ho pursentu 25, tanba difikuldade rekursu umanu atu reforsa atendimentu iha munisipiu.", "\"Hosi dadus ne'ebe iha, Ema ho Defisiensia ne'ebe to'o agora seidauk asesu ba edukasaun hamutuk rihun 25.", "Signifika, rihun 4 de'it mak foin asesu ba edukasaun ho nivel primaria.", "Dadus ida ne'e kombinasaun entre sensu 2015 ho dadus husi MEJD,\" diretor ne'e esplika.", "Programa MEJD-nian hodi realiza edukasaun Ensinu Rekorrente ne'ebe estabelese iha 2016, ADTL integra ona Ema ho Defisiensia 150 iha programa ensinu baziku primeiru, segundu no terseiru sikulu no hein katak, bele realiza duni ensinu sekundariu iha tinan ida ne'e.", "Antes ne'e Diretor nasional DNER, Jose Artur Viana hateten diresaun ne'e planeia ona atu elabora-tan kurrikulu ensinu sekundariu, tanba oras ne'e daudaun iha de'it mak ensinu baziku primeiru, segundu no terseiru siklu.", "Jose Artur Viana hateten, planu elaborasaun ne'e tanba diresaun nia haree katak, iha Timoroan barak ne'ebe abandona ensinu sekundariu, nune'e ho integrasaun iha kurrikulu ne'e sei fasilita hodi bele hetan diploma ensinu sekundariu no bele asesu ba ensinu superior.", "Desde estabelesimentu Diresaun Nasional Ensinu Rekorrente (DNER), hosi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) iha tinan 2016 to'o 2020, konsege gradua estudante na'in 816 ho diploma bazika.", "Notisia Relevante:MEJD prevee rihun $200 ba Ensinu Rekorrente Kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu Previous articleMKAE konsidera produtu bee Gota iha kualidade ba konsumu nasional Next articleSidadaun tama ilegal fo informasaun laloos ba ekipa vijilansia PNTL Bobonaro rejista asidente trafegu 13 BOBONARO,25 outubro 2021 (TATOLI) - Komandu Polisia munisipiu Bobonaro liuhosi seksaun Polisia Tranzitu rejista kazu asidente trafegu hamutuk 13 iha fulan-agostu to'o outubru tinan..." ]
[ [ "ADTL supports DNER initiative to develop secondary school curriculum | TIMOR HAU NotíciaS Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA DILI The Executive Director of the Association, Cesario da Silva." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao." ], [ "DILI, February 12th - Timor-Leste Disabled Association (ADTL) gives full support to the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports through its National Directorate for Recurrent Instruction's initiatives in developing a secondary school curriculum." ], [ "ADTL Executive Director, Cesario da Silva said the association supports DNER initiative because it will become a beneficiary to integrate members so that they can attend secondarily level education." ], [ "Relevant news:DNER plans to elaborate curriculum for secondary education \"The statement of the MEJD that we received is, this year wants already introduced a Secondary level C curricula in Ensino recorrente." ], [ "That's why we will continue to consult in order for the progress of this plan and promise because our own members are being integrated into that program,\" Cesario told Agencia Tatoli journalist at Mascarenhas office building on Saturday (12/03)." ], [ "He also informed that, previously the MEJD had conducted technical discussions with teams from INFORDEPE on curricular issues and DNER Inclusive Education to ensure a ministerial decree for recognition of secondary education." ], [ "Therefore, ADTL also promises to advocate for MEJD in order that it introduce the available support means." ], [ "\"For example, MEJD does not have a machine to print Braille letters and ADTL can offer its machines." ], [ "In addition, the Ministry of Education does not have a sign language translator; ADTL can provide one.\"" ], [ "At present, ADTL has registered 38.120 People with Disabilities based on data from the National Census of Population and Housing (Censo Nacional de Povoação e Habitação) in Brazil for year-ends between January to June" ], [ "From this data, ADTL identified that the largest number is 14 thousand visually impaired persons and over a trillion disabilities of which more than one million are motor handicapped (over two billion), physical or mobility-related disabled totalling nearly seven hundred people including mental/intellectual disadvantaged whose numbers amount to about three lakh." ], [ "ADTL has only made direct intervention for People with Disabilities in 12 municipalities including the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse and Ambeno (RAEOA) at a rate by percentage, due to human resource difficulties." ], [ "\"According to the available data, there are 25 thousand people with disabilities who have not yet had access of education." ], [ "This means that only 4,012 children have access to primary level education." ], [ "This data is a combination of the 2015 census and MEJD,\" he explained." ], [ "As part of the MEJD's program to carry out recurrent education established in 2016, ADTL has already integrated a total Of People with Disabilities (PWD) numbering over one hundred and fifty people into first-secondary basic school programs. The hope is that this year it will be possible for all PVD students who are enrolled at secondary level schools on their way back home from highschool or university as they have completed primary training programme;" ], [ "Previously, the National Director of DNER Jose Artur Viana said that his department has planned to develop a new secondary education curriculum because at present there is only first-second and third cycle basic schooling." ], [ "Jose Artur Viana said, the plan was developed because he saw that there were many Timorese who dropped out of secondary education. With integration into this curriculum it would be easier to obtain a diploma in high school and access higher learning;" ], [ "Since the establishment of National Directorate for Recurrent Education (DNER) by Ministry Of Youth, Sports And Educaton in 2016 to June/July /August-September and September - December from that year until now it has successfully completed its basic educational programmes with a total number as high or equivalent." ], [ "Notisia Relevante:MEJD prevee rihun $201 ba Ensinu Rekurente Kurrikulu Eskolari Sekundariu PreviousMKAE konsidera produtu bee Gota iha kualidade para konsumu nasional Next articlePolice of Bobonaro registers 3 traffic accident BOBONARO,October-5th - The Police Command in the municipality Bogonaro through its Transit Policies section has recorded a total..." ] ]
Desportu Inklusivu ba Selebrasaun 20 de maiu – Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor-Leste\nHome News Desportu Inklusivu ba Selebrasaun 20 de maiu\nADTL ORGANIZA DESPORTU INKLUZIVU BA SELEBRASAUN 20 MAIU\nEma h o Defisiénsia hasoru situasaun ne’ebé susar tebes iha komunidade ne’ebé sira eziste. Alein sira hetan tratamentu diskriminativu, sira mós hasoru tratamentu sira la oportunu ka ne’ebé la fó espasu ba sira atu envolve iha aktividade sosiál sira seluk.\nPapel ba mudansa perspektiva hasoru ema ho defisiénsia sai ona asuntu prinsipál ne’ebé Asosiasaun Defisiénsia Timor-Leste asumi. Papel importante ida-ne’e ADTL asumi hodi hasa’e konsiénsia públiku nian ka kontinua halo advokasia ba públiku no entidade estadu nian sira, atu oinsá bele fornese oportunidade ba ema ho defisiénsia no mós muda perspektiva sira-ne’ebé kontinua estereotipa asuntu defisiénsia\nTanba ne’e, ADTL organiza ninia membru sira partisipa iha eventu selebrasaun nasionál ba Loron Restaurasaun Independénsia 20 Maiu 2015. Partisipasaun ida-ne’e hala’o ho kompetisaun bola baskete kadeira roda no torneiu trisiklista, ne’ebé hahu iha loron 04 – 16 Maiu 2015. Eventu ida-ne’e foin maka dala-uluk akontese, tanba inklui ema ho defisiénsia no ema sein defisiénsia iha jogu basketebol kadeira roda, no torneiu trisiklista ne’ebé organiza husi Asosiasaun Defisiénsia Timor-Leste.\nBa oin, ADTL hanoin ona atu orienta ninia membru sira oinsá bele kria Federasaun Baskete Kadeira Roda Timor-Leste no Federasaun Trisiklista Timor-Leste. Atu ema ho defisiénsia bele iha partisipasaun liutan iha atividade sosiál sira no bele tuir mós torneiu ka kompetisaun mundiál banhira hetan konvite.\n“ADTL sei sai hanesan parseiru ka organizasaun ne’ebé suporta de’it orsamentu hodi realiza eventu ne’e iha futuru. ADTL iha ona planu katak presiza harii federasaun bola-baskete kadeira roda no federasaun trisiklista ne’ebé inklui iha Komete Paralympics. Nune’e, iha futuru, ADTL sei la organiza tan eventu hanesan ne’e, tanba federasaun maka toma konta. Maibé só apoia de’it orsamentu hodi realiza eventu ne’e.” Rigoberto Monteiro General Manager ADTL hateten.\nADTL organiza eventu ida-ne’e atu hahu fó motivasaun ba ema ho defisiénsia no liu-liu lori sira atu partisipa iha atividade sira-ne’ebé sira bele halo, no oinsá bele hahu muda perspetiva sosiál hasoru ema ho defisiénsia. Tuir Ita-nia Konstitusaun RDTL artigu 21 hatete, Estadu iha dever atu promove no proteje sidadaun ho defisiénsia hodi asegura sira-nia partisipasaun iha vida sosiedade.\nSekretariu Estadu Joventude no Desportu Leovigildo Hornai afirma liu tan katak, dala-barak ema sempre hatuur defisiénsia hanesan objeitu ka nunka haree ba kapasidade ne’ebé ema ho defisiénsia iha. Afinál ema ho defisiénsia mós bele halo buat ne’ebé ita halo no sira bele halo di’ak liu duké ema sira sein defisiénsia.\n“Sira hatudu sira nian kapasidade la’ós iha rai laran de’it. Sira reprezenta ona Timor-Leste iha eventu internasionál sira, no halo Timor-Leste ninia naran morin iha mundu.” Leovigildo hateten iha momentu entrega premiu (16/05).\nNu’udar partisipante no treinador ba kompetisaun bola-baskete kadeira roda Mateus Lucas realsa liu tan, eventu ne’ebé ADTL organiza hanesan dalan ida atu hatudu ba sosiedade no muda perspektiva katak, ema ho defisiénsia la’ós hela de’it iha uma. Maibé presiza fó oportunidade ba sira ka husik sira envolve iha aktividade sosiál sira hodi hatudu sira nian kapasidade.\n“Ne’e kapas tebes! Só que, premeira vez ADTL organiza hodi selebra loron Restaurasaun Independénsia. Maibé ha’u hanoin ne’e sei sai di’ak liu tan iha futuru, no hahu fo motivasaun ba ema ho defisiénsia atu sai ativu liu tan iha vida sosiedade nian.” Mateus Lucas, Ema ho Defisiénsia Fiziku, hateten iha eventu ne’ebá.\nADTL espera membru ekipa kompetisaun bola baskete kadeira roda, hafoin eventu refere, kria ona federasaun ba modalidade hirak ne’e, hodi oraginza eventu sira nasionál no partisipa iha eventu inetenasionál. Tanba ne’e, ekipa sira-ne’e presiza kria kongresu iha futuru ka organiza malu atu hahu hanoin ba asuntu ne’e, no presiza atu organiza nafatin eventu sira hanesan ne’e, hodi inklui ema ho defisiénsia iha atividade sosiál sira. ##\nCBR Diploma 1. Bookmark.
[ "Desportu Inklusivu ba Selebrasaun 20 de maiu - Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor-Leste Home News Desportu Inklusivu ba Selebrasaun 20 de maiu ADTL ORGANIZA DESPORTU INKLUZIVU BA SELEBRASAUN 20 MAIU Ema h o Defisiensia hasoru situasaun ne'ebe susar tebes iha komunidade ne'ebe sira eziste.", "Alein sira hetan tratamentu diskriminativu, sira mos hasoru tratamentu sira la oportunu ka ne'ebe la fo espasu ba sira atu envolve iha aktividade sosial sira seluk.", "Papel ba mudansa perspektiva hasoru ema ho defisiensia sai ona asuntu prinsipal ne'ebe Asosiasaun Defisiensia Timor-Leste asumi.", "Papel importante ida-ne'e ADTL asumi hodi hasa'e konsiensia publiku nian ka kontinua halo advokasia ba publiku no entidade estadu nian sira, atu oinsa bele fornese oportunidade ba ema ho defisiensia no mos muda perspektiva sira-ne'ebe kontinua estereotipa asuntu defisiensia Tanba ne'e, ADTL organiza ninia membru sira partisipa iha eventu selebrasaun nasional ba Loron Restaurasaun Independensia 20 Maiu 2015.", "Partisipasaun ida-ne'e hala'o ho kompetisaun bola baskete kadeira roda no torneiu trisiklista, ne'ebe hahu iha loron 04 - 16 Maiu 2015.", "Eventu ida-ne'e foin maka dala-uluk akontese, tanba inklui ema ho defisiensia no ema sein defisiensia iha jogu basketebol kadeira roda, no torneiu trisiklista ne'ebe organiza husi Asosiasaun Defisiensia Timor-Leste.", "Ba oin, ADTL hanoin ona atu orienta ninia membru sira oinsa bele kria Federasaun Baskete Kadeira Roda Timor-Leste no Federasaun Trisiklista Timor-Leste.", "Atu ema ho defisiensia bele iha partisipasaun liutan iha atividade sosial sira no bele tuir mos torneiu ka kompetisaun mundial banhira hetan konvite.", "\"ADTL sei sai hanesan parseiru ka organizasaun ne'ebe suporta de'it orsamentu hodi realiza eventu ne'e iha futuru.", "ADTL iha ona planu katak presiza harii federasaun bola-baskete kadeira roda no federasaun trisiklista ne'ebe inklui iha Komete Paralympics.", "Nune'e, iha futuru, ADTL sei la organiza tan eventu hanesan ne'e, tanba federasaun maka toma konta.", "Maibe so apoia de'it orsamentu hodi realiza eventu ne'e.\"", "Rigoberto Monteiro General Manager ADTL hateten.", "ADTL organiza eventu ida-ne'e atu hahu fo motivasaun ba ema ho defisiensia no liu-liu lori sira atu partisipa iha atividade sira-ne'ebe sira bele halo, no oinsa bele hahu muda perspetiva sosial hasoru ema ho defisiensia.", "Tuir Ita-nia Konstitusaun RDTL artigu 21 hatete, Estadu iha dever atu promove no proteje sidadaun ho defisiensia hodi asegura sira-nia partisipasaun iha vida sosiedade.", "Sekretariu Estadu Joventude no Desportu Leovigildo Hornai afirma liu tan katak, dala-barak ema sempre hatuur defisiensia hanesan objeitu ka nunka haree ba kapasidade ne'ebe ema ho defisiensia iha.", "Afinal ema ho defisiensia mos bele halo buat ne'ebe ita halo no sira bele halo di'ak liu duke ema sira sein defisiensia.", "\"Sira hatudu sira nian kapasidade la'os iha rai laran de'it.", "Sira reprezenta ona Timor-Leste iha eventu internasional sira, no halo Timor-Leste ninia naran morin iha mundu.\"", "Leovigildo hateten iha momentu entrega premiu (16/05).", "Nu'udar partisipante no treinador ba kompetisaun bola-baskete kadeira roda Mateus Lucas realsa liu tan, eventu ne'ebe ADTL organiza hanesan dalan ida atu hatudu ba sosiedade no muda perspektiva katak, ema ho defisiensia la'os hela de'it iha uma.", "Maibe presiza fo oportunidade ba sira ka husik sira envolve iha aktividade sosial sira hodi hatudu sira nian kapasidade.", "\"Ne'e kapas tebes!", "So que, premeira vez ADTL organiza hodi selebra loron Restaurasaun Independensia.", "Maibe ha'u hanoin ne'e sei sai di'ak liu tan iha futuru, no hahu fo motivasaun ba ema ho defisiensia atu sai ativu liu tan iha vida sosiedade nian.\"", "Mateus Lucas, Ema ho Defisiensia Fiziku, hateten iha eventu ne'eba.", "ADTL espera membru ekipa kompetisaun bola baskete kadeira roda, hafoin eventu refere, kria ona federasaun ba modalidade hirak ne'e, hodi oraginza eventu sira nasional no partisipa iha eventu inetenasional.", "Tanba ne'e, ekipa sira-ne'e presiza kria kongresu iha futuru ka organiza malu atu hahu hanoin ba asuntu ne'e, no presiza atu organiza nafatin eventu sira hanesan ne'e, hodi inklui ema ho defisiensia iha atividade sosial sira. ## CBR Diploma 1.", "Bookmark." ]
[ [ "ADTL ORGANIZES INCLUSIVE SPORT FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MAY's DEADLY HOUR People with disabilities face a very difficult situation in the community where they live. They are often unable to participate actively, and there is no way for them or their families of supporting themselves when it comes time that we should take action on our own behalf.\"" ], [ "In addition to being discriminated against, they are treated in an unsuitable way or without the space for engaging with other social activities." ], [ "The role of changing perspectives towards people with disabilities has become the main issue that Timor-Leste Disability Association takes on." ], [ "This important role is assumed by ADTL to raise public awareness or continue advocacy among the general and state entities, in order for them provide opportunities of people with disabilities as well changing perspectives that still stereotype issues related disabled. Therefore 20 May (Restoration Day) was chosen from all over Brazil on behalf Of People With Disabilitie To participate at national celebration event held during Independence Restorations day -1985" ], [ "This participation was carried out with a basketball, wheelchair and tricycle tournament competitions that began on 04 -16 May." ], [ "This event was the first to include people with and without disabilities in a wheelchair basketball game, as well an accessible tricycle tournament organized by Timor-Leste Disability Association." ], [ "For the future, ADTL has considered guiding its members on how to create a Timor-Leste Wheelchair Basketball Federation and an East Asian Tricycle Association." ], [ "To enable people with disabilities to participate in social activities and attend tournaments or world competition when invited." ], [ "\"ADTL will become a partner or organization that only supports the budget to carry out this event in future." ], [ "ADTL has already plans to establish a wheelchair basketball federation and tricycle federations that will be included in the Komete Paralympics." ], [ "Thus, in the future ADTL will not organize any more events like this because it is taken care of by a federation." ], [ "But I only support the budget to realize this event.\"" ], [ "Rigoberto Monteiro, General Manager of ADTL says." ], [ "ADTL is organizing this event to start motivating people with disabilities and especially bring them into participation in the activities they can do, as well a change of social perception towards disabled." ], [ "According to article 21 of our Constitution, the State has a duty for promoting and protecting citizens with disabilities in order ensuring their participation into society." ], [ "The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports Leovigildo Hornai further stated that, often people always treat disability as an object or never consider the abilities which persons with handicap have." ], [ "After all, people with disabilities can do the same things as us and they may be doing it better than non-disabled persons." ], [ "\"They are showing their capabilities not only at home." ], [ "They have represented Timor-Leste at international events, and made the name of this country famous in world.\"" ], [ "Leovigildo said at the time of awarding (16/05)." ], [ "As a participant and coach of the wheelchair basketball competition Mateus Lucas emphasized that ADTL's event was an opportunity to show society, by changing perspective on disability issues at home." ], [ "But they need to be given the opportunity or let them engage in social activities so that their abilities are shown." ], [ "\"That's so capable!" ], [ "So that, for the first time ADTL organizes to celebrate Independence Restoration Day." ], [ "But I think it will get better in the future, and start to motivate people with disabilities into becoming more active members of society.\"" ], [ "Mateus Lucas, a person with physical disabilities said at the event." ], [ "ADTL expects members of the basketball and wheelchair competition team, after this event has created a federation for these modalities to organize national events." ], [ "Therefore, these teams need to create congresses in the future or organize themselves so that they can start thinking about this issue and continue organizing such events for people with disabilities as well. ## CBR Diploma 1" ], [ "Bookmark. bookmarks" ] ]
Poupa osan iha PN, Luis: La presiza fotokopia dokumentu, manda elektróniku de’it – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Poupa osan iha PN, Luis: La presiza fotokopia dokumentu, manda elektróniku de’it\nDeputadu bankada KHUNTO, Luis Roberto, husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) atu manda de’it dokumentu elektróniku ba kada deputadu ida-idak, ho nune’e la presiza fotokopia, atu nune’e bele poupa orsamentu iha PN.\n“Tempu ona ita halo poupa orsamentu iha tinan kotuk, ha’u kestiona PN kada deputadu simu laptop ho flash ida, ita halo komparasaun ita nia PN ho Governu ne’e oinsa, ha’u sente ladún di’ak karik surat tahan kontinua bou iha meja leten. Ita iha planu dokumentu sira ne’e tenke liu husi eletróniku de’it labele gasta osan, surat tahan ne’e sai hanesan lixu”, deputadu bankada KHUNTO ne’e liu husi ninia intervensaun iha PN bainhira debate orsamentu privativu PN tinan 2021, Tersa (29-09-2020).\nHo nune’e, Luis sujere ba tékniku iha PN atu fó formasaun ba deputadu sira balun ne’ebé mak seidauk hatene uza laptop, tanba deputadu sira simu ona laptop ho flash ida, tanba ne’e tenke utiliza sasan hirak ne’e, hodi halo servisu.\n“Koalia kona-bá poupa sei la halo 100%, maske Governu ida mai koalia kona-bá poupansa la halo ezekusaun mak nafatin hanesan ne’e laptop ne’ebé distribui ba deputadu sira nia funsaun mak save dokumentu legál husi Governu no PN. Ita simu tiha, rai tiha iha uma toba iha leten, husu mós funsionáriu ne’ebé iha ne’e liu ba tékniku sira ami deputadu sira balun la hatene uza laptop, ita koalia loos sé bele tékniku sira ne’e fó formasaun ba ita nia deputadu sira atu uza laptop ne’e, ita koalia onestu ita lalika foti ita nia-an aas liu presiza hadia mós buat kiik sira ne’e”, tenik deputadu bankada KHUNTO ne’e.\nPrezidente PN, Aniceto Guterres, konsidera preokupasaun husi deputadu Luis Roberto ni’an kona-bá atu halo poupansa orsamentu iha PN.\n“Ha’u sei lembra parese iha III lejislatura sosa laptop nia objetivu mak ida ne’e atu poupa iha meja deputadu surat tahan la presiza butuk hanesan ne’e surat tahan evakua ba bankada espasu iha bankada mós la to’o em causa surat tahan sira ne’e, hola laptop ho efisiénsia gastu iha Alat Tulis Kantor (ATK) sira ne’e se ita la uza teknolójia foun ne’e, tanba montante ba despeza ida ne’e mós boot“, klarifika Aniceto.\nHo nune’e, Prezidente PN ne’e aseita ho rekomendasaun deputadu refere no promete sei dezenvolve di-di’ak oinsa bele implementa ba oin, maibé presiza kolaborasaun husi deputadu sira.\nEntretantu iha III lejislatura PN, deputadu sira simu ona laptop no flash ida atu halo poupansa osan, hodi labele gasta osan ba fotokopia, maibé to’o ohin loron deputadu sira kontinua gasta osan ba fotokopia. ety\nLee hotu : PM Taur husu MPM tenke kontinua servisu ne’ebé Xanana hala’o ona\nPN: MS halo diskriminasaun iha prosesu transferénsia pasiente ba rai-liur\nMinistru Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN),...
[ "Poupa osan iha PN, Luis: La presiza fotokopia dokumentu, manda elektroniku de'it - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Poupa osan iha PN, Luis: La presiza fotokopia dokumentu, manda elektroniku de'it Deputadu bankada KHUNTO, Luis Roberto, husu ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN) atu manda de'it dokumentu elektroniku ba kada deputadu ida-idak, ho nune'e la presiza fotokopia, atu nune'e bele poupa orsamentu iha PN.", "\"Tempu ona ita halo poupa orsamentu iha tinan kotuk, ha'u kestiona PN kada deputadu simu laptop ho flash ida, ita halo komparasaun ita nia PN ho Governu ne'e oinsa, ha'u sente ladun di'ak karik surat tahan kontinua bou iha meja leten.", "Ita iha planu dokumentu sira ne'e tenke liu husi eletroniku de'it labele gasta osan, surat tahan ne'e sai hanesan lixu,\" deputadu bankada KHUNTO ne'e liu husi ninia intervensaun iha PN bainhira debate orsamentu privativu PN tinan 2021, Tersa (29-09-2020).", "Ho nune'e, Luis sujere ba tekniku iha PN atu fo formasaun ba deputadu sira balun ne'ebe mak seidauk hatene uza laptop, tanba deputadu sira simu ona laptop ho flash ida, tanba ne'e tenke utiliza sasan hirak ne'e, hodi halo servisu.", "\"Koalia kona-ba poupa sei la halo 100%, maske Governu ida mai koalia kona-ba poupansa la halo ezekusaun mak nafatin hanesan ne'e laptop ne'ebe distribui ba deputadu sira nia funsaun mak save dokumentu legal husi Governu no PN.", "Ita simu tiha, rai tiha iha uma toba iha leten, husu mos funsionariu ne'ebe iha ne'e liu ba tekniku sira ami deputadu sira balun la hatene uza laptop, ita koalia loos se bele tekniku sira ne'e fo formasaun ba ita nia deputadu sira atu uza laptop ne'e, ita koalia onestu ita lalika foti ita nia-an aas liu presiza hadia mos buat kiik sira ne'e,\" tenik deputadu bankada KHUNTO ne'e.", "Prezidente PN, Aniceto Guterres, konsidera preokupasaun husi deputadu Luis Roberto ni'an kona-ba atu halo poupansa orsamentu iha PN.", "\"Ha'u sei lembra parese iha III lejislatura sosa laptop nia objetivu mak ida ne'e atu poupa iha meja deputadu surat tahan la presiza butuk hanesan ne'e surat tahan evakua ba bankada espasu iha bankada mos la to'o em causa surat tahan sira ne'e, hola laptop ho efisiensia gastu iha Alat Tulis Kantor (ATK) sira ne'e se ita la uza teknolojia foun ne'e, tanba montante ba despeza ida ne'e mos boot,\" klarifika Aniceto.", "Ho nune'e, Prezidente PN ne'e aseita ho rekomendasaun deputadu refere no promete sei dezenvolve di-di'ak oinsa bele implementa ba oin, maibe presiza kolaborasaun husi deputadu sira.", "Entretantu iha III lejislatura PN, deputadu sira simu ona laptop no flash ida atu halo poupansa osan, hodi labele gasta osan ba fotokopia, maibe to'o ohin loron deputadu sira kontinua gasta osan ba fotokopia. ety Lee hotu: PM Taur husu MPM tenke kontinua servisu ne'ebe Xanana hala'o ona PN: MS halo diskriminasaun iha prosesu transferensia pasiente ba rai-liur Ministru Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN),..." ]
[ [ "Saving money in the National Parliament, Luis: No need photocopying documents and send only electronic documentation - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics & Government\" Save Money In The Nation's Assembly (PN), Luís KHUNTO Group Member of parliament Louis Roberto has asked to save budget by sending each MP a single e-document without needing any copy." ], [ "\"It is time we made budget savings last year, I question the Parliament every MP get a laptop with one flash. We make comparisons between our parliament and government how it works?" ], [ "Our plan is that these documents should be sent only electronically and not by spending money, this paperwork becomes like trash,” the KHUNTO MP said in his intervention at Parliament during a debate on parliamentary private budget of PN for year (2019) Tuesday." ], [ "Therefore, Luis suggested to the technicians in PN that they give training for some MPs who do not know how To use a laptop. Because members have been given one with flash and so must utilize these things when doing their work on it" ], [ "\"Talking about savings will not be 102%, even if the next government talk of economical measure, it does no execution. The laptop that is distributed to MP' s function was save legal documents from Government and Parliamentary Assembly (PN)." ], [ "After we received it, put the floor in our house and went upstairs. We also asked those officials who are here to be more technical because some of us MP'S do not know how they should use a laptop; if you can provide training for these technicians so that their deputies will learn about using this computer then I am honest with them: let me take myself no higher than others - there is still something smaller needs being fixed.\"" ], [ "Speaker of the National Parliament, Aniceto Guterres considers concern by MP Luis Roberto ni'an regarding budget saving in PN." ], [ "\"I will recall that in the III legislature we bought laptops to save on members' desks, hard copy paper is not needed but so also evacuated into bank space. In fact there was no need for these Hard Copy Paper; buy a cost-effective Laptop with Office Writing Tools (OTS) if you don’t use this new technology because it would be too expensive\", Aniceto explained.\"" ], [ "Thus, the President of Parliament accepted with recommendations from members and promised to develop well how it can be implemented in future but needs collaboration by parliamentarians." ], [ "Meanwhile in the III legislature of PN, MPs were given a laptop and flash to save money so they could not spend on photocopying. But until today members are still spending their time doing it ety Read all: PM Taur asks MPM continue work that Xanana has done PNM-MS discriminates during patient transfer process Minister for National Liberation Combatants Affairs (MAKLN),..." ] ]
Ilustrasaun sela ba koruptor sira\nTempu Bada, KAK Lansa Sela Detensaun Featured\nAdjuntu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK), Rui Pereira hateten, iha tempu badak laran sira sei halo lansamentu ba sela detensaun.\n“Funsaun públika sira depois ami kaer ema ami sulan iha ne’ebá”, dehan nia, iha Fundasaun Oriente, Bidau-Lesidere, horisehik.\nRui reforsa, sela ne’e halo prontu tiha ona, maibé agora sei mamuk hela.\n“Ami nia podér no direitu atu sulan ema ne’e durante oras 72 de’it”, tenik nia.\nMovimentu Karreta Estadu Menus\nEntretantu, tuir observasaun KAK nian, karreta estadu ne’ebé halo movimentu iha tempu feriadu menus ona, tanba monitorizasaun makaas husi KAK.\nIha tinan kotuk, KAK servisu hamutuk ho Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) konsege apreende karreta estadu hamutuk neen nulu resin (60). Iha tinan ne’e seidauk hala'o, maibé iha ona planu atu reativa hikas operasaun.\nMaski nune’e, tuir Rui, kompara ho uluk agora movimentu karreta estadu nian ba pasiar iha Áreia Branka hahú diminui ona.\nNia dehan, karreta estadu hirak ne’e utiliza balun la tuir dalan, liuliu iha tempu kampañia nian. Tanba ne’e, ba oin sira sei sempre tau matan ba karreta estadu.\nMore in this category: « Na’an Importa Husi Brazíl Kontaminadu Semana Ne’e Nomeia PTR-PJR Foun »\n/Tempu Bada, KAK Lansa Sela Detensaun
[ "Ilustrasaun sela ba koruptor sira Tempu Bada, KAK Lansa Sela Detensaun Featured Adjuntu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK), Rui Pereira hateten, iha tempu badak laran sira sei halo lansamentu ba sela detensaun.", "\"Funsaun publika sira depois ami kaer ema ami sulan iha ne'eba,\" dehan nia, iha Fundasaun Oriente, Bidau-Lesidere, horisehik.", "Rui reforsa, sela ne'e halo prontu tiha ona, maibe agora sei mamuk hela.", "\"Ami nia poder no direitu atu sulan ema ne'e durante oras 72 de'it,\" tenik nia.", "Movimentu Karreta Estadu Menus Entretantu, tuir observasaun KAK nian, karreta estadu ne'ebe halo movimentu iha tempu feriadu menus ona, tanba monitorizasaun makaas husi KAK.", "Iha tinan kotuk, KAK servisu hamutuk ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) konsege apreende karreta estadu hamutuk neen nulu resin (60).", "Iha tinan ne'e seidauk hala'o, maibe iha ona planu atu reativa hikas operasaun.", "Maski nune'e, tuir Rui, kompara ho uluk agora movimentu karreta estadu nian ba pasiar iha Areia Branka hahu diminui ona.", "Nia dehan, karreta estadu hirak ne'e utiliza balun la tuir dalan, liuliu iha tempu kampania nian.", "Tanba ne'e, ba oin sira sei sempre tau matan ba karreta estadu.", "More in this category: \" Na'an Importa Husi Brazil Kontaminadu Semana Ne'e Nomeia PTR-PJR Foun \" /Tempu Bada, KAK Lansa Sela Detensaun" ]
[ [ "Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) Launches Detention Cell Featured The Deputy Chairman of the Portuguese National Committee against Corrupt Practices, Rui Pereira said that in a short time they will be launching their detection cell." ], [ "\"They are public functions after we have caught people and put them there,\" he said at the Fundação Oriente in Bidau-Lesidere yesterday." ], [ "Rui reinforces, the seal has been made ready but now it will be mamuk." ], [ "\"We have the power and right to detain this person for only 72 hours,\" he said." ], [ "Meanwhile, according to the CPC's observation of state cars moving during holiday period has decreased because there is a high monitoring by CACP." ], [ "In the past year, in collaboration with Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), KAK was able to seize a total of 60 state cars." ], [ "This year it has not been carried out, but there are plans to reactivate operations soon." ], [ "Despite this, according to Rui the movement of state cars on Areia Branca beaches has started decreasing compared with earlier." ], [ "He said that some of these state cars were used inappropriately, especially during the campaign." ], [ "For this reason, in the future they will always keep an eye on state cars." ], [ "More in this category: \" Na'an Imported From Brazil Contaminated, New PTR-PJR Appointed This Week\" /Bad Weather Makes KAK Launch Detention Cell" ] ]
By Tempo Timor March 03, 2021 1113\nSEKoop halo video conferense ho reprezentante LAPINKOP Indonezia iha nia kna'ar fatoin akait. Dili Tersa (2/3) Foto Tempo Timor\nTuir Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizário Ferreira, kooperasaun entre SEKoop ho LEPENKOP Indonézia sei haree ba asuntu r formasaun no estudu komparativu ne'ebé husi Indonézia bele halo iha Timor-Leste no husi Timor-Leste bele ba halo iha Indonézia.\n"Asinatura ida ho indonézia ne'e atu asegura formasaun ba formadór sira, organizadór sira, motivadór sira, atu nune'e bele motiva, organiza no eduka ita-nia povu atu hatene saida mak kooperativa, hodi halo parte iha vida koperativízmu," Hatete Elizário hafoin asina nota intendimentu ho parseiru LEPENKOP iha edifísiu SEKoop, Tersa (2/3).\nNia afirma, formasaun refere ne'ebé Lembaga Pendidikan Kooperasi atu apoiu ba SEKoop ne'e sei espesifika de'it ba formadór sira ne'ebé atu asegura ba formasaun nivel baze nian.\n"Kooperasaun ne'e foin maka liuhusi memorandu ne'e i ajendadu hela atu komesa iha loron 25 ba formasaun dahuluk nian", dehan nia.(*)\nLembaga Pendidikan Kooperasi (LEPENKOP)\n« SEKoop Parséria ho ADRA no Média Nasionál 2 hodi Transmite Informasaun Kooperativa ba Baze SEKoop Konsolida Forsa Kooperativa Luta Hasoru COVID-19 »
[ "By Tempo Timor March 03, 2021 1113 SEKoop halo video conferense ho reprezentante LAPINKOP Indonezia iha nia kna'ar fatoin akait.", "Dili Tersa (2/3) Foto Tempo Timor Tuir Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira, kooperasaun entre SEKoop ho LEPENKOP Indonezia sei haree ba asuntu r formasaun no estudu komparativu ne'ebe husi Indonezia bele halo iha Timor-Leste no husi Timor-Leste bele ba halo iha Indonezia.", "\"Asinatura ida ho indonezia ne'e atu asegura formasaun ba formador sira, organizador sira, motivador sira, atu nune'e bele motiva, organiza no eduka ita-nia povu atu hatene saida mak kooperativa, hodi halo parte iha vida koperativizmu,\" Hatete Elizario hafoin asina nota intendimentu ho parseiru LEPENKOP iha edifisiu SEKoop, Tersa (2/3).", "Nia afirma, formasaun refere ne'ebe Lembaga Pendidikan Kooperasi atu apoiu ba SEKoop ne'e sei espesifika de'it ba formador sira ne'ebe atu asegura ba formasaun nivel baze nian.", "\"Kooperasaun ne'e foin maka liuhusi memorandu ne'e i ajendadu hela atu komesa iha loron 25 ba formasaun dahuluk nian,\" dehan nia. (*) Lembaga Pendidikan Kooperasi (LEPENKOP) \" SEKoop Parseria ho ADRA no Media Nasional 2 hodi Transmite Informasaun Kooperativa ba Baze SEKoop Konsolida Forsa Kooperativa Luta Hasoru COVID-19 \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor March 03,1927 SEKoop held a video conference with the representative of LAPINKOP Indonesia at his home." ], [ "Dili Tersa (2/3) Foto Tempo Timor According to the State Secretary of Cooperatives, Elizario Ferreira. The cooperation between SEKoop and LEPENKOP Indonesia will look at training issues as well comparative studies that Indonesian can do in East-Timor or from east could go for studying into indonesian countries elsewhere" ], [ "\"A signing with Indonesia is to ensure training for trainers, organizers and motivators so that we can encourage our people know what cooperatives are in order they may take part of cooperative life\", Hatete Elizario said after he signed the memorandum on understanding (MoU) at SEKoop building Tuesday." ], [ "He affirmed that the training which Lembaga Pendidikan Kooperasi is supporting for SEKoop will be specific only to trainers who are responsible in providing basic-level education." ], [ "\"The cooperation is only through this memorandum and scheduled to begin on the 25th for first training,\" he said. (*) Lembaga Pendidikan Kooperasi (LEPENKOP): “SEKoop Partners with ADRA And National Media Two To Transmit Cooperative Information On The Basis Of SECoOP Consolidate Forcing Collaboration Against COVID-19”" ] ]
By Tempo Timor September 01, 2021 2522\nReuniaun Konsellu Ministru ne'ebe hala'o iha momentu balun liuba. Foto Suplay\nTempotimor (Díli)-Governu liuhusi reiuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) iha loron 01 fulan-setembru tinan 2021, deside aplika serka sanitária iha munisípiu Manufahi durante semana rua nia laran.\n"Impoin serka sanitária iha Munisípiu Manufahi, hahú husi loron 2 fulan-setembru to’o loron 15 fulan-setembru tinan 2021", dehan Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (MPKM), Fidelis Leite Magalhães, iha Ministériu Finansas Aitarak-Laran, kuarta (01/09).\nBandu ema atu tama no sai husi munisípiu ne’e, exetu tanba seguransa públika, saúde públika, asisténsia umanitária, manutensaun sistema abastesimentu públiku ka realizasaun interese públiku.\nProibisaun hirak ne’e la abranje ba ema hirak ne’ebé mak komprova ona vasinasaun kompleta (doze rua) kontra Covid-19, nune’e mós ba labarik ki’ik sira ho idade tinan neen mai-kraik ne’ebé akompaña ema sira ne’e.\nSerka sanitária sira-seluk ne’ebé sei vigora hela, la sofre alterasaun saida de’it. (*)\nSerka Sanitaria iha Manufahi\n« Padre Martinho Gusmão Deside Kandidata-An ba PR KM Hakotu Konfimentu iha Postu Railaku no Ermera »
[ "By Tempo Timor September 01, 2021 2522 Reuniaun Konsellu Ministru ne'ebe hala'o iha momentu balun liuba.", "Foto Suplay Tempotimor (Dili) -Governu liuhusi reiuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) iha loron 01 fulan-setembru tinan 2021, deside aplika serka sanitaria iha munisipiu Manufahi durante semana rua nia laran.", "\"Impoin serka sanitaria iha Munisipiu Manufahi, hahu husi loron 2 fulan-setembru to'o loron 15 fulan-setembru tinan 2021,\" dehan Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (MPKM), Fidelis Leite Magalhaes, iha Ministeriu Finansas Aitarak-Laran, kuarta (01/09).", "Bandu ema atu tama no sai husi munisipiu ne'e, exetu tanba seguransa publika, saude publika, asistensia umanitaria, manutensaun sistema abastesimentu publiku ka realizasaun interese publiku.", "Proibisaun hirak ne'e la abranje ba ema hirak ne'ebe mak komprova ona vasinasaun kompleta (doze rua) kontra Covid-19, nune'e mos ba labarik ki'ik sira ho idade tinan neen mai-kraik ne'ebe akompana ema sira ne'e.", "Serka sanitaria sira-seluk ne'ebe sei vigora hela, la sofre alterasaun saida de'it. (*) Serka Sanitaria iha Manufahi \" Padre Martinho Gusmao Deside Kandidata-An ba PR KM Hakotu Konfimentu iha Postu Railaku no Ermera \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor September 01,.2536 The Council of Ministers held a meeting recently in Dili on the issue that has been raised by some opposition parties to be considered as an attack against democracy and human rights at all levels..." ], [ "Foto Suplay Tempotimor (Dili) -The Government, through the Council of Ministers meeting on September 1st in this year decided to apply a sanitary curfew for two weeks within Manufahi municipality." ], [ "\"Importing a sanitary curfew in the Municipality of Manufahi, starting from September 2nd to Sept.15th for this year\", said Minister Presidency Council (MPKM), Fidelis Leite Magalhaes at Ministry Finance Aitarak-Laran on Thursday(09/3)." ], [ "People are prohibited from entering and leaving the municipality, except for reasons of public security or health care; humanitarian aid. maintenance in connection with supplying services to citizens (public utilities) as well As other matters that may be considered necessary by law" ], [ "These prohibitions do not apply to people who have completed a full vaccination (two doses) against Covid-19, as well for young children under nine years of age accompanying them." ], [ "The other curfews that will be in force, do not undergo any changes. (*) Sanitization of Manufahi \" Padre Martinho Gusmao Decide to Candidate-An for PR KM To End Confinement at Post Railaku and Ermera\"" ] ]
Lee nain: 897\nBIKELI (TOP) – Komunidade sira iha suku Bikeli, lamenta no kestiona maka’as kona-ba prose s implementasaun ba projetu pilotu Zona Espesial ba Ekonomia Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM) ne’ebé ejekuta husi eis Primeiru-Ministru atual Sekretáriu Jerál partidu FRETILIN, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri ne’ebé konsege gasta tinan lima (5) hodi dezenvolve de’it suku lima (5) iha Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA) sai NALEOK (DI’AK), maibé abandona tiha postu Atauro to’o oras ne’e kontinua nakukun hela, Atauro KANA LEKOF (LA DI’AK).\nXefe Suku Bikeli, Daniel Martins sita konstituisaun RDTL iha artigu 5 katak illa Atauro mós tenke hetan tratamentu administrativu espesial hanesan Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibé durante tinan barak Atauro seidauk hetan tratamentu ida espesial, tanba faktu hatudu durante prosesu implementasaun projetu pilotu ZEESM, konsentra de’it ba suku 5 iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno hodi haluhan tiha Atauro to’o ohin loron.\n“Hakerek iha konstituisaun RDTL dehan katak, Atauro no Oe-Kusi Ambeno sei hetan tratamentu espesial. Agora Oe-Kusi Ambeno besik tinan 10 ona iha sira nia lian dehan katak Oe-Kusi NALEOK (Di’ak), maibé ami hateten katak Atauro la NALEOK, Atauro nakukun. Tanba saida, osan ne’ebé aprova ne’e hotu-hotu ba fali Oe-Kusi Ambeno,” xefe suku Daniel hato’o lamentasaun ne’e ba eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão bainhira halo asaun karidade iha suku Bikeli, Tersa 4 Agostu 2020.\n“Tanba ne’e mak hato’o hela ba maun Xanana atu rekomenda ba governante sira atu aselera lalais tratamentu ba Atauro bele hanesan mós ho Oe-Kusi Ambeno,” nia afirma.\nSuku Bikeli nu’udar mós suku ida husi suku 5 ne’ebé hamahan aan iha postu administrative Atauro, munisipiu Dili. Suku ne’e nia largura ho nia luan hamutuk 36Km2. Total populasaun iha suku ne’e hamutuk 2647, feto hamutuk 1350, mane hamutuk 1297.\nAdministrativamente, Bikeli iha aldeia 4. Distansia husi suku Bikeli ba postu administrativu hamutuk 14Km, no distansia husi suku ba administrasaun munisipiu Dili hamutuk 36Km. Maioria populasaun iha suku ne’e nu’udar peskador.\nNia sita, problema ne’ebé boot liu iha aldeia 4 ne’e mak laiha bee moos. Parte infraestrutura mós sai problema boot, tanba kondisaun estrada sira a’at tebes. Ligasaun estrada ba aldeia sira mós nia kondisaun aat tebes, aumenta tan komunidade barak iha aldeia balun to’o oras ne’e seidauk hetan asesu ba enerjia eletrisidade.\n“Komunidade sira mós asesu ba rede telekomunikasaun tantu husi TT, TELEMOR no TELKOMCEL maioria asesu iha tempu loron de’it. Kalan labele asesu, tanba rede laiha”.\nHatan ba lamentasaun ne’e, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão katak nia misaun durante hala’o besik fulan tolu ona ne’e nu’udar misaun umanitáriu hanaran misaun Covid-19 hodi tulun kbi’it la’ek sira iha rai-laran.\n“Ohin ita rona xefe suku ko’alia politika itoan, maibé ha’u nia misaun ne’e ha’u lakohi kahur ho politika. Ami mai iha ne’e la’os atu buka dadus hodi hato’o ba governu. Ha’u kala rona de’it imi nia preokupasaun, maibé ha’u labele halo buat, tanba agora ha’u la’os iha governu laran,” esplika Xanana.\nEntretantu, rezultadu auditoria husi Tribunal Kamara Kontas ho númeru prosesu 2/2016A/UDIT-S/CC hatudu violasaun barak iha prosesu implementasaun projetu pilotu ZEESM iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno.\nArtigu liu-ba Sente “lalehan badak” iha suku Mape\nArtigu tuir-mai Covid-19: Xanana prefere hametin fronteira\nZEESM Dili Oe-Kusi Ambeno Atauro Bikeli\nminutu 4 liu-ba\nHare dala: 12739
[ "Lee nain: 897 BIKELI (TOP) - Komunidade sira iha suku Bikeli, lamenta no kestiona maka'as kona-ba prose s implementasaun ba projetu pilotu Zona Espesial ba Ekonomia Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM) ne'ebe ejekuta husi eis Primeiru-Ministru atual Sekretariu Jeral partidu FRETILIN, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri ne'ebe konsege gasta tinan lima (5) hodi dezenvolve de'it suku lima (5) iha Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA) sai NALEOK (DI'AK), maibe abandona tiha postu Atauro to'o oras ne'e kontinua nakukun hela, Atauro KANA LEKOF (LA DI'AK).", "Xefe Suku Bikeli, Daniel Martins sita konstituisaun RDTL iha artigu 5 katak illa Atauro mos tenke hetan tratamentu administrativu espesial hanesan Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibe durante tinan barak Atauro seidauk hetan tratamentu ida espesial, tanba faktu hatudu durante prosesu implementasaun projetu pilotu ZEESM, konsentra de'it ba suku 5 iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno hodi haluhan tiha Atauro to'o ohin loron.", "\"Hakerek iha konstituisaun RDTL dehan katak, Atauro no Oe-Kusi Ambeno sei hetan tratamentu espesial.", "Agora Oe-Kusi Ambeno besik tinan 10 ona iha sira nia lian dehan katak Oe-Kusi NALEOK (Di'ak), maibe ami hateten katak Atauro la NALEOK, Atauro nakukun.", "Tanba saida, osan ne'ebe aprova ne'e hotu-hotu ba fali Oe-Kusi Ambeno,\" xefe suku Daniel hato'o lamentasaun ne'e ba eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao bainhira halo asaun karidade iha suku Bikeli, Tersa 4 Agostu 2020.", "\"Tanba ne'e mak hato'o hela ba maun Xanana atu rekomenda ba governante sira atu aselera lalais tratamentu ba Atauro bele hanesan mos ho Oe-Kusi Ambeno,\" nia afirma.", "Suku Bikeli nu'udar mos suku ida husi suku 5 ne'ebe hamahan aan iha postu administrative Atauro, munisipiu Dili.", "Suku ne'e nia largura ho nia luan hamutuk 36Km2.", "Total populasaun iha suku ne'e hamutuk 2647, feto hamutuk 1350, mane hamutuk 1297.", "Administrativamente, Bikeli iha aldeia 4.", "Distansia husi suku Bikeli ba postu administrativu hamutuk 14Km, no distansia husi suku ba administrasaun munisipiu Dili hamutuk 36Km.", "Maioria populasaun iha suku ne'e nu'udar peskador.", "Nia sita, problema ne'ebe boot liu iha aldeia 4 ne'e mak laiha bee moos.", "Parte infraestrutura mos sai problema boot, tanba kondisaun estrada sira a'at tebes.", "Ligasaun estrada ba aldeia sira mos nia kondisaun aat tebes, aumenta tan komunidade barak iha aldeia balun to'o oras ne'e seidauk hetan asesu ba enerjia eletrisidade.", "\"Komunidade sira mos asesu ba rede telekomunikasaun tantu husi TT, TELEMOR no TELKOMCEL maioria asesu iha tempu loron de'it.", "Kalan labele asesu, tanba rede laiha.\"", "Hatan ba lamentasaun ne'e, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao katak nia misaun durante hala'o besik fulan tolu ona ne'e nu'udar misaun umanitariu hanaran misaun Covid-19 hodi tulun kbi'it la'ek sira iha rai-laran.", "\"Ohin ita rona xefe suku ko'alia politika itoan, maibe ha'u nia misaun ne'e ha'u lakohi kahur ho politika.", "Ami mai iha ne'e la'os atu buka dadus hodi hato'o ba governu.", "Ha'u kala rona de'it imi nia preokupasaun, maibe ha'u labele halo buat, tanba agora ha'u la'os iha governu laran,\" esplika Xanana.", "Entretantu, rezultadu auditoria husi Tribunal Kamara Kontas ho numeru prosesu 2/2016A/UDIT-S/CC hatudu violasaun barak iha prosesu implementasaun projetu pilotu ZEESM iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno.", "Artigu liu-ba Sente \"lalehan badak\" iha suku Mape Artigu tuir-mai Covid-19: Xanana prefere hametin fronteira ZEESM Dili Oe-Kusi Ambeno Atauro Bikeli minutu 4 liu-ba Hare dala: 12739" ]
[ [ "BIKELI (TOP) - The communities in the village of Bikeli, lament and question strongly about process s implementation pilot project Special Zone for Social Market Economy(ZEESM), which is executed by former Prime Minister current Secretary General FRETILIN party Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri who managed to spend five years only developing 5 settlements at Oe-Kusi Ambeno special administrative region as NALEOK. But abandon after post Atauro until now continue naked; it has become a CANADA LEKOF!" ], [ "Bikeli Village Head, Daniel Martins quoted the Constitution of Timor-Leste in Article 5 that Atauro Island should also receive special administrative treatment like Oekusi Ambeno but for many years it has not been given such a treating because during implementation process ZEESM pilot project focused only on village number five and so to this day they have completely overlooket." ], [ "\"The constitution of the RDTL states that Atauro and Oe-Kusi Ambeno will be given special treatment." ], [ "Now Oe-Kusi Ambeno for almost 10 years now in their language say that the name of Atauro is NALEOK (Good), but we are saying it's not Naleok." ], [ "Why, all the money that was approved is going back to Oe-Kusi Ambeno,” village chief Daniel made this complaint of former Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao while doing a charity action in Bikeli Village on Tuesday 4 August." ], [ "\"That's why I am referring to brother Xanana for his recommendation that the government should speed up treatment of Atauro as well, just like Oe-Kusi Ambeno\", he said." ], [ "Bikeli is also one of the 5 villages in Atauro administrative post, Dili municipality." ], [ "The width and height of the village is 36Km2." ], [ "The total population of the village is 2647, with a females' share being at least one third (1350) and male numbers amounting to about two-thirds." ], [ "Administratively, Bikeli belongs to village 4." ], [ "The distance from Bikeli village to the administrative post is 14Km, and that of Dili municipality’s administration are together at a total distancing involving bikelis as well." ], [ "The majority of the population in this village is fishermen." ], [ "He said that the biggest problem in village 4 is lack of clean water." ], [ "Infrastructure is a big problem, because the roads are in very bad condition." ], [ "The road connection to the villages is also in a very poor state, and many communities have not had electricity until now." ], [ "\"The communities also have access to the telecommunications network of both TT, TELEMOR and Telkomcel. Most people can only use them during daylight hours.\"" ], [ "Kalan can't access, because there is no network.\"" ], [ "In response to the complaint, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao said that his mission during nearly three months has been a humanitarian one called Covid-19 Mission in order help poor people on land." ], [ "\"Today we hear the village chief talk about silly politics, but my mission is that I don't want to be involved in policy." ], [ "We are not here to collect data for the government." ], [ "I'm just listening to your concerns, but there is nothing that can be done by me because now i am not in the government.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, the results of an audit conducted by Tribunal da Câmara de Contas with case number 2/16A / UDIT-S CC show many violations in implementation process ZEESM pilot project at Oe Kusi Ambeno." ], [ "Next article Covid-19: Xanana prefers to strengthen ZEESM border Dili Oe - Kusi Ambeno Atauro Bikeli 4 minutes ago Read more about Sent \"lalehan badak\" in Mape village" ] ]
UNICEF entrega eskola 23 Filial ba ME | Ministério da Educação\nSerimónia ne’e simbo­likamente hala’o iha Eskola En­sinu Báziku Filial, Manutane, distritu Aileu, Sesta (04/04/14) no partisipa husi Primeiru Ministru Interinu Fernando Lasama de Araujo, Ministru Edukasaun interinu, Virgilio Smith, Vise Ministra Pré-es­kolár no Ensinu Báziku Dulce de Jesus Soares hamutuk ho reprezentante UNICEF Hungao Wei.\nMinistru Edukasaun Interinu Virgilio Smith iha nia diskursu hateten Eskola foun ne’e la’os haree ba eskola foun, kadeira no meja foun maibé eskola foun haré liu ba aplikasaun me­todolojia iha eskola konabá ha­norin no disiplina iha sala laran atu nune’e motiva labarik sira halo atraksaun iha sala laran.\nIha Ministériu Edukasaun halo ona planu ne’ebé lidera husi Vise Ministra Dulce de Jesus Soares konabá reforma Kurrikulu liuliu Ensinu Pré-Eskolár, hahú ha­norin ho lian inan no programa ida ne’e mak sei hala’o hamutuk ho eskola foun.\nMinistériu Edukasaun mós sei presiza aumenta sala 2.813. no programa ne’e Vise Ministra mak sei hala’o hela no la’os ida ne’e de’it presiza aumenta tan ekipamentu ba sala ne’ebé sei presiza.\nIha mós programa formasaun ba profesór sira atu forma tan profesór ne’ebé atu hanorin iha eskola foun ne’e. Atu bele kumpriende diak sistema no mekanismu prosesu aprendizájen iha sala laran.\nIha fatin hanesan Primeiru Ministru Interinu, Fernando Lasama hateten, UNICEF hasai osan hamutuk $50.000. (sinquenta mill dólares) hodi halo konstrusaun no hola ekipamentu sira ba eskola.\nLasama husu atu UNICEF kontinua fó apoiu ba konstrusaun eskola sira hanesan ne’e iha fatin seluk.\n“Husu ba komunidade sira atu haruka imi nia oan ba eskola no labele husik sira halimar iha uma tanba tempu ida agora ne’e la’os tempu ba alfabetizasaun , husik labarik sira ba eskola atu bele troka fali ami jerasaun katuas nian,”dehan Lasama.\nHusu mós ba komunidade sira atu tau konsiderasaun katak eskola mak fatin ba labarik sira buka matenek no bele serví ba nasaun. Ne’eduni husu ba komunidade sira atu tau matan ba eskola ne’e tanba UNICEF tulun ona guvernu hodi hadia kualidade eskola iha Timor.\nAleinde ne’e Lasama deklara katak bazeia ba órden primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão katak iha tinan 2014 tenki servisu maka’as liu tan, aselera konstrusaun sala eskola, kadera no meza.\nReprezentante UNICEF ba Timor-Leste, Hungao Wei hatete, durante tinan 2013 nia laran UNICEF ho Ministériu Edukasaun halo ona konstrusaun eskola 23 ho fasilidade bé mós saneamentu hanesan iha distritu Aileu, Viqueque, Manatuto, Ermera no Oekuse ne’ebé sei benefisia ba estudante 8700 no mós iha 2014 nia laran UNICEF sei halo tan Pré-Esko­lár 7 hanesan iha distritu Aileu, Dili, Liquica Manatuto no Oecuse\n“Hau sente kontente duni tanba realiza duni projeitu halo eskola foun ida ne’ehola parte hotu husi eskola 23 iha distritu lima no ita sei hein katak eskola seluk sei intrega iha fula Maiu ou Junnu nia laran,”dehan Mei.\nIha biban ne’e Reprezentante UNICEF kongratula ba Guvernu ho nia komitmentu atu hadia kualiadde eskola prinsipalmente liu husi Ministériu Edukasaun partikularmente ba Diretór En­sinu Báziku ho nia ekipa tomak ne’ebé halo ona planu, bele realiza konstrusaun eskola iha Aileu bele garantia kualidade edukasaun Báziku ba labarik hotu iha komu­nidade nia leet.\nWei mós fó parabens ba inan no aman sira, komunidade no profesór sira nia apoiu tomak durante hala’o konstrusaun to’o intrega ba Ministériu Edukasaun.\nreprezentante UNICEF Timor-Leste ne’e husu ba parte hotu-hotu atu kuidadu no tau matan ba edifísiu ida ne’e nune’e bele úza ba prosesu apredizájen nian. UNICEF nia papél atu tau ma­tan bá labarik sira liu husi hadia kualidade eskola atu labarik sira husi Ensinu Báziku bele produz rekursu umanu ho kualiadade di’ak.\nKordenadór eskola Filial,Mantane Aileu, José Pineru dehan Eskola ida ne’e hamu­tuk husi siklu dahuluk no siklu daruak inklui Pré-eskolár maibé husi eskola ida ne’e iha mós siklu dahuluk filial husi sala ida ne’e koloka fila fali ba iha Suku Erbuti.\nJosé esplika liutan katak Total alunus hamutuk 316, mane 172, no feto 144. profesór hamutuk ema nain 16, permanente 14 no kontratadu na’in 2 no iha sigu­ransa nain ida, eskola ne’e iha sala foun tolu ida uza ba profesór sira no ida uza ba Biblioteka no iha haris fatin separadu ba Feto no Mane inklui bé mós.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretor Edukasaun distrito Aileu, Izac Sarmento agradese ba parseria UNICEF Timor-Leste.\n“no husu nafatin UNICEF fó apoiu nafatin wainhira eskola refere iha proposta ruma, bele tau hela konsiderasaun no agradese mós ba direitór kom­pania finaliza duni eskola ida ne’e maski hasoru difikuldade barak maibé kontinua esforsu to’o konklui eskola ne’e.
[ "UNICEF entrega eskola 23 Filial ba ME | Ministerio da Educacao Serimonia ne'e simbo likamente hala'o iha Eskola En sinu Baziku Filial, Manutane, distritu Aileu, Sesta (04/04/14) no partisipa husi Primeiru Ministru Interinu Fernando Lasama de Araujo, Ministru Edukasaun interinu, Virgilio Smith, Vise Ministra Pre-es kolar no Ensinu Baziku Dulce de Jesus Soares hamutuk ho reprezentante UNICEF Hungao Wei.", "Ministru Edukasaun Interinu Virgilio Smith iha nia diskursu hateten Eskola foun ne'e la'os haree ba eskola foun, kadeira no meja foun maibe eskola foun hare liu ba aplikasaun me todolojia iha eskola konaba ha norin no disiplina iha sala laran atu nune'e motiva labarik sira halo atraksaun iha sala laran.", "Iha Ministeriu Edukasaun halo ona planu ne'ebe lidera husi Vise Ministra Dulce de Jesus Soares konaba reforma Kurrikulu liuliu Ensinu Pre-Eskolar, hahu ha norin ho lian inan no programa ida ne'e mak sei hala'o hamutuk ho eskola foun.", "Ministeriu Edukasaun mos sei presiza aumenta sala 2.813. no programa ne'e Vise Ministra mak sei hala'o hela no la'os ida ne'e de'it presiza aumenta tan ekipamentu ba sala ne'ebe sei presiza.", "Iha mos programa formasaun ba profesor sira atu forma tan profesor ne'ebe atu hanorin iha eskola foun ne'e.", "Atu bele kumpriende diak sistema no mekanismu prosesu aprendizajen iha sala laran.", "Iha fatin hanesan Primeiru Ministru Interinu, Fernando Lasama hateten, UNICEF hasai osan hamutuk $50.000. (sinquenta mill dolares) hodi halo konstrusaun no hola ekipamentu sira ba eskola.", "Lasama husu atu UNICEF kontinua fo apoiu ba konstrusaun eskola sira hanesan ne'e iha fatin seluk.", "\"Husu ba komunidade sira atu haruka imi nia oan ba eskola no labele husik sira halimar iha uma tanba tempu ida agora ne'e la'os tempu ba alfabetizasaun , husik labarik sira ba eskola atu bele troka fali ami jerasaun katuas nian,\"dehan Lasama.", "Husu mos ba komunidade sira atu tau konsiderasaun katak eskola mak fatin ba labarik sira buka matenek no bele servi ba nasaun.", "Ne'eduni husu ba komunidade sira atu tau matan ba eskola ne'e tanba UNICEF tulun ona guvernu hodi hadia kualidade eskola iha Timor.", "Aleinde ne'e Lasama deklara katak bazeia ba orden primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao katak iha tinan 2014 tenki servisu maka'as liu tan, aselera konstrusaun sala eskola, kadera no meza.", "Reprezentante UNICEF ba Timor-Leste, Hungao Wei hatete, durante tinan 2013 nia laran UNICEF ho Ministeriu Edukasaun halo ona konstrusaun eskola 23 ho fasilidade be mos saneamentu hanesan iha distritu Aileu, Viqueque, Manatuto, Ermera no Oekuse ne'ebe sei benefisia ba estudante 8700 no mos iha 2014 nia laran UNICEF sei halo tan Pre-Esko lar 7 hanesan iha distritu Aileu, Dili, Liquica Manatuto no Oecuse \"Hau sente kontente duni tanba realiza duni projeitu halo eskola foun ida ne'ehola parte hotu husi eskola 23 iha distritu lima no ita sei hein katak eskola seluk sei intrega iha fula Maiu ou Junnu nia laran,\"dehan Mei.", "Iha biban ne'e Reprezentante UNICEF kongratula ba Guvernu ho nia komitmentu atu hadia kualiadde eskola prinsipalmente liu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun partikularmente ba Diretor En sinu Baziku ho nia ekipa tomak ne'ebe halo ona planu, bele realiza konstrusaun eskola iha Aileu bele garantia kualidade edukasaun Baziku ba labarik hotu iha komu nidade nia leet.", "Wei mos fo parabens ba inan no aman sira, komunidade no profesor sira nia apoiu tomak durante hala'o konstrusaun to'o intrega ba Ministeriu Edukasaun. reprezentante UNICEF Timor-Leste ne'e husu ba parte hotu-hotu atu kuidadu no tau matan ba edifisiu ida ne'e nune'e bele uza ba prosesu apredizajen nian.", "UNICEF nia papel atu tau ma tan ba labarik sira liu husi hadia kualidade eskola atu labarik sira husi Ensinu Baziku bele produz rekursu umanu ho kualiadade di'ak.", "Kordenador eskola Filial,Mantane Aileu, Jose Pineru dehan Eskola ida ne'e hamu tuk husi siklu dahuluk no siklu daruak inklui Pre-eskolar maibe husi eskola ida ne'e iha mos siklu dahuluk filial husi sala ida ne'e koloka fila fali ba iha Suku Erbuti.", "Jose esplika liutan katak Total alunus hamutuk 316, mane 172, no feto 144. profesor hamutuk ema nain 16, permanente 14 no kontratadu na'in 2 no iha sigu ransa nain ida, eskola ne'e iha sala foun tolu ida uza ba profesor sira no ida uza ba Biblioteka no iha haris fatin separadu ba Feto no Mane inklui be mos.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Edukasaun distrito Aileu, Izac Sarmento agradese ba parseria UNICEF Timor-Leste. \"no husu nafatin UNICEF fo apoiu nafatin wainhira eskola refere iha proposta ruma, bele tau hela konsiderasaun no agradese mos ba direitor kom pania finaliza duni eskola ida ne'e maski hasoru difikuldade barak maibe kontinua esforsu to'o konklui eskola ne'e." ]
[ [ "UNICEF Hands Over 23 Branch School to ME | Ministry of Education The ceremony was symbolically held at the En sinu Baziku Filial school, Manutane in Aileu district on Saturday (04/15) and attended by Interim Prime Minister Fernando Lasama de Araujo; Acting minister for education Virgilio Smith. Vice-minister Preschool & Primary Dulce De Jesus Soares together with representative from UNHCR Hungao Wei were present as well" ], [ "Acting Minister of Education Virgilio Smith in his speech said that the new school is not about a New School, Chairs and tables but more on application to schools with respect for discipline within classroom so as motivate children into attractiveness." ], [ "In the Ministry of Education, a plan has been made led by Vice Minister Dulce de Jesus Soares on curricular reform especially in pre-school education. The program will be implemented together with new schools and begins at mother tongue level 10 years after graduation from primary school (preescolar)." ], [ "The Ministry of Education will also need to add 2,813 classrooms. and the program is being carried out by Deputy Minister' s office but not only this it needs additional equipment for rooms that are needed in addition" ], [ "There is also a teacher training program to train more teachers who will teach in the new school." ], [ "In order to better understand the system and mechanism of learning processes in classrooms." ], [ "Interim Prime Minister Fernando Lasama said that UNICEF has spent $50, 276. (fifty hundred thousand dollars) to build and equip the school building with equipments for children in need of educational support at home or on campuses around Guinea-Bissau' s capital city Luanda" ], [ "Lasama asked that UNICEF continue to support the construction of similar schools elsewhere." ], [ "\"I urge the communities to send their children into school and not leave them at home because this isn't a time for literacy, let our kids go in schools so that they can replace us as an older generation\", Lasama said." ], [ "He also urged communities to consider that school is a place for children where they can seek wisdom and serve the country." ], [ "Therefore, we ask the communities to take care of this school because UNICEF has helped governments improve quality schools in Timor." ], [ "In addition, Lasama declared that based on the order of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in 2014 must work harder to accelerate construction school rooms and chairs." ], [ "UNICEF Representative in Timor-Leste, Hungao Wei said that during 2013 the Ministry of Education and UNHCR have built a total Of Schools with facilities including sanitation for Aileu district which will benefit to over seven thousand students. In addition they are planning on building another Preschool home at Dili District as well.\"I am very pleased because we realize this project making new school has already been part from all The schools within five regions And it is our expectation That other educational institutions shall be complete by late May or June \"said Mei\"." ], [ "At the same time, UNICEF Representative congratulated Government with its commitment to improve school quality mainly through Ministry of Education particular Director En Sinu Basic and his entire team who have made plans for building schools in Aileu that can guarantee basic education's highest possible standard." ], [ "Wei also congratulated the parents, community and teachers for all their support during construction until it was handed over to Ministry of Education. The UNICEF Timor-Leste representative called on everyone involved in this building's maintenance so that they can be used as a learning facility:" ], [ "UNICEF's role is to provide for children through improving the quality of schools so that elementary school kids can produce high-quality human resources." ], [ "The Director of the School Branch, Mantane Aileu Jose Pineru said that this school is divided into first and second cycles including Pre-School but there are also branches in Erbuti Village." ], [ "Jose explained further that the total number of students is 316, male-female ratios are respectively: men -274 and women –50. There were also two permanent teachers with a staffing capacity for one teacher per classroom; three new rooms (one used as lecture hall) in addition to an additional room where there was separated space between female/Male pupils which has been renovated recently so it can accommodate all classes at once without having any problems during school hours or otherwise when children come home from their parents' homes" ], [ "In the same way, Aileu district Education Director Izac Sarmento thanked UNICEF Timor-Leste for its partnership. \"And I also ask that whenever there is a proposal regarding this school to continue support it and take into consideration.\" He said he was grateful as well of righter company who have completed these schools despite many difficulties but continued their efforts until they were finished in full speeds:" ] ]
Gabinete Tasi Timor - Fo-Sai ba Midia\nInformasaun ba imprensa: Negosiu Fronteira Maritimu entre Timor-Leste no Australia, Outobru 2003\nGabinete Primeiru Ministru Fó-sai ba Mídia: Primeiru Ministru Alkatiri hateten-sai nia hanoin-barak kona ba ALP nia apoiu ba projetudelei Akordu Unitizasaun Internasionál, 26 Marzu 2004\nGTT Fó-sai ba Mídia: Timor-Leste protesta kona ba esplorasaun ilegal ba nia rekursus, 31 Marzu 2004\nGTT Fó-sai ba Mídia: Espertu-ida DFAT nian apoiu Timor-Leste nia direitu maritimu, 23 April 2004\nDeklarasaun kona ba desenvolvimetu minarai no gas iha Timor-Leste, 22 Agusto 2004\nGovernu Timor-Leste loke konsultasaun publiku kona ba Fundu Petroleum, 18 Outubru 2004\nMinistério do Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, Direcção dos Recursos Minerais e Política Energética, Timor-Leste husu relotóriu kona ba produsaun minarai iha Tasi Timor, 15 Fevereiru 2005\nPublica kedas, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação: Encontro Tasi Timor tama ona iha progresu nebe diak, 29 Avril\nGTT Informasaun ba imprensa: Negosiu Fronteira Maritimu entre Timor-Leste no Australia, Outobru 2003\nGovernu Timor-Leste simu ho laran-kmanek kompromisu husi Governu Australianu atu hala'o negosiu fronteira maritimu uluklai nian iha laran semana nebe hahu loron 10 Novembru.\nMomentu negosiu hahu sei marka etapa uluklai importante atu ba rekonhesimentu Timor-Leste nia direitu atu halo determinisaun ninia teritoriu maritimu. Timor-Leste simu tiha ona nia fronteira maritimu tun husi kolonizmu Portugal, Indonezia no liutiha UNTAET. Tratado Timor-Leste no akordus nebe relatadu nebe asina tiha ona entre Governu Timor-Leste no Australia sira mak medidas provizorio nebe sei taka hotu tiha ona iha momento nebe fronteira maritimu permantente mak delimita looloos.\nBainhira simu laran kmanek Australia sira nia hakarak atu hahu negosiu, Premeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nian, Mari Alkitiri fo aten boot ba Australia atu halo kompromisu ba orariu atubele halo negosiu kompletu, hotu tiha ona. Nia hateten katak buat hanesan nee sei halo tuir kompromisu nebe Premeiru Ministru Australia John Howard halo atu ba oin ha "fiar ba malu laran-kmanek" iha laran koalia ba malu hamutuk ho Timor-Leste.\n"Povu Timor-Leste esperar loos katak ita nia independensia nebe ita hotu luta ba hetan sei mos tuir to'o independensia ekonomiku. Povu Timor-Leste mos iha direitu atu hatene sira nia teritoriu nia limitasauns no rekursus naturais nebe mak sira nian" Dr Alkitiri hateten.\n"Hamutuk ho direitu entitulu ba fronteira maritimu, Timor-Leste mos iha nesesidade atu bele iha. Asistansia laran-kmanek husi doadores sira mak fo bazeia ba ita atu ba oin, maibe nunee mak rendimentu husi ita nia rekurusus naturais nebe atu fo fatin ba derasaun Timor-oan futuru atu bele hamriik mesak ho sira nia ain rua mesak deit," nia hatan.\nTimor-Leste nia Aktu Zonas Maritimu husi 2002 hatuur hakerek Timor-Leste nia reklame fronteira maritimu 200 milha maritima, nebe konsistente halo tuir lei internasional. Timore Leste nia reklame hatoo ba area Tratado Tasi Timor tomak (nebe inklui kampu-minas-rai Bayu Undan), kampu "Greater Sunrise", no kampus Laminaria, Corallina no Buffalo. Kampuhirak hotu hotu nee mak besik liu Timor-Leste duke fali Australia.\nTimor-Leste mak rain kiak ida nebe kiak liu hotu iha mondial. Maioridade boot liu populasaun moris hela subsitensia manan menus liu US$1 loron loron. Eskola, hospital no hadia foun fali estradas mak nesesidad urgente. Destrusaun nebe tuir fali violensia 1999 hateke hetan hela vizivel ohin, agora daudaun. Rendimentu dada husi kampu Bayu-Undan, nebe hela iha area Tratado Tasi Timor, sei importante ba Timor-Leste nia desenvolvimentu iha besik no meio termu, maibe rendimentu husi kampu nee mak hanoin ba oin atu sai boot liu hotu iha laran tinan sanulu ba oin. Timor-Leste sei presiza hametin fonte rendimentu boot liu no langu prazu katak fronteira maritimu bazeia ba lei internasional sei hafo atubele liberta nasaun husi povereza metin kleur no desenvolvimentu la to'o.\nHamutuk ho asistensia Banku Mondial no IMF, Governu Timor-Leste halo planu atu estabelese fundus petroleo-ida nebe atu maneja rendimentu minas-rai nian ha transperensia no responsibilidade.\nGovernu Timor-Leste hakarak fo fiar ba investadores iha Tasi Timor katak Timor-Leste sei manten ninia enkuadramentu regulatoriu no fiskal favorese ba investamentu liutihia fronteira maritumu sei konkorde tiha ona. Rejime ida nebe metin liu hotu ba investamentu iiha Tasi Timor mak rejime fronteira permanente.\nPrime Minister Alkatiri hanoin-barak komentariu ne'ebe halo iha Senate Australia nian iha loron Kuarta 24 Marzu reklama katak nia laiha hanoin-barak ida kona ba partidu ALP sira nia apoiu ba projetudelei Akordu Unitizasaun Internasionál (AUI) ne'ebe agora daudaun mak iha oin Parlamentu Australia.\nPrimeiru Ministru Alkatiri ohin hateten "Hau ho klaridade hateten hau nia hanoin-barak kona ba projetudelei AUI, no konsidere katak asauns no deklarasauns Australianu kona ba AUI dezvaloriza prospetus ba nia aprovasaun iha Parlamentu Nasionál Timor-Leste nian. Asaun hirak ne'e maka fó-sai lisensa unilaterál balu, ne'ebe Australia mak fó, iha área kampu Greater Sunrise deskreve nudar área haksesuk malu iha testu AUI. Iha deklarasaun Australianu balu ne'ebe reklama katak área ida ne'e mak área ' Australia nia jurisdisaun mesak rasik de'it'. Buat ne'e mak kategoriku laloos".\nGovernu Timor-Leste mak prontu atu halo tuir nia obrigasaun ba akordus ne'ebe nia hatama ba tiha ona, maibe prosesu ratifikasaun AUI iha Parlamentu Nasionál Timor-Leste sei halo fasil-liu se karik Australia mak halo atu tuir lei internasionál.\nPrimeiru Ministru Alkatiri hateten liutan "Apoiu agora daudaun lakon-barak luhan ba AUI iha Timor-Leste. Faktu hirak katak Australia fó-sai lisensa iha área haksesuk malu; seidauk hatudu nia an prontu ba orariu atubele define fronteira maritimu; reklama atu iha liman rekursus lato'o atubele tama ba enkontru liu dalarua tinan ida atu halo negosiu ita nia fronteira; mak seis husi Tribunal Internasionál Justisia kona ba fronteira maritimu no mos kontinua nafatin atu esplora kampu minas Laminaria, Corallina no Buffalo ne'ebe rai iha área tasi ne'ebe Timor-Leste reklama no mos ne'ebe mak besik ona sira nia moris produtivu nia ikus, la maski ita nia hakelar ofisiál, hamutuk hotu la fó tulun ba Timor-Leste atu nia bele iha konfiar atu halo tuir akordu hametin legal ne'ebe nia hatama an ba".\n"Karik fronteira maritimu permanente mak konkorde tiha ona lailais no ho efisiensia no mos halo tuir Lei Internasionál, lia-lia barak liu ne'e sei disolve".\nGovernu Australia nia fó-sai hectares liutan atu ba esplorasaun minas no gás semana agora daudaun iha Tasi-Timor mak violasaun-ida lei internasionál no mos ba kontra akordu unitizasaun Greater Sunrise ne'ebe Parlamentu Australia foin aprova iha Segunda, hateten Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste Dr Mari Alkatiri.\nIha loron Segunda, Governu Australia hato'o katak nia fó-sai hectares ba esplorasaun ne'ebe dalarua besik liu Timor-Leste duke fali Australia, no mos iha Timor-Leste nia sorin linha iha klaran tasi sorin entre rain rua ne'e.\nIha laran loron hanesan, Parlamentu Australianu aprova projetudelei ba desenvolvimentu kampu Greater Sunrise ne'ebe deklara klaru katak parte kampu ne'e hela iha laran área-ida ne'ebe rain rua hotu reklama. Halo tuir akordu Greater Sunrise no mos jeralmente tuir lei internasionál, Australia tenke halo restrisaun ba nia an atu labele halo esplorasaun unilaterál iha área ne'ebe sujeita ba hakesesuk malu.\nArea-ida ne'ebe oferta atu fa'an tuir leilaun, NT04-1, mak ajacente ba kampu Greater Sunrise, no mos hela dalarua besik liu Timor-Leste. Area segunda-ida, AC04-1, ne'ebe iha parte oeuste Tasi Timor, mak iha are-ida ne'ebe Timor-Leste reklama no mos dalarua besik liu Timor-Leste (haree ba area hamahon iha mapa).\nKomunikasaun-ida kona ba leilaun ne'e halo tuir fó-sai lisensa esplorasaun ne'ebe Governu Australia mak halo iha fulan-Fevereiru tinan agora daudaun, no mos ida seluk-tan iha fulan-Avril iha tinan ida foin liuba iha area haksesuk malu. Australia mak mos manan US$biliaun liu nudar rendimentu impostu husi kampus Laminaria-Corallina ne'ebe hela iha area haksesuk malu iha parte oueste iha Tasi Timor, no mos ne'ebe maka besik liu Timor-Leste.\nKompanhia-sira ne'ebe hanoin atu hatama folin ba leilaun fatin hirak ne'e tenke konxiente ba risku potensial bainhira halo investamentu iha laran teritoriu haksesuk nian tanba Timor-Leste sei halo tuir etapa legal hotu hotu atu prevene esplorasaun ilegal no utilizasaun rekursus iha laran nia zona maritimu.\nTimor-Leste mak proposta enkontru semana semana ho propozitu atu rezolve haksesuk malu hamutuk ho Australia lailais no mos ho efisiensia. Australia hateten katak nia iha rekursus mesak de'it atu hasoru dala rua iha tinan ida nia laran, maski nia mak ida husi rain riku liu hotu iha mundu nia leet no Timor-Leste mak ida ne'ebe ki'ak liu hotu.\n"Bainhira nia halo demora ba negosiasaun, Australia mak fó-sai lisensa foun balu iha areas haksesuk malu besik kampu Greater Sunrise no mos kontinua atu manan rendimentu husi parte haksesuk malu seluk tan iha Tasi Timor", hateten Dr. Alkatiri. "Lei International rekere katak Australia ezersita restrisaun ba nia an rasik iha areas haksesuk maritimu" nia hateten tan.\n"Australia nia esplorasaun unilateral ba ita nia rekursus iha Tasi Timor la halo tuir espiritu no letra Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional Greater Sunrise," hateten Dr. Alkatiri.\nAUI ne'e ho klaridade rekonhese Timor-Leste nia direitu ba area ajesente ba Greater Sunrise ne'ebe hela iha liur Area Desenvolvimentu Minas Hamutuk. Ida ne'e deklara katak "Timor-Leste no Australia, iha loron asina akordu, rua hotu mak halo reklama maritimu, no mos seidauk define sira nia fronteira, inklui area-ida iha laran Tasi Timor ha ne'ebe Greater Sunrise eziste." Primeiru Ministru Alkatiri hateten katak Australia nia asaun unilateral haklakan nesesidade atu harii fronteira permanente iha Tasi Timor.\n"Mesak de'it fronteira maritimu permanente bele hafo ambiente investamentu ho estabilidade ne'ebe bele serve intereses investadores petroleu iha ita nia rain rua hotu. Fronteira permanente-ida mak parte integradu ba Timor-Leste nia direitu ba ukun rasik an no mos sei halo hotu okupasaun ilegal ba nia teritoriu. Bainhira Australia knotinua atu okupa iha maneira ilegal, area ne'e iha Tasi Timor, Australia mak dezvaloriza ita nia integridade teritorial," nia hateten.\nTimor-Leste laiha fronteira permanente, no rekursus ne'ebe mak nia direitu iha okos lei internasional sei kritiku atubele fo tulun ba nia atu hadia foun fali nasaun ne'ebe uluk sobu, hasoru rezolve povereza no realiza independensia ekonomiku.\nGTT Fó-sai ba Mídia: Espertu-ida DFAT nian apoiu Timor-Leste nia direitu maritimu, 23 Avril 2004\nTimor-Leste nia direitu atu harii fronteira maritimu ida ne'ebe justu iha Tasi Timor, no Australia sira nia obrigasaun atu negosiu ho fiar diak no la han hamensu rekursus iha areas ne'ebe sujeitu ba haksesuk malu, mak hetan apoiu husi membru xave ida iha laran Governu Australia nia ekipa negosiu ne'ebe halo parte iha koalia hamutuk iha Dili semana agora ne'e.\nMr Dean Bialek, espertu lei internasional ida servisu ho Departamentu Negosiu no Asunto Estranjeiru (DNAE/DFAT) fo apoia makaas Timor-Leste nia pozisaun iha submisaun hakerek no deklarasaun testaemunha ba komisaun parlamentariu, no mos iha artigu jornal refere ba. Mr Bialek hato'o pontu hirak ne'e bainhira servisu nudar profesor lei iha Universidade Melbourne, maibe semana agora daudaun nia mak membru ida iha delegasaun DFAT nian ne'ebe mai Dili atu hala'o koalia hamutuk kona ba fronteira maritimu.\nMr Bialek mak iha esperteza espesifiku ida kona balei maritimu Tasi Timor. Nia mak publika jornal internasional presitjiu, no mos Komisaun Hamriik Hamutuk kona Tratado (KHHT/JSCOT) fo hanoin todan ba ninia submisaun bainhira nia halo revista Tratado Tasi Timor.\nMr Bialek husu ho duvidas makaas Australia nia dependensia ba "prolongamentu natural" ninia plataleira kontinental. Nia hakerek iha nia submisaun 2002 ba JSCOT, hanesan: "Bainhira prinsipiu prolongamentu natural hela validu iha lei internasional atu fo apoiu ba Australia nia reklame ba plataleira-ida liu to'o iha Trincheira Timor, nia rasik mak nafatin sujeitu liu ba preferensia ba linha media iha ne'ebe hetan menus liu 400 milhas nautiku entre estadu rua opostu".\nAkontese ona dala 80 iha ne'ebe linha media mak aplika atubele resolve reklame hakat malu (bainhira estadu mak menus liu fali distansia 400 milha nautiku ba malu). Tratado Australia- Indonesia 1972 mak mesak de'it ezetua-ida.Tratado ida ne'e mak halo hotu bainhira lei internasional kona ba area ne'e mak iha nia infansia. Opiniaun agora daudaun mak besik universalmente favorese liu fali ba prinsipiu linha media.\nLivru ida ne'ebe autoritativu liu kona ba fronteira maritimu deklara: "Faktor geologiku no geomorfalojiku mak besik atu laiha relevensia, liuliu iha kazu ne'ebe estadu rua oposto mak hela menus liu 400 milha nautiku ba malu." Churchill no Lowe (1999), The Law of the Sea, p190.\nAustralia mak deklara dalabarak ona katak fronteira lateral Area Desenvolvimentu Mina-rai Hamutuk (ADMH) mak aprorpriadu ona nudar fronteira maritimu permanente. Hanesan ne'e taka dalan ba Timor-Leste atubele hetan fahe boot liu ba Greater Sunrise, no mos rendimentu husi kampu Laminaria-Corallina no Buffalo.\nMaibe, MrBialek deklara iha nia submisaun ba JSCOT katak: "Australia keta hanoin kona ba ADMH nudar modelo ida ne'ebe reflete linhas apropriadu ba delimitasaun permanente etnre Timor-Leste no Australia. Keta mos labele hateke hetan JPDA hanesan nia relfete limita baliza area ne'ebe 'hela sujeita ba haksesuk malu'."\nNegosiu halo ho Fiar Di'ak\nAustralia labele kontinua atu demora resolusaun fronteira Tasi Timor. Timor-Leste mak rain ida kiak liu hotu iha mundu nia leet no mos nia lakon ona US$1 miliaun loron-loron nudar rendimentu taxa ba Australia husi kampu mina-rai tolu (Laminaria-Corallina no Bufallo) ne'ebe hela dalarua besik liu fali Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste rekizitu husu enkontru fulan-fulan atubele rezolve hasesuk malu lalais no ho efisiensia, maibe Australia hateten katak nia iha rekursus de'it atubele hasoru dala-rua tinan ida idak. Oficial DFAT nian hateten ba jornalista sira katak atu hakotu lia negosiu bele han tinan tolunulu, ne'ebe lajustu ba rain ida ne'ebe presiza rekursus desparu atubele hasoru povereza masa no rekonstrusaun nasional.\nMr Bialek hakerek iha nia submisaun ba JSCOT: "Governu Australia nian tenke hela neon nakono ba nesesidade atubele engaje ho maneira signifikativu tama ba negosiu atu tesi- hakotu-lia fronteira maritimu permanente hamutuk ho Timor-Leste."\nNia aumenta iha testamunha verbal: "Iha nafatin obrigasaun jeral-ida iha okos lei internsaional no relasauns internasional katak tenke iha negosiu ho fiar diak atu ba konklusaun fronteira permanente. Buat ne'e, hau hanoin, iha lei internasional, hateten katak Australia labele dada nia ain la'o neineik halo tuir termu hetan harii solusaun permanente-ida."\nObrigasaun atu halo restrisaun rasik an iha areas sujeitu ba haksesuk malu\nAustralia mak halo esplorasaun unilateral areas sujeitu ba haksesuk malu bainhira nia fo-sai lisensa esplorasaun no produsaun, no mos halo tuir halo avizo atu fa'an lisensa foun. Nia halo hanesan ne'e maski liutiha nia asina Akordu Unitizasaun Greater Sunrise, ne'ebe deklara katak rain rua hotu mak halo ona reklama iha area sujeita ba haksesuk malu. Lisensa produsaun hirak ne'e ba kampu Laminaria-Corallina no Bufallo mak manan ba Australia rendimentu taxa mesak de'it estima nudar US$1.5 biliaun liutiha tinan 1999.\nHanesan Mr Bialek hakerek iha nia submisaun ba JSCOT:\n"Menus liu hotu iha rekerementu atu tenke buka atu koalia hamutuk proposta-ida atu esplora area-ida ne'ebe sujeita ba reklama haksesuk malu."\n"Australia tenke evita buka tuir desenvolvimentu petroleu unilateral iha area hirak nebe hatene ona hanesan sujeita ba reklama hakat malu. Asaun hanesan ne'e bele serve atu aumenta sentidu laran-lametin diplomatiku ne'ebe halo komplikadu liu movimentu ba oin planu atu espl;ora rekursus murak iha Tasi Timor ba benefisiu mutuu Autralia no Timor-Leste ninian rua hotu.."\nObrigasaun atu halo restrisaun ba nia an rasik bele mos hetan iha artigu Professor Triggs no Mr Bialek mak hakerek iha Jornal Lei Internasionao Melbourne nian.\n"Maibe, iha diferensa legal entre esplorasaun/buka ba laran no esplorasaun/utilizasaun. Australia sei rekere atulabele fo-sai lisensa produsaun, maybe atu halo buka ba laran esplorasaun mesak de'it laiha nesesidade atu halo kria risku prejudisia labele hadia hanetik interese Timor-Leste nian. Maski la nunee, sei hanoin no planeamentu diak ba Timor-Leste, liutiha hahu ba forsa ninia Lei Zona Maritimu, atu proteje nia reklama halo tuir afirme foun fali katak nia la rekonhese interese ne'ebe Australia mak fo-sai ne'ebe la halo tuir Timor-Leste nia direitu ba EEZ iha okos lei internasional."\nGovernu Timor-Leste halao dadauk promulgasaun rejime kona ba desenvolvimentu rekursus petroleu iha Timor-Leste to'o iha Natal, Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkitiri hateten.\nPrimeiru Ministru Alkatri koalia sai depois konsultasaun loron tolu semana uluk liu ba iha Dili (Agusto 23-25) kona ba lei no modelu kontratu hirak nebe sei halo konta rejime ida ne'e. Tuir ida ne'e sei halo konsultasaun iha sentru distritu semana rua, no sei komplementa hodi hakerek submisaun kona ba rejime, inklui husi industria sira.\n"Lia menon ne'ebe fo iha konsultasaun sei konsidera didiak no sei ajuda governu atu defini hodi halo lei sira. Lia menon ne'e ami simu pozitivu teb-tebes no hau fiar katak ita se bele hetan ita nia objetivu atu harii tiha ona rejime ida ne'e molok Natal."\n"Proposta ba Rejime ida ne'e kompetitivu, transparente no metin ba desenvolvimentu rekursus minarai no gas nian."\nSaida mak molok tau iha publiku nia oin mak revista rejime ba area tasi hodi maneija hamutuk ho Governu Australia, no mos rejime foun-ida atu ba areas hirak iha Timor-Leste nian, iha tasi laran no rai laran.\n"Bainhira rejime-ida ne'e mak harii tiha ona, Timor-Leste hein atubele hahu esplorasaun no desenvolvimentu lalais liu."\nIha dispozisaun interim dadauk , Timor-Leste hanoin ba oin atu hetan mais ou menus U.S.$4.4 biliaun husi rezervatoriu. Iha permanente fronteira tasi nia tuir ba lei internasional, Timor-Leste iha direitu hetan dala tolu rendimentu ida ne'e.\n"Sr Downer nia liafuan iha konferenisa imprensa iha Agusto 11 mak marka rekonhesimentu ida importante ba Timor-Leste nia reklame tuir rendimentu hirak ne'e."\n"Hau konfiar katak solusaun ida bele hetan nebe reflete Timor-Leste nia direitu iha Tasi Timor iha lei internasional nia okos. Hau hein sorumutu iha loron 20 fulan Setembru iha Canberra sei konstrutivu, produtivu no sesaun ne'ebe intensivu katak sei hetan justu no fahe rekurusu tasi Timor nian hanesan."\n"Hodi aumentatan katak klase legal iha mundu no rejime fiskal ne'ebe iha Timor-Leste sei haka'as'an hodi establese estabilidade no kontinuidade internasional atu bele hala'o esplorasaun rekursus minarai no gas Tasi Timor nian. Ba Interese ida ne'e partidu hotu-hotu- industria petroleu no Timor-Leste no mos ita nia amigu no vizinhu Australia."\nGovernu Timor-Leste ohin hahu'u periodu konsultasaun publiku kona ba oin sa' establese Fundu Petroleum ba Timor-Leste. Papel baziku prepara tiha ona hodi fo ba publiku atu debate.\nPrimeiru-Ministru Mari Alkatiri hateten katak: "Ita nia hakarak mak Fundu Petroleum hanesan instrumentu ida ba jestaun rekursu Petroleum Timor-Leste nian hodi benefisia ohin loron no ba futuru generasaun nian.".\n"Ho ekperiensia ho nasaun seseluk hatudu katak riku soin petroleum bele sai malisan a'at do ke malisan diak. Hodi ida ne'e oin sa Timor-Leste bele maneija didiak rekurusu petroleum nian, ida ne'e importante hodi informa ba povu didiak no hateten katak ita bele establese stratejia ne'ebe ema hotu bele aseita se bele."\nKonsultasaun Publika diskuti kona ba establese instrumentu hodi rai Fundu Petroleum . Proposal Fundu Petroleum hari'i iha Norvegia no esperiensia ne'ebe susessu teb-tebes maibe aumenta tan tranparensia no prinsipal ba informasaun. Ida ne'e refere ba modelu "Norway Plus" nian.\nDiskusaun ida ne'e mos sei diskuti kona ba ida ne'e , maibe keta-ketak, liu-liu kona ba regulamentu oin sa' atu rai osan. Governu adapta regulametu rai osan ne'ebe konstante ba riku soin Petroleum nia valor. Liu tiha termus mediu, regulamentu ida ne'e sei aumenta ba despeza governu nia nivel ohin loron.\nPrimeiru-Ministru Alkatiri hateten katak : "Aumenta despesa tenki uza ho ulun hodi investe ba servisu governu no infrastrutura , ne'ebe bele aumenta ekonomia ne'ebe forte no kontribui hodi hamenus kiak. Lei ida ne'e sei rai osan no sufisiente finanseiru hodi depozita iha Fundu Petroleum hodi nune'e tinan ikus mai ita bele manten despeza ho nivel hanesan.."\nOfisiais Governu nian sei halo konsultasaun publiku iha distritus inklui kapital Dili, semana oin mai. Primeiru-Ministru Alkatiri hateten tan katak: "Ita fo korajen ba povu Timor-leste hotu-hotu no organizasaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha interese ba diskusaun ida ne'e kona Fundu Petroleum no fo komentu ne'ebe konstruktiva kona isue ne'ebe atu foti."\nBazea ba konsultasaun publiku ida ne'e Governu Timor-Leste hakarak lao ba oin hodi draft lei kona ba Fundu Petroleum no ba konsultasaun publiku iha tinan oin mai. Sujeita ida ne'e hodi aprova husi parlamentu no promulga husi prezidente, Fundu Petroleum bele hahu'u husi loron 1 jullu 2005, ne'ebe hahu'u husi 2005-2006 ba anu fiskal.\nIha komentu ruma ne'ebe iha relasiona ba isu ida ne'e no ba diskusaun bele hato'o antes loron 30 Novembru 2004 ba Ministeriu Planeamentu no Finansa.\nHakarak husu kona ba Fundu Petroleum no konsultasaun publiku, bele kontaktu Mr Cristino Gusmao, Macroeconomics Unit, Ministry of Planning and Finance (cgusmao@mopf.gov.tp) or tel +670 723 0127).\nDOKUMENTU DISKUSAUN NIAN BA KONSULTA PÚBLIKA\nGoverno Timor-Leste hakerek ona surat ida ba Woodside Energy Ltd. hodi husu relotóriu detailladu ida kona ba minarai nebé hasai iha kampu Laminaria iha Tasi Timor.\nWoodside relata ona iha loron 3 fulan Fevereiru katak hasai ona mais ou menus baril 300 iha loron 18 fulan Janeiru liu ba. Iha deklarasaun ne'e hateten katak, autoridade sira hosi Governu nian simu kedas notifikasaun kona ba kazu ne'e.\n"Governu Timor-Leste seidauk simu notifikasaun ne'e hosi Woodside,"dehan Señor José Teixeira, Secretário de Estado ba Turismu, Investimentu no Meio Ambiente.\n"Ida ne'e hanesan esplorasaun ba dala rua nebé halo iha fatin minarai nian neba iha fulan tolu nia laran, no ami seidauk simu informasaun ida kona ba kazu rua ne'e. Woodside protesta katak, iha loron 18 fulan Janeiru liu ba, minarai nebé maka hasai iha fatin ne'e, liu tiha loron rua minarai iha fatin ne'e maran tiha. Tan ne'e, Governu Timor-Leste iha preokupasaun katak, nia seidauk simu avaliasaun independente ida kona ba insidente ne'e no impaktu kona ba meio ambiente iha fatin neba nian.\n"Hau husu ona ba Woodside atu halo relotóriu formal ida no esbosu kona ba medidas oinsá atu bele resolve no medidas seluk tan nebé bele evita atu kazu hanesan ne'e labele mosu fali, Señor Teixeira hatutan tan.\nKampu Laminaria hela iha km 150 dok hosi kosta sul Timor-Leste nian iha área ida nebé sei iha problema - área ida nebé iha reklamasaun barak entre Timor-Leste no Australia. Governu Timor-Leste konsidera área ne'e iha jurisdisaun marítima Timor-Leste nian. Área ne'e ba liña kosteira Australia nian iha km 350.\nTanba la iha restrisaun ka limitasaun hosi disputa ne'e, sá ida mak bele konsidera ba problema nebé mosu hanesan ne'e, ho impaktu ida bo'ot kona ba meio ambiente tasi nian, bele afecta liu ba Timor-Leste liu fali Australia, dehan Señor Teirxeira.\nKampu Laminaria no kampu Corallina nebé besik malu halo ona produsaun hahú kedas iha tinan 1999.\nWoodside Energy Ltd. sai hanesan operador ba projektu ne'e. Governu Timor-Leste halo estimasaun ida katak, kampu hirak ne'e, halo ona produsaun liu dólar biliaun $2 hosi reseita taxa nian nebé selu tiha ona ba Governu Australia.\nIha surat ida nebé haruka tiha ona ba Woodside iha fulan Janeiru tinan kotuk, Governu Timor-Leste bolu atensaun ba falla atu kumpri lolós lei Timor-Leste nian nebé rugula aktividade minarai, maka Governu Timor-Leste sei hatama Woodside Energy Ltd. ba prosesu sivil no kriminal.\nPublica kedas, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação: Encontro Tasi Timor tama ona iha progresu nebe diak, 29 Avril 2005\nGoverno Timorense hamutuk ho Governo Australiano halo mudanca diak liu fali iha processu de negociacao in Dili semana ida nee nia laran konaba recursus olio e gazes iha tasi timor, Ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros e Cooperacoa Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta hateten.\n"Hahalok construktivo nebe adopta iha semana ida nee nia laran durante nee koalia lori ona ba processu positivo hodi resolve problema iha Tasi Timor. Nee lori ona nacao rua nee ba era foun iha relacao bilaterais no cooperacao economia.\n"Buka dalan atu dezenvolve iha rekursos mina nian sei lori beneficio significate ba economia nacao rua nee. Timor-Leste, hanesan nacao ida nebe ki'ak liu iha mundo, sei hetan beneficio barak wainhira to'o iha resultado final,"Dr. Ramos-Horta hatutan tan.\nDr Horta, fo ninia conclusaun depois de loron tolu encontro iha Dili entre delegacao hosi nacao rua nee. Ida nee hanesan ba dala lima encontro nebe seriu no intensivu nebe halao hahu hosi fulan Septembro tinan kotuk.Encontro ida nee mak consedera hanesan pasu ida productivo liu duke encontro sira uluk. Nia aumenta tan.\nEncontro nee focus liu ba problema nebe relevante ho linha klaran iha Tasi Timor enter nacao rua nee. Timor-Leste hato'o nia proposta ida hanesan solucao creativu nebe sei involve problemas compleksu no sensetivu wainhira aseita iha linha nebe permanente.\n"Sei iha buat detailhos barak nebe parte rua nee sei atu servisu liu tan. Encontro tuir mai sei halao iha tempo badak, maibe hau iha confiansa katak ita oras nee to'o oan iha acordo ida nebe sei resolve ba periodo nebe naruk. Ita nia compiticao iha Tasi Timor no mos sei loke dalan ba recursus naturais iha regiaun nee"\nDr. Ramos-Horta mos hato'o obrigado no apresia ba suporta bot nebe hetan hosi communidade internacional ba Timor-Leste iha problema ida nee. Maibe nia mos hateten katak, komentario nebe hato'o hosi grupos sira nebe la involve iha prosessu nee, sei la refleta ba hahalok nebe foti ona hosi governo rua nee. Dr Horta iha confianca katak progresu nebe hetan iha negociacao nee sei halo ema hotu kontente.\n"Hanesan pesoal hau hakarak admite ba lideransa hosi primeiro ministru nain rua, nebe servicu ho sira nia papel iha progresu nebe hetan durante semana ida nee. Surat nebe haruka hosi primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri ba Primeiro Ministro John Howard, hetan resposta nebe diak hosi Primeiro Ministro John Howard, nebe fo dalan ba dialog nebe basiku e constructivu entre parte rua nee."\n" Hau mos hakarak admite papel nebe hau nai belun diak, Ministro Negocios Estrangeiro Downer. Ami iha relacao serbisu ida nebe diak tebes durante tempo barak no hamutuk ami pasa ona iha buat barak, particularmente iha tinan 1999. Hau sente katak ho amizade buat diak hirak nee bele continua ba oin maski iha diferensa balun.
[ "Gabinete Tasi Timor - Fo-Sai ba Midia Informasaun ba imprensa: Negosiu Fronteira Maritimu entre Timor-Leste no Australia, Outobru 2003 Gabinete Primeiru Ministru Fo-sai ba Midia: Primeiru Ministru Alkatiri hateten-sai nia hanoin-barak kona ba ALP nia apoiu ba projetudelei Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional, 26 Marzu 2004 GTT Fo-sai ba Midia: Timor-Leste protesta kona ba esplorasaun ilegal ba nia rekursus, 31 Marzu 2004 GTT Fo-sai ba Midia: Espertu-ida DFAT nian apoiu Timor-Leste nia direitu maritimu, 23 April 2004 Deklarasaun kona ba desenvolvimetu minarai no gas iha Timor-Leste, 22 Agusto 2004 Governu Timor-Leste loke konsultasaun publiku kona ba Fundu Petroleum, 18 Outubru 2004 Ministerio do Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, Direccao dos Recursos Minerais e Politica Energetica, Timor-Leste husu relotoriu kona ba produsaun minarai iha Tasi Timor, 15 Fevereiru 2005 Publica kedas, Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros e Cooperacao: Encontro Tasi Timor tama ona iha progresu nebe diak, 29 Avril GTT Informasaun ba imprensa: Negosiu Fronteira Maritimu entre Timor-Leste no Australia, Outobru 2003 Governu Timor-Leste simu ho laran-kmanek kompromisu husi Governu Australianu atu hala'o negosiu fronteira maritimu uluklai nian iha laran semana nebe hahu loron 10 Novembru.", "Momentu negosiu hahu sei marka etapa uluklai importante atu ba rekonhesimentu Timor-Leste nia direitu atu halo determinisaun ninia teritoriu maritimu.", "Timor-Leste simu tiha ona nia fronteira maritimu tun husi kolonizmu Portugal, Indonezia no liutiha UNTAET.", "Tratado Timor-Leste no akordus nebe relatadu nebe asina tiha ona entre Governu Timor-Leste no Australia sira mak medidas provizorio nebe sei taka hotu tiha ona iha momento nebe fronteira maritimu permantente mak delimita looloos.", "Bainhira simu laran kmanek Australia sira nia hakarak atu hahu negosiu, Premeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nian, Mari Alkitiri fo aten boot ba Australia atu halo kompromisu ba orariu atubele halo negosiu kompletu, hotu tiha ona.", "Nia hateten katak buat hanesan nee sei halo tuir kompromisu nebe Premeiru Ministru Australia John Howard halo atu ba oin ha \"fiar ba malu laran-kmanek\" iha laran koalia ba malu hamutuk ho Timor-Leste.", "\"Povu Timor-Leste esperar loos katak ita nia independensia nebe ita hotu luta ba hetan sei mos tuir to'o independensia ekonomiku.", "Povu Timor-Leste mos iha direitu atu hatene sira nia teritoriu nia limitasauns no rekursus naturais nebe mak sira nian\" Dr Alkitiri hateten.", "\"Hamutuk ho direitu entitulu ba fronteira maritimu, Timor-Leste mos iha nesesidade atu bele iha.", "Asistansia laran-kmanek husi doadores sira mak fo bazeia ba ita atu ba oin, maibe nunee mak rendimentu husi ita nia rekurusus naturais nebe atu fo fatin ba derasaun Timor-oan futuru atu bele hamriik mesak ho sira nia ain rua mesak deit,\" nia hatan.", "Timor-Leste nia Aktu Zonas Maritimu husi 2002 hatuur hakerek Timor-Leste nia reklame fronteira maritimu 200 milha maritima, nebe konsistente halo tuir lei internasional.", "Timore Leste nia reklame hatoo ba area Tratado Tasi Timor tomak (nebe inklui kampu-minas-rai Bayu Undan), kampu \"Greater Sunrise,\" no kampus Laminaria, Corallina no Buffalo.", "Kampuhirak hotu hotu nee mak besik liu Timor-Leste duke fali Australia.", "Timor-Leste mak rain kiak ida nebe kiak liu hotu iha mondial.", "Maioridade boot liu populasaun moris hela subsitensia manan menus liu US$1 loron loron.", "Eskola, hospital no hadia foun fali estradas mak nesesidad urgente.", "Destrusaun nebe tuir fali violensia 1999 hateke hetan hela vizivel ohin, agora daudaun.", "Rendimentu dada husi kampu Bayu-Undan, nebe hela iha area Tratado Tasi Timor, sei importante ba Timor-Leste nia desenvolvimentu iha besik no meio termu, maibe rendimentu husi kampu nee mak hanoin ba oin atu sai boot liu hotu iha laran tinan sanulu ba oin.", "Timor-Leste sei presiza hametin fonte rendimentu boot liu no langu prazu katak fronteira maritimu bazeia ba lei internasional sei hafo atubele liberta nasaun husi povereza metin kleur no desenvolvimentu la to'o.", "Hamutuk ho asistensia Banku Mondial no IMF, Governu Timor-Leste halo planu atu estabelese fundus petroleo-ida nebe atu maneja rendimentu minas-rai nian ha transperensia no responsibilidade.", "Governu Timor-Leste hakarak fo fiar ba investadores iha Tasi Timor katak Timor-Leste sei manten ninia enkuadramentu regulatoriu no fiskal favorese ba investamentu liutihia fronteira maritumu sei konkorde tiha ona.", "Rejime ida nebe metin liu hotu ba investamentu iiha Tasi Timor mak rejime fronteira permanente.", "Prime Minister Alkatiri hanoin-barak komentariu ne'ebe halo iha Senate Australia nian iha loron Kuarta 24 Marzu reklama katak nia laiha hanoin-barak ida kona ba partidu ALP sira nia apoiu ba projetudelei Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional (AUI) ne'ebe agora daudaun mak iha oin Parlamentu Australia.", "Primeiru Ministru Alkatiri ohin hateten \"Hau ho klaridade hateten hau nia hanoin-barak kona ba projetudelei AUI, no konsidere katak asauns no deklarasauns Australianu kona ba AUI dezvaloriza prospetus ba nia aprovasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste nian.", "Asaun hirak ne'e maka fo-sai lisensa unilateral balu, ne'ebe Australia mak fo, iha area kampu Greater Sunrise deskreve nudar area haksesuk malu iha testu AUI.", "Iha deklarasaun Australianu balu ne'ebe reklama katak area ida ne'e mak area ' Australia nia jurisdisaun mesak rasik de'it'.", "Buat ne'e mak kategoriku laloos.\"", "Governu Timor-Leste mak prontu atu halo tuir nia obrigasaun ba akordus ne'ebe nia hatama ba tiha ona, maibe prosesu ratifikasaun AUI iha Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste sei halo fasil-liu se karik Australia mak halo atu tuir lei internasional.", "Primeiru Ministru Alkatiri hateten liutan \"Apoiu agora daudaun lakon-barak luhan ba AUI iha Timor-Leste.", "Faktu hirak katak Australia fo-sai lisensa iha area haksesuk malu; seidauk hatudu nia an prontu ba orariu atubele define fronteira maritimu; reklama atu iha liman rekursus lato'o atubele tama ba enkontru liu dalarua tinan ida atu halo negosiu ita nia fronteira; mak seis husi Tribunal Internasional Justisia kona ba fronteira maritimu no mos kontinua nafatin atu esplora kampu minas Laminaria, Corallina no Buffalo ne'ebe rai iha area tasi ne'ebe Timor-Leste reklama no mos ne'ebe mak besik ona sira nia moris produtivu nia ikus, la maski ita nia hakelar ofisial, hamutuk hotu la fo tulun ba Timor-Leste atu nia bele iha konfiar atu halo tuir akordu hametin legal ne'ebe nia hatama an ba.\"", "\"Karik fronteira maritimu permanente mak konkorde tiha ona lailais no ho efisiensia no mos halo tuir Lei Internasional, lia-lia barak liu ne'e sei disolve.\"", "Governu Australia nia fo-sai hectares liutan atu ba esplorasaun minas no gas semana agora daudaun iha Tasi-Timor mak violasaun-ida lei internasional no mos ba kontra akordu unitizasaun Greater Sunrise ne'ebe Parlamentu Australia foin aprova iha Segunda, hateten Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste Dr Mari Alkatiri.", "Iha loron Segunda, Governu Australia hato'o katak nia fo-sai hectares ba esplorasaun ne'ebe dalarua besik liu Timor-Leste duke fali Australia, no mos iha Timor-Leste nia sorin linha iha klaran tasi sorin entre rain rua ne'e.", "Iha laran loron hanesan, Parlamentu Australianu aprova projetudelei ba desenvolvimentu kampu Greater Sunrise ne'ebe deklara klaru katak parte kampu ne'e hela iha laran area-ida ne'ebe rain rua hotu reklama.", "Halo tuir akordu Greater Sunrise no mos jeralmente tuir lei internasional, Australia tenke halo restrisaun ba nia an atu labele halo esplorasaun unilateral iha area ne'ebe sujeita ba hakesesuk malu.", "Area-ida ne'ebe oferta atu fa'an tuir leilaun, NT04-1, mak ajacente ba kampu Greater Sunrise, no mos hela dalarua besik liu Timor-Leste.", "Area segunda-ida, AC04-1, ne'ebe iha parte oeuste Tasi Timor, mak iha are-ida ne'ebe Timor-Leste reklama no mos dalarua besik liu Timor-Leste (haree ba area hamahon iha mapa).", "Komunikasaun-ida kona ba leilaun ne'e halo tuir fo-sai lisensa esplorasaun ne'ebe Governu Australia mak halo iha fulan-Fevereiru tinan agora daudaun, no mos ida seluk-tan iha fulan-Avril iha tinan ida foin liuba iha area haksesuk malu.", "Australia mak mos manan US$biliaun liu nudar rendimentu impostu husi kampus Laminaria-Corallina ne'ebe hela iha area haksesuk malu iha parte oueste iha Tasi Timor, no mos ne'ebe maka besik liu Timor-Leste.", "Kompanhia-sira ne'ebe hanoin atu hatama folin ba leilaun fatin hirak ne'e tenke konxiente ba risku potensial bainhira halo investamentu iha laran teritoriu haksesuk nian tanba Timor-Leste sei halo tuir etapa legal hotu hotu atu prevene esplorasaun ilegal no utilizasaun rekursus iha laran nia zona maritimu.", "Timor-Leste mak proposta enkontru semana semana ho propozitu atu rezolve haksesuk malu hamutuk ho Australia lailais no mos ho efisiensia.", "Australia hateten katak nia iha rekursus mesak de'it atu hasoru dala rua iha tinan ida nia laran, maski nia mak ida husi rain riku liu hotu iha mundu nia leet no Timor-Leste mak ida ne'ebe ki'ak liu hotu.", "\"Bainhira nia halo demora ba negosiasaun, Australia mak fo-sai lisensa foun balu iha areas haksesuk malu besik kampu Greater Sunrise no mos kontinua atu manan rendimentu husi parte haksesuk malu seluk tan iha Tasi Timor,\" hateten Dr. Alkatiri.", "\"Lei International rekere katak Australia ezersita restrisaun ba nia an rasik iha areas haksesuk maritimu\" nia hateten tan.", "\"Australia nia esplorasaun unilateral ba ita nia rekursus iha Tasi Timor la halo tuir espiritu no letra Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional Greater Sunrise,\" hateten Dr. Alkatiri.", "AUI ne'e ho klaridade rekonhese Timor-Leste nia direitu ba area ajesente ba Greater Sunrise ne'ebe hela iha liur Area Desenvolvimentu Minas Hamutuk.", "Ida ne'e deklara katak \"Timor-Leste no Australia, iha loron asina akordu, rua hotu mak halo reklama maritimu, no mos seidauk define sira nia fronteira, inklui area-ida iha laran Tasi Timor ha ne'ebe Greater Sunrise eziste.\"", "Primeiru Ministru Alkatiri hateten katak Australia nia asaun unilateral haklakan nesesidade atu harii fronteira permanente iha Tasi Timor.", "\"Mesak de'it fronteira maritimu permanente bele hafo ambiente investamentu ho estabilidade ne'ebe bele serve intereses investadores petroleu iha ita nia rain rua hotu.", "Fronteira permanente-ida mak parte integradu ba Timor-Leste nia direitu ba ukun rasik an no mos sei halo hotu okupasaun ilegal ba nia teritoriu.", "Bainhira Australia knotinua atu okupa iha maneira ilegal, area ne'e iha Tasi Timor, Australia mak dezvaloriza ita nia integridade teritorial,\" nia hateten.", "Timor-Leste laiha fronteira permanente, no rekursus ne'ebe mak nia direitu iha okos lei internasional sei kritiku atubele fo tulun ba nia atu hadia foun fali nasaun ne'ebe uluk sobu, hasoru rezolve povereza no realiza independensia ekonomiku.", "GTT Fo-sai ba Midia: Espertu-ida DFAT nian apoiu Timor-Leste nia direitu maritimu, 23 Avril 2004 Timor-Leste nia direitu atu harii fronteira maritimu ida ne'ebe justu iha Tasi Timor, no Australia sira nia obrigasaun atu negosiu ho fiar diak no la han hamensu rekursus iha areas ne'ebe sujeitu ba haksesuk malu, mak hetan apoiu husi membru xave ida iha laran Governu Australia nia ekipa negosiu ne'ebe halo parte iha koalia hamutuk iha Dili semana agora ne'e.", "Mr Dean Bialek, espertu lei internasional ida servisu ho Departamentu Negosiu no Asunto Estranjeiru (DNAE/DFAT) fo apoia makaas Timor-Leste nia pozisaun iha submisaun hakerek no deklarasaun testaemunha ba komisaun parlamentariu, no mos iha artigu jornal refere ba.", "Mr Bialek hato'o pontu hirak ne'e bainhira servisu nudar profesor lei iha Universidade Melbourne, maibe semana agora daudaun nia mak membru ida iha delegasaun DFAT nian ne'ebe mai Dili atu hala'o koalia hamutuk kona ba fronteira maritimu.", "Mr Bialek mak iha esperteza espesifiku ida kona balei maritimu Tasi Timor.", "Nia mak publika jornal internasional presitjiu, no mos Komisaun Hamriik Hamutuk kona Tratado (KHHT/JSCOT) fo hanoin todan ba ninia submisaun bainhira nia halo revista Tratado Tasi Timor.", "Mr Bialek husu ho duvidas makaas Australia nia dependensia ba \"prolongamentu natural\" ninia plataleira kontinental.", "Nia hakerek iha nia submisaun 2002 ba JSCOT, hanesan: \"Bainhira prinsipiu prolongamentu natural hela validu iha lei internasional atu fo apoiu ba Australia nia reklame ba plataleira-ida liu to'o iha Trincheira Timor, nia rasik mak nafatin sujeitu liu ba preferensia ba linha media iha ne'ebe hetan menus liu 400 milhas nautiku entre estadu rua opostu.\"", "Akontese ona dala 80 iha ne'ebe linha media mak aplika atubele resolve reklame hakat malu (bainhira estadu mak menus liu fali distansia 400 milha nautiku ba malu).", "Tratado Australia- Indonesia 1972 mak mesak de'it ezetua-ida.Tratado ida ne'e mak halo hotu bainhira lei internasional kona ba area ne'e mak iha nia infansia.", "Opiniaun agora daudaun mak besik universalmente favorese liu fali ba prinsipiu linha media.", "Livru ida ne'ebe autoritativu liu kona ba fronteira maritimu deklara: \"Faktor geologiku no geomorfalojiku mak besik atu laiha relevensia, liuliu iha kazu ne'ebe estadu rua oposto mak hela menus liu 400 milha nautiku ba malu.\"", "Churchill no Lowe (1999), The Law of the Sea, p190.", "Australia mak deklara dalabarak ona katak fronteira lateral Area Desenvolvimentu Mina-rai Hamutuk (ADMH) mak aprorpriadu ona nudar fronteira maritimu permanente.", "Hanesan ne'e taka dalan ba Timor-Leste atubele hetan fahe boot liu ba Greater Sunrise, no mos rendimentu husi kampu Laminaria-Corallina no Buffalo.", "Maibe, MrBialek deklara iha nia submisaun ba JSCOT katak: \"Australia keta hanoin kona ba ADMH nudar modelo ida ne'ebe reflete linhas apropriadu ba delimitasaun permanente etnre Timor-Leste no Australia.", "Keta mos labele hateke hetan JPDA hanesan nia relfete limita baliza area ne'ebe 'hela sujeita ba haksesuk malu'.\"", "Negosiu halo ho Fiar Di'ak Australia labele kontinua atu demora resolusaun fronteira Tasi Timor.", "Timor-Leste mak rain ida kiak liu hotu iha mundu nia leet no mos nia lakon ona US$1 miliaun loron-loron nudar rendimentu taxa ba Australia husi kampu mina-rai tolu (Laminaria-Corallina no Bufallo) ne'ebe hela dalarua besik liu fali Timor-Leste.", "Timor-Leste rekizitu husu enkontru fulan-fulan atubele rezolve hasesuk malu lalais no ho efisiensia, maibe Australia hateten katak nia iha rekursus de'it atubele hasoru dala-rua tinan ida idak.", "Oficial DFAT nian hateten ba jornalista sira katak atu hakotu lia negosiu bele han tinan tolunulu, ne'ebe lajustu ba rain ida ne'ebe presiza rekursus desparu atubele hasoru povereza masa no rekonstrusaun nasional.", "Mr Bialek hakerek iha nia submisaun ba JSCOT: \"Governu Australia nian tenke hela neon nakono ba nesesidade atubele engaje ho maneira signifikativu tama ba negosiu atu tesi- hakotu-lia fronteira maritimu permanente hamutuk ho Timor-Leste.\"", "Nia aumenta iha testamunha verbal: \"Iha nafatin obrigasaun jeral-ida iha okos lei internsaional no relasauns internasional katak tenke iha negosiu ho fiar diak atu ba konklusaun fronteira permanente.", "Buat ne'e, hau hanoin, iha lei internasional, hateten katak Australia labele dada nia ain la'o neineik halo tuir termu hetan harii solusaun permanente-ida.\"", "Obrigasaun atu halo restrisaun rasik an iha areas sujeitu ba haksesuk malu Australia mak halo esplorasaun unilateral areas sujeitu ba haksesuk malu bainhira nia fo-sai lisensa esplorasaun no produsaun, no mos halo tuir halo avizo atu fa'an lisensa foun.", "Nia halo hanesan ne'e maski liutiha nia asina Akordu Unitizasaun Greater Sunrise, ne'ebe deklara katak rain rua hotu mak halo ona reklama iha area sujeita ba haksesuk malu.", "Lisensa produsaun hirak ne'e ba kampu Laminaria-Corallina no Bufallo mak manan ba Australia rendimentu taxa mesak de'it estima nudar US$1.5 biliaun liutiha tinan 1999.", "Hanesan Mr Bialek hakerek iha nia submisaun ba JSCOT: \"Menus liu hotu iha rekerementu atu tenke buka atu koalia hamutuk proposta-ida atu esplora area-ida ne'ebe sujeita ba reklama haksesuk malu.\"", "\"Australia tenke evita buka tuir desenvolvimentu petroleu unilateral iha area hirak nebe hatene ona hanesan sujeita ba reklama hakat malu.", "Asaun hanesan ne'e bele serve atu aumenta sentidu laran-lametin diplomatiku ne'ebe halo komplikadu liu movimentu ba oin planu atu espl;ora rekursus murak iha Tasi Timor ba benefisiu mutuu Autralia no Timor-Leste ninian rua hotu..\"", "Obrigasaun atu halo restrisaun ba nia an rasik bele mos hetan iha artigu Professor Triggs no Mr Bialek mak hakerek iha Jornal Lei Internasionao Melbourne nian.", "\"Maibe, iha diferensa legal entre esplorasaun/buka ba laran no esplorasaun/utilizasaun.", "Australia sei rekere atulabele fo-sai lisensa produsaun, maybe atu halo buka ba laran esplorasaun mesak de'it laiha nesesidade atu halo kria risku prejudisia labele hadia hanetik interese Timor-Leste nian.", "Maski la nunee, sei hanoin no planeamentu diak ba Timor-Leste, liutiha hahu ba forsa ninia Lei Zona Maritimu, atu proteje nia reklama halo tuir afirme foun fali katak nia la rekonhese interese ne'ebe Australia mak fo-sai ne'ebe la halo tuir Timor-Leste nia direitu ba EEZ iha okos lei internasional.\"", "Governu Timor-Leste halao dadauk promulgasaun rejime kona ba desenvolvimentu rekursus petroleu iha Timor-Leste to'o iha Natal, Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkitiri hateten.", "Primeiru Ministru Alkatri koalia sai depois konsultasaun loron tolu semana uluk liu ba iha Dili (Agusto 23-25) kona ba lei no modelu kontratu hirak nebe sei halo konta rejime ida ne'e.", "Tuir ida ne'e sei halo konsultasaun iha sentru distritu semana rua, no sei komplementa hodi hakerek submisaun kona ba rejime, inklui husi industria sira.", "\"Lia menon ne'ebe fo iha konsultasaun sei konsidera didiak no sei ajuda governu atu defini hodi halo lei sira.", "Lia menon ne'e ami simu pozitivu teb-tebes no hau fiar katak ita se bele hetan ita nia objetivu atu harii tiha ona rejime ida ne'e molok Natal.\"", "\"Proposta ba Rejime ida ne'e kompetitivu, transparente no metin ba desenvolvimentu rekursus minarai no gas nian.\"", "Saida mak molok tau iha publiku nia oin mak revista rejime ba area tasi hodi maneija hamutuk ho Governu Australia, no mos rejime foun-ida atu ba areas hirak iha Timor-Leste nian, iha tasi laran no rai laran.", "\"Bainhira rejime-ida ne'e mak harii tiha ona, Timor-Leste hein atubele hahu esplorasaun no desenvolvimentu lalais liu.\"", "Iha dispozisaun interim dadauk , Timor-Leste hanoin ba oin atu hetan mais ou menus U.S.$4.4 biliaun husi rezervatoriu.", "Iha permanente fronteira tasi nia tuir ba lei internasional, Timor-Leste iha direitu hetan dala tolu rendimentu ida ne'e.", "\"Sr Downer nia liafuan iha konferenisa imprensa iha Agusto 11 mak marka rekonhesimentu ida importante ba Timor-Leste nia reklame tuir rendimentu hirak ne'e.\"", "\"Hau konfiar katak solusaun ida bele hetan nebe reflete Timor-Leste nia direitu iha Tasi Timor iha lei internasional nia okos.", "Hau hein sorumutu iha loron 20 fulan Setembru iha Canberra sei konstrutivu, produtivu no sesaun ne'ebe intensivu katak sei hetan justu no fahe rekurusu tasi Timor nian hanesan.\"", "\"Hodi aumentatan katak klase legal iha mundu no rejime fiskal ne'ebe iha Timor-Leste sei haka'as'an hodi establese estabilidade no kontinuidade internasional atu bele hala'o esplorasaun rekursus minarai no gas Tasi Timor nian.", "Ba Interese ida ne'e partidu hotu-hotu- industria petroleu no Timor-Leste no mos ita nia amigu no vizinhu Australia.\"", "Governu Timor-Leste ohin hahu'u periodu konsultasaun publiku kona ba oin sa' establese Fundu Petroleum ba Timor-Leste.", "Papel baziku prepara tiha ona hodi fo ba publiku atu debate.", "Primeiru-Ministru Mari Alkatiri hateten katak: \"Ita nia hakarak mak Fundu Petroleum hanesan instrumentu ida ba jestaun rekursu Petroleum Timor-Leste nian hodi benefisia ohin loron no ba futuru generasaun nian..\"", "\"Ho ekperiensia ho nasaun seseluk hatudu katak riku soin petroleum bele sai malisan a'at do ke malisan diak.", "Hodi ida ne'e oin sa Timor-Leste bele maneija didiak rekurusu petroleum nian, ida ne'e importante hodi informa ba povu didiak no hateten katak ita bele establese stratejia ne'ebe ema hotu bele aseita se bele.\"", "Konsultasaun Publika diskuti kona ba establese instrumentu hodi rai Fundu Petroleum .", "Proposal Fundu Petroleum hari'i iha Norvegia no esperiensia ne'ebe susessu teb-tebes maibe aumenta tan tranparensia no prinsipal ba informasaun.", "Ida ne'e refere ba modelu \"Norway Plus\" nian.", "Diskusaun ida ne'e mos sei diskuti kona ba ida ne'e , maibe keta-ketak, liu-liu kona ba regulamentu oin sa' atu rai osan.", "Governu adapta regulametu rai osan ne'ebe konstante ba riku soin Petroleum nia valor.", "Liu tiha termus mediu, regulamentu ida ne'e sei aumenta ba despeza governu nia nivel ohin loron.", "Primeiru-Ministru Alkatiri hateten katak: \"Aumenta despesa tenki uza ho ulun hodi investe ba servisu governu no infrastrutura , ne'ebe bele aumenta ekonomia ne'ebe forte no kontribui hodi hamenus kiak.", "Lei ida ne'e sei rai osan no sufisiente finanseiru hodi depozita iha Fundu Petroleum hodi nune'e tinan ikus mai ita bele manten despeza ho nivel hanesan..\"", "Ofisiais Governu nian sei halo konsultasaun publiku iha distritus inklui kapital Dili, semana oin mai.", "Primeiru-Ministru Alkatiri hateten tan katak: \"Ita fo korajen ba povu Timor-leste hotu-hotu no organizasaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha interese ba diskusaun ida ne'e kona Fundu Petroleum no fo komentu ne'ebe konstruktiva kona isue ne'ebe atu foti.\"", "Bazea ba konsultasaun publiku ida ne'e Governu Timor-Leste hakarak lao ba oin hodi draft lei kona ba Fundu Petroleum no ba konsultasaun publiku iha tinan oin mai.", "Sujeita ida ne'e hodi aprova husi parlamentu no promulga husi prezidente, Fundu Petroleum bele hahu'u husi loron 1 jullu 2005, ne'ebe hahu'u husi 2005-2006 ba anu fiskal.", "Iha komentu ruma ne'ebe iha relasiona ba isu ida ne'e no ba diskusaun bele hato'o antes loron 30 Novembru 2004 ba Ministeriu Planeamentu no Finansa.", "Hakarak husu kona ba Fundu Petroleum no konsultasaun publiku, bele kontaktu Mr Cristino Gusmao, Macroeconomics Unit, Ministry of Planning and Finance (cgusmao@mopf.gov.tp) or tel +670 723 0127).", "DOKUMENTU DISKUSAUN NIAN BA KONSULTA PUBLIKA Governo Timor-Leste hakerek ona surat ida ba Woodside Energy Ltd. hodi husu relotoriu detailladu ida kona ba minarai nebe hasai iha kampu Laminaria iha Tasi Timor.", "Woodside relata ona iha loron 3 fulan Fevereiru katak hasai ona mais ou menus baril 300 iha loron 18 fulan Janeiru liu ba.", "Iha deklarasaun ne'e hateten katak, autoridade sira hosi Governu nian simu kedas notifikasaun kona ba kazu ne'e.", "\"Governu Timor-Leste seidauk simu notifikasaun ne'e hosi Woodside,\"dehan Senor Jose Teixeira, Secretario de Estado ba Turismu, Investimentu no Meio Ambiente.", "\"Ida ne'e hanesan esplorasaun ba dala rua nebe halo iha fatin minarai nian neba iha fulan tolu nia laran, no ami seidauk simu informasaun ida kona ba kazu rua ne'e.", "Woodside protesta katak, iha loron 18 fulan Janeiru liu ba, minarai nebe maka hasai iha fatin ne'e, liu tiha loron rua minarai iha fatin ne'e maran tiha.", "Tan ne'e, Governu Timor-Leste iha preokupasaun katak, nia seidauk simu avaliasaun independente ida kona ba insidente ne'e no impaktu kona ba meio ambiente iha fatin neba nian.", "\"Hau husu ona ba Woodside atu halo relotoriu formal ida no esbosu kona ba medidas oinsa atu bele resolve no medidas seluk tan nebe bele evita atu kazu hanesan ne'e labele mosu fali, Senor Teixeira hatutan tan.", "Kampu Laminaria hela iha km 150 dok hosi kosta sul Timor-Leste nian iha area ida nebe sei iha problema - area ida nebe iha reklamasaun barak entre Timor-Leste no Australia.", "Governu Timor-Leste konsidera area ne'e iha jurisdisaun maritima Timor-Leste nian.", "Area ne'e ba lina kosteira Australia nian iha km 350.", "Tanba la iha restrisaun ka limitasaun hosi disputa ne'e, sa ida mak bele konsidera ba problema nebe mosu hanesan ne'e, ho impaktu ida bo'ot kona ba meio ambiente tasi nian, bele afecta liu ba Timor-Leste liu fali Australia, dehan Senor Teirxeira.", "Kampu Laminaria no kampu Corallina nebe besik malu halo ona produsaun hahu kedas iha tinan 1999.", "Woodside Energy Ltd. sai hanesan operador ba projektu ne'e.", "Governu Timor-Leste halo estimasaun ida katak, kampu hirak ne'e, halo ona produsaun liu dolar biliaun $2 hosi reseita taxa nian nebe selu tiha ona ba Governu Australia.", "Iha surat ida nebe haruka tiha ona ba Woodside iha fulan Janeiru tinan kotuk, Governu Timor-Leste bolu atensaun ba falla atu kumpri lolos lei Timor-Leste nian nebe rugula aktividade minarai, maka Governu Timor-Leste sei hatama Woodside Energy Ltd. ba prosesu sivil no kriminal.", "Publica kedas, Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros e Cooperacao: Encontro Tasi Timor tama ona iha progresu nebe diak, 29 Avril 2005 Governo Timorense hamutuk ho Governo Australiano halo mudanca diak liu fali iha processu de negociacao in Dili semana ida nee nia laran konaba recursus olio e gazes iha tasi timor, Ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros e Cooperacoa Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta hateten.", "\"Hahalok construktivo nebe adopta iha semana ida nee nia laran durante nee koalia lori ona ba processu positivo hodi resolve problema iha Tasi Timor.", "Nee lori ona nacao rua nee ba era foun iha relacao bilaterais no cooperacao economia.", "\"Buka dalan atu dezenvolve iha rekursos mina nian sei lori beneficio significate ba economia nacao rua nee.", "Timor-Leste, hanesan nacao ida nebe ki'ak liu iha mundo, sei hetan beneficio barak wainhira to'o iha resultado final,\"Dr. Ramos-Horta hatutan tan.", "Dr Horta, fo ninia conclusaun depois de loron tolu encontro iha Dili entre delegacao hosi nacao rua nee.", "Ida nee hanesan ba dala lima encontro nebe seriu no intensivu nebe halao hahu hosi fulan Septembro tinan kotuk.Encontro ida nee mak consedera hanesan pasu ida productivo liu duke encontro sira uluk.", "Nia aumenta tan.", "Encontro nee focus liu ba problema nebe relevante ho linha klaran iha Tasi Timor enter nacao rua nee.", "Timor-Leste hato'o nia proposta ida hanesan solucao creativu nebe sei involve problemas compleksu no sensetivu wainhira aseita iha linha nebe permanente.", "\"Sei iha buat detailhos barak nebe parte rua nee sei atu servisu liu tan.", "Encontro tuir mai sei halao iha tempo badak, maibe hau iha confiansa katak ita oras nee to'o oan iha acordo ida nebe sei resolve ba periodo nebe naruk.", "Ita nia compiticao iha Tasi Timor no mos sei loke dalan ba recursus naturais iha regiaun nee\" Dr. Ramos-Horta mos hato'o obrigado no apresia ba suporta bot nebe hetan hosi communidade internacional ba Timor-Leste iha problema ida nee.", "Maibe nia mos hateten katak, komentario nebe hato'o hosi grupos sira nebe la involve iha prosessu nee, sei la refleta ba hahalok nebe foti ona hosi governo rua nee.", "Dr Horta iha confianca katak progresu nebe hetan iha negociacao nee sei halo ema hotu kontente.", "\"Hanesan pesoal hau hakarak admite ba lideransa hosi primeiro ministru nain rua, nebe servicu ho sira nia papel iha progresu nebe hetan durante semana ida nee.", "Surat nebe haruka hosi primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri ba Primeiro Ministro John Howard, hetan resposta nebe diak hosi Primeiro Ministro John Howard, nebe fo dalan ba dialog nebe basiku e constructivu entre parte rua nee.\"", "\" Hau mos hakarak admite papel nebe hau nai belun diak, Ministro Negocios Estrangeiro Downer.", "Ami iha relacao serbisu ida nebe diak tebes durante tempo barak no hamutuk ami pasa ona iha buat barak, particularmente iha tinan 1999.", "Hau sente katak ho amizade buat diak hirak nee bele continua ba oin maski iha diferensa balun." ]
[ [ "Gabinete Tasi Timor - Media Releases Press release: Maritime Border Negotiations between East and Australia, October 2013 Cabinet of the Prime Minister press statement on ALP support for draft International Unification Agreement law GTT media announcement about protesting against illegal exploration in DFAT expert says that it will not be allowed to exploit resources at any cost (March-April) Declaration regardling mineral development & gas project(August), August Government open public consultations concernings Petroleum Fund December Ministry Development Environment Mineral Resources Energy Policy requested a review with respect To mining activities by Australian companies within Eastern Seashore." ], [ "The start of business will mark an important first step towards recognition for Timor-Leste's right to determine its maritime territory." ], [ "Timor-Leste has received its maritime borders from Portuguese colonialism, Indonesia and through UNTAET." ], [ "The Timor-Leste Treaty and the related agreements already signed between East Тимор Government of Australia are provisional measure, which will all be closed at a time when permanent maritime boundary delimitation is made." ], [ "After receiving the Australians' desire to start business, Prime Minister of East Timor Mari Alkitiri was very attentive and asked Australia for a compromise on timetable so that they could do full-scale businesses." ], [ "He said that this would follow the commitment made by Australian Prime Minister John Howard to move forward with \"trust-building\" in bilateral talks alongside Timor." ], [ "\"The people of Timor-Leste sincerely hope that our independence, for which we have all struggled to achieve it will also be followed by economic freedom." ], [ "The people of Timor-Leste also have the right to know about their territory limitations and what natural resources they own,\" Dr. Alkitiri said" ], [ "\"Along with the entity right to a maritime boundary, Timor-Leste also needs it." ], [ "The generous assistance of donors is what gives us the basis to move forward, but it's also our revenue from natural resources that will allow future Timor-oan generation for walking on their own two feet alone.\" he replied." ], [ "Timor-Leste's Maritime Zone Act of 2013 stipulates that the claim to a territorial sea is consistent with international law." ], [ "Timor-Leste's advertising covers the entire area of The Treaty Sea (which includes Bayu Undan iron ore field), \"Greater Sunrise,\" and Laminaria campuses. Corallina & Buffalo are also advertised in East Тимор" ], [ "All in all, Cambodia is closer to East Timor than Australia." ], [ "Timor-Leste is one of the poorest and most impoverished countries in this world." ], [ "The vast majority of the population live on subsistence earning less than $1 a day." ], [ "Schools, hospital and repairing new roadways are urgently needed." ], [ "The destruction that followed the 1980s violence is still visible today." ], [ "The yields from the Bayu-Undan field, which lies in Timor Sea Treaty area will be important for East Тимор' s development over a short and medium term but are expected to become larger than any other oilfield within ten years." ], [ "Timor-Leste will need to consolidate larger sources of income and long term maritime borders based on international law would be necessary in order for the country from enduring poverty, underdevelopment." ], [ "Together with assistance from the World Bank and IMF, Timor-Leste’s government plans to establish an oil fund that will manage mine revenues in a transparent way." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste wants to reassure investor in the East Sea that it will maintain its regulatory and fiscal framework favourable for investment as soon a maritime border has been agreed." ], [ "One of the most secure regimes for investment in Timor Sea is a permanent border." ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri recalled comments he made in the Australian Senate on Thursday, March 24th announcing that there was no change of mind regarding ALP's support for draft International Unification Agreement (IUA) bill currently before Parliament." ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri said today, \"I am clearly expressing my many thoughts on the AUi draft law and consider that Australian actions or statements about it devalue its prospect of approval in Timor-Leste' s National Parliament." ], [ "These actions resulted in the issuance of some unilateral licenses, granteds by Australia on a Greater Sunrise field area described as an intersecting zone within AUI text." ], [ "There have been some Australian declarations claiming that this area is under 'Australia's exclusive jurisdiction." ], [ "That's my category of laloos.\"" ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste is ready to fulfil its obligations under the agreements it has already signed, but ratification process AUI in National Parliament will be easier if Australia complies with international law." ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri said, \"The support for AUI in Timor-Leste is currently very low." ], [ "The facts that Australia has issued license in the mutually accessible area; it is not ready to set a timetable for defining its maritime boundary, claimed by Timor-Leste as having sufficient resources at our disposal so we can meet more than once every two years and negotiate on this border. It also complies with decision of International Court Of Justice regarding Maritimes Boundarier (ICJ) which continue exploring Laminaria Corallina & Buffalo mine field whose sea areas are being disputted between us but have already reached their end productivity despite official declarations from both sides - all these things don't help bring confidence about how well they will be able acting under legally committed agreement.\"" ], [ "\"If permanent maritime boundaries are agreed upon quickly and efficiently in accordance with international law, many of these disputes will dissolve.\"" ], [ "The Australian Government's recent allocation of several hectares for mining and gas exploration in the Timor Sea is a violation both to international law as well against Greater Sunrise unification agreement which was just approved by Australia Parliament on Monday, said Prime Minister Dr Mari Alkatiri." ], [ "On Monday, the Australian government announced that it has allocated hectares for exploration twice as close to Timor-Leste than Australia does and also on East Тимор's side of a clearing line in their common sea border." ], [ "The same day, the Australian Parliament passed a draft Greater Sunrise development bill that clearly states part of it lies within an area claimed by both countries." ], [ "Under the Greater Sunrise Agreement and international law in general, Australia must restrict itself from unilateral exploration of areas subject to mutual claims." ], [ "The only area offered for sale at the auction, NT04-1 is adjacent to Greater Sunrise's field and twice closer than Timor Leste." ], [ "The second area, AC04-1 on the west side of Timor Sea is in that part claimed by East Тимор and twice as close to it (see left hand corner)." ], [ "The announcement of the auction follows on from an exploration licence issued by Australia in February this year, and another one last April for a contiguous area." ], [ "Australia also earns more than $1 billion in tax revenue from the Laminaria-Corallina campus, which lies on a contiguous area west of Timor Sea and closest to East Тимор." ], [ "Companies considering bidding on these auctions should be aware of the potential risks when investing in Timor-Leste territory, as it will take all legal steps to prevent illegal exploration and exploitation within its maritime zone." ], [ "Timor-Leste has proposed weekly meetings with proposal to resolve mutual disputes alongside Australia quickly and efficiently." ], [ "Australia says it only has the resources to meet twice a year, despite being one of world's richest nations and Timor-Leste its poorest." ], [ "\"When it delayed the negotiations, Australia issued some new licenses in accessible areas near Greater Sunrise field and also continued to gain revenue from other parts of Accessibility Agreement on Timor Sea,” said Dr. Alkatiri .\"" ], [ "\"International law requires that Australia exercise self-restraint in maritime access areas,\" he added." ], [ "\"Australia's unilateral exploration of our resources in the Timor Sea is not according to both spirit and letter with Greater Sunrise International Unification Agreement,\" said Dr. Alkatiri.\"" ], [ "The AUI clearly recognizes Timor-Leste's right to the area surrounding Greater Sunrise which lies outside of Min. Hamutuk Development Area (MDA)." ], [ "It states that \"Timor-Leste and Australia, at the date of signing this agreement have both made maritime claims to each other' s boundaries which are not yet defined including areas within Timor Sea where Greater Sunrise exist.\"" ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri said that Australia’s unilateral action undermined the need to establish a permanent border in Timor Sea." ], [ "\"Only a permanent maritime border can create an investment environment with stability that will serve the interests of oil investor in both our countries." ], [ "A permanent border is an integral part of Timor-Leste's right to self determination and will also end all illegal occupations on its territory." ], [ "When Australia continues to occupy in an illegal way, this area of the Timor Sea is being devalued by us as our territorial integrite.\"" ], [ "Timor-Leste has no permanent borders, and the resources to which it is entitled under international law will be critical in helping him rebuild his once devastated country by tackling poverty." ], [ "GTT Press Release: DFAT Expert Supports Timor-Leste' Maritime Rights, 23 April - The right of the East to establish a fair maritimes boundary in its own water and Australia’ s obligation not only for good faith but also without depleting resources on areas subjected by disputibility are being backed up with support from key members within Australian Government business team who participated at talk together this week." ], [ "Mr. Dean Bialek, an international law expert working with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DNAE/DFAT) strongly supported Timor-Leste's position in his written submission to Parliamentary Committee as well a witnessing statement before it; he also wrote about this issue for newspaper articles on 2014 July" ], [ "Mr Bialek made these points while serving as a law professor at the University of Melbourne, but this week he was one member in DFAT's delegation to Dili for maritime boundary negotiations." ], [ "Mr. Bialek has a specific expertise on the maritime whales of Timor Sea, and he will be able to provide further information about their habitats in this area as well!" ], [ "He published a prestigious international journal, and the Joint Committee on Treaty Review (KHHT/JSCOT) gave consideration to his submission when it reviewed Timor Sea Agreement." ], [ "Mr Bialek questioned Australia's reliance on the \"natural extension\" of its continental shelf." ], [ "He wrote in his 2013 submission to JSCOT, as follows: \"While the principle of natural extension remained valid under international law for supporting Australia' s claim on a one-shelf platform beyond Timor Trench it itself was still subject more preferentially than any other state with respect towards median lines that were less then four hundred nautical miles between two oppose states.\"" ], [ "It has been the 80th time that media lines have applied to resolve a dispute over advertising (when states are less than four hundred nautical miles from each other)." ], [ "The 1972 Australian-Indonesian Treaty was the only one to be ratified, and it took effect when international law in this area had been just beginning." ], [ "Current opinion is almost universally in favour of the principles on a middle line." ], [ "One of the most authoritative books on maritime boundaries states: \"Geological and geomorphologic factors are almost irrelevant, especially in cases where two opposing States lie less than 401 nautical miles apart.\"" ], [ "Churchill no Lowe, The Law of the Sea (1987), p. 205-346" ], [ "Australia has repeatedly declared that the lateral boundary of its Joint Mining Development Area (JMDA) is adopted as a permanent maritime border." ], [ "This would close the way for Timor-Leste to receive a larger share in Greater Sunrise, as well revenues from Laminaria–Corallina and Buffalo fields." ], [ "However, MrBialek stated in his submission to JSCOT that: \"Australia does not consider the ADMH as a model reflecting appropriate lines for permanent ethnic delimitation between East Timor and Australia." ], [ "The JPDA could also not be expected as its report delimits the area of baliza that is 'subject to mutual access'." ], [ "Business done in good faith Australia cannot continue to delay the Timor Sea boundary resolution." ], [ "Timor-Leste is one of the world's poorest countries and has lost US$1 million a day in tax revenue to Australia from three oil field (Laminaria Corallina, Bufallo) that are twice as close." ], [ "Timor-Leste requested monthly meetings to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently, but Australia said it only had the resources for a twice per year session." ], [ "DFAT official told reporters that closing the business could take thirty-three years, which is not right for a country in need of abundant resources to tackle mass poverty and national reconstruction." ], [ "Mr Bialek writes in his submission to JSCOT: \"The Australian Government must remain aware of the need for engagement with Timor-Leste on a meaningful way into dealings aimed at definitively determining its permanent maritime boundary.\"" ], [ "He added in verbal testimony: \"There is still a general obligation under international law and relations that there must be good faith business for the conclusion of permanent borders." ], [ "That, I think in international law says that Australia cannot go alone on the terms of building one permanent solution.\"" ], [ "Obligation to self-restrict in areas subject of mutual access Australia may conduct unilateral exploration within the area when it has issued an exploitation and production licence, as well a notice for selling new licenses." ], [ "He did so despite his signing of the Greater Sunrise Unification Agreement, which declared that both countries had made claims in areas subject to mutual dispute." ], [ "These production licenses for the Laminaria-Corallina and Bufallo field earned Australia an estimated $1.5 billion in tax revenue alone by mid -90', compared to US$26 million earlier that year" ], [ "As Mr. Bialek wrote in his submission to JSCOT: \"There is above all a request that we seek and discuss together proposals for exploring certain areas subject of mutual advertising.\"" ], [ "\"Australia must avoid pursuing unilateral oil development in areas that are known to be the subject of competing claims." ], [ "Such action could serve to increase the diplomatic tensions that have complicated moving forward with plans for exploiting precious resources in Timor Sea, which would benefit both Australia and East-Timor....\"" ], [ "The obligation to restrict oneself can also be found in the article by Professor Triggs and Mr Bialek published on 19th June,2036 (Melbourne Journal of International Law)." ], [ "\"However, there is a legal difference between exploration/search and exploitation." ], [ "Australia will require that production licenses be granted, perhaps to search for exploration alone with no need of creating prejudice risk and without harming Timor-Leste' s interest." ], [ "However, there will be good thought and planning for Timor-Leste to begin enforcing its Maritime Zone Act in order that it can protect the claims made accordingly. \"Australia has reaffirmed not recognizing any interest Australia may have given out which is inconsistent with timorense rights under international law.\"" ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste is preparing to promulgate the regime on petroleum resources development in that country by Christmas, Prime Minister Mari Alkitiri said." ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatri spoke after a three-day consultation held in Dili the previous week (August 23–15) on law and model contracts that would account for this regime." ], [ "This will be followed by a two-week consultation at the district centre, and complemented with writing submissions on regimes including from industries." ], [ "\"The input given in the consultation will be considered carefully and help governments to define how they make law." ], [ "We received this very positively and I believe that we can achieve our goal of having the regime in place by Christmas.\"" ], [ "\"The proposed regime is competitive, transparent and robust for the development of minerals resources.\"" ], [ "What will be put before the public is a revised regime for maritime areas to manage in conjunction with Australian Government, and also new ones on Timor-Leste’s seaside area as well." ], [ "\"Once this regime has been established, Timor-Leste expects to be able start exploration and development sooner.\"" ], [ "In the recent interim provision, Timor-Leste looks ahead to get more or less U.S $4 1/2 billion from reservoirs in future years" ], [ "In its permanent maritime boundary under international law, Timor-Leste is entitled to receive three times this income." ], [ "\"Mr. Downer's words at the press conference on August 12 mark an important recognition of Timor-Leste advertising following these performance.\"" ], [ "\"I am confident that a solution can be found which will reflect Timor-Leste's rights in the East Sea under international law." ], [ "I look forward to the meeting on 20 September in Canberra as a constructive, productive and intensively attended session that will ensure fairness of sharing Timor Sea resources.\"" ], [ "\"Hodi added that legal class in the world and Timor-Leste's tax regime will be strengthened to establish international stability, continuity for exploration of mineral resources as well gas from East Sea." ], [ "In this interest are all parties - the oil industry and Timor-Leste as well our friend, neighbour Australia.\"" ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste today began a public consultation period on the future establishment and operationalization for an independent Petroleum Fund." ], [ "The basic paper has been prepared and is available to the public for debate." ], [ "Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri stated that: \"It is our wish to see the Petroleum Fund as an instrument for managing Timor-Leste's pyramidal resources in a way which will benefit today and future generation....\"" ], [ "\"Experience with other countries has shown that petroleum wealth can be both a great and good asset." ], [ "In the future, Timor-Leste will be able to properly manage its petroleum resources. It is important that we inform our people and say they can establish a strategy which everyone may accept if possible.\"" ], [ "The Public Consultation discusses the establishment of an instrument to fund a Petroleum Fund ." ], [ "The proposed Petroleum Fund set up in Norway is a very successful experience but requires greater transparency and primary access to information." ], [ "This refers to the \"Norway Plus\" model." ], [ "This discussion will also discuss this, but be careful especially about the future regulations to raise money." ], [ "The government adapted the regulations to raise a constant rate of interest on petroleum wealth." ], [ "Over the medium term, this regulation will increase government spending to its current level." ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri said: \"Increased expenditure must be used wisely to invest in government services and infrastructure, which can increase a strong economy that contributes towards reducing poverty." ], [ "This bill will provide money and sufficient financial resources to deposit in the Petroleum Fund so that next year we can maintain spending at this level...\"" ], [ "Government officials will hold public consultations in districts including the capital Dili next week." ], [ "Prime Minister Alkatiri also said: \"We encourage all the people of East Timor and any organizations that have an interest in this discussion about Petroleum Fund to give constructive comments on what issues should be taken.\"" ], [ "Based on this public consultation, the Government of Timor-Leste wants to move forward with drafting a law regarding Petroleum Fund and conducted in next year." ], [ "Subject to parliamentary approval and presidential promulgation, the Petroleum Fund will be in place from 1 July of this year for fiscal years beginning with that (205-6)." ], [ "Any comments relating to this issue and for discussion may be submitted before 30 November,21954 at the Ministry of Planning & Finance." ], [ "For questions regarding the Petroleum Fund and public consultation, please contact Mr Cristino Gusmao (cgusm@mopf.gov).tp or tel +670 8123-549) at: Macroeconomics Unit of Ministry for Planning & Finance" ], [ "DISCUSSION DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION The Government of Timor-Leste has written a letter to Woodside Energy Ltd. requesting detailed reports on the mineral extraction at Laminaria field in East Sea, which will be submitted by 2013 and published as an official document within two years from this date (see below)." ], [ "Woodside reported on 3 February that it had removed about a third of the oil from its wells, or more than three hundred barrel." ], [ "The statement states that the government authorities were immediately notified of this case." ], [ "\"The Government of Timor-Leste has not yet received this notification from Woodside,\" said Mr. Jose Teixeira (PST), State Secretary for Tourism Investment and the Environment in a statement on Tuesday morning to The Independent newspapers' website:" ], [ "\"This is the second exploration that has been carried out on this mine site in three months, and we have not received any information about these two cases." ], [ "Woodside protested that, on 18 January last year the mine was removed from its site two days after it had been dry." ], [ "Therefore, the Government of Timor-Leste is concerned that it has not yet received an independent assessment on this incident and its impacts in relation to environmental conditions there." ], [ "\"I have asked Woodside to make a formal report and outline measures on how this can be resolved, as well other steps that could prevent such cases from recurring\", Mr. Teixeira added .\"" ], [ "Laminaria Camp is located 150 km off the south coast of Timor-Leste in an area that has been a problem - one with many claims between East and Australia." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste considers the area to be within its maritime jurisdiction." ], [ "The area is 350 km from Australia's coastline." ], [ "Because there is no restriction or limitation of the dispute, what can be considered for a problem that arises like this one with such an impact on marine environment could affect Timor-Leste more than Australia said Mr. Teirxeira :" ], [ "The adjacent Laminaria and Corallina fields have been producing since 1980. Production at the nearby Eldorado Field began in June of that year, but was delayed until early October because it had to be re-launched for production on May or July after its initial shutdown last summer" ], [ "Woodside Energy Ltd. has been appointed as the operator of this project, and will be responsible for its operational management through a three-year contractual agreement with EDF Electricité de France (EDP)." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste has estimated that these fields have produced more than $2 billion in tax revenues paid to the Australian government." ], [ "In a letter sent to Woodside in January last year, the Government of Timor-Leste drew attention that if it failed properly comply with its own laws governing mining activities there would be civil and criminal prosecution against woodsides." ], [ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation: Encontro Tasi Timor entered into good progress, 29 April. The Government together with the Australian government made a better move in negotiation processes this week on oil & gas resources at sea borders between East-Timor (East), Australia(South)and South Africa/New Zealand as they met for their first time since October last year to discuss issues related by Oil&Gas Resources from east coastal watershed areas around Dili city; said Minister Jose Ramos Horta" ], [ "\"The constructive approach adopted this week during the talks has led to a positive process in resolving problems on Timor Sea." ], [ "This has brought the two nations into a new era of bilateral relations and economic cooperation." ], [ "\"Paving the way for development in mineral resources will bring significant benefits to both economies." ], [ "Timor-Leste, as one of the poorest nations on earth will benefit greatly when it comes to final outcomes,” Dr. Ramos Horta added in his remarks at a press conference held by UNWTO headquarters today (10/2)." ], [ "Dr. Horta gave his conclusion after a three-day meeting in Dili between delegations of the two countries, which was held on 15 and20th February at Timor Leste's Embassy to discuss bilateral relations amongst both sides" ], [ "This is the fifth time that a serious and intensive meeting has been held since September of last year. It was considered to be more fruitful than previous ones, but it did not succeed in bringing about an agreement on any issues which were at issue during this session or afterwards when they came up for discussions with representatives from both sides" ], [ "She increases so much." ], [ "The meeting focused more on the issues relevant to clearing line in Timor Sea between two nations." ], [ "Timor-Leste put forward its proposal as a creative solution that will involve complex and sensitive problems when accepted in the permanent line." ], [ "\"There will be a lot of details on which the two sides have to work further." ], [ "The next meeting will take place shortly, but I am confident that we can now reach an agreement which would resolve the long-term problem." ], [ "Our competition in the Timor Sea will also open up natural resources of this region.\" Dr. Ramos-Horta expressed his gratitude and appreciation for much support received from international community to help resolve these problems with which we are facing today, especially as regards maritime security issues that have been a major concern since 1975 when it was established by United Nations (UN)." ], [ "However, he also said that comments made by groups not involved in the process wouldn't reflect on actions already taken from both governments." ], [ "Dr Horta is confident that the progress made in these negotiations will satisfy everyone." ], [ "\"Personally I would like to acknowledge the leadership of two prime ministers, who served with their role in progress made this week." ], [ "The letter sent by Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri to Premier John Howard, received a better response from the latter who opened up paths for more basic and constructive dialogue between both sides.\"" ], [ "\"I would also like to acknowledge the role played by my dear friend, Secretary of State Downer." ], [ "We have had a very good working relationship for quite some time and together we've gone through many things, particularly in 1980." ], [ "I feel that with friendship these good things can continue despite some differences." ] ]
PN aprova projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha jeneralidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PN aprova projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha jeneralidade\nDILI, 20 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Parlamentu Nasionál, segunda ne’e aprova ona projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik no foinsa’e iha perigu iha faze jeneralidade.\nProjetu-lei númeru 29/V(3a) kona-ba Lei Protesaun Labarik no Foinsa’e iha perigu, aprovadu ho rezultadu votasaun a-favór 54, kontra 0 no abstensaun 1.\nNotísia Relevante: Komisaun A aprova relatóriu-paresér setoriál ba projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik\n“Nune’e projetu-lei protesaun labarik no joven iha perigu debate iha jeneralidade aprovadu. Tuir mai iha debate espesialidade sei baixa ba Komisaun F atu kontinua diskusaun no nakloke ba komisaun relevante sira seluk inklui GMPTL,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Ein-Ezersísiu, Deputada Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento, anunsia liuhosi plenária.\nPreámbulu hosi projetu-lei ne’e previstu kona-bá dezenvolvimentu ida ba sistema protesaun integrál ba labarik sira, nune’e impoin esforsu armonizasaun lei hotu-hotu relasaun ho promosaun no protesaun diretu ba labarik no joven iha perigu sira.\nKapítulu III ko’alia kona-bá medida promosaun direitu no protesaun, kapítulu IV ko’alia kona-bá komunikasaun, kapítulu V ko’alia kona-bá intervensaun Ministériu Públiku, kapítulu VI previstu dispozisaun prosesuál jerál, kapítulu VII sita kona-bá prosedimentu urjénsia, kapítulu VIII ko’alia kona-bá prosesu iha serbisu protesaun labarik no foinsa’e no kapítulu IX ko’alia kona-bá prosesu judisiál promosaun no protesaun.\nPN aprova projetu-lei protesaun labarik iha jeneralidade\nPrevious articleGovernu halibur konta bankária atribui indemnizasaun ba afetadu sidade universitária\nNext articleViqueque rejista kazu HIV-SIDA 12, na’in-rua mate
[ "PN aprova projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha jeneralidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PN aprova projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha jeneralidade DILI, 20 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Parlamentu Nasional, segunda ne'e aprova ona projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik no foinsa'e iha perigu iha faze jeneralidade.", "Projetu-lei numeru 29/V (3a) kona-ba Lei Protesaun Labarik no Foinsa'e iha perigu, aprovadu ho rezultadu votasaun a-favor 54, kontra 0 no abstensaun 1.", "Notisia Relevante: Komisaun A aprova relatoriu-pareser setorial ba projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik \"Nune'e projetu-lei protesaun labarik no joven iha perigu debate iha jeneralidade aprovadu.", "Tuir mai iha debate espesialidade sei baixa ba Komisaun F atu kontinua diskusaun no nakloke ba komisaun relevante sira seluk inklui GMPTL,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Ein-Ezersisiu, Deputada Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento, anunsia liuhosi plenaria.", "Preambulu hosi projetu-lei ne'e previstu kona-ba dezenvolvimentu ida ba sistema protesaun integral ba labarik sira, nune'e impoin esforsu armonizasaun lei hotu-hotu relasaun ho promosaun no protesaun diretu ba labarik no joven iha perigu sira.", "Kapitulu III ko'alia kona-ba medida promosaun direitu no protesaun, kapitulu IV ko'alia kona-ba komunikasaun, kapitulu V ko'alia kona-ba intervensaun Ministeriu Publiku, kapitulu VI previstu dispozisaun prosesual jeral, kapitulu VII sita kona-ba prosedimentu urjensia, kapitulu VIII ko'alia kona-ba prosesu iha serbisu protesaun labarik no foinsa'e no kapitulu IX ko'alia kona-ba prosesu judisial promosaun no protesaun.", "PN aprova projetu-lei protesaun labarik iha jeneralidade Previous articleGovernu halibur konta bankaria atribui indemnizasaun ba afetadu sidade universitaria Next articleViqueque rejista kazu HIV-SIDA 12, na'in-rua mate" ]
[ [ "PN approves draft law on protection of children in generality | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The National Parliament, Monday has adopted the bill for child and youth at risk's safety." ], [ "Bill No. 29/V (3a) on the Protection of Children and Persons in Danger Law, approved by a vote for with no abstentions:" ], [ "Relevant news: Commission A approves sectoral rapporteur-opinion on the draft law for child protection \"Now, this bill to protect children and young people in danger has been debated at a plenary session." ], [ "Following the plenary debate will go down to Commission F for further discussion and opened up other relevant commissions including GMPTL,\" President of National Parliament Ein-Ezersisiu Deputada Maria Angelina Lopez Sarmento announced through plenary." ], [ "The preamble of the bill provides for developing a comprehensive system to protect children, thus imposes an effort towards harmonizing all legislation relating direct promotion and protection in relation with at-risk young people." ], [ "Chapter III deals with measures for the promotion and protection of rights, chapter IV talk about communication; chap. V on public prosecution intervention in cases concerning children under age 18 years old (chapter VI provides general procedural provisions), cap VII referred to urgent proceeding-up procedure: section VIII discusses child welfare work process as a whole while capitol IX is concerned by judicial action promoting or protective actions" ], [ "Previous articleGovernment raises bank accounts to allocate compensation for affected university city Next ArticleViquegue register 12 HIV-AIDS cases, two of them die PN approves child protection bill in general Assembly" ] ]
Servisu abastesimentu bee moos falta kombustivel - GMN TV\nGMN TV Sosiedade Servisu abastesimentu bee moos falta kombustivel\nXefe Departementu Abastesimentu Agua Díli, Francisco Xavier Pereira, hateten, oras ne’e dada’uk diresaun operasional abastesimentu operasional ba bee moos infrenta falta kombustivel.\nTanba ne’e, sei difikulta servisu operasional iha terenu, hodi labele halo atendimentu ba komunidade ne’ebé presiza bee moos.\n“Agora dadauk ami operasional Díli infrenta mina mak laiha, ne’e mak hanesan dezafiu ida ba ami hala’o servisu operasional iha terenu, hanesan ita boot sira haree kareta tanki no kareta operasional sira para dadauk iha no labele hala’o servisu tanba mina laiha”,dehan, Francisco Xavier Pereira ba JN-Diário iha nia knaar fatin, Caicoli-Díli, Tersa (30/10/2018).\nXefe departementu ne’e hatutan katak, ho dezafiu ne’ebé iha parte diresaun labele halo atendimentu ba keisa ruma husi komunidade liu-liu kestaun bee moos ninian.\nNia aprofunda katak, atendimentu emerjensia ruma mos labele halo atendimentu ho problema ne’ebé mak iha.\n“Semana ida liu ba sira fo mina oituan ba atendimentu emerjensia nian, agora dadauk ne’e mezmu iha servisu urjentimente ami labele halo atendimentu tanba laiha lós ona”,nia heteten.\nNia esplika, mina ne’ebé diresaun ne’e ense iha ho kompañia Borala fuel, no kupon iha hela, maibe tanba razaun Governu seida’uk selu hotu entaun kompañia labele halo ona atendimentu ba diresaun ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, sai dezafiu bo’ot ba servisu manutensaun iha kapital Díli. Bee moos ne’ebé durante ne’e oferese ba komunidade sira iha Díli laran husi Abastesimentu Bee moos Benamauk, Lahane, Bee moos Comoro, Maloa.\nEntretantu, Jornalista JN-Diário tenta konfirma ho Sekretáriu Jeral Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP), kona-ba asuntu laiha kombustivel ba Departementu Abastesimentu Agua Díli, maibe laiha fatin, tanba okupadu ho servisu.Eus
[ "Servisu abastesimentu bee moos falta kombustivel - GMN TV GMN TV Sosiedade Servisu abastesimentu bee moos falta kombustivel Xefe Departementu Abastesimentu Agua Dili, Francisco Xavier Pereira, hateten, oras ne'e dada'uk diresaun operasional abastesimentu operasional ba bee moos infrenta falta kombustivel.", "Tanba ne'e, sei difikulta servisu operasional iha terenu, hodi labele halo atendimentu ba komunidade ne'ebe presiza bee moos.", "\"Agora dadauk ami operasional Dili infrenta mina mak laiha, ne'e mak hanesan dezafiu ida ba ami hala'o servisu operasional iha terenu, hanesan ita boot sira haree kareta tanki no kareta operasional sira para dadauk iha no labele hala'o servisu tanba mina laiha,\"dehan, Francisco Xavier Pereira ba JN-Diario iha nia knaar fatin, Caicoli-Dili, Tersa (30/10/2018).", "Xefe departementu ne'e hatutan katak, ho dezafiu ne'ebe iha parte diresaun labele halo atendimentu ba keisa ruma husi komunidade liu-liu kestaun bee moos ninian.", "Nia aprofunda katak, atendimentu emerjensia ruma mos labele halo atendimentu ho problema ne'ebe mak iha.", "\"Semana ida liu ba sira fo mina oituan ba atendimentu emerjensia nian, agora dadauk ne'e mezmu iha servisu urjentimente ami labele halo atendimentu tanba laiha los ona,\"nia heteten.", "Nia esplika, mina ne'ebe diresaun ne'e ense iha ho kompania Borala fuel, no kupon iha hela, maibe tanba razaun Governu seida'uk selu hotu entaun kompania labele halo ona atendimentu ba diresaun ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, sai dezafiu bo'ot ba servisu manutensaun iha kapital Dili.", "Bee moos ne'ebe durante ne'e oferese ba komunidade sira iha Dili laran husi Abastesimentu Bee moos Benamauk, Lahane, Bee moos Comoro, Maloa.", "Entretantu, Jornalista JN-Diario tenta konfirma ho Sekretariu Jeral Ministeriu Obras Publika (MOP), kona-ba asuntu laiha kombustivel ba Departementu Abastesimentu Agua Dili, maibe laiha fatin, tanba okupadu ho servisu.Eus" ]
[ [ "Serviço fornecimento de água limpa falta combustivel - GMN TV Sociedade Service supply of clean water lacks fuel Dili Water Supply Department Head, Francisco Xavier Pereira said that now the operational direction has given an order to operate a service providing fresh drinkingwater but it is facing shortages." ], [ "Therefore, it will make operational work in the field difficult so as not to serve communities that need clean water." ], [ "\"Now every day we face no fuel in Dili operations, this is a challenge for us to carry out our operational work on the ground. We have seen tank cars and operating vehicles standing there daily without being able To perform their duties because of lack Of oil\", Francisco Xavier Pereira told JNDiario from his office at Caicoli-Dili Tuesday (30/12)" ], [ "The head of the department added that, with challenges on his part management can not attend to any complaints from community especially in this issue clean water." ], [ "He added that some emergency care facilities could not deal with the problems they had." ], [ "\"A week ago they gave us a lot of oil for emergency care, now today even though we are urgently on duty it is not possible to provide service because there's no more\", he said." ], [ "He explained that the direction has a contract with Borala fuel company, and there are still coupons in place but because of government failure to pay them all so they can no longer provide services." ], [ "This is why it has become a major challenge for maintenance work in the capital Dili." ], [ "The fresh water that has been offered to the communities in Dili from Supply Fresh Water Benamauk, Lahane and Comoro." ], [ "Meanwhile, JN-Diario journalist tried to confirm with the Secretary General of Ministry for Public Works (MOP), regarding no fuel in Dili Water Supply Department but there was not room because he is busy." ] ]
Lu-Olo Haktuir Ezisténsia Falintil no Funu hasoru Invazór to’o Independénsia | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nTimor Post (20/08/2020)-Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo” hatete Forças Armadas da Libertacao Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) mak povu nia liman kro’at. FALINTIL mosu iha tempu ne’ebé Timoroan sira fahe malu tanba diverjénsia polítika. Maski nune’e ho lalais de’it FALINTIL sira kompriende sira nia misaun prinsipál atu asegura dame ba Povu.\nTanba nee mak FALINTIL hatán ba apelu hosi líderes FRETILIN, Nicolau Lobato, Mari Alkatiri no sira seluk no iha 20 Agostu 1975, sira hala’o duni Insurreisaun Jerál Armada ho objetivu atu hatuur kedas seguransa hodi lori Povu moris hakmatek fila-fali iha 1975.\nNu’udar brasu armadu FRETILIN nian mak FALINTIL hasoru inkursaun militár indonézia iha ita-nia fronteira-rai iha momentu ne’ebá hodi fó resposta ba agresaun husi invazór, buka atu hasoru no trava sira-nia inkursaun iha territóriu.\n“Ita-nia eroína feto sira mós hamriik hasoru inimigu hodi hatudu sira-nia sentimentu patriota. Konsekuénsia ida mak ita lakon eroína di’ak Maria Tapó, ne’ebé hili dalan atu fó nia moris rasik ba ita-nia Pátria. Ha’u temi nia naran entre heroína sira seluk,” Prezidente haktuir iha diskursu Selebrasaun loron Falintil ba dala 45 iha Kuartél Jenerál F-FDTL fatuhada, Dili, Kinta (20/08).\nXefe Estadu hatutan molok Indonézia lansa operasaun militár ho eskala boot, iha 7 Dezembru 1975, Nicolau Lobato hatudu ninia kapasidade lideransa no organizadór, bainhira nia rasik tun mai sidade Dili hodi halibur no organiza populasaun tomak hodi rekua ba ai-laran.\nKona-ba períodu molok invazaun indonézia, Prezidente lembra mós komandante FALINTIL sira seluk ne’ebé iha knaar importante iha momentu ne’ebá hanesan Rogério Lobato, Hermenegildo Alves, Fernando Carmo, Domingos Ribeiro, Espíritu Santo, Guido Soares no sira seluk ne’ebé labele temi ida-pur-ida.\nIha períodu 1975-1978, FALINTIL hasoru forsa okupasaun ho guerra-de-pozisoins hodi defende ita-nia territóriu, proteje ita-nia populasaun no loke dalan atu reforsa no hametin ita-nia patriotizmu.\nIha períodu susar ida ne’e, iha bazes-de-apoiu mak hametin liután ita-nia unidade no konxiénsia nasionalista hodi hasoru funu naruk ida.\nIndonézia, ho Soeharto nia lideransa, simu ekipamentu militár foun no muda sira-nia estratéjia okupasaun ba ita-nia rai. Primeiru, okupa pontus estratéjiku, Dili, Baucau no Lospalos ho estratéjia de ‘guerra de desisão rápida’. Nee katak iha oras ruanulu resin haat (24) nia laran inimigu tenke manán funu! Durante períodu ida nee, diresaun luta FRETILIN ho barani hili estratéjia guerra dura e prolongada no sura ho ita-nia forsa rasik, tanba factor barak, inklui factor militár ka korrelasaun entre forsa rua ne’ebé hasoru malu.\nSegundu, halo retaliasaun, no ikus mai, ho kampaña serku no anikilamentu ne’ebé uza bombardeamentu husi ró no aviaun no uza mós bomba napalm, sira konsege harahun ita-nia bazes-de-apoiu. Rezultadu mak ita-nia populasaun hamlaha no forsa laiha.\nNicolau Lobato mate iha kombate, iha loron 31 fulan Dezembru tinan 1978. Maibé, espíritu FALINTIL La Mate.\nIha Marsu 1981, durante konferénsia iha Maubai, ne’ebé partisipa hosi membru sobrevivente na’in rua husi Komité Sentrál FRETILIN, Xanana Gusmão no Ma Hunu Bulerek Karataianu, FALINTIL hamriik ho estratéjia foun hodi adopta fali tátika gerrilla móvel ho lideransa komandante Xanana Gusmão nian, nu’udar Komandante das FALINTIL no Komisáriu Polítiku Nasionál hosi FRETILIN.\nIha Setembru 1981, Indonézia lansa fali operasaun boot ida naran `Kikis` no, ho ida nee, hamate ita-nia kuadrus polítikus no militares importantes, hanesan Holi Natcha, Nelo Kadomi Timur, Saki Nere Ulas Timur no Hari Nere.\nOperasaun Kikis violentu tebes, tanba nee, iha 13 Outubru 1981, durante selebrasaun Misa kampal iha Lecidere, Dili, Administrador Apostóliku Dom Martinho da Costa Lopes, ho espíritu Kristu nian, ho barani no koerénsia, publikamente denunsia hahalok violentu ida nee.\nVontade atu buka solusaun pasífika ba rezolusaun konflitu iha ita nia rai hatudu kedas iha 1983, bainhira ho efikásia hosi estratéjia FRETILIN no FALINTIL, Komandante Xanana Gusmão hasoru malu ho Komandante Purwanto, iha Ossú-Larigutu, hodi asina akordu hatun kilat.\nMisaun defeza Pátria neebé FALINTIL halo liga direta ho sentimentu Povu ne’ebé hakarak livre no soberanu.\nHo sentimentu Povu nian nee, Asuain FALINTIL fó-an tomak ba luta no barak mak lakon sira-nia vida. Ho ida nee, Asuain FALINTIL konsege sai mós matadalan ne’ebé inspira babeibeik Povu, hodi reziste nafatin too ita hetan Ukun Rasik- An.\nBainhira forsa indonézia kaptura Komandante Xanana Gusmão, Komandante Ma Huno hamriik kedas hodi lidera FALINTIL. Bainhira forsa indonézia kaptura Komandante Ma Huno, Nino Konis Santana mak kaer fali knaar Komandante no hafoin nia mate, Komandante Taur Matan Ruak hamriik kedas hodi lidera FALINTIL.\nIstória FALINTIL nian hatudu reziliénsia no kapasidade atu hamriik fila fali bainhira hetan susar. Tanba nee duni mak ita bolu ‘Gloriozíssimas FALINTIL.\nHosi mós sakrifísiu Gloriozas FALINTIL nian, hamutuk ho Povu, mak iha 30 Agustu 1999 ita hetan rezultadu liuhosi Referendu, atu ne’ebé organiza hosi Nasoins Unidas-ONU. Ida nee hatudu katak Vitória ba Libertasaun Nasionál sosa ho ema barak nia vida.(Jornalista Julio Salinas Soares)
[ "Lu-Olo Haktuir Ezistensia Falintil no Funu hasoru Invazor to'o Independensia |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: Timor Post (20/08/2020) -Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" hatete Forcas Armadas da Libertacao Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) mak povu nia liman kro'at.", "FALINTIL mosu iha tempu ne'ebe Timoroan sira fahe malu tanba diverjensia politika.", "Maski nune'e ho lalais de'it FALINTIL sira kompriende sira nia misaun prinsipal atu asegura dame ba Povu.", "Tanba nee mak FALINTIL hatan ba apelu hosi lideres FRETILIN, Nicolau Lobato, Mari Alkatiri no sira seluk no iha 20 Agostu 1975, sira hala'o duni Insurreisaun Jeral Armada ho objetivu atu hatuur kedas seguransa hodi lori Povu moris hakmatek fila-fali iha 1975.", "Nu'udar brasu armadu FRETILIN nian mak FALINTIL hasoru inkursaun militar indonezia iha ita-nia fronteira-rai iha momentu ne'eba hodi fo resposta ba agresaun husi invazor, buka atu hasoru no trava sira-nia inkursaun iha territoriu.", "\"Ita-nia eroina feto sira mos hamriik hasoru inimigu hodi hatudu sira-nia sentimentu patriota.", "Konsekuensia ida mak ita lakon eroina di'ak Maria Tapo, ne'ebe hili dalan atu fo nia moris rasik ba ita-nia Patria.", "Ha'u temi nia naran entre heroina sira seluk,\" Prezidente haktuir iha diskursu Selebrasaun loron Falintil ba dala 45 iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL fatuhada, Dili, Kinta (20/08).", "Xefe Estadu hatutan molok Indonezia lansa operasaun militar ho eskala boot, iha 7 Dezembru 1975, Nicolau Lobato hatudu ninia kapasidade lideransa no organizador, bainhira nia rasik tun mai sidade Dili hodi halibur no organiza populasaun tomak hodi rekua ba ai-laran.", "Kona-ba periodu molok invazaun indonezia, Prezidente lembra mos komandante FALINTIL sira seluk ne'ebe iha knaar importante iha momentu ne'eba hanesan Rogerio Lobato, Hermenegildo Alves, Fernando Carmo, Domingos Ribeiro, Espiritu Santo, Guido Soares no sira seluk ne'ebe labele temi ida-pur-ida.", "Iha periodu 1975-1978, FALINTIL hasoru forsa okupasaun ho guerra-de-pozisoins hodi defende ita-nia territoriu, proteje ita-nia populasaun no loke dalan atu reforsa no hametin ita-nia patriotizmu.", "Iha periodu susar ida ne'e, iha bazes-de-apoiu mak hametin liutan ita-nia unidade no konxiensia nasionalista hodi hasoru funu naruk ida.", "Indonezia, ho Soeharto nia lideransa, simu ekipamentu militar foun no muda sira-nia estratejia okupasaun ba ita-nia rai.", "Primeiru, okupa pontus estratejiku, Dili, Baucau no Lospalos ho estratejia de 'guerra de desisao rapida'.", "Nee katak iha oras ruanulu resin haat (24) nia laran inimigu tenke manan funu!", "Durante periodu ida nee, diresaun luta FRETILIN ho barani hili estratejia guerra dura e prolongada no sura ho ita-nia forsa rasik, tanba factor barak, inklui factor militar ka korrelasaun entre forsa rua ne'ebe hasoru malu.", "Segundu, halo retaliasaun, no ikus mai, ho kampana serku no anikilamentu ne'ebe uza bombardeamentu husi ro no aviaun no uza mos bomba napalm, sira konsege harahun ita-nia bazes-de-apoiu.", "Rezultadu mak ita-nia populasaun hamlaha no forsa laiha.", "Nicolau Lobato mate iha kombate, iha loron 31 fulan Dezembru tinan 1978.", "Maibe, espiritu FALINTIL La Mate.", "Iha Marsu 1981, durante konferensia iha Maubai, ne'ebe partisipa hosi membru sobrevivente na'in rua husi Komite Sentral FRETILIN, Xanana Gusmao no Ma Hunu Bulerek Karataianu, FALINTIL hamriik ho estratejia foun hodi adopta fali tatika gerrilla movel ho lideransa komandante Xanana Gusmao nian, nu'udar Komandante das FALINTIL no Komisariu Politiku Nasional hosi FRETILIN.", "Iha Setembru 1981, Indonezia lansa fali operasaun boot ida naran 'Kikis' no, ho ida nee, hamate ita-nia kuadrus politikus no militares importantes, hanesan Holi Natcha, Nelo Kadomi Timur, Saki Nere Ulas Timur no Hari Nere.", "Operasaun Kikis violentu tebes, tanba nee, iha 13 Outubru 1981, durante selebrasaun Misa kampal iha Lecidere, Dili, Administrador Apostoliku Dom Martinho da Costa Lopes, ho espiritu Kristu nian, ho barani no koerensia, publikamente denunsia hahalok violentu ida nee.", "Vontade atu buka solusaun pasifika ba rezolusaun konflitu iha ita nia rai hatudu kedas iha 1983, bainhira ho efikasia hosi estratejia FRETILIN no FALINTIL, Komandante Xanana Gusmao hasoru malu ho Komandante Purwanto, iha Ossu-Larigutu, hodi asina akordu hatun kilat.", "Misaun defeza Patria neebe FALINTIL halo liga direta ho sentimentu Povu ne'ebe hakarak livre no soberanu.", "Ho sentimentu Povu nian nee, Asuain FALINTIL fo-an tomak ba luta no barak mak lakon sira-nia vida.", "Ho ida nee, Asuain FALINTIL konsege sai mos matadalan ne'ebe inspira babeibeik Povu, hodi reziste nafatin too ita hetan Ukun Rasik- An.", "Bainhira forsa indonezia kaptura Komandante Xanana Gusmao, Komandante Ma Huno hamriik kedas hodi lidera FALINTIL.", "Bainhira forsa indonezia kaptura Komandante Ma Huno, Nino Konis Santana mak kaer fali knaar Komandante no hafoin nia mate, Komandante Taur Matan Ruak hamriik kedas hodi lidera FALINTIL.", "Istoria FALINTIL nian hatudu reziliensia no kapasidade atu hamriik fila fali bainhira hetan susar.", "Tanba nee duni mak ita bolu 'Gloriozissimas FALINTIL.", "Hosi mos sakrifisiu Gloriozas FALINTIL nian, hamutuk ho Povu, mak iha 30 Agustu 1999 ita hetan rezultadu liuhosi Referendu, atu ne'ebe organiza hosi Nasoins Unidas-ONU.", "Ida nee hatudu katak Vitoria ba Libertasaun Nasional sosa ho ema barak nia vida.", "(Jornalista Julio Salinas Soares)" ]
[ [ "Lu-Olo Confirms Falintil'S Existence and Fight Against Invaders to Independence |:Diariu Timor Post Online (20/19) -Presidente da Republika, Francisco Guterres \"Lu’ Olo\" said that the Forcas Armadas de Libertacao Nacional do Timor Leste (\"FALINTIL\") are people´ s arms." ], [ "FALINTIL emerged at a time when the Timorese were split over political differences." ], [ "Nevertheless, the FALINTIL quickly understood that their main mission was to ensure peace for people." ], [ "That is why FALINTIL responded to the appeal of FRETILIN leaders, Nicolau Lobato and Mari Alkatiri among others. On August 20th they carried out a General Armed Insurrection with an immediate goal: restoring security so that people could live in peace again after their demise on July1975" ], [ "As the armed arm of FRETILIN, FALINTIL opposed Indonesian military incursions on our border at that time as a response to aggression by invaders and sought forthwith against them." ], [ "\"Our female heroes also stood up against the enemy to show their patriotic sentiments." ], [ "One consequence is that we lose the great hero Maria Tapo, who chose to give her life for our homeland." ], [ "I mentioned her name among other heroines,\" the President said in a speech at Celebration of Falintil Day for 45th time on F-FDTL General Headquarters fatuhada (Dili), Wednesday(20/8)." ], [ "The Head of State said that before Indonesia launched a large-scale military operation on 7 December, Nicolau Lobato showed his leadership and organizational skills when he himself came down to Dili city in order for the entire population from all over East Timor." ], [ "Regarding the period prior to Indonesia's invasion, he also recalled other FALINTIL commanders who held important position at that time such as Rogerio Lobato; Hermenegildo Alves and Fernando Carmo. Domingoes Ribeiro was one of them while Espiritu Santo is another among those not mentioned in detail: Guido Soares (whose name cannot be given here)." ], [ "In the period 1975-8, FALINTIL faced occupation forces with a guerra de posições to defend our territories and populations while paving way for strengthening patriotism." ], [ "In this difficult period, there are bases of support that strengthen our unity and nationalist consciousness in the faces a long struggle." ], [ "Indonesia, under Soeharto's leadership received new military equipment and changed their strategy of occupying our land." ], [ "Firstly, occupy strategic points such as Dili and Baucau with a strategy of 'war for rapid destruction'." ], [ "This means that within twenty-four (24) hours the enemy must win!" ], [ "During this period, the leadership of FRETILIN's struggle bravely chose a strategy for hard and prolonged warfare with our own forces due to many factors including military factor or interrelationship between two facing force." ], [ "Secondly, they retaliated and eventualy with a search-and–reconquest campaign using bombing from ships or planes as well the use of napalm bombers destroyed our support bases." ], [ "The result is that our populations are starving and weak." ], [ "Nicolau Lobato died in combat, on 31 December of that year." ], [ "However, the spirit of FALINTIL La Mate." ], [ "In March 1982, during a conference in Maubai attended by two surviving members of the FRETILIN Central Committee - Xanana Gusmao and Ma Hunu Bulerek Karataianu – FALINTIL came up with new strategies to adopt mobile guerrilla tactics again under commander Gusmão' s leadership as Commandant das Falintil (Commander-in Chief) & National Political Commissioner." ], [ "In September 1982, Indonesia again launched a large-scale operation called 'Kikis' and thereby killed our important political/military cadres such as: Holi Natcha; Nelo Kadomi Timur. Saki Nere Ulas timur & Hari Ner..." ], [ "Operation Kikis was so violent that, on October 13th of the same year during a Mass in Lecidere (Dili), Apostolic Administrator Dom Martinho da Costa Lopez publicly denounced this act." ], [ "The willingness to seek a peaceful solution for the resolution of conflict in our country was demonstrated as early on 1983, when with effective strategy from FRETILIN and FALINTIL Commander Xanana Gusmao met commanding officer Purwanto at Ossu-Larigutu." ], [ "FALINTIL's mission to defend the homeland is directly linked with people’ s feeling of freedom and sovereignty." ], [ "With the sentiment of this People, Asuain FALINTIL gave themselves entirely to struggle and many lost their lives." ], [ "With this, the Assuain FALINTIL managed to become a guideline that inspired more and More Peoples' resistance until we achieved our own sovereignty." ], [ "When the Indonesian forces captured Commander Xanana Gusmao, Ma Huno immediately took over as FALINTIL leader." ], [ "When Indonesian forces captured Commander Ma Huno, Nino Konis Santana took over the command and after his death Chief of Staff Taur Matan Ruak immediately returned to lead FALINTIL." ], [ "The history of FALINTIL has shown resilience and the ability to come back together when difficulty strikes." ], [ "That is why we call it 'Gloriozissimas FALINTIL.'" ], [ "Through the sacrifice of Gloriosas FALINTIL, together with our people on August 30th we achieved a result through Referendum organized by United Nations-UN." ], [ "This shows that the Victory of National Liberation cost many people their lives." ], [ "(Journalist Julio Salinas Soares)" ] ]
Governu ezekuta ona Fundu COVID-19 millaun $200,9 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu ezekuta ona Fundu COVID-19 millaun $200,9\nGovernu ezekuta ona Fundu COVID-19 millaun $200,9\nDILI, 06 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Taxa ezekusaun reál Fundu COVID-19 ne’ebé kria iha tinan 2020 atu responde ba COVID-19, jere hosi Ministériu Finansa (MF), to’o iha loron 31 dezembru 2021 atinjie millaun $200,9 ka 70%, hosi totál Orsamentu Retifikativu alokadu millaun $287,6.\n“Taxa ezekusaun ne’e a’as liu, maski iha tinan kotuk Timor-Leste aplika restrisaun oioin ne’ebé limita movimentu ema no sasán sira kauza hosi COVID-19, inundasaun no períodu ezekusaun durante fulan-hitu nia laran de’it, hafoin Prezidente Repúblika promulga Orsamentu Retifikativu iha maiu 2021,” relata nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: PN aprova Fundu COVID-19 ho Fundu Infraestrutura\nAntes ne’e, MF halo projesaun ne’ebé bazeia ba fluxu kaixa no ritmu ezekusaun hosi janeiru to’o novembru, katak taxa ezekusaun reál Fundu COVID-19 to’o dezembru 2021 sei atinje de’it 66% no iha tinan kotuk taxa ezekusaun reál atinje 58%.\nTaxa ezekusaun tuir klasifikasaun ekonómiku, a’as liu mak iha kategoria bens no servisu, ne’ebé mak ezekuta millaun $149,5 ka 76% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $197,5, tuir kedan ho transferénsia públika ne’ebé mak ezekuta millaun $46,8 ka 62% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $75,9.\nEnkuantu, kapitál dezenvolvimentu ezekuta millaun $2,9 ka 36% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $8,1, no kapitál menór ezekuta millaun $1,7 ka 28% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $5,9.\nTuir mai progresu ezekusaun reál tuir medida sosio-ekonómiku neen hanesan moratória kréditu ezekuta ona 100% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $2, pagamentu Cesta Bázika ezekuta ona millaun $66,2 ka 97% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $68,1.\nNune’e, pagamentu suplementu remunerátóriu ba traballadór liña frente ezekuta ona millaun $51,6 ka 97% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $53,4, pagamentu izensaun propina ba estudante ensinu superior ezekuta millaun $11,1 ka 79% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $14.\nMedida apoiu ba empregu ezekuta millaun $30,8 ka 68% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $45,3, apoiu seguransa alimentár ezekuta millaun $7,2 ka 60% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $12, apoiu pulsa internet ba estudante ensinu superiór ezekuta $872.200 ka 41% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $2.\nPrevensaun no mitigasaun COVID-19 inklui finansiamentu operasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize, ezekuta millaun $31,2 ka 37% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $83,4.\nPrevious articleKomunidade tenke hamoos uma-ninin hodi prevene moras Dengue\nNext articlePasiente Covid-19 na’in-rua iha Maliana hahú rekupera
[ "Governu ezekuta ona Fundu COVID-19 millaun $200,9 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu ezekuta ona Fundu COVID-19 millaun $200,9 Governu ezekuta ona Fundu COVID-19 millaun $200,9 DILI, 06 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Taxa ezekusaun real Fundu COVID-19 ne'ebe kria iha tinan 2020 atu responde ba COVID-19, jere hosi Ministeriu Finansa (MF), to'o iha loron 31 dezembru 2021 atinjie millaun $200,9 ka 70%, hosi total Orsamentu Retifikativu alokadu millaun $287,6.", "\"Taxa ezekusaun ne'e a'as liu, maski iha tinan kotuk Timor-Leste aplika restrisaun oioin ne'ebe limita movimentu ema no sasan sira kauza hosi COVID-19, inundasaun no periodu ezekusaun durante fulan-hitu nia laran de'it, hafoin Prezidente Republika promulga Orsamentu Retifikativu iha maiu 2021,\" relata nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, kinta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: PN aprova Fundu COVID-19 ho Fundu Infraestrutura Antes ne'e, MF halo projesaun ne'ebe bazeia ba fluxu kaixa no ritmu ezekusaun hosi janeiru to'o novembru, katak taxa ezekusaun real Fundu COVID-19 to'o dezembru 2021 sei atinje de'it 66% no iha tinan kotuk taxa ezekusaun real atinje 58%.", "Taxa ezekusaun tuir klasifikasaun ekonomiku, a'as liu mak iha kategoria bens no servisu, ne'ebe mak ezekuta millaun $149,5 ka 76% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $197,5, tuir kedan ho transferensia publika ne'ebe mak ezekuta millaun $46,8 ka 62% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $75,9.", "Enkuantu, kapital dezenvolvimentu ezekuta millaun $2,9 ka 36% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $8,1, no kapital menor ezekuta millaun $1,7 ka 28% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $5,9.", "Tuir mai progresu ezekusaun real tuir medida sosio-ekonomiku neen hanesan moratoria kreditu ezekuta ona 100% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $2, pagamentu Cesta Bazika ezekuta ona millaun $66,2 ka 97% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $68,1.", "Nune'e, pagamentu suplementu remuneratoriu ba traballador lina frente ezekuta ona millaun $51,6 ka 97% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $53,4, pagamentu izensaun propina ba estudante ensinu superior ezekuta millaun $11,1 ka 79% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $14.", "Medida apoiu ba empregu ezekuta millaun $30,8 ka 68% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $45,3, apoiu seguransa alimentar ezekuta millaun $7,2 ka 60% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $12, apoiu pulsa internet ba estudante ensinu superior ezekuta $872.200 ka 41% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $2.", "Prevensaun no mitigasaun COVID-19 inklui finansiamentu operasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize, ezekuta millaun $31,2 ka 37% hosi orsamentu alokadu millaun $83,4.", "Previous articleKomunidade tenke hamoos uma-ninin hodi prevene moras Dengue Next articlePasiente Covid-19 na'in-rua iha Maliana hahu rekupera" ]
[ [ "Government has spent $201.6 million of COVID- 39 Fund | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e VARANDA Coronavirus The government expended the fund for a total amount that is now worth US$457,8 billion (USD) and which was created in January to respond against Covid -" ], [ "\"The execution rate is higher, although last year Timor-Leste applied various restrictions limiting the movement of people and goods caused by COVID 19. Floods also occurred during this period; implementation was only for an extended time (eight months) after President da República promulgated Amending Budget in May,” said Agência Tatoli’ s report on Wednesday morning from Dili City Council Office Building at Rua do Comércio no Nossa Senhora de Fátima nº2035" ], [ "Previously, the Ministry of Finance made a projection based on cash flows and implementation rates from January to November that real COVID-19 Fund executions by December would reach only about an average rate (65%) compared with last year' s actual expenditures which reached just over half." ], [ "Execution rates according to economic classifications were highest in the category of goods and services, which expended $149.5 million or a percentage rate (percentage) for all budget allocation ($76% out-of allocated funds), followed by public transfer whose execution was at US$380mn with an average annual cost per person amounting USD2k;" ], [ "Meanwhile, development capital spent $2.9 million or 36% of the allocated budget ($8;1m), and lesser-capital expended #$570k (or €4) in total spending for this year’s fiscal period from a planne d amounted to £/€ /£:" ], [ "Next is the progress of actual implementation according to nine socio-economic measures such as credit moratorium has been implemented 102% from allocated budget $3 million, Basic Basket payment have already execute$65.8 billion or97 %of allocationbudget ($4m)." ], [ "Thus, supplementary remuneration payment to frontline workers has been executed $51.6 million or 97% of the allocated budget ($430m), tuition exemption for higher education students is being paid out at a rate that representes an allocation amounting USD$28 billion (or about US£) and it'll be implementet in June-July this year with total costs estimated as:" ], [ "Employment support measures executed $30.8 million or 67% of the allocated budget ($45,2 billion), food security assistance implementing a total amount in excesse to its allocation ($19 millions) and internet access for higher education students implementation expenditure exceeding all other programs by more than two-thirds:" ], [ "COVID-19 prevention and mitigation, including funding for the operation of Integrated Crisis Management Centers (ICMC), spent $32.4 million or about a third out Of an allocated budget amounting to US$85 billion" ], [ "Previous articleCommunities must clean up their homes to prevent Dengue disease Next artikelTwo Covid-19 patients in Malina begin recovery" ] ]
Demokrasia halo Taur ho nia espoza iha opsaun polítika la hanesan | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA ELEISAUN Demokrasia halo Taur ho nia espoza iha opsaun polítika la hanesan\nDILI, 27 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)–Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Taur Matan Ruak, deside hamutuk ho nia militante sira inklui partidu seluk ne’ebé forma VIII Governu Konstitusionál, atu fó apoiu ba Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guteres ‘Lú Olo’ iha eleisaun segunda volta.\nKontráriu ho nia espoza, Isabel da Costa Ferreira, ne’ebé hanesan Kandidatu PR ida ne’ebé la pasa ba segunda volta, deside apoiu Kandidatu PR, José Ramos Horta.\n“Imi hotu haree, iha ha’u-nia família hili dalan la hanesan, relijiaun de’it mós ami idaidak hili balun protestante no balun katólika, partidu mós hanesan balun FRETILIN, balun PLP no balun seluk, ne’ebé demokrasia ne’e sai hosi ami-nia uma-laran. Ida-ne’e mak demokrasia loloos,” Taur hateten ba jornalista sira iha salaun Canossa, Has-laran Manleuana, domingu ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Isabel Ferreira deside apoiu Ramos Horta ba eleisaun segunda volta\nNia dehan, Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Frente Revolusionária do Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Kmanek Haburas Unidade Timor Oan (KHUNTO) kontinua la’o hamutuk hodi apoiu kandidatura Lú Olo atu hetan vitória iha segunda volta.\n“Ami-nia hamutuk hodi apoiu Lú Olo ba segunda volta ne’e iha tahap rua, maski planu ida de’it, ami hanesan hametin ami-nia ukun hamutuk to’o tinan 2023, atu atinje ida-ne’e mak ami hamutuk lori ami-nia kandidatura Lú Olo ba tuur dala-ida tan hanesan Prezidente Repúblika,” Taur dehan.\nHo nune’e, mehi PLP iha tinan 2023 atu ukun hamutuk ho partidu FRETILIN no KHUNTO, konsentra liu ba pontu tolu.\n“Pontu tolu importante ne’e mak hanesan defende populasaun saudável no moris naruk, segundu ami hakarak populasaun ne’ebé matenek domina siénsia, domina teknolojia no ikus liu hadi’a nia padraun moris di’ak liu ne’e hanesan meiu importante ba ami iha ami-nia batalla,” atuál Primeiru-Ministru ne’e afirma.\nBa kestaun ne’e, Prezidente PLP ne’ebé hanesan mós Primeiru-Ministru VIII iha tempu besik sei husu lisensa hosi nia kargu hodi la’o hamutuk ho Lú Olo halo kampaña ba eleisaun segunda volta.\n“Ha’u sei hamrik iha palku leten hodi apoiu kandidatura Lú Olo, tempu badak tan ha’u sei hasai lisensa ba ha’u-nia Vise Primeira-Ministra mak sei asumi kargu Primeru-Ministru ein-ezersísiu to’o kampaña hotu mak ha’u filafali,” Taur dehan.\nPLP halo konferénsia nasionál ho tema ‘hamutuk ita reflete pasadu, afirma ita-nia konsiladasaun no servisu maka’as ba povu nia moris di’ak’, iha salaun Canossa Has-laran Manleuana, domingu (27/03). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nIha konférensia nasionál PLP, Taur hato’o nia diskursu hodi aprezenta mós ho video ne’ebé hanesan relatóriu servisu VIII Governu Konstitusionál.\n“Iha vídeo ohin hatudu katak konsentra hotu edukasaun, saúde, abitasaun ho projetu sira seluk ne’ebé liga ba ema-nia moris no agrikultura atu motiva sidadaun sira halo produsaun maka’as iha tinan-tolu tutuir malu, ami tau osan millaun $160 ba Cesta Bázika, iha tinan 2020 tau millaun $71, tinan 2021 millaun $12 no tinan ne’e ita tau millaun $80. Ida-ne’e signifika fó rendimentu ba populasaun sira,” nia tenik.\nApoiu Lu Olo\nPrevious articleCNE finaliza elaborasaun akta rezultadu apuramentu nasionál\nNext articleSEKoop inaugura sede kooperativa multisetoriál POLKOM Lautém
[ "Demokrasia halo Taur ho nia espoza iha opsaun politika la hanesan | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ELEISAUN Demokrasia halo Taur ho nia espoza iha opsaun politika la hanesan DILI, 27 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Taur Matan Ruak, deside hamutuk ho nia militante sira inklui partidu seluk ne'ebe forma VIII Governu Konstitusional, atu fo apoiu ba Kandidatu Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guteres 'Lu Olo' iha eleisaun segunda volta.", "Kontrariu ho nia espoza, Isabel da Costa Ferreira, ne'ebe hanesan Kandidatu PR ida ne'ebe la pasa ba segunda volta, deside apoiu Kandidatu PR, Jose Ramos Horta.", "\"Imi hotu haree, iha ha'u-nia familia hili dalan la hanesan, relijiaun de'it mos ami idaidak hili balun protestante no balun katolika, partidu mos hanesan balun FRETILIN, balun PLP no balun seluk, ne'ebe demokrasia ne'e sai hosi ami-nia uma-laran.", "Ida-ne'e mak demokrasia loloos,\" Taur hateten ba jornalista sira iha salaun Canossa, Has-laran Manleuana, domingu ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Isabel Ferreira deside apoiu Ramos Horta ba eleisaun segunda volta Nia dehan, Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Frente Revolusionaria do Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Kmanek Haburas Unidade Timor Oan (KHUNTO) kontinua la'o hamutuk hodi apoiu kandidatura Lu Olo atu hetan vitoria iha segunda volta.", "\"Ami-nia hamutuk hodi apoiu Lu Olo ba segunda volta ne'e iha tahap rua, maski planu ida de'it, ami hanesan hametin ami-nia ukun hamutuk to'o tinan 2023, atu atinje ida-ne'e mak ami hamutuk lori ami-nia kandidatura Lu Olo ba tuur dala-ida tan hanesan Prezidente Republika,\" Taur dehan.", "Ho nune'e, mehi PLP iha tinan 2023 atu ukun hamutuk ho partidu FRETILIN no KHUNTO, konsentra liu ba pontu tolu.", "\"Pontu tolu importante ne'e mak hanesan defende populasaun saudavel no moris naruk, segundu ami hakarak populasaun ne'ebe matenek domina siensia, domina teknolojia no ikus liu hadi'a nia padraun moris di'ak liu ne'e hanesan meiu importante ba ami iha ami-nia batalla,\" atual Primeiru-Ministru ne'e afirma.", "Ba kestaun ne'e, Prezidente PLP ne'ebe hanesan mos Primeiru-Ministru VIII iha tempu besik sei husu lisensa hosi nia kargu hodi la'o hamutuk ho Lu Olo halo kampana ba eleisaun segunda volta.", "\"Ha'u sei hamrik iha palku leten hodi apoiu kandidatura Lu Olo, tempu badak tan ha'u sei hasai lisensa ba ha'u-nia Vise Primeira-Ministra mak sei asumi kargu Primeru-Ministru ein-ezersisiu to'o kampana hotu mak ha'u filafali,\" Taur dehan.", "PLP halo konferensia nasional ho tema 'hamutuk ita reflete pasadu, afirma ita-nia konsiladasaun no servisu maka'as ba povu nia moris di'ak', iha salaun Canossa Has-laran Manleuana, domingu (27/03).", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao Iha konferensia nasional PLP, Taur hato'o nia diskursu hodi aprezenta mos ho video ne'ebe hanesan relatoriu servisu VIII Governu Konstitusional.", "\"Iha video ohin hatudu katak konsentra hotu edukasaun, saude, abitasaun ho projetu sira seluk ne'ebe liga ba ema-nia moris no agrikultura atu motiva sidadaun sira halo produsaun maka'as iha tinan-tolu tutuir malu, ami tau osan millaun $160 ba Cesta Bazika, iha tinan 2020 tau millaun $71, tinan 2021 millaun $12 no tinan ne'e ita tau millaun $80.", "Ida-ne'e signifika fo rendimentu ba populasaun sira,\" nia tenik.", "Apoiu Lu Olo Previous articleCNE finaliza elaborasaun akta rezultadu apuramentu nasional Next articleSEKoop inaugura sede kooperativa multisetorial POLKOM Lautem" ]
[ [ "Democracy makes Taur and his spouse in different political options | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ELEISASUN Demokrasia halo Tauru ho nia espoza iha opsaun politika la hanesan DILI, March.27 (IHA) -President of the People's Liberation Party(PLP),Tau Matan Ruak decided together with its members including other parties that form VIII Constitutional Government to support President Candidate Francisco Guteres 'Lu Olo’ for second round election on Tuesday morning at a press conference held by PLP headquarters near Dili City Hall where he was greeted as an honorary guest from Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who attended alongside him during their meeting last week afterwards" ], [ "The opposition and her husband, Isabel da Costa Ferreira who was one of the PR candidates that failed to pass in a second round decided on supporting Jose Ramos Horta." ], [ "\"You all see, in my family we have chosen different paths. Religion is the only thing and each one of us has decided to be some Protestant or Catholic; there are also parties like FRETILIN (Republican Party), PLP [Partido Liberal Progressista] etc... where democracy came out from our homeland.\"" ], [ "This is true democracy,\" Taur told journalists in the Canossa hall at Has-laran Manleuana on Sunday." ], [ "Relevant news: Isabel Ferreira decided to support Ramos Horta for the second round of elections She said, Partido Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Frente Revolusionaria do Timor-Leste Independente(FRETILIN) and Kmanek Haburas Unidadi Timór Oan/Unity For New East Тимор continue working together in order that Lu Olo can win a victory at this runoff." ], [ "\"We have joined together to support Lu Olo for the second round in two stages, although there is only one plan. We are like strengthening our government until 2013 and we will carry out this through bringing up my candidacy as President of Brazil once again.\"" ], [ "Thus, the PLP wish in 2013 to govern together with Fretilin and KHUNTO concentrates more on three points." ], [ "\"The three important points are defending a healthy population and long life, secondly we want to have an intelligent people who masters science. Mastery of technology in the end will improve their living standard as it is our main means for this battle.\"" ], [ "On this issue, the President of PLP who is also Prime Minister VIII will soon ask for permission from his office to go along with Lu Olo campaigning in a second round election." ], [ "\"I will stand on the stage to support Lu Olo's candidacy, shortly I shall take a leave of absence for my own Deputy Prime Minister who is going into office as prime minister and exercise until all campaigning has been completed." ], [ "PLP held a national conference with the theme 'here we reflect past, confirm our consultation and great service for people's well-being \"in Canossa Has -laran Manleuana hall on Sunday (27/03)." ], [ "At the national conference of PLP, Taur delivered his speech to present also with a video which is as rapporteur work VIII Constitutional Government." ], [ "\"Today's video shows that we are concentrating on education, health care and housing projects as well other related to people’ s lives in agriculture. This is a way of motivation for the citizens so they can produce more products.\" In three consecutive years (2016-3), $75 million was spent towards Basic Food Basket; this year it will be ($84)." ], [ "This means giving income to the population,\" he said." ], [ "Previous articleCNE finalizes the preparation of national voting results Next ArticleSEKoop inaugurates headquarters for multi-sectorial cooperative POLKOM Lautem" ] ]
Lee nain: 1975\nDILI (TOP) — Prezidente Autoridade ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oe-Kusi-Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsénio Paixão Bano, “inventa” kategoria orsamentál hodi finaliza kazu ró Haksolok.\nLei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseira (LOJF) despeza ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) kada tinan prevé kategoria orsamentál ka rúbrika orsamentál sira hanesan saláriu vensimentu, bens servisu, kapitál minór, kapitál dezenvolvimentu no transferénsia públika, maibé úniku iha proposta-lei OJE 2021 husi RAEOA-ZEESM, Prezidente Autoridade, Arsénio Paixão Bano, hamosu tán rúbrika orsamentál ida ho naran “Fundu Espesiál Dezenvolvimentu” ka FED.\nIha livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), ne’ebé Bano aprezenta ba Parlamentu Nasionál prevee mós rúbrika ketak ida, Fundu Espesiál Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ho montante $14,000,000.00 ba ezekuta hodi finaliza konstrusaun ró Haksolok.\n“Ho nune’e bele fó retornu finanseiru mai iha RAEOA no ZEESM-TL. Orsamentu ba FED ho valór millaun $14 engloba (inklui) ona iha kategória kapital dezenvolvimentu,” dokumentu orsamentál ne’ebé The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP), asesu iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Tersa 10 Novembru 2020.\nLivru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), ne’e asina husi Ministra Finansa Interina atuál Vise-Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites.\nBazeia ba livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM) previstu iha $127,000,000 ba 2021 ne’ebé koloka ba saláriu vensimentu $11.072.049,00, bens servisu $23.775.569,00, kapital minór $2.360.470,00, kapitál dezenvolvimentu $85.506.102,00 no transferénsia públika $ 4.285.810,00.\nDespeza ba kategoria saláriu vensimentu hamutuk $11,072,049 hodi asegura saláriu no oras extraordináriu ba funsionáriu hamutuk ema na’in-2,475 ne’ebé dezagrega iha gabinete prezidente autoridade, adjunta prezidente autoridade hodi reforsa institusionál, adjuntu prezidente autoridade ba asuntu sosiál no sekretária rejionál na’in-7 iha RAEOA no ZEESM.\nIha kategoria bens servisu ne’e hamosu liña rúbrika asisténsia téknika hodi asegura saláriu ba asesór na’in-28, konsultór nasionál sira no tékniku profesionál sira seluk no liña rúbrika servisu operasionál hodi asegura kustu servisu operasionál ba nesesidade sekretáriu rejionál na’in-7.\nEntretantu kapitál minór hamutuk $2,360,470.00 ba tinan 2021 atu asegura kondisaun bázika ba Gabinete Prezidente Autoridade no Gabinete Sekretária rejionál sira ba sosa karreta ambulánsia, kareta tanki bee-moos, karreta operasionál, komputador/laptop, printer, mákina fotokopia, mobiliáriu, AC no seluk tan.\nTOP tenta ona husu esplikasaun ba Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA, Arsenio Bano, maibé nia la atende ida.\nPrevious Article Autoridade RAEOA defama PNTL no igreja katolika\nNext Article “Ansi” ba jantar, kareta 3 soke malu iha Ambeno\nRAEOA Oe-Kusi Ambeno Inventa kategoria OJE 2021 Ro Haksolok
[ "Lee nain: 1975 DILI (TOP) - Prezidente Autoridade ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Kusi-Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano, \"inventa\" kategoria orsamental hodi finaliza kazu ro Haksolok.", "Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseira (LOJF) despeza ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) kada tinan preve kategoria orsamental ka rubrika orsamental sira hanesan salariu vensimentu, bens servisu, kapital minor, kapital dezenvolvimentu no transferensia publika, maibe uniku iha proposta-lei OJE 2021 husi RAEOA-ZEESM, Prezidente Autoridade, Arsenio Paixao Bano, hamosu tan rubrika orsamental ida ho naran \"Fundu Espesial Dezenvolvimentu\" ka FED.", "Iha livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), ne'ebe Bano aprezenta ba Parlamentu Nasional prevee mos rubrika ketak ida, Fundu Espesial Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ho montante $14,000,000.00 ba ezekuta hodi finaliza konstrusaun ro Haksolok.", "\"Ho nune'e bele fo retornu finanseiru mai iha RAEOA no ZEESM-TL.", "Orsamentu ba FED ho valor millaun $14 engloba (inklui) ona iha kategoria kapital dezenvolvimentu,\" dokumentu orsamental ne'ebe The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP), asesu iha Parlamentu Nasional, Tersa 10 Novembru 2020.", "Livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), ne'e asina husi Ministra Finansa Interina atual Vise-Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites.", "Bazeia ba livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM) previstu iha $127,000,000 ba 2021 ne'ebe koloka ba salariu vensimentu $11.072.049,00, bens servisu $23.775.569,00, kapital minor $2.360.470,00, kapital dezenvolvimentu $85.506.102,00 no transferensia publika $ 4.285.810,00.", "Despeza ba kategoria salariu vensimentu hamutuk $11,072,049 hodi asegura salariu no oras extraordinariu ba funsionariu hamutuk ema na'in-2,475 ne'ebe dezagrega iha gabinete prezidente autoridade, adjunta prezidente autoridade hodi reforsa institusional, adjuntu prezidente autoridade ba asuntu sosial no sekretaria rejional na'in-7 iha RAEOA no ZEESM.", "Iha kategoria bens servisu ne'e hamosu lina rubrika asistensia teknika hodi asegura salariu ba asesor na'in-28, konsultor nasional sira no tekniku profesional sira seluk no lina rubrika servisu operasional hodi asegura kustu servisu operasional ba nesesidade sekretariu rejional na'in-7.", "Entretantu kapital minor hamutuk $2,360,470.00 ba tinan 2021 atu asegura kondisaun bazika ba Gabinete Prezidente Autoridade no Gabinete Sekretaria rejional sira ba sosa karreta ambulansia, kareta tanki bee-moos, karreta operasional, komputador/laptop, printer, makina fotokopia, mobiliariu, AC no seluk tan.", "TOP tenta ona husu esplikasaun ba Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA, Arsenio Bano, maibe nia la atende ida.", "Previous Article Autoridade RAEOA defama PNTL no igreja katolika Next Article \"Ansi\" ba jantar, kareta 3 soke malu iha Ambeno RAEOA Oe-Kusi Ambeno Inventa kategoria OJE 2021 Ro Haksolok" ]
[ [ "DILI (TOP) - The President of the Authority for Oe-Kusi Amesterdão Special Administration Region, Arsenio Paixao Bano \"invents\" a budgetary category to finalize Haksolok ro case." ], [ "The Budget and Financial Management Act (LOJF) provides for budgetary categories or headings such as salary, wages/salarial incomes; good services: minor capital expenses. Capital development expenditures are included in the General State Finance Bill each year but only once has it been introduced into a bill of law by Authority President Arsenio Paixao Bano named \"Special Development Fund\" - FED)." ], [ "In the book 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), which I presented to National Parliament also provides a separate heading, Special Development Fund ($14.0 million) for execution of finalizing construction Haksolok roads in total $265m" ], [ "\"Thus, there can be a financial return to the RAEOA and ZEESM-TL." ], [ "Budget for FED worth $14 million is included in the category of development capital,\" budgetary document The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP), accessed at Parliament National on Tuesday 20 November." ], [ "Book 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), is the signing by Acting Minister of Finance and current Deputy Ministry, Sara Lobo Brites." ], [ "Based on the 3C book (RAEOA-ZEESM) forecasted in $127,049.56 for salary and wages of workers ($8;), goods & services [$], minor capital debt to be paid at a rate not exceeding one percent per annum from income tax revenue is estimateda em R&D e Inovação" ], [ "Expenditure for the salary and income category amounted to $12,073.549 in order To ensure salaries & overtime pay of 68 employees who are divided into office president authorities; vice-president authority institutional strengthening department: deputy President Authority Social Affairs Office regional secretariats at OEAA&ZEESM" ], [ "In the category of goods and services, this create a technical assistance line to ensure salaries for 28 advisers national consultants or other professional techniques; an operational service lines provide cost-effectively with operations costs required by seven regional secretaries." ], [ "Minor capital amounts to $2,360.47 million for 1 year in the future and will ensure basic conditions of operation at Office President Authority office as well regional Secretariat' s bureaux by purchasing ambulance cars; water tank vehicles (water pump), operations carriages/cargo truck-like vehicle(es); computer /laptop machine printer photocopier furniture AC etc..." ], [ "TOP has tried to ask for an explanation from RAEOA Authority President Arsenio Bano, but he did not attend." ], [ "Previous Article RAEOA authorities defame the police and catholic church Next article \"Ansi\" for dinner, three cars hit each other in Ambeno Oe-Kusí Ambon Inventa category of budget Ro Haksolok" ] ]
Viola lei traballu, Traballadór halo asaun greve hasoru kompañia Mira-Mar Block – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Viola lei traballu, Traballadór halo asaun greve hasoru kompañia Mira-Mar Block\nTraballadór hamutuk na’in 60 resin, Tersa (25/06), hala’o asaun greve hasoru kompañia Mira-Mar Block, tanba empreza refere viola lei traballu númeru 4/2012.\nPortavoz traballadór sira ne’ebé halo greve ne’e, Idelino de Araújo hateten, asaun greve ne’e, hetan apoiu husi Ohin Sindikatu traballadór Timor-Leste, tanba empreza refere la halo tuir nia responsabilidade tuir lei nú 4/2012, hanesan laiha kontratu servisu, direitu ba saláriu désimu terseiru no direitu férias annual ba traballadór sira laiha, maske sira servisu tinan barak ona.\n“Ohin ami mai halo asaun greve hasoru kompañia Mira-Mar Block ne’e, tanba empreza ne’e viola lei do traballu númeru 4/2012, tanba ne’e ami organiza malu hodi ezije ami nia direitu nu’udar traballadór tuir lei haruka. Asaun greve ne’e sei ezije urjentimente ba kompañia Mira-Mar atu tu’ur hamutuk hodi buka solusaun, bainhira ezijensia ne’e laiha solusaun, sei kontinua halo asaun greve ne’e lor-loron tuir oras ne’ebé determina to’o hetan solusaun ne’ebé justu tuir lei númeru 4/2012”, hateten Idelino de Araújo ba Jornalista sira iha Mira-Mar Block Fomentu Díli.\nIdelino haktuir, durante ne’e bainhira ekipamentus hanesan, mákina, kareta no buat seluk tan mak aat ou iha failansu ruma, traballadór sira ne’ebé mak servisu iha Mira-Mar Block ne’e mak sempre sala hela de’it, maske failansu ka sala ne’e la’os funsionáriu sira mak komete.\n“Ami traballadóres sira mak sempre sala hela de’it, laos ne’e de’it, durante ne’e mós kompañia Mira-Mar Block nia ne’e trata ami la ho dignu hanesan empreza sira seluk, maibé durante ne’e ami kumpri regras ne’ebé empreza ne’e iha, maibé kompañia mak viola fali lei traballu, hodi viola traballadór sira-nia direitu”, informa Idelino.\nNune’e mós portavoz Advokasia Sindikatu Traballadór Timor-Leste, Guiomar Madeira informa, asaun greve ne’ebé sira halo ne’e, bazea ba konstituisaun Repúblika Demokrátiku Timor-Leste, artigu 51 no lei númeru 4/2012 ne’ebé konsagrada ona kona ba direitu ba greve.\n“Nu’udar Sindikatu Traballadór Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho traballadór sira hakarak defende direitu traballadór sira nian, tanba ne’e husu ba empreza Mira-Mar Block atu finaliza kontratu servisu ba traballadór hotu, inklui sira ne’ebé seidauk iha kontratu servisu, no husu ba empreza na’in atu fó subsídiu annual ba traballadór sira hotu ne’ebé durante tinan 6 nia laran lahetan subsídiu annual, no husu mós ba empreza atu fó direitu lisensa annual, tanba durante hala’o kna’ar traballadór sira hotu lahetan direitu ba lisensa annual, no bainhira traballadór ida la hetan cuti annual, bele selu ho osan”, relata Guiomar.\nMezmu traballadór sira halo asaun greve hasoru patraun kompañia Mira-Mar Block, maibé patraun laiha fatin tanba moras.\nIha asaun pasífika ne’e, Komando PNTL Munisípiu Díli, koloka membru PNTL unidade Task Force hodi asegura asaun greve ne’e bele la’o ho paz.\nEntretantu, bainhira Jornalista GMN tenta atu halo komfirmasaun ho patraun Empreza Mira-Mar Block, António da Conceicão Lobato liu husi nia oan feto, maibé nia lakohi fó komentáriu.\nPNTL hapara asaun greve\nNune’e mos, Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) munisípiu Díli hapara asaun greve, ne’ebé mak organiza husi Sindikatu Traballadór Timor-Leste, no traballadór sira, hasoru responsavel kompañia Mira Mar Block (MMB), António da Conceição Lobato\nAsaun greve ne’e, hala’o Tersa (25/06/19), iha Fomento Suku Komoro Postu Aministrativu Dom Alexio Munisípiu Díli.\nSindikatu Jerál Traballadór Timor-Leste, hatama karta lisensa ba Komando PNTL Munisípiu Díli, husu atu halo asaun greve ne’e, iha Segunda (24/06/19), no kartea ne’e PNTL ténki estuda uluk tiha lai antes loron tolu foin mak halo asaun greve, maibe seidauk liu loron tolu antes, maibe foin mak loron Tersa (25/06//19), sindikatu ho traballadór sira inklui traballadór nain 10 ne’ebé mak kompañia refere hapara halo ona asaun greve hasoru responsavel masimu kompañia António da Conceição Lobato iha Fomento Díli.\nLee hotu : Julião:F-FDTL sei fó teste fíziku ba traballadór Timor-oan\nTanba Komandante Munisípiu Díli Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, hatun ordém ba membru Polísia Eskuadra Dom Alexio, tun halo kedas intervensaun hodi hapara asaun ne’e.\nWainhira hapara tiha asaun ne’e, Advogado Privadu Manuel Goncalves, husi Kompana Mira Mar Block, ho Sekretariu Jerál sindikatu Traballadór Timor Leste, Almeiro Vila-Nova, ho traballadór balun hasoru Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Díli hodi solusiona problema ne’e.\n“Ami mai hasoru Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Díli, ho razaun Sindikatu Traballadór hasai karta hodi organiza asaun greve, maibe sira tun ba terrenu halo asaun laiha koñesimentu ruma husi PNTL, entaun sira ba hanesan ilegal, entaun greve ne’e ténki para”,esplika Advogado Privadu Manuel Goncalves, husi Kompana Mira Mar Block, ba jornalista sira, hafoin enkontru ho Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, iha Kuartel PNTL Kaikoli Díli.\nNia hatutan, total traballadór Kompañia Mira Mar Block, hamutuk 200, maibe problema ne’e individual, lori problema ne’e to’o Sindikatu, to’o ikus hodi lori mai to’o Komando PNTL Díli.\nNia akresenta, desizaun Kompañia Mira Mar Block, la’os hasai traballadór sira, tanba nia sei kontinua nafatin servisu, maibe falta de’it komunikasaun mak sai hanesan ne’e.\nEnkuantu kona-ba traballadór sira ninia dereitu, kada fulan kompañia iha nia dever mak selu ninia traballadór sira, la’os la selu ida ne’e laiha.\nAlende ne’e, Sekretariu jerál sindikatu Traballadór Timor Leste, Almeiro Vila-Nova, agreadese Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Díli, Armando Monteiro, tanba halibur parte sindikatu no parte kompañia Mira-Mar Block, hodi solusiona problema traballadór sira nian.\nProblema sira mak hanesan iha parte kontratu ba traballladór sira, lisensa annual, salariu desimu terseru, nomós traballadór nain 10 ne’ebé mak kompañia Mira Mar Block, seidauk bolu fila-fali, hodi kontinua servisu.\nNia akresenta, traballadór nain 10 la servisu, tanba ho razaun katak, mesin ne’ebé mak produs batako a’at. Tanba ne’e mak patraun kompañia refere haruka ninia traballadór sira deskansa iha uma.\n“Maibe iha ita nia lei traballu artigu 15 koalia kona-ba suspensaun de servisu, sé karik iha problema situasaun ekonomia kompañia ninian. Tanba akontese mesin produs batako a’at, kompañia ténki halo suspensaun ba kontratu ka halo redusaun ba oras servisu ou sé lae suspende ba sira nia servisu, maibe sira iha dereitu ba remunirasaun ne’e 50% , la’o nafatin kada fulan, maibe kompañia la fó ida ne’e, ne’e mak ami ijize ba kompañia atu kumpri produsura legal ne’ebé mak iha hakerek iha artgu 15 ne’e”,dehan Almeiro Vila-Nova.\nWainhira la hetan solusaun, sindikatu Traballadór Timor Leste, sei organiza nafatin traballadór sira hodi ijize sira ninia dereitu to’o hetan rezultadu.\nRelasiona ho kazu ne’e refere, GMN tenta atu konfirma, komandante PNTL Munisípiu Díli, Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, maibe nia parte la fó komentáriu.aba/avi
[ "Viola lei traballu, Traballador halo asaun greve hasoru kompania Mira-Mar Block - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Viola lei traballu, Traballador halo asaun greve hasoru kompania Mira-Mar Block Traballador hamutuk na'in 60 resin, Tersa (25/06), hala'o asaun greve hasoru kompania Mira-Mar Block, tanba empreza refere viola lei traballu numeru 4/2012.", "Portavoz traballador sira ne'ebe halo greve ne'e, Idelino de Araujo hateten, asaun greve ne'e, hetan apoiu husi Ohin Sindikatu traballador Timor-Leste, tanba empreza refere la halo tuir nia responsabilidade tuir lei nu 4/2012, hanesan laiha kontratu servisu, direitu ba salariu desimu terseiru no direitu ferias annual ba traballador sira laiha, maske sira servisu tinan barak ona.", "\"Ohin ami mai halo asaun greve hasoru kompania Mira-Mar Block ne'e, tanba empreza ne'e viola lei do traballu numeru 4/2012, tanba ne'e ami organiza malu hodi ezije ami nia direitu nu'udar traballador tuir lei haruka.", "Asaun greve ne'e sei ezije urjentimente ba kompania Mira-Mar atu tu'ur hamutuk hodi buka solusaun, bainhira ezijensia ne'e laiha solusaun, sei kontinua halo asaun greve ne'e lor-loron tuir oras ne'ebe determina to'o hetan solusaun ne'ebe justu tuir lei numeru 4/2012,\" hateten Idelino de Araujo ba Jornalista sira iha Mira-Mar Block Fomentu Dili.", "Idelino haktuir, durante ne'e bainhira ekipamentus hanesan, makina, kareta no buat seluk tan mak aat ou iha failansu ruma, traballador sira ne'ebe mak servisu iha Mira-Mar Block ne'e mak sempre sala hela de'it, maske failansu ka sala ne'e la'os funsionariu sira mak komete.", "\"Ami traballadores sira mak sempre sala hela de'it, laos ne'e de'it, durante ne'e mos kompania Mira-Mar Block nia ne'e trata ami la ho dignu hanesan empreza sira seluk, maibe durante ne'e ami kumpri regras ne'ebe empreza ne'e iha, maibe kompania mak viola fali lei traballu, hodi viola traballador sira-nia direitu,\" informa Idelino.", "Nune'e mos portavoz Advokasia Sindikatu Traballador Timor-Leste, Guiomar Madeira informa, asaun greve ne'ebe sira halo ne'e, bazea ba konstituisaun Republika Demokratiku Timor-Leste, artigu 51 no lei numeru 4/2012 ne'ebe konsagrada ona kona ba direitu ba greve.", "\"Nu'udar Sindikatu Traballador Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho traballador sira hakarak defende direitu traballador sira nian, tanba ne'e husu ba empreza Mira-Mar Block atu finaliza kontratu servisu ba traballador hotu, inklui sira ne'ebe seidauk iha kontratu servisu, no husu ba empreza na'in atu fo subsidiu annual ba traballador sira hotu ne'ebe durante tinan 6 nia laran lahetan subsidiu annual, no husu mos ba empreza atu fo direitu lisensa annual, tanba durante hala'o kna'ar traballador sira hotu lahetan direitu ba lisensa annual, no bainhira traballador ida la hetan cuti annual, bele selu ho osan,\" relata Guiomar.", "Mezmu traballador sira halo asaun greve hasoru patraun kompania Mira-Mar Block, maibe patraun laiha fatin tanba moras.", "Iha asaun pasifika ne'e, Komando PNTL Munisipiu Dili, koloka membru PNTL unidade Task Force hodi asegura asaun greve ne'e bele la'o ho paz.", "Entretantu, bainhira Jornalista GMN tenta atu halo komfirmasaun ho patraun Empreza Mira-Mar Block, Antonio da Conceicao Lobato liu husi nia oan feto, maibe nia lakohi fo komentariu.", "PNTL hapara asaun greve Nune'e mos, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) munisipiu Dili hapara asaun greve, ne'ebe mak organiza husi Sindikatu Traballador Timor-Leste, no traballador sira, hasoru responsavel kompania Mira Mar Block (MMB), Antonio da Conceicao Lobato Asaun greve ne'e, hala'o Tersa (25/06/19), iha Fomento Suku Komoro Postu Aministrativu Dom Alexio Munisipiu Dili.", "Sindikatu Jeral Traballador Timor-Leste, hatama karta lisensa ba Komando PNTL Munisipiu Dili, husu atu halo asaun greve ne'e, iha Segunda (24/06/19), no kartea ne'e PNTL tenki estuda uluk tiha lai antes loron tolu foin mak halo asaun greve, maibe seidauk liu loron tolu antes, maibe foin mak loron Tersa (25/06//19), sindikatu ho traballador sira inklui traballador nain 10 ne'ebe mak kompania refere hapara halo ona asaun greve hasoru responsavel masimu kompania Antonio da Conceicao Lobato iha Fomento Dili.", "Lee hotu: Juliao:F-FDTL sei fo teste fiziku ba traballador Timor-oan Tanba Komandante Munisipiu Dili Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, hatun ordem ba membru Polisia Eskuadra Dom Alexio, tun halo kedas intervensaun hodi hapara asaun ne'e.", "Wainhira hapara tiha asaun ne'e, Advogado Privadu Manuel Goncalves, husi Kompana Mira Mar Block, ho Sekretariu Jeral sindikatu Traballador Timor Leste, Almeiro Vila-Nova, ho traballador balun hasoru Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili hodi solusiona problema ne'e.", "\"Ami mai hasoru Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, ho razaun Sindikatu Traballador hasai karta hodi organiza asaun greve, maibe sira tun ba terrenu halo asaun laiha konesimentu ruma husi PNTL, entaun sira ba hanesan ilegal, entaun greve ne'e tenki para,\"esplika Advogado Privadu Manuel Goncalves, husi Kompana Mira Mar Block, ba jornalista sira, hafoin enkontru ho Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, iha Kuartel PNTL Kaikoli Dili.", "Nia hatutan, total traballador Kompania Mira Mar Block, hamutuk 200, maibe problema ne'e individual, lori problema ne'e to'o Sindikatu, to'o ikus hodi lori mai to'o Komando PNTL Dili.", "Nia akresenta, desizaun Kompania Mira Mar Block, la'os hasai traballador sira, tanba nia sei kontinua nafatin servisu, maibe falta de'it komunikasaun mak sai hanesan ne'e.", "Enkuantu kona-ba traballador sira ninia dereitu, kada fulan kompania iha nia dever mak selu ninia traballador sira, la'os la selu ida ne'e laiha.", "Alende ne'e, Sekretariu jeral sindikatu Traballador Timor Leste, Almeiro Vila-Nova, agreadese Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Armando Monteiro, tanba halibur parte sindikatu no parte kompania Mira-Mar Block, hodi solusiona problema traballador sira nian.", "Problema sira mak hanesan iha parte kontratu ba traballlador sira, lisensa annual, salariu desimu terseru, nomos traballador nain 10 ne'ebe mak kompania Mira Mar Block, seidauk bolu fila-fali, hodi kontinua servisu.", "Nia akresenta, traballador nain 10 la servisu, tanba ho razaun katak, mesin ne'ebe mak produs batako a'at.", "Tanba ne'e mak patraun kompania refere haruka ninia traballador sira deskansa iha uma.", "\"Maibe iha ita nia lei traballu artigu 15 koalia kona-ba suspensaun de servisu, se karik iha problema situasaun ekonomia kompania ninian.", "Tanba akontese mesin produs batako a'at, kompania tenki halo suspensaun ba kontratu ka halo redusaun ba oras servisu ou se lae suspende ba sira nia servisu, maibe sira iha dereitu ba remunirasaun ne'e 50% , la'o nafatin kada fulan, maibe kompania la fo ida ne'e, ne'e mak ami ijize ba kompania atu kumpri produsura legal ne'ebe mak iha hakerek iha artgu 15 ne'e,\"dehan Almeiro Vila-Nova.", "Wainhira la hetan solusaun, sindikatu Traballador Timor Leste, sei organiza nafatin traballador sira hodi ijize sira ninia dereitu to'o hetan rezultadu.", "Relasiona ho kazu ne'e refere, GMN tenta atu konfirma, komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, maibe nia parte la fo komentariu.aba/avi" ]
[ [ "Viola lei trabalhista, Trabalhador faz ação de greve contra empresa Mira-Mar Block - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Society\" Contraria a Lei Laboral: Worker Takes Action against the Company of The Miracle Sea block On Tuesday (25/06), more than sixty workers took action on strike in opposition to company miramar bloc because it violated labour law number four /13." ], [ "The spokesperson of the workers on strike, Idelino de Araujo said that this action was supported by Ohin Timor-Leste Workers' Union because it is not complying with its responsibilities under Law No. 4/2013 as there are no work contract and right to a third tenth salary or annual holiday for their staff even though they have been working many years in company" ], [ "\"Today we have come to take strike action against the Mira-Mar Block company, because this enterprise is violating labour law number 4/2013. Therefore We are organizing ourselves in order for demands of Our rights as workers accordingly with Law.\"" ], [ "The strike action will urgently require the Mira-Mar company to come together and find a solution, if this requirement is not met we shall continue with our daily striking actions at determined times until such time as there can be found an equitable solutions according law number 4/2013\", Idelino de Araujo told journalists in Mirimar Block Fomentu Dili." ], [ "Idelino said, during this time when equipment such as machines and other things are broken or there is a failure the workers who work in Mira-Mar Block always have to blame for it even though they were not responsible." ], [ "\"We workers are always the ones to blame, not only this one. The Mira-Mar Block company has also treated us with no dignity as other companies do; but during that time we have compliED all of their rules and regulations while they violated labor law in order for them too violation our rights\", Idelino said on Monday (10/2)." ], [ "Likewise, the spokesperson of Advocasia Sindikatu Traballador Timor-Leste (Association for Workers' Rights), Guiomar Madeira informed that their strike action is based on article 51 and law number4/203 which enshrines a right to striking." ], [ "\"As Timorese Workers' Union, together with the workers we want to defend their rights. That is why they are asking Mira-Mar Block Company for a final employment contract of all employees including those who do not have an existing one and ask company ownership in order that annual subsidy be paid out on every worker during six years without receiving any such subsidies or allowances; also requesting companies give entitlement from leave because while working nobody has this right at least once per year so when there wasn’t enough vacation time it could pay them money,” said Guiomar.\"" ], [ "Even though the workers took strike action against Mira-Mar Block company policemen, they were unable to take place because of illness." ], [ "In this pacific action, PNTL Dili Municipality Command deployed members of the Task Force unit to ensure that strike can proceed peacefully." ], [ "Meanwhile, when GMN Journalist tried to make confirmation with the owner of Empreza Mira-Mar Block Antonio da Conceicao Lobato through his daughters' son but he declined comment." ], [ "The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) in Dili municipality also suspended a strike action, organized by the Workers' Union and workers against Mira Mar Block company manager Antonio da Conceicao Lobato. This striking took place on Tuesday 25 June at Fomento Komoro Village Administrative Post Dom Alexiu Municipalities District -Dili City – which is located just southwest from Port Moresby city centre within an area known as \"The Green Zone\"." ], [ "The General Workers' Union of Timor-Leste, sent a licence letter to the Dili Municipal Police Command requesting that they take this strike action on Monday (24/06//19), and police must study it three days before taking such an act. However not more than 3 day prior but only Tuesday(5th June) unions with workers including ten employee whose work was suspended by said company have already taken their actions against chief executive Antonio da Conceicao Lobato at Fomento de Díli station in order for him or her from being arrested as well;" ], [ "Dili Municipality Commander Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro issued orders to members of the Dom Alexios Police Squadron, who immediately intervened and halted this action. F-FDTL will conduct physical tests on Timorese workers because they are illegal migrants" ], [ "After the action was stopped, Advogado Privado Manuel Goncalves of Companhia Mira Mar Block with General Secretary Traballador Timor Leste trade union Almeiro Vila-Nova and some workers met Dili Municipal Police Commander to resolve this problem." ], [ "\"We came to meet the Dili Municipal Police Commander, with a reason that Sindicato Traballador had issued letters organizing strike action but they went down on-site and took actions without any knowledge of PNTL so it was illegal for them. So this is an act which must stop\", explained Private Lawyer Manuel Goncalves from Mira Mar Block Company (MMB), after meeting in police headquarters Kaikoli at 10:35am today.\"They are not going out because we have no information about their plans or what will happen next\"." ], [ "He added that the total number of workers in Kompania Mira Mar Block is 201, but this problem was individual and they brought it to Unions until finally bringing them up with PNTL Dili Command." ], [ "He added, the decision of Mira Mar Block Company is not to lay off workers because it will continue working but simply lack communication." ], [ "As for the workers' rights, every month a company has its duty to pay their employees. It is not that it does no payment at all; there are nothing like this in life!" ], [ "In addition, the Secretary General of Timorese Workers' Union (TWT), Almeiro Vila-Nova thanked Dili Municipal Police Commander Armando Monteira for bringing together both trade unions and Miramar Block company to solve workers’ problems." ], [ "The problems are in the contractual part of workers, annual leaves and third salary decimation. Also 10 workers who have not been called back by Mira Mar Block to continue their job hasn't received a call from them yet so they can go on working again" ], [ "He added that 10 workers are not working, because the reason is a machine which produces many tiles." ], [ "The company's manager then ordered its workers to rest at home." ], [ "\"But in our labour law article 15 speaks about suspension of service, if there is a problem with the economic situation." ], [ "Because of the machine producing concrete slabs, company has to suspend contract or reduce working hours otherwise suspended from their work. But they have a right for remuneration 50%, continue every month but companies do not give this compensation and that is why we are asking them comply with legal obligations set out in article16\", said Almeiro Vila-Nova" ], [ "Unless a solution is found, the Timorese Workers Union will continue to organize workers in demanding their rights until results are achieved." ], [ "In relation to this case, GMN tried for confirmation from PNTL Dili Municipality Commander Chief Superintendent Armando Monteiro but he did not comment." ] ]
Parokia Motael kontinua reza ba pasiente COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Parokia Motael kontinua reza ba pasiente COVID-19\nSarani sira partisipa selebrasaun misa iha Igreja Santo António Motael, domingu (24/01). Imajen TATOLI/Antónia Gusmão\nDILI, 24 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Durante selebrasaun misa domingu, baibain tempu komun ba dala-III, iha Parokia Santo António Motael, Padre Guilhermino da Silva, hamutuk ho sarani sira kontinua reza ba ema hotu ne’ebé oras ne’e daudaun sofre moras COVID-19, iha mundu liuliu iha Timor-Leste.\nOrasaun espesiál ne’e paroku hamutuk ho sarani sira hato’o iha parte Anamnese Eukaristia nian, liuliu iha Orasaun fiar na’in sira (Oração dos Fiéis), atu Maromak haraik bensaun ba ema hirak ne’e no fó esperansa nafatin ba sira.\n“Ita hasa’e orasaun no reza ba ita-nia maluk sira ne’ebé daudaun ne’e moras, liuliu hirak ne’ebé moras tanba COVID-19. Husu Maromak atu hasai moras ne’e hosi sira-nia isin, no fó fali saúde di’ak ba sira. Ita reza mós ba sira ne’ebé mate tanba vírus ne’e, husu Maromak atu simu sira iha Reinu Lalehan,” Padre Guilhermino da Silva temi iha orasaun.\nSelebrasaun misa ohin iha Igreja Motael, partisipa másimu hosi sarani sira, ne’ebé disiplina tebes hodi kumpre protokolu saúde públika hanesan, uza máskra, fase liman iha fatin ne’ebé prepara ona, no halo distansiamentu fíziku.\nMisa prezensiál ne’e reativa filafali, hafoin Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) estraordinária halo revogasaun ba Dekretu Governu númeru 21/2020 loron 30 dezembru, tanba haree katak iha novidade di’ak ba rekuperasaun infetadu COVID-19 no laiha kazu transmisaun komunitária iha territóriu.\nAleinde ne’e, Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili mós fó sai ona nota imprensa ne’ebé publika iha loron tersa (19/01) hodi autoriza selebrasaun misa prezensiál iha Igreja sira importante mak obedese ba protokolu Ministériu Saúde (MS) no Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS).\nSelebrasaun eukaristia iha Igreja Motael ne’e nu’udar selebrasaun dahuluk iha tinan 2021 nian, ne’ebé fahe ba parte tolu, parte dadeer misa rua iha tuku 07:00 no tuku 08:30 no lorokraik tuku 16:00.\nTuir oráriu, iha domingu baibain tempu Komun ba dala-IV iha semana oin, Parokia Motael sei kontinua ho selebrasaun misa prezensiál ho oras ne’ebé hanesan.\nReza ba infetadu COVID-19\nPrevious articleBrazileiru na’in-tolu pozitivu COVID-19, baixa na’in 17\nNext articleMOP enkoraja EDTL- BTL serbisu maka’as nu’udar empreza públika
[ "Parokia Motael kontinua reza ba pasiente COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Parokia Motael kontinua reza ba pasiente COVID-19 Sarani sira partisipa selebrasaun misa iha Igreja Santo Antonio Motael, domingu (24/01).", "Imajen TATOLI/Antonia Gusmao DILI, 24 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Durante selebrasaun misa domingu, baibain tempu komun ba dala-III, iha Parokia Santo Antonio Motael, Padre Guilhermino da Silva, hamutuk ho sarani sira kontinua reza ba ema hotu ne'ebe oras ne'e daudaun sofre moras COVID-19, iha mundu liuliu iha Timor-Leste.", "Orasaun espesial ne'e paroku hamutuk ho sarani sira hato'o iha parte Anamnese Eukaristia nian, liuliu iha Orasaun fiar na'in sira (Oracao dos Fieis), atu Maromak haraik bensaun ba ema hirak ne'e no fo esperansa nafatin ba sira.", "\"Ita hasa'e orasaun no reza ba ita-nia maluk sira ne'ebe daudaun ne'e moras, liuliu hirak ne'ebe moras tanba COVID-19.", "Husu Maromak atu hasai moras ne'e hosi sira-nia isin, no fo fali saude di'ak ba sira.", "Ita reza mos ba sira ne'ebe mate tanba virus ne'e, husu Maromak atu simu sira iha Reinu Lalehan,\" Padre Guilhermino da Silva temi iha orasaun.", "Selebrasaun misa ohin iha Igreja Motael, partisipa masimu hosi sarani sira, ne'ebe disiplina tebes hodi kumpre protokolu saude publika hanesan, uza maskra, fase liman iha fatin ne'ebe prepara ona, no halo distansiamentu fiziku.", "Misa prezensial ne'e reativa filafali, hafoin Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) estraordinaria halo revogasaun ba Dekretu Governu numeru 21/2020 loron 30 dezembru, tanba haree katak iha novidade di'ak ba rekuperasaun infetadu COVID-19 no laiha kazu transmisaun komunitaria iha territoriu.", "Aleinde ne'e, Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili mos fo sai ona nota imprensa ne'ebe publika iha loron tersa (19/01) hodi autoriza selebrasaun misa prezensial iha Igreja sira importante mak obedese ba protokolu Ministeriu Saude (MS) no Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS).", "Selebrasaun eukaristia iha Igreja Motael ne'e nu'udar selebrasaun dahuluk iha tinan 2021 nian, ne'ebe fahe ba parte tolu, parte dadeer misa rua iha tuku 07:00 no tuku 08:30 no lorokraik tuku 16:00.", "Tuir orariu, iha domingu baibain tempu Komun ba dala-IV iha semana oin, Parokia Motael sei kontinua ho selebrasaun misa prezensial ho oras ne'ebe hanesan.", "Reza ba infetadu COVID-19 Previous articleBrazileiru na'in-tolu pozitivu COVID-19, baixa na'in 17 Next articleMOP enkoraja EDTL- BTL serbisu maka'as nu'udar empreza publika" ]
[ [ "Motael Parish continues to pray for COVID-19 patients | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Paróquia motais continua a rezar por pacientes covid Sarani participated in mass celebration at Igreja Santo Antonio, on Sunday (24/03)." ], [ "DILI, January 24th (Agência Fides) - At the celebration of Mass on Sunday in Santo Antonio Motael Parish for a third time this year during Common Time Father Guilhermino da Silva and his faithful continued to pray together with all those who are currently suffering from COVID-19 diseases worldwide especially Timor Leste." ], [ "This special prayer is made by the parish priest together with all of them in part to Anamnese Eucharistic, especially during Prayers for Faithful (Oracao dos Fieis), that God may bless these people and give hope." ], [ "\"Let us raise our prayers for those of you who are currently sick, especially the ones affected by COVID-19." ], [ "They prayed God to take away the disease from their bodies, and give them good health again." ], [ "We also pray for those who died because of the virus, asking God to receive them in Heaven's Kingdom\", Father Guilhermino da Silva said." ], [ "Mass celebration today at Motael Church, attended by a large number of faithful who were very discipline to follow public health protocols such as wearing mask and hand wash in the space that has been set up." ], [ "The Mass in person was reactivated after the Government, through an extraordinary Council of Ministers meeting (CM), repealed government decree number 21/30 December because there is good news for recovering from COVID-4 and no community transmission cases." ], [ "In addition, the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Dili has also issued a press release published on Tuesday (19/02) authorizing mass celebration in presence at important churches that obey protocols from Ministry for Health and World health organization." ], [ "The celebration of the Eucharist at Motael Church is as first in 2019, which will be divided into three parts: a daytime mass two times per week on Sundays and Monday evening." ], [ "According to the schedule, on Sunday of Ordinary Time for 4th time next week Motael Parish will continue with Mass celebration in person at that same hour." ], [ "Previous articleThree Brazilians positive for COVID-19, seventeen recovered NextMOP urges EDTL – BTL to work hard as a public company" ] ]
Estudante 55.072 Tuir Ezame Nasional | STLNEWS\nHome Edukasaun Estudante 55.072 Tuir Ezame Nasional\nEstudante 55.072 Tuir Ezame Nasional\nENTREGA- Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) Dr. Armindo Maia akompania husi Vise Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Dr. Antonio Guterres, simu direitamente materia Ezame Nasional hosi Diretor Kompania Sylvia Dili, Victor Gogo iha Salaun Konferensia MEJD Vila Verde, Dili, Sesta (13/11/2020). (Foto: STL/Mikael Mali Mau)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co — Estudantes finalista hamutuk 55.072, mai husi ensinu báziku nain 30.359, ensinu sekundária jerál 20.145, siénsia teknolojia 10.365, siénsia sosiál no umanidade 9.780, ohin, (16/11/2020) hahu tuir Izame Nasional.\nMinistru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia dehan, estudante finalista neebe atu tuir ezame nasional tinan ne’e hamutuk 55.072, husi ensinu sekundária tékniku vokasionál hamutuk 4.568, kompostu husi área tékniku 1.462, ekonomia komérsiu 1.501, otelária komérsiu 568, agrikultura no peska hamutuk 1.037.\n“Estudante finalista 55.072 ne’e, rejista mai husi eskola 444, eskola ensinu báziku 292, ensinu sekundária Jerál 96 no ensinu sekundáriu tékniku vokasionál 56. Disiplina husi pontu ezame nasionál ba ensinu báziku terseiru siklu kompostu husi lian inglés, portugés, matemátika, siénsia fiziku naturál, istória no jeografia,” dehan MEJD Armindo Maia hafoin akompana husi Vise Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Dr. Antonio Guterres, simu simu direitamente materia Ezame Nasional husi Diretor Kompania Sylvia Dili, Victor Gogo iha Sala Konferensia MEJD Vila Verde, Dili, Sesta (13/11/2020).\nGovernu liu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu kontratu ho Kompañia Sylvia Dili hodi imprime pontus ezame nasionál no diploma estudante finalista, tanba MEJD halo konkursu publiku no ikus mai Kompania Sylvia mak manan projetu ho valor orsamentu $385.109.\nDepois simu materia Ezame Nasional husi Kompania Sylvia Dili, iha loron Sesta nee kedas MEJD distribui matéria ezame nasionál ba munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hodi hala’o ezame nasionál ne’ebé tuir orariu sei halao iha loron Segunda (16/11/2020) to’o loron Kuarta (18/11/2020).\nMateria izame nasional ba Ensinu Sekundária Jerál maka siénsia teknolojia, portugés, inglés, matemátika, fizika, biolojia, kimika, siénsia sosiál umanidades maka portuges, inglés, ekonomia, metodu kuantitativus, istória, jeografia no sosiolojia.\nEnsinu sekundáriu tékniku vokasionál nian maka portugés, inglés, matemátika, fizika, kímika, ekonomia. Eskola ekonomia no komérsiu nian mak português, inglés, matemátika, ekonomia métodus kuantitativu no ekonomia sosiolojia. Nune’e mós eskola otelaria no turizmu nian mak hanesan portugués, inglés, matemátika, ekonomia métodus kuantitativu, jeografia, sosiolojia, kimika, ekonomia, istória, eskola agrikultura no peska maka portugués, inglés, matemátika no biolojia.\nIha seremonia entrega materia ezame nasional ne’e partisipa mos diretor servisu edukasaun munisipiu sira. Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia ofisialmente entrega materia ezame nasionál hirak ne’e ba kada diretór servisu edukasaun munisípiu sira ne’ebé hetan akompañamentu husi Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL).\nMinistru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, garante katak materia ezame nasional nebee distribui ba munisípiu 12 inklui RAEOA hetan akompanamentu husi PNTL. Tanba ne’e, nia husu ba diretor servisu edukasaun munisipiu sira atu akompania ho responsabilidade hodi garante no asegura konfedensialidade ba matéria ezame nasionál atu labele espalla iha públiku.\n“Hau husu ba ita hotu atu halao servisu ho responsabilidade hodi garante ezame nasional ne’e halao ho susesu,” katak Armindo Maia.\nMinistru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia informa katak iha loron premeiru halao ezame nasional, nia sei halo abertura iha eskola Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál Sagradu Kurasaun de Jesus Becora Dili no Ensinu Sekundária Jerál Nino Konis Santana Gleno Munisípiu Ermera.\n“Iha Segunda dader tuku 08:00, ha’u sei halo abertura iha eskola ensinu sekundária Jerál Sagradu Kurasaun de Jesus Becora, no ha’u nia vise sei ba eskola Ensino Sekundária Jerál Nino Konis Santana Gleno Ermera,” dehan Armindo Maia.\nEntretantu husi Munisipiu Baucau estudantes hamutuk rihun lima atus rua hitu nulu resin tolu (5.273) sei tuir Ezame Nasional, Segunda feira.\nDiretor Servisu Ministeriu Edukasau juvetude e Desporto Baucau, Felix Ximenes total estudantes finalista husi Munisipiu Baucau hamutuk 5.273. Husi numeru nee trez Mill cento diza oitu kandidatus husi ensinu baziku, Mill oito centos quarenta nove, husi ensinu sekundaria jeral, no trezentos e seis kandidatus husi tekniko ensinu vokasional.\nNunee mos nota klasifikasaun numeru 1.479 kompostu husi mane, nunee mos 1.640 kompostu husi feto, kandidatus.\nNunee mos husi ensinu baziku no ensinu sekundaria jeral iha 8.58 Atus ualu lima nulu resin Ualu kompostu husi mane, nunee husi numeru 992 atus sia sia nulu resin ida kompostu husi feto, nunee mos husi ensinu tekniku vokasional iha numeru atus ida neen nulu resin nee 166 kandidatus kompostu husi mane, 140 kompostu husi feto.\nDiretor Edukasaun nee hatutan husi numeru 5.273 kandidatus mak sei tuir Ezame nasional iha segunda feira 16 fulan Novembru tinan 2020. No husi Estudante hirak nee sei tuir 24 sentru realizadora ba ensinu baziku no 13 sentru realizador ba ensinu Sekundario jeral no 6 Centru realizador ensinu tekniko vokasional. “Ba vizilansia Nasional ami orienta sentru realizador sira atu silan ou vizilansia atu bele garante Ezame nee lao ho seguru,” dehan Diretor.\nNia husu ba estudante sira atu kuidadu aan didiak nunee iha segunda feira tuir orariu neebe ministeriu edukasaun fo sai ona husi kurikulum nasional.\nNia mos hatoo mensajen ba professor no Professora sira atu Assume idak idak nia dever no responsablidade nunee kontinua garante konfidensialidade no Integridade ba prosesu Ezame nasional nia.\nIha biban nee Diretor mos hatutan distribuisaun ba materia nasional nia ba iha posto Administrativu Baguia, Quelekai no Laga, Venilale no vemase ohin tula ona iha posto Administrativu Baucau Vila nia, balun mak tula ona ba Escola sira no balun lokraik Tuku rua Sabado mak sei halo distribuisaun.\nIha fatin hanesan Superintendente Da edukasaun Baucau Celestino simoes hatutan relasiona ho Escola Sekundario Taur Matan Ruak sira nia dadus tama tarde tanba nee sira nia parte sei hakruuk ba Ensinu Superior. “Sira iha 30 pesoas neebe mak efetivu no registradu atu tuir Ezame karik sira nia naran aprova ona entau sira nain 30 sei aumenta ba 5.273,” hatete Celestino.\nNia mos iha esperansa katak estudante sira sei Ezame diak liu tan, nia mos husu ba Manorin sira serbisu ho rigor tanba Ezame nasional nee atu avalia dezempenha manorin sira nia durante Tinan ida nia laran.*\nReportajen: Mikael Mali Mau/Emerenciana Pinto\nPrevious articleONU Mulheres apoia Rede Feto para que mulheres desfavorecidas recebam subsídio de covid-19\nNext articleSEJD apoia com 104 mil dólares eventos ligados ao Massacre de Santa Cruz e Dia Nacional da Juventude
[ "Estudante 55.072 Tuir Ezame Nasional | STLNEWS Home Edukasaun Estudante 55.072 Tuir Ezame Nasional Estudante 55.072 Tuir Ezame Nasional ENTREGA- Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) Dr. Armindo Maia akompania husi Vise Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Dr. Antonio Guterres, simu direitamente materia Ezame Nasional hosi Diretor Kompania Sylvia Dili, Victor Gogo iha Salaun Konferensia MEJD Vila Verde, Dili, Sesta (13/11/2020).", "(Foto: STL/Mikael Mali Mau) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Estudantes finalista hamutuk 55.072, mai husi ensinu baziku nain 30.359, ensinu sekundaria jeral 20.145, siensia teknolojia 10.365, siensia sosial no umanidade 9.780, ohin, (16/11/2020) hahu tuir Izame Nasional.", "Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia dehan, estudante finalista neebe atu tuir ezame nasional tinan ne'e hamutuk 55.072, husi ensinu sekundaria tekniku vokasional hamutuk 4.568, kompostu husi area tekniku 1.462, ekonomia komersiu 1.501, otelaria komersiu 568, agrikultura no peska hamutuk 1.037.", "\"Estudante finalista 55.072 ne'e, rejista mai husi eskola 444, eskola ensinu baziku 292, ensinu sekundaria Jeral 96 no ensinu sekundariu tekniku vokasional 56.", "Disiplina husi pontu ezame nasional ba ensinu baziku terseiru siklu kompostu husi lian ingles, portuges, matematika, siensia fiziku natural, istoria no jeografia,\" dehan MEJD Armindo Maia hafoin akompana husi Vise Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Dr. Antonio Guterres, simu simu direitamente materia Ezame Nasional husi Diretor Kompania Sylvia Dili, Victor Gogo iha Sala Konferensia MEJD Vila Verde, Dili, Sesta (13/11/2020).", "Governu liu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu kontratu ho Kompania Sylvia Dili hodi imprime pontus ezame nasional no diploma estudante finalista, tanba MEJD halo konkursu publiku no ikus mai Kompania Sylvia mak manan projetu ho valor orsamentu $385.109.", "Depois simu materia Ezame Nasional husi Kompania Sylvia Dili, iha loron Sesta nee kedas MEJD distribui materia ezame nasional ba munisipiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hodi hala'o ezame nasional ne'ebe tuir orariu sei halao iha loron Segunda (16/11/2020) to'o loron Kuarta (18/11/2020).", "Materia izame nasional ba Ensinu Sekundaria Jeral maka siensia teknolojia, portuges, ingles, matematika, fizika, biolojia, kimika, siensia sosial umanidades maka portuges, ingles, ekonomia, metodu kuantitativus, istoria, jeografia no sosiolojia.", "Ensinu sekundariu tekniku vokasional nian maka portuges, ingles, matematika, fizika, kimika, ekonomia.", "Eskola ekonomia no komersiu nian mak portugues, ingles, matematika, ekonomia metodus kuantitativu no ekonomia sosiolojia.", "Nune'e mos eskola otelaria no turizmu nian mak hanesan portugues, ingles, matematika, ekonomia metodus kuantitativu, jeografia, sosiolojia, kimika, ekonomia, istoria, eskola agrikultura no peska maka portugues, ingles, matematika no biolojia.", "Iha seremonia entrega materia ezame nasional ne'e partisipa mos diretor servisu edukasaun munisipiu sira.", "Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia ofisialmente entrega materia ezame nasional hirak ne'e ba kada diretor servisu edukasaun munisipiu sira ne'ebe hetan akompanamentu husi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL).", "Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, garante katak materia ezame nasional nebee distribui ba munisipiu 12 inklui RAEOA hetan akompanamentu husi PNTL.", "Tanba ne'e, nia husu ba diretor servisu edukasaun munisipiu sira atu akompania ho responsabilidade hodi garante no asegura konfedensialidade ba materia ezame nasional atu labele espalla iha publiku.", "\"Hau husu ba ita hotu atu halao servisu ho responsabilidade hodi garante ezame nasional ne'e halao ho susesu,\" katak Armindo Maia.", "Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia informa katak iha loron premeiru halao ezame nasional, nia sei halo abertura iha eskola Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral Sagradu Kurasaun de Jesus Becora Dili no Ensinu Sekundaria Jeral Nino Konis Santana Gleno Munisipiu Ermera.", "\"Iha Segunda dader tuku 08:00, ha'u sei halo abertura iha eskola ensinu sekundaria Jeral Sagradu Kurasaun de Jesus Becora, no ha'u nia vise sei ba eskola Ensino Sekundaria Jeral Nino Konis Santana Gleno Ermera,\" dehan Armindo Maia.", "Entretantu husi Munisipiu Baucau estudantes hamutuk rihun lima atus rua hitu nulu resin tolu (5.273) sei tuir Ezame Nasional, Segunda feira.", "Diretor Servisu Ministeriu Edukasau juvetude e Desporto Baucau, Felix Ximenes total estudantes finalista husi Munisipiu Baucau hamutuk 5.273.", "Husi numeru nee trez Mill cento diza oitu kandidatus husi ensinu baziku, Mill oito centos quarenta nove, husi ensinu sekundaria jeral, no trezentos e seis kandidatus husi tekniko ensinu vokasional.", "Nunee mos nota klasifikasaun numeru 1.479 kompostu husi mane, nunee mos 1.640 kompostu husi feto, kandidatus.", "Nunee mos husi ensinu baziku no ensinu sekundaria jeral iha 8.58 Atus ualu lima nulu resin Ualu kompostu husi mane, nunee husi numeru 992 atus sia sia nulu resin ida kompostu husi feto, nunee mos husi ensinu tekniku vokasional iha numeru atus ida neen nulu resin nee 166 kandidatus kompostu husi mane, 140 kompostu husi feto.", "Diretor Edukasaun nee hatutan husi numeru 5.273 kandidatus mak sei tuir Ezame nasional iha segunda feira 16 fulan Novembru tinan 2020.", "No husi Estudante hirak nee sei tuir 24 sentru realizadora ba ensinu baziku no 13 sentru realizador ba ensinu Sekundario jeral no 6 Centru realizador ensinu tekniko vokasional.", "\"Ba vizilansia Nasional ami orienta sentru realizador sira atu silan ou vizilansia atu bele garante Ezame nee lao ho seguru,\" dehan Diretor.", "Nia husu ba estudante sira atu kuidadu aan didiak nunee iha segunda feira tuir orariu neebe ministeriu edukasaun fo sai ona husi kurikulum nasional.", "Nia mos hatoo mensajen ba professor no Professora sira atu Assume idak idak nia dever no responsablidade nunee kontinua garante konfidensialidade no Integridade ba prosesu Ezame nasional nia.", "Iha biban nee Diretor mos hatutan distribuisaun ba materia nasional nia ba iha posto Administrativu Baguia, Quelekai no Laga, Venilale no vemase ohin tula ona iha posto Administrativu Baucau Vila nia, balun mak tula ona ba Escola sira no balun lokraik Tuku rua Sabado mak sei halo distribuisaun.", "Iha fatin hanesan Superintendente Da edukasaun Baucau Celestino simoes hatutan relasiona ho Escola Sekundario Taur Matan Ruak sira nia dadus tama tarde tanba nee sira nia parte sei hakruuk ba Ensinu Superior.", "\"Sira iha 30 pesoas neebe mak efetivu no registradu atu tuir Ezame karik sira nia naran aprova ona entau sira nain 30 sei aumenta ba 5.273,\" hatete Celestino.", "Nia mos iha esperansa katak estudante sira sei Ezame diak liu tan, nia mos husu ba Manorin sira serbisu ho rigor tanba Ezame nasional nee atu avalia dezempenha manorin sira nia durante Tinan ida nia laran.* Reportajen: Mikael Mali Mau/Emerenciana Pinto Previous articleONU Mulheres apoia Rede Feto para que mulheres desfavorecidas recebam subsidio de covid-19 Next articleSEJD apoia com 104 mil dolares eventos ligados ao Massacre de Santa Cruz e Dia Nacional da Juventude" ]
[ [ "Estudante 54.972 Tuir Ezame Nasional | STLNEWS Home Education Students and Teachers National Examing for the First Time in Timor-Leste (13/06) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, JUVENTUDE ANDSPORTS Dr Armindo Maia accompanied by Deputy Minister of Youth & Sports Educator Antonio Guterres received directly from Sylvia Dili Company Director Victor Gogo material on national exam at MEJD Vila Verde Conference Hall Saturday November(8th)." ], [ "(Photo: STL/Mikael Mali Mau) DILI,StlNEWS.co - 56072 finalist students from elementary education with a total of31489; general secondary schooling and higher schools for the numbered in addition to science technology subjects which comprise at least one third or more than half-a hundred thousand people who are currently enrollment on national examination starting today(Novemrby), start taking their National Evaluation Test" ], [ "Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Armindo Maia said that the finalist students to take national exam this year are 54.972 from technical secondary education totaling in all areas: Technical area (1368), Economics & Business Administration(0)" ], [ "\"The 54,972 finalists enrolled from the following schools: primary school (108), general secondary education(36) and technical-vocational highschool." ], [ "Discipline of the national exam points for third cycle basic education consists in English, Portuguese language and literature; mathematical science natural physics scientific history geography,” said MEJD Armindo Maia after accompanied by Deputy Minister Education Youth & Sports Dr. Antonio Guterres received directly National Examination subject from Director Sylvia Dili Company Victor Gogo at Conference Room Mejd Vila Verde on Saturday (13/20)." ], [ "The Government through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports contracted with Kompania Sylvio Dili to print national exam scores as well a student diploma for finalist students. MEJD had held public tender in 2014 wherein Perusahaan Silviu won $385’679 worth project budgeting" ], [ "After receiving the national exam materials from Sylvia Dili Company, on Saturday MEJD distributed them to 12 municipalities including Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) special administrative region for conducting a nationwide examination which will take place accordingly scheduled Monday(Nov." ], [ "The national examination subjects for General Secondary Education are science and technology, Portuguese language & literature (Portuguese), English languages(English) mathematical physics biology chemistry social studies humanities portuguese english economy quantitative methods history geography sociological." ], [ "Technical and vocational secondary education is Portuguese, English; mathematics. Physical science: Chemistry & Economic Science" ], [ "School of Economics and Commerce are Portuguese, English Language & Literature; Mathematical Sciences. Quantitative Method Economy (QME); Sociology Economies" ], [ "Likewise, the school of hospitality and tourism is Portuguese; English: mathematics. Quantitative economic methods geography sociology chemistry economy history farming schools are portuguese english math biological science" ], [ "In the ceremony of handing over materials for this national examination was also attended by director municipal education service." ], [ "Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Armindo Maia officially handed over these national exam materials to each director for education services in the municipalities who were accompanies by Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL)." ], [ "The Minister of Education, Youth and Sports guarantees that the national exam materials distributed to 12 municipalities including Ogaden are accompanied by PNTL." ], [ "Therefore, he asked the directors of educational services in municipalities to act responsibly and ensure confidentiality on national exam material so that it cannot be spread among public." ], [ "\"I ask all of us to work responsibly in order for the national exams,\" said Armindo Maia." ], [ "Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Armindo Maia informed that on the first day for national exams he will make an opening at Ensino Secundário Geral Sagradu Kuraian de Jesus Becora Dili school as well As Nino Konis Santana Gleno General Secondary School Ermera Municipality." ], [ "\"On Monday at 08:15 am, I will be opening the General Secondary School Sagrado Kuraian de Jesus Becora and my deputy to Ensino Secundário Geral Nino Konis Santana Gleno Ermera school\", said Armindo Maia." ], [ "Meanwhile, from Baucau Municipality a total of five thousand two hundred and seventy-three (5.273) students will take the National Examination on Monday 10 June at one o’clock in town centre for their first exams this year to determine whether they are eligible or unable" ], [ "Director of Service Ministry Education Youth and Sports Baucau, Felix Ximenes said that the total final students from Municipality Bacau are 5273." ], [ "Of this number, three thousand one hundred and eighteen candidates were from basic educational institutions; thirty-nine of them had completed general secondary schooling in the last two years." ], [ "Also note the ranking number 1,479 composed of men and also as well a ranking no." ], [ "Also from basic education and general secondary school there are 8.59 Thousand seventy-five candidates composed of men, so out the number one thousend nine hundred twenty five is made up by women; as well for technical professional training in a single tenth no less than sixteen thirties it has been to be found that they have not had any male or female members among them (167)." ], [ "The Director of Education added that 5,273 candidates will take the national exam on Monday November.16th in this year’ s (November)" ], [ "Of these students, 24 will attend primary education centres and the remaining thirteen general secondary schools. Six of them are technical-vocational training centers (CTVTs)." ], [ "\"For national surveillance we have instructed the centres to keep silence or be vigilant in order for this exams run safely,\" said Director." ], [ "He urged the students to take care of themselves so that on Monday they can attend according with schedules given out by Ministry Of Education from national curriculum." ], [ "He also conveyed a message to the teachers that each one should assume his or her duty and responsibility, thus continue guaranteeing confidentiality of information in order for national examination processes." ], [ "In addition, the Director also continued to distribute national materials in Baguia Administrative Post and Quelekai no Laga. Venilale & Vemase have been delivered today at Baucau Vila’s administrative post; some of them are already being transported into schools while others will be dispatched on Saturday morning for distribution 2 weeks later" ], [ "The Superintendent of Education, Baucau Celestino simoes said that in relation to the Taur Matan Ruak Secondary School their data came late so they will look at higher education." ], [ "\"They have 30 people who are effective and registered to take the Exam if their names were approve then those will increase upto a total of about,\" said Celestino." ], [ "He also hopes that the students will take better exam, he asked for priestess to work with rigor because this national examination is measuring their performance over a year.* Reporting: Mikael Mali Mau/Emerenciana Pinto Previous articleUN Women support Feto Network so underprivileged women receive covid-19 subsidy Next ArticleSEJD provides $ 250 thousand in assistance events related Santa Cruz Massacre and National Youth Day" ] ]
Ministra Saúde rejeita informasaun rezultadu teste PCR LABNAS laiha kualidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Ministra Saúde rejeita informasaun rezultadu teste PCR LABNAS laiha kualidade\nMinistra Saúde rejeita informasaun rezultadu teste PCR LABNAS laiha kualidade\nMinistra Saúde, Odete Maria Freitas Belo. Imajen TATOLI /Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 27 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)-–Ministra Saúde, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, rejeita informasaun katak rezultadu teste Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ne’ebé analiza iha Laboratóriu Nasionál (LABNAS) Timor-Leste laiha kualidade, tanba durante ne’e timor-oan rasik no estranjeiru sira bainhira atu sai ba rai-li’ur lori rezultadu hosi ne’e no laiha problema durante viajen.\n“Ha’u lahatene informasaun teste laboratóriu ba PCR laiha kualidade. Ha’u atu deklara katak Laboratóriu Nasionál ne’e ida de’it no atualmente halo atividade teste ba ema ne’ebé presiza no mákina halo analiza ba amostra sira. Entaun ha’u nafatin hateten katak Laboratóriu Nasionál nia teste iha kualidade,” Ministra Saúde relata hafoin ramata enkontru ho Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, iha Rezidénsia Farol, tersa ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e hato’o lia hirak ne’e tanba bainhira timor-oan 35 atu halo viajen hosi Dili-Inglaterra, bainhira halo tránzitu iha Kuala Lumpur, Malázia, parte imigrasaun sira identifika dokumentu pasajeiru la prenxe rekezitu, liuliu rezultadu teste PCR.\nMinistra konsidera, presiza duni identifika no buka hatene dokumentu teste PCR ne’ebé mak scan de’it.\n“Normalmente kuandu ita atu bá rai-liur, la’ós na’in-haat ou na’in-lima de’it maibé ema barak no la’ós timor-oan de’it maibé ho estranjeiru sira ne’ebé hakarak ba vizita sira-nia família mós antes sai halo teste PCR no Laboratóriu Nasionál mak halo teste no fó sai rezultadu analiza, ne’ebé durante ne’e laiha problema,” nia akresenta.\nMinistra kompromete sei buka hatene problema ne’ebé akontese atu buka solusaun.\n“Ministériu Saúde no Laboratóriu Nasionál sei buka solusaun, liuhosi Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no ajénsia ne’ebé trata viajen sira hodi husu loloos problema ne’e iha saida mak sira haruka karta mai no tuir karta ne’ebé ami simu, ema sira ne’e fila la’ós tanba kualidade teste PCR maibé iha dokumentu balun mak sai kestaun ba sira,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articleBankada CNRT kestiona kazu pendente ba PJR\nNext articleMS prepara-tan fatin neen ba izolamentu pasiente COVID-19\nJaimito April 27, 2021 at 2:37 pm
[ "Ministra Saude rejeita informasaun rezultadu teste PCR LABNAS laiha kualidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Ministra Saude rejeita informasaun rezultadu teste PCR LABNAS laiha kualidade Ministra Saude rejeita informasaun rezultadu teste PCR LABNAS laiha kualidade Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo.", "Imajen TATOLI /Egas Cristovao DILI, 27 abril 2021 (TATOLI) --Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, rejeita informasaun katak rezultadu teste Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ne'ebe analiza iha Laboratoriu Nasional (LABNAS) Timor-Leste laiha kualidade, tanba durante ne'e timor-oan rasik no estranjeiru sira bainhira atu sai ba rai-li'ur lori rezultadu hosi ne'e no laiha problema durante viajen.", "\"Ha'u lahatene informasaun teste laboratoriu ba PCR laiha kualidade.", "Ha'u atu deklara katak Laboratoriu Nasional ne'e ida de'it no atualmente halo atividade teste ba ema ne'ebe presiza no makina halo analiza ba amostra sira.", "Entaun ha'u nafatin hateten katak Laboratoriu Nasional nia teste iha kualidade,\" Ministra Saude relata hafoin ramata enkontru ho Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, iha Rezidensia Farol, tersa ne'e.", "Governante ne'e hato'o lia hirak ne'e tanba bainhira timor-oan 35 atu halo viajen hosi Dili-Inglaterra, bainhira halo tranzitu iha Kuala Lumpur, Malazia, parte imigrasaun sira identifika dokumentu pasajeiru la prenxe rekezitu, liuliu rezultadu teste PCR.", "Ministra konsidera, presiza duni identifika no buka hatene dokumentu teste PCR ne'ebe mak scan de'it.", "\"Normalmente kuandu ita atu ba rai-liur, la'os na'in-haat ou na'in-lima de'it maibe ema barak no la'os timor-oan de'it maibe ho estranjeiru sira ne'ebe hakarak ba vizita sira-nia familia mos antes sai halo teste PCR no Laboratoriu Nasional mak halo teste no fo sai rezultadu analiza, ne'ebe durante ne'e laiha problema,\" nia akresenta.", "Ministra kompromete sei buka hatene problema ne'ebe akontese atu buka solusaun.", "\"Ministeriu Saude no Laboratoriu Nasional sei buka solusaun, liuhosi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no ajensia ne'ebe trata viajen sira hodi husu loloos problema ne'e iha saida mak sira haruka karta mai no tuir karta ne'ebe ami simu, ema sira ne'e fila la'os tanba kualidade teste PCR maibe iha dokumentu balun mak sai kestaun ba sira,\" nia sublina.", "Previous articleBankada CNRT kestiona kazu pendente ba PJR Next articleMS prepara-tan fatin neen ba izolamentu pasiente COVID-19 Jaimito April 27, 2021 at 2:37 pm" ]
[ [ "Minister of Health rejects information LABNAS PCR test result lacks quality | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Ministry for health refuses the news that Labnas' testing results are not high Quality." ], [ "DILI, April 27th (TATOLI) --Health Minister Odete Maria Freitas Belo rejected information that the results of Polymerase Chain Reaction tests analyzed in Timor-Leste' s National Laboratory are not high quality. The minister said during this period both national and foreigners who travel abroad have been able to carry their PCR test result with them without any problems while on tour at home or outside country as they had no problem taking it when going out for work because there wasn’t an issue regarding testing by Laboratóriu Nacional de Saúde Pública ou LABNAS)." ], [ "\"I reject the information that laboratory tests for PCR are of poor quality." ], [ "I would like to declare that the National Laboratory is one and currently performs testing activities for people who need it, while machines analyze specimens." ], [ "So I still say that the National Laboratory's tests are of high quality,\" Health Minister reported after meeting with Prime Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak at Farol Residence on Tuesday." ], [ "The governor made these remarks because when 35 Timorese were to make a trip from Dili-England, while transiting in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Immigration identified passenger documents that did not meet the requirements." ], [ "The Minister considers that it is necessary to identify and find out about PCR test documents which are scanned only." ], [ "\"Normally when we go abroad, not just ten or five but many people and it isn't only Timor-oans who are going to visit their families. Foreigners also have PCR tests before they leave the country; then National Laboratories do test them out for analysis results which has been done without any problems during this period\", he added .\"" ], [ "The minister promised to look into the problem and find a solution." ], [ "\"The Ministry of Health and the National Laboratory will look for a solution, through its Foreign Trade & Cooperation Department with travel agencies to ask what is really going on. They sent us letters saying that they are returning not because PCR tests were poor but some documents have become an issue.\"" ], [ "Previous articleCNRT’s Bankada questiones caso pendente para PJR Next artikelMS prepara nine places for isolation of COVID-19 patients Jaimito April,27th." ] ]
COVID-19: OMS lansa koligasaun hodi iha vasina ho tratamentu asesível ba mundu tomak - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nCOVID-19: OMS lansa koligasaun hodi iha vasina ho tratamentu asesível ba mundu tomak\n25 de Abril de 2020, 01:58\nIha loron-sesta ne'e, Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS) aprezenta ona koligasaun ida hosi nasaun sira, organizasaun sira ho empreza sira ne'ebé iha empeñu hodi asegura vasina sira, teste diagnóstiku sira ba COVID-19 hodi iha asesu lalais no ba mundu tomak.\n"Esperiénsia iha pasadu hatudu mai ita katak maski bainhira feramenta sira ne'e disponível, sei la disponível ba ema hotu. Ita labele permiti atu ne'e akontese", afirma hosi diretor-jeral OMS, Tedros Ghebreyesus, iha aprezentasaun hosi "Aselerador ACT".\nFransa, España, Alemaña, Reinu Unidu, Itália, Uniaun Afrikanu, fundasaun Gates, Komisaun Europeia hanesan parseiru balun hosi inisiativu ne'ebé iha loron 04 Maiu sei iha reuniaun dahuluk hodi hetan fundu sira.\n"Ne'e hanesan kolaborasaun istóriku ida hodi aselera dezenvolvimentu, produsaun ho distribuisaun ekuitativu hosi vasina sira, teste diagnóstiku no terapia sira ba COVID-19", hatete hosi Ghebreyesus.\nPrezidente fransés, Emmanuel Macron, konsidera katak konjugasaun hosi vontade sira, ne'ebé inklui área públiku ho privadu, hanesan mós "tributu ida" ba investigador sira hotu ne'ebé serbisu ona hodi buka vasina ida ho kura ida no hosi profisional sira saúde nian.\nMacron afirma ona katak fiar atu "sei laiha divizaun sira" entre nasaun sira hodi halo vasina sira sai asesível no atu nasaun sira hanesan Estadus Unidus ho Xina sei iha empeñu.\nXanxeler alemã, Angela Merkel, hatudu ona apoiu hosi nia nasaun ba "inisiativu polítiku tomak" ne'ebé ajuda halibur esforsu sira hodi dezenvolve vasina sira ho halibur osan sira ne'ebé presiza, hodi hatete katak presiza "aumenta kapasidade produsaun nian" hodi distribui vasina sira, teste sira ho terapia sira ba mundu tomak.\nXefe Governu hosi nasaun ida ne'ebé afetadu liu ho COVID-19, españól Pedro Sanchez, afirma ona empeñu hosi nia nasaun hodi "evita atu akontese iha fatin ruma akontesimentu ne'ebé maka akontese ona iha España".\nIha dokumentu ba lansamentu hosi inisiativu, hatete katak "bainhira iha ema ruma iha risku tanba vírus, mundu inteiru sei iha risku", no katak "ema hotu no ema ruma iha planeta presiza hetan protesaun hosi moras ne'e".\nTedros Ghebreyesus afirma ona katak hahú Janeiru liubá maka OMS serbisu hela ho "investigador millaun resin iha mundu tomak hodi aselera ho akompaña dezenvolvimentu hosi vasina sira", nune'e mós teste diagnóstiku sira ne'ebé uza ona iha nível global.\nNasaun sira ho organizasaun sira ne'ebé adere - hosi Europa, Ázia, Áfrika ho Amérika Latinu - kompromete ona kria "nível parseria ida ne'ebé nunka akontese" no ko'alia ho "lian forte ida no unifikadu".\n"La'ós hanesan iha autoridade individual hodi foti desizaun sira maibé hodi rezolve problema sira hamutuk" ba ema tomak hodi bele benefisia hosi koñesimentu", refere mós hosi dokumentu ne'ebé fó sai iha loron-sesta ne'e iha Jenebra hosi ajénsia ONU nian ba saúde.\nIha nível global, tuir balansu ida hosi AFP, pandemia COVID-19 halo ona ema rihun 200 resin mate no infeta ona ema millaun 2,7 resin iha nasaun ho teritóriu hamutuk 193.\nPasiente rihun 720 resin maka konsidera kura ona.\nIha Portugal, ema na'in 854 mate ona hosi ema infetadu ne'ebé konfirmadu hamutuk 22.797, no iha kazu rekuperadu hamutuk na'in 1.228, tuir Diresaun-Jeral Saúde portugeza nian.
[ "COVID-19: OMS lansa koligasaun hodi iha vasina ho tratamentu asesivel ba mundu tomak - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias COVID-19: OMS lansa koligasaun hodi iha vasina ho tratamentu asesivel ba mundu tomak 25 de Abril de 2020, 01:58 Iha loron-sesta ne'e, Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) aprezenta ona koligasaun ida hosi nasaun sira, organizasaun sira ho empreza sira ne'ebe iha empenu hodi asegura vasina sira, teste diagnostiku sira ba COVID-19 hodi iha asesu lalais no ba mundu tomak.", "\"Esperiensia iha pasadu hatudu mai ita katak maski bainhira feramenta sira ne'e disponivel, sei la disponivel ba ema hotu.", "Ita labele permiti atu ne'e akontese,\" afirma hosi diretor-jeral OMS, Tedros Ghebreyesus, iha aprezentasaun hosi \"Aselerador ACT.\"", "Fransa, Espana, Alemana, Reinu Unidu, Italia, Uniaun Afrikanu, fundasaun Gates, Komisaun Europeia hanesan parseiru balun hosi inisiativu ne'ebe iha loron 04 Maiu sei iha reuniaun dahuluk hodi hetan fundu sira.", "\"Ne'e hanesan kolaborasaun istoriku ida hodi aselera dezenvolvimentu, produsaun ho distribuisaun ekuitativu hosi vasina sira, teste diagnostiku no terapia sira ba COVID-19,\" hatete hosi Ghebreyesus.", "Prezidente franses, Emmanuel Macron, konsidera katak konjugasaun hosi vontade sira, ne'ebe inklui area publiku ho privadu, hanesan mos \"tributu ida\" ba investigador sira hotu ne'ebe serbisu ona hodi buka vasina ida ho kura ida no hosi profisional sira saude nian.", "Macron afirma ona katak fiar atu \"sei laiha divizaun sira\" entre nasaun sira hodi halo vasina sira sai asesivel no atu nasaun sira hanesan Estadus Unidus ho Xina sei iha empenu.", "Xanxeler alema, Angela Merkel, hatudu ona apoiu hosi nia nasaun ba \"inisiativu politiku tomak\" ne'ebe ajuda halibur esforsu sira hodi dezenvolve vasina sira ho halibur osan sira ne'ebe presiza, hodi hatete katak presiza \"aumenta kapasidade produsaun nian\" hodi distribui vasina sira, teste sira ho terapia sira ba mundu tomak.", "Xefe Governu hosi nasaun ida ne'ebe afetadu liu ho COVID-19, espanol Pedro Sanchez, afirma ona empenu hosi nia nasaun hodi \"evita atu akontese iha fatin ruma akontesimentu ne'ebe maka akontese ona iha Espana.\"", "Iha dokumentu ba lansamentu hosi inisiativu, hatete katak \"bainhira iha ema ruma iha risku tanba virus, mundu inteiru sei iha risku,\" no katak \"ema hotu no ema ruma iha planeta presiza hetan protesaun hosi moras ne'e.\"", "Tedros Ghebreyesus afirma ona katak hahu Janeiru liuba maka OMS serbisu hela ho \"investigador millaun resin iha mundu tomak hodi aselera ho akompana dezenvolvimentu hosi vasina sira,\" nune'e mos teste diagnostiku sira ne'ebe uza ona iha nivel global.", "Nasaun sira ho organizasaun sira ne'ebe adere - hosi Europa, Azia, Afrika ho Amerika Latinu - kompromete ona kria \"nivel parseria ida ne'ebe nunka akontese\" no ko'alia ho \"lian forte ida no unifikadu.\"", "\"La'os hanesan iha autoridade individual hodi foti desizaun sira maibe hodi rezolve problema sira hamutuk\" ba ema tomak hodi bele benefisia hosi konesimentu,\" refere mos hosi dokumentu ne'ebe fo sai iha loron-sesta ne'e iha Jenebra hosi ajensia ONU nian ba saude.", "Iha nivel global, tuir balansu ida hosi AFP, pandemia COVID-19 halo ona ema rihun 200 resin mate no infeta ona ema millaun 2,7 resin iha nasaun ho teritoriu hamutuk 193.", "Pasiente rihun 720 resin maka konsidera kura ona.", "Iha Portugal, ema na'in 854 mate ona hosi ema infetadu ne'ebe konfirmadu hamutuk 22.797, no iha kazu rekuperadu hamutuk na'in 1.228, tuir Diresaun-Jeral Saude portugeza nian." ]
[ [ "COVID-19: WHO launches coalition to ensure vaccines and affordable treatment for the whole world - Noticias SAPO 25 de Abril De (Saturday) The World Health Organization has presented on Saturday a coalitions of countries, organization' s & companies that are committed in order guarantee rapid access globally." ], [ "\"Past experience has shown us that even when these tools are available, they will not be accessible to everyone." ], [ "We cannot let that happen,\" said WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus in a presentation of the \"ACT Accelerator.\"" ], [ "France, Spain. Germany and the United Kingdom are some of its partners in this initiative which will hold a first meeting on May4 to raise funds for it's implementation:" ], [ "\"This is a historic collaboration to accelerate the development, production and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines; diagnostic tests & therapies.\"" ], [ "French President Emmanuel Macron considers that the conjunction of will, which includes both public and private sphere is also a \"tribute\" to all researchers who have worked in search for vaccine or cure as well health professionals." ], [ "Macron has stated that he believes \"there will be no division\" between countries in making vaccine accessible and states such as the United States of America, China are committed." ], [ "German Chancellor Angela Merkel has shown her country's support for \"all political initiatives\" that help pool efforts to develop vaccine and raise the money needed, saying it is necessary “to increase production capacity” in order To distribute vaccinians tests & therapy worldwide." ], [ "The Prime Minister of one the countries most affected by COVID-19, Spain's Pedro Sanchez has affirming his country’ s commitment to \"avoid that events like those which have already occurred in Spanien happen elsewhere.\"" ], [ "In a document launching the initiative, it stated that \"when one person is at risk from this virus all of us are in danger\" and “everybody on our planet needs to be protected.”" ], [ "Tedros Ghebreyesus has stated that since last January, the WHO is working with \"millions of researchers worldwide to accelerate and support development for vaccine discovery\" as well As diagnostic tests already in use globally." ], [ "The nations and organizations that joined - from Europe to Asia, Africa or Latin America – have committed themselves \"to an unprecedented level of partnership\" by speaking with a strong united voice." ], [ "\"It is not about having individual authority to make decisions but rather solving problems together\" for all people so that they can benefit from the knowledge, said a document released on Saturday in Geneva by UN health agency." ], [ "At a global level, according to an AFP report the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 20 million people and infected over two billion seven hundred thousand in countries with total territories of about." ], [ "More than 720 thousand patients are considered to be cured." ], [ "In Portugal, 854 people have died out of the total number confirmed as infectious (23.097), and there are a whole amounts to recover cases in Portuguese Directorate-General for Health:" ] ]
PR enkoraja atleta timor-oan kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU PR enkoraja atleta timor-oan kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin\nPR enkoraja atleta timor-oan kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin\nPrezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, hasai retratu hamutuk iha serimónia despedida Atleta timor-oan ba partisipa iha Jogu Olímpiku Japaun, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, sesta, (09/07). Imajen Tatoli /Egas Cristovão.\nDILI, 09 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, enkoraja atleta timor-oan na’in-tolu (3) ne’ebé reprezenta Timor-Leste tuir jogu olímpiku iha Tokyo-Japaun atu haktuir bei’ala sira hodi kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin.\nNotisia Relevante: Atleta natasaun na’in-rua kontinua treinu molok partisipa iha Olímpiku Japaun\n“Ha’u enkoraja ita-boot sira atu haktuir ita-nia bei’ala sira. Katak, sei kompete ho aten-barani no neon-metin, ho forsa vontade maka’as, determinasaun no persisténsia,” Prezidente Republika hateten iha ninia diskursu iha serimónia despedida atleta timor-oan ba Jogu Olímpiku Tokyo 2021, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nPartisipasaun atleta timor-oan iha Jogu Olímpiku ne’e fó ona orgullu no onra boot ida ba Timor-Leste, no bele hatudu ba mundu katak nasaun ki’ik ida hanesan Timor-Leste bele mós kompete iha nível internasionál.\n“Karik, Ita-Boot sira manán medalla ruma, sei fó onra boot liután ba Timor-Leste. Tanba, tuir Pierre Coubertain hateten, importante liu la’ós manán maibé kompete ho dignidade,” Xefe Estadu hateten.\nPrezidente Repúblika enkoraja atleta hirak ne’e tanba sira sei reprezenta Timor-Leste no sei kompete ho atleta sira seluk hosi rai oioin, entaun knaar ida-ne’e la’ós fasil ba atleta sira atu kompete.\nTanba ne’e, Xefe Estadu fó parabens no susesu ba doben atleta Imelda Felicyta Ximenes Belo, Felisberto de Deus no José João Viegas da Silva, ba sira-nia partisipasaun iha Jogu Olímpikus ida-ne’e.\n“Foin ba dahuluk mak Timor-Leste partisipa iha modalidade natasaun ka nani na’in-rua (2), Imelda Felicyta Ximenes hosi munisípiu Baucau no José João Viegas da Silva hosi Munisipiu Ermera. Atleta Felisberto de Deus, hosi munisípiu Ermera, sei kompete iha modalidade atletizmu,” nia hateten\nXefe Estadu saúda atleta sira-ne’ebé sei partisipa iha Jogu Olímpiku ne’ebé sei realiza iha 23 jullu to’o 08 agostu 2021 iha Tokyo-Japaun, tanba atleta Timor-Leste sei ba kompete ho nasaun 206 no sei kompete iha modalidade 46.\nPrezdente Repúblika hato’o agradesimentu espesiál tebes ba apoiu tomak hosi Japaun, liuhosi Embaixada Japaun iha Dili, hodi asegura atleta Timor-Leste nia partisipasaun iha eventu importante ida-ne’e.\nAgrdese mós ba apoiu hosi eis Embaixadór Japaun ba Timor-Leste, Iwao Kitahara, no mós hosi Ina City ne’ebé sei garante akomodasaun no dezlokasaun ba Timor-Leste nia atleta sira durante Jogu Olímpiku iha Tokyo-Japaun.\nFundadór Komité Olímpiku Internasionál, Pierre Coubertain, fó motivasaun katak ema bele mós eduka ema liuhosi desportu, liu-liu haree ba eventu ida hanesan Jogu Olímpiku nu’udar instrumentu ida atu povu sira hakbesik-an ba malu hodi hametin dame.\n“Timor-Leste no Japaun sai hanesan ezemplu di’ak ida kona-ba oinsá povu rua hakbesik-an ba malu,” nia hateten.\nIha tinan 2000, Timor-Leste partisipa ba dahuluk iha Jogu Olímpiku akontese iha Sydney, Austrália, no Jogu Olímpiku daruak hala’o iha Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, iha tinan 2016.\nNotísia Relevante: Semana ne’e, FATL halo promosaun ba atleta Felisberto de Deus\nPR despede atleta na’in tolu partisipa Jogus Olimpikus\nPrevious article12 jullu, klube primeira divizaun-segunda divizaun hahú rejistu\nNext articleAgostu, re-ativa pra liga Futsal
[ "PR enkoraja atleta timor-oan kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU PR enkoraja atleta timor-oan kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin PR enkoraja atleta timor-oan kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, hasai retratu hamutuk iha serimonia despedida Atleta timor-oan ba partisipa iha Jogu Olimpiku Japaun, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, sesta, (09/07).", "Imajen Tatoli /Egas Cristovao.", "DILI, 09 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, enkoraja atleta timor-oan na'in-tolu (3) ne'ebe reprezenta Timor-Leste tuir jogu olimpiku iha Tokyo-Japaun atu haktuir bei'ala sira hodi kompete ho aten-brani no neon-metin.", "Notisia Relevante: Atleta natasaun na'in-rua kontinua treinu molok partisipa iha Olimpiku Japaun \"Ha'u enkoraja ita-boot sira atu haktuir ita-nia bei'ala sira.", "Katak, sei kompete ho aten-barani no neon-metin, ho forsa vontade maka'as, determinasaun no persistensia,\" Prezidente Republika hateten iha ninia diskursu iha serimonia despedida atleta timor-oan ba Jogu Olimpiku Tokyo 2021, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, sesta ne'e.", "Partisipasaun atleta timor-oan iha Jogu Olimpiku ne'e fo ona orgullu no onra boot ida ba Timor-Leste, no bele hatudu ba mundu katak nasaun ki'ik ida hanesan Timor-Leste bele mos kompete iha nivel internasional.", "\"Karik, Ita-Boot sira manan medalla ruma, sei fo onra boot liutan ba Timor-Leste.", "Tanba, tuir Pierre Coubertain hateten, importante liu la'os manan maibe kompete ho dignidade,\" Xefe Estadu hateten.", "Prezidente Republika enkoraja atleta hirak ne'e tanba sira sei reprezenta Timor-Leste no sei kompete ho atleta sira seluk hosi rai oioin, entaun knaar ida-ne'e la'os fasil ba atleta sira atu kompete.", "Tanba ne'e, Xefe Estadu fo parabens no susesu ba doben atleta Imelda Felicyta Ximenes Belo, Felisberto de Deus no Jose Joao Viegas da Silva, ba sira-nia partisipasaun iha Jogu Olimpikus ida-ne'e.", "\"Foin ba dahuluk mak Timor-Leste partisipa iha modalidade natasaun ka nani na'in-rua (2), Imelda Felicyta Ximenes hosi munisipiu Baucau no Jose Joao Viegas da Silva hosi Munisipiu Ermera.", "Atleta Felisberto de Deus, hosi munisipiu Ermera, sei kompete iha modalidade atletizmu,\" nia hateten Xefe Estadu sauda atleta sira-ne'ebe sei partisipa iha Jogu Olimpiku ne'ebe sei realiza iha 23 jullu to'o 08 agostu 2021 iha Tokyo-Japaun, tanba atleta Timor-Leste sei ba kompete ho nasaun 206 no sei kompete iha modalidade 46.", "Prezdente Republika hato'o agradesimentu espesial tebes ba apoiu tomak hosi Japaun, liuhosi Embaixada Japaun iha Dili, hodi asegura atleta Timor-Leste nia partisipasaun iha eventu importante ida-ne'e.", "Agrdese mos ba apoiu hosi eis Embaixador Japaun ba Timor-Leste, Iwao Kitahara, no mos hosi Ina City ne'ebe sei garante akomodasaun no dezlokasaun ba Timor-Leste nia atleta sira durante Jogu Olimpiku iha Tokyo-Japaun.", "Fundador Komite Olimpiku Internasional, Pierre Coubertain, fo motivasaun katak ema bele mos eduka ema liuhosi desportu, liu-liu haree ba eventu ida hanesan Jogu Olimpiku nu'udar instrumentu ida atu povu sira hakbesik-an ba malu hodi hametin dame.", "\"Timor-Leste no Japaun sai hanesan ezemplu di'ak ida kona-ba oinsa povu rua hakbesik-an ba malu,\" nia hateten.", "Iha tinan 2000, Timor-Leste partisipa ba dahuluk iha Jogu Olimpiku akontese iha Sydney, Australia, no Jogu Olimpiku daruak hala'o iha Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, iha tinan 2016.", "Notisia Relevante: Semana ne'e, FATL halo promosaun ba atleta Felisberto de Deus PR despede atleta na'in tolu partisipa Jogus Olimpikus Previous article12 jullu, klube primeira divizaun-segunda divizaun hahu rejistu Next articleAgostu, re-ativa pra liga Futsal" ]
[ [ "PR encourages Timorese athletes to compete with braces and neon stickers | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo takes a portrait together at farewell ceremony for East Тимориan Athlete participating in Japan Olympic Games. The event took place on Saturday (09/12) during an official visit by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão as he attended his wife’ s funeral service after her death from cancer that occurred two days earlier while attending their wedding reception near Palasiu Presidensial Nicolau Lobato – Pite District - Dili City Council Hall" ], [ "Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao." ], [ "DILI, July 9th (Agência Tatoli) - President of the Republic Francisco Guterres Lu Olo encouraged three Timorese athletes who are representing their country at Tokyo Olympics to follow suit and compete with care." ], [ "Related News: Two swimmers continue training ahead of Olympic Games in Japan \"I encourage our ladies to follow their predecessors." ], [ "In other words, we will compete with carefulness and determination. With a great deal of strength in our minds; determination & perseverance,” the President said during his speech at Timorese athletes' farewell ceremony for Tokyo 2016 Olympic Games on Saturday (3/8)." ], [ "The participation of Timorese athletes in the Olympic Games has brought great pride and honor to East-Timor, showing that a small country like it can compete at an international level." ], [ "\"If you win any medal, it will be a great honour for Timor-Leste." ], [ "Because, according to Pierre Coubertain: \"It is more important than winning but competing with dignity\", the Head of State said." ], [ "The President of the Republic encouraged these athletes because they will be representing Timor-Leste and competing against other countries, so this is not an easy task for them to compete." ], [ "Therefore, the Head of State congratulated and wishes success to talented athletes Imelda Felicyta Ximenes Belo (10m freestyle), Felisberto de Deus e Jose Joao Viegas da Silva for their participation in this Olympic Games." ], [ "\"This is the first time that Timor-Leste has participated in two (2) swimming events, Imelda Felicyta Ximenes from Baucau municipality and Jose Joao Viegas da Silva of Ermera Municipalities." ], [ "Athlete Felisberto de Deus, from Ermera municipality will compete in athletics,” he said. The Head of State greeted the athletes who are to participate on July 23-August8th for Olympic Games which is being held this year (Japan), because Timorese sportsmen and women have been selected as one team with other countries that represents more than a dozen nations; they'll be competing against over two hundred sixteen different teams across fourty five sporting events during these games.”" ], [ "The President of the Republic expressed his special gratitude for all support from Japan, through its Embassy in Dili to ensure Timorese athletes' participation at this important event." ], [ "He also appreciated the support of former Japanese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Iwao Kitahara and Ina City which will provide accommodation for all athletes during their Olympic Games in Tokyo." ], [ "The founder of the International Olympic Committee, Pierre Coubertain gave his motivation that people can also educate others through sport and especially considering an event like Olympics as a tool to bring nations closer together for peace." ], [ "\"Timor-Leste and Japan are a good example of how two peoples can come closer to each other,\" he said." ], [ "Timor-Leste participated for the first time in 2016 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The second Olympic Games will be held next year (in Sydney)." ], [ "Related News: This week, FATL promotes athlete Felisberto de Deus PR dismisses three Athletes to participate in Olympic Games Previous article12 July 3rd Division-Second Divison Clubes Begin Registration Next ArticleAugusto reactiva para liga Futsal" ] ]
Partidu KHUNTO sei fó apoiu "máximu" ba desizaun ruma hosi PR kona-ba krizi polítika - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 16:23h, sabado 29 Fevereiru\nPartidu KHUNTO sei fó apoiu "máximu" ba desizaun ruma hosi PR kona-ba krizi polítika\n23 de Janeiro de 2020, 18:19\nKHUNTO, forsa datoluk hosi koligasaun Governu nian, repete fali, iha loron-kinta, apoiu "máximu" ba desizaun ruma ne'ebé maka Prezidente Timor-Leste sei foti hodi rezolve krizi polítika atual iha nasaun.\n"KHUNTO konfia iha desizaun hosi Prezidente Repúblika no KHUNTO sei fó nia apoiu máximu ba desizaun ruma hosi señor Prezidente", esplika hosi prezidente Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), Armanda Berta dos Santos, ba jornalista sira.\nLíder KHUNTO nian, forsa datoluk hosi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), ne'ebé apoia Governu, ko'alia ba jornalista sira hafoin enkontru ida ho Prezidente timoroan, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, ne'ebé hakarak rona líder polítiku sira no sosiedade sivil kona-ba situasaun atual iha nasaun.\nBerta dos Santos hatete katak delegasaun sira defende ona nesesidade hosi diálogu boot ida ne'ebé halo parte forsa nasional sira hodi hetan solusaun ida ba krizi ne'ebé mosu hosi xumbu ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020.\nIha loron-segunda, primeiru-ministru ho líder hosi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) - forsa daruak AMP nian - afirma ona katak koligasaun "laiha ona" hafoin deputadu sira hosi CNRT halo abstensaun no vota kontra hasoru OJE nune'e hamosu xumbu iha loron-sesta liubá.\nResponsável hosi KHUNTO invoka ona artigu 86 hosi konstituisaun kona-ba kompeténsia sira hosi Prezidente Repúblika kona-ba órgaun sira seluk.\nEntre aspetu sira seluk, artigu refere kompeténsia hosi xefe Estadu hodi "sobu Parlamentu Nasional, iha kazu hosi krizi institusional todan ne'ebé la permiti formasaun hosi Governu ka aprovasaun hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian hosi períudu ida ne'ebé boot liu loron 60, ho audisaun previa hosi partidu polítiku sira ne'ebé iha fatin iha parlamentu no rona Konsellu Estadu".\nNo hanesan mós kompeténsia Prezidente nian hodi "demiti Governu no hasai primeiru-ministru", maibé determina de'it katak ne'e akontese "bainhira nia programa rejeitadu hosi Parlamentu Nasional ba dala rua konsekutivu".\nLei la ko'alia kona-ba demisaun hosi xefe Governu nian bainhira laiha aprovasaun ba orsamentu.\nLu-Olo konvoka ona enkontru oioin ho partidu sira ne'ebé iha fatin iha parlamentu, jurista sira, eis-kombatente sira, sosiedade sivil ho líder relijiozu sira, iha prosesu ne'ebé hotu iha loron 04 Fevereiru ho konvokatória hosi Konsellu Estadu nian.\nIha loron-kinta ne'e, sei halo mós reuniaun entre Lu-Olo ho delegasaun ida hosi Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), partidu datoluk AMP nian, ho dirijente sira hosi partidu sira ne'ebé ki'ik liu iha parlamentu, União Democrática Timorense (UDT) ho Frente Mudansa (FM).\nIha loron-sesta ajenda mós enkontru ho Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), partidu boot ho fatin iha parlamentu, atualmente iha opozisaun.
[ "Partidu KHUNTO sei fo apoiu \"maximu\" ba desizaun ruma hosi PR kona-ba krizi politika - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 16:23h, sabado 29 Fevereiru Partidu KHUNTO sei fo apoiu \"maximu\" ba desizaun ruma hosi PR kona-ba krizi politika 23 de Janeiro de 2020, 18:19 KHUNTO, forsa datoluk hosi koligasaun Governu nian, repete fali, iha loron-kinta, apoiu \"maximu\" ba desizaun ruma ne'ebe maka Prezidente Timor-Leste sei foti hodi rezolve krizi politika atual iha nasaun.", "\"KHUNTO konfia iha desizaun hosi Prezidente Republika no KHUNTO sei fo nia apoiu maximu ba desizaun ruma hosi senor Prezidente,\" esplika hosi prezidente Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), Armanda Berta dos Santos, ba jornalista sira.", "Lider KHUNTO nian, forsa datoluk hosi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), ne'ebe apoia Governu, ko'alia ba jornalista sira hafoin enkontru ida ho Prezidente timoroan, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, ne'ebe hakarak rona lider politiku sira no sosiedade sivil kona-ba situasaun atual iha nasaun.", "Berta dos Santos hatete katak delegasaun sira defende ona nesesidade hosi dialogu boot ida ne'ebe halo parte forsa nasional sira hodi hetan solusaun ida ba krizi ne'ebe mosu hosi xumbu ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020.", "Iha loron-segunda, primeiru-ministru ho lider hosi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) - forsa daruak AMP nian - afirma ona katak koligasaun \"laiha ona\" hafoin deputadu sira hosi CNRT halo abstensaun no vota kontra hasoru OJE nune'e hamosu xumbu iha loron-sesta liuba.", "Responsavel hosi KHUNTO invoka ona artigu 86 hosi konstituisaun kona-ba kompetensia sira hosi Prezidente Republika kona-ba orgaun sira seluk.", "Entre aspetu sira seluk, artigu refere kompetensia hosi xefe Estadu hodi \"sobu Parlamentu Nasional, iha kazu hosi krizi institusional todan ne'ebe la permiti formasaun hosi Governu ka aprovasaun hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian hosi periudu ida ne'ebe boot liu loron 60, ho audisaun previa hosi partidu politiku sira ne'ebe iha fatin iha parlamentu no rona Konsellu Estadu.\"", "No hanesan mos kompetensia Prezidente nian hodi \"demiti Governu no hasai primeiru-ministru,\" maibe determina de'it katak ne'e akontese \"bainhira nia programa rejeitadu hosi Parlamentu Nasional ba dala rua konsekutivu.\"", "Lei la ko'alia kona-ba demisaun hosi xefe Governu nian bainhira laiha aprovasaun ba orsamentu.", "Lu-Olo konvoka ona enkontru oioin ho partidu sira ne'ebe iha fatin iha parlamentu, jurista sira, eis-kombatente sira, sosiedade sivil ho lider relijiozu sira, iha prosesu ne'ebe hotu iha loron 04 Fevereiru ho konvokatoria hosi Konsellu Estadu nian.", "Iha loron-kinta ne'e, sei halo mos reuniaun entre Lu-Olo ho delegasaun ida hosi Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), partidu datoluk AMP nian, ho dirijente sira hosi partidu sira ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha parlamentu, Uniao Democratica Timorense (UDT) ho Frente Mudansa (FM).", "Iha loron-sesta ajenda mos enkontru ho Frente Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), partidu boot ho fatin iha parlamentu, atualmente iha opozisaun." ]
[ [ "KHUNTO Party will give \"maximum\" support to any decision of the President on political crisis - Noticias SAPO, News Updates Page updated at: Saturday Feb.29th @16h30m Partido Agrupamento de Esquerda Independentista (Khunto), third force in government coalition reiterates its full and unconditional backing for all actions taken by Timor-Leste' s president regarding current politics Crise Política do país em que se encontra a nação e as suas consequências para o País" ], [ "\"KHUNTO trusts in the decision of Mr. President and Khunto will give its fullest support to any such resolution,\" explained Kmanek Haburai Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHANTO) president Armanda Berta dos Santos on Thursday morning at a press conference held by his party' s regional headquarters near Dili city centre for reporter-informed media meeting with representatives from various political parties representing people who are concerned about their own future or those around them.\"" ], [ "The leader of KHUNTO, a third force in the Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP), which supported governmental reform. He was speaking to journalist after he met with President Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo who wanted his political leaders or civil society representatives about current situation on their own country'" ], [ "Berta dos Santos said that the delegations have argued for an important dialogue between all national forces to find solutions in this crisis, which has arisen from 2019's budget." ], [ "On Monday, the prime minister and leader of Popular Liberation Party (PLP) - AMP's second-largest party in parliament – had stated that their coalition was \"out\" after Congress Nationalist Democratic Front MP’S abstaining from voting against budget led to a riot on Friday." ], [ "KHUNTO officials have invoked Article186 of the Constitution concerning competences and powers over other bodies assigned to President." ], [ "Among other aspects, the article refers to a competence of Head Of State \"to dissolve National Parliament in case there is an ongoing institutional crisis which does not allow for formation or approval by Government and General Budget during any period longer than 60 days with prior hearing from political parties present at parliamentary meeting." ], [ "The same applies to the President's power \"to dismiss a government and remove its prime minister,\" but only specifies that this will happen when his programme is rejected by Parliament for two consecutive times." ], [ "The law does not speak of the resignation by a Head Of Government when there is no approval for an appropriate budget." ], [ "Lu-Olo has convened various meetings with the parties present in parliament, lawyers and former combatants as well civil society representatives. He also met religious leaders on February 4th at a summit called by Council of State (Conseil d'Etat)." ], [ "On Friday, Lu-Olo will also meet with a delegation from Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), the third party in AMP'S parliamentary grouping and leaders of smaller parties such as Uniao Democratica Timoreense(UDT)and Frente Mudansa." ], [ "On Saturday's agenda is also a meeting with Frente Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), the largest party in parliament, currently on opposition." ] ]
Povu Sei Moris Diak, Luta Timor Oan Laiha Folin - TIMOR AGORA\nPovu Sei Moris Diak, Luta Timor Oan Laiha Folin\nDILI – Tempu rezistensia Timor oan hotu luta hodi buka ukun Aan ho objetivu hakarak moris diak, maibe Moris diak ema sei la fo husi bandeza tan nee sidadaun hotu tenki hamutuk hametin paz no estabilidade maske lori tempu neebe naruk.\nTuir Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak katak vizita neebe halao kada suku husu povu nia tulun, atu hamutuk hodi buka moris diak tamba moris diak sei lamosu iha bandeza maibe liu husi terus no sakrifisiu.\nIta boot sira (Povu Red) la luta atu hau sai prezidente, hau mos laluta atu sai prezidente maibe ita hotu luta hanoin depiois ukun Aan ita hotu iha fatin atu hadia ita moris no hakarak moris diak,” dehan Taur liu husi Dialogu Komonitaria ho Povu suku Bemori, iha Sede Suku, Tersa (24/01/2017).\nTaur hatete buka moris diak ema sei la fo iha bandeza maibe sei lori terus no sakrifisiu mak foin hetan moris diak tan nee husu Timor oan hotu atu hamutuk hametin unidade hodi buka moris diak maske sei lori tempu neebe naruk.\nIha fatin hanesan Xefi Suku Bemori Crastalina Perreira de Oliveira liu husi Aprezensaun profile Suku Bemori, hatete lori povu suku bemori nia naran hatoo agradesementu no obrigadu ba vizita prezidente republika nian iha suku Bemori. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (26/1/2017). Timotio Gusmao
[ "Povu Sei Moris Diak, Luta Timor Oan Laiha Folin - TIMOR AGORA Povu Sei Moris Diak, Luta Timor Oan Laiha Folin DILI - Tempu rezistensia Timor oan hotu luta hodi buka ukun Aan ho objetivu hakarak moris diak, maibe Moris diak ema sei la fo husi bandeza tan nee sidadaun hotu tenki hamutuk hametin paz no estabilidade maske lori tempu neebe naruk.", "Tuir Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak katak vizita neebe halao kada suku husu povu nia tulun, atu hamutuk hodi buka moris diak tamba moris diak sei lamosu iha bandeza maibe liu husi terus no sakrifisiu.", "Ita boot sira (Povu Red) la luta atu hau sai prezidente, hau mos laluta atu sai prezidente maibe ita hotu luta hanoin depiois ukun Aan ita hotu iha fatin atu hadia ita moris no hakarak moris diak,\" dehan Taur liu husi Dialogu Komonitaria ho Povu suku Bemori, iha Sede Suku, Tersa (24/01/2017).", "Taur hatete buka moris diak ema sei la fo iha bandeza maibe sei lori terus no sakrifisiu mak foin hetan moris diak tan nee husu Timor oan hotu atu hamutuk hametin unidade hodi buka moris diak maske sei lori tempu neebe naruk.", "Iha fatin hanesan Xefi Suku Bemori Crastalina Perreira de Oliveira liu husi Aprezensaun profile Suku Bemori, hatete lori povu suku bemori nia naran hatoo agradesementu no obrigadu ba vizita prezidente republika nian iha suku Bemori.", "Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (26/1/2017).", "Timotio Gusmao" ]
[ [ "People Will Live Well, Timorese Oan's Struggle Is Not Enough - TIMOR AGORA Pevu Sei Moris Diak 2017-345 Dili – In the time of resistance all East Тимор people struggled to seek independence with a goal want live well but living good will not be given away because everybody must work together for peace and stability even if it takes long." ], [ "According to President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak, visiting each village asks for people’s help in seeking a better life together because good lives will not be achieved by force but through sufferings and sacrifice." ], [ "Our elders (Povu Red) did not fight for me to become president, I also wanted it but we all struggle thinking depiois ourselves. We are in a place where you can improve your life and want better lives,” said Taur during the Community Dialogue with Bemori Village People at their village headquarters on Tuesday 24/01-" ], [ "Taur said that seeking a better life will not be easy but it is going to take suffering and sacrifices before you can get good lives so he urged all Timorese together strengthen unity in search of greater prosperity even if this takes time." ], [ "In her turn, Chief of Bemori Tribe Crastalina Perreira de Oliveira during the Presentation profile bemoria tribe said that in his name and on its people's community to express gratitude for visiting presidential township." ], [ "Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, edition of Friday (26/1) ." ], [ "Timothy Gusmao." ] ]
FAHI-NEHAN (TOP) – Faktu istoria hatudu lider barak sira nia figura ka sira nia naran mout tiha no la eziste ona iha povu nia le’et bainhira ses husi politika no bainhira laiha ona pozisaun iha estrutura governu nian, maibé Premiadu Nobel ba Paz, Jose Ramos Horta nafatin konsidera naran Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao kontinua metin no morin iha povu nia fuan, klamar no kabun tomak.\n“Maun Xanana nia naran boot tebes, dalaruma maske labarik ki’ik oan sira iha Dili, iha fatin ne’ebé de’it ha’u sempre hasoru labarik ki’ik oan sira no foin dadauk ami para iha fatin oan ida, sira mós hatene ha’u, ha’u husu ba sira imi hatene ne’e se? Sira hatete Xanana. Portantu, naran Xanana ne’e la’os iha Timor de’it, maibé iha mundu hotu hatene,” hatete José Ramos Horta ba komunidade sira iha suku Fahi-Nehan, postu Fatuberliu, munisipiu Manufahi, Kinta 24 Setembru 2020.\nHorta hatutan, Xanana maka salva Timor iha krize boot ida iha 1975 to’o 1980 nia mak hahu organiza luta ita to’o iha referendum. Ema bele ko’alia oioin temi povu, maibé povu presija lider ida hatudu dalan, organiza povu ne’e ba luta libertasaun nasionál.\n“Ne’e iha istoria mundu nian. Ita nia povu barak mak luta duni, maibé lideransa laiha ne’e susar tebes,” esplika Horta hodi sita esperiensia nasaun balun kontinua funu to’o ohin loron, maibé seidauk hetan independensia, tanba impaktu husi lideransa.\n“Hanesan Palestina no Kurdistaun no seluk tan. Povu Palestina luta maka’as, povu Kurdistaun ne’e kombatente lahalimar, maibé lideransa falla,” nia esplika.\nHorta hatutan, maske Xanana oras ne’e la’os ona nu’udar Prezidente Repúblika, no Primeiru Ministru, maibé naran Xanana ne’e sei Xanana nafatin.\nHorta kompara figura Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hanesan lider Áfrika Sul Nelson Mandela mundu tomak koñese nia naran. Mandela ses aan husi Prezidente Repúblika, maibé nia naran Mandela nafatin. Entaun, mundu tomak sei hakruk ba nia.\nNia esplika, figura nain-rua ne’e sira nia fatin iha luta, sira nia naran iha istoria luta, sira nia naran boot liu fali titulu temporariu, titulu formal sira ne’ebé sira hetan tanba ohin bele Prezidente Repúblika, aban la’e ona, maibé sira nia naran nafatin metin hela iha povu nia fuan-laran.\n“Maun Xanana nia naran boot tebes. Xanana nafatin Xanana”.\nPrevious Article Horta uluk la fiar Xanana bele manan Fronteira Maritima\nNext Article Durante tinan 2 povu Fahi-Nehan aguenta ho Maek de’it
[ "FAHI-NEHAN (TOP) - Faktu istoria hatudu lider barak sira nia figura ka sira nia naran mout tiha no la eziste ona iha povu nia le'et bainhira ses husi politika no bainhira laiha ona pozisaun iha estrutura governu nian, maibe Premiadu Nobel ba Paz, Jose Ramos Horta nafatin konsidera naran Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao kontinua metin no morin iha povu nia fuan, klamar no kabun tomak.", "\"Maun Xanana nia naran boot tebes, dalaruma maske labarik ki'ik oan sira iha Dili, iha fatin ne'ebe de'it ha'u sempre hasoru labarik ki'ik oan sira no foin dadauk ami para iha fatin oan ida, sira mos hatene ha'u, ha'u husu ba sira imi hatene ne'e se?", "Sira hatete Xanana.", "Portantu, naran Xanana ne'e la'os iha Timor de'it, maibe iha mundu hotu hatene,\" hatete Jose Ramos Horta ba komunidade sira iha suku Fahi-Nehan, postu Fatuberliu, munisipiu Manufahi, Kinta 24 Setembru 2020.", "Horta hatutan, Xanana maka salva Timor iha krize boot ida iha 1975 to'o 1980 nia mak hahu organiza luta ita to'o iha referendum.", "Ema bele ko'alia oioin temi povu, maibe povu presija lider ida hatudu dalan, organiza povu ne'e ba luta libertasaun nasional.", "\"Ne'e iha istoria mundu nian.", "Ita nia povu barak mak luta duni, maibe lideransa laiha ne'e susar tebes,\" esplika Horta hodi sita esperiensia nasaun balun kontinua funu to'o ohin loron, maibe seidauk hetan independensia, tanba impaktu husi lideransa.", "\"Hanesan Palestina no Kurdistaun no seluk tan.", "Povu Palestina luta maka'as, povu Kurdistaun ne'e kombatente lahalimar, maibe lideransa falla,\" nia esplika.", "Horta hatutan, maske Xanana oras ne'e la'os ona nu'udar Prezidente Republika, no Primeiru Ministru, maibe naran Xanana ne'e sei Xanana nafatin.", "Horta kompara figura Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hanesan lider Afrika Sul Nelson Mandela mundu tomak konese nia naran.", "Mandela ses aan husi Prezidente Republika, maibe nia naran Mandela nafatin.", "Entaun, mundu tomak sei hakruk ba nia.", "Nia esplika, figura nain-rua ne'e sira nia fatin iha luta, sira nia naran iha istoria luta, sira nia naran boot liu fali titulu temporariu, titulu formal sira ne'ebe sira hetan tanba ohin bele Prezidente Republika, aban la'e ona, maibe sira nia naran nafatin metin hela iha povu nia fuan-laran.", "\"Maun Xanana nia naran boot tebes.", "Xanana nafatin Xanana.\"", "Previous Article Horta uluk la fiar Xanana bele manan Fronteira Maritima Next Article Durante tinan 2 povu Fahi-Nehan aguenta ho Maek de'it" ]
[ [ "FAHI-NEHAN (TOP) - The facts of history show that many leaders whose figure or their names disappear and no longer exist in the people' s mind when they retire from politics, but Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos Horta still believed Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao name remained firmly embedded within all his countrymen heart." ], [ "\"Mr. Xanana's name is very great, sometimes even the little children in Dili are so small that it was only there I always met them and just yesterday we stopped at a place where they also knew me; then i asked 'do you know him?" ], [ "They said Xanana." ], [ "Therefore, the name of Xanana is not only known in Timor-Leste but all over this world,” said Jose Ramos Horta to communities at Fahi Nehan Village (Fatuberliu Post), Manufahu Municipality on Friday 24 September." ], [ "Horta said that Xanana saved Timor from a great crisis in 1975 to the early years of '80. He started organizing our struggle and led it up until referendums were held on independence, he added:" ], [ "People can say everything about the people, but they need a leader to lead them and organize their struggle for national liberation." ], [ "\"It's in the history of this world." ], [ "Many of our people have struggled, but without leadership it is very difficult\", Horta explained by citing the experience that some countries continue to fight until today and still do not achieve independence because they are influenced from their leaders." ], [ "\"They have Palestine and Kurdistan, etc. They've got all that stuff.\"" ], [ "The Palestinian people are struggling hard, the Kurdistani population is a brave fighter but leadership fails,” he explained." ], [ "Horta added that although Xanana is no longer President of the Republic and Prime Minister, his name will always remain." ], [ "Horta compared the figure of Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to South African leader Nelson Mandela, whose name is known all over The world." ], [ "Mandela is independent from the President of South Africa, but his name remains." ], [ "Then the whole world will fall down on him." ], [ "He explained that these two figures have their place in the struggle, they're names are written into history of fighting. Their name is greater than temporary title and formality which can be given to them because today he may or might not become President but his Name will always remain firmly inscribed on our heart: \"These people who were born for this country\"" ], [ "\"Mr. Xanana's name is very great, and he has a huge influence on the people of Mozambique.\"" ], [ "Xanana remains Gusmão.\"" ], [ "Previous Article Horta once did not believe Xanana could win the Maritime Frontier Next article During two years, Fahi-Nehan people endured only Maek." ] ]
Segunda-Feira, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian, (ANO C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Segunda-Feira, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian, (ANO C)\nSegunda-Feira, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian, (ANO C)\nPosted on: December 30, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura 1 Jo. 2. 18-21\nLia housi São João nia Primeira Surat :\nOan doben sira: Ida ne’e mak oras ikus liu nian. Imi rona tiha katak sei mai ida nebe hasouru Cristo. Basá oras ne’e mosu daudaun ona ema ua’in be hasouru Cristo. Housi ne’e ita hatene katak to’o ona nia oras. Sira sai housi ita leet, maibé sira la’os housi ita. Sira ita maluk karik, sira sei hela ho ita. Mosu tiha nune’e duni, atu hatudu lolós katak sira ida la housi ita. Maibé imi iha bensa nebé mai housi Santo, imi hotu iha matenek. Ha’u la hakerek ba imi tan imi taka lialós, maibé tan imi hatene lialós, basá lia bosok ida la mosu housi lialós.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 95(96). 1-2, 11-12, 13 (R. 11ª)\nHananu ba Na’i, hauélok Nia naran.\nTasi no buat hotu iha tasi laran,\nLiafuan halo-An ba ema no hôrik iha ita leet. Ba sira be simu Nia,\nNia haraik kbiit atu sai Maromak nia oan. Refrão\nEvangelho Jo. 1. 1-18\n† Na’i Jesus Cristo Nia Evangleho nu’udar São João haktuir:\nHouri uluk kedas Liafuan iha nanis, Liafuan hôrik nanis hamutuk ho Maromak, Liafuan Maromak nanis. Houri uluk kedas Nia hôrik hamutuk ho Maromak. Maromak halo sasan hotu hodi Nia, la hodi Nia buat ida la moris. Nia mak moris-Na’in. Moris ne’e mak ema nia naroman. Naroman nabilan hela iha nakukun laran, maibé nakukun la tahan Nia. Mane ida mosu mai, Maromak mak haruka, nia naran João. Nia mai nu’udar sasin ida atu fó sasin kona ba Naroman.\nLiafuan mak Maromak lolós, naroman ida be mosu iha rai-klaran, leno ema hot-hotu. Nia hôrik duni iha rai-klaran, rai-klaran Nia mak hakiak, maibé, rai-klaran la hatene Nia. Nia mai buka ninia rasik, maibé, ninian sira la simu Nia. Maibé, ema sira be simu Nia no fiar Nia naran, Nia haraik kbiit atu sai Maromak oan. Ema sira ne’e la’os moris housi ema nia ran, la’os moris tuir ema nia isin nia hakaran, la’os moris tuir ema nia hakaran, maibé sira moris housi Maromak. Liafuan ne’e halo tiha An ba ema, Nia moris duni ho ita. Ami haré tebes Nia Naroman, Naroman ida be Oan-Mane-Mesak simu housi Nia Aman. Nu’udar Oan-Mane-Mesak ida kmanek no lós tebes.\nJoão fó sasin kona ba Nia, dehan: “Ema ida ne’e ha’u hatene nanis ona; Ema nebe sei mai tuir ha’u, Nia uluk liu tiha ha’u, basá Nia moris uluk liu ha’u”. Lós duni, housi Ninia di’ak barak tebes mak ita simu di’ak oi-oin tui-tuir malu. Basá, maski ukunfuan mai housi Moisés, graça no lialós mai housi Jesus Cristo. Ema ida la dauk haré Maromak. Oan-Mane-Mesak hôrik ho Maromak Padre, Nia de’it mak haklaken mai ita.\nPrevious PostMORIS NUDAR FAMILIA SARANI NIAN IDA Next Post31 de Dezembro Missa da noite (ANO B)
[ "Segunda-Feira, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian, (ANO C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Segunda-Feira, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian, (ANO C) Segunda-Feira, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian, (ANO C) Posted on: December 30, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura 1 Jo.", "2.", "18-21 Lia housi Sao Joao nia Primeira Surat: Oan doben sira: Ida ne'e mak oras ikus liu nian.", "Imi rona tiha katak sei mai ida nebe hasouru Cristo.", "Basa oras ne'e mosu daudaun ona ema ua'in be hasouru Cristo.", "Housi ne'e ita hatene katak to'o ona nia oras.", "Sira sai housi ita leet, maibe sira la'os housi ita.", "Sira ita maluk karik, sira sei hela ho ita.", "Mosu tiha nune'e duni, atu hatudu lolos katak sira ida la housi ita.", "Maibe imi iha bensa nebe mai housi Santo, imi hotu iha matenek.", "Ha'u la hakerek ba imi tan imi taka lialos, maibe tan imi hatene lialos, basa lia bosok ida la mosu housi lialos.", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "95 (96).", "1-2, 11-12, 13 (R. 11a) Hananu ba Na'i, hauelok Nia naran.", "Tasi no buat hotu iha tasi laran, Liafuan halo-An ba ema no horik iha ita leet.", "Ba sira be simu Nia, Nia haraik kbiit atu sai Maromak nia oan.", "Refrao Evangelho Jo.", "1.", "1-18 + Na'i Jesus Cristo Nia Evangleho nu'udar Sao Joao haktuir: Houri uluk kedas Liafuan iha nanis, Liafuan horik nanis hamutuk ho Maromak, Liafuan Maromak nanis.", "Houri uluk kedas Nia horik hamutuk ho Maromak.", "Maromak halo sasan hotu hodi Nia, la hodi Nia buat ida la moris.", "Nia mak moris-Na'in.", "Moris ne'e mak ema nia naroman.", "Naroman nabilan hela iha nakukun laran, maibe nakukun la tahan Nia.", "Mane ida mosu mai, Maromak mak haruka, nia naran Joao.", "Nia mai nu'udar sasin ida atu fo sasin kona ba Naroman.", "Liafuan mak Maromak lolos, naroman ida be mosu iha rai-klaran, leno ema hot-hotu.", "Nia horik duni iha rai-klaran, rai-klaran Nia mak hakiak, maibe, rai-klaran la hatene Nia.", "Nia mai buka ninia rasik, maibe, ninian sira la simu Nia.", "Maibe, ema sira be simu Nia no fiar Nia naran, Nia haraik kbiit atu sai Maromak oan.", "Ema sira ne'e la'os moris housi ema nia ran, la'os moris tuir ema nia isin nia hakaran, la'os moris tuir ema nia hakaran, maibe sira moris housi Maromak.", "Liafuan ne'e halo tiha An ba ema, Nia moris duni ho ita.", "Ami hare tebes Nia Naroman, Naroman ida be Oan-Mane-Mesak simu housi Nia Aman.", "Nu'udar Oan-Mane-Mesak ida kmanek no los tebes.", "Joao fo sasin kona ba Nia, dehan: \"Ema ida ne'e ha'u hatene nanis ona; Ema nebe sei mai tuir ha'u, Nia uluk liu tiha ha'u, basa Nia moris uluk liu ha'u.\"", "Los duni, housi Ninia di'ak barak tebes mak ita simu di'ak oi-oin tui-tuir malu.", "Basa, maski ukunfuan mai housi Moises, graca no lialos mai housi Jesus Cristo.", "Ema ida la dauk hare Maromak.", "Oan-Mane-Mesak horik ho Maromak Padre, Nia de'it mak haklaken mai ita.", "Previous PostMORIS NUDAR FAMILIA SARANI NIAN IDA Next Post31 de Dezembro Missa da noite (ANO B)" ]
[ [ "Monday, Loron dahitu (7) Oitavo do Natal nian - Diocese of Dili Catholic Church in Timor-Leste > NOTÍCIAS> DAVIDIANA LETURA 2018/3 Daily Reading: First Sunday after Christmas Posted on December.4th and the first reading is from John's Gospel according to Luke which we have read today as a second lecture for this week at our daily prayer session with St Paul Apostlic Bishop who will be celebrating his Eucharist tomorrow Thursday March..." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "18-20 The words from the First Epistle of St. John: Children, this is a very last hour!" ], [ "You have heard that one is coming who will put Christ to the test." ], [ "For the hour has come when many will be led astray from Christ." ], [ "From this we know that his hour has come." ], [ "They have gone out from us, but they are not of ours." ], [ "If they were our people, then we would have them with us." ], [ "And so it was, that they might be made manifest indeed: for none of them is from us." ], [ "But you have the blessing of Holy Ones, all are in wisdom." ], [ "I have not written unto you because ye hide the truth, but since all of yours know it: for no false word is from a lie." ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "95 (2013). pp. 86–74, and pg(s)" ], [ "1-2, (R.) Hananu ba Na'i; these are his names: and the Lord shall be praised in all His glory.\"" ], [ "The sea and all that is in it, the Word made Himself to man." ], [ "But to all who received him, he gave the right of becoming God's children." ], [ "Refrao Gospel of John." ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John says: \"In time past was there a Word in heaven, and that word [was] with God; it (the words) were made by Him who is above all things.\"" ], [ "From the beginning He was with God." ], [ "For God made all things by him; not for his sake did he make any thing that is dead." ], [ "He is the Son of God." ], [ "Living is a man's naroman." ], [ "Naroman was immersed in the darkness, but it could not hold Him." ], [ "A man came up, sent from God; his name was John." ], [ "He came as a witness to bear testimony against Naroman." ], [ "The Word is the truth of God, a light that rises in clearness and envelops all men." ], [ "He walked in the open land, and he was loved of it; but there they knew him not." ], [ "He came seeking his own, and theirs did not receive him." ], [ "But to all who received him, he gave the right of becoming God’s children—to those that believe in his name." ], [ "Who live not by the blood of men, neither according to man's will; nor do they dwell in a desired state: but are living from God." ], [ "And the Word became man, and lived among us. He was born of a woman;" ], [ "We behold his Spirit, the spirit which all men have received from their Father." ], [ "As an Oan-Mane Mesak, he is not a man." ], [ "John bore witness of him, and said: This is he whom I knew before me; the man that cometh after Me hath been foremost unto ME for He was first than i." ], [ "In fact, from His goodness we receive so many different kinds of blessings." ], [ "For though the law is from Moses, grace comes through Jesus Christ." ], [ "No man has ever seen God." ], [ "The One-Begotten Son of God and the Father, He alone proclaims to us." ], [ "Previous PostMORIS NUDAR FAMILIA SARANI NIAN IDA Next post31 December Evening Mass (YEAR B)" ] ]
Taur Lider Umanista Fó Osan Vitalísia Ba Estudante - TIMOR AGORA\nTaur Lider Umanista Fó Osan Vitalísia Ba Estudante\nDILI, (TATOLI) - Eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) nu’udar lider ezemplár no umanista tanba nia osan pensaun vitalísia fó ba estudante husi família kbiit laek hodi kontinua sira-nia estudu iha ensinu superiór.\n“TMR la hanoin de’it ba nia aan maibé hanoin oinsa joven sira hakarak sai matenek mós. Tanba ne’e, ha’u hanoin katak nia lider ezemplár ida no lider umanista,” Eis-koordenadór Uniaun Estudante Universitáriu Munisípiu Baucau (UEUMB), Amandio dos Santos hateten ba Ajénsia TATOLI, ohin, husi nia estudu fatin, nasaun amigu, Portugal.\nAmandio sente orgullu ho eis-xefe estadu, Taur Matan Ruak basa hatudu laran luak hodi ajuda joven sira ne’ebé laiha kbiit atu kontinua sira-nia estudu iha nível ensinu superiór husi osan privilejiu nian “Pensaun Vitalisia”.\nHo nune’e hanesan jerasaun foun no nu’udar sidadaun ida, orgullu tebes ba eis-prezidente TMR.\nEstudante ne’e mós aperesia TMR tanba hatudu duni katak, entre aman sira ba nasaun, nia aman ida mós ba ema hotu tan konsidera osan la’ós valor liu nia aan maibé ema mak iha valór, hakarak ema kbiit laek mós hetan oportunidade hanesan ema seluk hodi asesu edukasaun hodi liberta aan, depois liberta povu.\nAmandio mós konsidera katak jestu ne’ebé mak eis-jeneral ne’e hatudu kontribui hodi hakerek naran TMR iha ema nia fuan, la’ós hakerek iha kadernu, tanba ema sira ne’ebé nia apoia ne’e sei hakerek istória husi jerasaun ba jerasaun, naran TMR kahur ho sira-nia ran.\nHusu kona-ba nia esperansa ba pensaun vitalísia ne’e, nia hatan katak di’ak liu lei ne’e hatuun ba pursentu 20 no pensaun ne’e bele fó maibé haree ba produtividade kada ema. Se ema ne’e sei forte labele fó, husik ema ne’e hala’o nafatin serbisu mak han.\nMaibé lei ne’e kuaze manten hela, maneira seluk mellor mak, hanesan TMR hatudu ona nee, fahe hanesan ba ema kbiit laek sira hodi aproveita hanesan, nune’e sai fali valór sosiu ida.\n“Fahe de’it, han hotu lakon ona. Maibe, ne’e investimentu ida ne’ebé koerénsia katak osan povu nian fó fali ba povu no iha rejultadu aban bainrua kontribui fali ba povu. Bainhira joven ne’e matenek hotu bele halo buat diak ba ita rain,” eis-koordenadór UEUMB ne’e fó hanoin.\nAlumni eskola sekundária Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Manatuto, Valdemar Pascoal hateten, eis-xefe estadu ne’ebé termina nia mandatu hafoin entrega ba atuál Prezidente repúblika, Francisco Guterres, Lú-Olo katak, hanesan mós lider seluk, Taur hadomi tebes nia povu.\nEntretantu, antes ne’e, eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak liuhusi sentru Quesadhip Ruak entrega tan sertifikadu programa bolsa estudu Taur Matan Ruak ba estudante na’in 22 ne’ebé mai husi família karensiada, vulnerável no desfavoresida, iha sala Arkivu no Múzeu Rezisténsia Timor-Leste (AMRT).\nSeluk, bolsa ho tipu hanesan, entrega mós ba benefisiáriu ne’ebé hanesan hamutuk ema na’in 26.\nFoto: Eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR). Foto: Media eis-prezidente
[ "Taur Lider Umanista Fo Osan Vitalisia Ba Estudante - TIMOR AGORA Taur Lider Umanista Fo Osan Vitalisia Ba Estudante DILI, (TATOLI) - Eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) nu'udar lider ezemplar no umanista tanba nia osan pensaun vitalisia fo ba estudante husi familia kbiit laek hodi kontinua sira-nia estudu iha ensinu superior.", "\"TMR la hanoin de'it ba nia aan maibe hanoin oinsa joven sira hakarak sai matenek mos.", "Tanba ne'e, ha'u hanoin katak nia lider ezemplar ida no lider umanista,\" Eis-koordenador Uniaun Estudante Universitariu Munisipiu Baucau (UEUMB), Amandio dos Santos hateten ba Ajensia TATOLI, ohin, husi nia estudu fatin, nasaun amigu, Portugal.", "Amandio sente orgullu ho eis-xefe estadu, Taur Matan Ruak basa hatudu laran luak hodi ajuda joven sira ne'ebe laiha kbiit atu kontinua sira-nia estudu iha nivel ensinu superior husi osan privilejiu nian \"Pensaun Vitalisia.\"", "Ho nune'e hanesan jerasaun foun no nu'udar sidadaun ida, orgullu tebes ba eis-prezidente TMR.", "Estudante ne'e mos aperesia TMR tanba hatudu duni katak, entre aman sira ba nasaun, nia aman ida mos ba ema hotu tan konsidera osan la'os valor liu nia aan maibe ema mak iha valor, hakarak ema kbiit laek mos hetan oportunidade hanesan ema seluk hodi asesu edukasaun hodi liberta aan, depois liberta povu.", "Amandio mos konsidera katak jestu ne'ebe mak eis-jeneral ne'e hatudu kontribui hodi hakerek naran TMR iha ema nia fuan, la'os hakerek iha kadernu, tanba ema sira ne'ebe nia apoia ne'e sei hakerek istoria husi jerasaun ba jerasaun, naran TMR kahur ho sira-nia ran.", "Husu kona-ba nia esperansa ba pensaun vitalisia ne'e, nia hatan katak di'ak liu lei ne'e hatuun ba pursentu 20 no pensaun ne'e bele fo maibe haree ba produtividade kada ema.", "Se ema ne'e sei forte labele fo, husik ema ne'e hala'o nafatin serbisu mak han.", "Maibe lei ne'e kuaze manten hela, maneira seluk mellor mak, hanesan TMR hatudu ona nee, fahe hanesan ba ema kbiit laek sira hodi aproveita hanesan, nune'e sai fali valor sosiu ida.", "\"Fahe de'it, han hotu lakon ona.", "Maibe, ne'e investimentu ida ne'ebe koerensia katak osan povu nian fo fali ba povu no iha rejultadu aban bainrua kontribui fali ba povu.", "Bainhira joven ne'e matenek hotu bele halo buat diak ba ita rain,\" eis-koordenador UEUMB ne'e fo hanoin.", "Alumni eskola sekundaria Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Manatuto, Valdemar Pascoal hateten, eis-xefe estadu ne'ebe termina nia mandatu hafoin entrega ba atual Prezidente republika, Francisco Guterres, Lu-Olo katak, hanesan mos lider seluk, Taur hadomi tebes nia povu.", "Entretantu, antes ne'e, eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak liuhusi sentru Quesadhip Ruak entrega tan sertifikadu programa bolsa estudu Taur Matan Ruak ba estudante na'in 22 ne'ebe mai husi familia karensiada, vulneravel no desfavoresida, iha sala Arkivu no Muzeu Rezistensia Timor-Leste (AMRT).", "Seluk, bolsa ho tipu hanesan, entrega mos ba benefisiariu ne'ebe hanesan hamutuk ema na'in 26.", "Foto: Eis-prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR).", "Foto: Media eis-prezidente" ]
[ [ "Former President Taur Matan Ruak Gives Lifetime Pension To Students - TIMOR AGORA Ex-President of Timor Leste, former humanist leader and political figure has been described as an exemplary humanitarian leaders because he gave his life time pension to students from poor families so that they could continue their studies in higher education." ], [ "\"TMR is not only thinking about himself but also how young people want to be wise." ], [ "Therefore, I think that he is an exemplary leader and a humanist one\", former coordinator of the University Students Union Municipality Baucau (UEUMB), Amandio dos Santos told TATOLI Agency today from his place-of study in friendly Portugal." ], [ "Amandio feels proud of the former Head Of State, Taur Matan Ruak for showing compassion to help young people who cannot afford their studies at higher education level from privileged money \"Pensão Vitalisia.\"" ], [ "Thus, as a new generation and citizen I am very proud of the ex-president TMR." ], [ "The student also praised the TMR because it shows that, among fathers of country his mother is one for everyone and consider money not more valuable than himself but people are worthwhile. He wanted poor men to have an opportunity like others in accessing education so they could free themselves then liberate their nation 2015-3" ], [ "Amandio also believes that the gesture shown by this former general contributes to writing TMR in people' s heart, not written on a notebook because those who he supported will write history from generation after Generation with their blood." ], [ "Asked about his hopes for the lifetime pension, he replied that it would be better to have a 20 percent increase in this law and give these pensions but based on productivity." ], [ "If the man is strong and cannot give, let him continue to work." ], [ "But the law is almost maintained, another better way would be as TMR has shown to distribute equally among poor people so that they can benefit in a similar manner and thus become social value." ], [ "\"Fahe de'it, han hotu lakon ona." ], [ "However, it is a coherent investment that the people's money goes back to them and in future results they contribute again." ], [ "When young people are all wise they can do something good for our country,\" the former UEUMB coordinator said." ], [ "Alumnus of Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao Secondary School, Manatuto Valdemar Pascoal said that the former head-of state who finished his term after handing over to current President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo was like any other leader. Taur loves its people very much and he is a great patriotic hero for our country.\"" ], [ "Earlier, former President Taur Matan Ruak through the Quesadhip Xanana Gusmão Centre presented certificates of participation in a scholarship program to 21 students from disadvantageds and vulnerable families. The ceremony took place at Arquivo e Museu Resistencia Timor-Leste (AMRT)." ], [ "Similarly, a similar number of schoларships were also distributed to the same 26 beneficiaries." ], [ "Photo: Former President Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) and former Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão." ], [ "Photo: Media former-presidente" ] ]
Pasiente Covid Halai Husi Karantina | STLNEWS\nHome COVID-19 Pasiente Covid Halai Husi Karantina\nPasiente Covid Halai Husi Karantina\nXefe Aldeia 1 de Setembru Suku Vila Verde, Joanico Albano Ximenes husu ba parte Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), nomos Minsteriu Saude atu kontrola ho diak ba iha fatin karantina sira, tanba pasiente pozitivu Covid-19 ida halai sai husi karantina mai uma, hodi halao nia nafatin aktividades hanesan baibain. (Foto Ilustrasaun: jektv)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Governu presiza kontrola karantina iha Dili laran, tanba deskonfia pasiente Covid-19 balun halai sai jusi fatin sira nee. Kestaun nee hatoo husi Xefe Aldeia 1 de Setembru, Suku Vila Verde, Joanico Albano Ximenes, ba jornalista sira iha nia knaar fatin, Dili, Tersa (16/03/2021).\n“Husu ba parte Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize, haree didiak situasaun refere, tanba moras Covid-19 nee perigozu tebes ba ita nia vida,” tenik Xefe Aldeia 1 de Setembru nee.\nNia dehan, tuir informasaun neebe nia asesu, pasiente pozitivu Covid-19 ida halai sai husi karantina no agora halao hela ninia servisu hanesan bainbain.\nNia hatutan, tuir informasaun neebe nia rona husi pasiente nia familia, katak pasiente nee servisu hamutuk ho nia maluk sira, depois sira nain rua hetan kontaktu fiziku husi pasiente Covid-19, ho ida nee lori sira nain rua ba karantina, maibe foin mak tama karantina loron ida ou rua deit sai fali ona.*\nPrevious articleSerka Sanitaria, Simu Pedidu Liu Husi E-mail\nNext articleJICA Entrega Ekipamentus Prevensaun Ba HNGV
[ "Pasiente Covid Halai Husi Karantina | STLNEWS Home COVID-19 Pasiente Covid Halai Husi Karantina Pasiente Covid Halai Husi Karantina Xefe Aldeia 1 de Setembru Suku Vila Verde, Joanico Albano Ximenes husu ba parte Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), nomos Minsteriu Saude atu kontrola ho diak ba iha fatin karantina sira, tanba pasiente pozitivu Covid-19 ida halai sai husi karantina mai uma, hodi halao nia nafatin aktividades hanesan baibain.", "(Foto Ilustrasaun: jektv) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Governu presiza kontrola karantina iha Dili laran, tanba deskonfia pasiente Covid-19 balun halai sai jusi fatin sira nee.", "Kestaun nee hatoo husi Xefe Aldeia 1 de Setembru, Suku Vila Verde, Joanico Albano Ximenes, ba jornalista sira iha nia knaar fatin, Dili, Tersa (16/03/2021).", "\"Husu ba parte Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize, haree didiak situasaun refere, tanba moras Covid-19 nee perigozu tebes ba ita nia vida,\" tenik Xefe Aldeia 1 de Setembru nee.", "Nia dehan, tuir informasaun neebe nia asesu, pasiente pozitivu Covid-19 ida halai sai husi karantina no agora halao hela ninia servisu hanesan bainbain.", "Nia hatutan, tuir informasaun neebe nia rona husi pasiente nia familia, katak pasiente nee servisu hamutuk ho nia maluk sira, depois sira nain rua hetan kontaktu fiziku husi pasiente Covid-19, ho ida nee lori sira nain rua ba karantina, maibe foin mak tama karantina loron ida ou rua deit sai fali ona.* Previous articleSerka Sanitaria, Simu Pedidu Liu Husi E-mail Next articleJICA Entrega Ekipamentus Prevensaun Ba HNGV" ]
[ [ "Covid Patient Leaves Quarantine | STLNEWS Home COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak in the United States: 20,758 New Case of Corona Virus Infection Reported on Monday (September) The Chief Villager from Vila Verde' s September I village Joanico Albano Ximenes asked SIJK and Ministry for Health to monitor closely quarantine facilities as one positive case left home after being tested with a negative result." ], [ "(Photo Illustration: jektv) DILI, STLNEWS.co - The government needs to control quarantine in Dili because it suspects that some Covid-19 patients have escaped from these places of confinement and are now living there without proper care or treatment at all times" ], [ "The question was raised by the Chief of 1 de Setembru Village, Vila Verde Township Joanico Albano Ximenes to journalists at his office in Dili on Tuesday (03/26)" ], [ "\"I urge the Integrated Crisis Management Centre to look carefully at this situation, because Covid-19 is a very dangerous disease for our lives\", said Chief of Village September 20." ], [ "He said, according to the information he has accessibility one Covid-19 positive patient left quarantine and is now doing his work as usual." ], [ "He added that, according to the information he heard from his patient’s family members. The patients were working together with their colleagues after they had physical contact of Covid-19 cases and this led them both into quarantine but only one or two days later came out.* Previous articleJICA Deliver Preventive Equipment To HNGV Next ArticleSeka Sanitaria Simu Pedidu Liu Husi E -mail" ] ]
Pra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5-4 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Pra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5-4\nPra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5-4\nPra Liga Futsal Timor-Leste, Kuda Ulun kamizola azul manan M-VDL Lahane 5-4. Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves\nDILI, 19 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) – Ekipa Kuda Ulun FC susesu manan mihis M-VDL Lahane ho score 5-4.\nNotísia Relevante : Pra Liga Futsal TL, hat-trick Malick lori B’Tal manan Academica 5-1\nIha jogu kontinuasaun Pra Liga Futeból salaun (Futsal) Timor–Leste ba segunda jornada ne’ebé hala’o iha kampu Futsal Kuartél Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor – Leste, ohin kalan, Kuda Ulun halo vitória ho direitu absolutamente rekolla pontu tolu (3). Enkuantu M-VDL Lahane kontinua hela ho pontu ida (1).\njogadór Kuda Ulun halo atake ba jogadór M-VDL Lahane. Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves\nJogu ne’ebé hala’o ekipa rua hatudu forsa ba malu kuaze hanesan. Maibé, sorte primeiru monu uluk ba ekipa Lahane tanba iha minutu 7 jogadór F Fernandes fura ona rede Kuda Ulun hodi lori rezultadu ba 1-0, maibé la to’o tan minutu ida sei jogadór Kuda Ulun, Samuel dos Reis responde kedan golu ida hodi hatuur rezultadu sai 1-1.\nHosi golu iha minutu hanesan ne’e, hasae liu tan ritmu jogu entre ekipa rua hodi halo kontra ho atake ba malu tuir ekipa ida-idak nian ne’ebé orienta hosi treinadór.\nIha minutu 8 nia laran Samuel les tan golu ida hodi hatuur rezultadu ba 2-1. Samuel hatudu duni nia vontade jogu iha kampu laran nune’e liu de’it minutu ida iha minutu 9 nia prodús tan golu ida hodi lori score ba 3-1.\nHaree ba golu diferensa ona hosi M-VDL Lahane. Jogadór-sira M-VDL Lahane la nonook de’it tanba minutu sei naruk. Tanba ne’e sira halo mudansa urjente ba jogu iha minutu 18 konsege halo duni golu ba rede Kuda Ulun liuhosi jogadór Baptista hodi lori rezultadu ba 3-2. Laos ne’e de’it, iha minutu 19 jogadór Milenio lansa tan golu ida hodi lori rezultadu sai empata ba 3-3.\nKuda Ulun nia fuan la hakmatek, obrigadu tenke muda estratéjia jogu nune’e bele hamate Lahane nia jogu. Hosi mudansa ba estratéjia ne’e fó duni valor pozitivu ba Kuda Ulun tanba iha minutu 33 Samuel lansa tan golu ida hodi lori rezultadu ba 4-3.\nLahane halo kontra atake makas hodi fó ameasa ba rede Kuda Ulun, maibé la rezulta golu tanba salva maka’as hosi defeza Kuda Ulun nian. Nune’e iha minutu 35 jogadór Kuda Ulun, Ino lansa golu ikus Kuda Ulun nian ne’ebé fó vitória ba sira hodi hatuur rezultadu ba 5-3.\nKuda Ulun joga ho halimar tanba iha ona esperansa katak sira manan ona no la antesipa ho di’ak bola. Lahane uza oportunidade mamuk liuhosi jogadór F Fernandes halo tan golu kuartu hodi muda rezultadu sai fali ba 5-4. Mezmu nune’e, to’o jogu termina vitória hela ba Kuda Ulun.\nPrevious articleTasa 12 Novembru, rezultadu “fantástiku” Lalenok vs FIEL 12-0\nNext articlePra Liga Futsal Timor-Leste, Ramelau “hurulele” AD Samoro 4-1
[ "Pra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5-4 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Pra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5-4 Pra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5-4 Pra Liga Futsal Timor-Leste, Kuda Ulun kamizola azul manan M-VDL Lahane 5-4.", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 19 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Ekipa Kuda Ulun FC susesu manan mihis M-VDL Lahane ho score 5-4.", "Notisia Relevante: Pra Liga Futsal TL, hat-trick Malick lori B'Tal manan Academica 5-1 Iha jogu kontinuasaun Pra Liga Futebol salaun (Futsal) Timor-Leste ba segunda jornada ne'ebe hala'o iha kampu Futsal Kuartel Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor - Leste, ohin kalan, Kuda Ulun halo vitoria ho direitu absolutamente rekolla pontu tolu (3).", "Enkuantu M-VDL Lahane kontinua hela ho pontu ida (1). jogador Kuda Ulun halo atake ba jogador M-VDL Lahane.", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves Jogu ne'ebe hala'o ekipa rua hatudu forsa ba malu kuaze hanesan.", "Maibe, sorte primeiru monu uluk ba ekipa Lahane tanba iha minutu 7 jogador F Fernandes fura ona rede Kuda Ulun hodi lori rezultadu ba 1-0, maibe la to'o tan minutu ida sei jogador Kuda Ulun, Samuel dos Reis responde kedan golu ida hodi hatuur rezultadu sai 1-1.", "Hosi golu iha minutu hanesan ne'e, hasae liu tan ritmu jogu entre ekipa rua hodi halo kontra ho atake ba malu tuir ekipa ida-idak nian ne'ebe orienta hosi treinador.", "Iha minutu 8 nia laran Samuel les tan golu ida hodi hatuur rezultadu ba 2-1.", "Samuel hatudu duni nia vontade jogu iha kampu laran nune'e liu de'it minutu ida iha minutu 9 nia produs tan golu ida hodi lori score ba 3-1.", "Haree ba golu diferensa ona hosi M-VDL Lahane.", "Jogador-sira M-VDL Lahane la nonook de'it tanba minutu sei naruk.", "Tanba ne'e sira halo mudansa urjente ba jogu iha minutu 18 konsege halo duni golu ba rede Kuda Ulun liuhosi jogador Baptista hodi lori rezultadu ba 3-2.", "Laos ne'e de'it, iha minutu 19 jogador Milenio lansa tan golu ida hodi lori rezultadu sai empata ba 3-3.", "Kuda Ulun nia fuan la hakmatek, obrigadu tenke muda estratejia jogu nune'e bele hamate Lahane nia jogu.", "Hosi mudansa ba estratejia ne'e fo duni valor pozitivu ba Kuda Ulun tanba iha minutu 33 Samuel lansa tan golu ida hodi lori rezultadu ba 4-3.", "Lahane halo kontra atake makas hodi fo ameasa ba rede Kuda Ulun, maibe la rezulta golu tanba salva maka'as hosi defeza Kuda Ulun nian.", "Nune'e iha minutu 35 jogador Kuda Ulun, Ino lansa golu ikus Kuda Ulun nian ne'ebe fo vitoria ba sira hodi hatuur rezultadu ba 5-3.", "Kuda Ulun joga ho halimar tanba iha ona esperansa katak sira manan ona no la antesipa ho di'ak bola.", "Lahane uza oportunidade mamuk liuhosi jogador F Fernandes halo tan golu kuartu hodi muda rezultadu sai fali ba 5-4.", "Mezmu nune'e, to'o jogu termina vitoria hela ba Kuda Ulun.", "Previous articleTasa 12 Novembru, rezultadu \"fantastiku\" Lalenok vs FIEL 12-0 Next articlePra Liga Futsal Timor-Leste, Ramelau \"hurulele\" AD Samoro 4-1" ]
[ [ "Pra Liga Futsal TL, Kuda Ulun manan mihis M-VDL Lahane 5–4 | Tempotimor.com Timor Leste News Agency Home Sports Pro League of Football (TL), kudas Ulan win against Vdl Lahane in the final match with a goal scored by Luís Filipe da Silva at minute fourt..." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, November 19th (TATOLI) - Kuda Ulun FC team successfully beat M-VDL Lahane by a score of5–4 in the first leg." ], [ "In the continuation match of Timor-Leste's Futsal League for second round, which was played at FALINTIL General Headquarters - Força Defesa de Timór Leste (FDTL), tonight Kuda Ulun won with absolute right collecting three points. Malick hat trick brought B’Tal victory 5:1 against Academica in a game that marked their third consecutive win over each other on this season and is also an important result as they have already scored two goal from four matches last year before being defeated by Academia por uma goleada em casa com o placar totalizando três pontos(3)." ], [ "While M-VDL Lahane continues to have one point (1). Kuda Ulun player attacked the players of VDC." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves The match between the two teams showed almost equal strength." ], [ "However, first luck fell to Lahane team because in the seventh minute player F Fernandes had pierced Kuda Ulun net bringing it back into a score of one goal. But less than six minutes later another playmaker from Kutna Hora Samuel dos Reis responded with his second and set up an even result (1-0)." ], [ "From the goal in that minute, there was an even higher pace of play between both teams to make counter-attacks on each other as directed by their coaches." ], [ "In the 8th minute, Samuel scored another goal to make it a draw of (2-1)." ], [ "Samuel showed his willingness to play on the pitch and just a minute later in 9 minutes he produced another goal bringing score up by one." ], [ "M-VDL Lahane made the goal difference in 10th minute. The match was decided by a penalty kick for an overtime error on both sides, and it ended with scoreless standings at half time" ], [ "The M-VDL Lahane players were just not tired because of the six minutes." ], [ "Therefore, they made an urgent change to the game in 18 minutes and managed a goal for Kuda Ulun through player Baptista bringing it back up by three points." ], [ "In the 19th minute, a Milenio player scored another goal to bring it back down by three points." ], [ "Kuda Ulun's heart is not happy, he must change his game strategy so as to kill Lahane." ], [ "The change of strategy was a positive one for Kuda Ulun, as in the 32nd minute Samuel scored another goal to bring it back up." ], [ "Lahne made a strong counter-attack to threaten Kuda Ulun's net, but it did not result in any goal because the defence of kudasulun was very good." ], [ "In the 35th minute Kuda Ulun player, Ino scored their final goal which gave them a victory and set up an outcome of (4-2)." ], [ "Kuda Ulun played with a lot of humour because they had hoped to win and did not anticipate the ball well." ], [ "Lahane took advantage of the opportunity when player F Fernandes scored another fourth goal to change it back 5-4." ], [ "Nevertheless, until the game ended victory was for Kuda Ulun." ], [ "Previous articleTasa 12 Novembru, rezultadu \"fantastiku\" Lalenok vs FIEL" ] ]
Displaying items by tag: KRM - Tempo Timor Online\nSabadu, 08 Agustu 2015 22:42\nMM Nia Isin Mate To’o ONGV, Mosu Tuda Malu\nTempo Timor: Bainhira mate isin sira husi akontesimentu iha Wairali Bu’u to’o iha Ospital Dili, Iha Sabadu (08/08) kalan, liu tiha minutu balun nia laran mosu tuda malu hodi halo situasaun iha area liur Ospital nian manas oituan maibe Task force ho Polisia Militar atual hodi hakalma hikas situasaun.\nTuir observasaun Jornalista Tempo Timor iha ONGV sita katak daudauk ne’e, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (FDTL) maka nakonu iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valaders hodi halo seguransa.\nMaiz ou menus tuku 16:00 Otl akontese kontra ataka entre grupu Mauk Moruk ho membru Empenamentu Operasaun Konjunta (OEK) iha fatin ida besik Aldeia Waitalibu, Suku Watuhaco, Postu Administrativu Venilale, Munisipiu Baucau ne’ebe hodi hamate Prezidenti Konsello Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) ho ninia membru na’in rua\nHafoin akontesementu ida ne’e, mais ou menus iha tuku 18: 25 Otl mate isin hirak ne’e lori mai iha Dili ho Helikoptru no tun iha Aireportu Nicolau Lobato. Bainhira to’o iha Aireportu mate isin hirak ne’e tula kedas ba iha ambulansia (Carro Funereriu) hodi lori ba iha Ospital Nasional Guigo Valadares (ONGV) no to’o tiha iha ne’ebá mate isin hirak ne’e tau iha Mortuariu.\nIha parte seluk, Governu Timor-Leste liu husi Ministru Estadu no Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru no Portavós Ofisiál Governu Timor-Leste, fo hatene sai ba publiku kona ba Prezidenti Konsello Revolusaun Maubere (KRM), Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk (MM) ninia mate.(**)\nSabadu, 08 Agustu 2015 21:32\nMate Isin Husi Tiru Malu Waitali Bu’u To’o Ona Iha ONGV\nTempo Timor - Mais ou Menus antes tuku rua nolu Oras Timor-Leste kalan (08/08) kareta funerariu sira taula mate isin nain tolu tama iha resintu Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares, Bidau, Dili. Kareta Funerariu sira ne’e hetan seguransa husi Bataliaun Ordem publika, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste\nEma lubun hamriik iha resintu ONGV hodi hare, ema hatun mate isin sira husi Kareta Funerariu no entre ema sira ne’ebe hamri’ik besik Ospital Nasional ninia oin ne’e, ida, ho matanwen turu dehan, “kuitadu, kala katuas Mauk mate duni ona.”\nTuir autoridade seguransa ninian ida iha Ospital Nasional, ba Tempo Timor konfirma katak Prezidenti Konsello Revolusaun Maubere, Mauk Moruk mos mate iha akntesimentu tiru malu besik suku Watu Hako, Postu administrative Venilale, Municipiu Baukau.\n“Ohin Tiru Malu iha entre tuku tolu ka tuku hat lokraik ne’e, iha Uatu Sahe Loi besik Waitali Bu’u. Iha akontesimentu ne’e katuas Mauk ho ninia membru nain rua maka mate no ida kaer moris de’it”, dehan autoridade ida ne’ebe maka marka mos prezensa iha Ospital Nasional Dili.\nInformasaun ne’ebe redasaun simu dehan iha lokraik mais ou menus tuku sanolu resin lima ka tuku sanolu resin neen Oras Timor-Leste mosu Tiru malu entre Foras Husi Empeinamentu Operasaun Konjunta (EOK) ho Grupu Kinsello Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) iha area Waitali Bu’u.\nKwarta, 22 Abril 2015 03:35\nHANITA Husu Muda Modalidade Operasaun, Membru Prinsipal KRPM/FM Entrega A’an\nDili, Tempo Semanal - Komando Operasaun Konjunta HANITA konsege konvense membru principal ida husi Konsello Revolusaun Povu Maubere/FRETILIN Movimentu (KRPM/FM) ne’ebe lidera husi Mauk Moruk entrega ninia a’an iha kalan mais ou menus tuku 21 Oras Timor-Leste.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebe Tempo Semanal rekolla informa katak Membru principal husi KRPM/FM ne’ebe entrega ninia a’an ba Komando Operasaun Konjunta hamutuk ho eskuadra ida husi Polisia Militar F-FDTL iha suku samalaria aldeia Lalulai ne’ebe marka mos prezensa husi F-FDTL, Constantino no husi Polisia Militar lidera husi kapitaun Francisco netto.\n“Nia entrega a’an tan ba problema ninia saude no udan mos kondisiona maka nia entrega a’an. Razaun ida seluk fali tan ba baze ne’ebe sira hodi subar ba ne’e ita destroy total iha dia 07-08 de Abril liu ba. Ho kondisaun rua ne’e halo kom ke nia bele kontaktu ita nia ligasaun ne’ebe hodi kalan nia entrega a’an mai ita nia ligasaun no liu-liu ekipa husi kaxa Militar Prezidensia da Republika nune’e hodi kalan (20’04) sira atu lori liu ba Dili mas Prezidenti mos telefone mai dehan tan ba lala’ok sira ne’e hasoru lei ne’ebe dehan ami entrega ba polisia investigasaun ninian. Nune’e maka ohin (21/04) dadersan ami entrega ba Polisia investigasaun criminal no agora nia iha hela detensaun setenta duas oras iha sela polisia ninian”, informa husi komandante Operasaun HANITA, Tenente Koronel, Manuel Freitas alias Mau Buti.\nF-FDTL ho PNTL iha ona esperiensia kona ba operasaun militar hasoru grupu sira ne’ebe hamosu intabilidade iha nasaun ne’e hanesan operasaun Halibur iha 2008 hodi reintegra fali eis petisionarius sira ba iha sira nia sociedade nune’e wainhira mosu fila fali problemas KRPM/FM iha fulan Marsu 2015, Governu.\n“Operasaun ne’ene ami uza microphone ami ko’alia no medidas aproximasaun bolu para atu mai maibe tuir sira ne’ebe ami ka’er ne’e sira dehan tauk atu mai tan ba tauk liu maka polisia. Nune’e ha;u tenta hateten ba sira katak polisia hirus tan ba hori bainhira sira hetan kanek no mate mas agora ami la’o hamutuk de’it ne’ebe sira sei la halo arbiru. Ne’ebe ami sei halo apello ne’e iha fatin-fatin para depois sira (membru KRPM/FM subar iha ai laran) ne’eba ne’e bele tun”, esplika komandante Operasaun HANITA.\nTuir Komandante Veteranus FALINTIL tinan eua nolu resin ha’at iha rezistensia Armada, Maubuti haktuir katak iha loron Tersa Feira (21’04) membru grupu Mauk Moruk ninian nain rua tan maka entrega a’an.\n“Ida Watucarbau ba apreznta a’an ba ita nia forsa sira iha Ira Bere no ida seluk mai entrega a’an ba ita nia adjunto ligasaun iha foho be lori tun mai ne’ebe sira hotu agora sei tuir hela prosesu investigasaun”, Maubuti inform aba Tempo Semanal iha loron sorin 21/04/2015.\nIha parte seluk Coboy ne’ebe entrega a’an iha segunda Feira kalan (20/04) hetan ona ninia advogadu ida husi defesoria Publiku FR. Jose De Lima no ninia advogadu hamutuk ne’e ho parte komando operasaun konjunta no mos polisia investigasaun lori kedan sus[eitu ba iha Ospital Baukau hodi hetan tratamentu ba nia saude.\n“Hanesan ne’e, nia oin esplika depois de halo teste mediku ne’e nia dehan katak nia sempre ba soe be’e bo’ot, nia sempre hetan ran. Problema ida ne’e dala ruma halo nia oin halai, nia forsa laiha ne’ebe ohin ami hamutuk ho forca, ami lori kedas nia ba Ospital para hodi hetan tratamento”, dehan advpgadu DR. Jose de Lima ba Tempo Semanal.\nIha loron Tersa Feira (21/04) dadersan Advogadu husi parte Coboy ninian ezije ba iha parte seguransa no Komando Operasaun konjunta hodi lori kedan ninia kliente ba iha Ospital Referal Municipio Baukau hodi hetan check up no hetan tratamentus antes submete ba iha investigasaun ne’ebe halo husi PNTL parte investigasaun criminal.\n“Agora hanesan ne’e, prosidemento ha’u koalia ona nia no nia kondisaun, tuir doutor ka medico forca nian dehan katak nia sofre hela moras be agora daudauk ami akompania hela nia mai hela Ospital para halo hela tratamento ba nia”, advogado ne’e ba Tempo Semanal wainhira akompania hela ninia kliente ne’ebe halo hela tratamentu iha ospital Baukau (21/04).\nHafoin de tratamentu remata pesoal husi defensoria publiku ne’e relata liu tan katak, “Ohin ami ezije tenke lori ba Ospital nune’e ami halo koordenasaun ho prokupador no parte hotu-hotu konkorda para pelumenus ne’e ninia saude importante. Entaun saude tiha lai maka ita lori nia ba submete processo mas se saude lapremite ita labele obriga”.\nNia Haktuir katak Doitor espesialista ne’ebe kuinesidu iha Timor Leste ne’ebe hala’o ninia kna’ar iha Baukau maka halo tratamentu no advogadu ne’e dehan ninia kliente ninia saude di’ak hela.\n“Ohin Doutor metan maka langsung atende kedas nune’e en prinsipiu ninia saude di’ak”, informa husi Coboy ninia advogadu wainhira fo intervista ba Tempo Semanal.\nHafoin lori tiha ba hetan tratamentus mediku refere autoridade Polisia Investigasaun Kriminal lori hikas Coboy ba iha kuartel PNTL Municipio Baukau akompania husi ninia advogadu hodi tuir prosesu investigasaun.\n“Agora dau-daun nia iha hela polisia ninian ne’ebe agora nia sei tama hela ba iha procesu investikasaun”, relata Advogadu Delima.\nDR. Jose Delima dehan ninia parte sempre akompania ninia klientes iha momentu investigasaun ninian.\n“Ha’u sempre iha ninia sorin akompania hela”, dehan Advogadu husi defensoria publika ne’e.\nAdvogadu husi suspeitu membru Konsello Revolusaun Maubere, Coboy konfirma katak Mauk Moruk ninia membru ne’e entrega a’an ba Komando Operasaun Konsjunta HANITA iha kalan 20/04/2015 iha aldeia Lalulai.\n“hau nia hare hanesan ne’e, pronto ida ne’e, versaun husi forca nian koalia. Mas hau nia hare nia rasik koalia ho ha’u dehan katak nia hakarak atu kopera ho operasaun konjunta tan ba ida ne’e maka nia dehan ba ha’u hodi nia tun mai. Maibe alien de ida ne’e mos ninia saude mos la permite.”\n“Agora ne’e provizoriamente iha hela prosesu invetigasaun ninia laran, orsida apresenta ba tribunal tuir primeiru interogatoriu depois ita hare took ninia provas sira maka iha no ninia deklarasaun ne’ebe ke nia hatoo foin ita deside hodi defende oin sa”, hateten advogadu ne’ebe orijin husi duni municipio ne’ebe kuinesidu ho kuligisa ne’e.\nDaudaun ne’e advogado nain ida de’it husu defensoria publika maka akompania hela prosesu inkeretu ba senor Domingos Boavida alias Koboy ne’ebe halo husi unidade polisia investigasaun kriminal iha Distritu Baukau.\n“Iha kazu barak maka akontese iha tempu uluk ne’e husi defendoria publika delega ba ha’u de’it maka ka’er no barak maka liberta tiha ona nune’e kazu ida ne’e mos karik ha’u de’it maka ka’er nafatin no se presiza ha’u sei husu aijuda liu tan ba ha’u nia kolega sira atu halo ekipa ida para hodi akompania.\nTuir Observasaun advogadu ne’e hahu ona ninia servisu iha defensoria municipio Baukau dezde 2010 ate agora, no fo asistensia barak ona ba ema sira ne’ebe ba Timor oan barak no ninia esforsu dala barak konsege kiberta suspeitu barak husi kadeia.\n“Tuir ha’u nia hare atu lori ba submete ba iha julgamentu primeiru Interogatoriu ne’e se la’os aban entaun bain rua komesa sura husi hodi kalan.\nAdvogado ne’e konfirma katak ninia kliente entrega a’an ba komando operasaun konjunta HANITA iha tuku 21` Oras Timor-Leste iha area laga ninian.\n“Senor Koboy tuir ninia ko’alia ho ha’u dehan hakarak kontribui ba operasaun konjunta no hakarak submete ba prosesu justice”, informa Advogadu de Lima.\nIha Parte seluk Brigadeiru Jeneral F-FDTL, Filomino Paixao deklara iha konferensia de imprensa ne’ebe hala’o iha Kuartel F-FDTL Fatu Hada Dili (21/04) deklara katak Komando Operasaun hahu izola daudaun Mauk Moruk maske sei susar atu kaptura maibe iha segundu faze de Operasaun Konjunta ne’e iha muda modalidade husi persusivu ba modalidade ne’e to’os ninian.\n“Ohin halo fulan ida, ami atu hetan diretiva politika para muda modalidade ba operasaun I klaru ke kuandu muda modalidade antes ke tama ba iha segunda faze ne’e ami sei tama ho asaun maka’as liu ho koersaun mos maka’as nune’e ami sei la uza tan persuasaun ona. Ami sei atua tuir mandatu, se mandatu ne’e klaru maka ami sei atua tuir mandatu ne’e para depois ita bele aselera I ami espera iha segunda faze ne’e, operasaun ne’e bele termina ho sucesu”, hateten Jeneral fitun ida iha instituisaun de Defesa Estadu Timor-Leste ne’e.\nTuir Dadus husi komando Operasaun Konjunta rejizta katak total membru KRPM/FM ne’ebe hetan kapturasaun no rende dezde operasaun HANITA lansa iha 21/03/2015 ate loron 20/04/2015 total hamutuk ema nain234 pesoas hetan identifikasaun, Husi ema sira ne’e nain tolu tama ona iga Prizaun Preventivas, suspeitu nain 21 hetan Termus de Indetidade Rezidensia, ema nain 11 maka hetan ordem hodi halo aprezenta periodikamente ba polisia nia servisu fatin no sira seluk sempre hetan identifikasaun durante oras sanolu resin rua nia laran.\nSexta, 13 Marsu 2015 01:34\nUkun Nain Dun KRM No MM Akuza Autoridade, KE Hasoru Deskute Destinu KRPM/FM\nDili, Tempo Semanal - Iha loron Kinta Feira (12/03) lokraik, tuku sanolu resin ne’en, ulun bo’ot sira ne’ebe hola parte parte iha Konsello do Estadu (KE) hala’o enkontru bo’ot ida iha Palasiu Prezidenti Aitarak Laran hodi deskute kona ba situasaun seguransa Rai Laran hafoin de akontesimentu Baguia.\n“Enkontru ho Prezidenti da republika atu ko’alia sobre seguransa Nasional, ida ne’e de’it”, dehan Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional DR. Vicente Guterres.\nSexta, 13 Juñu 2014 13:48\nRepresentante Eis Resistensia Keixa PNTL ba TMR\nDili, Tempo Semanal - RepresentanteOrgnaizasaun Rezistensia ne’ebe lidera husi Andre da Costa Belo aliás L4 hato’o preokupasaun ba Presidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak, kona ba atuasaun membro Polisia durante implementa rezolusaun Parlamentu hasoru Ilegal sira.\n“Preokupasaun ne’ebé ami ohin hato’o mak kona-ba situasaun ne’ebé foin dadauk mosu, Polísia sira ba halo implementasaun rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian ba baze ne’ebá la loos”,dehan L-4 ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Presidenti Aitarak Laran,Dili (12/06/2014).\nKinta, 10 Abril 2014 15:13\nLonguinhos Husu FDTL Ho PNTL Obriga Ema Kumpri Lei\nBaukau, Tempo Semanal - Iha seremonia lansamentu Operasaun Habelun F-FDTL ho PNTL iha kuartel komponente Terestre F-FDTL iha lokraik hodiseik (09/04) hatudu momos katak F-FDTL ho PNTL preparadu atu exekuta rezolusaun foun ne’ebe aprova ona husi Konselho dos Ministrus iha loron 31/03/2014 ne’ebe inklui mos F-FDTL iha operasaun konjunta hasoru Konselho Revolusaun Maubere no CPD-RDTL ne’ebe to’o agora seida’uk entrega aan ho sira nia atributu ba estadu hafoin rezolusaun ne’ebe hasai husi Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 03/03/2014.\nKomisariu PNTL, DR. Longuinhos Monteiro durante ninia deskursu nia husu ba forsa F-FDTL no PNTL sira atu halo esforsu hotu-hotu hodi obriga ema sira ne’ebe maka deskonfia viala nasaun ninia lei ne’e atu hakruuk ba lei no ordem iha estadu Timor-Leste.\nKwarta, 09 Abril 2014 22:19\nMauputi : FDTL ho PNTL Foin Sa’e Maka Sa'e Matebian\nBaukau, Tempo Semanal - Membru konselho Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) ho CPD-RDTL liu ona nain atus lima maka reintegra hikas ba sira nia komunidade iha area Laga, Kelikai no Baguia maibe tuir dadus husi parte seguransa ninian sei iha barak mos sei halai iha foho lolon ho kilat.\nNune’e duni semana ruma kotuk liu ba, Tanente Koronel F-FDTL, Mauputi aviza atu tun antes loron ida ohin Kuarta (09/04) tan ba nia hatene ona katak estadu Timor-Leste bele foti desizaun ida atu halo operasaun konjunta.\nKwarta, 09 Abril 2014 00:04\nTribunal Aplika TIR Ba Sekjer KRM Angela Freitas\nDili, Tempo Semanal - Hafoin de 72 oras, hela iha otel PNTL Kaikoli, Presidenti partidu Trabalhista de timor-Leste no Sekretaria Jeral Konselho de Revolusaun Maubere (KRM), Angela Freitas fila hikas ba ninia residensia.\nTribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), Tersa (8/4), aplika medida koasaun Termu Identidade Residensia (TIR) ba Sekretaria Jeral Conselhu Revolusionario Maubere, Angela Freitas.\nPublika iha Justisa\nSabadu, 05 Abril 2014 13:51\nAngela Freitas To’o Husi Bali Ba Liu Kaikoli\nBREAKING NEWS, Eskluxivu, Tempo Semanal - Angela Freitas, to’o husi Bali, kaptura husi parte autoridade seguransa iha aeroportu no entre kedan ba polisia investigasaun Kriminal hodi lori liu ba Kaikoli.\n“Ha’u iha ona estasaun polisia Kaikoli ninian,” dehan angela Freitas ba Tempo Semanal Online.
[ "Displaying items by tag: KRM - Tempo Timor Online Sabadu, 08 Agustu 2015 22:42 MM Nia Isin Mate To'o ONGV, Mosu Tuda Malu Tempo Timor: Bainhira mate isin sira husi akontesimentu iha Wairali Bu'u to'o iha Ospital Dili, Iha Sabadu (08/08) kalan, liu tiha minutu balun nia laran mosu tuda malu hodi halo situasaun iha area liur Ospital nian manas oituan maibe Task force ho Polisia Militar atual hodi hakalma hikas situasaun.", "Tuir observasaun Jornalista Tempo Timor iha ONGV sita katak daudauk ne'e, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (FDTL) maka nakonu iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valaders hodi halo seguransa.", "Maiz ou menus tuku 16:00 Otl akontese kontra ataka entre grupu Mauk Moruk ho membru Empenamentu Operasaun Konjunta (OEK) iha fatin ida besik Aldeia Waitalibu, Suku Watuhaco, Postu Administrativu Venilale, Munisipiu Baucau ne'ebe hodi hamate Prezidenti Konsello Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) ho ninia membru na'in rua Hafoin akontesementu ida ne'e, mais ou menus iha tuku 18: 25 Otl mate isin hirak ne'e lori mai iha Dili ho Helikoptru no tun iha Aireportu Nicolau Lobato.", "Bainhira to'o iha Aireportu mate isin hirak ne'e tula kedas ba iha ambulansia (Carro Funereriu) hodi lori ba iha Ospital Nasional Guigo Valadares (ONGV) no to'o tiha iha ne'eba mate isin hirak ne'e tau iha Mortuariu.", "Iha parte seluk, Governu Timor-Leste liu husi Ministru Estadu no Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru no Portavos Ofisial Governu Timor-Leste, fo hatene sai ba publiku kona ba Prezidenti Konsello Revolusaun Maubere (KRM), Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk (MM) ninia mate. (**) Sabadu, 08 Agustu 2015 21:32 Mate Isin Husi Tiru Malu Waitali Bu'u To'o Ona Iha ONGV Tempo Timor - Mais ou Menus antes tuku rua nolu Oras Timor-Leste kalan (08/08) kareta funerariu sira taula mate isin nain tolu tama iha resintu Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares, Bidau, Dili.", "Kareta Funerariu sira ne'e hetan seguransa husi Bataliaun Ordem publika, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste Ema lubun hamriik iha resintu ONGV hodi hare, ema hatun mate isin sira husi Kareta Funerariu no entre ema sira ne'ebe hamri'ik besik Ospital Nasional ninia oin ne'e, ida, ho matanwen turu dehan, \"kuitadu, kala katuas Mauk mate duni ona.\"", "Tuir autoridade seguransa ninian ida iha Ospital Nasional, ba Tempo Timor konfirma katak Prezidenti Konsello Revolusaun Maubere, Mauk Moruk mos mate iha akntesimentu tiru malu besik suku Watu Hako, Postu administrative Venilale, Municipiu Baukau.", "\"Ohin Tiru Malu iha entre tuku tolu ka tuku hat lokraik ne'e, iha Uatu Sahe Loi besik Waitali Bu'u.", "Iha akontesimentu ne'e katuas Mauk ho ninia membru nain rua maka mate no ida kaer moris de'it,\" dehan autoridade ida ne'ebe maka marka mos prezensa iha Ospital Nasional Dili.", "Informasaun ne'ebe redasaun simu dehan iha lokraik mais ou menus tuku sanolu resin lima ka tuku sanolu resin neen Oras Timor-Leste mosu Tiru malu entre Foras Husi Empeinamentu Operasaun Konjunta (EOK) ho Grupu Kinsello Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) iha area Waitali Bu'u.", "Kwarta, 22 Abril 2015 03:35 HANITA Husu Muda Modalidade Operasaun, Membru Prinsipal KRPM/FM Entrega A'an Dili, Tempo Semanal - Komando Operasaun Konjunta HANITA konsege konvense membru principal ida husi Konsello Revolusaun Povu Maubere/FRETILIN Movimentu (KRPM/FM) ne'ebe lidera husi Mauk Moruk entrega ninia a'an iha kalan mais ou menus tuku 21 Oras Timor-Leste.", "Tuir informasaun ne'ebe Tempo Semanal rekolla informa katak Membru principal husi KRPM/FM ne'ebe entrega ninia a'an ba Komando Operasaun Konjunta hamutuk ho eskuadra ida husi Polisia Militar F-FDTL iha suku samalaria aldeia Lalulai ne'ebe marka mos prezensa husi F-FDTL, Constantino no husi Polisia Militar lidera husi kapitaun Francisco netto.", "\"Nia entrega a'an tan ba problema ninia saude no udan mos kondisiona maka nia entrega a'an.", "Razaun ida seluk fali tan ba baze ne'ebe sira hodi subar ba ne'e ita destroy total iha dia 07-08 de Abril liu ba.", "Ho kondisaun rua ne'e halo kom ke nia bele kontaktu ita nia ligasaun ne'ebe hodi kalan nia entrega a'an mai ita nia ligasaun no liu-liu ekipa husi kaxa Militar Prezidensia da Republika nune'e hodi kalan (20'04) sira atu lori liu ba Dili mas Prezidenti mos telefone mai dehan tan ba lala'ok sira ne'e hasoru lei ne'ebe dehan ami entrega ba polisia investigasaun ninian.", "Nune'e maka ohin (21/04) dadersan ami entrega ba Polisia investigasaun criminal no agora nia iha hela detensaun setenta duas oras iha sela polisia ninian,\" informa husi komandante Operasaun HANITA, Tenente Koronel, Manuel Freitas alias Mau Buti.", "F-FDTL ho PNTL iha ona esperiensia kona ba operasaun militar hasoru grupu sira ne'ebe hamosu intabilidade iha nasaun ne'e hanesan operasaun Halibur iha 2008 hodi reintegra fali eis petisionarius sira ba iha sira nia sociedade nune'e wainhira mosu fila fali problemas KRPM/FM iha fulan Marsu 2015, Governu.", "\"Operasaun ne'ene ami uza microphone ami ko'alia no medidas aproximasaun bolu para atu mai maibe tuir sira ne'ebe ami ka'er ne'e sira dehan tauk atu mai tan ba tauk liu maka polisia.", "Nune'e ha;u tenta hateten ba sira katak polisia hirus tan ba hori bainhira sira hetan kanek no mate mas agora ami la'o hamutuk de'it ne'ebe sira sei la halo arbiru.", "Ne'ebe ami sei halo apello ne'e iha fatin-fatin para depois sira (membru KRPM/FM subar iha ai laran) ne'eba ne'e bele tun,\" esplika komandante Operasaun HANITA.", "Tuir Komandante Veteranus FALINTIL tinan eua nolu resin ha'at iha rezistensia Armada, Maubuti haktuir katak iha loron Tersa Feira (21'04) membru grupu Mauk Moruk ninian nain rua tan maka entrega a'an.", "\"Ida Watucarbau ba apreznta a'an ba ita nia forsa sira iha Ira Bere no ida seluk mai entrega a'an ba ita nia adjunto ligasaun iha foho be lori tun mai ne'ebe sira hotu agora sei tuir hela prosesu investigasaun,\" Maubuti inform aba Tempo Semanal iha loron sorin 21/04/2015.", "Iha parte seluk Coboy ne'ebe entrega a'an iha segunda Feira kalan (20/04) hetan ona ninia advogadu ida husi defesoria Publiku FR.", "Jose De Lima no ninia advogadu hamutuk ne'e ho parte komando operasaun konjunta no mos polisia investigasaun lori kedan sus[eitu ba iha Ospital Baukau hodi hetan tratamentu ba nia saude.", "\"Hanesan ne'e, nia oin esplika depois de halo teste mediku ne'e nia dehan katak nia sempre ba soe be'e bo'ot, nia sempre hetan ran.", "Problema ida ne'e dala ruma halo nia oin halai, nia forsa laiha ne'ebe ohin ami hamutuk ho forca, ami lori kedas nia ba Ospital para hodi hetan tratamento,\" dehan advpgadu DR. Jose de Lima ba Tempo Semanal.", "Iha loron Tersa Feira (21/04) dadersan Advogadu husi parte Coboy ninian ezije ba iha parte seguransa no Komando Operasaun konjunta hodi lori kedan ninia kliente ba iha Ospital Referal Municipio Baukau hodi hetan check up no hetan tratamentus antes submete ba iha investigasaun ne'ebe halo husi PNTL parte investigasaun criminal.", "\"Agora hanesan ne'e, prosidemento ha'u koalia ona nia no nia kondisaun, tuir doutor ka medico forca nian dehan katak nia sofre hela moras be agora daudauk ami akompania hela nia mai hela Ospital para halo hela tratamento ba nia,\" advogado ne'e ba Tempo Semanal wainhira akompania hela ninia kliente ne'ebe halo hela tratamentu iha ospital Baukau (21/04).", "Hafoin de tratamentu remata pesoal husi defensoria publiku ne'e relata liu tan katak, \"Ohin ami ezije tenke lori ba Ospital nune'e ami halo koordenasaun ho prokupador no parte hotu-hotu konkorda para pelumenus ne'e ninia saude importante.", "Entaun saude tiha lai maka ita lori nia ba submete processo mas se saude lapremite ita labele obriga.\"", "Nia Haktuir katak Doitor espesialista ne'ebe kuinesidu iha Timor Leste ne'ebe hala'o ninia kna'ar iha Baukau maka halo tratamentu no advogadu ne'e dehan ninia kliente ninia saude di'ak hela.", "\"Ohin Doutor metan maka langsung atende kedas nune'e en prinsipiu ninia saude di'ak,\" informa husi Coboy ninia advogadu wainhira fo intervista ba Tempo Semanal.", "Hafoin lori tiha ba hetan tratamentus mediku refere autoridade Polisia Investigasaun Kriminal lori hikas Coboy ba iha kuartel PNTL Municipio Baukau akompania husi ninia advogadu hodi tuir prosesu investigasaun.", "\"Agora dau-daun nia iha hela polisia ninian ne'ebe agora nia sei tama hela ba iha procesu investikasaun,\" relata Advogadu Delima.", "DR. Jose Delima dehan ninia parte sempre akompania ninia klientes iha momentu investigasaun ninian.", "\"Ha'u sempre iha ninia sorin akompania hela,\" dehan Advogadu husi defensoria publika ne'e.", "Advogadu husi suspeitu membru Konsello Revolusaun Maubere, Coboy konfirma katak Mauk Moruk ninia membru ne'e entrega a'an ba Komando Operasaun Konsjunta HANITA iha kalan 20/04/2015 iha aldeia Lalulai. \"hau nia hare hanesan ne'e, pronto ida ne'e, versaun husi forca nian koalia.", "Mas hau nia hare nia rasik koalia ho ha'u dehan katak nia hakarak atu kopera ho operasaun konjunta tan ba ida ne'e maka nia dehan ba ha'u hodi nia tun mai.", "Maibe alien de ida ne'e mos ninia saude mos la permite.\"", "\"Agora ne'e provizoriamente iha hela prosesu invetigasaun ninia laran, orsida apresenta ba tribunal tuir primeiru interogatoriu depois ita hare took ninia provas sira maka iha no ninia deklarasaun ne'ebe ke nia hatoo foin ita deside hodi defende oin sa,\" hateten advogadu ne'ebe orijin husi duni municipio ne'ebe kuinesidu ho kuligisa ne'e.", "Daudaun ne'e advogado nain ida de'it husu defensoria publika maka akompania hela prosesu inkeretu ba senor Domingos Boavida alias Koboy ne'ebe halo husi unidade polisia investigasaun kriminal iha Distritu Baukau.", "\"Iha kazu barak maka akontese iha tempu uluk ne'e husi defendoria publika delega ba ha'u de'it maka ka'er no barak maka liberta tiha ona nune'e kazu ida ne'e mos karik ha'u de'it maka ka'er nafatin no se presiza ha'u sei husu aijuda liu tan ba ha'u nia kolega sira atu halo ekipa ida para hodi akompania.", "Tuir Observasaun advogadu ne'e hahu ona ninia servisu iha defensoria municipio Baukau dezde 2010 ate agora, no fo asistensia barak ona ba ema sira ne'ebe ba Timor oan barak no ninia esforsu dala barak konsege kiberta suspeitu barak husi kadeia.", "\"Tuir ha'u nia hare atu lori ba submete ba iha julgamentu primeiru Interogatoriu ne'e se la'os aban entaun bain rua komesa sura husi hodi kalan.", "Advogado ne'e konfirma katak ninia kliente entrega a'an ba komando operasaun konjunta HANITA iha tuku 21' Oras Timor-Leste iha area laga ninian.", "\"Senor Koboy tuir ninia ko'alia ho ha'u dehan hakarak kontribui ba operasaun konjunta no hakarak submete ba prosesu justice,\" informa Advogadu de Lima.", "Iha Parte seluk Brigadeiru Jeneral F-FDTL, Filomino Paixao deklara iha konferensia de imprensa ne'ebe hala'o iha Kuartel F-FDTL Fatu Hada Dili (21/04) deklara katak Komando Operasaun hahu izola daudaun Mauk Moruk maske sei susar atu kaptura maibe iha segundu faze de Operasaun Konjunta ne'e iha muda modalidade husi persusivu ba modalidade ne'e to'os ninian.", "\"Ohin halo fulan ida, ami atu hetan diretiva politika para muda modalidade ba operasaun I klaru ke kuandu muda modalidade antes ke tama ba iha segunda faze ne'e ami sei tama ho asaun maka'as liu ho koersaun mos maka'as nune'e ami sei la uza tan persuasaun ona.", "Ami sei atua tuir mandatu, se mandatu ne'e klaru maka ami sei atua tuir mandatu ne'e para depois ita bele aselera I ami espera iha segunda faze ne'e, operasaun ne'e bele termina ho sucesu,\" hateten Jeneral fitun ida iha instituisaun de Defesa Estadu Timor-Leste ne'e.", "Tuir Dadus husi komando Operasaun Konjunta rejizta katak total membru KRPM/FM ne'ebe hetan kapturasaun no rende dezde operasaun HANITA lansa iha 21/03/2015 ate loron 20/04/2015 total hamutuk ema nain234 pesoas hetan identifikasaun, Husi ema sira ne'e nain tolu tama ona iga Prizaun Preventivas, suspeitu nain 21 hetan Termus de Indetidade Rezidensia, ema nain 11 maka hetan ordem hodi halo aprezenta periodikamente ba polisia nia servisu fatin no sira seluk sempre hetan identifikasaun durante oras sanolu resin rua nia laran.", "Sexta, 13 Marsu 2015 01:34 Ukun Nain Dun KRM No MM Akuza Autoridade, KE Hasoru Deskute Destinu KRPM/FM Dili, Tempo Semanal - Iha loron Kinta Feira (12/03) lokraik, tuku sanolu resin ne'en, ulun bo'ot sira ne'ebe hola parte parte iha Konsello do Estadu (KE) hala'o enkontru bo'ot ida iha Palasiu Prezidenti Aitarak Laran hodi deskute kona ba situasaun seguransa Rai Laran hafoin de akontesimentu Baguia.", "\"Enkontru ho Prezidenti da republika atu ko'alia sobre seguransa Nasional, ida ne'e de'it,\" dehan Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional DR. Vicente Guterres.", "Sexta, 13 Junu 2014 13:48 Representante Eis Resistensia Keixa PNTL ba TMR Dili, Tempo Semanal - RepresentanteOrgnaizasaun Rezistensia ne'ebe lidera husi Andre da Costa Belo alias L4 hato'o preokupasaun ba Presidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak, kona ba atuasaun membro Polisia durante implementa rezolusaun Parlamentu hasoru Ilegal sira.", "\"Preokupasaun ne'ebe ami ohin hato'o mak kona-ba situasaun ne'ebe foin dadauk mosu, Polisia sira ba halo implementasaun rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional nian ba baze ne'eba la loos,\"dehan L-4 ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Presidenti Aitarak Laran,Dili (12/06/2014).", "Kinta, 10 Abril 2014 15:13 Longuinhos Husu FDTL Ho PNTL Obriga Ema Kumpri Lei Baukau, Tempo Semanal - Iha seremonia lansamentu Operasaun Habelun F-FDTL ho PNTL iha kuartel komponente Terestre F-FDTL iha lokraik hodiseik (09/04) hatudu momos katak F-FDTL ho PNTL preparadu atu exekuta rezolusaun foun ne'ebe aprova ona husi Konselho dos Ministrus iha loron 31/03/2014 ne'ebe inklui mos F-FDTL iha operasaun konjunta hasoru Konselho Revolusaun Maubere no CPD-RDTL ne'ebe to'o agora seida'uk entrega aan ho sira nia atributu ba estadu hafoin rezolusaun ne'ebe hasai husi Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 03/03/2014.", "Komisariu PNTL, DR. Longuinhos Monteiro durante ninia deskursu nia husu ba forsa F-FDTL no PNTL sira atu halo esforsu hotu-hotu hodi obriga ema sira ne'ebe maka deskonfia viala nasaun ninia lei ne'e atu hakruuk ba lei no ordem iha estadu Timor-Leste.", "Kwarta, 09 Abril 2014 22:19 Mauputi: FDTL ho PNTL Foin Sa'e Maka Sa'e Matebian Baukau, Tempo Semanal - Membru konselho Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) ho CPD-RDTL liu ona nain atus lima maka reintegra hikas ba sira nia komunidade iha area Laga, Kelikai no Baguia maibe tuir dadus husi parte seguransa ninian sei iha barak mos sei halai iha foho lolon ho kilat.", "Nune'e duni semana ruma kotuk liu ba, Tanente Koronel F-FDTL, Mauputi aviza atu tun antes loron ida ohin Kuarta (09/04) tan ba nia hatene ona katak estadu Timor-Leste bele foti desizaun ida atu halo operasaun konjunta.", "Kwarta, 09 Abril 2014 00:04 Tribunal Aplika TIR Ba Sekjer KRM Angela Freitas Dili, Tempo Semanal - Hafoin de 72 oras, hela iha otel PNTL Kaikoli, Presidenti partidu Trabalhista de timor-Leste no Sekretaria Jeral Konselho de Revolusaun Maubere (KRM), Angela Freitas fila hikas ba ninia residensia.", "Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), Tersa (8/4), aplika medida koasaun Termu Identidade Residensia (TIR) ba Sekretaria Jeral Conselhu Revolusionario Maubere, Angela Freitas.", "Publika iha Justisa Sabadu, 05 Abril 2014 13:51 Angela Freitas To'o Husi Bali Ba Liu Kaikoli BREAKING NEWS, Eskluxivu, Tempo Semanal - Angela Freitas, to'o husi Bali, kaptura husi parte autoridade seguransa iha aeroportu no entre kedan ba polisia investigasaun Kriminal hodi lori liu ba Kaikoli.", "\"Ha'u iha ona estasaun polisia Kaikoli ninian,\" dehan angela Freitas ba Tempo Semanal Online." ]
[ [ "Displaying items by tag: KRM - Tempo Timor Online Sábado, 08 Agostu (August)21st Time of the Day Saturday August. When bodies from incident in Wairali Bu'u arrived at Dili Hospital on Sunday night afternoon a few minutes later there was clashes which made situation outside hospital area very hot but Task Force and current Military Police quickly calmed down things to make it safe for all involved parties as they were moving towards their destinations with no injuries or casualties being sustained during this time period" ], [ "According to Tempo Timor's journalist observation in the NGO, it is said that at this time both PNTL and F-FDTL are concentrated within Ospital Nasional Guido Valaders for security purpose." ], [ "At about 16:25, a counter-attack between the Mauk Moruk group and members of Empenamentu Operasaun Konjunta (OEK) took place near Waitalibu Village in Watuhaco Township Venilale Administrative Post Office Baucau Municipality. The attack killed President Maubere Revolutionary Council with its two other member After this incident occurred at approximately on or after that time these bodies were brought to Dili by Helicopter which landed it Nicolau Lobato Airport for burial ceremony" ], [ "Upon arrival at the airport, these bodies were immediately taken in an ambulance (Carro Funereriu) to be transported into Ospital Nacional Guigo Valadares(ONGV), and once there they are placed within Mortuary." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Government of Timor-Leste through its Ministers and Presidentship in Council (Presidência do Conselho de Ministro) has announced that Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk is dead. The death was confirmed by a statement issued on Saturday 8 August at about two o'clock pm from Ospital Nasional Guida Valadares Hospital’ s hospital compound near Bidau District Dili where three bodies were taken into funeral carriages to be laid out for burial after they had been shot down during an ambush against Maubere Revolutionary Movement members outside their hometown Waitali Bu 'U Village around one hour before noon local time Tuesday night(09/12)." ], [ "The funeral wagons were guarded by the Bataliaun Ordem Publica, PNTL People came to see how people took bodies from a funerary carriage and among those who stood near in front of Ospital Nasional one man with dark eyes said: \"Look at me. Old Mauk is dead.\"" ], [ "According to a security official at the National Hospital, Tempo Timor confirmed that Maubere Revolutionary Council President Mauk Moruk was also killed in an incident of shooting near Watu Hako village Venilale administrative post Baukau municipality." ], [ "\"Today Tiru Malu between three or four o'clock this evening, in Uatu Sahe Loi near Waitali Bu’u." ], [ "In this incident, the elder Mauk and two of his members were killed while one survived\", said an official who was also present at Ospital Nasional Dili." ], [ "According to information received by the editorial staff, at about 13:50 or around six o'clock Timor-Leste time in this evening there was a firefight between forces from Joint Operations Command (EOK) and Kinsellu Revolutionary Maubere Group(KRM), near Waitali Bu’u." ], [ "Thursday, April 21st (AFP) - HANITA's Joint Operation Command has managed to convince a key member of the Council for Revolutionary People Maubere/FRETILIN Movement led by Mauk Moruk that he will surrender himself at around nine o’clock in Timor-Leste time on Wednesday night." ], [ "According to information gathered by Tempo Semanal, the principal member of KRPM/FM who surrendered himself at Joint Operations Command together with a squadron from F-FDTL Military Police in Samalaria village Lalulai which also saw presence on their part as well. Constantino and military police led By Captain Francisco Netto were there too for this occasional incident that was reported only after several hours since it had been announced through media reporting about an attack against his family members 10 days ago (25th June)." ], [ "\"He surrendered because of his health problems and the rain conditioned him to do so." ], [ "Another reason is that the base they attacked was totally destroy on April 7-8, last year." ], [ "With these two conditions, he could contact our connections and in the evening (20' 4) they took him to Dili but President also phoned them saying that this is against law which says we handed over it for investigation by police. The president said: \"I will not let you go.\"" ], [ "So today (21/04) we handed him over to the Criminal Investigation Police and now he is in detention for seventy-two hours at this police cell,\" said Operation HANITA commander Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Freitas alias Mau Buti." ], [ "The F-FDTL and the PNTL already have experience with military operations against groups that cause instability to this country, such as Operation Halibur (Reunification) of 2015 which aimed at reintegrating former petitioners into their societies. So when KRPM/FM problems returned on March a year later" ], [ "\"In this operation we used microphones, and spoke with them. We took approximation steps to call the police for help but they told us that it was too dangerous because of our presence there.\"" ], [ "So I tried to tell them that the police would be more aggressive when they were injured and killed but now we are walking together so it will not matter." ], [ "What we are going to do is make an appeal in the house so that after they (KRPM/FM members climb into a tree) can go down there,\" explained Operation HANITA commander." ], [ "According to FALINTIL Commander Veteranus Maubuti, who has been in the Armada resistance for more than ninety years said that on Tuesday (21'04) two other members of Mauk Moruk group surrendered." ], [ "\"One Watucarbau went to present himself in our forces at Ira Bere and the other handed over hisself for us's attaché of liaison on shore bringing down who are all now under investigation,\" Maubuti told Tempo Semanal Sunday April.21/04 /" ], [ "On the other hand, Coboy who surrendered on Monday night (20/4) has already been given his lawyer by defensoria Publico FR." ], [ "Jose De Lima and his attorneys, together with the Joint Operation Command (JOC) of Baukau Police Investigation Unit took Kedan to Hospital for medical treatment." ], [ "\"The man, he explained after doing the medical test said that she always went to drink a lot of water and got blood." ], [ "This problem sometimes makes him walk, he has no strength which is why today we together with the police force immediately took her to Hospital for treatment\", said advpgado DR. Jose de Lima ba Tempo Semanal 10/25" ], [ "On Tuesday (21/04) dadersan Coboy's lawyer demanded from the security and Joint Operation Command to take his client into Ospital Referal Municipio Baukau for a check up, treatment before being submitted in an investigation carried out by PNTL criminal research." ], [ "\"Now as it is, the procedure I have talked about him and his condition according to doctor or medical force says that he suffers from an illness now we are accompanying her in hospital for treatment\", said lawyer Tempo Semanal while escorted by its client who was undergoes therapy at Baukau Hospital (21/04)." ], [ "After the end of treatment, staff from this public defender's office reported further that \"Today we demand to be taken into hospital so it was coordinated with prosecutor and all parties agreed for a minor his health is important." ], [ "So if he's in good health we will take him to the court, but unless there is a medical condition it can not be compelled.\"" ], [ "He added that a specialist doctor who is recognized in East Timor and performs his work at Baukau was treating him, the lawyer said. His client' s health has improved significantly since he had been admitted to hospital on 15th June last year for treatment of an inflammation associate with diabetes mellitus (IMD)." ], [ "\"Today, Doctor Metan will immediately attend so in principle his health is good\", said Coboy's lawyer during an interview with Tempo Semanal." ], [ "After being taken for medical treatment, the authorities of Criminal Investigation Police took Coboy to a police station in Baukau Municipality accompanied by his lawyer." ], [ "\"Now he's in the custody of police and is now going into an investigation process,\" said Lawyer Delima." ], [ "Dr. Jose Delima said his team always accompanies its clients in the moment of this investigation , he says that it is a very important part for him to be with them during their trials and court proceeding" ], [ "\"I'm always in his shoes accompanying him,\" said the lawyer of this public defender." ], [ "The lawyer of the suspected member, Coboy confirms that Mauk Moruk surrendered himself to HANITA Joint Operation Command on 20 April at night in Lalulai village. \"I see it like this and I'm ready for what is coming\", said a version from forces spoken by his defense counselor (Advocate)." ], [ "But I saw him himself talking to me and saying that he wanted co-operate with a joint operation so for this reason, it was through his talks of my own which made her come down." ], [ "But alien from here his health does not allow.\"" ], [ "\"Now provisionally in the process of investigation, Orsida is presented to court after first interrogation and then we see all his evidences that he has made a statement which will be our decision on defending him further\", said lawyer who comes from this municipality involved." ], [ "At the moment, only one lawyer has requested that a public defender accompany him in his investigation of Domingos Boavida alias Koboy by police criminal research unit from Baukau District." ], [ "\"There were many cases in the past when I was only delegated to carry them by public defenders and a lot of people have been released, so this case is also one that if it'd be me who would keep on taking care thereof. If necessary i will ask for more help from my colleagues as they can make up an accompanying team.\"" ], [ "According to the Observation, this lawyer has been working in Baukau municipal defense office since 2015 and he's assisted many people who have come from Timor-Leste. His efforts often succeeded with uncovering a lot of prisoners suspect for criminal offences that they did not know about before being arrestes by police or otherwise were caught on camera during their time at jail.\"" ], [ "\"As far as I'm concerned to take it for submission at the first trial Interrogation is if not tomorrow then two starts from today night." ], [ "The lawyer confirmed that his client had surrendered to the joint operation command HANITA at 9 p.m Timor-Leste time in this lake area, and was then taken into custody by police officers of Hanita Cooperative Police Station (HKPS)." ], [ "\"Senor Koboy told me that he wanted to contribute in the joint operation and wants him submitted for justice,\" de Lima said." ], [ "On the other hand, F-FDTL Brigadier General Filomino Paixao declared at a press conference held in Fatu Hada Dili (21/04) that Operation Command is beginning to isolate Mauk Moruk even though it will be difficult for him being captured but during this second phase of Joint Operating there has been change from persuasion mode into forestry." ], [ "\"Today it's been a month, we have to get the political directive for changing mode of operation and clear that if you change modality before entering into this second phase will be with more action coercion also so there is no use persuasion." ], [ "We will act according to the mandate, if it is clear we'll do so and then accelerate I hope in this second phase that operation can end successfully\", said a retired General from Timor-Leste State Defence Institution." ], [ "According to data from the Joint Operations Command, a total of 234 KRPM/FM members have been captured and surrendered since operation HANITA was launched on March.19th until April; there are currently three people in Pre-trial Detention Centre (PDC), twenty one suspected person has received Termo de Identitade Residencia or residence order for identification as well: eleven were ordered periodically present themselves at police office whereas all others had their identity verified within twelve hours after being caught by KRPMS / FM personnel" ], [ "Dili, Tempo Semanal - On Thursday (12/03) early morning at 6:45 a.m the heads of state who are part in Conselho do Estado held an important meeting on Tuesday evening to discuss about security situation after Baguia incident and also for discussion over future plans regarding KRM'S re-election as presidential nominee from PSD or PSDB if they win again this year; however it is not yet clear which candidate will be selected by Congressional Majority Leader António Guterres during his first official visit since he was electing President da República no Primeiro Ministro em March deste ano" ], [ "\"Meeting with the President of Republic to talk about national security, that's all I have said\", says Speaker National Parliament Dr. Vicente Guterres (PSD)." ], [ "Representative of Former Resistance Organization expresses concern to President Taur Matan Ruak Dili, Tempo Semanal - The former resistance organization led by Andre da Costa Belo alias L4 has raised its preoccupation with the actions taken in Timor-Leste's police force during implementations on parliamentary resolution against illegal migrants." ], [ "\"The concerns we have raised today are about the situation that has just arisen, Police to implement a resolution of National Parliament on this basis is not correct\", L-4 told journalist in Presidenti Aitarak Laran Palace Dili (12/06 / 5)." ], [ "Baukau, Tempo Semanal - In the ceremony of launching Operation Widespread F-FDTL and PNTL at headquarters Terrestrial component in early this morning (09/4) showed clearly that both forces are prepared to execute new resolutions approves by Council Of Minister on 31 March. This also includes joint operation against Maubere Revolutionary council(CRM), which has not yet surrendered themselves with their attributes after a decision passed from National Parliament last day: \"There is no way for any other group or individual who have been involved as well.\"" ], [ "PNTL Commissioner, Dr. Longuinhos Monteiro during his speech he asked the F-FDTL and police forces to make every effort in order for people who are distrustful of this country's law that they obey it so as not breaking any rule or regulation within Timor Leste state;" ], [ "Baukau, Tempo Semanal - More than 150 members of the Maubere Revolution (KRM) and CPD-RDTL councils have been reintegrated quickly to their communities in Laga area. Kelikai is one such community but according data from security forces there will be many more who are also going on fire with gunshot wounds as they were shot dead by FDF or PNTL during a fighting between two groups that opposed each other for over five years now at different times this year" ], [ "So a few weeks ago, Lieutenant Colonel F-FDTL Mauputi advised to go down before one day today Thursday (09/4) because he already knew that the state of Timor Leste could take decisions for joint operations." ], [ "Dili, Tempo Semanal - After spending 72 hours in the PNTL Kaikoli hotel as President of Timor-Leste Labour Party (PT) and Secretary General Council for Revolutionary Movement(KRM), Angela Freitas returned to her residence. KMR’S Secretariat is now under investigation by police after a court order issued on Thursday that it would be held responsible if he were found guilty or convicted from any charge against him during his detention at Hotel KAIKOLI" ], [ "The Dili District Court (TDD), on Tuesday 8 April, applied a coercive measure of Termo Identidade Residencia(TIR) to the General Secretary for Maubere Revolutionary Council Angela Freitas." ], [ "Publicado em Justiça Sábado, 05 Abril (21:48) Angela Freitas To'o De Bali Para Liu Kaikoli BREAKING NEWS - The Brazilian actress and former presidential candidate of the Democratic Party in Brazil was arrested by security authorities at an airport on her way from a visit to Indonesia." ], [ "\"I already have a Kaikoli police station,\" Angela Freitas told Tempo Semanal Online." ] ]
Governu desvia programa ho OR, Opozisaun insiste la apoia – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politik » Governu desvia programa ho OR, Opozisaun insiste la apoia\nBankada opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), konsidera VII Governu la hakruk ba konstituisaun tamba koko desvia hodi la haruka uluk programa Governu nian ba daruak hodi diskuti, maibe hatama uluk fali Orsamentu Retifikativu (OR). Tamba ne’e, bankada opozisaun insiste sei la apoia OR ne’e.\nTuir Xefi bankada CNRT, Arão Noe, katak, Orsamentu Retifikativu ne’e, prosesu normal husi Governu ida ba Governu seluk, maibé tenki la’o tuir lei ne’ebé vigora ona.\n“Laiha dalan ba Governu atu aprezenta uluk Orsamentu Retifikativu, kuandu programa Governu nian seidauk pasa iha PN. Problema ne’e la’os Orsamentu Retifikativu, problema ne’e iha programa Governu. Programa Governu ne’e tenki aprezenta uluk lai, mak Governu bele iha kompetensia atu aprezenta lei sira seluk,”katak Arão Noe ba jornalista sira iha PN Segunda (13/11/17).\nNia esplika, programa Governu ne’e mak fatór determinante ba Governu ida, tanba agora ne’e foin mak iha prosesu ida harii Governu.\n“Tuir Konstituisaun artigu 109 hateten katak, programa Governu tenki aprova uluk lai, mak tama ba orsamentu Jeral Estadu,”katak Arão Noe, hodi la simu tátika polítika ne’ebé VII Governu hala’o durante ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, bankada opozisaun kompostu husi bankada tolu hanesan, CNRT, PLP, KHUNTO iha Parlamentu Nasional sei atua tuir konstituisaun.\nAlende ne’e, deputadu Antoninho Bianco husi bankada FRETILIN, husu ba deputadu bankada opozisaun sira atu apoia OR ne’e.\n“Haree no lee lai, tanba la’os Parlamentu Nasional mak atu aprezenta orsamentu Retifikativu ka orsamentu jeral Estadu, tanba kuandu Governu la konsege aprezenta buat ruma ba povu, Governu mak sala nafatin,” katak Antoninho.\nPrograma Governu nian ba dahuluk hetan sumba iha Parlamentu Nasional, tamba hetan rejeisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional ho votus a favor 35 kontra 30 no abstensaun 0. Bankada opozisaun konsidera VII Governu ne’ebé forma deit ho minoratariu husi FRETILIN no PD la konsege garante estabilidade Governativa ba tinan lima nia laran no iha risku boot teb-tebes. Tamba ne’e, VII Governu ne’ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru, Mari Alkatiri tenki hatama fila fali programa Governu nian ne’ebé hetan rejeisaun ne’e ba Parlamentu Nasional iha parte daruak nian atu bele hetan aprovasaun. Maibe pelo contrario Governu hatama uluk fali Orsamentu Retifikativu. Tamba ne’e, bankada opozisaun sira konsidera ne’e la tuir ona dalan konstituisaun.\nTuir konstituisaun RDTL artigu 109 (Apresiasaun ba Governu nia Programa) iha númeru ida (1) hatete katak, Programa Governu nian sei hato’o ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu hetan apresiasaun, no Parlamentu la funsionál karik, tenki konvida ka konvoka sira ba asuntu ida-ne’e; iha númeru rua (2) hatete katak, debate programa governu nian labele liu loron lima, no to’o remata, grupu ida-idak iha Parlamentu bele husu atu lasimu, eh Governu bele husu votu konfiansa ida; nune’e iha númeru tolu (3) hatete, atu lasimu programa Governu nian, tenke iha apoiu mai husi maioria deputadu husi sira-ne’ebé sei hala’o hela knaar.cos
[ "Governu desvia programa ho OR, Opozisaun insiste la apoia - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politik \" Governu desvia programa ho OR, Opozisaun insiste la apoia Bankada opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), konsidera VII Governu la hakruk ba konstituisaun tamba koko desvia hodi la haruka uluk programa Governu nian ba daruak hodi diskuti, maibe hatama uluk fali Orsamentu Retifikativu (OR).", "Tamba ne'e, bankada opozisaun insiste sei la apoia OR ne'e.", "Tuir Xefi bankada CNRT, Arao Noe, katak, Orsamentu Retifikativu ne'e, prosesu normal husi Governu ida ba Governu seluk, maibe tenki la'o tuir lei ne'ebe vigora ona.", "\"Laiha dalan ba Governu atu aprezenta uluk Orsamentu Retifikativu, kuandu programa Governu nian seidauk pasa iha PN.", "Problema ne'e la'os Orsamentu Retifikativu, problema ne'e iha programa Governu.", "Programa Governu ne'e tenki aprezenta uluk lai, mak Governu bele iha kompetensia atu aprezenta lei sira seluk,\"katak Arao Noe ba jornalista sira iha PN Segunda (13/11/17).", "Nia esplika, programa Governu ne'e mak fator determinante ba Governu ida, tanba agora ne'e foin mak iha prosesu ida harii Governu.", "\"Tuir Konstituisaun artigu 109 hateten katak, programa Governu tenki aprova uluk lai, mak tama ba orsamentu Jeral Estadu,\"katak Arao Noe, hodi la simu tatika politika ne'ebe VII Governu hala'o durante ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, bankada opozisaun kompostu husi bankada tolu hanesan, CNRT, PLP, KHUNTO iha Parlamentu Nasional sei atua tuir konstituisaun.", "Alende ne'e, deputadu Antoninho Bianco husi bankada FRETILIN, husu ba deputadu bankada opozisaun sira atu apoia OR ne'e.", "\"Haree no lee lai, tanba la'os Parlamentu Nasional mak atu aprezenta orsamentu Retifikativu ka orsamentu jeral Estadu, tanba kuandu Governu la konsege aprezenta buat ruma ba povu, Governu mak sala nafatin,\" katak Antoninho.", "Programa Governu nian ba dahuluk hetan sumba iha Parlamentu Nasional, tamba hetan rejeisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional ho votus a favor 35 kontra 30 no abstensaun 0.", "Bankada opozisaun konsidera VII Governu ne'ebe forma deit ho minoratariu husi FRETILIN no PD la konsege garante estabilidade Governativa ba tinan lima nia laran no iha risku boot teb-tebes.", "Tamba ne'e, VII Governu ne'ebe lidera husi Primeiru Ministru, Mari Alkatiri tenki hatama fila fali programa Governu nian ne'ebe hetan rejeisaun ne'e ba Parlamentu Nasional iha parte daruak nian atu bele hetan aprovasaun.", "Maibe pelo contrario Governu hatama uluk fali Orsamentu Retifikativu.", "Tamba ne'e, bankada opozisaun sira konsidera ne'e la tuir ona dalan konstituisaun.", "Tuir konstituisaun RDTL artigu 109 (Apresiasaun ba Governu nia Programa) iha numeru ida (1) hatete katak, Programa Governu nian sei hato'o ba Parlamentu Nasional atu hetan apresiasaun, no Parlamentu la funsional karik, tenki konvida ka konvoka sira ba asuntu ida-ne'e; iha numeru rua (2) hatete katak, debate programa governu nian labele liu loron lima, no to'o remata, grupu ida-idak iha Parlamentu bele husu atu lasimu, eh Governu bele husu votu konfiansa ida; nune'e iha numeru tolu (3) hatete, atu lasimu programa Governu nian, tenke iha apoiu mai husi maioria deputadu husi sira-ne'ebe sei hala'o hela knaar.cos" ]
[ [ "Government deviates from programme with AM, Opposition insists it does not support - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" The opposition group in the National Parliament (PN), considering that VII government is unconstitutional because of its deviation by failing to first submit a second time for discussion. It instead submitted an amending budget beforehand and therefore has no constitutional basis on which this program could be discussed at any stage after approval or rejection as well!" ], [ "Therefore, the opposition insists that it will support this OR." ], [ "According to the Chairman of Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP), Arao Noe, this Amendment Budget is a normal process from one government into another but it must proceed accordingly with existing laws." ], [ "\"There is no way for the Government to present an Amending Budget first, when its programme has not been passed in Parliament." ], [ "The problem is not the Amending Budget, it's in government program." ], [ "The Government's programme must be presented first, so that the government can have competence to present other legislation\", Arao Noe told journalist in Parliament on Monday (13/20)." ], [ "He explained that the government programme is a determining factor for any Government, because now there has been only one process to form it." ], [ "\"According to article 109 of the Constitution, a government programme must be approved first before it is included in State General Budget\", said Arao Noe. He rejected political tactics that have been pursues by Government VII during this period and called for an immediate reshuffle from its positions as Minister-Presidente (Primer Ministro)." ], [ "Therefore, the opposition group composed of three groups like CNRT (Conservative Democratic Party), PLP and KHUNTO in Parliament will act according to constitution." ], [ "In addition, MP Antoninho Bianco from FRETILIN asked opposition members to support the OR." ], [ "\"Look and read, because it is not the National Parliament that has to present an Amending Budget or a general State budget. Whenever government fails in its efforts of submitting anything for public consideration - then this still falls under Government responsibility.\"" ], [ "The Government’s programme was first thrown out of the National Parliament, as it had been rejected by a vote in favour (35-20) with no abstentions." ], [ "The opposition group considers that the VII Government, which was formed only with a minority of FRETILIN and PD failed to guarantee government stabilities for five years." ], [ "Therefore, the VII Government led by Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri must return this rejected government programme to Parliament in its second part so that it can be approved." ], [ "But on the contrary, in 2013 it had already approved an amending budget." ], [ "According to the opposition, this is not in accordance with constitutional procedures." ], [ "According to the Constitution of Timor-Leste, Article 109 (Appreciation for Government Program) in number one states that: The government program shall be submitted by Parliament; if it is not functioning then they must invite or convene them on this matter. In Number two says That debates over a programme cannot last more than five days and until such time as each group can ask parliamentary vote against its approval there may also have been requested an unconfidence voting with respect towards any member who has already taken up his/her position at least three months beforehand but no longer being eligible under article fourth(3)." ] ]
PM parabeniza loron mundiál feto no espera bele sai reflesaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PM parabeniza loron mundiál feto no espera bele sai reflesaun\nPM parabeniza loron mundiál feto no espera bele sai reflesaun\nPrimeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, parabeniza loron mundiál feto. Imajen/GPM\nDILI, 08 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, parabeniza feto Timor-Leste no iha mundu tomak, relasiona ho komemora loron feto mundiál iha loron 08 marsu.\n“Hakarak parabeniza inan-feton sira ba loron feto nian, espera katak loron ida-ne’e sai reflesaun hodi halo prátika ne’ebé halo kada tinan, atu ajuda ita eleva partisipasaun feto sira-nian iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun,” PM hato’o hafoin partisipa workshop kona-ba prosedimentu planeamentu, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun, iha Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: PN Kongratula Selebrasaun Loron Feto Mundiál Ho Unanimidade\nAleinde ne’e, Xefe Ezekutivu rekoñese partisipasaun feto iha ukun rasik-an no dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\n“Bainhira ita haree ita-nia istória, papel feto nia importante tebes, bolu dehan luta emansipasaun, sé ita haree uluk iha prezensa koloniál portugeza iha Luka, munisípiu Viqueque, iha feto ida halo atividade revolta hasoru portugés sira, no iha fatin barak hosi avo no ita-nia tempu mós feto asume papel importante luta ba ukun rasik-an,” PM Taur haktuir.\nEnkuantu, Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Igualdade no Inkluzaun (SEII) tinan ne’e komemora loron mundiál feto iha munisípiu Lautém.\nTinan ne’e komemora loron feto mundiál ho tema ‘Igualdade jéneru loron-ohin ba loron-aban ida ne’ebé sustentável’, ne’ebé rekoñese papél importante feto nian hodi hasoru dezafiu boot sira iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\n“Dezafiu sira hanesan mudansa klimátika ne’ebé sai grave bele hamosu dezastre naturál no kalamidade iha ita-nia país. Dezafiu sira mundu nian ne’ebé interligadu no interdependente liután, sujeitu ba krize hanesan pandemia COVID-19 nian, ne’ebé prevensaun, mitigasaun no ninia kombate, depende liu ba kooperasaun individuál no koletiva, ne’ebé implementa ona iha ita-nia país no nivel internasionál,” refere nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu.\nDezafiu sira ba moris-di’ak, ekonómiku no sosiál, iha kapasidade atu kria oportunidade foun sira ne’ebé disponível ba ema hotu iha prosesu konstrusaun ba futuru ne’ebé teknolojikamente modernu no sustentável liu.\nAleinde ne’e, dezafiu sira ne’ebé sai hanesan obstákulu loloos hodi fó risku ba implementasaun di’ak hosi polítika sira ne’ebé sensível ba kestaun jéneru no mitigasaun vulnerabilidade nian mak hanesan halakon ki’ak, kombate subnutrisaun no asesu ba serbisu báziku importante sira hanesan saúde, edukasaun, hela-fatin ka seguransa sosiál, no seluk tan.\n“Iha dezafiu sira ne’e hotu, ita konta ho Feto sira hanesan ajente transformasaun no mudansa, iha família, eskola, iha servisu-fatin, empreza no komunidade sira. Feto hotu-hotu, liuliu feto sira hanesan dirijente ho reprezentatividade iha lideransa, aleinde kontribui ho kapasidade no koñesimentu sientífiku, étiku no morál sira ne’ebé aumenta beibeik ba igualdade jéneru nian, sai mós nu’udar protagonista no na’in ba polítika públika kona-ba lejitimidade demokrátika, governasaun di’ak no dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé sustentável liu,” afirma nota hosi Governu.\nPapel feto importate\nPrevious articleGovernu seidauk deside administradór atu lidera Ataúro\nNext articleTL rejista ema na’in-1.526 infetadu HIV/AIDS inklui óbitu 166\nArkivu Select Month May 2022 (580) April 2022 (726) March 2022 (840) February 2022 (623) January 2022 (593) December 2021 (709) November 2021 (771) October 2021 (861) September 2021 (1017) August 2021 (857) July 2021 (932) June 2021 (997) May 2021 (732) April 2021 (779) March 2021 (693) February 2021 (623) January 2021 (602) December 2020 (581) November 2020 (653) October 2020 (756) September 2020 (681) August 2020 (609) July 2020 (747) June 2020 (710) May 2020 (537) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)
[ "PM parabeniza loron mundial feto no espera bele sai reflesaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PM parabeniza loron mundial feto no espera bele sai reflesaun PM parabeniza loron mundial feto no espera bele sai reflesaun Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, parabeniza loron mundial feto.", "Imajen/GPM DILI, 08 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, parabeniza feto Timor-Leste no iha mundu tomak, relasiona ho komemora loron feto mundial iha loron 08 marsu.", "\"Hakarak parabeniza inan-feton sira ba loron feto nian, espera katak loron ida-ne'e sai reflesaun hodi halo pratika ne'ebe halo kada tinan, atu ajuda ita eleva partisipasaun feto sira-nian iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun,\" PM hato'o hafoin partisipa workshop kona-ba prosedimentu planeamentu, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun, iha Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, tersa ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: PN Kongratula Selebrasaun Loron Feto Mundial Ho Unanimidade Aleinde ne'e, Xefe Ezekutivu rekonese partisipasaun feto iha ukun rasik-an no dezenvolvimentu nasional.", "\"Bainhira ita haree ita-nia istoria, papel feto nia importante tebes, bolu dehan luta emansipasaun, se ita haree uluk iha prezensa kolonial portugeza iha Luka, munisipiu Viqueque, iha feto ida halo atividade revolta hasoru portuges sira, no iha fatin barak hosi avo no ita-nia tempu mos feto asume papel importante luta ba ukun rasik-an,\" PM Taur haktuir.", "Enkuantu, Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Igualdade no Inkluzaun (SEII) tinan ne'e komemora loron mundial feto iha munisipiu Lautem.", "Tinan ne'e komemora loron feto mundial ho tema 'Igualdade jeneru loron-ohin ba loron-aban ida ne'ebe sustentavel', ne'ebe rekonese papel importante feto nian hodi hasoru dezafiu boot sira iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional.", "\"Dezafiu sira hanesan mudansa klimatika ne'ebe sai grave bele hamosu dezastre natural no kalamidade iha ita-nia pais.", "Dezafiu sira mundu nian ne'ebe interligadu no interdependente liutan, sujeitu ba krize hanesan pandemia COVID-19 nian, ne'ebe prevensaun, mitigasaun no ninia kombate, depende liu ba kooperasaun individual no koletiva, ne'ebe implementa ona iha ita-nia pais no nivel internasional,\" refere nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu.", "Dezafiu sira ba moris-di'ak, ekonomiku no sosial, iha kapasidade atu kria oportunidade foun sira ne'ebe disponivel ba ema hotu iha prosesu konstrusaun ba futuru ne'ebe teknolojikamente modernu no sustentavel liu.", "Aleinde ne'e, dezafiu sira ne'ebe sai hanesan obstakulu loloos hodi fo risku ba implementasaun di'ak hosi politika sira ne'ebe sensivel ba kestaun jeneru no mitigasaun vulnerabilidade nian mak hanesan halakon ki'ak, kombate subnutrisaun no asesu ba serbisu baziku importante sira hanesan saude, edukasaun, hela-fatin ka seguransa sosial, no seluk tan.", "\"Iha dezafiu sira ne'e hotu, ita konta ho Feto sira hanesan ajente transformasaun no mudansa, iha familia, eskola, iha servisu-fatin, empreza no komunidade sira.", "Feto hotu-hotu, liuliu feto sira hanesan dirijente ho reprezentatividade iha lideransa, aleinde kontribui ho kapasidade no konesimentu sientifiku, etiku no moral sira ne'ebe aumenta beibeik ba igualdade jeneru nian, sai mos nu'udar protagonista no na'in ba politika publika kona-ba lejitimidade demokratika, governasaun di'ak no dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe sustentavel liu,\" afirma nota hosi Governu.", "Papel feto importate Previous articleGovernu seidauk deside administrador atu lidera Atauro Next articleTL rejista ema na'in-1.526 infetadu HIV/AIDS inklui obitu 166 Arkivu Select Month May 2022 (580) April 2022 (726) March 2022 (840) February 2022 (623) January 2022 (593) December 2021 (709) November 2021 (771) October 2021 (861) September 2021 (1017) August 2021 (857) July 2021 (932) June 2021 (997) May 2021 (732) April 2021 (779) March 2021 (693) February 2021 (623) January 2021 (602) December 2020 (581) November 2020 (653) October 2020 (756) September 2020 (681) August 2020 (609) July 2020 (747) June 2020 (710) May 2020 (537) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)" ]
[ [ "PM congratulates World Women’s Day and hope to be a reflection | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak: I wish you all the best on this day." ], [ "Image/GPM DILI, March 8th - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak congratulates women in Timor-Leste and around the world on commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) this year." ], [ "\"I would like to congratulate the mothers on Women' s Day, I hope that this day will become a reflection for us in order we can practice what is done every year and help increase women participation into country development processes\", said PM after attending workshop about planning procedure monitoring evaluation at Ministry of Finance Aitarak-laran Tuesday." ], [ "In addition, the Chief Executive acknowledged women's participation in independence and national development. Relevant news: PN Congratulates International Women’S Day With Unanimity Furthermore 10th of May is a day to celebrate for all Filipino female citizens who have contributed significantly towards our nation-building processes" ], [ "\"When we look at our history, the role of women was very important in what is called emancipation struggle. If you take a first glance to Portuguese colonial presences like Luka and Viqueque municipality where there were some rebellious activities by females against Portugese occupants; then many places from grandfather' s time onwards when it came up with freedom fighting also took an active part.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, the Government through its State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) is celebrating World Women's Day this year in Lautem municipality." ], [ "This year, International Women's Day is celebrated under the theme 'Gender Equality Everyday for a Sustainable Tomorrow’ which recognizes women as an important part of addressing major challenges in national development." ], [ "\"Challenges such as severe climate change can lead to natural disasters and calamities in our country." ], [ "The challenges of the world are interconnected and mutually dependent, subject to crises such as COVID-19 pandemic which prevention mitigation or combat depend more on individual cooperation than collective one that is already implementing in our own countries at an international level\", says a note accessible by Agência TATOLI." ], [ "The challenges to well-being, economic and socially speaking have the potential of generating new opportunities available for all in building a more technologically modern & sustainable future." ], [ "Furthermore, challenges that have emerged as real obstacles to the successful implementation of gender-sensitive policies and vulnerability mitigation are poverty eradication; combating malnutritions or accessibility for essential basic services such health care. education housing social security etc..." ], [ "\"In all these challenges, we are counting on women as agents of transformation and change in the family; at school. In work-houses: enterprises & communities.\"" ], [ "All women, especially as leaders and representatives in leadership positions; besides contributing with their capabilities to scientific knowledge that is increasingly important for gender equality. They also become protagonist of public policier on democratic legitimacy good governance more sustainable development.\"" ], [ "Previous articleGovernu seidauk deside administrador atu lidera Atauro Next ArticleTL rejista ema na'in-1.526 infetadu HIV/AIDS inklui obitu 307 Arkivu Select Month May (49) April(8), March, February and January December - November October September August July June may April Março Fevereiro Janeiro Dezembro Novembro Octubre Setembre Agosto Julho Maio Abril" ] ]
Haksesuk Bola | FFTL - Haksesuk Bola\nFFTL - Haksesuk Bola\nPresidente: Francisco Kalbuady Lay\nVices Presidentes: Aleixo da Silva Gama, Osorio Florindo e Francisco Geronimo\nSecretario Geral: Amandio Sarmento\nTesoureiro: Jesuina Henrique\nOficial Media: Nelio Izaac Sarmento\nResponsavel teknika ba Futebol: Fabio Magrao\nResponsavel ba Futebol Feto: Quintão Gaspar\nFFTL, harii iha tinan 2002,h afoin restaura Independencia. FFTL moris atu hatan nesidades husi exijencia rai laran ba desportu Tebe Bola,tanba:\nIta nia emar gosta bola. Husi sorin seluk, FFTL moris atu sai nudar organismu ida mak sai mahon ba Futebol iha Nasaun ida ne´e.\nMos FFTL moris,atu sai hanesan organismu ne´ebe representa Futebol Timor-Leste forum Internacionais sira ne´ebe koalia no haksesuk konaba Bola,iha nivel rejional hanesan AAF, AFC no iha nivel internacional hanesan FIFA.\nFFTL hola parte ba organismu Futebol iha nivel rejional no Mundial:\nFFTL tama nudar membru AFC: Tinan 2002 tama nudar membro AFC, hafoin kongresu AFC ba dala 20 nian halo iha Kuala Lumpur,Malysia,aprova adesaun Timor-Leste nudar membru AFC, loron 15 Agusto tinan 2002.\nFFTL tama nudar membru AFF: Tinan 2004 tama nudar membru AFF\nSa tinan mak sai membro FIFA? Iha tinan 2005, tama nudar membru FIFA\nKompetisaun sira neébe Timor-Leste participa mak:\nQualifikasaun ba kompetisaun Mundial ne´ebe organiza husi FIFA\nQualifikasaun ba Taxa Asia neébe organiza husi AFC\nTornoio neébe organiza husi AFF nian\nRangkin FFTL hahu husi ninia fundasaun toó agora?\nIha tinan 2015 Timor-Leste ninia rangking atinji maximu hetan posisaun 170 husi total membrus FIFA 209, Timor-Leste soe tiha ba kotuk rai sira iha ASEAN hanesan Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos Kamboja, Brunei,iha Timor-Leste nia leten mak Vietnam, Thalandia no Filipina.\nRangking ne´e okupa la kleur tanba pra-qualifikasaun ba Kampaenota Mundial 2018 ladun hetan resultadu ne´ebe la diak,tanba ne´e iha tinan 2016 ninia rangking monu ba 175 husi total 209 membros FIFA.\nIha kontextu rejional ASIA (AFC), Timor-Leste okupa posisaun 33, ne´ebe okupa top rengking mak rai sira hanesan: Iran (43),Australia (50), Republika Koreia (54), Japao (57), Arabe Saudita ( 60).\nASEAN (AFF), Timor-Lete okupa posisaun 7 husi total rai 11, husi ba Kotuk Nasaun sira hanesan Laos (8), Camboja (9), Indonesia (10) no Brunei Darrusalem (11).\nIha rai sira koalia Lian Portugues, CPLP, Timor-Leste okupa ultimo lugar 9 husi total rai hamutuk 9. Timor-Leste ninia familia sira Brazil no Portugal okupa posisaun top 10 rangking FIFA, Brazil iha posisaun 7 no Portugal iha Posisaun 8, husi total membros FIFA 209 Nasaun.
[ "Haksesuk Bola | FFTL - Haksesuk Bola FFTL - Haksesuk Bola Presidente: Francisco Kalbuady Lay Vices Presidentes: Aleixo da Silva Gama, Osorio Florindo e Francisco Geronimo Secretario Geral: Amandio Sarmento Tesoureiro: Jesuina Henrique Oficial Media: Nelio Izaac Sarmento Responsavel teknika ba Futebol: Fabio Magrao Responsavel ba Futebol Feto: Quintao Gaspar FFTL, harii iha tinan 2002,h afoin restaura Independencia.", "FFTL moris atu hatan nesidades husi exijencia rai laran ba desportu Tebe Bola,tanba: Ita nia emar gosta bola.", "Husi sorin seluk, FFTL moris atu sai nudar organismu ida mak sai mahon ba Futebol iha Nasaun ida ne'e.", "Mos FFTL moris,atu sai hanesan organismu ne'ebe representa Futebol Timor-Leste forum Internacionais sira ne'ebe koalia no haksesuk konaba Bola,iha nivel rejional hanesan AAF, AFC no iha nivel internacional hanesan FIFA.", "FFTL hola parte ba organismu Futebol iha nivel rejional no Mundial: FFTL tama nudar membru AFC: Tinan 2002 tama nudar membro AFC, hafoin kongresu AFC ba dala 20 nian halo iha Kuala Lumpur,Malysia,aprova adesaun Timor-Leste nudar membru AFC, loron 15 Agusto tinan 2002.", "FFTL tama nudar membru AFF: Tinan 2004 tama nudar membru AFF Sa tinan mak sai membro FIFA?", "Iha tinan 2005, tama nudar membru FIFA Kompetisaun sira neebe Timor-Leste participa mak: Qualifikasaun ba kompetisaun Mundial ne'ebe organiza husi FIFA Qualifikasaun ba Taxa Asia neebe organiza husi AFC Tornoio neebe organiza husi AFF nian Rangkin FFTL hahu husi ninia fundasaun too agora?", "Iha tinan 2015 Timor-Leste ninia rangking atinji maximu hetan posisaun 170 husi total membrus FIFA 209, Timor-Leste soe tiha ba kotuk rai sira iha ASEAN hanesan Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos Kamboja, Brunei,iha Timor-Leste nia leten mak Vietnam, Thalandia no Filipina.", "Rangking ne'e okupa la kleur tanba pra-qualifikasaun ba Kampaenota Mundial 2018 ladun hetan resultadu ne'ebe la diak,tanba ne'e iha tinan 2016 ninia rangking monu ba 175 husi total 209 membros FIFA.", "Iha kontextu rejional ASIA (AFC), Timor-Leste okupa posisaun 33, ne'ebe okupa top rengking mak rai sira hanesan: Iran (43),Australia (50), Republika Koreia (54), Japao (57), Arabe Saudita (60).", "ASEAN (AFF), Timor-Lete okupa posisaun 7 husi total rai 11, husi ba Kotuk Nasaun sira hanesan Laos (8), Camboja (9), Indonesia (10) no Brunei Darrusalem (11).", "Iha rai sira koalia Lian Portugues, CPLP, Timor-Leste okupa ultimo lugar 9 husi total rai hamutuk 9.", "Timor-Leste ninia familia sira Brazil no Portugal okupa posisaun top 10 rangking FIFA, Brazil iha posisaun 7 no Portugal iha Posisaun 8, husi total membros FIFA 209 Nasaun." ]
[ [ "President: Francisco Kalbuady Lay Vice-Presidents, Aleixo da Silva Gama and Osorio Florindo General Secretary Amandio Sarmento Treasurer Jesuina Henrique Media Officer Nelio Izaac sarment Technical Manager Fabio Magrao Women' s Football manager Quintano Gaspar FFTL was founded in the year of independence." ], [ "FFTL was born to meet the needs of national demand for Tebe Bola, also known as: Our mother loves ball." ], [ "In other words, the FFTL was born to become an organism that would be a pillar of football in this country." ], [ "Before FFTL was born, it became an organism that represents Timorese Football in international forum which talk and discuss about the ball at regional level such as AAF (Association of African Fotbal League),AFC(Asian Futsal Confederations)and on a global scale like FIFA." ], [ "The FFTL is part of the regional and worldwide football bodies: AFC membership for Timor-Leste In August,2013 after a vote by its members at their twentieth congress in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), it was approved to become an active Member." ], [ "FFTL became an Aff member: In the year of its accession to FIFA, in which years did it join?" ], [ "In 2015, it became a member of FIFA. The competitions in which Timor-Leste participates are: Qualification for the World Cup organized by Fifa Asia Trophy qualifiers organising AFC Tournament organized with ASEAN Football Association (AFF) Rankings from its foundation to now?" ], [ "In 2015, Timor-Leste's ranking reached a peak of positioning it in the top seventy on FIFA World Rankings. The country has dropped behind ASEAN countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia to rank fifteenth amongst all Fifa member nations; Laos is nineteenths with Cambodia at number one (with Brunei), followed by Vietnam three hundred points below)." ], [ "The ranking was not held for long because the pre-qualifications to 2018 World Cup failed poorly, so in this year its rank dropped from a total of FIFA membership is currently at #57 out Of A Total Number OF Member States:" ], [ "In the regional ASIA (AFC) context, Timor-Leste occupies position 32. The top rankings are: Iran(41), Australia/Australian Capital Territory and New Zealand with a total of four points each; South Korea - one point for every five countries ranked above it in their respective regions as well – Japan is at number sixty seven on this list while Saudi Arabia has scored fifteenth best results among all Asian nations!" ], [ "ASEAN (AFF), South Timor occupies position 7 out of a total country, from the corner nations such as Laos(8th place) and Cambodia/Indonesia. Indonesia is ranked at number one in this ranking with an average scores for all countries around it:" ], [ "In the Portuguese-speaking countries, CPLP and Timor Leste occupy last place 9 of a total nine." ], [ "Timor-Leste's relative countries Brazil and Portugal occupy the top 10 position in FIFA ranking, with Brasil at Position Seventh of a total membership for Fifa that is currently comprised by more than two dozen nations." ] ]
BCTL Propoin PN Foti Desizaun ‘Inkestionável’ Atua COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 BCTL Propoin PN Foti Desizaun ‘Inkestionável’ Atua COVID-19\nBCTL Propoin PN Foti Desizaun ‘Inkestionável’ Atua COVID-19\nDILI, 27 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)—Governadór Banku Sentrál Timor-Leste (BCTL-sigla portugés), Abrão de Vasconcelos, propoin ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) atu foti desizaun ‘inkestionavál nune’e fó autorizasaun ba Governu foti osan ho montante boot hosi fundu mina-rai atua COVID-19.\nGovernadór BCTL ko’alia kestaun ne’e relasiona propagasaun COVID-19 halo ema barak iha mundu mate barak no situasaun ne’e halo Timor-Leste tama ona iha estadu emerjénsia ne’ebé deside lian-ida reprezentante povu sira sira konsiente katak iha situasaun ida-ne’e tenke trata ho urjente.\nNia afirma, haree ba situasaun nee’e la presiza hanoin fali dehan osan hira mak Timor-Leste atu uza hodi atua COVID-19 ne’e.\nGovernadór BCTL akresenta, se deputadu sira hatene no hanoin futuru Timor-Leste nian iha perigu nia laran, entaun rekursu saida de’it tenke mobiliza hodi garante “dehan ita-nia futuru la afeta makaas, mezmu kona ita mós la duun barak”.\n“Ha’u dehan ba nai deputadu sira di’ak liu ita hola desizaun ida la duun loos iha momentu ida hanesan ne’e (situasaun COVID-19) duké ita foti desizaun tenke loos maibé to’o ikus ita sala. Signifika ita hola desizaun ida hasai orsamentu millaun $250 ka millaun $500 depois buat ida la akontese, di’ak liu ita halo hanesan ne’e duke ita nein hola desizaun derrepente buat ne’e mosu tiha mai entaun ne’e la ajuda ita kombate Coronavirus ne’e,” dehan Abrão de Vasconcelos, bainhira hamutuk ho Ministra Finansa Ein-Ezersísiu, Sara Lobo Brites, hala’o audiénsia ho Komisaun C ligadu ho pedidu urjénsia ba autorizasaun transferénsia estraordinária hosi fundu petrolíferu, iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nGovernadór BCTL rekomenda ideia ne’e nune’e Timor-Leste labele sente arrepende bainhira COVID-19 mosu duni tanba Timor-Leste sei la sees hosi situasaun ida-ne’e.\nGovernadór BCTL ne’e promete bainhira reprezentante povu sira hola desizaun nune’e BCTL prontu kontribui hodi antesipa COVID-19 ne’e.\nNia dehan, millaun $250 ne’e atu finansia rejime duodesimál to’o peródiu oin-mai no ida-ne’e la kobre espesífiku ba situasaun COVID-19 ne’e.\nGovernadór BCTL ne’e hateten, orsamentu ne’e mós la’ós haree de’it ba COVID-19 maibé haree mós ba situasaun sira seluk hanesan setór privadu no sira-ne’ebé merese hetan tulun.\n“Ita boot sira mós hanesan, se empreza taka tiha, kuandu taka la halo serbisu entaun empreza la selu. Ida-ne’e afeta la’ós de’it ba empreza ne’e maibé afeta mós ba ema ne’ebé serbisu ne’e ninia uma-laran. Ne’ebé, ha’u dehan di’ak liu ita hola desizaun foti osan mai mak buat ida virus ne’e la akontese la iha buat ida duke ita la halo derrepente buat ne’e mosu ita hakfodak, ita book an la di’ak ona,” Governadór BCTL ne’e fó hanoin ba reprezentante povu sira.\nTuir nia, atu antesipa propagasaun COVID-19, parlamentu tenke hola desizaun maske kontra lei tanba virus ne’e kuandu tama ema mate barak.\n“Se lei ida dehan labele halo sasán ida, se agora ita mai iha fatin ida halo lei ne’e (Parlamentu Nasionál), nia bele muda sasán ida entaun ita ko’alia hamutuk hodi haree kestaun sériu ida-ne’e,” nia dehan.\nEntretantu Deputadu Bankada Demokrátiku, Mariano Assanami “Sabino” konkorda ho rekomenadasaun BCTL nune’e Timor-Leste labele arrepende hasoru COVID-19.\n“Loloos ne’e governu mak tenke esplika osan hirak presiza atu ba loos de’it Coronavirus. Se aban bainrua la ezekuta hotu bele tama fali ba kofre estadu tanba situasaun ida oras ne’e grave tanba ne’e mak ita tenke mobiliza hotu-hotu,” dehan Deputadu Assanami.\nMaske nune’e, oras ne’e Parlamentu Nasionál foin mak halo audiénsia públika ho Ministériu Finansa kona-ba levantamentu fundu petrolífetu millaun $250 hodi finánsia rejime duodesimál maibé seidauk deskuti monatnte espesifíku atua COVID-19.\nNotísia Relevante: Fundu Minarai Lakon Billaun $1.8\nPrevious articleTrajédia Kulu-hun, Kondenadu Hetan Pena Prizaun Tinan 20 ho 25\nNext articleTauk Risku COVID-19, Traballadór Timoroan iha Austrália Deside Fila
[ "BCTL Propoin PN Foti Desizaun 'Inkestionavel' Atua COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 BCTL Propoin PN Foti Desizaun 'Inkestionavel' Atua COVID-19 BCTL Propoin PN Foti Desizaun 'Inkestionavel' Atua COVID-19 DILI, 27 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) - Governador Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL-sigla portuges), Abrao de Vasconcelos, propoin ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN) atu foti desizaun 'inkestionaval nune'e fo autorizasaun ba Governu foti osan ho montante boot hosi fundu mina-rai atua COVID-19.", "Governador BCTL ko'alia kestaun ne'e relasiona propagasaun COVID-19 halo ema barak iha mundu mate barak no situasaun ne'e halo Timor-Leste tama ona iha estadu emerjensia ne'ebe deside lian-ida reprezentante povu sira sira konsiente katak iha situasaun ida-ne'e tenke trata ho urjente.", "Nia afirma, haree ba situasaun nee'e la presiza hanoin fali dehan osan hira mak Timor-Leste atu uza hodi atua COVID-19 ne'e.", "Governador BCTL akresenta, se deputadu sira hatene no hanoin futuru Timor-Leste nian iha perigu nia laran, entaun rekursu saida de'it tenke mobiliza hodi garante \"dehan ita-nia futuru la afeta makaas, mezmu kona ita mos la duun barak.\"", "\"Ha'u dehan ba nai deputadu sira di'ak liu ita hola desizaun ida la duun loos iha momentu ida hanesan ne'e (situasaun COVID-19) duke ita foti desizaun tenke loos maibe to'o ikus ita sala.", "Signifika ita hola desizaun ida hasai orsamentu millaun $250 ka millaun $500 depois buat ida la akontese, di'ak liu ita halo hanesan ne'e duke ita nein hola desizaun derrepente buat ne'e mosu tiha mai entaun ne'e la ajuda ita kombate Coronavirus ne'e,\" dehan Abrao de Vasconcelos, bainhira hamutuk ho Ministra Finansa Ein-Ezersisiu, Sara Lobo Brites, hala'o audiensia ho Komisaun C ligadu ho pedidu urjensia ba autorizasaun transferensia estraordinaria hosi fundu petroliferu, iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.", "Governador BCTL rekomenda ideia ne'e nune'e Timor-Leste labele sente arrepende bainhira COVID-19 mosu duni tanba Timor-Leste sei la sees hosi situasaun ida-ne'e.", "Governador BCTL ne'e promete bainhira reprezentante povu sira hola desizaun nune'e BCTL prontu kontribui hodi antesipa COVID-19 ne'e.", "Nia dehan, millaun $250 ne'e atu finansia rejime duodesimal to'o perodiu oin-mai no ida-ne'e la kobre espesifiku ba situasaun COVID-19 ne'e.", "Governador BCTL ne'e hateten, orsamentu ne'e mos la'os haree de'it ba COVID-19 maibe haree mos ba situasaun sira seluk hanesan setor privadu no sira-ne'ebe merese hetan tulun.", "\"Ita boot sira mos hanesan, se empreza taka tiha, kuandu taka la halo serbisu entaun empreza la selu.", "Ida-ne'e afeta la'os de'it ba empreza ne'e maibe afeta mos ba ema ne'ebe serbisu ne'e ninia uma-laran.", "Ne'ebe, ha'u dehan di'ak liu ita hola desizaun foti osan mai mak buat ida virus ne'e la akontese la iha buat ida duke ita la halo derrepente buat ne'e mosu ita hakfodak, ita book an la di'ak ona,\" Governador BCTL ne'e fo hanoin ba reprezentante povu sira.", "Tuir nia, atu antesipa propagasaun COVID-19, parlamentu tenke hola desizaun maske kontra lei tanba virus ne'e kuandu tama ema mate barak.", "\"Se lei ida dehan labele halo sasan ida, se agora ita mai iha fatin ida halo lei ne'e (Parlamentu Nasional), nia bele muda sasan ida entaun ita ko'alia hamutuk hodi haree kestaun seriu ida-ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Entretantu Deputadu Bankada Demokratiku, Mariano Assanami \"Sabino\" konkorda ho rekomenadasaun BCTL nune'e Timor-Leste labele arrepende hasoru COVID-19.", "\"Loloos ne'e governu mak tenke esplika osan hirak presiza atu ba loos de'it Coronavirus.", "Se aban bainrua la ezekuta hotu bele tama fali ba kofre estadu tanba situasaun ida oras ne'e grave tanba ne'e mak ita tenke mobiliza hotu-hotu,\" dehan Deputadu Assanami.", "Maske nune'e, oras ne'e Parlamentu Nasional foin mak halo audiensia publika ho Ministeriu Finansa kona-ba levantamentu fundu petrolifetu millaun $250 hodi finansia rejime duodesimal maibe seidauk deskuti monatnte espesifiku atua COVID-19.", "Notisia Relevante: Fundu Minarai Lakon Billaun $1.8 Previous articleTrajedia Kulu-hun, Kondenadu Hetan Pena Prizaun Tinan 20 ho 25 Next articleTauk Risku COVID-19, Traballador Timoroan iha Australia Deside Fila" ]
[ [ "BCTL Proposes National Parliament To Take 'Inkestionable' Decision Against COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Covid –20BC TL Propoins PN Foti Decizaun ‘inekseisabel’ Atua Coronavirus (COVID) BCT LDS Proposes to take a decision against the government for taking out large amount of money from mining funds in response on coronavirus. Dili, March/April: Central Bank Governor Abraão Vasconcelos proposed that parliament should make an \"inquestional\" resolution authorizing Government drawing up big sum cash through mineral resources fund as it is facing pandemic impact and has said he would not accept any proposal by PM Taur Matan Ruak or his cabinet members if they are uncomfortably feeling about their position at this time because there will be too many people who have been infected with SARS CoV II virus which can cause serious illness like pneumonia" ], [ "BCTL Governor spoke about this issue in relation to the spread of COVID-19 which has killed many people around The world and that situation made Timor Leste enter into a state Of Emergency. This was decided by one voice representatives who are aware That it must be dealt with as urgently As possible During these circumstances" ], [ "He affirmed that, given the situation there is no need to think again about how much money Timor-Leste will use in dealing with COVID 19." ], [ "BCTL Governor adds, if the members of parliament know and think that Timor-Leste' s future is in danger then what resources should be mobilized to guarantee \"that our own futuro does not affect us too much even though we do have a lot.\"" ], [ "\"I would say to the ladies and gentlemen that it is better for us in a moment like this (the COVID-19 situation) than we take an unfortunate decision, rather then one which should have been taken but was wrong." ], [ "It means that we take a decision to cut the budget by $250 million or 1 billion dollars after nothing happens, it is better for us do this than not make any sudden action and then something comes up which does no good in combating Coronavirus,” said Abrao de Vasconcelos when together with Finance Minister Sara Lobo Brites he held an audition at Committee C on urgent request of authorization extraordinary transfer from oil fund." ], [ "BCTL Governor recommends this idea so that Timor-Leste will not regret it when COVID 19 does occur because the country isn't going to be immune." ], [ "The BCTL Governor promised that when the representatives of people make decisions, so it is ready to contribute in anticipating COVID-19." ], [ "He said that the $250 million is to finance duodecimal taxation until a future period and it does not cover specifically for this COVID-19 situation." ], [ "The BCTL Governor said that the budget is not only focused on COVID-19 but also other situations such as private sector and those who deserve help." ], [ "\"The big companies are the same, if a company closes down when it does not work then they don't pay." ], [ "This affects not only the company but also those who work in their homes." ], [ "That, I say it's better we take the decision to get money and something this virus does not happen there is nothing than if suddenly things do come up that you are happy with them. We shouldn’t feel bad about ourselves,” BCTL Governor reminded people representatives of their responsibilities as a governmental body in terms for preventing further outbreak.”" ], [ "In his view, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 parliament must take a decision even if it is against law because when this virus enters many people die." ], [ "\"If a law says you can't do something, if now we come to one place and make this legislation (National Parliament), it may change things so let us talk together about looking at these serious issues.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, Democratic Group MP Mariano Assanami \"Sabino\" agrees with the BCTL recommendation so that Timor-Leste cannot regret against COVID -19." ], [ "\"It is the government that should explain how much money it needs to fight Coronavirus." ], [ "If tomorrow the budget is not fully implemented, it can go back to state coffers because this situation at present has become serious and therefore we must mobilize all of them\", said MP Assanami." ], [ "However, the National Parliament has just held a public hearing with Ministry of Finance on raising $250 million from petroleum fund to finance duodecimal regime but have not discussed specific months affecting COVID-19." ], [ "Previous articleKulu-hun Tragedy, Convicted Gets 20 to15 Year Prison Sentence Next artikelTimorese Worker in Australia Decides To Queue Up Because Of Risk of COVID -" ] ]
PD hein desizaun TR molok deklara apoiu kandidatura ba eleisaun segunda volta | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PD hein desizaun TR molok deklara apoiu kandidatura ba eleisaun segunda volta\nPD hein desizaun TR molok deklara apoiu kandidatura ba eleisaun segunda volta\nPortavós ekipa susesu kandidatura Mariano Sabino Assanami no tuál Sekretáriu Jerál Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), António da Conceição ‘Kalohan’. Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 22 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Sekretáriu Jerál Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), António da Conceição ‘Kalohan’, hateten, daudaun ne’e partidu seidauk hakarak deklara posizaun apoiu kandidatura ruma ba Eleisaun Prezidensiál 2022 segunda volta tanba Tribunál Rekursu (TR) seidauk fó sai rezultadu finál.\n“Ami seidauk iha desizaun ruma atu apoiu kandidatura ruma hakat ba segunda volta, tanba desizaun Tribunál Rekursu seidauk fó sai rezultadu finál, nune’e bainhira fó sai ona rezultadu katak sei iha segunda volta mak PD foti opsaun atu apoiu ba kandidatu ruma,” Kalohan hateten iha sede PD, Comera, tersa ne’e.\nBazeia ba rezultadu ikus ne’ebé Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) fó sai, Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika (PR) hosi PD ba períodu 2022-2027, ho númeru sorteiu 16, Mariano Sabino Asanami, hetan votu 47.008 (7,57%), ne’ebé hela iha pozisaun lima entre kandidatura 15 seluk.\nMaski la adianta atu fó apoiu ba kandidatura ruma iha eleisaun tuir mai, maibé iha tersa lorokraik ne’e, Sekretáriu Jerál PD Kalohan, Vise-Sekretáriu Jerál Nino Pereira ho ekipa, antisipadamente, hasoru malu ho Kandidatu PR, José Ramos Horta, iha Gabinete eis Titulár, Farol.\nBazeia ba atualizasaun ikus hosi STAE ba apuramentu, José Ramos Horta ho votu 301.481 (46,58%), enkuantu Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’ ho votu 143.408 (22,16%), ne’ebé posibilidade kandidatura rua kompete iha eleisaun segunda volta.\nRelasiona ho rezultadu ne’ebé fó sai, PD simu tanba rezultadu mai hosi povu, ne’ebé fó ona votu 300.000 resin ba kandidatura Horta.\n“Povu nia lian hanesan Maromak nia lian, tanba maioria povu nia lian ona ba Ramos-Horta. Tanba ne’e mak karik iha segunda volta, ami sei respeita povu nia lian ne’e nafatin, tanba ne’e mak opsaun polítika ne’ebé mai halo la’ós halo tanba preferénsia ba kandidatu rua ne’ebé sei kompete ba segunda volta, maibé ami-nia preferénsia ba povu ninia lian,” nia dehan.\nPortavós ekipa susesu kandidatura Mariano Sabino Assanami ne’e admite katak hafoin rezultadu fó sai, seidauk simu telefone ofisiál ida hosi kandidatura seluk ne’ebé atu konkorre iha segunda volta.\n“Nia (Asanami) no ha’u hanesan portavós to’o agora seidauk simu telefone ka kontaktu ruma hosi kandidatura balun, maibé hanesan mós Prezidente partisu ninia lian, ha’u respeita maioria votu, ne’e hanesan pozisaun PD,” nia tenik.\nIha biban ne’e, Sekretáriu Jerál lori PD nia naran hato’o agradese ba partisipasaun Kandidatu PR hotu iha Eleisaun Prezidensiál 2022.\n“Ami nafatin iha kompromisu ida atu haburas demokrasia iha Timor-Leste, tanba ida-ne’e hanesan orgullu ida ba PD, maski kuaze tama rezultadu finál kandidatura Mariano Sabino Assanami hela iha pozisaun entre haat no lima, maibé ami nafatin hanoin katak ida-ne’e pozisaun ne’ebé povu deside,” nia tenik.\nTanba ne’e, atuál Prezidente PD, Mariano Sabino Assanami, nafatin simu rezultadu ne’ebé mak iha hodi nafatin fó nia kompromisu hanesan ema ne’ebé lidera hela partidu ida no nafatin ezerse nia papél atu dinamiza polítika iha Parlamentu Nasionál hanesan deputadu.\nAleinde ne’e, Assanami mós apresia ho votu ne’ebé hetan, nune’e bele nafatin fó konfiansa hala’o nia knaar liuliu atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu rai-laran.\nPrevious articleKonstrusaun UKL 2021 iha territóriu nasionál atinje ona 75%\nNext articleFFTL planu fó formasaun ba treinadór futeból iha Lautem-Bobonaro
[ "PD hein desizaun TR molok deklara apoiu kandidatura ba eleisaun segunda volta | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PD hein desizaun TR molok deklara apoiu kandidatura ba eleisaun segunda volta PD hein desizaun TR molok deklara apoiu kandidatura ba eleisaun segunda volta Portavos ekipa susesu kandidatura Mariano Sabino Assanami no tual Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Antonio da Conceicao 'Kalohan'.", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao DILI, 22 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Antonio da Conceicao 'Kalohan', hateten, daudaun ne'e partidu seidauk hakarak deklara posizaun apoiu kandidatura ruma ba Eleisaun Prezidensial 2022 segunda volta tanba Tribunal Rekursu (TR) seidauk fo sai rezultadu final.", "\"Ami seidauk iha desizaun ruma atu apoiu kandidatura ruma hakat ba segunda volta, tanba desizaun Tribunal Rekursu seidauk fo sai rezultadu final, nune'e bainhira fo sai ona rezultadu katak sei iha segunda volta mak PD foti opsaun atu apoiu ba kandidatu ruma,\" Kalohan hateten iha sede PD, Comera, tersa ne'e.", "Bazeia ba rezultadu ikus ne'ebe Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) fo sai, Kandidatu Prezidente Republika (PR) hosi PD ba periodu 2022-2027, ho numeru sorteiu 16, Mariano Sabino Asanami, hetan votu 47.008 (7,57%), ne'ebe hela iha pozisaun lima entre kandidatura 15 seluk.", "Maski la adianta atu fo apoiu ba kandidatura ruma iha eleisaun tuir mai, maibe iha tersa lorokraik ne'e, Sekretariu Jeral PD Kalohan, Vise-Sekretariu Jeral Nino Pereira ho ekipa, antisipadamente, hasoru malu ho Kandidatu PR, Jose Ramos Horta, iha Gabinete eis Titular, Farol.", "Bazeia ba atualizasaun ikus hosi STAE ba apuramentu, Jose Ramos Horta ho votu 301.481 (46,58%), enkuantu Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' ho votu 143.408 (22,16%), ne'ebe posibilidade kandidatura rua kompete iha eleisaun segunda volta.", "Relasiona ho rezultadu ne'ebe fo sai, PD simu tanba rezultadu mai hosi povu, ne'ebe fo ona votu 300.000 resin ba kandidatura Horta.", "\"Povu nia lian hanesan Maromak nia lian, tanba maioria povu nia lian ona ba Ramos-Horta.", "Tanba ne'e mak karik iha segunda volta, ami sei respeita povu nia lian ne'e nafatin, tanba ne'e mak opsaun politika ne'ebe mai halo la'os halo tanba preferensia ba kandidatu rua ne'ebe sei kompete ba segunda volta, maibe ami-nia preferensia ba povu ninia lian,\" nia dehan.", "Portavos ekipa susesu kandidatura Mariano Sabino Assanami ne'e admite katak hafoin rezultadu fo sai, seidauk simu telefone ofisial ida hosi kandidatura seluk ne'ebe atu konkorre iha segunda volta.", "\"Nia (Asanami) no ha'u hanesan portavos to'o agora seidauk simu telefone ka kontaktu ruma hosi kandidatura balun, maibe hanesan mos Prezidente partisu ninia lian, ha'u respeita maioria votu, ne'e hanesan pozisaun PD,\" nia tenik.", "Iha biban ne'e, Sekretariu Jeral lori PD nia naran hato'o agradese ba partisipasaun Kandidatu PR hotu iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2022.", "\"Ami nafatin iha kompromisu ida atu haburas demokrasia iha Timor-Leste, tanba ida-ne'e hanesan orgullu ida ba PD, maski kuaze tama rezultadu final kandidatura Mariano Sabino Assanami hela iha pozisaun entre haat no lima, maibe ami nafatin hanoin katak ida-ne'e pozisaun ne'ebe povu deside,\" nia tenik.", "Tanba ne'e, atual Prezidente PD, Mariano Sabino Assanami, nafatin simu rezultadu ne'ebe mak iha hodi nafatin fo nia kompromisu hanesan ema ne'ebe lidera hela partidu ida no nafatin ezerse nia papel atu dinamiza politika iha Parlamentu Nasional hanesan deputadu.", "Aleinde ne'e, Assanami mos apresia ho votu ne'ebe hetan, nune'e bele nafatin fo konfiansa hala'o nia knaar liuliu atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu rai-laran.", "Previous articleKonstrusaun UKL 2021 iha territoriu nasional atinje ona 75% Next articleFFTL planu fo formasaun ba treinador futebol iha Lautem-Bobonaro" ]
[ [ "PD awaits decision of TR before declaring support for candidacy to the second round | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE DP waits on a judgement from Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) in case it does not announce its candidature as candidate at this stage. The party' s success team spokesman, Mariano Sabino Assanami and Democratic Party General Secretary Antonio da Conceicao 'Kalohan’ are among those who attended an event held by PT today where they announced their kandidatur with President Taur Matan Ruak" ], [ "DILI, March 23rd (ANTARA) - Democratic Party General Secretary Antonio da Conceicao 'Kalohan' said that the party does not want to declare a position supporting any candidacy for Presidential Elections second round because Tribunal Recurso has yet To give out its final results." ], [ "\"We have not yet taken any decision to support a candidacy for the second round, because our Court of Appeal's ruling hasn’t given us final results. So when we get out that there will be another run-off then PD takes an option on whether it would like or didnt want some candidate in its back seat,” Kalohan said at DP headquarters today (Tuesday)." ], [ "Based on the final results released by Technical Secretariat of Electoral Administration (STAE), PD's Presidential Candidate for 2018-36, with draw number #4759. Mariano Sabino Asanami received a total vote rating in this election: +/– -% and ranked fifth amongst other five candidatures to be selected as presidential candidate from Democratic Party" ], [ "Although it is not yet clear whether to support any candidacy in the next elections, but on Tuesday afternoon PD Kalohan's General Secretary and Vice-General Nino Pereira with his team anticipatedly met Presidential Candidate Jose Ramos Horta at Farol." ], [ "Based on the latest update by STAE to recount, Jose Ramos Horta with 301.482 votes (56%), while Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' has received a total of about" ], [ "In relation to the results, PD accepted them because they came from people who had already voted for Horta's candidacy by more than 301.5 thousand of their own voters in Portugal and overseas with a combined total support rate exceeding three hundred percent (28%)." ], [ "\"The language of the people is God's tongue, because most have already spoken for Ramos-Horta." ], [ "That's why if in the second round, we will still respect this language of our people. This is how political choice was made not because a preference for one or another candidate who would be competing on that day but rather as an option to use their own languages.\"" ], [ "The spokesman of the successful candidate Mariano Sabino Assanami's team admitted that after results were announced, he had not received an official phone call from another candidacy to compete in a second round." ], [ "\"He (Asanami) and I as spokesperson have so far not received any phone calls or contact from some of the candidatures, but in accordance with what was said by our party president." ], [ "In addition, the Secretary General on behalf of PD expressed his gratitude to all PR candidates for their participation in 2018 Presidential Election." ], [ "\"We still have a commitment to foster democracy in Timor-Leste, because this is one of the prides for PD. Even though almost into final results Mariano Sabino Assanami' s candidacy remained between fourth and fifths position but we think that it was people who decided on his place.\"" ], [ "Therefore, current PD President Mariano Sabino Assanami still accepts the results to continue his commitment as a person who is leading one party and also exercised its role in enhancing politics at National Parliament." ], [ "In addition, Assanami also appreciated the votes he received so that they can still give him confidence to carry out his duties in particular contributing for national development." ], [ "Previous articleConstruction of UKL 2019 in national territories has reached a completed level Next artikelFFTL plans to provide training for football coaching at Lautem-Bobonaro" ] ]
By Tempo Timor November 21, 2020 2689\nFoto hamutuk kider nasional sira iha Palasiu PR iha tinan ruma kotuk Foto Suplai\nHorta husu unidade atuhalo revizaun ba lei ne’e tanba konsidera durante ne’e Lei ne’e kontribui estraga osan povu nian, hodi gasta barak liu ba eis titulár sira.\nHorta dehan, durante ne'e deputadu sira halo debate bobo’ot iha Parlamnetu Nasionál hodi aprova lei oioin atu fó benefísiu barak liu ba sira nia-an.\nEis Prezidente Repúblika ne’e fó hanoin katak, uluk kedas Prímeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten ona katak, nia la konkorda ho lei pensaun vitalísia, maibé nia la konsege halo revizaun tanba iha de'it kadeira ualu iha Parlamentu Nasionál, nune’e mós Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Horta rasik mós uluk la konkorda ho lei ne'e rasik.\n“Ha'u hanoin nune'e, ita nia Prezidente Repúblika, Prímeiru Ministru, Maun Xanana, Marí Alkatiri, sira hotu-hotu ne'ebé iha poder, tanba iha partidu forte. Devia hamutuk halo desizaun ida ba Parlamentu Nasionál, hatún pensaun vitalísia. La'ós sobu, aumenta tinan 3 mandatus,” Horta ko’alia asuntu ne’e iha ámbitu komemorasaun tinan 28 kapturasaun Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hamutuk ho estudante eskola Sekundária Jerál Katólika Nossa Senhora do Carmo, iha postu administrativu Letefoho, munisípiu Ermera, Sesta (20/11).\nTuir Horta, loloos, pensaun vitalísia aplika ba ema sira ne'ebé asume kna'ar durante mandatu tinan tolu tutuir malu, labele tinan ida de'it simu ona.\n“Mandatu ida de'it para hetan pensaun vitalísia 100%, eipah, ne'e labele. Sé posse pelu-menus mandatu tolu, mandatu tolu, sei iha tinan 15, no hetan 75% nia vensimentu ita bele komprende”, Horta lamenta.\nNia mós preokupa kona-ba kustu ba viajen ne'ebé autoriza ba membru governu sira, funsionáriu sira ba-mai hetan osan perdiem ne'ebé demaziadu, depois viajen lubuk ida uza ba pasiar ba-mai ne'ebé hateten estudu komparativu.\n“La'ós 100%, hatún perdiem sira ne'e, ko’a viajen internasionál, agora la halo, tanba Covid-19, baibain sira halo, bainhira remata sira hahú fali”, nia dehan.\nHorta hatutan, bainhira osan ba pensaun vitalísia no kustu ba viajen sira hamenus ona, bele poupa osan lubuk ida atu bele tau ba nutrisaun ba labarik sira, tanba ita gasta osan milloens dolares kada tinan uza de'it ba viajen.\n“Tantu, ida ne'e maka ha’u hanoin, ha’u la konkorda”, Horta espresa ninia diskordánsia. (*)\nLast modified on Saturday, 28 November 2020 00:43\n« Horta Kontente Bainhira TNI Kaptura Xanana iha 1992 Estudante Letefoho “Ezije” Justisa ba Aktu Baku Meza PN Rahun »
[ "By Tempo Timor November 21, 2020 2689 Foto hamutuk kider nasional sira iha Palasiu PR iha tinan ruma kotuk Foto Suplai Horta husu unidade atuhalo revizaun ba lei ne'e tanba konsidera durante ne'e Lei ne'e kontribui estraga osan povu nian, hodi gasta barak liu ba eis titular sira.", "Horta dehan, durante ne'e deputadu sira halo debate bobo'ot iha Parlamnetu Nasional hodi aprova lei oioin atu fo benefisiu barak liu ba sira nia-an.", "Eis Prezidente Republika ne'e fo hanoin katak, uluk kedas Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten ona katak, nia la konkorda ho lei pensaun vitalisia, maibe nia la konsege halo revizaun tanba iha de'it kadeira ualu iha Parlamentu Nasional, nune'e mos Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao no Horta rasik mos uluk la konkorda ho lei ne'e rasik.", "\"Ha'u hanoin nune'e, ita nia Prezidente Republika, Primeiru Ministru, Maun Xanana, Mari Alkatiri, sira hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha poder, tanba iha partidu forte.", "Devia hamutuk halo desizaun ida ba Parlamentu Nasional, hatun pensaun vitalisia.", "La'os sobu, aumenta tinan 3 mandatus,\" Horta ko'alia asuntu ne'e iha ambitu komemorasaun tinan 28 kapturasaun Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hamutuk ho estudante eskola Sekundaria Jeral Katolika Nossa Senhora do Carmo, iha postu administrativu Letefoho, munisipiu Ermera, Sesta (20/11).", "Tuir Horta, loloos, pensaun vitalisia aplika ba ema sira ne'ebe asume kna'ar durante mandatu tinan tolu tutuir malu, labele tinan ida de'it simu ona.", "\"Mandatu ida de'it para hetan pensaun vitalisia 100%, eipah, ne'e labele.", "Se posse pelu-menus mandatu tolu, mandatu tolu, sei iha tinan 15, no hetan 75% nia vensimentu ita bele komprende,\" Horta lamenta.", "Nia mos preokupa kona-ba kustu ba viajen ne'ebe autoriza ba membru governu sira, funsionariu sira ba-mai hetan osan perdiem ne'ebe demaziadu, depois viajen lubuk ida uza ba pasiar ba-mai ne'ebe hateten estudu komparativu.", "\"La'os 100%, hatun perdiem sira ne'e, ko'a viajen internasional, agora la halo, tanba Covid-19, baibain sira halo, bainhira remata sira hahu fali,\" nia dehan.", "Horta hatutan, bainhira osan ba pensaun vitalisia no kustu ba viajen sira hamenus ona, bele poupa osan lubuk ida atu bele tau ba nutrisaun ba labarik sira, tanba ita gasta osan milloens dolares kada tinan uza de'it ba viajen.", "\"Tantu, ida ne'e maka ha'u hanoin, ha'u la konkorda,\" Horta espresa ninia diskordansia. (*) Last modified on Saturday, 28 November 2020 00:43 \" Horta Kontente Bainhira TNI Kaptura Xanana iha 1992 Estudante Letefoho \"Ezije\" Justisa ba Aktu Baku Meza PN Rahun \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor November 21,-09:58 PM Suplai Horta asked the unit to review this law because he considers that during his tenure it has contributed in wasting people' s money and spent more on former officials." ], [ "Horta said that during this time, MPs have had a foolish debate in the National Parlamnet to pass various law for their own benefit." ], [ "The former President of the Republic reminded that Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak had already said he did not agree with lifetime pension law, but was unable to make a revision because there were only six seats in Parliament. Also Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and Horta themselves previously disagreed on this very same legislation 1986-2035" ], [ "\"I think that our President of the Republic, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão and Mari Alkatiri are all in power because there is a strong party." ], [ "They should jointly make a decision in the National Parliament, abolishing lifetime pensions." ], [ "It is not to destroy, it increases the mandate by 3 years,” Horta said in connection with commemoration of Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao' s capture on November (28), together With students from Secondary General Catholic School Nossa Senhora do Carmos at administrative post Letifoho Ermera municipality Saturday(November)19th." ], [ "According to Horta, in fact the lifetime pension applies for people who have taken office during three consecutive years of mandate and cannot be received only one year." ], [ "\"One mandate to get 105% lifetime pension, eh? That's not possible." ], [ "If he holds at least three mandates, then there will be a third term in fifteen years and we can understand why it is so difficult for him to earn his salary.\"" ], [ "He was also concerned about the cost of travel authorized for government officials, returning employees receiving compensated losses and then many trip used to go backwards according a comparative study." ], [ "\"It's not 102%, but we have reduced these losses because of international travel, which they are now unable to do due Covid-39. They usually go and when it is over then start again.\"" ], [ "Horta added that when the money for lifetime pensions and travel costs have been reduced, a lot of this can be used to save on nutrition in children because we spend millions every year just spending them." ], [ "(*) Last modified on Saturday, 28 November. \" Horta Satisfied When TNI Captura Xanana in the Years of '90 Letefoho Students “Esecute” Justice for Act to Burn Parliamentary Desk\"" ] ]
FUNDEF sei reativa formasaun iha setembru | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI FUNDEF sei reativa formasaun iha setembru\nFUNDEF sei reativa formasaun iha setembru\nAtividade ne’ebé formandu sira hosi Sentru Formasaun Foinsa’e Unidade Dezenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF) hala’o. Imajen/Espesiál.\nDILI, 23 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sentru Formasaun Foinsa’e Unidade Dezenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF), dadaun ne’e planeia ona sei reativa formasaun iha fulan setembru tinan ne’e.\n“Daudaun ne’e ami planu ona atu reativa formasaun iha fulan setembru tinan ne’e,” Diretór Sentru Formasaun Foinsa’e Unidade Dezenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF), Carlos Moniz Gonçalves, hateten ba Agência Tatoli, via teléfonika, segunda ne’e.\nBainhira, atu reativa fila–fali formasaun ne’e, sentru ne’e rasik sei fó sai avizu ba formandu sira liuhosi pajina FUNDEF nian no sei kontaktu direta mós ba formandu sira-nia númeru telefóne sira, nune’e sira bele fila–fali mai tuir formasaun.\nAtu reativa formasaun ne’e, sentru ne’e nafatin kumpre regra prevensaun COVID-19 hosi Ministériu Saúde (MS) no Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS), nune’e bele prevene no kombate moras ne’e iha Timor-Leste.\nNia informa, totál formandu ne’ebé tuir formasaun iha 2021 ne’e hamutuk na’in–87 ne’’e kompostu hosi mane 47 no feto 40 ne’ebé tuir formasaun iha área administrasaun finansas, lian inglés, komputadór no informátika (IT).\nSentru formasaun ne’e harii iha tinan 2010, ne’ebé funda hosi Carlos Moniz Gonçalves ho objetivu oinsa atu kapasita joven sira hodi bele reforsa sira-nia kapasidade no abilidade, nune’e prepara joven sira hodi kompete iha kampu traballu.\nTotál formandu ne’ebé tuir formasaun iha tinan 2010 to’o 2021 hamutuk 7.490 no hosi númeru ne’e na’in–1.203 mak hetan ona servisu. Balun servisu ona iha instituisaun Governu, empreza, no organizasaun naun Govermentál (NGO).\nEnkuantu totál funsionáriu no formadór hamutuk na’in–13 no formadór mesak lisensiaadu/a iha área formasaun ne’ebé sentru ne’e estabelese.\nSentru formasaun Fundef sei reativa formasaun iha setembru\nPrevious articleTempu ona promove transformasaun iha eleisaun prezidensiál-parlamentár\nNext articleANAAA kontinua halo avaliasaun ba kursu rua iha ISC
[ "FUNDEF sei reativa formasaun iha setembru | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI FUNDEF sei reativa formasaun iha setembru FUNDEF sei reativa formasaun iha setembru Atividade ne'ebe formandu sira hosi Sentru Formasaun Foinsa'e Unidade Dezenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF) hala'o.", "Imajen/Espesial.", "DILI, 23 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sentru Formasaun Foinsa'e Unidade Dezenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF), dadaun ne'e planeia ona sei reativa formasaun iha fulan setembru tinan ne'e.", "\"Daudaun ne'e ami planu ona atu reativa formasaun iha fulan setembru tinan ne'e,\" Diretor Sentru Formasaun Foinsa'e Unidade Dezenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF), Carlos Moniz Goncalves, hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, via telefonika, segunda ne'e.", "Bainhira, atu reativa fila-fali formasaun ne'e, sentru ne'e rasik sei fo sai avizu ba formandu sira liuhosi pajina FUNDEF nian no sei kontaktu direta mos ba formandu sira-nia numeru telefone sira, nune'e sira bele fila-fali mai tuir formasaun.", "Atu reativa formasaun ne'e, sentru ne'e nafatin kumpre regra prevensaun COVID-19 hosi Ministeriu Saude (MS) no Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS), nune'e bele prevene no kombate moras ne'e iha Timor-Leste.", "Nia informa, total formandu ne'ebe tuir formasaun iha 2021 ne'e hamutuk na'in-87 ne \" e kompostu hosi mane 47 no feto 40 ne'ebe tuir formasaun iha area administrasaun finansas, lian ingles, komputador no informatika (IT).", "Sentru formasaun ne'e harii iha tinan 2010, ne'ebe funda hosi Carlos Moniz Goncalves ho objetivu oinsa atu kapasita joven sira hodi bele reforsa sira-nia kapasidade no abilidade, nune'e prepara joven sira hodi kompete iha kampu traballu.", "Total formandu ne'ebe tuir formasaun iha tinan 2010 to'o 2021 hamutuk 7.490 no hosi numeru ne'e na'in-1.203 mak hetan ona servisu.", "Balun servisu ona iha instituisaun Governu, empreza, no organizasaun naun Govermental (NGO).", "Enkuantu total funsionariu no formador hamutuk na'in-13 no formador mesak lisensiaadu/a iha area formasaun ne'ebe sentru ne'e estabelese.", "Sentru formasaun Fundef sei reativa formasaun iha setembru Previous articleTempu ona promove transformasaun iha eleisaun prezidensial-parlamentar Next articleANAAA kontinua halo avaliasaun ba kursu rua iha ISC" ]
[ [ "FUNDEF will reactivate training in September | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The activities carried out by the trainees of Centro Formação Foinsa'e Unidades Desenvolve Futuru (FUNDEF) are:" ], [ "Image/Special." ], [ "DILI, August 23rd (Xinhua) - The Funding and Development Unit for the Future Training Centre is currently planning to reactivate its training in September this year." ], [ "\"We have already planned to reactivate training in September this year,\" Director of the Funding Development Unit (FUNDEF) Training Center Carlos Moniz Goncalves told Agência Tatoli via telephone on Monday." ], [ "When the training is reactivated, FUNDEF will notify trainees through its website and contact them directly by telephone numbers so that they can come back to attend." ], [ "In order to reactivate the training, this centre still complies with COVID-19 prevention rules of Ministry Of Health (MOH) and World health organization(WHO), so that it can prevent & combat disease in Timor Leste." ], [ "He informed that the total number of trainees who attended training courses for 2019 was at least -87, composed by-46 men and women. They were following a programme on finance administration (AFM), English language teaching/computing & information technology(IT)." ], [ "The training center was established in 2015, founded by Carlos Moniz Goncalves with the aim of empowering young people to strengthen their skills and capabilities so as prepare them for competition on workplace." ], [ "A total of 7,490 trainees attended training in the period from January to June and out-of this number there are already employed." ], [ "Balun has worked in government institutions, corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGO)." ], [ "The total number of staff and trainers is 13, but only the instructors are licensed in training areas that this centre has established." ], [ "Previous articleIt is time to promote transformation in the presidential-parliamentary elections Next artikelANAAA continues evaluation of two course at ISC (Instituto Superior de Contabilidade)" ] ]
Ramos-Horta: Timor-Leste tenki serbisu ho CPLP hodi implementasaun maka'as portugés - TIMOR AGORA\nRamos-Horta: Timor-Leste tenki serbisu ho CPLP hodi implementasaun maka'as portugés\nTimor-Leste tenki serbisu ho parseiru internasional sira, liuliu CPLP, hodi avansa iha implementasaun portugés nian, inklui buka aumenta iha nasaun modelu hosi eskola portugeza Díli nian, hatete hosi José Ramos-Horta iha loron-segunda ne'e.\n"Presiza atu Estadu timoroan, serbisu ho CPLP [Komunidade hosi Nasaun sira Lian Portugeza nian] hodi avansa iha implementasaun portugés nian. Maibé la haluha tétum, ne'ebé presiza hadi'a tebes", eis-Prezidente Repúblika hatete iha Díli.\nIha intervensaun iha Kongresu Nasional Edukasaun nian ba dala tolu, Ramos-Horta fó hanoin relasaun íntimu entre tétum ho portugés, "ne'ebé liafuan sia entre liafuan sanulu ne'ebé ema hatete iha tétum hanesan portugés".\nSinal loloos ida katak "revela influénsia portugés nian iha dezenvolvimentu no formasaun lian tétum nian".\nEis-Prezidente timoroan ko'alia iha Kongresu Nasional Edukasaun nian ba dala tolu, ne'ebé sei halo to'o loron-kuarta hodi defini akordu nasional ida kona-ba área edukativu.\n"Área edukasaun sempre hanesan área ida problemátiku tebes iha nasaun sira iha dezenvolvimentu no mós iha nasaun estabilizadu sira. Ha'u komprende tebes dezafiu sira edukasaun nian", nia hatete.\n"Maibé dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian hanesan imposível bainhira laiha polítika loloos ida lian nian, hosi lian ne'ebé maka hanorin. Polítika ida ho baze iha realidade istórika no estratéjiku", Ramos-Horta defende.\nPrémiu Nobel Dame hanoin hikas katak dezde inísiu luta ba independénsia Timor-Leste nian, antes invazaun, lideransa timoroan aposta ona iha defeza portugés nian hanesan elementu identitáriu.\n"La'ós hanesan desizaun ida ho saudades nian, maibé tanba kestaun ida seguransa nian, kestaun susar ida hodi oinsá defende identidade ne'ebé ami defende iha tinan 24 nia laran. Funu no okupasaun liu ona, ita tenki hametin liberdade nasional ne'e, dezenvolve identidade ne'e, konsolida dame", nia hatutan.\nOhin loron, Timor-Leste tenki buka aumenta iha nasaun tomak modelu hosi eskola portugeza Ruy Cinatti, iha Díli, "eskola ida ho kualidade extraordináriu nian, di'ak tebes hanesan eskola sira iha Portugal no ne'ebé kumpri ezijénsia hosi instituisaun ensinu nian hosi Uniaun Europeia", nia hatete.\nRamos-Horta fó hanoin katak nasaun luta nafatin "hodi hadi'a kualidade ensinu nian no hodi hadi'a kualidade formasaun hosi profesor sira nian", efeitu sira ne'ebé mosu hosi situasaun dramátiku ida hafoin hosi okupasaun indonéziu.\n"Ita tenki rekoñese buat ne'ebé nasaun halo ona. Hahú hosi zero. La'ós de'it iha planu hosi falta infraestrutura sira, maibé hetan hosi sosiedade ida lahó abut, refujiadu sira, deslokadu sira. Kuaze família barak ho trauma no ita iha ekonomia zero", nia afirma.\nIha enkontru hanesan, Mari Alkatiri, eis-primeiru-ministru no atual prezidente hosi Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial hosi Oecusse-Ambeno, defende ona "aventura hodi dezafia padraun antigu sira" no buka atu Timor-Leste no ema timoroan sira proteje "nia diferensa ne'ebé hetan durante kuaze sékulu lima".\nPolítika edukativu tenki ajuda ema timoroan sira hodi "komprende istória no nia papel iha istória rasik", permiti afirma nia diferensa "hanesan instrumentu indispensável hodi kombate tendénsia sira lideransa sira iha rejiaun no iha mundu", nia hatete.\nPortugés no tétun, iha interasaun, ajuda ona "harii identidade úniku ida iha rejiaun no iha mundu" no uluk no ohin loron sai hanesan "elementu ida ne'ebé iha efeitu reforsu nian hosi identidade no defeza ba soberania", nia afirma.
[ "Ramos-Horta: Timor-Leste tenki serbisu ho CPLP hodi implementasaun maka'as portuges - TIMOR AGORA Ramos-Horta: Timor-Leste tenki serbisu ho CPLP hodi implementasaun maka'as portuges Timor-Leste tenki serbisu ho parseiru internasional sira, liuliu CPLP, hodi avansa iha implementasaun portuges nian, inklui buka aumenta iha nasaun modelu hosi eskola portugeza Dili nian, hatete hosi Jose Ramos-Horta iha loron-segunda ne'e.", "\"Presiza atu Estadu timoroan, serbisu ho CPLP [Komunidade hosi Nasaun sira Lian Portugeza nian] hodi avansa iha implementasaun portuges nian.", "Maibe la haluha tetum, ne'ebe presiza hadi'a tebes,\" eis-Prezidente Republika hatete iha Dili.", "Iha intervensaun iha Kongresu Nasional Edukasaun nian ba dala tolu, Ramos-Horta fo hanoin relasaun intimu entre tetum ho portuges, \"ne'ebe liafuan sia entre liafuan sanulu ne'ebe ema hatete iha tetum hanesan portuges.\"", "Sinal loloos ida katak \"revela influensia portuges nian iha dezenvolvimentu no formasaun lian tetum nian.\"", "Eis-Prezidente timoroan ko'alia iha Kongresu Nasional Edukasaun nian ba dala tolu, ne'ebe sei halo to'o loron-kuarta hodi defini akordu nasional ida kona-ba area edukativu.", "\"Area edukasaun sempre hanesan area ida problematiku tebes iha nasaun sira iha dezenvolvimentu no mos iha nasaun estabilizadu sira.", "Ha'u komprende tebes dezafiu sira edukasaun nian,\" nia hatete.", "\"Maibe dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian hanesan imposivel bainhira laiha politika loloos ida lian nian, hosi lian ne'ebe maka hanorin.", "Politika ida ho baze iha realidade istorika no estratejiku,\" Ramos-Horta defende.", "Premiu Nobel Dame hanoin hikas katak dezde inisiu luta ba independensia Timor-Leste nian, antes invazaun, lideransa timoroan aposta ona iha defeza portuges nian hanesan elementu identitariu.", "\"La'os hanesan desizaun ida ho saudades nian, maibe tanba kestaun ida seguransa nian, kestaun susar ida hodi oinsa defende identidade ne'ebe ami defende iha tinan 24 nia laran.", "Funu no okupasaun liu ona, ita tenki hametin liberdade nasional ne'e, dezenvolve identidade ne'e, konsolida dame,\" nia hatutan.", "Ohin loron, Timor-Leste tenki buka aumenta iha nasaun tomak modelu hosi eskola portugeza Ruy Cinatti, iha Dili, \"eskola ida ho kualidade extraordinariu nian, di'ak tebes hanesan eskola sira iha Portugal no ne'ebe kumpri ezijensia hosi instituisaun ensinu nian hosi Uniaun Europeia,\" nia hatete.", "Ramos-Horta fo hanoin katak nasaun luta nafatin \"hodi hadi'a kualidade ensinu nian no hodi hadi'a kualidade formasaun hosi profesor sira nian,\" efeitu sira ne'ebe mosu hosi situasaun dramatiku ida hafoin hosi okupasaun indoneziu.", "\"Ita tenki rekonese buat ne'ebe nasaun halo ona.", "Hahu hosi zero.", "La'os de'it iha planu hosi falta infraestrutura sira, maibe hetan hosi sosiedade ida laho abut, refujiadu sira, deslokadu sira.", "Kuaze familia barak ho trauma no ita iha ekonomia zero,\" nia afirma.", "Iha enkontru hanesan, Mari Alkatiri, eis-primeiru-ministru no atual prezidente hosi Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial hosi Oecusse-Ambeno, defende ona \"aventura hodi dezafia padraun antigu sira\" no buka atu Timor-Leste no ema timoroan sira proteje \"nia diferensa ne'ebe hetan durante kuaze sekulu lima.\"", "Politika edukativu tenki ajuda ema timoroan sira hodi \"komprende istoria no nia papel iha istoria rasik,\" permiti afirma nia diferensa \"hanesan instrumentu indispensavel hodi kombate tendensia sira lideransa sira iha rejiaun no iha mundu,\" nia hatete.", "Portuges no tetun, iha interasaun, ajuda ona \"harii identidade uniku ida iha rejiaun no iha mundu\" no uluk no ohin loron sai hanesan \"elementu ida ne'ebe iha efeitu reforsu nian hosi identidade no defeza ba soberania,\" nia afirma." ]
[ [ "Ramos-Horta: Timor Leste must work with CPLP to implement the Portuguese goals - TIMOR AGORA Marcos Hortas, Prime Minister of Portugal said on Monday that his country should cooperate more closely and collaboratively in order for progress be made towards achieving its objectives. \"We need international partners who can help us achieve our ambitions.\"" ], [ "\"It is necessary for the State of Timor-Leste, working with CPLP [Community Of Portuguese Speaking Nations] to advance in implementing portuges." ], [ "But do not forget Tetum, which needs to be improved greatly\", the former President of Timor-Leste said in Dili." ], [ "In an intervention at the Third National Congress of Education, Ramos-Horta recalled that there is a close relationship between Tetum and Portuguese: \"that one word in every ten words people say as they speak Portugues.\"" ], [ "One sure sign is that it \"reveals the influence of Portuguese in development and formation.\"" ], [ "The former Tongan President addressed the National Congress of Education for a third time, which will run until Thursday to define national agreement on education." ], [ "\"The area of education has always been a very problematic one in developing countries and also stabilized nations." ], [ "I understand the challenges of education,\" he said." ], [ "\"But the development of a country is impossible without an adequate language policy, from teaching languages." ], [ "A policy based on historical and strategic realities,\" Ramos-Horta argues." ], [ "Nobel Prize winner Dame recalled that since the beginning of Timor-Leste's struggle for independence, prior to invasion by Portugal in 1975 and its subsequent occupation during World War II (see below), Portuguese defence has been a key element within East Тимориan identity." ], [ "\"It was not a decision of nostalgia, but because it is an issue for security reasons. A difficult question to defend the identity that we have defended over 24 years.\"" ], [ "Fire and occupation are over, we must strengthen this national freedom; develop our identity. Consolidate peace.\"" ], [ "Today, Timor-Leste must seek to expand throughout the country a model of Portuguese school Ruy Cinatti in Dili \"a School with extraordinary quality that is very good like schools within Portugal and meets requirements from educational institutions across Europe\", he said." ], [ "Ramos-Horta reminded that the country is still struggling \"to improve quality of education and to enhance teacher training,\" effects which have arisen from a dramatic situation following Indonesia's occupation." ], [ "\"We have to recognize what the country has done." ], [ "Hahu hosi zero." ], [ "Not only in terms of the lacking infrastructure, but also from a society that has no shelter for refugees and displaced people." ], [ "Almost all the families are traumatized and we have a zero economy,\" he says." ], [ "At the same meeting, Mari Alkatiri (former Prime Minister and current President of Oecusse-Ambeno Special Administrative Region) has advocated \"adventure to challenge old patterns\" in order for East Timorism & people protecting their difference gained over nearly five centuries." ], [ "Educational policies must help the people of Timor-Leste \"to understand history and their role in its own,\" allowing them to assert themselves as different from others. This is an indiespensable instrument for combated tendencie by leaders both regionally but also worldwide.\"" ], [ "Portuguese and Tetum, in interaction have helped \"create a unique identity within the region as well As worldwide\" And past & present appears to be an element with reinforcement effect of both identitiary defense for sovereignty\", he states." ] ]
Hetan baleia besik 300 mate iha Nova Zelándia - TIMOR AGORA\nHetan baleia besik 300 mate iha Nova Zelándia\nBaleia-pilotu atus resin hetan ho mate iha Nova Zelándia, hafoin 400 liu espalla iha mota Golden Bay (Baía Dourada), noroeste illa Sul, informa imprensa lokál.\nFonte hosi Ministériu Konservasaun informa ba estasaun televizaun TVNZ katak karik kalkula ne’ebé mate besik setáseo 300 entre 416 maka enkalla durante kalan iha zona arenoza koñesidu hanesan Farewell Spit.\nElementu sanulu-resin hosi ekipa resgaste luta kontra tempu hodi mantein baleia sira nia moris, hein to’o tasi sa’e.\nNe’e hanesan insidente boot liu ho baleia naklekar iha Nova Zelándia.\nIha fevereiru 2015 organiza operasaun atu tenta salva baleia-pilotu 200 ne’ebé tama iha fatin hanesan, maibé barak liu ikus mai mate iha ne’ebá.\nSeidauk hatene razaun saika maka halo baleia kastigu iha ne’ebá, maibé baía Golden, ho badak liu, ne’e koñesidu ho tipu insidente.\nBaleia-pilotu hanesan mamíferu hosi família setáseu, atinje metru 8,5no iha kolorasau metan.\nPrezente iha oseanu hotu iha mundu, komun hanesan exemplar hosi baleia-pilotu iha largo illa Açores nian.
[ "Hetan baleia besik 300 mate iha Nova Zelandia - TIMOR AGORA Hetan baleia besik 300 mate iha Nova Zelandia Baleia-pilotu atus resin hetan ho mate iha Nova Zelandia, hafoin 400 liu espalla iha mota Golden Bay (Baia Dourada), noroeste illa Sul, informa imprensa lokal.", "Fonte hosi Ministeriu Konservasaun informa ba estasaun televizaun TVNZ katak karik kalkula ne'ebe mate besik setaseo 300 entre 416 maka enkalla durante kalan iha zona arenoza konesidu hanesan Farewell Spit.", "Elementu sanulu-resin hosi ekipa resgaste luta kontra tempu hodi mantein baleia sira nia moris, hein to'o tasi sa'e.", "Ne'e hanesan insidente boot liu ho baleia naklekar iha Nova Zelandia.", "Iha fevereiru 2015 organiza operasaun atu tenta salva baleia-pilotu 200 ne'ebe tama iha fatin hanesan, maibe barak liu ikus mai mate iha ne'eba.", "Seidauk hatene razaun saika maka halo baleia kastigu iha ne'eba, maibe baia Golden, ho badak liu, ne'e konesidu ho tipu insidente.", "Baleia-pilotu hanesan mamiferu hosi familia setaseu, atinje metru 8,5no iha kolorasau metan.", "Prezente iha oseanu hotu iha mundu, komun hanesan exemplar hosi baleia-pilotu iha largo illa Acores nian." ]
[ [ "Nearly 301 pilot whales found dead in New Zealand - TIMOR AGORA Over a hundred Pilot Whale were reported to have died on the island of South Island, after more than four-hundred emerged from their nests at Golden Bay Mouth." ], [ "Sources from the Ministry of Conservation informed TVNZ that estimated nearly 301 dead sea turtles were amongst those who died during nighttime fishing on a sandy area connected as Farewell Spit." ], [ "Over a dozen members of the rescue team were fighting against time to keep these whales in life, waiting until they came out." ], [ "This is the largest incident with whales hatching in New Zealand." ], [ "In February 2015, an operation was organized to try and rescue the remains of more than two hundred pilot whales that had come into this same area but many others died there." ], [ "It is not known why the punishing whales were there, but Golden Bay has been linked to this type of incident." ], [ "Pilot whales are mammals of the silkworm family, reaching 8.5 metres in length and weighing up to a hundred kilograms (201 lb)." ], [ "Present in all oceans of the world, common as an example is a pilot whale on largo illa Acores." ] ]
PN aprova karáter urjénsia ba proposta OR – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » PN aprova karáter urjénsia ba proposta OR\nParlamentu Nasionál (PN) kinta lejislatura, liu hosi plenária Tersa (7/4/2021), aprova ona pedidu urjénsia ne’ebé Governu propoin iha proposta alterasaun ba Orsamentu Retifikativu (OR).\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres, hateten, orsamentu retifikativu ne’e, prioridade tebes ba Governu, hodi responde ba situasaun rua ne’ebé pertinente tebes, hanesan COVID-19 no dezastre naturál, maibe sei la aumenta no hamenus osan hosi Parlamentu Nasionál nian.\nTanba bazeia proposta ne’ebé Governu propoin, ko’a de’it hosi parte balun ne’ebé ladun urjente atu ezekuta iha tinan ne’e, inklui aumenta hosi apoiu balun ne’ebé parseiru sira fó.\n“Ami nein diminui nein aumenta ami-nia osan, tanba PN nia osan to’o hela, sa tán agora Estadu hasoru hela situasaun ida ne’e, Governu mak presiza liu rekursu, doque PN, PN labele inkomoda tan Governu, enkuantu Governu mós hasoru difikuldade ba situasaun emerjénsia rua, kalamidade ho Covid-19”,afirma PPN, Aniceto ba jornalista sira iha PN, Kuarta (07/04/2021).\nMinistru Finansa, Rui Gomes, afirma, konfirma, proposta ne’e presiza tebes atu diskute ho urjénsia, nune’e bele responde urjénsia mós ba situasaun atúal, antes grave liutan.\n“Ami rejista preokupasoens lubuk iha ne’e, importante tebes iha debate espesialidade relatóriu sira ne’e ami sei aprezenta, hau rasik mak sei mai, ita sei diskute detallu. Ami tenta atu hadi’a, tempu ida ne’e, tempu ida difísil, tenta para medida sira ne’ebé aplika iha tinan kotuk, bele efetivu liu iha tinan ida ne’e, ida ne’e mak ita atu halo. Ha’u mós konkorda katak, se de faktu ida ne’e aprova ho karatér urjénsia, tuir kalendáriu ne’ebé aprezenta, to’o kedas iha Maiu, ida ne’e sei difísil teb-tebes, signifika katak opsaun ne’e mak, ita husik empreza sira ne’e taka dadaun ba, husik dezempregu ne’e sa’e nafatin ka, ka ita rezolve kedas agora, antes situasaun sira ne’e bele grave liu tan. Tanba ne’e mak ha’u hanoin intervensaun sira ne’e urjente teb-tebes, liu-liu ho kalamidade foin dadaun ne’e, ida ne’e afeta liutan.”tenik governante ne’e.\nLee hotu : PM Taur: Governu konsiente estensaun EE afeta ba ekonomia povu nian\nIha poprosta OR ne’e, Governu propoin tokon USD 200 resin, ne’ebé ajusta hosi Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba tinan 2021 ne’ebé aprovadu ho montante billiaun USD 1.895. Pedidu ba karatér urjénsia ne’e, pasa ho votu a favór 39, kontra 0 no abstensaun 14.Say
[ "PN aprova karater urjensia ba proposta OR - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" PN aprova karater urjensia ba proposta OR Parlamentu Nasional (PN) kinta lejislatura, liu hosi plenaria Tersa (7/4/2021), aprova ona pedidu urjensia ne'ebe Governu propoin iha proposta alterasaun ba Orsamentu Retifikativu (OR).", "Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Guterres, hateten, orsamentu retifikativu ne'e, prioridade tebes ba Governu, hodi responde ba situasaun rua ne'ebe pertinente tebes, hanesan COVID-19 no dezastre natural, maibe sei la aumenta no hamenus osan hosi Parlamentu Nasional nian.", "Tanba bazeia proposta ne'ebe Governu propoin, ko'a de'it hosi parte balun ne'ebe ladun urjente atu ezekuta iha tinan ne'e, inklui aumenta hosi apoiu balun ne'ebe parseiru sira fo.", "\"Ami nein diminui nein aumenta ami-nia osan, tanba PN nia osan to'o hela, sa tan agora Estadu hasoru hela situasaun ida ne'e, Governu mak presiza liu rekursu, doque PN, PN labele inkomoda tan Governu, enkuantu Governu mos hasoru difikuldade ba situasaun emerjensia rua, kalamidade ho Covid-19,\"afirma PPN, Aniceto ba jornalista sira iha PN, Kuarta (07/04/2021).", "Ministru Finansa, Rui Gomes, afirma, konfirma, proposta ne'e presiza tebes atu diskute ho urjensia, nune'e bele responde urjensia mos ba situasaun atual, antes grave liutan.", "\"Ami rejista preokupasoens lubuk iha ne'e, importante tebes iha debate espesialidade relatoriu sira ne'e ami sei aprezenta, hau rasik mak sei mai, ita sei diskute detallu.", "Ami tenta atu hadi'a, tempu ida ne'e, tempu ida difisil, tenta para medida sira ne'ebe aplika iha tinan kotuk, bele efetivu liu iha tinan ida ne'e, ida ne'e mak ita atu halo.", "Ha'u mos konkorda katak, se de faktu ida ne'e aprova ho karater urjensia, tuir kalendariu ne'ebe aprezenta, to'o kedas iha Maiu, ida ne'e sei difisil teb-tebes, signifika katak opsaun ne'e mak, ita husik empreza sira ne'e taka dadaun ba, husik dezempregu ne'e sa'e nafatin ka, ka ita rezolve kedas agora, antes situasaun sira ne'e bele grave liu tan.", "Tanba ne'e mak ha'u hanoin intervensaun sira ne'e urjente teb-tebes, liu-liu ho kalamidade foin dadaun ne'e, ida ne'e afeta liutan.\"tenik governante ne'e.", "Lee hotu: PM Taur: Governu konsiente estensaun EE afeta ba ekonomia povu nian Iha poprosta OR ne'e, Governu propoin tokon USD 200 resin, ne'ebe ajusta hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan 2021 ne'ebe aprovadu ho montante billiaun USD 1.895.", "Pedidu ba karater urjensia ne'e, pasa ho votu a favor 39, kontra 0 no abstensaun 14.Say" ]
[ [ "PN approves urgency of OR proposal - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" The National Parliament (PN) last legislative term, through plenary session on Tuesday 7/4 /2019), has adopted the request for urgent action that is proposes by Government in its amendment to Amending Budget." ], [ "The President of the National Parliament, Aniceto Guterres said that this amending budget is a high priority for Government to respond in two very relevant situations such as COVID-19 and natural disaster but will not increase or decrease money from national parliament." ], [ "Because it is based on the proposals proposed by Government, this includes only some parts that are not urgent to execute in 2013 including an increase of a few support from partners." ], [ "\"We have neither decreased nor increased our money, because the National Assembly's funds are still available. Now that State is facing this situation and Government needs more resources than PN can accommodate again while government also face difficulties due to two emergencies: calamity with Covid-19\", PPN Aniceto said on Thursday (04/7) in Parliament at a press conference held by MPP for journalistes holding their meeting there today.\"" ], [ "Minister of Finance, Rui Gomes affirmed that the proposal was urgently needed to be discusses with urgency so as also responding in an immediate manner and without delay." ], [ "\"We have recorded a lot of concerns here, very important in the plenary debate these rapporteurs we will present it itself is coming to us and discuss details." ], [ "We are trying to improve, this time is a difficult one. Trying for the measures that were applied last year can be more effective in 2015 and we will do so as well!" ], [ "I also agree that, if this is approved as a matter of urgency according to the calendar presented up until May it will be very difficult. That means we have two options: either let these companies close down and allow unemployment on its way or solve them now before they get worse than what was already happening in previous years.\"" ], [ "That's why I think these interventions are very urgent, especially with the recent disaster that has affected us all.\"" ], [ "Read all: PM Taur says government is aware of the impact on people's economy from EU extension In this POPRC, Government proposed more than USD 201 million to be adjusted against General State Budget (GSB) for year." ], [ "The request for urgency was passed by 39 votes in favour, none against and with a total of14 abstentions." ] ]
Aprovizionamentu akizisaun produtu Cesta Bázika uza modalidade adjudikasaun direta | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Aprovizionamentu akizisaun produtu Cesta Bázika uza modalidade adjudikasaun direta\nAprovizionamentu akizisaun produtu Cesta Bázika uza modalidade adjudikasaun direta\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, hateten Governu kontratu kompañia timor-oan halo kompra ba produtu Cesta Bázika, bazeia ba kapasidade finanseira, hodi distribui ba komunidade iha territóriu tomak.\n“Sim, ajudikasan direta ba kompañia sira tanba natureza programa Cesta Bázika ne’e emerjénsia, entaun ita difísil atu hili aprovizionamentu normál tanba lori fulan-tolu to’o neen mak foin finaliza, enkuantu ita-nia programa ne’e implementa ba fulan-rua de’it,” Ministru Koordenadór ne’e informa foin lalais ne’e, iha Catedral, Villa Verde.\nBazeia ba artigu 9 dekretu-lei ne’e, kona-ba akizisaun produtu no embalajen produtu bazeia ba distribuisaun Cesta Bázika obdese ba rejime jurídiku aprovizionamentu no kontratu públiku, independente, ho valór ne’ebé korrespondente.\nEnkuantu aprovizionamentu sei realiza hosi ministériu implementadór programa hanesan Gabinete Ministériu Koordenadór no Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI), Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) inklui Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\n“Kritéria ajudikasaun direta ne’e iha regra, la’ós bolu entrega direta de’it, maibé tenke iha justifikasaun klaru, iha kapasidade finaseiru no prontu implementa iha korridór legál liuliu transparénsia,”governante ne’e esplika.\nAleinde ne’e, kompañia fornesedór ne’e kontrata direta hosi kada minstériu implementadór, la’ós MKAE.\nGovernu fó konfiansa ba setór privadu atu asume resposabilidade no garante katak sasán ba benefisiáriu korrespondente ho montante ka osan ne’ebé temi.\nTanba ne’e, ministériu implementadór kontinua husu ba instituisaun sira hanesan Provedoria Direitu Umanu no Justisa (PDHJ, sigla portugés), Komisaun Antí-Korrupsaun (CAC, sigla portugés) no Organizasaun Naun Governamentál (ONG) inklui populasaun tomak atu ajuda kontrola no tau matan ba programa atu susesu.\n“Ha’u husu ita hotu tau matan atu hadi’a tanba bele akontese sasán la to’o $25, ha’u husu ona ba entidade fiskalizadór sira hanesan PDHJ no CAC atu ajuda monitoriza, nune’e kompañia sira hadi’a dezempeñu no kumpre kontratu ho Governu,” nia hatutan.\nKona-ba produtu lokál iha rai laran la sufisiente, Ministru dehan programa Cesta Bázika dezeña atu sosa produtu lokál inklui produtu balun ne’ebé sirkula, maibé iha merkadu nasionál no lokál bele sujeita sosa.\n“Ita tenke hatene produtu lokál ne’e la to’o nafatin, ne’ebé kompañia tenke kompleta tan hosi fatin seluk tanba ita-nia objetivu mak sosa hotu iha merkadu ne’ebé ita-nia produtór sira fornese, maibé kuandu la sufisiente sasán saida maka sirkula iha merkadu hosi fornesedór no vendedór timor-oan bele sosa,” nia klarifika.\nNia rekoñese iha parte balu eziji atu fahe de’it osan maibé Governu labele konsidera tanba programa ne’e dezeña atu sosa produtu lokál.\nEntretantu, Ministru kompromete sei hadi’a númeru delegasaun barak hosi ministériu implementadór ba distribuisaun Cesta Bázika iha munisípiu.\n“Númeru delegasaun boot, ita bele haree no hadi’a. Tanba ami simu realidade ne’e akotese maibé bainhira dehan programa Cesta Bázika la benefisia povu ne’e laiha lójika no laloos,” nia afirma.\nPrevious articlePopulasaun millaun 1,5 sei simu Cesta Bázika\nNext articlePrezidente Repúblika dekreta Estadu Emerjénsia daualuk
[ "Aprovizionamentu akizisaun produtu Cesta Bazika uza modalidade adjudikasaun direta | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Aprovizionamentu akizisaun produtu Cesta Bazika uza modalidade adjudikasaun direta Aprovizionamentu akizisaun produtu Cesta Bazika uza modalidade adjudikasaun direta DILI, 03 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, hateten Governu kontratu kompania timor-oan halo kompra ba produtu Cesta Bazika, bazeia ba kapasidade finanseira, hodi distribui ba komunidade iha territoriu tomak.", "\"Sim, ajudikasan direta ba kompania sira tanba natureza programa Cesta Bazika ne'e emerjensia, entaun ita difisil atu hili aprovizionamentu normal tanba lori fulan-tolu to'o neen mak foin finaliza, enkuantu ita-nia programa ne'e implementa ba fulan-rua de'it,\" Ministru Koordenador ne'e informa foin lalais ne'e, iha Catedral, Villa Verde.", "Bazeia ba artigu 9 dekretu-lei ne'e, kona-ba akizisaun produtu no embalajen produtu bazeia ba distribuisaun Cesta Bazika obdese ba rejime juridiku aprovizionamentu no kontratu publiku, independente, ho valor ne'ebe korrespondente.", "Enkuantu aprovizionamentu sei realiza hosi ministeriu implementador programa hanesan Gabinete Ministeriu Koordenador no Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI), Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) inklui Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).", "\"Kriteria ajudikasaun direta ne'e iha regra, la'os bolu entrega direta de'it, maibe tenke iha justifikasaun klaru, iha kapasidade finaseiru no prontu implementa iha korridor legal liuliu transparensia,\"governante ne'e esplika.", "Aleinde ne'e, kompania fornesedor ne'e kontrata direta hosi kada minsteriu implementador, la'os MKAE.", "Governu fo konfiansa ba setor privadu atu asume resposabilidade no garante katak sasan ba benefisiariu korrespondente ho montante ka osan ne'ebe temi.", "Tanba ne'e, ministeriu implementador kontinua husu ba instituisaun sira hanesan Provedoria Direitu Umanu no Justisa (PDHJ, sigla portuges), Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC, sigla portuges) no Organizasaun Naun Governamental (ONG) inklui populasaun tomak atu ajuda kontrola no tau matan ba programa atu susesu.", "\"Ha'u husu ita hotu tau matan atu hadi'a tanba bele akontese sasan la to'o $25, ha'u husu ona ba entidade fiskalizador sira hanesan PDHJ no CAC atu ajuda monitoriza, nune'e kompania sira hadi'a dezempenu no kumpre kontratu ho Governu,\" nia hatutan.", "Kona-ba produtu lokal iha rai laran la sufisiente, Ministru dehan programa Cesta Bazika dezena atu sosa produtu lokal inklui produtu balun ne'ebe sirkula, maibe iha merkadu nasional no lokal bele sujeita sosa.", "\"Ita tenke hatene produtu lokal ne'e la to'o nafatin, ne'ebe kompania tenke kompleta tan hosi fatin seluk tanba ita-nia objetivu mak sosa hotu iha merkadu ne'ebe ita-nia produtor sira fornese, maibe kuandu la sufisiente sasan saida maka sirkula iha merkadu hosi fornesedor no vendedor timor-oan bele sosa,\" nia klarifika.", "Nia rekonese iha parte balu eziji atu fahe de'it osan maibe Governu labele konsidera tanba programa ne'e dezena atu sosa produtu lokal.", "Entretantu, Ministru kompromete sei hadi'a numeru delegasaun barak hosi ministeriu implementador ba distribuisaun Cesta Bazika iha munisipiu.", "\"Numeru delegasaun boot, ita bele haree no hadi'a.", "Tanba ami simu realidade ne'e akotese maibe bainhira dehan programa Cesta Bazika la benefisia povu ne'e laiha lojika no laloos,\" nia afirma.", "Previous articlePopulasaun millaun 1,5 sei simu Cesta Bazika Next articlePrezidente Republika dekreta Estadu Emerjensia daualuk" ]
[ [ "Procurement of basic basket products uses direct award procedure | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Purchasing Basic Basket Products Used by Direct Adjudication Provisioning Acquisition Product Based on financial capacity, the Government contracted a company to purchase essential food items for distribution throughout all communities. Dili (AP) - Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral said that government is hiring local companies who will procure and distribute these commodities in accordance with their economic capability across national territories as well; he added: “We are also looking at other options.”" ], [ "\"Yes, direct awarding to companies because the nature of this Basic Basket program is an emergency. So it's difficult for us that we can choose normal procurement as our programme takes three or six months only until completed and when implemented will take just two month\", said Minister Coordinador recently in Catedral Villa Verde (Villaverde Cathedral)." ], [ "Based on Article 9 of the Decree-Law, regarding product acquisition and packaging products based for distribution Basic Basket is subject to legal regime procurement public contracts independently with a value that correspond." ], [ "The procurement will be carried out by the programme implementing ministries, such as Office of Coordinating Ministry and Economic Affairs (MKAE), Ministery for Tourism Commerce & Industry(MTKI)Ministry For Agriculture And Fisheries State Secretariat Of CooperativesSecretaria de Estado para o Comércio Exterior e a Indústria" ], [ "\"The criteria for direct award is in the rules, not just call it a straight delivery but must have clear rationale and financial capacity ready to be implemented through legal corridor especially transparency\", explains Governor." ], [ "In addition, the supplier company is contracted directly by each implementing ministry and not MKAE." ], [ "The government trusts the private sector to take responsibility and ensure that good ones are delivered with a corresponding amount or money." ], [ "Therefore, the implementing ministry continues to call on institutions such as Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman (PDHJ), Anti-Corruption Commission(CAC)and Non Governmental Organization'S including all population help controlling this program for success." ], [ "\"I ask that we all take care to improve because it can happen things are not enough $25, I have asked the fiscalizing entities such as PDHJ and CAC help monitor so companies better performing comply with contracts of government\", he continued." ], [ "Regarding the insufficient supply of local products domestically, Minister said that Cesta Bazika programme is designed to purchase some circulating but not all product types from national and regional markets." ], [ "\"We have to be aware that local products are not always enough, which the company must supplement from elsewhere because our objective is buy everything in markets supplied by Timor-Leste' s producer. But if there’re no sufficient good of what circulates on a Market where East Тимоrian suppliers and sellers can purchase it,” he clarifies.”" ], [ "He acknowledged that there are some who demand just giving out money but the government cannot consider this because it is a program designed to buy local produce." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Minister committed to improve a number of delegations from implementing ministries for distributing Bazika basket in municipalities." ], [ "\"A large number of delegations, we can look at and improve." ], [ "Because we accept this reality, but when you say that the Basic Food Basket program does not benefit people it's non-logic and untrue\", he says." ], [ "Previous article1.5 million people will receive basic food basket Next ArticlePresident of the Republic decrees a second State Of Emergency" ] ]
CNC-MTCI asina nota intendimentu atu dezenvolve sítiu istóriku iha TL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CNC-MTCI asina nota intendimentu atu dezenvolve sítiu istóriku iha TL\nDILI, 23 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)–Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) no Ministériu Turizmu Komersiu no Industria (MTCI, sigla portugés), ohin, asina nota entendimentu (Mou) ida kona-ba prezervasaun no dezenvolvimentu sítiu istóriku iha Timor-Leste (TL).\nDiretór Centru Nasionál Chega, Hugo Maria Fernandes, hateten asina nota entendimentu ne’e sei foku ba prezervasaun no dezenvolve sítiu istóriku hosi períodu 1974-1999.\n“Objetivu hosi nota entedimentu ne’e hanesan marka progresu di’ak tebes hosi jestu polítika Governu konstituisionál da-ualu nian, ne’ebé liuhosi MTkI kompremitidu atu implementa daudaun programa prezervasaun memória pasadu nian liuhosi prezerva no dezenvolve sítiu istóriku hodi bele kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu setór turizmu, istóriku no transferénsia memória pasada ba públiku,” Hugo Maria Fernandes hato’o ba jornalista sira iha salaun konferénsia CNC, Antigu Komarka, Balide, Dili, segunda ne’e.\nHosi nota entendimentu ne’e, Hugo Fernandes hatutan, rekomendasaun ne’ebé CNC hato’o ba MTCI dahuluk mak programa boot ba sobrevivente sira ne’e tenke iha reparasaun tanba ko’alia kona-ba repasaun ne’e iha nia forma koletiva no pesoál.\n“Nota entendimentu ne’e, ita haree ba rekomendasaun kona-ba reparasaun, ne’e dahuluk ita harii fila-fali fatin sira ne’ebé uluk violasaun diretu umanu sira-ne’e akontese, hosi ne’e, ita forma koletiva ida. Segundu, ita prezerva nafatin fatin sira-ne’e, hodi fó hanoin nafatin ba ita-nia públiku sira no ba jerasaun foun sira,” nia dehan.\nNia hateten, hosi programa reparasaun ne’e tenke hakbiit sobrevivente sira-nia moris, entaun haree poténsia ida ne’ebé maka fó hosi fatin istóriku sira-ne’e ba poténsia dezenvolvimentu setór ekonómia nian.\n“Tanba ita halo programa turizmu klaru involve industria komunidade entaun ita hein katak ho partisipasaun komunidade nian rasik liuhosi konseitu turizmu komunitária, komunidade bele mós foti benefísiu ruma hosi fatin sira-ne’e,” nia dehan.\nEntretantu, konseitu sítiu istóriku ne’ebé sei prezerva ne’e, CNC hatuur iha kategória haat maka hanesan (1) Sítiu sira ne’ebé konsidera nu’udar prizasaun no sentru detensaun sira, (2) Sítiu ne’ebé violasaun direitu-umanu boot sira akontese ba, (3) Sítiu sira ne’ebé ema Timor públikamente espresa sira-nia direitu ba autodeterminasaun, no (4) Sítiu sira ne’ebé konsidera nu’udar abrigu ba rezisténsia armada nian sira.\n“Tanba ne’e, iha loron 07 dezembru 2020, ita sei aumenta tan objetu turizmu istóriku ida iha Dili ho inagurasaun memoriál 7 dezembru 1975 ne’ebé mak daudaun ne’e iha ona faze finál konstrusaun nian iha Ponte Cais Dili,” nia informa.\nDiretór CNC ne’e esklarese programa nota entendimentu ne’e durasaun tinan lima maibé programa sira-ne’e sei labele implementa dala ida de’it tanba sei liuhosi prosesu.\n“Programa asina nota entendimentu ne’e, durasaun ba tinan-lima nian. Entaun ekipa CNC ho Vise Ministru MTCI nian dahuluk sei tuun halo identifikasaun ba fatin tanba tinan ne’e, foin ita identifika munisípiu neen (6) de’it. Ita hetan ona sítiu istóriku hamutuk 91, nune’e ita labele halo hotu kedas. Maibé ita hein tinan lima nia-laran, ita sei la’o kompleta hotu kedas fatin ne’ebé mak nesesáriamente presiza,” nia espera.\nIha tinan 2018, nia dehan, CNC dezenvolve no implementa daudaun programa mapamentu sítiu istóriku ne’ebé to’o tinan ne’e nia rohan kompleta ona identifikasaun sítiu istóriku iha Munisípiu Dili, Aileu, Ainaru, Ermera, no Manatuto.\nNia haktuir, iha tinan oin, CNC ho Ministériu MTCI sei harii ekipa ida atu identifika loloos sítiu sira iha munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA)\nNia dehan, prezerva fatin sítiu istóriku ne’e tenke involve mós fasilidade públiku, maibé fatin sira-ne’e hotu seidauk iha fasilidade ne’ebé mak adekuadu. Tanba bainhira hakarak lori ema ba sítiu istóriku ne’e tenke iha fatin ne’ebé mak mahon hanesan iha kafe ruma, restorante ruma no ema sira bele faan sira-nia produtu.\nEntretantu, Ministru Turizmu Komersiu no Industria, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva hateten, nota intendimentu ne’e momentu istóriku foun ida ba instituisaun CNC no MTCI servisu hamutuk ho objetivu oinsá MTCI atu halo promosaun ba turizmu istóriku.\nGovernante ne’e hateten, promosaun turizmu istóriku ne’e importante tebes ba públiku atu hatene oinsá mak atu implementa rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé mai hosi CVAR /CVA, ida ne’e presiza halo divulgasaun.\n“Objetivu oinsá MTCI hamutuk ho CNC atu halo promosaun ba fatin istóriku, hakarak halo promosaun ba fatin turizmu istóriku sira. Tanba ne’e, ha’u lori Governu nia naran ba oin iha komitmentu boot nafatin servisu hamutuk ho CNC, atu nune’e bele hariku no promove ita-nia istória ba jerasaun foun tuir mai,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articlePresiza esforsu kada ministériu ba ezekusaun OJE 2020 ho di’ak\nNext articleIADE-Timor Telecom selebra akordu implementa sistema informasaun konkursu
[ "CNC-MTCI asina nota intendimentu atu dezenvolve sitiu istoriku iha TL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CNC-MTCI asina nota intendimentu atu dezenvolve sitiu istoriku iha TL DILI, 23 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) no Ministeriu Turizmu Komersiu no Industria (MTCI, sigla portuges), ohin, asina nota entendimentu (Mou) ida kona-ba prezervasaun no dezenvolvimentu sitiu istoriku iha Timor-Leste (TL).", "Diretor Centru Nasional Chega, Hugo Maria Fernandes, hateten asina nota entendimentu ne'e sei foku ba prezervasaun no dezenvolve sitiu istoriku hosi periodu 1974-1999.", "\"Objetivu hosi nota entedimentu ne'e hanesan marka progresu di'ak tebes hosi jestu politika Governu konstituisional da-ualu nian, ne'ebe liuhosi MTkI kompremitidu atu implementa daudaun programa prezervasaun memoria pasadu nian liuhosi prezerva no dezenvolve sitiu istoriku hodi bele kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu setor turizmu, istoriku no transferensia memoria pasada ba publiku,\" Hugo Maria Fernandes hato'o ba jornalista sira iha salaun konferensia CNC, Antigu Komarka, Balide, Dili, segunda ne'e.", "Hosi nota entendimentu ne'e, Hugo Fernandes hatutan, rekomendasaun ne'ebe CNC hato'o ba MTCI dahuluk mak programa boot ba sobrevivente sira ne'e tenke iha reparasaun tanba ko'alia kona-ba repasaun ne'e iha nia forma koletiva no pesoal.", "\"Nota entendimentu ne'e, ita haree ba rekomendasaun kona-ba reparasaun, ne'e dahuluk ita harii fila-fali fatin sira ne'ebe uluk violasaun diretu umanu sira-ne'e akontese, hosi ne'e, ita forma koletiva ida.", "Segundu, ita prezerva nafatin fatin sira-ne'e, hodi fo hanoin nafatin ba ita-nia publiku sira no ba jerasaun foun sira,\" nia dehan.", "Nia hateten, hosi programa reparasaun ne'e tenke hakbiit sobrevivente sira-nia moris, entaun haree potensia ida ne'ebe maka fo hosi fatin istoriku sira-ne'e ba potensia dezenvolvimentu setor ekonomia nian.", "\"Tanba ita halo programa turizmu klaru involve industria komunidade entaun ita hein katak ho partisipasaun komunidade nian rasik liuhosi konseitu turizmu komunitaria, komunidade bele mos foti benefisiu ruma hosi fatin sira-ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Entretantu, konseitu sitiu istoriku ne'ebe sei prezerva ne'e, CNC hatuur iha kategoria haat maka hanesan (1) Sitiu sira ne'ebe konsidera nu'udar prizasaun no sentru detensaun sira, (2) Sitiu ne'ebe violasaun direitu-umanu boot sira akontese ba, (3) Sitiu sira ne'ebe ema Timor publikamente espresa sira-nia direitu ba autodeterminasaun, no (4) Sitiu sira ne'ebe konsidera nu'udar abrigu ba rezistensia armada nian sira.", "\"Tanba ne'e, iha loron 07 dezembru 2020, ita sei aumenta tan objetu turizmu istoriku ida iha Dili ho inagurasaun memorial 7 dezembru 1975 ne'ebe mak daudaun ne'e iha ona faze final konstrusaun nian iha Ponte Cais Dili,\" nia informa.", "Diretor CNC ne'e esklarese programa nota entendimentu ne'e durasaun tinan lima maibe programa sira-ne'e sei labele implementa dala ida de'it tanba sei liuhosi prosesu.", "\"Programa asina nota entendimentu ne'e, durasaun ba tinan-lima nian.", "Entaun ekipa CNC ho Vise Ministru MTCI nian dahuluk sei tuun halo identifikasaun ba fatin tanba tinan ne'e, foin ita identifika munisipiu neen (6) de'it.", "Ita hetan ona sitiu istoriku hamutuk 91, nune'e ita labele halo hotu kedas.", "Maibe ita hein tinan lima nia-laran, ita sei la'o kompleta hotu kedas fatin ne'ebe mak nesesariamente presiza,\" nia espera.", "Iha tinan 2018, nia dehan, CNC dezenvolve no implementa daudaun programa mapamentu sitiu istoriku ne'ebe to'o tinan ne'e nia rohan kompleta ona identifikasaun sitiu istoriku iha Munisipiu Dili, Aileu, Ainaru, Ermera, no Manatuto.", "Nia haktuir, iha tinan oin, CNC ho Ministeriu MTCI sei harii ekipa ida atu identifika loloos sitiu sira iha munisipiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) Nia dehan, prezerva fatin sitiu istoriku ne'e tenke involve mos fasilidade publiku, maibe fatin sira-ne'e hotu seidauk iha fasilidade ne'ebe mak adekuadu.", "Tanba bainhira hakarak lori ema ba sitiu istoriku ne'e tenke iha fatin ne'ebe mak mahon hanesan iha kafe ruma, restorante ruma no ema sira bele faan sira-nia produtu.", "Entretantu, Ministru Turizmu Komersiu no Industria, Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva hateten, nota intendimentu ne'e momentu istoriku foun ida ba instituisaun CNC no MTCI servisu hamutuk ho objetivu oinsa MTCI atu halo promosaun ba turizmu istoriku.", "Governante ne'e hateten, promosaun turizmu istoriku ne'e importante tebes ba publiku atu hatene oinsa mak atu implementa rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe mai hosi CVAR /CVA, ida ne'e presiza halo divulgasaun.", "\"Objetivu oinsa MTCI hamutuk ho CNC atu halo promosaun ba fatin istoriku, hakarak halo promosaun ba fatin turizmu istoriku sira.", "Tanba ne'e, ha'u lori Governu nia naran ba oin iha komitmentu boot nafatin servisu hamutuk ho CNC, atu nune'e bele hariku no promove ita-nia istoria ba jerasaun foun tuir mai,\" nia dehan.", "Previous articlePresiza esforsu kada ministeriu ba ezekusaun OJE 2020 ho di'ak Next articleIADE-Timor Telecom selebra akordu implementa sistema informasaun konkursu" ]
[ [ "CNC-MTCI signs memorandum of understanding to develop historic sites in TL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE NCNC and MTTI Sign Memorandum Of Understandings (MoU) on the preservation, development & management for historical site Dili/Centro Nacional Chega - The National Center For Historical Heritage – CNHC together with MCCI have today concluded a memo agreement regarding preserved cultural heritage." ], [ "The director of the National Chega Centre, Hugo Maria Fernandes said that signing this memorandum will focus on preservation and development for historical sites from 1974-2035." ], [ "\"The objective of this memorandum is to mark a very good progress in the political gesture by our Constitutional Government, which through MTkI has committed itself towards implementing programmes for preserving past memory via preservation and development on historical sites so as contribute into tourism sector growth. Historical transferring memories from one generation or another can also be done at any time.\"" ], [ "From this memorandum of understanding, Hugo Fernandes said that the first recommendation made by CNC to MTCI was for a large programme on survivors should have reparations because it talks about compensation in its collective and personal form." ], [ "\"Noting this understanding, we look at the recommendations on reparations. First of all it's about rebuilding places where these direct human violation happened and therefore form a collective one.\"" ], [ "Secondly, we keep preserving these places to remind our public and the younger generations of them,” he said." ], [ "He said that the reparation programme should strengthen survivors' lives, and he saw a potential in these historical sites for economic sector development." ], [ "\"Because we have a tourism program that clearly involves community industries, so with the participation of communities themselves through this Community Tourism concept it is our hope to get some benefit from these places as well.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, the concept of historical sites to be preserved is divided into four categories by CNC: (1) Sites considered as prisons and detention centres;(2), places where major human rights violations occurred in Timor-Leste during World War II or afterwards." ], [ "\"Therefore, on December 7th of this year we will add another historical tourism object in Dili with the inauguration memorial to Dec.09/15 which is currently undergoing final phases construction at Cairns Bridge\", he said.\"" ], [ "The CNC Director explained that the programmes under this memorandum of understanding are five-year in duration, but they cannot be carried out once because there is a process." ], [ "\"The program signs this memorandum of understanding, lasting for five years." ], [ "So the CNC team with Deputy Minister of MTCI will first go down to identify places because this year, we have only identified nine (6) municipalities." ], [ "We have identified 91 historical sites, so we can't do it all at once." ], [ "But we're waiting for five years, and in that time it will be possible to complete all the places where there is a need\", he hoped." ], [ "In 2018, he said that the CNC is developing and implementating a historic site mapping program which by this year's end has completed identification of historical sites in Dili Municipality as well As Aileu City." ], [ "He said that in the coming year, CNC and MTCI Ministry will set up a team to properly identify sites at 12 municipalities including Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA). She says preservation of historical site must also involve public facilities but all these places do not have adequate facility." ], [ "Because if you want to take people into this historical site, there must be a place that is interesting like some cafes and restaurants where the local population can sell their products." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Minister of Tourism Commerce and Industry Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva said that this memorandum is a new historic moment for CNC institution to work together with MTCI in order how they can promote historical tourism." ], [ "The governor said that the promotion of historical tourism is very important for public to know how they can implement recommendations from CVAR /CVA, this needs publicity." ], [ "\"The objective of how MTCI together with CNC to promote historical sites, wants promotion for historic tourism places." ], [ "Therefore, I carry the Government's name forward with a great commitment to continue working in conjunction and cooperation With CNC so that we can build up our history for next generation.\"" ], [ "Previous articleIADE-Timor Telecom signs agreement to implement tender information system Next ArticleEach ministry needs efforts for good 2019 budget execution" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: TIMOR-LESTE LA IHA FATIN BA CENTRO PROCESSAMENTO REFUGIADOS\nTIMOR-LESTE LA IHA FATIN BA CENTRO PROCESSAMENTO REFUGIADOS\nForum-Haksesuk ho nian Diresaun tomak REJEITA TOTAL proposta hosi Governo Australiano, ne'ebe eskolha Timor-Leste atu harii sentru prosesamentu ba refujiadus Australia nian ne'ebe tama ba rai Australia.\nOhin loron 12 fulan Outubro tinan 2010 tuku 14H00 to'o tuku 14H30, Ministro Imigrasaun Australia ho nian komitiva hasoru membrus Parlamento Nasional, hodi hato'o Governo Australia nian intensaun ba Parlamento Nasional. Iha sorumutu ne'e Minsitro jovem ne'e hato'o ba Presidente Parlamento Nasional Sr. Fernando La Sama de Araujo kona ba Governo Australia ne'ebe hakarak tebes atu Timor-Leste sai destinu refujiadus ne'ebe halai hosi nian rain tanba problemas ekonomikus, sosiais no politika iha sira nian rai.\nMaibe Presidente La Sama lori Parlamento Nasional nian naran haktuir hikas pozisaun ne'ebe Parlamento Nasional hola ona liu hosi votasaun iha Plenario hodi rejeita unanimamente proposta ne'e. Presidente La Sama akresenta tan katak iha RDTL nian sistema oin seluk ho rai hirak seluk, ne'eduni Australia labele hanoin katak Xefe de Estadu koalia buat ruma Parlamento Nasional tuir deit lae. Tutan tan katak mesmu PR hatan maibe mai Parlamento ami sei vota kontra, tanba iha materia ida ne'e kompetensia iha Governo atu hola desizaun maibe Parlamento Nasional mak sei deside loloos atu hatan ka rejeita.\nGoverno australiano parese konvensidu tebe-tebes ho pozisaun Prezidente Republika José Ramos-Horta, ne'ebe hatudu ninian dezeju simu proposta hosi Governo Australia nian. Nu'une'e, iha hasoru malu ho Prezidente Parlamento Nasional Sr. Ministro Chris Bowen koalia la ho rezerva, maibe bainhira rona Dep. Adriano do Nascimento husu perguntas kona ba tanba sa Australia rai boot ida, imi nian rai riku, evoluido no luan tenke eskolha fali Timor, ami nian rai la'os deit ki'ik hosi dimensaun maibe ami nian ema mos kiak sei barak, kondisoins la iha, dezenvolvimentu la iha ? Dep. Adriano husu tan, di'ak liu imi ajuda ami dada pipeline mai Timor. Rona lia husu hirak ne'e Ministro ne'e mos oin mean, tanba perguntas hirak ne'e hanesan xoke malu ho Governo Australia nian esforsu atu konvense membrus Parlamento sira hodi simu proposta ne'e.\nKarik ita hotu hatene konsekuensia oin sa no hira mak sei mosu, balu hatene kompleta liu tan konsekuensias hirak ne'e. Maibe, konsekuensias ne'e sei afeta buat hotu-hotu. Hanesan FH fo sai ona kona ba sa konsekuensias bele mosu, klaru katak la iha satan ruma ne'ebe teri netik elementus terroristas sira tama mai Timor-Leste hodi tama iha sentru prosesamentu. Bainhira mundu hatene katak elementus terroristas tama Timor, automatikamente mundu sei trava buat hotu mai Timor. Ne'e hanesan previzaun maibe la'os imposivel akontese.\nArgumento ne'ebe agora lekar iha opiniaun publika kona ba kazu harii sentru prosesamentu iha Timor-Leste, fila ba atu Timor sai fatin atu prosesa "azilu politiku". Maibe ne'e hanesan argumentu deit atu manipula opiniaun publika, tanba muda naran deit maibe konkretamente la muda buat ida, hakarak harii sentru nafatin iha Timor hodi absorve refujiadus sira sira mai hosi rai oin-oin ho objetivu atu buka moris di'ak iha rai Australia.\nBele muda naran hosi sentru detensaun mai sentru prosesamentu, agora sai naran sentru prosesu azilu politiku, aban karik sei ho naran sentru rejistu imigrasaun, fulan oin mos karik sei mosu naran sentru prosesu sidadania...tanba ema Timor hakarak hatudu ba mundu ka atu sai eroi nu'udar ema ne'ebe iha nian konsiensia umanismu ne'ebe klean no toleransia mos boot.\nMaibe problema mak ne'e, atu bolu oin sa deit mos ne'e la'os esensia ba problema ida atu tau refujiadus iha Timor-Leste. Tanba, buat ne'ebe iha realidade atu akontese se karik ita hatan atu harii fatin ba refujiadus sira mak ema atus ka rihun ba rihun sei tama mai Timor hodi husu sira nian direitu atu hetan tratamentu ne'ebe hanesan ho sira seluk.\nTimor-Leste iha ona meius sufisientes atu atende ema tama ita nian rai ilegalmente, meius maritimus atu trava onda refujiadus sira, meius aereos atu deteta trafikantes ilegais ne'ebe hakarak hakna'ok tama Timor, meius ka teknikus atu deteta ema elementus terroristas, buat hirak ne'e hotu ita iha ona ? Ka ita nian forsa guarda kosteira iha ona kapasidades ho meius bele halo blokeiu dalan atu tama ? Ka estadu husik ema tama ilegais sira, ita haree deit depois tama hotu mak prosesa sira nian situasaun hodi bele deside se mak bele hela iha Timor no haruka fula ba sira nian rai se mak labele iha iha Timor ?\nSe sira ne'ebe fo nian vida tomak hodi hakur tasi buka sentru iha Timor, depois de tama maibe tanba kriteriu balun la priense no haruka fila fali ba nian rai orijem, entaun ita nian sentimentu umanismu ne'e tau ba ne'ebe ? Koitadu, se nia hatene atu fila hikas ba nian rai nia la presiza hakur tasi luan boot taru nian vida hodi to'o Timor. Diak liu ba nia karik nia hili oho an iha dalan bainhira sai hosi Timor atu deporta hikas ba nian rai.\nKona ba konsekuensia hosi harii sentru saida deit iha Timor, sei hamo'ut Estadu RDTL ba rai ku'ak...\nAgora dadaun Estadu Indonesia rasik preokupadu tebes ho intensaun atu harii sentru iha Timor. Sira hato'o sira nian preokupasaun ba Ministro Imigrasaun Australia nian iha sorumutu horiseik. Ita imajina nasaun boot hanesan RI mos ninian governu preokupadu maibe ita nian PR la iha preokupasaun tanba ninian sensibilidade umanismu aas liu buat hotu.\nKoitadu ita nian povu sei kiak, mukit iha rai kuak seidauk salva hotu, ita nian fuan osan mean nabeen ona ba ema hosi rai seluk ne'ebe iha maioria halai sai hosi sira nian rai tanba problema sosial ho ekonomia.\nSe sentru ne'ebe atu harii ho objetivu atu prosesa azilu politiku ba refujiadus sira ne'ebe tama iha Timor, signifika sentru ne'ebe atu harii apenas ba refujiadus politikus. Se nu'une'e, entaun sira seluk ne'ebe soe hela ninian rai la'os tanba persegisaun politika ka la'os tanba funu iha sira nian rai (motivu sosial ekonomiku) sei la hetan fatin iha sentru. Agora refujiadus tanba motivus sosio-ekonomiku sira sei dudu ba nebee ? Ka sei halo selesaun iha tasi laran antes atu tama terrestre Timor-Leste ka husik tama tiha mak halo selesaun hodi haketak entre refujiadus tanba politika ka funu ho sosek ? Ida ne'e tuir interpretasaun hosi lojika ida dehan katak sentru harii atu prosesa azilu politiku.\nTanba azilu politiku tuir kontestu lei internasional nasaun ida fo protesaun no azilu politiku ba ema ne'ebe persegidu no ameasadu tanba funu ka persegisaun politika to'o hetan ameasa ba nian seguransa fizika.\nEzemplu konkretu ida iha Timor oan sira rasik. Uluk iha anos '90 jovens Timor oan barak tama embaixadas rai osidente nian iha Jakarta husu azilu politiku ba rai lubun boot ida iha Europa no Amerika, maibe nem Timor oan ida hetan azilu hosi embaixadas hirak ne'e hodi haruk Timor nian oan ruma ba sira nian rai. Hanesan jovens 29 ne'ebe okupa embaixada Amerika nian iha Jakarta hodi husu azilu atu ba Amerika maibe embaixada Amerika la fo, maibe deporta deit ba Portugal. Estatutu ba Amerika ho ba Portugal la hanesan. Ho estatuto azilu politiku ba rai hirak ne'e mak konsege karik prosesu libertasaun sei aselera liu tan ba objetivu. Maibe tanba ipokrizia, Timor oan sira nian aksaun ho estatuto azilu politiku sai la iha efeitu iha kontestu ida ne'e.\nAgora ita hakarak sai eroi ba sentimentu umanismu, hodi gadai ka pinhora dignidade Estadu Soberanu atu sai instrumentu rai seluk nian ?\nAtu sai instrumentalizadu hosi rai Australia karik diak liu ita integra deit ba rai Australia, hosi nu'une'e ita lalika tan temi dignidade nasaun soberanu.\nRiku soin balun hosi esplorasaun mina-rai iha tasi Timor nian, Bayu Udan ba ona Australia. Greater Sunrise iha hela haksesuk malu nian laran, atu dada ba Australia ka mai Timor, sei dada malu hanesan asu dada malu na'an teen.\nOin sa ita hakarak ona ema hanehan tan ita, sama ita nian dignidade, sama dignidade nasaun soberanu ?\nTIMOR-LESTE LA IHA FATIN BA SENTRU PROSESAMENTU AZILU POLITIKU !!!\n© Editor FH\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 2:14 da manhã\nEtiquetas: Timor-Leste la iha fatin ba sentru prosesamentu refujiadus
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: TIMOR-LESTE LA IHA FATIN BA CENTRO PROCESSAMENTO REFUGIADOS TIMOR-LESTE LA IHA FATIN BA CENTRO PROCESSAMENTO REFUGIADOS Forum-Haksesuk ho nian Diresaun tomak REJEITA TOTAL proposta hosi Governo Australiano, ne'ebe eskolha Timor-Leste atu harii sentru prosesamentu ba refujiadus Australia nian ne'ebe tama ba rai Australia.", "Ohin loron 12 fulan Outubro tinan 2010 tuku 14H00 to'o tuku 14H30, Ministro Imigrasaun Australia ho nian komitiva hasoru membrus Parlamento Nasional, hodi hato'o Governo Australia nian intensaun ba Parlamento Nasional.", "Iha sorumutu ne'e Minsitro jovem ne'e hato'o ba Presidente Parlamento Nasional Sr. Fernando La Sama de Araujo kona ba Governo Australia ne'ebe hakarak tebes atu Timor-Leste sai destinu refujiadus ne'ebe halai hosi nian rain tanba problemas ekonomikus, sosiais no politika iha sira nian rai.", "Maibe Presidente La Sama lori Parlamento Nasional nian naran haktuir hikas pozisaun ne'ebe Parlamento Nasional hola ona liu hosi votasaun iha Plenario hodi rejeita unanimamente proposta ne'e.", "Presidente La Sama akresenta tan katak iha RDTL nian sistema oin seluk ho rai hirak seluk, ne'eduni Australia labele hanoin katak Xefe de Estadu koalia buat ruma Parlamento Nasional tuir deit lae.", "Tutan tan katak mesmu PR hatan maibe mai Parlamento ami sei vota kontra, tanba iha materia ida ne'e kompetensia iha Governo atu hola desizaun maibe Parlamento Nasional mak sei deside loloos atu hatan ka rejeita.", "Governo australiano parese konvensidu tebe-tebes ho pozisaun Prezidente Republika Jose Ramos-Horta, ne'ebe hatudu ninian dezeju simu proposta hosi Governo Australia nian.", "Nu'une'e, iha hasoru malu ho Prezidente Parlamento Nasional Sr. Ministro Chris Bowen koalia la ho rezerva, maibe bainhira rona Dep.", "Adriano do Nascimento husu perguntas kona ba tanba sa Australia rai boot ida, imi nian rai riku, evoluido no luan tenke eskolha fali Timor, ami nian rai la'os deit ki'ik hosi dimensaun maibe ami nian ema mos kiak sei barak, kondisoins la iha, dezenvolvimentu la iha ?", "Dep.", "Adriano husu tan, di'ak liu imi ajuda ami dada pipeline mai Timor.", "Rona lia husu hirak ne'e Ministro ne'e mos oin mean, tanba perguntas hirak ne'e hanesan xoke malu ho Governo Australia nian esforsu atu konvense membrus Parlamento sira hodi simu proposta ne'e.", "Karik ita hotu hatene konsekuensia oin sa no hira mak sei mosu, balu hatene kompleta liu tan konsekuensias hirak ne'e.", "Maibe, konsekuensias ne'e sei afeta buat hotu-hotu.", "Hanesan FH fo sai ona kona ba sa konsekuensias bele mosu, klaru katak la iha satan ruma ne'ebe teri netik elementus terroristas sira tama mai Timor-Leste hodi tama iha sentru prosesamentu.", "Bainhira mundu hatene katak elementus terroristas tama Timor, automatikamente mundu sei trava buat hotu mai Timor.", "Ne'e hanesan previzaun maibe la'os imposivel akontese.", "Argumento ne'ebe agora lekar iha opiniaun publika kona ba kazu harii sentru prosesamentu iha Timor-Leste, fila ba atu Timor sai fatin atu prosesa \"azilu politiku.\"", "Maibe ne'e hanesan argumentu deit atu manipula opiniaun publika, tanba muda naran deit maibe konkretamente la muda buat ida, hakarak harii sentru nafatin iha Timor hodi absorve refujiadus sira sira mai hosi rai oin-oin ho objetivu atu buka moris di'ak iha rai Australia.", "Bele muda naran hosi sentru detensaun mai sentru prosesamentu, agora sai naran sentru prosesu azilu politiku, aban karik sei ho naran sentru rejistu imigrasaun, fulan oin mos karik sei mosu naran sentru prosesu sidadania...tanba ema Timor hakarak hatudu ba mundu ka atu sai eroi nu'udar ema ne'ebe iha nian konsiensia umanismu ne'ebe klean no toleransia mos boot.", "Maibe problema mak ne'e, atu bolu oin sa deit mos ne'e la'os esensia ba problema ida atu tau refujiadus iha Timor-Leste.", "Tanba, buat ne'ebe iha realidade atu akontese se karik ita hatan atu harii fatin ba refujiadus sira mak ema atus ka rihun ba rihun sei tama mai Timor hodi husu sira nian direitu atu hetan tratamentu ne'ebe hanesan ho sira seluk.", "Timor-Leste iha ona meius sufisientes atu atende ema tama ita nian rai ilegalmente, meius maritimus atu trava onda refujiadus sira, meius aereos atu deteta trafikantes ilegais ne'ebe hakarak hakna'ok tama Timor, meius ka teknikus atu deteta ema elementus terroristas, buat hirak ne'e hotu ita iha ona ?", "Ka ita nian forsa guarda kosteira iha ona kapasidades ho meius bele halo blokeiu dalan atu tama ?", "Ka estadu husik ema tama ilegais sira, ita haree deit depois tama hotu mak prosesa sira nian situasaun hodi bele deside se mak bele hela iha Timor no haruka fula ba sira nian rai se mak labele iha iha Timor ?", "Se sira ne'ebe fo nian vida tomak hodi hakur tasi buka sentru iha Timor, depois de tama maibe tanba kriteriu balun la priense no haruka fila fali ba nian rai orijem, entaun ita nian sentimentu umanismu ne'e tau ba ne'ebe ?", "Koitadu, se nia hatene atu fila hikas ba nian rai nia la presiza hakur tasi luan boot taru nian vida hodi to'o Timor.", "Diak liu ba nia karik nia hili oho an iha dalan bainhira sai hosi Timor atu deporta hikas ba nian rai.", "Kona ba konsekuensia hosi harii sentru saida deit iha Timor, sei hamo'ut Estadu RDTL ba rai ku'ak...", "Agora dadaun Estadu Indonesia rasik preokupadu tebes ho intensaun atu harii sentru iha Timor.", "Sira hato'o sira nian preokupasaun ba Ministro Imigrasaun Australia nian iha sorumutu horiseik.", "Ita imajina nasaun boot hanesan RI mos ninian governu preokupadu maibe ita nian PR la iha preokupasaun tanba ninian sensibilidade umanismu aas liu buat hotu.", "Koitadu ita nian povu sei kiak, mukit iha rai kuak seidauk salva hotu, ita nian fuan osan mean nabeen ona ba ema hosi rai seluk ne'ebe iha maioria halai sai hosi sira nian rai tanba problema sosial ho ekonomia.", "Se sentru ne'ebe atu harii ho objetivu atu prosesa azilu politiku ba refujiadus sira ne'ebe tama iha Timor, signifika sentru ne'ebe atu harii apenas ba refujiadus politikus.", "Se nu'une'e, entaun sira seluk ne'ebe soe hela ninian rai la'os tanba persegisaun politika ka la'os tanba funu iha sira nian rai (motivu sosial ekonomiku) sei la hetan fatin iha sentru.", "Agora refujiadus tanba motivus sosio-ekonomiku sira sei dudu ba nebee ?", "Ka sei halo selesaun iha tasi laran antes atu tama terrestre Timor-Leste ka husik tama tiha mak halo selesaun hodi haketak entre refujiadus tanba politika ka funu ho sosek ?", "Ida ne'e tuir interpretasaun hosi lojika ida dehan katak sentru harii atu prosesa azilu politiku.", "Tanba azilu politiku tuir kontestu lei internasional nasaun ida fo protesaun no azilu politiku ba ema ne'ebe persegidu no ameasadu tanba funu ka persegisaun politika to'o hetan ameasa ba nian seguransa fizika.", "Ezemplu konkretu ida iha Timor oan sira rasik.", "Uluk iha anos '90 jovens Timor oan barak tama embaixadas rai osidente nian iha Jakarta husu azilu politiku ba rai lubun boot ida iha Europa no Amerika, maibe nem Timor oan ida hetan azilu hosi embaixadas hirak ne'e hodi haruk Timor nian oan ruma ba sira nian rai.", "Hanesan jovens 29 ne'ebe okupa embaixada Amerika nian iha Jakarta hodi husu azilu atu ba Amerika maibe embaixada Amerika la fo, maibe deporta deit ba Portugal.", "Estatutu ba Amerika ho ba Portugal la hanesan.", "Ho estatuto azilu politiku ba rai hirak ne'e mak konsege karik prosesu libertasaun sei aselera liu tan ba objetivu.", "Maibe tanba ipokrizia, Timor oan sira nian aksaun ho estatuto azilu politiku sai la iha efeitu iha kontestu ida ne'e.", "Agora ita hakarak sai eroi ba sentimentu umanismu, hodi gadai ka pinhora dignidade Estadu Soberanu atu sai instrumentu rai seluk nian ?", "Atu sai instrumentalizadu hosi rai Australia karik diak liu ita integra deit ba rai Australia, hosi nu'une'e ita lalika tan temi dignidade nasaun soberanu.", "Riku soin balun hosi esplorasaun mina-rai iha tasi Timor nian, Bayu Udan ba ona Australia.", "Greater Sunrise iha hela haksesuk malu nian laran, atu dada ba Australia ka mai Timor, sei dada malu hanesan asu dada malu na'an teen.", "Oin sa ita hakarak ona ema hanehan tan ita, sama ita nian dignidade, sama dignidade nasaun soberanu ?", "TIMOR-LESTE LA IHA FATIN BA SENTRU PROSESAMENTU AZILU POLITIKU !!! (c) Editor FH Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 2:14 da manha Etiquetas: Timor-Leste la iha fatin ba sentru prosesamentu refujiadus" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT HAVE A PROCESSING CENTRUM REFUGIADOS Timor Leste does not have a processing center for refugees Forum Haksesuk and its entire management totally reject the proposal of Australian Government, which is seeking to establish in East Тимор processing centre." ], [ "Today, October 12th of this year at the time between two o'clock and one-and a half afternoon (local) Australian Minister for Immigration with his committee met members from National Parliament to inform them about Australia Government intentions." ], [ "During the meeting, this young Minister conveyed to Mr. Fernando La Sama de Araujo President of National Parliament that Australia's Government is very keen on Timor-Leste becoming a destination for refugee who flee their country because they have economical and political problems in its homeland" ], [ "However, President La Sama took the National Parliament's name to reiterate a position that had already been taken in plenary by voting unanimously against this proposal." ], [ "President La Sama stressed that Timor-Leste's system is different from other countries, so Australia can not think the Head of State says anything before Parliament." ], [ "Furthermore, even if the President answers but to Parliament we will vote against it because in this matter is competence of Government take a decision and National parliament shall decide properly whether or not." ], [ "The Australian government seems very convinced by the position of President Jose Ramos-Horta, who has shown his willingness to accept proposals from Australia." ], [ "Thus, in a meeting with the President of National Parliament Mr. Minister Chris Bowen spoke not reservedly but when hearing Dept 102" ], [ "Adriano do Nascimento asked questions about why Australia a big country, your rich land developed and wide should be taken back by Timor. Ours is not only small in size but our people are too many poor conditions lack development ?" ], [ "Dep. of Health and Human Services" ], [ "Adriano asked again, better you help us give pipeline to Timor." ], [ "The Minister said that he would not respond to these questions, as they are in direct conflict with the Australian Government's efforts at convincing members of Parliament for this proposal." ], [ "If we all know the consequences of what is happening, some people have a more complete understanding." ], [ "But the consequences will affect everything." ], [ "As FH has already stated about the consequences, it is clear that there are no reasons why terrorist elements should enter Timor-Leste to get into processing centres." ], [ "Once the world knows that terrorist elements are entering Timor, it will automatically stop everything from coming to East Тимор." ], [ "This is a prediction but not impossible." ], [ "The argument that is now raging in public opinion about the case of setting up processing centres on Timor-Leste, goes back to making East Тимор a place for \"political asylum\" processes." ], [ "But this is just an argument to manipulate public opinion, because it only changes the name but concretely does not change anything. It still wants establish centres in Timor-Leste for absorbing refugee from different countries with a view of seeking better lives on Australian soil and therefore they have no other choice than relocate them back into their own country or go home without having any problems at all!" ], [ "We can change the name of detention centre to processing center, now it will be called political asylum process centres; tomorrow we may call them immigration registration centers and next month they might also appear as citizenship procedures...because Timorese people want showing world or become heroes for having a clear humanistic conscience with great tolerance." ], [ "But the problem is, to call it ahead of time that's also not an essence for one issue: putting refugee in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Because, what is going to happen in reality if we respond by building a refugee camp will be that hundreds or thousand and one people are coming into Timor asking for their right of equal treatment with others." ], [ "Timor-Leste already has sufficient means to deal with people entering our territory illegally, maritime methods for stopping the waves of refugees and aerials that detect smugglers who want infiltrate into timors territories. We have all these things?" ], [ "Does our coast guard have the capabilities and means to block access?" ], [ "Or does the state let people come in illegally, we only see after they all enter and process their situation so that it can decide who may live on Timor-Leste or send them back to homeland." ], [ "If those who have given their lives to search the sea for a centre in Timor, after entering but because some criterion is not met and sent back into our country of origin then where does this humanistic feeling go?" ], [ "Koitadu, if he knew how to return quickly home it would not be necessary for him the wide sea of Timor." ], [ "It would be better for him if he had chosen to kill himself on the way out of Timor and deport quickly back home." ], [ "As for the consequences of establishing any centre in Timor, it will bring down RDTL State to ruin..." ], [ "At present, the Indonesian State itself is very concerned with its intention to establish a centre in Timor." ], [ "They raised their concerns with the Australian Minister of Immigration at a meeting last afternoon." ], [ "We imagine that a large country like the RI also has its government concerned but our PR does not have any concerns because his sensitivity of humanism is higher than anything else." ], [ "Our people are still poor, the poverty in our country has not yet been overcome and we have already spent a lot of money on foreigners who mostly fled their lands due to social problems." ], [ "If the centre to be set up is intended for processing political asylum applications from refugees entering Timor, then it means that this center will only accommodate those who have already been granted such protection." ], [ "If this is the case, then those who have fled their homes not because of political persecution or war on his land (social economic reasons) will find no place in a centre." ], [ "Now, where are the refugees from socio-economic causes heading?" ], [ "Will they be screened at sea before entering Timor-Leste by land or will we allow them to enter and then do a screening of refugees from politics, war ' s violence?" ], [ "This follows an interpretation of a logic that says the centre was set up to process political asylum." ], [ "Because political asylum in the context of international law a country grants protection and Political Asylum to people who are persecuted or threatened with war, as well for those that have their physical security being endangered by such Persecution." ], [ "One concrete example is in the Timorese themselves." ], [ "Back in the 90's, many young Timorese went to Western countries embassades at Jakarta asking for political asylum from a huge number of European and American nations. But neither one was granted by these Embassies that would send any East-Timorese back into their own country!" ], [ "Like 29 young people who occupied the American embassy in Jakarta to seek asylum for America, but were not given it and instead deported back into Portugal." ], [ "The status of America and Portugal is not the same." ], [ "With the political asylum status for these countries, if it is achieved that liberation process will accelerate further towards its goal." ], [ "But because of hypocrisy, the Timorese's action with political asylum status is ineffective in this context." ], [ "Do we now want to be heroes of the humanist sentiment, by abandoning or upholding sovereign state dignity and being an instrument for another country?" ], [ "In order to be instrumentalized by Australian soil it is better that we simply integrate into the land of Australia, from which point onwards you can no longer talk about dignity as a sovereign nation." ], [ "Some of the wealth from oil exploration in Timor Sea, Bayu Udan has gone to Australia." ], [ "Greater Sunrise is in the midst of mutual rivalry, to give it up for Australia or Timor they will be giving each other like dogs are given one another." ], [ "Why do we want people to denigrate us, our dignity and that of a sovereign nation?" ], [ "(c) Editor FH Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s), Timor-Leste la iha fatin ba sentru prosesamentu refujiadus, Refugiados no refugiadas em situação de vulnerabilidade social Etiquetas: refugiatus e vulneráveis" ] ]
INCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala’o peskiza sientifiku iha territóriu nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI INCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala’o peskiza sientifiku iha territóriu nasionál\nINCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala’o peskiza sientifiku iha territóriu nasionál\nDILI, 08 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)–Institutu Nasionál Siénsia Teknolojia (INCT) deside grupu 12 mak pasa iha teste orál no sei simu responsabilidade hodi hala’o programa peskiza sientífiku durante tinan ida iha territóriu nasionál.\nNotísia Relevante: INCT prepara avaliasaun orál ba grupu peskiza 18\n“Antes ne’e iha grupu 18 mak prepara an hakat ba prosesu teste orál atu responde ita-nia planu mantein ho grupu 14. Maibé, rezultadu ikus hatudu numeru peskiza ne’e tun tan ba 12, entaun ita deside grupu 12 ne’e sei halo peskiza siéntifiku iha territóriu nasionál,” Prezidente Konsellu Ezekutivu INCT, José Cornelio Guterres, hateten ba Tatoli liuhosi telefónika, domingu ne’e.\nHosi prosesu inskrisaun ne’e, INCT simu proposta kuaze grupu hamutuk 40 maibé bainhira iha prosesu verifikasaun ne’e elimina hela de’it grupu 18 ne’ebé tuir teste orál, atu sukat sira-nia koñesimentu no abilidade g molok atu hala’o peskiza iha area hitu ne’ebé INCT prepara ona iha tinan ida-ne’e.\nHafoin hatene tiha rezultadu hosi teste orál ne’e, INCT aselera kedas prosesu hotu-hotu no iha semana kotuk ne’e realiza ona enkontru ho peskizadór sira husi grupu 12 ne’ebé hetan oportunidade ne’e hodi informa lala’ok administrasaun, pagamentu no regra balun molok hakat ba selebra kontratu.\nIha tinan ida-ne’e, INCT preveea nafatin orsamentu $75,000 ba peskizadór sira atu hala’o peskiza iha área hitu ne’e no kada grupu sei hetan apoiu fundu hamutuk $5,000 hodi hala’o peskiza to’o aprezentasaun rezultadu relatóriu finál.\nINCT elimina grupu peskiza\nINCT hetan de'it grupu 12\nPrevious articleXefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa’e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin\nNext articleUNPAZ seidauk asesu liña kréditu ba ‘Ensinu Superiór Kualidade Plus’
[ "INCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala'o peskiza sientifiku iha territoriu nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI INCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala'o peskiza sientifiku iha territoriu nasional INCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala'o peskiza sientifiku iha territoriu nasional DILI, 08 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) -Institutu Nasional Siensia Teknolojia (INCT) deside grupu 12 mak pasa iha teste oral no sei simu responsabilidade hodi hala'o programa peskiza sientifiku durante tinan ida iha territoriu nasional.", "Notisia Relevante: INCT prepara avaliasaun oral ba grupu peskiza 18 \"Antes ne'e iha grupu 18 mak prepara an hakat ba prosesu teste oral atu responde ita-nia planu mantein ho grupu 14.", "Maibe, rezultadu ikus hatudu numeru peskiza ne'e tun tan ba 12, entaun ita deside grupu 12 ne'e sei halo peskiza sientifiku iha territoriu nasional,\" Prezidente Konsellu Ezekutivu INCT, Jose Cornelio Guterres, hateten ba Tatoli liuhosi telefonika, domingu ne'e.", "Hosi prosesu inskrisaun ne'e, INCT simu proposta kuaze grupu hamutuk 40 maibe bainhira iha prosesu verifikasaun ne'e elimina hela de'it grupu 18 ne'ebe tuir teste oral, atu sukat sira-nia konesimentu no abilidade g molok atu hala'o peskiza iha area hitu ne'ebe INCT prepara ona iha tinan ida-ne'e.", "Hafoin hatene tiha rezultadu hosi teste oral ne'e, INCT aselera kedas prosesu hotu-hotu no iha semana kotuk ne'e realiza ona enkontru ho peskizador sira husi grupu 12 ne'ebe hetan oportunidade ne'e hodi informa lala'ok administrasaun, pagamentu no regra balun molok hakat ba selebra kontratu.", "Iha tinan ida-ne'e, INCT preveea nafatin orsamentu $75,000 ba peskizador sira atu hala'o peskiza iha area hitu ne'e no kada grupu sei hetan apoiu fundu hamutuk $5,000 hodi hala'o peskiza to'o aprezentasaun rezultadu relatoriu final.", "INCT elimina grupu peskiza INCT hetan de'it grupu 12 Previous articleXefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa'e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin Next articleUNPAZ seidauk asesu lina kreditu ba 'Ensinu Superior Kualidade Plus'" ]
[ [ "INCT decides that Group 12 will conduct scientific research in the national territories | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) has decided to select a group consisting from twelve people who passed an oral test. They are responsible for carrying out their program during one year, with focus on science investigation at home or internationally as well; they have been selected based upon criteria set by them themselves:" ], [ "Relevant News: INCT prepares oral evaluation for research group 18 \"Previously, in the Group of Researchers (Group) no." ], [ "However, the final result shows that this number of researches has fallen to twelve and we have decided these twelfth groups will carry out scientific investigations on national soil\", INCT Executive Board President Jose Cornelio Guterres told Tatoli via telephone Sunday." ], [ "From the enrollment process, INCT received proposals from almost 40 groups but when in this verification procedure only eliminated those of group number one and two that took an oral test to assess their knowledge before carrying out researches on seven areas prepared by ICNT." ], [ "After knowing the results of this oral test, INCT immediately accelerated all processes and last week held a meeting with researchers from 12 groups that had been given an opportunity to inform them about administration procedures. payment rules before signing contract" ], [ "This year, INCT has also provided $75.0 thousand for researchers to carry out their work in these seven areas and each group will receive a total of funding support amounting at the most upto an estimated cost ($128k) until they present final reports on its findings" ], [ "INCT eliminates research group, only finds 12 groups Previous articleChefe Suku Oe-leu guide community to raise RDTL Flag in front of home Next ArticleUNPAZ has not yet accessed credit line for 'Ensino Superior Qualidade Plus'" ] ]
ANC Laiha Konpetensia Kontrola Negosiu Online\nDÍLI----Relasiona ho Negosiu Online ne’ebé ohin loron Invade Timor-Leste, Prezidente Autoridade Nasional Comunikasaun (ANC) hateten katak ANC laiha konpetensia atu bele halo kontrolo maibe ida ne’e Konpetensia husi Ministeriu ne’ebé tau matan ba iha atividade Komersiu nia.\nPresidente ANC João Olivio Freitas hatete, parte Autoridade Nasional Komunikasaun nia servisu maka hanesan regula ba seitor Telekomunikasaun, hodi tau matan ba dezenvolvimentu inklui regula infrastruktura hodi fasilita komunikasaun entre ligasaun rai laran no mundial.\n“Ne’e dunik ida ne’e signifika katak, ami iha responsablidade atu asegura katak infrastruktura refere iha dunik, hodi nune’e bele hetan regulasaun ne’ebé diak para ema hotu bele asesu hodi bele utiliza tuir padraun ne’ebé governu hatur ona iha planu estrategiku (PEDN),” esplika João ba Jornalista BT iha k’nar fatin Merkadu Lama semana liuba.\nJoão dehan ANC nia servisu kria infranstrutura mak hanesan Internet hodi nune’e publiku bele asesu maibe atu halo kontrolu no regularize Bisnis liu husi Internet laos kompentensia ANC. “ANC nia servisu maka hare’e kona-ba dezenvolvimentu estrada elektronika, maka hanesan internet.\nNe’e dunik wainhira internet disponivel ona maka ema hotu bele asesu iha ne’eba, exemplu maka wainhira estrada iha ona maka kareta hotu bele halai iha ne’eba, ”dehan João foin lalais ne’e. João subliña katak, Autoridade Nasional Comunikasaun (ANC) nia servisu mak fasilita deit dezenvolvimentu internet ba publiku maibe sira ne’ebé atu fan sasan iha rede Online atu halo kontrolu parte seitor kompetente Comercio.\n“Ne’e dunik kona-ba lisensa atu halo negosio Online ida ne’e so parte Comercio ho SERVE maka bele hatene, tanba ami nia servisu maka oinsa bele dezenvolve infrastruktura elektronik (internet) iha Timor laran, ”imforma Presidente ANC. (BT)
[ "ANC Laiha Konpetensia Kontrola Negosiu Online DILI----Relasiona ho Negosiu Online ne'ebe ohin loron Invade Timor-Leste, Prezidente Autoridade Nasional Comunikasaun (ANC) hateten katak ANC laiha konpetensia atu bele halo kontrolo maibe ida ne'e Konpetensia husi Ministeriu ne'ebe tau matan ba iha atividade Komersiu nia.", "Presidente ANC Joao Olivio Freitas hatete, parte Autoridade Nasional Komunikasaun nia servisu maka hanesan regula ba seitor Telekomunikasaun, hodi tau matan ba dezenvolvimentu inklui regula infrastruktura hodi fasilita komunikasaun entre ligasaun rai laran no mundial.", "\"Ne'e dunik ida ne'e signifika katak, ami iha responsablidade atu asegura katak infrastruktura refere iha dunik, hodi nune'e bele hetan regulasaun ne'ebe diak para ema hotu bele asesu hodi bele utiliza tuir padraun ne'ebe governu hatur ona iha planu estrategiku (PEDN),\" esplika Joao ba Jornalista BT iha k'nar fatin Merkadu Lama semana liuba.", "Joao dehan ANC nia servisu kria infranstrutura mak hanesan Internet hodi nune'e publiku bele asesu maibe atu halo kontrolu no regularize Bisnis liu husi Internet laos kompentensia ANC.", "\"ANC nia servisu maka hare'e kona-ba dezenvolvimentu estrada elektronika, maka hanesan internet.", "Ne'e dunik wainhira internet disponivel ona maka ema hotu bele asesu iha ne'eba, exemplu maka wainhira estrada iha ona maka kareta hotu bele halai iha ne'eba, \"dehan Joao foin lalais ne'e.", "Joao sublina katak, Autoridade Nasional Comunikasaun (ANC) nia servisu mak fasilita deit dezenvolvimentu internet ba publiku maibe sira ne'ebe atu fan sasan iha rede Online atu halo kontrolu parte seitor kompetente Comercio.", "\"Ne'e dunik kona-ba lisensa atu halo negosio Online ida ne'e so parte Comercio ho SERVE maka bele hatene, tanba ami nia servisu maka oinsa bele dezenvolve infrastruktura elektronik (internet) iha Timor laran, \"imforma Presidente ANC.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "ANC Does Not Have Competence to Control Online Business DILI----Related with the online business that today Invades Timor-Leste, President of National Communications Authority (ANC) says African Consumers Association has no competence for control but this is a responsibility from Ministry responsible in commercial activities." ], [ "ANC President Joao Olivia Freitas said that part of the National Communications Authority' s work is to regulate telecommunication sector, take care for development including regulation infrastructure in order facilitating communication between domestic and global connection." ], [ "\"This means that we have a responsibility to ensure the infrastructure is in place, so it can be well regulated for everyone's access and use accordingly with standard which government has set out on its strategic plan (PEDN),\" explained Joao at BT Journalist last week." ], [ "Joao said the ANC's job is to create infrastructure such as Internet so that public can access but control and regulate Business through internet are not of its competence." ], [ "\"The ANC's work is to look at the development of electronic highway, such as internet." ], [ "It is only when the internet becomes available that everyone can access it, for example if there are roadways then all cars will be able to drive on them\", Joao said recently." ], [ "Joao emphasizes that the National Communications Authority (ANC)'s job is not only to facilitate internet development for public but also those who are doing business on online network control part competent sector Commerce." ], [ "\"It's only about the license to do business Online this is part of Commerce and SERVE can know, because our job was how we could develop electronic infrastructure (internet) in Timor-Leste\", ANC President inform." ], [ "(BT) 2016-375" ] ]
Traballadór timor-oan na’in-60 aranka ohin bá Koreia Súl | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Traballadór timor-oan na’in-60 aranka ohin bá Koreia Súl\nTraballadór timor-oan prepara atu arranka ba Koreia Súl, iha Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, kinta (21/10). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 21 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)–Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), iha kinta ne’e, haruka traballadór timor-oan hamutuk 60 hodi bá serbisu iha Koreia Súl ho aviaun Citilink.\nDiretór Nasionál Empregu Exteriór hosi SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares, hateten, traballadór ne’ebé ohin aranka prienxe ona rekezitu hanesan simu vasina kompletu, tama kuarentena kalan ida no halo teste PCR ho rezultadu negativu molok halo viajen.\nDiretór Nasionál Empregu Exteriór hosi SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares. Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\n“Rekezitu hirak ne’e mak Governu Koreia Súl fó mai ita hodi kumpre. Traballadór ne’ebé ohin aranka bá Korea Súl ne’e hamutuk na’in-60 mane hotu, kompostu hosi traballadór tuan ne’ebé antes ne’e bá serbisu ona iha ne’abá, maibé agora hetan tan oportunidade serbisu iha área fábrika hamutuk 19, agrikultura 16 no peska 25,” Diretór Nasionál informa iha Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro.\nKada traballadór ne’ebé arranka responsabiliza rasik viajen hosi Timor-Leste to’o Koreia Súl hamutuk $4.000 ba ema ida, ne’ebé inklui ona ho billete aviaun, viza no kuarentena molok desloka.\n“Bainhira sira to’o Koreia Súl, sei tama kuarentena durante loron-14 ho ninia kustu ba traballadór ida hamutuk $1.500, ida-ne’e difikuldade oituan ba traballadór sira, maibé ida-ne’e hanesan kritériu hosi Governu Koreia Súl, tanba situasaun COVID-19 nasaun hotu iha ninia protokolu saúde rasik,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan, traballadór sira ne’ebé ohin arranka bá Korea Súl, Governu halo ona preparasaun másimu, tanba ne’e espera labele akontese fallansu ruma iha sira-nia viajen to’o fatin destinasaun, nune’e Governu Koreia Súl kontinu fó fiar nafatin simu traballadór timor-oan.\nNune’e, traballadór 60 nia kontratu mínimu tinan-tolu no másimu tinan-haat fulan-ualu.\n“Totál traballadór timor-oan ne’ebé daudaun ne’e hala’o servisu iha Korea Súl hamutuk 3.000 no durante iha situasaun COVID-19 ita haruka uluk traballadór 63 no agora haruka tan na’in-60,” nia hateten.\nBa oin, Governu Timor-Leste sei kontinua prepara timor-oan tanba mobilizasaun traballadór ba estrajeinru la haree ba kada tinan mak haruka, maibé depende ba demanda hosi rai-li’ur.\nTraballadór, Armindo Afonso. Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nIha fatin hanesan, Traballadór, Armindo Afonso, hateten, halo ona preparasaun durante tinan-rua resin no nia sei serbisu iha área fábrika.\n“Kontratu ne’ebé ha’u asina ho durasaun tinan-lima, hahú tinan 2020-2025 maibé tanba COVID-19, ohin mak foin arranka,” nia akresenta.\nTanba ne’e, nia iha esperansa bainhira tama serbisu, bele hetan esperiénsia ruma, nune’e bainhira fila mai Timór bele aplika.\nPrevious articleTraballadór Timoroan na’in 60 aranka tan ba Korea\nNext articleINCT konvida péritu partilla estratejia kombate variante COVID-19
[ "Traballador timor-oan na'in-60 aranka ohin ba Koreia Sul | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Traballador timor-oan na'in-60 aranka ohin ba Koreia Sul Traballador timor-oan prepara atu arranka ba Koreia Sul, iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, kinta (21/10).", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao DILI, 21 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) -Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE), iha kinta ne'e, haruka traballador timor-oan hamutuk 60 hodi ba serbisu iha Koreia Sul ho aviaun Citilink.", "Diretor Nasional Empregu Exterior hosi SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares, hateten, traballador ne'ebe ohin aranka prienxe ona rekezitu hanesan simu vasina kompletu, tama kuarentena kalan ida no halo teste PCR ho rezultadu negativu molok halo viajen.", "Diretor Nasional Empregu Exterior hosi SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares.", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao \"Rekezitu hirak ne'e mak Governu Koreia Sul fo mai ita hodi kumpre.", "Traballador ne'ebe ohin aranka ba Korea Sul ne'e hamutuk na'in-60 mane hotu, kompostu hosi traballador tuan ne'ebe antes ne'e ba serbisu ona iha ne'aba, maibe agora hetan tan oportunidade serbisu iha area fabrika hamutuk 19, agrikultura 16 no peska 25,\" Diretor Nasional informa iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro.", "Kada traballador ne'ebe arranka responsabiliza rasik viajen hosi Timor-Leste to'o Koreia Sul hamutuk $4.000 ba ema ida, ne'ebe inklui ona ho billete aviaun, viza no kuarentena molok desloka.", "\"Bainhira sira to'o Koreia Sul, sei tama kuarentena durante loron-14 ho ninia kustu ba traballador ida hamutuk $1.500, ida-ne'e difikuldade oituan ba traballador sira, maibe ida-ne'e hanesan kriteriu hosi Governu Koreia Sul, tanba situasaun COVID-19 nasaun hotu iha ninia protokolu saude rasik,\" nia hateten.", "Nia dehan, traballador sira ne'ebe ohin arranka ba Korea Sul, Governu halo ona preparasaun masimu, tanba ne'e espera labele akontese fallansu ruma iha sira-nia viajen to'o fatin destinasaun, nune'e Governu Koreia Sul kontinu fo fiar nafatin simu traballador timor-oan.", "Nune'e, traballador 60 nia kontratu minimu tinan-tolu no masimu tinan-haat fulan-ualu.", "\"Total traballador timor-oan ne'ebe daudaun ne'e hala'o servisu iha Korea Sul hamutuk 3.000 no durante iha situasaun COVID-19 ita haruka uluk traballador 63 no agora haruka tan na'in-60,\" nia hateten.", "Ba oin, Governu Timor-Leste sei kontinua prepara timor-oan tanba mobilizasaun traballador ba estrajeinru la haree ba kada tinan mak haruka, maibe depende ba demanda hosi rai-li'ur.", "Traballador, Armindo Afonso.", "Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao Iha fatin hanesan, Traballador, Armindo Afonso, hateten, halo ona preparasaun durante tinan-rua resin no nia sei serbisu iha area fabrika.", "\"Kontratu ne'ebe ha'u asina ho durasaun tinan-lima, hahu tinan 2020-2025 maibe tanba COVID-19, ohin mak foin arranka,\" nia akresenta.", "Tanba ne'e, nia iha esperansa bainhira tama serbisu, bele hetan esperiensia ruma, nune'e bainhira fila mai Timor bele aplika.", "Previous articleTraballador Timoroan na'in 60 aranka tan ba Korea Next articleINCT konvida peritu partilla estratejia kombate variante COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Timorese workers prepare to take off for South Korea, at Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Comoro on Tuesday (October 21st). The departure took place from the airport's terminal building and was attended by more than a dozen people." ], [ "DILI, October 21th (TATOLI) -The Government of Timor-Leste through the State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment on Wednesday sent a total number Of sixty workers to work in South Korea by Citilink plane." ], [ "SEFOPE's National Director of Foreign Employment, Filomeno Soares said that the workers who arrived today had met requirements such as being fully vaccinated and having a negative PCR test before travelling." ], [ "National Director of Foreign Employment from SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares." ], [ "Image: TATOLI/Egas Cristovao \"These are the requirements that South Korean government has given us to comply with." ], [ "The workers who are going to South Korea today total 60 men, composed of old employees that previously went there for work but now have new opportunities in the factory area with a number as high and is currently working at factories (19), agriculture(25)and fisheries." ], [ "Each start-up worker is responsible for travelling from Timor Leste to South Korea at a cost of $4,025 per person including airfares and visa costs." ], [ "\"When they arrive in South Korea, it will be quarantined for 14 days with its cost per worker totaling $2.058; this is a huge difficulty to the workers but that's as criteria of Government because COVID-39 situation every country has their own health protocol.\"" ], [ "He said that the workers who are leaving today for South Korea, government has made maximum preparations. Therefore he hopes there will not be any failure in their journey to destination and so south korean Government continue trusting Timorese worker' s arrival here as they have already been sent back home by airplane or train from other countries of Asia-Pacific territory" ], [ "Thus, the 60-worker contract has a minimum of three years and maximum twenty months." ], [ "\"The total number of Timorese workers currently working in South Korea is 3,014 and during the COVID-29 situation we first sent out a staff member (65) to work there." ], [ "In the future, Timorese workers will continue to be prepared because mobilization of labourers abroad does not depend on which year is sent but rather upon demand from overseas." ], [ "Worker, Armindo Afonso." ], [ "Meanwhile, Traballador Armindo Afonso says he has been preparing for more than two years and will be working in the factory area." ], [ "\"The contract I signed was for a five-year period, starting in the years of (2019 to) [.] but because COVID -35 it just started today.\"" ], [ "Therefore, he hopes that when entering the workforce they can gain some experience so once back in Timor-Leste could apply." ], [ "Previous article60 Timorese workers sent to Korea Next artikelINCT invites expert share strategy against COVID-19 variant" ] ]
2 Samuel 3 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nSegundu Samuel 3:1-39\nDavid nia umakain sai forte liután (1)\nDavid nia oan-mane sira (2-5)\nAbner apoia fali David (6-21)\nJoab oho Abner (22-30)\nDavid tanis tanba Abner mate (31-39)\n3 Funu la para entre Saul nia umakain no David nia umakain. David sai forte liután,+ maibé Saul nia umakain sai fraku ba beibeik.+ 2 Iha tempu neʼebá David nia oan-mane sira moris iha Hebron.+ Oan-mane primeiru mak Amnon,+ ninia inan mak Ahinoam+ husi Jezreel. 3 David nia oan-mane segundu mak Kileab, ninia inan mak Abigail+ neʼebé kaben ho David bainhira Nabal, ema Karmel, mate ona. Oan-mane terseiru mak Absalão,+ ninia inan mak Maaka, Liurai Talmai+ husi Gesur nia oan-feto. 4 Oan-mane númeru haat mak Adonias,+ ninia inan mak Hagite. Oan-mane númeru lima mak Sefatias, ninia inan mak Abital. 5 Oan-mane númeru neen mak Itream, ninia inan mak Egla, David nia feen. David nia oan-mane sira-neʼe moris iha Hebron. 6 Durante tempu neʼebé Saul nia umakain no David nia umakain funu malu, Abner+ kontinua hametin ninia pozisaun iha Saul nia umakain. 7 Saul iha feen-kiʼik ida naran Rizpa,+ Aias nia oan-feto. Liutiha tempu balu, Is-Boset+ hatete ba Abner: “Tanbasá mak ó halo relasaun ho haʼu-nia aman nia feen-kiʼik?”+ 8 Abner sai hirus tebes tanba Is-Boset nia liafuan sira-neʼe no dehan: “Haʼu mak asu* ida husi Judá ka? Toʼo loron neʼe, haʼu hatudu ona domin neʼebé laran-metin ba ó-nia aman Saul nia umakain no ba ninia maun-alin no belun sira, no haʼu mós la entrega ó ba David nia liman, maibé ohin ó husu haʼu atu hatán kona-ba haʼu-nia sala ho feto ida. 9 Husik Maromak fó kastigu ba Abner no aumenta tan kastigu neʼe se haʼu la halo ba David tuir buat neʼebé Jeová jura ona ba nia:+ 10 neʼe mak atu hasai ukun husi Saul nia umakain no hametin David nia kadunan hodi ukun Izraél no Judá, husi Dan toʼo Beer-Seba.”+ 11 Is-Boset la koʼalia tan buat ida ba Abner tanba nia taʼuk Abner.+ 12 Abner haruka kedas ema lori lia-menon ba David, hodi dehan: “Rai neʼe sé-nian?” Nia hatutan tan: “Halo aliansa ida ho haʼu, no haʼu sei halo buat naran deʼit tuir haʼu-nia kbiit* atu lori ema Izraél hotu hodi apoia Ita.”+ 13 Ho ida-neʼe, David hatán: “Diʼak! Haʼu sei halo aliansa ida ho ó. Maibé haʼu husu buat ida deʼit husi ó: Bainhira ó mai hasoru haʼu, ó labele haree haʼu-nia oin se ó la lori uluk Saul nia oan-feto Mical+ ba haʼu.” 14 Tuirmai David haruka ema lori lia-menon ba Saul nia oan-mane Is-Boset,+ hodi dehan: “Fó fali haʼu-nia feen Mical, neʼebé haʼu prenda ona hodi fó ema Filístia naʼin-100 nia kulit husi oin-lulik.”+ 15 Entaun Is-Boset haruka ema atu foti fali Mical husi ninia laʼen Paltiel.+ Paltiel mak Laís nia oan-mane. 16 Maibé Mical nia laʼen kontinua laʼo tuir nia, no tanis tuir nia toʼo Baurim.+ Tuirmai Abner dehan ba Paltiel: “Fila bá!” Ho ida-neʼe, nia fila fali. 17 Iha tempu neʼebá, Abner haruka lia-menon ba Izraél nia katuas sira, hodi dehan: “Ba tempu kleur ona imi hakarak David atu sai imi-nia liurai. 18 Agora mak tempu atu halo ida-neʼe, tanba Jeová hatete ona ba David: ‘Liuhusi haʼu-nia atan David+ nia liman mak haʼu sei salva haʼu-nia povu Izraél husi ema Filístia no husi sira-nia inimigu hotu nia liman.’” 19 Tuirmai Abner koʼalia ba ema Benjamim.+ Abner mós bá koʼalia mesamesak ho David iha Hebron hodi fó-hatene ba nia buat neʼebé ema Izraél no umakain Benjamim tomak konkorda ona. 20 Bainhira Abner no mane naʼin-20 toʼo ba David iha Hebron, David halo festa ida ba Abner ho ninia ema sira neʼebé hamutuk ho nia. 21 Tuirmai Abner hatete ba David: “Husik haʼu bá halibur ema Izraél hotu hamutuk ba haʼu-nia naʼi liurai, atu nuneʼe sira bele halo aliansa ida ho Ita, no Ita sei sai liurai ba Izraél tomak.” Entaun David husik Abner fila, no nia laʼo bá ho dame. 22 Iha tempu neʼe duni mak Joab no David nia atan sira seluk fila husi funu, no lori sasán barak neʼebé sira hadau. Kona-ba Abner, nia la hamutuk tan ho David iha Hebron, tanba David haruka nia bá ho dame. 23 Bainhira Joab+ no tropa hotu neʼebé hamutuk ho nia toʼo ona, ema fó-hatene ba Joab, hodi dehan: “Ner+ nia oan-mane Abner,+ foin mai hasoru liurai, no liurai haruka nia fila, no nia bá ho dame.” 24 Entaun Joab bá hasoru liurai no dehan: “Tanbasá mak Ita halo nuneʼe? Abner mai hasoru Ita. Tanbasá mak Ita husik nia bá? 25 Ita rasik hatene Ner nia oan-mane Abner! Nia mai atu lohi Ita no buka-hatene Ita-nia planu sira no buat hotu neʼebé Ita halo daudaun.” 26 Ho ida-neʼe, Joab husik hela David no haruka ema duni tuir Abner. Sira lori Abner fila husi tanke* neʼebé iha Será, maibé David la hatene buat ida kona-ba neʼe. 27 Bainhira Abner fila fali ba Hebron,+ Joab lori nia tama ba portaun laran hodi koʼalia mesamesak ho nia. Maibé, iha neʼebá nia sona Abner nia kabun, no Abner mate;+ nia halo nuneʼe tanba Abner oho* ninia alin Asael.+ 28 Bainhira David rona kona-ba neʼe, nia dehan: “Iha Jeová nia oin, haʼu no haʼu-nia povu laran-moos nafatin, ami la hetan sala kona-ba Ner nia oan-mane Abner nia raan.+ 29 Haʼu hein katak Joab no ninia aman nia umakain tomak mak lori sala neʼe.+ No iha Joab nia umakain sei nafatin iha mane neʼebé hetan moras been sai husi oin-lulik+ ka moras-lepra,+ mane neʼebé aleijadu* ka mane neʼebé mate ho surik, ka mane neʼebé la iha hahán!”+ 30 Joab no ninia maun Abisai+ oho Abner+ tanba Abner oho sira-nia alin Asael iha funu+ iha Gibeão. 31 Tuirmai David dehan ba Joab no ema hotu neʼebé hamutuk ho nia: “Lees imi-nia roupa no kesi hena karón* no tanis ba Abner.” Liurai David rasik laʼo tuir ema sira neʼebé hulan mate. 32 Sira hakoi Abner iha Hebron, no liurai tanis makaʼas iha Abner nia rate. Povu hotu mós tanis. 33 Liurai lelir ba Abner, hodi dehan: “Abner tenke mate hanesan ema beik ka? 34 Ó-nia liman la kesi metin,No ó-nia ain mós la kesi ho korrente.* Ó monu latan iha ema neʼebé halo krime* nia oin.”+ Ho ida-neʼe, povu hotu tanis fali ba Abner. 35 Bainhira rai sei loron hela, povu hotu mai no fó paun ba David atu han hodi halo nia sente kmaan,* maibé David jura, hodi dehan: “Husik Maromak fó kastigu ba haʼu no aumenta tan kastigu neʼe se haʼu han paun ka koko hahán ruma antes loro-matan monu!”+ 36 Povu hotu haree buat neʼebé liurai halo no sira gosta. Sira mós sempre kontente ho buat hotu neʼebé liurai halo. 37 Iha loron neʼebá, povu hotu no ema Izraél tomak hatene katak liurai la iha sala kona-ba Ner nia oan-mane Abner nia mate.+ 38 Tuirmai liurai hatete ba ninia atan sira: “Imi hatene ka lae, katak ohin ulun-naʼin no ema naran-boot ida iha Izraél mate ona?+ 39 Ohin haʼu fraku maski haʼu sai ona liurai,+ no Zeruia nia oan-mane+ sira-neʼe brutál liu mai haʼu.+ Haʼu hein katak Jeová sei selu fali ema aat tuir sira-nia hahalok aat rasik.”+\n^ Orj., “asu nia ulun”.\n^ Orj., “no haʼu-nia liman hamutuk ho Ita”.\n^ Orj., “tanba raan husi”.\n^ Orj., “mane neʼebé tiʼi kabas”. Neʼe katak mane neʼebé bele halo deʼit feto nia serbisu.\n^ Orj., “riti”.\n^ Orj., “hahalok la loos nia oan-mane sira”.\n^ Ka “fó paun triste nian ba David”.
[ "2 Samuel 3 | Biblia online | New World Translation Segundu Samuel 3:1-39 David nia umakain sai forte liutan (1) David nia oan-mane sira (2-5) Abner apoia fali David (6-21) Joab oho Abner (22-30) David tanis tanba Abner mate (31-39) 3 Funu la para entre Saul nia umakain no David nia umakain.", "David sai forte liutan,+ maibe Saul nia umakain sai fraku ba beibeik.+ 2 Iha tempu ne'eba David nia oan-mane sira moris iha Hebron.+ Oan-mane primeiru mak Amnon,+ ninia inan mak Ahinoam+ husi Jezreel.", "3 David nia oan-mane segundu mak Kileab, ninia inan mak Abigail+ ne'ebe kaben ho David bainhira Nabal, ema Karmel, mate ona.", "Oan-mane terseiru mak Absalao,+ ninia inan mak Maaka, Liurai Talmai+ husi Gesur nia oan-feto.", "4 Oan-mane numeru haat mak Adonias,+ ninia inan mak Hagite.", "Oan-mane numeru lima mak Sefatias, ninia inan mak Abital.", "5 Oan-mane numeru neen mak Itream, ninia inan mak Egla, David nia feen.", "David nia oan-mane sira-ne'e moris iha Hebron.", "6 Durante tempu ne'ebe Saul nia umakain no David nia umakain funu malu, Abner+ kontinua hametin ninia pozisaun iha Saul nia umakain.", "7 Saul iha feen-ki'ik ida naran Rizpa,+ Aias nia oan-feto.", "Liutiha tempu balu, Is-Boset+ hatete ba Abner: \"Tanbasa mak o halo relasaun ho ha'u-nia aman nia feen-ki'ik?\"+ 8 Abner sai hirus tebes tanba Is-Boset nia liafuan sira-ne'e no dehan: \"Ha'u mak asu* ida husi Juda ka?", "To'o loron ne'e, ha'u hatudu ona domin ne'ebe laran-metin ba o-nia aman Saul nia umakain no ba ninia maun-alin no belun sira, no ha'u mos la entrega o ba David nia liman, maibe ohin o husu ha'u atu hatan kona-ba ha'u-nia sala ho feto ida.", "9 Husik Maromak fo kastigu ba Abner no aumenta tan kastigu ne'e se ha'u la halo ba David tuir buat ne'ebe Jeova jura ona ba nia:+ 10 ne'e mak atu hasai ukun husi Saul nia umakain no hametin David nia kadunan hodi ukun Izrael no Juda, husi Dan to'o Beer-Seba.\"+ 11 Is-Boset la ko'alia tan buat ida ba Abner tanba nia ta'uk Abner.+ 12 Abner haruka kedas ema lori lia-menon ba David, hodi dehan: \"Rai ne'e se-nian?\"", "Nia hatutan tan: \"Halo aliansa ida ho ha'u, no ha'u sei halo buat naran de'it tuir ha'u-nia kbiit* atu lori ema Izrael hotu hodi apoia Ita.\"+ 13 Ho ida-ne'e, David hatan: \"Di'ak!", "Ha'u sei halo aliansa ida ho o.", "Maibe ha'u husu buat ida de'it husi o: Bainhira o mai hasoru ha'u, o labele haree ha'u-nia oin se o la lori uluk Saul nia oan-feto Mical+ ba ha'u.\"", "14 Tuirmai David haruka ema lori lia-menon ba Saul nia oan-mane Is-Boset,+ hodi dehan: \"Fo fali ha'u-nia feen Mical, ne'ebe ha'u prenda ona hodi fo ema Filistia na'in-100 nia kulit husi oin-lulik.\"+ 15 Entaun Is-Boset haruka ema atu foti fali Mical husi ninia la'en Paltiel.+ Paltiel mak Lais nia oan-mane.", "16 Maibe Mical nia la'en kontinua la'o tuir nia, no tanis tuir nia to'o Baurim.+ Tuirmai Abner dehan ba Paltiel: \"Fila ba!\"", "Ho ida-ne'e, nia fila fali.", "17 Iha tempu ne'eba, Abner haruka lia-menon ba Izrael nia katuas sira, hodi dehan: \"Ba tempu kleur ona imi hakarak David atu sai imi-nia liurai.", "18 Agora mak tempu atu halo ida-ne'e, tanba Jeova hatete ona ba David: 'Liuhusi ha'u-nia atan David+ nia liman mak ha'u sei salva ha'u-nia povu Izrael husi ema Filistia no husi sira-nia inimigu hotu nia liman.'\"", "19 Tuirmai Abner ko'alia ba ema Benjamim.+ Abner mos ba ko'alia mesamesak ho David iha Hebron hodi fo-hatene ba nia buat ne'ebe ema Izrael no umakain Benjamim tomak konkorda ona.", "20 Bainhira Abner no mane na'in-20 to'o ba David iha Hebron, David halo festa ida ba Abner ho ninia ema sira ne'ebe hamutuk ho nia.", "21 Tuirmai Abner hatete ba David: \"Husik ha'u ba halibur ema Izrael hotu hamutuk ba ha'u-nia na'i liurai, atu nune'e sira bele halo aliansa ida ho Ita, no Ita sei sai liurai ba Izrael tomak.\"", "Entaun David husik Abner fila, no nia la'o ba ho dame.", "22 Iha tempu ne'e duni mak Joab no David nia atan sira seluk fila husi funu, no lori sasan barak ne'ebe sira hadau.", "Kona-ba Abner, nia la hamutuk tan ho David iha Hebron, tanba David haruka nia ba ho dame.", "23 Bainhira Joab+ no tropa hotu ne'ebe hamutuk ho nia to'o ona, ema fo-hatene ba Joab, hodi dehan: \"Ner+ nia oan-mane Abner,+ foin mai hasoru liurai, no liurai haruka nia fila, no nia ba ho dame.\"", "24 Entaun Joab ba hasoru liurai no dehan: \"Tanbasa mak Ita halo nune'e?", "Abner mai hasoru Ita.", "Tanbasa mak Ita husik nia ba?", "25 Ita rasik hatene Ner nia oan-mane Abner!", "Nia mai atu lohi Ita no buka-hatene Ita-nia planu sira no buat hotu ne'ebe Ita halo daudaun.\"", "26 Ho ida-ne'e, Joab husik hela David no haruka ema duni tuir Abner.", "Sira lori Abner fila husi tanke* ne'ebe iha Sera, maibe David la hatene buat ida kona-ba ne'e.", "27 Bainhira Abner fila fali ba Hebron,+ Joab lori nia tama ba portaun laran hodi ko'alia mesamesak ho nia.", "Maibe, iha ne'eba nia sona Abner nia kabun, no Abner mate;+ nia halo nune'e tanba Abner oho* ninia alin Asael.+ 28 Bainhira David rona kona-ba ne'e, nia dehan: \"Iha Jeova nia oin, ha'u no ha'u-nia povu laran-moos nafatin, ami la hetan sala kona-ba Ner nia oan-mane Abner nia raan.+ 29 Ha'u hein katak Joab no ninia aman nia umakain tomak mak lori sala ne'e.+ No iha Joab nia umakain sei nafatin iha mane ne'ebe hetan moras been sai husi oin-lulik+ ka moras-lepra,+ mane ne'ebe aleijadu* ka mane ne'ebe mate ho surik, ka mane ne'ebe la iha hahan!\"+ 30 Joab no ninia maun Abisai+ oho Abner+ tanba Abner oho sira-nia alin Asael iha funu+ iha Gibeao.", "31 Tuirmai David dehan ba Joab no ema hotu ne'ebe hamutuk ho nia: \"Lees imi-nia roupa no kesi hena karon* no tanis ba Abner.\"", "Liurai David rasik la'o tuir ema sira ne'ebe hulan mate.", "32 Sira hakoi Abner iha Hebron, no liurai tanis maka'as iha Abner nia rate.", "Povu hotu mos tanis.", "33 Liurai lelir ba Abner, hodi dehan: \"Abner tenke mate hanesan ema beik ka?", "34 O-nia liman la kesi metin,No o-nia ain mos la kesi ho korrente.* O monu latan iha ema ne'ebe halo krime* nia oin.\"+ Ho ida-ne'e, povu hotu tanis fali ba Abner.", "35 Bainhira rai sei loron hela, povu hotu mai no fo paun ba David atu han hodi halo nia sente kmaan,* maibe David jura, hodi dehan: \"Husik Maromak fo kastigu ba ha'u no aumenta tan kastigu ne'e se ha'u han paun ka koko hahan ruma antes loro-matan monu!\"+ 36 Povu hotu haree buat ne'ebe liurai halo no sira gosta.", "Sira mos sempre kontente ho buat hotu ne'ebe liurai halo.", "37 Iha loron ne'eba, povu hotu no ema Izrael tomak hatene katak liurai la iha sala kona-ba Ner nia oan-mane Abner nia mate.+ 38 Tuirmai liurai hatete ba ninia atan sira: \"Imi hatene ka lae, katak ohin ulun-na'in no ema naran-boot ida iha Izrael mate ona?+ 39 Ohin ha'u fraku maski ha'u sai ona liurai,+ no Zeruia nia oan-mane+ sira-ne'e brutal liu mai ha'u.+ Ha'u hein katak Jeova sei selu fali ema aat tuir sira-nia hahalok aat rasik.\"+ ^ Orj., \"asu nia ulun.\" ^ Orj., \"no ha'u-nia liman hamutuk ho Ita.\" ^ Orj., \"tanba raan husi.\" ^ Orj., \"mane ne'ebe ti'i kabas.\"", "Ne'e katak mane ne'ebe bele halo de'it feto nia serbisu. ^ Orj., \"riti.\" ^ Orj., \"hahalok la loos nia oan-mane sira.\" ^ Ka \"fo paun triste nian ba David.\"" ]
[ [ "Second Samuel 3:1-40 The house of David becomes stronger and more powerful (2) Abner returned to support him in the battle against Saul, but he was killed by Joab." ], [ "1 And David grew strong, and the house of Saul was weakened. Now at that time there were born to him sons in Hebron: Amnon his firstborn; Ahinoam+ from Jezreel [was] His mother.[b][c]," ], [ "3 And David's second son was Kileab, whose mother is Abigail,+ whom he took to wife after the death of Nabal+ from Carmel." ], [ "The third son was Absalom,+ whose mother’s name [was] Maachah, the daughter of Talmai+ king in Geshur." ], [ "4 The fourth son was Adonijah,+ whose mother, Haggai* the daughter of Ahijah+ from Beer-sheba." ], [ "The fifth son was Shephatiah, whose mother's name [was] Abital." ], [ "5 The sons of Itream, the ninth: his mother was Eglah David' s wife; and he had nine children." ], [ "These are the sons of David who died in Hebron." ], [ "6 And while there was war between the house of Saul and David's, Abner continued to strengthen his position in Israel." ], [ "7 And Saul had a young wife whose name was Rizpah,+ the daughter of Aiah." ], [ "After some time Ishbosheth+ said to Abner, “Have you not gone in with my father’s younger wife?”+ 8 And he was very angry at these words of Isboset and answered: \"Am I a dog* from Judah?" ], [ "I have shown lovingkindness to the house of Saul your father, and unto his brethren; neither did i deliver you into David's hand: yet this day ye call me for my guilt with a woman." ], [ "9 May God punish Abner and add to his chastisement, if I do not deal with David as the Lord has sworn unto him:+10 That he may take away kingship from Saul’s house,+ but establish a line of descendants for me in Israel*and Judah.+ From Dan even until Beer-sheba.”*+2 And Ishbosheth spoke no more words against Joab because it was evil before Jehovah." ], [ "He said moreover: “Make a covenant with me, and I will do whatever is in my power* to bring all Israel behind you.”+ 13 And David answered him again; ‘Well done!" ], [ "I will make an alliance with you." ], [ "But one thing do I ask of you: When You come to meet me, Do not see my face unless First bring Michal+ Saul’s daughter.”" ], [ "14 And David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul’ s son,+ saying: “Give back Michal my wife whom I pledged as a bond for the forehead of one hundred Philistine men.”+" ], [ "16 But Michal's servant continued to go after him, and he followed her as far away from Bahurim.+ Then Abner said unto Paltiel: \"Go!\"" ], [ "With this, he returned." ], [ "17 And Abner sent to the elders of Israel, saying: For a long time ye have desired David for king over you." ], [ "18 Now is the time to do it, for Jehovah has spoken of David: ‘By my servant+David’s hand I will save My people Israel from inflicting punishment on them and outrighting all their enemies.’”" ], [ "19 And Abner spake unto the men of Benjamin: and he went to speak peaceably with David in Hebron, as it pleased all Israels heart." ], [ "20 When Abner and the twenty men came to David at Hebron, he made a feast for him with his people." ], [ "21 And Abner said unto David, Let me go and gather all Israel to my lord the king; that they may make a covenant with you: so shall your son be King over whole Israël." ], [ "So David sent Abner away, and he departed in peace. And the king went to his house again;" ], [ "21 Now Joab and all the servants of David came back from war, bringing a great spoil." ], [ "As for Abner, he was no longer with David at Hebron; because the king had sent him away in peace." ], [ "23 And it came to pass, when Joab+ and all the host that was with him were come in; then they told Absalom saying: “Abner son of Ner has met you. But he sent them away from me.”" ], [ "24 And Joab went in to meet the king, and said unto him: Why hast thou done this thing?" ], [ "Abner is coming to meet you." ], [ "Why did you forsake him?" ], [ "25 You know Abner the son of Ner, and you have known him." ], [ "He has come to look after you and know your plans, all that is going on.\"" ], [ "26 So Joab departed from David, and sent after Abner. And he went out to fight with the Philistines;" ], [ "And they brought Abner back from the tank in Zerah; but David knew nothing of it." ], [ "27 When Abner returned to Hebron,+ Joab took him in between the gates, and spoke privately with them." ], [ "But there he stabbed Abner’s neck, and so died; because of the murder* that had been committed by his brother Asahel.+ When David heard about it,+ He said: “I am still clean before Jehovah—me as well As my people — from all guilt concerning this blood which was poured out on me And upon him who is born to you. I will not be guilty in any way for your death.”+ Then Joab went up into Gibeah with a large army against them.[b]" ], [ "31 And David said unto Joab, and to all the men that were with him: \"Tear your garments from off you; put ash upon each man's backside* of his body." ], [ "King David himself went after those who had been put to death." ], [ "32 And they brought Abner to Hebron, and the king rejoiced greatly at his death." ], [ "I can't stop now." ], [ "32 And the king lamented Abner, saying: Shall I die as a righteous man?" ], [ "34 His hand was not cut off,Neither his foot with chains. He fell down before the man of iniquity.”+ And all people turned back to Abner and followed him;" ], [ "35 And it came to pass, when the land was still six days in silence* that all people went and brought bread unto David for food; but he swore by an oath saying: May God do so with me as I have done before this day is come if there be any eating or drinking of my hand until morning fall." ], [ "They were always pleased with everything the king did." ], [ "37 On that day all the people and Israel knew it was not on account of him when Abner, Ner’s son,+ died.+ The king then said to his officials: “Do you know this is true? Today a chief man has passed away in Israeli who had great reputation?+20 And I am now weak even though i have been made King.+ But Zeruiah' s children are more cruel than me; for Jehovah will surely recompense evildoers with their own wickedness.”" ], [ "It is a man who can only do women's work. ^ Orj, \"riti.\" ↑ org = to laugh out loud at his children (the son of David)." ] ]
PD husu Governu Fasilita Lian Jestual iha Transmisaun Direta Debate OJE 2021 – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Nasionál » PD husu Governu Fasilita Lian Jestual iha Transmisaun Direta Debate OJE 2021\n30 novembro 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-214 views\nTimor Post (30/11/2020)-Deputada hosi Bankada Partidu Demokrata (PD), Elvina Sousa, husu governu iha debate orsamentu jerál estadu 2021 iha jeneralidade atu uza lian jestual nune’e maluk sira ho defisiénsia bele rona no hatene bainhira akompaña liu kanál Radio Televizaun Timor-Leste (RTTL).\n“Ha’u husu ba governu klarifikasaun no aban ita bele komesa ho tradutór lian jestual iha TVTL para ita nia maluk sira defisiente sira rona no asesu ba debate orsamentu jerál estadu 2021,” Elvina liu hosi plenária ba debate OJE 2021 nian iha faze jeneralidade, Segunda (30/11).\nDeputada ne’e adianta katak lian jestual tenke iha kontinuasaun tan ne’e husu governu liu hosi Ministru Asuntu Parlamentár Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPKOMS) atu bele fó klarifikasaun.\n“Komu ita komesa ona, ita labele komesa tiha ona halo ema kontente to’o klaran ita para lai, maibé ita komesa tenke iha kontinuasaun tan ne’e hau husu ministru halo klarifikasaun,” nia hakotu.\nHatán ba ne’e Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres, hatete jestaun ne’e di’ak no sei enkamina direita ba iha Ministru Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál karik bele ajuda responde ba sujestaun ne’e.\n“Obrigado Deputada ita nia sujestaun di’ak maibé ha’u enkamina direita ba MAPKOMS karik bele ajuda responde ba ita boot nia sujestaun ne’e, mas la’ós atu responde ohin kedas , maibé ita aviza hela de’it ba MAPKOMS, nia dehan.(Jornalista : Julio Salinas Soares)\nPrevious post Opiniaun: SETÓR EDUKASAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE SEI LA’O HAKDASAK\nNext post OJE 2021 atu Revitaliza Ekonomia
[ "PD husu Governu Fasilita Lian Jestual iha Transmisaun Direta Debate OJE 2021 -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Nasional \" PD husu Governu Fasilita Lian Jestual iha Transmisaun Direta Debate OJE 2021 30 novembro 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-214 views Timor Post (30/11/2020) -Deputada hosi Bankada Partidu Demokrata (PD), Elvina Sousa, husu governu iha debate orsamentu jeral estadu 2021 iha jeneralidade atu uza lian jestual nune'e maluk sira ho defisiensia bele rona no hatene bainhira akompana liu kanal Radio Televizaun Timor-Leste (RTTL).", "\"Ha'u husu ba governu klarifikasaun no aban ita bele komesa ho tradutor lian jestual iha TVTL para ita nia maluk sira defisiente sira rona no asesu ba debate orsamentu jeral estadu 2021,\" Elvina liu hosi plenaria ba debate OJE 2021 nian iha faze jeneralidade, Segunda (30/11).", "Deputada ne'e adianta katak lian jestual tenke iha kontinuasaun tan ne'e husu governu liu hosi Ministru Asuntu Parlamentar Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) atu bele fo klarifikasaun.", "\"Komu ita komesa ona, ita labele komesa tiha ona halo ema kontente to'o klaran ita para lai, maibe ita komesa tenke iha kontinuasaun tan ne'e hau husu ministru halo klarifikasaun,\" nia hakotu.", "Hatan ba ne'e Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Guterres, hatete jestaun ne'e di'ak no sei enkamina direita ba iha Ministru Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial karik bele ajuda responde ba sujestaun ne'e.", "\"Obrigado Deputada ita nia sujestaun di'ak maibe ha'u enkamina direita ba MAPKOMS karik bele ajuda responde ba ita boot nia sujestaun ne'e, mas la'os atu responde ohin kedas , maibe ita aviza hela de'it ba MAPKOMS, nia dehan.", "(Jornalista: Julio Salinas Soares) Previous post Opiniaun: SETOR EDUKASAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE SEI LA'O HAKDASAK Next post OJE 2021 atu Revitaliza Ekonomia" ]
[ [ "PD Asks Government to Facilitate Sign Language in Live Transmission of 2019 Budget Debate -:.Timor Post Online Home \" Nasional\" Democratic Party (PD) MP Elvina Sousa asks government during the general state budget debate for use sign language so that people with disabilities can hear and know when accompanied through Radio Television Timor-Leste channel RTTL, on Thursday night November amidst protest by disabled person' s rights groups against an increase from $35 million per year into US$48 billion annually over two years since it was first introduced at Parliament last month" ], [ "\"I ask the government for clarification and tomorrow we can start with sign language translators on TVTL so that our disabled fellow citizens hear,\" Elvina said during a plenary session to debate 2019 state budget in general phase Monday (3/4)." ], [ "The deputy said that sign language must continue, so she asked the government through Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication (MAPKOMS) to provide clarification." ], [ "\"As soon as we have started, it is impossible to just start and make people happy until the situation clears up. But there must be a continuation so I ask that minister for clarification.\"" ], [ "In response, the President of National Parliament Aniceto Guterres said that it was a good management and would forward directly to Minister for parliamentary affairs if he could help respond." ], [ "\"Thank you, Mrs. Deputada for your good suggestion but I'll send it directly to MAPKOMS if they can help me answer this proposal of ours and not respond immediately today; we will just inform the Ministry.\"" ], [ "(Jornalista: Julio Salinas Soares) Previous post Opiniaun 2019-Opinion on the Education Sector in East Timor Next Post Budget for Economic Recovery, Revitalization of Economy" ] ]
By Tempo Timor January 09, 2020 470\nPlenaria Parlamento Nasional Timor Leste Foto Tempo Timor\nKopia livru OJE ne'e konsidera uitoan de'it hodi difikulta prosesu audiensia publika. Tanba tuir loloos tenke haruka kopia 65 tuir numeru deputadu sira.\nVise Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes hateten, numeru kopia mak limitadu. Loloos kopia livru ne'e tenke hamutuk 65 para bele distribui ba deputadu sira.\n"Lolos tenke kopia livru sira fahe ba deputadu sira hotu, tanba livru ne'e ajuda tebes deputadu sira par bele hare deteta detallu livru sira ba programa no orsamentu", tenik Angelina, iha Uma Fukun PN, Kinta (9/1).\nIha momentu ne'eba, nia dehan, governu submete livru no entrega mos ho versaun eletronika nune'e deputadu balun bele akompaña de'it liuhusi laptop, maibe ida ne'e ladun efetivu tanba deputadu balun sei iha difikuldade atu asesu ba laptop hodi lee no entende dokumentu sira ne'e.\n« Ohin Termina Audiensia Publika Oje 2020 Redus Osan Privativu, PN Fo Izemplu ba Governu »\nDeputadu CNRT Harahun Meza, Aniceto husu Deskulpa ba PM Taur
[ "By Tempo Timor January 09, 2020 470 Plenaria Parlamento Nasional Timor Leste Foto Tempo Timor Kopia livru OJE ne'e konsidera uitoan de'it hodi difikulta prosesu audiensia publika.", "Tanba tuir loloos tenke haruka kopia 65 tuir numeru deputadu sira.", "Vise Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes hateten, numeru kopia mak limitadu.", "Loloos kopia livru ne'e tenke hamutuk 65 para bele distribui ba deputadu sira.", "\"Lolos tenke kopia livru sira fahe ba deputadu sira hotu, tanba livru ne'e ajuda tebes deputadu sira par bele hare deteta detallu livru sira ba programa no orsamentu,\" tenik Angelina, iha Uma Fukun PN, Kinta (9/1).", "Iha momentu ne'eba, nia dehan, governu submete livru no entrega mos ho versaun eletronika nune'e deputadu balun bele akompana de'it liuhusi laptop, maibe ida ne'e ladun efetivu tanba deputadu balun sei iha difikuldade atu asesu ba laptop hodi lee no entende dokumentu sira ne'e. \"", "Ohin Termina Audiensia Publika Oje 2020 Redus Osan Privativu, PN Fo Izemplu ba Governu \" Deputadu CNRT Harahun Meza, Aniceto husu Deskulpa ba PM Taur" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor January 09,142 Plenaria Parlamento Nasional Timor Leste Foto tempotimor The copy of the budget book is considered to be insufficient so as difficult public hearing process." ], [ "Because you should have sent 65 copies according to the number of members." ], [ "Vice-President of the National Parliament (PN), Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes, said that there is a limited copy number." ], [ "Instead, 65 copies of the book would have to be distributed among members." ], [ "\"Lolos must copy the books and distribute them to all MPs, because this book helped MEP'S very much in seeing details of programs & budget\", said Angelina at Parliament House on Thursday (9/1)." ], [ "At that time, he said the government submitted books and delivered them with electronic versions so some MPs could only accompany through laptop but this is not effective because a few members will have difficulty accessing to their notebook computer in order read these documents. \"" ], [ "Today Ends Public Hearing Oje 2019 Reduced Private Funding, PN Give Examples to Government \" CNRT MP Harahun Meza Aniceto Ask Apology for PM Taur" ] ]
CNRT hasoru malu ho PR hodi analiza krizi polítika - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 16:25h, sabado 29 Fevereiru\nCNRT hasoru malu ho PR hodi analiza krizi polítika\n23 de Janeiro de 2020, 17:52\nDelegasaun hosi Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) transmiti ona, iha loron-kinta ne'e, ba Prezidente Timor-Leste disponibilidade hodi ajuda hetan solusaun ida ba krizi polítika iha nasaun.\n"Ami agradese ba señor Prezidente hodi konvida CNRT. Ha'u senti onradu mai iha ne'e hodi ko'alia hafoin xumbu ba orsamentu. Ami tenki ko'alia hamutuk no rona orientasaun hosi Prezidente", hatete hosi Francisco Kalbuadi, sekretáriu-jeral partidu nian ba jornalista sira hafoin enkontru.\n"Ami ko'alia ona ho señor Prezidente ne'ebé hahú ohin prosesu prosesu audisaun ho partidu sira no sosiedade sivil, líder relijiozu sira hodi hetan solusaun ida. Ami hatudu ona ami nia vontade tomak, tuir orientasaun hosi prezidente [CNRT nian, Xanana Gusmão]", nia hatete.\nDelegasaun entrega ona ba xefe Estadu, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, karta ida hosi Xanana Gusmão kona-ba situasaun maibé la fó sai nia konteúdu.\n"Pozisaun hosi prezidente [CNRT] aprezenta ona iha karta. Ha'u entrega ona karta ne'e ba señor Prezidente Repúblika", nia hatete.\nKalbuadi invoka ona artigu 74 hosi konstituisaun ne'ebé refere ba kompeténsia sira hosi Prezidente Repúblika hanesan "símbolu no garanti independénsia nasional nian, unidade Estadu nian no funsionamentu regular hosi instituisaun demokrátiku sira".\nHatán kona-ba kauza, Kalbuadi hatete katak "laiha ema ida maka ko'alia kona-ba Governu foun" no tenki hein konkluzaun hosi prosesu audisaun ba forsa sira hotu nasaun nian, hodi buka hetan solusaun ida.\nMaski nune'e, nia insisti ona katak objetivu maka hetan solusaun ida ne'ebé garanti "dame ho estabilidade nasional".\nKona-ba estadu koligasaun Governu nian, Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kalbuadi la komenta deklarasaun hosi primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, ne'ebé hatete katak koligasaun "laiha ona" hafoin deputadu sira CNRT nian halo abstensaun no vota kontra hasoru Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nian, ne'ebé hamosu xumbu iha loron-sesta liubá.\nKona-ba AMP nian futuru nia hatete katak desizaun sira sei foti ho diálogu sira entre partidu tolu ne'ebé halo parte - CNRT, Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) hosi Taur Matan Ruak ho Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO) – no desizaun sira sei foti iha konferénsia nasional.\nKalbuadi la hatete bainhira maka sei halo konferénsia AMP nian, hodi esplika de'it katak "tenki hein" audisaun sira hosi xefe Estadu nian.
[ "CNRT hasoru malu ho PR hodi analiza krizi politika - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 16:25h, sabado 29 Fevereiru CNRT hasoru malu ho PR hodi analiza krizi politika 23 de Janeiro de 2020, 17:52 Delegasaun hosi Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT) transmiti ona, iha loron-kinta ne'e, ba Prezidente Timor-Leste disponibilidade hodi ajuda hetan solusaun ida ba krizi politika iha nasaun.", "\"Ami agradese ba senor Prezidente hodi konvida CNRT.", "Ha'u senti onradu mai iha ne'e hodi ko'alia hafoin xumbu ba orsamentu.", "Ami tenki ko'alia hamutuk no rona orientasaun hosi Prezidente,\" hatete hosi Francisco Kalbuadi, sekretariu-jeral partidu nian ba jornalista sira hafoin enkontru.", "\"Ami ko'alia ona ho senor Prezidente ne'ebe hahu ohin prosesu prosesu audisaun ho partidu sira no sosiedade sivil, lider relijiozu sira hodi hetan solusaun ida.", "Ami hatudu ona ami nia vontade tomak, tuir orientasaun hosi prezidente [CNRT nian, Xanana Gusmao],\" nia hatete.", "Delegasaun entrega ona ba xefe Estadu, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, karta ida hosi Xanana Gusmao kona-ba situasaun maibe la fo sai nia konteudu.", "\"Pozisaun hosi prezidente [CNRT] aprezenta ona iha karta.", "Ha'u entrega ona karta ne'e ba senor Prezidente Republika,\" nia hatete.", "Kalbuadi invoka ona artigu 74 hosi konstituisaun ne'ebe refere ba kompetensia sira hosi Prezidente Republika hanesan \"simbolu no garanti independensia nasional nian, unidade Estadu nian no funsionamentu regular hosi instituisaun demokratiku sira.\"", "Hatan kona-ba kauza, Kalbuadi hatete katak \"laiha ema ida maka ko'alia kona-ba Governu foun\" no tenki hein konkluzaun hosi prosesu audisaun ba forsa sira hotu nasaun nian, hodi buka hetan solusaun ida.", "Maski nune'e, nia insisti ona katak objetivu maka hetan solusaun ida ne'ebe garanti \"dame ho estabilidade nasional.\"", "Kona-ba estadu koligasaun Governu nian, Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kalbuadi la komenta deklarasaun hosi primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, ne'ebe hatete katak koligasaun \"laiha ona\" hafoin deputadu sira CNRT nian halo abstensaun no vota kontra hasoru Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nian, ne'ebe hamosu xumbu iha loron-sesta liuba.", "Kona-ba AMP nian futuru nia hatete katak desizaun sira sei foti ho dialogu sira entre partidu tolu ne'ebe halo parte - CNRT, Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) hosi Taur Matan Ruak ho Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO) - no desizaun sira sei foti iha konferensia nasional.", "Kalbuadi la hatete bainhira maka sei halo konferensia AMP nian, hodi esplika de'it katak \"tenki hein\" audisaun sira hosi xefe Estadu nian." ]
[ [ "CNRT meets with PR to analyze political crisis - News SAPO 23 de Janeiro,17:50 The delegation of the Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucaa Timorense (CNRT) has conveyed on Friday its availability for helping find solution in this country's politics. This is what President Taur Matan Ruak said after meeting PM Xanana Gusmão at his residence near Dili where he was invited by Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri and other senior leaders from both sides as well..." ], [ "\"We are grateful to the President for inviting CNRT." ], [ "I am honoured to be here speaking after the budget debate." ], [ "We must talk together and listen to the President's guidance,\" Francisco Kalbuadi (PSD), party secretary-general told journalisti after a meeting." ], [ "\"We have spoken with the President, who has started today a process of hearings involving political parties and civil society as well religious leaders to find solutions." ], [ "We have shown our full will, following the direction of [CNRT president Xanana Gusmao],\" he said." ], [ "The delegation has handed over to Head of State, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo a letter from Xanana Gusmao on the situation but did not disclose its content." ], [ "\"The position of the president [CNRT] has been presented in a letter." ], [ "I have delivered this letter to the President of Republic,\" he said." ], [ "Kalbuadi has invoked Article 74 of the Constitution which refers to competences as attributed by this article, namely \"symbol and guarantee for national independence; State unity or regular functioning from democratic institutions.\"" ], [ "Regarding the cause, Kalbuadi said that \"no one is talking about a new government\" and he must wait for conclusions of hearings with all forces in his country to find solutions." ], [ "Nevertheless, he has insisted that the goal is to find a solution which guarantees \"peace and national stability.\"" ], [ "Regarding the status of his government coalition, Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kalbuadi did not comment on Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak's statement that it was \"launched\" after Congress for National Transformation MP-abstaining and voting against State Budget 2017 which caused a riot last Saturday." ], [ "Regarding the future of AMP he said that decisions will be made through dialogue between all three parties involved - CNRT, Taur Matan Ruak' s Partido Libertasaun Popular (PLP) and Kmanek Habura KHUNTO – as well at a national conference." ], [ "Kalbuadi did not say when the AMP conference would be held, explaining only that he \"must wait\" for hearings with heads of state." ] ]
Tempu badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Tempu badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin\nTempu badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin\nDILI, 05 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Vise Ministru Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI), Domingos Lopes Antunes, informa tempu badak MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante sira-ne’ebé faan sasán iha dalan ninin tanba daudaun ne’e iha ona faze diskusaun.\nNotísia Relevante: MTKI rekolla dadus provizóriu negosiante ambulante hamutuk 100-resin\n“Iha tinan kotuk ita mós rejistu ba ita-nia negosiante ambulante sira kuaze 200 mak rejistu ona iha MTKI. Objetivu ida ita halo atu tulun negosiante ambulante sira-ne’ebe faan iha dalan ninin, atu sira bele halo sira-nia negásiu ho di’ak. Tanba ne’e, daudaun ne’e ami iha ona faze diskusaun hela hodi buka dalan, sá polítika mak ita bele implementa nune’e bele fó moris dignu ba negosiante ambulante sira,” Governante ne’e hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha nia knar fatin Mandarin, Dili, sábadu ne’e.\nTuir nia, Governu iha obrigasaun boot kria polítika hodi akomula negosiante ki’ik sira, nune’e sira bele halo negósiu ho dignu iha sira-nia rain rasik, tanba sira mós iha direitu hodi halo atividade ho dignu, entaun iha tempu badak Governu sei ko’alia ho sira ho sá polítika mak bele insentiva sira, nune’e sira bele sobrevive iha sira-nia atividade negósiu ne’e rasik.\nDaudaun ne’e, negosiante ambulante barak mak la hatene maneira oinsá mak atu dezenvolve sira-nia negósiu ho di’ak, entaun Governu iha polítika fó fasilidade no garantia kréditu no ida seluk mak programa planu negosiu inovativu.\n“Ita bele apoia ba ita-nia negosiante sira, ha’u hanoin hanesan programa kompetisaun planu negósiu inovativu ne’e dalan di’ak ba negosiante ambulante sira envolve sira iha programa ne’e, hodi ita bele haree sira-nia kreatividade. Ha’u hanoin sira-ne’e kreativu, Governu durante ne’e seidauk apoia ka insentiva ho di’ak. Tanba ne’e ami sei haree hodi diskuti saida mak ita bele apoia ba sira,” nia dehan.\nIha tinan kotuk, nia dehan, Sekretária Estadu Kooperativa (SECoop, sigla portugés) fó ona apoiu ba negosiante ambulante sira ho karosa hodi fasilita sira-nia negósiu loro-loron nian.\n“Tanba ne’e, ami mos sei kria polítika ida hodi tulun mós ita-nia maluk negosiante ambulante sira-ne’e, nune’e sira bele halo sira-nia atividade negósiu ho dignu,” nia hateten.\nTempu badak MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante\nPrevious articleCNE Covalima deteta labarik barak partisipa kampaña eleitorál\nNext articleKazu sona membru F-FDTL foun iha Kuluhun, PNSIK identifika ona suspeitu ida
[ "Tempu badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Tempu badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin Tempu badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin DILI, 05 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Vise Ministru Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI), Domingos Lopes Antunes, informa tempu badak MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante sira-ne'ebe faan sasan iha dalan ninin tanba daudaun ne'e iha ona faze diskusaun.", "Notisia Relevante: MTKI rekolla dadus provizoriu negosiante ambulante hamutuk 100-resin \"Iha tinan kotuk ita mos rejistu ba ita-nia negosiante ambulante sira kuaze 200 mak rejistu ona iha MTKI.", "Objetivu ida ita halo atu tulun negosiante ambulante sira-ne'ebe faan iha dalan ninin, atu sira bele halo sira-nia negasiu ho di'ak.", "Tanba ne'e, daudaun ne'e ami iha ona faze diskusaun hela hodi buka dalan, sa politika mak ita bele implementa nune'e bele fo moris dignu ba negosiante ambulante sira,\" Governante ne'e hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha nia knar fatin Mandarin, Dili, sabadu ne'e.", "Tuir nia, Governu iha obrigasaun boot kria politika hodi akomula negosiante ki'ik sira, nune'e sira bele halo negosiu ho dignu iha sira-nia rain rasik, tanba sira mos iha direitu hodi halo atividade ho dignu, entaun iha tempu badak Governu sei ko'alia ho sira ho sa politika mak bele insentiva sira, nune'e sira bele sobrevive iha sira-nia atividade negosiu ne'e rasik.", "Daudaun ne'e, negosiante ambulante barak mak la hatene maneira oinsa mak atu dezenvolve sira-nia negosiu ho di'ak, entaun Governu iha politika fo fasilidade no garantia kreditu no ida seluk mak programa planu negosiu inovativu.", "\"Ita bele apoia ba ita-nia negosiante sira, ha'u hanoin hanesan programa kompetisaun planu negosiu inovativu ne'e dalan di'ak ba negosiante ambulante sira envolve sira iha programa ne'e, hodi ita bele haree sira-nia kreatividade.", "Ha'u hanoin sira-ne'e kreativu, Governu durante ne'e seidauk apoia ka insentiva ho di'ak.", "Tanba ne'e ami sei haree hodi diskuti saida mak ita bele apoia ba sira,\" nia dehan.", "Iha tinan kotuk, nia dehan, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SECoop, sigla portuges) fo ona apoiu ba negosiante ambulante sira ho karosa hodi fasilita sira-nia negosiu loro-loron nian.", "\"Tanba ne'e, ami mos sei kria politika ida hodi tulun mos ita-nia maluk negosiante ambulante sira-ne'e, nune'e sira bele halo sira-nia atividade negosiu ho dignu,\" nia hateten.", "Tempu badak MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante Previous articleCNE Covalima deteta labarik barak partisipa kampana eleitoral Next articleKazu sona membru F-FDTL foun iha Kuluhun, PNSIK identifika ona suspeitu ida" ]
[ [ "Tempo badak, MTKI sei apoia negosiante ambulante iha dalan ninin Dili 05 March (TATOLI) - Deputy Minister of Tourism and Trade Industry Domingos Lopen Antunes said that the Ministry will support street vendor in Timor-Leste' s main road because it is currently under discussion. He added: \"We are working on a plan to provide assistance for those who sell their products or services at these market places.\"" ], [ "\"Last year we also registered our own street vendors. Almost 201 of them are already in the MTKI database,\" he said at a press conference on Monday (April) after meeting with local officials and representatives from all over Indonesia to discuss how they can improve their business opportunities by incorporating new businesses into this system.\"" ], [ "One of our objectives is to help the street vendors who sell on this road, so that they can do their business well." ], [ "Therefore, at the moment we are in a discussion phase to find ways and policies that can be implemented so as for street traders have decent living conditions,” Governor Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo told Agência TATOLI (Agency of Information) on Saturday from his Mandarin office." ], [ "According to him, the government has a great obligation of creating policies for small traders so that they can do business with dignity in their own country because it is also an important right. So soon we will talk about what policy could encourage them and how these businesses might survive on themselves as well.\"" ], [ "Currently, many street vendors do not know how to develop their business well. Therefore the Government has a policy of providing credit facilities and guarantee as also an innovative Business Plan program for them :" ], [ "\"We can support our merchants, I think that as an innovative business plan competition program this is a good way for street traders to get involved in the programme so we could see their creativity." ], [ "I think they are creative, the government has not supported or encouraged them well during this time." ], [ "That's why we will look to discuss what support can be provided for them,\" he said." ], [ "In the past year, he said that State Secretariat for Cooperatives (SECoop) has provided support to street traders with trolley cars in order To facilitate their daily business." ], [ "\"Therefore, we will also create a policy to help our fellow street vendors so that they can do their business with dignity\", he said." ], [ "Previous articleCNE Covalima detects many children participating in electoral campaign Next artikelCase of sonation new F-FDTL member at Kuluhun, PNSIK has identified a suspect" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Centru refujiadus, se maka kompremete ho Australia?\nCentru refujiadus, se maka kompremete ho Australia?\nHipotese ba Timor-Leste simu nudar fatin ba centru Refujiadus hahu tinan kotuk 2010, wainhira visita Prezidente Republika José Ramos Horta ba Australia. Iha surumutuk entre Prezidente José Ramos Horta no PM Australia nian, Julia Gillard. Tuir analista sira husi Australia nian, konsidera katak isu Centru ba refujiadus sai hanesan bandeira probaganda politika ba Julia Gillard, hodi manan eleisaun lejislativa.\nMaibe proposta Julia Gillard ne’e Prezidente Republika Ramos Horta lori mai Timor-Leste, atu konsulta hodi konsidera ba proposta ida ne’e. Reasaun ba proposta Australia nian ne’e mos la tarde, husi Parlamentu Nasional (PN), iha sessaun plenariua iha loron 13 Juliu tinan 2010, hasai kedan Resolusaun ida ho unanimidade hodi rejeita ba proposta Australia nia ne’e.\nHusi parte ONG’s sira, Igreja katolika no sociedade civil la simu atu Timor-Leste simu centru procesamentu ba refujiadus. Husi parte Prezidente Republika husu atu Governu konsidera ba proposta ne’e. Parte husi governu hein proposta husi Australia nian hodi hola posisaun ruma.\nHusi parte Governu hola posisaun reserva hodi explora parte hotu-hotu ninia hanoin, maibe la taka dalan ba membrus governu sira balun ninia posisaun ba asuntu ida ne'e. Jose Luis Guterres, Vice Primeiro Ministro, hola posisaun ne'ebe duro konaba kasu ne'e, wainhira entrevista Agencia Lusa, haktuir katak, "Australia iha kondisaun hodi simu refujiadus, sira iha meius no iha rai bo'ot".\nJoao Goncalves, Ministru Ekonomia no Desenvolvimentu (MED), defende posisaun bele simu centru procesamentu ba refujiadus maibe ho kondisaun katak dada kadoras Greater Sun Rise (GSR) mai Timor-Leste.\nHusi parte Governu mos soe isu ida ne'e nudar problema rejional, liu husi Bali Process. Konaba asuntu ida ne'e mos motiva Governu Australia ba halo konsulta ho parceiru sira iha rejiaun, hanesan rai ASEAN sira, liliu Indonesia no Malaysia. Rai sira ne'e mos, hola decisaun ne'ebe maka la simu centru procesamentu ba refujiadus iha sira nia rain.\nDudu ba mai, mosu espekulasaun oi-oin husi pers ka media Australia nian katak Australia hakarak harii centru ba procesamentu iha kosta sul. Husi parte Governu mos mosu hanoin balun ke la simu ba ida ne'e, oinsa maka harii fali centru ba procesamentu ba refujiadus iha kosta sul, se iha kosta sul maka sei tuir Planu Estratejika ba Desenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) sei harii industria mina nian, iha Suai sei harii Plata forma lojistika, iha Betano sei harii Refenaria Oil no iha Beaco sei harii LNG Plant.\nSe harii centru procesamentu ba refujiadus, sei prejudika ba desenvolvimentu estratejiku ne'ebe maka sei koncentra iha kosta sul. Governu mos sei produnte hodi hola deicsaun ne'ebe la prejudika ba interese nasional no interese ba emar barak nian.\nIkus mai mosu polemika tamba deklarasaun MED Joao Goncalves nian, ba pers Australia, liliu ba TV Channel 10 iha Sydney, "aceita centru refujiadus hanesan moeda troka ida ba dada kadoras GSR mai Timor-Leste", deklarasaun ne'e maka sai hanesan centru ba atensaun hodi tuda sala nafatin ba membru governu ne'e. Maibe hare didiak husi lia nia hun, se maka ba kompromete ho Australia konaba harii centru procesamentu Refujiadu iha Timor-Leste.\nJoao Goncalves ninia deklarasaun sira ne'e "infeliz". Tuir lolos labele, maibe problema maka ne'e, ita mos hakarak hatene, se los maka ba kompromete ba Australia hodi harii centru refujiadus iha Timor-Leste? Klaru laos Joao Goncalves, nudar Membru Governu ida, simplesmente hato ninia hanoin ka oponiaun.\nMaibe ida ne'e sai hanesan lisaun diak ida ba ita, liliu ba embot sira, atu labele ba kompromete tun sae ho rai liur no simu buat ruma hodi troka. Buka defende maka soberania nasional no interese ba povo tomak nian, em vez ba defende fali interese rai bo'ot hanesan Australia nian!\nDili, 06 de Fevereiro de 2011
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Centru refujiadus, se maka kompremete ho Australia?", "Centru refujiadus, se maka kompremete ho Australia?", "Hipotese ba Timor-Leste simu nudar fatin ba centru Refujiadus hahu tinan kotuk 2010, wainhira visita Prezidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta ba Australia.", "Iha surumutuk entre Prezidente Jose Ramos Horta no PM Australia nian, Julia Gillard.", "Tuir analista sira husi Australia nian, konsidera katak isu Centru ba refujiadus sai hanesan bandeira probaganda politika ba Julia Gillard, hodi manan eleisaun lejislativa.", "Maibe proposta Julia Gillard ne'e Prezidente Republika Ramos Horta lori mai Timor-Leste, atu konsulta hodi konsidera ba proposta ida ne'e.", "Reasaun ba proposta Australia nian ne'e mos la tarde, husi Parlamentu Nasional (PN), iha sessaun plenariua iha loron 13 Juliu tinan 2010, hasai kedan Resolusaun ida ho unanimidade hodi rejeita ba proposta Australia nia ne'e.", "Husi parte ONG's sira, Igreja katolika no sociedade civil la simu atu Timor-Leste simu centru procesamentu ba refujiadus.", "Husi parte Prezidente Republika husu atu Governu konsidera ba proposta ne'e.", "Parte husi governu hein proposta husi Australia nian hodi hola posisaun ruma.", "Husi parte Governu hola posisaun reserva hodi explora parte hotu-hotu ninia hanoin, maibe la taka dalan ba membrus governu sira balun ninia posisaun ba asuntu ida ne'e.", "Jose Luis Guterres, Vice Primeiro Ministro, hola posisaun ne'ebe duro konaba kasu ne'e, wainhira entrevista Agencia Lusa, haktuir katak, \"Australia iha kondisaun hodi simu refujiadus, sira iha meius no iha rai bo'ot.\"", "Joao Goncalves, Ministru Ekonomia no Desenvolvimentu (MED), defende posisaun bele simu centru procesamentu ba refujiadus maibe ho kondisaun katak dada kadoras Greater Sun Rise (GSR) mai Timor-Leste.", "Husi parte Governu mos soe isu ida ne'e nudar problema rejional, liu husi Bali Process.", "Konaba asuntu ida ne'e mos motiva Governu Australia ba halo konsulta ho parceiru sira iha rejiaun, hanesan rai ASEAN sira, liliu Indonesia no Malaysia.", "Rai sira ne'e mos, hola decisaun ne'ebe maka la simu centru procesamentu ba refujiadus iha sira nia rain.", "Dudu ba mai, mosu espekulasaun oi-oin husi pers ka media Australia nian katak Australia hakarak harii centru ba procesamentu iha kosta sul.", "Husi parte Governu mos mosu hanoin balun ke la simu ba ida ne'e, oinsa maka harii fali centru ba procesamentu ba refujiadus iha kosta sul, se iha kosta sul maka sei tuir Planu Estratejika ba Desenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) sei harii industria mina nian, iha Suai sei harii Plata forma lojistika, iha Betano sei harii Refenaria Oil no iha Beaco sei harii LNG Plant.", "Se harii centru procesamentu ba refujiadus, sei prejudika ba desenvolvimentu estratejiku ne'ebe maka sei koncentra iha kosta sul.", "Governu mos sei produnte hodi hola deicsaun ne'ebe la prejudika ba interese nasional no interese ba emar barak nian.", "Ikus mai mosu polemika tamba deklarasaun MED Joao Goncalves nian, ba pers Australia, liliu ba TV Channel 10 iha Sydney, \"aceita centru refujiadus hanesan moeda troka ida ba dada kadoras GSR mai Timor-Leste,\" deklarasaun ne'e maka sai hanesan centru ba atensaun hodi tuda sala nafatin ba membru governu ne'e.", "Maibe hare didiak husi lia nia hun, se maka ba kompromete ho Australia konaba harii centru procesamentu Refujiadu iha Timor-Leste.", "Joao Goncalves ninia deklarasaun sira ne'e \"infeliz.\"", "Tuir lolos labele, maibe problema maka ne'e, ita mos hakarak hatene, se los maka ba kompromete ba Australia hodi harii centru refujiadus iha Timor-Leste?", "Klaru laos Joao Goncalves, nudar Membru Governu ida, simplesmente hato ninia hanoin ka oponiaun.", "Maibe ida ne'e sai hanesan lisaun diak ida ba ita, liliu ba embot sira, atu labele ba kompromete tun sae ho rai liur no simu buat ruma hodi troka.", "Buka defende maka soberania nasional no interese ba povo tomak nian, em vez ba defende fali interese rai bo'ot hanesan Australia nian!", "Dili, 06 de Fevereiro de 2011" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Centre for refugees, will you compromise with Australia?" ], [ "Centre refujiadus, are you going to compromise with Australia?" ], [ "The hypothesis of Timor-Leste as the site for a refugee centre began in 2013, when President Jose Ramos Horta visited Australia." ], [ "There has been a clash between President Jose Ramos Horta and the Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard." ], [ "According to Australian analysts, the Centre’s refugee issue is being used as a political proof of standing for Julia Gillard in her attempt at victory." ], [ "However, Julia Gillard's proposal was brought to Timor-Leste by President Ramos Horta for consultation and considerations." ], [ "The reaction to Australia's proposal was also immediate, as the National Parliament (PN), in its plenary session on 13 July of that year passed a unanimous resolution rejecting Australian proposed settlement." ], [ "NGOs, the Catholic Church and civil society do not agree that Timor-Leste should receive a refugee processing centre." ], [ "On behalf of the President, I ask that this proposal is considered by our government." ], [ "A part of the government is waiting for an Australian proposal to take a position." ], [ "The Government has taken a reserved position to explore the views of all parties, but does not preclude some government members from expressing their opinions on this issue." ], [ "Jose Luis Guterres, Vice Prime Minister took a firm position on the case when interviewed by Agência Lusa. He said that \"Australia is in condition to receive refugees; they have resources and land.\"" ], [ "Joao Goncalves, Minister of Economy and Development (MED), defended the position that Timor-Leste could accept a refugee processing centre but on condition to give Greater Sun Rise housing grants." ], [ "The government also sees this as a regional problem, through the Bali Process." ], [ "This issue has also motivated the Australian Government to consult with partners in this region, such as ASEAN countries especially Indonesia and Malaysia." ], [ "These countries have also taken the decision not to accept refugee processing centres in their own country." ], [ "In the meantime, there have been various speculations in Australian press and media that Australia wants to build a processing centre on its south coast." ], [ "From the government side there were some ideas that did not accept this, how to build a center for processing refugees on south coast. If in southern cost will follow Plano Estrategica para Desenvolvimento Nacional (PEDN) it would be founded mining industry; Suai is built logistical platform and Betano Oil Refinery Beaco LNG Plant Build-up" ], [ "If a processing centre for refugees is built, it will undermine the strategic development that would be concentrated on its south coast." ], [ "The government will also be productive in making decisions that do not prejudice the national interest and those of many people." ], [ "Controversy then arose because MED Joao Goncalves's statement to the Australian press, especially TV Channel10 in Sydney that \"accepted refugee centres as an exchange for GSR troops being sent back into Timor-Leste\" became focus of attention and led again this government member." ], [ "However, in the light of his own statements he is going to compromise with Australia on establishing a refugee processing centre at Timor-Leste." ], [ "Joao Goncalves' statements are \"unfortunate.\"" ], [ "It's not easy to agree, but the problem is that we also want a clear answer on whether Australia will commit itself in building refugee centres at Timor-Leste." ], [ "Of course Joao Goncalves, as a Member of the Government is not simply expressing his opinion or opposition." ], [ "But this has become a good lesson for us, especially the embuts to not compromise down with foreigners and take something in exchange." ], [ "Look to defend national sovereignty and the interests of all people, rather than protecting a large country like Australia!" ], [ "Dili, February 6th of the year." ] ]
Agrikultór sira hakarak kuda fehuk midar variedade kualidade di’ak Hohrae 1, 2 ho 3 ne’ebé agora dadaun nia kain disponível iha sentru habarak fini 60 iha distritu 13 nia laran tomak.\nSeeds of Life (SoL) iha Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) estabelese ona sentru hirak ne’e hodi hamenus tempu no distánsia ne’ebé presiza atu lori fehuk nia kain antes to’o agrikultór sira.\nOfisiál Apóiu Fini Komunidade, Luis Gonzaga haktuir katak fehuk nia kain fasil atu sai maran/namlaik no la adekuadu iha tempu entre sira koileta no kuda fila-fali.\n“Tempu kleur liu atu lori/transporta nia kain ba agrikultór sira, sei fó rísku bo’ot liu ba nia kain atu hetan estragus ne’ebé aumenta oportunidade ba failansu ai-horis,” tenik nia.\n“Liu husi estabelesimentu sentru habarak iha sub-distritu ne’ebé besik liu ba agrikultór sira maka ita aumenta oportunidade fehuk kain atu moris di’ak wainhira kuda.”\nA farmer in Bazartete, Liquica, weeding in his sweet potato production plot © Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life\nTotal área husi sentru habarak fehuk kain hirak ne’e mak hektár neen, signifika bele produs kain milaun 3.84 lokalmente tinan-tinan. Wainhira estabelese ona ho susesu iha agrikultór sira-nia to’os maka hirak ne’e iha potensialidade atu produs maizumenus fehuk midar tonelada 480.\n“variedade hirak ne’e produs rezultadu produsaun dóbru iha tempu metade (fulan 3-4) kompara ho fehuk midar variedade lokál ne’ebé presiza tempu (fulan 6-8)”\nBenefísiu seluk husi aumenta distribuisaun sentru habarak fehuk kain mak agrikultór sira bele hetan fehuk kain kualidade di’ak regularmente tuir tempu ne’ebé presiza durante tinan tomak nia laran, tenik Buddhi Kunwar, SoL’s Community & Commercial Seed Development Advisor.\n“Fehuk kain primeiru bele koileta maizumenus iha fulan rua nia laran, depois de sentru habarak fehuk kain inisialmente estabelese, maka fehuk kain tuir fali bele foti depois de kada fulan rua.\n“Ida ne’e signifika agrikultór barak liu sei bele atu hetan asesu ba fehuk kain kualidade di’ak husi variedade Hohrae 1, Hohrae 2 ho Hohrae 3 no variedade hirak ne’e produs rezultadu produsaun dóbru iha tempu metade (fulan 3-4) kompara ho fehuk midar variedade lokál ne’ebé presiza tempu (fulan 6-8),” tenik nia.\nEstratéjia MAP-SoL nian iha aproximasaun ida ne’e mak estabelese métodu distribuisaun ne’ebé sustentável, kustu-menus no desentralizadu iha distritu idaidak ne’ebé ofísiu MAP iha distritu idaidak bele ajuda hanesan parte ida husi Sistema Fini Distritu.\nThis maps shows where the sweet potato production centres are located in each district (click to view full size)\nBuddhi esplika katak sistema la’o liu husi sentru habarak fini ho bee irigasaun iha Sentru Peskiza MAP Betano ho Loes no iha Armazen Fini Triloka no Sentru Treinamentu ne’ebé tinan-tinan fornese fehuk kain ne’ebé iha kualidade no lívre husi moras ba sentru sub-distritu ne’ebé bee disponível atu garante fehuk kain bele estabelese iha fulan Outubru hodi produs fehuk kain kualidade aas para bele kuda durante tempu udan.\n“Estensionista suco sei diretamente rekolla fehuk kain husi sentru sub-distritu no distribui tuir oráriu antes ba Grupu Komunidade Habarak Fini (GKHF) no agrikultór sira ne’ebé hetan apóiu husi ONG sira bazéia ba demanda ne’ebé iha.\nBuddhi Kunwar speaks with the chief of Mofo group in Ulmera, Bazartete, Liquica, about his sweet potato production plot © Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life\n“Umakain vulnerável mos sei simu fehuk kain liu husi sistema voucher/billete.”\nIha planu atu habelar númeru total viveirus to’o 70 iha fin de tinan ida ne’e.\nModelu desentralizadu ida ne’e troka métodu distribuisaun antes, ne’ebé involve MAP-SoL transporta fehuk kain husi sentru 5 ba GKHF no agrikultór sira iha distritu 13 nia laran.\n“Iha tempu kuda tinan 2013-14, MAP-SoL distribui fehuk kain liu husi 500,000 ba agrikultór sira iha distritu 13 nia laran tomak,” tenik Buddhi.\n“Ida ne’e hanesan esforsu lojístiku ne’ebé bo’ot ho involve númeru veíkulu ne’ebé barak no mos kondutór durante semana hirak nia laran, espesialmente wainhira tenke mantein fehuk kain boko hela deit.\n“Agora, fasil ba agrikultór sira atu hetan asesu ba fehuk kain no hamenus rísku ba fehuk kain atu hetan estragus no ladún adekuadu wainhira entrega ba sira”\nLuis esplika katak agrikultór ho sira seluk bele hetan garantia kona-ba fehuk nia kualidade kain tanba koordenadór husi sentru produsaun desentralizadu hirak ne’e hetan ona treinamentu husi MAP-SoL.\n“Hanorin sira kona-ba oinsa atu kuda, hamoos du’ut, rega no mantein fehuk midar no halo kontaktu regular ho sira-nia Koordenadór Fini Komunidade Distritu ne’ebé fó mos konselu ba sira.\n“Adisionalmente sentru hirak ne’e lutu haleu hotu ne’ebé bele muda kada tinan rua to’o tolu, asesu siguru ba bee no staff hodi maneija viveirus fehuk midar,” tenik nia.\nMany farmers have ponds like this one to water their sweet potato plants regularly © Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life
[ "Agrikultor sira hakarak kuda fehuk midar variedade kualidade di'ak Hohrae 1, 2 ho 3 ne'ebe agora dadaun nia kain disponivel iha sentru habarak fini 60 iha distritu 13 nia laran tomak.", "Seeds of Life (SoL) iha Ministerio da Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) estabelese ona sentru hirak ne'e hodi hamenus tempu no distansia ne'ebe presiza atu lori fehuk nia kain antes to'o agrikultor sira.", "Ofisial Apoiu Fini Komunidade, Luis Gonzaga haktuir katak fehuk nia kain fasil atu sai maran/namlaik no la adekuadu iha tempu entre sira koileta no kuda fila-fali.", "\"Tempu kleur liu atu lori/transporta nia kain ba agrikultor sira, sei fo risku bo'ot liu ba nia kain atu hetan estragus ne'ebe aumenta oportunidade ba failansu ai-horis,\" tenik nia.", "\"Liu husi estabelesimentu sentru habarak iha sub-distritu ne'ebe besik liu ba agrikultor sira maka ita aumenta oportunidade fehuk kain atu moris di'ak wainhira kuda.\"", "A farmer in Bazartete, Liquica, weeding in his sweet potato production plot (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life Total area husi sentru habarak fehuk kain hirak ne'e mak hektar neen, signifika bele produs kain milaun 3.84 lokalmente tinan-tinan.", "Wainhira estabelese ona ho susesu iha agrikultor sira-nia to'os maka hirak ne'e iha potensialidade atu produs maizumenus fehuk midar tonelada 480. \"variedade hirak ne'e produs rezultadu produsaun dobru iha tempu metade (fulan 3-4) kompara ho fehuk midar variedade lokal ne'ebe presiza tempu (fulan 6-8) \" Benefisiu seluk husi aumenta distribuisaun sentru habarak fehuk kain mak agrikultor sira bele hetan fehuk kain kualidade di'ak regularmente tuir tempu ne'ebe presiza durante tinan tomak nia laran, tenik Buddhi Kunwar, SoL's Community & Commercial Seed Development Advisor.", "\"Fehuk kain primeiru bele koileta maizumenus iha fulan rua nia laran, depois de sentru habarak fehuk kain inisialmente estabelese, maka fehuk kain tuir fali bele foti depois de kada fulan rua.", "\"Ida ne'e signifika agrikultor barak liu sei bele atu hetan asesu ba fehuk kain kualidade di'ak husi variedade Hohrae 1, Hohrae 2 ho Hohrae 3 no variedade hirak ne'e produs rezultadu produsaun dobru iha tempu metade (fulan 3-4) kompara ho fehuk midar variedade lokal ne'ebe presiza tempu (fulan 6-8),\" tenik nia.", "Estratejia MAP-SoL nian iha aproximasaun ida ne'e mak estabelese metodu distribuisaun ne'ebe sustentavel, kustu-menus no desentralizadu iha distritu idaidak ne'ebe ofisiu MAP iha distritu idaidak bele ajuda hanesan parte ida husi Sistema Fini Distritu.", "This maps shows where the sweet potato production centres are located in each district (click to view full size) Buddhi esplika katak sistema la'o liu husi sentru habarak fini ho bee irigasaun iha Sentru Peskiza MAP Betano ho Loes no iha Armazen Fini Triloka no Sentru Treinamentu ne'ebe tinan-tinan fornese fehuk kain ne'ebe iha kualidade no livre husi moras ba sentru sub-distritu ne'ebe bee disponivel atu garante fehuk kain bele estabelese iha fulan Outubru hodi produs fehuk kain kualidade aas para bele kuda durante tempu udan.", "\"Estensionista suco sei diretamente rekolla fehuk kain husi sentru sub-distritu no distribui tuir orariu antes ba Grupu Komunidade Habarak Fini (GKHF) no agrikultor sira ne'ebe hetan apoiu husi ONG sira bazeia ba demanda ne'ebe iha.", "Buddhi Kunwar speaks with the chief of Mofo group in Ulmera, Bazartete, Liquica, about his sweet potato production plot (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life \"Umakain vulneravel mos sei simu fehuk kain liu husi sistema voucher/billete.\"", "Iha planu atu habelar numeru total viveirus to'o 70 iha fin de tinan ida ne'e.", "Modelu desentralizadu ida ne'e troka metodu distribuisaun antes, ne'ebe involve MAP-SoL transporta fehuk kain husi sentru 5 ba GKHF no agrikultor sira iha distritu 13 nia laran.", "\"Iha tempu kuda tinan 2013-14, MAP-SoL distribui fehuk kain liu husi 500,000 ba agrikultor sira iha distritu 13 nia laran tomak,\" tenik Buddhi.", "\"Ida ne'e hanesan esforsu lojistiku ne'ebe bo'ot ho involve numeru veikulu ne'ebe barak no mos kondutor durante semana hirak nia laran, espesialmente wainhira tenke mantein fehuk kain boko hela deit.", "\"Agora, fasil ba agrikultor sira atu hetan asesu ba fehuk kain no hamenus risku ba fehuk kain atu hetan estragus no ladun adekuadu wainhira entrega ba sira\" Luis esplika katak agrikultor ho sira seluk bele hetan garantia kona-ba fehuk nia kualidade kain tanba koordenador husi sentru produsaun desentralizadu hirak ne'e hetan ona treinamentu husi MAP-SoL.", "\"Hanorin sira kona-ba oinsa atu kuda, hamoos du'ut, rega no mantein fehuk midar no halo kontaktu regular ho sira-nia Koordenador Fini Komunidade Distritu ne'ebe fo mos konselu ba sira.", "\"Adisionalmente sentru hirak ne'e lutu haleu hotu ne'ebe bele muda kada tinan rua to'o tolu, asesu siguru ba bee no staff hodi maneija viveirus fehuk midar,\" tenik nia.", "Many farmers have ponds like this one to water their sweet potato plants regularly (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life" ]
[ [ "Farmers want to grow the high-quality Hohrae 1,2 and3 varieties of corn which are now available in more than sixty grain harvesting centres throughout thirteen district." ], [ "Seeds of Life (SoL) at the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries has set up these centres to reduce time-and distances needed in bringing legumes directly from farmers." ], [ "Community Fini Support Officer Luis Gonzaga said that the bean skin is easy to dry/weak and there was inadequate time between harvests." ], [ "\"The longer time it takes to bring/transport the soil for farmers, will put their land at greater risk of damage which increase opportunities in crop failure\", he said." ], [ "\"By establishing information centres in sub-districts closer to farmers, we are increasing the opportunity for crop growth.\"" ], [ "A farmer in Bazartete, Liquica weeding his sweet potato production plot (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life The total area for these seed-weed centres is six hectares which means that 3.84 million pounds can be produced locally each year" ], [ "Once successfully established in the farmers' forest, they have potential to produce at least 480 tons of seed. \"These varieties yield twice as much grain on half a time (3-6 months) compared with local variety that takes longer than them for harvesting fruit and vegetables\" Another benefit from expanding distribution centers is farmers can get high quality wheat regular during all year round according To Buddhi Kunwar SoL Community & Commercial Seed Development Advisor" ], [ "\"The first seedling can be harvested at least within two months, after the initially established center of fertilization is set up. The next crop may then take place every other month.\"" ], [ "\"This means that more farmers will be able to access the high-quality legumes of Hohrae varieties No.1,2 and3 which produce twice as much in half time (no later than three or four years) compared with locally grown medium sized cultivars whose growing times are longer - no earlier then six – eleven months.\"" ], [ "MAP-SoL's strategy in this approach is to establish a sustainable, cost efficient and decentralized distribution method at the district level where each of its departmental office can help as part Of The District Fini System." ], [ "This maps shows where the sweet potato production centres are located in each district. (click to view full size) Buddhi explained that this system works through irrigated grain harvesting centers at MAP Research Center Betano and Loes, Triloka Grain Warehouse & Training Centre which annually provide quality disease-free sugarcane for subdistrict center with water available so as ensure seed can be set up by October producingahighestquality powdery mildew during rainy season" ], [ "\"Suco extensionists will directly harvest beans from the sub-district centers and distribute according to scheduled prior timetable for Community Information Fini Group (GKHF) farmers supported by NGO based on demand." ], [ "Buddhi Kunwar speaks with the chief of Mofo group in Ulmera, Bazartete. Liquica about his sweet potato production plot (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds Of Life \"Vulnerable women will also receive food through a voucher system.\"" ], [ "There is a plan to bring the total number of viveiros up 70 by year-end." ], [ "This decentralized model replaces the previous distribution method, which involved MAP-SoL transporting grain from 5 centres to GKHF and farmer in all of its district." ], [ "\"During the 2013-4 growing season, MAP SoL distributed more than a half million bags of beans to farmers across its thirteen district." ], [ "\"This is a huge logistical effort involving large numbers of vehicles and drivers over the course Of several weeks, especially when it comes To maintaining only broken trees." ], [ "\"Now, it is easier for farmers to access the beans and reduced risk of damage or inadequate quality when they are delivered\" Luis explaines that farming people can get guarantee about their crop' s qualities because coordinators from these decentralized production centres have been traineds by MAP-SoL." ], [ "\"They are taught how to plant, clean the soil and water their gardens. They have regular contact with a Fini Community District Coordinator who also gives them advice.\"" ], [ "\"In addition, these centres have all the necessary facilities that can be changed every two to three years; secure water access and staff for managing midar fruit nursery.\"" ], [ "Many farmers have pond like this one to water their sweet potato plants regularly (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life" ] ]
Austrália sei oferese ró ida ba PNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Austrália sei oferese ró ida ba PNTL\nDILI, 06 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu Australianu sei oferese ró ida ba Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), atu monitoriza, proteze riku-soin tasi okos no halo vizilánsia iha fronteira tasi, iha koordenasaun ho forsa Navál FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL).\nPrezensa ró ne’ebé sei utiliza hosi Unidade Polísia Marítima (UPM) ho objetivu atu prevene no kombate krime tráfiku droga, tráfiku umanu, terorizmu, piratarias, imigrasaun klandestina no poluisaun marítima.\nNotísia relevante:PM Taur inaugura postu UPM Akrema\n“Agora daudaun iha negosiasaun hela no Austrália ne’ebé konkorda ona atu apoia ró ida ba PNTL,’’ Vise-Ministru Interiór, António Armindo, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha edifísiu UEP, Bairru-Pité, tersa ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e la esplika detalla kona-bá espesifikasaun ró ne’e tanba sei iha negosiasaun, maibé nia konsidera ró ne’e rasik bele ajuda UPM, hodi halo operasaun to’o kosta súl.\n“Kona-bá bainhira mak ró ne’e atu mai no tipu ró ne’e oinsá, ha’u seida’uk hatene tanba sei iha prosesu negosiasaun,” nia esplika.\nUPM nu’udár parte ida hosi Sistema Autoridade Marítima no estabelesidu espesifikamente atu fó vijilánsia no halo monitorizasaun ba área tasi-ibun no tasi sira Estadu nian tuir Lei Orgánika PNTL, Dekretu-Lei 9/2009, Artigu 32 (1), ho misaun ida ne’ebé inklui iha kuadru autoridade marítima maka, salvaguarda ema-nia moris iha tasi no fornese serbisu salva marítima (Artigu 32 (2) (f)).\nBaze legál, IV Governu konstitusionál, Dekretu Lei nú. 9/2009, loron 18 fevereiru, Lei Orgánika PNTL, artigu 32.\nAlende ne’e, hatuur mós iha Konvensaun Nasaun Unida kona-bá direitu tasi nian, parte VII, seksaun 1, hosi artigu 98, ho funsaun katak, TL nu’udár Estadu marítimu soberanu iha responsabilidade internasionál hodi fornese seguransa iha tasi laran no mós buka no salva ema ne’ebé uza ninia tasi territoriál rasik.\nUnidade Marítima PNTL nian bele mós bolu atu buka ema ne’ebé lakon iha tasi laran, ka sai nu’udár vítima asidente marítima.\nFó asisténsia ba kualkér ema ne’ebé hetan susar no atu lakon iha tasi laran, atu kontinua ho velosidade maka’as hodi salva ema ne’ebé hasoru problema ruma, bainhira iha informasaun katak, sira presiza tulun.\nOras ne’e daudaun, totál membru UPM efetivu hamutuk na’in 120, fahe ba área tolu mak hanesan serbisu iha postu (Postu Batugade, Atabae, Atauro, Beloi, portaun portu Dili, no postu Com Lospalos), serbisu iha ró (ró NRTL Lusitania, NRTL Dili, NRTL Hera, NV Timor-Leste, speed boat 12, Kayrala), no Serbisu iha kuartál UPM.\nPrevious articleReabilitasaun estrada rurál iha faze verifikasaun dokumentu\nNext articleLautem rejistu eleitór foun 1.096
[ "Australia sei oferese ro ida ba PNTL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Australia sei oferese ro ida ba PNTL DILI, 06 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu Australianu sei oferese ro ida ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), atu monitoriza, proteze riku-soin tasi okos no halo vizilansia iha fronteira tasi, iha koordenasaun ho forsa Naval FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL).", "Prezensa ro ne'ebe sei utiliza hosi Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM) ho objetivu atu prevene no kombate krime trafiku droga, trafiku umanu, terorizmu, piratarias, imigrasaun klandestina no poluisaun maritima.", "Notisia relevante:PM Taur inaugura postu UPM Akrema \"Agora daudaun iha negosiasaun hela no Australia ne'ebe konkorda ona atu apoia ro ida ba PNTL, \" Vise-Ministru Interior, Antonio Armindo, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha edifisiu UEP, Bairru-Pite, tersa ne'e.", "Governante ne'e la esplika detalla kona-ba espesifikasaun ro ne'e tanba sei iha negosiasaun, maibe nia konsidera ro ne'e rasik bele ajuda UPM, hodi halo operasaun to'o kosta sul.", "\"Kona-ba bainhira mak ro ne'e atu mai no tipu ro ne'e oinsa, ha'u seida'uk hatene tanba sei iha prosesu negosiasaun,\" nia esplika.", "UPM nu'udar parte ida hosi Sistema Autoridade Maritima no estabelesidu espesifikamente atu fo vijilansia no halo monitorizasaun ba area tasi-ibun no tasi sira Estadu nian tuir Lei Organika PNTL, Dekretu-Lei 9/2009, Artigu 32 (1), ho misaun ida ne'ebe inklui iha kuadru autoridade maritima maka, salvaguarda ema-nia moris iha tasi no fornese serbisu salva maritima (Artigu 32 (2) (f)).", "Baze legal, IV Governu konstitusional, Dekretu Lei nu.", "9/2009, loron 18 fevereiru, Lei Organika PNTL, artigu 32.", "Alende ne'e, hatuur mos iha Konvensaun Nasaun Unida kona-ba direitu tasi nian, parte VII, seksaun 1, hosi artigu 98, ho funsaun katak, TL nu'udar Estadu maritimu soberanu iha responsabilidade internasional hodi fornese seguransa iha tasi laran no mos buka no salva ema ne'ebe uza ninia tasi territorial rasik.", "Unidade Maritima PNTL nian bele mos bolu atu buka ema ne'ebe lakon iha tasi laran, ka sai nu'udar vitima asidente maritima.", "Fo asistensia ba kualker ema ne'ebe hetan susar no atu lakon iha tasi laran, atu kontinua ho velosidade maka'as hodi salva ema ne'ebe hasoru problema ruma, bainhira iha informasaun katak, sira presiza tulun.", "Oras ne'e daudaun, total membru UPM efetivu hamutuk na'in 120, fahe ba area tolu mak hanesan serbisu iha postu (Postu Batugade, Atabae, Atauro, Beloi, portaun portu Dili, no postu Com Lospalos), serbisu iha ro (ro NRTL Lusitania, NRTL Dili, NRTL Hera, NV Timor-Leste, speed boat 12, Kayrala), no Serbisu iha kuartal UPM.", "Previous articleReabilitasaun estrada rural iha faze verifikasaun dokumentu Next articleLautem rejistu eleitor foun 1.096" ]
[ [ "Australia will offer a boat to PNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The Australian Government is offering one ship for the National Police of East Тимор (PNTL) in order that it can monitor, protect and surveillance its maritime borders. This operation would be carried out together with FALINTIL Naval Force from Força Defesa Timór Leste(F - FDTL)." ], [ "The presence of the ship will be used by Maritime Police Unit (UPM) with a view to preventing and combat crimes such as drug trafficking, human-trafficking; terrorism. piracy immigration clandestinity marine pollutions" ], [ "\"Negotiations are currently underway with Australia, which has agreed to support a boat for the PNTL\", Deputy Interior Minister Antonio Armindo told journalists at UEP building in Bairru-Pite on Tuesday." ], [ "The governor did not explain in detail the specifications of this ship because there will be negotiations, but he considered that it could help UPM to operate up south coast." ], [ "\"As for when the ship will come and what type of boat it is, I don't know because there are negotiations going on about that.\"" ], [ "The UPM is part of the Maritime Authority System and was established specifically to provide vigilance, monitoring in coastal areas or State seas pursuant To Article 32(1) Of Police Organic Law Decree-Law No.9/08 with a mission included within its framework as maritimes authority: safeguarding life at Sea & providing marine rescue services (Articulo" ], [ "Legal basis, IV Constitutional Government Decree-Law no. 10/25 of July" ], [ "9/2013, of February the Organic Law on PNTL (Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste), Article." ], [ "Furthermore, it is based on the United Nations Convention of 1982 (UNCLOS) Part VII Section I Article.75 which states that a sovereign maritime State has an international responsibility to provide security at sea and search for persons in its territorial water as well;" ], [ "The Maritime Unit of the Police may also be called to search for people who are missing at sea, or have been victims in a marine accident." ], [ "Give assistance to any person in distress and lost at sea, continue with high speeds rescuing people who are having trouble when there is information that they need help." ], [ "Currently, the total number of UPM members is 120. They are divided into three areas: work at post (Batugade Post in Atabae and Beloi; Dili port gateway); on ships(NRTL Lusitania Ship), NRTL Hera NV Timor-Leste speed boat no Speed Boat n°34 Kayrala) as well a service unit located within quartering area from which they provide services to other units including military police station/commando point etc..." ], [ "Previous articleRehabilitation of rural road in the document verification phase Next ArticleLautem registers 1,096 new voters" ] ]
By Tempo Timor September 18, 2020 629\nMotor ba OPS sira nian ne'ebe para hela iha eskuadra PNTL nian Foto Suplai\nKomandante PNTL Munisípiu Dili, Superintendente Henriques da Costa hatete, motorizada hirak nee polísia Unidade Tránzitu prende tanba laiha dokumentus motor no karta kondusaun.\nNia hatete, motorizada hamutuk 151 ne'e prende hahú kedas iha tinan 2002, mai to'o agora kompleta ona tinan 16 no okupa tebes kondisaun PNTL Munisípiu Díli kloot ba bebeik, tanba ne'e liuhusi koordenasaun ne'ebé iha, parte PNTL no MP deside entrega ba Diresaun Jerál Patrimóniu estadu atu prosesa tuir lei.\n“Hakarak agradese ba esforsu tomak ne'ebé parte MP ho Patrimóniu Estadu ho esforsu tomak ne'ebé maka ohin nee bele realiza serimónia entrega ida ne'e. Tanba ita hatene katak evidénsia ka sasan sira neebé agora dadaun ita haree, balu hahú kedas husi 2002 ninian, mais to'o iha agora halo 16 anos, okupa tebes fatin ida ne'e”, hatete Henriques, iha Kaikoli, Sesta (18/09).\nNia dehan, kondisaun fatin nomós husi prosesu ne'ebé la'ó, ita la'ós la tuir, maibé ida nee impaktu mós ba iha servisu operasionál parte polísia ninian, partikularmente iha komandu munisípiu Díli ninian.\n“Mas tanba buat nee liuhosi prosesu, i agora iha ona rezultadu ne'ebé ke diak, ita hein katak ho prosesu entrega ida nee hahú, depois ba futuru sei laó nafatin para atu nune'e iha kontinuasaun”, dehan nia.\nReprezentante Ministériu Públiku (MP), Prokuradór Distritál Díli, Jacinto Babo Saores esplika, situasaun motor hamutuk 151, relatóriu ne'ebé mai husi diresaun tranzitu munisípiu Díli nian, i haruka ba iha PM, tanba motor sira ne'e mai dezde tinan 2008 too 2018 ho razaun laiha dokumentus.\nNia dehan, bainhira laiha dokumentu, ida nee infrasoens ne'ebé maka halo husi ema sira neebe uza, no ida ne'e la'ós parte husi prosesu ida, tanba tuir prosedimentu legais sira hotu katak, bainhira tranzitu prende depois passa auto-prensaun ba sira, sira mai reklama, mais nufin, até tinan barak, nein ema ida mai reklama.\n“Entaun, kuandu ha'u mai iha ne'e reuniaun ho komandante distritu, sira aprezenta kestaun ne'e. Entaun, ita buka solusaun oinsá mak atu rezolve, entaun ita haree prosedimentus legais sira hotu, kódigu penál, prosesu penál sira hotu ita haree, katak iha dalan”, informa nia.\nNia hatutan, husu relatóriu husi polísia tranzitu haruka ba MP, depois hodi prosede tuir prosedementu sira hotu, ita haruka ba tribunál hodi husu validasaun ba objetu sira ne'e, aumezmu tempu ita husu atu deklara afavór ba estadu.\n“Tanba ne'e maka kuandu deklara ona afavór ba estadu, entaun parte Ministériu Públiku ho polísia tenke entrega ba iha Patrimóniu Estadu hodi jere tuir lei patrimóniu estadu nian, tanba ne'e maka kuandu iha ona termu entrega, situasaun hotu, ita entrega ona ba iha patrimóniu estadu”, dehan nia.\nNia hato'o agradese ba ekipa tomak ne"ebé servisu husi fulan Jullu mai agora, liu-liu ekipa MP ni'an ho tránzitu, tanba hetan suporta ne'ebé durante loron hirak nia laran to'o entrega ba iha Patrimóniu Estadu.\nEntretantu, Diretóra Jerál Patrimóniu Estadu (DJPE), Ana Maria Pereira Carvalho afirma, bainhira iha ona desizaun husi MP, na'in ba sasan sira ne'e afavór ona ba estadu maka Ministériu Finansas, liuhosi diresaun Patrimóniu Estadu mak sei haree no identifika hodi prosede tuir prosedimentu jestaun Patrimóniu Estadu nian hodi halo prosesu aliniasaun ba leilaun.\n“Tuir jestaun Patrimóniu Estadu nian katak sasan sira ne'ebé tama ona ba iha kategoria ida aliniasaun ka dispozál ninian, entaun ami tenke konsede ho modalidade ne'ebé akontese, liu-liu oinsá ami klasifika uluk ninia kondisaun para ami aplika ona modalidade leilaun nian sira ne'ebé mak eziste”, dehan nia. (*)\nLast modified on Friday, 18 September 2020 19:19\n« Kooperativa Kovalima Husu Ajuda ba SEKoop Governu Sei Tau Prioridade ba Promosaun Setór Turizmu »
[ "By Tempo Timor September 18, 2020 629 Motor ba OPS sira nian ne'ebe para hela iha eskuadra PNTL nian Foto Suplai Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Henriques da Costa hatete, motorizada hirak nee polisia Unidade Tranzitu prende tanba laiha dokumentus motor no karta kondusaun.", "Nia hatete, motorizada hamutuk 151 ne'e prende hahu kedas iha tinan 2002, mai to'o agora kompleta ona tinan 16 no okupa tebes kondisaun PNTL Munisipiu Dili kloot ba bebeik, tanba ne'e liuhusi koordenasaun ne'ebe iha, parte PNTL no MP deside entrega ba Diresaun Jeral Patrimoniu estadu atu prosesa tuir lei.", "\"Hakarak agradese ba esforsu tomak ne'ebe parte MP ho Patrimoniu Estadu ho esforsu tomak ne'ebe maka ohin nee bele realiza serimonia entrega ida ne'e.", "Tanba ita hatene katak evidensia ka sasan sira neebe agora dadaun ita haree, balu hahu kedas husi 2002 ninian, mais to'o iha agora halo 16 anos, okupa tebes fatin ida ne'e,\" hatete Henriques, iha Kaikoli, Sesta (18/09).", "Nia dehan, kondisaun fatin nomos husi prosesu ne'ebe la'o, ita la'os la tuir, maibe ida nee impaktu mos ba iha servisu operasional parte polisia ninian, partikularmente iha komandu munisipiu Dili ninian.", "\"Mas tanba buat nee liuhosi prosesu, i agora iha ona rezultadu ne'ebe ke diak, ita hein katak ho prosesu entrega ida nee hahu, depois ba futuru sei lao nafatin para atu nune'e iha kontinuasaun,\" dehan nia.", "Reprezentante Ministeriu Publiku (MP), Prokurador Distrital Dili, Jacinto Babo Saores esplika, situasaun motor hamutuk 151, relatoriu ne'ebe mai husi diresaun tranzitu munisipiu Dili nian, i haruka ba iha PM, tanba motor sira ne'e mai dezde tinan 2008 too 2018 ho razaun laiha dokumentus.", "Nia dehan, bainhira laiha dokumentu, ida nee infrasoens ne'ebe maka halo husi ema sira neebe uza, no ida ne'e la'os parte husi prosesu ida, tanba tuir prosedimentu legais sira hotu katak, bainhira tranzitu prende depois passa auto-prensaun ba sira, sira mai reklama, mais nufin, ate tinan barak, nein ema ida mai reklama.", "\"Entaun, kuandu ha'u mai iha ne'e reuniaun ho komandante distritu, sira aprezenta kestaun ne'e.", "Entaun, ita buka solusaun oinsa mak atu rezolve, entaun ita haree prosedimentus legais sira hotu, kodigu penal, prosesu penal sira hotu ita haree, katak iha dalan,\" informa nia.", "Nia hatutan, husu relatoriu husi polisia tranzitu haruka ba MP, depois hodi prosede tuir prosedementu sira hotu, ita haruka ba tribunal hodi husu validasaun ba objetu sira ne'e, aumezmu tempu ita husu atu deklara afavor ba estadu.", "\"Tanba ne'e maka kuandu deklara ona afavor ba estadu, entaun parte Ministeriu Publiku ho polisia tenke entrega ba iha Patrimoniu Estadu hodi jere tuir lei patrimoniu estadu nian, tanba ne'e maka kuandu iha ona termu entrega, situasaun hotu, ita entrega ona ba iha patrimoniu estadu,\" dehan nia.", "Nia hato'o agradese ba ekipa tomak ne\"ebe servisu husi fulan Jullu mai agora, liu-liu ekipa MP ni'an ho tranzitu, tanba hetan suporta ne'ebe durante loron hirak nia laran to'o entrega ba iha Patrimoniu Estadu.", "Entretantu, Diretora Jeral Patrimoniu Estadu (DJPE), Ana Maria Pereira Carvalho afirma, bainhira iha ona desizaun husi MP, na'in ba sasan sira ne'e afavor ona ba estadu maka Ministeriu Finansas, liuhosi diresaun Patrimoniu Estadu mak sei haree no identifika hodi prosede tuir prosedimentu jestaun Patrimoniu Estadu nian hodi halo prosesu aliniasaun ba leilaun.", "\"Tuir jestaun Patrimoniu Estadu nian katak sasan sira ne'ebe tama ona ba iha kategoria ida aliniasaun ka dispozal ninian, entaun ami tenke konsede ho modalidade ne'ebe akontese, liu-liu oinsa ami klasifika uluk ninia kondisaun para ami aplika ona modalidade leilaun nian sira ne'ebe mak eziste,\" dehan nia. (*) Last modified on Friday, 18 September 2020 19:19 \" Kooperativa Kovalima Husu Ajuda ba SEKoop Governu Sei Tau Prioridade ba Promosaun Setor Turizmu \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor September 18,2036 Motorbikes for the OPS are parked in PNTL squadron Photo Deputy Police Chief of Dili Municipality Superintendent Henrique da Costa said that these motorcycle were arrested by police Transit Unit because they lacked motor vehicle documents and driving license." ], [ "He said, the 150 motorcycles were seized in early years of this decade and have now completed a total timeframe (year) to be held for at least sixteen months. The situation is very disturbing because they are occupying Dili Municipal Police Station constantly; therefore through coordination between police force members as well As prosecutors decided that it would best hand them over To State Property Directorate General For further legal proceeding" ], [ "\"I would like to thank for all the efforts that MP and State Heritage have made, with every effort today we can carry out this delivery ceremonies." ], [ "Because we know that the evidences or things which are now being seen, some of them started in 2016 but until today have been there for sixteen years and they occupy this place very much\", said Henrique." ], [ "He said, the conditions of place and process that is going on we are not disobeying but this also affects in operational work part police department particularly at Dili municipality command." ], [ "\"But because things are going through the process, and now we have a good result. We hope that with this start of delivery it will continue in future so there is continuity.\"" ], [ "Representative of the Public Ministry (MP), Dili District Prosecutor, Jacinto Babo Saores explained that there are 150 motorbikes in a report which was sent to PM from transit department for district office because these motorcycle have been on circulation since years ago." ], [ "He said, when there is no documentation it's an infraction that the people who use this vehicle are committing and not part of a process because according to all legal procedure if transit arrested after passing self-arrest on them they come for registration but up until many years ago none came." ], [ "\"So, when I came here for a meeting with the district commanders they raised this issue." ], [ "So, we are looking for a solution how to solve it. We look at all the legal procedures – criminal code and penal proceeding - that there is way of doing this,” he said in an interview with BBC News on Monday (12 June)." ], [ "He said, \"We have asked the transit police to send a report of these objects and then we will proceed with all necessary procedure. We are sending it back in court for validation; at least one time they must declare their favour towards us.\"" ], [ "\"That is why when we have declared a favor to the state, then part of Public Prosecution and police must hand it over in State Patrimonium (State's property) so that they can manage accordingly as per law. So once there has been an agreement on delivery terms for any situation whatsoever; all this material will be given back into States patrimony.\"" ], [ "He thanked the entire team that has been working since July, especially MP's and transit teams for their support during these days until it was hand-over to State Heritage." ], [ "Meanwhile, Director-General of State Property (DJPE), Ana Maria Pereira Carvalho states that once there is a decision by the Public prosecutor's office in favour to state ownership it will be Ministry Finance through its directorate for national property which shall look into and identify them so as they may proceed accordingly with procedure on management processes concerning their alignment before auction." ], [ "\"According to the management of State Property, things that have already entered into a category are alignment or disposal. So we must concede with what has happened and how first classify its conditions so as then apply existing auction modalities\", he said.\" (*) Last modified on Friday (September18th),20:39 PM" ] ]
Prezidenti Taur Kontinua Tour de Timor Hanesan Desportu Anual – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Aktividade desportiva iha Gabinete Prezidenti da Republika ne’ebe funda husi eis Prezidenti Ramos Horta hanesa Tour de Timor sai kontinuasan husi Prezidenti Taur Matan Ruak. Iha 2012 Tour de Timor hahu iha dia 10-15 de Setembru 2012.\nInformasaun ne’e fo sai husi Xefi Casa de Svil Gabinete Prezidenti da Republika Fidelis Mangalhaes ba jornalista liu husi konferesia da emprensa foin lalais ne’e hamutuk ho reprezentante kompaina Telekomunikasaun husi Portugal Timor Telecom.\nTuir Fidelis desportu annual husi eis Prezidenti sai kontinua husi Prezidenti Taur Matan Ruak tamba akrtividades ne’e anima tebes foin sae sira nomos hari paz ba nasaun ne’e.\nAktiviadde ne’e mos loke Timor ba mundu tomak. Iha deportu ne’e partisipa atleta siklista husi nasaun seluk hodi hare paisajem iha nasaun ne’e. Nomos fo motivasuan ba atleta Timor hodi sai diak liutan iha future.\nLiu husi Fidelis, Prezidenti Taur haksolok tebes ho Timor Telekom nia suporta ba Tour de timor ne’e. Hanoin diak husi Timor Telecom sai parseiru kredivel no hasae kreatividade ba Timor oan.\nReprezentante husi TT, Kapitu Amaro husi Timor telekom dehan, tinan hirak liu ba TT suporta nafatin ba Tour de Timor, tamba ne’e ba tinan ida ne’e TT apoiu orsamentu ba Tour de Timor hamutuk U$ 175,000.\nKomisaun organizadora Tour de Timor, Joni Guterres dehan, Tour Timor ne’e sei partisipa sikilista husi distritu 13, maijumenus ema hamutuk 101 nomos siklista husi ema rai liur.Rute Tour de Timor ba tinan ne’e hahu husi Dili-Mota-ain-Oe-cusse- depois fila mai no final iha Dili.
[ "Prezidenti Taur Kontinua Tour de Timor Hanesan Desportu Anual - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Aktividade desportiva iha Gabinete Prezidenti da Republika ne'ebe funda husi eis Prezidenti Ramos Horta hanesa Tour de Timor sai kontinuasan husi Prezidenti Taur Matan Ruak.", "Iha 2012 Tour de Timor hahu iha dia 10-15 de Setembru 2012.", "Informasaun ne'e fo sai husi Xefi Casa de Svil Gabinete Prezidenti da Republika Fidelis Mangalhaes ba jornalista liu husi konferesia da emprensa foin lalais ne'e hamutuk ho reprezentante kompaina Telekomunikasaun husi Portugal Timor Telecom.", "Tuir Fidelis desportu annual husi eis Prezidenti sai kontinua husi Prezidenti Taur Matan Ruak tamba akrtividades ne'e anima tebes foin sae sira nomos hari paz ba nasaun ne'e.", "Aktiviadde ne'e mos loke Timor ba mundu tomak.", "Iha deportu ne'e partisipa atleta siklista husi nasaun seluk hodi hare paisajem iha nasaun ne'e.", "Nomos fo motivasuan ba atleta Timor hodi sai diak liutan iha future.", "Liu husi Fidelis, Prezidenti Taur haksolok tebes ho Timor Telekom nia suporta ba Tour de timor ne'e.", "Hanoin diak husi Timor Telecom sai parseiru kredivel no hasae kreatividade ba Timor oan.", "Reprezentante husi TT, Kapitu Amaro husi Timor telekom dehan, tinan hirak liu ba TT suporta nafatin ba Tour de Timor, tamba ne'e ba tinan ida ne'e TT apoiu orsamentu ba Tour de Timor hamutuk U$ 175,000.", "Komisaun organizadora Tour de Timor, Joni Guterres dehan, Tour Timor ne'e sei partisipa sikilista husi distritu 13, maijumenus ema hamutuk 101 nomos siklista husi ema rai liur.Rute Tour de Timor ba tinan ne'e hahu husi Dili-Mota-ain-Oe-cusse- depois fila mai no final iha Dili." ]
[ [ "President Taur Continues Tour de Timor as an Annual Sport - Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz radio, online Sports activities in the Presidency Office founded by former president Ramos Horta have continued with a continuation of tour to be carried out under new presidence:" ], [ "In 2013, the Tour de Timor will start on September." ], [ "The information was given by the Chief of Svil Office President Fidelis Mangalhaes to journalists during a recent venture conference with representative Telecommunication company from Portugal Timor Telekom." ], [ "According to Fidelis, the annual sports of former President was continued by president Taur Matan Ruak because these activities are very encouraging for newcomers and build peace in this country." ], [ "This activity also opens up Timor to the world." ], [ "In this sport, cyclists from other countries take part to see the landscape of their country." ], [ "Nomos motivated Timorese athletes to be better in the future." ], [ "Through Fidelis, President Taur was delighted with Timor Telekom's support for the Tour of East-Timor." ], [ "Thinking good from Timor Telecom becomes a credible partner and create creativity for the people of East." ], [ "TT's representative, Kapitu Amaro of Timor Telecom said that in the past years forTT supported Tour de Timor and therefore this year it will provide $175.0 268 thousand to sponsor a budget totaling U$349 million (R)" ], [ "The organizing committee of the Tour de Timor, Joni Guterres said that this year's tour will be attended by cyclist from 13 district and more than a dozen foreigners.The route is Dili-Mota Ain -Oe Cusse then back again to finish in Delhi" ] ]
Klínika Bairru-Pite izola pasiente tuberculose 22, mate ida | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Klínika Bairru-Pite izola pasiente tuberculose 22, mate ida\nDILI,25 janeiru 2021(TATOLI)—Iha fulan dezembru 2020, klínika Bairru-Pite rejista pasiente tuberculose (TB) na’in 112, ne’ebé tenke halo izolamentu ba pasiente na’in 22 tanba pozitivu kaben tasak, no ida labele salva (mate).\n“Iha fulan dezembru 2020, ita detekta pasiente ho moras tuberculose hamutuk na’in 112. Hosi númeru ne’e, na’in 22 mak pozitivu kabén tasak no sira halo izolamentu iha ne’e durante loron rua to’o tolu, depois ami halo transferénsia ba iha Tibar hodi kontinua izolamentu no halo tratamentu,’’Jestór klínika Bairru-Pite, Inácio dos Santos hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli iha serbisu fatin, segunda ne’e.\nJestór klínika ne’e informa, iha dezembru nia laran, pasiente ida hosi númeru 22 ne’ebé pozitivu kabén tasak lakon vida, tanba antes ne’e halo ona tratamentu no rekoperadu, maibé ikus mai hetan fila-fali tuberculose no hala’o hikas tratamentu.\n“Maibé, parte pulmaun no aten parte los nian mutin, signifika kanek no ita-nia médiku koko atu halo tratamentu, la konsege salva nia vida,” nia subliña.\nNia dehan, oras ne’e daudaun pasiente ne’ebé kontinua baixa ho kondisaun extrapulmonar ka negativu no la’ós kabén tasak, hela de’it pursentu 50 hosi totál pasiente ne’ebé mak iha.\nKona-bá medikamentu, oras ne’e daudaun klínika ne’e laiha problema hodi halo tratamentu ba pasiente tuberculose tanba Ministériu Saúde (MS) finansia ona ho orsamentu mai hosi fundu globál ne’ebé sempre fornese mensalmente.\nPrevious articleXanana Gusmão vizita eis-padre Richard Dascbach\nNext articleTDD aplika aprezentasaun periódiku ba arguidu maun-alin ‘‘lori subar” motór
[ "Klinika Bairru-Pite izola pasiente tuberculose 22, mate ida | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Klinika Bairru-Pite izola pasiente tuberculose 22, mate ida DILI,25 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Iha fulan dezembru 2020, klinika Bairru-Pite rejista pasiente tuberculose (TB) na'in 112, ne'ebe tenke halo izolamentu ba pasiente na'in 22 tanba pozitivu kaben tasak, no ida labele salva (mate).", "\"Iha fulan dezembru 2020, ita detekta pasiente ho moras tuberculose hamutuk na'in 112.", "Hosi numeru ne'e, na'in 22 mak pozitivu kaben tasak no sira halo izolamentu iha ne'e durante loron rua to'o tolu, depois ami halo transferensia ba iha Tibar hodi kontinua izolamentu no halo tratamentu, \" Jestor klinika Bairru-Pite, Inacio dos Santos hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli iha serbisu fatin, segunda ne'e.", "Jestor klinika ne'e informa, iha dezembru nia laran, pasiente ida hosi numeru 22 ne'ebe pozitivu kaben tasak lakon vida, tanba antes ne'e halo ona tratamentu no rekoperadu, maibe ikus mai hetan fila-fali tuberculose no hala'o hikas tratamentu.", "\"Maibe, parte pulmaun no aten parte los nian mutin, signifika kanek no ita-nia mediku koko atu halo tratamentu, la konsege salva nia vida,\" nia sublina.", "Nia dehan, oras ne'e daudaun pasiente ne'ebe kontinua baixa ho kondisaun extrapulmonar ka negativu no la'os kaben tasak, hela de'it pursentu 50 hosi total pasiente ne'ebe mak iha.", "Kona-ba medikamentu, oras ne'e daudaun klinika ne'e laiha problema hodi halo tratamentu ba pasiente tuberculose tanba Ministeriu Saude (MS) finansia ona ho orsamentu mai hosi fundu global ne'ebe sempre fornese mensalmente.", "Previous articleXanana Gusmao vizita eis-padre Richard Dascbach Next articleTDD aplika aprezentasaun periodiku ba arguidu maun-alin \"lori subar\" motor" ]
[ [ "Bairru-Pite Clinic Isolates 21 Tuberculosis Patients, One Dies | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Klinika Barriro Pite isolated a tuberculous patient of the number (TB), one died. Dili/Dili - In January and February in total there have been more than two hundred patients with TB who are being treated at this clinic for their illnesses as they were diagnosed to be infectious by an unknown virus that spread through airborne droplets from hospital bed or other areas where people stay long time without getting vaccinated against TBC; however nobody has yet had any cases reported since December last year when it was first discovered on October fourth" ], [ "\"As of December 2019, we detected a total number Of patients with tuberculosis infection." ], [ "Of this number, 21 are positive and they were isolated there for two to three days. After that we transferred them back into Tibar Hospital where the isolation was continued.\" Bairru-Pite clinic manager Inacio dos Santos told reporter Agência Tatoli at his workplace on Monday (09/3)." ], [ "The clinic manager informed that during December, one of the patients number 21 who was positive for TB died because he had previously been treated and recovering from tuberculosis but later got back to it again." ], [ "\"But, part of the lungs and not at least a small portion loses his mutin means injury. And our doctor did everything to treat him but couldn't save her life.\"" ], [ "He said that at the moment, patients who continue to be discharged with extrapulmonary conditions or negative and not caben tasak are only 50 percent of total patient." ], [ "Regarding medication, the clinic currently has no problem to treat tuberculosis patients because Ministry of Health (MS) finances it with a budget from global fund that is always provided monthly." ], [ "Previous articleXanana Gusmao visits ex-father Richard Dascbach Next ArticleTDD applies periodical presentation to defendant brother and sister who \"wanted\" subar motorbike" ] ]
DÍLI----Ministra Saúde (MS) Odete Maria Freitas Belo, Hatete, Fundus Nasoins Unidas ba Labarik (UNICEF sigla Inglés), ohin loron ofisialmente entrega frigorifiku ultra-malirin haat hodi armazena vasina Covid-19 ba Ministeriu Saúde oinsa armazenamentu SAMES.\n”Ohin loron ofisialmente UNICEF apoia entrega frigorifiku ultra-malirin haat hodi armazena vasina Covid-19 ba Ministeriu Saúde nia fasilidade armazenamentu SAMES. Ne’e bele permite SAMES armazena vasina Pfizer BionTech mak presiza armazenamentu ho temperatura ultra malirin, antinji grau selsiu negativu 86 ona Ministeriu Saúde ho SAMES ba nia instalasaun, manutensaun no atualiza sistema armazenamentu korenti malirin no sistema distribuisaun tinan barak ona, ne’ebe ajuda ita armazena no distribui vasina Covid-19 rutina la ho interupsaun,” Hateten Ministra Saude (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, liuhusi ninia diskursu iha Sames Kampu Alor Díli, Segunda (18/10).\nNia hatutan, Frigorifiku temperatura ultra-malirin negosia ona, sosa ona no entrega ona husi UNICEF ho fundus husi COVAX Facility, Vasina Pfizer BionTech doze 100,620 lote dahuluk to’o ona iha país iha loron 16 Outubru. Grupu Konsultativu Tekniku Nasional ba Imunizasaun no Ministeriu saúde aprova ona vasinasaun ba labarik sira tinan entre 12 no 18 mai kraik ho vasina Pfizer Biontech.\nNia dehan, Frigorifiku sira sei ajuda ita armazena ho seguru vasina Pfizer BionTch sira ho temperatura lolos, no permite ita atu implementa kampaña vasinasaun ba labarik sira tinan 12 to’o 18 mai kraik, ne’e primeira vez Timor-Leste iha kapasidade hodi armazena vasina ho temperatura ultra-malirin.\nHahú to’o mai kedas iha país iha loron 22 fulan Setembru, UNICEF servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saúde, SAMES no fabrika atu garante katak país ne’e prontu hodi simu vasina Pfizer BionTech. UNICEF apoia ona SAMES hodi instala no monitoriza nia temperatura loron ida dala-tolu hodi haree nia funsionamentu, no apoia formasaun SAMES nia tekniku sira, Tekniku Ekipamentu Biomedikal sira, no staff ba operasaun, monitoriza no manutensaun sistema.\n“Armazena no transporta vasina sira ho temperatura lolos mak fundamental atu salva labarik no adultu sira husi moras potensialmente fatal. UNICEF orgullu hodi apoia Timor-Leste tinan hirak ne’e, liu husi instalasaun sistema korenti-malirin iha país ne’e ba imunizasaun rutina no mós ba vasinasaun Covid-19. Ita eleva ona kapasidade korenti-malirin iha país ne’e ba nivel aas ho instalasaun sistema korenti ultra-malirin ba primeira vez,” dehan Reprezentativu UNICEF Bilal Durrani.\nNia informa, Hahú husi SAMES, ita sei habelar gradualmente sistema korenti-malirin ba parte sira seluk iha país ne’e. “UNICEF mós sei hola tan frigorifiku temperatura ultra-malirin adisional 16 ba Ministeriu Saúde, ho fundus husi Governu Australia. Frigorifiku sira ne’e sei instala iha armazen rejional sira, atu permite governu armazena vasina sira mak presiza temperatura ultra-malirin besik ba ospital rejional sira no sentru saúde munisipal sira, no reduz tempu no kustu transportasaun vasina sira husi Dili ba sentru saúde sira,” Afirma nia. (BT)
[ "DILI----Ministra Saude (MS) Odete Maria Freitas Belo, Hatete, Fundus Nasoins Unidas ba Labarik (UNICEF sigla Ingles), ohin loron ofisialmente entrega frigorifiku ultra-malirin haat hodi armazena vasina Covid-19 ba Ministeriu Saude oinsa armazenamentu SAMES.", "\"Ohin loron ofisialmente UNICEF apoia entrega frigorifiku ultra-malirin haat hodi armazena vasina Covid-19 ba Ministeriu Saude nia fasilidade armazenamentu SAMES.", "Ne'e bele permite SAMES armazena vasina Pfizer BionTech mak presiza armazenamentu ho temperatura ultra malirin, antinji grau selsiu negativu 86 ona Ministeriu Saude ho SAMES ba nia instalasaun, manutensaun no atualiza sistema armazenamentu korenti malirin no sistema distribuisaun tinan barak ona, ne'ebe ajuda ita armazena no distribui vasina Covid-19 rutina la ho interupsaun,\" Hateten Ministra Saude (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, liuhusi ninia diskursu iha Sames Kampu Alor Dili, Segunda (18/10).", "Nia hatutan, Frigorifiku temperatura ultra-malirin negosia ona, sosa ona no entrega ona husi UNICEF ho fundus husi COVAX Facility, Vasina Pfizer BionTech doze 100,620 lote dahuluk to'o ona iha pais iha loron 16 Outubru.", "Grupu Konsultativu Tekniku Nasional ba Imunizasaun no Ministeriu saude aprova ona vasinasaun ba labarik sira tinan entre 12 no 18 mai kraik ho vasina Pfizer Biontech.", "Nia dehan, Frigorifiku sira sei ajuda ita armazena ho seguru vasina Pfizer BionTch sira ho temperatura lolos, no permite ita atu implementa kampana vasinasaun ba labarik sira tinan 12 to'o 18 mai kraik, ne'e primeira vez Timor-Leste iha kapasidade hodi armazena vasina ho temperatura ultra-malirin.", "Hahu to'o mai kedas iha pais iha loron 22 fulan Setembru, UNICEF servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saude, SAMES no fabrika atu garante katak pais ne'e prontu hodi simu vasina Pfizer BionTech.", "UNICEF apoia ona SAMES hodi instala no monitoriza nia temperatura loron ida dala-tolu hodi haree nia funsionamentu, no apoia formasaun SAMES nia tekniku sira, Tekniku Ekipamentu Biomedikal sira, no staff ba operasaun, monitoriza no manutensaun sistema.", "\"Armazena no transporta vasina sira ho temperatura lolos mak fundamental atu salva labarik no adultu sira husi moras potensialmente fatal.", "UNICEF orgullu hodi apoia Timor-Leste tinan hirak ne'e, liu husi instalasaun sistema korenti-malirin iha pais ne'e ba imunizasaun rutina no mos ba vasinasaun Covid-19.", "Ita eleva ona kapasidade korenti-malirin iha pais ne'e ba nivel aas ho instalasaun sistema korenti ultra-malirin ba primeira vez,\" dehan Reprezentativu UNICEF Bilal Durrani.", "Nia informa, Hahu husi SAMES, ita sei habelar gradualmente sistema korenti-malirin ba parte sira seluk iha pais ne'e.", "\"UNICEF mos sei hola tan frigorifiku temperatura ultra-malirin adisional 16 ba Ministeriu Saude, ho fundus husi Governu Australia.", "Frigorifiku sira ne'e sei instala iha armazen rejional sira, atu permite governu armazena vasina sira mak presiza temperatura ultra-malirin besik ba ospital rejional sira no sentru saude munisipal sira, no reduz tempu no kustu transportasaun vasina sira husi Dili ba sentru saude sira,\" Afirma nia.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "DILI----Ministry of Health (MS) Odete Maria Freitas Belo, the United Nations Children'S Fund’(UNICEF), today officially handed over four ultra-small refrigerators to store Covid 19 vaccine for Ministry and SAMES storage." ], [ "\"Today, UNICEF officially supports the delivery of four ultra-small refrigerators to store Covid 19 vaccine at SAMES storage facility." ], [ "This will allow SAMES to store the Pfizer BionTech vaccine that requires storage at ultra-cold temperature, which is negative 86 degrees Celsius. The Ministry of Health has been working with Sames for many years on its installation and updating current refrigerated warehousing systems as well a distribution system; this helped us in routinely storing & distributing Covid -19 vaccination without corruption\", said Minister Of health (MS), Odete Maria Freitaes Belo through her speech during an event held by SAMES' Alor Campus Dili Monday(Oct/20)." ], [ "He added that the ultra-low temperature refrigerator was negotiated, purchased and delivered by UNICEF with funding from COVAX Facility. The first batch of Pfizer BionTech vaccines in a total dose capacity to be distributed has reached Haiti on October16th (20:35 GMT)." ], [ "The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization and the Ministry of Health have approved vaccination for children aged 12 to under-eighteen years with Pfizer Biontech vaccine." ], [ "He said, \"The refrigerators will help us safely store Pfizer BionTch vaccines at a cold temperature and enable our vaccination campaign for children between the ages of twelve to eighteen in future. This is first time that Timor-Leste has been able on ultracool storage capacity.\"" ], [ "Upon arrival in the country on 21 September, UNICEF worked with Ministry of Health and SAMES to ensure that it was ready for delivery." ], [ "UNICEF has supported SAMES in installing and monitoring its temperature three times a day to see if it is functional, as well the training of Sames technicians (Biomedical Equipment Technicians) & staff for system operation monitors& maintenance." ], [ "\"Storing and transporting vaccines at high temperature is fundamental to saving children, as well As adults from potentially fatal disease." ], [ "UNICEF is proud to have supported Timor-Leste in recent years, through the installation of a countrywide coverage system for routine immunization and also Covid 19 vaccinations." ], [ "We have raised the country's low-voltage capacity to a high level by installing an ultralow voltage system for first time,\" said UNICEF Representative Bilal Durrani." ], [ "He informed, \"With SAMES we will gradually introduce the power-on system to other parts of this country." ], [ "\"UNICEF will also purchase an additional 16 ultra-low temperature refrigerators for the Ministry of Health, with funds from Australia's Government." ], [ "These refrigerators will be installed in regional warehouses, to allow the government storage of ultra-cold temperature needed vaccine closer Regional hospital and municipal health centres. This would reduce time & cost for transportation from Dili into Health Centre.\"" ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Embaixador EUA Hasoru MAPKOMS | STLNEWS\nEmbaixador EUA Hasoru MAPKOMS\nEmbaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) iha Timor Leste hasoru malu ho Ministru Asuntu Parlamentu no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) hodi koalia kona ba servisu ministru nian iha area parlamentu no komunikasaun sosial. (Foto: STL/Maria Tavares)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) iha Timor Leste hasoru malu ho Ministru Asuntu Parlamentu no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) hodi koalia kona ba servisu ministru nian iha area parlamentu no komunikasaun sosial.\n“Hau hanoin Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika ohin mai iha nee hakarak hasoru malu ho hau, nia husu kleur ona maibe hau foin mak iha tempu, hasoru malu ho nia, kontente tebes tanba ami bele koalia ba malu no nia husu kona ba hau nia servisu iha area asuntu parlamentu no komunikasaun sosial,” tenik Francisco Jeronimo Martins ba jornalista sira Iha edifisiu MAPKOMS, Palasiu Governu, Kinta (08/07/2021).\nGovernante nee informa, iha hasoru malu nee embaixador informa katak governu Amerika prontu hela atu ajuda kualker area saida deit hanesan mos komunikasaun sosial, tanba nia ba ona hasoru Prezidente RTTL.\nIha fatin hanesan, Embaixador EUA, Kevin Blackstone katak, hasoru malu ho ministru atu komprende diak servisu MAPKOMS nian.\n“Hau hasoru ministru atu komprende diak liu tan kona ba sira nia servisu, Ministru Asuntu Parlamentu no Komunikasaun Sosial esplika nia servisu iha parlamentu, reprezenta governu iha parlamentu, hanesan ministru i gerente leis kona ba media sira, no mos halo diskusaun kona ba supervizaun ministeriu nian neebe mak halo ba RTTL no agensia Tatoli, katak governu nia apoiu ba RTTL no Tatoli governu la interven nia konteudu neebe ke RTTL nian,” nia hatete.\nAleinde nee koalia mos kona ba inundasaun neebe hamosu impaktu aat tebes ba iha edifisiu RTTL, entaun ohin iha diskusaun katak sei halo uma provizoriu ida ba RTTL, hodi nunee bele funsiona nafatin no tinan hirak tuir mai sei apoiu tan RTTL hodi dezenvolve diak liu tan.*\nPrevious articleLabele Joga Politika Taka Situasaun Real\nNext articleCovid-19 Update (8 Jullu 2021): Pozitivu 63 & Rekoperadu 46
[ "Embaixador EUA Hasoru MAPKOMS | STLNEWS Embaixador EUA Hasoru MAPKOMS Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) iha Timor Leste hasoru malu ho Ministru Asuntu Parlamentu no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) hodi koalia kona ba servisu ministru nian iha area parlamentu no komunikasaun sosial.", "(Foto: STL/Maria Tavares) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) iha Timor Leste hasoru malu ho Ministru Asuntu Parlamentu no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) hodi koalia kona ba servisu ministru nian iha area parlamentu no komunikasaun sosial.", "\"Hau hanoin Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika ohin mai iha nee hakarak hasoru malu ho hau, nia husu kleur ona maibe hau foin mak iha tempu, hasoru malu ho nia, kontente tebes tanba ami bele koalia ba malu no nia husu kona ba hau nia servisu iha area asuntu parlamentu no komunikasaun sosial,\" tenik Francisco Jeronimo Martins ba jornalista sira Iha edifisiu MAPKOMS, Palasiu Governu, Kinta (08/07/2021).", "Governante nee informa, iha hasoru malu nee embaixador informa katak governu Amerika prontu hela atu ajuda kualker area saida deit hanesan mos komunikasaun sosial, tanba nia ba ona hasoru Prezidente RTTL.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Embaixador EUA, Kevin Blackstone katak, hasoru malu ho ministru atu komprende diak servisu MAPKOMS nian.", "\"Hau hasoru ministru atu komprende diak liu tan kona ba sira nia servisu, Ministru Asuntu Parlamentu no Komunikasaun Sosial esplika nia servisu iha parlamentu, reprezenta governu iha parlamentu, hanesan ministru i gerente leis kona ba media sira, no mos halo diskusaun kona ba supervizaun ministeriu nian neebe mak halo ba RTTL no agensia Tatoli, katak governu nia apoiu ba RTTL no Tatoli governu la interven nia konteudu neebe ke RTTL nian,\" nia hatete.", "Aleinde nee koalia mos kona ba inundasaun neebe hamosu impaktu aat tebes ba iha edifisiu RTTL, entaun ohin iha diskusaun katak sei halo uma provizoriu ida ba RTTL, hodi nunee bele funsiona nafatin no tinan hirak tuir mai sei apoiu tan RTTL hodi dezenvolve diak liu tan.* Previous articleLabele Joga Politika Taka Situasaun Real Next articleCovid-19 Update (8 Jullu 2021): Pozitivu 63 & Rekoperadu 46" ]
[ [ "The United States of America (US) Ambassador to Timor-Leste met with the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communications, MAPKOMS on Thursday 20th November. He discussed his work in parliaments as well a number other issues related by social communication sector including media relations between governmental agencies like STLNEWS/STLNOW News Agency & Media Center" ], [ "(Photo: STL/Maria Tavares) DILI,StlNEWS.co - The United States Ambassador to Timor-Leste met with the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communications on Monday 20th June in Dili City for a discussion about his work as minister at parliaments & social communication agencies" ], [ "\"I think the United States Ambassador came here today to meet me, he has asked for a long time but I have only had sometime. Meeting with him is very happy because we can talk about my work in parliamentary affairs and social communication\", said Francisco Jeronimo Martines at MAPKOMS building (Government Palace), on Thursday 08/21-7)." ], [ "The governor informed that during the meeting, Ambassador informs him of how U.S government is ready to help any area as well social communication because he has been with President RTTL 103FM and said it will be a great pleasure for us all if we can work together on this project.”" ], [ "U.S Ambassador Kevin Blackstone said he met with the minister to better understand MAPKOMS’ work, and that his visit was an opportunity for both sides of relations in general but also between China-Usa on a personal level as well:" ], [ "\"I met with the ministers to understand better about their work, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication explained his job in parliament representing government as a ministry manager on media law. We also discusses ministerial supervision over RTTL & Tatoli agency that is support from Government for Radio Televison Timor-Leste (RTTl), but not interference by Govt into what they are doing.\"" ], [ "In addition, he also spoke about the floods that had a very bad impact on RTTL’S building. Today there was discussion of making an interim house for it to continue functioning and in future years will support further development.* Previous articleLabele Joga Politika Taka Situasaun Real Next ArticleCovid-19 Update (July 8th: Positive cases numbered at more than sixty three & recoveries numbers fourteen)" ] ]
DISKURSU SUA EXELÉNSIA PREZIDENTE REPÚBLIKA, TAUR MATAN RUAK, IHA SERIMÓNIA TOMADA POSE BA PREZIDENTE TRIBUNÁL REKURSU, JUIS DEOLINDO DOS SANTOS - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nOnra boot ida mai ha’u atu observa katak nomeasaun ba reprezentante aas liu podér judisiál Timór nian nu’udar ezemplu di’ak ida hosi instituisaun demokrátika sira-nia lala’ok regulár.\nPrezidente Tribunál Rekursu nia substituisaun iha kondisaun estabilidade nia laran hatudu ita-nia relasaun institusionál nia maturidade demokrátika, liutiha tinan 15 dezde restaurasaun independénsia.\nPodér judisiál ida ne’ebé Forte, Independente no ho Kapasidade, hanesan kondisaun esensiál atu harii Estadu Direitu Demokrátiku tuir Konstituisaun haruka no ne’ebé ita luta ba durante tinan barak nia laran. Ita-nia vizaun kona-ba Estadu independente ida, ne’ebé sai matadalan ba ita-nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál no ema barak lakon sira-nia vida ba, hanesan mós vizaun ida kona-ba Estadu ida ne’ebé Justu no ne’ebé respeita sidadaun sira-nia Direitu sira iha kondisaun igualdade.\nRealizasaun ba mehi hirak-ne’e mak ita ohin selebra ho nomeasaun ba Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu foun.\nIha oportunidade ida-ne’e ha’u hakarak aproveita atu hato’o liafuan agradesimentu ba Juis Guilhermino da Silva ne’ebé mak ohin ramata nia knaar nu’udar Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu. Mandatu ne’ebé mak ohin remata hanesan ezemplu ida kona-ba izensaun, dignidade no aten-barani hodi defende Tribunál sira-nia independénsia, juis sira-nia kondisaun profisionál no Tribunál sira-nia kualidade.\nHa’u hein katak ninia ezemplu sei fó forsa ba joven majistradu sira Nasaun nian.\nHa’u fiar katak Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu foun sei bele hatán ba dezafiu sira-ne’ebé Tribunál Rekursu sei enfrenta hela, liuliu sira-ne’ebé urjente liu.\nInstituisaun demokrátika sira-nia lala’ok regulár hanesan responsabilidade mahuluk Prezidente Repúblika nian iha tempu pás nia laran. Nune’e, nia labele halai hosi ninia responsabilidade sira to’o nia mandatu nia loron ikus. Tribunál Rekursu tenke serbisu loroloron no oras ne’e daudaun nia enfrenta hela dezafiu lubuk ida ne’ebé importante ba ita hotu, hanesan fiskalizasaun preventiva ba konstitusionalidade Lei sira-nian, desizaun kona-ba rekursu sira-ne’ebé urjente ho arguidu detidu no kompeténsia eleitorál iha tinan ida-ne’e ne’ebé espesiál tebetebes.\nJuis Deolindo dos Santos majistradu ida ne’ebé iha esperiénsia naruk no karreira ida ne’ebé distintu. Ita fó ona ita-nia konfiansa tomak ba nia atu kaer órgaun soberania ida-ne’e, ne’ebé tenke independente hosi kontrolu Estadu nian nu’udar garantia ba sidadaun sira-nia direitu sira no ita-nia moris iha sosiedade nia lala’ok regulár.\nIda-ne’e mós fatór importante tebetebes ida ba ita-nia dezenvolvimentu. Hodi dada mai investimentu hosi rai-li’ur, fundamentál tebes ita fó garantia kona-ba sistema justisa ida n’ebé funsiona duni. Sira-ne’ebé hakarak investe sira-nia osan iha ita-nia ekonomia presiza la’ós de’it estrada ka infraestrutura seluseluk maibé presiza mós Justisa ida ne’ebé la’o.\nAtu Justisa bele la’o, ita presiza luta ba independénsia judisiál. Ha’u fiar katak Tribunál sira, liuliu Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu foun, hatene oinsá atu defende garantia murak liu hosi ninia lala’ok izentu, imparsiál no ikusmai justu.\nIndependénsia judisiál hanesan impozisaun konstitusionál ida ne’ebé ITA HOTU tenke kumpre no respeita tanba ida-ne’e mak solusaun di’ak liu ba Estadu nia lala’ok. Lahó ta’uk ita tenke husik Ministériu Públiku halo investigasaun, husik Advogadu no Defensór Públiku sira halo defeza no husik mós Juis sira foti desizaun. Sira foti tiha desizaun karik, ita tenke simu no halo tuir sira-nia desizaun! Ne’e mak Justisa nia lala’ok normál ne’ebé ita tenke promove.\nSei iha buat barak atu halo hodi hadi’ak setór Justisa.\nIta presiza hadi’ak operadór judisiál hotu-hotu nia kualifikasaun hodi investe iha formasaun ho permanente. Tanba ne’e mak ita presiza investe iha ensinu no formasaun iha ita-nia Universidade sira, inklui mós iha Sentru Formasaun Jurídika no Judisiária. Ita presiza mós asegura, iha ne’ebé nesesáriu, apoiu internasionál ba hanorin ita-nia foin-sa’e sira, no fó formasaun no akompaña ita-nia juis sira hodi kria kondisaun estabilidade ba juis internasionál sira ne’ebé kualifikadu no esperiente atu hala’o knaar.\nPresiza mós investe maka’as liután iha Lei sira-nia kualidade hodi buka solusaun hirak ne’ebé di’ak liu nu’udar matadalan ba ita-nia sidadaun sira-nia moris. Ita-nia Lei sira tenke simples, fasil atu implementa no tuir ita-nia realidade. Sira tenke foka liu ba rezolve ita-nia sidadaun sira-nia problema no labele hamosu problema ba operadór jurídiku sira durante prosesu implementasaun.\nDiagnóstiku ida-ne’e halo tiha kleur ona. Tempu to’o ona atu sira-ne’ebé responsavel ba halo lei komesa book an.\nOrganizasaun judisiária ne’ebé mak prevee iha Konstituisaun hodi aprova lei sira-ne’ebé sei pendente sei iha prosesu hela.\nFundamentál katak Kámara Kontas Tribunál Rekursu nian bele asegura kontrolu ne’ebé efetivu ba despeza Estadu nian, hodi fila fali ba limite sira-ne’ebé prevee nanis kedas molok revizaun 2013 nian.\nSeidauk halo mós artikulasaun ne’ebé di’ak entre “Justisa Tradisionál” no desizaun sira-ne’ebé foti iha ámbitu justisa formál Estadu nian. Ita labele haluha importánsia estrutura tradisionál nian hodi rezolve konflitu, liuliu ninia potensiál boot atu harii pás sosiál, ne’ebé nasaun seluseluk maski dezenvolvidu ona buka halo tuir. Maski nune’e, realidade tradisionál hirak-ne’e labele la’o hasoru Estadu nia autoridade no unidade.\nInvestimentu iha justisa nu’udar kondisaun atu luta hasoru problema boot liu ida ne’ebé afeta hela ita-nia sosiedade, katak korrupsaun. Luta hasoru korrupsaun envolve meius Estadu hotu-hotu, inklui mós sidadaun hotu-hotu. Ita presiza haree filafali lei sira karik nesesáriu, maibé importante liu maka ita fó meius ba sira-ne’ebé implementa lei sira-ne’e, respeita prokuradór ho juis sira-nia autonomia no kumpre desizaun ne’ebé sira foti. Atu luta hasoru korrupsaun presiza mós muda mentalidade sidadaun, Administrasaun Públika no titulár kargu polítiku sira-nian. Ita hotu iha papél ida atu hala’o iha luta foun ne’e.\nAktu ne’ebé ita ohin kumpre mak aktu signifikativu liu ida hosi ita-nia ordenamentu konstitusionál. Investimentu iha Justisa mak investimentu ida ne’ebé sei fó retornu. Nune’e, ha’u hakotu hodi hato’o ha’u-nia votus susesu ba Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu foun. Susesu hosi Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu nia mandatu mak sei sai susesu ita hotu nian.
[ "DISKURSU SUA EXELENSIA PREZIDENTE REPUBLIKA, TAUR MATAN RUAK, IHA SERIMONIA TOMADA POSE BA PREZIDENTE TRIBUNAL REKURSU, JUIS DEOLINDO DOS SANTOS - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Onra boot ida mai ha'u atu observa katak nomeasaun ba reprezentante aas liu poder judisial Timor nian nu'udar ezemplu di'ak ida hosi instituisaun demokratika sira-nia lala'ok regular.", "Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu nia substituisaun iha kondisaun estabilidade nia laran hatudu ita-nia relasaun institusional nia maturidade demokratika, liutiha tinan 15 dezde restaurasaun independensia.", "Poder judisial ida ne'ebe Forte, Independente no ho Kapasidade, hanesan kondisaun esensial atu harii Estadu Direitu Demokratiku tuir Konstituisaun haruka no ne'ebe ita luta ba durante tinan barak nia laran.", "Ita-nia vizaun kona-ba Estadu independente ida, ne'ebe sai matadalan ba ita-nia luta ba libertasaun nasional no ema barak lakon sira-nia vida ba, hanesan mos vizaun ida kona-ba Estadu ida ne'ebe Justu no ne'ebe respeita sidadaun sira-nia Direitu sira iha kondisaun igualdade.", "Realizasaun ba mehi hirak-ne'e mak ita ohin selebra ho nomeasaun ba Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu foun.", "Iha oportunidade ida-ne'e ha'u hakarak aproveita atu hato'o liafuan agradesimentu ba Juis Guilhermino da Silva ne'ebe mak ohin ramata nia knaar nu'udar Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu.", "Mandatu ne'ebe mak ohin remata hanesan ezemplu ida kona-ba izensaun, dignidade no aten-barani hodi defende Tribunal sira-nia independensia, juis sira-nia kondisaun profisional no Tribunal sira-nia kualidade.", "Ha'u hein katak ninia ezemplu sei fo forsa ba joven majistradu sira Nasaun nian.", "Ha'u fiar katak Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu foun sei bele hatan ba dezafiu sira-ne'ebe Tribunal Rekursu sei enfrenta hela, liuliu sira-ne'ebe urjente liu.", "Instituisaun demokratika sira-nia lala'ok regular hanesan responsabilidade mahuluk Prezidente Republika nian iha tempu pas nia laran.", "Nune'e, nia labele halai hosi ninia responsabilidade sira to'o nia mandatu nia loron ikus.", "Tribunal Rekursu tenke serbisu loroloron no oras ne'e daudaun nia enfrenta hela dezafiu lubuk ida ne'ebe importante ba ita hotu, hanesan fiskalizasaun preventiva ba konstitusionalidade Lei sira-nian, desizaun kona-ba rekursu sira-ne'ebe urjente ho arguidu detidu no kompetensia eleitoral iha tinan ida-ne'e ne'ebe espesial tebetebes.", "Juis Deolindo dos Santos majistradu ida ne'ebe iha esperiensia naruk no karreira ida ne'ebe distintu.", "Ita fo ona ita-nia konfiansa tomak ba nia atu kaer orgaun soberania ida-ne'e, ne'ebe tenke independente hosi kontrolu Estadu nian nu'udar garantia ba sidadaun sira-nia direitu sira no ita-nia moris iha sosiedade nia lala'ok regular.", "Ida-ne'e mos fator importante tebetebes ida ba ita-nia dezenvolvimentu.", "Hodi dada mai investimentu hosi rai-li'ur, fundamental tebes ita fo garantia kona-ba sistema justisa ida n'ebe funsiona duni.", "Sira-ne'ebe hakarak investe sira-nia osan iha ita-nia ekonomia presiza la'os de'it estrada ka infraestrutura seluseluk maibe presiza mos Justisa ida ne'ebe la'o.", "Atu Justisa bele la'o, ita presiza luta ba independensia judisial.", "Ha'u fiar katak Tribunal sira, liuliu Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu foun, hatene oinsa atu defende garantia murak liu hosi ninia lala'ok izentu, imparsial no ikusmai justu.", "Independensia judisial hanesan impozisaun konstitusional ida ne'ebe ITA HOTU tenke kumpre no respeita tanba ida-ne'e mak solusaun di'ak liu ba Estadu nia lala'ok.", "Laho ta'uk ita tenke husik Ministeriu Publiku halo investigasaun, husik Advogadu no Defensor Publiku sira halo defeza no husik mos Juis sira foti desizaun.", "Sira foti tiha desizaun karik, ita tenke simu no halo tuir sira-nia desizaun!", "Ne'e mak Justisa nia lala'ok normal ne'ebe ita tenke promove.", "Sei iha buat barak atu halo hodi hadi'ak setor Justisa.", "Ita presiza hadi'ak operador judisial hotu-hotu nia kualifikasaun hodi investe iha formasaun ho permanente.", "Tanba ne'e mak ita presiza investe iha ensinu no formasaun iha ita-nia Universidade sira, inklui mos iha Sentru Formasaun Juridika no Judisiaria.", "Ita presiza mos asegura, iha ne'ebe nesesariu, apoiu internasional ba hanorin ita-nia foin-sa'e sira, no fo formasaun no akompana ita-nia juis sira hodi kria kondisaun estabilidade ba juis internasional sira ne'ebe kualifikadu no esperiente atu hala'o knaar.", "Presiza mos investe maka'as liutan iha Lei sira-nia kualidade hodi buka solusaun hirak ne'ebe di'ak liu nu'udar matadalan ba ita-nia sidadaun sira-nia moris.", "Ita-nia Lei sira tenke simples, fasil atu implementa no tuir ita-nia realidade.", "Sira tenke foka liu ba rezolve ita-nia sidadaun sira-nia problema no labele hamosu problema ba operador juridiku sira durante prosesu implementasaun.", "Diagnostiku ida-ne'e halo tiha kleur ona.", "Tempu to'o ona atu sira-ne'ebe responsavel ba halo lei komesa book an.", "Organizasaun judisiaria ne'ebe mak prevee iha Konstituisaun hodi aprova lei sira-ne'ebe sei pendente sei iha prosesu hela.", "Fundamental katak Kamara Kontas Tribunal Rekursu nian bele asegura kontrolu ne'ebe efetivu ba despeza Estadu nian, hodi fila fali ba limite sira-ne'ebe prevee nanis kedas molok revizaun 2013 nian.", "Seidauk halo mos artikulasaun ne'ebe di'ak entre \"Justisa Tradisional\" no desizaun sira-ne'ebe foti iha ambitu justisa formal Estadu nian.", "Ita labele haluha importansia estrutura tradisional nian hodi rezolve konflitu, liuliu ninia potensial boot atu harii pas sosial, ne'ebe nasaun seluseluk maski dezenvolvidu ona buka halo tuir.", "Maski nune'e, realidade tradisional hirak-ne'e labele la'o hasoru Estadu nia autoridade no unidade.", "Investimentu iha justisa nu'udar kondisaun atu luta hasoru problema boot liu ida ne'ebe afeta hela ita-nia sosiedade, katak korrupsaun.", "Luta hasoru korrupsaun envolve meius Estadu hotu-hotu, inklui mos sidadaun hotu-hotu.", "Ita presiza haree filafali lei sira karik nesesariu, maibe importante liu maka ita fo meius ba sira-ne'ebe implementa lei sira-ne'e, respeita prokurador ho juis sira-nia autonomia no kumpre desizaun ne'ebe sira foti.", "Atu luta hasoru korrupsaun presiza mos muda mentalidade sidadaun, Administrasaun Publika no titular kargu politiku sira-nian.", "Ita hotu iha papel ida atu hala'o iha luta foun ne'e.", "Aktu ne'ebe ita ohin kumpre mak aktu signifikativu liu ida hosi ita-nia ordenamentu konstitusional.", "Investimentu iha Justisa mak investimentu ida ne'ebe sei fo retornu.", "Nune'e, ha'u hakotu hodi hato'o ha'u-nia votus susesu ba Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu foun.", "Susesu hosi Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu nia mandatu mak sei sai susesu ita hotu nian." ]
[ [ "SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT, TAUR MATAN RUAK AT IMPOSURE CEREMONY FOR JUDGE DEOLINDO DO SANTOS - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste It is a great honour for me to note that the appointment of Deolindo Dos Santos as Chief Justice was an excellent example and demonstrated how democratic institutions function properly." ], [ "The replacement of the President in a stable environment demonstrates democratic maturity to our institutional relations, after nearly fifteen years since restoring independence." ], [ "A strong, independent and capable judiciary is an essential prerequisite for the establishment of a democratic state governed by law in accordance with our Constitution. For this we have been struggling over many years to achieve that goal!" ], [ "Our vision of an independent State, which guided our struggle for national liberation and in the course whereof so many people lost their lives is also a view toward one that would be just as well. A state respecting all its citizens' rights on equal terms with others" ], [ "The achievement of these goals is celebrated today with the appointment to Presidentship by a new Supreme Court Appeals Tribunal." ], [ "On this occasion, I would like to take the opportunity of expressing my gratitude and appreciation for Judge Guilhermino da Silva's appointment as President-elect." ], [ "The mandate that ends today is an example of immunity, dignity and diligence in defending the independence or professional conditions as well a quality court." ], [ "I hope that his example will give strength to the nation's young magistrates." ], [ "I am confident that the new President will be able to meet all of those challenges which are facing this Court, especially its most pressing ones." ], [ "The regular functioning of democratic institutions is the sole responsibility, in peacetime and during civil wars as a rule." ], [ "As such, he cannot waive his responsibilities until the end of its term." ], [ "The Court of Appeal has to work on a daily basis and it is currently facing many challenges that are important for us all, such as preventive audits regarding the constitutionality Of law. Decisions concernings urgent appeal with defendants in detention; electoral competition this year which will be very special ones" ], [ "Judge Deolindo dos Santos is a judge with long experience and an outstanding career." ], [ "We have placed our full confidence in him to lead this sovereign body, which must be independent of State control as a guarantee for the rights and lifes that we all share within society." ], [ "This is also a very important factor for our development." ], [ "In attracting foreign investment, it is essential that we provide guarantees of a properly operating justice system." ], [ "Those who want to invest their money in our economy need not only roads or other infrastructure but also a functioning justice system." ], [ "In order for justice to work, we need the fight of judicial independence." ], [ "I am confident that the courts, and in particular their new President of Appeals Court will know how to defend these precious guarantee by acting impartially." ], [ "Judicial independence is a constitutional obligation that we must abide by and respect because it represents the best solution for State functioning." ], [ "We must let the Public Prosecutor conduct an investigation, allow lawyers and public defenders to make their defence of a case." ], [ "If they have made a decision, we must accept it and follow them!" ], [ "This is the normal functioning of justice that we must promote." ], [ "There will be a lot to do in improving the justice sector." ], [ "We need to improve the qualifications of all judicial operators by investing in continuous training." ], [ "That is why we need to invest in education and training at our universities, including the Legal & Judicial Training Centres." ], [ "We also need to secure, where necessary international support for the education of our young people and training or accompanying judges in order that we can create a stability environment with qualified experienced International Justice staff." ], [ "We also need to invest heavily in the quality of our laws, so that we can find better solutions as a guide for citizens' lives." ], [ "Our laws must be simple, easy to implement and in line with our reality." ], [ "They should be more focused on solving the problems of our citizens and not create difficulties for legal operators during implementation." ], [ "This diagnosis has been made a long time ago." ], [ "It is high time those responsible for making the laws began to take action." ], [ "The judicial organization provided for in the Constitution to approve pending laws is still underway." ], [ "It is essential that the Court of Appeal's Chamber for Audit can ensure effective control over State expenditure, to return it back within limitations foreseen just before its 2013 revision." ], [ "There is also no proper articulation between \"Traditional Justice\" and decisions taken in the scope of formal State justice." ], [ "We must not forget the importance of traditional structures in conflict resolution, especially their great potential to build social peace that other even more developed countries are seeking." ], [ "Nevertheless, these traditional realities cannot run counter to the authority and unity of a state." ], [ "Investing in justice as a condition for fighting one of the bigger problems that affect our societies, namely corruption." ], [ "The fight against corruption involves all means of the State, including every citizen." ], [ "We need to review the laws if necessary, but more importantly we must give those who implement these legislation with means and respect prosecutors' autonomy as well." ], [ "The fight against corruption also requires a change in the mentality of citizens, public administration and political office holders." ], [ "We all have a role to play in this new struggle." ], [ "The act we are considering today is one of the most significant acts in our constitutional order." ], [ "An investment in justice is an investing that will pay off." ], [ "I therefore conclude by extending my wishes for success to the new President of this Court." ], [ "The success of the President’s term as Court Judge will be a successful one for us all." ] ]
PM Taur Rekoñese Seidauk iha Medida Hosi Fonte Seluk Sustenta Estadu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA PM Taur Rekoñese Seidauk iha Medida Hosi Fonte Seluk Sustenta Estadu\nDILI, 15 janeiru 2020 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, rekoñese to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha medida ruma hosi reseita seluk sustenta Estadu ida-ne’e.\n“Kona-ba sustentabilidade fundu petrolíferu, ha’u partilla preokupasaun ida-ne’e. Se ita haree didi’ak IV Governu mai agora no tinan-tinan kuandu diskute orsamentu, simplesmente to’o agora ita seidauk iha medida ruma para bele ajuda ita diminui”, Xefe Governu ko’alia asuntu ne’e hodi responde preokupasaun Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Antoninho Bianco, iha debate jeneralidade OJE 2020 loron dahuluk, iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, kuarta ne’e.\nLee mós: Deputadu Opozisaun Husu Governu Esforsu Buka Reseita Seluk\nXefe Governu haktuir, fonte ne’ebé atu fó reseita mak fundu minarai rasik, empréstimu no dívida públika tanba lei fó dalan bele foti hosi Rendimentu Sustentável Estadu (RSE) no lei ne’e autoriza mós bele foti liu RSE.\n“Ita bele haree iha emisaun títulu kona-ba partisipasaun sidadaun sira-nian, pratikamente ita seidauk hahú ida-ne’e. Naturalmente, ita tenke estuda vantajen no dezvantajen para ita rekorre fonte ida-ne’e, maibé fonte ida-ne’e dalan-ida”, Xefe Governu haklaken.\nNia fó ezemplu, empréstimu nia jurus ne’ebé hetan iha investimentu, nia jurus boot liu fali osan ne’ebé empresta foti hosi JICA no Banku Mundiál, mak Timor-Leste foti tanba jurus ki’ik.\n“Ida seluk mak aumenta ita-nia reseita fiskál. Realidade hatudu ita-nia reseita fiskál agora la liu millaun $200 de’it, nein to’o para selu ita-nia saláriu no vensimentu”, nia esplika.\nXefe Governu subliña, entre fonte hirak-ne’e, fó prioridade liubá fonte ida-ne’ebé mak labele fó presaun ba fundu petrolíferu.\n“Ha’u lansa iha Parlamentu Nasionál, ita muda lei fundu petrolíferu para blokeia Governu atu labele foti aas liu Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu, se ita hakarak dalan mak ida-ne’e. Se medida ida-ne’e ita la halo, naturalmente Governu ida tama no Governu ida sai, hotu-hotu ko’alia kona-ba sustentabilidade fundu,” Xefe Governu esklarese.\nXefe Governu afirma, Governu husu orsamentu ba Parlamentu Naionál no Parlamentu Nasionál mak fó autorizasaun, tanba ne’e responsabilidade iha liu Parlamentu.\nPrevious articleMTK Planeia Halo Konetividade Transporte Marítima iha Territóriu\nNext articleEmbaixadór Dezignadu Na’in 11 Tuir Kursu Indusaun Iha IED
[ "PM Taur Rekonese Seidauk iha Medida Hosi Fonte Seluk Sustenta Estadu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA PM Taur Rekonese Seidauk iha Medida Hosi Fonte Seluk Sustenta Estadu DILI, 15 janeiru 2020 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, rekonese to'o oras ne'e seidauk iha medida ruma hosi reseita seluk sustenta Estadu ida-ne'e.", "\"Kona-ba sustentabilidade fundu petroliferu, ha'u partilla preokupasaun ida-ne'e.", "Se ita haree didi'ak IV Governu mai agora no tinan-tinan kuandu diskute orsamentu, simplesmente to'o agora ita seidauk iha medida ruma para bele ajuda ita diminui,\" Xefe Governu ko'alia asuntu ne'e hodi responde preokupasaun Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Antoninho Bianco, iha debate jeneralidade OJE 2020 loron dahuluk, iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, kuarta ne'e.", "Lee mos: Deputadu Opozisaun Husu Governu Esforsu Buka Reseita Seluk Xefe Governu haktuir, fonte ne'ebe atu fo reseita mak fundu minarai rasik, emprestimu no divida publika tanba lei fo dalan bele foti hosi Rendimentu Sustentavel Estadu (RSE) no lei ne'e autoriza mos bele foti liu RSE.", "\"Ita bele haree iha emisaun titulu kona-ba partisipasaun sidadaun sira-nian, pratikamente ita seidauk hahu ida-ne'e.", "Naturalmente, ita tenke estuda vantajen no dezvantajen para ita rekorre fonte ida-ne'e, maibe fonte ida-ne'e dalan-ida,\" Xefe Governu haklaken.", "Nia fo ezemplu, emprestimu nia jurus ne'ebe hetan iha investimentu, nia jurus boot liu fali osan ne'ebe empresta foti hosi JICA no Banku Mundial, mak Timor-Leste foti tanba jurus ki'ik.", "\"Ida seluk mak aumenta ita-nia reseita fiskal.", "Realidade hatudu ita-nia reseita fiskal agora la liu millaun $200 de'it, nein to'o para selu ita-nia salariu no vensimentu,\" nia esplika.", "Xefe Governu sublina, entre fonte hirak-ne'e, fo prioridade liuba fonte ida-ne'ebe mak labele fo presaun ba fundu petroliferu.", "\"Ha'u lansa iha Parlamentu Nasional, ita muda lei fundu petroliferu para blokeia Governu atu labele foti aas liu Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimadu, se ita hakarak dalan mak ida-ne'e.", "Se medida ida-ne'e ita la halo, naturalmente Governu ida tama no Governu ida sai, hotu-hotu ko'alia kona-ba sustentabilidade fundu,\" Xefe Governu esklarese.", "Xefe Governu afirma, Governu husu orsamentu ba Parlamentu Naional no Parlamentu Nasional mak fo autorizasaun, tanba ne'e responsabilidade iha liu Parlamentu.", "Previous articleMTK Planeia Halo Konetividade Transporte Maritima iha Territoriu Next articleEmbaixador Dezignadu Na'in 11 Tuir Kursu Indusaun Iha IED" ]
[ [ "PM Taur Acknowledges No Measure From Other Source Sustains State | TATOLI Agencia noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Prime Minister Recognizes There Isn't Any Means from other source to sustain the state DILI, January (15) - The prime minister of East Timor has admitted that there is not yet any measure for another revenue which would support this country." ], [ "\"Regarding the sustainability of petroleum funds, I share this concern." ], [ "If we look closely at the IV Government coming now and every year when discussing budget, simply so far there is not any measure to help us reduce it,” said Prime Minister in replying concerns from FRETILIN Group MP Antoninho Bianco during a general debate on 2019 Budget for first day of plenary session." ], [ "According to the Prime Minister, sources of revenue will be its own mineral funds and public debt because law allows it from State Sustainable Income (RSE) as well. The legislation also authorizes taking money through RSE in order for government resources that are not used directly by private sector companies or corporations like mining company etc..." ], [ "\"We can see in the title issue about citizen participation, practically we have not started this." ], [ "Of course, we have to study the advantages and disavantage of using this source but it is an alternative.\"" ], [ "He gave an example, the interest rate of loans obtained in investments is higher than money borrowed from JICA and World Bank. Timor-Leste took this loan because it had a lower rates for such borrowing;" ], [ "\"The other way around is to increase our fiscal revenue." ], [ "The reality shows that our fiscal revenue now is only $201 million, not enough to pay all of us salaries and wages.\"" ], [ "The Head of Government stressed that, among these sources the priority was given to one source which could not put pressure on oil funds." ], [ "\"I launched in the National Parliament, we change petroleum fund law to block government from taking higher than Estimated Sustainable Yields if this is what you want." ], [ "If we don't take this measure, naturally one government comes in and another goes out. Everyone talks about the sustainability of funds\", explained Prime Minister Yanukovych" ], [ "The Head of Government stated that the government asked for a budget to be approved by both National Parliament and national parliament, so there is responsibility beyond this." ], [ "PreviousMTK Plans to Make Maritime Transport Connectivity in the Territory NextEleven Appointed Ambassadors Follow Induction Course at IED" ] ]
Laiha Sintoma COVID-19, Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na’in-52 bá Sosiedade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Laiha Sintoma COVID-19, Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na’in-52 bá Sosiedade\nLaiha Sintoma COVID-19, Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na’in-52 bá Sosiedade\nEma na’in-52 rona esplikasaun husi ekipa Ministériu Saúde molok re-integra bá sosiedade. Imajen Tatoli/Florencio Miranda Ximenes\nDILI, 14 abríl 2020 (TATOLI) – Governu liuhosi Ministériu Saúde, hamutuk ho Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés) re-integra tan ema na’in-52 bá sosiedade, hafoin kumpre ona kuarentena durante durante loron 14 no laiha sintoma ba COVID-19.\nDiretór Gabinete Apoiu Jurídiku no Kontajioza, Belarmino da Silva Pereira, informa ekipa re-integra tan ema na’in-52, kompostu husi mane na’in-33 no feto hanutuk 16 bá sosiedade tanba hahú husi loron dahuluk to’o komplete loron 14 laiha sintoma COVID-19.\n“Ita-nia ekipa médiku akompaña hahú kedan husi loron dahuluk sira tama hodi halo observasaun médiku, dader no lorokraik to’o loron 14, hatudu ita-nia ema 52 la hatudu sintoma COVID-19. Ho nune’e, ita bele re-integra bá família”, tenik Belarmino iha seremónia re-integra iha Sentru Formasaun Tibar, tersa ne’e.\nNia adianta, ema na’in-52 ne’ebé kumpre ona kuaretana durante loron 14 ne’e, kompostu husi Munisípiu Baucau na’in-ualu, kompostu husi feto rua no mane neen, Munisípiu Bobonaru iha mane ida, Munisípiu Dili hamutuk 35, kompostu husi mane 20 no feto 15, Ermera mane na’in-tolu, Liquiçá mak mane rua no Viqueque hamutuk mane ida no feto ida.\nProsesu re-intregasaun bá sosiedade, tuir Belarmino, ekipa ne’ebé forma ona liuhosi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) hamutuk ho FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), sei akompaña ba kada munisípiu to’o postu administrativu no suku sira.\n“Ita servisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE) atu fó mensajen ba sosiedade katak sira ne’ebé re-integra ona ne’e to’o agora livre husi sintoma COVID-19, atu sosiedade bele simu sira ho di’ak”, nia akresenta.\nNia esplika tan, durante ema na’in-52 ba sosiedade no família, ekipa saúde sei kontinua kontaktu atu informa ba sira kona-ba kondisaun sira nia durante loron 14.\n“Ami foti sira nia númeru kontaktu, iha munisípiu, postu administrativu to’o suku sira, atu ami bele akompaña nafatin durante loron 14 atubele hetan informasaun husi sira, bainhira hetan sintoma ruma bele kontaktu filafali ekipa médiku sira”, nia realsa.\nHafoin timor-oan na’in-52 husik kuarentena Tibar-II ne’e, iha Sentru Formasaun Tibar, maka ekipa médiku halo kedan dizinfektasaun no prepara halo levatamentu dadus atu muda fali timor-oan ne’ebé iha kuaretena iha otél sira bá fatin refere.\n“Ami halo ona levatamentu dadus atu muda filafali ita nia maluk balun ne’ebé kuarentena iha otél, muda mai fali iha ne’e. Tanba fatin ne’e Governu nian no ita bele uza, maibé sira ne’ebé ita sei muda mai iha ne’e mós sei konta nafatin nia loron kuaretena”, Belarmino afirma.\nNune’e, Koordenadór Estudante husi Indonézia kuaretena iha Tibar, Joõa Paulo da Costa, hato’o agradesimentu ba pesoál saúde, inklui PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé durante ne’e asegura sira, liliu ba atendimentu ne’ebé di’ak tebes.\n“Ami promete bainhira fila ba uma, sei tuir regra distánsia sosiál ho ami-nia família no komunidade”, nia akresenta.\nHo nune’e, nia husu nafatin ba Governu, atu kontinua esforsu maka’as asegura rai-laran atu labele hetan propagasaun COVID-19 maka’as liután.\nKuarentena loron 14\nPrevious articleEmbaixada TL iha RI La Fasilita Ona Timoroan no Ema Estranjeiru Atu Tama Mai TL\nNext articlePNTL Bobonaro Rejista Kazu Rua De’it Durante EE
[ "Laiha Sintoma COVID-19, Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na'in-52 ba Sosiedade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Laiha Sintoma COVID-19, Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na'in-52 ba Sosiedade Laiha Sintoma COVID-19, Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na'in-52 ba Sosiedade Ema na'in-52 rona esplikasaun husi ekipa Ministeriu Saude molok re-integra ba sosiedade.", "Imajen Tatoli/Florencio Miranda Ximenes DILI, 14 abril 2020 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Saude, hamutuk ho Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges) re-integra tan ema na'in-52 ba sosiedade, hafoin kumpre ona kuarentena durante durante loron 14 no laiha sintoma ba COVID-19.", "Diretor Gabinete Apoiu Juridiku no Kontajioza, Belarmino da Silva Pereira, informa ekipa re-integra tan ema na'in-52, kompostu husi mane na'in-33 no feto hanutuk 16 ba sosiedade tanba hahu husi loron dahuluk to'o komplete loron 14 laiha sintoma COVID-19.", "\"Ita-nia ekipa mediku akompana hahu kedan husi loron dahuluk sira tama hodi halo observasaun mediku, dader no lorokraik to'o loron 14, hatudu ita-nia ema 52 la hatudu sintoma COVID-19.", "Ho nune'e, ita bele re-integra ba familia,\" tenik Belarmino iha seremonia re-integra iha Sentru Formasaun Tibar, tersa ne'e.", "Nia adianta, ema na'in-52 ne'ebe kumpre ona kuaretana durante loron 14 ne'e, kompostu husi Munisipiu Baucau na'in-ualu, kompostu husi feto rua no mane neen, Munisipiu Bobonaru iha mane ida, Munisipiu Dili hamutuk 35, kompostu husi mane 20 no feto 15, Ermera mane na'in-tolu, Liquica mak mane rua no Viqueque hamutuk mane ida no feto ida.", "Prosesu re-intregasaun ba sosiedade, tuir Belarmino, ekipa ne'ebe forma ona liuhosi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hamutuk ho FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), sei akompana ba kada munisipiu to'o postu administrativu no suku sira.", "\"Ita servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) atu fo mensajen ba sosiedade katak sira ne'ebe re-integra ona ne'e to'o agora livre husi sintoma COVID-19, atu sosiedade bele simu sira ho di'ak,\" nia akresenta.", "Nia esplika tan, durante ema na'in-52 ba sosiedade no familia, ekipa saude sei kontinua kontaktu atu informa ba sira kona-ba kondisaun sira nia durante loron 14.", "\"Ami foti sira nia numeru kontaktu, iha munisipiu, postu administrativu to'o suku sira, atu ami bele akompana nafatin durante loron 14 atubele hetan informasaun husi sira, bainhira hetan sintoma ruma bele kontaktu filafali ekipa mediku sira,\" nia realsa.", "Hafoin timor-oan na'in-52 husik kuarentena Tibar-II ne'e, iha Sentru Formasaun Tibar, maka ekipa mediku halo kedan dizinfektasaun no prepara halo levatamentu dadus atu muda fali timor-oan ne'ebe iha kuaretena iha otel sira ba fatin refere.", "\"Ami halo ona levatamentu dadus atu muda filafali ita nia maluk balun ne'ebe kuarentena iha otel, muda mai fali iha ne'e.", "Tanba fatin ne'e Governu nian no ita bele uza, maibe sira ne'ebe ita sei muda mai iha ne'e mos sei konta nafatin nia loron kuaretena,\" Belarmino afirma.", "Nune'e, Koordenador Estudante husi Indonezia kuaretena iha Tibar, Jooa Paulo da Costa, hato'o agradesimentu ba pesoal saude, inklui PNTL no F-FDTL ne'ebe durante ne'e asegura sira, liliu ba atendimentu ne'ebe di'ak tebes.", "\"Ami promete bainhira fila ba uma, sei tuir regra distansia sosial ho ami-nia familia no komunidade,\" nia akresenta.", "Ho nune'e, nia husu nafatin ba Governu, atu kontinua esforsu maka'as asegura rai-laran atu labele hetan propagasaun COVID-19 maka'as liutan.", "Kuarentena loron 14 Previous articleEmbaixada TL iha RI La Fasilita Ona Timoroan no Ema Estranjeiru Atu Tama Mai TL Next articlePNTL Bobonaro Rejista Kazu Rua De'it Durante EE" ]
[ [ "No Symptom COVID-19, Government Reintegrates 52 Persons to Society | TIMOR HAU NOVA Agência de notícia da Timor Leste VARANDA Covid -08 Not a symptom of the coronavirus (COVID) in people who have been reintegration into society." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Florencio Miranda Ximenes DILI, April 14th (AFP) - The Government through the Ministry of Health and Integrated Crisis Management Centre have re-incorporated a further number to society after completing quarantine for fourteen days without any symptoms." ], [ "The Director of the Office for Legal Support and Contagious Diseases, Belarmino da Silva Pereira informed that a team has re-integrated another 52 people to society. They are composed by three dozen men with sixteen women who have no COVID19 symptom from day one until full fourth days after being taken into custody at their home or residence where they had been held since March two years ago because there were not any Covid sign/symptom on them during this time period (from January)." ], [ "\"Our medical team accompanied them from the very first day they arrived to make a clinical observation, morning and afternoon until 14th of July showing that our people were not symptomatic." ], [ "Thus, we can re-integrate into the family\", said Belarmino at a ceremony held in Tibar Training Center on Tuesday." ], [ "He said, the 52 people who have completed quarantine during this day are from Baucau Municipality seven (two women and six men), Bobonaro with one man in each of these municipalities; Dili has a total amounting to thirty-five persons including twenty male patients plus fifteen female cases. In Ermera there were three males while Liquica had only two but Viqueque also counted as having both sexes among its residential population: One woman was isolated alongside her husband on Thursday morning after he returne" ], [ "The process of re-integration into society, according to Belarmino will be accompanied by a team formed through the Timorese National Police (PNTL) together with FALINTIL - Força Defesa de Timor Leste(FDTL), which shall go from each municipality up until administrative posts and villages." ], [ "\"We are working together with the Ministry of State Administration (MAE) to send a message that those who have been re-integrated so far do not show any COVID 19 symptoms, and society can welcome them well." ], [ "He further explained that while the 52 people are in community and family, health teams will continue to contact them about their condition for a total of fourteen days." ], [ "\"We take their contact numbers, in the municipalities and administrative posts to villages so that we can accompany them for 14 days. We get information from these people; if they have any symptom you may call back our medical teams.\"" ], [ "After the 52 Timorese left Tibar-II quarantine, at Centro Formação de Saúde (CFS), a medical team carried out disinfection work and prepared for data collection to relocate those who were in hotel quarantaine." ], [ "\"We have done a survey to move back some of our fellows who are quarantined in hotels, and bring them here." ], [ "Because this place is the government's and we can use it, but those who will be moved here also count their quarantine days\", Belarmino says." ], [ "Thus, the Coordinator of Indonesian Students Quarantine in Tibar Jooa Paulo da Costa expressed his gratitude to health personnel including PNTL and F-FDTL who have ensured them during this time especially for their very good care." ], [ "\"We promise that when we go home, I will follow the social distancing rules with my family and community.\"" ], [ "Thus, he also asked the Government to continue making great efforts in order for COVID-19 not further spread." ], [ "PreviousEmbassy of Timor-Leste in RI Does Not Facilitate Entry to East Asians and Foreigners Next articlePNTL Bobonaro Registered Only Four Case During EC" ] ]
Radio, online – Sosiedade Sivil iha area judisial nian, Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), liuhusi Unidade Justisa ba Feto (WJU) halo semináriu ba estudante ensinu sekundáriu feto iha Eskola Sekundáriu São Miguel Arcanjo Same. Semináriu ne’e ho tema “Enkoraja estudante feto hodi hili fakuldade de direitu hodi atinji igualdade jeneru”.\nSeminariu ne’e hala iha dia 5 Abril foin lalais ne’e. Partisipa seminariu lokal ne’e estudante feto hamutuk na’in 20 mak partisipa iha semináriu ne’e, no aprende kona-ba knaar autór tribunál hanesan juis, prokuradór, defensór no advogadu.\nAleinde ne’e, sira aprende mós kona-ba Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika no Kódigu Penál. “JSMP espera katak liuhusi programa semináriu ne’e bele atrai interese estudante feto hodi hili fakuldade direitu nune’e bele atinji igualdade jéneru iha setór justisa,” dehan Diretór Ezekutivu JSMP, dehan Diretor JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.\nIha semináriu ne’e fasilitadór sira aprezenta kona-ba knaar autór tribunál no previléjiu husi sira-nia kareira nomós dezafiu balun ne’ebé durante sira infrenta bainhira tuir kursu iha Centru Formasaun Judisiáriu.\nPartisipante sira haktuir katak semináriu ne’e importante tebes tanba esplika kona-ba knaar autór tribunál aleinde ne’e esplika mos kona-ba sira-nia direitu ne’ebé regula iha lei. Partisipante iha semináriu ne’e dehan katak JSMP nia prezensa iha futuru importante tebes hodi bele hakle’an liután koñesimentu iha asuntu lei no direitus umanus.\nJSMP hein katak ho atividade hirak ne’e, bele kontinua hametin di’ak liu partisipasaun feto nian iha dezenvolvimentu setór justisa iha tempu agora no ba futuru.\nPrograma semináriu ne’e realiza ho apoiu finanseiru husi The Royal Norwegian Embassy iha Jakarta, Indonézia. ***
[ "Radio, online - Sosiedade Sivil iha area judisial nian, Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), liuhusi Unidade Justisa ba Feto (WJU) halo seminariu ba estudante ensinu sekundariu feto iha Eskola Sekundariu Sao Miguel Arcanjo Same.", "Seminariu ne'e ho tema \"Enkoraja estudante feto hodi hili fakuldade de direitu hodi atinji igualdade jeneru.\"", "Seminariu ne'e hala iha dia 5 Abril foin lalais ne'e.", "Partisipa seminariu lokal ne'e estudante feto hamutuk na'in 20 mak partisipa iha seminariu ne'e, no aprende kona-ba knaar autor tribunal hanesan juis, prokurador, defensor no advogadu.", "Aleinde ne'e, sira aprende mos kona-ba Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika no Kodigu Penal.", "\"JSMP espera katak liuhusi programa seminariu ne'e bele atrai interese estudante feto hodi hili fakuldade direitu nune'e bele atinji igualdade jeneru iha setor justisa,\" dehan Diretor Ezekutivu JSMP, dehan Diretor JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.", "Iha seminariu ne'e fasilitador sira aprezenta kona-ba knaar autor tribunal no previlejiu husi sira-nia kareira nomos dezafiu balun ne'ebe durante sira infrenta bainhira tuir kursu iha Centru Formasaun Judisiariu.", "Partisipante sira haktuir katak seminariu ne'e importante tebes tanba esplika kona-ba knaar autor tribunal aleinde ne'e esplika mos kona-ba sira-nia direitu ne'ebe regula iha lei.", "Partisipante iha seminariu ne'e dehan katak JSMP nia prezensa iha futuru importante tebes hodi bele hakle'an liutan konesimentu iha asuntu lei no direitus umanus.", "JSMP hein katak ho atividade hirak ne'e, bele kontinua hametin di'ak liu partisipasaun feto nian iha dezenvolvimentu setor justisa iha tempu agora no ba futuru.", "Programa seminariu ne'e realiza ho apoiu finanseiru husi The Royal Norwegian Embassy iha Jakarta, Indonezia. ***" ]
[ [ "Radio, online - Civil Society in the judicial area Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), through Women’s Justice Unit(WJU) held a seminar for female secondary school students at São Miguel Arcanjo Same Secondary School." ], [ "The seminar's theme was \"Encouraging female students to choose law school in order for gender equality.\"" ], [ "The seminar was held on April 5, this year." ], [ "Twenty female students attended the seminar and learned about court author roles such as judge, prosecutor or defense attorney." ], [ "In addition, they learned about the Domestic Violence Act and Criminal Code as well." ], [ "\"JSMP hopes that through this seminar program it will attract the interest of female students to choose law school so as achieve gender equality in justice sector,\" said JSPM Executive Director Luis de Oliveira Sampaio." ], [ "In this seminar, the facilitators presented about their role as author tribunals and privileges of career in addition to some challenges they face during course at Judicial Training Center." ], [ "The participants said that the seminar was very important because it explained about authors' role in court and also their rights as regulated by law." ], [ "Participants in the seminar said that JSMP's presence is very important for them to develop knowledge on law and human rights issues." ], [ "JSMP hopes that with these activities, it will continue to strengthen the participation of women in justice sector development now and into future." ], [ "The seminar programme was carried out with financial support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia. ***" ] ]
Rendimentu Vendedór iha Aimutin Menus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Rendimentu Vendedór iha Aimutin Menus\nRendimentu Vendedór iha Aimutin Menus\nDILI, 14 novembru 2019 (TATOLI) – Hafoin akontesimentu iha merkadu Aimutin iha fulan hirak liubá rendimentu negosiante roupa uzadu (obralan) menus kompara ho antes ne’ebé seidauk akontese problema, tanba daudaun movimentu ema sosa sasán menus nune’e afeta ba retornu.\n“Ami-nia negósiu ne’e loke primeiru maka rendimentu di’ak uitoan, loron ida ami bele hetan osan hamutuk dólar 100-resin, maibé agora menus ona hafoin akontese problema ema oho malu iha fatin ne’e, tanba ema mai hola sasán mós menus, no bainhira ami hahú loke foun (roupa uzadu) mak ema sosa to’o dólar 80 más liu tiha loron ida ema la sosa ona”, hatete vendedora roupa Cilvina da Silva Freitas Amaral iha Aimutin, ohin.\nCilvina hatutan, tanba besik ona tama ba loron boot Natál, nune’e ema barak maka hahú fa’an roupa uzadu.\n“Kona-ba seguransa iha ne’e seguru hela, maske antes ne’e mosu problema”, dehan Cilivina.\nNia dehan osan sira ne’ebé mak hetan hosi negósiu ne’e hodi sustenta família, hanesan fó eskola ba labarik.\n“Ha’u sente osan ne’ebé hetan hosi negósiu ne’e sufisiente hodi uza ba nesesidade família”, katak nia.\nAlfredo Monis nu’udar mós komersiante roupa uzadu, realsa katak halo neósiu durante tinan rua ona, no rendimentu depende de’it ba kompradór, loron-loron diferente.\n“Kona-ba atu hetan osan depende ba sorte, loron ida hetan dólar 20, no iha loron seluk dala ruma hetan de’it hodi sosa netik nasi bungkus ba han loron ida nian. Osan ne’ebé hetan uza de’it ba nesesidsde família nian”, hakuir Alfredo Monis.\nAlfredo dehan, bainhira sosa roupa uzadu ho osan $180 no atu hetan fali osan ne’e hein to’o semana ida maka foin hetan fali osan refere.\nTuir Alfredo hala’o atividade ne’e la sente halo kompetisaun tanba maioria roupa uzadu hanesan de’it depende ba sosa-na’in sira.\nEntretantu, roupa ujadu ne’ebé sira fa’an, ba labarik nian folin mínimu $1,50 cent, no ema boot nian hosi $2.\nNotísia relevante : Ema Sei “Trauma” ba Halo Kompra iha Obralan Ai-mutin\nPrevious articleSeidauk Bele Muda Negosiante OB Ai-mutin\nNext articleLabarik TL Na’in Rua Sei Partisipa Loron Mundiál Ba Labarik Iha Bangkok\nMANUFAHI, 03 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Diretora Programa Saúde Inan no Oan hosi Fundasaun Alola, Jesuina Maria Boavida Soares, hateten susu been inan nian importante tebes ba...
[ "Rendimentu Vendedor iha Aimutin Menus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Rendimentu Vendedor iha Aimutin Menus Rendimentu Vendedor iha Aimutin Menus DILI, 14 novembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Hafoin akontesimentu iha merkadu Aimutin iha fulan hirak liuba rendimentu negosiante roupa uzadu (obralan) menus kompara ho antes ne'ebe seidauk akontese problema, tanba daudaun movimentu ema sosa sasan menus nune'e afeta ba retornu.", "\"Ami-nia negosiu ne'e loke primeiru maka rendimentu di'ak uitoan, loron ida ami bele hetan osan hamutuk dolar 100-resin, maibe agora menus ona hafoin akontese problema ema oho malu iha fatin ne'e, tanba ema mai hola sasan mos menus, no bainhira ami hahu loke foun (roupa uzadu) mak ema sosa to'o dolar 80 mas liu tiha loron ida ema la sosa ona,\" hatete vendedora roupa Cilvina da Silva Freitas Amaral iha Aimutin, ohin.", "Cilvina hatutan, tanba besik ona tama ba loron boot Natal, nune'e ema barak maka hahu fa'an roupa uzadu.", "\"Kona-ba seguransa iha ne'e seguru hela, maske antes ne'e mosu problema,\" dehan Cilivina.", "Nia dehan osan sira ne'ebe mak hetan hosi negosiu ne'e hodi sustenta familia, hanesan fo eskola ba labarik.", "\"Ha'u sente osan ne'ebe hetan hosi negosiu ne'e sufisiente hodi uza ba nesesidade familia,\" katak nia.", "Alfredo Monis nu'udar mos komersiante roupa uzadu, realsa katak halo neosiu durante tinan rua ona, no rendimentu depende de'it ba komprador, loron-loron diferente.", "\"Kona-ba atu hetan osan depende ba sorte, loron ida hetan dolar 20, no iha loron seluk dala ruma hetan de'it hodi sosa netik nasi bungkus ba han loron ida nian.", "Osan ne'ebe hetan uza de'it ba nesesidsde familia nian,\" hakuir Alfredo Monis.", "Alfredo dehan, bainhira sosa roupa uzadu ho osan $180 no atu hetan fali osan ne'e hein to'o semana ida maka foin hetan fali osan refere.", "Tuir Alfredo hala'o atividade ne'e la sente halo kompetisaun tanba maioria roupa uzadu hanesan de'it depende ba sosa-na'in sira.", "Entretantu, roupa ujadu ne'ebe sira fa'an, ba labarik nian folin minimu $1,50 cent, no ema boot nian hosi $2.", "Notisia relevante: Ema Sei \"Trauma\" ba Halo Kompra iha Obralan Ai-mutin Previous articleSeidauk Bele Muda Negosiante OB Ai-mutin Next articleLabarik TL Na'in Rua Sei Partisipa Loron Mundial Ba Labarik Iha Bangkok MANUFAHI, 03 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretora Programa Saude Inan no Oan hosi Fundasaun Alola, Jesuina Maria Boavida Soares, hateten susu been inan nian importante tebes ba..." ]
[ [ "Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Rendimento Vendedor iha Eimutin Menus Dili, 14 Novemrbuergu'20 (TATOLI) - After the events in market area of Aimutin over recent months revenues traders used clothing less compared to before that has not occurred problem because now movement people buy stuff so affects on return." ], [ "\"Our business opened first with a slightly good income, one day we could earn more than $105. But now it is less after the problem of people killing each other in this place happened because there are fewer buyers and when our new store (used clothes) started to be built they bought for upto US$ 82 but later on nobody buys them anymore\", said Cilvina da Silva Freitas Amaral from Aimutin today.\"" ], [ "Cilvina says that as Christmas is approaching, many people have started selling used clothes." ], [ "\"As for security, it's safe here even though there were problems before that\", said Cilivina." ], [ "He said the money he made from his business was used to support family needs, such as schooling of children." ], [ "\"I feel that the money I make from this business is enough to cover my family's needs,\" she said." ], [ "Alfredo Monis, also a second-hand clothing trader said that he has been doing this for two years now and his income depends on the buyer." ], [ "\"As for getting money, it depends on luck. One day you get $20 and the next one or two days there is only enough to buy a packet of rice noodles that will cover your daily meal.\"" ], [ "The money I earn is used only for the needs of my family,\" says Alfredo Monis." ], [ "Alfredo said, when you buy used clothes for $180 and to get back the money wait until a week before getting it." ], [ "According to Alfredo, doing this activity does not feel like competition because most used clothes are the same and depend on buyers." ], [ "Meanwhile, the used clothes they sell are priced at a minimum of $1.50 cents for children and to an average adult costing about 2 dollars per piece" ], [ "Relevant news: People Will \"Trauma\" to Buy in the Gardening Workshop Previous articleNo One Can Move Ob-Gardener Next artikelFour Workers from Timor Leste To Participate In World Children's Day At Bangkok MANUFAHI, August 3rd (TATOLI) - Director of Mother and Child Health Program at Alola Foundation Jesuina Maria Boavida Soares says breast milk is very important for children..." ] ]
MF konvida espresaun timoroan iha autoridade Aduneiro no Tributaria\nPublika iha: 29 Janeiru 2018\nDILI----Ministeriu Financas liu husi Komisaun Reforma Fiskal loke oportunidade ba timoroan sira ne’ebé mak iha interese atu aplika ba konvite esperasaun interese ba grauduadu atu hola parte iha aplikasaun iha Institusaun tributaria no Institusaun Aduneiro.\nObjetivu husi Konvite refere oinsá mak bele buka Timoroan sira ne’ebé mak kualifikadu hamutuk 500 bele servisu iha Insitusaun 2 ne’ebé iha hodi lori Timor Leste sai diak liu tan.\nTuir koordenadór Komisaun Reforma Fiskal Fernanda Borges hateten katak Ministeriu Financas liu husi Komisaun Reforma Fiskal buka Timoroan ne’ebé graduadu tekniku sira ne’ebé husi Universidade rai laran nomos rai liur inklui esperensia servisu ruma atu hato’o epresaun interese atu servisu iha Autoridade foun rua mak hanesan Autoridade tributaria ne’ebé trata iha impostu no autoridade Auduneira ne’ebé trata asuntu kona ba alfándega.\n“ Autoridade rua ne’e dekretu lei pasa iha Abril no Marsu tama iha en vigor iha Outubru iha tinan 2017 no presiza rekursu humanu , ne’e duni ministériu Financas fo sai espresaun interse ne’e ba timoroan hotu ne’ebé kursu iha area oin oin atu bele halo aplikasaun atu nune’e Ministeriu bele konsidera,” dehan koordenadór Komisaun Reforma Fiskal ba Jornalista sira iha eidifisiu Ministeriu Finanas tuan foin lalais ne’e.\nNia afirma katak Aplikante sira ne’ebé partisipa liu husi rekerimentu sira inklui sei tuir padraun 4 ne’ebé mak iha Autoridade Aduneira nomos autoridade Tribunal nian ne’ebé mak iha. “Liu husi rekezitu sira ne’ebé mak iha inklui ho padraun 4 ne’ebé autoridade Aduneira no Tributaria kaer hela hanesan Padraun Integridade, Padraun Profisionalismu, padraun Respeiru no padraun Transparensia ,” afirma Fernanda.\nLiu husi padaraun refere timoroan ne’ebé servisu iha autoridade hirak ne’e bele iha intregade as nune’e koleta reseita hodi dezenvolve Timor Leste ho prinsipiu ne’ebé diversifika ekonomia Timor Leste nomos hamenus dependénsia Timor Leste ba Mina rai hodi nune’e TL nia rikusoin ne’ebé iha bele sustenta nasaun TL iha tempu ne’ebé naruk iha futuru.\nNia dehan katak Politika refere atu oinsá bele ajuda Timor Leste bele dezenvolve setór sira ne’ebé importante hanesan Saude, Edukasaun, Infranstrutura, Siguransa, funsionáriu inklui setór sira seluk ne’ebé fundu la’os mai husi mina rai. Nia klarifika liu tan katak atu rekolla reseita ne’ebé diak presiza iha rekursu ne’ebé kualidade tan ne’e liu husi Ministeriu Financas lansa Espresaun refere atu oinsá bele hetan ema ne’ebé iha kualidade hodi servisu iha autoridade refere.\nNia informa katak total ema ne’ebé presiza hamutuk nain 500 kada autoridade hamutuk ema nain 250 ne’ebé iha area oin oin hanesan Kontabilidade,Auditoriu, komérsiu, ekonomia, Financas, Legal, Minerais , Petroliu, Rekursu humanus, Logistika , Komunikasaun no teknologia Informatika.\nTan durante ne’e iha Timoroan barak maibé barak mak servisu iha kompana internasionál nomos nasionál maibé liu husi Espresaun refere sei kria kondisaun ne’ebé diak nomos ho saláriu ne’ebé mak tuir kondisaun ne’ebé iha atu nune’e labele hamosu korrupsaun wainhira hetan oportunidade. (BT)
[ "MF konvida espresaun timoroan iha autoridade Aduneiro no Tributaria Publika iha: 29 Janeiru 2018 DILI----Ministeriu Financas liu husi Komisaun Reforma Fiskal loke oportunidade ba timoroan sira ne'ebe mak iha interese atu aplika ba konvite esperasaun interese ba grauduadu atu hola parte iha aplikasaun iha Institusaun tributaria no Institusaun Aduneiro.", "Objetivu husi Konvite refere oinsa mak bele buka Timoroan sira ne'ebe mak kualifikadu hamutuk 500 bele servisu iha Insitusaun 2 ne'ebe iha hodi lori Timor Leste sai diak liu tan.", "Tuir koordenador Komisaun Reforma Fiskal Fernanda Borges hateten katak Ministeriu Financas liu husi Komisaun Reforma Fiskal buka Timoroan ne'ebe graduadu tekniku sira ne'ebe husi Universidade rai laran nomos rai liur inklui esperensia servisu ruma atu hato'o epresaun interese atu servisu iha Autoridade foun rua mak hanesan Autoridade tributaria ne'ebe trata iha impostu no autoridade Auduneira ne'ebe trata asuntu kona ba alfandega. \"", "Autoridade rua ne'e dekretu lei pasa iha Abril no Marsu tama iha en vigor iha Outubru iha tinan 2017 no presiza rekursu humanu , ne'e duni ministeriu Financas fo sai espresaun interse ne'e ba timoroan hotu ne'ebe kursu iha area oin oin atu bele halo aplikasaun atu nune'e Ministeriu bele konsidera,\" dehan koordenador Komisaun Reforma Fiskal ba Jornalista sira iha eidifisiu Ministeriu Finanas tuan foin lalais ne'e.", "Nia afirma katak Aplikante sira ne'ebe partisipa liu husi rekerimentu sira inklui sei tuir padraun 4 ne'ebe mak iha Autoridade Aduneira nomos autoridade Tribunal nian ne'ebe mak iha.", "\"Liu husi rekezitu sira ne'ebe mak iha inklui ho padraun 4 ne'ebe autoridade Aduneira no Tributaria kaer hela hanesan Padraun Integridade, Padraun Profisionalismu, padraun Respeiru no padraun Transparensia ,\" afirma Fernanda.", "Liu husi padaraun refere timoroan ne'ebe servisu iha autoridade hirak ne'e bele iha intregade as nune'e koleta reseita hodi dezenvolve Timor Leste ho prinsipiu ne'ebe diversifika ekonomia Timor Leste nomos hamenus dependensia Timor Leste ba Mina rai hodi nune'e TL nia rikusoin ne'ebe iha bele sustenta nasaun TL iha tempu ne'ebe naruk iha futuru.", "Nia dehan katak Politika refere atu oinsa bele ajuda Timor Leste bele dezenvolve setor sira ne'ebe importante hanesan Saude, Edukasaun, Infranstrutura, Siguransa, funsionariu inklui setor sira seluk ne'ebe fundu la'os mai husi mina rai.", "Nia klarifika liu tan katak atu rekolla reseita ne'ebe diak presiza iha rekursu ne'ebe kualidade tan ne'e liu husi Ministeriu Financas lansa Espresaun refere atu oinsa bele hetan ema ne'ebe iha kualidade hodi servisu iha autoridade refere.", "Nia informa katak total ema ne'ebe presiza hamutuk nain 500 kada autoridade hamutuk ema nain 250 ne'ebe iha area oin oin hanesan Kontabilidade,Auditoriu, komersiu, ekonomia, Financas, Legal, Minerais , Petroliu, Rekursu humanus, Logistika , Komunikasaun no teknologia Informatika.", "Tan durante ne'e iha Timoroan barak maibe barak mak servisu iha kompana internasional nomos nasional maibe liu husi Espresaun refere sei kria kondisaun ne'ebe diak nomos ho salariu ne'ebe mak tuir kondisaun ne'ebe iha atu nune'e labele hamosu korrupsaun wainhira hetan oportunidade.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "Ministry of Finance invites graduated candidate to take part in the application process for public tax and revenue authorities on: January,29th.18 DILI----The ministry through its Fiscal Reform Commission opened an opportunity with interest from all interested people who are resident or residing outside Timor-Leste that they can apply by sending a request form via email at [email protected]" ], [ "The objective of the Invitation refers to how we can find qualified Timorese people who are 501 in total, so that they could work at two existing institutions and bring East-Timor forward." ], [ "According to Fiscal Reform Commission coordinator Fernanda Borges, the Ministry of Finance is looking for Timorese graduates from both domestic and foreign universitie with technical qualifications including work experience who would be interested in working at two new authorities: \"The Tax Authority dealing on taxes; The Custom authority which will handle custom matters." ], [ "The two authorities decree law passed in April and March entered into force October 2017, which requires human resources. Therefore the Ministry of Finance expresses its interest to all people who are interested on applying so that it can consider them,” said Fiscal Reform Commission coordinator for journalist at a press conference recently held by Minister Finanças' old office building (MFF)." ], [ "He affirmed that the applicants who participate through their requirements will include compliance with standard 4 of Customs Authority and Court authority." ], [ "\"In addition to the requirements, there are 4 standards that custom and tax authorities must adhere as Integrity Standard (ISS), Professionalism Standart(PSS) Respect & Transparency standar." ], [ "Through this process, the Timorese who work in these authorities can have greater integration and thus collect revenue to develop East Тимор with a principle that diversifies its economy by reducing dependence on mining so as it'll sustain itself over long term." ], [ "He said that the Policy refers to how it can help Timor-Leste develop important sector such as Health, Education and Infrastructure Security staff including other areas which are not funded from mineral resources." ], [ "He further clarified that in order to raise good revenue, quality resources are needed and through the Ministry of Finance launched this expression so as it can find people with a high level for work at said authority." ], [ "He informed that the total number of people needed is 501 for each authority, including a staffing team comprised by about two hundred and fifty persons from different areas such as Accountancy & Audit; Trade&Economy/Finance-Legal -Mineral Oil Human Resources Logistical Communications Information Technology." ], [ "Since there are many Timorese but most of them work in international and national companies, through this expression will create good conditions with a salary that is according to the existing condition so as not cause corruption when they get an opportunity." ], [ "(BT) 2016-375" ] ]
No Confidence Debate in Parliament\nDebate Censura iha Parlamentu Nasional\nDebate iha Plenaria Parlamentu Nasional\n12 Outubru 2009\nPajina prinsipal kona ba kazu Maternus Bere also English\nMosaun Censura (English/Tetum)\nMedia lokal no internasional\nSumariu husi Secretariado Parlamentu nian\nFretilin press release the following day\nDeklarasaun imprensa husi Governu also English\nAbertura Debate, Aniceto Guterres, Fretilin\nResposta, Premeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao mos English no Portugues\nEncerramento, Francisco Branco, Fretilin\nIntervensaun Abertura Debate Mosaun Sensura Iha Parlamentu Nasional\nHusi Aniceto Guterres, chefe Bankada Fretilin, Parlamentu Nasional\nSr. Presidente Parlamento Nacional, Exelencias, Sr. Primeiro Ministro no nia Membros do Governo, Distintos Colegas Deputados, Povo Timor-Leste tomak,\nUluk kedas wainhira ami hatama mosaun ne’e, maske iha tentativa oioin, ami sempre fiar katak to’o iha momentu propriu Governo sei mai, no ohin mai duni iha ne’e, hodi kumpri nia dever no obrigasaun konstitusional, atu responde perante Parlamento Nasional tuir artigu 107 Konstituisaun nian haruka. Ami fiar tanba, Governo ida ne’e lidera hosi Primeiru Ministru ida naran Xanana Gusmao, ne’ebe ita hotu-hotu respeita nia nudar maun bot, funu nain ka combatente ida, membru CCF no ikus sai Comandante das FALINTIL no Lider maximu resitensia nian iha funu ba libertasaun nasional, no sai mos nudar primeiro Presidente da Republica hafoin independensia.\nSr. Presidente, Ilustres Deputadus,\nSr. Presidente Parlamento Nacional, Exelencias, Povo Timor-Leste tomak,\nSr. Presidente, Exelensias,\nIha Estadu de direito Timor-Leste, la iha dalan seluk atu hasai Maternus Bere ne’ebe halao dadauk prosesu justisa, se laos tuir dalan ne’ebe konstituisaun no lei admiti. Se lakohi halo justisa ka atu hasai ema ida hosi kadea, nia dalan maka, liu hosi desizaun tribunal, halo amnestia, no fo indulto.\nSr. Presidente, Exelencias,\nIntervensaun – Resposta\nHusi Sua Excelência O Primeiru-Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão\nVersaun textu Portuguese English\nIha termu nº. 1 husi artigu 111º. Konstituisaun RDTL, mosaun sensura ba Governu kona-ba: 1­ezekusaun ba nia programa ka 2- assuntu ho relevante interese nasional.\nNune’e, mosaun sensura ida ne’e, ne’ebe Fretilin rekere, halao kona-ba ‘asunto ho relevante interese nasional’! no ‘asuntu ho interese relevante nasional iha kestaun, ne’ebe merese mosaun sensura ida ne’e, mak Sr. Maternus Bere! Tanba asaun ‘hasai husi kadeia Becora’, asaun ne’ebe, tuir Fretilin, ne’e hanesan ‘afronta klaru ida ba Konstituisaun RDTL no lei ne’ebe mak vigora iha ita nia País’, koalia kona-ba Maternus Bere.\n(Nunka ema ne’e imajina katak sei kategoriza nia nu’udar ‘asuntu ho relevante interese nasional’, num país que nem é dele!)\nI, iha dokumentu Mosaun, sei bele lé: ‘se mak deside hal ilegalmente’ no mos katak: ‘Primeiru Ministru rasik, iha nia deklarasaun ba orgaun komunikasaun sosial ..., ne’ebe admiti fo orden ba hasai Maternus Bere husi kadeia Becora la liu husi aktu judisial no simu atu responsabiliza ba ne’e’.\nIha dokumentu ne’e duni, Deputadu husi Fretilin mensiona suposta ida ‘proposta amnistia ba krime hotu-hotu ne’ebe hala’o iha T-L entre 1974 too ohin loron’. Maibe depois afirma katak ‘só desizaun ida husi Tribunal kompetente iha razaun ba matéria bele konsidera desizaun Estadu nian’.\nTanba nota katak deputadu requerentes husi Fretilin sira konfuzu iha sira nia ideia, permiti ba hau, distintu titular husi orgaun soberania ida ne’e, fahe hau nia intervensaun/resposta iha parte 3 ba abordajen ida ne’ebe global liu husi problemátika Estadu nian. i, nune’e, hau nia intervensaun, sei rekere tempu tan liu minutu 30 ne’ebe ita nia Rejimentu fó.\nHau hakarak fo hanoin ba hotu-hotu katak, iha Marsu 1993, hau hetan julgamentu iha Díli, husi Tribunal indonéziu. Painel Juíz, ne’ebe nia kompetensia atu julga hau, hau kestiona, fo orden ba hau atu para lé hau nia ‘pleidoi’, proibi hau kontinua fo argumrntu ba hau nia defeza.\nHau hein katak, haree ba importánsia katak ‘assuntu ho relevante interese nasional’ nune’e rekere, iha Magna Casa demokrasia Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste, distintu deputadu, nu’udar verdadeiru reprezentante aspirasaun demokratika husi ita nia Povu, sei la impede atu koalia ba hau nia defeza, iha tempu ne’ebe presiza. Kuantu ba hau, la justu ba hau nia defeza hetan limitasaun husi regra interna husi Parlamento ida ne’e. Se imi halo, ne’e katak imi halo tuir hanesan ho juíz indonézia nian ne’ebe kondena hau ho pena perpétua, sein halo uitoan atu rona hau nia argumentu defeza nian.\nInterese Nasional – Polítika Estadu – Desizaun Estadu\nHau hatene katak bankada Fretilin nian gosta hau mai iha ne’e hodi hatan deit kona-ba ilegalidade husi hau nia aktu, hodi nune’e Parlamentu Nasional bele too konkluzaun katak Governu, ne’ebe hau xefia, ‘laiha kondisaun atu diriji destinu nasaun ne’e, tal hanesan hatoo husi dokumentu sensura ne’e.\nLabele diskuti ba aktu nia ilegalidade, sein iha kompriensaun ida ne’ebe luan liu tan kona-ba problema interese nasional tanba, hanesan hau refere iha inísiu, iha perspetiva ba‘asuntu ne’ebe relevante ba interese nasional’ ne’ebe mosaun sensura bele iha kabimentu legal no lori mai iha Plenária ohin nian.\nTan ne’e duni, iha parte I husi hau nian intervensaun, hau sei ba aborda tema hirak tuir mai ne’e: Interese nasional, polítika Estadu no desizaun Estadu nian.\nImporta realmente hanoin uluk kona-ba saida mak ne’e, saida mak signifika, INTERESE NASIONAL?\n- Hau uluk hanesan membru Komité Sentral Fretilin:\n- Mudansa ne’ebe halo, iha 1986, hodi harii CNRM, mai husi konseit, perspetiva husi interese ba Luta, interese nasional. Kuandu iha 1997, mudansa dezignasaun ‘CNRM’ ba ‘CNRT’, halao iha kontestu interese ba Luta, interese nasional.\n- Kuando, iha 1999, hala’o enkontru entre timoroan hotu, koñese ho naran Dare I, iha Dare, no Dare II, iha Jakarta, buat hotu halo iha kontestu ba interese nasional.\n- Kuandu, iha Agostu 1999, FALINTIL, decidi la tama iha kombate ho milísia, ne’ebe oho hela ita nia populasaun, desizaun ne’e foti iha kontestu ba interese nasional.\n- Kuandu, durante tinan 2000 no 2001, hala’o enkontru rekonsiliasaun entre timoroan, iha fronteira, ho partisipasaun efetiva no determinante, dalabarak, husi distintu deputadu rekerente, Sr. Mandati, la ho kondisaun nein finanseira nein lojístika, buat ne’e hotu halao iha kontestu ba interese nasional.\n- Kuandu, iha 2001, depoisde timorizasaun administrasaun, Ministru Xefe, iha altura ne’e Dr. Mari Alkatiri, ba reprezenta Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho Sérgio Vieira de Melo, vizita Jakarta no kaer liman ho jeneral indonezia, ida ne’e kompriende iha kontestu ba interese nasional.\n- Kuandu, iha 20 Maiu 2002, Prezidente Megawati Soekarnoputri hetan aklamasaun husi populasaun no timoroan hotu ne’ebe prezente iha Tasi Tolu, ita nia Povu hatudu ninia persepsaun ne’ebe klaru kona-ba konseitu ‘interese nasional’.\n- Kuandu, iha 12 Juñu 2003, Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Mari Alkatiri, iha nia vizita ofisial ba Jakarta, defende, iha entrevista ida ba Agência Lusa, katak ‘ amnistia jeral ida ba responsável ne’ebe komete krime iha Timor-Leste iha 1999’, hanesan ‘ solusaun únika hodi korriji ‘ injustisa no inikuidade’ (liafuan husi Dr. Mari), ne’ebe, ho timoroan sira husi terseira liña iha kadeia no responsável sira seluk ‘difisilmente, dalaruma, hetan julgamentu’ (liafuan husi Dr. Mari).... iha rekoñesimentu klaru ne’ebe sei sai ‘impratikável’ lori ba tribunal responsável prinsipal sira. Tuir Lusa, ‘ba Xefi Governu ne’e ‘pratikamente imposível’ iha entrega kbiit husi Konsellu Seguransa ONU ba kriasaun tribunal internasional kualker ida, nune’e mos katak sei komplikadu liu lori ba tribunal timor nian ida kualker militar, polísia ka ema indonézia sivil ida’.... Sei mos tuir Lusa, parte importante liu kona-ba deklarasaun husi Primeiru-Ministru iha tempu ne’ebe, Dr. Mari Alkatiri: ‘Laiha ema ida mak nega ka bele nega ba justisa. Ne’e hanesan kestaun sagaradu ida. Vizaun pragmátka hakarak husi prosesu dezenvolvimentu sosial no polítiku iha país ida-idak halai tuir sira nia ritmu normal, too ida-idak tau iha konsiénsia ba sira nia responsabilidade ba situasaun hirak ne’e (liafuan husi Dr. Mari). Buat hirak ne’e hotu hatudu kompriensaun ezata ba interese nasional, ne’ebe sei fo fatin ba polítika Estadu nian.\n-Kuandu Parlamentu Nasional, iha nia I Legislatura, ne’ebe, husi asentu 88, Fretilin detein 65, kria Komisaun Akollimentu, Verdade no Rekonsiliasaun, ne’e iha espíritu defeza ba interese nasional. Relatóriu husi CAVR hau entrega ona ba PN, iha Novembru 2005.\nIha dokumentu mosaun sensura, deputadu rekerente sira, realsa katak ‘iha total desrespeitu husi Governu ba orgaun soberania ida ne’e no ba tribunal’. Bem, too final husi Leijislatura, maioria parlamentar, husi Fretilin, nunka hola inisiatva atu tau iha ajenda hodi diskuti kona-ba relatóriu no nia rekomendasaun, ne’ebe sei ajuda makaas ba Estadu hodi defini ninia polítika – hirak ne’e hatudu deit laiha interese total, husi parte Fretilin, ba asuntu ho ‘relevante interese nasional’.\n-Kuandu Parlamentu Nasional, iha I Lejislatura, ne’ebe, husi asentu 88, Fretilin detein 65, kria Komisaun Verdade no Amizade, servisu hamutuk ho Indonézia, ne’e mos iha espíritu defeza ba interese nasional. Primeiru-Ministru husi I Governu Konstitusional asina akordu ida ho Estadu Indonézia. Atu simu Relatóriu, Dr. Mari Alkatiri prezente iha ne’eba mos, nudar espresaun mos katak, buat ne’ebe nia hahú ona, remata didiak ho misaun ne’ebe kumpri ona.\nMaibe Parlamentu ne’e mos nunka hola inisiativa atu tau iha ajenda diskusaun kona-ba Relatóriu, ne’ebe Prezidente Repúblika entrega ona, ne’ebe difikulta implementasaun rekomendasaun. Ho Xefe Bankada ne’e sai nudar Komisáriu iha CVA no Prezidente CAVR, Fretilin la book nia liman fuan ida no agora afirma katak ‘iha total desrespeitu husi Governu ba orgaun soberania ida ne’e no ba tribunal’. Ida ne’e hatudu falta konsiensia kona-ba interese nasional, hodi nune’e permiti atu Maternus Bere ida mosu agora hanesan ‘asuntu ho relevante interese nasional’.\n-Kuandu Governu husi Dr. Mari Alkatiri koncorda ho asinatura SOFAs nian, nomeadamente ho EUA, nudar PR hanoin iha entrevista ida foin dadaun, ne’e iha kontestu ba ‘interese nasional’.\nInterese nasional konsiste iha desenvolve Nasaun! Interese nasional konsiste iha defende progresu, estabilidade polítika, sosial no ekonómika no asegura segurança interna.\nInterese nasional ne’e defende interese timoroan ida-idak nian. Interese nasional mos katak kria ambiente unidade no koezaun, katak promove rekonsiliasaun!\nMaibe nita labele hela mesak iha mundu. Interese nasional presupoen, tanba ne’e, kumpri iha nº.4 husi artigu 8º. husi Konstituisaun RDTL, ne’ebe Señor deputadu rekerente sira hanesan Francisco Branco, Joaquim Amaral, Elizário Ferreira, António Cardoso, Joaquim dos Santos e Manuel Tilman mos asina, iha 22 Marsu 2002.\nKonstituisaun hatete: ‘Repúblika Demokrática Timor-Leste mantin lasu espesial amizade nian no koperasaun ho país vizinu no país iha rejiaun’. Ida ne’ebe, señor sira ne’ebe hakerek Konstituisaun Repúblika, mak tenki hatene sentidu ne’ebe apropriadu liu husi termu ‘lasu espesial’?\n- Hau la hatene se Deputadu Arséniu Bano hatene koana-ba TNI ne’ebe tama iha baliza Oé-Cusse no, iha semana 2 liuba, akontese fali! Hau la hatene se akompaña hela difikuldade ne’ebe eziste iha prosesu delimitasaun fronteira, iha Oé-Cusse. Tanba nia mos rekerente, hau hanoin nia la hatene. Ka tanba nia la ba ona Oé-Cusse, ka, se ba, apenas atu konsolida partidu.\n- Hau mos la hatene se Deputadu Aniceto Guterres hatene kona-ba delimitasaun fronteira, iha área distritu Bobonaro. Parese ke lae, tanba delimitasaun fronteira, ba Deputadu Aniceto Guterres, la’os asunto ho interese nasional; Maternus Bere, sim, ne’e ho relevante interese nasional.\n- Hau la hatene se deputadu sira husi Fretilin hatene katak ita iha estudante liu rihun 8 iha Indonézia. Hau bele kompriende se sira la hatene, hau bele kompriende katak deputadu sira husi Fretilin la ba Indonézia, katak deputadu sia husi Fretilin laiha familia iha Indonézia no, menus liu tan, deputadu sira husi Fretilin laiha oan mak estuda hela iha Indonézia. Maromak boot, se buat ne’e akontese duni, no sorte katak deputadu sira husi Fretilin iha vizaun ida ne’ebe estratéjiku liu, ne’ebe ultrapassa Indonézia! Sira bele sai husi Timor-Leste, ka ho Air North ka ho Silk Air.\n- Hau la hatene se deputadu sira husi Fretilin hatene katak liu 75% husi movimentu komersial iha Timor-Leste ne’e ho Indonézia.\n- Finalmente, hau hanoin katak deputadu sira husi Fretilin, tansa mak sira defini Maternus Bere hanesan ‘asuntu ho relevante interese nasional’, haluha tiha katak Indonézia mak hanesan promotora boot ba ita nia entrada iha ARF (Asean Regional Forum) no iha liña oin hodi defende inkluzaun Timor-Leste iha ASEAN.\nOinsa koloka interese Estadu nian? Oinsa define polítika Estadu nian? No ba saida? No tanba saida? – pergunta ne’ebe difisil, ne’ebe hau labele hatán! Iha leten liu husi hau nia kompetensia polítika. Fatin ne’ebe loos ba definisaun husi Estadu mak Parlamentu Nasional. Hau halo votu atu bele produz, tanba ita sei manán ho buat ne’e, aprende husi imi!\nHau husu lisensa hodi hatete katak politika ne’ebe ita nia Estadu sei hola mak, liluliu, atu salvaguarda interese nasional no interese nasional tenki ser, fundamentalmente, orientadu hodi:\n-garante estabilidade no paz\n-garante diplomasia insersaun ka integrasaun rejional\nSe ita laiha objetivu klaru hodi defini interese Nasaun, ne’ebe politika Estadu nian harii ba, ita nia País la hatene atu bá ne’ebe.\nDr. Mari Alkatiri, iha Juñu 2003 liuba, dehan ona ba Lusa, durante ninia vizita ofisial ba Jakarta: ‘ Governu no Prezidénsia Repúblika, oinsa tenki lida loroloron ho kestaun ho relasionamentu bilateral entre país rua, hola abordajen pragmátika ida ne’ebe permiti avansa ho relasaun. Ita lakohi hakarak avansa ho abordajen ida ne’ebe iha prátika, sei la permiti ba ita alkansa fim ida, ne’ebe iha termu real kria deit tan problema entre nasaun rua.\nSe deklarasaun polítika husi Dr. Mari ne’e, ne’ebe hau foi dehan dadaun, la ajuda deputadu husi Bankada Fretilin loke sira nia vizaun kona-ba Estadu, hau sei forsadu, tanba amizade no tanba solidariedade demokrátika, hau repete fali, hau sei forsadu atu dehan ba Sekretáriu-Jerál husi imi nia Partido, katak presiza renova Partidu ne’e.\nKrime Grave - Justisa ka Amnistia?\nDeputadu rekerente sira hakerek hanesan ne’e iha Mosaun Sensura: ‘A libertação de Maternus Bere hetan rekoñesimentu ... hanesan desizaun politika ida...’. Mai liu tan: ‘Maternus Bere, líder milísia Laksaur, responsável ba masakre Suai ne’ebe besik ema 200 mak mate... hetan libertasaun...’\nDokumentu ne’e mos hatoo hanesan ne’e: ‘Situasaun aktual tenki haree iha kontestu ida ne’ebe luan liu husi vontade Governu no husi Prezidente Repúblika hodi aprezenta proposta amnistia ida ba krime hotu-hotu ne’ebe hala’o iha Timor-Leste entre 1974 até ohin loron’.\nKuandu, liuba, dehan katak deputadu rekerente sira sai konfuzu, ne’e tanba tuir termu rasiosíniu, buat n’e kontradiz.\nIha enkontru ho bankada ne’ebe reprezenta iha Parlamentu, husi Lejislatura atual, ne’ebe Prezidente Repúblika konvika, ita nia Xefe estadu entrega esbosu ida no hatete: ‘Desizaun iha ita boot sira nia liman, iha Parlamentu Nasional. Se Partidu sira konsidera katak ne’e asuntu ho interese nasional, entau diskuti ba. Fretilin konkorda, fo ba Partidu seluk atu desidi mos. Maibe se hanoin katak asuntu ida ne’e laiha importánsia, hau , nu’udar Prezidente Repúblika, sei la fo presaun ba ema ida’. Nune’e mak Prezidente PSD no sei hanesan Deputadu, Eng.º. Mário Carrascalão, mak sujere katak, invésde 1999 ba 2006, tansa mak la desde 1974.\nAtu laiha dúvida, hau relata fali, ba entrevista ne’ebe fo mai hau iha 12 de Juñu 2003, ba Lusa husi Primeiru-Ministru iha tempu ne’eba, Dr. Mari Alkatiri: ‘Fo ba Parlamento atu desidi kona-ba amnistia ne’ebe hau hanoin hanesan solusaun únika ba problema. Ne’e hanesan kestaun ida ne’ebe merese debate nasional ida iha Timor-Leste.’ Ba liu tan, o Dr. Mari afirma: ‘Hau hanoin katak debate ne’e tenki analiza política tomak relativamente ba kestaun ( justisa). Hanesan sidadaun no hanesan primeiru-ministru hau sei ba defende iha amnistia iha debate ida ne’e tanba hau hanoin katak justisa hala’o tiha ona no no tenki lori ema hirak ne’e fila hika ba sosiedade’.\nObjetivu CAVR nian mak saida? Atu produz lista ida kona-ba kriminozu no fó ba tribunal? Saida mak hakarak, nu’udar Estadu? Justisa? No se justisa, justisa ida ne’ebe? Mata ba matan, nehan ba nehan... ka... Justisa ho ita nia liman rasik? No justisa ne’e ba sé? Ba jeneral indonezia sira no sira deit? Ka mos milísia deit mak tenki hetan kastigu?\nJustisa vale deit hanesan justisa, se aplika ba kazu 1999? No kazu seluk antesde 1999 bele ema haluha deit?\nNosaun justisa nian ne’ebe relasiona ho timoroan mak saida? Partidu politiku sira laiha buat ida atu hatan? UDT? Fretilin rasik? No partidu sira seluk ne’ebe asina integrasaun hodi halo invazaun no okupasaun? Ka rezultadu CAVR nian la vale? Ka rekomendasaun husi CAVR laiha sentidu?\nDeputadu rekerente sira husi Fretilin sala hotu kedas, bainhira afirma katak ‘vontade Governo nian... atu aprezenta proposta amnistia ida’, tanba nunka iha okaziaun ruma, hanesan Xefi Governu, hau deklara katak hau nia Governu sei ba hola inisiativa hanesan ne’e.\nPartidu ne’ebe kompoen AMP laiha interese espesial ida ba Lei Amnistia. Husi partidu 5, só ASDT mak iha memória ba partisipasaun iha desde 1974. Nein PD, nein PSD, ne’ebe mai deit husi Asembleia Konstituinte no menus liu tan UNDERTIM no CNRT até só mosu iha oras eleisaun 2007.\nSe mak iha interese iha lei amnistia ida, husi parte Partidu Governu nian? Vontade sa, iha termu manaan nian, iha termu benefísiu, mak Governu ida ne’e bele hetan, formadu deit husi Partidu ne’ebe la envolve diretamente iha direktamente iha oho ema husi 1974 no 1975, hodi aprezenta proposta Lei Amnistia ida? Enkuantu hanesan Partidu, nein ida!\n- Nein Partido ida husi AMP, portantu husi Governu ne’ebe hau lidera, mak responsabiliza ba violensia no oho ema, ne’ebe hala’o husi Abril 1974 ba Agostu 1975!\n- Nein Partidu ida husi AMP mak envolve iha funu sivil ne’ebe akontese iha 1975!\n-Nein Partidu ida husi AMP, mak responsabiliza ba masakre iha Aileu no Same, iha Dezembru 1975!\n- Laiha Partidu ida husi AMP mak sei responsabiliza ba prizaun, tortura dezumana ba Fransico Xavier Amaral no ba ezekusaun ema inosente barak, mak akontese iha 1977!\n- Laiha Partidu husi AMP mak sei responsabiliza ba kuadru rezistensia seluk, sivil no militar sira, durante hanesan Baze ba Apoiu!\nNe’eduni, koalia kona-ba “vontade Governu nian” ate pareseke sira hakarak fo hatene katak Partidu sira, mak konstitui IV Governu Konstitusional, iha krime atu rezolve tuir justisa nian!\nI, karisimu deputadu sira, ha’u mak koalia – Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao! Ha’u uluk membru Komité Sentral Fretilin, desde 1975 to’o 1986, hala’o funu ida, ne’ebé imi barak seidauk iha responsabilidade iha imi nia kabaz, mak agora dadauk imi nia responsabilidade boot mak fiskaliza aktu governu nian.\nIha Dezembru 1986, ha’u haruka mensajen ba liur, ba kamarada sira iha liur, atu rekoñese, tanba ha’u nia dever moral no polítiku, katak ami, timoroan sira, mos komete krime! Ha’u tenke dehan... ema barak mak la konkorda ida ne’e!\nDehan iha Konferénsia Fretilin ba dahuluk, iha Maiu 2000, iha Jináziu, katak ha’u asume, hamutuk ho ha’u nia kamarada husi Fretilin, salah hotu ne’ebé komete to’o Dezembru 1986. No katak timoroan sira hotu bele deskansa tanba, husi 1987 to’o 1999, tanba ha’u mak lidera luta ne’e, ha’u asumi krimi hotu mak komete husi CNRM, husi CNRT no husi FALINTIL. Ha’u hein katak meritisimu Juiz Suai nian rona hela ha’u, ba atu fihar katak nia bele fo valor ba desizaun Estadu ne’ebé Tribunal Distrital sei foti.\nMaibe ba tal proposta ba lei amnestia, husi 1974, mak nein afekta buat ida husi Partidu AMP, tenke haree hanesan aktu polítiku Estadu nian. Proposta ida husi Lei Amnistia , husi 1974, implika rekoñesimentu ba krime, “krime funu” balun, konvensionadu ba Krime Grave!\nMaibé, agora mak kazu Martenus Bere hanesan konsideradu asuntu nasional relevante, ida ne’e mak Bankada Fretilin aseita katak lei aministia ida la ba kontra husi konseitu justisa Fretilin nian?\nAministia signifika aktu polítiku, nunka husi Tribunal, atu perdoa krime ida. Tanba sá ita tenke perdoa krime ida? Iha ne’ebé nosaun Jusitisa ida ne’e? – ida ne’e pergunta mak dokumentu ba Mosaun Sensura subentende ba nia espiritu. Tanba deputadu rekerente sira hatene ke ha’u la hasai Martenus Bere hodi ba halo nia mout fali iha tasi.\nKarik ‘desizaun Governu hodi manda hasai husi prizaun Becora, Sr Martenus Bere hanesan afronta klaru ida ba Konstituisaun RDTL no Lei iha vigor’, ha’u sei hakfodak bele hasoru krime boot ne’ebe komete 1974, ba ita nia Konstituisaun, karik kualker bankada iha Parlamentu tenta atu avansa ho proposta ba lei amnestia. Ha’u ba aviza ona ha’u nia Partidu, CNRT, hodi evita hasoru Konstituisaun RDTL no poupa traballu Fretilin.\nTanba sá, señor deputadu sira, ha’u tenta imajina pandemoniu juridiku no legal kestaun! Artigu 161 husi Konstituisaun RDTL hakerek hela (oh deskulpa, Konsitutuisaun la hakerek, deputadu rekerentes Fretilin 6, no mos ema seluk mak hakerek Konstituisaun), mak dehan hanesan ne’e:\n‘aktu kometidu entre 25 Abril 1974 no 31 Dezembru 1999 mak bele konsidera krime kontra umanidade, ba jenesidiu ka funu mak pasiveis ba prosedimentu kriminal hamutuk husi tribunal nasional no internasional’.\nNe’eduni, bainhira simu, hare se perspektiva seluk pozitivu liu, karik Fretilin konkorda ho proposta ba Lei, Fretilin sei mosu hanesan la konsistente ho sira nia valor ba justisa. Dilema boot ba konsiénsia!\nKariu Lei ne’e liu no promulgada no Tribunal Rekursu taka matan, bainhira Lei ne’e vigora, Parlamentu interfere iha kompeténsia Tribunal nian, tanba so desizaun Tribunal nian mak desizaun Estadu, hanesan lee iha dokumentu mosaun. Parlamentu ba kazu ida ne’e, bele legaliza hela buat ilegal, hodi lejitima buat inkonstitusional ida.\nHare katak bainhira iha lei ida hodi legaliza buat ilegal, mak agora laiha tan violasaun ba prinsípiu? Iha kazu ida ne’e, karik Fretilin partisipa ba aprovasaun ba Lei Amnistia ida, bele husu tanba sá no ba sá ba buat ne’e hotu, ho relasaun ba Martenus Bere, mak hanesan orgullosu tanba agora nia sai “asuntu relevante ba interese nasional” Timor-Leste nian?\nIta tenke hanoin katak atu aprezenta proposta lei nian, katak deputadu Fretilin la asina, hafoin hetan aprovasaun husi maioria, husi AMP, no Fretilin foti inkonsituisionalidade lei nian, iha Tribunal Rekursu. No ha’u fihar ba independénsia Tribunal sira nian, Lei sei inkonstituisional no afronta sei hanesan tamañu krime mak halo desde Abril 1974.\nHa’u dehan fila fali, Partidu AMP nian, bainhira hanesan Partidu, sei la lakon iha absolutu karik laiha Lei Amnistia ida ne’e, tanba nein ida hetan interveniente diretu iha krime, desde Abril 1974 to’o Dezembru 1999.\nInstituisaun Estadu nian: legalidade no ilegalidade\nDeputadu rekerente justifika mos Mosaun tuir termu hanesan ne’e: “Maternus Bere....hetan libertasaun ba aktu ida ne’ebé la judisial”. No “hasai Maternus Bere husi prizaun Becora sem aktu judisial”. No “desizaun Governu ---hanesan afronta klaru ida ba Konsitutisaun no leis iha vigor iha ita nia paiz. Ikus-liu, “se mak deside, nia halo ilegalmente”.\nIta nia Estadu iha tinan 7 ba prosesu konstrusaun no Timor-Leste iha lista Estadu frajil no saida mak ha’u ba aprezenta mak situasaun real ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha ita nia Estadu nian.\nHa’u iha obrigasaun atu halo ida ne’e, tanba sei hatan ba sasan loos mak sei la fo dalan ba oportuniszmu politiku ne’ebé iha responsabilidade ki’ik.\nHa’u agora ba tau imi apar ho kronolojia faktus:\n- Maternus Bere tama legalmente iha 9 Agostu, ida ne’e hanesan, ho vistu entrada iha nia pasaporte. Iha salah husi parte ajénsia Governu nian;\n- familiares vitima nian haree nia liu no baku nia – prinsípiu ba la admite halo justisa iha ita nia lima rasik\n- Polítika evita at-liu no kaer nian, hatene ona saida mak sira atu trata, entrega ba justisa.\n- Tribunal Distrital Suai hahu prosesu no fo orden prizaun preventiva.\nHetan deskoñesimentu klaru husi Regulamentu UNTAET no.2000/15 kona-ba “kriasaun ba kamaras ho juridisaun exkluziva no espesial kona-ba delitu graves”, ne’ebé harii jurisdisaun eskluziva no espesial, ho eskluzaun espresa husi Tribunal ne’ebé deit, no kompeténsia ida ne’e pertense ba Tribunal Distrital Dili nian no Tribunal Rekursu. Kodigu Prosesu Penal, liu husi Dekretu-Lei no.13/2005, iha 1 Dezembru, salvagarda liu-liu rejime no hahu husi Regulamentu UNTAET 2000/15.\n- Hotdi ba konkorda ho ha’u katak Tribunal Distrital Suai la fo orden ba prizaun Marternus Bere tanba nia hetan sona, ida ne’e hanesan irasional se ita hotu hanoin hanesan ne’e!!\nNo. 2 iha numeru artigu 30 husi Konstitusaun RDTL dehan katak “laiha ema ida ne’ebé deit mak bele hetan detensaun ka dadur se lae tuir termus espresamente previstu husi lei ne’ebé iha vigor”, sempre iha detensaun ka prizaun hatama ba apresizaun husi juiz kompetente tuir prazu legal. Ida ne’e la akontese.\nI, ne’eduni, hanesan kazu ba husu ba distintu deputadu Fretilin: Ikus-liu, se mak viola konstituisaun no lei iha vigor iha ita nia rai? Tanba deit desizaun mak Tribunal Distrital nian (mak la’os kompetente iha relasaun ba materia) bele konsidera ona...desizaun Estadu? No afronta mak Juiz Distrital halo ba Konstituisaun, ba Kodigu Penal no ba Regulamentu no. 2000/15, husi UNTAET? Iha ne’e, ita tenki hotu haree ba independénsia Tribunal sira nian no separasaun poder nian? Tanba deit Estadu, ba ita, mak hanesan desizaun Tribunal? Mesmuke kompetente ka la kompetente?\n- Iha loron 26, bainhira ha’u iha enkontru hela ho Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Prezidente Repúblika koalia ho ha’u iha telefone, (no ha’u iha ne’e rasik, iha Salaun Nobre ida ne’e), no ha’u prontu atu hasoru Prezidente rua ne’e. Bainhira ha’u to’o iha ne’eba, PR koalia hela ho telefone ho Minsitru Hassan Wirajuda.\nPR dehan ba ami depois katak ministru indonezia dere ba nia no halo apelu ba haree kazu Maternus Bere, husi espiritu komisaun Verdade no Amizade no katak salah ita nian, bainhira ita la impede nia bainhira nia tama iha TL. CVA, iha nia rekomendasaun ida, surjere kordenasaun boot ida ba atividade iha fronteira, liu-liu ba materia ida ne’e. Hassan Wirayuda apela ba ita nia Prezidente ba intersede, hamutuk ho instansias Estadu timoroan nian, kona­ba kazu ne’e.\n- Ho lamentasaun ba salah hodi bele fo vistu – no ida ne’e signfika katak ita seidauk halo prosesu ne’e hotu ba sensibilizasaun kona-ba rekomendasaun CVA nian – ha’u husu, ne’eduni, ba PR ba koalia ho Prokuradoria Jeral Republika, bainhira P-GR hatan ba PR. Razaun ba pedidu ida ne’e, husi ha’u nia parte, mak atu salva-guarda independénsia Instituisaun nian no evita interferensia husi parte Governu.\n- Tuir mai ha’u ko’alia ho Ministra Justisa kona-ba kazu ne’e, bainhira nia hetan informasaun uluk-liu mak tenta atu kontakta Advogadu Maternus Bere nian, defensor Públiku, ba haree vias legal di’ak ida ba rezolve kazu ne’e – Governu halo movimentasaun ona, sim, maibé ba fasilita prosesu ne’ebé lakoi interfere diretamente.;\n- Iha loron 28 Agostu, Señor Prezidente Repúblika, bainhira hetan kontaktu ho P-GR dere mai ha’u ba ko’alia ho Prokurador-Jeral Ajuntu no ba Prokurador Internasional sira, tuir rekomendasaun husi Dra. Ana Pessoa, ne’ebé iha hela iha Singapura. Ha’u bolu lalais Dr Vicente, P-G Adjuntu, mos ho internasional nain rua, Dr Arlindo Figueredo no Dr Luis Landim, no sira hotu fo garantia mai ha’u katak Prokuradoria la simplesmente envolve iha kazu ida ne’e. Mesmu ke sira la koñese kazu ida ne’e, sira oferese fo tulun ba Advogadu Marternus Bere nian, bainhira buka via legal ida ne’ebé apropriadu ba rezolve problema ida ne’e. Entaun surjere katak Advogadu ne’e aprezenta rekerimentu ida ba Tribunal hodi husik sai tanba razaun saude.\n-Ministra Justisa oferese mos ba harii kontaktu entre Advogadu no Prokurador nain 3 ne’e.\n- iha loron 29, ami hetan koñesimentu katak Advogadu Marternu Bere nian halo ona rekerimentu ida no Tribunal apenas presiza deit konfirmasaun husi junta medika ida. Bolu Ministru Saúde no nia prontu atu ajuda hodi buka solusaun ida. Tanba razaun legalidade, ami foti hanesan ezemplu Sr Rogerio Lobato, ne’ebé III Governu Konstituisional oferese ba ami hanesan prenda, iha loron ne’ebé ami simu tomada de pose.\n- Iha loron 30 Agostu, ha’u preokupa tanba falta informasaun kona-ba kazu ida ne’e, molok tuku 8, ha’u iha Palasiu Prezidente Repúblika. Komandante-Jeral PNTL entaun, fo informasaun ba ha’u kona-ba falta progresu ba kazu ida ne’e, bainhira Juiz Tribunal Distrital Suai hetan difikuldade atu kontakta, tanba nia deside ba pasa fin-de-semana iha Oecusse.\nNo ha’u fihar – hanesan ha’u hakarak fihar ba ema nia boa fe- katak Meritisimu Juiz Distrital tama husi Atambua no Kefa, tanba indoneziu sira la taka fronteira, so tanba deit ba asuntu interese nasional iha Timor-Leste. No karik sira taka fronteira, tanba razaun interese nasional indonezia nian, ha’u laiha resposta ba ida ne’e. Ba ita nia pedidu, durante krize, Estadu indoneziu simu taka fronteira, ba salvaguarda interese nasional Timor-Leste.\n- Entretantu, ha’u simu telefone husi Ministru Zacarias, ne’ebé aguarda hela Ministru Hassan, iha aeroportu iha Dili, hodi informa ba ha’u preokupasaun husi Ministru Iindoneziu ba solusaun kona-ba kazu Maternus Bere ne’ebé seidauk iha. Ha’u husu ba Komandante-Jeral PNTL, ba hetan ho kontaktu ho Ministra Lucia, ho Defensor-Jeral, Dr Sergio Hornai, n ho Prezidente internia husi Tribunal Rekursu, Dra Natercia. Bainhira Prezidente interina husi Tribunal Rekursu no Ministra Justisa to’o, ami hala’o enkontru iha sala entrada Palasiu nian.\nDra Natercia dehan katak nia labele halo buat ida, tanba prosesu pertense ba Tribunal Distrital Suai. Ha’u dehan nesesidade ba haree ba problema, tuir termu politiku no la’os barak-liu ba termu legalista, maibé tanba dalan legal hanesan interditu, ami ramata ba lao ba oin no ami tur ho bainaka sira.\nHa’u hatene, iha ha’u nia laran, katak Prezidente Repúblika mos hein hela se ha’u bele dehan ba nian solusaun ruma, maibé tanba ha’u la hetan solusaun ruma no, ao kontrariu, ha’u hetan deit difikuldade tuir orden oin-oin, ha’u deside tuir silénsiu no ha’u tenta halo kontaktu ho PR.\n- Iha ohin, ho konvidadu sira, ha’u simu telefonema seluk husi Ministru Zakarias, hodi informa mai ha’u katak Ministru Hassan halo kestaun ba mai deit, se ha’u iha garantia ba solusaun ba kazu ida ne’e. Ministru Hassan fo hanoin fali ba boa-fe husi Estadu rua ne’e bainhira harii CVA no katak ba laiha solusaun ba kazu Marternu Bere bele afeta konfiansa iha relasaun entre paiz 2 no katak, husi ami nia la-koperasaun, husi materia husi karakter sensitivu ba Indonezia, Estadu Indonezia bele hetan obrigasaun atu haree fila-fali nia politika diplomatika ho relasaun ho Timor-leste.\n- Ha’u husu ba Prezidente interina husi Tribunal Rekursu, Meritisma Juiz Dra Natercia, ba halo reuniaun emerjénsia ida iha Sala de Espera Palasiu nian. Ha’u bolu mos Ministra Justisa no Komandante-Jeral PNTL.\nHa’u esplika ba sira katak ita presiza foti desizaun no tenke foti desizaun politika ida. Ha’u husu no insisti hamutuk ho Prezidente interina Tribunal Rekursu ba tulun rezolve problema, ba haree tuir forma ida halo nu’usa ita sai husi situasaun ida ne’e. Tanba ha’u koalia lian makaas, durante ita nia diskursaun, Dra Natercia dehan: “Primiru-Ministru, tempu funu liu tiha ona!. No ha’u hatan: “Sim, no tanba ida ne’e duni mak ha’u bolu imi hotu, ba ita hotu rezolve problema ida ne’e. Ami simu hotu mak absolutamentu nesesariu, haree ba faktor hotu, no ita labele sai deit pura no simplesmente legalistas. Ida ne’e halo parte polítika Estadu nian”.\nHa’u entaun dirije ba Ministra Justisa no dehan ba haruka hasae Marternus Bere husi prizaun Becora. Ministra fo hanoin katak nia bele fo orden deit se nia iha autorizasaun husi Tribunal. Dra Natercia, apezar hodi insiste – no ha’u apresia nia konsistensia – katak tuir termus legais, nia labele halo buat ida, fo saida – no ha’u apresia tan ba pozisaun ida ne’e, ne’ebé nia bele kompriende ke devia duni iha fleksibilidade ida ba atuasaun mak prezerva sistema juridiku maibe hatan mos ba interese paiz – no fila ba Ministra Justisa no dehan: “Tanba prizaun iha ita boot nia responsabilidade, Ministra iha kompetensia hodi transfere Maternus ba fatin seluk , la’os iha Becora”.\nAgradese ho ideia ida ne’e no ami hatene katak ita labele avansa barak ba kazu ida ne’e, ha’u fo orden ba Ministra Justisa ba hasai Marternus Bere husi Becora no transfere nia ba Embaixada Indonezia. Ministra lakoi, no ha’u dehan: “karik o la halo, ha’u rasik ba ne’eba noa hasai nian”.\n- Ministra tama iha kontaktu ho Embaixada Indonezia no kombina ba Maternus Bere hodi ba ne’eba lalais, mas la fila ba Indonezia , hodi hein katak prosesu hotu tenke kompleta uluk.\n- Ministra mos dere Xefe Guarda Prizional, maibé bainhira polisia mosu iha Becora, ne’ebé laiha dokumentu husi Tribunal, Xefe Guarda Prizional la kumpre Ministra nia orden. No faktu ida ne’e merese rejista, husi profisionalismu mak nia hatudu. Ha’u haruka Ministra transmite ba nia katak ha’u asumi responsabilidade, maibé nia tenki kumpre orden ida ne’e. NO ORDEN NE’E KUMPRE DUNI NO MARTERNUS BERE HETAN TRANSFERENSIA BA EMBAIXADA INDONEZIA IHA DILI.\n- Molouk tuku meiu-dia, iha enkontru mak ha’u iha ho Ministru Hassan, ha’u dehan katak ha’u labele haruka Maternus Bere fila lalais, no nia, Hassan, tenke mos respeita sistema vijente iha paiz ne’ebé mane ne’e so bele fila bainhira prosesu ne’e ramata, no iha minimu respeita sistema separasaun poder.\n- Iha lokraik, serimónia ba medalla ne’ebe fó husi Prezidente Republika, Dra Natersia dehan mai ha’u: “Primeiru Ministru, ita ba iha problema. Aniseto hatene ida ne’e no nia ba foti kestaun iha Parlamentu”, ne’ebé ha’u hatan: “Dehan ba nian, halo ba!”.\n- Governu kontinua halo esforsu no iha loron 1 ka 2 Setembru, Dr Sergio Hornai, mosu, husi ami nia konvite, ba haree halo nu’usá prosesu junta médika ne’e hala’o, ezemplu ida, ha’u repete, hanesan Rogerio Lobato.\n- Ami hetan hakfodak bainhira, Meritisimu Juiz Tribunal Distrital Suai haruka fo orden ba Komisariu Distrital UNPOL atu averigua kona-ba paradeiru Maternu Bere no ba kaptura fila fali ba prizaun Becora. Ha’u hanoin katak Meritisimu Juiz tribunal Distrital Suai hanoin hanesan distintu deputadu Fretilin sira: “so desizaun tribunal kompetente ida deit ....mak bele konsidera desizaun Estadu”.\nIta nia Estadu, Estadu Timor-Leste, iha kestaun ida ne’e, iha ona enderesu ida – hela iha tribunal Distrital Suai nian! Ha’u la hatene mos tanba sa mak ita lakon tempu iha ne’e, iha Parlamentu ne’e, tanba ita nia Estadu iha Suai!.\n- Iha loron 2 Setembru, Prezidente Republika konvoka Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Sekretariu-Jeral Fretilin, Dr Mari Alkatiri no ha’u rasik, ba ita ko’alia kestaun ida ne’e Maternus Bere. Sr Dr Marii Alkatiri, Sekretariu-Jeral Fretilin, dehan katak desizaun so bele deit politika. Dr Marii Alkatiri mos surjere junta medika ida, hanesan opsaun alternativa, ba fasilita prosesu soltura nian. Ha’u hato’o deskordansia, tanba ami tenta tiha ona ida ne’e, no la hetan rezultadu, tanba la iha vontade politika husi parte Justisa.\n- Individualidade sira hotu iha Dili, simu konvite ba serimonia iha loron 8 Setembru iha Suai, uluk-liu lorn 30 Agostu.\nNo jornalista Jill Jolife hakerek artigu ida iha Australia hodi afirma katak ha’u ba Suai loron 2 antes, atu konvense Bispu 2 ne’e ba muda selebrasaun ba loron 8, hodi hanesan ne’e labele koinside ho loron masakre, mak akontese iha loron 6.\nEntaun duni, hau to’o deit iha Suai iha loron sorin deit iha loron 7, ha’u iha enkontru ida ho familiares vitima sira hodi esplika desizaun Estadu nian. No sira hatudu maturidade no sira ezije deit ba Governu atu hadi’ak estrada, fo bee no eletrisidade, hadi’ak ponte, halo tan eskola no aumenta tan rezidensia medika.\nI, ha’u bele dehan mos: bainhira halo inagurasaun ba monumentu ba vitima Suai, iha 4 Marsu 2003, ha’u iha ne’eba, hafoin ha’u tau aifunan no reza ba vitima sira....no ha’u la lembra haree deputadu sira nia oin ne’ebé foti mosaun ida ne’e.\n- Iha 10 Setembru, komunikasaun sosial husu ha’u nia reasaun ba komunikadu imprensa ne’ebé Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu halo. Kontrariu ho dokumentu ba mosaun sensura, ha’u la admite, tanba HAU ASUMI responsabilidade no ha’u hein atu hatan ba Tribunal Distrital Suai, ne’ebé ami nia Estadu hela, bainhira Meritisimu Juiz sei bolu ha’u. Maibé karik Estadu muda tiha ona rezidensia ba Tribunal Rekursu, sei fasil liu ba ha’u , tanba ida ne’e besik liu.\n- Dokumentu ba Mosaun Sensura dehan: “Prezidente Konsellu superior Majistratura Judisial no Tribunal Rekursu Timor-Leste deside averigua ba “kazu Bere” ba verifika kazu hetan libertasaun ilegal ida, instaurasaun korespondente”. ba asaun penal ida no disiplinar\nHanesan imi bele haree, ha’u konfuzu hela, no ha’u la hatene se Estadu ne’e kontinua hela iha Tribunal Distrital Suai ka transfere tiha ona ba Tribunal Rekursu, iha Dili. Ha’u hakarak fihar, ha’u gosta fihar ba ema nia fe-di’ak, katak prosesu Marternus Bere hetan tama ba Tribunal Rekursu, pelumenus iha loron 9 Setembru, loron komunikadu husi Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu. Ha’u aprende iha ailaran metodu ida: se mak lahatene prosesu ida, la iha direitu atu pronunsia. Ohin, ida ne’e sei dirije ha’u nia atuasaun.\nI, ne’eduni, ba bele iha preparasaun iha asaun penal mak sei ba instaurada kontra ha’u, mak ha’u halo kronolojia faktus, hodi kobre mos frakezas husi instituisaun seluk iha prosesu konstrusaun Estadu.\nAtu termina, Señor deputadu sira, ha’u hakarak afirma iha ne’e, katak IV Govenru Konstituisional, bainhira simu tomada-de-pose, fo prioridade boot ba sistema Justisa, iha Timor-Leste. Apezar de ba koloka ba fundus tan no aumenta rekursu umanu nasional no internsional, numeru kazu pendente kontinua boot nafatin hamutuk husi Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika. Numeru prizoneiru sira mak seidauk iha aprezentasaun ba Tribunal sei boot nafatin, bainhira ne’ebé barak bele inosente hela maibe kumpri hela pena prizaun molok sira hetan julgamentu.\nMinisteriu Justisa adopta lejislasaun fundamental no tau hela atensaun espesial ba kondisaun, material no umana, iha setor Tribunal.\nSo Governu ida ne’e deit, ne’ebé ha’u lidera, bele defende interese Estadu ida ne’e nian, hatan ba espetativa povu nian no dezenvolve paiz ne’e.\nTuir mai, deputadu hatnulu resin fo sira nia komentariu no hanoin. Iha kalan, Primeiru Ministru kolia dala ida tan, no Fretilin fo encerramento.\nIntervensaun Encerramentu Debate Mosaun Censura\nVice Xefe Bancada Fretilin, Francisco Branco\nSenor PM, ita labele lori komplexidade diplomasia nian atu mai justifika ita bo’ot nia desizaun nebe viola konstituisaun.\nKronologia nebe PM aprezenta durante minutu 90 nia laran, perante Plenarinia Uma Fukun Povo nian ida ne’e, so mai deit soe rai-rahun ba povo nia matan.\nKlaru tebes duni depois de rona tia intervensaun hosi PM, nebe hatudu klaru atentadu sistematiku kontra ita nia konstituisaun – Lei Inan Republika ida ne’e nian.\nHahu kedas PM nia intervensaun, senor PM viola regras nebe PN estabelese tia ona liu hosi reuniaun lideres bankadas, nebe aprova guiaun nebe orienta debate ida ne’e, nebe mos hetan prezensa hosi membru Governu, maibe PM viola tia guiaun ne’e, hanesan biasa ona, viola regras legais iha estadu ida ne’e.\nLaos primeira vez ita bo’ot PM, interfere ba kompetensia sistema justisa nian, hodi viola separasaun poderes, viola esensia demokrasia, maibe ida ne’e akontese barak no sistematika ona, ida maka libertasaun estudante sunu uma eskola Bekora.\nAmi konsidera materia mosaun sensura ne’e problema interese nasional, laos tamba meramente problema MB. Problema ne’e interese nasional, tanba intervensaun V. Excelensia PM, iha kompetensia tribunal nian, nebe viola separasaun poderes nebe sai nudar esensia demokrasia nebe TL kaer, no viola konstituisaun republika. Tanba ne’e, bankada rua iha asentu iha PN halo mosaun sensura ba PM tuir regras konstituisaun.\nEstabilidade no interese nasional ne’e buat ida nebe importante tebes. Maibe eskperiensia mos hatudu tia ona katak ema hanesan Suhartu, Markus, Pinochet mos dala barak koalia ba interese nasional no estabilidade nasional. Maibe realidade hatudu katak sira nia interese rasik maka iha karik iha “instabilidade “ nia laran\nKestaun hanesan laos primeira vez maka TL enfrenta, uluk iha 2003 ita hotu sei hanoin, kazu Atsabe nebe iha infiltrasaun milisia. Ita estadu TL bele resolve.\nTanba ne’e maka ami la simu no la konkorda bainhira balu hateten katak mosaun sensura ne’e atu mai deit provoka instabilidade.\nAmi kaer nafatin ba deklarasaun Bispu Bazilio katak la fiar, katak MB atu mai kria instabilidade iha rai ida ne’e iha nia relasionamentu TL – RI,. hodi mai estraga prestigiu no dignidade Estadu Indonesio nian. Ami la fiar,.hanesan Bispu Bazilio mos la fiar.\nPolitika rekonsiliasaun nebe TL halao ho RI mai ,hosi konsensus nasional nebe parte hotu hotu defende. Politika rekonsiliasaun ne’e lao ho diak hosi parte rua ne’e, kaer ba ida idak nia baze legal – Lei Inan. Tanba atu halao politika rekonsiliasaun ka politika nebe deit ba estadu, senor PM laos bele viola konsituisaun, Ne’e lalo’os.\nTransferensia nebe ita bo’ot Senor PM deklara halo ba MB, ne’e illegal, tanba transferensia ne’e so bele halao bainhira transferensia ne’e halao hosi prizaun ida ba prizaun ida seluk, no transferensia ne’e so bele halo hosi juiz nebe iha kompetensia iha materia. Tanba Embaixada laos estabelesimentu prizional hanesan Deputada Fernanda Borges hateten.\nEmbaixada ne’e territorio nasaun ida seluk nian. Tanba ne’e MB hetan estatutu foun. Sai hosi detensaun prizaun preventiva ba estatutu foun, nebe livre, hosi transferensia ida nebe ita bo’ot halo ba nia.\nImportante duni dezenvolvimentu nasional, maibe importante liu maka ita nudar Estadu Direitu tenki tau iha leten Konstituisaun no Lei, bainhira halo lalaok hotu iha nasaun ida ne’e nia laran.\nIta bo’t deklara ona katak asume responsabilidade ba desizaun ida ne’e, tanba ne’e , atu remata ami hakarak deklara, Senor PM Ita Bo’ot nudar uluk hanesan komandante bo’ot no lider nasional resistensia timorense, nebe sempre fo’o ezemplu diak ba ema hotu hotu nebe partisipa iha resistensia nasional hodi halo tuir.\nTanba ne’e momentu to’o duni ona atu Ita bo’ot, reasume prinsipios sira ne’e, ho koragem rezigna-aan hosi kargu PM. Hodi nune’e ita bo’ot fo’o ezemplu diak, hodi hanorin gerasaun foin sae nasaun ida ne’e nian , hanesan mos Sekretariu Geral Partidu Fretilin Mari Alkatiri hatudu tia ona iha 2006, bainhira ita bo’ot rasik nudar PR egizi nia rezigna-aan, maske ho alegasaun hosi media internasional deit.\nHo ida nune’e, ita bo’ot sei la husik ita bo’ot nia maioria Deputadus iha uma fukun Povo nian ida ne’e, hodi vota, la tuir sira nia konsiensia rasik no kontra konstituisaun republika demokratika Timor Leste. Obrigado wain.
[ "No Confidence Debate in Parliament Debate Censura iha Parlamentu Nasional Debate iha Plenaria Parlamentu Nasional 12 Outubru 2009 Pajina prinsipal kona ba kazu Maternus Bere also English Mosaun Censura (English/Tetum) Media lokal no internasional Sumariu husi Secretariado Parlamentu nian Fretilin press release the following day Deklarasaun imprensa husi Governu also English Abertura Debate, Aniceto Guterres, Fretilin Resposta, Premeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao mos English no Portugues Encerramento, Francisco Branco, Fretilin Intervensaun Abertura Debate Mosaun Sensura Iha Parlamentu Nasional Husi Aniceto Guterres, chefe Bankada Fretilin, Parlamentu Nasional Sr. Presidente Parlamento Nacional, Exelencias, Sr. Primeiro Ministro no nia Membros do Governo, Distintos Colegas Deputados, Povo Timor-Leste tomak, Uluk kedas wainhira ami hatama mosaun ne'e, maske iha tentativa oioin, ami sempre fiar katak to'o iha momentu propriu Governo sei mai, no ohin mai duni iha ne'e, hodi kumpri nia dever no obrigasaun konstitusional, atu responde perante Parlamento Nasional tuir artigu 107 Konstituisaun nian haruka.", "Ami fiar tanba, Governo ida ne'e lidera hosi Primeiru Ministru ida naran Xanana Gusmao, ne'ebe ita hotu-hotu respeita nia nudar maun bot, funu nain ka combatente ida, membru CCF no ikus sai Comandante das FALINTIL no Lider maximu resitensia nian iha funu ba libertasaun nasional, no sai mos nudar primeiro Presidente da Republica hafoin independensia.", "Sr. Presidente, Ilustres Deputadus, Sr. Presidente Parlamento Nacional, Exelencias, Povo Timor-Leste tomak, Sr. Presidente, Exelensias, Iha Estadu de direito Timor-Leste, la iha dalan seluk atu hasai Maternus Bere ne'ebe halao dadauk prosesu justisa, se laos tuir dalan ne'ebe konstituisaun no lei admiti.", "Se lakohi halo justisa ka atu hasai ema ida hosi kadea, nia dalan maka, liu hosi desizaun tribunal, halo amnestia, no fo indulto.", "Sr. Presidente, Exelencias, Intervensaun - Resposta Husi Sua Excelencia O Primeiru-Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao Versaun textu Portuguese English Iha termu no.", "1 husi artigu 111o.", "Konstituisaun RDTL, mosaun sensura ba Governu kona-ba: 1 ezekusaun ba nia programa ka 2- assuntu ho relevante interese nasional.", "Nune'e, mosaun sensura ida ne'e, ne'ebe Fretilin rekere, halao kona-ba 'asunto ho relevante interese nasional'! no 'asuntu ho interese relevante nasional iha kestaun, ne'ebe merese mosaun sensura ida ne'e, mak Sr. Maternus Bere!", "Tanba asaun 'hasai husi kadeia Becora', asaun ne'ebe, tuir Fretilin, ne'e hanesan 'afronta klaru ida ba Konstituisaun RDTL no lei ne'ebe mak vigora iha ita nia Pais', koalia kona-ba Maternus Bere.", "(Nunka ema ne'e imajina katak sei kategoriza nia nu'udar 'asuntu ho relevante interese nasional', num pais que nem e dele!)", "I, iha dokumentu Mosaun, sei bele le: 'se mak deside hal ilegalmente' no mos katak: 'Primeiru Ministru rasik, iha nia deklarasaun ba orgaun komunikasaun sosial ..., ne'ebe admiti fo orden ba hasai Maternus Bere husi kadeia Becora la liu husi aktu judisial no simu atu responsabiliza ba ne'e'.", "Iha dokumentu ne'e duni, Deputadu husi Fretilin mensiona suposta ida 'proposta amnistia ba krime hotu-hotu ne'ebe hala'o iha T-L entre 1974 too ohin loron'.", "Maibe depois afirma katak 'so desizaun ida husi Tribunal kompetente iha razaun ba materia bele konsidera desizaun Estadu nian'.", "Tanba nota katak deputadu requerentes husi Fretilin sira konfuzu iha sira nia ideia, permiti ba hau, distintu titular husi orgaun soberania ida ne'e, fahe hau nia intervensaun/resposta iha parte 3 ba abordajen ida ne'ebe global liu husi problematika Estadu nian. i, nune'e, hau nia intervensaun, sei rekere tempu tan liu minutu 30 ne'ebe ita nia Rejimentu fo.", "Hau hakarak fo hanoin ba hotu-hotu katak, iha Marsu 1993, hau hetan julgamentu iha Dili, husi Tribunal indoneziu.", "Painel Juiz, ne'ebe nia kompetensia atu julga hau, hau kestiona, fo orden ba hau atu para le hau nia 'pleidoi', proibi hau kontinua fo argumrntu ba hau nia defeza.", "Hau hein katak, haree ba importansia katak 'assuntu ho relevante interese nasional' nune'e rekere, iha Magna Casa demokrasia Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste, distintu deputadu, nu'udar verdadeiru reprezentante aspirasaun demokratika husi ita nia Povu, sei la impede atu koalia ba hau nia defeza, iha tempu ne'ebe presiza.", "Kuantu ba hau, la justu ba hau nia defeza hetan limitasaun husi regra interna husi Parlamento ida ne'e.", "Se imi halo, ne'e katak imi halo tuir hanesan ho juiz indonezia nian ne'ebe kondena hau ho pena perpetua, sein halo uitoan atu rona hau nia argumentu defeza nian.", "Interese Nasional - Politika Estadu - Desizaun Estadu Hau hatene katak bankada Fretilin nian gosta hau mai iha ne'e hodi hatan deit kona-ba ilegalidade husi hau nia aktu, hodi nune'e Parlamentu Nasional bele too konkluzaun katak Governu, ne'ebe hau xefia, 'laiha kondisaun atu diriji destinu nasaun ne'e, tal hanesan hatoo husi dokumentu sensura ne'e.", "Labele diskuti ba aktu nia ilegalidade, sein iha kompriensaun ida ne'ebe luan liu tan kona-ba problema interese nasional tanba, hanesan hau refere iha inisiu, iha perspetiva ba'asuntu ne'ebe relevante ba interese nasional' ne'ebe mosaun sensura bele iha kabimentu legal no lori mai iha Plenaria ohin nian.", "Tan ne'e duni, iha parte I husi hau nian intervensaun, hau sei ba aborda tema hirak tuir mai ne'e: Interese nasional, politika Estadu no desizaun Estadu nian.", "Importa realmente hanoin uluk kona-ba saida mak ne'e, saida mak signifika, INTERESE NASIONAL? - Hau uluk hanesan membru Komite Sentral Fretilin: - Mudansa ne'ebe halo, iha 1986, hodi harii CNRM, mai husi konseit, perspetiva husi interese ba Luta, interese nasional.", "Kuandu iha 1997, mudansa dezignasaun 'CNRM' ba 'CNRT', halao iha kontestu interese ba Luta, interese nasional. - Kuando, iha 1999, hala'o enkontru entre timoroan hotu, konese ho naran Dare I, iha Dare, no Dare II, iha Jakarta, buat hotu halo iha kontestu ba interese nasional. - Kuandu, iha Agostu 1999, FALINTIL, decidi la tama iha kombate ho milisia, ne'ebe oho hela ita nia populasaun, desizaun ne'e foti iha kontestu ba interese nasional. - Kuandu, durante tinan 2000 no 2001, hala'o enkontru rekonsiliasaun entre timoroan, iha fronteira, ho partisipasaun efetiva no determinante, dalabarak, husi distintu deputadu rekerente, Sr. Mandati, la ho kondisaun nein finanseira nein lojistika, buat ne'e hotu halao iha kontestu ba interese nasional. - Kuandu, iha 2001, depoisde timorizasaun administrasaun, Ministru Xefe, iha altura ne'e Dr. Mari Alkatiri, ba reprezenta Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho Sergio Vieira de Melo, vizita Jakarta no kaer liman ho jeneral indonezia, ida ne'e kompriende iha kontestu ba interese nasional. - Kuandu, iha 20 Maiu 2002, Prezidente Megawati Soekarnoputri hetan aklamasaun husi populasaun no timoroan hotu ne'ebe prezente iha Tasi Tolu, ita nia Povu hatudu ninia persepsaun ne'ebe klaru kona-ba konseitu 'interese nasional'. - Kuandu, iha 12 Junu 2003, Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Mari Alkatiri, iha nia vizita ofisial ba Jakarta, defende, iha entrevista ida ba Agencia Lusa, katak ' amnistia jeral ida ba responsavel ne'ebe komete krime iha Timor-Leste iha 1999', hanesan ' solusaun unika hodi korriji ' injustisa no inikuidade' (liafuan husi Dr. Mari), ne'ebe, ho timoroan sira husi terseira lina iha kadeia no responsavel sira seluk 'difisilmente, dalaruma, hetan julgamentu' (liafuan husi Dr. Mari).... iha rekonesimentu klaru ne'ebe sei sai 'impratikavel' lori ba tribunal responsavel prinsipal sira.", "Tuir Lusa, 'ba Xefi Governu ne'e 'pratikamente imposivel' iha entrega kbiit husi Konsellu Seguransa ONU ba kriasaun tribunal internasional kualker ida, nune'e mos katak sei komplikadu liu lori ba tribunal timor nian ida kualker militar, polisia ka ema indonezia sivil ida'....", "Sei mos tuir Lusa, parte importante liu kona-ba deklarasaun husi Primeiru-Ministru iha tempu ne'ebe, Dr. Mari Alkatiri: 'Laiha ema ida mak nega ka bele nega ba justisa.", "Ne'e hanesan kestaun sagaradu ida.", "Vizaun pragmatka hakarak husi prosesu dezenvolvimentu sosial no politiku iha pais ida-idak halai tuir sira nia ritmu normal, too ida-idak tau iha konsiensia ba sira nia responsabilidade ba situasaun hirak ne'e (liafuan husi Dr. Mari).", "Buat hirak ne'e hotu hatudu kompriensaun ezata ba interese nasional, ne'ebe sei fo fatin ba politika Estadu nian. -Kuandu Parlamentu Nasional, iha nia I Legislatura, ne'ebe, husi asentu 88, Fretilin detein 65, kria Komisaun Akollimentu, Verdade no Rekonsiliasaun, ne'e iha espiritu defeza ba interese nasional.", "Relatoriu husi CAVR hau entrega ona ba PN, iha Novembru 2005.", "Iha dokumentu mosaun sensura, deputadu rekerente sira, realsa katak 'iha total desrespeitu husi Governu ba orgaun soberania ida ne'e no ba tribunal'.", "Bem, too final husi Leijislatura, maioria parlamentar, husi Fretilin, nunka hola inisiatva atu tau iha ajenda hodi diskuti kona-ba relatoriu no nia rekomendasaun, ne'ebe sei ajuda makaas ba Estadu hodi defini ninia politika - hirak ne'e hatudu deit laiha interese total, husi parte Fretilin, ba asuntu ho 'relevante interese nasional'. -Kuandu Parlamentu Nasional, iha I Lejislatura, ne'ebe, husi asentu 88, Fretilin detein 65, kria Komisaun Verdade no Amizade, servisu hamutuk ho Indonezia, ne'e mos iha espiritu defeza ba interese nasional.", "Primeiru-Ministru husi I Governu Konstitusional asina akordu ida ho Estadu Indonezia.", "Atu simu Relatoriu, Dr. Mari Alkatiri prezente iha ne'eba mos, nudar espresaun mos katak, buat ne'ebe nia hahu ona, remata didiak ho misaun ne'ebe kumpri ona.", "Maibe Parlamentu ne'e mos nunka hola inisiativa atu tau iha ajenda diskusaun kona-ba Relatoriu, ne'ebe Prezidente Republika entrega ona, ne'ebe difikulta implementasaun rekomendasaun.", "Ho Xefe Bankada ne'e sai nudar Komisariu iha CVA no Prezidente CAVR, Fretilin la book nia liman fuan ida no agora afirma katak 'iha total desrespeitu husi Governu ba orgaun soberania ida ne'e no ba tribunal'.", "Ida ne'e hatudu falta konsiensia kona-ba interese nasional, hodi nune'e permiti atu Maternus Bere ida mosu agora hanesan 'asuntu ho relevante interese nasional'. -Kuandu Governu husi Dr. Mari Alkatiri koncorda ho asinatura SOFAs nian, nomeadamente ho EUA, nudar PR hanoin iha entrevista ida foin dadaun, ne'e iha kontestu ba 'interese nasional'.", "Interese nasional konsiste iha desenvolve Nasaun!", "Interese nasional konsiste iha defende progresu, estabilidade politika, sosial no ekonomika no asegura seguranca interna.", "Interese nasional ne'e defende interese timoroan ida-idak nian.", "Interese nasional mos katak kria ambiente unidade no koezaun, katak promove rekonsiliasaun!", "Maibe nita labele hela mesak iha mundu.", "Interese nasional presupoen, tanba ne'e, kumpri iha no.4 husi artigu 8o. husi Konstituisaun RDTL, ne'ebe Senor deputadu rekerente sira hanesan Francisco Branco, Joaquim Amaral, Elizario Ferreira, Antonio Cardoso, Joaquim dos Santos e Manuel Tilman mos asina, iha 22 Marsu 2002.", "Konstituisaun hatete: 'Republika Demokratica Timor-Leste mantin lasu espesial amizade nian no koperasaun ho pais vizinu no pais iha rejiaun'.", "Ida ne'ebe, senor sira ne'ebe hakerek Konstituisaun Republika, mak tenki hatene sentidu ne'ebe apropriadu liu husi termu 'lasu espesial'? - Hau la hatene se Deputadu Arseniu Bano hatene koana-ba TNI ne'ebe tama iha baliza Oe-Cusse no, iha semana 2 liuba, akontese fali!", "Hau la hatene se akompana hela difikuldade ne'ebe eziste iha prosesu delimitasaun fronteira, iha Oe-Cusse.", "Tanba nia mos rekerente, hau hanoin nia la hatene.", "Ka tanba nia la ba ona Oe-Cusse, ka, se ba, apenas atu konsolida partidu. - Hau mos la hatene se Deputadu Aniceto Guterres hatene kona-ba delimitasaun fronteira, iha area distritu Bobonaro.", "Parese ke lae, tanba delimitasaun fronteira, ba Deputadu Aniceto Guterres, la'os asunto ho interese nasional; Maternus Bere, sim, ne'e ho relevante interese nasional. - Hau la hatene se deputadu sira husi Fretilin hatene katak ita iha estudante liu rihun 8 iha Indonezia.", "Hau bele kompriende se sira la hatene, hau bele kompriende katak deputadu sira husi Fretilin la ba Indonezia, katak deputadu sia husi Fretilin laiha familia iha Indonezia no, menus liu tan, deputadu sira husi Fretilin laiha oan mak estuda hela iha Indonezia.", "Maromak boot, se buat ne'e akontese duni, no sorte katak deputadu sira husi Fretilin iha vizaun ida ne'ebe estratejiku liu, ne'ebe ultrapassa Indonezia!", "Sira bele sai husi Timor-Leste, ka ho Air North ka ho Silk Air. - Hau la hatene se deputadu sira husi Fretilin hatene katak liu 75% husi movimentu komersial iha Timor-Leste ne'e ho Indonezia. - Finalmente, hau hanoin katak deputadu sira husi Fretilin, tansa mak sira defini Maternus Bere hanesan 'asuntu ho relevante interese nasional', haluha tiha katak Indonezia mak hanesan promotora boot ba ita nia entrada iha ARF (Asean Regional Forum) no iha lina oin hodi defende inkluzaun Timor-Leste iha ASEAN.", "Oinsa koloka interese Estadu nian?", "Oinsa define politika Estadu nian?", "No ba saida?", "No tanba saida? - pergunta ne'ebe difisil, ne'ebe hau labele hatan!", "Iha leten liu husi hau nia kompetensia politika.", "Fatin ne'ebe loos ba definisaun husi Estadu mak Parlamentu Nasional.", "Hau halo votu atu bele produz, tanba ita sei manan ho buat ne'e, aprende husi imi!", "Hau husu lisensa hodi hatete katak politika ne'ebe ita nia Estadu sei hola mak, liluliu, atu salvaguarda interese nasional no interese nasional tenki ser, fundamentalmente, orientadu hodi: -garante estabilidade no paz -garante diplomasia insersaun ka integrasaun rejional Se ita laiha objetivu klaru hodi defini interese Nasaun, ne'ebe politika Estadu nian harii ba, ita nia Pais la hatene atu ba ne'ebe.", "Dr. Mari Alkatiri, iha Junu 2003 liuba, dehan ona ba Lusa, durante ninia vizita ofisial ba Jakarta: ' Governu no Prezidensia Republika, oinsa tenki lida loroloron ho kestaun ho relasionamentu bilateral entre pais rua, hola abordajen pragmatika ida ne'ebe permiti avansa ho relasaun.", "Ita lakohi hakarak avansa ho abordajen ida ne'ebe iha pratika, sei la permiti ba ita alkansa fim ida, ne'ebe iha termu real kria deit tan problema entre nasaun rua.", "Se deklarasaun politika husi Dr. Mari ne'e, ne'ebe hau foi dehan dadaun, la ajuda deputadu husi Bankada Fretilin loke sira nia vizaun kona-ba Estadu, hau sei forsadu, tanba amizade no tanba solidariedade demokratika, hau repete fali, hau sei forsadu atu dehan ba Sekretariu-Jeral husi imi nia Partido, katak presiza renova Partidu ne'e.", "Krime Grave - Justisa ka Amnistia?", "Deputadu rekerente sira hakerek hanesan ne'e iha Mosaun Sensura: 'A libertacao de Maternus Bere hetan rekonesimentu ... hanesan desizaun politika ida...'.", "Mai liu tan: 'Maternus Bere, lider milisia Laksaur, responsavel ba masakre Suai ne'ebe besik ema 200 mak mate... hetan libertasaun...'", "Dokumentu ne'e mos hatoo hanesan ne'e: 'Situasaun aktual tenki haree iha kontestu ida ne'ebe luan liu husi vontade Governu no husi Prezidente Republika hodi aprezenta proposta amnistia ida ba krime hotu-hotu ne'ebe hala'o iha Timor-Leste entre 1974 ate ohin loron'.", "Kuandu, liuba, dehan katak deputadu rekerente sira sai konfuzu, ne'e tanba tuir termu rasiosiniu, buat n'e kontradiz.", "Iha enkontru ho bankada ne'ebe reprezenta iha Parlamentu, husi Lejislatura atual, ne'ebe Prezidente Republika konvika, ita nia Xefe estadu entrega esbosu ida no hatete: 'Desizaun iha ita boot sira nia liman, iha Parlamentu Nasional.", "Se Partidu sira konsidera katak ne'e asuntu ho interese nasional, entau diskuti ba.", "Fretilin konkorda, fo ba Partidu seluk atu desidi mos.", "Maibe se hanoin katak asuntu ida ne'e laiha importansia, hau , nu'udar Prezidente Republika, sei la fo presaun ba ema ida'.", "Nune'e mak Prezidente PSD no sei hanesan Deputadu, Eng.o.", "Mario Carrascalao, mak sujere katak, invesde 1999 ba 2006, tansa mak la desde 1974.", "Atu laiha duvida, hau relata fali, ba entrevista ne'ebe fo mai hau iha 12 de Junu 2003, ba Lusa husi Primeiru-Ministru iha tempu ne'eba, Dr. Mari Alkatiri: 'Fo ba Parlamento atu desidi kona-ba amnistia ne'ebe hau hanoin hanesan solusaun unika ba problema.", "Ne'e hanesan kestaun ida ne'ebe merese debate nasional ida iha Timor-Leste.'", "Ba liu tan, o Dr. Mari afirma: 'Hau hanoin katak debate ne'e tenki analiza politica tomak relativamente ba kestaun (justisa).", "Hanesan sidadaun no hanesan primeiru-ministru hau sei ba defende iha amnistia iha debate ida ne'e tanba hau hanoin katak justisa hala'o tiha ona no no tenki lori ema hirak ne'e fila hika ba sosiedade'.", "Objetivu CAVR nian mak saida?", "Atu produz lista ida kona-ba kriminozu no fo ba tribunal?", "Saida mak hakarak, nu'udar Estadu?", "Justisa?", "No se justisa, justisa ida ne'ebe?", "Mata ba matan, nehan ba nehan... ka...", "Justisa ho ita nia liman rasik?", "No justisa ne'e ba se?", "Ba jeneral indonezia sira no sira deit?", "Ka mos milisia deit mak tenki hetan kastigu?", "Justisa vale deit hanesan justisa, se aplika ba kazu 1999?", "No kazu seluk antesde 1999 bele ema haluha deit?", "Nosaun justisa nian ne'ebe relasiona ho timoroan mak saida?", "Partidu politiku sira laiha buat ida atu hatan?", "UDT?", "Fretilin rasik?", "No partidu sira seluk ne'ebe asina integrasaun hodi halo invazaun no okupasaun?", "Ka rezultadu CAVR nian la vale?", "Ka rekomendasaun husi CAVR laiha sentidu?", "Deputadu rekerente sira husi Fretilin sala hotu kedas, bainhira afirma katak 'vontade Governo nian... atu aprezenta proposta amnistia ida', tanba nunka iha okaziaun ruma, hanesan Xefi Governu, hau deklara katak hau nia Governu sei ba hola inisiativa hanesan ne'e.", "Partidu ne'ebe kompoen AMP laiha interese espesial ida ba Lei Amnistia.", "Husi partidu 5, so ASDT mak iha memoria ba partisipasaun iha desde 1974.", "Nein PD, nein PSD, ne'ebe mai deit husi Asembleia Konstituinte no menus liu tan UNDERTIM no CNRT ate so mosu iha oras eleisaun 2007.", "Se mak iha interese iha lei amnistia ida, husi parte Partidu Governu nian?", "Vontade sa, iha termu manaan nian, iha termu benefisiu, mak Governu ida ne'e bele hetan, formadu deit husi Partidu ne'ebe la envolve diretamente iha direktamente iha oho ema husi 1974 no 1975, hodi aprezenta proposta Lei Amnistia ida?", "Enkuantu hanesan Partidu, nein ida! - Nein Partido ida husi AMP, portantu husi Governu ne'ebe hau lidera, mak responsabiliza ba violensia no oho ema, ne'ebe hala'o husi Abril 1974 ba Agostu 1975! - Nein Partidu ida husi AMP mak envolve iha funu sivil ne'ebe akontese iha 1975! -Nein Partidu ida husi AMP, mak responsabiliza ba masakre iha Aileu no Same, iha Dezembru 1975! - Laiha Partidu ida husi AMP mak sei responsabiliza ba prizaun, tortura dezumana ba Fransico Xavier Amaral no ba ezekusaun ema inosente barak, mak akontese iha 1977! - Laiha Partidu husi AMP mak sei responsabiliza ba kuadru rezistensia seluk, sivil no militar sira, durante hanesan Baze ba Apoiu!", "Ne'eduni, koalia kona-ba \"vontade Governu nian\" ate pareseke sira hakarak fo hatene katak Partidu sira, mak konstitui IV Governu Konstitusional, iha krime atu rezolve tuir justisa nian!", "I, karisimu deputadu sira, ha'u mak koalia - Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao!", "Ha'u uluk membru Komite Sentral Fretilin, desde 1975 to'o 1986, hala'o funu ida, ne'ebe imi barak seidauk iha responsabilidade iha imi nia kabaz, mak agora dadauk imi nia responsabilidade boot mak fiskaliza aktu governu nian.", "Iha Dezembru 1986, ha'u haruka mensajen ba liur, ba kamarada sira iha liur, atu rekonese, tanba ha'u nia dever moral no politiku, katak ami, timoroan sira, mos komete krime!", "Ha'u tenke dehan... ema barak mak la konkorda ida ne'e!", "Dehan iha Konferensia Fretilin ba dahuluk, iha Maiu 2000, iha Jinaziu, katak ha'u asume, hamutuk ho ha'u nia kamarada husi Fretilin, salah hotu ne'ebe komete to'o Dezembru 1986.", "No katak timoroan sira hotu bele deskansa tanba, husi 1987 to'o 1999, tanba ha'u mak lidera luta ne'e, ha'u asumi krimi hotu mak komete husi CNRM, husi CNRT no husi FALINTIL.", "Ha'u hein katak meritisimu Juiz Suai nian rona hela ha'u, ba atu fihar katak nia bele fo valor ba desizaun Estadu ne'ebe Tribunal Distrital sei foti.", "Maibe ba tal proposta ba lei amnestia, husi 1974, mak nein afekta buat ida husi Partidu AMP, tenke haree hanesan aktu politiku Estadu nian.", "Proposta ida husi Lei Amnistia , husi 1974, implika rekonesimentu ba krime, \"krime funu\" balun, konvensionadu ba Krime Grave!", "Maibe, agora mak kazu Martenus Bere hanesan konsideradu asuntu nasional relevante, ida ne'e mak Bankada Fretilin aseita katak lei aministia ida la ba kontra husi konseitu justisa Fretilin nian?", "Aministia signifika aktu politiku, nunka husi Tribunal, atu perdoa krime ida.", "Tanba sa ita tenke perdoa krime ida?", "Iha ne'ebe nosaun Jusitisa ida ne'e? - ida ne'e pergunta mak dokumentu ba Mosaun Sensura subentende ba nia espiritu.", "Tanba deputadu rekerente sira hatene ke ha'u la hasai Martenus Bere hodi ba halo nia mout fali iha tasi.", "Karik 'desizaun Governu hodi manda hasai husi prizaun Becora, Sr Martenus Bere hanesan afronta klaru ida ba Konstituisaun RDTL no Lei iha vigor', ha'u sei hakfodak bele hasoru krime boot ne'ebe komete 1974, ba ita nia Konstituisaun, karik kualker bankada iha Parlamentu tenta atu avansa ho proposta ba lei amnestia.", "Ha'u ba aviza ona ha'u nia Partidu, CNRT, hodi evita hasoru Konstituisaun RDTL no poupa traballu Fretilin.", "Tanba sa, senor deputadu sira, ha'u tenta imajina pandemoniu juridiku no legal kestaun!", "Artigu 161 husi Konstituisaun RDTL hakerek hela (oh deskulpa, Konsitutuisaun la hakerek, deputadu rekerentes Fretilin 6, no mos ema seluk mak hakerek Konstituisaun), mak dehan hanesan ne'e: 'aktu kometidu entre 25 Abril 1974 no 31 Dezembru 1999 mak bele konsidera krime kontra umanidade, ba jenesidiu ka funu mak pasiveis ba prosedimentu kriminal hamutuk husi tribunal nasional no internasional'.", "Ne'eduni, bainhira simu, hare se perspektiva seluk pozitivu liu, karik Fretilin konkorda ho proposta ba Lei, Fretilin sei mosu hanesan la konsistente ho sira nia valor ba justisa.", "Dilema boot ba konsiensia!", "Kariu Lei ne'e liu no promulgada no Tribunal Rekursu taka matan, bainhira Lei ne'e vigora, Parlamentu interfere iha kompetensia Tribunal nian, tanba so desizaun Tribunal nian mak desizaun Estadu, hanesan lee iha dokumentu mosaun.", "Parlamentu ba kazu ida ne'e, bele legaliza hela buat ilegal, hodi lejitima buat inkonstitusional ida.", "Hare katak bainhira iha lei ida hodi legaliza buat ilegal, mak agora laiha tan violasaun ba prinsipiu?", "Iha kazu ida ne'e, karik Fretilin partisipa ba aprovasaun ba Lei Amnistia ida, bele husu tanba sa no ba sa ba buat ne'e hotu, ho relasaun ba Martenus Bere, mak hanesan orgullosu tanba agora nia sai \"asuntu relevante ba interese nasional\" Timor-Leste nian?", "Ita tenke hanoin katak atu aprezenta proposta lei nian, katak deputadu Fretilin la asina, hafoin hetan aprovasaun husi maioria, husi AMP, no Fretilin foti inkonsituisionalidade lei nian, iha Tribunal Rekursu.", "No ha'u fihar ba independensia Tribunal sira nian, Lei sei inkonstituisional no afronta sei hanesan tamanu krime mak halo desde Abril 1974.", "Ha'u dehan fila fali, Partidu AMP nian, bainhira hanesan Partidu, sei la lakon iha absolutu karik laiha Lei Amnistia ida ne'e, tanba nein ida hetan interveniente diretu iha krime, desde Abril 1974 to'o Dezembru 1999.", "Instituisaun Estadu nian: legalidade no ilegalidade Deputadu rekerente justifika mos Mosaun tuir termu hanesan ne'e: \"Maternus Bere....hetan libertasaun ba aktu ida ne'ebe la judisial.\"", "No \"hasai Maternus Bere husi prizaun Becora sem aktu judisial.\"", "No \"desizaun Governu ---hanesan afronta klaru ida ba Konsitutisaun no leis iha vigor iha ita nia paiz.", "Ikus-liu, \"se mak deside, nia halo ilegalmente.\"", "Ita nia Estadu iha tinan 7 ba prosesu konstrusaun no Timor-Leste iha lista Estadu frajil no saida mak ha'u ba aprezenta mak situasaun real ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha ita nia Estadu nian.", "Ha'u iha obrigasaun atu halo ida ne'e, tanba sei hatan ba sasan loos mak sei la fo dalan ba oportuniszmu politiku ne'ebe iha responsabilidade ki'ik.", "Ha'u agora ba tau imi apar ho kronolojia faktus: - Maternus Bere tama legalmente iha 9 Agostu, ida ne'e hanesan, ho vistu entrada iha nia pasaporte.", "Iha salah husi parte ajensia Governu nian; - familiares vitima nian haree nia liu no baku nia - prinsipiu ba la admite halo justisa iha ita nia lima rasik - Politika evita at-liu no kaer nian, hatene ona saida mak sira atu trata, entrega ba justisa. - Tribunal Distrital Suai hahu prosesu no fo orden prizaun preventiva.", "Hetan deskonesimentu klaru husi Regulamentu UNTAET no.2000/15 kona-ba \"kriasaun ba kamaras ho juridisaun exkluziva no espesial kona-ba delitu graves,\" ne'ebe harii jurisdisaun eskluziva no espesial, ho eskluzaun espresa husi Tribunal ne'ebe deit, no kompetensia ida ne'e pertense ba Tribunal Distrital Dili nian no Tribunal Rekursu.", "Kodigu Prosesu Penal, liu husi Dekretu-Lei no.13/2005, iha 1 Dezembru, salvagarda liu-liu rejime no hahu husi Regulamentu UNTAET 2000/15. - Hotdi ba konkorda ho ha'u katak Tribunal Distrital Suai la fo orden ba prizaun Marternus Bere tanba nia hetan sona, ida ne'e hanesan irasional se ita hotu hanoin hanesan ne'e!!", "No. 2 iha numeru artigu 30 husi Konstitusaun RDTL dehan katak \"laiha ema ida ne'ebe deit mak bele hetan detensaun ka dadur se lae tuir termus espresamente previstu husi lei ne'ebe iha vigor,\" sempre iha detensaun ka prizaun hatama ba apresizaun husi juiz kompetente tuir prazu legal.", "Ida ne'e la akontese.", "I, ne'eduni, hanesan kazu ba husu ba distintu deputadu Fretilin: Ikus-liu, se mak viola konstituisaun no lei iha vigor iha ita nia rai?", "Tanba deit desizaun mak Tribunal Distrital nian (mak la'os kompetente iha relasaun ba materia) bele konsidera ona...desizaun Estadu?", "No afronta mak Juiz Distrital halo ba Konstituisaun, ba Kodigu Penal no ba Regulamentu no.", "2000/15, husi UNTAET?", "Iha ne'e, ita tenki hotu haree ba independensia Tribunal sira nian no separasaun poder nian?", "Tanba deit Estadu, ba ita, mak hanesan desizaun Tribunal?", "Mesmuke kompetente ka la kompetente? - Iha loron 26, bainhira ha'u iha enkontru hela ho Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Prezidente Republika koalia ho ha'u iha telefone, (no ha'u iha ne'e rasik, iha Salaun Nobre ida ne'e), no ha'u prontu atu hasoru Prezidente rua ne'e.", "Bainhira ha'u to'o iha ne'eba, PR koalia hela ho telefone ho Minsitru Hassan Wirajuda.", "PR dehan ba ami depois katak ministru indonezia dere ba nia no halo apelu ba haree kazu Maternus Bere, husi espiritu komisaun Verdade no Amizade no katak salah ita nian, bainhira ita la impede nia bainhira nia tama iha TL.", "CVA, iha nia rekomendasaun ida, surjere kordenasaun boot ida ba atividade iha fronteira, liu-liu ba materia ida ne'e.", "Hassan Wirayuda apela ba ita nia Prezidente ba intersede, hamutuk ho instansias Estadu timoroan nian, kona ba kazu ne'e. - Ho lamentasaun ba salah hodi bele fo vistu - no ida ne'e signfika katak ita seidauk halo prosesu ne'e hotu ba sensibilizasaun kona-ba rekomendasaun CVA nian - ha'u husu, ne'eduni, ba PR ba koalia ho Prokuradoria Jeral Republika, bainhira P-GR hatan ba PR.", "Razaun ba pedidu ida ne'e, husi ha'u nia parte, mak atu salva-guarda independensia Instituisaun nian no evita interferensia husi parte Governu. - Tuir mai ha'u ko'alia ho Ministra Justisa kona-ba kazu ne'e, bainhira nia hetan informasaun uluk-liu mak tenta atu kontakta Advogadu Maternus Bere nian, defensor Publiku, ba haree vias legal di'ak ida ba rezolve kazu ne'e - Governu halo movimentasaun ona, sim, maibe ba fasilita prosesu ne'ebe lakoi interfere diretamente.; - Iha loron 28 Agostu, Senor Prezidente Republika, bainhira hetan kontaktu ho P-GR dere mai ha'u ba ko'alia ho Prokurador-Jeral Ajuntu no ba Prokurador Internasional sira, tuir rekomendasaun husi Dra.", "Ana Pessoa, ne'ebe iha hela iha Singapura.", "Ha'u bolu lalais Dr Vicente, P-G Adjuntu, mos ho internasional nain rua, Dr Arlindo Figueredo no Dr Luis Landim, no sira hotu fo garantia mai ha'u katak Prokuradoria la simplesmente envolve iha kazu ida ne'e.", "Mesmu ke sira la konese kazu ida ne'e, sira oferese fo tulun ba Advogadu Marternus Bere nian, bainhira buka via legal ida ne'ebe apropriadu ba rezolve problema ida ne'e.", "Entaun surjere katak Advogadu ne'e aprezenta rekerimentu ida ba Tribunal hodi husik sai tanba razaun saude. -Ministra Justisa oferese mos ba harii kontaktu entre Advogadu no Prokurador nain 3 ne'e. - iha loron 29, ami hetan konesimentu katak Advogadu Marternu Bere nian halo ona rekerimentu ida no Tribunal apenas presiza deit konfirmasaun husi junta medika ida.", "Bolu Ministru Saude no nia prontu atu ajuda hodi buka solusaun ida.", "Tanba razaun legalidade, ami foti hanesan ezemplu Sr Rogerio Lobato, ne'ebe III Governu Konstituisional oferese ba ami hanesan prenda, iha loron ne'ebe ami simu tomada de pose. - Iha loron 30 Agostu, ha'u preokupa tanba falta informasaun kona-ba kazu ida ne'e, molok tuku 8, ha'u iha Palasiu Prezidente Republika.", "Komandante-Jeral PNTL entaun, fo informasaun ba ha'u kona-ba falta progresu ba kazu ida ne'e, bainhira Juiz Tribunal Distrital Suai hetan difikuldade atu kontakta, tanba nia deside ba pasa fin-de-semana iha Oecusse.", "No ha'u fihar - hanesan ha'u hakarak fihar ba ema nia boa fe- katak Meritisimu Juiz Distrital tama husi Atambua no Kefa, tanba indoneziu sira la taka fronteira, so tanba deit ba asuntu interese nasional iha Timor-Leste.", "No karik sira taka fronteira, tanba razaun interese nasional indonezia nian, ha'u laiha resposta ba ida ne'e.", "Ba ita nia pedidu, durante krize, Estadu indoneziu simu taka fronteira, ba salvaguarda interese nasional Timor-Leste. - Entretantu, ha'u simu telefone husi Ministru Zacarias, ne'ebe aguarda hela Ministru Hassan, iha aeroportu iha Dili, hodi informa ba ha'u preokupasaun husi Ministru Iindoneziu ba solusaun kona-ba kazu Maternus Bere ne'ebe seidauk iha.", "Ha'u husu ba Komandante-Jeral PNTL, ba hetan ho kontaktu ho Ministra Lucia, ho Defensor-Jeral, Dr Sergio Hornai, n ho Prezidente internia husi Tribunal Rekursu, Dra Natercia.", "Bainhira Prezidente interina husi Tribunal Rekursu no Ministra Justisa to'o, ami hala'o enkontru iha sala entrada Palasiu nian.", "Dra Natercia dehan katak nia labele halo buat ida, tanba prosesu pertense ba Tribunal Distrital Suai.", "Ha'u dehan nesesidade ba haree ba problema, tuir termu politiku no la'os barak-liu ba termu legalista, maibe tanba dalan legal hanesan interditu, ami ramata ba lao ba oin no ami tur ho bainaka sira.", "Ha'u hatene, iha ha'u nia laran, katak Prezidente Republika mos hein hela se ha'u bele dehan ba nian solusaun ruma, maibe tanba ha'u la hetan solusaun ruma no, ao kontrariu, ha'u hetan deit difikuldade tuir orden oin-oin, ha'u deside tuir silensiu no ha'u tenta halo kontaktu ho PR. - Iha ohin, ho konvidadu sira, ha'u simu telefonema seluk husi Ministru Zakarias, hodi informa mai ha'u katak Ministru Hassan halo kestaun ba mai deit, se ha'u iha garantia ba solusaun ba kazu ida ne'e.", "Ministru Hassan fo hanoin fali ba boa-fe husi Estadu rua ne'e bainhira harii CVA no katak ba laiha solusaun ba kazu Marternu Bere bele afeta konfiansa iha relasaun entre paiz 2 no katak, husi ami nia la-koperasaun, husi materia husi karakter sensitivu ba Indonezia, Estadu Indonezia bele hetan obrigasaun atu haree fila-fali nia politika diplomatika ho relasaun ho Timor-leste. - Ha'u husu ba Prezidente interina husi Tribunal Rekursu, Meritisma Juiz Dra Natercia, ba halo reuniaun emerjensia ida iha Sala de Espera Palasiu nian.", "Ha'u bolu mos Ministra Justisa no Komandante-Jeral PNTL.", "Ha'u esplika ba sira katak ita presiza foti desizaun no tenke foti desizaun politika ida.", "Ha'u husu no insisti hamutuk ho Prezidente interina Tribunal Rekursu ba tulun rezolve problema, ba haree tuir forma ida halo nu'usa ita sai husi situasaun ida ne'e.", "Tanba ha'u koalia lian makaas, durante ita nia diskursaun, Dra Natercia dehan: \"Primiru-Ministru, tempu funu liu tiha ona!.", "No ha'u hatan: \"Sim, no tanba ida ne'e duni mak ha'u bolu imi hotu, ba ita hotu rezolve problema ida ne'e.", "Ami simu hotu mak absolutamentu nesesariu, haree ba faktor hotu, no ita labele sai deit pura no simplesmente legalistas.", "Ida ne'e halo parte politika Estadu nian.\"", "Ha'u entaun dirije ba Ministra Justisa no dehan ba haruka hasae Marternus Bere husi prizaun Becora.", "Ministra fo hanoin katak nia bele fo orden deit se nia iha autorizasaun husi Tribunal.", "Dra Natercia, apezar hodi insiste - no ha'u apresia nia konsistensia - katak tuir termus legais, nia labele halo buat ida, fo saida - no ha'u apresia tan ba pozisaun ida ne'e, ne'ebe nia bele kompriende ke devia duni iha fleksibilidade ida ba atuasaun mak prezerva sistema juridiku maibe hatan mos ba interese paiz - no fila ba Ministra Justisa no dehan: \"Tanba prizaun iha ita boot nia responsabilidade, Ministra iha kompetensia hodi transfere Maternus ba fatin seluk , la'os iha Becora.\"", "Agradese ho ideia ida ne'e no ami hatene katak ita labele avansa barak ba kazu ida ne'e, ha'u fo orden ba Ministra Justisa ba hasai Marternus Bere husi Becora no transfere nia ba Embaixada Indonezia.", "Ministra lakoi, no ha'u dehan: \"karik o la halo, ha'u rasik ba ne'eba noa hasai nian.\" - Ministra tama iha kontaktu ho Embaixada Indonezia no kombina ba Maternus Bere hodi ba ne'eba lalais, mas la fila ba Indonezia , hodi hein katak prosesu hotu tenke kompleta uluk. - Ministra mos dere Xefe Guarda Prizional, maibe bainhira polisia mosu iha Becora, ne'ebe laiha dokumentu husi Tribunal, Xefe Guarda Prizional la kumpre Ministra nia orden.", "No faktu ida ne'e merese rejista, husi profisionalismu mak nia hatudu.", "Ha'u haruka Ministra transmite ba nia katak ha'u asumi responsabilidade, maibe nia tenki kumpre orden ida ne'e.", "NO ORDEN NE'E KUMPRE DUNI NO MARTERNUS BERE HETAN TRANSFERENSIA BA EMBAIXADA INDONEZIA IHA DILI. - Molouk tuku meiu-dia, iha enkontru mak ha'u iha ho Ministru Hassan, ha'u dehan katak ha'u labele haruka Maternus Bere fila lalais, no nia, Hassan, tenke mos respeita sistema vijente iha paiz ne'ebe mane ne'e so bele fila bainhira prosesu ne'e ramata, no iha minimu respeita sistema separasaun poder. - Iha lokraik, serimonia ba medalla ne'ebe fo husi Prezidente Republika, Dra Natersia dehan mai ha'u: \"Primeiru Ministru, ita ba iha problema.", "Aniseto hatene ida ne'e no nia ba foti kestaun iha Parlamentu,\" ne'ebe ha'u hatan: \"Dehan ba nian, halo ba!.\" - Governu kontinua halo esforsu no iha loron 1 ka 2 Setembru, Dr Sergio Hornai, mosu, husi ami nia konvite, ba haree halo nu'usa prosesu junta medika ne'e hala'o, ezemplu ida, ha'u repete, hanesan Rogerio Lobato. - Ami hetan hakfodak bainhira, Meritisimu Juiz Tribunal Distrital Suai haruka fo orden ba Komisariu Distrital UNPOL atu averigua kona-ba paradeiru Maternu Bere no ba kaptura fila fali ba prizaun Becora.", "Ha'u hanoin katak Meritisimu Juiz tribunal Distrital Suai hanoin hanesan distintu deputadu Fretilin sira: \"so desizaun tribunal kompetente ida deit ....mak bele konsidera desizaun Estadu.\"", "Ita nia Estadu, Estadu Timor-Leste, iha kestaun ida ne'e, iha ona enderesu ida - hela iha tribunal Distrital Suai nian!", "Ha'u la hatene mos tanba sa mak ita lakon tempu iha ne'e, iha Parlamentu ne'e, tanba ita nia Estadu iha Suai!. - Iha loron 2 Setembru, Prezidente Republika konvoka Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Sekretariu-Jeral Fretilin, Dr Mari Alkatiri no ha'u rasik, ba ita ko'alia kestaun ida ne'e Maternus Bere.", "Sr Dr Marii Alkatiri, Sekretariu-Jeral Fretilin, dehan katak desizaun so bele deit politika.", "Dr Marii Alkatiri mos surjere junta medika ida, hanesan opsaun alternativa, ba fasilita prosesu soltura nian.", "Ha'u hato'o deskordansia, tanba ami tenta tiha ona ida ne'e, no la hetan rezultadu, tanba la iha vontade politika husi parte Justisa. - Individualidade sira hotu iha Dili, simu konvite ba serimonia iha loron 8 Setembru iha Suai, uluk-liu lorn 30 Agostu.", "No jornalista Jill Jolife hakerek artigu ida iha Australia hodi afirma katak ha'u ba Suai loron 2 antes, atu konvense Bispu 2 ne'e ba muda selebrasaun ba loron 8, hodi hanesan ne'e labele koinside ho loron masakre, mak akontese iha loron 6.", "Entaun duni, hau to'o deit iha Suai iha loron sorin deit iha loron 7, ha'u iha enkontru ida ho familiares vitima sira hodi esplika desizaun Estadu nian.", "No sira hatudu maturidade no sira ezije deit ba Governu atu hadi'ak estrada, fo bee no eletrisidade, hadi'ak ponte, halo tan eskola no aumenta tan rezidensia medika.", "I, ha'u bele dehan mos: bainhira halo inagurasaun ba monumentu ba vitima Suai, iha 4 Marsu 2003, ha'u iha ne'eba, hafoin ha'u tau aifunan no reza ba vitima sira....no ha'u la lembra haree deputadu sira nia oin ne'ebe foti mosaun ida ne'e. - Iha 10 Setembru, komunikasaun sosial husu ha'u nia reasaun ba komunikadu imprensa ne'ebe Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu halo.", "Kontrariu ho dokumentu ba mosaun sensura, ha'u la admite, tanba HAU ASUMI responsabilidade no ha'u hein atu hatan ba Tribunal Distrital Suai, ne'ebe ami nia Estadu hela, bainhira Meritisimu Juiz sei bolu ha'u.", "Maibe karik Estadu muda tiha ona rezidensia ba Tribunal Rekursu, sei fasil liu ba ha'u , tanba ida ne'e besik liu. - Dokumentu ba Mosaun Sensura dehan: \"Prezidente Konsellu superior Majistratura Judisial no Tribunal Rekursu Timor-Leste deside averigua ba \"kazu Bere\" ba verifika kazu hetan libertasaun ilegal ida, instaurasaun korespondente.\" ba asaun penal ida no disiplinar Hanesan imi bele haree, ha'u konfuzu hela, no ha'u la hatene se Estadu ne'e kontinua hela iha Tribunal Distrital Suai ka transfere tiha ona ba Tribunal Rekursu, iha Dili.", "Ha'u hakarak fihar, ha'u gosta fihar ba ema nia fe-di'ak, katak prosesu Marternus Bere hetan tama ba Tribunal Rekursu, pelumenus iha loron 9 Setembru, loron komunikadu husi Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu.", "Ha'u aprende iha ailaran metodu ida: se mak lahatene prosesu ida, la iha direitu atu pronunsia.", "Ohin, ida ne'e sei dirije ha'u nia atuasaun.", "I, ne'eduni, ba bele iha preparasaun iha asaun penal mak sei ba instaurada kontra ha'u, mak ha'u halo kronolojia faktus, hodi kobre mos frakezas husi instituisaun seluk iha prosesu konstrusaun Estadu.", "Atu termina, Senor deputadu sira, ha'u hakarak afirma iha ne'e, katak IV Govenru Konstituisional, bainhira simu tomada-de-pose, fo prioridade boot ba sistema Justisa, iha Timor-Leste.", "Apezar de ba koloka ba fundus tan no aumenta rekursu umanu nasional no internsional, numeru kazu pendente kontinua boot nafatin hamutuk husi Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika.", "Numeru prizoneiru sira mak seidauk iha aprezentasaun ba Tribunal sei boot nafatin, bainhira ne'ebe barak bele inosente hela maibe kumpri hela pena prizaun molok sira hetan julgamentu.", "Ministeriu Justisa adopta lejislasaun fundamental no tau hela atensaun espesial ba kondisaun, material no umana, iha setor Tribunal.", "So Governu ida ne'e deit, ne'ebe ha'u lidera, bele defende interese Estadu ida ne'e nian, hatan ba espetativa povu nian no dezenvolve paiz ne'e.", "Tuir mai, deputadu hatnulu resin fo sira nia komentariu no hanoin.", "Iha kalan, Primeiru Ministru kolia dala ida tan, no Fretilin fo encerramento.", "Intervensaun Encerramentu Debate Mosaun Censura Vice Xefe Bancada Fretilin, Francisco Branco Senor PM, ita labele lori komplexidade diplomasia nian atu mai justifika ita bo'ot nia desizaun nebe viola konstituisaun.", "Kronologia nebe PM aprezenta durante minutu 90 nia laran, perante Plenarinia Uma Fukun Povo nian ida ne'e, so mai deit soe rai-rahun ba povo nia matan.", "Klaru tebes duni depois de rona tia intervensaun hosi PM, nebe hatudu klaru atentadu sistematiku kontra ita nia konstituisaun - Lei Inan Republika ida ne'e nian.", "Hahu kedas PM nia intervensaun, senor PM viola regras nebe PN estabelese tia ona liu hosi reuniaun lideres bankadas, nebe aprova guiaun nebe orienta debate ida ne'e, nebe mos hetan prezensa hosi membru Governu, maibe PM viola tia guiaun ne'e, hanesan biasa ona, viola regras legais iha estadu ida ne'e.", "Laos primeira vez ita bo'ot PM, interfere ba kompetensia sistema justisa nian, hodi viola separasaun poderes, viola esensia demokrasia, maibe ida ne'e akontese barak no sistematika ona, ida maka libertasaun estudante sunu uma eskola Bekora.", "Ami konsidera materia mosaun sensura ne'e problema interese nasional, laos tamba meramente problema MB.", "Problema ne'e interese nasional, tanba intervensaun V. Excelensia PM, iha kompetensia tribunal nian, nebe viola separasaun poderes nebe sai nudar esensia demokrasia nebe TL kaer, no viola konstituisaun republika.", "Tanba ne'e, bankada rua iha asentu iha PN halo mosaun sensura ba PM tuir regras konstituisaun.", "Estabilidade no interese nasional ne'e buat ida nebe importante tebes.", "Maibe eskperiensia mos hatudu tia ona katak ema hanesan Suhartu, Markus, Pinochet mos dala barak koalia ba interese nasional no estabilidade nasional.", "Maibe realidade hatudu katak sira nia interese rasik maka iha karik iha \"instabilidade \" nia laran Kestaun hanesan laos primeira vez maka TL enfrenta, uluk iha 2003 ita hotu sei hanoin, kazu Atsabe nebe iha infiltrasaun milisia.", "Ita estadu TL bele resolve.", "Tanba ne'e maka ami la simu no la konkorda bainhira balu hateten katak mosaun sensura ne'e atu mai deit provoka instabilidade.", "Ami kaer nafatin ba deklarasaun Bispu Bazilio katak la fiar, katak MB atu mai kria instabilidade iha rai ida ne'e iha nia relasionamentu TL - RI,. hodi mai estraga prestigiu no dignidade Estadu Indonesio nian.", "Ami la fiar,.hanesan Bispu Bazilio mos la fiar.", "Politika rekonsiliasaun nebe TL halao ho RI mai ,hosi konsensus nasional nebe parte hotu hotu defende.", "Politika rekonsiliasaun ne'e lao ho diak hosi parte rua ne'e, kaer ba ida idak nia baze legal - Lei Inan.", "Tanba atu halao politika rekonsiliasaun ka politika nebe deit ba estadu, senor PM laos bele viola konsituisaun, Ne'e lalo'os.", "Transferensia nebe ita bo'ot Senor PM deklara halo ba MB, ne'e illegal, tanba transferensia ne'e so bele halao bainhira transferensia ne'e halao hosi prizaun ida ba prizaun ida seluk, no transferensia ne'e so bele halo hosi juiz nebe iha kompetensia iha materia.", "Tanba Embaixada laos estabelesimentu prizional hanesan Deputada Fernanda Borges hateten.", "Embaixada ne'e territorio nasaun ida seluk nian.", "Tanba ne'e MB hetan estatutu foun.", "Sai hosi detensaun prizaun preventiva ba estatutu foun, nebe livre, hosi transferensia ida nebe ita bo'ot halo ba nia.", "Importante duni dezenvolvimentu nasional, maibe importante liu maka ita nudar Estadu Direitu tenki tau iha leten Konstituisaun no Lei, bainhira halo lalaok hotu iha nasaun ida ne'e nia laran.", "Ita bo't deklara ona katak asume responsabilidade ba desizaun ida ne'e, tanba ne'e , atu remata ami hakarak deklara, Senor PM Ita Bo'ot nudar uluk hanesan komandante bo'ot no lider nasional resistensia timorense, nebe sempre fo'o ezemplu diak ba ema hotu hotu nebe partisipa iha resistensia nasional hodi halo tuir.", "Tanba ne'e momentu to'o duni ona atu Ita bo'ot, reasume prinsipios sira ne'e, ho koragem rezigna-aan hosi kargu PM.", "Hodi nune'e ita bo'ot fo'o ezemplu diak, hodi hanorin gerasaun foin sae nasaun ida ne'e nian , hanesan mos Sekretariu Geral Partidu Fretilin Mari Alkatiri hatudu tia ona iha 2006, bainhira ita bo'ot rasik nudar PR egizi nia rezigna-aan, maske ho alegasaun hosi media internasional deit.", "Ho ida nune'e, ita bo'ot sei la husik ita bo'ot nia maioria Deputadus iha uma fukun Povo nian ida ne'e, hodi vota, la tuir sira nia konsiensia rasik no kontra konstituisaun republika demokratika Timor Leste.", "Obrigado wain." ]
[ [ "No Confidence Debate in Parliament Censura no Parlamento Nacional Plenary debate of the National Assembly 12 October, The main page on Maternus Bere case also English Motion for Ceasefire (English/Tetum) Local and international media Summary from parliament's Secretariat Fretilin press release by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao Opening discussion: Aniceto Guterres; Resposta do Partido FRETILIN ao Governo da República Portuguesa e Inglesa Closing speech - Francisco Brancos Intervention to open a vote Moção de Desconfiança na Câmara dos Deputados By Mr. António José Ramos-Horta Chairman Party Group Frente Revolucionária Timorense at Congressional Committee On Constitutional Reform Initiated with this resolution that was presented before us today as well As when we submitted it ourselves even though there were many attempted efforts but always believe which time is right Government will come here now according its duty under article706(3)(b), answer all questions raised against him or her" ], [ "We believe because this Government is led by a Prime Minister named Xanana Gusmao, whom we all respect as an ally and warrior or combatant. He was member of the CCF (Comité Central da Força Armada) who eventually became Commander das FALINTIL - Forces de Liberação Nacional e also Chief Resistance Leader in our national liberation struggle; he has been chosen to be first President after independence" ], [ "Mr. President, Honourable Members of the National Parliament; Excellencies and all Timor-Leste people: In a state governed by law in East Тимор there is no other way to remove Maternus Bere who has been pursuing his justice process than through constitutional means as permitted under legislation" ], [ "If he refuses to do justice or release a person from jail, his way is through the court decisions of amnesty and pardon." ], [ "Mr. President, Excellencies Intervention - Response from Your excellency Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao Text version Portuguese English There is a term no 1" ], [ "1 of the article." ], [ "According to the Constitution of Timor-Leste, a motion for censure may be lodged against: (1) Government in relation with its implementation or programme; and/or" ], [ "Thus, this motion of censure that Fretilin requested was carried out on 'matters with relevant national interest'! and the question which deserves such a motion is Mr. Maternus Bere!!" ], [ "Because of the action 'exit from Becora prison', which according to Fretilin is a \"clear affront against Timor-Leste Constitution and laws in force\", speak about Maternus Bere." ], [ "(Never imagined this person would categorize it as a 'matter of relevant national interest', in his own country!)" ], [ "And, in the document of Motion we will read: 'whoever decided to act illegally' and also say that \"the Prime Minister himself...in his statements for social communication organ ... who admitted he ordered Maternus Bere release from Becora prison without a judicial action. He accepted responsibility\"." ], [ "In the same document, Fretilin MP mentions a supposed 'proposal for amnesty of all crime committed in TL between 1974 and today'." ], [ "However, it then states that 'only a decision of the competent Court on grounds relating to matter may be considered as an action by State'." ], [ "Since I note that the requesting members of Fretilin are confused in their ideas, allow me to divide my intervention/response into part 3 for a more global approach over State problems. and therefore it will take longer than our Rules give us (about thirty minutes)." ], [ "I would like to remind everyone that in March 1983, my trial was held at Dili by an Indonesian court." ], [ "The panel of judges, whose competence is to try this case I questioned ordered me stop my 'pleading' and prohibited it from continuing with the argumentation for mine defense." ], [ "I hope that, given the importance of this 'issue with relevant national interest' as it is called for in Magna Casa democracy Democratic Republic Of Timor-Leste (DRT), distinguished MPs will not prevent me from speaking to my defense at a time when necessary." ], [ "As far as I am concerned, it is unfair for my defence to be limited by the internal rules of this Parliament." ], [ "If you do, it means that the Indonesian judge who sentenced me to life imprisonment did little or nothing in hearing my defence arguments." ], [ "National Interest - State Policy – Decision of the state I know that Fretilin's parliamentary group would like me to come here only in order for it, as a result from my illegal actions and so Parliament can conclude 'that this government which is under mine leadership has no capacity or ability at all’to lead our country." ], [ "There is no discussion of the illegality, but a broader understanding about national interest problems because as I said at first there are perspectives on issues relevant to 'national interesse' that can be legally covered by motions and brought before today’ s Plenary." ], [ "Therefore, in part I of my intervention to the House on 20th March at noon (1:35 p.m), we will address these themes as follows; National Interest and State Policy/State Decision" ], [ "Does it really matter to think first about what this is, how does that mean NATIONAL INTEREST? - I was a member of the Central Committee for Fretilin:- The change made in1986 by establishing CNRM came from concept and perspectives on interest into struggle. National Interest" ], [ "When, in 1987 the change of designation from 'CNRM' to ‘ CNRT’ took place within a context that was conducive for national interests. -When all Timorese met together at Dare I and II (in Jakarta), everything went into an international framework; when FALINTIL decided not on fighting with militias who were killing our people during August-September – this decision came out under National Interest conditions—when reconciliation meeting amongst Portuguese citizens had been held alongside border lines between two countries overseas through years as late As September/October or early October–with effective participations by Mr Mandati without any financial difficulties nor logistical problems it did so because there is no other way —and then again after several months President Megawati Sukarnoputri received acclamations throughout Indonesia: \"Thank you very much!\" Our People showed their clear perception about what constitutes `National Interessen`! And also we have seen how many times they are being called up before court..." ], [ "According to Lusa, 'for the Head of Government it is ‘practically impossible’ for a UN Security Council delegation powers on any international tribunal whatsoever and that would be more complicated than giving Timorese court authority over military personnel or policemen in Indonesia'...." ], [ "According to Lusa, the most important part concerns a statement by Prime Minister at that time Dr. Mari Alkatiri: 'No one denies or can negate justice..." ], [ "This is a sacred matter." ], [ "The pragmatic view wants the social and political development processes in each country to proceed at their normal pace, until everyone become a conscious of his responsibility for these situation (in Dr. Mari' s words)." ], [ "All these things show a precise understanding of the national interest, which will give way to State policy. -When National Parliament in its I Legislature (which held 65 seats from an overall total amounted at over eighty-eight), created Commission for Accommodation Truth and Reconciliation it was with this spirit that they defended their own nation' s best interes..." ], [ "The report of the CAVR was submitted to Parliament in November 2015." ], [ "In the motion of no confidence document, applicant MPs emphasize that 'there is total disrespect by Government for this sovereign organ and to court'." ], [ "Well, until the end of this Legislature parliamentary majority from Fretilin never took an initiative to put on agenda a debate about report and its recommendations which would greatly help State in defining policies - these only show no total interest by FRETILIN for matters with 'relevant national interesse'. When Parliament during I legislature (outof87 seat) held65-seats; created Truth & Friendship Commission working alongside Indonesia it was also within defense spirit towards National Interest" ], [ "The Prime Minister of the First Constitutional Government has signed an agreement with Indonesia." ], [ "To receive the report, Dr. Mari Alkatiri was present as an expression that what he has begun is well completed with a mission already accomplished and to express his gratitude for all of those who have helped him in this timely way at work on behalf Of His Excellency Mr President Xanana Gusmao's appointing Him Minister-Presidente da República de Timor Leste (PRD)." ], [ "However, this Parliament has never taken the initiative of putting on its agenda a discussion about that report which was submitted by President de la República and makes it difficult to implement recommendations." ], [ "With the Group Leader becoming a Commissioner in CVA and President of CAVR, Fretilin did not give up one moment but now claims that 'there is total disrespect by Government for this sovereign body'." ], [ "This shows a lack of consciousness about the national interest, and thus allows Maternus Bere to appear now as 'an issue with relevant National Interest'. -When Dr Mari Alkatiri government agreed on signing SOFA’ s notably those involving USA –as PM said during recent interview- this is within context for ‘National Interesse”." ], [ "The national interest consists in developing the nation!" ], [ "The national interest consists in defending progress, political stability and social economic security." ], [ "This national interest defends the individual' s Timor-Lesten interesse." ], [ "It is also in the national interest to create an environment of unity and cohesion, that promotes reconciliation!" ], [ "But nita can't live alone in the world." ], [ "The national interest is therefore presupposed, in compliance with No.4 of Article 8o from the Constitution RDT which was also subscribed by Mr MPs petitioner as Francisco Brancos Joaquim Amaral Elizario Ferreira Antonio Cardoso Joaquín dos Santos and Manuel Tilman on March-23rd/01" ], [ "The Constitution states: 'The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste shall maintain special ties for friendship and cooperation with neighbouring countries, as well in the region.'" ], [ "Who, those gentlemen who wrote the Republic's Constitution should know what is meant by 'special lasu? - I do not understand if MP Arseniu Bano knew about TNI entering Oe-Cusse beacon and two weeks later it happened again!" ], [ "I do not know if this is accompanied by the difficulties that exist in Oe-Cusse, with regard to border delimitation." ], [ "Because he is also a claimant, I think that she does not know." ], [ "Or because he has not gone to Oe-Cusse, or if so only in order of consolidating the party. - I also do NOT know whether MP Aniceto Guterres is aware about border delimitation at Bobonaro district area 10" ], [ "It seems that no, because the delimitation of borders for MP Aniceto Guterres is not a matter with national interest; Maternus Bere indeed has relevant nacional interesse. - I don't know if MEP from Fretilin are aware we have more than 8 thousand students at Indonesia University and therefore they should be concerned about this issue as well!" ], [ "I can understand if they do not know, that the MEPs from Fretilin are in Indonesia and therefore have no family here. At least none of them has a child studying at an Indonesian university or college wherever it is possible to get educational support for their children as well!" ], [ "God forbid, if that happens! And luck well the MP'S of Fretilin have a more strategic vision than Indonesia has." ], [ "They can leave Timor-Leste, either with Air North or Silk air. - I don't know if the MEPs from Fretilin are aware that over 75% of commercial movement in East Тимор is to Indonesia – Finally i think they have forgotten when defining Maternus Bere as a 'matter which has relevant national interest’ how much Indonesian support was given our entry into ARF (Asean Regional Forum) and we were on top line defending inclusion within ASEAN" ], [ "Who puts the interest of state first?" ], [ "What defines State policy?" ], [ "But what?" ], [ "And why? - a difficult question, which I cannot answer!" ], [ "There is more to my political competence than that." ], [ "The right house for the definition of a state is National Parliament." ], [ "I vow to be able and produce, because we will win with this thing. Learn from you!" ], [ "I ask permission to say that the policy our State will adopt is, in essence of words and deeds: To safeguard national interests. And these must be fundamentally oriented towards en-sure stability & peace; -ensures diplomacy for regional integration If we do not have a clear objective defining what are National Interests on which state politics should build up then this country does no know where it'll go from hereforward..." ], [ "Dr. Mari Alkatiri, in June 2013 told Lusa during his official visit to Jakarta: 'The Government and the Presidency of Indonesia have taken a pragmatic approach that has allowed for progress on bilateral relations between our two countries as they deal with issues every day'" ], [ "Our unwillingness to move forward with an approach that is practical will not allow us the achievement of a goal, which in real terms only creates more problems between two countries." ], [ "If the political declaration by Dr. Mari, which I have just mentioned above does not help MEPs of Fretilin' s Group open their vision on statehood then it will be my duty for reasoning and democratic solidarity - repeat again- to tell you Secretary General that your Party needs renewal!" ], [ "Krime Grave - Justisa ka Amnistia?" ], [ "The applicant MPs wrote in the Motion of Censorship: 'The release from custody for Maternus Bere is recognized ... as a political decision...'." ], [ "It goes on to say: 'Maternus Bere, the leader of Laksaur militia responsible for Suai massacre in which nearly 201 people were killed... has been liberated....'" ], [ "The document also states: 'The current situation must be seen in a wider context than the will of Government and President to present an amnesty proposal for all crimes committed on Timor-Leste between 1974 until today'." ], [ "When, however it is said that the applicant MPs are confused because in terms of ratiocinium nothing contradict." ], [ "In a meeting with the groups represented in Parliament, from this Legislature to which President of Republic is convicted our Head Of State gave us an outline and said: 'The decisions are your hands." ], [ "If the parties consider that this is a matter of national interest, then they can discuss it." ], [ "Fretilin agreed, leaving the decision to other parties." ], [ "But if you think that this matter is of no importance, I as President will not put pressure on anyone.'" ], [ "Thus the President of PSD and will be as a Member, Eng." ], [ "Mario Carrascalao suggested that, instead of 1974 and not from the year before (2036), it is now since a few years ago." ], [ "In order to avoid any doubt, I recall an interview given me on June 12th of that year by the then Prime Minister Dr. Mari Alkatiri: 'Give Parliament a decision about amnesty which in my view is only one solution for this problem'" ], [ "This is an issue that deserves a national debate in Timor-Leste.'" ], [ "Further, Dr. Mari states: 'I think that this debate should analyse the whole policy in relation to [justice] issue's scope and its implications for our society as a entirely political entity.\"" ], [ "As a citizen and as prime minister I will be advocating amnesty in this debate because i think that justice has been done, it is time to bring these people back into society.'" ], [ "What are the objectives of CAVR?" ], [ "To produce a list of criminals and take them to court?" ], [ "What do you want, as a state?" ], [ "Justice?" ], [ "If it is not justice, what kind of Justice?" ], [ "Mata ba matan, nehan... ka… mata-mata." ], [ "Justice with our own hands?" ], [ "Isn't that justice?" ], [ "To the Indonesian generals and them alone?" ], [ "Or is it only the militia that should be punished?" ], [ "Justice is just justice, does it apply to the 1980 case?" ], [ "In other cases before 1980, can one just forget?" ], [ "What is the notion of justice in relation to Haitians?" ], [ "Do the political parties have nothing to answer?" ], [ "UDT?" ], [ "Fretilin itself?" ], [ "What about the other parties that signed integration agreements to invade and occupy?" ], [ "Or is the CAVR result false?" ], [ "Do the CAVR recommendations make no sense?" ], [ "The applicant MPs from Fretilin were wrong immediately, when they stated that 'the Government will ... to present a proposal for an amnesty' because never in any event have I declared as the Head of government my own Cabinet would take such initiative." ], [ "The parties that make up AMP have no particular interest in the Amnesty Law." ], [ "Of the 5 parties, only ASDT has had a record of participation in it since its founding (1974)." ], [ "Neither PD nor PSD, which came only from the Constituent Assembly and even less UNDERTIM or CNRT until they appeared in 2017." ], [ "Who is interested in an amnesty law from the Government Party?" ], [ "What will, in terms of money and benefits can this government have - formed only by parties that were not directly involved with the massacres from1974-5? To present a proposal for an amnesty law." ], [ "As a Party, none! - No AMP party and therefore no government I led was responsible for the violence or murders that took place from April 1974 to August of this year. – Not one APC is involved in civil war which occurred on December-January/20th (December) !–No ANC group can be held liable by any other ACP partisan organization as it did not take responsibility at all during these events: The massacre against Francisco Xavier Amaral; his imprisonment with torture until death after being executed alongside many others innocent people who were killed when they tried their way out into public space while supporting Baze para Apoio!!" ], [ "Therefore, talking about the \"will of government\" until they want to make it clear that parties who constitute IV Constitutional Government have a crime which must be resolved by justice!" ], [ "And, charisma members of Parliament: I speak - Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao!" ], [ "I was a member of the Central Committee from 1975 to2086, and fought for something that many among you did not have responsibility in your pockets. Now it is now one more big task which lies before us: fiscalize government actions!" ], [ "In December 1986, I sent a message to comrades overseas that it was my moral and political duty for them all in the country of Timor-Leste: we also commit crimes!" ], [ "I have to say... many people don't agree with this!" ], [ "I said at the first Fretilin Conference, in May 2013 on Jinaziu that together with my comrades from FRETILIN we have assumed all of our mistakes until December." ], [ "And that all the people of Timor-Leste can rest easy because, from 1987 to's2035 I led this struggle and assumed responsibility for every crime committed by CNRM (National Resistance Movement), CNT(Congress Party) or FALINTIL." ], [ "I hope that the merits of Judge Suai are listening to me, so we can believe he will give value for State decision which District Court is taking." ], [ "However, such a proposal for an amnesty law from 1974 that does not affect anything of the AMP Party must be regarded as political acts by State." ], [ "A proposed amnesty law, of 1974 implied recognition for certain crimes - \"war-crime\" conventionalized as Serious Crime!" ], [ "However, now that the case of Martenus Bere is considered a relevant national issue. Does Fretilin's parliamentary group accept this as an amnesty law? Is it not contrary to its justice concept?\"" ], [ "Amnesty means a political act, never of the courts to forgive any crime." ], [ "Why do we have to forgive a sin?" ], [ "Where is this notion of Justice? - that's the question which documents for a Motion to Censor imply in its spirit." ], [ "Because the applicant MPs know that I did not remove Martenus Bere to make him sink back into sea." ], [ "If 'the Government's decision to order the release of Mr. Martenus Bere from Becora prison is a clear affront against Timor-Leste Constitution and law in force, I would be very happy if any group within Parliament attempted an amnesty bill for this great crime committed by 1974 under our constitution.\"" ], [ "I have notified my Party, CNRT to avoid conflicting with the Constitution of Timor-Leste and save labour for Fretilin." ], [ "Why, ladies and gentlemen of Parliament? I'm trying to imagine a legal pandemonium on the issue!" ], [ "Article 162 of the Constitution (oh sorry, it is not written; Fretilin's six deputies and others wrote this constitution) states: 'acts committed between April-30th/April -74 to December –95 shall be considered as crime against humanity or genocide. They are liable for joint criminal proceeding by both national court & international tribunal.\"" ], [ "Therefore, when accepted from a more positive perspective if Fretilin agrees to the proposed law it would appear as inconsistent with its value for justice." ], [ "A big dilemma for conscience!" ], [ "When the law was passed and promulgated in a closed court of appeal, when it came into force Parliament interfered with its competence because only Court decisions are State rulings as stated on motion paper." ], [ "Parliament in this case, can legalize something illegal to legitimize an unconstitutional thing." ], [ "Do you think that if there is a law to legalize something illegal, then no more violation of the principle?" ], [ "In this case, if Fretilin participated in the approval of an Amnesty Law one could ask why and for what reason all that is related to Martenus Bere has made him so proud because he now becomes a \"relevant issue\" within Timor-Leste' s national interest?" ], [ "We must remember that in order to present the bill, Fretilin MPs did not sign it after obtaining approval by a majority of AMP members and then FRETILIN took up unconstitutionality before Court Recourse." ], [ "And I trust the independence of courts, law will be unconstitutional and affront as great crime committed since April 1974." ], [ "I repeat, the AMP Party as a party would not lose in absolute terms without this Amnesty Law because no one was found directly involved with crimes from April of '74 to December'90." ], [ "State Institutions: Legality and Illegitimacy The applicant MP also justifies the Motion in terms such as \"Maternus Bere....gives liberty to an act that is not judicial.\"" ], [ "No \"hass Maternus Bere from Becora prison without judicial act.\"" ], [ "The \"government's decision -- this is a clear challenge to the Constitution and law in force of our country." ], [ "That is, \"if he decides to do so then it'll be illegal.\"" ], [ "Our State has 7 years for the construction process and Timor-Leste is on a fragile state list, so what I'm going to present you with today are real situations of development in our country." ], [ "I have an obligation to do this, because it will be responsible for the real thing and not give way in political opportunism with little responsibility." ], [ "I'm now going to give you a chronology of the facts: - Maternus Bere entered legally on August 9, that is with an entry visa in his passport." ], [ "In one of the government agencies; - victim's family members saw him and beat his head-principle to not admit justice in our own hands. Politics avoided arrest, knowing what they had beforehand: hand it over for prosecution – Suai District Court started proceeding with preventive detention order giving a warning" ], [ "There is a clear disregard for UNTAET Regulation No. 2015 on \"the establishment of chambers with exclusive and special jurisdiction over serious offences,\" which established the exclusionary competence only to be exercised by any court except that it pertains solely in Dili District Court or Tribunal Recurso (Appeal)." ], [ "The Code of Criminal Procedure, through Decree-Law no.13/2095 on December 4th safeguards especially the regime and beginning with UNTAET Regulation No:687 from January to March (Regulation) - Please agree that Suai District Court did not issue an arrest order for Marternus Bere because he was being tortured; this is irrational if we all think so!!" ], [ "No. 2 of article number threety in the Constitution states that \"no person may be detained or imprisoned except under terms expressly provided for by laws,\" always with a competent judge to assess them within legal time limitations and without prejudice on any other right which he has pursuant thereto.\"" ], [ "This did not happen. That wasn't the case, but it would have happened if they had done so in advance!" ], [ "And, therefore it is a case to ask the distinguished Fretilin MPs: In particular who violates constitution and law in force on our land?" ], [ "Because only the decision of a District Court (which is not competent in relation to this matter) can be considered...a State's?" ], [ "The District Judge has also violated the Constitution, Penal Code and Regulation No. 10/98 of July" ], [ "2015, by UNTAET?" ], [ "Here, we must all look at the independence of courts and separation between power." ], [ "Why is the State alone, for us to be judged by Tribunal?" ], [ "Competent or not competent? - On the 26th, while I was in a meeting with President of National Parliament and he spoke to me on telephone (I am here personally at this Noble Hall), it is clear that we are ready for these two presidents." ], [ "When I arrived there, the Prime Minister was on a telephone conversation with Ministry Secretary Hassan Wirajuda." ], [ "The PR told us later that the Indonesian minister came to him and appealed for a look at Maternus Bere's case, in spirit of Truth & Friendship Commission. He said it would be our fault if we did not prevent her from entering Indonesia" ], [ "CVA, in one of its recommendations suggested a greater coordination for activities at the borders especially on this matter." ], [ "Hassan Wirayuda appealed to our President for intercession, together with the State's authorities of Timor-Leste on this case. - With regret that we failed in granting a visa – and it means you have not done all these processes regarding sensitization about CVA recommendations– I ask therefore your Excellency (the PR) speak up at Prokuradoria Geral da República when PGR answer him(her)." ], [ "The reason for this request, on my part is to safeguard the independence of Institution and avoid interference from Government. - Then I talked with Minister Justice about that case; when she got information first tried contact Maternus Bere's lawyer (Public Defender) in order see a good legal way out – yes government has made movement but not directly interfere so as facilitate processes- On August 28th Mr President after he had been touched up by PGR sent me over there where we met Deputy Prosecutor General & International prosekutors following recommendation given through Dr Mário de Almeida" ], [ "Ana Pessoa, who lives in Singapore." ], [ "I immediately called Dr. Vicente, the Deputy P-G and also two internationals -Dr Arlindo Figueredo & dr Luis Landim – who all assured me that Prosecutor' s Office was not simply involved in this case; it had a lot more to do than just investigate what happened at 1984" ], [ "Even though they were not aware of the case, it was offered to assist Marternus Bere's lawyer in finding an appropriate legal route for solving this problem." ], [ "So it appears that the lawyer has submitted a request to Court for his release on health ground. - The Minister of Justice also offered contact between lawyers and prosecutors 3-on January, we learned from Martiru Bere' s Lattorney made an application which was only needed confirmation by medical board in court" ], [ "Bolu Minister of Health and he is ready to help find a solution." ], [ "For reasons of legality, we took as an example Mr. Rogerio Lobato who was offered to us by the III Constitutional Government in pledge on our inauguration day - On August 30th I am concerned because there is no information about this case and so before noon (8:15 a)." ], [ "The Chief of Police therefore informed me about the lack Of progress on this case, when Suai District Court Judge had difficulty contacting him because he decided to spend a weekend at Oecusse." ], [ "And I hope - as well, like i want to trust people's good faith- that the Meritism of District Judge comes from Atambua and Kefa because Indonesia did not close border only for national interest in Timor Leste." ], [ "And if they close the border, for reasons of Indonesian national interest I have no answer to this." ], [ "At our request, during the crisis Indonesia closed its border to safeguard Timor-Leste's national interest. - Meanwhile I received a telephone call from Minister Zacarias who was waiting for minister Hassan at Dili airport and informed me of his concern about an unresolved Maternus Bere case that has not been resolvet by Indonesian officials until now" ], [ "I have asked the Chief of Police to contact Minister Lucia, Defensor-General Dr. Sergio Hornai and Internal President Natercia from Tribunal de Recurso (Court Of Appeal)." ], [ "When the Acting President of Court and Justice Minister arrived, we met in an entrance hall at our Palace." ], [ "Dr Natercia said she could not do anything, because the proceedings belonged to Suai District Court." ], [ "I said that there was a need to look at the problem, in political terms and not so much legalistically but because it is prohibited by law we ended up moving forward with them." ], [ "I know, in my heart that the President of Republic is also waiting if i can tell us some solution but since no solutions have been found and instead only difficulties are being encountered according to orders given by him. so it was decided for me not a reply or any contact with Mr PR be made - Today at their request elsewhere on this phone call from Minister Zacharias informing them minister Hassan will make an issue about coming here whenever he has guaranteed his decision regardling our case" ], [ "Minister Hassan reminded the good faith of both States when establishing CVA and that lack a solution to Martyrnu Bere's case could affect confidence in relations between 2 countries. - I have asked Interim President, Merit Judge Dr Natercia for an emergency meeting at Palace Waiting Room: The interlocutor has said he is not sure whether there will be any resolution on this matter but it would make sense if we had some kind-of agreement with Indonesia as well;" ], [ "I have also called the Minister of Justice and PNTL Commander-General." ], [ "I explained to them that we need a decision and it must be political." ], [ "I have asked and insisted with the interim President of Tribunal de Recurso to help solve this problem, see how we can get out from here." ], [ "Because I am speaking in a loud language, during our speech Dr. Natercia said: \"Prime Minister the time of war is over!" ], [ "And I answered, \"Yes and that's why i call you all to come together so we can solve this problem." ], [ "We all accept that it is absolutely necessary, taking into account every factor and we cannot be simply pure legalists." ], [ "This is part of the State's policy.\"" ], [ "So I went to the Minister of Justice and told her that she should take Marternus Bere from Becora prison." ], [ "The Minister reminded that she could issue an order only if he had the Court's authorization." ], [ "Dr. Natercia, then insisted - and I appreciated her consistency in this regard- that according to legal terms she could not do anything but give what it was possible -- which is a position of my appreciation as well because he understood there must be flexibility for the action necessary both so we can preserve our judicial system while also responding towards national interest; afterwards went back with his argument: \"Without prison being your responsibility you are competent minister when transferring Maternus somewhere else than Becora.\"" ], [ "Thankful for this idea and knowing that we cannot make much progress on the case, I have given orders to Minister of Justice Marternus Bere from Becora transferred into Indonesian Embassy." ], [ "The Minister refused, and I said: \"If you don't do it then i will go there myself to get him out.\" -The minister contact the Indonesian Embassy in Maternus Bere for a quick trip but did not return back home because she wanted all of this process completed first.-the ministry also directed Chief Prison Guards; however when police appeared at Becora without any documents from court he failed his order" ], [ "In fact, this deserves to be noted; his professionalism is evident." ], [ "I have sent the Minister to convey that my responsibility has been assumed, but he must obey this order." ], [ "- Before midday, I had a meeting with Minister Hassan. He told me that he could not send Maternus Bere back so quickly and also must respect the current system in his country where this man can only return when it's over; at least they have to observe separation of power.\"- At an evening ceremony for awarding medal by President Natersia said: \"Prime minister we are going into trouble!" ], [ "Aniseto knows this and he will take the issue to Parliament,\" which I answered: \"Go ahead! Go!\" - The Government continued its efforts. On 1 or on September'2nd Dr Sergio Hornai came up at our invitation for an examination of what was happening in that medical board; one example is Rogerio Lobatos case (I repeat).- We were delightful when Mr Judge from Suai District Court ordered UNPOL district commissioner To investigate about Maternu Bere whereabouts so they could be taken back into Becora prison.\"" ], [ "I think that the Meritisimu Judge of Suai District Court thought as distinct MEPs from Fretilin: \"only a competent court decision ....may be considered State\"." ], [ "Our state, the State of Timor-Leste in this matter already has an address - it is at Suai's District Court!" ], [ "I don't know why we are wasting time here, in this Parliament because our State is at Suai!. - On September 2nd the President of Republic summoned me and Dr Mari Alkatiri to talk about that issue Maternus Bere (the Mother Beer)." ], [ "Mr Dr Marii Alkatiri, Secretary-General of Fretilin said that the decision can only be political." ], [ "Dr Marii Alkatiri also suggested a medical board, as an alternative option to facilitate the release process." ], [ "I express my regret, because we have already tried this and not achieved any results due to the lack of political will from Justice. - All individuals in Dili were invitet for a ceremony on September 8th at Suai firstly then Augst'30 th" ], [ "And the journalist Jill Jolife wrote an article in Australia stating that I went to Suai 2 days before, convincing Bishop II of move celebration for day two so as not coincide with massacre which occurred on Day six." ], [ "In fact, I only arrived in Suai on the 7th day. On that very same date i had a meeting with family members of victims to explain their decision by state authorities and they were all delighted!" ], [ "But they showed maturity and only demanded that the government improve roads, provide water & electricity supply; repair bridge. build more schools& increase medical facilities" ], [ "And, I can also say: when the inauguration of a memorial for Suai victims was made on March 4th in this year...I'm there afterwards and prayed to them....and i don’t remember seeing any members who passed that resolution. - On September10 social media asked me about my reaction at press release by President Tribunal Recurso (Court Of Appeal)." ], [ "Contrary to the document for a motion of censure, I do not admit it because i take responsibility and waits in order that answer at Suai District Court where my state is located when Meritisimu Judge will call me." ], [ "- The document for the Motion of Censorship says: \"The President, Supreme Council Judicial Magistracy and Tribunal Recourse Timor-Leste decided to investigate on 'the Bere case' in order that it be verified whether there has been an illegal release. To institute a corresponding criminal or disciplinary action.\" As you can see I am still confused about this matter as well; i do not know if he continues being held at Suai District Court (STC) nor have his cases already transferred from TRC Dili(TRD)." ], [ "I would like to hope, and trust in good faith that the Marternus Bere case will be brought before a Court of Appeal at least on 9 September as announced by its President." ], [ "I learned a method on the spot: if you are in charge of an affair, there is no right to pronounce." ], [ "Today, this will guide my actions." ], [ "And so, in order to prepare for the criminal action that will be instituted against me I have made a chronology of facts which also covers other institutions' weakness during state building." ], [ "To conclude, ladies and gentlemen Members of Parliament I would like to affirm here that the IV Constitutional Government when it took office gave high priority for justice system in Timor-Leste." ], [ "In spite of additional funds and increased human resources, both nationally as well in international contexts the outstanding caseload remained high according to Prokuradoria-Geral da República." ], [ "The number of prisoners who have not been brought before the court is still high, while many may be innocent but are serving their sentences in jail until they go to trial." ], [ "The Ministry of Justice has adopted fundamental legislation and is paying special attention to the conditions, material as well As human ones in court sector." ], [ "Only this Government, which I am heading can defend the interests of our country and meet its people' s expectations to develop it." ], [ "Afterwards, 80 MPs gave their comments and thoughts." ], [ "That evening, the Prime Minister collapsed once again and Fretilin gave encerramento." ], [ "Intervention Closing Debate Motion of No-confidence Vice Chairperson Fretilin Bancada, Francisco Branco Mr. PM we cannot bring the complexity in diplomacy to justify our great decision which violates constitutions 10" ], [ "The chronology that the PM presented during 90 minutes, before this Plenary of House Fukun People's only came to soil in people’ s eyes." ], [ "It is very clear after hearing the PM's intervention, that there has been a systematic attack on our constitution - this Mother Law of Republic." ], [ "Immediately after the PM's intervention, Mr. Prime Minister violated rules that were already established by Parliament through a meeting of party leaders which approved guidelines for this debate and was attended also from members in Government but as usual he broke these guidance lines violing legal regulation on his state" ], [ "It is not the first time that our Prime Minister interferes with justice system competence, violating separation of powers and essence democracy. But this has been happening many times in a systematic manner; one example was student liberation burning Bekora school building!" ], [ "We consider the subject of a motion to censure is an issue in national interest, not merely because MB has problems." ], [ "The problem is of national interest, because the intervention by Your Excellency PM within court jurisdiction violates separation between powers which are at its core in democracy and contravenes Constitution." ], [ "Therefore, two of the parliamentary groups with seats in Parliament voted against PM Modi under constitutional rules." ], [ "Stability and the national interest are very important." ], [ "But experience has also shown that people like Suhartu, Markus and Pinochet often speak for the national interests of stability." ], [ "But reality shows that they have their own interests if there is \"instability\" in the country. This issue was not first time for TL to face, as we all remember from 2013 with Atsabe case where militia had been insided and attacked a police station on July of last year (see below)." ], [ "It state TL can solve. ita estado Tl" ], [ "That is why we do not accept or agree when some say that the motion of no confidence was only intended to provoke unrest." ], [ "We still hold on to the statement of Bishop Bazilio that he is not trustworthy, and says MB wants instability within this country through his relationship with Indonesia. He will damage Indonesian State' s prestige & dignity .\"" ], [ "I believe,.hanesan Bishop Bazilio we must trust it ;" ], [ "The policy of reconciliation that TL pursued with RI came from the national consensus which all parties defended." ], [ "The reconciliation policy is being well implemented by both sides, each based on its own legal basis - the Mother Law." ], [ "Because in order to pursue a policy of reconciliation or politics that is only for the state, Mr. PM cannot violate constitutional laws; it'd be unlawful!" ], [ "The transfer that our dear Mr. PM declared made to the MB, is illegal because it can only take place when a transportation from one prison into another has been carried out and this may be done by judges who have competence in matters of such nature as these ones are concerned with;" ], [ "Because the embassy is not a prison establishment as deputy Fernanda Borges says." ], [ "The embassy is on the territory of another country." ], [ "As a result, MB was granted new statutes." ], [ "From preventive detention to a new, freer status by the transfer that we have made of him." ], [ "National development is important, but it's even more so that we as a rule of law must respect the Constitution and Law when doing everything in this country." ], [ "We have declared that we take responsibility for this decision, therefore to conclude our declaration Mr. Prime Minister Ita Bo'ot as a former great commander and national leader of the Timorese resistance who always set an example in order all those participating on National Resistance should follow it ;" ], [ "Therefore, the time has come for you to take up these principles again and courageously resign from your post as PM." ], [ "In this way, we will set a good example to teach the young generation of our country as Fretilin Party General Secretary Mari Alkatiri did in 2016 when he himself resigned from Egypt's prime minister post despite allegations by international media." ], [ "Thus, we will not allow our overwhelming majority of MP in this lower house to vote against their own conscience and the constitutional order for Timor-Leste." ], [ "Thank you wain." ] ]
Terus Tebes! Ha’u Bele Terus, Maibé Ha’u La Husu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Terus Tebes! Ha’u Bele Terus, Maibé Ha’u La Husu\nTerus Tebes! Ha’u Bele Terus, Maibé Ha’u La Husu\nDILI (TATOLI)- Ha’u hela iha ne’e, hasoru buat oi-oin. Osan la iha, hahan la iha. Sente laran moras bainhira ha’u-nia maun-nia oan sira boot hotu, sira duni sai tiha ha’u, husi Bebora. Ha’u terus tebes! Ha’u bele terus, maibé ha’u la ba husu hahan ba ema ida, esforsu aan hola fós haknauk hodi han, hodi sustenta ha’u-nia vida.\nHaklaken vulnerável Domingas dos Santos ho tanis no laran triste ba jornalista sira, iha aldeia Manufuik-Aitarak laran, suku Kampung Baru, iha fim-de-semana ne’e hodi konta tuir nia moris.\nMoris nu’udar faluk, kbiit laek, kondisaun uma ne’ebé taka ho kalen feruzen, didin ho kaleng no triplet ku’ak, avó Domingas nia odamatan nafatin la taka ba nia família sira, liu-liu nia subriñu sira maske nia sujere buka rasik han no hemu.\n“Ha’u na’in buka ha’u nian hodi han hemu rasik. Ha’u hanoin buat hotu-hotu difísil ba ha’u. Kanku ne’e iha ona, foin ha’u sente ba di’ak oituan,” haktuir avó Domingas, ne’ebé durante ne’e hatutan nia moris ho kankun ne’ebé kuda hale’u iha nia hela fatin ne’e.\n“Ha’u ku’u kankun to’o agora de’it,” hatutan avó Domingas, oan daruak husi maun-alin na’in tolu, maun Pedro Manuel monteiro, komandante pelotaun iha 1975 (mate tanba inimigu tiru ho bazoka iha Aileu) no Isabel dos Santos, iha Likisa hamutuk ho inan agora.\nMoris la fásil, situasaun moris komplikadu, kondisaun la favorese lori vulnerável Domingas dos Santos, maske loron manas, hoban aan iha tahu laran hodi kuda, kuidadu no ku’a nafatin kanku. Ho atividade ne’e, prejudika mós ba nia saúde, tan ne’e avó Domingas mós moras bebeik.\n“Di’ak tiha, ha’u ku’a fali. Be’e to’o iha ne’e (kanotak), bee hoban ha’u. Ha’u ku’a oras ida, loro-kraik, kalan ha’u moras ona. Ha’u ku’a loron ida nian, ha’u bele hola ha’u-nia masin, masako, masin-midar, kafé hodi pake (uza),” vulnerável Domingas dos Santos konta tuir.\nAvó Domingas, jerasaun uma lisan Lauhou, aldeia Hato Matili, suku Asumanu, Munisípiu Likisa ne’ebé hela ona iha Díli dezde 1982 ne’e konta tuir tan katak alende hola nesesidade bázika hirak ne’e, maske moras nia iha korajen hodi luta konkista moras hodi nafatin ku’a kanku hetan netik nafatin duit ruma, loron tolu ka haat hanesan ne’e hodi hola fós nune’e mós ai-moruk ba saúde. Moras hkbiit aan ho orasaun no husu tulun matebian sira mós.\n“Maske loron manas maibé ha’u obriga aan. Ha’u moras la ku’a, ha’u di’ak fali kontinua ku’a. La ku’a mós ha’u atu lori saida hodi hola buat hotu-hotu presiza? Ha’u tenke ku’a duni. Ne’ebé, ha’u moris ho kanku to’o agora,” suspira oan doben husi Maria dos Santos no Manuel dos Santos (matebian, mate iha 2002) ne’e.\nVulnerável ne’ebé moris iha loron 4 maiu 1968, iha knua Lauhou, suku Asumanu, Munisípiu Likisa ne’e, bainhira ho otas sei forte hela hamutuk ho maun sira balun, maun sira ne’e fó fiar hodi tau-matan no kuidadu nia oan sira to’o fetoran no mane klosan, hamutuk na’in neen.\nIkus mai, tan problema uma laran, sira duni sai avó Domingas husi uma-laran. Tan ne’e maske sente laran todan, maibé avó Domingas konta katak deside ho fuan hodi sai husi uma laran, hodi muda tiha ba hela iha Ai-tarak laran, Díli ne’e.\n“Foin dadauk iha 2004 ne’e mak nia hirus ha’u, nia duni tiha ha’u, ha’u mós sente la di’ak ida. Ema nia oan boot ona, ha’u tenke pindah (muda) sai, ne’e mak ha’u hodi mai hela iha ne’e to’o agora ne’e,” nia hanoin hikas ho matan-been.\nBainhira mai hela iha Ai-tarak laran, aldeia Manufuik ne’e, hela ho fali família balun, maske nune’e ema barak demais fatin sira mós klot nune’e nia deside, hodi nia kbiit rasik, ho tulun husi foinsa’e sira balun, nia konsege haketak aan hodi moris iha fatin simples ida.\nIha ne’e, subriñu sira balun hanoin hetan nia no mai sira hela besik malu. Ida serbisu nu’udar limpezadór ka cleaner, ida nu’udar estudante.\n“Han hemu, ha’u na’in tanggung (responsabiliza-red) ha’u-nia aan rasik, sira na’in tanggung sira nian. Buat hotu-hotu la iha ha’u nonok de’it, ha’u la husu ida. Ha’u ba husu ha’u-nia maun nia ferik oan mós ha’u sente la di’ak. Ha’u na’in esforsu aan, ha’u na’in buka rasik,” nia akresenta.\nRazaun, avó Domingas lakohi husu tan sente moe katak ema bele dehan: Bainhira ita husu ema seluk, ema dehan ó-nia liman fuan la iha ó labele kaer, buka han hemu? Ida ne’e de’it. Nia la brani atu husu ba ema.\n“Biar ha’u fós la iha, fós hotu ona, la han, entaun ha’u esforsu aan tenke ku’a kanku. Ha’u bele moras oinsá mós tenke obriga ha’u tenke ku’a. Ha’u ku’a para lori fa’an dala tolu, ha’u foti fós karon ida,” nia esplika.\nDala ida tan, tan moras bebeik, avó Domingas bolu labarik ida, hodi sai nu’udar oan haki’ak (Binoy la’ós naran loos-red) husi família balun atu bele ajuda nia tein no fase nia ropa, depois ba eskola.\nEnkuantu nia subriñu, subriña sira ne’e, sira na’in haree sira nian, hanesan sira hanoin maibé nia dehan la husu. “Hanoin, imi nia tian ida mak ha’u, imi bele fó, maibé la iha to’o iha ne’ebé mós ha’u la husu ida. Ita-nia sentimentu ne’e, tenke ser hanoin buat hotu-hotu,” tenik avó Domingas.\nIha kondisaun seluk, maske iha oan haki’ak maibé moris hetok sei susar nafatin basá uma mahon ne’ebé nia hela la fó mahon di’ak tan udan anin sei tama borus, bee fo’er no plástiku aat sira lalin hamutuk liuhusi valeta ku’ak sira, hahalok husi viziñu sira balun, paradu iha nia hela fatin, maske nia hato’o ona keisa ba xefe aldeia sira.\n“Udan tuun mai, bee tama to’o uma laran no estraga hotu oan haki’ak nia livru sira pois habai fali hodi uza ba eskola. Udan borus husi kakuluk tama husi didin-lolon, varanda bee nakonu,” nia haktuir.\n“Ha’u terus loos, ha’u-nia uma aat. Uma hanesan ne’e, buat hotu-hotu dodok tuun mai tama husi ne’e. Tanba li’ur fo’er halo ha’u moras lapara para de’it. Ha’u la tahan ida. Ha’u ko’alia semak atu rona. So klin, buat hotu-hotu mai butuk iha kuartu laran ne’e. Terus no ha’u terus loos,” halerik avó Domingas dos Santos.\nVulnerável ne’e konta tuir, ho idade ne’ebé avansada ona ne’e, hafoin ukun aan, nia foin hetan fós kilo tolu, supermi falun haat no ikan lata rua.\nTuir mai, fós karun ida, dala rua iha Motael. “To’o agora, tinan lima ona la iha. la hetan buat ida,” avó Domingas relembra tuir.\nIha esperiénsia moris ne’ebé nakonu ho inserteza, la tane liman ba ema ida, ho korajen moris iha situasaun difisíl ne’ebé moris dependente ba kanku buras, depende ba rai bokur, maske tenke habai aan iha loron manas, isin iha taho laran, ikus mai inserteza sai serteza ida.\nKatak, kondisaun moris ne’e, uma kreda katólika liuhusi parokia Motael, kapela São Operário Ai-tarak laran, lidera husi pe. David da Conceição, via Programa Ajuda Kbiit Laek haktuir ba mensajen Papa Francisco nian katak fulan novembru nu’udar fulan espesiál ba kbiit laek sira, ho tulun husi komunidade sira harii hela uma mahon ida ba avó Domingas.\nUma ne’e sei harii ho tamañu 5m X 6 m ho finanseiru dolár 661 no reforsa husi empreza timoroan ida STAR PRINTING ho voluntáriu to’o remata inklui nesesidade bázika sira seluk. Apoiu vulnerál husi parokia Motael, Díli ne’e ho slogan “O-nia moris folin laek bainhira la fahe ho ema seluk”\nUma ne’e harii husi grupu voluntáriu foinsa’e timoroan ne’ebé reprezenta husi munisípiu hotu iha Timor-Leste. Konstrusaun ba uma ne’e lansa iha sábadu, 16 dezembru 2017, semana ne’e.\n“BERSATU KITA TEGUH, BERCERAI KITA RUNTUH” ka etimolojikamente traduz katak HAMUTUK ITA FORTE, FAHE MALU ITA MONU.\nPrevious articleVONG Husu Prezerva Identidade Kultura\nNext articleAjuda Umanitária Hosi Xina Hola Parte Kooperasaun Bilaterál\nBCTL disemina prevensaun brankamentu kapitál ba estudante Tékniku Vokasionál Becora\nDILI, 18 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)— Organizasaun Sagrada Família (OSF) no Eis FALINTIL-sira kondena makas hahalok violentu ne'ebe hamate saudozu Celestino Boavida “Lemorai” iha Uasufa, suku Namanei, postu administrativu...
[ "Terus Tebes!", "Ha'u Bele Terus, Maibe Ha'u La Husu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Terus Tebes!", "Ha'u Bele Terus, Maibe Ha'u La Husu Terus Tebes!", "Ha'u Bele Terus, Maibe Ha'u La Husu DILI (TATOLI) - Ha'u hela iha ne'e, hasoru buat oi-oin.", "Osan la iha, hahan la iha.", "Sente laran moras bainhira ha'u-nia maun-nia oan sira boot hotu, sira duni sai tiha ha'u, husi Bebora.", "Ha'u terus tebes!", "Ha'u bele terus, maibe ha'u la ba husu hahan ba ema ida, esforsu aan hola fos haknauk hodi han, hodi sustenta ha'u-nia vida.", "Haklaken vulneravel Domingas dos Santos ho tanis no laran triste ba jornalista sira, iha aldeia Manufuik-Aitarak laran, suku Kampung Baru, iha fim-de-semana ne'e hodi konta tuir nia moris.", "Moris nu'udar faluk, kbiit laek, kondisaun uma ne'ebe taka ho kalen feruzen, didin ho kaleng no triplet ku'ak, avo Domingas nia odamatan nafatin la taka ba nia familia sira, liu-liu nia subrinu sira maske nia sujere buka rasik han no hemu.", "\"Ha'u na'in buka ha'u nian hodi han hemu rasik.", "Ha'u hanoin buat hotu-hotu difisil ba ha'u.", "Kanku ne'e iha ona, foin ha'u sente ba di'ak oituan,\" haktuir avo Domingas, ne'ebe durante ne'e hatutan nia moris ho kankun ne'ebe kuda hale'u iha nia hela fatin ne'e.", "\"Ha'u ku'u kankun to'o agora de'it,\" hatutan avo Domingas, oan daruak husi maun-alin na'in tolu, maun Pedro Manuel monteiro, komandante pelotaun iha 1975 (mate tanba inimigu tiru ho bazoka iha Aileu) no Isabel dos Santos, iha Likisa hamutuk ho inan agora.", "Moris la fasil, situasaun moris komplikadu, kondisaun la favorese lori vulneravel Domingas dos Santos, maske loron manas, hoban aan iha tahu laran hodi kuda, kuidadu no ku'a nafatin kanku.", "Ho atividade ne'e, prejudika mos ba nia saude, tan ne'e avo Domingas mos moras bebeik.", "\"Di'ak tiha, ha'u ku'a fali.", "Be'e to'o iha ne'e (kanotak), bee hoban ha'u.", "Ha'u ku'a oras ida, loro-kraik, kalan ha'u moras ona.", "Ha'u ku'a loron ida nian, ha'u bele hola ha'u-nia masin, masako, masin-midar, kafe hodi pake (uza),\" vulneravel Domingas dos Santos konta tuir.", "Avo Domingas, jerasaun uma lisan Lauhou, aldeia Hato Matili, suku Asumanu, Munisipiu Likisa ne'ebe hela ona iha Dili dezde 1982 ne'e konta tuir tan katak alende hola nesesidade bazika hirak ne'e, maske moras nia iha korajen hodi luta konkista moras hodi nafatin ku'a kanku hetan netik nafatin duit ruma, loron tolu ka haat hanesan ne'e hodi hola fos nune'e mos ai-moruk ba saude.", "Moras hkbiit aan ho orasaun no husu tulun matebian sira mos.", "\"Maske loron manas maibe ha'u obriga aan.", "Ha'u moras la ku'a, ha'u di'ak fali kontinua ku'a.", "La ku'a mos ha'u atu lori saida hodi hola buat hotu-hotu presiza?", "Ha'u tenke ku'a duni.", "Ne'ebe, ha'u moris ho kanku to'o agora,\" suspira oan doben husi Maria dos Santos no Manuel dos Santos (matebian, mate iha 2002) ne'e.", "Vulneravel ne'ebe moris iha loron 4 maiu 1968, iha knua Lauhou, suku Asumanu, Munisipiu Likisa ne'e, bainhira ho otas sei forte hela hamutuk ho maun sira balun, maun sira ne'e fo fiar hodi tau-matan no kuidadu nia oan sira to'o fetoran no mane klosan, hamutuk na'in neen.", "Ikus mai, tan problema uma laran, sira duni sai avo Domingas husi uma-laran.", "Tan ne'e maske sente laran todan, maibe avo Domingas konta katak deside ho fuan hodi sai husi uma laran, hodi muda tiha ba hela iha Ai-tarak laran, Dili ne'e.", "\"Foin dadauk iha 2004 ne'e mak nia hirus ha'u, nia duni tiha ha'u, ha'u mos sente la di'ak ida.", "Ema nia oan boot ona, ha'u tenke pindah (muda) sai, ne'e mak ha'u hodi mai hela iha ne'e to'o agora ne'e,\" nia hanoin hikas ho matan-been.", "Bainhira mai hela iha Ai-tarak laran, aldeia Manufuik ne'e, hela ho fali familia balun, maske nune'e ema barak demais fatin sira mos klot nune'e nia deside, hodi nia kbiit rasik, ho tulun husi foinsa'e sira balun, nia konsege haketak aan hodi moris iha fatin simples ida.", "Iha ne'e, subrinu sira balun hanoin hetan nia no mai sira hela besik malu.", "Ida serbisu nu'udar limpezador ka cleaner, ida nu'udar estudante.", "\"Han hemu, ha'u na'in tanggung (responsabiliza-red) ha'u-nia aan rasik, sira na'in tanggung sira nian.", "Buat hotu-hotu la iha ha'u nonok de'it, ha'u la husu ida.", "Ha'u ba husu ha'u-nia maun nia ferik oan mos ha'u sente la di'ak.", "Ha'u na'in esforsu aan, ha'u na'in buka rasik,\" nia akresenta.", "Razaun, avo Domingas lakohi husu tan sente moe katak ema bele dehan: Bainhira ita husu ema seluk, ema dehan o-nia liman fuan la iha o labele kaer, buka han hemu?", "Ida ne'e de'it.", "Nia la brani atu husu ba ema.", "\"Biar ha'u fos la iha, fos hotu ona, la han, entaun ha'u esforsu aan tenke ku'a kanku.", "Ha'u bele moras oinsa mos tenke obriga ha'u tenke ku'a.", "Ha'u ku'a para lori fa'an dala tolu, ha'u foti fos karon ida,\" nia esplika.", "Dala ida tan, tan moras bebeik, avo Domingas bolu labarik ida, hodi sai nu'udar oan haki'ak (Binoy la'os naran loos-red) husi familia balun atu bele ajuda nia tein no fase nia ropa, depois ba eskola.", "Enkuantu nia subrinu, subrina sira ne'e, sira na'in haree sira nian, hanesan sira hanoin maibe nia dehan la husu.", "\"Hanoin, imi nia tian ida mak ha'u, imi bele fo, maibe la iha to'o iha ne'ebe mos ha'u la husu ida.", "Ita-nia sentimentu ne'e, tenke ser hanoin buat hotu-hotu,\" tenik avo Domingas.", "Iha kondisaun seluk, maske iha oan haki'ak maibe moris hetok sei susar nafatin basa uma mahon ne'ebe nia hela la fo mahon di'ak tan udan anin sei tama borus, bee fo'er no plastiku aat sira lalin hamutuk liuhusi valeta ku'ak sira, hahalok husi vizinu sira balun, paradu iha nia hela fatin, maske nia hato'o ona keisa ba xefe aldeia sira.", "\"Udan tuun mai, bee tama to'o uma laran no estraga hotu oan haki'ak nia livru sira pois habai fali hodi uza ba eskola.", "Udan borus husi kakuluk tama husi didin-lolon, varanda bee nakonu,\" nia haktuir.", "\"Ha'u terus loos, ha'u-nia uma aat.", "Uma hanesan ne'e, buat hotu-hotu dodok tuun mai tama husi ne'e.", "Tanba li'ur fo'er halo ha'u moras lapara para de'it.", "Ha'u la tahan ida.", "Ha'u ko'alia semak atu rona.", "So klin, buat hotu-hotu mai butuk iha kuartu laran ne'e.", "Terus no ha'u terus loos,\" halerik avo Domingas dos Santos.", "Vulneravel ne'e konta tuir, ho idade ne'ebe avansada ona ne'e, hafoin ukun aan, nia foin hetan fos kilo tolu, supermi falun haat no ikan lata rua.", "Tuir mai, fos karun ida, dala rua iha Motael.", "\"To'o agora, tinan lima ona la iha. la hetan buat ida,\" avo Domingas relembra tuir.", "Iha esperiensia moris ne'ebe nakonu ho inserteza, la tane liman ba ema ida, ho korajen moris iha situasaun difisil ne'ebe moris dependente ba kanku buras, depende ba rai bokur, maske tenke habai aan iha loron manas, isin iha taho laran, ikus mai inserteza sai serteza ida.", "Katak, kondisaun moris ne'e, uma kreda katolika liuhusi parokia Motael, kapela Sao Operario Ai-tarak laran, lidera husi pe.", "David da Conceicao, via Programa Ajuda Kbiit Laek haktuir ba mensajen Papa Francisco nian katak fulan novembru nu'udar fulan espesial ba kbiit laek sira, ho tulun husi komunidade sira harii hela uma mahon ida ba avo Domingas.", "Uma ne'e sei harii ho tamanu 5m X 6 m ho finanseiru dolar 661 no reforsa husi empreza timoroan ida STAR PRINTING ho voluntariu to'o remata inklui nesesidade bazika sira seluk.", "Apoiu vulneral husi parokia Motael, Dili ne'e ho slogan \"O-nia moris folin laek bainhira la fahe ho ema seluk\" Uma ne'e harii husi grupu voluntariu foinsa'e timoroan ne'ebe reprezenta husi munisipiu hotu iha Timor-Leste.", "Konstrusaun ba uma ne'e lansa iha sabadu, 16 dezembru 2017, semana ne'e.", "\"BERSATU KITA TEGUH, BERCERAI KITA RUNTUH\" ka etimolojikamente traduz katak HAMUTUK ITA FORTE, FAHE MALU ITA MONU.", "Previous articleVONG Husu Prezerva Identidade Kultura Next articleAjuda Umanitaria Hosi Xina Hola Parte Kooperasaun Bilateral BCTL disemina prevensaun brankamentu kapital ba estudante Tekniku Vokasional Becora DILI, 18 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Organizasaun Sagrada Familia (OSF) no Eis FALINTIL-sira kondena makas hahalok violentu ne'ebe hamate saudozu Celestino Boavida \"Lemorai\" iha Uasufa, suku Namanei, postu administrativu..." ]
[ [ "Keep going, Tebes!" ], [ "Ha'u Bele Terus, Maibe La Huso | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Continue to live!" ], [ "I'm Going To Continue, But It Won’t Be Easy For Me!" ], [ "Ha'u Bele Kontinua, Maibe La Husu DILI (TATOLI) - I live here and face a lot of things." ], [ "No money, no food." ], [ "I felt hurt when all my brother's children grew up, and they left me from Bebora." ], [ "I'm in pain!" ], [ "I can endure, but i'm not going to ask anybody for food.I am trying hard and find a good place where we could eat so that my life would be sustained;" ], [ "The vulnerable Hakpredika Domingas dos Santos told journalists, in the village of Manufuik-Aitarak within Kampung Baru Township this weekend with sadness and sorrow to tell about his life." ], [ "Living as a poor, low-income person in the conditions of his house covered with ferruzen tiles and roofed by wood triplets. Grandfather Domingos' doors were always open to her families - especially neighborhood children – even though he would suggest that they find their own food or water for themselves!" ], [ "\"I seek my Lord to eat his own flesh." ], [ "I think everything is hard for me." ], [ "When I got the canku, it was then that i felt really good,” said grandfather Domingas who has been living with a kankun which he grows in his home." ], [ "\"I've been a cancun until now,\" says grandfather Domingas. He is the second child of three brothers and siblings: Pedro Manuel Monteiro (plot commander in 1975; killed by an enemy bazooka fire at Aileu), Isabel dos Santos who lives with his mother today on Likisa Island" ], [ "Living is not easy, living situations are complicated and the conditions don't favour bringing vulnerable Domingas dos Santos. Despite a hot day he has to grow his own crops in an open field where they can be cared for by him or herself without any help from outsiders" ], [ "This activity also damaged his health, so grandfather Domingos became sick more and More." ], [ "\"Well, I'm back." ], [ "Be'e to’o here (kanotak), bee hoban ha‘u." ], [ "I've been sick for an hour, afternoon and evening." ], [ "I hope for one day, that i can buy my own oils and butter to use in the kitchen\", says vulnerable Domingas dos Santos." ], [ "Avo Domingas, a descendant of Lauhou family from the village Hato Matili in Asumanu Township (Likisa Municipality) who has been living here since 1982 recounts that besides buying these basic necessities he had to fight with his illness and still earn some money. He spent three or four days like this for buying food as well os medical supplies:" ], [ "The sick are encouraged to pray and ask for the help of their deceased relatives." ], [ "\"Although it was a hot day but I made myself." ], [ "I'm not sick, but still doing well." ], [ "What shall I bring to buy all that is needed?" ], [ "I've got to get it down." ], [ "That, I've lived with you until now\", sighs the twin son of Maria dos Santos and Manuel Dos Santo (deceased in December)." ], [ "Vulnerable was born on May 4,1968 in the knua Lauhou of Asumanu commune Likisa municipality. When he had grown up and became stronger his parents trusted him to take care for their six children until they were full-grown men with no husbands at all (the family number is seven)." ], [ "Later, due to problems in the family they became grandfather Domingos from home." ], [ "So although he felt sorry, grandfather Domingos recounted that it was his decision to leave the house and move into Ai-tarak in Dili." ], [ "\"In 2014, he hit me again. He knocked down on my back and I felt very bad about it too.\"" ], [ "A man's son is grown up, I have to move out. That’d be the reason for me staying here until now,” he thought with a quick glance at himself.”" ], [ "When she came to live in the Ai-tarak, Manufuik village with her family and although there were too many people around it was also crowded so he decided that by his own means of helping some youngsters would be enough for him." ], [ "There, some of his nephews remembered him and they moved in close to each other." ], [ "One works as a cleaner, the other is student." ], [ "\"Hey, I'm the owner of my own children and they are their owners." ], [ "I don't have anything, all that is in my pocket." ], [ "I asked my brother's son if he was okay, and the child also did not feel well." ], [ "I've tried my best, have looked for it myself,” he added." ], [ "The reason, grandfather Domingas does not ask again feels sad that people can say: When we asked other person' s hand fuan no o cannot caer." ], [ "It's just here." ], [ "He was afraid to ask anyone." ], [ "\"Although I don't have a pot, all of my pots are full and no food is available for me to eat from them." ], [ "I can be sick but you have to force me into bed." ], [ "I'm going to bring it for sale three times, and then buy a bottle of water.\"" ], [ "Once again, because he was often ill grandfather Domingos called a child (Binoy is not his real name) from some family to help him do the housework and wash clothes before going home for school." ], [ "And as for his nieces, these nephews and nineties are their master' s look at them like they think but he says not ask." ], [ "\"My children, I am one of you. You can give it to me; but there is no such thing as that for which i have not asked.\"" ], [ "Our feelings, we must be thinking about everything\", said grandfather Domingas." ], [ "In another situation, even though she has a healthy child but her livelihood will still be difficult as the mahogany house where he lives does not give good mahoganys because rain and wind gets into it. The waste water is mixed with bad plastic through wooden vaults; some of his neighbor' s behavior stop at their place in spite that they have filedacomplaint to village headman for this problem" ], [ "\"Water came, water entered into the house and destroys all of his books because he had to use them again for school." ], [ "Water from the mouth of a cow came in through our windows, and water filled up balconies,” she said." ], [ "\"I've suffered a lot, my house is bad." ], [ "A house like this, everything comes down from here." ], [ "I'm so tired of the heat that it makes me sick." ], [ "I couldn't hold it." ], [ "Ha'u ko’alia semak atu rona." ], [ "So klin, everything comes together in this room." ], [ "Continue no ha'u will continue loos,\" said grandfather Domingas dos Santos." ], [ "The vulnerable woman recounts that, at this advanced age and after independence she only got three kilos of flour for her family; four supermi falun (a small sized meat dish) & two large fish." ], [ "Following, a smaller well two times in Motael." ], [ "\"Until now, for five years there has been no. nothing achieved.\" Grandfather Domingas recalls later:" ], [ "In the experience of a life filled with insertion, not extending one's hand to another person and having courage in living under difficult conditions that are dependent on your own strength. Depending upon poor soil even if you have got yourself up during hot days or when it is raining outside - finally inclusion become an assurence!" ], [ "In other words, the condition of life is a Catholic faith home through Motael parish chapel Sao Operario in Ai-tarak led by Fr." ], [ "David da Conceicao, via Programa Ajuda Kbiit Laek (Help for the Poor) said that in response to Pope Francis' message November is a special month of prayer and with help from community members they are building an old house." ], [ "The house will be built with a size of 5m X6 m and financed by US$1,028.97 to reinforce the construction from STAR PRINTING (a Taiwanese company) through volunteers until it is complete including other basic necessities for living in this homeless community" ], [ "Vulneral support from Motael Parish, Dili with the slogan \"Your life is precious when you don't share it\" The house was founded by a group of young volunteers who represent all municipalities in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Construction for the house was launched on Saturday, December 16th of this week." ], [ "\"ONE WE ARE, TWO WITHOUT US\" is etymologically translated as: TOGETHER THERE IS A FORCE AND IN PARTIAL CONFLICT SOMEWHERE BETWEEN." ], [ "Previous articleVONG Calls For Preserving Cultural Identity Next ArticleHumanitarian Aid From China Is Part Of Bilateral Cooperation BCTL Disseminates Money Laundering Prevention To Technical Vocational Students Becora DILI, October 18th (TATOLI) - The Organization of the Holy Family and former FALINTIL strongly condemn violent acts that killed late Celestino Boavida \"Lemorai\" in Uasufa village..." ] ]
Lú Olo: Primeiru Ministru ho Governu Daualu Mantein – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Nasionál » Lú Olo: Primeiru Ministru ho Governu Daualu Mantein\n8 abril 2020 by Timor Post-323 views\nDILI—Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo afirma, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak ho nia governu daualu sei mantein nafatin ho funsaun no kompeténsia tomak.\n“Ha’u hakarak fó sai dala ida tán katak iha situasaun susar ne’ebé ita hasoru daudaun Primeiru Ministru no VIII Governu sei mantein nia funsaun no kompeténsia tomak,” Lú Olo sublina iha nia mensajen ba povu no nasaun iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairro-Pité, Dili, Kuarta (08/04/2020).\nLú Olo hatete, nia haksolok tebes tanba povu tomak no forsa polítika sira hatudu mós sira-nia apoio tomak ba governu daualu no ba Primeiru Ministru hodi kombate coronavírus.\n“Tuir ita nia Konstituisaun Governu mak órgaun soberania ho kompeténsia atu fo resposta ba situasaun sira hanesan ita hasoru daudaun. Medida hotu ne’ebé Señor Primeiru Ministru hola, tuir kompeténsia konstitusional ne’bé nia iha, sei hetan apoiu husi Prezidente Repúblika. Prezidente Repúblika husu nafatin ba Povu tomak, sidadaun ida-idak, organizasaun hotu, privadu no públiku no instituisaun tomak hodi kolabora nafatin ho responsabilidade ho VIII Governu,” Lú Olo hatete.\nParlamentu nasionál aprova ona orsamentu tokon atus rua limanulu (250) hodi hasoru situasaun emerjénsia. Ida ne’e nu’udar sinal pozitivu ida hodi fo reforsu ba kapasidade governu nian. Prezidente Repúblika husu no fiar katak Konsellu Jestaun Fundu Covid-19 no governu sei uza osan ida ne’e hodi fó resposta ba nesessidade urjente ita-nia Povu nian. Tuir artigu 109 husi Konstitisaun, Estadu tenke iha rezerva finanseira obrigatória. Rezerva ida ne’e atu uza wainhira ita presiza hodi proteje Povu iha situasaun susar hanesan ita hasoru daudaun. (cao)\nPrevious post Taur Retira Nia Pedidu Demisaun husi Lu Olo\nNext post Sinál Negativu husi Taur Retira nia Pedidu Demisaun ba “Kazamentu” PLP-FRETILIN iha Hotel Timor
[ "Lu Olo: Primeiru Ministru ho Governu Daualu Mantein -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Nasional \" Lu Olo: Primeiru Ministru ho Governu Daualu Mantein 8 abril 2020 by Timor Post-323 views DILI - Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo afirma, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak ho nia governu daualu sei mantein nafatin ho funsaun no kompetensia tomak.", "\"Ha'u hakarak fo sai dala ida tan katak iha situasaun susar ne'ebe ita hasoru daudaun Primeiru Ministru no VIII Governu sei mantein nia funsaun no kompetensia tomak,\" Lu Olo sublina iha nia mensajen ba povu no nasaun iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairro-Pite, Dili, Kuarta (08/04/2020).", "Lu Olo hatete, nia haksolok tebes tanba povu tomak no forsa politika sira hatudu mos sira-nia apoio tomak ba governu daualu no ba Primeiru Ministru hodi kombate coronavirus.", "\"Tuir ita nia Konstituisaun Governu mak orgaun soberania ho kompetensia atu fo resposta ba situasaun sira hanesan ita hasoru daudaun.", "Medida hotu ne'ebe Senor Primeiru Ministru hola, tuir kompetensia konstitusional ne'be nia iha, sei hetan apoiu husi Prezidente Republika.", "Prezidente Republika husu nafatin ba Povu tomak, sidadaun ida-idak, organizasaun hotu, privadu no publiku no instituisaun tomak hodi kolabora nafatin ho responsabilidade ho VIII Governu,\" Lu Olo hatete.", "Parlamentu nasional aprova ona orsamentu tokon atus rua limanulu (250) hodi hasoru situasaun emerjensia.", "Ida ne'e nu'udar sinal pozitivu ida hodi fo reforsu ba kapasidade governu nian.", "Prezidente Republika husu no fiar katak Konsellu Jestaun Fundu Covid-19 no governu sei uza osan ida ne'e hodi fo resposta ba nesessidade urjente ita-nia Povu nian.", "Tuir artigu 109 husi Konstitisaun, Estadu tenke iha rezerva finanseira obrigatoria.", "Rezerva ida ne'e atu uza wainhira ita presiza hodi proteje Povu iha situasaun susar hanesan ita hasoru daudaun. (cao) Previous post Taur Retira Nia Pedidu Demisaun husi Lu Olo Next post Sinal Negativu husi Taur Retira nia Pedidu Demisaun ba \"Kazamentu\" PLP-FRETILIN iha Hotel Timor" ]
[ [ "Lu Olo: Prime Minister and Government Remain - Timor Post Online 8 April,2019 by TIMOR POST-356 views DILI – President of the Republic Francisco Guterres “Lú” Oló affirms that prime minister Taur Matan Ruak with his government will remain in full functioning." ], [ "\"I would like to state once again that in the difficult situation we are currently facing, Prime Minister and VIII Government will maintain their functions as well all of its competences\", Lu Olo emphasized on Thursday (08/12) during a message addressed at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace." ], [ "Lu Olo said that he was very pleased because the whole people and political forces also showed their full support to both governments, including Prime Minister in fighting coronavirus." ], [ "\"According to our Constitution, the Government is a sovereign body with competence in respondings situations such as those we are facing." ], [ "All measures taken by the Prime Minister, in accordance with his constitutional competence shall be supported and approve of him." ], [ "The President of the Republic also asks all people, every citizen and organizations - private or public – to continue collaborating responsibly with this VIII Government,” Lu Olo said." ], [ "The national parliament has approved a budget of 250 million to address the emergency situation." ], [ "This is a positive sign to strengthen the government's capacity." ], [ "The President of the Republic asks and trusts that Covid-19 Fund Management Board, together with government will use this money to meet our people' s urgent needs." ], [ "According to Article 109 of the Constitution, a State must have compulsory financial reserves." ], [ "This reserve is to be used when we need it, in order for us protect the People from difficult situations like those that are facing. (cao) Previous post Taur Retira Sua Pedida de Demissão por Lu Olo Next Post Negative Signal of Tau're withdrawing his request on PLP-FRETILIN \"Cazamento\" at Hotel Timor" ] ]
Ratifikasaun Tratadu FM iha Hela Faze Diskusaun Featured\nMinistru Fidelis afirma, governu daudauk ne’e halo hela estudu no diskusaun ho entidades relavante hotu tanba ratifikasaun ba tratadu ne’e envolve rai rua, Timor Leste no Australia.\n“Atu aprezenta (ba) PN hein lai, prosesu sira ne’e finaliza hotu lai, tanba prosesu sira ne’e kompleksu. Prosesu ne’e mós envolve diskusaun entidades, fator komersial sira hotu no envolve nasaun rua,” dehan Fidelis iha salan Ministériu Finansas, Aitarak Laran, Sesta (28/6).\nFidelis dehan, governu hato’o ona notifikasaun ba PN kona-ba preparasaun ratifikasaun FM ne’ebé daudauk ne’e governu halo hela.\n“Ami halo notifiksaun ba PN kona-ba preprasaun ratifikasaun tratadu FM ne’ebé mak agora daudaun la’o hela, to’o ona iha ne’ebe, ba oin halo ratifikasaun ne’e oinsa, ne’e ami informa hotu ona ba PN”.\n“Agora iha hela diskusaun tanba ne’e komplesu hela. Ha’u hanoin tempu badak ita hakarak ka lakoi ita sei ba oin,” deklara ministru ne’e.\nMore in this category: « Paixão sei Troka Membru Polisia Migrasaun iha Fronteira\tLoron 30 Agostu TL-Austrália Tenki Ratifika Tratadu Tasi Timór »\n/Ratifikasaun Tratadu FM iha Hela Faze Diskusaun
[ "Ratifikasaun Tratadu FM iha Hela Faze Diskusaun Featured Ministru Fidelis afirma, governu daudauk ne'e halo hela estudu no diskusaun ho entidades relavante hotu tanba ratifikasaun ba tratadu ne'e envolve rai rua, Timor Leste no Australia.", "\"Atu aprezenta (ba) PN hein lai, prosesu sira ne'e finaliza hotu lai, tanba prosesu sira ne'e kompleksu.", "Prosesu ne'e mos envolve diskusaun entidades, fator komersial sira hotu no envolve nasaun rua,\" dehan Fidelis iha salan Ministeriu Finansas, Aitarak Laran, Sesta (28/6).", "Fidelis dehan, governu hato'o ona notifikasaun ba PN kona-ba preparasaun ratifikasaun FM ne'ebe daudauk ne'e governu halo hela.", "\"Ami halo notifiksaun ba PN kona-ba preprasaun ratifikasaun tratadu FM ne'ebe mak agora daudaun la'o hela, to'o ona iha ne'ebe, ba oin halo ratifikasaun ne'e oinsa, ne'e ami informa hotu ona ba PN.\"", "\"Agora iha hela diskusaun tanba ne'e komplesu hela.", "Ha'u hanoin tempu badak ita hakarak ka lakoi ita sei ba oin,\" deklara ministru ne'e.", "More in this category: \" Paixao sei Troka Membru Polisia Migrasaun iha Fronteira Loron 30 Agostu TL-Australia Tenki Ratifika Tratadu Tasi Timor \" /Ratifikasaun Tratadu FM iha Hela Faze Diskusaun" ]
[ [ "Minister Fidelis says, the government is currently conducting studies and discussions with all relevant entities because ratification of this treaty involve two countries: East Timor (Timor-Leste) And Australia." ], [ "\"To present (ba) PN wait, these processes are finalized all over again because the proceedings were complex." ], [ "The process also involves discussion entities, all commercial factors and involving two countries\", said Fidelis at the Ministry of Finance office Aitarak Laran on Saturday (28/6)." ], [ "Fidelis said that the government has submitted a notification to Parliament regarding preparations for FM ratifikation, which are currently underway." ], [ "\"We have notified the National Assembly about preparations for ratification of FM treaty which is currently underway, where we are now and how to proceed with this process in future. We've already reported all that information.\"" ], [ "\"There is a discussion going on now because it's complex." ], [ "I think that soon we will be moving forward, whether or not it pleases us to do so,” the minister said." ], [ "More in this category: \" Paixao to Exchange Migration Police Members at Border on August 30 TL-Australia Must Ratify Timor Sea Treaty\" /Ratification of the FM Agreement is Still In Discussion Phase" ] ]
Kafe no Hakerek – Celso'Personal Blog\nPosted byCelso Da Fonseca June 22, 2020 June 22, 2020 Posted inInspirasaun\nExpresaun ideas liu husi hakerek nudar topiku diskusaun iha semana nee. Idea hakerek hau mensiona ona iha artigu seluk iha webcelso ho topiku: “Hakerek nudar expresaun imajinasaun iha fulan Maiu 2020”. Ezemplu bele lee iha link nee: https://webcelso.net/2020/05/09/hakerek-laos-tanba-obrigasaun-hakerek-nudar-expresaun-imajinasaun/. Halo diskusaun ho maneira dadalia, bele aponta rajaun no idea barak hodi sai topiku hakerek. Iha lokraik ne’e, ezemplu kiik, hau komesa dadalia ho Sr. Leo, nudar aktivista no praktisioner ambiental. Nia komesa hanoin oinsa atu elabora ideas lokal, atividade no esperensia sira liu husi letra ou hakerek.\nTuur, koversa halimar (Celso ho Leo). Enjoy @# kafe lokraik no hamosu idea hakerek@#. Wainhira dada lia ho Leo, nia komesa hamosu ona ideas oinsa atu rekola idea sira liu husi hakerek. Tanba hakerek hanesan dokumentasaun ida hodi arquiva ideas hotu-hotu ne’ebe durante nee ita iha no bele fahe ba ema seluk nebe presija.\nHanesan hau mensiona ona iha hau nia artigu balun iha link leten katak hakerek nudar arte. Mesmu natureza hakerek apa’ar ho kondisaun artisika, idea atu hakerek presija mos reforsa ho fator seluk, hanesan dada lia ho kolega no hemu kafe. Hemu kafe iha lokraik ou dader, tu’ur hamutuk ho kolega, halo diskusaun kama’an bele hamosu ideas barak. Idea sira nee sai nudar rekursu eloborsaun imajinasaun de arte. Imajinasaun ideas sira nee dala barak mai husi atividade loron-loron nia, buat ne’ebe mak ita halo sai referensia hodi hakerek, karik simplesmente hakerek bele mai husi diariu moris loron-loron nian.\nRajaun seluk atu hakerek, mai husi rajaun klean katak ita hakarak komunika ba ema seluk ho mensajen uniku, saida mak ita hakarak hatoo. Nune’e mos karik ita hakarak arquiva ita nia ideas esperensia moris loro-loron nian. Esperensia regular sira ne’ebe ita enfrenta sempre ho situasaun diferente maibe bele sai topiku no referensia hakerek. Esperensia hirak nee balun ho situasaun moruk, triste, tanis, balun ho emosaun ka nervosu, maibe balun ita hasoru ho kontente. Esperensia moris oin-oin lori ita hakat ba oin ho periodu moris ne’ebe mak avansa lao nafatin akompana ho moris loro-loron. Maibe kada periode, etapa por etapa, esperensia sira ita hakerek bele sai arquiva, ou museum kiik ida hodi fohanoin, ilustra ita nia vida esperensia sira.\nRajaun arquiva ideas sira klaru ona atu “relembra” ita nia atividade moris. Mesmu ita iha esperensia barak, maibe ita nia hanoin, kakutak dala barak labele akapta hotu esperensia moris lor-loron nian ho atividade ne’ebe ita halo. Tanba nee mak preserva esperensia sira sai nudar dalan diak ba ita, liu-liu ita tenke komesa ona hakerek, expresa kualker esperensia ne’ebe ita iha. Hahuu ho hakerek esperensia badak iha fola mamuk ruma, ou sebele hakerek iha blog no fahe ba kolega sira seluk.\nIdea hakerek ho titulu “kafe no Hakerek” nudar ezemplu kiik ida ne’ebe mai husi esperensia iha semana ida nee. Kolega balun komesa kontaktu ona hau, husu hau nia hanoin oinsa atu hakerek? Sira mos husu oinsa bele hakerek no publika iha hau nia webcelso. Hau hata’an ba sira katak hau mos ema ida ne’ebe foin inisia hodi hakerek iha fulan hirak liu-ba, e kontinua aprende no aprende nafatin atu hakerek.\nHo rajaun oin-oin ne’ebe reforsa ita hodi hakerek. Komesa ohin no ba oin, hahu ona diskusaun, dadalia ho kolega, akompana ho kafe kopu ida bele hakerek ona. Kolelega sira, mai ita aprende hamutuk, motiva malu hodi kontinua hakerek. Hakerek kualker asuntu no idea saida deit mak ita enfrenta, liu-liu ita nia esperensia moris loro-loron nian.\nCelso: Palapaso 22/6/2020
[ "Kafe no Hakerek - Celso'Personal Blog Posted byCelso Da Fonseca June 22, 2020 June 22, 2020 Posted inInspirasaun Expresaun ideas liu husi hakerek nudar topiku diskusaun iha semana nee.", "Idea hakerek hau mensiona ona iha artigu seluk iha webcelso ho topiku: \"Hakerek nudar expresaun imajinasaun iha fulan Maiu 2020.\"", "Ezemplu bele lee iha link nee: https://webcelso.net/2020/05/09/hakerek-laos-tanba-obrigasaun-hakerek-nudar-expresaun-imajinasaun/.", "Halo diskusaun ho maneira dadalia, bele aponta rajaun no idea barak hodi sai topiku hakerek.", "Iha lokraik ne'e, ezemplu kiik, hau komesa dadalia ho Sr. Leo, nudar aktivista no praktisioner ambiental.", "Nia komesa hanoin oinsa atu elabora ideas lokal, atividade no esperensia sira liu husi letra ou hakerek.", "Tuur, koversa halimar (Celso ho Leo).", "Enjoy @# kafe lokraik no hamosu idea hakerek@#.", "Wainhira dada lia ho Leo, nia komesa hamosu ona ideas oinsa atu rekola idea sira liu husi hakerek.", "Tanba hakerek hanesan dokumentasaun ida hodi arquiva ideas hotu-hotu ne'ebe durante nee ita iha no bele fahe ba ema seluk nebe presija.", "Hanesan hau mensiona ona iha hau nia artigu balun iha link leten katak hakerek nudar arte.", "Mesmu natureza hakerek apa'ar ho kondisaun artisika, idea atu hakerek presija mos reforsa ho fator seluk, hanesan dada lia ho kolega no hemu kafe.", "Hemu kafe iha lokraik ou dader, tu'ur hamutuk ho kolega, halo diskusaun kama'an bele hamosu ideas barak.", "Idea sira nee sai nudar rekursu eloborsaun imajinasaun de arte.", "Imajinasaun ideas sira nee dala barak mai husi atividade loron-loron nia, buat ne'ebe mak ita halo sai referensia hodi hakerek, karik simplesmente hakerek bele mai husi diariu moris loron-loron nian.", "Rajaun seluk atu hakerek, mai husi rajaun klean katak ita hakarak komunika ba ema seluk ho mensajen uniku, saida mak ita hakarak hatoo.", "Nune'e mos karik ita hakarak arquiva ita nia ideas esperensia moris loro-loron nian.", "Esperensia regular sira ne'ebe ita enfrenta sempre ho situasaun diferente maibe bele sai topiku no referensia hakerek.", "Esperensia hirak nee balun ho situasaun moruk, triste, tanis, balun ho emosaun ka nervosu, maibe balun ita hasoru ho kontente.", "Esperensia moris oin-oin lori ita hakat ba oin ho periodu moris ne'ebe mak avansa lao nafatin akompana ho moris loro-loron.", "Maibe kada periode, etapa por etapa, esperensia sira ita hakerek bele sai arquiva, ou museum kiik ida hodi fohanoin, ilustra ita nia vida esperensia sira.", "Rajaun arquiva ideas sira klaru ona atu \"relembra\" ita nia atividade moris.", "Mesmu ita iha esperensia barak, maibe ita nia hanoin, kakutak dala barak labele akapta hotu esperensia moris lor-loron nian ho atividade ne'ebe ita halo.", "Tanba nee mak preserva esperensia sira sai nudar dalan diak ba ita, liu-liu ita tenke komesa ona hakerek, expresa kualker esperensia ne'ebe ita iha.", "Hahuu ho hakerek esperensia badak iha fola mamuk ruma, ou sebele hakerek iha blog no fahe ba kolega sira seluk.", "Idea hakerek ho titulu \"kafe no Hakerek\" nudar ezemplu kiik ida ne'ebe mai husi esperensia iha semana ida nee.", "Kolega balun komesa kontaktu ona hau, husu hau nia hanoin oinsa atu hakerek?", "Sira mos husu oinsa bele hakerek no publika iha hau nia webcelso.", "Hau hata'an ba sira katak hau mos ema ida ne'ebe foin inisia hodi hakerek iha fulan hirak liu-ba, e kontinua aprende no aprende nafatin atu hakerek.", "Ho rajaun oin-oin ne'ebe reforsa ita hodi hakerek.", "Komesa ohin no ba oin, hahu ona diskusaun, dadalia ho kolega, akompana ho kafe kopu ida bele hakerek ona.", "Kolelega sira, mai ita aprende hamutuk, motiva malu hodi kontinua hakerek.", "Hakerek kualker asuntu no idea saida deit mak ita enfrenta, liu-liu ita nia esperensia moris loro-loron nian.", "Celso: Palapaso 22/6/2020" ]
[ [ "Kafe no Hakerek - Celso'Personal Blog Posted byCel so Da Fonseca June 23,1980 July-August. The expression of ideas through writing was a topic for discussion this week in my blog!" ], [ "The idea I have mentioned in another article on webcelso with the topic: \"Hacking as an expression of imagination, May 2019.\"" ], [ "Examples can be read in this link: https://webcelso.net/2019-365784_searching is not an obligation, it’s just a way to express your imagination /" ], [ "Discuss in a funny way, point out reasons and many ideas to become topic of writing." ], [ "As a small example, this afternoon I started talking to Mr. Leo as an environmental activist and practitioner in the field of human rights protection" ], [ "He began thinking about how to elaborate local ideas, activities and experiences through letter or writing." ], [ "Tuur, koversa halimar (Celso ho Leo)." ], [ "Enjoy @# evening coffee and generate writing ideas." ], [ "When he talks to Leo, the latter is already developing ideas on how they can collect their thoughts through writing." ], [ "Because writing is a documentation to archive all the ideas that we have had during this time and can be shared with others who need it." ], [ "As I have mentioned in some of my articles on the left link that writing is an art." ], [ "Even though the nature of writing is to be in an artistic state, it also requires that other factors reinforce your idea for what you're going through." ], [ "Drinking coffee in the evening or morning, sitting with colleagues and having a free discussion can generate many ideas." ], [ "These ideas emerged as a resource for the expression of art imagination." ], [ "The imagination of ideas often comes from our everyday activities, things that we use as references to write about them. If writing is simply a diary for daily life it can come in handy too!" ], [ "Another reason to write comes from the obvious fact that we want a unique message, something which is clearly communicated." ], [ "Similarly, if we want to archive our ideas of everyday life experiences." ], [ "The regular experiences we face are always different but can become topic and reference for writing." ], [ "Some of these experiences are painful, sad or stressfull; some emotional and nervous. But there is also a number that we face with joy!" ], [ "Life experiences take us from one period of life to the next, with a progressive continuum accompanied by everyday living." ], [ "But each period, stage by step the experiences we write down can become an archive or a small museum to be visited and illustrate our life' s experiencies." ], [ "Rajaun archive ideas are clear to \"remind\" us of our life activity." ], [ "Even though we have a lot of experience, our minds often fail to combine all the daily life' s experiencies with activities that are done." ], [ "Because it is to preserve the experiences that become a better way for us, especially we should start writing now and expressing any of our own." ], [ "Try writing down your short experiences on a piece of paper, or perhaps write them in the blog and share with other colleagues." ], [ "The idea of writing under the title \"Coffee and Hacker\" is a small example that comes from this week's experience." ], [ "Some colleagues have started to contact me, asking my thoughts on how I should write." ], [ "They also asked how I can write and publish on my webcelso." ], [ "I told them that, as someone who has just begun writing in the last few months and continues to learn more about it." ], [ "With various reasons that reinforce us to write." ], [ "Today and tomorrow, discussions are already underway. With a cup of coffee I can start writing with my colleagues in the morning or afternoon to discuss what is going on today/tomorrow..." ], [ "Colleagues, let us learn together and motivate each other to continue writing." ], [ "Write down any issue or idea that we face, especially our daily experiences." ], [ "Celso: Palapaso 20/6 /19" ] ]
ILIOMAR----Sentru Saúde Iliomar oras ne’e dadaun profizóriu utiliza transporte privadu, hodi tula pasienti ba Sentru Saúde Munispiu Lautém, tanba Ambulansia husi Sentru Saúde Iliomar avaria hodi lori mai iha nasional hodi halo manutensaun seidauk diak.\nTuir Xefí Sentru Saúde Komunitáriu Iliomar Narsizio Camoes hateten, Ambulansia husi Sentru Saúde Iliomar nian avaria no husi nasionál konsege tula ona ba nasional hodi halo manutensaun, maibé to’o ohin loron seida’uk nia rezultadu, tanbá ne’e Sentru Saúde Iliomar Provizóriu utiliza transporte privadu hanesan Amo Parókia no Transporte Privadu sira hodi lori pasienti ba Lospalos, wainhira emerjensia.\n“Foin dada’uk parte husi Ministériu Saúde mai iha Munisípiu to’o mai iha Sentru Saúde Iliomar hodi lori Ambulansia halo manutensaun iha nasionál, maibé to’o ohin loron seida’uk hatene nia rezultadu,” dehan Xefí Sentru Saúde Komunitáriu Iliomar Narsizio Camoes ba BT iha nia Kn’ar fátin Sentru Saúde Iliomar, Sexta (19/06).\nNia dehan ho transporte ne’ebe at durante ne’e komunidade no pasiente sira moras, Sentru Saúde Iliomar koordenasaun hamutuk ho parte Igreja no PNTL, hodi tulun Sentru Saúde Iliomar hodi nune’e médiku sira hodi atende pasiente iha area rural. “Tanbá ne’e, fasilidade ne’e tuir ita nia fasilidade ne’ebé mak iha hodi atende ba ita nia pasiente sira, maibé fasilidade liu-liu ba parte transporte ida ne’e mak ami nia transporte ne’ebé mak avaria ona,” hateten nia.\nNarsizio argumenta tan, moras mai iha Sentru Saúde Iliomar, wainhira médiku sira hare'e mak moras ne’e grave, parte Sentru Saúde Iliomar diretamente liuhusi kontaktu husi Munisípiu hodi Ambulansia husi Munisípiu bele mai tula pasiente hodi ba Lospalos. Nia dehan dalaruma moras ne’e grave liu no emerjensia liu, parte Sentru Saúde Iliomar halo koordenasaun ho Amu Parókia husi Iliomar nian hodi tula ba Lospalos. (BT)
[ "ILIOMAR----Sentru Saude Iliomar oras ne'e dadaun profizoriu utiliza transporte privadu, hodi tula pasienti ba Sentru Saude Munispiu Lautem, tanba Ambulansia husi Sentru Saude Iliomar avaria hodi lori mai iha nasional hodi halo manutensaun seidauk diak.", "Tuir Xefi Sentru Saude Komunitariu Iliomar Narsizio Camoes hateten, Ambulansia husi Sentru Saude Iliomar nian avaria no husi nasional konsege tula ona ba nasional hodi halo manutensaun, maibe to'o ohin loron seida'uk nia rezultadu, tanba ne'e Sentru Saude Iliomar Provizoriu utiliza transporte privadu hanesan Amo Parokia no Transporte Privadu sira hodi lori pasienti ba Lospalos, wainhira emerjensia.", "\"Foin dada'uk parte husi Ministeriu Saude mai iha Munisipiu to'o mai iha Sentru Saude Iliomar hodi lori Ambulansia halo manutensaun iha nasional, maibe to'o ohin loron seida'uk hatene nia rezultadu,\" dehan Xefi Sentru Saude Komunitariu Iliomar Narsizio Camoes ba BT iha nia Kn'ar fatin Sentru Saude Iliomar, Sexta (19/06).", "Nia dehan ho transporte ne'ebe at durante ne'e komunidade no pasiente sira moras, Sentru Saude Iliomar koordenasaun hamutuk ho parte Igreja no PNTL, hodi tulun Sentru Saude Iliomar hodi nune'e mediku sira hodi atende pasiente iha area rural.", "\"Tanba ne'e, fasilidade ne'e tuir ita nia fasilidade ne'ebe mak iha hodi atende ba ita nia pasiente sira, maibe fasilidade liu-liu ba parte transporte ida ne'e mak ami nia transporte ne'ebe mak avaria ona,\" hateten nia.", "Narsizio argumenta tan, moras mai iha Sentru Saude Iliomar, wainhira mediku sira hare'e mak moras ne'e grave, parte Sentru Saude Iliomar diretamente liuhusi kontaktu husi Munisipiu hodi Ambulansia husi Munisipiu bele mai tula pasiente hodi ba Lospalos.", "Nia dehan dalaruma moras ne'e grave liu no emerjensia liu, parte Sentru Saude Iliomar halo koordenasaun ho Amu Parokia husi Iliomar nian hodi tula ba Lospalos.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "ILIOMAR----Iliomar Health Center is currently using private transportation to take patients from the Municipality of Lautem's health center, because an ambulance has broken down and must be transported nationally for maintenance." ], [ "According to Iliomar Community Health Center Chief Narsizio Camoes, the ambulance of Centro de Saúde Comunitário was broken down and from national it has been taken by National for maintenance but so far there is no result. That's why Provisional health center use private transportation as Amo Parokia (Patriarchal) or Private Transportations in order take patients into Lospaloi when emergencies arise" ], [ "\"I was just a part of the Health Ministry in Municipality to come at Iliomar health center for carrying an Ambulance and doing maintenance nationally, but until today we do not know its result\", said Chief Community Centers Hospital Narsizio Camoes told BT on his Kn'ar site Centro de Saúde Illiomário." ], [ "He said that with the transportation during this time of community and patients sick, Iliomar Health Center coordination together With Church part And PNTL to help Centro de Saúde ilionar so doctors can attend patient in rural area." ], [ "\"Therefore, this facility is according to our facilities that we have for attending the patients. But especially in terms of transportation it's my car which has broken down\", he said.\"" ], [ "Narsizio argues that the disease comes to Iliomar Health Center, when doctors see it is severe. The health center directly through contact with Municipality so ambulance from municipal can come and take patients for Lospalo-S" ], [ "He said that sometimes the disease is more serious and urgent, part of Iliomar Health Center coordinated with parish priest from Iliomaris to take them in Lospalos." ], [ "(BT) 2016-375" ] ]
Welcome to Partido Socialista de Timor: 2011\nAmi Hakarak Hili Dalan Foun\nMotive PST liderado husi Presidente Partido iha loron 18 de Setembro halo soru mutu ho militantes PST neebe maka kamarada Chakra organiza iha Suco Atabae, Nunbeo. Iha sorumutu nee halo tomada de posse ba kuadrus Komite Base Popular hamutuk ema nain 90 no fo juramentu ba Militantes foun besik 200.\nIha nia intervensaun nuudar assistense politiku ba Komisario Politiku Ermera, Agosto Martins, neebe supervisiona dezenvolvimentu estrutura Partido iha Atabae ho Kailaku, Chakra hateten katak nia decide tama PST atu bele luta ba Liberta Povu, Dehan Chakra. Nunee se hakarak Liberta Povu tenki organiza an didiak noo tuir strategikas neebe los atu bele materialize konseitu Liberta Povu. Oras nee dadauk ema barak koalia Liberta Povu, mais liberta oinsa. husu Chakra iha militantes, simpatizantes no Povu Atabae tomak neebe kalan ne'e hamutuk iha Suco Nundeo, besik ema rihun ida resin. Komisario Politiku Ermera, Agustu Martins, iha nia intervensaun iha okasiaun nee hateten, knar neebe simu husi Bureau Politiku PST maka hametin estrutura PST iha Ermera no habelar no haklaken estrutura iha mos sub distritu Atabae, kamarada Chakra, ba Kailaku kamarada Ametan, hodi materialize aktividades Partido iha areas neebe refere, realsa Komisario nee. ohin kalan ita hamutuk iha nee, tanba Chakra hatudu ninia komitmentu atu fo an no vida ba kuase ema kiik no kiak tuir ideariu PST, dehan Agusto.\nPosted by Partido Socialista de Timor at 10:03 AM No comments: Links to this post
[ "Welcome to Partido Socialista de Timor: 2011 Ami Hakarak Hili Dalan Foun Motive PST liderado husi Presidente Partido iha loron 18 de Setembro halo soru mutu ho militantes PST neebe maka kamarada Chakra organiza iha Suco Atabae, Nunbeo.", "Iha sorumutu nee halo tomada de posse ba kuadrus Komite Base Popular hamutuk ema nain 90 no fo juramentu ba Militantes foun besik 200.", "Iha nia intervensaun nuudar assistense politiku ba Komisario Politiku Ermera, Agosto Martins, neebe supervisiona dezenvolvimentu estrutura Partido iha Atabae ho Kailaku, Chakra hateten katak nia decide tama PST atu bele luta ba Liberta Povu, Dehan Chakra.", "Nunee se hakarak Liberta Povu tenki organiza an didiak noo tuir strategikas neebe los atu bele materialize konseitu Liberta Povu.", "Oras nee dadauk ema barak koalia Liberta Povu, mais liberta oinsa. husu Chakra iha militantes, simpatizantes no Povu Atabae tomak neebe kalan ne'e hamutuk iha Suco Nundeo, besik ema rihun ida resin.", "Komisario Politiku Ermera, Agustu Martins, iha nia intervensaun iha okasiaun nee hateten, knar neebe simu husi Bureau Politiku PST maka hametin estrutura PST iha Ermera no habelar no haklaken estrutura iha mos sub distritu Atabae, kamarada Chakra, ba Kailaku kamarada Ametan, hodi materialize aktividades Partido iha areas neebe refere, realsa Komisario nee. ohin kalan ita hamutuk iha nee, tanba Chakra hatudu ninia komitmentu atu fo an no vida ba kuase ema kiik no kiak tuir ideariu PST, dehan Agusto.", "Posted by Partido Socialista de Timor at 10:03 AM No comments: Links to this post" ]
[ [ "Welcome to Partido Socialista de Timor: 2013 Ami Hakarak Hili Dalan Foun Motive PST led by the Party President held a meeting with militants of Comrade Chakra in Suco Ataba, Nunbeo." ], [ "At the meeting, 90 members of Popular Base Committee were sworn in and nearly a hundred new militants took their oath." ], [ "In his intervention as political assistant to Ermera Political Commissioner, Agosto Martins who oversees the development of Party structure in Atabae and Kailaku Chakra said that he decided on joining PST so it could fight for Liberta Povu." ], [ "Thus, if we want to liberate the people must be organized properly and follow right strategiese in order for us can materialize concept of Liberta Povu." ], [ "Many people are now talking about Liberta Povu, but how to liberate. Chakra asked the militants and sympathizers of Atabae People who gathered this evening in Nundeo Township (about one thousand)." ], [ "Ermera Political Commissioner Agustu Martins, in his intervention at the occasion said that work received from PST'S political bureau is to strengthen structure of pst ermara and have a broader spread into sub-district Atabae as well. Comrade Chakra for Kailaku comrad Ametan will materialize Party activities on these areas also emphasized by this commissioned member : \"tonight we are here together because chakra has shown its commitment towards dedicating herself with life almost all people small & poor accordingly ideario de la PST\" says Augusto" ], [ "Posted by The New York Times at 10:35 AM No comments, please leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published." ] ]
Ukun Teknokrátiku Solusaun ba Koligasaun-Aliansa | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Ukun Teknokrátiku Solusaun ba Koligasaun-Aliansa\nUkun Teknokrátiku Solusaun ba Koligasaun-Aliansa\nDILI (TATOLI)—Diretór Asosiasaun HAK, Manuel Monteiro konsidera promove governasaun teknokrátika nu’udar solusaun polítika hanesan koligasaun ka aliansa tanba ne’e sujere ba FRETILIN (Frente Revolução de Timor-Leste Independente) nu’udar partidu vensedór tenke halo avaliasaun ba ukun tinan 15 liubá ne’e.\n“Kona-ba saida mak seidauk di’ak. Depois eskolla ema ne’ebé mak atu ba sai ministru, vise-ministru no sekretáriu estadu tuir abilidade ne’ebé mak iha,” hateten Diretór Asosiasaun HAK, Manuel Monteiro ba ajénsia Tatoli iha nia kna’ar fatin, Farol, Díli, ohin.\nNune’e mós, ema ne’ebé eskolla hodi asume kargu tenke iha patriotizmu, nasionalizmu tan bainhira maske ema iha méritu doutór, profesór doutór no seluk tan la iha espiritu rua ne’e sei hanoin de’it mak na’uk. Tanba ne’e, importante mak tenke halo avaliasaun ida di’ak duni.\nManuel sujere tan ba FRETILIN ne’ebé mak iha posibilidade atu governa rai Timor ba tinan lima mai oin tenke halo reflesaun ida ne’e di’ak no analíze no haree kontratu polítika ida di’ak ba partidu sira ne’ebé tama, haktuir ba esperiénsia ne’ebé FRETILIN iha, iha tempu AMP (Aliança Maioria Parlamentar).\nFRETILIN tenke halo reflesaun ida ne’e di’ak. Bolu ema teknokrata mós tenke haree ba ema nia dedikasaun, iha duni moral di’ak atu ba kaer ukun. “Atu ba kaer ukun tenke iha morál,” diretór ne’e reforsa.\nKuandu morál la di’ak sei la promove prinsipiu boa governasaun iha formasaun governu ne’ebé mak atu mai.\nNia hateten, ukun na’in sira tenke iha morál, hanesan espellu mai ita. Sira mak sai espellu mai ita, sira mak sei leno aan mai ita. Sira mak morál monu, la iha dignidade, la iha espiritu patriotizmu, nasionalizmu, jerasaun tuir mai sei aat liutan.\nEdukasaun sívika tenke la’o nafatin ba teritóriu hotu atu forma ema nia espiritu nasionalizmu, ema nia espirítu patriotizmu hodi hadomi rai ida ne’e. nune’e labele hadomi nasaun seluk liu fali Timor-Leste ne’ebé eroi barak lori sira-nia isin, sira-nia raan terus ba rai ida ne’e.\nAleinde ida ne’e Partidu tenki promove formasaun polítika ba kuadrus, nune’e hatene sentidu estadu no intreses povu nian atu ukun karik keta monu ba malisan habokur aan, hariiku aan, hariku sira-nia grupu.\n“Atu promove espíritu patriotizmu no nasionalizmu, partidu polítiku sira tenke halo edukasaun sívika no formasaun kontinua ba nia kuadru no militante eh simpatizante sira. La’ós de’it iha tempu atu tama ba kampaña, partidu tenke funsiona. Ne’e mak ita dehan rekrutamentu polítiku,” Manuel Monteiro esplika.\nHodi reforsa intensaun promove governasaun teknokrátika, patriotizmu no nasionalizmu importante tanba husi espiritu rua ne’e ema bele serbisu ho di’ak no sei hadomi nia serbisu rasik.\n“Ema fó fiar ba ita tanba iha dedikasaun, maturidade polítika ne’ebé mak di’ak tanba ne’e make ma fó fiar mai ita,” nia konklui.\nAMP (Aliança Maioria Parlamentar)\nFRETILIN (Frente Revolução de Timor-Leste Independente)\nPrevious articleMOE UE Aban Husik Hela Timor-Leste\nNext articlePN Konfirma Ona Lei Investimentu Privadu\nXina Kontinua Promete Tulun TL Kombate COVID-19\nDILI, 01 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)-Governu Xina liuhosi ninia reprezentasaun iha Timor-Leste, kontinua promete hodi tulun Estadu Timor-Leste atu prevene propagasaun surtu coronavirus. Kestaun ne’e hato’o...\nDILI, 03 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)--Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, husu ba entidade hotu atu kolabora hodi garante ba distribuisaun pagamentu subsídiu...
[ "Ukun Teknokratiku Solusaun ba Koligasaun-Aliansa | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Ukun Teknokratiku Solusaun ba Koligasaun-Aliansa Ukun Teknokratiku Solusaun ba Koligasaun-Aliansa DILI (TATOLI) - Diretor Asosiasaun HAK, Manuel Monteiro konsidera promove governasaun teknokratika nu'udar solusaun politika hanesan koligasaun ka aliansa tanba ne'e sujere ba FRETILIN (Frente Revolucao de Timor-Leste Independente) nu'udar partidu vensedor tenke halo avaliasaun ba ukun tinan 15 liuba ne'e.", "\"Kona-ba saida mak seidauk di'ak.", "Depois eskolla ema ne'ebe mak atu ba sai ministru, vise-ministru no sekretariu estadu tuir abilidade ne'ebe mak iha,\" hateten Diretor Asosiasaun HAK, Manuel Monteiro ba ajensia Tatoli iha nia kna'ar fatin, Farol, Dili, ohin.", "Nune'e mos, ema ne'ebe eskolla hodi asume kargu tenke iha patriotizmu, nasionalizmu tan bainhira maske ema iha meritu doutor, profesor doutor no seluk tan la iha espiritu rua ne'e sei hanoin de'it mak na'uk.", "Tanba ne'e, importante mak tenke halo avaliasaun ida di'ak duni.", "Manuel sujere tan ba FRETILIN ne'ebe mak iha posibilidade atu governa rai Timor ba tinan lima mai oin tenke halo reflesaun ida ne'e di'ak no analize no haree kontratu politika ida di'ak ba partidu sira ne'ebe tama, haktuir ba esperiensia ne'ebe FRETILIN iha, iha tempu AMP (Alianca Maioria Parlamentar).", "FRETILIN tenke halo reflesaun ida ne'e di'ak.", "Bolu ema teknokrata mos tenke haree ba ema nia dedikasaun, iha duni moral di'ak atu ba kaer ukun.", "\"Atu ba kaer ukun tenke iha moral,\" diretor ne'e reforsa.", "Kuandu moral la di'ak sei la promove prinsipiu boa governasaun iha formasaun governu ne'ebe mak atu mai.", "Nia hateten, ukun na'in sira tenke iha moral, hanesan espellu mai ita.", "Sira mak sai espellu mai ita, sira mak sei leno aan mai ita.", "Sira mak moral monu, la iha dignidade, la iha espiritu patriotizmu, nasionalizmu, jerasaun tuir mai sei aat liutan.", "Edukasaun sivika tenke la'o nafatin ba teritoriu hotu atu forma ema nia espiritu nasionalizmu, ema nia espiritu patriotizmu hodi hadomi rai ida ne'e. nune'e labele hadomi nasaun seluk liu fali Timor-Leste ne'ebe eroi barak lori sira-nia isin, sira-nia raan terus ba rai ida ne'e.", "Aleinde ida ne'e Partidu tenki promove formasaun politika ba kuadrus, nune'e hatene sentidu estadu no intreses povu nian atu ukun karik keta monu ba malisan habokur aan, hariiku aan, hariku sira-nia grupu.", "\"Atu promove espiritu patriotizmu no nasionalizmu, partidu politiku sira tenke halo edukasaun sivika no formasaun kontinua ba nia kuadru no militante eh simpatizante sira.", "La'os de'it iha tempu atu tama ba kampana, partidu tenke funsiona.", "Ne'e mak ita dehan rekrutamentu politiku,\" Manuel Monteiro esplika.", "Hodi reforsa intensaun promove governasaun teknokratika, patriotizmu no nasionalizmu importante tanba husi espiritu rua ne'e ema bele serbisu ho di'ak no sei hadomi nia serbisu rasik.", "\"Ema fo fiar ba ita tanba iha dedikasaun, maturidade politika ne'ebe mak di'ak tanba ne'e make ma fo fiar mai ita,\" nia konklui.", "AMP (Alianca Maioria Parlamentar) FRETILIN (Frente Revolucao de Timor-Leste Independente) Previous articleMOE UE Aban Husik Hela Timor-Leste Next articlePN Konfirma Ona Lei Investimentu Privadu Xina Kontinua Promete Tulun TL Kombate COVID-19 DILI, 01 junu 2020 (TATOLI) -Governu Xina liuhosi ninia reprezentasaun iha Timor-Leste, kontinua promete hodi tulun Estadu Timor-Leste atu prevene propagasaun surtu coronavirus.", "Kestaun ne'e hato'o...", "DILI, 03 junu 2020 (TATOLI) --Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, husu ba entidade hotu atu kolabora hodi garante ba distribuisaun pagamentu subsidiu..." ]
[ [ "Dili (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - HAK Association Director, Manuel Monteiro considers promoting technocratic governance as a political solution like coalitions or alliances therefore he suggested that FRETILIN(Frente Revolucao do Timor Leste Independente), the victorious party should make an evaluation of its last fifteen years in power." ], [ "\"What's not good about it?" ], [ "Then we will choose the people who are going to become ministers, vice-ministres and secretaries of state depending on their abilities\", HAK Association Director Manuel Monteiro told Tatoli agency at his office in Farol today." ], [ "Similarly, a person who is trained to assume office must have patriotism and nationality because even if someone has the merits of doctorate or professorship but does not possess these two qualities they will only think about it." ], [ "For this reason, it is important to make a good evaluation." ], [ "Manuel also suggested that FRETILIN, which has the possibility of governing Timor for five years to come should reflect well on this and analyse it in order a good political contract can be made with parties entering into government. This is based upon experiences from AMP (Alliance Parliamentary Majority)." ], [ "This is something that the FRETILIN must reflect on." ], [ "Many technocrats must also look at the dedication of people, have good morality to take power." ], [ "\"In order to take power, there must be morality\", the director emphasizes." ], [ "When morality is not good, it will be impossible to promote the principles of Good Governance in forming a future government." ], [ "He said, \"The rulers must have morality as a mirror to us." ], [ "They will be our mirrors, they are going to feed us." ], [ "They are morally decayed, have no dignity and lack the spirit of patriotism or nationality. The next generation will be bad on their heels as well!" ], [ "Civic education must continue in all territories to form people's spirit of nationalism, their patriotic soul so that they love this country. So there can be no other nation more loved than Timor-Leste where many herois bore the body and blood for our land!" ], [ "In addition to this, the Party must promote political training for cadres so that they know their sense of state and people' s interest in governing if not fall into a malicious self-destruction." ], [ "\"In order to promote the spirit of patriotism and nationality, political parties must carry out civic education as well a continuous training for their cadres." ], [ "Not only is there time to go into campaigning, the party must function." ], [ "This is what we call political recruitment,\" Manuel Monteiro explains." ], [ "To reinforce the intention to promote technocratic governance, patriotism and nationalist spirit are important because with these two people can work well in their own job." ], [ "\"People trust us because we have dedication, good political maturity and that's why they put their confidence in our party.\"" ], [ "PreviousMOE EU Aban Husik Hela Timor-Leste Next articlePN Confirmated Private Investment Law China Continues Promise to Help TL Fight COVID 19 DILI, June (Agência Lusa) -The Chinese Government through its representation in East Тимор continue promised help the State of Eastern To prevent spreading outbreak coronavirus." ], [ "The question is raised by ..." ], [ "DILI, June 3rd (TATOLI) --State Administration Minister Miguel Pereira de Carvalho has asked all entities to collaborate in order..." ] ]
AMRT rekolla dokumentu rezisténsia atu prezerva istória luta ba libertasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU AMRT rekolla dokumentu rezisténsia atu prezerva istória luta ba libertasaun\nVeteranu iha kaixa klandesitina sira iha Ossouala entrega dokuentu reziaténsia ba AMRT. Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa.\nBAUCAU, 14 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)—Veteranu Manuel Locateli Gusmão Soares ‘Lotuk’, konsidera prezensa hosi Arkivu no Muzeu Rezisténsia Timorense (AMRT) Institutu Públiku, iha suku Ossouala, postu administrativu Vemasse, munisípiu Baucau, hodi rekolla dokumentu rezisténsia hosi kaixa klandestina sira, hanesan parte ida atu prezerva istória Timot-Leste iha luta libertasaun nasionál.\n“Istória ba ema ida-idak nian dalaruma mate labele konta ona, nune’e liuhosi ne’e, na’in rasik bele konta hela no dokumentu hirak ne’ebé entrega ba AMRT bele prezerva istória iha muzeu, hodi jerasaun sira tuir mai bele hatene,’’ Manuel Locateli Gusmão Soares ‘Lotuk’ hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha Ossouala, Vemasse, Baucau, kinta ne’e.\nNia parte prontu kolabora no husu kaixa sira oinsá bele kontribui iha prosesu rekolla dokumentu ne’e no fó entrevista sira hodi bele AMRT prezerva sai istória loloos no to’o ikus ema labele inventa istória.\nDomingas Gusmao Goulart prepara dokumentu rezisténsia atu entrega ba AMRT. Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa.\nVeteranu ho grau 15-19 ne’e, fó sasin katak, kontribuisaun kaixa klandestina iha prosesu luta ba autodeterminasaun importante tebes, tanba fornese apoiu hanesan ai-han, ai-moruk no seluk tán ba Falintil sira iha ai-laran hodi eziste kontinua luta to’o Timor-Leste hetan independénsia.\n“Membru kaixa sira mak fasilita informasaun oioin iha vila ba Falintil sira iha ai-laran ho halo estratéjia sira iha vila laran halo demostrasaun hasoru militár Indonézia. Nune’e, loke kaixa klandestina hodi fasilita mós Falintil bainhira iha ai-laran situasaun defisíl bele hamutuk ho sira lori hahan,” nia dehan.\nBainhira iha vila laran mak inimigu sira deskonfia sira makas ona, Falintil rekua fila-fali ba ai-laran tenke dook, tanba halo persegisaun oioin no ida-ne’e mak estabelese kaixa klandestina ne’e.\nManuel Locateli Gusmão Soares ‘Lotuk’ hateten, dalaruma manan funu hanesan mehi ida karik tanba inimigu ho forsa boot no Falintil ho de’it hanoin no tátika militár bele manan.\nEnkuantu iha loron 04 fulan ne’e to’o agora ekipa AMRT kontinua iha Ossouala hodi rekolla dokumentu reizténsia nian hosi kaixa klandestina sira iha suku ne’e no iha Vemasse tasi nian.\nIha prosesu rekolla dokumentu rezisténsia ne’e, AMRT mós halo entervista ho responsavel kaixa klandestina no membru sira besik 80 ne’ebé daudaun ne’e seidauk termina.\nTuir ajenda, iha loron 16 outubru, AMRT sei realiza serimónia hodi ofisializa termu asinatura hodi entrega dokumentu rezisténsia hosi kaixa klandestina hanesan kaixa Soko, kaixa Sadere, kaixa Oe-Dolár, kaixa Fitun Mutin no kaixa Unidade/21.\nVeteranu Locateli ho komunidade loké estrada\nEntretanu veteranu Manuel Locateli Gusmão Soares ‘Lotuk’ hamutuk ho komunidade Ossouala ho insiativa rasik loké estrada hosi área Bubuhomesa to’o Waihadaboho ba iha Vemasse Vila ho kilómetru sia (9).\n“Inisiativa ha’u-nian hodi mobiliza joven sira, iha tinan hirak liu-bá loké estrada ne’e kee de’it ho manuál hanesan lori aisuak no kanuru mak suru,” Manuel Locateli Gusmão Soares hateten.\nAntes ne’e, dalan ne’e iha ai-laran tuan no ho inistiva loké dalan bele fasilita movimentu komunidade sira-nian hodi ba to’o iha Vemasse Vila ba-mai Ossouala.\n“Maibé, dalan ne’e iha tempu udan defisíl tebes tanba laiha kondisaun hanesan rai kuak no tahu. Nune’e husu ba Instititu Jesaun Ekipamentu (IJE) atu halo manutensaun,’’ nia dehan.\nEntertantu, suku Ossouala, postu administrativu Vemasse, munisípiu Baucau, iha aldeia lima mak hanesan Caidenulale, Hoineuwai, Lolinunu, Waiknasa, no Umaiku ho totál populasaun hamutuk 2339 no xefe família kain 503. Maiória populasaun moris nu’udar agrikultór no suku ne’e iha potensialidade ba natar, pekuária haki’ak animál inklui produtu lokál sira hanesan modo no ai-fuan sira seluk.\nRekollamentu dokumentu rezisténisia hosi AMRT prezera istória luta\nPrevious articlePoeta timor-oan konsidera iha nesesidade hatuur obra poétika iha kuríkulu edukasaun\nNext articleKaixa Sadere entrega dokumentu rezisténsia ba AMRT
[ "AMRT rekolla dokumentu rezistensia atu prezerva istoria luta ba libertasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU AMRT rekolla dokumentu rezistensia atu prezerva istoria luta ba libertasaun Veteranu iha kaixa klandesitina sira iha Ossouala entrega dokuentu reziatensia ba AMRT.", "Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa.", "BAUCAU, 14 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Veteranu Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk', konsidera prezensa hosi Arkivu no Muzeu Rezistensia Timorense (AMRT) Institutu Publiku, iha suku Ossouala, postu administrativu Vemasse, munisipiu Baucau, hodi rekolla dokumentu rezistensia hosi kaixa klandestina sira, hanesan parte ida atu prezerva istoria Timot-Leste iha luta libertasaun nasional.", "\"Istoria ba ema ida-idak nian dalaruma mate labele konta ona, nune'e liuhosi ne'e, na'in rasik bele konta hela no dokumentu hirak ne'ebe entrega ba AMRT bele prezerva istoria iha muzeu, hodi jerasaun sira tuir mai bele hatene, \" Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha Ossouala, Vemasse, Baucau, kinta ne'e.", "Nia parte prontu kolabora no husu kaixa sira oinsa bele kontribui iha prosesu rekolla dokumentu ne'e no fo entrevista sira hodi bele AMRT prezerva sai istoria loloos no to'o ikus ema labele inventa istoria.", "Domingas Gusmao Goulart prepara dokumentu rezistensia atu entrega ba AMRT.", "Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa.", "Veteranu ho grau 15-19 ne'e, fo sasin katak, kontribuisaun kaixa klandestina iha prosesu luta ba autodeterminasaun importante tebes, tanba fornese apoiu hanesan ai-han, ai-moruk no seluk tan ba Falintil sira iha ai-laran hodi eziste kontinua luta to'o Timor-Leste hetan independensia.", "\"Membru kaixa sira mak fasilita informasaun oioin iha vila ba Falintil sira iha ai-laran ho halo estratejia sira iha vila laran halo demostrasaun hasoru militar Indonezia.", "Nune'e, loke kaixa klandestina hodi fasilita mos Falintil bainhira iha ai-laran situasaun defisil bele hamutuk ho sira lori hahan,\" nia dehan.", "Bainhira iha vila laran mak inimigu sira deskonfia sira makas ona, Falintil rekua fila-fali ba ai-laran tenke dook, tanba halo persegisaun oioin no ida-ne'e mak estabelese kaixa klandestina ne'e.", "Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' hateten, dalaruma manan funu hanesan mehi ida karik tanba inimigu ho forsa boot no Falintil ho de'it hanoin no tatika militar bele manan.", "Enkuantu iha loron 04 fulan ne'e to'o agora ekipa AMRT kontinua iha Ossouala hodi rekolla dokumentu reiztensia nian hosi kaixa klandestina sira iha suku ne'e no iha Vemasse tasi nian.", "Iha prosesu rekolla dokumentu rezistensia ne'e, AMRT mos halo entervista ho responsavel kaixa klandestina no membru sira besik 80 ne'ebe daudaun ne'e seidauk termina.", "Tuir ajenda, iha loron 16 outubru, AMRT sei realiza serimonia hodi ofisializa termu asinatura hodi entrega dokumentu rezistensia hosi kaixa klandestina hanesan kaixa Soko, kaixa Sadere, kaixa Oe-Dolar, kaixa Fitun Mutin no kaixa Unidade/21.", "Veteranu Locateli ho komunidade loke estrada Entretanu veteranu Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' hamutuk ho komunidade Ossouala ho insiativa rasik loke estrada hosi area Bubuhomesa to'o Waihadaboho ba iha Vemasse Vila ho kilometru sia (9).", "\"Inisiativa ha'u-nian hodi mobiliza joven sira, iha tinan hirak liu-ba loke estrada ne'e kee de'it ho manual hanesan lori aisuak no kanuru mak suru,\" Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares hateten.", "Antes ne'e, dalan ne'e iha ai-laran tuan no ho inistiva loke dalan bele fasilita movimentu komunidade sira-nian hodi ba to'o iha Vemasse Vila ba-mai Ossouala.", "\"Maibe, dalan ne'e iha tempu udan defisil tebes tanba laiha kondisaun hanesan rai kuak no tahu.", "Nune'e husu ba Instititu Jesaun Ekipamentu (IJE) atu halo manutensaun, \" nia dehan.", "Entertantu, suku Ossouala, postu administrativu Vemasse, munisipiu Baucau, iha aldeia lima mak hanesan Caidenulale, Hoineuwai, Lolinunu, Waiknasa, no Umaiku ho total populasaun hamutuk 2339 no xefe familia kain 503.", "Maioria populasaun moris nu'udar agrikultor no suku ne'e iha potensialidade ba natar, pekuaria haki'ak animal inklui produtu lokal sira hanesan modo no ai-fuan sira seluk.", "Rekollamentu dokumentu rezistenisia hosi AMRT prezera istoria luta Previous articlePoeta timor-oan konsidera iha nesesidade hatuur obra poetika iha kurikulu edukasaun Next articleKaixa Sadere entrega dokumentu rezistensia ba AMRT" ]
[ [ "AMRT collects resistance documents to preserve the history of liberation struggle | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Veteran in secret boxes at Ossouala submit document reziatensia for amrt." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa." ], [ "BAUCAU, October 14th - Veteran Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' considers the presence of Archives and Museum Timorese Resistance (AMRT) Public Institute in Ossouala village Vemasse administrative post Baucau municipality to collect resistance documents from clandestine boxes as a part for preserving East-Timor history on national liberation struggle." ], [ "\"The story of each person sometimes cannot be told after they die, so through this the owner can continue to tell and those documents that are handed over for AMRT may preserve history in a museum where future generations will know about it\", Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' tells Agência Tatoli from Ossouala." ], [ "His side is ready to cooperate and ask the kaixa how they can contribute in collecting these documents, asking for interviews so that AMRT will be preserved into true history." ], [ "Domingas Gusmao Goulart prepares the resistance document to be delivered at AMRT." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa." ], [ "The veteran, who holds the ranks of grade (15-) to degree(9), testified that clandestine kaixa contribution in self determination struggle was very important because it provided support such as food and medicine for Falintil on land so they could continue fighting until Timor Leste gained independence." ], [ "\"Members of the kaixa facilitated various information in village to Falintil on land and made their strategy inside town demonstrating against Indonesian military." ], [ "Thus, open clandestine boxes to facilitate Falintil when in the field difficult situation can carry food together with them\", he said." ], [ "When the enemy suspected that they were in danger inside, Falintil retreated back to their camps because of various persecutions and this was how it established its clandestine kaixa." ], [ "Manuel Locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' says that sometimes winning a war is like dreaming because the enemy has great forces and Falintil with only military thought, tactics can win." ], [ "Meanwhile, from 04th of this month until now the AMRT team continues in Ossouala to collect resistance documents on clandestine boxes located both within and outside Vemasse." ], [ "In the process of collecting resistance documents, AMRT also conducted interviews with responsibles and nearly 80 clandestine members. These are still not completed at this time;" ], [ "According to the agenda, on October 16th AMRT will hold a ceremony for formalising signing terms of delivery resistance documents from clandestine boxes such as Soko Box (Soko), SadereBox(Saderé) O-Dolarbox Fitun Mutin and Unit/20." ], [ "Veteran Locateli and community open road Entretanu veteran Manuel locateli Gusmao Soares 'Lotuk' together with the Ossouala communities on their own initiative, they inaugurated a nine (9) kilometers long highway from Bubuhomesa area to Waihadaboho in Vemasse Vila." ], [ "\"My initiative to mobilize young people, in the last few years of opening this road was only with manuals such as carrying timber and canoes that are used for suring\", said Manuel Locateli Gusmaos Soares." ], [ "Previously, the road was in old soil and with this initiative to open it will facilitate movement of communities from Vemasse Vila towards Ossouala." ], [ "\"However, this road is very difficult in the rainy season because there are no conditions such as gravel and turf." ], [ "Therefore, we asked the Institute of Engineering Equipment (IJE) to carry out maintenance,” he said." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Ossouala commune in Vemasse administrative post of Baucau municipality has five villages: Caidenulale (2340), Hoineuwai(1975) Lolinunu Waiknasa and Umaiku with a total population 86." ], [ "The majority of the population live as farmers and this village has potential for farming, cattle breedings including local produce such a wheat or other crops." ], [ "Previous articleTimor-Leste poets consider it necessary to include works of poetics in the educational curriculum Next ArticleKaixa Sadere delivers resistance documents from AMRT, preserves struggle history" ] ]