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Get your security teams up. | Få opp vaktlag. |
To cleanse and purify. | For å renses. |
Willi, what is it? What's happened? | Hva står på, Willi? |
We're not going anywhere until this is over, Hammond. | Vi drar ikke før dette er over. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Two... | To. |
We have people to help more numbers. And how many of those numbers will come up because we saved one man's life? | Hvor mange flere nummer blir det fordi vi reddet en manns liv? |
-Come on, I hear about everything. | - Jeg hører om alt. |
- Lieutenant Knox. - Sir. | Løytnant Knox. |
Is that even conceivable? | Er det mulig? |
You'll get compliments from our Saudi friend who will find you great. | Saudi-vennen vår elsker deg. |
Yes, I do. | - Ja. |
Um, hey could I use your laptop tonight? | Kan jeg låne laptopen? |
You've got 10 seconds. Then after that, I walk out of that door and you never see me again. | Ti sekunder, så går jeg, og da ser du meg ikke igjen. |
- OK. OK. You're OK. | Du er ok. |
I got to give you this back. I just want to bring you that. | - Jeg ville bare gi tilbake denne. |
And-and you were there... | Og du var der. |
The whole thing is about us. It's about our future. | Det handler om fremtiden vår. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
- What the fuck are you doing? - Nothing. - What was all that? | - Hva faen driver du med? |
- I appreciate that. | -Takk. |
What's that? | Hva da? |
- Do not. | -Nei. |
-so I don't have to worry about it later. -I know, And I'm so proud of you for how hard you're working, so just do your thing and I will be here. | Jeg er stolt av at du jobber så hardt, så jeg er her. |
The plan is we go home. | Vi drar hjem. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
- The most beautiful girl in town. - I know, but... | ...byens peneste jente. |
Get in the other room! Go! Get in the other room! | - Inn i det andre rommet! |
So, everything's awesome? | Alt er supert? |
Yeah. Denny dantone's coming in with an offer on the Norton house -- $62 million. Prepared to close in less than a week, I hear. | Denny Dantone legger inn bud, 62 millioner for en rask handel. |
I told you. I haven't seen him. | Har ikke sett ham. |
Yeah, I got it. - Hello? - Happy Thanksgiving. | - Gledelig Thanksgiving. |
Please, just let me go. Please. | Bare la meg gå. |
Let me get a look at you. | Få se på deg. |
Morgan. Morgan! | Morgan! |
Oh, good. You're smart. Twenty-one? | Bra, du er smart. |
Okay, bye-bye. | Ha det. |
S-So, wait. | Vent. |
It's relevant because if the government's gonna continue paying your disability insurance, I have to figure out whether or not your condition has improved. | Hvis du skal få uføretrygd, må jeg vite om tilstanden din har bedret seg. |
Yeah, we spoke on the phone. That's right. Right. | - Vi snakket i telefonen. |
Are you listening to this, Hunter? | Hører du, Hunter? |
No! No! | Nei! |
Bitch, open this door! | Åpne døren! |
I need your help. | Hjelp meg. |
In this instance, yes. | -I dette, ja. |
Dr. Crusher has informed me that Data's emotion chip has been fused into his neural net and cannot be removed. | Dr. Crusher sier at Datas følelseschip ikke kan fjernes. |
Thank you. - Thank you so much. | - Tusen takk. |
Nothing, I don't know. | Jeg vet ikke. |
What's gonna happen now is you're gonna throw your gun over here. | Nå skal du kaste pistolen din hit. |
Yeah, they're gonna love you. | De vil elske deg. |
Holdthis. | Hold! |
She just went down the elevator. | Hun tok heisen ned. |
Nancy! Nancy! | Nancy! |
- So what are you gonna do then ? | Hva skal du gjøre? |
- Oh. Son of a bitch! You're bleeding, Professor Tripp. | - Du blør, professor Tripp. |
So? Go get them. | Hent dem. |
You know, you're gonna have to stare in the mirror and you take a deep breath, and you go do your thing. | Man ser seg i speilet, trekker pusten dypt og gjør greia di. |
It's bullshit! Give me that goddamn phone. | - Gi meg telefonen |
Oh, hi. | Hei. |
We'll get some information regarding the investigation and... | - Vi må få info om etterforskningen. |
I feel like getting out of here. Absolutely. | Jeg vil ut herfra. |
-I am improving myself, fool! I broke up with no-good, gangbanging Tec, I'm going to beauty school... and then I'm gonna hook up my own salon. | Jeg brøt med sleipe Tec, skal gå på frisørskole, åpne egen salong. |
Yeah, that's... that's good. | Ja, det er bra. |
- Hello. - The Fockers, honey. | Fockers er her. |
No no, but if you were a little girl, what does it look like? | - Men om du var en liten jente? |
Johnny is impressed with you. Whole town is impressed with you. | Du har gjort inntrykk på Johnny. |
I mean, something was wrong. | Noe var galt. |
- Benedict said we can keep them? - That's what he said. | Benedict sa vi kan beholde dem? |
By the time you receive it, everything will have been set in motion. | Når du mottar den, vil alt være i gang. |
- Yeah, yeah. | - Ja. |
Get out. | Ut! |
As far as they're concerned, he's the United States of America. | For dem er han selveste herr USA. |
- Off off off off! | Av! |
Guys... where are we? | Hvor er vi? |
It was pretty close, though. | Men ganske nære. |
This girl, right here. | Denne jenten. |
- Right here? | - Her? |
You know, we're just... It's the last weekend of the season. | Det er den siste helgen i sesongen. |
- Why do you ask? - It's just that I... | - Hvorfor spørr du? |
That guy needs to do some serious thinking about baseball. | Han må tenke grundig på baseball. |
Yes, ma'am. | - Ja. |
What are you doing here, you dirty... | Hva gjør du her, din |
Did he die? Answer: | Døde han? |
- Ugh. - No. | Nei. |
Okay. - Yes, it does. | -Jo. |
You know, in my experience, the world's divided into two kinds of people. | Verden er inndelt i to typer mennesker: |
- Calm down! - He can't control it. He's sick! | -Han kan ikke styre det! |
Man, we're gonna have to pull over soon. | Vi må stoppe snart. |
We have to leave, now. | Vi må gå, nå. |
Cheer up. It's nearly Christmas. | Det er snart jul. |
So, what do you think? | Hva tror du? |
Now, you take those. | Ta dem nå. |
Here he'll stay and here he'll serve. | Og her blir han. |
What is going to happen? | hva vil skje? |
- Thank you. | -Takk. |
But it seems like myself is making you very frustrated. | -Men jeg gjør deg frustrert. |
- Who is it? | Hvem? |
Come on. Come on. | Kom igjen. |
We need to get Mogens to a mental institution. | Vi må få Mogens innlagt. |
Got you a little something. | Har noe til deg. |