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Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing in there? | Hva er det du gjør? |
Celia loves Walter. Walter loves Harry. | Celia elsker Walter. |
- 'Right.' - 'Yeah.' | Ja. |
You know there's always a chance she'll remember something new. | Det kan hende hun husker noe nytt. |
Can you really fly? | Kan du fly? |
Oh, shit. | Faen. |
God, you know what? | Vet du hva? |
- You know what? - He hated everybody in this family. | Han hatet hele familien. |
I've got to go to work. -Okay. | Jeg skal på jobb. |
No. And I think we've got an outbreak right here in Portland. | Vi har et utbrudd i Portland. |
Come on in. Come on. | Kom. |
- Fair enough. So glad just to see some normal faces, you know. | - Jeg er glad for å se normale folk. |
Come on. | Kom. |
The last payment you made was eight months ago, when Lindquist brought his dust in. | Siste betaling var for 8 måneder siden. |
What do you mean "wearing your ears?" | Hva mener du med ører? |
A little bit of wind? | Litt vind? |
You get away from my elephant! Get out, he's my elephant! | Kom deg vekk fra min elefant! |
- I have fun with that. | - Det er gøy. |
- Look. | Se. |
Observe. | -Se. |
Aye, aye, sir. | - Javel. |
Oh, my Lord, my mother could've rode better than that. | Moren min kunne ridd bedre. |
60 percent of everything you've taken. | 60 av alt dere stjal. |
- Sally... Rosie. | Rosie. |
All right. First word. | Første ordet. |
You were watching. | Du så det. |
I swear! I'm sorry, but there's just something weird about the way you talk about him. | -Du omtaler ham på en rar måte. |
All right. I'll walk you out, then. | Jeg følger deg ut. |
You can't expect us to be intimately familiar with all of them? | Vi kan da ikke kjenne til alle. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
I thought you were my friend. I am your friend. | - Jeg er vennen din. |
He's staying at The Renaissance. The big hotel. | -Han bodde på Renaissance. |
You have a website. That's good. Good for you. | Du har en nettside. |
-Okay, you know. | -Greit. |
- You mean five. - One is five. | - Du mener fem. |
I had it here this morning, I swear to god, I had it this morning. | Jeg hadde den her i morges. Jeg lover. |
All right? | Ok? |
What? ! | Hva? |
-Calm down! He's here now. | Han er her nå! |
- Hey. - Hey. | Hei. |
Keep your head down! Keep your head down! | Hold hodet lavt! |
And we ain't been callin' it that because there's a nationwide conspiracy workin' against us... a conspiracy, as the Captain called it, of slaveholders actively at war, workin' hard to make it seem the way of things. | Men vi har ikke kalt det det pga. en landsdekkende sammensvergelse. En sammensvergelse av slaveeiere som aktivt utøver en krig. |
Lawson's a writer. A fine one, too. | Lawson er forfatter. |
(chuckles) You threatening me? | Truer du meg? |
You guys ready? | Klare? |
No, wait a minute. | Vent litt. |
Would you like to come inside? | Vil du komme inn? |
LORENZO'S FATHER: I've analyzed Rossi and he's trying harder than ever. | Rossi prøver hardere enn noen gang før. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
And I am paying and I'm paying him and I'm paying him and I'm paying him. | Og jeg betaler og betaler og betaler. |
Channel seven? | Kanal 7. |
All right. Just put me down, right now! | Sett meg ned. |
Yeah, I guess there's that, too. Yeah. | - Det skjer også. |
We gotta bring this stuff back. You have to take it back. | Vi må levere det tilbake. |
Cut! Cut! | Kutt! |
It's okay, buddy. He's dead, Charlie. | - Han er død, Charlie. |
-Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas to you, too. | - God jul. |
-Okay. All right. | Greit. |
He wants to be attached, but he doesn't want attachments. | Han foretrekker ikke å binde seg. |
Put the guns down. Put the guns down. | Legg ned våpnene! |
One of the guys they backed revolutionized surgery by finding a medicinal use for a poisonous plant called belladonna. | De støttet en fyr som gjorde medisinsk bruk av giftplanten belladonna. |
We are the warriors | Vierkrigere |
John Silver to you all. Young man. | - John Silver, sir. |
What if I feed the baby a piece of food that's too big for it and it chokes, but its eyes are so wide that I just think it's, like, looking at me happily, and then it's dead? | Hva om barnet kveles på en for stor matbit men jeg tror at det bare ser på meg storøyd, og så dør det? |
Unfortunately, you're going to have to get used to events like this. | Uheldigvis må du bli vant med slikt. |
Just making an observation. | Bare observerer. |
I don't know you. My name's Stephanie. | -Jeg heter Stephanie. |
- Yes. - Yes. | Ja |
- "Due diligence" the lawyers call it. - Which brings me to Nucky Thompson, the man you said you know everything about. | - Dette bringer meg til Nucky Thompson, mannen du sa du visste alt om. |
Conner wouldn't have taken pictures of it if it wasn't important. | - Da hadde ikke Conner tatt bilder. |
Hey, this is pretty. | - Så fin! |
- Time! - Oh! | Tid! |
Okay, now, | Ok... |
That's good. | Bra. |
Masculine. Anyway, naturally, Margaret thought... | - Selvsagt trodde Margaret... |
But he sold his entire collection a few years back when the lady that he was hanging out with told him to grow up. | Men han solgte hele samlingen sin da dama hans ba ham vokse opp. |
Before you! Without a dad! | Uten deg. |
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Benny. | Unnskyld, Benny. |
He comes from Broadway, for Christ's sakes. | Han kommer fra Broadway! |
I take it this is your first visit to our establishment? | Det er deres første besøk her? |
The arrogance of the man. | Så arrogant. |
Okay, yeah. Sure. | Ok, ja da. |
Are you saying it's from the future? One possible future... | - Mener du at den er fra framtiden? |
Well, now, I would say, er prior to my exposure as a student councillor, USC, three years... | Jeg tror... Før jeg ble studentrådgiver, USC, 3 år... |
So you want to talk about it? | -Vil du fortelle? |
- Four days? - Yeah. | Fire dager? |
Well, some of us care, or at least are trying to. | Noen av oss bryr oss. |
We'll continue this conversation later. | Vi snakkes mer senere. |
- Oh, thank you. | -Takk. |
- Seen who? | -Hvem? |
You know what? I, uh... | Vet du hva? |
A movie of the week. | Ukens film. |
Pretty. | Pen. |
So far, the only ones I can make out are Hank and Malik, whom he refers to fondly, like brothers. Then why the blowout at the party? | Bare Hank og Malik, som han kaller "brødre". |
[lily choking] (stetson) this is where i found them. | Det var herjeg fant dem. |
Let's open that door. | Åpne døren. |
Hansel - so hot right now. Hansel. | Hansel er så hot. |
Little? | Små? |
Well, the schools out here are gonna stay exactly the same in January as they are right now. That's worth considering'. | Skolene her forblir de samme i januar som de er nå. |