Come on!
Michael, please come back.
Kom tilbake.
Helene Fenger, psychologist. Specialist profiler.
Helene Fenger, psykolog.
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
Jeg klarer det.
I think this proves that this is a wonderful place that brings joy to people's lives and brings a community together.
Dette er et fantastisk sted som skaper glede. -Lokalmiljøet samles.
Well, there you go. You'll see inside.
Dere vil se det inne.
We did it. We fucking did it, Ari.
Vi klarte det, Ari.
All right, come here. Come here.
Ok, kom hit.
What the hell is happening?
Hva faen skjer?
Do you want to die of hunger? Kuukahda ago.
Vil du sulte i hjel?
Handle it any way you want.
Gjør som du vil.
Reid? Reid?
You ready?
That's right, and if we can get Preston and Willow to be your guests, we should be able to firmly establish reasonable doubt.
-Ja. Og med Preston og Willow som gjester, kan vi etablere rimelig tvil.
I don't know. They're pulling in someone from Belen. Um...
De henter inn en fra Belen.
You kind of got some on your face there.
Du har noe i ansiktet.
- See how sex-positive I can be? - Mm-hm. Oh, honey, do you know where you live?
-Ser du hvor sexpositiv jeg kan være?
I feel like I'm talking too much about this, but...
jeg snakker visst for mye.
Power to the Poonani!
Getting all of the racking, the records, the employees, everything in place, that went without a hitch.
Å få hyller, plater, ansatte på plass det gikk smertefritt.
Well, if she isn't drunk and crying, she's got a hangover and arguing.
Hun er enten full eller kranglevoren.
John, can you hear me?
Hører du meg?
All right, what about these two?
Hva med disse to?
Kate? Hello, Kate, are you here?
Kate, er du her?
Having trouble with those?
-Plager de deg?
-Turn it off. Turn it off! -Oh come on.
Slå den av!
Roberta, ummm...
Does it strike you as plausible, Captain, that the Cardinals, the Secretary of State and the Pope would all go to Tonino Pettola's house and threaten to throw him in quicksand?
Virker det sannsynlig at kardinalene og paven drar hjem til Pettola og truer med å kaste ham i kvikksand?
Okay. Yeah.
- Ok.
- Uh, what are you doing?
- Hva gjør du?
Aw... oh, god, perfect!
- All right?
- Ok?
Big knife right in the middle of her--
Stor kniv, midt i...
Well, gonna need some coffee.
Jeg må ha kaffe.
Sorry, excuse me.
Will that be all right?
Er det greit?
- Oh, a lady. How old are you then, madam?
-Hvor gammel er du, da?
All right, all right. This is a subject that I know a thing or two about, so talk to me.
Dette er noe jeg vet litt om, så få høre.
Treatments include:
- Okay.
Uh-huh. Very good.
- Come on, let's just... forget about it. Let's go home.
La oss gå hjem.
Thank you, thank you. Thank you.
Takk skal du ha.
Yeah, what do you want?
- Hva vil du?
Sid! Sid.
- All of 'em.
Get out!
There's all them lovely tourist girls ripe for your picking.
Alle de fine turistjentene.
If we're gonna add people, I really think we should consider my friend Gary.
Vi burde vurdere min venn Gary.
Right. Okay.
Ja vel
Good, good.
Fuckin' arsehole!
- Are they alive?
-Lever de?
No way! That was awesome!
I dunno. - Well, if the money was good, then--
-Var det godt betalt, så...
Oh, no, no, no. You've got the wrong door.
- Det er feil dør.
- All right. All right.
- Ja da.
- All right.
Oh, yeah!
Something like that.
Noe sånt.
Roger, you're making me very nervous. Why are you acting like this?
Roger, du gjør meg nervøs.
Well, I could just called you Corny.
Jeg kunne sagt Corny.
Russ? Where are you?
Hvor er du?
So you've been up in Derbyshire before, then? I don't believe so.
-Har du vært i Derbyshire?
- Who? - This mystery girl Harry's been dating.
Harrys mystiske venninne.
Well, all right, let's try it. See if we can get him to come over.
Skal vi se om han kommer hit?
Are you a member of the Hilton Honours Rewards program?
Er du Hilton Honours-medlem?
It's a whole mess of cars out there.
Det er mange biler.
Yeah, well, we're not gay, all right?
Vi er ikke homser.
We're doing something.
Vi gjør noe.
- But Han and Leia will die if I don't.
- Da dør Han og Leia.
Well, Daddy, there were hundreds of them.
Det var hundrevis, far.
She won't tell me where she is, but I think that's where she is.
Hun vil ikke si hvor hun er.
That's what this fuss was all about?
- Var det bare det?
By the time it falls apart, it'll be too late.
- Men da er det for sent.
Is everything all right?
Er alt bra?
It's just this is a really important case.
Saken er viktig.
And he's got a ton of fish so I thought maybe we could all have dinner tonight.
Han har mye fisk. Vi kan spise sammen.
- Why? What does that mean?
- Hvorfor?
- Make an example. Working here illegally may mean a prison sentence.
Arbeide her ulovlig kan bety fengselsdom.
Yeah, of course.
There's only dying.
Bare dø.
That's when you started writing Abigail. - She was being abused and so were you.
Det var da du skrev til Abigail.
Yeah, don't we all. Anyway, the way I feel miracle cures wind up being worse than the disease.
En slik mirakelkur er ofte verre enn sykdommen.
They're all waiting for us.
De venter på oss
Aw, shit.
Come on.
He... Do you want to answer that question?
Vil du svare på det?
I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you.
Jeg er vokst opp på det fjellet.
Can you breathe? Mare?
Kan du puste?
Let's leave the war pictures and the Westerns to John Ford, okay?
De kan du overlate til John Ford.
- Wait, wait, hold on.
- Vent.
- Okay.
You withhold breath, you withhold information. What else are you keeping from us?
Du holder tilbake pusten og informasjon.
Does that, look like this to you?
Ser det ut som det?
All right, then what about "Hellfire"?
Hellfire, da?
Please stop.
The firemen in our town have a reputation for being... hot.
Brannmennene i byen er visst heite.
Come on.
- All right.
- Ok.