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Who would've thought of a bicycle seat? | Hvem tar et sykkelsete? |
I saved your life. I saved your life. | Jeg reddet livet ditt. |
Thank you. Jones. | Jones. |
No pulse! No pulse! | Ingen puls. |
Okay. Yeah. | Greit. |
You low-down weasel. I've been waiting for you. | Jeg har ventet på deg. |
Get out! | Ut! |
You're not saying shit. We both know the sort of person you are. | Vi vet begge hva du er. |
Well, Marjorie Atwell then, Marjorie. | Marjorie Atwell da. |
You miss him while he was gone? | -Savnet du ham? |
Johnny. He was... right... there, in front of me. | Johnny var foran meg. |
Holy shit. | Fy... |
- And a certain mine, the Midas. | - Og Midas-gruven. |
Motor oil. Over there. | Motorolje. |
- All right. | - Ok. |
- Look at this. | - Se. |
- On your neck. - What is it? | - På halsen. |
Amore, I didn't say, "assassino." I said, "I'm going to ask Nino" | Jeg sa jeg skal "spørre Nino." |
Okay, good. | Greit. |
I mean, she looks so... | Hun ser så... |
You did the best thing you could do. | Du gjorde ditt beste. |
I'm going to go now. | Jeg går nå. |
No, no. | Nei. |
Mother! | Mor! |
- John, what are you talking about? | - Hva snakker du om? |
Jack, what are you doing? Let's go. | Hva gjør du, Jack? |
Thank you. | Takk. |
You look a little pale there, pal. | Du er litt blek. |
- Yeah. | -Ja. |
Is it fair to say you felt these tribes were gullible and naive? | Mente du at de var 1ettlurte og naive? |
Come on, now, you've got to get some of this good food up in here. | Kom igjen, du må spise litt mat. |
Get up. | Opp. |
Jaybird. | Jay. |
Your little spoiled ass. Look, let's do that second verse again. | - Vi tar det andre verset om igjen. |
Something big is happening. | Noe stort skjer. |
No. Because, I must say, you appear to be handling it pretty well. | Det virker som om du takler det bra. |
- Mm-mm. - Where are you? | - Hvor er du? |
-You tell me. We must be waiting for something. | Vi må jo vente på noe. |
- I thought I'd come up and see you. | Jeg ville besøke deg. |
They're greedy and they'll do it again, and next time we're going to catch them in the act. | -Neste gang tar vi dem på fersk gjerning. |
Jesus Christ! -We need some help. | - Vi trenger hjelp. |
I mean, you're right. | Du har rett. |
We're dying. | Vi dør. |
I'll see you later, Victor. | Vi ses, Victor. |
Yeah. | Ja |
You see, this Mr. Smith has some sort of formula that he's trying to sell. | Mr Smith har en formel han prøver å selge. |
There are individuals in the current administration who're looking for creative solutions to the war on terror. | Folk i regjeringen søker kreative løsninger på krigen mot terror. |
But why? What could that possibly tell you? | Men hva kan det si Dem? |
Your old friend Pat Wheeler. - Now, will you please... | Din gamle venn Pat Wheeler. |
I will need more time to investigate. | - Jeg trenger mer tid. |
No. God. | Nei. |
If we didn't suffer over them we'd be monsters among ourselves. | Ellers ville vi selv vært monstre. |
And, you know, everything that we sell... people are buying, I think, 'cause they feel closer to G. | Det vi selger kjøper folk for å f øle seg nærmere G. |
"You are the worst assistant ever and you're disgusting. " | "Du er verdens verste assistent." |
They also took back-to-back series at Boston and at New York. | De vant også mot Boston og New York. |
That's all. Call me back when you're done. | Ring, når du er ferdig. |
Due respect, Jim, but you fetishize these guys. | -Du fetisjerer dem, Jim. |
Ah, you won't find those Indians, 'cause they ain't here. | - Indianerne er ikke her. |
You know, the way I see it, giving birth is nature's way. | Å føde er naturens måte. |
No, it's just last time I saw Gless, he was on the witness stand at my trial explaining why I was able to beat his company's unbeatable bond. | Sist jeg så Gless, var da han vitnet mot meg. |
Yeah, it is Christmas. | Det er jul. |
-Thank you. | -Takk. |
Jill. What? | -Jill? |
Give them closure. You're on national television now! Millions of people are watching you. | Du er på riksdekkende tv med millioner av seere! |
For a couple of years. | I et par år. |
The door's locked, babe. | Døra er låst. |
Stop! Get down. | Stopp! |
Well, it's all there. | Alt er der. |
Just don't go back! Don't leave me! | Ikke forlat meg. |
You are. | Du. |
Well, that makes two of us. | Da er vi to. |
What's yours? | Dg du? |
They have problems. Was Leonard Drake one of them? | - Som Leonard Drake? |
- 155. - 155. | 155. |
My name is Temple Grandin. | Temple Grandin. |
You can't just grab me and take me somewhere without telling me where you're going! | Ikke ta meg et sted uten å si hvor du skal! |
And they're moving your furniture back in later. | -Møblene kommer senere. |
Mentor is legit, burke. Caffrey works for us now. | Caffrey jobber for oss nå. |
Yes this is the President. President: | Det er Presidenten. |
Hey, what the fuck was that out there? | Hva faen var det der? |
Three years you've been here. You've never once laughed at anything he said. | Du har aldri ledd av vitsene hans på tre år. |
Yeah, sure. | - Ja. |
- Sure thing. | -Klart. |
Oh, well, let's make it 200 then. | Da sier vi 200. |
-Well, I don't. | - Nei. |
I want you to use your other arsenal. There you go, tap. | Bruk dine andre våpen. |
Oh, yes, thank you. | Ja, takk. |
Oh, of course, you'd know all about that. | Og det vet du jo alt om. |
Today, they seem to move around every which where, restless and unsettled... but I think they're still looking for the same thing— a place where they can be optimistic about the future, a place that helps them to be who they really want to be where they can feel that this life makes sense a place where they can feel | I dag flytter de rundt overalt, rastløse og urolige. Men jeg tror de leter etter det samme ennå. Et sted de kan være optimistiske for fremtiden. |
One at a time! - Don't panic! | Lkke få panikk! |
[ groaning ] Marty! | - Marty! |
What kinds of things? The kind of things he should be talking with you about. | -Ting han burde snakke med deg om. |
What the hell a kind of a father are you anyway? | Hva slags far er du? |
Thank you. | Takk. |
- Thank you. | - Takk. |
Come on. | Kom. |
What's that? | Hva? |
From the looks of his ID, anyway. | Ut ifra ID-en hans. |
Please, I know... I can see that you are busy here... | Jeg ser at du er opptatt her... |
So, Will. | Will. |