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Let me ask you this, Bob, why wait two years? | Hvorfor vente to år, Bob? |
Uh, okay. | Ok. |
We're headed out! | Vi drar! |
I have an appointment to show somebody a house. | Jeg må vise et hus. |
Thank you. | Takk |
If I go with you, I could be like your assistant. | Jeg kan være assistenten din |
Did I say something wrong? 'Was.' | - Sa jeg noe galt? |
How could you even say that, Beth? Is that what you think? | Hvordan kan du si noe sånt, Beth? |
Country folk have to think more on the practical. | Bondefolk må tenke praktisk. |
- Which part? | Hva da? |
And in return you can give us like one share of stock in the company. | I gjengjeld kan du gi oss en aksje hver. |
- Had you rather I call the guard and charge you? | - Skal jeg rope på vakten? |
Oh, no, thank you. | Nei, takk. |
You hear what Andrew was saying, Lincoln? | Hørte du hva Andrew sa? |
Found 'em coming through the woods. | -Fant dem i skogen. |
All right. I mean, I don't see what this has to do with Becca. | Men hva har det med Becca å gøre. |
Did you hear him up there? | Hørte du ham? |
- Merry Christmas. | God jul. |
- Explain what? | -Hva da? |
Thank you. | Takk. |
So then he started to, you know... | Han begynte å... |
MARILYN MONROE OFF-SCREEN: Lee Strasberg has changed my Life more than any other human being that I've met. | Lee Strasberg endret livet mitt mer enn noe annet menneske. |
-Jacksonville. -Yeah. I'm going to look up Jacksonville, Florida. | -Jacksonville i Florida. |
Elliot, darling. | Elliot! |
A very pleasant good morning to you, Ricky. | - God morgen, Ricky! |
And they will have a hard time getting ahold of the kind of loan they need to pay off their other loans. | Det blir tøft å finne et lån for kunne betale de andre lånene. |
Yay! Okay, what's going on here? | Hva skjer her? |
Thank you. | Takk! |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Grace, Grace, Grace, Grace, look, look, look, look, look, look, look. | Grace, se. |
- Hi, Gary. - Hi. | Hei, Gary. |
Besides, what about that bus ticket? How'd you get money for that? | Hvordan fikk du råd til bussbilletten? |
And are you guys gonna need any help with any luggage tonight? | - Trenger dere hjelp med bagasjen? |
Now, Red, you have to share with your brother. | Du må dele med broren din. |
You didn't get the name of the guy who wrote the report? | -Fikk du ikke fyrens navn? |
One of the many qualities I admire about you. | Det beundrer jeg hos deg. |
The protocol? I don't know, Bill. | Jeg vet ikke, Bill. |
Yes, ma'am, I see now. When did you first notice the items were missing? | Når merket du at gjenstandene manglet. |
Vanessa was one of those people who was so alive, so much fun | Vanessa var så Ievende og gIad. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Mr. Abramoff? Mr. Abramoff? | Mr Abramoff? |
Hey, man, what are you doing? | Hva gjør du? |
For Joe Jr... | Joe Jr. |
- Brede Sperre, Criminal Investigation Department | -Brede Sperre, Kripos. |
Almost ended up getting into a smackdown of my own. | Jeg måtte nesten sIåss seIv. |
Come on. | Kom. |
Well, anyways, it's good to see you on your two feet. | Det er godt å se deg på beina. |
It's a woman. | Kvinne |
There's something I need to do. | Jeg må gjøre noe. |
- Thank you. | - Takk. |
Where you goin'? - I was... | - Hvor skal du? |
Go, go on. | Gå. |
Yeah, well, I guess we're gonna have to have one in The Capitol. | - Ja, vi får vel ta en i Capitol. |
Now, get! | Nå! |
Oh, good, this is happening now. | Fint. Nå skjer det. |
- That's what they say. | - De sier så. |
Tell me, Mr. Lockhart... when was the last time that you actually felt well? | Si meg, når følte du deg faktisk bra sist? |
Oh, wow, we're going up to your place? | -Skal vi inn til deg? |
- Will you give me that jacket? | -Gir du meg jakka. |
That was Mr. Bowman, wasn't it? | Mr. Bowman? |
Hello, Arthur. - How you doing? | - Hallo, Arthur! |
This is about you, Abigail, and your future. | Det gjelder din fremtid. |
- It was weak. | - Svakt. |
Well, come on. | Kom, da! |
Yes, okay. | - Ja. |
Well, he should pay you. I mean, he knows the accident was my fault. | - Han burde betale. Det var min feil. |
Oh, my God. Stop here. | Stopp her. |
You saw much more than us percentagewise. | Dere så mye mer enn oss. |
When you get back, we can go and look at some places for the reception. | Etterpå ser vi på steder til mottakelsen. |
Sorry, sorry, man. | Beklager. |
Oh, really? So the plastic on the floor is just to protect the carpet? | Så plasten skal bare beskytte teppet? |
Oh, y'all, I forgot the potato salad. | Jeg glemte potetsalat. |
What? Wha...? | Hva? |
Come on. | Kom. |
- What is it weird? | -Hva? |
It was about a meeting. Have you ever heard of any Black Claw meetings, or anything like that? | - Har dere hørt om noen møter? |
- All right! | - Ok! |
Absolutely, sir. | Absolutt. |
- See, that's the thing. | -Det er greia. |
Chance? What kind of chance? A slim one! | - Hva slags sjanse? |
- Let's see what happens. | - La oss se. |
Matt, is there something you want to talk about? | Er det noe du vil snakke om? |
What, this? | Denne? |
- I thought we were gonna... - Guy Young just text me. | -Fra Guy Young. |
Okay)'- | Ok. |
We have got some tacos here. Abbie! | Vi har tacos. |
Are you sleeping or what? | Sover du? |
Some convention at the Ho-Jo's in Eugene. | En konferanse i Eugene. |
Pleasure Island? | Lykkeøya? |
Sergeant Cole from Traffic is her uncle. | Cole er onkelen hennes. |
All right, but hey, | Ok. |
You need to know there's two types of talk in town. There's polite talk and pub talk, you know? | Du mĺ forstĺ at det fins hřflig prat og pubprat. |
- This is my best friend, Michele. - Let's see. | Min beste venninne Michele. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Honey! Honey! | Honey! |
Hey, Margo. | Margo. |
- That's Lenny. | -Lenny. |
- That is why I come to talk. - Without giving your name? | - Uten å oppgi navn? |
You did. As I heard it, you had the marshals searching for you... along the mexican riviera. | Dere lette visst langs Mexicokysten. |
Um... thank you. | -Takk. |