[ "US 27th Infantry Regiment\n\n#REDIRECT 27th Infantry Regiment (United States)" ]
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[ "Aquatic garments are often made of neoprene (also known as polychloroprene), a high-strength elastomeric material. ", "Neoprene is often used to provide thermal comfort to the wearer. ", "However, such existing aquatic garments do not provide means to aid in a wearer's survival in the case of long-term underwater submersion. ", "In addition, such garments do not aid in flotation.", "\nExisting aquatic garments do little to reduce the likelihood of death by those participating in watersports, such as surfers. ", "In particular, existing aquatic garments do not provide means to keep a wearer afloat which is desirable if the wearer tires or become unconscious. ", "There have been several attempts to create aquatic garment designs that would reduce the likelihood of death for those participating in watersports. ", "Some of these designs are disclosed in Brazilian patent publication No. ", "PI9600469; Brazilian patent publication No. ", "0102839; Belgian patent publication No. ", "422303; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,976,894; and U.S. patent application publication No. ", "2006/174392.", "\nBrazilian Patent No. ", "0104789, the application for which was also filed by the applicant of the present application, describes a life-saving garment made of a waterproof material provided with a number of lumens or compartments positioned close to the neck, along the front and rear areas. ", "These compartments keep the lumens inflated in order to keep the wearer's head and nose out of the water, thereby avoiding death by drowning in case of unconsciousness.", "\nPrior designs typically include an elastic surface where the conformation of the inflatable lumens is achieved by bonding together two superimposed sheets of fabric material with impermeable properties such as neoprene. ", "However, bonding the material in a straight line or bonding long straight segments generates an area without elasticity, which limits the wearer's range of motion, particularly in the shoulder region. ", "This bonding method can also allow air leakage between the clothing fibers if not accurately performed." ]
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[ "Welcome to the second part 2 of this series of articles about user authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify.", "\n\nThe aim of this series is to show you how to add a custom fully fletched authentication layer to your projects while keeping full control over the styling of your components.", "\n\nNow, this is a progressive tutorial. ", "So if you did not follow part 1 please go and check it out here.", "\n\nIf you want to check the full code for this project go to this link here.", "\n\nReminder\n\nAs we discussed in part 1, our focus will be on building the front-end part of the app first. ", "By front-end, I mean app layout and navigation flow.", "\n\nThen we will move to integrate AWS Amplify as our back end cloud service for securely authenticating users in the app.", "\n\nWe left it where the app had full navigation-flow to authenticate users using react-navigation 2.", "\n\nDemo of part 1 final progress in the video below.", "\n\nUser authentication flow with react-navigation 2.", "\n\nIn this article, we will keep working on the front-end part of the application.", "\n\n4 — Application layout with native-base\n\nThroughout this part and the next one, we will add the following to our application.", "\n\nA custom splash screen with Expo.", "\n\nA layout of the sign in, sign up, forget the password, reset the password, and sign out screens.", "\n\nAn app logo with fade in and fade out animation effects.", "\n\nTab navigation layout.", "\n\nInternational phone input.", "\n\nSo let us get started 👌.", "\n\n4.1 — Custom splash screen\n\nLet us first start by replacing the default splash screen of Expo by our custom splash screen.", "\n\nI made an independent mini-tutorial to achieve this. ", "Hence, I won’t be repeating myself here.", "\n\nI am gonna ask you to jump to the following link and follow the instructions in the article step by step to do this first task.", "\n\n4.2 — Sign in screen layout\n\nWe start by building the layout of the SignInScreen.js.", "\n\nAs for now, this sign-in page only renders some text through the Text component.", "\n\nTo make our changes, we need to add the following imports to SignInScreen.js.", "\n\nimport {\n\nStyleSheet,\n\nView,\n\nText,\n\nAsyncStorage,\n\nTouchableOpacity,\n\nTouchableWithoutFeedback,\n\nSafeAreaView,\n\nStatusBar,\n\nKeyboardAvoidingView,\n\nKeyboard,\n\nAlert,\n\nAnimated,\n\n} from 'react-native' import {\n\nContainer,\n\nItem,\n\nInput,\n\nIcon\n\n} from 'native-base'\n\nI will explain the role of each of these components as we progress. ", "But if you are a React Native developer you might have come across a few of them if not all of them already.", "\n\nLet us define the styles for these components beforehand. ", "Replace your styles with the following.", "\n\nStyles for the sign-in screen.", "\n\nEach style object defined in the above Gist will be passed as props to each component inside the render() method.", "\n\nTo sign in the user, we need to store the user’s username and password then navigate them to the app screen.", "\n\nInside the SignInScreen class component, add the following state fields and method above the sign-in method.", "\n\nstate = {\n\nusername: '',\n\npassword: '',\n\n} onChangeText(key, value) {\n\nthis.setState({[key]: value})\n\n} // previous code for sign in method\n\nasync signIn() {...}\n\nThe onChangeText method will update the state of the username and password fields as the user types in.", "\n\nReplace the code inside the render() method of the SignInScreen class component with the following code.", "\n\nThe new render method of the SignInScreen.", "\n\nNow let us go through each of these components and understand what it is doing.", "\n\nAs you can see, we used SafeAreaView to wrap all other components.", "\n\nThe SafeAreaView will prevent the header from getting behind the device boundaries extension.", "\n\nAfter the SafeAreaView, we added the StatusBar component. ", "This component gives us the possibility to style the status bar of the device.", "\n\nThe next child component is KeyboardAvoidingView. ", "This view will change the padding dynamically when we toggle the keyboard for typing user input.", "\n\nOur input components are wrapped with a TouchableWithoutFeedback.", "\n\nIt has an onPress callback to dismiss the keyboard when users press outside the text input. ", "This callback uses the Keyboard view that handles keyboard-related events.", "\n\nWe also used native-base components to construct the input fields.", "\n\nEach input is defined by an Item component that has an Icon and Input child components.", "\n\nWe attached several props to the Input field. ", "Most of them are self-explanatory.", "\n\nThe onSubmitEditing will focus the user input to the next Item component. ", "We do so by adding a reference field to the target Item component and calling it using the onSubmitEditing.", "\n\nNow time for some testing. ", "Refresh your simulator to check the new layout. ", "Go to the sign-in screen. ", "You should see the below.", "\n\nThe layout of the sign-in screen.", "\n\nLooks good.", "\n\nNow activate the device keyboard to test the functionality of the previously defined components.", "\n\nIn your simulator, go to Hardware/Keyboard/Toggle Software Keyboard.", "\n\nNow if you focus on any of the Input (username, password), you should observe the shift of the components as the keyboard appears.", "\n\nI let you use your imagination to change the colors, the font family, and the size of these components.", "\n\n4.3 — Sign up screen layout\n\nFor the sing up page, we need to get a bunch of information about the users before signing them up.", "\n\nWe will ask the users to provide a username, a valid email address and a phone number for code confirmation, and a secure password.", "\n\nThe previous code for SignUpScreen.js, defined in part 1, was a basic render Text component. ", "It looked like this.", "\n\nimport React from 'react'\n\nimport {\n\nStyleSheet,\n\nView,\n\nText,\n\n} from 'react-native' export default class SignUpScreen extends React.", "Component {\n\nrender() {\n\nreturn (\n\n<View style={styles.container}>\n\n<Text>Sign Up</Text>\n\n</View>\n\n)\n\n}\n\n} const styles = StyleSheet.create({\n\ncontainer: {\n\nflex: 1,\n\nbackgroundColor: '#aa73b7',\n\nalignItems: 'center',\n\njustifyContent: 'center',\n\n},\n\n})\n\nFirst of all, replace the styles with the following gist.", "\n\nThese are the styles necessary for the components that we will build in the following.", "\n\nSimilar to SignInScreen.js, add the necessary imports in SignUpScreen.js.", "\n\nimport React from 'react' import {\n\nTouchableOpacity,\n\nTouchableWithoutFeedback,\n\nStyleSheet,\n\nText,\n\nSafeAreaView,\n\nStatusBar,\n\nKeyboardAvoidingView,\n\nKeyboard,\n\nView,\n\nAlert,\n\nModal,\n\nFlatList,\n\nAnimated,\n\n} from 'react-native' import {\n\nContainer,\n\nItem,\n\nInput,\n\nIcon\n\n} from 'native-base'\n\nWe need to define the state fields that will be passed by the users when signing up for the app. ", "Add the following code inside the class component SignUpScreen.", "\n\nexport default class SignUpScreen extends React.", "Component {\n\nstate = {\n\nusername: '',\n\npassword: '',\n\nemail: '',\n\nphoneNumber: '',\n\nauthCode: '',\n\n} onChangeText(key, value) {\n\nthis.setState({[key]: value})\n\n} render() {\n\nreturn (\n\n<View style={styles.container}>\n\n<Text>Sign Up</Text>\n\n</View>\n\n)\n\n}\n\n}\n\nNow time to change the render() method. ", "Replace the code inside the render() method with the following gist.", "\n\nCode inside the render method of the SignUpScreen.", "\n\nAll the components in the above are the same as in the SignInScreen. ", "With more Item components to hold the necessary fields for email, phone number ..etc.", "\n\nTime to refresh the simulator. ", "Navigate to the signup screen. ", "You should see the following layout.", "\n\nSign up screen.", "\n\nNot bad 😉.", "\n\n4.4 — Forget password screen layout.", "\n\nInside ForgotPasswordScreen.js, add the following imports.", "\n\nimport {\n\nTouchableOpacity,\n\nTouchableWithoutFeedback,\n\nStyleSheet,\n\nText,\n\nSafeAreaView,\n\nStatusBar,\n\nKeyboardAvoidingView,\n\nKeyboard,\n\nView,\n\nAlert,\n\nAnimated\n\n} from 'react-native' import {\n\nContainer,\n\nItem,\n\nInput,\n\nIcon\n\n} from 'native-base'\n\nThe styling of the ForgetPasswordScreen component is exactly the same as the SignInScreen component. ", "As such, all you need to do is to copy and paste the same styles (defined in the stylesSignIn.js gist of section 4.2 ) from SignInScreen.js into ForgetPasswordScreen.js.", "\n\nTo allow users to request a new password, we need to set the following state fields and add the onChangeText method.", "\n\nexport default class ForgetPasswordScreen extends React.", "Component {\n\nstate = {\n\nusername: '',\n\nauthCode: '',\n\nnewPassword: '',\n\n} onChangeText(key, value) {\n\nthis.setState({[key]: value})\n\n} render() {\n\nreturn (\n\n<View style={styles.container}>\n\n<Text>Forget password?</Text>\n\n</View>\n\n)\n\n}\n\n}\n\nThe render() method only renders a simple Text component. ", "As such, replace what is inside the render() method with the following.", "\n\nThe render method of the ForgetPasswordScreen.", "\n\nRefresh your simulator and navigate to the forget password screen.", "\n\nForget the password screen.", "\n\n4.5 — Sign out screen and reset password layout\n\nSign in to the app and go to the Settings screen. ", "In this screen, we displayed a simple sign out button. ", "We will change this layout to include a reset password functionality.", "\n\nAdd the following imports to SettingsScreen.js.", "\n\nimport React from 'react' import {\n\nAsyncStorage,\n\nTouchableOpacity,\n\nTouchableWithoutFeedback,\n\nStyleSheet,\n\nText,\n\nSafeAreaView,\n\nStatusBar,\n\nKeyboardAvoidingView,\n\nKeyboard,\n\nView,\n\nAlert\n\n} from 'react-native' import {\n\nContainer,\n\nItem,\n\nInput,\n\nIcon,\n\n} from 'native-base'\n\nInside the class component SettingsScreen, add the state fields to store the old and new passwords, as well as the onChangeText method to get users inputs.", "\n\nexport default class SettingsScreen extends React.", "Component {\n\nstate = {\n\npassword1: '',\n\npassword2: '',\n\n} onChangeText(key, value) {\n\nthis.setState({[key]: value})} async singOut() {\n\nawait AsyncStorage.clear()\n\nthis.props.navigation.navigate('Authloading')\n\n} render() {\n\nreturn (\n\n<View style={styles.container}>\n\n<TouchableOpacity\n\nonPress={() => this.singOut()}\n\nstyle={styles.buttonStyle}>\n\n<Text style={styles.textStyle}>Sign out</Text>\n\n</TouchableOpacity>\n\n</View>\n\n)\n\n}\n\n}\n\nReplace the styles of SettingsScreen.js with the same styles defined in the stylesSignIn.js gist of section 4.2.", "\n\nModify the render() method with the following code.", "\n\nThe render method of the SettingsScreen\n\nWe added a change password header, Input fields to change the password, and styled the sign out button.", "\n\nNow time to refresh the simulator and check the new layout.", "\n\nSign in to the app and navigate to Settings. ", "You should see the following layout.", "\n\nSettings screen with a password reset and sign out button.", "\n\nAs all the navigation flow from part 1 is still fully functional, you can press the sign out button to be redirected to the WelcomeScreen.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nIn this part 2 of the series on user authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify, we managed to design the layout and the necessary components to make the authentication flow possible.", "\n\nIn the next article, part 3, we will add the app logo with fade in and fade out animation effects. ", "We will add styling to the tab navigator to make it look more beautiful and will start adding the necessary dependencies for our back end with AWS Amplify.", "\n\nIf you enjoyed this tutorial, you can give me as much claps 👏 as 50. ", "Hit the follow button to stay updated with the upcoming articles. ", "You can also follow my up to date projects on Twitter and Github.", "\n\nThank you for reading and stay tuned for the next parts ✋.", "\n\nJoin our community Slack and read our weekly Faun topics ⬇" ]
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[ "import \"autoLayout\"\n\nAutoLayoutForm form1 { contents = Elemental1 { }, clientSize = { 1024, 768 } };\n\nclass Elemental1 : Col\n{\n bgColor = ivory;\n font = { \"Verdana\", 20, true };\n\n Bar c1 { this, bgColor = gray, maxSize = { 1.0, 100 }, alignment = { center, bottom }, caption = \"Line 1\" };\n Element b0 { c1, caption = \"<<\", fgColor = white, bgColor = navy, selfAlignment = { left, top } };\n Element b1 { c1, caption = \"The\", bgColor = red };\n Element b2 { c1, caption = \"Quick\", bgColor = blue, fgColor = white };\n Element b3 { c1, caption = \"Brown\" };\n Element b3b { c1, caption = \">>\", fgColor = white, bgColor = navy, selfAlignment = { right, top } };\n Bar r3 { this, bgColor = green, maxSize = { 1.0, 150 }/*, caption = \"Line 2\"*/ };\n Element b4 { r3, caption = \"Fox.\", ", "bgColor = yellow };\n Element b5 { r3, bgColor = aquamarine, maxSize = { .25, 50 } };\n Element b6 { r3, bgColor = tomato, maxSize = { .5, 50 } };\n Bar r4 { this, bgColor = blue, maxSize = { 1.0, 50 }, /*caption = \"Line 3\", */fgColor = white };\n Element b7 { r4, caption = \"Left\", bgColor = skyBlue };\n Element b8 { r4, caption = \"Address Bar\", bgColor = teal, maxSize.w = 1.0 };\n Element b9 { r4, caption = \"Right\", bgColor = maroon };\n}\n" ]
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[ "Reliability reporting across studies using the Buss Durkee Hostility Inventory.", "\nEmpirical research on anger and hostility has pervaded the academic literature for more than 50 years. ", "Accurate measurement of anger/hostility and subsequent interpretation of results requires that the instruments yield strong psychometric properties. ", "For consistent measurement, reliability estimates must be calculated with each administration, because changes in sample characteristics may alter the scale's ability to generate reliable scores. ", "Therefore, the present study was designed to address reliability reporting practices for a widely used anger assessment, the Buss Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI). ", "Of the 250 published articles reviewed, 11.2% calculated and presented reliability estimates for the data at hand, 6.8% cited estimates from a previous study, and 77.1% made no mention of score reliability. ", "Mean alpha estimates of scores for BDHI subscales generally fell below acceptable standards. ", "Additionally, no detectable pattern was found between reporting practices and publication year or journal prestige. ", "Areas for future research are also discussed." ]
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[ "Contact us\n\nAbout us\n\nFounded in 1980, Allied Trimmings has been a prime source of trimmings and supplies for the needletrade and furniture, hat and belt industries. ", "Our Web site will give you an idea of some of the hundreds of products we offer. ", "We also have resources throughout the world to help you find the items you need. ", "Please call, fax, or email us with your requests or queries and discover the exceptional service to which our customers have become accustomed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIs there an American Community Survey dataset that provides individual-level data at the census tract level?", "\n\nI am hoping to estimate the number of five year-olds below various poverty thresholds by census tract. ", "The ACS definitely asks these questions individually, but no data source I've found can provide this exact statistic. ", "What I've tried:\n\nAmerican Fact Finder: Can produce summary tables of either estimated number of five year-olds by census tract or estimated number of individuals below poverty thresholds by census tract, but not a combination of the two. ", "This goes for their online interface, their summary file, and FTP as far as I can tell.", "\nIPUMS: Provides individual-level data that allows for such a combination of variables, but does not provide it at lower than the PUMA geographic level.", "\n\nDoes anyone know of a source that could provide me with such data? ", "If it matters, I'm looking at 2015 5-year estimates.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo answer your first question: No, there is no open data version of the American Community Survey with PII (Personally Identifiable Information).", "\nAs for your original query, Table B17001, does provide the age breakdown between those below the statistical poverty threshold and those at or above the statistical poverty threshold.", "\nThe AFF link I provided is a modifiable link through something the Census Bureau calls deep linking. ", "My suggestion is to figure out which state's Census Tracts you'll want, figure out the FIPS code for that/those state(s), and modify the link. ", "You'll need to create at least two since the Census Bureau provides a limit on geographies per request if you're doing a nationwide download (last I checked the limit was 50,000 and there are ~74,000 Census Tracts).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Chronic pain rehabilitation.", "\nThe article discusses chronic pain rehabilitation and describes its components and some of the core operating principles. ", "Outcomes in chronic pain are best when multiple treatment strategies with a focus on functional restoration are employed, and this is often best done in an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Search\n\nDam telling debate\n\nBy Steven T. Jones\nThe debate over whether to tear down the O'Shaughnessy Dam in the Hetch Hetchy Valley -- which a state report this week concluded is possible, but with a prohibitive price tag of up to $10 billion -- is interesting for what it says about the power and perils of activist journalism, particularly when the big boys deign to practice it. ", "Despite their current revisionist history, the San Francisco Chronicle pushed hard for the construction of this dam 100 years ago (waging a nasty smear campaign against John Muir and other conservationists in the process -- read Gray Brechin's great book Imperial San Francisco for the whole story). ", "Then, as now, that paper and its downtown allies wanted growth at any cost. ", "But today, it is another newspaper crusade that has propelled forward the riduculous notion of spending needed billions of dollars to undo a historical error. ", "The Sacramento Bee and its associate editorial writer Tom Philip turned the idea of some environmentalists and studies by UC Davis in a full-blown offensive to tear down the dam, in the process winning a Pulitzer Prize and convincing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to order the study that came out this week.", "\nNow, just imagine if we could get the media mega-corporations to put this kind of effort into eliminating poverty, reducing American militarism and police state excesses, creating socialized medicine, or any of a long list of important social and economic justice concerns, rather than pursuing sentimental pipe dreams. ", "Then we might start making real progress.", "\nInstead, we're left with the latest skirmish in the age-old Sacramento-San Francisco rivalry." ]
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[ "KwaZulu Natal Department of Health hereby invites applications for recruitment to the post of Medical Specialist, Assistant Manager, Operational Manager and more. ", "The application will close on 13th December 2019." ]
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[ 0.012269938650306749, 0 ]
[ "From ancient Egyptian wallpaintings to contemporary Western canvases, this book is truly comprehensive in scope and beautiful to leaf through.", "\n\nI wrote about The Blacker Gachet I by Mark Alexander, The Suez Canal by Albert Rieger, Untitled (Emergency Room) by Fiona Rae, King Gustav I Vasa of Sweden Addressing Men from Dalarna in Mora by Johan Gustaf Sandberg, View of the 'Grossglockner' mountain by Marcus Pernhart and Road to Zenica by Peter Howson." ]
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[ "define([\n 'knockout',\n 'underscore',\n 'view-data',\n 'arches',\n 'utils/ontology',\n 'views/components/widgets/resource-instance-select'\n], function(ko, _, data, arches, ontologyUtils) {\n var name = 'resource-instance-datatype-config';\n ko.components.register(name, {\n viewModel: function(params) {\n var self = this;\n this.search = params.search;\n this.resourceModels = [{\n graphid: null,\n name: ''\n }].concat(_.map(data.createableResources, function(graph) {\n return {\n graphid: graph.graphid,\n name: graph.name\n };\n }));\n if (!", "this.search) {\n this.makeFriendly = ontologyUtils.makeFriendly;\n this.getSelect2ConfigForOntologyProperties = ontologyUtils.getSelect2ConfigForOntologyProperties;\n this.isEditable = params.isEditable;\n this.graphIsSemantic = !!", "params.graph.get('ontology_id');\n this.rootOntologyClass = params.graph.get('root').ontologyclass();\n this.graphName = params.graph.get('root').name();\n if (params.graph) {\n var cards = _.filter(params.graph.get('cards')(), function(card){return card.nodegroup_id === params.nodeGroupId();});\n if (cards.length) {\n this.isEditable = cards[0].is_editable;\n }\n } else if (params.widget) {\n this.isEditable = params.widget.card.get('is_editable');\n }\n this.node = params;\n this.config = params.config;\n this.selectedResourceModel = ko.observable('');\n this.selectedResourceModel.subscribe(function(resourceType) {\n if (resourceType.length > 0) {\n resourceType = resourceType.concat(self.config.graphs());\n self.config.graphs(resourceType);\n self.selectedResourceModel([]);\n }\n });\n\n this.selectedResourceType = ko.observable(null);\n this.toggleSelectedResource = function(resourceRelationship) {\n if (self.selectedResourceType() === resourceRelationship) {\n self.selectedResourceType(null);\n } else {\n self.selectedResourceType(resourceRelationship);\n }\n };\n\n var preventSetup = false;\n var setupConfig = function(graph) {\n var model = _.find(self.resourceModels, function(model){\n return graph.graphid === model.graphid;\n });\n graph.ontologyProperty = ko.observable(ko.unwrap(graph.ontologyProperty));\n graph.inverseOntologyProperty = ko.observable(ko.unwrap(graph.inverseOntologyProperty));\n // use this so that graph.name won't get saved back to the node config\n Object.defineProperty(graph, 'name', {\n value: model.name\n });\n window.fetch(arches.urls.graph_nodes(graph.graphid))\n .then(function(response){\n if(response.ok) {\n return response.json();\n }\n throw(\"error\");\n })\n .then(function(json) {\n var node = _.find(json, function(node) {\n return node.istopnode;\n });\n // use this so that graph.ontologyclass won't get saved back to the node config\n Object.defineProperty(graph, 'ontologyClass', {\n value: node.ontologyclass\n });\n });\n\n // need to listen to these properties change so we can \n // trigger a \"dirty\" state in the config\n var triggerDirtyState = function() {\n preventSetup = true;\n self.config.graphs(self.config.graphs());\n preventSetup = false;\n };\n graph.ontologyProperty.subscribe(triggerDirtyState);\n graph.inverseOntologyProperty.subscribe(triggerDirtyState);\n\n graph.removeRelationship = function(graph){\n self.config.graphs.remove(graph);\n };\n };\n\n this.config.graphs().forEach(function(graph) {\n setupConfig(graph);\n });\n\n // this should only get completely run when discarding edits\n this.config.graphs.subscribe(function(graphs){\n if (!", "preventSetup) {\n graphs.forEach(function(graph) {\n setupConfig(graph);\n });\n }\n });\n\n this.formatLabel = function(name, ontologyProperty, inverseOntologyProperty){\n if (self.graphIsSemantic) {\n return name + ' (' + ontologyUtils.makeFriendly(ontologyProperty) + '/' + ontologyUtils.makeFriendly(inverseOntologyProperty) + ')';\n }\n else {\n return name;\n }\n };\n\n } else {\n var filter = params.filterValue();\n this.node = params.node;\n this.op = ko.observable(filter.op || '');\n this.searchValue = ko.observable(filter.val || '');\n this.filterValue = ko.computed(function() {\n return {\n op: self.op(),\n val: self.searchValue() || ''\n };\n }).extend({ throttle: 750 });\n params.filterValue(this.filterValue());\n this.filterValue.subscribe(function(val) {\n params.filterValue(val);\n });\n this.datatype = params.datatype;\n\n }\n },\n template: { require: 'text!datatype-config-templates/resource-instance' }\n });\n return name;\n});\n" ]
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[ "Vichitra Bandham\n\nVichitra Bandham (English: Strange Relation) is a 1972 Telugu drama film, produced by D. Madhusudhana Rao under the Annapurna Pictures banner and directed by Adurthi Subba Rao. ", "It stars Akkineni Nageswara Rao, Vanisri in the lead roles and music composed by K. V. Mahadevan. ", "The film was based on the Yaddanapudi Sulochana Rani novel Vijetha.", "\n\nPlot\nMadhav (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) and Sandhya (Vanisri) are college mates. ", "Sandhya is a daughter of a rich man, Aadi Narayana Rao (S. V. Ranga Rao), who has a lot of pride and arrogance. ", "Once Madhav insults Sandhya before everyone in the college and to take revenge she fools Madhav with her act of love and in his rage of anger, Madhav kidnaps and molests her, as a result, Sandhya becomes pregnant. ", "Sandhya's family is affected by this incident and her father commits suicide, her brother becomes crippled and loses their entire wealth. ", "She goes to reside in an ancient property in the village. ", "Due to guilt, Madhav leaves for abroad, at that time Sandhya gives birth to a baby boy and puts the child in an orphanage. ", "After few years, Madhav returns from abroad and he accidentally meets Sandhya in the village and comes to know regarding the entire story. ", "The rest of the story is what strange attachments develop and how the lives change.", "\n\nCast\nAkkineni Nageswara Rao as Madhav \nVanisri as Sandhya \nS. V. Ranga Rao as Aadi Narayana Rao \nChittor V. Nagaiah as Father Dayanidhi\nGummadi as Ahobila Rao\nSatyanarayana as Akbar\nAllu Ramalingaiah as Chalapathi \nPadmanabham as Chitti Babu \nRaja Babu as Babji\nBhanu Prakash as Gopal Rao \nAnjali Devi as Shanthamma\nSuryakantam as Kantham \nRama Prabha as Bhagyam\nRadha Kumari as Kantham \nLila Rani as Jyoti \nY. Vijaya as Lilly\n\nCrew\nArt: G. V. Subba Rao\nChoreography: Heeralal, Sundaram, Taara\nFights: Raghavulu\nDialogues: Acharya Aatreya \nLyrics: Acharya Aatreya, Dasaradhi, Kosaraju\nPlayback: Ghantasala, V. Ramakrishna, P. Susheela\nMusic: K. V. Mahadevan\nStory: Yaddanapudi Sulochana Rani\nEditing: M. S. Mani\nCinematography: P. S. Selvaraj\nProducer: D. Madhusudhana Rao\nScreenplay - Director: Adurthi Subba Rao\nBanner: Annapurna Pictures\nRelease Date: 1972\n\nSoundtrack\n\nMusic composed by K. V. Mahadevan. ", "Music released on Audio Company.", "\n\nOther\n VCDs and DVDs on - VOLGA Videos, Hyderabad\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Indian films\nCategory:Indian drama films\nCategory:Telugu film scores by K. V. Mahadevan\nCategory:Films based on Indian novels\nCategory:Films directed by Adurthi Subba Rao" ]
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[ "The Vermont senator spoke for over an hour at Wilmington venue on Saturday.", "\n\nDelawareans “Felt the Bern” at a rally for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday.", "\n\nThe 75-year-old senator from Vermont attracted a crowd of hundreds to the Chase Center in Wilmington. ", "This was Sanders’ first time campaigning in Delaware as he contends for the Democratic presidential nomination against front runner Hillary Clinton.", "\n\nSanders’ visit to the First State follows that of GOP leading candidate Donald Trump who campaigned in Harrington on Friday. ", "Next is Clinton who is scheduled to make an appearance at a rally on Monday in Wilmington.", "\n\nSanders energizes supporters\n\nWith 16 states won to date and 1,191 delegates backing him, Sanders is pushing forward and with more urgency as he attempts to catch up with Clinton’s delegate count of 1,941, not including super delegates.", "\n\nDuring his speech on Saturday he asked supporters to vote for him next week.", "\n\n“If you go to the polls on Tuesday, we’re going to win here in Delaware,” Sanders said. “", "The national polls have us in the lead.”", "\n\nThe crowd at Saturday’s rally was a good mix of Delawareans from New Castle County as well as some from Dover and visitors from states like New Jersey and Pennsylvania.", "\n\nBefore Sanders took the stage, the crowd was welcomed by Hollywood actress Rosario Dawson, well-known for her roles in films like “Sin City” and “Rent.” ", "The actress told the crowd that she had never followed politics before until she learned about the Vermont senator.", "\n\nAfter Dawson spoke the excited crowd cheered, chanted and applauded as Sanders walked to the stage.", "\n\nFor months, Sanders has campaigned across the country telling supporters that he will be the type of president that will bridge the gap between the rich and poor; make healthcare accessible and free to all; make college tuition-free; back policies that will help save the environment; help bring racial and LGBT equality and more.", "\n\nHis message in Delaware wasn’t any different, he did however try to appeal to residents in the state by quoting a New York Times article where Vice President Joe Biden – a Delawarean – expressed his personal sentiments on the current contest between Sanders and Clinton.", "\n\n“Let me just read to you what it said: ‘He remains neutral in the battle between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, but not between their campaign styles. ", "He’ll take Mr. Sanders’s aspirational approach over Mrs. Clinton’s caution any day,’” Sanders read as the crowd burst into cheer.", "\n\n“I like the idea of saying that we can do much more because we can!” ", "Sanders told supporters. “", "I don’t think any other Democrat ever wants to say ‘we can’t think that big, we ought to downsize our outlook because it’s not realistic.’ ", "Well come on! ", "I’m part of the Democratic party and I say – we can do it!”", "\n\nSanders expressed his optimism that the White House was within reach and that the political movement he is creating will continue to surprise those who doubted his chances from the beginning.", "\n\n“We have confounded the experts, we are in this campaign to win and we will,” he said to the cheering crowd.", "\n\nBefore Sanders took the stage, supporters like Newark resident Amy Rowe said that she had been looking forward to the chance of hearing Sanders in person.", "\n\n“I’m here to see [Bernie Sanders] with my own eyes. ", "I love Bernie and everything he says in the campaign trail. ", "It’s exciting to see him in Delaware,” Rowe said. “", "I'm concerned with environmental issues and our heavy reliance of fossil fuels. ", "We also have too many young people incarcerated.”", "\n\nAnother supporter, Leigh Ulrich from Townsend, said that she liked Sanders’ stand on the economy.", "\n\n“I like his willingness to fight for the middle class and the fact that he really feels that way – it’s not a political agenda – there is something really attractive about that,” Ulrich said. “", "Having him come to Delaware makes me feel like every delegate counts and that he needs all the support he can get.”", "\n\nNeither Rowe nor Ulrich said that they could see themselves voting for Clinton even if she ended up being the Democratic nominee who ran against Trump or Ted Cruz in the general election.", "\n\n“No, I would never vote for her. ", "I’m very afraid of what a Clinton presidency would look like,” Rowe said. “", "Even if it was between she and Trump, no. ", "People deserve the candidate that they choose.”", "\n\nSanders supporters in Delaware will be hard at work from now until the end of day Tuesday when polls close. ", "Numerous events have been scheduled throughout the state to help get out the vote.", "\n\nOther states will also hold presidential primaries on Tuesday including, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Connecticut." ]
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[ "Controlled formation of ag nanoparticles by means of long-chain sodium polyacrylates in dilute solution.", "\nA new tool is presented to control formation of Ag nanoparticles. ", "Small amounts of silver ions were added to dilute solutions of long-chain sodium polyacrylates (NaPA). ", "Four NaPA samples covering a molar mass regime of 97 kD < or = Mw < or = 650 kD have been used. ", "With amounts of added Ag(+) as low as 1-2% of the COO(-) groups of the polyanionic chains, significant changes could already be induced in the NaPA coils with 650 kD. If the NaPA concentration was kept below 0.1 g/L, the coils with 650 kD exhibited a significant coil shrinking in stable solutions. ", "At larger NaPA concentrations, addition of Ag+ initiates an aggregation of the polyacrylate coils toward compact structures. ", "Coil shrinking and aggregation was revealed by means of time-resolved static light scattering. ", "If exposed to UV-radiation, small Ag particles formed within the shrunken anionic polyacrylate coils. ", "The Ag nanoparticles were identified by means of an enhanced light scattering and a characteristic plasmon absorption band around 410 nm. ", "No such Ag particle formation could be observed even at 5 times larger concentrations of Ag(+) and NaPA if the two smallest polyacrylate samples have been used under otherwise equal conditions. ", "This molar mass sensitive response of NaPA to Ag(+)-addition suggests an interesting phenomenon: if the coil size of the NaPa chains, which act as Ag(+) collectors, is large enough, local Ag(+) concentration in these coil-shaped Ag(+) containers exceeds a critical value, and irradiation with UV generates Ag nanoparticles." ]
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[ "OwnersDirect.co.uk is part of the HomeAway family, the world leader in holiday home rentals with over 1 million listings. ", "We offer the largest selection of properties for any travel occasion and every budget. ", "We're committed to helping families and friends find a perfect holiday home rental to create unforgettable travel experiences together.", "\n\nCountry Villa With Private Pool And Large Garden\n\nThis delightful, individually designed detached country house has its own very large pentagon shaped swimming pool and an extensive cultivated garden of about one acre with a profusion of beautiful trees, climbing shrubs and flowers, surrounding the villa and pool. ", "The remainder of the 4 acres has natural vegetation and gives total privacy. ", "There are several large terraces on different levels, with an extensive water feature which includes waterfalls and fish ponds. ", "The house is looked after by a local property management company who completely clean the house before you arrive, make up beds and if there should be any problems – sort these out for you.", "\n\nCountry Villa With Private Pool And Large Garden\n\nThis delightful, individually designed detached country house has its own very large pentagon shaped swimming pool and an extensive cultivated garden of about one acre with a profusion of beautiful trees, climbing shrubs and flowers, surrounding the villa and pool. ", "The remainder of the 4 acres has natural vegetation and gives total privacy. ", "There are several large terraces on different levels, with an extensive water feature which includes waterfalls and fish ponds. ", "The house is looked after by a local property management company who completely clean the house before you arrive, make up beds and if there should be any problems – sort these out for you.", "\n\nCountry Villa With Private Pool And Large Garden\n\nCountry Villa With Private Pool And Large Garden\n\nCountry Villa With Private Pool And Large Garden\n\nThis delightful, individually designed detached country house has its own very large pentagon shaped swimming pool and an extensive cultivated garden of about one acre with a profusion of beautiful trees, climbing shrubs and flowers, surrounding the villa and pool. ", "The remainder of the 4 acres has natural vegetation and gives total privacy. ", "There are several large terraces on different levels, with an extensive water feature which includes waterfalls and fish ponds. ", "The house is looked after by a local property management company who completely clean the house before you arrive, make up beds and if there should be any problems – sort these out for you.", "\n\nThis delightful, individually designed detached country house has its own very large pentagon shaped swimming pool and an extensive cultivated garden of about one acre with a profusion of beautiful trees, climbing shrubs and flowers, surrounding the villa and pool. ", "The remainder of the 4 acres has natural vegetation and gives total privacy. ", "There are several large terraces on different levels, with an extensive water feature which includes waterfalls and fish ponds. ", "The house is looked after by a local property management company who completely clean the house before you arrive, make up beds and if there should be any problems – sort these out for you.", "\n\nAbout Nattira Dunbar\n\nWe are a retired couple living in Surrey who enjoy having a home in the warm sunshine. ", "We owned property in Gozo before we discovered Menorca.", "\n\nThe short journey time from the UK is a real bonus. ", "Our family, with two sons, have loved our holidays on the island and now our grandchildren are following in the family footsteps to this island.", "\n\nNattira Dunbar purchased this villa in 1997\n\nWhy Nattira Dunbar chose Alaior\n\nSan Juan is located between Alaior and the south coast of the island. ", "It is part of a gated estate of properties which gives privacy and security. ", "The house is on slightly high ground which gives us views of the sea and a wonderful view of the surrounding countryside. ", "We are close to one of the spectacular gorges on the island and where there are eagles nesting. ", "It is extremely quite and peaceful and although the airport is only about 20 minutes drive away, we never hear the airplanes as the flight paths are in a totally different direction. ", "The island has more beaches than all the other Balearic islands added together. ", "There are wonderful restaurants and historic towns to explore and the island is a great place for walking through unspoilt countryside.", "\n\nWhat makes this villa unique\n\nSan Juan is a very individually designed property with an unusual very large pentagon shaped swimming pool. ", "With such a large area of ground it is wonderfully private and peaceful. ", "The garden has a variety of trees offering shade – very restful in the heat of the day. ", "The original owner went to tremendous lengths to create an interesting garden with its many terraces and water features and this is one it its many appealing features. ", "As Menorca is on the migratory route for many birds, we see a wonderful variety of different species in the garden, also there are many “wild” tortoises who take regular walks around the garden, and will want to share your breakfast.", "\n\nFacilities\n\nAccommodation and facilities for this holiday villa in Alaior in Àrea Metropolitana de Maó\n\nFour bathrooms - two of the bathrooms are en-suite, and the other two are adjacent to the other two bedrooms.", "\n\nBedrooms:\n\n4 Bedrooms, Sleeps 9\n\nDescription of sleeping capacity: Sleeps 8/9 (4 Bedrooms) Notes on bedrooms: There are four bedrooms – three with twin beds, one with a double bed. ", "In addition there is a small single mezzanine gallery bedroom.", "\n\nEntertainment:\n\nBooks ...\n\nDVD Player\n\nMusic Library\n\nSatellite / Cable ...\n\nStereo\n\nTelevision\n\nToys\n\nOutside:\n\nBalcony\n\nTerrace\n\nGarden\n\nBarbecue\n\nSuitability:\n\nwheelchair inaccessible\n\nPool / Spa:\n\nPrivate Pool\n\nAttractions:\n\nbay\n\nchurches\n\nplayground\n\nrestaurants\n\nruins\n\nLeisure Activities:\n\nbeachcombing\n\npaddle boating\n\nscenic drives\n\nsight seeing\n\nwalking\n\nLocal Services & Businesses:\n\nATM/bank\n\ngroceries\n\nhospital\n\nmedical services\n\nSports & Adventure Activities:\n\ncycling\n\nequestrian events\n\nfishing\n\nhiking\n\njet skiing\n\npier fishing\n\nsailing\n\nsnorkelling\n\nswimming\n\ntennis\n\nwater skiing\n\nNotes:\n\nNotes on accommodation: There is a large shaded outdoor dining area with dining table and chairs, a central large terrace with flights of steps down to a lower terrace with barbecue area, with a large built-in BBQ and permanent bench seating. ", "In addition there is a small portable BBQ. ", "Outside: The pentagon shaped swimming pool is very large and surrounded by a paved terrace furnished with sun loungers and sun shades. ", "The pool has shallow steps in two corners, then various levels including a wide shelf going all round the pool which is 88 cms deep which slopes gently and then dips sharply towards the centre which is just over 1.85m deep. ", "Utility Room: A large fridge/freezer and washing machine. ", "Cleaning / Towels / Linen / Maid service: If you are staying more than one week – an interim clean and change of bed linen will be carried out. ", "Bathroom towels supplied. ", "Own towels needed for pool and beach, or can be rented.", "\n\nA wonderful week\n\nIt was pretty hot with perhaps a heatwave even by Menorcan standards? ", "It reached 36.5 degrees C on the thermometer one day! ", "The swimming pool was used a great deal by us all, from the early morning to the evening, when it was lovely to swim to cool off before sleeping. ", "It was great to have the variation in depth especially for our 2 year-old grand-daughter.", "\n\nThe garden looked amazing and the tortoises turned up on cue every morning at breakfast time. ", "The house was very spacious and easily accommodated 8 adults and one child with plenty of room to spread out. ", "We really enjoyed the covered eating area, and also the area around the barbeque, which we used on several occasions.", "\n\nThe wildlife was really interesting. ", "Apart from the tortoises, we loved seeing the geckos and hearing the nightingales, nightjars, hoopoe, and once the Scops owl.", "\n\nThe information provided with the various files and books about the island were really helpful.", "\n\nWe used Auto Victoria for the car hire- it was ready to pick up at the airport, and the whole process was smooth.", "\n\nAll in all it was a lovely relaxing week- none of us had been to Menorca before and all feel we would like to return sometime in the future. ", "Many thanks!", "\n\nReview Submitted: 20-Jun-2017\n\nDate of Stay: June 2017\n\nSource: Owners Direct, from HomeAway\n\nOwner's Response: Many thanks for sharing your experience with everyone, I am glad you had a great time.", "\nLook forward to welcoming you back again.", "\nRegards,\nNattira\n\nBeautiful rural villa, with a sea view\n\nThis was the second year that our family spent a week at San Juan. ", "Lovely relaxing break, sat by the pool and went in it most days. ", "The garden is beautiful, and the villa clean, very well equipped and spacious. ", "One of our families most favourite places.", "\n\nReview Submitted: 31-Oct-2017\n\nDate of Stay: October 2017\n\nSource: Owners Direct, from HomeAway\n\nOwner's Response: Hi Rosie,\nThank you for your great comments, we look forward to welcoming you back again.", "\nRegards,\nThe Dunbars\n\nBeautiful home,pool and garden\n\nThe house was spotless and really well suited to a family summer holiday. ", "There was plenty of space for 2 families to sleep, bathe, cook and relax. ", "Each bedroom has lots of storage and the fridge/freezer was big enough for everything we needed. ", "There were loads of towels for inside and out and everything you could need in the kitchen. ", "The pool and gardens are absolutely beautiful and we loved the daily tortoise visits and all the insect life which the children could experience. ", "There is a real sense of being out in the wild whilst at the same time having every creature comfort provided!", "\n\nThe nearest shops and supermarket were only a 10 minute drive away and you could get everything you needed there in Sant Climent.", "\n\nWe would definitely recommend San Juan for a relaxing stay in beautiful surroundings. ", "Thank you for allowing us to share such a special place.", "\n\nReview Submitted: 07-Aug-2017\n\nDate of Stay: July 2017\n\nSource: Owners Direct, from HomeAway\n\nOwner's Response: Thank you lovely family, hope we could have you back there again soon. ", "The Dunbars\n\nPerfect villa in the countryside.", "\n\nThe villa suited our family holiday, we all had our own bedroom and bathroom. ", "Very spacious and well equipped. ", "The gardens are beautiful, we made good use of the BBQ with its own seating area. ", "The pool is large and clean, whilst not heated we all had a swim, even in October. ", "The tortoises are great to see and appeared everyday in the sunshine. ", "A car is a must, but very quick and easy to pop to the nearest village. ", "We would certainly consider a return visit.", "\n\nReview Submitted: 02-Nov-2016\n\nDate of Stay: October 2016\n\nSource: Owners Direct, from HomeAway\n\nOwner's Response: Many thanks for your review, I am glad you had a great time. ", "We hope to welcome you back again.", "\nRegards,\nNattira\n\nThe resort town of Cala en Porter, with its lovely sandy beach and sheltered bay, is about 10 minutes by car. ", "Many other beaches are within easy, quick reach – in fact Menorca has more beaches than all the other Balearic Islands added together.", "\n\nTravel:\n\nThe nearby towns of Alaior and SantCliment offer a variety of good shops, bars and restaurants. ", "Despite its total seclusion, airport journey time by car (which is essential) is just 15-20 minutes.", "\n\nDistances:\n\nSanJuan is part of the estate of SantTomeu comprising 22 residences – each with its own 5 acre plot - and is located inland, off a road which connects the historic local town of Alaior with the road from SantCliment to Cala en Porter. ", "Despite its total seclusion, airport journey time by car (which is essential) is just 15-20 minutes, and the resort town of Cala en Porter, with its lovely sandy beach and sheltered bay, is about 10 minutes.", "\n\nFurther Details:\n\nMahon - the current capital of the island is about 25 minutes by car, a fascinating town with a very interesting history and a huge deep water harbour – favoured by Nelson. ", "The old capital town - Ciutadella is the farthest town from the villa and is 50 minutes drive. ", "This is a must to explore with its medieval quarter and wonderful shops. ", "Menorca is a small island with an area of 271 sq miles (702 km2), rounded by a coastline of 134 miles(216 km), a distance from north to south of 29 mile. ", "The island has a golf course and can provide sailing and other water sports and horse riding. ", "Bicycles can be hired from Mahon. ", "You can discover the authentic countryside and stunning coastline of Menorca by walking on the ancient Cami de Cavalls, the Path of the Horses, which takes you around the coast of Menorca.", "\n\nAdditional pricing information\n\nFees\n\nNo additional mandatory fees\n\nRefundable Damage Deposit\n\n£300\n\nBooking Notes:\nA non refundable deposit of 25% is payable on booking and the balance is payable 30 days before arrival. ", "A security deposit of £300 is added to the balance to be paid, and will be returned seven days after departure unless there are any breakages, excessive cleaning required or damage, the cost of which will be deducted before repayment is made.", "\n\nChangeover Day:\nSaturday - but we can be flexible outside July and August.", "\nVilla to be vacated by 10am on morning of departure to allow for cleaning. ", "Guests arrive from 3pm (early arrivals can leave their luggage after 10am whilst the villa was being cleaned).", "\n\nNotes on prices:\nAbove prices based on up to 6 adults (plus accompanying children), larger groups please contact the owner.", "\n**** Out of high season we offer discounts for parties of 4 or less ****" ]
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[ "I[NTRODUCTION]{.smallcaps} {#sec1-1}\n==========================\n\nThe distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is part of the complex forearm articulation that includes proximal radioulnar joint (PRUJ), forearm bones, and interosseous membrane (IOM) allowing pronosupination. ", "It is functionally and anatomically integrated with the ulnocarpal articulation of wrist.", "\n\nThe DRUJ has evolved from the primitive pectoral fin of early fish to the bipedal primate wrist to its current form in human wrist. ", "From the syndesmotic DRUJ of brachiating primates with limited forearm rotation, three major changes occurred, (a) development of a distinctly separate DRUJ, (b) recession of the distal ulna from the ulnar carpus, and (c) development of a distinct ulnocarpal meniscus.[@ref1] Along with these changes, humans have moved over from a knuckle walking to brachiating arboreal lifestyle to erect bipedal posture with almost 180° of pronosupination.", "\n\nInjuries of the DRUJ may occur in isolation, or along with fractures of the distal radius. ", "These may present acutely or as chronic instabilities or painful arthritis of the DRUJ. ", "The diagnosis and management of these injuries require a good knowledge of the anatomy and clinical evaluation. ", "The joint is important in the transmission of load and its anatomic integrity should be respected in surgical procedures if normal biomechanics are to be preserved.[@ref2][@ref3]\n\nA[NATOMY]{.smallcaps} {#sec1-2}\n=====================\n\nDRUJ is a diarthrodial trochoid synovial joint,[@ref3] consisting of two parts---the bony radioulnar articulation and soft tissue stabilizers.", "\n\nThe *radioulnar articulation* is formed by the lower end of ulna (*seat*) and the sigmoid notch (medial articular facet) of the distal radius \\[[Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "The sigmoid notch of the radius is concave with a radius of curvature of approximately 15 mm^4^. The ulnar head is semicylindrical, convex, with a radius of curvature of 10 mm.[@ref4] The shape of sigmoid notch is not uniform and has been classified into---1) flat face, 2) ski slope, 3) C type, and 4) S type[@ref5]---which influences the predilection to instability. ", "The flat face type is most susceptible to injuries. ", "The distal articular surface of the ulna (dome or pole) is mostly covered by articular cartilage. ", "At the base of the ulnar styloid is a depression called *fovea*, which is devoid of cartilage. ", "The differential arc of curvature of ulna and sigmoid notch suggests that pronosupination involves rotation as well as dorsopalmar translation at the DRUJ. ", "In pronation, the ulna translates 2.8 mm dorsally from a neutral position; in supination, the ulna translates 5.4 mm volarly from a neutral position relative to radius.[@ref6]\n\n![", "Transverse section through the DRUJ in a cadaver, showing the sigmoid notch of the radius (white arrow) and the head of the ulna along with the radioulnar ligaments](IJOrtho-46-493-g001){#F1}\n\nThe soft tissue stabilizers are collectively referred to as ulnoligamentous complex[@ref7] or more popularly as the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC).[@ref8] It consists of the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC or articular disk), meniscal homologue, ulnocarpal \\[ulnolunate (UL) and lunotriquetral\\] ligaments, the dorsal and volar radioulnar ligaments, ulnar collateral ligament, and the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) subsheath.[@ref8] The ECU subsheath is reinforced medially by linear fibers referred to as the *linea jugata*.[@ref9] The radioulnar ligaments (dorsal and volar) are the primary stabilizers of the DRUJ. ", "The secondary stabilizers include the ECU subsheath, the UL and ulnotriquetral (UT) ligaments, the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIOL). ", "The distal interosseous ligament also plays a role in stabilizing the DRUJ. ", "The principal attachment of the TFC, the radioulnar and ulnocarpal ligament is the fovea \\[Figure [2a](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"},[b](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "The secondary attachment of these structures are the ulnar styloid. ", "A fracture involving the base of the ulnar styloid, therefore, can make the DRUJ potentially unstable. ", "Injuries that destabilize the DRUJ result from disruption of the TFC along with the primary stabilizers, ulnocarpal ligaments, and ECU subsheath. ", "The important function of the DRUJ in load bearing and its effects following injury has been well studied.[@ref10]\n\n![(", "a) Diagrammatic representation of the TFCC, superimposed on a dissected specimen, (b) Diagrammatic representation of triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) inserting into the fovea (deep layer) and ulnar styloid (superficial layer), RUL: Radioulnar ligament, TFC: triangular fibrocartilage, UL: ulnolunate ligament, UT: Ulnotriquetral ligament, ECU: extensor carpi ulnaris in its subsheath, SP: styloid process of ulna providing attachment to these structures---R: Radius, U: Ulna, S: scaphoid, L: lunate, T: triquetrum](IJOrtho-46-493-g002){#F2}\n\nC[LINICAL]{.smallcaps} E[VALUATION]{.smallcaps} {#sec1-3}\n===============================================\n\nPatients most commonly complain of ulnar-sided wrist pain (USWP), especially on loading the hand and rotating the forearm, particularly following trauma, eg, a fall on the outstretched hand (FOOSH). ", "There will be tenderness over the ulnar aspect of wrist, localized to the underlying anatomical structure. ", "Persistence of USWP and stiffness following distal radius fractures (DRF) point to DRUJ involvement. ", "Clicking sounds, obvious instability, and weakness on lifting objects are also common complaints.", "\n\nImpingement sign is usually positive in TFC injuries, but is by no means exclusive to this condition. ", "This test is done by supinating and pronating the ulnar deviated wrist with elbows resting at 90° on the table. ", "Focal tenderness just distal to ulnar styloid is suggestive of TFCC tear, while that at the volar or dorsal margins of distal ulna head point to radioulnar ligament injury. ", "Instability must be checked in different positions of supination and pronation. ", "The *ulna fovea sign i*s useful in detecting foveal disruptions and UT ligament injuries, which are two common causes of USWP. ", "This is elicited by pressing the area between the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) tendon and ulnar styloid, between the pisiform and volar margin of the ulna. ", "The differentiation between these conditions can be made clinically, where UT ligament tears are typically associated with a stable DRUJ and foveal disruptions are typically associated with an unstable DRUJ.[@ref11]\n\nThe *piano-key test i*s positive when the ulna head is depressed volarly with the examiner\\'s thumb and released, and it springs back like a piano key, suggesting instability. ", "The *table top test* is done by asking the patient to press both hands on a flat table with forearm in pronation. ", "With DRUJ instability, the ulna is more prominent dorsally and appears to sublux volarly with increasing pressure, creating a dorsal depression.[@ref12] The *Grind test* is done by compressing the distal ulna and radius with the examiner\\'s hand and producing a grinding motion, which elicits pain to suggest presence of DRUJ arthrosis.", "\n\nR[ADIOLOGICAL]{.smallcaps} I[NVESTIGATIONS]{.smallcaps} {#sec1-4}\n=======================================================\n\nA standard posteroanterior (PA) and true lateral X-ray is mandatory. ", "In the standard PA view, the groove for the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendon on the distal ulna must be visualized radial to the ulnar styloid \\[[Figure 3a](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "The *ulnar variance* is calculated by measuring the distance between a perpendicular drawn to the long axis of ulna at the distal articular surface and the perpendicular to the long axis of radius at the level of the volar distal articular margin. ", "In a true lateral view, the volar surface of pisiform must be placed midway between the volar margins of the distal pole of scaphoid and capitate. ", "A clenched fist PA view in forearm pronation to assess DRUJ gap[@ref13] and weighted lateral stress view in pronation \\[[Figure 3b](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] is helpful in assessing instability,[@ref14] while routine lateral views is not.[@ref15]\n\n![(", "a) X-ray evaluation of DRUJ. ", "True PA views should show the groove for ECU radial to the ulnar styloid (red arrow). ", "True lateral view should show the palmar edge of pisiform (red dotted line) midway between palmar borders of distal pole of scaphoid and capitate (yellow lines); (b) Scheker-weighted lateral view with patient holding 3 lb weight in the hand showing dorsal instability of the distal ulna. ", "Weighted views provide loading of the DRUJ, bringing out instability, which may not be visible in routine X-rays (Scheker-weighted PA view is useful for diagnosis of ulna impingement syndrome following Darrach procedure if there is instability). ", "\\[Picture courtesy, with permission: Dr Luis Scheker, Christine M Kleinert institute of Hand Surgery and Microsurgery, Louisville, KY, USA\\]](IJOrtho-46-493-g003){#F3}\n\nComputed tomography is useful to delineate sigmoid notch fractures and DRUJ injuries. ", "Ligament injuries can be assessed indirectly by assessing the radioulnar articulation in various positions and also by loading views. ", "Normal views are taken in neutral, supination, and pronation. ", "Both wrists are imaged simultaneously to provide comparative views to assess degree of ulna displacement and asymmetry. ", "Subsequently, loaded views may be taken using weights held in the hand and the views repeated. ", "Three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions are helpful in assessing spatial relationship between the radius and ulna.", "\n\nMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful for assessment of DRUJ ligaments \\[Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"},[b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "With a 3--T MRI, the radioulnar ligaments, ulnocarpal ligaments, and TFCC with its foveal attachment to distal ulna can be adequately visualized[@ref16] with an 86% sensitivity for detection of TFCC tears.[@ref17]\n\n![(", "a) MRI T2-weighted fat suppression image, showing a radial TFCC tear, fluid seen adjacent to DRUJ. ", "In the sequence of MRI pictures (not shown here), the fluid is seen within the joint, (b) Proton density--weighted MRI, coronal view suggestive of ulnar impaction syndrome. ", "Ulnar styloid process measures 8 mm (normal 2-6 mm), increased ulnar styloid index 0.61 (normal, 0.14--0.28). ", "There is articular cartilage loss with erosion, marrow edema, subchondral cyst, and sclerosis of triquetrum and lunate](IJOrtho-46-493-g004){#F4}\n\nA[RTHROSCOPY]{.smallcaps} {#sec1-5}\n=========================\n\nArthroscopy is the gold standard for evaluation of TFCC injuries.[@ref18] The TFC, foveal attachment, the radioulnar ligament (RUL) and ulnar collateral (UC) ligaments are well visualized with 3,4 portal and other ulnar portals. ", "The volar and dorsal DRUJ portals also provide limited views of the structures. ", "Arthroscopic debridement as well as repair of TFCC can be done \\[Figure [5a](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[d](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\].", "\n\n![", "Arthroscopic evaluation of TFCC showing (a) Central TFCC tear, (b) Foveal detachment of the TFCC, (c) Reattachment of TFCC, and (d) Degenerative tears of TFCC. ", "\\[Picture courtesy with permission: Dr Tuna Ozyerukoglu, Christine M Kleinert Institute of Hand and Microsurgery, Louisville, KY, USA.\\]](IJOrtho-46-493-g005){#F5}\n\nDRUJ injuries {#sec2-1}\n-------------\n\nThe injuries of the DRUJ may involve purely soft tissues or fractures of the radius and/or ulnar styloid or, more rarely, isolated dislocations of the joint. [", "Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} classifies various types of injuries of DRUJ.", "\n\n###### \n\nInjuries of DRUJ and TFCC- A working classification\n\n![](", "IJOrtho-46-493-g006)\n\n### Triangular fibrocartilaginous complex injury {#sec3-1}\n\nMelone described the traumatic TFCC disruption as a continuum of injury beginning at the ulnar styloid and, with increasing force, extending to the midcarpal joints.[@ref19] It was classified into five stages of increasing severity.[@ref19] *Stage I:* detachment of TFC from ulnar styloid, *stage II:* ECU subsheath injury, *stage III*: ulnocarpal ligament disruption, *stage IV:* lunotriquetral ligament injury, and *stage V*: midcarpal ligament injury.", "\n\nPalmer classified TFCC tears into *Type I (traumatic)* and *Type 2 (degenerative)*.[@ref20] It is further subclassified based on the location of the injury in Type I or the extent of degeneration in Type 2 (see [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} for description). ", "Type IA lesions are central tears and are the most common type of traumatic tears. ", "This is not associated with instability of the DRUJ. ", "These injuries can be symptomatic when there is an unstable flap of tissue, which \"catch\" on the joint surface. ", "Type 1B lesions are tears of the TFCC from its insertion into the distal ulna, either ligamentous avulsions from the fovea or fractures through the base of the ulnar styloid.[@ref21] Here, there is usually associated instability of DRUJ. ", "Type 1C injuries involve the tear of volar ulnocarpal ligaments. ", "These are high-energy injuries associated with DRUJ instability. ", "Type 1D lesions are detachments of the radial insertion of the TFCC with or without marginal sigmoid notch fractures. ", "These are associated with DRUJ instability.", "\n\n###### \n\nClassification of TFCC injuries\n\n![](", "IJOrtho-46-493-g007)\n\nTreatment of TFCC injuries commences with non-operative measures such as splinting or AE cast, modification of activity, occupational therapy, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). ", "Steroid injections into the DRUJ may be tried. ", "Gross instability or associated unstable ulna styloid fractures warrants surgical intervention. ", "Similarly, TFCC tears that fail to clinically improve following conservative care requires surgical treatment. ", "Arthroscopic and open techniques for TFCC debridement or repair have been described for the treatment of acute and degenerative tears based on the location and size of the tears.[@ref21] Type 1A injuries with central perforation can be treated by arthroscopic debridement. ", "The unstable flap can be removed by debridement with clinical improvement of symptoms. ", "It has been shown that up to 80% of the disc can be removed without ensuing instability. ", "Central tears are not amenable to repair due to avascularity of the central zone of the TFCC, which precludes healing. ", "Type 1B or peripheral ulnar sided tears involve the vascular zone of the TFCC and can be repaired either arthroscopically or by open technique. ", "Various arthroscopic techniques of TFCC repair have been described, such as inside-out, outside-in, and all-inside techniques.[@ref22]--[@ref28] Similarly, Types 1C and D are also amenable to arthroscopic repair using the technique described by Trumble and coworkers.[@ref29] The TFCC repair can be done by open technique also.[@ref30]\n\nThree surgical approaches to the DRUJ are used---dorsoulnar, ulnar, and palmar.[@ref31][@ref32] We prefer to expose the DRUJ by a linear incision about 4 cm, between the extensor digiti minimi (EDM) and ECU tendons centered over the ulnar head as described by Adams.[@ref15] The EDM sheath is incised and tendon retracted to expose the capsule of DRUJ. ", "Using an L-shaped capsulotomy, the DRUJ is exposed, taking care not to damage the DRUL. ", "In this way, the TFC, ulna head, and soft tissues can be exposed and inspected. ", "A transverse ulnocarpal capsulotomy is made to expose the distal aspect of TFC. ", "Depending on the level of tear, insertion into ulna at the fovea or direct repair is with 2-0 absorbable sutures.", "\n\nIsolated DRUJ dislocations {#sec2-2}\n--------------------------\n\nThese are uncommon injuries and result from FOOSH or, rarely, a blow to the ulnar aspect of the wrist. ", "This can be dorsal or volar.[@ref33] DRUJ dislocation may be simple or complex (when there is soft tissue interposition, which prevents reduction). ", "Failure to diagnose and treat a complex DRUJ dislocation will lead to chronic, persistent subluxation or dislocations, or both, and to symptomatic osteoarthrosis.[@ref34] The dorsal dislocation is more common with the ulna moving dorsally in relation to the radius following hyperextension of the wrist with hyperpronation forces. ", "The TFCC is avulsed from its foveal insertion in these injuries.[@ref19] The secondary stabilizers of the DRUJ including the IOM, UC ligaments, and ECU subsheath provide sufficient stability to prevent instability following healing.[@ref15] Clinically, a prominent ulnar head is visible over the dorsal wrist. ", "In our experience, closed manipulation and reduction under anesthesia is usually successful. ", "Forcible supination of radius while pushing the ulna head volarwards reduces dorsal dislocation, while forcible pronation with dorsally directed pressure on the ulna head reduces dorsal and volar-ward DRUJ dislocations, respectively. ", "Once the joint is reduced, stability must be verified by translating the ulna volar and dorsally. ", "We immobilize dorsal dislocations in an above elbow plaster of Paris (POP) cast in supination, and volar dislocations in pronation for a period of 6 weeks. ", "If instability persists after reduction, radioulnar pinning is done in reduced position to allow soft tissue healing. ", "TFCC repair, either open or arthroscopic, needs to be also considered in case of severe disruptions. ", "Soft tissue interposition can result in irreducibility. ", "The ECU tendon is the most common culprit. ", "In this situation, open reduction and release of the interposed tendon or ligamentous structure is required followed by pinning of the joint.", "\n\nDRUJ injuries associated with fractures and fracture--dislocations {#sec2-3}\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n### Distal radius fractures and ulnar styloid fractures {#sec3-2}\n\nForearm supination and pronation is important for optimum function and positioning of the hand in space.[@ref35] The most common cause of residual wrist disability after DRF is the DRUJ involvement. ", "Three basic causes that result in radioulnar pain and limitation of forearm rotation are instability, joint incongruency, and ulnocarpal abutment. ", "The last two entities initiate irreversible cartilage damage that eventually leads to degenerative joint disease. ", "Early recognition and management in the acute stage aim at the anatomic reconstruction of the distal radioulnar joint including bone, joint surfaces, and ligaments in an effort to reduce the incidence of painful sequelae and functional deficit.[@ref36] Experimentally, it is found that severely displaced DRF result in disruption of TFCC in the absence of ulna styloid fractures.[@ref37] USF through the base results in DRUJ instability if the fragment involves the foveal insertion of the TFCC. ", "Concurrent arthroscopic evaluation of patients with DRF requiring operative intervention for reduction revealed an incidence of TFCC injury in 43% of the cases.[@ref38] Similarly, fractures through the sigmoid notch produce stiffness and late onset arthritis of the DRUJ. ", "The DRUJ can be injured in association with almost any fracture of the forearm or as an isolated phenomenon. ", "Failure to recognize a simple or complex dislocation of the DRUJ associated with a fracture of the forearm may result in inappropriate or inadequate immobilization of the dislocated joint after internal fixation of the fracture. ", "As a consequence, the injured TFCC may not heal, leading to recurrent postoperative instability. ", "After either a simple or a complex dislocation of the DRUJ has been recognized, the treatment is relatively straightforward and rewarding. ", "Despite the severity of these injuries, with proper diagnosis and reduction, most patients will have a satisfactory outcome.[@ref34] This has been the authors experience also.", "\n\nAssessment of DRUJ stability following DRF are best done intraoperatively after fixation of the radius fracture by translation of the ulna in a dorsopalmar direction. ", "If in doubt, we also compare it with the normal side. ", "However, careful assessment of the preoperative X-rays can indicate a possibility of DRUJ instability. ", "These include: 1) shortening of radius \\>5 mm relative to ulna, 2) fracture of the base of ulnar styloid, 3) widening of the DRUJ interval on PA view, and 4) dislocation of the DRUJ on lateral view.[@ref39][@ref40] Computed tomography scans, especially axial views, can provide information regarding subluxation and fractures of the ligamentous margins of radius and ulna. ", "DRF with fracture of the dorsal or volar ulnar margins can be unstable as these include insertion of the dorsal or volar RUL. ", "Similarly, sigmoid notch fractures, especially shearing type of fractures, produce instability due to involvement of TFC radial insertion. ", "Therefore, it is necessary to include these fragments in the fixation of the DRF, either with the plate itself or with additional screws or K-wires \\[Figures [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Fragment-specific fixation is helpful in these situations. ", "About 61% of DRF are associated with ulna styloid fractures.[@ref41] However, there are recent reports that did not find significant relationship between functional outcome and ulnar styloid fractures (USF), which were not fixed following stable fixation of distal radius fracture.[@ref42][@ref43] In our practice, we tend to fix the unstable USF rather than not, commonly by open reduction and tension band fixation, when associated with DRF.", "\n\n![", "X-ray of wrist with distal forearm and hand anteroposterior and lateral views showing (a) Ulnar styloid with DRUJ instability (b) treated by open reduction and tension band fixation. ", "Joint was stable following union of fracture. (", "c) Pre- and postoperative X-rays of a patient with fracture of the ulnar head (d) treated by ORIF with screws](IJOrtho-46-493-g008){#F6}\n\n![(", "a) Acute fracture involving the sigmoid notch with DRUJ instability and ulnar translation of carpus. (", "b) Open reduction, internal fixation (ORIF) of the fragment and repair of volar wrist ligaments (radioscaphocapitate ligament) were done. ", "Galeazzi fracture--dislocation with ulnar styloid fracture and grossly unstable DRUJ treated by ORIF of radius and trans fixation of radius and ulna. ", "DRUJ was stable following POP removal after 6 weeks](IJOrtho-46-493-g009){#F7}\n\nUlna styloid fractures may also be seen in isolation. ", "While styloid tip fractures are stable, basal fractures of the styloid are associated with DRUJ instability.[@ref44][@ref45] Fixation of styloid fracture makes the DRUJ stable, provided the TFCC is not otherwise injured. ", "We use various fixation techniques that has been described for styloid fractures including closed pinning, tension band wiring \\[[Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], compression screw fixation, suture anchor technique, etc.[@ref15] When symptomatic nonunions of styloid are seen, subperiosteal excision of the smaller fragments, or TFCC reattachment to the base with transosseous sutures and excision of larger fragments can be done.[@ref46] Comminuted, unstable, or displaced distal ulna neck fractures must also be fixed to maintain DRUJ stability and congruence.", "\n\n*Galeazzi fracture--dislocation* is a diaphyseal fracture of radius with associated DRUJ dislocation, with the fracture of radius seen 4-6 cm proximal to DRUJ. ", "Palmer Type IB TFCC injury is classically seen. ", "In the authors experience, operative fixation of the radius is necessary due to inherent instability. ", "When the radius fracture is within 7.5 cm of the distal radius, DRUJ injury is highly likely.[@ref47] Other radiologic parameters of instability mentioned above may also be considered. ", "About 80% of these injuries presented with complete dislocation of DRUJ.[@ref48] Once the radius is stabilized, the DRUJ usually falls into position in most cases (simple dislocations). ", "Further, instability is checked and if present, the DRUJ is pinned \\[[Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "If the DRUJ fails to reduce after radius fixation, interposition of soft tissue, especially the ECU tendon, must be suspected (complex dislocations). ", "In these situations, open reduction with extraction of the interposed soft tissue and open repair of the TFCC is required.[@ref49]\n\n*The Essex--Lopresti injury* is the eponymous injury with comminuted fracture of radial head associated with DRUJ dislocation.[@ref50] The injury is by an axial compression force resulting in longitudinal disruption of the proximal and distal radioulnar articulation and the IOM. ", "Long-term longitudinal instability will persist if not adequately treated with proximal radius migration and distal ulna impaction. ", "In suspected cases, radiographs of the elbow, forearm, and wrist must be taken. ", "MRI and ultrasound evaluation of soft tissue damage of IOM is helpful.[@ref39] Excision of radial head is contraindicated in these injuries. ", "A classification system has been proposed with suggested management options[@ref51] \\[[Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}\\]. ", "The DRUJ stability is evaluated following fixation of radial head and if unstable, radioulnar pinning/TFCC repair may be necessary.", "\n\n###### \n\nClassification of Essex--Lopresti classification and suggested management\n\n![](", "IJOrtho-46-493-g010)\n\nChronic DRUJ instability {#sec2-4}\n------------------------\n\nPersistent USWP and chronic DRUJ instability can result from fractures of the distal radius and ulna following inadequate treatment or malunions. ", "If untreated, these lead to chronic pain and disability due to stiffness, decreased grip strength, and arthritis. ", "The dynamic and static stabilizers of DRUJ may become dysfunctional or injured resulting in chronic instability. ", "Acute instabilities that are unnoticed or poorly treated also become chronic. ", "Poorly reduced DRF, especially increased dorsal tilt, reduced radial inclination and radial shortening results in DRUJ incongruity.[@ref52] There are reports suggesting that anatomical reduction of DRF is more critical in avoiding persistent DRUJ issues rather than associated fixing or union of ulna styloid fractures.[@ref42][@ref53]\n\nManagement of chronic DRUJ instability depends primarily on the underlying cause. ", "Length discrepancy between radius and ulna, malunions, and ulnocarpal impaction needs to be corrected primarily by osteotomy and bone grafting techniques \\[Figure [8a](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"},[b](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] before considering ligament reconstructions. ", "Arthritis of DRUJ requires salvage procedures (discussed later). ", "Soft tissue reconstruction of DRUJ is indicated in symptomatic patients in whom TFCC is irreparable and sigmoid notch competent.[@ref54] Various procedures directed at stabilizing the DRUJ, broadly considered under four main heads[@ref55]: 1) extrinsic radioulnar tether, 2) extensor retinaculum capsulorrhaphy, 3) ulnocarpal sling, and 4) reconstruction of volar and dorsal radioulnar ligaments.", "\n\n![", "X-ray anteroposterior and lateral views (a) Malunited distal radius fracture following an old gunshot injury with gross deformity and relative ulnar lengthening, treated by corrective osteotomy and bone grafting of radius using a volar approach, and volar plate fixation. ", "Intraoperatively, a distractor was used to correct the deformity, (b) Postoperation follow-up X-rays showing deformity correction, the restitution of DRUJ and correction of radial inclination and height](IJOrtho-46-493-g011){#F8}\n\nExtrinsic radioulnar tether was described by Fulkerson and Watson,[@ref56] using a tendon graft looped around the neck of ulna and threaded through the radius for the management of anterior dislocation of distal ulna. ", "It has recently been used for traumatic DRUJ instability also.[@ref57] This is not an anatomical reconstruction of RUL and is therefore seldom used.", "\n\nThe extensor retinaculum capsulorrhaphy or the Herbert sling procedure uses an ulnar-based flap of extensor retinaculum to stabilize the DRUJ.[@ref58][@ref59] This is a useful procedure for DRUJ instability originally described for stabilizing ulnar head prosthesis.", "\n\nUlnocarpal sling procedure was described y Hui and Linshead using a distally based strip of FCU tendon to reconstruct the volar ulnocarpal ligament.[@ref60] The repair also imbricates the dorsal radioulnar ligament upon itself, and the forearm initially pinned in supination by a K-wire until ligament healing.", "\n\nReconstruction of the volar and dorsal radioulnar ligaments have been described to anatomically reconstruct the dorsal and volar radioulnar ligaments and is often used[@ref12][@ref14][@ref61] with good results. ", "The authors prefer to use the techniques described by Adams and Berger \\[[Figure 9](#F9){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] or Scheker for reconstructing the radioulnar ligaments[@ref12][@ref14] in cases of chronic DRUJ instability when arthritis is not present and when the radial inclination, slope and ulnar height are normal or already corrected.", "\n\n![", "Diagrammatic representation of Adams--Berger procedure for chronic DRUJ instability. ", "The dorsal and volar radioulnar ligaments are reconstructed with a palmaris longus graft. (", "Adams BD, Berger RA. ", "An anatomic reconstruction of the distal radioulnar ligaments for posttraumatic distal radioulnar joint instability. ", "J Hand Surg Am. ", "2002 Mar;27(2):243-51)](IJOrtho-46-493-g012){#F9}\n\nUlnar impaction syndrome {#sec2-5}\n------------------------\n\nDue to repetitive loading of the ulnocarpal joint, especially in the presence of ulna plus variance degenerative changes occur in the TFC, lunotriquetral articulation referred to as ulnar impaction or ulnocarpal abutment syndrome. ", "Palmer Type 2 or degenerative tears of TFCC result from such chronic loading of the ulnar aspect starting with progressive wear of TFCC, perforation to ulnocarpal arthritis.[@ref20] This should be differentiated from the ulna impingement syndrome due to an unstable ulnar stump painfully abutting the radius following a Darrach procedure.[@ref15] An acquired ulna plus variance caused by malunited distal radius fracture is the most common cause of this condition \\[[Figure 10](#F10){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Typical clinical features are ulnar-sided wrist pain, especially on loading and rotation movement. ", "The PA view demonstrates the ulna plus. ", "MRI is useful for observing changes in the lunate and triquetrum \\[[Figure 4b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], and arthroscopy demonstrates the classical stages described by Palmer. ", "The treatment include conservative management by splinting, NSAIDs, and modification of activities. ", "Surgical treatment is required if symptoms continue and include wafer resection of the distal ulna as described by Feldon,[@ref62][@ref63] which can be done arthroscopically or open, or an ulna shortening osteotomy as originally described by Milch.[@ref64] We prefer an ulna shortening osteotomy and compression plate fixation in this situation once conservative management fails to allieviate the symptoms.", "\n\n![(", "a) X-ray, and computed tomography reconstruction showing the impingement to the lunate and triquetrum ulnar impaction syndrome secondary to long-standing malunited distal radius fracture presenting as USWP with painful supination/pronation on loading the wrist, a positive impingement sign. (", "b) X-ray posteroanterior and lateral views showing Ulna was shortened by cuff resection and compression plating with relief of pain and improved movement](IJOrtho-46-493-g013){#F10}\n\nDRUJ arthritis {#sec2-6}\n--------------\n\nDRF through the sigmoid notch or the distal ulna, malunions, chronic instability of DRUJ, and failed reconstruction of the DRUJ progress to arthritis, with pain and stiffness of the joint. ", "Various options are available in the management of this situation.", "\n\nSurgical treatment DRUJ {#sec2-7}\n-----------------------\n\n### Resection of distal ulna (Darrach procedure) {#sec3-3}\n\nThis procedure removes the distal articular surface of the ulna,[@ref65] thereby relieving pain and improving supination and pronation. ", "This is useful in the elderly and in patients with limited activity. ", "However, reported problems of this procedure in a physically active patient include ulna impingement syndrome,[@ref66] loss of grip strength, and possible ulnar translation of carpus.[@ref67] To address the ulna instability following a Darrach procedure,[@ref65] FCU or ECU tendon slings have been fashioned to attach to the distal ulna.[@ref68][@ref69] The authors reserve the use of the Darrach procedure in the older age group with less physical demands and routinely combine the excision of distal ulna with an ECU sling in an attempt to reduce the likelihood of impingement.", "\n\n### Sauve-Kapandji procedure {#sec3-4}\n\nOriginally described in 1936, this combines DRUJ arthrodesis and surgical pseudarthrosis of the distal ulna.[@ref70] This has the advantage of preserving the ulnar support of the wrist by retaining the distal ulna \\[[Figure 11](#F11){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "The indications and surgical technique is well described in other articles.[@ref67] The proximal pseudarthrosis allows supination and pronation. ", "We prefer this procedure in young active adults with DRUJ arthrosis as compared to a Darrach procedure.[@ref65] However, painful instability of the proximal ulna stump can still remain a problem.", "\n\n![", "Postoperation X-ray of a 48-year-old female patient who underwent Sauve--Kapandji procedure for chronic instability of DRUJ with painful arthrosis](IJOrtho-46-493-g014){#F11}\n\n### Hemiresection--interposition arthroplasty {#sec3-5}\n\nBowers described partial resection of the articular surface of ulna and interposing a capsular flap for DRUJ arthritis, while retaining the ulnar attachment of the TFCC.[@ref71] Interposition can be augmented by a tendon roll or allograft \\[[Figure 12](#F12){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Ulnocarpal impaction is described as a relative contraindication of this procedure. ", "The authors have used this procedure for treating DRUJ arthrosis with mild degree of ulna plus variance with good results.", "\n\n![", "Bowers hemiresection interposition arthroplasty (HITE) for DRUJ arthrosis and minimal impingement, preoperative X-ray, intraoperative images and postoperative X-ray](IJOrtho-46-493-g015){#F12}\n\n### DRUJ implant arthroplasty {#sec3-6}\n\nProsthetic replacement for the head of ulna has been described for primary DRUJ arthrosis and in failed DRUJ surgery. ", "Swanson and Herbert has developed prosthesis for distal ulna replacement. ", "Scheker has described a semiconstrained modular implant for total replacement of the DRUJ (APTIS DRUJ prosthesis) \\[Figures [13](#F13){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [14](#F14){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "This has a stainless steel radial implant, which articulates with an ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene sphere and an ulna stem.[@ref72] Though long term results are still awaited, the implant shows great promise in the management of DRUJ arthrosis providing a stable pain- free joint. ", "While the implant is yet unavailable in the subcontinent, the author has been impressed by the functcionality of this prosthesis on reviewing Dr. Scheker\\'s patients who had underwent this procedure\n\n![", "Scheker total DRUJ arthroplasty (APTIS DRUJ prosthesis) for DRUJ arthritis. (", "a) Peroperative photograph showing incision mark. (", "b) X-rays lateral and posteroanterior views showing degenerative changes in the DRUJ. (", "c) Peroperative photograph showing ulnar head devoid of cartilage with sigmoid notch osteophytes](IJOrtho-46-493-g016){#F13}\n\n![", "Scheker total DRUJ arthroplasty (APTIS DRUJ prosthesis) for DRUJ arthritis: (continued from [Figure 13](#F13){ref-type=\"fig\"}) Ulnar head was excised and DRUJ replacement with APTIS size 20 radial plate assembly and a 4.0 mm diameter 1-cm ulnar stem. ", "The patient had excellent recovery with full range of motion and is able to lift weight without any pain. ", "She returned to her regular occupation (Picture series 13 and 14, courtesy, with permission: Dr. Luis Scheker, Christine M Kleinert institute of Hand Surgery and Microsurgery, Louisville, KY, USA)](IJOrtho-46-493-g017){#F14}\n\nC[ONCLUSION]{.smallcaps} {#sec1-6}\n========================\n\nThe DRUJ injuries presents as ulna sided wrist pain resulting most commonly from traumatic episodes. ", "Clinical examination provide information regarding the anatomical structures injured. ", "Investigations helping in diagnosis include plain X-rays and MRI. ", "Arthroscopy is considered the gold standard in diagnosis. ", "Treatment include splinting, ORIF of fractures and repair of torn ligaments and TFCC by arthroscopy or open methods. ", "In late presentations, instability is addressed by various techniques which have been described. ", "DRUJ arthroplasty is emerging as a treatment in cases of arthrosis of the joint.", "\n\nThe authors thank Dr Luis Scheker and Prof. G. A. Anderson for showing the way and also extend their thanks to Dr. Samuel Raj Pallapati and Dr. Jyothi Surekha for discussions and feedback in the management and investigations of patients with problems in this complex joint.", "\n\n**Source of Support:** Nil\n\n**Conflict of Interest:** None.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAre PayPal merchant accounts linked to a domain name such that changing our web address will cause payment problems?", "\n\nIs a PayPal merchant account linked to a domain name? ", "I have a project where an established website is going to be changing their domain name. ", "Will PayPal checkout continue to work on the website after the domain name is changed, or are there settings in PayPal that need to be updated?", "\n\nA:\n\nNo, it's not. ", " It's linked to a business or Personal name. ", " As long as you have the API key, you can run your checkout process fine from any domain name really. ", " \n\n" ]
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[ "The World Bank pioneered global HIV and AIDS financing early in the emergency and remains committed to achieving Millennium Development Goal 6, to halt by 2015 and begin to reverse the spread of HIV and AIDS, through prevention, care, treatment, and mitigation services for those affected by HIV and AIDS.", "\nRead More »\n\nThe objective of this study is to\nsystematically assess the coverage of cost effective HIV\nprevention interventions as well as the coverage of\ninterventions proven ... Show More +to be ineffective and non cost\neffective in nine population risk groups. ", "These are: (a)\nfemale sex workers (FSW), (b) men who have sex with men\n(MSM), (c) injecting drug users (IDUs), (d) sero-discordant\ncouples, (e) pregnant women, (f) prison inmates, (g)\nhealthcare workers, (h) young people, and (i) general\npopulation. ", "This report divided into four chapters. ", "Chapter\none provides the background and rationale for revitalizing\nHIV prevention in Thailand and outlines the objectives and\nconceptual framework. ", "Chapter two reviews and updates HIV\nepidemiological profiles, trends and changes in risk\nbehaviour across different population groups. ", "Chapter three\nreviews both global and Thai specific experiences of cost\neffective HIV prevention interventions. ", "It recommends a\ncomprehensive list of preventive interventions that are\nlikely to be effective and cost effective in the Thai health\nsystems context. ", "The purpose of chapter four is to assess\nthe nature of the current HIV programmatic activities. ", "Show Less -" ]
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[ "Metabolism of 1,8-dinitropyrene by Salmonella typhimurium.", "\nEarlier work has shown that many nitroaromatic and nitroheterocyclic compounds are directly 'activated' to their ultimate mutagenic forms through the action of bacterial nitroreductase enzymes. ", "However, in the case of 1,8-dinitropyrene (DNP) and certain other nitroarenes the pathway of activation is more complex and neither the identity of the ultimate mutagens nor the nature of the DNA adducts formed are known. ", "We now show that Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA1538, which are sensitive to DNP and have wild type nitroreductase complements, do metabolize DNP to 1-amino-8-nitropyrene (ANP) and 1,8- diaminopyrene (DAP) but that these compounds are much weaker mutagens than DNP. ", "These two strains (TA98 and TA1538) contain two separable components of nitroreductase activity as determined using nitrofurazone as the substrate. ", "The major component, at least, is capable of reducing both 1-nitropyrene (NP) and DNP although the rates are much lower than with nitrofurazone. ", "TA98NR , a mutant of TA98 that is resistant to nitrofurazone and NP but not to DNP, lacked the major nitroreductase but retained two minor components. ", "In contrast, a mutant ( DNP6 ) which is resistant to DNP (but not to NP) contained a full complement of nitroreductases. ", "When the metabolism of [3H]DNP by crude extracts of TA98 was re-examined, previously undetected metabolites were found. ", "These were more polar than DAP and ANP and were also seen when TA98NR was used as the source of enzyme. ", "These metabolites were not formed when enzymes from TA98DNP6 or TA98NR / DNP6 were used. ", "This work supports the notion that some enzymic activity other than (or in addition to) nitroreductase is required for the activation of DNP and that the new polar metabolites may be related to this process." ]
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[ "1. ", "Houston Tops The Nation In Single Family New Home Construction Starts.", "\n\nHouston builders are on pace to start 50,000 new homes in 2014. ", "Houston issued 27,151 new building permits for single-family homes between August 2013 and August 2014. ", "According to the most recent quarterly data, home construction increased 16% from the previous quarter. (", "6).", "\n\n2. ", "Houston’s Planned New Construction Starts Exceed $4.8 Billion.", "\n\nThe construction industry is benefiting from new capital flowing into the city. ", "Houston is 3rd in Forbes list of “Cities With Most New Constructions.” (", "7) Houston new construction starts total $4.8 billion. ", "This figure represents an 8% year-over-year growth.", "\n\n3. ", "Houston Ranks #7 In the Nation For New Highrise Developments.", "\n\nSince Houston covers over 600 square miles, we have fewer highrise buildings than other major US cities. ", "As grow comes to Houston’s four major job centers (Downtown Houston, The Galleria, The Energy Corridor and The Medical Center), people want to shorten their commute and live closer to shopping, restaurants and grocery stores.", "\n\nHouston now ranks 7th in Emporis’ lists of “North American Cities With Most Number Of Highrise Developments”(8).", "\n\nNew luxury residential highrise buildings in Houston include: The Astoria, The Belfiore, Riva At the Park, and several new Luxury Gated Communities in Houston.", "\n\n4. ", "Houston Has 28 New Highrises Under Construction.", "\n\nIncluding both residential and commercial, Houston has 28 highrises currently in development. (", "9)\n\nThis includes 609 Main At Texas, a towering 49-story high office building, and luxury residential highrises Belfiore and Astoria in the Galleria and a large number of residential rental towers.", "\n\n5. ", "83 Additional Highrises Are Under “Approved” or “Proposed” Status.", "\n\nIn addition to the 28 buildings under construction, there are 83 additional buildings (that are at least 12 floors high) that are in “approved” or “proposed” phases with the city. ", "The majority of these buildings are commercial and located in or near Houston’s four major job centers.", "\n\nThe list includes 50-story office highrise 1600 Louisiana and Block 98, a residential building set to stand 38 floors high. ", "Developers are set to start construction on both buildings in 2015.", "\n\n6. ", "Downtown Houston Houses $4 Billion Additional Proposed Construction Projects.", "\n\nDowntown Houston is home to the largest number of proposed highrise projects (the majority of which are commercial in nature).", "\n\nThe Downtown District released a development update that listed 14 under construction and 39 planned projects, representing $4 billion worth of new construction or renovation(10).", "\n\nThe new projects include a 40-story apartment building on Market Square, a luxury hotel to be added to the mixed-use GreenStreet development, and a new High School for the Performing and Visual Arts on the east end of downtown.", "\n\n(Here are is the current list of available Downtown Houston condos and lofts, including: Bayou Lofts, Franklin Lofts and Commerce Towers)\n\n7. ", "Major Houston Employers Are Planning On Relocating Or Hiring An Additional 100,000 People.", "\n\nHouston-based companies have added 107,400 new jobs the last 12 months. ", "This is on top of the 230% job growth recorded between 2005 and 2013.", "\n\nIn addition to this growth, Houston’s major employers have plans to add another 100,000+ jobs in the next year. ", "The majority of these positions are expected to be filled by individuals who do not currently reside in Houston. (", "11).", "\n\n8. ", "Houston Housing Starts Have Increased For 8 Consecutive Quarters.", "\n\nHouston housing starts (new houses under construction) have increased for eight consecutive quarters. (", "12)\n\nEven better, the new home inventory has not depressed prices of current inventory. ", "Looking at close in neighborhoods, the average price per square foot of single family homes has increased by 50.3% over the past decade.(12b) New demand (people relocating to Houston) has exceed supply and provided consistent appreciation even during the 2008-2010 financial crisis." ]
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[ "Introduction {#section5-2042018818766816}\n============\n\nDiabetes is one of the biggest health challenges facing the world. ", "The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated that in 2017, approximately 425 million people in the 20--79-year age group worldwide (8.8% of the global population) had diabetes, and projected that this figure would rise to 629 million (9.9% of the global population) by the year 2045.^[@bibr1-2042018818766816]^\n\nThe clinical goal in the treatment of diabetes is to achieve good glycaemic control. ", "Good glycaemic control with intensive diabetes therapy prevents or delays microvascular complications, and combined with effective blood pressure and lipid-lowering therapies, reduces cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in people with type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM).^[@bibr2-2042018818766816][@bibr3-2042018818766816]--[@bibr4-2042018818766816]^ Traditionally, glycaemic control is assessed by monitoring the levels of glycated haemoglobin (HbA~1c~), providing an average blood glucose (BG) reading from the previous 2--3 months.^[@bibr5-2042018818766816][@bibr6-2042018818766816]--[@bibr7-2042018818766816]^ Despite the importance of HbA~1c~ as an indicator for the development of diabetes-related complications, the metric has some limitations, for example it is a poor marker of glycaemic variability, hypoglycaemia and postprandial glucose (PPG) excursions.^[@bibr8-2042018818766816]^\n\nBoth fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels and PPG levels contribute to HbA~1c~ levels, and therefore effective management of both components is essential for optimal glycaemic control.^[@bibr9-2042018818766816]^ Many patients experience acceptable FPG levels, yet fail to achieve an HbA~1c~ target of \\<7%.^[@bibr10-2042018818766816]^ Studies have demonstrated that PPG contributes significantly to overall glycaemic control, with a greater relative effect (up to 70%) observed when patients are nearing HbA~1c~ levels of 7% (53 mmol/mol).^[@bibr11-2042018818766816]^ Effective management of PPG to avoid postprandial hyperglycaemia (PPH) is an important factor for achieving HbA~1c~ targets, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.^[@bibr12-2042018818766816],[@bibr13-2042018818766816]^\n\nThe use of basal-bolus insulin therapy allows separate coverage of basal and prandial (mealtime) insulin requirements. ", "Bolus (prandial) insulins, which include rapid-acting insulin analogues and short-acting insulins, are usually taken before or with a meal, and act to minimize the rise in PPG that follows eating. ", "Current clinical guidelines recommend the use of a basal-bolus regimen for adults with T1DM and adults with T2DM who do not meet glycaemic targets on basal insulin alone.^[@bibr14-2042018818766816][@bibr15-2042018818766816][@bibr16-2042018818766816]--[@bibr17-2042018818766816]^\n\nOver time, rapid-acting insulin analogues have been developed to become increasingly more efficacious, with a reduction in the time to onset and duration of action, however the insulin response still does not match that of a healthy individual.^[@bibr18-2042018818766816]^ Fast-acting insulin aspart (Fiasp^®^; Novo Nordisk) is a new formulation of the rapid-acting insulin analogue, insulin aspart (NovoRapid^®^; NovoNordisk). ", "Fast-acting insulin aspart has been developed to have a faster onset of action and a profile that more closely matches the endogenous physiological insulin profile of healthy individuals without diabetes.^[@bibr19-2042018818766816]^ In fast-acting insulin aspart, the addition of niacinamide (vitamin B3) results in a faster initial absorption of insulin, leading to an earlier onset of action and greater early glucose-lowering effect compared with insulin aspart. ", "When compared with insulin aspart, fast-acting insulin aspart has: twice faster onset of appearance in the bloodstream; twice higher insulin exposure within the first 30 min; and 74% greater insulin action within the first 30 min.^[@bibr19-2042018818766816],[@bibr20-2042018818766816]^ With the earlier onset of action, fast-acting insulin aspart aims to approach the physiological insulin secretion in relation to a meal to a greater extent than currently available treatments, resulting in a more effective control of PPG excursions and achieving greater PPG control.", "\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart was investigated in four phase III clinical trials as part of the onset programme, involving more than 2100 people with T1DM and T2DM.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816][@bibr22-2042018818766816]--[@bibr23-2042018818766816]^ Fast-acting insulin aspart demonstrated an advance in glycaemic control, through improved PPG control in T1DM and T2DM and improved HbA~1c~ control in T1DM, compared with insulin aspart.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^ In patients with T1DM post-meal dosing with fast-acting insulin aspart, administered 20 min after the start of eating main meals, was also investigated.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816]^\n\nIn the onset 1 trial, in patients with T1DM, fast-acting insulin aspart was non-inferior to insulin aspart with regards to HbA~1c~ change from baseline, and the reduction in HbA~1c~ was statistically significantly greater with fast-acting insulin aspart than with insulin aspart (both taken at mealtime). ", "The estimated reduction in HbA~1c~ from baseline was 0.32% for fast-acting insulin aspart and 0.17 % for insulin aspart, giving a treatment difference of −0.15%, despite the non-inferior treat-to-target trial design.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr24-2042018818766816]^ Mealtime fast-acting insulin aspart provided superior PPG control compared with mealtime insulin aspart based on a 2-hour PPG increment during a standardized liquid meal test, and a statistically significant difference was also demonstrated for a 1-hour PPG increment in favour of mealtime fast-acting insulin aspart.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816]^ Fast-acting insulin aspart administered post meal was also non-inferior to mealtime insulin aspart regarding HbA~1c~ change from baseline (with no statistically significant difference between the two treatments).^[@bibr21-2042018818766816]^\n\nIn the onset 2 trial, in patients with T2DM, fast-acting insulin aspart was non-inferior to insulin aspart with regards to change from baseline in HbA~1c.~ The estimated reduction in HbA~1c~ was −1.38% for fast-acting insulin aspart and −1.36% for insulin aspart \\[estimated treatment difference 0.02% (95% confidence interval, CI: −0.15; 0.10)\\]. ", "A statistically significant difference was demonstrated for a 1-hour PPG increment after a standardized liquid meal test in favour of fast-acting insulin aspart compared with insulin aspart (estimated treatment difference −0.59 mmol/l); there was no statistical difference after 2 h.^[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^\n\nThe overall safety profile for fast-acting insulin aspart is similar to that of insulin aspart. ", "No statistically significant difference was seen in overall rate of severe or BG confirmed hypoglycaemic episodes between fast-acting insulin aspart and insulin aspart in T1DM and T2DM.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart is also compatible with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) systems and shows similar tolerability to insulin aspart in patients with T1DM.^[@bibr25-2042018818766816]^ An exploratory crossover trial in T1DM showed that CSII delivery of fast-acting insulin aspart provided a statistically significantly greater glucose-lowering effect than insulin aspart following a standardized liquid meal test. ", "Over the 2-week treatment period, considering all meals together, mean prandial interstitial glucose was lower with fast-acting aspart, with the largest differences occurring at breakfast. ", "The mean reduction in plasma glucose concentration in the first 2 h following the standardized liquid meal was approximately 25% greater with fast-acting insulin aspart than with insulin aspart. ", "Plasma glucose values at 1 h after the meal were also statistically significantly lower with fast-acting insulin aspart than with insulin aspart.^[@bibr26-2042018818766816]^\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart represents an advancement over current rapid-acting insulin analogues in terms of onset of action, and PPG control.^[@bibr19-2042018818766816],[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^ The objective of the current analysis was to demonstrate the cost impact of prescribing fast-acting insulin aspart instead of insulin aspart, and to further explore the value of fast-acting insulin aspart for the treatment of people with diabetes requiring mealtime insulin in the UK.", "\n\nMethodology {#section6-2042018818766816}\n===========\n\nChoice of economic evaluation {#section7-2042018818766816}\n-----------------------------\n\nIn the UK, fast-acting insulin aspart has price parity with insulin aspart (no additional cost), and offers improved efficacy. ", "Therefore, a simple cost-impact analysis (CIA) was conducted to demonstrate cost neutrality.", "\n\nA CIA is an economic assessment of the net costs (or savings) arising from implementing a new treatment for the purpose of informing budget setting.^[@bibr27-2042018818766816],[@bibr28-2042018818766816]^ A CIA is used less frequently than traditional cost-effectiveness methodologies such as cost-utility analysis (CUA) or cost-minimization analysis (CMA). ", "A CUA estimates the ratio between the cost of an intervention and its benefits measured in 'utility based' units; the most commonly used unit is the quality-adjusted life year (QALY). ", "CUA is typically used to compare how many additional QALYs are gained at what additional cost, which is termed the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). ", "A CMA compares the costs of alternative interventions that have demonstrated equivalent clinical effectiveness, typically, where the new treatment is priced lower than the competitor. ", "In a CMA, value is driven by cost saving, but there is no additional clinical benefit. ", "Thus, neither CUA nor CMA were appropriate in this setting. ", "Although the clinical benefits seen in the trial programme would allow more complex health economic analyses that model the impact on PPG and HbA~1c~, given the similar prices of the medicines, the more simplistic approach of the CIA was preferred.", "\n\nOverview of analysis {#section8-2042018818766816}\n--------------------\n\nThe CIA was conducted from the perspective of the UK National Health Service (NHS), however, the methodology can be applied to other markets by substituting local prices. ", "The analysis calculated the annual cost per patient associated with treatment with fast-acting insulin aspart *versus* treatment with insulin aspart. ", "The analysis included insulin cost (unit cost of insulin multiplied by daily dose), but excluded patients' out-of-pocket expenses, carers' costs and lost productivity. ", "The time horizon of the analysis was 1 year, and no discounting was therefore applied. ", "A 1-year time horizon was selected because it was assumed that the same cost implications will be seen each year, and therefore the annual cost estimate can be applied year on year.", "\n\nCost inputs {#section9-2042018818766816}\n-----------\n\nThe list prices for insulin aspart and fast-acting insulin aspart were taken from MIMS.^[@bibr29-2042018818766816]^ Insulin aspart is available in vials, Penfill^®^ cartridge, PumpCart^®^ cartridges, FlexPen^®^ pen and FlexTouch^®^ pen. ", "Fast-acting insulin aspart is available in vials, Penfill^®^ cartridge and FlexTouch^®^ pen ([Table 1](#table1-2042018818766816){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nPack cost and cost per unit for insulin aspart and fast-acting insulin aspart.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_2042018818766816-table1)\n\n Presentation and strength Pack size Number of units Pack cost^[§](#table-fn1-2042018818766816){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ Cost/unit\n -------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------\n **Insulin aspart** \n Vial 100 units/ml 10 ml 1000 £14.08 £0.0141\n Penfill^®^ cartridge 100 units/ml 5 × 3 ml 1500 £28.31 £0.0189\n PumpCart^®^ cartridges, 100 units/ml 5 × 1.6 ml 800 £15.10 £0.0189\n FlexPen^®^ pen 100 units/ml 5 × 3 ml 1500 £30.60 £0.0204\n FlexTouch^®^ pen 100 units/ml 5 × 3 ml 1500 £32.13 £0.0214\n **Fast-acting insulin aspart** \n Vial 100 units/ml 10 ml 1000 £14.08 £0.0141\n Penfill^®^ cartridge 100 units/ml 5 × 3 ml 1500 £28.31 £0.0189\n FlexTouch^®^ pen 100 units/ml 5 × 3 ml 1500 £30.60 £0.0204\n\nSource: MIMS January 2018.^[@bibr29-2042018818766816]^\n\nFor each presentation of insulin aspart and fast-acting insulin aspart, the annual per-patient treatment cost was calculated as follows: unit cost (pack cost/number of units) × daily dose \\[defined daily dose (DDD) 40 units\\] × 365.25 days. ", "For comparison of insulins, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using the DDD of 40 units,^[@bibr30-2042018818766816]^ since insulin dosing is variable and based on individual requirements. ", "The onset 1 and 2 clinical trials in patients with T1DM and T2DM showed there was no difference in daily dose requirement between fast-acting insulin aspart and insulin aspart,^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^ therefore, it was appropriate to use the WHO DDD for the purpose of this analysis. ", "The actual annual cost will depend on an individual's daily dose of insulin.", "\n\nIt was assumed that other costs of treatment (e.g. use of concomitant medication), healthcare resource use (e.g. needles, self-measured blood glucose (SMBG) test strips/lancets and healthcare professional visits) or other costs resulting from treatment (e.g. long-term outcomes) were equivalent for fast-acting insulin aspart and insulin aspart, and therefore they were not considered in the analysis.", "\n\nResults {#section10-2042018818766816}\n=======\n\nAnnual per-patient costs for fast-acting insulin aspart and insulin aspart and the cost impact of switching to fast-acting insulin aspart from insulin aspart in the UK are shown in [Table 2](#table2-2042018818766816){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nAnnual cost per patient for insulin aspart and fast-acting insulin aspart.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_2042018818766816-table2)\n\n Presentation and strength Cost per year (£)^[\\*](#table-fn2-2042018818766816){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ Difference in cost per year \n ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------\n Vial 100 units/ml £205.71 £205.71 £0.00\n Penfill^®^ cartridge 100 units/ml £275.74 £275.74 £0.00\n FlexPen^®^ pen 100 units/ml £298.04 N/A N/A\n FlexTouch^®^ pen 100 units/ml £312.95 £298.04 −£14.91\n\nCalculation of annual treatment cost: unit cost (pack cost^[@bibr29-2042018818766816]^/number of units) × daily dose (DDD 40 units) × days in year (365.25). ", "Resource use associated with insulin aspart and fast-acting insulin aspart, for example, insulin needles for injection, are assumed to be identical, therefore these costs are not considered. ", "It is assumed that other costs of treatment (e.g. use of concomitant medication) or other costs resulting from treatment (e.g. long-term outcomes) are equivalent in both treatment groups.", "\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart is at price parity to insulin aspart in terms of the vial and Penfill^®^ cartridge, but is available in the FlexTouch^®^ pen at the same price as insulin aspart FlexPen^®^ (and thus cheaper than insulin aspart FlexTouch^®^ pen). ", "Patients using insulin aspart FlexPen^®^ will be upgraded to the FlexTouch^®^ pen device, which is preferred by patients and healthcare professionals,^[@bibr31-2042018818766816],[@bibr32-2042018818766816]^ on switching to fast-acting insulin aspart, at no additional cost. ", "Current volume sales split suggests that approximately 45% of patients in the UK prescribed insulin aspart use the FlexPen^®^ and could benefit from the upgrade over time.^[@bibr33-2042018818766816]^ Any patients switching from insulin aspart FlexTouch^®^ to fast-acting insulin aspart FlexTouch^®^ will save £1.53/pack or £14.91/annum (based on the DDD).", "\n\nFor the purposes of the calculations, it is assumed that patients on insulin aspart vials and Penfill^®^ cartridges transition across to the respective fast-acting insulin aspart vials and Penfill^®^ cartridges. ", "Thus, there is no cost impact associated with switching patients from insulin aspart to fast-acting insulin aspart. ", "However, there are other benefits associated with switching: improved PPG control in T1DM and T2DM and improved HbA~1c~ control in T1DM;^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^ free upgrade to the patient- and healthcare-professional-preferred pen device^[@bibr31-2042018818766816],[@bibr32-2042018818766816]^ for patients switching from insulin aspart FlexPen^®^; and postmeal dosing, when needed.^[@bibr20-2042018818766816]^\n\nDiscussion {#section11-2042018818766816}\n==========\n\nValue can be demonstrated outside of the common health economic concepts such as CUA, where health utilities derived from quantitative instruments inform the ICER, and CMA, which shows cost reduction. ", "There are occasions when a new medicine may be introduced at price equivalency to the current standard of care, yet provide additional clinical benefit, thus demonstrating value in its simplest form.", "\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart is offered with additional clinical benefit, but at no additional cost when compared with insulin aspart. ", "Switching patients from insulin aspart to fast-acting insulin aspart will be budget neutral and may be associated with further economic benefits.", "\n\nIn the onset 1 trial, in patients with T1DM, the observed reduction in HbA~1c~ was statistically significantly greater with mealtime fast-acting insulin aspart than with insulin aspart.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816]^ The results suggest that the same glycaemic improvements are achieved with fast-acting insulin aspart over insulin aspart in T1DM (0.15% statistically significantly lower HbA~1c~ and 0.7--1.2 mmol/l lower PPG increments), as reported previously with insulin aspart *versus* human insulin (0.15% statistically significantly lower HbA~1c~^[@bibr34-2042018818766816]^ and 1.1--1.3 mmol/l lower PPG increments).^[@bibr35-2042018818766816],[@bibr36-2042018818766816]^ Improved HbA~1c~ control with fast-acting insulin aspart may lead to a delay or reduction in diabetes-related complications, with consequent cost savings.", "\n\nThe impact of fast-acting insulin aspart *versus* insulin aspart on long-term clinical outcomes and costs of complications in patients with T1DM in the UK setting has been assessed using the IMS CORE Diabetes Model.^[@bibr37-2042018818766816]^ Improved glycaemic control with fast-acting insulin aspart results in reduced cumulative incidence of diabetes-related complications over patient lifetimes. ", "Long-term projections suggest that, in the UK setting, treatment of patients with T1DM with fast-acting insulin aspart is likely to be associated with improved clinical outcomes and reduced costs of treating diabetes-related complications compared with treatment with insulin aspart.^[@bibr38-2042018818766816]^\n\nCosts related to hypoglycaemic events were not included in the cost impact model as there were no statistically significant differences in the overall number of treatment emergent severe or BG confirmed hypoglycaemic events between fast-acting insulin aspart and insulin aspart in clinical trials.^[@bibr22-2042018818766816],[@bibr38-2042018818766816]^ As expected, there was a higher rate of hypoglycaemia in the first 1--2 h after a meal with fast-acting insulin aspart *versus* insulin aspart, which is consistent with the differing clinical pharmacology profiles of the two insulins, where the glucose-lowering effect is earlier with fast-acting insulin aspart.^[@bibr22-2042018818766816],[@bibr38-2042018818766816]^ Thus, the hypoglycaemia profile is simply shifted and overall, there is no difference in severe or BG-confirmed hypoglycaemia between the two insulins.", "\n\nIn both T1DM and T2DM, fast-acting insulin aspart offers improved PPG control compared with insulin aspart (T1DM, both 1 h and 2 h; T2DM, 1 h).^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^ Poor control of PPG contributes to poor glycaemic control and is associated with a significant health and economic burden.^[@bibr11-2042018818766816],[@bibr39-2042018818766816][@bibr40-2042018818766816][@bibr41-2042018818766816][@bibr42-2042018818766816][@bibr43-2042018818766816]--[@bibr44-2042018818766816]^ Epidemiological studies have shown an association between PPH and an increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular-related mortality.^[@bibr39-2042018818766816][@bibr40-2042018818766816][@bibr41-2042018818766816]--[@bibr42-2042018818766816]^ The Diabetes Epidemiology Collaborative Analysis of Diagnostic Criteria in Europe (DECODE) and the Diabetes Epidemiology Collaborative Analysis of Diagnostic Criteria in Asia (DECODA) studies^[@bibr40-2042018818766816],[@bibr42-2042018818766816]^ analysed baseline and 2-hour postchallenge glucose data in adults of European and Asian origin and found that 2-hour plasma glucose was a better predictor of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality than FPG. ", "There is also accumulating evidence that 1-hour postchallenge glycaemia may be related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.^[@bibr45-2042018818766816]^ There is an association between PPH and oxidative stress,^[@bibr46-2042018818766816][@bibr47-2042018818766816]--[@bibr48-2042018818766816]^ carotid intima-media thickening^[@bibr49-2042018818766816]^ and endothelial dysfunction,^[@bibr46-2042018818766816],[@bibr50-2042018818766816],[@bibr51-2042018818766816]^ all of which are known markers of cardiovascular disease. ", "Furthermore, PPH is associated with an increased risk of retinopathy^[@bibr52-2042018818766816],[@bibr53-2042018818766816]^ and certain cancers.^[@bibr54-2042018818766816][@bibr55-2042018818766816]--[@bibr56-2042018818766816]^ In addition to the increased risk of morbidity and mortality in people with diabetes, a study has shown that in people with T2DM, poor PPG control is associated with a reduction in cognitive performance and changes in emotional responses, such as reduced mood, increased agitation and anxiety, increased fatigue and lethargy, and a reduced feeling of happiness.^[@bibr57-2042018818766816]^ There are few health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) data related to PPG control in patients with diabetes. ", "HRQoL studies in diabetes have primarily considered the long-term complications and hypoglycaemia. ", "PPH is a common occurrence in patients with diabetes and therefore an understanding of the impact of PPG control on a patient's daily life is important. ", "Findings from a time trade-off study suggest that increasing severity in PPH symptoms is perceived as having significant negative consquences for the short-term HRQoL of people with diabetes.^[@bibr44-2042018818766816]^ Capturing the impact of PPG excursions on HRQoL in a clinical trial setting, however, may be limited by the ability of current instruments to measure this element. ", "Nevertheless, this should not deter the consideration of the impact of improved PPG control on patient quality of life (QoL).", "\n\nThe economic burden of diabetes is well studied, however, there is limited information on the economic costs specific to PPH. ", "A web-based survey investigated the costs of PPH related to diabetes management, use of healthcare resources, and work productivity among 906 adults with T1DM and T2DM taking bolus insulin.^[@bibr43-2042018818766816]^ From the survey, 62% of respondents experienced PPH in the past week, with an average of 1.7 episodes. ", "Respondents with PPH in the past week measured their BG more frequently than those without PPH, reported greater contact with healthcare professionals related to diabetes in the past year, and were more likely to report medical complications related to diabetes. ", "Working respondents indicated that PPH affected their work productivity.^[@bibr43-2042018818766816]^ Based on data from the UK respondents, the annual cost associated with PPH due additional blood-glucose testing strips, additional physician visits, and missed work time was estimated to be £720.71 per employed person in the UK.^[@bibr43-2042018818766816]^\n\nMany people with diabetes fail to deliver their bolus insulin doses accurately,^[@bibr58-2042018818766816],[@bibr59-2042018818766816]^ and further improvements in the flexibility of the timing of mealtime insulin administration would be beneficial. ", "Human insulin should be administered 30 min prior to eating and a rapid-acting insulin analogue within 10 min prior to eating,^[@bibr60-2042018818766816][@bibr61-2042018818766816][@bibr62-2042018818766816]--[@bibr63-2042018818766816]^ however, approximately 40% of patients fail to comply either all or part of the time, and have a higher risk of forgetting to take insulin.^[@bibr64-2042018818766816]^ Adherence is vital to ensure good glycaemic control; patient preference for flexible dosing indicates this strategy could improve adherence and therefore glycaemic control and health outcomes.^[@bibr64-2042018818766816]^ It can be difficult for patients to accurately calculate the amount of food they will eat during mealtimes and therefore premeal dosing increases the risk of insulin overdose or underdose, which may lead to hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia, respectively. ", "A mealtime insulin that offers good glycaemic control without compromising safety, and can be dosed either before or after meals is viewed as being important.^[@bibr65-2042018818766816]^ Fast-acting insulin aspart can be administered just before (0--2 min) the start of the meal, with the option to administer within 20 min of starting the meal.^[@bibr20-2042018818766816]^ Subjects with T1DM in the onset 1 trial who received fast-acting insulin aspart post meal for all meals maintained overall glycaemic control non-inferior to that obtained with mealtime insulin aspart, indicating that flexibility in timing of dose with fast-acting insulin aspart does not lead to worsening of glycaemic control.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816]^\n\nFinally, patients using insulin aspart FlexPen^®^ will be upgraded to the FlexTouch^®^ pen on switching to fast-acting insulin aspart, improving the insulin injection experience at no additional cost. ", "In contrast, upgrading to insulin aspart FlexTouch^®^ from insulin aspart FlexPen^®^ would incur an additional cost. ", "The FlexTouch^®^ pen has a large, easy-to-read scale, an easy-touch button with low ejection force, and an end-of-dose click for patient confidence. ", "The FlexTouch^®^ pen delivers insulin consistently and accurately at minimum, half-minimum, half-maximum, and maximum doses. ", "Compared with other prefilled pens (SoloStar^®^ and KwikPen^®^), patients and healthcare professionals reported a higher ease of use and a higher preference for the FlexTouch^®^ pen.^[@bibr31-2042018818766816],\\ [@bibr66-2042018818766816][@bibr67-2042018818766816]--[@bibr68-2042018818766816]^\n\nWith a number of pharmaceutical companies developing biosimilar medicines, a biosimilar insulin aspart may become available in the near future. ", "Although it can be anticipated that a biosimilar may be cost saving, there are other important factors to consider. ", "Biosimilar products are similar, but not identical to the original product due to differences in biotechnological manufacturing processes. ", "Small differences can provoke undesirable immune responses, as can the presence of different impurities, or different levels of impurities, which may impact the efficacy and safety profile of the drug.^[@bibr69-2042018818766816]^ Effectiveness and reliability of biosimilars are key concerns for people with diabetes.^[@bibr70-2042018818766816]^\n\nBiosimilars are also often delivered in different devices, which is a key consideration that is often overlooked in regulatory guidance on biosimilars.^[@bibr71-2042018818766816]^ Devices used for insulin administration are extremely important to both the patient and physician for reasons such as precision of dosing, ease of use, comfort and convenience. ", "Thus, any cost savings achieved with biosimilar insulins may be counterbalanced by potential side effects, or a decline in glycaemic control associated with a change in insulin, or by costs associated with training to use a new device.^[@bibr72-2042018818766816]^\n\nUltimately, the decision to treat a patient with either originator or biosimilar insulin should be made jointly by the treating physician and patient to ensure individual patient medical needs are appropriately considered.^[@bibr69-2042018818766816],[@bibr73-2042018818766816],[@bibr74-2042018818766816]^\n\nConclusion {#section12-2042018818766816}\n==========\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart offers additional clinical benefit but at no additional cost when compared with insulin aspart in the UK, and thus provides value to the NHS.", "\n\nThe CIA has demonstrated that the displacement of insulin aspart with fast-acting insulin aspart will be cost neutral for the UK NHS. ", "Fast-acting insulin aspart improves efficacy by more closely mimicking the physiological response of endogenous insulin in healthy individuals; it offers an advance in glycaemic control through improved PPG control in T1DM and T2DM, and HbA~1c~ control in T1DM compared with insulin aspart.^[@bibr21-2042018818766816],[@bibr22-2042018818766816]^ Fast-acting insulin aspart provides the option to administer within 20 min of starting the meal, improving insulin requirement accuracy and flexibility without compromising efficacy and safety *versus* insulin aspart dosed 0--2 min before the start of a meal, and is delivered in the patient-preferred FlexTouch^®^ device.", "\n\nFast-acting insulin aspart offers improved efficacy at no additional cost, thus supporting the case for its implementation as an additional therapy option for patients with T1DM and T2DM.", "\n\nIn addition to the value to the NHS, fast-acting insulin aspart provides additional benefits to patients which may positively impact their QoL, including improved PPG control, a preferred pen device, and the option of postmeal dosing when required.", "\n\nAll named authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this manuscript, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have given final approval for the version to be published.", "\n\n**Funding:** This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.", "\n\nSponsorship for this study and article processing charges were funded by Novo Nordisk.", "\n\nAll authors had full access to all data in this study and take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the data analysis.", "\n\n**Conflict of interest statement:** WP and DA are employees of Novo Nordisk.", "\n\nCF is an employee of DRG Abacus (sponsored by Novo Nordisk).", "\n\nLL reports having received speaker honoraria from Minimed Medtronic, Animas, Roche, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk, and serving on advisory panels for Minimed Medtronic, Animas, Roche and Novo Nordisk.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUne exception de type 'System.", "Reflection.", "TargetException'\n\nI have a question about an exception given below:\n\nSystem.", "Reflection.", "TargetException\n\nso, first of all, I wish developed a generic method for the add methods in the database but I have a problem in this ligne so my genericADD :\nnamespace MyProjectWPFMVVM.ViewsModels{\nclass PropertiesVMTypeItem : ViewModelBase\n{\n public int idTypeItem {\n get { return idTypeItem; }\n set\n {\n idTypeItem = 10;\n OnPropertyChanged(\"idTypeItem\");\n }\n }\n public string DesignationTypeItem\n {\n get { return DesignationTypeItem; } \n set\n {\n DesignationTypeItem = \"sss\";\n OnPropertyChanged(\"DesignationTypeItem\"); }\n }\n public int MaxNumberConnectionsTypeItem\n {\n get { return MaxNumberConnectionsTypeItem; }\n set\n {\n MaxNumberConnectionsTypeItem=1;\n OnPropertyChanged(\"MaxNumberConnectionsTypeItem\"); }\n }\n}}\n//and for my class model :\nnamespace MyProjectWPFMVVM.Models{ \npublic partial class im_type_items\n{\n public im_type_items()\n {\n this.im_characteristics_items = new HashSet<im_characteristics_items>();\n this.im_items = new HashSet<im_items>();\n }\n\n public int idTypeItem { get; set; }\n public string DesignationTypeItem { get; set; }\n public byte[] SymbolTypeItem { get; set; }\n public int MaxNumberConnectionsTypeItem { get; set; }\n\n public virtual ICollection<im_characteristics_items> im_characteristics_items { get; set; }\n public virtual ICollection<im_items> im_items { get; set; }\n}}//and this is my appel methode in VM :\npublic void GenericAjoutt(){\nIList<PropertyInfo> propertiesForModel = \nGenericAjout.", "GetPropertiesForModel<im_type_items>();\n IList<PropertyInfo> propertiesForView = GenericAjout.", "GetPropertiesForView<PropertiesVMTypeItem>();\n var newTypeItem = GenericAjout.", "CreateNewRowInModel<im_type_items>(propertiesForView, propertiesForModel);\n ImItemsModel.", "SaveChanges();\n\n }//and my problem is : namespace MyProjectWPFMVVM.Method \n{public static class GenericAjout\n{\n\n private static Dictionary<Type, IList<PropertyInfo>> ModelDictionary = new Dictionary<Type, IList<PropertyInfo>>();\n public static IList<PropertyInfo> GetPropertiesForModel<T>()\n {\n var type = typeof(T);\n if (!", "ModelDictionary.", "ContainsKey(typeof(T)))\n {\n ModelDictionary.", "Add(type, type.", "GetProperties().ToList());\n }\n return ModelDictionary[type];\n }\n private static Dictionary<Type, IList<PropertyInfo>> ViewPropertiesDictionary = new Dictionary<Type, IList<PropertyInfo>>();\n public static IList<PropertyInfo> GetPropertiesForView<T>()\n {\n var type = typeof(T);\n if (!", "ViewPropertiesDictionary.", "ContainsKey(typeof(T)))\n {\n ViewPropertiesDictionary.", "Add(type, type.", "GetProperties().ToList());\n }\n return ViewPropertiesDictionary[type];\n }\n public static T CreateNewRowInModel<T>(IList<PropertyInfo> propertiesView, IList<PropertyInfo> propertiesModel ) where T : new() \n {\n T item = new T();\n foreach (var p in propertiesView)\n {\n foreach (var property in propertiesModel)\n {\n property.", "SetValue(item, p.GetValue(property.", "Name)); // erreur L’objet ne correspond pas au type cible, ou une propriété est une propriété d’instance mais obj a la valeur null.", "\n }\n }\n return item;\n }\n\n}\n\n}\nso please help.", "\ni edit the problem \nso the is property.", "SetValue(item, p.GetValue(property.", "Name)); // erreur L’objet ne correspond pas au type cible, ou une propriété est une propriété d’instance mais obj a la valeur null.", "\n\nA:\n\nYour question is a bit hard to follow, but if I understand correctly, it boils down to this:\nforeach (var p in propertiesView)\n{\n foreach (var property in propertiesModel)\n {\n property.", "SetValue(item, p.GetValue(property.", "Name)); // erreur L’objet ne correspond pas au type cible, ou une propriété est une propriété d’instance mais obj a la valeur null.", "\n }\n}\n\nThat is, when you call property.", "GetValue(), you get an exception reporting that the object you passed in does not have the correct type for the property you're trying to set.", "\nWhich makes sense given the code, which appears to be passing a string value as if that was the object on which the property exists. ", "Even if that's fixed, you have another problem, which is that for each property in the propertiesView list, the code tries to use the value for that property and set each property in the propertiesModel list. ", "E.g. it tries to use the value retrieved from the idTypeItem property in source object, by setting every property of the target object to that value.", "\nIt seems to me that instead, you should pass in the object for which you want the properties copied from, and want to only set the property if the names are the same. ", "For example:\npublic static T CreateNewRowInModel<T>(\n IList<PropertyInfo> propertiesView, IList<PropertyInfo> propertiesModel, object source)\n where T : new() \n{\n T item = new T();\n\n foreach (var p in propertiesView)\n {\n object value = p.GetValue(source);\n\n foreach (var property in propertiesModel)\n {\n // Optional, not shown:\n // For added security, check that the types are the same also\n\n if (property.", "Name == p.Name)\n {\n property.", "SetValue(item, value);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return item;\n}\n\nI don't see in your code where the source parameter value would come from, but presumably you do have a view object in mind that you can pass to the method. ", "Otherwise, where did you think those values would have come from?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "August 03, 2017\n\nThe money, gifts and trips edition\n\nIIt's a special summertime money, gifts and trips edition of inside the Tallahassee bubble....\n\nBOUND FOR FRANCE...As it happens every year when the humidity bears down oppressively on the Florida capital, many people in the state's political hierarchy are nowhere near North Florida.", "\n\nLegislators of course have long gone back home. ", "But the state Supreme Court is also on summer break, the Florida Cabinet is on hiatus until mid-August and Gov. Rick Scott's time in Tallahassee is likewise kept at a minimum (of course unless a serious storm threatens the state.)", "\n\nMany years these conferences are held in cooler and more pleasant environments than Florida. ", "This year, NCSL is holding its annual legislative summit in Boston on Aug. 6 through Aug 9, while ALEC held its annual meeting last month in Denver.", "\n\nAttendance to these events was usually higher back when legislative leaders routinely approved travel expenses for members. ", "The tradition used to be that members would have one trip a year paid out of the House and Senate budgets.", "\n\nThat's not how it works anymore.", "\n\nHouse Speaker Richard Corcoran allows members to pay for the trips out of their own district accounts, as opposed to having his office cover the expenses. (", "State law allows legislators to transfer unused campaign money into these accounts.)", "\n\n\"The speaker no longer approves travel for members but he is holding the members accountable if they are questioned on their expenses,'' said FredPiccolo, a spokesman for Corcoran. \"", "In other words, they have to be prepared to defend their travel.\"", "\n\nOver in the Senate, however, there are a handful of members who have been approved for trips this year, said Katie Betta, a spokeswoman for Senate President Joe Negron.", "\n\nWhen asked about it recently, Betta said that Sens. ", "Audrey Gibson and Oscar Braynon had been approved to attend the NCSL summit in Boston. ", "Betta also said that John Phelps, the Senate Committee on Rules staff director and former long-time House clerk, had also been permitted to go because of his \"international reputation as a legislative historian.\"", "\n\nBetta also said that Sen. Anitere Flores (pictured above) had been chosen to represent the Florida Senate in the NCSL Executive Leadership Development program being held in Normandy, France from Sept. 25 to Oct. 1.", "\n\nBONDI'S TRAVELS...Speaking of trips, disclosure forms show that Attorney General Pam Bondi continues to take trips to Washington D.C. and elsewhere that are paid by various groups she's involved with.", "\n\nBondi said shortly after the trip she traveled with seven other attorneys general and that \"it allowed the members of the delegation to meet face-to-face with cybersecurity experts, national legal leaders and top government officials to share strategies to bolster public safety and security.\"", "\n\nBondi, who was once was the chairman and now sits on the executive committee of the Republican Attorneys General Association, had several trips paid by the RAGA and the Rule of Law Defense Fund, which bills itself as \"the public policy organization for issues relevant to the nation’s Republican attorneys general and promotes the rule of law, federalism, and freedom in a civil society.\"", "\n\nThe association, for example, picked up the cost of Bondi's travel to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland where she gave a speech that included her saying about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton \"Lock her up, I love that.\"", "\n\nBondi also reported that it was RAGA that picked up costs related to her attending the inauguration of President Donald Trump in January.", "\n\nThe group _ which was called a \"money machine\" by The New York Times _ has seen its activities come under scrutiny, because its meetings are held at resorts where large donors have access to attorneys general who can play a role in deciding whether to investigate corporations or get involved in policy fights.", "\n\nThe latest meeting for RAGA was held in Lake Tahoe late last month and Bondi was in attendance. ", "She has not yet turned in her gift forms for that time period.", "\n\nAN OLD TUXEDO, WINE AND CIGARS...While legislators and other top state officials are not allowed to take gifts directly from lobbyists or the principals who hire lobbyists, state officials can accept gifts from others that are worth more than $100 if they report them.", "\n\nA look through some forms shows that only Bondi and Corcoran are the only top officials to regularly file them.", "\n\nScott, former Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, and Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam have maintained that they have received zero gifts worth $100 or more in recent years.", "\n\nOne top public official, however, who has disclosed gifts on a routine basis is Corcoran.", "\n\nA review of his forms for this year shows that Corcoran accepted a \"old tuxedo\" from fellow representative and House budget chairman Carlos Trujillo at the time of the presidential inauguration. ", "Sen. Keith Perry gave Corcoran a box of cigars worth $100 in late January.", "\n\nBut Negron - whose relationship with Corcoran seemed strained at times during the legislative session and subsequent special session - gave Corcoran a \"humidor, crystal, wine, lighter and cutter\" worth approximately $1,000 during the first week of the 2017 session.", "\n\nFellow House Rep. Ralph Massullo gave Corcoran $400 worth of wine in early May, while Rep. Travis Cummings gave the Republican speaker about $100 worth of wine two weeks later.", "\n\nA request for gift forms in fact shows Corcoran has been filing them as far back as 2011 - when he got $200 of cigars from then (and now lobbyist) Rep. Chris Dorworth. ", "Future House Speaker Rep. Jose Oliva _ and who along with his family created a successful cigar business _ has also given him cigars on several occasions.", "\n\nThen-Sen. Frank Artiles (who resigned this spring after using racial slurs during a tirade at a Tallahassee bar) gave Corcoran a \"gun and display\" worth $1,000 last November. ", "Corcoran has gotten grilling tools, artwork and even DVD copies of speeches made by famed economist Milton Friedman.", "\n\nBut maybe the most interesting gift Corcoran reported? ", "A sword he got in Sept. 2015 from Mat Bahl, an attorney and former chief of staff for House Speaker Dean Cannon who became Corcoran's chief of staff last year.", "\n\nBIG PRICE-TAG FOR SENATE GOP FUNDRAISER...Remember the fundraiser for the Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee held at the famed Torrey Pines golf course in June? ", "It got some publicity because there was concern that this year's budget-related special session would collide with it.", "\n\nWell it appears the fundraiser - which attracted the attendance of many well-known Senate Republicans - wasn't cheap, according to campaign finance reports. ", "The GOP committee _ which gets its money from groups seeking to pass or defeat legislation in the Legislature _ spent more than $77,000 on lodging, meals and golf fees for the two-day event.", "\n\nThere's no requirement that an organization breakout how much money is received at a single fundraiser. ", "The committee reported that it raised $720,000 during the quarter that ended on June 30.", "\n\nUser Fee Electronic Payment Required June 15 for Letter Rulings and Similar Requests\nYouTube: 2017 IRS Nationwide Tax Forums\nIRS Approves First Group of Certified Professional Employer Organizations\nJune 6: IRS Announces Seventh Webinar on LB&I Compliance Campaigns\nSpring 2017 Statistics of Income Bulletin Now Available\n1. ", "User Fee Electronic Payment Required June 15 for Letter Rulings and Similar Requests\n\nBeginning June 15 taxpayers requesting letter rulings, closing agreements and certain other rulings from the Internal Revenue Service will need to make user fee payments electronically using the federal government’s Pay.gov system.", "\n\nBack to top\n\n2. ", "YouTube: 2017 IRS Nationwide Tax Forums\n\nThe Nationwide Tax Forums begin July 11 in Orlando. ", "Find out more in this YouTube video. ", "To register, visit www.irstaxforum.com.", "\n\nBack to top\n\n3. ", "IRS Approves First Group of Certified Professional Employer Organizations\n\nThe Internal Revenue Service issued notices of certification to 84 organizations that applied for voluntary certification as a Certified Professional Employer Organization (CPEO).", "\n\nThe IRS continues to process CPEO applications and those applicants not yet receiving a notice of certification will receive a decision from the IRS in coming weeks and months.", "\n\nBack to top\n\n4. ", "June 6: IRS Announces Seventh Webinar on LB&I Compliance Campaigns\n\nThe Large Business and International (LB&I) Division will participate in the seventh in a series of webinars to provide tax practitioners with additional information about how its new compliance campaigns will operate.", "\n\nGrant Thornton will host this webinar scheduled for June 6 at 3 p.m. EDT. ", "The one-hour webinar will focus on two compliance campaigns:\n\n• Domestic Production\n• Related Party Transactions\n\nBack to top\n\n5. ", "Spring 2017 Statistics of Income Bulletin Now Available\n\nThe spring 2017 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin is available on IRS.gov featuring preliminary data about individual income tax returns filed for Tax Year 2015. ", "The Statistics of Income (SOI) Division produces the online Bulletin quarterly, providing the most recent data available from various tax and information returns filed by U.S. taxpayers.", "\n\nBack to top\n\nThank you for subscribing to e-News for Tax Professionals an IRS e-mail service.", "\n\nIf you have a specific concern about your client's tax situation, call the IRS Practitioner Priority Service 1-866-860-4259.", "\n\nThis message was distributed automatically from the mailing list e-News for Tax Professionals. ", "Please Do Not Reply To This Message\n\nTo subscribe to or unsubscribe from another list, please go to the e-News Subscriptions page on the IRS Web site." ]
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[ "A distributed parameter model of cerebral blood-tissue exchange with account of capillary transit time distribution.", "\nQuantitative estimates of physiological parameters associated with cerebral blood flow can be derived from the analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) images, using an appropriate model of the underlying tissue impulse residue function. ", "The theoretical formulation of a distributed parameter model of tissue microcirculation, which accounts for the effects of capillary permeability and transit time distribution, is presented here. ", "This model considers a statistical distribution of capillary-tissue units, each described by a distributed parameter model that accounts for convective transport within the capillary and transcapillary axial diffusion. ", "Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study the confidence of the parameter estimates, and the model was used to analyze DCE CT images of patient study cases with metastatic cerebral tumors. ", "The tumors were found to yield significantly higher estimates than normal tissues for the parameters associated with the extravasation of tracer and for the standard deviation of capillary transit times. ", "The proposed model can be used with DCE imaging to study the microcirculatory characteristics of cerebral tumors." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat are Glow Textures?", "\n\nSo i'm not quite sure exactly what \"glow textures\" are. ", "For my implementation of a \"lightning\" effect, according to the comments on the article; \nhttp://drilian.com/2009/02/25/lightning-bolts/\nThey guy uses \"glow textures\". ", "To achieve the really cool effects on his beams. ", "I'm trying to-do the same thing, except that i'm not 100% sure what a glow texture is, currently the texture i'm using produces this output *I'm also using a simple shader to adjust the color value the lightning is rendered at;\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQNRYD8bJJo\nWhich isn't very good, it has the shape of the lightning but it doesn't have the sorta \"flare\" of it. ", "This is a screenshot of my current texture that i'm using:\nhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/13874083/screenshots/screen120417-105326.png\nSo essentially what i'd like to ask is mainly what is a glow texture? ", "And perhaps to see an example of one would be really appreicated. ", "\nEdit:\nTaking the advice of kaoD, i'm now rendering the using Additive Blending, I've also got the Max Blending working, yet, still the bolt's do not produce the required effect that i'd like. ", "Here's another video of them in action with the current code;\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0OEBobHqks\nAnd here's specifically how i'm rendering them;\n spriteBatch.", "Begin(SpriteSortMode.", "Immediate, new BlendState\n {\n ColorSourceBlend = Blend.", "One,\n ColorDestinationBlend = Blend.", "One,\n ColorBlendFunction = BlendFunction.", "Max \n }, null, null, null, effect);\n\n //Set Brightness of The First Bolt\n effect.", "Parameters[\"brightness\"].SetValue(firstBoltBrightness);\n\n spriteBatch.", "Draw(firstBoltTarget, Vector2.Zero, Color.", "White);\n\n //Set Brightness of the Seconded Bolt\n effect.", "Parameters[\"brightness\"].SetValue(secondBoltBrightness);\n\n spriteBatch.", "Draw(secondBoltTarget, Vector2.Zero, Color.", "White);\n\nA:\n\nGlow textures are nothing special. ", "He's just using a glow-like texture (in fact, look at the comments, the author describes it as a gradient.)", "\nThe magic behind the actual glow is not the texture but the blending of it into the scene. ", "In this case, additive blending should do the trick (check for examples here at GDSE) although he describes he uses max blending (which, tbh, I'm not aware of.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "AP PhotoOrlando Magic center Dwight Howard, in street clothes, has a laugh with Glen Davis, who had 16 points and 16 rebounds in his place. ", "There were no laughs for the Detroit Pistons after the 119-89 blowout, however.", "\n\nORLANDO – The Detroit Pistons,\neven at their lowest early-season points, never looked like a team\nlooking forward to the offseason. ", "That all changed in two losses in\nFlorida the last two days, by a combined 53 points, including a\nseason-worst blowout Monday which left head coach Lawrence Frank at\nhis own personal low point.", "\n\nFrank called the 119-89 loss to\nthe Orlando Magic “embarrassing” and “humiliating.”", "\n\nAnd he made it clear, with nine\ngames left, that the Pistons have to choose their direction.", "\n\n“The bottom line is there's a\nfork in the road and we've got to make a decision,” Frank said.", "\n“Do we want to be the group that started the season, or do we want\nto be the group that played the next couple months of the season?”", "\n\nThe Pistons (21-36) are still one\ngame over .500 since their 4-20 start.", "\n\nThey didn't look like it.", "\n\n“That was the type of game we\nplayed back when we were 4-20,” Austin Daye said.", "\n\nThe Pistons came to Orlando to\nplay a team in turmoil, centered around the Magic's star player,\nDwight Howard, who sat out the game with a bad back.", "\n\nThey leave with a little turmoil\nof their own, a discouraged team, and a crestfallen coach.", "\n\n“We took the path of least\nresistance and it's just very, very discouraging,” Frank said. “", "We\nhave a decision to make as a group how hard want to go forward. ", "This\nis where character is revealed, team character, individual character.", "\nThis is where you make a statement of who you are as an individual\nand as a group.”", "\n\nFrank said he and his coaching\nstaff “saw some warning shots, even in the wins prior, that there\nwas some slippage.”", "\n\nBut nothing foretold a\nseason-worst loss, he said.", "\n\n“I'm a freakin' miserable person\nto be around any time we lose,” Frank said. “", "But the fact is,\n4-20 was part of the process to getting to wherever the heck our\nrecord was after that. ", "But then, to me, I see us reverting back. ", "I\nsee us taking steps backward and that's frustrating. ", "We're all part\nof it. ", "You can't absolve yourself, starting with me, and we've got\nto figure out which group we want to be.”", "\n\nOne night earlier, in a 23-point\nloss at Miami, Frank was asked whether he thought that loss was an\nanomaly. ", "He resorted to the old coach's standby and said he would\nhave to review the video.", "\n\nThere was no such crutch Monday.", "\n\n“I thought we were moving in the\nright direction,” he said. “", "But right now, we'll have to see\nwhether it was a hiccup, or whether that's just part of who we are.”", "\n\nGreg Monroe, one of several\nstarters who sat out virtually the entire second half, when told of\nFrank's post-game remarks, said, “everybody's disappointed, it's\nnot just him – it's all of us, as a group.”", "\n\n“I don't think,” Monroe added,\n“that mailing it in or packing it in is an option for us.”", "\n\nBut after Glen Davis had nine\nfirst-quarter rebounds – as many as the entire Pistons team – as\npart of the highest-scoring first half against the Pistons this year\n(64) and the most points scored in a game against them this year,\nthat is precisely the crossroads Frank said his team has reached.", "\n\n“It's discouraging,” he said,\n“because when you don't compete, that's a reflection on all of us.", "\nAnd that's tough to take.”" ]
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[ "SHROOMS (2007) review – Halloween Special 2018\n\nIt’s Halloween month, y’all, and you know what that means! ", "It’s time to catch up on our favorite horror movies and gear up for Halloween! ", "Last year, I did a Halloween special where I reviewed some of my favorite horror, or Halloween-appropriate movies and I had so much fun doing that, I wanted to do it again. ", "Sadly, I don’t like a lot of horror movies, so my pool of material is about as deep as a puddle in summer in California. ", "So in order to rectify this, I’ve reached out to the deepest and darkest corners of the internet and asked for a little help. ", "And by that, I mean I went on Facebook. ", "So, a very special thanks to the Movie Talk community, as well as my friends and co-workers, for your horror movie suggestions. ", "I won’t be able to get to every single recommendation, but you’ve all left me with great ideas and there’s always next year! ", "This is my Halloween Special 2018!", "\n\nDirector: Paddy Breathnach (stuff I’ve either never seen or heard of, and the upcoming ROSIE [2018])\nWriter: Pearse Elliott (stuff I’ve either never seen or heard of)\nComposer: Dario Marianelli (PADDINGTON 2 [2018], DARKEST HOUR [2017], KUBO [2016], EVEREST [2015], V FOR VENDETTA [2005], and the upcoming BUMBLEBEE [2018])\nCinematographer: Nanu Segal (stuff I’ve either never seen or heard of, and the upcoming AN EVENING WITH BEVERLY LUFF LINN [2018])\nEditor: Dermot Diskin (stuff I’ve either never seen or heard of)\n\nActually, before I get started, I do have a slight bit of history with this movie. ", "No, I haven’t seen it, but here’s the story. ", "In the mid 2000s, I was a pretty die-hard fan of country music. ", "In a few ways, I still am. ", "One of my favorites of the time was Toby Keith. ", "And it looked like I wasn’t the only one because Hollywood decided to make a movie starring him called BROKEN BRIDGES. ", "I was excited, to say the least. ", "I saw the movie, and I liked it back then (haven’t revisited with my current taste in movies), but Keith wasn’t the only actor that stood out for me. ", "That honor goes to Lindsey Haun. ", "You can chock it up to an adolescent crush, but I really enjoyed her singing in that movie and became something of a fan. ", "She was being interviewed one time and announced that she was in another upcoming movie, a horror flick, called SHROOMS. ", "Ever since that announcement, I was super excited and wanted to see her again in something. ", "However, I don’t think the movie ever came out in theaters, or in theaters near me. ", "In any case, I missed out, but I never forgot Haun or this movie. ", "For whatever reason, it’s taken me twelve years to finally get around to it. ", "Gotta love excuses, am I right?", "\n\nThis is my honest opinion of: SHROOMS\n\n(SUMMARY)\n\nTara (Lindsey Haun) is an American young woman traveling with a group of her friends to Ireland to meet up with the man that she’s falling in love with, Jake (Jack Huston), who promises them time in the woods to try shrooms. ", "Their first night is something of a bust for Tara, who accidentally takes a shroom that nearly kills her. ", "Even worse, it starts giving her visions of the future and she starts seeing her friends getting killed by ghostly figures. ", "Though her visions are said to only be the shrooms, the group starts getting murdered one by one.", "\n\n(REVIEW)\n\nBoy howdy, this movie’s bad. ", "Like… so bad. ", "But with that said, I kind of had fun with it sometimes. ", "Not the whole time, but some of the time.", "\n\nThe reason why I say that I have fun with the movie sometimes is because of how it’s written. ", "This script is absolutely dreadful and I almost mean that in the best way possible. ", "It’s more like, this script was filmed from its first and only draft. ", "You have lines in this that are like, “That’s vile!” ", "Does anyone but a pretentious writer ever truly say “vile” anymore in a serious tone? “", "Should we take it to a vet and have it humanely destroyed?” ", "Destroyed?! ", "What, like put it on a brick of C-4 and detonate it? ", "That’s what I think of when I think of the word, “destroyed.” ", "There’s even a “you’re evil” line. “", "How about the amazing, “Cracker, mother fucker!” ", "and it wasn’t even a black person who says it. ", "That line is said by such a vanilla dude that you’d swear he made Vanilla Ice look straight gangster. ", "I was only barely containing my laughter at how bad these lines were. ", "I can’t say that I was rolling on the floor or busting a gut, but man, it’s fascinating how this wasn’t made on Youtube by a bunch of kids fucking around with a camera. ", "It would make more sense than the… er, “professional” filmmakers and actors in this thing.", "\n\nEven the characters are ridiculous carbon copies of dumb teens from equally dumb horror films. ", "The obvious nice girl, the obvious nice guy, the dope, the pothead, and their girlfriends. ", "But even they’re written almost over-the-top dumb. ", "The dope is this sociopathic dick weed that is prone to violence, beats animals to death, tries to bone his girlfriend when she doesn’t want to, it would almost make too much sense that he trips out on shrooms and starts talking to a talking cow. ", "Yes, this really happens. ", "Oh man, the pot-head dude might be my favorite character because he’s constantly toting that he knows martial arts. ", "Very specifically, “the way of the tiger” and that it “takes time to perfect.” ", "The problem is, he gets punched in the face easily, and then pussies out and says, “You don’t hit people in the face!” ", "and even makes an attempt to… I have no idea, punch a tree to make it explode, but instead hurts his hand, still claiming that it takes time to perfect. ", "He legit believes what he’s saying and it’s honestly quite hilarious. ", "And before you ask, IMDb is lying to your face. ", "This movie isn’t some satire of paranormal horror films. ", "It’s supposed to be taken seriously. ", "But if this one talking cow scene makes this movie a comedy-horror, then I’m a fit and hot Caucasian dude. ", "Unintentional comedy doesn’t count.", "\n\nBut really, that’s all that saved this movie… and some really bad acting.", "\n\nThe rest of this is… about your run of the mill bad horror movie. ", "With the exception of the idiot and pothead characters, everyone else is boring. ", "Just stock women who have to scream when something happens, and the stock good guy is just an Irish accent. ", "He’s also supposed to be the romantic interest for the nice girl, but I’m pretty sure they share no more than two minutes worth of screen time just the two of them. ", "It goes nowhere and it would have made no difference if the dude was just a random guy offering them drugs and they just go with him to get fucked up. ", "Also, for a movie with so many summaries online saying that no one can distinguish between reality and their hallucinations, only two characters get visions. ", "I think there’s supposed to be an implication that everyone’s constantly high on shrooms anyway, but we never really see them get taken. ", "Hell, I’m pretty sure the pothead is only high on pot the entire time. ", "I don’t know, it’s not clearly laid out.", "\n\nThe movie is even kind of confused as to what the supernatural villain of the movie is. ", "The Irish character goes into this long-winded story of an old house that was ran by some abusive priests called the Black Brothers, mentioned something about a pair of twin brothers, one of the Black Brothers murdered one of the twins in front of the other one, a massacre breaks out and only the Lonely Twin and a single Black Brother were unaccounted for in the massacre. ", "Thing is, I think it’s implied that the Black Brother is the main monster to contend with, but then they throw in this werewolf person, who may or may not be the Lonely Twin (seriously, I have no idea, this isn’t explained), so it’s never clear who these characters are running from.", "\n\nTo be honest, this movie actually kind of had potential if the presented ideas were shifted around. ", "What if the main monster was the Black Brother, black nipple mushrooms (that’s just what I’m calling them) actually allow the consumer to see the ghost of the Brother, and the consumer has to try and protect the others who are tripping out of their minds? ", "What if the Lonely Twin was more or less a ghost trying to help in some way? ", "I feel like there was something that could have been done with this idea that would have seriously improved what the movie itself gave us.", "\n\nOverall, this movie was certainly a unique experience from traditionally bad horror films that I’m used to. ", "Usually, I’m either bored out of my mind, frustrated to the point of punching a small child, or I’m laughing my ass off. ", "This is sort of mixed. ", "It’s not exactly interesting, but I was entertained enough to stay awake. ", "This exists. ", "That’s about the most I can say about it. ", "As a recommendation, I’m going to say viewer beware. ", "You’ll know within the first ten-ish minutes if this is going to be your kind of bad." ]
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[ "Cardiac Arrest and Duration of Hypothermia Therapy\n\nDuration of Hypothermia for Neuroprotection After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest\n\nProtocol Description\n\nThrough this study, researchers will explore whether 24 or 72 hours of cooling is better to help prevent brain injury and improve the outcome for children who have suffered from cardiac arrest. ", "Cooling has been shown to decrease the amount of brain injury that can occur after cardiac arrest in adults and in newborn babies with birth asphyxia (a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the fetus). ", "Although it is not known whether body cooling is effective in children after cardiac arrest, cooling is recommended by the American Heart Association as a “consideration” for pediatric cases and has been used since 2002 by doctors in the pediatric/cardiac intensive care unit (PICU/CICU) of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC.", "\n\nEligibility Criteria\n\nSubject to certain exclusion criteria, this study is enrolling children between the ages of 1 week and 17 years who experienced cardiac arrest, received help with breathing and chest compressions to get a spontaneous heart rate by a health care worker, and remains unconscious in the PICU/CICU.Females: Ages 1 week to 17 years\nMales: Ages 1 week to 17 years\n\nRequirements\n\nIn this study, participants will be randomly assigned to receive either 24 or 72 hours of cooling to 90-93 F followed by gradual warming to regular body temperature. ", "Researchers will compare the results of 1) blood and urine derived markers of brain injury, 2) results of brain magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, and 3) safety markers. ", "Using telephone or mail questionnaires, researchers will evaluate whether cooling has had an effect on patient outcome and quality of life at 6 months and 1 year.", "Visits: Occurs while patient is in the PICU/CICU\nDuration: 12 months for follow-up\n\nStatus: Open for Enrollment\n\nSource(s) of Support\n\nLaerdal Foundation\nNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke" ]
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[ "Riki\n\nIván Sánchez-Rico Soto (born 11 August 1980), known as Riki, is a Spanish former footballer who played as a striker.", "\n\nHe spent most of his professional career with Deportivo, appearing in 226 competitive games and scoring 58 goals.", "\n\nFootball career\n\nEarly career\nRiki was born in Aranjuez, Community of Madrid. ", "After spending his youth career in amateur clubs in the area he played with both Real Madrid's reserve sides, C and B. In July 2004, after having signed an extension with the Merengues the previous year, he was released and moved to another capital team, Getafe CF, making his La Liga debut on 12 September 2004 in a 1–2 home defeat to RCD Mallorca; on 13 March 2005 he scored against his former employer in a 2–1 home success and, in his second season, netted eight league goals.", "\n\nDeportivo\nIn late June 2006, Riki moved to Deportivo de La Coruña on a five-year contract. ", "During his first year he was an undisputed starter and, in the following campaign, he featured less prominently, but scored two more goals (five).", "\n\nIn the first game of the 2008–09 season, against Real Madrid, Riki was stretchered off the pitch with a hamstring injury, ironically after having subbed in himself. ", "He was out of action for two weeks, subsequently netting on 2 November 2008 in a 3–0 success at Real Betis.", "\n\nRiki again suffered physical problems in the following season, but made the most of his 1,492 minutes as he scored eight goals, notably netting in the opener, a 2–3 loss at Real Madrid, and in both matches against Xerez CD (3–0 away, 2–1 at home); the Galicians eventually finished in tenth position.", "\n\nAfter his team's relegation in 2011, Riki netted 14 times as they bounced back as champions of the second division, including early strikes in home and away victories over Celta de Vigo in the Galician derby.", "\n\nLater years\nWhen Deportivo were immediately relegated, Riki ended his seven-year tenure to remain in the top flight at Granada CF for the next three seasons. ", "He did not score for the Andalusians until 14 December 2013 in a 2–0 win at Rayo Vallecano, and added only one more goal in a 3–3 draw on his return to Getafe.", "\n\nOn 31 August 2015, 35-year-old Riki dropped down two levels to sign a two-year deal at CD Guadalajara. ", "He left at the end of his debut campaign, however, having been relegated from Segunda División B.\n\nHonours\nDeportivo\nUEFA Intertoto Cup: 2008\nSegunda División: 2011–12\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1980 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Aranjuez\nCategory:Spanish footballers\nCategory:Madrilenian footballers\nCategory:Association football forwards\nCategory:La Liga players\nCategory:Segunda División players\nCategory:Segunda División B players\nCategory:Tercera División players\nCategory:Real Madrid C footballers\nCategory:Real Madrid Castilla footballers\nCategory:Real Madrid CF players\nCategory:Getafe CF footballers\nCategory:Deportivo de La Coruña players\nCategory:Granada CF footballers\nCategory:CD Guadalajara (Spain) footballers" ]
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[ "Using Lending Club Personal Loans For Debt Consolidation\n\nIf you are like many struggling American families, then you have probably considered taking out peer to peer personal loans from companies like Lending Club to consolidate your debts. ", "Debt consolidation via personal loans often seems like a suitable solution to many individuals, but it is important to understand what you are likely to pay and the potential downsides of the loan. ", "Making an educated decision about your debt relief solutions requires an understanding of all the potential problems that might arise.", "\n\nBasic Information About Lending Club Loans:\n\nLending Club is a peer to peer lending solution. ", "As a result, the lender is an investor or group of investors who are willing to offer funds to men and women who are unable to obtain traditional funding or who want to work with an individual rather than a lending institution.", "\n\nLending Club uses underwriting to determine the risk that borrowers present to the investors. ", "As a result, many individuals are either denied loans or are offered high interest personal loans that help counter the supposed risk of default that the investors might face. ", "This means that if you want to consolidate your high interest unsecured debts with a loan from Lending Club, you can expect that you will end up with a potentially high interest rate despite the requested interest rate you make.", "\n\nThe way that Lending Club determines the interest rate that is most suitable for your situation is via your FICO score, the current debt to income ratio, the length of time you need to pay the loan, and the amount you are trying to take out. ", "When you make a request for a loan, you are able to state the amount you would prefer to pay in interest. ", "Unfortunately, you are not guaranteed to receive the interest rate you request.", "\n\nAPR Interest Facts and Other Fees:\n\nSince the interest rate is often determined by the risk underwriters in Lending Club suggest an individual is likely to provide, you need to understand the rating system and how it impacts a personal loan for consolidation.", "\n\nIf you are struggling with your minimum payments and need a consolidation loan or service, you have probably faced missed or late payments on your account. ", "As a result, your FICO score is impacted by the struggles you are facing. ", "Underwriters will issue a grade from A to G and then further categorize your risk from one to five within that grade.", "\n\nA classification of A1 will end up with the best loan interest rates and origination fees while a classification of G5 will result in the highest interest. ", "If the risk does not fall into any of the loan classification standards, you will find that the loan is denied.", "\n\nAfter the reduction to your FICO score and the credit history that shows recent missed or late payments, you can expect to fall somewhere in C to G rating categories, depending on your particular credit information. ", "This means that you should expect to have loan interest rate offers between 14 and 25 percent.", "\n\nBeyond the interest rate, you are also required to pay an origination fee with your new personal loan. ", "The origination fee for categories C to G are roughly 5 percent of the loan amount. ", "This adds to the cost and can bring the total interest and charges to as much as 28 percent on your loan.", "\n\nConsolidation Without Loans:\n\nWhile Lending Club might have plenty of promise as a peer to peer lending solution, you do not need to take out a high interest personal loan to consolidate debts. ", "The high interest you are likely to pay for the personal loan through Lending Club will not help your situation. ", "If the interest rate does not decrease from your original unsecured loans, it is not enough to make your monthly payments low enough to manage.", "\n\nConsolidation does not necessarily mean taking out a loan. ", "Consolidation services from a debt relief company work through negotiation instead of providing loans. ", "This type of service does not require that you have excellent credit or show a low risk of default. ", "Instead, it requires that you are willing to work on completely paying off your loans.", "\n\nNegotiation discusses the problem with current lenders and will put your current revolving accounts on hold. ", "This helps prevent a debt trap that is commonly associated with taking out a loan to pay the other debts. ", "During the process, the negotiator will discuss the possibility of settling the account for a lower principal so that you save as much as possible and are able to pay off your debt within two to four years.", "\n\nLending Club may not be the best solution for debt consolidation because of the high rates and potential for denial. ", "If you want to consolidate or settle your debts, fill out the form on now or call us for a free debt analysis." ]
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[ "Reuben Davis (representative)\n\nReuben O. Davis (January 18, 1813 – October 14, 1890) was a United States Representative from Mississippi.", "\n\nBorn in Winchester, Tennessee into a family of Welsh origin, he moved with his parents to Alabama about 1818. ", "His grandfather Joseph Davis was born in Wales in 1763 and emigrated to Virginia. ", "Reuben Davis attended the public schools. ", "Later, he studied medicine, but practiced only a few years, when he abandoned the profession. ", "He then studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1834, and commenced practice in Aberdeen, Mississippi.", "\n\nDavis \"became one of the most successful criminal lawyers in the South\", and was elected prosecuting attorney for the sixth judicial district 1835–1839. ", "He was an unsuccessful Whig candidate for the Twenty-sixth Congress in 1838. ", "He was then appointed by Governor Tucker as a judge of the high court of appeals in 1842, but after four months’ service resigned.", "\n\nDavis served as colonel of the Second Regiment of Mississippi Volunteers in the Mexican–American War. ", "After the war, he was a member of the Mississippi House of Representatives 1855–1857. ", "He was elected as a Democrat to the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Congresses and served from March 4, 1857, to January 12, 1861, when he withdrew.", "\n\nDuring the American Civil War, Davis served in the Confederate Army as brigadier general. ", "After the war, he resumed the practice of law. ", "He was an unsuccessful Greenback candidate for the Forty-sixth Congress in 1878. ", "During this period he purchased a Greek Revival style house in Aberdeen, Mississippi, known as Sunset Hill, and wrote his Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians. ", "He died suddenly, while in Huntsville, Alabama in 1890 and was buried at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Aberdeen.", "\n\nReferences\n\n Retrieved on 2008-10-18\n Davis, Reuben. ", "Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians. ", "Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1890. ", "Rev. ed., ", "with a new introd. ", "by William D. McCain. ", "Pref. ", "and an expanded index by Laura D. S. Harrell. ", "Hattiesburg: University and College Press of Mississippi, 1972.", "\n\nCategory:1813 births\nCategory:1890 deaths\nCategory:People from Winchester, Tennessee\nCategory:American people of Welsh descent\nCategory:19th-century American politicians\nCategory:Mississippi Whigs\nCategory:Mississippi Democrats\nCategory:Mississippi Greenbacks\nCategory:Democratic Party members of the United States House of Representatives\nCategory:Members of the United States House of Representatives from Mississippi\nCategory:Members of the Confederate House of Representatives from Mississippi\nCategory:American military personnel of the Mexican–American War\nCategory:Confederate States Army brigadier generals" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nPerioperative management of surgery patients is critical for improving the overall outcomes of surgeries. ", "In our hospital, there are nearly 10,000 operations performed annually, and 552 surgeries were performed in our Neurological Department in 2014. ", "In order to maintain safe, authentic, and high-quality perioperative management, a perioperative management center (PERIO) was established in 2008 and started to manage patients receiving respiratory surgery. ", "PERIO was first introduced to the patients in our department in June 2014. ", "In this manuscript, the actual efficacy of PERIO is shown.", "\n\nPractice of PERIO\n=================\n\nPERIO consists of anesthesiologists, dentists/dental hygienists/technicians, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, and nutritionists. ", "As shown in [Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the PERIO staff focused on the patients' safety during perioperative periods. ", "Anesthesiologists had overseen all the PERIO staff members to insure safe and effective perioperative management. ", "Dentists/dental hygienists/technicians performed preoperative mouth cleaning and made a tooth protector to prevent dental damage in patients with unstable teeth. ", "Additionally, the eating/swallowing function was evaluated before and after surgery. ", "Specialized nurses gathered information on the patients, checked their general condition, and informed them of the perioperative course to build a feeling of safety. ", "Physical therapists evaluated perioperative physical conditions and promoted recovery from surgeries. ", "Pharmacists checked the oral medicine and confirmed its discontinuation period. ", "Nutritionists controlled perioperative alimentation.", "\n\nThe protocol of PERIO is shown in [Fig. ", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "First, neurosurgeons decided on the course of surgery for patients in our clinic. ", "Preoperative evaluation by blood sampling, electrocardiogram (EKG), chest X-ray, and lung function test was performed, with a subsequent reservation in the PERIO clinic. ", "After checking the results of preoperative evaluation, additional tests, such as cardiac function test and endocrine examination were ordered, if needed. ", "The patients visited the PERIO clinic 7--14 days before surgery. ", "One or two days before surgery, the patients entered the hospital and received a mouth cleaning one day before surgery. ", "If the patients had particular issues including cardiac problems requiring heparinization, diabetes mellitus (DM) requiring glycemic control, poor general condition requiring nutritional amelioration, poor physical function, or severe pain, the length of hospital stay before surgery was set longer than usual. ", "After surgery, postoperative support involving eating/swallowing evaluation, rehabilitation, and pain control was provided.", "\n\nPatients and Methods\n====================\n\nThis is a retrospective study. ", "In this study, a total of 552 surgical cases treated in our Neurosurgical Department in 2014 were enrolled. ", "PERIO started to participate in cases involving unruptured cerebral aneurysms and brain tumors from June 2014 and in cases of spinal diseases, ischemic diseases, hydrocephalus, and bone defects requiring cranioplasty from October 2014. ", "Pediatric cases, emergent cases, cases with intravascular surgeries, stereotaxic surgeries, and surgeries under local anesthesia were excluded. ", "Duration from admission to surgery, the sudden cancellation of surgery, damage to teeth, postoperative complications, and related factors were evaluated. ", "In order to reduce the effects of patients requiring longer hospital stay for preoperative feeder embolization and for heparinization, duration from admission to surgery was also evaluated. ", "Subsequently, clinical staff members were given a questionnaire to evaluate the efficacy of PERIO. ", "The questionnaire consisted of five questions using a scale of 1--5, with 1 being \"strongly disagree\" and 5 being \"strongly agree.\" ", "Following these questions, staff members were allowed to freely assess the PERIO system.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nIn 2014, 85 patients underwent surgery with an evaluation by the PERIO clinic (PERIO group) and 131 patients underwent surgery without a PERIO clinic evaluation (non-PERIO group). ", "The duration from admission to surgery significantly decreased in the PERIO group (3.6 ± 0.3 days, *P* \\<0.05, Mann-Whitney's U test, [Fig. ", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), compared to that in the non-PERIO group (4.7 ± 0.2 days). ", "Analyses of subgroups (cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumor, spinal diseases, and miscellaneous diseases) showed a significant shortening of the duration for the PERIO group involving cases of cerebrovascular diseases and brain tumor \\[2.7 ± 0.3 (*n* = 28) and 4.2 ± 0.3 days (*n* = 44), respectively\\], compared to those cases for the non-PERIO group (4.0 ± 0.5 \\[*n* = 20\\] and 5.1 ± 0.3 days \\[*n* = 56\\], respectively). ", "For spinal diseases, the PERIO group showed a tendency of shortened duration from admission to surgery (3.0 ± 0.6 days \\[*n* = 6\\], *P* = 0.058), compared to the non-PERIO group (5.0 ± 0.4 days \\[*n* = 37\\]). ", "There were no differences in the duration of cases with other diseases between the PERIO and non-PERIO groups (4.8 ± 2.1 \\[*n* = 8\\] and 3.9 ± 0.5 days \\[*n* = 17\\], *P* = 0.294). ", "The overall hospital stay of both groups was not significantly different. ", "There were 69 patients with neither preoperative feeder embolization nor heparinization in PERIO group (embolization: 12; heparinization: 4 in total 85) and 113 patients in non-PERIO group (emblolization: 7; heparinization: 11 in total 131). ", "As is the case with the overall data, the duration from admission to surgery of patients with neither embolization nor heparinization significantly decreased in the PERIO group (3.3 ± 0.3 days, *P* \\<0.05), compared to that in the non-PERIO group (4.5 ± 0.2 days).", "\n\nIn terms of the cancellation and suspension of surgeries within 3 days before the scheduled date of surgery, only one case (1/85: 1.2%) was cancelled or suspended in the PERIO group, while six cases (6/131: 4.6%) were cancelled or suspended in the non-PERIO group. ", "There were no significant differences in the cancellation incidence in both groups (*P* = 0.1676, Chi-square test). ", "The reasons for the cancellation or suspension are described in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Since 2014, there were no cases involving errors in stopping oral medicine before surgery, including antiplatelet or anticoagulant medication, although we had experienced a total of two cases involving errors in stopping oral medicine with a subsequent cancellation of surgery in 2012 and 2013. ", "Regarding dental issues, all cases in the PERIO group underwent plaque removal on the day before surgery. ", "In 15 cases, a tooth protector was made for surgery, and there were no cases resulting in damage to the teeth. ", "As for postoperative complications at 90 days after surgery, seven cases (7/85: 8.2%) suffered from complications in the PERIO group and five cases (5/131: 3.8%) did so in the non-PERIO group. ", "There were no significant differences in the complication rate in both groups (*P* = 0.1661, Chi-square test). ", "Detailed information on the postoperative complications is shown in [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "As for patient management complications excluding surgical complications, one case (1/85: 1.2%) suffered from pneumonia in the PERIO group and two cases (2/131: 1.5%) suffered from delirium with or without pneumonia in the non-PERIO group. ", "The PERIO system enhanced functional recovery after surgery by consistent rehabilitation. ", "Seventy percent of cases in the PERIO group received perioperative rehabilitation, including all cases of spine diseases.", "\n\nThe results of the questionnaire given to the clinical staff are shown in [Fig. ", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The results indicated the satisfaction of the neurosurgeons in all of the questions without a remarkable increase in occupational burden. ", "On the other hand, the occupational burden for some of the clerks in the outpatient unit, the dentists, the anesthesiologists, and the physical therapists might increase. ", "Respondents of all job types supported the development and continuation of the PERIO clinic.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn this manuscript, the PERIO system is shown to successfully reduce the duration from admission to surgery. ", "In addition to that, it might prevent or reduce the cancellation incidence of surgery and intraoperative teeth damage. ", "We know of no similar system for managing patients in the perioperative period involving a multi/transdisciplinary team consisting of anesthesiologists, dentists/dental hygienists/technicians, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, and nutritionists.", "\n\nA recent paper on preoperative tests before cataract surgery revealed that 53% of patients received at least one test, even though the operative stress and surgery time was quite limited.^[@B1]^ For patients undergoing a neurosurgical operation, fixed preoperative tests are needed to endure the operative stress and long operative time. ", "Perioperative management of glucose level in blood,^[@B2]^ cardiovascular function,^[@B3]^ or coagulopathy monitoring^[@B4],[@B5]^ is important for minimizing the complications related to diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular events, or anti-coagulant therapy. ", "Recently, self-assessment of cardiac risks before surgery plays a certain role in preoperative evaluation of patients.^[@B6]^ The multidisciplinary team that includes pharmacists and specialized nurses favorably affects surgery patients in our PERIO system.", "\n\nThe concept of \"enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)\" is now well known to hasten the recovery of patients and to reduce hospital stay.^[@B7]--[@B10]^ PERIO consists of multidisciplinary staff members to prevent perioperative complications and to improve the postoperative course. ", "The systemic flow after neurosurgeons decide on the course of surgery saves time and effort in ordering preoperative evaluations. ", "The consistent care of rehabilitation and nutrition started before surgery enhanced the postoperative therapeutic effects for patients.", "\n\nThere are several studies on postoperative pain control. ", "Intravenous scheduled administration of acetaminophen for patients receiving hip surgery reduced the hospital stay and narcotic use and ameliorated the outcomes of patients.^[@B11]^ Recently, a specialized transdisciplinary team for pain control in diverse situations, such as perioperative, acute medical, and palliative care has been formed.^[@B12]^ In our PERIO system, anesthesiologists and pharmacists play a key role in pain control using scheduled administration of analgesic drugs after surgery.", "\n\nNutrition care is equally important for postoperative patients. ", "Specialized nutritional therapy was considered critical for patients with special conditions.^[@B13],[@B14]^ In our PERIO system, nutritionists plan a perioperative meal based on the information obtained from the nurses. ", "Postoperatively, dentists carefully check the swallowing function and occlusal support so that patients with a high risk of swallowing disturbances can safely restart meals.", "\n\nIn previous reports, perioperative dental injuries occur with relatively high incidence (0.13%), especially for patients with dental problems.^[@B15]^ Once dental injuries occur during anesthesia, the cost of treatment and compensation is problematic, and the patient-doctor relationship can deteriorate.^[@B16]^ A tooth protector is useful for preventing dental injuries and can sometimes improve intraoral conditions after oral injuries.^[@B17]^ In our PERIO system, dentists preoperatively check the patient's oral condition when dental cleaning is performed one day before surgery, although this may increase the burden on dentists.", "\n\nIn terms of the cancellation of surgery, a recent study showed a high cancellation rate, at least partly because the preoperative evaluation was so close to the surgery time.^[@B18]^ In order to reduce the rate of cancellation, a multidisciplinary team improves the instructing of patients, the correspondence procedure to the caregivers, and the arrangement system for rescheduling after cancellation, all of which results in a successful reduction of cancellation.^[@B19]^ The cancellation depends on many factors, including the patients' conditions and social factors. ", "However, reduced rates of cancellation could lead to more efficient utilization of operating rooms and medical resources. ", "In regard to this point, the steady preoperative evaluation of surgery patients generated by a PERIO system is a strong option, although the burden on staff should be considered.", "\n\nThe limitation of this study is that this is a retrospective study in a singly institute.", "\n\nAfter evaluation by PERIO, patients with particular issues including cardiac problems, DM, poor general conditions, or severe pain were sometimes recommended to get hospitalized earlier for heparinization, glycemic control, nutritional amelioration, pain control, or other reasons. ", "Additionally, there were several inevitable social factors. ", "PERIO was gradually introduced to our department and some patients in PERIO group entered the hospital a few days before surgery in the early period. ", "Bed occupancy was sometimes taken into account. ", "Furthermore, for some patients receiving high-risk surgery, doctors required a little more time before surgery to strengthen the patient-doctor relationship. ", "Thus, the data might be influenced by various factors, although PERIO surely reduced the duration from admission to surgery.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nThe PERIO system was introduced to our Neurosurgical Department in 2014 and has since contributed to the safe and assured management of patients undergoing surgery. ", "The PERIO system decreased the duration from admission to surgery, although there was no significant difference in the complication rate or incidence of unexpected cancellation of surgery between the PERIO and non-PERIO groups. ", "We will expand the use of the PERIO system to provide high-quality medical service, although the system should be improved so as to reduce the burden on the medical staff.", "\n\nThis work was supported by all of the staff members associated with PERIO.", "\n\n![", "PERIO system for neurosurgical patients. ", "After the request from the Neurosurgical Department, the multidisciplinary team starts to manage the perioperative conditions of surgery patients to ensure a safe and assured surgical procedure.](nmc-56-574-g1){#F1}\n\n![", "Time course of the PERIO system. ", "The flow chart shows the protocol of the PERIO system after the course of surgery has been decided.](nmc-56-574-g2){#F2}\n\n![", "The duration from admission to surgery. ", "The graph shows the differences in the duration from admission to surgery between the PERIO and non-PERIO groups. ", "The data are shown as mean ± standard error for overall values and for subgroups of cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumor, spine disease, and others (\\* *P* \\<0.05, Mann-Whitney's U test).](nmc-56-574-g3){#F3}\n\n![", "The questionnaire and the results. ", "Upper column: The content of questionnaire is shown. ", "Lower column ( *left* ): The breakdown of the respondents is shown in the graph. ", "Lower column ( *right* ): The results are shown. ", "The data are shown as mean ± standard error.](nmc-56-574-g4){#F4}\n\n###### \n\nCancellation cases and associated reasons for the PERIO and non-PERIO groups\n\n ------------------------------------------------------\n PERIO non-PERIO\n -------- -------------- ------------------------------\n Case 1 (1.2%) 6 (4.6%)\n\n Reason Sudden fever Poor control of blood sugar\\\n Hepatic damage\\\n Symptom amelioration\\\n Sudden fever\\\n Familial refusal\\\n Bereavement\n ------------------------------------------------------\n\n###### \n\nPostoperative complications in the PERIO and non-PERIO groups\n\n PERIO non-PERIO\n ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------\n Case 7 (8.5%) 5 (3.8%)\n Patient management complications Pneumonia Delirium, pneumonia delirium\n Surgical complications Infection ( *n* = 2 ) brain edema, epilepsy hematoma, visual disturbance cerebral infarct ( *n* = 2 ) Infection hematoma, hemiparesis visual disturbance\n\n[^1]: **COI Disclosure**\n\n All authors declare that we have no COI to be disclosed related to this manuscript. ", "Additionally, the authors who are members of JNS have registered online Self-reported COI Disclosure Forms through the website for JNS members.", "\n" ]
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[ "Have you got a map? ", "Because Italy looks just like my dick\n\n344 shares" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProblems with Android Dialog and sliding out keyboard\n\nMy Android application puts up a Dialog with and Edit Text field. ", "If the dialog is displayed with the slide out keyboard closed and then the keyboard is opened, the dialog box (sometimes) disappears. ", "The application goes off into never-never land. ", "I am using a LG Alley.", "\nIs there an event for opening a keyboard slider? ", "An event I can capture and gain control over this situation? ", "Any advice as to how to deal with this?", "\n\nA:\n\nI found that adding this type of statement to the manifest file fixes the problem\nandroid:configChanges=\"keyboardHidden|orientation\"\n\n" ]
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[ "Wow...Calves still a bit sore. ", "They were real stiff when I first got out of bed, but are loosening up pretty well as I am up and moving around. ", "Today will be a strength training day followed by yard work, so it should be pretty active. ", "Having my usual coffee for breakfast and will probably try and get my workout started around 11 or 11:30, then lunch and lawn work. ", "For dinner tonight I have some boneless beef ribs in the crockpot with some homemade (paleo friendly) BBQ sauce. ", "I've used the sauce before with brisket, so I would imagine it will be just as good on ribs.", "\n\nWe did the Hotdog Shoppe yesterday. ", "I decided to not look like a freak by not eating and ordered a double cheese burger sans bun, but that was apparently just as freakish. ", "Two ultra skinny beef patties with a slice of American cheese and slice of tomato and onions. ", "The spicy mustard and hot sauce I threw on top was the tastiest part. ", "The food over all was just as I remembered...slop. ", "My wife was very disappointed. ", "She realized that her tastes have changed drastically since her teen years and now realizes she used to like garbage. ", "After we went to the park and had enough fun to wipe away all negative thoughts.", "\n\nWell, I just ventured out of the journals and looked at the rest of the forum. ", "Why? ", "I don't know. ", "But now I remember why I don't. ", "I was about to respond to some of the stuff and offer some advise, but I stopped myself. ", "I realized that no good would come of this and by telling people the same things that Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, etc. ", "are saying would bring a huge shit storm. ", "Who needs that? ", "It makes me wonder though, how do you become part of the paleo/primal community and not actually know what the smart people who are doing all the research are saying? ", "They are calling themselves \"Paleo\" or \"Primal\", but have no clue what either of those terms mean. ", "They are doing their own fucked up version(that is obviously failing them based on the shit they are saying). ", "If they are out in the public representing themselves as examples of paleo/primal living, it's no wonder why we still receive ridicule from the mainstream. ", "I long for the days when the forum was full of intelligent dialogue. ", "It's OK to have questions, especially when you are new to this, but you should at least have tried to do your own research and now at least the basic concepts. ", "Then when you have questions on how to apply them and make them work, that's cool.", "\n\nOK...rant over. ", "Sorry if I have offended anyone. ", "I know many people who I respect and admire still have questions and are trying to make this work, and you are not the ones I was referring to. ", "I don't mean to come off as saying \"I have figured it out, why the fuck haven't you!\" ", "We are all still learning together.", "\n\nDamn, you're kicking ass, Dave! ", "I was lazy for a week or so. ", "Back into things today. ", "Spartan Race in three weeks, soooo...\n\nHey Patrick, which race will this one be? ", "I'm jealous, by the way. ", "I'm really wanting to do one, but seeing as I almost never run any distance I would only want to tackle like a 5K.\n\nOriginally Posted by geostump\n\nHow far are you from Pomeroy, OH? ", "There's a dairy having an open house on either June 1 or June 8. ", "It's called Snowville Creamery. ", "Figured it would be something you and the kids would enjoy.", "\n\nAccording to Google, it's about 3.5 hours away. ", "That might be a little long for the kids, but I have been thinking about finding a farm close by that does tours. ", "I think they would get a kick out of that.", "\n\nOK...rant over. ", "Sorry if I have offended anyone. ", "I know many people who I respect and admire still have questions and are trying to make this work, and you are not the ones I was referring to. ", "I don't mean to come off as saying \"I have figured it out, why the fuck haven't you!\" ", "We are all still learning together.", "\n\nNot offended and I totally understand. ", "I make the same mistake far too often. ", "The few times I do comment I later kick myself. ", "Also, there is so much freaking conflicting advice. ", "Just read the book people. ", "Then if after 6 months it isn't working, then look for tweaks that work for you.", "\n\nNot offended and I totally understand. ", "I make the same mistake far too often. ", "The few times I do comment I later kick myself. ", "Also, there is so much freaking conflicting advice. ", "Just read the book people. ", "Then if after 6 months it isn't working, then look for tweaks that work for you.", "\n\nAnd this is why you are one of the people that has figured it out. ", "A couple of years ago I used to enjoy the forum as a whole, but now I will stick to the journals of the people I enjoy hearing from.", "\n\nHey Patrick, which race will this one be? ", "I'm jealous, by the way. ", "I'm really wanting to do one, but seeing as I almost never run any distance I would only want to tackle like a 5K.\n\nAccording to Google, it's about 3.5 hours away. ", "That might be a little long for the kids, but I have been thinking about finding a farm close by that does tours. ", "I think they would get a kick out of that.", "\n\nI'm just doing the 5k again this year. ", "I'd like to at least also do the Super Spartan, but my friend and I never saw any race trifecta advertising. ", "Normally they fire out an email with a promotion for the Sprint/Super/Beast combo -- discount off them each if you get them as a package, and a trifecta medal. ", "Nope. ", "So we're just doing the Sprint again. ", "The good news is that the Sprint has changed locations every year, so it's like a new race every summer. ", "Works for me, to be honest.", "\n\nI'm just doing the 5k again this year. ", "I'd like to at least also do the Super Spartan, but my friend and I never saw any race trifecta advertising. ", "Normally they fire out an email with a promotion for the Sprint/Super/Beast combo -- discount off them each if you get them as a package, and a trifecta medal. ", "Nope. ", "So we're just doing the Sprint again. ", "The good news is that the Sprint has changed locations every year, so it's like a new race every summer. ", "Works for me, to be honest.", "\n\nThat's cool. ", "It's not like the Spartan Race is your sport that you are competing in. ", "Best to keep it a fun time, and then when you are feeling up to it to challenge yourself with the bigger ones. ", "For me anyway, trying to do all three back to back would be something I would feel the need to train for and It might stop being fun. ", "Who knows, someday I might get a wild hair up my ass to try something like that, but just to say I did it once." ]
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[ "Share This:\n\nThe John Brown Anti-Klan Committee grew out of the revolutionary movements and struggles of the 1960’s and 1970’s from largely white radicals who were doing support for black liberation prisoners. ", "After learning through their other organizing work that prison guards and police officers in different institutions and departments were part of the Ku-Klux-Klan, the JBAKC was formed to organize against a new wave of white supremacist organizing. ", "The group also documented the crossover between the KKK and the growing neo-Nazi skinhead subculture in the 1980s, under the direction of white supremacist leaders like Tom Metzger.", "\n\nMoreover, JBAKC worked with and took seriously the potential of the growing punk-rock scene and set up various benefit shows and festivals with the help of bands like the Dead Kennedys and MDC. ", "JBAKC produced newspapers, discussion documents, and also created and advanced critiques of white supremacy within the United States. ", "A film (seen below) was also produced along with other organizing materials which were made available to other groups and organizations. ", "JBAKC relied on a diversity of tactics, ranging from street confrontations to mass community organizing to confront the Klan and various neo-Nazi groups that expanded throughout the Reagan era.", "\n\nFor anarchists and antifascists in the current period, the work of the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee offers a crucial history, and gives us an opportunity to look back at previous generations and learn from their lessons, mistakes, successes, and decades of experience.", "\n\nThis podcast was recorded at the ROAR Conference in San Francisco, CA in mid-March.", "\n\n290 total views, 6 views today\n\nThis post was written by It's Going Down\n\nShare This:\n\nIt’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. ", "Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.", "\n\nIt’s Going Down is a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. ", "Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>, including all inherited members.</p>\n<table class=\"directory\">\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>bIsRunning</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>ExportImage</b>(const FNVTexturePixelData &amp;ExportPixelData, const FString &amp;ExportFilePath, const ENVImageFormat ExportImageFormat=ENVImageFormat::PNG) (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>ExportingImageCounterPtr</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>FNVImageExporter_Thread</b>(IImageWrapperModule *InImageWrapperModule) (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>GetPendingImagesCount</b>() const (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>HavePendingImageEvent</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>ImageWrapperModule</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>IsExportingImage</b>() const (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>PendingImageCounter</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>QueuedImageData</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>Run</b>() (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">virtual</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>Stop</b>() override (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">virtual</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\" class=\"even\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>Thread</b> (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"><span class=\"mlabel\">protected</span></td></tr>\n <tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td class=\"entry\"><b>~FNVImageExporter_Thread</b>() (defined in <a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a>)</td><td class=\"entry\"><a class=\"el\" href=\"struct_f_n_v_image_exporter___thread.html\">FNVImageExporter_Thread</a></td><td class=\"entry\"></td></tr>\n</table></div><!-- contents -->\n</div><!-- doc-content -->\n<!-- ", "start footer part -->\n<div id=\"nav-path\" class=\"navpath\"><!-- id is needed for treeview function! --", ">\n <ul>\n <li class=\"footer\">Generated on Wed Dec 5 2018 15:01:38 for NVIDIA DeepLearning Dataset Synthesizer (NDDS) by\n <a href=\"http://www.doxygen.org/index.html\">\n <img class=\"footer\" src=\"doxygen.png\" alt=\"doxygen\"/></a> 1.8.8 </li>\n </ul>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n" ]
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[ "Tag Archives: Fabio\n\nMama Mia! ", "Look what I just found on YumSugar.com! ", "Grocery Hags’ favorite Italian schmoozer is apparently shilling frozen pizzas.", "\n\nDr. Oetker, one of Europe’s top frozen pizza brands, is launching its Ristorante line in America, and has called on the reality TV personality to be the spokesperson for the thin-crust pizza. “", "We feel Fabio is the perfect voice for the brand,” Dr. Oetker USA said in a statement. “", "He has an incredible personality and a real passion for cooking.”", "\n\nI don’t know if I’ll buy frozen pizza (in New York?! ", "please) just because Fabs’ face is on the box, but I may try it. ", "You know…because why not? ", "It may make a good blog entry. ", "Maybe we’ll hear more about this at the reunion spesh tonight? ", "CARLA FOR FAN FAVORITE!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.010256410256410256, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Genome-wide genotyping in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and neurologically normal controls: first stage analysis and public release of data.", "\nThe cause of sporadic ALS is currently unknown. ", "Despite evidence for a role for genetics, no common genetic variants have been unequivocally linked to sporadic ALS. ", "We sought to identify genetic variants associated with an increased or decreased risk for developing ALS in a cohort of American sporadic cases. ", "We undertook a genome-wide association study using publicly available samples from 276 patients with sporadic ALS and 271 neurologically normal controls. ", "555 352 unique SNPs were assayed in each sample using the Illumina Infinium II HumanHap550 SNP chip. ", "More than 300 million genotypes were produced in 547 participants. ", "These raw genotype data are freely available on the internet and represent the first publicly accessible SNP data for ALS cases. ", "34 SNPs with a p value less than 0.0001 (two degrees of freedom) were found, although none of these reached significance after Bonferroni correction. ", "We generated publicly available genotype data for sporadic ALS patients and controls. ", "No single locus was definitively associated with increased risk of developing disease, although potentially associated candidate SNPs were identified." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.008547008547008548, 0.006896551724137931, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0.015503875968992248, 0.006666666666666667, 0.011627906976744186, 0 ]
[ "Various work tools have been used to carry out operations on workpieces that travel along conveyors. ", "Commonly the work tool may be supported for movement relative to the workpiece, transversely and/or longitudinally relative to the direction of movement of the conveyor. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,243,886 and 5,365,816 disclose nozzles that emit very high-speed water jets to cut foods and other objects that are carried by an underlying conveyor belt. ", "The nozzles are mounted on carriages that ride along tracks disposed transversely to the moving conveyor. ", "By timing the transverse movement of the carriages, it is possible to make cuts in the workpiece that are diagonal to the direction of movement of the conveyor and also it is possible to make curved cuts in the workpiece.", "\nHowever, it is desirable to be able to move the nozzle in the direction longitudinally of the conveyor so as to achieve higher cutting speeds and/or more complicated cutting patterns while maintaining high precision. ", "To date, this effort has been hampered by the inability to move and change the direction of movement of the nozzle as quickly as desirable, due at least in part to the relatively high mass of the carriage and related apparatus employed to mount and move the working tool. ", "For instance, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,204,448 and 4,882,961 disclose gantry systems for water jet cutters employing a support structure that spans transversely across an underlying conveyor. ", "The transverse support structure rides on longitudinal tracks extending along the sides of the conveyor. ", "A work tool-supporting carriage is carried and guided by the transverse structure. ", "The transverse structure also carries a drive system for moving the carriage along the support structure, back and forth across the path of the conveyor. ", "These structures for carrying and moving the water jet nozzle comprise considerable mass that limits the speed at which the water jet cutter nozzles may be moved, particularly in the direction parallel to the direction of movement of the conveyor.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,402,691 discloses a gantry apparatus similar to that disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,204,448 and 4,882,961, but not adapted to be used with workpieces that move on an underlying conveyor. ", "The '691 patent utilizes a typical \"H\" support structure having a pair of spaced apart, parallel members that span across the workpiece. ", "A longitudinally disposed \"Y\" support member extends transversely to the parallel members of the \"H\" support structure. ", "A tool mounting structure moves along the length of the \"Y\" member under the operation of a drive system, including a drive motor, carried by the Y member, thus adding significantly to the total mass that must be moved when moving the work tool.", "\nThe present invention addresses the foregoing and other drawbacks of prior art apparatuses for high-speed bi-directional movement of water jet nozzles and other work tools." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nlibv8 required python 2 to be installed in order to build - Windows\n\nSo this is how I try to install libv8 on my Windows:\nD:\\projects\\perfstats>gem install libv8\nFetching: libv8- (100%)\nTemporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...\nBuilding native extensions. ", " This could take a while...\nERROR: Error installing libv8:\n ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.", "\n\n D:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb\ncreating Makefile\nThe system cannot find the path specified.", "\nThe system cannot find the path specified.", "\nThe system cannot find the path specified.", "\nD:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/libv8- `setup_python!': ", "libv8 requires python 2 to be installed in order to build, but it is currently not available (RuntimeError)\n from D:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/libv8- `block in build_libv8!'", "\n from D:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/libv8- `chdir'\n from D:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/libv8- `build_libv8!'", "\n from D:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/libv8- `install!'", "\n from extconf.rb:7:in `<main>'\n\nI installed python 2.7 and added it to the path:\nD:\\projects\\perfstats>python -V\nPython 2.7.3\n\nAny ideas what could be the solution in this case?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are some work-around to fix the problem\nTry to run this: gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8\nOr we separate them in the Gemfile like this\ngroup :production do\n gem 'libv8', '~>'\n gem 'therubyracer', :platform => :ruby\nend\n\nAnd then run the bundle command: \nbundle install development or\nbundle install --without production\n\nA:\n\nI had the same problem trying to install the therubyracer gem on Windows.", "\nTry installing the GitHub package therubyracer_for_windows and copy the v8.dll & v8preparser.dll into your ruby\\bin folder.", "\nThis will also install the libv8 gem and should solve your issue.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Bob Leverone/Associated Press\n\nThe final undefeated team fell in Week 6 to another top 10 club, which shakes the Week 7 power rankings at the top.", "\n\nThe Atlanta Falcons lost another home game to a team that struggles on the offensive end. ", "Should we begin to question the defending NFC champions as the best squad in their own division?", "\n\nRunning back Adrian Peterson single-handedly forced change within the standings. ", "How far did the Arizona Cardinals move up? ", "Will the three-time rushing champion sustain early success with his third team?", "\n\nHow does Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers' injury affect the team's season outlook going forward?", "\n\nYou can check out the Week 6 power rankings for context on the current standings below.", "\n\nWeek 7 Power Rankings\n\nVideo Play Button Videos you might like\n\n1. ", "Kansas City Chiefs (5-1)\n\n2. ", "Pittsburgh Steelers (4-2)\n\n3. ", "Philadelphia Eagles (5-1)\n\n4. ", "Carolina Panthers (4-2)\n\n5. ", "Atlanta Falcons (3-2)\n\n6. ", "New England Patriots (4-2)\n\n7. ", "New Orleans Saints (3-2)\n\n8. ", "Houston Texans (3-3)\n\n9. ", "Arizona Cardinals (3-3)\n\n10. ", "Denver Broncos (3-2)\n\n11. ", "Seattle Seahawks (3-2)\n\n12. ", "Los Angeles Rams (4-2)\n\n13. ", "Washington Redskins (3-2)\n\n14. ", "Minnesota Vikings (4-2)\n\n15. ", "Cincinnati Bengals (2-3)\n\n16. ", "Jacksonville Jaguars (3-3)\n\n17. ", "Detroit Lions (3-3)\n\n18. ", "Oakland Raiders (2-4)\n\n19. ", "Tennessee Titans (3-3)\n\n20. ", "Dallas Cowboys (2-3)\n\n21. ", "Green Bay Packers (4-2)\n\n22. ", "Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2-3)\n\n23. ", "Buffalo Bills (3-2)\n\n24. ", "New York Jets (3-3)\n\n25. ", "Miami Dolphins (3-2)\n\n26. ", "Los Angeles Chargers (2-4)\n\n27. ", "Chicago Bears (2-4)\n\n28. ", "New York Giants (1-5)\n\n29. ", "Baltimore Ravens (3-3)\n\n30. ", "Indianapolis Colts (2-4)\n\n31. ", "San Francisco 49ers (0-6)\n\n32. ", "Cleveland Browns (0-6)\n\nPittsburgh Steelers Secure No. ", "2 Spot\n\nCharlie Riedel/Associated Press\n\nDespite two bad losses to the Chicago Bears and Jacksonville Jaguars, the Pittsburgh Steelers logged a huge signature victory over the Kansas City Chiefs.", "\n\nThe Steelers' Week 6 triumph sets them apart from the rest, but it's not enough to propel them into the No. ", "1 spot. ", "The Chiefs have multiple quality wins, including a 27-20 victory over the only other one-loss team in the Philadelphia Eagles.", "\n\nPittsburgh didn't dominate the matchup with Kansas City, and we still haven't seen the passing attack live up to its full potential. ", "It's worth mentioning the conflicting reports about wideout Martavis Bryant's state of mind with the team. ", "NFL Network's Ian Rapoport noted the 25-year-old receiver requested a trade:\n\nBryant refuted the report, per Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reporter Ray Fittipaldo:\n\nNonetheless, the Steelers' road victory over the league's last undefeated club deserves great respect in the power rankings.", "\n\nBalanced Arizona Cardinals at No. ", "9\n\nRalph Freso/Associated Press\n\nThe Arizona Cardinals logged a season-high 38 points with Peterson taking 26 carries for 134 yards and two touchdowns. ", "He looked every bit the player who won three rushing titles with the Minnesota Vikings.", "\n\nPeterson's effect on the offense extends beyond a revamped ground attack. ", "Opposing defenses can no longer drop seven to fill the passing lanes without concern for the worst rushing offense in the league.", "\n\nNow, defensive coordinators may consider putting eight in the box to take down a 32-year-old running back who still knows how to make one cut going downhill. ", "His presence will also help the offense sustain drives.", "\n\nIt's a surge for the Cardinals in the power rankings, but it's well deserved. ", "In a Sirius XM NFL radio interview last month, head coach Bruce Arians said running back David Johnson could return to the team as early as Thanksgiving which would possibly complete the best backfield in the league.", "\n\nGreen Bay Packers' Fall to No. ", "21\n\nThe most somber news came out of Minnesota when Rodgers took a nasty fall on his throwing arm and broke his collarbone, per Rapoport:\n\nHead coach Mike McCarthy confirmed the injury will require surgery for repair, and Rodgers could miss the remainder of the season:\n\nMcCarthy also spoke, with certainty, about backup signal-caller Brett Hundley being the starter going forward.", "\n\nThe Packers' fall to No. ", "21 suggests an immediate drop-off, but Hundley hasn't started a game in his three-year career. ", "We don't know how well he'll play under center. ", "Though he's not Rodgers, the third-year signal-caller may have enough to scrape together a few wins to keep Green Bay in contention for a playoff spot.", "\n\nIn a realistic view, the Packers look like an average team with quality offensive skill players around the quarterback. ", "Nonetheless, the team will depend on the ground attack, more effort on defense and an inexperienced passer to optimize the talent at his disposal, which isn't a promising scenario." ]
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[ "Vaughan Williams (surname)\n\nVaughan Williams is a surname of English origin. ", "The best-known person with that surname, often referred to by it alone, is the English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams (18721958).", "\n\nOther people named Vaughan Williams include:\n Edward Vaughan Williams (17971875), English judge, grandfather of Ralph Vaughan Williams\n Roland Vaughan Williams (18381916), English judge, uncle of Ralph Vaughan Williams\n Ursula Vaughan Williams (19112007), English poet and author, wife of Ralph Vaughan Williams\n Miles Vaughan Williams (19182016), English pharmacologist\n\nSee also \n Singh Vaughan Williams classification, of pharmaceuticals which are antiarrhythmic agents\n Vaughan Williams (cricketer) (born 1977), Australian cricketer\n Vaughan Williams and Tavener, a studio album by Nicola Benedetti\n Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, the library and archive of the English Folk Dance and Song Society" ]
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[ "\n869 A.2d 1124 (2005)\nTim FINN and John J. Petrush, Appellants\nv.\nZONING HEARING BOARD OF BEAVER BOROUGH and Borough of Beaver.", "\nCommonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.", "\nArgued February 1, 2005.", "\nDecided March 8, 2005.", "\n*1125 John J. Petrush, Beaver, for appellants.", "\nJohn L. Walker, Beaver, for appellee, ZHB of Beaver Borough.", "\nWilliam R. Hare, Beaver, for appellee, Borough of Beaver.", "\nBEFORE: SMITH-RIBNER, Judge, LEADBETTER, Judge, and FLAHERTY, Senior Judge.", "\nOPINION BY Judge SMITH-RIBNER.", "\nTim Finn and John J. Petrush appeal from an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver County that affirmed the order of the Zoning Hearing Board of Beaver Borough (Board) ruling that a second sign on commercial property owned by Mr. Petrush was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance of Beaver Borough and would have to be removed. ", "They question (1) whether an actual and lawful nonconforming use may be found to have been abandoned without proof of both the intent to abandon it and its actual abandonment by the landowner; (2) whether a finding of abandonment is supported by substantial evidence where the undisputed facts show continuous maintenance by the landowner of signposts, even though one occasionally did not display a sign because of the temporary absence of a tenant; and (3) whether a nonconforming use may be restricted to its precise status at the moment it became nonconforming by requiring a permit whenever a new tenant hangs a sign on an existing signpost.", "\n\nI\nThe subject property is at 348 College Avenue in the Borough, in the C-1 Commercial zoning district, and it contains a two-story frame building. ", "Mr. Petrush purchased it on November 29, 1985, and he has since that time continuously occupied the first floor and used it for his law office. ", "He has leased the second floor to tenants.[1] Since the first tenant occupied the second floor, the building has had two signposts with signs in the front yard, one for Mr. Petrush and one for the tenant. ", "Each is approximately twelve square feet on a separate four-foot-by-four-foot signpost, and Mr. Petrush's sign has been in continuous use. ", "Until August 2000 each new tenant installed a sign on the second signpost when the tenant moved in and removed it when the tenant left. ", "From August 2000 until August 2002, no sign was on the second post. ", "In September 2002, Mr. Finn, also an attorney, installed a sign without first obtaining a permit.", "\nOn October 3, 2003 the Zoning Officer notified Mr. Finn that his sign was in violation of Section 401(E)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance, which permits only one freestanding sign per site, and also that it *1126 had been erected without obtaining the required permit, and he directed removal. ", "Mr. Finn and Mr. Petrush appealed. ", "At the hearing before the Board Mr. Finn testified to his view that use of the second sign was a valid nonconforming use that was permitted as such and for which no new permit was required. ", "Mr. Petrush noted his wanting two signs to comply with ethical requirements to indicate separation of law practices; further, the term \"new sign\" does not appear in the ordinance after 1988.", "\nThe Board's decision noted that at the time of construction of the signs in January 1986 the installation was in compliance with existing zoning provisions, and it stated that the issue was whether the second sign is a lawful nonconforming pre-existing use. ", "In addition to Section 401(E)(3)(a), the Board quoted other relevant sections of the Zoning Ordinance, including Section 401(D)(4), which provides: \"A sign shall be removed within thirty (30) days whenever the circumstances that led to its erection no longer apply or if safety violations occur.\" ", "Circumstances that dictate removal include: \"c. Vacancy or termination of the subject business for more than six (6) months.\" ", "Id. Section 300(A)(2) provides: \"It is the intent of this Chapter that any lawful use of a structure or land existing at the effective date of this Chapter may be continued although such use does not conform to the provisions of this Chapter. ", "Such uses may be sold or otherwise transferred to other owners and continued as nonconforming uses.\" ", "Section 300(E) provides: \"Abandonment of Nonconforming Use — If a nonconforming use of a building or land ceases for a period of one (1) year or more, subsequent use of such building or land shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter.\"", "\nThe Board concluded that immediately prior to Mr. Finn's sign installation in September 2002, a sign had not been displayed on the second signpost for more than one year; therefore the nonconforming use was abandoned under Section 300(E). ", "The leased premises were vacated and the uses there terminated for more than six months between October 1993 and May 1994 and between August 2000 and June 2001; therefore the signs associated with those uses were required to be removed under Section 401(D)(4). ", "After removal, any new sign could be installed only after obtaining a permit consistent with existing ordinance provisions; replacement signs were not \"lawful\" under Section 300(A)(2) and would not be considered valid nonconforming uses. ", "On appeal the trial court took no additional evidence, and it affirmed.[2]\n\nII\nMr. Finn and Mr. Petrush first contend that the Board erred in concluding that a nonconforming use had been abandoned. ", "The Supreme Court in Pappas v. Zoning Board of Adjustment of City of Philadelphia, 527 Pa. 149, 152-153, 589 A.2d 675, 676-677 (1991), stated that the owner of property to which a lawful nonconforming use has attached \"enjoys a vested property right\" and reiterated the holding that \"abandonment of a nonconforming use cannot be established by mere proof of a failure for a time to use the property or of a temporary use of the property not inconsistent with an intention to use it for the original purpose. ", "There must be evidence of intention to abandon.\" *", "1127 (Citations omitted.) ", "The burden of proof of abandonment is on the party asserting it, Pappas, and abandonment is a question of fact that depends upon all the factors present in the case. ", "Kuhl v. Zoning Hearing Board of Greene Township, 52 Pa.Cmwlth. ", "249, 415 A.2d 954 (1980).", "\nAbandonment is proved only when both essential elements are established: (1) intent to abandon and (2) implementation of the intent, i.e., actual abandonment. ", "This Court stated in Rayel v. Bridgeton Township Zoning Hearing Board, 98 Pa.Cmwlth. ", "455, 511 A.2d 933, 935 (1986), that discontinuance of a nonconforming use for a period in excess of that called for in a zoning ordinance creates a presumption of an intent to abandon, and the presumption \"can carry the burden of proving intent to abandon if no contrary evidence is presented.\" ", "However, in addition to proving intent, those opposing \"must prove that the use was actually abandoned.\" ", "Id.\nThe Supreme Court stated in Latrobe Speedway, Inc. v. Zoning Hearing Board of Unity Township, 553 Pa. 583, 720 A.2d 127 (1998), that failure to use for the specified time under a discontinuance provision is evidence of intent to abandon, which shifts the burden to the party contesting the claim of abandonment, but the introduction of evidence of a contrary intent rebuts the presumption and shifts the burden of persuasion back to the party claiming abandonment. ", "Further: \"What is critical is that the intention to abandon is only one element of the burden of proof on the party asserting abandonment. ", "The second element of the burden of proof is actual abandonment of the use for the prescribed period. ", "This is separate from the element of intent.\" ", "Id. at 592, 720 A.2d at 132. ", "This Court has stated that non-use alone will not satisfy a party's burden to prove abandonment, i.e., \"[a]ctual abandonment must be demonstrated by other evidence, such as overt acts, a failure to act, or statements.\" ", "Latrobe Speedway, Inc. v. Zoning Hearing Board of Unity Township, 686 A.2d 888, 890 (Pa.Cmwlth.1996), aff'd, 553 Pa. 583, 720 A.2d 127 (1998). ", "Also, an interval between the departure of one lessee and the occupancy of another does not constitute abandonment. ", "Kuhl.", "\nIn Grace Building Co., Inc. v. Zoning Hearing Board of City of Allentown, 38 Pa.Cmwlth. ", "193, 392 A.2d 892 (1978), the Court reversed a determination of abandonment of a nonconforming use of a property as a social club. ", "The zoning ordinance contained a discontinuance provision similar to that involved in the present case, stating that a nonconforming use that remained unoccupied or unused during any continuous period of twenty-four months should not be occupied except by a use that was in conformity. ", "The issue was whether the nonconforming use had been abandoned either when the last tenant ceased operation or when the property remained unoccupied for two years. ", "The Court restated that intent to abandon may be inferred from the expiration of a designated period, but it is still necessary to show concurrent overt acts or failures to act indicating abandonment. ", "The record showed no evidence of intent to abandon; rather, it showed a continuing and ultimately successful effort to maintain the use as a social club.", "\nThe closely related second argument of Mr. Finn and Mr. Petrush is that the Board's determination is not supported by substantial evidence. ", "The Board concluded that \"the nonconforming use had been abandoned\" because the sign had not been displayed for two years. ", "Although that fact might create a presumption of intent, the presumption was rebutted by Mr. Petush's testimony that he maintained the second signpost in place and available, that *1128 removal of the sign after the tenants left in 2000 was required by the Zoning Ordinance, not a voluntary act indicating intent to abandon, and that he secured another tenant within less than a year.", "\nTheir third argument is that the Board erred in concluding that a permit was required to continue the nonconforming use. ", "Section 500(A) of the Zoning Ordinance in paragraph (1) requires a zoning permit before any person may occupy or use land, \"[e]rect, rebuild, move, enlarge or structurally alter a building or other structure,\" \"[c]hange the use of land or a structure to a different use,\" or \"[e]xtend or change a nonconforming use.\" ", "Paragraph (2) expressly states that a zoning permit is not required for \"normal maintenance activities, minor repairs, or remodeling or alterations which do not affect the basic structure of an existing building, or increase the lot area coverage, or change the use of the parcel or building.\" ", "They argue that substitution of one business sign for another upon an existing signpost does not fall under any of the Paragraph (1) categories and does fall under the Paragraph (2) categories. ", "A nonconforming use cannot be limited to precisely the same use as existed when it became nonconforming. ", "Limley v. Zoning Hearing Board of Port Vue Borough, 533 Pa. 340, 625 A.2d 54 (1993) (applying doctrine of natural expansion of nonconforming use).", "\nIn response the Board (joined by the Borough) disputes that intent to abandon and actual abandonment were not proved. ", "It notes the presumption of intent to abandon based upon the non-use for more than one year (i.e., two years from August 2000 to September 2002), and it asserts that proof of actual abandonment was shown by removal of the sign by the tenant in August 2000. ", "The Board states that removal of a sign by its owner, lessee of the sign's site, can have the effect of extinguishing the right to rebuild the sign as a nonconforming use, citing Korngold v. Zoning Board of Adjustment of City of Philadelphia, 147 Pa.Cmwlth. ", "93, 606 A.2d 1276 (1992).[3] Also, continuous maintenance of the signpost is not the same as continuous maintenance of the sign, because the definition of sign in Section 601 of the Zoning Ordinance does not include the support structure. ", "Finally, the Board asserts that even if the use was not abandoned under Section 300(E), other provisions require a valid zoning permit. ", "Section 401(A) provides that signs must be erected and maintained only in compliance with the ordinance; Section 401(D)(4)(c) requires removal after a vacancy has continued for six months; Section 500(A) requires a permit before a structure is erected or rebuilt; and Section 601 includes signs in the definition of structure.", "\nThe Court concludes that the Board erred and abused its discretion in concluding that Mr. Petrush abandoned the lawful nonconforming use of the second sign. ", "The Board concluded that \"the nonconforming use had been abandoned under Zoning Ordinance Section 300(E)\" because a sign had not been displayed for in excess of one year after Thompson Dugan, P.C. vacated the premises. ", "Mr. Finn and Mr. Petrush correctly assert that this might serve as evidence of intent to abandon, subject to rebuttal, but that such evidence is not sufficient in itself to establish *1129 actual abandonment. ", "Latrobe Speedway, Inc. The evidence of intent to abandon was rebutted by the testimony of Mr. Petrush that he maintained the second signpost because he intended the sign to be used by future tenants such as Mr. Finn. ", "There was no evidence of actual abandonment introduced, i.e., no evidence of overt acts by Mr. Petrush or of statements or of uses inconsistent with the nonconforming use. ", "In this case the signpost was maintained, not destroyed, which was evidence of intent to continue the nonconforming use. ", "The municipality did not meet its burden to show abandonment so as to overcome the owner's right to continue. ", "Grace Building Co.\nBecause the Board erred in finding abandonment, it also erred in concluding that a permit was required to resume the lawful nonconforming use. ", "The Board's determination that a permit had to be obtained in order for the second sign use to be lawful flowed from its erroneous conclusion that the lawful nonconforming use had been abandoned. ", "The provisions cited by the Board do not independently establish a requirement for a zoning permit before a permitted nonconforming use may be continued. ", "Although Section 601 of the Zoning Ordinance defines \"STRUCTURE\" as \"anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires a fixed location on the ground or an attachment to something having a fixed location on the ground, including in addition to buildings, billboards, ... signs and other building features,\" it also defines \"SIGN\" in part as \"a name, ... display or illustration which is affixed to... a building, structure or piece of land,\" and \"SIGN, SELF-SUPPORTING\" as \"a sign mounted on its own self-supporting structure and constructed on a permanent base.\"", "\nAt argument it was explained that the signpost at issue has two hooks from which the tenant's sign is suspended. ", "Because the ordinance definitions of \"sign\" distinguish between the sign and the support structure, changing a nonconforming sign on an existing structure (or, as in this case, replacing such a sign after a period of absence when there has been no abandonment) is not erecting or rebuilding a structure or changing the use of a structure or extending or changing a nonconforming use under Section 500(A)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance so as to require a zoning permit. ", "Accordingly, the trial court's order is reversed.", "\n\nORDER\nAND NOW, this 8th day of March, 2005, the order of the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver County affirming the order of the Zoning Hearing Board of Beaver Borough is reversed.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The second floor was leased as follows:\n\n\n\nDecember 1985 through December 1990 - J. Lauson Cashdollar, Attorney at Law\nJanuary 1991 through June 1991 - Linas V. Ledebur, Jr., Attorney at Law\nSeptember 1991 through October 1993 - Donna J. Vohar, Attorney at Law\nMay 1994 through August 2000 - Thompson Dugan, P.C., Certified Public Accountants\nJune 2001 through July 2002 - Laser Materials Services, Inc.\nAugust 2002 to the present - Tim Finn, Attorney at Law.", "\n\n[2] In a zoning appeal where the trial court takes no additional evidence, this Court's review is limited to determining whether the zoning hearing board committed an error of law or an abuse of discretion. ", "Dudlik v. Upper Moreland Township Zoning Hearing Board, 840 A.2d 1048 (Pa.Cmwlth.2004).", "\n[3] In Korngold the Court held that where the owner of a large, non-accessory rooftop sign that was a valid nonconforming use dismantled it and removed it after disagreeing with the owner of the building on new lease terms, the issue was not abandonment, which requires proof of intent to relinquish the use voluntarily. ", "Rather, the sign and its support structure were totally destroyed, and the right to reconstruct was extinguished by operation of law and the nonconforming use was extinguished also.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAdd/Edit Email field not shown when editing a contact\n\nI have created a drupal civicrm site using version 4.7.14 and noticed for some reason when editing a contact I don't have the option to edit the contact's email address nor do I have the option to add an email. ", "I can't even find the contact's email when viewing their contact info. ", "Normally the email is found above \"website\" and below \"source\". ", "I'm missing this necessary field. ", "I have created multiple drupal civicrm sites before and I have never encountered this problem until now, is it possible that because I installed the latest Civicrm version this might be a bug? ", "The other Civicrm sites I created are older than version 4.7.14. ", "I hope someone can help me in figuring this out soon.", "\nHere are a couple screenshots.", "\n\nNo Email between source and website \n\nNo email found under contact details, also first and last name missing under \"individual name fields\"\n-Mike\n\nA:\n\nI looked at the code and can tell you what you're missing, but not why.", "\nRun the following SQL statement on your CiviCRM database:\nSELECT cov.* ", "FROM civicrm_option_value cov JOIN civicrm_option_group cog ON cov.option_group_id = cog.id WHERE cog.name = \"contact_edit_options\";\n\nYou should get a result that looks like:\n+-----+-----------------+---------------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------+--------+------------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+-----------+---------------+------+-------+\n| id | option_group_id | label | value | name | grouping | filter | is_default | weight | description | is_optgroup | is_reserved | is_active | component_id | domain_id | visibility_id | icon | color |\n+-----+-----------------+---------------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------+--------+------------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+-----------+---------------+------+-------+\n| 137 | 18 | Custom Data | 1 | CustomData | NULL | 0 | NULL | 1 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 138 | 18 | Address | 2 | Address | NULL | 0 | NULL | 2 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 139 | 18 | Communication Preferences | 3 | CommunicationPreferences | NULL | 0 | NULL | 3 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 140 | 18 | Notes | 4 | Notes | NULL | 0 | NULL | 4 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 141 | 18 | Demographics | 5 | Demographics | NULL | 0 | NULL | 5 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 142 | 18 | Tags and Groups | 6 | TagsAndGroups | NULL | 0 | NULL | 6 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 143 | 18 | Email | 7 | Email | NULL | 1 | NULL | 7 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 144 | 18 | Phone | 8 | Phone | NULL | 1 | NULL | 8 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 145 | 18 | Instant Messenger | 9 | IM | NULL | 1 | NULL | 9 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 146 | 18 | Open ID | 10 | OpenID | NULL | 1 | NULL | 10 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 147 | 18 | Website | 11 | Website | NULL | 1 | NULL | 11 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 148 | 18 | Prefix | 12 | Prefix | NULL | 2 | NULL | 12 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 149 | 18 | Formal Title | 13 | Formal Title | NULL | 2 | NULL | 13 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 150 | 18 | First Name | 14 | First Name | NULL | 2 | NULL | 14 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 151 | 18 | Middle Name | 15 | Middle Name | NULL | 2 | NULL | 15 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 152 | 18 | Last Name | 16 | Last Name | NULL | 2 | NULL | 16 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n| 153 | 18 | Suffix | 17 | Suffix | NULL | 2 | NULL | 17 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |\n+-----+-----------------+---------------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------+--------+------------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+-----------+---------------+------+-------+\n17 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nNote how all my options with a filter of \"1\" show are the items that appear in that list. ", " My guess is you're missing the \"Email\" record.", "\nI don't know why - and that would concern me, because who knows what else is missing? ", " That said, you can fix this problem by inserting a row in the civicrm_option_value table for email. ", " The values may be slightly different for you than me (the option_group_id isn't always the same) but you should be able to figure out the values easily enough by looking at the values that are present in the database.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0009267840593141798, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "**Session:** 271. ", "Novel Diagnostics for Fungi, Parasites, and CNS Infection\n\n*Saturday, October 6, 2018: 2:00 PM*\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0, 0.010416666666666666 ]
[ "Pedestrians recommend socks shoes for babies starting to walk. ", "The soft grippy sole is very efficient to avoid slippage and rolls over the toe to protect the feet. ", "These shoes can be used inside and outside<br />You can wash them by hand or in machine with a low temperature (30°). ", "You can buy them when your baby starts to sit up and to crawl. ", "The socks will him / her to grip the floor while protecting his / her feet<br />Have a look on size chart available on products photos to choose the right size. ", "If you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to contact us.", "\n\nC2BB offers a wide range of baby shoes products. ", "Soft sole leather shoes, leather shoes, first steps shoes … You will find also some anti slip socks and our famous socks-shoes. ", "Our products are available from new born to 4 years old childrens.", "Copyright C2BB - 2015" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "/*\n * Licensed to Green Energy Corp (www.greenenergycorp.com) under one or\n * more contributor license agreements. ", "See the NOTICE file distributed\n * with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.", "\n * Green Energy Corp licenses this file to you under the Apache License,\n * Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in\n * compliance with the License. ", " You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n *\n * This project was forked on 01/01/2013 by Automatak, LLC and modifications\n * may have been made to this file. ", "Automatak, LLC licenses these modifications\n * to you under the terms of the License.", "\n */\n#ifndef OPENDNP3_PARSERSETTINGS_H\n#define OPENDNP3_PARSERSETTINGS_H\n\n#include \"opendnp3/LogLevels.h\"\n\nnamespace opendnp3\n{\n\nclass ParserSettings\n{\npublic:\n\n\tstatic ParserSettings NoContents(int32_t filters = flags::APP_OBJECT_RX)\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParserSettings(false, filters);\n\t}\n\n\tstatic ParserSettings Default(int32_t filters = flags::APP_OBJECT_RX)\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParserSettings(true, filters);\n\t}\n\n\tstatic ParserSettings Create(bool expectContents = true, int32_t filters = flags::APP_OBJECT_RX)\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParserSettings(expectContents, filters);\n\t}\n\n\tinline bool ExpectsContents() const\n\t{\n\t\treturn expectContents;\n\t}\n\n\tinline int32_t Filters() const\n\t{\n\t\treturn logFilters;\n\t}\n\nprivate:\n\n\tParserSettings(bool expectContents_ = true, int32_t logFilters_ = flags::APP_OBJECT_RX) :\n\t\texpectContents(expectContents_),\n\t\tlogFilters(logFilters_)\n\t{}\n\n\n\tconst bool expectContents;\n\tconst int32_t logFilters;\n};\n}\n\n#endif\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.017391304347826087, 0.009345794392523364, 0.011494252873563218, 0.006493506493506494, 0.009523809523809525, 0.017094017094017096, 0.023529411764705882, 0.00760043431053203 ]
[ "[Project to improve the free flap survival rate in oral cancer microreconstruction free flap surgery].", "\nFree-flap thrombosis risk factors affect the success of microreconstruction surgery that involves the use of a free flap. ", "The free flap survival rate in our unit was 92.65%. ", "Relevant risk factors identified included: (1) poor nursing assessment cognizance and low accuracy rates; (2) lack of standardized of postoperative monitoring protocols; (3) lack of assessment tools; (4) inadequate inter-team communication; and (5) lack of a free flap care monitoring audit. ", "The purpose of this project was to improve the free flap survival rate from 92.65% to at least 97%. ", "The authors: (1) held relevant educational training programs; (2) evaluated nurse skills in clinical settings; (3) established a standardized nursing monitoring protocol; (4) provided sufficient assessment equipment; (5) improved inter-team communication mechanisms; and (6) formulated a monitoring audit protocol. ", "The free flap survival rate rose from 92.65% to 100%, with no failed flaps during the assessment period December 2011 to May 2012. ", "The resolutions proposed by this project may significantly improve the free flap survival rate." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This package arrived while I was in the middle of fighting what felt to be the plague. ", "It was really nice to receive it then as it reminded me of when I was a small child and my mother would bring me books to read when I was home sick. ", "It didn't happen very often as I was a fairly healthy kid but it remains a good memory.", "\n\nMy Santa shared with me two of his current favorites and I really appreciate him doing so. ", "It's always so great when people do this in book exchanges as I feel it helps bring me out of my \"box\" and introduce me to items I otherwise may not have considered. ", "This situation is not an exception to that and I am excited to have a new adventure to add to my reading list. ", "Right in time for spring break, too! ", "Once I finish what I am currently reading about hemochromotosis, I think I am going to be ready for some adventure fiction. ", "Thank you!!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "[Effect of gamma radiation on levels of adenine nucleotides in erythrocytes of healthy individuals after submaximum physical exertion].", "\nThe authors studied the effect of gamma radiation and submaximum physical exercise on adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP), adenosine-5'-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine-5'-monophosphate (AMP) contents in erythrocytes of healthy males. ", "Twenty one men aged 20-22 years were examined. ", "They underwent physical exercise at doses of 2 w/kg body weight for 15 min. ", "Erythrocytes were exposed to gamma radiation (500 gy doses) from 60Co source. ", "The concentration of adenine nucleotides in erythrocytes was measured by the Boehringer Mannheim tests. ", "The submaximum physical exercise was found to decrease ATP content and to to increase ADP and AMP in erythrocytes. ", "Gamma radiation at 500 Gy dose was found to decrease ATP concentration in erythrocytes both at rest and after submaximum exercise and to increase AD content. ", "It was revealed that AMP content increased at rest and decreased after submaximum exercise in irradiated erythrocytes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004329004329004329, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0.00847457627118644 ]
[ "Jatco 3N71 transmission\n\nThe Jatco 3N71 transmission was the first 3-speed automatic transmission from Nissan. ", "It was an introduced as a conventional alternative to the then-ubiquitous and popular Borg-Warner Type 35. ", "It was designed for use with rear wheel drive vehicles with longitudinal engines. ", "In 1982, it gained a locking torque converter (L3N71b) for greater efficiency, and gained an overdrive section in 1983 (L4N71b), culminating with preliminary electronic sensors and control functions being added in 1985 (E4N71b).", "\n\nApplications:\n\n 1969–1971 Nissan 576\n 1971–1978 Mazda 616\n 1971–1972 Mazda R100\n 1971–1973 Mazda Mizer\n 1971–1973 Datsun 240Z\n 1971–1974 Mazda RX-2\n 1972–1976 Mazda 818\n 1972–1977 Mazda 808\n 1972–1979 Datsun 620\n 1972–1982 Nissan 180B\n 1972–1982 Nissan 200L\n 1972–1982 Datsun 240C\n 1972–1982 Datsun 260C\n 1972–1977 Mazda RX-3\n 1973–1982 Ford Courier\n 1974–1978 Mazda RX-4\n 1974–1979 Datsun 260Z\n 1975–1978 Datsun 280Z\n 1976–1978 Mazda Cosmo\n 1977–1980 Mercury Monarch\n 1977–1983 Mazda GLC\n 1978–1982 Mazda Montrose\n 1979–1986 Datsun 720\n 1980–1982 Mazda 626\n 1980–1983 Nissan 200SX\n 1980–1983 Datsun 280ZX\n 1980–1982 Nissan Maxima\n 1980–1983 Mazda RX-7\n 1982–1985 Mazda Pickup\n 1986–1987 Nissan Pathfinder\n 1986–1987 Nissan Pickup\n 1986–1993 Mazda Pickup\n\nSee also\nList of Jatco transmissions\n\n3N71" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.009009009009009009, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.03 ]
[ "Lon,\n\nI added sensitivity of the ostrip premium to the basis offset (output 10)\nfor the forward start options in OSTRIP2 model\n\nI added forward vega (7) gas daily vega (8) and Charm (9) previously\nfor Larry May.\n\n\nPlease find the example spreadsheet and Exotica add-in. ", " (you need to\ndelink your Exotica addin and Browse to select the new addin).", "\nAfter you test it, we can put into the release version. ", " Use the attached \naddin\nas the temporary one.", "\n\nLet me know your comments.", "\n\nZimin" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
[ 0.011111111111111112, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Texas Longhorns will have to prepare for a new Iowa State Cyclones offensive coordinator this week after head coach Paul Rhoads revealed that Mark Mangino is out after less than two season:\n\nIowa State announces Mark Mangino out as offensive coordinator. ", "Todd Sturdy takes over. ", "Paul Rhoads says he and Mangino not on the same page — Jake Trotter (@Jake_Trotter) October 26, 2015\n\nThe 59-year-old Mangino had been out of coaching since he was fired as the Kansas head coach in 2009 prior to taking a job with his alma mater, Youngstown State, in 2013. ", "A year later, he joined the Iowa State coaching staff as the offensive coordinator/tight ends coach.", "\n\nIn an odd move, despite the public announcement of Magino's departure, Rhoads hadn't yet told his players:\n\nRhoads said he hasn't told the team yet about Mangino. ", "He wants to \"look them in the eye\" and tell them in person at a 1:30 meeting. — ", "Bobby La Gesse (@BobbyLaGesse) October 26, 2015\n\nThe exact philosophical differences aren't yet clear, but this has apparently been building for some time, despite the fact that there are signs that the Iowa State offensive is functioning at a reasonably high level -- the Cyclones are No. ", "55 nationally in offensive S&P+ and No. ", "47 in offensive efficiency.", "\n\nA 2-5 record doesn't reflect well on Rhoads or Mangino, but Iowa State has also faced the ninth-hardest schedule in the country, so there haven't been a lot of easy wins available. ", "The context and solid offensive production make this a move that reeks of desparation from the embattled Rhoads, who is likely to lose his own job after the season barring a miraculous and unlikely finish.", "\n\nReplacement Todd Sturdy won't have much time to adjust the offense, so don't expect anything more than some minor tweaks by this Saturday as Sturdy attempts to more fully align his side of the ball with Rhoads' preferences.", "\n\nSturdy is now in his fourth season at Iowa State, having helped to develop wide receiver Quenton Bundrage before moving to quarterbacks coach in 2014 and overseeing a historically significant season from Sam Richardson. ", "Despite that development last year, redshirt sophomore Joel Lanning is the new starter after throwing three touchdowns passes against Baylor, further complicating Texas game planning. ", "From 2008-2011, Sturdy served as the offensive coordinator under Paul Wulff at Washington State." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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[ "import { execSync } from 'child_process';\nimport { URL } from 'url';\nimport { commandAsWebserver } from '../globals';\n\n/**\n * Installs a Drupal test site.", "\n *\n * @param {oject} [settings={}]\n * Settings object\n * @param {string} [settings.setupFile='']\n * Setup file used by TestSiteApplicationTest\n * @param {function} callback\n * A callback which will be called, when the installation is finished.", "\n * @return {object}\n * The 'browser' object.", "\n */\nexports.command = function drupalInstall({ setupFile = '' } = {}, callback) {\n const self = this;\n\n try {\n setupFile = setupFile ? ", "`--setup-file \"${setupFile}\"` : '';\n const dbOption =\n process.env.DRUPAL_TEST_DB_URL.length > 0\n ? ", "`--db-url ${process.env.", "DRUPAL_TEST_DB_URL}`\n : '';\n const install = execSync(\n commandAsWebserver(\n `php ./scripts/test-site.php install ${setupFile} --install-profile nightwatch_testing --base-url ${process.env.", "DRUPAL_TEST_BASE_URL} ${dbOption} --json`,\n ),\n );\n const installData = JSON.parse(install.toString());\n this.globals.drupalDbPrefix = installData.db_prefix;\n this.globals.drupalSitePath = installData.site_path;\n const url = new URL(process.env.", "DRUPAL_TEST_BASE_URL);\n this.url(process.env.", "DRUPAL_TEST_BASE_URL).setCookie({\n name: 'SIMPLETEST_USER_AGENT',\n // Colons need to be URL encoded to be valid.", "\n value: encodeURIComponent(installData.user_agent),\n path: url.pathname,\n domain: url.host,\n });\n } catch (error) {\n this.assert.fail(error);\n }\n\n // Nightwatch doesn't like it when no actions are added in a command file.", "\n // https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/issues/1792\n this.pause(1);\n\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n callback.call(self);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.012, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0037735849056603774, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.0040650406504065045, 0.005988023952095809 ]
[ "iTRAQ-coupled 2-D LC-MS/MS analysis of cytoplasmic protein profile in Escherichia coli incubated with apidaecin IB.", "\nApidaecins refer to a series of proline-rich, 18- to 20-residue antimicrobial peptides produced by insects. ", "Accumulating evidence that proline-rich antimicrobial peptides are not-toxic to human and animal cells makes them potential candidates for the development of novel antibiotic drugs. ", "However, the mechanism of action was not fully understood. ", "In this study, antibacterial mechanism of apidaecins was investigated. ", "iTRAQ-coupled 2-D LC-MS/MS technique was utilized to identify altered cytoplasmic proteins of Escherichia coli incubated with one isoform of apidaecins--apidaecin IB. ", "The production of the chaperonin GroEL and its cofactor GroES, which together form the only essential chaperone system in E. coli cytoplasm under all growth conditions, was decreased in cells incubated with apidaecin IB. ", "The decreasing of the GroEL-GroES chaperone team was further found to be involved in a new antibacterial mechanism of apidaecins. ", "Our findings therefore provide important new insights into the antibacterial mechanism of apidaecins and perhaps, by extension, for other proline-rich antimicrobial peptides." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0.004524886877828055, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRails use a method for an associations primary key\n\nI have a model with a serialized value (using store_accessor) that contains an associated objects ID. ", "For example:\nclass Foo < ActiveRecord::Base \n store_accessor :settings, [:bar_id]\n\n belongs_to :bar, foreign_key: :bar_id, primary_key: :id\nend\n\nFoo.first.bar_id => 123\nFoo.first.bar => nil \n\nI know there exists a Bar with an ID of 123 and I can see that the query is never even made - I'm assuming this is because Rails incorrectly thinks that bar_id is nil. ", "\nWhat am I doing wrong?", "\nRails 4.2.10\nUpdate #1\nFoo.find(1).bar_id\nFoo Load (0.5ms) SELECT \"foos\".* ", "FROM \"foos\" WHERE \"foos\".", "\"id\" = $1 LIMIT 1 [[\"id\", 1]]\n=> \"123\"\n\nFoo.find(1).bar\nFoo Load (0.5ms) SELECT \"foos\".* ", "FROM \"foos\" WHERE \"foos\".", "\"id\" = $1 LIMIT 1 [[\"id\", 1]]\n=> nil\n\nBar.find Foo.find(1).bar_id\nFoo Load (0.5ms) SELECT \"foos\".* ", "FROM \"foos\" WHERE \"foos\".", "\"id\" = $1 LIMIT 1 [[\"id\", 1]]\nBar Load (0.4ms) SELECT \"bars\".* ", "FROM \"bars\" WHERE \"bars\".", "\"id\" = $1 LIMIT 1 [[\"id\", 123]]\n=> #<Bar id: 123>\n\nA:\n\nI believe this is because of how both attributes are stored in the model. ", "If you reference how the belongs_to association is setup, it uses an attribute on the model. ", "The store on a model defines a _read_store_attribute which is different from _read_attribute.", "\nIf these two are different, which they are, the belongs_to association on a model would not be setup.", "\nIn your case, it's looking for bar_id as an attribute in the model; not a virtual attribute.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nAggressive UDP flows\n\nI am reading about the DBL feature on the Cisco 4500E which protect the buffers from filling up with traffic that is identified as nonadaptive or belligerent flows such as aggressive UDP flows. ", "Since my curiosity doesn't stop here, i am trying to understand how the supervisor engine identify this type of traffic, which characteristics has this traffic apart from being UDP.", "\nIs this UDP traffic only?", "\nCan someone provide me with examples of aggressive UDP flows or any other flows that are marked as belligerent flows?", "\nRegards\nGonçalo Reis\n\nA:\n\nIndustry’s First Hardware and Flow-Based Congestion Avoidance at Wire Speed\nA Cisco innovation, Dynamic Buffer Limiting (DBL) is the first flow-based congestion avoidance quality-of-service (QoS) technique suitable for high-speed hardware implementation. ", "Operating on all ports in the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Switch, DBL effectively recognizes and limits numerous misbehaving traffic flows, particularly flows in a network that are unresponsive to explicit congestion feedback such as packet drops (typically UDP-based traffic flows). ", "It is a multiprotocol technique that can examine a flow’s Layer 2/3/4 fields.", "\nDBL provides on-demand Active Queue Management by tracking the queue length for each traffic flow in the switch. ", "When the queue length of a specific flow exceeds its limit, DBL will drop packets or mark the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) field in the packet headers, so the flow can be handled appropriately by servers in the unlikely event of network congestion. ", "Unchecked flows—also known as belligerent or non-adaptive flows—use excessive bandwidth, and their consumption of switch buffers results in poor application performance for end users. ", "This misbehaving traffic can also negatively affect well-behaved flows and wreak havoc with QoS.\nBelligerent flows can come from misbehaving or aggressive applications that try to use an excessive amount of bandwidth. ", "An application without any congestion control mechanism that attempts to use all the available bandwidth would result in belligerent flows. ", "An aggressive or improper TCP implementation on a high performance host can transmit high rate traffic to the network. ", "\nBelligerent flows can also come from network failures or misconfigurations. ", "For instance, in a switched Ethernet environment, a spanning-tree loop, where packets are forwarded at wire rate through a circle of switches can result in several belligerent flows. ", "Similarly, router misconfigurations can lead to looping behavior, such as multicast routing loops. ", "A belligerent flow can also arise because of a host interface or operating system failure where packets are transmitted into the network at it's maximum rate. ", "Less common but still of concern, a malicious host or compromised switch or router can inject high rate streams of packets into the network. ", "\nSome reading:\nUsing Dynamic buffer Limiting to protect against Belligerent flows in High-speed Networks\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.013636363636363636, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.038461538461538464, 0.00847457627118644, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.007067137809187279, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.003861003861003861, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "When complete, the RegentΓÇÖs Place complex will provide a total 760,000 square feet of West End office space and 240,000 square feet of residential flats.", "\n\nΓÇ£We are delighted to be taking more space at RegentΓÇÖs Place for our new headquarters,ΓÇ¥ says Michael Sharp, Chief Executive of Debenhams PLC.", "\n\nΓÇ£The estateΓÇÖs attributes are clear to see, being well positioned and featuring fantastic amenities, and we continue to work with British Land ahead of moving into the new offices in 2013.ΓÇ¥\n\nΓÇ£It is hugely pleasing to be letting this additional space to Debenhams, in what is the largest pre-let in the West End for over six years,ΓÇ¥ adds Tim Roberts, Head of Offices at British Land.", "\n\nΓÇ£The confidence of major corporates such as Debenhams to select RegentΓÇÖs Place as the location for their headquarters is further evidence of the strength of the estateΓÇÖs appeal, services and amenities and of the increasing demand from occupiers for high quality office space.”" ]
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[ "Your Photos\n\nTerry Foster\n\nBeecher's Mr. Basketball gets best of Consortium's Jackson\n\nWest Bloomfield -- Monte' Morris walked out of the gym a hero Tuesday night.", "\n\nWhich is not unusual.", "\n\nA red-and-white varsity jacket was draped over his shoulders. ", "The back told the story of a young man finishing up a dream season.", "\n\n\"First Team All-State\"\n\n\"Player of the Year\"\n\nThe lettering was big and bold, sort of like Morris' game. ", "He scored 26 as Flint Beecher defeated Detroit Consortium Prep, 46-44, in a Class C quarterfinal game.", "\n\nBut there was more than one player to watch this night.", "\n\nMeet Consortium freshman guard Joshua Jackson, who, unlike Morris, wasn't smiling. ", "Instead, he was locked in the warm embrace of family and friends after the loss.", "\n\nHe can be comforted in the fact he took Mr. Basketball down to the wire.", "\n\nBut this game came down to one play — one more play the senior headed to Iowa State had and the one the freshman didn't.", "\n\nAt least not yet.", "\n\n'He should reach greatness'\n\nConsortium trailed by two with less than 10 seconds remaining when he was given an opportunity.", "\n\nHe took the ball and decided to drive.", "\n\nBut Morris had studied the freshman closely during game film sessions. ", "He knew Jackson loved to drive left.", "\n\nSo, Morris stole the ball. ", "And Beecher won, and is headed to Breslin Center to play Monroe St. Mary's Catholic Central in the state semifinals.", "\n\n\"We are hopeful that he will walk away from this and be a better man for it,\" Consortium interim coach James Mitchell said of Jackson. \"", "He is such a nice young man. ", "He will get better because of this.\"", "\n\nMorris agrees.", "\n\n\"This kid is going to be scary,\" Morris said. \"", "I can really see his potential.", "\n\n\"There is no reason why he should not reach greatness. ", "It was really hard to earn it tonight.\"", "\n\nJackson finished with nine points, but his game is not just about scoring.", "\n\nHe is 6-foot-6 with a mature game. ", "He rebounds, blocks shots and finds teammates.", "\n\nAnd he doesn't have the charisma Morris has.", "\n\nThat will come with time.", "\n\nInstead, Jackson didn't speak after the game. ", "His family wants to keep him grounded and develop into a top-notch student and basketball player.", "\n\n'Moments I will cherish'\n\nAs for Morris, this night was just another in a long line of successes.", "\n\nBut, he knows things will change a bit next year at Iowa State.", "\n\n\"I got that Beecher love here,\" said Morris, named Mr. Basketball this week. \"", "Everybody loves us and it is a great feeling. ", "I know I won't get this much love even at Iowa State. ", "It is moments like this that I will cherish.\"", "\n\nConsortium and Jackson won't cherish this night.", "\n\nThey'll learn from it.", "\n\nThey'll see that Morris took those steps from failure to success.", "\n\nAnd if you listen to Johnson, the process already has begun.", "\n\n\"You can't win until you lose,\" he told his team. \"", "Next time you will know what to do.\"", "\n\nSee Also\n\nMore Terry Foster\n\nThe Detroit News aims to provide a forum that fosters smart, civil discussions on the news and events that we cover. ", "The News will not condone personal attacks, off topic posts or brutish language on our site. ", "If you find a comment that you believe violates these standards, please click the \"X\" in the upper right corner of the post to report it." ]
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[ "# pkg.m4 - Macros to locate and utilise pkg-config. ", " -*- Autoconf -*-\n#\n# Copyright © 2004 Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com>.", "\n#\n# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n# (at your option) any later version.", "\n#\n# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n# General Public License for more details.", "\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.", "\n#\n# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you\n# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a\n# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under\n# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.", "\n\n# PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG([MIN-VERSION])\n# ----------------------------------\nAC_DEFUN([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG],\n[m4_pattern_forbid([^_?PKG_[A-Z_]+$])\nm4_pattern_allow([^PKG_CONFIG(_PATH)?$])\nAC_ARG_VAR([PKG_CONFIG], [path to pkg-config utility])dnl\nif test \"x$ac_cv_env_PKG_CONFIG_set\" !", "= \"xset\"; then\n\tAC_PATH_TOOL([PKG_CONFIG], [pkg-config])\nfi\nif test -n \"$PKG_CONFIG\"; then\n\t_pkg_min_version=m4_default([$1], [0.9.0])\n\tAC_MSG_CHECKING([pkg-config is at least version $_pkg_min_version])\n\tif $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $_pkg_min_version; then\n\t\tAC_MSG_RESULT([yes])\n\telse\n\t\tAC_MSG_RESULT([no])\n\t\tPKG_CONFIG=\"\"\n\tfi\n\nfi[]dnl\n])# PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG\n\n# PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(MODULES, [ACTION-IF-FOUND], [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND])\n#\n# Check to see whether a particular set of modules exists. ", " Similar\n# to PKG_CHECK_MODULES(), but does not set variables or print errors.", "\n#\n#\n# Similar to PKG_CHECK_MODULES, make sure that the first instance of\n# this or PKG_CHECK_MODULES is called, or make sure to call\n# PKG_CHECK_EXISTS manually\n# --------------------------------------------------------------\nAC_DEFUN([PKG_CHECK_EXISTS],\n[AC_REQUIRE([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG])dnl\nif test -n \"$PKG_CONFIG\" && \\\n AC_RUN_LOG([$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"$1\"]); then\n m4_ifval([$2], [$2], [:])\nm4_ifvaln([$3], [else\n $3])dnl\nfi])\n\n\n# _PKG_CONFIG([VARIABLE], [COMMAND], [MODULES])\n# ---------------------------------------------\nm4_define([_PKG_CONFIG],\n[if test -n \"$PKG_CONFIG\"; then\n if test -n \"$$1\"; then\n pkg_cv_[]$1=\"$$1\"\n else\n PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([$3],\n [pkg_cv_[]$1=`$PKG_CONFIG --[]$2 \"$3\" 2>/dev/null`],\n\t\t\t [pkg_failed=yes])\n fi\nelse\n\tpkg_failed=untried\nfi[]dnl\n])# _PKG_CONFIG\n\n# _PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED\n# -----------------------------\nAC_DEFUN([_PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED],\n[AC_REQUIRE([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG])\nif $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then\n _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes\nelse\n _pkg_short_errors_supported=no\nfi[]dnl\n])# _PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED\n\n\n# PKG_CHECK_MODULES(VARIABLE-PREFIX, MODULES, [ACTION-IF-FOUND],\n# [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND])\n#\n#\n# Note that if there is a possibility the first call to\n# PKG_CHECK_MODULES might not happen, you should be sure to include an\n# explicit call to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG in your configure.ac\n#\n#\n# --------------------------------------------------------------\nAC_DEFUN([PKG_CHECK_MODULES],\n[AC_REQUIRE([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG])dnl\nAC_ARG_VAR([$1][_CFLAGS], [C compiler flags for $1, overriding pkg-config])dnl\nAC_ARG_VAR([$1][_LIBS], [linker flags for $1, overriding pkg-config])dnl\n\npkg_failed=no\nAC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1])\n\n_PKG_CONFIG([$1][_CFLAGS], [cflags], [$2])\n_PKG_CONFIG([$1][_LIBS], [libs], [$2])\n\nm4_define([_PKG_TEXT], [Alternatively, you may set the environment variables $1[]_CFLAGS\nand $1[]_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.", "\nSee the pkg-config man page for more details.])", "\n\nif test $pkg_failed = yes; then\n _PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED\n if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then\n\t $1[]_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors \"$2\"`\n else\n\t $1[]_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors \"$2\"`\n fi\n\t# Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs\n\techo \"$$1[]_PKG_ERRORS\" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD\n\n\tifelse([$4], , [AC_MSG_ERROR(dnl\n[Package requirements ($2) were not met:\n\n$$1_PKG_ERRORS\n\nConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you\ninstalled software in a non-standard prefix.", "\n\n_PKG_TEXT\n])],\n\t\t[AC_MSG_RESULT([no])\n $4])\nelif test $pkg_failed = untried; then\n\tifelse([$4], , [AC_MSG_FAILURE(dnl\n[The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old. ", " Make sure it\nis in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full\npath to pkg-config.", "\n\n_PKG_TEXT\n\nTo get pkg-config, see <http://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/>.])],", "\n\t\t[$4])\nelse\n\t$1[]_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_[]$1[]_CFLAGS\n\t$1[]_LIBS=$pkg_cv_[]$1[]_LIBS\n AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])\n\tifelse([$3], , :, [$3])\nfi[]dnl\n])# PKG_CHECK_MODULES\n" ]
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[ "Expression of transthyretin and retinol binding protein mRNAs and secretion of transthyretin by cultured monkey retinal pigment epithelium.", "\nTo document the expression of mRNA for transthyretin (TTR) and retinol binding protein (RBP) in native and cultured Rhesus monkey retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE); to compare mRNA transcripts for these two proteins expressed in RPE with those found in whole monkey liver and brain; to demonstrate the secretion of TTR by RPE during short-term maintenance in a protein-free, defined medium, as a manifestation of the differentiated state of these cells in vitro. ", "Total RNA was isolated from cultured RPE in first passage, after incubation for eight days in defined, protein-free medium. ", "Conditioned medium was collected for western analysis at this time. ", "Total RNA was also extracted from RPE/choroid freshly dissected from monkey eyes. ", "Using cDNA probes for human TTR and RBP, northern analysis was performed on the total RNA from fresh and cultured RPE samples, together with poly(A+) mRNA purified from monkey liver and brain. ", "Conditioned medium from RPE yielded TTR protein of the expected monomer subunit molecular size. ", "The TTR secreted de novo from the cultured cells was detectable in the absence of biosynthetic labeling. ", "With the exception of some extremely low abundance transcripts expressed in cultured RPE, all samples contained a single 900 bp transcript for TTR. ", "Based on relative amounts of actual message, RPE ranks higher than liver in abundance of TTR mRNA. ", "In contrast, both native monkey RPE and cultured RPE cells expressed comparatively low levels of mRNA for RBP. ", "All samples displayed a single RBP mRNA transcript at 1100 bp. ", "Our results indicate that TTR is a significant gene product of the RPE, and may be considered as a marker for a differentiated phenotype for these cells in culture. ", "There is increased recognition of various forms of ocular pathology associated with mutations or other malfunctions involving TTR and RBP, warranting a greater understanding of mechanisms of transcriptional and translational control for these two proteins." ]
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[ "At 7:50 AM local time, she spread the Lithuanian tricolour on top of Manaslu. “", "The feeling was incredible!” ", "Edita recalls. ", "It was only one week after a tragic incident where an avalanche buried other climbers who were reaching for the peak.", "\n\n“The Manaslu expedition was part of my preparations for Everest (8,848 metres). ", "There is no better way to prepare for climbing than by climbing. ", "I am still in the recovery phase from the Manaslu expeditions. ", "Once I have recovered a little more, I will begin my daily runs, yoga and, of course, weekend trekking whenever and wherever I can,” Nichols told 15min after returning from Nepal back to her job in Rome.", "\n\nShe left Lithuania 16 years ago and has been on the move ever since. ", "She has spent periods of her life living in France, Canada, the United States, Italy. ", "In Rome, she started working for the UN World Food Programme and has taken part in humanitarian missions in Haiti and Niger. ", "Lately, Edita has been based in Switzerland.", "\n\nDébut in Kilimanjaro\n\n“My first significant peak was Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. ", "I felt it was the beginning of my climbing feats. ", "It became an important part of my life. ", "I went to the Himalayas, where I trekked and climbed several peaks including Mera Peak,” she recounts.", "\n\nNichols climbed Kilimanjaro (5,895) in 2010. ", "The following year, she conquered several peaks in Nepal and Mont Blanc (4,810) in the Alps. ", "That same year, she climbed the sixth highest peak in the world, Cho Oyu (8,201) in the Himalayas – the first Lithuanian woman to do so.", "\n\nThis year, Edita has already climbed the mountains in Argentina. ", "And in early autumn she once again headed for the Himalayas. ", "This time – for mount Manaslu in Nepal, the eight-highest mountain in the world. ", "Sinister crevasses and regular avalanches also make it one of the four most dangerous peaks in the world.", "\n\nAnd Manaslu more than lived up to its reputation in the early hours of 23 September. ", "A massive avalanched slid down its slope, burying a camp close to the peak. ", "More than ten climbers died, many were injured.", "\n\nSilence and tears\n\nEdita was climbing up Manaslu as part of an international expedition which included climbers from Canada, China, Denmark, Lithuania, Nepal, Russia, the US, and the UK. ", "The team was led by Phil Crampton from Great Britain.", "\n\nWhen the avalanche hit, Edita's team was stationed at camp two, a little below the site of the accident. ", "However, she did feel the force of nature. ", "A mass of snow hit her tent as well.", "\n\n“A powerful force hit out tent and we were trying to hold it up as we were tumbling down. ", "Things happened so fast that there was no time to panic. ", "There were so many thoughts that ran through my mind and I thought we’ll get buried under the snow. ", "Fortunately, the blast stopped and we were able to get out of the tent,” she said the following day.", "\n\nEdita's team escaped any serious harm. ", "However, news from the camp a little further up was tragic. ", "Climbers could see how, one after another, rescue helicopters were retrieving bodies.", "\n\nFive people from Edita's team were too shocked to continue the climb – they packed up and went home. ", "The rest of the group, including Nichols herself, decided to go on.", "\n\nOn their way up, the team passed the site of the tragedy. “", "It was beyond emotional. ", "As I saw the debris, pieces of tents, and other things left behind, it sent chills up my spine. ", "The whole area was devastating to look at,” Nichols says.", "\n\nSights make up for trouble\n\nFear, pain, cold, thinning air are but a few things in the long list of challenges that the Lithuanian has to deal during her quests. ", "However, views from mountaintops make it all worthwhile.", "\n\n“You get to see things most people will never get to see. ", "You become a part of the mountain and it takes on human qualities. ", "It can be kind and beautiful and it can be ugly and angry,” she says.", "\n\nEdita reached the peak of Manaslu using oxygen tanks. ", "According to her, oxygen eases breathing as air gets thinner, ensures proper blood circulation, thus preventing frostbites and altitude sickness.", "\n\n“I have nothing to hide, I wanted to reach that summit on my own two feet and I did. ", "If others choose not to use oxygen, that is a personal choice, but it does decrease the chances for success and increases the risk of injury. ", "This is not to take anything away from those that summit without oxygen, they are strong and should be proud of their accomplishment,” according to Nichols.", "\n\nChance is not enough\n\nEven though Edita started climbing just a few years ago, she has already achieved incredible things. ", "She admits to being a total novice in mountaineering and speculates that her success was much helped by chance. ", "But chance alone would not do the trick – proper preparation is key.", "\n\n“I did smaller climbs first and only do what I know I am capable of. ", "It is like any other significant goal, you don't just wake up one morning and decide: I am doing what would be impossible and dangerous.", "\n\n“You progress, taking it one day at a time,” she says. “", "I only consider going on when it is as safe as possible and I would turn back if the conditions were dangerous or I was physically injured or sick. ", "What I keep constantly in mind is my favourite climbing quote by Ed Viesturs 'Reaching the summit is optional and coming down is mandatory'.”", "\n\nNichols says all her trips are taxing – in terms of money, psychological and physical strength. ", "Climbing affects her relations with family members, friends, and partners. ", "Even though many of them are supportive, sometimes people do ask her: What is it all for? ", "Edita sees that people do not understand why she sets out on dangerous and exhausting expeditions.", "\n\n“The danger of the mountains is part of the attraction and part of the beauty. ", "Life would be so boring if there weren't any risk factor,” Nichols believes. “", "I do want to inspire other people, especially other women. ", "Everyday routines can be overwhelming for me, just like other people. ", "Life can be hard but I try to keep true to my goals. ", "Some people will try to discourage you in reaching your goals and dreams. ", "Don't listen to them, focus on what is important to you and what you feel you can achieve.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMaintain folder structure jFrog Artifactory Deployer TFS plugin\n\nI'm working on a new CI proof of concept. ", "I'm using TFS build and attempting to integrate jFrog Artifactory.", "\nI'm trying to create a folder structure within my Artifactory repository like so:\n[repository]/[sub-repository]/[Artifacts Folder]/[Versioned Artifact Folder]/[Versioned Artifact Zip Archive]\nI've scripted the creation of the following correct structure in my Artifactory staging directory with PowerShell:\n[Artifacts Folder]\\[Versioned Artifact Folder]\\[Versioned Artifact Zip Archive]\n... and finally compressed my [Artifacts Folder] into a [Artifacts Folder].zip archive for deployment to Artifactory repository.", "\nNow, although jFrog documentation indicates the introduction of an --explode option in jFrog 1.7 for this purpose, attempts to upload using this option returned an Incorrect Usage error:\n\n2018-10-01T10:21:28.3168258Z running 'C:\\jfrog\\jfrog.exe' rt upload '[Artifactory Staging Directory]\\[Artifacts Folder]\\*' '[repository]/[sub-repository]/[Artifacts Folder]' --url=https://www.artifactrepository.xxx.net/artifactory --explode=true --user=******** --password=******** --props='build.number=[build_number];build.name=[build_name]'\n2018-10-01T10:21:28.3168258Z \n2018-10-01T10:21:28.3168258Z \n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z Incorrect Usage.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z \n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z NAME:\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z jfrog rt upload - Upload files\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z \n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z USAGE:\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z jfrog rt upload [command options] [arguments...]\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z \n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z OPTIONS:\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --url [Optional] Artifactory URL\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --user [Optional] Artifactory username\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --password [Optional] Artifactory password\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --apikey [Optional] Artifactory API key\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --ssh-key-path [Optional] SSH key file path\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --props [Optional] List of properties in the form of \"key1=value1;key2=value2,...\" to be attached to the uploaded artifacts.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6761967Z --deb [Optional] Used for Debian packages in the form of distribution/component/architecture.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6917936Z --recursive [Default: true] Set to false if you do not wish to collect artifacts in sub-folders to be uploaded to Artifactory.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6917936Z --flat [Default: true] If set to false, files are uploaded according to their file system hierarchy.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6917936Z --regexp [Default: false] Set to true to use a regular expression instead of wildcards expression to collect files to upload.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6917936Z --threads [Default: 3] Number of artifacts to upload in parallel.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6917936Z --dry-run [Default: false] Set to true to disable communication with Artifactory.", "\n2018-10-01T10:21:29.6917936Z\n\nI using jFrog Artifactory Deployer 2.1.1 TFS build task.", "\nThis command line option is described here: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/CLI/CLI+for+JFrog+Artifactory#CLIforJFrogArtifactory-UploadingFiles \nHowever, it seems that jFrog.exe which is on our TFS servers doesn’t understand --explode command line option.", "\n(Note: I am unsure what version of jFrog.exe is running on our build servers; currently awaiting details from responsible team, update to follow.)", "\nIs the issue that the jFrog.exe version is older (pre 1.7) and does not support the --explode command option? ", "If so, is there an alternative way to achieve multiple artifact upload while preserving staging folder structure?", "\n(Note: I applied the --flat=false option but the staging folder hierarchy was preserved right back to the root; this is not what's required either).", "\ninsights appreciated, thanks for looking..\n\nA:\n\nIn the end, we were able to work around the absence of the '--explode' command option by using placeholders like so:\nIn the jFrog Artifactory Deployer task:\nPath to the Artifacts: [Artifacts Folder]\\(**)\\(*)\nTarget Repository [repository]/[sub-repository]/[Artifacts Folder]/{1}/\nThe use of placeholders in this way accomplished the preservation of folder structure in the push to the Artifactory repository as required.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The wolf's at the door: First killer beast turns up in Holland for 150 years\n\nLast year, 50 wolf-pack raids on farms were recorded in Germany\n\nComes as beast found dead on Dutch road in country's first wolf in 150yrs\n\nScientists attribute the rise of wolves in Europe to the fall of Berlin Wall\n\nWolves are prowling into Western Europe in their largest numbers for more than a century after a spate of mysterious sheep massacres that has spread fear through farms across the continent.", "\n\nScientists in Holland made the revelation after a mysterious creature found dead by the side of a road was revealed to be the country's first wolf in 150 years.", "\n\nMeanwhile in Germany, 50 wolf-pack raids were recorded in Germany last year alone despite the fact that the country's supposed 'last wolf' was shot dead in 1904.", "\n\n\n\nMaking a comeback: Last year alone, 50 wolf-pack raids were recorded in Germany leaving farmers fearing for their livelihoods. ", "Germany's 'last wolf' was shot dead in 1904\n\n'Most European countries have signed the 1979 Berne convention which prohibits the killing of wolves,' Vanessa Ludwig, a biologist who monitors the growing wolf population in Germany’s Lausitz region, told The Independent .", "\n\n'In Europe, the wolf is at the top of the predatory chain. ", "It has no enemies except humans. ", "We have not reached the legal limit in wolf numbers which would allow for culling, so the species is, by its nature, destined to spread across the continent,' she added.", "\n\nEuropean heartland: Traditionally, Europe has nine wolf population zones including Scandinavia, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, south-eastern France, Italy and the Iberian peninsula in Spain\n\nThe wolves are coming: Traditionally, Europe has nine wolf population zones including Scandinavia, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, south-eastern France, Italy and the Iberian peninsula in Spain\n\nLast week, a wolf, was run over and killed by a car near the Dutch hamlet of Luttelgeest, just 30 miles from Holland’s densely populated North Sea coast.", "\n\n\n\nPACK IN THE HABIT: A BRIEF HISTORY OF WOLVES IN EUROPE\n\nWolves were abundant throughout the forests of mainland Europe during the 18th century. ", "But a vast cull all but wiped them out in all central and northern European countries during the 19th century and the post World War II period.", "\n\nSurvivors of that cull remain in pockets in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Finland, though the largest populations are now found in eastern Europe, primarily in Romania, the Balkans and Poland.", "\n\nThere is now an estimated population of between 18,000 and 25,000 wolves left in the wilds of Europe. ", "They tend mostly to hunt in large packs, relying on a keen sense of smell and teamwork to catch prey, from moose to deer to wild boar. ", "When chasing prey, they run at around 40mph; not particularly fast compared with big cats. ", "But they can keep going for an hour, chasing and chasing until their quarry runs out of steam. ", "They listen to their prey’s heartbeat from several metres away with their uncannily ­powerful hearing and can judge when it is petrified — the moment they decide to go in for the kill. ", "They are also highly intelligent. ", "Packs have been known to fill their mouths with snow when stalking so that their breath does not steam in the cold — which might give them away to their prey.", "\n\n\n\nThey have been considered so rare in the area that the possibility it was a wolf was almost ruled out until test were carried out by biologists.", "\n\n\n\nGermany, however, has experienced a sharp rise in wolf-pack attacks forcing farmers to resort to ever-more extreme methods of protecting their sheep.", "\n\nFor many farmers, electric fences are not enough forcing some to pay up to 3,000 Euro for Pyrenean sheepdogs who live among the flock and bark loudly when wolves appear.", "\n\nBut experts say attacks on humans are rare and wolves are generally as scared of people as people are of them.", "\n\n\n\nScientists attribute the rise of wolves in Western Europe to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 when they were made a protected species.", "\n\n\n\nWolves started entering Lausitz from Poland in the 1990s using rusting machinery and vast and desolate former Soviet training grounds left over from the Cold War as their home.", "\n\n\n\nTraditionally, Europe has nine wolf population zones including Scandinavia, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, south-eastern France, Italy and the Iberian peninsula in Spain.", "\n\nThe first clue that wolves were breeding in Germany came in 2000 when an infra red camera picked up a male and female caring for a tiny cub for the first time. ", "Germany’s 'last wolf' was shot dead in 1904 while Britain has not seen a one on its shores for more than 200 years.", "\n\n\n\nWolves live with their cubs for about two years until their offspring mature enough to move on and form a new pack elsewhere.", "\n\n\n\n'This happens when the wolf population is too large to be sustained by the deer and boar which live around it and which are its natural food supply,' said Ms Ludwig." ]
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[ "Arnulf of Champagne\n\nArnulf (fl. ", "707–723) was the oldest son of Drogo, Duke of Champagne, and succeeded his father as duke in 707 or 708. ", "His mother was Adaltrudis and his parents were married around 690. ", "He was named after Bishop Arnulf of Metz, his great-great-grandfather. ", "He is the first known Arnulf in his family, the Pippinids, after the bishop.", "\n\nIn a charter of June 715, Arnulf, described as a dux (duke), and his brothers Hugh, Gotfrid and Pippin, granted land to the church of Saint Arnulf at Metz, in honour of their father, who was buried there. ", "In 716, Arnulf granted an inheritance he owned at Bollendorf to the Abbey of Echternach, perhaps as an honorarium for the baptism of Arnulf's infant cousin, Pippin the Short, which took place at Easter that year. ", "This charter may reflect a reconciliation of sorts between two branches of the Pippinid family: the elder, represented by Arnulf, eldest son of the eldest son of Pippin of Heristal and Plectrudis, and the younger, represented by his uncle, Charles Martel, Pippin's son by Alpaida and father of Pippin the Short.", "\n\nThe reconciliation did not last, for two years later Charles was repeating Arnulf's gift to Echternach as if he had taken control of the property in question. ", "In 723, the Annales Nazariani record that, at Charles' command, \"two sons of Drogo were bound, Arnold [Arnulf] and another who died\", either Gotfrid of Pippin. ", "The same basic, perfunctory account is found in the Annales Petaviani, Annales Laureshamenses and Annales Alamannici. ", "Arnulf's ultimate fate is unknown.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nCategory:Pippinids\nCategory:8th-century Frankish nobility" ]
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[ "HAENA — Alex Diego has lived in the Hanalei Valley nearly 50 years.", "\n\nNever had he had to evacuate his home.", "\n\nNever had he seen water rise so high he didn’t feel safe.", "\n\nUntil Sunday morning, when a thunder and lightning storm unleashed a torrential downpour unlike any other.", "\n\n“From all of what I’ve seen this has been been the worst flood event I’ve ever seen my 49 years here on Hanalei,” he said in a phone interview with The Garden Island Sunday afternoon. “", "The house got water in it for the first time ever.”", "\n\nWhile their home suffered damage, a tractor was flipped over, debris fills their property and a trailer disappeared in the deluge, Alex and wife Sandy are OK.", "\n\nAnd that, he said, is most important.", "\n\n“Sandy and I are safe,” he said. “", "A lot of people in Hanalei town have it worse than we do. ", "If it floods here, some of their houses are totally inundated.”", "\n\nLandslides and flooding caused by heavy rains have devastated the North Shore. ", "Gov. David Ige issued an emergency proclamation for the County of Kauai.", "\n\nKuhio Highway is closed in multiple areas, homes have been destroyed and severely damaged, and vehicles overturned. ", "People were trapped, with an estimated 15 to 20 land rescues made.", "\n\nThe town of Hanalei was flooded. ", "One video posted online showed a few feet of water surrounding shops and restaurants in Hanalei. ", "Another shows a submerged vehicle. ", "Vehicles were flipped over near the Hanalei Pier. ", "One person reported that vehicles were being carried by flood waters into the ocean.", "\n\nThe Hanalei district was already recently declared a disaster area by Ige due to several landslides and road closures there in the six weeks.", "\n\nThe Kauai Fire Department is coordinating with the US Coast Guard in air and search and rescue operations on the North Shore, the county reported. ", "A Honolulu Fire Department helicopter and rescue crew was deployed to provide support.", "\n\nIt was estimated there were about 15 to 20 land rescues.", "\n\nAmazingly, there were no reports of injuries.", "\n\n“Both on-duty and off-duty emergency personnel have performed a number of rescues and evacuations since Saturday night,” a county press release said.", "\n\nThe state Department of Transportation and the county Public Works Roads Division continue to work to clear landslides and debris that have occurred in multiple locations between Kalihiwai and Wainiha.", "\n\nThe Kauai Island Utility Cooperative reported power outages in Hanamaulu, Kapahi, ‘Anini, and the area from Hanalei to Ha‘ena. ", "Water was out, too, in many area, including Hanalei due to amainline break.", "\n\nIn a video conference with the Kauai Emergency Management Agency, first responders, and Mayor Bernard Carvalho, the governor committed to providing all available resources to helping Kauai residents.", "\n\n“We’ve mobilized to assist Mayor Carvalho and his emergency management team,” said Ige.", "\n\nThe emergency proclamation authorizes the expenditure of state monies as appropriated for the speedy and efficient relief of damages caused by this weather event.", "\n\n“In a situation like the Kauai flooding, the response begins at the county level,” Ige said, “but we’re coordinating help from around the state. ", "Based on the county’s needs, we may also bring in other state agencies like DLNR to provide specialized skills and personnel. ", "I especially want to recognize our Department of Transportation personnel who worked all night to try to keep access open to these affected areas.”", "\n\nThe governor is monitoring conditions across the state as the weather system makes its way south along the island chain.", "\n\nAt the same time, Adjutant General and Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Director Arthur “Joe” Logan agreed to an initial commitment of Hawaii National Guard personnel to work with county first responders in canvassing and assessing affected areas, and helicopters to assist in survey flights and rescues, if necessary.", "\n\nLogan said the National Guard would continue to monitor conditions on Kauai and confer with Kauai County officials to determine what additional assistance may be needed.", "\n\nHI-EMA Administrator Thomas L. Travis is working with Honolulu City and County Department of Emergency Management officials to determine what assets Oahu DEM can provide to assist Kauai County.", "\n\nIge thanked the first responders and others who worked through the night to address the mounting challenges brought by the heavy rains. “", "This is a team effort,” Ige said. “", "Nobody goes through this kind of disaster alone.”", "\n\nThe rain has been relentless and more is in the forecast.", "\n\nAccording to the National Weather Service, Hanalei received a record 27 inches of rain in 24 hours. ", "Wainiha got nearly 20 inches of rain in 24 hours. ", "The Princeville Airport got 8.6 inches. ", "The Princeville Airport recorded 12 inches of rain, Kapahi 9 inches and Mount Waialeale nearly 18 inchs of rain over 24 hours.", "\n\nCarvalho has signed an emergency proclamation as the County of Kauai engages in various emergency response operations associated with record-breaking rains, flooding and thunderstorms.", "\n\n“We are working with the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency, the Governor’s Office, the Coast Guard, and other partners to respond to the immediate safety needs for the people in the hardest-hit area between Hanalei and Ha‘ena,” stated Kaua‘i Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho Jr. “This morning, we will be working to assess the extent of the damage that occurred throughout the night. ", "For now, we are urging people to stay off the roadway. ", "Shelter in place in a safe location or evacuate to higher ground if you are in a flood-prone area.”", "\n\nDozens of homes are reported flooded or damaged in the communities of Hanalei, Wainiha, and Ha‘ena. ", "Several homes in Anahola were also flooded.", "\n\nThe American Red Cross opened then closed an evacuation shelter at Kapaa Middle School. ", "Evacuation shelters remain open at the Church of the Pacific in Princeville and at Hanalei School.", "\n\nPadraic Gallagher, Kauai Red Cross director, said Sunday morning that 42 people were at the emergency shelter at Hanalei School.", "\n\nA few had been at Church of the Pacific, but some parishioners took them into their homes.", "\n\nSearch and rescue efforts continue.", "\n\nThere are reports of people who need to be rescued in Haena and Wainiha, Gallagher said.", "\n\nOnce people are safe, Red Cross hopes to get in and do damage assessment.", "\n\n“It looks pretty extensive,” he said.", "\n\nWalmart provided two pallets of bottled water to the Red Cross.", "\n\nThe area of Haena-Wainiha is without running water and power remains out for some customers in Hanalei and Ha‘ena.", "\n\nOfficials reported numerous road closures. ", "At one point Sunday:\n\n· Kuhio Highway between Waikoko and Wainiha due to multiple landslides;\n\n· Kuhio Highway, between Princeville and the Hanalei Bridge, due to multiple landslides and flooding;\n\n• Kuhio Highway remains closed at the Hanalei Bridge due to flooding. ", "The water level has reached 14.6 feet. ", "Kuhio Highway remained closed in the both directions as of Sunday afternoon.", "\n\n‬· Kuhio Highway at Kalihiwai Bridge due to flooding and debris.", "\n\n· Hanalei Plantation Road in Princeville due to a sinkhole.", "\n\nThe Kapaa Bypass Road was closed for roughly two hours due to flooding but was reopened Sunday afternoon. ", "Kuhio Highway near the Wailua Golf Course and at Kahiliholo Road was also closed Sunday morning due to flooding but has since been fully reopened.", "\n\nSeveral feet of water flooded the Kauai Community Correctional Center and Wailua Golf Course.", "\n\nEarlier Sunday, the Kalihiwai Reservoir was approaching maximum capacity. ", "As a safety precaution, the low-lying areas of Kalihiwai Valley along Kalihiwai Valley Road and near Kalihiwai Stream were evacuated, the county reported.", "\n\nHowever, the water level at the reservoir subsided and residents were allowed to return to their homes.", "\n\nHDOT crews were working to clear Hanalei Hill on Kuhio Highway and is hoping to have it cleared by the time water recedes at Hanalei Bridge. ", "‬\n\nThere was about a foot of water at the Kuhio Highway, Kapaa bypass road intersection Sunday morning as vehicles plowed through, leaving wakes behind. ", "One man paddleboarded across the flooded slough area in front of Coconut MarketPlace. ", "Many people took pictures of the rising waters at the Wailua Bridge.", "\n\nThe Kaua‘i Emergency Management Agency reported that severe flooding and mudslides ripped two homes from their foundations along Wainiha Powerhouse Road in Wainiha Saturday evening.", "\n\n“At this time, we believe that the homes were vacant when the incident occurred,” stated KEMA Administrator Elton Ushio. “", "We have been in direct contact with guests and residents along Wainiha Powerhouse Road, and off-duty firefighters who live in the area were able to respond and could not locate any persons in distress.”", "\n\nThe Kaua‘i Emergency Management Agency activated its Emergency Operations Center and officials continue to monitor the situation.", "\n\nSaturday, county officials reported multiple landslides between Hanalei and Wainiha blocking both lanes of the highway and water rushing over the road near Haena Beach Park.", "\n\nState Department of Transportation crews working to clear the road were forced to quit work and evacuate shortly after 5 p.m. Saturday due to heavy rains and hazardous conditions.", "\n\nNorth Shore residents are trying to rally together.", "\n\n“Really crazy weather here in Haena!” ", "posted one person on TGI’s website. “", "Neighbors all pulling together and watching out for each other! ", "Beautiful thing in the midst of disaster.”", "\n\n“Praying for their safety,” posted another.", "\n\nOne man posted a comment that he stayed in a home on Powerhouse Road a few years ago.", "\n\n“We got rained out of the house we rented down there and had to leave in the middle of the night,” he wrote.", "\n\nThey were the last rental car over the Hanalei Bridge.", "\n\n“I had no idea it could rain that hard,” he wrote.", "\n\nA flash flood warning remained in effect for Kauai Sunday night.", "\n\nThe Department of Education announced that Hanalei Elementary School will be closed on Monday due to inclement weather. ", "As a result of the school closure, no school buses will be operating for students residing in Hanalei, Wainiha or Haena who attend Kapa‘a Middle and Kapa‘a High School.", "\n\nTakis Brusett told TGI the flooding situation “as pretty sketchy.”", "\n\nHe had to cross it to feed the horses up at the Silverfalls Ranch, where he works. ", "Each side of the road was washed out about 50 feet deep.", "\n\n“Definitely not wanting to get trapped up there all night,” he said. “", "Really hoping that the road does not give way, so that we can continue to access our horses and keep them feed and stuff. ", "Also our company relies on tourist to take out on horseback tours so I don’t want to be out of a job for how long it takes to fix it.”", "\n\nDiego said that early Saturday, he and his wife were not too worried about the rain, but tracked the weather.", "\n\nHeavy showers rolled in from the northwest and conditions “just turned for the worst and it kept coming.”", "\n\nIt started raining hard, thundering and lightning and the water outside their home was rising. ", "The rain wasn’t letting up.", "\n\n“I really had a bad feeling about staying around,” he said.", "\n\nThey went to their neighbor’s about 12:30 a.m., and a few hours later came home. ", "Things seemed to be leveling off. ", "But it was dark and he couldn’t see how high the water was.", "\n\n“I thought that was the end of it,” Diego said. “", "I thought we were past the worst.”", "\n\nThey weren’t.", "\n\nThe rains returned, stronger, this time.", "\n\n“The second wave was much worse,” he said.", "\n\nBut by 10 a.m. Sunday, the water was right outside their home.", "\n\n“We always have a comfort zone, acertain theshold,” he said. “", "This time, I wasn’t confident. ", "I told my wife, ‘we’re leaving.”" ]
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[ "Prices per week without extras. ", "Embarkation day:- Mediterraneo: General rule, Saturdays after 17:00, returning to base port on friday evening before 17:00h. ", "Disembarkation on saturday morning ( 08:00 - 09:00 )- Caribbean: General rule, Embarkation any day of the week 12:00-13:00h. ", "Disembarkation, last day 12:00h." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJava Resources Folder Error In Eclipse\n\ni am importing a spring maven project in eclipse (helios with maven plugin)\ni built the project in terminal, and everything is ok, and eclipse shows no errors in xml or java classes, but still it shows an error mark on Java Resources Folder, no idea why ?", "\nany ideas ?", "\n\nA:\n\nWell, it might just be because there are some folders containing classes which are treated as source folders by maven (that's why the maven command line compile works) but not as such when using .m2 eclipse plugin to import your project into eclipse.", "\nHere's some things you might try:\nin the properties of your eclipse project, go to java build path, select sources, and check to see if all needed source fodlers are added (as source folders). ", "If some are missing, just add them manually using add sources... button\nSometimes, once you do a maven clean in the command line, the eclipse project will show errors because it no longer finds the compiled classes (they were cleaned by maven). ", "Doing a Project-> clean on your eclipse project usually solves this\nTry adding the project into eclipse as a plain ole eclipse project: do a mvn eclipse:eclipse, then import it into eclipse as eclipse project (not maven project)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "\n\nAsk HN: Hackers in LA? - ", "whalesalad\n\nI grew up in Los Angeles (Pasadena/Glendale), transplanted to Honolulu almost 3 years ago, and now I'm ready to come back. ", "I'm wondering where the startup/tech scene is right now in Southern California? ", "I'm out of touch with my homeland, and would love to have the hackers here give me the heads up before I return.<p>Also... are there any HN meetups or groups in LA?", "\n======\niphpdonthitme\nAfter seeing a few of these kinds of posts over the last few, ahem, years, I\nam going to take a stab at organizing a Los Angeles based Hacker News group.", "\nLet's start really small. ", "Send me your email address if you are interested in\n\nA) being on an email list B) getting together in person (only one meeting for\nnow)\n\niphpdonthitme of gmail\n\n------\nboots\nJust moved to Pasadena myself. ", "I'm hoping to go to a Mindshare event soon, my\nfriends rave about them - <http://www.mindshare.la/>\n\n------\nchristefano\nThe Dorkbot community is pretty cool:\n\n \n \n http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotsocal/\n \n\nThere also used to be events called \"Geek Dinners\" but they were mostly\nattended by \"social media gurus\" and the like. ", "Not really my cup of tea.", "\n\nI'm on the westside and am always looking for hacker events. ", "My company is a\nbig sponsor of Drupal events in Boston and Los Angeles and that's where much\nof my focus has been.", "\n\n------\niphpdonthitme\nI'm on the Westside. ", "It's not an HN group, but this group is pretty hackery:\n<http://socal-piggies.org/scp>\n\nSend me an email at iphpdonthitme gmail if someone actually manages to rope\npeople together brave enough to endure LA traffic.", "\n\n------\nfjabre\nThere are and I've been to a few but I'm guessing it doesn't compare to a\nmeetup in San Fran or Boston. ", "Anyone else care to comment on this..?", "\n\n5 hours on the 5 to SF and 4 hours to Palo Alto isn't that far =)\n\n~~~\nchristefano\nIn my experience, the startup scenes as you know them in the Bay Area and\nBoston are _massive_ compared to the one in Los Angeles.", "\n\n------\njamesshamenski\nI work in Altadena @ AdventureLink. ", "i'm happy to arrange for a light meetup at\nmy building most anytime. ", "It sounds like we could actually create a descent\nlocal chapter. ", "shamenski of Gmail\n\n------\nnkh\nI am in NoHo (lankershim and vineland). ", "I would love to have a local meetup.", "\nMy email is nkhdev at gmail if anyone would like to contact me.", "\n\n------\ncheez80\ni'm in LA -- i've been trying to attend meetups that interest me. ", "they're\nmostly out in the westside, though -- i'm in arcadia. ", "getting out there is\ndifficult.", "\n\nthere isn't a specific event to attend, but i signed up for startup weekend,\nwhich is coming up. ", "hopefully there will be some cool people there :)\n\n~~~\nalex1\nYeah, they're mostly in the westside (Santa Monica area), but it's actually\nnot that bad to get there. ", "Takes me 30 minutes from Pasadena. ", "Choose wisely\nbetween 101/405 or Sunset depending on the time of day.", "\n\n------\nApolloRising\nI'm in LA but it really does not compare to startup scene in SF.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Over the last 72 hours, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has proven to be ill-prepared for the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) latest offensive at the ancient city of Palmyra in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside.", "\n\nThis news was confirmed when an ISIS contingent frantically retreated from the Al-Qadri Farms in western Palmyra after a brief firefight with the Syrian Arab Army’s 550th Regiment and the 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division.", "\n\nOn Tuesday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade – in coordination with the 550th Regiment, the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Homs, Hezbollah, and Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) – struck ISIS’ defensive positions at Al-Hayyal in southern Palmyra, killing several enemy combatants from the aforementioned terrorist group before advancing towards the southern district of this ancient city.", "\n\nIn addition to their advance at Al-Hayyal, the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies captured more territory along the Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway that leads to Palmyra’s western perimeter; this has paved the way for them to push towards the Qatari Royal Family’s villa that is now used by ISIS as training base for their new recruits.", "\n\nWith their recent success at the southern and western flanks of Palmyra, the Syrian Armed Forces are now in position to attack this ancient desert city from three different sides, while the Russian Air Force strikes the Palmyra Military Airport and the road leading to the east district." ]
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[ "Artist + Scientist Residency, New York\n\nGuerilla Science are excited to announce that applications are now open for an ArtSci Residency!", "\n\nAs part of their National Science Foundation project, The Pratt Institute, New York and Guerilla Science collective are hosting a residency for artist-scientist collaborations to bring transformational experiences to a major art and music festival in the United States. ", "They are seeking applicants to develop new forms of site-specific interactive installations and live events that mix science with art, music, and play.", "\n\nThe residency will take place over six weeks beginning in June 2017, culminating at Oregon Eclipse festival. ", "We are grouping scientists and artists to create a host of new events and installations to spark imagination and curiosity. ", "The opportunity is open to international applicants and residents can work remotely, but must be present at the festival to present their work.", "\n\nApplications open until 28 April 2017. ", "Read more about the initiative and how to apply here." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nphp regular expressions for substring start with A, end with B in order to remove the A and B\n\nI want to use regular expressions to find a substring that start with A and end with B and remove the A and B.\nFor example change xxxxAmmmm(andMoreContentHere)Bvv to \nxxxxmmmm(and something more)vv.", "\nThis is what I come up with '/(A([^B]*)B)/i';\nBut using preg_replace('/(A([^B]*)B)/i', '', $string) will give me xxxxvv unless I specify mmmm(andMoreContentHere) but (andMoreContentHere) is user-generated content. ", "So what should I do to only remove A and B?", "\n\nA:\n\nIs this what you're looking for?", "\n$test = 'xxxxAmmmm(andMoreContentHere)Bvv';\n$regex = '/A([^B]+)B/i';\n\necho preg_replace($regex, '$1', $test);\n\nOutput:\nxxxxmmmm(andMoreContentHere)vv\n\nA:\n\nIs this what you want?", "\n$str = 'xxxxAmmmm(andMoreContentHere)Bvv';\n$str = preg_replace('/(A([^B]*)B)/', '\\2', $str);\n\necho's\nxxxxmmmm(andMoreContentHere)vv\n\n" ]
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[ "KVUI\n\nKVUI, virtual and UHF digital channel 31, is an Ion Television-affiliated television station licensed to Pocatello, Idaho, United States and also serving Idaho Falls. ", "The station is owned by Ventura Broadcasting, as part of a duopoly with MeTV affiliate KPIF (channel 15, also licensed to Pocatello). ", "The two stations share transmitter facilities on Howard Mountain near Pocatello. ", "On cable, KVUI is available on Sparklight channel 9.", "\n\nHistory\n\nChannel 31 signed on the air as KFXP, the Fox affiliate for the Pocatello–Idaho Falls market, on July 16, 1998. ", "Prior to the station's launch, Fox programming had been seen on area cable systems via Foxnet; the network also maintained a secondary affiliation with CBS affiliate KIDK (channel 3). ", "KFXP was originally owned by a partnership of three companies—Redwood Broadcasting, Winstar Communications, and Compass Communications—that had competed for the license; through a time brokerage agreement, the station was operated by Sunbelt Communications (later known as Intermountain West Communications Company), owner of NBC outlet KPVI (channel 6), and the two stations shared studios in Pocatello. ", "By 1999, Compass Communications had acquired Redwood and Winstar's interests in KFXP. ", "In its early years, channel 31 had a secondary affiliation with UPN; however, this had ended by 2000.", "\n\nKFXP discontinued its Fox affiliation on July 1, 2012 following a dispute with the network over retransmission consent; several other stations lost their Fox affiliations a year earlier for similar reasons. ", "The station subsequently affiliated with This TV (previously shown on KPVI-DT3) effective on that date with the network airing during the morning and overnight hours, though it retained general entertainment programming during daytime and primetime hours. ", "Twin Falls sister station KXTF also lost its affiliation and switched to This TV on the same date, with Fox programming moving to MyNetworkTV affiliate KTWT-LD as a primary affiliation. ", "MyNetworkTV affiliate KXPI-LD (channel 34, which is repeated on KIDK-DT2) assumed the Fox affiliation and retained MyNetworkTV as a secondary affiliation.", "\n\nKFXP went dark on July 1, 2013 following the end of its lease on its transmission tower; a new lease on the tower cannot be negotiated until the completion of an ownership change for the tower. ", "The time brokerage agreement with KPVI-DT was also terminated as of the preceding day; it had been slated to expire on July 16. ", "KFXP had begun showing a still announcing the shutdown on June 24, 2013. ", "On January 31, 2014, Compass Communications reached a deal to sell KFXP, along with two commonly-owned low-power stations in Beaumont, Texas, to Abraham Telecasting Company, however, the sale fell through. ", "On June 12, 2015, Compass agreed to sell KFXP to Buckalew Media for $450,000. ", "The sale was completed on October 30; on November 9, Buckalew changed the station's call letters to KVUI. ", "Buckalew then announced that it would relaunch KVUI by December 1 as a MeTV affiliate; the station also intends to air some local programming.", "\n\nBuckalew Media agreed to sell KVUI, along with the construction permit for KVUT-LD in Twin Falls, to Ventura TV Video Appliance Center for $575,000 on January 20, 2017.", "\n\nDigital television\n\nDigital channels\nThe station's digital signal is multiplexed:\n\nAnalog-to-digital conversion\nKVUI (as KFXP) shut down its analog signal, over UHF channel 31, on November 17, 2008. ", "The station \"flash-cut\" its digital signal into operation UHF channel 31. ", "Because it was granted an original construction permit after the FCC finalized the DTV allotment plan on April 21, 1997, the station did not receive a companion channel for a digital television station.", "\n\nNewscasts\nShortly after sign-on, KFXP partnered with KPVI to provide a 9 p.m. newscast on Monday through Friday nights. ", "The program was cancelled after a few years and entertainment programming returned to the timeslot. ", "KFXP partnered with KPVI once again in 2006 to produce a late evening newscast at 9 p.m. that debuted on October 30, 2006, entitled KPVI on Fox News at 9; this newscast was also broadcast on Twin Falls sister station KXTF. ", "In preparation for the discontinuance of its Fox affiliation and the switch to This TV, the station cancelled the 9 p.m. newscast for a second time, with its last broadcast airing on June 29, 2012; it was replaced with a new weeknight 5:30 p.m. newscast produced by KPVI, that debuted in September 2012. ", "The 5:30 p.m. program was titled KPVI More, an interview and features program that aired simultaneously on KXTF. ", "It contained no weather or sports segments.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Television channels and stations established in 1998\nCategory:1998 establishments in Idaho\nVUI\nCategory:Ion Television affiliates\nCategory:Light TV affiliates\nCategory:Cozi TV affiliates\nCategory:Court TV Mystery affiliates\nCategory:Quest (American TV network) affiliates\nCategory:Laff (TV network) affiliates" ]
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[ "Our Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy containing approximately 400 billion stars bound together by gravity. ", "From Earth, the galaxy has the appearance of a faintly luminous band in the sky. ", "The naked eye cannot resolve the individual stars making up the band, and it was not until the invention of the telescope in the 17th century that it was proved that the Milky Way galaxy contained multitudes of stars. ", "In the early decades of the 20th century, astronomer Edwin Hubble photographed other galaxies and determined that they too are huge systems of many stars, and not just small structures within our own galaxy. ", "The Milky Way is but one among multitudes of galaxies in space. ", "The spiral structure of the Milky Way is obscured by the fact that our Earth, sun and nearby planets are embedded in the galaxy’s disc. ", "Observation of the shapes of other galaxies led to the realization that ours might be a spiral type. ", "Today, new techniques for measuring distance in deep space are helping astronomers put together a picture of the true shape of our Milky Way galaxy, although much debate remains about details such as the exact shape and location of the spiral arms and central bar. · ", "Stunning Photos of Our Milky Way Galaxy · Milky Way Slams Into Andromeda (Artist Images) · The Big Picture on the Milky Way · Galaxy Smash-Up: Milky Way and Andromeda On Collision Course | Video" ]
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[ "I know that I’m going to start more than a few arguments in the present, but I hope to save more than a few sleepless nights. ", "Bottom line on male/female relationships in terms of marriage? ", "Man proposes and woman either accepts or rejects. ", "That’s how God set it up and it’s the best way to go. ", "It still works.", "\n\nWe are living at an age where relationships are not being examined ‘after careful research’. ", "This is the era of the hook-up. ", "Relationships--especially marriages--are viewed as disposable. ", "More effort is put forth to hire someone for a job, rather than the checking out of a potential mate with whom you will be with for the rest of your life.", "\n\nLet’s be honest. ", "I’ve seen more than a few companies ruined and ministries destroyed because a man did not check out the woman to whom he chose to say: “I do”. ", "Due to his inattention to detail, he wound up with a woman who really meant: “I, shrew”. ", "The wake of marital unhappiness spread out like a tsunami: envy, mistrust, jealousy. ", "Few rarely survive when this tidal wave of misery races to a final destination.", "\n\nThe converse has also been proven. ", "I’ve seen more than a few homes destroyed, careers ruined, juvenile detention centers filed and therapists kept busy because a woman didn’t bother to thoroughly examine the man whom she was going to marry. ", "Her life was sunk, because she married a punk AND a drunk!", "\n\nThe Lord provided men and women with two things for marital happiness. ", "The first was His Word: Marriage is covered extensively within the Bible. ", "Secondly, he gave men and women each a brain! ", "Why? ", "To carefully examine that man, or that woman whom you are going to welded to, and wedded to. ", "Long engagements generally cause fewer divorces. ", "Why? ", "Because they are fact finding, not ‘hook up’ motivated.", "\n\nAn old school song sums it up well: “You Can’t Hurry Love”. ", "To put it simply, it is best to check her or him out extensively, otherwise you’ll keep on paying for your error for years to come. ", "Solid marriages start with solid individuals. ", "If you see cracks in your potential mate that can not or will not be resolved before the wedding day, be honest, be truthful, and be gone! ", "Your friends and employers will admire your stand." ]
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[ "Trading appears to be off to a positive start on Bakkt following its launch late yesterday. ", "The same cannot be said for Bitcoin which at the moment is experiencing a lull in volume and volatility.", "\n\nBakkt Bitcoin Volume to Increase Over Time\n\nLaunching a major institutional investment product for a relatively new asset is not without risk. ", "The Intercontinental Exchange has clearly accepted that and early impressions for its physically delivered futures products are positive.", "\n\nFollowing months of anticipation Bakkt Bitcoin futures finally got off the ground a few hours ago enabling investors to dabble in both the contract and the actual asset. ", "James Putra, head of product strategy at TradeStation Crypto, told Bloomberg that investors can potentially profit first from the rise in the futures price and then take possession of the physical Bitcoins.", "\n\nHe added that the move to centralize and create a scalable infrastructure for crypto asset investment is a positive step. ", "The sentiment has been shared by many industry observers from Fundstrat’s Tom Lee to crypto warlord John McAfee.", "\n\nCEO of FX Hedge Fund Three Arrows Capital and Co-Founder of Sensus Markets, Su Zhu, commented that adoption on day one is usually low but it could grow into a flood.", "\n\n“Bakkt will be likely first a trickle and then a flood. ", "The reality is that most regulated futures contracts get low adoption on day1 simply b/c not all futures brokers are ready to clear it, many ppl want to wait and see, the tickers are not even populated on risk systems, etc.”", "\n\nBakkt will be likely first a trickle and then a flood. ", "The reality is that most regulated futures contracts get low adoption on day1 simply b/c not all futures brokers are ready to clear it, many ppl want to wait and see, the tickers are not even populated on risk systems, etc. — ", "Su Zhu (@zhusu) September 23, 2019\n\nAt the time of writing 17 BTC had already been invested into the Bakkt monthly contract and volume was increasing. ", "While this is a good start, it really is just the beginning and the first day is not going to be indicative of the success of the products.", "\n\nComputer scientist and cryptographer Adam Back compared the launch to that of the CME back in December 2017. ", "The first day was pretty slow there also but volume built as the product matured.", "\n\n“Bakkt adding a new way to buy Bitcoin, adds a regulated market more institutions can use. ", "but we won’t really “find out tomorrow” as it takes time for companies to setup accounts, decide trading strategies & for volume to build. ", "recall CME futures open vs today’s growing volume.”", "\n\nEven mainstream media has been bullish on Bakkt, holding back on the FUD that they usually associate with Bitcoin and crypto markets.", "\n\nAt the time of writing BTC itself had resumed its decline, falling back below the psychological five figure level and trading around $9,950.", "\n\nImage from Shutterstock" ]
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[ "Visitor Services Agent\n\nPosition Summary\n\nSan Francisco Botanical Garden Society is looking for an energetic, friendly, plant-loving, and knowledgeable person to work in the Visitor Services department at San Francisco Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park.", "\n\nThe Visitor Services Agent prime objective is to help open and close the Garden; greet Garden visitors in a friendly and positive manner; efficiently facilitate sales and transactions; and correctly answer inquires for information about the Garden's collections, programs, and other associated offerings.", "\n\nWeekend availability required.", "\n\nPrimary Duties and Responsibilities\n\nWelcome visitors to the Garden in a friendly and hospitable manner. ", "Utilizing provided maps and resources properly orient visitors to the Garden and direct them to highlighted areas.", "\n\nInitiate and complete all sales transactions quickly and accurately. ", "Reconcile cash and credit card transactions to zero at the end of each shift.", "\n\nUnderstand the basic aspects of the garden operations, collections, and history in order to answer visitor questions. ", "Also have knowledge of San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Bay Area public transportation, and other local amenities.", "\n\nEnsure that all displays, racks cards, brochures, ticket stock and other supplies are well stocked at all times.", "\n\nMaintain an organized and clean working environment in kiosks.", "\n\nHelp to monitor all areas of the Garden to ensure that problems are reported and fixed immediately. ", "Report any problems to the Lead Visitor Services Agent or Visitor Services Supervisor.", "\n\nSuggest new ideas to the Lead Visitor Services Agent or Visitor Services Supervisor to further streamline the operation of the Visitor Services Program.", "\n\nSpecial projects as needed.", "\n\nMore Information\n\nVisitor Services Agent reports to the Visitor Services Supervisor.", "\n\nApproximately 15-19 hours a week, including weekends and holidays.", "\n\nAbility to stand outdoors for a 4-5 hour shift\n\nAbility to lift 30 lbs\n\nCompensation: $12.25 per hour\n\nTo Apply\n\nSan Francisco Botanical Garden's beauty and value as a major cultural resource are the result of a successful public/private partnership between San Francisco Botanical Garden Society and the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department." ]
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[ "Many lakes and sand pits rise with the spring rains and gradually fall as the summer irrigation season begins. ", "Often the shore-lines of such areas are lined with floating docks for allowing watercraft owners to secure their watercraft. ", "Present docking systems are disadvantageous in that they do not account for the variable water level. ", "For example, as the water level gradually decreases, a gang plank, which many floating docks employ, may begin to gradually decline. ", "As the water level continues to decrease over time, the corresponding decline of the gang plank may result in the gang plank being angled at a steep incline, thereby making it more difficult for a user to traverse up or down the gang plank.", "\nTherefore, it would be desirable to provide a docking system which addresses the above-referenced shortcomings of current solutions." ]
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[ "11 Best Android Apps Of 2019 ( Updated August 2019)\n\nYou have been using or just have started using Android device, and you always keep your smartphone or device up to date with the best Android apps of 2019. ", "Well, it’s a common phenoemonn among most of the Android users. ", "But, the truth is that it’s a bit more challenging to shortlist the best apps because the number of total apps on Android is really huge- 2.7 million apps in 2019. ", "It’s not just word of our mouth because Statista has come up with the perfect statistic to show this below –\n\nIf you have been using Android device for quite a time then you might have already realized that there are some apps that have become have inevitable part of Android family. ", "There is a big chance that you might have already been using some of these apps without knowing it’s sheer popularity among the users. ", "There is a lot of excellent apps but the usability of most of these apps get limited if the users experience any kind of difficulties at the time of using these apps. ", "The best android apps that we are going to mention so simple to use that even a kid can do it without facing any challenge.", "\n\n1. ", "Accuweather\n\nWhile it’s true that no one can predict our mother nature but, your prediction can go 80% accurate most of the times with the nature’s significant element called weather. ", "How? ", "The short and simple answer is accuweather. ", "This weather prediction app comes with a plenty of features that you can shake a stick at. “", "Minutecast” is one of the most unique features of this app which gives you weather prediction on each minute basis. ", "With this app, you will know exactly how long until the rain starts.", "\n\n2. ", "Bouncer:\n\nThe Bouncer is a security app with unique premise. ", "This app allows you to give temporary permission to certain apps. ", "This is a great way to use all the social media apps without digging into your setting to disable the app permission or giving those apps a performance access to your information. ", "The cost of this app is $0.99 and it works with all the apps.", "\n\n3. ", "Google Drive:\n\nGoogle is one of the best cloud storage solution for Android users where they can avail 15gb of free of cost space upon sign up. ", "You can of course buy more data space for additional cost. ", "What makes Google Drive so special? ", "Well, it comes as a suit of different crucial Google apps like Google Doc, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Photos, Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Keep.", "\n\nWhen it comes to doing anything in particular to be productive, Google Drive can be the best android app development solution for you.", "\n\n4. ", "Google Map:\n\nThis app makes your regular commute an easy affair. ", "The best part of this app is that it gets update very frequently, almost weekly updates. ", "It comes with exciting features. ", "Aside from the regular navigation features, Google Maps app gives you the access to the places of interest, rest stops, fuel stations, traffic and many other things.", "\n\nGoogle Map is absolutely free of cost.", "\n\n4. ", "Crono:\n\nWith Crono, you can take the integration between your phone and PC to the next level. ", "The best part of using this very helpful app is that it allows you to get all the notifications straight from the Chrome- so if you spend a lot of time on your computer or PC for working purpose, you can stay up to date with all the notifications of your phone without even looking at your phone. ", "You need to use a Chrome extension to make this app work.", "\n\n5. ", "Ceri Launcher:\n\nAre planning forward to take a different note on Android launcher? ", "This launcher is unique. ", "It changes some of the key tenets of what Android fonts looked like till now. ", "It gives you a new way arrange your apps so far and, you can do it with the additional security.", "\n\nWith just a tap, you can enable the dark mode of this app.", "\n\n6. ", "Google Assistance\n\nNo wonder it’s a very powerful app. ", "You just need to download the app and from there, you can ask almost anything you want. ", "It supports a variety of commands. ", "It can control light, simple math problems and many other things for you also. ", "This assistance app provided by Google is free.", "\n\n7. ", "LastPass Password Manager:\n\nIt’s an excellent password management app that you allows you to save your login credentials of your important account in a secured manner. ", "Further, it helps you create impossible password for your account. ", "A single master password is used here to control everything. ", "It comes with a cross platform support so that you can use it on computer, mobiles, tablets of whatever. ", "This app also comes with premium version which boasts some additional exciting features for $12/year only.", "\n\n8. ", "Pocket Casts:\n\nThose who use podcasts often ask which podcasts app to use. ", "The answer is pretty simple- Pocket Casts. ", "With this app, you can download or install any Podcasts of your choice. ", "It comes with audio-only and video Podcasts support so that you can catch up on almost everything. ", "The other exciting features of this app is that it comes with the light and dark theme, you can sync your podcasts across other devices and it has an excellent recommendation feature.", "\n\nUnlike the other Podcasts apps, it boasts an awesome UI.", "\n\n9. ", "Pulse SMS\n\nThere are tons of SMS apps but Pulse is one of the best picks among them. ", "It features cool things like theming, GIF support, conversations which are protected by password, a blacklist for spammers and dual sims support. ", "You either go for monthly fee or buy it for one time fee of $10.99.", "\n\n10. ", "Solid Explorer:\n\nFile browsing is an inevitable activity that everyone has to do with their smartphones. ", "So, how about using a highly capable and fantastic file browser like Solid Explorer?", "\n\nSuper material design, archiving support, support of the popular cloud services, and powerful user stuff like FTP, SFPT, WebDav, and SMB/CIFS support have made this app one of the most popular options in the realm of file browsers for Android.", "\n\nIt offers 14 days free trial and after that you just need to pay $2.99.", "\n\n11. ", "Swiftkey:\n\nNo wonder it is the most customizable and personalized keyboard available on the Android platform. ", "It’s a free app but you can buy themes if you want to customize this app according to your choice. ", "It features things like dedicated number row, SwifKey flow, gesture typing, multiple language support and many other supports.", "\n\nNo wonder these Android apps mentioned above are still ruling most of the Android Phones. ", "Each of these apps make your day to day life easier with their usability." ]
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[ "Improvement of Predictive Value for Thromboembolic Risk by Incorporating Left Atrial Functional Parameters in the CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc Scores.", "\nThe discriminative ability of the widely used CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores for risk stratification of thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation (AF) is known as modest. ", "Some echocardiographic parameters are known risk factors for thromboembolism. ", "This study aimed to evaluate whether combining echocardiographic parameters with CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores can improve the predictive power for embolic risk in AF.A total of 526 (F/M = 83/433, mean age = 57.6 ± 10.7 years) patients with non-valvular AF were enrolled. ", "The predictability for left atrial (LA) thrombus or dense spontaneous echo contrast (SEC) using clinical scores or echocardiographic parameters or combining clinical scores and echocardiographic parameters was calculated and compared.", "Dense SEC or thrombus was present in 51 patients. ", "The predicting powers of the CHADS2 and CHADS2-VASc scores for the presence of dense SEC or thrombus were modest (c-statistics 0.65 and 0.68, respectively, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.61-0.69 and 0.64-0.74, respectively, both P < 0.001). ", "Impaired LA function was the most descriptive predictor for the presence of thrombus or dense SEC among echocardiographic parameters. ", "Combining impaired LA function (LA emptying fraction < 30%) with the CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores showed the improvement of predictive power in detecting dense SEC or thrombus (c-statistics 0.78 and 95% CI 0.74-0.81 and c-statistics 0.77 and 95% CI 0.73-0.81, respectively, both P < 0.001).Adding LA functional markers to the CHADS2 or CHA2DS2-VASc score improved the predictive value of the presence of thrombus or dense SEC. ", "In clinical situations, anticoagulation should be considered to prevent embolism in patients with low-risk scores when they have LA dysfunction." ]
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[ "New frontiers in anticoagulation: non vitamin-K oral anticoagulants in stroke prevention.", "\nNon vitamin-K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are direct and specific inhibitors of the coagulation factors IIa (dabigatran) and Xa (apixaban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban) which share many pharmacokinetic properties. ", "However, indications are lacking regarding the use of NOACs during thrombolysis, surgery and bleeding events. ", "Areas covered: In this paper, the authors retrospectively analyzed the relevant literature on the NOACs using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. ", "Expert commentary: Although warfarin is effective in cardioembolic stroke prevention, easier handling and more favorable risk-benefit profile often render NOACs a more preferable therapy choice for neurologists. ", "New evidences have suggested their use in treatment of elderly people, in patients with renal insufficiency or with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. ", "In addition, the use of antidotes, which rapidly reverse the anticoagulant effect of the NOACs, could be useful in bleeding, during emergency procedures, or in case of overdose." ]
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[ 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Numbers Don’t Lie, They Just Fudge The Truth\n\nShortly before the dearly missed winter break began, the student government of our UC compatriot, UC Santa Cruz, released a statement condemning the University of California and its effort to ramp up enrollment. ", "Over-enrollment, as many UC San Diego students would agree, cramps classrooms, housing, resource centers, and transportation. ", "A timely coincidence, UCSD and other UC institutions issued an email lauding another year of record-breaking application numbers. ", "Their thrill comes from the knowledge that there is an ever-widening pool of demand to fit the ever-stretching supply of admissions. ", "As it turns out, plenty of studies show that increasing enrollment numbers leads to a healthy supply of capital, but when done too quickly, a university is left simply with cramping, bloating, and a resolution from its own students opposing its actions. ", "Of course, UCSD took the opportunity to hold up these numbers as proof of its commitment to expand higher education to the black and brown masses, but these groups are the first to suffer the consequences of a population which grows more quickly than do its resources.", "\n\nUC campuses, due to their great size and even larger demand from prospective students, operate with a considerable chunk of capital. ", "Buffing up enrollment has allowed formore diverse curricula, increased spending on research, development of extracurriculars, and expanded academic resource centers. ", "However their size and demand also lead to housing shortages, food insecurity, difficulty accessing resources, and tensions with the surrounding communities. ", "Expanding enrollment offers many tangible benefits, but only when done properly. ", "One study shows that when enrollment increases too rapidly, a whole host of indirect effects stifle the ambitions a university might have for ameliorating higher education. ", "The student-to-faculty ratio goes out of whack, resulting in poorer performance. ", "Psychological and academic resources become so crowded that they can barely meet the basic needs of students. ", "What’s worse is that universities often call for diversity when expanding higher education, but these marginalized groups are the first to feel the impact of crowding.", "\n\nIt should be news to no one that black and Hispanic people are heavily underrepresented in higher education. ", "These groups have markedly lower participation in every stage of higher education; they are less likely to apply to higher education, less likely to be accepted, less likely to have access to necessary academic and personal resources, and less likely to ever get a degree when compared to white and Asian students. ", "Black and Hispanic students tend to lack the socioeconomic advantages from which white and Asian students might benefit, including the ability to buy into external academic and psychological resources. ", "So when spending per student is reduced due to over-enrollment, and when resource centers spread too thin, these groups are the most immediately affected. ", "This results in markedly lower enrollment and retention rates for these groups. ", "Even though the trend usually dictates that enhancing enrollment efforts yields a more diverse campus, the exact opposite arises when the expansion of resources is not proportional.", "\n\nThe inconsistent link between heavier enrollment and diversity is especially obvious in UCSD’s enrollment statistics. ", "At a school where nearly 37 percent of applicants identified as Latino in the last year, only around 3 percent of the enrolled class of first-year freshmen were Latino, and around 12 percent were Mexican. ", "Asian and white students consistently constitute 60-73 percent of incoming freshman, but UCSD instead chooses to note loaded statistics about increases in populations of some minority groups. ", "For example, African-American students will be happy to know that the 2016 freshman class ascended from its usual 1-2 percent of that year’s first-time students to a whopping 3 percent. ", "UCSD made sure to include that this represents a 250 percent increase in that group’s enrollment. ", "While it is true that black and Hispanic students more often opt to enroll in two-year colleges prior to transferring to four-year universities, these numbers reflect more on the general effort to increase enrollment than they do on the efforts of UCSD to break down barriers to higher education. ", "Diversity does not mean cramming as many people of color in a room as possible to disguise the homogeneity; diversity is inclusion which ignores — or challenges — obstacles associated with socioeconomic level.", "\n\nTo its credit, once a student of color arrives on campus, UCSD makes the effort to support them. ", "The Obama administration — aka the good ol’ days — outlined specific policies which universities could undertake to promote diversity on their campuses, many of which UCSD instituted. ", "These include: providing resource centers which address the needs of specific minority groups, hiring diverse faculty at all levels of the institution so as to reflect the student body in the staff and curriculum, and programs that increase cultural competency (e.g. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Requirement, Dimensions of Culture courses, Making of the Modern World, etc.). ", "But, as UCSC students noted in their resolution, all of these efforts are in vain if there are too many students trying to access them. ", "Rather than building a diverse student body with the proper support to succeed, some schools simply foster cramped campuses that stretch their resources too thin.", "\n\nTo an extent, there is only so much a university can hope for when aiming to create a more holistic and inclusive system; institutional barriers to higher education exist outside of the university’s control. ", "However, the easiest method for accommodating the concerns students have is to put a freeze on admission numbers. ", "Instead of hoping that the increase in funding that comes from an influx of students will solve all problems, the UC system needs to focus on appropriating the funding it already receives to tackle the issues faced by its already bloated campuses." ]
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[ "Tag Archives: Chris Braithwaite\n\nPost navigation\n\nFeatured\n\nIn this Chronicle file photo, a Vermont state trooper carries a bundle of wooden rods out of a restaurant owned by the Island Pond community on June 22, 1984.", "\n\nby Chris Braithwaite\n\nBAVARIA, Germany — German police seized 40 children of the Twelve Tribes religious community here on September 5, according to press accounts.", "\n\nThe group is one of many international offshoots of the Northeast Kingdom Community Church in Island Pond, whose children were seized by Vermont State Police in a controversial raid on June 22, 1984.", "\n\nAlmost three decades later, German officials say they are investigating allegations that are almost identical to those that led to the Island Pond raid. ", "According to the British newspaper the Guardian, Germany sent 100 police officers to two of the sect’s complexes on the basis of “fresh evidence indicating significant and ongoing child abuse by the members.”", "\n\nOn its website, the Twelve Tribes acknowledges that adult members strike children with the thin wooden rods that troubled Vermont officials, though it denies that it abuses the children.", "\n\n“When they are disobedient or intentionally hurtful to others, we spank them with a small reed-like rod, which only inflicts pain and not damage,” the website says. “", "Desiring to be good parents, we do not hit our children in anger, nor with our hand or fist.”", "\n\nAnother British journal reported that German police were prompted to act after they were shown graphic scenes of adults beating six children in a basement room. ", "According to The Independent, the beatings were filmed by a journalist who claimed to be a “lost soul” to gain entry to the community, and used hidden video cameras and microphones.", "\n\nHis footage was shown on German television Monday night, The Independent said. ", "The program included an interview with a spokesman for the Bavarian youth welfare service who described the film as shocking. “", "We never had proof that they do this,” he said. “", "It is terrible, they preach peace but they beat their children.”", "\n\nVermont’s effort to seize and detain the sect’s children to look for evidence of physical abuse collapsed in the Orleans County Courthouse in Newport. ", "Judge Frank Mahady ruled that the state’s claim that all the children in the community were in danger of abuse was too vague to justify their emergency detention. ", "He sent them home to Island Pond that afternoon.", "\n\nThe sect has consistently denied that its children in Vermont were victims of physical abuse.", "\n\nFeatured\n\nBURLINGTON — Kim Brooks will serve 18 months in federal prison for embezzling more than $160,000 from her former employer in Orleans.", "\n\nThe 48-year-old Brownington woman was dismissed from her job at Desmarais Equipment in the spring of 2011 after an audit of the farm equipment dealer’s books revealed significant discrepancies.", "\n\nShe has since been an active volunteer with the Orleans County Fair, where she served on the board of directors.", "\n\nIndeed, the thousands of hours Ms. Brooks donated to the fair were cited by two people who spoke on her behalf at her sentencing hearing in U.S. District Court here Monday.", "\n\nHer attorney, David Sleigh, used their remarks as the basis of a request for a “downward departure” from federal sentencing guidelines that would have reduced her prison sentence to five months.", "\n\nBut Judge William Sessions was unmoved. ", "His remarks suggested that the fact that Ms. Brooks is “obviously an extraordinarily intelligent person” who enjoyed her community’s respect made her crime all the more serious.", "\n\n“How can someone who is so respected commit such a flagrant violation of trust?” ", "the judge asked before he handed down the 18-month sentence. ", "He said he would request that the sentence be served at a federal prison camp in Danbury, Connecticut, and ordered Ms. Brooks to surrender herself there on October 8.", "\n\nMs. Brooks was first cited to appear in state court in early 2012 following a State Police investigation. ", "Her case moved to U.S. District Court after a federal grand jury issued a three-count indictment in October 2012.", "\n\nMs. Brooks pled guilty to one count after negotiating a plea agreement with federal prosecutors in late April this year.", "\n\nJudge Sessions waived any fine, which could have been as high as $250,000. ", "But as part of the plea agreement she was ordered to forfeit $11,885 to the government in a “preliminary order of forfeiture” issued by the court on Friday.", "\n\nAccording to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s office, Ms. Brooks must pay a total of about $163,000 in restitution. ", "Judge Sessions ordered her Monday to give up 10 percent of her future gross income for that purpose.", "\n\nThat was one of several conditions of a three-year term of supervised release the judge added to her prison sentence. ", "He also ordered Ms. Brooks to avoid work that involved any fiduciary responsibility.", "\n\nThe judge told Ms. Brooks he had considered several factors before passing sentence. ", "None of them seemed to work out in her favor.", "\n\n“What was most important in my assessment is the level of planning,” he said. “", "This is a case in which money was taken over three years,” he noted. “", "It was not some casual act. ", "That level of calculation is extremely serious.”", "\n\nJudge Sessions noted that Ms. Brooks had been working with a small company for 15 years, and knew that her embezzlement would make it impossible for her co-workers to get raises or bonuses.", "\n\n“That’s a pretty flagrant violation of a person’s level of trust,” the judge remarked. “", "That you could go to work, knowing full well you have been stealing from them for years, is inconceivable to me,” he added.", "\n\nTurning to deterrence, the judge said embezzlement cases have become so common in Vermont that “some have referred to it as an epidemic.”", "\n\n“There needs to be a statement to the community that these violations of trust are treated seriously,” Judge Sessions said. “", "There needs to be a clear understanding by people who are in charge of other people’s money that to steal it is a serious crime.”", "\n\nThe brothers whose business was the victim of the crime, Rene and Roger Desmarais, both had a chance to speak to the court Monday.", "\n\n“We were in business for 49 years and had a lot of good help — people you trusted,” Roger Desmarais said. “", "Apparently we had a silent partner we didn’t know anything about.”", "\n\nHe said the loss cut into the price the brothers got when they sold their business. “", "We weren’t showing the profit we should have been,” he said.", "\n\nHe recalled the day an accountant “figured out something was wrong,” and confronted Ms. Brooks.", "\n\n“She said she had made some mistakes in life. ", "She was as cool as could be,” Mr. Desmarais said.", "\n\nReading from a pre-sentence investigation that was not made public, Judge Sessions said that Rene Desmarais felt humiliated by the case, a feeling that was “fueled by her arrogant public behavior.”", "\n\nAfter Ms. Brooks was caught, the judge asked Roger Desmarais, “was she acting in an arrogant way?”", "\n\n“No,” Mr. Desmarais replied. “", "Kim was being Kim.”", "\n\n“We considered her a real friend,” Rene Desmarais said when it was his turn to talk. ", "He said the crime also affected 12 to 14 people who worked for the dealership. ", "They got no raises for four or five years, he said. “", "At the end of the year there was no profit to distribute.”", "\n\nThe judge asked Rene Desmarais if Ms. Brooks was arrogant after her crime was revealed.", "\n\n“If I was accused of doing what she did, there’s no way I would have flaunted myself,” Mr. Desmarais replied. “", "She goes on as if nothing ever happened.”", "\n\nJudge Sessions established the fact that Ms. Brooks hadn’t paid any of the money back since her crime was discovered in early 2011.", "\n\nMs. Brooks’ attorney, David Sleigh, took responsibility for that. ", "He routinely warned his clients against contacting their alleged victims before the criminal case was settled, he told the judge.", "\n\nTwo friends were in the courtroom to speak for Ms. Brooks.", "\n\nLori Royer said her friendship with the defendant went back to their high school days. “", "She did a lot for the fair,” Ms. Royer said. “", "She kept the harness racing alive and well.”", "\n\n“She’s got a very kind heart,” Ms. Royer said of Ms. Brooks. “", "She’s a very good person.”", "\n\nRandy Patenaude told the judge he had worked with Ms. Brooks at the fair, and that she had also cared for his mother, who suffered a serious stroke.", "\n\n“Without her motivation, my mother would not be where she is now,” he said of Ms. Brooks’ care.", "\n\n“Kim devoted thousands of hours to the Orleans County Fair,” Mr. Patenaude said, “not for any glorification or monetary gain.”", "\n\nMr. Sleigh did not argue that his client should not go to jail, but urged the court to shorten the term from the federal guideline of 18 to 24 months.", "\n\n“Kim for years has given enormously to her community,” the attorney said. “", "It is hard to overestimate the importance of the Orleans County Fair to the community.”", "\n\n“Little of the wrongful taking wound up as a benefit to Kim,” Mr. Sleigh added.", "\n\nThe judge pursued that issue. ", "He noted that three checks involved in the crime had gone to her partner, for a total of close to $45,000.", "\n\n“Where did that money go?” ", "the judge demanded.", "\n\nDuring a later exchange with Ms. Brooks, Judge Sessions said the three checks went to Harvey Cleveland, Ms. Brooks partner and, until he stepped down in July, president of the Orleans County Fair.", "\n\n“What were they used for?” ", "the judge asked.", "\n\n“One, and a significant portion of another, was sent to Ohio to assist someone I knew,” Ms. Brooks replied.", "\n\nAccording to the grand jury indictment, “$11,885 in proceeds from one of these unauthorized checks was used to purchase a used truck in Ohio.”", "\n\n“One went to a young farmer who was trying to start up a business,” Ms. Brooks continued. “", "At the time I anticipated it was coming back,” she said of the money. “", "I found out that was not true. ", "I never received any of the money back.”", "\n\nThen Ms. Brooks turned to face the Desmarais brothers and their wives.", "\n\n“I’m sorry I betrayed your trust,” she told them. “", "I’m sorry for losing your friendship. ", "I will do everything I can to pay you back.”", "\n\nFeatured\n\nRita and Paul Martin at their home on the Eden Road in Albany. ", "The Lowell Mountain turbines dominate the view behind them, though the camera used in this photo was barely able to capture them. ", "Photo by Chris Braithwaite\n\nby Chris Braithwaite\n\nALBANY — Jim and Kathy Goodrich have a nice home with a porch along the entire west side that overlooks acres of neatly trimmed lawn and, about a mile away, the long, sinuous ridgeline known as Lowell Mountain.", "\n\nNow that view is dominated by the 21 towers of the Lowell wind project, their blades reaching 460 feet high. ", "And the house is for sale at a discounted price.", "\n\n“What I came here for is gone,” said Ms. Goodrich, a Wolcott native who worked for IBM in Chittenden County and then spent ten years with her husband in a landscaping business.", "\n\n“This was going to be where I spent the rest of my life — quiet, peaceful, relaxed,” Ms. Goodrich continued. “", "But I can’t stay here.”", "\n\nOne of the features their home has lost is the quiet, the couple says.", "\n\n“Sometimes they’re really loud,” Ms. Goodrich said. ", "In one hot spell, with the bedroom windows open and two fans running, she recalls, “I could hear them over everything. ", "It was some kind of roar.”", "\n\nHe suspects that the turbines often exceed the limits imposed when the state Public Service Board (PSB) gave the project its certificate of public good. ", "Mr. Goodrich sounds unconvinced by Green Mountain Power’s claim that its turbines have remained within those limits — 45 decibels outside, 35 inside — 99 percent of the time since they began to spin in late 2012.", "\n\nMs. Goodrich thinks the noise limits miss the point.", "\n\n“I don’t doubt that most of the time they’re in compliance,” she said Monday. “", "But to me, those guidelines are too much for people to handle, hour after hour after hour.”", "\n\nThe couple is not sure whether the turbines are affecting their health. ", "Mr. Goodrich recently experienced blade flicker for the first time, as the sun set behind the turbines and cast their moving shadows into the house.", "\n\nJim and Kathy Goodrich on their front porch, with Sophie. ", "Photo by Chris Braithwaite\n\n“That really irritated me,” he said. ", "As a young man, he said, he couldn’t go into a disco club because of the effect strobe lights had on him. “", "That night it really freaked me,” he said of the flicker.", "\n\nAs for the noise, Mr. Goodrich said, “I’ve got an idea it’s affecting my health, but I don’t know. ", "I know it has an effect on our talking to each other. ", "I get cranky. ", "She gets cranky.”", "\n\n“It’s frustrating,” Ms. Goodrich agreed. “", "It’s beyond our control. ", "I can ask him to turn the TV down, but they don’t listen up there,” she added, gesturing to the turbines.", "\n\nUnderlying the couple’s personal concerns is their anger about the project’s environmental impact.", "\n\n“For me it’s about what they did to the top of the mountain,” Ms. Goodrich said. “", "I’m a Vermonter. ", "I respect what we have here. ", "Now that it’s there it’s the interrupted views, the noise, the stress it’s brought into our lives. ", "It’s everything.", "\n\n“I wouldn’t have any problem in the world with green power,” she continued. “", "But it seems that they took away more green than they’ll ever give back.”", "\n\nThe third member of the household, a small dog named Sophie, “gets really skittish when the turbines are noisy,” Ms. Goodrich said. “", "At times I can’t get her to take a walk down the driveway.”", "\n\nMolly Two lives just down the hill, where Goodrich Road meets the Eden Road. ", "The big dog sticks close to Paul Martin if he takes her outside when the turbines are running. ", "She has become gun shy, and she’s started going to the bathroom on the floor of the Martin house.", "\n\nThe Martins’ horses were spooked by the turbines at first, Mr. Martin said, but seem to have grown used to them now.", "\n\nWhen the wind’s right they hear the turbines outside. ", "Mr. Martin described the noise as “just a big rumble like a jet.”", "\n\n“With a lot of that thud, thud thud,” his wife, Rita, added.", "\n\nWhen he goes outside, Mr. Martin said, “my ears will start ringing to beat hell. ", "They never did that before.”", "\n\nAs for Ms. Martin, he said, “She woke me up one night and said ‘My heart is pounding terrible.’ ", "I could hear the thud thud from the towers.”", "\n\n“We were told we wouldn’t hear them” by the people from Green Mountain Power, Mr. Martin said.", "\n\nSince they’ve put an air conditioner in the bedroom the turbine noise doesn’t disturb their sleep, the Martins said, though they still hear them on some nights.", "\n\nWhen they moved onto the Eden Road in 1974, their place was at the end of the road. ", "Now, the Martins say, people wanting to view the turbines generate considerable traffic past their home.", "\n\nThey say they’ve thought about moving, but are not sure they could sell their homestead.", "\n\n“Who’d buy it?” ", "Ms. Martin asked with a shrug.", "\n\n“What most bothers me is the destruction it’s done on top of the mountain,” Mr. Martin said.", "\n\n“Paul’s taken both our kids up the mountain,” before the turbines arrived, his wife said. “", "Thank God he did, too. ", "It will never be the same.”", "\n\nShirley and Don Nelson flank a sign that is common in their neighborhood. ", "Photo by Chris Braithwaite\n\nA bit closer to the turbines, at her home on the Bailey-Hazen Road, Shirley Nelson has a list of symptoms that have arrived since the wind project started spinning. ", "She has a ringing in her ears, and sometimes worse.", "\n\n“This morning it felt like a pin sticking in my ear,” she said Monday. “", "I have headaches, usually around my temples but sometimes like a band wrapped right around my head.", "\n\n“Both Donny and I wake up in the middle of the night because it sounds like something coming out of the pillow,” she said, referring to her husband, Don. “", "I never said much about it, because I thought I was crazy.”", "\n\nThen she found a research paper by Alec Salt, Ph.D., from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, entitled “Wind Turbines can be Hazardous to Human Health.”", "\n\nHe writes about very low frequency sound and infrasound, which wind turbines generate in turbulent winds. “", "Our measurements show the ear is most sensitive to infrasound when other, audible sounds are at low levels or absent,” Dr. Salt writes.", "\n\nThus infrasound can be most troublesome when other sounds are blocked by house walls or even a pillow, he continues. “", "In either case, the infrasound will be strongly stimulating the ear even though you will not be able to hear it.”", "\n\nThat can cause sleep disturbance, panic, and chronic sleep deprivation leading to high blood pressure, the paper says.", "\n\n“Some days I am very tired,” Ms. Nelson wrote in an e-mail Monday. ", "It is hard to stay awake on such days, she added, and “it is hard to concentrate and I find I am unable to do simple things like balancing a checkbook.”", "\n\nThe Nelsons routinely see turbine flicker in their home as the sun goes behind the towers. ", "It sends shadows spinning slowly across their refrigerator, their floors and across the lawns outside.", "\n\n“It’s just really annoying,” Ms. Nelson said.", "\n\nDislike of the turbines and their effects is not universal in the neighborhood. ", "Albert and Esther Weber live a little west of the Martins on the Eden Road, just across the Lowell town line.", "\n\n“I hear them, but they’re not offensive to me,” Mr. Weber said. “", "I figure the wind should do some good for a change. ", "The wind ripped the roof off my house. ", "It should make some electricity, and it should make our taxes go down.", "\n\n“I love the windmills,” Ms. Weber said. “", "I’ve always loved windmills since I was a girl in school, and learned about Holland. ", "When they said they were going to put some up here, I was thrilled.”", "\n\nShe likes to see the towers glowing on the mountain in the early morning light, and finds that the afternoon shadows flickering in the backyard “look kind of neat.”", "\n\nFurther down the road Carl Cowles said he hears the turbines almost all the time, and they bother him. “", "I think I hear them more at night than in the daytime,” Mr. Cowles added. “", "I do wake up, and I hear them. ", "I don’t know exactly what woke me up.”", "\n\nWhen he’s not traveling around the world on business, Kevin McGrath lives on the other side of the mountain on the Farm Road in Lowell. ", "He recalls a visit from a friend, another Lowell resident who had voted in favor of the wind project. ", "Mr. McGrath was complaining about the turbine noise.", "\n\n“He said, ‘We’ll listen for the noise as soon as the jet plane goes away.’ ", "I said, ‘That is the noise.’”", "\n\n“It sounds like a plane that never lands,” he said. ", "He measures the sound with a hand-held meter.", "\n\n“At times it is under 45 decibels outside,” he reports. “", "You don’t have anything to say. ", "This is the way it is.”", "\n\n“People like myself, who have had the land for 20 or 25 years, aren’t used to this new intrusion into their lives. ", "If you have a leaky faucet in your sink, is it below 35 decibels? ", "Yes it is. ", "But not being able to turn it off will drive you crazy. ", "It’s an intrusion.”", "\n\nMr. McGrath has bombarded the Department of Public Service with complaints that the turbines have kept him and his guests awake at night. ", "He’s currently asking Green Mountain Power (GMP) for detailed data about wind speed and other weather conditions, which he wants to pass on to his own, independent noise expert.", "\n\n“They’re kind of waffling on that,” he said of GMP in a telephone interview Tuesday.", "\n\nBut Ms. Schnure didn’t say GMP would provide the data he’s seeking. ", "Instead, she emphasized that the utility stands ready to test any home near the project, to see how much its structure reduces outside noise. ", "Then the utility would put an outside meter near the house, to provide an approximation of turbine noise inside the home.", "\n\nSo far, she said, “no one has taken us up on the offer.”", "\n\nGMP announced last week that in a test period from May 22 to June 5 its project did not exceed the PSB noise limits.", "\n\nHowever, in two earlier test periods noise exceeded the limits for a total of just over four hours, the release said.", "\n\nThe PSB has scheduled a hearing for August 8 to decide what sanctions should be imposed on GMP for the violations.", "\n\nA horse grazes on what’s left of its pasture, along Elm Street in Barton, just as Tuesday’s downpour subsides. ", "Photo by Chris Braithwaite\n\nby Tena Starr\n\n“It’s kind of a nightmare.”", "\n\nThat’s how Brandon Tanner of Glover described this summer’s weather and his own efforts to put in hay for his dairy cows.", "\n\n“It’s one of those things where you’re forced this year to get what you can get when you can get it,” Mr. Tanner said. “", "There’s no planning, no helping other people. ", "It’s sort of you do yours when you can do it the best you can.”", "\n\nFarmers, strawberry growers, boaters, anyone who enjoys a day at the beach — they’re all likely to say “Enough already.”", "\n\nAlthough Mother Nature isn’t.", "\n\nThere’s some hope that by the end of the week the stubborn weather pattern will break down, permitting a couple of consecutive rain-free days by the weekend, said meteorologist Lawrence Hayes at the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury.", "\n\nThe problem, he said, is that Vermont has been stuck in between two upper level features involving a serpentine jet stream that moves northward. ", "The sources of its air is the Gulf of Mexico and the southeast coast, hence the subtropical air in Vermont.", "\n\nAlso, “the air has been so copiously humid (dew points around 70) that any shower that forms is risk of generating at least moderately heavy rain,” Mr. Hayes said by e-mail.", "\n\nThe result of all this has been a lot more rain than usual, as well as more rainy days, in both May and June.", "\n\nAccording to the Chronicle’s weather records (which record weather in West Glover) precipitation in May was 7.88 inches — almost double the long-term average of 4.03 inches, and exceeded only in May of 2011. ", "It also snowed in May. The Chronicle’s weather records go back to 1987.", "\n\nIn June, there was some rain in West Glover on 21 out of 30 days. ", "It added up to 6.23 inches, well above the long-term average for June of 4.14 inches.", "\n\nIn St. Johnsbury the 14-day stretch of measurable rainfall from June 23 to July 7 was the longest consecutive day stretch there during the warm weather season, meaning May through October, Mr. Hayes said.", "\n\nFor most, the soggy weather is simply an annoyance. ", "But for some, it has economic consequences, as well.", "\n\nPeak View Berry Farm in Orleans doesn’t have any strawberries at all this year, although it’s not due to the wet weather that’s plagued so many strawberry growers in Vermont.", "\n\n“We lost our strawberries in January when the thaw came and then it got so cold in February,” said Michelle Bonin, who owns the farm with her husband, Marcel. “", "The thaw literally pushed all of our plants out of the ground. ", "That was something we’d never seen.”", "\n\nThe Bonins have since put in 13,000 new plants and are hoping to have a crop from the ever bearers in October. ", "But even tending the new plants is tough with the wet weather.", "\n\n“A few days ago I wanted to cultivate my strawberries and couldn’t because of the mud,” Marcel Bonin said. “", "The ground is saturated. ", "I’d have a mess.”", "\n\nIn Westfield, Gerard Croizet at Berry Creek Farm said he’s lost 20 to 25 percent of his strawberries to the weather, mold in particular.", "\n\nThe berries are big, although softer than usual, and the yield has been good, he said.", "\n\nIt could be a lot worse, though, Mr. Croizet said. “", "I know some people lost most everything.”", "\n\n“I’m not depressed,” he added.", "\n\nBoth the Croizets and the Bonins grow vegetables as well as berries, and say that weeding is a big problem with their fields so wet. ", "And while some crops are doing well in the subtropical weather, others are struggling.", "\n\nMr. Croizet said he’s worried about disease at this point, particularly late blight, which might make an early appearance due to the moisture.", "\n\n“I don’t remember nonstop rain like that,” he said.", "\n\n“I think it’s extraordinary, I think it’s quite dramatic for the whole area,” Mr. Bonin said about the unusually long stretch of rainy days.", "\n\nHe said his Orleans farm stand is usually open by the last week in June. ", "It’s not this year. “", "I don’t have anything to put in it,” Mr. Bonin said.", "\n\nFor dairy farmers, the persistent rain not only makes it hard to make any hay, but also the quality suffers.", "\n\nMost farmers make round bales these days — those plastic wrapped bales that resemble giant marshmallows. ", "It takes a comparatively short stretch of dry weather to make a round bale as opposed to a square one, but this summer has daunted even those attempts.", "\n\nIt takes at least a couple of days to “put up something that’s not going to be an ice cube,” Mr. Tanner said.", "\n\nIf the hay is too wet, it will be frozen solid come winter when the farmer wants to feed it to his animals, he said.", "\n\nThat’s one problem. ", "Another is that some fields are so wet farmers can’t even get on them to hay.", "\n\nAnd yet another is that grass, especially orchard grass, declines in quality — meaning it loses protein — once it begins to head out.", "\n\n“You can always supplement grains in order to make up what you lost on your grass, but especially the past three years, that’s been sort of unaffordable,” Mr. Tanner said.", "\n\nHe said that last year, a classic summer, he squeezed in five cuts of hay. “", "This year, so far, I’ve done one. ", "I’ll be lucky if I get three.”", "\n\nEvan Perron isn’t overly worried about the weather, even though he’s one of the few who still makes square bales.", "\n\n“The hay I cut will be just fine, for horses, ponies, sheep, it will still be 10-12 percent…it’s nothing you could turn into milk and survive,” he said.", "\n\nMr. Perron said that when he was a kid it was common to wait until after July 4 to start haying. “", "There was a time we might not have thought much of it,” he said about the long rainy stretch. “", "We’d just be a week late.”", "\n\nBut now that people try to get 20 or 30 percent protein from their hay, “it’s a pretty big deal,” he said.", "\n\nFeatured\n\nBARTON — Solar energy may come to town soon at the Barton Solar Farm at 1603 Glover Road. ", "A fairly large project at 1.8 megawatts (MW), it would produce the amount of power consumed, on average, by more than 300 Vermont homes.", "\n\nThe project has no local permits yet, the developer said last week, and still faces the detailed scrutiny of the state Public Service Board under Section 248. ", "What it does have is acceptance as a SPEED program, a key ingredient in the state’s effort to make a major shift to renewable electric energy.", "\n\n“We’ve come out of the gate,” said developer Robert Grant of Essex County, Massachusetts. “", "Now we have to start running the gauntlet.”", "\n\nMeanwhile the voters in Newport Center approved at Town Meeting a selectmen’s proposal for a $200,000 “Community Energy Solar Garden.”", "\n\nSteve Mason, chairman of the Lowell School Board, is looking into working with a Westminster, Vermont, company called Soveren to install a solar system that would provide power to Lowell’s town and school buildings. ", "Under a deal with Brattleboro Schools that caught Mr. Mason’s eye, the schools will pay none of the capital cost, and save 10 percent on its energy bills.", "\n\nAnd small solar installations are popping up at homes in the area at what looks like a steadily increasing pace.", "\n\nThe trend to solar energy is not being driven by the fact that, with no fuel required, it’s cheap energy. ", "It’s nothing of the kind.", "\n\nBut solar energy is clean energy, and in its haste to clean up Vermont’s electric energy supply, the state has compelled its utilities to buy solar energy at prices that make installations financially attractive.", "\n\nThose premiums get passed on, through the utilities’ rate structure, to customers who don’t have solar panels on their roof or a wind turbine in their yard.", "\n\nThat’s a concern to some observers, who fear that the state’s strong embrace of renewable energy is based on more emotion than reason; that policies were adopted without due consideration of what they may ultimately cost.", "\n\nThere are, indeed, two programs in Vermont, SPEED and net metering, that pursue the goal of more renewable electric energy in different ways, and with no apparent coordination.", "\n\nIt also puzzles some energy critics that this battle to reduce the state’s carbon footprint, thus contributing to the effort against global warming, is focused on an energy sector that is already remarkably clean. ", "Vermonters use relatively little electricity. ", "Vermont residences, on average, consume 573 KWh of power a month, compared to a national average of 940 KWh.", "\n\nIn its “Vermont Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory,” the state Agency of Natural Resources said that, in 2008, electricity accounted for 4 percent of the 8.37 metric tons of carbon dioxide the state releases into the atmosphere. ", "The bulk of carbon dioxide came from heating and transportation.", "\n\nThe end of contracts with the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant may have altered that picture since 2008, but utilities have turned to other nuclear plants to make up at least some of the difference.", "\n\nOne concerned observer is Willem Post, a frequent source of widely disseminated e-mails on the Vermont energy picture. ", "In a recent interview, Mr. Post said he is a mechanical engineer with 40 years’ experience in the utility business.", "\n\nMr. Post is concerned about a program called SPEED, which stands for Sustainably Priced Energy Development. ", "It supports moderate to very large renewable projects by offering premium prices for their power.", "\n\nAny sort of renewable energy gets a premium price compared with the current wholesale price on the New England grid of about 5 cents a kilowatt hour (KWh). ", "But solar power sits at the top of the heap at five times that rate, 27.5 cents per KWh. ", "Other prices, freshly recalibrated by the PSB for SPEED’s Standard Offer program, range down to a “levelized” price (which starts lower and climbs higher over 20 years) of 25.3 cents for wind projects over 100 KW, 11.8 cents for larger wind projects, 14.1 cents for farm methane, 12.5 cents for biomass, 12.3 cents for hydro, and 9 cents for landfill methane.", "\n\nSPEED projects that exceed the 2.2 MW limit of the standard offer program negotiate rates with the utilities, like the 40 MW Sheffield wind project, or are owned by the utilities themselves, like Green Mountain Power’s 63 MW Lowell project. (", "One megawatt is 1,000 kilowatts.)", "\n\nThe 2017 SPEED goal, according to its Internet site, “is to have 20 percent of total statewide electric retail sales during the year commencing January 1, 2017, generated by SPEED resources that constitute new renewable energy.”", "\n\nVermont consumes about 5.5 million MWh of power a year, so the SPEED goal is about 1.1 million MWh.", "\n\nAccording to a recent status report, SPEED projects are already generating an estimated 570,843 MWh, a little over half its target.", "\n\nThat total comes overwhelmingly from big projects outside the Standard Offer Program. ", "Led by Lowell Mountain, nine big projects are expected to make more than half a million MWh a year, while about 30 Standard Offer projects make about 54,000 MW.", "\n\nAnother 213,162 MWh are expected from SPEED projects “in active development,” about evenly split between four large projects and various standard offer projects.", "\n\nThat would bring total SPEED production to 784,000 MWh, 316,000 MWh short of its goal.", "\n\nExisting Standard Offer projects lean heavily to farm methane (14) and solar (12). ", "But on a list of pending projects that will take advantage of high Standard Offer Prices 18 are solar, five farm methane, and three hydro.", "\n\nThe clear preference for solar power worries Mr. Post, the engineer, because of its high, 27.5-cent cost to utilities.", "\n\nHe calculates that the Standard Offer projects already online cost utilities — and their customers — $3.4-million above the average New England grid power price in 2012.", "\n\nIf enough solar Standard Offer project were permitted to meet the SPEED goal, he calculates, the excess cost would rise beyond $50-million in 2017. ", "And that doesn’t count the cost of the big projects like Lowell, he notes.", "\n\nIn SPEED, he sees a program that was not rationally designed, and is running on autopilot.", "\n\nHe uses the metaphor of a frog in a frying pan of water, with the stove on. ", "The effect may be gradual, he said, “but it will eventually ruin the Vermont economy. ", "We will end up with rates that are significantly higher than other states, put ourselves at a further disadvantage.”", "\n\nBut the man who bears the title of Vermont SPEED Facilitator, John Spencer, said Monday that, with their relatively small, 2.2 MW maximum size, Standard Offer projects can’t close the gap between SPEED’s target and its current and scheduled production. ", "That would mean that the expensive solar projects Mr. Post worries about can’t be hurried forward at the rate he fears.", "\n\nMr. Spencer is executive director of a non-profit called VEPP, Inc., that serves as a sort of broker between SPEED producers and the utilities.", "\n\nUnder state law, he said, “I can only take Standard Offer programs at the rate of five MW a year.”", "\n\nWhen it comes up against a capacity limit, solar energy is hampered by its low capacity factor of 15 percent.", "\n\nFive MW of solar power would yield about 6,570 MWh a year.", "\n\nTo fill that 316,000 MWh gap by January 1, 2017, SPEED needs to add about 105,000 MWh a year.", "\n\nSo where will the renewable power come from?", "\n\nProbably from out of state, Mr. Spencer said.", "\n\nThat is apparently a loophole in the program that has been devised to close the gap. ", "In 2011, when the Lowell Wind project was being debated before the Public Service Board, the SPEED program was key to its economic justification, and SPEED projects were defined then as in-state renewable generation.", "\n\nBut, somewhat to Mr. Spencer’s dismay, “in-state” has been dropped from the definition. ", "Energy from new renewable projects in other states can be counted toward the SPEED goal, Mr. Spencer said, as long as they carry their renewable energy credits with them when they cross the state line. ", "Vermont utilities don’t need those credits, so can sell them to utilities in other states.", "\n\nRobert Dostis, head of external affairs and customer relations at Green Mountain Power, confirmed Tuesday that his utility is buying SPEED power from Granite Reliable Wind, a New Hampshire project.", "\n\nThat will help GMP meet its 20 percent target, Mr. Dostis said. “", "It won’t be easy, but we’re working on it.”", "\n\nNet metering\n\nNet metering is a program designed for smaller renewable projects that are linked directly into a utility’s lines through a meter that spins backwards when the customer doesn’t need all the power he or she is producing.", "\n\nFor wind, methane or hydro systems, net metering offers the local utility’s retail rate for power from small renewable projects up to 500 kilowatts (KW) — compared with the 2,200 KW limit on SPEED Standard Offer projects. ", "But people who install solar panels get a premium big enough to assure them a rate of 20 cents per KWh, a bit above the state’s average residential rate of 17.7 cents.", "\n\nNot surprisingly, solar installations account for 88 percent of net metered projects, and are driving a growth rate in the program that the state’s Public Service Department (PSD) recently described as “exponential.”", "\n\nNet metering goes back to 1998 in Vermont, though limits on the size of both individual projects and their total statewide capacity have been increased several times.", "\n\nIn a recent report on the program to the Legislature, the PSD noted that the statewide limit on net metering was raised from 1 percent to 2 percent of Vermont’s peak load of about 1,000 MW in 2002, and that was doubled again to 4 percent in 2011.", "\n\nIn terms of capacity, the PSD said, net metering has climbed past 20 MW statewide, and so is approximately halfway to its current 40 MW limit.", "\n\nHowever because it is so heavily weighted to solar power with its low 15 percent capacity factor, net metering accounts for considerably less than 1 percent of the state’s power consumption.", "\n\nNet metering is growing fast in other parts of the state. ", "A state list of projects “deemed approved” from the first of this year through mid-March listed 136 statewide, but only one in Orleans County.", "\n\nFor people who have the means to do it themselves, net metering can be attractive. ", "Mr. Spencer, the SPEED facilitator, installed one at his home for $15,000. ", "Federal tax credits and state rebates reduced his cost to $10,500, he said, and he hopes the system will eliminate his electric bill of about $1,200 a year. ", "He calculates a return on investment of about 12 percent, a rate, he notes that is “pretty hard to get in other places.”", "\n\nFor people who want to avoid the up-front cost or the complexity of installing their own system, companies like AllEarth Renewables and its competitors stand ready to install one at no cost. ", "The homeowner gets a guarantee that his or her electric rates won’t rise, and the installer gets whatever tax credits, rapid depreciation and state rebates are available.", "\n\nAllEarth has more recently teamed up with Green Lantern Capital to offer such deals to municipalities and non-profits like schools and hospitals that pay no income taxes. ", "In these deals, the tax advantages go to Green Lantern’s investors, and the municipality is offered a modest saving on its electricity and a chance to buy the system at less than half its cost after seven years.", "\n\nWith such a deal on the table, said AllEarth spokesman Andrew Savage, “there is no sane reason an entity that doesn’t pay taxes would bond for the full cost of a project.”", "\n\nMr. Post, the energy policy critic, objects to the idea that the many projects are being financed by millionaires who, while their consumers harvest the power of the sun, are harvesting the substantial tax benefits attached to renewable projects, along with the high rates.", "\n\nMeanwhile, he said in one e-mail, ordinary Vermonters are saddled with higher power rates.", "\n\nThe DPS study was undertaken to answer just that question from a legislator: “…whether and to what extent customers using net metering systems… are subsidized by other retail electric customers who do not….”", "\n\nThe study found that they were not. ", "But that was only after a cash value was factored in to reflect the fact that renewable energy doesn’t generate harmful greenhouse gasses.", "\n\nWithout that calculation, the study showed that net metering costs exceeded its benefits by 0.6 cents a KWh for fixed solar installations, 1.5 cents per KWh for solar systems that track the sun, and 9.1 cents for a 100KW wind generator.", "\n\nRian Fried has made a close study of renewable energy for his company, Clean Yield Asset Management, which evaluates investment opportunities for its clients in terms of both financial return and social value.", "\n\nThe company decided some time ago not to recommend any large wind projects, but has invested in solar companies. ", "Mr. Fried recently installed a net metered system at his home in Stannard.", "\n\nBut he’s not sure anyone at the state policy level has a handle on the long-term effects of our pursuit of clean energy.", "\n\n“I think you have a political situation in this state now, where the Green Mountain Power people, Shumlin’s people, Paul Burns (the head of the Vermont Public Interest Research Group) and a lot of Progressives are talking about the public good and completely whitewashing the numbers part of it,” he said in an interview. “", "There’s going to come a time again when we’re going to talk about rates.”", "\n\nAt Green Mountain Power Mr. Dostis said his utility looks carefully at its mix of power sources to make sure its rates remain competitive with other New England utilities.", "\n\n“We have a voice in the legislative process,” said Mr. Dostis, himself a former state representative. “", "In the end the ratepayers will absorb any cost. ", "We are very mindful of that, and we make sure the Legislature is very mindful of that.”", "\n\nMr. Dostis sees big changes ahead in his industry “as more and more people put on solar projects that meet 100 percent of their power needs. ", "Their bill is zero. ", "Other customers are paying the cost of maintaining the overall grid. ", "It’s an issue the Legislature will have to deal with.”", "\n\nAt the Legislature, Senator John Rodgers of Glover has taken the position that Vermont’s renewable electric energy goals should simply be scrapped.", "\n\n“My concern is that the renewable goals are driving the Public Service Board’s decisions when they’re siting these projects. ", "I don’t think that’s how siting should be driven.", "\n\n“Ridgeline industrial wind is absolutely the worst of all the possible tools at our disposal,” the senator said. ", "Instead he’d like to see more support for “small, local stuff” like farm methane and power dams that have fallen out of service.", "\n\nCanadian hydro power is another option that should be expanded, he said. “", "I don’t see any problem with using very reasonably priced power produced north of the border with renewable resources.”", "\n\nHe challenges the idea that Vermont should not only use more renewable electric power, but also generate it. “", "Most of the appeal of Vermont is that we have resisted destroying our environment for the sake of commercial enterprise,” he said.", "\n\nFeatured\n\nAdam Parke stands at the collection point that pumps sap from steep hills to the east and west of the Hinman Road in Glover. ", "Photos by Chris Braithwaite\n\nby Chris Braithwaite\n\ncopyright 3-13-2013\n\nBARTON — When Adam Parke and Todd Scelza “sweetened the pans” and drew off their first 165 gallons of maple syrup Monday night, it was the culmination of ten months’ work and an investment of a quarter of a million dollars.", "\n\nIt was also a demonstration of what has happened to one of this area’s oldest and most traditional enterprises. ", "Welcome to the era of Big Sugar.", "\n\nStarting from scratch in May last year, Mr. Scelza and Mr. Parke have installed 11,700 taps over hundreds of acres of forest they’ve leased in Glover from Nick Ecker-Racz.", "\n\nThat won’t make them the biggest operators in the business. ", "Mark Colburn in West Glover has 21,000 taps this year. ", "And when Mr. Parke and Mr. Scelza needed some very large tanks to handle their sap, they got them used from a sugarmaker in Franklin County. ", "With about 100,000 taps, the seller found that his 4,500-gallon sap tanks were just too small.", "\n\nAll of the time and money the partners have put into their operation since last May is culminating this week in a productive machine with a great many moving parts.", "\n\nMost of the taps yield their sap to a collection point that sits in a low, swampy area just off the old Hinman Road. ", "The sap is drawn to two big tanks by a vacuum pump that reaches deep into the forest to the east and west through two-inch dry lines. ", "The sap actually flows through a parallel set of wet lines, connected at strategic points to the dry line.", "\n\nMr. Ecker-Racz collects that sap in a tank on a trailer behind his tractor and hauls it south on the Hinman Road, across a ford over a small creek, and a short distance west on the Shadow Lake Road to a big insulated shipping container that houses a shiny new reverse osmosis (RO) machine. ", "Another big tank receives the sap, along with sap pumped directly from taps in another section of the operation, on the south side of Shadow Lake Road.", "\n\nA smaller tank sits beside the sap tank in the barn the partners have built, collecting a gush of concentrated sap from the RO machine.", "\n\nThat concentrate gets pumped up into a tank in the back of a veteran dump truck and hauled through Glover and Barton to Mr. Parke’s farm, high at the end of May Pond Road.", "\n\nThere it is boiled down into syrup in a six-by-16-foot evaporator fired by two oil burners.", "\n\nThe whole exercise is a fascinating mix of old and new. ", "In Mr. Parke’s sugarhouse the back pan is 30 years old. ", "He bought it from the defunct American Maple Company in Newport, and it was patched up under the supervision of Bucky Shelton at the new sugaring supply business in Orleans, Lapierre USA.", "\n\nBut the front pans are gleaming new stainless steel. ", "There are three of them taking up the space of the traditional front pan, and a fourth to serve as a spare. ", "The point, the sugarmakers explained, is that one pan can be lifted out of place and replaced while it is being cleaned. ", "Frequent cleaning comes with the RO-enriched concentrate that arrives from Glover. ", "It drops a lot of niter as it boils, and that can’t be allowed to coat the bottom of the pan.", "\n\n“With RO sap, you’re kind of right on the edge of disaster all the time,” said Tim Perkins, who directs UVM’s Proctor Maple Research Center in Underhill.", "\n\nHe’s seeing a steady growth in the maple industry. ", "Exact numbers are hard to come by, Mr. Perkins said, but his estimate is that “the maple industry has been growing quite rapidly over the last five years, on the order of 4 to 5 percent a year.”", "\n\nNew technology has been key to the industry’s growth, Mr. Perkins said.", "\n\n“Anybody of a reasonably decent size is going to have a very efficient operation with a modern tubing system, vacuum lines, RO, and very efficient evaporators.”", "\n\nA vacuum system like the one Mr. Parke and Mr. Scelza laid out with the help of a consultant from New York State can double the yield per tap.", "\n\nThe ratio of taps to syrup, Mr. Perkins said, “used to be a quart per tap in a good year on buckets. ", "Now, tapping forest trees, you can get half a gallon per tap year after year, if you’re doing everything right.”", "\n\n“If you don’t have vacuum,” Mr. Shelton said flatly, “it’s like having a ski area without snow making.”", "\n\nTo handle all that sap most large sugarmakers have turned to reverse osmosis.", "\n\nDavid Marvin of Butternut Mountain Farm in Morrisville recalled starting out 40 years ago with 4,000 taps. “", "That was a pretty big deal,” he said. ", "His operation currently has 16,000 taps.", "\n\n“The real key has been reverse osmosis,” Mr. Marvin said. ", "Without it, sugarmakers were burning between four and four and a half gallons of oil to make a gallon of syrup. ", "With RO, Mr. Marvin said, it takes two quarts of oil to make a gallon of syrup.", "\n\nWithout RO, Mr. Marvin said, “we wouldn’t have this expansion in the industry. ", "The consumer wouldn’t be able to afford the energy we’d have to use to make the product.”", "\n\nThough most large-scale sugarmakers burn oil, Mr. Perkins at the research center noted that the technology of wood-fired rigs continues to advance. ", "While wood-fired rigs have long relied on a supply of forced air at the bottom of the fire pit, the new models add a flow of air over the top of the fire to burn gasses that would otherwise go up the stack.", "\n\nBucky Shelton stands beside the Hurricane at Lapierre USA in Orleans. ", "The rig applies new technology to the time-honored practice of burning wood. ", "Photos by Chris Braithwaite\n\nMr. Shelton has one such rig on display at the Lapierre store in Orleans. ", "It’s a three-tiered beauty in stainless steel called the Hurricane, and it carries a price tag of $36,212. ", "Its top unit, called a piggyback, concentrates the sap on its way down to the evaporator.", "\n\nFor Mr. Parke and Mr. Scelza, finding a very large, untapped hardwood forest rich in maple was key to their enterprise. ", "Mr. Ecker-Racz bought his land at the end of the Perron Hill Road in 1968 and moved onto it in 1970. ", "Since then the trained forester has cultivated it much the way others might care for a garden.", "\n\nHe’s culled for firewood, harvested the softwood several times, but left the best hardwood standing for saw logs — or for sugaring.", "\n\nHe scorns the idea of clearcutting, or even selectively cutting everything over a certain size. ", "Though they are rare these days, he said, “you will find a few old-time Vermonters who understand the genetics of wood. ", "It’s just like a dairy herd. ", "You don’t milk your culls and beef your best cows.”", "\n\nMr. Parke is clearly delighted to have found such a stand of maples. “", "Nick is an exceptional forester,” he said of Mr. Ecker-Racz.", "\n\nMr. Parke and Mr. Scelza demonstrated a lot of ingenuity in getting set up for sugaring. ", "The barn on the Shadow Lake Road is a reconstruction of one Mr. Parke tore down in Orwell. ", "Years ago Mr. Parke picked up a couple of shipping containers and buried them at his farm as root cellars. ", "He dug them up and used one to house the RO machine, the other for the pumps and generator at the collection point in the swamp, where there is no power.", "\n\nThat military surplus generator proved too small for the job, so while he waits for a new one Mr. Parke is using a borrowed generator powered by his tractor. ", "As one neighbor noted, that requires 2 a.m. runs on his ATV to keep the tractor fueled.", "\n\nWhen Mr. Ecker-Racz first broke out the Hinman Road with his tractor at the end of February, its front end fell off as it dropped into the open ford.", "\n\nBut he had it fixed in time to deliver the first loads of sap. ", "And on Tuesday morning with the RO machine sending a gush of concentrated sap into the tank, the two partners were clearly delighted to see their enterprise finally in production.", "\n\nFeatured\n\nKate Kanelstein, in the second row at left, testified against imposing a three-year cutoff in the Reach Up program Monday at a Vermont Interactive Television hearing on the state budget. ", "Beside her is Cindy Perron of Barton, who testified on health care. ", "In the foreground at right, George Frisbee, commander of the Jay Peak Post of the American Legion, testifies against a proposed tax on break open tickets. ", "Beside him is Harvey Robitaille, past commander of Legion Post 21 in Newport. ", "Legion members attended the hearings at sites across the state to argue that the tax would cripple the charitable programs the Legion supports in Vermont. ", "Photo by Chris Braithwaite\n\nby Chris Braithwaite\n\ncopyright the Chronicle 2-13-13\n\nNEWPORT — Kate Kanelstein of the Vermont Workers Center was a bit apologetic when she sat in front of the camera during a statewide budget hearing Monday afternoon.", "\n\nShe had planned to bring several women who face the loss of their Reach Up benefits under the cutoff proposed by Governor Peter Shumlin.", "\n\nBut none of them could make it, she told the members of the House and Senate Appropriations committees who convened the hearing.", "\n\nThe women had encountered problems with child care, car troubles, sick family members, and one of them was in labor, Ms. Kanelstein said.", "\n\nShe used her few minutes on Vermont Interactive Television to read a statement from Reach Up participant Jess Ray of West Charleston.", "\n\nBut the explanations she offered the committee might serve as a quick summary of the problems that keep Reach Up participants, typically single mothers, out of the labor force.", "\n\nMs. Ray, for example, wrote that she is a mother of two, living with a boyfriend. “", "Combined, we get $770 each month. ", "Our rent is $550 so after paying bills I usually end up with like $20 for everything else. ", "I love to sew and want to be a seamstress, but I would do pretty much anything if I could get a job.”", "\n\nMs. Ray went on the say that the arrival of her first child ended her career at a Barton nursing home five years ago. “", "I went on Reach Up for the first time because I didn’t get any maternity leave with my job.”", "\n\nThey left Reach Up when her boyfriend got a job, but returned in less than a year because the company went bankrupt, she wrote.", "\n\n“Then we got off again when I got a job at Thibault’s Market in Orleans but our car wasn’t inspectable and we didn’t have the money for the repairs so after about three months I couldn’t get there and lost that job, too. ", "As you can see we live on the edge and it’s really hard to get stable…. ", "Living in West Charleston without transportation makes it incredibly difficult.”", "\n\n“I also want to understand what you are basing these budget decisions on,” Ms. Ray told the legislators. “", "Do you look at the real life situations of people in our communities? ", "I think that is where we should start.”", "\n\nThe decision in question is whether the Legislature should follow the Governor’s wishes and, on October 1, cut off all families who have been in the Reach Up program for three years.", "\n\nAccording to Chris Curtis, a staff attorney with Vermont Legal Aid, 1,188 families would lose their benefits in October, of a total of about 6,400 families on the program.", "\n\nOf that total, as of September last year, 315 families with 775 family members are in the Newport district of the Department of Children and Families, which oversees Reach Up. ", "Their benefits that month totaled $147,764, or about $470 a family.", "\n\nThe average Reach Up participant wouldn’t be affected by a three-year cutoff. ", "According to a state report, “the average amount of time that an individual in Reach Up receives case management services is approximately 24 months.”", "\n\nBut people who know the program in Newport are worried about the impact a cutoff would have.", "\n\n“My biggest fear is the children,” said Mary Hamel, who runs a job site for Reach Up participants as associate director of employment and training for NECKA.", "\n\n“Reach up is for families,” Ms. Hamel said. “", "Cutting them off is taking away their rent money — the roof over a child’s head. ", "That concerns me.”", "\n\nIt concerns Mr. Curtis too. ", "People forced out of Reach Up may end up in the state’s emergency shelter program, he said, and that is already “an exploding part of state government. ", "What happens if you add another 1,200 families, just as the winter season arrives?”", "\n\nOther branches of state government, including the Department of Corrections, may face a “ripple effect” from the Reach Up cuts, Mr. Curtis fears. “", "Are we really saving any money here?”", "\n\nHis estimate is that the cuts will save Reach Up about $6-million. “", "That’s huge to the families,” he said, “but to the General Fund it’s a relatively small amount.”", "\n\nMr. Curtis argues that the statistics show Reach Up works for most of the people who are forced to use it. “", "The state of Vermont has invested a lot of resources into making this bridge out of poverty,” he argued. “", "Why would we blow up that bridge?”", "\n\nSince she set up a Reach Up work site for NECKA in 2008, Ms. Hamel said, “we have seen many success stories.”", "\n\nNECKA provides jobs for 15 to 30 Reach Up participants, Ms. Hamel said. ", "Some work at the Parent Child Center in Newport, as a receptionist or a maintenance worker. ", "Others work at the cash register or keeping track of the inventory at NEKCA’s thrift store in Newport.", "\n\nReach Up has other partners who provide jobs in schools, municipalities and with nonprofit organizations.", "\n\nThe jobs go to Reach Up participants who can’t find work. ", "They pay nothing (outside of Reach Up benefit payments) but aim to help the participants learn job skills.", "\n\nYounger Reach Up participants fulfill their job requirement by going to school.", "\n\nThe Governor’s proposal would permit families to take advantage of the full five years of benefits supported by federal block grants. ", "But there would be interruptions. ", "After three years, participants would be on their own for a year. ", "Then they could sign up for another year, be left on their own for a year, and come back to the program for a fifth and final year.", "\n\nEfforts to reach Paul Dragon, director of the Reach Up program, were unsuccessful. ", "In his budget address to the Legislature, Governor Shumlin said “there is no better social program than a good paying job. ", "We will not allow vulnerable Vermonters, such as those who are disabled, to fall through the cracks, but we will ask those who can work to get the training and support they need and get a job.”", "\n\nIf the cutoff becomes law, Ms. Hamel said, “it will cause more homelessness, more hunger, more stress.", "\n\n“I just don’t think it’s a great idea. ", "Maybe it’s a good idea to have a conversation about it, but I think it’s a bad thing to take the Governor’s plan seriously.”", "\n\nFeatured\n\nALBANY — Lisa Robinson spends a good deal of her time crashing through the woods or running through the brambles behind a big rangy dog named Redford who might quite possibly be pursuing a cat.", "\n\nThough she’s not a young woman, and runs on two surgically replaced hips, Ms. Robinson’s accounts of these expeditions suggest that she enjoys every minute of them.", "\n\nRedford is a bloodhound, and Ms. Robinson makes him — and herself — available to people who have lost household pets.", "\n\nShe and Redford have looked for a Westy that wandered off from his new home in Pownal, in the far southwest corner of Vermont, and a Chinook sled dog in Richford, on the Canadian border.", "\n\nThey’ve looked for a Siamese cat in Barre and a mother-and-son pair of Labrador retrievers in West Glover.", "\n\nJames and Lisa Ash of Barre sent Lisa Robinson this photo of their recovered cat, Pogo, who followed them home the day after Redford the bloodhound led them on a search. ", "Pogo disappeared on a Monday evening, and Redford wasn’t called in until the following Saturday. ", "The cat came back on Sunday.", "\n\nMs. Robinson doesn’t think there are any other bloodhounds available in Vermont to search for lost pets. ", "She’d like people to know about Redford so they’ll call her when their pet’s trail is still fresh. ", "All too often, she says, by the time people locate her by word of mouth their pet has been missing for several days.", "\n\nThat doesn’t stop Redford. ", "Ms. Robinson says her young bloodhound exhibits the tracking skills his breed is famous for, and can track a missing animal long after it has disappeared from home.", "\n\nThe problem, she says, is that she and the dog can only cover so much ground in a day. ", "She hangs on tight to his leash on a hunt, for fear that his exuberance for his job will lure him so far ahead of her that he will become one of the missing pets himself.", "\n\nRedford doesn’t always track down a missing pet.", "\n\nOn several searches, Ms. Robinson says, he’s led her and the missing pet’s owner over long distances to surprising locations, where the animal was eventually found.", "\n\nBut sometimes the trail just comes to a bewildering end, leaving Redford wandering around in uncertain circles. ", "When that happens, Ms. Robinson suspects the worst — someone picked the pet up and made off with it. ", "That, sadly, is how the search for the West Glover dogs ended, several miles from their home.", "\n\nIn Barre, the missing Siamese cat showed up the day after Ms. Robinson and Redford had climbed into her aging Subaru and headed home to Albany. ", "The happy owners believe Redford led them close to it — what self-respecting Siamese would rush out of hiding to greet a drooling bloodhound? — ", "and the cat followed their familiar scent home.", "\n\nRedford, at three and a half, is a relatively new recruit. ", "Ms. Robinson got him from a bloodhound rescue group after he was abandoned in Alabama.", "\n\nHe’s a replacement for Thurber, the bloodhound who taught Ms. Robinson the art of tracking. ", "Thurber is memorialized, in a way, on the sweatshirt his owner was wearing during an interview last week. ", "It’s decorated with a sketch of a big dog, most likely another bloodhound, by the great American humorist James Thurber.", "\n\nMs. Robinson’s first bloodhound was named after the humorist — she has a friendly but offbeat cat named Dillon, and a matching pair named Cassidy and Sundance — and Thurber, like Redford, was a rescued animal. ", "Their owner thinks the dogs’ difficult early lives only enhanced their ability to find lost animals. ", "They know what it’s like to be out on the streets, she says.", "\n\nThurber was killed by a condition called bloat, and Ms. Robinson is anxious that other dog owners — particularly owners of large dogs — be more aware of its dangers.", "\n\n“It’s something that really worries me,” she says. “", "It affects the large breeds, the big-chested dogs that tend to gulp their food.”", "\n\nWhen the condition strikes, Ms. Robinson says, the dog’s stomach swells to look like a barrel and, if tapped, to sound like one too. ", "The condition is also called torsion, she says, because the dog’s stomach can start to twist, and actually flip over.", "\n\nIf it strikes, Ms. Robinson says, “there is no time. ", "You’ve got to get to a vet.”", "\n\nSince Thurber’s death, Ms. Robinson watches her three bloodhounds closely for bloat, and tries to keep them as still as possible for an hour or so after eating.", "\n\nAt home when he’s not working, Redford is a big, floppy, affable young dog. ", "This visitor had just left a dog at home, so Redford took a careful inventory of boots, pant legs, shirt cuffs, gleaning heaven knows how much information in the process.", "\n\nHe shares a big fenced enclosure with Simon, a seven-year-old bloodhound who quickly demonstrates a timidity that, his owner says, makes him unfit for tracking.", "\n\nA good tracker, she says, “needs to be bold and friendly.", "\n\n“Bloodhounds are stubborn,” she adds. “", "They want to find that scent. ", "They don’t care what’s at the end of it.”", "\n\nWhen working, she says, Redford ignores people he would otherwise spend time visiting, and anything he finds along the trail. ", "She’s been amazed to see him stride heedlessly past bear scat, moose scat, deer scat, even a deer. ", "But he proudly brought her the frozen scat left behind by that missing Westy.", "\n\nA third bloodhound, Waseeka, has settled pretty permanently on a rug under a table in Ms. Robinson’s log house. ", "More than 12 years old, Waseeka has lost much of her vision and her hearing.", "\n\nThere are two horses in a paddock, a Morgan and a Tennessee walker, along with three outside cats and five inside cats, all rescued animals.", "\n\nMs. Robinson and her dogs haven’t gone looking for lost people. ", "That job involves a lot of legal regulations, she says, and a lot of paperwork.", "\n\nShe held a job for years at Kodak in Rochester, New York, before she and Thurber moved to the Northeast Kingdom almost 12 years ago. ", "Working with that large corporation left her “tired of doing what somebody told me to do.”", "\n\nBut when she’s looking for a lost pet, Ms. Robinson strives to do what Redford tells her to do.", "\n\nWhen a dog and handler team makes a mistake, she says, it’s almost always the handler’s fault.", "\n\n“It’s all about Redford,” she says. “", "I’m just his translator and his transportation. ", "He’s the one who knows what’s going on.”", "\n\nTo help dogs like Redford do their job, Ms. Robinson suggests that pet owners wipe each of their animals with a bit of clean cloth, and put the cloth aside in a sealed and labeled plastic bag.", "\n\nIf the pet ever should come up missing, she says, that will give Redford something to work with.", "\n\nThe legal fight between Green Mountain Power (GMP) and Chronicle publisher and reporter Chris Braithwaite has shifted from criminal to civil court.", "\n\nDefense attorney Phil White filed a civil complaint late last month alleging that GMP had violated his client’s civil rights when Mr. Braithwaite was arrested on December 5, 2011, for covering a wind protest on Lowell Mountain.", "\n\nMr. White charges that GMP and its agent on the site, David Coriell, “knew or should have known that Braithwaite had permission to be on the property and that, at the very least, misinformation provided by Coriell and GMP to law enforcement had caused Braithwaite to be wrongly taken into custody, arrested, and subsequently charged with and prosecuted for unlawful trespass.”", "\n\nThe civil complaint comes close on the heels of a ruling handed down by Judge Howard VanBenthuysen that dismissed a criminal charge of unlawful trespass brought against Mr. Braithwaite and forbids the state to bring the charges back at a later date.", "\n\nIn dismissing the case with prejudice, Judge VanBenthuysen noted that he failed to see how the state could bring back the charge against the journalist in light of the e-mails among GMP officials giving the press permission to be at the site.", "\n\nAfter noting the e-mails only came into view as the case was about to go to trial, the judge wrote: “Consent is a key element of the offense, and GMP apparently consented to the presence of media at protests, and gave instructions that the media should not be arrested.”", "\n\nIn her brief to the court, Deputy State’s Attorney Sarah Baker argued against dismissing the charge with prejudice, saying the state could still make a case against Mr. Braithwaite by bringing Mr. Coriell, who has since left Vermont, back to testify.", "\n\nThe judge concluded, however, that was stretching the point, as it was unlikely that Mr. Coriell could give testimony that would rebut the evidence found in the e-mails.", "\n\n“Under the circumstances this is the rare case in which a dismissal with prejudice is appropriate, given the late revelation of consent.”", "\n\nThe ruling was released on December 24 and the day after Christmas, December 26, Mr. White filed a civil complaint against GMP. ", "Along with the complaint, Mr. White also asked the court to revise a protective order to return to GMP documents that were sealed when the criminal case was still active.", "\n\nMr. White argued in his brief that he wanted to retain the documents on the grounds they constitute evidence in the civil suit he is pursuing against GMP. ", "If the court grants his request, the documents would be kept from public view until further court order.", "\n\nThe suit asks for compensatory damages in the amount of $22,530 (Mr. White’s fee for Mr. Braithwaite’s criminal defense) along with attorney’s fees and expenses in the civil case. ", "The suit further alleges that Mr. Braithwaite’s civil rights were violated, and seeks punitive damages, which are characteristically sought as a deterrent.", "\n\nIn his discussion of the events leading up to his client’s arrest, Mr. White says that GMP anticipated Mr. Braithwaite’s arrival at the protest and spelled out a course of action for its agent at Lowell Mountain.", "\n\nGMP officials, according to the complaint, “gave Coriell explicit directions to inform law enforcement that Chris Braithwaite and any other members of the working press who showed up to cover this protest had GMP’s consent to be there to cover this event and that they were not to be arrested.”", "\n\nAs it turned out, Mr. Braithwaite was the only reporter present at the site, and was arrested when he refused a police order to leave. ", "Mr. White argues that after his client was arrested, GMP failed to step forward to explain their instructions to Mr. Coriell and reverse the arrest.", "\n\nTheir failure to do so, the attorney further argues, violated Mr. Braithwaite’s civil rights. ", "The attorney said that Mr. Braithwaite, as a journalist, had written “fierce editorials opposing GMP’s commercial wind project” on Lowell Mountain.", "\n\n“At all times material to this complaint GMP and its agents, including Coriell and Orleans County law enforcement officers have jointly participated in the planning and execution of arrests of protesters,” charges the complaint.", "\n\n“GMP and/or Coriell were acting under the color of law and engaging in ‘state action’ when they maliciously gave the government false and misleading information with the purpose of causing the government to engage in false arrest and wrongful prosecution.”", "\n\nGreen Mountain Power did not respond Tuesday to a request for comment. ", "Nor has the company filed a response in court to the complaint. ", "When the possibility of a civil law suit was raised last month, a company spokesman told a reporter that any legal claim against Mr. Coriell would be frivolous." ]
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[ "When Mrunal reminded Noorani of Freida Pinto\n\n“Freida has grown so much as a person and artiste, but she is still the same person at heart. ", "Mrunal especially reminds me of Freida from when she made her film debut in ‘Slumdog Millionaire’. ", "Mrunal’s growth as an actor has been absolutely insurmountable,” Noorani said in a statement.", "\n\n“Freida and I have known each other for the past 10 years. ", "We’re great friends and collaborating together on this project (‘Love Sonia’) has strengthened our bond further. ", "Freida has blossomed into this amazing confident, articulate woman and has delivered her best ever performance in ‘Love Sonia’,” he added.", "\n\nDirected by Noorani, “Love Sonia” is produced by Tamasha Talkies, David Womark and Noorani. ", "Presented by Samraaj Talkies in association with India Take One Productions, Cinemantra Entertainment, Media Dynasty Consulting Group and Prime Focus Group, the film is slated to release on September 14." ]
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[ "Olde Woolen Mill\n\nThe Olde Woolen Mill (also known as the North Berwick Woolen Mill) is a historic mill complex at Canal Street, on the Great Works River in the center of North Berwick, Maine. ", " Built in 1862, it is the only major mill complex in the Berwick region of York County. ", " It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.", "\n\nDescription and history\nThe mill is located between Canal Street and the Great Works River, just south of Wells Street (Maine State Route 9) in the village center of North Berwick. ", " The associated mill pond is located just north of Wells Street. ", " The mill complex is a somewhat typical 19th century New England mill complex, with a large rectangular main building, with a series of attached wings. ", " The complex exhibits an eclectic mixture of architectural detailing, including elements of Greek Revival, Italianate, and Colonial Revival styling.", "\n\nAn earlier wooden mill built on the site in 1832 was destroyed by fire, and the existing brick structure built in 1862. ", "Primarily owned by Quakers, the mill, one of the first to automate the manufacture of blankets, produced uniforms and blankets for Union soldiers during the American Civil War. ", "At its foundation level has been preserved one of the earliest steam engines in the United States, and the only one of its kind to survive.", "\n\nThe mill closed in 1955 and remained mostly unused for nearly 40 years, when it served as the site of the Parrish Shoe Factory in the 1995 fantasy movie Jumanji. ", "In 2009 the structure was renovated into a senior housing site by the Caleb Group, a nonprofit housing organization of New England. ", "It was the first property to be awarded a tax credit under the Maine State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Act of 2008.", "\n\nSee also\nNational Register of Historic Places listings in York County, Maine\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n Official web page for The Olde Woolen Mill\n \"Old North Berwick mill now affordable housing for older residents\" by Jason Claffey, in Foster's Daily Democrat (27 October 2009)\n \"Old Maine mill gets new lease on life\" by Deborah McDermott in Seacoastonline.com (30 August 2009) \n Profile at Tremont Preservation Services\n Historical sites in or around North Berwick, Maine, in The Maine Encyclopedia\n\nCategory:Industrial buildings and structures on the National Register of Historic Places in Maine\nCategory:Georgian architecture in Maine\nCategory:Victorian architecture in Maine\nCategory:Buildings and structures completed in 1862\nCategory:Buildings and structures in York County, Maine\nCategory:North Berwick, Maine\nCategory:Textile mills in the United States\nCategory:1862 establishments in Maine\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in York County, Maine\nCategory:Woollen mills" ]
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[ "As the special counsel zeroes in on Russia’s online arsonists, he’s brought in a new crew of cyberspy fighters—and a straight-up street crime prosecutor, too." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to check if a value exists in a list, and store the elements that include it in variables\n\nI'm trying to make an encrypter, where it shifts the letter 3 times (so A becomes D, B becomes E, etc.)", "\nThen X goes back to A, Y to B, and Z to C. I'm using ASCII values to shift them. ", "I'm trying to see if any part of the list has the ASCII values of X, Y, or Z, then if yes, change that element back to A, B, or C's ASCII value.", "\nI know you can check if there is a value in a list, but how do I actually take this value and change it? ", "Here is what I'm trying to do:\n\nCheck if X/Y/Z's ASCII code exists in the user_input list\nIf true, get that value and change it back into A/B/C's ASCII value accordingly.", "\nHere is my code:\n\ndef encrypt(userInput):\n #Find Ascii Value of plaintext\n asciiValue = [ord(c) for c in userInput]\n #Convert Ascii value (list) into integers\n intAscii = [int(x) for x in asciiValue]\n\n encryptedAscii = [n + 3 for n in intAscii]\n if '120' in encryptedAscii:\n encryptedAscii = '97'\n elif '121' in encryptedAscii:\n encryptedAscii = '98'\n elif '122' in encryptedAscii:\n encryptedAscii = '99'\n else:\n encryptedOutput = ''.join(chr(v) for v in encryptedAscii)\n return encryptedOutput\n\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou actually don't need to check for x, y, z separately. ", "Just use the modulo operator (%) so if it overflows, it will turn back to a, b, c:\ndef encrypt(userInput):\n # Find Ascii Value of plaintext\n asciiValue = [ord(c) for c in userInput]\n # Convert Ascii value (list) into integers\n intAscii = [int(x) - 97 for x in asciiValue]\n\n encryptedAscii = [(n + 3) % 26 + 97 for n in intAscii]\n encryptedOutput = ''.join(chr(v) for v in encryptedAscii)\n return encryptedOutput\n\nfrom string import ascii_lowercase\nprint(encrypt(ascii_lowercase))\n\nOutput:\ndefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabc\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMetastability error propagation with flip flop\n\nI do have a confusion regarding the metastability resolution using flip flops , I know that I should add synchronizer of two or three d-flip flop to guarantee a safe transmission at clock domain crossing boundaries, but my confusion is that the output of metastability is unpredictable, it might lead to high or low level, and that output then will be propagated to the rest of the circuit, so how can the second or the third flip flop catch the right value to be transmitted , if the first flip flop is always at metastable state and might settle in a wrong level ? ", " \n\nA:\n\nThe first FF is not always metastable. ", "Assuming that input edges are uniformly distributed with respect to its clock, the first FF has a certain probability of going metastable that is related to the clock period and its setup/hold time requirements. ", "If it does go metastable, it resolves itself within some amount of time — the probability of remaining metastable after time t is an exponentially decaying function of t.\nThe second FF has a much lower probability of going metastable, because it would have to get clocked at just the right instant when then first FF (if it was metastable) happened to be resolving itself. ", "Otherwise, its output will be either definitely high or definitely low. ", "The signal change might be delayed by an extended metastability of the first FF, but it is very unlikely to cause the second FF to go metastable and adversely affect the operation of the rest of the logic.", "\nA third FF reduces the chances of metastability to infinitesimal levels.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Financial Reporting Requirements for Community Associations\n\nThe APM News is our Quarterly Newsletter that we have been publishing since 1988. ", "Reprints of our newsletter and a link to our weekly newsletter, APM News Express can be found at http://www.assocpropmgt.com/apm-news-reprints/\n\nThe APM News is our Quarterly Newsletter that we have been publishing since 1988. ", "Reprints of our newsletter and a link to our weekly newsletter, APM News Express can be found at http://www.assocpropmgt.com/apm-news-reprints/\nLess" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "---\nlayout: relation\ntitle: 'fixed'\nredirect_from: \"fi/dep/mwe.html\"\nshortdef : 'multi-word expression'\n---\n\nThe multi-word expression (modifier) relation is used for certain\nfixed expressions that behave as a unit.", "\n\nMultiword expressions are annotated in a flat, head-initial structure,\nin which all words in the expression modify the first one using the\nmwe label.", "\n\n<!-- ", "fname:dep.pdf -->\n~~~ sdparse\nItse asiassa hän tuli jo eilen . ", "\\n As_a matter_of_fact he came already yesterday .", "\nmwe(Itse-1, asiassa-2)\nadvmod(tuli-4, Itse-1)\nnsubj(tuli-4, hän-3)\nadvmod(tuli-4, eilen-6)\nadvmod(eilen-6, jo-5)\npunct(tuli-4, .-7)\n~~~\n\n<!", "--details-->\n\nThe following expressions are considered idiomatic, and their parts\nare to be combined with the dependency type `fixed` in UD Finnish. ", " Note\nthat this is not intended to be a closed list, but rather a list of\nexamples that were encountered while annotating the TDT corpus. ", " The\ntwo-part expressions that fall into the categories of coordinating and\nsubordinating conjunctions are omitted here, and instead listed under\n[cc]() and [mark](), respectively. ", "Due to the idiomatic nature of\nthese two-part expressions, the translations may on occasion not be\nvery natural.", "\n\n### Adverbs:\n\n* _aika lailla_ \"quite some\"\n* _aina vain_ \"forever and ever\"\n* _aivan kuin_ \"just like\"\n* _alun alkaen_ \"from the beginning, originally\"\n* _alun perin_ \"originally\"\n* _ennen aikojaan_ \"prematurely\"\n* _ennen kaikkea_ \"first and foremost\"\n* _ennen muuta_ \"first and foremost\"\n* _ennen pitkää_ \"before long\"\n* _entä jos_ \"what if\"\n* _heti perään_ \"right after\"\n* _hyvissä ajoin_ \"on time, in good time\"\n* _ihan vaan_ \"only\"\n* _ikään kuin_ \"kind of\"\n* _ilman muuta_ \"of course\"\n* _itse asiassa_ \"as a matter of fact, in fact\"\n* _ja niin edelleen_ \"and so on\"\n* _jonkin verran_ \"some, to some extent\"\n* _jossain määrin, siinä määrin, missä määrin_ \"some, to some extent, to that extent\"\n* _kaiken aikaa_ \"all the time\"\n* _kaiken kaikkiaan_ \"all in all\"\n* _kaikin puolin_ \"in all ways\"\n* _kerta kaikkiaan_ \"completely, once and for all\"\n* _loppujen lopuksi_ \"in the end\"\n* _muun muassa_ \"among others\"\n* _miten niin_ \"how so\"\n* _missä sattuu, mistä sattuu, minne sattuu_ \"wherever\"\n* _mitä jos_ \"what if\"\n* _niin ikään_ \"also\"\n* _niin kuin_ \"like\"\n* _niin sanotusti_ \"so to say\"\n* _noin vain_ \"just like that\"\n* _no kun_ \"well\"\n* _no niin_ \"alright\"\n* _näillä näkymin_ \"with the current knowledge\"\n* _näin ollen_ \"this being so\"\n* _pikku hiljaa_ \"little by little\"\n* _pilvin pimein_ \"plenty of\"\n* _piri pintaan_ \"full\"\n* _päällisin puolin_ \"from the surface of it\"\n* _saman tien_ \"at once\"\n* _saman verran_ \"the same amount\"\n* _sen koom(m)in_ \"since then\"\n* _sen suuremmin_ \"any more than that\"\n* _sen kun vaan_ \"go ahead\"\n* _sen verran_ \"that amount\"\n* _siellä täällä_ \"here and there\"\n* _siinä sivussa_ \"on the side\"\n* _silloin tällöin_ \"every now and then\"\n* _sillä aikaa_ \"meanwhile\"\n* _sitä mukaa_ \"accordingly\"\n* _sitä paitsi_ \"besides\"\n* _sivumennen sanoen_ \"by the way\"\n* _summa summarum_ \"all in all\"\n* _suuna päänä_ \"headfirst\"\n* _suurin piirtein_ \"just about\"\n* _ties vaikka_ \"who knows\"\n* _toisin sanoen_ \"in other words\"\n* _tuon tuosta_ \"all the time\"\n* _tuosta vain_ \"just like that\"\n* _tämän tästä_ \"all the time\"\n* _vähän kuin_ \"a bit like\"\n* _yhtä aikaa_ \"at the same time\"\n* _yhtä kaikki_ \"all the same\"\n* _yhtä paljon_ \"the same amount, as much\"\n* _yleisesti ottaen_ \"generally speaking\"\n\n### Adjectives:\n\n* _niin kutsuttu_ \"so called\"\n* _niin sanottu_ \"so called\"\n\n### Adpositions:\n\n* _lukuun ottamatta_ \"disregarding\"\n\n### Determiners:\n\n* _itse kukin_ \"each\"\n* _joka ainoa_ \"each and every one\"\n\n### Interjections:\n\n* _ai ai_ \"oh oh, tut tut\"\n* _ai niin_ \"oh yeah\"\n* _ei jumalauta_ \"goddammit\"\n* _ei vitsit_ \"oh dear\"\n* _hei hei_ \"hey hey, bye bye\"\n* _hip hip hurraa_ \"hip hip hooray\"\n* _hitto vie_ \"dammit\"\n* _jep jep_ \"yep yep\"\n* _kas kummaa_ \"surprise surprise\"\n* _mitä vittua_ \"what the fuck\"\n* _no joo_ \"well yeah\"\n* _piru vie_ \"dammit\"\n* _totta kai_ \"of course\"\n* _voi että_ \"oh dear\"\n* _voi po(i)jat_ \"oh boy\"\n\n### Nominals:\n\n* _missä ikinä_ \"wherever\"\n\n### Other: (the POS may vary)\n\n* _mikä tahansa_ \"whichever, whatever\"\n* _mikä vain_ \"whichever, whatever\"\n" ]
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[ 0.009302325581395349, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0.009669889963321108 ]
[ "Perinatal transmission of hepatitis C virus from human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected mothers. ", "Women and Infants Transmission Study.", "\nAntepartum plasma hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA was quantified in 155 mothers coinfected with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and HCV RNA was serially assessed in their infants. ", "Of 155 singleton infants born to HCV antibody-positive mothers, 13 (8.4%) were HCV infected. ", "The risk of HCV infection was 3.2-fold greater in HIV-1-infected infants compared with HIV-1-uninfected infants (17.1% of 41 vs. 5.4% of 112, P = .04). ", "The median concentration of plasma HCV RNA was higher among the 13 mothers with HCV-infected infants (2.0 x 10(6) copies/mL) than among the 142 mothers with HCV-negative infants (3.5 x 10(5) copies/mL; P < .001), and there were no instances of HCV transmission from 40 mothers with HCV RNA concentrations of < 10(5) copies/mL. Women dually infected with HIV-1 and HCV but with little or no detectable HCV RNA should be reassured that the risk of perinatal transmission of HCV is exceedingly low." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "- Subscribe to comments on this publication- Subscribe to reply on this opinion\n\nEnter the digits you see:*\n\n* - Required fields\n\nYour Message Is Posted\n\nThank you for your participation.", "\n\nThe letter was sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read it and follow the link provided in this letter, to confirm your e-mail.", "\nThis is one-time request.", "\n\nThe letter was sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read it and follow the link provided in this letter, to confirm your subscription to comments.", "\n\nThe two letters were sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read them and follow the links provided in thåså letters, to confirm your e-mail in comment and subscription to comments.", "\n\nThe letter was sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read it and follow the link provided in this letter, to confirm your subscription to reply on this opinion.", "\n\nThe two letters were sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read them and follow the links provided in thåså letters, to confirm your e-mail in comment and subscription to reply in this opinion.", "\n\nThe two letters were sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read them and follow the links provided in thåså letters, to confirm your subscription to comments on this publication\nand to reply on this opinion.", "\n\nThe three letters were sent to your e-mail.", "\nPlease read them and follow the links provided in thåså letters,\nto confirm your e-mail in comment, subscription to comments and to reply on this opinion.", "\n\nRainbow News\n\nNationalist radicals attacked Kiev Equality March with smoke bombs\n\n6 Jun. 2015\n\nEquality March that took place today at the fourth festival \"Kyiv Pride\" on Obolonska embankment of the Ukrainian capital, gathered about 300 participants, media reported.", "\n\nA group of radicals tried to break through the police cordon, threw smoke bombs and sprayed tear gas. ", "Five policemen were injured, two of them in the neck. ", "One is now in critical condition.", "\n\nHalf an hour into the rally, the police urged the demonstrators to take off the activists vests and end the action. ", "Gay activists headed to the nearest metro station, where new attañks by the radicals took place.", "\n\n25 attackers were detained. ", "Firecrackers, screwdrivers, knives and other assault devices seized. ", "It is assumed that the attack was carried out by the Ukrainian organization \"Right Sector\", that had been banned in Russian Federation. ", "Criminal proceedings on the article on hooliganism has been started.", "\n\nEarlier radicals from the \"Right Sector\" were urging Kiev’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko prohibit the Equality March in order to avoid \"trouble of any kind\".", "\n\nAt the press conference in Kiev, the organizers of \"Kyiv Pride\" insisted on carrying out Equality March in which \"representatives of the LGBT community not only are able to exercise their fundamental right to peaceful assembly, but can also publicly declare the problems that they face every day\".", "\n\nA day before the rally President Petro Poroshenko proclaimed that as a Christian and a European he sees no obstacles to the \"gay parade\" in Kiev." ]
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[ "Excuse me?", "\n\nAre you saying that the police officers who killed Freddie Gray had absentee fathers? ", "Because no protests or uprisings were taking place until they severed a man's spine and crushed his voice box.", "\n\nAnd tell us, Senator, why are you not tweeting about the state of fatherhood concerning the nine men gunned down in your state?", "\n\nWhy are you not blaming absentee fathers for the fact that more weapons were found on those perpetrators than have been confiscated from every American protest combined in the past year?", "\n\nHow do you know who the hell does or doesn't have a father in Baltimore, and what role that plays in anything?", "\n\nYou have some damn nerve thinking you can blame anything in Baltimore on absentee fathers while ignoring the horror in your own state.", "\n\nShame on you, man. ", "Shame on you." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMediaPlayer to play music across Activites\n\nI'd like to play music across Activities and I'm using a simple class to implement it. ", "This class ( BackgroundMusic ) starts the music with MediaPlayer when I call the startMusic() method and stops it when I call the stopMusic() method. ", "When I use it only in one Activity it works perfectly. ", "OnCreate calls startMusic() method and onPause calls stopMusic() method and the MediaPlayer behave on the right way. ", "The problem starts when I'd like to move to another Activity. ", "When I'd like to stop the music it throws me NullPointerExepction for the mediaplayer.stop() . ", "So it looks like the app thinks that I want to stop a never started MediaPlayer. ", "I tried to call the startMusic() method in every onCreate method but the music starts again and again and I'd like to play only one music which don't stop and starts again when I move to another Activity. ", "Is it possible to do that with class or I have to use Service? ", "I hope you can help me to that with class. ", "\nBackgroundMusic\npublic void startMusic() {\n mediaPlayer1 = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.zenenegy);\n if(palya <= 5 || palya > 15){\n mediaPlayer1.start();\n mediaPlayer1.setVolume(0.2f, 0.2f);\n mediaPlayer1.setLooping(true);\n play = true;\n }\n}\n\npublic void stopMusic(){\n if(play){\n mediaPlayer1.stop();\n mediaPlayer1.reset();\n mediaPlayer1.release();\n mediaPlayer1 = null;\n play = false;\n }\n}\n\nAn Activity\n BackgroundMusic bm;\n\n@Override\nprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n setContentView(R.layout.activity_fomenu);\n\n bm = new BackgroundMusic(mentes,this);\n\n if(sounds){\n bm.startMusic();\n }\n}\n\n@Override\nprotected void onPause() {\n if(sounds){\n bm.stopMusic();\n }\n super.onPause();\n}\n\nA:\n\nIf I set the mediaplayer to static in the BackgroundMusic it works perfectly.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Middleburg, Seneca County, Ohio\n\nMiddleburg is an extinct town in Seneca County, in the U.S. state of Ohio.", "\n\nHistory\nMiddleburg was platted in 1832.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Geography of Seneca County, Ohio\nCategory:Ghost towns in Ohio" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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[ "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n// Copyright Christopher Kormanyos 2014.", "\r\n// Distributed under the Boost Software License,\r\n// Version 1.0. (", "See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt\r\n// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\r\n//\r\n\r\n#include <algorithm>\r\n#include <iterator>\r\n\r\nextern \"C\"\r\n{\r\n struct ctor_type\r\n {\r\n typedef void(*function_type)();\r\n typedef std::reverse_iterator<const function_type*> const_reverse_iterator;\r\n };\r\n\r\n extern ctor_type::function_type _ctors_end[];\r\n extern ctor_type::function_type _ctors_begin[];\r\n}\r\n\r\nnamespace crt\r\n{\r\n void init_ctors();\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid crt::init_ctors()\r\n{\r\n std::for_each(ctor_type::const_reverse_iterator(_ctors_end),\r\n ctor_type::const_reverse_iterator(_ctors_begin),\r\n [](const ctor_type::function_type pf)\r\n {\r\n pf();\r\n });\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "Penta-graphene\n\nPenta-graphene is a carbon allotrope composed entirely of carbon pentagons and resembling the Cairo pentagonal tiling. ", "Penta-graphene was proposed in 2014 on the basis of analyses and simulations. ", "Further calculations showed that it is unstable in its pure form, but can be stabilized by hydrogenation. ", "Owing to its atomic configuration, penta-graphene has an unusually negative Poisson’s ratio and very high ideal strength believed to exceed that of a similar material, graphene.", "\n\nPenta-graphene contains both sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon atoms. ", "Contrary to graphene, which is a good conductor of electricity, penta-graphene is an insulator with an indirect band gap of 4.1–4.3 eV. Its hydrogenated form is called penta-graphane. ", "It has a diamond-like structure with sp3 and no sp2 bonds, and therefore a wider band gap (ca. ", "5.8 eV) than penta-graphene. ", "Chiral penta-graphene nanotubes have also been studied as metastable allotropes of carbon.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Graphene\nCategory:Carbon forms\nCategory:Hypothetical chemical compounds" ]
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