[ "Kensington Oval, Adelaide\n\nThe Kensington Oval is located on 344 The Parade, Kensington, South Australia. ", " Now used primarily for cricket in South Australia, the venue was once Adelaide's premier athletics facility and known as Olympic Sports Field.", "\n\nEarly history\nFrom an area originally known as Shipsters Paddock, Kensington Oval was officially opened on Saturday, 10 July 1875.", "\n\nThe ground was originally used for a range of sports including Australian Rules Football. ", "The Kensington Football Club and the Norwood Football Club played at the oval between 1875 and 1897. ", "Despite being located in Adelaide's eastern suburbs, The Oval was also the home ground for the West Adelaide Football Club in 1897.", "\n\nAs the home ground of the Kensington Districts Cricket Club, Sir Donald Bradman (who lived in Kensington) played there often after joining the Kensington club upon his move to Adelaide from Sydney in 1935.", "\n\nOlympic Sports Field\nFrom 1963, the ground was converted into an athletics stadium, featuring a rubber-bitumen track. ", "In 1975, the track was upgraded to tartan track.", "\n\nAs Olympic Sports Field, the ground was home to Athletics South Australia's interclub athletics competition from October to March and the South Australian Championships. ", " A number of Australian Championships; in 1967, 1968, 1970, 1974, 1975, 1981, 1986 and 1992, were also held at the venue.", "\n\nThe ground was also home to the Adelaide City soccer club and, in 1977, a game against Sydney Marconi saw a record crowd of 13,132.", "\n\nRedevelopment as Kensington Oval\nIn the 1990s, a new home for South Australian athletics, Santos Stadium, was built and Olympic Sports Field was taken over by the neighbouring Pembroke School, Adelaide. ", "The running track was removed in 1997 and the ground was redeveloped as a cricket ground. ", "Its original name of Kensington Oval was revived and the ground now plays host to grade and women's cricket matches.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Athletics (track and field) venues in Australia\nCategory:1875 establishments in Australia\nCategory:Sports venues in Adelaide\nCategory:Sports venues completed in 1875\nCategory:Cricket grounds in Australia" ]
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[ "This project will provide improved genetic tools to the research community by nearly doubling in size (11,000 to 19,000 strains) a library of Drosophila strains in which most fruit fly genes have been tagged by the insertion of a single engineered transposable element. ", "Approximately 30,000 new single Minos insertion strains containing <|>C31 attP sites will be generated. ", "The transposon insertion site in > 25,000 of these strains will be identified by DNA sequencing, computational analysis and manual curation. ", "This will allow strains disrupting 2,300 novel genes to be added to the collection, bringing to 10,600 the number of different annotated genes that are represented, about 77% of the -13,800 known Drosophila genes. ", "We will also identify strains that constitute the first allele with attP sites for 4,200 genes already represented in the collection, as well as 1,500 other useful swappable alleles. ", "Two key improvements in technology underlie these goals. ", "Employing mutator elements based on the transposable element Minos, will overcome the fact that most genes mutable by P elements have already been hit. ", "In preliminary experiments, Minos transposed readily into genes and coding introns not already disrupted by earlier screens using P and piggyBac transposable elements. ", "Second, the Minos mutator will incorporate two inverted <|>C31 attP target sites flanking a standard gene trap and white\" eye color marker. ", "The attP sites allow the DNA located between them to be exchanged heritably in germ cells at the site of integration with any DNA cassette flanked by attB sites that is microinjected into embryos, a process known as Recombination Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE). ", "For any gene so tagged, users may use the \"swappable\" allele to rapidly and efficiently derive additional alleles with a broad array of customized properties and to \"upgrade\" existing alleles to take advantage of continuing technological improvements such as improved fluorescent tags. ", "Both the 2,300 new gene tags, and the 5,700 swappable alleles of existing genes will be saved, balanced and transferred to the public stock center at Bloomington, Indiana, for distribution without restrictions to the research community. ", "The proposed project will generate a genetic resource of unprecedented power with applications across the entire spectrum of basic and medical research. ", "Finally, realization and testing of this technology on a genome-wide scale will serve as a test bed for its application in the transposable element mutagenesis projects of other model organisms." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
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[ "Q:\n\nFast C/C++/MATLAB SURF Feature Library\n\nWhat is the fastest C/C++ implementation of SURF out there? ", "Is OpenCV superior or are there any standalone implementations that are faster? ", "Matlab Mex wrappers is a plus.", "\n\nA:\n\nI expect that one of the GPU-based solutions listed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SURF#Implementations will be faster than the OpenCV version on the CPU. ", "Of course, your mileage may vary depending on the specific application.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhere to start creating CLI applications?", "\n\nAfter using linux for a month or two, I know what I'm doing now.", "\nWhen creating programs, using whatever language, I've obviously been using code like this:\n$ python test.py\n\nAnd so if I wanted test.py to read a given file, I would have to use:\n$ python test.py something.file\n\nWhat I'd like to do now, it try and create a command line application, so I can use\n$ myapp something.file\n\nA program like the python in $ python test.py, or the nano in $ nano program.pl\nBut where on earth do I start building applications like these? ", "A bit of web trawling has got me nowhere.", "\nIf you can tell me yourself that would be great, but I'll readily accept a bunch of links.", "\nI'm totally open if there's more than one way, I don't really mind what language (an excuse to learn another!) ", "or whatever.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can run python scripts by making them executable (chmod +x test.py) and making #!", "/usr/bin/env python the first line. ", " Once you do that, running test.py args will invoke python to run your script. ", " Read about shebang's if you want to learn more.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Billy Sharp of Sheffield Utd addresses the fans during the open top bus parade from Bramall Lane Stadium to Sheffield Town Hall, Sheffield. ", "Picture date: May 2nd 2017. ", "Pic credit should read: Simon Bellis/Sportimage" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.02127659574468085 ]
[ "I have made an excel program for above formula.", "\nBut unable to assess whether this formula can be of practical application.", "\nTheoritical point of view.....it seems valid(???)", "\nThere's difference of opinion if this can work or not.", "\nCan you please tell me whether this can be applied or should be trashed?", "\n\nAwaiting your views/comments.", "\nbuena suerte. ", "adíos.", "\n\nwarm regards,\nmital(spaniard)\n\nTrust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;In\nall your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct your paths. ", "-Prov. ", "3:5,6\n\n[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]\nReceived on Wed Oct 13 02:16:00 2004" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "[A case of mixed müllerian tumor, usefulness of 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy].", "\nMixed Müllerian Tumor (M.M.T.) is a rare malignant neoplasm usually arising from uterine body in postmenoposal woman, and imaging diagnosis for the tumor has not been established. ", "A 45-year-old female with pathologically confirmed M.M.T. was evaluated by 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy and CT on the basis of imaging diagnosis. ", "67Ga-citrate scintigraphy detected correctly not only primary lesions but also metastatic and recurrent-foci. ", "The findings of 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy were confirmed to be correspond to autopsy findings. ", "Generally, detectability of 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy for genito-urinary tract neoplasm was not appreciated, but in our case 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy was useful for detection of the primary lesion, metastatic and recurrent foci. ", "The cellular components and grade of cell-differentiation of this tumor seemed to be responsible for good detection of the tumor. ", "Thus, 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy was considered to be useful diagnostic imaging modality of M.M.T." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<!--", "\n ~ Copyright (c) Enalean, 2020 - present. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n ~\n ~ This file is a part of Tuleap.", "\n ~\n ~ Tuleap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n ~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n ~ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n ~ (at your option) any later version.", "\n ~\n ~ Tuleap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n ~ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n ~ GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n ~\n ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n ~ along with Tuleap. ", "If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n -->\n<users>\n <user>\n <id>101</id>\n <username>ProjectAdministrator</username>\n <realname><![CDATA[ProjectAdministrator]]></realname>\n <email><![CDATA[ProjectAdministrator@example.com]]></email>\n <ldapid></ldapid>\n </user>\n <user>\n <id>102</id>\n <username>ProjectMember</username>\n <realname>ProjectMember</realname>\n <email>ProjectMember@example.com</email>\n <ldapid></ldapid>\n </user>\n</users>\n" ]
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[ "# uncompyle6 version 2.9.10\n# Python bytecode 2.7 (62211)\n# Decompiled from: Python 3.6.0b2 (default, Oct 11 2016, 05:27:10) \n# [GCC 6.2.0 20161005]\n# Embedded file name: type_Result.py\nfrom types import *\nimport array\nRESULT_PERSISTENCE_TYPE_SOTI = 1\nRESULT_PERSISTENCE_TYPE_LAUNCHER = 2\nRESULT_PERSISTENCE_TYPE_JUVI = 3\n\nclass ResultPersistence:\n\n def __init__(self):\n self.__dict__['type'] = 0\n self.__dict__['compatible'] = False\n self.__dict__['reason'] = 0\n\n def __getattr__(self, name):\n if name == 'type':\n return self.__dict__['type']\n if name == 'compatible':\n return self.__dict__['compatible']\n if name == 'reason':\n return self.__dict__['reason']\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def __setattr__(self, name, value):\n if name == 'type':\n self.__dict__['type'] = value\n elif name == 'compatible':\n self.__dict__['compatible'] = value\n elif name == 'reason':\n self.__dict__['reason'] = value\n else:\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def Marshal(self, mmsg):\n from mcl.object.", "Message import MarshalMessage\n submsg = MarshalMessage()\n submsg.", "AddU8(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE_TYPE, self.__dict__['type'])\n submsg.", "AddBool(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE_COMPATIBLE, self.__dict__['compatible'])\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE_REASON, self.__dict__['reason'])\n mmsg.", "AddMessage(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE, submsg)\n\n def Demarshal(self, dmsg, instance=-1):\n import mcl.object.", "Message\n msgData = dmsg.", "FindData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE, mcl.object.", "Message.", "MSG_TYPE_MSG, instance)\n submsg = mcl.object.", "Message.", "DemarshalMessage(msgData)\n self.__dict__['type'] = submsg.", "FindU8(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE_TYPE)\n self.__dict__['compatible'] = submsg.", "FindBool(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE_COMPATIBLE)\n self.__dict__['reason'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_PERSISTENCE_REASON)\n\n\nclass ResultInstall:\n\n def __init__(self):\n self.__dict__['instance'] = 0\n\n def __getattr__(self, name):\n if name == 'instance':\n return self.__dict__['instance']\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def __setattr__(self, name, value):\n if name == 'instance':\n self.__dict__['instance'] = value\n else:\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def Marshal(self, mmsg):\n from mcl.object.", "Message import MarshalMessage\n submsg = MarshalMessage()\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_INSTALL_INSTANCE, self.__dict__['instance'])\n mmsg.", "AddMessage(MSG_KEY_RESULT_INSTALL, submsg)\n\n def Demarshal(self, dmsg, instance=-1):\n import mcl.object.", "Message\n msgData = dmsg.", "FindData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_INSTALL, mcl.object.", "Message.", "MSG_TYPE_MSG, instance)\n submsg = mcl.object.", "Message.", "DemarshalMessage(msgData)\n self.__dict__['instance'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_INSTALL_INSTANCE)\n\n\nclass ResultUninstall:\n\n def __init__(self):\n self.__dict__['instance'] = 0\n\n def __getattr__(self, name):\n if name == 'instance':\n return self.__dict__['instance']\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def __setattr__(self, name, value):\n if name == 'instance':\n self.__dict__['instance'] = value\n else:\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def Marshal(self, mmsg):\n from mcl.object.", "Message import MarshalMessage\n submsg = MarshalMessage()\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UNINSTALL_INSTANCE, self.__dict__['instance'])\n mmsg.", "AddMessage(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UNINSTALL, submsg)\n\n def Demarshal(self, dmsg, instance=-1):\n import mcl.object.", "Message\n msgData = dmsg.", "FindData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UNINSTALL, mcl.object.", "Message.", "MSG_TYPE_MSG, instance)\n submsg = mcl.object.", "Message.", "DemarshalMessage(msgData)\n self.__dict__['instance'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UNINSTALL_INSTANCE)\n\n\nclass ResultUpgrade:\n\n def __init__(self):\n self.__dict__['instance'] = 0\n\n def __getattr__(self, name):\n if name == 'instance':\n return self.__dict__['instance']\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def __setattr__(self, name, value):\n if name == 'instance':\n self.__dict__['instance'] = value\n else:\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def Marshal(self, mmsg):\n from mcl.object.", "Message import MarshalMessage\n submsg = MarshalMessage()\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UPGRADE_INSTANCE, self.__dict__['instance'])\n mmsg.", "AddMessage(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UPGRADE, submsg)\n\n def Demarshal(self, dmsg, instance=-1):\n import mcl.object.", "Message\n msgData = dmsg.", "FindData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UPGRADE, mcl.object.", "Message.", "MSG_TYPE_MSG, instance)\n submsg = mcl.object.", "Message.", "DemarshalMessage(msgData)\n self.__dict__['instance'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_UPGRADE_INSTANCE)\n\n\nclass ResultModule:\n\n def __init__(self):\n self.__dict__['size'] = 0\n self.__dict__['order'] = 0\n self.__dict__['flags'] = 0\n self.__dict__['id'] = 0\n self.__dict__['moduleName'] = ''\n self.__dict__['processName'] = ''\n self.__dict__['hash'] = array.array('B')\n self.__dict__['actionStatus'] = 0\n\n def __getattr__(self, name):\n if name == 'size':\n return self.__dict__['size']\n if name == 'order':\n return self.__dict__['order']\n if name == 'flags':\n return self.__dict__['flags']\n if name == 'id':\n return self.__dict__['id']\n if name == 'moduleName':\n return self.__dict__['moduleName']\n if name == 'processName':\n return self.__dict__['processName']\n if name == 'hash':\n return self.__dict__['hash']\n if name == 'actionStatus':\n return self.__dict__['actionStatus']\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def __setattr__(self, name, value):\n if name == 'size':\n self.__dict__['size'] = value\n elif name == 'order':\n self.__dict__['order'] = value\n elif name == 'flags':\n self.__dict__['flags'] = value\n elif name == 'id':\n self.__dict__['id'] = value\n elif name == 'moduleName':\n self.__dict__['moduleName'] = value\n elif name == 'processName':\n self.__dict__['processName'] = value\n elif name == 'hash':\n self.__dict__['hash'] = value\n elif name == 'actionStatus':\n self.__dict__['actionStatus'] = value\n else:\n raise AttributeError(\"Attribute '%s' not found\" % name)\n\n def Marshal(self, mmsg):\n from mcl.object.", "Message import MarshalMessage\n submsg = MarshalMessage()\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_SIZE, self.__dict__['size'])\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_ORDER, self.__dict__['order'])\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_FLAGS, self.__dict__['flags'])\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_ID, self.__dict__['id'])\n submsg.", "AddStringUtf8(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_MODULE_NAME, self.__dict__['moduleName'])\n submsg.", "AddStringUtf8(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_PROCESS_NAME, self.__dict__['processName'])\n submsg.", "AddData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_HASH, self.__dict__['hash'])\n submsg.", "AddU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_ACTION_STATUS, self.__dict__['actionStatus'])\n mmsg.", "AddMessage(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE, submsg)\n\n def Demarshal(self, dmsg, instance=-1):\n import mcl.object.", "Message\n msgData = dmsg.", "FindData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE, mcl.object.", "Message.", "MSG_TYPE_MSG, instance)\n submsg = mcl.object.", "Message.", "DemarshalMessage(msgData)\n self.__dict__['size'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_SIZE)\n self.__dict__['order'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_ORDER)\n self.__dict__['flags'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_FLAGS)\n self.__dict__['id'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_ID)\n self.__dict__['moduleName'] = submsg.", "FindString(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_MODULE_NAME)\n self.__dict__['processName'] = submsg.", "FindString(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_PROCESS_NAME)\n try:\n self.__dict__['hash'] = submsg.", "FindData(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_HASH)\n except:\n pass\n\n self.__dict__['actionStatus'] = submsg.", "FindU32(MSG_KEY_RESULT_MODULE_ACTION_STATUS)" ]
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[ "Introduction {#sec1}\n============\n\nRNA editing is a class of co−/post-transcriptional modification that can alter hereditary information in the genome by changing the nucleotide sequence of RNA molecules ([@ref1]). ", "A-to-I RNA editing catalyzed by members of the adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR) family of enzymes is the main type of RNA editing in animals; this editing can expand the transcriptome and proteome ([@ref4]). ", "Studies have revealed that A-to-I editing can be involved in the regulation protein recoding, alternative splicing, RNA interference (RNAi) and microRNA expression ([@ref5]). ", "Moreover, A-to-I editing can also be involved in the progressions of many diseases including cancer, neurological deterioration, and metabolic disorders ([@ref9]). ", "In recent years, the advent of high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has enabled transcriptome-wide identification of RNA editing sites and has greatly accelerated the discovery of A-to-I editing sites. ", "The boom in identification of A-to-I editing site has necessitated the development of RNA editing databases to help elucidate biological functions of RNA editing. ", "Some RNA editing databases have been created and are used for large-scale collection and annotation of RNA editing for animals. ", "For example, DARNED is the earliest A-to-I RNA editing database, including editing sites for human, mouse, and fruit fly ([@ref14]). ", "RADAR not only expanded the number of editing sites but also incorporated editing levels in RNA-seq samples and conservation of editing to other species ([@ref15]). ", "Recently, REDIportal was designed to embed RADAR database and represents the first editing resource designed to answer functional questions, enabling the inspection and browsing of editing levels in a variety of human samples, tissues and body sites ([@ref16]).", "\n\nIn fungi, A-to-I RNA editing is usually thought to be scarce due to the lack of orthologs of animal ADARs. ", "Until now, only a small number of large-scale RNA editing discovery studies and very few functional experiments for A-to-I RNA editing have been reported in fungi ([@ref17]). ", "Based on RNA-seq data, thousands of RNA editing sites have been identified in *Ganoderma lucidum* ([@ref17]) and *Fomitopsis pinicola* ([@ref21]), but no preference for A-to-I over other forms of editing was found, and the functional significance of A-to-I RNA editing was not studied. ", "In *Fusarium graminearum,* more than 26000 stage-specific A-to-I RNA editing sites were identified during sexual development ([@ref18]). ", "Furthermore, the editing of RNA encoding a protein kinase PUK1 (perithecium unique kinase) was experimentally shown to play an important role in ascospore formation and release ([@ref18]). ", "Similarly, more than 40000 stage-specific A-to-I RNA editing sites were identified at different sexual stages in *Neurospora crassa* ([@ref19]). ", "The comprehensive analyses of A-to-I editing in *N. crassa* showed A-to-I editing was generally adaptive, and might to be functionally related to repeat induced point mutation and meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA ([@ref19], [@ref22]). ", "A-to-I RNA editing during sexual development also occurred in *Sordaria macrospora* and *Pyronema confluens,* two distantly related filamentous ascomycetes, suggesting that stage-specific A-to-I editing might be an evolutionary conserved feature during sexual development in filamentous ascomycetes ([@ref20]).", "\n\nDespite recent advances in fungal RNA editing, the exact biological role of A-to-I RNA editing, and the adenosine deamination mechanism have not been elucidated in fungi. ", "Systematically gathering and sorting the resources of RNA editing could provide the reference information when further probing the functions and molecular mechanisms of RNA editing, even when performing cross-species functional verification in different species. ", "In this work, using almost all available RNA-seq data of filamentous fungi, we developed FairBase, the first fungal A-to-I editing database. ", "FairBase includes a comprehensive collection of A-to-I editing sites, together with extensive annotations and editing levels for each site. ", "In addition, FairBase provides various query functions and graphical visualization pages to facilitate access to RNA editing data.", "\n\n###### \n\nStatistic of A-to-I editing events and sites collected in FairBase\n\n Species RNA-seq samples Editing events Editing sites (Nonsyn%[^\\*^](#tblfn1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"})\n ---------------------- ----------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------\n *F. graminearum* 12 303279 48508 (60%)\n *N. crassa* 11 161197 47346 (50%)\n *N. tetrasperma* 5 32355 28492 (53%)\n *F. verticillioides* 1 5227 5227 (72%)\n *P. omphalodes* 1 8238 5217 (73%)\n *S. macrospora* 2 2423 2423 (65%)\n Total 32 512719 137213 (56%)\n\n^\\*^Nonsyn%, Percentage of nonsynonymous editing sites occurred in coding regions.", "\n\nMaterial and methods {#sec2}\n====================\n\nRNA-seq data collection and preparation {#sec3}\n---------------------------------------\n\nOnly RNA-seq samples with available reference genome assemblies in the Ensembl Fungi database ([@ref23]) and available RNA-seq data in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database ([@ref24]) were collected for identification of A-to-I RNA editing. ", "A total of 6253 raw RNA-seq data in SRA format were downloaded and converted into FASTQ format. ", "Then, Trimmomatic ([@ref25]) was used to cut sequencing adapters and low quality sequences from the 3′ and 5′ end until the base quality score was at least 10. ", "To obtain high-quality clean data, reads with an overall mean Phred-scaled value less than 20 were discarded. ", "Clean reads of each RNA-seq sample were aligned to a reference genome using Hisat2 ([@ref26]) and read alignments were saved in mapped bam files. ", "Only RNA-seq samples with more than 70% mapped reads were used for the identification of RNA editing events.", "\n\nA-to-I RNA editing calling {#sec4}\n--------------------------\n\nDuplicated reads were removed from mapped bam files using the MarkDuplicates program in the Picard package (<https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard>). ", "REDItool was used to call RNA variants present in at least five reads with a minimum frequency of 3% and minimum coverage of 10 reads ([@ref27]). ", "For non-strand-specific RNA-seq data, mismatch type was inferred by gene annotation and RNA variants occurring in the intergenic region were discarded. ", "Sine noncanonical RNA variants tend to be false-positives in animals ([@ref28]), to improve the reliability of A-to-I RNA editing event, RNA-seq samples without significant preference for A-to-I RNA variants also were discarded. ", "Finally, a total of 32 RNA-seq samples were retained, including 7 samples designed for fungal RNA editing studies ([@ref18], [@ref19]) and 25 newfound RNA-seq samples.", "\n\nIn the newfound RNA-seq samples, there were 13 samples with RNA-seq strains were inconsistent with reference genome strains ([Table S1](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reported in previous studies ([@ref31], [@ref32]) were used to exclude SNPs at the transcript level in six *F. graminearum* RNA-seq samples with inconsistent reference genome strains. ", "For the remaining seven RNA-seq samples, the whole genome shotgun sequencing (WGS) data from RNA-seq strains were aligned to reference genomes to add genomic support for the exclusion of SNPs at the transcript level ([Table S1](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Furthermore, A-to-I RNA variants with extreme degree of variance (\\>90%), which were most likely to be genomic variants, were excluded from the 13 RNA-seq samples.", "\n\nAnnotation of A-to-I RNA editing sites {#sec5}\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe editing events reported in the seven RNA-seq samples from previous studies ([@ref18], [@ref19]) and the editing events identified in the remaining 25 RNA-seq samples were included in FairBase. ", "The positions of RNA editing events of each fungal species were merged to yield a comprehensive and non-redundant catalogue of editing sites. ", "For each editing site, we curated annotations including genome context, codon change, amino acid change, and edited gene. ", "To support the data retrieval with functions of edited gene, Gene ontology (GO) and Protein family (Pfam) function annotations were predicted using InterProScan ([@ref33]). ", "Furthermore, the pathways involving RNA editing were built using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database ([@ref34]).", "\n\nImplementation of FairBase {#sec6}\n--------------------------\n\nWe implemented the FairBase database using MySQL as the back-end database, PHP and Perl for the server-side scripting, as well as JavaScript and JQuery plugins as front-end interface. ", "Moreover, the JBrowse genome browser ([@ref38]) was also embedded in FairBase for users to explore editing sites in genomic context.", "\n\nResults {#sec7}\n=======\n\nDatabase content {#sec8}\n----------------\n\nCurrently, a total of 32 RNA-seq samples with significant preference for A-to-I editing are deposited in FairBase. ", "These RNA-seq samples across six fungi, including *Fusarium graminearum*, *Fusarium verticillioides*, *Neurospora crassa*, *Neurospora tetrasperma, Pyronema omphalodes* and *Sordaria macrospora* and are all related to fungal sexual reproduction ([Table S1](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "In the 32 RNA-seq samples, a total of 512719 A-to-I editing events are detected on 137213 editing sites ([Table 1](#TB1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Of these editing sites, about 70% occur in coding regions (CDSs) and 56% editing sites can result in nonsynonymous recoding, which can result in amino acid change.", "\n\nWeb Interface {#sec9}\n-------------\n\nUser-friendly web interfaces are designed for users to access the FairBase database. ", "Data retrieval can be achieved in the search, blast and pathway page and the retrieved editing sites are listed in a sortable and downloadable table below ([Figure 1](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The complete description of an editing site is shown in the editing detail page ([Figure 2](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "All editing sites and editing events can be explored in genome context in the JBrowse genome browser ([Figure 3](#f3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Retrieval of editing sites in FairBase. (", "A) The search page. ", "Editing sites can be searched by genomic position including species, chromosome, and coordinate. ", "Users can define extra filters to restrict retrieval results to the editing sites of interest. (", "B) The BLAST page. ", "Users can search editing sites in genes based on the sequence similarity to a user-specified query sequence. (", "C) The pathway page. ", "Users can search editing sites occurring in a specified pathway, in which the edited genes are tagged with a red background.](baz018f1){#f1}\n\n![", "The editing detail page. ", "The editing detail page comprises two sections of information for the editing site, including annotation of editing site and editing levels in RNA-seq samples.](baz018f2){#f2}\n\n![", "JBrowse in FairBase. ", "Editing sites can be explored in a genomic context using JBrowse. ", "Users can obtain the editing details by clicking on an editing event.](baz018f3){#f3}\n\nIn the Search page, editing sites can be searched by genomic position including species, chromosome and coordinate ([Figure 1A](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Users can define extra filters to restrict retrieval results to the editing sites of interest: (i) Gene, selecting editing sites in edited genes with specified symbol as well as Pfam and GO terms; (ii) Context, selecting editing sites in specified genomic context such as 5'UTR (Untranslated region), CDS (Coding region), 3'UTR, Intronic and Intergenic region; and (iii) AA change, selecting editing sites in CDSs involved in specified amino acid changes, e.g. synonymous and nonsynonymous.", "\n\nIn the blast page, users can search editing sites in genes based on their sequence similarity to a user-specified query sequence ([Figure 1B](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To meet multiple search purposes, four types of sequence data including DNA, cDNA, CDS and protein sequences of genes are built in FairBase for BLAST search. ", "Users can adjust a BLAST search by word size, match, mismatch, and gapping scores.", "\n\nIn the pathway page, users can search editing sites occurring in a specified pathway ([Figure 1C](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "After users submit a query, the specified pathway is shown below and the edited genes are tagged with red background. ", "The corresponding enzyme identifiers of edited genes also occur in the retrieved results table so as to help users understand RNA editing in pathway context.", "\n\nIn the retrieved results table, at least 10 columns of information are provided to describe an editing site ([Figure 1A-C](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}): (i) Genome position; (ii) Editing orientation; (iii) Identifier and Symbol (if any) of edited gene; (iv) Genomic context; (v) Codon change; (vi) Amino acid change; (vii) Editing effect in CDSs, e.g. synonymous and nonsynonymous; (viii) Number of sequencing projects; (ix) Icon with a hyperlink to details page; and (x) Icon with a hyperlink to JBrowse.", "\n\nThe editing detail page contains two sections of information for an editing site including annotation of editing site and editing levels in RNA-seq samples ([Figure 2](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the first section, in addition to the information listed in the retrieval results table, relevant sequences are also shown when an editing site occurs in gene loci. ", "In the second section, a table is used to list RNA-seq samples and a column chart is used to show numbers of edited RNA-seq samples in each sequencing project. ", "By clicking on a column, users can switch to another column graph to view the editing levels in RNA-seq samples.", "\n\nWhen users submit a query in the browse page or click the JBrowse icon in the retrieval results table, the genome browser JBrowse opens for users to view editing sites in the genomic context ([Figure 3](#f3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In addition to annotations of genes and A-to-I editing sites, tracks of RNA editing events in RNA-seq samples also are built into JBrowse. ", "By clicking on editing events in these tracks, users can obtain basic annotation information of editing site and editing levels in RNA-seq samples.", "\n\nDiscussion and future prospects {#sec10}\n===============================\n\nMany studies have shown the A-to-I RNA editing is involved in various biological processes in animals, while we have very little knowledge about fungal A-to-I RNA editing. ", "To help understand A-to-I RNA editing in fungi, we developed the FairBase database to collect fungal A-to-I RNA editing sites and provide retrieval functions. ", "In FairBase, GO/Pfam functional annotations of edited genes are used to help users quickly lock up editing sites of interest in function-related edited genes. ", "In addition, FairBase provides the BLAST search function, which not only enables the retrieval of editing sites through sequence similarity, but also contributes to the cross-species functional verification between edited genes in FairBase and out of FairBase. ", "Furthermore, KEGG pathways and JBrowse genome browser are built in FairBase for users to explore editing sites in a pathway and genome context. ", "Compared with several animal RNA editing databases ([@ref14]), FairBase collects more species and provides more retrieval functions ([Table S2](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nIt is challenging work to identify RNA editing sites from public available data, because many factors, such as sequencing errors, SNPs among different strains, and other problems can affect the reliability of results. ", "Thus the strict strategies were used in this study. ", "For example, only RNA-seq samples with at least 70% mapped reads can be used for identification of RNA editing events. ", "In addition, in view of the fact that noncanonical RNA edits are found to be false-positives ([@ref28], [@ref39]) and A-to-I RNA editing are enriched in animals RNA-seq samples ([@ref40], [@ref41]), RNA-seq samples without significant enrichment for A-to-I RNA editing also were discarded in this study. ", "Although thousands of RNA-seq samples were gathered for identification of A-to-I editing sites, ultimately only 32 RNA-seq samples related to sexual reproduction were retained. ", "The results seem to show that A-to-I RNA editing occurs specifically during sexual reproduction. ", "However, whether A-to-I RNA editing is related to other developmental or infection stages still is an open issue ([@ref22]). ", "It is anticipated that high-throughput sequencing will be continually applied in various fungal studies, including the function and mechanism of RNA editing. ", "With more high-throughput omics data available, we will regularly harvest fungal A-to-I editing data and keep FairBase up-to-date. ", "In addition, the retrieval functions will be further enriched, such as support for the retrieval of editing sites according to codon-change and editing efficiencies and so on. ", "We believe this database and its future updates will be a valuable resource to boost fungal RNA editing researches.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nWe acknowledge the works of all the fungal genome and RNA-seq data producers.", "\n\nFunding {#sec12}\n=======\n\nThis work has been supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (31301691) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (KYZ201667, KJQN201430).", "\n\n*Conflict of interest*. ", "None declared.", "\n\n**Database URL:** [bioinfo.njau.edu.cn/fairbase](http://bioinfo.njau.edu.cn/fairbase)\n" ]
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[ "Bounds Green, north London: 'It's ordinary north London, an endangered species these days.' ", "Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian\n\nWhat's going for it? ", "Oh, my sainted aunt! ", "The prices in Muswell Hill! ", "It's customary, I know, for Londoners to bleat about House Price Insanity, so apologies to readers beyond the M25. ", "But still… What a difference half a mile makes, though. ", "Bounds Green is literally the wrong side of the tracks, as far as estate agents are concerned, a few minutes' walk downhill over the railway and a few hundred thousand cheaper. ", "No, it is not full of shops selling single-estate, organic, truffle-dusted flat whites. ", "Instead, there are builders' merchants, caffs and Turkish grocers, and excellent streets and houses that, up the hill, would rob you of the best part of one-point-five. ", "And it has a tube station. ", "So ner, Muswell Hill. ", "Some lovely little parks, too. ", "Bounds Green is ordinary north London, like wot even Muswell Hill used to be: an endangered species these days.", "\n\nThe case against Ordinary: I mean that caringly, as Dame Edna might say. \"", "Over the hill\", facing north rather than south to central London, as Muswell Hill does, which makes a psychological difference, though it does just squeeze inside the North Circular, so you can convince yourself you're central-ish. ", "No cohesive centre. ", "Bit of a traffic bunfight.", "\n\nWell connected? ", "On the Piccadilly line, with a fabulous 1930s station to boot: Piccadilly Circus in 26 minutes. ", "Bowes Park and Alexandra Palace stations are on the Hertford-Moorgate line: three trains an hour via Finsbury Park, Highbury & Islington and Old Street to the City (22 minutes).", "\n\nHang out at…The Step, a gallery-cum-bar-cum-cafe in an Edwardian house. ", "Proper bohemian.", "\n\nWhere to buy Bounds Green Road is the spine of a web of Edwardian to 1930s streets, Myddleton Road has smashing semis and large terraces: hunt near green spaces, such as the Bowes Park conservation area and the New River. ", "Pricier towards Muswell Hill and Alexandra Palace." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010869565217391304, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0.013157894736842105, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0, 0, 0.04 ]
[ "Vote Online\n\nFill out a ballot on NBA.com and be sure to include all the Cavaliers in your vote!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAdding buttons to fire right/left swipe on jQuery Mobile\n\nUPDATED: Added working code based on Omar/user2232273's suggestions.", "\nI am working on making a desktop version of a jQuery mobile site and I am adding in navigational arrows to fire the swipe left/right functions. ", "I am having a bit of trouble getting the Javascript to collect the correct attributes.", "\nHere is the working javascript for the swipe left/right functions:\n$(document).on(\"pageinit\", \"[data-role='page']\", function () {\n var page = \"#\" + $(this).attr(\"id\");\n\n $(document).on(\"swipeleft\", page, function () {\n next = $(this).jqmData(\"next\");\n console.log(next);\n if (next) {\n $.mobile.changePage(\"#\" + next, { transition: \"slide\" });\n }\n });\n\n $(document).on(\"swiperight\", page, function () {\n prev = $(this).jqmData(\"prev\");\n if (prev) {\n $.mobile.changePage(\"#\" + prev, { transition: \"slide\", reverse: true });\n }\n });\n\n});\n\nHere is the updated code with working solution:\n$(document).on('click', '.right', function (event) {\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n if ($.mobile.activePage.next('[data-role=page]').length !", "== 0) {\n var next = $.mobile.activePage.next('[data-role=page]')[0].id;\n $.mobile.changePage(\"#\" + next, {\n transition: 'slide'\n });\n }\n});\n\n$(document).on('click', '.left', function (event) {\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n if ($.mobile.activePage.next('[data-role=page]').length !", "== 0) {\n var prev = $.mobile.activePage.prev('[data-role=page]')[0].id;\n $.mobile.changePage(\"#\" + prev, {\n transition: 'slide',\n reverse: true\n });\n }\n});\n\nHere's a sample of what the page code looks like:\n<div data-role=\"page\" id=\"page1\" data-next=\"page2\">\n <div class=\"slide\" data-role=\"content\">\n <div id=\"navigation\">\n <div class=\"left\"></div>\n <div class=\"right\"></div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"content\">\n LOREM IPSUM\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nA:\n\ntry this..\nScript:\n$(document).on('click', '#goforward', function () {\n var next = '#' + $.mobile.activePage.next('[data-role=page]')[0].id;\n $.mobile.changePage(next, {\n transition: 'slide'\n });\n});\n\n// Previous page\n$(document).on('click', '#goback', function () {\n var prev = '#' + $.mobile.activePage.prev('[data-role=page]')[0].id;\n $.mobile.changePage(prev, {\n transition: 'slide',\n reverse: true\n });\n});\n\nHtml:\n<a href=\"#goback\" data-icon=\"arrow-l\" id=\"goback\" class=\"ui-btn-left\" data-inline=\"true\" data-iconpos=\"notext\" data-direction=\"reverse\">Back</a>\n<a href=\"#goforward\" data-icon=\"arrow-r\" id=\"goforward\" class=\"ui-btn-left\" data-inline=\"true\" data-iconpos=\"notext\" data-direction=\"reverse\">Next</a>\n\nUPDATED:\nTake a look to my working DEMO: LINK HERE\n\n" ]
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[ "http://www.jewishworldreview.com --\nTHE story of the Strategery Group may be the most instructive tale since the inauguration of President George W. Bush.", "\n\nEvery week, Bush's most senior White House advisers get together for a planning meeting, to consider topics most important to the president, to the administration, and to the nation.", "\n\nThey hold this weekly session in a room on the second floor of the Executive Office Building. ", "It is formally known as the Cordell Hull Room, in honor of the secretary of state who served under Franklin D. Roosevelt at the beginning of World War II. ", "Bush's top advisers have come up with a name for their group -- for the staffers who discuss the vital issues at the weekly meetings.", "\n\nThey call themselves the Strategery Group.", "\n\nKarl Rove, President Bush's closest and most trusted adviser, told this to Dana Milbank, who covers the White House for the Washington Post. ", "Rove, in describing the group of advisers, said, \"We tried to come up with a nice-sounding name. ", "We meet in the Cordell Hull Room, but nobody's buying off on the 'Hull Group.' ", "I think we're going to be stuck with Strategery.\"", "\n\nStrategery was a word that was invented during the Bush-Gore campaign by the writers of \"Saturday Night Live.\" ", "The comedian who impersonated candidate Bush regularly portrayed Bush as a less-than-bright fellow. ", "On one \"Saturday Night Live\" episode, the Bush character was asked for a word that would describe his presidency. ", "The Bush character said:\n\n\"Strategery.\"", "\n\nHe said it with the air of a man who has just given a fine, cogent answer. ", "What he meant, of course, was \"strategy.\"", "\n\nYou could make the case that the TV show was trying to make the candidate look stupid, or at least trying to make him seem language-challenged.", "\n\nSo it's amazing -- and pretty hilarious -- that the real President Bush's top-level strategy task force would call themselves the Strategery Group.", "\n\nIt says one of two things:\n\nThese people have a wonderful sense of humor -- and are confident enough of their own skills, and their own intellect, that they can refer to themselves as the Strategery Group. ", "The phrase says: Hey, we know what some of you think of us. ", "Doesn't matter. ", "We're good enough that we can laugh at it.", "\n\nThe other thing it might say is that they are merely Machiavellian -- they know that telling the world that they are the Strategery Group will make them appear to have fine senses of humor, will make them seem to be willing to laugh at themselves. ", "They know that the Strategery Group makes them sound likeable -- so perhaps they are using this as one more political tool.", "\n\nBut the most fascinating thing of all about the Strategery Group has little to do with politics, and everything to do with generations.", "\n\nWhen \"Saturday Night Live\" first went on the air in 1975, with Dan Aykroyd imitating Richard Nixon and John Belushi imitating Henry Kissinger and Chevy Chase imitating Gerald Ford, there was no way White House advisers would name a policy group after a skit. ", "These were young punks, in the eyes of the political establishment.", "\n\nThere were two young men who were in their 20s in the early days of \"Saturday Night Live\" -- George W. Bush and Al Gore, both, at the time, nowhere near as famous as the show. ", "As Bush and Gore grew older, so did the television show. ", "By the time Bush and Gore were running for president, the show, in their minds, was as much of an American institution as…well, not as much of an institution as the White House, but an institution nevertheless.", "\n\nDuring the campaign, I thought that this was the reason Bush and Gore were willing to go on the show -- not just because they hoped it would win them votes (although of course they did), but because to them, \"Saturday Night Live\" was a big deal, as big a deal as they were, and it had been for a very long time. ", "It had been a part of American life for almost all of the two men's adulthoods -- it needed no introduction. ", "It was old school.", "\n\nSo the Strategery Group is just the ultimate extension of this. ", "Bush's advisers may feel as enhanced by the \"Saturday Night Live\" reference as the TV show's producers and actors may feel by the existence of the policy group. ", "There's no strategery behind it -- it's just the way of the\nworld.", "\n\nJWR contributor Bob Greene is a novelist and columnist. ", "Send your comments to him by clicking here.", "\n\n04/24/01: 3 new rules to give colleges self-respect04/18/01: Our highways just became a little duller04/18/01: It's a jungle out there for dot-com stores04/16/01: McVeigh's victims weren't permitted any last words04/13/01: The foolproof cure for a Royal headache04/11/01: Key to success? ", "Keep your eye upon the hole04/10/01: An ugly game you're destined never to win 04/06/01: Who do you really think you work for? ", "04/05/01: Two torturers of children back in prison\n04/03/01: Welcome home -- especially if you didn't go03/29/01: 'Why wouldn't she believe she can get out?'03/27/01: Judge Weinke, child torturer to meet again03/22/01: What they did to her at her own front door03/21/01: \"I'm not proud to say that I witnessed this\"03/19/01: \"WHY WEREN'T YOU HIS FRIENDS?\"03/13/01: When will there be zero tolerance for bullying?03/09/01: She wouldn't dance with another ... well, yes, she would03/06/01: Our lasting legacy will turn out to be a four-letter word03/01/01: The things we've won, and those we've thrown away02/27/01: Civilians on subs: A civics lesson that's well worth keeping02/23/01: Well, he did sing: 'This time you gave me a mountain ...'02/21/01: The world's insanity can fit into a parking space02/16/01: The words and ideas in this column are unauthorized 02/13/01: He has a family now: 'He just wants to be a boy'02/12/01: Child torturer grad is walking free -- and using an alias02/09/01: They didn't even know how to find the children02/08/01: 'The little boy's face had been burned with cigarettes' 02/07/01: Child-protection chief in grad case ousted 01/30/01: There is something wrong when we begin to assume that all death penalty cases are flawed 01/29/01: Sometimes a police story begins with a poem 01/24/01: It's a dog-eat-dog world -- unless you're the only dog01/23/01: Can we be civil and bombproof at the same time?01/19/01: First came Saints, next came Sinners, then came Bronson01/18/01: Of Saints and Sinners, and the nearness of faraway dreams 01/15/01: Does anyone care that Germany owns the Jeep?01/11/01: The day that America heard the locks click shut12/28/00: The talk of 2000? ", "It's right there in your hand 12/27/00: There actually is a lesson for us in all of this12/26/00: 'You weren't supposed to love me; that wasn't the program' 12/21/00: The words from this election year that may echo the longest 12/19/00: The most impressive things are the ones strategists can't shape12/14/00: There is a word for what the country is going through12/13/00: Courtroom moments that never make the front page12/07/00: Does Justice Scalia really believe Americans can't take the truth? ", "12/07/00: Al Gore slept here -- and there goes the neighborhood 12/06/00: In the midst of all the noise, the truth will be heard 12/05/00: If you think the election has been weird up until now ...11/30/00: If two men applying for a job were treated like this ...11/29/00: Will all of this turn people away from politics? ", "Dream on11/28/00: Send Bush and Gore to their rooms -- bring in the pros11/23/00: Three little words-- and two strange weeks in Florida 11/22/00: Did you hear the one about the farmer's daughter in Florida? ", "11/21/00: The shocking saga of the incredible shrinking men 11/15/00: The glorious mess that has come our way11/09/00: How do you cross the line when the line has vanished?11/08/00: The wave of the future11/06/00: The crime that hides behind a wall of silence11/02/00: If you have been asking yourself what you can do ... 11/01/00: 'He will never know what it is like to ride a bicycle'10/31/00: 'It makes you feel that you are absolutely powerless'10/30/00: THE KILLER LEARNS 'ANGER MANAGEMENT' AND IS FREED10/26/00: `I'm not going to go up there and yell and scream'10/25/00: With prosecutors silent, the other killer is released10/24/00: The boy's killer: 'I've served my time, and I'm out'10/23/00: Blaming the boy for bringing on his own killing10/20/00: The child's killer is released -- to care for other children10/19/00: Words that the judge would not allow to be spoken10/18/00: A courthouse game in which the boy was not included10/17/00: The killers get 7 to 25 years ... with a wink10/13/00: While the killers maneuver, the boy goes unburied10/13/00: The killers demand a concession -- and they get it10/12/00: The prosecutors decide it doesn't qualify as murder10/11/00: 'He wouldn't eat his eggs, and we put him to bed'10/10/00: The autopsy leaves no questions: 'It was a homicide'10/06/00: 'Had they shot him in the head, he would have suffered less'10/05/00: 'I remember the moment that I first saw the human bite marks'10/04/00: They killed a 3-year-old boy -- and they are free09/29/00: This just in, sort of: How the news can make you calm09/27/00: Like being with old\nfriends in places you\ndon't remember09/21/00: If the Olympics banished television . . ", ".09/19/00: As summer ends, have the executives learned any lessons?09/14/00: The new stardom that doesn't require paying any dues09/12/00: Leave a light on for us children of the pioneers09/09/00: River banks? ", "How to turn water into an endless cash flow09/06/00:Oh, give me a home, where the megabytes roam . . ", ".09/01/00: If this works, it can literally change young lives08/30/00: From inside all those screen porches, one more cheer08/24/00: Who will make your life better by August of 2004?08/24/00: Four men running -- Why do we have to throw out two?08/16/00:The certain way to measure the Lieberman factor08/10/00: Can a library be a library without books?", "\n08/08/00: Can't they spare eight nights every four years?08/04/00: Cheney, Abe Lincoln and Ricky Martin -- do they add up?08/02/00: Convention aside, you might want to tune in07/27/00: How to make a killing07/25/00: 'If we didn't do it, no one else would'07/24/00: The executioners who walk among us07/20/00: On Main Street, signs of the times tell two stories07/18/00: Have the choices changed, or have we?07/14/00: Gable, Hepburn, Zanuck--you wouldn't find them at HOJO's07/13/00: The Great Lie about political conventions07/06/00: If this is victory, what would defeat feel like?06/29/00: A bright moon and a missing person on Orange Ave.06/26/00: They're not singing our song06/22/00: The name game06/07/00: It's like knocking on a revolving door06/06/00: Steven who? ", "A close encounter of mistaken identity06/02/00: Of summer days, summer nights and pebbles in a jar05/31/00: The best laughter, the truest voices, will never fade05/25/00: Of distant visions, close views, and Bobby Knight05/24/00: 'The luckiest thing that ever happened to me'05/23/00: 'It's funny how you remember the little things'05/22/00: 'The whisper of a generation saying goodbye to its children'05/19/00: The place to find life is not a keyboard05/18/00: A problem of suds but no duds05/17/00: Are those lazy, hazy dot-com days fading?05/16/00: The truest things in life require not a single word05/15/00: 'Evidently he didn't like the way she dusted the house'05/12/00: Why news executives are hoping this 'woman' is a hit05/11/00: Ted Koppel, Hitler, Mellencamp . . . ", "and words of love05/10/00: Maybe it's time for the right people to hear our cheers05/09/00: The lesson that they always learn late05/05/00: 'Excuse me, but there seems to be something in my water'05/05/00: When your first dream turns out to be your best dream05/04/00: Even baseball couldn't make light of this superstition05/03/00: The ringmaster who looks back from your mirror05/02/00: There they go, just a-yappin' down the street . . ", ".05/01/00: You must remember this (Unless you don't)04/24/00: Now that casino ads are allowed to tell the truth . . ", ".04/13/00: The man in the seat across the airplane aisle04/11/00: A star is born, but do you know where it's @?04/06/00: Through the eyes of Norman Rockwell03/21/00: 10 good reasons to avoid making this list 03/21/00: 'I tell myself that they've gone on vacation'\n03/21/00: Monday Night Football memories03/02/00: This report card deserves an 'A' in every subject 02/29/00: What really happened on New Year's eve 02/23/00: Of paste pots, Denver sandwiches and finding Dr. Sam 02/17/00: What would you like to stay exactly the same? ", "02/04/00: Politics: When did the stagehands step onto the stage?", "\n02/01/00: An awesome idea to make you sound better 01/26/00: Y3K already? ", "We haven't yet recovered from Y2K01/21/00: Watching the pot that always boils01/19/00:The story behind the men on the museum steps01/13/00: Here's to the students who never hear a cheer 01/11/00: The oh-so-sweet sound of modems in the morning01/04/00: The person in your mirror just got wiser12/31/99: A lesson -- and a memory -- to last a millennium12/29/99: Racing the clock, even when it's running backwards12/13/99: The right to bear coffee12/08/99: From teen idol to ink-stained wretch: Can you Dig it?12/02/99: Human 'search engines'11/30/99: Here's looking at you -- now hand over the cash11/23/99: Who'll say 'I'm sorry' to the other Decatur students?11/18/99: \"From bad things, good can come\" 11/16/99: The man who didn't know the meaning of 'whatever'11/12/99: Is this progress? ", "We have made the weekend obsolete11/09/99: Today he would probably be called Kyle Kramden11/04/99: And you thought the IRS was heartless11/02/99: When it's free, what will the real price be?10/29/99: The tissue-thin decisions that define who we are10/26/99: One way to cut road rage down to size10/22/99: Asking all the right questions takes a special pitch10/18/99: The signs are talking to you; Are you listening?10/12/99: Even Capone would be disgusted10/08/99: Don't ever look your neighborhood bear in the eye10/06/99: Land of the free and marketplace of the brave10/04/99: German warplanes in\nAmerican skies09/30/99: While you fret, something is sneaking up on you09/28/99: In these busy times, why not bring back a certain buzz?09/24/99: The storms whose paths no one can track09/21/99: Who's minding the store? ", "Oh . . . ", "never mind09/17/99:Here's another place where you can't smoke09/14/99: As certainly as `lovely Rita' follows `when I'm 64' . . ", ".09/09/99: Why is patience no longer a virtue?09/07/99: Once upon a time, in an airport close to you . . ", ".09/03/99: The answers? ", "They are right in front of us09/01/99: Up the creek with a paddle--and cussing up a storm08/30/99: $1 Million Question: How'd we get to be so stup-d?08/27/99: Fun and games at Camp Umbilical Cord08/25/99: How life has been changed by the woodpecker effect08/23/99: If you don't like this story, blame the robot who wrote it08/20/99: A four-letter word that has helped both Bob and Rhonda08/18/99: They have picked the wrong country08/16/99: From paperboy to stalker--how the news has changed08/12/99: Why wasn't anyone watching his brothers?08/10/99: Come to think of it, stars seldom are the retiring type08/05/99: The national gaper's block is always jammed07/29/99: 'Can you imagine the gift you gave me?'07/27/99: A view to a kill -- but is this really necessary?07/23/99: Some cream and sugar with your turbulence?07/21/99: When your name is JFK jr., ", "how do you choose to use it?07/19/99: The real world is declared not real enough07/15/99: The real victims of cruel and unusual punishment07/13/99: A 21st Century idea for schools: log off and learn07/09/99: Are life's sweetest mysteries still around the bend?07/07/99: Of great minds, cream cheese and Freddy Cannon07/02/99: The perfect spokesman for the American way06/30/99: 'He's 9 years old . . . ", "he trusts people'06/28/99: A $581 million jackpot in the courthouse casino06/25/99: A nighttime walk to a House that feels like a cage06/23/99: At least give men credit for being more morose06/18/99: On Father's Day, a few words about mothers06/16/99: If work is a dance, how's\nyour partner doing?06/14/99: Should a dictionary ever tell you to keep quiet?06/10/99: A story of Sex, the SuperBowl and your wife06/07/99: Take a guess where \"California Sun\" is from06/03/99: Of summer days, summer nights and pebbles in a jar06/01/99: Putting your money where their mouths are05/27/99: Pressed between wooden covers, the summer of her life05/25/99:The lingering song of a certain summer05/24/99:We could all use a return to the Buddy system05/20/99: Now, this is enough to make James Bond double-0 depressed\n05/17/99: It's midnight -- do you know where your parents are?05/13/99: And now even saying \"thank you\" creates a problem05/11/99: The answer was standing at the front door" ]
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[ "Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon\n\nThe Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon was signed on 30 December 1803 between the British and Daulat Rao Sindhia, chief of the Maratha people at Anjangaon town located in Maharashtra.", "\n\nOn 30 December 1803, the Sindhia signed the Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon with the British after the Battle of Assaye and Battle of Argaon. ", "The agreement was the result of Major General Arthur Wellesley's military campaigns in Central India in the first phase of the Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-1805). ", "As a result of this treaty, Ganges-Jumna Doab, the Delhi-Agra region, parts of Bundelkhand, Broach, some districts of Gujarat and fort of Ahmadnagar, eventually came under the control of the British East India Company.", "\n\nThe treaty was revised twice (once in November 1805 and again on 5 November 1817). ", "The first revision mostly entailed restoring the territories of Gwalior and Gohad to Sindhia. ", "The second revision of the treaty entailed granting Sindhia more power in return for providing help to the British in their fight against the Pindaris in the Third Anglo-Maratha War.", "\n\nSee also\nList of treaties\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nEncyclopædia Britannica Online: Treaty of Surji-Arjungaon\n\nCategory:1803 treaties\nSurji-Anjangaon\nCategory:History of Gwalior\nCategory:Second Anglo-Maratha War\nCategory:December 1803 events" ]
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[ "Minetest Forums\n\nServer performance settings\n\nServer performance settings\n\nPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:45\n\nby celeron55\n\nJust thought this would be useful for many: You can lower the server CPU and bandwidth usage a lot by fiddling around with the configuration, this post presents several options of combinations you can use.", "\n\nLow:These are designed for a Pentium 4 machine (slow) with 1GB of RAM (enough) and an ADSL connection (very slow). ", "Consider carefully before pasting these into your config.", "I used these settings on the c55.me server, until I shut it down when I got fed up with griefing:\n\nThis will increase the writing speed of sqlite by 15 times to slightly more than that of leveldb, by disabling part of the nuclear bomb proof write checking. ", "This is not the default setting because nobody knows how unsafe it is. ", "Probably not at all." ]
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[ "Historians Can't Name Reason City Is Called Newport News\n\nJune 25, 1996|By MARK ST. ", "JOHN ERICKSON Daily Press\n\nNEWPORT NEWS — No one worries much about the origin of the name of Warwick County.", "\n\nAdm. Sir Robert Rich, the second Earl of Warwick and a stockholder in the Virginia Company, gave his name to the Warwick River in 1627 and to the former county - originally known as Warwick River Shire - seven years later.", "\n\nBut ask historians about the name Newport News and you could start a squabble. ", "As early as 1867, scholars speculated - sometimes comically - about the curious moniker.", "\n\nHugh Blair Grigsby, writing after the Civil War, contends the name came from Capt. ", "Christopher Newport, who intended to commemorate both himself and his friend Sir William Newce, the knight marshal of Virginia, after the stalwart sea captain settled in the Old Dominion.", "\n\nBut as later historians, including C.W. Evans, have pointed out, Newport died on a voyage to the East Indies more than four years before Newce arrived in the New World. ", "And despite five expeditions to Virginia, the restless navigator never set down roots long enough to call any part of it home.", "\n\nOther theorists, including historian Alexander Crosby Brown and former William and Mary President Lyon Gardiner Tyler, give the credit to early settler Daniel Gookin, who arrived from Newce's Town, Ireland, sometimes known as Port Newce, in the winter of 1621. ", "They say he named his property New Port Newce for both his old home and either Newce or his brother Thomas.", "\n\nToo bad, Evans remarks, in a 1946 essay, that the name \"Newportes Newes\" crops up in the records of the Virginia Company in 1619 - about two years before Gookin's arrival. ", "That's also too soon, the essay argues, for either of the Newce brothers to have coined the name to honor themselves.", "\n\nAnother view contends that the name derives from the expression \"Newport Ness,\" meaning Newport Point, though no one has produced an early record or map that bears this quaint Old English expression. ", "Far more plausible is yet another theory connected with one of Newport's most important voyages.", "\n\nGen. Benjamin F. Butler, the former Union commandant of Fort Monroe, may have suggested it first in an 1867 letter. ", "He argues that Newport commanded the relief fleet that met the starving colonists in 1610, shortly after they abandoned Jamestown and started to sail back to England.", "\n\nNews of the arrival, he says, combined naturally with the captain's name, resulting in the commemorative expression, \"Newport's News.\"", "\n\nLater sources have debunked this explanation, pointing out that Newport, who was shipwrecked off the island of Bermuda during his fourth voyage, arrived in Jamestown more than two weeks before Lord De La Warr's relief fleet. ", "That would put him among the colonists leaving the island instead of being the bearer of good news.", "\n\nStill, as historian John Quarstein points out, Newport got there first, and he may have provided some hope, even if soon forsaken, regarding the resupply expedition.", "\n\nCapt. ", "John Smith, writing in his \"Generall Historie of Virginia,\" makes a point of saying that Newport's most significant contribution to the colony was \"bringing the newes.\"", "\n\nHow that all fits together, Quarstein says, is something no one will ever know for certain. \"", "But it makes too much sense,\" he argues.", "\n\n\"And remember how it's spelled - `Newport's Newes.' ", "That's got to tell you it had something to do with Newport.\"" ]
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[ "SEE SPOT GROW The first of five growing circles on comet 67P appears in a June 5 image from Rosetta (left). ", "By June 23, two spots were spreading across the surface (center). ", "They were joined by a third on July 2 (right)." ]
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[ "The smoldering Blackrock Mountain looms on the horizon. ", "Elementals, dwarves, and dragons lie in wait within … and they’ll be ready for you to unearth in Hearthstone’s second Adventure Mode, Blackrock Mountain, announced today at PAX East!", "\n\nBlackrock Your World\n\nBlackrock Mountain is home to a wealth of creatures with a burning desire to meet you: From the elementals of the Molten Core that find\n\n1300°F “comfortable” to the dragons that lie in wait within Blackrock Spire, Hearthstone’s second adventure mode pits players against single-player bosses and their unique abilities that are guaranteed to put you in the hot seat. ", "Each boss within Blackrock Mountain has unique cards at their disposal, and they’re guaranteed to challenge any adventurer ready to brave the challenges within. ", "A total of five unique wings make up the massive expanse of Blackrock Mountain, and each wing is a unique experience to one of the five iconic zones found within it.", "\n\nCards Too Hot to Handle\n\nBattling your way through the unique wings of Blackrock Mountain will reward players will all-new Hearthstone cards to add to their collection! ", "Once these cards have been earned by defeating each individual Blackrock Mountain boss, they can immediately be added to your deck. ", "31 new cards will be added with Blackrock Mountain!", "\n\nDelving into Blackrock Depths\n\nPlayers that enter the adventure will immediately be greeted by the Dark Iron Dwarves that dwell deep within the depths Blackrock Mountain. ", "They’re a bit hot-headed, but can you blame them; there’s no air conditioning in Blackrock Depths! ", "If you’re thinking about grabbing a refreshment at the Grim Guzzler Bar while you're there, keep your cards ready – a good ol’ fashioned Hearthstone brawl could break out at any time!", "\n\nRockin’ New Game Board!", "\n\nBlackrock Mountain has its own unique game board that you’ll battle on while you’re in the Adventure. ", "Best of all, as soon as Blackrock Mountain is hot off the presses, the game board will be a part of the normal board rotation in Play and Arena modes! ", "What new surprises await you?", "\n\nNew Class Challenges\n\nIf you enjoyed the class challenges within Curse of Naxxramas, they’re back with a vengeance in Blackrock Mountain! ", "Nine new class challenges are prepared for you to put your skills with a specific class to the test. ", "Conquering these Class Challenges will reward you with new class-specific cards to add to your collection.", "\n\nRock the Heroic Modes\n\nPrepare to fight fire with even more fire! ", "Once you’ve defeated all of the bosses within any given wing for the first time, you’ll unlock the Heroic mode of that wing. ", "Heroic mode bosses do not play fair – they are significantly more difficult than their normal mode versions, and they will prove to be a challenge for even the most veteran Hearthstone players.", "\n\nDefeating all of Blackrock Mountain’s bosses on Heroic mode will unlock a new card back for your collection.", "\n\nFortune Favors the Boulder\n\nBlackrock Mountain will unearth its secrets over the course of 5 weeks. ", "Starting with Blackrock Depths, each wing opens one week at a time with a new wing opening each week, until all five wings are open.", "\n\nEach wing within Blackrock Mountain can be purchased with in-game gold or real money, following the same pricing as Curse of Naxxramas. ", "Each wing can be purchased for 700 gold or $6.99 USD. ", "Blackrock Mountain bundle pricing is also available – the bigger the bundle, the bigger the discount! ", "Purchasing wings in bundles does not unlock Blackrock Mountain wings faster than the one-wing-a-week schedule, but it does ensure that you’ll be able to dive into the next challenge and earn new cards as soon as they unlock.", "\n\nFor AUD Pricing, click here.", "\n\nAs each wing is released, the cards contained within each wing will also show up in your Arena picks, even if you have not earned them for your personal collection yet.", "\n\nFor those of you that can’t wait to get your oven mitts on Blackrock Mountain, pre-orders of the full Adventure will be available starting March 19! ", "Pre-ordering Blackrock Mountain not only allows players to dive into the Adventure as soon as it becomes available in their region, but it also cooks up a unique card back for their collection! ", "This card back is only available to players that pre-order Blackrock Mountain.", "\n\nOut of the Frying Pan\n\nCan you take the heat? ", "Grab your fire resistance gear and get ready to brave the mountain! ", "Blackrock Mountain is planned to release simultaneously for PC, Mac, iPad, and Android tablets next month!" ]
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[ "The present invention is concerned with an antiparasitic formulation and, in particular, with an antiparasitic formulation which can be used to control ectoparasitic infestation and any contagious diseases resulting therefrom.", "\nEctoparasitic infections of animals such as sheep are widespread. ", "Such parasites include, for example, ticks, mites, lice, keds, head fly and blow fly, amongst others. ", "Ticks contribute to a condition known as tickborne fever which is an infectious disease affecting almost all sheep which graze tick-infected pastures. ", "It is caused by the microorganism Cytoecetes phogocytophilia, a rickettsia transmitted via the bite of sheep ticks. ", "Ticks also contribute to tick pyaemia, or xe2x80x9ccripplesxe2x80x9d, which is believed to kill or disable in excess of a quarter of a million lambs each year in the UK. ", "Mites on the other hand cause intense irritation to sheep, which react by rubbing against fence posts, or the like. ", "If no fixed objects are available, they rub against each other spreading the disease further- Mites also cause foot scab, a mange infestation of sheep. ", "Blowfly strike, however, is a particularly nasty condition causing untold misery and death to sheep flocks. ", "It is caused by blowfly which feed on decomposing matter containing liquid protein upon which: the blowfly feeds and amongst which it lays its eggs. ", "Any open wound will, attract the flies. ", "Once the larvae hatch, the sheep can be literally eaten alive by successive waves of maggots.", "\nMany antiparasitic formulations are known, for example, as pour-on formulations or as total immersion dips for treating sheep. ", "Plunge dipping is a technique which is generally used to control certain parasitic infestations of sheep, such as skin parasites, because it allows thorough penetration of the fleece and access to the skin by the antiparasitic formulation. ", "The formulations used to treat ectoparasitic infestations, generally, comprise compounds which contribute to irritancy of or toxicity to the animal upon administration thereto. ", "Examples of such compounds include, diazinon and propetamphos, for example. ", "Other compounds, such as pyrethroids and permethrins are suitable for pour-on formulations, whilst in plunge dips it is the organophosphates which are frequently used.", "\nThese compounds are toxic not only to the animals but to the administrators alike. ", "Furthermore, many sheep dip formulations cannot be used to treat, for example, larval infestation of wounds such as in the case of the larvae of blowfly which feed on the dead and damaged tissue associated with wounds or scouring. ", "Treatment of blowfly larvae is normally carried out using mild insecticidal creams. ", "Toxic substances, such as contained in many sheep dips, cannot be applied because under no circumstances can the above mentioned formulations be applied to open wounds. ", "The formulations used previously also contribute to are released into the environment. ", "The use of these compounds must therefore be tightly controlled and a considerable number of regulations apply to, for example, disposal of sheep dips.", "\nAccordingly, there exists a need for formulations which when applied to an animal can effectively eradicate common ectoparasitic infestation and any resulting contagious diseases and which formulation similarly alleviates or ameliorates the disadvantages described above whilst minimising trauma and shock to the animal.", "\nTherefore, there is provided by a first aspect of the present invention, an antiparasitic formulation comprising in an antiparasitically effective amount, Eucalyptus oil, Cajeput oil, Lemongrass oil, Clove bud oil, Peppermint oil, Piperonyl and Piperonyl Butoxide. ", "Preferably, the formulation is further diluted with water and in such an embodiment an amount of a suitable surfactant is also included in the formulation in addition to lanolin.", "\nIn a preferred embodiment, the formulation comprises:\nPreferably, however, the formulation comprises in approximate amounts by volume, 5.3% Eucalyptus oil, 1.3% Cajeput oil, 2.0% Lemongrass oil, 2.5% Clove bud oil, 1.3% Peppermint oil, 2.7% piperonyl, 0.6% Piperonyl Butoxide, Surfactant 0.1%, lanolin 1% and water 83.20%.", "\nIn a preferred embodiment the formulation may be further diluted to 1 part formulation per 200 parts water, for use as a sheep dip.", "\nThe formulations according to the invention are particularly advantageous because they avoid the use of hazardous compounds such as organophosphates which can be toxic both to the animal the uses and the environment. ", "The absence of such compounds also minimises any trauma, shock or irritancy to the animal. ", "The formulations are also safe for use by humans without risk to health and they are also considerably less damaging to the environment. ", "The oils used are registered with the Department of Novel Foods and Flavours at the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Foods. ", "Neither the Council of Europe\"\"s Committee of Experts on Flavouring Substances nor any other European committee has recommended limits on the use of these essential oils. ", "These oils have been evaluated by the US Flavouring Extract Manufacturers\"\" Association (FEMA) who have classified them as GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) in 1965. ", "These assessments were published in a paper Hall R. L. and Oser B. L. (1965). ", "The formulations of the present invention therefore avoid the use of any organophosphates, permethrins, pyrethrums or derivatives thereof so they are significantly safer for the animal, the operator and the environment,\nIn another aspect of the invention, the formulation according to the invention may, advantageously, be used in the treatment of an animal body so as to, for example, treat ectoparasitic infestation, such as, in sheep, and also any subsequent contagious diseases resulting from the infestation.", "\nAccording to a further aspect of the invention, there is also provided use of a formulation according to the invention for the manufacture of a medicament for treating an animal of ectoparasitic infestation. ", "The formulations may be applied directly to the animal but preferably are used in a total immersion dip, such as used in a sheep dip, thus allowing the formulation to sufficiently penetrate the fleece so as to substantially eradicate the infestation.", "\nExternal parasites of sheep include, amongst others, Damalinia ovis (biting louse), Linognathus ovillus (sucking louse), Lucilia spp (blowfly), Culicoides (midges), Hydrotaea irritans (headfly). ", "The formulation of the invention may be used to control infestation of sheep by these parasites. ", "Other parasites that may be effectively eradicated by the formulation of the invention include scab mite (Psoroptes Communia Ovis), tick pyremia and other tick borne fever, sarcoptic mange and keds. ", "The formulation of the invention is, however, particularly useful in repelling the blowfly parasite and in eradicating the larvae of the blowfly which infest open wounds in sheep or areas where scouring occurs. ", "Thus, the formulation is particularly advantageous by virtue of its use as a dip formulation and yet which is sufficiently non-toxic to the animal that it can also be used, not only to repel the blowfly but to eradicate blowfly larvae, which cannot normally be treated with sheep dip formulations.", "\nAs is known, oil of eucalyptus is obtained from various species of eucalyptus and the resulting oils do not possess a uniform analysis. ", "It is believed, however, that the properties of the eucalyptus oil according to the invention are not dependent on a particular source of oil of eucalyptus and one may use oil derived from Eucalyptus globulus and/or Eucalyptus dives. ", "Eucalyptus oil is rich in cineole and desirably eucalyptus oil according to the invention comprises cineole and preferably 1-8 cineole in an amount of from approximately 35 to 90% by volume.", "\nThe invention may be more clearly described by reference to the following example:\nA formulation according to the invention was prepared by combining and mixing all of the oils of the following ingredients in the approximate amounts provided:\nThe essential oils together with piperonyl and piperonyl butoxide are mixed. ", "The mixture is then slowly stirred at ambient temperature and then the surfactant is added in addition to a small amount of water and lanolin. ", "The mixture is then high shear stirred to a cream consistency before the final addition of water up to the percentage amount identified above. ", "The product is then pH tested and sampled against a GC standard. ", "Application of the formulation to sheep by way of a plunge dip served to alleviate infestation of sheep by their common parasites." ]
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[ "Questioning thru the unknown booty be fairly arousing when in search of a that means to offer for your lifestyles. ", "Believe trailing by myself thru a wilderness woods to seek out methods to a super-fucking-hot socket inbetween a misterious Female´s gams." ]
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[ "Studies often low quality -- or missing entirely when it comes to post-market surveillance\n\nA study appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association documents the occasionally poor quality of clinical studies used to expand FDA approvals for high-risk medical devices. ", "But as F. Perry Wilson, MD, discusses in this 150-second analysis, adequate post-marketing surveillance may help to balance regulation with access to improved devices.", "\n\nThis week, we take a walk along the rocky path of medical device regulation with this study, appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association.", "\n\nDevices are regulated in a different way than drugs. ", "Once approved, a drug doesn't really get changed. ", "Indications may be expanded, but the drug is still the drug. ", "But devices get modified frequently – think different pacemaker leads.", "\n\nThe FDA does not require a clinical trial demonstrating proof of safety and efficacy for all those changes – far from it. ", "In fact, in the vast majority of cases the FDA requires no clinical data at all for approval.", "\n\nOne exception to that rule is for high-risk devices, which include things like cardiac stents. ", "Modifications of these devices need to utilize the most rigorous standard, known as the \"panel track.\"", "\n\nBut, as the JAMA paper suggests, the panel track is not really that rigorous. ", "There have only been 78 panel-track approvals between 2006 and 2016, underscoring how rare it is for a manufacturer to use this pathway. ", "In contrast, from 1979 through 2012 there have been 5,800 non-panel track supplements for cardiac implantable electronic devices alone.", "\n\nAccording to the study, the data supporting the changes rarely measure up to the quality we might expect. ", "Of 83 studies supporting these approvals, only 45% were randomized. ", "Only 30% were blinded.", "\n\nAlmost a quarter didn't specify a primary endpoint. ", "And shockingly, only 87% reported the number of patients enrolled. ", "Only 84% reported the mean age of enrollees. ", "These are pretty basic stats, folks.", "\n\nObviously, we could spin this data to make it look like the FDA is asleep at the wheel -- but before we grab our pitchforks, let me ask this question: Why were some studies randomized, and some not?", "\n\nThe reason is that there are civil servants at the FDA whose job it is to interface with manufacturers to decide how these studies should be conducted. ", "They are charged with determining the \"least burdensome\" standard of data. ", "That's the law. ", "In other words, sometimes a blinded, randomized trial is the least burdensome thing you can do to make sure the device is still safe and effective. ", "But not always. ", "We'd need to review each of these 78 approvals separately to determine if we, as a medical community, think the data presented was inadequate.", "\n\nI'm actually OK with this system, with one caveat. ", "Rigorous post-approval research must be conducted to ensure safety, especially as indications are expanded. ", "And here the FDA has not done a great job. ", "The FDA has been lax about enforcing post-marketing surveillance. ", "According to the study authors, only 13% of post-marketing safety studies are completed between 3 and 5 years after FDA approval, and the FDA has never issued a warning letter, penalty, or fine against a manufacturer for noncompliance.", "\n\nGetting these products to patients quickly may be laudable, but once they are in the wild manufacturers should not be left entirely to their own devices.", "\n\nPostscript\n\nAfter making this video, I heard from lead author Rita Redberg concerning some questions I had with the manuscript.", "\n\nI was curious about the \"denominator\" for these approvals. ", "The study looks at 78 device supplement approvals, but we are not told how many rejected applications there are. ", "Her response: \"FDA does not make available the number of applications they receive and do not approve ... Anecdotally, I have heard it is about 80% approved.\"", "\n\nDr. Redberg also stated that she feels the current standard for approvals is relatively lax, citing a recent cluster of deaths associated with a rapidly-approved gastric balloon. ", "She suggests that high-risk devices should face the same standard as drugs, where two preferably randomized clinical trials with meaningful endpoints are necessary for approval. ", "Finally, she notes that post-marketing surveillance may not be the best solution to this problem (as I had suggested), as while drugs can be quickly pulled from the market, many devices are not easily removed from patients.", "\n\nAccessibility Statement\n\nAt MedPage Today, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access all of the content offered by MedPage Today through our website and other properties. ", "If you are having trouble accessing www.medpagetoday.com, MedPageToday's mobile apps, please email legal@ziffdavis.com for assistance. ", "Please put \"ADA Inquiry\" in the subject line of your email." ]
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[ "Past Papers\n\nAs students we understand the hassle involved in combing the internet to find all the relevant past papers. ", "That’s why we’ve brought them all together in one place, allowing you to quickly access question papers, mark schemes, examiners reports and more.", "\n\n\n\nOur platform currently has over 10,000 past papers from more than 250 subjects and specifications, spanning AQA, Edexcel, OCR and Cambridge exam boards. ", "No matter what subjects you're doing, we'll have the past papers you need. ", "You can also star the subjects you're interested in and we'll only show you content relevant to you, further streamlining your revision." ]
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[ "Connective tissue analysis of the canine circle of Willis in hypertension.", "\nThe collagen and elastin contents of the major arterial components of the canine circle of Willis (basilar artery, posterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior cerebral artery) were determined as measures of the passive mechanical properties of these vessels. ", "Studies were carried out in seven normotensive dogs and seven dogs in which experimental renal hypertension of 3 months duration had been induced. ", "In the normotensive animals, the collagen content of the middle cerebral artery exceeded that of the other vessels considered. ", "The elastin content and the total connective tissue were not significantly affected by arterial site. ", "The middle cerebral artery collagen to elastin ratio was greater than corresponding values for the basilar, posterior cerebral, and internal carotid arteries. ", "Connective tissue differences were less pronounced in the hypertensive animals. ", "No component of the canine circle of Willis in the hypertensive dogs showed a significantly different collagen content, elastin content, total connective tissue content, or collagen to elastin ratio. ", "In comparing cerebral vessels from normotensive and hypertensive dogs, total connective tissue values were greater in hypertension for all arterial sites considered. ", "These acute physiological changes in connective tissue content over small distances in intracranial blood vessels from normotensive animals, together with unique connective tissue responses of these vessels to short term hypertension, may suggest additional possible factors important in the natural history of cerebrovascular pathological conditions." ]
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[ "Axel Bredberg\n\nAxel Bredberg (24 February 1884 – 5 February 1960) was a Swedish Army lieutenant general. ", "His senior commands include Inspector of the Swedish Army Service Troops from 1933 to 1942, Chief of the Defence Staff from 1942 to 1944 and military commander of the V Military Area from 1945 to 1947.", "\n\nCareer\n\nMilitary career\nBredberg was born in Jönköping, Sweden, the son of Anders Petter Johansson-Bredberg and his wife Emma (née Svensson). ", "He was the brother of lieutenant colonel Ernst Bredberg. ", "Bredberg was commissioned as a underlöjtnant in the Kronoberg Regiment (I 11) in 1904. ", "He was promoted to lieutenant in 1907 and served as a lieutenant in the General Staff in 1914 and as captain in the General Staff in 1916. ", "Bredberg served as a teacher of tactics at the Royal Swedish Army Staff College from 1918 to 1925 and as captain in the Skaraborg Regiment (I 9) from 1920 to 1922. ", "He served as captain in the General Staff in 1922 and as major there in 1925.", "\n\nBredberg was made available for service in the Defense Audit (Försvarsrevisionen) from 1920 to 1923 and to the head of the General Commission of the Ministry of Defence and the Special Committee of the Riksdag from 1923 to 1925. ", "Bredberg also had special assignments: reorganization of the Road and Waterway Construction Service Corps, the Reserve Officer Regulation (Reservofficersförordningen), the Enrollment Regulation (Inskrivningsförordningen) and the Air Defense Commission (Luftförsvarskommissionen) from 1924 to 1930. ", "He was head of the General Staff's Organizational Department from 1924 to 1927.", "\n\nBredberg served as major and teacher at the Royal Swedish Army Staff College from 1928 to 1931 and he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the Swedish Army in 1928 and in the General Staff in 1930. ", "He served in the Älvsborg Regiment (I 15) in 1931, and served as acting regimental commander there from 1932 to 1933. ", "Bredberg was promoted to colonel in 1933 and was appointed Inspector of the Swedish Army Service Troops. ", "He was promoted to major general in 1937 and in 1942 he was appointed Chief of the Defence Staff. ", "Bredberg remained in this position until January 1944. ", "In 1945, Bredberg was appointed military commander of the V Military Area. ", "In 1949, he was promoted to lieutenant general.", "\n\nOther work\nBredberg was chairman of the Svenska officersförbundet (\"Swedish Officers Association\") from 1936 to 1942, the Försvarsväsendets rullföringsnämnd (\"Defense Committee's Enrollment Board\") from 1941 to 1942 and the Militära experttjänstekommissionen (\"Military Expert Service Commission\") in 1942. ", "He was a member of the Inskrivningsrådet (\"Enrollment Council\") and board member of the Royal Automobile Club in 1942. ", "Bredberg was also a member of the Statens organisationsnämnd (\"National Organization Board\") in 1944 and chairman of the Försvarets centrala organisationskommission (\"Swedish Armed Forces Central Organization Commission\") in 1944 and the Sjukvårdskommissionen (\"Healthcare Commission\") in 1944.", "\n\nPersonal life\nIn 1908, he married Sigrid Sundling (1885–1969). ", "They were the parents of colonel Bertil Bredberg (born 1909).", "\n\nBredberg died on 5 February 1960 in Engelbrekt Parish in Stockholm. ", "He was buried at S:ta Birgitta griftegård in Borås on 20 December 1960.", "\n\nDates of rank\n1904 – Underlöjtnant\n1907 – Lieutenant\n1914 – Captain\n1925 – Major\n1928 – Lieutenant Colonel\n1933 – Colonel\n1937 – Major General\n1949 – Lieutenant General\n\nAwards and decorations\nCommander Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword (15 November 1944)\nCommander First Class of the Order of Vasa (5 June 1943)\nKnight of the Order of the Polar Star\nCommander of the Order of the White Rose of Finland\n\nHonours\nMember of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences (1931)\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1884 births\nCategory:1960 deaths\nCategory:Swedish Army lieutenant generals\nCategory:People from Jönköping\nCategory:Commanders Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword\nCategory:Commanders First Class of the Order of Vasa\nCategory:Knights of the Order of the Polar Star\nCategory:Members of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences\nCategory:Chiefs of the Defence Staff (Sweden)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPredictionIO - Error when trainning kmean clustering\n\nI followed the guidance below to train and deploy KMean clustering.", "\nBut I got error with pio train:\n [WARN] [Template$] template.json does not exist. ", "Template metadata will not be available. (", "This is safe to ignore if you are not working on a template.)", "\n [INFO] [Runner$] Submission command: /home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/vendors/spark-1.4.1/bin/spark-submit --class io.prediction.workflow.", "CreateWorkflow --jars file:/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/MyKmeans/target/scala-2.10/template-scala-parallel-vanilla_2.10-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar,file:/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/MyKmeans/target/scala-2.10/template-scala-parallel-vanilla-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT-deps.jar --files file:/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/conf/log4j.properties --driver-class-path /home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/conf file:/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/lib/pio-assembly-0.9.4.jar --engine-id gYCE4NX4ODPQkryp9Jq9by3OEXxa4fxQ --engine-version b972fa8f340c142fb6dffbebc6d276b3bb32eeda --engine-variant file:/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/MyKmeans/engine.json --verbosity 0 --json-extractor Both \n --env PIO_ENV_LOADED=1,PIO_STORAGE_SOURCES_MYSQL_PASSWORD=123456,PIO_STORAGE_REPOSITORIES_METADATA_NAME=pio_meta,PIO_FS_BASEDIR=/home/lavalamp/.pio_store,PIO_STORAGE_SOURCES_MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql://,PIO_HOME=/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO,\n PIO_FS_ENGINESDIR=/home/lavalamp/.pio_store/engines,PIO_STORAGE_SOURCES_MYSQL_TYPE=jdbc,PIO_STORAGE_REPOSITORIES_METADATA_SOURCE=MYSQL,PIO_STORAGE_REPOSITORIES_MODELDATA_SOURCE=MYSQL,\n PIO_STORAGE_REPOSITORIES_EVENTDATA_NAME=pio_event,PIO_STORAGE_SOURCES_MYSQL_USERNAME=root,PIO_FS_TMPDIR=/home/lavalamp/.pio_store/tmp,\n PIO_STORAGE_REPOSITORIES_MODELDATA_NAME=pio_model,PIO_STORAGE_REPOSITORIES_EVENTDATA_SOURCE=MYSQL,\n PIO_CONF_DIR=/home/lavalamp/PredictionIO/conf\n\n Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.", "ClassCastException: com.biglabs.", "VanillaEngine$ cannot be cast to io.prediction.controller.", "EngineFactory\n\nat io.prediction.workflow.", "WorkflowUtils$.getEngine(WorkflowUtils.scala:69)\nat io.prediction.workflow.", "CreateWorkflow$.liftedTree1$1(CreateWorkflow.scala:193)\nat io.prediction.workflow.", "CreateWorkflow$.main(CreateWorkflow.scala:192)\nat io.prediction.workflow.", "CreateWorkflow.main(CreateWorkflow.scala)\nat sun.reflect.", "NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)\nat sun.reflect.", "NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)\nat sun.reflect.", "DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)\nat java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Method.java:606)\nat org.apache.spark.deploy.", "SparkSubmit$.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:665)\nat org.apache.spark.deploy.", "SparkSubmit$.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:170)\nat org.apache.spark.deploy.", "SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:193)\nat org.apache.spark.deploy.", "SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:112)\nat org.apache.spark.deploy.", "SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)\n\nCan anyone help me with this issue?", "\n\nA:\n\ntry this solution, https://github.com/singsanj/KMeans-parallel-template\nhope this solve your issues.", "\njust dont forget to update the scripts/loadData.py with you newly created app access key and engine.json with your appId.", "\nif you still have issues.. happy to solve.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Donald Trump called on Congress to pass a law that would extend foreign assistance only to “friendly” nations, a dig at the countries that voted in the United Nations to censure the United States for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.", "\n\n“Last month, I also took an action endorsed unanimously by the Senate just months before: I recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” Trump said Tuesday in his State of the Union address to Congress to a standing ovation from Republicans, as well as his Jewish daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner.", "\n\n“Shortly afterwards, dozens of countries voted in the United Nations General Assembly against America’s sovereign right to make this recognition,” he said. “", "In 2016, American taxpayers generously sent those same countries more than 20 billions of dollars in aid every year. ", "That is why, tonight, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to help ensure American foreign-assistance dollars always serve American interests, and only go to friends of America, not enemies of America.”", "\n\nIn the General Assembly vote last month, 128 countries voted to censure the United States, nine voted against and 35 abstained.", "\n\nAmong the majority were many U.S. allies, including some — like Egypt and Jordan — that the Trump administration has cultivated to combat terrorism and which receive substantial U.S. assistance.", "\n\nTrump also repeated his call on Congress to amend the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which he has reviled as one of the worst deals in history.", "\n\n“When the people of Iran rose up against the crimes of their corrupt dictatorship, I did not stay silent,” he said, referring to ongoing Iranian anti-government protests. “", "America stands with the people of Iran in their courageous struggle for freedom. ", "I am asking the Congress to address the fundamental flaws in the terrible Iran nuclear deal.”", "\n\nTrump wants the deal, which swaps sanctions relief for Iran’s rollback of its nuclear program, to be expanded to include restrictions on missile development, as well as to remove “sunset” clauses allowing Iran to lift some restrictions on the enrichment of fissile materials in a decade or so.", "\n\nAmong those on hand at the State of the Union as guests of Trump were the parents, brother and sister of Otto Warmbier, a Jewish American student imprisoned by North Korea who was returned to his family last year as he was dying.", "\n\n“After a shameful trial, the dictatorship sentenced Otto to 15 years of hard labor before returning him to America last June — horribly injured and on the verge of death. ", "He passed away just days after his return,” Trump said.", "\n\n“We need only look at the depraved character of the North Korean regime to understand the nature of the nuclear threat it could pose to America and our allies. ", "Tonight, we pledge to honor Otto’s memory with total American resolve.”", "\n\nThe applause extended by Congress to the Warmbier family was among the lengthiest of the evening.", "\n\nDelivering the response was Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, D-Mass., a scion of the Kennedy clan. ", "He addressed the divisions that Democrats say Trump has sown among Americans with fraught attacks on minorities and by not robustly repudiating the support of white supremacists.", "\n\n“Many have spent the past year anxious, angry, afraid,” he said. “", "We all feel the fault lines of a fractured country.”", "\n\nAmong the “fault lines” Kennedy described, he listed “Hatred and supremacy proudly marching in our streets, bullets tearing through our classrooms, concerts and congregations.”", "\n\nAlso delivering remarks was Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., ", "the first Jewish candidate to win major party nominating contests when he ran last year in the Democratic primaries.", "\n\nMuch of Sanders’ speech was focused on income equality, but he also addressed the divisiveness.", "\n\n“I want to offer a vision of where we should go as a nation which is far different than the divisiveness, dishonesty and racism coming from the Trump administration over the past year,” he said." ]
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[ "Slovenian music startup Viberate, founded in 2015, was one of the first in the country that managed to successfully acquire funds for their startup with an ICO. ", "Their overnight success set an important milestone and encouraged many other entrepreneurs to follow.", "\n\nToday, Viberate is growing faster than ever in their mission to change the music industry. ", "The blockchain-based company is the world’s largest curated and crowdsourced database of musicians, music venues, events, booking agencies and other music stakeholders (a so called “IMDb for music”) that is collecting and analyzing billions of data points daily. ", "With more than 1 million profiles of artists, events and venues, it is the most powerful tool for analyzing and predicting trends on the music scene.", "\n\nNot only is their platform recognized by some of the biggest artists such as The Chainsmokers, Robbie Williams, Richie Hawtin, San Holo, Imogen Heap and Showtek, their token VIB is also widely spread across more than 15 exchanges including Binance, Bittrex, OkeX, HitBTC, UPbit and many others.", "\n\nOn top of that, some of the biggest decision makers from the music industry recognized Viberate as an important data partner that can help predict music trends and understand the breakthroughs on the scene. ", "A few months ago, the company became the official Data Partner of #1 US awards for electronic music – International Dance Music Awards. ", "Their music science team populated the IDMA artists categories and presented a set of nominees based on true artist popularity, free from industry favouritism and politics.", "\n\nViberate’s business solutions\n\nAt the beginning of 2018 Viberate signed partnerships with 4 of the biggest ticket providers: Ticketmaster, Skiddle, Eventbrite and Eventim. ", "And while the database was growing, the team developed several unique business solutions that will completely reinvent how decisions are made in the music industry. ", "One of them is Tonight app, the hottest event discovery app in Slovenia right now. ", "It features thousands of events, enabling event discovery by matching users’ taste. ", "Just a day after its release in Slovenia, Tonight became the most downloaded app on the App Store and Google Play.", "\n\nWhile one part of the team was developing the event discovery app, the other part was focused on developing Mainstage – a dynamic mobile app for music festivals. ", "Mainstage is a one of a kind solution for small and medium festivals that can now, for the first time ever, create their own communication and promotional channel. ", "With auto-generated content-rich lineups sourced from Viberate, artists profiles will be updated with their latest content automatically and most importantly for a much cheaper cost than developing a solution from scratch. ", "Mainstage signed partnership agreements with several festivals already, giving the festival goers a chance to enjoy in the unique app of their favorite festival this season.", "\n\nThe third solution Viberate is developing will probably solve one of the biggest problems the music industry is facing – data chaos. ", "There are millions of musicians and venues out there with various music services using different IDs for them, which creates huge costs in data curation and a naming chaos. ", "So Viberate is introducing Unique, a solution that is for the first time in the history of music industry bringing completely standardized, data-enriched profiles from hundreds of thousands of musicians and venues, featuring the latest content and updated information. ", "Viberate Unique will be integrated into the largest services connected to the music industry.", "\n\nThe final solution is a little bit of a mystery. ", "At the moment, the Viberate team is focused on developing their new platform Viberate.com, that will completely change the way decisions in the music industry are made. ", "The platform, which will open the possibility to predict music trends like never before, discover the artists with the biggest potential to grow and develop a deeper understanding of what the future of music scene will look like. ", "More on that will be available in the months to follow.", "\n\nWhere to catch Viberate next\n\nA week ago, Viberate˙s COO Vasja Veber & Bitcoin pioneer Charlie Shrem met in Miami, where they had a great panel and an interview for CNBC about where the blockchain technology will be in 3 years and how it will improve the music industry. ", "The next day, Vasja had a special keynote at the Winter Music Conference, where he impressed the music industry leaders with an in-depth music report, analyzed the breakthroughs of 2018, and revealed the superstars of the future. ", "The report is available here.", "\n\nIn May, Viberate’s team is headed to Webit – The biggest European innovation and tech event of 2019 and to the International Music Summit in Ibiza, where they will talk about the integration of their business solutions to improve other services.", "\n\nBut the moment the whole industry is waiting for is definitely the reveal of their advanced metric system that will give every artist, event organizer or agency an opportunity to take their career, business or product to the next level. ", "What we know so far is that it will happen during TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco. ", "Until then, you can find out more about their progress by following them here:" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can a function handle multiple structs as result?", "\n\nI have a device. ", "It takes commands. ", "I get results and want them to be put into a more usable form.", "\nExample:\nissue_command() should take a struct as the request and a pointer to a result struct...BUT the structs could be anything I pass. ", "There are around 50 structs over all.", "\nissue_command(read_request, &result_struct);\nI feel that C can't do this and I couldn't come up with a possible solution (its the only aspect of my program that is not done). ", "\nIn layman's terms, I want to pass a command struct that is blasted to the device and a result struct paramater that is memcpy()'d from the byte result.", "\n\nA:\n\nHere's an example program that does what I think you want:\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <assert.h>\n\n/* Enumeration, structs, and union for requests */\n\nenum request_type {\n REQUEST_ONE,\n REQUEST_TWO\n};\n\nstruct request_one {\n int something;\n char data[10];\n};\nstruct request_two {\n double something_else;\n char data[20];\n};\n\nstruct request {\n enum request_type type;\n union {\n struct request_one one;\n struct request_two two;\n } request_struct;\n};\n\n/* Enumeration, structs, and union for responses */\n\nenum response_type {\n RESPONSE_ONE,\n RESPONSE_TWO\n};\n\nstruct response_one {\n char data[10];\n};\nstruct response_two {\n char data[20];\n};\n\nstruct response {\n enum response_type type;\n union {\n struct response_one one;\n struct response_two two;\n } response_struct;\n};\n\n/* Constructor functions for request structs */\n\nstruct request * make_request_one(const int something,\n char * data) {\n struct request * new_request = malloc(sizeof *new_request);\n if ( !", "new_request ) {\n perror(\"Couldn't allocate memory\");\n exit(EXIT_FAILURE);\n }\n\n new_request->type = REQUEST_ONE;\n new_request->request_struct.one.something = something;\n strcpy(new_request->request_struct.one.data, data);\n\n return new_request;\n}\n\nstruct request * make_request_two(const double something_else,\n char * data) {\n struct request * new_request = malloc(sizeof *new_request);\n if ( !", "new_request ) {\n perror(\"Couldn't allocate memory\");\n exit(EXIT_FAILURE);\n }\n\n new_request->type = REQUEST_TWO;\n new_request->request_struct.two.something_else = something_else;\n strcpy(new_request->request_struct.two.data, data);\n\n return new_request;\n}\n\n/* Constructor functions for response structs */\n\nstruct response * make_response_one(char * data) {\n struct response * new_response = malloc(sizeof *new_response);\n if ( !", "new_response ) {\n perror(\"Couldn't allocate memory\");\n exit(EXIT_FAILURE);\n }\n\n new_response->type = RESPONSE_ONE;\n strcpy(new_response->response_struct.one.data, data);\n\n return new_response;\n}\n\nstruct response * make_response_two(char * data) {\n struct response * new_response = malloc(sizeof *new_response);\n if ( !", "new_response ) {\n perror(\"Couldn't allocate memory\");\n exit(EXIT_FAILURE);\n }\n\n new_response->type = RESPONSE_TWO;\n strcpy(new_response->response_struct.two.data, data);\n\n return new_response;\n}\n\n/* Issue command function */\n\nstruct response * issue_command(struct request * request) {\n struct response * response;\n\n switch ( request->type ) {\n case REQUEST_ONE:\n response = make_response_one(\"resp 1\");\n break;\n\n case REQUEST_TWO:\n response = make_response_two(\"response 2 stuff\");\n break;\n\n default:\n assert(0);\n }\n\n return response;\n}\n\nint main(void) {\n\n /* Call issue_command() with request and response one */\n\n struct request * req1 = make_request_one(666, \"req 1\");\n struct response * resp1 = issue_command(req1);\n\n printf(\"Request: %s, Response: %s\\n\",\n req1->request_struct.one.data,\n resp1->response_struct.one.data);\n\n free(req1);\n free(resp1);\n\n /* Call issue_command() with request and response two */\n\n struct request * req2 = make_request_two(3.14159, \"request 2 stuff\");\n struct response * resp2 = issue_command(req2);\n\n printf(\"Request: %s, Response: %s\\n\",\n req2->request_struct.two.data,\n resp2->response_struct.two.data);\n\n free(req2);\n free(resp2);\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nand outputs:\npaul@local:~/src/sandbox$ ./reqresp\nRequest: req 1, Response: resp 1\nRequest: request 2 stuff, Response: response 2 stuff\npaul@local:~/src/sandbox$ \n\nAs you can see, the issue_command() function is effectively accepting, with a single input parameter, two different types of struct, and effectively returning, with a single return value, two different types of struct. ", "This is accomplished by wrapping the different structs in a union, in both cases, but you could achieve a similar result through void pointers, and actually pass and return completely different structs (rather than single structs containing a union of different structs).", "\nAll I'm doing in issue_command() is reading the type and constructing an appropriate response, but in the switch block, once you've determined which type you have, you can do what you like, access the individual members of the request, or memcpy() the whole thing, or whatever. ", "Likewise for the response, once you know what type of request you have, you can read in and fill in the response members however you like.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Get breaking news alerts and special reports. ", "The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.", "\n\nSEOUL, South Korea — Listening to the drums of war beating in Washington and Pyongyang, you might imagine that those people closest to the standoff gripping the Korean Peninsula would be hunkering down and fearing the worst.", "\n\nNot in Seoul's pulsating Hongdae district, renowned as a hotbed for youth culture, arts and entertainment. ", "Here, the only thing teens and young adults seem to care about is making sure their dance moves are on point.", "\n\nAt night, Hongdae's neon-painted streets are commandeered by street groups dancing to K-pop — South Korea's hyperactive, infectious brand of music.", "\n\nLike many people across this high-tech city, the country's capital, the last thing on young minds is the heavily militarized border that's just 30 miles away.", "\n\n\"I don't think about Kim Jong Un and North Korea,\" says Yang Seung Ho, 22, the leader of a dance group that attracted a sizable crowd one night this week.", "\n\n\"We just like dancing. ", "We are not worried,\" chimes in one of his fellow performers, Yu Seung Ho, 20.", "\n\nK-pop can trace its modern roots to the 1990s but gained worldwide notoriety in 2012 with Psy's \"Gangnam Style,\" the viral mega-hit whose nearly 3 billion views made it one of the most popular YouTube videos of all time.", "\n\nThis music industry is central to the increasing global popularity of South Korean culture, a phenomenon known as \"hallyu\" — or \"Korean wave.\"", "\n\nThe government has invested billions in these industries, using hallyu as a tool of soft power, and boosting exports and foreign investments in everything from K-pop and K-drama to Korean food, cosmetics and fashion.", "\n\nThe Morning Rundown Get a head start on the morning's top stories. ", "This site is protected by recaptcha\n\nOften touted as one of the major economic success stories of the 20th century, South Korea is the world's 12th-largest economy despite its modest population of just over 50 million.", "\n\nHongdae has been popular with street musicians since the 1980s, but in recent years it has become a haunt for K-pop dance groups.", "\n\nDespite some noise complaints from residents and businesses, the local government supports the street performers as long as they stop by 10 p.m.\n\nSome groups that perform away from the main streets appear to ignore this curfew and carry on much later.", "\n\nYang and his colleagues carry many of the stylistic hallmarks of the genre — all asymmetrical haircuts, long crucifix earrings, tight jeans and brightly colored jackets.", "\n\nThey are meticulously well drilled. ", "Most make their living by street performing almost every night. ", "When NBC News met up with Yang this week, he made around $140 in just a few hours.", "\n\nCompetition is fierce. ", "Another dance group set up its loudspeaker around 100 yards from Yang's troupe, and even closer were two guitar groups playing Radiohead and Coldplay covers. ", "The performers were so close to each other that their music sometimes created a jumbled din. ", "The scene is an all-out assault on the senses, the music accompanied by the the canopy of neon that overhangs the streets and narrow alleyways. ", "Garish signs in Korean and English offer everything from sunglasses and beauty products to Korean barbecue and beer.", "\n\nAt the center of it all are the K-pop dancers. ", "Crowds of mostly young girls, some of whom appear to have come straight from school, gather around and swoon at the young men, many of the onlookers copying the dance moves they've clearly practiced at home.", "\n\nOthers capture the scene on smartphones adorned with elaborate cases depicting cats and other cartoon creatures.", "\n\nByeon Hee Yeon takes a picture of the K-pop dancers in Hongdae. ", "NBC News\n\nOne of them is 19-year-old Byeon Hee Yeon, who also identifies herself by a Westernized name, Clara. ", "She looks a little bemused when asked about the supposed threat from Kim and his thousands of artillery pieces at the border.", "\n\n\"Every day North Korea says, 'We will capture you,' but they don't,\" she says with a laugh.", "\n\nByeon says she feels protected by the U.S. military, whose nuclear umbrella, missile defense system and 28,500 troops stationed here are designed to ward off Pyongyang.", "\n\nIf North Korea attacks, she said, jabbing her fingers together to signify an imaginary conflict, \"then the U.S.A. and China will come,\"\n\nRather than protecting South Korea, President Donald Trump has been accused by many experts and politicians of bringing the region closer to war by matching Kim's rhetorical threats.", "\n\nThe latest of these critics was Sen. Bob Corker, the Tennessee Republican who suggested in an interview with The New York Times on Sunday that Trump was putting the U.S. on the path to \"World War III.\"", "\n\nThat worry doesn't seem to be shared by many in Seoul.", "\n\n\"We are just feeling safe in Korea,\" Byeon says, shortly before the dancers fire up their sound system for another barrage of high-energy K-pop." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to use CoreBluetooth instead of iBeacons to measure distance in the background?", "\n\nI am working on a project where a stationary iPad will act as a BLE peripheral and an iPhone will act as a BLE central. ", "As the iPhone enters within a few meters of the iPad, the iPhone will do something. ", "The iPhone needs to be able to run in the background or locked.", "\nI've been working with the CoreLocation library to create an iBeacon. ", "Using ranging methods, CoreLocation allows me to find the accuracy and proximity of the beacon. ", "However, from what I've found, CoreLocation does not allow for background ranging. ", "I've also found that monitoring for a beacon region can trigger enter/exit events which allows me to launch the app temporarily (~5 seconds) to then range for accuracy and proximity. ", "However, this solution would not work as the iPad's beaconing range is very large, and the central device would trigger the enter/exit events long before the device reaches my target range (a few meters of the peripheral).", "\nThus, I've been looking into the CoreBluetooth library as an alternative to CoreLocation/iBeacons. ", "I am aware that using CoreBluetooth, I would have to manually calculate the distance based on the RSSI.", "\nMy first question is, Are my assumptions correct? ", "Would CoreBluetooth be a good alternative to use for this project?", "\nMy second question is, Can the iPhone (central) determine the distance between itself and the iPad (peripheral) while locked or running in the background?", "\nThanks in advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nCoreBluteooth is generally a poor substitute for CoreLocation for detecting beacons for a number of reasons:\n\nYou cannot detect iBeacon transmissions at all with Core Bluetooth. ", " Apple explicitly blocks you from doing this, blanking out advertising data in the CoreBluetooth APIs if the advertising data matches iBeacon.", "\nThe ability to detect other beacon formats with CoreBluetooth in the background is poor. ", " Manufacturer advertisements (like AltBeacon) are blocked almost entirely in the background (you can detect only one packet!). ", " Service advertisements (like Eddystone) are detectable in the background, but callbacks are very slow relative to what you get with CoreLocation.", "\nLots of other CoreLocation features are missing like app auto-launch on beacon detection, and hardware filters to get fast background detections when your app is suspended.", "\n\nYou actually can range beacons in the background using CoreLocation a few different ways:\n\nFor 10 seconds after each region entry/exit transition as you have seen.", "\nFor up to 180 seconds after each region entry/exit transition if you request extra background running time.", "\nIndefinitely if you set your Info.plist to have a location background mode, and register for periodic location updates (e.g. log/lon location updates)\n\nOptions 2 and 3 above are available with CoreLocation but not CoreBluetooth. ", " To get into the AppStore with option 3, you must convince Apple reviewers that your app is providing a legitimate background location tracking function.", "\nFinally, you can do your own distance calculation based on the CLBeacon#rssi property. ", "It is best to average it over 20-30 seconds to reduce noise, and you'll somehow need your own reference value for what the expected RSSI is at 1 meter, as the one embedded in the beacon frame is not readable by third party software. ", " But you may not need to do this. ", " If you are simply targeting iPads with your app, you can simply adjust the calibration constant inside the beacon with the expected 1 meter distance RSSI for your iPad, and you should get more accurate distance measurements.", "\nThere are some cases where you still want to use CoreBluetooth despite the drawbacks above. ", " For that reason, I built this repo. ", " \nIt is also possible to use advanced techniques like forcing screen on events to read RSSI from \"Overflow Area\" advertisements using CoreBluetooth.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Activity-guided separation and characterization of new halocin HA3 from fermented broth of Haloferax larsenii HA3.", "\nHaloferax larsenii HA3 was able to grow optimally in HS medium containing 15% NaCl, at pH 7.2 and 42 °C in aerobic conditions. ", "Strain HA3 was found to be round shape, Gram-negative, catalase-positive, sensitive to bile acid, and resistant to chloramphenicol, and could not utilize arginine. ", "The lipid profile revealed the presence of glycerol diether moiety (GDEM) suggesting Haloarchaea characteristics. ", "Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities showed that it was closely related to H. larsenii ZJ206. ", "Interestingly, strain HA3 was found to produce halocin HA3 which was purified using ultrafiltration and chromatography. ", "It was found to be stable up to 80 °C, pH 2.0-10.0, organic solvents, surfactants, and detergents tested. ", "However, the activity of halocin HA3 was completely reduced in the presence of proteinase K and trypsin. ", "It was found to be halocidal against H. larsenii HA10, rupturing cell boundary and leading to cell death. ", "The molecular weight of halocin HA3 was found to be ~13 kDa and MALDI-TOF MS/MS analysis suggested no homology with known halocins. ", "The N-terminal ten amino-acid residues, NH2MNLGIILETN-COOH, suggested a new/novel halocin. ", "These properties of halocin HA3 may be applicable for control of Haloarchaea in environments and salted foods." ]
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[ "Ten Myths About Drones\n\nUnmanned aerial vehicles (“UAVs”), often called “drones,” are coming to American skies.", "\n\nIn February, President Obama signed a law that requires the Federal Aviation Administration to pave the way for public agencies and, eventually, private companies, to fly drones within the United States.", "\n\nThe proliferation of domestic drones has been preceded by a proliferation of news stories about the technology — and of some misconceptions regarding what drones are, and how they might be used. ", "A law professor and a professor of electrical engineering, we’ve identified ten commonly held myths related to the technology and legal framework involved in drones and their use.", "\n\nMyth #1: A model airplane is a drone.", "\n\nA drone is an unmanned aircraft that can fly autonomously–that is, without a human in control. ", "By contrast, model airplanes are largely flown within visual line of sight and in the presence of an operator who watches and maintains control of the airplane during flight. ", "That alone is enough to place model airplanes cleanly outside the boundaries of the definition of a “drone.”", "\n\nMyth #2: Drones are no different than street surveillance cameras.", "\n\nThe ACLU, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, and other organizations have raised concerns over the privacy issues associated with the use of drones. ", "One of the first questions privacy advocates get about UAVs is how they differ from the street cameras many cities already employ. ", "But drones are very different from fixed cameras because, most fundamentally, they fly. ", "Not only can drones monitor public spaces, they can see any area visible from the air. ", "Drones can also be used to follow a suspect from place to place without having to merge multiple video feeds from different fixed cameras. ", "Finally, attitudes toward drones appear to differ than attitudes toward more familiar cameras, creating an opportunity to reexamine privacy law.", "\n\nAnother common belief about non-military UAVs is that they have a short flight time and range. ", "Many battery-powered UAVs are indeed limited to flight times of well under an hour. ", "However, there is enormous variety in the shapes, sizes, and capabilities of UAVs. ", "Some U.S. military UAVs can stay aloft for many hours at a time and have a range of thousands of miles. ", "Boeing is currently developing the Solar Eagle, a solar-powered UAV that will be able to stay aloft at very high altitudes for five continuous years.", "\n\nMyth #4: Only the police can use drones.", "\n\nAuthors\n\nAssistant Professor, University of Washington School of Law\n\nMuch of the attention regarding domestic drones has been concerned with their likely use by law enforcement agencies. ", "But there are many other potential applications as well, including agriculture, surveying, news reporting, and firefighting. ", "And Congress has charged the FAA with developing a plan to integrate many more private drones in the nation’s airways by September of 2015. ", "The impact of drones in the United States will be profound — and will go well beyond law enforcement applications.", "\n\nMyth #5: Police need a warrant to observe you with a drone flying below 400 feet.", "\n\nThere is a 1989 Supreme Court case, Florida v. Riley, where police flew a helicopter at 400 feet in order to look at a backyard and greenhouse for evidence of marijuana cultivation. ", "The Court found no constitutional privacy violation. ", "Four of nine justices remarked that a helicopter is allowed to fly at 400 feet, adding “We would have a different case if flying at that altitude had been contrary to law or regulation.” ", "One justice agreed with the holding but wrote separately, reasoning in part that “there is considerable public use of airspace at altitudes of 400 feet and above.” ", "Presumably based on this language, it has been suggested that a warrant is needed to operate a drone for surveillance purposes below 400 feet. ", "But nothing in either the four-justice plurality or one-justice concurrence in Riley — or any other Supreme Court case — supports this bright line view.", "\n\nMyth #6: Police flying a drone to the scene of a crime can only use footage acquired at the crime scene itself.", "\n\nAnother misconception is that police who are flying a drone to a specific location such as a crime scene or emergency cannot use the footage the drones gather on the way to that location. ", "Generally speaking, if an officer has a right to be somewhere — whether a sidewalk, stairwell, or helicopter — she can gather whatever evidence she can see, smell, hear, or record. ", "The same is likely true of drones. ", "Of course, it may be a matter of best practice only to record the activities of citizens when necessary. ", "But it is not a constitutional limitation; “incidental” drone surveillance may well be in the cards.", "\n\nMyth #7: The Supreme Court’s January 2012 decision in Jones (the warrantless GPS tracking case) means that police need a warrant to follow your car using a drone.", "\n\nIn the recent case of United States v. Jones, the Supreme Court held that officers generally need a warrant to follow a vehicle with a GPS device continuously for an extended period of time. ", "A majority of justices (five of nine) expressed a general concern with sustained surveillance by electronic means. ", "Technically, however, the Jones case was decided on a narrower basis: five justices thought that the act of affixing the GPS device to the car was itself a kind of trespass to personal property, thus triggering a Fourth Amendment violation. ", "Drones do not need to be affixed to anything, so the Jones ruling won’t necessarily limit how they might be used for surveillance.", "\n\nMyth #8: Most “drones” used by the U.S. military overseas are armed.", "\n\nMany of the impressions regarding drones come from media coverage of military UAVs. ", "In particular, UAVs are often described in the press as firing missiles at insurgents or terrorists. ", "It turns out, however, that the overwhelming majority of U.S. military unmanned aircraft are unarmed, and are used to acquire imagery. ", "In many cases, this imagery provides vital information that can help save the lives of American troops on the ground.", "\n\nMyth #9: It doesn’t take any flying skill to operate a U.S. military “drone.”", "\n\nSometimes you hear the disparaging claim that UAVs, unlike fighter jets, are easy to fly. ", "U.S. military unmanned aircraft such as the Predator are capable of autonomous flight but are piloted by extremely skilled aviators. ", "Thanks to a combination of technology advances, these pilots no longer need to be physically sitting in the airplane. ", "But that doesn’t make them any less skilled in most respects than traditional in-the-cockpit pilots. ", "Indeed, many U.S. military unmanned aircraft pilots prefer not to use the term “drone,” as it fails to recognize the high levels of skill and extensive training behind real-world flight operations. ", "Instead, they often use terms such as UAV or RPA (“remotely piloted aircraft”).", "\n\nMyth #10: The downsides of drones in U.S. airspace outweigh the benefits.", "\n\nLike almost any technology, drones can be misused. ", "It’s important to put in place appropriate frameworks to ensure that they are operated responsibly. ", "In doing so, however, we shouldn’t lose sight of the bigger picture: The domestic use of drones will provide a long list of benefits. ", "They can provide vital, lifesaving imagery in many different scenarios. ", "The drone community, which includes companies, universities, and hobbyists, is merging robotics, sensors, and airframe design in an amazing variety of innovative ways. ", "These innovations, and jobs they create, both now and in the future, can help American competitiveness not only within the drone industry, but also more broadly." ]
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[ "Neptune's innermost moon, Naiad, is clearly seen here for the first time since the Voyager 2 flyby of 1989. ", "Naiad is the encircled point of light just to the left of Neptune. ", "Image released Oct. 8, 2013,\n\nA tiny, mysterious moon orbiting Neptune has been spotted for the first time in more than 20 years.", "\n\nBy analyzing photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., have caught sight of Naiad, the innermost of Neptune's moons. ", "The 62-mile-wide (100 kilometers) moon has remained unseen since the cameras on NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft discovered it in 1989.", "\n\nScientists recently tracked Naiad across a series of eight archival images taken by Hubble in December 2004 after using a different technique to help cancel out Neptune's glare. ", "Neptune is 2 million times brighter than Naiad, so Naiad is difficult to see from Earth, SETI officials said. [", "See photos of Neptune, the mysterious blue planet]\n\n\"Naiad has been an elusive target ever since Voyager left the Neptune system,\" SETI scientist Mark Showalter said in a statement. ", "Showalter announced the new findings today (Oct. 8) during a session at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences, held in Denver.", "\n\nThis version of the image identifies all of the bodies orbiting Neptune visible in the image. ", "Note that even the newly-discovered moon, provisionally identified as S/2004 N 1, is visible here as a faint dot. ", "Image released Oct. 8, 2013. (", "Image credit: M. Showalter/SETI Institute)\n\nNow that scientists have spotted the small moon again, there are other mysteries to be solved. ", "Naiad seems to have drifted off course: The new observations show that the moon is now ahead of its predicted path in orbit around Neptune, SETI officials said.", "\n\nScientists expect that the new trajectory could have something to do with Naiad's interaction with one of Neptune's other moons that caused the innermost moon to speed up in its orbit. ", "The exact cause of the moon's new orbit won't be known until researchers collect more data.", "\n\nNeptune's slender rings are seen with remarkable clarity in this composite image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. ", "Image released Oct. 8, 2013. (", "Image credit: SETI Institute)\n\nThe images taken in 2004 also reveal something about the ring arcs surrounding Neptune. ", "Voyager observed four arcs during its flyby of the system, but the newly processed images show that the two leading arcs are absent, while the two trailing arcs haven't changed, SETI officials said. ", "Scientists aren't sure what is causing this change, but the arcs have been shifting since their discovery.", "\n\nThe images were obtained by the High Resolution Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the telescope. ", "An occulting mask was placed in front of Neptune to reduce the planet's glare. ", "In the image, a color composite of Neptune, taken one month earlier, has been inserted for context. ", "Image released Oct. 8, 2013. (", "Image credit: M. Showalter/SETI Institute)\n\n\"It is always exciting to find new results in old data,\" Showalter said. \"", "We keep discovering new ways to push the limit of what information can be gleaned from Hubble's vast collection of planetary images.\"", "\n\nThe same images taken by Hubble also helped Showalter and his colleagues find another small moon orbiting Neptune — a discovery they announced in July. ", "The newfound moon, called S/2004 N 1, is much smaller than Naiad, at 12 miles (20 km) across, but it was easier to spot in the images because its orbit takes it farther from Neptune than Naiad's orbit takes it from the planet, SETI officials said.", "\n\nS/2004 N 1 evaded Voyager 2's cameras in 1989 because of its tiny size. ", "During its flyby, Voyager revealed six previously unknown moons circling Neptune. ", "Scientists have now discovered 14 moons in orbit around the blue planet.", "\n\nFollow Miriam Kramer @mirikramer and Google+. ", "Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. ", "Original article on SPACE.com." ]
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[ "The analog of the “Line for continuous applying the protective metal coating on the steel lengthy products” is the line for applying the protective metal coating on the tube surface, which includes transporting mechanisms, heating tools, tube bending tools, setting driving housing, tank for the melt and mechanisms for tube delivery and straightening with cooling tools. ", "Bending tool is made in a shape of bent perforated tube of corrosion resistant material, its bent part being placed lower in the tank than melt surface (RU No 22048594).", "\nThe disadvantage of this line is the necessity to bend the tube for plunging it into the melt.", "\nThe closest analog of the “Line for continuous applying the protective metal coating on the steel lengthy products” is the line for lengthy products hot metallization including tanks placed in sequence and coaxial for fluxing and metallization, plungers with directing rolls placed in them, calibrating device with passage of square cross section, cooling camera with sprayer device and take-in-out mechanism. ", "Calibrating device is made in a shape of fiber (filier) placed inside of the metallization tank with the lengthwise movement possibility. ", "The line is equipped with functional elements speed and tension stabilizer placed in front of the tank, and diverting device placed between plungers and made in a shape of lengthwise vertically stand flat frame with cross dowels having vertical projections in the lower part of the frame and rollers placed in the upper part of the frame with rolling and slipping possibility (SU No 1568562).", "\nFor applying the metal coating by means of this line the lengthy product is undergone the bending to plunge it into the tank with melt and following straightening, which complicates line construction and the process of applying the coating.", "\nThe analog of the invention “Line for continuous applying the protective metal coating on the steel lengthy products” is the device according to the patent application RU No 998120056. ", "The device comprises the vessel for the tank with melt coating metal, the upper surface of the tank having the opening for bend passage is connected with said vessel, placed under said upper tank surface, and provided with means for inserting the metal band. ", "The device has also the tool for transporting the continuous metal band through said opening and through the tank. ", "This device comprises the plug formed from the hardened metal coating and embracing band at the section run after said opening, while the plug is stationary relatively to the band and has the tool for preventing the tank melt metal flowing out trough said opening and providing the band transporting through the tank at the same time. ", "Besides, there is a tool for cooling the metal coating placed inside said vessel run after said opening for the plug formation and plug fixing during applying the coating on the band, and tool for heating the melt metal tank at the section run after said plug.", "\nAnother analog is device for applying the protective coating on the lengthy metal products comprising the tank with heating elements and passage in the bottom of the tank, MGD-lock under the passage with outlet partially inserted into the tank trough the passage. ", "MGD-lock is presented as two L-shaped magnetic circuits with two flat coil of single-phase winding placed at the vertical rods of the magnetic circuits (SU No 492759).", "\nIn this device the lengthy product is transported vertically into the tank with melt without bending. ", "The disadvantage of this apparatus is its complication as a result of MGD-lock using.", "\nThe devices for applying the coating on the wire, band and so on, in which using of directing roll plunging the product into the melt and transporting it, are known (“Hot zincing guidance”, Moscow, “Metallurgy, 1975, p. 376; “Metal coatings of sheet and bar steel” Vitkin A. I., Taidle I. I., Moscow, “Metallurgy”, 1971, p. 496).", "\nThe disadvantages of the known lines and devices for applying the protective coatings are steel tanks having big volume and significant open melt surface square, which predetermines big power consumption to maintain set temperature of the melt. ", "In particular, the contact of zinc melt with steel walls of the tank and with elements of immersion transporting devices provides iron dissolvent in the zinc and, as a result, shorts the equipment operating period and enlarges zinc consumption.", "\nUsing the steel tanks with immersion transporting device excludes the possibility of alloying the melt with aluminum. ", "Ceramic tanks are resistant to the zinc melt alloyed with aluminum but they have a big volume in comparison to steel ones. ", "This is the case because, unlike in the metal tanks where hitting is provided trough the walls, in the ceramic tank hitting is provided through the melt surface.", "\nIn the analog device for applying the metal coating on the steel band surface according to the patent application RU No 94041744 the product is entered vertically into the tank with melt through the passage in the bottom of the tank without changing the direction. ", "The preventing of melt flowing out through the passage in the bottom of the tank is provided by means of electromagnetic forces. ", "This force is proportional to the static pressure of the melt metal and opposite to it by the direction. ", "The tank with melt is provided with extra tank for pre-melting, the volume of the tank for applying the coating being several times smaller than one of the pre-melting tank. ", "The level of the melt in the tank for applying the coating is regulated by means of melt moving from the pre-melt tank to the tank for applying the coating. ", "The pre-melting tank is placed aside under the tank for applying the coating. ", "Electromagnetic pumps are provided for melt coating material circulation.", "\nThe closest analog of the offered device is the device for applying the metal coatings on the lengthy products comprising tank with the melt and camera for applying the coating (application of France No 7516981, class C23C3/14, 1975).", "\nThe camera for applying the coating in this device has input and output passages through which the product is transported while applying the coating is provided. ", "The melt is transported from the tank into the camera for applying the coating by means of the pump. ", "Filling the camera is provided in such a way that the melt level in the camera is set higher than level of input and output passages. ", "The melt is easily flows out the camera into the tank, however the quantity of the melt returning to the camera is a bit more than one flowing out the input and output passages into the tank. ", "It allows maintaining the melt level in the camera for applying the coating higher than one of input and output passages.", "\nThe disadvantage of this device is the fact that the melt supply from the tank into the camera is provided by means of immersion pump, which significantly decreases the safety characteristics imposed to the industrial equipment. ", "The continuous melt circulation causes fast wearing of passages and melt contamination with materials from which the passages are made of, which causes deterioration of the coating formation and, therefore, the decrease of its quality." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I simplify a percent (ex. ", "25%) to a simple statement (ex. ", "1 out of 4)?", "\n\nI need to convert an array of numbers and totals into a simple statement.", "\nFor example, how can I convert the following, programmatically via PHP, to simple statements like, 1 out of 10, 1 out of 100, and even rounding some (like 2 out of 100 for 9000,400000).", "\nGenerate Sample Array:\n$arr = array();\nfor ($i=0; $i < 100; $i++) {\n $n = mt_rand(1,1000);\n $t = mt_rand(10,100000);\n if ($n > $t) continue; // skip!", "\n $arr[] = array($n,$t);\n}\n/*\n// Generates pairs like:\n// Array\n// (\n// [0] => Array ( [0] => 55 [1] => 8774 )\n// [1] => Array ( [0] => 814 [1] => 11174 )\n// [2] => Array ( [0] => 255 [1] => 32168 )\n// ...\n// [99] => Array ( [0] => 851 [1] => 24231 )\n// )\n*/\n\nRun through a function and print simplified results:\nforeach ($arr as $a) {\n echo $a[0] . '/' . ", "$a[1] . ' ", "==> ' . ", "simplifyRatio($a[0],$a[1]) . \"", "\\r\\n\";\n}\n\nCan you point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this?", "\nHere's the start of a function I'm working on, but the solution is escaping me.", "\nfunction simplifyRatio($n,$t) {\n $p = $n/$t;\n if ($p > 0.09) return round($n) . ' ", "out of ' . ", "round($t);\n if ($p > 0.009) return round($n) . ' ", "out of ' . ", "round($t);\n}\n\nIdeally the denominator should be: 1,2,3...10,20,30...100,200,300...1000,2000,3000...10000,20000,30000...100000 (max)\n\nA:\n\nI ended up settling for a near match on the pattern 1 out of ___, like so:\nfunction simplifyRatio($n,$t) {\n $r = $t/$n;\n return '1 out of ' . ", "round($r);\n}\n\n// Examples:\n$arr = array();\nfor ($i=0; $i < 100; $i++) {\n $n = mt_rand(1,1000);\n $t = mt_rand(10,100000);\n if ($n > $t) continue; // skip!", "\n $arr[] = array($n,$t);\n}\nforeach ($arr as $a) {\n echo $a[0] . '/' . ", "$a[1] . ' ", "==> ' . ", "simplifyRatio($a[0],$a[1]) . \"", "\\r\\n\";\n}\n\nExample Result:\n1000/24819 ==> 1 out of 25\n309/50305 ==> 1 out of 163\n488/99123 ==> 1 out of 203\n322/47610 ==> 1 out of 148\n183/54287 ==> 1 out of 297\n752/67646 ==> 1 out of 90\n240/68854 ==> 1 out of 287\n301/81345 ==> 1 out of 270\n611/16404 ==> 1 out of 27\n522/62992 ==> 1 out of 121\n\nCodePad: http://codepad.org/wu6iOdDq\nInitially I had hoped to end up with rounded denominators (10,20...100,200...1000,2000, etc.), ", "but I'm uncertain how to do this well. ", " I'll happily award an answer that cleans up the denominators of the above.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Hundreds of species of commensal microorganisms are harbored in gastrointestinal tracts of mammals, and intimately interact with the host immune systems. ", "Results of researches using germ-free (GF) animals have shown that the commensal microorganisms exert great influences on the development of mucosal immune systems such as histogenesis of Peyer's patches (PPs) and isolated lymphoid follicles (ILFs), secretion of antimicrobial peptides from epithelium, and accumulation of unique lymphocytes in mucosal tissues, the unique lymphocytes including immunoglobulin A-producing plasma cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes, IL-17-producing CD4-positive T cells (Th 17), and IL-22-producing NK-like cells (Non-Patent Documents 1 to 7). ", "Consequently, the presence of intestinal bacteria enhances protective functions of the mucous membranes, providing the hosts with robust immune responses against pathogenic microbes invading the bodies. ", "On the other hand, the mucosal immune systems maintain unresponsiveness to dietary antigens and harmless microbes (Non-Patent Document 3). ", "For this reason, abnormality in the regulation of cross-talk between commensal bacteria and an immune system (intestinal dysbiosis) may lead to overly robust immune response to environmental antigens, so that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is caused (Non-Patent Documents 8 to 10).", "\nResults of recent studies have shown that individual commensal bacteria control differentiation of their specific immune cells in the mucosal immune system. ", "For example, Bacteroides fragilis, which is a commensal bacterium in humans, specifically induces a systemic Th1 cell response and a mucosal IL-10-producing T cell response in mice, and plays a role in protecting the host from colitis, which would otherwise be caused by a pathogen (Non-Patent Document 3). ", "Segmented filamentous bacteria, which are intestinal commensal bacteria in mice, are shown to induce mucosal Th17 cell response and thereby to enhance resistance against infection of gastrointestinal tracts of the host with a pathogen (Non-Patent Documents 11 to 13). ", "In addition, short-chain fatty acids derived from several commensal bacteria are known to suppress intestinal inflammation (Non-Patent Document 14). ", "Moreover, it is presumed that the presence of some species of intestinal microbiota exerts a great influence on the differentiation of regulatory T cells (hereafter referred to as “Treg cells”) which maintain homeostasis of the immune system.", "\nMeanwhile, regulatory T cells which have been identified as a subset suppressing immunity are CD4+ T cells in which a transcription factor Foxp3 is expressed, and are known to play an important role in maintaining immunological homeostasis (Non-Patent Documents 8, 9, 15, and 16). ", "Moreover, it has been known that the Foxp3-expressing cells are present in a large number especially in the colon, and only Treg cells present locally in the colon constantly expresses IL-10, which is an immunosuppressive cytokine, at a high level (Non-Patent Document 17). ", "It is also known that animals having CD4+ Foxp3+ cells from which IL-10 is specifically removed develop inflammatory bowel disease (Non-Patent Document 18).", "\nAccordingly, if the mechanism of the induction of Treg cells which produce IL-10 in the colon at a high level is elucidated, immunosuppression can be enhanced, which in turn can be applied to treatment of autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, as well as to organ transplantation.", "\nHowever, mechanisms of how a large number of Treg cells come to be present in the colon and how the Treg cells produce IL-10 in the colon at a high level are still unclear. ", "Moreover, it is also still unclear what species of bacteria constituting the intestinal commensal bacterial flora exerts the influence on the induction of regulatory T cells." ]
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[ "package org.infinispan.xsite;\n\nimport static org.testng.", "AssertJUnit.assertEquals;\nimport static org.testng.", "AssertJUnit.assertNotNull;\nimport static org.testng.", "AssertJUnit.assertNull;\n\nimport java.util.concurrent.", "CompletionStage;\n\nimport javax.transaction.", "TransactionManager;\n\nimport org.infinispan.commands.", "VisitableCommand;\nimport org.infinispan.configuration.cache.", "CacheMode;\nimport org.infinispan.configuration.cache.", "ConfigurationBuilder;\nimport org.infinispan.test.", "TestingUtil;\nimport org.testng.annotations.", "Test;\n\n@Test(groups = \"xsite\", testName = \"xsite.", "RollbackNoPrepareOptimisticTest\")\npublic class RollbackNoPrepareOptimisticTest extends AbstractTwoSitesTest {\n\n public RollbackNoPrepareOptimisticTest() {\n use2Pc = true;\n }\n\n public void testRollbackNoCommit() throws Throwable {\n String key = key(LON);\n String val = val(LON);\n\n LogBackupReceiver receiver = TestingUtil.wrapComponent(backup(LON), BackupReceiver.class, LogBackupReceiver::new);\n\n assertNull(receiver.received);\n cache(LON, 0).put(key, val);\n assertNotNull(receiver.received);\n assertEquals(backup(LON).get(key), val);\n\n receiver.received = null;\n\n TransactionManager tmLon0 = cache(LON, 0).getAdvancedCache().getTransactionManager();\n\n assertNull(receiver.received);\n tmLon0.begin();\n cache(LON, 0).put(key, val);\n log.trace(\"Before rollback!\");", "\n tmLon0.rollback();\n assertNull(receiver.received);\n }\n\n public static class LogBackupReceiver extends BackupReceiverDelegator {\n\n volatile VisitableCommand received;\n\n protected LogBackupReceiver(BackupReceiver delegate) {\n super(delegate);\n }\n\n @Override\n public <O> CompletionStage<O> handleRemoteCommand(VisitableCommand command, boolean preserveOrder) {\n received = command;\n return super.handleRemoteCommand(command, preserveOrder);\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n protected ConfigurationBuilder getNycActiveConfig() {\n return getDefaultClusteredCacheConfig(CacheMode.", "DIST_SYNC, true);\n }\n\n @Override\n protected ConfigurationBuilder getLonActiveConfig() {\n return getDefaultClusteredCacheConfig(CacheMode.", "DIST_SYNC, true);\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\ncamera and camera2 permissions in android\n\nIn my app android.hardware.camera2 works for api 21 22 but doesn't for lower versions and android.hardware.camera work till api level 20. ", "What should I do to make it work for api level 15-22. ", "\n\nA:\n\nand android.hardware.camera work till api level 20\n\nandroid.hardware.", "Camera works on all versions of Android. ", "It is officially deprecated on API Level 21+, but it still works.", "\n\nWhat should I do to make it work for api level 15-22.", "\n\nIf \"it\" is android.hardware.", "Camera, it should work fine through API Level 22.", "\nIf \"it\" is android.hardware.camera2.*, ", "it did not exist prior to API Level 21, and so without a time machine, you have no way of arranging for it to exist before it existed.", "\nIf \"it\" is your app, either use android.hardware.", "Camera for all devices, or use it only for the older devices and use android.hardware.camera2.* ", "for newer devices. ", "As the two APIs are not very similar, this will be a fair amount of work.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A-kinase anchoring proteins as the basis for cAMP signaling.", "\nCommon challenges to any cell are the processing of the extracellular stimuli it receives into intracellular signaling cascades that initiate a multitude of diverse biological functions. ", "However, many of these stimuli act via a common signaling pathway, suggesting the cell must somehow discriminate between different stimuli and respond accordingly. ", "Subcellular targeting through the association with adaptor and scaffolding proteins has emerged as a key mechanism by which cells maintain signaling specificity. ", "Compartmentation of cAMP signaling is maintained by the clustering of cAMP signaling enzymes in discrete units by the scaffolding protein A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAP). ", "In doing so, AKAPs provide the molecular architecture for the cAMP micordomains that underlie the spacial-temporal control of cAMP signaling." ]
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[ "Skulduggery Pleasant\n\nSkulduggery Pleasant is a series of fantasy novels written by Irish author Derek Landy. ", "The books revolve around the adventures of the skeleton detective, Skulduggery Pleasant, his protegé, Valkyrie Cain, along with other friends. ", "The central story arc concerns Valkyrie's struggle to stop evil forces threatening the world, finally find justice for her late uncle's death, and her internal struggle to resist the darkness within.", "\n\nSince the release of the first novel in 2007, Skulduggery Pleasant, the series has been praised by both readers and critics. ", "The following novels were released each year afterward, with the exception of the fourth and fifth novels, Dark Days and Mortal Coil, which were both released in 2010. ", "Landy was initially contracted to write three books, with any further books depending on how well the first trilogy sold. ", "The success of the first novels ensured that the deal was extended first to six books and in 2011, HarperCollins signed the deal for the final trilogy.", "\n\nIn July 2016, Derek Landy announced via a video blog that although the Skulduggery Pleasant series was complete, the series as a whole was still set to continue with a sequel series, the first book of which was released on 1 June 2017, titled Resurrection.", "\n\nSummary\n\nFirst series novels\n\nSkulduggery Pleasant\n\nTwelve-year-old Stephanie Edgley is tired of her boring and miserable life. ", "But when a mysterious man breaks into her recently inherited uncle's house and tries to kill her, she is saved by a funny, arrogant, fireball-throwing, 400-year-old detective that goes by the name of Skulduggery Pleasant, who just so happens to be a walking, talking skeleton, and she is pulled with him to a secret world of danger, murder and magic. ", "Later in the book, taking the new name of Valkyrie Cain, Stephanie partners up with Skulduggery to solve her uncle's murder, meeting all types of people along the way, to prevent the devious Nefarian Serpine from obtaining the Sceptre of Ancients, a mystical weapon that can slay gods. ", "The Sceptre is a powerful weapon which can be used to defeat and overcome the world and bring back the Faceless Ones.", "\n\nPlaying with Fire\n\nBaron Vengeous, one of Mevolent's Three Generals, has escaped from prison, and he has big plans for the Grotesquery, a dark creature created from the remains of some of the most deadly creatures to ever walk the earth. ", "Most worryingly of all, it had the torso of a Faceless One, one of the dark gods that ruled the earth eons ago, and Baron plans to use this to bring back the rest of the Faceless Ones, so they may resume their reign of tyranny and torture, and to help him with this endeavour he has an army of vampires at his disposal. ", "This will be Skulduggery and Valkyrie's toughest battle yet.", "\n\nThe Faceless Ones\n\nAs a number of teleporters are mysteriously murdered Valkyrie and Skulduggery learn that it is quickly linked to a fanatical cult named the Diablerie, who worship horrific Dark gods known as the Faceless Ones, as they attempt to open a portal with the goal of returning the Faceless Ones to the world. ", "With the assistance of a cocky young teleporter, Fletcher Renn, Valkyrie and Skulduggery have very little time to track down a mysterious man named Batu, stop the Diablerie, and prevent the Faceless ones from returning to earth, because if they don't, the world will burn. ", "This one will have deadly consequences.", "\n\nDark Days\n\nFollowing the events of The Faceless Ones, Valkyrie has tracked down Skulduggery's original skull, with which she can open another portal to the home dimension of the Faceless Ones and rescue Skulduggery. ", "However, things do not go exactly as planned as Skulduggery has become unhinged thanks to his experiences with the Faceless Ones, but it is quickly revealed that they have much bigger problems to worry about: The Revengers Club, a group of criminals and murderers (and Scapegrace), who are out for revenge against those who wronged them in the way they know best: mass murder. ", "And if that wasn't enough to deal with, sensitives all around the globe are having visions of a new threat, one that will bring the world to its knees: Darquesse.", "\n\nMortal Coil\n\nBetween the shocking revelation that her true name is Darquesse, a near deathly being that Sensitives have had terrifying apocalyptic visions of, in which she turns the world into a charred lifeless husk, an outbreak of at least 2000 vicious, soul possessing shadows known as Remnants who turn their hosts into murdering psychopaths with no remorse, and a prophecy which may make her the Death Bringer, a messiah to the necromancers who they believe will be their salvation, Valkyrie Cain has a lot to worry about. ", "And this time, she doesn't come out completely victorious.", "\n\nDeath Bringer\n\nThe Death Bringer has finally arrived, and she has brought with her an eagerness to end the world as we know it, and initiate the Passage, a secretive ritual which necromancers refuse to explain to the rest of the magical community, only that it will 'tear down the barriers between life and death'. ", "But when the horrific truth behind the Passage is revealed, Valkyrie and Skulduggery are caught up in a hectic race against time to save half of the world's population from an untimely death, a race that will have both Skulduggery and Valkyrie facing their inner demons.", "\n\nKingdom of the Wicked\n\nMortals all throughout the world are inexplicably obtaining magical powers, and the trail seems to lead to Argeddion, a pacifistic, almost god like being, who, with the knowledge of his true name, hopes to bring magic to the masses, and lift the world into a new era of enlightenment and peace. ", "The only problem with his seemingly idyllic plan: many of his test subjects are running wild, drunk on their newfound power, and are slaughtering innocent people and on the verge of exposing magic to the world. ", "All of this poses a credible challenge to Skulduggery and Valkyrie. ", "They also have the Supreme Council to deal with, an allied group of sanctuaries trying to convince the Irish to hand over control after the recent series of catastrophes. ", "To make things worse, Valkyrie starts having uncontrollable trans-dimensional jaunts to a world controlled by sorcerers, where mortals live in terror and Mevolent still lives.", "\n\nLast Stand of Dead Men\n\nThe war between sanctuaries of the magical world that everyone has been expecting has finally come, with the Supreme Council making a desperate grab for the complete control of the cradle of magic, sparking a brutal war that will turn friend into enemy, and ally to foe. ", "But even as the Dead Men make their final stand for their country and their freedom, there is another war raging, inside Valkyrie Cain herself, and it is much more important. ", "Because if she loses, Darquesse will rise, the world will burn, and everyone she knows and loves will perish.", "\n\nThe Dying of the Light\n\nThe final book of the first series. ", "The War of the Sanctuaries has been won, but it was not without its casualties. ", "Rogue supercharged sorcerers from the battle of Roarhaven are running loose. ", "Following Valkyrie's becoming of Darquesse, Skulduggery Pleasant must use any and all means to track down and stop Darquesse and hopefully free Valkyrie before she turns the world into a charred, lifeless cinder. ", "And so he draws together a team of soldiers, monster hunters, killers, criminals, and Valkyrie's own murderous and sentient reflection.", "\n\nSecond series novels\n\nResurrection\n\nA lot has changed. ", "Roarhaven is now a magical city, where sorcerers can live openly. ", "Valkyrie Cain has been out of action for years, recovering from the war against her alter-ego Darquesse, which nearly destroyed her and everyone else. ", "Some things never change, though: bad people still want to do bad things, and Skulduggery Pleasant is still there to stop them. ", "When Skulduggery learns of a plot to resurrect a terrifying evil, he persuades Valkyrie to join him for just 24 hours. ", "But they need someone else on their team, someone inconspicuous, someone who can go undercover: Omen Darkly, a student at the new Corrival Academy, a school for the magically gifted.", "\n\nMidnight\n\nValkyrie has struggled to keep her family safe ever since she became a sorcerer, while she battled alongside Skulduggery and returned victorious every time. ", "However, a killer kidnaps Alice, her little sister, to force Valkyrie into a final battle. ", "Valkyrie is joined by Skulduggery and Omen Darkly, to find Alice within twelve hours, before it's too late.", "\n\nBedlam\n\nReeling from the aftermath of Alice’s kidnapping, Valkyrie and Skulduggery have their hands full with new violent visions of the future, while Valkyrie works tirelessly to find her sister's soul, conspiracies in the American government, and tracking down old enemies while facing newer, greater threats than ever. ", "With the King of the Darklands on the rise, and the Anti-sanctuary moving into their endgame, it will take Valkyrie, Skulduggery, the Darkly brothers, and all the allies they can muster to face what lies in store. ", "If new secrets and revelations don’t tear them apart first.", "\n\nSeasons of War\nWar is coming. ", "To avert catastrophe, Skulduggery and Valkyrie are sent on a secret mission that takes them away from everything they know, to a forsaken land of magic and grim, unrelenting terror. ", "It is here that Valkyrie will have to fight the hardest — not only against the enemies who want her dead, but also against her own self-destructive impulses. ", "It's only by crawling through darkness that she'll be able to once again stand in the light...\n\nSeasons of War is set for release in April 2020, and will be the first novel in the final trilogy of the second series.", "\n\nShort stories and novellas\n\nThe End of the World\nIn June 2011 Landy posted on his blog that he would be writing a short story about Skulduggery called The End of the World. ", "It was released in late February 2012 to coincide with World Book Day 2012. ", "The Australian release of this novella came with an additional short story titled Just Another Friday Night. ", "Deleted scenes from Skulduggery Pleasant were included. ", "It is set a few months after Death Bringer. ", "It was included in the 2014's short story collection.", "\n\nTanith Low in... The Maleficent Seven\nA novella featuring Tanith Low was published in 2013. ", "The cover and title were released on 7 December 2012 after several delays. ", "Landy stated it was his favourite book cover ever. ", "It was released on 28 March 2013 in the U.K & Ireland and 1 April in some other countries.", "\nThe novella follows Tanith Low and Billy-Ray Sanguine as they form a team of villains, outcasts and monsters in order to collect the God-killer weapons, so that they may never be used against Darquesse, whilst Dexter Vex has recruited a team to collect the weapons with the exact opposite in mind: he wants to stockpile the weapons in order to be used against Darquesse. ", "It's a good day to be a bad guy....\n\nArmageddon Outta Here\nArmageddon Outta Here is a collection of all the previous short stories and novellas published in the series along with 3 new short stories, 1 new novella and a sample chapter from the final book. ", "It was released on 3 July, 2014. ", "The order below represents chronological order, as they as listed in the collection, as opposed to their original publication date.", "\n\n Across a Dark Plain: 1861: The Dead Men traversed South Dakota on the hunt for their target, Nefarian Serpine.", "\n The Horror Writers' Halloween Ball: 1986: Gordon Edgley and Skulduggery Pleasant attend the party of the enigmatic Sebastian Fawkes.", "\n The Lost Art of World Domination: Set after Skulduggery Pleasant, Scaramouch Van Dreg manages to capture Skulduggery Pleasant. ", "Originally included in Skulduggery Pleasant.", "\n Gold, Babies and the Brothers Muldoon: Set after Playing with Fire, The Muldoons kidnap babies and hold them to ransom. ", "Originally included in Playing with Fire.", "\n The Slightly Ignominious End to the Legend of Black Annis: Set after The Faceless Ones, Tanith Low encounters Black Annis for the first time. ", "Originally included in The Faceless Ones.", "\n Friday Night Fights: Sometime before Dark Days, The story of how Valkyrie Cain and Caelan met each other.", "\n Myosotis Terra: Set after Dark Days, Skulduggery and Valkyrie search for Myosotis Terra. ", "As part of a competition, a short story was written in 2011 with the winning entry featuring as a character. ", "Some European editions of Mortal Coil contained this story. ", "It was re-released in the tour edition of the 2012 Australian tour edition.", "\n The Wonderful Adventures of Geoffrey Scrutinous: Set after Mortal Coil, Geoffrey Scrutinous and Skulduggery Pleasant search for Elwood Satchel. ", "Originally included in Mortal Coil.", "\n Just Another Friday Night: Sometime before Death Bringer, Tane Aiavao and Hayley Skirmish meet with a cursed family.", "\n The End of the World: Set after Death Bringer, Skulduggery and Valkyrie attempt to solve a mystery surrounding Deacon Maybury, Ryan and the Doomsday Machine.", "\n Trick or Treat: Sometime before The Maleficent Seven, Tanith and Billy-Ray Sanguine continue their quest to destroy the God-Killers. ", "In October 2011, Derek Landy posted a Halloween special on his blog, a short story featuring Tanith Low and Billy-Ray Sanguine, titled Trick or Treat. ", "It is a prelude to The Maleficent Seven as it deals with the God-Killer weapons.", "\n Get Thee Behind Me, Bubba Moon: Set after Kingdom of the Wicked, A haunted house is investigated.", "\n The Button: Set after Theatre of Shadows: Skulduggery and Valkyrie attempt to avert the cause of the world's destruction. ", "Derek Landy announced on 14 December 2012 that from 21 to 22 December, a short story relating to the Mayan 2012 apocalypse theory would be available on his blog, titled The Button. ", "It was eventually included in the short story collection.", "\n\nThe paperback (29 January 2015) contains three more short stories:\n Death and Texas: Set between Friday Night Fights and Dark Days.", "\n Theatre of Shadows: Set between Get Thee Behind Me, Bubba Moon and The Maleficent Seven.", "\n Eyes of the Beholder: Set between The Maleficent Seven and The Button.", "\n\nGoing Once, Going Twice \nAn additional short story was later published to the Skulduggery Pleasant website in 2018: Going Once, Going Twice: Set between Dark Days and Mortal Coil.", "\n\nAccolades\nSkulduggery Pleasant won the Red House Children's Book Award, the Bolton Children's Book Award and the Staffordshire Young Teen Fiction Award. ", "The book was also recommended for confident readers (9+) by the Richard & Judy Children's Book Club in 2007. ", "It also won the Portsmouth Book Awards in 2008, having been selected by school children in Portsmouth, as well as winning Irish book of the decade in 2010. ", "Also, in 2009, it won the Kernow Youth and Grampian Book Awards by a majority vote. ", "It had also been nominated for Young Reader's Choice Awards 2010 in North America and it won Irish book awards in 2009 and 2010.", "\n\nReception and reviews\nAs the first four novels released, immense popularity and positive reviews have been given to the novels. ", "Many critics praised Derek Landy's way of writing due to his large gallery of characters.", "\n Phillip Ardagh (The Guardian):\n It's exciting, pacy, nicely handled and it's fun. ", "There's nothing worthy about it, and it's all the better for that. ", "And, I might add, it's self-contained. ", "Landy may well revisit these characters – I sincerely hope he does – but it's a pleasingly rounded tale, which is refreshing in these days of endless open-ended books of never-ending series.", "\n Nathan Nicholls (Whitby Gazette):\n There is no expense spared by Landy in this book and I would have to say that everyone who could be bothered to read it, would definitely be drawn into it and certainly enjoy it. (...) ", "Something for everyone and everything for someone, Skulduggery Pleasant is easily my book of the year so far. ", "Read it!", "\n Christina Hardyment (The Independent):\n Landy is an established horror writer, and the combats between Skulduggery, Serpine and his legions of Hollow Men and vampires rival the climaxes of the Potter films for hair-raising effects; it isn't often that writing makes you feel as if you are watching a film.", "\n The Times:\n Derek Landy's debut, Skulduggery Pleasant (...) has a distinctly Horowitzian humour and verve to it, being a detective story featuring a wizard's skeleton as hero. ", "When Stephanie's uncle dies, she discovers his horror stories weren't fiction, and that evil forces are after her for a mysterious key. ", "Wisecracking madly, the duo must survive each other as well as Hell. ", "At the end of it, readers of 12+ may well be regretting their consumption of chocolate eggs.", "\n\nFilm adaptation\nA movie adaption was in development under Warner Brothers but according to Derek Landy the script was \"the worst thing [he'd] ever read\". ", "In December 2010 Landy announced on his blog that the movie rights were back with him.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n Official website\n\nCategory:Fantasy novel series\nCategory:Novel series\nCategory:Novels set in Dublin (city)\nCategory:Skulduggery Pleasant books" ]
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[ "Hi, everyone! ", "Welcome back to integralcalc.com.", "\nToday we’re going to be talking about how\nto calculate second order partial derivatives.", "\nAnd in this particular problem, we’ve been\ngiven the function f of x,y equals x squared\nplus e to the y squared.", "\nSo notice first of all, that we’ve got a\nfunction in two variables. ", "We have both the\nx variable and the y variable involved in\nour function. ", "And remember that if we’re\ngoing calculate the second order partial derivatives,\nwe’ll need to calculate the second order\npartial derivative with respect to x, with\nrespect to y and the mixed second order partial\nderivative. ", "Now, in order to calculate all\nthree of those second order partial derivatives,\nwe’ll first need to calculate the first\norder partial derivatives because the second\norder derivatives build off of the first order\nderivatives. ", "So for this video, I’m going\nto assume that you have at least a basic understanding\nof partial derivatives and that you know how\nto calculate the first order derivatives but\nof course, I’ll go through these steps as\na refresher.", "\nSo the first order partial derivatives are\ngoing to be partial derivatives of f with\nrespect to x and with respect to y. So we’ll\ncalculate the partial derivative with respect\nto x first. ", "Remember that when you’re calculating\nthe partial derivative with respect to x,\nyou’re treating x as the variable and you’re\nholding y constant. ", "You’re treating it as\na constant, like it’s a number like 2 or\n4 or something like that. ", "So when we take\nthe partial derivative with respect to x,\nwe’ll go term by term. ", "So taking the partial\nderivative with respect to x of x squared\ngives us 2x. ", "Nothing fancy there. ", "With respect\nto e to the y squared, there’s no x variable\ninvolved in that term. ", "We’re treating y\nas a constant so e y squared just becomes\nzero because there’s no variable involved\nthere. ", "So this is no different than saying\nplus 4. ", "We treat y as a constant. ", "This is\na constant number here and so the derivative\nis zero. ", "So that will go away there. ", "The partial\nderivative with respect to y again term by\nterm. ", "For the first term here, x squared,\nthere’s no y variable involved in that term.", "\nSo the derivative there is going to be zero.", "\nBut with respect to e to the y squared, we’ll\nhave to take the derivative with respect to\ny. So remember that when we’re taking the\nderivative of e to the x, the derivative is\njust e to the x. So similarly, the derivative\nwill just be e to the y squared. ", "But we need\nto apply chain rule and multiply by the derivative\nof the exponent, y squared. ", "So the derivative\nof y squared is just 2y. ", "So we go ahead and\nmultiply by 2y. ", "So now we see that these first\norder derivatives are equal to 2x and the\none with respect to y is equal to 2y e to\nthe y squared.", "\nAlright. ", "So we’ve got out first order partial\nderivatives and now we need to go ahead and\ncalculate our second order partial derivatives.", "\nSo we’ll go ahead and over here write the\nsecond order partial derivative with respect\nto x and then with respect to y. So in calculating\nsecond order partial derivatives, all we’re\ndoing is taking the derivative of the first\norder partial derivative. ", "In this case, because\nwe took the first order partial derivative\nwith respect to x, here, we’re going to\ntake the partial derivative with respect to\nx again. ", "So we’re going to take this value\nhere and take the derivative with respect\nto x again. ", "When we do that, the derivative\nof 2x is just 2. ", "So the second order partial\nderivative with respect to x is 2. ", "And then\nsame thing here with y. We took the first\norder partial derivative with respect to y\nand we’ve got 2y e to the y squared. ", "To\ncalculate the second order partial derivative\nwith respect to y, we’re just going to take\nthe derivative with respect to y again. ", "This\ntime, we have to use product rule where we\nhave one function equal to 2y and the other\nequal to e to the y squared. ", "So remember that\nproduct rule tells you to take the derivative\nof one function multiply it by the other and\nthen add to that the derivative of the opposite\nfunction multiplied by the original opposite\nfunction. ", "So what we’re going to do is take\nthe derivative first of 2y which is going\nto be 2 and then we’ll multiply that by\ne to the y squared. ", "So we took the derivative\nof this one leaving the second one alone and\nthen add to that this time, we’ll leave\n2y alone but multiply by the derivative of\ne to the y squared. ", "Well we already know from\nthe original problem that that’s 2y e to\nthe y squared. ", "So when we simplify this, we’ll\nget 2e to the y squared plus 4y squared e\nto the y squared and if we wanted to, we could\ngo ahead and factor out a 2e to the y squared\nbut we don’t have to. ", "We would get 1 plus\n2y squared. ", "So either way, both of these are\ncorrect. ", "Either one, factored or not.", "\nSo we now have our second order partial derivatives\nwith respect to x and with respect to y. And\nnow all we need to do is calculate the mixed\nsecond order partial derivative. ", "And what\nthat looks like in terms of notation is second\norder partial derivative of f, this time instead\nof x squared or y squared, the notation looks\nlike this. ", "Remember that before, we calculated\nthe first order partial derivative with respect\nto x and then x again and here with respect\nto y and then y again. ", "When we do the mixed\nderivative, we can do it either one of two\nways, we can take the first order partial\nderivative with respect to x and calculate\nthe derivative of that with respect to y or\nwe can take the first order partial derivative\nwith respect to y and calculate the partial\nderivative of that with respect to x. So we’re\njust flipping the variable that we’re using.", "\nIt’s your choice and this is a good way\nto check yourself because regardless of which\none you use, you should arrive at the same\nanswer for he mixed second order partial derivative.", "\nIf you don’t, you’ve probably done something\nwrong because they always have to be the same.", "\nSo I would always recommend choosing the one\nthat looks easier. ", "Obviously, this one here\nlooks easier to me. ", "All we have to deal with\nis 2x instead of 2y e to the y squared.", "\nSo let’s take the derivative of 2x with\nrespect to y. Well the derivative of 2x with\nrespect to y is just going to be zero because\nthere is no y variable involved in the function\n2x. ", "So the mixed second order partial derivative\nis just zero. ", "Notice that if we took the derivative\nof this with respect to x, since there’s\nno x variable involved in that function, we\nwould also get zero. ", "So either way, this is\ngood news for us because we’ve confirmed\nthat these two match, which is what we want.", "\nSo we could have done it either way but we\nchose 2x because it was simpler.", "\nSo again, when you’re talking about second\norder partial derivatives, you want to calculate\nall three – the second order partial derivative\nwith respect to x, with respect to y and the\nmixed second order partial derivative. ", "So\nI hope that video helped you guys and I will\nsee you in the next one. ", "Bye!", "\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Cluster Power Controller emulation\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2016 Imagination Technologies\n *\n * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n */\n\n#ifndef MIPS_CPC_H\n#define MIPS_CPC_H\n\n#define CPC_ADDRSPACE_SZ 0x6000\n\n/* CPC blocks offsets relative to base address */\n#define CPC_CL_BASE_OFS 0x2000\n#define CPC_CO_BASE_OFS 0x4000\n\n/* CPC register offsets relative to block offsets */\n#define CPC_VP_STOP_OFS 0x20\n#define CPC_VP_RUN_OFS 0x28\n#define CPC_VP_RUNNING_OFS 0x30\n\n#define TYPE_MIPS_CPC \"mips-cpc\"\n#define MIPS_CPC(obj) OBJECT_CHECK(MIPSCPCState, (obj), TYPE_MIPS_CPC)\n\ntypedef struct MIPSCPCState {\n SysBusDevice parent_obj;\n\n uint32_t num_vp;\n uint64_t vp_start_running; /* VPs running from restart */\n\n MemoryRegion mr;\n uint64_t vp_running; /* Indicates which VPs are in the run state */\n} MIPSCPCState;\n\n#endif /* MIPS_CPC_H */\n" ]
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[ "Biochemical characterization of a new glycosylated protease from Euphorbia cf. ", "lactea latex.", "\nA dimeric protease designated as EuP-82 was purified from Euphorbia cf. ", "lactea latex. ", "Since its proteolytic activity was inhibited by a serine protease specific inhibitor (PMSF), EuP-82 was classified as a serine protease. ", "N-glycan deglycosylation tests revealed that EuP-82 was a glycosylated protein. ", "MALDI-TOF MS showed that EuP-82 was a homodimer, which was its active form. ", "The optimal conditions for fibrinogenolytic activity were at pH 11 and 35 °C. ", "EuP-82 enzyme had broad range of pH stability from 4 to 12. ", "Moreover, the enzyme was still active in the presence of reducing agent (β-mercaptoethanol). ", "EuP-82 was a proline-rich enzyme (about 20.69 mol%). ", "Increased proline production can be found in higher plants in response to both biotic and abiotic stresses, high proline in the molecule of EuP-82 might stabilize its activity, structure and folding. ", "Based on the N-terminal amino acid sequences and peptide mass fingerprint (PMF) of EuP-82, the enzyme was identified as a new serine protease. ", "The digested products from EuP-82 cleavage of human fibrinogen were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and PMF. ", "The results confirmed that EuP-82 could digest all subunits of human fibrinogen. ", "EuP-82 cleaved fibrinogen with a Michaelis constant (Km) of 3.30 ± 0.26 μM; a maximal velocity (Vmax) of 400.9 ± 0.85 ng min(-1); and a catalytic efficiency (Vmax/Km) of 121.5 ± 9.25 ng μM(-1) min(-1). ", "EuP-82 has potential for use in medicinal treatment, for example thrombosis, since the enzyme had fibrinogenolytic activity and high stability." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMessages disappearing from queue after Azure Functions start\n\nSo I'm doing some testing with Azure WebApp + Azure Storage Queue + Azure Functions. ", "Normally everything works great, however if I try to emulate the failure of the Functions App (with Stop-AzureRmWebApp) add message, start the Functions App, the messages get consumed, but not processed (and never returns to the queue). ", "I'm using python to process data, but I don't think that matters at all. ", "It appears that the messages just disappear.", "\nI'm using S1 plan (not dynamic) with AlwaysOn. ", "\nNothing reasonable in logs (these 3 executions are from before I disabled the Function App):\n2016-11-30T11:33:48.216 Executing: 'Functions.somename' - Reason: 'New queue message detected on 'queueName'.'", "\n2016-11-30T11:33:48.216 Executing: 'Functions.somename' - Reason: 'New queue message detected on 'queueName'.'", "\n2016-11-30T11:33:48.216 Executing: 'Functions.somename' - Reason: 'New queue message detected on 'queueName'.'", "\n2016-11-30T11:33:48.216 Function started (Id=dc9fa205-6ddf-47e5-b529-90ccee2ddf0e)\n2016-11-30T11:33:48.232 Function started (Id=5421bc7f-c438-4ffb-82e9-f7021604c247)\n2016-11-30T11:33:48.232 Function started (Id=bb42ab71-3389-4668-a7f4-3d90d5cd96eb)\n2016-11-30T11:33:54.576 Function completed (Success, Id=dc9fa205-6ddf-47e5-b529-90ccee2ddf0e)\n2016-11-30T11:33:54.576 Executed: 'Functions.somename' (Succeeded)\n2016-11-30T11:33:54.670 Function completed (Success, Id=5421bc7f-c438-4ffb-82e9-f7021604c247)\n2016-11-30T11:33:54.670 Executed: 'Functions.somename' (Succeeded)\n2016-11-30T11:33:54.685 Function completed (Success, Id=bb42ab71-3389-4668-a7f4-3d90d5cd96eb)\n2016-11-30T11:33:54.685 Executed: 'Functions.somename' (Succeeded)\n\nA:\n\nI suspect that your messages are getting successfully processed by your function. ", "Check the Monitor tab for the executions. ", "The monitor tab is where you can find all historical executions for your function.", "\nThe log window in the portal is for active debug sessions only - i.e. you're live in the portal running/debugging your function. ", "E.g. those logs disable themselves after some time when the portal is disconnected. ", "Also, if you had the portal open on the log window and stopped the Function App, that could cause the log stream to be disconnected, causing the logs not to show in the window. ", "To test that theory, after your stop/start you could pause/start the log stream again and it should show any recent executions that happened while it was disconnected.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWarp web service with a long lived resource (a file handle)\n\nI'm trying to understand how to write a web service using warp that has a long lived resource that I want access to from all my requests (i.e. I want the resource to exist for the life time of server, not per request). ", "I'm assuming this is a use for ResourceT, but I'm unsure how I actually do this.", "\nMy particular use is that I want to expose a file handle, that I currently have wrapped up in the state monad. ", "I'm happy to change this approach, if this doesn't make sense when using warp and ResourceT. An early version of this code can be seen on code review: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/9177/my-simple-haskell-key-value-file-store\nThanks in advance,\nMatt\n\nA:\n\nThe most obvious way is to pass the file handle in as a parameter to the Application.", "\nimport Control.", "Monad.", "Trans (liftIO)\nimport Data.", "ByteString.", "Lazy as Bl\nimport Network.", "HTTP.Types\nimport Network.", "Wai\nimport Network.", "Wai.", "Handler.", "Warp as Warp\nimport System.", "IO\n\ndoSomethingWithAFileHandle :: Handle -> IO ()\ndoSomethingWithAFileHandle =\n undefined -- insert your logic here\n\napp :: Handle -> Application\napp h req = do\n let headers = []\n body = Bl.empty\n\n liftIO $ doSomethingWithAFileHandle h\n\n return $! ", "responseLBS ok200 headers body\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain =\n -- get some file handle\n withBinaryFile \"/dev/random\" ReadMode $ \\ h ->\n\n -- and then partially apply it to get an Application\n Warp.run 3000 (app h)\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a fuel cells system that enables fuel cells to be activated with a high efficiency of energy conversion, as well as to a method of controlling such fuel cells.", "\nAs shown in an example of FIG. ", "5, in a background art fuel cells system mounted on an electric vehicle, a reformer unit 128 receives supplies of fuel 124, for example methanol and water, fed via a pump 126 and produces a hydrogen-containing gaseous fuel from the fuel 124 through a steam reforming reaction of methanol. ", "Fuel cells 136 receive a flow of the produced gaseous fuel and the air 130 and generate an electromotive force through electrochemical reactions of the gaseous fuel and the air 130. ", "The electric power generated by the fuel cells 136 and the electric power output from a battery 140, which is connected in parallel with the fuel cells 136, are supplied to an inverter 144 to drive a motor 146 and obtain a driving force of the electric vehicle.", "\nA control unit 120 calculates a required output (required electric power) of the inverter 144 from an accelerator travel of the electric vehicle measured by an accelerator pedal position sensor 122, and regulates the inverter 144 based on the calculated required output. ", "Such regulation causes electric power corresponding to the required output to be supplied to the motor 146 via the inverter 144.", "\nThe fuel cells 136 output the electric power to cover the required output of the inverter 144. ", "When the electric power output from the fuel cells 136 is insufficient for the required output, the battery 140 outputs the electric power to the inverter 144 to compensate for the insufficiency. ", "The output electric power of the fuel cells 136 accordingly depends upon the required output of the inverter 144.", "\nIn response to a requirement of the output of electric power from the inverter 144, the fuel cells 136 can not output the required electric power in the case in which the gaseous fuel supplied from the reformer unit 128 to the fuel cells 136 is not sufficient for the output of the required electric power. ", "That is, the output electric power of the fuel cells 136 also depends upon the quantity of the gaseous fuel (that is, the gas flow rate) fed to the fuel cells 136.", "\nThe control unit 120 drives the pump 126 based on the required output of the inverter 144, and regulates the quantities of the fuel 124 fed to the reformer unit 128, in order to regulate the quantity of the gaseous fuel supplied to the fuel cells 136 according to the required output of the inverter 144.", "\nThe quantity of the gaseous fuel produced by the reformer unit 128 does not immediately increase (or decrease) with an increase (or a decrease) in supplied quantities of the fuel 124, but increases or decreases after a time lag of 2 to 20 seconds. ", "The quantity of the gaseous fuel required for the fuel cells 136 is thus not always identical with the actual supply of the gaseous fuel (the gas flow rate) to the fuel cells 136.", "\nAs described above, in the background art fuel cells system, the output electric power of the fuel cells 136 depends upon the required output of the inverter 144 and upon the quantity of the gaseous fuel (the gas flow rate) supplied to the fuel cells 136. ", "The working point of the fuel cells 136 is thus varied with variations in required output of the inverter 144 and in gas flow rate.", "\nFIG. ", "6 is a characteristic chart showing variations in power generation efficiency versus the output electric power in general fuel cells with a variation in quantity of the gaseous fuel (the gas flow rate) supplied to the fuel cells as a parameter. ", "FIG. ", "7 is a characteristic chart showing a variation in output electric power versus the required quantity of the gaseous fuel in general fuel cells.", "\nIn the background art fuel cells system described above, as shown in FIG. ", "6, although the fuel cells are capable of being activated at a working point xe2x80x9caxe2x80x9d of high power generation efficiency, the fuel cells may be activated, for example, at a working point xe2x80x9cbxe2x80x9d of low power generation efficiency since the actual working point is varied with a variation in gas flow rate.", "\nIn the background art fuel cells system described above, as shown in FIG. ", "7, even when a sufficient quantity Qc of the gaseous fuel is supplied from the reformer unit to the fuel cells to generate an output electric power Wc, the fuel cells may be activated, for example, at a working point xe2x80x9cdxe2x80x9d to generate only an output electric power Wd since the actual working point is varied with a variation in required output of the inverter. ", "In this case, the quantity of the gaseous fuel required to generate the output electric power Wd is equal to only Qd, and the wasteful quantity of the gaseous fuel is (Qcxe2x88x92Qd). ", "This lowers the utilization factor of the gaseous fuel.", "\nAs described above, in the background art fuel cells system, the working point of the fuel cells is varied with variations in required output of the inverter and in gas flow rate. ", "The fuel cells are thus not always activated at the working point of high power generation efficiency or at the working point of high gas utilization factor.", "\nThe power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor have a tradeoff relationship, so that it is difficult to enhance both the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor. ", "Maximizing the product of the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor enhances both the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor as much as possible. ", "The product of the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor is expressed as an energy conversion efficiency of the fuel cells.", "\nAn object of the present invention is thus to solve the problems of the background art and to provide a fuel cells system that enables fuel cells to have an enhanced energy conversion efficiency.", "\nAt least part of the above and the other related objects is attained by a first fuel cells system that has fuel cells, which receive a supply of a gas and generate electric power, and which supply the generated electric power to a load. ", "The first fuel cells system includes: a gas flow rate-relating quantity measurement unit that measures a gas flow rate-relating quantity, which relates to a flow rate of the gas supplied to the fuel cells; and a control unit that specifies a working point associated with an output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity, and regulates electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, so as to cause the fuel cells to be activated at the specified working point.", "\nThe present invention is also directed to a first method of controlling fuel cells that receive a supply of a gas and generate electric power. ", "The first method includes the steps of: (a) measuring a gas flow rate-relating quantity, which relates to a flow rate of the gas supplied to the fuel cells; (b) specifying a working point associated with an output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity; and (c) regulating electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, so as to cause the fuel cells to be activated at the specified working point.", "\nThe operation of the first fuel cells system and the corresponding first method of the present invention measures the gas flow rate-relating quantity, which relates to the flow rate of the gas supplied to the fuel cells, and specifies a working point associated with the output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity. ", "The operation then regulates the electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, so as to cause the fuel cells to be activated at the specified working point.", "\nIn the first fuel cells system and the corresponding first method of the present invention, the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency on the output electric current-output voltage characteristic is specified as the working point associated with the output electric current-output voltage characteristic corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity. ", "This arrangement enables the fuel cells to be activated at the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency, thus enhancing both the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor of the fuel cells as much as possible.", "\nThe present invention is also directed to a second fuel cells system that has fuel cells, which receive a supply of a gas and generate electric power, and a secondary battery, which accumulates electric power therein and outputs the accumulated electric power. ", "The second fuel cells system supplies at least one of the electric power generated by the fuel cells and the electric power output from the secondary battery to a load. ", "The second fuel cells system includes: a gas flow rate-relating quantity measurement unit that measures a gas flow rate-relating quantity, which relates to a flow rate of the gas supplied to the fuel cells; and a control unit that specifies a working point associated with an output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity, determines an amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, which is required to activate the fuel cells at the specified working point, as well as an amount of electric power to be supplied to the load, and regulates at least one of electric power to be output from the secondary battery and electric power to be accumulated in the secondary battery, based on the two amounts of electric power thus determined.", "\nThe present invention is also directed to a second method of controlling a secondary battery in a fuel cells system having fuel cells, which receive a supply of a gas and generate electric power, and the secondary battery, which accumulates electric power therein and outputs the accumulated electric power, and supplying at least one of the electric power generated by the fuel cells and the electric power output from the secondary battery to a load. ", "The second method includes the steps of: (a) measuring a gas flow rate-relating quantity, which relates to a flow rate of the gas supplied to the fuel cells; (b) specifying a working point associated with an output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity; (c) determining an amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, which is required to activate the fuel cells at the specified working point, as well as an amount of electric power to be supplied to the load; and (d) regulating at least one of electric power to be output from the secondary battery and electric power to be accumulated in the secondary battery, based on the two amounts of electric power thus determined.", "\nThe operation of the second fuel cells system and the corresponding second method of the present invention measures the gas flow rate-relating quantity, which relates to the flow rate of the gas supplied to the fuel cells, and specifies a working point associated with the output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity. ", "The operation subsequently determines the amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, which is required to activate the fuel cells at the specified working point, as well as the amount of electric power to be supplied to the load, and regulates the electric power to be output from the secondary battery or the electric power to be accumulated in the secondary battery, based on the two amounts of electric power thus determined. ", "Regulating the electric power of the secondary battery in this manner causes the determined amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells and enables the fuel cells to be activated at the specified working point.", "\nIn the second fuel cells system and the corresponding second method of the present invention, the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency is specified as the working point associated with the output electric current-output voltage characteristic corresponding to the observed gas flow rate-relating quantity. ", "This arrangement enables the fuel cells to be activated at the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency through the regulation discussed above, thus enhancing both the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor of the fuel cells as much as possible.", "\nIn accordance with one preferable application of the present invention, the second fuel cells system further includes a state of charge sensor that measures a state of charge of the secondary battery. ", "In this application, the control unit regulates at least one of the electric power to be output from the secondary battery and the electric power to be accumulated in the secondary battery, based on the observed state of charge in addition to the two amounts of electric power determined.", "\nIn a similar manner, it is preferable that the second method of the present invention further includes the step of (e) measuring a state of charge of the secondary battery. ", "In this application, the step (d) includes the step of regulating at least one of the electric power to be output from the secondary battery and the electric power to be accumulated in the secondary battery, based on the observed state of charge in addition to the two amounts of electric power determined.", "\nIn general, the output electric power of the secondary battery depends upon the state of charge of the secondary battery. ", "In the case in which the state of charge of the secondary battery is close to the full charge level, it is impossible to further accumulate the electric power in the secondary battery. ", "The control is accordingly required to prevent the electric power from being further accumulated in such cases.", "\nIn either the first fuel cells system or the second fuel cells system of the present invention, it is preferable that the control unit specify a point of highest energy conversion efficiency on the output electric current-output voltage characteristic as the working point.", "\nIn a similar manner, in either the first method or the second method of the present invention, it is preferable that the step (b) includes the step of specifying a point of highest energy conversion efficiency on the output electric current-output voltage characteristic as the working point.", "\nSpecifying the working point in this manner enables the fuel cells to be activated at the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency.", "\nThe present invention is also directed to a third fuel cells system, which includes: fuel cells that receive a supply of a gaseous fuel and an oxidizing gas and generate electric power through an electrochemical reaction of the gaseous fuel and the oxidizing gas; a flow sensor that measures a flow rate of at least one of the gaseous fuel and the oxidizing gas supplied to the fuel cells; a secondary battery that accumulates electric power therein and outputs the accumulated electric power; a state of charge sensor that measures a state of charge of the secondary battery; an inverter that receives a supply of electric power from at least one of the fuel cells and the secondary battery to drive a motor; a converter that varies a voltage output from the fuel cells and applies the varied voltage in parallel to the secondary battery and the inverter; and a control unit that specifies a working point associated with an output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the observed flow rate, determines an amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, which is required to activate the fuel cells at the specified working point, determines an amount of electric power to be supplied to the inverter based on external information, and regulates the voltage output from the converter, based on the two amounts of electric power thus determined and the observed state of charge.", "\nIn the third fuel cells system of the present invention, the flow sensor measures the flow rate of at least the gaseous fuel or the oxidizing gas supplied to the fuel cells. ", "The state of charge sensor measures the state of charge of the secondary battery. ", "The inverter receives a supply of electric power from at least one of the fuel cells and the secondary battery to drive the motor. ", "The converter increases or decreases the voltage output from the fuel cells and applies the varied voltage in parallel to the secondary battery and the inverter. ", "The control unit specifies a working point associated with the output electric current-output voltage characteristic of the fuel cells corresponding to the flow rate observed by the flow sensor, and determines the amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells, which is required to activate the fuel cells at the specified working point. ", "The control unit also determines the amount of electric power to be supplied to the inverter based on external information. ", "The control unit then regulates the voltage output from the converter, based on the two amounts of electric power thus determined and the state of charge observed by the state of charge sensor. ", "This arrangement regulates the electric power of the secondary battery (either the output electric power or the accumulated electric power), to which the regulated voltage is applied, to a desired level. ", "Such regulation causes the determined amount of electric power to be taken out of the fuel cells and enables the fuel cells to be activated at the specified working point.", "\nIn the third fuel cells system of the present invention, the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency is specified as the working point associated with the output electric current-output voltage characteristic corresponding to the observed gas flow rate. ", "This arrangement enables the fuel cells to be activated at the working point of the highest energy conversion efficiency through the regulation discussed above, thus enhancing both the power generation efficiency and the gas utilization factor of the fuel cells as much as possible.", "\nThe technique of the present invention may also be attained by an electric vehicle having any one of the first through the third fuel cells system mounted thereon. ", "The electric vehicle has a motor as the load, which receives a supply of electric power from the fuel cells and is driven to give the driving force of the electric vehicle.", "\nMounting any of the first through the third fuel cells systems on the electric vehicle enhances the energy conversion efficiency of the electric vehicle." ]
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[ "The Kate Spade flagship in Japan serves espresso to encourage customers to chat and linger. ", "And every Saturday, it releases an article of clothing you won’t find anywhere else. ", "The goal is to make the store a weekly excursion for millennials who may otherwise be hooked on Internet shopping.", "\n\nadvertisement\n\nadvertisement\n\nEditor’s Note 12/31/13 Happy (almost) New Year! ", "We’re saying good-bye to 2013 by revisiting some of our favorite stories of the year. ", "Enjoy. ", "There’s just one problem: Short-term analog experiences leave a long paper trail. ", "Kate Spade was printing and shipping beautifully embossed signage every week. ", "The expense was massive, and the efficiency was low. ", "In short, it felt like a dated idea. ", "So the brand enlisted Control Group to bring a bit of digital deftness to their stores. ", "The core of the makeover involves replacing most of the physical signage with iPads, but just adding iPads to a store could be a mess. ", "Here’s how Control Group did it right: Embracing A Lean Startup Mentality What you see here–from the frontend graphics to the backend technologies–were created in just eight weeks. ", "And to Control Group, that rapid-prototyping approach is absolutely perfect for Kate Spade’s use case. “", "All businesses need to learn, starting with the minimum viable product, getting it into the hands of consumers, seeing how people react to it, and paying attention to what users want is the biggest success of this campaign,” Colin O’Donnell, a partner at Control Group, says. “[", "The signage is a] great, beautiful product. ", "But for me, it’s amazing to see an organization embrace that lean startup technology.” ", "With a lean startup mentality, Kate Spade doesn’t need to prognosticate the habits of their customer base. ", "They can hypothesize, test that hypothesis, and refine over time.", "\n\nadvertisement\n\n“If we threw the kitchen sink at it right off the bat, it’d be a very cluttered experience,” O’Donnell adds. “", "As we add new features, we should look at features we can take away.” ", "Balancing The iPad’s Familiarity and Depth The digital signs may be made of iPads, but a look around the store doesn’t actually reveal this branding. ", "The touch screens could just as easily be Android tablets, or one-off monitors. ", "Whereas some may expect Apple products to add a level of tech-savvy appeal to a store, Control Group had good reason for removing the branding–it changed the customer expectation. “", "By abstracting the iPad a bit, it takes you out of the consumer experience when you’re going to jump on the web,” O’Donnell explains. “", "It’s a more focused experience.” ", "This focused experience means that users won’t expect to load the Kindle app or do those normal iPad activities, so Kate Spade can hone in on a few clear, quick messages–like sizing charts, style videos, and in-store offers. ", "Because the worst thing all these touch screens could do is pull customers away from the clothing, and the experience of real shopping. “", "A store can actually be a really hectic environment. ", "We see digital signage to punctuate the noise of the environment, to bring some sanity in a focal point that’s calming, rather than having another point of noise,” O’Donnell says. “", "We definitely spent a lot of time thinking about how to make it simple, elegant, and deceptively basic, knowing full well if there was a lot of navigation or deep content, people would be distracted and not pay attention to the garments.”", "\n\nadvertisement\n\nEmpowering Analog Analytics But while saving all those paper signs is nice–and indeed, Kate Spade intends to make up their investment in just two months of avoided printing costs–the greatest advantage of digital isn’t that it saves paper, it’s that cloud-based content is just a more efficient way of tracking and disseminating information. “", "This enables opportunities,” O’Donnell says. “", "Globally, if they want to promote a dress or garment, they can put it on an iPad across all their stores.” ", "Control Group built more than an iPad app. ", "They constructed a whole, invisible backend CMS, with a workflow that would allow corporate to develop and launch campaigns. ", "The particular brilliance of this setup is that these campaigns can be organized and customized at the store level by local managers. ", "Because each iPad is modular, it can be moved with any display, and managers will have the opportunity to experiment locally while results feed into the greater network. “", "They can see sales corresponding with a change. ", "So you can do A/B testing seeing how you drive consumer behavior,” O’Donnell explains. “", "Using those web analytics in the real world is a super exciting place to be.”", "\n\nadvertisement\n\nThe Digital, Analog Store In the last cycle of Internet technology, we watched mega online retailers like Zappos disrupt through the web. ", "Now, it seems that we’re in a technological reverberation, in which online consumer expectations are echoing into physical stores. ", "But that’s not necessarily bad news for retailers. ", "If they’re clever, they won’t be burdened with a bunch of new technology to invest in but empowered by a new wave of engagement and analytics formerly relegated to the online sector. ", "That and a good espresso never hurts." ]
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[ "All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec001}\n============\n\nHuman African trypanosomiasis (*i*.*e*. ", "HAT or sleeping sickness) has historically infected more than 300,000 individuals annually in sub-Saharan Africa \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref001]\\]. ", "Over the last decade, concerted control efforts have reduced the annual number of reported HAT cases to between 7,000 and 10,000 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref002]--[@pntd.0004465.ref004]\\]. ", "The vast majority of these cases result from infection with *Trypanosoma brucei gambiense*, which is found in West and Central Africa and causes a chronic form of the disease. ", "The remainder of sleeping sickness cases arise from *Trypansoma brucei rhodesiense* infection, which is prevalent in East and South Africa and causes a more acute form of the disease. ", "The WHO aims to eliminate HAT as a public health problem by 2020 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref003]\\].", "\n\nPast and current HAT control efforts have focused on active surveillance, treatment of humans and animal reservoirs, and tsetse vector control. ", "Patient-targeted strategies face many obstacles; there is no vaccine and treatment requires expensive and toxic intravenous drugs \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref006]\\]. ", "Vector control strategies---including insecticide, traps, land clearing, and sterile male releases---have had some success in reducing the incidence of disease by controlling tsetse populations \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref006]\\]. ", "However, to control or eliminate the disease, sustained strategies are required \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref006]\\]. ", "Without such efforts, the disease reemerges, as evidenced by the tsetse and HAT resurgence that occurred in the 1980s following a lapse in control efforts \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref007]\\]. ", "A potential technology to control HAT involves rendering tsetse flies refractory to trypanosome infection via the introduction of genetically modified symbiotic bacteria \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref008]--[@pntd.0004465.ref010]\\]. ", "In this paratransgenic technique, one of the symbionts, of the genus *Sodalis*, is modified to produce a trypanocidal molecule \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref011]\\], while the other, of the genus *Wolbachia*, confers a reproductive advantage to the paratransgenic flies via cytoplasmic incompatibility \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012]\\]. ", "It is *Wolbachia* that drives *Sodalis* into the tsetse population. ", "This paratransgenic approach has the potential to be sustainable, because the recombinant symbionts are vertically propagated throughout the tsetse population from mother to offspring \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref008]--[@pntd.0004465.ref010], [@pntd.0004465.ref013]\\].", "\n\nAlthough this approach has been used to reduce the vectorial capacity of other insects including triatomine bugs (vector of *Trypanosoma cruzi)*, sandflies (vector of *Leishmania*), and mosquitoes (vector of malaria), paratransgenesis has not yet been implemented in the field as an intervention for tsetse \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref014]--[@pntd.0004465.ref019]\\]. ", "Both the genetic modification of *Sodalis* and its vertical transmission from mother to offspring have been investigated in the laboratory, as has the ability of *Wolbachia* to generate cytoplasmic incompatibility within tsetse \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012]\\]. ", "However, several questions remain around the dynamics of recombinant *Sodalis* and *Wolbachia* within the tsetse population as the intervention continues to be developed. ", "In particular, it is not yet known if colonization with the new symbionts would impose any fitness penalties for tsetse fecundity or mortality, or how these penalties might affect HAT elimination. ", "Furthermore, it is also not known how the migration of tsetse in and out of a targeted area---which is not yet quantified for many locations within sub-Saharan Africa---might dilute the impact of the intervention.", "\n\nIn a previous study, we developed a mathematical model that incorporated the population genetics of cytoplasmic incompatibility-inducing *Wolbachia* with the transmission dynamics of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref013]\\]. ", "We used this model to demonstrate the potential for *Wolbachia-*colonized tsetse to establish themselves in a population of wild type tsetse. ", "We also used the model to examine the reduction in *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* HAT that would be observed if these *Wolbachia-*colonized tsetse were resistant to trypanosome infection. ", "In the current study, we expanded our mathematical model of trypanosome transmission and tsetse population dynamics to incorporate the vertical transmission of both *Wolbachia* and *Sodalis* (wild type and recombinant) symbionts, as well as transmission of both *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*. ", "We parameterized our model using existing data from the epidemiological and entomological literature for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*, respectively. ", "To evaluate the contributors to HAT elimination via paratransgenesis, we assessed the prevalences of *Wolbachia* and recombinant *Sodalis* reached within the tsetse population, the changes in the reproductive number of HAT, as well as the percentage reduction in HAT cases predicted over 25 years for varying *Wolbachia* and recombinant *Sodalis*-associated fecundity and mortality penalties, vertical transmission probabilities, and tsetse migration rates.", "\n\nMethods {#sec002}\n=======\n\nModel Description {#sec003}\n-----------------\n\nTo project the temporal dynamics of the paratransgenesis symbionts and the proportion of HAT cases over 25 years, we extended our previous model of trypanosome transmission \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref013]\\] to include tsetse and symbiont population dynamics ([Fig 1](#pntd.0004465.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, see [S1 Text](#pntd.0004465.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} for model equations). ", "The model was parameterized to reflect *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* or *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* transmission (see [Table 1](#pntd.0004465.t001){ref-type=\"table\"} for parameter values), respectively, with two major distinctions between the trypanosome species: the infectious period of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* is much longer than that of *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*, and the tsetse vectors of *T*.*b gambiense* have a greater preference for feeding on humans versus animals than the vector of *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*. ", "Thus, in the absence of any intervention, the prevalence of *T*.*b gambiense* within humans relative to that of *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* is higher in the model, consistent with observations in sub-Saharan Africa \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref002]\\].", "\n\n![", "Model diagram.\\\nCompartmental model of African trypanosomiasis transmission between hosts (human \\[H\\] or livestock \\[L\\]) and tsetse fly \\[V\\] vectors. ", "Hosts are susceptible \\[S\\], latently infected \\[E\\], infectious \\[I\\] or recovered \\[R\\]. ", "Vectors are susceptible \\[S\\], latently infected \\[E\\], infectious \\[I\\] or resistant \\[R\\].](pntd.0004465.g001){#pntd.0004465.g001}\n\n10.1371/journal.pntd.0004465.t001\n\n###### Model parameters of both *Trypanosoma brucei* subspecies.", "\n\n![](", "pntd.0004465.t001){#pntd.0004465.t001g}\n\n Parameter *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* Source *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* Source \n --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n *r*~V0~ Tsetse fecundity (per day) 0.02 0.01--0.03 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\] 0.02 0.01--0.03 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\]\n *r*~V1~ Fecundity density-dependence parameter[^a^](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 0 0--0.0005 -- 0 0--0.0005 --\n *r*~W~ Fecundity penalty for *Wolbachia* 0 --0.5--0.5 -- 0 --0.5--0.5 --\n *r*~Sr~ Fecundity penalty for recombinant *Sodalis* 0 0--0.05 -- 0 0--0.05 --\n *r*~Sn~ Fecundity penalty for no *Sodalis* 0 0--0.5 -- 0 0--0.5 --\n *μ*~V0~ Tsetse mortality rate (per day) 0.01 0.005--0.015 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\] 0.01 0.005--0.015 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\]\n *μ*~V1~ Mortality density-dependence parameter[^a^](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 0.0002 1x10^−5^--5x10^-4^ -- 0.0002 1x10^−5^--5x10^-4^ --\n *μ*~W~ Mortality rate increase due to *Wolbachia* 0 --0.1--0.1 -- 0 --0.1--0.1 --\n *μ*~Sr~ Mortality rate increase due to recombinant *Sodalis* 0 0--0.1 -- 0 0--0.1 --\n *μ*~Sn~ Mortality rate increase due to no *Sodalis* 0 0--0.1 -- 0 0--0.1 --\n *ϕ*~W~ Maternal transmission failure probability for *Wolbachia* 0.05 0--0.2 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012]\\] 0.05 0--0.2 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012]\\]\n *ϕ*~Sr~ Maternal transmission failure probability for recombinant *Sodalis* 0 0--0.1 -- 0 0--0.1 --\n *ϕ*~Sw~ Maternal transmission failure probability for wild type *Sodalis* 0 0--0.01 -- 0 0--0.01 --\n *h*~W~ Cytoplasmic incompatibility hatch failure probability 1 0.7--1 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012]\\] 1 0.7--1 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012]\\]\n *H* Human population size 300 100--1000 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref034]\\] 300 100--1000 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref034]\\]\n *L* Animal population size 50 10--500 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref034]--[@pntd.0004465.ref037]\\] 50 10--500 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref034]--[@pntd.0004465.ref037]\\]\n *V\\** Equilibrium tsetse population size 5000 -- \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\] 5000 -- \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\]\n *ψ*~Vw~ Fraction of wild type-*Sodalis*-positive tsetse that are inherently immune 0 0--1 -- 0 0--1 --\n *ψ*~Vn~ Fraction of *Sodalis*-negative tsetse that are inherently immune 0 0--1 -- 0 0--1 --\n *a*~H~ Tsetse human biting rate (per day) 0.1 0.013--0.143 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref031], [@pntd.0004465.ref034]--[@pntd.0004465.ref044]\\] 0.0167 0.0025--0.06 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref031], [@pntd.0004465.ref034]--[@pntd.0004465.ref044]\\]\n *a*~L~ Tsetse animal biting rate (per day) 0.233 0.093--0.317 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]--[@pntd.0004465.ref039]\\] 0.317 0.205--0.33 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]--[@pntd.0004465.ref039]\\]\n *β*~VH~ Transmission probability from humans to tsetse 0.065 0.05--0.14 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030]\\] 0.065 0.05--0.14 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030]\\]\n *β*~VL~ Transmission probability from animal to tsetse 0.065 0.033--0.22 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref036]\\] 0.065 0.033--0.22 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref036]\\]\n *β*~H~ Transmission probability from tsetse to humans 0.62 0.1--0.62 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030], [@pntd.0004465.ref038]\\] 0.62 0.1--0.62 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030], [@pntd.0004465.ref038]\\]\n *β*~L~ Transmission probability from tsetse to animal 0.62 0.22--0.61 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033], [@pntd.0004465.ref038]\\] 0.62 0.22--0.61 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033], [@pntd.0004465.ref038]\\]\n *σ*~V~ Susceptibility period in tsetse (days) 1 0.5--30 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\] 1 0.5--30 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]\\]\n *τ*~V~ Incubation time in tsetse (days) 25 15--30 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030], [@pntd.0004465.ref034]\\] 25 15--30 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030], [@pntd.0004465.ref034]\\]\n *τ*~H~ Incubation time in humans (days) 12 5--15 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030]\\] 12 5--15 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030]\\]\n *τ*~L~ Incubation time in animal (days) 12 5--15 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]\\] 12 5--15 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]\\]\n *γ*~H~ Infectious period in humans (days) 730 70--2920 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref031], [@pntd.0004465.ref034], [@pntd.0004465.ref039], [@pntd.0004465.ref045]\\] 60 21--365 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref031], [@pntd.0004465.ref034], [@pntd.0004465.ref039], [@pntd.0004465.ref045]\\]\n *γ*~L~ Infectious period in animal (days) 50 50--182.5 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]\\] 50 50--182.5 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]\\]\n *δ*~H~ Immune period in humans (days) 50 25--60 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030]\\] 50 25--60 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref005], [@pntd.0004465.ref028]--[@pntd.0004465.ref030]\\]\n *δ*~L~ Immune period in animal (days) 50 25--60 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]\\] 50 25--60 \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref028], [@pntd.0004465.ref032], [@pntd.0004465.ref033]\\]\n *c*~V~ Tsetse migration rate (per day) 4x10^−4^ 0--0.002 -- 4x10^−4^ 0--0.002 --\n\n^a^Tsetse fecundity and mortality are density-dependent, and can be affected by intra-species competition \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref013]\\]. ", "Equations for tsetse birth and death rates can be found in [S1 Text](#pntd.0004465.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\n--Parameter values and ranges were assumed based on expert opinion.", "\n\nIn our model, susceptible human and/or animal hosts can be infected with trypanosomiasis following a bite by an infected tsetse fly. ", "Infected hosts progress from latent to infectious stages of the disease at rates corresponding to the natural history of HAT. ", "Hosts transition from the infectious compartment following treatment, hospitalization, or death. ", "Tsetse flies follow similar stages of disease progression. ", "Wild type tsetse that have recently emerged from pupae are susceptible to trypanosome infection and can only be infected during their first blood meal on an infected host \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref020]\\]. ", "Although research has demonstrated that nutritionally deprived or older flies can be infected with trypanosomes, non-teneral flies are expected to play a minor role in the epidemiology of trypanosome transmission \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref021]\\]. ", "Thus, we assume that flies that have not been infected during their first blood meal are no longer susceptible to trypanosome infection and proceed to the resistant compartment. ", "The duration that tsetse are susceptible to trypanosome infection is also varied in sensitivity analysis, as described below. ", "Infected flies progress from the latent to infectious stages at rates corresponding to the natural history of trypanosome infection in tsetse. ", "Infected flies do not recover from infection and stay infectious for the remainder of their lives.", "\n\nTsetse population dynamics are modeled simultaneously with disease transmission. ", "Wild type flies are colonized with wild type *Sodalis* but not with *Wolbachia*. ", "Paratransgenic flies are colonized both with recombinant *Sodalis* and *Wolbachia*. ", "The rates of reproduction of offspring that are colonized with *Sodalis* alone, *Wolbachia* alone, neither symbiont, or both symbionts are determined from a combination of tsetse fecundity, the extent of *Wolbachia*'s reproductive advantage, and the efficiency of the vertical transmission of the symbionts. ", "Although symbiont density may vary within a tsetse host by age or mating status \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref022]\\], our population-level model stratifies by presence or absence of symbionts within tsetse and does not account for within host variation.", "\n\nFlies colonized with recombinant *Sodalis* are resistant to trypanosome transmission. ", "Consequently, they do not contribute to disease transmission and are born into to the resistant vector compartment. ", "Flies without recombinant *Sodalis* are born into the susceptible vector compartment and can be infected with trypanosomes at their first blood meal. ", "Paratransgenesis is modeled by introducing into the resistant vector compartment a number of recombinant *Sodalis*-positive and *Wolbachia*-positive (*i*.*e*. ", "paratransgenic) flies equal to 10% of the total wild type tsetse population size at the beginning of the model simulation.", "\n\nBecause paratransgenesis has not yet been developed for particular species of tsetse, we do not model a single species of tsetse. ", "Model parameters that may differ among species, such as tsetse biting rates of humans and animals, are varied across ranges reported in the literature and calculated from both lab and field data for vectors of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* ([Table 1](#pntd.0004465.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In addition, model parameters for which precise values are not yet known, including paratransgenesis-specific parameters and migration rates, are varied across plausible ranges in the sensitivity analysis ([Table 1](#pntd.0004465.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nOver the 25-year period of the model simulations, paratransgenic tsetse either become fixed in the population or went extinct. ", "To reduce the reproductive number below one and sustain HAT elimination, we found that paratransgenic tsetse must become fixed at a prevalence greater than 84% for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* or 87% for *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*. ", "Fixation at prevalences below 84% or 87% will reduce the number of cases of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* or *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*, respectively, but will not reduce the reproductive number below one and eliminate HAT. ", "Thus, we used 84% and 87% paratransgenesis threshold as our criterion of HAT elimination of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*, respectively.", "\n\nSensitivity Analyses {#sec004}\n--------------------\n\nWe performed local sensitivity analyses on the paratransgenesis parameters to determine the biologically and epidemiologically feasible ranges ([Table 1](#pntd.0004465.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) over which HAT elimination could be achieved. ", "When elimination was not feasible, we also considered whether a reduction in HAT incidence is achievable over the 25 year simulations. ", "To determine which paratransgenesis parameters had the greatest influence on the percentage of human cases averted as a result of the release of paratransgenic tsetse, we performed global sensitivity analyses, including calculating the sensitivity index and partial rank correlation coefficient (PRCC). ", "Sensitivity indices were calculated by fixing the value for the parameter of interest at a value from its distribution of likely values and the proportion of human cases averted was calculated while all other parameters were randomly sampled from their distributions of likely values \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref023]\\]. ", "Joint distributions of likely parameter values were drawn from biologically realistic ranges ([Table 1](#pntd.0004465.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), restricting possible parameter value combinations to those that produce an *R*~0~ for trypanosomiasis greater than one, indicating sustained HAT transmission in the absence of intervention, as we know to be the case. ", "In the presence of paratransgenic intervention, we calculated the mean and variance of human cases averted across all possible values of the parameter of interest from 1,000 simulations. ", "We calculated the sensitivity index as the ratio of the variance of the estimate to the total variance in all estimates of the proportion of human cases averted. ", "Sensitivity index values closer to one indicated that a variable contributed more to the uncertainty in the proportion of cases averted estimates. ", "The proportion of HAT cases averted over 25 years was then calculated by execution of the model for each of 10,000 Latin Hypercube samples from the parameter ranges in [Table 1](#pntd.0004465.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, with a further restriction of the joint distribution of likely parameter values to those combinations that yielded an *R*~0~ for trypanosomiasis greater than one. ", "PRCCs were calculated to evaluate the monotonicity of the relationship between each parameter sampled and the consequent proportion of HAT cases averted.", "\n\nResults {#sec005}\n=======\n\nWe found that the fecundity and mortality penalties associated with *Wolbachia* or recombinant *Sodalis* colonization, the probability of vertical transmission, and tsetse migration rates are fundamental to determining whether HAT elimination is achieved via paratransgenesis. ", "Parameter thresholds determined which of three possible outcomes occurred following the release of paratransgenic tsetse: complete HAT elimination, negligible impact on HAT burden, or partial reduction in HAT cases.", "\n\nOur results show that for paratransgenesis to eliminate HAT, *Wolbachia* must drive recombinant *Sodalis* into the tsetse population at a prevalence greater than 84% (for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* elimination) or 87% (for *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* elimination), which will render enough flies resistant to trypanosome infection, thereby reducing the reproductive number for HAT below one (Figs [2A](#pntd.0004465.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3A](#pntd.0004465.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A reproductive number less than one indicates that the spread of trypanosomiasis between flies, humans, and animals will eventually cease and the disease will be eliminated. ", "When HAT is eliminated in this scenario, *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* HAT 25 year cumulative incidence is reduced by 30% and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* HAT by 21% (Figs [2A](#pntd.0004465.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3A](#pntd.0004465.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Tsetse population and *Trypanosoma brucei gambiense* dynamics 25 years following release of paratransgenic tsetse.\\\n**(A)** *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and perfect maternal transmission of recombinant *Sodalis* (0% vertical transmission failure), **(B)** *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and a 5% fecundity penalty for *Wolbachia* colonization, **(C)** *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and 5% probability of failure for maternal transmission of recombinant *Sodalis*, and **(D)** *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and 1% probability of failure for maternal transmission of recombinant *Sodalis*. ", "S = Susceptible humans, E = Exposed humans, I = Infectious humans, R = Recovered humans, Wol + = *Wolbachia*-positive tsetse, Wol--- = *Wolbachia*-negative tsetse, rec Sod + = recombinant *Sodalis*-positive tsetse, WT Sod + = wild type *Sodalis*-positive tsetse, and Sod--- = *Sodalis*-negative tsetse.](pntd.0004465.g002){#pntd.0004465.g002}\n\n![", "Tsetse population and *Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense* dynamics 25 years following release of paratransgenic tsetse.\\\n**(A)** *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* and perfect maternal transmission of recombinant *Sodalis* (0% vertical transmission failure), **(B)** *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* and a 5% fecundity penalty for *Wolbachia* colonization, **(C)** *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* and 5% probability of failure for maternal transmission of recombinant *Sodalis*, and **(D)** *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* and 1% probability of failure for maternal transmission of recombinant *Sodalis*. ", "S = Susceptible humans, E = Exposed humans, I = Infectious humans, R = Recovered humans, Wol + = *Wolbachia*-positive tsetse, Wol--- = *Wolbachia*-negative tsetse, rec Sod + = recombinant *Sodalis*-positive tsetse, WT Sod + = wild type *Sodalis*-positive tsetse, and Sod--- = *Sodalis*-negative tsetse.](pntd.0004465.g003){#pntd.0004465.g003}\n\nOne-way sensitivity analysis identified several parameter thresholds that directly influenced whether paratransgenesis is likely to eliminate HAT. ", "First, for *Wolbachia* to become fixed in the tsetse population and for the HAT reproductive number to be reduced below one, the *Wolbachia* fecundity penalty must be less than 1.5% ([Fig 4A](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; *i*.*e*. ", "98.5% or more offspring of *Wolbachia* colonized tsetse successfully mature into adults), the probability of successful vertical transmission over 93.7% ([Fig 4B](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; *i*.*e*. ", "6.3% or fewer of tsetse offspring are born without *Wolbachia*), the mortality penalty less than 1.5% ([Fig 4C](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; *i*.*e*. *", "Wolbachia* colonized tsetse die at a rate no more than 1.5% greater than wild type tsetse), and the tsetse migration rate in and out of the population less than 65% above baseline migration (0.0007 or 3.5 tsetse in and out of the population of 5,000 per day; [Fig 4D](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Second, in order for recombinant *Sodalis* to be driven by *Wolbachia* into the tsetse population at a prevalence sufficient to reduce the HAT reproductive number to below one, recombinant *Sodalis* colonization must have a fecundity penalty no more than 1.6% ([Fig 4E](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; *i*.*e*. ", "98.4% or more offspring of recombinant *Sodalis* colonized tsetse mature into adults), a probability of vertical transmission success greater than 99.9% ([Fig 4F](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; *i*.*e*. ", "fewer than 0.1% of offspring are born without recombinant *Sodalis*), and a mortality penalty of recombinant *Sodalis* colonization no greater than 1.6% ([Fig 4G](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}; *i*.*e*. ", "recombinant *Sodalis* colonized tsetse die at a rate no higher than 1.6% that of wild type tsetse).", "\n\n![", "Local sensitivity analysis of paratransgenic parameters on the prevalence of paratransgenic tsetse and the reproductive number of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*.\\\n**(A)** Fecundity penalty for *Wolbachia* infection, **(B)** Probability of maternal transmission failure for *Wolbachia*, **(C)** Increase in death rate (mortality penalty) due to *Wolbachia* infection, **(D)** Migration rate of tsetse, **(E)** Fecundity penalty for recombinant *Sodalis* colonization, **(F)** Probability of maternal transmission failure of recombinant *Sodalis*, and **(G)** Increase in death rate (mortality penalty) due to recombinant *Sodalis* colonization.](pntd.0004465.g004){#pntd.0004465.g004}\n\nIf the fitness penalty or migration rate parameter thresholds are exceeded, paratransgenesis will not eliminate or reduce HAT. ", "Under these conditions, *Wolbachia* does not drive itself into the tsetse population and recombinant *Sodalis* also does not become fixed in the tsetse population (Figs [2B](#pntd.0004465.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3B](#pntd.0004465.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Consequently, the number of tsetse colonized with recombinant *Sodalis* drops to zero quickly over a period of a few years, the HAT reproductive number remains above one, and the cumulative number of human or animal HAT infections is not reduced by more than a few percent. ", "Another challenge can arise if recombinant *Sodalis* becomes unlinked from *Wolbachia* vertical transmission due to imperfect vertical transmission of recombinant *Sodalis* (Figs [2C](#pntd.0004465.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3C](#pntd.0004465.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In this case, while *Wolbachia* becomes fixed in the tsetse population, trypanocidal recombinant *Sodalis* does not. ", "Thus, the HAT reproductive number remains above one and cases are not reduced.", "\n\nLocal sensitivity analysis also identified parameter regions for which paratransgenesis could partially reduce HAT over 25-years without complete elimination. ", "If the probability of recombinant *Sodalis* transmission failure from paratransgenic mother to offspring is greater than 0.1% but lower than 9.4% for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* or lower than 14.2% for *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* ([Fig 4F](#pntd.0004465.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}), recombinant *Sodalis* becomes partially, but not completely, unlinked from *Wolbachia* transmission (Figs [2D](#pntd.0004465.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3D](#pntd.0004465.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In this parameter range *Wolbachia* still becomes fixed in the tsetse population at a prevalence close to 100%, but recombinant *Sodalis* becomes fixed at a lower prevalence between 84% (*T*.*b*. *", "gambiense*) or 87% (*T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*) and 0%. ", "The HAT reproductive number is not reduced below one. ", "When the probability of vertical transmission failure of recombinant *Sodalis* is less than 0.1%, approximately 30% of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and 21% of *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* HAT cases are averted ([Fig 5](#pntd.0004465.g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As the probability of vertical transmission failure is increased from 0% to 9.4%, the cumulative HAT cases averted drops to 1% for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense*; when it is increased to 14.2%, the cumulative HAT cases averted drops to 3% for *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*, indicating that HAT elimination is highly sensitive to the probability of recombinant *Sodalis* vertical transmission failure.", "\n\n![", "Local sensitivity analysis of probability that recombinant *Sodalis* will fail to be transmitted vertically on the percentage of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* HAT cases averted by paratransgenesis over 25 years.](pntd.0004465.g005){#pntd.0004465.g005}\n\nGlobal sensitivity analysis ranked the *Wolbachia* fecundity penalty as the most important model parameter for averting HAT cases. ", "The analysis yielded a sensitivity index of 0.119 and PRCC of −0.716 (*P* \\< 0.001) for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and a sensitivity index of 0.108 and PRCC of −0.733 (*P* \\< 0.001) for *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* ([Table 2](#pntd.0004465.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The remaining paratransgenesis parameters did not appreciably influence the percentage of HAT cases averted over 25 years, and had statistically significant PRCCs less than 0.25 and sensitivity indices equal to or less than 0.01 ([Table 2](#pntd.0004465.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Therefore, ensuring that there is a low fecundity penalty for *Wolbachia* is paramount for HAT elimination to be achievable.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pntd.0004465.t002\n\n###### Global sensitivity analysis of model parameters for both *Trypanosoma brucei* subspecies.", "\n\n![](", "pntd.0004465.t002){#pntd.0004465.t002g}\n\n Parameter description *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------- ---- -------- ---------- --------- ----\n **Fecundity penalty for *Wolbachia* infection** 0.1190 --0.7155 \\<0.001 1 0.1078 --0.7328 \\<0.001 1\n **Fraction of wild type tsetse that are inherently immune** 0.0135 --0.3714 \\<0.001 2 0.0120 --0.3680 \\<0.001 3\n **Maternal transmission failure probability for *Wolbachia*** 0.0123 --0.1293 \\<0.001 3 0.0107 --0.1203 \\<0.001 4\n **Human population size** 0.0098 --0.3874 \\<0.001 4 0.0128 --0.3706 \\<0.001 2\n **Fecundity density-dependence parameter** 0.0089 --0.2553 \\<0.001 5 0.0106 --0.2308 \\<0.001 5\n **Migration rate (per day)** 0.0073 --0.2231 \\<0.001 6 0.0071 --0.2211 \\<0.001 6\n **Transmission probability from tsetse to humans** 0.0061 0.2926 \\<0.001 7 0.0061 0.3303 \\<0.001 8\n **Mortality increase due to *Wolbachia* infection** 0.0057 --0.2036 \\<0.001 8 0.0044 --0.2010 \\<0.001 9\n **Maternal transmission failure probability for recombinant *Sodalis*** 0.0049 --0.1857 \\<0.001 9 0.0043 --0.2112 \\<0.001 10\n **Tsetse human biting rate (per day)** 0.0040 0.4100 \\<0.001 10 0.0061 0.4261 \\<0.001 7\n **Mortality increase due to recombinant *Sodalis* infection** 0.0038 --0.1281 \\<0.001 11 0.0032 --0.1279 \\<0.001 12\n **Livestock population size** 0.0038 0.0651 0.001 12 0.0042 0.1130 \\<0.001 11\n **Susceptibility period in tsetse (days)** 0.0033 --0.2663 \\<0.001 13 0.0030 --0.2711 \\<0.001 15\n **Tsetse fecundity (per day)** 0.0030 --0.0239 0.233 14 0.0029 --0.0022 0.916 16\n **Mortality density-dependence parameter** 0.0027 --0.1953 \\<0.002 15 0.0031 --0.2348 \\<0.001 13\n **Infectious period humans (days)** 0.0025 0.0152 0.448 16 0.0011 --0.0472 0.021 24\n **Transmission probability from livestock to tsetse** 0.0025 0.2154 \\<0.001 17 0.0030 0.2250 \\<0.001 14\n **Fraction of *Sodalis* negative tsetse that are inherently immune** 0.0022 0.1581 \\<0.001 18 0.0021 0.1442 \\<0.001 17\n **Fecundity penalty for recombinant *Sodalis* infection** 0.0019 --0.0683 0.001 19 0.0017 --0.0475 0.021 20\n **Fecundity penalty for no *Sodalis* infection** 0.0018 0.1143 \\<0.001 20 0.0017 0.109 \\<0.001 19\n **Tsetse mortality** 0.0017 --0.1298 \\<0.001 21 0.0019 --0.1789 \\<0.001 18\n **Cytoplasmic incompatibility hatch failure probability** 0.0014 0.0723 \\<0.001 22 0.0013 0.0475 0.021 21\n **Tsetse livestock biting rate (per day)** 0.0011 0.178 0.374 23 0.0012 0.0092 0.654 22\n **Incubation time tsetse (days)** 0.0011 0.0168 0.401 24 0.0011 0.0282 0.170 26\n **Immune period humans (days)** 0.0011 0.0028 0.891 25 0.0010 --0.0270 0.188 31\n **Incubation time humans (days)** 0.0011 --0.0001 0.996 26 0.0010 --0.0371 0.071 29\n **Mortality increase due to no *Sodalis* infection** 0.0010 0.0171 0.395 27 0.0011 --0.0075 0.716 27\n **Transmission probability from tsetse to livestock** 0.0010 --0.0186 0.353 28 0.0011 --0.0191 0.353 23\n **Immune period in livestock (days)** 0.0010 0.0411 0.040 29 0.0011 0.0308 0.134 25\n **Incubation time livestock (days)** 0.0010 0.0063 0.754 30 0.0010 0.0197 0.337 28\n **Infectious period livestock (days)** 0.0010 --0.0814 \\<0.001 31 0.0010 --0.0336 0.102 32\n **Transmission probability from humans to tsetse** 0.0010 0.0038 0.851 32 0.0010 0.0008 0.970 30\n **Maternal transmission failure probability for wild type *Sodalis*** 0.0009 --0.0211 0.292 33 0.0010 --0.0149 0.467 33\n\nDiscussion {#sec006}\n==========\n\nTo investigate how the dynamics of *Wolbachia* and recombinant *Sodalis* impact HAT elimination via paratransgenesis, we modeled the dynamics of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b rhodesiense* infection in humans, animals, and tsetse, while also incorporating the population dynamics of tsetse symbiotic bacteria *Wolbachia* and *Sodalis* into our model. ", "We found that HAT elimination was highly dependent on thresholds for fitness penalties associated with paratransgenesis, inefficiencies in symbiont transmission, and tsetse migration. ", "When these parameters were below their threshold values, *Wolbachia* and recombinant *Sodalis* became fixed in the tsetse population at a prevalence close to 100% over a period of 25 years, rendering the majority of the tsetse population resistant to trypanosome infection and thereby eliminating *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* cases. ", "If either *Wolbachia* or recombinant *Sodalis* did not become fixed in the population at a prevalence high enough to reduce the reproductive number below one, as was the case when the thresholds for paratransgenesis parameters are exceeded, HAT was not eliminated. ", "Furthermore, the thresholds for elimination did not vary by trypanosome species, despite differences between *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* regarding prevalence and duration of infection within humans and animals, as well as regarding vector preference for feeding on humans versus animals.", "\n\nWe found that fecundity and mortality penalties associated with *Wolbachia* colonization most influenced the successful fixation of paratransgenic tsetse and reduction in HAT cases. ", "When these penalties are too high or vertical transmission from mother to offspring is not efficient, *Wolbachia* fails to serve as a driver of recombinant *Sodalis* into the tsetse population. ", "The migration of wild type tsetse into the modeled population and paratransgenic tsetse out of the population also significantly impacted HAT elimination. ", "When migration rates are too high, paratransgenic tsetse density is diluted by wild type tsetse, and HAT is not eliminated. ", "The likelihood of HAT elimination is also sensitive to the fecundity and mortality penalties of recombinant *Sodalis*, as well as to vertical transmission probability. ", "When penalties are too high or vertical transmission is inefficient, recombinant *Sodalis* becomes unlinked from *Wolbachia* vertical transmission, and paratransgenic tsetse fails to eliminate HAT. ", "In addition, we determined parameter regions for which HAT elimination is not likely, but for which a reduction in incidence could be sustained. ", "Specifically, when vertical transmission is between 99.9% and 90.6% (for *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense*) or 85.8% (for *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*), recombinant *Sodalis* could become fixed in the tsetse population at a prevalence between 0% and 84% (*T*.*b*. *", "gambiense*) or 87% (*T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*) over the course of 25 years, thereby partially reducing cumulative *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* HAT incidence between 30% and 1% and *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense* HAT incidence between 26% and 3%, respectively.", "\n\nAlthough paratransgenesis has the potential to successfully eliminate HAT, the high sensitivity of *Wolbachia* and recombinant *Sodalis* prevalence to symbiont fitness penalties and tsetse migration rates indicates that these properties are fundamental to the effectiveness of paratransgenic approaches developed to curtail HAT. ", "Given that HAT elimination is most sensitive to *Wolbachia* parameters, it will be essential to select a *Wolbachia* subspecies that has minimal, if any, fitness penalties in tsetse. *", "Wolbachia* infections are heterogeneous in natural populations, and prevalence has been found to vary from 0% to 100% \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012], [@pntd.0004465.ref024], [@pntd.0004465.ref025]\\]. ", "In the laboratory, *Wolbachia* infections have been established in multiple tsetse species with a prevalence of 100% \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref012], [@pntd.0004465.ref024], [@pntd.0004465.ref025]\\]. ", "The successful elimination of HAT via paratransgenesis will not only necessitate the selection of *Wolbachia* species that have minimal fitness penalties in tsetse, but also tsetse species that are both well-suited to the ecology of targeted location and able to host a *Wolbachia* infection.", "\n\nMoreover, it will also be critical to ensure that the recombinant *Sodalis* strain is transmitted from mother to offspring with a nearly 100% probability, and that it imposes only minor fecundity or mortality penalties. ", "There is evidence that unmodified *Sodalis* alone may affect the fecundity or mortality of some tsetse species \\[[@pntd.0004465.ref014], [@pntd.0004465.ref026], [@pntd.0004465.ref027]\\]. ", "Of particular importance is the engineering of recombinant *Sodalis* to produce a molecule that effectively targets trypanosomes without simultaneously reducing the fitness of *Sodalis*. ", "These characteristics of the selected *Wolbachia* strain and engineered recombinant *Sodalis* will need to be rigorously tested to ensure that HAT is successfully eliminated. ", "If it becomes apparent that high vertical transmission probabilities for recombinant *Sodalis* cannot be achieved, the potential for partial reduction in HAT incidence will need to be investigated to determine if the benefit is nonetheless worth the cost of the intervention. ", "Furthermore, if recombinant *Sodalis* transmission inefficiencies cause paratransgenic tsetse to be established at a prevalence in the population lower than the 84% or 87% required for elimination of *T*.*b*. *", "gambiense* or *T*.*b*. *", "rhodesiense*, respectively, it may be possible to time subsequent releases of paratransgenic flies---each using different subspecies of *Wolbachia*---to continue to drive recombinant *Sodalis* into the tsetse population. ", "Finally, because migration rates may vary by location and tsetse species, paratransgenesis should be targeted to areas with low rates of tsetse migration. ", "Low migration, combined with trapping of wild type flies prior to the intervention, maximizes the relative density of paratransgenic flies, ensuring the greatest number of HAT cases are averted while paratransgenic flies are prevalent, even if HAT elimination is not achieved.", "\n\nSupporting Information {#sec007}\n======================\n\n###### This document contains an appendix of additional model description and equations.", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nSimulations were run using the Yale University Biomedical High Performance Computing Center, which is supported by NIH grants RR19895 and RR029676-01. ", "We would like to thank both the Aksoy and Caccone Labs at Yale University for their expert feedback.", "\n\n[^1]: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: JAG JM JPT SA MNM APG. ", "Performed the experiments: JAG JM JPT. ", "Analyzed the data: JAG JM JPT. ", "Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JAG JM JPT. ", "Wrote the paper: JAG JM JPT SA MNM APG.", "\n" ]
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[ "Tanakpur railway station\n\nTanakpur railway station is a small railway station in Champawat district, Uttarakhand. ", "Its code is TPU. ", "It serves Tanakpur city. ", "Tanakpur Now Broad gauge. ", "The platform is well sheltered. ", "It many facilities including water and sanitation.", "\n\nMajor trains \n\n Tanakpur - Delhi Express\n Tanakpur - Singrauli Triveni Express\n Tanakpur - Shaktinagar Triveni Express\n Tanakpur Pilibhit BG Passenger\n Kasganj - Tanakpur Passenger (52203)\n Tanakpur - Bareilly Passenger (52204)\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Railway stations in Champawat district\nCategory:Izzatnagar railway division" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0030581039755351682 ]
[ "PS Suite: Ocean Quick eReferral Custom Forms\n\nIf you are a TELUS PS Suite user in the Waterloo Wellington LHIN, there are several quick eReferral custom forms that you can download and set up in your EMR for easy access to the Diabetes Central Intake, Orthopaedic Central Intake, Self-Management Program, and Diagnostic Imaging services offered at the hospitals in the LHIN. ", "These custom forms be downloaded from the \"Optional Downloads for TELUS PS Suite Users\" on the Ocean eReferral Network website.", "\n\nOnce your custom forms are imported in to your EMR, enter the chart of the patient you want to refer. ", "Insert the appropriate quick referral custom form directly into the patient's chart and fill in the eReferral form as usual.", "\n\nOnce the eReferral has been sent, the EMR will send reminder messages for clerical staff to check for the patient's appointment." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.021333333333333333, 0.015748031496062992, 0.009615384615384616, 0.008064516129032258, 0.015384615384615385 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat dialects use だべ?", "\n\nI feel like I hear だべ all the time (through TV and on the streets of Yokohama where I live), but I'm wondering about it's origins and modern usage.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's Tohoku dialect.", "\nBasically, だべ is だろう, 行ぐべ is 行こう.\nThere are a lot of variations though, as you can say for example だすっぺ for でしょう.\nI doubt though that your hear that a lot on TV, except during interviews of people who suffers from the tsunami or nuclear accident. ", " And it would be subtitled anyway…\nEdit: Ok, so it seems that だべ is in fact an \"coastal\" ending. ", " This is why your heard it in Yokohama, while in didn't where I lived. ", " It's used all along the Pacific coast, and is thus not restricted to Tôhoku. ", " I do not know, though, if they use べ without だ as in the examples I gave.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec001}\n============\n\nPatient-derived tumor xenografts mouse models has been largely used for the study of cancer biology, pre-clinical test of new drugs or new drug combinations, and more recently as avatars to pursue personalized therapeutic regimens \\[[@pone.0129298.ref001]\\]. ", "Xenografts are usually obtained by subcutaneous implantation of small pieces of tumors into the flank of mice. ", "In case of leukemia, xenografts are obtained by injection of 10 million cells into the tail vein or intrafemorally \\[[@pone.0129298.ref002]--[@pone.0129298.ref005]\\]. ", "Subcutaneous tumor growth and drug response is easily monitored by measuring tumor volume with an external caliper, though with lower accuracy than more sophisticated imaging methods \\[[@pone.0129298.ref006]\\]. ", "Monitoring leukemia xenografts is usually done by flow cytometry analysis of human CD45+ cells in peripheral blood \\[[@pone.0129298.ref002]--[@pone.0129298.ref005]\\]. ", "However, leukemia homing and progression in nonobese diabetic (NOD)/SCID mouse occurs primarily in the bone marrow, liver and spleen \\[[@pone.0129298.ref007]\\]. ", "Migration of leukemia cells into circulation is an active process controlled by SDF1/CXCR4 axis \\[[@pone.0129298.ref008]\\]. ", "Consequently, the number of leukemia cells in peripheral blood may not always represent total leukemia burden, especially at earlier stages of leukemia engraftment and progression. ", "Alternatively, high sensitivity methods for *in vivo* leukemia monitoring by bioluminescent or fluorescent imaging analysis require genetic modification of leukemia cells, which is not a straightforward method when handling with primary leukemia cells \\[[@pone.0129298.ref009]--[@pone.0129298.ref012]\\].", "\n\nSoluble proteins secreted or released by leukemia cells into the circulation could be useful markers for earlier engraftment detection and to monitoring the dynamic growth of leukemia in mice. ", "Serum levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) have been shown to correlate with tumor volume in animal models of prostate cancer \\[[@pone.0129298.ref013]\\]. ", "Similarly, human specific lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzymes and the nuclear matrix protein 41/7 (NPM) were found to be useful serologic markers to monitor the dynamic growth of human leukemia in mice, though with low sensitivity in early stages of tumor growth. ", "Detection of human pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell line Nalm-6 was only possible when the number of Nalm-6 cells in bone marrow was equal or higher than 7.2% and 13.7%, respectively, of total cell numbers \\[[@pone.0129298.ref014]\\]. ", "In this manuscript, we report on a highly sensitive method for detecting and monitoring ALL in mice by measuring plasma levels of human Hsp90.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec002}\n=====================\n\nEthics statement {#sec003}\n----------------\n\nThe institutional ethics committees approved this study for both humans and animals. ", "The use of human samples in this study was approved by the human Research Ethics Committee from the State University of Campinas (CAAE 0014.0.144.146--08). ", "Written informed consent could not be obtained due to death or lost follow-up. ", "Animal use was approved by the Ethics Commission for Animal Use from Institute of Biology at State University of Campinas (CEUA/UNICAMP, protocol 2365--1).", "\n\nALL cell samples {#sec004}\n----------------\n\nExperiments with primary ALL samples were performed with cryopreserved post-ficoll bone marrow mononuclear cells obtained from patients with newly diagnosed disease enrolled between 1991 to 2002.", "\n\nRS4;11 and TALL-1 cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium, 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 20 IU/mL penicillin and 20 μg/mL streptomycin at 37°C and 5% CO2. ", "Leukemia cell lines TALL-1 and RS4;11 were kindly provided by Dr. João Barata (Molecular Medicine Institute, Portugal) and Sheila A Shurtleff (St Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA), respectively.", "\n\nTransplantation of NOD/SCID mouse with ALL cells {#sec005}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nPrimary ALL cells were thawed, washed with PBS and 1x10^7^ cells were injected via the tail vein in unconditioned NOD/SCID (NOD.CB17-Prkdcscid/J) mice (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) for an *in vivo* expansion step. ", "Successfully engrafted mice were sacrificed, ALL cells were collected from spleen, liver and bone marrow and 1x10^7^ fresh cells were immediately injected in a higher number of secondary recipient mice for the experiments. ", "In case of ALL cell lines, mice for the experiments were injected with cells expanded in vitro.", "\n\nFlow cytometry analysis of ALL engraftment and progression in NOD/SCID mice {#sec006}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAfter transplantation, animals were monitored every 7 days for ALL engraftment and progression. ", "Blood was collected by retro-orbital bleeding into EDTA containing tube. ", "Plasma was separated for ELISA and mononuclear cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation using ficoll. ", "ALL cells were detected by flow cytometry \\[[@pone.0129298.ref007]\\] in a FACSCanto II equipment (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ), using anti-hCD45-PE (clone HI30, BD Pharmingen, San Diego, CA or EXBIO, Prague, Czech Republic) and anti-mCD45-FITC (clone 30F-11, BD Pharmingen).", "\n\nFor evaluation of ALL engraftment into organs, animals were sacrificed in an isoflurane chamber. ", "Peripheral blood was immediately collected by cutting the renal vein. ", "Bone marrow cells were obtained by flushing the femoral bones with PBS. ", "Liver and spleen (whole organs) were mechanically homogenized and suspended with PBS. ", "Post-ficoll mononuclear cells were analyzed as above. ", "Total numbers of cells obtained were analyzed by flow cytometry.", "\n\nEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) {#sec007}\n-----------------------------------------\n\nSandwich ELISA assays were performed in 96-well plates, using 100 μL peripheral blood plasma per well. ", "When required, plasma was diluted in blocking buffer, in which case the concentration read from the standard curve was multiplied by the dilution factor. ", "The following ELISA assays were used according to manufacturer recommendations: Hsp90α (human) ELISA Kit (Enzo Life Sciences, Farmingdale, NY), Human beta 2-Microglobulin Quantikine IVD ELISA Kit (R&D Systems Inc., Minneapolis, MN) and Human IGFBP-2 DuoSet (R&D Systems Inc.).", "\n\nChemotherapy effect on Hsp90 levels {#sec008}\n-----------------------------------\n\nFor chemotherapy interference experiment, mice were transplanted with a primary ALL cells and weekly monitored for ALL by flow cytometry and or ELISA Hsp90. ", "In one experiment, animals were randomly distributed into different treatment groups (at least 3 animals per group), which received 30 mg/Kg of the PI3K inhibitor AS60524 \\[[@pone.0129298.ref015]\\], 5 mg/Kg of dexamethasone or vehicle (saline), intraperitoneally, once a day, 5 days a week. ", "The water-soluble potassium salt of AS605240 was synthesized in the Chemistry Dept. ", "at Federal University of Santa Catarina, according to patent WO 2004007491. ", "Identity and purity were confirmed by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. ", "Treatment started when human CD45+ cells reached ≥0.5% of peripheral blood cells in each of the animals. ", "The number of human CD45+ cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma levels of the ELISA biomarker (B2M, Hsp90 or IGFBP2) was measured at different time points, before and/or during treatment. ", "Drug treatment was administered from 9 to 10 am, while blood sampling was done from 3 to 4 pm.", "\n\nStatistical Analysis {#sec009}\n--------------------\n\nPlasma biomarker concentrations and percentage of ALL cells were transformed to log10 to behave as a normal distribution and tested for normality by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests in SPSS 20.0 software. ", "Associations of biomarker levels with percentage of ALL cells were evaluated by Mann Whitney test and/or Pearson correlation using GraphPad Prism 6 software. ", "In some cases, percentage of ALL cells was considered using previously defined discrete categories.", "\n\nResults and Discussion {#sec010}\n======================\n\nPlasma Hsp90 stands out as an ALL biomarker in NOD/SCID mouse {#sec011}\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n\nBeta-2-microglobulin (B2M), insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) and heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) were selected as candidate soluble biomarkers of ALL based on their very high level of expression and extracellular secretion or release by leukemia cells \\[[@pone.0129298.ref016]--[@pone.0129298.ref023]\\] and also, for the availability of commercial ELISA kits. ", "Analysis of these biomarkers levels quantified by ELISA, in plasma of healthy NOD/SCID mice *versus* mice transplanted with primary T-cell ALL (T-ALL), showed unacceptably high levels of B2M and IGFBP2 in healthy animals, suggesting antibodies cross-reactivity with the human and mouse biomarker. ", "Even so, animals with high leukemia burden, i.e. high percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood, had significantly higher levels of B2M and IGFBP2 ([Fig 1A](#pone.0129298.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}), indicating that these proteins are secreted/released at high levels by ALL cells in this mouse model. ", "Importantly, plasma human B2M was present at micrograms concentration range, highlighting B2M as an attractive candidate for further studies provided that antibodies with higher specificity for the human protein are found.", "\n\n![", "Analysis of three potential leukemia plasma biomarkers.\\\n(A) Peripheral blood B2M, IGFBP-2 and Hsp90 levels (ELISA) in NOD/SCID mice transplanted with a primary human T-ALL or healthy controls. ", "Animals were divided into groups according to the percentage of ALL cells (hCD45+) in peripheral blood by FACS. ", "Data points correspond to individual samples, and horizontal bars correspond to median. ", "\\*P\\<0.05; Mann-Whitney U test. (", "B) Correlation between Hsp90 levels and % ALL cells in peripheral blood. ", "Data points correspond to individual samples. ", "Data were transformed to log10 and analyzed by Pearson's correlation. (", "C) Cut-off value of Hsp90 (dotted line) as determined by adding 2 times SD to mean. ", "Animals transplanted with different BCP-ALL (n = 3) and T-ALL (n = 2), sacrificed at the earliest time point (time point 1, [Fig 2](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}) were included in the analysis. ", "Leukemia engraftment was confirmed by FACS analysis. ", "Data points correspond to individual samples. ", "PB, peripheral blood; SD, standard deviation.](pone.0129298.g001){#pone.0129298.g001}\n\nHuman Hsp90 levels were clearly higher in animals injected with ALL in comparison to healthy controls, even at the lowest percentage of human leukemia cells in the mice peripheral blood, which in this experiment was 0.5% ([Fig 1A](#pone.0129298.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Concentration of plasma Hsp90 levels reached microgram per milliliter amounts and a dynamic range of 4 logs. ", "Moreover, there was a linear relationship between levels of human Hsp90 and percentage of peripheral blood ALL cells ([Fig 1B](#pone.0129298.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Based on background Hsp90 levels in healthy animals, a value of 0.1 ng/mL, which corresponds to the upper limit of the 95%CI (i.e. mean value added of 2 times the standard deviation) ([Fig 1C](#pone.0129298.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}), was taken as cut-off value for further experiments.", "\n\nIt is worth mentioning that the levels of human Hsp90 in bone marrow plasma samples from children in remission (end of therapy) were as high as in children at ALL diagnosis (data not shown). ", "Therefore, in contrast to the mouse model, the background abundance of human Hsp90 precludes its use for ALL monitoring in patients.", "\n\nPlasma Hsp90 levels are representative of mice leukemic burden {#sec012}\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood may not necessarily reflect bone marrow and secondary organ infiltration by leukemia. ", "Usually, the beginning of exponential increase of ALL cells in peripheral blood corresponds to the end of log phase or even plateau phase in bone marrow \\[[@pone.0129298.ref003],[@pone.0129298.ref024]\\].", "\n\nTo address whether Hsp90 would be a useful marker for earlier detection of engraftment and to monitor the dynamic growth of leukemia in mice, groups of non-irradiated NOD/SCID mice injected with ALL were weekly monitored for plasma Hsp90 levels and sequentially sacrificed once the threshold of 0.1 ng/mL was reached. ", "These animals were used to investigate leukemia cell proportion in bone marrow, liver, spleen and blood, in comparison to plasma Hsp90 levels. ", "A scheme of this experiment is shown in [Fig 2A](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "ELISA of plasma Hsp90 levels for earlier engraftment confirmation.\\\n(A) Experimental workflow. ", "Cryopreserved primary ALL cells were thawed and injected into 3 mice for expansion. ", "Fresh xenograph ALL cells were then injected into 6 to 12 secondary animals for experiments. ", "For RS4;11 and TALL-1, cultured cells were directly injected in animals for the experiments. ", "Animals were monitored weekly and sacrificed as indicated. (", "B) Kinetic of Hsp90 plasma levels over time, following ALL injection. ", "Data points represent mean of 3 animals. ", "The cut-off Hsp90 value (0.1 ng/mL) is indicated. ", "Asterisks represent starting week of sequential sacrifice of animals (Time Point 1). ", "Some groups did not have enough animals for the experiment to be carried out until the third week of sacrifice. (", "C) Percentage of ALL cells (hCD45+) in bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) at the different time points. ", "Data points represent mean of 3 animals. ", "Dotted line represents the usual cut-off (0.5%) for ALL detection by flow cytometry in blood samples. ", "Different ALL cells are represented by colors. ", "Circles; BCP-ALL. ", "Triangles, T-ALL.](pone.0129298.g002){#pone.0129298.g002}\n\nAs expected, Hsp90 levels in ALL-transplanted mice increased in a time dependent manner ([Fig 2B](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "All three B-cell precursor ALL (two primary BCP-ALL and the RS4;11 cell line) reached Hsp90 levels above 0.1 ng/mL in the first week after transplantation. ", "At first sight, T-cell ALL (two primary T-ALL and the TALL-1 cell line) had slower engraftment than BCP-ALL ([Fig 2B](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, a closer examination showed that the percentage of T-ALL cells in bone marrow, liver, spleen and blood, at time point 1 (when median Hsp90 reached ≥ 0.1 ng/mL), tended to be equal or even higher in T-ALL than BCP-ALL ([S1 Fig](#pone.0129298.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Even though previously reported western blot analysis showed no difference in Hsp90 expression by BCP-ALL versus T-ALL \\[[@pone.0129298.ref020]\\], our results suggest that T-ALL may secrete/release lower amounts of Hsp90 into circulation than BCP-ALL, therefore giving false impression of a slower engraftment. ", "In addition, levels of Hsp90 among different T-ALL were notably variable, thus absolute Hsp90 levels would not be reliable for comparisons among different T-ALL with respect to engraftment and progression in the NOD/SCID mouse.", "\n\nEarlier studies have pointed to bone marrow and spleen as primary organs for ALL engraftment \\[[@pone.0129298.ref002],[@pone.0129298.ref023]\\]. ", "In agreement with a recent report showing primary BCP-ALL invasion and proliferation in the liver of non-irradiated NOG mice \\[[@pone.0129298.ref007]\\], our data indicate that liver is also one of the primary targets for ALL engraftment and progression in NOD/SCID mice ([Fig 2C](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [S1 Fig](#pone.0129298.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nAt the first time point of sacrifice, median proportion of ALL cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was 0.01%, a percentage not detectable by flow cytometry unless mice were killed to obtain higher volume of blood. ", "At the second time point (one week after time point 1), median ALL was 0.2% ([Fig 2C](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}), a percentage amenable to detection by flow cytometry even though being below the commonly used 0.5% cut-off value \\[[@pone.0129298.ref003]\\]. ", "In the most conservative scenario, measuring plasma Hsp90 levels would allow at least one week anticipation on leukemia engraftment detection. ", "At this earlier time of leukemia engraftment/progression, the percentage of ALL cells in BM was around 0.87%, but for some of the ALL samples, levels were below 0.1% ([Fig 2C](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Absolute number of ALL cells per animal (considering the sum of ALL cells in bone marrow, liver and spleen), in some cases was as low as 200 ([S1 Fig](#pone.0129298.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}, BCP-ALL\\#1 and TALL-1).", "\n\nNotably, plasma Hsp90 levels were in strong linear correlation with percentage of BCP-ALL cells in the different tissues analyzed; even at very low leukemia burden (5 of the 6 evaluated groups of mice had blood ALL levels below 0.5%) ([Fig 3A](#pone.0129298.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [S2 Fig](#pone.0129298.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Contrary to our initial hypothesis, the percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood (attainable by the analysis of large volume of blood) also strongly correlated with the percentage of ALL cells in other tissues analyzed, especially spleen ([Fig 3B](#pone.0129298.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Correlation between plasma Hsp90 level and percentage of ALL cells in the different tissues analyzed.\\\nOne representative case of three BCP-ALL or T-ALL analyzed is shown. ", "For complete data refer to [S2 Fig](#pone.0129298.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [S3 Fig](#pone.0129298.s003){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} ELISA Hsp90 and flow cytometry hCD45+ data were transformed to log10 and analyzed by Pearson's correlation. ", "Correlations between ALL in peripheral blood and in the different tissues are shown for comparisons. ", "Dotted line represents cut-off values for ALL detection by flow cytometry (0.5%) or Hsp90 levels (0.1 ng/mL). ", "Data points correspond to individual samples. ", "Numbers near each data point represent time point of sampling (see [Fig 2](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "PB; peripheral blood. ", "BM; bone marrow. ", "Circles, BCP-ALL. ", "Triangles, T-ALL.](pone.0129298.g003){#pone.0129298.g003}\n\nFor T-ALL samples, 2 of 3 cells showed a clear linear correlation between Hsp90 levels and the percentage of ALL cells ([Fig 3C](#pone.0129298.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [S3 Fig](#pone.0129298.s003){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Importantly, that particular T-ALL sample failed to show correlation between Hsp90 levels and leukemic load also failed in terms of percentage of ALL in peripheral blood and leukemic load. ", "Moreover, data from three other primary T-ALL cases (one shown in Figs [1](#pone.0129298.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [4](#pone.0129298.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and two shown in [S4 Fig](#pone.0129298.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) showed good correlation between Hsp90 and leukemic load. ", "In conclusion, although different T-ALL samples seemed to produce variable levels of Hsp90 in comparison to BCP-ALL that tended to be more homogenous, our data indicates that Hsp90 stands as a valid biomarker for both BCP- and T-ALL. ", "Generally, these results validate the use of plasma Hsp90 levels to sequentially monitor engraftment and leukemia progression in NOD/SCID mice, at very earlier time points, when leukemia is at MRD levels \\[[@pone.0129298.ref025]\\] and analysis by flow cytometry would require the sacrifice of groups of animals at the different time points.", "\n\n![", "Chemotherapy effects on biomarkers levels.\\\nPlasma biomarkers levels (ELISA) and matched percentage of ALL cells (hCD45+) in peripheral blood (PB) from animals under chemotherapy treatment. ", "Samples were collected for analysis at the beginning (C1 = day 5), middle (C2 = day 19) and end (C3 = day 33) of treatment. ", "Colored bars represent mean ± SD of biomarker levels (left Y axis) for individual mice samples analyzed in duplicate. ", "Different colors represent different treatments. ", "The PI3K inhibitor used was AS605240. ", "Black bars represent percentages of ALL cells in peripheral blood (right Y axis). ", "The dotted line in the Hsp90 graphic represents the ELISA cut-off value. ", "Red arrows highlight lower than expected ELISA values, when compared to levels found in untreated animals with similar percentage of ALL cells.](pone.0129298.g004){#pone.0129298.g004}\n\nChemotherapy interference with *in vivo* production of Hsp90 by leukemia cells {#sec013}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf Hsp90 levels were used in preclinical evaluation of new anti-leukemia drugs or in mouse avatar assays, production of Hsp90 should parallel changes in leukemia cell numbers, with no direct influence of chemotherapy, i.e. chemotherapy should not interfere with transcription of the Hsp90 gene, translation of its mRNA, secretion of the Hsp90 protein, clearance of Hsp90 from serum, etc. ", "To address this issue, animals were engrafted with a primary T-ALL and treated with dexamethasone, PI3K inhibitor (AS605240) or saline, after reaching ≥0.5% ALL in peripheral blood, considering that Hsp90 interacts directly with diverse glucocorticoids receptors \\[[@pone.0129298.ref020],[@pone.0129298.ref026]\\] and PI3K inhibition significantly inhibits ALL metabolism \\[[@pone.0129298.ref027]\\]. ", "The animals were treated every morning, Monday to Friday and on Friday afternoon; blood was collected for ELISA and flow cytometry analysis. ", "Separate experiments were run for each of the three biomarkers. ", "As shown in [Fig 4](#pone.0129298.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}, levels of Hsp90 were proportional to the percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood, independently of treatment and B2M and IGFBP2 were not influenced by the PI3K inhibitor. ", "Contrarily, production of both B2M and IGFBP2 by ALL cells in animals under dexamethasone treatment was lower than expected; indicating that decreases in circulating B2M and IGFBP2 levels following glucocorticoids treatment may not always reflect a corresponding reduction in leukemia cell numbers.", "\n\nThis finding was confirmed with four other primary ALL (two BCP-ALL and two T-ALL). ", "Engrafted animals were treated with dexamethasone after reaching ≥0.5% ALL in peripheral blood. ", "Hsp90 levels were assessed and compared with percentage of ALL in peripheral blood during 3 weeks. ", "For all ALL samples the correlation between Hsp90 levels and percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood were highly significant ([S4 Fig](#pone.0129298.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Results for one of the BCP-ALL (\\#3) are shown in [Fig 5](#pone.0129298.g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}, to illustrate how well Hsp90 levels correlate with the percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood both before and during treatment of animals. ", "Furthermore, it shows the usefulness of Hsp90 measurement for the earlier detection of ALL engraftment (second week versus sixth week by flow cytometry).", "\n\n![", "Kinetic of Hsp90 levels and percentage of peripheral blood ALL cells for BCP-ALL\\#3.\\\nTwo mice were transplanted with primary BCP-ALL cells and assessed for peripheral blood hCD45+ cell percentage by flow cytometry and Hsp90 levels by ELISA. ", "The animals were treated daily with dexamethasone after the seventh week of transplantation (dotted area). ", "Red colored lines and symbols represent Hsp90 levels (left Y axis). ", "Black lines and symbols represent the percentage of ALL cells in peripheral blood (right Y axis). ", "There was no sampling in the seventh week. ", "After the eighth week, peripheral blood samples were collected every three days.](pone.0129298.g005){#pone.0129298.g005}\n\nAlthough further experiments are needed to evaluate the effect of other chemotherapy drugs on in vivo production of Hsp90 by leukemia cells, Hsp90 is so highly abundant (1 to 2% of the cellular protein) that we are tempted to speculate that Hsp90 production would not be affected by chemotherapy. ", "Indeed, even though Hsp90 is known to be upregulated in response to cellular stress, major differences in protein levels are at best 2--3 fold only \\[[@pone.0129298.ref028]\\].", "\n\nIn summary, we have validated Hsp90 as a soluble biomarker of ALL, for the earlier detection of leukemia engraftment and for monitoring leukemia kinetics, even at MRD levels and under chemotherapy treatment of mice.", "\n\nSupporting Information {#sec014}\n======================\n\n###### Percentage and absolute numbers of ALL cells per tissue, at earlier time points of ALL progression.", "\n\nGroups of mice transplanted with ALL were weekly sacrificed to evaluate the preferred organ of leukemia engraftment and progression. ", "Maximum volume of peripheral blood, as well as cells from bone marrow (femurs), liver and spleen were obtained. ", "Post-ficoll mononuclear cells were analyzed as above. ", "Total numbers of cells obtained were analyzed by flow cytometry for presence of ALL cells (hCD45+). ", "For time points 1 and 2 see [Fig 2](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Bars represent mean values of 3 animals. ", "PB; peripheral blood. ", "BM; bone marrow.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Correlation between plasma Hsp90 level and percentage of BCP-ALL cells in the different tissues analyzed.", "\n\nELISA Hsp90 and flow cytometry hCD45+ data from 3 different BCP-ALL were transformed to log10 and analyzed by Pearson's correlation. ", "Correlations between ALL in peripheral blood and in the different tissues are shown for comparisons. ", "Dotted line represents the cut-off values for ALL detection by flow cytometry (0.5%) or Hsp90 levels (0.1 ng/mL). ", "Data points correspond to individual samples. ", "Numbers near each data point represent the time point of sampling (see [Fig 2](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "PB; peripheral blood. ", "BM; bone marrow.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Correlation between plasma Hsp90 level and percentage of T-ALL cells in the different tissues analyzed.", "\n\nELISA Hsp90 and flow cytometry hCD45+ data from 3 different T-ALL were transformed to log10 and analyzed by Pearson's correlation. ", "Correlations between ALL in peripheral blood and in the different tissues are shown for comparisons. ", "Dotted line represents cut-off values for ALL detection by flow cytometry (0.5%) or Hsp90 levels (0.1 ng/mL). ", "Data points correspond to individual samples. ", "Numbers near each data point represent the time point of sampling (see [Fig 2](#pone.0129298.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "PB; peripheral blood. ", "BM; bone marrow.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Correlation between plasma Hsp90 levels and percentage of ALL cells in the peripheral blood of animals before and during dexamethasone treatment.", "\n\nELISA Hsp90 and flow cytometry hCD45+ data from animals transplanted with 2 different primary BCP-ALL or 2 different primary T-ALL. ", "Data were transformed to log10 and analyzed by Pearson's correlation. ", "Data points correspond to individual samples. ", "Black and red colors serve to differentiate among replicates (n = 2). ", "Numbers near each data point represent the week after transplantation (for BCP-ALL\\#4 time points see [Fig 5](#pone.0129298.g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Empty symbols represent samples collected before treatment initiation. ", "Filled symbols represent samples collected under dexamethasone treatment. ", "Dotted lines represent cut-off values for ALL detection by flow cytometry (0.5%) or Hsp90 levels (0.1 ng/mL). ", "PB; peripheral blood.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nThis work was supported by grant 08/10034-1 from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) to JAY. ", "MM, ABAL and JFV received FAPESP fellowships. ", "JAY received a Productivity fellowship from the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). ", "We acknowledge Dr. Paulo Cesar Leal and Rosendo A. Yunes, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil) for providing AS605240, and Gilberto C. Franchi Jr., CIPOI, UNICAMP (Campinas, Brazil) for conceding the animal facility.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: MM JFV JAY. ", "Performed the experiments: MM ABAL. ", "Analyzed the data: MM ABAL JAY. ", "Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: AEN SRB JAY. ", "Wrote the paper: MM JAY.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Paradise came up in a conversation with a long time racer of the track recently and they said the \"Paradise Track Rules\" posted on the website were outdated. ", "Specifically, the roll cage requirement ... I was told that 7.50 was the cutoff for a cage at Paradise (close to an equivalent 11.49 1/4-mile time similar to NHRA requirements). ", "It was my understanding from the website that a car faster than 6.40 requires a cage (basically, anything dipping into the 9's). ", "Could someone please clear this up? ", "What is the requirement at Paradise? ", "Are the \"Paradise Track Rules\" posted on the site current?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0 ]
[ "Por varias razões, a candidatura de Marina Silva é um risco. ", "Não dispõe de uma estrutura partidária, montou uma frente ampla de interesses muitas vezes conflitantes que terão que ser mediados por ela.", "\n\nComo bem definiu o velho e sábio Plínio de Arruda Sampaio em 2010 , Marina tem opiniões taxativas sobre todos os temas que são de consenso. ", "E nenhuma opinião formada sobre temas polêmicos. ", "Não entra em divididas. ", "E a função de presidente exige, acima de tudo, discernimento e capacidade de mediação e de decisão.", "\n\nIsto posto, vamos ao seu plano de governo e às circunstâncias políticas que viabilizaram a frente política que montou.", "\n\nTrata-se de um divisor de águas, a primeira candidatura – não dela, especificamente, mas do PSB e da Rede Sustentabilidade – a entender, no plano político, os novos tempos – paradoxalmente, remetendo a tempos antigos, da base da fundação do PT. ", "Mas, no plano econômico, trazendo de volta um liberalismo que se julgava sepultado que enterrará todos os ensaios de política industrial.", "\n\nO modelo PT\n\nNos anos 80, como agora, havia o descrédito em relação às estruturas políticas existentes, um movimento vital saindo das entranhas da sociedade e buscando canais de participação\n\nO PT foi montado em cima de três forças distintas. ", "Havia o sindicalismo de Lula, a visão aparelhista dos ex-guerrilheiros, de José Dirceu, e os movimentos de base, de fundo católico mas com comando difuso.", "\n\nPairando sobre os grupos, intelectuais de diversas procedências.", "\n\nOs sindicatos garantiam a mobilização e a estrutura nacional controlada; os ex-guerrilheiros, as estratégias políticas internas e externas. ", "E a imagem simbólica de Lula, a coesão.", "\n\nFoi essa soma de fatores que permitiu a Dirceu conduzir a unificação das ações do PT – necessária para a institucionalização do partido, mas que sufocou as manifestações dos movimentos autônomos – sem que a frente implodisse.", "\n\nNo poder, gradativamente o governo Lula foi incluindo movimentos e demandas na estrutura de Estado, através de secretarias e de conselhos de participação. ", "Havia uma porosidade no Estado que abria espaço para toda sorte de demandas, de grupos de defesa dos deficientes, de igualdade racial, de direitos das mulheres, dos sem terra às associações empresariais, promovendo um salto inédito de inclusão política no país.", "\n\nOs movimentos de junho\n\nEm algum momento, essa política foi para segundo plano, partido e governo se estratificando justo quando eclodiu o fato político mais relevante desde a eleição de Collor em 1989 e de Lula em 2002: as manifestações de junho de 2013.", "\n\nAqui um pequeno parênteses para se rogar aos amantes da objetividade que não queiram julgar o movimento pela falta de propostas ou outros parâmetros que cabem em estruturas formadas e hierarquizadas. ", "E nem ousem ignorar o movimento pelo fato de não compartilhar dessas insatisfações. ", "O movimento é um dado da realidade, tão relevante que está interferindo nas eleições deste ano. ", "E, como tal, precisa ser analisado e compreendido.", "\n\nO movimento foi histórico por refletir uma insatisfação geral contra o modelo institucional existente – e o novo estilo de governo -, que não conseguia mais atender à demanda por participação. ", "Logo, similar à insatisfação dos anos 80.", "\n\nA lógica das redes é o da distribuição de poder, da multiplicação de movimentos, de grupos de interesse, sem uma estrutura hierárquica rígida, buscando pontos de convergência que permitam coexistir com grupos de afinidade. ", "Justamente a lógica dos movimentos sociais dos anos 80.", "\n\nNão respondem a voz de comando, como partidos políticos, sindicatos ou assembleias. ", "Exigem pactuação constante, respeito recíproco pelos espaços conquistados. ", "E as redes sociais abriram esse novo espaço.", "\n\nNenhum partido político constituído entendeu a lógica dos novos tempos. ", "O PSDB jamais saiu das políticas de gabinete. ", "Seu símbolo máximo é José Serra limpando as mãos com álcool depois que cumprimentava algum popular. ", "E o velho PT esqueceu-se do PT que um dia ele foi.", "\n\nJustamente por isto, o terremoto de junho de 2013 explode, agora, na candidatura de Marina.", "\n\nDo lado do PT, além da estratificação natural de quem se torna poder, alguns episódios ampliaram essa insensibilidade:\n\nA crise de 2008 concentrando todas as atenções do governo na sua superação; e o enorme desgaste do julgamento do “mensalão”. ", "O estilo autocrático de Dilma, fechando as portas das políticas públicas para novos e velhos atores. ", "No caso do PT, o afastamento de José Dirceu da cena política, certamente único dirigente capaz de farejar as mudanças políticas, realinhar o partido com a nova realidade e impedir sua burocratização.", "\n\nRestaram os alertas angustiados de Gilberto de Carvalho, talvez por sua formação nos movimentos sociais, o único que entendeu amplamente os novos tempos.", "\n\nCarvalho via o maremoto se aproximando, gritava para alertar e a reação que provocava era: “lá vem aquele chato de novo atrapalhar nosso sossego”. ", "E mais não disseram porque a água entrou pelo nariz e pela boca.", "\n\nDa Política Nacional de Participação à Rede\n\nA Política Nacional de Participação Social – mera regulamentação da figura dos conselhos de participação – não visava cooptar os novos movimentos, mas abrir espaço para que trouxessem suas demandas para a arena pública.", "\n\nVisava, principalmente, estimular Dilma a abraçar definitivamente a bandeira da ampliação do diálogo social, saindo de seu isolamento.", "\n\nAntes disso, no olho do furacão das manifestações, Dilma foi aconselhada a arejar o Planalto, montar uma rede social própria, para estimular o debate público. ", "Nada fez.", "\n\nEssa falta de sensibilidade generalizada jogou os novos movimentos nos braços da Rede e do PSB.", "\n\nSão esses grupos – ou coletivos, para usar a nova nomenclatura – que garantem a parte mais substanciosa e modernizante do plano de governo de Marina Silva.", "\n\nO programa, além disso, traz um conjunto de ideias inovadoras que são de livre circulação, uma montanha de novas possibilidades que poderia estar no colo de Dilma, bastando que ela abrisse as portas do governo ao novo.", "\n\nNovo parêntesis para o extremo despreparo do pensamento convencional – incluindo os grupos de mídia – de não perceber os novos tempos. ", "Enquanto deblateravam contra os conselhos e os novos grupos – tratando-os como apêndices do PT – a Rede o PSB tratavam de cooptá-los de forma brilhante.", "\n\nFaltava apenas o símbolo dos novos tempos. ", "É aí que o destino (parafraseando as convicções religiosas de Marina) bate à porta e coloca Marina em cena.", "\n\nNo plano simbólico, Marina tem uma imagem tão forte quanto Lula. ", "Se José Dirceu não disse isso, certamente pensou.", "\n\nAs semelhanças ficam por aí. ", "Pode ser suficiente para garantir uma eleição, mas não a governabilidade, sequer a coesão de seus grupos de apoio. ", "E a parte mais relevante do seu plano de governo acaba com qualquer pretensão de desenvolvimento autônomo do país.", "\n\nOs riscos do jogo\n\nUm governo deve ser analisado de acordo com a soma de virtudes e vícios, de possibilidades e de riscos.", "\n\nCom todos os erros políticos e econômicos, com a insensibilidade para o aprofundamento democrático e a teimosia para se abrir para políticas participativas – da área social à econômica – o governo Dilma Rousseff tem diversas políticas plantadas, algumas em pleno andamento, outras prontas para florescer.", "\n\nO programa de concessões avança. ", "A política industrial do pré-sal começa a ficar clara, assim como ganhos substanciais nas políticas de compras públicas e de conteúdo nacional. ", "Com a EPL (empresa de Planejamento e Logística) começa a tomar corpo uma política mais sólida de infraestrutura. ", "As políticas sociais não sofreram interrupções. ", "Avançou-se na educação e na saúde.", "\n\nO Sistema Nacional de Inovação conseguiu amarrar projetos de mudança na educação básica, os enormes avanços do Pronatec, a abertura para o mundo, com a Ciência Sem Fronteira, o alinhamento com as necessidades empresariais, com a Embrapii e a política industrial do pré-sal, a diversificação de universidades casadas com o desenvolvimento regional.", "\n\nNão é pouca coisa. ", "Um levantamento minucioso da obra do governo Dilma vai revelar uma enorme lacuna apenas no Ministério da Justiça e os desacertos na área da Fazenda e do Tesouro.", "\n\nNos demais, em ritmos diferentes, houve a continuidade de políticas bem sucedidas e o lançamento de novos projetos relevantes.", "\n\nNão significa que um segundo governo Dilma seja uma certeza. ", "Ainda há muitas incógnitas no ar.", "\n\nAté agora, não há nenhum sinal mais claro de que irá abrir mão do estilo autocrático. ", "A condescendência com Ministros medíocres, a teimosia em manter um Ministério de segundo grau, a impermeabilidade a toda sorte de discussões, as confusões na área econômica, são vícios decorrentes do estilo personalista da presidente.", "\n\nNo entanto, sua correção depende de atitudes individuais da Presidente, não de grandes operações políticas, de gestos de rompimento etc.", "\n\nJá parte econômica do plano de Marina demole qualquer veleidade de política industrial ativa, de mudança nesse modelo de atrelar toda a economia a uma política de juros civilizada ou mesmo a compromissos mínimos de proteção à produção e ao emprego nacional.", "\n\nGanhando as eleições, a Rede lança o país em uma incógnita. ", "Perdendo, será dona da agenda de modernização democrática que ficou presa em algum escaninho burocrático de Brasília no dia em que o governo perdeu o sentimento das ruas." ]
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[ "A multi-matrix HILIC-MS/MS method for the quantitation of endogenous small molecule neurological biomarker N-acetyl aspartic acid (NAA).", "\nA multi-matrix hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric method (HILIC-MS/MS) was developed for the quantitation of N-Acetyl Aspartic acid (NAA) using stable isotope labeled internal standard, D3-NAA in various biological matrices such as human plasma, human CSF, mouse plasma, brain and spinal cord. ", "A high throughput 96-well plate format supported liquid extraction (SLE) procedure was developed and used for sample preparation. ", "Mass spectrometric analysis of NAA was performed using selected reaction monitoring transitions in positive electrospray ionization mode. ", "As NAA is endogenously present, a surrogate matrix approach was used for quantitation of NAA and the method was qualified over linear calibration curve range of 0.01-10μg/mL. Intra and inter assay precision indicated by percent relative standard deviation (%RSD) was less than 7.1% for low, medium, medium high and high QCs. ", "The accuracy of the method ranged from 92.6-107.0% of nominal concentration for within-run and between-run for the same QCs. ", "Extraction recovery of NAA and D3-NAA was greater than 76%. ", "Stability of NAA was established in the above biological matrices under bench top (RT, 5h), freeze thaw (-20±10°C, 3 cycles) and moues/human plasma sample collection (Wet ice, RT) conditions. ", "HILIC-MS/MS method was then used to quantify and compare the NAA levels in human plasma and CSF of ALS patients versus control human subjects. ", "NAA CSF levels in control human subjects (73.3±31.0ng/mL,N=10) were found to be slightly higher than ALS patients (46.1±22.6ng/mL, N=10) (P=0.04). ", "No differences were observed in NAA plasma levels in human control subjects (49.7±13.8ng/mL,N=9) as compared to ALS patients (49.6±8.1ng/mL, N=10) (P=0.983). ", "NAA endogenous concentrations in mouse plasma, brain and spinal cord were found to be 243.8±56.8ng/mL (N=6), 1029.8±115.2μg/g tissue weight (N=5) and 487.6±178.4μg/g tissue weight (N=5) respectively." ]
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[ "20 Second Timeout is the place to find the best analysis and commentary about the NBA.", "\n\nSaturday, February 14, 2009\n\nKobe Talking About Shaq, Shaq Talking About Kobe--and Phil Jackson Talking About Both\n\nOne of the most obvious subplots for this year's All-Star Game concerns the reunion for a day of Phil Jackson and Kobe Bryant with Shaquille O'Neal. ", "For quite some time, O'Neal delighted in taking veiled--and not so veiled--public potshots at his former coach and his former teammate but now every time O'Neal talks about Jackson and Bryant it sounds like a lovefest has broken out. ", "During Friday's All-Star media availability, one reporter even asked Coach Jackson if O'Neal has gotten sentimental in his old (in basketball terms) age and Jackson replied, \"I think that he thinks sentimentally about the game and I think that you do that after you've been in the game (for so many years). ", "After you've been in that many All-Star games you start looking back at how much this business has changed in your span of time and you become nostalgic. ", "He should be allowed that.\"", "\n\nAs for the possibility of O'Neal finishing his career as a Laker, Jackson compared O'Neal to the older version of Robert Parish who played a limited role on a Chicago championship team that Jackson coached (though I'm not sure that O'Neal would consider that comparison to be much of a compliment), concluding, \"We always say these old crocodiles--these alligators--who patrol the lane have a long lifespan in our game and it would be great to see him back some day.\"", "\n\nAsked if O'Neal is engaging in \"revisionist history\" with his recent comments praising Bryant and saying that their rivalry was just a shrewd marketing plan, Jackson offered a thoughtful reply: \"We had to have a one minded idea to win championships and so everybody is able to put aside individual hopes or aspirations (for) the greater good of the whole. ", "These guys were able to do that and bond in so doing, so those sentiments (expressed by O'Neal) are not false. ", "There are different feelings that come in between sometimes, but the bond that they created at one particular point in time is still there and still renewable. ", "That's what he is talking about, sharing the ball, sharing the defense, sharing the space and time that they each gave each other. ", "So I'm good with that.\"", "\n\nJackson said that the one quality that stands out most about O'Neal is \"his sense of humor. ", "He could act like a big clown at times. ", "He's got a great sense of humor and he can make everybody pretty lively at times with his sense of humor.\"", "\n\nNaturally, everyone wants to know how long Bryant and O'Neal will be on the court together but Jackson--the man in charge of making that determination--coyly refused to reveal his cards about how he will distribute the minutes: \"I can't tell you that. ", "The game has its own element.\" ", "All he would concede is, \"You try to use all of the talent on a team and those are certainly two talented players who can play together. ", "They've done it before.\" ", "He expects that at first they will \"overdo it\" in terms of \"trying to help each other out too much\" but that ultimately they will work well together.", "\n\nIn a recent interview with the Sporting News, O'Neal was asked to talk about the best teammates he has ever had and he replied, \"Most ferocious was Kobe. ", "Fiercest, most competitive, it was Kobe. ", "D Wade is second after that.\" ", "During the media availability Bryant returned the compliment when asked his favorite memory of playing with O'Neal: \"We have a lot of similarities in terms of that I am very intense all of the time and--while he is a goofball who likes to have fun--when that light comes on he is a beast and that is the most fun that I had with him, seeing that switch come on. ", "When that light came on he was a guy who was going to try to break somebody's face off during the game. ", "That is what he and I shared.\" ", "No one asked the natural followup, so I dived in, fully realizing that Bryant would not likely offer a completely candid answer to a difficult and perhaps painful question: \"You talked about the difference betwen Shaq's intensity in practice and in games. ", "How much did it bother you that the guy who would want to break someone's face during games did not show that intensity during practice?\"", "\n\nWhen Bryant answered \"Not at all\" I think that is the only time that he has lied to me/been in denial about his own true feelings. ", "I don't for one second believe that O'Neal's casual attitude toward practice did not bother Bryant; there is every indication that this infuriated Bryant. ", "That said, perhaps it is wise for Bryant to not publicly delve back into that subject again.", "\n\nO'Neal can veer from slamming Bryant to praising him as the best player in the game and Jackson can wax eloquently about the bond that O'Neal and Bryant share but I think that Bryant spoke the larger truth in just a few words when he said, \"I'm not revisiting that. ", "It wasn't a fun time for me.\" ", "Bryant, though he was young, impetuous and flawed in some ways--as we all are--was focused on winning right from the start, while O'Neal always wanted to be the life of the party. ", "O'Neal could be extremely focused and dominating when he chose to be but I suspect that this frustrated Bryant even more, because he better than just about anyone could sense what kind of player O'Neal was really capable of being. ", "Bryant did say, \"We have a great relationship now and that is the most important thing\" but there is no way to go back and win those titles that the Lakers likely would have captured if O'Neal had consistently demonstrated a Bryant-like focus on the task at hand.", "\n\nHistorically, the bottom line will always be that the Shaq-Kobe Lakers won three titles together but there will always be speculation about how much more that duo could have achieved. ", "Asked if he ever wonders how many more championships he could have won with O'Neal, Bryant said, \"No\" but when pressed about the issue he replied simply, \"Several more.\" ", "For someone who is as competitive as Bryant, you know that it has to bother him that O'Neal's casual attitude toward conditioning/staying healthy derailed their partnership so soon.", "\n\nQuick Hits:------------\n\n***Speaking of staying healthy, I asked Bryant how he has adjusted his shooting stroke to compensate for his recent finger injury and if having to make a similar adjustment around this time last year helped him this time. ", "He answered, \"This one is OK. ", "I've actually adjusted much better with this one than I did with the pinkie. ", "It feels fine and my stroke feels as normal as it did before I got hurt.\" ", "He added that suffering through last year's injury \"gave me confidence that I can play through it because I've done it before. ", "In that sense, I wasn't nervous or skeptical about being able to get through it.\"", "\n\n***Bryant said that the event he is most looking forward to this weekend is the HORSE contest, so I asked him if he would like to participate in it at some point. ", "He scrunched up his face and considered that question for a moment before saying, \"I don't know. ", "I don't know. ", "We'll have to see,\" so I asked him why he is so hesitant and he explained, \"Because they've got all these rules and all these things that they put into the games. ", "I just want to play HORSE like in the old McDonald's commercial (featuring Michael Jordan and Larry Bird).\"", "\n\n***While Bryant is still in his MVP-level prime and O'Neal is already well into his declining years--though still a formidable player--Jackson's first great player, Michael Jordan, just officially became a Hall of Fame Finalist. ", "I asked Jackson to reflect on what that means to him personally, since he worked alongside Jordan from very early in Jordan's NBA career. ", "Jackson said, \"I was in an audience this morning when a young man of probably 25 talked about growing up watching Michael Jordan and the awe that he inspired in NBA basketball amongst kids. ", "There was a Bird-Magic era and that was a great rivalry and it was wonderful to watch those two play against each other but Michael Jordan was someone you could not take your eyes off of when he played the game. ", "It was just a phenomenon to come watch somebody with that kind of ability to be able to do what he did on the court. ", "We've had a lot of players who had talent--athletic talent--but they've not been able to do the things that he was able to do. ", "I think he has been perhaps the one most significant person in professional basketball in the world. ", "He's a Pele in that sense, so this is a great honor for basketball to have him in the Hall of Fame.\"", "\n\n9 Comments:\n\nInteresting reading your account of the interviews and then reading this acount of the media day:\n\n\"Bryant arrived 45 minutes late for his session with the media and seemed to squirm with every mention of O’Neal’s name. ...", "They mostly kept their distance Friday. ", "They were in opposite corners of a ballroom for their sessions with the media, with a large curtain dividing the room. ", "They worked at the same community school refurbishment project, but were a couple of hundred yards away performing different tasks.", "\n\nIt will be interesting to watch the dynamic on court.", "\n\nAny thoughts on the Rook/Soph game yesterday? ", "I missed it, but it sounds like Durant and Beasley played pretty well. ", "I thought Durant looked awfully good in the Thunder's game against the Lakers earlier this week too. ", "OKC remain pretty terrible, but they gave the Lakers a reasonably good game and have a lot of young talent. ", "Another high-ish draft pick used well, and they could be pretty interesting down the road.", "\n\nAlthough Lewis doesn't get too much into the nitty-gritty of how the Rockets use stats, it does seem like their analysis of basketball and players involves far, far more than the typical box score numbers that fuel other stats like PER or the WoW crowd, and adjusts for more of the difficult-to-capture aspects of the game. ", "They also seem to recognize the noisiness inherent in +/-, and the tension between what's best for the team and for an individual's own stat categories.", "\n\nI thought this section in particular was interesting:How many points a player scores, for example, is no true indication of how much he has helped his team. ", "Another example: if you want to know a player’s value as a ­rebounder, you need to know not whether he got a rebound but the likelihood of the team getting the rebound when a missed shot enters that player’s zone.", "\n\nWatching games recently, one thing that has repeatedly struck me is how many rebounds are often entirely or scarcely contested and fall inbetween two players on the same team. ", "Aggressive players like Kobe or LeBron often snag the ball first when it was falling right between them and Z or Gasol. ", "While that rebound adds value to their individual stats, it really wasn't a particularly important or skillful play. ", "Maybe it was better for the team that the better/quick ballhandler grabbed the ball first to jumpstart the offense, but grabbing that uncontested rebound from a teammate isn't a particularly valuable act. ", "On the other hand, as the article discusses, Battier's ability to consistently shade his defense to force his opponent to go the \"wrong\" way and take statistically more difficult shots adds a lot of value, but it doesn't show up in the boxscore (aside from possibly in +/-).", "\n\nAnyhow, I thought you would enjoy the article. ", "I happen to be a big Battier fan, if only because I've had him on my fantasy basketball team the past couple of years, and he does manage to put up some fairly respectable numbers in statistical categories like steals, blocks and 3pts that are easy to win w/ relatively low numbers.", "\n\nThe article that you linked to does not contain the quote that you supplied. ", "Kobe did arrive late for media availability due to some kind of transportation problem; I interviewed other people and then came over to his station shortly before he arrived.", "\n\nI don't know who made the seating arrangements and I was not at the NBA Cares event but Kobe and Shaq attracted the two biggest media crowds other than Yao, so it made sense to station them away from each other. ", "I just got back from All-Star practice and was literally 10 feet away from Shaq and Kobe as they carried on like long lost best pals; if they are angry at each other now then they are keeping that very well hidden.", "\n\nDurant had a fantastic shooting performance but there is not a lot of defense in those games. ", "I always attend the Rookie-Sophomore Game but I usually don't write much about it because I always find more interesting topics.", "\n\nAfter carrying the can for everything that went wrong with the Lakers between 2003 and 2007, I'm not surprised Kobe doesn't want to talk about those issues.", "\n\nDurant really is a special offensive player. ", "He can get his shot off at any time, handles the ball well, and has a very pure stroke. ", "Throw in his length and quickness and his improved shot selection, and he's pretty much impossible to stop. ", "I know there wasn't much defense going on last night but in general his skill as a scorer is pretty scary.", "\n\nI'm not surprised, either, but when Kobe said that he and Shaq had similar game-time intensity but that Shaq could be a goofball at practice--which is essentially what I have been saying here for years--the natural follow up question is how much did it bother Kobe that Shaq did not practice with a high level of intensity. ", "I figured that Kobe would dismiss the issue in some way and I had no intention of badgering him (or anyone else) with the same question over and over but the question at least needed to be asked.", "\n\nThis is one of those situations where if you had the one on one access that ESPN and other large outlets have then you can try to get some deeper answers, as opposed to being one voice in a media crowd asking a question but, unfortunately, the outlets with the most resources and most access do not fully take advantage of those things in a journalistic sense and provide truly in depth coverage.", "\n\nDurant has improved a lot from year one until now. ", "The Rookie-Sophomore Game does not really figure into my calculations of his skill set; a greater indicator is how well he has played since Coach Brooks shifted him back to his natural position, small forward.", "\n\nAs you think about writing about the Battier article, here is an interesting & relatively short comment thread (17 comments, right now) about the Battier article, with most commenters ripping into Berri & the WoW crowd. ", "Thought you would enjoy:\n\nDavid - The Battier article got me excited, because I have been totally against \"box score manipulation\" for so long now (Wages of Wins and PER are the main culprits) I always assumed that what the Rockets were doing was more of the same, but they actually seem to \"get\" that if you are going to do a statistical analysis, you can't just use \"points, rebounds, and assists\". ", "If you read the piece, you know that what the Rockets are doing is actually much closer to your detailed basketball analysis than it is to anything like Wow and PER. ", "Whether you agree with them or not, they seem to at least be headed in the right direction, if statistical analysis is to be taken seriously in basketball. ", "I only wish I could see the work they were doing, but I can understand their reluctance to share their data and findings.", "\n\nAbout Me\n\n\"A work of art contains its verification in itself: artificial, strained concepts do not withstand the test of being turned into images; they fall to pieces, turn out to be sickly and pale, convince no one. ", "Works which draw on truth and present it to us in live and concentrated form grip us, compellingly involve us, and no one ever, not even ages hence, will come forth to refute them.", "\"--Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Nobel Lecture)\n\n\"The most 'popular,' the most 'successful' writers among us (for a brief period, at least) are, 99 times out of a hundred, persons of mere effrontery--in a word, busy-bodies, toadies, quacks.", "\"--Edgar Allan Poe\n\n\"In chess what counts is what you know, not whom you know. ", "It's the way life is supposed to be, democratic and just.", "\"--Grandmaster Larry Evans\n\n\"It's not nuclear physics. ", "You always remember that. ", "But if you write about sports long enough, you're constantly coming back to the point that something buoys people; something makes you feel better for having been there. ", "Something of value is at work there...Something is hallowed here. ", "I think that something is excellence.", "\"--Tom Callahan" ]
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[ "---\ntitle: \"How to: Use Built-In Colorable Items | Microsoft Docs\"\nms.date: 11/15/2016\nms.prod: \"visual-studio-dev14\"\nms.technology: \"vs-ide-sdk\"\nms.topic: conceptual\nhelpviewer_keywords: \n - \"colorable items\"\n - \"language services, built-in colorable items\"\nms.assetid: 5e5f3436-6bad-4fd2-8823-6a30353ba648\ncaps.latest.revision: 18\nms.author: gregvanl\nmanager: jillfra\n---\n# How to: Use Built-In Colorable Items\n[!", "INCLUDE[vs2017banner](../../includes/vs2017banner.md)]\n\nBefore you use the built-in colorable items, you must first signal to the integrated development environment (IDE) that you are not providing your own custom colorable items, which in this case would be <xref:Microsoft.", "VisualStudio.", "TextManager.", "Interop.", "IVsProvideColorableItems> objects. ", "You do this by setting a registry entry for the language service. ", " \n \n### To use built-in colorable items \n \n1. ", "Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\VisualStudio\\\\*X.Y*\\Languages\\Language Services\\\\*Language Name*, where *X.Y* is a version of [!", "INCLUDE[vsprvs](../../includes/vsprvs-md.md)] and *Language Name* is the name of your language, create a DWORD registry entry value called `RequestStockColors`. ", " \n \n2. ", "Set the `RequestStockColors` registry entry value to 1. ", " \n \n After you create the registry entry, your colorizer's <xref:Microsoft.", "VisualStudio.", "TextManager.", "Interop.", "IVsColorizer.", "ColorizeLine%2A> method can use the members of the <xref:Microsoft.", "VisualStudio.", "TextManager.", "Interop.", "DEFAULTITEMS> enumeration to fill in the array of color attributes for use by the editor. ", " \n \n > [!", "NOTE]\n > Do not set this registry entry if you are providing custom colorable items. ", "For more information, see [Custom Colorable Items](../../extensibility/internals/custom-colorable-items.md). ", " \n \n## See Also \n [Syntax Coloring in Custom Editors](../../extensibility/syntax-coloring-in-custom-editors.md) \n [Syntax Coloring in a Legacy Language Service](../../extensibility/internals/syntax-coloring-in-a-legacy-language-service.md) \n [Implementing Syntax Coloring](../../extensibility/internals/implementing-syntax-coloring.md) \n [Custom Colorable Items](../../extensibility/internals/custom-colorable-items.md) \n [Registering a Legacy Language Service](../../extensibility/internals/registering-a-legacy-language-service2.md)\n" ]
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[ "Goldfields Arts Centre\n\nThe Goldfields Arts Centre is the only multi-functional arts venue in the Goldfields region and one of only three A Class Art Galleries in regional Western Australia.", "\n\nThe GAC not only has shows from plays, comedy shows to dancing performances, it is also the home to two premier Art Galleries which showcase the amazing arts and culture from not only the Goldfields, but WA and interstate. ", "The galleries are open Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.", "\n\nDescription\n\nThe Goldfields Arts Centre was opened in November 1993 and has become a part of Kalgoorlie's landscape and lifestyle. ", "The Western Australian State Government contributed $9.3 million dollars to the building as a gift to the City in its Centennial year and Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines contributed a further $1 million, with additional contributions made by the Lotteries Commission and members of the Goldfields Community.", "\n\nThe Centre was built by Kalgoorlie College, which later became a part of Curtin University of Technology. ", "As recently as the 1st September 2013, has seen the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder take over staff and day to day management of the Goldfields Arts Centre while the Department of Training and Workforce Development, have taken ownership of the building. ", "In 2013, the West Australian State Government agreed to contribute $6.2 million dollars over the next 4 years for upgrades and refurbishments to the Goldfields Arts Centre.", "\n\nLocated in the heart of Kalgoorlie Boulder, an art gallery is situated in the Goldfields Arts Centre. ", "Built for purpose, the Art Gallery is one of only three museum standard ‘A’ class galleries in Western Australia that has an exhibition space that is environmentally controlled with air-conditioning and a humidifier which provides a constant temperature. ", "With its variable ceiling heights, 160 square metres of floor space, 60 lineal metres of hanging space, polished Jarrah and Blackbutt timber flooring, a flexible hanging system and multiple power points, the Gallery provides a beautiful backdrop to all work on display. ", "In early 2017, a second gallery space was open, the North Wing Gallery. ", "By extending the art galleries,\nGAC can now offer a bigger scope of art by not only showcasing local art, but contemporary art collections from WA and interstate.", "\n\nSince opening in 1993, this fine art gallery has become a centrepiece of contemporary art and culture in the heart of the Goldfields/Esperance region. ", "All are welcome to visit and roam in our gallery to enjoy, wonder, sit and contemplate new ideas and creative expressions. ", "Admission to the art gallery is always free. ", "Donations, however, are accepted and greatly appreciated." ]
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[ "Oh man, I am reinventing science fiction with this one! ", "You can take the computer out of the dinosaur but you can’t take the dinosaur out of the computer. ", "This dinosaur has a mega-BITE! ", "This is one computer that um, has itunes and uh… it will eat you.", "\n\nTWITTER\n\nFORMSPRING" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This article is more than 1 year old\n\nThis article is more than 1 year old\n\nPolice are investigating a hate crime after racist graffiti was written outside a mosque in Lancashire.", "\n\nIt is believed the offence took place at the Masjid-e-Salaam mosque in Fulwood, Preston, some time overnight between Thursday and Friday. ", "The graffiti has since been removed.", "\n\nThe mosque’s Twitter account posted a photograph of the words scrawled at the site entrance, alongside a photograph after it was cleaned up.", "\n\nAn accompanying message read: “Before and after … all cleaned up in readiness for the main Friday prayers. ", "Our mosque is open for all and do not harbour any evil for those who wish otherwise.”", "\n\nCh Insp Gary Crowe of Preston police said: “Hate incidents and crimes of any kind are not acceptable. ", "There is no place for hate in Lancashire.", "\n\n“We are making a number of inquiries, including looking at CCTV, to find out who is responsible for this crime. ", "We are maintaining contact with the mosque and patrols have been increased in the area.", "\n\n“If you have any information or saw anything suspicious in the area last night or in the early hours of this morning, please come forward.”" ]
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[ "If you are a follower of futuristic high-speed transport systems you’ll have had your fill of high-speed trains, you’ll mourn the passing of Concorde and be looking forward to future supersonic passenger aircraft. ", "Unless you have a small fortune to pay for a spaceplane tourist flight at an unspecified time in the future, life is going to feel a little slow.", "\n\nThere is one spark of light in this relative gloom though, in the form of Elon Musk’s Hyperloop. ", "A partially evacuated tube in which vehicles, or “pods” can accelerate to very high speeds. ", "SpaceX may not be pursuing it themselves, but they’ve made it available for others and to promote it they are running a competition in which they have invited teams to submit pod designs. ", "And as a significant number of teams have made it through the first round and are prepared to compete outside SpaceX’s headquarters, Business Insider have a look at all the teams and their prototype pods.", "\n\nWith a couple of exceptions from a commercial entry and a high school, all of the entrants are backed by universities. ", "They hail from all over the world, as far away as the Netherlands, Japan, and Australia, and their craft will compete in timed runs over a three-quarter mile scaled-down Hyperloop tube constructed on the highway outside the SpaceX lot. ", "It is interesting to note the different design strategies taken, such as the choice of magnetic or pneumatic levitation, or even in some cases riding on conventional wheels.", "\n\nWhether or not we will all be using Hyperloops in decades to come or whether it will go the way of the 19th century atmospheric railways remains to be seen, however it remains one of the more exciting emerging transport technologies of the moment. ", "We’ve reported in the past on plans for a different test track, we’ll try to keep you updated with any future developments." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nC++ Builder XE2: How to convert String to a wchar_t*\n\nI have the SHBrowseForFolder to popup and work fine, but I would like to set the Title. ", "I know it has to be a wchar_t* and when I use a const like (wchar_t*)L\"My Title\" the title is shown correct.", "\nBut if I try to use a String value I only get the first letter 'M', it's like the wide string has been converted to new wide string once again, pading each character with a nul.", "\nWinapi::Shlobj::BROWSEINFO bi = {0};\nbi.hwndOwner = Handle;\nbi.ulFlags = BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE | BIF_EDITBOX | BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER;\nbi.lpszTitle = String(\"My Title\").w_str(); // This only shows the 'M'\n//bi.lpszTitle = (wchar_t*)\"My Title\"; // This shows the full string 'My Title'\nLPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder((_browseinfoA*)&bi);\n\nif ( pidl !", "= 0 ) {\n\n // free memory used\n IMalloc *imalloc = 0;\n if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&imalloc))) {\n imalloc->Free(pidl);\n imalloc->Release();\n }\n}\n\nThe documentation for UnicodeString all conversion functions c_str(),t_str() and w_str() all returns a wchar_t* but the declaration shows WideChar*.", "\nAny ideas how to make this code work together with a String?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe fact that you are type-casting your bi variable to a _browseinfoA* when calling SHBrowseForFolder() tells me that the \"_TCHAR maps to\" option in your Project Options is set to \"char\" instead of \"wchar_t\". ", " That means your code is actually calling SHBrowseForFolderA() instead of SHBrowseForFolderW(). ", "In XE2, the Winapi::Shlobj::BROWSEINFO structure always maps to ::BROWSEINFOW, regardless of the _TCHAR setting. ", " BROWSEINFOW is a Unicode structure, not an ANSI structure. ", " So you are forcing Unicode data to be passed to an Ansi function. ", " Yes, there is extra padding that is truncating the data, because you are passing the wrong data in the first place.", "\nYou need to stop using type-casts. ", " They are hiding errors in your code that the compiler would normally have complained about. ", " C/C++ is a strongly typed language. ", " Using type-casts bypasses the compiler's data type validations.", "\nTo fix your code, you need to either:\n1) use the generic BROWSEINFO structure from the global namespace instead of the Winapi::Shlobj namespace, so it matches the encoding of the generic SHBrowseForFolder() function:\n::BROWSEINFO bi = {0}; \nbi.hwndOwner = Handle; \nbi.ulFlags = BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE | BIF_EDITBOX | BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER; \nbi.lpszTitle = TEXT(\"My Title\");\nLPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); \nif ( pidl !", "= NULL ) { \n // free memory used \n CoTaskMemFree(pidl); \n} \n\n2) continue using BROWSEINFO from the Winapi::Shlobj namespace but call SHBrowseForFolderW() directly instead to match the Unicode encoding:\nWinapi::Shlobj::BROWSEINFO bi = {0}; \nbi.hwndOwner = Handle; \nbi.ulFlags = BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE | BIF_EDITBOX | BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER; \nbi.lpszTitle = L\"My Title\";\nLPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolderW(&bi); \nif ( pidl !", "= NULL) { \n // free memory used \n CoTaskMemFree(pidl); \n}\n\nOn a separate note, regardless of which approach you take, you cannot use a temporary String as the Title value. ", " The String will go out of scope before SHBrowseForFolder() is called, leaving the BROWSEINFO::lpszTitle field pointing at invalid memory. ", " If you want to use a String then you need to use a local variable for it, eg:\nString sTitle = \"My Title\";\n...\nbi.lpszTitle = sTitle.c_str();\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Your browser is no longer supported\n\nAR Reader's call for the practical application of theory\n\n25 April 2012 | By Bruce Buckland\n\nBruce Buckland argues that a greater emphasis on the application of theory in The Big Rethink is required\n\nWhile The Big Rethink essays and Future Frontiers lectures at the RCA are undoubtedly helping to push forward architectural theory, a greater emphasis on practical application of the theory is required.", "\n\nThe key to achieving large scale change in architectural practice must surely lie in incentivising clients to adopt designs based on the AQAL diagram’s ‘four-quadrant thinking’, by demonstrating the functional, aesthetic, moral, and most importantly financial benefits of doing so. ", "This is more difficult than it sounds as generally it is financially disadvantageous to design things better. ", "If architects can be the promoters of four-quadrant thinking as well as being adopters, then it will go a long way to bringing such core changes in attitude to the public.", "\n\nA digital version of Peter Buchanan’s 4th The Big Rethink essay in last month’s issue\n\nThe public view is a point worth emphasising − no matter how enlightened the architectural world is to the ways of four-quadrant thinking or its equivalents, the public is the group whose perspective on how to live must be altered if a significant social and cultural shift is to be achieved.", "\n\nI include in the definition of ‘public’ the property developers, who are the largest single contact between architectural influence and the public conscience, even if neither side realises it. ", "It seems to me though that the importance of property developers has been drastically overlooked by the architectural profession. ", "Mass produced houses have just as much, if not more architectural influence on people as starchitecture does. ", "Without much greater influence of the architectural world on mass market property development, the ideals and principles put forward by Peter Buchanan and other forward thinkers will never enter the public mind.", "\n\nAt the Future Frontiers lecture Charles Jencks and Patrik Schumacher exchanged heated views about the necessity and direction of style. ", "Style should be a visual representation of the values and principles of any given building − a view Mr Schumacher also seems to hold. ", "He is correct in searching for a new style that is relevant in the 21st century; however, I do not believe that Parametricism is quite the best suited style to do this. ", "What the new style should certainly do is instil and encourage the values of four-quadrant thinking. ", "As the face of architecture, style is a vital player in instigating social change, so developing a forward thinking and ‘four-quadrant’ style must be at the forefront of architectural theory.", "\n\nBruce Buckland, Director at Buckland Architecture, Canterbury\n\nThe Architectural Review is inviting essays. ", "letters and contributions to engage with The Big Rethink. ", "Write to areditorial@emap.com" ]
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[ "Time and technology has moved on since 1983, but the Commodore 64 continues to survive as a viable gaming platform, supported by a dedicated homebrew scene that’s combining old school programming skills with a modern-day indie mentality." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0 ]
[ "India opener Shikhar Dhawan, who occasionally bowls off-spin, has been reported for a suspect action during the recent fourth Test against South Africa, the International Cricket Council (ICC) said on Wednesday.", "\n\nIndia captain Virat Kohli called on Dhawan to bowl just three overs during South Africa’s second innings to break a dogged third-wicket stand between Hashim Amla and AB de Villiers in New Delhi.", "\n\nDhawan, who has never bowled in a one-day international or Twenty20, must undergo testing within two weeks according to ICC regulations but can continue bowling in international cricket until the result is known.", "\n\n“The match officials’ report, which was handed over to the India team management, cited concerns about the legality of the 30-year-old’s off-spin deliveries,” the ICC said in a statement.", "\n\n“Dhawan’s bowling action will now be scrutinised further under the ICC process relating to suspected illegal bowling actions reported in Tests, ODIs and T20Is.”", "\n\nIndia won the fourth Test against the world’s number one ranked side to complete a 3-0 series win." ]
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[ 0.009478672985781991, 0.015306122448979591, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Hollywood MD Real Estate & Homes For Sale\n\n51 Properties Found\n\nThe median home value in Hollywood, MD is $352,000.", "\nThis is\nhigher than\nthe county median home value of $252,100.", "\nThe national median home value is $177,414.", "\nThe average price of homes sold in Hollywood, MD is $352,000.", "\nApproximately 77.8% of Hollywood homes are owned,\ncompared to 12.57% rented, while\n9.63% are vacant.", "\nHollywood real estate listings include condos, townhomes, and single family homes for sale.", "\nCommercial properties are also available.", "\nIf you see a property you're interested in, contact a Hollywood real estate agent to arrange a tour today!", "\nLearn more about Hollywood Real Estate.", "\n\nView additional info\n\nThis is 2 lots sold as one package! ", "Home sits on 1.38Ac waterfront lot with water views, adjoining waterfront lot is 1.69Ac & is PERCED. ", "Home does need some TLC, sold as-is. ", "Could be a cozy, fixer-upper to enjoy the water and space or an opportunity to use the full 3+Ac for a new home on the water. ", "Creek runs out to Patuxent River. ", "2nd property tax#1906023843\n\nView additional info\n\nConstruction Has Started.... The \"Tappahannock\" by Quality Built Homes at Twin Ponds...One story home with Stone accents... Very Open floor plan....Lots of Upgrades...lot backs to trees and forest conservation area...Large kitchen with island, granite counter tops and toffee color Maple cabinets... FREE finished LL Rec room... $7500 towards closing costs... Ready to move in to in February\n\nView additional info\n\nThe \"Compton\" by Quality Built Homes at Broad Creek....lot backs to trees with open space on one side.... Walkout basement and deck off of kitchen... Grand kitchen with Maple cabinet color \"Linen w/coco highlight\" and granite countertop... Lots of upgrades.... FREE finished LL Rec room... $10,000 towards closing costs....Ready for move in January/February\n\nView additional info\n\nDon't let this one pass you by. ", "Custom built & Impeccably kept home with water view. ", "Detached 2 car garage, 3 large(r)(est) sheds and fenced in back yard with 6' fence. ", "MBR on lower level with a beautiful upgraded super Master Bath. ", "Beautiful wood floors throughout entire house. ", "Beautiful deck and patio off the back. ", "Whole house water softener and filter. ", "Modern o/s washer and dryer convey.", "\n\nView additional info\n\nTHREE BEDROOM 1.5 BA. ", "TRAILER HAS A FOUNDATION. ", "NEED TO CHECK AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH IT AS IT IS SOLD AS IS. ", "MAY HAVE TENANTS IN PROPERTY RENTING MONTH TO MONTH. ", "LOTS OF POTENTIAL HERE. ", "195 FEET ON CUCKOLD CREEK PUBLIC PIER AND BOAT RAMP\n\nView additional info\n\nThe \"Belmont\" by Quality Built Homes at Broad Creek...construction has started....Lots of upgrades.... FREE finished LL Rec room..... $10,000 towards closing costs...ready for move in February 2017.... Come visit the Belmont model home and sales office in Broad Creek to see how Big and beautiful the Belmont floor plan is for your next new home\n\nView additional info\n\nThis lovely home features 18' x 33' above ground pool (with new pump), extensive decking, cherry cabinets and tile floor in kitchen, loads of room. ", "The separate laundry room has new washer/dryer, master bedrm has walk in closet, and your comfort is assured with a heat pump with oil backup, as well as ceiling fans. ", "Outside there are 2 storage sheds, as well as storage space under the deck.", "\n\nView additional info\n\nVERY UNIQUE WATERFRONT RAMBLER WITH CUSTOM COLONIAL REPLICA TOUCHES ON SOUGHT AFTER CUCKOLD CREEK. ", "HAND HEWN WOOD FLOORS IN BOTH FAMILY ROOMS. ", "THREE BEDROOMS AND 2 FULL BATHS. ", "ALL NEW APPLIANCES IN KITCHEN & NEW WASHER AND DRYER. ", "LARGE FIREPLACE IN FAMILY ROOM OVERLOOKING THE WATER. ", "DETACHED TWO CAR GARAGE AND PIER WITH GREAT VIEW TO THE WATER.", "\n\nView additional info\n\nIMMACULATE SINGLE STORY HOME IN SOUGHT AFTER HOLLYWOOD LOCATION. ", "MANY RECENT IMPROVEMENTS! ", "BEAUTIFUL HARDWOOD FLOORS IN MOST ROOMS, RENOVATED KITCHEN WITH STAINLESS STEEL APPLIANCES, UPDATED BATHS, FRESH PAINT, BRAND NEW ROOF, FURNACE AND SO MUCH MORE. ", "SHOWS LIKE A NEW HOUSE! ", "DETACHED 2 CAR GAR./WORKSHOP WITH \"SUMMER KITCHEN\", SCREEN PORCH AND IN-GROUND POOL. ", "SEE LIST OF UPDATES IN DOCUMENTS.", "\n\nView additional info\n\nGet ready to move. ", "You just found what you've been looking for 4 bedroom rambler 3 full baths all on one level. ", "Private owners suite. ", "Second master bedroom with full bath. ", "Nice lot. ", "Quiet subdivision with no HOA's. ", "Plenty of parking on the blacktop driveway. ", "Great front porch for relaxing. ", "2 Car garage with attic storage. ", "Fresh paint. ", "Convenient Location. ", "Don't miss out. ", "Make that call today.", "\n\nView additional info\n\nThe perfect getaway home has arrived! ", "This spacious home with expansive water views and private beach access can now be yours! ", "The perfect home for relaxation and entertaining; your friends and family will love the calming aura brought on by the cool breeze and additional features including your own pool, hot tub, multiple porches and more. ", "Open House on 9/3/16 from 11am-5pm!", "\n\nView additional info\n\nThe \"Lancaster\" by Quality Built Homes at Broad Creek.... Lots of space for the whole family in this big and beautiful 5 bdrm home with study and finished Lower level.... Grand kitchen with granite and SS appliances.... large tiled shower in MBath with whirlpool tub.... Lots of upgrades....FREE finished LL Rec room.... $10,000 towards closing costs... ready for move in Now!", "\n\nView additional info\n\nPriced Reduced 10K,Solid Brick 3 Bed 2 1/2 Bath Rambler located in central St. Mary's County. ", "Great investment property, Fully finished basement with fire place,Work shop, Rec. ", "Room and Bedroom. ", "All hardwood floors on main level with large dining room off kitchen. ", "Located just minuets from Pax. ", "Air Station. ", "Sitting on close to an Acre Lot. ", "Priced Well Below Assessed Value.", "\n\nThe data on this web site comes in part from Metropolitan Regional Information Systems (MRIS). ", "The listings presented on behalf of MRIS may come from many different brokers but all MRIS listings may not be visible on this site. ", "Information is believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.", "\n\n*Assumes 4.26% APR, 20% down payment, and conventional 30-year fixed rate first mortgage on a single family, primary residence. ", "The monthly payment you enter includes only principal and interest. ", "Additional required amounts such as taxes, insurance, home owner association dues, assessments, mortgage insurance premiums, flood insurance or other such required payments should also be considered. ", "Not all individuals will qualify for a mortgage loan based on the payment entered. ", "Rates cited are for instructional purposes only; current rates are subject to change at any time without notice. ", "Contact your mortgage company for current rates and additional information.", "\n\n# Some services including Mortgage, Insurance and Title & Settlement are provided by the Long & Foster Family of Companies.", "\n\nThe data relating to real estate on this website comes in part from the Broker Reciprocity/IDX (Internet Data Exchange) Program of the New River Valley Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. are marked with the Broker Reciprocity logo (IDX) and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing broker. ", "IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. ", "The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the (IDX) Internet Data Exchange Program of the Albemarle Area Association of Realtors, Multiple Listing Service. ", "Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than the Realtor owner of this website are marked with the Internet Data Exchange logo (IDX) or the Internet Data Exchange brief/thumbnail logo and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing firm. ", "Information on this website is provided exclusively for consumers personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. ", "Although the Multiple Listing Service of The Roanoke Valley is the single source for these listings, listing data appearing on this web site does not necessarily reflect the entirety of all available listings within the Multiple Listing Service. ", "All listing data is refreshed regularly, but its accuracy is subject to market changes. ", "All copyrights and intellectual property rights are the exclusive property of the Multiple Listing Service of The Roanoke Valley. ", "Whether obtained from a search result or otherwise, visitors to this web site may only use this listing data for their personal, non-commercial benefit. ", "The unauthorized retrieval or use of this listing data is prohibited." ]
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[ "by: Shyguy19\n\nan image from Shyguy19 Uploaded about 3 years ago\n\nBookmark & Share" ]
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[ "Mortar Launched at Western Negev\n\nTerrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza launched a mortar shell at the western Negev between 10:30 and 11:00 Tuesday morning. ", "Authorities looked for the exact landing spot of a shell that landed in the Netivot area.", "\n\nIt's the first firing since Sunday, when Hamas and other groups declared a cease fire." ]
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[ 0.00641025641025641, 0.011235955056179775, 0.011363636363636364 ]
[ "Relatively few children with rapidly shifting moods and high energy have bipolar disorder, though such symptoms are commonly associated with the disorder. ", "Instead, most of these children have other types of mental disorders, according to an NIMH-funded study published online ahead of print in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry on October 5, 2010.", "\n\nBackground\n\nSome parents who take their child to a mental health clinic for assessment report that the child has rapid swings between emotions (usually anger, elation, and sadness) coupled with extremely high energy levels. ", "Some researchers suggest that this is how mania—an important component of bipolar disorder—appears in children. ", "How mania and bipolar disorder are defined in children is important because rapid mood swings and high energy are common among youth.", "\n\nIn the Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms (LAMS) study, Robert Findling, M.D., of Case Western Reserve University, and colleagues assessed 707 children, ages 6-12, who were referred for mental health treatment. ", "Of the participants, 621 were rated as having rapid swings between emotions and high energy levels, described as \"elevated symptoms of mania\" (ESM-positive). ", "Parents of the other 86 children did not report rapid mood swings. ", "These participants were deemed ESM-negative.", "\n\nResults of the Study\n\nAt baseline, all but 14 participants had at least one mental disorder, and many had two or more. ", "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was the most frequent diagnosis, affecting roughly 76 percent in both the ESM-positive and ESM-negative groups. ", "However, only 39 percent were receiving treatment with a stimulant, the most common medication treatment for ADHD, at the start of the study.", "\n\nOnly 11 percent of those with rapid mood swings and high energy (69 out of 621) and 6 percent of those without these symptoms (5 out of 86) had bipolar disorder, meaning that only this small percentage had ever experienced a manic episode, as defined by the current diagnostic system. ", "Of the children with rapid mood swings and high energy, another 12 percent (75 children) had a form of bipolar disorder that includes much shorter manic episodes.", "\n\nCompared to children without rapid mood swings and high energy, those with these symptoms:\n\nReported more symptoms of depression, anxiety, manic symptoms, and symptoms of ADHD\n\nHad lower functioning at home, school, or with peers\n\nWere more likely to have a disruptive behavior disorder (oppositional defiant disorder and/or conduct disorder).", "\n\nSignificance\n\nGiven that 75 percent of ESM-positive youth did not meet the diagnostic criteria for any bipolar disorder, the researchers suggest that bipolar disorder may not be common among children who experience rapid swings between emotions and high energy levels. ", "Nevertheless, children with these symptoms experience significant impairments due to mood and behavior problems.", "\n\nThe researchers also noted that ESM-positive and ESM-negative youth were prescribed psychotropic medications—including antipsychotics—at similar rates. ", "Further study may provide insight into how serious mental illnesses should be treated in children.", "\n\nWhat's Next\n\nThe study participants will be re-assessed every 6 months for up to 5 years, allowing the LAMS researchers to determine which children with rapid mood swings and high energy develop bipolar disorder later in life. ", "Such research may inform efforts to identify early markers or predictors of the illness as well as possible protective factors." ]
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[ "Supreme Court stays CBI probe in Bulandshahr gangrape case\n\nAugust 29, 2016, 5:47 PM IST\n\nNew Delhi: In a significant development in the Bulandshahr gangrape case, the Supreme Court on Friday stayed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe until the issue of transfer of trail is decided.", "\n\nThe apex court has appointed Fali Nariman as amicus curiae and sought his assistance in the case.", "\n\nEarlier in the day, the apex court issued a notice to the Uttar Pradesh Government and senior Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Azam Khan over a Bulandshahr rape victims’ plea seeking a transfer of the case out of the state.", "\n\nWhile issuing a notice, the apex court pulled up both the Samajwadi Party-led state government and Azam Khan for their unwarranted comments.", "\n\nThe Supreme Court said that calling an incident of rape a ‘conspiracy’ cannot be called freedom of speech and that it defeats principles of constitutional compassion.", "\n\nThe apex court also said that statements issued by political leaders like Azam Khan, affect the public and to create mistrust in the investigation and the entire system.", "\n\nKhan had earlier hinted at a political conspiracy behind the gang-rape of the mother-daughter duo in Bulandshahr.", "\n\nKhan said that a desperate opposition could stoop to any level to defame and disgrace the government since the state elections are approaching.", "\n\nHowever, the Samajwadi Party leader defended his remarks.", "\n\n“I never said there is a conspiracy by the opposition. ", "I said that as the elections are near, we all should find from where these protests and incidents are coming from. ", "I never said that this was a conspiracy by the opposition,” Khan told ANI in Lucknow.", "\n\n“If we were not sensitive about them, then how can such a quick response have been made? ", "It is because of their pain that we are saying that the accused should be arrested as soon as possible and a proper investigation should be done to find out the truth. ", "This case requires strict action,” he added.", "\n\nThe incident took place earlier on the intervening night of 29-30 July when a 35-year-old woman and her daughter were allegedly gang-raped by a group of robbers in Bulandshahr district.", "\n\nThe victims were on their way from Noida to Shahjahanpur with the other family members when their vehicle was stopped near a cycle repairing shop in Dostpur village on NH-9, which connects Noida and Bulandshahr." ]
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[ 0.02711864406779661, 0.020202020202020204, 0.01818181818181818, 0.014084507042253521, 0.005952380952380952, 0.005847953216374269, 0.008695652173913044, 0.006896551724137931, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004694835680751174 ]
[ "How Google Glass Will Revolutionize 9 Industries\n\nGoogle Glass, the search giant's internet-connected glasses prototype, is one of the most exciting products to come around in a while.", "\n\nThat's because the implications are huge.", "\n\nGlass will bring everyday activities closer to our senses, and enhance our interactions with our surroundings. ", "We'll be more connected to the Internet than we ever have before and we'll be able to see useful images and data overlaid onto the real world.", "\n\nAs of now, Google Glass can do things like record video, send text messages, provide translations, and give directions.", "\n\nBut Google has been holding hackathons for developers to come up with more ways to use Glass. ", "The search giant also recently held a competition to give everyday people a chance to get their hands on Glass and its API. ", "Anyone who wanted Glass had to write on either Twitter or Google+ what they would do with Glass and include the hashtag #ifihadglass.", "\n\nGPS\n\nConventional GPS is essentially already dead because so many people have the same service on their phones. ", "But since many states ban the use of cell phones while driving, Google Glass will be a great alternative. ", "Sure, you could pull up the directions before you start driving and even receive voice-based turn-by-turn directions. ", "But people still like to see where they're going — and Glass does that.", "\n\nHollywood\n\nGoogle Glass will open up the doors to more creative types of videography.", "\n\nA few of the possibilities: real-time notifications for your flight status, a map for available outlets in the boarding area, taxi fare estimates for when you're leaving the airport, real-time garage capacity information, and directions to the baggage claim area.", "\n\nHealth care\n\nDoctors and surgeons could ask Glass for real-time updates of a patient's vital signs. ", "They could also use Glass for educational purposes.", "\n\n\"Imagine this, the surgeon whilst operating can see an overlay of a patients individual anatomy (obtained from pre operative scans) on top of their visual field,\" Andrew Chow, a surgeon and entrepreneur, posited on Quora. \"", "They therefore know exactly where to cut, exactly where the tumour lies, exactly where to avoid damaging that crucial structure, the position of that blood vessel that's going to cause a lot of blood loss etc. ", "This could have an impact upon patient care and outcomes on so many levels.\"", "\n\nGuides and tours\n\nFuture versions of Google Glass could function as your own personal tour guide. ", "Google already has Field Trip, the app that provides information basd on where you are. ", "Glass with Field Trip could overlay the history of a museum as you walk by it. ", "Inside a museum, Glass could guide you through a museum and even provide additional information on works of art. ", "As of now, Google Glass doesn't offer indoor directions.", "\n\nEducation\n\nUsing Google Glass in the classroom has vast implications. ", "Students could live-stream the lecture to classmates who are out sick that day, while still being able to pay attention. ", "On the other hand, students will have access to all the answers they need right in front of them while taking a test. ", "That means schools will need to determine the best use cases for Glass in the classroom.", "\n\nBut Glass also has vast implications for language learning since it can provide real-time, text-based language translations of what people are saying.", "\n\nLaw enforcement\n\nGoogle Glass could one day help police officers identify known criminals — a fairly feasible task given that Google already has facial recognition software.", "\n\nAlready, a company called Golden-i has created a headset for use by law enforcement. ", "It features facial recognition, the ability to scan license plates instantly, monitor vital signs, and remotely control other devices.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nGoogle has said that it doesn't have any plans for advertising on Glass, but Glass could entirely change the way we interact with brands and businesses. ", "Deals could pop up whenever you walk by a business offering a discount, or maybe even when you're drinking a cup of coffee.", "\n\nGoogle gets all its consumer data from Gmail, web searches, YouTube, and Google+. ", "So it knows a lot about what we do, where we go, and what we buy. ", "Imagine walking by a store and an ad pops up for a pair of shoes from your favorite designer. ", "Ads on Glass could be highly personal, so it's no surprise advertisers are begging to get them." ]
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[ "Kids Clothing By Brand\n\nNike Kids Hypervenom Phantom III DF FG - Black/White/Game Royal\n\nPart of the Pitch Dark Pack, the Nike kids Hypervenom Phantom III DF FG football boots has been re-engineered to ensure better lockdown, more agility and greater power on firm ground.", "\n\nPRO Online Price\n\n£150.00\n\n150.00\n\nUK\n\nEU\n\nUS\n\nSizeQuantity\n\nItem Details\n\nDelivery\n\nCUT. ", "STRIKE. ", "SCORE.", "\n\nEvolved to provide deadly strikers like Robert Lewandowski, Harry Kane and Marcus Rashford with the ultimate weapon in front of goal, the Nike Hypervenom Phantom III has been re-engineered to ensure better lockdown, more agility and greater power.", "\n\nFIT:\n\nFor the first time in the Hypervenom’s history, the Phantom boasts a one-piece Flyknit constructed upper, which integrates areas of high breathability, stretch and support, while the tongueless design virtually eliminates any seams.", "\n\nFor increased lockdown, the Hypervenom’s Flywire cables wrap the midfoot and work with the laces to provide stability during lateral movements. ", "An internal heel counter cups the foot, while the anatomically contoured Nike Grip sockliner helps eliminate foot movement within the boot.", "\n\nDesigned to ensure further stability during lateral movements, the Dynamic Fit collar features a redesigned agility cuff, which has an asymmetrical construction to fit the natural shape of your ankle bones.", "\n\nTOUCH:\n\nThe asymmetrical lacing system on the Phantom expands your area of control on the ball, while PORON foam pods in the Hyper-Reactive strike zone are rate dependent. ", "Meaning at low velocity they help create a dampening soft touch on the ball, but activating rigidity when striking the ball at high velocity to provide a firm launching pad for a true strike.", "\n\nTo enhance control on the ball in both wet and dry conditions, the upper is applied with All Conditions Control (ACC) Technology.", "\n\nTRACTION:\n\nBuilt for lateral cuts and sharp turns, the Hypervenom features a mix of hexagonal and chevron shaped studs to help aid rotational and lateral traction on firm ground.", "\n\nFast Delivery\n\nORDER BY 5PM FOR NEXT DAY DELIVERY within the UK Mainland, options will be given in the basket.", "\n\nAs the World's Largest Online Soccer Store, Pro-Direct Soccer offers competitive rates on worldwide delivery to bring you the latest products from the biggest brands.", "\nPlease select your destination from the list below to see delivery options and costs." ]
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[ "Major Myo Min Htun, a deputy commander from the Burma army's Infantry Battalion No. ", "137, is directly responsible for the torture of reverend Ram Mai in September in northern Kachin state's Putao district, according to officials from the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC). ", "The KBC is the largest church organization in Kachin state where a majority of the Kachin population is Baptist.", "\n\nFour soldiers under Major Myo Min's command tortured Ram Mai after detaining him in his home in Nhka Ga village, according to Reverend Lama Yaw who visited Nhka Ga late last month. ", "Ram Mai was originally arrested after government troops found an old hunting rifle in his home in Nhka Ga where he is the local Baptist church's most senior preacher.", "\n\nDuring a meeting with KBC officials shortly after the pastor was released from four days of detention, Major General Tun Tun Naung, chief of the Burma Army’s Northern Regional Military Command acknowledged that Ram Mai was interrogated by government troops. ", "The meeting which took place on September 18th was attended by KBC General Secretary Rev. Dr. Hkalam Samsun.", "\n\nBurma army increases presence at Nhka Ga village\n\nOver the past few weeks the Burma army has dramaticly increased its presence at Nhka Ga village, once a stronghold of the the Kachin Independence Army's (KIA) Battalion 7, according to the KBC's Rev. Lama Yaw.", "\n\nThe estimated 200 troops stationed in Nhka Ga have been busy preparing bunkers and fortifying their camp. ", "Since government forces took control of the village in early September they have prevented the remaining 53 villagers leaving, Rev. Lama Yaw said.", "\n\nAll communication with the village has been severely restricted by government forces who also confiscated most the residents ID documents.", "\n\nKBC has repeatedly requested that all the remaining villagers in Hka Ga villagers be evacuated to a KBC camp at Nawng Hkai. ", "According to KBC the request was rejected by Col. ", "Tin Myo Hlaing, head of the Putao Military Strategic Command. ", "Similar requests by KBC to officials with the Kachin state government have also been ignored.", "\n\nKBC asks UN envoy Nambiar to help evacuate Nhka Ga residents\n\nOn October 11, several senior KBC officials met with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special envoy to Burma, Vijay Nambiar. ", "During the meeting the KBC representatives asked Nambiar to have the UN assist in the evacuation of the remaining 53 villagers from Nhka Ga, Rev. Lama Yaw told the Kachin News Group. ", "KBC asked the UN to become involved because military and civilian officials ignored all requests to let the villagers leave from Nhka Ga, Rev. Lama Yaw said.", "\n\nIt is unclear what follow up steps Nambiar and his UN colleagues have taken since KBC met with the veteran Indian diplomat." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRight align currency in string format\n\nI'm trying to align some currency to the right:\ndouble number1 = 150.45;\ndouble number2 = 1400.95;\n\n//Output kr. ", "150,45\nConsole.", "WriteLine(\"{0:c2}\", number1);\n\n//Output kr. ", "1.400,95\nConsole.", "WriteLine(\"{0:c2}\", number2);\n\nBut I want my output to look like this.", "\n//Output kr. ", " 150.45\n\n//Output kr. ", "1.400,95\n\nWhere the number is aligned to the right?", "\n\nA:\n\nit's rather hard for the system to say how many places your numbers have. ", "So you have to decide this yourself. ", "If you have decided you can use something like String.", "PadLeft\nFor example\nConsole.", "WriteLine(\"kr. {", "0}\", number1.ToString(\"#,##0.00\").PadLeft(10,' '));\n\nA:\n\n string sym = CultureInfo.", "CurrentCulture.", "NumberFormat.", "CurrencySymbol;\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"{0}{1,10:#,##0.00}\",sym, number1);\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"{0}{1,10:#,##0.00}\",sym, number2);\n\nideone output \n\n" ]
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[ "The Australian super middleweight title is up for grabs when challenger Tim Tszyu takes on defending champion Joel Camilleri at Sydney’s Star Casino tonight. ", "Join The Roar for a live blog of the action from around 8:45pm (AEST).", "\n\nTim Tszyu is the 24-year-old son of Russian-born boxing legend Kostya, who famously emigrated to Australia in the early 1990s and went on to become the undisputed world super lightweight champion in the early 2000s.", "\n\nSydney-raised Tim has the same facial features as his famous father, but he’s taller and heavier. ", "He’s campaigning at super welterweight and is unbeaten in his 12 career fights so far, winning 10 by KO.", "\n\nKostya also had an aggressive style, with 25 of his 31 career wins coming by way of KO. ", "He finished with a career record of 31-2.", "\n\nAll the hype is around Tim heading into this fight and he’s the heavy favourite. ", "But defending champion Joel Camilleri will be determined to spoil the party. ", "The 28-year-old Victorian won the Australian title in his last fight in February, stopping New Zealand-born Queenslander Billy Limov in five rounds in an impressive performance.", "\n\nThe undercard will feature 2012 Olympian Jai Opetaia (16-0) who’ll fight at cruiserweight, as well as ex-NRL star Justin Hodges in his second professional bout in the heavyweight division.", "\n\nPrediction\nTszyu to seize his opportunity and deliver an impressive performance in securing a late stoppage, but he won’t have it all his own way." ]
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[ "The Initial Area Under the Curve Derived from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Improves Prognosis Prediction in Glioblastoma with Unmethylated MGMT Promoter.", "\nAlthough perfusion and permeability MR parameters have known to have prognostic value, they have reproducibility issues. ", "Our aim was to evaluate whether the initial area under the time-to-signal intensity curve (IAUC) derived from dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging can improve prognosis prediction in patients with glioblastoma with known MGMT status. ", "We retrospectively examined 88 patients with glioblastoma who underwent preoperative dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging. ", "The means of IAUC values at 30 and 60 seconds (IAUC30mean and IAUC60mean) were extracted from enhancing tumors. ", "The prognostic values of IAUC parameters for overall survival and progression-free survival were assessed with log-rank tests, according to the MGMT status. ", "Multivariate overall survival and progression-free survival models before and after adding the IAUC parameters as covariates were explored by net reclassification improvement after receiver operating characteristic analysis for 1.5-year overall survival and 1-year progression-free survival and by random survival forest. ", "High IAUC parameters were associated with worse overall survival and progression-free survival in the unmethylated MGMT group, but not in the methylated group. ", "In the unmethylated MGMT group, 1.5-year overall survival and 1-year progression-free survival prediction improved significantly after adding IAUC parameters (overall survival area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.86; progression-free survival area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.74-0.76) to the model with other prognostic factors (overall survival area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.81; progression-free survival area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.69; P < .05 for all) except in the case of IAUC60mean for 1-year progression-free survival prediction (P = .059). ", "Random survival forest models indicated that the IAUC parameters were the second or most important predictors in the unmethylated MGMT group, except in the case of the IAUC60mean for progression-free survival. ", "IAUC can be a useful prognostic imaging biomarker in patients with glioblastoma with known MGMT status, improving prediction of glioblastoma prognosis with the unmethylated MGMT promoter status." ]
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[ "Whether you’re wealthy or not, and whether your estate planning issues are complicated or simple, if you have a child under age 18, you need a Will, because you should nominate a guardian for your child.", "\n\nThe guardian will act for your child (the “ward”) with the range of parental responsibilities and authority you’d have, if you were living.", "\n\nWhen appointing a guardian, the District Court appoints the person or entity who would be in the best interest of the minor, taking into consideration the person or entity nominated by the last surviving parent, or by the minor\n\nIf you think your child between age 14 and 18 will nominate someone as guardian you don’t think is optimal (or even suitable), your Will should state your preference for the guardian you want, and explain why you think that person is better than other alternatives.", "\n\nWhile there is no guarantee the court will prioritize your preference for a guardian over your child’s, as the Kentucky Lottery once famously said: “you can’t win if you don’t play.”", "\n\nPeople often decide between renting or buying a place to live based on preferences and instinct: What do you want to do?", "\n\nIf they are incrementally more analytical, they may explore “how much house” they can “afford”. ", "This approach is grounded in capabilities. ", "What can you do?", "\n\nI think the most useful approach to important financial planning decisions like buying vs. renting your home is one grounded in optimization: What should you do?", "\n\nOwning a house has costs – lots of them. ", "These include mortgage payments of principal and interest, property taxes, and homeowners’ insurance. ", "While you own a house, you have to maintain it, and when you sell it, you’ll pay real estate commissions.", "\n\nOwning a house also has benefits, including the rent you don’t pay, and the “forced savings” feature of paying down principal on your mortgage over time.", "\n\nSweet Briar was pressured by declining enrollment and a deterioration in pricing power. ", "The board’s decision to yield to this trend while the college still has a large endowment to help fund an orderly wind-down is, perhaps, responsible.", "\n\nYet it’s still quite painful and abrupt for faculty, students, staff, and alumnae.", "\n\nA more open conversation about how to best serve Sweet Briar’s mission of being a cohesive, rural community for the liberal arts education of young women might have developed options.", "\n\nI can think of several — a boarding school offering a post-graduate year with transferable college credit, a think tank focused on women’s education, or an intensive freshman year liberal arts program governed by a consortium of research universities (perhaps Southern ones).", "\n\nThese outcomes would have preserved the place and its memories for alumnae, even in changed circumstances. ", "It’s unclear, though, whether those options were considered. ", "Some alumnae are exploring legal options, but it may be too late to do anything effective.", "\n\nThe Sweet Briar story made me think about whether a Kentucky nonprofit corporation could be designed to avoid an episode like the college’s abrupt closure. ", "I think it could be done rather easily.", "\n\nI believe effective life cycle estate and financial planning is anchored in the Quadrant of Facts, Forecasts, Life Stages, and Unexpected Events. ", "Over the past several weeks, ten posts covered a lot of territory about Facts and Forecasts.", "\n\nThis is a pivot point at which we begin exploring planning issues in the first of several Life Stages: Early Adulthood. ", "when one is post-college but still single.", "\n\nEarly Adulthood has several Facts, but the biggest one is Time: you have a lot of it, because your life expectancy is long. ", "Over time, small variances in human capital formation (the driver of future earning power) or savings rate in Early Adulthood compound into very large differences in your Total Income Statement and Total Balance Sheet. ", "Another Fact of Early Adulthood tends to be a relatively low income.", "\n\nEarly Adulthood is invariably a time of Forecasts: Where is the best city to live? ", "Will this person make a good spouse? ", "What career will make you happy? ", "Will your career succeed? ", "Like any Forecasts, these may turn out to be wrong. ", "In Early Adulthood, it’s particularly important to build resiliency into your planning in the event your Forecasts miss the mark.", "\n\nCareer development is one of the two key projects of Early Adulthood (the other is family formation). ", "Three key elements of career development include skills acquisition (making sure you’re good at doing something), career exploration (finding something to do that you like), and networking (coaxing serendipity to work in your favor). ", "Over the years, I’ve identified what I think are three “best in breed” resources for each of these elements.", "\n\nFor those reading this post who are not Early Adults, these books would make great gifts for Early Adults you know (although yes, you will run the risk of being the “Plastics” Guy from The Graduate at presentation time….)" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.0020161290322580645, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0.004484304932735426 ]
[ "The season was supposed to end when Niklas secured the silver in the european championship and in the Italian cup for Trofeo Abarth Cup. ", "However, his success didnīt go unnoticed and it didnīt take long before Maserati called him and offered him a test drive. ", "Niklas did an impressive test drive which resulted in a new offer from Maserati: the finale in Trofeo Maserati Championship! ", "So this weekend Niklas headed down to Abu Dhabi and the beautiful Yas Marina circuit for this great challenge. ", "However, his season filled with technical problems and other obstacles, seemed to follow him down to Abu Dhabi as a broken servo pump finally had him break the race. ", "Until then he had managed to qualify to start as 8th car in the finale. ", "Very impressive considering he had never driven the car before. ", "Even though Niklas had an unlucky end to the year we are very impressed of what he achieved this season and we wish him all the best in 2015 - Go Niklas!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0.016, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301 ]
[ "HTC One max vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 3\n\nIt seems like everyone is making a phablet these days. ", "HTC is the latest to get in on the super-sizing action, with its humongous version of the HTC One, the One max. ", "How does it compare to the current phablet prototype, the Galaxy Note 3? ", "Read on, as Gizmag compares the latest giant-sized phones from HTC and Samsung.", "\n\nSize\n\nWhen HTC decided to go big, it went all the way. ", "As you can see, we're looking at an enormous phone that looks down on the already huge Note 3. ", "The One max is nine percent taller, five percent wider, and two percent thicker than the Note 3.", "\n\nWeight\n\nThat extra size makes its presence felt in hand, as the One max is 29 percent heavier than the Note 3.", "\n\nBuild\n\nWe're a fan of the HTC One's build, but that solid aluminum might not lend itself quite as well to a huge phablet. ", "We like the Note 3's softer feel in hand, but its faux leather (plastic) build also isn't nearly as high-end as the One's aluminum.", "\n\nColors\n\nAs far as we can tell, HTC doesn't yet have any plans for anything besides the standard silver One max. ", "The Note 3 ships in three hues.", "\n\nDisplay\n\nWhen we tested the Galaxy Note 3, we never once said \"you know what this thing needs? ", "A bigger display.\" ", "Yet that's just what HTC is delivering with the One max. ", "This sucker gives you seven percent more screen real estate than the already-enormous 5.7-in Note display.", "\n\nStylus\n\nIt's natural to compare any new phablet to the Galaxy Note series, but there is one key missing ingredient in the One max. ", "It doesn't ship with a stylus, and its software isn't designed around pen input, as much of the Note's TouchWiz is. ", "This may or may not be a big deal to you, but we do find that phablets' huge screens lend themselves well to styluses.", "\n\nFingerprint sensor\n\nEarly feedback suggests it isn't in the same league as the iPhone 5s' Touch ID, but the One max adds a fingerprint sensor nonetheless. ", "Here it sits on the back of the device, which might not be the most natural placing for such a gigantic phone.", "\n\nOne interesting feature HTC threw in is the ability to open different apps depending on which finger you swipe across the sensor. ", "The sensor's primary function, though, is to unlock your phone with your finger, while anyone else requires a passcode.", "\n\nProcessor\n\nThe Galaxy Note 3 has the newer and faster processor, though we imagine the One Max's Snapdragon 600 is only going to disappoint the most performance-picky of users.", "\n\nRAM\n\nThe Note 3 wins this category with a ridiculous 3 GB of RAM, though the One max's 2 GB is still a more than healthy amount.", "\n\nStorage\n\nJust when we thought HTC had abandoned microSD cards, it threw a compatible slot into the One max. ", "As far as internal storage goes, the base model of the Note 3 has double the amount of the One max's 16 GB.", "\n\nCameras\n\nThe One max has the same UltraPixel camera from its mid-sized sibling, the HTC One. ", "Though its resolution is pretty low, it takes great shots, including some of the best low-light photography we've seen on a smartphone.", "\n\nLTE\n\nBoth phones have LTE radios. ", "Well, unless you live in an area that doesn't have LTE, in which case you might get the octa-core (HSPA+) version of the Note 3. ", "If that sounds like Martian to you, then just know that HSPA+ is faster than 3G (and often marketed as 4G), but is usually slower than LTE.", "\n\nBattery\n\nWe'll have to wait to put the One max's battery through the paces, but if capacity is any indication, then it should fare just fine. ", "We've been happy with the Note 3's uptimes, and it should last a full day during any kind of \"typical\" use.", "\n\nNFC\n\nBoth devices have NFC chips, for things like local file transfers.", "\n\nCompanion smartwatch\n\nThe One max will sync with any general Android-compatible smartwatch, like the Pebble or Sony SmartWatch 2. ", "The Note 3 plays nicely with those, in addition to Samsung's own Galaxy Gear, which adds a camera, the ability to make phone calls, and limited voice control.", "\n\nInfrared\n\nBoth phablets have IR blasters, so you can change TV channels to your heart's content (after pairing with your device, of course).", "\n\nSoftware\n\nAndroid manufacturers have improved their Android up-to-date status in the last year. ", "For evidence, look at these two: both launch with the latest version of Google's OS.", "\n\nEach hulking handset also has its respective manufacturer UI sitting on top of Android. ", "HTC's Sense adds features like BlinkFeed (a homescreen-laden feed reader), and the camera app's Zoes (short video clips that can be shared as-is, or used to find that perfect still frame).", "\n\nThe Galaxy Note's TouchWiz adds most of the Galaxy S4's (largely gimmicky) software features, as well as some cool new S Pen functionality. ", "Air Command, which can be activated from anywhere by clicking the stylus, gives you quick access to features like note-scribbling and sharing, as well as screenshots that you can easily crop and annotate.", "\n\nWrap-up\n\nHTC's first phablet attempt looks to be a device without a clear angle. ", "It's basically the well-received One ... only much bigger. ", "We're not sure if the Galaxy Note series would have taken off as it has without its stylus input. ", "It differentiates the huge phones, and gives you a greater level of precision that your fingers can't give you. ", "It helped the phablet to grow into its own unique product category, rather than just a ridiculously-overgrown smartphone ... which is what the One max is looking a lot like.", "\n\nBut don't let us sway you from taking a long hard look at the One max. ", "Even if it's little more than an HTC One with a thyroid condition, there are much worse things for a device to be. ", "We still consider the standard One to be one of the better smartphones ever made, so even if a super-sized version of that isn't the best product out there, it's bound to still have some redeeming qualities.", "\n\nWill Shanklin is Gizmag's Mobile Tech Editor, and has been part of the team since 2012. ", "Will has a Master's degree from U.C. Irvine and a Bachelor's from West Virginia University. ", "He currently lives in New Mexico with his wife, Jessica.", "All articles by Will Shanklin\n\nThe redeeming quality is it will be affordable and reliable with a very decent battery life.", "\n\nNairda 16th October, 2013 @ 07:22 am PDT\n\nHi, Can you do a compare of the note 3 to the new sony phablet, please? ", "That would be great.", "\n\nuhane 16th October, 2013 @ 01:23 pm PDT\n\n...\"it's little more than an HTC One with a thyroid condition\".. ! ", "This is funny, but it is the truth!. ", "Big in size (bones only), no meat like in Note 3. ", "How in the world ca HTC have a 4 MP camera in 2013 phone! ", "It it is a shame.. I don't one that device. ", "Sorry.", "\n\nNik Kakolesha 16th October, 2013 @ 09:26 pm PDT\n\nYeah, it's all about price. ", "Is the one Max price competitive with a nexus 7?" ]
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[ "In September 2006, Peter Jackson optioned the Temeraire series.[5] Novik's books are being released in audio book format. ", "The first five were released by Books on Tape, beginning in 2007, and read by Simon Vance.[6] The sixth book was released by Tantor Audio in September 2010, also read by Vance.[7]\n\nNovik is an emeritus member of the board of the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW), a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of fan-media including fan fiction, fan videos (vids), and real-person fiction. ", "The OTW project began in 2007.[11]" ]
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[ 0.01639344262295082, 0.007334963325183374, 0.029411764705882353 ]
[ "[Studies on electroencephalographic changes after liver transplantation].", "\nEEG was performed before and after surgery in the patients who received living donor livers at our hospital between 1999 and 2001. ", "There were ten patients (6 men and 4 women) and mean ages were 37.0 years. ", "Their disorders were citrullinemia, biliary atresia, liver cirrhosis, and liver cell cancer. ", "EEG was performed at 17 sites according to 10-20 international methods. ", "Power spectra analysis using FFT was also performed. ", "We classified the ten patients into Group A, one patient; Group B, three patients; and Group C; five patients based on EEG basal activity before the operation. ", "Eight of ten patients showed improvement in EEG findings, and two patients showed no change after the operation. ", "One patient of these two patients did not show improvement in liver function after the operation. ", "The other developed cerebral infarction after the operation. ", "EEG is useful for the evaluation of brain function after the liver transplantation." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.018867924528301886, 0.025, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338 ]
[ " is the common denominator of 25/(-160)*(-2844)/90 and -53/158?", "\n1264\nLet u be ((-25)/2)/(2/(-4)). ", "Let r = -26 + u. What is the least common multiple of 12 and (0 + r)/((-25)/100)?", "\n12\nFind the common denominator of 6/(-27) - (-4196)/2520 and 54/25.", "\n350\nLet l = -23 - -26. ", "Let k be 0 - -2 - 21/l. Let o(m) = m**2 + 6*m + 11. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of 3 and o(k).", "\n6\nLet s(w) = 23*w**2 + 0*w - 7 - 22*w**2 - 3*w. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of 11 and s(-3)?", "\n11\nSuppose 0 = 5*z - 435 - 9030. ", "Let b = z - 37787/20. ", "What is the common denominator of b and 57/14?", "\n140\nLet x = 66 - 62. ", "Suppose 25*z - x = 23*z. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of z and 33.", "\n66\nLet g = 779/15600 + -9/208. ", "Let b = -3833/1200 + g. Calculate the common denominator of b and (-6 + (1 - -2))/8.", "\n16\nLet k = -151400/63 - -2404. ", "Calculate the common denominator of k and 41/15.", "\n315\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 21 - 5 - (6 - 6) and 32?", "\n32\nWhat is the common denominator of -41/6 and (2254/(-60))/23 + 2?", "\n30\nLet x = -77600 - -4966499/64. ", "What is the common denominator of x and 73/4?", "\n64\nLet a = -6 - -62. ", "Let s = a + -408/7. ", "Calculate the common denominator of s and 0 + 315/(-24) + 1.", "\n56\nLet l(i) = -i**3 + 17*i + 38. ", "Let p(g) = 2*g**2 + 5*g - 2. ", "Let k be p(-4). ", "Let q = k - -6. ", "What is the least common multiple of l(-3) and q?", "\n112\nSuppose -210 = w - 6*w. ", "Suppose 2*s + w = 5*s + 4*l, 5*s + 2*l - 70 = 0. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of ((-64)/(-20))/(2/10) and s.\n112\nSuppose -22*i = -560 + 208. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of i and 28?", "\n112\nLet w = 261364419/560 - 466722. ", "Find the common denominator of 67/20 and w.\n560\nLet k = -2 - -10. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 68/k + -3 + 2/4 and 22.", "\n66\nLet z(x) = 5*x**2 - 25*x - 34. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of z(7) and 108.", "\n108\nLet a = 3103891097/2092746 - -2/348791. ", "Let w = 1479 - a. Calculate the common denominator of (-177)/12 + (-7)/(-7) and w.\n12\nSuppose -2*z - 30 = -v, v + 5*z = -2*v + 57. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of v and (-1*(-15)/6)/((-18)/1728*-10)?", "\n24\nSuppose -5*n = -4*c + 3, -4*c - 2*n - 6 = -8*c. ", "What is the common denominator of (c - (-5)/10)/(3/(-45)) and -91/16?", "\n16\nFind the common denominator of (10/664)/((-1)/20*1) and 59/6.", "\n498\nLet d = -26 - -36. ", "Suppose -4*m = -3*j - 588, 5*j + 516 = -5*m - 429. ", "Let c = -182 - j. What is the least common multiple of c and d?", "\n10\nLet q(m) = -m**2 + 10*m - 6. ", "Let p = -772 + 776. ", "What is the least common multiple of p and q(8)?", "\n20\nFind the common denominator of 2*15/(-40) - (-38)/3 and 99/120 - (0 + 2).", "\n120\nSuppose -5*q + 2 + 8 = 0. ", "Suppose -4*h = -16, q*c = h + 71 + 41. ", "Suppose -2*x - 15 = -3*x - 3*i, 5*x - 2*i = c. What is the least common multiple of 2 and x?", "\n12\nLet y be (-12 - -11)/(1/54). ", "Let q be -15*(-6)/(y/(-15)). ", "Suppose -x + 5*n = 4*x - q, 4*n = 0. ", "What is the least common multiple of 4 and x?", "\n20\nLet p = 53419/12 + -4464. ", "Find the common denominator of p and 71/72.", "\n72\nLet z = -7265/13 - -347177/598. ", "Let j = -4887/161 + 221/7. ", "Let i = z - j. What is the common denominator of -91/10 and i?", "\n10\nLet s(l) = 5*l + 5. ", "Let b be s(8). ", "Suppose 5*m + 350 = -5*o, -5*m = 3*o - o + 341. ", "Find the common denominator of 7/12 and (m/(-25))/(18/b).", "\n60\nSuppose 0 = -v - 5*u + 27, 4*v - 18 = u - 3*u. ", "Suppose -9*g + 40 = -4*g. ", "Let q(m) = m**3 - 6*m**2 - 16*m + 8. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of q(g) and v.\n8\nSuppose 4*k + 5*x = -83, -2*x = 6*k - 2*k + 98. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of 707/63 + 6/k and 8.", "\n88\nSuppose p + p + 3*l = 28, 52 = 5*p + 3*l. ", "Find the common denominator of 80/(-9) - 3*(-5)/15 and (-13*1)/(p/24).", "\n9\nFind the common denominator of (-4)/(-22)*(-74)/(-8) and (42/4)/(33/(-77)).", "\n22\nSuppose -3*n + 44 = -n. ", "Suppose -46*v + 115 = -253. ", "What is the least common multiple of n and v?", "\n88\nLet g = -263 + 491/2. ", "What is the common denominator of g and -47/3?", "\n6\nSuppose 4*u = -u. ", "Suppose 3*l + 11 + 19 = u. What is the smallest common multiple of -1 + 4 - 1 - l and 10?", "\n60\nLet l = 50 + -34. ", "Suppose l = -4*f, 26 = 4*g + 4*f - 14. ", "Let b = -15 + 21. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of g and b.\n42\nSuppose u - 6*u = -3*y + 217, -148 = -2*y + 4*u. ", "Suppose 8*i - y = -0. ", "Suppose 4*d = -7 + 23. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of i and d.\n8\nLet j = -1/114004 + -139895/2166076. ", "Calculate the common denominator of -131/6 and j.\n1254\nLet b = -311 - -411. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of 10 and b?", "\n100\nLet f be (8 + -11)/(3/38). ", "Let a = -6 - f. What is the lowest common multiple of 6 and a?", "\n96\nLet y(x) = x**3 - 18*x**2 + 16*x + 21. ", "Let g be y(17). ", "Suppose 0 = g*m - 25 - 19. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 11 and m.\n11\nLet w = 193085/12 + -16080. ", "Find the common denominator of -49/240 and w.\n240\nFind the common denominator of 26/((-6 - 924/(-150))*30) and -15/694.", "\n4164\nSuppose -g = 1, -5*d + 2*g + 30 = 8. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of d and 926.", "\n1852\nSuppose 5*i + 3*k = 42, 4*i = -5*k + 19 + 25. ", "Let s be -5 - (3/3 + 2). ", "Let a(p) = -p**2 - 8*p + 11. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of i and a(s).", "\n66\nLet q(i) = i**3 + 12*i**2 - 14*i - 10. ", "Let m be q(-13). ", "Let x be (-1 + m - 1)*2. ", "Suppose x*f + 32 = 6*f. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of f and 14.", "\n56\nLet i = -262 + 272. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 782 and i.\n3910\nLet w = 3141 - 27919/8. ", "Let y = -348 - w. Find the common denominator of y and (-180)/55 + (0 - -1).", "\n88\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of ((-75)/50)/((-1)/30) and (-6)/10 - (-384)/15.", "\n225\nLet p be (-70555)/25 + (-3)/(-15). ", "Let n = p + 59212/21. ", "Calculate the common denominator of n and -4/3.", "\n21\nLet n = 2910767/3432 + -11018/13. ", "Let h = -106/33 + n. Let k = 78307/20 - 3917. ", "Find the common denominator of h and k.\n40\nLet q(p) = p**3 - 7*p**2 + 3*p - 15. ", "Let f be q(7). ", "Suppose 2*h = f - 4. ", "Let s(u) = 2*u**3 + u**2 + u - 1. ", "What is the least common multiple of 4 and s(h)?", "\n12\nLet h = -15 - -8. ", "Let c = 14 + h. Suppose -c*s + 5*s + 32 = 0. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of 14 and s?", "\n112\nSuppose 3*v = -3*b + 12, 1 = 4*v - 3*b - 1. ", "Let a(w) = 11*w**2 - w + 4. ", "Let f be a(v). ", "Find the common denominator of (-4)/(-48)*f/(-1) and 34/3.", "\n6\nSuppose 0 = 2*b - 6*b - 4*t + 8, 5*b = -3*t + 10. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 66/15 - b/5 and 18.", "\n36\nLet r = -363 - -649. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of 22 and r.\n286\nLet v be (-1863)/(-3) + 6/2. ", "Let a = -1211/2 + v. What is the common denominator of a and 125/(-6) + (-1 - -4)?", "\n6\nLet t = -1541/30 - -411/8. ", "Calculate the common denominator of 32/35 and t.\n840\nLet w = -26 + 26. ", "Suppose -2*c = 2, 2*a + w*c + 5259 = -c. ", "Let o = 23633/9 + a. Calculate the common denominator of -145/18 and o.\n18\nFind the common denominator of (-638)/160 - 12/(-15) and 7 + -5 - (-137)/(-12).", "\n48\nLet d(i) = 82*i + 3*i**2 + 2*i**3 - 86*i - 4 - i**3. ", "Let l be d(-3). ", "Suppose 2 = -4*x - 2*g + l, -2 = 2*g. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 8 and x.\n8\nLet h(w) = w**2 + 19*w - 176. ", "Suppose 5*x - 38 = g, 0 = -8*g + 3*g + 10. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of x and h(-26).", "\n24\nCalculate the least common multiple of 8 and -3 + (-2 - (-1 + -1 - 5)).", "\n8\nLet o = -552 - -4982/9. ", "Let u = -889 - -3539/4. ", "Find the common denominator of u and o.\n36\nLet h(n) = -2*n**2 - 8*n + 21. ", "Calculate the common denominator of h(-8) and (18/(-16))/(6/(-44)).", "\n4\nLet w = -3343/9282 - -2/663. ", "Let n be (-12043)/(-44) - (-3)/12. ", "Let y = -274 + n. Calculate the common denominator of w and y.\n154\nLet n be 38/(-209) + (-246)/(-22). ", "Suppose n - 2 = w. Calculate the lowest common multiple of w and 21.", "\n63\nLet j = 342864 - 1708327/5. ", "Let b = j - 1188. ", "What is the common denominator of b and 5/6?", "\n30\nLet c be 6/(-18) - 43/(-3). ", "Let o = 31 - c. Let j = 18 - o. Calculate the least common multiple of j and 7.", "\n7\nWhat is the lowest common multiple of 190 and 33/15 - 18/15?", "\n190\nSuppose s + 1 = 0, -3*s - 110 = -4*z - 5*s. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of z + 1 + (-2 - -3) and 6.", "\n30\nLet f = -68688 - -34962174/509. ", "Let g = 23743/5090 - f. Let s = -95/13 + 271/78. ", "What is the common denominator of g and s?", "\n30\nLet f be 2 + -4 - (-187)/(-69). ", "Let q = 925/414 - f. Calculate the common denominator of 97/18 and q.\n18\nLet l be -3*(-1)/(-2)*-2. ", "Suppose -l*x = -27 - 54. ", "Calculate the sma" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (Torchwood)\n\n\"Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang\" is the first episode of the second series of British science fiction television series Torchwood, which was broadcast on BBC Two on 16 January 2008.", "\n\nThe episode features a guest appearance from James Marsters as Captain John Hart, the former colleague and lover of the alien hunter Jack Harkness (John Barrowman). ", "In the episode, John double crosses Jack's Torchwood team as part of a plan to steal a diamond from a woman who was murdered.", "\n\nChris Chibnall wrote the episode with the knowledge that Marsters wished to appear in the series, and has written the part of John Hart \"absolutely\" for him. ", "The episode was filmed in Cardiff in July 2007. \"", "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang\" was seen by four million viewers upon its original broadcast, with an Appreciation Index of 84, and was met with generally positive reviews in both the United Kingdom and United States.", "\n\nSynopsis\nCaptain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) returns to his team in spectacular fashion, walking into the middle of a hostage situation involving his team and an alien Blowfish, shooting the intoxicated Blowfish in the head. ", "At the Hub, his team question why he left them, and he simply responds that he had found his Doctor and that he belongs at Torchwood. ", "The team is then alerted to a death near a multi-storey car park, where the team detect energy from the Rift on the corpse. ", "Jack, to even his surprise, gets a hologram message on his vortex manipulator from a person he recognises, and leaves the team to talk to him.", "\n\nThe person is Captain John Hart (James Marsters), a fellow Time Agent and former lover of Jack. ", "He is responsible for the death, and a public disturbance at a nightclub. ", "After a passionate kiss and brief fight at the nightclub, John tells Jack that the Time Agency was disbanded and he has since undergone several rehabilitation programmes, before the team catch up with Jack and are introduced to John. ", "John accompanies the team back to the Hub, where he tells the team of three cylindrical devices scattered throughout Cardiff, which he explains are radioactive cluster bombs, and he requires help to defuse them. ", "Thus, they split into three pairs: Jack and administrator Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd) search an office block (during which Jack successfully asks Ianto out on a date), doctor Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) and technical expert Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori) search a warehouse, and police liaison Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) and John search the nearby docks.", "\n\nIt is clear that John has an ulterior motive; first, he paralyses Gwen and locks her in a crate telling her that if she is not found in two hours, her main organs will stop working and she would die. ", "He then finds Owen and Tosh, shooting the former in the hip. ", "After letting Ianto go, he finally confronts Jack, who realises that the bombs are an elementary 51st century confidence trick. ", "Jack throws the device over the building, and John pushes him off the roof in retaliation.", "\n\nJohn returns to Torchwood, where he takes a pyramid-shaped object from the Blowfish in the morgue. ", "Gwen (who was saved by the rest of the team) and the others arrive, including Jack, who survived due to his immortality. ", "They hold John at gunpoint, where he admits that the \"bombs\" will simply triangulate the location of a diamond he stole off a former lover. ", "However, by using the devices and the pyramid, he discovers there is no diamond; John's former lover anticipated dying, and thus set a trap to kill her murderer. ", " The device turns out to be a bomb which attaches itself to John and begins a ten-minute countdown.", "\n\nUnwilling to be murdered, John handcuffs himself to Gwen and swallows the key. ", "Gwen formulates a plan to use the Rift at the car park to contain the explosion, but at the penalty of her own life. ", "Jack and Owen catch John and the rest of the team at the car park where John arrived and inject him with the team's DNA, thus confusing the device into detaching from John. ", "Jack throws the bomb into the rift where it detonates. ", "John then agrees to free Gwen and leave, but before leaving, tells Jack that he \"found Gray\", visibly disturbing Jack, who just asks his team to get back to work.", "\n\nProduction\n\nWriting and filming\nThe development of the episode commenced when executive producer Russell T Davies received an email from his agent, telling him James Marsters was interested in appearing on the series. ", "Chris Chibnall wrote the episode \"absolutely\" for Marsters, and wanted Hart to become a conflict for Jack Harkness. ", "Marsters believed that Hart was somewhat of a doppelganger to Harkness. ", "After scripting was complete, Marsters did not need to discuss with the directors because he felt the script was self-explanatory.", "\n\nOriginally, Captain John was going to come through the Rift on a \"pandimensional surfboard\" similar to the one found in the Doctor Who episode \"Boom Town\", Chibnall changed it because the production team decided that \"it would look cooler if John just calmly walked out of the Rift, as if it was the sort of thing he might do every day\".", "\n\nThe episode was filmed in Cardiff in July 2007. ", "The first meeting between Jack and John at the nightclub was written to be akin to a Spaghetti Western. ", "Instead of fighting, it was decided that they would kiss first, so that the audience \"don't see it coming\". ", "The following fight scene was intended to be \"sexy, rather than brutal\", similar to the naked wrestling scene in the film Women in Love. ", "While the scene only lasted one minute on screen, much more was filmed, so much that it took a whole day to shoot. ", "80% of the acting in the scene was done by Marsters and Barrowman themselves, instead of stuntmen. ", "The style of fighting was similar to what Marsters was used to, and was, according to stunt co-ordinator Tom Lucy, a cross between Western, martial arts, and Bourne.", "\n\nThe building used to film searching for one of the canisters was a British Gas building in Cardiff. ", "The scene with Jack falling off the building was performed by Curtis Rivers, John Barrowman's stunt double. ", "Though Rivers made the stunt to make Jack \"look good\", Barrowman had to lie on a box over green screen. ", "Marsters and Barrowman were used for filming close to the roof's edge.", "\n\nVisual effects and animatronics\nWhile the most noticeable visual effect was John's entrance through the Rift, The Mill also made inconspicuous visual effects, such as extending the number of crates at the docks. ", "The visual effect used for the Rift was redesigned for the second series, due to a decision among the visual effects team at The Mill that separate manifestations of the Rift appear different — in this case, orange and gold was used to make the Rift appear \"warmer and more magical\". ", "The Mill also made three different types of holograms. ", "The projection from Jack's wriststrap device was coloured blue to match earlier appearances, John's wriststrap projected a flashier, full colour image due to specifications in the script, and the golden hue in the projection of John's ex-lover was based on the prop.", "\n\nThe blowfish in the opening scene was intended by executive producer Russell T Davies to be \"like Finding Nemo, but evil\" and the producer of the episode, Richard Stokes, wanted the designs to be as flamboyant as \"the lionfish in The Spy Who Loved Me\". ", "The first designs of the costume were visibly different from the final design; the first designs were more fish-like than humanoid. ", "After a humanoid design was approved by the production team, Millennium FX, who previously created the prosthetics for Doctor Who and the first series of Torchwood, immediately sculpted the costume to Paul Kasey's dimensions. ", "Two versions of the mask were created; one was animatronic, which included mechanical fins, and one was used for the stunt where the blowfish was shot in the head.", "\n\nBroadcast and reception\n\nRatings and later broadcast\nThe episode was watched by 4.22 million viewers and its Appreciation Index figure was 84. ", "After its original broadcast, an edited version was shown the following week on BBC Two. ", "The episode was also aired ten days later on BBC America.", "\n\nCritical reception\nMetro picked \"Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang\" as their pick of the day on 16 January 2008, complimenting the \"fast-paced plot\" in contrast to the \"puerile humour\" and \"[meandering] between soft porn and Scooby-Doo\" of the first series. ", "In the same newspaper, on the following day, Keith Watson commented that the episode \"was like watching Carry On Up the Asteroids\", but nevertheless stated that \"as dramatic cocktails go, [its mix of gadgets, sci-fi gobbledegook and louche libidos] was out of this world\", and gave the episode four stars out of five. ", "The Times commented that the episode was \"good, salacious, knockabout fun\", the best thing about Torchwood that \"everyday Cardiff hums alongside psychotic blowfish and time loops\", and asked \"when extraterrestrial push comes to intergalactic shove, how could anyone object to a series that begins with a blowfish driving a sports car?\". ", "The Guardian stated that parts were \"very, very, funny\" and the episode was largely \"a hoot\". ", "However, The Daily Telegraph felt that the series fared better on BBC Three, but on BBC Two it was \"both far too pleased with itself and surprisingly amateurish\".", "\n\nThe episode also received positive reviews in the United States. ", "The Chicago Sun-Times summarised it as \"gay and playful sci-fi fun\" and compared it with Buffy the Vampire Slayers \"good and efficient wit\", and theorised that its rising quality made it \"not hard to imagine it could be must-watch TV by season four\", the Orlando Sentinel stated it was \"a bracing mix of campy comedy, chilling twists and sexual surprises\" and commented that it \"enlivens Saturdays\", and the Sci Fi Channel, who syndicate Doctor Who, called the script \"excellent\", commented that \"Marsters and Barrowman's chemistry is just terrific\", and lamented that the show only airs thirteen episodes per series, as opposed to the American standard of 24.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Torchwood episodes\nCategory:2008 British television episodes\nCategory:Films with screenplays by Chris Chibnall" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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[ "Hey folks, I just wanted to ping the forum and see if anyone would be interested resurrecting the lunchtime microworkshop? ", "I was going to propose doing one (or 3) about designing and 3D printing an enclosure for electronics. ", "I’d be interested to see if that’s a topic that resonates, or if there are other topics people want to teach/learn/collaborate on. ", "Thoughts?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Με βλοσυρότητα αντάξια ενός Νίκου Ξανθόπουλου στις παλιές ελληνικές ταινίες και με μελοδραματισμό εφάμιλλο μιας Μάρθας Βούρτση, κάποιοι επίδοξοι διαμορφωτές της κοινής γνώμης αστράφτουν και βροντάνε καθημερινώς κατακεραυνώνοντας το «σύστημα», την «εξουσία», κυρίως δε τους «υπηρέτες» τους.", "\n\nΣαν «υπηρέτες» της «εξουσίας», ως «λακέδες» του «συστήματος» ορίζονται όσοι δεν έσπευσαν να ενταχθούν ψυχή τε και σώματι στον Αντιμνημονιακό Αγώνα, στο κίνημα του «Δεν Πληρώνω» ή ακόμα και στο κίνημα του «Ψόφα!», ", "παρά διατήρησαν τις επιφυλάξεις και τις ενστάσεις τους προς πάσα κατεύθυνση. ", "Όσοι όταν διαπιστώθηκε η χρεοκοπία του ελληνικού κράτους δεν έθρεψαν τη δονκιχωτική ονείρωξη να γυρίσει ο χρόνος πίσω -στις ημέρες των παχιών αγελάδων- ούτε κάλεσαν τους Έλληνες να ποντάρουν σε φανταστικούς σωτήρες, στο ξανθό γένος, στους Κινέζους ή στους εξωγήινους. ", "Όσοι δεν πήραν στα σοβαρά τον λεονταρισμό ότι μπορούμε να καταργήσουμε τα μνημόνια με έναν νόμο του ενός άρθρου αλλά ζήτησαν τα βάρη της οδυνηρότατης μνημονιακής πραγματικότητας να κατανεμηθούν κοινωνικά πιο δίκαια και εθνικά πιο δημιουργικά. ", "Όσοι κουβέντιασαν και την ηρωική ακόμα έξοδο σαν ύστατη λύση, και τον τσαμπουκά ακόμα σαν αποδοτικότερη στάση, ώσπου το πάθημα της Κύπρου τον Μάρτιο του 2013 απέδειξε περίτρανα ότι οι τσαμπουκάδες με άσφαιρα πυρά σε φτάνουν στο χείλος της πανωλεθρίας και σε οδηγούν μοιραία σε πανικόβλητες αναδιπλώσεις. ", "Αυτοί παρουσιάζονται σαν «υπηρέτες» της «εξουσίας».", "\n\nΠοια είναι όμως η «εξουσία» και ποιο το «σύστημα»; Σύμφωνα με τους Νίκους Ξανθόπουλους και με τις Μάρθες Βούρτση των ΜΜΕ και των social media, η Ελλάδα υπήρξε ανέκαθεν και παραμένει διαιρεμένη σε αφεντικά και σε δούλους, εκμεταλλευτές και εκμεταλλευόμενους, καταπιεστές και καταπιεζόμενους, δοσίλογους και πατριώτες. ", "Από τη μία, το «σύστημα» και η «εξουσία» -που κατασπαράζει ό,τι βρίσκει μπροστά της- και από την άλλη ο αγέρωχος, αδάμαστος λαός!", "\n\nΗ παραπάνω εικόνα θα ενθουσίαζε πιθανόν κάποιον λαϊκό καλλιτέχνη, (θα τον ενέπνεε να ζωγραφίσει στα δεξιά το σεράι του Πασά και στα αριστερά την καλύβα του Καραγκιόζη), θα έκανε όμως κάθε σοβαρό ιστορικό, κοινωνιολόγο, οικονομολόγο να ξεσπάσει σε τρανταχτά γέλια. ", "Ο ίδιος ο Κάρολος Μαρξ θα ξεκαρδιζόταν και στη συνέχεια θα εξοργιζόταν με όλους αυτούς τους Έλληνες αλμπάνηδες που τον λιβανίζουν στο εικονοστάσι τους.", "\n\nΔιότι ακόμα και αν θεωρεί κανείς τον καπιταλισμό αιτία όλων των δεινών της ανθρωπότητας, η στοιχειώδης διανοητική εντιμότητα τού απαγορεύει να αντιμετωπίζει την πατρίδα μας σαν τυπική καπιταλιστική χώρα.", "\n\nΣτη Ελλάδα της Μεταπολίτευσης δεν αναπτύχθηκαν -φευ!- μεγάλες παραγωγικές μονάδες που να εκμεταλλεύονται την εργατική δύναμη και τον φυσικό πλούτο. ", "Πλην μετρημένων εξαιρέσεων, η βιομηχανία σταδιακά παρήκμασε και η μεταποίηση μπήκε σε βαθύ χειμώνα εξαιτίας της αλματώδους ανόδου των εισαγωγών. ", "Τα υφαντουργεία, τα μηχανουργεία, τα ναυπηγεία -ό,τι συγκροτούσε τον παραγωγικό ιστό της χώρας- έκλεισαν ή μεταφέρθηκαν εκτός συνόρων. ", "Νέες τεχνολογίες πολύ σπάνια βρήκαν εύφορο έδαφος, η καινοτομία γενικά κάθε άλλο παρά ενθαρρύνθηκε. ", "Ακόμα και η «βαριά βιομηχανία» μας, ο τουρισμός, δεν κατάφερε ουσιαστικά να ξεφύγει από τη λογική των μικρομεσαίων οικογενειακών επιχειρήσεων, που εξαρτώνταν από δάνεια και λειτουργούσαν με προγραμματισμό διετίας το πολύ.", "\n\nΤο μόνο που ήκμασε στην Ελλάδα της Μεταπολίτευσης ήταν το κράτος. ", "Το κράτος έκανε παιχνίδι, μοίραζε τα χαρτιά. ", "Το κράτος προκήρυσσε τα μεγάλα έργα και τα ανέθετε στους εκλεκτούς του κατόπιν διαγωνισμών, οι οποίοι στήνονταν ή νοθεύονταν με χίλιους τρόπους. ", "Το κράτος στήριζε τα ΜΜΕ δια της διαφήμισης. ", "Το κράτος προστάτευε κάθε κλειστό επάγγελμα και κάθε συντεχνία. ", "Το κράτος -διαχειριζόμενο πακτωλούς φόρων και ευρωπαϊκών επιδοτήσεων- τακτοποιούσε, διόριζε, εξαγόραζε…\n\nΠοιοι αποτελούσαν το ελληνικό κράτος; Οι εκλεγμένοι, πρώτα από όλα, άρχοντές του. ", "Από τον βουλευτή -ο οποίος έφερνε ή ψήφιζε στα τυφλά και την πιο φωτογραφική τροπολογία- μέχρι και το δημοτικό συμβούλιο της κωμόπολης, που ανέθετε την κατασκευή της παιδικής χαράς στον τοπικό εργολάβο. ", "Οι γραφειοκράτες έπειτα. ", "Οι ανώτεροι αλλά και οι μέσοι υπάλληλοι στην πολεοδομία και στην εφορία, οι διεφθαρμένοι μα και οι νομοταγείς -δυστυχώς- μοχλοί ενός μηχανισμού που είχε κατασκευαστεί για να δουλεύει στο ρελαντί παρεκτός εάν λαδωνόταν. ", "Οι συνδικαλιστές οι οποίοι εκπροσωπούσαν τους εργαζόμενους, είχαν εξελιχθεί όμως από πολύ νωρίς σε μιαν ανεξάρτητη κάστα με δικά της συμφέροντα και προτεραιότητες.", "\n\nΠοιοι ωφελούνταν από το ελληνικό μεταπολιτευτικό κράτος; Η πλειονότητα όσων σχετίζονταν μαζί του. ", "Οι πολιτικοί που έχτιζαν καριέρες εξυπηρετώντας τούς ισχυρούς τους φίλους αλλά και τους ψηφοφόρους τους. ", "Οι δημοσιογράφοι εκείνοι που εξωράιζαν την εικόνα, που ξεσκόνιζαν τη βιτρίνα, που αποκάλυπταν -στοχευμένα- ένα σκάνδαλο ενώ συγκάλυπταν δέκα. ", "Οι πολίτες, τέλος, οι οποίοι αντήλλασσαν τις ψήφους τους με παντοειδή ρουσφέτια.", "\n\nΜαύρο το όφελος για τους πολίτες! ", "Αντί να παλέψουν για καλύτερη υγεία, βολεύονταν με ένα ράντζο σε νοσοκομείο με «σημείωμα υπουργού». ", "Αντί να διεκδικήσουν υψηλότερης ποιότητας δημόσια παιδεία, αρκούνταν σε μισθολογικές αυξήσεις που τις έδιναν στα φροντιστήρια. ", "Αντί να απαιτήσουν την ανταποδοτικότητα των φόρων, απολάμβαναν να ψιλοκλέβουν -ή να χοντροκλέβουν- την εφορία…\n\nΗ Μεταπολίτευση που ξεκίνησε το 1974 αποτέλεσε τη μακρότερη περίοδο ειρήνης, κοινοβουλευτικής δημοκρατίας και καταναλωτικής ευημερίας στην Ιστορία του ελληνικού κράτους. ", "Υπήρξε όμως και η εποχή όπου οι πατροπαράδοτες μας παθογένειες (τις απαριθμεί και ο Θουκυδίδης, τις καυτηριάζει και ο Παπαδιαμάντης στους «Χαλασοχώρηδες») παροξύνθηκαν στον μέγιστο βαθμό. ", "Η φράση «όλοι μαζί τα φάγαμε» συσκοτίζει την πραγματικότητα εφόσον άλλοι βαρυστομάχιασαν κι άλλοι αρκέστηκαν σε ψίχουλα. ", "Το γεγονός ωστόσο είναι ότι όλοι βράσαμε στο ίδιο καζάνι. ", "Η διαφθορά εκλαϊκεύτηκε, κατήντησε κυρίαρχη αντίληψη. ", "Διαπότισε τα πολιτικά, κοινωνικά και οικονομικά μας ήθη, εξαπλώθηκε παντού –στον αθλητισμό, στις πολιτιστικές επιδοτήσεις-, συνέτεινε στη χρεοκοπία του 2009 αποφασιστικότερα από κάθε παγκόσμια κρίση.", "\n\nΣήμερα, τέσσερα χρόνια αργότερα, κάποιοι επιμένουν να διακινούν φαιδρές θεωρίες συνομωσίας και να καλλιεργούν απλοϊκά σενάρια σωτηρίας. ", "Να ισχυρίζονται πως η Ελλάδα θα απαλλαγεί από τα δεινά της αρκεί ο λαός να κάνει γιούργια εναντίον ενός «συστήματος» -το οποίο απαρτίζεται από συγκεκριμένους, δακτυλοδεικτούμενους «κακούς». ", "Αρκεί ο λαός να καταλάβει την «εξουσία».", "\n\nΠερί θεσμικών αλλαγών, λίγα και μασημένα τα λόγια τους, ανάλογα κάθε φορά με το ακροατήριο στο οποίο απευθύνονται. ", "Περί μεταρρυθμίσεων, καινούργιου παραγωγικού μοντέλου, νέας εθνικής αφήγησης ούτε κουβέντα. ", "Έως και το αίτημα για τη νομοθέτηση κατώτατου εγγυημένου εισοδήματος το απορρίπτουν επειδή τους μυρίζει -άκουσον, άκουσον- «νεοφιλελεύθερη, διαχειριστική λογική»…\n\nΟι μεταμοντέρνοι αυτοί Νίκοι Ξανθόπουλοι και Μάρθες Βούρτση βολεύονται να αντιμετωπίζουν τη ζοφερή πραγματικότητα σαν μια παλιά ασπρόμαυρη ταινία. ", "Οι ίδιοι ενσαρκώνουν το άσπιλο λευκό. ", "Η «εξουσία» και το «σύστημα» το ερεβώδες μαύρο. ", "Αποχρώσεις δεν υπάρχουν.", "\n\nΗ μικρονοϊκή τους ανάγνωση θα ήταν ίσως συγγνωστή εάν δεν υπέκρυπτε δόλο. ", "Πίσω από τους μύδρους που ακατάπαυστα εξαπολύουν, διακρίνεται η λαχτάρα τους να καταλάβουν εκείνοι την «εξουσία». ", "Να ηγηθούν εκείνοι του νέου «συστήματος». «", "Σήκω εσύ, να κάτσω εγώ!»: ", "Σε τέσσερις μόλις λέξεις συνοψίζεται το πολιτικό τους πρόγραμμα και το κοινωνικό τους όραμα.", "\n\nΤο πιο εξωφρενικό δε είναι ότι επιμένουν να μην αντιλαμβάνονται ότι κανείς δεν έχει πιά να κάτσει πουθενά. ", "Όλοι οι θρόνοι και όλες οι καρέκλες έχουν προ πολλού καταρρεύσει. ", "Ή έχουν -ακόμα χειρότερα- βγάλει καρφιά…\n\nΣύμφωνα με την εκδοχή του Ευριπίδη στην ομώνυμη τραγωδία του, η Ελένη δεν είχε πάει ποτέ στην Τροία. ", "Η αιματοχυσία δέκα χρόνων συνέβη με έπαθλο ένα σύννεφο, ένα πουκάμισο αδειανό κατά τον Γιώργο Σεφέρη. ", "Στην Ελλάδα του 2013, δεν έχουμε περιθώριο για ανάλογες χίμαιρες. ", "Ας αφήσουμε τα άδεια πουκάμισα στους μεταμοντέρνους Νίκους Ξανθόπουλους και Μάρθες Βούρτση. ", "Κι εμείς ας κυνηγήσουμε και ας αφοσιωθούμε στην Ελένη." ]
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[ "Various constructions and techniques will be described below. ", "However, nothing described herein should be construed as an admission of prior art. ", "To the contrary, Applicants expressly preserve the right to demonstrate, where appropriate, that anything described herein does not qualify as prior art under the applicable statutory provisions.", "\nConventional x-ray tubes comprise a cathode, an anode and a vacuum housing. ", "The cathode is a negative electrode that delivers electrons towards the positive anode. ", "The anode attracts and accelerates the electrons through the electric field applied between the anode and cathode. ", "The anode is typically made of metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, palladium, silver and copper. ", "When the electrons bombard the target most of their energy is converted to thermal energy. ", "A small portion of the energy is transformed into x-ray photons radiated from the target, forming the x-ray beam. ", "The cathode and the anode are sealed in an evacuated chamber which includes an x-ray transparent window typically composed of low atomic number elements such as Be.", "\nX-ray tubes are widely used for industrial and medical imaging and treatment applications. ", "All x-ray imaging is based on the fact that different materials have different x-ray absorption coefficients. ", "Conventional x-ray imaging techniques produce a 2-dimensional projection of a 3 dimensional object. ", "In such process the special resolution along the x-ray beam direction is lost.", "\nAlthough also based on the variable absorption of x-rays by different materials, computed tomography (CT) imaging, also known as “CAT scanning” (Computerized Axial Tomography), provides a different form of imaging known as cross-sectional imaging. ", "A CT imaging system produces cross-sectional images or “slices” of an object. ", "By collecting a series of projection images of the same object from different viewing angles, a 3-D image of the object can be reconstructed to reveal the internal structure to a certain resolution. ", "Today CT technology is widely used for medical diagnostic testing, industrial non-destructive testing for example for inspection of semiconductor printed circuit boards (PCBs), explosive detection, and airport security scans.", "\nIn the semiconductor industry, the features on printed circuit boards are becoming smaller, and circuits with multi-layer architectures are becoming more common. ", "There is an increasing demand for machines that can perform 3-D inspection at rapid speed. ", "The most common medical CT scanners today use one x-ray tube that rotates around the patient and in the process takes hundreds of projection images necessary for re-constructing one slice image. ", "The x-ray tube used in the medical CT scanners has a single electron emitting cathode and a single focal spot. ", "For industrial inspection and in particular for PCB inspection, only a small number of projection images are taken from a narrow range of viewing angles. ", "For this special purpose, several devices have been developed to generate multiple x-ray beams from multiple focal points on the anode surface. ", "The purpose is to produce multiple projection images with different viewing angles without mechanically moving the x-ray tube. ", "Such devices are all based on a thermionic cathode that produces the electrons. ", "The electrons produced from the same cathode are steered to different points of the anode by complicated electrical and magnetic devices built inside the x-ray tube. ", "This type of device is generally illustrated in FIG. ", "1. ", "This device 1000 includes a thermionic cathode 1002 that emits a beam of electrons e which pass through an arrangement of focus and steering coils 1004, 1006, thereby directing the electron beam e onto different locations of an anode surface 1008 having multiple x-ray emitting focal points that produce x-rays 1010.", "\nAnother apparatus is described, for example, in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,594,770 and includes an x-ray source having a cathode for producing a steerable electron beam. ", "A controller directs the electron beam to predetermined locations on a target anode. ", "The user may flexibly select appropriate predetermined positions. ", "A detector receives x-rays that are transmitted through the test object from each of the predetermined locations, and produces images corresponding to each of the predetermined locations. ", "The images are digitized and maybe combined to produce an image of a region of interest. ", "Alternatively, as described in U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,926,452 and 4,809,308, an electron beam is deflected in a circular scan pattern onto the tube anode in synchronization with a rotating detector that converts the x-ray shadow-graph into an optical image which is converted and viewed on a stationary video screen. ", "A computer system controls an automated positioning system that supports the item under inspection and moves successive areas of interest into view. ", "In order to maintain high image quality, a computer system also controls the synchronization of the electron beam deflection and rotating optical system, making adjustments for inaccuracies of the mechanics of the system. ", "Such a device is generally illustrated in FIG. ", "2. ", "The illustrative device 2000 includes a thermionic electron beam source 2002 which generates an electron beam e that passes through an arrangement of focus coils 2004, 2006 that direct the beam onto a tube angle 2008, thereby generating a pattern of x-rays 2010.", "\nA third way to get x-ray beams emanating from different angles is to mechanically rotate a single beam x-ray tube/source, as schematically illustrated in FIG. ", "3.", "\nAlthough the above listed techniques can serve the purpose, these single electron beam based x-ray inspection have several drawbacks related to limitations in resolution, limited viewing angles, cost and efficiency. ", "These prior devices and techniques suffer from a common drawback in that they all rely on one single source of electrons to generate x-rays and obtain multiple images of the PCBs from different angles. ", "Thus, inherently they are slow and cannot simultaneously generate multiple images of the object under inspection from different angles. ", "In addition, they all require mechanical motion of either the x-ray source or the x-ray detector, which will lead to inconsistency in x-ray focus spot size and imaging quality. ", "Furthermore, these x-ray systems all rely on thermionic electron emitters which are sensitive to temperature, require long warm up time, and can not turn on/off easily, thus they can not be easily programmed and waste large amount energy and x-ray system lifetime.", "\nThe concept of field-emission x-ray tubes has been investigated. ", "In such devices a field emission cathode replaces the thermionic filament. ", "Electron field emission can be accomplished via a simple diode mode where a bias voltage is applied between the target and the cathode. ", "Electrons are emitted from the cathode when the electrical field exceeds the threshold field for emission. ", "A triode construction can also be employed wherein a gate electrode is placed very close to the cathode. ", "In such configurations, electrons are extracted by applying a bias field between gate electrode and the cathode. ", "The field-emitted electrons are then accelerated by a high voltage between the gate and the anode. ", "Here the electron current and energy are controlled separately.", "\nRecently discovered carbon nanotubes have larger field enhancement factors (β), thus lower threshold fields for emission are required relative to conventional emitters such as Spindt-type tips. ", "Carbon nanotubes are stable at high currents. ", "A stable emission current of 1 μA or greater has been observed from an individual single-walled carbon nanotube and an emission current density greater than 1 A/cm2 from a macroscopic cathode containing such material, has been reported. ", "Carbon nanotubes are also thermally stable and chemically inert. ", "These properties make carbon nanotubes attractive electron field emitters for field emission x-ray devices.", "\nFIG. ", "4 and its inset show the typical emission current-voltage characteristics of a CNT cathode. ", "It shows the classic Fowler-Nordheim behavior with a threshold field of 2 V/μm for 1 mA/cm2 current density. ", "Emission current density over 1 μA/cm2 was readily achieved. ", "Field emitted electrons from carbon nanotubes have a very narrow energy and spatial distribution. ", "The energy spread is about 0.5 eV and the spatial spread angle in the direction parallel to the electrical field is 2-5° degree half angle. ", "The potential of using carbon nanotubes as a cold-cathode has been demonstrated in devices such as the field emission flat panel displays (FEDs), lighting elements, and discharge tubes for over-voltage protection.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,630,772 entitled “Device Comprising Carbon Nanotube Field Emitter Structure and Process for Forming Device”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses a carbon nanotube-based electron emitter structure.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,553,096 entitled “X-Ray Generating Mechanism Using Electron Field Emission Cathode”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses an x-ray generating device incorporating a cathode formed at least in part with a nanostructure-containing material.", "\nU.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "US-2002/0094064, entitled “Large-Area Individually Addressable Multi-Beam X-Ray System and Method of Forming Same”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses structures and techniques for generating x-rays which includes a plurality of stationary and individually electrically addressable field emissive electron sources.", "\nU.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "US 2004-0028183 entitled “Method and Apparatus for Controlling Electron Beam Current”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses an x-ray generating device which allows independent control of the electron emission current by piezoelectric, thermal, or optical means.", "\nU.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "US 2002/0140336, entitled “Coated Electrode with Enhanced Electron Emission and Ignition Characteristics”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses a coated electrode construction which incorporates nanostructure-containing materials.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,334,939 entitled “Nano-Material Based Electron Field Emission Cathodes for Vacuum and Gaseous Electronics”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses electronics incorporating field emission cathodes based at least in part on nanostructure-containing materials.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,385,292 entitled “Solid State CT System and Method”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, disclose an x-ray source including a cathode formed from a plurality of addressable elements.", "\nU.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "US-2002/0085674 entitled “Radiography Device With Flat Panel X-Ray Source”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses a radiography system having a solid state x-ray source that includes a substrate with a cathode disposed thereon within a vacuum chamber.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,385,292 entitled “X-Ray Generator”, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety, discloses an x-ray generator which includes a cold field-emission cathode. ", "The emissive current of the cathode can be controlled by various means.", "\nThus, it is highly desirable to have an x-ray imaging system which can generate multiple beams of x-ray simultaneously from different positions and radiation angles. ", "Utilizing nanostructure-containing field emissive cathodes, the present invention provides methods and apparatus for making such multi-beam x-ray imaging systems, and techniques for their use." ]
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[ "Ontario Highway 14\n\nKing's Highway 14, commonly referred to as Highway 14, was a provincially maintained highway in the Canadian province of Ontario. ", "At its peak length, the route connected Highway 33 in Bloomfield, near Picton, with Highway 7 in Marmora. ", "Portions of this longer route are now designated as Highway 62. ", "Prior to being decommissioned, the route connected Highway 62 in Foxboro with Highway 7 in Marmora, via Stirling.", "\n\nWhat became Highway 14 was designated as part of the original Ontario Highway System in 1920. ", "The route, connecting Picton, Belleville and Foxboro, was numbered in 1925. ", "The route was extended north to Marmora in 1928, and remained generally stable over the next fifty years. ", "In 1982, the Norris Whitney Bridge was opened over the Bay of Quinte. ", "Consequently, the section of Highway 14 south of Foxboro was renumbered as Highway 62. ", "The remainder of the highway was decommissioned on April 1, 1997, the only of the original fifteen 1925 highways to have its number completely removed from the provincial highway system.", "\n\nRoute description \nPrior to being decommissioned in the 1990s, Highway 14 connected the towns of Foxboro, Stirling and Marmora, entirely within Hastings County. ", "Today, this route begins in the south at an intersection with Highway 62, the Foxboro Bypass, and proceeds west as the Foxboro–Stirling Road. ", "It travels through a highly populated rural region, passing through the community of Chatterton, where it turns north. ", "The route meanders north and northeastward through a mix of farmland and forests, passing the community of Oak Lake. ", "As it enters the town of Stirling, the road curves west and crosses Rawdon Creek as Front Street East. ", "At North Street, former Highway 14 turns and follows the Stirling–Marmora Road, which carries the route northward into the farmed countryside.", "\n\nAfter travelling through the community of Sine, the road runs parallel to Hoards Creek. ", "The creek remains on the west side of the route north to its headwaters as the road passes through Harold, Spring Brook and Bonarlaw. ", "From there, the route curves northeast until it enters the town of Marmora, where it is known as Forsyth Street. ", "The former highway ends at Highway 7 (Matthew Street); beyond Highway 7, the roadway becomes County Road 48, which continues north to Cordova Mines.", "\n\nHistory \nHighway 14 was one of the original 15 provincial highways (2-17, with 13 skipped) which formed in the early 1920s. ", "The predecessor of the Ministry of Transportation, the Department of Public Highways in Ontario (DPHO) had assumed control of two roads in Eastern Ontario, the Picton-Belleville road, and the Foxboro-Belleville Road. ", "Its routing led from the town of Foxboro, to the town of Picton. ", "At first, the road was not given a route number, and was simply referred to as the Foxboro-Picton Highway. ", "In 1925, the Provincial Government and Department of Highways had decided to number the provincially controlled highways, and the road was given the designation of Highway 14. ", "Most of the road had been paved by 1925, and the last gravel sections (south of Belleville, and north of Bloomfield) were paved in 1927. ", "This road was the second provincial highway to be fully paved, with Highway 5 being the first. ", "At this point, the road had become in length.", "\n\nIn 1928, the Department of Highways gained control of more roads that led from Foxboro to Marmora, and applied the Highway 14 designation on them, too. ", "This brought Highway 14's length to . ", "By 1941, the remainder of the road had been paved, and a bypass was built around Foxboro in 1964. ", "By 1982, the Norris Whitney Bridge was opened, replacing the old Belleville Bay Bridge, and the road was terminated at Foxboro. ", "The section south of there to Bloomfield became part of Highway 62 in 1983. ", "The length of the highway was now . ", "After the road was truncated at Foxboro, its purpose became to link the generally parallel roads of Highway 2 and Highway 7 together, to improve access between Kingston and Peterborough.", "\n\nThe road was eliminated from the provincial network on April 1, 1995 amongst the downloading of Highway 33 and the portion of Highway 2 within Hastings County.", "\nThe road became \"Hastings County Road 14\", but the County of Hastings then downloaded the county road (and the responsibilities of its maintenance) to its constituent towns and townships on January 1, 1998.", "\nAlthough the road has such varied names as \"Stirling-Rawdon Road 14\", and \"Marmora & Lake Road 14\", it has the same numerical designation throughout.", "\n\nMajor intersections\n\nReferences \n\n014\nCategory:Quinte West" ]
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[ "This invention relates to painters equipment and, more particularly, it concerns paintbrush cleaning apparatus for facilitating the cleansing of used paintbrushes.", "\nThe problems associated with cleaning paints from wet paintbrushes for use with a different color of paint are well known. ", "Cleansing of the wet paintbrush requires that the paintbrush be dipped in a container of thinner or solvent and then forcefully shaken to remove paint and thinner. ", "In so doing, the artist or painter has splattered paint and thinner over the surrounding area. ", "Additionally, the painter may have to remove even more thinner from the paintbrush to prepare the brush for application of the next color by pressing the bristles between the folds of a paper or cloth towel to ensure that as much of the thinner is removed as possible. ", "Such a paintbrush cleaning process is undesirably messy and time consuming.", "\nThe problems associated with cleaning used paintbrushes are accentuated when an artist uses a wet on wet type painting system. ", "For example, there are numerous television programs which feature an artist who produces a painting in half an hour or less. ", "Such an artist uses a wet on wet painting system in which the canvas has been prepared ahead of time with a wet white paint base which stays wet during the painting process. ", "This allows the artist to correct mistakes by simply wiping the colored paint from the wet white paint base. ", "To paint the different colors over the white paint base, the artist reuses the same paintbrush. ", "This requires numerous cleanings of the paintbrush for reuse. ", "Usually, the artist cleans the paintbrush by dipping the paintbrush in a container of thinner and then whacking the paintbrush on the easel to forcefully remove paint and thinner from the bristles. ", "The whacking of the paintbrush on the easel causes a splattering of a mixture of thinner and paint over a large area of the studio. ", "This paintbrush cleaning technique not only is undesirable from the standpoint of requiring extensive cleaning of the studio but also because a large amount of thinner is wasted in that it cannot be reclaimed for further use.", "\nThus, a need exists for a paintbrush cleaning apparatus which would eliminate splatter, retain thinner for reuse and provide for a thorough cleaning of the paintbrush. ", "This need is especially acute for artists using a wet on wet type painting system which requires numerous paintbrush cleanings to accommodate sequential application of a multiplicity of different paint colors. ", "Further, there is a need for a paintbrush cleaning apparatus which will accommodate artists who paint in either a standing or sitting position." ]
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[ "Until I Met You\n\n\"Until I Met You\" is a song recorded by American country music artist, Judy Rodman. ", "It was released in May 1986 as the fourth single from the album Judy. ", " The single was Rodman's fourth-issued single and her only song to reach #1 on the Billboard Country chart.", "\nThe song is published by King Coal Music Inc. (ASCAP)\n\nContent\n\"Until I Met You\" is slow tempo country ballad written by American songwriter, Hank Riddle. ", "The song explains how a woman's life and everything she had previously known has changed since she has met her lover. ", "Midway and towards the end of the song, a bridge explains how the woman's life has changed:\n\nNow the stars don't shine the same Everything's in a state of change\nTwilight I knewUntil I met youChart performance\n\"Until I Met You\" was released as Rodman's third official single, as well as her first single of 1986. ", "The song peaked at #1 on the Billboard Country Chart the week of July 19, becoming Rodman's only single to reach the top spot during her career. ", "In addition, the single also peaked at #1 on the Cashbox, Gavin Report, and Radio & Records country charts that same year.", "\nFrom her #1 hit, Rodman was officially able to release her debut album that year entitled, Judy'' that also included her hits from the previous year, as well as Rodman's next single, \"She Thinks That She'll Marry.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1986 singles\nCategory:Billboard Hot Country Songs number-one singles\nCategory:Judy Rodman songs\nCategory:MTM Records singles\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Tommy West (producer)" ]
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[ " FIRST DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL\n STATE OF FLORIDA\n _____________________________\n\n No. ", "1D18-217\n _____________________________\n\nSTACY MARIE YORK,\n\n Petitioner,\n\n v.\n\nSTATE OF FLORIDA,\n\n Respondent.", "\n _____________________________\n\n\nPetition for Writ of Certiorari—Original Jurisdiction.", "\n\n October 26, 2018\n\n\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n The petition for writ of certiorari is DENIED on the merits.", "\n\nLEWIS, MAKAR, and M.K. THOMAS, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n\n _____________________________\n\n Not final until disposition of any timely and\n authorized motion under Fla. R. App. ", "P. 9.330 or\n 9.331.", "\n _____________________________\n\fCharlie Cofer, Public Defender, Elizabeth Hogan Webb, Assistant\nPublic Defender, Jacksonville, for Petitioner.", "\n\nPamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General, Steven E. Woods, Assistant\nAttorney General, Tallahassee, for Respondent.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "Programmable integrated circuits (ICs) are devices that can be programmed to perform specified logic functions. ", "One type of programmable IC, the field programmable gate array (FPGA), typically includes an array of programmable tiles. ", "These programmable tiles comprise various types of logic blocks, which can include, for example, input/output blocks (IOBs), configurable logic blocks (CLBs), dedicated random access memory blocks (BRAM), multipliers, digital signal processing blocks (DSPs), processors, clock managers, delay lock loops (DLLs), bus or network interfaces such as Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) and Ethernet and so forth.", "\nEach programmable tile typically includes both programmable interconnect and programmable logic. ", "The programmable interconnect typically includes a large number of interconnect lines of varying lengths interconnected by programmable interconnect points (PIPs). ", "The programmable logic implements the logic of a user design using programmable elements that can include, for example, function generators, registers, arithmetic logic, and so forth.", "\nThe programmable interconnect and programmable logic are typically programmed by loading a stream of configuration data into internal configuration memory cells that define how the programmable elements are configured. ", "The configuration data can be read from memory (e.g., from an external PROM) or written into the FPGA by an external device. ", "The collective states of the individual memory cells then determine the function of the FPGA.", "\nSome programmable ICs include an embedded processor that is capable of executing program code. ", "The processor can be fabricated as part of the same die that includes the programmable logic circuitry and the programmable interconnect circuitry, also referred to collectively as the “programmable circuitry” of the IC. ", "It should be appreciated that execution of program code within a processor is distinguishable from “programming” or “configuring” the programmable circuitry that may be available on an IC. ", "The act of programming or configuring the programmable circuitry of an IC results in the implementation of different physical circuitry as specified by the configuration data within the programmable circuitry." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nКосноязычное высказывание методиста. ", "Что является причиной коммуникативной ошибки?", "\n\n«Учительница подошла к доске и попросила детей внимательно прочитать содержание таблицы». ", "\n\nA:\n\nАлогизм - смешение в одной фразе конкретного и отвлечённого планов:\nУчительница подошла к доске и попросила детей внимательно прочитать содержание таблицы. ", "\nЧитать надо было не содержание, а саму таблицу.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to read serial data from oscilloscope\n\nI have a microcontroller (PICAXE 20X2) and a pot meter. ", "I programmed the micro so that it sends any change of pot meter to serial port of PC. ", "Obviously it is a 8bit ADC. ", "Now the interesting thing for me is being able to decode this serial data on the oscilloscope.", "\nHere are two pictures, the first is when the micro is sending \"0\" to PC and the next one is when it sends \"255\". ", "The data is being transmitted using 9600 buad and I can receive them at the PC terminal.", "\nFirst Pic\n\nSecond pic\n\nSo my question is, did I capture the right data on my scope, and second how one can read and decode this pulses into a hex or ascii format. ", "I mean how to read this rising and falling pulses (0/1).", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst something Olin noticed as well: the levels are the reverse of what a microcontoller usually outputs: \n \nNothing to worry, we'll see that we can read it this way too. ", "We just have to remember that on the scope a start bit will be a 1 and the stop bit 0. ", " \nNext, you have the wrong time base to read this properly. ", "9600 bits per second (more appropriate units than Baud, though the latter isn't wrong per sé) is 104\\$\\mu\\$s per bit, which is 1/10th of a division in your current setting. ", "Zoom in, and set a vertical cursor at the first edge. ", "That's the start of your start bit. ", "Move the second cursor to each of the next edges. ", "The difference between the cursors should be multiples of 104\\$\\mu\\$s. ", "Each 104\\$\\mu\\$s is one bit, first the start bit (1), then 8 data bits, total time 832\\$\\mu\\$s, and a stop bit (0). ", " \nIt doesn't look like the screen data matches the sent 0x00. ", "You should see a narrow 1 bit (the start bit) followed by a longer low level (936\\$\\mu\\$s, 8 zero databits + a stop bit).", "\nSame for the 0xFF you're sending; you should see a long high level (again 936\\$\\mu\\$s, this time the start bit + 8 data bits). ", "So that should be nearly 1 division with your current setting, but that's not what I see.", "\nIt looks more like in the first screenshot you're sending two bytes, and in the second four, with the 2nd and 3rd the same value. ", " \nguesstimates: \n\n0b11001111 = 0xCF\n 0b11110010 = 0xF2 \n0b11001101 = 0xCD\n 0b11001010 = 0xCA\n 0b11001010 = 0xCA\n 0b11110010 = 0xF2\n\nedit\nOlin is absolutely right, this is something like ASCII. ", "As a matter of fact it's 1's complement of ASCII. ", " \n\n0xCF ~ 0x30 = '0'\n 0xCE ~ 0x31 = '1'\n 0xCD ~ 0x32 = '2'\n 0xCC ~ 0x33 = '3'\n 0xCB ~ 0x34 = '4'\n 0xCA ~ 0x35 = '5' \n0xF2 ~ 0x0D = [CR] \n\nThis confirms that my interpretation of the screenshots is correct.", "\n\nedit 2 (how I interpret the data, upon popular request :-))\nWarning: this is a long story, because it's a transcript of what happens in my head when I try to decode a thing like this. ", "Only read it if you want to learn one way to tackle it.", "\nExample: the second byte on the 1st screenshot, starting with the 2 narrow pulses. ", "I start with the second byte on purpose because there are more edges than in the first byte, so it will be easier to get it right. ", "Each of the narrow pulses is about 1/10th of a division, so that might be 1 bit high each, with a low bit in between. ", "I also don't see anything narrower than this, so I guess it's a single bit. ", "That's our reference.", "\nThen, after 101 there's a longer period at low level. ", "Looks about twice as wide as the previous ones, so that could be 00. ", "The high following that is again twice as wide, so that will be 1111. ", "We now have 9 bits: a start bit (1) plus 8 data bits. ", "So the next bit will be the stop bit, but because it's 0 it's not immediately visible. ", "So putting it all together we have 1010011110, including start and stop bit. ", "If the stop bit wouldn't be zero, I would have made a bad assumption somewhere!", "\nRemember that a UART sends the LSB (least significant bit) first, so we'll have to reverse the 8 data bits: 11110010 = 0xF2. ", " \nWe now know the width of a single bit, a double bit and a 4 bit sequence, and we have a look at the first byte. ", "The first high period (the wide pulse) is slightly wider than the 1111 in the second byte, so that will be 5 bits wide. ", "The low and the high period following it each are as wide as the double bit in the other byte, so we get 111110011. ", "Again 9 bits, so the next one should be a low bit, the stop bit. ", "That's OK, so if our guesstimating is correct we can again reverse the data bits: 11001111 = 0xCF. ", " \nThen we got a hint from Olin. ", "The first communication is 2 bytes long, 2 bytes shorter than the second. ", "And \"0\" is also 2 bytes shorter than \"255\". ", "So it's probably something like ASCII, though not exactly. ", "I also note that the second and third byte of the \"255\" are the same. ", "Great, that will be the double \"5\". ", "We're doing fine! (", "You have to encourage yourself from time to time.) ", "After decoding the \"0\", \"2\" and \"5\" I notice that there's a difference of 2 between the codes for the first two, and a difference of 3 between the last two. ", "And finally I notice that 0xC_ is the complement of 0x3_, which is the pattern for digits in ASCII.", "\n\nA:\n\nSomething isn't adding up. ", " Your signals appear to be 3.3V peak to peak, which implies they are straight out of the micro. ", " However, microcontroller UART levels are (almost) always idle high and active low. ", " Your signals are inverted from that, which isn't making sense.", "\nTo ultimately get this data into a PC, it has to be converted to RS-232 levels. ", " This is what a PC COM port expects to see. ", " RS-232 is idle low and active high, but low is below -5V and high is above +5V. Fortunately there are chips for that which make it easy to convert between typical microcontroller logic level UART signals and RS-232. ", " These chips contain charge pumps to make the RS-232 voltages from your 3.3V power supply. ", " Sometimes these chips are referred to generically as \"MAX232\" because that was a part number for a early and popular chip of that type. ", " You need a different variant since you are apparently using 3.3V power, not 5V. We make a product that is basically one of these chips on a board with connectors. ", " Go to http://www.embedinc.com/products/rslink2 and look at the schematic to see one example of how to hook up such a chip.", "\nAnother thing that doesn't add up is that both sequences appear to be more than one byte, even though you say you are only sending 0 and 255. ", " This type of serial data is sent with a start bit, then the 8 data bits, then a stop bit. ", " The start bit is always at the opposite polarity from the line idle level. ", " In most descriptions, the line idle level is refered to as \"space\" and the opposite as \"mark\". ", " So the start bit is always at mark. ", " The purpose of the start bit is to provide time synchronization for the remaining bits. ", " Since both sides know how long a bit is, the only question is when the start of a byte is. ", " The start bit provides this information. ", " The receiver essentially starts a clock at the leading edge of the start bit, and uses that to know when the data bits will be coming along.", "\nThe data bits are sent in least to most significant order, with mark being 1 and space being 0. ", " A stop bit at the space level is added so that the start of the next start bit is a new edge, and to leave a little time between bytes. ", " This allows for a little error between the sender and receiver. ", " If the receiver were slower than the sender even a little bit, it would otherwise miss the start of the next start bit. ", " The receiver resets and starts its clock anew each new start bit, to timing errors don't accumulate.", "\nSo from all this you should be able to see that the first trace appears to be sending at least two bytes, and the last looks like maybe 5.", "\nIt would help if you expanded the time scale of the traces. ", " That way you could measure what a bit time really is. ", " That would allow you to verify you really have 9600 baud (104 µs/bit), and let you decode individual bits of a capture. ", " As it is now, there isn't enough resolution to see where the bits are, and therefore actually decode what is being sent.", "\nAdded:\nIt just occurred to me that your system may be sending the data in ASCII instead of binary. ", " That's not how it's generally done since converting to ASCII in the little system takes more of the limited resources, uses bandwidth poorly, and it's easy to do the conversion on the PC if you want to display the data to a user. ", " However, if your transmissions are ASCII characters that would explain why the sequences are more than one byte, why the second one is longer (\"255\" is more characters than \"0\"), and why both appear to end in the same byte. ", " The last byte is probably some sort of end of line character, which would usually be a carriage return or a line feed.", "\nAnyway, expand the time scale and we can decode exactly what it being sent.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Logistics\n\nLogistics\n\nShandong Logistics Group, established in 2013 with Shandong provincial\ngovernment’s approval, is headquartered in Jinan. ", "The purpose of the\nestablishment is to develop multimodal transport and build a new logistics\nsystem for the Shandong industry system which takes upstream coal industry and\ndownstream steel industry as vertical, and petrochemical industry and building\nmaterials industry as horizontal. ", "It ranks 8 among the China Logistics Top 50\nEnterprises.", "\n\nThe Shandong provincial government has authorized nine departments,\ncommissions and bureaus to jointly approve Shandong Logistics Group to build and\noperate 305 clean energy comprehensive stations in 17 prefectural and municipal\nlogistics parks. ", "At present, Shandong Logistics Group has become the largest\nlogistics clean energy supplier in the province, and it has had\nintegrative recombination of the logistics system and transportation logistics\nresources in the whole province to build a \"Internet + logistics + clean energy\"\nintelligence platform and provide \"one-stop\" integrated solution for the\nlogistics parks in the province. ", "During the period of \"13th Five-Year \" , it has\nestablished a platform for clean energy, bulk commodity supply chain,\ne-commerce, multimodal transport and less-than-truck-load express to build a\nlarge modern logistics enterprise group with highlighted major works, advanced\nmanagement and prominent core competitiveness." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGetting the id of the last record inserted into a MySQL database\n\nI'm trying to get the id of the last record inserted into a MySQL database using MAX(id).", "\nI can't figure out why my query is not returning any results. ", "Is there something wrong with my PHP?Tthe query works if I try it inside phpmyadmin.", "\ninclude(\"db_conx.php\"); //Connect to db mysqli\n$sql = \"SELECT MAX(id) FROM tbl_uploads\"; \n$result = $db_conx->query($sql);\n$row = $result->fetch_assoc();\necho 'last_id: '.$row['id'];\n\nA:\n\nuse an alias for get the value \n $sql = \"SELECT MAX(id) as max_id FROM tbl_uploads\"; \n $result = $db_conx->query($sql);\n $row = $result->fetch_assoc();\n echo 'last_id: '.$row['max_id'];\n\n" ]
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