Meissner ’s corpuscles respond to pressure and lower frequency vibrations, and Pacinian corpuscles detect transient pressure and higher frequency vibrations.
Meissner ’s corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles
For our purposes, we will define capitalism as an economic system in which there is private ownership( as opposed to state ownership) and where there is an impetus to produce profit, and thereby wealth.
The dermal tissue of the stem consists primarily of epidermis, a single layer of cells covering and protecting the underlying tissue.
According to the law of demand, a higher rate of return( that is, a higher price) will decrease the quantity demanded.
the law of demand
Indeed, the slope along an indifference curve is referred to as the marginal rate of substitution, which is the rate at which a person is willing to trade one good for another so that utility will remain the same.
the marginal rate of substitution
A K - complex is a very high amplitude pattern of brain activity that may in some cases occur in response to environmental stimuli.
A K - complex
In a closed primary, only members of the political party selecting nominees may vote.
a closed primary
The Twenty - Fourth Amendment( 1964) abolished the use of poll taxes.
The Twenty - Fourth Amendment
On the other hand, signing statements are statements issued by a president when agreeing to legislation that indicate how the chief executive will interpret and enforce the legislation in question.
signing statements
The income effect refers to how a change in the price of a good alters the effective buying power of one ’s income.
The income effect
In 1914, the Clayton Antitrust Act outlawed mergers and acquisitions( where the outcome would be to β€œ substantially lessen competition ” in an industry), price discrimination( where different customers are charged different prices for the same product), and tied sales( where purchase of one product commits the buyer to purchase some other product).
the Clayton Antitrust Act price discrimination tied sales
Then, bacteria and fungi, collectively called decomposers, carry out the breakdown( decomposition) of plants and animals and their organic compounds.
Episodic memory is information about events we have personally experienced.
Episodic memory
Persuasion is the process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication.
Postganglionic neurons then release norepinephrine onto target organs.
Postganglionic neurons
For example, following the Bush v. Gore case( 2000), in which the court instructed Florida to stop recounting ballots and George W. Bush won the Electoral College, 80 percent of Republicans approved of the court, versus only 42 percent of Democrats.
the Bush v. Gore case ( 2000 )
ViroidsViroids are plant pathogens : small, single - stranded, circular RNA particles that are much simpler than a virus.
This relationship between income and consumption, illustrated in and, is called the consumption function.
the consumption function
In order for society to overcome false consciousness, Marx proposed that it be replaced with class consciousness, the awareness of one ’s rank in society.
class consciousness
Fecundity is the potential reproductive capacity of an individual within a population.
On the other hand, congressional - executive agreements, like the North American Free Trade Agreement( NAFTA), are negotiated by the president and then approved by a simple majority of the House and Senate( rather than a two - thirds vote in the Senate as is the case for a treaty).
congressional - executive agreements the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA
Self - pollination occurs when the pollen from the anther is deposited on the stigma of the same flower, or another flower on the same plant.
Self - pollination
The individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models.
An implied power is one not specifically detailed in the Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government.
An implied power
Instead, scientific research is based on empirical evidence, which is evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation.
scientific research
The rotifers are a microscopic( about 100 Β΅m to 30 mm) group of mostly aquatic organisms that get their name from the corona, a rotating, wheel - like structure that is covered with cilia at their anterior end.
The rotifers the corona
Eukaryotic genes are composed of exons, which correspond to protein - coding sequences( ex - on signifies that they are expressed), and intervening sequences called introns( int - ron denotes their intervening role), which may be involved in gene regulation but are removed from the pre - mRNA during processing.
exons introns
Group polarization( Teger & Pruitt, 1967) is the strengthening of an original group attitude after the discussion of views within a group.
Group polarization
A bank has assets such as cash held in its vaults, monies that the bank holds at the Federal Reserve bank( called β€œ reserves ”), loans that are made to customers, and bonds.
β€œ reserves ”
Goods and services are produced using combinations of labor, materials, and machinery, or what we call inputs or factors of production.
inputs factors of production
The second world was the in - between category : nations not as limited in development as the third world, but not as well off as the first world, having moderate economies and standard of living, such as China or Cuba.
The second world
In translation, the complex that assembles to start the process is referred to as the initiation complex.
the initiation complex
Pleurisy results when these layers of tissue become inflamed ; it is painful because the inflammation increases the pressure within the thoracic cavity and reduces the volume of the lung.
Fragmentation is the breaking of the body into two parts with subsequent regeneration.
With a hard peg exchange rate policy, the central bank sets a fixed and unchanging value for the exchange rate.
a hard peg exchange rate policy
In translation, the complex that assembles to start the process is referred to as the initiation complex.
the initiation complex
EMILY ’s List, a political action group, was founded on this principle ; its name is an acronym for β€œ Early Money Is Like Yeast ”( it makes the dough rise).
EMILY ’s List Early Money Is Like Yeast
Variable costs, on the other hand, are incurred in the act of producing β€” the more you produce, the greater the variable cost.
Variable costs
Statisticians who calculate GDP must avoid the mistake of double counting, in which output is counted more than once as it travels through the stages of production.
double counting
In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in federal employment or in programs run by federal agencies or receiving federal funding.
the Rehabilitation Act
Recognition happens when you identify information that you have previously learned after encountering it again.
Rho - dependent termination is controlled by the rho protein, which tracks along behind the polymerase on the growing mRNA chain.
the rho protein
This is an example of the law of diminishing marginal utility, which holds that the additional utility decreases with each unit added.
the law of diminishing marginal utility
The party organization is the formal structure of the political party, and its active members are responsible for coordinating party behavior and supporting party candidates.
The party organization
Amino acids are the monomers that make up proteins.
Amino acids
But the cell membrane is semipermeable, meaning that some ions may cross it while others can not.
Early in the development of the embryo, specialized diploid cells, called germ cells, are produced within the gonads, such as the testes and ovaries.
specialized diploid cells germ cells
Girls experience menarche, the beginning of menstrual periods, usually around 12–13 years old, and boys experience spermarche, the first ejaculation, around 13–14 years old.
menarche spermarche
The basic process of generating emfs( electromotive force) and, hence, currents with magnetic fields is known as induction ; this process is also called magnetic induction to distinguish it from charging by induction, which utilizes the Coulomb force.
induction this process magnetic induction
The GINI coefficient measures income inequality between countries using a 100- point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality.
The GINI coefficient
When a government legislates policies to reduce or block international trade it is engaging in protectionism.
Coping refers to mental and behavioral efforts that we use to deal with problems relating to stress, including its presumed cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces.
This form of representation is called descriptive representation.
descriptive representation
In filtration, material moves according to its concentration gradient through a membrane ; sometimes the rate of diffusion is enhanced by pressure, causing the substances to filter more rapidly.
Anabolic pathways require an input of energy to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones.
Anabolic pathways
This information can be observed as an electrocardiogram( ECG) β€” a recording of the electrical impulses of the cardiac muscle.
an electrocardiogram ECG
The lac operon encodes the genes necessary to acquire and process the lactose from the local environment.
The lac operon
A system is in unstable equilibrium if, when displaced, it experiences a net force or torque in the same direction as the displacement from equilibrium.
unstable equilibrium
Nuclear energy comes from processes that convert measurable amounts of mass into energy.
Nuclear energy
The liver produces bile, a digestive juice that is required for the breakdown of fatty components of the food in the duodenum.
A grazing food web( such as the Lake Ontario food web in) has plants or other photosynthetic organisms at its base, followed by herbivores and various carnivores.
A grazing food web
Therefore, each parent contributes half the genetic information carried by the offspring ; the resulting physical characteristics of the offspring( called the phenotype) are determined by the interaction of genetic material supplied by the parents( called the genotype).
the phenotype the genotype
Fungi also form symbiotic associations with cyanobacteria and green algae( called lichens).
The mathematical formula for the electrostatic force is called Coulomb ’s law after the French physicist Charles Coulomb( 1736 – 1806), who performed experiments and first proposed a formula to calculate it.
Coulomb ’s law
Pitch perception is directly related to frequency and is not greatly affected by other physical quantities such as intensity.
Pitch perception
At the Seneca Falls Convention, Stanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence and proclaimed women were equal to men and deserved the same rights.
the Declaration of Sentiments
An in - group is a group that we identify with or see ourselves as belonging to.
An in - group
Violent crimes( also known as β€œ crimes against a person ”) are based on the use of force or the threat of force.
Violent crimes crimes against a person
Ageism is discrimination( when someone acts on a prejudice) based on age.
Products that are distinctive in one of these ways are called differentiated products.
differentiated products
Enzyme - linked receptors are cell - surface receptors with intracellular domains that are associated with an enzyme.
Enzyme - linked receptors
Conversely, nucleotides following the initiation site are denoted with β€œ + ” numbering and are called downstream nucleotides.
downstream nucleotides
In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in federal employment or in programs run by federal agencies or receiving federal funding.
the Rehabilitation Act
For instance, Jacobsen Syndrome β€” which involves distinctive facial features as well as heart and bleeding defects β€” is identified by a deletion on chromosome 11.
Jacobsen Syndrome
His economic policies, called Reaganomics by the press, were based on a theory called supply - side economics, about which many economists were skeptical.
Sexuality is viewed as a person ’s capacity for sexual feelings.
Transversion substitution refers to a purine being replaced by a pyrimidine, or vice versa ; for example, cytosine, a pyrimidine, is replaced by adenine, a purine.
Transversion substitution
A continuous positive airway pressure( CPAP) device includes a mask that fits over the sleeper ’s nose and mouth, which is connected to a pump that pumps air into the person ’s airways, forcing them to remain open, as shown in.
A continuous positive airway pressure ( CPAP ) device
As a research method, a survey collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire.
a survey
The outermost cell layer of the root ’s vascular tissue is the pericycle, an area that can give rise to lateral roots.
the pericycle
This arboreal heritage of primates has resulted in hands and feet that are adapted for brachiation, or climbing and swinging through trees.
The national debt refers to the total amount that the government has borrowed over time ; in contrast, the budget deficit refers to how much has been borrowed in one particular year.
The national debt the budget deficit
The stapes transmits the vibrations to a thin diaphragm called the oval window, which is the outermost structure of the inner ear.
The stapes
A DNA sequence called the operator sequence is encoded between the promoter region and the first trp coding gene.
the operator sequence
The ideal self is the person that you would like to be ; the real self is the person you actually are.
The ideal self the real self
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families( TANF) block grant replaced the AFDC in 1996, marking the first time the federal government transformed an entitlement program( which guarantees individual rights to benefits) into a block grant.
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF block grant
In polyandrous mating systems, one female mates with many males.
polyandrous mating systems
A pollution charge is a tax imposed on the quantity of pollution that a firm emits.
A pollution charge
In organizational psychology, the focus is on social interactions and their effect on the individual and on the functioning of the organization.
organizational psychology
That energy is relayed to the PSI reaction center( called P700).
This vision of focusing monetary policy on a low rate of inflation is so attractive that many countries have rewritten their central banking laws since in the 1990s to have their bank practice inflation targeting, which means that the central bank is legally required to focus primarily on keeping inflation low.
inflation targeting
Sanctions are a form of social control, a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms.
The vision of an American republic put forward by Paine included the idea of popular sovereignty : citizens in the republic would determine who would represent them, and decide other issues, on the basis of majority rule.
popular sovereignty
An implied power is one not specifically detailed in the Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government.
An implied power
In 1898, the Curtis Act dealt the final blow to Indian sovereignty by abolishing all tribal governments.
the Curtis Act
A mental set is where you persist in approaching a problem in a way that has worked in the past but is clearly not working now.
A mental set
The hippocampus is an essential structure for learning and memory.
The hippocampus
Openings called stomata( singular : stoma) allow a plant to take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water vapor.
The bulbourethral gland, or Cowper ’s gland, releases its secretion prior to the release of the bulk of the semen.
The bulbourethral gland Cowper ’s gland
The tail of the vector is the starting point of the vector, and the head( or tip) of a vector is the final, pointed end of the arrow. Head - to - Tail Method : The head - to - tail method of graphically adding vectors is illustrated for the two displacements of the person walking in a city considered in.
The tail of the vector the head ( or tip ) of a vector